A tool to help track the citations of the Western Australian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages from Wikidata and WikiTree.

Marriages in: 1948

Registration year & number Registration district Surname Given names Gender Spouse surname Spouse given names Spouse gender Marriage place Wikidata WikiTree
1949/100001 Perth Fullarton Allan Male Ward Vera May Female Leederville
1949/100001 Perth Ward Vera May Female Fullarton Allan Male Leederville
1949/100003 Perth Harris Thomas Gordan Male Whitely Joan Vivian Female Leederville
1949/100003 Perth Whitely Joan Vivian Female Harris Thomas Gordan Male Leederville
1949/100004 Perth Lonergan Margaret Female Quinn David Male Leederville
1949/100004 Perth Quinn David Male Lonergan Margaret Female Leederville
1949/100005 Perth Berry Michael John Male Kenworthy Betty Amy Female Leederville
1949/100005 Perth Kenworthy Betty Amy Female Berry Michael John Male Leederville
1949/100006 Perth Doherty Mary Eileen Female Johnson Herbert William Male Leederville
1949/100006 Perth Johnson Herbert William Male Doherty Mary Eileen Female Leederville
1949/100007 Perth Hannett Francis John Male Kissane Sylvia Grace Female Leederville
1949/100007 Perth Kissane Sylvia Grace Female Hannett Francis John Male Leederville
1948/100008 Perth Goddard Veronica Female Phillips Frederick Arthur Male St Mary's Cathedral
1949/100008 Perth Mohr Ivan Edmund Male Silverman Joy Kathleen Female Leederville
1948/100008 Perth Phillips Frederick Arthur Male Goddard Veronica Female St Mary's Cathedral
1949/100008 Perth Silverman Joy Kathleen Female Mohr Ivan Edmund Male Leederville
1949/100009 Perth Beeson James Albert Male Brazil Maxine Betty Female Leederville
1949/100009 Perth Brazil Maxine Betty Female Beeson James Albert Male Leederville
1949/100010 Perth Bridson Maurine Female Samuels Robert Keith Male Leederville
1949/100010 Perth Samuels Robert Keith Male Bridson Maurine Female Leederville
1948/100011 Perth Greene Patricia Dent Female Larkin Carl Francis Male Perth
1948/100011 Perth Larkin Carl Francis Male Greene Patricia Dent Female Perth
1949/100011 Perth Lowe William Henry Hartley Male Sanderson Betty Esme Maud Female Perth Baptist Church
1949/100011 Perth Sanderson Betty Esme Maud Female Lowe William Henry Hartley Male Perth Baptist Church
1949/100012 Perth Byard Audrey Lucy Female Hollington Allan Roy Male Perth
1949/100012 Perth Hollington Allan Roy Male Byard Audrey Lucy Female Perth
1948/100012 Perth Job Ronald Exon Male Smith Marguerite Dale Female Perth
1948/100012 Perth Smith Marguerite Dale Female Job Ronald Exon Male Perth
1949/100013 Perth O'Brien Aileen Patricia Female Wilkinson Arthur Murray Male Perth
1949/100013 Perth Wilkinson Arthur Murray Male O'Brien Aileen Patricia Female Perth
1948/100014 Perth Mickle Evelyn Jesse Female Turner Francis Gerald Male West Perth
1948/100014 Perth Turner Francis Gerald Male Mickle Evelyn Jesse Female West Perth
1949/100016 Perth Cracknell John Conrad Male Taylor Catherine Beryl Female Subiaco
1949/100016 Perth Taylor Catherine Beryl Female Cracknell John Conrad Male Subiaco
1949/100018 Perth Castledine Joyce Female Fidock Raymond Godfrey Male W Leederville
1949/100018 Perth Fidock Raymond Godfrey Male Castledine Joyce Female W Leederville
1949/100019 Perth Arbon Frank Male Henderson Jean Female Bayswater
1948/100019 Perth Eddy Pearla Daisy Maud Female Hubbard John Samuel Male Perth
1949/100019 Perth Henderson Jean Female Arbon Frank Male Bayswater
1948/100019 Perth Hubbard John Samuel Male Eddy Pearla Daisy Maud Female Perth
1948/100020 Perth Kelly John William Male Robinson Mae Coral Female Perth
1948/100020 Perth Robinson Mae Coral Female Kelly John William Male Perth
1949/100024 Perth Beecroft Norma May Female Crombie Ralph George Male Subiaco
1949/100024 Perth Crombie Ralph George Male Beecroft Norma May Female Subiaco
1948/100024 Perth Eaton Kenneth Francis Male Rinder Margaret Lilly Female Inglewood
1948/100024 Perth Rinder Margaret Lilly Female Eaton Kenneth Francis Male Inglewood
1948/100025 Perth Gardner Edna George Female Oakley George Thomas Male North Leederville
1949/100025 Perth Grimm Erna Esma Female Sprules Leonard Robert Male Subiaco
1948/100025 Perth Oakley George Thomas Male Gardner Edna George Female North Leederville
1949/100025 Perth Sprules Leonard Robert Male Grimm Erna Esma Female Subiaco
1948/100026 Perth Allan Nancy Mavor Female Bevan Donald William Lindsay Male Perth
1948/100026 Perth Bevan Donald William Lindsay Male Allan Nancy Mavor Female Perth
1948/100027 Perth Carr Evelyn May Female Titcombe Sydney Gordon Male Perth
1948/100027 Perth Titcombe Sydney Gordon Male Carr Evelyn May Female Perth
1948/100028 Perth Byrne Veronica Mary Female Moffett George Stanley Male Perth
1948/100028 Perth Moffett George Stanley Male Byrne Veronica Mary Female Perth
1949/100030 Perth Andrijasevich Victor Male Bonney Doreen Lavinia Female East Victoria Park
1949/100030 Perth Bonney Doreen Lavinia Female Andrijasevich Victor Male East Victoria Park
1949/100031 Perth Jacobs Jackson Gavin Male McCracken Betty Thelma Female Maylands
1949/100031 Perth McCracken Betty Thelma Female Jacobs Jackson Gavin Male Maylands
1949/100032 Perth Van Rompaey George Armond Male Gettingby Marion Isabel Female Perth
1949/100032 Perth Gettingby Marion Isabel Female Van Rompaey George Armond Male Perth
1949/100033 Perth Tanner James Arthur Male West Myra Frances Female Perth
1949/100033 Perth West Myra Frances Female Tanner James Arthur Male Perth
1949/100034 Perth Geneve Norma Joyce Female Haselhurst Raymond Male Perth
1949/100034 Perth Haselhurst Raymond Male Geneve Norma Joyce Female Perth
1949/100035 Perth Brown Alfred John Male Lloyd Lorna Annie Female Perth
1949/100035 Perth Lloyd Lorna Annie Female Brown Alfred John Male Perth
1949/100036 Perth Bromfield Joyce Claire Female Tuppin Leonard Stanley Male Perth
1948/100036 Perth Homan Mary Patricia Female Travis Ernest William Male Victoria Park
1948/100036 Perth Travis Ernest William Male Homan Mary Patricia Female Victoria Park
1949/100036 Perth Tuppin Leonard Stanley Male Bromfield Joyce Claire Female Perth
1949/100037 Perth Barr Robert Male Campbell Betty Constance Female Perth
1949/100037 Perth Campbell Betty Constance Female Barr Robert Male Perth
1948/100037 Perth Cooper Edwin Peach Male Hopkins Irene Lucy Female Victoria Park
1948/100037 Perth Hopkins Irene Lucy Female Cooper Edwin Peach Male Victoria Park
1949/100038 Perth Horne Robert Frederick Male Norris Shirley Mildred Female Perth
1949/100038 Perth Norris Shirley Mildred Female Horne Robert Frederick Male Perth
1949/100039 Perth Chaloner Ethel Yvonne Female Hodgkinson William Eric Male Perth
1949/100039 Perth Hodgkinson William Eric Male Chaloner Ethel Yvonne Female Perth
1949/100040 Perth Dyson Donald Lyle Male Schneider Bettie Videon Female Perth
1949/100040 Perth Schneider Bettie Videon Female Dyson Donald Lyle Male Perth
1949/100041 Perth Baskerville Henry Ernest Male Kirby Veronica Hanora Female Perth
1948/100041 Perth Bingham Irene Female Ludlow Albert Edward Male Victoria Park
1949/100041 Perth Kirby Veronica Hanora Female Baskerville Henry Ernest Male Perth
1948/100041 Perth Ludlow Albert Edward Male Bingham Irene Female Victoria Park
1948/100042 Perth Cross Robert John Male White Beryl Margaret Female Victoria Park
1949/100042 Perth Threnoworth John George Male Woodbrook Joyce Female Perth
1948/100042 Perth White Beryl Margaret Female Cross Robert John Male Victoria Park
1949/100042 Perth Woodbrook Joyce Female Threnoworth John George Male Perth
1948/100043 Perth Delaney Horace Hurtle Male Palmer Jessie Edith Female Victoria Park
1948/100043 Perth Palmer Jessie Edith Female Delaney Horace Hurtle Male Victoria Park
1948/100044 Perth Bradley Ethel Jeanette Female Thomson Alexander John Male Victoria Park
1948/100044 Perth Thomson Alexander John Male Bradley Ethel Jeanette Female Victoria Park
1948/100046 Perth Croxton Gordon Richard Male Jenner Gwendoline Langley Female Perth
1948/100046 Perth Jenner Gwendoline Langley Female Croxton Gordon Richard Male Perth
1949/100046 Perth Olsen Edward John Male Templeman Mary Lawford Female Perth
1949/100046 Perth Templeman Mary Lawford Female Olsen Edward John Male Perth
1949/100047 Perth Andersen Audrey Esther Female Burston George Edward Male Perth
1949/100047 Perth Burston George Edward Male Andersen Audrey Esther Female Perth
1949/100048 Perth Jones Charles Male Shea Eileen Ellen Female Perth
1949/100048 Perth Shea Eileen Ellen Female Jones Charles Male Perth
1949/100049 Perth Russell Raymond Male Ryan Veronica Therese Female Perth
1949/100049 Perth Ryan Veronica Therese Female Russell Raymond Male Perth
1949/100050 Perth Flanagan Patricia Susan Female Pywell Robert Leslie Male Perth
1949/100050 Perth Pywell Robert Leslie Male Flanagan Patricia Susan Female Perth
1949/100051 Perth Campbell Keith James Male Hitch Beryl Female Perth
1949/100051 Perth Hitch Beryl Female Campbell Keith James Male Perth
1949/100052 Perth Hindle Shirley Joan Female Taylor Rodney James Male Perth
1949/100052 Perth Taylor Rodney James Male Hindle Shirley Joan Female Perth
1948/100054 Perth Ellis Walter Roy Male Ross Betty Grace Female Perth
1948/100054 Perth Ross Betty Grace Female Ellis Walter Roy Male Perth
1948/100059 Perth Brien John Joseph Male Wall Jean Female Perth
1949/100059 Perth Godfrey Edward Edmundbury Male Lazarus Iris Ada Female W Perth
1949/100059 Perth Lazarus Iris Ada Female Godfrey Edward Edmundbury Male W Perth
1948/100059 Perth Wall Jean Female Brien John Joseph Male Perth
1948/100060 Perth Kilmurray Phyllis Joyce Female Porter Donald Male Perth
1948/100060 Perth Porter Donald Male Kilmurray Phyllis Joyce Female Perth
1949/100061 Perth Buck Irene Fairclough Female Stewart Montgomery Male W Perth
1949/100061 Perth Stewart Montgomery Male Buck Irene Fairclough Female W Perth
1948/100066 Perth Caporn Arthur Male James Florence Bridget Female Perth
1948/100066 Perth James Florence Bridget Female Caporn Arthur Male Perth
1948/100068 Perth Burdon Pamela Lesley Female Jackes Leonard James Male Perth
1948/100068 Perth Jackes Leonard James Male Burdon Pamela Lesley Female Perth
1948/100069 Perth Dawson Frederick Houghton Male Thomas Beryl Esma Female Perth
1948/100069 Perth Thomas Beryl Esma Female Dawson Frederick Houghton Male Perth
1949/100071 Perth Harvey Patricia Mary Female Joyce Noel Alfred Male Claremont
1949/100071 Perth Joyce Noel Alfred Male Harvey Patricia Mary Female Claremont
1948/100072 Perth Casey Gerard Leo Thomas Male Hebble Doreen May Female Maylands
1948/100072 Perth Hebble Doreen May Female Casey Gerard Leo Thomas Male Maylands
1949/100072 Perth McDonald Francis Walsh Male Mutton Phyllis June Female Claremont
1949/100072 Perth Mutton Phyllis June Female McDonald Francis Walsh Male Claremont
1948/100073 Perth Cleasby John Male Feralli Florence Female Perth
1949/100073 Perth Davenport Louis Aubrey Male Mack Dorothea Joan Female Claremont
1948/100073 Perth Feralli Florence Female Cleasby John Male Perth
1949/100073 Perth Mack Dorothea Joan Female Davenport Louis Aubrey Male Claremont
1948/100077 Perth Ambler Ronald Charles Male Cole Hazel Joy Female Perth
1948/100077 Perth Cole Hazel Joy Female Ambler Ronald Charles Male Perth
1948/100078 Perth Martin Joan Female Matulich Leonard James Male Perth
1948/100078 Perth Matulich Leonard James Male Martin Joan Female Perth
1949/100079 Perth McCullough William Ian Male Shave Doris Louise Female Nedlands
1949/100079 Perth Shave Doris Louise Female McCullough William Ian Male Nedlands
1948/100081 Perth Lashbrooke Margaret Irene Female Simms Stanley Richard Male Perth
1948/100081 Perth Simms Stanley Richard Male Lashbrooke Margaret Irene Female Perth
1948/100082 Perth Evans Henry William Male Peckover Ivy Emily Female Perth
1948/100082 Perth Peckover Ivy Emily Female Evans Henry William Male Perth
1948/100083 Perth Lister Charles Newlynn Male Whittington Vera Female Perth
1948/100083 Perth Whittington Vera Female Lister Charles Newlynn Male Perth
1948/100084 Perth Johnson Erla Female Maplesden William Archibald Taylor Male West Perth
1948/100084 Perth Maplesden William Archibald Taylor Male Johnson Erla Female West Perth
1948/100085 Perth Angel Norma Gwendoline Female Soutar Ronald Douglas Male Perth
1948/100085 Perth Soutar Ronald Douglas Male Angel Norma Gwendoline Female Perth
1948/100086 Perth Hamilton Jessie McCaffery Female Pillans Matthew Marshall Male Subiaco Congregational Church
1948/100086 Perth Pillans Matthew Marshall Male Hamilton Jessie McCaffery Female Subiaco Congregational Church
1948/100088 Perth Johanson Walter Eric Male Shanahan Patricia Mary Female Fremantle
1948/100088 Perth Shanahan Patricia Mary Female Johanson Walter Eric Male Fremantle
1948/100089 Perth Judges June Vera Female Markham Patrick Michael Anderson Male Perth
1948/100089 Perth Markham Patrick Michael Anderson Male Judges June Vera Female Perth
1948/100090 Perth Hoskin William Joseph Male Jones Mildred Female Perth
1948/100090 Perth Jones Mildred Female Hoskin William Joseph Male Perth
1948/100091 Perth Gibson Phyllis May Female Silvester Francis Charles Male Perth
1948/100091 Perth Silvester Francis Charles Male Gibson Phyllis May Female Perth
1949/100095 Perth Bennett Robert William Male Featherby Shirley Dawn Female West Perth
1949/100095 Perth Featherby Shirley Dawn Female Bennett Robert William Male West Perth
1948/100099 Perth Cooper Ronald Claude Male Miller Frances Lorna Female Perth
1948/100099 Perth Miller Frances Lorna Female Cooper Ronald Claude Male Perth
1948/100100 Perth Collins Thomas Herbert Male Cooper Vera Manley Female Perth
1948/100100 Perth Cooper Vera Manley Female Collins Thomas Herbert Male Perth
1948/100101 Perth Klopper Eunice Female Lutley Arthur Porter Male Perth
1948/100101 Perth Lutley Arthur Porter Male Klopper Eunice Female Perth
1948/100102 Perth Rickson George Harold Male Westlake Dorothy Noel Female Perth
1948/100102 Perth Westlake Dorothy Noel Female Rickson George Harold Male Perth
1948/100103 Perth Ariti Rosario Male Martino Marianna Rosa Female Perth
1948/100103 Perth Martino Marianna Rosa Female Ariti Rosario Male Perth
1948/100104 Perth Fowles Alexander James Male Sherwood Emma Mathilda Female Subiaco
1948/100104 Perth Sherwood Emma Mathilda Female Fowles Alexander James Male Subiaco
1948/100105 Perth Sampson Robert Stewart Male Snooke Ethel Peter Female Subiaco
1948/100105 Perth Snooke Ethel Peter Female Sampson Robert Stewart Male Subiaco
1948/100106 Perth Davies Wilfred Victor Male Smith Clara Evelyn Female Perth
1948/100106 Perth Smith Clara Evelyn Female Davies Wilfred Victor Male Perth
1948/100107 Perth James Jack Male Wilkins Dorothy Winsome Female Mount Hawthorn
1948/100107 Perth Wilkins Dorothy Winsome Female James Jack Male Mount Hawthorn
1948/100108 Perth Sandwell Joan Elsie Female Sewell Quintin Ernest Male North Perth
1948/100108 Perth Sewell Quintin Ernest Male Sandwell Joan Elsie Female North Perth
1949/100108 Perth Stokes Joan Elizabeth Female Williams Parke Male Leederville
1949/100108 Perth Williams Parke Male Stokes Joan Elizabeth Female Leederville
1949/100109 Perth Brock Colin George Male Cockburn Lillian Rose Female Leederville
1949/100109 Perth Cockburn Lillian Rose Female Brock Colin George Male Leederville
1948/100109 Perth Constantine Dollie Mae Female Fuller James Philip Male Perth
1948/100109 Perth Fuller James Philip Male Constantine Dollie Mae Female Perth
1949/100110 Perth Croasdale James Raymond Male Thomas Caroline Rose Female Leederville
1948/100110 Perth Hunt Joyce Gloria Female Nicholl Trevor Clifford Alan Male Claremont
1948/100110 Perth Nicholl Trevor Clifford Alan Male Hunt Joyce Gloria Female Claremont
1949/100110 Perth Thomas Caroline Rose Female Croasdale James Raymond Male Leederville
1948/100111 Perth Hill Beryl Jean Female Lanham Charles Wesley Male Bayswater
1948/100111 Perth Lanham Charles Wesley Male Hill Beryl Jean Female Bayswater
1949/100111 Perth Stannard William Alfred Male Wyatt Florence Maud Female Leederville
1949/100111 Perth Wyatt Florence Maud Female Stannard William Alfred Male Leederville
1948/100112 Perth Gwynne Beryl Margaret Female Pollett Colin Everard Male Perth
1949/100112 Perth Lambert Frederick Male Stubbs Edna Female Leederville
1948/100112 Perth Pollett Colin Everard Male Gwynne Beryl Margaret Female Perth
1949/100112 Perth Stubbs Edna Female Lambert Frederick Male Leederville
1948/100113 Perth Eatt Lois Noreen Female Tangney Melville James Male Highgate Hill
1948/100113 Perth Tangney Melville James Male Eatt Lois Noreen Female Highgate Hill
1948/100114 Perth Monaghan Gerard William Male Webster Lois Teresa Joan Female Highgate Hill
1948/100114 Perth Webster Lois Teresa Joan Female Monaghan Gerard William Male Highgate Hill
1948/100115 Perth Marsland Adeline Joan Female Richardson Ernest Thomas Male Highgate Hill
1948/100115 Perth Richardson Ernest Thomas Male Marsland Adeline Joan Female Highgate Hill
1948/100116 Perth McCormick Alma Ernestine Female Wells James George Male Highgate Hill
1948/100116 Perth Wells James George Male McCormick Alma Ernestine Female Highgate Hill
1948/100117 Perth Hawks Beryl Ada Female Stacy Alan Burnet Male Perth
1948/100117 Perth Stacy Alan Burnet Male Hawks Beryl Ada Female Perth
1948/100118 Perth Cross Betty Female Dennis Ernest Gerald Male Claremont
1948/100118 Perth Dennis Ernest Gerald Male Cross Betty Female Claremont
1949/100119 Perth Albutt Thomas Kenneth Male Osborn Loras Margaret Female Leederville
1948/100119 Perth Cousins Alfred John Male Lange Patricia Lila Female Victoria Park
1948/100119 Perth Lange Patricia Lila Female Cousins Alfred John Male Victoria Park
1949/100119 Perth Osborn Loras Margaret Female Albutt Thomas Kenneth Male Leederville
1948/100120 Perth Brown Ivon Ross Male Wren Vera Emily Female Victoria Park
1948/100120 Perth Wren Vera Emily Female Brown Ivon Ross Male Victoria Park
1948/100121 Perth Corbett Michael Ian Male Hopkins Betty Margaret Female Mosman Park
1949/100121 Perth Darcy Lola Gertrude Female Payne Stanley Wilfred Male Perth
1948/100121 Perth Hopkins Betty Margaret Female Corbett Michael Ian Male Mosman Park
1949/100121 Perth Payne Stanley Wilfred Male Darcy Lola Gertrude Female Perth
1948/100122 Perth Malone Carmel Joan Female Stevens Albert William Male Mosman Park
1948/100122 Perth Stevens Albert William Male Malone Carmel Joan Female Mosman Park
1948/100124 Perth Everington Ronald James Male Lowes Marjorie Arnott Female Mt Lawley
1949/100124 Perth Lee Frederick Alexander Male Southworth Hilda Joyce Female Nedlands
1948/100124 Perth Lowes Marjorie Arnott Female Everington Ronald James Male Mt Lawley
1949/100124 Perth Southworth Hilda Joyce Female Lee Frederick Alexander Male Nedlands
1948/100125 Perth Broun Allan McBryde Male Johnston Brenda Yvonne Female Perth
1948/100125 Perth Johnston Brenda Yvonne Female Broun Allan McBryde Male Perth
1948/100126 Perth Mitchell Vincent Male Raven Peggy Agnes Female Perth
1948/100126 Perth Raven Peggy Agnes Female Mitchell Vincent Male Perth
1948/100127 Perth Flanagan Elizabeth Mary Female Quindlan Henry Allan Male Perth
1948/100127 Perth Quindlan Henry Allan Male Flanagan Elizabeth Mary Female Perth
1948/100128 Perth Beasley Pearl Dorothy Female Cox Theodore Hugh Male Perth
1948/100128 Perth Cox Theodore Hugh Male Beasley Pearl Dorothy Female Perth
1948/100129 Perth Johnson Bernard Thomas Male Phillis Maxine Elizabeth Female Perth
1948/100129 Perth Phillis Maxine Elizabeth Female Johnson Bernard Thomas Male Perth
1948/100130 Perth Carmody Doreen Priscilla Female George Francis Male Subiaco
1948/100130 Perth George Francis Male Carmody Doreen Priscilla Female Subiaco
1948/100131 Perth Alderman Mary Patricia Female Lyons John Kevin Male Subiaco
1948/100131 Perth Lyons John Kevin Male Alderman Mary Patricia Female Subiaco
1948/100132 Perth Hancock Phoebe Margaret Female Lloyd Maurice Joseph Male South Perth
1948/100132 Perth Lloyd Maurice Joseph Male Hancock Phoebe Margaret Female South Perth
1948/100133 Perth Gartland Kevin Barry Male Mills Mary Annette Female Perth
1948/100133 Perth Mills Mary Annette Female Gartland Kevin Barry Male Perth
1948/100135 Perth Hadden Robert Male Kempton Evelyn Hope Female Maylands
1948/100135 Perth Kempton Evelyn Hope Female Hadden Robert Male Maylands
1948/100136 Perth Critch Mark Henry Male Renner Audrey Betty Female Maylands
1948/100136 Perth Renner Audrey Betty Female Critch Mark Henry Male Maylands
1948/100137 Perth Mandry William George Male Pendlebury Rae Patricia Female Nedlands
1948/100137 Perth Pendlebury Rae Patricia Female Mandry William George Male Nedlands
1948/100138 Perth Jackson George Frederick Radcliffe Male Murdoch Joyce Winifred Female Perth
1948/100138 Perth Murdoch Joyce Winifred Female Jackson George Frederick Radcliffe Male Perth
1948/100139 Perth Dietrich Marie Kathleen Female Gibson William James Male Perth
1948/100139 Perth Gibson William James Male Dietrich Marie Kathleen Female Perth
1948/100140 Perth Brady Nora Harriett Female Martin Edward Gordon Male Perth
1948/100140 Perth Martin Edward Gordon Male Brady Nora Harriett Female Perth
1948/100144 Perth Connery Ronald James Male Lang Phyllis Irene Female West Perth
1948/100144 Perth Lang Phyllis Irene Female Connery Ronald James Male West Perth
1949/100145 Perth Fotheringham Stella Jean Female Orsi Guilio Giovanni Male Maylands
1948/100145 Perth McCall Terence Harry Donald Male Turley Joyce Irene Female West Perth
1949/100145 Perth Orsi Guilio Giovanni Male Fotheringham Stella Jean Female Maylands
1948/100145 Perth Turley Joyce Irene Female McCall Terence Harry Donald Male West Perth
1948/100146 Perth Brameld Joyce Female Shaw Benjamin Male West Perth
1949/100146 Perth Clarke Alexander Marshall Male Oldham Shirley Jean Female Perth
1949/100146 Perth Oldham Shirley Jean Female Clarke Alexander Marshall Male Perth
1948/100146 Perth Shaw Benjamin Male Brameld Joyce Female West Perth
1948/100147 Perth Deighton Jean Ethel Female Schlueter Herbert Gustavus Paul Male West Perth
1948/100147 Perth Schlueter Herbert Gustavus Paul Male Deighton Jean Ethel Female West Perth
1948/100148 Perth Halkyard Ronald William Male Martell Mavis Rose Female Perth
1948/100148 Perth Martell Mavis Rose Female Halkyard Ronald William Male Perth
1948/100149 Perth Cronly-Dillon Cormac Male Mannion Sylva Female Perth
1948/100149 Perth Mannion Sylva Female Cronly-Dillon Cormac Male Perth
1948/100150 Perth Jennings Desmond Gerald Male McLernon Kathleen Mary Female South Perth
1948/100150 Perth McLernon Kathleen Mary Female Jennings Desmond Gerald Male South Perth
1948/100151 Perth Bates Sarah Ann Female Scott Robert Glasgow Jameson Male Perth
1948/100151 Perth Scott Robert Glasgow Jameson Male Bates Sarah Ann Female Perth
1948/100152 Perth Brown Herbert Harold Westcott Male Parkinson Mavis Female Perth
1948/100152 Perth Parkinson Mavis Female Brown Herbert Harold Westcott Male Perth
1948/100153 Perth McLean-Campbell Dorothy Heather Female Sturges Archie Male Perth
1948/100153 Perth Sturges Archie Male McLean-Campbell Dorothy Heather Female Perth
1948/100154 Perth Crafter Margaret Beth Female Idle Ernest Frederick Male Claremont
1948/100154 Perth Idle Ernest Frederick Male Crafter Margaret Beth Female Claremont
1948/100155 Perth Gralton Julia Patricia Female Yazmadjian Sarkies Goya Male Subiaco
1948/100155 Perth Yazmadjian Sarkies Goya Male Gralton Julia Patricia Female Subiaco
1948/100156 Perth Kalafatas Constantine John Male Kofu Triantafilon Female Perth
1948/100156 Perth Kofu Triantafilon Female Kalafatas Constantine John Male Perth
1948/100157 Perth Contos Gabriel Male Mavromatis Irene Female Perth
1948/100157 Perth Mavromatis Irene Female Contos Gabriel Male Perth
1948/100158 Perth Katavatis Mary Female Pitsikas Lucas Male Perth
1948/100158 Perth Pitsikas Lucas Male Katavatis Mary Female Perth
1948/100159 Perth Van Viersen Alida Gertrude Female Costeo Peter George Male Perth
1948/100159 Perth Costeo Peter George Male Van Viersen Alida Gertrude Female Perth
1948/100160 Perth Demmink Sofia Henriette Louise Female Hetherington Thomas Male North Perth
1948/100160 Perth Hetherington Thomas Male Demmink Sofia Henriette Louise Female North Perth
1948/100161 Perth Prue Arthur William George Male White Gwendoline Doris Female Perth
1948/100161 Perth White Gwendoline Doris Female Prue Arthur William George Male Perth
1948/100162 Perth Biddle Shirley Lorraine Female Greive Colin James Male Perth
1948/100162 Perth Greive Colin James Male Biddle Shirley Lorraine Female Perth
1948/100163 Perth Batt Raymond Joseph Male Williams Cecelia Female Perth
1948/100163 Perth Williams Cecelia Female Batt Raymond Joseph Male Perth
1948/100164 Perth Garbutt William John Male Tinkler Bonnie May Female Perth
1948/100164 Perth Tinkler Bonnie May Female Garbutt William John Male Perth
1948/100165 Perth Birchall Lawrence Bernard Colin Male Walker Hester Female Perth
1948/100165 Perth Walker Hester Female Birchall Lawrence Bernard Colin Male Perth
1948/100166 Perth Cook Elizabeth Olive Female Reid Jim Granger Male Perth
1948/100166 Perth Reid Jim Granger Male Cook Elizabeth Olive Female Perth
1948/100167 Perth Oats Ronald Frederick Male Winters Margaret MacSorley Female Perth
1948/100167 Perth Winters Margaret MacSorley Female Oats Ronald Frederick Male Perth
1948/100168 Perth Chesser Irene Mary Female Maley Alfred Torrens Male Perth
1948/100168 Perth Maley Alfred Torrens Male Chesser Irene Mary Female Perth
1948/100169 Perth Bear Edward John Male Doney Mavis Augusta Female Inglewood
1948/100169 Perth Doney Mavis Augusta Female Bear Edward John Male Inglewood
1948/100170 Perth Austin Laura May Female Haley Vernon Noel Male Perth
1948/100170 Perth Haley Vernon Noel Male Austin Laura May Female Perth
1948/100171 Perth Holmes Ronald Victor Male Johnsen Shirley Female Cottesloe Church of Christ
1948/100171 Perth Johnsen Shirley Female Holmes Ronald Victor Male Cottesloe Church of Christ
1948/100172 Perth Bartle Clifford Ernest Male Naylor Myrtle Evelyn Female West Perth
1948/100172 Perth Naylor Myrtle Evelyn Female Bartle Clifford Ernest Male West Perth
1948/100173 Perth Dickson Florence May Blackwood Female Gray Carlyle Male West Perth
1948/100173 Perth Gray Carlyle Male Dickson Florence May Blackwood Female West Perth
1948/100174 Perth Austin John William Male Hams Phoebe Valerie Female West Perth
1948/100174 Perth Hams Phoebe Valerie Female Austin John William Male West Perth
1948/100175 Perth Miller Douglas William Male Wakeham Violet Louise Female West Perth
1948/100175 Perth Wakeham Violet Louise Female Miller Douglas William Male West Perth
1948/100176 Perth Dumps Cyril Charles Male Puddy Winifred Edith Female West Perth
1948/100176 Perth Puddy Winifred Edith Female Dumps Cyril Charles Male West Perth
1948/100177 Perth Fitzsimmons Sydney Boyce Male Stewart Mary Female Perth
1948/100177 Perth Stewart Mary Female Fitzsimmons Sydney Boyce Male Perth
1948/100178 Perth Inglis Peter Gordon Male Loudon Vivienne Frances Female Mt Lawley S Patrick's Church
1948/100178 Perth Loudon Vivienne Frances Female Inglis Peter Gordon Male Mt Lawley S Patrick's Church
1948/100179 Perth Leaver Helen Mary Female Waters Geoffrey Stewart Male Mt Lawley S Patrick's Church
1948/100179 Perth Waters Geoffrey Stewart Male Leaver Helen Mary Female Mt Lawley S Patrick's Church
1948/100180 Perth Candy Peter Male Spargo Mooreen Roberta Female Mt Lawley S Patrick's Church
1948/100180 Perth Spargo Mooreen Roberta Female Candy Peter Male Mt Lawley S Patrick's Church
1948/100181 Perth Crawford Susan Female Farmer Raymond Warner Male South Perth
1948/100181 Perth Farmer Raymond Warner Male Crawford Susan Female South Perth
1948/100182 Perth Brown Beryl Female Donaldson Kelvin Alan Male Perth
1948/100182 Perth Donaldson Kelvin Alan Male Brown Beryl Female Perth
1948/100183 Perth Bagnall Howard Henry Male Botly Yvonne Agnes Elizabeth Female Perth
1948/100183 Perth Botly Yvonne Agnes Elizabeth Female Bagnall Howard Henry Male Perth
1948/100185 Perth Davies Lois Melville Female Dowling Alan Lewis Male Claremont
1948/100185 Perth Dowling Alan Lewis Male Davies Lois Melville Female Claremont
1948/100186 Perth Hennessey Ian Roberts Male Philp Judith Maureen Female Perth
1948/100186 Perth Philp Judith Maureen Female Hennessey Ian Roberts Male Perth
1948/100187 Perth Harris Louisa Amy Female Lambert George Frederick Male Perth
1948/100187 Perth Lambert George Frederick Male Harris Louisa Amy Female Perth
1948/100188 Perth Horner Susan Holly Female Peters Nicholas Male Perth
1948/100188 Perth Peters Nicholas Male Horner Susan Holly Female Perth
1948/100189 Perth Hayes Mavis Hilda Female Hinton Alfred Herbert Male Perth
1948/100189 Perth Hinton Alfred Herbert Male Hayes Mavis Hilda Female Perth
1948/100190 Perth Kennedy Janet Ethel Female Paull William Laurence Male Perth
1948/100190 Perth Paull William Laurence Male Kennedy Janet Ethel Female Perth
1948/100191 Perth Marshall Robert Kego Male Wielert Bernice Dina Elizabeth Female Perth
1948/100191 Perth Wielert Bernice Dina Elizabeth Female Marshall Robert Kego Male Perth
1948/100192 Perth Bywaters Ronald Hurtle Male Evans Amy Female Subiaco
1948/100192 Perth Evans Amy Female Bywaters Ronald Hurtle Male Subiaco
1948/100193 Perth Kennedy Sybil Hermione Female Wearne Maxwell Everard Male Subiaco
1948/100193 Perth Wearne Maxwell Everard Male Kennedy Sybil Hermione Female Subiaco
1948/100194 Perth Bell Blanche Mary Louisa Female Rowe Phillip George Male Perth
1948/100194 Perth Rowe Phillip George Male Bell Blanche Mary Louisa Female Perth
1948/100195 Perth Cooley Frederick George Male Lynn Violet August Mitchell Female Perth
1948/100195 Perth Lynn Violet August Mitchell Female Cooley Frederick George Male Perth
1948/100196 Perth Griffiths Ivon Robert Male Palmer Violet May Female Perth
1949/100196 Perth Layton William Laurence Male Lilley Yvonne Lesley Female Perth
1949/100196 Perth Lilley Yvonne Lesley Female Layton William Laurence Male Perth
1948/100196 Perth Palmer Violet May Female Griffiths Ivon Robert Male Perth
1948/100197 Perth Price Teresa Mary Female Sizmur George David Male West Perth
1949/100197 Perth Priddle Andrew Male Walker Joyce Margaret Female Perth
1948/100197 Perth Sizmur George David Male Price Teresa Mary Female West Perth
1949/100197 Perth Walker Joyce Margaret Female Priddle Andrew Male Perth
1948/100198 Perth Cooper Kathleen May Female Morintz Francis Arthur Male West Perth
1948/100198 Perth Morintz Francis Arthur Male Cooper Kathleen May Female West Perth
1949/100198 Perth Rae Edith Grace Female Windsor George Douglas Male Perth
1949/100198 Perth Windsor George Douglas Male Rae Edith Grace Female Perth
1948/100199 Perth Gouldsmith John Edward Male Hookway Ceciley Alice Female West Perth
1949/100199 Perth Hart Donald James Male Nicol Patricia Female Perth
1948/100199 Perth Hookway Ceciley Alice Female Gouldsmith John Edward Male West Perth
1949/100199 Perth Nicol Patricia Female Hart Donald James Male Perth
1949/100200 Perth Dunne Robert John Male Pollock Enid Valma Female Perth
1948/100200 Perth Ellis Constance Mary Female Whitney Raymond Male Osborne Park
1949/100200 Perth Pollock Enid Valma Female Dunne Robert John Male Perth
1948/100200 Perth Whitney Raymond Male Ellis Constance Mary Female Osborne Park
1948/100201 Perth Malone Mary Catherine Female Turner Gerard Arthur Male Osborne Park
1948/100201 Perth Turner Gerard Arthur Male Malone Mary Catherine Female Osborne Park
1948/100203 Perth Ensly Ruth Female Goulburn Michael Jay Male Perth
1948/100203 Perth Goulburn Michael Jay Male Ensly Ruth Female Perth
1948/100204 Perth Berry Byrnice Anne Female Hay William Alexander Male Leederville
1948/100204 Perth Hay William Alexander Male Berry Byrnice Anne Female Leederville
1948/100205 Perth Coverley Joan Mary Female Martin Cyril Male Maylands
1948/100205 Perth Martin Cyril Male Coverley Joan Mary Female Maylands
1948/100206 Perth Bassett Avis Merle Female Wren Thomas James Male Perth
1948/100206 Perth Wren Thomas James Male Bassett Avis Merle Female Perth
1948/100207 Perth Knight Beryl Linette Female Lewis William Franklin Seamark Male Perth
1948/100207 Perth Lewis William Franklin Seamark Male Knight Beryl Linette Female Perth
1948/100208 Perth Buxton Marjorie Grace Female Sutherland Sinclair Male Perth
1948/100208 Perth Sutherland Sinclair Male Buxton Marjorie Grace Female Perth
1948/100209 Perth Douglas Archibald Strang Male Findlay Phyllis Margaret Female Perth
1948/100209 Perth Findlay Phyllis Margaret Female Douglas Archibald Strang Male Perth
1948/100210 Perth Cooper Reginald Frederick Male Dodds Gloria Mary Alice Female Perth
1948/100210 Perth Dodds Gloria Mary Alice Female Cooper Reginald Frederick Male Perth
1948/100211 Perth Bolitho Freda Female Phillips Norman Allen Male Perth
1948/100211 Perth Phillips Norman Allen Male Bolitho Freda Female Perth
1948/100212 Perth Goddard William Victor Male Wheeler Evelyn Rose Female Perth
1948/100212 Perth Wheeler Evelyn Rose Female Goddard William Victor Male Perth
1948/100213 Perth Bunn Edith Violet Female Edge John Male Perth
1948/100213 Perth Edge John Male Bunn Edith Violet Female Perth
1948/100214 Perth Tyler Constance Isabel Female Whitehurst Neil Henry Male Subiaco
1948/100214 Perth Whitehurst Neil Henry Male Tyler Constance Isabel Female Subiaco
1948/100215 Perth Brown Lawrence William Male Day Barbara Female Victoria Park
1948/100215 Perth Day Barbara Female Brown Lawrence William Male Victoria Park
1948/100216 Perth Martin Lewis Male Walker Florence Ivy Female Victoria Park
1948/100216 Perth Walker Florence Ivy Female Martin Lewis Male Victoria Park
1948/100217 Perth Burns Elizabeth Daisy Female Gaebler George Edward Male Victoria Park
1948/100217 Perth Gaebler George Edward Male Burns Elizabeth Daisy Female Victoria Park
1948/100218 Perth Abbott Edna Mary Female Luttrell Francis Cyril Male Victoria Park
1948/100218 Perth Luttrell Francis Cyril Male Abbott Edna Mary Female Victoria Park
1948/100219 Perth Meeks Eileen Jean Female Riggs Allen Male Victoria Park
1948/100219 Perth Riggs Allen Male Meeks Eileen Jean Female Victoria Park
1948/100220 Perth Carter Jack James Male Merrilees Margaret Isabel Female Victoria Park
1948/100220 Perth Merrilees Margaret Isabel Female Carter Jack James Male Victoria Park
1949/100227 Perth Gardener Clarence Henry Male Jones Stella Ethel Female Perth
1949/100227 Perth Jones Stella Ethel Female Gardener Clarence Henry Male Perth
1948/100228 Perth Allcock Donald Male Sneddon Dorothy Jean Female Mt Hawthorn
1948/100228 Perth Sneddon Dorothy Jean Female Allcock Donald Male Mt Hawthorn
1948/100229 Perth Christidou Helen Female Kakulas Arthur Male Perth
1949/100229 Perth Gell Barbara Mary Female Jancey Francis Stephen Male Perth
1949/100229 Perth Jancey Francis Stephen Male Gell Barbara Mary Female Perth
1948/100229 Perth Kakulas Arthur Male Christidou Helen Female Perth
1948/100230 Perth Kannis Elpis Female Kyrillos Michael Male Perth
1948/100230 Perth Kyrillos Michael Male Kannis Elpis Female Perth
1948/100231 Perth Leroy Francois Leo Male Michelides Daphne Coral Female Perth
1948/100231 Perth Michelides Daphne Coral Female Leroy Francois Leo Male Perth
1948/100232 Perth Perounis Stavros Male Vassiliou Evangellia Female Perth
1948/100232 Perth Vassiliou Evangellia Female Perounis Stavros Male Perth
1948/100233 Perth Baker Madeline Female Urquhart Arthur John Male South Perth
1948/100233 Perth Urquhart Arthur John Male Baker Madeline Female South Perth
1948/100234 Perth Patton Roy Malcolm Male Wallace Elizabeth Isabell Female West Perth St Mary's Church
1948/100234 Perth Wallace Elizabeth Isabell Female Patton Roy Malcolm Male West Perth St Mary's Church
1948/100235 Perth Bresland Robert Irving Male Kemp Dorothea Margaret Female West Perth
1948/100235 Perth Kemp Dorothea Margaret Female Bresland Robert Irving Male West Perth
1948/100236 Perth Cross Charles George Male Hall Margaret June Female Victoria Park Congregational Church
1948/100236 Perth Hall Margaret June Female Cross Charles George Male Victoria Park Congregational Church
1948/100237 Perth Baker May Female Wood Samuel Male North Perth
1948/100237 Perth Wood Samuel Male Baker May Female North Perth
1948/100239 Perth Gill George Keith Male James Irene Ruby Female Perth
1948/100239 Perth James Irene Ruby Female Gill George Keith Male Perth
1948/100240 Perth Piercy Sydney Lionel Male Spitteler Gladys Lily Dorothy Female Perth
1948/100240 Perth Spitteler Gladys Lily Dorothy Female Piercy Sydney Lionel Male Perth
1948/100241 Perth Dawe Ruth Winifred Female Pallier Kenneth Henry Male Subiaco
1948/100241 Perth Pallier Kenneth Henry Male Dawe Ruth Winifred Female Subiaco
1948/100242 Perth Hallam John Robert Male Hehir Mary Edna Female Subiaco
1948/100242 Perth Hehir Mary Edna Female Hallam John Robert Male Subiaco
1948/100243 Perth Carey Violet Josephine Female Figgins Keith Francis Male Subiaco
1948/100243 Perth Figgins Keith Francis Male Carey Violet Josephine Female Subiaco
1948/100244 Perth Crooks Lionel Male Mooney Patricia Female Subiaco
1948/100244 Perth Mooney Patricia Female Crooks Lionel Male Subiaco
1948/100245 Perth Boyce Leonard William Alfred Male Kingdon Norah Nell Female Subiaco
1948/100245 Perth Kingdon Norah Nell Female Boyce Leonard William Alfred Male Subiaco
1948/100246 Perth Eaton Gerald William John Male Smith Sylvia Iris Female Perth
1948/100246 Perth Smith Sylvia Iris Female Eaton Gerald William John Male Perth
1948/100247 Perth Emberson Joy Female May Norman William Male Mt Lawley
1948/100247 Perth May Norman William Male Emberson Joy Female Mt Lawley
1948/100248 Perth Carlson Sarah Female Coupar David Male Perth
1948/100248 Perth Coupar David Male Carlson Sarah Female Perth
1948/100249 Perth Caporn David Male Huxtable Thelma Female Perth
1948/100249 Perth Huxtable Thelma Female Caporn David Male Perth
1948/100250 Perth Fitzgerald Doris Roberta Rose Female Watson Cecil Leslie Male Perth
1948/100250 Perth Watson Cecil Leslie Male Fitzgerald Doris Roberta Rose Female Perth
1948/100251 Perth Mortimore Joyce Female Romaior Alec Male Perth
1948/100251 Perth Romaior Alec Male Mortimore Joyce Female Perth
1948/100252 Perth Long Bertram Charles Male Wetters Margery Jean Female Perth
1948/100252 Perth Wetters Margery Jean Female Long Bertram Charles Male Perth
1948/100253 Perth Brice Barbara Lucille Female McDonald Keith John Male West Perth
1948/100253 Perth McDonald Keith John Male Brice Barbara Lucille Female West Perth
1948/100254 Perth Taylor Beverley Joy Alberta Female Walton Norman William Male West Perth
1948/100254 Perth Walton Norman William Male Taylor Beverley Joy Alberta Female West Perth
1948/100255 Perth Hambley Ernest Edgar Male Salter Muriel Female West Perth
1948/100255 Perth Salter Muriel Female Hambley Ernest Edgar Male West Perth
1948/100256 Perth Caldow Harold John Male McLeod Freda Elizabeth Mary Female West Perth
1948/100256 Perth McLeod Freda Elizabeth Mary Female Caldow Harold John Male West Perth
1948/100257 Perth Ozanne Peter Giblin Male Weir Hilda Joy Female West Perth
1948/100257 Perth Weir Hilda Joy Female Ozanne Peter Giblin Male West Perth
1948/100258 Perth Sadler Stanley Male Taylor Blanche Isabel Female West Perth
1948/100258 Perth Taylor Blanche Isabel Female Sadler Stanley Male West Perth
1948/100259 Perth Axford Reginald Alfred Male Green Daphne Muriel Female Highgate Hill
1948/100259 Perth Green Daphne Muriel Female Axford Reginald Alfred Male Highgate Hill
1948/100260 Perth Margetic Thomas Patrick Leo Male Sharp Margaret Ada Female Perth
1948/100260 Perth Sharp Margaret Ada Female Margetic Thomas Patrick Leo Male Perth
1948/100261 Perth Hilton Cecil Maxwell Michael Male Reilly Margaret Female Perth
1948/100261 Perth Reilly Margaret Female Hilton Cecil Maxwell Michael Male Perth
1948/100262 Perth Kemp Kenneth Newland Male Pogson Lesley June Female Perth
1948/100262 Perth Pogson Lesley June Female Kemp Kenneth Newland Male Perth
1948/100263 Perth Green Norma Female Purser Roswald Male Perth
1948/100263 Perth Purser Roswald Male Green Norma Female Perth
1948/100264 Perth Gillespie Alison Isabel Female Plester Rex Male Perth
1948/100264 Perth Plester Rex Male Gillespie Alison Isabel Female Perth
1948/100265 Perth Dawkins Charles Norman Male Norman Hazel May Female Perth
1948/100265 Perth Norman Hazel May Female Dawkins Charles Norman Male Perth
1948/100266 Perth Harrison Ivy Joyce Maud Female Ramsay Norman Lee Male Perth
1948/100266 Perth Ramsay Norman Lee Male Harrison Ivy Joyce Maud Female Perth
1948/100267 Perth Inglis Myra Nell Female Webb John Male Perth
1948/100267 Perth Webb John Male Inglis Myra Nell Female Perth
1948/100268 Perth Fitzpatrick Clifford George Male Hudson Ailsa Edith Dora Female Crawley
1948/100268 Perth Hudson Ailsa Edith Dora Female Fitzpatrick Clifford George Male Crawley
1948/100269 Perth Blowes Frederita Jessie Female James Albert Ernest Male Perth
1948/100269 Perth James Albert Ernest Male Blowes Frederita Jessie Female Perth
1948/100270 Perth Finkelstein Jack Male Hobby Joy Uleen Female Perth
1948/100270 Perth Hobby Joy Uleen Female Finkelstein Jack Male Perth
1948/100271 Perth Daniels Joyce Female Kimberley George Franklin Male Perth
1948/100271 Perth Kimberley George Franklin Male Daniels Joyce Female Perth
1948/100272 Perth Headon Mary Maud Fanny Female Rowbottom Frederick Farnell Male Perth
1948/100272 Perth Rowbottom Frederick Farnell Male Headon Mary Maud Fanny Female Perth
1948/100273 Perth Tate Jill Allison Female Toia Eric Francis Male Bayswater
1948/100273 Perth Toia Eric Francis Male Tate Jill Allison Female Bayswater
1948/100274 Perth Wells Mary Jane Female Yeates Bernard William Male South Perth
1948/100274 Perth Yeates Bernard William Male Wells Mary Jane Female South Perth
1948/100275 Perth Langford Marie Alice Female Ward Eric Hanbury Male Perth
1948/100275 Perth Ward Eric Hanbury Male Langford Marie Alice Female Perth
1948/100276 Perth Godfrey Nell Jean Female Reid Lawrence William Gordon Male Perth
1948/100276 Perth Reid Lawrence William Gordon Male Godfrey Nell Jean Female Perth
1948/100277 Perth Howard David Arthur Lewis Male Marfleet Madge Wilfreda Female Perth
1948/100277 Perth Marfleet Madge Wilfreda Female Howard David Arthur Lewis Male Perth
1948/100278 Perth Barton-Fulcher Olive Kathleen Female Dunn Leslie Attiwell Male Perth
1948/100278 Perth Barton-Fulcher Olive Kathleen Female Dunn Leslie Atwill Male Perth
1948/100278 Perth Dunn Leslie Attiwell Male Barton-Fulcher Olive Kathleen Female Perth
1948/100278 Perth Dunn Leslie Atwill Male Barton-Fulcher Olive Kathleen Female Perth
1948/100279 Perth Glover Patricia Marie Female Liddicoat James Lawrence Male Perth
1948/100279 Perth Liddicoat James Lawrence Male Glover Patricia Marie Female Perth
1948/100280 Perth Bake Florence Female Lane Arthur Francis Male Perth
1948/100280 Perth Lane Arthur Francis Male Bake Florence Female Perth
1948/100281 Perth Ginn Albert James Male Parker Daisy Elizabeth Emily Female Perth
1948/100281 Perth Parker Daisy Elizabeth Emily Female Ginn Albert James Male Perth
1948/100282 Perth Marwick Webster Henry Male Mills Norma May Female Perth
1948/100282 Perth Mills Norma May Female Marwick Webster Henry Male Perth
1948/100283 Perth Balaam Walter Keith Male Forknall Joan Doreen Female Perth
1948/100283 Perth Forknall Joan Doreen Female Balaam Walter Keith Male Perth
1948/100284 Perth Barboutis Elizabeth Female Contulos Leslie Male Perth
1948/100284 Perth Contulos Leslie Male Barboutis Elizabeth Female Perth
1948/100285 Perth Kay Elsie Alethea Female Riseborough Ronald David Male Claremont
1948/100285 Perth Riseborough Ronald David Male Kay Elsie Alethea Female Claremont
1948/100286 Perth Parnell David Leslie Male Woodhouse Peggy Mary Female Claremont
1948/100286 Perth Woodhouse Peggy Mary Female Parnell David Leslie Male Claremont
1948/100287 Perth Stevns Niels Juel Male Sórensen Esther Female Claremont
1948/100287 Perth Sórensen Esther Female Stevns Niels Juel Male Claremont
1948/100288 Perth Bride Myrtle Jean Female Griffin Keith Alexander Stewart Male Claremont
1948/100288 Perth Griffin Keith Alexander Stewart Male Bride Myrtle Jean Female Claremont
1948/100289 Perth Porter Raymond Noel Langdon Male White Ruth Evelyn Female Claremont
1948/100289 Perth White Ruth Evelyn Female Porter Raymond Noel Langdon Male Claremont
1948/100290 Perth Jones Gladys May Female McPartland John Francis Male Perth
1948/100290 Perth McPartland John Francis Male Jones Gladys May Female Perth
1948/100291 Perth Potter Oswald Lethbridge Male Schoch Auguste Emilie Female Perth
1948/100291 Perth Schoch Auguste Emilie Female Potter Oswald Lethbridge Male Perth
1948/100292 Perth Pustkuchen Ernst Eric Male Riley Jean Vera Female Claremont
1948/100292 Perth Riley Jean Vera Female Pustkuchen Ernst Eric Male Claremont
1948/100293 Perth Cody Leslie Male Powell Glynneath Lesley Female Subiaco
1948/100293 Perth Powell Glynneath Lesley Female Cody Leslie Male Subiaco
1948/100294 Perth Catterall Kelvyn Henry Edward Male Sawyer Joan Christine Female Perth
1948/100294 Perth Sawyer Joan Christine Female Catterall Kelvyn Henry Edward Male Perth
1948/100295 Perth Cook Gloria Meryl Female Gibson John Paul Male Claremont
1948/100295 Perth Gibson John Paul Male Cook Gloria Meryl Female Claremont
1948/100296 Perth Drennan Jean Hetty Female Smith Kenneth Male Claremont
1948/100296 Perth Smith Kenneth Male Drennan Jean Hetty Female Claremont
1948/100297 Perth Barrett-Lennard Thomas Edmund Male Gibson Lesley Vernon Female Claremont
1948/100297 Perth Gibson Lesley Vernon Female Barrett-Lennard Thomas Edmund Male Claremont
1948/100298 Perth Christensen Patricia Female Mathews Robert Alfred Male Subiaco
1948/100298 Perth Mathews Robert Alfred Male Christensen Patricia Female Subiaco
1948/100299 Perth Aitken Florence May Female Birch William Edgar Male Wembley Park
1948/100299 Perth Birch William Edgar Male Aitken Florence May Female Wembley Park
1948/100300 Perth Durston Bruce Maynard Male Steenson Betty Lillian Female Mt Lawley
1948/100300 Perth Steenson Betty Lillian Female Durston Bruce Maynard Male Mt Lawley
1948/100301 Perth Krakouer Raymond Dixie Male Loxton Phyllis Joan Female Mt Lawley
1948/100301 Perth Loxton Phyllis Joan Female Krakouer Raymond Dixie Male Mt Lawley
1948/100302 Perth Shields John Stephen Frederick Male Smith Barbara Lillian Female Perth
1948/100302 Perth Smith Barbara Lillian Female Shields John Stephen Frederick Male Perth
1948/100303 Perth McNamara Violetta Female Troode Vivian Edward Male Perth
1948/100303 Perth Troode Vivian Edward Male McNamara Violetta Female Perth
1948/100304 Perth Anderson Kevin David Male Wallace Dora Ada Female Perth Anderson-91504
1948/100304 Perth Wallace Dora Ada Female Anderson Kevin David Male Perth
1948/100305 Perth Guy Gladys Alys Norma Female Mumme Cleveland Edmond Male Perth
1948/100305 Perth Mumme Cleveland Edmond Male Guy Gladys Alys Norma Female Perth
1948/100306 Perth Anderson Olga Female Knight Stephen Henry Male Perth
1948/100306 Perth Knight Stephen Henry Male Anderson Olga Female Perth
1948/100307 Perth Constantine Ronald John Male Sinclair Gertrude May Female Perth
1948/100307 Perth Sinclair Gertrude May Female Constantine Ronald John Male Perth
1948/100308 Perth Day Irene Louise Female Goff Sidney George Male Perth
1948/100308 Perth Goff Sidney George Male Day Irene Louise Female Perth
1948/100309 Perth Caldwell Charles Harold Male Dunstan Lorna Beryl Female Perth
1948/100309 Perth Dunstan Lorna Beryl Female Caldwell Charles Harold Male Perth
1948/100310 Perth Cochrane Roma Mary Female Paine Stephen John Male Perth
1948/100310 Perth Paine Stephen John Male Cochrane Roma Mary Female Perth
1948/100311 Perth Griffiths Edith Alice Female Hunter George William Male Perth
1948/100311 Perth Hunter George William Male Griffiths Edith Alice Female Perth
1948/100312 Perth Devenish Robert Edward Male Heatly June Isobel Female Victoria Park
1948/100312 Perth Heatly June Isobel Female Devenish Robert Edward Male Victoria Park
1948/100313 Perth Jennings Helen Santer Female Packer William George Male Victoria Park
1948/100313 Perth Packer William George Male Jennings Helen Santer Female Victoria Park
1948/100314 Perth Armstrong Walter Harold Male McGregor Margaret Grace Female Perth
1948/100314 Perth McGregor Margaret Grace Female Armstrong Walter Harold Male Perth
1948/100315 Perth Bird George Robert Male Jones Violet Elizabeth Female Perth
1948/100315 Perth Jones Violet Elizabeth Female Bird George Robert Male Perth
1948/100317 Perth Rogers James Henry Male Williams Sylvia Female East Claremont
1948/100317 Perth Williams Sylvia Female Rogers James Henry Male East Claremont
1948/100318 Perth Ashton Shirley Beresford Female Rhodes Walter John Male East Claremont
1948/100318 Perth Rhodes Walter John Male Ashton Shirley Beresford Female East Claremont
1948/100319 Perth Bowhey Betty Joan Female Conder Robert Arnold Male West Perth
1948/100319 Perth Conder Robert Arnold Male Bowhey Betty Joan Female West Perth
1948/100320 Perth Evans Lawrence Joseph Male Mills Mavis Female West Perth
1948/100320 Perth Mills Mavis Female Evans Lawrence Joseph Male West Perth
1948/100321 Perth Lynch Mary Ellen Female Prentis Francis John Male West Leederville
1948/100321 Perth Prentis Francis John Male Lynch Mary Ellen Female West Leederville
1948/100322 Perth Lance Robert George Male Wood Joan Female Perth
1948/100322 Perth Wood Joan Female Lance Robert George Male Perth
1948/100323 Perth Pargeter Victoria May Female Prior Donald Vivian Gray Male Mt Lawley
1948/100323 Perth Prior Donald Vivian Gray Male Pargeter Victoria May Female Mt Lawley
1948/100324 Perth Murray Joan McKenzie Female Payne Philip Male Mt Lawley
1948/100324 Perth Payne Philip Male Murray Joan McKenzie Female Mt Lawley
1948/100325 Perth Allsop Joan Kathleen Female Opie William Noel Male Perth
1948/100325 Perth Opie William Noel Male Allsop Joan Kathleen Female Perth
1948/100326 Perth Higgins Roma Frances Female Triat David John Male Victoria Park
1948/100326 Perth Triat David John Male Higgins Roma Frances Female Victoria Park
1948/100327 Perth Molloy Mary Eileen Female Shelley Thomas William Male Victoria Park
1948/100327 Perth Shelley Thomas William Male Molloy Mary Eileen Female Victoria Park
1948/100328 Perth Batley Douglas Steele Male Wanke Mavis Veronica Female Perth
1948/100328 Perth Wanke Mavis Veronica Female Batley Douglas Steele Male Perth
1948/100329 Perth Boxall James William Male Hollands Myra Evelyn Female N Perth
1948/100329 Perth Hollands Myra Evelyn Female Boxall James William Male N Perth
1948/100330 Perth Murphy John Patrick Male Reynolds Elaine June Female N Perth
1948/100330 Perth Reynolds Elaine June Female Murphy John Patrick Male N Perth
1948/100331 Perth Coulahan Mary Esther Female Rahill John Male Perth
1948/100331 Perth Rahill John Male Coulahan Mary Esther Female Perth
1948/100332 Perth Henshaw Henry Lionel Male McCallum Nellie Female Subiaco
1948/100332 Perth McCallum Nellie Female Henshaw Henry Lionel Male Subiaco
1948/100333 Perth Edgeloe Winnifred Doran Female Lundie William Male Subiaco
1948/100333 Perth Lundie William Male Edgeloe Winnifred Doran Female Subiaco
1948/100334 Perth Le Serf Arnold Male Evans Mary Rose Louisa Female Perth
1948/100334 Perth Evans Mary Rose Louisa Female Le Serf Arnold Male Perth
1948/100335 Perth McCallum Florence Ada Lilian Female North Ernest George Male Perth
1948/100335 Perth North Ernest George Male McCallum Florence Ada Lilian Female Perth
1948/100336 Perth McClure Russell Thomas Male Reynolds Constance Isabel Female Perth
1948/100336 Perth Reynolds Constance Isabel Female McClure Russell Thomas Male Perth
1948/100337 Perth Davie Bruce Davidson Male O'Byrne Eileen Lydia Jessie Female Perth
1948/100337 Perth O'Byrne Eileen Lydia Jessie Female Davie Bruce Davidson Male Perth
1948/100338 Perth Cassam Jean Elizabeth Female Johnston Stanley Vernon Male Perth
1948/100338 Perth Johnston Stanley Vernon Male Cassam Jean Elizabeth Female Perth
1948/100339 Perth Moir Maud Beatrice Female Worth Thomas Edward Male Perth
1948/100339 Perth Worth Thomas Edward Male Moir Maud Beatrice Female Perth
1948/100340 Perth Green Harold Birkett Male Wilson Marjorie Alma Female Perth
1948/100340 Perth Wilson Marjorie Alma Female Green Harold Birkett Male Perth
1948/100341 Perth Krajanich Lily Female Smith Donald Phillip Male Perth
1948/100341 Perth Smith Donald Phillip Male Krajanich Lily Female Perth
1948/100342 Perth Bettles Lillian Annie Female Blake Thomas Richard Male Perth
1948/100342 Perth Blake Thomas Richard Male Bettles Lillian Annie Female Perth
1948/100343 Perth Beadle Harrie Male Ebert Marie Lillian Myrtle Female Perth
1948/100343 Perth Ebert Marie Lillian Myrtle Female Beadle Harrie Male Perth
1948/100344 Perth Cook John Arthur Male Serls Alwyn Joan Female Como Methodist Church
1948/100344 Perth Serls Alwyn Joan Female Cook John Arthur Male Como Methodist Church
1948/100345 Perth Nicolia Bessie Female Samios Frank Mena Male Perth
1948/100345 Perth Samios Frank Mena Male Nicolia Bessie Female Perth
1948/100346 Perth Hathziathansiou Andromascy Female Shonis John Nicholas Male Perth
1948/100346 Perth Shonis John Nicholas Male Hathziathansiou Andromascy Female Perth
1948/100347 Perth Goundrey Geoffrey Frank Male Warnock Mavis Ethel Female South Perth
1948/100347 Perth Warnock Mavis Ethel Female Goundrey Geoffrey Frank Male South Perth
1948/100348 Perth Scott Neil Douglas Male Zeplin Joan Female Forrest Park Methodist Church
1948/100348 Perth Zeplin Joan Female Scott Neil Douglas Male Forrest Park Methodist Church
1948/100349 Perth Robertson Audrey Merle Female Stockdale Ralph Walter Male Perth
1948/100349 Perth Stockdale Ralph Walter Male Robertson Audrey Merle Female Perth
1948/100350 Perth Grose Ronald James Male Young Claire Lynette Female Perth
1948/100350 Perth Young Claire Lynette Female Grose Ronald James Male Perth
1948/100351 Perth Jones Hazel Jean Female Nicol Archibald Male Perth
1948/100351 Perth Nicol Archibald Male Jones Hazel Jean Female Perth
1948/100352 Perth Lynch Beryl Joyce Female Mitchell Gordon Robertson Male Perth
1948/100352 Perth Mitchell Gordon Robertson Male Lynch Beryl Joyce Female Perth
1948/100353 Perth Halligan Maurice William Male Heron Jean Elizabeth Female Victoria Park
1948/100353 Perth Heron Jean Elizabeth Female Halligan Maurice William Male Victoria Park
1948/100354 Perth Brown John Joseph Male White Pearl Jane Female Victoria Park
1948/100354 Perth White Pearl Jane Female Brown John Joseph Male Victoria Park
1948/100355 Perth Davis Leslie Aubrey Male Hood June Elizabeth Female Victoria Park
1948/100355 Perth Hood June Elizabeth Female Davis Leslie Aubrey Male Victoria Park
1948/100356 Perth Flanagan Roma Elizabeth Female Nettleton Frank Male Victoria Park
1948/100356 Perth Nettleton Frank Male Flanagan Roma Elizabeth Female Victoria Park
1948/100357 Perth Bance Winifred Female Carter Arthur Leslie Male Victoria Park
1948/100357 Perth Carter Arthur Leslie Male Bance Winifred Female Victoria Park
1948/100358 Perth Findlay Joyce Marion Female Stagoll Raymond Leslie Male Victoria Park
1948/100358 Perth Stagoll Raymond Leslie Male Findlay Joyce Marion Female Victoria Park
1948/100359 Perth Nankiville Dorothy Violet Female Tuck Albert Mervyn Male Victoria Park
1948/100359 Perth Tuck Albert Mervyn Male Nankiville Dorothy Violet Female Victoria Park
1948/100360 Perth Tomlinson Miles Mervyn Male Windsor Edna Constance Female Victoria Park
1948/100360 Perth Windsor Edna Constance Female Tomlinson Miles Mervyn Male Victoria Park
1948/100361 Perth Larcombe Henry Ernest Male McDermott Kathleen Mary Female E Perth
1948/100361 Perth McDermott Kathleen Mary Female Larcombe Henry Ernest Male E Perth
1948/100362 Perth Carrington Marie Patricia Female Cooksley Charles John Male Perth
1948/100362 Perth Cooksley Charles John Male Carrington Marie Patricia Female Perth
1948/100363 Perth Bradshaw Clarence Andrew Male Ward Edna Margaret Female Perth
1948/100363 Perth Ward Edna Margaret Female Bradshaw Clarence Andrew Male Perth
1948/100364 Perth Manoni Rina Olive Female Mazza Andrew Robert Male Perth
1948/100364 Perth Mazza Andrew Robert Male Manoni Rina Olive Female Perth
1948/100365 Perth Herley Kenneth Caldwell Male Snooke Edna Female Perth
1948/100365 Perth Snooke Edna Female Herley Kenneth Caldwell Male Perth
1948/100366 Perth Francis Phyllis Mary Female King Lionel Kenneth Male East Perth
1948/100366 Perth King Lionel Kenneth Male Francis Phyllis Mary Female East Perth
1948/100367 Perth Hunt Robert Barry Male Wallace Joan Margaret Female South Perth
1948/100367 Perth Wallace Joan Margaret Female Hunt Robert Barry Male South Perth
1948/100368 Perth Harvey Cynthia Carey Female Hobley John Magnus Male South Perth
1948/100368 Perth Hobley John Magnus Male Harvey Cynthia Carey Female South Perth
1948/100369 Perth Thornton Pearl Margaret Female Williams Ronald David Male North Perth Methodist Church
1948/100369 Perth Williams Ronald David Male Thornton Pearl Margaret Female North Perth Methodist Church
1948/100370 Perth Cox John Osborne Male Elliott Joyce Female North Perth Methodist Church
1948/100370 Perth Elliott Joyce Female Cox John Osborne Male North Perth Methodist Church
1948/100371 Perth Clayton John Athol Male Spork Dora Townley Female Perth
1948/100371 Perth Spork Dora Townley Female Clayton John Athol Male Perth
1948/100372 Perth Parncutt Esma Lloyd Female Payne Aubrey Trefor Male Perth
1948/100372 Perth Payne Aubrey Trefor Male Parncutt Esma Lloyd Female Perth
1948/100373 Perth Bickerton Lynette Joy Female Till Kingsley Owen Male Perth
1948/100373 Perth Till Kingsley Owen Male Bickerton Lynette Joy Female Perth
1948/100374 Perth Harper Evelyn Sadie Female Hastie Bertram Charles Male Perth
1948/100374 Perth Hastie Bertram Charles Male Harper Evelyn Sadie Female Perth
1948/100375 Perth Earnshaw Fay Helen Female Schipp Leonard McNair Male Perth
1948/100375 Perth Schipp Leonard McNair Male Earnshaw Fay Helen Female Perth
1948/100376 Perth Hosken Phyllis May Female Quartermaine Raymond John Male Perth
1948/100376 Perth Quartermaine Raymond John Male Hosken Phyllis May Female Perth
1948/100377 Perth Jarrett Ellen Sarah Annie Female Pini Joseph Moses Male Perth
1948/100377 Perth Pini Joseph Moses Male Jarrett Ellen Sarah Annie Female Perth
1948/100378 Perth Hicks Gwen Louise Female McRobbie Arthur Forrest Male West Aust
1948/100378 Perth McRobbie Arthur Forrest Male Hicks Gwen Louise Female West Aust
1948/100379 Perth Humphries Thelma May Female Metaxas John Arthur Male Perth
1948/100379 Perth Metaxas John Arthur Male Humphries Thelma May Female Perth
1948/100380 Perth Bateman Dene Female Craddock Leonard Harwood Male Crawley
1948/100380 Perth Craddock Leonard Harwood Male Bateman Dene Female Crawley
1948/100381 Perth Abbey Ernest Alfred Male Connell Mary Ann Sarah Female Perth
1948/100381 Perth Connell Mary Ann Sarah Female Abbey Ernest Alfred Male Perth
1948/100382 Perth Bianchini John Male Della-Franca Lena Female Perth
1948/100382 Perth Della-Franca Lena Female Bianchini John Male Perth
1948/100383 Perth Fisher Joan Patricia Mary Female Gibson Colin Robert Male Perth
1948/100383 Perth Gibson Colin Robert Male Fisher Joan Patricia Mary Female Perth
1948/100384 Perth McNamara Gordon Patrick Musgrave Male Schubert Nita Viola Female Perth
1948/100384 Perth Schubert Nita Viola Female McNamara Gordon Patrick Musgrave Male Perth
1948/100385 Perth Gould Cecil Ernest Cross Male Pallett Daisy Female Perth
1948/100385 Perth Pallett Daisy Female Gould Cecil Ernest Cross Male Perth
1948/100386 Perth Doughney Hellen Female Munro Allen James Male Claremont
1948/100386 Perth Munro Allen James Male Doughney Hellen Female Claremont
1948/100387 Perth Elfverson Dorothy Joyce Female McKinney James Herbert Male Claremont
1948/100387 Perth McKinney James Herbert Male Elfverson Dorothy Joyce Female Claremont
1948/100388 Perth Beazley Kim Edward Male Judge Betty Female Claremont
1948/100388 Perth Judge Betty Female Beazley Kim Edward Male Claremont
1948/100389 Perth Sharp Stuart Desmond Male Thiel Thelma May Female Claremont
1948/100389 Perth Thiel Thelma May Female Sharp Stuart Desmond Male Claremont
1948/100390 Perth Hargrave Frank Edward Male Osborne Joan Ena Female Perth
1948/100390 Perth Osborne Joan Ena Female Hargrave Frank Edward Male Perth
1948/100391 Perth Darch Joyce Kathleen Female Della-Vedova Walter Albert Male Perth
1948/100391 Perth Della-Vedova Walter Albert Male Darch Joyce Kathleen Female Perth
1948/100392 Perth Hoefer Allan John Male Vernon Thelma Elsie Female Perth
1948/100392 Perth Vernon Thelma Elsie Female Hoefer Allan John Male Perth
1948/100393 Perth Dundas Winifred Marjorie Female McGuire William John Male Perth
1948/100393 Perth McGuire William John Male Dundas Winifred Marjorie Female Perth
1948/100394 Perth Down Roy Frank Egbert Male Treasure Elizabeth Mary Female Carlisle
1948/100394 Perth Treasure Elizabeth Mary Female Down Roy Frank Egbert Male Carlisle
1948/100395 Perth Clarke Beryl Merle Female Slater Noal Trevor Male West Perth
1948/100395 Perth Slater Noal Trevor Male Clarke Beryl Merle Female West Perth
1948/100396 Perth Randell Constance Beavis Female Thornton Leslie William Male West Perth
1948/100396 Perth Thornton Leslie William Male Randell Constance Beavis Female West Perth
1948/100397 Perth Doherty John Somerfield Male Duncan Dulcie May Female West Perth
1948/100397 Perth Duncan Dulcie May Female Doherty John Somerfield Male West Perth
1948/100398 Perth Goddard Frank James Male Peters Beryl Joyce Female West Perth
1948/100398 Perth Peters Beryl Joyce Female Goddard Frank James Male West Perth
1948/100399 Perth Johnson Norman Gordon Male McGorrery Edna May Female West Perth
1948/100399 Perth McGorrery Edna May Female Johnson Norman Gordon Male West Perth
1948/100400 Perth Hird Leo Maxwell Male Jacobs June Eileen Female West Perth
1948/100400 Perth Jacobs June Eileen Female Hird Leo Maxwell Male West Perth
1948/100401 Perth Dearden Stanley Male Prosser Margaret Rose Female West Perth
1948/100401 Perth Prosser Margaret Rose Female Dearden Stanley Male West Perth
1948/100402 Perth Riseborough Olive Merle Female Sloggett Edmond Basil Male West Perth
1948/100402 Perth Sloggett Edmond Basil Male Riseborough Olive Merle Female West Perth
1948/100403 Perth Dalgleish David Male Vicary Pamela June Female Subiaco
1948/100403 Perth Vicary Pamela June Female Dalgleish David Male Subiaco
1948/100404 Perth Rich Gerald Roy Male Steer Joan Margaret Winifred Female Subiaco
1948/100404 Perth Steer Joan Margaret Winifred Female Rich Gerald Roy Male Subiaco
1948/100405 Perth Higgins Marjorie Josephine Female Trenberth William Frederick Male Perth
1948/100405 Perth Trenberth William Frederick Male Higgins Marjorie Josephine Female Perth
1948/100406 Perth Harkins Mary Female Spencer Ernest Arthur Male Perth
1948/100406 Perth Spencer Ernest Arthur Male Harkins Mary Female Perth
1948/100407 Perth Evans Amelia Gladys Female Sims Robert Reginald Male Perth
1948/100407 Perth Sims Robert Reginald Male Evans Amelia Gladys Female Perth
1948/100408 Perth Clarke James Alexandra Male Ryan Margaret Mary Female Perth
1948/100408 Perth Ryan Margaret Mary Female Clarke James Alexandra Male Perth
1948/100409 Perth Ellard Dorathy May Female Young Donald John Male Maylands
1948/100409 Perth Young Donald John Male Ellard Dorathy May Female Maylands
1948/100410 Perth Pike Dorothy Jean Female Rattue Arthur Maxwell Male Maylands
1948/100410 Perth Rattue Arthur Maxwell Male Pike Dorothy Jean Female Maylands
1948/100411 Perth Jones Joyce Thelma Female Moxham Bernard Stanislaus Male Subiaco
1948/100411 Perth Moxham Bernard Stanislaus Male Jones Joyce Thelma Female Subiaco
1948/100412 Perth Chandler Eileen Female Morrow David Male Mt Hawthorn
1948/100412 Perth Morrow David Male Chandler Eileen Female Mt Hawthorn
1948/100413 Perth Murray Gwenneth Female Wrightson William Frederick Male Mt Hawthorn
1948/100413 Perth Wrightson William Frederick Male Murray Gwenneth Female Mt Hawthorn
1948/100414 Perth Perry Lorraine May Female Robinson Donald Ernest Male Mt Hawthorn
1948/100414 Perth Robinson Donald Ernest Male Perry Lorraine May Female Mt Hawthorn
1948/100415 Perth Weir Shirley Joan Female Wynne Leslie Frederick Male Mt Hawthorn
1948/100415 Perth Wynne Leslie Frederick Male Weir Shirley Joan Female Mt Hawthorn
1948/100416 Perth Brown Robert Leonard Male Marchant Joyce Lena Female Mt Hawthorn
1948/100416 Perth Marchant Joyce Lena Female Brown Robert Leonard Male Mt Hawthorn
1948/100417 Perth Harris William Charles Male Woodbridge Louisa Josephine Female Perth
1948/100417 Perth Woodbridge Louisa Josephine Female Harris William Charles Male Perth
1948/100418 Perth Grundy Wilfred Ernest Male Johns Dorothy Martha Female Mt Hawthorn
1948/100418 Perth Johns Dorothy Martha Female Grundy Wilfred Ernest Male Mt Hawthorn
1948/100419 Perth Borich Vojimir Male Cosgrave Eva Daphne Female Mt Hawthorn
1948/100419 Perth Cosgrave Eva Daphne Female Borich Vojimir Male Mt Hawthorn
1948/100420 Perth Bennett Alvilda Phonda Female See Neil George Male Mt Hawthorn
1948/100420 Perth See Neil George Male Bennett Alvilda Phonda Female Mt Hawthorn
1948/100421 Perth Hannah Maxwell Ernest Male Quinn Joyce Patricia Female Mt Hawthorn
1948/100421 Perth Quinn Joyce Patricia Female Hannah Maxwell Ernest Male Mt Hawthorn
1948/100422 Perth Aubin Mary Female Nettleton William James Male Mt Hawthorn
1948/100422 Perth Nettleton William James Male Aubin Mary Female Mt Hawthorn
1948/100423 Perth Davis Dorothy Mona Female Ness William Eric Male Mt Hawthorn
1948/100423 Perth Ness William Eric Male Davis Dorothy Mona Female Mt Hawthorn
1948/100424 Perth Gardiner James Matthew Male Neal Dorothy May Female Perth
1948/100424 Perth Neal Dorothy May Female Gardiner James Matthew Male Perth
1948/100425 Perth Hiscox Gordon William George Male Hort Patricia Adelaide Female Subiaco
1948/100425 Perth Hort Patricia Adelaide Female Hiscox Gordon William George Male Subiaco
1948/100426 Perth Irvine Elizabeth Martha Female Peterson Christopher Francis Male West Perth
1948/100426 Perth Peterson Christopher Francis Male Irvine Elizabeth Martha Female West Perth
1948/100427 Perth Hullett Joyce Nell Female O'Brien Desmond Male Highgate Hill
1948/100427 Perth O'Brien Desmond Male Hullett Joyce Nell Female Highgate Hill
1948/100428 Perth Ralph Vivienne Ethel Female Rivé Sydney Lucian Benignus Male Highgate Hill
1948/100428 Perth Rivé Sydney Lucian Benignus Male Ralph Vivienne Ethel Female Highgate Hill
1948/100429 Perth Dodman Lesley Alys Female Lynch Martin Michael Male Highgate Hill
1948/100429 Perth Lynch Martin Michael Male Dodman Lesley Alys Female Highgate Hill
1948/100430 Perth Leslie Francine Female Smith Charles Howard Male Perth College Chapel
1948/100430 Perth Smith Charles Howard Male Leslie Francine Female Perth College Chapel
1948/100431 Perth Furze Norman Burchell Male Meadows Alice Female Perth
1948/100431 Perth Meadows Alice Female Furze Norman Burchell Male Perth
1948/100432 Perth Allsopp Myrtle Ellen Female Starcevich Joseph Frederick Male Perth
1948/100432 Perth Starcevich Joseph Frederick Male Allsopp Myrtle Ellen Female Perth
1948/100433 Perth Christodoulou George Male Effes Antonia Female Perth
1948/100433 Perth Effes Antonia Female Christodoulou George Male Perth
1948/100434 Perth Meredith Noreen Mavis Female Sticken Edward Male Perth
1948/100434 Perth Sticken Edward Male Meredith Noreen Mavis Female Perth
1949/100435 Perth Adler Renée Female Friedman Jack Male Perth
1949/100435 Perth Friedman Jack Male Adler Renée Female Perth
1948/100435 Perth O'Brien Kathleen Female Sawle Kevin Joseph Male Subiaco
1948/100435 Perth Sawle Kevin Joseph Male O'Brien Kathleen Female Subiaco
1948/100436 Perth Couanis Michael James Male Harris Eileen Beatrice Female Perth
1948/100436 Perth Harris Eileen Beatrice Female Couanis Michael James Male Perth
1948/100437 Perth Reid Cecil William Male Wheildon Peggy Parker Female Perth
1948/100437 Perth Wheildon Peggy Parker Female Reid Cecil William Male Perth
1948/100438 Perth Holman Sydney James Male Peckover Eileen Mary Female Perth
1948/100438 Perth Peckover Eileen Mary Female Holman Sydney James Male Perth
1948/100439 Perth Roach Elva Audrey Female Summerfield Harold Male Perth
1948/100439 Perth Summerfield Harold Male Roach Elva Audrey Female Perth
1948/100440 Perth Moxham Ronald Male Webber Thelma Irene Female Perth Webber-6990
1948/100440 Perth Webber Thelma Irene Female Moxham Ronald Male Perth
1948/100441 Perth Arnold Keith Warland Male Kerr Edith Beatrix Female Perth
1948/100441 Perth Kerr Edith Beatrix Female Arnold Keith Warland Male Perth
1948/100442 Perth Davies Norma Lorraine Female Pries Arthur Edward Male Perth
1948/100442 Perth Pries Arthur Edward Male Davies Norma Lorraine Female Perth
1948/100443 Perth Charlton Peter John George Male West Patricia June Female Rivervale
1948/100443 Perth West Patricia June Female Charlton Peter John George Male Rivervale
1948/100444 Perth Douglas Gerald Male White Josephine Lucy Female Belmont
1948/100444 Perth White Josephine Lucy Female Douglas Gerald Male Belmont
1948/100445 Perth Randell Winifred Joyce Female Williams Thomas Leonard Male Perth
1948/100445 Perth Williams Thomas Leonard Male Randell Winifred Joyce Female Perth
1948/100446 Perth Ring June Lillian Female Toase Peter Guy Male W Leederville
1948/100446 Perth Toase Peter Guy Male Ring June Lillian Female W Leederville
1948/100447 Perth Fitzgibbon Eileen Ita Female Pryce Shelly Morton Male Subiaco
1948/100447 Perth Pryce Shelly Morton Male Fitzgibbon Eileen Ita Female Subiaco
1948/100448 Perth Carroll Thomas James Male Tulloch Ramona Margaret Female Subiaco
1948/100448 Perth Tulloch Ramona Margaret Female Carroll Thomas James Male Subiaco
1948/100449 Perth Read Studley Rupert Male Wright Mollie Evelyn Female Perth
1948/100449 Perth Wright Mollie Evelyn Female Read Studley Rupert Male Perth
1948/100450 Perth Bricknell Sarah Female Marshall Thomas Male Perth
1948/100450 Perth Marshall Thomas Male Bricknell Sarah Female Perth
1948/100451 Perth Carger Hazel Violet Female Somerville Arthur James Male Perth
1948/100451 Perth Somerville Arthur James Male Carger Hazel Violet Female Perth
1948/100452 Perth Harpwood Alan Henry Male Helson Beryl Female Osborne Park
1948/100452 Perth Helson Beryl Female Harpwood Alan Henry Male Osborne Park
1948/100453 Perth Horton Elsie Juliet Female McMurdo Walter David John Male Perth
1948/100453 Perth McMurdo Walter David John Male Horton Elsie Juliet Female Perth
1948/100454 Perth Flint Vera Female Toia Joseph Male Bayswater
1948/100454 Perth Toia Joseph Male Flint Vera Female Bayswater
1948/100455 Perth Butler Kevin Hugh Male Pyle Veronica Agnes Female Bayswater
1948/100455 Perth Pyle Veronica Agnes Female Butler Kevin Hugh Male Bayswater
1948/100456 Perth Tylee Noreen Joan Female Wilson George Edwin Male Mt Lawley
1948/100456 Perth Wilson George Edwin Male Tylee Noreen Joan Female Mt Lawley
1948/100457 Perth Cowain Alfred Edwin Male Jacka Thora Female Mt Lawley
1948/100457 Perth Jacka Thora Female Cowain Alfred Edwin Male Mt Lawley
1948/100458 Perth Gill James Edward Male Wilson Iris Mavis Female Perth
1948/100458 Perth Wilson Iris Mavis Female Gill James Edward Male Perth
1948/100459 Perth Serventy Nicholas Anthony Male Spencer Jean Female Nedlands
1948/100459 Perth Spencer Jean Female Serventy Nicholas Anthony Male Nedlands
1948/100460 Perth Fowler Beryl Winifred Female Thomson Alexander Harold Duthie Male Mt Lawley
1948/100460 Perth Thomson Alexander Harold Duthie Male Fowler Beryl Winifred Female Mt Lawley
1948/100461 Perth Cable Percy Frank Male Eastcott Mavis Elaine Female Perth
1948/100461 Perth Eastcott Mavis Elaine Female Cable Percy Frank Male Perth
1948/100462 Perth Frankish Ronald Richard Male Richards Constance Hilda Female Perth
1948/100462 Perth Richards Constance Hilda Female Frankish Ronald Richard Male Perth
1948/100463 Perth Faulkner Kathleen Joan Female Vaux Donald Stanley Male Perth
1948/100463 Perth Vaux Donald Stanley Male Faulkner Kathleen Joan Female Perth
1948/100464 Perth Ellard Norah Joan Female Harris Edward Neil Male Victoria Park
1948/100464 Perth Harris Edward Neil Male Ellard Norah Joan Female Victoria Park
1948/100465 Perth Grey Peggy Winifred Female Towns William Gordon Glover Male Victoria Park
1948/100465 Perth Towns William Gordon Glover Male Grey Peggy Winifred Female Victoria Park
1948/100466 Perth Clarke Elizabeth Female Isaac Alexander Thomas Male Cottesloe
1948/100466 Perth Isaac Alexander Thomas Male Clarke Elizabeth Female Cottesloe
1948/100467 Perth Graham Edna Winifrid Female Waterman Frederick Edwin Male Claremont
1948/100467 Perth Waterman Frederick Edwin Male Graham Edna Winifrid Female Claremont
1948/100468 Perth Atkinson Colin George Male Harvey Mabel Jean Female Claremont
1948/100468 Perth Harvey Mabel Jean Female Atkinson Colin George Male Claremont
1948/100469 Perth Green Neville Owen's Male Kessler Ada Female Perth
1948/100469 Perth Kessler Ada Female Green Neville Owen's Male Perth
1948/100470 Perth Barnes Frank Albert Male Wilson Ida Joy Female Perth
1948/100470 Perth Wilson Ida Joy Female Barnes Frank Albert Male Perth
1948/100471 Perth Day Frances Elizabeth Female Gardner Norman Rupert Male Perth
1948/100471 Perth Gardner Norman Rupert Male Day Frances Elizabeth Female Perth
1948/100472 Perth Cameron Jean Anne Female McLean Colin George Male Bayswater
1948/100472 Perth McLean Colin George Male Cameron Jean Anne Female Bayswater
1948/100473 Perth Koumpiadou Maria Female Metzakis Spyros Male Perth
1948/100473 Perth Metzakis Spyros Male Koumpiadou Maria Female Perth
1948/100474 Perth Biggers Bessie Cecelia Female Jones Robert Load Cecil Male West Perth
1948/100474 Perth Jones Robert Load Cecil Male Biggers Bessie Cecelia Female West Perth
1948/100475 Perth Catto John Duncan Male Prothero Bertha Joan Female West Perth
1948/100475 Perth Prothero Bertha Joan Female Catto John Duncan Male West Perth
1948/100476 Perth Davies Dorothy Beryl May Female Scott Patrick Jack Male West Perth
1948/100476 Perth Scott Patrick Jack Male Davies Dorothy Beryl May Female West Perth
1948/100477 Perth Hay Edwin James Male Tierney Betty Eileen Female Subiaco
1948/100477 Perth Tierney Betty Eileen Female Hay Edwin James Male Subiaco
1948/100478 Perth Anderson James Greenlees Male Weaver Barbara Jocellyn Female Perth
1948/100478 Perth Weaver Barbara Jocellyn Female Anderson James Greenlees Male Perth
1948/100479 Perth Mauchline Catherine Grace Female Osborne Frederick Arthur Male Perth
1948/100479 Perth Osborne Frederick Arthur Male Mauchline Catherine Grace Female Perth
1948/100480 Perth Goulding Claude Leonard Male Potter Jessie Female Perth
1948/100480 Perth Potter Jessie Female Goulding Claude Leonard Male Perth
1948/100481 Perth Kemp Joseph Edward Male Morrison Norma Jean Female Perth
1948/100481 Perth Morrison Norma Jean Female Kemp Joseph Edward Male Perth
1948/100482 Perth Day Yvonne Beatrice Female Watson Arthur Lindsay Male Perth
1948/100482 Perth Watson Arthur Lindsay Male Day Yvonne Beatrice Female Perth
1948/100483 Perth Deakin Norman Charles Male Hollingsworth Janet Ramsay Female Perth
1948/100483 Perth Hollingsworth Janet Ramsay Female Deakin Norman Charles Male Perth
1948/100484 Perth Paterson Jean Marjorie Female Thomas David Kendall Male Perth
1948/100484 Perth Thomas David Kendall Male Paterson Jean Marjorie Female Perth
1948/100485 Perth Anderson Peggy May Female Johnston John Andrew Cameron Male Perth
1948/100485 Perth Johnston John Andrew Cameron Male Anderson Peggy May Female Perth
1948/100486 Perth Bayley Doreen Rosalind Female Hoddy Herbert Henry Male Perth
1948/100486 Perth Hoddy Herbert Henry Male Bayley Doreen Rosalind Female Perth
1948/100487 Perth Doggett Edith Female Pearce Charles Oliver Male Perth
1948/100487 Perth Pearce Charles Oliver Male Doggett Edith Female Perth
1948/100488 Perth Cecich Bogdan Male Thompson Betty Marion Female Perth
1948/100488 Perth Thompson Betty Marion Female Cecich Bogdan Male Perth
1948/100489 Perth Norris Henry Percy Male Notley Patricia Alice Maude Female Perth
1948/100489 Perth Notley Patricia Alice Maude Female Norris Henry Percy Male Perth
1948/100490 Perth Garrick Allan Male Hatch Heather Enid Female Perth
1948/100490 Perth Hatch Heather Enid Female Garrick Allan Male Perth
1948/100491 Perth McDiarmid Nedra Camille Female Parks Edward Charles Male West Perth
1948/100491 Perth Parks Edward Charles Male McDiarmid Nedra Camille Female West Perth
1948/100492 Perth Brown Vera Elsie Female Greay Mervyn Alexander Male West Perth
1948/100492 Perth Greay Mervyn Alexander Male Brown Vera Elsie Female West Perth
1948/100493 Perth Bell Erica Female Lushey Raymond Arthur Male West Perth
1948/100493 Perth Lushey Raymond Arthur Male Bell Erica Female West Perth
1948/100494 Perth Gibson James William Male Norman Bonnie Female West Perth
1948/100494 Perth Norman Bonnie Female Gibson James William Male West Perth
1948/100495 Perth Brokenshire Iris June Female Buchanan Colin James Male West Perth
1948/100495 Perth Buchanan Colin James Male Brokenshire Iris June Female West Perth
1948/100496 Perth Gold Mavis Maureen Female Humphries John Gregory Male Cottesloe
1948/100496 Perth Humphries John Gregory Male Gold Mavis Maureen Female Cottesloe
1948/100497 Perth Croft Patricia Irene Female Wood Harold Martin Male Cottesloe
1948/100497 Perth Wood Harold Martin Male Croft Patricia Irene Female Cottesloe
1948/100498 Perth Peters John Thomas Male Reynolds Lesley Mary Female Perth
1948/100498 Perth Reynolds Lesley Mary Female Peters John Thomas Male Perth
1948/100499 Perth Gugiatti Lorenzo Male Lennox Elsie Maureen Female Osborne Park
1948/100499 Perth Lennox Elsie Maureen Female Gugiatti Lorenzo Male Osborne Park
1948/100500 Perth Beard Sylvia Edith Female Fulwood Robert Henry Male Victoria Park
1948/100500 Perth Fulwood Robert Henry Male Beard Sylvia Edith Female Victoria Park
1948/100501 Perth Corless Merle Female Simpson Keith Richard Male Victoria Park
1948/100501 Perth Simpson Keith Richard Male Corless Merle Female Victoria Park
1948/100502 Perth Gillam Faith Female Knight John Douglas Male Victoria Park
1948/100502 Perth Knight John Douglas Male Gillam Faith Female Victoria Park
1948/100503 Perth Goodier Norman Male Kiesey Nola Rae Female Victoria Park
1948/100503 Perth Kiesey Nola Rae Female Goodier Norman Male Victoria Park
1948/100504 Perth Dawkins Patricia Ruth Female Johnston Clarence Emanuel Male Victoria Park
1948/100504 Perth Johnston Clarence Emanuel Male Dawkins Patricia Ruth Female Victoria Park
1948/100505 Perth Anderson Victor Charles Eric Male Senini Joan Edna Female East Victoria Park
1948/100505 Perth Senini Joan Edna Female Anderson Victor Charles Eric Male East Victoria Park
1948/100506 Perth Henderson Dorothy Mary Female Prichard Kenneth William Male Perth
1948/100506 Perth Prichard Kenneth William Male Henderson Dorothy Mary Female Perth
1948/100507 Perth Dawson Eugenie Female Farrar Dudley Stuart Male Perth
1948/100507 Perth Farrar Dudley Stuart Male Dawson Eugenie Female Perth
1948/100508 Perth Colbourne Vera Helena Female Newton William Ronald Male Perth
1948/100508 Perth Newton William Ronald Male Colbourne Vera Helena Female Perth
1948/100509 Perth Bass Marjorie Elina Female Parkhill Robert Arthur Male East Victoria Park
1948/100509 Perth Parkhill Robert Arthur Male Bass Marjorie Elina Female East Victoria Park
1948/100510 Perth Campbell Dulcie Female McCabe Eugene Miller Male Perth
1948/100510 Perth McCabe Eugene Miller Male Campbell Dulcie Female Perth
1948/100511 Perth Tanner Phyllis Ann Female Wilson Lionel Robert Male Perth
1948/100511 Perth Wilson Lionel Robert Male Tanner Phyllis Ann Female Perth
1948/100512 Perth Coops Ethel Constance Female Judges William James Male Perth
1948/100512 Perth Judges William James Male Coops Ethel Constance Female Perth
1948/100513 Perth Allen Edward Ernest Male Massey Elaine Juanita Female Perth
1948/100513 Perth Massey Elaine Juanita Female Allen Edward Ernest Male Perth
1948/100514 Perth Meehan Alice May Female Stemp John Charles Male Perth
1948/100514 Perth Stemp John Charles Male Meehan Alice May Female Perth
1948/100515 Perth Dewar Vera Winnifred Female Hopkins William Henry Owen Male Perth
1948/100515 Perth Hopkins William Henry Owen Male Dewar Vera Winnifred Female Perth
1948/100516 Perth Butler Kathleen May Female Higginson Fredrick Male Perth
1948/100516 Perth Higginson Fredrick Male Butler Kathleen May Female Perth
1948/100517 Perth Herren Donald Wayne Male Passmore Vivian Agnes Maud Female Perth
1948/100517 Perth Passmore Vivian Agnes Maud Female Herren Donald Wayne Male Perth
1948/100518 Perth Britton Gwendoline Female Finlayson Brian Parker Male Perth
1948/100518 Perth Finlayson Brian Parker Male Britton Gwendoline Female Perth
1948/100519 Perth Slater Irene Lena Female Woolcock Trevlyn John Ingall Male Perth
1948/100519 Perth Woolcock Trevlyn John Ingall Male Slater Irene Lena Female Perth
1948/100520 Perth Akenhead Iris Evelyn Female Walsh Roy Edward Male Perth
1948/100520 Perth Walsh Roy Edward Male Akenhead Iris Evelyn Female Perth
1948/100521 Perth Robb Lesley Nyda Female Terrell Donald Cecil Male Perth
1948/100521 Perth Terrell Donald Cecil Male Robb Lesley Nyda Female Perth
1948/100522 Perth Hammond Ronald James Male Kenrick Elizabeth Vaus Female West Aust
1948/100522 Perth Kenrick Elizabeth Vaus Female Hammond Ronald James Male West Aust
1948/100523 Perth Emery Maureen Lesley Female Halliday Richard John Male Claremont
1948/100523 Perth Halliday Richard John Male Emery Maureen Lesley Female Claremont
1948/100524 Perth Drabble George Wilfred Male Stewart Violet Myrtle Mary Female Perth
1948/100524 Perth Stewart Violet Myrtle Mary Female Drabble George Wilfred Male Perth
1948/100525 Perth Bluett Norma Mary Female Byrnes Francis Thomas Male Perth
1948/100525 Perth Byrnes Francis Thomas Male Bluett Norma Mary Female Perth
1948/100526 Perth Allanson Howard Colin Male Devenish Linda Ellen Female Perth
1948/100526 Perth Devenish Linda Ellen Female Allanson Howard Colin Male Perth
1948/100527 Perth Marriott Pearl Rosa Female Norwood Philip Henry Male Claremont
1948/100527 Perth Norwood Philip Henry Male Marriott Pearl Rosa Female Claremont
1948/100528 Perth Carrick Dulcie Female Overheu Donald Leo Male West Perth
1948/100528 Perth Overheu Donald Leo Male Carrick Dulcie Female West Perth
1948/100529 Perth Murray Jack Alva Millar Male Peters Gwendolyn Ellen Female Perth
1948/100529 Perth Peters Gwendolyn Ellen Female Murray Jack Alva Millar Male Perth
1948/100530 Perth Hamilton Gordon Bla-don Male Sherlock Joyce Evelyn Female Perth
1948/100530 Perth Sherlock Joyce Evelyn Female Hamilton Gordon Bla-don Male Perth
1948/100531 Perth Murphy Arthur Edward Male Vincent Audrey May Female Perth
1948/100531 Perth Vincent Audrey May Female Murphy Arthur Edward Male Perth
1948/100532 Perth Utley Walter Jennings Male Williams Joan Female Subiaco
1948/100532 Perth Williams Joan Female Utley Walter Jennings Male Subiaco
1948/100533 Perth Johnson Rene Dorothea Female Toholka Frederick Clement Male Shenton Park
1948/100533 Perth Toholka Frederick Clement Male Johnson Rene Dorothea Female Shenton Park
1948/100534 Perth Gillon Beryl Mary Female Guest Donald Rainsford Male Perth Baptist Church
1948/100534 Perth Guest Donald Rainsford Male Gillon Beryl Mary Female Perth Baptist Church
1948/100535 Perth Atkins Edward Wesley Male Martin Mabel Annie Female Perth
1948/100535 Perth Martin Mabel Annie Female Atkins Edward Wesley Male Perth
1948/100536 Perth Gray Hazel Jean Female Smith Walter Jack Male Perth
1948/100536 Perth Smith Walter Jack Male Gray Hazel Jean Female Perth
1948/100537 Perth Long Tasman Male Mulcahy Mary Female Perth
1948/100537 Perth Mulcahy Mary Female Long Tasman Male Perth
1948/100538 Perth Borg Joyce Irene Louisa Female Marriott Leonard Frank Male Perth
1948/100538 Perth Marriott Leonard Frank Male Borg Joyce Irene Louisa Female Perth
1948/100539 Perth Richards Edward Henry Male Thirlwell Annie Snowdon Female Perth
1948/100539 Perth Thirlwell Annie Snowdon Female Richards Edward Henry Male Perth
1948/100540 Perth Anderson Northey Andrew Male Kilpatrick Iris Mary Female Perth
1948/100540 Perth Kilpatrick Iris Mary Female Anderson Northey Andrew Male Perth
1948/100541 Perth Sturrock Benjamin John Male Williams Kathleen Dorothy Female Perth
1948/100541 Perth Williams Kathleen Dorothy Female Sturrock Benjamin John Male Perth
1948/100542 Perth Fletcher Ellen Female Foster Donald John Male Perth
1948/100542 Perth Foster Donald John Male Fletcher Ellen Female Perth
1948/100543 Perth Buckingham June Cynthia Female Doddemead Vernon Male Perth
1948/100543 Perth Doddemead Vernon Male Buckingham June Cynthia Female Perth
1948/100544 Perth Jacks Stanley Robert Male Klause Margaret Clarice Female West Perth
1948/100544 Perth Klause Margaret Clarice Female Jacks Stanley Robert Male West Perth
1948/100545 Perth Lovering Walter Leslie Male McGinn Nadine Mary Female West Perth
1948/100545 Perth McGinn Nadine Mary Female Lovering Walter Leslie Male West Perth
1948/100546 Perth Edgar Patricia Mary Female Ingham Robert Theodore Male West Perth
1948/100546 Perth Ingham Robert Theodore Male Edgar Patricia Mary Female West Perth
1948/100547 Perth Kneebone Lionel Pete Male Westphal Marjorie Clara Female West Perth
1948/100547 Perth Westphal Marjorie Clara Female Kneebone Lionel Pete Male West Perth
1948/100548 Perth Selkirk Valencia Jay Rosalie Female Stewart Leonard Joseph Male West Perth
1948/100548 Perth Stewart Leonard Joseph Male Selkirk Valencia Jay Rosalie Female West Perth
1948/100549 Perth Atherton Phillip Stanley Male Snook Norma Jean Female North Perth
1948/100549 Perth Snook Norma Jean Female Atherton Phillip Stanley Male North Perth
1948/100550 Perth Lilly Myrtle Joyce Female Willoughby Francis Patrick Male Perth
1948/100550 Perth Willoughby Francis Patrick Male Lilly Myrtle Joyce Female Perth
1948/100551 Perth Lockhart Valma Blanche Female Saunders William Male Perth
1948/100551 Perth Saunders William Male Lockhart Valma Blanche Female Perth
1948/100552 Perth Bennett Beatrice Mary Female Sykes Robert William Male Claremont
1948/100552 Perth Sykes Robert William Male Bennett Beatrice Mary Female Claremont
1948/100553 Perth Baldock Robert Russell Male Sutton Margaret Caroline Female Claremont
1948/100553 Perth Sutton Margaret Caroline Female Baldock Robert Russell Male Claremont
1948/100554 Perth Berridge Raymond Wilson Male Winton Olwyn Elsie Female Shenton Park
1948/100554 Perth Winton Olwyn Elsie Female Berridge Raymond Wilson Male Shenton Park
1948/100555 Perth Purnell Valentine Edgar Male Woods Meryle Daphne Female West Perth
1948/100555 Perth Woods Meryle Daphne Female Purnell Valentine Edgar Male West Perth
1948/100556 Perth Nicholls Desmond Lloyd Male Smith Valmaie Irene Female Subiaco
1948/100556 Perth Smith Valmaie Irene Female Nicholls Desmond Lloyd Male Subiaco
1948/100557 Perth Pyke Frances Eleanor Female Wilson Alexander Cochran Male Perth
1948/100557 Perth Wilson Alexander Cochran Male Pyke Frances Eleanor Female Perth
1948/100558 Perth Bourke Kevin Reginald Male Murdoch Dulcie Ann Female Perth
1948/100558 Perth Murdoch Dulcie Ann Female Bourke Kevin Reginald Male Perth
1948/100559 Perth Pick Jack Ivan Male Willis Doreen Mavis Female Perth
1948/100559 Perth Willis Doreen Mavis Female Pick Jack Ivan Male Perth
1948/100560 Perth Christiansen Lars Christian Male Russ Gladys Emily Elsie Female Perth
1948/100560 Perth Russ Gladys Emily Elsie Female Christiansen Lars Christian Male Perth
1948/100561 Perth Hurd Beatrice Grace Daviess Female Solomon Harold Reginald Male Belmont
1948/100561 Perth Solomon Harold Reginald Male Hurd Beatrice Grace Daviess Female Belmont
1948/100562 Perth Ling Frank Andrew Male McKenzie Jean Allison Female Claremont
1948/100562 Perth McKenzie Jean Allison Female Ling Frank Andrew Male Claremont
1948/100563 Perth Carter Gweneth Beryl Female Etheridge Noel Pallot Male Claremont
1948/100563 Perth Etheridge Noel Pallot Male Carter Gweneth Beryl Female Claremont
1948/100564 Perth Clark Doreen Alice Female Marshall Henry Milton Male Perth
1948/100564 Perth Marshall Henry Milton Male Clark Doreen Alice Female Perth
1948/100565 Perth Goodridge Edward Joseph Male Sutherland Jean Patricia Female Perth
1948/100565 Perth Sutherland Jean Patricia Female Goodridge Edward Joseph Male Perth
1948/100566 Perth Bungert Daphne Evelyn Female Hofmann Ernest Temple Male Perth
1948/100566 Perth Hofmann Ernest Temple Male Bungert Daphne Evelyn Female Perth
1948/100567 Perth Freeman Stella Margaret Female Lyons Ronald John Male Perth
1948/100567 Perth Lyons Ronald John Male Freeman Stella Margaret Female Perth
1948/100568 Perth Bird Blanche Marion Female McDermid Donald Male Perth
1948/100568 Perth McDermid Donald Male Bird Blanche Marion Female Perth
1948/100569 Perth Eastwood Eunice Marion Female Riseborough Alan William Male Perth
1948/100569 Perth Riseborough Alan William Male Eastwood Eunice Marion Female Perth
1948/100570 Perth Francis Colin Bernard Male Gillon Shirley Frances Female Perth
1948/100570 Perth Gillon Shirley Frances Female Francis Colin Bernard Male Perth
1948/100571 Perth Fletcher Corinna May Female Smith Frederick James Male Subiaco
1948/100571 Perth Smith Frederick James Male Fletcher Corinna May Female Subiaco
1948/100572 Perth Kolkrabs Velta Female Lude Janis Male Karrakatta
1948/100572 Perth Lude Janis Male Kolkrabs Velta Female Karrakatta
1948/100573 Perth Goldbergs Karlis Zigfrids Male Krauja Mirdza Female Karrakatta
1948/100573 Perth Krauja Mirdza Female Goldbergs Karlis Zigfrids Male Karrakatta
1948/100574 Perth Sandell Douglas Charles Male Scotland Helen Robson Female Nedlands
1948/100574 Perth Scotland Helen Robson Female Sandell Douglas Charles Male Nedlands
1948/100575 Perth Metcalf Bruce Atkins Male Wilkins Selma Florence Female Inglewood
1948/100575 Perth Wilkins Selma Florence Female Metcalf Bruce Atkins Male Inglewood
1948/100576 Perth King Robert Maxwell Male Thomas Glenys Kathleen Richardson Female Perth
1948/100576 Perth Thomas Glenys Kathleen Richardson Female King Robert Maxwell Male Perth
1948/100577 Perth Kinnane Anthony John Male Wolfenden Violet Merle Female Perth
1948/100577 Perth Wolfenden Violet Merle Female Kinnane Anthony John Male Perth
1948/100578 Perth Gardiner Agnes Emily Female Todd William Edward James Male Perth
1948/100578 Perth Todd William Edward James Male Gardiner Agnes Emily Female Perth
1948/100579 Perth Hardwick Gerald John Male Livesley Phyllis Cathrine Female East Perth
1948/100579 Perth Livesley Phyllis Cathrine Female Hardwick Gerald John Male East Perth
1948/100580 Perth Korbosky Archibald Dargne Male ODea Irene May Female East Perth
1948/100580 Perth ODea Irene May Female Korbosky Archibald Dargne Male East Perth
1948/100581 Perth Coall Shirley Joyce Amelia Female Roffey Kenneth Martin Male Perth
1948/100581 Perth Roffey Kenneth Martin Male Coall Shirley Joyce Amelia Female Perth
1948/100582 Perth Bawden Edwin George Male Leaman Brucil Euniece Female West Perth
1948/100582 Perth Leaman Brucil Euniece Female Bawden Edwin George Male West Perth
1948/100583 Perth Buckland Ernest Victor Male Kinson Lizzie Female Victoria Park
1948/100583 Perth Kinson Lizzie Female Buckland Ernest Victor Male Victoria Park
1948/100584 Perth Caddy Hazel Jean Female Wells Anthony Joseph Male Leederville
1948/100584 Perth Wells Anthony Joseph Male Caddy Hazel Jean Female Leederville
1948/100585 Perth Reichelt Leslie Ronald Male Starcevich Katherine Female Leederville
1948/100585 Perth Starcevich Katherine Female Reichelt Leslie Ronald Male Leederville
1948/100586 Perth Anderson Alfred George Male Perry Carlene Mary Female Leederville
1948/100586 Perth Perry Carlene Mary Female Anderson Alfred George Male Leederville
1948/100587 Perth Murphy Edmond Francis Male Ridley Avis Lillias Female Leederville
1948/100587 Perth Ridley Avis Lillias Female Murphy Edmond Francis Male Leederville
1948/100588 Perth Fogliani Annunziata Female Massara Salvatore Male Leederville
1948/100588 Perth Massara Salvatore Male Fogliani Annunziata Female Leederville
1948/100590 Perth Devenish Norma Jean Female Pearce Richard William Male Perth
1948/100590 Perth Pearce Richard William Male Devenish Norma Jean Female Perth
1948/100591 Perth Elliott Ethel Doreen Female Manuel Bevan Clement Male West Perth
1948/100591 Perth Manuel Bevan Clement Male Elliott Ethel Doreen Female West Perth
1948/100592 Perth Drayton Constance Female MacKay Kenneth John Male Claremont
1948/100592 Perth MacKay Kenneth John Male Drayton Constance Female Claremont
1948/100593 Perth Brown Kathleen Hilda Female Thompson James Male Perth
1948/100593 Perth Thompson James Male Brown Kathleen Hilda Female Perth
1948/100594 Perth Collett Frederick William Male Cornwall Agnes Mary Female Perth
1948/100594 Perth Cornwall Agnes Mary Female Collett Frederick William Male Perth
1948/100595 Perth Felgate Myrtle Ruth Female Norrish Lionel Bernard Male Perth
1948/100595 Perth Norrish Lionel Bernard Male Felgate Myrtle Ruth Female Perth
1948/100596 Perth Heal Norma Female Martin Hector Chapman Male Claremont
1948/100596 Perth Martin Hector Chapman Male Heal Norma Female Claremont
1948/100597 Perth Hamley Glynne Female Stott Gregory Martin Male Claremont
1948/100597 Perth Stott Gregory Martin Male Hamley Glynne Female Claremont
1948/100598 Perth Farley William Leonard Male Lawrence Lorna Jeanne Female Claremont
1948/100598 Perth Lawrence Lorna Jeanne Female Farley William Leonard Male Claremont
1948/100599 Perth O'Grady Dorothy Elizabeth Female Wylie Peter Hall Male Claremont
1948/100599 Perth Wylie Peter Hall Male O'Grady Dorothy Elizabeth Female Claremont
1948/100600 Perth Clark Norman Alfred Male Marsh Nellie Female Perth Baptist Church
1948/100600 Perth Marsh Nellie Female Clark Norman Alfred Male Perth Baptist Church
1948/100601 Perth Augustin Robert William Male Harley Thelma Rose Female Highgate Hill
1948/100601 Perth Harley Thelma Rose Female Augustin Robert William Male Highgate Hill
1948/100602 Perth Oaten Betty Female Payne Arthur Mannix Male Perth
1948/100602 Perth Payne Arthur Mannix Male Oaten Betty Female Perth
1948/100603 Perth Robinson Bruce George Male Smith Cecilia Female Nedlands
1948/100603 Perth Smith Cecilia Female Robinson Bruce George Male Nedlands
1948/100604 Perth Crisp Eleanor Joan Female Halpin George Thomas Male Nedlands
1948/100604 Perth Halpin George Thomas Male Crisp Eleanor Joan Female Nedlands
1948/100605 Perth O'Connell Sadie Louise Maude Female Stevenson James Marcus Male South Perth
1948/100605 Perth Stevenson James Marcus Male O'Connell Sadie Louise Maude Female South Perth
1948/100606 Perth Ralph Edward Roy Male Smith Doris Ina Female Claremont
1948/100606 Perth Smith Doris Ina Female Ralph Edward Roy Male Claremont
1948/100607 Perth Davies Evan Charles Beynon Male Thompson Enid Margaret Female Perth
1948/100607 Perth Thompson Enid Margaret Female Davies Evan Charles Beynon Male Perth
1948/100608 Perth Gilbert Annie Millan Female O'Loughlin James Michael Male Perth
1948/100608 Perth O'Loughlin James Michael Male Gilbert Annie Millan Female Perth
1948/100609 Perth McLoughlin Ivy Clorene Female Weatherhead Andrew Joseph Male Perth
1948/100609 Perth Weatherhead Andrew Joseph Male McLoughlin Ivy Clorene Female Perth
1948/100610 Perth Loader Joan Female Penberthy Albert Allen Male Perth
1948/100610 Perth Penberthy Albert Allen Male Loader Joan Female Perth
1948/100611 Perth Byfield Esme June Female Dandridge Vivian James Male Perth
1948/100611 Perth Dandridge Vivian James Male Byfield Esme June Female Perth
1948/100612 Perth Condren Bernard Male Ellis Camelia Fay Female Perth
1948/100612 Perth Ellis Camelia Fay Female Condren Bernard Male Perth
1948/100613 Perth Evans Gwenyth Harlow Female Keys David John Male Perth
1948/100613 Perth Keys David John Male Evans Gwenyth Harlow Female Perth
1948/100614 Perth Reynolds William James Male Vickers Sylvia Heather Female Perth
1948/100614 Perth Vickers Sylvia Heather Female Reynolds William James Male Perth
1948/100615 Perth Hartley Vivienne Joan Female Pegler Norman William Male Perth
1948/100615 Perth Pegler Norman William Male Hartley Vivienne Joan Female Perth
1948/100616 Perth McMahon Robert Edgar Male Smith Gladys Mercia Female Mount Hawthorn
1948/100616 Perth Smith Gladys Mercia Female McMahon Robert Edgar Male Mount Hawthorn
1948/100617 Perth McNeil Jean Florence Female Waddilove Joseph Robert Male Perth
1948/100617 Perth Waddilove Joseph Robert Male McNeil Jean Florence Female Perth
1948/100618 Perth Busch Victor Reginald Male Cochrane Grace Mary Female West Leederville Presbyterian Church
1948/100618 Perth Cochrane Grace Mary Female Busch Victor Reginald Male West Leederville Presbyterian Church
1948/100619 Perth Knowles Dominic Joseph Male Searle Margaret Harriette Female Perth
1948/100619 Perth Searle Margaret Harriette Female Knowles Dominic Joseph Male Perth
1948/100620 Perth Hartley Florence Iva Female Hollingworth Charles Male Perth
1948/100620 Perth Hollingworth Charles Male Hartley Florence Iva Female Perth
1948/100621 Perth McBride Richard Campbell Male Whittaker Merille Phyllis Female Perth
1948/100621 Perth Whittaker Merille Phyllis Female McBride Richard Campbell Male Perth
1948/100622 Perth Jones Joyce Ethel Female Summerfield Leslie Male Canning Bridge
1948/100622 Perth Summerfield Leslie Male Jones Joyce Ethel Female Canning Bridge
1948/100623 Perth Noble Heather Bell Urannie Female Young Lionel John Male N Perth
1948/100623 Perth Young Lionel John Male Noble Heather Bell Urannie Female N Perth
1948/100624 Perth Bell Daphne Doris Female Kinnane Leslie Martin Male Maylands Presbyterian Church
1948/100624 Perth Kinnane Leslie Martin Male Bell Daphne Doris Female Maylands Presbyterian Church
1948/100625 Perth Aris Michael Male Fleming Enid Beatrice Female Perth
1948/100625 Perth Fleming Enid Beatrice Female Aris Michael Male Perth
1948/100626 Perth Riebe Charles Frederick Male Temple Beryl Davede Power Female Perth
1948/100626 Perth Temple Beryl Davede Power Female Riebe Charles Frederick Male Perth
1948/100627 Perth Simpson Mary Emma Female Worth Albert Male Perth
1948/100627 Perth Worth Albert Male Simpson Mary Emma Female Perth
1948/100628 Perth Deighton Katherine Josephine Female Hanrahan John Edwin Male Perth
1948/100628 Perth Hanrahan John Edwin Male Deighton Katherine Josephine Female Perth
1948/100629 Perth Moore Thomas Hamling Male Sales Lorraine May Female Claremont
1948/100629 Perth Sales Lorraine May Female Moore Thomas Hamling Male Claremont
1948/100630 Perth Harris Frederick James Male Nottage Ruth Winifred Female Perth
1948/100630 Perth Nottage Ruth Winifred Female Harris Frederick James Male Perth
1948/100631 Perth Linney Raymond Albert Male Pont Lorna Ella Female Mt Hawthorn
1948/100631 Perth Pont Lorna Ella Female Linney Raymond Albert Male Mt Hawthorn
1948/100632 Perth Bray Maisie Female Jones George Maxwell Male Osborne Park
1948/100632 Perth Jones George Maxwell Male Bray Maisie Female Osborne Park
1948/100633 Perth Mannion Patrick Male Skane Margaret Catherine Female Mt Hawthorn
1948/100633 Perth Skane Margaret Catherine Female Mannion Patrick Male Mt Hawthorn
1948/100634 Perth Hale George Walter Male O'Hehir Dorothy Peggy Female Mt Hawthorn
1948/100634 Perth O'Hehir Dorothy Peggy Female Hale George Walter Male Mt Hawthorn
1948/100635 Perth Hudson Kathleen Susan Female Mir John James Male Mt Hawthorn
1948/100635 Perth Mir John James Male Hudson Kathleen Susan Female Mt Hawthorn
1948/100636 Perth Bailey Nellie Female Woods Maurice James Male Mt Hawthorn
1948/100636 Perth Woods Maurice James Male Bailey Nellie Female Mt Hawthorn
1948/100637 Perth Durkin Ronald James Male Thornton Mae Victoria Female Mt Hawthorn
1948/100637 Perth Thornton Mae Victoria Female Durkin Ronald James Male Mt Hawthorn
1948/100638 Perth Halls Cicely May Female Smith Laurence Roy Male Mt Hawthorn
1948/100638 Perth Smith Laurence Roy Male Halls Cicely May Female Mt Hawthorn
1948/100639 Perth Darcey Patricia Dawn Female Harding Charles Maxwell Male Mt Hawthorn
1948/100639 Perth Harding Charles Maxwell Male Darcey Patricia Dawn Female Mt Hawthorn
1948/100640 Perth Nickels Lily Sophia Female Walker George Francis Male North Perth
1948/100640 Perth Walker George Francis Male Nickels Lily Sophia Female North Perth
1948/100641 Perth Birch Thelma Joyce Female Phillips Sidney Walter Male Mt Hawthorn
1948/100641 Perth Phillips Sidney Walter Male Birch Thelma Joyce Female Mt Hawthorn
1948/100642 Perth Ewart-Vernide Edith Rose Female Parks Thomas Clement Male Subiaco
1948/100642 Perth Parks Thomas Clement Male Ewart-Vernide Edith Rose Female Subiaco
1948/100643 Perth Armstrong Joan Patricia Female Tatam Reginald Ernest Edward Male Mt Lawley
1948/100643 Perth Tatam Reginald Ernest Edward Male Armstrong Joan Patricia Female Mt Lawley
1948/100644 Perth Housley Blanche Henrietta Female Peirce Kenneth Male Mt Lawley
1948/100644 Perth Peirce Kenneth Male Housley Blanche Henrietta Female Mt Lawley
1948/100645 Perth Pryce Laura Louisa Female Wilson Leslie John Male Perth
1948/100645 Perth Wilson Leslie John Male Pryce Laura Louisa Female Perth
1948/100646 Perth Bridge Thomas William Male Pitts Jane Ellen Female Perth
1948/100646 Perth Pitts Jane Ellen Female Bridge Thomas William Male Perth
1948/100647 Perth Broadley Donald Male Crampton Enid Dora Female Perth
1948/100647 Perth Crampton Enid Dora Female Broadley Donald Male Perth
1948/100648 Perth Harris Harold Sydney Male Tibbetts Marjorie Winifred Female Perth
1948/100648 Perth Tibbetts Marjorie Winifred Female Harris Harold Sydney Male Perth
1948/100649 Perth Hunt Nora Female MacDonald Alexander Keppoch Male Perth
1948/100649 Perth MacDonald Alexander Keppoch Male Hunt Nora Female Perth
1948/100650 Perth Currie Joyce Mary Female Morris Brice Male Perth
1948/100650 Perth Morris Brice Male Currie Joyce Mary Female Perth
1948/100651 Perth Meakins Roderick Harry Male Richter Beryl Ruth Female Perth
1948/100651 Perth Richter Beryl Ruth Female Meakins Roderick Harry Male Perth
1948/100652 Perth Fenner Harley John Male Wilson Helen Joyce Female Perth
1948/100652 Perth Wilson Helen Joyce Female Fenner Harley John Male Perth
1948/100653 Perth Tytgat Shirley May Female Wiggins Kenneth Royce Male Perth
1948/100653 Perth Wiggins Kenneth Royce Male Tytgat Shirley May Female Perth
1948/100654 Perth Blackman Doreen Elizabeth Female Henderson Leonard Horace Male Perth
1948/100654 Perth Henderson Leonard Horace Male Blackman Doreen Elizabeth Female Perth
1948/100655 Perth Harman Leonard Thomas Male Hegarty Laurel Grace Female Perth
1948/100655 Perth Hegarty Laurel Grace Female Harman Leonard Thomas Male Perth
1948/100656 Perth Humfrey Jeffrey Allen Male McKinnon Gladys Lillian Female Perth
1948/100656 Perth McKinnon Gladys Lillian Female Humfrey Jeffrey Allen Male Perth
1948/100657 Perth Brown Victor Samuel Male Munyard Stella Female Mt Lawley
1948/100657 Perth Munyard Stella Female Brown Victor Samuel Male Mt Lawley
1948/100658 Perth Domyer Elsie Grace Female McGrogan James Male West Perth
1948/100658 Perth McGrogan James Male Domyer Elsie Grace Female West Perth
1948/100659 Perth Braddon Ronald James Male Mills Grace Nicola Female Perth
1948/100659 Perth Mills Grace Nicola Female Braddon Ronald James Male Perth
1948/100660 Perth Hamling Jessie Margaret Female Lysle Sidney John Male Perth
1948/100660 Perth Lysle Sidney John Male Hamling Jessie Margaret Female Perth
1948/100661 Perth Campbell Joyce Doreen Female Payne Sydney Lawrance Male Perth
1948/100661 Perth Payne Sydney Lawrance Male Campbell Joyce Doreen Female Perth
1948/100662 Perth Metaxas Platon Male Papadimitriou Irene Female Perth
1948/100662 Perth Papadimitriou Irene Female Metaxas Platon Male Perth
1948/100663 Perth Belliou Athina Female Biris Basilios Male Perth
1948/100663 Perth Biris Basilios Male Belliou Athina Female Perth
1948/100664 Perth Hill Kathleen Joyce Female Leggoe Peter Rollo Male Mosman Park
1948/100664 Perth Leggoe Peter Rollo Male Hill Kathleen Joyce Female Mosman Park
1948/100665 Perth Mason Shirley Nellie Female Pope Jack Francis Male Perth
1948/100665 Perth Pope Jack Francis Male Mason Shirley Nellie Female Perth
1948/100666 Perth Cann Marjorie Miriam Female Evans Andrew Colin Male Perth
1948/100666 Perth Evans Andrew Colin Male Cann Marjorie Miriam Female Perth
1948/100667 Perth Meadly George Richard William Male Rogers Helen Female Perth
1948/100667 Perth Rogers Helen Female Meadly George Richard William Male Perth
1948/100668 Perth Leighton Gwenyth Mary Female Ransley Gordon Richard Male Perth
1948/100668 Perth Ransley Gordon Richard Male Leighton Gwenyth Mary Female Perth
1948/100669 Perth Hogan Ray Edward Male Moss Flora Jean Female Perth
1948/100669 Perth Moss Flora Jean Female Hogan Ray Edward Male Perth
1948/100670 Perth Bruce Margaret Grant Female McPhee Stanley Charles Male Perth
1948/100670 Perth McPhee Stanley Charles Male Bruce Margaret Grant Female Perth
1948/100671 Perth Bowen Mary Patricia Female Howell Sydney George Male Perth
1948/100671 Perth Howell Sydney George Male Bowen Mary Patricia Female Perth
1948/100672 Perth Jones John Raymond Male Stewart Clarice Female Perth
1948/100672 Perth Stewart Clarice Female Jones John Raymond Male Perth
1948/100673 Perth Gard Shirley Roma Female Marshall Adrian Tyrell Male Perth
1948/100673 Perth Marshall Adrian Tyrell Male Gard Shirley Roma Female Perth
1948/100674 Perth Jones Lewis Male Lewis Doris Constance Female Maylands
1948/100674 Perth Lewis Doris Constance Female Jones Lewis Male Maylands
1948/100675 Perth Edsall John Sydney Male Mathews Winifred Edith Female Claremont
1948/100675 Perth Mathews Winifred Edith Female Edsall John Sydney Male Claremont
1948/100676 Perth Butcher Mary Frances Female Osborne William Thomas Male Claremont
1948/100676 Perth Osborne William Thomas Male Butcher Mary Frances Female Claremont
1948/100677 Perth Bower Donald Macpherson Male Packham Fay Female Claremont
1948/100677 Perth Packham Fay Female Bower Donald Macpherson Male Claremont
1948/100678 Perth Aldred Jack Male Fletcher Joan Margaret Female Claremont
1948/100678 Perth Fletcher Joan Margaret Female Aldred Jack Male Claremont
1948/100679 Perth Morgan Aimee Edna Mona Female White Irwin Spencer Male Claremont
1948/100679 Perth White Irwin Spencer Male Morgan Aimee Edna Mona Female Claremont
1948/100680 Perth Broadway Daisy Charlotte Female Hanlon Wilfred James Male Victoria Park
1948/100680 Perth Hanlon Wilfred James Male Broadway Daisy Charlotte Female Victoria Park
1948/100681 Perth Curtis Albert Raymond Francis Male Scari Kathleen Elizabeth Female Victoria Park
1948/100681 Perth Scari Kathleen Elizabeth Female Curtis Albert Raymond Francis Male Victoria Park
1948/100682 Perth Banfield Lorna Violet Female McLean Donald Henry Male Victoria Park
1948/100682 Perth McLean Donald Henry Male Banfield Lorna Violet Female Victoria Park
1948/100683 Perth Brown Mavis Evelyn Female Denham Harold Ronald Male Victoria Park
1948/100683 Perth Denham Harold Ronald Male Brown Mavis Evelyn Female Victoria Park
1948/100684 Perth Knapp William Ronald Male Lamb Marjorie Anne Female West Perth
1948/100684 Perth Lamb Marjorie Anne Female Knapp William Ronald Male West Perth
1948/100685 Perth Brennan Hilda Grace Katherine Female Collier William Edward Male West Perth
1948/100685 Perth Collier William Edward Male Brennan Hilda Grace Katherine Female West Perth
1948/100686 Perth Jones Maurice Sylvester Male Rudd Maxine Joy Female West Perth
1948/100686 Perth Rudd Maxine Joy Female Jones Maurice Sylvester Male West Perth
1948/100687 Perth Armitage Ada Phyllis Female Ogden William Henry Male West Perth
1948/100687 Perth Ogden William Henry Male Armitage Ada Phyllis Female West Perth
1948/100688 Perth Callander Alexander William Male Lawson Roberta Margaret Female West Perth
1948/100688 Perth Lawson Roberta Margaret Female Callander Alexander William Male West Perth
1948/100689 Perth Philpott Terence Ernest Male Yates Margaret Alice Female Perth
1948/100689 Perth Yates Margaret Alice Female Philpott Terence Ernest Male Perth
1948/100690 Perth Ford Joy Female Speed Walter Arney Male Nedlands
1948/100690 Perth Speed Walter Arney Male Ford Joy Female Nedlands
1948/100691 Perth Hall Lorna Female Hedley Ronald Male Bayswater
1948/100691 Perth Hedley Ronald Male Hall Lorna Female Bayswater
1948/100692 Perth Aris Nicholas Male Arnold Doreen Florence Female Perth
1948/100692 Perth Arnold Doreen Florence Female Aris Nicholas Male Perth
1948/100693 Perth Keir Rebecca Female Trigwell James Male Perth
1948/100693 Perth Trigwell James Male Keir Rebecca Female Perth
1948/100694 Perth Holywell Percival Allan Male Nelthorpe Pamela Mildred Female North Perth Congregational Church
1948/100694 Perth Nelthorpe Pamela Mildred Female Holywell Percival Allan Male North Perth Congregational Church
1948/100695 Perth Hart Frederick Norman Male Reynolds Zelma Leonnie Female Perth
1948/100695 Perth Reynolds Zelma Leonnie Female Hart Frederick Norman Male Perth
1948/100696 Perth Aufderheide Adelaide Elizabeth Female King Albert Robert Bazil Male Perth
1948/100696 Perth King Albert Robert Bazil Male Aufderheide Adelaide Elizabeth Female Perth
1948/100697 Perth Dirner Jewel Nora Female Galloway Francis James Male Perth
1948/100697 Perth Galloway Francis James Male Dirner Jewel Nora Female Perth
1948/100698 Perth Atkinson Isabella Desirie Female Slater Alan Henry Male Perth
1948/100698 Perth Slater Alan Henry Male Atkinson Isabella Desirie Female Perth
1948/100699 Perth Bateman William Edward Maxwell Male Randell Yvonne Rae Locke Female Perth
1948/100699 Perth Randell Yvonne Rae Locke Female Bateman William Edward Maxwell Male Perth
1948/100700 Perth Blakeman Raymond Silvester Male Bonney Dorothy Joan Female Perth
1948/100700 Perth Bonney Dorothy Joan Female Blakeman Raymond Silvester Male Perth
1948/100701 Perth Featherstone Eric Roland Male Johnson Beryl Eileen Female Perth
1948/100701 Perth Johnson Beryl Eileen Female Featherstone Eric Roland Male Perth
1948/100702 Perth Braybrook Marjory Female Pratt Kenneth Mervyn Male Perth
1948/100702 Perth Pratt Kenneth Mervyn Male Braybrook Marjory Female Perth
1948/100703 Perth McKay Mary Cruickshank Female Thomson William Henry Male Claremont
1948/100703 Perth Thomson William Henry Male McKay Mary Cruickshank Female Claremont
1948/100704 Perth Ling Robert William Male Short Doreen Clynthia Female Claremont
1948/100704 Perth Short Doreen Clynthia Female Ling Robert William Male Claremont
1948/100705 Perth McDonald Margaret Helen Female Stirling James Masson Male Victoria Park
1948/100705 Perth Stirling James Masson Male McDonald Margaret Helen Female Victoria Park
1948/100706 Perth Garcia Rachel Female Zeffert William Male Perth
1948/100706 Perth Zeffert William Male Garcia Rachel Female Perth
1948/100707 Perth Boylan William Bert Male Taylor Norma Everald Female Mt Hawthorn
1948/100707 Perth Taylor Norma Everald Female Boylan William Bert Male Mt Hawthorn
1948/100708 Perth Gates Leslie Clarence Male Trigwell Helena Mary Female Perth
1948/100708 Perth Trigwell Helena Mary Female Gates Leslie Clarence Male Perth
1948/100709 Perth Cornell Helen Sarah Janet Female McGriskin Eric Edward Male Subiaco
1948/100709 Perth McGriskin Eric Edward Male Cornell Helen Sarah Janet Female Subiaco
1948/100710 Perth Bolton Kenneth Cecil Male O'Byrne Ruby May Female Perth
1948/100710 Perth O'Byrne Ruby May Female Bolton Kenneth Cecil Male Perth
1948/100711 Perth Leslie Allan Victor Male Thrift Elva Minnie Female Subiaco
1948/100711 Perth Thrift Elva Minnie Female Leslie Allan Victor Male Subiaco
1948/100712 Perth Bell Francis Noel Male Tunbridge Elizabeth Carlyle Female Cottesloe Church of Christ
1948/100712 Perth Tunbridge Elizabeth Carlyle Female Bell Francis Noel Male Cottesloe Church of Christ
1948/100713 Perth Murphy Madge Gwendoline Female Ryan Joseph Sylvester Male Perth
1948/100713 Perth Ryan Joseph Sylvester Male Murphy Madge Gwendoline Female Perth
1948/100714 Perth Budd-Doyle Lionel Marriott Male Groves Helen Joan Female West Perth
1948/100714 Perth Groves Helen Joan Female Budd-Doyle Lionel Marriott Male West Perth
1948/100715 Perth Leonard William Murray Male Wells Lenore Louise Female East Claremont
1948/100715 Perth Wells Lenore Louise Female Leonard William Murray Male East Claremont
1948/100716 Perth Dalglish James Muir Male Kemp Rhona Mary Female Perth
1948/100716 Perth Kemp Rhona Mary Female Dalglish James Muir Male Perth
1948/100717 Perth Watkins Neville Dudley Male Wheeler Patricia Doris Female Perth
1948/100717 Perth Wheeler Patricia Doris Female Watkins Neville Dudley Male Perth
1948/100718 Perth Gray Ena Dorothea Female Minchin Stuart Basil Male Perth
1948/100718 Perth Minchin Stuart Basil Male Gray Ena Dorothea Female Perth
1948/100719 Perth Barrett-Lennard Godfrey Trevor Male Love Mary Helen Female Crawley
1948/100719 Perth Love Mary Helen Female Barrett-Lennard Godfrey Trevor Male Crawley
1948/100720 Perth Montgomery Dorothy Vinetta Female Wheeler Douglas Gordon Male Subiaco
1948/100720 Perth Wheeler Douglas Gordon Male Montgomery Dorothy Vinetta Female Subiaco
1948/100721 Perth Cailes Emmie Rosalie Female Syred Harley Irwin Male Subiaco
1948/100721 Perth Syred Harley Irwin Male Cailes Emmie Rosalie Female Subiaco
1948/100722 Perth McKay Shirley Eleanor Female Purdy Raymond Walter Male Perth
1948/100722 Perth Purdy Raymond Walter Male McKay Shirley Eleanor Female Perth
1948/100723 Perth Sarich Nellie Female Trenos Peter Male Perth
1948/100723 Perth Trenos Peter Male Sarich Nellie Female Perth
1948/100724 Perth Snelgar Ida Marian Female Trotter Ernest Reginald Male Perth
1948/100724 Perth Trotter Ernest Reginald Male Snelgar Ida Marian Female Perth
1948/100725 Perth Bamber Joan Elizabeth Female Meeking Frank Male Perth
1948/100725 Perth Meeking Frank Male Bamber Joan Elizabeth Female Perth
1948/100726 Perth Hull Ernest Joseph Cleminson Male Tiplady Eileen May Female West Perth
1948/100726 Perth Tiplady Eileen May Female Hull Ernest Joseph Cleminson Male West Perth
1948/100727 Perth Grubnau Arthur Edward Male Montgomery Douglas Woosnam Female West Perth
1948/100727 Perth Montgomery Douglas Woosnam Female Grubnau Arthur Edward Male West Perth
1948/100728 Perth Jacobs Phyllis May Female Snooks John Gilbert Male Perth
1948/100728 Perth Snooks John Gilbert Male Jacobs Phyllis May Female Perth
1948/100729 Perth Blundell-Wignall Rowland Victor Male Jones Olga Muriel Female Perth
1948/100729 Perth Jones Olga Muriel Female Blundell-Wignall Rowland Victor Male Perth
1948/100730 Perth Cunningham Greta May Female Thurkle Raymond Male South Perth
1948/100730 Perth Thurkle Raymond Male Cunningham Greta May Female South Perth
1948/100731 Perth Jenkins Beryl Amie Female Tyler Herbert Sydney Male Nedlands
1948/100731 Perth Tyler Herbert Sydney Male Jenkins Beryl Amie Female Nedlands
1948/100732 Perth Bremner Alexia Maxine Female Henderson Charles Wedd Male Victoria Park Congregational Church
1948/100732 Perth Henderson Charles Wedd Male Bremner Alexia Maxine Female Victoria Park Congregational Church
1948/100733 Perth Gibbins Thomas Male Morris Hazel Beatrice Female Victoria Park
1948/100733 Perth Morris Hazel Beatrice Female Gibbins Thomas Male Victoria Park
1948/100734 Perth Bush Norman Leslie Roy Male Hay Eileen Edith Female Victoria Park
1948/100734 Perth Hay Eileen Edith Female Bush Norman Leslie Roy Male Victoria Park
1948/100735 Perth Cross Daphne May Female Gennoe Russell George Male Perth
1948/100735 Perth Gennoe Russell George Male Cross Daphne May Female Perth
1948/100736 Perth Broadhurst Kenneth Male Sawford Dawn Isabel Female Nedlands
1948/100736 Perth Sawford Dawn Isabel Female Broadhurst Kenneth Male Nedlands
1948/100737 Perth Anderson Joan Female Edwards Charles Leonard Male North Perth Methodist Church
1948/100737 Perth Edwards Charles Leonard Male Anderson Joan Female North Perth Methodist Church
1948/100738 Perth Aspley Joyce Female Giblett John Cooper Male Perth
1948/100738 Perth Giblett John Cooper Male Aspley Joyce Female Perth
1948/100739 Perth Lillingston Frances Joan Female Russell Graham Male Perth
1948/100739 Perth Russell Graham Male Lillingston Frances Joan Female Perth
1948/100740 Perth Metcalf Lionel John Male Whelan Mavis Elvie Female Perth
1948/100740 Perth Whelan Mavis Elvie Female Metcalf Lionel John Male Perth
1948/100741 Perth Bell Betty Bennett Female Lukeis Walter Alexander Male Perth
1948/100741 Perth Lukeis Walter Alexander Male Bell Betty Bennett Female Perth
1948/100742 Perth Goldfinch Sidney Charles Male Tyler Norma May Female Osborne Park
1948/100742 Perth Tyler Norma May Female Goldfinch Sidney Charles Male Osborne Park
1948/100743 Perth Hewitt Gladys Emily Nankervis Female Power Kevin Joseph Male Subiaco
1948/100743 Perth Power Kevin Joseph Male Hewitt Gladys Emily Nankervis Female Subiaco
1948/100744 Perth Parker Cecil Bryan Male Sinclair Jean Olive Female West Perth
1948/100744 Perth Sinclair Jean Olive Female Parker Cecil Bryan Male West Perth
1948/100745 Perth Piper Richard Noel Male Schier Dorothy Jean Female Perth
1948/100745 Perth Schier Dorothy Jean Female Piper Richard Noel Male Perth
1948/100746 Perth Briggs Ernest Richard Male Dempster Victoria Maud Female Perth
1948/100746 Perth Dempster Victoria Maud Female Briggs Ernest Richard Male Perth
1948/100747 Perth Blood Muriel Beatrice Female O'Halloran Maurice Bernel Male Perth
1948/100747 Perth O'Halloran Maurice Bernel Male Blood Muriel Beatrice Female Perth
1948/100748 Perth Holton Kay Francis Female Standish Reuben Charles Male Cottesloe
1948/100748 Perth Standish Reuben Charles Male Holton Kay Francis Female Cottesloe
1948/100749 Perth Carnaby Norma Elizabeth Female Jordan Harry Lionel Male Cottesloe
1948/100749 Perth Jordan Harry Lionel Male Carnaby Norma Elizabeth Female Cottesloe
1948/100750 Perth Ralston Phyllis Doreen Female Wilson Edward William Male Claremont
1948/100750 Perth Wilson Edward William Male Ralston Phyllis Doreen Female Claremont
1948/100751 Perth Macauley Allan Edward Male Wild Beatrice Mary Agnes Female Cottesloe
1948/100751 Perth Wild Beatrice Mary Agnes Female Macauley Allan Edward Male Cottesloe
1948/100752 Perth Gauntlett George Male Nichols Dorriss Lillian Female Perth
1948/100752 Perth Nichols Dorriss Lillian Female Gauntlett George Male Perth
1948/100753 Perth Gordon Frances Harriet Female Slattery Joseph Gregory Male Perth
1948/100753 Perth Slattery Joseph Gregory Male Gordon Frances Harriet Female Perth
1948/100754 Perth Murray Malcolm Joseph Male Norris Mabel Rosanna Female Leederville
1948/100754 Perth Norris Mabel Rosanna Female Murray Malcolm Joseph Male Leederville
1948/100755 Perth Anderson Leslie Male Eder Margaret Female Leederville
1948/100755 Perth Eder Margaret Female Anderson Leslie Male Leederville
1948/100756 Perth Cicerello Nino Male Mifflin Sybil Mary Female Leederville
1948/100756 Perth Mifflin Sybil Mary Female Cicerello Nino Male Leederville
1948/100757 Perth Bennison Dorothy May Female Wager Robert Vernon Male Leederville
1948/100757 Perth Wager Robert Vernon Male Bennison Dorothy May Female Leederville
1948/100758 Perth Burton Adrian Desmond Male Flanagan Maureen Patricia Female Leederville
1948/100758 Perth Flanagan Maureen Patricia Female Burton Adrian Desmond Male Leederville
1948/100759 Perth Lillee Malcolm Male Whatmough Ethel Female Leederville
1948/100759 Perth Whatmough Ethel Female Lillee Malcolm Male Leederville
1948/100760 Perth Gillies Clifford Douglas Male Wilkes Ellen Mary Female Leederville
1948/100760 Perth Wilkes Ellen Mary Female Gillies Clifford Douglas Male Leederville
1948/100761 Perth Langford Eva Joan Female Nilan Alan John Male Leederville
1948/100761 Perth Nilan Alan John Male Langford Eva Joan Female Leederville
1948/100762 Perth Saw Arthur John Male Thomas Bessie Laura Female Leederville
1948/100762 Perth Thomas Bessie Laura Female Saw Arthur John Male Leederville
1948/100763 Perth Penrose Douglas Martin Male Shaddick Melva Doreen Female Mt Hawthorn
1948/100763 Perth Shaddick Melva Doreen Female Penrose Douglas Martin Male Mt Hawthorn
1948/100764 Perth Cockman Kelvin Roy Male Kilmurray May Verna Female Mt Hawthorn
1948/100764 Perth Kilmurray May Verna Female Cockman Kelvin Roy Male Mt Hawthorn
1948/100765 Perth Anderson James Brown Male Jennings Iris Ivy Female Osborne Park
1948/100765 Perth Jennings Iris Ivy Female Anderson James Brown Male Osborne Park
1948/100766 Perth Bunn Sylvia May Female Evans Harry William Male Mt Lawley
1948/100766 Perth Evans Harry William Male Bunn Sylvia May Female Mt Lawley
1948/100767 Perth Bridges Thomas Alfred Male McMeekin Laulie Elsie Female Perth
1948/100767 Perth McMeekin Laulie Elsie Female Bridges Thomas Alfred Male Perth
1948/100768 Perth Hogben Sydney Mervyn Male King Doreen Jean Female Perth
1948/100768 Perth King Doreen Jean Female Hogben Sydney Mervyn Male Perth
1948/100769 Perth Cosgrove Margaret Josephine Female McCall Leslie Joseph James Male Perth
1948/100769 Perth McCall Leslie Joseph James Male Cosgrove Margaret Josephine Female Perth
1948/100770 Perth Hart Norman Hughes Male Phillips Mabel Lilian Female West Perth
1948/100770 Perth Phillips Mabel Lilian Female Hart Norman Hughes Male West Perth
1948/100771 Perth Bennet Winifred Ada Female Randall Jack William Male West Perth
1948/100771 Perth Randall Jack William Male Bennet Winifred Ada Female West Perth
1948/100772 Perth Gibbons Joan Margaret Female Harrison Edward Arthur Male West Perth
1948/100772 Perth Harrison Edward Arthur Male Gibbons Joan Margaret Female West Perth
1948/100773 Perth Baškovich Anka Vica Female Vladich Josip Male Osborne Park
1948/100773 Perth Vladich Josip Male Baškovich Anka Vica Female Osborne Park
1948/100774 Perth Delaney Henrietta Kathleen Female Wright Charles Henry Male Subiaco
1948/100774 Perth Wright Charles Henry Male Delaney Henrietta Kathleen Female Subiaco
1948/100775 Perth Murphy Eileen Elizabeth Female Whittington Percival John Male Subiaco
1948/100775 Perth Whittington Percival John Male Murphy Eileen Elizabeth Female Subiaco
1948/100776 Perth Egan Mavis Eileen Female Sloan Kenneth Ronald Male West Perth
1948/100776 Perth Sloan Kenneth Ronald Male Egan Mavis Eileen Female West Perth
1948/100777 Perth Cockman Shirley Doris Female Kristiansen Gregory Niels Male West Perth
1948/100777 Perth Kristiansen Gregory Niels Male Cockman Shirley Doris Female West Perth
1948/100778 Perth Downing Vivian Rodney Male Murphy Margaret Winnifred Female Mosman Park Methodist Church
1948/100778 Perth Murphy Margaret Winnifred Female Downing Vivian Rodney Male Mosman Park Methodist Church
1948/100779 Perth Bebbington Cecil Edward Male Hosking Iris Kathleen Female Mosman Park Methodist Church
1948/100779 Perth Hosking Iris Kathleen Female Bebbington Cecil Edward Male Mosman Park Methodist Church
1948/100780 Perth Tucker Ruby Lillian Female Ward Ronald Leslie Male Perth
1948/100780 Perth Ward Ronald Leslie Male Tucker Ruby Lillian Female Perth
1948/100781 Perth Anthony Amy Female Letts James Male West Perth
1948/100781 Perth Letts James Male Anthony Amy Female West Perth
1948/100782 Perth Bishop Roy Charles Male Green Daphne Hannah Female South Perth
1948/100782 Perth Green Daphne Hannah Female Bishop Roy Charles Male South Perth
1948/100783 Perth Herriman Daphne Clare Female Wilson Raymond Cooper Male Mt Lawley
1948/100783 Perth Wilson Raymond Cooper Male Herriman Daphne Clare Female Mt Lawley
1948/100784 Perth King Ella Flora Female Sykes Herbert William Male Perth
1948/100784 Perth Sykes Herbert William Male King Ella Flora Female Perth
1948/100785 Perth Barrett Iris Joyce Female Lyttleton John Benedict Male Perth
1948/100785 Perth Lyttleton John Benedict Male Barrett Iris Joyce Female Perth
1948/100786 Perth Ager Louis Ronald Male Carter Norma Joyce Female N Perth
1948/100786 Perth Carter Norma Joyce Female Ager Louis Ronald Male N Perth
1948/100787 Perth Power Ida Kathleen Female Thomson George Alfred Male Mt Hawthorn
1948/100787 Perth Thomson George Alfred Male Power Ida Kathleen Female Mt Hawthorn
1948/100788 Perth Matthews Gem Female Wood Ronald William Male Victoria Park
1948/100788 Perth Wood Ronald William Male Matthews Gem Female Victoria Park
1948/100789 Perth Norris Eunice Margaret Female Sharland Cedric James Male Victoria Park
1948/100789 Perth Sharland Cedric James Male Norris Eunice Margaret Female Victoria Park
1948/100790 Perth Guy Beryl May Female Lethbridge Allan Milton Male Victoria Park
1948/100790 Perth Lethbridge Allan Milton Male Guy Beryl May Female Victoria Park
1948/100791 Perth Boys Lillian May Female Kay David Charles Male Victoria Park
1948/100791 Perth Kay David Charles Male Boys Lillian May Female Victoria Park
1948/100792 Perth Bradshaw Iris Eleanor Female Smith Frederick Henry Male Victoria Park
1948/100792 Perth Smith Frederick Henry Male Bradshaw Iris Eleanor Female Victoria Park
1948/100793 Perth Holten Maxwell John Male Hughes Doris Jean Female Claremont
1948/100793 Perth Hughes Doris Jean Female Holten Maxwell John Male Claremont
1948/100794 Perth Higgins Phyllis Marion Female Verco Allen Merton Male Perth
1948/100794 Perth Verco Allen Merton Male Higgins Phyllis Marion Female Perth
1948/100795 Perth Miller Bramley Male Taggart Marjorie Ellen Female West Aust
1948/100795 Perth Taggart Marjorie Ellen Female Miller Bramley Male West Aust
1948/100796 Perth Burrows Eileen Constance Female King Michael James Male Perth
1948/100796 Perth King Michael James Male Burrows Eileen Constance Female Perth
1948/100797 Perth Casper Athol Louis Male Worcester Lilian Josephine Female Perth
1948/100797 Perth Worcester Lilian Josephine Female Casper Athol Louis Male Perth
1948/100798 Perth Marlow Thelma May Female Williams Harold Male North Perth Congregational Church
1948/100798 Perth Williams Harold Male Marlow Thelma May Female North Perth Congregational Church
1948/100799 Perth Beeck Noel Kingsley Garland Male Forte Ailsa Lynette Female Subiaco
1948/100799 Perth Forte Ailsa Lynette Female Beeck Noel Kingsley Garland Male Subiaco
1948/100800 Perth Helliwell Douglas Male Little Sybil Mary Female Perth
1948/100800 Perth Little Sybil Mary Female Helliwell Douglas Male Perth
1948/100801 Perth Broz Thomas Male Moore Phyllis Margaret Female Perth
1948/100801 Perth Moore Phyllis Margaret Female Broz Thomas Male Perth
1948/100802 Perth Hodson Colin Campbell Male Oberin Olive Dawn Female Perth
1948/100802 Perth Oberin Olive Dawn Female Hodson Colin Campbell Male Perth
1948/100803 Perth Hammond Robert Keith Male Smalpage Shirley Linda Female Perth
1948/100803 Perth Smalpage Shirley Linda Female Hammond Robert Keith Male Perth
1948/100804 Perth Parks Euphemia Georgina Female Williams John Francis Male Perth
1948/100804 Perth Williams John Francis Male Parks Euphemia Georgina Female Perth
1948/100805 Perth Ashton Irene Lilian Female McGellin Bruce Thomas Male Perth
1948/100805 Perth McGellin Bruce Thomas Male Ashton Irene Lilian Female Perth
1948/100806 Perth Clarke Va-Lore Roseneath Female Davies Albert Victor Male Perth
1948/100806 Perth Davies Albert Victor Male Clarke Va-Lore Roseneath Female Perth
1948/100807 Perth Thornber Philip Norman Male Williams Valerie Female Perth
1948/100807 Perth Williams Valerie Female Thornber Philip Norman Male Perth
1948/100808 Perth Langoulant Norma Female Watkins Gregory Sherwood Male Perth
1948/100808 Perth Watkins Gregory Sherwood Male Langoulant Norma Female Perth
1948/100809 Perth James Trevor Ernest John Male Merton Glenis Jean Hodder Female Perth
1948/100809 Perth Merton Glenis Jean Hodder Female James Trevor Ernest John Male Perth
1948/100810 Perth Hay Clifton Fraser Male McIntyre Olga Mary Female Perth
1948/100810 Perth McIntyre Olga Mary Female Hay Clifton Fraser Male Perth
1948/100811 Perth Brown Morwen Lurline Female Kurts Mervyn Henry Harding Male Perth
1948/100811 Perth Kurts Mervyn Henry Harding Male Brown Morwen Lurline Female Perth
1948/100812 Perth Hanrahan Leslie Cecil Male Ovens Ivy Agness Female Perth
1948/100812 Perth Ovens Ivy Agness Female Hanrahan Leslie Cecil Male Perth
1948/100813 Perth Herbert Violet Kathleen Female Knudsen Christopher Marinus Male Perth
1948/100813 Perth Knudsen Christopher Marinus Male Herbert Violet Kathleen Female Perth
1948/100814 Perth Cleal Ann May Female Frame Keith John Male Perth
1948/100814 Perth Frame Keith John Male Cleal Ann May Female Perth
1948/100815 Perth Armstrong Francis Warwick Male Batchelor Alison Betty Female Perth
1948/100815 Perth Batchelor Alison Betty Female Armstrong Francis Warwick Male Perth
1948/100816 Perth Cowdrey William George Male Dalla-Volta Nita Florence Female Perth
1948/100816 Perth Dalla-Volta Nita Florence Female Cowdrey William George Male Perth
1948/100817 Perth Henley Peter Anthony Hughes Male Walding Violet May Female Perth
1948/100817 Perth Walding Violet May Female Henley Peter Anthony Hughes Male Perth
1948/100818 Perth Attree Harry Ernest Archibald Male Watson Jessie Female Perth
1948/100818 Perth Watson Jessie Female Attree Harry Ernest Archibald Male Perth
1948/100819 Perth Smith Dorothy Yuille Female Tuohy Wynton Bardsley Male Perth
1948/100819 Perth Tuohy Wynton Bardsley Male Smith Dorothy Yuille Female Perth
1948/100820 Perth Allsopp Betty Female Williams Max Flanders Male Perth
1948/100820 Perth Williams Max Flanders Male Allsopp Betty Female Perth
1948/100821 Perth McLaren Ian Male Williams Isla Jean Female West Perth
1948/100821 Perth Williams Isla Jean Female McLaren Ian Male West Perth
1948/100822 Perth Carroll John Hubert Male Dowson Elsie May Female West Perth
1948/100822 Perth Dowson Elsie May Female Carroll John Hubert Male West Perth
1948/100823 Perth Deverell Francis Charles Male Muggridge Amy Frances Female West Perth
1948/100823 Perth Muggridge Amy Frances Female Deverell Francis Charles Male West Perth
1948/100824 Perth James Douglas Haig Male Marriott Muriel Female West Perth
1948/100824 Perth Marriott Muriel Female James Douglas Haig Male West Perth
1948/100825 Perth Vallance Margaret Barron Female Zappa Louis Peter Male West Perth
1948/100825 Perth Zappa Louis Peter Male Vallance Margaret Barron Female West Perth
1948/100826 Perth Castledine Charles Harry Male Nash Ailsa Ellenor Female West Perth
1948/100826 Perth Nash Ailsa Ellenor Female Castledine Charles Harry Male West Perth
1948/100827 Perth Carter Florence Eleanor Female Howell Harry Male Leederville
1948/100827 Perth Howell Harry Male Carter Florence Eleanor Female Leederville
1948/100828 Perth Bennier Amy Isobel Female Butler John Leonard Male Subiaco
1948/100828 Perth Butler John Leonard Male Bennier Amy Isobel Female Subiaco
1948/100829 Perth Booker Hubert Francis Male Reid Jacqueline Elizabeth Female Mt Lawley
1948/100829 Perth Reid Jacqueline Elizabeth Female Booker Hubert Francis Male Mt Lawley
1948/100830 Perth Henderson Phyllis Greba Female Voss Charles George Male Mt Lawley
1948/100830 Perth Voss Charles George Male Henderson Phyllis Greba Female Mt Lawley
1948/100831 Perth Elsey Harry Albert Male Wayne May Agnes Female Perth
1948/100831 Perth Wayne May Agnes Female Elsey Harry Albert Male Perth
1948/100832 Perth Quartermaine Elizabeth Valma Female Tate Ewan Thomas Male Perth
1948/100832 Perth Tate Ewan Thomas Male Quartermaine Elizabeth Valma Female Perth
1948/100833 Perth Francis George Frederick Male Humphrey Clarice Mary Female Perth
1948/100833 Perth Humphrey Clarice Mary Female Francis George Frederick Male Perth
1948/100834 Perth Lee Amy Constance Female Robins John Edwin Alford Male Perth
1948/100834 Perth Robins John Edwin Alford Male Lee Amy Constance Female Perth
1948/100835 Perth Bartlett Hazel Lorna Eunice Female Scully Desmond Bernard James Male West Leederville
1948/100835 Perth Scully Desmond Bernard James Male Bartlett Hazel Lorna Eunice Female West Leederville
1948/100836 Perth Costello James Gregory Male Euling Dorothy Geraldine Female Cottesloe
1948/100836 Perth Euling Dorothy Geraldine Female Costello James Gregory Male Cottesloe
1948/100837 Perth Birch Richard Moss Male Strong Cynthia Audrey Female Victoria Park
1948/100837 Perth Strong Cynthia Audrey Female Birch Richard Moss Male Victoria Park
1948/100838 Perth Keelan Kathleen Monica Female Wilson Ronald John Male Perth
1948/100838 Perth Wilson Ronald John Male Keelan Kathleen Monica Female Perth
1948/100839 Perth Brooks Flora Clementina Female Dall Bruce Hartley Male Perth
1948/100839 Perth Dall Bruce Hartley Male Brooks Flora Clementina Female Perth
1948/100840 Perth Mercer Norman McLean Male Turnbull Margaret Nancy Female Perth
1948/100840 Perth Turnbull Margaret Nancy Female Mercer Norman McLean Male Perth
1948/100841 Perth Eggleston Betty Nola Female Lukehurst Jack Male Perth
1948/100841 Perth Lukehurst Jack Male Eggleston Betty Nola Female Perth
1948/100842 Perth Fawell Jean May Female Kingdon George Male Subiaco
1948/100842 Perth Kingdon George Male Fawell Jean May Female Subiaco
1948/100843 Perth Donaldson Peter Kirwan Male Green Joan Marcia Female Subiaco
1948/100843 Perth Green Joan Marcia Female Donaldson Peter Kirwan Male Subiaco
1948/100844 Perth Furlong Roma Beryl Female McIver Colin Neil Male Cottesloe
1948/100844 Perth McIver Colin Neil Male Furlong Roma Beryl Female Cottesloe
1948/100845 Perth Bogle Naomi Female Purich William Male Cottesloe
1948/100845 Perth Purich William Male Bogle Naomi Female Cottesloe
1948/100846 Perth Cunningham Robert Alexander Male Lindsey Mavis Joy Female West Perth
1948/100846 Perth Lindsey Mavis Joy Female Cunningham Robert Alexander Male West Perth
1948/100847 Perth Hodgkisson Mary Jean Carnegie Female Smith George Douglas Male West Perth
1948/100847 Perth Smith George Douglas Male Hodgkisson Mary Jean Carnegie Female West Perth
1948/100848 Perth Ambler Kenneth Male Chopin Florence Ruth Female West Perth
1948/100848 Perth Chopin Florence Ruth Female Ambler Kenneth Male West Perth
1948/100849 Perth Hardman William Edward Male White Peggy Jean Female West Perth
1948/100849 Perth White Peggy Jean Female Hardman William Edward Male West Perth
1948/100850 Perth McMeikan Robert Edwin Male Willmott Joan Hilary Female Nedlands
1948/100850 Perth Willmott Joan Hilary Female McMeikan Robert Edwin Male Nedlands
1948/100851 Perth Affleck Albion John Male Hughes Shirley Margaret Female Perth
1948/100851 Perth Hughes Shirley Margaret Female Affleck Albion John Male Perth
1948/100852 Perth Allan Mary Louise Female Cock Thomas Malcolm Male Claremont
1948/100852 Perth Cock Thomas Malcolm Male Allan Mary Louise Female Claremont
1948/100853 Perth Bell Donald Alan Christopher Male Fenton Audrey Belle Female Claremont
1948/100853 Perth Fenton Audrey Belle Female Bell Donald Alan Christopher Male Claremont
1948/100854 Perth Joss Doreen Mary Female Linto Robert Joseph Male Claremont
1948/100854 Perth Linto Robert Joseph Male Joss Doreen Mary Female Claremont
1948/100855 Perth Burton Zena Rose Female Prout Douglas John Male Claremont
1948/100855 Perth Prout Douglas John Male Burton Zena Rose Female Claremont
1948/100856 Perth Batiste Gwenneth Betty Rosalind Female Watson Peter Graeme Male Claremont
1948/100856 Perth Watson Peter Graeme Male Batiste Gwenneth Betty Rosalind Female Claremont
1948/100857 Perth Braimbridge Phyllis Female Dillon Ernest Norman Male Claremont
1948/100857 Perth Dillon Ernest Norman Male Braimbridge Phyllis Female Claremont
1948/100858 Perth Ellers Laura Redpath Female Reeves Cecil William Male Claremont
1948/100858 Perth Reeves Cecil William Male Ellers Laura Redpath Female Claremont
1948/100859 Perth Blakiston Reuben Keith Male Jenner Betty Lorraine Female Perth
1948/100859 Perth Jenner Betty Lorraine Female Blakiston Reuben Keith Male Perth
1948/100860 Perth Dunnill Alan Scott Male Nurse Beryl Phyllis Female Perth
1948/100860 Perth Nurse Beryl Phyllis Female Dunnill Alan Scott Male Perth
1948/100861 Perth Johnston Florence Eileen Female Matthews Arthur James Male Perth
1948/100861 Perth Matthews Arthur James Male Johnston Florence Eileen Female Perth
1948/100862 Perth Ellefsen Allan Patrick Male Spencer Phyllis Jean Female Perth
1948/100862 Perth Spencer Phyllis Jean Female Ellefsen Allan Patrick Male Perth
1948/100863 Perth Gangell Doris Louisa Female Gooch John Keith Male Perth
1948/100863 Perth Gooch John Keith Male Gangell Doris Louisa Female Perth
1948/100864 Perth Hope Ernest Charles Male Snell Norma Dorothy Female Victoria Park
1948/100864 Perth Snell Norma Dorothy Female Hope Ernest Charles Male Victoria Park
1948/100865 Perth Austin Kathleen Joyce Female Weiland John Leonard Male Victoria Park
1948/100865 Perth Weiland John Leonard Male Austin Kathleen Joyce Female Victoria Park
1948/100866 Perth Hildebrandt Edward George Victor Male Parkey Teresa Estella Female Victoria Park
1948/100866 Perth Parkey Teresa Estella Female Hildebrandt Edward George Victor Male Victoria Park
1948/100867 Perth Holman Daphne Female Sheppard Leslie Maxwell Male Victoria Park
1948/100867 Perth Sheppard Leslie Maxwell Male Holman Daphne Female Victoria Park
1948/100868 Perth Saunders Frank Male Sinclair Joy Female Victoria Park
1948/100868 Perth Sinclair Joy Female Saunders Frank Male Victoria Park
1948/100869 Perth Carter Maurice Stanley John Male Reid Patricia Mary Female Highgate Hill
1948/100869 Perth Reid Patricia Mary Female Carter Maurice Stanley John Male Highgate Hill
1948/100870 Perth Fay Doreen Bridget Female Pilkington Thomas George Male Highgate Hill
1948/100870 Perth Pilkington Thomas George Male Fay Doreen Bridget Female Highgate Hill
1948/100871 Perth Naylor Bernard George Male Slattery Patricia Loyola Female Highgate Hill
1948/100871 Perth Slattery Patricia Loyola Female Naylor Bernard George Male Highgate Hill
1948/100872 Perth Millman Ronald Desmond Male Starr Joyce Patricia Female East Perth
1948/100872 Perth Starr Joyce Patricia Female Millman Ronald Desmond Male East Perth
1948/100873 Perth Barham Joy Rose Female Taylor Oscar Charles Male Mt Lawley
1948/100873 Perth Taylor Oscar Charles Male Barham Joy Rose Female Mt Lawley
1948/100874 Perth Hughes Vera Maud Female Johnston Herbert Arnold Male Perth
1948/100874 Perth Johnston Herbert Arnold Male Hughes Vera Maud Female Perth
1948/100875 Perth Broom George Male Kilmurray Shirley Evelyn Female Perth
1948/100875 Perth Kilmurray Shirley Evelyn Female Broom George Male Perth
1948/100876 Perth Ellard Joseph Male MacLennan Christine Female Perth
1948/100876 Perth MacLennan Christine Female Ellard Joseph Male Perth
1948/100877 Perth Bensley Mavis Pearl Female Schell Douglas Arthur Male Perth
1948/100877 Perth Schell Douglas Arthur Male Bensley Mavis Pearl Female Perth
1948/100878 Perth Connor Gloria Elaine Female McGovern Maurice William Male Subiaco
1948/100878 Perth McGovern Maurice William Male Connor Gloria Elaine Female Subiaco
1948/100879 Perth Barry Ambrose John Male Walters Fay Bernadine Female Subiaco
1948/100879 Perth Walters Fay Bernadine Female Barry Ambrose John Male Subiaco
1948/100880 Perth Eastaugh Marion Jenny Female Metcalf Douglas George Male West Subiaco
1948/100880 Perth Metcalf Douglas George Male Eastaugh Marion Jenny Female West Subiaco
1948/100881 Perth Balcombe Kathleen Yvonne Female Tassell Walter Laurence Male Bayswater
1948/100881 Perth Tassell Walter Laurence Male Balcombe Kathleen Yvonne Female Bayswater
1948/100882 Perth Lane William Eric Male Layton Sheila Margaret Female Bayswater
1948/100882 Perth Layton Sheila Margaret Female Lane William Eric Male Bayswater
1948/100883 Perth Goldsworthy Richard Male Rigby Audrey Margaret Female Claremont
1948/100883 Perth Rigby Audrey Margaret Female Goldsworthy Richard Male Claremont
1948/100884 Perth Myles Jean Veronica Female Ryan Ronald John Male Victoria Park
1948/100884 Perth Ryan Ronald John Male Myles Jean Veronica Female Victoria Park
1948/100885 Perth Martin Thelma Rae Female Noble Henry John Male The Maylands Baptist Church
1948/100885 Perth Noble Henry John Male Martin Thelma Rae Female The Maylands Baptist Church
1948/100886 Perth Polak Albert Charles Male Ridgwell Elaine Margaret Female Subiaco
1948/100886 Perth Ridgwell Elaine Margaret Female Polak Albert Charles Male Subiaco
1948/100887 Perth Ashworth Betty Jean Female Mell Alan Robert Male Subiaco
1948/100887 Perth Mell Alan Robert Male Ashworth Betty Jean Female Subiaco
1948/100888 Perth Chapman Edward Victor Male Kingston Judith Mary Female Perth
1948/100888 Perth Kingston Judith Mary Female Chapman Edward Victor Male Perth
1948/100889 Perth Montgomery Shiela Betty Female Rutherford Ian Gordon Male West Perth
1948/100889 Perth Rutherford Ian Gordon Male Montgomery Shiela Betty Female West Perth
1948/100890 Perth Garland Robert Melvin Male Steel Jean Female Mt Lawley
1948/100890 Perth Steel Jean Female Garland Robert Melvin Male Mt Lawley
1948/100891 Perth Gillon Evelyn Grace Female McKay Ronald Male Mt Lawley
1948/100891 Perth McKay Ronald Male Gillon Evelyn Grace Female Mt Lawley
1948/100892 Perth Atkinson Robert Walter Male Grace Betty Female Perth
1948/100892 Perth Grace Betty Female Atkinson Robert Walter Male Perth
1948/100893 Perth Jones Douglas William Male Woolley Verleen Marjorie Female Perth
1948/100893 Perth Woolley Verleen Marjorie Female Jones Douglas William Male Perth
1948/100894 Perth Allman Inez Elsie Female Stevens John Montague Male Perth
1948/100894 Perth Stevens John Montague Male Allman Inez Elsie Female Perth
1948/100895 Perth Halls Irene Myrtle Female Osborn Noel Frederick Male Perth
1948/100895 Perth Osborn Noel Frederick Male Halls Irene Myrtle Female Perth
1948/100896 Perth Jones Percival James Male Walmsley Alice Lillian Female Perth
1948/100896 Perth Walmsley Alice Lillian Female Jones Percival James Male Perth
1948/100897 Perth Peddie Patricia Jean Female Sangster Lloyd Clarence Male Perth
1948/100897 Perth Sangster Lloyd Clarence Male Peddie Patricia Jean Female Perth
1948/100898 Perth Bowen Laurance William Male Truslove Norma Agnes Female Perth
1948/100898 Perth Truslove Norma Agnes Female Bowen Laurance William Male Perth
1948/100899 Perth Cooper Frederick Allan Male Sloss Jean Dorothy Female Perth
1948/100899 Perth Sloss Jean Dorothy Female Cooper Frederick Allan Male Perth
1948/100900 Perth Ainsworth Thomas Claude Henry Male Berry Valma Joyce Female Perth
1948/100900 Perth Berry Valma Joyce Female Ainsworth Thomas Claude Henry Male Perth
1948/100901 Perth Adamson June Lillian Female Scott Ronald Francis Male Perth
1948/100901 Perth Scott Ronald Francis Male Adamson June Lillian Female Perth
1948/100902 Perth Nash Arthur Henry Male Williams Vivienne Frances Female Perth
1948/100902 Perth Williams Vivienne Frances Female Nash Arthur Henry Male Perth
1948/100903 Perth Hill Yvonne Letitia Female McCaul Ramsay Male Perth
1948/100903 Perth McCaul Ramsay Male Hill Yvonne Letitia Female Perth
1948/100904 Perth Bagg Melva Goodwin Joy Female Gladwell Alfred James Gerard Male Perth
1948/100904 Perth Gladwell Alfred James Gerard Male Bagg Melva Goodwin Joy Female Perth
1948/100905 Perth Hagan Coral Joy Female Langford Leonard Alfred Male Perth
1948/100905 Perth Langford Leonard Alfred Male Hagan Coral Joy Female Perth
1948/100906 Perth Belien Harold Richard Male Cowling Norma Kathleen Female Perth
1948/100906 Perth Cowling Norma Kathleen Female Belien Harold Richard Male Perth
1948/100907 Perth Evans Gwenyth May Female Wright Thomas James Male Perth
1948/100907 Perth Wright Thomas James Male Evans Gwenyth May Female Perth
1948/100908 Perth Betham Dorothy Jean Female Lloyd Percy Francis James Male Perth
1948/100908 Perth Lloyd Percy Francis James Male Betham Dorothy Jean Female Perth
1948/100909 Perth Petty Eric Raymond Male Radisich Nadalina Female Perth
1948/100909 Perth Radisich Nadalina Female Petty Eric Raymond Male Perth
1948/100910 Perth Edwards Alfred William Male Wallace Lila Jean Female Perth
1948/100910 Perth Wallace Lila Jean Female Edwards Alfred William Male Perth
1948/100911 Perth Dean Kathleen Alice Female Thomas Walter Arnold Male Perth
1948/100911 Perth Thomas Walter Arnold Male Dean Kathleen Alice Female Perth
1948/100912 Perth Brewer George William Male Northwood Vida Female Perth
1948/100912 Perth Northwood Vida Female Brewer George William Male Perth
1948/100913 Perth Davies Edward Graham Male Love Ivy Isabella Female Inglewood
1948/100913 Perth Love Ivy Isabella Female Davies Edward Graham Male Inglewood
1948/100914 Perth Coleman Dorothy Jean Female Knapton Vernon John Male Perth
1948/100914 Perth Knapton Vernon John Male Coleman Dorothy Jean Female Perth
1948/100915 Perth Blaikie Robert Logan Male Thompson Mary Female Perth
1948/100915 Perth Thompson Mary Female Blaikie Robert Logan Male Perth
1948/100916 Perth Kahan Jean Catherine Female Kemp James Boulger Male South Perth
1948/100916 Perth Kemp James Boulger Male Kahan Jean Catherine Female South Perth
1948/100917 Perth Black Peter Male Rainoldi Mary Dorothy Female Osborne Park
1948/100917 Perth Rainoldi Mary Dorothy Female Black Peter Male Osborne Park
1948/100918 Perth Sullivan Mary Theresa Female Sweeny Allan Thomas Samuel Male Claremont
1948/100918 Perth Sweeny Allan Thomas Samuel Male Sullivan Mary Theresa Female Claremont
1948/100919 Perth Baker Leonard Arthur Male Darby Sylvia Joan Female Perth
1948/100919 Perth Darby Sylvia Joan Female Baker Leonard Arthur Male Perth
1948/100920 Perth Finlay Edward Stanley Male Hutchison Barbara May Female Maylands Presbyterian Church
1948/100920 Perth Hutchison Barbara May Female Finlay Edward Stanley Male Maylands Presbyterian Church
1948/100921 Perth Nielsen Muriel Hilda Phillis Female Schofield Reginald James Male Perth
1948/100921 Perth Schofield Reginald James Male Nielsen Muriel Hilda Phillis Female Perth
1948/100922 Perth Ashdown Edward George Male Rodgers Mary Madelene Female Perth
1948/100922 Perth Rodgers Mary Madelene Female Ashdown Edward George Male Perth
1948/100923 Perth Bullock Keith Pemberton Male McRae Katherine Alice Female Perth
1948/100923 Perth McRae Katherine Alice Female Bullock Keith Pemberton Male Perth
1948/100924 Perth Murphy John Alfred Male Whinnen Mary Cecilia Female Bayswater
1948/100924 Perth Whinnen Mary Cecilia Female Murphy John Alfred Male Bayswater
1948/100925 Perth McLean John Male Radford Ivy Winifred Female Forrest Park Methodist Church
1948/100925 Perth Radford Ivy Winifred Female McLean John Male Forrest Park Methodist Church
1948/100926 Perth Hansen Thomas Patrick Male Kean Winifred Josephine Female Perth
1948/100926 Perth Kean Winifred Josephine Female Hansen Thomas Patrick Male Perth
1948/100927 Perth Bloomfield Kenneth George Male Cox Peggy Primrose Female Leederville
1948/100927 Perth Cox Peggy Primrose Female Bloomfield Kenneth George Male Leederville
1948/100928 Perth Dallimore John William Male Fornero Patricia Marie Female Perth
1948/100928 Perth Fornero Patricia Marie Female Dallimore John William Male Perth
1948/100929 Perth Slocum Ivan Anthony Male Stubbs Shirley May Female Perth
1948/100929 Perth Stubbs Shirley May Female Slocum Ivan Anthony Male Perth
1948/100930 Perth Cassidy John Patrick Male Cressall Dorothy Clementine Female Perth
1948/100930 Perth Cressall Dorothy Clementine Female Cassidy John Patrick Male Perth
1948/100931 Perth Campbell Keith Augustine Male Humphries Phyllis Alberta Female Maylands
1948/100931 Perth Humphries Phyllis Alberta Female Campbell Keith Augustine Male Maylands
1948/100932 Perth Reynolds Mary Josephine Female Tonkin Philip Edward Male Perth
1948/100932 Perth Tonkin Philip Edward Male Reynolds Mary Josephine Female Perth
1948/100933 Perth Adsetts Norma Joyce Female Hayes Dudley James Male Perth
1948/100933 Perth Hayes Dudley James Male Adsetts Norma Joyce Female Perth
1948/100934 Perth Berry Lawrence Thomas Male Lynch June Lorraine Female Perth
1948/100934 Perth Lynch June Lorraine Female Berry Lawrence Thomas Male Perth
1948/100935 Perth Thompson Norma Leslie Male Womersley Florence Lorraine Female Claremont
1948/100935 Perth Womersley Florence Lorraine Female Thompson Norma Leslie Male Claremont
1948/100936 Perth Denford Leonard Arthur Male Harris Clare Manora Female Claremont
1948/100936 Perth Harris Clare Manora Female Denford Leonard Arthur Male Claremont
1948/100937 Perth Chambers Joyce Elvena Female Ford Herbert Ronald Male Claremont
1948/100937 Perth Ford Herbert Ronald Male Chambers Joyce Elvena Female Claremont
1948/100938 Perth Crutchett Maxine Dorothy Female Cuming Albert Lawrence Male Claremont
1948/100938 Perth Cuming Albert Lawrence Male Crutchett Maxine Dorothy Female Claremont
1948/100939 Perth Reilly Eileen Patricia Female Tucker Ernest Joseph Male North Perth Methodist Church
1948/100939 Perth Tucker Ernest Joseph Male Reilly Eileen Patricia Female North Perth Methodist Church
1948/100940 Perth Hawley Richard William Edward Male Williamson Margaret Joan Female Subiaco
1948/100940 Perth Williamson Margaret Joan Female Hawley Richard William Edward Male Subiaco
1948/100941 Perth Balaam Irene Daisy Female Kay Harry Male Subiaco
1948/100941 Perth Kay Harry Male Balaam Irene Daisy Female Subiaco
1948/100942 Perth Best Robert Edward Male Motter Jean Female Subiaco
1948/100942 Perth Motter Jean Female Best Robert Edward Male Subiaco
1948/100943 Perth Courtland Shirley Joan Female Doyle Frederick Arthur Male Belmont
1948/100943 Perth Doyle Frederick Arthur Male Courtland Shirley Joan Female Belmont
1948/100944 Perth Walker Colin Richard Male Williams Shirley Joyce Female Mt Lawley
1948/100944 Perth Williams Shirley Joyce Female Walker Colin Richard Male Mt Lawley
1948/100945 Perth Challen Trevor George Male Leslie Daisy Merle Female Claremont
1948/100945 Perth Leslie Daisy Merle Female Challen Trevor George Male Claremont
1948/100946 Perth Adams Albert Victor Male Lockhart Lillian Gladys Female Maylands
1948/100946 Perth Lockhart Lillian Gladys Female Adams Albert Victor Male Maylands
1948/100947 Perth Jenkins Ernest Aubrey Male Wolff Doris Sylvia Female Perth
1948/100947 Perth Wolff Doris Sylvia Female Jenkins Ernest Aubrey Male Perth
1948/100948 Perth Nenke Clement Edward Male Sibert Elvie May Female Cottesloe
1948/100948 Perth Sibert Elvie May Female Nenke Clement Edward Male Cottesloe
1948/100949 Perth Clow Gweneth Mary Female Dornan Harold James Male Subiaco
1948/100949 Perth Dornan Harold James Male Clow Gweneth Mary Female Subiaco
1948/100950 Perth Hartman Roma Dorothea Female Hook Frederick Albert Male Victoria Park
1948/100950 Perth Hook Frederick Albert Male Hartman Roma Dorothea Female Victoria Park
1948/100951 Perth Gaffney Rose Caroline Female Ronchi Romano Carlo Male Perth
1948/100951 Perth Ronchi Romano Carlo Male Gaffney Rose Caroline Female Perth
1948/100952 Perth Small Raymond Edward Male Wray Jean Marjory Female Perth
1948/100952 Perth Wray Jean Marjory Female Small Raymond Edward Male Perth
1948/100953 Perth Brown Sylvia Winifred Female Carmody Leonard Lawrence Male West Perth
1948/100953 Perth Carmody Leonard Lawrence Male Brown Sylvia Winifred Female West Perth
1948/100954 Perth Hamilton Elaine Rae Female West Horace Male West Perth
1948/100954 Perth West Horace Male Hamilton Elaine Rae Female West Perth
1948/100955 Perth Carpenter Ivy Elizabeth Female Robson William Francis Male West Perth
1948/100955 Perth Robson William Francis Male Carpenter Ivy Elizabeth Female West Perth
1948/100956 Perth Hall John Frederick Male Pontague Jocelyn Mary Female West Perth
1948/100956 Perth Pontague Jocelyn Mary Female Hall John Frederick Male West Perth
1948/100957 Perth Dawson Dorothy Mary Female Hobbs Clarence Andrew Male West Perth
1948/100957 Perth Hobbs Clarence Andrew Male Dawson Dorothy Mary Female West Perth
1948/100958 Perth Longo Michelangelo Male Rao Pasqualina Female Osborne Park
1948/100958 Perth Rao Pasqualina Female Longo Michelangelo Male Osborne Park
1948/100959 Perth Buchanan John Donald Arthur Male McNabb Carla Mignon Female Perth
1948/100959 Perth McNabb Carla Mignon Female Buchanan John Donald Arthur Male Perth
1948/100960 Perth Dyson Archibald Henry Male Hall Leila Patricia Female Perth
1948/100960 Perth Hall Leila Patricia Female Dyson Archibald Henry Male Perth
1948/100961 Perth May Ernest Stanley William Male Taylor Josephine Laura Female Perth St George's Cathedral
1948/100961 Perth Taylor Josephine Laura Female May Ernest Stanley William Male Perth St George's Cathedral
1948/100962 Perth Coulter Vivienne Female Rutherford Douglas Allan Male Perth
1948/100962 Perth Rutherford Douglas Allan Male Coulter Vivienne Female Perth
1948/100963 Perth Hawthorne Olive Ivy Female Skinner Ralph Male Perth
1948/100963 Perth Skinner Ralph Male Hawthorne Olive Ivy Female Perth
1948/100964 Perth Ballantine Raymond Male Kempton Mabel Stella Female West Aust
1948/100964 Perth Kempton Mabel Stella Female Ballantine Raymond Male West Aust
1948/100965 Perth Harding Hilda Grace Female Smith John Richard Male Perth
1948/100965 Perth Smith John Richard Male Harding Hilda Grace Female Perth
1948/100966 Perth Foley Patrick Owen William Male Mills Margaret Phylis Female West Perth
1948/100966 Perth Mills Margaret Phylis Female Foley Patrick Owen William Male West Perth
1948/100967 Perth O'Connor Hilda Florence Female O'Neill Cecil Bernard Male Highgate Hill
1948/100967 Perth O'Neill Cecil Bernard Male O'Connor Hilda Florence Female Highgate Hill
1948/100968 Perth Murphy William Joseph Male Wilkins Mollie Gloria Female Highgate Hill
1948/100968 Perth Wilkins Mollie Gloria Female Murphy William Joseph Male Highgate Hill
1948/100969 Perth Hogan Allan Francis Male Whiteley Gleneath Mary Female Highgate Hill
1948/100969 Perth Whiteley Gleneath Mary Female Hogan Allan Francis Male Highgate Hill
1948/100970 Perth Bushell Leslie William Male Guidice Viola Teresa Female Subiaco
1948/100970 Perth Guidice Viola Teresa Female Bushell Leslie William Male Subiaco
1948/100971 Perth Savory Frederick Alexander Male Stewart Betty Kathleen Female Mt Lawley
1948/100971 Perth Stewart Betty Kathleen Female Savory Frederick Alexander Male Mt Lawley
1948/100972 Perth Cockram Jack Raymond Male Riley Daphne Iris Female Victoria Park
1948/100972 Perth Riley Daphne Iris Female Cockram Jack Raymond Male Victoria Park
1948/100973 Perth Jose Betty Female Vidler George Dennis Male Victoria Park
1948/100973 Perth Vidler George Dennis Male Jose Betty Female Victoria Park
1948/100974 Perth Duggan Michael John Male Scott Beryl Joyce Female Victoria Park
1948/100974 Perth Scott Beryl Joyce Female Duggan Michael John Male Victoria Park
1948/100975 Perth Scott Gladys Muriel Gooden Female Stannard Aubrey Nelson Male Perth
1948/100975 Perth Stannard Aubrey Nelson Male Scott Gladys Muriel Gooden Female Perth
1948/100976 Perth Baldwin Mavis Edna Female Sandilands Harry Male Perth
1948/100976 Perth Sandilands Harry Male Baldwin Mavis Edna Female Perth
1948/100977 Perth Carrie James Douglas Male Elliott Vida Pretoria Female Perth
1948/100977 Perth Elliott Vida Pretoria Female Carrie James Douglas Male Perth
1948/100978 Perth Badock Frederick Collett Male Whitelaw Joyce Mayne Female Perth
1948/100978 Perth Whitelaw Joyce Mayne Female Badock Frederick Collett Male Perth
1948/100979 Perth Scott Joan Mary Female Sykes Herbert Male Perth
1948/100979 Perth Sykes Herbert Male Scott Joan Mary Female Perth
1948/100980 Perth Hooper Raymond Valandah Male McLeod June Dawn Female Perth
1948/100980 Perth McLeod June Dawn Female Hooper Raymond Valandah Male Perth
1948/100981 Perth Stephens Audrey Jean Female White Arthur John James Male Perth
1948/100981 Perth White Arthur John James Male Stephens Audrey Jean Female Perth
1948/100982 Perth Gillespie Annabella Carmichael McGown Female Randall Alfred Stanley Male Perth
1948/100982 Perth Randall Alfred Stanley Male Gillespie Annabella Carmichael McGown Female Perth
1948/100983 Perth Glen Betty Lorraine Female Taylor James Raymond Male Perth
1948/100983 Perth Taylor James Raymond Male Glen Betty Lorraine Female Perth
1948/100984 Perth Brown William Stanley Male Whitfield Lorna Belle Crawford Female Perth
1948/100984 Perth Whitfield Lorna Belle Crawford Female Brown William Stanley Male Perth
1948/100985 Perth Muller Raymond George Male Spragg Audrey Gweneth Female Perth
1948/100985 Perth Spragg Audrey Gweneth Female Muller Raymond George Male Perth
1948/100986 Perth Elliott William Joseph Male Taylor Hilda Elsie Female Perth
1948/100986 Perth Taylor Hilda Elsie Female Elliott William Joseph Male Perth
1948/100987 Perth Curry Robert Ralph Male Sharp Joyce Cleomire Female Perth
1948/100987 Perth Sharp Joyce Cleomire Female Curry Robert Ralph Male Perth
1948/100988 Perth Atkins Jeffery Lester Male Robertson Patricia Anne Female Perth
1948/100988 Perth Robertson Patricia Anne Female Atkins Jeffery Lester Male Perth
1948/100989 Perth Baxter Alison Female White Ross Keith Male Perth
1948/100989 Perth White Ross Keith Male Baxter Alison Female Perth
1948/100990 Perth Chandler Phyllis Female Parry Edward James Male Perth
1948/100990 Perth Parry Edward James Male Chandler Phyllis Female Perth
1948/100991 Perth Latch George Edward Male Phillips Christina Mary Female Perth
1948/100991 Perth Phillips Christina Mary Female Latch George Edward Male Perth
1948/100992 Perth Crowley Herbert Joseph Male Nancarrow Joyce Female Perth
1948/100992 Perth Nancarrow Joyce Female Crowley Herbert Joseph Male Perth
1948/100993 Perth Brooks Owen Oliver Male Winston Helen Mary Female Subiaco
1948/100993 Perth Winston Helen Mary Female Brooks Owen Oliver Male Subiaco
1948/100994 Perth Jones Myrtle Ruby Female Kent Frederick William Male Perth
1948/100994 Perth Kent Frederick William Male Jones Myrtle Ruby Female Perth
1948/100995 Perth Ottey John Charles Male Sampson Marjory Frances Rosette Female Perth
1948/100995 Perth Sampson Marjory Frances Rosette Female Ottey John Charles Male Perth
1948/100996 Perth Hill Martin Keith Male Williams Isobell Mae Female Perth
1948/100996 Perth Williams Isobell Mae Female Hill Martin Keith Male Perth
1948/100997 Perth Jeffries Eleanor Mabel Female Smith Anthony George Male Perth
1948/100997 Perth Smith Anthony George Male Jeffries Eleanor Mabel Female Perth
1948/100998 Perth Hutton Beryl Rebecca Female Lobascher Lewin David Male Perth
1948/100998 Perth Lobascher Lewin David Male Hutton Beryl Rebecca Female Perth
1948/100999 Perth Gillam Vera Elizabeth Female Peachey John Male Leederville
1948/100999 Perth Peachey John Male Gillam Vera Elizabeth Female Leederville
1948/101000 Perth Clarke Leslie Lionel Male Mann Violet Ethel Female Leederville
1948/101000 Perth Mann Violet Ethel Female Clarke Leslie Lionel Male Leederville
1948/101001 Perth Buckley Roy Charles Male Trusler Frances Caelia Parker Female Leederville
1948/101001 Perth Trusler Frances Caelia Parker Female Buckley Roy Charles Male Leederville
1948/101002 Perth Breen Phyllis May Female Collins William George Male Leederville
1948/101002 Perth Collins William George Male Breen Phyllis May Female Leederville
1948/101003 Perth Eacott Shirley Norma Female Wrigglesworth Michael Norman Male Leederville
1948/101003 Perth Wrigglesworth Michael Norman Male Eacott Shirley Norma Female Leederville
1948/101004 Perth Hardy Archibald Lancelot Male Sommerville Catherine Macaulay Female Leederville
1948/101004 Perth Sommerville Catherine Macaulay Female Hardy Archibald Lancelot Male Leederville
1948/101005 Perth Hawkins Jean Violet Female Myers Ronald George Male Leederville
1948/101005 Perth Myers Ronald George Male Hawkins Jean Violet Female Leederville
1948/101006 Perth Bredal Rosemary Josephine Female Nielsen Lionel Herbert Male Leederville
1948/101006 Perth Nielsen Lionel Herbert Male Bredal Rosemary Josephine Female Leederville
1948/101007 Perth Leeson Kenneth Male Whitehouse Violet Female Leederville
1948/101007 Perth Whitehouse Violet Female Leeson Kenneth Male Leederville
1948/101008 Perth Beatty Betty Lorraine Female Bond Walter Gardiner Male Leederville
1948/101008 Perth Bond Walter Gardiner Male Beatty Betty Lorraine Female Leederville
1948/101009 Perth Ellis James Alfred Male Symons Ethel May Female Leederville
1948/101009 Perth Symons Ethel May Female Ellis James Alfred Male Leederville
1948/101010 Perth Anderson Elspeth Rankin Female Jodrell Norman Fred Male Perth
1948/101010 Perth Jodrell Norman Fred Male Anderson Elspeth Rankin Female Perth
1948/101011 Perth Clarke Kevin Patrick Male Preston Maud Patricia Female Perth
1948/101011 Perth Preston Maud Patricia Female Clarke Kevin Patrick Male Perth
1948/101012 Perth Archibald John Male Beetson Patricia Mary Female Nedlands
1948/101012 Perth Beetson Patricia Mary Female Archibald John Male Nedlands
1948/101013 Perth Clarke Jean Female Moore Rex Oliver Male Nedlands
1948/101013 Perth Moore Rex Oliver Male Clarke Jean Female Nedlands
1948/101014 Perth Hackett Basil Peter Male Lowden Berenice Evelyn Female Nedlands
1948/101014 Perth Lowden Berenice Evelyn Female Hackett Basil Peter Male Nedlands
1948/101015 Perth Harris Freda Muriel Female Maguire James Ivo Male Perth
1948/101015 Perth Maguire James Ivo Male Harris Freda Muriel Female Perth
1948/101016 Perth Hinnricksen Edna Merle Female James Walter Reginald Male Perth
1948/101016 Perth James Walter Reginald Male Hinnricksen Edna Merle Female Perth
1948/101017 Perth Hill Elizabeth Ashton Female Lee Maurice Kenneth Male Perth
1948/101017 Perth Lee Maurice Kenneth Male Hill Elizabeth Ashton Female Perth
1948/101018 Perth Read Patricia Frances Female Treasure Peter William Male Perth
1948/101018 Perth Treasure Peter William Male Read Patricia Frances Female Perth
1948/101019 Perth Kerrigan Frederick Alphonso Male Sharp Eileen Mary Female Perth
1948/101019 Perth Sharp Eileen Mary Female Kerrigan Frederick Alphonso Male Perth
1948/101020 Perth Cracknell Lesley Sylvia Female Rathbone James William Male Perth
1948/101020 Perth Rathbone James William Male Cracknell Lesley Sylvia Female Perth
1948/101021 Perth Glascoe Lilian May Female Sampey Thomas William Male Perth
1948/101021 Perth Sampey Thomas William Male Glascoe Lilian May Female Perth
1948/101022 Perth La Motte Walter Thomas Charles Male Joyce Natalie Mary Female Perth
1948/101022 Perth Joyce Natalie Mary Female La Motte Walter Thomas Charles Male Perth
1948/101023 Perth Foy Robert William Male Jordan Kathleen May Female Perth
1948/101023 Perth Jordan Kathleen May Female Foy Robert William Male Perth
1948/101024 Perth Fletcher Jean Female Rice Edwin Howard Male Claremont
1948/101024 Perth Rice Edwin Howard Male Fletcher Jean Female Claremont
1948/101025 Perth Kelsall Donald Victor Male Norgard Betty Joyce Female Claremont
1948/101025 Perth Norgard Betty Joyce Female Kelsall Donald Victor Male Claremont
1948/101026 Perth Eagleton Frances Ross Female Moran Raymond Frank Male Claremont
1948/101026 Perth Moran Raymond Frank Male Eagleton Frances Ross Female Claremont
1948/101027 Perth James Shirley Gwenneth Female Nash Ronald Walter Male Crawley
1948/101027 Perth Nash Ronald Walter Male James Shirley Gwenneth Female Crawley
1948/101028 Perth Hegney Alice May Female Walsh Matthew Robert Male Victoria Park
1948/101028 Perth Walsh Matthew Robert Male Hegney Alice May Female Victoria Park
1948/101029 Perth Botica Frank Male O'Neil Doreen Agnes Female Victoria Park
1948/101029 Perth O'Neil Doreen Agnes Female Botica Frank Male Victoria Park
1948/101030 Perth Doyle John Lloyd Male Kearney Edna May Female Perth
1948/101030 Perth Kearney Edna May Female Doyle John Lloyd Male Perth
1948/101031 Perth Fleming Betty Virginia Female Rex Robert George Male Perth
1948/101031 Perth Rex Robert George Male Fleming Betty Virginia Female Perth
1948/101032 Perth Kay Thomas Male Penna June Olive Female Perth
1948/101032 Perth Penna June Olive Female Kay Thomas Male Perth
1948/101033 Perth Cockerell Herbert Richard Male Lewis Kathleen Cornelia Female Perth
1948/101033 Perth Lewis Kathleen Cornelia Female Cockerell Herbert Richard Male Perth
1948/101034 Perth Hare William Lonsdale Male Taylor Gladys May Female Perth
1948/101034 Perth Taylor Gladys May Female Hare William Lonsdale Male Perth
1948/101035 Perth Hogarth John Male Marshall Marjorie Lillian Female Cottesloe
1948/101035 Perth Marshall Marjorie Lillian Female Hogarth John Male Cottesloe
1948/101036 Perth Barrington Eric Male Bayles Shirley Marion Female Perth
1948/101036 Perth Bayles Shirley Marion Female Barrington Eric Male Perth
1948/101037 Perth Roshani Koci Zorgsi Male Wallace Gladys Nola Female Perth
1948/101037 Perth Wallace Gladys Nola Female Roshani Koci Zorgsi Male Perth
1948/101038 Perth Black May Sampson Female Dermer John Edmund Male Leederville
1948/101038 Perth Dermer John Edmund Male Black May Sampson Female Leederville
1948/101039 Perth Flanagan Ronald Robert Male Whitely Patricia Florence Female Leederville
1948/101039 Perth Whitely Patricia Florence Female Flanagan Ronald Robert Male Leederville
1948/101040 Perth Povey Leslie Raymond Male White Alma Margaret Female Maylands
1948/101040 Perth White Alma Margaret Female Povey Leslie Raymond Male Maylands
1948/101041 Perth Bennetts Dorothy Kathleen Female Jones Trevor Maldwyn Male Mt Lawley
1948/101041 Perth Jones Trevor Maldwyn Male Bennetts Dorothy Kathleen Female Mt Lawley
1948/101042 Perth Cringle Vanda Kathleen Female Luke James Richard Male Perth
1948/101042 Perth Luke James Richard Male Cringle Vanda Kathleen Female Perth
1948/101043 Perth Guthrie Letitia May Female Shiells Thomas William Male Perth
1948/101043 Perth Shiells Thomas William Male Guthrie Letitia May Female Perth
1948/101044 Perth Carr Arthur Stanley Male Whitehouse Clara Edith Female Perth
1948/101044 Perth Whitehouse Clara Edith Female Carr Arthur Stanley Male Perth
1948/101045 Perth Clemesha Isabel Ethel Female Paterson Cedric John Pryde Male Perth
1948/101045 Perth Paterson Cedric John Pryde Male Clemesha Isabel Ethel Female Perth
1948/101046 Perth Hoffman Bertha Evelyne Female Schenberg Morris Male Perth
1948/101046 Perth Schenberg Morris Male Hoffman Bertha Evelyne Female Perth
1948/101047 Perth Ashbil Judith Female Finkelstein Lionel Male Perth
1948/101047 Perth Finkelstein Lionel Male Ashbil Judith Female Perth
1948/101048 Perth Jaques Alan Lloyd Male Silsbury Audrie Grace Female Nedlands
1948/101048 Perth Silsbury Audrie Grace Female Jaques Alan Lloyd Male Nedlands
1948/101049 Perth Beeson Barbara Mary Female Martin Alan Douglas Male Perth
1948/101049 Perth Martin Alan Douglas Male Beeson Barbara Mary Female Perth
1948/101050 Perth Berry Basil Joseph Cahill Male Dillon Bernardette Mary Female Leederville
1948/101050 Perth Dillon Bernardette Mary Female Berry Basil Joseph Cahill Male Leederville
1948/101051 Perth Gregory Wilfred Charles Male Rayner Elsie Madeline Female West Perth
1948/101051 Perth Rayner Elsie Madeline Female Gregory Wilfred Charles Male West Perth
1948/101052 Perth Higgins Gerald Donald Male Ring Gloria Mary Female Perth
1948/101052 Perth Ring Gloria Mary Female Higgins Gerald Donald Male Perth
1948/101053 Perth Andro Maria Josephine Henrietta Female Robinson Harold Male Perth
1948/101053 Perth Robinson Harold Male Andro Maria Josephine Henrietta Female Perth
1948/101054 Perth Randall Alice June Female Watson Peter Male West Perth
1948/101054 Perth Watson Peter Male Randall Alice June Female West Perth
1948/101055 Perth Mortimer Ila Florence Female Parry Frederick Lionel Male West Perth
1948/101055 Perth Parry Frederick Lionel Male Mortimer Ila Florence Female West Perth
1948/101056 Perth Loffman Victor Samuel Male Meyers Doris Mary Female West Perth
1948/101056 Perth Meyers Doris Mary Female Loffman Victor Samuel Male West Perth
1948/101057 Perth Anderson Edith Irene Female Crawford Lindsay William Seabrook Male West Perth
1948/101057 Perth Crawford Lindsay William Seabrook Male Anderson Edith Irene Female West Perth
1948/101058 Perth Knight Cecil William Male Morley Irene Female West Perth
1948/101058 Perth Morley Irene Female Knight Cecil William Male West Perth
1948/101059 Perth Mattfield Marian Mary Female Moyle Ernest Arthur Male Mt Lawley
1948/101059 Perth Moyle Ernest Arthur Male Mattfield Marian Mary Female Mt Lawley
1948/101060 Perth Sorensen Valma Irene Female Wells Hector Charles Male Mt Lawley
1948/101060 Perth Wells Hector Charles Male Sorensen Valma Irene Female Mt Lawley
1948/101061 Perth Hickey Joan Milton Female Oldfield Grant Richard Male Mt Lawley
1948/101061 Perth Oldfield Grant Richard Male Hickey Joan Milton Female Mt Lawley
1948/101062 Perth Blythe Mary Olive Female Metherell Rupert James Male Perth
1948/101062 Perth Metherell Rupert James Male Blythe Mary Olive Female Perth
1948/101063 Perth Beard Ronald Arthur Male Moore Beryl Audrey Female Cottesloe
1948/101063 Perth Moore Beryl Audrey Female Beard Ronald Arthur Male Cottesloe
1948/101064 Perth Mersin Hekuran Male Simpson Kathlyn Rose Female Cottesloe
1948/101064 Perth Simpson Kathlyn Rose Female Mersin Hekuran Male Cottesloe
1948/101065 Perth Bennett Ronald George Male Kenworthy Dorothy Ellen Female Cottesloe
1948/101065 Perth Kenworthy Dorothy Ellen Female Bennett Ronald George Male Cottesloe
1948/101066 Perth Hertel Joan Female King Cyril Male Cottesloe
1948/101066 Perth King Cyril Male Hertel Joan Female Cottesloe
1948/101067 Perth Beacham Albert Levi Male Brown Lorraine Mary Female Cottesloe
1948/101067 Perth Brown Lorraine Mary Female Beacham Albert Levi Male Cottesloe
1948/101068 Perth Crozier Violet Vera Female Dorizzi Robert Arthur Male Perth
1948/101068 Perth Dorizzi Robert Arthur Male Crozier Violet Vera Female Perth
1948/101069 Perth Burkett John Keith Male Flaherty Margaret Female Perth
1948/101069 Perth Flaherty Margaret Female Burkett John Keith Male Perth
1948/101070 Perth Brandis Mervyn Cyril Male White Teresa Female West Perth
1948/101070 Perth White Teresa Female Brandis Mervyn Cyril Male West Perth
1948/101071 Perth Mitchell Bevan David Male Skerry Jean Female West Perth
1948/101071 Perth Skerry Jean Female Mitchell Bevan David Male West Perth
1948/101072 Perth Connor Ethel Female O'Neill Charles Patrick Male West Perth
1948/101072 Perth O'Neill Charles Patrick Male Connor Ethel Female West Perth
1948/101073 Perth Conway Charles Bernard Male O'Meara Doris Rita Mary Female West Perth
1948/101073 Perth O'Meara Doris Rita Mary Female Conway Charles Bernard Male West Perth
1948/101074 Perth Locke Marjorie Gwenyth Female Sheridan Bernard Keith Male West Perth
1948/101074 Perth Sheridan Bernard Keith Male Locke Marjorie Gwenyth Female West Perth
1948/101075 Perth Fitzpatrick Jack Aubrey Harding Male Slayford Molly Female Nedlands Methodist Church
1948/101075 Perth Slayford Molly Female Fitzpatrick Jack Aubrey Harding Male Nedlands Methodist Church
1948/101076 Perth Julien Pauline Alexisse Female Wilson James Dunstan Male Nedlands Methodist Church
1948/101076 Perth Wilson James Dunstan Male Julien Pauline Alexisse Female Nedlands Methodist Church
1948/101077 Perth Arnold Cecelia Frances Female Bradley Kevin Martin Male Highgate Hill
1948/101077 Perth Bradley Kevin Martin Male Arnold Cecelia Frances Female Highgate Hill
1948/101078 Perth Holmes John William Bristow Male Thomas Kathleen Mary Female Perth
1948/101078 Perth Thomas Kathleen Mary Female Holmes John William Bristow Male Perth
1948/101079 Perth Aslett Alec John Charles Male Scott Margaret Adeline Female Victoria Park
1948/101079 Perth Scott Margaret Adeline Female Aslett Alec John Charles Male Victoria Park
1948/101080 Perth Ashby Gladys May Female Murray Richard Male Victoria Park
1948/101080 Perth Murray Richard Male Ashby Gladys May Female Victoria Park
1948/101081 Perth Cunningham Dorothy Lillian Female Gislingham Percy Edward Male Victoria Park
1948/101081 Perth Gislingham Percy Edward Male Cunningham Dorothy Lillian Female Victoria Park
1948/101082 Perth Holden Alice Margaret Joan Female Hubon Patrick Neville Male Victoria Park
1948/101082 Perth Hubon Patrick Neville Male Holden Alice Margaret Joan Female Victoria Park
1948/101083 Perth Jobson Alfred Victor Male Mann Audrey Evelyn Female Maylands
1948/101083 Perth Mann Audrey Evelyn Female Jobson Alfred Victor Male Maylands
1948/101084 Perth Hellewell Herbert Edward Male Jarvie Margaret Female Mt Lawley
1948/101084 Perth Jarvie Margaret Female Hellewell Herbert Edward Male Mt Lawley
1948/101085 Perth Brown Percy Sydney James Male Goodlad Ruth Havergil Female Perth
1948/101085 Perth Goodlad Ruth Havergil Female Brown Percy Sydney James Male Perth
1948/101086 Perth Bailey David Stanley Male Green Eva Joyce Female Perth
1948/101086 Perth Green Eva Joyce Female Bailey David Stanley Male Perth
1948/101087 Perth Baggett Patricia Florence Female Veitch Lindsay Benjamin Male Nedlands
1948/101087 Perth Veitch Lindsay Benjamin Male Baggett Patricia Florence Female Nedlands
1948/101088 Perth Coleman Norman Frederick Male Kelly Freda Grace Female Nedlands
1948/101088 Perth Kelly Freda Grace Female Coleman Norman Frederick Male Nedlands
1948/101089 Perth Johnson Allan Carl Male Selley Lesley Female Nedlands
1948/101089 Perth Selley Lesley Female Johnson Allan Carl Male Nedlands
1948/101090 Perth Lane Reuben Pearce Male Lloyd Lois Alberta Female Nedlands
1948/101090 Perth Lloyd Lois Alberta Female Lane Reuben Pearce Male Nedlands
1948/101091 Perth Anderson Margaret Flora Fletcher Female Girando Leonard John Male Perth
1948/101091 Perth Girando Leonard John Male Anderson Margaret Flora Fletcher Female Perth
1948/101092 Perth Hutchcraft Cyril Male Nelson Barbara Female Perth
1948/101092 Perth Nelson Barbara Female Hutchcraft Cyril Male Perth
1948/101093 Perth Dempsey Doris Mabel Female Lawes Lawrence Samuel Male Perth
1948/101093 Perth Lawes Lawrence Samuel Male Dempsey Doris Mabel Female Perth
1948/101094 Perth Gibson Gloria Dawn Female Potts Ronald Beel Male Highgate Hill
1948/101094 Perth Potts Ronald Beel Male Gibson Gloria Dawn Female Highgate Hill
1948/101095 Perth Bennett John Frederick Male Ridley Martha Lillian Female North Perth Congregational Church
1948/101095 Perth Ridley Martha Lillian Female Bennett John Frederick Male North Perth Congregational Church
1948/101096 Perth Thomas Marjorie Georgina Joan Female Williams Victor Robert Male Perth
1948/101096 Perth Williams Victor Robert Male Thomas Marjorie Georgina Joan Female Perth
1948/101097 Perth Grbelja Millie Female Marinovich Anthony Male Osborne Park
1948/101097 Perth Marinovich Anthony Male Grbelja Millie Female Osborne Park
1948/101098 Perth Longbottom Kenneth John Male Spencer Merle Irene Female Perth
1948/101098 Perth Spencer Merle Irene Female Longbottom Kenneth John Male Perth
1948/101099 Perth Haynes Harold Norman Male Neal Jean Elizabeth Female West Perth
1948/101099 Perth Neal Jean Elizabeth Female Haynes Harold Norman Male West Perth
1948/101100 Perth Alexander Sylvia Irene Mary Female Anderson John Lacey Male West Perth
1948/101100 Perth Anderson John Lacey Male Alexander Sylvia Irene Mary Female West Perth
1948/101101 Perth Cowie Derek George Male Davis June Elvena Female Cottesloe
1948/101101 Perth Davis June Elvena Female Cowie Derek George Male Cottesloe
1948/101102 Perth Hick Edwin Arney Male Lacey Florence Ethel Female Subiaco
1948/101102 Perth Lacey Florence Ethel Female Hick Edwin Arney Male Subiaco
1948/101103 Perth Hookway Roy Harold Male Penraat Janetta Female Perth
1948/101103 Perth Penraat Janetta Female Hookway Roy Harold Male Perth
1948/101104 Perth Hastings Barbara Female Mears William Henry Male W Perth
1948/101104 Perth Mears William Henry Male Hastings Barbara Female W Perth
1948/101105 Perth Chandler Hazel Female Colebrook George Henry Male Perth
1948/101105 Perth Colebrook George Henry Male Chandler Hazel Female Perth
1948/101106 Perth Ebert June Mavis Female Gummow George Albert Male Perth
1948/101106 Perth Gummow George Albert Male Ebert June Mavis Female Perth
1948/101107 Perth Drinkwater Betty Ernestine Female Hawks Donald William Male Perth
1948/101107 Perth Hawks Donald William Male Drinkwater Betty Ernestine Female Perth
1948/101108 Perth Christie Roy McGregor Male Wright Edythe Marie Female Perth
1948/101108 Perth Wright Edythe Marie Female Christie Roy McGregor Male Perth
1948/101109 Perth Gibson Gordon David Male McKenny Lorna June Female Perth
1948/101109 Perth McKenny Lorna June Female Gibson Gordon David Male Perth
1948/101110 Perth Dearle Enid Lorna Female Newton Leonard James Male Perth
1948/101110 Perth Newton Leonard James Male Dearle Enid Lorna Female Perth
1948/101111 Perth Bowhay George Henry Male Breadsell Bettie Patricia Female Perth
1948/101111 Perth Breadsell Bettie Patricia Female Bowhay George Henry Male Perth
1948/101112 Perth Earnshaw William Thomas Male Foster Sylvia Emma Mary Female Perth
1948/101112 Perth Foster Sylvia Emma Mary Female Earnshaw William Thomas Male Perth
1948/101113 Perth Davidson Edward Male McLauchlan Jessie Florence Female Perth
1948/101113 Perth McLauchlan Jessie Florence Female Davidson Edward Male Perth
1948/101114 Perth Carson Edith Mary Female Young Arthur Claude Male Perth
1948/101114 Perth Young Arthur Claude Male Carson Edith Mary Female Perth
1948/101115 Perth Coldham Richard Francis Male Dunne Mary Nancy Female Perth
1948/101115 Perth Dunne Mary Nancy Female Coldham Richard Francis Male Perth
1948/101116 Perth George Helen Frances Female Harman Francis James Male Perth
1948/101116 Perth Harman Francis James Male George Helen Frances Female Perth
1948/101117 Perth Amm Dorothy Rose Female Parker Rupert William Male Perth
1948/101117 Perth Parker Rupert William Male Amm Dorothy Rose Female Perth
1948/101118 Perth Johns Robert Lee Male Wylie Iris Rose Female Perth
1948/101118 Perth Wylie Iris Rose Female Johns Robert Lee Male Perth
1948/101119 Perth Ainley Robert Shaw Male Bennett Helen Mary Female Perth
1948/101119 Perth Bennett Helen Mary Female Ainley Robert Shaw Male Perth
1948/101120 Perth Battle Kenneth Douglas Male Thompson Freda Jean Female Perth
1948/101120 Perth Thompson Freda Jean Female Battle Kenneth Douglas Male Perth
1948/101121 Perth James Christopher Ernest Male McFadzean Margaret Grace Female Mosman Park
1948/101121 Perth McFadzean Margaret Grace Female James Christopher Ernest Male Mosman Park
1948/101122 Perth Hall Frederick Male Rickards Celia Marjorie Female West Perth
1948/101122 Perth Rickards Celia Marjorie Female Hall Frederick Male West Perth
1948/101123 Perth Gartside John Norman Gibson Male Lennox Jean Wilson Female West Perth
1948/101123 Perth Lennox Jean Wilson Female Gartside John Norman Gibson Male West Perth
1948/101124 Perth Kelly Noreen Mary Female Paust Mosten Basil Male West Perth
1948/101124 Perth Paust Mosten Basil Male Kelly Noreen Mary Female West Perth
1948/101125 Perth Donovan Joyce Mary Female Glossop James Benjamin Male West Perth
1948/101125 Perth Glossop James Benjamin Male Donovan Joyce Mary Female West Perth
1948/101126 Perth Best Stanley Bruce Male Leslie Audrey May Female Claremont
1948/101126 Perth Leslie Audrey May Female Best Stanley Bruce Male Claremont
1948/101127 Perth Edmiston Richard Colin Male Young Shirley Isabel Female Perth
1948/101127 Perth Young Shirley Isabel Female Edmiston Richard Colin Male Perth
1948/101128 Perth Cousins Dagmar Anna Female Stanley Leonard Perham Male Perth
1948/101128 Perth Stanley Leonard Perham Male Cousins Dagmar Anna Female Perth
1948/101129 Perth Morrison Kenneth John Male Smith Betty Joan Female Perth
1948/101129 Perth Smith Betty Joan Female Morrison Kenneth John Male Perth
1948/101130 Perth Johns Arnold Thomas Male Scrimgeour Betty Munro Female Perth
1948/101130 Perth Scrimgeour Betty Munro Female Johns Arnold Thomas Male Perth
1948/101131 Perth Brown Audrey Jean Female McLean Walter Keith Male Perth
1948/101131 Perth McLean Walter Keith Male Brown Audrey Jean Female Perth
1948/101132 Perth King Marjory Female York Henry Stephen Male Perth
1948/101132 Perth York Henry Stephen Male King Marjory Female Perth
1948/101133 Perth Lawrence Eleanor Merle Female O'Brien Dennis Edward Male Perth
1948/101133 Perth O'Brien Dennis Edward Male Lawrence Eleanor Merle Female Perth
1948/101134 Perth Buckley William James Male Chalmers Mavis Rose Female Perth
1948/101134 Perth Chalmers Mavis Rose Female Buckley William James Male Perth
1948/101135 Perth Grierson Brian Mannix Male Sutherland Mavis Female Perth
1948/101135 Perth Sutherland Mavis Female Grierson Brian Mannix Male Perth
1948/101136 Perth Langridge James Whitcomb Male Ronan Patricia Margaret Amy Female Perth
1948/101136 Perth Ronan Patricia Margaret Amy Female Langridge James Whitcomb Male Perth
1948/101137 Perth Brown Henry Robert Male Burton Florence Edith Female Perth
1948/101137 Perth Burton Florence Edith Female Brown Henry Robert Male Perth
1948/101138 Perth Cheetham Norman Bruce Male Eddy Jessie Female Perth
1948/101138 Perth Eddy Jessie Female Cheetham Norman Bruce Male Perth
1948/101139 Perth Caush Lyria Aldvia Female Floky Barush Male Perth
1948/101139 Perth Floky Barush Male Caush Lyria Aldvia Female Perth
1948/101140 Perth Darby George Raymond Male McGuinness Margaret Grace Female Perth
1948/101140 Perth McGuinness Margaret Grace Female Darby George Raymond Male Perth
1948/101141 Perth Adamopoulos Katie Female Pappas John Male Perth
1948/101141 Perth Pappas John Male Adamopoulos Katie Female Perth
1948/101142 Perth Job Ruby Doris Female Thompson Ernest Andrew Leeds Male Leederville
1948/101142 Perth Thompson Ernest Andrew Leeds Male Job Ruby Doris Female Leederville
1948/101143 Perth Mitchell John Allan Male Munyard Patricia May Female Leederville
1948/101143 Perth Munyard Patricia May Female Mitchell John Allan Male Leederville
1948/101144 Perth Brady Joan Mary Female Higgins Keith William Male Perth
1948/101144 Perth Higgins Keith William Male Brady Joan Mary Female Perth
1948/101145 Perth Roach Margaret Marion Female Robinson James Male Perth
1948/101145 Perth Robinson James Male Roach Margaret Marion Female Perth
1948/101146 Perth Callaghan Jean Anne Female Voak Peter Aloysius Joseph Male Leederville
1948/101146 Perth Voak Peter Aloysius Joseph Male Callaghan Jean Anne Female Leederville
1948/101147 Perth Fucile Giuseppe Male Yoska Rosina Gliosca Female East Victoria Park
1948/101147 Perth Yoska Rosina Gliosca Female Fucile Giuseppe Male East Victoria Park
1948/101148 Perth Ellis Alan Eason Male Marwick Joan Mary Female Perth
1948/101148 Perth Marwick Joan Mary Female Ellis Alan Eason Male Perth
1948/101149 Perth Greenwood Lloyd James Male Hughes Annie Maria Female East Victoria Park
1948/101149 Perth Hughes Annie Maria Female Greenwood Lloyd James Male East Victoria Park
1948/101150 Perth Binney Jessie Female Bolland George David Male East Victoria Park
1948/101150 Perth Bolland George David Male Binney Jessie Female East Victoria Park
1948/101151 Perth Angell Constance Winifred Female Davies John McMahon Male Perth
1948/101151 Perth Davies John McMahon Male Angell Constance Winifred Female Perth
1948/101152 Perth Dalton Betty Jean Female Freind Colin Charles Male Victoria Park
1948/101152 Perth Freind Colin Charles Male Dalton Betty Jean Female Victoria Park
1948/101153 Perth Doney John Henry Male Jones Olive Ethel Female Victoria Park
1948/101153 Perth Jones Olive Ethel Female Doney John Henry Male Victoria Park
1948/101154 Perth Hayward Reginald Male Robinson Margaret Kenny Female Victoria Park
1948/101154 Perth Robinson Margaret Kenny Female Hayward Reginald Male Victoria Park
1948/101155 Perth Pfeiffer Linda Viola Female Smith Percy Coates Male Belmont
1948/101155 Perth Smith Percy Coates Male Pfeiffer Linda Viola Female Belmont
1948/101156 Perth Beales Evelyn Maisie Female Wylde Leslie Joseph Male Perth
1948/101156 Perth Wylde Leslie Joseph Male Beales Evelyn Maisie Female Perth
1948/101157 Perth Creeper Douglas Joseph Male Watts Marie Patricia Female Highgate Hill
1948/101157 Perth Watts Marie Patricia Female Creeper Douglas Joseph Male Highgate Hill
1948/101158 Perth Grimshaw Francis Henry Male Lennox Frances Elizabeth Female Perth
1948/101158 Perth Lennox Frances Elizabeth Female Grimshaw Francis Henry Male Perth
1948/101159 Perth Corkery Evelyn Gladys Female Jennings Frank Walter Male Como
1948/101159 Perth Jennings Frank Walter Male Corkery Evelyn Gladys Female Como
1948/101160 Perth Tichbon Evelyn Joan Female Wimbridge Kenneth Matthew Male Perth
1948/101160 Perth Wimbridge Kenneth Matthew Male Tichbon Evelyn Joan Female Perth
1948/101161 Perth Macey Donald Wetherly Male Rewell Gwendoline Thelma Female Perth
1948/101161 Perth Rewell Gwendoline Thelma Female Macey Donald Wetherly Male Perth
1948/101162 Perth Beal Bert Male Vickers Thelma Muriel Female Perth
1948/101162 Perth Vickers Thelma Muriel Female Beal Bert Male Perth
1948/101163 Perth Dance Robert Male Legg Lavinea May Female Perth
1948/101163 Perth Legg Lavinea May Female Dance Robert Male Perth
1948/101164 Perth Allison Doris Female Harris Ronald Spencer Male Claremont
1948/101164 Perth Harris Ronald Spencer Male Allison Doris Female Claremont
1948/101165 Perth Poynton Joseph Clement Hartley Male Simms June Patricia Alexander Female Claremont
1948/101165 Perth Simms June Patricia Alexander Female Poynton Joseph Clement Hartley Male Claremont
1948/101166 Perth Coyle Patricia Elsie Female Miller Alan Lindsay Male Claremont
1948/101166 Perth Miller Alan Lindsay Male Coyle Patricia Elsie Female Claremont
1948/101167 Perth Hardy Shirley Thelma Female Wales James Albert Male Claremont
1948/101167 Perth Wales James Albert Male Hardy Shirley Thelma Female Claremont
1948/101168 Perth Duncan Dorothy Maude Female Hart Herbert Francis Male Claremont
1948/101168 Perth Hart Herbert Francis Male Duncan Dorothy Maude Female Claremont
1948/101169 Perth Dorrington James Neil Male Hughes Maxine Bernice Female Mt Lawley
1948/101169 Perth Hughes Maxine Bernice Female Dorrington James Neil Male Mt Lawley
1948/101170 Perth Rawls Phyllis May Female Settle Stanley Bernard Male Perth
1948/101170 Perth Settle Stanley Bernard Male Rawls Phyllis May Female Perth
1948/101171 Perth Pittsoff Andrew Adam Male Veasey Marjorie Female Perth
1948/101171 Perth Veasey Marjorie Female Pittsoff Andrew Adam Male Perth
1948/101172 Perth Evans Muriel Alma Female Lee Ronald James Male Perth
1948/101172 Perth Lee Ronald James Male Evans Muriel Alma Female Perth
1948/101173 Perth Jewell Maureen Dolorous Female Richardson John Richard Male Perth
1948/101173 Perth Richardson John Richard Male Jewell Maureen Dolorous Female Perth
1948/101174 Perth Gosper Gordon Frederick Male Walker Gladys Elizabeth Female Mosman Park Methodist Church
1948/101174 Perth Walker Gladys Elizabeth Female Gosper Gordon Frederick Male Mosman Park Methodist Church
1948/101175 Perth McMurray Robert Samuel Male Stockdill Beryl Joy Female Perth
1948/101175 Perth Stockdill Beryl Joy Female McMurray Robert Samuel Male Perth
1948/101176 Perth Mercer Dorothy Dungey Female Nicol Robert Male Perth
1948/101176 Perth Nicol Robert Male Mercer Dorothy Dungey Female Perth
1948/101177 Perth Aitken Colin Alexander Male Green Rita Mary Female Perth
1948/101177 Perth Green Rita Mary Female Aitken Colin Alexander Male Perth
1948/101178 Perth Halliday James Henry Male Lilley Doreen May Female Perth
1948/101178 Perth Lilley Doreen May Female Halliday James Henry Male Perth
1948/101179 Perth King Arnold Male O'Loughlin Elsie Agnes Female Perth
1948/101179 Perth O'Loughlin Elsie Agnes Female King Arnold Male Perth
1948/101180 Perth Grant James Alaxander Male Lethbridge Ethel Margaret Female West Perth
1948/101180 Perth Lethbridge Ethel Margaret Female Grant James Alaxander Male West Perth
1948/101181 Perth Eddy Gladys Female Macauley John Male West Perth
1948/101181 Perth Macauley John Male Eddy Gladys Female West Perth
1948/101182 Perth Barnhart Randolph Male McGinn Nancy Edith Olive Female West Perth
1948/101182 Perth McGinn Nancy Edith Olive Female Barnhart Randolph Male West Perth
1948/101183 Perth Davies Lilian Female Greene William Francis Male Perth
1948/101183 Perth Greene William Francis Male Davies Lilian Female Perth
1948/101184 Perth Chaplin Janine Elizabeth Female Chaplin William Ronald Male Perth
1948/101184 Perth Chaplin William Ronald Male Chaplin Janine Elizabeth Female Perth
1948/101185 Perth Eastland Clarence Edward Male Morgan Nellie Mabel Female Perth
1948/101185 Perth Morgan Nellie Mabel Female Eastland Clarence Edward Male Perth
1948/101186 Perth Armstrong Leonard Harry Male Blake Dorothy Olive Female Perth
1948/101186 Perth Blake Dorothy Olive Female Armstrong Leonard Harry Male Perth
1948/101187 Perth Smith Walter Thomas Male Spurling Verna Mabel Female West Perth
1948/101187 Perth Spurling Verna Mabel Female Smith Walter Thomas Male West Perth
1948/101188 Perth Axon Nada Beatrice Female Whiter David Cass Male West Perth
1948/101188 Perth Whiter David Cass Male Axon Nada Beatrice Female West Perth
1948/101189 Perth Day Laura Jean Sutherland Female Watson George John Baxter Male West Perth
1948/101189 Perth Watson George John Baxter Male Day Laura Jean Sutherland Female West Perth
1948/101190 Perth Harvey Beverley Joan Female Shaw Donald Grant Male West Perth
1948/101190 Perth Shaw Donald Grant Male Harvey Beverley Joan Female West Perth
1948/101191 Perth Elliott Harry Christopher Male Housley Edith Joan Female Perth
1948/101191 Perth Housley Edith Joan Female Elliott Harry Christopher Male Perth
1948/101192 Perth Karababas Constantine Male Nikiforiadou Katinoula Female Perth
1948/101192 Perth Nikiforiadou Katinoula Female Karababas Constantine Male Perth
1948/101193 Perth Goss Annie Female Graham-Dafter Vernon Vivian Male Perth
1948/101193 Perth Graham-Dafter Vernon Vivian Male Goss Annie Female Perth
1948/101194 Perth Grenfell Anita Female Turner Lyn Bernard Male Perth
1948/101194 Perth Turner Lyn Bernard Male Grenfell Anita Female Perth
1948/101195 Perth Landauer John Louis Male Wedgwood Ivy Sarah Female Perth
1948/101195 Perth Wedgwood Ivy Sarah Female Landauer John Louis Male Perth
1948/101196 Perth Burton Nellie Blanche Female Lindorff Charles Farncombe Male Victoria Park
1948/101196 Perth Lindorff Charles Farncombe Male Burton Nellie Blanche Female Victoria Park
1948/101197 Perth McMahon Bernard Edward Haig Male Phillips Kathleen Mary Carlisle Female Subiaco
1948/101197 Perth Phillips Kathleen Mary Carlisle Female McMahon Bernard Edward Haig Male Subiaco
1948/101198 Perth Bell Herbert William Male McKelvie Dorothy Rita Female Victoria Park
1948/101198 Perth McKelvie Dorothy Rita Female Bell Herbert William Male Victoria Park
1948/101199 Perth Dow Alma Lorna Female Jordan James Robert John Male Victoria Park
1948/101199 Perth Jordan James Robert John Male Dow Alma Lorna Female Victoria Park
1948/101200 Perth Gibson Joan Betty Female Marshall Boyd Gardner Male West Perth
1948/101200 Perth Marshall Boyd Gardner Male Gibson Joan Betty Female West Perth
1948/101201 Perth Hurst Max Harold Male Willers Joan Maud Female West Perth
1948/101201 Perth Willers Joan Maud Female Hurst Max Harold Male West Perth
1948/101202 Perth Christie Duncan William Male O'Connor Reta Female Perth
1948/101202 Perth O'Connor Reta Female Christie Duncan William Male Perth
1948/101203 Perth Keyser Eugene Maxwell Male Riley Kathleen Mary Female Perth
1948/101203 Perth Riley Kathleen Mary Female Keyser Eugene Maxwell Male Perth
1948/101204 Perth Spencer Charles Male Veitch Ella Louise Female Mt Lawley
1948/101204 Perth Veitch Ella Louise Female Spencer Charles Male Mt Lawley
1948/101205 Perth Deane Margaret Doris May Female Mather James John Male Claremont
1948/101205 Perth Mather James John Male Deane Margaret Doris May Female Claremont
1948/101206 Perth Macpherson Jessie Female Maitland Joseph Male Claremont
1948/101206 Perth Maitland Joseph Male Macpherson Jessie Female Claremont
1948/101207 Perth Culkin Robert Male Webster Elizabeth Mary Female Claremont
1948/101207 Perth Webster Elizabeth Mary Female Culkin Robert Male Claremont
1948/101208 Perth Gunst Betty Female Smith Graham Leslie Male Perth
1948/101208 Perth Smith Graham Leslie Male Gunst Betty Female Perth
1948/101209 Perth Devenish Jack Male Goodchild Ethel May Female Perth
1948/101209 Perth Goodchild Ethel May Female Devenish Jack Male Perth
1948/101210 Perth Doig Catherine Bowman Female Stratton Herbert Ernest Male Perth
1948/101210 Perth Stratton Herbert Ernest Male Doig Catherine Bowman Female Perth
1948/101211 Perth Kane Rachel Georgina Female Staricoff Phillip Male Perth
1948/101211 Perth Staricoff Phillip Male Kane Rachel Georgina Female Perth
1948/101212 Perth Bolitho Isabel Myrtle Female Franceschi Albert Luigi Male Perth
1948/101212 Perth Franceschi Albert Luigi Male Bolitho Isabel Myrtle Female Perth
1948/101213 Perth Hogbin Edward George Male Leslie Dorothy Jean Female Perth
1948/101213 Perth Leslie Dorothy Jean Female Hogbin Edward George Male Perth
1948/101214 Perth Coffen Eileen Thelma Female Loudon John Maxwell Male Subiaco
1948/101214 Perth Loudon John Maxwell Male Coffen Eileen Thelma Female Subiaco
1948/101215 Perth Smith Percival George Male Tomlinson Edna Florence Female Perth
1948/101215 Perth Tomlinson Edna Florence Female Smith Percival George Male Perth
1948/101216 Perth Ranford Nolan Lewis Male Schooner Pearl Rita Female Perth
1948/101216 Perth Schooner Pearl Rita Female Ranford Nolan Lewis Male Perth
1948/101217 Perth Bealing Claude Cecil William Male Ferris Elizabeth Female Perth
1948/101217 Perth Ferris Elizabeth Female Bealing Claude Cecil William Male Perth
1948/101218 Perth Marshall William Charles Male Stewart Ellen Margaret Elizabeth Female Perth
1948/101218 Perth Stewart Ellen Margaret Elizabeth Female Marshall William Charles Male Perth
1948/101219 Perth Fitzgerald Kathleen Evelyn Female Ismail Harry Male Perth
1948/101219 Perth Ismail Harry Male Fitzgerald Kathleen Evelyn Female Perth
1948/101220 Perth Blackham Olive May Female Storey Robert Joseph Male Perth
1948/101220 Perth Storey Robert Joseph Male Blackham Olive May Female Perth
1948/101221 Perth Doherty Patricia Joan Female Eagle Clarence Edward Male Leederville
1948/101221 Perth Eagle Clarence Edward Male Doherty Patricia Joan Female Leederville
1948/101222 Perth Gray David Peter Male Johnston Betty Female South Perth
1948/101222 Perth Johnston Betty Female Gray David Peter Male South Perth
1948/101223 Perth O'Connor William Male Walker Augusta Mary Female Highgate Hill
1948/101223 Perth Walker Augusta Mary Female O'Connor William Male Highgate Hill
1948/101224 Perth Lewis Moira Female Sandercock George Male Perth
1948/101224 Perth Sandercock George Male Lewis Moira Female Perth
1948/101225 Perth Patching Ulla Dorothy Female Sallur Leslie Male Perth
1948/101225 Perth Sallur Leslie Male Patching Ulla Dorothy Female Perth
1948/101226 Perth Smith Thomas James Male Walker Mabel Lilian Female Perth
1948/101226 Perth Walker Mabel Lilian Female Smith Thomas James Male Perth
1948/101227 Perth Lawler Anthony Bede Male McLaughlin Ruth Ellen Female Perth
1948/101227 Perth McLaughlin Ruth Ellen Female Lawler Anthony Bede Male Perth
1948/101228 Perth Bensky Hyman Male Gubbay Sophie Female Perth
1948/101228 Perth Gubbay Sophie Female Bensky Hyman Male Perth
1948/101229 Perth Lawrence Darrald Duffy Male Swarbrick Mary Imelda Female West Perth
1948/101229 Perth Swarbrick Mary Imelda Female Lawrence Darrald Duffy Male West Perth
1948/101230 Perth Brown James Joseph Male Cogan Flora Kathleen Female West Perth
1948/101230 Perth Cogan Flora Kathleen Female Brown James Joseph Male West Perth
1948/101231 Perth Corse Dorothy Myrtle Female Walkden Francis John Male Perth
1948/101231 Perth Walkden Francis John Male Corse Dorothy Myrtle Female Perth
1948/101232 Perth Hampton Eileen Monica Female Seymour Douglas Stuart Male Perth
1948/101232 Perth Seymour Douglas Stuart Male Hampton Eileen Monica Female Perth
1948/101233 Perth Harris Doris Marie Female Harvey William Ross Male Perth
1948/101233 Perth Harvey William Ross Male Harris Doris Marie Female Perth
1948/101234 Perth Case Robert Francis Male Morris Eileen Female Perth
1948/101234 Perth Morris Eileen Female Case Robert Francis Male Perth
1948/101235 Perth Anderson George Alfred Male Cresswell Margery Joan Female Perth
1948/101235 Perth Cresswell Margery Joan Female Anderson George Alfred Male Perth
1948/101236 Perth Hansen Frederick Christian Male Nicholls Corinne Marshall Female Perth
1948/101236 Perth Nicholls Corinne Marshall Female Hansen Frederick Christian Male Perth
1948/101237 Perth Bairstow Doris Margaret Female Taylor George Donald Male Perth
1948/101237 Perth Taylor George Donald Male Bairstow Doris Margaret Female Perth
1948/101238 Perth Bevan Percy Edward Male Caporn Rita Jean Female Perth
1948/101238 Perth Caporn Rita Jean Female Bevan Percy Edward Male Perth
1948/101239 Perth Oversby Margaret Ethel Female Sleath Richard Colin Male Perth
1948/101239 Perth Sleath Richard Colin Male Oversby Margaret Ethel Female Perth
1948/101240 Perth Butson John Benjamin Male Gemmell Janet Elizabeth Female Perth
1948/101240 Perth Gemmell Janet Elizabeth Female Butson John Benjamin Male Perth
1948/101241 Perth Goodchild Caleb Edward John Male Howell Ava Jean Female Perth
1948/101241 Perth Howell Ava Jean Female Goodchild Caleb Edward John Male Perth
1948/101242 Perth Robertson Kenneth James Male Watts Muriel May Female Perth
1948/101242 Perth Watts Muriel May Female Robertson Kenneth James Male Perth
1948/101243 Perth Godfrey Frederick Charles Male Hockley Gloria Joan Female Perth
1948/101243 Perth Hockley Gloria Joan Female Godfrey Frederick Charles Male Perth
1948/101244 Perth Cleal Kathleen Violet Female Tyson Jack Male Perth
1948/101244 Perth Tyson Jack Male Cleal Kathleen Violet Female Perth
1948/101245 Perth Jennings Kenneth James Male Morrison Joyce Margaret Female Perth
1948/101245 Perth Morrison Joyce Margaret Female Jennings Kenneth James Male Perth
1948/101246 Perth Bocksette Gloria Lillian Female Denslow Jack William Male Perth
1948/101246 Perth Denslow Jack William Male Bocksette Gloria Lillian Female Perth
1948/101247 Perth Davies Douglas Ernest Male Korbosky Margaret Mary Female Perth
1948/101247 Perth Korbosky Margaret Mary Female Davies Douglas Ernest Male Perth
1948/101248 Perth Kennett Shirley Joyce Female Wilkins John William Male Perth
1948/101248 Perth Wilkins John William Male Kennett Shirley Joyce Female Perth
1948/101249 Perth Broander Hilda Lillian Female Gibson Albert George Male Perth
1948/101249 Perth Gibson Albert George Male Broander Hilda Lillian Female Perth
1948/101250 Perth Jordan Florence May Female Pollard Joseph Kenneth Male Perth
1948/101250 Perth Pollard Joseph Kenneth Male Jordan Florence May Female Perth
1948/101251 Perth Pereira Raymond James Male Sebo Rosina Mary Female Perth
1948/101251 Perth Sebo Rosina Mary Female Pereira Raymond James Male Perth
1948/101252 Perth Davies Audrey Female Trickey Colin Roy Male Perth
1948/101252 Perth Trickey Colin Roy Male Davies Audrey Female Perth
1948/101253 Perth Opie June Patricia Female Robinson Roy Amos Male Perth
1948/101253 Perth Robinson Roy Amos Male Opie June Patricia Female Perth
1948/101254 Perth Scott Hugh Male Thomas Muriel Female W Perth
1948/101254 Perth Thomas Muriel Female Scott Hugh Male W Perth
1948/101255 Perth Jones Beryl Alberta Female Tregear William Edgar Male West Perth
1948/101255 Perth Tregear William Edgar Male Jones Beryl Alberta Female West Perth
1948/101256 Perth Milroy Alexander James Male Rowe Valma Female Perth
1948/101256 Perth Rowe Valma Female Milroy Alexander James Male Perth
1948/101257 Perth Myers Marjorie Nance Female Wilson Thomas Forrest Male West Perth
1948/101257 Perth Wilson Thomas Forrest Male Myers Marjorie Nance Female West Perth
1948/101258 Perth Morley Maurice Talbot Male Munckton Nancy Thelma Female Perth
1948/101258 Perth Munckton Nancy Thelma Female Morley Maurice Talbot Male Perth
1948/101259 Perth McKinney Sarah Anne Female Mills Lawrence Edward Male Leederville
1948/101259 Perth Mills Lawrence Edward Male McKinney Sarah Anne Female Leederville
1948/101260 Perth Carlile Edith Brenda Female Little Robert Gordon Male Leederville
1948/101260 Perth Little Robert Gordon Male Carlile Edith Brenda Female Leederville
1948/101261 Perth Gale George William Male Higgins Shirley May Female Leederville
1948/101261 Perth Higgins Shirley May Female Gale George William Male Leederville
1948/101262 Perth Franklin Mary Iris Female Lambie Andrew Male Victoria Park
1948/101262 Perth Lambie Andrew Male Franklin Mary Iris Female Victoria Park
1948/101263 Perth Leevers Phyllis Ivy Female Soderlund Walter Ralph Male Claremont
1948/101263 Perth Soderlund Walter Ralph Male Leevers Phyllis Ivy Female Claremont
1948/101264 Perth Broadwood Gladys Joyce Female Firrell Clifford William Male Mt Lawley
1948/101264 Perth Firrell Clifford William Male Broadwood Gladys Joyce Female Mt Lawley
1948/101265 Perth Bryce Marjorie Evelyn Female McLeod John Eugene Male Mt Lawley
1948/101265 Perth McLeod John Eugene Male Bryce Marjorie Evelyn Female Mt Lawley
1948/101266 Perth Hawkins Edward Francis William Male Henning June Haldane Female Perth
1948/101266 Perth Henning June Haldane Female Hawkins Edward Francis William Male Perth
1948/101267 Perth Brice Leopold Barton Male Green Patsy Hovea Female Perth
1948/101267 Perth Green Patsy Hovea Female Brice Leopold Barton Male Perth
1948/101268 Perth Amey Harold Laurence Male Oost Marjorie Doris Female Victoria Park
1948/101268 Perth Oost Marjorie Doris Female Amey Harold Laurence Male Victoria Park
1948/101269 Perth McCarley Sylvia Constance Female Rowling Charles James Male Mt Lawley
1948/101269 Perth Rowling Charles James Male McCarley Sylvia Constance Female Mt Lawley
1948/101270 Perth Bailey Rose Female Leddington Wilfred Gerald Male Perth
1948/101270 Perth Leddington Wilfred Gerald Male Bailey Rose Female Perth
1948/101271 Perth Bedder Phyllis Queenie Female Emery John Humphrey Male West Perth
1948/101271 Perth Emery John Humphrey Male Bedder Phyllis Queenie Female West Perth
1948/101272 Perth Brunton Edward William Male Lewis Ena Female West Perth
1948/101272 Perth Lewis Ena Female Brunton Edward William Male West Perth
1948/101273 Perth Cantrell Frederick Male Power Miriam Joan Female West Perth
1948/101273 Perth Power Miriam Joan Female Cantrell Frederick Male West Perth
1948/101274 Perth Cowley Audrey Joan Female Sewell Raymond Hubert Male Perth
1948/101274 Perth Sewell Raymond Hubert Male Cowley Audrey Joan Female Perth
1948/101275 Perth Bell Eileen Eva Female Kraft Walter Otto Male Mosman Park Methodist Church
1948/101275 Perth Kraft Walter Otto Male Bell Eileen Eva Female Mosman Park Methodist Church
1948/101276 Perth Halpern Leon Male Helliar Joan Female Perth
1948/101276 Perth Helliar Joan Female Halpern Leon Male Perth
1948/101277 Perth Wilson Jack Male Wukberg Phemie Ellen Female Perth
1948/101277 Perth Wukberg Phemie Ellen Female Wilson Jack Male Perth
1948/101278 Perth Buchanan Frederick John Male Valentine Dorothy Roma Female West Australia
1948/101278 Perth Valentine Dorothy Roma Female Buchanan Frederick John Male West Australia
1948/101279 Perth Brown Margaret Joyce Female Williams Robert Henry Male Subiaco Congregational Church
1948/101279 Perth Williams Robert Henry Male Brown Margaret Joyce Female Subiaco Congregational Church
1948/101280 Perth Powell James Ronald Male Whiting Peggy Ruth Female Subiaco Congregational Church
1948/101280 Perth Whiting Peggy Ruth Female Powell James Ronald Male Subiaco Congregational Church
1948/101281 Perth Aivaleotis John Male Samiotis Maria Female Perth
1948/101281 Perth Samiotis Maria Female Aivaleotis John Male Perth
1948/101282 Perth Allen John Arthur Male Hudson Constance Female Perth
1948/101282 Perth Hudson Constance Female Allen John Arthur Male Perth
1948/101283 Perth Mason Denis Male Thomas Vera Joyce Female Perth
1948/101283 Perth Thomas Vera Joyce Female Mason Denis Male Perth
1948/101284 Perth Floyd Cyril Male Woodthorpe Florence Irene Nora Female Perth
1948/101284 Perth Woodthorpe Florence Irene Nora Female Floyd Cyril Male Perth
1948/101285 Perth Russ William George Male Waterfall Dorothy Joyce Female North Perth
1948/101285 Perth Waterfall Dorothy Joyce Female Russ William George Male North Perth
1948/101286 Perth Congdon Peter Keen Male Cuthbert Amy Mavis Female North Perth
1948/101286 Perth Cuthbert Amy Mavis Female Congdon Peter Keen Male North Perth
1948/101287 Perth Baddeley Laurel Ethel Female Woodhouse George Gerard Male Highgate Hill
1948/101287 Perth Woodhouse George Gerard Male Baddeley Laurel Ethel Female Highgate Hill
1948/101288 Perth Delaney Edith Female Hendry Robert Smith Male Leederville
1948/101288 Perth Hendry Robert Smith Male Delaney Edith Female Leederville
1948/101289 Perth Leech Vernon Cecil Male Tiller Helen May Female North Perth
1948/101289 Perth Tiller Helen May Female Leech Vernon Cecil Male North Perth
1948/101290 Perth Anderson Margaret Female Miller Robert Male Perth
1948/101290 Perth Miller Robert Male Anderson Margaret Female Perth
1948/101291 Perth Crews Emily Maud Female Pearson William Robert Wickham Male Perth
1948/101291 Perth Pearson William Robert Wickham Male Crews Emily Maud Female Perth
1948/101292 Perth Clauson Cynthia Muriel Patricia Female Jordan William Maxwell Male Subiaco
1948/101292 Perth Jordan William Maxwell Male Clauson Cynthia Muriel Patricia Female Subiaco
1948/101293 Perth Anderson Mary Velma Female Edwards Keith Raymond Male North Perth Methodist Church
1948/101293 Perth Edwards Keith Raymond Male Anderson Mary Velma Female North Perth Methodist Church
1948/101294 Perth Charles Frederick Male Goodwill Lillian Constance Female Perth
1948/101294 Perth Goodwill Lillian Constance Female Charles Frederick Male Perth
1948/101295 Perth Munday Faith Aileen Female Richards Robert John Male West Perth
1948/101295 Perth Richards Robert John Male Munday Faith Aileen Female West Perth
1948/101296 Perth Munday Pearl Elaine Female White Ronald Harold Male West Perth
1948/101296 Perth White Ronald Harold Male Munday Pearl Elaine Female West Perth
1948/101297 Perth Burns Robert Percy Male Higgs Joan Dorothy Female Perth
1948/101297 Perth Higgs Joan Dorothy Female Burns Robert Percy Male Perth
1948/101298 Perth Dyson Valmai Joan Female O'Brien Thomas William Male Inglewood
1948/101298 Perth O'Brien Thomas William Male Dyson Valmai Joan Female Inglewood
1948/101299 Perth Allen Alice Margaret Female Strawbridge Alan Dexter Male Wembley
1948/101299 Perth Strawbridge Alan Dexter Male Allen Alice Margaret Female Wembley
1948/101300 Perth Lathbury Frank Fletcher Male Minson Shirley Female Perth
1948/101300 Perth Minson Shirley Female Lathbury Frank Fletcher Male Perth
1948/101301 Perth Barclay Jessie Estella Female Morris Edwin John Male Perth
1948/101301 Perth Morris Edwin John Male Barclay Jessie Estella Female Perth
1948/101302 Perth Martin Fredrick Charles Reginald Male Sharman Lenore Isabella Female Perth
1948/101302 Perth Sharman Lenore Isabella Female Martin Fredrick Charles Reginald Male Perth
1948/101303 Perth Gurney Iris Mary Female Schurmann Christopher Male Perth
1948/101303 Perth Schurmann Christopher Male Gurney Iris Mary Female Perth
1948/101304 Perth Lane Clara Ellen Female Woods Donald Edward Male Perth
1948/101304 Perth Woods Donald Edward Male Lane Clara Ellen Female Perth
1948/101305 Perth Allen Violet Isobel Female Squance William Stanley Male Perth
1948/101305 Perth Squance William Stanley Male Allen Violet Isobel Female Perth
1948/101306 Perth Hurlston Denys Challis Female King William Johnstone Male Perth
1948/101306 Perth King William Johnstone Male Hurlston Denys Challis Female Perth
1948/101307 Perth Baker Merle Myrtle Female Stinton Alfred Edward Male Perth
1948/101307 Perth Stinton Alfred Edward Male Baker Merle Myrtle Female Perth
1948/101308 Perth Emery George Henry Male James Dorothy Marjorie Eileen Female Perth
1948/101308 Perth James Dorothy Marjorie Eileen Female Emery George Henry Male Perth
1948/101309 Perth Landwehr Joyce Eileen Female Mott Barton Byass Male Perth
1948/101309 Perth Mott Barton Byass Male Landwehr Joyce Eileen Female Perth
1948/101310 Perth Goode Kenneth John Male McDonald Valerie Ruth Female Perth
1948/101310 Perth Goode Kenneth John Male Smith Valerie Ruth Female Perth
1948/101310 Perth McDonald Valerie Ruth Female Goode Kenneth John Male Perth
1948/101310 Perth Smith Valerie Ruth Female Goode Kenneth John Male Perth
1948/101311 Perth Brooks Mary Female Peaker Herbert Male Perth
1948/101311 Perth Peaker Herbert Male Brooks Mary Female Perth
1948/101312 Perth Birks Marjorie Ruth Female Ellson Ronald Manlove Male Perth
1948/101312 Perth Ellson Ronald Manlove Male Birks Marjorie Ruth Female Perth
1948/101313 Perth Blight Gladys Peggy Female Hammersley Arthur John Male Perth
1948/101313 Perth Hammersley Arthur John Male Blight Gladys Peggy Female Perth
1948/101314 Perth Collins Ronald Male Saul Gwendoline Jean Female Victoria Park
1948/101314 Perth Saul Gwendoline Jean Female Collins Ronald Male Victoria Park
1948/101315 Perth Castensen Norma Ada Female Reynolds Raymond Searle Male Victoria Park
1948/101315 Perth Reynolds Raymond Searle Male Castensen Norma Ada Female Victoria Park
1948/101316 Perth Easton Leonard Arthur Male Sinclair Marjorie Edna Female Perth
1948/101316 Perth Sinclair Marjorie Edna Female Easton Leonard Arthur Male Perth
1948/101317 Perth Butler Joan Margaret Female Hanlon James Wilfred Male Perth
1948/101317 Perth Hanlon James Wilfred Male Butler Joan Margaret Female Perth
1948/101318 Perth McCall Thelma May Female Mowday Eric Douglas Male Claremont
1948/101318 Perth Mowday Eric Douglas Male McCall Thelma May Female Claremont
1948/101319 Perth Cohen Helen Heathcote Female Rowe Harold John Male Crawley
1948/101319 Perth Rowe Harold John Male Cohen Helen Heathcote Female Crawley
1948/101320 Perth Dunbar Sarah Ann Female Perry John Alan Male Perth
1948/101320 Perth Perry John Alan Male Dunbar Sarah Ann Female Perth
1948/101321 Perth Shaw Roda Joan Female Steed Ernest Horace Joseph Male Subiaco
1948/101321 Perth Steed Ernest Horace Joseph Male Shaw Roda Joan Female Subiaco
1948/101322 Perth Colton Ellen Elizabeth Female Woodhouse Bertram Male Maylands
1948/101322 Perth Woodhouse Bertram Male Colton Ellen Elizabeth Female Maylands
1948/101323 Perth Harper Sydney James Male Piggott Barbara Joan Female West Perth
1948/101323 Perth Piggott Barbara Joan Female Harper Sydney James Male West Perth
1948/101324 Perth Back Douglas John Male Straw Evelyn Jessie Female West Perth
1948/101324 Perth Straw Evelyn Jessie Female Back Douglas John Male West Perth
1948/101325 Perth Barrington Cecil Male Edgar Grace Elizabeth Female Perth College Chapel
1948/101325 Perth Edgar Grace Elizabeth Female Barrington Cecil Male Perth College Chapel
1948/101326 Perth Branigan William Stewart Male Wilson Jessie Georgina Female Mt Lawley
1948/101326 Perth Wilson Jessie Georgina Female Branigan William Stewart Male Mt Lawley
1948/101328 Perth McDowell Edwin Carter Male Sneddon Isobel Dawson Female Perth
1948/101328 Perth Sneddon Isobel Dawson Female McDowell Edwin Carter Male Perth
1948/101329 Perth Earle Edward Steward Male Steward Valma Joan Female Perth
1948/101329 Perth Steward Valma Joan Female Earle Edward Steward Male Perth
1948/101330 Perth Hordacre Evelyn Rose Female Shaw Leslie Cecil Male Perth
1948/101330 Perth Shaw Leslie Cecil Male Hordacre Evelyn Rose Female Perth
1948/101331 Perth Marsh Beryl Female Towes Geoffrey Thomas Male Perth
1948/101331 Perth Towes Geoffrey Thomas Male Marsh Beryl Female Perth
1948/101332 Perth Alexander Kenneth Lionel Male Archer Beatrice Elaine Female Perth
1948/101332 Perth Archer Beatrice Elaine Female Alexander Kenneth Lionel Male Perth
1948/101333 Perth Kempton Agnes Evelyn Female Palmer Edwin Gilchrist Male Perth
1948/101333 Perth Palmer Edwin Gilchrist Male Kempton Agnes Evelyn Female Perth
1948/101334 Perth Harmer Ernest Male Quin Doreen Melita Female Subiaco
1948/101334 Perth Quin Doreen Melita Female Harmer Ernest Male Subiaco
1948/101335 Perth Hearn Rose Emily Female O'Neill Thomas Male Subiaco
1948/101335 Perth O'Neill Thomas Male Hearn Rose Emily Female Subiaco
1948/101336 Perth Keenan Louisa Jane Female Spencer John Male Perth
1948/101336 Perth Spencer John Male Keenan Louisa Jane Female Perth
1948/101337 Perth Allen James Albert Male Strawbridge Florence May Female Perth
1948/101337 Perth Strawbridge Florence May Female Allen James Albert Male Perth
1948/101338 Perth Lear Robert Frank Male Seale Gwendoline Margaret Female Perth
1948/101338 Perth Seale Gwendoline Margaret Female Lear Robert Frank Male Perth
1948/101339 Perth Bullock Thomas Edward Male Lewis Jessie Isobel Female Perth
1948/101339 Perth Lewis Jessie Isobel Female Bullock Thomas Edward Male Perth
1948/101340 Perth Sullivan Myrtle Agnes Lousia Female Vivian William Male Maylands
1948/101340 Perth Vivian William Male Sullivan Myrtle Agnes Lousia Female Maylands
1948/101341 Perth Rome William Male Smith Anita Agnes Female Highgate Hill
1948/101341 Perth Smith Anita Agnes Female Rome William Male Highgate Hill
1948/101342 Perth Hanson Irene Alma Female Jordan Thomas Louis Male Victoria Park
1948/101342 Perth Jordan Thomas Louis Male Hanson Irene Alma Female Victoria Park
1948/101343 Perth McDonnell John Patrick Male O'Connor Mary Philomena Female Victoria Park
1948/101343 Perth O'Connor Mary Philomena Female McDonnell John Patrick Male Victoria Park
1948/101344 Perth Davies Frederick Thomas Male Graeme Essie Female Perth
1948/101344 Perth Graeme Essie Female Davies Frederick Thomas Male Perth
1948/101344 Perth Graeme Essie Female Meara Frederick Thomas Male Perth
1948/101344 Perth Meara Frederick Thomas Male Graeme Essie Female Perth
1948/101345 Perth Butler James William Male Secrett Ivy Louisa Female Perth
1948/101345 Perth Secrett Ivy Louisa Female Butler James William Male Perth
1948/101346 Perth Kerr Yvonne Germaine Female Ralph Cedric Edwin Male Mt Lawley
1948/101346 Perth Ralph Cedric Edwin Male Kerr Yvonne Germaine Female Mt Lawley
1948/101347 Perth Foster Milton Garnet Male Hickson Mildred Eleanor Female Perth
1948/101347 Perth Hickson Mildred Eleanor Female Foster Milton Garnet Male Perth
1948/101348 Perth Benton Ellis May Female Jenkins Ronald Albert Male Perth
1948/101348 Perth Jenkins Ronald Albert Male Benton Ellis May Female Perth
1948/101349 Perth Donald Kenneth William Male Priest Jean Female Leederville
1948/101349 Perth Priest Jean Female Donald Kenneth William Male Leederville
1948/101350 Perth Wells Gwendoline Joyce Female Wortlehock Ernest Alfred Male Victoria Park
1948/101350 Perth Wortlehock Ernest Alfred Male Wells Gwendoline Joyce Female Victoria Park
1948/101351 Perth Ogg Eleanor Mabel Female Thomas Cecil Harvey Male Victoria Park
1948/101351 Perth Thomas Cecil Harvey Male Ogg Eleanor Mabel Female Victoria Park
1948/101352 Perth Browning James Leonard Male Truran Shirley Patricia Female Perth
1948/101352 Perth Truran Shirley Patricia Female Browning James Leonard Male Perth
1948/101353 Perth Devonshire May Female Lyons Herbert Archibald Male Perth
1948/101353 Perth Lyons Herbert Archibald Male Devonshire May Female Perth
1948/101354 Perth Rich Martin Male Weir Jessie Olive Female Perth
1948/101354 Perth Weir Jessie Olive Female Rich Martin Male Perth
1948/101355 Perth Fraser Leslie Alexander Greig Male Tarrant Lesley Elizabeth May Female Perth
1948/101355 Perth Tarrant Lesley Elizabeth May Female Fraser Leslie Alexander Greig Male Perth
1948/101356 Perth Hamersley Dorothy Elvire Female Young William Wyatt Male Perth
1948/101356 Perth Young William Wyatt Male Hamersley Dorothy Elvire Female Perth
1948/101357 Perth Owen Frederic Leslie Male Reddin Joyce Emma Myrtle Female Claremont
1948/101357 Perth Reddin Joyce Emma Myrtle Female Owen Frederic Leslie Male Claremont
1948/101358 Perth Hughes Jeannette Beatrice Female Malcolm Bruce Male Claremont
1948/101358 Perth Malcolm Bruce Male Hughes Jeannette Beatrice Female Claremont
1948/101359 Perth Hutchison Harry Norman Robert Male Kellett Lex Mary Female Claremont
1948/101359 Perth Kellett Lex Mary Female Hutchison Harry Norman Robert Male Claremont
1948/101360 Perth Riley Philippa Female Rowe George Male Claremont
1948/101360 Perth Rowe George Male Riley Philippa Female Claremont
1948/101361 Perth Fisher Eric Clarence Male Isaacs Joan Mary Female Claremont
1948/101361 Perth Isaacs Joan Mary Female Fisher Eric Clarence Male Claremont
1948/101362 Perth Dunn David Dauvers Male Riley Erica Merle Female Claremont
1948/101362 Perth Riley Erica Merle Female Dunn David Dauvers Male Claremont
1948/101363 Perth Drakeford Cyril James Male Grose Thelma Beryl Jean Female Claremont
1948/101363 Perth Grose Thelma Beryl Jean Female Drakeford Cyril James Male Claremont
1948/101364 Perth Lamb Charles Henry Male Winchcombe Dulcie Joy Female Claremont
1948/101364 Perth Winchcombe Dulcie Joy Female Lamb Charles Henry Male Claremont
1948/101365 Perth Baragwanath Roma Elizabeth Female Woodward Robert George Male West Perth
1948/101365 Perth Woodward Robert George Male Baragwanath Roma Elizabeth Female West Perth
1948/101366 Perth Doyle Mary Isa Female Morrison Samuel Male West Perth
1948/101366 Perth Morrison Samuel Male Doyle Mary Isa Female West Perth
1948/101367 Perth Bonafede Costante Male Pelliccia Rita Female West Perth
1948/101367 Perth Pelliccia Rita Female Bonafede Costante Male West Perth
1948/101368 Perth Poli Giulia Female Yakich Ivan Male West Perth
1948/101368 Perth Yakich Ivan Male Poli Giulia Female West Perth
1948/101369 Perth Borlini Agnes Angelena Female Omodei Valter Michele Male West Perth
1948/101369 Perth Omodei Valter Michele Male Borlini Agnes Angelena Female West Perth
1948/101370 Perth Dwyer Ronald William Male Miller Phyllis Mary Female West Perth
1948/101370 Perth Miller Phyllis Mary Female Dwyer Ronald William Male West Perth
1948/101371 Perth Edmeades Alexander Lindsay Male Prior Coral McRae Female West Australia
1948/101371 Perth Prior Coral McRae Female Edmeades Alexander Lindsay Male West Australia
1948/101372 Perth Hill Dulcie Irene Female Lampard Arthur William Male Victoria Park
1948/101372 Perth Lampard Arthur William Male Hill Dulcie Irene Female Victoria Park
1948/101373 Perth Blackwell Joseph Male Shaw Margery Cecilia Female Claremont
1948/101373 Perth Shaw Margery Cecilia Female Blackwell Joseph Male Claremont
1948/101374 Perth Barker John Philip Male Mayhew Marie Annette Female Claremont
1948/101374 Perth Mayhew Marie Annette Female Barker John Philip Male Claremont
1948/101375 Perth Haddrill Helen Esther Female Zoranich Ivan Male Perth
1948/101376 Perth Milligan Mary Patricia Female Till Allen Robert Male Carlisle
1948/101376 Perth Till Allen Robert Male Milligan Mary Patricia Female Carlisle
1948/101377 Perth Maidment Ruth Lillian Female Turner Francis Stanley Male Mt Lawley
1948/101377 Perth Turner Francis Stanley Male Maidment Ruth Lillian Female Mt Lawley
1948/101378 Perth Poland Lorraine Isabella Amanda Female Thompson John Male Mt Hawthorn
1948/101378 Perth Thompson John Male Poland Lorraine Isabella Amanda Female Mt Hawthorn
1948/101379 Perth Horton Harry Male Walsh Ray Lamont Female Perth
1948/101379 Perth Walsh Ray Lamont Female Horton Harry Male Perth
1948/101380 Perth McKenzie Malcolm Heywood Cuff Male Williams Muriel Joyce Female Perth
1948/101380 Perth Williams Muriel Joyce Female McKenzie Malcolm Heywood Cuff Male Perth
1948/101381 Perth Hutcheson Ian Strang Male Wooldridge Irene Olive Female Perth
1948/101381 Perth Wooldridge Irene Olive Female Hutcheson Ian Strang Male Perth
1948/101382 Perth Reynolds Roy Leslie Male Williams Ethel Mary Ellinor Female Mosman Park
1948/101382 Perth Williams Ethel Mary Ellinor Female Reynolds Roy Leslie Male Mosman Park
1948/101383 Perth Rowan Emily Female Turner Richard William John Male Perth
1948/101383 Perth Turner Richard William John Male Rowan Emily Female Perth
1948/101384 Perth Pearson Edna Blackett Female Vines Claude Henry Bussell Male West Perth
1948/101384 Perth Vines Claude Henry Bussell Male Pearson Edna Blackett Female West Perth
1948/101385 Perth Aceituno Francisco Desederio Luie Male Brown Alice Female Perth
1948/101385 Perth Brown Alice Female Aceituno Francisco Desederio Luie Male Perth
1948/101386 Perth Dennis Lorna Isobel Joy Female Lindsey Reginald Keith Male Perth
1948/101386 Perth Lindsey Reginald Keith Male Dennis Lorna Isobel Joy Female Perth
1948/101387 Perth Date Florence Elizabeth Female Pyke William James Male Perth
1948/101387 Perth Pyke William James Male Date Florence Elizabeth Female Perth
1948/101388 Perth Ewing John Oliver Male Hickson Aenid Hamilton Female Perth
1948/101388 Perth Hickson Aenid Hamilton Female Ewing John Oliver Male Perth
1948/101389 Perth Bray Barbara May Female Ronan Alfred Colin Male Perth
1948/101389 Perth Ronan Alfred Colin Male Bray Barbara May Female Perth
1948/101390 Perth Hinchliffe Raymond Henry Male Kopp Doreen Ettie Female Perth
1948/101390 Perth Kopp Doreen Ettie Female Hinchliffe Raymond Henry Male Perth
1948/101391 Perth Murphy James Male Watson Kathleen May Female Perth
1948/101391 Perth Watson Kathleen May Female Murphy James Male Perth
1948/101392 Perth Fison Violet Female Walker Robert Kenneth Vernon Male East Claremont
1948/101392 Perth Walker Robert Kenneth Vernon Male Fison Violet Female East Claremont
1948/101393 Perth Brennan Samuel William Male Tonkin Joy Enid Female E Claremont
1948/101393 Perth Tonkin Joy Enid Female Brennan Samuel William Male E Claremont
1948/101394 Perth Farrell Austin Emmott Male Knuckey Nita Eliza Female Perth
1948/101394 Perth Knuckey Nita Eliza Female Farrell Austin Emmott Male Perth
1948/101395 Perth Cavanagh June Female Noonan Harry Michael Male Perth
1948/101395 Perth Noonan Harry Michael Male Cavanagh June Female Perth
1948/101396 Perth South Patricia Mary Female Wells Donald James Male Perth
1948/101396 Perth Wells Donald James Male South Patricia Mary Female Perth
1948/101397 Perth Ablett Beryl Eleanor Female Knowles Jackie Donnell Male South Perth
1948/101397 Perth Knowles Jackie Donnell Male Ablett Beryl Eleanor Female South Perth
1948/101398 Perth Bailey Alice Margaret Mary Female Cuming Gordon Stewart Male South Perth
1948/101398 Perth Cuming Gordon Stewart Male Bailey Alice Margaret Mary Female South Perth
1948/101399 Perth Dolan Mary Kathleen Female Leslie Owen Robert Male Subiaco
1948/101399 Perth Leslie Owen Robert Male Dolan Mary Kathleen Female Subiaco
1948/101400 Perth Murdoch Arthur Reginold Male Wallis Joyce Irene Female Perth
1948/101400 Perth Wallis Joyce Irene Female Murdoch Arthur Reginold Male Perth
1948/101401 Perth Baxter Thomas Reginald Male Crabtree Alma Female Perth
1948/101401 Perth Crabtree Alma Female Baxter Thomas Reginald Male Perth
1948/101402 Perth Leech Joyce Wilna Female Veitch Ronald Victor Male West Perth
1948/101402 Perth Veitch Ronald Victor Male Leech Joyce Wilna Female West Perth
1948/101403 Perth Campbell Margaret Female Jones John Leonard Male West Perth
1948/101403 Perth Jones John Leonard Male Campbell Margaret Female West Perth
1948/101404 Perth Dempster Mabel Patti Female Walden Duncan William Male Perth
1948/101404 Perth Walden Duncan William Male Dempster Mabel Patti Female Perth
1948/101405 Perth Butler Rona Belle Female Lamb Charles Murray Male Perth
1948/101405 Perth Lamb Charles Murray Male Butler Rona Belle Female Perth
1948/101406 Perth Bedlington William Thomas Male Chaloner Evelyn Nell Female Perth
1948/101406 Perth Chaloner Evelyn Nell Female Bedlington William Thomas Male Perth
1948/101407 Perth Maloney John Lawrence Male O'Neill Veronica Gertrude Female West Perth
1948/101407 Perth O'Neill Veronica Gertrude Female Maloney John Lawrence Male West Perth
1948/101408 Perth O'Connor Thomas Henry Male Wilding Gloria Female West Perth
1948/101408 Perth Wilding Gloria Female O'Connor Thomas Henry Male West Perth
1948/101409 Perth Atkinson Joan Barbara Female McIntyre Vernon John Male Perth
1948/101409 Perth McIntyre Vernon John Male Atkinson Joan Barbara Female Perth
1948/101410 Perth Armstrong Hazel Merle Female Vincent Francis Valentine John Male West Perth
1948/101410 Perth Vincent Francis Valentine John Male Armstrong Hazel Merle Female West Perth
1948/101411 Perth Barnett Mabel Thelma Female Sullivan Louis Joseph Male West Perth
1948/101411 Perth Sullivan Louis Joseph Male Barnett Mabel Thelma Female West Perth
1948/101412 Perth Chung Yuen Wai Male Smith Winifred Patricia Female West Perth
1948/101412 Perth Smith Winifred Patricia Female Chung Yuen Wai Male West Perth
1948/101413 Perth Viney Hazel Maude Kathleen Female Wenn Kevin Joseph Male West Perth
1948/101413 Perth Wenn Kevin Joseph Male Viney Hazel Maude Kathleen Female West Perth
1948/101414 Perth Currall Leslie Frank Male Mitchell Gertrude Orene Female Mount Hawthorn
1948/101414 Perth Mitchell Gertrude Orene Female Currall Leslie Frank Male Mount Hawthorn
1948/101415 Perth Finkelstein Ralph Male Lederer Eva Charlotte Female Perth
1948/101415 Perth Lederer Eva Charlotte Female Finkelstein Ralph Male Perth
1948/101416 Perth Jaffrey Beryl Evelyn Female Thompson Middleton Keith Male Perth
1948/101416 Perth Thompson Middleton Keith Male Jaffrey Beryl Evelyn Female Perth
1948/101417 Perth Caudle Janet Angus Female Owen Arthur George Male Perth
1948/101417 Perth Owen Arthur George Male Caudle Janet Angus Female Perth
1948/101418 Perth Long Winifred Thompson Female Wooller Clarence Sydney Male South Perth
1948/101418 Perth Wooller Clarence Sydney Male Long Winifred Thompson Female South Perth
1948/101419 Perth Brennand Harold Francis Male Chatfield Jessie Victoria Female West Perth
1948/101419 Perth Chatfield Jessie Victoria Female Brennand Harold Francis Male West Perth
1948/101420 Perth Harvey Vernon Jan Female Tunbridge Norman Richard Male West Perth
1948/101420 Perth Tunbridge Norman Richard Male Harvey Vernon Jan Female West Perth
1948/101421 Perth Blind Bertha Mary Female Davies John Horwood Male West Perth
1948/101421 Perth Davies John Horwood Male Blind Bertha Mary Female West Perth
1948/101422 Perth Park Owen Andrew Male Rowell Kitty Female Highgate Hill
1948/101422 Perth Rowell Kitty Female Park Owen Andrew Male Highgate Hill
1948/101423 Perth Easton Henry Joseph Male O'Brien Joan Elizabeth Female Highgate Hill
1948/101423 Perth O'Brien Joan Elizabeth Female Easton Henry Joseph Male Highgate Hill
1948/101424 Perth Hare Reginald Male Maher Beryl Marguerite Female Highgate Hill
1948/101424 Perth Maher Beryl Marguerite Female Hare Reginald Male Highgate Hill
1948/101425 Perth Logan Elsa Eva Female Quaife Robert Alfred Male Subiaco
1948/101425 Perth Quaife Robert Alfred Male Logan Elsa Eva Female Subiaco
1948/101426 Perth Paterson Penelope Belle Female Smith Ralph Frank James Male Perth
1948/101426 Perth Smith Ralph Frank James Male Paterson Penelope Belle Female Perth
1948/101427 Perth Doran Patrick Edward Male Todd Eileen May Female Perth
1948/101427 Perth Todd Eileen May Female Doran Patrick Edward Male Perth
1948/101428 Perth Osborne Herbert Grey Male Pipe Muriel Frances Female Perth
1948/101428 Perth Pipe Muriel Frances Female Osborne Herbert Grey Male Perth
1948/101429 Perth Donovan Jessamin Violet Female Tyler Thomas Frederick Male Victoria Park
1948/101429 Perth Tyler Thomas Frederick Male Donovan Jessamin Violet Female Victoria Park
1948/101430 Perth Hansen Allan Colin Male Walter Gladys May Female Victoria Park
1948/101430 Perth Walter Gladys May Female Hansen Allan Colin Male Victoria Park
1948/101431 Perth Burge Annie Elizabeth Jessie Female Morton Leo Tudor Male Perth
1948/101431 Perth Morton Leo Tudor Male Burge Annie Elizabeth Jessie Female Perth
1948/101432 Perth Clamp Barbara Joy Female Dwyer Donald George Male Leederville
1948/101432 Perth Dwyer Donald George Male Clamp Barbara Joy Female Leederville
1948/101433 Perth Adam Raymond William Male Swartz May Female Perth
1948/101433 Perth Swartz May Female Adam Raymond William Male Perth
1948/101434 Perth Sampson Alfred James Male Wilkinson Shirley Neta Female Nedlands
1948/101434 Perth Wilkinson Shirley Neta Female Sampson Alfred James Male Nedlands
1948/101435 Perth Jose Tilda Elizabeth Female Tinning John Pearson Glover Male W Leederville
1948/101435 Perth Tinning John Pearson Glover Male Jose Tilda Elizabeth Female W Leederville
1948/101436 Perth Hussick Edgar George Male Lawson Alice Irene Female N Perth
1948/101436 Perth Lawson Alice Irene Female Hussick Edgar George Male N Perth
1948/101437 Perth Badcock Frederick Theodore Male Richards Dulcie Alma Female Perth
1948/101437 Perth Richards Dulcie Alma Female Badcock Frederick Theodore Male Perth
1948/101438 Perth Barry Patrick Male Jones Violet Claire Female Perth
1948/101438 Perth Jones Violet Claire Female Barry Patrick Male Perth
1948/101439 Perth Long Irene Garland Female Offer Lionel Edward Male Mt Lawley
1948/101439 Perth Offer Lionel Edward Male Long Irene Garland Female Mt Lawley
1948/101440 Perth Marshall Betty Female Robinson Basil Keith Male Victoria Park
1948/101440 Perth Robinson Basil Keith Male Marshall Betty Female Victoria Park
1948/101441 Perth Hollett Norma Joy Female Hutchings Ronald Edwin Male Mt Lawley
1948/101441 Perth Hutchings Ronald Edwin Male Hollett Norma Joy Female Mt Lawley
1948/101442 Perth Giggins Myra Florence Female Glasson Arthur Heathershaw Male Perth
1948/101442 Perth Glasson Arthur Heathershaw Male Giggins Myra Florence Female Perth
1948/101443 Perth Brown Morris Male Potter Edna Gertrude Female Perth
1948/101443 Perth Potter Edna Gertrude Female Brown Morris Male Perth
1948/101444 Perth Davis Norma Joyce Female Krauth Robert Vincent Male Perth
1948/101444 Perth Krauth Robert Vincent Male Davis Norma Joyce Female Perth
1948/101445 Perth Pegler Violet Anna Female Westlake Harry Edwin Male Perth
1948/101445 Perth Westlake Harry Edwin Male Pegler Violet Anna Female Perth
1948/101446 Perth Davies William Aubrey Milburn Male Kelder Isabel McKenzie Female Perth
1948/101446 Perth Kelder Isabel McKenzie Female Davies William Aubrey Milburn Male Perth
1948/101447 Perth McEncroe James Frances Male Perrie Shirley Josephine Female Highgate Hill
1948/101447 Perth Perrie Shirley Josephine Female McEncroe James Frances Male Highgate Hill
1948/101448 Perth Catchpole Ellen Mary Female Goldie George Roy Male Highgate Hill
1948/101448 Perth Goldie George Roy Male Catchpole Ellen Mary Female Highgate Hill
1948/101449 Perth Campbell Margaret Female Jones John Leonard Male Cottesloe
1948/101449 Perth Jones John Leonard Male Campbell Margaret Female Cottesloe
1948/101450 Perth Giblett Joan Female Ingram Douglas Albert Male South Perth
1948/101450 Perth Ingram Douglas Albert Male Giblett Joan Female South Perth
1948/101451 Perth Clarke Francis Patrick Male Hayes Florence Female Perth
1948/101451 Perth Hayes Florence Female Clarke Francis Patrick Male Perth
1948/101452 Perth Davies Albert Victor Male Rowlands Kathleen Female Perth
1948/101452 Perth Rowlands Kathleen Female Davies Albert Victor Male Perth
1948/101453 Perth Brunskill Joyce Olive Female Shepherd Maxwell William Male Perth
1948/101453 Perth Shepherd Maxwell William Male Brunskill Joyce Olive Female Perth
1948/101454 Perth Godfrey James Joseph Male Moate Gweneth May Female Perth
1948/101454 Perth Moate Gweneth May Female Godfrey James Joseph Male Perth
1948/101455 Perth Grigson Keith Leslie Male Wright Winifred Lucy Female Perth
1948/101455 Perth Wright Winifred Lucy Female Grigson Keith Leslie Male Perth
1948/101456 Perth Bettenay Eleanor Marion Female Knuckey Lloyd Parker Male Perth
1948/101456 Perth Knuckey Lloyd Parker Male Bettenay Eleanor Marion Female Perth
1948/101457 Perth McDonald Kevin Alfred John Male Pemberton Valmai Margaret Blanche Female Perth
1948/101457 Perth Pemberton Valmai Margaret Blanche Female McDonald Kevin Alfred John Male Perth
1948/101458 Perth Armstrong Ernest John Wordsworth Male Thomas Norma Margaret Female Claremont
1948/101458 Perth Thomas Norma Margaret Female Armstrong Ernest John Wordsworth Male Claremont
1948/101459 Perth Haddock Margaret Jean Female Thomas Dennis Glyn Male Claremont
1948/101459 Perth Thomas Dennis Glyn Male Haddock Margaret Jean Female Claremont
1948/101460 Perth Reynolds Vernon Herbert Male Sparkman Carina Amy Female Claremont
1948/101460 Perth Sparkman Carina Amy Female Reynolds Vernon Herbert Male Claremont
1948/101461 Perth Atkins Mary Elizabeth Female Dunkley Norman James Male Claremont
1948/101461 Perth Dunkley Norman James Male Atkins Mary Elizabeth Female Claremont
1948/101462 Perth Critchley Ivy Mary Female Lyons Francis Male Perth
1948/101462 Perth Lyons Francis Male Critchley Ivy Mary Female Perth
1948/101463 Perth Kindred Mary Magdalen Female Scott Trevor James Male East Victoria Park
1948/101463 Perth Scott Trevor James Male Kindred Mary Magdalen Female East Victoria Park
1948/101464 Perth Brooke Kathlyn Evelyn Female Fawcett Vallender Roy Male N Perth
1948/101464 Perth Fawcett Vallender Roy Male Brooke Kathlyn Evelyn Female N Perth
1948/101465 Perth Turner Charles James Raymond Male Younger Ivy Female W Leederville
1948/101465 Perth Younger Ivy Female Turner Charles James Raymond Male W Leederville
1948/101466 Perth Garland Joyce Lorraine Female Morrison John Harold Male West Perth
1948/101466 Perth Morrison John Harold Male Garland Joyce Lorraine Female West Perth
1948/101467 Perth Harry William Frederick Male Lewis Joyce Kathleen Mildred Female West Perth
1948/101467 Perth Lewis Joyce Kathleen Mildred Female Harry William Frederick Male West Perth
1948/101468 Perth Audsley William Carverley Male Brabner Ellen Lillian Female Claremont
1948/101468 Perth Brabner Ellen Lillian Female Audsley William Carverley Male Claremont
1948/101469 Perth Moss Caroline Eleanor Female Shaw Edward Robert Male Perth
1948/101469 Perth Shaw Edward Robert Male Moss Caroline Eleanor Female Perth
1948/101470 Perth Butcher Robert Eugene Male Reynolds Shirley Valmai Heather Female Perth
1948/101470 Perth Reynolds Shirley Valmai Heather Female Butcher Robert Eugene Male Perth
1948/101471 Perth Kennedy Peter St John Male White Dulcie Elaine Female Perth
1948/101471 Perth White Dulcie Elaine Female Kennedy Peter St John Male Perth
1948/101472 Perth Reynolds Ursula Joan Female Wilson Ralph William Male Perth
1948/101472 Perth Wilson Ralph William Male Reynolds Ursula Joan Female Perth
1948/101473 Perth Bant Coral Olive Female Rodoreda Lawrence Charles Male West Perth
1948/101473 Perth Rodoreda Lawrence Charles Male Bant Coral Olive Female West Perth
1948/101474 Perth Rodden James Male Turkington Jane Female Perth
1948/101474 Perth Turkington Jane Female Rodden James Male Perth
1948/101475 Perth Acklard John Hugh Male Saleh Jessica Female Perth
1948/101475 Perth Saleh Jessica Female Acklard John Hugh Male Perth
1948/101476 Perth Ryding Beryl Doreen Female Ward Frank Edward Male Mt Hawthorn
1948/101476 Perth Ward Frank Edward Male Ryding Beryl Doreen Female Mt Hawthorn
1948/101477 Perth Alexander Allan George Male Goldsmith Dora Edith Ellen Female Maylands Church of Christ
1948/101477 Perth Goldsmith Dora Edith Ellen Female Alexander Allan George Male Maylands Church of Christ
1948/101478 Perth Dalrymple Emma Truesdale Female Tilley Frederick Henry Male Maylands Presbyterian Church
1948/101478 Perth Tilley Frederick Henry Male Dalrymple Emma Truesdale Female Maylands Presbyterian Church
1948/101479 Perth Dalton Ernest Russell Male Stewart Kathleen Mary Female Perth
1948/101479 Perth Stewart Kathleen Mary Female Dalton Ernest Russell Male Perth
1948/101480 Perth Dowdell Davison Clyde Male Hannagan Agnes Annie Female Perth
1948/101480 Perth Hannagan Agnes Annie Female Dowdell Davison Clyde Male Perth
1948/101481 Perth Shea Martha Female Williams John Male Perth
1948/101481 Perth Williams John Male Shea Martha Female Perth
1948/101482 Perth Mellows Sarah Female Wirth Thomas Benjamin Male Perth
1948/101482 Perth Wirth Thomas Benjamin Male Mellows Sarah Female Perth
1948/101483 Perth Plummer Eris Elwyne Female Smith Cyril Herbert Male Perth
1948/101483 Perth Smith Cyril Herbert Male Plummer Eris Elwyne Female Perth
1948/101484 Perth McIlvenny Palma Mary Female West Francis James Male Subiaco
1948/101484 Perth West Francis James Male McIlvenny Palma Mary Female Subiaco
1948/101485 Perth Smidt Robert Henry Male Wood Evelyn Irene Female West Perth
1948/101485 Perth Wood Evelyn Irene Female Smidt Robert Henry Male West Perth
1948/101486 Perth Sharman Ellen Hunter Female Snell John Alfred Male Mt Lawley
1948/101486 Perth Snell John Alfred Male Sharman Ellen Hunter Female Mt Lawley
1948/101487 Perth Davis Stanley Seabrook Male Howitt Mary McCrae Female Mt Lawley
1948/101487 Perth Howitt Mary McCrae Female Davis Stanley Seabrook Male Mt Lawley
1948/101488 Perth Gillon Ian Robert Martin Male McKay Christine Cran Female Claremont
1948/101488 Perth McKay Christine Cran Female Gillon Ian Robert Martin Male Claremont
1948/101489 Perth Brown John Newton Male Stirling Carlita Mary Female Perth
1948/101489 Perth Stirling Carlita Mary Female Brown John Newton Male Perth
1948/101490 Perth Dobson Patricia Mary Female Martin Robert Jack Male Highgate Hill
1948/101490 Perth Martin Robert Jack Male Dobson Patricia Mary Female Highgate Hill
1948/101491 Perth Catherall Betty Joy Female Newman Robert Sydney Male West Perth
1948/101491 Perth Newman Robert Sydney Male Catherall Betty Joy Female West Perth
1948/101492 Perth Belli Alice Margaret Female Rose Alan Clifton Male South Perth
1948/101492 Perth Rose Alan Clifton Male Belli Alice Margaret Female South Perth
1948/101493 Perth Counsel Ronald Walter Male Fullwood Jean Elizabeth Female North Perth Methodist Church
1948/101493 Perth Fullwood Jean Elizabeth Female Counsel Ronald Walter Male North Perth Methodist Church
1948/101494 Perth McLaurin Laura Mary Female Russell Thomas William Male Leederville
1948/101494 Perth Russell Thomas William Male McLaurin Laura Mary Female Leederville
1948/101495 Perth Clark Reginald Edward Male Smalpage Ellen Grace Female Leederville
1948/101495 Perth Smalpage Ellen Grace Female Clark Reginald Edward Male Leederville
1948/101496 Perth Brown Ruth Female Fallon Alfred Male Perth
1948/101496 Perth Fallon Alfred Male Brown Ruth Female Perth
1948/101497 Perth Brown Ronald Male Gilmore Mavis Shirley Female Perth
1948/101497 Perth Gilmore Mavis Shirley Female Brown Ronald Male Perth
1948/101498 Perth McCormick Stanley Martin Male Moses Thelma Florence Female Perth
1948/101498 Perth Moses Thelma Florence Female McCormick Stanley Martin Male Perth
1948/101499 Perth Constantine Annie Clindinning Female McGregor John Alexander Male Perth
1948/101499 Perth McGregor John Alexander Male Constantine Annie Clindinning Female Perth
1948/101500 Perth Anderson Desmond Roy Male Napier Hazel May Ruth Female Perth
1948/101500 Perth Napier Hazel May Ruth Female Anderson Desmond Roy Male Perth
1948/101501 Perth Gill Laretta Elizabeth Female Maclean Neil John Male West Perth
1948/101501 Perth Maclean Neil John Male Gill Laretta Elizabeth Female West Perth
1948/101502 Perth Froome Charles Roderick Male Martin Elaine Josephine Female W Leederville
1948/101502 Perth Martin Elaine Josephine Female Froome Charles Roderick Male W Leederville
1948/101503 Perth Burford William Ronald Male Hawcroft Cathlyn Female Perth
1948/101503 Perth Hawcroft Cathlyn Female Burford William Ronald Male Perth
1948/101504 Perth Anderson Sydney Male Miller Ann Dorothy Female Perth
1948/101504 Perth Miller Ann Dorothy Female Anderson Sydney Male Perth
1948/101505 Perth Wecker Eric Male Whitton Kathleen Female Perth
1948/101505 Perth Whitton Kathleen Female Wecker Eric Male Perth
1948/101506 Perth Bainbridge-Fuller Norman Male Fildes Joyce Molly Female Perth
1948/101506 Perth Fildes Joyce Molly Female Bainbridge-Fuller Norman Male Perth
1948/101507 Perth Williams James Male Woodley Dorothy Beatrice Female Perth
1948/101507 Perth Woodley Dorothy Beatrice Female Williams James Male Perth
1948/101508 Perth McGougan Helen Female Procter Arthur Male Perth
1948/101508 Perth Procter Arthur Male McGougan Helen Female Perth
1948/101509 Perth Mayo William John Male Williams Dorothy Maud Female Perth
1948/101509 Perth Williams Dorothy Maud Female Mayo William John Male Perth
1948/101510 Perth McCracken Oliver Male Morris Ellen Mary Female Perth
1948/101510 Perth Morris Ellen Mary Female McCracken Oliver Male Perth
1948/101511 Perth Burg Laura Female Turner Frederick Charles Male Perth
1948/101511 Perth Turner Frederick Charles Male Burg Laura Female Perth
1948/101512 Perth Keenan Patrick Joseph Male Muecke Diana Female Perth
1948/101512 Perth Muecke Diana Female Keenan Patrick Joseph Male Perth
1948/101513 Perth Hurst Edward Frank Male Morley Margaret Louise Female West Perth
1948/101513 Perth Morley Margaret Louise Female Hurst Edward Frank Male West Perth
1948/101514 Perth Gordon Margaret Abercrombie Female Groves Alick John Male West Perth
1948/101514 Perth Groves Alick John Male Gordon Margaret Abercrombie Female West Perth
1948/101515 Perth Beak Beryl Florence Hazel Female Westphal Leslie Stuart Male West Perth
1948/101515 Perth Westphal Leslie Stuart Male Beak Beryl Florence Hazel Female West Perth
1948/101516 Perth Green Wallace Arthur Harold Male Knight Leila Rose Female Perth
1948/101516 Perth Knight Leila Rose Female Green Wallace Arthur Harold Male Perth
1948/101517 Perth Meagher Patrick James Male Walton Margaret Edith Female Osborne Park
1948/101517 Perth Walton Margaret Edith Female Meagher Patrick James Male Osborne Park
1948/101518 Perth Hilton Robert Albert Male Spooner Beryl May Female Perth
1948/101518 Perth Spooner Beryl May Female Hilton Robert Albert Male Perth
1948/101519 Perth Ryan Raymond Ernest Male Williams Gladys May Female Perth
1948/101519 Perth Williams Gladys May Female Ryan Raymond Ernest Male Perth
1948/101520 Perth Carter John Joseph Male Summers-Jenkins Miriam Brenda Female Perth
1948/101520 Perth Summers-Jenkins Miriam Brenda Female Carter John Joseph Male Perth
1948/101521 Perth Coughlan Ronald William Male Oates Shirley Jean Female W Perth
1948/101521 Perth Oates Shirley Jean Female Coughlan Ronald William Male W Perth
1948/101522 Perth Martin Allen James Male Reid Dorothy May Female Perth
1948/101522 Perth Reid Dorothy May Female Martin Allen James Male Perth
1948/101523 Perth Buckley Edgar Harold Male McDonnell Sylvia Doreen Female North Perth Congregational Church
1948/101523 Perth McDonnell Sylvia Doreen Female Buckley Edgar Harold Male North Perth Congregational Church
1948/101524 Perth Smith Joseph Thomas Male Smith Alice Female Perth
1948/101524 Perth Smith Alice Female Smith Joseph Thomas Male Perth
1948/101525 Perth Brabazon Arthur Ernest Male Knight Mary Kathleen Female West Perth
1948/101525 Perth Knight Mary Kathleen Female Brabazon Arthur Ernest Male West Perth
1948/101526 Perth Lundgren James Robert Male Roberts Edith Female Mt Lawley
1948/101526 Perth Roberts Edith Female Lundgren James Robert Male Mt Lawley
1948/101527 Perth London Thelma Mary Female Lowther Lewis Arnold Male Mt Lawley
1948/101527 Perth Lowther Lewis Arnold Male London Thelma Mary Female Mt Lawley
1948/101528 Perth Branigan Leslie Gordon Male O'Neil Patricia Mary Joan Female Mt Lawley
1948/101528 Perth O'Neil Patricia Mary Joan Female Branigan Leslie Gordon Male Mt Lawley
1948/101529 Perth Coghlan John Ronald Male Powell Roberta May Female Mt Lawley
1948/101529 Perth Powell Roberta May Female Coghlan John Ronald Male Mt Lawley
1948/101530 Perth Clayforth Robin Female Steere Norman Arthur Male Nedlands
1948/101530 Perth Steere Norman Arthur Male Clayforth Robin Female Nedlands
1948/101531 Perth Anderson Neil Campbell Male Eccles Eleanor Female Cottesloe
1948/101531 Perth Eccles Eleanor Female Anderson Neil Campbell Male Cottesloe
1948/101532 Perth O'Brien Michael George Male Western Patricia Helena Female Perth
1948/101532 Perth Western Patricia Helena Female O'Brien Michael George Male Perth
1948/101533 Perth Dawson Shirley Joyce Female Thomas Ronald Male Victoria Park
1948/101533 Perth Thomas Ronald Male Dawson Shirley Joyce Female Victoria Park
1948/101534 Perth Howorth Edward Male McGann Irene Joan Female Victoria Park
1948/101534 Perth McGann Irene Joan Female Howorth Edward Male Victoria Park
1948/101535 Perth Baker George John Male Coffey Gloria May Female Victoria Park
1948/101535 Perth Coffey Gloria May Female Baker George John Male Victoria Park
1948/101536 Perth Bowring Edward Ronald Male Simms Eveline Florence Female Victoria Park
1948/101536 Perth Simms Eveline Florence Female Bowring Edward Ronald Male Victoria Park
1948/101537 Perth Cunningham William John Male Wells Joan Margaret Female Scarborough
1948/101537 Perth Wells Joan Margaret Female Cunningham William John Male Scarborough
1948/101538 Perth Ewert John Douglas Male Lonergan Kathleen Mary Female Leederville
1948/101538 Perth Lonergan Kathleen Mary Female Ewert John Douglas Male Leederville
1948/101539 Perth Bleus Yubo Male Brennan Gloria Valcie Female Subiaco
1948/101539 Perth Brennan Gloria Valcie Female Bleus Yubo Male Subiaco
1948/101540 Perth Clayton Cecil Charles Male Little Meryl Brightie Susan Female Cottesloe
1948/101540 Perth Little Meryl Brightie Susan Female Clayton Cecil Charles Male Cottesloe
1948/101541 Perth Fairclough Yvonne Doris Female Jones Lionel William Male Maylands
1948/101541 Perth Jones Lionel William Male Fairclough Yvonne Doris Female Maylands
1948/101542 Perth Van Nooten John Charles Male Brotherson Isobel Female Perth
1948/101542 Perth Brotherson Isobel Female Van Nooten John Charles Male Perth
1948/101543 Perth Anning Dorothy Joy Female Halse Frederick Ernest Male N Perth
1948/101543 Perth Halse Frederick Ernest Male Anning Dorothy Joy Female N Perth
1948/101544 Perth Brotherson Marcia Helen Female Moon Robert John Male N Perth
1948/101544 Perth Moon Robert John Male Brotherson Marcia Helen Female N Perth
1948/101545 Perth King Annabella Mescal Female Mitchison Alfred Norman Male Perth
1948/101545 Perth Mitchison Alfred Norman Male King Annabella Mescal Female Perth
1948/101546 Perth Hatcher Verna Joyce Female Prosser Owen Robert Male Perth
1948/101546 Perth Prosser Owen Robert Male Hatcher Verna Joyce Female Perth
1948/101547 Perth Butler Richard John Male Scantlebury Elsie Mary Female Perth
1948/101547 Perth Scantlebury Elsie Mary Female Butler Richard John Male Perth
1948/101548 Perth Crawford Gwenith Patricia Female Trueman James Norman Male Claremont
1948/101548 Perth Trueman James Norman Male Crawford Gwenith Patricia Female Claremont
1948/101549 Perth Jeans Cecil Edgar Male O'Donnell Betty Dorothy Female Claremont
1948/101549 Perth O'Donnell Betty Dorothy Female Jeans Cecil Edgar Male Claremont
1948/101550 Perth Inman John Philip Male Luff June Beryl Female Claremont
1948/101550 Perth Luff June Beryl Female Inman John Philip Male Claremont
1948/101551 Perth Carlyon Marjorie Florence Elizabeth Female Jones Colin Russell Male Perth
1948/101551 Perth Jones Colin Russell Male Carlyon Marjorie Florence Elizabeth Female Perth
1948/101552 Perth Christen Phyllis Willette Female Wood Walter James Male Perth
1948/101552 Perth Wood Walter James Male Christen Phyllis Willette Female Perth
1948/101553 Perth Bassett Stanley Male Norris Edith Isobel Female Subiaco Congregational Church
1948/101553 Perth Norris Edith Isobel Female Bassett Stanley Male Subiaco Congregational Church
1948/101554 Perth Guilfoyle Florence Jean Female White Douglas Robert James Male Perth
1948/101554 Perth White Douglas Robert James Male Guilfoyle Florence Jean Female Perth
1948/101555 Perth Dadson Ronald Male Pearson Norma Jean Female Perth
1948/101555 Perth Pearson Norma Jean Female Dadson Ronald Male Perth
1948/101556 Perth Edlington Dorothy Female Legge Ross Pearson Male Perth
1948/101556 Perth Legge Ross Pearson Male Edlington Dorothy Female Perth
1948/101557 Perth Blake Norma Daisy Female Mitchell Reginald Roy Male Perth
1948/101557 Perth Mitchell Reginald Roy Male Blake Norma Daisy Female Perth
1948/101558 Perth Halliday Kevin Esbert Male Tanner Thelma Female Perth
1948/101558 Perth Tanner Thelma Female Halliday Kevin Esbert Male Perth
1948/101559 Perth Beeson Edna Anne Female Thomas Alan Edward Male Subiaco
1948/101559 Perth Thomas Alan Edward Male Beeson Edna Anne Female Subiaco
1948/101560 Perth Burton William Henry Male McGarry Barbara Jean Female Subiaco
1948/101560 Perth McGarry Barbara Jean Female Burton William Henry Male Subiaco
1948/101561 Perth Adams Kevin Joseph Male Shaw Merle Lorraine Female Perth
1948/101561 Perth Shaw Merle Lorraine Female Adams Kevin Joseph Male Perth
1948/101562 Perth Caro Margery Atherden Female Lucas George Henry Male Perth
1948/101562 Perth Lucas George Henry Male Caro Margery Atherden Female Perth
1948/101563 Perth Bell Francis Edwin Male Pettit Barbara Lorraine Female Perth
1948/101563 Perth Pettit Barbara Lorraine Female Bell Francis Edwin Male Perth
1948/101564 Perth Isaac Meda Aaron Female Mizrahie Max Elie Male Perth
1948/101564 Perth Mizrahie Max Elie Male Isaac Meda Aaron Female Perth
1948/101565 Perth Nelson Sadie Female Vines Fred Male Perth
1948/101565 Perth Vines Fred Male Nelson Sadie Female Perth
1948/101566 Perth Allen Lilian Doris Female Lumb Ernest Geoffrey Male Perth
1948/101566 Perth Lumb Ernest Geoffrey Male Allen Lilian Doris Female Perth
1948/101567 Perth Smith John Raymond Male Thompson Alfreda Rosa Female Perth
1948/101567 Perth Thompson Alfreda Rosa Female Smith John Raymond Male Perth
1948/101568 Perth Beard Joseph Patrick Gerard Male Patten Kathleen Dora Female Perth
1948/101568 Perth Patten Kathleen Dora Female Beard Joseph Patrick Gerard Male Perth
1948/101569 Perth Elliott Joyce Evelyn Female Moran Philip Patrick Anthony Male Perth
1948/101569 Perth Moran Philip Patrick Anthony Male Elliott Joyce Evelyn Female Perth
1948/101570 Perth McGregor Lillian Mary Female Williams Edward Arthur Male West Perth
1948/101570 Perth Williams Edward Arthur Male McGregor Lillian Mary Female West Perth
1948/101571 Perth Cook Joyce Ivylyn Female Harvey Kevin Chivalry Male E Claremont
1948/101571 Perth Harvey Kevin Chivalry Male Cook Joyce Ivylyn Female E Claremont
1948/101572 Perth Hayes Thomas Daniel Male Ilich Elsie Female Perth
1948/101572 Perth Ilich Elsie Female Hayes Thomas Daniel Male Perth
1948/101573 Perth Calabrese Pietro Male Mangano Giuseppina Female Wanneroo
1948/101573 Perth Mangano Giuseppina Female Calabrese Pietro Male Wanneroo
1948/101574 Perth Whitt Beryl May Female Younger Ross Male Subiaco
1948/101574 Perth Younger Ross Male Whitt Beryl May Female Subiaco
1948/101575 Perth Brabazon Myrna Iris Female Hooker Francis William Rodier Male North Perth Methodist Church
1948/101575 Perth Hooker Francis William Rodier Male Brabazon Myrna Iris Female North Perth Methodist Church
1948/101576 Perth Fraser Sheila Margaret Female Moore Eric Charles Male S Perth
1948/101576 Perth Moore Eric Charles Male Fraser Sheila Margaret Female S Perth
1948/101577 Perth Whitt Harold James Male Willington Bernadette Frances Female Perth
1948/101577 Perth Willington Bernadette Frances Female Whitt Harold James Male Perth
1948/101578 Perth Gourdis Mary Female Sillelides George Basil Male Perth
1948/101578 Perth Sillelides George Basil Male Gourdis Mary Female Perth
1948/101579 Perth Caporn Charles Dingle Male Wightman Frances Lorraine Female Claremont
1948/101579 Perth Wightman Frances Lorraine Female Caporn Charles Dingle Male Claremont
1948/101580 Perth Boddington David Aubrey Male Kirkman Barbara Olive Female Claremont
1948/101580 Perth Kirkman Barbara Olive Female Boddington David Aubrey Male Claremont
1948/101581 Perth Broad Jessie Kathleen Female MacLeod Donald Ian Guy Male Claremont
1948/101581 Perth MacLeod Donald Ian Guy Male Broad Jessie Kathleen Female Claremont
1948/101582 Perth Martin William Ramsay Male Weger Pauline Female Claremont
1948/101582 Perth Weger Pauline Female Martin William Ramsay Male Claremont
1948/101583 Perth Arnold Betty Irene Female Miller Edward Collingwood Male Claremont
1948/101583 Perth Miller Edward Collingwood Male Arnold Betty Irene Female Claremont
1948/101584 Perth Jeffery Albert Male Turner Mabel Leigh Female Perth Baptist Church
1948/101584 Perth Turner Mabel Leigh Female Jeffery Albert Male Perth Baptist Church
1948/101585 Perth Ewing Brian James Frederick Male Grant Rose Adeline Female Perth Baptist Church
1948/101585 Perth Grant Rose Adeline Female Ewing Brian James Frederick Male Perth Baptist Church
1948/101586 Perth Dewar Doreen Ada Female Harrison Peter Everard Male Perth
1948/101586 Perth Harrison Peter Everard Male Dewar Doreen Ada Female Perth
1948/101587 Perth Copley Marian Diane Female Currie John Malcolm Male Perth
1948/101587 Perth Currie John Malcolm Male Copley Marian Diane Female Perth
1948/101588 Perth Clarke Sylvia Josephine Female Tulley Philip Joseph Male Leederville
1948/101588 Perth Tulley Philip Joseph Male Clarke Sylvia Josephine Female Leederville
1948/101589 Perth Christie Frank Male Dunn Valma May Female Perth
1948/101589 Perth Dunn Valma May Female Christie Frank Male Perth
1948/101590 Perth Bodger Florence Margaret Female Deering Arthur Leslie Male Perth
1948/101590 Perth Deering Arthur Leslie Male Bodger Florence Margaret Female Perth
1948/101591 Perth Beggs Elwyn Jean Female Hope Stuart James Male Perth
1948/101591 Perth Hope Stuart James Male Beggs Elwyn Jean Female Perth
1948/101592 Perth Farrelly Mary Bridget Female Weston Edward Eric Male Perth
1948/101592 Perth Weston Edward Eric Male Farrelly Mary Bridget Female Perth
1948/101593 Perth Coloper Margaret Hazel Female Jones Eric Daniel Male Perth
1948/101593 Perth Jones Eric Daniel Male Coloper Margaret Hazel Female Perth
1948/101594 Perth Hunter George Maxwell Male Spence Audrey Ethel Maud Female Perth
1948/101594 Perth Spence Audrey Ethel Maud Female Hunter George Maxwell Male Perth
1948/101595 Perth Joyce Elizabeth Maud Female Thompson James Frederick Male Perth
1948/101595 Perth Thompson James Frederick Male Joyce Elizabeth Maud Female Perth
1948/101596 Perth Date John Cornwallis Male Stewart Merle Gladys Female Perth
1948/101596 Perth Stewart Merle Gladys Female Date John Cornwallis Male Perth
1948/101597 Perth Hayes Elwyn Patricia Female McLeod James Alfred Male Subiaco
1948/101597 Perth McLeod James Alfred Male Hayes Elwyn Patricia Female Subiaco
1948/101598 Perth Demir Abdulla Male Nicholas Gladys Evelyn Female Perth
1948/101598 Perth Nicholas Gladys Evelyn Female Demir Abdulla Male Perth
1948/101599 Perth Barker Desmond Francis Male Burvill Vivienne Heather June Female West Perth
1948/101599 Perth Burvill Vivienne Heather June Female Barker Desmond Francis Male West Perth
1948/101600 Perth Fowler Joyce Lily Female Poulter James Edward Male West Perth
1948/101600 Perth Poulter James Edward Male Fowler Joyce Lily Female West Perth
1948/101601 Perth Manning Thomas George Male Studsor Evelyn Mary Female West Perth
1948/101601 Perth Studsor Evelyn Mary Female Manning Thomas George Male West Perth
1948/101602 Perth Litherland William Albert Male Prior Elizabeth Laura Female West Perth
1948/101602 Perth Prior Elizabeth Laura Female Litherland William Albert Male West Perth
1948/101603 Perth Green Colin Walter Male Wilkins Sheila Norma Female West Perth
1948/101603 Perth Wilkins Sheila Norma Female Green Colin Walter Male West Perth
1948/101604 Perth Murrell Eileen Winifred Female Smith Reginald George Male Victoria Park
1948/101604 Perth Smith Reginald George Male Murrell Eileen Winifred Female Victoria Park
1948/101605 Perth Clark Norman George Male Combs Gladys Esme Female Victoria Park
1948/101605 Perth Combs Gladys Esme Female Clark Norman George Male Victoria Park
1948/101606 Perth Dearle William James Male Johnson Jean Valma Female Leederville
1948/101606 Perth Johnson Jean Valma Female Dearle William James Male Leederville
1948/101607 Perth Leahy Harold Victor Male Newman Joan Patricia Female Leederville
1948/101607 Perth Newman Joan Patricia Female Leahy Harold Victor Male Leederville
1948/101608 Perth Evans Valentine Albert Male Reed Thelma Joyce Female Leederville
1948/101608 Perth Reed Thelma Joyce Female Evans Valentine Albert Male Leederville
1948/101609 Perth Dillon Noreen Ellen Female Shaw John Leon Male Leederville
1948/101609 Perth Shaw John Leon Male Dillon Noreen Ellen Female Leederville
1948/101610 Perth Florance Vivian Robert Male Wilson Elsie Female Leederville
1948/101610 Perth Wilson Elsie Female Florance Vivian Robert Male Leederville
1948/101611 Perth Lysle Phyllis Maud Female Mableson Harold John Male Leederville
1948/101611 Perth Mableson Harold John Male Lysle Phyllis Maud Female Leederville
1948/101612 Perth Butler Richard Newman John Male Hardensen Amy Florence Female Leederville
1948/101612 Perth Hardensen Amy Florence Female Butler Richard Newman John Male Leederville
1948/101613 Perth Anderson Alfred George Male Reilly Maxine Amy Female Leederville
1948/101613 Perth Reilly Maxine Amy Female Anderson Alfred George Male Leederville
1948/101614 Perth Fensome William Thomas Male Martain Margaret Nora Female Leederville
1948/101614 Perth Martain Margaret Nora Female Fensome William Thomas Male Leederville
1948/101615 Perth Chadwick Alfred Male Kniep Christina Female Perth
1948/101615 Perth Kniep Christina Female Chadwick Alfred Male Perth
1948/101616 Perth Leadbitter Winifred Maud Female McAloon William Joseph Male Mt Lawley
1948/101616 Perth McAloon William Joseph Male Leadbitter Winifred Maud Female Mt Lawley
1948/101617 Perth Greene Sarah Eliza Alice Female Matthews Roy Male Mt Lawley
1948/101617 Perth Matthews Roy Male Greene Sarah Eliza Alice Female Mt Lawley
1948/101618 Perth Croft Dudley Herbert Male Morton Teresa Margaret Female Subiaco
1948/101618 Perth Morton Teresa Margaret Female Croft Dudley Herbert Male Subiaco
1948/101619 Perth Berry Michael Peter Male Williams Elva Agnes Female Mosman Park Methodist Church
1948/101619 Perth Williams Elva Agnes Female Berry Michael Peter Male Mosman Park Methodist Church
1948/101620 Perth Jeffrey Hazel Jean Female Nelson Cecil Thomas Male Mosman Park Methodist Church
1948/101620 Perth Nelson Cecil Thomas Male Jeffrey Hazel Jean Female Mosman Park Methodist Church
1948/101621 Perth Ballard Doris Edith Female Gill Edward Clarence Male Mosman Park Methodist Church
1948/101621 Perth Gill Edward Clarence Male Ballard Doris Edith Female Mosman Park Methodist Church
1948/101622 Perth Cox William Wallace Male Taylor Audrey Clarence Female Perth
1948/101622 Perth Taylor Audrey Clarence Female Cox William Wallace Male Perth
1948/101623 Perth Bunney Agnes Female Eakins John Male Perth
1948/101623 Perth Eakins John Male Bunney Agnes Female Perth
1948/101624 Perth Goddard Mable Joyce Female Williams Leslie Charles Male Perth
1948/101624 Perth Williams Leslie Charles Male Goddard Mable Joyce Female Perth
1948/101625 Perth Cook Edna May Female Wood Howard Ronald Male Perth
1948/101625 Perth Wood Howard Ronald Male Cook Edna May Female Perth
1948/101626 Perth Curtis Robert Male Hare Margery Female Highgate Hill
1948/101626 Perth Hare Margery Female Curtis Robert Male Highgate Hill
1948/101627 Perth Joyce Arthur Kevin Male Justins Mavis Ivy Female Highgate Hill
1948/101627 Perth Justins Mavis Ivy Female Joyce Arthur Kevin Male Highgate Hill
1948/101628 Perth Chantler Joyce Female Woodall Arthur Male N Perth
1948/101628 Perth Woodall Arthur Male Chantler Joyce Female N Perth
1948/101629 Perth Underdown George Bruce Male Wigham Joan Hilma Female North Perth
1948/101629 Perth Wigham Joan Hilma Female Underdown George Bruce Male North Perth
1948/101630 Perth Chatfield Amos John Male Hookings Hilda Mary Female N Perth
1948/101630 Perth Hookings Hilda Mary Female Chatfield Amos John Male N Perth
1948/101631 Perth Lambly Maxwell Lionel Male Moore Dorothy May Female Perth
1948/101631 Perth Moore Dorothy May Female Lambly Maxwell Lionel Male Perth
1948/101631 Perth Moore Dorothy May Female Schmahl Maxwell Lionel Male Perth
1948/101631 Perth Schmahl Maxwell Lionel Male Moore Dorothy May Female Perth
1948/101632 Perth Bennett Clarence Kelvin Male Zines Thelma Female Perth
1948/101632 Perth Zines Thelma Female Bennett Clarence Kelvin Male Perth
1948/101633 Perth Baldock Winifred Alleen Beatrice Maud Female Hughes John Guthrie Male Perth
1948/101633 Perth Hughes John Guthrie Male Baldock Winifred Alleen Beatrice Maud Female Perth
1948/101634 Perth Taylor Allan Fergus Male Wright Frances Wilma Female Victoria Park
1948/101634 Perth Wright Frances Wilma Female Taylor Allan Fergus Male Victoria Park
1948/101635 Perth Gallagher Kathleen Doris Female Ward Charles Bernard Male Rivervale
1948/101635 Perth Ward Charles Bernard Male Gallagher Kathleen Doris Female Rivervale
1948/101636 Perth Riley Ross Haxton Male Rodoreda Muriel Catherine Female Rosalie
1948/101636 Perth Rodoreda Muriel Catherine Female Riley Ross Haxton Male Rosalie
1948/101637 Perth Browner Alphonsus Gerard Male Young Ruby Alice Female Mt Lawley
1948/101637 Perth Young Ruby Alice Female Browner Alphonsus Gerard Male Mt Lawley
1948/101638 Perth Ewings Edward Patrick Mallison Kinnane Male Herbert Thelma Jean Female Mt Lawley
1948/101638 Perth Herbert Thelma Jean Female Ewings Edward Patrick Mallison Kinnane Male Mt Lawley
1948/101639 Perth Davidson Alexander Male Prewett Elizabeth Female Perth
1948/101639 Perth Prewett Elizabeth Female Davidson Alexander Male Perth
1948/101640 Perth Hannan Lorraine Pearl Lillias Female Moore Ellis Norman Male Perth
1948/101640 Perth Moore Ellis Norman Male Hannan Lorraine Pearl Lillias Female Perth
1948/101641 Perth Prowse Shirley Gwenyth Female Stevens Denzal Clay Male Perth
1948/101641 Perth Stevens Denzal Clay Male Prowse Shirley Gwenyth Female Perth
1948/101642 Perth Abbott Desmond Charles Male Moir Florence Shirley Female Perth
1948/101642 Perth Moir Florence Shirley Female Abbott Desmond Charles Male Perth
1948/101643 Perth Faigenbaum Aron Zelik Male Wisznia Chana Female North Perth
1948/101643 Perth Wisznia Chana Female Faigenbaum Aron Zelik Male North Perth
1948/101644 Perth Gardner Roy Male Shaw Edna May Female Leederville
1948/101644 Perth Shaw Edna May Female Gardner Roy Male Leederville
1948/101645 Perth Dubberlin Russell Kenneth Male Reed Gladys May Female Leederville
1948/101645 Perth Reed Gladys May Female Dubberlin Russell Kenneth Male Leederville
1948/101646 Perth Daniels Charles William Male Mantova Joan Mavis Female Leederville
1948/101646 Perth Mantova Joan Mavis Female Daniels Charles William Male Leederville
1948/101647 Perth Tucker Cynthia Lorraine Female Wheildon Ronald Leslie Male Leederville
1948/101647 Perth Wheildon Ronald Leslie Male Tucker Cynthia Lorraine Female Leederville
1948/101648 Perth Kell Joseph William Male Moir Vivienne Greta Female Leederville
1948/101648 Perth Moir Vivienne Greta Female Kell Joseph William Male Leederville
1948/101649 Perth Braybrook Florence Glencross Female Tuckwell Thomas Henry Male Leederville
1948/101649 Perth Tuckwell Thomas Henry Male Braybrook Florence Glencross Female Leederville
1948/101650 Perth Francis Valma Myrtle Female Slide George Kenneth Male Leederville
1948/101650 Perth Slide George Kenneth Male Francis Valma Myrtle Female Leederville
1948/101651 Perth Marchant Muriel Edith Female Stribling Cecil Keith Male Victoria Park
1948/101651 Perth Stribling Cecil Keith Male Marchant Muriel Edith Female Victoria Park
1948/101652 Perth Carter Harry Reginald Male Doig Ruth Helen Female Victoria Park
1948/101652 Perth Doig Ruth Helen Female Carter Harry Reginald Male Victoria Park
1948/101653 Perth Patterson Priscilla June Female Thompson Robert Wilson Male Victoria Park
1948/101653 Perth Thompson Robert Wilson Male Patterson Priscilla June Female Victoria Park
1948/101654 Perth Pascoe Margaret Female Phelps Roger Male Victoria Park
1948/101654 Perth Phelps Roger Male Pascoe Margaret Female Victoria Park
1948/101655 Perth Connelly Frank Kenneth Male Straw Beryl Grace Female Perth
1948/101655 Perth Straw Beryl Grace Female Connelly Frank Kenneth Male Perth
1948/101656 Perth Bateman George Edward Male Hughes Alathea Jane Female Perth
1948/101656 Perth Hughes Alathea Jane Female Bateman George Edward Male Perth
1948/101657 Perth De Campi Alfred Male Gill Joan Helen Female Perth
1948/101657 Perth Gill Joan Helen Female De Campi Alfred Male Perth
1948/101658 Perth Law Harry Raymond Male Patrick Georgina Penman Davidson Female Perth
1948/101658 Perth Patrick Georgina Penman Davidson Female Law Harry Raymond Male Perth
1948/101659 Perth Klarie George Male Svilicich Kate Female West Perth
1948/101659 Perth Svilicich Kate Female Klarie George Male West Perth
1948/101660 Perth Anderson George Allen Male Hart Amelia Joan Female Perth
1948/101660 Perth Hart Amelia Joan Female Anderson George Allen Male Perth
1948/101661 Perth Cavill John Henry Male Smith Georgina May Female Perth
1948/101661 Perth Smith Georgina May Female Cavill John Henry Male Perth
1948/101662 Perth Hobby Lorna Emily Female Rafferty James Male Perth
1948/101662 Perth Rafferty James Male Hobby Lorna Emily Female Perth
1948/101663 Perth Halton Kenneth Male Solomon Betty Female Perth
1948/101663 Perth Solomon Betty Female Halton Kenneth Male Perth
1948/101664 Perth Bamford Robert Alfred Male Pickersgill Jean Margaret Female Perth
1948/101664 Perth Pickersgill Jean Margaret Female Bamford Robert Alfred Male Perth
1948/101665 Perth Lyster John Charles Male Tulley Mary Gloria Female Perth
1948/101665 Perth Tulley Mary Gloria Female Lyster John Charles Male Perth
1948/101666 Perth Roebuck Daniel Male Scarff Eleanor Thalia Female Perth
1948/101666 Perth Scarff Eleanor Thalia Female Roebuck Daniel Male Perth
1948/101667 Perth Coombs Albert Joseph Male Klein Edna Constance May Female Perth
1948/101667 Perth Klein Edna Constance May Female Coombs Albert Joseph Male Perth
1948/101668 Perth Caple Patricia Joyce Female Lawless Clifford Edward Male Perth
1948/101668 Perth Hollington Patricia Joyce Female Lawless Clifford Edward Male Perth
1948/101668 Perth Lawless Clifford Edward Male Caple Patricia Joyce Female Perth
1948/101668 Perth Lawless Clifford Edward Male Hollington Patricia Joyce Female Perth
1948/101669 Perth Anderton Veronica Eileen Female Thomas Frederick Victor Male Perth
1948/101669 Perth Thomas Frederick Victor Male Anderton Veronica Eileen Female Perth
1948/101670 Perth Prater George Alfred Samuel Male Whitfield Valma Joy Female West Perth
1948/101670 Perth Whitfield Valma Joy Female Prater George Alfred Samuel Male West Perth
1948/101671 Perth McCreery Norma Dorothy Female Walsh Joseph Edward Male Victoria Park
1948/101671 Perth Walsh Joseph Edward Male McCreery Norma Dorothy Female Victoria Park
1948/101672 Perth Murray Maurice Male Shields Margaret Female Victoria Park
1948/101672 Perth Shields Margaret Female Murray Maurice Male Victoria Park
1948/101673 Perth Curry Kathleen Edith Female Heyhoe Arthur Lindsay Male Victoria Park
1948/101673 Perth Heyhoe Arthur Lindsay Male Curry Kathleen Edith Female Victoria Park
1948/101674 Perth Mercer May Langsford Female Woods Cameron John Male Victoria Park
1948/101674 Perth Woods Cameron John Male Mercer May Langsford Female Victoria Park
1948/101675 Perth Carroll John McLoughlin Male Smith Francis Eileen Female Claremont
1948/101675 Perth Smith Francis Eileen Female Carroll John McLoughlin Male Claremont
1948/101676 Perth Newey Athol Airlie Male Shaw Mary Ellen Female Perth
1948/101676 Perth Shaw Mary Ellen Female Newey Athol Airlie Male Perth
1948/101677 Perth Abbott Lily Joyce Female James William Roy Male Perth
1948/101677 Perth James William Roy Male Abbott Lily Joyce Female Perth
1948/101678 Perth Hockley Coral Lorraine Female Vibert Allan Milton Male Perth
1948/101678 Perth Vibert Allan Milton Male Hockley Coral Lorraine Female Perth
1948/101679 Perth Copeland Keith Samuel Male McDonald Doreen Amelia Florence Female Perth
1948/101679 Perth McDonald Doreen Amelia Florence Female Copeland Keith Samuel Male Perth
1948/101680 Perth Meldrum William James Male Prideaux Patricia Pearl Female Perth
1948/101680 Perth Prideaux Patricia Pearl Female Meldrum William James Male Perth
1948/101681 Perth Kennedy Ailie Elizabeth Female Lewis David Henry Male Perth
1948/101681 Perth Lewis David Henry Male Kennedy Ailie Elizabeth Female Perth
1948/101682 Perth Casserly Venice Florence Female Robinson Henry Male Perth
1948/101682 Perth Robinson Henry Male Casserly Venice Florence Female Perth
1948/101683 Perth Hannah Eva Thelma Female Hewton Robert Maxwell Male Perth
1948/101683 Perth Hewton Robert Maxwell Male Hannah Eva Thelma Female Perth
1948/101684 Perth Reed Eunice Female Smith Allen Keith Male Perth
1948/101684 Perth Smith Allen Keith Male Reed Eunice Female Perth
1948/101685 Perth Heydon Keith William Male Miller Marion Jean Female South Perth
1948/101685 Perth Miller Marion Jean Female Heydon Keith William Male South Perth
1948/101686 Perth Park Edgar Hamilton Male Roxburgh Elsie Gladys Female Perth
1948/101686 Perth Roxburgh Elsie Gladys Female Park Edgar Hamilton Male Perth
1948/101687 Perth Moyle George William Male Nicholls Mavis Olive Female West Perth
1948/101687 Perth Nicholls Mavis Olive Female Moyle George William Male West Perth
1948/101688 Perth Bryant Frederick George Male Kelly Dora Magdalene Female West Perth
1948/101688 Perth Kelly Dora Magdalene Female Bryant Frederick George Male West Perth
1948/101689 Perth Chambers Betty Shergold Female Poulsen William Lund Male West Perth
1948/101689 Perth Poulsen William Lund Male Chambers Betty Shergold Female West Perth
1948/101690 Perth Lichtenberg Dorothy Clare Female Weaver Robin Leslie Male Claremont
1948/101690 Perth Weaver Robin Leslie Male Lichtenberg Dorothy Clare Female Claremont
1948/101691 Perth Arnold Laurence Urquhart Male ODonnell Patricia Female Inglewood
1948/101691 Perth ODonnell Patricia Female Arnold Laurence Urquhart Male Inglewood
1948/101692 Perth Lea Thelma Female Trotter John Mortimer Male Subiaco
1948/101692 Perth Trotter John Mortimer Male Lea Thelma Female Subiaco
1948/101693 Perth Andrews Thelma Ada Female Haynes William Male Perth
1948/101693 Perth Haynes William Male Andrews Thelma Ada Female Perth
1948/101694 Perth Alver John Clinton Male Armstrong Gwynne Ila Female Perth
1948/101694 Perth Armstrong Gwynne Ila Female Alver John Clinton Male Perth
1948/101695 Perth Capleton Edward Baskerville Male Walker Gillian Yvonne Female Perth
1948/101695 Perth Walker Gillian Yvonne Female Capleton Edward Baskerville Male Perth
1948/101696 Perth Secombe John Hugh Male Tingman Kayâne Female Claremont
1948/101696 Perth Tingman Kayâne Female Secombe John Hugh Male Claremont
1948/101697 Perth Andrews Maxine Myrtle Female Butcher Jack Manson Male Leederville
1948/101697 Perth Butcher Jack Manson Male Andrews Maxine Myrtle Female Leederville
1948/101698 Perth Collins John Edwin Male Moulton Maud Mary Female Leederville
1948/101698 Perth Moulton Maud Mary Female Collins John Edwin Male Leederville
1948/101699 Perth Clendinnen Mary Ann Female Parfett Victor Lesley Male Leederville
1948/101699 Perth Parfett Victor Lesley Male Clendinnen Mary Ann Female Leederville
1948/101700 Perth Dow Walter Leonard Male Jefferies Joyce Muriel Female Leederville
1948/101700 Perth Jefferies Joyce Muriel Female Dow Walter Leonard Male Leederville
1948/101702 Perth Caporn Roy Lance Alfred Male Mercer Joan Margaret Female Leederville
1948/101702 Perth Mercer Joan Margaret Female Caporn Roy Lance Alfred Male Leederville
1948/101703 Perth Sutherland Velma Laurel Female Thompson Ross Frederick Male Leederville
1948/101703 Perth Thompson Ross Frederick Male Sutherland Velma Laurel Female Leederville
1948/101704 Perth Ferguson Robert James Male Gray Patricia Hazel Female West Perth
1948/101704 Perth Gray Patricia Hazel Female Ferguson Robert James Male West Perth
1948/101705 Perth Harrison Gwendoline Daphne Female Rutherford Ronald Charles Male Mosman Park Methodist Church
1948/101705 Perth Rutherford Ronald Charles Male Harrison Gwendoline Daphne Female Mosman Park Methodist Church
1948/101706 Perth Grix Florence Annie Female Kelliher William Brown Male Cottesloe
1948/101706 Perth Kelliher William Brown Male Grix Florence Annie Female Cottesloe
1948/101707 Perth Parker Coral Audrey Female Thomson Bruce Linton Male Cottesloe
1948/101707 Perth Thomson Bruce Linton Male Parker Coral Audrey Female Cottesloe
1948/101708 Perth French George Henry Shenton Male Hamersley Margaret Elvire Female Cottesloe
1948/101708 Perth Hamersley Margaret Elvire Female French George Henry Shenton Male Cottesloe
1948/101709 Perth Dixon Benjamin Roland Male Simmons Robina Female Cottesloe
1948/101709 Perth Simmons Robina Female Dixon Benjamin Roland Male Cottesloe
1948/101710 Perth Bolitho Ronald Henry Male Thomas Pauline Esther Female Victoria Park
1948/101710 Perth Thomas Pauline Esther Female Bolitho Ronald Henry Male Victoria Park
1948/101711 Perth Buncle Clem Male Johnson Leith Winifred Female Perth
1948/101711 Perth Johnson Leith Winifred Female Buncle Clem Male Perth
1948/101712 Perth Clinch Elvie May Female Leggerini Leo Gramby Male Perth
1948/101712 Perth Leggerini Leo Gramby Male Clinch Elvie May Female Perth
1948/101713 Perth Howson Margery Thelma Female Stubbs-Mills Frederick Keith Male Perth
1948/101713 Perth Stubbs-Mills Frederick Keith Male Howson Margery Thelma Female Perth
1948/101714 Perth Fisher Phyllis Clara Female Hawkins Ernest Edward Male Perth
1948/101714 Perth Hawkins Ernest Edward Male Fisher Phyllis Clara Female Perth
1948/101715 Perth Snooks Lillian Grace Female Winchester Robert William Male Mount Hawthorn
1948/101715 Perth Winchester Robert William Male Snooks Lillian Grace Female Mount Hawthorn
1948/101716 Perth Dines Winifred Nancy Female Hawkins Clifford John Male W Leederville
1948/101716 Perth Hawkins Clifford John Male Dines Winifred Nancy Female W Leederville
1948/101717 Perth Hutchins Thomas George Male Thompson Olive Female Perth
1948/101717 Perth Thompson Olive Female Hutchins Thomas George Male Perth
1948/101718 Perth Dare Eunice Doreen Female Richardson Eric Charles Male Perth
1948/101718 Perth Richardson Eric Charles Male Dare Eunice Doreen Female Perth
1948/101719 Perth Connolly Francis Hugh Male Potts Margaret Frances Female Perth
1948/101719 Perth Potts Margaret Frances Female Connolly Francis Hugh Male Perth
1948/101720 Perth Masarei Stella Antoinetta Female Peretti Dante Male Perth
1948/101720 Perth Peretti Dante Male Masarei Stella Antoinetta Female Perth
1948/101721 Perth Froude Joan Isabel Female Wedd Peter Gordon Stockbridge Male West Perth
1948/101721 Perth Wedd Peter Gordon Stockbridge Male Froude Joan Isabel Female West Perth
1948/101722 Perth Musca Giuseppina Female Staltari Giuseppe Male Maylands
1948/101722 Perth Staltari Giuseppe Male Musca Giuseppina Female Maylands
1948/101723 Perth McClure Patricia Catherine Female Stickland Howard Raymond Male Maylands
1948/101723 Perth Stickland Howard Raymond Male McClure Patricia Catherine Female Maylands
1948/101724 Perth Duffy Lotus Female Thomas Leslie Ernest Charles Male Perth
1948/101724 Perth Thomas Leslie Ernest Charles Male Duffy Lotus Female Perth
1948/101725 Perth Barrass Raymond Gilbert Male Mason Sylvia Ann Female Perth
1948/101725 Perth Mason Sylvia Ann Female Barrass Raymond Gilbert Male Perth
1948/101726 Perth Doddemead William Richard Male Tatam Phyllis Joan Female Victoria Park
1948/101726 Perth Tatam Phyllis Joan Female Doddemead William Richard Male Victoria Park
1948/101727 Perth Ahrens Norman Leslie Male Larsen Doreen Valmae Female Victoria Park
1948/101727 Perth Larsen Doreen Valmae Female Ahrens Norman Leslie Male Victoria Park
1948/101728 Perth de Vaurno Ronald Male Craik Margaret Jane Female Victoria Park
1948/101728 Perth Craik Margaret Jane Female de Vaurno Ronald Male Victoria Park
1948/101729 Perth Bolin Douglas Sinclair Male Dean Dorothy Mary Female Subiaco
1948/101729 Perth Dean Dorothy Mary Female Bolin Douglas Sinclair Male Subiaco
1948/101730 Perth Bennett William Neil Male Trickey Dorothy Myrtle Female Subiaco
1948/101730 Perth Trickey Dorothy Myrtle Female Bennett William Neil Male Subiaco
1948/101731 Perth McKenna Mervyn Arthur Levi Male Vitler Jean Amelia Emily Female Victoria Park
1948/101731 Perth Vitler Jean Amelia Emily Female McKenna Mervyn Arthur Levi Male Victoria Park
1948/101732 Perth Howrie Enid Mary Female Stuber Laurence Allington Male South Perth
1948/101732 Perth Stuber Laurence Allington Male Howrie Enid Mary Female South Perth
1948/101733 Perth McCallum Ronald William Male Nelson Alma Mary Female Subiaco
1948/101733 Perth Nelson Alma Mary Female McCallum Ronald William Male Subiaco
1948/101734 Perth Simeon Krystalle Lola Female Tsolakis Michael Male Perth
1948/101734 Perth Tsolakis Michael Male Simeon Krystalle Lola Female Perth
1948/101735 Perth Dunn Percival Astor Male Knapp Audrey Betty Female Mt Hawthorn
1948/101735 Perth Knapp Audrey Betty Female Dunn Percival Astor Male Mt Hawthorn
1948/101736 Perth Baldwin Aubrey Edwin Male Hughes Verna Lucy Female West Perth
1948/101736 Perth Hughes Verna Lucy Female Baldwin Aubrey Edwin Male West Perth
1948/101737 Perth Keith Alexander John Male Withnell Lily Sophia Female Perth
1948/101737 Perth Withnell Lily Sophia Female Keith Alexander John Male Perth
1948/101738 Perth Baker Phillis May Female Wilson Allan Douglas Male Perth
1948/101738 Perth Wilson Allan Douglas Male Baker Phillis May Female Perth
1948/101739 Perth Bloxsidge James Stanley Male Jones Betty Female Perth
1948/101739 Perth Jones Betty Female Bloxsidge James Stanley Male Perth
1948/101740 Perth Hall Theresa Mary Female Piper Edwin George Male Mosman Park
1948/101740 Perth Piper Edwin George Male Hall Theresa Mary Female Mosman Park
1948/101741 Perth Harken Leslie Percival Male Parrott Christina Female Nedlands
1948/101741 Perth Parrott Christina Female Harken Leslie Percival Male Nedlands
1948/101742 Perth Blakemore Annie Constance Female Hamlyn Archibald Harry Male Nedlands
1948/101742 Perth Hamlyn Archibald Harry Male Blakemore Annie Constance Female Nedlands
1948/101743 Perth Dent Audrey Winifred Female Gallagher John Frederick Male Nedlands
1948/101743 Perth Gallagher John Frederick Male Dent Audrey Winifred Female Nedlands
1948/101744 Perth Smith John Male Teede Ghita Maude Female Claremont
1948/101744 Perth Teede Ghita Maude Female Smith John Male Claremont
1948/101745 Perth Atkins William Rex Male Clydesdale Lilly Female Claremont
1948/101745 Perth Clydesdale Lilly Female Atkins William Rex Male Claremont
1948/101746 Perth Allan Phillip Stanley Male Watts Beryl Jean Female Claremont
1948/101746 Perth Watts Beryl Jean Female Allan Phillip Stanley Male Claremont
1948/101747 Perth Matthews Edna May Female Smith Harold William Male Claremont
1948/101747 Perth Smith Harold William Male Matthews Edna May Female Claremont
1948/101748 Perth Knuckey Kenneth Arthur Male McKay Eileen Margaret Female Perth
1948/101748 Perth McKay Eileen Margaret Female Knuckey Kenneth Arthur Male Perth
1948/101749 Perth Jolley Thelma May Female Walters Islwyn Male North Perth Congregational Church
1948/101749 Perth Walters Islwyn Male Jolley Thelma May Female North Perth Congregational Church
1948/101750 Perth Buck Clive Albert Male Machoures Minerva Fay Female Claremont
1948/101750 Perth Machoures Minerva Fay Female Buck Clive Albert Male Claremont
1948/101751 Perth Gillespie Donald Male Nunn Joan Lorraine Female Perth
1948/101751 Perth Nunn Joan Lorraine Female Gillespie Donald Male Perth
1948/101752 Perth Annison Margaret Cecelia Female Higham John Albert Male Perth
1948/101752 Perth Higham John Albert Male Annison Margaret Cecelia Female Perth
1948/101753 Perth Cousins John Henry Male Haines Olga June Female Perth
1948/101753 Perth Haines Olga June Female Cousins John Henry Male Perth
1948/101754 Perth Dore Eileen Mary Female McEvoy John McDonnell Male Highgate Hill
1948/101754 Perth McEvoy John McDonnell Male Dore Eileen Mary Female Highgate Hill
1948/101755 Perth Butson William Percy Male Watson Elizabeth Gail Female Perth
1948/101755 Perth Watson Elizabeth Gail Female Butson William Percy Male Perth
1948/101756 Perth Bradley Francis Lowis Male Ralph Doreen Rose Female Perth
1948/101756 Perth Ralph Doreen Rose Female Bradley Francis Lowis Male Perth
1948/101757 Perth Brady John Stewart Male Hallam Audrey Margaret Female Perth
1948/101757 Perth Hallam Audrey Margaret Female Brady John Stewart Male Perth
1948/101758 Perth Reynolds Greta Catherine Female Stephen Percival Mannin Male Perth
1948/101758 Perth Stephen Percival Mannin Male Reynolds Greta Catherine Female Perth
1948/101759 Perth Limbrick Ada Female Power Francis John Male Perth
1948/101759 Perth Power Francis John Male Limbrick Ada Female Perth
1948/101760 Perth Simich Kuzmana Female Stipanicev Ante Male Osborne Park
1948/101760 Perth Stipanicev Ante Male Simich Kuzmana Female Osborne Park
1948/101761 Perth Barrett Thomas Male Bennington Betty May Female Perth
1948/101761 Perth Bennington Betty May Female Barrett Thomas Male Perth
1948/101762 Perth Brooker Dorothy May Female Pash Raymond Darrell Male Perth
1948/101762 Perth Pash Raymond Darrell Male Brooker Dorothy May Female Perth
1948/101763 Perth Emmett Viola Elizabeth Female Kidd Thomas Celsus Male West Perth
1948/101763 Perth Kidd Thomas Celsus Male Emmett Viola Elizabeth Female West Perth
1948/101764 Perth Cox Elsie Jane Female Lewis William Male Leederville
1948/101764 Perth Lewis William Male Cox Elsie Jane Female Leederville
1948/101765 Perth Inwood James Henry Male McDonald Barbara Mary Female Perth
1948/101765 Perth McDonald Barbara Mary Female Inwood James Henry Male Perth
1948/101766 Perth Glenn Joyce Noel Female Hayman Thomas James Male Perth
1948/101766 Perth Hayman Thomas James Male Glenn Joyce Noel Female Perth
1948/101767 Perth Coppock Jean Louise Female Johnson Frederick Reynolds Male Perth
1948/101767 Perth Johnson Frederick Reynolds Male Coppock Jean Louise Female Perth
1948/101768 Perth Holmes Wilfred Male Roberts Bertha Helen Female West Perth
1948/101768 Perth Roberts Bertha Helen Female Holmes Wilfred Male West Perth
1948/101769 Perth Dixon Cecelia Margaret Female Jose Brian Albert Male West Perth
1948/101769 Perth Jose Brian Albert Male Dixon Cecelia Margaret Female West Perth
1948/101770 Perth Ash Walter Daniel Male Hawkins Joyce Alice Female West Perth
1948/101770 Perth Hawkins Joyce Alice Female Ash Walter Daniel Male West Perth
1948/101771 Perth Holder Frederick Walter Male Roberts Millicent Joy Female South Perth
1948/101771 Perth Roberts Millicent Joy Female Holder Frederick Walter Male South Perth
1948/101772 Perth Reymond Howard Felix Male Roberts Dawn Sybil Female Claremont
1948/101772 Perth Roberts Dawn Sybil Female Reymond Howard Felix Male Claremont
1948/101773 Perth McAuliffe Patricia Margaret Female Shove Maxwell Male Perth
1948/101773 Perth Shove Maxwell Male McAuliffe Patricia Margaret Female Perth
1948/101774 Perth Aizlewood Lilian Mary Female Johnson Ernest Charles Male Perth
1948/101774 Perth Johnson Ernest Charles Male Aizlewood Lilian Mary Female Perth
1948/101775 Perth Carroll Jack Henry Male Duckham Jean Olive Female South Perth
1948/101775 Perth Duckham Jean Olive Female Carroll Jack Henry Male South Perth
1948/101776 Perth Greenwell Lorna Daphne Female Hossack Arthur George Male Victoria Park
1948/101776 Perth Hossack Arthur George Male Greenwell Lorna Daphne Female Victoria Park
1948/101777 Perth Mowday Agnes Henderson Female Ross William Alfred Male Victoria Park
1948/101777 Perth Ross William Alfred Male Mowday Agnes Henderson Female Victoria Park
1948/101778 Perth Fennell Charles Maurice Male Williams Mabel Agnes Female Victoria Park
1948/101778 Perth Williams Mabel Agnes Female Fennell Charles Maurice Male Victoria Park
1948/101779 Perth Loftus Una Bernice Female Marks Albert John Male Claremont
1948/101779 Perth Marks Albert John Male Loftus Una Bernice Female Claremont
1948/101780 Perth Rankine Cecilia Female Stocks Peter Percival Male Perth
1948/101780 Perth Stocks Peter Percival Male Rankine Cecilia Female Perth
1948/101781 Perth Bamkin Susan Female Scheikowsky Alexander Male Perth
1948/101781 Perth Scheikowsky Alexander Male Bamkin Susan Female Perth
1948/101782 Perth Crorkan Ruth Female McLeod Frederick Donald Male Perth
1948/101782 Perth McLeod Frederick Donald Male Crorkan Ruth Female Perth
1948/101783 Perth Eastwood James Stephen Male Lenson Dulcie May Female Subiaco
1948/101783 Perth Lenson Dulcie May Female Eastwood James Stephen Male Subiaco
1948/101784 Perth Paterson Francis Patrick Male Round Margaret Gwendolyn Female Subiaco
1948/101784 Perth Round Margaret Gwendolyn Female Paterson Francis Patrick Male Subiaco
1948/101785 Perth Herbert Allan Pearse Male Luscombe Ailsa Mary Female Mt Lawley
1948/101785 Perth Luscombe Ailsa Mary Female Herbert Allan Pearse Male Mt Lawley
1948/101786 Perth Choules Shirley Female Fletcher Denzil Dale Male Mt Lawley
1948/101786 Perth Fletcher Denzil Dale Male Choules Shirley Female Mt Lawley
1948/101787 Perth Burton Lesley Verna Female Martyn Phillip Henry Male Perth
1948/101787 Perth Martyn Phillip Henry Male Burton Lesley Verna Female Perth
1948/101788 Perth Leaney Dora Elizabeth Lorraine Female Press Bertie Kitchener Male Perth
1948/101788 Perth Press Bertie Kitchener Male Leaney Dora Elizabeth Lorraine Female Perth
1948/101789 Perth Dyke Mercia Olwyn Female Whittaker Ronald Vincent Male Perth
1948/101789 Perth Whittaker Ronald Vincent Male Dyke Mercia Olwyn Female Perth
1948/101790 Perth Chadwick Betsy Marie Female Grayden William Male Perth
1948/101790 Perth Grayden William Male Chadwick Betsy Marie Female Perth
1948/101791 Perth Breen Mary Frances Female Pettitt Frederick Norman Male Victoria Park
1948/101791 Perth Pettitt Frederick Norman Male Breen Mary Frances Female Victoria Park
1948/101792 Perth Dees Yvonne Elizabeth Female Svicarovich Anthony Lewis Male Perth
1948/101792 Perth Svicarovich Anthony Lewis Male Dees Yvonne Elizabeth Female Perth
1948/101793 Perth Bell Rita Harriet Female Thomas John Septimus Male Perth
1948/101793 Perth Thomas John Septimus Male Bell Rita Harriet Female Perth
1948/101794 Perth Bentley Victor Herbert Male Haworth Gwendoline Iris Female Perth
1948/101794 Perth Haworth Gwendoline Iris Female Bentley Victor Herbert Male Perth
1948/101795 Perth Lethbridge Walter Henry Male Lyon Marjorie May Female Perth
1948/101795 Perth Lyon Marjorie May Female Lethbridge Walter Henry Male Perth
1948/101796 Perth Jones Mona Leatha Female Ramage Norman Victor Male Perth
1948/101796 Perth Ramage Norman Victor Male Jones Mona Leatha Female Perth
1948/101797 Perth Edwards George Reginald Male Watson Rachel Female Perth
1948/101797 Perth Watson Rachel Female Edwards George Reginald Male Perth
1948/101798 Perth George Donald Alexander Male Murray Nora Female Perth
1948/101798 Perth Murray Nora Female George Donald Alexander Male Perth
1948/101799 Perth Gimm Joyce May Female Reed Albert Edward Male Perth
1948/101799 Perth Reed Albert Edward Male Gimm Joyce May Female Perth
1948/101800 Perth Sullivan Mary Female Whelan William Robert Male Perth
1948/101800 Perth Whelan William Robert Male Sullivan Mary Female Perth
1948/101801 Perth Della Vedova Marie Assunta Female Girando Nelson Francis Male Osborne Park
1948/101801 Perth Girando Nelson Francis Male Della Vedova Marie Assunta Female Osborne Park
1948/101802 Perth Goulder Shirley Ethel Female Lyford Roy Clarence Male Nedlands Methodist Church
1948/101802 Perth Lyford Roy Clarence Male Goulder Shirley Ethel Female Nedlands Methodist Church
1948/101803 Perth Fontaine Genevieve Marie Female Stewart Andrew Male Claremont
1948/101803 Perth Stewart Andrew Male Fontaine Genevieve Marie Female Claremont
1948/101804 Perth Constable Olive Violet Ema Female Meadmore William Henry Male Claremont
1948/101804 Perth Meadmore William Henry Male Constable Olive Violet Ema Female Claremont
1948/101805 Perth Stuart Edward John Male Woolcott Sarah Anne Female Claremont
1948/101805 Perth Woolcott Sarah Anne Female Stuart Edward John Male Claremont
1948/101806 Perth O'Halloran Leslie Donald John Male Wilkie Margaret Eleanor Female Claremont
1948/101806 Perth Wilkie Margaret Eleanor Female O'Halloran Leslie Donald John Male Claremont
1948/101807 Perth Grahame Violet Amy May Female Teague Robert John Male Leederville
1948/101807 Perth Teague Robert John Male Grahame Violet Amy May Female Leederville
1948/101808 Perth Holdcroft Ronald Eric Male Rosewarne Mavis Esther Osborne Female West Perth
1948/101808 Perth Rosewarne Mavis Esther Osborne Female Holdcroft Ronald Eric Male West Perth
1948/101809 Perth Bartlett Kevin Bruce Male Davey Nancy Joyce Female Perth
1948/101809 Perth Davey Nancy Joyce Female Bartlett Kevin Bruce Male Perth
1948/101810 Perth Craggs George Cyril Male Opie Eva Audry Female Perth
1948/101810 Perth Opie Eva Audry Female Craggs George Cyril Male Perth
1948/101811 Perth Hird Phyllis Margaret Female Johnson Leslie Ernest Male Perth
1948/101811 Perth Johnson Leslie Ernest Male Hird Phyllis Margaret Female Perth
1948/101812 Perth Jacobs Valerie Pearl Female Tournay Alexander Leopold Male Perth
1948/101812 Perth Tournay Alexander Leopold Male Jacobs Valerie Pearl Female Perth
1948/101813 Perth Caple Joseph Wilfred Male Groom Valma Joy Female Perth
1948/101813 Perth Caple Robert Joseph Wilfred Male Groom Valma Joy Female Perth
1948/101813 Perth Groom Valma Joy Female Caple Joseph Wilfred Male Perth
1948/101813 Perth Groom Valma Joy Female Caple Robert Joseph Wilfred Male Perth
1948/101814 Perth Devenish Nancy Baldwin Female Krauth Arthur Vernon Male West Perth
1948/101814 Perth Krauth Arthur Vernon Male Devenish Nancy Baldwin Female West Perth
1948/101815 Perth Alexander Betty Evelyn Female Palmer Maxwell Charles Male West Perth
1948/101815 Perth Palmer Maxwell Charles Male Alexander Betty Evelyn Female West Perth
1948/101816 Perth Gleadall Lynda Nell Female Pearce Harold Ceasar Male West Perth
1948/101816 Perth Pearce Harold Ceasar Male Gleadall Lynda Nell Female West Perth
1948/101817 Perth Palmer James Luscombe Male Reeves Lucy Isabel Female West Perth
1948/101817 Perth Reeves Lucy Isabel Female Palmer James Luscombe Male West Perth
1948/101818 Perth Green Judith Aileen Female Kent Arthur John Rueben Male Perth
1948/101818 Perth Kent Arthur John Rueben Male Green Judith Aileen Female Perth
1948/101819 Perth Brown Eric Male Neil Thais Joan Female Perth
1948/101819 Perth Neil Thais Joan Female Brown Eric Male Perth
1948/101820 Perth Davies Eileen Annie Female Knight Edgar Heywood Male Perth
1948/101820 Perth Knight Edgar Heywood Male Davies Eileen Annie Female Perth
1948/101821 Perth Miley Ellen Maud Female Moncrieff Harry Robert Male Perth
1948/101821 Perth Moncrieff Harry Robert Male Miley Ellen Maud Female Perth
1948/101822 Perth Gobby Charlie Male Harring Patricia Alice Female Perth
1948/101822 Perth Harring Patricia Alice Female Gobby Charlie Male Perth
1948/101823 Perth Grundy Leon Henry Male McCormack Sadie Vera Female Perth
1948/101823 Perth McCormack Sadie Vera Female Grundy Leon Henry Male Perth
1948/101824 Perth Payne Albert Edgar Male Young Olga Joel Female Perth
1948/101824 Perth Young Olga Joel Female Payne Albert Edgar Male Perth
1948/101825 Perth Allen Ewen Henry Male Treadgold Mary Patricia Magdalene Female Perth
1948/101825 Perth Treadgold Mary Patricia Magdalene Female Allen Ewen Henry Male Perth
1948/101826 Perth Cormack Benjamin John Gerold Male Niblock Elizabeth Valerie Female Perth
1948/101826 Perth Niblock Elizabeth Valerie Female Cormack Benjamin John Gerold Male Perth
1948/101827 Perth Bucknall Joan Barbara Female Rhodes Raymond John Male Perth
1948/101827 Perth Rhodes Raymond John Male Bucknall Joan Barbara Female Perth
1948/101828 Perth Baker Violet Jean Female Harries Arthur Stanley Male Perth
1948/101828 Perth Harries Arthur Stanley Male Baker Violet Jean Female Perth
1948/101829 Perth Pilley Noel Ernest Male Savage Betty Elaine Female Perth
1948/101829 Perth Savage Betty Elaine Female Pilley Noel Ernest Male Perth
1948/101830 Perth Little Joseph Thompson Male Scott Valma Audrey Female Perth
1948/101830 Perth Scott Valma Audrey Female Little Joseph Thompson Male Perth
1948/101831 Perth Clough Florence Kathleen Female Gurner Neil Austin Male Perth
1948/101831 Perth Gurner Neil Austin Male Clough Florence Kathleen Female Perth
1948/101832 Perth Baird Gordon Allen Male Finlayson Joan Margaruite Female Perth
1948/101832 Perth Finlayson Joan Margaruite Female Baird Gordon Allen Male Perth
1948/101833 Perth Edwards William Alexander Male Forsyth Thelma Gertrude Female Perth
1948/101833 Perth Forsyth Thelma Gertrude Female Edwards William Alexander Male Perth
1948/101834 Perth Bell Thomas Male Dell Irene Female Perth
1948/101834 Perth Dell Irene Female Bell Thomas Male Perth
1948/101835 Perth Currie William Frederick Male Forrest Amelia Female Perth
1948/101835 Perth Forrest Amelia Female Currie William Frederick Male Perth
1948/101836 Perth Reid Frank Scarth Male Williamson Catherine May Female Perth
1948/101836 Perth Williamson Catherine May Female Reid Frank Scarth Male Perth
1948/101837 Perth Harris Blanche Mary Elizabeth Female Ryder Charles Male Perth
1948/101837 Perth Ryder Charles Male Harris Blanche Mary Elizabeth Female Perth
1948/101838 Perth Finlay Francis Michael Male Woods Ida Olive Female Perth
1948/101838 Perth Woods Ida Olive Female Finlay Francis Michael Male Perth
1948/101839 Perth Croom Doreen May Female Goodman Lewis Charles Male Subiaco
1948/101839 Perth Goodman Lewis Charles Male Croom Doreen May Female Subiaco
1948/101840 Perth Bradfield Jack Hudson Male Richardson Phyllis Myrtle Female Mosman Park Methodist Church
1948/101840 Perth Richardson Phyllis Myrtle Female Bradfield Jack Hudson Male Mosman Park Methodist Church
1948/101841 Perth Kennedy May June Female McDonald Donald Thomas Male Carlisle
1948/101841 Perth McDonald Donald Thomas Male Kennedy May June Female Carlisle
1948/101842 Perth Aitchison Mildred Raleigh Female Hayward Colin Walter Male West Perth
1948/101842 Perth Hayward Colin Walter Male Aitchison Mildred Raleigh Female West Perth
1948/101843 Perth Atkins Kathleen Elsie Female Marsh George Howard Male Mt Lawley
1948/101843 Perth Marsh George Howard Male Atkins Kathleen Elsie Female Mt Lawley
1948/101844 Perth Boot George Henry Male Powell Eileen Blanche Female Perth
1948/101844 Perth Powell Eileen Blanche Female Boot George Henry Male Perth
1948/101845 Perth Howard Michael Edward Ernest Male Wiltshire Edna May Female Perth
1948/101845 Perth Wiltshire Edna May Female Howard Michael Edward Ernest Male Perth
1948/101846 Perth Simpson Robert Thomas Lawson Bryson Male Thomas Norma Dagmar Female Perth
1948/101846 Perth Thomas Norma Dagmar Female Simpson Robert Thomas Lawson Bryson Male Perth
1948/101847 Perth Hamilton Roy Kenneth Male Lamberth Sybil Harriett Female Perth
1948/101847 Perth Lamberth Sybil Harriett Female Hamilton Roy Kenneth Male Perth
1948/101848 Perth Sewell Warwick Broun Male Willcox Diane Edith Female Perth
1948/101848 Perth Willcox Diane Edith Female Sewell Warwick Broun Male Perth
1948/101849 Perth French Nancy Miller Female McDaniel Terence Male Nedlands
1948/101849 Perth McDaniel Terence Male French Nancy Miller Female Nedlands
1948/101850 Perth Ferguson Richard Henry Male MacKinnon Christina Isobel Female Nedlands
1948/101850 Perth MacKinnon Christina Isobel Female Ferguson Richard Henry Male Nedlands
1948/101851 Perth Page Doreen Female Phillips Frank Anthony Male Perth
1948/101851 Perth Phillips Frank Anthony Male Page Doreen Female Perth
1948/101852 Perth Holtham Dorothy Jean Female McLachlan Alexander Allan Male N Perth
1948/101852 Perth McLachlan Alexander Allan Male Holtham Dorothy Jean Female N Perth
1948/101853 Perth Hall Edna Grace Female Oliver Gordon Harold Male North Perth Methodist Church
1948/101853 Perth Oliver Gordon Harold Male Hall Edna Grace Female North Perth Methodist Church
1948/101854 Perth Ottaway Florence Evelyn Female Reilly Maurice Edward Male Leederville
1948/101854 Perth Reilly Maurice Edward Male Ottaway Florence Evelyn Female Leederville
1948/101855 Perth Gray Ralph Male Mewitt Jeanne Dugdale Female Leederville
1948/101855 Perth Mewitt Jeanne Dugdale Female Gray Ralph Male Leederville
1948/101856 Perth McDonald Audrey Female Sear Kenneth Douglas Male Leederville
1948/101856 Perth Sear Kenneth Douglas Male McDonald Audrey Female Leederville
1948/101857 Perth Budd-Doyle Victor Edward Male Duff Susan Anne Female Leederville
1948/101857 Perth Duff Susan Anne Female Budd-Doyle Victor Edward Male Leederville
1948/101858 Perth Norrish Ernest Roy Male Trappitt Edith Female Leederville
1948/101858 Perth Trappitt Edith Female Norrish Ernest Roy Male Leederville
1948/101859 Perth Crooks Francis Terence Male Gellatly Bonnie Jean Female Leederville
1948/101859 Perth Gellatly Bonnie Jean Female Crooks Francis Terence Male Leederville
1948/101860 Perth Cook Elsie Norma Female Marks Dick William Male Leederville
1948/101860 Perth Marks Dick William Male Cook Elsie Norma Female Leederville
1948/101861 Perth London Kathleen Lillian Female Nock Stanley Claude Male Leederville
1948/101861 Perth Nock Stanley Claude Male London Kathleen Lillian Female Leederville
1948/101862 Perth Hamilton Gladys Thelma Female McKay Stewart Male Leederville
1948/101862 Perth McKay Stewart Male Hamilton Gladys Thelma Female Leederville
1948/101863 Perth Barr-Smith Raymond Male Williamson Anne Female Leederville
1948/101863 Perth Williamson Anne Female Barr-Smith Raymond Male Leederville
1948/101864 Perth Dalton Charles John Male Watters Betty Sarah Female Leederville
1948/101864 Perth Watters Betty Sarah Female Dalton Charles John Male Leederville
1948/101865 Perth Nicholas Marie Lenore Female Wheatley Philip James Male Perth
1948/101865 Perth Wheatley Philip James Male Nicholas Marie Lenore Female Perth
1948/101866 Perth Finnerty Vernon Male French Raema Doreen Female Perth
1948/101866 Perth French Raema Doreen Female Finnerty Vernon Male Perth
1948/101867 Perth Cosgrove Mary Patricia Female Norris John Leslie Male Perth
1948/101867 Perth Norris John Leslie Male Cosgrove Mary Patricia Female Perth
1948/101868 Perth Gallop Lizette Jane Female Green Bernard Gerald Male Inglewood
1948/101868 Perth Green Bernard Gerald Male Gallop Lizette Jane Female Inglewood
1948/101869 Perth Ahrens Alfred Ernest Male Coyle Eileen Female Victoria Park
1948/101869 Perth Coyle Eileen Female Ahrens Alfred Ernest Male Victoria Park
1948/101870 Perth Evans Richard Charles Male Flint Aline Female Victoria Park
1948/101870 Perth Flint Aline Female Evans Richard Charles Male Victoria Park
1948/101871 Perth Couldridge Lilian Joan Female Savill Ernest John Male Victoria Park
1948/101871 Perth Savill Ernest John Male Couldridge Lilian Joan Female Victoria Park
1948/101872 Perth Bateman Hector Brian Male Hinam Beryl Elsie Female Victoria Park
1948/101872 Perth Hinam Beryl Elsie Female Bateman Hector Brian Male Victoria Park
1948/101873 Perth Morgan Leo Charles Male O'Neill Maureen Joyce Female Highgate Hill
1948/101873 Perth O'Neill Maureen Joyce Female Morgan Leo Charles Male Highgate Hill
1948/101874 Perth Cowper Frederick George Glen Male O'Brien Maureen Patricia Female Perth
1948/101874 Perth O'Brien Maureen Patricia Female Cowper Frederick George Glen Male Perth
1948/101875 Perth Marsh Agnes Eliza Female Searle Michael Henry Male Perth
1948/101875 Perth Searle Michael Henry Male Marsh Agnes Eliza Female Perth
1948/101876 Perth Churchman Dorothy Iris Kathleen Female Goedecke William Charles Cecil Male Perth
1948/101876 Perth Goedecke William Charles Cecil Male Churchman Dorothy Iris Kathleen Female Perth
1948/101877 Perth Richards June Coral Female Staples Glen Lindsay Male Mount Hawthorn Congregational Church
1948/101877 Perth Staples Glen Lindsay Male Richards June Coral Female Mount Hawthorn Congregational Church
1948/101878 Perth Armanini Vanya Mabel Female Geddes George Male Claremont
1948/101878 Perth Geddes George Male Armanini Vanya Mabel Female Claremont
1948/101879 Perth Graham William Watson Male Webster Hazel McFarlane Female Claremont
1948/101879 Perth Webster Hazel McFarlane Female Graham William Watson Male Claremont
1948/101880 Perth Darby Harry Trevor Male Edwards Therese Mary Female Perth
1948/101880 Perth Edwards Therese Mary Female Darby Harry Trevor Male Perth
1948/101881 Perth Patterson Hugh Cummings Male Tapping May Female Perth
1948/101881 Perth Tapping May Female Patterson Hugh Cummings Male Perth
1948/101882 Perth Williams John Edgar Male Wray Elizabeth May Female Perth
1948/101882 Perth Wray Elizabeth May Female Williams John Edgar Male Perth
1948/101883 Perth Finnin Estelle Edwina Female Poole William Henry Male Perth
1948/101883 Perth Poole William Henry Male Finnin Estelle Edwina Female Perth
1948/101884 Perth Jones Leslie Clarence Male Tondut Coral Annie Ellen Female Perth
1948/101884 Perth Tondut Coral Annie Ellen Female Jones Leslie Clarence Male Perth
1948/101885 Perth Lizatovich Antonio Male McManus Gladys Maude Female Perth
1948/101885 Perth McManus Gladys Maude Female Lizatovich Antonio Male Perth
1948/101886 Perth Mulligan James Stanley Male Vagg Rona Mavis Female Perth
1948/101886 Perth Vagg Rona Mavis Female Mulligan James Stanley Male Perth
1948/101887 Perth Meyer Geoffrey Neville Male Parker Mignonne Therese Female Subiaco
1948/101887 Perth Parker Mignonne Therese Female Meyer Geoffrey Neville Male Subiaco
1948/101888 Perth Moore Cecil John Male Smith Shirley Margaret Female Perth
1948/101888 Perth Smith Shirley Margaret Female Moore Cecil John Male Perth
1948/101889 Perth Lockyer Audrey Catherine Female Williams Ray Franklin Male Perth
1948/101889 Perth Williams Ray Franklin Male Lockyer Audrey Catherine Female Perth
1948/101890 Perth Finch Hilda Helena Female Fowler John Francis Male Perth
1948/101890 Perth Fowler John Francis Male Finch Hilda Helena Female Perth
1948/101891 Perth Fleming Arnold Keith Male Young Edna Doris Female West Perth
1948/101891 Perth Young Edna Doris Female Fleming Arnold Keith Male West Perth
1948/101892 Perth Canne-Meyer Leonora Hendrica Female White Arthur Wharton Male West Perth
1948/101892 Perth White Arthur Wharton Male Canne-Meyer Leonora Hendrica Female West Perth
1948/101893 Perth Batty Maud Eleanor Female Batty Thomas Geoffrey Male Perth
1948/101893 Perth Batty Thomas Geoffrey Male Batty Maud Eleanor Female Perth
1948/101894 Perth Skorapatsky Ella Josephine Female Tensfeldt Henry Carl Male Perth
1948/101894 Perth Tensfeldt Henry Carl Male Skorapatsky Ella Josephine Female Perth
1948/101895 Perth Nylander Albert Vivian Male Schloeffel Joan Florence Emily Female Perth
1948/101895 Perth Schloeffel Joan Florence Emily Female Nylander Albert Vivian Male Perth
1948/101896 Perth Giles John Arthur Stanley Male Taylor Irene Doris Female Perth
1948/101896 Perth Taylor Irene Doris Female Giles John Arthur Stanley Male Perth
1948/101897 Perth Geary Joyce Langley Female Renner Gordon Frederick Male Claremont
1948/101897 Perth Renner Gordon Frederick Male Geary Joyce Langley Female Claremont
1948/101898 Perth Siebel Alwyne James Male Stewart Constance Pearl Female Claremont
1948/101898 Perth Stewart Constance Pearl Female Siebel Alwyne James Male Claremont
1948/101899 Perth Hall Ernest William Male Morrell Ray Alice Mary Female Perth
1948/101899 Perth Morrell Ray Alice Mary Female Hall Ernest William Male Perth
1948/101900 Perth Hynes William Kevin Male Moran Carmel Teresa Female Perth
1948/101900 Perth Moran Carmel Teresa Female Hynes William Kevin Male Perth
1948/101901 Perth Ayres Hilda Female Ettridge James Hubert Male Perth
1948/101901 Perth Ettridge James Hubert Male Ayres Hilda Female Perth
1948/101902 Perth Braybrook Rita Female Knox George Smith Male Perth
1948/101902 Perth Knox George Smith Male Braybrook Rita Female Perth
1948/101903 Perth Limbourn Thomas Alfred Male Meehan Edna Carmel Female Mosman Park Methodist Church
1948/101903 Perth Meehan Edna Carmel Female Limbourn Thomas Alfred Male Mosman Park Methodist Church
1948/101904 Perth Hastie Kevin Bernard Male Knight Robertine Vaughan Female Perth
1948/101904 Perth Knight Robertine Vaughan Female Hastie Kevin Bernard Male Perth
1948/101905 Perth Snowling Frank Phillip Male Tanner Daphne Blanche Female Perth
1948/101905 Perth Tanner Daphne Blanche Female Snowling Frank Phillip Male Perth
1948/101906 Perth Marshall Joan Evelyn Female Simpson Victor John Male West Perth
1948/101906 Perth Simpson Victor John Male Marshall Joan Evelyn Female West Perth
1948/101907 Perth Honisett Carmen Female Watts Roland Arthur Howard Alfred Male Mount Lawley
1948/101907 Perth Watts Roland Arthur Howard Alfred Male Honisett Carmen Female Mount Lawley
1948/101908 Perth Scott Erin Walter Henry Male Smith Hilda Florence Female Maylands
1948/101908 Perth Smith Hilda Florence Female Scott Erin Walter Henry Male Maylands
1948/101909 Perth Jolley Donald Cyril Male Metcalf Marjory Ida Female West Subiaco
1948/101909 Perth Metcalf Marjory Ida Female Jolley Donald Cyril Male West Subiaco
1948/101910 Perth Myles George Thomas Male Roberts Enid Frances Female North Perth
1948/101910 Perth Roberts Enid Frances Female Myles George Thomas Male North Perth
1948/101911 Perth Anderson Francis John Male Anderson Laura Gwenda Female West Perth
1948/101911 Perth Anderson Laura Gwenda Female Anderson Francis John Male West Perth
1948/101912 Perth Bordoni Olga Female Gianatti Luigi Male West Perth
1948/101912 Perth Gianatti Luigi Male Bordoni Olga Female West Perth
1948/101913 Perth Gianatti Emilio Male Magini Maria Female West Perth
1948/101913 Perth Magini Maria Female Gianatti Emilio Male West Perth
1948/101914 Perth Bayliff Valma Joan Female Bertram Patrick John Male Perth
1948/101914 Perth Bertram Patrick John Male Bayliff Valma Joan Female Perth
1948/101915 Perth Bates Leonard Gordon Male Paull Beryl Jean Female Perth
1948/101915 Perth Paull Beryl Jean Female Bates Leonard Gordon Male Perth
1948/101916 Perth Breen Alice Winifred Female Haggarty James Alexander Male Leederville
1948/101916 Perth Haggarty James Alexander Male Breen Alice Winifred Female Leederville
1948/101917 Perth Davey June Elizabeth Female Fairclough Douglas Male Leederville
1948/101917 Perth Fairclough Douglas Male Davey June Elizabeth Female Leederville
1948/101918 Perth Chatfield Charles Ernest Male Old Rhoda May Female Leederville
1948/101918 Perth Old Rhoda May Female Chatfield Charles Ernest Male Leederville
1948/101919 Perth Baker Reginald George Male Robinson Bessie Alberta Louisa Female Leederville
1948/101919 Perth Robinson Bessie Alberta Louisa Female Baker Reginald George Male Leederville
1948/101920 Perth Sisson Jacqueline Valerie Female Wilken Mogens Male Leederville
1948/101920 Perth Wilken Mogens Male Sisson Jacqueline Valerie Female Leederville
1948/101921 Perth Deegan James Bernard Male Waghorn Edith Catherine Female Leederville
1948/101921 Perth Waghorn Edith Catherine Female Deegan James Bernard Male Leederville
1948/101922 Perth Angell Avis Female Sinden Albert Barry Male Claremont
1948/101922 Perth Sinden Albert Barry Male Angell Avis Female Claremont
1948/101923 Perth Denton Sylvia May Female Hamilton David Lloyd Male Leederville
1948/101923 Perth Hamilton David Lloyd Male Denton Sylvia May Female Leederville
1948/101924 Perth Carr Evelyn Beatrice Female Henderson Peter John Male Perth
1948/101924 Perth Henderson Peter John Male Carr Evelyn Beatrice Female Perth
1948/101925 Perth McAuliffe Brian Joseph Male Powley Joan Alice Mary Female Perth
1948/101925 Perth Powley Joan Alice Mary Female McAuliffe Brian Joseph Male Perth
1948/101926 Perth Algar Alick James Male Grace Thelma Rose Female Perth
1948/101926 Perth Grace Thelma Rose Female Algar Alick James Male Perth
1948/101927 Perth Beckett Raymond Leslie Male Thomas Margaret Ella Female Perth
1948/101927 Perth Thomas Margaret Ella Female Beckett Raymond Leslie Male Perth
1948/101928 Perth Foster James Edgar Male Stevenson Jean Female Perth
1948/101928 Perth Stevenson Jean Female Foster James Edgar Male Perth
1948/101929 Perth Randall Leslie Alfred Arthur Male Simkiss Jean Ray Female Perth
1948/101929 Perth Simkiss Jean Ray Female Randall Leslie Alfred Arthur Male Perth
1948/101930 Perth Axford Ronald James Male Burnett Ethel May Female Perth
1948/101930 Perth Burnett Ethel May Female Axford Ronald James Male Perth
1948/101931 Perth Forbes Joan Mary Female Mount Ross Neils Male Perth
1948/101931 Perth Mount Ross Neils Male Forbes Joan Mary Female Perth
1948/101932 Perth Purling Ivy Female Sharpe Otto Stewart Morrison Male Perth
1948/101932 Perth Sharpe Otto Stewart Morrison Male Purling Ivy Female Perth
1948/101933 Perth Millen Grace Irene Female Wait Alfred Samuel Male Perth
1948/101933 Perth Wait Alfred Samuel Male Millen Grace Irene Female Perth
1948/101934 Perth Murphy Doris Elizabeth Charlotte Female Thompson Gordon Male Perth
1948/101934 Perth Thompson Gordon Male Murphy Doris Elizabeth Charlotte Female Perth
1948/101935 Perth Everard Peter Douglas Male McKenna Alberta Female Perth
1948/101935 Perth McKenna Alberta Female Everard Peter Douglas Male Perth
1948/101936 Perth Kneale Benjamin Male Tacey Marie Agatha Female Perth
1948/101936 Perth Tacey Marie Agatha Female Kneale Benjamin Male Perth
1948/101937 Perth Anderson Nellie Marie Female Swan Jack Raymond Male Perth
1948/101937 Perth Swan Jack Raymond Male Anderson Nellie Marie Female Perth
1948/101938 Perth Mynard Barbara Kathryn Female Watkins Max Edward Male West Perth
1948/101938 Perth Watkins Max Edward Male Mynard Barbara Kathryn Female West Perth
1948/101939 Perth Eastwood Jean Female Yates Walter Reginald Fentman Male West Perth
1948/101939 Perth Yates Walter Reginald Fentman Male Eastwood Jean Female West Perth
1948/101940 Perth Callcott Valmai Margaret Female Spry Athol Neil Male West Perth
1948/101940 Perth Spry Athol Neil Male Callcott Valmai Margaret Female West Perth
1948/101941 Perth Greathead Donald Herbert Male Verdonk Wilhelmina Geertruida Female West Perth
1948/101941 Perth Verdonk Wilhelmina Geertruida Female Greathead Donald Herbert Male West Perth
1948/101942 Perth Jenkinson Ernest Rawson Male Rail Joan Agnes Lorraine Female West Perth
1948/101942 Perth Rail Joan Agnes Lorraine Female Jenkinson Ernest Rawson Male West Perth
1948/101943 Perth Bolton Milton Cedric Cardwell Male Trobridge Yvonne Ethel Lincoln Female West Perth
1948/101943 Perth Trobridge Yvonne Ethel Lincoln Female Bolton Milton Cedric Cardwell Male West Perth
1948/101944 Perth Bolin Gordon Sinclair Male Choules Dorothy Jean Female Subiaco
1948/101944 Perth Choules Dorothy Jean Female Bolin Gordon Sinclair Male Subiaco
1948/101945 Perth Caldow Betty Joan Female McIlrath James Hugh Male Perth
1948/101945 Perth McIlrath James Hugh Male Caldow Betty Joan Female Perth
1948/101946 Perth Gardiner Peter Alan Male Kalafatas Helene May Female Perth
1948/101946 Perth Kalafatas Helene May Female Gardiner Peter Alan Male Perth
1948/101947 Perth Heal Gloria Dawn Female Simeon Sydney William Male Perth
1948/101947 Perth Simeon Sydney William Male Heal Gloria Dawn Female Perth
1948/101948 Perth Smith Jean Bertha Female Williams Robert John Edward Male Perth
1948/101948 Perth Williams Robert John Edward Male Smith Jean Bertha Female Perth
1948/101949 Perth Hunter Thelma Lorraine Female Lay Victor James Connell Male Maylands
1948/101949 Perth Lay Victor James Connell Male Hunter Thelma Lorraine Female Maylands
1948/101950 Perth Kendrick Dorothy Female King Douglas Gilmour Male Maylands
1948/101950 Perth King Douglas Gilmour Male Kendrick Dorothy Female Maylands
1948/101951 Perth Collinson Arthur James Male Keys Dorothy Jean Female Perth
1948/101951 Perth Keys Dorothy Jean Female Collinson Arthur James Male Perth
1948/101952 Perth Davey Percy John Male Reading Audrey June Female West Perth
1948/101952 Perth Reading Audrey June Female Davey Percy John Male West Perth
1948/101953 Perth Lea Kathleen Carmen Female McCavana Henry James Male West Perth
1948/101953 Perth McCavana Henry James Male Lea Kathleen Carmen Female West Perth
1948/101954 Perth Schmitt Leslie Stanton Male Stockley Vera Alice Female Perth
1948/101954 Perth Stockley Vera Alice Female Schmitt Leslie Stanton Male Perth
1948/101955 Perth Bell John Male Heard Margaret Lillian Female W Perth
1948/101955 Perth Heard Margaret Lillian Female Bell John Male W Perth
1948/101956 Perth Hicks Esther Lynette Female Smith Gordon Gregor Male Claremont
1948/101956 Perth Smith Gordon Gregor Male Hicks Esther Lynette Female Claremont
1948/101957 Perth Bellamy Audrey Rose Female Bradley Alfred Charles Male Perth
1948/101957 Perth Bradley Alfred Charles Male Bellamy Audrey Rose Female Perth
1948/101958 Perth Kissack Frederick Male Malcolm Lorna Miriam Female Perth
1948/101958 Perth Malcolm Lorna Miriam Female Kissack Frederick Male Perth
1948/101959 Perth Black Thelma Lucy Female Irvin Roy Samuel Francis Male Cottesloe
1948/101959 Perth Irvin Roy Samuel Francis Male Black Thelma Lucy Female Cottesloe
1948/101960 Perth Flanagan Mary Irene Female Stasinowsky John Leonard Male Highgate Hill
1948/101960 Perth Stasinowsky John Leonard Male Flanagan Mary Irene Female Highgate Hill
1948/101961 Perth Evans Edwin Gwilym Male Hutchinson Beryl Grace Female Perth College Chapel
1948/101961 Perth Hutchinson Beryl Grace Female Evans Edwin Gwilym Male Perth College Chapel
1948/101962 Perth Bird Francis Paul Male Brown Jeane Female Mt Lawley
1948/101962 Perth Brown Jeane Female Bird Francis Paul Male Mt Lawley
1948/101963 Perth Dickie Matthew Hamilton Male Redfern Mamie Female Victoria Park
1948/101963 Perth Redfern Mamie Female Dickie Matthew Hamilton Male Victoria Park
1948/101964 Perth Fenner Horace Vivian Male Fenner Muriel Jane Female Perth
1948/101964 Perth Fenner Muriel Jane Female Fenner Horace Vivian Male Perth
1948/101965 Perth Armstrong William Arthur Male Austin Gladys Evelyn Mary Female Perth
1948/101965 Perth Austin Gladys Evelyn Mary Female Armstrong William Arthur Male Perth
1948/101966 Perth Higgins Irene Beth Female Thompson Francis William Male Perth
1948/101966 Perth Thompson Francis William Male Higgins Irene Beth Female Perth
1948/101967 Perth Elovalis Angelique Elia Female Nickolopoulos Andrew Lazarou Male Perth
1948/101967 Perth Nickolopoulos Andrew Lazarou Male Elovalis Angelique Elia Female Perth
1948/101969 Perth Braddock Leo Male MacDonald Kathleen Theresa Female Maylands
1948/101969 Perth MacDonald Kathleen Theresa Female Braddock Leo Male Maylands
1948/101970 Perth Ellis Bruce Victor Male Post Pamela Joan Female Maylands
1948/101970 Perth Post Pamela Joan Female Ellis Bruce Victor Male Maylands
1948/101971 Perth Howie Joan Margaret Female Smith Donald Arthur Male Perth
1948/101971 Perth Smith Donald Arthur Male Howie Joan Margaret Female Perth
1948/101972 Perth Peddie Alan Philip Male Pitman Lilas Maida Female Victoria Park
1948/101972 Perth Pitman Lilas Maida Female Peddie Alan Philip Male Victoria Park
1948/101973 Perth Leonard Mavis Winifred Female Monkhouse Allan Albert Male Victoria Park
1948/101973 Perth Monkhouse Allan Albert Male Leonard Mavis Winifred Female Victoria Park
1948/101974 Perth Clarke Raymond William Male Hall Marjorie Emily Female Victoria Park
1948/101974 Perth Hall Marjorie Emily Female Clarke Raymond William Male Victoria Park
1948/101975 Perth Akerstrom William Joseph Male McMerrin Aileen Gwenlyn Female Victoria Park
1948/101975 Perth McMerrin Aileen Gwenlyn Female Akerstrom William Joseph Male Victoria Park
1948/101976 Perth Hulme Joan Norma Female Lundy Arnold Stephen Male Victoria Park
1948/101976 Perth Lundy Arnold Stephen Male Hulme Joan Norma Female Victoria Park
1948/101977 Perth Banger Hugh William Hope Male Mee Lena Female South Perth
1948/101977 Perth Mee Lena Female Banger Hugh William Hope Male South Perth
1948/101978 Perth Jarvis Stanley Rudolph Male Taylor Dorothy Margaret Female Perth
1948/101978 Perth Taylor Dorothy Margaret Female Jarvis Stanley Rudolph Male Perth
1948/101979 Perth Mill Jeanne Isabelle Female Rowlands Mervyn Leonard Male N Perth
1948/101979 Perth Rowlands Mervyn Leonard Male Mill Jeanne Isabelle Female N Perth
1948/101980 Perth Fagg Shirley Mae Female Wingrove Eric Phillip Male N Perth
1948/101980 Perth Wingrove Eric Phillip Male Fagg Shirley Mae Female N Perth
1948/101981 Perth Gosper Kevin Eric Male Muir Margaret Marshall Female Mt Lawley
1948/101981 Perth Muir Margaret Marshall Female Gosper Kevin Eric Male Mt Lawley
1948/101982 Perth Hobson Edith Olive Female Mawson Henry Male Perth
1948/101982 Perth Mawson Henry Male Hobson Edith Olive Female Perth
1948/101983 Perth Donaldson Madge Rhoda Female Pratt Christopher Walter Male St Andrew's Church
1948/101983 Perth Pratt Christopher Walter Male Donaldson Madge Rhoda Female St Andrew's Church
1948/101984 Perth Lindridge Irene May Female Rawson Charles Ronald Male Perth
1948/101984 Perth Rawson Charles Ronald Male Lindridge Irene May Female Perth
1948/101985 Perth Pethick Lesley Female Willey Edward James Male Perth
1948/101985 Perth Willey Edward James Male Pethick Lesley Female Perth
1948/101986 Perth Argent Winice Joy Female Bowden William Henry Male W Aust
1948/101986 Perth Bowden William Henry Male Argent Winice Joy Female W Aust
1948/101987 Perth Fowler George Derek Male McQueen Margaret Female West Perth
1948/101987 Perth McQueen Margaret Female Fowler George Derek Male West Perth
1948/101988 Perth Byrne Jack Kenneth Male Robinson Evelyn Female Leederville
1948/101988 Perth Robinson Evelyn Female Byrne Jack Kenneth Male Leederville
1948/101989 Perth Kenward Cecil Herbert Male Smirk Lillian Mary Female Leederville
1948/101989 Perth Smirk Lillian Mary Female Kenward Cecil Herbert Male Leederville
1948/101990 Perth Westlake Henry Morgan Male Willoughby Marie Female Leederville
1948/101990 Perth Willoughby Marie Female Westlake Henry Morgan Male Leederville
1948/101991 Perth Boyd Peter Montgomery Male Sievewright Olive Sylvia Female Leederville
1948/101991 Perth Sievewright Olive Sylvia Female Boyd Peter Montgomery Male Leederville
1948/101992 Perth Francis Gordon Victoria Male Singe Patricia Mavis Female Leederville
1948/101992 Perth Singe Patricia Mavis Female Francis Gordon Victoria Male Leederville
1948/101993 Perth Gillmore Lilian Jean Female Wade Harry Male Leederville
1948/101993 Perth Wade Harry Male Gillmore Lilian Jean Female Leederville
1948/101994 Perth Macknish Charles Hedley Male Thomas Elvera Irene Female Leederville
1948/101994 Perth Thomas Elvera Irene Female Macknish Charles Hedley Male Leederville
1948/101995 Perth Hooper John Male Thorpe Bertha Jean Female Subiaco
1948/101995 Perth Thorpe Bertha Jean Female Hooper John Male Subiaco
1948/101996 Perth Carville Philip Henry Male Lucanus Carmel Patricia Female Subiaco
1948/101996 Perth Lucanus Carmel Patricia Female Carville Philip Henry Male Subiaco
1948/101997 Perth Hale Jean Female Russ Keith Clements Male Perth
1948/101997 Perth Russ Keith Clements Male Hale Jean Female Perth
1948/101998 Perth Higgott Muriel Joan Female Wood Christopher David William Male Maylands
1948/101998 Perth Wood Christopher David William Male Higgott Muriel Joan Female Maylands
1948/101999 Perth Dawson Patricia Female Tindale Richard William Male Claremont
1948/101999 Perth Tindale Richard William Male Dawson Patricia Female Claremont
1948/102000 Perth Clifton Elizabeth Cecil Female Tempest Dudley William Male Claremont
1948/102000 Perth Tempest Dudley William Male Clifton Elizabeth Cecil Female Claremont
1948/102001 Perth Hill John David Male Lucas Dorothy Beryl Goodwin Female Claremont
1948/102001 Perth Lucas Dorothy Beryl Goodwin Female Hill John David Male Claremont
1948/102002 Perth Gargan Molly Catherine Female Gregson Donald William Male Claremont
1948/102002 Perth Gregson Donald William Male Gargan Molly Catherine Female Claremont
1948/102003 Perth Holly Doreen Maude Female White Arthur Thomas Male South Perth
1948/102003 Perth White Arthur Thomas Male Holly Doreen Maude Female South Perth
1948/102004 Perth Fischer Hugo Gunther Male Rennie Edna Helen Female West Perth
1948/102004 Perth Rennie Edna Helen Female Fischer Hugo Gunther Male West Perth
1948/102005 Perth Fitzgerald Lurlene Dawn Female Woolhead Keith Edward Male West Perth
1948/102005 Perth Woolhead Keith Edward Male Fitzgerald Lurlene Dawn Female West Perth
1948/102006 Perth Mellor Stanley Walter Male Rickard Vera Joan Female West Perth
1948/102006 Perth Rickard Vera Joan Female Mellor Stanley Walter Male West Perth
1948/102007 Perth McClymont Constance Mabel Female Wood Keith Robert Male West Perth
1948/102007 Perth Wood Keith Robert Male McClymont Constance Mabel Female West Perth
1948/102008 Perth Bow Vivienne Juliet Female Murphy Arthur Walter David Male West Perth
1948/102008 Perth Murphy Arthur Walter David Male Bow Vivienne Juliet Female West Perth
1948/102009 Perth Allen John William Male Scott Joyce Isabel Female Perth
1948/102009 Perth Scott Joyce Isabel Female Allen John William Male Perth
1948/102010 Perth Higgins Daphne Margaret Female Mayo Frederick Phillip Male Perth
1948/102010 Perth Mayo Frederick Phillip Male Higgins Daphne Margaret Female Perth
1948/102011 Perth Barbarich Mary Rose Female Trifonidis Peter Christo Male Perth
1948/102011 Perth Trifonidis Peter Christo Male Barbarich Mary Rose Female Perth
1948/102012 Perth Clohessy Keith Francis Male Whittington Aileen Erica Female Perth
1948/102012 Perth Whittington Aileen Erica Female Clohessy Keith Francis Male Perth
1948/102013 Perth Bandy Shirley Edna Female Scott Raymond Cyril Male Leederville
1948/102013 Perth Scott Raymond Cyril Male Bandy Shirley Edna Female Leederville
1948/102014 Perth Dixon Gordon Targett Male McAullay Valda Pearl Female Leederville
1948/102014 Perth McAullay Valda Pearl Female Dixon Gordon Targett Male Leederville
1948/102015 Perth French Oscar Michael Male Rigg Daphne Floreen Female Leederville
1948/102015 Perth Rigg Daphne Floreen Female French Oscar Michael Male Leederville
1948/102016 Perth Rich Evelyn Willamena Elsie Female Smith Donald Male Leederville
1948/102016 Perth Smith Donald Male Rich Evelyn Willamena Elsie Female Leederville
1948/102017 Perth Barry Doris May Female Jones Paul David Daniel Male Leederville
1948/102017 Perth Jones Paul David Daniel Male Barry Doris May Female Leederville
1948/102018 Perth Conner Mary Female Pearson John Feirvold Charles Chetlain Lillieberg Male Leederville
1948/102018 Perth Pearson John Feirvold Charles Chetlain Lillieberg Male Conner Mary Female Leederville
1948/102019 Perth Arnold Valmie Grace Female Simpson John Edward Male Leederville
1948/102019 Perth Simpson John Edward Male Arnold Valmie Grace Female Leederville
1948/102020 Perth Downs Peter Leslie Male Ellis Minnie Female Leederville
1948/102020 Perth Ellis Minnie Female Downs Peter Leslie Male Leederville
1948/102021 Perth Bannounah Ramsay Male Taylor Lois Eloise Female Leederville
1948/102021 Perth Taylor Lois Eloise Female Bannounah Ramsay Male Leederville
1948/102022 Perth Evans Francis Thomas Male Whurr Gladys Muriel Female Leederville
1948/102022 Perth Whurr Gladys Muriel Female Evans Francis Thomas Male Leederville
1948/102023 Perth Rankin Elizabeth Mary Female Wear Ronald Ernest Alfred Male Nedlands
1948/102023 Perth Wear Ronald Ernest Alfred Male Rankin Elizabeth Mary Female Nedlands
1948/102024 Perth Byrne Neville Francis Male Thompson Betty Female Nedlands
1948/102024 Perth Thompson Betty Female Byrne Neville Francis Male Nedlands
1948/102025 Perth Baxter Lynette Female McLachlan Kenneth Ronald Male Nedlands
1948/102025 Perth McLachlan Kenneth Ronald Male Baxter Lynette Female Nedlands
1948/102026 Perth Sidoti Giuseppe Male Winzar Christina Elizabeth Female Perth
1948/102026 Perth Winzar Christina Elizabeth Female Sidoti Giuseppe Male Perth
1948/102027 Perth Grahame Doris Sylvia Female Lockyer Lionel Joseph Male Perth
1948/102027 Perth Lockyer Lionel Joseph Male Grahame Doris Sylvia Female Perth
1948/102028 Perth Craig Bernice Marie Female Williams William Kirwan Male Leederville
1948/102028 Perth Williams William Kirwan Male Craig Bernice Marie Female Leederville
1948/102029 Perth Conroy Mary Napier Female Raynor Russell Peter Male Leederville
1948/102029 Perth Raynor Russell Peter Male Conroy Mary Napier Female Leederville
1948/102030 Perth Grant Christina Marguerite Female Youngs George Henry Male Victoria Park
1948/102030 Perth Youngs George Henry Male Grant Christina Marguerite Female Victoria Park
1948/102031 Perth Jeffs Eric George Male Johnson Alfreda Ruth Female Perth
1948/102031 Perth Johnson Alfreda Ruth Female Jeffs Eric George Male Perth
1948/102032 Perth Bougher Ernest Edward Arthur Male Clarkson Judith Margaret Female Perth
1948/102032 Perth Clarkson Judith Margaret Female Bougher Ernest Edward Arthur Male Perth
1948/102033 Perth Hunt Vincent Edward Male Peace Margaret Florence Female Perth
1948/102033 Perth Peace Margaret Florence Female Hunt Vincent Edward Male Perth
1948/102034 Perth Aitken David McMillan Male Andrews Olive Mary Female Perth
1948/102034 Perth Andrews Olive Mary Female Aitken David McMillan Male Perth
1948/102035 Perth Dunn Hilma Grace Female Stevens Joseph Henry Male West Perth
1948/102035 Perth Stevens Joseph Henry Male Dunn Hilma Grace Female West Perth
1948/102036 Perth Fuller Robert William Male Reed Thelma Noreen Female Maylands
1948/102036 Perth Reed Thelma Noreen Female Fuller Robert William Male Maylands
1948/102037 Perth Beatson Bessie Thomson Female Goodman Lewis Percival Male Subiaco
1948/102037 Perth Goodman Lewis Percival Male Beatson Bessie Thomson Female Subiaco
1948/102038 Perth Blechynden David John Male Thomas Rosalie Maude Female Victoria Park
1948/102038 Perth Thomas Rosalie Maude Female Blechynden David John Male Victoria Park
1948/102039 Perth McGuire Francis William Male Patience Patricia Joan Female Victoria Park
1948/102039 Perth Patience Patricia Joan Female McGuire Francis William Male Victoria Park
1948/102040 Perth Bettenay Vernon Arthur Male Gowans Margaret Mary Female Perth
1948/102040 Perth Gowans Margaret Mary Female Bettenay Vernon Arthur Male Perth
1948/102041 Perth Carman Lloyd Male Maut Lorys Sherwin Female Perth
1948/102041 Perth Maut Lorys Sherwin Female Carman Lloyd Male Perth
1948/102042 Perth Green Vida Maurine Salkilld Female Williams John Elphin Male Perth
1948/102042 Perth Williams John Elphin Male Green Vida Maurine Salkilld Female Perth
1948/102043 Perth McCormick Shirley Female O'Brien Ronald John Male Perth
1948/102043 Perth O'Brien Ronald John Male McCormick Shirley Female Perth
1948/102044 Perth Turner Mary Elizabeth Female Williams James Hart Male Perth
1948/102044 Perth Williams James Hart Male Turner Mary Elizabeth Female Perth
1948/102045 Perth Robinson Mary Josephine Female Slayter Edward Lanyon Penno Male Perth
1948/102045 Perth Slayter Edward Lanyon Penno Male Robinson Mary Josephine Female Perth
1948/102046 Perth Jackson Agnes Female Russell Charles Male Perth
1948/102046 Perth Russell Charles Male Jackson Agnes Female Perth
1948/102047 Perth Howell Evelyn Margaret Female Leach Alex Clifford Male Osborne Park
1948/102047 Perth Leach Alex Clifford Male Howell Evelyn Margaret Female Osborne Park
1948/102048 Perth Hogan Audrey Kathleen Female Russell Murray Cooper Male Mt Lawley
1948/102048 Perth Russell Murray Cooper Male Hogan Audrey Kathleen Female Mt Lawley
1948/102049 Perth Quigley Patricia Constance Female White Edward Astley Male Perth
1948/102049 Perth White Edward Astley Male Quigley Patricia Constance Female Perth
1948/102050 Perth Cowan Mavis Female Trigwell Lionel Henry Male Mt Lawley
1948/102050 Perth Trigwell Lionel Henry Male Cowan Mavis Female Mt Lawley
1948/102051 Perth Miles John Richard Male Stock Iris Rose Female Mt Lawley
1948/102051 Perth Stock Iris Rose Female Miles John Richard Male Mt Lawley
1948/102052 Perth Miller Thomas Cecil Balfour Male Powell Margaret Female Perth
1948/102052 Perth Powell Margaret Female Miller Thomas Cecil Balfour Male Perth
1948/102053 Perth de Garis Catherine Norma Female Gillam William Male Perth
1948/102053 Perth Gillam William Male de Garis Catherine Norma Female Perth
1948/102054 Perth Elliot Edward John Male Hummerston Margaret Romero Female Mount Lawley
1948/102054 Perth Hummerston Margaret Romero Female Elliot Edward John Male Mount Lawley
1948/102055 Perth Connery Verna Joyce Female Grocke John Alfred Male Subiaco
1948/102055 Perth Grocke John Alfred Male Connery Verna Joyce Female Subiaco
1948/102056 Perth Curtis Joyce Mavor Female Gascoine Frank Lewis Male Subiaco
1948/102056 Perth Gascoine Frank Lewis Male Curtis Joyce Mavor Female Subiaco
1948/102057 Perth Credaro Exio Giacomo Male Ferrari Mary Female West Perth
1948/102057 Perth Ferrari Mary Female Credaro Exio Giacomo Male West Perth
1948/102058 Perth Cahill Lavinia Lorraine Female Gregorini Martin Alfred Male West Perth
1948/102058 Perth Gregorini Martin Alfred Male Cahill Lavinia Lorraine Female West Perth
1948/102059 Perth Barker Marjorie Joan Female McEvoy Keith Male West Perth
1948/102059 Perth McEvoy Keith Male Barker Marjorie Joan Female West Perth
1948/102060 Perth Sawyer John Girvan Male Slattery Emily Mary Female Claremont
1948/102060 Perth Slattery Emily Mary Female Sawyer John Girvan Male Claremont
1948/102061 Perth Ledger Ethel June Female Montgomery Richard Peter Male Claremont
1948/102061 Perth Montgomery Richard Peter Male Ledger Ethel June Female Claremont
1948/102062 Perth Edmonds Elizabeth Cecilia Female Farnelly Patrick Joseph Male Subiaco
1948/102062 Perth Farnelly Patrick Joseph Male Edmonds Elizabeth Cecilia Female Subiaco
1948/102063 Perth Harnett Nancy Joan Female Pennycuick Allen John Male Subiaco
1948/102063 Perth Pennycuick Allen John Male Harnett Nancy Joan Female Subiaco
1948/102064 Perth Griffin Allan George Male Rova Emily Mary Female Victoria Park
1948/102064 Perth Rova Emily Mary Female Griffin Allan George Male Victoria Park
1948/102065 Perth Drage Francis Henry Male Nield Doris Female Victoria Park
1948/102065 Perth Nield Doris Female Drage Francis Henry Male Victoria Park
1948/102066 Perth Foster Edward William Male Marks Norma Gwendoline Female Victoria Park
1948/102066 Perth Marks Norma Gwendoline Female Foster Edward William Male Victoria Park
1948/102067 Perth Boyes William John Male Turner Jessie Eileen Female Victoria Park
1948/102067 Perth Turner Jessie Eileen Female Boyes William John Male Victoria Park
1948/102068 Perth Fowler Hazel Verna Female Simpson John Patrick Male Perth
1948/102068 Perth Simpson John Patrick Male Fowler Hazel Verna Female Perth
1948/102069 Perth Heffernan Doris Eva Female Whittle Alvan Ernest Male Perth
1948/102069 Perth Whittle Alvan Ernest Male Heffernan Doris Eva Female Perth
1948/102070 Perth Burke Edith Maria Female Hodges Harold Male Perth
1948/102070 Perth Hodges Harold Male Burke Edith Maria Female Perth
1948/102071 Perth Ainsworth Alan Male Quinn Lilian May Female Perth
1948/102071 Perth Quinn Lilian May Female Ainsworth Alan Male Perth
1948/102072 Perth Beauglehole Roy Percival Male Hennah Laura Lilian Female Perth
1948/102072 Perth Hennah Laura Lilian Female Beauglehole Roy Percival Male Perth
1948/102073 Perth Cousins Leicester Keith Male Green Betty Eileen Female Perth
1948/102073 Perth Green Betty Eileen Female Cousins Leicester Keith Male Perth
1948/102074 Perth Lee Shirley Ellen Marjorie Female Shepherd Leonard John Male Perth
1948/102074 Perth Shepherd Leonard John Male Lee Shirley Ellen Marjorie Female Perth
1948/102075 Perth Collins Dorothy Ellen Female Cook Edward Rex Male Perth
1948/102075 Perth Cook Edward Rex Male Collins Dorothy Ellen Female Perth
1948/102076 Perth Cake Thomas Haygarth Male Perkins Mavis Estelle Female Claremont
1948/102076 Perth Perkins Mavis Estelle Female Cake Thomas Haygarth Male Claremont
1948/102077 Perth Gibson Patricia Mary Female Maxey Leslie Glen Male Mosman Park
1948/102077 Perth Maxey Leslie Glen Male Gibson Patricia Mary Female Mosman Park
1948/102078 Perth Fraser John Francis Male McLeod Annie Elizabeth Female Mosman Park
1948/102078 Perth McLeod Annie Elizabeth Female Fraser John Francis Male Mosman Park
1948/102079 Perth Wilkinson Elsie Valma Female Wilson Herbert Edwin Male Subiaco
1948/102079 Perth Wilson Herbert Edwin Male Wilkinson Elsie Valma Female Subiaco
1948/102080 Perth Facey Joyce Doreen Female Nairn Wayne Gladden Male Subiaco
1948/102080 Perth Nairn Wayne Gladden Male Facey Joyce Doreen Female Subiaco
1948/102081 Perth Rear Albert Cecil Male Wallington Patricia May Female Perth
1948/102081 Perth Wallington Patricia May Female Rear Albert Cecil Male Perth
1948/102082 Perth Creek Charles George Male Smith Edith Female Perth
1948/102082 Perth Smith Edith Female Creek Charles George Male Perth
1948/102083 Perth Bickford Judith Anne Female Ellis Norman Burrell Male Perth
1948/102083 Perth Ellis Norman Burrell Male Bickford Judith Anne Female Perth
1948/102084 Perth Bradford Marjorie Josephine Female Strickland David Alexander Barry Male Perth
1948/102084 Perth Strickland David Alexander Barry Male Bradford Marjorie Josephine Female Perth
1948/102085 Perth Pipe Eugene Helpin Male Reynolds Thelma Mary Florence Female Perth
1948/102085 Perth Reynolds Thelma Mary Florence Female Pipe Eugene Helpin Male Perth
1948/102086 Perth Covington Shirley Florence Female Karhu Arthur John Male Subiaco
1948/102086 Perth Karhu Arthur John Male Covington Shirley Florence Female Subiaco
1948/102087 Perth Battersby Doreen Teresa Female Stockden Farrell John Male East Victoria Park
1948/102087 Perth Stockden Farrell John Male Battersby Doreen Teresa Female East Victoria Park
1948/102088 Perth Miller Robert Archibald McKenzie Male Mitchell Gaynor Rose Female Perth
1948/102088 Perth Mitchell Gaynor Rose Female Miller Robert Archibald McKenzie Male Perth
1948/102089 Perth Gobby Edward Morris Male Maidment Wendy Catherine Female Victoria Park Congregational Church
1948/102089 Perth Maidment Wendy Catherine Female Gobby Edward Morris Male Victoria Park Congregational Church
1948/102090 Perth Cordwell David Ogden Male Wilson Pamela Ruth Female Victoria Park
1948/102090 Perth Wilson Pamela Ruth Female Cordwell David Ogden Male Victoria Park
1948/102091 Perth Beilken Averil Olive Female Redgwell Charles Frederick Male Claremont
1948/102091 Perth Redgwell Charles Frederick Male Beilken Averil Olive Female Claremont
1948/102092 Perth Baillie John Robertson Male Ryan Shirley Patricia Female Claremont
1948/102092 Perth Ryan Shirley Patricia Female Baillie John Robertson Male Claremont
1948/102093 Perth Ironmonger Colin Charles Male Jones Myra Fearnley Female Claremont
1948/102093 Perth Jones Myra Fearnley Female Ironmonger Colin Charles Male Claremont
1948/102094 Perth Annear Richard Winston Male Wootton Annie Female Claremont
1948/102094 Perth Wootton Annie Female Annear Richard Winston Male Claremont
1948/102095 Perth Cocks Ernest David Male Fairclough Irene Mary Female Maylands
1948/102095 Perth Fairclough Irene Mary Female Cocks Ernest David Male Maylands
1948/102096 Perth Costigan Merle Sylvia Female Hamilton Donald William Male Perth
1948/102096 Perth Hamilton Donald William Male Costigan Merle Sylvia Female Perth
1948/102097 Perth Hack Sydney Bedford Male Morrissey Mary Cecilia Female Highgate Hill
1948/102097 Perth Morrissey Mary Cecilia Female Hack Sydney Bedford Male Highgate Hill
1948/102098 Perth Jones Barbara Mary Female Palmer James Male Highgate Hill
1948/102098 Perth Palmer James Male Jones Barbara Mary Female Highgate Hill
1948/102099 Perth de Grancy Marie Joseph Henri Otto Male Krüger Elsie Maria Female West Perth
1948/102099 Perth Krüger Elsie Maria Female de Grancy Marie Joseph Henri Otto Male West Perth
1948/102100 Perth Forden Gertrude Agnes Female McCann Frederick James Clifton Male Perth
1948/102100 Perth McCann Frederick James Clifton Male Forden Gertrude Agnes Female Perth
1948/102101 Perth Kiely James Male Woodbrook Edna Phyllis Female Perth
1948/102101 Perth Woodbrook Edna Phyllis Female Kiely James Male Perth
1948/102102 Perth Gannon Maureen Alma Female Tidswell Thomas Male Perth
1948/102102 Perth Tidswell Thomas Male Gannon Maureen Alma Female Perth
1948/102103 Perth Burges Francis William Male Frayne Margaret Rosalind Female Perth
1948/102103 Perth Frayne Margaret Rosalind Female Burges Francis William Male Perth
1948/102104 Perth Marsh Basil Rex Male Wheeler Gweneth Ethel Minnie Female Perth
1948/102104 Perth Wheeler Gweneth Ethel Minnie Female Marsh Basil Rex Male Perth
1948/102105 Perth Aldred Doreen Female Hansen Ronald Peter Male Crawley
1948/102105 Perth Hansen Ronald Peter Male Aldred Doreen Female Crawley
1948/102106 Perth Martin Pamela Doreen Female Moore Hedley Ernest Male North Perth
1948/102106 Perth Moore Hedley Ernest Male Martin Pamela Doreen Female North Perth
1948/102107 Perth Reed June Elizabeth Maud Female Toms Raymond Wallace Male North Perth
1948/102107 Perth Toms Raymond Wallace Male Reed June Elizabeth Maud Female North Perth
1948/102108 Perth Lodwick John Gilbert Male Satinover Jessie Hallyburton Female Perth
1948/102108 Perth Satinover Jessie Hallyburton Female Lodwick John Gilbert Male Perth
1948/102109 Perth East Max Charles Cobleigh Male Walker Lillian Female Perth
1948/102109 Perth Walker Lillian Female East Max Charles Cobleigh Male Perth
1948/102110 Perth Preitz Colin Vernon Male Sheills Valerie Grace Female Perth Baptist Church
1948/102110 Perth Sheills Valerie Grace Female Preitz Colin Vernon Male Perth Baptist Church
1948/102111 Perth Chaloner Thomas Will Male Trueman Winifred May Female West Perth
1948/102111 Perth Trueman Winifred May Female Chaloner Thomas Will Male West Perth
1948/102112 Perth Cordin Maxwell George Male Hasleby Gloria Bethel Female West Perth
1948/102112 Perth Hasleby Gloria Bethel Female Cordin Maxwell George Male West Perth
1948/102113 Perth O'Sullivan Viola Valentine Female Palmer George William Male West Perth
1948/102113 Perth Palmer George William Male O'Sullivan Viola Valentine Female West Perth
1948/102114 Perth O'Neil Hedley Alan John Male Parks Norma Eleanor Female W Perth
1948/102114 Perth Parks Norma Eleanor Female O'Neil Hedley Alan John Male W Perth
1948/102115 Perth Eccles Ronald Male O'Dea Ilma May Female West Perth
1948/102115 Perth O'Dea Ilma May Female Eccles Ronald Male West Perth
1948/102116 Perth Clarke Raymond Neville Male Farrell Patricia Mavis Female W Perth
1948/102116 Perth Farrell Patricia Mavis Female Clarke Raymond Neville Male W Perth
1948/102117 Perth Boon Margaret Olive Female Lawler Thomas Richard Alfred Male Perth
1948/102117 Perth Lawler Thomas Richard Alfred Male Boon Margaret Olive Female Perth
1948/102118 Perth Beard Job Robert Male Chipper Merle Letitia Female West Perth
1948/102118 Perth Chipper Merle Letitia Female Beard Job Robert Male West Perth
1948/102119 Perth Rudland Jack Barrett Male Shepherd Elizabeth Lausia Grace Female West Perth
1948/102119 Perth Shepherd Elizabeth Lausia Grace Female Rudland Jack Barrett Male West Perth
1948/102120 Perth Girdwood Archibald John Male Nairn Susan Margaret Female West Perth
1948/102120 Perth Nairn Susan Margaret Female Girdwood Archibald John Male West Perth
1948/102121 Perth Abrahams Ernest Tasman Male Jeffries Lillian Blanche Female East Claremont
1948/102121 Perth Jeffries Lillian Blanche Female Abrahams Ernest Tasman Male East Claremont
1948/102122 Perth Howell Jack Sydie Male Muirhead Mavis Lorraine Female Maylands Church of Christ
1948/102122 Perth Muirhead Mavis Lorraine Female Howell Jack Sydie Male Maylands Church of Christ
1948/102123 Perth Clifton Mary Mae Female Cohen Albert Male Perth
1948/102123 Perth Cohen Albert Male Clifton Mary Mae Female Perth
1948/102124 Perth Impson Ellen Doris Female Middlecoat Walter Frederick Male Perth
1948/102124 Perth Middlecoat Walter Frederick Male Impson Ellen Doris Female Perth
1948/102125 Perth Skehan Thomas Desmond Male Smith Dorothy Beryl Female Perth
1948/102125 Perth Smith Dorothy Beryl Female Skehan Thomas Desmond Male Perth
1948/102126 Perth Bell Rona Jean Female Trezise Harry Male Cottesloe
1948/102126 Perth Trezise Harry Male Bell Rona Jean Female Cottesloe
1948/102127 Perth Kavanagh Olive Jean Female Kershaw John Male Cottesloe
1948/102127 Perth Kershaw John Male Kavanagh Olive Jean Female Cottesloe
1948/102128 Perth Duncan Phyllis Joyce Female Mills Robert William George Male Cottesloe
1948/102128 Perth Mills Robert William George Male Duncan Phyllis Joyce Female Cottesloe
1948/102129 Perth Cluning Walter Thomas Male Liddell Barbara Mary Female Carlisle
1948/102129 Perth Liddell Barbara Mary Female Cluning Walter Thomas Male Carlisle
1948/102130 Perth Gould Catherine Margaret Female Hills Kenneth Edward Male Perth
1948/102130 Perth Hills Kenneth Edward Male Gould Catherine Margaret Female Perth
1948/102131 Perth McMillan Jean Female ODwyer Kevin Joseph Male Inglewood
1948/102131 Perth ODwyer Kevin Joseph Male McMillan Jean Female Inglewood
1948/102132 Perth Day John Frederick Male Elfverson Pamela Joan Female West Perth
1948/102132 Perth Elfverson Pamela Joan Female Day John Frederick Male West Perth
1948/102133 Perth Donald David Edward Henry Male Fowles Dorothy Una Female Perth
1948/102133 Perth Fowles Dorothy Una Female Donald David Edward Henry Male Perth
1948/102134 Perth Stone Lorna Muriel Female Young Crawford Addison Male Claremont
1948/102134 Perth Young Crawford Addison Male Stone Lorna Muriel Female Claremont
1948/102135 Perth Dvoretsky David Male Halliday Beryl Edith Female Claremont
1948/102135 Perth Halliday Beryl Edith Female Dvoretsky David Male Claremont
1948/102136 Perth Goddard William Joseph Male Leyden Elizabeth Margaret Female Bayswater
1948/102136 Perth Leyden Elizabeth Margaret Female Goddard William Joseph Male Bayswater
1948/102137 Perth Clarke Geoffrey Edward Male Haynes Ruth May Female West Perth
1948/102137 Perth Haynes Ruth May Female Clarke Geoffrey Edward Male West Perth
1948/102138 Perth McLauchlan Agnes Clark Female Polinelli John Male West Perth
1948/102138 Perth Polinelli John Male McLauchlan Agnes Clark Female West Perth
1948/102139 Perth Jackman James Walter Male Sadler Constance Beryl Female West Perth
1948/102139 Perth Sadler Constance Beryl Female Jackman James Walter Male West Perth
1948/102140 Perth Halifax Shirley Doris Female Lillee Keith Male Perth
1948/102140 Perth Lillee Keith Male Halifax Shirley Doris Female Perth
1948/102141 Perth Gibson Douglas Hamilton Male Hains Betty May Female Perth
1948/102141 Perth Hains Betty May Female Gibson Douglas Hamilton Male Perth
1948/102142 Perth Andrews Vernon George Male King Cecilia Buckley Female Perth
1948/102142 Perth King Cecilia Buckley Female Andrews Vernon George Male Perth
1948/102143 Perth Annear Maxwell William Male Parry Dora Vaughan Female Victoria Park
1948/102143 Perth Parry Dora Vaughan Female Annear Maxwell William Male Victoria Park
1948/102144 Perth Anthony Charles McPherson Male Betts Phyllis Mary Female Victoria Park
1948/102144 Perth Betts Phyllis Mary Female Anthony Charles McPherson Male Victoria Park
1948/102145 Perth Cowper Betty Joyce Female Harman William Henry Male Victoria Park
1948/102145 Perth Harman William Henry Male Cowper Betty Joyce Female Victoria Park
1948/102146 Perth Ahrens Vera Joy Female Brooks Henry James Male Victoria Park
1948/102146 Perth Brooks Henry James Male Ahrens Vera Joy Female Victoria Park
1948/102147 Perth Rundell Norma Valma Female Wilton Rex Desmond Male Victoria Park
1948/102147 Perth Wilton Rex Desmond Male Rundell Norma Valma Female Victoria Park
1948/102148 Perth Lange Jessmine Augusta Female Richardson James Edward Male Perth
1948/102148 Perth Richardson James Edward Male Lange Jessmine Augusta Female Perth
1948/102149 Perth Humble James Male Shepherd Beryl Nancy Female Cottesloe
1948/102149 Perth Shepherd Beryl Nancy Female Humble James Male Cottesloe
1948/102150 Perth Lear Ronald Frederick Male Wilkins Marjory Joy Female Perth
1948/102150 Perth Wilkins Marjory Joy Female Lear Ronald Frederick Male Perth
1948/102151 Perth Cameron Allan James Male Shea Vera Cecelia Wilma Female Perth
1948/102151 Perth Shea Vera Cecelia Wilma Female Cameron Allan James Male Perth
1948/102152 Perth Groom Clive Frank Sutherland Male Rae Ailsa Margaret Female Perth
1948/102152 Perth Rae Ailsa Margaret Female Groom Clive Frank Sutherland Male Perth
1948/102153 Perth Campion Nizza Laura Female Omay James Watson Male Perth
1948/102153 Perth Omay James Watson Male Campion Nizza Laura Female Perth
1948/102154 Perth McNair May Female Quilty Francis Eugene Male Perth
1948/102154 Perth Quilty Francis Eugene Male McNair May Female Perth
1948/102155 Perth Cook Irene Angela Female Guelfi Ernest Reginald David Male Claremont
1948/102155 Perth Guelfi Ernest Reginald David Male Cook Irene Angela Female Claremont
1948/102156 Perth Capp Edna May Female Nicholls Edward Male Claremont
1948/102156 Perth Nicholls Edward Male Capp Edna May Female Claremont
1948/102157 Perth Lerner Jack Male London Norma Female Perth
1948/102157 Perth London Norma Female Lerner Jack Male Perth
1948/102158 Perth Isaac Benjamin David Male Isaac Meda Female Perth
1948/102158 Perth Isaac Meda Female Isaac Benjamin David Male Perth
1948/102159 Perth Fraser Kathleen Mary Female Kobelke John Edward Barrett Male Midland Junction
1948/102159 Perth Kobelke John Edward Barrett Male Fraser Kathleen Mary Female Midland Junction
1948/102160 Perth Del Piano James Andrew Male Nizzola Armida Female West Perth
1948/102160 Perth Nizzola Armida Female Del Piano James Andrew Male West Perth
1948/102161 Perth Gamble Elaine Agnes Female Snell Arthur Ernest Male West Perth
1948/102161 Perth Snell Arthur Ernest Male Gamble Elaine Agnes Female West Perth
1948/102162 Perth Farr Phyllis May Female Head Alfred Harry Male Perth
1948/102162 Perth Head Alfred Harry Male Farr Phyllis May Female Perth
1948/102163 Perth Chapple Ernest Henry Male Walsh Amy Rose Female 48 Pier St
1948/102163 Perth Walsh Amy Rose Female Chapple Ernest Henry Male 48 Pier St
1948/102164 Perth Guneriussen Alice Rose Female Hooker Edward William Male Leederville
1948/102164 Perth Hooker Edward William Male Guneriussen Alice Rose Female Leederville
1948/102165 Perth Ireland Robert Harold Male Morrison Margaret Helen Female Perth
1948/102165 Perth Morrison Margaret Helen Female Ireland Robert Harold Male Perth
1948/102166 Perth Holt Raymond Laurence Male Hudson Loris Elizabeth Female North Perth
1948/102166 Perth Hudson Loris Elizabeth Female Holt Raymond Laurence Male North Perth
1948/102167 Perth Jenyns Essie Female Wylie John Trevor Male Perth
1948/102167 Perth Wylie John Trevor Male Jenyns Essie Female Perth
1948/102168 Perth Cotterell Robert Bryce Male Hume Kathleen Dorothy Female Perth
1948/102168 Perth Hume Kathleen Dorothy Female Cotterell Robert Bryce Male Perth
1948/102169 Perth Lamond James Male Sibley Patricia Gwendoline Female Mt Lawley
1948/102169 Perth Sibley Patricia Gwendoline Female Lamond James Male Mt Lawley
1948/102170 Perth Butson Violet Frances Female Kelly Donald William Male Perth
1948/102170 Perth Kelly Donald William Male Butson Violet Frances Female Perth
1948/102171 Perth Brierley Ronnie Male Devon Audrey Rae Female Perth
1948/102171 Perth Devon Audrey Rae Female Brierley Ronnie Male Perth
1948/102172 Perth Albert Phyllis Edna Female Anderson William Robert Male Perth
1948/102172 Perth Anderson William Robert Male Albert Phyllis Edna Female Perth
1948/102173 Perth Dick Ian Robert Sherriff Male Lever Mignon Ivy Female Perth
1948/102173 Perth Lever Mignon Ivy Female Dick Ian Robert Sherriff Male Perth
1948/102174 Perth Abbott Horace James Male Bourke Annie Mavis Ashton Female Perth
1948/102174 Perth Bourke Annie Mavis Ashton Female Abbott Horace James Male Perth
1948/102175 Perth Holmwood Donald Douglas Male Knop Sheila Female Perth
1948/102175 Perth Knop Sheila Female Holmwood Donald Douglas Male Perth
1948/102176 Perth Piper Helen Mary Female Watt Keith Lawrence Crane Male Subiaco
1948/102176 Perth Watt Keith Lawrence Crane Male Piper Helen Mary Female Subiaco
1948/102177 Perth Clifford Milton Verdun Male Monro Mary Eliza Female Perth
1948/102177 Perth Monro Mary Eliza Female Clifford Milton Verdun Male Perth
1948/102178 Perth Lennox Albert Daniel Male Tomkinson Phyllis Helen Mary Female Perth
1948/102178 Perth Tomkinson Phyllis Helen Mary Female Lennox Albert Daniel Male Perth
1948/102179 Perth Gibson Sidney William Male Provis Ruth Female Perth
1948/102179 Perth Provis Ruth Female Gibson Sidney William Male Perth
1948/102180 Perth Braley Kathleen Vera Female Younes George Solomon Anthony Male Perth
1948/102180 Perth Younes George Solomon Anthony Male Braley Kathleen Vera Female Perth
1948/102181 Perth Dawson Arthur Male Whitehouse June Margaret Female Perth
1948/102181 Perth Whitehouse June Margaret Female Dawson Arthur Male Perth
1948/102182 Perth Davis Fredrick William Male Guile Gwladys Nora Female Perth
1948/102182 Perth Guile Gwladys Nora Female Davis Fredrick William Male Perth
1948/102183 Perth Bradley Diana Barbara Female Harris Lennard Oswald Male Perth
1948/102183 Perth Harris Lennard Oswald Male Bradley Diana Barbara Female Perth
1948/102184 Perth Mitchell William Richard Male Sullivan Wanda Dawne Female Perth
1948/102184 Perth Sullivan Wanda Dawne Female Mitchell William Richard Male Perth
1948/102185 Perth Franklyn Peter Douglas Male O'Brien Mary Ellen Female Leederville
1948/102185 Perth O'Brien Mary Ellen Female Franklyn Peter Douglas Male Leederville
1948/102186 Perth Catoni Renato Joseph Male Rice Patricia Margaret Female Leederville
1948/102186 Perth Rice Patricia Margaret Female Catoni Renato Joseph Male Leederville
1948/102187 Perth Clark Robert Male McKenny Molly Adele Female Inglewood
1948/102187 Perth McKenny Molly Adele Female Clark Robert Male Inglewood
1948/102188 Perth Eadie Grace Margaret Female Iles Robert George Lancelot Male South Perth
1948/102188 Perth Iles Robert George Lancelot Male Eadie Grace Margaret Female South Perth
1948/102189 Perth Lackman Florence May Female Randell Kenneth Donald Male Mt Lawley
1948/102189 Perth Randell Kenneth Donald Male Lackman Florence May Female Mt Lawley
1948/102190 Perth Fergusson Francis Heath Male Riley Delys Lorraine Female Mt Lawley
1948/102190 Perth Riley Delys Lorraine Female Fergusson Francis Heath Male Mt Lawley
1948/102191 Perth Russell Emily Vila Eleanor Female Webb John Claude Male Mt Lawley
1948/102191 Perth Webb John Claude Male Russell Emily Vila Eleanor Female Mt Lawley
1948/102192 Perth Farrow Allan Pressney Male McGillicuddy Kathleen Female Mt Lawley
1948/102192 Perth McGillicuddy Kathleen Female Farrow Allan Pressney Male Mt Lawley
1948/102193 Perth Ring Lois Wanda Female Smith Mervyn Ray Male Mt Lawley
1948/102193 Perth Smith Mervyn Ray Male Ring Lois Wanda Female Mt Lawley
1948/102194 Perth Barber Ethel Mary Female Hancock Royston John Male Mt Lawley
1948/102194 Perth Hancock Royston John Male Barber Ethel Mary Female Mt Lawley
1948/102195 Perth Dunkin Marjorie Isobel Female Wallis Edward Burnice Male Maylands
1948/102195 Perth Wallis Edward Burnice Male Dunkin Marjorie Isobel Female Maylands
1948/102196 Perth Gibbs Lillian Marjory Female Murray Albert Mervyn Male Maylands
1948/102196 Perth Murray Albert Mervyn Male Gibbs Lillian Marjory Female Maylands
1948/102197 Perth Cole Phyllis Claire Female Morrish John Male Subiaco
1948/102197 Perth Morrish John Male Cole Phyllis Claire Female Subiaco
1948/102198 Perth Matson Neville Wilfred Male White Joan Elaine Female Perth
1948/102198 Perth White Joan Elaine Female Matson Neville Wilfred Male Perth
1948/102199 Perth Dyer Gladys Female Shea Patrick James Hilary Male Perth
1948/102199 Perth Shea Patrick James Hilary Male Dyer Gladys Female Perth
1948/102200 Perth Parkinson Margret Irene Female Thomas Laurence Mitchell Male Perth
1948/102200 Perth Thomas Laurence Mitchell Male Parkinson Margret Irene Female Perth
1948/102201 Perth Kelly Reginald Thomas Patrick Male Scott Ellen Mary Female Perth
1948/102201 Perth Scott Ellen Mary Female Kelly Reginald Thomas Patrick Male Perth
1948/102202 Perth Aslan Beryl Rose Female Rhodes Mervyn William Frederick Male Perth
1948/102202 Perth Rhodes Mervyn William Frederick Male Aslan Beryl Rose Female Perth
1948/102203 Perth Swinnerton Albert Bernard Male Wirth Hilda Beatrice Female Perth
1948/102203 Perth Wirth Hilda Beatrice Female Swinnerton Albert Bernard Male Perth
1948/102204 Perth Buck Mary Catherine Female Hampson Albert Male Perth
1948/102204 Perth Hampson Albert Male Buck Mary Catherine Female Perth
1948/102205 Perth Hickey Margaret Mary Female Nice Joseph Henry Male Subiaco
1948/102205 Perth Nice Joseph Henry Male Hickey Margaret Mary Female Subiaco
1948/102206 Perth Barrett Margaret Alice Female Daniel Edward Male Subiaco
1948/102206 Perth Daniel Edward Male Barrett Margaret Alice Female Subiaco
1948/102207 Perth Dunn Valmai Claxton Female Nankivell Frederick Arthur Male West Perth
1948/102207 Perth Nankivell Frederick Arthur Male Dunn Valmai Claxton Female West Perth
1948/102208 Perth George Ian Arthur Male Meyers Matilda Elizabeth Female West Perth
1948/102208 Perth Meyers Matilda Elizabeth Female George Ian Arthur Male West Perth
1948/102209 Perth Cummins Norman Charles Male Wilson Betty Ina Female Perth
1948/102209 Perth Wilson Betty Ina Female Cummins Norman Charles Male Perth
1948/102210 Perth Wilkes Leslie Stanford Male Young Doris May Female Perth
1948/102210 Perth Young Doris May Female Wilkes Leslie Stanford Male Perth
1948/102211 Perth Boylan Angus McDonald Robert Male Lee Joan Helen Female Perth
1948/102211 Perth Lee Joan Helen Female Boylan Angus McDonald Robert Male Perth
1948/102212 Perth Penton Denese Talbot Female Stedman Lancelot Coombs Male Perth
1948/102212 Perth Stedman Lancelot Coombs Male Penton Denese Talbot Female Perth
1948/102213 Perth Summers John Edward Cowling Male Woods Marjorie Clare Female Perth
1948/102213 Perth Woods Marjorie Clare Female Summers John Edward Cowling Male Perth
1948/102214 Perth Bickerton John Alfred Male Wallis Judith Female Victoria Park
1948/102214 Perth Wallis Judith Female Bickerton John Alfred Male Victoria Park
1948/102215 Perth Fiedler Leslie Victor Male Wholagan Shirley Dawn Female Victoria Park
1948/102215 Perth Wholagan Shirley Dawn Female Fiedler Leslie Victor Male Victoria Park
1948/102216 Perth Martin Thelma Daisy Jean Female Prater John Alfred Male Perth
1948/102216 Perth Prater John Alfred Male Martin Thelma Daisy Jean Female Perth
1948/102217 Perth Arnold Silas Federal Male Bonnett Olive Mabel Janet Female Perth
1948/102217 Perth Bonnett Olive Mabel Janet Female Arnold Silas Federal Male Perth
1948/102218 Perth Edwards Cecil Lloyd Davies Male Rodgers Ruby Annie Female Perth
1948/102218 Perth Rodgers Ruby Annie Female Edwards Cecil Lloyd Davies Male Perth
1948/102219 Perth Shellabear Allan Elgar Male Vos Theodora Margaret Female Claremont
1948/102219 Perth Vos Theodora Margaret Female Shellabear Allan Elgar Male Claremont
1948/102220 Perth Hogan Kevin William Male Liddeton Gloria Mary Female Carlisle
1948/102220 Perth Liddeton Gloria Mary Female Hogan Kevin William Male Carlisle
1948/102221 Perth Burridge Francis John Male Washer Bertha Claire Female Belmont
1948/102221 Perth Washer Bertha Claire Female Burridge Francis John Male Belmont
1948/102222 Perth Gieve Thea Constance Female Harrison Theodore Lucas Male Perth
1948/102222 Perth Harrison Theodore Lucas Male Gieve Thea Constance Female Perth
1948/102223 Perth Barrett Ellen Jean Female Hebiton William Kinnear Male South Perth
1948/102223 Perth Hebiton William Kinnear Male Barrett Ellen Jean Female South Perth
1948/102224 Perth Curtis Lilian Ethel Female Dean Leslie Charles Male Perth
1948/102224 Perth Dean Leslie Charles Male Curtis Lilian Ethel Female Perth
1948/102225 Perth Brown Geraldine Hazel Female Thomas Arthur Male Perth
1948/102225 Perth Thomas Arthur Male Brown Geraldine Hazel Female Perth
1948/102226 Perth Longson John Les Male Thomas Valda Miriam Female Perth
1948/102226 Perth Thomas Valda Miriam Female Longson John Les Male Perth
1948/102227 Perth Giles Coral May Female Melville Victor Leslie Male Perth
1948/102227 Perth Melville Victor Leslie Male Giles Coral May Female Perth
1948/102228 Perth Connolly Betty Female Fiumara George Male Perth
1948/102228 Perth Fiumara George Male Connolly Betty Female Perth
1948/102229 Perth Cunningham Gladys Irene Jane Female Humble Robert Edward Male Perth
1948/102229 Perth Humble Robert Edward Male Cunningham Gladys Irene Jane Female Perth
1948/102230 Perth Paxman Lillian Grace Female Wiggins Joseph Henry Male Inglewood
1948/102230 Perth Wiggins Joseph Henry Male Paxman Lillian Grace Female Inglewood
1948/102231 Perth Maher Kathleen Ellen Female Robinson Geoffrey Innes Male Perth
1948/102231 Perth Robinson Geoffrey Innes Male Maher Kathleen Ellen Female Perth
1948/102232 Perth Connop Noel Charles Male Poole Doreen Ray Female Perth
1948/102232 Perth Poole Doreen Ray Female Connop Noel Charles Male Perth
1948/102233 Perth Davies Donald Charles Male Peters Norma Adele Female Perth
1948/102233 Perth Peters Norma Adele Female Davies Donald Charles Male Perth
1948/102234 Perth Brookes Philip Gordon Male Scoby-Smith Barbara Patricia Diane Female Leederville
1948/102234 Perth Scoby-Smith Barbara Patricia Diane Female Brookes Philip Gordon Male Leederville
1948/102235 Perth Brayley Maurice Edward Male Sutcliffe Jean Isobel Yvonne Female Leederville
1948/102235 Perth Sutcliffe Jean Isobel Yvonne Female Brayley Maurice Edward Male Leederville
1948/102236 Perth Bell Maude Elizabeth Female McKenzie Francis Robert Male Leederville
1948/102236 Perth McKenzie Francis Robert Male Bell Maude Elizabeth Female Leederville
1948/102237 Perth Baxter Isabella Mary Female Morey Oscar Patrick Male Leederville
1948/102237 Perth Morey Oscar Patrick Male Baxter Isabella Mary Female Leederville
1948/102238 Perth Harrower Agnes Ritchie Female Ogden Clifford Mason Male Leederville
1948/102238 Perth Ogden Clifford Mason Male Harrower Agnes Ritchie Female Leederville
1948/102239 Perth Alver Ronald Richard Male Leask Lyla Dawn Female Leederville
1948/102239 Perth Leask Lyla Dawn Female Alver Ronald Richard Male Leederville
1948/102240 Perth Burton Elsie Frances Female Cameron Albert James Male Leederville
1948/102240 Perth Cameron Albert James Male Burton Elsie Frances Female Leederville
1948/102241 Perth Foley Russell Albert Male Truslove Joyce Kathleen Female West Perth
1948/102241 Perth Truslove Joyce Kathleen Female Foley Russell Albert Male West Perth
1948/102242 Perth Rattigan David Barry Male Shortill Mary Joyce Female West Perth
1948/102242 Perth Shortill Mary Joyce Female Rattigan David Barry Male West Perth
1948/102243 Perth Ahern Thomas Joseph McGrath Male Savage Irene Philomena Female Perth
1948/102243 Perth Savage Irene Philomena Female Ahern Thomas Joseph McGrath Male Perth
1948/102244 Perth Graham Isabel Jean Female Lenane Martin Joseph Male West Perth
1948/102244 Perth Lenane Martin Joseph Male Graham Isabel Jean Female West Perth
1948/102245 Perth Kimberley Ronald Herbert Male Whiteford Shirley May Female West Perth
1948/102245 Perth Whiteford Shirley May Female Kimberley Ronald Herbert Male West Perth
1948/102246 Perth Reid John Male Welch Mary Ann Female Perth
1948/102246 Perth Welch Mary Ann Female Reid John Male Perth
1948/102247 Perth Bermingham George Arthur Male Deane-Freeman Veronica Mary Female Nedlands
1948/102247 Perth Deane-Freeman Veronica Mary Female Bermingham George Arthur Male Nedlands
1948/102248 Perth Eames Letitia Florence Female Ryall Harry Lakeman Male Perth
1948/102248 Perth Ryall Harry Lakeman Male Eames Letitia Florence Female Perth
1948/102249 Perth Moralee Catherine Eleanor Female Tillotson Roland Male Leederville
1948/102249 Perth Tillotson Roland Male Moralee Catherine Eleanor Female Leederville
1948/102250 Perth Bradshaw Ronald Male Chopping Lorna Joyce Female Perth
1948/102250 Perth Chopping Lorna Joyce Female Bradshaw Ronald Male Perth
1948/102251 Perth Barnett Audrey Merle Female Ginbey Claude Harold Male W Leederville
1948/102251 Perth Ginbey Claude Harold Male Barnett Audrey Merle Female W Leederville
1948/102252 Perth Schlam Cyril Carew Male Temme Isabella Struthers Female Perth
1948/102252 Perth Temme Isabella Struthers Female Schlam Cyril Carew Male Perth
1948/102253 Perth Martin Edward Thomas Male Stone Madge Edith Female Claremont
1948/102253 Perth Stone Madge Edith Female Martin Edward Thomas Male Claremont
1948/102254 Perth Linton William Ray Male Webster Margaret Olive Female Claremont
1948/102254 Perth Webster Margaret Olive Female Linton William Ray Male Claremont
1948/102255 Perth Hawkins Peggy Gwendoline Female Hudson Roy Male Claremont
1948/102255 Perth Hudson Roy Male Hawkins Peggy Gwendoline Female Claremont
1948/102256 Perth Hodgetts Hazel Violet Female Morris Keith Ronald Male Victoria Park
1948/102256 Perth Morris Keith Ronald Male Hodgetts Hazel Violet Female Victoria Park
1948/102257 Perth Bagshaw Estelle Female Martin William Edward Male Victoria Park
1948/102257 Perth Martin William Edward Male Bagshaw Estelle Female Victoria Park
1948/102258 Perth Cole Patricia Amelia Female Perry William Henry Male Victoria Park
1948/102258 Perth Perry William Henry Male Cole Patricia Amelia Female Victoria Park
1948/102259 Perth Carlton Walter Glenton Male Turner Necia Ruth Female Victoria Park
1948/102259 Perth Turner Necia Ruth Female Carlton Walter Glenton Male Victoria Park
1948/102260 Perth Lewis Edward Goodwyn Male Parkins Phyllis Joy Female Victoria Park
1948/102260 Perth Parkins Phyllis Joy Female Lewis Edward Goodwyn Male Victoria Park
1948/102261 Perth Adonis Jonathan Male Finley Florence Jane Female Perth
1948/102261 Perth Finley Florence Jane Female Adonis Jonathan Male Perth
1948/102262 Perth Cumming Cynthia May Female Piper Edgar William Male Perth
1948/102262 Perth Piper Edgar William Male Cumming Cynthia May Female Perth
1948/102263 Perth Harkess Douglas Allan Male Perry Eileen Pearl Female Perth
1948/102263 Perth Perry Eileen Pearl Female Harkess Douglas Allan Male Perth
1948/102264 Perth Gilmore George Edward Male Hadley Ivy Constance Female Perth
1948/102264 Perth Hadley Ivy Constance Female Gilmore George Edward Male Perth
1948/102265 Perth Kruger Olive Evelyn May Female Tombolini Pasquale Male Perth
1948/102265 Perth Tombolini Pasquale Male Kruger Olive Evelyn May Female Perth
1948/102266 Perth Bolitho Charles William Norbert Male Dennison Grace Female Tuart Hill Methodist Church
1948/102266 Perth Dennison Grace Female Bolitho Charles William Norbert Male Tuart Hill Methodist Church
1948/102267 Perth Bowman Mary Annie Female Chilcott George Gavin Male Victoria Park
1948/102267 Perth Chilcott George Gavin Male Bowman Mary Annie Female Victoria Park
1948/102268 Perth Gabriel Despina Female Kakulas Michael Angelo Male Perth
1948/102268 Perth Kakulas Michael Angelo Male Gabriel Despina Female Perth
1948/102269 Perth Dowling Selina Mary Female Fletcher George Male Maylands
1948/102269 Perth Fletcher George Male Dowling Selina Mary Female Maylands
1948/102270 Perth Canny Denise Fenetta Female Robertson Alan Rae Male West Perth
1948/102270 Perth Robertson Alan Rae Male Canny Denise Fenetta Female West Perth
1948/102271 Perth Merry Henry Charles Holton Male Woodroffe Betty Female Claremont
1948/102271 Perth Woodroffe Betty Female Merry Henry Charles Holton Male Claremont
1948/102272 Perth Cream Marie Eve Female Ward Ernest Richard Male Perth
1948/102272 Perth Ward Ernest Richard Male Cream Marie Eve Female Perth
1948/102273 Perth Hughes Sydney John Male Kirkup Beryl Female West Perth
1948/102273 Perth Kirkup Beryl Female Hughes Sydney John Male West Perth
1948/102274 Perth Heaton Marjorie Joy Female Hickling Edgar Hugh Male West Perth
1948/102274 Perth Hickling Edgar Hugh Male Heaton Marjorie Joy Female West Perth
1948/102275 Perth Fripp Gordon Male Tassell Norma Vera Female West Perth
1948/102275 Perth Tassell Norma Vera Female Fripp Gordon Male West Perth
1948/102276 Perth Gates Dorothy Lillis Magdalen Female OBrien Ronald Patrick Male Claremont
1948/102276 Perth OBrien Ronald Patrick Male Gates Dorothy Lillis Magdalen Female Claremont
1948/102277 Perth Holdsworth Ronald George Male Woollands Marjory Iris Female Subiaco
1948/102277 Perth Woollands Marjory Iris Female Holdsworth Ronald George Male Subiaco
1948/102278 Perth Harris Harold Edward Male Webb Freda Maisie Female Subiaco
1948/102278 Perth Webb Freda Maisie Female Harris Harold Edward Male Subiaco
1948/102279 Perth Ellis Gloria Jean Female Stone Noel Jasper Male Subiaco
1948/102279 Perth Stone Noel Jasper Male Ellis Gloria Jean Female Subiaco
1948/102280 Perth Carter Beatrice Nellie Female Reeves Thomas William Male North Perth
1948/102280 Perth Reeves Thomas William Male Carter Beatrice Nellie Female North Perth
1948/102281 Perth Bassett Stanley Arthur Male Jones Jean Doris Female Perth
1948/102281 Perth Jones Jean Doris Female Bassett Stanley Arthur Male Perth
1948/102282 Perth Clifton Ronald James Male OSullivan Mary Carmel Female Maylands
1948/102282 Perth OSullivan Mary Carmel Female Clifton Ronald James Male Maylands
1948/102283 Perth Barry Alan Godfrey Male Ridge Maud Jean Female Perth
1948/102283 Perth Ridge Maud Jean Female Barry Alan Godfrey Male Perth
1948/102284 Perth Darcy May Evelyn Female Stemp Ernest William Ronald Male Perth
1948/102284 Perth Stemp Ernest William Ronald Male Darcy May Evelyn Female Perth
1948/102285 Perth Mulcahy Ellen Mary Female Palmer Percy Felix Male Perth
1948/102285 Perth Palmer Percy Felix Male Mulcahy Ellen Mary Female Perth
1948/102286 Perth Edwards Stewart Male Wilson Ettie Muriel Female Leederville
1948/102286 Perth Wilson Ettie Muriel Female Edwards Stewart Male Leederville
1948/102287 Perth Hough Kevin Charles Male Humphreys Eileen Ruby Female Leederville
1948/102287 Perth Humphreys Eileen Ruby Female Hough Kevin Charles Male Leederville
1948/102288 Perth Lindsay William Male Mitchem Eileen Alice Female Leederville
1948/102288 Perth Mitchem Eileen Alice Female Lindsay William Male Leederville
1948/102289 Perth Halsall Edward Male Mackander Doris Irene Female Leederville
1948/102289 Perth Mackander Doris Irene Female Halsall Edward Male Leederville
1948/102290 Perth Dobson Laura Veronica Female Morris William Thomas Male Highgate Hill
1948/102290 Perth Morris William Thomas Male Dobson Laura Veronica Female Highgate Hill
1948/102291 Perth Mullins John Kevin Male Sallans Melva Eileen Female Highgate Hill
1948/102291 Perth Sallans Melva Eileen Female Mullins John Kevin Male Highgate Hill
1948/102292 Perth Crowe Doris May Female Travis George Male East Claremont
1948/102292 Perth Travis George Male Crowe Doris May Female East Claremont
1948/102293 Perth Owen Jane Matthewson Female Willis Talbot Male Claremont
1948/102293 Perth Willis Talbot Male Owen Jane Matthewson Female Claremont
1948/102294 Perth Badge Kenneth Wilberforce Male Wootton Shirley Female Perth
1948/102294 Perth Wootton Shirley Female Badge Kenneth Wilberforce Male Perth
1948/102295 Perth Brady Dorothy Irene Female Jackson Robert Male Perth
1948/102295 Perth Jackson Robert Male Brady Dorothy Irene Female Perth
1948/102296 Perth Rogers Florence Lorraine Female Rogers Maxwell Edward Male Victoria Park
1948/102296 Perth Rogers Maxwell Edward Male Rogers Florence Lorraine Female Victoria Park
1948/102297 Perth French James Walter Male Merrey Nora May Female Victoria Park
1948/102297 Perth Merrey Nora May Female French James Walter Male Victoria Park
1948/102298 Perth Anderson Leslie James Male Watson Heather May Female Victoria Park
1948/102298 Perth Watson Heather May Female Anderson Leslie James Male Victoria Park
1948/102299 Perth Carngham Betty Jean Female Davis Kevin John Alston Male Victoria Park
1948/102299 Perth Davis Kevin John Alston Male Carngham Betty Jean Female Victoria Park
1948/102300 Perth Morrissey Winifred Evelyn Female Ucich Marinko Male Victoria Park
1948/102300 Perth Ucich Marinko Male Morrissey Winifred Evelyn Female Victoria Park
1948/102301 Perth Bonser Betty June Female Griffin Edward George Male Victoria Park
1948/102301 Perth Griffin Edward George Male Bonser Betty June Female Victoria Park
1948/102302 Perth Brown Dorothy Josephine Female Carleton John Stuart Male Nedlands
1948/102302 Perth Carleton John Stuart Male Brown Dorothy Josephine Female Nedlands
1948/102303 Perth Glavinas Jean Female Kostarelas Stavros Male Perth
1948/102303 Perth Kostarelas Stavros Male Glavinas Jean Female Perth
1948/102304 Perth Fitzsimmons James Laurence Male Rose Alma Alice Female Claremont
1948/102304 Perth Rose Alma Alice Female Fitzsimmons James Laurence Male Claremont
1948/102305 Perth Mason Nora Female Pearson Leslie Hall Male Claremont
1948/102305 Perth Pearson Leslie Hall Male Mason Nora Female Claremont
1948/102306 Perth Headland Audrey Vera Female Hovey Eric Alan Male Claremont
1948/102306 Perth Hovey Eric Alan Male Headland Audrey Vera Female Claremont
1948/102307 Perth Hicks Cedric Stanton Male Hubbard Valerie Irene Female Peppermint Grove
1948/102307 Perth Hubbard Valerie Irene Female Hicks Cedric Stanton Male Peppermint Grove
1948/102308 Perth Carter Francis James Male Judges Dorothy Valmai Female Perth
1948/102308 Perth Judges Dorothy Valmai Female Carter Francis James Male Perth
1948/102309 Perth Hine Patricia Joan Female Holmes Ronald Gerald Monish Male Victoria Park
1948/102309 Perth Holmes Ronald Gerald Monish Male Hine Patricia Joan Female Victoria Park
1948/102310 Perth Govan Robert George Male Lunn-Garner Joan Mary Female Perth
1948/102310 Perth Lunn-Garner Joan Mary Female Govan Robert George Male Perth
1948/102311 Perth Flugge Desmond Henry Male Kenward Clara Dorothy Female Perth
1948/102311 Perth Kenward Clara Dorothy Female Flugge Desmond Henry Male Perth
1948/102312 Perth Hartree Raymond Hilbert Male McClymont Shirley June Female Perth
1948/102312 Perth McClymont Shirley June Female Hartree Raymond Hilbert Male Perth
1948/102313 Perth Hawkins Norma Beryl Female Healy Raymond Phillip Male Perth
1948/102313 Perth Healy Raymond Phillip Male Hawkins Norma Beryl Female Perth
1948/102314 Perth Matthews Eileen Joan Female Mills William Henry Male Perth
1948/102314 Perth Mills William Henry Male Matthews Eileen Joan Female Perth
1948/102315 Perth Broom Wallace Albert Male Kippin Thelma Joyce Female Perth
1948/102315 Perth Kippin Thelma Joyce Female Broom Wallace Albert Male Perth
1948/102316 Perth Barr Gertrude May Female Johnston Harold Lloyd Male Perth
1948/102316 Perth Johnston Harold Lloyd Male Barr Gertrude May Female Perth
1948/102317 Perth Kerr George Edison Male Tregear Olive Merle Female Perth
1948/102317 Perth Tregear Olive Merle Female Kerr George Edison Male Perth
1948/102318 Perth Allen Lionel Clarence Male McLay Audrey Joan Female Perth
1948/102318 Perth McLay Audrey Joan Female Allen Lionel Clarence Male Perth
1948/102319 Perth Sweeney Doreen Margaret Female Thomas Richard John Harold Male Perth
1948/102319 Perth Thomas Richard John Harold Male Sweeney Doreen Margaret Female Perth
1948/102320 Perth Erhardt Olga Margaret Female Hesford Alec Emile Male Cottesloe
1948/102320 Perth Hesford Alec Emile Male Erhardt Olga Margaret Female Cottesloe
1948/102321 Perth King Victor George Male Nelson Thelma May Female West Perth
1948/102321 Perth Nelson Thelma May Female King Victor George Male West Perth
1948/102322 Perth Clark Muriel Ruth Female Edgar Leslie John Male N Perth
1948/102322 Perth Edgar Leslie John Male Clark Muriel Ruth Female N Perth
1948/102323 Perth Gamble Oswald Frederick Male Layman Kate Lucy Female N Perth
1948/102323 Perth Layman Kate Lucy Female Gamble Oswald Frederick Male N Perth
1948/102324 Perth Pool Richard James Male Smith Gladys Female Perth
1948/102324 Perth Smith Gladys Female Pool Richard James Male Perth
1948/102325 Perth Rizos Jean Catherine Female Ward Stanley Gordon Male W Australia
1948/102325 Perth Ward Stanley Gordon Male Rizos Jean Catherine Female W Australia
1948/102326 Perth Cochrane Arthur Alan James Male Goold Vida Joyce Female West Perth
1948/102326 Perth Goold Vida Joyce Female Cochrane Arthur Alan James Male West Perth
1948/102327 Perth Clark Edmund Clarence Male Hebbard Winifrid Female West Perth
1948/102327 Perth Hebbard Winifrid Female Clark Edmund Clarence Male West Perth
1948/102328 Perth Fairclough Robert Harold Male Stanton Violet Ellen Female West Perth
1948/102328 Perth Stanton Violet Ellen Female Fairclough Robert Harold Male West Perth
1948/102329 Perth Hislop Joy Gladys Female Robson Walter John Male West Perth
1948/102329 Perth Robson Walter John Male Hislop Joy Gladys Female West Perth
1948/102330 Perth Powell Patricia Frances Female Tricaliotis Nicolas Marinos Male Perth
1948/102330 Perth Tricaliotis Nicolas Marinos Male Powell Patricia Frances Female Perth
1948/102331 Perth Bailey Anne Minerva Female Carney Victor Edward Male Perth
1948/102331 Perth Carney Victor Edward Male Bailey Anne Minerva Female Perth
1948/102332 Perth Fox Adolf Rolf Male Johnson Hilary Dorothy Female Perth
1948/102332 Perth Johnson Hilary Dorothy Female Fox Adolf Rolf Male Perth
1948/102333 Perth Beattie Leonard Archibald Male Jones Patricia Olive Female Perth
1948/102333 Perth Jones Patricia Olive Female Beattie Leonard Archibald Male Perth
1948/102334 Perth Hurman Raymond Lawrence Male Perkins Rona Dawn Female Perth
1948/102334 Perth Perkins Rona Dawn Female Hurman Raymond Lawrence Male Perth
1948/102335 Perth Murray Reginald Jack Male Winchester Beatrice May Female Perth
1948/102335 Perth Winchester Beatrice May Female Murray Reginald Jack Male Perth
1948/102336 Perth Bray Frederick Vernon Male Nassuato Elena Olga Female Perth
1948/102336 Perth Nassuato Elena Olga Female Bray Frederick Vernon Male Perth
1948/102337 Perth Dawes Eleanor Betty Female Hull Robert George Male Perth
1948/102337 Perth Hull Robert George Male Dawes Eleanor Betty Female Perth
1948/102338 Perth Henderson Joyce Roberta Female Watson John Charles Male Perth
1948/102338 Perth Watson John Charles Male Henderson Joyce Roberta Female Perth
1948/102339 Perth Beattie James William Male Carter Jean Female Perth
1948/102339 Perth Carter Jean Female Beattie James William Male Perth
1948/102340 Perth Robinson Enid Charlotte Female Spendlove Aubrey John Male Perth
1948/102340 Perth Spendlove Aubrey John Male Robinson Enid Charlotte Female Perth
1948/102341 Perth O'Brien Ellen Female Venables Gordon Frederick Male Perth
1948/102341 Perth Venables Gordon Frederick Male O'Brien Ellen Female Perth
1948/102342 Perth Johnson Marjorie Helen Female Simmonds Norman Edward Male Perth
1948/102342 Perth Simmonds Norman Edward Male Johnson Marjorie Helen Female Perth
1948/102343 Perth Christensen Hilda Betty Female Christensen Roy Douglas Male Perth
1948/102343 Perth Christensen Roy Douglas Male Christensen Hilda Betty Female Perth
1948/102344 Perth Dunsire Herbert Thomas Male Oates Olive May Female Mount Hawthorn
1948/102344 Perth Oates Olive May Female Dunsire Herbert Thomas Male Mount Hawthorn
1948/102345 Perth Baird Robert Gilbert Male Bullard Shirley Joan Kathleen Female Perth
1948/102345 Perth Bullard Shirley Joan Kathleen Female Baird Robert Gilbert Male Perth
1948/102346 Perth Chaney Joseph Bryant Male Livesley Mavis Selina Female Perth
1948/102346 Perth Livesley Mavis Selina Female Chaney Joseph Bryant Male Perth
1948/102347 Perth Kidd Evelyn Joyce Female Milroy Raymond Milton Male Perth
1948/102347 Perth Milroy Raymond Milton Male Kidd Evelyn Joyce Female Perth
1948/102348 Perth Mellowship Jack Male Worth Jessie Rose Female Subiaco
1948/102348 Perth Worth Jessie Rose Female Mellowship Jack Male Subiaco
1948/102349 Perth Buckingham Iris Maud Female Somers William James Male Belmont
1948/102349 Perth Somers William James Male Buckingham Iris Maud Female Belmont
1948/102350 Perth Honisett Frank Wren Male Southwell Jessie Margaret Female West Perth
1948/102350 Perth Southwell Jessie Margaret Female Honisett Frank Wren Male West Perth
1948/102351 Perth Chokolich Eva Female Mola Luigi Male Osborne Park
1948/102351 Perth Mola Luigi Male Chokolich Eva Female Osborne Park
1948/102352 Perth Gresele Teresa Female Marcon Egidio Male Osborne Park
1948/102352 Perth Marcon Egidio Male Gresele Teresa Female Osborne Park
1948/102353 Perth Kent Ivy Joan Female Plant Peter James Male Perth
1948/102353 Perth Plant Peter James Male Kent Ivy Joan Female Perth
1948/102354 Perth Sloss Beryl Louise Female Sullivan William Michael Male Perth
1948/102354 Perth Sullivan William Michael Male Sloss Beryl Louise Female Perth
1948/102355 Perth Garside Gertrude Alice Female Henson Leonard Male Perth
1948/102355 Perth Henson Leonard Male Garside Gertrude Alice Female Perth
1948/102356 Perth Hind Violet Lilian Lucy Female Marriott Albert Lawrence Male Perth
1948/102356 Perth Marriott Albert Lawrence Male Hind Violet Lilian Lucy Female Perth
1948/102357 Perth Bennetts William Male Mudd Dorothy Jean Female Perth
1948/102357 Perth Mudd Dorothy Jean Female Bennetts William Male Perth
1948/102358 Perth Evans Arthur Stanley Male McLean Mary Female Claremont
1948/102358 Perth McLean Mary Female Evans Arthur Stanley Male Claremont
1948/102359 Perth Dymock William James Male Toase Jeannette Rosemary Female Perth
1948/102359 Perth Toase Jeannette Rosemary Female Dymock William James Male Perth
1948/102360 Perth Lester Gayna Hilda Female Tatham John Robert Male Perth
1948/102360 Perth Tatham John Robert Male Lester Gayna Hilda Female Perth
1948/102361 Perth Harris Keith Male Tijou Norma Jessie Female Perth
1948/102361 Perth Tijou Norma Jessie Female Harris Keith Male Perth
1948/102362 Perth Hiscox June Marion Female Schupp Edward Dave Male North Perth
1948/102362 Perth Schupp Edward Dave Male Hiscox June Marion Female North Perth
1948/102363 Perth Cowin Edith Norma Female Noske David Edwin Male Perth
1948/102363 Perth Noske David Edwin Male Cowin Edith Norma Female Perth
1948/102364 Perth Bozikovic Dinko Josef Male Riether Paulina Sophia Maria Female Perth
1948/102364 Perth Riether Paulina Sophia Maria Female Bozikovic Dinko Josef Male Perth
1948/102365 Perth Dougall Phyllis May Female Hewitson William Matthew Male Perth
1948/102365 Perth Hewitson William Matthew Male Dougall Phyllis May Female Perth
1948/102366 Perth Marshall Iris Caroline Female Oma Gordon Lex Male Perth
1948/102366 Perth Oma Gordon Lex Male Marshall Iris Caroline Female Perth
1948/102367 Perth Harris Milton Roy Male Tonkin Jean Dorothy Female Perth
1948/102367 Perth Tonkin Jean Dorothy Female Harris Milton Roy Male Perth
1948/102368 Perth Edmeades Edith Margaret Female Omtvedt Arne Male West Perth
1948/102368 Perth Omtvedt Arne Male Edmeades Edith Margaret Female West Perth
1948/102369 Perth Berry Audrey Jean Female Weston Leonard Male Cottesloe
1948/102369 Perth Weston Leonard Male Berry Audrey Jean Female Cottesloe
1948/102370 Perth Blackford Clarence James Male Cochrane Marjorie Rose Female West Perth
1948/102370 Perth Cochrane Marjorie Rose Female Blackford Clarence James Male West Perth
1948/102371 Perth Baggs Lilian Pauline Female Crow Richard Hurman Male Claremont
1948/102371 Perth Crow Richard Hurman Male Baggs Lilian Pauline Female Claremont
1948/102372 Perth Brechin Reginald David Male Devenish May Reta Female Perth
1948/102372 Perth Devenish May Reta Female Brechin Reginald David Male Perth
1948/102373 Perth Mocken John David Male Mocken Margaret Female Perth
1948/102373 Perth Mocken Margaret Female Mocken John David Male Perth
1948/102374 Perth Thomson Elizabeth Female Watson John Male Maylands Presbyterian Church
1948/102374 Perth Watson John Male Thomson Elizabeth Female Maylands Presbyterian Church
1948/102375 Perth Langdon Grenville Alfred Male Mill Thora Constance Female Perth
1948/102375 Perth Mill Thora Constance Female Langdon Grenville Alfred Male Perth
1948/102376 Perth Richardson Thomas Arthur Lawrence Male Standing Beryl Joyce Female Victoria Park
1948/102376 Perth Standing Beryl Joyce Female Richardson Thomas Arthur Lawrence Male Victoria Park
1948/102377 Perth Ferguson Donald Duncan Male Hole Freda Female Leederville
1948/102377 Perth Hole Freda Female Ferguson Donald Duncan Male Leederville
1948/102378 Perth Crosbie William Male Duckworth Edith Female Leederville
1948/102378 Perth Duckworth Edith Female Crosbie William Male Leederville
1948/102379 Perth Etherton Edward Roy Male Townsend Rhona Margaret Female Leederville
1948/102379 Perth Townsend Rhona Margaret Female Etherton Edward Roy Male Leederville
1948/102380 Perth Elliott Peter Cole Male Rice Eileen Patricia Female Leederville
1948/102380 Perth Rice Eileen Patricia Female Elliott Peter Cole Male Leederville
1948/102381 Perth Boyce Gladys May Female Cardy Charles Henry Edward Male Leederville
1948/102381 Perth Cardy Charles Henry Edward Male Boyce Gladys May Female Leederville
1948/102382 Perth Howe Eunice Helen Olive Female Williams Ronald Humphrey Male Leederville
1948/102382 Perth Williams Ronald Humphrey Male Howe Eunice Helen Olive Female Leederville
1948/102383 Perth O'Rourke Hilda Hester Female Wood Alfred Howard Male Leederville
1948/102383 Perth Wood Alfred Howard Male O'Rourke Hilda Hester Female Leederville
1948/102384 Perth Waller Doris Lucy Female Warner Leslie Thomas Francis Male Perth
1948/102384 Perth Warner Leslie Thomas Francis Male Waller Doris Lucy Female Perth
1948/102385 Perth Ash Alan Richard Male Ashby Valerie Mary Female Perth
1948/102385 Perth Ashby Valerie Mary Female Ash Alan Richard Male Perth
1948/102386 Perth Johnson Merle Leah Female Sertorio Pietro Italo Male Leederville
1948/102386 Perth Sertorio Pietro Italo Male Johnson Merle Leah Female Leederville
1948/102387 Perth Bostock Arthur Harold Warwick Male Flood Elaine Feldwick Mary Female Highgate Hill
1948/102387 Perth Flood Elaine Feldwick Mary Female Bostock Arthur Harold Warwick Male Highgate Hill
1948/102388 Perth Cranston Jean Eileen Mary Female Jones Desmond Thomas Male Highgate Hill
1948/102388 Perth Jones Desmond Thomas Male Cranston Jean Eileen Mary Female Highgate Hill
1948/102389 Perth Bourke Doris Gwendoline Female Todd Edward James Male Highgate Hill
1948/102389 Perth Todd Edward James Male Bourke Doris Gwendoline Female Highgate Hill
1948/102390 Perth Andrews Mary Female Thomas Arthur Compton Donovan Male Perth
1948/102390 Perth Thomas Arthur Compton Donovan Male Andrews Mary Female Perth
1948/102391 Perth Jones William Albert George Male Ritchie Isabel Janet Female Perth
1948/102391 Perth Ritchie Isabel Janet Female Jones William Albert George Male Perth
1948/102392 Perth Ferrie Charles Gill Male May Evelyn Maud Female Victoria Park
1948/102392 Perth May Evelyn Maud Female Ferrie Charles Gill Male Victoria Park
1948/102393 Perth Lunnon Sylvia Jordan Female Wright Burkitt Stow Male Perth
1948/102393 Perth Wright Burkitt Stow Male Lunnon Sylvia Jordan Female Perth
1948/102394 Perth Kelly Myles Francis Male McKenzie Isabella Eliza Clarke Female Leederville
1948/102394 Perth McKenzie Isabella Eliza Clarke Female Kelly Myles Francis Male Leederville
1948/102395 Perth Bowley Leicester Adkin Male Flockton Irene Female Leederville
1948/102395 Perth Flockton Irene Female Bowley Leicester Adkin Male Leederville
1948/102396 Perth Jackson Olive Emily Female Kong Sydney Lee Male Leederville
1948/102396 Perth Kong Sydney Lee Male Jackson Olive Emily Female Leederville
1948/102397 Perth Armstrong Margaret Teresa Female Christodoulou Michael Male Leederville
1948/102397 Perth Christodoulou Michael Male Armstrong Margaret Teresa Female Leederville
1948/102398 Perth Bowtell Leslie William Male Cox Launah Ernestine Emma Female Leederville
1948/102398 Perth Cox Launah Ernestine Emma Female Bowtell Leslie William Male Leederville
1948/102399 Perth Kemp Norman Cecil Male Powell Ellen Female Leederville
1948/102399 Perth Powell Ellen Female Kemp Norman Cecil Male Leederville
1948/102400 Perth Buckingham George Male Fleming Edith Juliet Female Leederville
1948/102400 Perth Fleming Edith Juliet Female Buckingham George Male Leederville
1948/102401 Perth Gard Thomas Francis Male Nickel Lorraine Female Leederville
1948/102401 Perth Nickel Lorraine Female Gard Thomas Francis Male Leederville
1948/102402 Perth Clarke Kenneth Louis Male Coussens Daphne Ivy Female Claremont
1948/102402 Perth Coussens Daphne Ivy Female Clarke Kenneth Louis Male Claremont
1948/102403 Perth Chapple Iris Hope Female Elliman Stanley Keach Male Claremont
1948/102403 Perth Elliman Stanley Keach Male Chapple Iris Hope Female Claremont
1948/102404 Perth Caporn George Male Flanagan Frances Elizabeth Female Claremont
1948/102404 Perth Flanagan Frances Elizabeth Female Caporn George Male Claremont
1948/102405 Perth Griffiths Grace Hester Female Heales Vincent Sharwood Male Claremont
1948/102405 Perth Heales Vincent Sharwood Male Griffiths Grace Hester Female Claremont
1948/102406 Perth Cox Cornelius Joseph Male Yeomans Iris Female Claremont
1948/102406 Perth Yeomans Iris Female Cox Cornelius Joseph Male Claremont
1948/102407 Perth Jackson Stanley Herbert Male Mortimore Jean Margaret Female South Perth
1948/102407 Perth Mortimore Jean Margaret Female Jackson Stanley Herbert Male South Perth
1948/102408 Perth Date Jean Iris Female Vracknos Jack Male Perth
1948/102408 Perth Vracknos Jack Male Date Jean Iris Female Perth
1948/102409 Perth Newing Herbert Walter Male Newing Margaret Pauline Female Perth
1948/102409 Perth Newing Margaret Pauline Female Newing Herbert Walter Male Perth
1948/102410 Perth Carr Kathleen Constance Female Fulker Arthur Lawrance Edward Male Perth
1948/102410 Perth Fulker Arthur Lawrance Edward Male Carr Kathleen Constance Female Perth
1948/102411 Perth Petersen Werner Ernst Herrman Male Stalley Phyllis Edna May Female Perth
1948/102411 Perth Stalley Phyllis Edna May Female Petersen Werner Ernst Herrman Male Perth
1948/102412 Perth Anderson Marjorie Olgivey Female Price Charles William Male Mount Hawthorn
1948/102412 Perth Price Charles William Male Anderson Marjorie Olgivey Female Mount Hawthorn
1948/102413 Perth McPhee Robert Hilton Male Slater Lillian Alice Female Mt Hawthorn
1948/102413 Perth Slater Lillian Alice Female McPhee Robert Hilton Male Mt Hawthorn
1948/102414 Perth Hobbs Hazel Doreen Female Kenney William Trevor Male Perth
1948/102414 Perth Kenney William Trevor Male Hobbs Hazel Doreen Female Perth
1948/102415 Perth Cole Dorothy Margaret Female Rowe Norman Leslie Male Perth
1948/102415 Perth Rowe Norman Leslie Male Cole Dorothy Margaret Female Perth
1948/102416 Perth Ecroyd Ida Cliff Female Parker Walter John Male Perth
1948/102416 Perth Parker Walter John Male Ecroyd Ida Cliff Female Perth
1948/102417 Perth Killworth Maisie Doreen Female Udy Roy Vincent Male West Perth
1948/102417 Perth Udy Roy Vincent Male Killworth Maisie Doreen Female West Perth
1948/102418 Perth Brisbane Ruth Louisa Jessie Female Kirton Thomas Norman Male West Perth
1948/102418 Perth Kirton Thomas Norman Male Brisbane Ruth Louisa Jessie Female West Perth
1948/102419 Perth Clayden Herbert George Male Wood Muriel Ruth Female Perth
1948/102419 Perth Wood Muriel Ruth Female Clayden Herbert George Male Perth
1948/102420 Perth Bolin Peggy Kathleen Female Spencer Ronald George Male West Perth
1948/102420 Perth Spencer Ronald George Male Bolin Peggy Kathleen Female West Perth
1948/102421 Perth Fogarty Roma Constance Female McKenzie Stuart Henry Male W Perth
1948/102421 Perth McKenzie Stuart Henry Male Fogarty Roma Constance Female W Perth
1948/102422 Perth O'Mahony Anne Phyllis Female Roscoe Gordon Anthony Male West Perth
1948/102422 Perth Roscoe Gordon Anthony Male O'Mahony Anne Phyllis Female West Perth
1948/102423 Perth Farrell Wilga Geraldine Female Wilson George Neil Male West Perth
1948/102423 Perth Wilson George Neil Male Farrell Wilga Geraldine Female West Perth
1948/102424 Perth Filmer Ralph Edward Male Young Greta Marjory Female West Perth
1948/102424 Perth Young Greta Marjory Female Filmer Ralph Edward Male West Perth
1948/102425 Perth Lowes Robert Male Rice Elvie Rene Female Mt Lawley
1948/102425 Perth Rice Elvie Rene Female Lowes Robert Male Mt Lawley
1948/102426 Perth Piper Vivian Ernest Male Vost Veronica Female Victoria Park
1948/102426 Perth Vost Veronica Female Piper Vivian Ernest Male Victoria Park
1948/102427 Perth Gilliland William Male Lawton Edna Female Leederville
1948/102427 Perth Lawton Edna Female Gilliland William Male Leederville
1948/102428 Perth Hamer Dorothy Female Stevenson Leslie Male Shenton Park
1948/102428 Perth Stevenson Leslie Male Hamer Dorothy Female Shenton Park
1948/102429 Perth Dunstan Raymund Donald Male Thornett Alma Veronica Female Shenton Park
1948/102429 Perth Thornett Alma Veronica Female Dunstan Raymund Donald Male Shenton Park
1948/102430 Perth Tuckey Norma June Female Vardy Robert Male Perth
1948/102430 Perth Vardy Robert Male Tuckey Norma June Female Perth
1948/102431 Perth Hall Arthur William Male Jenkins Maureen Lurla Female Perth
1948/102431 Perth Jenkins Maureen Lurla Female Hall Arthur William Male Perth
1948/102432 Perth Johnstone Walter Dawson Male Williams Hilda Constance Female Perth
1948/102432 Perth Williams Hilda Constance Female Johnstone Walter Dawson Male Perth
1948/102433 Perth Moriarty Barry Francis Male Studman Daphne Jean Female Perth
1948/102433 Perth Studman Daphne Jean Female Moriarty Barry Francis Male Perth
1948/102434 Perth Freind Lorna Jean Female McCosker John Francis Male Perth
1948/102434 Perth McCosker John Francis Male Freind Lorna Jean Female Perth
1948/102435 Perth Emery Oswald Francis Male Smith Rebecca Female Perth
1948/102435 Perth Smith Rebecca Female Emery Oswald Francis Male Perth
1948/102436 Perth Dawson Walter Arthur Male Putland Gracie Alice Female Mt Lawley
1948/102436 Perth Putland Gracie Alice Female Dawson Walter Arthur Male Mt Lawley
1948/102437 Perth Breakell Eleanor Mary Female Hopson Donald Gibbs Male Claremont
1948/102437 Perth Hopson Donald Gibbs Male Breakell Eleanor Mary Female Claremont
1948/102438 Perth Barlow Murray Val Male Videan Elsie Renée Female Mt Lawley
1948/102438 Perth Videan Elsie Renée Female Barlow Murray Val Male Mt Lawley
1948/102439 Perth Antonas Anna Female Mouzalidis John Male Perth
1948/102439 Perth Mouzalidis John Male Antonas Anna Female Perth
1948/102440 Perth Stone Kathleen Marguerite Female Thomson Hugh Male Perth
1948/102440 Perth Thomson Hugh Male Stone Kathleen Marguerite Female Perth
1948/102441 Perth Conduit Harry Frederick Male Leader Winifred Stella Female Claremont
1948/102441 Perth Leader Winifred Stella Female Conduit Harry Frederick Male Claremont
1948/102442 Perth Hutchinson Max Eric Male Novell Stella Female South Perth
1948/102442 Perth Hutchinson Max Eric Male Novell-Vinallonga Stella Female South Perth
1948/102442 Perth Novell Stella Female Hutchinson Max Eric Male South Perth
1948/102442 Perth Novell-Vinallonga Stella Female Hutchinson Max Eric Male South Perth
1948/102443 Perth Contessi Lena Female Resta Neville Male Leederville
1948/102443 Perth Resta Neville Male Contessi Lena Female Leederville
1948/102444 Perth Baker Henry George Male Robinson Hilda Mary Female Leederville
1948/102444 Perth Robinson Hilda Mary Female Baker Henry George Male Leederville
1948/102445 Perth Armstrong Kenneth Francis Male Kenin Alma Daphne Matilda Female Leederville
1948/102445 Perth Kenin Alma Daphne Matilda Female Armstrong Kenneth Francis Male Leederville
1948/102446 Perth Brand Basil Usherwood Male Crombie Grace Frances Female Leederville
1948/102446 Perth Crombie Grace Frances Female Brand Basil Usherwood Male Leederville
1948/102447 Perth Hancock Aubrey John Male Hayter Norma Joan Female Leederville
1948/102447 Perth Hayter Norma Joan Female Hancock Aubrey John Male Leederville
1948/102448 Perth Potter Ronald George Male Rawlings Marion Jean Female Leederville
1948/102448 Perth Rawlings Marion Jean Female Potter Ronald George Male Leederville
1948/102449 Perth Bele James Harris Male Jago Audrey Gladys Female Leederville
1948/102449 Perth Jago Audrey Gladys Female Bele James Harris Male Leederville
1948/102450 Perth Daniel Joan Winifred Female Davidson Raymond Oswald Male Perth
1948/102450 Perth Davidson Raymond Oswald Male Daniel Joan Winifred Female Perth
1948/102451 Perth Lockhart Thomas George Raymond Male Wayne Alma Female Perth
1948/102451 Perth Wayne Alma Female Lockhart Thomas George Raymond Male Perth
1948/102452 Perth Hollier Marie Louise Female Jennings James Ferrier Male Perth
1948/102452 Perth Jennings James Ferrier Male Hollier Marie Louise Female Perth
1948/102453 Perth Darby Coral Georgina Female Green Frederick Male Subiaco
1948/102453 Perth Green Frederick Male Darby Coral Georgina Female Subiaco
1948/102454 Perth Ashley Charles William Ernest Male Warnock Thelma Jean Female N Perth
1948/102454 Perth Warnock Thelma Jean Female Ashley Charles William Ernest Male N Perth
1948/102455 Perth Emery Dora Violet Female Palmer Alfred Harry Male Perth
1948/102455 Perth Palmer Alfred Harry Male Emery Dora Violet Female Perth
1948/102456 Perth Balston Kathleen Mary Female Jones William Christopher Male Perth
1948/102456 Perth Jones William Christopher Male Balston Kathleen Mary Female Perth
1948/102457 Perth Cox Phyllis Mae Female O'Brien Geremiah Harold Male Perth
1948/102457 Perth O'Brien Geremiah Harold Male Cox Phyllis Mae Female Perth
1948/102458 Perth Green Clare Constance Mary Female O'Connor Thomas William Male Highgate Hill
1948/102458 Perth O'Connor Thomas William Male Green Clare Constance Mary Female Highgate Hill
1948/102459 Perth Clifford Christopher Frederick Francis Male Flanagan Fay Eileen Female Belmont
1948/102459 Perth Flanagan Fay Eileen Female Clifford Christopher Frederick Francis Male Belmont
1948/102460 Perth Membrey Elsie Gertrude Female Thomas Edmund Leslie Male Mt Lawley
1948/102460 Perth Thomas Edmund Leslie Male Membrey Elsie Gertrude Female Mt Lawley
1948/102461 Perth Henderson Leslie James Male Smith Thelma Joan Female South Perth
1948/102461 Perth Smith Thelma Joan Female Henderson Leslie James Male South Perth
1948/102462 Perth Guthrie Thelma Doris Female Ure John Male South Perth
1948/102462 Perth Ure John Male Guthrie Thelma Doris Female South Perth
1948/102463 Perth Smith Sidney John Edward Male Tongue Sylvia Violet Betty Female W Leederville
1948/102463 Perth Tongue Sylvia Violet Betty Female Smith Sidney John Edward Male W Leederville
1948/102464 Perth Burke John Enstace Male Clegg Nola Isobel Female Claremont
1948/102464 Perth Clegg Nola Isobel Female Burke John Enstace Male Claremont
1948/102465 Perth Dunn Edgar Wathen Male Flint Bernice Millicent Female Claremont
1948/102465 Perth Flint Bernice Millicent Female Dunn Edgar Wathen Male Claremont
1948/102466 Perth Gershon Jack Male Stephens Shirley Joy Female Claremont
1948/102466 Perth Stephens Shirley Joy Female Gershon Jack Male Claremont
1948/102467 Perth Bridge Margaret Constance Female Yeates Jack Leonard Male Claremont
1948/102467 Perth Yeates Jack Leonard Male Bridge Margaret Constance Female Claremont
1948/102468 Perth Peacock Jean Amy Female Walker William Male Claremont
1948/102468 Perth Walker William Male Peacock Jean Amy Female Claremont
1948/102469 Perth Rolinson Kathleen Ada Female Rolland Albert John Male Perth
1948/102469 Perth Rolland Albert John Male Rolinson Kathleen Ada Female Perth
1948/102470 Perth Dutton Mary Female King Alfred Edward Male Cottesloe
1948/102470 Perth King Alfred Edward Male Dutton Mary Female Cottesloe
1948/102471 Perth McCarrey Barbara Helen Female Passmore Harry Roland Male Cottesloe
1948/102471 Perth Passmore Harry Roland Male McCarrey Barbara Helen Female Cottesloe
1948/102472 Perth Brown William McMillan Male Bryant Leila Joan Female Cottesloe
1948/102472 Perth Bryant Leila Joan Female Brown William McMillan Male Cottesloe
1948/102473 Perth Ingarfield Lena Lillian Female Kuchan Ronald Male Cottesloe
1948/102473 Perth Kuchan Ronald Male Ingarfield Lena Lillian Female Cottesloe
1948/102474 Perth Guise Christopher Rivett Male Strang Marion Florence Female West Perth
1948/102474 Perth Strang Marion Florence Female Guise Christopher Rivett Male West Perth
1948/102475 Perth Abbott Pauline Ruth Female Peterson John Edward Male Claremont
1948/102475 Perth Peterson John Edward Male Abbott Pauline Ruth Female Claremont
1948/102476 Perth Johnston Clement Horatius Male Willman Jean Mary Female Maylands Church of Christ
1948/102476 Perth Willman Jean Mary Female Johnston Clement Horatius Male Maylands Church of Christ
1948/102477 Perth Back Betty Jean Female Saunders John Edward Male Perth
1948/102477 Perth Saunders John Edward Male Back Betty Jean Female Perth
1948/102478 Perth Beamiss Ada Ellen Female Jenkins Richard Marychurch Male Perth
1948/102478 Perth Jenkins Richard Marychurch Male Beamiss Ada Ellen Female Perth
1948/102479 Perth Flynn Madeline Female Gardner George Dinely Male West Perth
1948/102479 Perth Gardner George Dinely Male Flynn Madeline Female West Perth
1948/102480 Perth Heaton Errol George Male Robinson Roma Frances Female West Perth
1948/102480 Perth Robinson Roma Frances Female Heaton Errol George Male West Perth
1948/102481 Perth Blatch Frances Grace Female Docking Arthur Dudley Male West Perth
1948/102481 Perth Docking Arthur Dudley Male Blatch Frances Grace Female West Perth
1948/102482 Perth Cargeeg Ian Garfield Male David Elwyn Dorothy Female West Perth
1948/102482 Perth David Elwyn Dorothy Female Cargeeg Ian Garfield Male West Perth
1948/102483 Perth Campbell Valma Jean Female Harper George Clive Male West Perth
1948/102483 Perth Harper George Clive Male Campbell Valma Jean Female West Perth
1948/102484 Perth Hockin Suzanne Kathleen Female Wright Leonard Alfred Male West Perth
1948/102484 Perth Wright Leonard Alfred Male Hockin Suzanne Kathleen Female West Perth
1948/102485 Perth Bosworth John Reginald Male Payne Adele Alice Female West Perth
1948/102485 Perth Payne Adele Alice Female Bosworth John Reginald Male West Perth
1948/102486 Perth Anderson Cyril John Male Managlio Lucille Female West Perth
1948/102486 Perth Managlio Lucille Female Anderson Cyril John Male West Perth
1948/102487 Perth Humphreys Rita Alma Female Jackson Frederick George Glyde Male Mt Lawley
1948/102487 Perth Jackson Frederick George Glyde Male Humphreys Rita Alma Female Mt Lawley
1948/102488 Perth Hayes John Andrew Male Ramsden Thelma June Female West Perth
1948/102488 Perth Ramsden Thelma June Female Hayes John Andrew Male West Perth
1948/102489 Perth Branche Ronald John Male Schofield Pearl Lillian Female West Perth
1948/102489 Perth Schofield Pearl Lillian Female Branche Ronald John Male West Perth
1948/102490 Perth Della Bona Juiseppe Male Battaglia Angela Female West Perth
1948/102490 Perth Battaglia Angela Female Della Bona Juiseppe Male West Perth
1948/102491 Perth Delfs Leonard Raymond Male Seery Patricia Joy Female Highgate Hill
1948/102491 Perth Seery Patricia Joy Female Delfs Leonard Raymond Male Highgate Hill
1948/102492 Perth Fletcher Charles Howard Male Miller Doris June Victoria Female Perth
1948/102492 Perth Miller Doris June Victoria Female Fletcher Charles Howard Male Perth
1948/102493 Perth Busher John Richard Male Reeve Stella Jean Female Perth
1948/102493 Perth Reeve Stella Jean Female Busher John Richard Male Perth
1948/102494 Perth Blechynden Genevieve Female Newton Robert Hindmarsh Male Subiaco
1948/102494 Perth Newton Robert Hindmarsh Male Blechynden Genevieve Female Subiaco
1948/102495 Perth Elias Clement John Male Hingston Helena Margaret Female Perth
1948/102495 Perth Hingston Helena Margaret Female Elias Clement John Male Perth
1948/102496 Perth Clark Muriel Rose Female Hawkins Joseph Charles Male Perth
1948/102496 Perth Hawkins Joseph Charles Male Clark Muriel Rose Female Perth
1948/102497 Perth Patten Gladwyn Iris Brunette Female Retchford James Percival Male Perth
1948/102497 Perth Retchford James Percival Male Patten Gladwyn Iris Brunette Female Perth
1948/102498 Perth Neary Betty Hannah Female Wilson Arnold Male Perth
1948/102498 Perth Wilson Arnold Male Neary Betty Hannah Female Perth
1948/102499 Perth Hunter Jean Moir Female Keals Eustace Cecil Male Perth
1948/102499 Perth Keals Eustace Cecil Male Hunter Jean Moir Female Perth
1948/102500 Perth Ferguson Margaret Jean Female Worthington Richard Leonard Male Perth
1948/102500 Perth Worthington Richard Leonard Male Ferguson Margaret Jean Female Perth
1948/102501 Perth Durkin Austin William Male Harris Betty Constance Female Perth
1948/102501 Perth Harris Betty Constance Female Durkin Austin William Male Perth
1948/102502 Perth Armstrong John William Male Brownrigg Evelyn Annie Female Perth
1948/102502 Perth Brownrigg Evelyn Annie Female Armstrong John William Male Perth
1948/102503 Perth Devenish Eric Charles Male Wills Winifred Jean Female Perth
1948/102503 Perth Wills Winifred Jean Female Devenish Eric Charles Male Perth
1948/102504 Perth Lockhead William John MacNiven Male McKee Amelia Emma Female Perth
1948/102504 Perth McKee Amelia Emma Female Lockhead William John MacNiven Male Perth
1948/102505 Perth Evans Nancy Violet Female Gillon Lionel James Male Perth
1948/102505 Perth Gillon Lionel James Male Evans Nancy Violet Female Perth
1948/102506 Perth Gannaway Joan Louden Female Guest Donald Cottom Male Perth
1948/102506 Perth Guest Donald Cottom Male Gannaway Joan Louden Female Perth
1948/102507 Perth Davis Victor Charles Male Della-Torre Renee Pierina Female Perth
1948/102507 Perth Della-Torre Renee Pierina Female Davis Victor Charles Male Perth
1948/102508 Perth McPherson Jean Rachel Female Shepherd Eric Male Perth
1948/102508 Perth Shepherd Eric Male McPherson Jean Rachel Female Perth
1948/102509 Perth Offord Doris Annette Female Wood Charles Thomas Henry Male Perth
1948/102509 Perth Wood Charles Thomas Henry Male Offord Doris Annette Female Perth
1948/102510 Perth Abbott Amy Female Rodan John Reginald Male Perth
1948/102510 Perth Rodan John Reginald Male Abbott Amy Female Perth
1948/102511 Perth Batchelor Lottie Alfreda Female Carter Denis William Male Perth
1948/102511 Perth Carter Denis William Male Batchelor Lottie Alfreda Female Perth
1948/102512 Perth Fairhead Clara Catherine Rose Female Pinner Gordon Claude Male Perth
1948/102512 Perth Pinner Gordon Claude Male Fairhead Clara Catherine Rose Female Perth
1948/102513 Perth Mallis Mary Rose Female Tickel John Thomas Male Perth
1948/102513 Perth Tickel John Thomas Male Mallis Mary Rose Female Perth
1948/102514 Perth Hughes Ernest Walter Male McDonald Gwenda Joyce Female Nedlands
1948/102514 Perth McDonald Gwenda Joyce Female Hughes Ernest Walter Male Nedlands
1948/102515 Perth Corr Ivo Reford Male Hill Patrine Hamilton Female Nedlands
1948/102515 Perth Hill Patrine Hamilton Female Corr Ivo Reford Male Nedlands
1948/102516 Perth Smillie Mae Female Smyth Allen William Male Claremont
1948/102516 Perth Smyth Allen William Male Smillie Mae Female Claremont
1948/102517 Perth Connop Betty Evelyn Female James Lynton Alexander Male North Perth Methodist Church
1948/102517 Perth James Lynton Alexander Male Connop Betty Evelyn Female North Perth Methodist Church
1948/102518 Perth Phillips Elizabeth Bertha Female Robinson Frederick Thomas Lawford Male North Perth Congregational Church
1948/102518 Perth Robinson Frederick Thomas Lawford Male Phillips Elizabeth Bertha Female North Perth Congregational Church
1948/102519 Perth Brown Coral Mavis Female Cherry Robert McCulloch Male Subiaco
1948/102519 Perth Cherry Robert McCulloch Male Brown Coral Mavis Female Subiaco
1948/102520 Perth Froome George Joseph Male Potts Rita Mary Female Maylands
1948/102520 Perth Potts Rita Mary Female Froome George Joseph Male Maylands
1948/102521 Perth Carlyon Joan Violet Female Thomas David Ernest Male Claremont
1948/102521 Perth Thomas David Ernest Male Carlyon Joan Violet Female Claremont
1948/102522 Perth Dodd Melva Joyce Female Hendren John McTear Male Claremont
1948/102522 Perth Hendren John McTear Male Dodd Melva Joyce Female Claremont
1948/102523 Perth Gratwick Helen Female Moore Harry James Male Claremont
1948/102523 Perth Moore Harry James Male Gratwick Helen Female Claremont
1948/102524 Perth Buckland Elvie Female Godfrey Ronald James Male Claremont
1948/102524 Perth Godfrey Ronald James Male Buckland Elvie Female Claremont
1948/102525 Perth Campbell Jean Marion Female Phillips Kenneth Ramsay Male Claremont
1948/102525 Perth Phillips Kenneth Ramsay Male Campbell Jean Marion Female Claremont
1948/102526 Perth Bromham Barbara Theone' Female Edwards Alan Collier Male Claremont
1948/102526 Perth Edwards Alan Collier Male Bromham Barbara Theone' Female Claremont
1948/102527 Perth Perkins Leslie Allan Male Wright Aimee Rae Female Claremont
1948/102527 Perth Wright Aimee Rae Female Perkins Leslie Allan Male Claremont
1948/102528 Perth Bettini Celeste Male Giudice Firmina Female Osborne Park
1948/102528 Perth Giudice Firmina Female Bettini Celeste Male Osborne Park
1948/102529 Perth Coram Ruth Female Skipworth Harold Claude Male Perth
1948/102529 Perth Skipworth Harold Claude Male Coram Ruth Female Perth
1948/102530 Perth Elsegood John Kenneth Male Newman Thelma Jean Female Perth
1948/102530 Perth Newman Thelma Jean Female Elsegood John Kenneth Male Perth
1948/102531 Perth Watts Allan Percival James Male Williams Joan Lillian Female Perth
1948/102531 Perth Williams Joan Lillian Female Watts Allan Percival James Male Perth
1948/102532 Perth Charles Neil Vernon Male Mann Gloria Daphne Juene Female Perth
1948/102532 Perth Mann Gloria Daphne Juene Female Charles Neil Vernon Male Perth
1948/102533 Perth Oliver Nellie Jane Patricia Female Rutter Arnold Steven Male Perth
1948/102533 Perth Rutter Arnold Steven Male Oliver Nellie Jane Patricia Female Perth
1948/102534 Perth Brown Merle Alice Female Bruce William Ernest Male Perth
1948/102534 Perth Bruce William Ernest Male Brown Merle Alice Female Perth
1948/102535 Perth Revel Ian Daniel Male Riley Margaret Female Perth
1948/102535 Perth Riley Margaret Female Revel Ian Daniel Male Perth
1948/102536 Perth King Helen June Female Sheppard George Burton Campbell Male Perth
1948/102536 Perth Sheppard George Burton Campbell Male King Helen June Female Perth
1948/102537 Perth Harris Leonard Stanley Male Pummell Gladys Beatrice Female Perth
1948/102537 Perth Pummell Gladys Beatrice Female Harris Leonard Stanley Male Perth
1948/102538 Perth Dixon Sydney Allan Male Tree Raye Female Perth
1948/102538 Perth Tree Raye Female Dixon Sydney Allan Male Perth
1948/102539 Perth Dennison Carolyn Ann Female Pickett Ernest John William Male Perth
1948/102539 Perth Pickett Ernest John William Male Dennison Carolyn Ann Female Perth
1948/102540 Perth Dunn Vera May Female Ingleton Alan Miller Male Osborne Pk
1948/102540 Perth Ingleton Alan Miller Male Dunn Vera May Female Osborne Pk
1948/102541 Perth Burnett Dorothy Ethel Female Nightingale John Thomas Male Osborne Pk
1948/102541 Perth Nightingale John Thomas Male Burnett Dorothy Ethel Female Osborne Pk
1948/102542 Perth Brenton Allan Male Callaway Shirley Maud Female South Perth
1948/102542 Perth Callaway Shirley Maud Female Brenton Allan Male South Perth
1948/102543 Perth Moss Percy Arthur Male Smith Gladys Constance Female Como
1948/102543 Perth Smith Gladys Constance Female Moss Percy Arthur Male Como
1948/102544 Perth Davey Dorothy May Female Weston William Henry Male Swanbourne
1948/102544 Perth Weston William Henry Male Davey Dorothy May Female Swanbourne
1948/102545 Perth Elliott Kathleen Veronica Female Littlecott Bertram Leonard Male Perth
1948/102545 Perth Littlecott Bertram Leonard Male Elliott Kathleen Veronica Female Perth
1948/102546 Perth Borrett David Raydon Male Pyke Barbara Joy Female Dalkeith
1948/102546 Perth Pyke Barbara Joy Female Borrett David Raydon Male Dalkeith
1948/102547 Perth Bracken Kevin Thomas Male Tijou Joyce Edith Female South Perth
1948/102547 Perth Tijou Joyce Edith Female Bracken Kevin Thomas Male South Perth
1948/102548 Perth Edwardes Frederick Lawley Male Harris Dorothy Joan Female Perth
1948/102548 Perth Harris Dorothy Joan Female Edwardes Frederick Lawley Male Perth
1948/102549 Perth Maslin Peggy Mary Female Moriarty Terrence Brian Male West Perth
1948/102549 Perth Moriarty Terrence Brian Male Maslin Peggy Mary Female West Perth
1948/102550 Perth Field Thomas Reginald Male Holman Ethel May Female Subiaco
1948/102550 Perth Holman Ethel May Female Field Thomas Reginald Male Subiaco
1948/102551 Perth Connell Reginald Monteith Male Liddelow Elizabeth Beverley Female South Perth
1948/102551 Perth Liddelow Elizabeth Beverley Female Connell Reginald Monteith Male South Perth
1948/102552 Perth Barry Leon Francis Male Whitehead Ethel Margaret Female West Perth
1948/102552 Perth Whitehead Ethel Margaret Female Barry Leon Francis Male West Perth
1948/102553 Perth Dudney Ross Raymond Male Giumelli Elsie Female West Perth
1948/102553 Perth Giumelli Elsie Female Dudney Ross Raymond Male West Perth
1948/102554 Perth Ross Alec Lowe Male Rychen Una Melva Female West Perth
1948/102554 Perth Rychen Una Melva Female Ross Alec Lowe Male West Perth
1948/102556 Perth Gillies Jean Alma Female Haythornthwaite Raymond Male Subiaco
1948/102556 Perth Haythornthwaite Raymond Male Gillies Jean Alma Female Subiaco
1948/102557 Perth Boyle Geoffrey William Male Clifford Thelma Betty Female Perth
1948/102557 Perth Clifford Thelma Betty Female Boyle Geoffrey William Male Perth
1948/102558 Perth Kirkaldy Robert Thomas Male Walsh Joan Female Perth
1948/102558 Perth Walsh Joan Female Kirkaldy Robert Thomas Male Perth
1948/102559 Perth Neame Maurice Brooks Male Reilly Betty Female Perth
1948/102559 Perth Reilly Betty Female Neame Maurice Brooks Male Perth
1948/102560 Perth Boyd Jean Lorraine Female Haley Keith Albert Male Perth
1948/102560 Perth Haley Keith Albert Male Boyd Jean Lorraine Female Perth
1948/102561 Perth Gee Gordon Lawrence Male Parker Maxine June Female Perth
1948/102561 Perth Parker Maxine June Female Gee Gordon Lawrence Male Perth
1948/102562 Perth Dean Amy Mary Female Metaxas Constantine William Male Perth
1948/102562 Perth Metaxas Constantine William Male Dean Amy Mary Female Perth
1948/102563 Perth Bromilow Mavis Gertrude Female Roberts Harold George Herbert Male Maylands Presbyterian Church
1948/102563 Perth Roberts Harold George Herbert Male Bromilow Mavis Gertrude Female Maylands Presbyterian Church
1948/102564 Perth Cohen Benjamin Frank Male Lenny Dorothy Sheila Female Perth
1948/102564 Perth Lenny Dorothy Sheila Female Cohen Benjamin Frank Male Perth
1948/102565 Perth Horin Maurice Male Shilony Sarah Female Perth
1948/102565 Perth Shilony Sarah Female Horin Maurice Male Perth
1948/102566 Perth Carey Rita Mary Female Cody John Edmund Male Subiaco
1948/102566 Perth Cody John Edmund Male Carey Rita Mary Female Subiaco
1948/102567 Perth Mülder Glynes Nola Female Wilcox Bertram Clarence Male Subiaco
1948/102567 Perth Wilcox Bertram Clarence Male Mülder Glynes Nola Female Subiaco
1948/102568 Perth Lenz Valdimar Anton Male Sturt Margaret Eileen Female Claremont
1948/102568 Perth Sturt Margaret Eileen Female Lenz Valdimar Anton Male Claremont
1948/102569 Perth Loughlin Dorothy Eva May Female White Alan Frederick Male Claremont
1948/102569 Perth White Alan Frederick Male Loughlin Dorothy Eva May Female Claremont
1948/102570 Perth Dunstan Arthur Samuel Male Layton Laura Marion Female Claremont
1948/102570 Perth Layton Laura Marion Female Dunstan Arthur Samuel Male Claremont
1948/102571 Perth Barrett Margaret Joan Female Devenish Evan Stephen Male Claremont
1948/102571 Perth Devenish Evan Stephen Male Barrett Margaret Joan Female Claremont
1948/102572 Perth Bowen Sheila Veronica Female Serio Charles Albert Male Perth
1948/102572 Perth Serio Charles Albert Male Bowen Sheila Veronica Female Perth
1948/102573 Perth Fowler Kevin Lyle Barry Male Pritchard Thelma Mae Female Perth
1948/102573 Perth Pritchard Thelma Mae Female Fowler Kevin Lyle Barry Male Perth
1948/102574 Perth Campbell Helena May Female Lang Eric James Male Perth
1948/102574 Perth Lang Eric James Male Campbell Helena May Female Perth
1948/102575 Perth Bryen Lilian Mabel Female Kerr Harvey Herbert Male Perth
1948/102575 Perth Kerr Harvey Herbert Male Bryen Lilian Mabel Female Perth
1948/102576 Perth Holmes Thomas William Male Holtom Vera May Female Perth
1948/102576 Perth Holtom Vera May Female Holmes Thomas William Male Perth
1948/102577 Perth Panorios Nicholas Male Simonides Vagiani Female Perth
1948/102577 Perth Simonides Vagiani Female Panorios Nicholas Male Perth
1948/102578 Perth Stead Claire Elsome Female Yorath Thomas Victor Male West Perth
1948/102578 Perth Yorath Thomas Victor Male Stead Claire Elsome Female West Perth
1948/102579 Perth Newman Lavinia Dorothy Female Thomas Frederick Albert Male West Perth
1948/102579 Perth Thomas Frederick Albert Male Newman Lavinia Dorothy Female West Perth
1948/102580 Perth St John Kathleen Maud Female Schryver Kenneth John Male West Perth
1948/102580 Perth Schryver Kenneth John Male St John Kathleen Maud Female West Perth
1948/102581 Perth Popham Hilda Margaret Female Shadforth William Henry Male Perth
1948/102581 Perth Shadforth William Henry Male Popham Hilda Margaret Female Perth
1948/102582 Perth Devenish Edna Mary Female Simms Harold Freeman Male Perth
1948/102582 Perth Simms Harold Freeman Male Devenish Edna Mary Female Perth
1948/102583 Perth Hartley William Henry Male Hope Noeline Female Perth
1948/102583 Perth Hope Noeline Female Hartley William Henry Male Perth
1948/102584 Perth Knapp John Thomas Male Lyons Ruby Female Perth
1948/102584 Perth Lyons Ruby Female Knapp John Thomas Male Perth
1948/102585 Perth McNeil Olive May Female Tuckfield Leslie Roy Male Perth
1948/102585 Perth Tuckfield Leslie Roy Male McNeil Olive May Female Perth
1948/102586 Perth Hough Lillian Ernstine Female Wright Edward Stephen Male Como
1948/102586 Perth Wright Edward Stephen Male Hough Lillian Ernstine Female Como
1948/102587 Perth Brown Verna Yvonne Female Townley William Albert Male Mosman Park Methodist Church
1948/102587 Perth Townley William Albert Male Brown Verna Yvonne Female Mosman Park Methodist Church
1948/102588 Perth Clarke Jeffrey Duncan Male Machar Adeline Frank Female Claremont
1948/102588 Perth Machar Adeline Frank Female Clarke Jeffrey Duncan Male Claremont
1948/102589 Perth Cooper Trevor Allen Male Garth Hazel Dawn Female Claremont
1948/102589 Perth Garth Hazel Dawn Female Cooper Trevor Allen Male Claremont
1948/102590 Perth Beer Bruce Allan Campbell Male Tibbs Doreen Alice Female Claremont
1948/102590 Perth Tibbs Doreen Alice Female Beer Bruce Allan Campbell Male Claremont
1948/102591 Perth Derry June Female Lloyd John Robin Male Claremont
1948/102591 Perth Lloyd John Robin Male Derry June Female Claremont
1948/102592 Perth Bennett Barney Theodore Male Stan-Bishop Elizabeth Mary Female Maylands
1948/102592 Perth Stan-Bishop Elizabeth Mary Female Bennett Barney Theodore Male Maylands
1948/102593 Perth Booth Laurel Rae Female Charles Thomas James Male Victoria Park
1948/102593 Perth Charles Thomas James Male Booth Laurel Rae Female Victoria Park
1948/102594 Perth McLean Margaret Jean Female Russell Stanley Gordon Male Victoria Park
1948/102594 Perth Russell Stanley Gordon Male McLean Margaret Jean Female Victoria Park
1948/102595 Perth Curran Keith William Male Ellard Hazel Female Victoria Park
1948/102595 Perth Ellard Hazel Female Curran Keith William Male Victoria Park
1948/102596 Perth Brown Richard George Grant Male Hearn Gwenyth Irene Female West Perth
1948/102596 Perth Hearn Gwenyth Irene Female Brown Richard George Grant Male West Perth
1948/102597 Perth Farrell Patricia Mae Female Kendall John Male Victoria Park
1948/102597 Perth Kendall John Male Farrell Patricia Mae Female Victoria Park
1948/102598 Perth Bergin Alma Lillian Female Thorp Sydney Male Victoria Park
1948/102598 Perth Thorp Sydney Male Bergin Alma Lillian Female Victoria Park
1948/102599 Perth Dalby Arthur Raymond Male Lori Betty Joy Female Victoria Park
1948/102599 Perth Lori Betty Joy Female Dalby Arthur Raymond Male Victoria Park
1948/102600 Perth Leach Hazel May Female Lock Albert George Male Victoria Park
1948/102600 Perth Lock Albert George Male Leach Hazel May Female Victoria Park
1948/102601 Perth Cobb Dorothy Lena Female Shaw Francis John Male Victoria Park
1948/102601 Perth Shaw Francis John Male Cobb Dorothy Lena Female Victoria Park
1948/102602 Perth Dawson Rhoda Hannah Mary Female Winder James Jackson Male Perth
1948/102602 Perth Winder James Jackson Male Dawson Rhoda Hannah Mary Female Perth
1948/102603 Perth Ballard Harold Male Griffiths Lily Rachel Female Perth
1948/102603 Perth Griffiths Lily Rachel Female Ballard Harold Male Perth
1948/102604 Perth Kershaw Edgar Wood Male McGregor Lorna Female Perth
1948/102604 Perth McGregor Lorna Female Kershaw Edgar Wood Male Perth
1948/102605 Perth Mataez Zdzislaw Male Yanefski Anna Female Perth
1948/102605 Perth Yanefski Anna Female Mataez Zdzislaw Male Perth
1948/102606 Perth Bairstow Viola Jean Female King Francis Sutcliffe Male Perth
1948/102606 Perth King Francis Sutcliffe Male Bairstow Viola Jean Female Perth
1948/102607 Perth Popplewell Sheila Female Saw Vernon Edward Male Cottesloe
1948/102607 Perth Saw Vernon Edward Male Popplewell Sheila Female Cottesloe
1948/102608 Perth Penn Kathleen Female Pinder Charles Male Perth
1948/102608 Perth Pinder Charles Male Penn Kathleen Female Perth
1948/102609 Perth Blee Betty Joy Female Minett Sydney George Male Perth
1948/102609 Perth Minett Sydney George Male Blee Betty Joy Female Perth
1948/102610 Perth Chidlow Helena Kathleen Female Skeats Robert Edward Male Claremont
1948/102610 Perth Skeats Robert Edward Male Chidlow Helena Kathleen Female Claremont
1948/102611 Perth King Stuart Gawler Male Throssell Evelyn Crystal Female West Perth
1948/102611 Perth Throssell Evelyn Crystal Female King Stuart Gawler Male West Perth
1948/102612 Perth Mee Keith Reginold Male Witten Thyra Joan Female Mt Lawley
1948/102612 Perth Witten Thyra Joan Female Mee Keith Reginold Male Mt Lawley
1948/102613 Perth Adam John Alexander Male Ettridge Hilda Florence Female Perth
1948/102613 Perth Ettridge Hilda Florence Female Adam John Alexander Male Perth
1948/102614 Perth James Margaret Lillie Alice Female Salter George Cyril Male Perth
1948/102614 Perth Salter George Cyril Male James Margaret Lillie Alice Female Perth
1948/102615 Perth Cassells-Fenn Amy Leonta Sturm Female Cassells-Fenn Richard Cassells Male Perth
1948/102615 Perth Cassells-Fenn Richard Cassells Male Cassells-Fenn Amy Leonta Sturm Female Perth
1948/102616 Perth Pearce Daniel Male Sommers Mary Evelyn Female Perth
1948/102616 Perth Sommers Mary Evelyn Female Pearce Daniel Male Perth
1948/102617 Perth Morton William Harold Male Thompson Ada Nest Alice Female Carlisle
1948/102617 Perth Thompson Ada Nest Alice Female Morton William Harold Male Carlisle
1948/102618 Perth Brightwell Leslie Fredrick Male Mahony Loraine Grace Female Perth
1948/102618 Perth Mahony Loraine Grace Female Brightwell Leslie Fredrick Male Perth
1948/102619 Perth Dick Dorothy Ada Mary Female Sexton Roy Thomas Male Perth
1948/102619 Perth Sexton Roy Thomas Male Dick Dorothy Ada Mary Female Perth
1948/102620 Perth Casley Thomas Edward Male Gibb Annie Edith Female Perth
1948/102620 Perth Gibb Annie Edith Female Casley Thomas Edward Male Perth
1948/102621 Perth Fletcher Noel Edward Male Thomas Linda May Female Perth
1948/102621 Perth Thomas Linda May Female Fletcher Noel Edward Male Perth
1948/102622 Perth Holland Richard Clavering Male Keeley Rachel Female Perth
1948/102622 Perth Keeley Rachel Female Holland Richard Clavering Male Perth
1948/102623 Perth Iconomou Katina Female Pitos Agapitos Male Perth
1948/102623 Perth Pitos Agapitos Male Iconomou Katina Female Perth
1948/102624 Perth Dondas Chrissie Female Pitos Michael Male Perth
1948/102624 Perth Pitos Michael Male Dondas Chrissie Female Perth
1948/102625 Perth Bryant Kenneth Jack Male Cominelli Enid Rose Female Perth
1948/102625 Perth Cominelli Enid Rose Female Bryant Kenneth Jack Male Perth
1948/102626 Perth Becker Joan Therese Female Guilfoyle John Dennis Male Perth
1948/102626 Perth Guilfoyle John Dennis Male Becker Joan Therese Female Perth
1948/102627 Perth Hunter John Robert George Male Puckering Phyllis Ellen Female Perth
1948/102627 Perth Puckering Phyllis Ellen Female Hunter John Robert George Male Perth
1948/102628 Perth Kelsall Kenneth John Male McGrath Anne Female West Perth
1948/102628 Perth McGrath Anne Female Kelsall Kenneth John Male West Perth
1948/102629 Perth Mangini Louis Eugene Male Morris Helena Margaret Female Perth
1948/102629 Perth Morris Helena Margaret Female Mangini Louis Eugene Male Perth
1948/102630 Perth Newport Doreen Joyce Female Roberts Benjamin Alan Male Perth
1948/102630 Perth Roberts Benjamin Alan Male Newport Doreen Joyce Female Perth
1948/102631 Perth Dickie Reginald McLaren Male Gartrell Sophia Elizabeth Female Perth
1948/102631 Perth Gartrell Sophia Elizabeth Female Dickie Reginald McLaren Male Perth
1948/102632 Perth Pratt Edward Thomas Male Rowe Elaine Daphne Female Perth
1948/102632 Perth Rowe Elaine Daphne Female Pratt Edward Thomas Male Perth
1948/102633 Perth Clark Margaret Jean Female Morgan Kenneth Douglas Male Mt Lawley
1948/102633 Perth Morgan Kenneth Douglas Male Clark Margaret Jean Female Mt Lawley
1948/102634 Perth Aspley Iris Grace Female Devereux Leonard Godfrey Male Inglewood
1948/102634 Perth Devereux Leonard Godfrey Male Aspley Iris Grace Female Inglewood
1948/102635 Perth Barnett Ernest George Montague Male Cooling Joan Lillian Female Perth
1948/102635 Perth Cooling Joan Lillian Female Barnett Ernest George Montague Male Perth
1948/102636 Perth Hathaway Dora Mavis Female White John Joseph Male N Perth
1948/102636 Perth White John Joseph Male Hathaway Dora Mavis Female N Perth
1948/102637 Perth Jackson Ruby Selina Female Messinger John Charles Male Perth
1948/102637 Perth Messinger John Charles Male Jackson Ruby Selina Female Perth
1948/102638 Perth Charlton Mavis Elizabeth Female Endersby Eric Roy Male Perth
1948/102638 Perth Endersby Eric Roy Male Charlton Mavis Elizabeth Female Perth
1948/102639 Perth Moore Raymond Ralph Male Walsh Florence June Female Subiaco
1948/102639 Perth Walsh Florence June Female Moore Raymond Ralph Male Subiaco
1948/102640 Perth Gallaher Henry Victor John Male Murray Lena Myrtle Female Perth
1948/102640 Perth Murray Lena Myrtle Female Gallaher Henry Victor John Male Perth
1948/102641 Perth Cullen Dora Henrietta Female Dalby Walter Male Perth
1948/102641 Perth Dalby Walter Male Cullen Dora Henrietta Female Perth
1948/102642 Perth Power Trevor Wilfred Male Turner Joan Sylvia Female West Aus
1948/102642 Perth Turner Joan Sylvia Female Power Trevor Wilfred Male West Aus
1948/102643 Perth Parker Ruby Joyce Female Stewart Kevin Roy Male Nedlands
1948/102643 Perth Stewart Kevin Roy Male Parker Ruby Joyce Female Nedlands
1948/102644 Perth Carlisle Lynette Irene Female Montgomery Donald Duncan Thomas Male Nedlands
1948/102644 Perth Montgomery Donald Duncan Thomas Male Carlisle Lynette Irene Female Nedlands
1948/102645 Perth James Philip Mayfield Male Wright Jean Margaret Female Nedlands
1948/102645 Perth Wright Jean Margaret Female James Philip Mayfield Male Nedlands
1948/102646 Perth Elks Harold Male Scotland Else Marjory Female Nedlands
1948/102646 Perth Scotland Else Marjory Female Elks Harold Male Nedlands
1948/102647 Perth Bridgeman Doreen Female Lyons William Peter Male Nedlands
1948/102647 Perth Lyons William Peter Male Bridgeman Doreen Female Nedlands
1948/102648 Perth Gilsenan William George Male Leoni Maria Maddaline Female Perth
1948/102648 Perth Leoni Maria Maddaline Female Gilsenan William George Male Perth
1948/102649 Perth Robins Ethel Female Webb Colin Anthony Male Perth
1948/102649 Perth Webb Colin Anthony Male Robins Ethel Female Perth
1948/102650 Perth Ward José Female Wiley Geoffrey Mark Male Perth
1948/102650 Perth Wiley Geoffrey Mark Male Ward José Female Perth
1948/102651 Perth Hill Marjorie Rebecca Female Sage John Harold Male Perth
1948/102651 Perth Sage John Harold Male Hill Marjorie Rebecca Female Perth
1948/102652 Perth Morley Leslie Male Simeon Merle Female Perth
1948/102652 Perth Simeon Merle Female Morley Leslie Male Perth
1948/102653 Perth Butson Irene Female Hellwig Raymond Male Perth
1948/102653 Perth Hellwig Raymond Male Butson Irene Female Perth
1948/102654 Perth Della-Vedova Emilia Olive Female Smit William Johann Male Osborne Park
1948/102654 Perth Smit William Johann Male Della-Vedova Emilia Olive Female Osborne Park
1948/102655 Perth Sinagra Salvatore Male Villanova Catenia Female Wanneroo
1948/102655 Perth Villanova Catenia Female Sinagra Salvatore Male Wanneroo
1948/102656 Perth Grey Ronald Edward Male Secombe Jacqueline Fay Female West Australia
1948/102656 Perth Secombe Jacqueline Fay Female Grey Ronald Edward Male West Australia
1948/102657 Perth Barrett Ronald Douglas Male Chapple Margaret May Female Perth
1948/102657 Perth Chapple Margaret May Female Barrett Ronald Douglas Male Perth
1948/102658 Perth O'Gorman Eileen Agatha Female Smith Frederick Charles Male Bayswater
1948/102658 Perth Smith Frederick Charles Male O'Gorman Eileen Agatha Female Bayswater
1948/102659 Perth Goddard John Charles Male Nelligan Patricia Female Bayswater
1948/102659 Perth Nelligan Patricia Female Goddard John Charles Male Bayswater
1948/102660 Perth Clarke Geoffrey Fitzgerald Male Earle Viola Diana Female Highgate Hill
1948/102660 Perth Earle Viola Diana Female Clarke Geoffrey Fitzgerald Male Highgate Hill
1948/102661 Perth Doyle William Maurice Patrick Male Grey Roma Winifred Female Highgate Hill
1948/102661 Perth Grey Roma Winifred Female Doyle William Maurice Patrick Male Highgate Hill
1948/102662 Perth Besant Blanche Vivienne Female Condren Trevor Stephen Male Highgate Hill
1948/102662 Perth Condren Trevor Stephen Male Besant Blanche Vivienne Female Highgate Hill
1948/102663 Perth Reeves Kevin John Alfred Male Sandells Valma Female Maylands
1948/102663 Perth Sandells Valma Female Reeves Kevin John Alfred Male Maylands
1948/102664 Perth Hurren Eunice Lily Female Jones Walter Henry Male South Perth
1948/102664 Perth Jones Walter Henry Male Hurren Eunice Lily Female South Perth
1948/102665 Perth Eaton Hilary Emily Female Marchant Martin James Male North Perth Methodist Church
1948/102665 Perth Marchant Martin James Male Eaton Hilary Emily Female North Perth Methodist Church
1948/102666 Perth Desmond Emmie Alice Female Kennewell Eric Albert Male Mt Lawley
1948/102666 Perth Kennewell Eric Albert Male Desmond Emmie Alice Female Mt Lawley
1948/102667 Perth Ford Jean Vera Female Halse Ronald Munro Male Perth
1948/102667 Perth Halse Ronald Munro Male Ford Jean Vera Female Perth
1948/102668 Perth Humpleby Eric Yorke Male Rennie Jean Myrtle Female Perth
1948/102668 Perth Rennie Jean Myrtle Female Humpleby Eric Yorke Male Perth
1948/102669 Perth Bubb Kenneth Salisbury Male Watts Edith Eva Female Perth
1948/102669 Perth Watts Edith Eva Female Bubb Kenneth Salisbury Male Perth
1948/102670 Perth Bogoeas Dimitrios Male Poppoff Alexandra Female Perth
1948/102670 Perth Poppoff Alexandra Female Bogoeas Dimitrios Male Perth
1948/102671 Perth Estcourt Charlotte Female Taylor Peter William Male W Perth
1948/102671 Perth Taylor Peter William Male Estcourt Charlotte Female W Perth
1948/102672 Perth Doepel Alexander Florant Male Latham Winifred Georgiana Female West Perth
1948/102672 Perth Latham Winifred Georgiana Female Doepel Alexander Florant Male West Perth
1948/102673 Perth McManus Audrey Mabel Female Suckling Charles Edgar Male West Perth
1948/102673 Perth Suckling Charles Edgar Male McManus Audrey Mabel Female West Perth
1948/102674 Perth Hunt Ronald Edward Male Martin Margaret Louise Female West Perth
1948/102674 Perth Martin Margaret Louise Female Hunt Ronald Edward Male West Perth
1948/102675 Perth Gamble Hugh Frederick Male Stockwell Betty Eleanor Female West Perth
1948/102675 Perth Stockwell Betty Eleanor Female Gamble Hugh Frederick Male West Perth
1948/102676 Perth Hadlow Edmund Henry Male Jones Beryl Gwendoline Female W Perth
1948/102676 Perth Jones Beryl Gwendoline Female Hadlow Edmund Henry Male W Perth
1948/102677 Perth Major Norma Ann Jane Female Ray Kenneth Charles Male Perth
1948/102677 Perth Ray Kenneth Charles Male Major Norma Ann Jane Female Perth
1948/102678 Perth Davis Oswald Lindsay Male Finn Evelyn Grace Female Victoria Park
1948/102678 Perth Finn Evelyn Grace Female Davis Oswald Lindsay Male Victoria Park
1948/102679 Perth Leary Dorothy May Female Thomas Athol Norman Male Victoria Park
1948/102679 Perth Thomas Athol Norman Male Leary Dorothy May Female Victoria Park
1948/102680 Perth Faulkner Shirley Grace May Female Woodley Thomas Ross Male Victoria Park
1948/102680 Perth Woodley Thomas Ross Male Faulkner Shirley Grace May Female Victoria Park
1948/102681 Perth Jordan Valma Dawn Female Neville Charles Thomas Francis Male Victoria Park
1948/102681 Perth Neville Charles Thomas Francis Male Jordan Valma Dawn Female Victoria Park
1948/102682 Perth Callaghan Olive May Crawford Female McDermott Robert Male Perth
1948/102682 Perth McDermott Robert Male Callaghan Olive May Crawford Female Perth
1948/102683 Perth Musakahn Faith Female Ruddick Archibald Alexander Male Perth
1948/102683 Perth Ruddick Archibald Alexander Male Musakahn Faith Female Perth
1948/102684 Perth Keane Raynor Jack Male May Veronica Una Female Perth
1948/102684 Perth May Veronica Una Female Keane Raynor Jack Male Perth
1948/102685 Perth Axford Donald Male Donovan Florence Amy Female West Perth Methodist Church
1948/102685 Perth Donovan Florence Amy Female Axford Donald Male West Perth Methodist Church
1948/102686 Perth Hill Mortimer Charles Victor Male Mulcahy Mary Bridget Female Inglewood
1948/102686 Perth Mulcahy Mary Bridget Female Hill Mortimer Charles Victor Male Inglewood
1948/102687 Perth Bennett Kenneth Harland Male Blake Kathleen Female Claremont
1948/102687 Perth Blake Kathleen Female Bennett Kenneth Harland Male Claremont
1948/102688 Perth Stirling Albert Male Whiteland Edna Rose Female Claremont
1948/102688 Perth Whiteland Edna Rose Female Stirling Albert Male Claremont
1948/102689 Perth Fitzgerald Mary Anne Female Moore Patrick Joseph Male Perth
1948/102689 Perth Moore Patrick Joseph Male Fitzgerald Mary Anne Female Perth
1948/102690 Perth Bartlett Mervyn Stuart Male Kemp Alma Jean Female Perth
1948/102690 Perth Kemp Alma Jean Female Bartlett Mervyn Stuart Male Perth
1948/102691 Perth Goldfinch Ernest George Male Rogen Patricia Mary Female Mount Hawthorn
1948/102691 Perth Rogen Patricia Mary Female Goldfinch Ernest George Male Mount Hawthorn
1948/102692 Perth Blair Margaret Jean Female Humphries Alfred William Male West Perth
1948/102692 Perth Humphries Alfred William Male Blair Margaret Jean Female West Perth
1948/102693 Perth Nicol Helen Shields Female Stewart Athol Male West Perth
1948/102693 Perth Stewart Athol Male Nicol Helen Shields Female West Perth
1948/102694 Perth Cockram Dora Betsy Female Reid Reginald Jack Male Victoria Park
1948/102694 Perth Reid Reginald Jack Male Cockram Dora Betsy Female Victoria Park
1948/102695 Perth Noack Darrell Ashley Ronald Male Smith Valma Jean Female Perth
1948/102695 Perth Smith Valma Jean Female Noack Darrell Ashley Ronald Male Perth
1948/102696 Perth Bateman Vivian John Male McMorrow Verna Elizabeth Female Perth
1948/102696 Perth McMorrow Verna Elizabeth Female Bateman Vivian John Male Perth
1948/102697 Perth Hicks Thomas Cornelius Male Matthews Isabel Lyons Female Perth
1948/102697 Perth Matthews Isabel Lyons Female Hicks Thomas Cornelius Male Perth
1948/102698 Perth Lannin Jerome Male Sherlock Leila Jean Female Leederville
1948/102698 Perth Sherlock Leila Jean Female Lannin Jerome Male Leederville
1948/102699 Perth Maninin Dawn Alexandra Female Summers Albert Henry Male Leederville
1948/102699 Perth Summers Albert Henry Male Maninin Dawn Alexandra Female Leederville
1948/102700 Perth Lippiatt Adrian Alfred Male Sinclair Jean Doris Female Leederville
1948/102700 Perth Sinclair Jean Doris Female Lippiatt Adrian Alfred Male Leederville
1948/102701 Perth Johnston Maxwell Allan Male Palmer Beryl Joy Female Leederville
1948/102701 Perth Palmer Beryl Joy Female Johnston Maxwell Allan Male Leederville
1948/102702 Perth Collins Albert Frank Male Matters Joyce Estella Female Leederville
1948/102702 Perth Matters Joyce Estella Female Collins Albert Frank Male Leederville
1948/102703 Perth Roberts George Male Stevens Margaret Elizabeth Female Leederville
1948/102703 Perth Stevens Margaret Elizabeth Female Roberts George Male Leederville
1948/102704 Perth Hugo Norman Frederick Male Ostle Edna Jean Female Leederville
1948/102704 Perth Ostle Edna Jean Female Hugo Norman Frederick Male Leederville
1948/102705 Perth Schryver Lester Male Screech Letitia Jemima Female Leederville
1948/102705 Perth Screech Letitia Jemima Female Schryver Lester Male Leederville
1948/102706 Perth Canute Bertram Harold Renfrey Male Woolley Audrey May Female Perth
1948/102706 Perth Woolley Audrey May Female Canute Bertram Harold Renfrey Male Perth
1948/102707 Perth Graham Geoffrey Charles Male Hunter Irene Molly Female Claremont
1948/102707 Perth Hunter Irene Molly Female Graham Geoffrey Charles Male Claremont
1948/102708 Perth Bourne Patricia Elsie Female Hutchinson John Duncan Male Claremont
1948/102708 Perth Hutchinson John Duncan Male Bourne Patricia Elsie Female Claremont
1948/102709 Perth Williams Thelma Joyce Female Worley George Owen Male Claremont
1948/102709 Perth Worley George Owen Male Williams Thelma Joyce Female Claremont
1948/102710 Perth McKinlay Margaret Jean Female Taylor Ross Lawson Male Claremont
1948/102710 Perth Taylor Ross Lawson Male McKinlay Margaret Jean Female Claremont
1948/102711 Perth Lyons Felix James Male Williamson Margaret Beatrice Female Perth
1948/102711 Perth Williamson Margaret Beatrice Female Lyons Felix James Male Perth
1948/102712 Perth Axon Edna Gwendoline Female Boyd William Alexander Male West Perth
1948/102712 Perth Boyd William Alexander Male Axon Edna Gwendoline Female West Perth
1948/102713 Perth Hegarty Christina Female Wilson Billie Oran Male Subiaco
1948/102713 Perth Wilson Billie Oran Male Hegarty Christina Female Subiaco
1948/102714 Perth Burke Ronald Hal Male Kiddle Hazel Margaret Female Perth
1948/102714 Perth Kiddle Hazel Margaret Female Burke Ronald Hal Male Perth
1948/102715 Perth Rainoldi Josephine Female Speirs Stanley Male Perth
1948/102715 Perth Speirs Stanley Male Rainoldi Josephine Female Perth
1948/102716 Perth Dudley Lawrence George Male Gossage Shirley Maud Female Perth
1948/102716 Perth Gossage Shirley Maud Female Dudley Lawrence George Male Perth
1948/102717 Perth Alford George Edward Male Boyland Margaret Female Perth
1948/102717 Perth Boyland Margaret Female Alford George Edward Male Perth
1948/102718 Perth Bodycoat Robert Clarence Male Dearden June Mary Female Perth
1948/102718 Perth Dearden June Mary Female Bodycoat Robert Clarence Male Perth
1948/102719 Perth Hannay Elizabeth May Female Maddison Bruce Arthur Male Perth
1948/102719 Perth Maddison Bruce Arthur Male Hannay Elizabeth May Female Perth
1948/102720 Perth Neck Alfred Lloyd Male Roads Mable Ellen Victoria Female Perth
1948/102720 Perth Roads Mable Ellen Victoria Female Neck Alfred Lloyd Male Perth
1948/102721 Perth Cushing Philip Alexander Male Sexton Shirley Annette Female Perth
1948/102721 Perth Sexton Shirley Annette Female Cushing Philip Alexander Male Perth
1948/102722 Perth Bailey Elsie Leonora Female Lennell Mervyn Claude Male Perth
1948/102722 Perth Lennell Mervyn Claude Male Bailey Elsie Leonora Female Perth
1948/102723 Perth Beal Alfred Male Portsmouth Kathleen Alice Female Perth
1948/102723 Perth Portsmouth Kathleen Alice Female Beal Alfred Male Perth
1948/102724 Perth Martin Max Male Robinson Doreen Annie Female Perth
1948/102724 Perth Robinson Doreen Annie Female Martin Max Male Perth
1948/102725 Perth Spargo William George Male Sutton Constance Irene Female Perth
1948/102725 Perth Sutton Constance Irene Female Spargo William George Male Perth
1948/102726 Perth Chapman Stanley Verne Male Tuohy Betty Rhonda Female Perth
1948/102726 Perth Tuohy Betty Rhonda Female Chapman Stanley Verne Male Perth
1948/102727 Perth Aust Phyllis Doreen Female Johnson Alfred Thomas Male Perth
1948/102727 Perth Johnson Alfred Thomas Male Aust Phyllis Doreen Female Perth
1948/102728 Perth Basire Betty June Female Cassidy Kenneth James Male Victoria Park
1948/102728 Perth Cassidy Kenneth James Male Basire Betty June Female Victoria Park
1948/102729 Perth Bowles Bernice Muriel Female Fry Edward William Male Victoria Park
1948/102729 Perth Fry Edward William Male Bowles Bernice Muriel Female Victoria Park
1948/102730 Perth Hall Ramona May Female Pearce Derek Male Victoria Park
1948/102730 Perth Pearce Derek Male Hall Ramona May Female Victoria Park
1948/102731 Perth Eggleston Frank Joe Male Rowston Merle Florence Female Victoria Park
1948/102731 Perth Rowston Merle Florence Female Eggleston Frank Joe Male Victoria Park
1948/102732 Perth Kenney Leslie George Male Palmer Ellen Isabella Female Victoria Park
1948/102732 Perth Palmer Ellen Isabella Female Kenney Leslie George Male Victoria Park
1948/102733 Perth Boulter Beatrice Amy Female Woodley Keith Browne Male Victoria Park
1948/102733 Perth Woodley Keith Browne Male Boulter Beatrice Amy Female Victoria Park
1948/102734 Perth Creeper Waverley Joy Female Pericles Cecil Leslie Gerald Male Nedlands
1948/102734 Perth Pericles Cecil Leslie Gerald Male Creeper Waverley Joy Female Nedlands
1948/102735 Perth Dingle Marjorie Joyce Female Green Neville Male Nedlands
1948/102735 Perth Green Neville Male Dingle Marjorie Joyce Female Nedlands
1948/102736 Perth Bell Ida Doreen Female Brown Noel William Frasi Male Perth
1948/102736 Perth Brown Noel William Frasi Male Bell Ida Doreen Female Perth
1948/102737 Perth Cherry Alexander Male King Edna May Female Perth
1948/102737 Perth King Edna May Female Cherry Alexander Male Perth
1948/102738 Perth Causer Eleanora Alberta Female Tait Peter Ronald James Male Perth
1948/102738 Perth Tait Peter Ronald James Male Causer Eleanora Alberta Female Perth
1948/102739 Perth Powell Sarah June Female Simmons Garth Gladden Male North Perth
1948/102739 Perth Simmons Garth Gladden Male Powell Sarah June Female North Perth
1948/102740 Perth Kemp Eric Roy Male West Prudence Elizabeth Mary Female Mount Lawley
1948/102740 Perth West Prudence Elizabeth Mary Female Kemp Eric Roy Male Mount Lawley
1948/102741 Perth Corbett James Edward Male Porteous Lillian Myrtle Female Perth
1948/102741 Perth Porteous Lillian Myrtle Female Corbett James Edward Male Perth
1948/102742 Perth Patterson Ellen Heazlewood Female Thompson Hearndon Male Mt Hawthorn
1948/102742 Perth Thompson Hearndon Male Patterson Ellen Heazlewood Female Mt Hawthorn
1948/102743 Perth Bluett Robert Percival Male Gardner Dorothy Ellen Female West Perth
1948/102743 Perth Gardner Dorothy Ellen Female Bluett Robert Percival Male West Perth
1948/102744 Perth Kirkbride Doris Edwina Female McBean John Douglas Male Perth
1948/102744 Perth McBean John Douglas Male Kirkbride Doris Edwina Female Perth
1948/102745 Perth Heiden Lawrence Ernest Male Sontar Mavis Vera Female Claremont
1948/102745 Perth Sontar Mavis Vera Female Heiden Lawrence Ernest Male Claremont
1948/102746 Perth Campbell Philip John Male Oldfield Valma Hannah Female Victoria Park
1948/102746 Perth Oldfield Valma Hannah Female Campbell Philip John Male Victoria Park
1948/102747 Perth Messenger Ada Mary Female Munday Percy Cecil Male Perth
1948/102747 Perth Munday Percy Cecil Male Messenger Ada Mary Female Perth
1948/102748 Perth Gracie Lewis Andrew Male Millson Jean Mary Female Perth
1948/102748 Perth Millson Jean Mary Female Gracie Lewis Andrew Male Perth
1948/102749 Perth Cameron Wilfred Francis Male Hickey Lucy Jean Female Perth
1948/102749 Perth Hickey Lucy Jean Female Cameron Wilfred Francis Male Perth
1948/102750 Perth Bercove Ivan Male Berinson Ethel Female Perth
1948/102750 Perth Berinson Ethel Female Bercove Ivan Male Perth
1948/102751 Perth Medalia Ateda Female Same Emanuel Male Perth
1948/102751 Perth Same Emanuel Male Medalia Ateda Female Perth
1948/102752 Perth Fisher Victor Albert Arthur Male Plunkett Valerie Elizabeth Female Perth
1948/102752 Perth Plunkett Valerie Elizabeth Female Fisher Victor Albert Arthur Male Perth
1948/102753 Perth Castle Frances Lillian Female Cattach Reginald Leopold Male Perth
1948/102753 Perth Cattach Reginald Leopold Male Castle Frances Lillian Female Perth
1948/102754 Perth Farrer Audrey Joan Female Walker John Frances Male Perth
1948/102754 Perth Walker John Frances Male Farrer Audrey Joan Female Perth
1948/102755 Perth Sawyer Keith Roland Male Standing Eileen Rose Female Perth
1948/102755 Perth Standing Eileen Rose Female Sawyer Keith Roland Male Perth
1948/102756 Perth Mason Noreen Barbara Female Ruck Elvin Leonard Male Perth
1948/102756 Perth Ruck Elvin Leonard Male Mason Noreen Barbara Female Perth
1948/102757 Perth Carson Edna Veronica Female Monger Geoffrey Frank Male Perth
1948/102757 Perth Monger Geoffrey Frank Male Carson Edna Veronica Female Perth
1948/102758 Perth Chatley Rita June Female Games Theodore Frederick Male Perth
1948/102758 Perth Games Theodore Frederick Male Chatley Rita June Female Perth
1948/102759 Perth Duncombe Donald Victor Male Stevens Dorothy Female Perth
1948/102759 Perth Stevens Dorothy Female Duncombe Donald Victor Male Perth
1948/102760 Perth Hall Emanuel Elton Male Melbourne Lesley Dorothy Female West Perth
1948/102760 Perth Melbourne Lesley Dorothy Female Hall Emanuel Elton Male West Perth
1948/102761 Perth Gorby Donald Leslie Male Grose Joyce Female Perth
1948/102761 Perth Grose Joyce Female Gorby Donald Leslie Male Perth
1948/102762 Perth King Norman Roy Male Munday Lois June Female Leederville
1948/102762 Perth Munday Lois June Female King Norman Roy Male Leederville
1948/102763 Perth Bogue Daphne Mavis Female McQuade William Male Leederville
1948/102763 Perth McQuade William Male Bogue Daphne Mavis Female Leederville
1948/102764 Perth Felts Winifred May Female Sanders Robert Male Leederville
1948/102764 Perth Sanders Robert Male Felts Winifred May Female Leederville
1948/102765 Perth Brown Robert Western Male Butler Beryl Jean Female Leederville
1948/102765 Perth Butler Beryl Jean Female Brown Robert Western Male Leederville
1948/102766 Perth Bassett Francis William Male Gartrell Lorraine Joy Female Leederville
1948/102766 Perth Gartrell Lorraine Joy Female Bassett Francis William Male Leederville
1948/102767 Perth Walker George Kenneth Arnett Male Woodrow Lola Beryl Female Leederville
1948/102767 Perth Woodrow Lola Beryl Female Walker George Kenneth Arnett Male Leederville
1948/102768 Perth Baxter John Andrew Male Wilkinson Muriel Female Leederville
1948/102768 Perth Wilkinson Muriel Female Baxter John Andrew Male Leederville
1948/102769 Perth Munckton Marjorie Female Properjohn Leonard Joseph Male Leederville
1948/102769 Perth Properjohn Leonard Joseph Male Munckton Marjorie Female Leederville
1948/102770 Perth Markham Iris Alexandra Female Whitby Reginald Arthur Male Perth
1948/102770 Perth Whitby Reginald Arthur Male Markham Iris Alexandra Female Perth
1948/102771 Perth Hamilton Mavis Kay Female Jennings Henry Wesley Male Perth
1948/102771 Perth Jennings Henry Wesley Male Hamilton Mavis Kay Female Perth
1948/102772 Perth Clarke Reginald Harry Male Hutchins Sylvia Esther Female Maylands
1948/102772 Perth Hutchins Sylvia Esther Female Clarke Reginald Harry Male Maylands
1948/102773 Perth Jones Bethel Irene Female Weir James Craig Male Perth
1948/102773 Perth Weir James Craig Male Jones Bethel Irene Female Perth
1948/102774 Perth Bellis Veronica Dawn Female Skewes William Wilfred Keith Male Perth
1948/102774 Perth Skewes William Wilfred Keith Male Bellis Veronica Dawn Female Perth
1948/102775 Perth Morley Edward Arthur William Male Pitman Olive Doreen Female Victoria Park
1948/102775 Perth Pitman Olive Doreen Female Morley Edward Arthur William Male Victoria Park
1948/102776 Perth Brown Herbert Stanley Anzac Male Cox Eva Izene Female Victoria Park
1948/102776 Perth Cox Eva Izene Female Brown Herbert Stanley Anzac Male Victoria Park
1948/102777 Perth O'Donnell John Cavanagh Male Tremaine Edrie Harriett Mary Female Perth
1948/102777 Perth Tremaine Edrie Harriett Mary Female O'Donnell John Cavanagh Male Perth
1948/102778 Perth Clayton-Smith Joan Reima Merle Female Wankey Brian George Male Perth
1948/102778 Perth Wankey Brian George Male Clayton-Smith Joan Reima Merle Female Perth
1948/102779 Perth Davie Dorothea Esther Female Reeves Ronald Arthur Male Perth
1948/102779 Perth Reeves Ronald Arthur Male Davie Dorothea Esther Female Perth
1948/102780 Perth Harwood Arthur William Male Ninham Heather Olive Jean Female Perth
1948/102780 Perth Ninham Heather Olive Jean Female Harwood Arthur William Male Perth
1948/102781 Perth Bennett Shirley Margaret Female Dale Lindsay Kevin Male Claremont
1948/102781 Perth Dale Lindsay Kevin Male Bennett Shirley Margaret Female Claremont
1948/102782 Perth Langham Evelyn Ida Female Lanigan Anthony Male Osborne Park
1948/102782 Perth Lanigan Anthony Male Langham Evelyn Ida Female Osborne Park
1948/102783 Perth Davies Dorothy Joy Female Kite Wallace Frederick Male Maylands
1948/102783 Perth Kite Wallace Frederick Male Davies Dorothy Joy Female Maylands
1948/102784 Perth Evans Ailsa Muriel Female Mackenzie Kenneth Alexander Male Victoria Park Congregational Church
1948/102784 Perth Mackenzie Kenneth Alexander Male Evans Ailsa Muriel Female Victoria Park Congregational Church
1948/102785 Perth Drake-Brockman Dora Noel Female Nottle Murray Caunter Male Perth
1948/102785 Perth Nottle Murray Caunter Male Drake-Brockman Dora Noel Female Perth
1948/102786 Perth Damon Shirley June Female Fowler Donald Hubert Male Perth
1948/102786 Perth Fowler Donald Hubert Male Damon Shirley June Female Perth
1948/102787 Perth Bunn Ellen Margaret Female Wreford Walter James Male Perth
1948/102787 Perth Wreford Walter James Male Bunn Ellen Margaret Female Perth
1948/102788 Perth Grant Catherine Marion Female Waugh Hector George Male Perth
1948/102788 Perth Waugh Hector George Male Grant Catherine Marion Female Perth
1948/102789 Perth Jacques Alfred George Male Landy Olga Ruth Female Perth
1948/102789 Perth Landy Olga Ruth Female Jacques Alfred George Male Perth
1948/102790 Perth Archbold Terence Sydney Male Curtis Audrey Olive Female Perth
1948/102790 Perth Curtis Audrey Olive Female Archbold Terence Sydney Male Perth
1948/102791 Perth Crackel Franklyn Male Glossop Thelma Merle Female Perth
1948/102791 Perth Glossop Thelma Merle Female Crackel Franklyn Male Perth
1948/102792 Perth Ashworth Shirley Dawn Female Bosich Albert Vincent Male Perth
1948/102792 Perth Bosich Albert Vincent Male Ashworth Shirley Dawn Female Perth
1948/102793 Perth Giambazi Christopher Male Weston Edna May Female Perth
1948/102793 Perth Weston Edna May Female Giambazi Christopher Male Perth
1948/102794 Perth Baker Laetitia Lillian Female Butterfield John Fraser Male Perth
1948/102794 Perth Butterfield John Fraser Male Baker Laetitia Lillian Female Perth
1948/102795 Perth Hartley Shirley Naomi Female Sheahan Edmond Patrick Male Perth
1948/102795 Perth Sheahan Edmond Patrick Male Hartley Shirley Naomi Female Perth
1948/102796 Perth Dunsire Eunice Isabel Female Rocke Henry Jennings Male Perth
1948/102796 Perth Rocke Henry Jennings Male Dunsire Eunice Isabel Female Perth
1948/102797 Perth Hicks John Frederick Male Moore Aileen Marie Female Perth
1948/102797 Perth Moore Aileen Marie Female Hicks John Frederick Male Perth
1948/102798 Perth Horne Thelma Agnes Female Norris Hector James Charles Male Perth
1948/102798 Perth Norris Hector James Charles Male Horne Thelma Agnes Female Perth
1948/102799 Perth James Betty Ellen Female Platt Noel Joseph Male Perth
1948/102799 Perth Platt Noel Joseph Male James Betty Ellen Female Perth
1948/102800 Perth Harvey Harold Male Hayes Gwendoline Alice Female Perth
1948/102800 Perth Hayes Gwendoline Alice Female Harvey Harold Male Perth
1948/102801 Perth Dawson James Male Moore Hazel Olive Female Subiaco
1948/102801 Perth Moore Hazel Olive Female Dawson James Male Subiaco
1948/102802 Perth Howson Athley Alderson Male Thornborough Olive Female Perth
1948/102802 Perth Thornborough Olive Female Howson Athley Alderson Male Perth
1948/102803 Perth Brown Beryl May Female Hyne Jack Vincent Male West Perth
1948/102803 Perth Hyne Jack Vincent Male Brown Beryl May Female West Perth
1948/102804 Perth Crake Leslie Albert Male Smith Elsie Dorreen Female West Perth
1948/102804 Perth Smith Elsie Dorreen Female Crake Leslie Albert Male West Perth
1948/102805 Perth Mansell Joan Dorothy Female Smithson Richard Douglas Male West Perth
1948/102805 Perth Smithson Richard Douglas Male Mansell Joan Dorothy Female West Perth
1948/102806 Perth Bentley Joan Barbara Female Lyons Cyril Robert Oliver Male W Perth
1948/102806 Perth Lyons Cyril Robert Oliver Male Bentley Joan Barbara Female W Perth
1948/102807 Perth Henderson Doris Ada Female Horton Desmond John Male West Perth
1948/102807 Perth Horton Desmond John Male Henderson Doris Ada Female West Perth
1948/102808 Perth Bunny Winifred Mary Female Courtley Harry Reynold Male Perth
1948/102808 Perth Courtley Harry Reynold Male Bunny Winifred Mary Female Perth
1948/102809 Perth Rodgers Catherine Margaret Female Stephens Mervyn Robert John Male Victoria Park
1948/102809 Perth Stephens Mervyn Robert John Male Rodgers Catherine Margaret Female Victoria Park
1948/102810 Perth Blewett Valma Patricia Female Webber Edward Alfred Male Victoria Park
1948/102810 Perth Webber Edward Alfred Male Blewett Valma Patricia Female Victoria Park
1948/102811 Perth Preece Gilbert Lennin Male Turner Roma Joyce Female Victoria Park
1948/102811 Perth Turner Roma Joyce Female Preece Gilbert Lennin Male Victoria Park
1948/102812 Perth Marocchi Saverio Male Tampalini Doris Female West Perth
1948/102812 Perth Tampalini Doris Female Marocchi Saverio Male West Perth
1948/102813 Perth Bell Gwendoline Myrtle Female Corry Kingsley Edward Francis Male Highgate Hill
1948/102813 Perth Corry Kingsley Edward Francis Male Bell Gwendoline Myrtle Female Highgate Hill
1948/102814 Perth Parker Ernest James Male Poole Peggy Dorothy Female West Perth
1948/102814 Perth Poole Peggy Dorothy Female Parker Ernest James Male West Perth
1948/102815 Perth Francis Ethel Joy Female Wooldridge Thomas Clayton Male Cottesloe
1948/102815 Perth Wooldridge Thomas Clayton Male Francis Ethel Joy Female Cottesloe
1948/102816 Perth Broadwood Elsie Gertrude Female Bryant William Male Cottesloe
1948/102816 Perth Bryant William Male Broadwood Elsie Gertrude Female Cottesloe
1948/102817 Perth Connell Rosalind Cecil Female Cooper Charles Francis Male South Perth
1948/102817 Perth Cooper Charles Francis Male Connell Rosalind Cecil Female South Perth
1948/102818 Perth Carrod Helen Olive Female Dunne John Male Perth
1948/102818 Perth Dunne John Male Carrod Helen Olive Female Perth
1948/102819 Perth Castellana Vito Antonio Male Hodges Heather Josephine Lethbridge Female Perth
1948/102819 Perth Hodges Heather Josephine Lethbridge Female Castellana Vito Antonio Male Perth
1948/102820 Perth Barrass Edward Male Fisher Joyce Alice Female Perth
1948/102820 Perth Fisher Joyce Alice Female Barrass Edward Male Perth
1948/102821 Perth Hale Eileen Joyce Female Newport Alfred James Male Leederville
1948/102821 Perth Newport Alfred James Male Hale Eileen Joyce Female Leederville
1948/102822 Perth Firby Joan Keeva Female Spencer Thomas Charles Male Leederville
1948/102822 Perth Spencer Thomas Charles Male Firby Joan Keeva Female Leederville
1948/102823 Perth Hickey Pam Milton Female McCreath Colin Andrew Male Perth College Chapel
1948/102823 Perth McCreath Colin Andrew Male Hickey Pam Milton Female Perth College Chapel
1948/102824 Perth Burton Henry John Topping Male Richardson Elsie Muriel Female Perth
1948/102824 Perth Richardson Elsie Muriel Female Burton Henry John Topping Male Perth
1948/102825 Perth Lowen Douglas Roy Male White Alma Florence Female Perth
1948/102825 Perth White Alma Florence Female Lowen Douglas Roy Male Perth
1948/102826 Perth Francis Phyllis Kathleen Female Kinnear Francis Dominic Male Perth
1948/102826 Perth Kinnear Francis Dominic Male Francis Phyllis Kathleen Female Perth
1948/102827 Perth Green Ethel Dawn Female Haines Keith Male Perth
1948/102827 Perth Haines Keith Male Green Ethel Dawn Female Perth
1948/102828 Perth Goodchild Sheila Doreen Female Hobley Richard Male W Leederville
1948/102828 Perth Hobley Richard Male Goodchild Sheila Doreen Female W Leederville
1948/102829 Perth Parsons John Edward Bourne Male Winch Joan Mary Female Maylands
1948/102829 Perth Winch Joan Mary Female Parsons John Edward Bourne Male Maylands
1948/102830 Perth Randell Eleanor May Female Webb Harold Male Claremont
1948/102830 Perth Webb Harold Male Randell Eleanor May Female Claremont
1948/102831 Perth Meyers Maurice Desmond Male Pederick Joy Winifred Female Perth
1948/102831 Perth Pederick Joy Winifred Female Meyers Maurice Desmond Male Perth
1948/102832 Perth Harris Charles Gordon Male Rogers Jean Dorothy Female Perth
1948/102832 Perth Rogers Jean Dorothy Female Harris Charles Gordon Male Perth
1948/102833 Perth Lawrence Ellen Isabel Female Richards Francis Hunter Male Perth
1948/102833 Perth Richards Francis Hunter Male Lawrence Ellen Isabel Female Perth
1948/102834 Perth Banks Edith Eileen Female Foss Jack Male Perth
1948/102834 Perth Foss Jack Male Banks Edith Eileen Female Perth
1948/102835 Perth Fernie Gwenyth Female Vague Alaric Stanley Male Subiaco
1948/102835 Perth Vague Alaric Stanley Male Fernie Gwenyth Female Subiaco
1948/102836 Perth Hitchcock Herbert Henry Male Sully Mary Latham Female Subiaco
1948/102836 Perth Sully Mary Latham Female Hitchcock Herbert Henry Male Subiaco
1948/102837 Perth Cope Pamela Ruth Female Hall Arthur Warren Male South Perth
1948/102837 Perth Hall Arthur Warren Male Cope Pamela Ruth Female South Perth
1948/102838 Perth Moynihan Sheila Josephine Female Parry Ronald Thomas Male East Victoria Park
1948/102838 Perth Parry Ronald Thomas Male Moynihan Sheila Josephine Female East Victoria Park
1948/102839 Perth Farley Beatrice Dorothy Female White Vincent Maurice Joseph Male East Victoria Park
1948/102839 Perth White Vincent Maurice Joseph Male Farley Beatrice Dorothy Female East Victoria Park
1948/102840 Perth Branson Albert James Male Connery Mary Female Maylands
1948/102840 Perth Connery Mary Female Branson Albert James Male Maylands
1948/102841 Perth Dunne Gloria Gertrude Female Horlock Albert George Male Claremont
1948/102841 Perth Horlock Albert George Male Dunne Gloria Gertrude Female Claremont
1948/102842 Perth Halstead George Male Whitfield Myrtle Doreen Female Perth
1948/102842 Perth Whitfield Myrtle Doreen Female Halstead George Male Perth
1948/102843 Perth Dawes Emma Jean Female Kippin David James Male Perth
1948/102843 Perth Kippin David James Male Dawes Emma Jean Female Perth
1948/102844 Perth Horne Robert Max Male Pierce Betty Nellie Female Perth
1948/102844 Perth Pierce Betty Nellie Female Horne Robert Max Male Perth
1948/102845 Perth Hannan Leonard Osborne Male Wilson Margaret Walker Cumming Female Perth
1948/102845 Perth Wilson Margaret Walker Cumming Female Hannan Leonard Osborne Male Perth
1948/102846 Perth Cunningham John Micheal Male Gowdie June Eileen Female Perth
1948/102846 Perth Gowdie June Eileen Female Cunningham John Micheal Male Perth
1948/102847 Perth Griffin James Arthur Male McGregor Jessie Female Perth
1948/102847 Perth McGregor Jessie Female Griffin James Arthur Male Perth
1948/102848 Perth Knight Harry Stephen Male Tucker Dorothy Rose Female Perth
1948/102848 Perth Tucker Dorothy Rose Female Knight Harry Stephen Male Perth
1948/102849 Perth Lindsey Edward Male Underwood Dorothy Joyce Female Perth
1948/102849 Perth Underwood Dorothy Joyce Female Lindsey Edward Male Perth
1948/102850 Perth Allsopp Jean Lawson Female Marsh Lawrence Rex Male Perth
1948/102850 Perth Marsh Lawrence Rex Male Allsopp Jean Lawson Female Perth
1948/102851 Perth McGougan Donald Arthur Male Watters Ellen Female Perth
1948/102851 Perth Watters Ellen Female McGougan Donald Arthur Male Perth
1948/102852 Perth Davis Walter James Male Quinn Margaret Olive Female West Perth
1948/102852 Perth Quinn Margaret Olive Female Davis Walter James Male West Perth
1948/102853 Perth Schaffer Alfred Arthur Male Stevenson Dorothy Ivy Female West Perth
1948/102853 Perth Stevenson Dorothy Ivy Female Schaffer Alfred Arthur Male West Perth
1948/102854 Perth Harris Victor Lloyd Male Lee Betty Eileen Female West Perth
1948/102854 Perth Lee Betty Eileen Female Harris Victor Lloyd Male West Perth
1948/102855 Perth Forward Valma June Female Woolhead Philip Henry Male West Perth
1948/102855 Perth Woolhead Philip Henry Male Forward Valma June Female West Perth
1948/102856 Perth Osborn Walter Brownie Male Woods Linda Jean Female West Perth
1948/102856 Perth Woods Linda Jean Female Osborn Walter Brownie Male West Perth
1948/102857 Perth Sharman Patricia Jean Female Taylor Allan Henry Male West Perth
1948/102857 Perth Taylor Allan Henry Male Sharman Patricia Jean Female West Perth
1948/102858 Perth Smith Ella May Female Whitehurst Wallace Douglas Male West Perth
1948/102858 Perth Whitehurst Wallace Douglas Male Smith Ella May Female West Perth
1948/102859 Perth Chamberlain Frank Edwin Male Singe Dorothy Lesley Norma Female Perth
1948/102859 Perth Singe Dorothy Lesley Norma Female Chamberlain Frank Edwin Male Perth
1948/102860 Perth Hart Desmond Hugo Male Newman Norma June Female Claremont
1948/102860 Perth Newman Norma June Female Hart Desmond Hugo Male Claremont
1948/102861 Perth Chapman Nellie Female Westerberg Alan Roy Male Claremont
1948/102861 Perth Westerberg Alan Roy Male Chapman Nellie Female Claremont
1948/102862 Perth Gay James Allen Male Walton Joyce May Female Claremont
1948/102862 Perth Walton Joyce May Female Gay James Allen Male Claremont
1948/102863 Perth Bott Brian Albert Male Matthews Joan Miriam Female Claremont
1948/102863 Perth Matthews Joan Miriam Female Bott Brian Albert Male Claremont
1948/102864 Perth Hardie Olive Female Liddelow Roy Frederick Male Claremont
1948/102864 Perth Liddelow Roy Frederick Male Hardie Olive Female Claremont
1948/102865 Perth Ferguson James Keith Male Law Y'vonne Irwin Female Claremont
1948/102865 Perth Law Y'vonne Irwin Female Ferguson James Keith Male Claremont
1948/102866 Perth Adamopoulos Constantinos Male Coote Nora Victoria Female Nedlands
1948/102866 Perth Coote Nora Victoria Female Adamopoulos Constantinos Male Nedlands
1948/102867 Perth Hunter Gwendoline Female Thomas Kenneth William Male Perth
1948/102867 Perth Thomas Kenneth William Male Hunter Gwendoline Female Perth
1948/102868 Perth Johnson Kenneth Male Smith Constance Yvonne Female Perth
1948/102868 Perth Smith Constance Yvonne Female Johnson Kenneth Male Perth
1948/102869 Perth Foster Gwyneth Female Tonkin Howard Male Perth
1948/102869 Perth Tonkin Howard Male Foster Gwyneth Female Perth
1948/102870 Perth Branson Edith Doreen Female Roberts Edward Howell Male Perth
1948/102870 Perth Roberts Edward Howell Male Branson Edith Doreen Female Perth
1948/102871 Perth Radford Joseph Alexander Male Walker Lilian Joyce Female Perth
1948/102871 Perth Walker Lilian Joyce Female Radford Joseph Alexander Male Perth
1948/102872 Perth Leggett Robert Maxwell Male Taylor Miriam Letitia Female Perth
1948/102872 Perth Taylor Miriam Letitia Female Leggett Robert Maxwell Male Perth
1948/102873 Perth Delaporte Christina Beryl Female Pritchard Frederick John Male Perth
1948/102873 Perth Pritchard Frederick John Male Delaporte Christina Beryl Female Perth
1948/102874 Perth Fenn Jack Male Jones Violet Marjorie Female Perth
1948/102874 Perth Jones Violet Marjorie Female Fenn Jack Male Perth
1948/102875 Perth Bradley Merle Christina Female Hill Harold Ian Male Perth
1948/102875 Perth Hill Harold Ian Male Bradley Merle Christina Female Perth
1948/102876 Perth Drury Edward Charles Male Horton Clara Edith Female Perth
1948/102876 Perth Horton Clara Edith Female Drury Edward Charles Male Perth
1948/102877 Perth Delaney Michael Edwin James Male Syred Beryl Olive Female Perth
1948/102877 Perth Syred Beryl Olive Female Delaney Michael Edwin James Male Perth
1948/102878 Perth Markey Haley Jack William Male Ryan Patricia Margaret Female Perth
1948/102878 Perth Ryan Patricia Margaret Female Markey Haley Jack William Male Perth
1948/102879 Perth Browne William Arthur Male Littleton Elizabeth May Female Perth
1948/102879 Perth Littleton Elizabeth May Female Browne William Arthur Male Perth
1948/102880 Perth Board Francis George Male Parker Gertrude Cecilia Female Bayswater
1948/102880 Perth Parker Gertrude Cecilia Female Board Francis George Male Bayswater
1948/102881 Perth Tempest Ian Male Whimpenny Patricia Mary Female South Perth
1948/102881 Perth Whimpenny Patricia Mary Female Tempest Ian Male South Perth
1948/102882 Perth Bruce Mary Estelle Female Williams Raymond Frank Male W Perth
1948/102882 Perth Williams Raymond Frank Male Bruce Mary Estelle Female W Perth
1948/102883 Perth Cowley William Henry Male Lewis Gwenyth Patricia Female West Perth
1948/102883 Perth Lewis Gwenyth Patricia Female Cowley William Henry Male West Perth
1948/102884 Perth Grigg Amy May Female Hall Samuel Percy Male West Perth
1948/102884 Perth Hall Samuel Percy Male Grigg Amy May Female West Perth
1948/102885 Perth Michael Geoffrey Gordon Male Townshend Gwendoline Alice Female West Perth
1948/102885 Perth Townshend Gwendoline Alice Female Michael Geoffrey Gordon Male West Perth
1948/102886 Perth Deshon Palma Helene Curzon Female Williams Wallace Cowling Male West Perth
1948/102886 Perth Williams Wallace Cowling Male Deshon Palma Helene Curzon Female West Perth
1948/102887 Perth Henry Clement Charles Male O'Brien Flora Jane Female West Leederville
1948/102887 Perth O'Brien Flora Jane Female Henry Clement Charles Male West Leederville
1948/102888 Perth Baker Betty Patricia Female Hammond Geoffrey George Male Nedlands
1948/102888 Perth Hammond Geoffrey George Male Baker Betty Patricia Female Nedlands
1948/102889 Perth Boyd Stewart Strachan Male Robinson Beryl Dawn Female Perth
1948/102889 Perth Robinson Beryl Dawn Female Boyd Stewart Strachan Male Perth
1948/102890 Perth Stewart Evelyn Sophia Female Watson Samuel Male Perth
1948/102890 Perth Watson Samuel Male Stewart Evelyn Sophia Female Perth
1948/102891 Perth Bach Joan Helen Female Bridge Kenneth Thomas Male Victoria Park
1948/102891 Perth Bridge Kenneth Thomas Male Bach Joan Helen Female Victoria Park
1948/102892 Perth Cunningham Alfred David Male Smith Frances Jean Female Victoria Park
1948/102892 Perth Smith Frances Jean Female Cunningham Alfred David Male Victoria Park
1948/102893 Perth Burton Hazel Vaughan Female Lee Keith George Male Perth Baptist Church
1948/102893 Perth Lee Keith George Male Burton Hazel Vaughan Female Perth Baptist Church
1948/102894 Perth Cecic Maria Female Klarich Charles Male Osborne Park
1948/102894 Perth Klarich Charles Male Cecic Maria Female Osborne Park
1948/102895 Perth Matthews Nancy Jean Female Nicholls Leslie Albert Male Claremont
1948/102895 Perth Nicholls Leslie Albert Male Matthews Nancy Jean Female Claremont
1948/102896 Perth Needham Betty Margaret Female Rintoul Irvine Roy Male Claremont
1948/102896 Perth Rintoul Irvine Roy Male Needham Betty Margaret Female Claremont
1948/102897 Perth McGrath Brian Walter Male Read Elaine Lawson Female Claremont
1948/102897 Perth Read Elaine Lawson Female McGrath Brian Walter Male Claremont
1948/102898 Perth Madden Marjorie Kathleen Female Shaylor John William Male Claremont
1948/102898 Perth Shaylor John William Male Madden Marjorie Kathleen Female Claremont
1948/102899 Perth Barker Barbara Bond Female Neil Herbert George Male Claremont
1948/102899 Perth Neil Herbert George Male Barker Barbara Bond Female Claremont
1948/102900 Perth Donaldson Alice Mary Female Groser Val Arthur Lee Male Claremont
1948/102900 Perth Groser Val Arthur Lee Male Donaldson Alice Mary Female Claremont
1948/102901 Perth Lyons Philip Male Northey Audrey Florence Female Claremont
1948/102901 Perth Northey Audrey Florence Female Lyons Philip Male Claremont
1948/102902 Perth Brisbane John Stuart Male Lock Helene Lister Female Claremont
1948/102902 Perth Lock Helene Lister Female Brisbane John Stuart Male Claremont
1948/102903 Perth Bidstrup Lisla May Female Mills John Roger Male Perth
1948/102903 Perth Mills John Roger Male Bidstrup Lisla May Female Perth
1948/102904 Perth Richmond Elizabeth Beryl McGooken Female Stanton Edward Male Perth
1948/102904 Perth Stanton Edward Male Richmond Elizabeth Beryl McGooken Female Perth
1948/102905 Perth Court Reginald Norman Male Stubbs-Mills Myrtle Female Perth
1948/102905 Perth Stubbs-Mills Myrtle Female Court Reginald Norman Male Perth
1948/102906 Perth Biesiot Lorna Josephine Female Denmark Jack Richard Male Perth
1948/102906 Perth Denmark Jack Richard Male Biesiot Lorna Josephine Female Perth
1948/102907 Perth Hankins Roy Allen Arthur Male Williamson Peggy Rose Female Perth
1948/102907 Perth Williamson Peggy Rose Female Hankins Roy Allen Arthur Male Perth
1948/102908 Perth Hearn Alexander Beverley Male Mathers Rita Lilian Female Perth
1948/102908 Perth Mathers Rita Lilian Female Hearn Alexander Beverley Male Perth
1948/102909 Perth Elliott Dorothy Eileen Female Webb Robert Max Male Perth
1948/102909 Perth Webb Robert Max Male Elliott Dorothy Eileen Female Perth
1948/102910 Perth Gale Arthur Alfred Male Marston Patricia Female Perth
1948/102910 Perth Marston Patricia Female Gale Arthur Alfred Male Perth
1948/102911 Perth Bahlsen Alfred Fritz Male Nutt Norma Harriet Female Perth
1948/102911 Perth Nutt Norma Harriet Female Bahlsen Alfred Fritz Male Perth
1948/102912 Perth Flynn Dulcie Mary Female Smith Bartholomew Male Perth
1948/102912 Perth Smith Bartholomew Male Flynn Dulcie Mary Female Perth
1948/102913 Perth Keirle Nancy Ellen Female Lamond William Norman Male Victoria Park
1948/102913 Perth Lamond William Norman Male Keirle Nancy Ellen Female Victoria Park
1948/102914 Perth Bennett Clive Lyall Male Wallwork Dorothy Female Victoria Park
1948/102914 Perth Wallwork Dorothy Female Bennett Clive Lyall Male Victoria Park
1948/102915 Perth Gilmore Patricia May Female Maidment Fernley Edward Male Claremont
1948/102915 Perth Maidment Fernley Edward Male Gilmore Patricia May Female Claremont
1948/102916 Perth Conway Brian McSweeney Male Dewar Irene May Female Claremont
1948/102916 Perth Dewar Irene May Female Conway Brian McSweeney Male Claremont
1948/102917 Perth Martin Vivian Anne Female Try Marcus Ian Male Claremont
1948/102917 Perth Try Marcus Ian Male Martin Vivian Anne Female Claremont
1948/102918 Perth Eadie Alan Keith Male Hogg Norma Edith Female Claremont
1948/102918 Perth Hogg Norma Edith Female Eadie Alan Keith Male Claremont
1948/102919 Perth Hindmarsh Margaret Female Parsons Robert Clarence Male Mt Hawthorn
1948/102919 Perth Parsons Robert Clarence Male Hindmarsh Margaret Female Mt Hawthorn
1948/102920 Perth Hamel Norma Esme Female Hendry Ray Male Mt Hawthorn
1948/102920 Perth Hendry Ray Male Hamel Norma Esme Female Mt Hawthorn
1948/102921 Perth Clampett Beryle Joan Female Howell Arthur Clement Male Claremont
1948/102921 Perth Howell Arthur Clement Male Clampett Beryle Joan Female Claremont
1948/102922 Perth Bellion Rona Neale Female Coward Leslie Roy Hopetoun Male Claremont
1948/102922 Perth Coward Leslie Roy Hopetoun Male Bellion Rona Neale Female Claremont
1948/102923 Perth Clements William Albert Male Marwood Beatrice Dudley Female West Aus
1948/102923 Perth Marwood Beatrice Dudley Female Clements William Albert Male West Aus
1948/102924 Perth Cunningham James George Frederick Male Little Ruby Ivy Grace Female Mt Lawley
1948/102924 Perth Little Ruby Ivy Grace Female Cunningham James George Frederick Male Mt Lawley
1948/102925 Perth Dixon Clarice Mary Female Sutherland Charles Douglas Male Mt Lawley
1948/102925 Perth Sutherland Charles Douglas Male Dixon Clarice Mary Female Mt Lawley
1948/102926 Perth Dolling Rita Kathleen Female Murphy Albert Henry Male North Perth
1948/102926 Perth Murphy Albert Henry Male Dolling Rita Kathleen Female North Perth
1948/102927 Perth Scott Hazel Mary Female Smith Arthur Oliver Male Perth
1948/102927 Perth Smith Arthur Oliver Male Scott Hazel Mary Female Perth
1948/102928 Perth Jones Walter Howard Male Winsor Constance May Female Perth
1948/102928 Perth Winsor Constance May Female Jones Walter Howard Male Perth
1948/102929 Perth Parkin Joyce Female Williams Henry Ralph Male Perth
1948/102929 Perth Williams Henry Ralph Male Parkin Joyce Female Perth
1948/102930 Perth Knight Dorothy Lorn Female Rogers Donald Male Perth
1948/102930 Perth Rogers Donald Male Knight Dorothy Lorn Female Perth
1948/102931 Perth Booth Lily Catherine Margaret Female Dale Alfred Male Perth
1948/102931 Perth Dale Alfred Male Booth Lily Catherine Margaret Female Perth
1948/102932 Perth Butcher Alan Loton Maxwell Male Tate Merville Joan Female Perth
1948/102932 Perth Tate Merville Joan Female Butcher Alan Loton Maxwell Male Perth
1948/102933 Perth McLeod Fay Gertrude Female Pivac Thomas Male Perth
1948/102933 Perth Pivac Thomas Male McLeod Fay Gertrude Female Perth
1948/102934 Perth Dalziel Robert Henry Marshall Male Van-Ooran Nancie May Female Perth
1948/102934 Perth Van-Ooran Nancie May Female Dalziel Robert Henry Marshall Male Perth
1948/102935 Perth Clinch George Robert Male Dewar Joyce Josephine Female Perth
1948/102935 Perth Dewar Joyce Josephine Female Clinch George Robert Male Perth
1948/102936 Perth Byrne Raymond James Male Cairnie Helen Leston Female Perth
1948/102936 Perth Cairnie Helen Leston Female Byrne Raymond James Male Perth
1948/102937 Perth Chesson Celia Rosemary Female Murdoch Stanley James Male Perth
1948/102937 Perth Murdoch Stanley James Male Chesson Celia Rosemary Female Perth
1948/102938 Perth Butterly Lionel Keith Male Johnston Helen Coventry Female Perth
1948/102938 Perth Johnston Helen Coventry Female Butterly Lionel Keith Male Perth
1948/102939 Perth Burzacott Monica May Female Wraight George Risden Male Perth
1948/102939 Perth Wraight George Risden Male Burzacott Monica May Female Perth
1948/102940 Perth Dyson Myrtle May Female O'Bryan Stanley Male Perth
1948/102940 Perth O'Bryan Stanley Male Dyson Myrtle May Female Perth
1948/102941 Perth Gorman Cyril Stanley Male Willis Jean Mavis Female Perth
1948/102941 Perth Willis Jean Mavis Female Gorman Cyril Stanley Male Perth
1948/102942 Perth Lewis George Albert Male Weir Maggie Moodie Female N Perth
1948/102942 Perth Weir Maggie Moodie Female Lewis George Albert Male N Perth
1948/102943 Perth Green Joan Gladys Female Lambkin Reginald Keith Male N Perth
1948/102943 Perth Lambkin Reginald Keith Male Green Joan Gladys Female N Perth
1948/102944 Perth Jones Kathleen Elizabeth Female Thorne Thomas Gordon Allan Male N Perth
1948/102944 Perth Thorne Thomas Gordon Allan Male Jones Kathleen Elizabeth Female N Perth
1948/102945 Perth Pascoe Shirley Irene Female Smith Keith Raymond Male Perth
1948/102945 Perth Smith Keith Raymond Male Pascoe Shirley Irene Female Perth
1948/102946 Perth Jones William John Male Richards Isabel Phyllis Female W Leederville
1948/102946 Perth Richards Isabel Phyllis Female Jones William John Male W Leederville
1948/102947 Perth Leighton Valma Delys Female McPhail Alan Thomas Male W Leederville
1948/102947 Perth McPhail Alan Thomas Male Leighton Valma Delys Female W Leederville
1948/102948 Perth Callison James Henry Male Nicol Pamela Mary Female Perth
1948/102948 Perth Nicol Pamela Mary Female Callison James Henry Male Perth
1948/102949 Perth Burke Sheila Mary Female Thomas Leslie Bernard Male Perth
1948/102949 Perth Thomas Leslie Bernard Male Burke Sheila Mary Female Perth
1948/102950 Perth James Clement Preston Male Wells Edith Laura Female Perth
1948/102950 Perth Wells Edith Laura Female James Clement Preston Male Perth
1948/102951 Perth Douglas Mildred Chesney Female Sergeant Kenneth Stanley Male Perth
1948/102951 Perth Sergeant Kenneth Stanley Male Douglas Mildred Chesney Female Perth
1948/102952 Perth Crossley Muriel Joyce Female Ward Charles Henry Male Perth
1948/102952 Perth Ward Charles Henry Male Crossley Muriel Joyce Female Perth
1948/102953 Perth Cowlishaw Kathleen Female Parsons Kenneth Roland Male Perth
1948/102953 Perth Parsons Kenneth Roland Male Cowlishaw Kathleen Female Perth
1948/102954 Perth Stubbs-Mills Ronald Male Tutt Edna Faith Female Perth
1948/102954 Perth Tutt Edna Faith Female Stubbs-Mills Ronald Male Perth
1948/102955 Perth Castledine Iris Mary Female Filer Phillip Sydney Male Perth
1948/102955 Perth Filer Phillip Sydney Male Castledine Iris Mary Female Perth
1948/102956 Perth Binstead Francis John Male Prunster Joyce Moyra Female Maylands
1948/102956 Perth Prunster Joyce Moyra Female Binstead Francis John Male Maylands
1948/102957 Perth Brennan Gerald Raymond Vincent Male Lea Eileen Alice Female Maylands
1948/102957 Perth Lea Eileen Alice Female Brennan Gerald Raymond Vincent Male Maylands
1948/102958 Perth Lushey Margaret Clifton Female Spice Douglas Roy McMillan Male Nedlands
1948/102958 Perth Spice Douglas Roy McMillan Male Lushey Margaret Clifton Female Nedlands
1948/102959 Perth Bloom Margaret Florence Female Emery James Roust Male Nedlands
1948/102959 Perth Emery James Roust Male Bloom Margaret Florence Female Nedlands
1948/102960 Perth Connor Ruby Patricia Female Greenup Richard Male Maylands
1948/102960 Perth Greenup Richard Male Connor Ruby Patricia Female Maylands
1948/102961 Perth Hill Gwenyth May Female Park Clifford William Male Perth
1948/102961 Perth Park Clifford William Male Hill Gwenyth May Female Perth
1948/102962 Perth Carless Marion Audrey Female Farina Mario Male Victoria Park
1948/102962 Perth Farina Mario Male Carless Marion Audrey Female Victoria Park
1948/102963 Perth Duxsbury Monica Josephine Teresa Female Hayes Arthur George Male Victoria Park
1948/102963 Perth Hayes Arthur George Male Duxsbury Monica Josephine Teresa Female Victoria Park
1948/102963 Perth Hayes Arthur George Male Rova Monica Josephine Teresa Female Victoria Park
1948/102963 Perth Rova Monica Josephine Teresa Female Hayes Arthur George Male Victoria Park
1948/102964 Perth Brown Eleana Female Cooper Alexander McBeath Male Perth
1948/102964 Perth Cooper Alexander McBeath Male Brown Eleana Female Perth
1948/102965 Perth McCabe John Thomas Male Stott Christina Wilson Female Perth
1948/102965 Perth Stott Christina Wilson Female McCabe John Thomas Male Perth
1948/102966 Perth Marsh John Gilbert Male Morton Phyllis Female Perth
1948/102966 Perth Morton Phyllis Female Marsh John Gilbert Male Perth
1948/102967 Perth Conrad Condace Patricia Morgan Female Perry Lamont Edwin Male Perth
1948/102967 Perth Perry Lamont Edwin Male Conrad Condace Patricia Morgan Female Perth
1948/102968 Perth McManus Ursula Mary Female Young Lionel Roy Male Perth
1948/102968 Perth Young Lionel Roy Male McManus Ursula Mary Female Perth
1948/102969 Perth Holman Kathleen Female Stanton Ronald Robert Male W Perth
1948/102969 Perth Stanton Ronald Robert Male Holman Kathleen Female W Perth
1948/102970 Perth Cope Charles Crowther Male Hall Gladys Lillian Female West Perth
1948/102970 Perth Hall Gladys Lillian Female Cope Charles Crowther Male West Perth
1948/102971 Perth Flint Doreen Michele Female Webb Albert Edward Male West Perth
1948/102971 Perth Webb Albert Edward Male Flint Doreen Michele Female West Perth
1948/102972 Perth Holman Reginald Charles Male Morris Jean Butler Female West Perth
1948/102972 Perth Morris Jean Butler Female Holman Reginald Charles Male West Perth
1948/102973 Perth Ball Meira Patricia Female Goddard Albert Clyde Male West Perth
1948/102973 Perth Goddard Albert Clyde Male Ball Meira Patricia Female West Perth
1948/102974 Perth Berryman Harry Frederick Lungley Male Stanbury Alfreda Margaret Female Perth
1948/102974 Perth Stanbury Alfreda Margaret Female Berryman Harry Frederick Lungley Male Perth
1948/102975 Perth Brooksbank Albert Male Brown Harriet Muriel Female M Hawthorn
1948/102975 Perth Brown Harriet Muriel Female Brooksbank Albert Male M Hawthorn
1948/102976 Perth Hill Charles Henry Male Spratt Vera Female Mt Lawley
1948/102976 Perth Spratt Vera Female Hill Charles Henry Male Mt Lawley
1948/102977 Perth Martin Andrew Male Rendell Betty Female Mt Lawley
1948/102977 Perth Rendell Betty Female Martin Andrew Male Mt Lawley
1948/102978 Perth Bailey Shirley Winifred Female McLure Clyde Victor Male Bayswater
1948/102978 Perth McLure Clyde Victor Male Bailey Shirley Winifred Female Bayswater
1948/102979 Perth Connell Kathleen Roberta Female Smith Bruce Lamont Male Subiaco
1948/102979 Perth Smith Bruce Lamont Male Connell Kathleen Roberta Female Subiaco
1948/102980 Perth Anderson John William Male Hooper Betty Florence Female Victoria Park
1948/102980 Perth Hooper Betty Florence Female Anderson John William Male Victoria Park
1948/102981 Perth Berryman Ernest James Male Brown-Neaves Eileen Female Victoria Park
1948/102981 Perth Brown-Neaves Eileen Female Berryman Ernest James Male Victoria Park
1948/102982 Perth Harman Lilian May Female Port Edward Ernest Male Victoria Park
1948/102982 Perth Port Edward Ernest Male Harman Lilian May Female Victoria Park
1948/102983 Perth Forward Norma Joan Female Laycock John Robert Ward Male Victoria Park
1948/102983 Perth Laycock John Robert Ward Male Forward Norma Joan Female Victoria Park
1948/102984 Perth Johnston Hazel Edith Female Pike Harold Edward Male Victoria Park
1948/102984 Perth Pike Harold Edward Male Johnston Hazel Edith Female Victoria Park
1948/102985 Perth Moralee Annie Female Stone William Nathaniel Male Perth
1948/102985 Perth Stone William Nathaniel Male Moralee Annie Female Perth
1948/102986 Perth Lavin Sarah Female Moffat Thomas Dalziel Male Perth
1948/102986 Perth Moffat Thomas Dalziel Male Lavin Sarah Female Perth
1948/102987 Perth Seaton Leonard Douglas Male Winslade Helene Mabel Female Perth
1948/102987 Perth Winslade Helene Mabel Female Seaton Leonard Douglas Male Perth
1948/102988 Perth Archer Thomas Kenneth Male Jones Dorothy Winifred Female Claremont
1948/102988 Perth Jones Dorothy Winifred Female Archer Thomas Kenneth Male Claremont
1948/102989 Perth Cliff Pamela Estelle Franklin Female Walters Arthur John Male Claremont
1948/102989 Perth Walters Arthur John Male Cliff Pamela Estelle Franklin Female Claremont
1948/102990 Perth Thornton Peggy Isobel Female Walker Marshal Male Claremont
1948/102990 Perth Walker Marshal Male Thornton Peggy Isobel Female Claremont
1948/102991 Perth Johnson Norman Douglas Male Lawn Leonie Beatrice Female Claremont
1948/102991 Perth Lawn Leonie Beatrice Female Johnson Norman Douglas Male Claremont
1948/102992 Perth George Owen Edwin Male Randall Dorothy Esther Female Perth
1948/102992 Perth Randall Dorothy Esther Female George Owen Edwin Male Perth
1948/102993 Perth Collett Arthur Frederick Male Howard June Female Perth
1948/102993 Perth Howard June Female Collett Arthur Frederick Male Perth
1948/102994 Perth Lewis Betty Ruth Female Saker Jack Male Perth
1948/102994 Perth Saker Jack Male Lewis Betty Ruth Female Perth
1948/102995 Perth Clarke Percy Douglas Male Maher Barbara Joy Female Perth
1948/102995 Perth Maher Barbara Joy Female Clarke Percy Douglas Male Perth
1948/102996 Perth Glass Cicely Frances Female Reid James Terence Male Perth
1948/102996 Perth Reid James Terence Male Glass Cicely Frances Female Perth
1948/102997 Perth Curtis Philip John Male Dorter Jean Female Perth
1948/102997 Perth Dorter Jean Female Curtis Philip John Male Perth
1948/102998 Perth King Barbara Gladys Female Norman Brian Courtenay Male West Aust
1948/102998 Perth Norman Brian Courtenay Male King Barbara Gladys Female West Aust
1948/102999 Perth Gelle Rodney Pierre Francois Male Maher Constance Clare Female Leederville
1948/102999 Perth Maher Constance Clare Female Gelle Rodney Pierre Francois Male Leederville
1948/103000 Perth Petchell Roy Thomas Male Tippett Marnie Female Leederville
1948/103000 Perth Tippett Marnie Female Petchell Roy Thomas Male Leederville
1948/103001 Perth Adams Doris Alice Female Ambrose James Male Leederville
1948/103001 Perth Ambrose James Male Adams Doris Alice Female Leederville
1948/103002 Perth Armstrong Leonard Munro Male Scotford Patricia May Female Leederville
1948/103002 Perth Scotford Patricia May Female Armstrong Leonard Munro Male Leederville
1948/103003 Perth Macpherson Mary Mair Donald Female Malyszko Czeslaw Male Leederville
1948/103003 Perth Malyszko Czeslaw Male Macpherson Mary Mair Donald Female Leederville
1948/103004 Perth Catterall Audrey May Female Mackness John Male Leederville
1948/103004 Perth Mackness John Male Catterall Audrey May Female Leederville
1948/103005 Perth Nixon Jack Millington Male Skipworth Helen Ethel Female Leederville
1948/103005 Perth Skipworth Helen Ethel Female Nixon Jack Millington Male Leederville
1948/103006 Perth Jangietis Zanis Arvids Male Walters Louija Alida Female Perth
1948/103006 Perth Walters Louija Alida Female Jangietis Zanis Arvids Male Perth
1948/103007 Perth Dewar Constance Linda Mary Female Gibb Leslie Archibald Male Perth
1948/103007 Perth Gibb Leslie Archibald Male Dewar Constance Linda Mary Female Perth
1948/103008 Perth Mellidonis Eileen Mabel Female Quinn John Frederick Male Perth
1948/103008 Perth Quinn John Frederick Male Mellidonis Eileen Mabel Female Perth
1948/103009 Perth Engledow Minnie Rose Female Mott William Edward Barton Male Perth
1948/103009 Perth Mott William Edward Barton Male Engledow Minnie Rose Female Perth
1948/103010 Perth Morphett Verna Jean Female Quigley James Marcus Male Perth
1948/103010 Perth Quigley James Marcus Male Morphett Verna Jean Female Perth
1948/103011 Perth Green Francis Walter Male Ramshaw Thora Female Perth
1948/103011 Perth Ramshaw Thora Female Green Francis Walter Male Perth
1948/103012 Perth Edmunds William Male Hunt Valda Mary Female Perth
1948/103012 Perth Hunt Valda Mary Female Edmunds William Male Perth
1948/103013 Perth Foster Arthur Howard Male Lepper Beryl Dawn Female Perth
1948/103013 Perth Lepper Beryl Dawn Female Foster Arthur Howard Male Perth
1948/103014 Perth Cole Eric Ray Male Williams Gladys Joyce Female Perth
1948/103014 Perth Williams Gladys Joyce Female Cole Eric Ray Male Perth
1948/103015 Perth Lynn William Gordon Male Watts Ivy Lillian Female Perth
1948/103015 Perth Watts Ivy Lillian Female Lynn William Gordon Male Perth
1948/103016 Perth Smith Rae Female Winnett William Thomas Male Perth
1948/103016 Perth Winnett William Thomas Male Smith Rae Female Perth
1948/103017 Perth Morley Allan Richard Male Smith Gwenyth Ruby Female Perth
1948/103017 Perth Smith Gwenyth Ruby Female Morley Allan Richard Male Perth
1948/103018 Perth Middleton Betty Ellen Female Pollock Donald John Male Perth
1948/103018 Perth Pollock Donald John Male Middleton Betty Ellen Female Perth
1948/103019 Perth Mears Yvonne Mary Female Taylor George Thomas Male Perth
1948/103019 Perth Taylor George Thomas Male Mears Yvonne Mary Female Perth
1948/103020 Perth Keenan John Albert Male Sammels Joyce Mary Lois Female Perth
1948/103020 Perth Sammels Joyce Mary Lois Female Keenan John Albert Male Perth
1948/103021 Perth Hoddy Frederick William Male Homewood Myrtle Female Perth
1948/103021 Perth Homewood Myrtle Female Hoddy Frederick William Male Perth
1948/103022 Perth Bayliss Ernest George Male Farrell Vilma Grace Female Perth
1948/103022 Perth Farrell Vilma Grace Female Bayliss Ernest George Male Perth
1948/103023 Perth Batchelor Winnifred Jill Female Symonds Frank James Male Perth
1948/103023 Perth Symonds Frank James Male Batchelor Winnifred Jill Female Perth
1948/103024 Perth Collins Beryl Winifred Female Foley James D'Alton Male Perth
1948/103024 Perth Foley James D'Alton Male Collins Beryl Winifred Female Perth
1948/103025 Perth Archer Eleanor May Female Crocker James Henry Male West Perth
1948/103025 Perth Crocker James Henry Male Archer Eleanor May Female West Perth
1948/103026 Perth Barnes Ernest Arnold Male Packard Ellen Mary Female Perth
1948/103026 Perth Packard Ellen Mary Female Barnes Ernest Arnold Male Perth
1948/103027 Perth Balmer William Holgate Male Moore Carmel Dawn Female Perth
1948/103027 Perth Moore Carmel Dawn Female Balmer William Holgate Male Perth
1948/103028 Perth Walker Mary Anne Female West Spencer George Thomas Male Perth
1948/103028 Perth West Spencer George Thomas Male Walker Mary Anne Female Perth
1948/103029 Perth Edwards Hazel Lillian Female Willis Clement Lewis Male Subiaco
1948/103029 Perth Willis Clement Lewis Male Edwards Hazel Lillian Female Subiaco
1948/103030 Perth Cruden Lewis Gerry James Male Spencer Margaret Annie Female Perth
1948/103030 Perth Spencer Margaret Annie Female Cruden Lewis Gerry James Male Perth
1948/103031 Perth Cavanagh Patricia Edith Female Spargo Maxwell George Male Perth
1948/103031 Perth Spargo Maxwell George Male Cavanagh Patricia Edith Female Perth
1948/103032 Perth Angel Verna Female Hanrahan Leo David Male Cottesloe
1948/103032 Perth Hanrahan Leo David Male Angel Verna Female Cottesloe
1948/103033 Perth Lee Thelma Female Taylor Leslie Male Cottesloe
1948/103033 Perth Taylor Leslie Male Lee Thelma Female Cottesloe
1948/103034 Perth Ashdown Bernard Male Collis Nancy Edith Female Mt Lawley
1948/103034 Perth Collis Nancy Edith Female Ashdown Bernard Male Mt Lawley
1948/103035 Perth Bowron David William Male Findlay Joan Olga Female Mt Lawley
1948/103035 Perth Findlay Joan Olga Female Bowron David William Male Mt Lawley
1948/103036 Perth Perrie Gwenyth Elizabeth Female Potter James Allen Male Mt Lawley
1948/103036 Perth Potter James Allen Male Perrie Gwenyth Elizabeth Female Mt Lawley
1948/103037 Perth Gallagher Mary Theresa Female Morgan Geoffrey Stead Male Mt Lawley
1948/103037 Perth Morgan Geoffrey Stead Male Gallagher Mary Theresa Female Mt Lawley
1948/103038 Perth Leeman Margaret Female Phillips Reginald William Male Perth College Chapel
1948/103038 Perth Phillips Reginald William Male Leeman Margaret Female Perth College Chapel
1948/103039 Perth Brett Peggy Female Chamberlain Robert Male Mt Lawley
1948/103039 Perth Chamberlain Robert Male Brett Peggy Female Mt Lawley
1948/103040 Perth Kershaw Thelma Joy Female May Frederick Robert John Male West Perth
1948/103040 Perth May Frederick Robert John Male Kershaw Thelma Joy Female West Perth
1948/103041 Perth Buckenara Roy Thomas Male Merifield Joyce Female West Perth
1948/103041 Perth Merifield Joyce Female Buckenara Roy Thomas Male West Perth
1948/103042 Perth Bate William Clifford Male Cahill Marcia Joan Female West Perth
1948/103042 Perth Cahill Marcia Joan Female Bate William Clifford Male West Perth
1948/103043 Perth Blight Allen Robert Male Scott Lesley Ruth Female Mount Lawley
1948/103043 Perth Scott Lesley Ruth Female Blight Allen Robert Male Mount Lawley
1948/103044 Perth Caddy Athol William Male Wilkinson Frances Elizabeth Female North Perth
1948/103044 Perth Wilkinson Frances Elizabeth Female Caddy Athol William Male North Perth
1948/103045 Perth Schenk Joan May Female Winfield Fred Henwood Male Cottesloe
1948/103045 Perth Winfield Fred Henwood Male Schenk Joan May Female Cottesloe
1948/103046 Perth Meredith Dorothy May Female Tottman Allen Reginald Male West Aust
1948/103046 Perth Tottman Allen Reginald Male Meredith Dorothy May Female West Aust
1948/103047 Perth Sawyer Arthur Henry Male Warner Violet Lorraine Female Perth
1948/103047 Perth Warner Violet Lorraine Female Sawyer Arthur Henry Male Perth
1948/103048 Perth Morisey Jack William Male Poole June Mary Female Perth
1948/103048 Perth Poole June Mary Female Morisey Jack William Male Perth
1948/103049 Perth Farmer Marion Jean Female Robson William Blake Male Perth
1948/103049 Perth Robson William Blake Male Farmer Marion Jean Female Perth
1948/103050 Perth Briggs Alfred Male Ewen Eva Irene Female Perth
1948/103050 Perth Ewen Eva Irene Female Briggs Alfred Male Perth
1948/103051 Perth Baumann Kalja Male Piirma Irene Ingrid Female Perth
1948/103051 Perth Piirma Irene Ingrid Female Baumann Kalja Male Perth
1948/103052 Perth Bain Douglas James Male Spitz Mavis Joyce Female W Leederville
1948/103052 Perth Spitz Mavis Joyce Female Bain Douglas James Male W Leederville
1948/103053 Perth Anderson Ernest James Male van-der-Kaaden Marie Irene Female W Leederville
1948/103054 Perth Jacobson Meryl Olive Female Page John Desmond Male Highgate Hill
1948/103054 Perth Page John Desmond Male Jacobson Meryl Olive Female Highgate Hill
1948/103055 Perth Deering Ronald Francis Male Green Eunice Patricia Female Highgate Hill
1948/103055 Perth Green Eunice Patricia Female Deering Ronald Francis Male Highgate Hill
1948/103056 Perth Jones David William Male Pratley Eileen Mary Elizabeth Female Perth
1948/103056 Perth Pratley Eileen Mary Elizabeth Female Jones David William Male Perth
1948/103057 Perth Hicks Josephine Ashmore Female Swan Sutherland Foote Male Perth
1948/103057 Perth Swan Sutherland Foote Male Hicks Josephine Ashmore Female Perth
1948/103058 Perth Baker Betty Joan Female Garcia Emanuel Male Victoria Park
1948/103058 Perth Garcia Emanuel Male Baker Betty Joan Female Victoria Park
1948/103059 Perth Castle Gladys Maude Female Refeld Henry Adolph Erle Male Perth
1948/103059 Perth Refeld Henry Adolph Erle Male Castle Gladys Maude Female Perth
1948/103060 Perth Power John Davies Thomas Male Reed Fay Bernice Female West Perth
1948/103060 Perth Reed Fay Bernice Female Power John Davies Thomas Male West Perth
1948/103061 Perth Horrocks Judith Mary Female Pearce David Fraser Male Perth
1948/103061 Perth Pearce David Fraser Male Horrocks Judith Mary Female Perth
1948/103062 Perth Hoare Norman James Male Tyrer Melita Female North Perth Methodist Church
1948/103062 Perth Tyrer Melita Female Hoare Norman James Male North Perth Methodist Church
1981/103911 Perth Eagle Kevin Arthur Male Mattfield Audrey Margaret Female Northam
1981/103911 Perth Mattfield Audrey Margaret Female Eagle Kevin Arthur Male Northam
1948/300001 Ashburton Boona Alfred Male Hicks Sheila Female Onslow
1948/300001 Ashburton Hicks Sheila Female Boona Alfred Male Onslow
1948/300002 Ashburton Snook Arthur William Male Suter Jane Naomi Female Onslow
1948/300002 Ashburton Suter Jane Naomi Female Snook Arthur William Male Onslow
1948/400004 Beverley Blechynden William Harrison Male Reynolds Elsie Evelyn Female Beverley
1948/400004 Beverley Reynolds Elsie Evelyn Female Blechynden William Harrison Male Beverley
1948/400005 Beverley Buckingham Victor John Male Potts Eva Joyce Female Pingelly
1948/400005 Beverley Potts Eva Joyce Female Buckingham Victor John Male Pingelly
1948/400006 Beverley Cunningham Charles Frederick William Male Davis Edna Annie Female Pingelly
1948/400006 Beverley Davis Edna Annie Female Cunningham Charles Frederick William Male Pingelly
1948/400007 Beverley Dhu Alfred Leon Male Manning Mons Lilian Grace Female Pingelly
1948/400007 Beverley Manning Mons Lilian Grace Female Dhu Alfred Leon Male Pingelly
1948/400008 Beverley Michael Vera Female Smith Max Male Beverley
1948/400008 Beverley Smith Max Male Michael Vera Female Beverley
1948/400009 Beverley Chandler Esther Amelia Female Childe Graham Herbert Male Beverley
1948/400009 Beverley Childe Graham Herbert Male Chandler Esther Amelia Female Beverley
1948/400010 Beverley Dupen Irene Ethel Female Walker Charles Alfred Male Beverley
1948/400010 Beverley Walker Charles Alfred Male Dupen Irene Ethel Female Beverley
1948/400011 Beverley Cuming Malcolm Ross Male Edwards Helena Betty Female Pingelly
1948/400011 Beverley Edwards Helena Betty Female Cuming Malcolm Ross Male Pingelly
1948/400012 Beverley Edwards May Female Fauntleroy Wilfred James Male Brookton
1948/400012 Beverley Fauntleroy Wilfred James Male Edwards May Female Brookton
1948/400013 Beverley Hovell Amy Julia Female Meharry Mervyn Roy Male Yealering
1948/400013 Beverley Meharry Mervyn Roy Male Hovell Amy Julia Female Yealering
1948/400014 Beverley Burrow John Male Sewell Thelma Nova Female Pingelly
1948/400014 Beverley Sewell Thelma Nova Female Burrow John Male Pingelly
1948/400015 Beverley Allsop Albert John Male Hinkley Patricia Female Quairading
1948/400015 Beverley Hinkley Patricia Female Allsop Albert John Male Quairading
1948/400016 Beverley Michael Amy Female Thorn Tom Male Beverley
1948/400016 Beverley Thorn Tom Male Michael Amy Female Beverley
1948/400017 Beverley Bergland Gustav Richard Male Hurst Mabel Amy Female Quairading
1948/400017 Beverley Hurst Mabel Amy Female Bergland Gustav Richard Male Quairading
1948/400018 Beverley Bennell Jean Female Collard Fredric George Male Beverley
1948/400018 Beverley Collard Fredric George Male Bennell Jean Female Beverley
1948/400019 Beverley Simmonds Amelie Nora Fabre Female Whittington Arthur James Male Brookton
1948/400019 Beverley Whittington Arthur James Male Simmonds Amelie Nora Fabre Female Brookton
1948/400020 Beverley Brown Jessie Hilda Female Curley David Donaldson Male Pingelly
1948/400020 Beverley Curley David Donaldson Male Brown Jessie Hilda Female Pingelly
1948/400021 Beverley Adamson Laurence George Male Walker Patricia Eva Female St Faith's Quairading Church
1948/400021 Beverley Walker Patricia Eva Female Adamson Laurence George Male St Faith's Quairading Church
1948/400022 Beverley Blechynden Evelyn Eunice Jessie Female Ware Alfred William Male Beverley
1948/400022 Beverley Ware Alfred William Male Blechynden Evelyn Eunice Jessie Female Beverley
1948/400023 Beverley Hine Nellie Irene Female Metcalf George Male Pingelly
1948/400023 Beverley Metcalf George Male Hine Nellie Irene Female Pingelly
1948/400024 Beverley Fleay Judith Anne Female Moulton Sydney Desmond Male Beverley
1948/400024 Beverley Moulton Sydney Desmond Male Fleay Judith Anne Female Beverley
1948/400025 Beverley O'Shea Margaret Jane Female Sheahan John Francis Male Beverley
1948/400025 Beverley Sheahan John Francis Male O'Shea Margaret Jane Female Beverley
1948/400026 Beverley Thomas Clive Patricia Female Williamson Hector Gordon Male Beverley
1948/400026 Beverley Williamson Hector Gordon Male Thomas Clive Patricia Female Beverley
1948/400027 Beverley Giles Joan Female Wilson Gilbert Eric Churchill Male Pingelly
1948/400027 Beverley Wilson Gilbert Eric Churchill Male Giles Joan Female Pingelly
1948/400028 Beverley McCloy William Wilson Male Stone Jean Maureen Female Beverley
1948/400028 Beverley Stone Jean Maureen Female McCloy William Wilson Male Beverley
1948/400029 Beverley Addenbrooke Betty Mays Female McIntyre Bruce Hugh Male Beverley
1948/400029 Beverley McIntyre Bruce Hugh Male Addenbrooke Betty Mays Female Beverley
1948/400030 Beverley Little Beryl Margaret Female Riley Keith Male Pingelly
1948/400030 Beverley Riley Keith Male Little Beryl Margaret Female Pingelly
1948/400031 Beverley Grover Louis Henry Male Thompson Lucy Joyce Female Beverley
1948/400031 Beverley Thompson Lucy Joyce Female Grover Louis Henry Male Beverley
1948/400032 Beverley Bowron Gladys Wilma Female Marsh Colin Owen Male Pingelly
1948/400032 Beverley Marsh Colin Owen Male Bowron Gladys Wilma Female Pingelly
1948/400033 Beverley Bennell Reta Female Kickett Stephen Vivian Male Pingelly
1948/400033 Beverley Kickett Stephen Vivian Male Bennell Reta Female Pingelly
1948/400034 Beverley McAuliffe Francis Thomas Male Tanner Audrey Frances Female Brookton
1948/400034 Beverley Tanner Audrey Frances Female McAuliffe Francis Thomas Male Brookton
1948/400035 Beverley Archer Keith Cecil James Male Giles Maureen Fay Female Pingelly Methodist Church
1948/400035 Beverley Giles Maureen Fay Female Archer Keith Cecil James Male Pingelly Methodist Church
1948/400036 Beverley Hewitt Barbara Female Hinkley Alan Gulnare Male Beverley
1948/400036 Beverley Hinkley Alan Gulnare Male Hewitt Barbara Female Beverley
1948/400037 Beverley Reidy William Arthur Male Wallom Louisa Veronica Female Beverley
1948/400037 Beverley Wallom Louisa Veronica Female Reidy William Arthur Male Beverley
1949/500002 Blackwood Bailey Christina Irene Female Grimes William Henry Male Manjimup
1949/500002 Blackwood Grimes William Henry Male Bailey Christina Irene Female Manjimup
1948/500004 Blackwood Allen William Male Williams Joan Female Greenbushes
1948/500004 Blackwood Williams Joan Female Allen William Male Greenbushes
1949/500005 Blackwood Morris John Male Rose Ella Greta Lytton Female Balingup
1948/500005 Blackwood Pearce Desmond James Arthur Male Reid Evelyn Stella Female Bridgetown
1948/500005 Blackwood Reid Evelyn Stella Female Pearce Desmond James Arthur Male Bridgetown
1949/500005 Blackwood Rose Ella Greta Lytton Female Morris John Male Balingup
1948/500006 Blackwood Chatley Lucy Jean Female Short David Stanley Male Walpole
1948/500006 Blackwood Short David Stanley Male Chatley Lucy Jean Female Walpole
1948/500007 Blackwood Barber Clarence Edward Male Carter Phyllis Mona Maria Female Bridgetown
1948/500007 Blackwood Carter Phyllis Mona Maria Female Barber Clarence Edward Male Bridgetown
1948/500008 Blackwood Crisp Robert Anthony Male Eggington Barbara Female Manjimup
1948/500008 Blackwood Eggington Barbara Female Crisp Robert Anthony Male Manjimup
1948/500010 Blackwood Donnelly Bernard John Male Stokes Roma Beryl Female Manjimup
1948/500010 Blackwood Stokes Roma Beryl Female Donnelly Bernard John Male Manjimup
1948/500011 Blackwood Cornwell Mollie Doreen Female Evans Norman Male Bridgetown
1948/500011 Blackwood Evans Norman Male Cornwell Mollie Doreen Female Bridgetown
1948/500014 Blackwood Chapman Patrick Egan Male Moor Enid Laureen Female Manjimup
1948/500014 Blackwood Moor Enid Laureen Female Chapman Patrick Egan Male Manjimup
1948/500015 Blackwood Armstrong Annie Elizabeth Female Burton Joseph Male Walpole
1948/500015 Blackwood Burton Joseph Male Armstrong Annie Elizabeth Female Walpole
1948/500016 Blackwood Jarvis Ernest George Male Palmer Millicent Audrey Female Balingup
1948/500016 Blackwood Palmer Millicent Audrey Female Jarvis Ernest George Male Balingup
1948/500017 Blackwood Smith Emily May Female Thomson James Male Pemberton
1948/500017 Blackwood Thomson James Male Smith Emily May Female Pemberton
1948/500018 Blackwood Fowler Norma Emily Female Muir Frank Leonard Male Manjimup
1948/500018 Blackwood Muir Frank Leonard Male Fowler Norma Emily Female Manjimup
1948/500019 Blackwood Muir Ernest Robert Male Oliver Kathleen Ada Female Manjimup
1948/500019 Blackwood Oliver Kathleen Ada Female Muir Ernest Robert Male Manjimup
1948/500020 Blackwood Paddon Joan Mary Female Waugh William Male Manjimup
1948/500020 Blackwood Waugh William Male Paddon Joan Mary Female Manjimup
1948/500021 Blackwood Giblett Jeanne Anne Female Hargrave Douglas Gordon Male Manjimup
1948/500021 Blackwood Hargrave Douglas Gordon Male Giblett Jeanne Anne Female Manjimup
1948/500022 Blackwood Crowd Eric James Male Wells Esma Maud Female Bridgetown
1948/500022 Blackwood Wells Esma Maud Female Crowd Eric James Male Bridgetown
1948/500023 Blackwood Honniball Florence Eileen Female Scott Alfred William Male Pemberton
1948/500023 Blackwood Scott Alfred William Male Honniball Florence Eileen Female Pemberton
1948/500024 Blackwood Milentis George Male Traianou Evangelitsa Female Manjimup
1948/500024 Blackwood Traianou Evangelitsa Female Milentis George Male Manjimup
1948/500025 Blackwood Hunter Annie Laurie Female Starkie Leslie Gordon Male Bridgetown
1948/500025 Blackwood Starkie Leslie Gordon Male Hunter Annie Laurie Female Bridgetown
1948/500026 Blackwood Gotsi Athina Pandeli Female Svircas Dimitrios Elias Male Bridgetown
1948/500026 Blackwood Svircas Dimitrios Elias Male Gotsi Athina Pandeli Female Bridgetown
1948/500027 Blackwood Sabine John Joseph Male Torrance Edith Mary Female Bridgetown
1948/500027 Blackwood Torrance Edith Mary Female Sabine John Joseph Male Bridgetown
1948/500028 Blackwood Hazelgrove Amy Belle Female McCulloch William Frederick Male Northcliffe
1948/500028 Blackwood McCulloch William Frederick Male Hazelgrove Amy Belle Female Northcliffe
1948/500029 Blackwood Green Betty Rae Female Ockwell Roy Lewis Male Pemberton
1948/500029 Blackwood Ockwell Roy Lewis Male Green Betty Rae Female Pemberton
1948/500030 Blackwood Longbottom Edna Merva Agnes Female Murphy William Thomas Alexander Male Nannup Methodist Church
1948/500030 Blackwood Murphy William Thomas Alexander Male Longbottom Edna Merva Agnes Female Nannup Methodist Church
1948/500031 Blackwood Milentis Methodios Male Mitiskini Marianthi Female Manjimup
1948/500031 Blackwood Mitiskini Marianthi Female Milentis Methodios Male Manjimup
1948/500032 Blackwood Rising William Arthur George Male Simpson Jean McKenzie Female Pemberton
1948/500032 Blackwood Simpson Jean McKenzie Female Rising William Arthur George Male Pemberton
1948/500033 Blackwood Lyon Edward James Male Miller Dorothy Agnes Female Nannup
1948/500033 Blackwood Miller Dorothy Agnes Female Lyon Edward James Male Nannup
1948/500034 Blackwood Daly Tomothy Kevin Male Hadwiger Mavis Esther Female Bridgetown
1948/500034 Blackwood Hadwiger Mavis Esther Female Daly Tomothy Kevin Male Bridgetown
1948/500035 Blackwood Chidgzey Shirley Francis Male Fairgrieve Lona Isobel Burnett Female Boyup Brook
1948/500035 Blackwood Fairgrieve Lona Isobel Burnett Female Chidgzey Shirley Francis Male Boyup Brook
1948/500036 Blackwood Hall Eunice Joy Female Haren James Walter Male Bridgetown
1948/500036 Blackwood Haren James Walter Male Hall Eunice Joy Female Bridgetown
1948/500037 Blackwood Savage Francis Patrick Male Stewart Lavinia Pearl Female Nannup
1948/500037 Blackwood Stewart Lavinia Pearl Female Savage Francis Patrick Male Nannup
1948/500038 Blackwood Giblett Edith May Female Main Thomas Duguid Male Manjimup
1948/500038 Blackwood Main Thomas Duguid Male Giblett Edith May Female Manjimup
1948/500039 Blackwood Smith Margaret Female Walton Keith Male Greenbushes
1948/500039 Blackwood Walton Keith Male Smith Margaret Female Greenbushes
1948/500040 Blackwood McCullagh Frederick Thornton Lindley Male Stanton Dawn Female Boyup Brook
1948/500040 Blackwood Stanton Dawn Female McCullagh Frederick Thornton Lindley Male Boyup Brook
1948/500041 Blackwood Champion Roy Williams Male Clarke Doreen Jean Female Bridgetown
1948/500041 Blackwood Clarke Doreen Jean Female Champion Roy Williams Male Bridgetown
1948/500042 Blackwood Aitken Alice May Female Felstead Edward Thomas Male Bridgetown
1948/500042 Blackwood Felstead Edward Thomas Male Aitken Alice May Female Bridgetown
1948/500043 Blackwood East Richard Frederick Gordon Male Marshall Lilian Florence Female Dingup
1948/500043 Blackwood Marshall Lilian Florence Female East Richard Frederick Gordon Male Dingup
1948/500044 Blackwood Akehurst Eva May Female Warne Ernest Henry Male Northcliffe
1948/500044 Blackwood Warne Ernest Henry Male Akehurst Eva May Female Northcliffe
1948/500045 Blackwood Benton Joan Gloria Female Sims James William Laurence Male Bridgetown
1948/500045 Blackwood Sims James William Laurence Male Benton Joan Gloria Female Bridgetown
1948/500046 Blackwood Sloan Stanley Allan Male Winch Agnes Mary Female Pemberton
1948/500046 Blackwood Winch Agnes Mary Female Sloan Stanley Allan Male Pemberton
1948/500047 Blackwood Naylor Molly Audrey Female Wheatley Harold Douglas Male Bridgetown
1948/500047 Blackwood Wheatley Harold Douglas Male Naylor Molly Audrey Female Bridgetown
1948/500048 Blackwood Mercer Margaret Frances Female Phillips Horace Male Bridgetown
1948/500048 Blackwood Phillips Horace Male Mercer Margaret Frances Female Bridgetown
1948/500049 Blackwood Baker Joan Rosina Female Young Charles Clarence Male Manjimup
1948/500049 Blackwood Young Charles Clarence Male Baker Joan Rosina Female Manjimup
1948/500050 Blackwood Johnson Ramona Female Paulson Stanley Fredrick Male Bridgetown
1948/500050 Blackwood Paulson Stanley Fredrick Male Johnson Ramona Female Bridgetown
1948/500051 Blackwood Dawson Edna Mary Mildred Female Rutherford George Ernest Male Manjimup
1948/500051 Blackwood Rutherford George Ernest Male Dawson Edna Mary Mildred Female Manjimup
1948/500052 Blackwood Donovan Olive Mervyna Female Ware Donald Roy Male Nannup
1948/500052 Blackwood Ware Donald Roy Male Donovan Olive Mervyna Female Nannup
1948/500053 Blackwood Hinson George Benjiman Male Sartori Ethel Margaret Female Nannup
1948/500053 Blackwood Sartori Ethel Margaret Female Hinson George Benjiman Male Nannup
1948/500054 Blackwood Carn Olive Jean Female Kelly Albert Vincent Male Pemberton
1948/500054 Blackwood Kelly Albert Vincent Male Carn Olive Jean Female Pemberton
1948/500055 Blackwood Henderson Margaret Elizabeth Female Paganini Charles Male Bridgetown
1948/500055 Blackwood Paganini Charles Male Henderson Margaret Elizabeth Female Bridgetown
1948/500056 Blackwood Liddelow Mary Elizabeth Female Morrison Herbert David Male Manjimup
1948/500056 Blackwood Morrison Herbert David Male Liddelow Mary Elizabeth Female Manjimup
1948/500057 Blackwood McKennay Elaine Claire Female Warner Laurence Ronald Male Manjimup
1948/500057 Blackwood Warner Laurence Ronald Male McKennay Elaine Claire Female Manjimup
1948/500058 Blackwood Crombie Margaret Lilian Female Nicol Lenard Male Manjimup
1948/500058 Blackwood Nicol Lenard Male Crombie Margaret Lilian Female Manjimup
1948/500059 Blackwood Martin John Edward Male Paddon Irene Lucy Female Manjimup
1948/500059 Blackwood Paddon Irene Lucy Female Martin John Edward Male Manjimup
1948/500060 Blackwood France Norma Joan Female Moore Roy Male Bridgetown
1948/500060 Blackwood Moore Roy Male France Norma Joan Female Bridgetown
1948/500061 Blackwood Felstead Wynifred Maud Female Thomson Alexander Male Manjimup
1948/500061 Blackwood Thomson Alexander Male Felstead Wynifred Maud Female Manjimup
1948/500062 Blackwood Daff Walter Hurtle Male Dinneen Helen Margaret Female Manjimup
1948/500062 Blackwood Dinneen Helen Margaret Female Daff Walter Hurtle Male Manjimup
1948/500063 Blackwood Barker Albert Lawrence Male Flanagan Sheila Joy Female Northcliffe
1948/500063 Blackwood Flanagan Sheila Joy Female Barker Albert Lawrence Male Northcliffe
1948/500064 Blackwood Carr Mavis Patricia Jane Female Newman Reginald Dorrien Male Bridgetown
1948/500064 Blackwood Newman Reginald Dorrien Male Carr Mavis Patricia Jane Female Bridgetown
1948/500065 Blackwood Gates Constance Lucy Female Hanrahan William Stanley Male Bridgetown
1948/500065 Blackwood Hanrahan William Stanley Male Gates Constance Lucy Female Bridgetown
1948/500066 Blackwood Cotton Margaret May Worgan Female Pitts Norman Francis Male Manjimup
1948/500066 Blackwood Pitts Norman Francis Male Cotton Margaret May Worgan Female Manjimup
1948/500067 Blackwood Smeathers Dora Mildred Joan Female Smith John David Male Manjimup
1948/500067 Blackwood Smith John David Male Smeathers Dora Mildred Joan Female Manjimup
1948/500068 Blackwood Kingston Anne Female Wellburn Robert Male Pemberton
1948/500068 Blackwood Wellburn Robert Male Kingston Anne Female Pemberton
1948/500069 Blackwood Greenham Maurice Gordon Male Mauger Joan Maud Female Balingup
1948/500069 Blackwood Mauger Joan Maud Female Greenham Maurice Gordon Male Balingup
1948/500070 Blackwood Collins Sheila Esther Female Sadler Ronald Henry Male Pemberton
1948/500070 Blackwood Sadler Ronald Henry Male Collins Sheila Esther Female Pemberton
1948/500071 Blackwood Halden Lucy May Female Sexton Kenneth William Male Bridgetown
1948/500071 Blackwood Sexton Kenneth William Male Halden Lucy May Female Bridgetown
1948/500072 Blackwood Cave Frances Mary Female Nye Herbert William Male Bridgetown
1948/500072 Blackwood Nye Herbert William Male Cave Frances Mary Female Bridgetown
1948/500073 Blackwood Harris Doris Gertrude Female Ward John William Male Bridgetown
1948/500073 Blackwood Ward John William Male Harris Doris Gertrude Female Bridgetown
1948/500074 Blackwood Loud William Alfred Male Moyes Elsie Laura Female Pemberton
1948/500074 Blackwood Moyes Elsie Laura Female Loud William Alfred Male Pemberton
1948/500075 Blackwood Taylor Donald James Male Thompson Joan Margaret Female Manjimup
1948/500075 Blackwood Thompson Joan Margaret Female Taylor Donald James Male Manjimup
1948/500076 Blackwood Hughes Kenneth Sidney Male Richards Shirley Ellen Female Manjimup
1948/500076 Blackwood Richards Shirley Ellen Female Hughes Kenneth Sidney Male Manjimup
1948/500077 Blackwood Brockman Douglas Vernon Male Thomson Elizabeth Russel Female Bridgetown
1948/500077 Blackwood Thomson Elizabeth Russel Female Brockman Douglas Vernon Male Bridgetown
1948/500078 Blackwood Guy Leslie Arthur Male Wilkins Joan May Female Bridgetown
1948/500078 Blackwood Wilkins Joan May Female Guy Leslie Arthur Male Bridgetown
1948/500079 Blackwood Braddock Elsie Florence Female Poole Jack Male Bridgetown
1948/500079 Blackwood Poole Jack Male Braddock Elsie Florence Female Bridgetown
1948/500080 Blackwood Davies Margaret Elizabeth Female Young Frank Allan Male Manjimup
1948/500080 Blackwood Young Frank Allan Male Davies Margaret Elizabeth Female Manjimup
1948/500081 Blackwood Brotherston Beryl Pamela June Female King Desmond Jack Male Bridgetown
1948/500081 Blackwood King Desmond Jack Male Brotherston Beryl Pamela June Female Bridgetown
1948/500082 Blackwood Dickinson George Male Johnston Mavis Andrey Female Bridgetown
1948/500082 Blackwood Johnston Mavis Andrey Female Dickinson George Male Bridgetown
1948/500083 Blackwood Comenos John Constantine Male Douglass Cecilia Harriett Female Bridgetown
1948/500083 Blackwood Douglass Cecilia Harriett Female Comenos John Constantine Male Bridgetown
1948/500084 Blackwood Chambers George Henry Male Stanyer Irene Loretta June Female Manjimup
1948/500084 Blackwood Stanyer Irene Loretta June Female Chambers George Henry Male Manjimup
1948/500085 Blackwood Tomlinson Alma Edith Female Wells Geoffrey Arthur Male Manjimup
1948/500085 Blackwood Wells Geoffrey Arthur Male Tomlinson Alma Edith Female Manjimup
1948/500086 Blackwood Abbotts Joyce Elizabeth Female Edgar Ronald Piper Male Bridgetown
1948/500086 Blackwood Edgar Ronald Piper Male Abbotts Joyce Elizabeth Female Bridgetown
1948/500087 Blackwood Evans Elsie Gladys Female Scott Richard Arthur Male Bridgetown
1948/500087 Blackwood Scott Richard Arthur Male Evans Elsie Gladys Female Bridgetown
1948/500088 Blackwood Machin Joycelyn Sylvia Female Waller Joseph Maxwell Male Bridgetown
1948/500088 Blackwood Waller Joseph Maxwell Male Machin Joycelyn Sylvia Female Bridgetown
1948/500089 Blackwood Fry Elizabeth Female Roberts Arnold William Male Bridgetown
1948/500089 Blackwood Roberts Arnold William Male Fry Elizabeth Female Bridgetown
1948/500090 Blackwood Elliott Desmond James Male Loud Ada Jane Ellen Female Pemberton
1948/500090 Blackwood Loud Ada Jane Ellen Female Elliott Desmond James Male Pemberton
1948/500091 Blackwood Betsworth Sydney Thomas Male Steele Ilene Bessie Myrle Female Northcliffe
1948/500091 Blackwood Steele Ilene Bessie Myrle Female Betsworth Sydney Thomas Male Northcliffe
1948/500092 Blackwood Cotton Robert Worgan Male O'Neill Freda May Female Manjimup
1948/500092 Blackwood O'Neill Freda May Female Cotton Robert Worgan Male Manjimup
1948/500093 Blackwood Battilana Patricia Mary Female Liddelow Clive Leslie Male Manjimup
1948/500093 Blackwood Liddelow Clive Leslie Male Battilana Patricia Mary Female Manjimup
1948/500094 Blackwood Anderson Robert Charles Male Miles Edith Female Manjimup
1948/500094 Blackwood Miles Edith Female Anderson Robert Charles Male Manjimup
1948/500095 Blackwood Kingswood Veronica Pearl Female Sanford James Vivian Male Bridgetown
1948/500095 Blackwood Sanford James Vivian Male Kingswood Veronica Pearl Female Bridgetown
1948/500096 Blackwood James Nicholas Keith Male Jowett Lesley Hazel Female Manjimup
1948/500096 Blackwood Jowett Lesley Hazel Female James Nicholas Keith Male Manjimup
1948/500097 Blackwood Hewett Marjorie Joan Female Hood Stanley William Male Northcliffe
1948/500097 Blackwood Hood Stanley William Male Hewett Marjorie Joan Female Northcliffe
1948/500098 Blackwood Sattell Percy Robert Male Tuckey Gladys Jean Female Bridgetown
1948/500098 Blackwood Tuckey Gladys Jean Female Sattell Percy Robert Male Bridgetown
1948/500099 Blackwood Buss Elsie May Female Robertson Colin Male Bridgetown
1948/500099 Blackwood Robertson Colin Male Buss Elsie May Female Bridgetown
1948/700001 Boulder Baker Albert Darcy Male Olsson Beryl Joan Female Boulder
1948/700001 Boulder Olsson Beryl Joan Female Baker Albert Darcy Male Boulder
1948/700002 Boulder Oates Brian Knight Male Sharpe Bethel Laura Myrtle Female Boulder
1948/700002 Boulder Sharpe Bethel Laura Myrtle Female Oates Brian Knight Male Boulder
1948/700003 Boulder Edwards Doris Blanche Female Fitch Charles John Male Boulder
1948/700003 Boulder Fitch Charles John Male Edwards Doris Blanche Female Boulder
1948/700004 Boulder Ball Alan Arthur Male Bodinner Kathleen Constance Female Boulder
1948/700004 Boulder Bodinner Kathleen Constance Female Ball Alan Arthur Male Boulder
1948/700005 Boulder Duplex Laurie Roy Male Strother Nellie May Female Boulder
1948/700005 Boulder Strother Nellie May Female Duplex Laurie Roy Male Boulder
1948/700006 Boulder Donatti Aramando Stephen Male Quadrio Josephine Domenica Female Boulder
1948/700006 Boulder Quadrio Josephine Domenica Female Donatti Aramando Stephen Male Boulder
1948/700007 Boulder Murphy William George Male Walsh Mary Grace Female Boulder
1948/700007 Boulder Walsh Mary Grace Female Murphy William George Male Boulder
1948/700009 Boulder Carlsen Hazel Ellen Female Mitchell Stanley Bernard Male Boulder
1948/700009 Boulder Mitchell Stanley Bernard Male Carlsen Hazel Ellen Female Boulder
1948/700010 Boulder Bermingham Margaret Joan Female Winner Edgar George Male Boulder
1948/700010 Boulder Winner Edgar George Male Bermingham Margaret Joan Female Boulder
1948/700011 Boulder Ace Gwendoline Dorothy Female Watson Alexander Fraser Male Boulder
1948/700011 Boulder Watson Alexander Fraser Male Ace Gwendoline Dorothy Female Boulder
1948/700012 Boulder Steinhauser Arthur Frederick Male Williams Bessie Clarke Female Boulder
1948/700012 Boulder Williams Bessie Clarke Female Steinhauser Arthur Frederick Male Boulder
1948/700013 Boulder Hammer Norma Jean Female Pegler Alwynne Vernon Male Boulder
1948/700013 Boulder Pegler Alwynne Vernon Male Hammer Norma Jean Female Boulder
1948/700014 Boulder Grose Bertha Clyde Female Hudson Thomas Male Boulder
1948/700014 Boulder Hudson Thomas Male Grose Bertha Clyde Female Boulder
1948/700015 Boulder Green Merle Ena Patricia Female Herbert John Male Boulder
1948/700015 Boulder Herbert John Male Green Merle Ena Patricia Female Boulder
1948/700016 Boulder Collins Margaret Sutherland Female Meadows John Richard Male Boulder
1948/700016 Boulder Meadows John Richard Male Collins Margaret Sutherland Female Boulder
1948/700017 Boulder Moderana Roma Female Purdue Leslie Charles Male Boulder
1948/700017 Boulder Purdue Leslie Charles Male Moderana Roma Female Boulder
1948/700018 Boulder Moyle Harold Leonard Male Wilson Grace Priscilla Female Boulder
1948/700018 Boulder Wilson Grace Priscilla Female Moyle Harold Leonard Male Boulder
1948/700019 Boulder Darcey Leslie Joseph Male Shillinglaw Jessie Parkes Female Boulder Presbyterian Church
1948/700019 Boulder Shillinglaw Jessie Parkes Female Darcey Leslie Joseph Male Boulder Presbyterian Church
1948/700020 Boulder Bennetts Ruth Female Carroll Stanley John Male Boulder
1948/700020 Boulder Carroll Stanley John Male Bennetts Ruth Female Boulder
1948/700021 Boulder Cunneen Margaret Aileen Female Farrington Douglas Charles Henry Male Boulder
1948/700021 Boulder Farrington Douglas Charles Henry Male Cunneen Margaret Aileen Female Boulder
1948/700022 Boulder Wilson Leah Anne Female Wood John Male Boulder
1948/700022 Boulder Wood John Male Wilson Leah Anne Female Boulder
1948/700023 Boulder Bisset Leslie David Male Young Dorothy Rose Female Boulder
1948/700023 Boulder Young Dorothy Rose Female Bisset Leslie David Male Boulder
1948/700024 Boulder Green Shirley Joyce Female Woods Donald Clement Male Boulder Presbyterian Church
1948/700024 Boulder Woods Donald Clement Male Green Shirley Joyce Female Boulder Presbyterian Church
1948/700025 Boulder Alexander Peter Male Tillett Shirley Joyce Female Boulder
1948/700025 Boulder Tillett Shirley Joyce Female Alexander Peter Male Boulder
1948/700026 Boulder Reddie Desmond James Male Weary Bethel Dawn Female Boulder
1948/700026 Boulder Weary Bethel Dawn Female Reddie Desmond James Male Boulder
1948/700027 Boulder Guyatt Frederick James Male Joyce Clare Elizabeth Female Boulder
1948/700027 Boulder Joyce Clare Elizabeth Female Guyatt Frederick James Male Boulder
1948/700028 Boulder Hammer Laurel Edith Female Hammond Langley William Barrington Male Boulder
1948/700028 Boulder Hammond Langley William Barrington Male Hammer Laurel Edith Female Boulder
1948/700029 Boulder Hubbard Vera May Female Riseberry Ernest Victor Male Boulder
1948/700029 Boulder Riseberry Ernest Victor Male Hubbard Vera May Female Boulder
1948/700030 Boulder Gooding Walter Frances Male Hughes Kathleen Adella Female Boulder Presbyterian Church
1948/700030 Boulder Hughes Kathleen Adella Female Gooding Walter Frances Male Boulder Presbyterian Church
1948/700031 Boulder Cleasby Norma Jean Female Dixon William Male West Australia
1948/700031 Boulder Dixon William Male Cleasby Norma Jean Female West Australia
1948/700032 Boulder Hodson Joseph Henry Male Lancaster Margaret Joan Female Boulder
1948/700032 Boulder Lancaster Margaret Joan Female Hodson Joseph Henry Male Boulder
1948/700033 Boulder Bowler Grace Doreen Female Calneggia Albert Male Boulder
1948/700033 Boulder Calneggia Albert Male Bowler Grace Doreen Female Boulder
1948/700034 Boulder Holt Doreen Ivy Female McNamara Francis Martin Male Boulder
1948/700034 Boulder McNamara Francis Martin Male Holt Doreen Ivy Female Boulder
1948/700035 Boulder Hartnup Eileen May Female Tindall Henry Male Boulder
1948/700035 Boulder Tindall Henry Male Hartnup Eileen May Female Boulder
1948/700036 Boulder Kenworthy Robert Joseph Male Kenyon Barbara Ruth Female Boulder
1948/700036 Boulder Kenyon Barbara Ruth Female Kenworthy Robert Joseph Male Boulder
1948/700037 Boulder Manning Thomas Sarre Male Sheppard Emily Elsie Female Boulder
1948/700037 Boulder Sheppard Emily Elsie Female Manning Thomas Sarre Male Boulder
1948/700038 Boulder Harvey Phyllis Rona Female White Alan Arthur Male Boulder
1948/700038 Boulder White Alan Arthur Male Harvey Phyllis Rona Female Boulder
1948/700039 Boulder Auger Stanley John Male Gardner Annie Female Boulder
1948/700039 Boulder Gardner Annie Female Auger Stanley John Male Boulder
1948/700040 Boulder Fissioli Nathaniel Male Newton Shirley Ruth Female Boulder
1948/700040 Boulder Newton Shirley Ruth Female Fissioli Nathaniel Male Boulder
1948/700041 Boulder Moriarty Vilma Rose Female Roberts Ronald James Male West Australia
1948/700041 Boulder Roberts Ronald James Male Moriarty Vilma Rose Female West Australia
1948/700042 Boulder Castle Gordon Robert Male Hanna Edna Jean Female Boulder
1948/700042 Boulder Hanna Edna Jean Female Castle Gordon Robert Male Boulder
1948/700043 Boulder Due Audrey Mavis Female Pickering Leonard Thomas Male Boulder
1948/700043 Boulder Pickering Leonard Thomas Male Due Audrey Mavis Female Boulder
1948/700044 Boulder Battams Harry Male Smith Edith Muriel Female Boulder
1948/700044 Boulder Smith Edith Muriel Female Battams Harry Male Boulder
1948/700045 Boulder Ayoub Mary Kathleen Female Olsson Roy Harry Male Boulder
1948/700045 Boulder Olsson Roy Harry Male Ayoub Mary Kathleen Female Boulder
1948/700046 Boulder Miosich Milenko Male Pervan Matiya May Female Boulder
1948/700046 Boulder Pervan Matiya May Female Miosich Milenko Male Boulder
1948/700047 Boulder Byrne Robert James Male Freap Evelyn Iris June Female Boulder
1948/700047 Boulder Freap Evelyn Iris June Female Byrne Robert James Male Boulder
1949/1100001 Broome Rahman Una Female Salawatoe Lamado Male Broome
1949/1100001 Broome Salawatoe Lamado Male Rahman Una Female Broome
1949/1100002 Broome bin Salleh Ali Male Rahman Victorina Female Broome
1949/1100002 Broome Rahman Victorina Female bin Salleh Ali Male Broome
1948/1100003 Broome Burns Wynne Agnes Female Harvey Arthur Alfred Male Broome
1948/1100003 Broome Harvey Arthur Alfred Male Burns Wynne Agnes Female Broome
1948/1100004 Broome Bayley Dorothea Desiree Female Wainwright Charles John Thomas Male Broome
1949/1100004 Broome Manyan Charlie Male Uda Dora Female Beagle Bay Mission
1949/1100004 Broome Uda Dora Female Manyan Charlie Male Beagle Bay Mission
1948/1100004 Broome Wainwright Charles John Thomas Male Bayley Dorothea Desiree Female Broome
1948/1100005 Broome Bin Mustapa Paiman Male Clayton Betty Noela Doreen Female Broome
1948/1100005 Broome Clayton Betty Noela Doreen Female Bin Mustapa Paiman Male Broome
1948/1100006 Broome Chi James Minero Male Puertollano Mary Bernardine Female Broome
1948/1100006 Broome Puertollano Mary Bernardine Female Chi James Minero Male Broome
1948/1100007 Broome Patterson George William Male Wilkinson Norah Margaret Female Broome
1948/1100007 Broome Wilkinson Norah Margaret Female Patterson George William Male Broome
1948/1100008 Broome Jacoora - Female Thundermuni - Male Broome
1948/1100008 Broome Thundermuni - Male Jacoora - Female Broome
1948/1100009 Broome McKenzie Henry William Male Rally Mary Female Broome
1948/1100009 Broome Rally Mary Female McKenzie Henry William Male Broome
1948/1100010 Broome Clifton Agnes Theresa Female Martin Martin Albert Male Broome
1948/1100010 Broome Martin Martin Albert Male Clifton Agnes Theresa Female Broome
1948/1100011 Broome Charlie May Josephine Female Killawalli James Male Beagle Bay Mission
1948/1100011 Broome Charlie May Josephine Female Smiler James Male Beagle Bay Mission
1948/1100011 Broome Gunduluburu May Josephine Female Killawalli James Male Beagle Bay Mission
1948/1100011 Broome Gunduluburu May Josephine Female Smiler James Male Beagle Bay Mission
1948/1100011 Broome Killawalli James Male Charlie May Josephine Female Beagle Bay Mission
1948/1100011 Broome Killawalli James Male Gunduluburu May Josephine Female Beagle Bay Mission
1948/1100011 Broome Smiler James Male Charlie May Josephine Female Beagle Bay Mission
1948/1100011 Broome Smiler James Male Gunduluburu May Josephine Female Beagle Bay Mission
1948/1100012 Broome Anggao Billy Male Ranggoo Anastasia Maudie Female Broome
1948/1100012 Broome Ranggoo Anastasia Maudie Female Anggao Billy Male Broome
1948/1100013 Broome Morgan Thelma Margaret Female Rymer John Peter Lewis Male Broome
1948/1100013 Broome Rymer John Peter Lewis Male Morgan Thelma Margaret Female Broome
1948/1100014 Broome McKenzie Donald Keith Male Thomas Pauline Esther Female Broome
1948/1100014 Broome Thomas Pauline Esther Female McKenzie Donald Keith Male Broome
1948/1100015 Broome Bondoonger Bonnie Male Manoung Martha Female Lombadina
1948/1100015 Broome Manoung Martha Female Bondoonger Bonnie Male Lombadina
1948/1100016 Broome Goombar Fanny Female Rooba Lawrence Male Beagle Bay Mission
1948/1100016 Broome Rooba Lawrence Male Goombar Fanny Female Beagle Bay Mission
1949/1200001 Bruce Rock Carpenter Ivy Myrtle Female Knowles Eric Oliver Male Bruce Rock
1948/1200001 Bruce Rock Crombie Douglas Lennie Male Websdale Dorothy Lillian Female Bruce Rock
1949/1200001 Bruce Rock Knowles Eric Oliver Male Carpenter Ivy Myrtle Female Bruce Rock
1948/1200001 Bruce Rock Websdale Dorothy Lillian Female Crombie Douglas Lennie Male Bruce Rock
1948/1200002 Bruce Rock Gordon Merle Jean Female Hebberman Maurice Male Bruce Rock
1948/1200002 Bruce Rock Hebberman Maurice Male Gordon Merle Jean Female Bruce Rock
1948/1200003 Bruce Rock de Gruchy Walter James Male George Patricia Female Bendering Hall
1948/1200003 Bruce Rock George Patricia Female de Gruchy Walter James Male Bendering Hall
1948/1200004 Bruce Rock Gayfer Harry Walter Male Hewett Alice Mary Female Corrigin
1948/1200004 Bruce Rock Hewett Alice Mary Female Gayfer Harry Walter Male Corrigin
1948/1200005 Bruce Rock Dayman Jack Stanley Male Smith Mabel Joyce Female Narembeen
1948/1200005 Bruce Rock Smith Mabel Joyce Female Dayman Jack Stanley Male Narembeen
1948/1200006 Bruce Rock Bristow Merle Female Robinson Geoffrey Seymour Male Bruce Rock
1948/1200006 Bruce Rock Robinson Geoffrey Seymour Male Bristow Merle Female Bruce Rock
1948/1200007 Bruce Rock Quinn Douglas Harold Male Taylor Daisy Linda Female Bruce Rock
1948/1200007 Bruce Rock Taylor Daisy Linda Female Quinn Douglas Harold Male Bruce Rock
1948/1200008 Bruce Rock Bristow Kenneth Male Clark Clarice May Female Bruce Rock
1948/1200008 Bruce Rock Clark Clarice May Female Bristow Kenneth Male Bruce Rock
1948/1200009 Bruce Rock Lardi Victor Male McCarthy Bonnie Patricia Female Bruce Rock
1948/1200009 Bruce Rock McCarthy Bonnie Patricia Female Lardi Victor Male Bruce Rock
1948/1200010 Bruce Rock Giesé Stanley Arthur Male West Jacqueline Female Kondinin
1948/1200010 Bruce Rock West Jacqueline Female Giesé Stanley Arthur Male Kondinin
1948/1200011 Bruce Rock Bristow Jean Female Hope-Hume Hugh Gladstone Male Narembeen
1948/1200011 Bruce Rock Hope-Hume Hugh Gladstone Male Bristow Jean Female Narembeen
1948/1200012 Bruce Rock Collard Byron Male Morris Elsie May Female Kondinin
1948/1200012 Bruce Rock Morris Elsie May Female Collard Byron Male Kondinin
1948/1200013 Bruce Rock Dodds Rita Female Wignell Alban Leslie Male Kondinin
1948/1200013 Bruce Rock Wignell Alban Leslie Male Dodds Rita Female Kondinin
1948/1200014 Bruce Rock Old Ethel Mary Female Tucknott William Henry Male Narembeen
1948/1200014 Bruce Rock Tucknott William Henry Male Old Ethel Mary Female Narembeen
1948/1200015 Bruce Rock Linto Leslie Reginald Male Trestrail Glenys Lyall Female Corrigin
1948/1200015 Bruce Rock Trestrail Glenys Lyall Female Linto Leslie Reginald Male Corrigin
1948/1200016 Bruce Rock Ledwith John James Male Mullan Gloria Josephine Female Dudinin
1948/1200016 Bruce Rock Mullan Gloria Josephine Female Ledwith John James Male Dudinin
1948/1200017 Bruce Rock Bodger Leslie John Male Smith Daisy Edith Amy Female Corrigin
1948/1200017 Bruce Rock Smith Daisy Edith Amy Female Bodger Leslie John Male Corrigin
1948/1200018 Bruce Rock Osborn Shirley Lesley Female Ryan Patrick Joseph Male Bruce Rock
1948/1200018 Bruce Rock Ryan Patrick Joseph Male Osborn Shirley Lesley Female Bruce Rock
1948/1200019 Bruce Rock Lewis Gordon James Arthur Male West Patricia Margaret Female Kondinin
1948/1200019 Bruce Rock West Patricia Margaret Female Lewis Gordon James Arthur Male Kondinin
1948/1200020 Bruce Rock Mullane Shirley Hellen Female Smith Charles Reid Male Bruce Rock
1948/1200020 Bruce Rock Smith Charles Reid Male Mullane Shirley Hellen Female Bruce Rock
1948/1200021 Bruce Rock Llewellyn William Desmond Rogers Male Nuttman Bernice Ruth Female Bruce Rock
1948/1200021 Bruce Rock Nuttman Bernice Ruth Female Llewellyn William Desmond Rogers Male Bruce Rock
1948/1200022 Bruce Rock Kelly John Lewis Male Scadding Freda Millicent Female Kulin
1948/1200022 Bruce Rock Scadding Freda Millicent Female Kelly John Lewis Male Kulin
1948/1200023 Bruce Rock Browning Richard John Male Schilling Shirley Doris Female Narembeen
1948/1200023 Bruce Rock Schilling Shirley Doris Female Browning Richard John Male Narembeen
1948/1200024 Bruce Rock French Hazel Joyce Female Toovey Michael Burnett Male Narembeen
1948/1200024 Bruce Rock Toovey Michael Burnett Male French Hazel Joyce Female Narembeen
1949/1400001 Canning Bateman Violet Agnes Female Jones Leslie Herbert Male Queen's Park
1949/1400001 Canning Jones Leslie Herbert Male Bateman Violet Agnes Female Queen's Park
1949/1400002 Canning Groves Betty June Female Sue Jackie Wong Male Kelmscott
1949/1400002 Canning Sue Jackie Wong Male Groves Betty June Female Kelmscott
1948/1400004 Canning Dow Jean Gwendoline Innes Female Jubbs Leslie Ronald Male Armadale
1948/1400004 Canning Jubbs Leslie Ronald Male Dow Jean Gwendoline Innes Female Armadale
1948/1400005 Canning Sporer Gertrude Marie Female Wood Aloysius Aubrey Male Kalamunda
1948/1400005 Canning Wood Aloysius Aubrey Male Sporer Gertrude Marie Female Kalamunda
1948/1400006 Canning O'Reilly Ena Mary Female Smith Raymond Leslie Male Armadale
1948/1400006 Canning Smith Raymond Leslie Male O'Reilly Ena Mary Female Armadale
1948/1400007 Canning Drewett Kathleen Nell Female Pope Reginald Male Kalamunda
1948/1400007 Canning Pope Reginald Male Drewett Kathleen Nell Female Kalamunda
1948/1400008 Canning Longo Rosa Maria Female Paparo Ilario Male Lesmurdie
1948/1400008 Canning Paparo Ilario Male Longo Rosa Maria Female Lesmurdie
1948/1400009 Canning Buckingham Kathleen Female Scott Bruce Campbell Male Kelmscott
1948/1400009 Canning Scott Bruce Campbell Male Buckingham Kathleen Female Kelmscott
1948/1400010 Canning Ballardie Hilda May Female Vass Thomas King Male Cannington
1948/1400010 Canning Vass Thomas King Male Ballardie Hilda May Female Cannington
1948/1400011 Canning Duff Alice Female Mathews Samuel James Male Cannington
1948/1400011 Canning Mathews Samuel James Male Duff Alice Female Cannington
1948/1400012 Canning Lee Daphne May Female Powell Milton Lorence Male W Aust
1948/1400012 Canning Powell Milton Lorence Male Lee Daphne May Female W Aust
1948/1400013 Canning Mitchell Nina Winifred Female Street Allen Oliver Male Kalamunda
1948/1400013 Canning Street Allen Oliver Male Mitchell Nina Winifred Female Kalamunda
1948/1400014 Canning Roberts Allen Herbert Male Thirley Mildred Collen Female Queen's Park
1948/1400014 Canning Thirley Mildred Collen Female Roberts Allen Herbert Male Queen's Park
1948/1400015 Canning Ashby Fay Female Deverell David Male Maddington
1948/1400015 Canning Deverell David Male Ashby Fay Female Maddington
1948/1400016 Canning Bradshaw Gordon Lewis Male Tower Ruth Flora Female Queen's Park
1948/1400016 Canning Tower Ruth Flora Female Bradshaw Gordon Lewis Male Queen's Park
1948/1400017 Canning Graham Edward Francis Male Joyce Thelma May Female Cannington
1948/1400017 Canning Joyce Thelma May Female Graham Edward Francis Male Cannington
1948/1400018 Canning Collett Magdaleen Gladys Female Stewart Reginald Harry Male Cannington
1948/1400018 Canning Stewart Reginald Harry Male Collett Magdaleen Gladys Female Cannington
1948/1400019 Canning Doyle Frances Female Kirke Hugh Donald Male Cannington
1948/1400019 Canning Kirke Hugh Donald Male Doyle Frances Female Cannington
1948/1400020 Canning Dartnall Noel Ernest Male Dowell Dorothy Jane Female Cannington
1948/1400020 Canning Dowell Dorothy Jane Female Dartnall Noel Ernest Male Cannington
1948/1400021 Canning Cassidy Francis Emmett Male Woolley Frances Mary Female Queen's Park
1948/1400021 Canning Woolley Frances Mary Female Cassidy Francis Emmett Male Queen's Park
1948/1400022 Canning Sacristani Eleaza Female Wundenberg Kenneth Rudolph Male Queen's Park
1948/1400022 Canning Wundenberg Kenneth Rudolph Male Sacristani Eleaza Female Queen's Park
1948/1400023 Canning Haley Vera Eva Female Lymn Gordon Male Maddington
1948/1400023 Canning Lymn Gordon Male Haley Vera Eva Female Maddington
1948/1400024 Canning Bowden Violet May Female Roberts John Norman Male Armadale
1948/1400024 Canning Roberts John Norman Male Bowden Violet May Female Armadale
1948/1400025 Canning Green Arthur Errol Male Lannam Valarie Joy Female Armadale
1948/1400025 Canning Lannam Valarie Joy Female Green Arthur Errol Male Armadale
1948/1400026 Canning Donovan Marjorie Rose Female Fowler Norman Henry Napier Male Cannington
1948/1400026 Canning Fowler Norman Henry Napier Male Donovan Marjorie Rose Female Cannington
1948/1400027 Canning Leggett William Read Male Mitchell Ethel Anne Female Cannington
1948/1400027 Canning Mitchell Ethel Anne Female Leggett William Read Male Cannington
1948/1400028 Canning Macrow Donald Keith Male Shannon Patricia Mona Female Cannington
1948/1400028 Canning Shannon Patricia Mona Female Macrow Donald Keith Male Cannington
1948/1400029 Canning Bennetts George Male Cossens Maude Elizabeth Female Cannington
1948/1400029 Canning Cossens Maude Elizabeth Female Bennetts George Male Cannington
1948/1400030 Canning Allen Shirley Isla Female Igglesden Reginald Hartwell Male Armadale
1948/1400030 Canning Igglesden Reginald Hartwell Male Allen Shirley Isla Female Armadale
1948/1400031 Canning Livingston Elaine Ellen Female Timperley Cecil Ford Male Cannington
1948/1400031 Canning Timperley Cecil Ford Male Livingston Elaine Ellen Female Cannington
1948/1400032 Canning Osborne Sheila Hilary Female Wenham Edward Male Queen's Park
1948/1400032 Canning Wenham Edward Male Osborne Sheila Hilary Female Queen's Park
1948/1400033 Canning Mathews James Michael Male Morcombe Alma Dorothea Female Armadale
1948/1400033 Canning Morcombe Alma Dorothea Female Mathews James Michael Male Armadale
1948/1400034 Canning Luck Veronica Ellen Female Treasure Allan Stourton Male Cannington
1948/1400034 Canning Treasure Allan Stourton Male Luck Veronica Ellen Female Cannington
1948/1400035 Canning Low Vida Faith Female Maunder Arthur Stanley Male Armadale
1948/1400035 Canning Maunder Arthur Stanley Male Low Vida Faith Female Armadale
1948/1400036 Canning Leonard Cyril Norman Male Powell Constance Female Armadale
1948/1400036 Canning Powell Constance Female Leonard Cyril Norman Male Armadale
1948/1400037 Canning Davies Helen Josephine Female Dickson George Male Kenwick
1948/1400037 Canning Dickson George Male Davies Helen Josephine Female Kenwick
1948/1400038 Canning Charlton Peggy Female Spencer Edward Harvey Male W Aust
1948/1400038 Canning Spencer Edward Harvey Male Charlton Peggy Female W Aust
1948/1400039 Canning Hickey Noreen May Female Hill Ronald William Male Cannington
1948/1400039 Canning Hill Ronald William Male Hickey Noreen May Female Cannington
1948/1400040 Canning Scala Norman Edward Male Walker Beryl Jean Female Cannington
1948/1400040 Canning Walker Beryl Jean Female Scala Norman Edward Male Cannington
1948/1400041 Canning Knott Haviland Goldsack Male Reeve Phyllis Kyffin Female Cannington
1948/1400041 Canning Reeve Phyllis Kyffin Female Knott Haviland Goldsack Male Cannington
1948/1400042 Canning Browne Tom Askin Male Wilkins Evelyn Nora Female Maddington
1948/1400042 Canning Wilkins Evelyn Nora Female Browne Tom Askin Male Maddington
1948/1400043 Canning Hamon Haydn John Male Spalding Olive Mary Female Armadale Congregational Church
1948/1400043 Canning Spalding Olive Mary Female Hamon Haydn John Male Armadale Congregational Church
1948/1400044 Canning Shearing Arthur John Israel Male Symes Jean Freda Female Armadale
1948/1400044 Canning Symes Jean Freda Female Shearing Arthur John Israel Male Armadale
1948/1400045 Canning De Grieve Thaddeus Male Mackin Eileen Margaret Female Gosnells St Minchins Church
1948/1400045 Canning Mackin Eileen Margaret Female De Grieve Thaddeus Male Gosnells St Minchins Church
1948/1400046 Canning Hagel Eileen Mary Female Liddington Leslie Arthur John Male Queen's Park
1948/1400046 Canning Liddington Leslie Arthur John Male Hagel Eileen Mary Female Queen's Park
1948/1400047 Canning Kelly Clare Jane Female Vose Aubrey Leonard Milton Male Cannington
1948/1400047 Canning Vose Aubrey Leonard Milton Male Kelly Clare Jane Female Cannington
1948/1400048 Canning Tondut Lavinia Female Walker Frank Male Cannington
1948/1400048 Canning Walker Frank Male Tondut Lavinia Female Cannington
1948/1400049 Canning Mills Thomas Alfred Edward Male Stevens Olive Francis Female Cannington
1948/1400049 Canning Stevens Olive Francis Female Mills Thomas Alfred Edward Male Cannington
1948/1400050 Canning Philip Elizabeth Mary Female Wilson Alfred Edward Male Kalamunda
1948/1400050 Canning Wilson Alfred Edward Male Philip Elizabeth Mary Female Kalamunda
1948/1400051 Canning Haley June Margaret Female Nicholls Rex Samuel Houlton Male Maddington
1948/1400051 Canning Nicholls Rex Samuel Houlton Male Haley June Margaret Female Maddington
1948/1400052 Canning Bell June Margaret Female Geary William Stewart Male Armadale St Francis Xaviers Church
1948/1400052 Canning Geary William Stewart Male Bell June Margaret Female Armadale St Francis Xaviers Church
1948/1400053 Canning Martin Greta Female Thompson Donald James Male Kelmscott
1948/1400053 Canning Thompson Donald James Male Martin Greta Female Kelmscott
1948/1400054 Canning Pierce Dorothy Edith Female Wilkins Robert George Male Cannington
1948/1400054 Canning Wilkins Robert George Male Pierce Dorothy Edith Female Cannington
1948/1400055 Canning Harwood Brian John Male Thomas Millicent Helen Female Cannington
1948/1400055 Canning Thomas Millicent Helen Female Harwood Brian John Male Cannington
1948/1400056 Canning Martin Edna Female Parkin George Victor Male Kelmscott
1948/1400056 Canning Parkin George Victor Male Martin Edna Female Kelmscott
1948/1400057 Canning Briggs Anham Male Curnow Eveline Maud Female Armadale Congregational Church
1948/1400057 Canning Curnow Eveline Maud Female Briggs Anham Male Armadale Congregational Church
1948/1400058 Canning Fimognari Salvatori Antonio Male Macri Antonietta Female Queen's Park
1948/1400058 Canning Macri Antonietta Female Fimognari Salvatori Antonio Male Queen's Park
1948/1400059 Canning Hutchinson Eva Grace Female O'Connor John Joseph Male Queen's Park
1948/1400059 Canning O'Connor John Joseph Male Hutchinson Eva Grace Female Queen's Park
1948/1400060 Canning Briggs Shirley Helen Female Dodd Clarence Edwin Male Armadale
1948/1400060 Canning Dodd Clarence Edwin Male Briggs Shirley Helen Female Armadale
1948/1400061 Canning Mayes Kenneth McLeod Male Ware Helen Mabel Female Queen's Park
1948/1400061 Canning Ware Helen Mabel Female Mayes Kenneth McLeod Male Queen's Park
1948/1400062 Canning Follett George Douglas Male Grimes Margaret Money Female Cannington
1948/1400062 Canning Grimes Margaret Money Female Follett George Douglas Male Cannington
1948/1400063 Canning Newman Marjorie Hester Jean Female Stirk Edward James Male Kalamunda
1948/1400063 Canning Stirk Edward James Male Newman Marjorie Hester Jean Female Kalamunda
1948/1800001 East Coolgardie Bennet Sydney George Male Cartledge Mavis Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800001 East Coolgardie Cartledge Mavis Female Bennet Sydney George Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800002 East Coolgardie Gellard Leonard Hilton Male Harris Dorothy Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800002 East Coolgardie Harris Dorothy Female Gellard Leonard Hilton Male Kalgoorlie
1949/1800002 East Coolgardie Lupton Jean May Female Smith Allan Male Kalgoorlie
1949/1800002 East Coolgardie Smith Allan Male Lupton Jean May Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800003 East Coolgardie Hoskin Neil William Male Pringle Winifred Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800003 East Coolgardie Pringle Winifred Mary Female Hoskin Neil William Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800004 East Coolgardie Muffatti Dorothy May Female Rundle Percival Roy Male West Australia
1948/1800004 East Coolgardie Rundle Percival Roy Male Muffatti Dorothy May Female West Australia
1948/1800009 East Coolgardie Freckelton Albert Male Pember Alice Joyce Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800009 East Coolgardie Pember Alice Joyce Female Freckelton Albert Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800010 East Coolgardie Lavars Dorothy May Female Wills Arthur Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800010 East Coolgardie Wills Arthur Edward Male Lavars Dorothy May Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800011 East Coolgardie Ashe Charles Brian Male Wray Thela June Female West Australia
1948/1800011 East Coolgardie Wray Thela June Female Ashe Charles Brian Male West Australia
1948/1800012 East Coolgardie Bassett Mervyn Joseph Male Eade Beryl Edna Female West Australia
1948/1800012 East Coolgardie Eade Beryl Edna Female Bassett Mervyn Joseph Male West Australia
1948/1800013 East Coolgardie Elvin Yvonne Female Pinch Raymond Lionel Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800013 East Coolgardie Pinch Raymond Lionel Male Elvin Yvonne Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800014 East Coolgardie Fleming Thomas Joseph Male Powell Joyce Evelyn Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800014 East Coolgardie Powell Joyce Evelyn Female Fleming Thomas Joseph Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800015 East Coolgardie Allen Daphne Jean Female Nockels Sydney Dobson Male West Australia
1948/1800015 East Coolgardie Nockels Sydney Dobson Male Allen Daphne Jean Female West Australia
1948/1800016 East Coolgardie Eaton John Francis Male Rowe Ida Noreen Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800016 East Coolgardie Rowe Ida Noreen Female Eaton John Francis Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800017 East Coolgardie Steel Thomas Daniel Male Turner Glenice Beverley Female West Australia
1948/1800017 East Coolgardie Turner Glenice Beverley Female Steel Thomas Daniel Male West Australia
1948/1800018 East Coolgardie Freeman Esther Julie Female Weston Ernest Ronald Male West Australia
1948/1800018 East Coolgardie Weston Ernest Ronald Male Freeman Esther Julie Female West Australia
1948/1800019 East Coolgardie Counia Christos Male Pilkadaris Kalliopy Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800019 East Coolgardie Pilkadaris Kalliopy Female Counia Christos Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800020 East Coolgardie Bonser Forrest John Male Jolley Clara Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie Presbyterian Church
1948/1800020 East Coolgardie Jolley Clara Elizabeth Female Bonser Forrest John Male Kalgoorlie Presbyterian Church
1948/1800021 East Coolgardie Draper Ronald Allan Male Fleming Beatrice Irene Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800021 East Coolgardie Fleming Beatrice Irene Female Draper Ronald Allan Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800022 East Coolgardie Gaby Elsie Adelaide Female Pearce Colin James Male West Australia
1948/1800022 East Coolgardie Pearce Colin James Male Gaby Elsie Adelaide Female West Australia
1948/1800023 East Coolgardie Clarke Myrtle Anastasia Female McIver-Ball Harry John Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800023 East Coolgardie McIver-Ball Harry John Male Clarke Myrtle Anastasia Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800024 East Coolgardie Hills Harold Percival Male Hinchliffe Lois Marie Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800024 East Coolgardie Hinchliffe Lois Marie Female Hills Harold Percival Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800025 East Coolgardie Morey William Alfred Male Pope Dorothy Jean Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800025 East Coolgardie Pope Dorothy Jean Female Morey William Alfred Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800026 East Coolgardie Tomich Nicholas Male Wallis Isla May Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800026 East Coolgardie Wallis Isla May Female Tomich Nicholas Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800027 East Coolgardie Brenton Mary Jane Female Purdue George Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800027 East Coolgardie Purdue George Male Brenton Mary Jane Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800028 East Coolgardie Danes Roma Mae Female Hansen Robert Ansgar Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800028 East Coolgardie Hansen Robert Ansgar Male Danes Roma Mae Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800029 East Coolgardie Coufos May Irene Female Rowe James Norrie Male Kalgoorlie Presbyterian Church
1948/1800029 East Coolgardie Rowe James Norrie Male Coufos May Irene Female Kalgoorlie Presbyterian Church
1948/1800030 East Coolgardie Kelly Kathleen Dawn Female Kelsall Possy Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800030 East Coolgardie Kelsall Possy Male Kelly Kathleen Dawn Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800031 East Coolgardie Philpott May Neal Female Reeves Henry Vernon Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800031 East Coolgardie Reeves Henry Vernon Male Philpott May Neal Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800032 East Coolgardie Mackrory Alfred Male Whittaker Winifred Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800032 East Coolgardie Whittaker Winifred Elizabeth Female Mackrory Alfred Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800033 East Coolgardie Appleton George Henry Male Middleton Constance Jean Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800033 East Coolgardie Middleton Constance Jean Female Appleton George Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800034 East Coolgardie Brown Grace Valda Female Mackenzie Charley Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800034 East Coolgardie Mackenzie Charley Male Brown Grace Valda Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800035 East Coolgardie Chamberlain Gordon Charles Male Penglase Winifred Mabel Female West Australia
1948/1800035 East Coolgardie Penglase Winifred Mabel Female Chamberlain Gordon Charles Male West Australia
1948/1800036 East Coolgardie Bennett Richard Male Clarke Mollie May Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800036 East Coolgardie Clarke Mollie May Female Bennett Richard Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800037 East Coolgardie Baker Mercy Linda Female Pollock Gordon John Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800037 East Coolgardie Pollock Gordon John Male Baker Mercy Linda Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800038 East Coolgardie Cocks Thelma May Female Whitelaw Frank Arthur Male Kalgoorlie Presbyterian Church
1948/1800038 East Coolgardie Whitelaw Frank Arthur Male Cocks Thelma May Female Kalgoorlie Presbyterian Church
1948/1800039 East Coolgardie Donohoe Madge Female Jones Keith Daniel Male Kalgoorlie Presbyterian Church
1948/1800039 East Coolgardie Jones Keith Daniel Male Donohoe Madge Female Kalgoorlie Presbyterian Church
1948/1800040 East Coolgardie Bosenberg Yvonne Peggy Female Kingdon Roy Vincent Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800040 East Coolgardie Kingdon Roy Vincent Male Bosenberg Yvonne Peggy Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800041 East Coolgardie Hair Dorothy Margaret Female Jennings Lloyd Frederick Male Kalgoorlie Presbyterian Church
1948/1800041 East Coolgardie Jennings Lloyd Frederick Male Hair Dorothy Margaret Female Kalgoorlie Presbyterian Church
1948/1800042 East Coolgardie Gould Christopher Joseph Male Vawser Kathleen Joy Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800042 East Coolgardie Vawser Kathleen Joy Female Gould Christopher Joseph Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800043 East Coolgardie Curtis Margaret Betsie Female Young John Male West Australia
1948/1800043 East Coolgardie Young John Male Curtis Margaret Betsie Female West Australia
1948/1800044 East Coolgardie Goodhill Louis Vivian Male Teale Evelyn Joyce Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800044 East Coolgardie Teale Evelyn Joyce Female Goodhill Louis Vivian Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800045 East Coolgardie Fussell Thelma Daphne Female George Thomas John Frederick Male West Australia
1948/1800045 East Coolgardie George Thomas John Frederick Male Fussell Thelma Daphne Female West Australia
1948/1800046 East Coolgardie Isbister Thomas Frederick Male James Dorothy Merle Female West Australia
1948/1800046 East Coolgardie James Dorothy Merle Female Isbister Thomas Frederick Male West Australia
1948/1800047 East Coolgardie Thornton Colin Bertram George Male Topham Pamela Julia Thora Female West Australia
1948/1800047 East Coolgardie Topham Pamela Julia Thora Female Thornton Colin Bertram George Male West Australia
1948/1800048 East Coolgardie Lyon Donald Clarence Male Weary Margaret Ann Female Kalgoorlie Presbyterian Church
1948/1800048 East Coolgardie Weary Margaret Ann Female Lyon Donald Clarence Male Kalgoorlie Presbyterian Church
1948/1800049 East Coolgardie Warren Jean Ross Female West Donald Reginald Forrest Male Kalgoorlie Presbyterian Church
1948/1800049 East Coolgardie West Donald Reginald Forrest Male Warren Jean Ross Female Kalgoorlie Presbyterian Church
1948/1800050 East Coolgardie Fenn Alfred George Male Paterson Irma Juanita Female Kalgoorlie Presbyterian Church
1948/1800050 East Coolgardie Paterson Irma Juanita Female Fenn Alfred George Male Kalgoorlie Presbyterian Church
1948/1800051 East Coolgardie Brooks Elaine Merva Female Hawkins Raymond William Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800051 East Coolgardie Hawkins Raymond William Male Brooks Elaine Merva Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800052 East Coolgardie Bunworth Peter Patrick Male Markham Gloria Florence Female Kalgoorlie Congregational Church
1948/1800052 East Coolgardie Markham Gloria Florence Female Bunworth Peter Patrick Male Kalgoorlie Congregational Church
1948/1800053 East Coolgardie Nouchy Caesar Male Thomas Margaret Female Kalgoorlie Presbyterian Church
1948/1800053 East Coolgardie Thomas Margaret Female Nouchy Caesar Male Kalgoorlie Presbyterian Church
1948/1800054 East Coolgardie Plummer Gloria Female Pritchard Alan Reginald Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800054 East Coolgardie Pritchard Alan Reginald Male Plummer Gloria Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800055 East Coolgardie Griffin Charles Roy Male Udy Maud Ann Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800055 East Coolgardie Udy Maud Ann Female Griffin Charles Roy Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800056 East Coolgardie Dunstan Robert Edward Male Hehir Mary Joan Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800056 East Coolgardie Hehir Mary Joan Female Dunstan Robert Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800057 East Coolgardie Kirkby Roma Florence Female Linton Roy Alexander Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800057 East Coolgardie Linton Roy Alexander Male Kirkby Roma Florence Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800058 East Coolgardie Anderson Daphne Clare Female Drake-Brockman Egerton Charles Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800058 East Coolgardie Drake-Brockman Egerton Charles Male Anderson Daphne Clare Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800059 East Coolgardie Jarrett Elaine Elsie Female Magagnotti Joseph William Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800059 East Coolgardie Magagnotti Joseph William Male Jarrett Elaine Elsie Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800060 East Coolgardie Delmore Dorothy May Female Keddie Norman Robert Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800060 East Coolgardie Keddie Norman Robert Male Delmore Dorothy May Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800061 East Coolgardie O'Neill John Michael Male Reightley Ida Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800061 East Coolgardie Reightley Ida Mary Female O'Neill John Michael Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800062 East Coolgardie Cosgrave Elsie Mary Cecelia Female Zappelli Leonard Francis Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800062 East Coolgardie Zappelli Leonard Francis Male Cosgrave Elsie Mary Cecelia Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800063 East Coolgardie Retallack Iris Female Wilkinson Francis Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800063 East Coolgardie Wilkinson Francis Male Retallack Iris Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800064 East Coolgardie Clark Vivian Robert Male Perry Violet Salina Female West Australia
1948/1800064 East Coolgardie Perry Violet Salina Female Clark Vivian Robert Male West Australia
1948/1800065 East Coolgardie Moore Eric Bryan Male West June Constance Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800065 East Coolgardie West June Constance Female Moore Eric Bryan Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800066 East Coolgardie Lawford Barbara Fay Female Oldfield George Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800066 East Coolgardie Oldfield George Male Lawford Barbara Fay Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800067 East Coolgardie Edwards Victor Roy Male Summers Phyllis Mildred Francis Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800067 East Coolgardie Summers Phyllis Mildred Francis Female Edwards Victor Roy Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800068 East Coolgardie Butler Joan Ilene Female Ford Frederick Charles Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800068 East Coolgardie Ford Frederick Charles Male Butler Joan Ilene Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800069 East Coolgardie Hinchliffe George Alexander Male Pritchard Eleanor Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800069 East Coolgardie Pritchard Eleanor Elizabeth Female Hinchliffe George Alexander Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800070 East Coolgardie McKay Pearl June Female Wheatley Aubrey Lancelot Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800070 East Coolgardie Wheatley Aubrey Lancelot Male McKay Pearl June Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800071 East Coolgardie Hamilton Elaine Joyce Female O'Loughlin Edward Male Kalgoorlie Presbyterian Church
1948/1800071 East Coolgardie O'Loughlin Edward Male Hamilton Elaine Joyce Female Kalgoorlie Presbyterian Church
1948/1800072 East Coolgardie Crocker Bethel June Female Kinsella Patrick Joseph Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800072 East Coolgardie Kinsella Patrick Joseph Male Crocker Bethel June Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800073 East Coolgardie George Reginald William Male Parry Margaret Olive Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800073 East Coolgardie Parry Margaret Olive Female George Reginald William Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800074 East Coolgardie Giblett Mervyn John Male Ward Lexia Carmel Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800074 East Coolgardie Ward Lexia Carmel Female Giblett Mervyn John Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800075 East Coolgardie Holmes Ernest William Male Kelly Dorothy Kathleen Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800075 East Coolgardie Kelly Dorothy Kathleen Female Holmes Ernest William Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800076 East Coolgardie Brotheridge May Louise Female Bruce George Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800076 East Coolgardie Bruce George Henry Male Brotheridge May Louise Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800077 East Coolgardie Gouge Ronald Joseph Male Whitlock Therese Eleanor Female Kalgoorlie Presbyterian Church
1948/1800077 East Coolgardie Whitlock Therese Eleanor Female Gouge Ronald Joseph Male Kalgoorlie Presbyterian Church
1948/1800078 East Coolgardie Sanders Alma Norah Female Whait Michael Joseph Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800078 East Coolgardie Whait Michael Joseph Male Sanders Alma Norah Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800079 East Coolgardie Johns Melvie Ethel Female Vincent Jack Templeton Male Kalgoorlie Presbyterian Church
1948/1800079 East Coolgardie Vincent Jack Templeton Male Johns Melvie Ethel Female Kalgoorlie Presbyterian Church
1948/1800080 East Coolgardie Cole Enid Agnes Female Robinson James Clement Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800080 East Coolgardie Robinson James Clement Male Cole Enid Agnes Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800081 East Coolgardie Bonser Vera Female Pittaway Alfred Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800081 East Coolgardie Pittaway Alfred Edward Male Bonser Vera Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800082 East Coolgardie Leahne Francis John Male O'Meagher Patricia Jean Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800082 East Coolgardie O'Meagher Patricia Jean Female Leahne Francis John Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800083 East Coolgardie Angus Violetta Isabella Female Waterton Harry Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800083 East Coolgardie Waterton Harry Male Angus Violetta Isabella Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800084 East Coolgardie Hayes Kenneth Francis Male Woodcock Molly Agnes Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800084 East Coolgardie Woodcock Molly Agnes Female Hayes Kenneth Francis Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800085 East Coolgardie Grant Robert Ivon Male Harrison Lilian Ruth Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800085 East Coolgardie Harrison Lilian Ruth Female Grant Robert Ivon Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800086 East Coolgardie Pearson David Male Pettersen Constance May Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800086 East Coolgardie Pettersen Constance May Female Pearson David Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800087 East Coolgardie Cole Jocelyn Ann Female Pettit Lionel Francis Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800087 East Coolgardie Pettit Lionel Francis Male Cole Jocelyn Ann Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800088 East Coolgardie Gray Phyllis Ruby Female Straw Andrew James Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800088 East Coolgardie Straw Andrew James Male Gray Phyllis Ruby Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800089 East Coolgardie Boyd Kenneth Leslie Male Thompson Grace Female Kalgoorlie Methodist Church
1948/1800089 East Coolgardie Thompson Grace Female Boyd Kenneth Leslie Male Kalgoorlie Methodist Church
1948/1800090 East Coolgardie Ager Terence Desmond Male Miles Shirley Kathleen Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800090 East Coolgardie Miles Shirley Kathleen Female Ager Terence Desmond Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800091 East Coolgardie Murray Colleen Female Pennefather Thomas James Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800091 East Coolgardie Pennefather Thomas James Male Murray Colleen Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800092 East Coolgardie Ashby Stanley Male McAlear Thorma Quinn Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800092 East Coolgardie McAlear Thorma Quinn Female Ashby Stanley Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800093 East Coolgardie Brown Frances Mary Female Usher Edward John Male Kalgoorlie Presbyterian Church
1948/1800093 East Coolgardie Usher Edward John Male Brown Frances Mary Female Kalgoorlie Presbyterian Church
1948/1800094 East Coolgardie Ferrier Elizabeth Allan Female Newton Basil William Robert Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800094 East Coolgardie Newton Basil William Robert Male Ferrier Elizabeth Allan Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800095 East Coolgardie Himbury Ethel Alice Phyllis Female Stewart Robert Hector Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800095 East Coolgardie Stewart Robert Hector Male Himbury Ethel Alice Phyllis Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800096 East Coolgardie Goodall Joan Rona Female Middleton-White Kervyn Charles Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800096 East Coolgardie Middleton-White Kervyn Charles Male Goodall Joan Rona Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800097 East Coolgardie Davey Frederick Griffiths Male Henderson Paterson Female Kalgoorlie Methodist Church
1948/1800097 East Coolgardie Henderson Paterson Female Davey Frederick Griffiths Male Kalgoorlie Methodist Church
1948/1800098 East Coolgardie Hope Henry Male Worlledge Anne May Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800098 East Coolgardie Worlledge Anne May Female Hope Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800099 East Coolgardie Clemm Marjorie Grace Female Forbes Alastair Ronald Male Forrest
1948/1800099 East Coolgardie Forbes Alastair Ronald Male Clemm Marjorie Grace Female Forrest
1948/1800100 East Coolgardie Borchet Albert John Male Williamson Dorothy Ellen Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800100 East Coolgardie Williamson Dorothy Ellen Female Borchet Albert John Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800101 East Coolgardie McDonnell Laura Frances Female Nangle Lennard George Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800101 East Coolgardie Nangle Lennard George Male McDonnell Laura Frances Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800102 East Coolgardie Morfitt Charles William James Male Simpson Sylvia Claire Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800102 East Coolgardie Simpson Sylvia Claire Female Morfitt Charles William James Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800103 East Coolgardie Ditchburn Alice May Female Hardy Sylvie Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800103 East Coolgardie Hardy Sylvie Male Ditchburn Alice May Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800104 East Coolgardie Craig James Ronald Male Varney Laurel Agnes Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800104 East Coolgardie Varney Laurel Agnes Female Craig James Ronald Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800105 East Coolgardie Hodgson Patricia Mary Female Snedden Roy Male Kalgoorlie Presbyterian Church
1948/1800105 East Coolgardie Snedden Roy Male Hodgson Patricia Mary Female Kalgoorlie Presbyterian Church
1948/1800106 East Coolgardie Dimitrijevich Yovan Male Ravlich Zorka Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800106 East Coolgardie Ravlich Zorka Female Dimitrijevich Yovan Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800107 East Coolgardie Anderson Patrick Ronald Male Sinclair Deborah Pauline Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800107 East Coolgardie Sinclair Deborah Pauline Female Anderson Patrick Ronald Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800108 East Coolgardie Lindsay Doreen Female Woods William Franklin Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800108 East Coolgardie Woods William Franklin Male Lindsay Doreen Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800109 East Coolgardie Carter Thomas George Male Whitchurch Coral Patricia Hilary Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800109 East Coolgardie Whitchurch Coral Patricia Hilary Female Carter Thomas George Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800110 East Coolgardie Compton Ailsa Gwyneth Female Poynton Irwin Hartley Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800110 East Coolgardie Poynton Irwin Hartley Male Compton Ailsa Gwyneth Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800111 East Coolgardie Beange Alexander Morgan Male Stafford Margaret Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800111 East Coolgardie Stafford Margaret Mary Female Beange Alexander Morgan Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800112 East Coolgardie Moon Mary Patricia Female Warner Francis Joseph Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800112 East Coolgardie Warner Francis Joseph Male Moon Mary Patricia Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800113 East Coolgardie Ellice Shirley Dawn Female Hall Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800113 East Coolgardie Hall Edward Male Ellice Shirley Dawn Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800114 East Coolgardie Knott John Alexander Male Mitchell Doris Yvonne Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800114 East Coolgardie Mitchell Doris Yvonne Female Knott John Alexander Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800115 East Coolgardie Frank Doreen Alice Female Mighall John Newton Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800115 East Coolgardie Mighall John Newton Male Frank Doreen Alice Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800116 East Coolgardie Douglas Robert Male Petersen Joan Female Kalgoorlie Presbyterian Church
1948/1800116 East Coolgardie Petersen Joan Female Douglas Robert Male Kalgoorlie Presbyterian Church
1948/1800117 East Coolgardie Joyce Joseph Michael Male Percy Persephone June Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800117 East Coolgardie Percy Persephone June Female Joyce Joseph Michael Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800118 East Coolgardie Brown Marion Female Morrissey Raymond Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800118 East Coolgardie Morrissey Raymond Male Brown Marion Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800119 East Coolgardie Dimer Edna Female Reid Roger Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800119 East Coolgardie Reid Roger Male Dimer Edna Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800120 East Coolgardie McCrae Olive Frances Female Miles James Albert Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800120 East Coolgardie Miles James Albert Male McCrae Olive Frances Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800121 East Coolgardie Francis Gloria Mildred Female Green Wilfred Howard Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800121 East Coolgardie Green Wilfred Howard Male Francis Gloria Mildred Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800122 East Coolgardie Miller Joyce Dorothy Female Whittaker Mervyn Lewis Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800122 East Coolgardie Whittaker Mervyn Lewis Male Miller Joyce Dorothy Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800123 East Coolgardie Donnelly Olive Mary Female Stafford William Richard Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800123 East Coolgardie Stafford William Richard Male Donnelly Olive Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800124 East Coolgardie Anderson John James Male Attenborough Fiona Joan Female Kalgoorlie Presbyterian Church
1948/1800124 East Coolgardie Attenborough Fiona Joan Female Anderson John James Male Kalgoorlie Presbyterian Church
1948/1800125 East Coolgardie Clayden Raymond Alfred Male Jansen Valerie Josephine Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800125 East Coolgardie Jansen Valerie Josephine Female Clayden Raymond Alfred Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800126 East Coolgardie Harding Leslie Male O'Neill Emily Gertrude Ellen Maud Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800126 East Coolgardie O'Neill Emily Gertrude Ellen Maud Female Harding Leslie Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800127 East Coolgardie Carroll Reiss Male Thomas Dolores Joy Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800127 East Coolgardie Thomas Dolores Joy Female Carroll Reiss Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800128 East Coolgardie McGuinness Beryl Mary Female Woolhouse Clarence William Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800128 East Coolgardie Woolhouse Clarence William Male McGuinness Beryl Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800129 East Coolgardie Delamotte Sydney Edward Male Gray Shirley Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800129 East Coolgardie Gray Shirley Female Delamotte Sydney Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800130 East Coolgardie Tomkinson Arthur Edward Male Wilson Iris Ivy Female Kalgoorlie Presbyterian Church
1948/1800130 East Coolgardie Wilson Iris Ivy Female Tomkinson Arthur Edward Male Kalgoorlie Presbyterian Church
1948/1800131 East Coolgardie Ewart Evelyn Cavel Female Peters Raymond William Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800131 East Coolgardie Peters Raymond William Male Ewart Evelyn Cavel Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800132 East Coolgardie Isaac Robert Rowley Male Scott Betty Lorna Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800132 East Coolgardie Scott Betty Lorna Female Isaac Robert Rowley Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800133 East Coolgardie Dawson Hilda Kathleen Female Scott Kenneth Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800133 East Coolgardie Scott Kenneth Male Dawson Hilda Kathleen Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800134 East Coolgardie Bonetti Olimpio Wally Male Ricetti Anna Virgina Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800134 East Coolgardie Ricetti Anna Virgina Female Bonetti Olimpio Wally Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800135 East Coolgardie Ashman Harold John Male Penglase Mercia Alma Female West Australia
1948/1800135 East Coolgardie Penglase Mercia Alma Female Ashman Harold John Male West Australia
1948/1800136 East Coolgardie Basley Edna Claire Female O'Loghlen Peter Joseph Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800136 East Coolgardie O'Loghlen Peter Joseph Male Basley Edna Claire Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800137 East Coolgardie Bishop Mona Female Martin Louis Ernest Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800137 East Coolgardie Martin Louis Ernest Male Bishop Mona Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800138 East Coolgardie Andrews Eldred Male Dodds Alice Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800138 East Coolgardie Dodds Alice Female Andrews Eldred Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800139 East Coolgardie Bamford Arthur Lawrie Male Beange Margaret Female Kalgoorlie Congregational Church
1948/1800139 East Coolgardie Beange Margaret Female Bamford Arthur Lawrie Male Kalgoorlie Congregational Church
1948/1800140 East Coolgardie Capelli Nell Carmel Female Gillespie Alexander Patrick Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800140 East Coolgardie Gillespie Alexander Patrick Male Capelli Nell Carmel Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800141 East Coolgardie Coad Jessie May Female Pember Cecil Charles Francis Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800141 East Coolgardie Pember Cecil Charles Francis Male Coad Jessie May Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800142 East Coolgardie Brown Alfred Ernest Male Laycock Joan Lathlain Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800142 East Coolgardie Laycock Joan Lathlain Female Brown Alfred Ernest Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800143 East Coolgardie Minson George William Male Muirhead Doris Nellie Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800143 East Coolgardie Muirhead Doris Nellie Female Minson George William Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800144 East Coolgardie Eiffler Ross Joseph Male Mincham Jean Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800144 East Coolgardie Mincham Jean Mary Female Eiffler Ross Joseph Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800145 East Coolgardie Patroni Stephen Male Sharp Lesley May Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800145 East Coolgardie Sharp Lesley May Female Patroni Stephen Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800146 East Coolgardie Bullock Dorothy Ada Female Dalley Richard John Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800146 East Coolgardie Dalley Richard John Male Bullock Dorothy Ada Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800147 East Coolgardie Leonard John Michael James Male Newman Ivy Grace Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800147 East Coolgardie Newman Ivy Grace Female Leonard John Michael James Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800148 East Coolgardie Pedretti Lionel Telfrad Male Starcevich Mary Female Coolgardie
1948/1800148 East Coolgardie Starcevich Mary Female Pedretti Lionel Telfrad Male Coolgardie
1948/1800149 East Coolgardie Burton William James Male Spendelove Doris Jean Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800149 East Coolgardie Spendelove Doris Jean Female Burton William James Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800150 East Coolgardie Campbell Clyde Thomas Messine Male Robbins Margaret Priscilla Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800150 East Coolgardie Robbins Margaret Priscilla Female Campbell Clyde Thomas Messine Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800151 East Coolgardie Nelson Leonard Male Taylor Faith Esma Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800151 East Coolgardie Taylor Faith Esma Female Nelson Leonard Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800152 East Coolgardie Vukobratich Millicent Female Vuletic Donald Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800152 East Coolgardie Vuletic Donald Male Vukobratich Millicent Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800153 East Coolgardie Madalena Reginald Peter Male McDonnell Beverley Joan Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800153 East Coolgardie McDonnell Beverley Joan Female Madalena Reginald Peter Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800154 East Coolgardie Olds Raymond John Male Rubery Joyce Eveleen Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800154 East Coolgardie Rubery Joyce Eveleen Female Olds Raymond John Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800155 East Coolgardie Osborne Mary Ellen Female Pringle Jack Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800155 East Coolgardie Pringle Jack Male Osborne Mary Ellen Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800156 East Coolgardie Baird Mavis Pearl Female Ransome Leslie Herbert Francis Male Kalgoorlie Presbyterian Church
1948/1800156 East Coolgardie Ransome Leslie Herbert Francis Male Baird Mavis Pearl Female Kalgoorlie Presbyterian Church
1948/1800157 East Coolgardie Bell John Arthur Male Lowe Vivian Pauline Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800157 East Coolgardie Lowe Vivian Pauline Female Bell John Arthur Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800158 East Coolgardie Lyall Elizabeth Ann Female Manners Marcus Desmond Larkin Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800158 East Coolgardie Manners Marcus Desmond Larkin Male Lyall Elizabeth Ann Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800159 East Coolgardie Austin Mervyn Henry Male Mann Mary Eileen Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800159 East Coolgardie Mann Mary Eileen Female Austin Mervyn Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800160 East Coolgardie Hollow William Alfred Male Ryan Dulcie Josephine Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800160 East Coolgardie Ryan Dulcie Josephine Female Hollow William Alfred Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800161 East Coolgardie Borich Veselko Male Sprlyan Lilyana Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800161 East Coolgardie Sprlyan Lilyana Female Borich Veselko Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800162 East Coolgardie Greenwood Letitia Stewart Female Tamblyn Clifton James Male Kalgoorlie Presbyterian Church
1948/1800162 East Coolgardie Tamblyn Clifton James Male Greenwood Letitia Stewart Female Kalgoorlie Presbyterian Church
1948/1800163 East Coolgardie Bosse Percy Male Hayward Joan Olive Female Kalgoorlie Presbyterian Church
1948/1800163 East Coolgardie Bosse Percy Male Wicks Joan Olive Female Kalgoorlie Presbyterian Church
1948/1800163 East Coolgardie Hayward Joan Olive Female Bosse Percy Male Kalgoorlie Presbyterian Church
1948/1800163 East Coolgardie Wicks Joan Olive Female Bosse Percy Male Kalgoorlie Presbyterian Church
1948/1800164 East Coolgardie Cullen Colin Thomas Male Davies Annie Emily Female Coolgardie
1948/1800164 East Coolgardie Davies Annie Emily Female Cullen Colin Thomas Male Coolgardie
1948/1800165 East Coolgardie Reilly William Albert Male Rogers Ernestine Clare Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800165 East Coolgardie Rogers Ernestine Clare Female Reilly William Albert Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800166 East Coolgardie Leary Patricia Addison Female Peat Noel John Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800166 East Coolgardie Peat Noel John Male Leary Patricia Addison Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800167 East Coolgardie Ferguson Donald John Male Thompson Gladys Jean Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800167 East Coolgardie Thompson Gladys Jean Female Ferguson Donald John Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800168 East Coolgardie Henley George Male Pascoe Heather Dawn Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800168 East Coolgardie Pascoe Heather Dawn Female Henley George Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800169 East Coolgardie Cook Edna May Female Geikie Gilbert Kennedy Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800169 East Coolgardie Geikie Gilbert Kennedy Male Cook Edna May Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800170 East Coolgardie Davis Harry Male Teede Norma Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800170 East Coolgardie Teede Norma Female Davis Harry Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800171 East Coolgardie Heron Thomas James Male Selleck Catherine Frances Alice Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800171 East Coolgardie Selleck Catherine Frances Alice Female Heron Thomas James Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800172 East Coolgardie Daniels Stephen Edgar Male Opie Dawn Amelia Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800172 East Coolgardie Opie Dawn Amelia Female Daniels Stephen Edgar Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800173 East Coolgardie Brand Alan Male Foward Margaret Jean Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800173 East Coolgardie Foward Margaret Jean Female Brand Alan Male Kalgoorlie
1948/1800174 East Coolgardie Hilzinger John George Male Spriggs Thelma May Rose Female Kalgoorlie
1948/1800174 East Coolgardie Spriggs Thelma May Rose Female Hilzinger John George Male Kalgoorlie
1948/2400001 Dundas Brogmus Robert John Male Regolini Eileen Santina Female Norseman
1948/2400001 Dundas Regolini Eileen Santina Female Brogmus Robert John Male Norseman
1948/2400002 Dundas Starcevich Allan Herbert Male Starcevich Rosie Helen Female Norseman
1948/2400002 Dundas Starcevich Rosie Helen Female Starcevich Allan Herbert Male Norseman
1948/2400003 Dundas Nazzari Lorenzo Male Rose Myrtle June Female Norseman
1948/2400003 Dundas Rose Myrtle June Female Nazzari Lorenzo Male Norseman
1948/2400004 Dundas Lee Leonard Darcy Male Lehmann Blanche Maud Female Norseman
1948/2400004 Dundas Lehmann Blanche Maud Female Lee Leonard Darcy Male Norseman
1948/2400005 Dundas Dodd Lloyd Clarence Male Kerr Edna Winifred Female Norseman
1948/2400005 Dundas Kerr Edna Winifred Female Dodd Lloyd Clarence Male Norseman
1948/2400006 Dundas Haymes Betty May Female Wittorff Andrew Allen Male Norseman Methodist Church
1948/2400006 Dundas Wittorff Andrew Allen Male Haymes Betty May Female Norseman Methodist Church
1948/2400007 Dundas Grant Lila Female Smith Joseph Francis Male Norseman
1948/2400007 Dundas Smith Joseph Francis Male Grant Lila Female Norseman
1948/2400008 Dundas Anderson Kenneth George Male McQueen Laura Beryl Georgina Female Norseman
1948/2400008 Dundas McQueen Laura Beryl Georgina Female Anderson Kenneth George Male Norseman
1948/2400009 Dundas Jennings Thomas George Male McKenzie Ethel May Female Norseman
1948/2400009 Dundas McKenzie Ethel May Female Jennings Thomas George Male Norseman
1948/2400010 Dundas Sexton Sara Maud Female Winter John Herbert Male Norseman
1948/2400010 Dundas Winter John Herbert Male Sexton Sara Maud Female Norseman
1948/2400011 Dundas Graham Samuel Male Green Muriel May Female Norseman
1948/2400011 Dundas Green Muriel May Female Graham Samuel Male Norseman
1948/2400012 Dundas McIver Thelma Jean Female Torpy Thomas Joseph Male Norseman
1948/2400012 Dundas Torpy Thomas Joseph Male McIver Thelma Jean Female Norseman
1948/2400013 Dundas Bell Kathleen Female Rooke Frederick Clair Male Norseman
1948/2400013 Dundas Rooke Frederick Clair Male Bell Kathleen Female Norseman
1948/2400014 Dundas Kitch Irene Gladys Female Winter William Lancelot Male Norseman
1948/2400014 Dundas Winter William Lancelot Male Kitch Irene Gladys Female Norseman
1948/2400015 Dundas Davies Elizabeth Female Jones John Male Norseman
1948/2400015 Dundas Jones John Male Davies Elizabeth Female Norseman
1948/2500001 Esperance Dixon Ronald Charles Male Pugh Doris Edna Female Esperance
1948/2500001 Esperance Pugh Doris Edna Female Dixon Ronald Charles Male Esperance
1948/2500002 Esperance Elliott John Male Griffin Melva Harriet Female Esperance
1948/2500002 Esperance Griffin Melva Harriet Female Elliott John Male Esperance
1948/2500003 Esperance Ducrow Patrick Male King Margery Lillian Female Esperance
1948/2500003 Esperance King Margery Lillian Female Ducrow Patrick Male Esperance
1948/2500004 Esperance Brealey Eileen Helen Female Campbell Alexander Bruce Male Esperance
1948/2500004 Esperance Campbell Alexander Bruce Male Brealey Eileen Helen Female Esperance
1948/2700004 Fremantle Anderson Helen Morrison Female Smith Donald William Male Fremantle
1948/2700004 Fremantle Smith Donald William Male Anderson Helen Morrison Female Fremantle
1949/2700005 Fremantle Carpenter Beryl Female Lindley Gordon James Male Fremantle
1949/2700005 Fremantle Lindley Gordon James Male Carpenter Beryl Female Fremantle
1949/2700006 Fremantle Lewis Margaret Fae Female Sheedy John Cameron Male Fremantle
1949/2700006 Fremantle Sheedy John Cameron Male Lewis Margaret Fae Female Fremantle
1949/2700007 Fremantle Chalmers Frances Mary Female Willis Colin Wilson Male Fremantle
1948/2700007 Fremantle Clark Isabella Female Ferguson Peter Male Fremantle
1948/2700007 Fremantle Ferguson Peter Male Clark Isabella Female Fremantle
1949/2700007 Fremantle Willis Colin Wilson Male Chalmers Frances Mary Female Fremantle
1948/2700008 Fremantle McLeod Janet Aileen Female Renfrey Ronald Male Fremantle
1948/2700008 Fremantle Renfrey Ronald Male McLeod Janet Aileen Female Fremantle
1948/2700010 Fremantle Hall George Francis Male Parker Agnes Forsyth Female Fremantle
1948/2700010 Fremantle Parker Agnes Forsyth Female Hall George Francis Male Fremantle
1949/2700010 Fremantle Snook Arthur Male Talbot Isabella Female Fremantle
1949/2700010 Fremantle Talbot Isabella Female Snook Arthur Male Fremantle
1948/2700011 Fremantle Atkinson Stanley Male McDonald Gwendoline Florence Female Fremantle
1949/2700011 Fremantle Freeman Eric George Male Gartland Kathleen Annie Female Fremantle
1949/2700011 Fremantle Gartland Kathleen Annie Female Freeman Eric George Male Fremantle
1948/2700011 Fremantle McDonald Gwendoline Florence Female Atkinson Stanley Male Fremantle
1949/2700012 Fremantle Edwards Joyce Female Hawkins Albert Joseph Male Fremantle
1949/2700012 Fremantle Hawkins Albert Joseph Male Edwards Joyce Female Fremantle
1948/2700013 Fremantle MacLennan Kenneth Thomas Male Prosser Phyllis May Female East Fremantle
1948/2700013 Fremantle Prosser Phyllis May Female MacLennan Kenneth Thomas Male East Fremantle
1948/2700014 Fremantle Kennon Shirley Mae Female Nelson Donald Edward Male Fremantle
1948/2700014 Fremantle Nelson Donald Edward Male Kennon Shirley Mae Female Fremantle
1948/2700015 Fremantle Clark Daniel Patrick Male Forrest Margaret Lesley Female Fremantle
1948/2700015 Fremantle Forrest Margaret Lesley Female Clark Daniel Patrick Male Fremantle
1948/2700016 Fremantle Malone Noreen Female Williams Kenneth Male Fremantle
1948/2700016 Fremantle Williams Kenneth Male Malone Noreen Female Fremantle
1948/2700017 Fremantle Elliot Jean Female McKinlay William James Male Fremantle
1948/2700017 Fremantle McKinlay William James Male Elliot Jean Female Fremantle
1948/2700018 Fremantle Binning David Edward Male Wright Mary Jessie Female Fremantle
1948/2700018 Fremantle Wright Mary Jessie Female Binning David Edward Male Fremantle
1948/2700019 Fremantle Collova Basilio Cologero Male Ziins Rosa Female Fremantle
1948/2700019 Fremantle Ziins Rosa Female Collova Basilio Cologero Male Fremantle
1948/2700020 Fremantle Bird Raymond Male Joslin Peggy Female Beaconsfield
1948/2700020 Fremantle Joslin Peggy Female Bird Raymond Male Beaconsfield
1948/2700021 Fremantle O'Byrne Beryl May Female Richardson Colin Raymond Male Fremantle
1948/2700021 Fremantle Richardson Colin Raymond Male O'Byrne Beryl May Female Fremantle
1948/2700022 Fremantle Perry Keith Wilson Male Winter June Rubina Female East Fremantle
1948/2700022 Fremantle Winter June Rubina Female Perry Keith Wilson Male East Fremantle
1948/2700023 Fremantle Franklin Leslie Charles Male Williams Helene Female Fremantle
1948/2700023 Fremantle Williams Helene Female Franklin Leslie Charles Male Fremantle
1948/2700024 Fremantle Bonazzi Fulgida Female Tagliaferri Marco Male Fremantle
1948/2700024 Fremantle Tagliaferri Marco Male Bonazzi Fulgida Female Fremantle
1948/2700025 Fremantle Bennigan Patricia Ann Female Carter Leslie Samuel Male Fremantle
1948/2700025 Fremantle Carter Leslie Samuel Male Bennigan Patricia Ann Female Fremantle
1948/2700026 Fremantle Caddy Nancy Watson Female Chapman James Lewin Digby Male Fremantle
1948/2700026 Fremantle Chapman James Lewin Digby Male Caddy Nancy Watson Female Fremantle
1948/2700027 Fremantle Grieves Gladys Female Moylan Robert Philip Male Fremantle
1948/2700027 Fremantle Moylan Robert Philip Male Grieves Gladys Female Fremantle
1948/2700028 Fremantle Rochfort Joan Margaret Female Rowles Leslie Male Fremantle
1948/2700028 Fremantle Rowles Leslie Male Rochfort Joan Margaret Female Fremantle
1948/2700029 Fremantle Corkhill Elizabeth Alma Female Duzevich George Male Fremantle
1948/2700029 Fremantle Duzevich George Male Corkhill Elizabeth Alma Female Fremantle
1948/2700030 Fremantle Cannon Frances Beryl Female Talbot Percival Walter Male Fremantle
1948/2700030 Fremantle Talbot Percival Walter Male Cannon Frances Beryl Female Fremantle
1948/2700031 Fremantle Paparella Mauro Male Turtur Benedetta Female Fremantle
1948/2700031 Fremantle Turtur Benedetta Female Paparella Mauro Male Fremantle
1948/2700032 Fremantle Brown Walter John Male Portener Marguerita Female Fremantle
1948/2700032 Fremantle Portener Marguerita Female Brown Walter John Male Fremantle
1948/2700033 Fremantle Adams Isabel Amy Female Murray John Joseph Male Beaconsfield
1948/2700033 Fremantle Murray John Joseph Male Adams Isabel Amy Female Beaconsfield
1948/2700034 Fremantle Caple Shirley Elsie Female Treasure Francis William Male Fremantle
1948/2700034 Fremantle Treasure Francis William Male Caple Shirley Elsie Female Fremantle
1948/2700035 Fremantle Cook Thomas Arthur Male Hicks Joyce Margaret Female Fremantle
1948/2700035 Fremantle Hicks Joyce Margaret Female Cook Thomas Arthur Male Fremantle
1948/2700036 Fremantle MacDonald Eric Male Stratton Pauline Violet Female Fremantle
1948/2700036 Fremantle Stratton Pauline Violet Female MacDonald Eric Male Fremantle
1948/2700037 Fremantle Adams Mary Josephine Female Harvey Kevin Francis Male Beaconsfield
1948/2700037 Fremantle Harvey Kevin Francis Male Adams Mary Josephine Female Beaconsfield
1948/2700038 Fremantle Paparone Salvatore Male Rotondella Caterina Female Fremantle
1948/2700038 Fremantle Rotondella Caterina Female Paparone Salvatore Male Fremantle
1948/2700039 Fremantle Perkins Eileen Mary Female Shadgett Dorham Barron Male Fremantle
1948/2700039 Fremantle Shadgett Dorham Barron Male Perkins Eileen Mary Female Fremantle
1948/2700040 Fremantle Haskell William James Bernard Male Neave Dulcie Lesley Female Fremantle
1948/2700040 Fremantle Neave Dulcie Lesley Female Haskell William James Bernard Male Fremantle
1948/2700041 Fremantle Hayden Arthur Richard Male Mulconray Isabelle Ivy Female Fremantle
1948/2700041 Fremantle Mulconray Isabelle Ivy Female Hayden Arthur Richard Male Fremantle
1948/2700042 Fremantle Hurst Mary Female Main Charles Teasdale Male East Fremantle
1948/2700042 Fremantle Main Charles Teasdale Male Hurst Mary Female East Fremantle
1948/2700043 Fremantle Burton Sylvia Joy Female French Lionel Rae John Male East Fremantle
1948/2700043 Fremantle French Lionel Rae John Male Burton Sylvia Joy Female East Fremantle
1948/2700044 Fremantle Kelly Ellen Fay Female Trudgeon Peter Male Fremantle
1948/2700044 Fremantle Trudgeon Peter Male Kelly Ellen Fay Female Fremantle
1948/2700045 Fremantle Brooks Marjory June Female Martin Kenneth Norman Male Fremantle
1948/2700045 Fremantle Martin Kenneth Norman Male Brooks Marjory June Female Fremantle
1948/2700046 Fremantle Barber Ernest William Male Longbottom Freda May Female Fremantle
1948/2700046 Fremantle Longbottom Freda May Female Barber Ernest William Male Fremantle
1948/2700047 Fremantle Fielding Elizabeth Rose Female Jacob Henry Stephen Male Fremantle
1948/2700047 Fremantle Jacob Henry Stephen Male Fielding Elizabeth Rose Female Fremantle
1948/2700048 Fremantle Marchese Maria Female Romagnolo Calogero Male Fremantle
1948/2700048 Fremantle Romagnolo Calogero Male Marchese Maria Female Fremantle
1948/2700049 Fremantle Hogan Patricia Monica Female Towers-Hammond Peter Male Fremantle
1948/2700049 Fremantle Towers-Hammond Peter Male Hogan Patricia Monica Female Fremantle
1948/2700050 Fremantle Lantzke George Frederick William Male Robinson Nellie Miristine Female Fremantle
1948/2700050 Fremantle Robinson Nellie Miristine Female Lantzke George Frederick William Male Fremantle
1948/2700051 Fremantle Glazebrook Aileen Dorothy Female Yensch Brian Sylvester Male East Fremantle
1948/2700051 Fremantle Yensch Brian Sylvester Male Glazebrook Aileen Dorothy Female East Fremantle
1948/2700052 Fremantle Anderson Mercia Gladys Female Ivas Victor James Male E Fremantle
1948/2700052 Fremantle Ivas Victor James Male Anderson Mercia Gladys Female E Fremantle
1948/2700053 Fremantle Ranford Joseph Alfred Male Weston Ailsa Lorraine Elizabethann Female Fremantle
1948/2700053 Fremantle Weston Ailsa Lorraine Elizabethann Female Ranford Joseph Alfred Male Fremantle
1948/2700054 Fremantle Day Beryl Joyce Female Schmidt Alexandra Male Fremantle
1948/2700054 Fremantle Schmidt Alexandra Male Day Beryl Joyce Female Fremantle
1948/2700055 Fremantle Antivis Noel William Male Granland Betty Joyce Female Fremantle
1948/2700055 Fremantle Granland Betty Joyce Female Antivis Noel William Male Fremantle
1948/2700056 Fremantle Boaden Beryl Sheila Female Price Rupert Sydney Male Fremantle
1948/2700056 Fremantle Price Rupert Sydney Male Boaden Beryl Sheila Female Fremantle
1948/2700057 Fremantle Dean Florence May Female Wood Ronald Lewis Male Fremantle
1948/2700057 Fremantle Wood Ronald Lewis Male Dean Florence May Female Fremantle
1948/2700058 Fremantle Pearce Leonard George Male Perry Margaret Caroline Female Fremantle
1948/2700058 Fremantle Perry Margaret Caroline Female Pearce Leonard George Male Fremantle
1948/2700059 Fremantle Lennen Kathleen Veronica Female Webb Robert George Male Fremantle
1948/2700059 Fremantle Webb Robert George Male Lennen Kathleen Veronica Female Fremantle
1948/2700060 Fremantle Grainger Mary Female Pilling Robert Andrew Male Fremantle
1948/2700060 Fremantle Pilling Robert Andrew Male Grainger Mary Female Fremantle
1948/2700061 Fremantle Pickering John Hubert Male Sullivan Phyllis Female Fremantle
1948/2700061 Fremantle Sullivan Phyllis Female Pickering John Hubert Male Fremantle
1948/2700062 Fremantle Berglund Elizabeth Norah Female Gray Herbert William Edgar Male Fremantle
1948/2700062 Fremantle Gray Herbert William Edgar Male Berglund Elizabeth Norah Female Fremantle
1948/2700063 Fremantle Bock Albert Darcy Male Moore Jacqueline Phyllis Female Fremantle
1948/2700063 Fremantle Moore Jacqueline Phyllis Female Bock Albert Darcy Male Fremantle
1948/2700064 Fremantle Chilton Dorothy Nancy Female Johnston Norman Sidney Male Fremantle
1948/2700064 Fremantle Johnston Norman Sidney Male Chilton Dorothy Nancy Female Fremantle
1948/2700065 Fremantle Attwater Harold John Male Collier Eileen May Female Fremantle
1948/2700065 Fremantle Collier Eileen May Female Attwater Harold John Male Fremantle
1948/2700066 Fremantle Hudson George Male Shearer Victoria May Female Fremantle
1948/2700066 Fremantle Shearer Victoria May Female Hudson George Male Fremantle
1948/2700067 Fremantle Hollingworth May Irene Female Sunley Edward Male Fremantle
1948/2700067 Fremantle Sunley Edward Male Hollingworth May Irene Female Fremantle
1948/2700068 Fremantle Freestone Ivy Evelyn Female Matthews Cedric James Male Fremantle
1948/2700068 Fremantle Matthews Cedric James Male Freestone Ivy Evelyn Female Fremantle
1948/2700069 Fremantle Blom Lina Mary Female Hunter George Charles Male Fremantle
1948/2700069 Fremantle Hunter George Charles Male Blom Lina Mary Female Fremantle
1948/2700070 Fremantle Sgro Nancy Elvina Female Singleton Leslie Robert Male Fremantle
1948/2700070 Fremantle Singleton Leslie Robert Male Sgro Nancy Elvina Female Fremantle
1948/2700071 Fremantle Cuocci Phyllis Female Minuta Stefano Male Fremantle
1948/2700071 Fremantle Minuta Stefano Male Cuocci Phyllis Female Fremantle
1948/2700072 Fremantle Kember Lillian Joyce Female Payne Charles Herbert Male Fremantle
1948/2700072 Fremantle Payne Charles Herbert Male Kember Lillian Joyce Female Fremantle
1948/2700073 Fremantle Norris Harry Male Oats Jean Marjory Female Fremantle
1948/2700073 Fremantle Oats Jean Marjory Female Norris Harry Male Fremantle
1948/2700074 Fremantle Oakley Marion Grace Female Smith Dennis Albert Male Fremantle
1948/2700074 Fremantle Smith Dennis Albert Male Oakley Marion Grace Female Fremantle
1948/2700075 Fremantle Nunn Alice Joyce Female Rochfort Lyndon Horace Male Fremantle
1948/2700075 Fremantle Rochfort Lyndon Horace Male Nunn Alice Joyce Female Fremantle
1948/2700076 Fremantle Bridger Maurice Briguier Male Hicks Violet Betty Female Fremantle
1948/2700076 Fremantle Hicks Violet Betty Female Bridger Maurice Briguier Male Fremantle
1948/2700077 Fremantle Annear Allan Mervyn Male Foley Gwenneth Irene Female Fremantle
1948/2700077 Fremantle Foley Gwenneth Irene Female Annear Allan Mervyn Male Fremantle
1948/2700078 Fremantle Finch Sybil Stella Female Pirie Robert Crawford Norton Male Fremantle
1948/2700078 Fremantle Pirie Robert Crawford Norton Male Finch Sybil Stella Female Fremantle
1948/2700079 Fremantle Monger Edward George Male Thompson Patricia Agnes Female Fremantle
1948/2700079 Fremantle Thompson Patricia Agnes Female Monger Edward George Male Fremantle
1948/2700080 Fremantle Hay Leslie Noel Male Rooke Marjorie Jean Female Fremantle
1948/2700080 Fremantle Rooke Marjorie Jean Female Hay Leslie Noel Male Fremantle
1948/2700081 Fremantle Peatling Veronica Fay Female Sharpe Robert Keith Male Fremantle
1948/2700081 Fremantle Sharpe Robert Keith Male Peatling Veronica Fay Female Fremantle
1948/2700082 Fremantle Ballingall Fredrick Mervyn Male Lock Jean May Female Fremantle
1948/2700082 Fremantle Lock Jean May Female Ballingall Fredrick Mervyn Male Fremantle
1948/2700083 Fremantle Kukura Anthony Male Ruich Maria Female Fremantle
1948/2700083 Fremantle Ruich Maria Female Kukura Anthony Male Fremantle
1948/2700084 Fremantle Thomas Margaret Joy Female Tomlinson Henry Charles Male Fremantle
1948/2700084 Fremantle Tomlinson Henry Charles Male Thomas Margaret Joy Female Fremantle
1948/2700085 Fremantle Brown Elsie June Female Roberts Henry Dennis Male Beaconsfield
1948/2700085 Fremantle Roberts Henry Dennis Male Brown Elsie June Female Beaconsfield
1948/2700086 Fremantle Brooks Desmond Arthur Male Scott June Catherine Female Fremantle
1948/2700086 Fremantle Scott June Catherine Female Brooks Desmond Arthur Male Fremantle
1948/2700087 Fremantle Laycock Iris Frances Female Taylor Ronald James Male Fremantle
1948/2700087 Fremantle Taylor Ronald James Male Laycock Iris Frances Female Fremantle
1948/2700088 Fremantle Stalley John Albert Male Stammers Rona Jean Female Fremantle
1948/2700088 Fremantle Stammers Rona Jean Female Stalley John Albert Male Fremantle
1948/2700089 Fremantle Griffiths Elizabeth Joyce Female Silich Victor Male Fremantle
1948/2700089 Fremantle Silich Victor Male Griffiths Elizabeth Joyce Female Fremantle
1948/2700090 Fremantle Bassett Lloyd Morgan Male Turnbull Beryl Female Fremantle
1948/2700090 Fremantle Turnbull Beryl Female Bassett Lloyd Morgan Male Fremantle
1948/2700091 Fremantle Dunn Gwendoline Jean Female Ferguson Douglas William Male Fremantle
1948/2700091 Fremantle Ferguson Douglas William Male Dunn Gwendoline Jean Female Fremantle
1948/2700092 Fremantle MacIntosh Shirley Olive Female McDonald Hector Male Fremantle
1948/2700092 Fremantle McDonald Hector Male MacIntosh Shirley Olive Female Fremantle
1948/2700093 Fremantle Monger Dorothy Joan Female Yates William Raymond Male East Fremantle
1948/2700093 Fremantle Yates William Raymond Male Monger Dorothy Joan Female East Fremantle
1948/2700094 Fremantle Elias Clive Lindsay Male Pope Lyla Jean Female Fremantle
1948/2700094 Fremantle Pope Lyla Jean Female Elias Clive Lindsay Male Fremantle
1948/2700095 Fremantle Crow John Thomas Male Parks Walterena Jane Female Fremantle
1948/2700095 Fremantle Parks Walterena Jane Female Crow John Thomas Male Fremantle
1948/2700096 Fremantle Blackman Robert Bernard Male Meagher Melba Betty Female Fremantle
1948/2700096 Fremantle Meagher Melba Betty Female Blackman Robert Bernard Male Fremantle
1948/2700097 Fremantle Lucas Freya Isobel Female Price Harold Sidney William Male Fremantle
1948/2700097 Fremantle Price Harold Sidney William Male Lucas Freya Isobel Female Fremantle
1948/2700098 Fremantle Clinch Clifton Male Reynolds Agnes Female Fremantle
1948/2700098 Fremantle Reynolds Agnes Female Clinch Clifton Male Fremantle
1948/2700099 Fremantle Dodds Catherine Margaret Female Sinkovich Anthony Male Spearwood
1948/2700099 Fremantle Sinkovich Anthony Male Dodds Catherine Margaret Female Spearwood
1948/2700100 Fremantle Forsyth Mavis Jean Female Rudland George Watson Male Fremantle
1948/2700100 Fremantle Rudland George Watson Male Forsyth Mavis Jean Female Fremantle
1948/2700101 Fremantle Johnson George William Male Metcalf Dorothy May Female Fremantle
1948/2700101 Fremantle Metcalf Dorothy May Female Johnson George William Male Fremantle
1948/2700102 Fremantle Parker Charles Richard Male Searle Ethel Female Fremantle
1948/2700102 Fremantle Searle Ethel Female Parker Charles Richard Male Fremantle
1948/2700103 Fremantle Brown Geoffrey Colin Male Wilson Elsie Female Fremantle
1948/2700103 Fremantle Wilson Elsie Female Brown Geoffrey Colin Male Fremantle
1948/2700104 Fremantle Brown Isobel Mary Female Ollerenshaw Richard Male Fremantle
1948/2700104 Fremantle Ollerenshaw Richard Male Brown Isobel Mary Female Fremantle
1948/2700105 Fremantle Hillier William Male Jones Elaine Female Fremantle
1948/2700105 Fremantle Jones Elaine Female Hillier William Male Fremantle
1948/2700106 Fremantle Baskerville Murray Albert Male Ralston Gwendoline Joyce Female Fremantle
1948/2700106 Fremantle Ralston Gwendoline Joyce Female Baskerville Murray Albert Male Fremantle
1948/2700107 Fremantle Mayne Arthur Edward Male Stewart Catherine Margaret Female Fremantle
1948/2700107 Fremantle Stewart Catherine Margaret Female Mayne Arthur Edward Male Fremantle
1948/2700108 Fremantle Thompson Sylvia Madge Female Willder William Alexander Male Fremantle
1948/2700108 Fremantle Willder William Alexander Male Thompson Sylvia Madge Female Fremantle
1948/2700109 Fremantle Bowman George Grey Male Fullston Shirley Dawn Female Fremantle
1948/2700109 Fremantle Fullston Shirley Dawn Female Bowman George Grey Male Fremantle
1948/2700110 Fremantle Donaldson John Thomas Alex Male Dorey Shirley Aslang Female Fremantle
1948/2700110 Fremantle Dorey Shirley Aslang Female Donaldson John Thomas Alex Male Fremantle
1948/2700111 Fremantle Dadley Joyce Mary Female Freckelton John Stephen Male Fremantle
1948/2700111 Fremantle Freckelton John Stephen Male Dadley Joyce Mary Female Fremantle
1948/2700112 Fremantle Earnshaw James Alfred Male Hall Betty Gladys Female Fremantle
1948/2700112 Fremantle Hall Betty Gladys Female Earnshaw James Alfred Male Fremantle
1948/2700113 Fremantle Forward Edith Mary Female Wilkinson Albert Harold Male Fremantle
1948/2700113 Fremantle Wilkinson Albert Harold Male Forward Edith Mary Female Fremantle
1948/2700114 Fremantle Gregory Lawrence Macgregor Male Jefferies Thelma Lillian Female Fremantle
1948/2700114 Fremantle Jefferies Thelma Lillian Female Gregory Lawrence Macgregor Male Fremantle
1948/2700115 Fremantle O'Halloran William John Male Wilson Iris Female Fremantle
1948/2700115 Fremantle Wilson Iris Female O'Halloran William John Male Fremantle
1948/2700116 Fremantle Bailey Betty Jane Female MacKellar Robert Neil MacPhail Male Fremantle
1948/2700116 Fremantle MacKellar Robert Neil MacPhail Male Bailey Betty Jane Female Fremantle
1948/2700117 Fremantle Dedman Lurlyne June Female Hinge Robert John Male Fremantle
1948/2700117 Fremantle Hinge Robert John Male Dedman Lurlyne June Female Fremantle
1948/2700118 Fremantle Noble William Male Weston Hilda Alice May Female Fremantle
1948/2700118 Fremantle Weston Hilda Alice May Female Noble William Male Fremantle
1948/2700119 Fremantle Lawrence Francis Harold Male Wishart Irene Thelma Female Fremantle
1948/2700119 Fremantle Wishart Irene Thelma Female Lawrence Francis Harold Male Fremantle
1948/2700120 Fremantle McPhee John Stuart Male Smith Phyllis Esme Female Fremantle
1948/2700120 Fremantle Smith Phyllis Esme Female McPhee John Stuart Male Fremantle
1948/2700121 Fremantle Gilpin Joyce Elizabeth Merle Female Melvin William Harold Male East Fremantle
1948/2700121 Fremantle Melvin William Harold Male Gilpin Joyce Elizabeth Merle Female East Fremantle
1948/2700122 Fremantle Houlahan Loretta Mary Female Tunnecliffe Michael John Male North Fremantle
1948/2700122 Fremantle Tunnecliffe Michael John Male Houlahan Loretta Mary Female North Fremantle
1948/2700123 Fremantle Johnson Ethel Gertrude Female Leggett Raymond Joseph Male Fremantle
1948/2700123 Fremantle Leggett Raymond Joseph Male Johnson Ethel Gertrude Female Fremantle
1948/2700124 Fremantle Oxwell Clarice Margaret Female Smith Stanley Robert Male Fremantle
1948/2700124 Fremantle Smith Stanley Robert Male Oxwell Clarice Margaret Female Fremantle
1948/2700125 Fremantle Hawkins Cecil Edward Male Poyser Jean Female Fremantle
1948/2700125 Fremantle Poyser Jean Female Hawkins Cecil Edward Male Fremantle
1948/2700126 Fremantle Davey William Francis Male Whitton Marie Female Fremantle
1948/2700126 Fremantle Whitton Marie Female Davey William Francis Male Fremantle
1948/2700127 Fremantle Clark Edgar James Male Purvis Hilda Dorothy Female Fremantle
1948/2700127 Fremantle Purvis Hilda Dorothy Female Clark Edgar James Male Fremantle
1948/2700128 Fremantle Clements Raymond William Male Morgan Molly Olive Female Fremantle
1948/2700128 Fremantle Morgan Molly Olive Female Clements Raymond William Male Fremantle
1948/2700129 Fremantle Johnson Cyril Male Sinclair Phyllis Joyce Female Fremantle
1948/2700129 Fremantle Sinclair Phyllis Joyce Female Johnson Cyril Male Fremantle
1948/2700130 Fremantle Armstrong Valma Ethel Female Lacey Leonard James Male Fremantle
1948/2700130 Fremantle Lacey Leonard James Male Armstrong Valma Ethel Female Fremantle
1948/2700131 Fremantle Flavell June Eloyes Female Holmes Robert James Male Fremantle
1948/2700131 Fremantle Holmes Robert James Male Flavell June Eloyes Female Fremantle
1948/2700132 Fremantle Beaumont Roy Vernon Male Ramsay Mary Angela Female Fremantle
1948/2700132 Fremantle Ramsay Mary Angela Female Beaumont Roy Vernon Male Fremantle
1948/2700133 Fremantle Colleran Thomas Cornelius Male Wade Lucy Kathleen Female Palmyra
1948/2700133 Fremantle Wade Lucy Kathleen Female Colleran Thomas Cornelius Male Palmyra
1948/2700134 Fremantle Carey James Male Clark Shirley Joyce Female Palmyra
1948/2700134 Fremantle Clark Shirley Joyce Female Carey James Male Palmyra
1948/2700135 Fremantle Lynch Elizabeth Ann Female Omara John David Male Fremantle
1948/2700135 Fremantle Omara John David Male Lynch Elizabeth Ann Female Fremantle
1948/2700136 Fremantle Chuck Stanley Wilfred Male Winton Dorothea Monica Female Fremantle
1948/2700136 Fremantle Winton Dorothea Monica Female Chuck Stanley Wilfred Male Fremantle
1948/2700137 Fremantle Hogbin William James Male Wilson Elaine Roberta Female Fremantle
1948/2700137 Fremantle Wilson Elaine Roberta Female Hogbin William James Male Fremantle
1948/2700138 Fremantle Doherty Irene Mary Female Hollands Harold Albert Male Fremantle
1948/2700138 Fremantle Hollands Harold Albert Male Doherty Irene Mary Female Fremantle
1948/2700139 Fremantle Burns Daphne Lucy Female Yeo John Bryan Male Fremantle
1948/2700139 Fremantle Yeo John Bryan Male Burns Daphne Lucy Female Fremantle
1948/2700140 Fremantle Chamberlain Roma Margaret Female Garrity Basil Male Fremantle
1948/2700140 Fremantle Garrity Basil Male Chamberlain Roma Margaret Female Fremantle
1948/2700141 Fremantle Gregg Rowena Minnie Female Reeves Clement Charles Male Fremantle
1948/2700141 Fremantle Reeves Clement Charles Male Gregg Rowena Minnie Female Fremantle
1948/2700142 Fremantle Cheek Betty Selina Female Dean Leslie William Male Fremantle
1948/2700142 Fremantle Dean Leslie William Male Cheek Betty Selina Female Fremantle
1948/2700143 Fremantle Baseden Olga Bernice Female Cook Albert Pascoe Male Fremantle
1948/2700143 Fremantle Cook Albert Pascoe Male Baseden Olga Bernice Female Fremantle
1948/2700144 Fremantle D'Arcy Patricia Mary Ellen Female Harbour George Lewis Male Fremantle
1948/2700144 Fremantle Harbour George Lewis Male D'Arcy Patricia Mary Ellen Female Fremantle
1948/2700145 Fremantle Brice Gweneth Joy Female Rule Richard Ernest Sydney Male Fremantle
1948/2700145 Fremantle Rule Richard Ernest Sydney Male Brice Gweneth Joy Female Fremantle
1948/2700146 Fremantle Prizmic Katica Female Roglich Anthony Male Fremantle
1948/2700146 Fremantle Roglich Anthony Male Prizmic Katica Female Fremantle
1948/2700147 Fremantle Newbound Sylvia Clarice Female Tulley Augustine Anthony Male Fremantle
1948/2700147 Fremantle Tulley Augustine Anthony Male Newbound Sylvia Clarice Female Fremantle
1948/2700148 Fremantle Barry Kevin Henry Male Renfrey Edna Gladys Female Fremantle
1948/2700148 Fremantle Renfrey Edna Gladys Female Barry Kevin Henry Male Fremantle
1948/2700149 Fremantle Amato Nicola Male Letizia Maria Female Fremantle
1948/2700149 Fremantle Letizia Maria Female Amato Nicola Male Fremantle
1948/2700150 Fremantle Andrews Alfred Edward Male Carlisle Shirley May Female Fremantle
1948/2700150 Fremantle Carlisle Shirley May Female Andrews Alfred Edward Male Fremantle
1948/2700151 Fremantle Simpson Lancelot Russell Male Wood Cynthia April Female Fremantle
1948/2700151 Fremantle Wood Cynthia April Female Simpson Lancelot Russell Male Fremantle
1948/2700152 Fremantle Newton George Osborne Male Rothwell Gweneth Margaret Female Fremantle
1948/2700152 Fremantle Rothwell Gweneth Margaret Female Newton George Osborne Male Fremantle
1948/2700153 Fremantle Oakley Avery May Female Sweetman Charles Ronald Male Fremantle
1948/2700153 Fremantle Sweetman Charles Ronald Male Oakley Avery May Female Fremantle
1948/2700154 Fremantle de San Miguel Robert Joseph Male Mortimer Joyce Catherine Female Fremantle
1948/2700154 Fremantle Mortimer Joyce Catherine Female de San Miguel Robert Joseph Male Fremantle
1948/2700155 Fremantle Gray Jacqueline May Female Knight Roy John Male Fremantle
1948/2700155 Fremantle Knight Roy John Male Gray Jacqueline May Female Fremantle
1948/2700156 Fremantle Burridge Gwendoline Beryl Female Kemp Eric James Male Fremantle
1948/2700156 Fremantle Kemp Eric James Male Burridge Gwendoline Beryl Female Fremantle
1948/2700157 Fremantle Gregory Walter Raymond Male Langdon Phoebe Joyce Female Fremantle
1948/2700157 Fremantle Langdon Phoebe Joyce Female Gregory Walter Raymond Male Fremantle
1948/2700158 Fremantle Foster Dorothy Grace Female Robinson Charles Jenkinson Male Fremantle
1948/2700158 Fremantle Robinson Charles Jenkinson Male Foster Dorothy Grace Female Fremantle
1948/2700159 Fremantle Bull Charles Arthur William Male Smith Beryl Joyce Female Spearwood
1948/2700159 Fremantle Smith Beryl Joyce Female Bull Charles Arthur William Male Spearwood
1948/2700160 Fremantle Nielsen Gunnar Felix Carl Male Woosnam Thelma Rae Female Fremantle
1948/2700160 Fremantle Woosnam Thelma Rae Female Nielsen Gunnar Felix Carl Male Fremantle
1948/2700161 Fremantle Fawkes Nellie Female Padreny Pedro Antonio Arthur Male Fremantle
1948/2700161 Fremantle Padreny Pedro Antonio Arthur Male Fawkes Nellie Female Fremantle
1948/2700162 Fremantle Goldie John Male Lillee May Female Fremantle
1948/2700162 Fremantle Lillee May Female Goldie John Male Fremantle
1948/2700163 Fremantle Hoddy Joyce Annie Female Neindorf Reginald Martin Male Fremantle
1948/2700163 Fremantle Neindorf Reginald Martin Male Hoddy Joyce Annie Female Fremantle
1948/2700164 Fremantle Mann Ronald Heneage Male Morley Joan Louisa Female Fremantle
1948/2700164 Fremantle Morley Joan Louisa Female Mann Ronald Heneage Male Fremantle
1948/2700165 Fremantle Boswell George William Male Bullock Shirley May Female Fremantle
1948/2700165 Fremantle Bullock Shirley May Female Boswell George William Male Fremantle
1948/2700166 Fremantle Del Rosso Ann Female Brain Alfred Charles Male Fremantle
1948/2700166 Fremantle Brain Alfred Charles Male Del Rosso Ann Female Fremantle
1948/2700167 Fremantle Bushby Evelyne Joyce Female Foster Frederick James Male Fremantle
1948/2700167 Fremantle Foster Frederick James Male Bushby Evelyne Joyce Female Fremantle
1948/2700168 Fremantle Lee Lucy Mabel Female Levett Leslie Roy Male Fremantle
1948/2700168 Fremantle Levett Leslie Roy Male Lee Lucy Mabel Female Fremantle
1948/2700169 Fremantle Dixon Stanley Robert Male Gray Andrea Lewin Female Fremantle
1948/2700169 Fremantle Dixon Stanley Robert Male Gray Mavis Female Fremantle
1948/2700169 Fremantle Dixon Stanley Robert Male Morgan Andrea Lewin Female Fremantle
1948/2700169 Fremantle Dixon Stanley Robert Male Morgan Mavis Female Fremantle
1948/2700169 Fremantle Gray Andrea Lewin Female Dixon Stanley Robert Male Fremantle
1948/2700169 Fremantle Gray Mavis Female Dixon Stanley Robert Male Fremantle
1948/2700169 Fremantle Morgan Andrea Lewin Female Dixon Stanley Robert Male Fremantle
1948/2700169 Fremantle Morgan Mavis Female Dixon Stanley Robert Male Fremantle
1948/2700170 Fremantle Bailey Valda Olwyn Female Beard Mervyn Maurice Male Fremantle
1948/2700170 Fremantle Beard Mervyn Maurice Male Bailey Valda Olwyn Female Fremantle
1948/2700171 Fremantle La Rosa Sirena Female Pappagallo Francesco Male Fremantle
1948/2700171 Fremantle Pappagallo Francesco Male La Rosa Sirena Female Fremantle
1948/2700172 Fremantle Crellin Allan Bernard Male Dulhunty Mary Agnes Female Fremantle
1948/2700172 Fremantle Dulhunty Mary Agnes Female Crellin Allan Bernard Male Fremantle
1948/2700173 Fremantle Lukatelich James Male Pascoe Mavis Jean Female Fremantle
1948/2700173 Fremantle Pascoe Mavis Jean Female Lukatelich James Male Fremantle
1948/2700174 Fremantle Burnett George Henry Male Murray Elizabeth Gentles Female Fremantle
1948/2700174 Fremantle Murray Elizabeth Gentles Female Burnett George Henry Male Fremantle
1948/2700175 Fremantle Crocker Frederick Arthur Male O'Brien Violet Female Fremantle
1948/2700175 Fremantle O'Brien Violet Female Crocker Frederick Arthur Male Fremantle
1948/2700176 Fremantle Kernick Audrey Merle Female Walker Colin Goodridge Male Fremantle
1948/2700176 Fremantle Walker Colin Goodridge Male Kernick Audrey Merle Female Fremantle
1948/2700177 Fremantle Every Allan Stuart Male Heuston Beatrice Ada Female Fremantle
1948/2700177 Fremantle Heuston Beatrice Ada Female Every Allan Stuart Male Fremantle
1948/2700178 Fremantle Dalton Patricia Mary Female Jones Allan Keith Male Fremantle
1948/2700178 Fremantle Jones Allan Keith Male Dalton Patricia Mary Female Fremantle
1948/2700179 Fremantle Camarda Vincenzo Male Galipo Gracie Female Fremantle
1948/2700179 Fremantle Galipo Gracie Female Camarda Vincenzo Male Fremantle
1948/2700180 Fremantle Camarda Francesco Male Librizzi Teresa Female Fremantle
1948/2700180 Fremantle Librizzi Teresa Female Camarda Francesco Male Fremantle
1948/2700181 Fremantle Bourke Pauline Elaine Female Tipping Francis Patrick Male Fremantle
1948/2700181 Fremantle Tipping Francis Patrick Male Bourke Pauline Elaine Female Fremantle
1948/2700182 Fremantle Hamilton Ernest Ronald Male Hoffmann Doris Eileen Female Fremantle
1948/2700182 Fremantle Hoffmann Doris Eileen Female Hamilton Ernest Ronald Male Fremantle
1948/2700183 Fremantle Beckingham Reginald Wilfred Male Sloan Valmai Averil Joy Female Fremantle
1948/2700183 Fremantle Sloan Valmai Averil Joy Female Beckingham Reginald Wilfred Male Fremantle
1948/2700184 Fremantle Howe Ronald Norman Male Mills Dorethy Margaret Female Fremantle
1948/2700184 Fremantle Mills Dorethy Margaret Female Howe Ronald Norman Male Fremantle
1948/2700185 Fremantle Hartshorn Zelma Frances Female Hyne Lionel Frederick Male Fremantle
1948/2700185 Fremantle Hyne Lionel Frederick Male Hartshorn Zelma Frances Female Fremantle
1948/2700186 Fremantle Barfield Jessie Francis Female Bordas Victor Milton Male Fremantle
1948/2700186 Fremantle Bordas Victor Milton Male Barfield Jessie Francis Female Fremantle
1948/2700187 Fremantle Baker Molly Female Skelton John Bartley Male Fremantle
1948/2700187 Fremantle Skelton John Bartley Male Baker Molly Female Fremantle
1948/2700188 Fremantle Bovell Joshua James Male Bovell Marjorie Female Fremantle
1948/2700188 Fremantle Bovell Marjorie Female Bovell Joshua James Male Fremantle
1948/2700189 Fremantle Aylward Molly Female Houlahan Clifton Leo Male North Fremantle
1948/2700189 Fremantle Houlahan Clifton Leo Male Aylward Molly Female North Fremantle
1948/2700190 Fremantle Cox Thurza Annie Female Layton William John Male Fremantle
1948/2700190 Fremantle Layton William John Male Cox Thurza Annie Female Fremantle
1948/2700191 Fremantle Mead Murray William Male Wilkinson Eva Joyce Female Fremantle
1948/2700191 Fremantle Wilkinson Eva Joyce Female Mead Murray William Male Fremantle
1948/2700192 Fremantle Newbold Geoffrey Ray Male Sexton Jean Female Fremantle
1948/2700192 Fremantle Sexton Jean Female Newbold Geoffrey Ray Male Fremantle
1948/2700193 Fremantle Feeney Thomas Patrick Male Pelosi Alberta Mary Female Fremantle
1948/2700193 Fremantle Pelosi Alberta Mary Female Feeney Thomas Patrick Male Fremantle
1948/2700194 Fremantle Reid Thelma Female Wilkinson Andrew Male Fremantle
1948/2700194 Fremantle Wilkinson Andrew Male Reid Thelma Female Fremantle
1948/2700195 Fremantle Emery Kenneth Norman Male Newman Gladys Elaine Female Fremantle
1948/2700195 Fremantle Newman Gladys Elaine Female Emery Kenneth Norman Male Fremantle
1948/2700196 Fremantle Brittain Lesley Joan Female Chetwynd Louis Leslie Marchant Male Fremantle
1948/2700196 Fremantle Chetwynd Louis Leslie Marchant Male Brittain Lesley Joan Female Fremantle
1948/2700197 Fremantle Bennett William Frank Male Knox Jean Heather Female Fremantle
1948/2700197 Fremantle Knox Jean Heather Female Bennett William Frank Male Fremantle
1948/2700198 Fremantle Anderson Herman Carl Augusta Male Carter Faith Female Fremantle
1948/2700198 Fremantle Carter Faith Female Anderson Herman Carl Augusta Male Fremantle
1948/2700199 Fremantle Doherty Neil James Male Robinson Thelma Mary Female Fremantle
1948/2700199 Fremantle Robinson Thelma Mary Female Doherty Neil James Male Fremantle
1948/2700200 Fremantle Carrello Joseph Male Rotondella Mena Female Fremantle
1948/2700200 Fremantle Rotondella Mena Female Carrello Joseph Male Fremantle
1948/2700201 Fremantle Cole Elsie Milda Female Macleod William Stanley Richard Male Fremantle
1948/2700201 Fremantle Macleod William Stanley Richard Male Cole Elsie Milda Female Fremantle
1948/2700202 Fremantle Amm Olive Mary Female O'Neil Arthur Finlay Male Fremantle
1948/2700202 Fremantle O'Neil Arthur Finlay Male Amm Olive Mary Female Fremantle
1948/2700203 Fremantle Kidd Augustus Leonard Male Wallin Hazel Female Fremantle
1948/2700203 Fremantle Wallin Hazel Female Kidd Augustus Leonard Male Fremantle
1948/2700204 Fremantle Butler Valma Joan Female Carter Arnold Barrington Male Fremantle
1948/2700204 Fremantle Carter Arnold Barrington Male Butler Valma Joan Female Fremantle
1948/2700205 Fremantle Brasier Bertram John Male Santich Lucy Eva Female Fremantle
1948/2700205 Fremantle Santich Lucy Eva Female Brasier Bertram John Male Fremantle
1948/2700206 Fremantle Davidson Phyllis Margaret Female Davy Arthur Male Fremantle
1948/2700206 Fremantle Davy Arthur Male Davidson Phyllis Margaret Female Fremantle
1948/2700207 Fremantle Buckland Beryl Alice Female Goode Peter Male Fremantle
1948/2700207 Fremantle Goode Peter Male Buckland Beryl Alice Female Fremantle
1948/2700208 Fremantle Glossop Clarence James Male Nelson Betty Estelle Female Fremantle
1948/2700208 Fremantle Nelson Betty Estelle Female Glossop Clarence James Male Fremantle
1948/2700209 Fremantle Doust John Joseph Male Foxcroft Eleanor Katherine Female Fremantle
1948/2700209 Fremantle Foxcroft Eleanor Katherine Female Doust John Joseph Male Fremantle
1948/2700210 Fremantle Clementi Vera Rose Female Davis Roy Francis Male Fremantle
1948/2700210 Fremantle Davis Roy Francis Male Clementi Vera Rose Female Fremantle
1948/2700211 Fremantle Wheeler Dudley Robert Male Williamson Doreen Catherine Female Fremantle
1948/2700211 Fremantle Williamson Doreen Catherine Female Wheeler Dudley Robert Male Fremantle
1948/2700212 Fremantle Hamilton Roscoe Stuart Male Hill Myra Norma Female Fremantle
1948/2700212 Fremantle Hill Myra Norma Female Hamilton Roscoe Stuart Male Fremantle
1948/2700213 Fremantle Ellis Kathleen May Female Trew Edward Maurice Male Fremantle
1948/2700213 Fremantle Trew Edward Maurice Male Ellis Kathleen May Female Fremantle
1948/2700214 Fremantle Hollamby Harold David Male Simeon Eveline Caroline Female Fremantle
1948/2700214 Fremantle Simeon Eveline Caroline Female Hollamby Harold David Male Fremantle
1948/2700215 Fremantle Johnson Marie Thyra Female Reeves Albert John Male Fremantle
1948/2700215 Fremantle Reeves Albert John Male Johnson Marie Thyra Female Fremantle
1948/2700216 Fremantle Gatiss Kathleen Mary Louise Female Salathiel Thomas Jenkin Male North Fremantle
1948/2700216 Fremantle Salathiel Thomas Jenkin Male Gatiss Kathleen Mary Louise Female North Fremantle
1948/2700217 Fremantle Roberts John Edward Male Weir Beryl Catherine Female North Fremantle
1948/2700217 Fremantle Weir Beryl Catherine Female Roberts John Edward Male North Fremantle
1948/2700218 Fremantle Lally William Peter Male Simmonds Lillian May Female North Fremantle
1948/2700218 Fremantle Simmonds Lillian May Female Lally William Peter Male North Fremantle
1948/2700219 Fremantle Jacobs Alfred Ivor Male Kelly Vivienne Merle Female Fremantle
1948/2700219 Fremantle Kelly Vivienne Merle Female Jacobs Alfred Ivor Male Fremantle
1948/2700220 Fremantle Bean Dorothea May Female Hillhouse Cochrane Cook Male Fremantle
1948/2700220 Fremantle Hillhouse Cochrane Cook Male Bean Dorothea May Female Fremantle
1948/2700221 Fremantle Butterly Sylvia Doreen Female Gates Vernon Keith Male Fremantle
1948/2700221 Fremantle Gates Vernon Keith Male Butterly Sylvia Doreen Female Fremantle
1948/2700222 Fremantle Alcock Jack Brodrick Male Dermer Marjorie Eileen Female Fremantle
1948/2700222 Fremantle Dermer Marjorie Eileen Female Alcock Jack Brodrick Male Fremantle
1948/2700223 Fremantle O'Byrne Stanley Francis Male Simpson Joan Valerie Female Fremantle
1948/2700223 Fremantle Simpson Joan Valerie Female O'Byrne Stanley Francis Male Fremantle
1948/2700224 Fremantle Cain Serena Gwendoline Female Major Roy Wilson Male Fremantle
1948/2700224 Fremantle Major Roy Wilson Male Cain Serena Gwendoline Female Fremantle
1948/2700225 Fremantle Hadden Decima Carlisle Female Spencer Eric Russell Male East Fremantle
1948/2700225 Fremantle Spencer Eric Russell Male Hadden Decima Carlisle Female East Fremantle
1948/2700226 Fremantle McCorry John Male Strother Mavis Joy Female Fremantle
1948/2700226 Fremantle Strother Mavis Joy Female McCorry John Male Fremantle
1948/2700227 Fremantle La Rosa Nunzia Female Fiocco Giovanni Male Fremantle
1948/2700227 Fremantle Fiocco Giovanni Male La Rosa Nunzia Female Fremantle
1948/2700228 Fremantle Dowd Francis Gerald Male Ebbs Daisy Adelia Female Fremantle
1948/2700228 Fremantle Ebbs Daisy Adelia Female Dowd Francis Gerald Male Fremantle
1948/2700229 Fremantle Crowther Gloria Elsie Female Ferrier Edgar Murray Male Fremantle
1948/2700229 Fremantle Ferrier Edgar Murray Male Crowther Gloria Elsie Female Fremantle
1948/2700230 Fremantle Evans Bramwell Gordon Male Pittaway Betty Edna Female Fremantle
1948/2700230 Fremantle Pittaway Betty Edna Female Evans Bramwell Gordon Male Fremantle
1948/2700231 Fremantle Foley June Marjorie Female Jennings David Franklin Male Fremantle
1948/2700231 Fremantle Jennings David Franklin Male Foley June Marjorie Female Fremantle
1948/2700232 Fremantle Harper Ivy Doreen Female Hughes Denys John Male Fremantle
1948/2700232 Fremantle Hughes Denys John Male Harper Ivy Doreen Female Fremantle
1948/2700233 Fremantle Morris Barbara Constance Female Verney Albert John Male Fremantle
1948/2700233 Fremantle Verney Albert John Male Morris Barbara Constance Female Fremantle
1948/2700234 Fremantle Griffiths Laura Ellen Female Sims Albert George Male Fremantle
1948/2700234 Fremantle Sims Albert George Male Griffiths Laura Ellen Female Fremantle
1948/2700235 Fremantle Ebbs Violet Allison Female Iannello Con Male Fremantle
1948/2700235 Fremantle Iannello Con Male Ebbs Violet Allison Female Fremantle
1948/2700236 Fremantle Clarke Philip James Male Stuart Aileen Margaret Female Fremantle
1948/2700236 Fremantle Stuart Aileen Margaret Female Clarke Philip James Male Fremantle
1948/2700237 Fremantle Doig David Watson Male Watson Marjory Fay Female Fremantle
1948/2700237 Fremantle Watson Marjory Fay Female Doig David Watson Male Fremantle
1948/2700238 Fremantle Logan Florence Mary Jane Female Sleeman Joseph Bertram Male Fremantle
1948/2700238 Fremantle Sleeman Joseph Bertram Male Logan Florence Mary Jane Female Fremantle
1948/2700239 Fremantle Stewart Arnold Alexander Male Vines Charlotte Female Fremantle
1948/2700239 Fremantle Vines Charlotte Female Stewart Arnold Alexander Male Fremantle
1948/2700240 Fremantle Chalwell Joan Ellen Female Thomas Ronald Arthur Male Beaconsfield
1948/2700240 Fremantle Thomas Ronald Arthur Male Chalwell Joan Ellen Female Beaconsfield
1948/2700241 Fremantle Aitken Doreen May Female Hill Stanley Lewis Male East Fremantle
1948/2700241 Fremantle Hill Stanley Lewis Male Aitken Doreen May Female East Fremantle
1948/2700242 Fremantle Reid Francis Male Rutherford Effie Marie Female Fremantle
1948/2700242 Fremantle Rutherford Effie Marie Female Reid Francis Male Fremantle
1948/2700243 Fremantle Brookes Marjorie Emily Female Townsend Darrell Francis Male Fremantle
1948/2700243 Fremantle Townsend Darrell Francis Male Brookes Marjorie Emily Female Fremantle
1948/2700244 Fremantle Deane John James Male Devlin Pauline Adelaide Female Beaconsfield
1948/2700244 Fremantle Devlin Pauline Adelaide Female Deane John James Male Beaconsfield
1948/2700245 Fremantle Arbuthnott Mavis Isobel Female Bartlett Jack Clifford Male Beaconsfield
1948/2700245 Fremantle Bartlett Jack Clifford Male Arbuthnott Mavis Isobel Female Beaconsfield
1948/2700246 Fremantle Graham Frederick John Male Pennington Una Margaret Female Fremantle
1948/2700246 Fremantle Pennington Una Margaret Female Graham Frederick John Male Fremantle
1948/2700247 Fremantle Bertei Bruna Mary Female Dobie Thomas Dalgleish Male Fremantle
1948/2700247 Fremantle Dobie Thomas Dalgleish Male Bertei Bruna Mary Female Fremantle
1948/2700248 Fremantle Crouch Peggy Amelia Alice Female Hughes Leslie Mervyn Male Fremantle
1948/2700248 Fremantle Hughes Leslie Mervyn Male Crouch Peggy Amelia Alice Female Fremantle
1948/2700249 Fremantle Harrison Phillis Olive Female Parker Roy Clive Male Fremantle
1948/2700249 Fremantle Parker Roy Clive Male Harrison Phillis Olive Female Fremantle
1948/2700250 Fremantle Matson Earnest Jack Male Owen Betty Patricia Female Fremantle
1948/2700250 Fremantle Owen Betty Patricia Female Matson Earnest Jack Male Fremantle
1948/2700251 Fremantle Every Victor Charles Male Pearce Norma Gwen Female Fremantle
1948/2700251 Fremantle Pearce Norma Gwen Female Every Victor Charles Male Fremantle
1948/2700252 Fremantle Armstrong Daisy Florence Female King William Joseph Male Fremantle
1948/2700252 Fremantle King William Joseph Male Armstrong Daisy Florence Female Fremantle
1948/2700253 Fremantle Chapman Shirley Mae Female Foster Cyril Joseph William Male Fremantle
1948/2700253 Fremantle Foster Cyril Joseph William Male Chapman Shirley Mae Female Fremantle
1948/2700254 Fremantle Dearle Elvie June Female Kynaston Hubert Male Fremantle
1948/2700254 Fremantle Kynaston Hubert Male Dearle Elvie June Female Fremantle
1948/2700255 Fremantle Blaize Lionel Edward Male Wayne Olive May Female Fremantle
1948/2700255 Fremantle Wayne Olive May Female Blaize Lionel Edward Male Fremantle
1948/2700256 Fremantle Goodchild Olive May Female Uttley Fred Male Fremantle
1948/2700256 Fremantle Uttley Fred Male Goodchild Olive May Female Fremantle
1948/2700257 Fremantle Day Ronald Edmund Male Nicoli Margaret Female Fremantle
1948/2700257 Fremantle Nicoli Margaret Female Day Ronald Edmund Male Fremantle
1948/2700258 Fremantle Cumbers Leslie Thomas Male Greenwell Esther Patricia Female East Fremantle
1948/2700258 Fremantle Greenwell Esther Patricia Female Cumbers Leslie Thomas Male East Fremantle
1948/2700259 Fremantle Grant Myrtle Agnes Dagmar Female White Walter Charles Male Fremantle
1948/2700259 Fremantle White Walter Charles Male Grant Myrtle Agnes Dagmar Female Fremantle
1948/2700260 Fremantle Mears Frederick Gadsby Male Smith Shirley Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1948/2700260 Fremantle Smith Shirley Elizabeth Female Mears Frederick Gadsby Male Fremantle
1948/2700261 Fremantle Bayliss Walter Stanton Male Hewton Dorothy Jean Female Fremantle
1948/2700261 Fremantle Hewton Dorothy Jean Female Bayliss Walter Stanton Male Fremantle
1948/2700262 Fremantle Bettoglia Alessandrina Pierina Female Branchi Lorenzo Male Fremantle
1948/2700262 Fremantle Branchi Lorenzo Male Bettoglia Alessandrina Pierina Female Fremantle
1948/2700263 Fremantle Farmaner Harold Percy Male Wright Florence Pearl Female Fremantle
1948/2700263 Fremantle Wright Florence Pearl Female Farmaner Harold Percy Male Fremantle
1948/2700264 Fremantle Bilton Duncan Henry Male Ferguson Anne Alice Female Fremantle
1948/2700264 Fremantle Ferguson Anne Alice Female Bilton Duncan Henry Male Fremantle
1948/2700265 Fremantle Brown Jessie Thelma Mae Female Duncan Allan John Male Fremantle
1948/2700265 Fremantle Duncan Allan John Male Brown Jessie Thelma Mae Female Fremantle
1948/2700266 Fremantle Bowden Constance Female Francis Harold Trevor Male Fremantle
1948/2700266 Fremantle Francis Harold Trevor Male Bowden Constance Female Fremantle
1948/2700267 Fremantle Marsh Joan Female Townsend Alfred William Male Fremantle
1948/2700267 Fremantle Townsend Alfred William Male Marsh Joan Female Fremantle
1948/2700268 Fremantle Bowen Violet Mary Female Ryan Patrick Donald Male Fremantle
1948/2700268 Fremantle Ryan Patrick Donald Male Bowen Violet Mary Female Fremantle
1948/2700269 Fremantle Lee Zena Jean Female Sforcina Athol Thomas Male Fremantle
1948/2700269 Fremantle Sforcina Athol Thomas Male Lee Zena Jean Female Fremantle
1948/2700270 Fremantle Burgess Bruce Male Morris Thelma Pearl Female Fremantle
1948/2700270 Fremantle Morris Thelma Pearl Female Burgess Bruce Male Fremantle
1948/2700271 Fremantle Berryman John William Male May Joyce Denise Female Fremantle
1948/2700271 Fremantle May Joyce Denise Female Berryman John William Male Fremantle
1948/2700272 Fremantle Dowton James Harley Male Hagerty Dorothy Evelyn Female Fremantle
1948/2700272 Fremantle Hagerty Dorothy Evelyn Female Dowton James Harley Male Fremantle
1948/2700273 Fremantle Dale Alma Cicely Clara Female Larsen Frithjof Male Fremantle
1948/2700273 Fremantle Larsen Frithjof Male Dale Alma Cicely Clara Female Fremantle
1948/2700274 Fremantle Hartnell Naomi Scott Female Johns Ronald James Male Fremantle
1948/2700274 Fremantle Johns Ronald James Male Hartnell Naomi Scott Female Fremantle
1948/2700275 Fremantle Heinrichs Arthur Staton Wilfred Male Henry Ainslie Marie Female Fremantle
1948/2700275 Fremantle Henry Ainslie Marie Female Heinrichs Arthur Staton Wilfred Male Fremantle
1948/2700276 Fremantle Bristow Lorraine Female Poore James Colin Male Fremantle
1948/2700276 Fremantle Poore James Colin Male Bristow Lorraine Female Fremantle
1948/2700277 Fremantle Robins William Baldwin Male Worthington Shirley June Female Fremantle
1948/2700277 Fremantle Worthington Shirley June Female Robins William Baldwin Male Fremantle
1948/2700278 Fremantle Caple Coral May Female Whitehead Peter James Male Fremantle
1948/2700278 Fremantle Whitehead Peter James Male Caple Coral May Female Fremantle
1948/2700279 Fremantle Collis Ronald Bruce Male Harrison Gwendoline Jean Female Fremantle
1948/2700279 Fremantle Harrison Gwendoline Jean Female Collis Ronald Bruce Male Fremantle
1948/2700280 Fremantle Bornatici Marino Male Nova Amy Julie Female Fremantle
1948/2700280 Fremantle Nova Amy Julie Female Bornatici Marino Male Fremantle
1948/2700281 Fremantle Martella Basilio Male Travia Angela Theresa Female Beaconsfield
1948/2700281 Fremantle Travia Angela Theresa Female Martella Basilio Male Beaconsfield
1948/2700282 Fremantle Berglund Helen Ivy Female Hird John Leo Male Beaconsfield
1948/2700282 Fremantle Hird John Leo Male Berglund Helen Ivy Female Beaconsfield
1948/2700283 Fremantle Johnson Daphne Belle Female Pescud Norman Roy Male Fremantle
1948/2700283 Fremantle Pescud Norman Roy Male Johnson Daphne Belle Female Fremantle
1948/2700284 Fremantle Cole Edna Ruth Female Screen William James Male Fremantle
1948/2700284 Fremantle Screen William James Male Cole Edna Ruth Female Fremantle
1948/2700285 Fremantle Ingham Keeva Jean Female Travia Basil Anthony Male Beaconsfield
1948/2700285 Fremantle Travia Basil Anthony Male Ingham Keeva Jean Female Beaconsfield
1948/2700286 Fremantle Ingham Dean Hylton Male Musarra Jean Lorretta Female Beaconsfield
1948/2700286 Fremantle Musarra Jean Lorretta Female Ingham Dean Hylton Male Beaconsfield
1948/2700287 Fremantle Caldow Marie Therese Female Greaney Michael Joseph Male East Fremantle
1948/2700287 Fremantle Greaney Michael Joseph Male Caldow Marie Therese Female East Fremantle
1948/2700288 Fremantle Illingworth Nora Annie Female Truslove Stanley Ketchel Male Fremantle
1948/2700288 Fremantle Truslove Stanley Ketchel Male Illingworth Nora Annie Female Fremantle
1948/2700289 Fremantle Hill Roma Harriet Female Neale Verne Ainsworth Male Fremantle
1948/2700289 Fremantle Neale Verne Ainsworth Male Hill Roma Harriet Female Fremantle
1948/2700290 Fremantle Blenkinsop Betty May Female Hislop Fergus Greville Male Fremantle
1948/2700290 Fremantle Hislop Fergus Greville Male Blenkinsop Betty May Female Fremantle
1948/2700291 Fremantle Cuff Muriel Patricia Female Davies Robert David Male Fremantle
1948/2700291 Fremantle Davies Robert David Male Cuff Muriel Patricia Female Fremantle
1948/2700292 Fremantle Hoddy Betty June Female Wood Sydney William Male Fremantle
1948/2700292 Fremantle Wood Sydney William Male Hoddy Betty June Female Fremantle
1948/2700293 Fremantle Fowler Ronald Lloyd Male Freeman Doris Doreen Female Fremantle
1948/2700293 Fremantle Freeman Doris Doreen Female Fowler Ronald Lloyd Male Fremantle
1948/2700294 Fremantle Foley Thomas Richard Male Kinsella Tillie Adams Female Fremantle
1948/2700294 Fremantle Kinsella Tillie Adams Female Foley Thomas Richard Male Fremantle
1948/2700295 Fremantle Davies Winifred Cornelia Female Moffat John Male Fremantle
1948/2700295 Fremantle Moffat John Male Davies Winifred Cornelia Female Fremantle
1948/2700296 Fremantle Pilling Gwendoline Eva Female Townsend William Peter Male Fremantle
1948/2700296 Fremantle Townsend William Peter Male Pilling Gwendoline Eva Female Fremantle
1948/2700297 Fremantle Colleran Robert James Male Holloway Rita Elvie Female Palmyra
1948/2700297 Fremantle Holloway Rita Elvie Female Colleran Robert James Male Palmyra
1948/2700298 Fremantle Pickett Patricia Female Rule Burnie Edward James Male Fremantle
1948/2700298 Fremantle Rule Burnie Edward James Male Pickett Patricia Female Fremantle
1948/2700299 Fremantle Freeman June Cecilie Female Kidd Sydney Male Fremantle
1948/2700299 Fremantle Kidd Sydney Male Freeman June Cecilie Female Fremantle
1948/2700300 Fremantle Findlay Joy Essie Female Sandford Jack Tipton Male Fremantle
1948/2700300 Fremantle Sandford Jack Tipton Male Findlay Joy Essie Female Fremantle
1948/2700301 Fremantle Orme George Male Osborne Clara Ann Female Fremantle
1948/2700301 Fremantle Osborne Clara Ann Female Orme George Male Fremantle
1948/2700302 Fremantle Goodall Ronald Arthur Male Kent Mavis Jean Female Fremantle
1948/2700302 Fremantle Kent Mavis Jean Female Goodall Ronald Arthur Male Fremantle
1948/2700303 Fremantle Scofield Leslie Augustus Male Smith Rhoda Mary Female Fremantle
1948/2700303 Fremantle Smith Rhoda Mary Female Scofield Leslie Augustus Male Fremantle
1948/2700304 Fremantle Bowden May Female Luff Ronald Horace Male Fremantle
1948/2700304 Fremantle Luff Ronald Horace Male Bowden May Female Fremantle
1948/2700305 Fremantle Bishop Lional Alfred Male Hale Adala Beatrice Female Fremantle
1948/2700305 Fremantle Hale Adala Beatrice Female Bishop Lional Alfred Male Fremantle
1948/2700306 Fremantle Flanagan Betty Ann Female Monaco Guiseppi Male East Fremantle
1948/2700306 Fremantle Monaco Guiseppi Male Flanagan Betty Ann Female East Fremantle
1948/2700307 Fremantle Hales Olive Mary Female McGough Victor Male Fremantle
1948/2700307 Fremantle McGough Victor Male Hales Olive Mary Female Fremantle
1948/2700308 Fremantle MacKenzie Bella Mary Ann Female Minett Stanley Goodwin Male Fremantle
1948/2700308 Fremantle Minett Stanley Goodwin Male MacKenzie Bella Mary Ann Female Fremantle
1948/2700309 Fremantle Collins Leslie Herbert Male Nistasov Maria Female Fremantle
1948/2700309 Fremantle Nistasov Maria Female Collins Leslie Herbert Male Fremantle
1948/2700310 Fremantle Cardwell Charlie Leonard Male Sampson Kathleen Jane Raffaella Female Fremantle
1948/2700310 Fremantle Sampson Kathleen Jane Raffaella Female Cardwell Charlie Leonard Male Fremantle
1948/2700311 Fremantle Blake Imelda Pearl Female Smith John Patrick Male Fremantle
1948/2700311 Fremantle Smith John Patrick Male Blake Imelda Pearl Female Fremantle
1948/2700312 Fremantle Baverstock Frederick John Male Buck Pearl Jean Female Fremantle
1948/2700312 Fremantle Buck Pearl Jean Female Baverstock Frederick John Male Fremantle
1948/2700313 Fremantle Moloney William John Male Roberts Helen Valmai Female Fremantle
1948/2700313 Fremantle Roberts Helen Valmai Female Moloney William John Male Fremantle
1948/2700314 Fremantle Lee Alexander Gordon Male Rutherford Stella Isobel Female Fremantle
1948/2700314 Fremantle Rutherford Stella Isobel Female Lee Alexander Gordon Male Fremantle
1948/2700315 Fremantle Richardson Dorothy Jean Female Robinson James Walter Male Fremantle
1948/2700315 Fremantle Robinson James Walter Male Richardson Dorothy Jean Female Fremantle
1948/2700316 Fremantle Bamkin Frederick John Male Pollard Beatrice Violet Female Fremantle
1948/2700316 Fremantle Pollard Beatrice Violet Female Bamkin Frederick John Male Fremantle
1948/2700317 Fremantle Kingsbury Errol Jenner Male Rawlinson Isabel May Female Beaconsfield
1948/2700317 Fremantle Rawlinson Isabel May Female Kingsbury Errol Jenner Male Beaconsfield
1948/2700318 Fremantle Dunkley Betty Mary Female Savage Kevin John Joseph Male Fremantle
1948/2700318 Fremantle Savage Kevin John Joseph Male Dunkley Betty Mary Female Fremantle
1948/2700319 Fremantle Byrne Phyllis Mae Female Woods George Henry Male Fremantle
1948/2700319 Fremantle Woods George Henry Male Byrne Phyllis Mae Female Fremantle
1948/2700320 Fremantle Erceg Matilda Mae Female Jordan Robert Douglas Male Fremantle
1948/2700320 Fremantle Jordan Robert Douglas Male Erceg Matilda Mae Female Fremantle
1948/2700321 Fremantle Cooper Edgar Lewis Male Lane Joyce Elsa Female Fremantle
1948/2700321 Fremantle Lane Joyce Elsa Female Cooper Edgar Lewis Male Fremantle
1948/2700322 Fremantle Edwards Gwyneth Female Pausey Leonard Male Fremantle
1948/2700322 Fremantle Pausey Leonard Male Edwards Gwyneth Female Fremantle
1948/2700323 Fremantle Barton Norman John Male Dean Connie Winifred Female Fremantle
1948/2700323 Fremantle Dean Connie Winifred Female Barton Norman John Male Fremantle
1948/2700324 Fremantle Bocksette Clarice Ethel Veronica Female Clucas Alfred George Male Fremantle
1948/2700324 Fremantle Clucas Alfred George Male Bocksette Clarice Ethel Veronica Female Fremantle
1948/2700325 Fremantle Foxon Frederick Male Sparkman Constance Ida Female Fremantle
1948/2700325 Fremantle Sparkman Constance Ida Female Foxon Frederick Male Fremantle
1948/2700326 Fremantle Ellis Thomas Lewis Male Oxwell Valmai Aileen Female Fremantle
1948/2700326 Fremantle Oxwell Valmai Aileen Female Ellis Thomas Lewis Male Fremantle
1948/2700327 Fremantle Hansen Jack Millar Male Stalley Margaret Maud Female Fremantle
1948/2700327 Fremantle Stalley Margaret Maud Female Hansen Jack Millar Male Fremantle
1948/2700328 Fremantle Hansen Frederick Male Harrison Gwendoline Mary Female Fremantle
1948/2700328 Fremantle Harrison Gwendoline Mary Female Hansen Frederick Male Fremantle
1948/2700329 Fremantle Del Rosso Joyce Female Coomber John Epic Male Fremantle
1948/2700329 Fremantle Coomber John Epic Male Del Rosso Joyce Female Fremantle
1948/2700330 Fremantle Kennedy Herbert Douglas Male Potter Rose Lily Female Fremantle
1948/2700330 Fremantle Potter Rose Lily Female Kennedy Herbert Douglas Male Fremantle
1948/2700331 Fremantle Cole David Hugh Archibald Male Herbert Norma Elsie Female Fremantle
1948/2700331 Fremantle Herbert Norma Elsie Female Cole David Hugh Archibald Male Fremantle
1948/2700332 Fremantle Lewis Joan Margret Female McMillan Ernest John Male Fremantle
1948/2700332 Fremantle McMillan Ernest John Male Lewis Joan Margret Female Fremantle
1948/2700333 Fremantle Burke Robert Douglas Male Wilson Gladys Irene Female Fremantle
1948/2700333 Fremantle Wilson Gladys Irene Female Burke Robert Douglas Male Fremantle
1948/2700334 Fremantle Gallagher Bernard Male Johnston Gloria Elaine Female East Fremantle
1948/2700334 Fremantle Johnston Gloria Elaine Female Gallagher Bernard Male East Fremantle
1948/2700335 Fremantle Evans Alice Miriam Female Williams John Emlyn Male Fremantle
1948/2700335 Fremantle Williams John Emlyn Male Evans Alice Miriam Female Fremantle
1948/2700336 Fremantle Andrew Catherine Dunsire Female Marsland Douglas James Male Fremantle
1948/2700336 Fremantle Marsland Douglas James Male Andrew Catherine Dunsire Female Fremantle
1948/2700337 Fremantle Graham Joyce Shirley Female Rumble Peter Brian Male Fremantle
1948/2700337 Fremantle Rumble Peter Brian Male Graham Joyce Shirley Female Fremantle
1948/2700338 Fremantle Ray Maureen Female Thorp Arnold Stuart Male Fremantle
1948/2700338 Fremantle Thorp Arnold Stuart Male Ray Maureen Female Fremantle
1948/2700339 Fremantle Cary Neville Edward Male Della-Bosca Alice Joyce Female Fremantle
1948/2700339 Fremantle Della-Bosca Alice Joyce Female Cary Neville Edward Male Fremantle
1948/2700340 Fremantle Baker Joseph Male Smith Joan Ethel Female Fremantle
1948/2700340 Fremantle Smith Joan Ethel Female Baker Joseph Male Fremantle
1948/2700341 Fremantle Meyer Lillian Sarah Female O'Donovan Maurice Gregory Male West Aust
1948/2700341 Fremantle O'Donovan Maurice Gregory Male Meyer Lillian Sarah Female West Aust
1948/2700342 Fremantle Kitson George Stanley Male Leslie Margaret Mildred Female Fremantle
1948/2700342 Fremantle Leslie Margaret Mildred Female Kitson George Stanley Male Fremantle
1948/2700343 Fremantle Harris Donald George Male Miller Joan Patricia Female Fremantle
1948/2700343 Fremantle Miller Joan Patricia Female Harris Donald George Male Fremantle
1948/2700344 Fremantle Davy Arthur Edward Male Friday Betty Winifred Female Fremantle
1948/2700344 Fremantle Friday Betty Winifred Female Davy Arthur Edward Male Fremantle
1948/2700345 Fremantle Bain Hilda Olive May Female Freiberg Karl Otto Male Fremantle
1948/2700345 Fremantle Freiberg Karl Otto Male Bain Hilda Olive May Female Fremantle
1948/2700346 Fremantle Locke Beryl Female Vradis Stefanos Male Fremantle
1948/2700346 Fremantle Vradis Stefanos Male Locke Beryl Female Fremantle
1948/2700347 Fremantle Bristow Corene Betty Female Walsh William John Archie Male Fremantle
1948/2700347 Fremantle Walsh William John Archie Male Bristow Corene Betty Female Fremantle
1948/2700348 Fremantle Bennett Dorothy Frances Female Brown Leslie Forrester Male Fremantle
1948/2700348 Fremantle Brown Leslie Forrester Male Bennett Dorothy Frances Female Fremantle
1948/2700349 Fremantle Clarke Minnie Female Noone Frederick Arthur Thomas Male Fremantle
1948/2700349 Fremantle Noone Frederick Arthur Thomas Male Clarke Minnie Female Fremantle
1948/2700350 Fremantle Davies Gladys Female Drennan John Andrew Male Beaconsfield
1948/2700350 Fremantle Drennan John Andrew Male Davies Gladys Female Beaconsfield
1948/2700351 Fremantle Brown Robert Edward Male Smith Bernice Irene Female Spearwood
1948/2700351 Fremantle Smith Bernice Irene Female Brown Robert Edward Male Spearwood
1948/2700352 Fremantle Anning Marjorie Lorraine Female Dorey John William Male Spearwood
1948/2700352 Fremantle Dorey John William Male Anning Marjorie Lorraine Female Spearwood
1948/2700353 Fremantle Hawes Audrey Alice Female Treloar Mervyn Albert Male Fremantle
1948/2700353 Fremantle Treloar Mervyn Albert Male Hawes Audrey Alice Female Fremantle
1948/2700354 Fremantle Damjanovich-Napoleon Katarina Female Nadilo-Buran Anton Male Fremantle
1948/2700354 Fremantle Nadilo-Buran Anton Male Damjanovich-Napoleon Katarina Female Fremantle
1948/2700355 Fremantle Lanza Claudio Salvatore Male Raffaele Adela Female Fremantle
1948/2700355 Fremantle Raffaele Adela Female Lanza Claudio Salvatore Male Fremantle
1948/2700356 Fremantle Hammond Kevin John Male Sheridan Patricia Female East Fremantle
1948/2700356 Fremantle Sheridan Patricia Female Hammond Kevin John Male East Fremantle
1948/2700357 Fremantle Spark Vera Ann Female Weaver Keith Everard Male Fremantle
1948/2700357 Fremantle Weaver Keith Everard Male Spark Vera Ann Female Fremantle
1948/2700358 Fremantle Ranger Cyril Frederick Male Wallace Edith Shirley Female Fremantle
1948/2700358 Fremantle Wallace Edith Shirley Female Ranger Cyril Frederick Male Fremantle
1948/2700359 Fremantle Grant Norman Raymond Male Lees Elsie Lillian Female Fremantle
1948/2700359 Fremantle Lees Elsie Lillian Female Grant Norman Raymond Male Fremantle
1948/2700360 Fremantle Grieves Henry Hunter Male McCarthy Ruby Female Fremantle
1948/2700360 Fremantle McCarthy Ruby Female Grieves Henry Hunter Male Fremantle
1948/2700361 Fremantle Bebee Alexander Sinclair Male Brown Mair Lydia Female East Fremantle
1948/2700361 Fremantle Brown Mair Lydia Female Bebee Alexander Sinclair Male East Fremantle
1948/2700362 Fremantle Kerslake Bryan Male Wayling Mina Female Fremantle
1948/2700362 Fremantle Wayling Mina Female Kerslake Bryan Male Fremantle
1948/2700363 Fremantle Dillon Kenneth George Male Haywood Patricia Kathleen Female Fremantle
1948/2700363 Fremantle Haywood Patricia Kathleen Female Dillon Kenneth George Male Fremantle
1948/2700364 Fremantle Cheek Harold Victor Male Huxtable Nancy Ann Female Fremantle
1948/2700364 Fremantle Huxtable Nancy Ann Female Cheek Harold Victor Male Fremantle
1948/2700365 Fremantle Famlonga Stephen Albert Male Robertson Margaret Wallace Female Beaconsfield
1948/2700365 Fremantle Robertson Margaret Wallace Female Famlonga Stephen Albert Male Beaconsfield
1948/2700366 Fremantle Craig James Francis Female Croll Rita Marie Male Fremantle
1948/2700366 Fremantle Croll Rita Marie Male Craig James Francis Female Fremantle
1948/2700367 Fremantle Meyer Lesley Joy Female Whitton Ernest Robert Male Fremantle
1948/2700367 Fremantle Whitton Ernest Robert Male Meyer Lesley Joy Female Fremantle
1948/2700368 Fremantle Andrew George Alfred Male Sosa Nancy Female Fremantle
1948/2700368 Fremantle Sosa Nancy Female Andrew George Alfred Male Fremantle
1948/2700369 Fremantle Cubitt Graham Charles Male Wray Pamela Lylie Female Fremantle
1948/2700369 Fremantle Wray Pamela Lylie Female Cubitt Graham Charles Male Fremantle
1948/2700370 Fremantle Leen Joan Margaret Female Mason Beverley James Male Fremantle
1948/2700370 Fremantle Mason Beverley James Male Leen Joan Margaret Female Fremantle
1948/2700371 Fremantle Alford Leslie Thomas Male Bailey Edna Joyce Edith Female Beaconsfield
1948/2700371 Fremantle Bailey Edna Joyce Edith Female Alford Leslie Thomas Male Beaconsfield
1948/2700372 Fremantle Fernihough Marjorie Jean Female McDonald William Hugh Male East Fremantle
1948/2700372 Fremantle McDonald William Hugh Male Fernihough Marjorie Jean Female East Fremantle
1948/2700373 Fremantle McInerney Dorothy Jean Female Sigley John Male East Fremantle
1948/2700373 Fremantle Sigley John Male McInerney Dorothy Jean Female East Fremantle
1948/2700374 Fremantle Pluschke Patricia Kersty Female Wortley Henry Robert Male Fremantle
1948/2700374 Fremantle Wortley Henry Robert Male Pluschke Patricia Kersty Female Fremantle
1948/2700375 Fremantle Egan Charles Lawrence Male Wilkins Lila Susan Female Fremantle
1948/2700375 Fremantle Wilkins Lila Susan Female Egan Charles Lawrence Male Fremantle
1948/2700376 Fremantle Cuocci Pasqualina Female Miragliotta Felice Alfred Male Fremantle
1948/2700376 Fremantle Miragliotta Felice Alfred Male Cuocci Pasqualina Female Fremantle
1948/2700377 Fremantle Downes Eileen Amelia Female Shaw William George Male Palmyra
1948/2700377 Fremantle Shaw William George Male Downes Eileen Amelia Female Palmyra
1948/2700378 Fremantle Campagna Cesare Rosario Carmelo Male Sicari Margaret Female Fremantle
1948/2700378 Fremantle Sicari Margaret Female Campagna Cesare Rosario Carmelo Male Fremantle
1948/2700379 Fremantle Petsch Marion Hope Female Wilkins George Warren Male Fremantle
1948/2700379 Fremantle Wilkins George Warren Male Petsch Marion Hope Female Fremantle
1948/2700380 Fremantle Hunter Charles Edward Male Minett Gladys May Female Fremantle
1948/2700380 Fremantle Minett Gladys May Female Hunter Charles Edward Male Fremantle
1948/2700381 Fremantle Donaldson Raymond Male Turner Kathleen Teresa Female Fremantle
1948/2700381 Fremantle Turner Kathleen Teresa Female Donaldson Raymond Male Fremantle
1948/2700382 Fremantle Collinson Jean Female Wares Donald Moore Male Fremantle
1948/2700382 Fremantle Wares Donald Moore Male Collinson Jean Female Fremantle
1948/2700383 Fremantle Coverley Eileen Jessie Female Stubbs Kenneth Alwyne Male Fremantle
1948/2700383 Fremantle Stubbs Kenneth Alwyne Male Coverley Eileen Jessie Female Fremantle
1948/2700384 Fremantle Bourne Irene May Ada Female Truscott John Edwin Male Fremantle
1948/2700384 Fremantle Truscott John Edwin Male Bourne Irene May Ada Female Fremantle
1948/2700385 Fremantle Lockwood Ronald Edward Male Sutherland Jocelyn Lynette Female Fremantle
1948/2700385 Fremantle Sutherland Jocelyn Lynette Female Lockwood Ronald Edward Male Fremantle
1948/2700386 Fremantle Allan Shirley Joan Female Mannucci Edolo Maggiorino Male Fremantle
1948/2700386 Fremantle Mannucci Edolo Maggiorino Male Allan Shirley Joan Female Fremantle
1948/2700387 Fremantle Branson Harry Edward Ross Male Luff Norma June Female Fremantle
1948/2700387 Fremantle Luff Norma June Female Branson Harry Edward Ross Male Fremantle
1948/2700388 Fremantle Gunson Clara Jean Female Peacock Ronald David Male Fremantle
1948/2700388 Fremantle Peacock Ronald David Male Gunson Clara Jean Female Fremantle
1948/2700389 Fremantle Breglia Anna Female Paparello Cosimo Male Fremantle
1948/2700389 Fremantle Paparello Cosimo Male Breglia Anna Female Fremantle
1948/2700390 Fremantle Howe Kathleen Elizabeth Female Olsen John Thomas Walter Male Fremantle
1948/2700390 Fremantle Olsen John Thomas Walter Male Howe Kathleen Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1948/2700391 Fremantle Grigo Roy Ernest Male McKinnon Flora Amy Female Fremantle
1948/2700391 Fremantle McKinnon Flora Amy Female Grigo Roy Ernest Male Fremantle
1948/2700392 Fremantle Bott Clement Carrington Male Harrod Nancy Rema Female Fremantle
1948/2700392 Fremantle Harrod Nancy Rema Female Bott Clement Carrington Male Fremantle
1948/2700393 Fremantle Hicks Valda Female Whitbread Donald Louis Male Fremantle
1948/2700393 Fremantle Whitbread Donald Louis Male Hicks Valda Female Fremantle
1948/2700394 Fremantle Buckingham William Patrick Male Field Dorothy Annie Jean Female Fremantle
1948/2700394 Fremantle Field Dorothy Annie Jean Female Buckingham William Patrick Male Fremantle
1948/2700395 Fremantle Nicoll Stanley William Male Prince Gwendoline Rose Female Fremantle
1948/2700395 Fremantle Prince Gwendoline Rose Female Nicoll Stanley William Male Fremantle
1948/2700396 Fremantle Shorthouse Hilda Jessie Female Viner George Male Fremantle
1948/2700396 Fremantle Viner George Male Shorthouse Hilda Jessie Female Fremantle
1948/2700397 Fremantle Oakley Barbara Gold Female Reichard Alfred John Arnold Male Fremantle
1948/2700397 Fremantle Reichard Alfred John Arnold Male Oakley Barbara Gold Female Fremantle
1948/2700398 Fremantle Farrell James Joseph Male Jones Veronica May Female East Fremantle
1948/2700398 Fremantle Jones Veronica May Female Farrell James Joseph Male East Fremantle
1948/2700399 Fremantle Back Winifred Female Bergland Frederick Stanley Male East Fremantle
1948/2700399 Fremantle Bergland Frederick Stanley Male Back Winifred Female East Fremantle
1948/2700400 Fremantle Hancock Donald Aubrey Male McKay Beryl Rose Female North Fremantle
1948/2700400 Fremantle McKay Beryl Rose Female Hancock Donald Aubrey Male North Fremantle
1948/2700401 Fremantle Brown Stephen John Male Johansson May Female East Fremantle
1948/2700401 Fremantle Johansson May Female Brown Stephen John Male East Fremantle
1948/2700402 Fremantle Louthean Margaret Laura Female Tink Victor Douglas Male Fremantle
1948/2700402 Fremantle Louthean Margaret Female Tink Victor Douglas Male Fremantle
1948/2700402 Fremantle Tink Victor Douglas Male Louthean Margaret Laura Female Fremantle
1948/2700402 Fremantle Tink Victor Douglas Male Louthean Margaret Female Fremantle
1948/2700403 Fremantle Collins Alexander Thomas Male Ladner Valma Winifred Nance Female Beaconsfield
1948/2700403 Fremantle Ladner Valma Winifred Nance Female Collins Alexander Thomas Male Beaconsfield
1948/2700404 Fremantle Hicks Elizabeth Lindley Female Parks Stanley Walter Male Fremantle
1948/2700404 Fremantle Parks Stanley Walter Male Hicks Elizabeth Lindley Female Fremantle
1948/2700405 Fremantle Anderson Gwendoline Margaret Female Collins Albert Ernest Male Fremantle
1948/2700405 Fremantle Collins Albert Ernest Male Anderson Gwendoline Margaret Female Fremantle
1948/2700406 Fremantle Gallin Albert Laurence Male McGuinness Kathleen Isabel Female Palmyra
1948/2700406 Fremantle McGuinness Kathleen Isabel Female Gallin Albert Laurence Male Palmyra
1948/2700407 Fremantle Chapman Isla Isobel May Female Feltham Walter Roderick Male Fremantle
1948/2700407 Fremantle Feltham Walter Roderick Male Chapman Isla Isobel May Female Fremantle
1948/2700408 Fremantle Holdsworth Jean Female Seymour Angus Sutherland Male Fremantle
1948/2700408 Fremantle Seymour Angus Sutherland Male Holdsworth Jean Female Fremantle
1948/2700409 Fremantle Saunders Arthur Gordon Yarcowie Male Warman Lilian May Female Palmyra
1948/2700409 Fremantle Warman Lilian May Female Saunders Arthur Gordon Yarcowie Male Palmyra
1948/2700410 Fremantle Dalton John Joseph Male Hewton Mary Valma Female Fremantle
1948/2700410 Fremantle Hewton Mary Valma Female Dalton John Joseph Male Fremantle
1948/2700411 Fremantle Morris Olive Mary Female Standen Frederick Edward Male Fremantle
1948/2700411 Fremantle Standen Frederick Edward Male Morris Olive Mary Female Fremantle
1948/2700412 Fremantle Kirkwood Joan Female Smith Norman Harold Male Fremantle
1948/2700412 Fremantle Smith Norman Harold Male Kirkwood Joan Female Fremantle
1948/2700413 Fremantle Byrne Lilly May Female Knott James Leslie Male Fremantle
1948/2700413 Fremantle Knott James Leslie Male Byrne Lilly May Female Fremantle
1948/2700414 Fremantle Peckover William Richard Male Seager Ida Frances Louise Female Fremantle
1948/2700414 Fremantle Seager Ida Frances Louise Female Peckover William Richard Male Fremantle
1948/2700415 Fremantle Nelson Merle Lillian Female Richards Leonard George Male Fremantle
1948/2700415 Fremantle Richards Leonard George Male Nelson Merle Lillian Female Fremantle
1948/2700416 Fremantle Monger Ruby Beryl Female Williams Jack Arthur Male Fremantle
1948/2700416 Fremantle Williams Jack Arthur Male Monger Ruby Beryl Female Fremantle
1948/2700417 Fremantle James Vera May Female Thatcher Alfred James Edwin Male Fremantle
1948/2700417 Fremantle Thatcher Alfred James Edwin Male James Vera May Female Fremantle
1948/2700418 Fremantle Farmer Shirley Jean Female Woollams Frederick Arthur Male Fremantle
1948/2700418 Fremantle Woollams Frederick Arthur Male Farmer Shirley Jean Female Fremantle
1948/2700419 Fremantle Fragomeni Carl Nino Male Prange Magdalene Selina Beatrice Female Fremantle
1948/2700419 Fremantle Prange Magdalene Selina Beatrice Female Fragomeni Carl Nino Male Fremantle
1948/2700420 Fremantle Grenville Warren Harold Male Munro June Constance Female Fremantle
1948/2700420 Fremantle Munro June Constance Female Grenville Warren Harold Male Fremantle
1948/2700421 Fremantle Seubert Norman Charles Male Webb Evelyn Betty Female Fremantle
1948/2700421 Fremantle Webb Evelyn Betty Female Seubert Norman Charles Male Fremantle
1948/2700422 Fremantle Holland Joyce Agnes Female Moir Gilbert Lionel Male Fremantle
1948/2700422 Fremantle Moir Gilbert Lionel Male Holland Joyce Agnes Female Fremantle
1948/2700423 Fremantle Stewart Robina Valmai Female Waghorn Ronald Thomas Male Fremantle
1948/2700423 Fremantle Waghorn Ronald Thomas Male Stewart Robina Valmai Female Fremantle
1948/2700424 Fremantle Hof Yuncie Female Hutton William Lawrence Male Fremantle
1948/2700424 Fremantle Hutton William Lawrence Male Hof Yuncie Female Fremantle
1948/2700425 Fremantle Angione Angela Female Paparella Corrado Male Fremantle
1948/2700425 Fremantle Paparella Corrado Male Angione Angela Female Fremantle
1948/2700426 Fremantle Ferguson Catherine Georgina Female Husselbury William Thomas Male Fremantle
1948/2700426 Fremantle Husselbury William Thomas Male Ferguson Catherine Georgina Female Fremantle
1948/2700427 Fremantle Dorey Florence Merle Female Meagher Charles Edward Male Fremantle
1948/2700427 Fremantle Meagher Charles Edward Male Dorey Florence Merle Female Fremantle
1948/2700428 Fremantle Jesercnik Herbert Male Weston Estelle Mary Lawrence Female Fremantle
1948/2700428 Fremantle Weston Estelle Mary Lawrence Female Jesercnik Herbert Male Fremantle
1948/2700429 Fremantle Flindell Elva June Female Jeisman Melville Cora Male Melville
1948/2700429 Fremantle Jeisman Melville Cora Male Flindell Elva June Female Melville
1948/2700430 Fremantle Amato Maria Female Wilding Frank Male Fremantle
1948/2700430 Fremantle Wilding Frank Male Amato Maria Female Fremantle
1948/2700431 Fremantle Hall Leon Gordon Male Pickett Pauline Alice Female Fremantle
1948/2700431 Fremantle Pickett Pauline Alice Female Hall Leon Gordon Male Fremantle
1948/2700432 Fremantle Herbert Dulcie May Female Hicks Alfred George Male Fremantle
1948/2700432 Fremantle Hicks Alfred George Male Herbert Dulcie May Female Fremantle
1948/2700433 Fremantle Bainbridge Noreen Female Wilkins Leslie Charles Male Fremantle
1948/2700433 Fremantle Wilkins Leslie Charles Male Bainbridge Noreen Female Fremantle
1948/2700434 Fremantle Barrey Avis May Female Stoneham Fredrick Henry Male Fremantle
1948/2700434 Fremantle Stoneham Fredrick Henry Male Barrey Avis May Female Fremantle
1948/2700435 Fremantle Lees Raymond Alan Male Santich Rose June Female Fremantle
1948/2700435 Fremantle Santich Rose June Female Lees Raymond Alan Male Fremantle
1948/2700436 Fremantle Harding Hilda May Female Lock Lloyd George Male Fremantle
1948/2700436 Fremantle Lock Lloyd George Male Harding Hilda May Female Fremantle
1948/2700437 Fremantle Covich Ivan Male Rujic Franceska Female Fremantle
1948/2700437 Fremantle Rujic Franceska Female Covich Ivan Male Fremantle
1948/2700438 Fremantle Caddy Audrey Joyce Female Marshall Thomas Alfred Male West Aust
1948/2700438 Fremantle Marshall Thomas Alfred Male Caddy Audrey Joyce Female West Aust
1948/2700439 Fremantle Deane Kathleen Mary Female Vagg Ronald Male Beaconsfield
1948/2700439 Fremantle Vagg Ronald Male Deane Kathleen Mary Female Beaconsfield
1948/2700440 Fremantle Caird Dorothea Janette Female Rees Daniel Male Fremantle
1948/2700440 Fremantle Rees Daniel Male Caird Dorothea Janette Female Fremantle
1948/2700441 Fremantle Anderson Athol Robert Male Bullock Ivy Eileen Female Fremantle
1948/2700441 Fremantle Bullock Ivy Eileen Female Anderson Athol Robert Male Fremantle
1948/2700442 Fremantle Mocken Florence Viola Female Tonkin Maurice Bruce Male Fremantle
1948/2700442 Fremantle Tonkin Maurice Bruce Male Mocken Florence Viola Female Fremantle
1948/2700443 Fremantle Blair Doris Ivy Female Kennedy Donald Male Fremantle
1948/2700443 Fremantle Kennedy Donald Male Blair Doris Ivy Female Fremantle
1948/2700444 Fremantle Simpson Charles Robinson Male Spence Esme Lillian Female Fremantle
1948/2700444 Fremantle Spence Esme Lillian Female Simpson Charles Robinson Male Fremantle
1948/2700445 Fremantle Fawcett Janet Female Mellowship Alan Male Fremantle
1948/2700445 Fremantle Mellowship Alan Male Fawcett Janet Female Fremantle
1948/2700446 Fremantle Edwards Walter Miller Male Hutchinson Corale Roberta Female Fremantle
1948/2700446 Fremantle Hutchinson Corale Roberta Female Edwards Walter Miller Male Fremantle
1948/2700447 Fremantle Drake Zena Babe Female Underwood Stanley Leslie Male Fremantle
1948/2700447 Fremantle Underwood Stanley Leslie Male Drake Zena Babe Female Fremantle
1948/2700448 Fremantle Reynolds Dorothy Ellen Female Smalpage Eugene Frederick Male Fremantle
1948/2700448 Fremantle Smalpage Eugene Frederick Male Reynolds Dorothy Ellen Female Fremantle
1948/2700449 Fremantle Fanning Patty Joan Female Marshall Alan Robert Male Palmyra
1948/2700449 Fremantle Marshall Alan Robert Male Fanning Patty Joan Female Palmyra
1948/2700450 Fremantle Balston William George Bernard Male Joslin Marjorie Joan Female Fremantle
1948/2700450 Fremantle Joslin Marjorie Joan Female Balston William George Bernard Male Fremantle
1948/2700451 Fremantle Pearse Patricia Female Tregonning Donald John Kennedy Male Fremantle
1948/2700451 Fremantle Tregonning Donald John Kennedy Male Pearse Patricia Female Fremantle
1948/2700452 Fremantle Bell Ernest Male Jensen Betty Lorna Female Fremantle
1948/2700452 Fremantle Jensen Betty Lorna Female Bell Ernest Male Fremantle
1948/2700453 Fremantle Harrison Dorothy Marie Female Maher Ronald Male Fremantle
1948/2700453 Fremantle Maher Ronald Male Harrison Dorothy Marie Female Fremantle
1948/2700454 Fremantle Davis William George Male Summerfield Selma Phyllis Female Fremantle
1948/2700454 Fremantle Summerfield Selma Phyllis Female Davis William George Male Fremantle
1948/2700455 Fremantle Fullston Gloria May Female Smith Robert Campbell Male Fremantle
1948/2700455 Fremantle Smith Robert Campbell Male Fullston Gloria May Female Fremantle
1948/2700456 Fremantle Miller Thelma Female Vinci Richard Male Fremantle
1948/2700456 Fremantle Vinci Richard Male Miller Thelma Female Fremantle
1948/2700457 Fremantle Serlis Irene Patricia Female Slater Joseph Henry Male Fremantle
1948/2700457 Fremantle Slater Joseph Henry Male Serlis Irene Patricia Female Fremantle
1948/2700458 Fremantle Livingstone Ruth Elizabeth Female Mortimer Kevin Andrew Male Rockingham
1948/2700458 Fremantle Mortimer Kevin Andrew Male Livingstone Ruth Elizabeth Female Rockingham
1948/2700459 Fremantle Davies Llewellyn Branthwaite Male Hudson Juliette Female Fremantle
1948/2700459 Fremantle Hudson Juliette Female Davies Llewellyn Branthwaite Male Fremantle
1948/2700460 Fremantle Bennett Ronald Gordon Male Burns Eva Mavis Female Fremantle
1948/2700460 Fremantle Burns Eva Mavis Female Bennett Ronald Gordon Male Fremantle
1948/2700461 Fremantle Robins Gordon MacMillan Male Smart Winifred Merle Female Fremantle
1948/2700461 Fremantle Smart Winifred Merle Female Robins Gordon MacMillan Male Fremantle
1948/2700462 Fremantle Elder Betty Marie Female Fielder William Male East Fremantle
1948/2700462 Fremantle Fielder William Male Elder Betty Marie Female East Fremantle
1948/2700463 Fremantle Deveson Eileen Jean Female Fitzgerald Irwin Roy Male East Fremantle
1948/2700463 Fremantle Fitzgerald Irwin Roy Male Deveson Eileen Jean Female East Fremantle
1948/2700464 Fremantle Monteith Alma Joan Female Warden Douglas John Male Fremantle
1948/2700464 Fremantle Warden Douglas John Male Monteith Alma Joan Female Fremantle
1948/2700465 Fremantle Brown Kenneth William Male O'Leary Joyce Female Fremantle
1948/2700465 Fremantle O'Leary Joyce Female Brown Kenneth William Male Fremantle
1948/2700466 Fremantle Lennon Samuel Peter Joseph Male O'Donnell Beryl Martha Female Fremantle
1948/2700466 Fremantle O'Donnell Beryl Martha Female Lennon Samuel Peter Joseph Male Fremantle
1948/2700467 Fremantle Roberts Norma Joy Female Sexton Alec Miles Male Fremantle
1948/2700467 Fremantle Sexton Alec Miles Male Roberts Norma Joy Female Fremantle
1948/2700468 Fremantle Hine Merle Estelle Female Hopes Ian Raymond Male Fremantle
1948/2700468 Fremantle Hopes Ian Raymond Male Hine Merle Estelle Female Fremantle
1948/2700469 Fremantle Docherty David Afton Male Renwick Alice Female Fremantle
1948/2700469 Fremantle Renwick Alice Female Docherty David Afton Male Fremantle
1948/2700470 Fremantle Croft April Dawn Female Payne Francis Male Palmyra
1948/2700470 Fremantle Payne Francis Male Croft April Dawn Female Palmyra
1948/2700471 Fremantle Hine Frederick Vernon Male Smirk Bernice Aileen Female Fremantle
1948/2700471 Fremantle Smirk Bernice Aileen Female Hine Frederick Vernon Male Fremantle
1948/2700472 Fremantle Brown Irene Shirley Female Caddy Roy Frederick Male Fremantle
1948/2700472 Fremantle Caddy Roy Frederick Male Brown Irene Shirley Female Fremantle
1948/2700473 Fremantle Burnett Olga Laurine Female Martion Edward Clyde Male Fremantle
1948/2700473 Fremantle Martion Edward Clyde Male Burnett Olga Laurine Female Fremantle
1948/2700474 Fremantle Badham Beatrice Female White Grattan Van Geyzel Male Fremantle
1948/2700474 Fremantle White Grattan Van Geyzel Male Badham Beatrice Female Fremantle
1948/2700475 Fremantle Ballard Ralph Male Salmond Isabella Venters Female Fremantle
1948/2700475 Fremantle Salmond Isabella Venters Female Ballard Ralph Male Fremantle
1948/2700476 Fremantle Bragg Alfred Edward Walter Male Rogers Mifanwy Gwendoline Female East Fremantle
1948/2700476 Fremantle Rogers Mifanwy Gwendoline Female Bragg Alfred Edward Walter Male East Fremantle
1948/2800001 Gascoyne Kelly Marjorie Female Schwarze John Ernest Male Carnarvon
1948/2800001 Gascoyne Schwarze John Ernest Male Kelly Marjorie Female Carnarvon
1948/2800002 Gascoyne Matthews Leslie James Male Williamson Doris Hilda Female Carnarvon
1948/2800002 Gascoyne Williamson Doris Hilda Female Matthews Leslie James Male Carnarvon
1948/2800003 Gascoyne Gilbert Robert Gerald Male Morgan Betsy Grace Female Carnarvon
1948/2800003 Gascoyne Morgan Betsy Grace Female Gilbert Robert Gerald Male Carnarvon
1948/2800004 Gascoyne Lapthorn John Phillip Male McGregor Kathleen Annabelle Female Carnarvon
1948/2800004 Gascoyne McGregor Kathleen Annabelle Female Lapthorn John Phillip Male Carnarvon
1948/2800005 Gascoyne Brand Edna Margaret Female Brown Frederick Robert Male Carnarvon
1948/2800005 Gascoyne Brown Frederick Robert Male Brand Edna Margaret Female Carnarvon
1948/2800006 Gascoyne Edwards Verdun Aisne Male Hutchins Dulcie Margaret Female Carnarvon
1948/2800006 Gascoyne Hutchins Dulcie Margaret Female Edwards Verdun Aisne Male Carnarvon
1948/2800007 Gascoyne Ryder Stanley William Male Starr Mary Minnie Female Carnarvon
1948/2800007 Gascoyne Starr Mary Minnie Female Ryder Stanley William Male Carnarvon
1948/2800008 Gascoyne Bellottie Roy James Male Ronan Edna May Female Carnarvon
1948/2800008 Gascoyne Bellottie Roy James Male Spratt Edna May Female Carnarvon
1948/2800008 Gascoyne Ronan Edna May Female Bellottie Roy James Male Carnarvon
1948/2800008 Gascoyne Spratt Edna May Female Bellottie Roy James Male Carnarvon
1948/2800009 Gascoyne Bickley Evelyn Jess Female Wansbrough Henry Victor Male Carnarvon
1948/2800009 Gascoyne Wansbrough Henry Victor Male Bickley Evelyn Jess Female Carnarvon
1948/2800010 Gascoyne Cooyou George Male Fennell Nora Female Carnarvon
1948/2800010 Gascoyne Fennell Nora Female Cooyou George Male Carnarvon
1948/2800011 Gascoyne Freeman Pearl Ida Female Logan Francis Thomas Male Carnarvon
1948/2800011 Gascoyne Logan Francis Thomas Male Freeman Pearl Ida Female Carnarvon
1948/2800012 Gascoyne Ticehurst Gwendoline Mary Female Walsh Norman George Male Carnarvon
1948/2800012 Gascoyne Walsh Norman George Male Ticehurst Gwendoline Mary Female Carnarvon
1948/2800013 Gascoyne Annear Thelma Evelyn Female Elphick Donovan Frederick Male Carnarvon
1948/2800013 Gascoyne Elphick Donovan Frederick Male Annear Thelma Evelyn Female Carnarvon
1948/2800014 Gascoyne Cripps William Ronald Male Kempton Ella Betty Female Carnarvon
1948/2800014 Gascoyne Kempton Ella Betty Female Cripps William Ronald Male Carnarvon
1948/2800015 Gascoyne Buzolic Margaret May Female Filewood Edward Peter Male Carnarvon
1948/2800015 Gascoyne Filewood Edward Peter Male Buzolic Margaret May Female Carnarvon
1948/2800016 Gascoyne Harris Edith Violet Female Roe Ronald Martin Male Carnarvon
1948/2800016 Gascoyne Roe Ronald Martin Male Harris Edith Violet Female Carnarvon
1948/2800017 Gascoyne Stokes Irene Dorothy Cynthia Female Warren David Cameron Male Carnarvon
1948/2800017 Gascoyne Warren David Cameron Male Stokes Irene Dorothy Cynthia Female Carnarvon
1948/2800018 Gascoyne Cripps Hilda Myrtle Female Wells Edward Samuel Male Carnarvon
1948/2800018 Gascoyne Vaughan Hilda Myrtle Female Wells Edward Samuel Male Carnarvon
1948/2800018 Gascoyne Wells Edward Samuel Male Cripps Hilda Myrtle Female Carnarvon
1948/2800018 Gascoyne Wells Edward Samuel Male Vaughan Hilda Myrtle Female Carnarvon
1948/2800019 Gascoyne Fernihough James Alfred Male Webley-Hurrell Gwen Female Carnarvon
1948/2800019 Gascoyne Webley-Hurrell Gwen Female Fernihough James Alfred Male Carnarvon
1948/2900001 Geraldton Elliott Dorothy Jane Female Jenkinson Thomas James Male Geraldton
1948/2900001 Geraldton Jenkinson Thomas James Male Elliott Dorothy Jane Female Geraldton
1949/2900002 Geraldton Connolly Elizabeth Grace Female Heelan Kenneth John Male Greenough
1949/2900002 Geraldton Heelan Kenneth John Male Connolly Elizabeth Grace Female Greenough
1948/2900004 Geraldton Baker Robert William Male Glance Marion Ruth Female Geraldton
1948/2900004 Geraldton Glance Marion Ruth Female Baker Robert William Male Geraldton
1948/2900005 Geraldton O'Dea Betty Female Prunster Gordon Charles Joseph Male Geraldton
1948/2900005 Geraldton Prunster Gordon Charles Joseph Male O'Dea Betty Female Geraldton
1948/2900007 Geraldton Dutton Wanda Gloria Female Reynolds Arthur William Male Bluff Point
1948/2900007 Geraldton Reynolds Arthur William Male Dutton Wanda Gloria Female Bluff Point
1948/2900008 Geraldton Dutton Emily Joyce Female Webber Charles Joseph Male Bluff Point
1948/2900008 Geraldton Webber Charles Joseph Male Dutton Emily Joyce Female Bluff Point
1948/2900009 Geraldton Looney John Staunton Male Rodan Margaret Mary Female Geraldton
1948/2900009 Geraldton Rodan Margaret Mary Female Looney John Staunton Male Geraldton
1948/2900010 Geraldton Raykos Lina Female Taseff Michael Male Geraldton
1948/2900010 Geraldton Taseff Michael Male Raykos Lina Female Geraldton
1948/2900011 Geraldton Browning Lillian Norma Female Whelan William Bernard Male Mullewa
1948/2900011 Geraldton Whelan William Bernard Male Browning Lillian Norma Female Mullewa
1948/2900012 Geraldton Panayotakis Peter Male Webber Thelma Rose Female Geraldton
1948/2900012 Geraldton Webber Thelma Rose Female Panayotakis Peter Male Geraldton
1948/2900013 Geraldton Cook Nestelle Esme Female Meehan John Henry Male Geraldton
1948/2900013 Geraldton Meehan John Henry Male Cook Nestelle Esme Female Geraldton
1948/2900014 Geraldton Costantino Fortunato Male Maiolo Amelia Female Geraldton
1948/2900014 Geraldton Maiolo Amelia Female Costantino Fortunato Male Geraldton
1948/2900015 Geraldton O'Donoghue Charles James Male Wrightson Marjorie Lisle Female Geraldton
1948/2900015 Geraldton Wrightson Marjorie Lisle Female O'Donoghue Charles James Male Geraldton
1948/2900016 Geraldton Blayney Honora Female Bunce William Frederick Robert Male Geraldton
1948/2900016 Geraldton Bunce William Frederick Robert Male Blayney Honora Female Geraldton
1948/2900017 Geraldton McMahon Gerald Thomas Male Quinn Margery Ella Female Geraldton
1948/2900017 Geraldton Quinn Margery Ella Female McMahon Gerald Thomas Male Geraldton
1948/2900018 Geraldton Farrell George Thomas William Male Prunster Greta Dolores Female Geraldton
1948/2900018 Geraldton Prunster Greta Dolores Female Farrell George Thomas William Male Geraldton
1948/2900019 Geraldton Barker Amy Female Ramshaw Joseph Male Geraldton
1948/2900019 Geraldton Ramshaw Joseph Male Barker Amy Female Geraldton
1948/2900020 Geraldton Brown Samuel Ernest Male Lequaietermaine Margaret Maud Female Mullewa
1948/2900020 Geraldton Lequaietermaine Margaret Maud Female Brown Samuel Ernest Male Mullewa
1948/2900021 Geraldton Criddle Marion Alice Female Hanstrum Leslie Gerald Male Geraldton
1948/2900021 Geraldton Hanstrum Leslie Gerald Male Criddle Marion Alice Female Geraldton
1948/2900022 Geraldton Cooper Ethel Joyce Female Dornan Charles Leonard Male Geraldton
1948/2900022 Geraldton Dornan Charles Leonard Male Cooper Ethel Joyce Female Geraldton
1948/2900023 Geraldton Clarke Lenard Laurie Male Washington Joan Female Geraldton
1948/2900023 Geraldton Washington Joan Female Clarke Lenard Laurie Male Geraldton
1948/2900024 Geraldton Levett Grace Teresa Female Smith George Francis Male Geraldton
1948/2900024 Geraldton Smith George Francis Male Levett Grace Teresa Female Geraldton
1948/2900025 Geraldton Egan Lancey Male Maher Florentine Female Geraldton
1948/2900025 Geraldton Maher Florentine Female Egan Lancey Male Geraldton
1948/2900026 Geraldton Armstrong Geoffrey Barren Male Willis Dorothy Gwendoline Female Geraldton
1948/2900026 Geraldton Willis Dorothy Gwendoline Female Armstrong Geoffrey Barren Male Geraldton
1948/2900027 Geraldton Adams James Male Vincent Mary Female Mullewa
1948/2900027 Geraldton Vincent Mary Female Adams James Male Mullewa
1948/2900028 Geraldton Beeche John Noel Male Feast Lilian Maude Female Geraldton
1948/2900028 Geraldton Feast Lilian Maude Female Beeche John Noel Male Geraldton
1948/2900029 Geraldton Brown Lola Terese Female Davis Frederick Joseph Male Geraldton
1948/2900029 Geraldton Davis Frederick Joseph Male Brown Lola Terese Female Geraldton
1948/2900030 Geraldton Rowe Douglas Francis Male Thomas Irene Pearl Female Geraldton
1948/2900030 Geraldton Thomas Irene Pearl Female Rowe Douglas Francis Male Geraldton
1948/2900031 Geraldton Garbutt Thomas George Male Rayner Jean Brenda Female Bluff Point
1948/2900031 Geraldton Rayner Jean Brenda Female Garbutt Thomas George Male Bluff Point
1948/2900032 Geraldton Culloton Margaret Ellen Female Gould Lloyd George Male Bradley's
1948/2900032 Geraldton Gould Lloyd George Male Culloton Margaret Ellen Female Bradley's
1948/2900033 Geraldton Bennetts James Male Winfield Gladys Edna Female Geraldton
1948/2900033 Geraldton Winfield Gladys Edna Female Bennetts James Male Geraldton
1948/2900034 Geraldton Moore Leslie James Male Pearce Eileen Ruth Female Geraldton
1948/2900034 Geraldton Pearce Eileen Ruth Female Moore Leslie James Male Geraldton
1948/2900035 Geraldton Giltrow Reginald Cyril Male Stokes Mary Joy Female Geraldton
1948/2900035 Geraldton Stokes Mary Joy Female Giltrow Reginald Cyril Male Geraldton
1948/2900036 Geraldton Hollings William Ernest Male Trew Ethel Mavis Female Geraldton
1948/2900036 Geraldton Trew Ethel Mavis Female Hollings William Ernest Male Geraldton
1948/2900037 Geraldton Cox Kevin Joseph Male Pascoe Wilma Elfreda Female Geraldton
1948/2900037 Geraldton Pascoe Wilma Elfreda Female Cox Kevin Joseph Male Geraldton
1948/2900038 Geraldton Duplex Mary Josephine Female OBrien Patrick James Male Geraldton
1948/2900038 Geraldton OBrien Patrick James Male Duplex Mary Josephine Female Geraldton
1948/2900039 Geraldton Ferralora Christina Female Italiano Angelo Male Geraldton
1948/2900039 Geraldton Italiano Angelo Male Ferralora Christina Female Geraldton
1948/2900040 Geraldton McGuiness Flora Mary Female Murphy Everett Benjamin Male Geraldton
1948/2900040 Geraldton Murphy Everett Benjamin Male McGuiness Flora Mary Female Geraldton
1948/2900041 Geraldton Levett Beryl Agatha Female McCagh Francis Gladstone Male West Australia
1948/2900041 Geraldton McCagh Francis Gladstone Male Levett Beryl Agatha Female West Australia
1948/2900042 Geraldton Evans Melva Female Ryan Donald Male Mullewa
1948/2900042 Geraldton Ryan Donald Male Evans Melva Female Mullewa
1948/2900043 Geraldton Horton William John Male Timperley Dulcie Hepple Female Geraldton
1948/2900043 Geraldton Timperley Dulcie Hepple Female Horton William John Male Geraldton
1948/2900044 Geraldton Gray Maitland John Male Jupp Roma Aileen Female Bluff Point
1948/2900044 Geraldton Jupp Roma Aileen Female Gray Maitland John Male Bluff Point
1948/2900045 Geraldton Scott Colin James Male Winfield Ivy Dawn Female Geraldton
1948/2900045 Geraldton Winfield Ivy Dawn Female Scott Colin James Male Geraldton
1948/2900046 Geraldton Allen Nora Bridget Female Lethlean Cyrus Male Geraldton
1948/2900046 Geraldton Lethlean Cyrus Male Allen Nora Bridget Female Geraldton
1948/2900047 Geraldton Lindon Albert George Male Petroff Olga Morrison Female Geraldton
1948/2900047 Geraldton Petroff Olga Morrison Female Lindon Albert George Male Geraldton
1948/2900048 Geraldton Ayling Kenneth Edward Male Johnstone Eva Cecilia Female Geraldton
1948/2900048 Geraldton Johnstone Eva Cecilia Female Ayling Kenneth Edward Male Geraldton
1948/2900049 Geraldton McGuiness Josephine Lavinia Female Sivwright Spencer Daniel John Male Geraldton
1948/2900049 Geraldton Sivwright Spencer Daniel John Male McGuiness Josephine Lavinia Female Geraldton
1948/2900050 Geraldton Strano Alfonso Male Tucker Loma Dawn Female Geraldton
1948/2900050 Geraldton Tucker Loma Dawn Female Strano Alfonso Male Geraldton
1948/2900051 Geraldton Griffith Frank Leonard Male Stokes Launer Elizabeth Anna Female Geraldton
1948/2900051 Geraldton Stokes Launer Elizabeth Anna Female Griffith Frank Leonard Male Geraldton
1948/2900052 Geraldton Carr Herbert Alexander Male Speedy Thelma Barbara Female Geraldton
1948/2900052 Geraldton Speedy Thelma Barbara Female Carr Herbert Alexander Male Geraldton
1948/2900053 Geraldton Allen Donald Ross Male Cooper Tui Elaine Female Geraldton
1948/2900053 Geraldton Cooper Tui Elaine Female Allen Donald Ross Male Geraldton
1948/2900054 Geraldton Horwood Nell Wynette Female O'Malley Michael Thomas Male Geraldton
1948/2900054 Geraldton O'Malley Michael Thomas Male Horwood Nell Wynette Female Geraldton
1948/2900055 Geraldton Grant Dawn Female Hipper William Arthur Male Geraldton
1948/2900055 Geraldton Hipper William Arthur Male Grant Dawn Female Geraldton
1948/2900056 Geraldton Dodd Ivy May Female McMahon Raymond Male Geraldton
1948/2900056 Geraldton McMahon Raymond Male Dodd Ivy May Female Geraldton
1948/2900057 Geraldton Meynderts Anton Frank Male Smith Norma Joy Female Geraldton
1948/2900057 Geraldton Smith Norma Joy Female Meynderts Anton Frank Male Geraldton
1948/2900058 Geraldton Criddle Trevor Wilfred Male Ward Rona Joan Female Bluff Point
1948/2900058 Geraldton Ward Rona Joan Female Criddle Trevor Wilfred Male Bluff Point
1948/2900059 Geraldton Gale Mervyn Allan Male Hutchinson Audrey Mae Female Geraldton
1948/2900059 Geraldton Hutchinson Audrey Mae Female Gale Mervyn Allan Male Geraldton
1948/2900060 Geraldton Amm Leslie Harold Male Moody Elizabeth Lucy Female Geraldton
1948/2900060 Geraldton Moody Elizabeth Lucy Female Amm Leslie Harold Male Geraldton
1948/2900061 Geraldton Cheesewright George Male Rosser Grace Female Geraldton
1948/2900061 Geraldton Rosser Grace Female Cheesewright George Male Geraldton
1948/2900062 Geraldton Martain Joseph Male Nannup Rose Margaret Female Geraldton
1948/2900062 Geraldton Nannup Rose Margaret Female Martain Joseph Male Geraldton
1948/2900063 Geraldton Cooper Ethel Maude Female Priestly Terrence Leslie Male Geraldton
1948/2900063 Geraldton Priestly Terrence Leslie Male Cooper Ethel Maude Female Geraldton
1948/2900064 Geraldton Cant Jean Carmel Female West Arthur Ernest Male Geraldton
1948/2900064 Geraldton West Arthur Ernest Male Cant Jean Carmel Female Geraldton
1948/2900065 Geraldton Barry Bernard Male Maher Betty Female Geraldton
1948/2900065 Geraldton Maher Betty Female Barry Bernard Male Geraldton
1948/2900066 Geraldton Hooper Mary Jane Female Throssell Gerald Ledsam Male Bluff Point
1948/2900066 Geraldton Throssell Gerald Ledsam Male Hooper Mary Jane Female Bluff Point
1948/2900067 Geraldton Abbley Laurence Francis Male Rottler Aileen Mary Theresa Female Geraldton
1948/2900067 Geraldton Rottler Aileen Mary Theresa Female Abbley Laurence Francis Male Geraldton
1948/2900068 Geraldton Bilton Iva Vera Female Jupp Walter Francis Male Geraldton
1948/2900068 Geraldton Jupp Walter Francis Male Bilton Iva Vera Female Geraldton
1948/2900069 Geraldton Carr Ellen May Female Murphy James Claud Male Geraldton
1948/2900069 Geraldton Murphy James Claud Male Carr Ellen May Female Geraldton
1948/2900070 Geraldton Lundie Albert Edward Colin Male Rosser Roma Gwendoline Female Geraldton
1948/2900070 Geraldton Rosser Roma Gwendoline Female Lundie Albert Edward Colin Male Geraldton
1948/2900071 Geraldton Snow Betty Catherine Female Whitehurst Neil Walter Male Mullewa
1948/2900071 Geraldton Whitehurst Neil Walter Male Snow Betty Catherine Female Mullewa
1948/2900072 Geraldton Barry Valma Haig Female Ramshaw Thomas William Male Geraldton
1948/2900072 Geraldton Ramshaw Thomas William Male Barry Valma Haig Female Geraldton
1948/2900073 Geraldton McGuire John Desmond Male O'Shea Mary Female Geraldton
1948/2900073 Geraldton O'Shea Mary Female McGuire John Desmond Male Geraldton
1948/2900074 Geraldton Kirk Josephine Constance Female Pager Reginald Keith Male Geraldton
1948/2900074 Geraldton Pager Reginald Keith Male Kirk Josephine Constance Female Geraldton
1948/2900075 Geraldton Greenwell Rose Julia Female Scott Frank Muir Male Geraldton
1948/2900075 Geraldton Scott Frank Muir Male Greenwell Rose Julia Female Geraldton
1948/2900076 Geraldton Bennett Dallas Joy Female Russ Lawrence Charles Male Geraldton
1948/2900076 Geraldton Russ Lawrence Charles Male Bennett Dallas Joy Female Geraldton
1948/2900077 Geraldton Criddle June Goldie Female Norwood Edward Charles Male Geraldton
1948/2900077 Geraldton Norwood Edward Charles Male Criddle June Goldie Female Geraldton
1948/2900078 Geraldton Naskos Doana Christos Female Raykos Pandelis Male Geraldton
1948/2900078 Geraldton Raykos Pandelis Male Naskos Doana Christos Female Geraldton
1948/2900079 Geraldton Morley Avis Mary Female Northover Noel James Male Geraldton
1948/2900079 Geraldton Northover Noel James Male Morley Avis Mary Female Geraldton
1948/2900080 Geraldton Criddle Claurene Audrey Female Green Francis Walter Male Geraldton
1948/2900080 Geraldton Green Francis Walter Male Criddle Claurene Audrey Female Geraldton
1948/2900081 Geraldton Basile Victor Joseph Male Bombara Catherina Frances Female W Australia
1948/2900081 Geraldton Bombara Catherina Frances Female Basile Victor Joseph Male W Australia
1948/2900082 Geraldton McCartney Lorna Gertrude Female Tetlow Arthur John Henry Male West Australia
1948/2900082 Geraldton Tetlow Arthur John Henry Male McCartney Lorna Gertrude Female West Australia
1948/2900083 Geraldton McMahon James Maurice Male Ugle Phyllis Female Geraldton
1948/2900083 Geraldton Ugle Phyllis Female McMahon James Maurice Male Geraldton
1948/2900084 Geraldton Fallo Marianna Female Forgione Giuseppe Pasquale Male Geraldton
1948/2900084 Geraldton Forgione Giuseppe Pasquale Male Fallo Marianna Female Geraldton
1948/2900085 Geraldton O'Malley Patrick James Male Ward Constance Madge Female Bluff Point
1948/2900085 Geraldton Ward Constance Madge Female O'Malley Patrick James Male Bluff Point
1948/2900086 Geraldton Martin Norman Keith Male Terry Elma Rose Female Geraldton
1948/2900086 Geraldton Terry Elma Rose Female Martin Norman Keith Male Geraldton
1948/2900087 Geraldton Collins Zita Mary Female Mott Leslie Gordon Male Geraldton
1948/2900087 Geraldton Mott Leslie Gordon Male Collins Zita Mary Female Geraldton
1948/2900088 Geraldton Armstrong Patricia Melba Female O'Malley Gordon Harold Male Geraldton
1948/2900088 Geraldton O'Malley Gordon Harold Male Armstrong Patricia Melba Female Geraldton
1948/2900089 Geraldton de Tyssonsk Mary Ellen Female Martin Brian Howard Male Geraldton
1948/2900089 Geraldton Martin Brian Howard Male de Tyssonsk Mary Ellen Female Geraldton
1948/2900090 Geraldton Hacket Frederick James Male Higgins Patricia Female Geraldton
1948/2900090 Geraldton Higgins Patricia Female Hacket Frederick James Male Geraldton
1948/2900091 Geraldton Davies Kathleen Patricia Female O'Neill Kenneth Male Geraldton
1948/2900091 Geraldton O'Neill Kenneth Male Davies Kathleen Patricia Female Geraldton
1948/2900092 Geraldton Bell Marion Lorraine Female Bunney Milford Henry Male Geraldton
1948/2900092 Geraldton Bunney Milford Henry Male Bell Marion Lorraine Female Geraldton
1948/2900093 Geraldton Whitby Kenneth Roy Male Withell Gwendoline Theresa Female West Australia
1948/2900093 Geraldton Withell Gwendoline Theresa Female Whitby Kenneth Roy Male West Australia
1948/2900094 Geraldton Kerwin Beatrice Meta Female Mitchell Athol Stephens Male Geraldton
1948/2900094 Geraldton Mitchell Athol Stephens Male Kerwin Beatrice Meta Female Geraldton
1948/2900095 Geraldton Barwick Kenneth Joseph Male Thomas Winifred Ruby Female Geraldton
1948/2900095 Geraldton Thomas Winifred Ruby Female Barwick Kenneth Joseph Male Geraldton
1948/2900096 Geraldton Gould Kathleen Joy Female Hoddy Gordon Daniel Male Geraldton
1948/2900096 Geraldton Hoddy Gordon Daniel Male Gould Kathleen Joy Female Geraldton
1948/2900097 Geraldton Pearse Barbara Gertrude Female Saunders John Robert Male Geraldton
1948/2900097 Geraldton Saunders John Robert Male Pearse Barbara Gertrude Female Geraldton
1948/2900098 Geraldton Newton John Edward Male Strike Ethel May Female Geraldton
1948/2900098 Geraldton Strike Ethel May Female Newton John Edward Male Geraldton
1948/2900099 Geraldton Box Betty Jean Female Huish David Ewart Male Geraldton
1948/2900099 Geraldton Huish David Ewart Male Box Betty Jean Female Geraldton
1948/2900100 Geraldton Bunter Colin John Male Criddle Shirley Female Geraldton
1948/2900100 Geraldton Criddle Shirley Female Bunter Colin John Male Geraldton
1948/2900101 Geraldton Calder Myra Rose Female Morris Frederick Male Geraldton
1948/2900101 Geraldton Morris Frederick Male Calder Myra Rose Female Geraldton
1948/3000001 Gingin Cotterill Kathleen Female Gray Eric Clifford Male Gingin
1948/3000001 Gingin Gray Eric Clifford Male Cotterill Kathleen Female Gingin
1948/3000002 Gingin Glover Gladys Muriel Female Murray Robert John Male Bindoon
1948/3000002 Gingin Murray Robert John Male Glover Gladys Muriel Female Bindoon
1948/3000003 Gingin McGillivray Elizabeth Female Toy Noel Male Chittering
1948/3000003 Gingin Toy Noel Male McGillivray Elizabeth Female Chittering
1948/3000004 Gingin Glover Evelyn Marjorie Female Haydon Raymond Thomas Francis Male Gingin
1948/3000004 Gingin Haydon Raymond Thomas Francis Male Glover Evelyn Marjorie Female Gingin
1948/3000005 Gingin Read Betty May Female Read Donald Male Gingin
1948/3000005 Gingin Read Donald Male Read Betty May Female Gingin
1948/3000006 Gingin Dickerson John Stewart Male Glover Edna May Female Gingin
1948/3000006 Gingin Glover Edna May Female Dickerson John Stewart Male Gingin
1948/3100001 Greenough Silcock Ann Margaret Female Wilson William John Male Walkaway
1948/3100001 Greenough Wilson William John Male Silcock Ann Margaret Female Walkaway
1948/3300001 Irwin Fitzsimmons Joan Female Pascoe Frederick John Male Mingenew
1948/3300001 Irwin Pascoe Frederick John Male Fitzsimmons Joan Female Mingenew
1948/3300002 Irwin Fallon Lorna Mavis Female Noble Colin William Male Morawa
1948/3300002 Irwin Noble Colin William Male Fallon Lorna Mavis Female Morawa
1948/3300003 Irwin Bothe Albert Charles Male Franklin Hettie Isabel Female Three Springs
1948/3300003 Irwin Franklin Hettie Isabel Female Bothe Albert Charles Male Three Springs
1948/3300004 Irwin Bertolotti Giuseppe Male Roper Ethel Female Three Springs
1948/3300004 Irwin Roper Ethel Female Bertolotti Giuseppe Male Three Springs
1948/3300005 Irwin Kennedy Vincent William Male Shea Gloria Mary Female Carnamah
1948/3300005 Irwin Shea Gloria Mary Female Kennedy Vincent William Male Carnamah
1948/3300006 Irwin Bickell Clifford Kinsman Male Brown Helen Mary Female Mingenew
1948/3300006 Irwin Brown Helen Mary Female Bickell Clifford Kinsman Male Mingenew
1948/3300007 Irwin Russell John Oyler Male Stemp Betty Olive Female Dongara
1948/3300007 Irwin Stemp Betty Olive Female Russell John Oyler Male Dongara
1948/3300008 Irwin Payne Ethel May Female Young Arthur George Male Bowgada
1948/3300008 Irwin Young Arthur George Male Payne Ethel May Female Bowgada
1948/3300009 Irwin Dorrington Dawn Nellie Female Knapp George Henry Male Three Springs
1948/3300009 Irwin Knapp George Henry Male Dorrington Dawn Nellie Female Three Springs
1948/3300010 Irwin Brown Ronald Fredrick Male Hollingsworth Norma Elsa Female Bookara
1948/3300010 Irwin Hollingsworth Norma Elsa Female Brown Ronald Fredrick Male Bookara
1948/3300011 Irwin Carter Leslie Male Kemp Dorothy Frances Female Morawa
1948/3300011 Irwin Kemp Dorothy Frances Female Carter Leslie Male Morawa
1948/3300012 Irwin Herman Beryl May Female Smith George Christopher Male Morawa
1948/3300012 Irwin Smith George Christopher Male Herman Beryl May Female Morawa
1948/3300013 Irwin Harris Norman Charles Male Odine Mary Elaine Female Morawa
1948/3300013 Irwin Odine Mary Elaine Female Harris Norman Charles Male Morawa
1948/3300014 Irwin Byrne Betty Isobel Female Perry Mervyn Albert Male Three Springs
1948/3300014 Irwin Perry Mervyn Albert Male Byrne Betty Isobel Female Three Springs
1948/3300015 Irwin Nolan Michael Joseph Male Rendavey Joyce Female Jibberding
1948/3300015 Irwin Rendavey Joyce Female Nolan Michael Joseph Male Jibberding
1948/3300016 Irwin Broad Ellen Ruth Female Heelan Stanley Patrick Male Mingenew
1948/3300016 Irwin Heelan Stanley Patrick Male Broad Ellen Ruth Female Mingenew
1948/3300017 Irwin Byrne Hazel Rene Female McGarry Alan John Male Three Springs
1948/3300017 Irwin McGarry Alan John Male Byrne Hazel Rene Female Three Springs
1948/3300018 Irwin Harman Ronald Male Harris Annie Caroline Female Morawa
1948/3300018 Irwin Harris Annie Caroline Female Harman Ronald Male Morawa
1948/3300019 Irwin Anderson Blanche Josephine Female Headland Hubert Charles Male Three Springs
1948/3300019 Irwin Headland Hubert Charles Male Anderson Blanche Josephine Female Three Springs
1948/3400001 Jarrahdale Chapman James Benson Male Millar Sola Female Serpentine
1948/3400001 Jarrahdale Millar Sola Female Chapman James Benson Male Serpentine
1948/3400002 Jarrahdale Gordin Stanley Arthur Male McKay Ruth Joyce Female Mundijong
1948/3400002 Jarrahdale McKay Ruth Joyce Female Gordin Stanley Arthur Male Mundijong
1948/3400003 Jarrahdale Carroll Kenneth John Male Melville Mabel Alice Female Mundijong
1948/3400003 Jarrahdale Melville Mabel Alice Female Carroll Kenneth John Male Mundijong
1948/3400004 Jarrahdale Allum Murray Keith Male Gleeson Margaret Venus Female Mundijong
1948/3400004 Jarrahdale Gleeson Margaret Venus Female Allum Murray Keith Male Mundijong
1948/3400005 Jarrahdale Baldwin Sylvia Minnie Female Mader Walter Ross Male Mundijong
1948/3400005 Jarrahdale Mader Walter Ross Male Baldwin Sylvia Minnie Female Mundijong
1948/3400006 Jarrahdale Bartlett John Redding Male Nettleton Eva Doris Female Jarrahdale
1948/3400006 Jarrahdale Nettleton Eva Doris Female Bartlett John Redding Male Jarrahdale
1948/3400007 Jarrahdale Deschamps Patricia Maria Female Melville Alfred Donald Male Serpentine
1948/3400007 Jarrahdale Melville Alfred Donald Male Deschamps Patricia Maria Female Serpentine
1948/3400008 Jarrahdale Day Jack Vernon Male Nettleton Kathleen Isabella Female Mundijong
1948/3400008 Jarrahdale Nettleton Kathleen Isabella Female Day Jack Vernon Male Mundijong
1948/3400009 Jarrahdale Hobbs Clara Marjorie Female Kenney Robert Ronald Male Mundijong
1948/3400009 Jarrahdale Kenney Robert Ronald Male Hobbs Clara Marjorie Female Mundijong
1948/3400010 Jarrahdale Ronzio Donald Andrew Male Watson Margery Female Serpentine
1948/3400010 Jarrahdale Watson Margery Female Ronzio Donald Andrew Male Serpentine
1948/3400011 Jarrahdale Howard Robert Male York Thelma Amy Jane Female Jarrahdale
1948/3400011 Jarrahdale York Thelma Amy Jane Female Howard Robert Male Jarrahdale
1948/3400012 Jarrahdale Cowdell William Eric Male McLean Betty Dawn Female Rockingham
1948/3400012 Jarrahdale McLean Betty Dawn Female Cowdell William Eric Male Rockingham
1948/3500001 Katanning Becker Harold Herbert Henry Male Gell Maisie Female Wagin
1948/3500001 Katanning Gell Maisie Female Becker Harold Herbert Henry Male Wagin
1948/3500002 Katanning Sprigg Tresna Gladys Female Thompson Keith Griffiths Male Wagin
1948/3500002 Katanning Thompson Keith Griffiths Male Sprigg Tresna Gladys Female Wagin
1948/3500003 Katanning Edgar-Richardson Peggy Juanita Female Waterton William Wesley Glyn Male Broomehill
1948/3500003 Katanning Waterton William Wesley Glyn Male Edgar-Richardson Peggy Juanita Female Broomehill
1948/3500004 Katanning Coyne David Male Wynne Freda May Female Gnowangerup
1948/3500004 Katanning Wynne Freda May Female Coyne David Male Gnowangerup
1948/3500005 Katanning Cuss Elizabeth Female Kohlhagen Lance Herbert Male Katanning
1948/3500005 Katanning Kohlhagen Lance Herbert Male Cuss Elizabeth Female Katanning
1948/3500006 Katanning Blackmore Mabel Female Scully John James Male Katanning
1948/3500006 Katanning Scully John James Male Blackmore Mabel Female Katanning
1948/3500007 Katanning Smith John Joseph Male Smith Mavis Myrtle Female Wagin
1948/3500007 Katanning Smith Mavis Myrtle Female Smith John Joseph Male Wagin
1948/3500008 Katanning Brandenburg Rex Cyril Male Jowett Elizabeth Mary Ella Female Wagin
1948/3500008 Katanning Jowett Elizabeth Mary Ella Female Brandenburg Rex Cyril Male Wagin
1948/3500009 Katanning Beeck Verdun John Male Thompson Betty Mae Female Gnowangerup
1948/3500009 Katanning Thompson Betty Mae Female Beeck Verdun John Male Gnowangerup
1948/3500010 Katanning Austin Doreen Mabel Female Hames Raymond Victor Male Katanning
1948/3500010 Katanning Hames Raymond Victor Male Austin Doreen Mabel Female Katanning
1948/3500011 Katanning Baber Frederick Redvers Male Bow Lorna Ellen Female Kojonup
1948/3500011 Katanning Bow Lorna Ellen Female Baber Frederick Redvers Male Kojonup
1948/3500012 Katanning Birch William Hodson Male Greenslade Constance Ray Female Broomehill
1948/3500012 Katanning Greenslade Constance Ray Female Birch William Hodson Male Broomehill
1948/3500013 Katanning Hoskyns-Abrahall Ernest John Male Winscom Margaret Female Katanning
1948/3500013 Katanning Winscom Margaret Female Hoskyns-Abrahall Ernest John Male Katanning
1948/3500014 Katanning Hinkley Lennard Charles Male McDonald Lucy Female Katanning
1948/3500014 Katanning McDonald Lucy Female Hinkley Lennard Charles Male Katanning
1948/3500015 Katanning Brown Harry Male Roberts Hazel Margaret Female Gnowangerup
1948/3500015 Katanning Roberts Hazel Margaret Female Brown Harry Male Gnowangerup
1948/3500016 Katanning Dawson Madge June Female Wells Edwin Male Katanning
1948/3500016 Katanning Wells Edwin Male Dawson Madge June Female Katanning
1948/3500017 Katanning Newbey Victoria Jane Female Tomelty Jack Arthur Benjamin Male Broomehill
1948/3500017 Katanning Tomelty Jack Arthur Benjamin Male Newbey Victoria Jane Female Broomehill
1948/3500018 Katanning Andrews Elizabeth Mary Female Longmire Robert Maule Male Katanning
1948/3500018 Katanning Longmire Robert Maule Male Andrews Elizabeth Mary Female Katanning
1948/3500019 Katanning Capararo Carla Julia Female Dorizzi Bertram James Male Katanning
1948/3500019 Katanning Dorizzi Bertram James Male Capararo Carla Julia Female Katanning
1948/3500020 Katanning Holmes Colin Melville Male Levitzke Jean Female Katanning
1948/3500020 Katanning Levitzke Jean Female Holmes Colin Melville Male Katanning
1948/3500021 Katanning Hillman Alfred Thomas Male Porter Elsie Amelia Female Katanning
1948/3500021 Katanning Porter Elsie Amelia Female Hillman Alfred Thomas Male Katanning
1948/3500022 Katanning Hay Donald Male Morris Betty Muriel Female Wagin
1948/3500022 Katanning Morris Betty Muriel Female Hay Donald Male Wagin
1948/3500023 Katanning Davidson Joan Isabella Female Napier Charles George Male Kukerin
1948/3500023 Katanning Napier Charles George Male Davidson Joan Isabella Female Kukerin
1948/3500024 Katanning Haywood James Hogben Male Lawrance Mary Female Katanning
1948/3500024 Katanning Lawrance Mary Female Haywood James Hogben Male Katanning
1948/3500025 Katanning Ball Doris Alma Female Cumming Eric Vernon Male Wagin
1948/3500025 Katanning Cumming Eric Vernon Male Ball Doris Alma Female Wagin
1948/3500026 Katanning Bilney Jean Yvonne Female Smith Hector James Male Kojonup
1948/3500026 Katanning Smith Hector James Male Bilney Jean Yvonne Female Kojonup
1948/3500027 Katanning Garstone Beulah Louise Ellen Female Griffiths Norman David Male Katanning
1948/3500027 Katanning Griffiths Norman David Male Garstone Beulah Louise Ellen Female Katanning
1948/3500028 Katanning Barron Freda Irene Muriel Female Bell Lewis William Male Wagin
1948/3500028 Katanning Bell Lewis William Male Barron Freda Irene Muriel Female Wagin
1948/3500029 Katanning Farrow Constance Painter Female Ross Gordon Male Wagin
1948/3500029 Katanning Ross Gordon Male Farrow Constance Painter Female Wagin
1948/3500030 Katanning McDougall Colin Arthur Male Nichols Frances Edith Female Katanning
1948/3500030 Katanning Nichols Frances Edith Female McDougall Colin Arthur Male Katanning
1948/3500031 Katanning Fewson Arthur Coultman Male Martin Lyndle Sylvia Grace Female Katanning
1948/3500031 Katanning Martin Lyndle Sylvia Grace Female Fewson Arthur Coultman Male Katanning
1948/3500032 Katanning Carwardine Robert William Male Wilson Morna Female Katanning
1948/3500032 Katanning Wilson Morna Female Carwardine Robert William Male Katanning
1948/3500033 Katanning Fallon Iris Mona Female Timoney Eugene Godfrey Male Wagin
1948/3500033 Katanning Timoney Eugene Godfrey Male Fallon Iris Mona Female Wagin
1948/3500034 Katanning Fisher Fauna Fettessie Armstrong Female Furniss Walter Edward Male Katanning
1948/3500034 Katanning Furniss Walter Edward Male Fisher Fauna Fettessie Armstrong Female Katanning
1948/3500035 Katanning Barry Alan Male Fairclough Lillian May Female Katanning
1948/3500035 Katanning Fairclough Lillian May Female Barry Alan Male Katanning
1948/3500036 Katanning Bolitho Thomas Walter Male Walker Dorothy Clara Female West Australia
1948/3500036 Katanning Walker Dorothy Clara Female Bolitho Thomas Walter Male West Australia
1948/3500037 Katanning Freebre Ronald John Male Simpson Beryl Edna Female Wagin
1948/3500037 Katanning Simpson Beryl Edna Female Freebre Ronald John Male Wagin
1948/3500038 Katanning Randall Herbert Westcott Male White Edith Jessie Female Katanning
1948/3500038 Katanning White Edith Jessie Female Randall Herbert Westcott Male Katanning
1948/3500039 Katanning O'Halloran Ida Gladys Female Watts Arthur Frederick Male Katanning
1948/3500039 Katanning Watts Arthur Frederick Male O'Halloran Ida Gladys Female Katanning
1948/3500040 Katanning Harrison James Boun Male Yates Gweneth Amy Female Kojonup
1948/3500040 Katanning Yates Gweneth Amy Female Harrison James Boun Male Kojonup
1948/3500041 Katanning Edwards Muriel Emily Female Mitchell Arthur Eddie Male Wagin
1948/3500041 Katanning Mitchell Arthur Eddie Male Edwards Muriel Emily Female Wagin
1948/3500042 Katanning Goodchild Marguerite Female Johnston Geoffrey George Male Katanning
1948/3500042 Katanning Johnston Geoffrey George Male Goodchild Marguerite Female Katanning
1948/3500043 Katanning Hollier Lloyd George Male Norrish Sheila Kathleen Mary Female Kojonup
1948/3500043 Katanning Norrish Sheila Kathleen Mary Female Hollier Lloyd George Male Kojonup
1948/3500044 Katanning Davis Gordon Hugh Paterson Male Pratt Sylvia Female Katanning
1948/3500044 Katanning Pratt Sylvia Female Davis Gordon Hugh Paterson Male Katanning
1948/3500045 Katanning Bumstead Joyce Female Smith Norman Watson Male Kojonup
1948/3500045 Katanning Smith Norman Watson Male Bumstead Joyce Female Kojonup
1948/3500046 Katanning Ingram Hugh Male Oats Doreen Winifred Female Katanning
1948/3500046 Katanning Oats Doreen Winifred Female Ingram Hugh Male Katanning
1948/3500047 Katanning Badger Betty Lorraine Female Deacon Henry Male Katanning
1948/3500047 Katanning Deacon Henry Male Badger Betty Lorraine Female Katanning
1948/3500048 Katanning Ryder Keith Wilfred Male Ugle Teresa Lillian Female Katanning
1948/3500048 Katanning Ugle Teresa Lillian Female Ryder Keith Wilfred Male Katanning
1948/3500049 Katanning Williams Birchell Max Male Woods Millis June Female Gnowangerup
1948/3500049 Katanning Woods Millis June Female Williams Birchell Max Male Gnowangerup
1948/3500050 Katanning Roberts Leonard Gordon Male Woods Ilis Female Gnowangerup
1948/3500050 Katanning Woods Ilis Female Roberts Leonard Gordon Male Gnowangerup
1948/3500051 Katanning Harrison Betty Bown Female Smith Bruce Charles Male Kojonup
1948/3500051 Katanning Smith Bruce Charles Male Harrison Betty Bown Female Kojonup
1948/3500052 Katanning Howie Robert Douglas Male Piesse Margaret May Female Wagin
1948/3500052 Katanning Piesse Margaret May Female Howie Robert Douglas Male Wagin
1948/3500053 Katanning Hamersley Vernon Travers Male Taylor Patrine Mary Female Wagin
1948/3500053 Katanning Taylor Patrine Mary Female Hamersley Vernon Travers Male Wagin
1948/3500054 Katanning Hesse John Francis Male Stutley Joyce Doreen Female Gnowangerup
1948/3500054 Katanning Stutley Joyce Doreen Female Hesse John Francis Male Gnowangerup
1948/3500055 Katanning Baxter Margaret Ann Female Heberle Cyril Ernest Male Katanning
1948/3500055 Katanning Heberle Cyril Ernest Male Baxter Margaret Ann Female Katanning
1948/3500056 Katanning Gulson Valma Athol Female Holbrook William Frank Male Katanning
1948/3500056 Katanning Holbrook William Frank Male Gulson Valma Athol Female Katanning
1948/3500057 Katanning Griffiths Lawrence Edmund Male West Gwenith Ivy Female Wagin
1948/3500057 Katanning West Gwenith Ivy Female Griffiths Lawrence Edmund Male Wagin
1948/3500058 Katanning Brown Wilhelmina Grace Stutchbury Female Horne Albert Male Wagin
1948/3500058 Katanning Horne Albert Male Brown Wilhelmina Grace Stutchbury Female Wagin
1948/3500059 Katanning Molloy Mary Frances Female Norrish Arthur Andrew Male Katanning
1948/3500059 Katanning Norrish Arthur Andrew Male Molloy Mary Frances Female Katanning
1948/3500060 Katanning Bynder Gertie Female Knapp Alfie Male Katanning
1948/3500060 Katanning Knapp Alfie Male Bynder Gertie Female Katanning
1948/3500061 Katanning Cockram Shirley Female Davis Leonard Paterson Male Gnowangerup
1948/3500061 Katanning Davis Leonard Paterson Male Cockram Shirley Female Gnowangerup
1948/3500062 Katanning Dixon Alma Rita Female O'Halloran David Clanfergeal Male Katanning
1948/3500062 Katanning O'Halloran David Clanfergeal Male Dixon Alma Rita Female Katanning
1948/3500063 Katanning Blundy Rupert Alfred Male Sexton Queenie Female Katanning Baptist Church
1948/3500063 Katanning Sexton Queenie Female Blundy Rupert Alfred Male Katanning Baptist Church
1948/3500064 Katanning Fitton Ida Marion Female Larter Arnold Walter Male West Australia
1948/3500064 Katanning Larter Arnold Walter Male Fitton Ida Marion Female West Australia
1948/3500065 Katanning Kirk Sylvia Gwen Female Shanhun Edward Robert Male West Australia
1948/3500065 Katanning Shanhun Edward Robert Male Kirk Sylvia Gwen Female West Australia
1948/3500066 Katanning Green Evelyn Mary Female Masters George William Male Kojonup
1948/3500066 Katanning Masters George William Male Green Evelyn Mary Female Kojonup
1948/3500067 Katanning Blake Wilfred Horton Male Holding Noreen Blanche Female Katanning
1948/3500067 Katanning Holding Noreen Blanche Female Blake Wilfred Horton Male Katanning
1948/3500068 Katanning Blackley Wilfred Ambrose Male Fraser Edna Jessie Female Katanning
1948/3500068 Katanning Fraser Edna Jessie Female Blackley Wilfred Ambrose Male Katanning
1948/3500069 Katanning Benn Ralph Male Bicknell Beatrice Maud Female Katanning
1948/3500069 Katanning Bicknell Beatrice Maud Female Benn Ralph Male Katanning
1948/3500070 Katanning Cornwall William Edward Male Porter Lillian Gabrielle Female Katanning
1948/3500070 Katanning Porter Lillian Gabrielle Female Cornwall William Edward Male Katanning
1948/3500071 Katanning Bennell Ruby Female Riley Henry Male Katanning
1948/3500071 Katanning Riley Henry Male Bennell Ruby Female Katanning
1948/3500072 Katanning Mead Sheila Female Wallam Angus Male Katanning
1948/3500072 Katanning Wallam Angus Male Mead Sheila Female Katanning
1948/3500073 Katanning Dawson Marjorie Deborah Female Rose Clive Wilson Male Katanning
1948/3500073 Katanning Rose Clive Wilson Male Dawson Marjorie Deborah Female Katanning
1948/3500074 Katanning Hordacre Esme Jessica O'Hara Female Synnott Francis Inglis Male Katanning
1948/3500074 Katanning Synnott Francis Inglis Male Hordacre Esme Jessica O'Hara Female Katanning
1948/3500075 Katanning Roberts Eric Male Stanley Joyce Norma Female Katanning
1948/3500075 Katanning Stanley Joyce Norma Female Roberts Eric Male Katanning
1948/3500076 Katanning McLeod Enid Doris Female Templeman Warren Henry Male Katanning Baptist Church
1948/3500076 Katanning Templeman Warren Henry Male McLeod Enid Doris Female Katanning Baptist Church
1948/3500077 Katanning Ascroft Kathleen Margaret Female Johnston Clifford Lambert Male Katanning
1948/3500077 Katanning Johnston Clifford Lambert Male Ascroft Kathleen Margaret Female Katanning
1948/3500078 Katanning Brashaw Alan Male Marshall Vera Charlotte Female Katanning
1948/3500078 Katanning Marshall Vera Charlotte Female Brashaw Alan Male Katanning
1948/3600001 East Kimberley Lee Bessie Female Wiley Vaughan Pearson Male Wyndham
1948/3600001 East Kimberley Wiley Vaughan Pearson Male Lee Bessie Female Wyndham
1948/3600002 East Kimberley Harris Myrtle Female Macnamara Harold William Mark Male Wyndham
1948/3600002 East Kimberley Macnamara Harold William Mark Male Harris Myrtle Female Wyndham
1948/3700001 West Kimberley Hunter Elizabeth Female Puertollano Stanislaus Male Derby
1948/3700001 West Kimberley Puertollano Stanislaus Male Hunter Elizabeth Female Derby
1948/3700002 West Kimberley Cross Emily Gordon Alexander Female Jones Victor Joseph Male West Kimberley
1948/3700002 West Kimberley Jones Victor Joseph Male Cross Emily Gordon Alexander Female West Kimberley
1948/3700003 West Kimberley Bell Jack Male Ding Joan Noeline Mary Female West Kimberley
1948/3700003 West Kimberley Ding Joan Noeline Mary Female Bell Jack Male West Kimberley
1948/3700004 West Kimberley Kynaston Ida Rose Female Newman Douglas George Male Derby District Registrars Office
1948/3700004 West Kimberley Newman Douglas George Male Kynaston Ida Rose Female Derby District Registrars Office
1948/3700005 West Kimberley Dunne Patrick Joseph Male Rennie Mary Margaret Female Derby
1948/3700005 West Kimberley Rennie Mary Margaret Female Dunne Patrick Joseph Male Derby
1948/3800001 Kimberley Goldfields Bolton Edward Male Walsh Nellie Female Halls Creek
1948/3800001 Kimberley Goldfields Walsh Nellie Female Bolton Edward Male Halls Creek
1948/3800002 Kimberley Goldfields Broome Billy Male Fields Gracie Female Halls Creek
1948/3800002 Kimberley Goldfields Fields Gracie Female Broome Billy Male Halls Creek
1948/3800003 Kimberley Goldfields Doris - Female Fletcher Charlie Male Halls Creek
1948/3800003 Kimberley Goldfields Fletcher Charlie Male Doris - Female Halls Creek
1948/3800003 Kimberley Goldfields Fletcher Charlie Male Pinni - Female Halls Creek
1948/3800003 Kimberley Goldfields Pinni - Female Fletcher Charlie Male Halls Creek
1948/3800004 Kimberley Goldfields Esau Bessie Female Matthews William Male West Aust
1948/3800004 Kimberley Goldfields Matthews William Male Esau Bessie Female West Aust
1949/4200001 Moora Piper Derek Male Ridgway Elizabeth Joan Female Moora
1949/4200001 Moora Ridgway Elizabeth Joan Female Piper Derek Male Moora
1948/4200002 Moora Jones Harvey Othniel Male Pratt Joan Rosalinde Female Dalwallinu
1948/4200002 Moora Pratt Joan Rosalinde Female Jones Harvey Othniel Male Dalwallinu
1948/4200003 Moora Chalkley Margaret Female Rayner Clifford Winton Male Dalwallinu
1948/4200003 Moora Rayner Clifford Winton Male Chalkley Margaret Female Dalwallinu
1948/4200004 Moora Englund Irene Leila Female Noseda Neil Gerard Male The Most Holy Trinity Church of New Norcia
1948/4200004 Moora Noseda Neil Gerard Male Englund Irene Leila Female The Most Holy Trinity Church of New Norcia
1948/4200005 Moora Ashby Margaret Rose Female Henneberry Francis Frank Male Moora
1949/4200005 Moora Dingo Owen Male Ryan Sylvia Female Mogumber
1948/4200005 Moora Henneberry Francis Frank Male Ashby Margaret Rose Female Moora
1949/4200005 Moora Ryan Sylvia Female Dingo Owen Male Mogumber
1948/4200006 Moora Bartram Eric Hillyer Male Ridgway Veronica Hilary Female Moora
1948/4200006 Moora Ridgway Veronica Hilary Female Bartram Eric Hillyer Male Moora
1948/4200007 Moora Lanigan Johanna Female Leeson Ernest Arthur Male New Norcia
1948/4200007 Moora Leeson Ernest Arthur Male Lanigan Johanna Female New Norcia
1948/4200008 Moora Sampey Irene Florence Female Toesland Russell Malcolm Male Dalwallinu
1948/4200008 Moora Toesland Russell Malcolm Male Sampey Irene Florence Female Dalwallinu
1948/4200009 Moora Black Olive Amelia Female Tremain Lawrence Everette Male West Aust
1948/4200009 Moora Tremain Lawrence Everette Male Black Olive Amelia Female West Aust
1948/4200010 Moora Coulson Frederick Clive Male Michael Margaret Anne Female Miling
1948/4200010 Moora Michael Margaret Anne Female Coulson Frederick Clive Male Miling
1948/4200011 Moora Elliott Ethel Alice Elizabeth Female Ellis Charles Albert Male Wongan Hills
1948/4200011 Moora Ellis Charles Albert Male Elliott Ethel Alice Elizabeth Female Wongan Hills
1948/4200012 Moora Murray Henry James Male Murray Vida Isabel Female Moora
1948/4200012 Moora Murray Vida Isabel Female Murray Henry James Male Moora
1948/4200013 Moora Burnett Hilda Eileen Female Cockman Leo James Male Moora
1948/4200013 Moora Cockman Leo James Male Burnett Hilda Eileen Female Moora
1948/4200014 Moora Macpherson Patricia Jessie Female Turner John Thomas Male Victoria Park
1948/4200014 Moora Turner John Thomas Male Macpherson Patricia Jessie Female Victoria Park
1948/4200015 Moora Prosser Thomas Jack Male Rayner Edna Rae Female Dalwallinu
1948/4200015 Moora Rayner Edna Rae Female Prosser Thomas Jack Male Dalwallinu
1948/4200016 Moora Lakstins Janis Male Smits Velta Female Moora
1948/4200016 Moora Smits Velta Female Lakstins Janis Male Moora
1948/4200017 Moora Ketteringham William David Male Reynolds Melva Jean Female Moora
1948/4200017 Moora Reynolds Melva Jean Female Ketteringham William David Male Moora
1948/4200018 Moora Ashby David William Male Murray Patricia Mary Female Moora
1948/4200018 Moora Murray Patricia Mary Female Ashby David William Male Moora
1948/4200019 Moora Millar McDonald Henry Male Rudd Margaret Rose Female Moora
1948/4200019 Moora Rudd Margaret Rose Female Millar McDonald Henry Male Moora
1948/4200020 Moora Monger Edith Female Oliver Ross Male Mogumber
1948/4200020 Moora Oliver Ross Male Monger Edith Female Mogumber
1948/4200021 Moora Booth Clifton Jack Male Hughes Iris Joan Female Wongan Hills
1948/4200021 Moora Hughes Iris Joan Female Booth Clifton Jack Male Wongan Hills
1948/4200022 Moora Taylor George Male Willock Pauline Ethel Female New Norcia
1948/4200022 Moora Willock Pauline Ethel Female Taylor George Male New Norcia
1948/4200023 Moora Dix Eileen May Female Maver James Male Moora
1948/4200023 Moora Maver James Male Dix Eileen May Female Moora
1948/4200024 Moora Dines Angus Edward Male Smith Edna May Female Dalwallinu
1948/4200024 Moora Smith Edna May Female Dines Angus Edward Male Dalwallinu
1948/4200025 Moora Anderson Joseph Kitchener Male Jackamarra Philomena Female Moora
1948/4200025 Moora Jackamarra Philomena Female Anderson Joseph Kitchener Male Moora
1948/4200026 Moora Brown John Male Ramsay Katherine Pearl Female Dalwallinu
1948/4200026 Moora Ramsay Katherine Pearl Female Brown John Male Dalwallinu
1948/4200027 Moora Gatti John Gilbert Male Otway Dorothy Joan Female Dalwallinu
1948/4200027 Moora Otway Dorothy Joan Female Gatti John Gilbert Male Dalwallinu
1948/4200028 Moora Foot Bryan Matthew Male Littlecott Vera Betty Female Miling
1948/4200028 Moora Littlecott Vera Betty Female Foot Bryan Matthew Male Miling
1948/4200029 Moora de Wreede Hylke Downe Johannes Male Kool Christina Female Moora
1948/4200029 Moora Kool Christina Female de Wreede Hylke Downe Johannes Male Moora
1948/4200030 Moora Biss Louis Alfred Male Groves Jessie Female Moora
1948/4200030 Moora Groves Jessie Female Biss Louis Alfred Male Moora
1948/4200031 Moora Counsel Roy Frederick Male Lambert Joyce Marion Female Dalwallinu
1948/4200031 Moora Lambert Joyce Marion Female Counsel Roy Frederick Male Dalwallinu
1948/4300001 Mount Margaret Colombo Alexander Amelia Male Robertson Nancy Effie Female Gwalia
1949/4300001 Mount Margaret Nash Edward John Male White Edna Annie Female Morgans
1948/4300001 Mount Margaret Robertson Nancy Effie Female Colombo Alexander Amelia Male Gwalia
1949/4300001 Mount Margaret White Edna Annie Female Nash Edward John Male Morgans
1948/4300002 Mount Margaret Blizzard Kingie Male Jackson Beryl Female Mt Margaret Mission
1948/4300002 Mount Margaret Jackson Beryl Female Blizzard Kingie Male Mt Margaret Mission
1948/4300003 Mount Margaret Millar Phillip Neil Roy Male Rowe Mary Kathleen Female Leonora
1948/4300003 Mount Margaret Rowe Mary Kathleen Female Millar Phillip Neil Roy Male Leonora
1948/4300004 Mount Margaret Donegan James Edward Male Meade Lois Rene Female Laverton
1948/4300004 Mount Margaret Meade Lois Rene Female Donegan James Edward Male Laverton
1948/4300005 Mount Margaret Carrott Leslie Male Epis Alice Clara Secondina Female Menzies
1948/4300005 Mount Margaret Epis Alice Clara Secondina Female Carrott Leslie Male Menzies
1948/4300006 Mount Margaret Ball Horace Henry Male Wilson Gladys Evelyn Female Leonora
1948/4300006 Mount Margaret Wilson Gladys Evelyn Female Ball Horace Henry Male Leonora
1948/4300007 Mount Margaret Epis Betty Maria Female Kerr Henry Edwin Male Menzies
1948/4300007 Mount Margaret Kerr Henry Edwin Male Epis Betty Maria Female Menzies
1948/4300008 Mount Margaret Doust Alfred Henry Male James Shirley Margaret Female Leonora
1948/4300008 Mount Margaret James Shirley Margaret Female Doust Alfred Henry Male Leonora
1948/4300009 Mount Margaret Perry Robert John Fraser Male Tedge Doris Joyce Female Gwalia
1948/4300009 Mount Margaret Tedge Doris Joyce Female Perry Robert John Fraser Male Gwalia
1948/4400001 Murchison French Doris May Female Neal John Richard Male Cue
1948/4400001 Murchison Neal John Richard Male French Doris May Female Cue
1948/4400002 Murchison Ball Dorothy Joan McIver Female Triffitt Edward Arthur Male Cue
1948/4400002 Murchison Triffitt Edward Arthur Male Ball Dorothy Joan McIver Female Cue
1948/4400003 Murchison MacGregor Helen Jean Female Welsh Victor Male Cue
1948/4400003 Murchison Welsh Victor Male MacGregor Helen Jean Female Cue
1948/4400004 Murchison Bianchi Ersilia Female Vieceli Joseph Male Reedy
1948/4400004 Murchison Vieceli Joseph Male Bianchi Ersilia Female Reedy
1948/4400005 Murchison Barham Norma Pearl Female Ryan Thomas Henry Male Cue
1948/4400005 Murchison Ryan Thomas Henry Male Barham Norma Pearl Female Cue
1948/4400006 Murchison Sedgman Arthur Henry Male Wyatt Jean Marion Female Meekatharra
1948/4400006 Murchison Wyatt Jean Marion Female Sedgman Arthur Henry Male Meekatharra
1948/4400007 Murchison Blaikie Norman Male Jones Florence May Female Cue
1948/4400007 Murchison Jones Florence May Female Blaikie Norman Male Cue
1948/4400008 Murchison Bardwell Eléc Everett Female Hunt Arthur Charles Male Reedy
1948/4400008 Murchison Hunt Arthur Charles Male Bardwell Eléc Everett Female Reedy
1948/4400009 Murchison Gale William Layton Sherman Male Hart Maud Caroline Sarah Female Meekatharra
1948/4400009 Murchison Hart Maud Caroline Sarah Female Gale William Layton Sherman Male Meekatharra
1948/4400010 Murchison Brand Forest Male Hamilton Ethel May Female Cue
1948/4400010 Murchison Hamilton Ethel May Female Brand Forest Male Cue
1948/4400011 Murchison Sleeth Clement Noel Male Templeman Bridget Dorothy Female Cue
1948/4400011 Murchison Templeman Bridget Dorothy Female Sleeth Clement Noel Male Cue
1948/4400012 Murchison Dorman Shirley Marion Female Marshall Stanley Vivian Male Meekatharra
1948/4400012 Murchison Marshall Stanley Vivian Male Dorman Shirley Marion Female Meekatharra
1948/4400013 Murchison Currie Violet Elizabeth May Female Woods Hubert Stanley Male Cue
1948/4400013 Murchison Woods Hubert Stanley Male Currie Violet Elizabeth May Female Cue
1948/4400014 Murchison Buckley James Fredrick Male Crick Dulcie Maud Female Cue
1948/4400014 Murchison Crick Dulcie Maud Female Buckley James Fredrick Male Cue
1948/4400015 Murchison Lee Alfred Thomas Male Swarbrick Dulcie May Female Cue
1948/4400015 Murchison Swarbrick Dulcie May Female Lee Alfred Thomas Male Cue
1948/4400016 Murchison Bedola Giovanni Male Clarkson Joyce Annie Female Cue
1948/4400016 Murchison Clarkson Joyce Annie Female Bedola Giovanni Male Cue
1948/4400017 Murchison Fulcher Lionel Eric Male Williams Edith Leslie Female Cue
1948/4400017 Murchison Williams Edith Leslie Female Fulcher Lionel Eric Male Cue
1948/4400018 Murchison George Sheila Female O'Brien Ernest Male Cue
1948/4400018 Murchison O'Brien Ernest Male George Sheila Female Cue
1948/4400019 Murchison Carpenter Shirley Irene Female Gibbs Gordon Male Mt Magnet
1948/4400019 Murchison Gibbs Gordon Male Carpenter Shirley Irene Female Mt Magnet
1948/4400020 Murchison Johns Kathleen Ruby Female Thomas Raymond Percival Male Cue
1948/4400020 Murchison Thomas Raymond Percival Male Johns Kathleen Ruby Female Cue
1948/4400021 Murchison Barker Clarice June Female Clark Roy Charles Male Cue
1948/4400021 Murchison Clark Roy Charles Male Barker Clarice June Female Cue
1948/4500001 East Murchison Bartolomei Pietro Male Guazzelli Delia Mary Female Wiluna
1948/4500001 East Murchison Guazzelli Delia Mary Female Bartolomei Pietro Male Wiluna
1948/4700002 Murray Pearce Royla Yvonne Female Sailing Frederick John Male Mandurah
1948/4700002 Murray Sailing Frederick John Male Pearce Royla Yvonne Female Mandurah
1948/4700003 Murray Jenaway Enid May Female Watkins Keith Thomas Male Mandurah
1948/4700003 Murray Watkins Keith Thomas Male Jenaway Enid May Female Mandurah
1948/4700004 Murray Parker Frederick Male Torr Robin Jean Female Waroona
1948/4700004 Murray Torr Robin Jean Female Parker Frederick Male Waroona
1948/4700005 Murray Brown Ivy May Female Richardson Roy Male Waroona
1948/4700005 Murray Richardson Roy Male Brown Ivy May Female Waroona
1948/4700006 Murray Matthews Margaret Female Underwood Bertram Male Pinjarra
1948/4700006 Murray Underwood Bertram Male Matthews Margaret Female Pinjarra
1948/4700007 Murray Matthews Gertrude Mollie Female Pearman Henry Percival Male Pinjarra
1948/4700007 Murray Pearman Henry Percival Male Matthews Gertrude Mollie Female Pinjarra
1948/4700008 Murray Deschamps Winifred Mae Female Summerfield Harold Male Serpentine
1948/4700008 Murray Summerfield Harold Male Deschamps Winifred Mae Female Serpentine
1948/4700009 Murray Hastwell Arthur George Male Knott Madge Frances Female Pinjarra
1948/4700009 Murray Knott Madge Frances Female Hastwell Arthur George Male Pinjarra
1948/4700010 Murray Harrigan Constance Ada Female McMaugh William Edward Male Pinjarra
1948/4700010 Murray McMaugh William Edward Male Harrigan Constance Ada Female Pinjarra
1948/4700011 Murray Andreotta Marianna Female Fognela Daniele Antonio Male Pinjarra
1948/4700011 Murray Fognela Daniele Antonio Male Andreotta Marianna Female Pinjarra
1948/4700012 Murray Birch Sylvia Bettine Female Hannay William Peter Male Pinjarra
1948/4700012 Murray Hannay William Peter Male Birch Sylvia Bettine Female Pinjarra
1948/4700013 Murray Drummond John Male Kippin Emily Female Pinjarra
1948/4700013 Murray Kippin Emily Female Drummond John Male Pinjarra
1948/4700014 Murray Moiler Albert Male Pilton Joyce Francis Female Waroona
1948/4700014 Murray Pilton Joyce Francis Female Moiler Albert Male Waroona
1948/4700015 Murray Howell Raven Norman Male Robertson Phyllis Female Mandurah
1948/4700015 Murray Robertson Phyllis Female Howell Raven Norman Male Mandurah
1948/4700016 Murray Pedretti Noreen June Female Tassone Santo Male Pinjarra
1948/4700016 Murray Tassone Santo Male Pedretti Noreen June Female Pinjarra
1948/4700017 Murray Lea Patricia Constance Female Warren Arthur Edward Male Waroona
1948/4700017 Murray Warren Arthur Edward Male Lea Patricia Constance Female Waroona
1948/4700018 Murray Hart Jack Lionel Male Webb Ethel Doris Female Pinjarra
1948/4700018 Murray Webb Ethel Doris Female Hart Jack Lionel Male Pinjarra
1948/4700019 Murray Mathews Nellie Female Towton Laurence Jack Male Pinjarra
1948/4700019 Murray Towton Laurence Jack Male Mathews Nellie Female Pinjarra
1948/4700020 Murray Landwehr Stella Beatrice Female Strang Raymond Frank Male Waroona
1948/4700020 Murray Strang Raymond Frank Male Landwehr Stella Beatrice Female Waroona
1948/4700021 Murray Commisso Frank Male Deleo Mary Female Waroona
1948/4700021 Murray Deleo Mary Female Commisso Frank Male Waroona
1948/4700022 Murray Harper Ronald Male Nugent Jessie Margaret Female Mandurah
1948/4700022 Murray Nugent Jessie Margaret Female Harper Ronald Male Mandurah
1948/4700023 Murray Hayden Irene Constance Female Hooper Edward John Male Dwellingup
1948/4700023 Murray Hooper Edward John Male Hayden Irene Constance Female Dwellingup
1948/4700024 Murray Lange Frederick William Male Nancarrow Jean May Female Pinjarra
1948/4700024 Murray Nancarrow Jean May Female Lange Frederick William Male Pinjarra
1948/4700025 Murray Ciccotosto Cesario Male Ferraro Teresa Female Waroona
1948/4700025 Murray Ferraro Teresa Female Ciccotosto Cesario Male Waroona
1948/4700026 Murray Hood Valma May Female Scown Harold Norman Male Pinjarra
1948/4700026 Murray Scown Harold Norman Male Hood Valma May Female Pinjarra
1948/4700027 Murray Dillon Richard Michael Male Lawrence Beatrice Alice Female Pinjarra
1948/4700027 Murray Lawrence Beatrice Alice Female Dillon Richard Michael Male Pinjarra
1948/4700028 Murray Duncan Charles Embry Male Johnston Norma Jean Female Pinjarra
1948/4700028 Murray Johnston Norma Jean Female Duncan Charles Embry Male Pinjarra
1948/4700029 Murray Dowling Kathleen Margaret Female Hull Edmund William Male Pinjarra
1948/4700029 Murray Hull Edmund William Male Dowling Kathleen Margaret Female Pinjarra
1948/4700030 Murray Cross Mervyn James Male Thurkle Norma Joyce Female Waroona
1948/4700030 Murray Thurkle Norma Joyce Female Cross Mervyn James Male Waroona
1948/4700031 Murray Brooks Douglas Gordon Male Rhodes Alice Doreen Female Pinjarra
1948/4700031 Murray Rhodes Alice Doreen Female Brooks Douglas Gordon Male Pinjarra
1948/4700032 Murray Gane William Thomas Male Saunders Chattie Evelyn Female Pinjarra
1948/4700032 Murray Saunders Chattie Evelyn Female Gane William Thomas Male Pinjarra
1948/4700033 Murray Dawson Oswald Booth Male Savell Emma Selina Agnes Female Dwellingup
1948/4700033 Murray Savell Emma Selina Agnes Female Dawson Oswald Booth Male Dwellingup
1948/4700034 Murray Carter Dorothy Christine Female Savage Godfrey Harold Male Waroona
1948/4700034 Murray Savage Godfrey Harold Male Carter Dorothy Christine Female Waroona
1948/4900001 Northam Morgan David Hubert Male Thorne Marjorie Joan Female Northam
1948/4900001 Northam Thorne Marjorie Joan Female Morgan David Hubert Male Northam
1948/4900003 Northam Granville Harold Male Neil Jessie Clark Female Northam
1948/4900003 Northam Neil Jessie Clark Female Granville Harold Male Northam
1948/4900004 Northam Jolly Myra Florence Female Moran Owen Albert Reginald Male Nungarin
1948/4900004 Northam Moran Owen Albert Reginald Male Jolly Myra Florence Female Nungarin
1948/4900005 Northam Barge Winston Gordon Male Roddy Marjorie Rose Female Merredin
1948/4900005 Northam Roddy Marjorie Rose Female Barge Winston Gordon Male Merredin
1948/4900006 Northam Bonnett Walter Male Fry Flora Jean Female Nungarin
1948/4900006 Northam Fry Flora Jean Female Bonnett Walter Male Nungarin
1948/4900007 Northam Evans Nancy Alwyn Female Pages-Oliver Leslie Manuel Male Merredin
1948/4900007 Northam Pages-Oliver Leslie Manuel Male Evans Nancy Alwyn Female Merredin
1948/4900008 Northam Frearson Bryan Thomas Male Fry Verna Joy Female Dowerin
1948/4900008 Northam Fry Verna Joy Female Frearson Bryan Thomas Male Dowerin
1948/4900009 Northam O'Byrne Nellie Mavis Female Wilkins Charles Edward Male Northam
1948/4900009 Northam Wilkins Charles Edward Male O'Byrne Nellie Mavis Female Northam
1948/4900010 Northam Gamble Betty Maureen Female Symes Cyril David Male W Aust
1948/4900010 Northam Symes Cyril David Male Gamble Betty Maureen Female W Aust
1948/4900011 Northam Garrod-Raynor Jack Male Paine Rosena May Female Northam
1948/4900011 Northam Paine Rosena May Female Garrod-Raynor Jack Male Northam
1948/4900012 Northam Pepper Joan Shirley Female Smith Kenneth Murray Male Northam
1948/4900012 Northam Smith Kenneth Murray Male Pepper Joan Shirley Female Northam
1948/4900013 Northam Arthur Gordon Alfred Male Barton Alice Joyce Female Kellerberrin
1948/4900013 Northam Barton Alice Joyce Female Arthur Gordon Alfred Male Kellerberrin
1948/4900014 Northam Hagboom Elva Florence Female Robinson Lenard Douglas Male Dowerin
1948/4900014 Northam Robinson Lenard Douglas Male Hagboom Elva Florence Female Dowerin
1948/4900015 Northam Gawned Thomas Collyn Male Meares Evelyn Anne Female Northam
1948/4900015 Northam Meares Evelyn Anne Female Gawned Thomas Collyn Male Northam
1948/4900016 Northam Blechynden Dansy Lewis William Male Davenport Esther Mabel Female Northam
1948/4900016 Northam Davenport Esther Mabel Female Blechynden Dansy Lewis William Male Northam
1948/4900017 Northam Crawford Melba Rose Ann Female Johnson Gordon Francis Male Northam
1948/4900017 Northam Johnson Gordon Francis Male Crawford Melba Rose Ann Female Northam
1948/4900019 Northam Devereux Sylvia May Female MacBain Alexander Male Kellerberrin
1948/4900019 Northam MacBain Alexander Male Devereux Sylvia May Female Kellerberrin
1948/4900020 Northam Blake Edna May Female Winn John Henry Male Northam
1948/4900020 Northam Winn John Henry Male Blake Edna May Female Northam
1948/4900021 Northam Bevan George James Male Doust Winnifred June Female Northam
1948/4900021 Northam Doust Winnifred June Female Bevan George James Male Northam
1948/4900022 Northam Horsfall Dulcie Female Scott Edward Albert Male Northam
1948/4900022 Northam Scott Edward Albert Male Horsfall Dulcie Female Northam
1948/4900023 Northam Doherty Hubert Wilson Male Greaves Ruby May Female Kellerberrin
1948/4900023 Northam Greaves Ruby May Female Doherty Hubert Wilson Male Kellerberrin
1948/4900024 Northam McMahon Veronica Female Watt Bryan Harry Male Kellerberrin
1948/4900024 Northam Watt Bryan Harry Male McMahon Veronica Female Kellerberrin
1948/4900025 Northam Howlett Murdoch James Male Hughes Gwendoline Margaret Female Northam
1948/4900025 Northam Hughes Gwendoline Margaret Female Howlett Murdoch James Male Northam
1948/4900026 Northam Dyer Barbara Christine Female Wallrodt Ronald Robert Male Northam
1948/4900026 Northam Wallrodt Ronald Robert Male Dyer Barbara Christine Female Northam
1948/4900027 Northam Farmer Elva Emily Female Saunders Reginald Arthur Male Northam
1948/4900027 Northam Saunders Reginald Arthur Male Farmer Elva Emily Female Northam
1948/4900028 Northam Brew Audrey Helen Female Burrows Charles John Male Northam
1948/4900028 Northam Burrows Charles John Male Brew Audrey Helen Female Northam
1948/4900029 Northam Hoddy Shirley Daphne Female Tregurtha Noye Peter Male Northam
1948/4900029 Northam Tregurtha Noye Peter Male Hoddy Shirley Daphne Female Northam
1948/4900030 Northam Brew Eleanor May Female Peake Ellis James Male Northam
1948/4900030 Northam Peake Ellis James Male Brew Eleanor May Female Northam
1948/4900031 Northam King Alfred John Male Waters Daphne Pearl Female Bolgart
1948/4900031 Northam Waters Daphne Pearl Female King Alfred John Male Bolgart
1948/4900032 Northam Freind Maxwell Male Thackrah Valda Joy Female Northam
1948/4900032 Northam Thackrah Valda Joy Female Freind Maxwell Male Northam
1948/4900033 Northam Collier Richard Stanley Male Jones Florence Hilda Female Northam
1948/4900033 Northam Jones Florence Hilda Female Collier Richard Stanley Male Northam
1948/4900034 Northam Jasper Norma Female Morgan William Albert Merredew Male Cunderdin
1948/4900034 Northam Morgan William Albert Merredew Male Jasper Norma Female Cunderdin
1948/4900035 Northam Fuller Peter Louis Male Pember Florence Gladys Female Northam
1948/4900035 Northam Pember Florence Gladys Female Fuller Peter Louis Male Northam
1948/4900036 Northam Lockyer Gerard Arnold Male Wood Nancy Female Goomalling
1948/4900036 Northam Wood Nancy Female Lockyer Gerard Arnold Male Goomalling
1948/4900037 Northam Isaacs Samuel Male O'Donnell Ethel Female Northam
1948/4900037 Northam O'Donnell Ethel Female Isaacs Samuel Male Northam
1948/4900038 Northam McQueen William John Male Witney Grace Meryl Female W Aust
1948/4900038 Northam Witney Grace Meryl Female McQueen William John Male W Aust
1948/4900039 Northam Davis Ray Lovibond Male Shields Hazel Joyce Female Trayning
1948/4900039 Northam Shields Hazel Joyce Female Davis Ray Lovibond Male Trayning
1948/4900040 Northam Eddy Greta Joy Female Kirby John Vincent Male Merredin
1948/4900040 Northam Kirby John Vincent Male Eddy Greta Joy Female Merredin
1948/4900041 Northam Cook Rexford Ronald Male Heeps Ethel Betty Female Toodyay
1948/4900041 Northam Heeps Ethel Betty Female Cook Rexford Ronald Male Toodyay
1948/4900042 Northam Metcalf Owen Richard Male Sanders Hilda Joy Female Dowerin
1948/4900042 Northam Sanders Hilda Joy Female Metcalf Owen Richard Male Dowerin
1948/4900043 Northam Smith Lionel Edward Male Wells Constance Mary Female Northam
1948/4900043 Northam Wells Constance Mary Female Smith Lionel Edward Male Northam
1948/4900044 Northam Clark John Alfred Male Scott Mona Katherine Female Kellerberrin
1948/4900044 Northam Scott Mona Katherine Female Clark John Alfred Male Kellerberrin
1948/4900045 Northam Johnson Norma Female Rutherford Geoffrey Charles Male Kellerberrin
1948/4900045 Northam Rutherford Geoffrey Charles Male Johnson Norma Female Kellerberrin
1948/4900046 Northam Anderson Ellen Margaret Female Butterly Malcolm John Male Northam
1948/4900046 Northam Butterly Malcolm John Male Anderson Ellen Margaret Female Northam
1948/4900047 Northam Banks Eileen Doreen Female Boyne Thomas Alfred Male Wyalkatchem
1948/4900047 Northam Boyne Thomas Alfred Male Banks Eileen Doreen Female Wyalkatchem
1948/4900048 Northam Bullen Kenneth Male Sinclair Ethel Isabel Female Northam
1948/4900048 Northam Sinclair Ethel Isabel Female Bullen Kenneth Male Northam
1948/4900049 Northam Crawford James Gardiner Male Hutchinson Daphne Lavinia Female Northam
1948/4900049 Northam Hutchinson Daphne Lavinia Female Crawford James Gardiner Male Northam
1948/4900050 Northam Atkinson Maureen Rose Female Ballantine Francis Joseph Male Northam
1948/4900050 Northam Ballantine Francis Joseph Male Atkinson Maureen Rose Female Northam
1948/4900051 Northam Humphries Kevin Male Taylor Alma Female Kellerberrin
1948/4900051 Northam Taylor Alma Female Humphries Kevin Male Kellerberrin
1948/4900052 Northam James Shirley Female Kinnear Donald Joseph Male Northam
1948/4900052 Northam Kinnear Donald Joseph Male James Shirley Female Northam
1948/4900053 Northam Butcher William Arthur Male Fisher Audrey Clara Female Northam
1948/4900053 Northam Fisher Audrey Clara Female Butcher William Arthur Male Northam
1948/4900054 Northam Crabb Norma Elizabeth Female Shipway Edward Charles Male Bencubbin
1948/4900054 Northam Shipway Edward Charles Male Crabb Norma Elizabeth Female Bencubbin
1948/4900055 Northam Clough Elliott Male Parry Joyce Rosemary Female Bencubbin
1948/4900055 Northam Parry Joyce Rosemary Female Clough Elliott Male Bencubbin
1948/4900056 Northam Mateljan Anton Male Vlak Lucija Female Wyalkatchem
1948/4900056 Northam Vlak Lucija Female Mateljan Anton Male Wyalkatchem
1948/4900057 Northam Mackenzie Alexander Park Male Patton Ethel Maureen Female Northam
1948/4900057 Northam Patton Ethel Maureen Female Mackenzie Alexander Park Male Northam
1948/4900058 Northam Armour Hugh Male Leake Amy Susanna Female Kellerberrin
1948/4900058 Northam Leake Amy Susanna Female Armour Hugh Male Kellerberrin
1948/4900059 Northam Johnson Douglas Brearley Male Svendsen Mary Elizabeth Female Northam
1948/4900059 Northam Svendsen Mary Elizabeth Female Johnson Douglas Brearley Male Northam
1948/4900060 Northam Podmore Phyllis Margaret Female Sermon Edwin Joseph Male Kellerberrin
1948/4900060 Northam Sermon Edwin Joseph Male Podmore Phyllis Margaret Female Kellerberrin
1948/4900061 Northam Hays Leslie Arthur Male Tancock Biddy Mary Female Kwolyin
1948/4900061 Northam Tancock Biddy Mary Female Hays Leslie Arthur Male Kwolyin
1948/4900062 Northam Barnes Ernest Torrington Male Turner Constance Alma Female Kellerberrin
1948/4900062 Northam Turner Constance Alma Female Barnes Ernest Torrington Male Kellerberrin
1948/4900063 Northam Glass Sheila Mary Female Newnham Douglas James Male Northam
1948/4900063 Northam Newnham Douglas James Male Glass Sheila Mary Female Northam
1948/4900064 Northam Chatfield Garth Male Hockless Betty June Female Northam
1948/4900064 Northam Hockless Betty June Female Chatfield Garth Male Northam
1948/4900065 Northam Newman John Male White Nancy Female Merredin
1948/4900065 Northam White Nancy Female Newman John Male Merredin
1948/4900066 Northam Haines Edward John Male Lewis Elizabeth Robertson Female Northam
1948/4900066 Northam Lewis Elizabeth Robertson Female Haines Edward John Male Northam
1948/4900067 Northam Taylor Norman Victor Male Winchester Mary Ellen Female Northam
1948/4900067 Northam Winchester Mary Ellen Female Taylor Norman Victor Male Northam
1948/4900068 Northam France Neil Robert George Male Williams Ruby Doreen Female Northam
1948/4900068 Northam Williams Ruby Doreen Female France Neil Robert George Male Northam
1948/4900069 Northam Box James Male Wood Joyce Maisie Kitty Female Northam
1948/4900069 Northam Wood Joyce Maisie Kitty Female Box James Male Northam
1948/4900070 Northam Dhue Brenda Helen Female Pember Frank Kenneth Male Northam
1948/4900070 Northam Pember Frank Kenneth Male Dhue Brenda Helen Female Northam
1948/4900071 Northam Sawyer Dorothy May Female Sawyer Ernest George Male Northam
1948/4900071 Northam Sawyer Ernest George Male Sawyer Dorothy May Female Northam
1948/4900072 Northam Bonser Patrick Michael Male Kelly Irene Elizabeth Female Northam
1948/4900072 Northam Kelly Irene Elizabeth Female Bonser Patrick Michael Male Northam
1948/4900073 Northam Hands June Female McCagh Philip Michael Male Northam
1948/4900073 Northam McCagh Philip Michael Male Hands June Female Northam
1948/4900074 Northam Gorfin Joan Eleanor Female Nock Bertrand Roy Male Kellerberrin
1948/4900074 Northam Nock Bertrand Roy Male Gorfin Joan Eleanor Female Kellerberrin
1948/4900075 Northam Bickham Reginald Percival Male Roberts Patricia Female Northam
1948/4900075 Northam Roberts Patricia Female Bickham Reginald Percival Male Northam
1948/4900076 Northam Coffey Dorothy Anastasia Female Sutherland Alfred McIntosh Male Northam
1948/4900076 Northam Sutherland Alfred McIntosh Male Coffey Dorothy Anastasia Female Northam
1948/4900077 Northam Bowen Ian Francis Male Glascoe Beryl Joan Female Northam
1948/4900077 Northam Glascoe Beryl Joan Female Bowen Ian Francis Male Northam
1948/4900078 Northam Pettit Alwin George Male Watson Dorothy Claire Female Northam
1948/4900078 Northam Watson Dorothy Claire Female Pettit Alwin George Male Northam
1948/4900079 Northam Coumbe Frank Clare Male Moate Pamelia Kathleen Female Merredin
1948/4900079 Northam Moate Pamelia Kathleen Female Coumbe Frank Clare Male Merredin
1948/4900080 Northam Diver Thelma Alice Belinda Female Maitland Gordon William Male Wyalkatchem
1948/4900080 Northam Maitland Gordon William Male Diver Thelma Alice Belinda Female Wyalkatchem
1948/4900081 Northam Hancock Ethel Blanche Female McKenna Herbert Charles Male Northam
1948/4900081 Northam McKenna Herbert Charles Male Hancock Ethel Blanche Female Northam
1948/4900082 Northam Fuller Hazel Joan Female Godfrey Ronald Best Male Northam
1948/4900082 Northam Godfrey Ronald Best Male Fuller Hazel Joan Female Northam
1948/4900083 Northam Hall Shirley Dorothy Female Hunter Desmond Henry Male Northam
1948/4900083 Northam Hunter Desmond Henry Male Hall Shirley Dorothy Female Northam
1948/4900084 Northam Downsborough Henry Thomas Male Leach Joyce Female Merredin
1948/4900084 Northam Leach Joyce Female Downsborough Henry Thomas Male Merredin
1948/4900085 Northam Andrews Irene Alice Female Sachse Norman Robert Allan Male Kununoppin
1948/4900085 Northam Sachse Norman Robert Allan Male Andrews Irene Alice Female Kununoppin
1948/4900086 Northam Dawson Joseph Male Green Kathleen Margaret Female Merredin
1948/4900086 Northam Green Kathleen Margaret Female Dawson Joseph Male Merredin
1948/4900087 Northam Bushell John Reginald William Male Cooke Barbara Ann Female Northam
1948/4900087 Northam Cooke Barbara Ann Female Bushell John Reginald William Male Northam
1948/4900088 Northam Carter Edmund Keith Male Dew Thelma Doris Female Northam
1948/4900088 Northam Dew Thelma Doris Female Carter Edmund Keith Male Northam
1948/4900089 Northam Kensit Emma Female Morton-Norris James William Male Merredin
1948/4900089 Northam Morton-Norris James William Male Kensit Emma Female Merredin
1948/4900090 Northam Holtzman Leonard Arthur Male Wright Dorothy Eleanor Female Merredin
1948/4900090 Northam Wright Dorothy Eleanor Female Holtzman Leonard Arthur Male Merredin
1948/4900091 Northam Hagan Karen Millicent Female Lammonby Henry George Male West Northam
1948/4900091 Northam Lammonby Henry George Male Hagan Karen Millicent Female West Northam
1948/4900092 Northam Braysher Coral Jean Female Doy Jack Ernest Male Northam
1948/4900092 Northam Doy Jack Ernest Male Braysher Coral Jean Female Northam
1948/4900093 Northam Carter Hazel Evelyn Female Hill Robert John Male Meckering
1948/4900093 Northam Hill Robert John Male Carter Hazel Evelyn Female Meckering
1948/4900094 Northam Gallagher Rita Elizabeth Female Tait Edward Patrick Male Northam
1948/4900094 Northam Tait Edward Patrick Male Gallagher Rita Elizabeth Female Northam
1948/4900095 Northam Atwell Berta Winifred Female Marshall Kenneth Patrick Male W Australia
1948/4900095 Northam Marshall Kenneth Patrick Male Atwell Berta Winifred Female W Australia
1948/4900096 Northam Jennings Marie Kathleen Female Mofflin Frank Male Trayning
1948/4900096 Northam Mofflin Frank Male Jennings Marie Kathleen Female Trayning
1948/4900097 Northam Riordan Ernest William Male Smallacombe Lilly Mary Female Merredin
1948/4900097 Northam Smallacombe Lilly Mary Female Riordan Ernest William Male Merredin
1948/4900098 Northam Patterson Robert Edmund Male Smith Laurel Joy Female Northam
1948/4900098 Northam Smith Laurel Joy Female Patterson Robert Edmund Male Northam
1948/4900099 Northam Roser Edward Richard John Male Wynne Alice Rose Female Northam
1948/4900099 Northam Wynne Alice Rose Female Roser Edward Richard John Male Northam
1948/4900100 Northam Henry Len Male Slater Pauline Female Kellerberrin
1948/4900100 Northam Slater Pauline Female Henry Len Male Kellerberrin
1948/4900101 Northam Delaney Phillip Edward Male Edlington Kathleen Female Northam
1948/4900101 Northam Edlington Kathleen Female Delaney Phillip Edward Male Northam
1948/4900102 Northam Beavis Morva June Female Davey Fredrick Lloyal Male Northam
1948/4900102 Northam Davey Fredrick Lloyal Male Beavis Morva June Female Northam
1948/4900103 Northam Smith George Male Wenn Vyonne Female Northam
1948/4900103 Northam Wenn Vyonne Female Smith George Male Northam
1948/4900104 Northam Holt Thelma June Female McLennan Donald Hugh Male Northam
1948/4900104 Northam McLennan Donald Hugh Male Holt Thelma June Female Northam
1948/4900105 Northam Green Lawrence John Male Wilkins Dorothy Faye Female Koorda
1948/4900105 Northam Wilkins Dorothy Faye Female Green Lawrence John Male Koorda
1948/4900106 Northam Maddock Sydney George Male Yates Edith Dorothy Female Mukinbudin
1948/4900106 Northam Yates Edith Dorothy Female Maddock Sydney George Male Mukinbudin
1948/4900107 Northam Counsel Robert Lloyd Male Fogarty Collinette Mary Female Northam
1948/4900107 Northam Fogarty Collinette Mary Female Counsel Robert Lloyd Male Northam
1948/4900108 Northam McLeod James John Male Thomson Mavis Edith Nellie Female Tammin
1948/4900108 Northam Thomson Mavis Edith Nellie Female McLeod James John Male Tammin
1948/4900109 Northam Budd Daphne May Female Teale Douglas Charles Male Cunderdin
1948/4900109 Northam Teale Douglas Charles Male Budd Daphne May Female Cunderdin
1948/4900110 Northam Jones Arthur Edward Male Warmdean Mary Frances Female Northam
1948/4900110 Northam Warmdean Mary Frances Female Jones Arthur Edward Male Northam
1948/4900111 Northam Cook Eric Male Davey Frances Mary Female Northam
1948/4900111 Northam Davey Frances Mary Female Cook Eric Male Northam
1948/4900112 Northam Brooks Rona Patricia Female Hanley James Roderick Male Merredin
1948/4900112 Northam Hanley James Roderick Male Brooks Rona Patricia Female Merredin
1948/4900113 Northam Hagboom William Robert Male McMorran Alice Margaret Loudon Female Dowerin Lakes
1948/4900113 Northam McMorran Alice Margaret Loudon Female Hagboom William Robert Male Dowerin Lakes
1948/4900114 Northam Greenwood Dorothy Mabel Female Lobb Stanley Harold Male Northam
1948/4900114 Northam Lobb Stanley Harold Male Greenwood Dorothy Mabel Female Northam
1948/4900115 Northam Maisey Cecil William Male Ridley Lorna Marion Female Trayning
1948/4900115 Northam Ridley Lorna Marion Female Maisey Cecil William Male Trayning
1948/4900116 Northam Crabb Roselind Female Shipway John Alfred Male Bencubbin
1948/4900116 Northam Shipway John Alfred Male Crabb Roselind Female Bencubbin
1948/4900117 Northam Griffith Ivy Violet Female Kennett George Clarence Male Merredin
1948/4900117 Northam Kennett George Clarence Male Griffith Ivy Violet Female Merredin
1948/4900118 Northam James Nancy Jean Female Macoboy Francis Michael Male Northam
1948/4900118 Northam Macoboy Francis Michael Male James Nancy Jean Female Northam
1948/4900119 Northam Hassett Cyril Andrew Male Thomas Olive Joyce Female Bolgart
1948/4900119 Northam Thomas Olive Joyce Female Hassett Cyril Andrew Male Bolgart
1948/4900120 Northam Chambers Joyce Olive Female Forsyth Eric Male Kellerberrin
1948/4900120 Northam Forsyth Eric Male Chambers Joyce Olive Female Kellerberrin
1948/4900121 Northam Sheilds Robert James Male Wilson Sylvia Alice Female Northam
1948/4900121 Northam Wilson Sylvia Alice Female Sheilds Robert James Male Northam
1948/4900122 Northam Melbin Paul Kevin Male Morris Veronica May Female Northam
1948/4900122 Northam Morris Veronica May Female Melbin Paul Kevin Male Northam
1948/4900123 Northam Hedge Gloria June Female White Charles Roger Male Wyalkatchem
1948/4900123 Northam White Charles Roger Male Hedge Gloria June Female Wyalkatchem
1948/4900124 Northam Hyland Mary Carmel Female Lardi Jeremiah John Male Northam
1948/4900124 Northam Lardi Jeremiah John Male Hyland Mary Carmel Female Northam
1948/4900125 Northam Cooper Claude Maxwell Male Curry Phyllis Gertrude Female Northam
1948/4900125 Northam Curry Phyllis Gertrude Female Cooper Claude Maxwell Male Northam
1948/4900126 Northam Lambert Kathleen Margaret Female Travers Ronald Virgilius Male Toodyay
1948/4900126 Northam Travers Ronald Virgilius Male Lambert Kathleen Margaret Female Toodyay
1948/4900127 Northam Blakiston Elizabeth Female Vanham-Green Mervyn Male Kellerberrin
1948/4900127 Northam Vanham-Green Mervyn Male Blakiston Elizabeth Female Kellerberrin
1948/4900128 Northam Kickett Loma Clara Lorna Female Walley Lionel Male Goomalling
1948/4900128 Northam Walley Lionel Male Kickett Loma Clara Lorna Female Goomalling
1948/4900129 Northam Reynolds Irene Lousia Female Webb Fredrick James Male Northam
1948/4900129 Northam Webb Fredrick James Male Reynolds Irene Lousia Female Northam
1948/4900130 Northam Baird Harold Cedric Male Merrick Ena Dulcie Female Northam
1948/4900130 Northam Merrick Ena Dulcie Female Baird Harold Cedric Male Northam
1948/4900131 Northam Eaton Hilda Lauretta Female Morgan Percy John Male Northam
1948/4900131 Northam Morgan Percy John Male Eaton Hilda Lauretta Female Northam
1948/4900132 Northam Ryder Stella Mary Female Woodley Langless Joseph Male Northam
1948/4900132 Northam Woodley Langless Joseph Male Ryder Stella Mary Female Northam
1948/4900133 Northam Ryder Benedict Male Stack Rita Female Northam
1948/4900133 Northam Stack Rita Female Ryder Benedict Male Northam
1948/4900134 Northam O'Hare Honor Mary Female Pusenjak Bogdan Vladimir Male Northam
1948/4900134 Northam Pusenjak Bogdan Vladimir Male O'Hare Honor Mary Female Northam
1948/4900135 Northam Fairhead Brian Male Pink Muriel Dawn Female Nungarin
1948/4900135 Northam Pink Muriel Dawn Female Fairhead Brian Male Nungarin
1948/4900136 Northam Knight Keith Paul Male Mather Dorothy Female Kellerberrin
1948/4900136 Northam Mather Dorothy Female Knight Keith Paul Male Kellerberrin
1948/4900137 Northam Bradley William Hugh Male Walton Shirley Mavis Female Northam
1948/4900137 Northam Walton Shirley Mavis Female Bradley William Hugh Male Northam
1948/4900138 Northam McPherson Cyril John Male Otway Mary Patricia Female Toodyay
1948/4900138 Northam Otway Mary Patricia Female McPherson Cyril John Male Toodyay
1948/4900139 Northam Cook Samuel Charles Male Lord Joan Ellen Female Toodyay
1948/4900139 Northam Lord Joan Ellen Female Cook Samuel Charles Male Toodyay
1948/4900140 Northam Buchan Ronald Norman Male Dawson Nancy Female Merredin
1948/4900140 Northam Dawson Nancy Female Buchan Ronald Norman Male Merredin
1948/4900141 Northam Clamp Mary Louisa Female Ross Rodger Male Mukinbudin
1948/4900141 Northam Ross Rodger Male Clamp Mary Louisa Female Mukinbudin
1948/4900142 Northam Cuming Harold Albert Male Whisson Valerie Jean Female Meckering Methodist Church
1948/4900142 Northam Whisson Valerie Jean Female Cuming Harold Albert Male Meckering Methodist Church
1948/5000001 Northampton Carson Phillip Allan Male Hasleby Alma Alethea Female Northampton
1948/5000001 Northampton Hasleby Alma Alethea Female Carson Phillip Allan Male Northampton
1948/5000002 Northampton Crothers Aileen Rita Female Drage Douglas Haig Male Northampton
1948/5000002 Northampton Drage Douglas Haig Male Crothers Aileen Rita Female Northampton
1948/5000003 Northampton Glass Alma Margaret Female Suckling William John Male Northampton
1948/5000003 Northampton Suckling William John Male Glass Alma Margaret Female Northampton
1948/5000004 Northampton Cogan George Philip Male Crothers Pauline Rose Female Northampton
1948/5000004 Northampton Crothers Pauline Rose Female Cogan George Philip Male Northampton
1948/5000005 Northampton Curtin Joyce Mary Female Rayner William Arthur Male Nanson
1948/5000005 Northampton Rayner William Arthur Male Curtin Joyce Mary Female Nanson
1948/5000006 Northampton Curtin Eileen Dawn Female McCagh Lionel Ray Male Nanson
1948/5000006 Northampton McCagh Lionel Ray Male Curtin Eileen Dawn Female Nanson
1948/5000007 Northampton Reynolds Shirley May Female Taylor Ernest Male Northampton
1948/5000007 Northampton Taylor Ernest Male Reynolds Shirley May Female Northampton
1948/5000008 Northampton Chisholm Sylvia Jean Female Walton Albert John Male Northampton
1948/5000008 Northampton Walton Albert John Male Chisholm Sylvia Jean Female Northampton
1948/5000009 Northampton Gullan Bruce William Male Williams Nita Ruth Female Northampton
1948/5000009 Northampton Williams Nita Ruth Female Gullan Bruce William Male Northampton
1948/5000010 Northampton Lingard Walter Fred Male Williams Laurel Margaret Female Northampton
1948/5000010 Northampton Williams Laurel Margaret Female Lingard Walter Fred Male Northampton
1948/5000011 Northampton Clark Donald McKenzie Male Gregory Edith Blanche Female Northampton
1948/5000011 Northampton Gregory Edith Blanche Female Clark Donald McKenzie Male Northampton
1948/5000012 Northampton Brand Audrey Muriel Female Kupsch Edward Clarence Male Northampton
1948/5000012 Northampton Kupsch Edward Clarence Male Brand Audrey Muriel Female Northampton
1948/5000013 Northampton Johnson Gloria Rita Female Simpson Vivian Mervyn Male Northampton
1948/5000013 Northampton Simpson Vivian Mervyn Male Johnson Gloria Rita Female Northampton
1948/5000014 Northampton Barndon Thelma Mary Female Cooper Leslie Joseph Male Nanson
1948/5000014 Northampton Cooper Leslie Joseph Male Barndon Thelma Mary Female Nanson
1948/5000015 Northampton Murphy William James Male Ruffin Hazel May Female Binnu
1948/5000015 Northampton Ruffin Hazel May Female Murphy William James Male Binnu
1948/5000016 Northampton Hayes John Edmund Male Ridley Verna Beatrice Female Northampton
1948/5000016 Northampton Ridley Verna Beatrice Female Hayes John Edmund Male Northampton
1948/5000017 Northampton Sparnon Douglas William Male Williams Janet Betty Female Northampton
1948/5000017 Northampton Williams Janet Betty Female Sparnon Douglas William Male Northampton
1948/5000018 Northampton Drage Horace Male Murrambine Laurel May Female Northampton
1948/5000018 Northampton Murrambine Laurel May Female Drage Horace Male Northampton
1948/5300001 Pilbara Hendry Alexander Ross Male Kuhl Ruby Evelyn Female Marble Bar
1948/5300001 Pilbara Kuhl Ruby Evelyn Female Hendry Alexander Ross Male Marble Bar
1948/5300002 Pilbara Gallop Thora Agnes Lloyd Female Howard Roland Henry Male Marble Bar
1948/5300002 Pilbara Howard Roland Henry Male Gallop Thora Agnes Lloyd Female Marble Bar
1948/5300003 Pilbara Crane Reginald Charles Russell Male Sermon Jessie Mary Female Marble Bar
1948/5300003 Pilbara Sermon Jessie Mary Female Crane Reginald Charles Russell Male Marble Bar
1949/5400001 Plantagenet Chandler Ellen May Female Silvester Stewart Wiseman Male Denmark
1948/5400001 Plantagenet Fisher John Edwin Male Robinson Violet Female Albany
1948/5400001 Plantagenet Robinson Violet Female Fisher John Edwin Male Albany
1949/5400001 Plantagenet Silvester Stewart Wiseman Male Chandler Ellen May Female Denmark
1948/5400004 Plantagenet Dunkley George Bevan Male Grant Helen Jean Female Denmark
1948/5400004 Plantagenet Grant Helen Jean Female Dunkley George Bevan Male Denmark
1948/5400005 Plantagenet Morley Jack William Male Turner Elsie Jane Female Albany
1948/5400005 Plantagenet Turner Elsie Jane Female Morley Jack William Male Albany
1949/5400007 Plantagenet Gallimore Lilian Maureen Female Gorman Keith Servetus Male Mt Barker
1949/5400007 Plantagenet Gorman Keith Servetus Male Gallimore Lilian Maureen Female Mt Barker
1948/5400007 Plantagenet Groves Isobel Alice Female O'Neill Geoffrey James Male Tambellup
1948/5400007 Plantagenet O'Neill Geoffrey James Male Groves Isobel Alice Female Tambellup
1948/5400008 Plantagenet Hordacre Laurance Frederick George Male Webb Isabelle Jean Female Albany
1948/5400008 Plantagenet Webb Isabelle Jean Female Hordacre Laurance Frederick George Male Albany
1948/5400009 Plantagenet Hemingway Doris Lillian Female Trouchet Walter John Male Albany
1948/5400009 Plantagenet Trouchet Walter John Male Hemingway Doris Lillian Female Albany
1948/5400010 Plantagenet Lucas Harry Male Morris Frances Elizabeth Female Albany
1948/5400010 Plantagenet Morris Frances Elizabeth Female Lucas Harry Male Albany
1948/5400011 Plantagenet Flugge Hazel Female Riley Arthur Joseph Male Albany
1948/5400011 Plantagenet Riley Arthur Joseph Male Flugge Hazel Female Albany
1948/5400012 Plantagenet Macpherson Edward Hugh Donald Male Robinson Hilda Female Albany
1948/5400012 Plantagenet Robinson Hilda Female Macpherson Edward Hugh Donald Male Albany
1948/5400013 Plantagenet Baxter Jeffrey Douglas Male Herbert Mary Ethel Female Albany
1948/5400013 Plantagenet Herbert Mary Ethel Female Baxter Jeffrey Douglas Male Albany
1948/5400014 Plantagenet McQuade Doreen Ellen Joan Female Schneider William Frederick Male Albany
1948/5400014 Plantagenet Schneider William Frederick Male McQuade Doreen Ellen Joan Female Albany
1948/5400015 Plantagenet Hutchings Frances May Female Marwick Robert Male Denmark
1948/5400015 Plantagenet Marwick Robert Male Hutchings Frances May Female Denmark
1948/5400016 Plantagenet Armstrong Kingsley James Male Hawksworth Lilian June Female Albany
1948/5400016 Plantagenet Hawksworth Lilian June Female Armstrong Kingsley James Male Albany
1948/5400017 Plantagenet Jones Maxwell George Male Varris Frances Jean Female Albany
1948/5400017 Plantagenet Varris Frances Jean Female Jones Maxwell George Male Albany
1948/5400018 Plantagenet Keyser Heather Rae Female Rodgers Philip Andrew Male Albany
1948/5400018 Plantagenet Rodgers Philip Andrew Male Keyser Heather Rae Female Albany
1948/5400019 Plantagenet Hunter Samuel Henry Male Pember Amelia Grace Female Albany
1948/5400019 Plantagenet Pember Amelia Grace Female Hunter Samuel Henry Male Albany
1948/5400020 Plantagenet Keogh Joyce Patricia Female O'Neill Hubert John Male Mt Barker
1948/5400020 Plantagenet O'Neill Hubert John Male Keogh Joyce Patricia Female Mt Barker
1948/5400021 Plantagenet Howman Walter Evan Male Martin Marjorie Joan Female Albany
1948/5400021 Plantagenet Martin Marjorie Joan Female Howman Walter Evan Male Albany
1948/5400022 Plantagenet Berryman Heather Marie Female Kealley Ross Willsher Male Albany
1948/5400022 Plantagenet Kealley Ross Willsher Male Berryman Heather Marie Female Albany
1948/5400023 Plantagenet Graham Alan Atholston Male Morley Grace Irene Female Albany
1948/5400023 Plantagenet Morley Grace Irene Female Graham Alan Atholston Male Albany
1948/5400024 Plantagenet Pike Roderick Ian Male Williams Shirley Rose Female Albany
1948/5400024 Plantagenet Williams Shirley Rose Female Pike Roderick Ian Male Albany
1948/5400025 Plantagenet Davidson William Male Wheeler Doreen Olive Female Albany
1948/5400025 Plantagenet Wheeler Doreen Olive Female Davidson William Male Albany
1948/5400026 Plantagenet O'Neill Aileen Ruth Female Parsons Alfred John Male Albany
1948/5400026 Plantagenet Parsons Alfred John Male O'Neill Aileen Ruth Female Albany
1948/5400027 Plantagenet Blake Thomas Hayes Male Rogers Dorothy May Female Albany
1948/5400027 Plantagenet Rogers Dorothy May Female Blake Thomas Hayes Male Albany
1948/5400028 Plantagenet Eskett Leslie Arthur Male Robinson Margaret Winsel Female Albany
1948/5400028 Plantagenet Robinson Margaret Winsel Female Eskett Leslie Arthur Male Albany
1948/5400029 Plantagenet Enright Jerry Gordon Male Mouchemore Alician Mary Female Albany
1948/5400029 Plantagenet Mouchemore Alician Mary Female Enright Jerry Gordon Male Albany
1948/5400030 Plantagenet Bedford Audrey May Female Parker Laurence James Male Denmark
1948/5400030 Plantagenet Parker Laurence James Male Bedford Audrey May Female Denmark
1948/5400031 Plantagenet Watson Christina Female Williams John Craven Male Mt Barker
1948/5400031 Plantagenet Williams John Craven Male Watson Christina Female Mt Barker
1948/5400032 Plantagenet McKeon Nellie Female Sleith Malcolm Graham Male Albany
1948/5400032 Plantagenet Sleith Malcolm Graham Male McKeon Nellie Female Albany
1948/5400033 Plantagenet Faulkner Geoffrey Basil Male Steicke Thelma Gwennyth Female Albany
1948/5400033 Plantagenet Steicke Thelma Gwennyth Female Faulkner Geoffrey Basil Male Albany
1948/5400034 Plantagenet Hansen Ethel Maude Female Smith Kevin Male Cranbrook
1948/5400034 Plantagenet Smith Kevin Male Hansen Ethel Maude Female Cranbrook
1948/5400035 Plantagenet Parsons Flora Evelyn Female Williams Leslie John Male Tenterden
1948/5400035 Plantagenet Williams Leslie John Male Parsons Flora Evelyn Female Tenterden
1948/5400036 Plantagenet Read Kenneth Ian Male Steicke Nellie Alvera Female Albany
1948/5400036 Plantagenet Steicke Nellie Alvera Female Read Kenneth Ian Male Albany
1948/5400037 Plantagenet Bunker Shirley Madeline Female Hambley Gerald Reginald Male Albany
1948/5400037 Plantagenet Hambley Gerald Reginald Male Bunker Shirley Madeline Female Albany
1948/5400038 Plantagenet Allen Hudson Ernest Waland Male Stewart Lillian Jean Female Mt Barker
1948/5400038 Plantagenet Stewart Lillian Jean Female Allen Hudson Ernest Waland Male Mt Barker
1948/5400039 Plantagenet Doyle Shaun Martin Male Hughes Catherine Mary Theresa Female Albany
1948/5400039 Plantagenet Hughes Catherine Mary Theresa Female Doyle Shaun Martin Male Albany
1948/5400040 Plantagenet Moir Constance Dorothy Female Southerland Robert Winzer Male Albany
1948/5400040 Plantagenet Southerland Robert Winzer Male Moir Constance Dorothy Female Albany
1948/5400041 Plantagenet Board William Male Steicke Beryl Gladys Female Albany
1948/5400041 Plantagenet Steicke Beryl Gladys Female Board William Male Albany
1948/5400042 Plantagenet Ross John Seymour Male Spouse Elvie Jean Female Albany
1948/5400042 Plantagenet Spouse Elvie Jean Female Ross John Seymour Male Albany
1948/5400043 Plantagenet Gorman Doris Female Taylor Arthur William Male Albany
1948/5400043 Plantagenet Taylor Arthur William Male Gorman Doris Female Albany
1948/5400044 Plantagenet Delbridge Ada Elizabeth Female Henning McAllum Male Albany
1948/5400044 Plantagenet Henning McAllum Male Delbridge Ada Elizabeth Female Albany
1948/5400045 Plantagenet McGuckin Peter Male Menegola Lucy Female Albany
1948/5400045 Plantagenet Menegola Lucy Female McGuckin Peter Male Albany
1948/5400046 Plantagenet Ghidella Lena Nancy Female Martin Stanley Simon Male Albany
1948/5400046 Plantagenet Martin Stanley Simon Male Ghidella Lena Nancy Female Albany
1948/5400047 Plantagenet Clothier Irene Norma Female Taylor Ernest George Male Mt Barker
1948/5400047 Plantagenet Taylor Ernest George Male Clothier Irene Norma Female Mt Barker
1948/5400048 Plantagenet James Joan Elene Female Noakes Gerald Peter Male Albany
1948/5400048 Plantagenet Noakes Gerald Peter Male James Joan Elene Female Albany
1948/5400049 Plantagenet Groves Arthur John Male O'Neill Dorothy Joan Female Tambellup
1948/5400049 Plantagenet O'Neill Dorothy Joan Female Groves Arthur John Male Tambellup
1948/5400050 Plantagenet Dovey Desmond Alfred Male Groves Lorna Claire Female Tambellup
1948/5400050 Plantagenet Groves Lorna Claire Female Dovey Desmond Alfred Male Tambellup
1948/5400051 Plantagenet Moyle Barbara Florence Female Ralston William Joseph Male Albany
1948/5400051 Plantagenet Ralston William Joseph Male Moyle Barbara Florence Female Albany
1948/5400052 Plantagenet Butterly Edward Roy Male Hambley Sylvia Daphne Female Albany
1948/5400052 Plantagenet Hambley Sylvia Daphne Female Butterly Edward Roy Male Albany
1948/5400053 Plantagenet Gillam Edward Alfred William Male Marshall Dorothy Elaine Female Albany
1948/5400053 Plantagenet Marshall Dorothy Elaine Female Gillam Edward Alfred William Male Albany
1948/5400054 Plantagenet Heath Queenie Mavis Female Livesey John William Male Albany
1948/5400054 Plantagenet Livesey John William Male Heath Queenie Mavis Female Albany
1948/5400055 Plantagenet Moir Joy Lavinia Female Wellstead Leonard John Male Albany
1948/5400055 Plantagenet Wellstead Leonard John Male Moir Joy Lavinia Female Albany
1948/5400056 Plantagenet Moir Mary Cecile Female Murray Norman Alexander Male Albany
1948/5400056 Plantagenet Murray Norman Alexander Male Moir Mary Cecile Female Albany
1948/5400057 Plantagenet Krakouer Alfred Male Riley Molly Female Cranbrook
1948/5400057 Plantagenet Riley Molly Female Krakouer Alfred Male Cranbrook
1948/5400058 Plantagenet Castlehow Herbert Joseph Male Foyel Shirley Mary Female Albany
1948/5400058 Plantagenet Foyel Shirley Mary Female Castlehow Herbert Joseph Male Albany
1948/5400059 Plantagenet Bunker Muriel Jean Female Cummings Harold Everson Male Mt Barker
1948/5400059 Plantagenet Cummings Harold Everson Male Bunker Muriel Jean Female Mt Barker
1948/5400060 Plantagenet Beeck Basil Mervin Male Mills Beryl Joan Female Mount Barker
1948/5400060 Plantagenet Mills Beryl Joan Female Beeck Basil Mervin Male Mount Barker
1948/5400061 Plantagenet Morris Edna May Female Stevens William Lloyd George Male Albany
1948/5400061 Plantagenet Stevens William Lloyd George Male Morris Edna May Female Albany
1948/5400062 Plantagenet Robinson James Frederick Male Thobaven Lorna Ethel Female Albany
1948/5400062 Plantagenet Thobaven Lorna Ethel Female Robinson James Frederick Male Albany
1948/5400063 Plantagenet Everitt Harry Alfred Noble Male Johnson Doreen Leigh Female Albany
1948/5400063 Plantagenet Johnson Doreen Leigh Female Everitt Harry Alfred Noble Male Albany
1948/5400064 Plantagenet Atkins Patrick Joseph Male Newbey Aileen Mary Female Albany
1948/5400064 Plantagenet Newbey Aileen Mary Female Atkins Patrick Joseph Male Albany
1948/5400065 Plantagenet O'Rourke Horatio Thomas Ernest Male Tinlin Phyllis Rosaline Cora Female Albany
1948/5400065 Plantagenet Tinlin Phyllis Rosaline Cora Female O'Rourke Horatio Thomas Ernest Male Albany
1948/5400066 Plantagenet Lemin Ernest William Male Mooney Thelma Olive Female Albany
1948/5400066 Plantagenet Mooney Thelma Olive Female Lemin Ernest William Male Albany
1948/5400067 Plantagenet Jago Ivy Elizabeth May Female Ralph Sydney George Male Albany
1948/5400067 Plantagenet Ralph Sydney George Male Jago Ivy Elizabeth May Female Albany
1948/5400068 Plantagenet Carr Frances Mary Female Trew Jack Male Mt Barker
1948/5400068 Plantagenet Trew Jack Male Carr Frances Mary Female Mt Barker
1948/5400069 Plantagenet Oborne Donald Charles Male Warnock Elizabeth May Female Mt Barker
1948/5400069 Plantagenet Warnock Elizabeth May Female Oborne Donald Charles Male Mt Barker
1948/5400070 Plantagenet Chandler Margaret Elaine Female Mumme Aloysius Brian Power Male Kentdale
1948/5400070 Plantagenet Mumme Aloysius Brian Power Male Chandler Margaret Elaine Female Kentdale
1948/5400071 Plantagenet Hawley Margaret Kathleen Female Lawrie John Male Mt Barker
1948/5400071 Plantagenet Lawrie John Male Hawley Margaret Kathleen Female Mt Barker
1948/5400072 Plantagenet Archer Catherine Elizabeth Female Shepherd Albert Male Albany
1948/5400072 Plantagenet Shepherd Albert Male Archer Catherine Elizabeth Female Albany
1948/5400073 Plantagenet Bartlett Noel Muir Male West Freda Linda Jean Female Albany
1948/5400073 Plantagenet West Freda Linda Jean Female Bartlett Noel Muir Male Albany
1948/5400074 Plantagenet Lewis Thomas Reginald Sale Male Wann Margaret Dora Female Mt Barker
1948/5400074 Plantagenet Wann Margaret Dora Female Lewis Thomas Reginald Sale Male Mt Barker
1948/5400075 Plantagenet Cousens Robert Edward Male Manton Beryl Elsie Female Albany
1948/5400075 Plantagenet Manton Beryl Elsie Female Cousens Robert Edward Male Albany
1948/5400076 Plantagenet Coyne Frank Male Williams Hilda Female Mt Barker
1948/5400076 Plantagenet Williams Hilda Female Coyne Frank Male Mt Barker
1948/5400077 Plantagenet North Ian Male Wilson Joan Female Albany
1948/5400077 Plantagenet Wilson Joan Female North Ian Male Albany
1948/5400078 Plantagenet North Jean Female Smith Robert George Male Albany
1948/5400078 Plantagenet Smith Robert George Male North Jean Female Albany
1948/5400079 Plantagenet Dovey Marion Joan Female McBeath Aubrey James Male Mt Barker
1948/5400079 Plantagenet McBeath Aubrey James Male Dovey Marion Joan Female Mt Barker
1948/5400080 Plantagenet Hutchens Elaine Catherine Female Poolman Jacob John Kemmel Male Albany
1948/5400080 Plantagenet Poolman Jacob John Kemmel Male Hutchens Elaine Catherine Female Albany
1948/5400081 Plantagenet Burridge Lloyd Henry Male Jeffrey Lorna Female Tambellup
1948/5400081 Plantagenet Jeffrey Lorna Female Burridge Lloyd Henry Male Tambellup
1948/5400082 Plantagenet Monck Thelma June Female Morris Clarence Edgar Male Albany
1948/5400082 Plantagenet Morris Clarence Edgar Male Monck Thelma June Female Albany
1948/5400083 Plantagenet Burns Lena Gwendoline Female Joyce Harry William Male Albany
1948/5400083 Plantagenet Joyce Harry William Male Burns Lena Gwendoline Female Albany
1948/5400084 Plantagenet Hockley Stanley William Male Jones Melba Marion Female Mount Barker
1948/5400084 Plantagenet Jones Melba Marion Female Hockley Stanley William Male Mount Barker
1948/5400085 Plantagenet Enright Monica Female Ferry Arnold Seth Male Mt Barker
1948/5400085 Plantagenet Ferry Arnold Seth Male Enright Monica Female Mt Barker
1948/5400086 Plantagenet Rogerson Geoffrey Andrew Male Watt Doreen Nicol Female Denmark
1948/5400086 Plantagenet Watt Doreen Nicol Female Rogerson Geoffrey Andrew Male Denmark
1948/5400087 Plantagenet Heil Cornelius Male Robins Janet May Female Albany
1948/5400087 Plantagenet Robins Janet May Female Heil Cornelius Male Albany
1948/5400088 Plantagenet Attwell Thomas Albert Male Galliott Edith Female Albany
1948/5400088 Plantagenet Galliott Edith Female Attwell Thomas Albert Male Albany
1948/5400089 Plantagenet Peters John George Male Pollard Joan Ada Female Albany
1948/5400089 Plantagenet Pollard Joan Ada Female Peters John George Male Albany
1948/5400090 Plantagenet James Doreen Female Poolman Roland Charles Male Albany
1948/5400090 Plantagenet Poolman Roland Charles Male James Doreen Female Albany
1948/5400091 Plantagenet Jordan Clement Francis Male Porter Corinthian Female Albany
1948/5400091 Plantagenet Porter Corinthian Female Jordan Clement Francis Male Albany
1948/5400092 Plantagenet Higgins Leslie Clement Male Ward Joyce Evelyn Female Mt Barker
1948/5400092 Plantagenet Ward Joyce Evelyn Female Higgins Leslie Clement Male Mt Barker
1948/5400093 Plantagenet Clapp Mollie Wentworth Female Martin Ronald Arthur Male Albany
1948/5400093 Plantagenet Martin Ronald Arthur Male Clapp Mollie Wentworth Female Albany
1948/5400094 Plantagenet O'Keefe Thomas Male Treen Patricia Alice Female Albany
1948/5400094 Plantagenet Treen Patricia Alice Female O'Keefe Thomas Male Albany
1948/5400095 Plantagenet Atkin Samuel Hilton Male Booth Vera Elsie Female Albany
1948/5400095 Plantagenet Booth Vera Elsie Female Atkin Samuel Hilton Male Albany
1948/5400096 Plantagenet Fraser Cyril John Male Luxton Ada Jane Female Albany
1948/5400096 Plantagenet Luxton Ada Jane Female Fraser Cyril John Male Albany
1948/5400097 Plantagenet Aylmore Winifred Ellen Female Bogle Colin Derrick Male Albany
1948/5400097 Plantagenet Bogle Colin Derrick Male Aylmore Winifred Ellen Female Albany
1948/5400098 Plantagenet Birt Barbara Rosalind Female Harris Keith Wallington Hills Male Tambellup
1948/5400098 Plantagenet Harris Keith Wallington Hills Male Birt Barbara Rosalind Female Tambellup
1948/5500001 Port Hedland Ball Wambie Male Sloan Daisy Female Port Hedland
1948/5500001 Port Hedland Sloan Daisy Female Ball Wambie Male Port Hedland
1948/5500002 Port Hedland Law Arthur Edward Male McGoldrick Katherine Female Port Hedland
1948/5500002 Port Hedland McGoldrick Katherine Female Law Arthur Edward Male Port Hedland
1948/5500003 Port Hedland Stewart Stephen Male Tilly - Female Port Hedland
1948/5500003 Port Hedland Tilly - Female Stewart Stephen Male Port Hedland
1948/5500004 Port Hedland Borle James Frederick Male Papworth Veronica Bridget Female Port Hedland
1948/5500004 Port Hedland Papworth Veronica Bridget Female Borle James Frederick Male Port Hedland
1948/5500005 Port Hedland Barron Elizabeth Mary Female Lewin Arthur Edward Male Port Hedland
1948/5500005 Port Hedland Lewin Arthur Edward Male Barron Elizabeth Mary Female Port Hedland
1948/5500006 Port Hedland Diver Annie Barclay Sheddon Female Forward Roland John Henry Male Port Hedland
1948/5500006 Port Hedland Forward Roland John Henry Male Diver Annie Barclay Sheddon Female Port Hedland
1948/5600001 Roebourne Dignam Hope Louisa Adelaide Female Thurkle Avon D'Elmage Male Roebourne
1948/5600001 Roebourne Thurkle Avon D'Elmage Male Dignam Hope Louisa Adelaide Female Roebourne
1948/5600002 Roebourne Pidgie - Female Walker Nigel Male Roebourne
1948/5600002 Roebourne Walker Nigel Male Pidgie - Female Roebourne
1948/5600003 Roebourne Dhu Jack Male Hicks Jean Female Roebourne
1948/5600003 Roebourne Hicks Jean Female Dhu Jack Male Roebourne
1949/6000001 Sussex Brooks James Alexander Male Thomas Norma Ada Female Witchcliffe
1949/6000001 Sussex Thomas Norma Ada Female Brooks James Alexander Male Witchcliffe
1949/6000002 Sussex Broadfoot Joseph Richmond Male Gamson Irene Florence Wandah Female Busselton
1949/6000002 Sussex Gamson Irene Florence Wandah Female Broadfoot Joseph Richmond Male Busselton
1948/6000003 Sussex Armstrong Shirley Margaret Female Dunn George William Male Margaret River
1948/6000003 Sussex Dunn George William Male Armstrong Shirley Margaret Female Margaret River
1948/6000005 Sussex Giles Harriett Mercy Female Kehoe Daniel Male Busselton
1948/6000005 Sussex Kehoe Daniel Male Giles Harriett Mercy Female Busselton
1948/6000006 Sussex Matson Frederick William Male Smith Elvie Joyce Female Busselton
1948/6000006 Sussex Smith Elvie Joyce Female Matson Frederick William Male Busselton
1948/6000007 Sussex Chambers Basil Cecil Male Pearce Shirley Veronica Female Busselton
1948/6000007 Sussex Pearce Shirley Veronica Female Chambers Basil Cecil Male Busselton
1948/6000008 Sussex Pollock Robert Arthur Male Smith Mary Eileen Female Busselton
1948/6000008 Sussex Smith Mary Eileen Female Pollock Robert Arthur Male Busselton
1948/6000009 Sussex Silverthorne Lindsay Armstrong Male Summers Hazel Dawn Female Busselton
1948/6000009 Sussex Summers Hazel Dawn Female Silverthorne Lindsay Armstrong Male Busselton
1948/6000010 Sussex Newell Betty Leonora Female Paul Claude Hamilton Male Busselton
1948/6000010 Sussex Paul Claude Hamilton Male Newell Betty Leonora Female Busselton
1948/6000011 Sussex Newham Ada Florence Female Staples Ronald Male Cowaramup
1948/6000011 Sussex Staples Ronald Male Newham Ada Florence Female Cowaramup
1948/6000012 Sussex Bovell Peter Martyn Male Chatt Olive Mary Female Busselton Congregational Church
1948/6000012 Sussex Chatt Olive Mary Female Bovell Peter Martyn Male Busselton Congregational Church
1948/6000013 Sussex Clarke Joyce Marguerite Female Smith Robert Hall Male Busselton
1948/6000013 Sussex Smith Robert Hall Male Clarke Joyce Marguerite Female Busselton
1948/6000014 Sussex Cronk Phillis Elizabeth Female Parkins Edward Male Busselton
1948/6000014 Sussex Parkins Edward Male Cronk Phillis Elizabeth Female Busselton
1948/6000015 Sussex Cross Colin Edwin Male McDonald Marian Lelia Female Margaret River
1948/6000015 Sussex McDonald Marian Lelia Female Cross Colin Edwin Male Margaret River
1948/6000016 Sussex Abbey Leith Robert Male Rickwood Vera May Female Busselton
1948/6000016 Sussex Rickwood Vera May Female Abbey Leith Robert Male Busselton
1948/6000017 Sussex Finlay Dudley Anthony Male Jensen Betty Female Busselton
1948/6000017 Sussex Jensen Betty Female Finlay Dudley Anthony Male Busselton
1948/6000018 Sussex Holgate Verna Rae Female Taylor Allan Henry Male Busselton
1948/6000018 Sussex Taylor Allan Henry Male Holgate Verna Rae Female Busselton
1948/6000019 Sussex Armour Mavis Female Carnaby Cecil Sydney Male Busselton
1948/6000019 Sussex Carnaby Cecil Sydney Male Armour Mavis Female Busselton
1948/6000020 Sussex Harrison Alice Jean Female Rodgers Arthur Francis Male Busselton
1948/6000020 Sussex Rodgers Arthur Francis Male Harrison Alice Jean Female Busselton
1948/6000021 Sussex Evans John Male McFarland Phyllis Jean Female Busselton
1948/6000021 Sussex McFarland Phyllis Jean Female Evans John Male Busselton
1948/6000022 Sussex George William Henry Male Hollands Mavis Female Margaret River
1948/6000022 Sussex Hollands Mavis Female George William Henry Male Margaret River
1948/6000023 Sussex Hodgson Joseph Renwick Male Pollock Violet Olive Female Margaret River
1948/6000023 Sussex Pollock Violet Olive Female Hodgson Joseph Renwick Male Margaret River
1948/6000024 Sussex Hinson Roma Margaret Female Thom Ronald James Male Busselton
1948/6000024 Sussex Thom Ronald James Male Hinson Roma Margaret Female Busselton
1948/6000025 Sussex Forrest Pearl Joy Female Scott Frederick Edward Male Yallingup
1948/6000025 Sussex Scott Frederick Edward Male Forrest Pearl Joy Female Yallingup
1948/6000026 Sussex Lilly Betty Joan Female Lowe Lawton Vounder Male Busselton
1948/6000026 Sussex Lowe Lawton Vounder Male Lilly Betty Joan Female Busselton
1948/6000027 Sussex Dobson Albert Male Green Sylvia Madeline Female Busselton
1948/6000027 Sussex Green Sylvia Madeline Female Dobson Albert Male Busselton
1948/6000028 Sussex Lander Horace Maxwell Male Rowe Nita Ramona Female Margaret River
1948/6000028 Sussex Rowe Nita Ramona Female Lander Horace Maxwell Male Margaret River
1948/6000029 Sussex Fenning Eileen Constance Female Noakes Eric Gordon Male Margaret River
1948/6000029 Sussex Noakes Eric Gordon Male Fenning Eileen Constance Female Margaret River
1948/6000030 Sussex Ross Joan Female Thompson Robert Male Busselton
1948/6000030 Sussex Thompson Robert Male Ross Joan Female Busselton
1948/6000031 Sussex Forrest Nancy Coral Female Pugh Robert Francis Male Busselton
1948/6000031 Sussex Pugh Robert Francis Male Forrest Nancy Coral Female Busselton
1948/6000032 Sussex Johnson Gwenyth Dorothy Female McGough Hubert Vincent Male Busselton
1948/6000032 Sussex McGough Hubert Vincent Male Johnson Gwenyth Dorothy Female Busselton
1948/6000033 Sussex Holland Lily Madge Female Lister Colin Roland Male Augusta
1948/6000033 Sussex Lister Colin Roland Male Holland Lily Madge Female Augusta
1948/6000034 Sussex Knight Joan Female Zani Thomas Frank Male Margaret River
1948/6000034 Sussex Zani Thomas Frank Male Knight Joan Female Margaret River
1948/6000035 Sussex Cockerill Joan Ida Female Sayers Kenneth Allan Male Busselton
1948/6000035 Sussex Sayers Kenneth Allan Male Cockerill Joan Ida Female Busselton
1948/6000036 Sussex Boucher Eileen Hester Female House Aubrey Allan Male Busselton
1948/6000036 Sussex House Aubrey Allan Male Boucher Eileen Hester Female Busselton
1948/6000037 Sussex Butcher Bernard Charles Male Clinton Marjorie Eileen Female Busselton
1948/6000037 Sussex Clinton Marjorie Eileen Female Butcher Bernard Charles Male Busselton
1948/6000038 Sussex Chugg Aubrey Colin Male Smith Catherine Female Busselton
1948/6000038 Sussex Smith Catherine Female Chugg Aubrey Colin Male Busselton
1948/6000039 Sussex Bruce John Walter Male Capewell Norma Beatrice Female Busselton
1948/6000039 Sussex Capewell Norma Beatrice Female Bruce John Walter Male Busselton
1948/6000040 Sussex Johnson Geoffrey John Orlando Male Johnson Sylvia May Female Busselton
1948/6000040 Sussex Johnson Sylvia May Female Johnson Geoffrey John Orlando Male Busselton
1948/6000041 Sussex Cooper Arthur Verdun Male Holben Verna Beryl Female Cowaramup
1948/6000041 Sussex Holben Verna Beryl Female Cooper Arthur Verdun Male Cowaramup
1948/6000042 Sussex Byles William James Male Hopes Maureen Agnes Female Metricup
1948/6000042 Sussex Hopes Maureen Agnes Female Byles William James Male Metricup
1948/6000043 Sussex Dorizzi Edgar Francis Male Toms Daphne Lorraine Female Busselton
1948/6000043 Sussex Toms Daphne Lorraine Female Dorizzi Edgar Francis Male Busselton
1948/6000044 Sussex Toms Joyce Female Walker David Lloyd Russell Male Busselton
1948/6000044 Sussex Walker David Lloyd Russell Male Toms Joyce Female Busselton
1948/6000045 Sussex James Dorothy Edith Mary Female Randall Joseph Keith Male Cowaramup
1948/6000045 Sussex Randall Joseph Keith Male James Dorothy Edith Mary Female Cowaramup
1948/6000046 Sussex Hyland Alfred William Male North Mavis Amelia Female Busselton
1948/6000046 Sussex North Mavis Amelia Female Hyland Alfred William Male Busselton
1948/6000047 Sussex Fernihough Dorothy Mary Female Yates Horace Geoffrey Male Busselton
1948/6000047 Sussex Yates Horace Geoffrey Male Fernihough Dorothy Mary Female Busselton
1948/6000048 Sussex Bullock Constance Winifred Female Dennis Keith Darlington Male Rosa Brook
1948/6000048 Sussex Dennis Keith Darlington Male Bullock Constance Winifred Female Rosa Brook
1948/6000049 Sussex Hughes William Male Wallingford Jessie Female Busselton
1948/6000049 Sussex Wallingford Jessie Female Hughes William Male Busselton
1948/6000050 Sussex Gartrell Dorothy Female Ward George Ernest Male Busselton
1948/6000050 Sussex Ward George Ernest Male Gartrell Dorothy Female Busselton
1948/6000051 Sussex Dee Stella Joan Female Titterton Herbert Lionel Male Busselton
1948/6000051 Sussex Titterton Herbert Lionel Male Dee Stella Joan Female Busselton
1948/6000052 Sussex Sebbes Charles Alfred Male Taylor Rosalind Alma Female Margaret River
1948/6000052 Sussex Taylor Rosalind Alma Female Sebbes Charles Alfred Male Margaret River
1948/6000053 Sussex Bindon Neale Henry Male Brooke Olive Jean Female West Australia
1948/6000053 Sussex Brooke Olive Jean Female Bindon Neale Henry Male West Australia
1949/6100001 Swan Plews Mary Sandford Female Probst Henry August Peter Adolf Male Guildford
1949/6100001 Swan Probst Henry August Peter Adolf Male Plews Mary Sandford Female Guildford
1949/6100002 Swan James Shirley May Female Vigar Allan Roland Male Midland Junction
1949/6100002 Swan Vigar Allan Roland Male James Shirley May Female Midland Junction
1949/6100003 Swan Barber Norma Grace Mary Female Seal George Percival Male Midland Junction
1948/6100003 Swan Mateljan Matthew Male Wood Lillian Blanche Female Midland Junction
1949/6100003 Swan Seal George Percival Male Barber Norma Grace Mary Female Midland Junction
1948/6100003 Swan Wood Lillian Blanche Female Mateljan Matthew Male Midland Junction
1949/6100004 Swan Campbell Jean Phyllis Female Fisher Graeme Gould Male Midland Junction
1948/6100004 Swan Clarke Herbert Nelson Male Willmott Phyllis Agnes Jean Female Bassendean
1949/6100004 Swan Fisher Graeme Gould Male Campbell Jean Phyllis Female Midland Junction
1948/6100004 Swan Willmott Phyllis Agnes Jean Female Clarke Herbert Nelson Male Bassendean
1948/6100005 Swan Rakich Joseph Mark Male Yujnovich Zora Female Midland Junction
1948/6100005 Swan Yujnovich Zora Female Rakich Joseph Mark Male Midland Junction
1948/6100006 Swan Andrew David John Male Trew Iris May Female Sawyer's Valley Church Hall
1948/6100006 Swan Trew Iris May Female Andrew David John Male Sawyer's Valley Church Hall
1948/6100007 Swan Cutler Coral Beatrice Female Saul John Henry Male Midland Junction
1948/6100007 Swan Saul John Henry Male Cutler Coral Beatrice Female Midland Junction
1948/6100008 Swan Dinsdale Myles Male Wood Josephine Female Midland Junction
1948/6100008 Swan Wood Josephine Female Dinsdale Myles Male Midland Junction
1948/6100009 Swan Johnston Gladys May Female Loomes David Male Greenmount
1948/6100009 Swan Loomes David Male Johnston Gladys May Female Greenmount
1948/6100010 Swan Bolton Irene Dorothy Ruth Female Smith Hubert Ronald Male Guildford
1948/6100010 Swan Smith Hubert Ronald Male Bolton Irene Dorothy Ruth Female Guildford
1948/6100011 Swan Mills Frank Male Murray Mary Euphemia Female Bassendean
1948/6100011 Swan Murray Mary Euphemia Female Mills Frank Male Bassendean
1948/6100012 Swan Buckle Reginald John Male Hunter Dorothy Jean Female Midland Junction
1948/6100012 Swan Hunter Dorothy Jean Female Buckle Reginald John Male Midland Junction
1948/6100013 Swan Healy Cecilia Mary Female Regan James Patrick Male Bassendean
1948/6100013 Swan Regan James Patrick Male Healy Cecilia Mary Female Bassendean
1948/6100014 Swan Betti Guglielmo Marco Male Valenti Immacolata Female Midland Junction
1948/6100014 Swan Valenti Immacolata Female Betti Guglielmo Marco Male Midland Junction
1948/6100015 Swan Dowers William Lawrence Male McKenzie Annie Female Midland Junction
1948/6100015 Swan McKenzie Annie Female Dowers William Lawrence Male Midland Junction
1948/6100016 Swan Jones Enid Winifred Female Meyers Herbert William Male East Guildford
1948/6100016 Swan Meyers Herbert William Male Jones Enid Winifred Female East Guildford
1948/6100017 Swan Horne Lillian May Female Wright Arthur Edward Male Mundaring
1948/6100017 Swan Wright Arthur Edward Male Horne Lillian May Female Mundaring
1948/6100018 Swan Bain Isabel Neslê Female York Frederick James Male Midland Junction
1948/6100018 Swan York Frederick James Male Bain Isabel Neslê Female Midland Junction
1948/6100019 Swan Crowther Judith Calder Female Watts Geoffrey George Male Guildford
1948/6100019 Swan Watts Geoffrey George Male Crowther Judith Calder Female Guildford
1948/6100020 Swan Dines Ivy Jean Female Drinkwater Basil Alyan Male Bassendean
1948/6100020 Swan Drinkwater Basil Alyan Male Dines Ivy Jean Female Bassendean
1948/6100021 Swan McMillan Robert Peter Male Phillips Millicent Pole Female Guildford
1948/6100021 Swan Phillips Millicent Pole Female McMillan Robert Peter Male Guildford
1948/6100022 Swan Hawken Hazel Rowena Female Slade Phillip Watson Male Darlington
1948/6100022 Swan Slade Phillip Watson Male Hawken Hazel Rowena Female Darlington
1948/6100023 Swan Campbell Mona Isabell Female True Jack Male Mundaring
1948/6100023 Swan True Jack Male Campbell Mona Isabell Female Mundaring
1948/6100024 Swan Bastow Edith Emily Rose Female Walmsley Roy Male Midland Junction
1948/6100024 Swan Walmsley Roy Male Bastow Edith Emily Rose Female Midland Junction
1948/6100025 Swan Carey Alexander Edward Male Ferguson Joan Elizabeth Female Middle Swan
1948/6100025 Swan Ferguson Joan Elizabeth Female Carey Alexander Edward Male Middle Swan
1948/6100026 Swan Clifton Joan Elwes Female Main Anthony Clifton Male Guildford
1948/6100026 Swan Main Anthony Clifton Male Clifton Joan Elwes Female Guildford
1948/6100027 Swan McDonald Jean Female McKenzie Robin James Male Guildford
1948/6100027 Swan McKenzie Robin James Male McDonald Jean Female Guildford
1948/6100028 Swan Farrell Joan Margaret Female Otway Raymond John Male Sawyers' Valley
1948/6100028 Swan Otway Raymond John Male Farrell Joan Margaret Female Sawyers' Valley
1948/6100029 Swan Hall Charles James Male Templeman Dora Evelyne Female Guildford
1948/6100029 Swan Templeman Dora Evelyne Female Hall Charles James Male Guildford
1948/6100030 Swan Meldrum Robert William Male Mouritzen Kathleen Mary Female Midland Junction
1948/6100030 Swan Mouritzen Kathleen Mary Female Meldrum Robert William Male Midland Junction
1948/6100031 Swan Gardiner Robin Male Kain Dorothy May Female Midland Junction
1948/6100031 Swan Kain Dorothy May Female Gardiner Robin Male Midland Junction
1948/6100032 Swan Heald Francis Moore Male McRohan Judith O'Byrne Female Guildford
1948/6100032 Swan McRohan Judith O'Byrne Female Heald Francis Moore Male Guildford
1948/6100033 Swan Ferguson Leonard James Male May Muriel Nancy Female Midland Junction
1948/6100033 Swan May Muriel Nancy Female Ferguson Leonard James Male Midland Junction
1948/6100034 Swan Johnson Betty Maxine Hope Female McBeath Frank Kenneth Male Midland Junction
1948/6100034 Swan McBeath Frank Kenneth Male Johnson Betty Maxine Hope Female Midland Junction
1948/6100035 Swan Simcock Patricia Coral Female White Roderick Male Midland Junction
1948/6100035 Swan White Roderick Male Simcock Patricia Coral Female Midland Junction
1948/6100036 Swan Duckham Ethelwyn Laura Female Spencer Matthew John Male Mt Helena
1948/6100036 Swan Spencer Matthew John Male Duckham Ethelwyn Laura Female Mt Helena
1948/6100037 Swan Coombs Mervyn Jack Male Wooding Alice Anne Female Mundaring
1948/6100037 Swan Wooding Alice Anne Female Coombs Mervyn Jack Male Mundaring
1948/6100038 Swan Francis Jane Nairn Female Smirk Percival Albert Male Midland Junction
1948/6100038 Swan Smirk Percival Albert Male Francis Jane Nairn Female Midland Junction
1948/6100039 Swan Agnew George Male Jarvey Winifred May Female Midland Junction
1948/6100039 Swan Jarvey Winifred May Female Agnew George Male Midland Junction
1948/6100040 Swan Beales Catherine Clara Female Forbes Andrew Male Midland Junction
1948/6100040 Swan Forbes Andrew Male Beales Catherine Clara Female Midland Junction
1948/6100041 Swan Beales Beatrice Thelma Female Cox William George Male Midland Junction
1948/6100041 Swan Cox William George Male Beales Beatrice Thelma Female Midland Junction
1948/6100042 Swan Cadd Margaret Jessie Stella Female Pugh Richard George Male Guildford
1948/6100042 Swan Pugh Richard George Male Cadd Margaret Jessie Stella Female Guildford
1948/6100043 Swan Ching Maria Louies Female Richards David Arthur Male Bellevue
1948/6100043 Swan Richards David Arthur Male Ching Maria Louies Female Bellevue
1948/6100044 Swan Morgan John Male Williams Vera Florance Female Midland Junction
1948/6100044 Swan Williams Vera Florance Female Morgan John Male Midland Junction
1948/6100045 Swan Jones George Ernest Male Liddington Edith Katie Female Guildford
1948/6100045 Swan Liddington Edith Katie Female Jones George Ernest Male Guildford
1948/6100046 Swan King Constance Merrington Female Levett William Wray Male Guildford Methodist Church
1948/6100046 Swan Levett William Wray Male King Constance Merrington Female Guildford Methodist Church
1948/6100047 Swan Ferguson Gloria Eloise Female Goodall Cecil Kenneth Male Guildford
1948/6100047 Swan Goodall Cecil Kenneth Male Ferguson Gloria Eloise Female Guildford
1948/6100048 Swan Cadwallader Irene Betty Female Till Raymond George Male Guildford
1948/6100048 Swan Till Raymond George Male Cadwallader Irene Betty Female Guildford
1948/6100049 Swan Browne Keppel Dodwell Male Secombe Lois Mary Female Guildford
1948/6100049 Swan Secombe Lois Mary Female Browne Keppel Dodwell Male Guildford
1948/6100050 Swan Acott John Victor Male Freind Dorothy Joyce Female Bassendean
1948/6100050 Swan Freind Dorothy Joyce Female Acott John Victor Male Bassendean
1948/6100051 Swan Martin Dawn Patricia Female Robertson John Hugh Male Middle Swan
1948/6100051 Swan Robertson John Hugh Male Martin Dawn Patricia Female Middle Swan
1948/6100052 Swan Harwood Alma Patricia Female Martin George Cosworth Male Midland Junction
1948/6100052 Swan Martin George Cosworth Male Harwood Alma Patricia Female Midland Junction
1948/6100053 Swan Dewar Lorna Joy Female Williams Robert Male Midland Junction
1948/6100053 Swan Williams Robert Male Dewar Lorna Joy Female Midland Junction
1948/6100054 Swan Campbell Beryl Maud Female Trew Allen Albert Male Mundaring
1948/6100054 Swan Trew Allen Albert Male Campbell Beryl Maud Female Mundaring
1948/6100055 Swan Cruikshank Gwendoline Mary Female Hinscliff Frank Teasdale Male Bassendean
1948/6100055 Swan Hinscliff Frank Teasdale Male Cruikshank Gwendoline Mary Female Bassendean
1948/6100056 Swan Barker Frederick Hubert Charles Male Martin Helena Lila Female Guildford
1948/6100056 Swan Martin Helena Lila Female Barker Frederick Hubert Charles Male Guildford
1948/6100057 Swan Hogan Stanley Arthur Male Webb Constance Patricia Female Guildford
1948/6100057 Swan Webb Constance Patricia Female Hogan Stanley Arthur Male Guildford
1948/6100058 Swan Bisby Albert Ernest Male Fitzgerald Kathleen Jean Female Guildford
1948/6100058 Swan Fitzgerald Kathleen Jean Female Bisby Albert Ernest Male Guildford
1948/6100059 Swan Lutter Ruby Evelyn Female Troy Patrick Thomas Male Guildford
1948/6100059 Swan Troy Patrick Thomas Male Lutter Ruby Evelyn Female Guildford
1948/6100060 Swan Bamford Arthur Luke Male Craddom Blanche Veronica Female Midland Junction
1948/6100060 Swan Craddom Blanche Veronica Female Bamford Arthur Luke Male Midland Junction
1948/6100061 Swan Longman Patricia Ann Female Thompson Robert Mayfield Male Midland Junction
1948/6100061 Swan Thompson Robert Mayfield Male Longman Patricia Ann Female Midland Junction
1948/6100062 Swan Robinson Henry Allan Male Thomas Grace Victoria Female Guildford
1948/6100062 Swan Thomas Grace Victoria Female Robinson Henry Allan Male Guildford
1948/6100063 Swan Morton Daphne Female Smith Ross James Male Bellevue
1948/6100063 Swan Smith Ross James Male Morton Daphne Female Bellevue
1948/6100064 Swan Hall Margaret Betty Female Webb Ronald John Male Bassendean
1948/6100064 Swan Webb Ronald John Male Hall Margaret Betty Female Bassendean
1948/6100065 Swan Clough Beryl Ethel Female Copeman Walter Sydney Male Midland Junction
1948/6100065 Swan Copeman Walter Sydney Male Clough Beryl Ethel Female Midland Junction
1948/6100066 Swan Cahill Raymond George Male Templeman Marjorie Nell Female Midland Junction
1948/6100066 Swan Templeman Marjorie Nell Female Cahill Raymond George Male Midland Junction
1948/6100067 Swan Hancock Herbert James Male Murphy Freda Joyce Female Midland Junction
1948/6100067 Swan Murphy Freda Joyce Female Hancock Herbert James Male Midland Junction
1948/6100068 Swan Bentley Shirley May Female Meaden Harold William Male Bellevue
1948/6100068 Swan Meaden Harold William Male Bentley Shirley May Female Bellevue
1948/6100069 Swan Rumble Vera Constance Female Sands David Male Bassendean
1948/6100069 Swan Sands David Male Rumble Vera Constance Female Bassendean
1948/6100070 Swan Bamford Norman Male Green Phyllis Alma Female Guildford
1948/6100070 Swan Green Phyllis Alma Female Bamford Norman Male Guildford
1948/6100071 Swan Bowra Howard Raymond Male Kidson Evelyn Rosemary Female Guildford
1948/6100071 Swan Kidson Evelyn Rosemary Female Bowra Howard Raymond Male Guildford
1948/6100072 Swan Cooper Laura Marjory Female Nancarrow John Alfred Male Guildford
1948/6100072 Swan Nancarrow John Alfred Male Cooper Laura Marjory Female Guildford
1948/6100073 Swan Smillie Myrtle Enid Female Walter Harry Montague Male Midland Junction
1948/6100073 Swan Walter Harry Montague Male Smillie Myrtle Enid Female Midland Junction
1948/6100074 Swan Atkinson Keith Stephen Male West Edna Lilian Female Bellevue
1948/6100074 Swan West Edna Lilian Female Atkinson Keith Stephen Male Bellevue
1948/6100075 Swan Asmus Mabel Elenor Female Baker George Denis Male Midland Junction
1948/6100075 Swan Baker George Denis Male Asmus Mabel Elenor Female Midland Junction
1948/6100076 Swan McShane Ian Male Walker Amelia Elsie Female Midland Junction
1948/6100076 Swan Walker Amelia Elsie Female McShane Ian Male Midland Junction
1948/6100077 Swan Ferguson Niel Duncan Male Mansfield Gwendoline Pearl Female Guildford
1948/6100077 Swan Mansfield Gwendoline Pearl Female Ferguson Niel Duncan Male Guildford
1948/6100078 Swan Ferguson Godfrey Ronald Male Mansfield Thelma Victoria Female Guildford
1948/6100078 Swan Mansfield Thelma Victoria Female Ferguson Godfrey Ronald Male Guildford
1948/6100079 Swan Byrne Moira Lucy Female Rigg Herbert William Hardy Male Guildford
1948/6100079 Swan Rigg Herbert William Hardy Male Byrne Moira Lucy Female Guildford
1948/6100080 Swan Dobra Nellie Annie Female King Wilmot George Male Guildford
1948/6100080 Swan King Wilmot George Male Dobra Nellie Annie Female Guildford
1948/6100081 Swan Shute Betty Lorraine Female Usher Francis John Male Guildford
1948/6100081 Swan Usher Francis John Male Shute Betty Lorraine Female Guildford
1948/6100082 Swan Pervan Joseph Male Radich Zora Female Herne Hill
1948/6100082 Swan Radich Zora Female Pervan Joseph Male Herne Hill
1948/6100083 Swan Goldspink Vera Ellen Female King Raymond Male Middle Swan
1948/6100083 Swan King Raymond Male Goldspink Vera Ellen Female Middle Swan
1948/6100084 Swan Rowles Ralph Roy Male Russell Florence Lydia Female Guildford
1948/6100084 Swan Russell Florence Lydia Female Rowles Ralph Roy Male Guildford
1948/6100085 Swan Blair Victor Albert Male Skewes Edith Mary Female Guildford
1948/6100085 Swan Skewes Edith Mary Female Blair Victor Albert Male Guildford
1948/6100086 Swan Read Donald Joseph Male Troy Margaret Mary Female Guildford
1948/6100086 Swan Troy Margaret Mary Female Read Donald Joseph Male Guildford
1948/6100087 Swan Carr Helen Friel Female Ryan Philip Morris Male Bassendean
1948/6100087 Swan Ryan Philip Morris Male Carr Helen Friel Female Bassendean
1948/6100088 Swan Hall Mary Jean Female Payne Norman Edgar Male Bassendean
1948/6100088 Swan Payne Norman Edgar Male Hall Mary Jean Female Bassendean
1948/6100089 Swan Halligan Beatrice Female Thomson George William Male Midland Junction
1948/6100089 Swan Thomson George William Male Halligan Beatrice Female Midland Junction
1948/6100090 Swan Dixon Ellis John Male Favas Lila Estelle Female Guildford
1948/6100090 Swan Favas Lila Estelle Female Dixon Ellis John Male Guildford
1948/6100091 Swan Kiernan Laurence James Male Waldby Barbara Jean Female Guildford
1948/6100091 Swan Waldby Barbara Jean Female Kiernan Laurence James Male Guildford
1948/6100092 Swan Devereux John Andrew Male York Georgina Maud Female Guildford
1948/6100092 Swan York Georgina Maud Female Devereux John Andrew Male Guildford
1948/6100093 Swan Braithwaite John Male Rowley Hazel Floris Female Midland Junction
1948/6100093 Swan Rowley Hazel Floris Female Braithwaite John Male Midland Junction
1948/6100093 Swan Rowley Hazel Floris Female Walling John Male Midland Junction
1948/6100093 Swan Walling John Male Rowley Hazel Floris Female Midland Junction
1948/6100094 Swan Britten Lachlan John Male Ferguson Maxzene Lesley Female Guildford
1948/6100094 Swan Ferguson Maxzene Lesley Female Britten Lachlan John Male Guildford
1948/6100095 Swan Whiteman Joan Shirley Female Wilson David Michael Male Midland Junction
1948/6100095 Swan Wilson David Michael Male Whiteman Joan Shirley Female Midland Junction
1948/6100096 Swan Andrew Frank Charles Male Murphy Florence Mary Elizabeth Female Midland Junction
1948/6100096 Swan Murphy Florence Mary Elizabeth Female Andrew Frank Charles Male Midland Junction
1948/6100097 Swan Barrie Patricia Joan Female Read Leslie Thomas Male Midland Junction
1948/6100097 Swan Read Leslie Thomas Male Barrie Patricia Joan Female Midland Junction
1948/6100098 Swan Barnet Viola Hannah Ellen Female Johns Neville Lucas Male Midland Junction
1948/6100098 Swan Johns Neville Lucas Male Barnet Viola Hannah Ellen Female Midland Junction
1948/6100099 Swan Gribble Mollie Doreen Female Smith James McDonald Male Midland Junction
1948/6100099 Swan Smith James McDonald Male Gribble Mollie Doreen Female Midland Junction
1948/6100100 Swan Owen Nellie Female Woods James Martin Male Midland Junction
1948/6100100 Swan Woods James Martin Male Owen Nellie Female Midland Junction
1948/6100101 Swan Hart Elizabeth Noel Female Stonham John Albert Edward Male W Aust
1948/6100101 Swan Murray Elizabeth Noel Female Stonham John Albert Edward Male W Aust
1948/6100101 Swan Stonham John Albert Edward Male Hart Elizabeth Noel Female W Aust
1948/6100101 Swan Stonham John Albert Edward Male Murray Elizabeth Noel Female W Aust
1948/6100102 Swan Davis Mervyn John Albert Male Gordon Kathleen Mary Female Guildford
1948/6100102 Swan Gordon Kathleen Mary Female Davis Mervyn John Albert Male Guildford
1948/6100103 Swan Moulton Joan Eve Female Wood Allen James Male Bassendean
1948/6100103 Swan Wood Allen James Male Moulton Joan Eve Female Bassendean
1948/6100104 Swan Evans Errol James Male Johnson Ilma Gertude Carmel Female W Australia
1948/6100104 Swan Johnson Ilma Gertude Carmel Female Evans Errol James Male W Australia
1948/6100105 Swan Becker Albert Leslie Male Goold Evelyn Maud Female Bassendean
1948/6100105 Swan Goold Evelyn Maud Female Becker Albert Leslie Male Bassendean
1948/6100106 Swan Cumper William Arthur Male Larkin Mavis Gwendoline Female Guildford
1948/6100106 Swan Larkin Mavis Gwendoline Female Cumper William Arthur Male Guildford
1948/6100107 Swan Hodge Mavis Ellen Female Pilmoor Thomas Male Midland Junction
1948/6100107 Swan Pilmoor Thomas Male Hodge Mavis Ellen Female Midland Junction
1948/6100108 Swan Bullock Peter Leonard Male Taylor Barbara Mary Louise Female Guildford
1948/6100108 Swan Taylor Barbara Mary Louise Female Bullock Peter Leonard Male Guildford
1948/6100109 Swan Clarke John Oliver Male Regan Bernice Cecelia Female Guildford
1948/6100109 Swan Regan Bernice Cecelia Female Clarke John Oliver Male Guildford
1948/6100110 Swan Gallaher Elsie Ada Alice Female Rodda William Henry Male West Aust
1948/6100110 Swan Rodda William Henry Male Gallaher Elsie Ada Alice Female West Aust
1948/6100111 Swan Bird Hazel Lillian Female Ross Leslie Walter Male Midland Junction
1948/6100111 Swan Ross Leslie Walter Male Bird Hazel Lillian Female Midland Junction
1948/6100112 Swan Baldwin Matilda Mary Female Browning Athol Henry Male Midland Junction
1948/6100112 Swan Browning Athol Henry Male Baldwin Matilda Mary Female Midland Junction
1948/6100113 Swan McKenzie Brian Francis Male Trefry Teresa Winifred Female Midland Junction
1948/6100113 Swan Trefry Teresa Winifred Female McKenzie Brian Francis Male Midland Junction
1948/6100114 Swan Haines Harry Male Hall Patricia Nell Female Midland Junction
1948/6100114 Swan Hall Patricia Nell Female Haines Harry Male Midland Junction
1948/6100115 Swan Riches Helen Dorothy Female Thomas William Roy Male Darlington
1948/6100115 Swan Thomas William Roy Male Riches Helen Dorothy Female Darlington
1948/6100116 Swan Battersby Lionel Male Blight Betty Maxine Female Midland Junction
1948/6100116 Swan Blight Betty Maxine Female Battersby Lionel Male Midland Junction
1948/6100117 Swan Boyd Heather Nellie Female Guthrie Stanley George Male Bassendean
1948/6100117 Swan Guthrie Stanley George Male Boyd Heather Nellie Female Bassendean
1948/6100118 Swan Brose Clifford John Male Brown Barbara Mae Female Guildford
1948/6100118 Swan Brown Barbara Mae Female Brose Clifford John Male Guildford
1948/6100119 Swan Mountain Patrick William Male Rickard Olga Patrice Female Midland Junction
1948/6100119 Swan Rickard Olga Patrice Female Mountain Patrick William Male Midland Junction
1948/6100120 Swan Holdsworth Dora Female Matthews Rupert Francis Male Midland Junction
1948/6100120 Swan Matthews Rupert Francis Male Holdsworth Dora Female Midland Junction
1948/6100121 Swan Baker Gwenda Evelyn Female Miles Edward Malcolm Male Midland Junction
1948/6100121 Swan Miles Edward Malcolm Male Baker Gwenda Evelyn Female Midland Junction
1948/6100122 Swan Dunne Dorothy Jean Female Panting Stanley Male Midland Junction
1948/6100122 Swan Panting Stanley Male Dunne Dorothy Jean Female Midland Junction
1948/6100123 Swan Durnin Ella Gwenneth Jean Female Williams William Ronald Male Midland Junction
1948/6100123 Swan Williams William Ronald Male Durnin Ella Gwenneth Jean Female Midland Junction
1948/6100124 Swan Merrilees Neil William Male Phillips Florence Jean Female Midland Junction
1948/6100124 Swan Phillips Florence Jean Female Merrilees Neil William Male Midland Junction
1948/6100125 Swan Battersby Vernon Male Lewis Joy Florence Female Midland Junction
1948/6100125 Swan Lewis Joy Florence Female Battersby Vernon Male Midland Junction
1948/6100126 Swan Free Mona Kathleen Female Jackson Brian William Male Bassendean
1948/6100126 Swan Jackson Brian William Male Free Mona Kathleen Female Bassendean
1948/6100127 Swan Pheeley Vivian Thomas Male Ryan Kathleen Lillian Female Midland Junction
1948/6100127 Swan Ryan Kathleen Lillian Female Pheeley Vivian Thomas Male Midland Junction
1948/6100128 Swan Marshall Harold Franklin Male Richards Elsa Margaret Female Midland Junction
1948/6100128 Swan Richards Elsa Margaret Female Marshall Harold Franklin Male Midland Junction
1948/6100129 Swan Godfrey Myrtle Jane Female Jackson Arthur Robert Male Guildford
1948/6100129 Swan Jackson Arthur Robert Male Godfrey Myrtle Jane Female Guildford
1948/6100130 Swan Adams Albert Frank Male Crofts Pauline Winifred Female Midland Junction
1948/6100130 Swan Crofts Pauline Winifred Female Adams Albert Frank Male Midland Junction
1948/6100131 Swan Burges James Stewart Male Henderson Ella May Female Midland Junction
1948/6100131 Swan Henderson Ella May Female Burges James Stewart Male Midland Junction
1948/6100132 Swan MacMile William Bruce Male Wood Margaret June Female Midland Junction
1948/6100132 Swan Wood Margaret June Female MacMile William Bruce Male Midland Junction
1948/6100133 Swan Cullenane Shirley Dawn Female Downey Leonard William Male Midland Junction
1948/6100133 Swan Downey Leonard William Male Cullenane Shirley Dawn Female Midland Junction
1948/6100134 Swan Goode Mary Florence Female West George William Male Mundaring
1948/6100134 Swan West George William Male Goode Mary Florence Female Mundaring
1948/6100135 Swan Aylmore Charles Alfred Male Skerritt Pauline Mary Female Guildford
1948/6100135 Swan Skerritt Pauline Mary Female Aylmore Charles Alfred Male Guildford
1948/6100136 Swan Craig Jean Phyllis May Female Halliday Ross William Male Guildford
1948/6100136 Swan Halliday Ross William Male Craig Jean Phyllis May Female Guildford
1948/6100137 Swan Malone George Edward Male Schnaars Jane Female Midland Junction
1948/6100137 Swan Schnaars Jane Female Malone George Edward Male Midland Junction
1948/6100138 Swan Hoy Dorothy May Female Moir George Arthur Male Midland Junction
1948/6100138 Swan Moir George Arthur Male Hoy Dorothy May Female Midland Junction
1948/6100139 Swan Andrews Kathleen Maud Female Phillips Norman Engle Male Midland Junction
1948/6100139 Swan Phillips Norman Engle Male Andrews Kathleen Maud Female Midland Junction
1948/6100140 Swan Creighton Patricia Joan Female Fisher Peter Zygmunt Male Mundaring
1948/6100140 Swan Fisher Peter Zygmunt Male Creighton Patricia Joan Female Mundaring
1948/6100141 Swan Aymer Lilian Ethel Female Jolley Arthur George Male Midland Junction
1948/6100141 Swan Jolley Arthur George Male Aymer Lilian Ethel Female Midland Junction
1948/6100142 Swan Letica Lillian Olga Female Watson Brian George Male Midland Junction
1948/6100142 Swan Watson Brian George Male Letica Lillian Olga Female Midland Junction
1948/6100143 Swan Brindle Thomas Henry Male Carruthers Jean Kerr Female Bassendean
1948/6100143 Swan Carruthers Jean Kerr Female Brindle Thomas Henry Male Bassendean
1948/6100144 Swan Clough Sheila Marie Female Whiteman David Leslie Archibald Male Midland Junction
1948/6100144 Swan Whiteman David Leslie Archibald Male Clough Sheila Marie Female Midland Junction
1948/6100145 Swan Robinson Doreen Patricia Female Williams Glen Stanley Male Midland Junction
1948/6100145 Swan Williams Glen Stanley Male Robinson Doreen Patricia Female Midland Junction
1948/6100146 Swan Doyle Claude Thomas Male Jones Joyce Patricia Female Guildford
1948/6100146 Swan Jones Joyce Patricia Female Doyle Claude Thomas Male Guildford
1948/6100147 Swan Leng Mavis Jean Female Thompson Lawrence Daniel Male Bassendean
1948/6100147 Swan Thompson Lawrence Daniel Male Leng Mavis Jean Female Bassendean
1948/6100148 Swan Cook Arnold Allan Male Laird Marion Female Guildford
1948/6100148 Swan Laird Marion Female Cook Arnold Allan Male Guildford
1948/6100149 Swan Clements June Vivian Female Troy Malcolm Ernest Male Midland Junction
1948/6100149 Swan Troy Malcolm Ernest Male Clements June Vivian Female Midland Junction
1948/6100150 Swan Shepherd Dorothy Mavis Female Thompson Frederick Earl Male Midland Junction
1948/6100150 Swan Thompson Frederick Earl Male Shepherd Dorothy Mavis Female Midland Junction
1948/6100151 Swan Bender Alma Francis Female Davies Eric Vincent Male Midland Junction
1948/6100151 Swan Davies Eric Vincent Male Bender Alma Francis Female Midland Junction
1948/6100152 Swan Mills Peggy Female Stephenson George James Male Midland Junction
1948/6100152 Swan Stephenson George James Male Mills Peggy Female Midland Junction
1948/6100153 Swan Bleus Tony Male Kosovich Amy Female Midland Junction
1948/6100153 Swan Kosovich Amy Female Bleus Tony Male Midland Junction
1948/6100154 Swan Bobanac Stan Male Kuljiš Annie Female Midland Junction
1948/6100154 Swan Kuljiš Annie Female Bobanac Stan Male Midland Junction
1948/6100155 Swan Ferguson Margaret Dora Female Roe John Edwin Male Middle Swan
1948/6100155 Swan Roe John Edwin Male Ferguson Margaret Dora Female Middle Swan
1948/6100156 Swan Ripp Kenneth Sydney Male Williamson Dorothy May Female Midland Junction
1948/6100156 Swan Williamson Dorothy May Female Ripp Kenneth Sydney Male Midland Junction
1948/6100157 Swan Jecks Sydney Douglas Male Maschette Theresa Anne Female Midland Junction
1948/6100157 Swan Maschette Theresa Anne Female Jecks Sydney Douglas Male Midland Junction
1948/6100158 Swan Clements Mervyn Douglas Male Dyer Christina Jaenet Female Midland Junction
1948/6100158 Swan Dyer Christina Jaenet Female Clements Mervyn Douglas Male Midland Junction
1948/6100159 Swan Dennis Albert Male McGlew Ella May Female Midland Junction
1948/6100159 Swan McGlew Ella May Female Dennis Albert Male Midland Junction
1948/6100160 Swan Bell Lorna May Female Russell Ronald Male Mt Helena
1948/6100160 Swan Russell Ronald Male Bell Lorna May Female Mt Helena
1948/6100161 Swan Unkovich Jack Male Yurisich Mary Female W Australia
1948/6100161 Swan Yurisich Mary Female Unkovich Jack Male W Australia
1948/6100162 Swan Gillan Kenneth James Male Moore Janet Elsey Female W Australia
1948/6100162 Swan Moore Janet Elsey Female Gillan Kenneth James Male W Australia
1948/6100163 Swan Bothe Yvonne Rae Female Patton Norman James Murray Male Guildford
1948/6100163 Swan Patton Norman James Murray Male Bothe Yvonne Rae Female Guildford
1948/6100164 Swan Brown Patricia Shirley Female Northey Alfred Male Midland Junction
1948/6100164 Swan Northey Alfred Male Brown Patricia Shirley Female Midland Junction
1948/6100165 Swan Burns Hazel Iris Female Kelly William Male Midland Junction
1948/6100165 Swan Kelly William Male Burns Hazel Iris Female Midland Junction
1948/6100166 Swan Butler Gwendoline Kathleen Female Smith John Samuel Male W Australia
1948/6100166 Swan Smith John Samuel Male Butler Gwendoline Kathleen Female W Australia
1948/6100167 Swan Drury Shirley May Female Jecks Kenneth Graham Male Guildford
1948/6100167 Swan Jecks Kenneth Graham Male Drury Shirley May Female Guildford
1948/6100168 Swan Galloway Peter McEwan Male Thorn Lilian Female Guildford
1948/6100168 Swan Thorn Lilian Female Galloway Peter McEwan Male Guildford
1948/6100169 Swan Butcher Frank George Male Wishart Margaret Female Bassendean
1948/6100169 Swan Wishart Margaret Female Butcher Frank George Male Bassendean
1948/6100170 Swan Atkinson Eleanor Isabel Female Padbury Walter William Male Guildford
1948/6100170 Swan Padbury Walter William Male Atkinson Eleanor Isabel Female Guildford
1948/6100171 Swan Barron Dorothy Irene Female Brooke Robert George Male Bassendean
1948/6100171 Swan Brooke Robert George Male Barron Dorothy Irene Female Bassendean
1948/6100172 Swan Brackenreg Roy Francis Male Morrissey Doreen Theresa Female Bassendean
1948/6100172 Swan Morrissey Doreen Theresa Female Brackenreg Roy Francis Male Bassendean
1948/6100173 Swan Corich Nellie Matilda Female Winchester Charles Henry James Male East Guildford
1948/6100173 Swan Winchester Charles Henry James Male Corich Nellie Matilda Female East Guildford
1948/6100174 Swan Hambley Annie Junita Female Sundo Tidor Male Midland Junction
1948/6100174 Swan Sundo Tidor Male Hambley Annie Junita Female Midland Junction
1948/6100175 Swan Bastow Dora Jean Female Taylor Stanley David Male Midland Junction
1948/6100175 Swan Taylor Stanley David Male Bastow Dora Jean Female Midland Junction
1948/6100176 Swan Bruce Ilanthy Joyce Female Treasure Henry Esperance Male Guildford
1948/6100176 Swan Treasure Henry Esperance Male Bruce Ilanthy Joyce Female Guildford
1948/6100177 Swan Anderson Edna Joyce Female McInnerney Roy Male Midland Junction
1948/6100177 Swan McInnerney Roy Male Anderson Edna Joyce Female Midland Junction
1948/6100178 Swan Hymus Timothy John Male Wood Jean Ada Female Guildford
1948/6100178 Swan Wood Jean Ada Female Hymus Timothy John Male Guildford
1948/6100179 Swan Johnson Beryl Jean Female Maisey Herbert Henry Male Bassendean
1948/6100179 Swan Maisey Herbert Henry Male Johnson Beryl Jean Female Bassendean
1948/6100180 Swan Brindley Betty Irene Female Heald Arthur James Male Guildford
1948/6100180 Swan Heald Arthur James Male Brindley Betty Irene Female Guildford
1948/6100181 Swan Drury Margaret Fay Female Warburton Raymond Male Guildford
1948/6100181 Swan Warburton Raymond Male Drury Margaret Fay Female Guildford
1948/6100182 Swan Bailey Grace Mary Female Tolmie Robert Colin Male Caversham
1948/6100182 Swan Tolmie Robert Colin Male Bailey Grace Mary Female Caversham
1948/6100183 Swan Gentry Ernest Edward Male Macpherson Grace Female Bassendean
1948/6100183 Swan Macpherson Grace Female Gentry Ernest Edward Male Bassendean
1948/6600001 Wellington Bolton Margaret Louise Female Cox Glen Robert Male Bunbury
1948/6600001 Wellington Cox Glen Robert Male Bolton Margaret Louise Female Bunbury
1949/6600001 Wellington Eastcott Anna Rosalie Female Feast Ernest John Male Yarloop
1949/6600001 Wellington Feast Ernest John Male Eastcott Anna Rosalie Female Yarloop
1948/6600002 Wellington Hinge Kenneth Mclaren Male Jones Alma Louisa Female Harvey
1948/6600002 Wellington Jones Alma Louisa Female Hinge Kenneth Mclaren Male Harvey
1948/6600003 Wellington Engebretsen Hubert Richard Male Johnstone Dulcie Julia Emily Female Brunswick Junction Congregational Church
1948/6600003 Wellington Johnstone Dulcie Julia Emily Female Engebretsen Hubert Richard Male Brunswick Junction Congregational Church
1949/6600004 Wellington Harrold Valma Eileen Female Wilson Ronald Frederick Male Harvey
1948/6600004 Wellington Pittard Elizabeth Betty Female Robinson Henry Charles Male Brunswick Junction Congregational Church
1948/6600004 Wellington Robinson Henry Charles Male Pittard Elizabeth Betty Female Brunswick Junction Congregational Church
1949/6600004 Wellington Wilson Ronald Frederick Male Harrold Valma Eileen Female Harvey
1949/6600005 Wellington Cumming Bert Frederick Male Downton Margaret Mary Female Donnybrook
1949/6600005 Wellington Downton Margaret Mary Female Cumming Bert Frederick Male Donnybrook
1948/6600005 Wellington Excell Thomas William Male Heatley Mavis Joyce Female Bunbury
1948/6600005 Wellington Heatley Mavis Joyce Female Excell Thomas William Male Bunbury
1948/6600006 Wellington Doherty Monique Female King Harry Male Bunbury
1948/6600006 Wellington King Harry Male Doherty Monique Female Bunbury
1948/6600015 Wellington Baker Phyllis Dorothy Female Moran Edward John Male Collie
1948/6600015 Wellington Moran Edward John Male Baker Phyllis Dorothy Female Collie
1948/6600016 Wellington Gillmore Bessie Female Snell Keith Male Collie
1948/6600016 Wellington Snell Keith Male Gillmore Bessie Female Collie
1948/6600017 Wellington Board Keith Male Kellow Kathleen Nancy Female Collie
1948/6600017 Wellington Kellow Kathleen Nancy Female Board Keith Male Collie
1948/6600022 Wellington Leavers Hazel Mildred Female Phillips Harry Ignatius Male Bunbury
1948/6600022 Wellington Phillips Harry Ignatius Male Leavers Hazel Mildred Female Bunbury
1948/6600023 Wellington Gibbs Dermot William Male Goss Lorna May Female Bunbury
1948/6600023 Wellington Goss Lorna May Female Gibbs Dermot William Male Bunbury
1948/6600024 Wellington Turner Winifred Joyce Female Watson Robert Gibson Male Bunbury
1948/6600024 Wellington Watson Robert Gibson Male Turner Winifred Joyce Female Bunbury
1948/6600025 Wellington Fleay Daphne Edith Female Turner Ronald William Male W Aus
1948/6600025 Wellington Turner Ronald William Male Fleay Daphne Edith Female W Aus
1948/6600026 Wellington Gardiner Muriel Clotworthy Female Turner Arthur William Male Bunbury
1948/6600026 Wellington Turner Arthur William Male Gardiner Muriel Clotworthy Female Bunbury
1948/6600027 Wellington King John Frederick Male Strickland Thelma Vera Female Darkan
1948/6600027 Wellington Strickland Thelma Vera Female King John Frederick Male Darkan
1948/6600028 Wellington Cooper Neta Eileen Female Greenaway Gordon Male South Bunbury
1948/6600028 Wellington Greenaway Gordon Male Cooper Neta Eileen Female South Bunbury
1948/6600029 Wellington Fogarty Alfred Thomas Male Sarre Dorothy Evelyn Female Collie
1948/6600029 Wellington Sarre Dorothy Evelyn Female Fogarty Alfred Thomas Male Collie
1948/6600030 Wellington Robins James William Male Warner Jean Mary Female Bunbury
1948/6600030 Wellington Warner Jean Mary Female Robins James William Male Bunbury
1948/6600031 Wellington Bertucci Francesco Male McKenzie Joyce Maureen Female Bunbury
1948/6600031 Wellington McKenzie Joyce Maureen Female Bertucci Francesco Male Bunbury
1948/6600032 Wellington Hannan Nancy Roma Female Scanlan Arthur Francis Male Donnybrook
1948/6600032 Wellington Scanlan Arthur Francis Male Hannan Nancy Roma Female Donnybrook
1948/6600033 Wellington Barrett Lionel Percival Male Walsh Madeleine Female Bunbury
1949/6600033 Wellington Browne Patricia Rebecca Female Gibson Jeffrey Pearless Male Bunbury
1949/6600033 Wellington Gibson Jeffrey Pearless Male Browne Patricia Rebecca Female Bunbury
1948/6600033 Wellington Walsh Madeleine Female Barrett Lionel Percival Male Bunbury
1948/6600034 Wellington Anderson Fay Rose Female Gibson Geoffrey Thomas Male W Aus
1948/6600034 Wellington Gibson Geoffrey Thomas Male Anderson Fay Rose Female W Aus
1948/6600035 Wellington Gardiner Roma Glenys Female Pickersgill James Henry Male Bunbury
1948/6600035 Wellington Pickersgill James Henry Male Gardiner Roma Glenys Female Bunbury
1948/6600036 Wellington McAlpine Ronald Male Spencer Marjory Esther Female Bunbury
1948/6600036 Wellington Spencer Marjory Esther Female McAlpine Ronald Male Bunbury
1948/6600037 Wellington McElroy Sarah Donaldson Little Female Milligan William Denis James Male Collie
1948/6600037 Wellington Milligan William Denis James Male McElroy Sarah Donaldson Little Female Collie
1948/6600038 Wellington Fisher Ormond Douglas Male White Yvonne Victoria Female Collie
1948/6600038 Wellington White Yvonne Victoria Female Fisher Ormond Douglas Male Collie
1948/6600039 Wellington Capogreco Leonardo Male Kenyon Nona May Patricia Female Bunbury
1948/6600039 Wellington Kenyon Nona May Patricia Female Capogreco Leonardo Male Bunbury
1948/6600040 Wellington Scott Melva May Female Spurr William Allan Male W Aus
1948/6600040 Wellington Spurr William Allan Male Scott Melva May Female W Aus
1948/6600041 Wellington Bryce Arthur William Male Harvey Phyllis Joy Female W Aus
1948/6600041 Wellington Harvey Phyllis Joy Female Bryce Arthur William Male W Aus
1948/6600042 Wellington Auger Norma Female McKay William Alfred Male Donnybrook
1948/6600042 Wellington McKay William Alfred Male Auger Norma Female Donnybrook
1948/6600043 Wellington Jenkins David Samuel Stanley Male Woodcock Valma Melbourne Female Yarloop
1948/6600043 Wellington Woodcock Valma Melbourne Female Jenkins David Samuel Stanley Male Yarloop
1948/6600044 Wellington Clark Jacqueline Margaret Female Hill-Smith Ian Robert Male Bunbury
1948/6600044 Wellington Hill-Smith Ian Robert Male Clark Jacqueline Margaret Female Bunbury
1948/6600045 Wellington Brittain Thomas Keith David Male Della-Vanzo Pierina Female Bunbury
1948/6600045 Wellington Della-Vanzo Pierina Female Brittain Thomas Keith David Male Bunbury
1948/6600046 Wellington Poad Margaret Lydia Allenby Female Trigwell Thomas Cyril Male Bunbury
1948/6600046 Wellington Trigwell Thomas Cyril Male Poad Margaret Lydia Allenby Female Bunbury
1948/6600047 Wellington Flynn John Lawrence Male Lennon Beatrice Cecilia Female Bunbury
1948/6600047 Wellington Lennon Beatrice Cecilia Female Flynn John Lawrence Male Bunbury
1948/6600048 Wellington Mason Basil William Male Taylor Joan Hilary Female Bunbury
1948/6600048 Wellington Taylor Joan Hilary Female Mason Basil William Male Bunbury
1948/6600049 Wellington Murray Francis Patrick Male Shine Jane Ellen Female Bunbury
1948/6600049 Wellington Shine Jane Ellen Female Murray Francis Patrick Male Bunbury
1948/6600050 Wellington Brown Gwendlyn Elsie Female Pollock Robert Male Harvey
1948/6600050 Wellington Pollock Robert Male Brown Gwendlyn Elsie Female Harvey
1948/6600051 Wellington Akers Beryl Female Archer Henry John Male Collie
1948/6600051 Wellington Archer Henry John Male Akers Beryl Female Collie
1948/6600052 Wellington Higgins Leslie Charles Male Lyon Kathleen Female Capel
1948/6600052 Wellington Lyon Kathleen Female Higgins Leslie Charles Male Capel
1948/6600053 Wellington Cox Alan Male Simms Alma Myra Ernestine Female Bunbury
1948/6600053 Wellington Simms Alma Myra Ernestine Female Cox Alan Male Bunbury
1948/6600054 Wellington Emberson Gladys Constance Louisa Female Upson Frank Lindsay Robert Male Bunbury
1948/6600054 Wellington Upson Frank Lindsay Robert Male Emberson Gladys Constance Louisa Female Bunbury
1948/6600055 Wellington Atkinson Joyce Vivienne Female Nutley John Ponting Male Bunbury
1948/6600055 Wellington Nutley John Ponting Male Atkinson Joyce Vivienne Female Bunbury
1948/6600056 Wellington Colgan Patrick Francis Male Williams Doris Elizabeth Female Bunbury
1948/6600056 Wellington Williams Doris Elizabeth Female Colgan Patrick Francis Male Bunbury
1948/6600057 Wellington Owens Leonard Joseph Male Smith Thelma Joan Female Bunbury
1948/6600057 Wellington Smith Thelma Joan Female Owens Leonard Joseph Male Bunbury
1948/6600058 Wellington Blackburn Harry Male Trevenen Jane Bromby Female Cookernup
1948/6600058 Wellington Trevenen Jane Bromby Female Blackburn Harry Male Cookernup
1948/6600059 Wellington Murnane Bethel Adrienne Female Schofield Mervyn Edward Male W Aus
1948/6600059 Wellington Schofield Mervyn Edward Male Murnane Bethel Adrienne Female W Aus
1948/6600060 Wellington Pitts James Harry Male Pool Dorothy Jean Female Collie
1948/6600060 Wellington Pool Dorothy Jean Female Pitts James Harry Male Collie
1948/6600061 Wellington Bridges Harold John Cloudsley Male Evans Betty Elizabeth Female Collie
1948/6600061 Wellington Evans Betty Elizabeth Female Bridges Harold John Cloudsley Male Collie
1948/6600062 Wellington Rogers Andrew Paterson Male Smith Jean Doris Female Collie
1948/6600062 Wellington Smith Jean Doris Female Rogers Andrew Paterson Male Collie
1948/6600063 Wellington Matthews Wyndham Fane Male Miller Joan Female W Aus
1948/6600063 Wellington Miller Joan Female Matthews Wyndham Fane Male W Aus
1948/6600064 Wellington Combes Helene Lilian Female Smith Horace Kevin Male Harvey
1948/6600064 Wellington Smith Horace Kevin Male Combes Helene Lilian Female Harvey
1948/6600065 Wellington Manning Ernest David Male Rees Norena Joy Female Harvey Methodist Church
1948/6600065 Wellington Rees Norena Joy Female Manning Ernest David Male Harvey Methodist Church
1948/6600066 Wellington Cornwell Leslie John Male Jones Margaret Isabel Female Bunbury
1948/6600066 Wellington Jones Margaret Isabel Female Cornwell Leslie John Male Bunbury
1948/6600067 Wellington Scott Basil Montague Male Teede Shirley Frances Female Picton
1948/6600067 Wellington Teede Shirley Frances Female Scott Basil Montague Male Picton
1948/6600068 Wellington Dixon Bernal Male Hastie Kathleen Mary Female South Bunbury
1948/6600068 Wellington Hastie Kathleen Mary Female Dixon Bernal Male South Bunbury
1948/6600069 Wellington Cole Rona Mary Female Gilmour John Male South Bunbury
1948/6600069 Wellington Gilmour John Male Cole Rona Mary Female South Bunbury
1949/6600070 Wellington Callegari Lou Male Jones Peggy Lawley Female Bunbury
1948/6600070 Wellington Friedland Ronald Paul Male Larsson Peggy Winifred Female South Bunbury
1949/6600070 Wellington Jones Peggy Lawley Female Callegari Lou Male Bunbury
1948/6600070 Wellington Larsson Peggy Winifred Female Friedland Ronald Paul Male South Bunbury
1948/6600071 Wellington Lovelle Olive Grace Female Wetherell Frederick Richard Male W Aus
1949/6600071 Wellington Rafferty Donald Francis Male Warner Josephine Bernice Female Bunbury
1949/6600071 Wellington Warner Josephine Bernice Female Rafferty Donald Francis Male Bunbury
1948/6600071 Wellington Wetherell Frederick Richard Male Lovelle Olive Grace Female W Aus
1948/6600072 Wellington Gardiner Vivien Ella Female Warden Donald William Male Dardanup
1948/6600072 Wellington Warden Donald William Male Gardiner Vivien Ella Female Dardanup
1948/6600073 Wellington Bugden Herbert Nelson Male Shearer Alice Margaret Mary Anna Female Bunbury
1948/6600073 Wellington Shearer Alice Margaret Mary Anna Female Bugden Herbert Nelson Male Bunbury
1948/6600074 Wellington Johns Inga Mary Female Wright Rodney Birtles Male Bunbury
1948/6600074 Wellington Wright Rodney Birtles Male Johns Inga Mary Female Bunbury
1948/6600075 Wellington Miller Janet Mary Female Tyrrell John William Henry Male Harvey
1948/6600075 Wellington Tyrrell John William Henry Male Miller Janet Mary Female Harvey
1948/6600076 Wellington Buck Maureen Female O'Callaghan Ronald Alfred Samuel Male Bunbury
1948/6600076 Wellington O'Callaghan Ronald Alfred Samuel Male Buck Maureen Female Bunbury
1948/6600077 Wellington Simpson Louis Donald Male White Edna May Female Bunbury
1948/6600077 Wellington White Edna May Female Simpson Louis Donald Male Bunbury
1948/6600078 Wellington Gardiner Reginald Julius Male Trigwell Marjory Ellen Female Donnybrook
1948/6600078 Wellington Trigwell Marjory Ellen Female Gardiner Reginald Julius Male Donnybrook
1948/6600079 Wellington Green Lola Marion Female Hay Arthur John Male Collie
1948/6600079 Wellington Hay Arthur John Male Green Lola Marion Female Collie
1948/6600080 Wellington Bartlett Murray Ashley Male Terrell Lorraine June Female Bunbury
1948/6600080 Wellington Terrell Lorraine June Female Bartlett Murray Ashley Male Bunbury
1948/6600081 Wellington Keeley John Male Ormerod Lily Female Bunbury
1948/6600081 Wellington Ormerod Lily Female Keeley John Male Bunbury
1948/6600082 Wellington Sanderson Brian Barnes Male Williams Clarice Dawn Female W Aus
1948/6600082 Wellington Williams Clarice Dawn Female Sanderson Brian Barnes Male W Aus
1948/6600083 Wellington Cumbers Eric Godfrey Male Harris Joan May Female Capel
1948/6600083 Wellington Harris Joan May Female Cumbers Eric Godfrey Male Capel
1948/6600084 Wellington Jensen Norma Enid Female Magill Leslie Male Collie
1948/6600084 Wellington Magill Leslie Male Jensen Norma Enid Female Collie
1948/6600085 Wellington Morrison Betty Margaret Frances Female Weighell Sydney Llewellyn Male Collie
1948/6600085 Wellington Weighell Sydney Llewellyn Male Morrison Betty Margaret Frances Female Collie
1948/6600086 Wellington Cochrane Louden Park Male Schinzig Florence Laura Female Mudiarrup
1948/6600086 Wellington Schinzig Florence Laura Female Cochrane Louden Park Male Mudiarrup
1948/6600087 Wellington Cooper John Maxwell Male Roberts Dulcie Doreen Female W Aus
1948/6600087 Wellington Roberts Dulcie Doreen Female Cooper John Maxwell Male W Aus
1948/6600088 Wellington Clegg Dulcie May Female Faulds Robert Male Collie
1948/6600088 Wellington Faulds Robert Male Clegg Dulcie May Female Collie
1948/6600089 Wellington O'Dea Sheila Myra Female Timms Reginald Male Collie
1948/6600089 Wellington Timms Reginald Male O'Dea Sheila Myra Female Collie
1949/6600090 Wellington Bryson Ian Kenneth Male Crawford Catherine Pauline Female Bunbury
1949/6600090 Wellington Crawford Catherine Pauline Female Bryson Ian Kenneth Male Bunbury
1948/6600090 Wellington Johnson Thomas William Male Smith Barbara Eileen Lucretia Female Collie
1948/6600090 Wellington Smith Barbara Eileen Lucretia Female Johnson Thomas William Male Collie
1948/6600091 Wellington Bowers Patricia Joan Female Morris Harold John Male Donnybrook
1948/6600091 Wellington Morris Harold John Male Bowers Patricia Joan Female Donnybrook
1948/6600092 Wellington Fitch Ivy Rose Female McBride John Arthur Male Bunbury
1948/6600092 Wellington McBride John Arthur Male Fitch Ivy Rose Female Bunbury
1948/6600093 Wellington Fitzgerald Elsie Ellen Female Strachan William Male Picton
1948/6600093 Wellington Strachan William Male Fitzgerald Elsie Ellen Female Picton
1948/6600094 Wellington Hodgson Olive Helena Female Provis Harold Curtis Male Bunbury
1948/6600094 Wellington Provis Harold Curtis Male Hodgson Olive Helena Female Bunbury
1948/6600095 Wellington De Piazzi Beatrice Ellen Female Lawrence Ernest Neil Male Bunbury
1948/6600095 Wellington Lawrence Ernest Neil Male De Piazzi Beatrice Ellen Female Bunbury
1948/6600096 Wellington Malatesta Fiorina Alda Female Nazzari Giovanni Male Collie
1948/6600096 Wellington Nazzari Giovanni Male Malatesta Fiorina Alda Female Collie
1948/6600097 Wellington Manoni Alma Violet Female Mazza Laurence Augustus Male Dardanup
1948/6600097 Wellington Mazza Laurence Augustus Male Manoni Alma Violet Female Dardanup
1948/6600098 Wellington Gardiner Ronald William Male Garvey Maureen Alice Female Dardanup
1948/6600098 Wellington Garvey Maureen Alice Female Gardiner Ronald William Male Dardanup
1948/6600099 Wellington Butcher Frank John Male Halden Edith Female Bunbury
1948/6600099 Wellington Halden Edith Female Butcher Frank John Male Bunbury
1948/6600100 Wellington Middleton Joan Alma Female Wylie Alexander Patrick Male Collie
1948/6600100 Wellington Wylie Alexander Patrick Male Middleton Joan Alma Female Collie
1948/6600101 Wellington Raabe Frederick Gordon Male Silvester Marguerite Mary Female W Aus
1948/6600101 Wellington Silvester Marguerite Mary Female Raabe Frederick Gordon Male W Aus
1948/6600102 Wellington Ferrari Augusto Male Ricetti Catherine Female Collie
1948/6600102 Wellington Ricetti Catherine Female Ferrari Augusto Male Collie
1948/6600103 Wellington Blee Louisa Mary Female Langley Walter Thomas Male Bunbury
1948/6600103 Wellington Langley Walter Thomas Male Blee Louisa Mary Female Bunbury
1948/6600104 Wellington Baker George David Male Bell Ethel Florence Female W Aus
1948/6600104 Wellington Bell Ethel Florence Female Baker George David Male W Aus
1948/6600105 Wellington Fowler Gladys Mary Female Harley William Henry Male W Aus
1948/6600105 Wellington Harley William Henry Male Fowler Gladys Mary Female W Aus
1948/6600106 Wellington Hakesley Thomas William Male Percy Elsie Eileen Female Brunswick Junction Congregational Church
1948/6600106 Wellington Percy Elsie Eileen Female Hakesley Thomas William Male Brunswick Junction Congregational Church
1948/6600107 Wellington Collie Francis Xavier John Male Wiggins Katherina Mary Female Collie
1948/6600107 Wellington Wiggins Katherina Mary Female Collie Francis Xavier John Male Collie
1948/6600108 Wellington Blick John Raymond Male Cull Dawn Female Bunbury
1948/6600108 Wellington Cull Dawn Female Blick John Raymond Male Bunbury
1948/6600109 Wellington Hatton Howard Charles Harvey Male Read Evelyn Mary Female Collie
1948/6600109 Wellington Read Evelyn Mary Female Hatton Howard Charles Harvey Male Collie
1948/6600110 Wellington Fortune Beryl Ena Female Richardson Frederick Male West Australia
1948/6600110 Wellington Richardson Frederick Male Fortune Beryl Ena Female West Australia
1948/6600111 Wellington Greaves Maurice Lloyd Male Tippett Esther Violet Female Yarloop
1948/6600111 Wellington Tippett Esther Violet Female Greaves Maurice Lloyd Male Yarloop
1948/6600112 Wellington Smith Ernest George Male Tippett Jean Elsie Female Yarloop
1948/6600112 Wellington Tippett Jean Elsie Female Smith Ernest George Male Yarloop
1948/6600113 Wellington Lloyd Morris James Male Moriarty Grace Anne Female Bunbury
1948/6600113 Wellington Moriarty Grace Anne Female Lloyd Morris James Male Bunbury
1948/6600114 Wellington Chamberlain Catherine Lillian Female Leahy Walter Ernest Male Bunbury
1948/6600114 Wellington Leahy Walter Ernest Male Chamberlain Catherine Lillian Female Bunbury
1948/6600115 Wellington Davidson Bernard Vincent Male Medbury Reemour Greta Alwyn Female Collie
1948/6600115 Wellington Medbury Reemour Greta Alwyn Female Davidson Bernard Vincent Male Collie
1948/6600116 Wellington Papalia Antonia Female Piscioneri Guiseppi Male Harvey
1948/6600116 Wellington Piscioneri Guiseppi Male Papalia Antonia Female Harvey
1948/6600117 Wellington Holtzman Lorna May Female O'Byrne Joseph Anthony Male Bunbury
1948/6600117 Wellington O'Byrne Joseph Anthony Male Holtzman Lorna May Female Bunbury
1948/6600118 Wellington Chamberlain Dawn Sale Female Cherry Norman Male Bunbury
1948/6600118 Wellington Cherry Norman Male Chamberlain Dawn Sale Female Bunbury
1948/6600119 Wellington Bateman Thomas Henry Male Middleton Jean Female Donnybrook
1948/6600119 Wellington Middleton Jean Female Bateman Thomas Henry Male Donnybrook
1948/6600120 Wellington Gibson Eric Cyril Male Hutton Mavis Joan Female Capel
1948/6600120 Wellington Hutton Mavis Joan Female Gibson Eric Cyril Male Capel
1948/6600121 Wellington Host Maxwell Alfred Male Thomson Florence Lilian Female Collie
1948/6600121 Wellington Thomson Florence Lilian Female Host Maxwell Alfred Male Collie
1948/6600122 Wellington Fraser William Male Nicholls Nancy Gertrude Female Yarloop
1948/6600122 Wellington Nicholls Nancy Gertrude Female Fraser William Male Yarloop
1948/6600123 Wellington Buist Grace Female Fairbrass Raymond Ernest Male Harvey Methodist Church
1948/6600123 Wellington Fairbrass Raymond Ernest Male Buist Grace Female Harvey Methodist Church
1948/6600124 Wellington King Kenneth Bedford Male Platts Annie Ray Female Bunbury
1948/6600124 Wellington Platts Annie Ray Female King Kenneth Bedford Male Bunbury
1948/6600125 Wellington Millington Laurel Audrey Female Trigwell Colin William Male Donnybrook
1948/6600125 Wellington Trigwell Colin William Male Millington Laurel Audrey Female Donnybrook
1948/6600126 Wellington Corker William Male Mason Claire Maud Female Collie
1948/6600126 Wellington Mason Claire Maud Female Corker William Male Collie
1948/6600127 Wellington Rickman Marjorie Hilda Beatrice Female Rodgers Gordon Gerald Male South Bunbury
1948/6600127 Wellington Rodgers Gordon Gerald Male Rickman Marjorie Hilda Beatrice Female South Bunbury
1948/6600128 Wellington Cross Dulcie Theresa Female Hannah Robert George Male Bunbury
1948/6600128 Wellington Hannah Robert George Male Cross Dulcie Theresa Female Bunbury
1948/6600129 Wellington Ganfield Richard John Male Teede Emily Eva Female Bunbury
1948/6600129 Wellington Teede Emily Eva Female Ganfield Richard John Male Bunbury
1948/6600130 Wellington Paynter Rose Female Rice Arthur Henry Male Bunbury
1948/6600130 Wellington Rice Arthur Henry Male Paynter Rose Female Bunbury
1948/6600131 Wellington Richardson Mary Alice Female Wishart David Ross Male South Bunbury
1948/6600131 Wellington Wishart David Ross Male Richardson Mary Alice Female South Bunbury
1948/6600132 Wellington Evans Peter Thomas Male Read Jean Norma Female Bunbury
1948/6600132 Wellington Read Jean Norma Female Evans Peter Thomas Male Bunbury
1948/6600133 Wellington Humphries Eugene James Male Mathieson Beryl Callia Female Bunbury
1948/6600133 Wellington Mathieson Beryl Callia Female Humphries Eugene James Male Bunbury
1948/6600134 Wellington Bryant Allen Ernest Male Ellard Beatrice May Female Bunbury
1948/6600134 Wellington Ellard Beatrice May Female Bryant Allen Ernest Male Bunbury
1948/6600135 Wellington Castro Aida Elener Female Tuia Valentino Male Donnybrook
1948/6600135 Wellington Tuia Valentino Male Castro Aida Elener Female Donnybrook
1948/6600136 Wellington Hastie John William Male Reed Hazel Christine Female Bunbury
1948/6600136 Wellington Reed Hazel Christine Female Hastie John William Male Bunbury
1948/6600137 Wellington Babb Kenneth George Male Eaton Edna Marjorie Female W Aus
1948/6600137 Wellington Eaton Edna Marjorie Female Babb Kenneth George Male W Aus
1948/6600138 Wellington McGurk James Joseph Male Turner Norma Female Collie
1948/6600138 Wellington Turner Norma Female McGurk James Joseph Male Collie
1948/6600139 Wellington Jenkins Elizabeth Female Mauger John Charles Male West Australia
1948/6600139 Wellington Mauger John Charles Male Jenkins Elizabeth Female West Australia
1948/6600140 Wellington Fitzpatrick Thelma Iris Female Gibbs William Thomas Male Darkan
1948/6600140 Wellington Gibbs William Thomas Male Fitzpatrick Thelma Iris Female Darkan
1948/6600141 Wellington Spencer Allan Male Steptoe Teresa Joy Female Bunbury
1948/6600141 Wellington Steptoe Teresa Joy Female Spencer Allan Male Bunbury
1948/6600142 Wellington Ensor Betty Carmen Female Maitland David Christie Male Bunbury
1948/6600142 Wellington Maitland David Christie Male Ensor Betty Carmen Female Bunbury
1948/6600143 Wellington Alexander Mirren Kelburne Female Buckenara Aubrey Franklyn Male W Aus
1948/6600143 Wellington Buckenara Aubrey Franklyn Male Alexander Mirren Kelburne Female W Aus
1948/6600144 Wellington Angel Walter James Male Marriott Laurel Melvena Female Harvey
1948/6600144 Wellington Marriott Laurel Melvena Female Angel Walter James Male Harvey
1948/6600145 Wellington Fowler Norma Lola Female McKenzie William John Male Bunbury
1948/6600145 Wellington McKenzie William John Male Fowler Norma Lola Female Bunbury
1948/6600146 Wellington Bowman William Robert Male Piggott Lorna Patricia Female Bunbury
1948/6600146 Wellington Piggott Lorna Patricia Female Bowman William Robert Male Bunbury
1948/6600147 Wellington Galbraith Alexander Male Hanstead Violet Female Bunbury
1948/6600147 Wellington Hanstead Violet Female Galbraith Alexander Male Bunbury
1948/6600148 Wellington Blake Dorothy Joan Female Loder William Charles Male Brunswick Junction
1948/6600148 Wellington Loder William Charles Male Blake Dorothy Joan Female Brunswick Junction
1948/6600149 Wellington Pryce Nancy May Female Waddingham Vincent Bernald Male Harvey
1948/6600149 Wellington Waddingham Vincent Bernald Male Pryce Nancy May Female Harvey
1948/6600150 Wellington Bainbridge Rosamond Louise Female Chinnery Kenneth Roy Male Bunbury
1948/6600150 Wellington Chinnery Kenneth Roy Male Bainbridge Rosamond Louise Female Bunbury
1948/6600151 Wellington Gianiotis Fotis Male Sofilas Caliopi Female Bunbury
1948/6600151 Wellington Sofilas Caliopi Female Gianiotis Fotis Male Bunbury
1948/6600152 Wellington Birch Maxwell Stewart Male Smith Betty Joan Female Bunbury
1948/6600152 Wellington Smith Betty Joan Female Birch Maxwell Stewart Male Bunbury
1948/6600153 Wellington Bergersen Phyllis Myrtle Female Karafilis Thomas Victor Male Bunbury
1948/6600153 Wellington Karafilis Thomas Victor Male Bergersen Phyllis Myrtle Female Bunbury
1948/6600154 Wellington Fowler Shirley Female Gardiner Ernest Jesse Male Donnybrook
1948/6600154 Wellington Gardiner Ernest Jesse Male Fowler Shirley Female Donnybrook
1948/6600155 Wellington Marshall Arthur Male Ramsey Audrey Meryl Female Harvey
1948/6600155 Wellington Ramsey Audrey Meryl Female Marshall Arthur Male Harvey
1948/6600156 Wellington Jack William David Male Walker Elizabeth May Female Collie
1948/6600156 Wellington Walker Elizabeth May Female Jack William David Male Collie
1948/6600157 Wellington Lofthouse Muriel Joan Female Smedley Donald Keith Male Harvey
1948/6600157 Wellington Smedley Donald Keith Male Lofthouse Muriel Joan Female Harvey
1948/6600158 Wellington Ecclestone Ernest William Male Stephens Betty Lynette Female W Aus
1948/6600158 Wellington Stephens Betty Lynette Female Ecclestone Ernest William Male W Aus
1948/6600159 Wellington Magill Norman Male Milligan Margaret Frances Female Collie Methodist Church
1948/6600159 Wellington Milligan Margaret Frances Female Magill Norman Male Collie Methodist Church
1948/6600160 Wellington Hetherington Mary Joan Female Townsend David Horace Male Collie Methodist Church
1948/6600160 Wellington Townsend David Horace Male Hetherington Mary Joan Female Collie Methodist Church
1948/6600161 Wellington Symonds Doris Mary Female Wilson Neville Herbert Male Bunbury
1948/6600161 Wellington Wilson Neville Herbert Male Symonds Doris Mary Female Bunbury
1948/6600162 Wellington Denham John Philbin Male Jones Shirley Betty Female Harvey
1948/6600162 Wellington Jones Shirley Betty Female Denham John Philbin Male Harvey
1948/6600163 Wellington Gibson Thelma Doris Female Turner Bernard James Male W Aus
1948/6600163 Wellington Turner Bernard James Male Gibson Thelma Doris Female W Aus
1948/6600164 Wellington Bovell Dorothy May Female Cargeeg Harold Male Bunbury
1948/6600164 Wellington Cargeeg Harold Male Bovell Dorothy May Female Bunbury
1948/6600165 Wellington Ogden Roma Joy Female Sweetapple Frederick Arthur Male Bunbury
1948/6600165 Wellington Sweetapple Frederick Arthur Male Ogden Roma Joy Female Bunbury
1948/6600166 Wellington Kane Laurence John Male Maslin Dorothy Jean Female W Aus
1948/6600166 Wellington Maslin Dorothy Jean Female Kane Laurence John Male W Aus
1948/6600167 Wellington McKenzie Lila Joyce Donaldine Female Watkins Clarence Male Bunbury
1948/6600167 Wellington Watkins Clarence Male McKenzie Lila Joyce Donaldine Female Bunbury
1948/6600168 Wellington Keyser Charles Sanderson Male Warn Estelle Female Bunbury
1948/6600168 Wellington Warn Estelle Female Keyser Charles Sanderson Male Bunbury
1948/6600169 Wellington Shelley Ronald John Swan Male Vaughan Valerie Maud Female Bunbury
1948/6600169 Wellington Vaughan Valerie Maud Female Shelley Ronald John Swan Male Bunbury
1948/6600170 Wellington Foreman Ronald Cambridge Male Prosser Dulcie May Female Bunbury
1948/6600170 Wellington Prosser Dulcie May Female Foreman Ronald Cambridge Male Bunbury
1948/6600171 Wellington Martella Seraphina Female Vergone Phillip Male West Australia
1948/6600171 Wellington Vergone Phillip Male Martella Seraphina Female West Australia
1948/6600172 Wellington Budd Charles Arthur Male Philp Violet Adélé Maude Female Collie
1948/6600172 Wellington Philp Violet Adélé Maude Female Budd Charles Arthur Male Collie
1948/6600173 Wellington Currell Lionel George Male Madeo Elspeth Female Collie
1948/6600173 Wellington Madeo Elspeth Female Currell Lionel George Male Collie
1948/6600174 Wellington Annesley Margaret Annie Female Eyre Eric Male Bunbury
1948/6600174 Wellington Eyre Eric Male Annesley Margaret Annie Female Bunbury
1948/6600175 Wellington Fisher Dudley Walter Male Rudd Betsy Elwood Female Donnybrook
1948/6600175 Wellington Rudd Betsy Elwood Female Fisher Dudley Walter Male Donnybrook
1948/6600176 Wellington Jenkinson George John Male Smith Dorothy Val Female Yarloop
1948/6600176 Wellington Smith Dorothy Val Female Jenkinson George John Male Yarloop
1948/6600177 Wellington Coutas Erene Myrtle Female Rodgers Peter Bernard Male Bunbury
1948/6600177 Wellington Rodgers Peter Bernard Male Coutas Erene Myrtle Female Bunbury
1948/6600178 Wellington Jordan William Patrick Male Teede Deirdre Erna Female Bunbury
1948/6600178 Wellington Teede Deirdre Erna Female Jordan William Patrick Male Bunbury
1948/6600179 Wellington Congear John William Male Johnstone Grace Marie Female Brunswick Junction
1948/6600179 Wellington Johnstone Grace Marie Female Congear John William Male Brunswick Junction
1948/6600180 Wellington Campbell Gladys Female Lane Ronald James Male Collie
1948/6600180 Wellington Lane Ronald James Male Campbell Gladys Female Collie
1948/6600181 Wellington Barbetti Pierina Mary Female Damiani Stephen John Male Bunbury
1948/6600181 Wellington Damiani Stephen John Male Barbetti Pierina Mary Female Bunbury
1948/6600182 Wellington Monger Gwendoline Betty Female Treasure Richmond James Male Bunbury
1948/6600182 Wellington Treasure Richmond James Male Monger Gwendoline Betty Female Bunbury
1948/6600183 Wellington Allen Joan Daphne Female Eddy Francis Joseph Male Bunbury
1948/6600183 Wellington Eddy Francis Joseph Male Allen Joan Daphne Female Bunbury
1948/6600184 Wellington Dempsey Mary Female Steel James Robert Male Collie
1948/6600184 Wellington Steel James Robert Male Dempsey Mary Female Collie
1948/6600185 Wellington Gillespie Heather Myrtle Female Taylor Raymond Frank Male Collie
1948/6600185 Wellington Taylor Raymond Frank Male Gillespie Heather Myrtle Female Collie
1948/6600186 Wellington Bunce Frederick Robert Male Wellard Ida May Female Collie
1948/6600186 Wellington Wellard Ida May Female Bunce Frederick Robert Male Collie
1948/6600187 Wellington Della Patrona Ines Female Turner Walter Male Bunbury
1948/6600187 Wellington Turner Walter Male Della Patrona Ines Female Bunbury
1948/6600188 Wellington Higgins Joan Elsie Female Saat John Bernard Ambrose Male Harvey
1948/6600188 Wellington Saat John Bernard Ambrose Male Higgins Joan Elsie Female Harvey
1948/6600189 Wellington Forrest Margaret Elvire Female Rowston Desmond Lauder Male Bunbury
1948/6600189 Wellington Rowston Desmond Lauder Male Forrest Margaret Elvire Female Bunbury
1948/6600190 Wellington Fielder Arthur Gordon Male Hough Shirley Rose Female Bunbury
1948/6600190 Wellington Hough Shirley Rose Female Fielder Arthur Gordon Male Bunbury
1948/6600191 Wellington Hutchings William John Male Morris Beryl Catherine Female Bunbury
1948/6600191 Wellington Morris Beryl Catherine Female Hutchings William John Male Bunbury
1948/6600192 Wellington Gray Beatrice Ada Female Mouritz Francis Goulburn Male Bunbury
1948/6600192 Wellington Mouritz Francis Goulburn Male Gray Beatrice Ada Female Bunbury
1948/6600193 Wellington Brown Jessie Laura Female Symonds Eric Hilary Male Bunbury
1948/6600193 Wellington Symonds Eric Hilary Male Brown Jessie Laura Female Bunbury
1948/6600194 Wellington Evans Laurence Ernest Male Thorpe Mary Female Bunbury
1948/6600194 Wellington Thorpe Mary Female Evans Laurence Ernest Male Bunbury
1948/6600195 Wellington Chester Eileen Agnes Female Kontoolas Peter Male Collie Methodist Church
1948/6600195 Wellington Kontoolas Peter Male Chester Eileen Agnes Female Collie Methodist Church
1948/6600196 Wellington Lyon Johanna Elizabeth Female Mills Ronald Sydney Male Bunbury
1948/6600196 Wellington Mills Ronald Sydney Male Lyon Johanna Elizabeth Female Bunbury
1948/6600197 Wellington Hislop George William Male Pollard Mary Female Bunbury
1948/6600197 Wellington Pollard Mary Female Hislop George William Male Bunbury
1948/6600198 Wellington Mitchell Ivy Stuart Female Waywood William Lyall Male Collie
1948/6600198 Wellington Waywood William Lyall Male Mitchell Ivy Stuart Female Collie
1948/6600199 Wellington Inman Bernice Ester Female Westbrook Charles Albert James Male Bunbury
1948/6600199 Wellington Westbrook Charles Albert James Male Inman Bernice Ester Female Bunbury
1948/6600200 Wellington Hart Herbert Frederick William Male Hinson Elsie Muriel Female Bunbury
1948/6600200 Wellington Hinson Elsie Muriel Female Hart Herbert Frederick William Male Bunbury
1948/6600201 Wellington Fitzpatrick June Female Pulford Robert William Male Collie
1948/6600201 Wellington Pulford Robert William Male Fitzpatrick June Female Collie
1948/6600202 Wellington Audino Alessandro Male Terace Maria Rosa Female Bunbury
1948/6600202 Wellington Terace Maria Rosa Female Audino Alessandro Male Bunbury
1948/6600203 Wellington Simmonds Roy Albert Male Spencer Stella Noreen Female Collie
1948/6600203 Wellington Spencer Stella Noreen Female Simmonds Roy Albert Male Collie
1948/6600204 Wellington Lloyd Gladys May Female Neale Richard James Male Collie
1948/6600204 Wellington Neale Richard James Male Lloyd Gladys May Female Collie
1948/6600205 Wellington Smith Frederick William Male Way Louisa Maud Female Bunbury
1948/6600205 Wellington Way Louisa Maud Female Smith Frederick William Male Bunbury
1948/6600206 Wellington Kenning Anthony Thompson Male Miles Gloria Myall Female Bunbury
1948/6600206 Wellington Miles Gloria Myall Female Kenning Anthony Thompson Male Bunbury
1948/6600207 Wellington Riley Ronald William Male Robinson Marjorie Gloria Lomax Female Harvey
1948/6600207 Wellington Robinson Marjorie Gloria Lomax Female Riley Ronald William Male Harvey
1948/6600208 Wellington Fairbrass Kathleen Ada Female Mann Donald James Walter Male Harvey
1948/6600208 Wellington Mann Donald James Walter Male Fairbrass Kathleen Ada Female Harvey
1948/6600209 Wellington Mills Geoffrey Peter Male Torrisi Pietrina Female Bunbury
1948/6600209 Wellington Torrisi Pietrina Female Mills Geoffrey Peter Male Bunbury
1948/6600210 Wellington Anderson John Male Mathers Winifred Thelma Female Collie
1948/6600210 Wellington Mathers Winifred Thelma Female Anderson John Male Collie
1948/6600211 Wellington Nurse Douglas George Male Walton Elizabeth Female W Aus
1948/6600211 Wellington Walton Elizabeth Female Nurse Douglas George Male W Aus
1948/6600212 Wellington Butt Elizabeth Female Currell Frank Male Bunbury
1948/6600212 Wellington Currell Frank Male Butt Elizabeth Female Bunbury
1948/6600213 Wellington Jones Robert William Male Ormerod Rose Female Harvey
1948/6600213 Wellington Ormerod Rose Female Jones Robert William Male Harvey
1948/6600214 Wellington McGough Coleman James Male Sugars Mary Ellen Female Bunbury
1948/6600214 Wellington Sugars Mary Ellen Female McGough Coleman James Male Bunbury
1948/6600215 Wellington Dawe Eva Mary Louise Female Sisson Frank Male Bunbury
1948/6600215 Wellington Sisson Frank Male Dawe Eva Mary Louise Female Bunbury
1948/6600216 Wellington Fenton Arthur John Male Roveta Elsie Female Bunbury
1948/6600216 Wellington Roveta Elsie Female Fenton Arthur John Male Bunbury
1948/6600217 Wellington Agg Cecil Edward Metcalfe Male Lintott Hazel Evelyn Female Darkan
1948/6600217 Wellington Lintott Hazel Evelyn Female Agg Cecil Edward Metcalfe Male Darkan
1948/6600218 Wellington Carpenter Isla Beryl Female Hunter Robert Alexander Male Collie Methodist Church
1948/6600218 Wellington Hunter Robert Alexander Male Carpenter Isla Beryl Female Collie Methodist Church
1948/6600219 Wellington Waddingham Caroline Female Whyatt Allan Male Bunbury
1948/6600219 Wellington Whyatt Allan Male Waddingham Caroline Female Bunbury
1948/6600220 Wellington Inman John Alfred Male Retzlaff Erna May Female Bunbury
1948/6600220 Wellington Retzlaff Erna May Female Inman John Alfred Male Bunbury
1948/6600221 Wellington Burley Bessie Margaret Female Harris Edward Charles Male Bunbury
1948/6600221 Wellington Harris Edward Charles Male Burley Bessie Margaret Female Bunbury
1948/6600222 Wellington Lloyd Olive Lilian Female Ostby Haakon Male Bunbury
1948/6600222 Wellington Ostby Haakon Male Lloyd Olive Lilian Female Bunbury
1948/6600223 Wellington Green Arthur Stewart Male Jackson Amy Ellen Female Collie
1948/6600223 Wellington Jackson Amy Ellen Female Green Arthur Stewart Male Collie
1948/6700002 Williams Orr George Alfred Male Shalders Lillian Gwendoline Female Newdegate
1948/6700002 Williams Shalders Lillian Gwendoline Female Orr George Alfred Male Newdegate
1948/6700003 Williams Orr Ernest John Male Shalders Florence May Female Newdegate
1948/6700003 Williams Shalders Florence May Female Orr Ernest John Male Newdegate
1948/6700004 Williams Boothey Eric Ronald Male Hocking Barbara Ann Female Narrogin
1948/6700004 Williams Hocking Barbara Ann Female Boothey Eric Ronald Male Narrogin
1948/6700005 Williams Charlton Lily Maud Female Jensen Frederick John Male Narrogin
1948/6700005 Williams Jensen Frederick John Male Charlton Lily Maud Female Narrogin
1948/6700006 Williams Cockie Louie Female Riley Snowy Male Narrogin
1948/6700006 Williams Riley Snowy Male Cockie Louie Female Narrogin
1948/6700007 Williams Hooper Noel Male Lay Irene Faith Female Lake Grace Anglican Church
1948/6700007 Williams Lay Irene Faith Female Hooper Noel Male Lake Grace Anglican Church
1948/6700008 Williams Jensen Walter Theodore Male Walton Dorothy Joan Female Narrogin Methodist Church
1948/6700008 Williams Walton Dorothy Joan Female Jensen Walter Theodore Male Narrogin Methodist Church
1948/6700009 Williams Firns Jessie Doris Female Fraser Robert James Male Boddington
1948/6700009 Williams Fraser Robert James Male Firns Jessie Doris Female Boddington
1948/6700010 Williams Medlen Patricia Female Piesse Clarence Ronald Male Tarwonga
1948/6700010 Williams Piesse Clarence Ronald Male Medlen Patricia Female Tarwonga
1948/6700011 Williams Firns Allan Alfred Male Hughes Daphne Muriel Female Boddington
1948/6700011 Williams Hughes Daphne Muriel Female Firns Allan Alfred Male Boddington
1948/6700012 Williams Cowin Beryl Olwyn Female Noske Peter George Male Williams
1948/6700012 Williams Noske Peter George Male Cowin Beryl Olwyn Female Williams
1948/6700013 Williams Esmond Norma Jean Female McGlinn Harold Stephen Male Narrogin
1948/6700013 Williams McGlinn Harold Stephen Male Esmond Norma Jean Female Narrogin
1948/6700014 Williams Kennedy Garner Male Lee Nancy Shirly Female Lake Grace
1948/6700014 Williams Lee Nancy Shirly Female Kennedy Garner Male Lake Grace
1948/6700015 Williams Larke Reginald Norman Male Phillips Jean Freda Female Narrogin
1948/6700015 Williams Phillips Jean Freda Female Larke Reginald Norman Male Narrogin
1948/6700016 Williams Flute Thelma Lucy Female Illingworth Allen Elliott Male Narrogin
1948/6700016 Williams Illingworth Allen Elliott Male Flute Thelma Lucy Female Narrogin
1948/6700017 Williams Armstrong Mavis Caroline Female Pethybridge Neill Joseph Male Narrogin
1948/6700017 Williams Pethybridge Neill Joseph Male Armstrong Mavis Caroline Female Narrogin
1948/6700018 Williams Hoyle Effie Sarah Female Mutton Charles Alwyn Male Narrogin
1948/6700018 Williams Mutton Charles Alwyn Male Hoyle Effie Sarah Female Narrogin
1948/6700019 Williams Ledwith Thomas Patrick Male Walker Veronica Female Narrogin
1948/6700019 Williams Walker Veronica Female Ledwith Thomas Patrick Male Narrogin
1948/6700020 Williams Payne Dora Sarah Female Preston Albert Joseph Male Narrogin
1948/6700020 Williams Preston Albert Joseph Male Payne Dora Sarah Female Narrogin
1948/6700021 Williams McHugh Raymond John Male Simonds Enid Female Narrogin
1948/6700021 Williams Simonds Enid Female McHugh Raymond John Male Narrogin
1948/6700022 Williams Thorn Fanny Female Ugle Monte Male Narrogin
1948/6700022 Williams Ugle Monte Male Thorn Fanny Female Narrogin
1948/6700023 Williams McKay Fergus Stewart Male Pelham Minnie Kate Female Lake Grace
1948/6700023 Williams Pelham Minnie Kate Female McKay Fergus Stewart Male Lake Grace
1948/6700024 Williams Hickmott Charles Alfred Male Magor Valerie Grace Female Wickepin
1948/6700024 Williams Magor Valerie Grace Female Hickmott Charles Alfred Male Wickepin
1948/6700025 Williams Elliot Bernard Edward Male Rowe Ronda Maxine Female Narrogin
1948/6700025 Williams Rowe Ronda Maxine Female Elliot Bernard Edward Male Narrogin
1948/6700026 Williams Davis Valma Beatrice Female Farmer Keith William Male Boddington
1948/6700026 Williams Farmer Keith William Male Davis Valma Beatrice Female Boddington
1948/6700027 Williams Lennell Rona Peggy Female Newbey Reginald James Male Narrogin
1948/6700027 Williams Newbey Reginald James Male Lennell Rona Peggy Female Narrogin
1948/6700028 Williams Cardwell Douglas Charles Male Crouch Ivy Lilian Female Narrogin
1948/6700028 Williams Crouch Ivy Lilian Female Cardwell Douglas Charles Male Narrogin
1948/6700029 Williams Butcher Betty Mildred Female Fitt Peter Henry Edward Male Narrogin
1948/6700029 Williams Fitt Peter Henry Edward Male Butcher Betty Mildred Female Narrogin
1948/6700030 Williams Johnston Annie Sophia Female Johnston Clement Duncan Male Narrogin
1948/6700030 Williams Johnston Clement Duncan Male Johnston Annie Sophia Female Narrogin
1948/6700031 Williams Pittard John Denis Male Proud Alice Irene Female Kulin
1948/6700031 Williams Proud Alice Irene Female Pittard John Denis Male Kulin
1948/6700032 Williams Graham Adelaide Jessie Female Winterton Frank John Avann Male Williams
1948/6700032 Williams Winterton Frank John Avann Male Graham Adelaide Jessie Female Williams
1948/6700033 Williams Argent Howard Gilbert Male Walton Clara Jane Female Kulin
1948/6700033 Williams Walton Clara Jane Female Argent Howard Gilbert Male Kulin
1948/6700034 Williams Coleman Mary Lacy Female Sandells Wilfred John Male Lake Biddy
1948/6700034 Williams Sandells Wilfred John Male Coleman Mary Lacy Female Lake Biddy
1948/6700035 Williams Keeler Florence May Female Saunders Kevin Male Narrogin
1948/6700035 Williams Saunders Kevin Male Keeler Florence May Female Narrogin
1948/6700036 Williams Boothey Arthur James Male Fiegert Adeline Teresa Female Narrogin
1948/6700036 Williams Fiegert Adeline Teresa Female Boothey Arthur James Male Narrogin
1948/6700037 Williams Lowke Sylvia Doreen Female Smoker Charles Herbert Male Kulin
1948/6700037 Williams Smoker Charles Herbert Male Lowke Sylvia Doreen Female Kulin
1948/6700038 Williams Baker Maureen Female Turner Benjamin Robert Male Wickepin
1948/6700038 Williams Turner Benjamin Robert Male Baker Maureen Female Wickepin
1948/6700039 Williams Walker Doris Female Williss Ronald Mervyn Male Lake Grace
1948/6700039 Williams Williss Ronald Mervyn Male Walker Doris Female Lake Grace
1948/6700040 Williams Baker Lawrence Robert Male Farquhar Gwendoline Betty Female Narrogin
1948/6700040 Williams Farquhar Gwendoline Betty Female Baker Lawrence Robert Male Narrogin
1948/6700041 Williams Armstrong Albert Edward Male O'Rourke Charlotte Mary Female Narrogin
1948/6700041 Williams O'Rourke Charlotte Mary Female Armstrong Albert Edward Male Narrogin
1948/6700042 Williams Batt Mabel Ruth Female Hall Alexander Male Marradong
1948/6700042 Williams Hall Alexander Male Batt Mabel Ruth Female Marradong
1948/6700043 Williams Hobson Alfreda Victoria Charlotte Female O'Rourke Thomas Male Narrogin
1948/6700043 Williams O'Rourke Thomas Male Hobson Alfreda Victoria Charlotte Female Narrogin
1948/6700044 Williams Bingham John Ethelbert Male Henrickson Gloria Dawn Female Marradong
1948/6700044 Williams Henrickson Gloria Dawn Female Bingham John Ethelbert Male Marradong
1948/6700045 Williams Claydon Betty Female Reynolds Richard Henry Male Narrogin
1948/6700045 Williams Reynolds Richard Henry Male Claydon Betty Female Narrogin
1948/6700046 Williams Cannon Gertrude Elizabeth Female O'Neill George Edward Male Lake Grace
1948/6700046 Williams O'Neill George Edward Male Cannon Gertrude Elizabeth Female Lake Grace
1948/6700047 Williams Matson Robert John Male Sullivan Patricia Jean Female Narrogin
1948/6700047 Williams Sullivan Patricia Jean Female Matson Robert John Male Narrogin
1948/6700048 Williams Shipley Harold Cecil Male Spragg Shirley Ruth Female Narrogin
1948/6700048 Williams Spragg Shirley Ruth Female Shipley Harold Cecil Male Narrogin
1948/6700049 Williams O'Dea Athol Male Roberts Bernice Maud Female Boddington
1948/6700049 Williams Roberts Bernice Maud Female O'Dea Athol Male Boddington
1948/6700050 Williams Campbell James McNaughton Male Knight Stella Female Narrogin
1948/6700050 Williams Knight Stella Female Campbell James McNaughton Male Narrogin
1948/6700051 Williams Cowan Joseph Male Volich Eileen Mary Female Tullis Private Residence of Joseph Cowan
1948/6700051 Williams Volich Eileen Mary Female Cowan Joseph Male Tullis Private Residence of Joseph Cowan
1948/6700052 Williams Hart Rose Female Parfitt Roy Male Narrogin
1948/6700052 Williams Parfitt Roy Male Hart Rose Female Narrogin
1948/6700053 Williams Chipper Arthur Rupert Male Mooney Marjorie Ellen Female Narrogin
1948/6700053 Williams Mooney Marjorie Ellen Female Chipper Arthur Rupert Male Narrogin
1948/6700054 Williams Cooper Douglas Curtis McBeath Male Ribe Hilda Coral Female Narrogin
1948/6700054 Williams Ribe Hilda Coral Female Cooper Douglas Curtis McBeath Male Narrogin
1948/6700055 Williams Chipper Mildred Mary Female Underwood Raymond Henry Male Narrogin
1948/6700055 Williams Underwood Raymond Henry Male Chipper Mildred Mary Female Narrogin
1948/6700056 Williams Harvey Joyce Lydia Female Lannin George Edward Male Lake Grace
1948/6700056 Williams Lannin George Edward Male Harvey Joyce Lydia Female Lake Grace
1948/6700057 Williams McAullay Thelma May Female O'Halloran Clement Male Narrogin
1948/6700057 Williams O'Halloran Clement Male McAullay Thelma May Female Narrogin
1948/6700058 Williams Clark Shirley Dawn Female Proud Donald James Bartlett Male Narrogin
1948/6700058 Williams Proud Donald James Bartlett Male Clark Shirley Dawn Female Narrogin
1948/6700059 Williams Parfitt Stirling Male Smith Adeline Female Narrogin
1948/6700059 Williams Smith Adeline Female Parfitt Stirling Male Narrogin
1948/6700060 Williams Clarke Albert George Male Matthews Verna Roach Female Narrogin
1948/6700060 Williams Matthews Verna Roach Female Clarke Albert George Male Narrogin
1948/6700061 Williams Dinah Robert Joseph Male Riley Elsie Female Narrogin
1948/6700061 Williams Riley Elsie Female Dinah Robert Joseph Male Narrogin
1948/6700062 Williams Bird Edith Mabel Female Eckersley Donald Stanley Male Narrogin
1948/6700062 Williams Eckersley Donald Stanley Male Bird Edith Mabel Female Narrogin
1948/6700063 Williams Tormey Patrick Gerard Male Watson Patricia Frances Female Narrogin
1948/6700063 Williams Watson Patricia Frances Female Tormey Patrick Gerard Male Narrogin
1948/6700064 Williams Bates Robert Henry Male Black Betty Cameron Female Narrogin Methodist Church
1948/6700064 Williams Black Betty Cameron Female Bates Robert Henry Male Narrogin Methodist Church
1948/6700065 Williams Collard Clem Male Hill Jane Female Boddington
1948/6700065 Williams Hill Jane Female Collard Clem Male Boddington
1948/6700066 Williams Bailey Joan Muriel Female Hogg Milton Gregory Male Narrogin
1948/6700066 Williams Hogg Milton Gregory Male Bailey Joan Muriel Female Narrogin
1948/6700067 Williams Baker Joan Ellen Female Turner Gordon Ronald Male Narrogin
1948/6700067 Williams Turner Gordon Ronald Male Baker Joan Ellen Female Narrogin
1948/6700068 Williams Edwards Ivy Emily Female Mattfield Harold Edward Male Narrogin
1948/6700068 Williams Mattfield Harold Edward Male Edwards Ivy Emily Female Narrogin
1948/6700069 Williams Hall Walter Male Nairn Barbara Florence Female Narrogin
1948/6700069 Williams Nairn Barbara Florence Female Hall Walter Male Narrogin
1948/6700070 Williams Browne Kenneth Gordon Male Thompson Lesley Claire Female Narrogin
1948/6700070 Williams Thompson Lesley Claire Female Browne Kenneth Gordon Male Narrogin
1948/6700071 Williams Fitt Neta Valima May Female Loney Peter Male Narrogin
1948/6700071 Williams Loney Peter Male Fitt Neta Valima May Female Narrogin
1948/6700072 Williams Jones Margaret Crimlyn Female Swan Alan Laurence Male East Cuballing
1948/6700072 Williams Swan Alan Laurence Male Jones Margaret Crimlyn Female East Cuballing
1948/6700073 Williams Bacon Beryl Joyce Female Chugg Brian Henry Male Narrogin
1948/6700073 Williams Chugg Brian Henry Male Bacon Beryl Joyce Female Narrogin
1948/6700074 Williams Holmes Leslie Raymond Male Parfitt Evelyn May Female Narrogin
1948/6700074 Williams Parfitt Evelyn May Female Holmes Leslie Raymond Male Narrogin
1948/6700075 Williams Humes Martha May Female Ugle Norman Male Williams
1948/6700075 Williams Ugle Norman Male Humes Martha May Female Williams
1948/6700076 Williams Butcher Marion Jean Female Matthews Fredrick Noel Male Narrogin
1948/6700076 Williams Matthews Fredrick Noel Male Butcher Marion Jean Female Narrogin
1948/6700077 Williams Butcher Ella May Female Smith Leslie Allan John Male Narrogin
1948/6700077 Williams Smith Leslie Allan John Male Butcher Ella May Female Narrogin
1948/6700078 Williams Bradshaw Richard Jeffrey Male Walker Doris Margaret Female Narrogin
1948/6700078 Williams Walker Doris Margaret Female Bradshaw Richard Jeffrey Male Narrogin
1948/6700079 Williams Walter Joyce Ariel Female Williamson John James Male Wickepin
1948/6700079 Williams Williamson John James Male Walter Joyce Ariel Female Wickepin
1948/6700080 Williams Kellow Edward Henry Male Oliver Dorothy Eileen Female West Australia
1948/6700080 Williams Oliver Dorothy Eileen Female Kellow Edward Henry Male West Australia
1948/6700081 Williams May Reginald Harry Charles Male Rennie Joyce Dawn Female Narrogin
1948/6700081 Williams Rennie Joyce Dawn Female May Reginald Harry Charles Male Narrogin
1948/6700082 Williams Cowcher Francis Aidan Male Engelbrecht Theodora Josephine Female Narrogin
1948/6700082 Williams Engelbrecht Theodora Josephine Female Cowcher Francis Aidan Male Narrogin
1948/7000001 Yilgarn Harvey Dorothy Joan Female Stewart John Dougall Male West Australia
1948/7000001 Yilgarn Stewart John Dougall Male Harvey Dorothy Joan Female West Australia
1948/7000002 Yilgarn Roberts John Thomas Male Teale Betty Dorothy Female West Australia
1948/7000002 Yilgarn Teale Betty Dorothy Female Roberts John Thomas Male West Australia
1948/7000003 Yilgarn Broom Edna Grace Female Gatley Archie Male Southern Cross
1948/7000003 Yilgarn Gatley Archie Male Broom Edna Grace Female Southern Cross
1948/7100001 York Haines Fay Doreen Female McQuade Darrel Gordon Male York
1948/7100001 York McQuade Darrel Gordon Male Haines Fay Doreen Female York
1948/7100002 York Ashworth Thelma Elizabeth Female Lehmann Norman Edward Male York
1948/7100002 York Lehmann Norman Edward Male Ashworth Thelma Elizabeth Female York
1948/7100003 York Endersby Robert John Male Hayward Grace Rosina Female York
1948/7100003 York Hayward Grace Rosina Female Endersby Robert John Male York
1948/7100004 York Halliday Constance Mary Female Wheeler Leslie George Male York
1948/7100004 York Wheeler Leslie George Male Halliday Constance Mary Female York
1948/7100005 York Federici Elma Jean Female Reynolds Stanley Lincoln Male York
1948/7100005 York Reynolds Stanley Lincoln Male Federici Elma Jean Female York
1948/7100006 York Boyle Doreen Female Ovens Jefferey Lawrance Male York
1948/7100006 York Ovens Jefferey Lawrance Male Boyle Doreen Female York
1948/7100007 York Guthrie Vernon Male Hoddy Dulcie Vera Female York
1948/7100007 York Hoddy Dulcie Vera Female Guthrie Vernon Male York
1948/7100008 York Hicks Raymond Joseph Male Stone Beryl Joyce Female York
1948/7100008 York Stone Beryl Joyce Female Hicks Raymond Joseph Male York
1948/7100009 York Gentle Josephine Yvonne Female McKenney Richard William Male York
1948/7100009 York McKenney Richard William Male Gentle Josephine Yvonne Female York
1948/7100010 York Hanley Valerie Joan Female Munday Philip Roy Male York
1948/7100010 York Munday Philip Roy Male Hanley Valerie Joan Female York
1948/7100011 York Close Joseph Alfred Male Sallur Margaret Helen Female York
1948/7100011 York Sallur Margaret Helen Female Close Joseph Alfred Male York
1948/7100012 York Inkpen Nancy Eileen Female Pride Edward Arthur Male York
1948/7100012 York Pride Edward Arthur Male Inkpen Nancy Eileen Female York
1948/7100013 York Bensted Patrick Ivan Male Mead Patricia Mary Female York
1948/7100013 York Mead Patricia Mary Female Bensted Patrick Ivan Male York
1948/7100014 York Meehan Irene Cavell Female Reynolds Cedric Gordon Male York
1948/7100014 York Reynolds Cedric Gordon Male Meehan Irene Cavell Female York
1948/7100015 York Baker Richard Clive Male McNamara Audrey Jean Female York
1948/7100015 York McNamara Audrey Jean Female Baker Richard Clive Male York
1948/7100016 York Gentle Olive Ann Female Tadd Ronald Edwin Male York
1948/7100016 York Tadd Ronald Edwin Male Gentle Olive Ann Female York
1948/7100017 York Carter Betty Female Currell Walter Alfred Male York
1948/7100017 York Currell Walter Alfred Male Carter Betty Female York
1948/7100018 York Eastough Clyde Leonard Male Illingworth Phyllis Hannah Female York
1948/7100018 York Illingworth Phyllis Hannah Female Eastough Clyde Leonard Male York
1948/7100019 York Hodges William Herbert Male Johnson Muriel Dorothy Female York
1948/7100019 York Johnson Muriel Dorothy Female Hodges William Herbert Male York