A tool to help track the citations of the Western Australian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages from Wikidata and WikiTree.

Marriages in: 1946

Registration year & number Registration district Surname Given names Gender Spouse surname Spouse given names Spouse gender Marriage place Wikidata WikiTree
1947/100001 Perth Dickinson Henry Richard Male Sneddon Eileen Frances Female Victoria Park
1947/100001 Perth Sneddon Eileen Frances Female Dickinson Henry Richard Male Victoria Park
1947/100002 Perth Isted George Charles Male Roberts Doris Saxon Female Subiaco
1947/100002 Perth Roberts Doris Saxon Female Isted George Charles Male Subiaco
1947/100003 Perth Campbell Alfred Henry Male Currie Patricia Eileen Female East Victoria Park
1947/100003 Perth Currie Patricia Eileen Female Campbell Alfred Henry Male East Victoria Park
1947/100004 Perth Morgan Joseph Raymond Male Williams Maisie Jean Female East Victoria Park
1947/100004 Perth Williams Maisie Jean Female Morgan Joseph Raymond Male East Victoria Park
1947/100005 Perth Stevens Arthur William Male Winnett Thelma Joyce Female Perth
1947/100005 Perth Winnett Thelma Joyce Female Stevens Arthur William Male Perth
1947/100006 Perth Jones Eric Charles Male Lasscock Esme Joan Female Bayswater
1947/100006 Perth Lasscock Esme Joan Female Jones Eric Charles Male Bayswater
1947/100007 Perth Bates Donald George Male Eggeling Betty Doreen Female Mt Lawley
1947/100007 Perth Eggeling Betty Doreen Female Bates Donald George Male Mt Lawley
1947/100009 Perth Farney Alma Lillian Female Hageman Herman Male Claremont
1947/100009 Perth Hageman Herman Male Farney Alma Lillian Female Claremont
1947/100010 Perth Busch Harry Male Woolcott Audrey Vera Female Claremont
1947/100010 Perth Woolcott Audrey Vera Female Busch Harry Male Claremont
1947/100011 Perth Green Peter Mellamby Male Hollingsworth Edna Female Claremont
1947/100011 Perth Hollingsworth Edna Female Green Peter Mellamby Male Claremont
1947/100012 Perth Garner Norma Joan Female Manuel James William Male Claremont
1947/100012 Perth Manuel James William Male Garner Norma Joan Female Claremont
1947/100013 Perth Christian John James Male Townsend Aileen May Female Cottesloe
1947/100013 Perth Townsend Aileen May Female Christian John James Male Cottesloe
1947/100014 Perth Darbon Joyce Constance Female Wilcox Bernard Male Perth
1947/100014 Perth Wilcox Bernard Male Darbon Joyce Constance Female Perth
1947/100015 Perth Damon Ernest Frank Male Francis Kaye Female Perth
1947/100015 Perth Francis Kaye Female Damon Ernest Frank Male Perth
1947/100016 Perth Finlay Molly Female Liddell Peter Frank Robinson Male Perth
1947/100016 Perth Liddell Peter Frank Robinson Male Finlay Molly Female Perth
1947/100017 Perth Bishop Anne Millicent Female Stevens James Warren Male Perth
1947/100017 Perth Stevens James Warren Male Bishop Anne Millicent Female Perth
1947/100018 Perth Perry Dorothy Joyce Female Smith Roy Kenneth Male Perth
1947/100018 Perth Smith Roy Kenneth Male Perry Dorothy Joyce Female Perth
1947/100019 Perth Wall Beatrice May Female Webb Ralph William Houlton Male Perth
1947/100019 Perth Webb Ralph William Houlton Male Wall Beatrice May Female Perth
1947/100020 Perth Graham Norma Gertrude Female Moore Hubert Male Perth
1947/100020 Perth Moore Hubert Male Graham Norma Gertrude Female Perth
1947/100021 Perth Bartlett William Henry Male Kelly Mildred Joy Female Perth
1947/100021 Perth Kelly Mildred Joy Female Bartlett William Henry Male Perth
1947/100022 Perth Challis Joan Elizabeth Female Pridmore Horace James Male Perth
1946/100022 Perth Harris David William John Male O'Connell Norah Margaret Female Perth
1946/100022 Perth O'Connell Norah Margaret Female Harris David William John Male Perth
1947/100022 Perth Pridmore Horace James Male Challis Joan Elizabeth Female Perth
1947/100023 Perth Peake Audrey Catherine Female Smith Aubrey Russell Male Perth
1947/100023 Perth Smith Aubrey Russell Male Peake Audrey Catherine Female Perth
1947/100024 Perth Demasson Mavis Lorraine Female Fitzsimmons Sydney Boyce Male Perth
1947/100024 Perth Fitzsimmons Sydney Boyce Male Demasson Mavis Lorraine Female Perth
1947/100025 Perth Bowley Laurence Male Gore Annie Female Perth
1947/100025 Perth Gore Annie Female Bowley Laurence Male Perth
1947/100026 Perth Daniels Betty Robson Female Lennell Edward John Male Perth
1947/100026 Perth Lennell Edward John Male Daniels Betty Robson Female Perth
1947/100027 Perth Norvell Marjorie Louise Female Scott Arnold Andrew Male Perth
1946/100027 Perth Parker Roland Male Teague Gertrude Sarah Female Perth
1947/100027 Perth Scott Arnold Andrew Male Norvell Marjorie Louise Female Perth
1946/100027 Perth Teague Gertrude Sarah Female Parker Roland Male Perth
1946/100028 Perth Keep Violet Irene Female King Percy Owen Male Perth
1946/100028 Perth King Percy Owen Male Keep Violet Irene Female Perth
1946/100029 Perth Bradley Percy Christopher Male Warman Roma Elizabeth Female Perth
1947/100029 Perth Reed Mary Mona Female Woods Vernon Male Mt Hawthorn
1946/100029 Perth Warman Roma Elizabeth Female Bradley Percy Christopher Male Perth
1947/100029 Perth Woods Vernon Male Reed Mary Mona Female Mt Hawthorn
1947/100030 Perth Bird Nancy Jean Female Lawrence Alfred George Male Mt Hawthorn
1947/100030 Perth Lawrence Alfred George Male Bird Nancy Jean Female Mt Hawthorn
1947/100031 Perth Brophy Shirley Fay Female Bruce Donald Male Mt Hawthorn
1947/100031 Perth Bruce Donald Male Brophy Shirley Fay Female Mt Hawthorn
1947/100032 Perth French Thomas Male Orth Kathleen Mona Female Mt Hawthorn
1946/100032 Perth Marshall Stella May Female Nicholls Frank Wallace Male Claremont
1946/100032 Perth Nicholls Frank Wallace Male Marshall Stella May Female Claremont
1947/100032 Perth Orth Kathleen Mona Female French Thomas Male Mt Hawthorn
1946/100033 Perth Hill John Macdonald Male Simpson Marion Ethel Female Perth
1947/100033 Perth Kinghorn Jean Nancy Female Long Peter Male Mt Hawthorn
1947/100033 Perth Long Peter Male Kinghorn Jean Nancy Female Mt Hawthorn
1946/100033 Perth Simpson Marion Ethel Female Hill John Macdonald Male Perth
1946/100034 Perth Cartwright Lillian Maude Female Doran Malachy Joseph Male Perth
1946/100034 Perth Doran Malachy Joseph Male Cartwright Lillian Maude Female Perth
1947/100034 Perth Hadfield Josephine Female Lewis Charles Carey Male Mt Hawthorn
1947/100034 Perth Lewis Charles Carey Male Hadfield Josephine Female Mt Hawthorn
1946/100035 Perth Brady Francis Augustine Male Hatfield Peggy Laurel Female Perth
1947/100035 Perth Butler Philip Male Whitlock Violet Elaine Female Mt Hawthorn
1946/100035 Perth Hatfield Peggy Laurel Female Brady Francis Augustine Male Perth
1947/100035 Perth Whitlock Violet Elaine Female Butler Philip Male Mt Hawthorn
1946/100036 Perth Canavan John Male Edgcumbe Dorothy May Female Maylands
1947/100036 Perth Carn Hesba Eileen Female Grimes Richard Dodington Male Mt Hawthorn
1946/100036 Perth Edgcumbe Dorothy May Female Canavan John Male Maylands
1947/100036 Perth Grimes Richard Dodington Male Carn Hesba Eileen Female Mt Hawthorn
1946/100037 Perth Carr Norman Robert Male Meyer Norma Celeste Female Inglewood
1947/100037 Perth London Arthur Stanley Male McLeod Constance Lillian Female Mt Hawthorn
1947/100037 Perth McLeod Constance Lillian Female London Arthur Stanley Male Mt Hawthorn
1946/100037 Perth Meyer Norma Celeste Female Carr Norman Robert Male Inglewood
1946/100038 Perth Burgess Etta Female Clark John Murray Male West Perth
1946/100038 Perth Clark John Murray Male Burgess Etta Female West Perth
1947/100038 Perth Coates Albert Henry Male Gandy Evelyn Female Mt Hawthorn
1947/100038 Perth Gandy Evelyn Female Coates Albert Henry Male Mt Hawthorn
1946/100039 Perth Elliott Harold Rupert Male Warrilow Catherine Rebecca Anne Female West Perth
1947/100039 Perth Kramer Louis Male Wilkie Frederika Karolina Female Mt Hawthorn
1946/100039 Perth Warrilow Catherine Rebecca Anne Female Elliott Harold Rupert Male West Perth
1947/100039 Perth Wilkie Frederika Karolina Female Kramer Louis Male Mt Hawthorn
1947/100040 Perth Lee John Edgar Male Wooller Lorna May Edith Female West Leederville
1947/100040 Perth Wooller Lorna May Edith Female Lee John Edgar Male West Leederville
1946/100041 Perth Bird John Barton Male Fogarty Sarah Joan Female West Perth
1947/100041 Perth Challen Robert Hugh Male Freeman Judith Isobel Anne Female Mt Lawley
1946/100041 Perth Fogarty Sarah Joan Female Bird John Barton Male West Perth
1947/100041 Perth Freeman Judith Isobel Anne Female Challen Robert Hugh Male Mt Lawley
1947/100042 Perth Davey Arthur Clive Male Kearsley Margaret Hellen Female West Leederville
1947/100042 Perth Kearsley Margaret Hellen Female Davey Arthur Clive Male West Leederville
1946/100043 Perth Grimbly George Leslie Philip Male Mooney Eileen Helen Female Subiaco
1946/100043 Perth Mooney Eileen Helen Female Grimbly George Leslie Philip Male Subiaco
1946/100044 Perth Kiddy Gladys May Female Watson Arthur Henry Male Perth
1947/100044 Perth Thelen Edward Alfred Male Thelen Jean Hilda Female Maylands
1947/100044 Perth Thelen Jean Hilda Female Thelen Edward Alfred Male Maylands
1946/100044 Perth Watson Arthur Henry Male Kiddy Gladys May Female Perth
1947/100045 Perth Gee Brian Joseph Male Kennett Verna Beryl Female Leederville
1947/100045 Perth Kennett Verna Beryl Female Gee Brian Joseph Male Leederville
1947/100046 Perth Cockburn Thomas Male Dawson Veronica Mary Female Leederville
1947/100046 Perth Dawson Veronica Mary Female Cockburn Thomas Male Leederville
1946/100046 Perth Paris Kenneth Lindsay Male Phillips Bessie Female Perth
1946/100046 Perth Phillips Bessie Female Paris Kenneth Lindsay Male Perth
1946/100047 Perth Babel Frank Alfred Max Male Jones Ethel Joyce Female Perth
1946/100047 Perth Jones Ethel Joyce Female Babel Frank Alfred Max Male Perth
1947/100047 Perth Sheridan Henry Leo Male Wilkinson Constance Gertrude Female Highgate Hill
1947/100047 Perth Wilkinson Constance Gertrude Female Sheridan Henry Leo Male Highgate Hill
1947/100048 Perth Auburn Joan Mavis Female Carr James Tasman Male Highgate Hill
1947/100048 Perth Carr James Tasman Male Auburn Joan Mavis Female Highgate Hill
1946/100048 Perth Giles Bernard Allan Male Tucker Betty Irene Female Perth
1946/100048 Perth Tucker Betty Irene Female Giles Bernard Allan Male Perth
1946/100049 Perth Hughes Gerald Male Watkins Edith Beryl Female Perth
1946/100049 Perth Watkins Edith Beryl Female Hughes Gerald Male Perth
1946/100050 Perth Allen Norma Jessie Female Craig Harold Farlow Male Claremont
1947/100050 Perth Byers Eileen Female Fane George Augustus Male Perth
1946/100050 Perth Craig Harold Farlow Male Allen Norma Jessie Female Claremont
1947/100050 Perth Fane George Augustus Male Byers Eileen Female Perth
1946/100051 Perth Griffiths Douglas Male Jackson Irene Lillian Female Subiaco
1946/100051 Perth Jackson Irene Lillian Female Griffiths Douglas Male Subiaco
1946/100053 Perth Jager Edna Annie Female Steel Herbert James Male Perth
1946/100053 Perth Steel Herbert James Male Jager Edna Annie Female Perth
1946/100054 Perth McCallum Barbara Florence Female Mitchell Leslie Male Perth
1946/100054 Perth Mitchell Leslie Male McCallum Barbara Florence Female Perth
1946/100055 Perth Bramich Roger Garfield Male James Ella May Female Perth
1946/100055 Perth James Ella May Female Bramich Roger Garfield Male Perth
1947/100058 Perth Gordon Monica Merle Female Grant William Gerard Male Victoria Park
1947/100058 Perth Grant William Gerard Male Gordon Monica Merle Female Victoria Park
1946/100058 Perth Martin Mary Flora Female Rees Edwin John Male Subiaco
1946/100058 Perth Rees Edwin John Male Martin Mary Flora Female Subiaco
1946/100059 Perth Willis William Male Wilson Jean Daphne Female Perth
1946/100059 Perth Wilson Jean Daphne Female Willis William Male Perth
1947/100061 Perth Bice Ray Male Sutton Elva Muriel Female Claremont
1947/100061 Perth Sutton Elva Muriel Female Bice Ray Male Claremont
1947/100064 Perth Graham Doris Female Webse Henry Atto Male Subiaco
1947/100064 Perth Webse Henry Atto Male Graham Doris Female Subiaco
1947/100065 Perth Bradley Christine Maggie Female Caro George Leslie Male West Perth
1947/100065 Perth Caro George Leslie Male Bradley Christine Maggie Female West Perth
1947/100066 Perth Cordell Edward Hillier Male Meyer Alice Edberg Female West Perth
1947/100066 Perth Meyer Alice Edberg Female Cordell Edward Hillier Male West Perth
1947/100067 Perth Jones Olivia Amherst Female Pritchard Edgar Raymond Hayward Male West Perth
1947/100067 Perth Pritchard Edgar Raymond Hayward Male Jones Olivia Amherst Female West Perth
1947/100068 Perth Nathan Lewis Isaac Male Robertson Shirley June Female West Perth
1947/100068 Perth Robertson Shirley June Female Nathan Lewis Isaac Male West Perth
1947/100069 Perth Jones Harry William Male Sims Elsie Annie Female West Perth
1947/100069 Perth Sims Elsie Annie Female Jones Harry William Male West Perth
1947/100070 Perth Bishop William Arthur Male Howe Williamina Elizabeth McKechnie Female West Perth
1947/100070 Perth Howe Williamina Elizabeth McKechnie Female Bishop William Arthur Male West Perth
1946/100071 Perth Bale Marjorie Winifred Female Eddy Albert James Bridges Male Perth
1946/100071 Perth Eddy Albert James Bridges Male Bale Marjorie Winifred Female Perth
1946/100072 Perth Gibson Caroline Kathleen Female Holland Arthur Male Perth
1946/100072 Perth Holland Arthur Male Gibson Caroline Kathleen Female Perth
1947/100072 Perth Hopkins Raymond John Male Robinson Dorothy May Female Rosalie
1947/100072 Perth Robinson Dorothy May Female Hopkins Raymond John Male Rosalie
1946/100073 Perth Ladner Rebecca Mary Female Pollock John Dunbar Male Perth
1946/100073 Perth Pollock John Dunbar Male Ladner Rebecca Mary Female Perth
1946/100074 Perth Humphreys-Grey Merle Female Morris Bruce Male Perth
1946/100074 Perth Morris Bruce Male Humphreys-Grey Merle Female Perth
1946/100075 Perth Jones Sheila Lorraine Female Stacey Percival Neville Male Perth
1946/100075 Perth Stacey Percival Neville Male Jones Sheila Lorraine Female Perth
1946/100076 Perth van Rijswijk Dirk Male Speed Gwendolyn Charlotte Female Perth
1947/100076 Perth Andrews Charles Henry Male Rosser Mary Joan Female Perth
1947/100076 Perth Rosser Mary Joan Female Andrews Charles Henry Male Perth
1946/100076 Perth Speed Gwendolyn Charlotte Female van Rijswijk Dirk Male Perth
1947/100077 Perth Day Leslie Allen Male Schofield Florence Day Female Perth
1946/100077 Perth Robinson John Male Sharman Isabel Ferguson Female North Perth
1947/100077 Perth Schofield Florence Day Female Day Leslie Allen Male Perth
1946/100077 Perth Sharman Isabel Ferguson Female Robinson John Male North Perth
1947/100078 Perth Coleman Roy Male Freudenberg Maureen Female Perth
1947/100078 Perth Freudenberg Maureen Female Coleman Roy Male Perth
1947/100079 Perth Baker Margaret Janet Vass Female Yates Maurice John Male Perth
1947/100079 Perth Yates Maurice John Male Baker Margaret Janet Vass Female Perth
1946/100081 Perth Mooney James Dean Male Theobald Mary Female Perth
1946/100081 Perth Theobald Mary Female Mooney James Dean Male Perth
1946/100082 Perth Hilton Florence Emily Female Hogg Edgar John Reginald Male Perth
1946/100082 Perth Hogg Edgar John Reginald Male Hilton Florence Emily Female Perth
1946/100083 Perth Jacobs Elizabeth Clare Female McGowan Neal John Male Perth
1946/100083 Perth McGowan Neal John Male Jacobs Elizabeth Clare Female Perth
1946/100085 Perth Hutchison Queenie Mary Female Nuttall Arthur Leslie Male West Perth
1946/100085 Perth Nuttall Arthur Leslie Male Hutchison Queenie Mary Female West Perth
1946/100086 Perth Craig Moreen Brenda Female Perron Lloyd Stanley Male Highgate Hill
1946/100086 Perth Perron Lloyd Stanley Male Craig Moreen Brenda Female Highgate Hill
1946/100087 Perth Evans Alan Charles Male Harps-Burt Rona Mary Female Mt Lawley
1946/100087 Perth Harps-Burt Rona Mary Female Evans Alan Charles Male Mt Lawley
1947/100087 Perth Norton Kenneth Charles Male Townsing Jean Female Perth
1947/100087 Perth Townsing Jean Female Norton Kenneth Charles Male Perth
1946/100088 Perth Hislop Mavis Bertha Female Oliver Richard Edward Male West Leederville
1947/100088 Perth Lawson Dora Amy Female Mileham Edward Martin Male Perth
1947/100088 Perth Mileham Edward Martin Male Lawson Dora Amy Female Perth
1946/100088 Perth Oliver Richard Edward Male Hislop Mavis Bertha Female West Leederville
1947/100089 Perth Cowley Joy Marguerite Female O'Connor Arthur Daniel Male Perth
1946/100089 Perth Laycock Norah Patricia Female Rodda Robert Percy Male Claremont
1947/100089 Perth O'Connor Arthur Daniel Male Cowley Joy Marguerite Female Perth
1946/100089 Perth Rodda Robert Percy Male Laycock Norah Patricia Female Claremont
1946/100090 Perth Jones Shirley Norma Female Townrow Malcolm Rex Male Claremont
1947/100090 Perth Nicholls William Maxwell Male Passmore Jean Ogston Female Perth
1947/100090 Perth Passmore Jean Ogston Female Nicholls William Maxwell Male Perth
1946/100090 Perth Townrow Malcolm Rex Male Jones Shirley Norma Female Claremont
1946/100091 Perth Burton Margaret Williamson Female Wotzko Laurence Geoffrey Male Mount Lawley
1947/100091 Perth Costello Sarah Eliza Female Stabe Joseph Albert Male Perth
1947/100091 Perth Stabe Joseph Albert Male Costello Sarah Eliza Female Perth
1946/100091 Perth Wotzko Laurence Geoffrey Male Burton Margaret Williamson Female Mount Lawley
1947/100092 Perth Greaves William Thomas Male Muncey Violet Female Perth
1946/100092 Perth Lawrence Joyce Queenie Female Richardson William Thomas James Male West Leederville
1947/100092 Perth Muncey Violet Female Greaves William Thomas Male Perth
1946/100092 Perth Richardson William Thomas James Male Lawrence Joyce Queenie Female West Leederville
1946/100093 Perth Clifford Benice Female Hocking Lloyd Lindley Male West Leederville
1946/100093 Perth Hocking Lloyd Lindley Male Clifford Benice Female West Leederville
1947/100093 Perth Robertson Thomas Arther Male Smith Elsie Gwendoline Female Perth
1947/100093 Perth Smith Elsie Gwendoline Female Robertson Thomas Arther Male Perth
1946/100094 Perth Kelly John James Male Richman Patricia Mary Female Bayswater
1946/100094 Perth Richman Patricia Mary Female Kelly John James Male Bayswater
1946/100095 Perth Murray Malcolm Graeme Male Randall Marion Murray Female West Perth
1946/100095 Perth Randall Marion Murray Female Murray Malcolm Graeme Male West Perth
1947/100096 Perth Grant Donald Sutherland Male Newton Florence Winifred Female Subiaco
1946/100096 Perth Kissaire Maureen Florence Female d'Arcy William Nowel Male West Perth
1947/100096 Perth Newton Florence Winifred Female Grant Donald Sutherland Male Subiaco
1946/100097 Perth Ewing Thomas Cowper Swan Male O'Donnell Jessie Female West Perth
1946/100097 Perth O'Donnell Jessie Female Ewing Thomas Cowper Swan Male West Perth
1946/100098 Perth Grose Leonard George Male Luly Esmae Beryl Female Leederville
1946/100098 Perth Luly Esmae Beryl Female Grose Leonard George Male Leederville
1946/100099 Perth Hooper Joan Mary Female Mateljan Joseph Male Osborne Park
1946/100099 Perth Mateljan Joseph Male Hooper Joan Mary Female Osborne Park
1946/100100 Perth Aylward Reginald Stanley Male Seager Noreen Elizabeth Female Perth
1946/100100 Perth Seager Noreen Elizabeth Female Aylward Reginald Stanley Male Perth
1946/100101 Perth Burmaz Barbara Female Vojvodich Petar Male Perth
1946/100101 Perth Vojvodich Petar Male Burmaz Barbara Female Perth
1946/100102 Perth Freeman Eileen Florence Female Ilett Raymond Male Perth
1946/100102 Perth Ilett Raymond Male Freeman Eileen Florence Female Perth
1946/100103 Perth Burbage James Herbert Male Clarson Pearl Violet Female Perth
1946/100103 Perth Clarson Pearl Violet Female Burbage James Herbert Male Perth
1946/100104 Perth Reddall Grace Cordell Female Sattell James Phillip Male Perth
1946/100104 Perth Sattell James Phillip Male Reddall Grace Cordell Female Perth
1946/100105 Perth Enkel Doreen Pamela Female Smith Kenneth William Male Perth
1946/100105 Perth Smith Kenneth William Male Enkel Doreen Pamela Female Perth
1946/100106 Perth Dillon Edna May Female Millard Leonard Male Perth
1946/100106 Perth Millard Leonard Male Dillon Edna May Female Perth
1946/100107 Perth Bussemaker Pieter Male Hall Verna Sydney Female Claremont
1946/100107 Perth Hall Verna Sydney Female Bussemaker Pieter Male Claremont
1947/100107 Perth Halls Robert Male Roles Joan Beryle Female West Aust
1947/100107 Perth Roles Joan Beryle Female Halls Robert Male West Aust
1946/100108 Perth Cook Dulcie Dorrimore Female Elverd Leonard Charles Male Perth
1946/100108 Perth Elverd Leonard Charles Male Cook Dulcie Dorrimore Female Perth
1946/100109 Perth de Bruin Klaas Leendert Male Cook Madge Virginia Female Perth
1946/100109 Perth Cook Madge Virginia Female de Bruin Klaas Leendert Male Perth
1947/100109 Perth Fraser Douglas Bruce Male Smith Rae Doris Female Nedlands
1947/100109 Perth Smith Rae Doris Female Fraser Douglas Bruce Male Nedlands
1946/100110 Perth Lethbridge Roma Florence Female Strempel Raymond Stanley Male Perth
1946/100110 Perth Strempel Raymond Stanley Male Lethbridge Roma Florence Female Perth
1946/100111 Perth Clancy John Roger Male Smeath Doris May Female Perth
1946/100111 Perth Smeath Doris May Female Clancy John Roger Male Perth
1946/100112 Perth Kennett Shirley Patricia Female Kubale Ronald James Male Perth
1946/100112 Perth Kubale Ronald James Male Kennett Shirley Patricia Female Perth
1946/100113 Perth Cook James Henry Male Hepburn Ruth Synnóve Female Claremont
1946/100113 Perth Hepburn Ruth Synnóve Female Cook James Henry Male Claremont
1946/100114 Perth Arnold Elaine Alma Female Laan Jacob Male West Perth
1946/100114 Perth Laan Jacob Male Arnold Elaine Alma Female West Perth
1946/100115 Perth Freeman Avril Dolores Female Wheelock Jack Logan Male Mt Lawley
1946/100115 Perth Wheelock Jack Logan Male Freeman Avril Dolores Female Mt Lawley
1946/100117 Perth Liston Isabella Louisa Female Powell James Alfred Male West Perth
1946/100117 Perth Powell James Alfred Male Liston Isabella Louisa Female West Perth
1946/100118 Perth Martyn Peggy Matilda Female Rudkin Robert Edwin Male Perth
1946/100118 Perth Rudkin Robert Edwin Male Martyn Peggy Matilda Female Perth
1946/100119 Perth Austin Jean Louise Female Paget Francis Michael Male West Perth
1946/100119 Perth Paget Francis Michael Male Austin Jean Louise Female West Perth
1946/100120 Perth Hawkins Doris Ena Hazel Female Kitcher Edward James Male Claremont
1946/100120 Perth Kitcher Edward James Male Hawkins Doris Ena Hazel Female Claremont
1946/100121 Perth Birch Sonia Chloris Female Tothill Peter Walter Roland Male West Perth
1946/100121 Perth Tothill Peter Walter Roland Male Birch Sonia Chloris Female West Perth
1946/100122 Perth Phillipson Stanley Male Royall Eva May Female West Perth
1946/100122 Perth Royall Eva May Female Phillipson Stanley Male West Perth
1946/100123 Perth Cometti Mary Female Miles James Frederick Male Perth
1946/100123 Perth Miles James Frederick Male Cometti Mary Female Perth
1946/100124 Perth Javaras John Male Parker Mabel Florance Betty Female Perth
1946/100124 Perth Parker Mabel Florance Betty Female Javaras John Male Perth
1946/100131 Perth Bandera Antonio Male Horne Mildred Ethel Female Mosman Park
1946/100131 Perth Horne Mildred Ethel Female Bandera Antonio Male Mosman Park
1946/100133 Perth Drage Ethel Joyce Female Fagg Frederick Cyril Male Mt Hawthorn
1946/100133 Perth Fagg Frederick Cyril Male Drage Ethel Joyce Female Mt Hawthorn
1946/100134 Perth Lundy John Sinclair Male Martin Amy Violet Female Mt Hawthorn
1946/100134 Perth Martin Amy Violet Female Lundy John Sinclair Male Mt Hawthorn
1946/100135 Perth Keys Violet Mabel Ada Female Martin John Male Mt Hawthorn
1946/100135 Perth Martin John Male Keys Violet Mabel Ada Female Mt Hawthorn
1946/100136 Perth Dent Arnold Patrick John Male Whitton Olga Joy Female Mt Hawthorn
1946/100136 Perth Whitton Olga Joy Female Dent Arnold Patrick John Male Mt Hawthorn
1946/100137 Perth Coghlan Jasper Fredrick Male Miles Nellie Evelyn Female South Perth
1946/100137 Perth Miles Nellie Evelyn Female Coghlan Jasper Fredrick Male South Perth
1946/100138 Perth Mundy Shirley Joan Female O'Dwyer Robert William Male Perth
1946/100138 Perth O'Dwyer Robert William Male Mundy Shirley Joan Female Perth
1946/100139 Perth Cooper Marjorie Isabel Female Skippings William Vallance Male Perth
1946/100139 Perth Skippings William Vallance Male Cooper Marjorie Isabel Female Perth
1947/100140 Perth Bensky Goldia Female Rotstein Yigael Male Perth
1946/100140 Perth Dodemaide Jack Lawson Male Norcott Joyce Mary Female Shenton Park
1946/100140 Perth Norcott Joyce Mary Female Dodemaide Jack Lawson Male Shenton Park
1947/100140 Perth Rotstein Yigael Male Bensky Goldia Female Perth
1946/100141 Perth Porteus Olga Female Sullivan Cornelius Lawrence Male Claremont
1947/100141 Perth Stephens Francis John Male Wilkins Mavis Ivy Female Perth
1946/100141 Perth Sullivan Cornelius Lawrence Male Porteus Olga Female Claremont
1947/100141 Perth Wilkins Mavis Ivy Female Stephens Francis John Male Perth
1947/100142 Perth Coleman Eric Male Dickinson Thelma Female Perth
1947/100142 Perth Dickinson Thelma Female Coleman Eric Male Perth
1946/100142 Perth Holten Keith Edwin Male Quill Daphne Mavis Female Claremont
1946/100142 Perth Quill Daphne Mavis Female Holten Keith Edwin Male Claremont
1946/100143 Perth Katovich Ivy Female Ravlich Mate Male Perth
1946/100143 Perth Ravlich Mate Male Katovich Ivy Female Perth
1946/100144 Perth Boylan Josephine Valentine Female Byrom John Edward Male Perth
1946/100144 Perth Byrom John Edward Male Boylan Josephine Valentine Female Perth
1946/100145 Perth Croft Dorothy Female McKay Alphonso Male Perth
1946/100145 Perth McKay Alphonso Male Croft Dorothy Female Perth
1946/100146 Perth Elliott Gladys May Female Tsallis Anastasios Keriacules Male Perth
1946/100146 Perth Tsallis Anastasios Keriacules Male Elliott Gladys May Female Perth
1946/100147 Perth Gottsch Eric William Male Keith Beryl Joyce Female Perth
1946/100147 Perth Keith Beryl Joyce Female Gottsch Eric William Male Perth
1946/100148 Perth Critch John Francis Male Heffernan Frances Mabel Female Perth
1946/100148 Perth Heffernan Frances Mabel Female Critch John Francis Male Perth
1946/100149 Perth Batt Dulcie May Female Whitfield Robert Kenneth Male Perth
1946/100149 Perth Phillips Dulcie May Female Whitfield Robert Kenneth Male Perth
1946/100149 Perth Whitfield Robert Kenneth Male Batt Dulcie May Female Perth
1946/100149 Perth Whitfield Robert Kenneth Male Phillips Dulcie May Female Perth
1946/100150 Perth Bradford Catherine Elizabeth Female Newnham Leslie Henry Male Perth
1946/100150 Perth Newnham Leslie Henry Male Bradford Catherine Elizabeth Female Perth
1946/100151 Perth Anderson Sydney Godfrey Male Solly Dorothy Sarah Female Perth
1946/100151 Perth Solly Dorothy Sarah Female Anderson Sydney Godfrey Male Perth
1946/100152 Perth Bloomfield Pamela Iris Female Turton David Male Perth
1946/100152 Perth Turton David Male Bloomfield Pamela Iris Female Perth
1946/100153 Perth Duncan Allan Maurice Male Waddell Thelma Anne Female Perth
1946/100153 Perth Waddell Thelma Anne Female Duncan Allan Maurice Male Perth
1946/100155 Perth Arkell Peggy Mary Female Ellard Edward Male Maylands
1946/100155 Perth Ellard Edward Male Arkell Peggy Mary Female Maylands
1946/100156 Perth Duffy Enid Mary Female France William Lindsay Male Nedlands
1946/100156 Perth France William Lindsay Male Duffy Enid Mary Female Nedlands
1946/100157 Perth Curtis Arthur George Glindon Male Stewart Winifred Joyce Female Perth
1946/100157 Perth Stewart Winifred Joyce Female Curtis Arthur George Glindon Male Perth
1946/100158 Perth Dhu Madge Emily Female Morrison John Eric Male Nedlands
1946/100158 Perth Morrison John Eric Male Dhu Madge Emily Female Nedlands
1946/100159 Perth Meachem Beatrice Isobel Female Richardson Alexander Compson Male Perth
1946/100159 Perth Richardson Alexander Compson Male Meachem Beatrice Isobel Female Perth
1946/100160 Perth Dennis John Woodrow Male Scotland Patricia Thekla Female Nedlands
1946/100160 Perth Scotland Patricia Thekla Female Dennis John Woodrow Male Nedlands
1946/100161 Perth Firth Clare Female Lee Jack Allan Male Maylands
1946/100161 Perth Lee Jack Allan Male Firth Clare Female Maylands
1946/100162 Perth Kelman Muriel Jean Female Roberts Edward Albert Male Perth
1946/100162 Perth Roberts Edward Albert Male Kelman Muriel Jean Female Perth
1946/100163 Perth Dickie Dorothy Grace Female Johnston John Male Perth
1946/100163 Perth Johnston John Male Dickie Dorothy Grace Female Perth
1946/100164 Perth Doyle Emily Amelia Marion Female Walker Harold George Victor Male Perth
1946/100164 Perth Walker Harold George Victor Male Doyle Emily Amelia Marion Female Perth
1946/100165 Perth Leonard Kevin John Male Vivian Sylvia Lavinia Female Cottesloe
1946/100165 Perth Vivian Sylvia Lavinia Female Leonard Kevin John Male Cottesloe
1946/100166 Perth Stacey Muriel Josephine Female Thomas James Richard Male Perth
1946/100166 Perth Thomas James Richard Male Stacey Muriel Josephine Female Perth
1946/100167 Perth Barrow Grace Ellen Female Hallett Tom Herbert Male Perth
1946/100167 Perth Hallett Tom Herbert Male Barrow Grace Ellen Female Perth
1946/100168 Perth Cheng Ah Tai Female Hoy Goon Tam Male Perth
1946/100168 Perth Hoy Goon Tam Male Cheng Ah Tai Female Perth
1946/100169 Perth Lucev Christopher Milinko Male Petkoff Stella Female W Australia
1946/100169 Perth Petkoff Stella Female Lucev Christopher Milinko Male W Australia
1946/100170 Perth Rettig Mary Jean Gertrude Female Sheppard Francis Albert Male West Aust
1946/100170 Perth Sheppard Francis Albert Male Rettig Mary Jean Gertrude Female West Aust
1946/100171 Perth Iles Gordon Henry Male Kilner Pattie Jenkyn Female Perth
1946/100171 Perth Kilner Pattie Jenkyn Female Iles Gordon Henry Male Perth
1946/100172 Perth Harmer Joan Elsie Female McNess Arnold Male Subiaco
1946/100172 Perth McNess Arnold Male Harmer Joan Elsie Female Subiaco
1946/100173 Perth Wood Thomas Ashton Male Wroth Helen Claire Female Perth
1946/100173 Perth Wroth Helen Claire Female Wood Thomas Ashton Male Perth
1946/100174 Perth Gaitskell William John Male Kinnane Bettina Olive Female Perth
1946/100174 Perth Kinnane Bettina Olive Female Gaitskell William John Male Perth
1946/100175 Perth Holt Freda Rose Female Thompson Robert Meredith Male Perth
1946/100175 Perth Thompson Robert Meredith Male Holt Freda Rose Female Perth
1946/100176 Perth Upham Dorothy Gladys Female Williams Harry Male Victoria Park
1946/100176 Perth Williams Harry Male Upham Dorothy Gladys Female Victoria Park
1946/100177 Perth Ginbey Jef Male Waterman Bessie Muriel Female Victoria Park
1946/100177 Perth Waterman Bessie Muriel Female Ginbey Jef Male Victoria Park
1946/100178 Perth Jones Frederick William Male Morris Thelma Rose Female Victoria Park
1946/100178 Perth Morris Thelma Rose Female Jones Frederick William Male Victoria Park
1946/100179 Perth Bride Ethel Irene Female Davis Edgar Albert Male Perth
1946/100179 Perth Davis Edgar Albert Male Bride Ethel Irene Female Perth
1946/100180 Perth Anderson Marie Regina May Female Ridley Thomas Alexander Male Perth
1946/100180 Perth Ridley Thomas Alexander Male Anderson Marie Regina May Female Perth
1946/100181 Perth Bird Albert Ernest Male Mawer Hazel Isabel Female Perth
1946/100181 Perth Mawer Hazel Isabel Female Bird Albert Ernest Male Perth
1946/100182 Perth Avery Colin Keith Male Port Rosa Amelia Female Perth
1946/100182 Perth Port Rosa Amelia Female Avery Colin Keith Male Perth
1946/100183 Perth Caporn Rona Isadora Female Wedgwood William Henry Male Maylands
1946/100183 Perth Wedgwood William Henry Male Caporn Rona Isadora Female Maylands
1946/100184 Perth Lethlean John Munro Male Meyer Margaret Joan Female Perth
1946/100184 Perth Meyer Margaret Joan Female Lethlean John Munro Male Perth
1946/100185 Perth Dowling Robert Arthur Male Latham Mary Female Subiaco
1946/100185 Perth Latham Mary Female Dowling Robert Arthur Male Subiaco
1946/100186 Perth Burns Alice Ruth Female Marshall William Alfred Male Perth
1947/100186 Perth King Norma Amelia Female Nicholls Laurence John Male Osborne Park
1946/100186 Perth Marshall William Alfred Male Burns Alice Ruth Female Perth
1947/100186 Perth Nicholls Laurence John Male King Norma Amelia Female Osborne Park
1946/100187 Perth Farley Richard James Male Weston Dorothy Joyce Female Perth
1947/100187 Perth Mannion John Earle Ivan Male Nancarrow Dorothy May Female Mt Hawthorn
1947/100187 Perth Nancarrow Dorothy May Female Mannion John Earle Ivan Male Mt Hawthorn
1946/100187 Perth Weston Dorothy Joyce Female Farley Richard James Male Perth
1946/100188 Perth Derham Oliver Cyril Male Parker Una Myrtle Female Perth
1946/100188 Perth Parker Una Myrtle Female Derham Oliver Cyril Male Perth
1946/100189 Perth Head Leslie Alfred Male McEwan Esther Mary Female Mt Lawley
1946/100189 Perth McEwan Esther Mary Female Head Leslie Alfred Male Mt Lawley
1946/100190 Perth Hicks Ina Jean Female Stromquist Robert Eric Male Perth
1946/100190 Perth Stromquist Robert Eric Male Hicks Ina Jean Female Perth
1946/100191 Perth Endersbee Kingsley Charles Male Williams Flora Stirling Female Perth
1946/100191 Perth Williams Flora Stirling Female Endersbee Kingsley Charles Male Perth
1946/100192 Perth Forknall Frederick Charles Male Tongue Mavis Ethel Female Perth
1946/100192 Perth Tongue Mavis Ethel Female Forknall Frederick Charles Male Perth
1946/100193 Perth Godecke Frederick Thomas Male McBrearty Mary Catherine Female Perth
1946/100193 Perth McBrearty Mary Catherine Female Godecke Frederick Thomas Male Perth
1946/100194 Perth Burkett Genevieve Joan Howard Female Matthews Edgar Dudley Male Nedlands
1946/100194 Perth Matthews Edgar Dudley Male Burkett Genevieve Joan Howard Female Nedlands
1946/100195 Perth Bradley John Male Rogers Alma Joyce Female Mount Hawthorn
1946/100195 Perth Rogers Alma Joyce Female Bradley John Male Mount Hawthorn
1946/100196 Perth Croxton Raymond Vincent Male Gobby Rita Isla Female Mt Hawthorn
1946/100196 Perth Gobby Rita Isla Female Croxton Raymond Vincent Male Mt Hawthorn
1946/100197 Perth Stidworthy Raymond Edward Male Taylor Beatrice Female Perth
1946/100197 Perth Taylor Beatrice Female Stidworthy Raymond Edward Male Perth
1946/100198 Perth Martin Henry Male Quinn Myrtle Irene Female Perth
1946/100198 Perth Quinn Myrtle Irene Female Martin Henry Male Perth
1946/100199 Perth Catania Gaetano Male Edwards Dorothy Agnes Female Perth
1946/100199 Perth Catania Jack Male Edwards Dorothy Agnes Female Perth
1946/100199 Perth Edwards Dorothy Agnes Female Catania Gaetano Male Perth
1946/100199 Perth Edwards Dorothy Agnes Female Catania Jack Male Perth
1946/100200 Perth Walker Olive Alice Female Willis Harold Edward Male Claremont
1946/100200 Perth Willis Harold Edward Male Walker Olive Alice Female Claremont
1946/100201 Perth Kardassilaris Spyros "G" Male Warke Kathleen May Female Perth
1946/100201 Perth Warke Kathleen May Female Kardassilaris Spyros "G" Male Perth
1946/100203 Perth Ashby Stephen Rayner Male Wiltshire Elsie Joan Female Cottesloe
1946/100203 Perth Wiltshire Elsie Joan Female Ashby Stephen Rayner Male Cottesloe
1946/100204 Perth Walker Josephine Female Wellard Harold George Male Cottesloe
1946/100204 Perth Wellard Harold George Male Walker Josephine Female Cottesloe
1946/100206 Perth Stokes Ronald James Male Turner Teresa Stella Female Perth
1946/100206 Perth Turner Teresa Stella Female Stokes Ronald James Male Perth
1946/100207 Perth Hamon Clarence Male Miles Mercy Maud Mary Female South Perth
1946/100207 Perth Miles Mercy Maud Mary Female Hamon Clarence Male South Perth
1946/100208 Perth Payne Edwin Francis Male Smith Phyllis Maud Female Perth
1946/100208 Perth Smith Phyllis Maud Female Payne Edwin Francis Male Perth
1946/100209 Perth Connor John Stanislaus Male Howson Letitia Doreen Female Perth
1946/100209 Perth Howson Letitia Doreen Female Connor John Stanislaus Male Perth
1946/100210 Perth Goodlet William Male King Shirley Melville Female Subiaco
1947/100210 Perth Hinchliffe Kenneth Henry Male Stuchbury Pauline Carmel Female Subiaco
1946/100210 Perth King Shirley Melville Female Goodlet William Male Subiaco
1947/100210 Perth Stuchbury Pauline Carmel Female Hinchliffe Kenneth Henry Male Subiaco
1946/100211 Perth Bettini Silvio Male Polinelli Olga Luigia Female West Perth
1946/100211 Perth Polinelli Olga Luigia Female Bettini Silvio Male West Perth
1946/100212 Perth Kakulas Stavros Angelo Male Pitsonis Evangelia Female Perth
1946/100212 Perth Pitsonis Evangelia Female Kakulas Stavros Angelo Male Perth
1946/100213 Perth Glasson Callena Constance Female Milner James Hamilton Male Mount Lawley
1946/100213 Perth Milner James Hamilton Male Glasson Callena Constance Female Mount Lawley
1946/100214 Perth Furfaro Domenico Male Rao Concetta Female Osborne Park
1946/100214 Perth Rao Concetta Female Furfaro Domenico Male Osborne Park
1946/100215 Perth Crocker Gladys Lilian Trixie Female Edwards Robert William Male West Perth
1946/100215 Perth Edwards Robert William Male Crocker Gladys Lilian Trixie Female West Perth
1946/100216 Perth Fisher Jean Female Harvey Lennard Eric Norman Male West Perth
1946/100216 Perth Harvey Lennard Eric Norman Male Fisher Jean Female West Perth
1946/100217 Perth Alleyn Joan Violet Jean Female Taylor Robert William Male Mt Hawthorn
1946/100217 Perth Taylor Robert William Male Alleyn Joan Violet Jean Female Mt Hawthorn
1946/100218 Perth Lovatt Edith Lizzie Female Palmer Charles Male Applecross
1946/100218 Perth Palmer Charles Male Lovatt Edith Lizzie Female Applecross
1946/100219 Perth Fletcher Thelma Jean Female Terry Ralph Henry Male Perth
1946/100219 Perth Terry Ralph Henry Male Fletcher Thelma Jean Female Perth
1946/100220 Perth D'Orsogna Gertrude Frances Female Papalia Giuseppe Male Perth
1946/100220 Perth Papalia Giuseppe Male D'Orsogna Gertrude Frances Female Perth
1946/100221 Perth Cantrell Jean Female Kendall Allen Male Perth
1946/100221 Perth Kendall Allen Male Cantrell Jean Female Perth
1946/100222 Perth Egan James Joseph Male Ward Phyllis May Female Perth
1946/100222 Perth Ward Phyllis May Female Egan James Joseph Male Perth
1946/100223 Perth Dragun Frank Male Naumovich Millie Female Perth
1946/100223 Perth Naumovich Millie Female Dragun Frank Male Perth
1946/100224 Perth Canton Henry Male Dicker Charlotte Annie Female Perth
1946/100224 Perth Dicker Charlotte Annie Female Canton Henry Male Perth
1946/100225 Perth Bom Lurlyne Sylvia Female Woods Eric Walter Male Perth
1947/100225 Perth Hasson Jack Male Smith Norma Ann Female Mt Lawley
1947/100225 Perth Smith Norma Ann Female Hasson Jack Male Mt Lawley
1946/100225 Perth Woods Eric Walter Male Bom Lurlyne Sylvia Female Perth
1947/100226 Perth Fielder George James Male McKenzie Jean Violet Female Mt Lawley
1946/100226 Perth Kanair Cyril Arthur Male Pettit Nora Veronica Joan Female Perth
1947/100226 Perth McKenzie Jean Violet Female Fielder George James Male Mt Lawley
1946/100226 Perth Pettit Nora Veronica Joan Female Kanair Cyril Arthur Male Perth
1946/100227 Perth Attenborough Marjorie Beryl Female Clowes Derek Male Perth
1946/100227 Perth Clowes Derek Male Attenborough Marjorie Beryl Female Perth
1946/100228 Perth Burdon Clifford Male Davis Nancy Josephine Female Subiaco
1946/100228 Perth Davis Nancy Josephine Female Burdon Clifford Male Subiaco
1946/100229 Perth Anderson Richard Walter Male Coyne Lilian Antoinette Female Subiaco
1946/100229 Perth Coyne Lilian Antoinette Female Anderson Richard Walter Male Subiaco
1946/100230 Perth Darke Leslie Sidney Male Miller Cecily Daphne Female Perth
1946/100230 Perth Miller Cecily Daphne Female Darke Leslie Sidney Male Perth
1946/100231 Perth Rance Keith Arthur Male Richardson Lorna Constance Female Perth
1946/100231 Perth Richardson Lorna Constance Female Rance Keith Arthur Male Perth
1946/100232 Perth Davenport Edward Male Fairhead Ruby May Female Perth
1946/100232 Perth Fairhead Ruby May Female Davenport Edward Male Perth
1946/100233 Perth Coomber Rose Edwina Dorothy Female Ferguson Peter Angus Male Bayswater
1946/100233 Perth Ferguson Peter Angus Male Coomber Rose Edwina Dorothy Female Bayswater
1946/100234 Perth Hunter-Gray Graham Douglas Male James Eileen Veronica Female Perth
1946/100234 Perth James Eileen Veronica Female Hunter-Gray Graham Douglas Male Perth
1946/100235 Perth Gapes Dorothea Teresa Female Nott Raymond Orange Male South Perth
1946/100235 Perth Nott Raymond Orange Male Gapes Dorothea Teresa Female South Perth
1946/100236 Perth Beste Frank William Male Westbrook Reay Anne Female Mt Lawley
1946/100236 Perth Westbrook Reay Anne Female Beste Frank William Male Mt Lawley
1946/100237 Perth Bleakley Edward Vere Tripcony Male Sands Lorna Female South Perth
1946/100237 Perth Sands Lorna Female Bleakley Edward Vere Tripcony Male South Perth
1946/100238 Perth Edwards Joy Margaret Levasseur Female Stenhouse Walter Meldrum Male Perth
1946/100238 Perth Stenhouse Walter Meldrum Male Edwards Joy Margaret Levasseur Female Perth
1946/100239 Perth Browne-Cooper Vera Spence Female Cuthbertson Henry Ronald Male Claremont
1946/100239 Perth Cuthbertson Henry Ronald Male Browne-Cooper Vera Spence Female Claremont
1946/100240 Perth Cutting Lewis Edward Male Martin Sheila Female Claremont
1946/100240 Perth Martin Sheila Female Cutting Lewis Edward Male Claremont
1946/100241 Perth Davies Margaret Mary Devereux Female Smith Owen Wynne Male Claremont
1946/100241 Perth Smith Owen Wynne Male Davies Margaret Mary Devereux Female Claremont
1946/100242 Perth Hughes Arthur Edward Male Munro Flora Female Perth
1946/100242 Perth Munro Flora Female Hughes Arthur Edward Male Perth
1946/100243 Perth Cadman James Alford Male Johnston Doris May Female North Perth
1946/100243 Perth Johnston Doris May Female Cadman James Alford Male North Perth
1946/100244 Perth Chance Iris May Female Midolo Charles Henry Male North Perth
1946/100244 Perth Midolo Charles Henry Male Chance Iris May Female North Perth
1946/100245 Perth Layton Stanley Herbert Male Taylor Irene Myrtle Female North Perth
1946/100245 Perth Taylor Irene Myrtle Female Layton Stanley Herbert Male North Perth
1946/100246 Perth Clifford Leslie Cowrieadow Male Watt Nellie Margaret Lawrance Female North Perth
1946/100246 Perth Watt Nellie Margaret Lawrance Female Clifford Leslie Cowrieadow Male North Perth
1946/100247 Perth Dale Joy Constance Female Hewitt Norman Richard Male Dalkeith
1946/100247 Perth Hewitt Norman Richard Male Dale Joy Constance Female Dalkeith
1946/100248 Perth Cargill Lillian Margaret Female Williams Colin Jack Male Victoria Park
1946/100248 Perth Williams Colin Jack Male Cargill Lillian Margaret Female Victoria Park
1946/100249 Perth Edwards Shirley Frances Female Oswald John Alexander Male Maylands
1946/100249 Perth Oswald John Alexander Male Edwards Shirley Frances Female Maylands
1946/100250 Perth Burgess Ethel Jane Female Voak Dennis Andrew John Male Highgate Hill
1946/100250 Perth Voak Dennis Andrew John Male Burgess Ethel Jane Female Highgate Hill
1946/100251 Perth Beilby Richard Courtney Male Halliday Agnes Joan Female Perth
1946/100251 Perth Halliday Agnes Joan Female Beilby Richard Courtney Male Perth
1946/100252 Perth Black Norma Jeanne Female Royle Sydney Bruce Male Nth Perth
1946/100252 Perth Royle Sydney Bruce Male Black Norma Jeanne Female Nth Perth
1946/100253 Perth Defrenne Arthur Joseph Male Farnham Betty Patricia Female Maylands
1946/100253 Perth Farnham Betty Patricia Female Defrenne Arthur Joseph Male Maylands
1946/100254 Perth Davis Ronald William Male Jessop Enid Norma Female Maylands
1946/100254 Perth Jessop Enid Norma Female Davis Ronald William Male Maylands
1946/100255 Perth Coote Noreen Ann Female Osborne Noel Hellyar Male Nedlands
1946/100255 Perth Ditchburn Noreen Ann Female Osborne Noel Hellyar Male Nedlands
1946/100255 Perth Osborne Noel Hellyar Male Coote Noreen Ann Female Nedlands
1946/100255 Perth Osborne Noel Hellyar Male Ditchburn Noreen Ann Female Nedlands
1946/100256 Perth Douglas Margaret Isabel Female Patterson George Ernest Male Nedlands
1946/100256 Perth Patterson George Ernest Male Douglas Margaret Isabel Female Nedlands
1946/100257 Perth Marriott Mervyn Walter Fred Male Tanner Shirley May Female South Perth
1946/100257 Perth Tanner Shirley May Female Marriott Mervyn Walter Fred Male South Perth
1946/100258 Perth Fox Geoffrey Wilton Male Grier Sylvia Elizabeth Female Subiaco
1946/100258 Perth Grier Sylvia Elizabeth Female Fox Geoffrey Wilton Male Subiaco
1946/100259 Perth Chapman Albert Samuel Male Morcombe Margaret Elsie Female Subiaco
1946/100259 Perth Morcombe Margaret Elsie Female Chapman Albert Samuel Male Subiaco
1946/100260 Perth Foster Wilfred Male Watson Neita Female Victoria Park
1946/100260 Perth Watson Neita Female Foster Wilfred Male Victoria Park
1946/100261 Perth Morey Lillian Ruby Female Waldock William Henry Male Perth
1946/100261 Perth Waldock William Henry Male Morey Lillian Ruby Female Perth
1946/100262 Perth Dann Harry Male Martin Phoebe Female Nedlands
1946/100262 Perth Martin Phoebe Female Dann Harry Male Nedlands
1946/100263 Perth Benjamin Leslie Norman Male Morgan Hazel Jean Female Perth
1946/100263 Perth Morgan Hazel Jean Female Benjamin Leslie Norman Male Perth
1946/100264 Perth Gough Rachel Female Nilsson Bert Clyde Male Perth
1946/100264 Perth Nilsson Bert Clyde Male Gough Rachel Female Perth
1946/100265 Perth Bartley John Robert Male Leckie Jane Connor Female Perth
1946/100265 Perth Leckie Jane Connor Female Bartley John Robert Male Perth
1946/100266 Perth Pritchett Jeanne Isabella Female Woodard Wendell Lloyd Male Perth
1946/100266 Perth Woodard Wendell Lloyd Male Pritchett Jeanne Isabella Female Perth
1946/100267 Perth Paton Agnes Haddow Female Swinn Sydney Male Perth
1946/100267 Perth Swinn Sydney Male Paton Agnes Haddow Female Perth
1946/100268 Perth Fradgley Barbara Jessie Female George Rowland Connolly Male Perth
1946/100268 Perth George Rowland Connolly Male Fradgley Barbara Jessie Female Perth
1946/100269 Perth Drabble Marcus Male Hugo Agnes Wilson Campbell Female Perth
1946/100269 Perth Hugo Agnes Wilson Campbell Female Drabble Marcus Male Perth
1946/100270 Perth Avins Kevin Robert Male Lloyd Ethel Margaret Female Perth
1946/100270 Perth Lloyd Ethel Margaret Female Avins Kevin Robert Male Perth
1946/100271 Perth Chivers Evelyn Ruth Female Gordon Alexander McCully Male Perth
1946/100271 Perth Gordon Alexander McCully Male Chivers Evelyn Ruth Female Perth
1946/100272 Perth Richardson Sylvia Isabelle Female Stevens Nelson Sydney John Male Perth
1946/100272 Perth Stevens Nelson Sydney John Male Richardson Sylvia Isabelle Female Perth
1946/100273 Perth Cream Shirley Joy Female Gaunt Roy Albert Male South Perth
1946/100273 Perth Gaunt Roy Albert Male Cream Shirley Joy Female South Perth
1946/100274 Perth Crossland Nancy Milroy Female Law James Male Subiaco
1946/100274 Perth Law James Male Crossland Nancy Milroy Female Subiaco
1946/100275 Perth Marron Gertrude Female Pini Guido Male Subiaco
1946/100275 Perth Marron Gertrude Female Pini Michael Male Subiaco
1946/100275 Perth Marron Gertrude Female Salmon Guido Male Subiaco
1946/100275 Perth Marron Gertrude Female Salmon Michael Male Subiaco
1946/100275 Perth Pini Guido Male Marron Gertrude Female Subiaco
1946/100275 Perth Pini Michael Male Marron Gertrude Female Subiaco
1946/100275 Perth Salmon Guido Male Marron Gertrude Female Subiaco
1946/100275 Perth Salmon Michael Male Marron Gertrude Female Subiaco
1946/100276 Perth Allingham Joan Female Thompson Ronald Ivan Male Perth
1946/100276 Perth Thompson Ronald Ivan Male Allingham Joan Female Perth
1946/100277 Perth Moyle Myola Jean Female Pitts Edward Stanley Male South Perth
1946/100277 Perth Pitts Edward Stanley Male Moyle Myola Jean Female South Perth
1946/100278 Perth Brown William James Male Hunter Mary Female Perth
1946/100278 Perth Hunter Mary Female Brown William James Male Perth
1946/100279 Perth Evans Leslie William Male Guy Lillian Mary Female Perth
1946/100279 Perth Guy Lillian Mary Female Evans Leslie William Male Perth
1946/100280 Perth Liddiard Leslie Preston Male Ward Sylvia Grace Female Perth
1946/100280 Perth Ward Sylvia Grace Female Liddiard Leslie Preston Male Perth
1946/100281 Perth McVea Daphne May Female Osborne Eric Male Perth
1946/100281 Perth Osborne Eric Male McVea Daphne May Female Perth
1946/100282 Perth Craig-Martin Alfred Male Gittos Eva Female Perth
1946/100282 Perth Gittos Eva Female Craig-Martin Alfred Male Perth
1946/100283 Perth Adamson Ian William Male Armstrong Mildred Kathleen Charlotte Female Claremont
1946/100283 Perth Armstrong Mildred Kathleen Charlotte Female Adamson Ian William Male Claremont
1946/100284 Perth Morrell Jessica Enid Female Morris Leslie Victor Male Claremont
1946/100284 Perth Morris Leslie Victor Male Morrell Jessica Enid Female Claremont
1946/100285 Perth Dodd Dorothy May Female Farkas Charles Laslo Male Claremont
1946/100285 Perth Farkas Charles Laslo Male Dodd Dorothy May Female Claremont
1946/100286 Perth Halliday Yvonne Female Steer Arthur Percy Male Claremont
1946/100286 Perth Steer Arthur Percy Male Halliday Yvonne Female Claremont
1946/100287 Perth Galloway Robert Male Moir Joyce Muriel Female Mt Hawthorn
1946/100287 Perth Moir Joyce Muriel Female Galloway Robert Male Mt Hawthorn
1946/100288 Perth Diamond Iris May Female Easton David Male Mt Hawthorn
1946/100288 Perth Easton David Male Diamond Iris May Female Mt Hawthorn
1946/100289 Perth Chambers Joseph Cornelius Male Wells Ellen Mary Female Osborne Park
1946/100289 Perth Wells Ellen Mary Female Chambers Joseph Cornelius Male Osborne Park
1946/100290 Perth O'Keeffe Mary Female Staniforth Fred Male Mt Hawthorn
1946/100290 Perth Staniforth Fred Male O'Keeffe Mary Female Mt Hawthorn
1946/100291 Perth Glew Iris Irma Female Shuttleworth Thomas Dan Male Mt Hawthorn
1946/100291 Perth Shuttleworth Thomas Dan Male Glew Iris Irma Female Mt Hawthorn
1946/100292 Perth Bunyan Edna May Female Jenkins Thomas King Male Mt Hawthorn
1946/100292 Perth Jenkins Thomas King Male Bunyan Edna May Female Mt Hawthorn
1946/100293 Perth Rhodes Violet Nell Female Sugg Walter Thomas Male Mt Hawthorn
1946/100293 Perth Sugg Walter Thomas Male Rhodes Violet Nell Female Mt Hawthorn
1946/100294 Perth Butler Patricia Marion Female Howard Edwin Wayne Male Mt Hawthorn
1946/100294 Perth Howard Edwin Wayne Male Butler Patricia Marion Female Mt Hawthorn
1946/100295 Perth Crawford Doris Female Winter Jack Hugh Male Mt Hawthorn
1946/100295 Perth Winter Jack Hugh Male Crawford Doris Female Mt Hawthorn
1946/100296 Perth Godfrey Winnifred Mary Female Maxwell Frederick John Leonard Male Mt Hawthorn
1946/100296 Perth Maxwell Frederick John Leonard Male Godfrey Winnifred Mary Female Mt Hawthorn
1946/100297 Perth Pilkington June Marie Female Poole Louis Macklin Male Mt Hawthorn
1946/100297 Perth Poole Louis Macklin Male Pilkington June Marie Female Mt Hawthorn
1946/100298 Perth Standen Winifred Alice Female Wilkinson Eric William Male Mt Hawthorn
1946/100298 Perth Wilkinson Eric William Male Standen Winifred Alice Female Mt Hawthorn
1946/100299 Perth Fenner Roy Male Perejuan Anne Ivy Female Mt Hawthorn
1946/100299 Perth Perejuan Anne Ivy Female Fenner Roy Male Mt Hawthorn
1946/100300 Perth Lee Ethel Ena Female Miller Aubrey Raymond Male Mt Hawthorn
1946/100300 Perth Miller Aubrey Raymond Male Lee Ethel Ena Female Mt Hawthorn
1946/100301 Perth Turner Elizabeth Ann Female York Lewis Arthur Male Mt Hawthorn
1946/100301 Perth York Lewis Arthur Male Turner Elizabeth Ann Female Mt Hawthorn
1946/100302 Perth Hanrahan John Claude Male Thompson Margaret Anne Female Maylands
1946/100302 Perth Thompson Margaret Anne Female Hanrahan John Claude Male Maylands
1946/100303 Perth Quake Hilda Lora Female Winter Walter Victor Male Perth
1946/100303 Perth Winter Walter Victor Male Quake Hilda Lora Female Perth
1946/100304 Perth Christensen Bryan Elwes Male O'Brien Rhoda Kathleen Female Perth
1946/100304 Perth O'Brien Rhoda Kathleen Female Christensen Bryan Elwes Male Perth
1946/100305 Perth Ashby Percival Francis Male Borchard Elaine Myrtle Female Mt Lawley
1946/100305 Perth Borchard Elaine Myrtle Female Ashby Percival Francis Male Mt Lawley
1946/100306 Perth Perry Thomas Elwyn Male Schilling Eileen Female Perth
1946/100306 Perth Schilling Eileen Female Perry Thomas Elwyn Male Perth
1946/100307 Perth Brazell Florence Gardner Female Thompson David Male Forrest Park Methodist Church
1946/100307 Perth Thompson David Male Brazell Florence Gardner Female Forrest Park Methodist Church
1946/100308 Perth O'Farrell Amy Teresa Female Pottier Victor Alexander Male Perth
1946/100308 Perth Pottier Victor Alexander Male O'Farrell Amy Teresa Female Perth
1946/100309 Perth Hallett Eva Eileen Female Trott James Male Perth
1946/100309 Perth Trott James Male Hallett Eva Eileen Female Perth
1946/100310 Perth Anderson Lindsay Armstrong Male Rodoreda Sheila Mercia Female Claremont
1946/100310 Perth Rodoreda Sheila Mercia Female Anderson Lindsay Armstrong Male Claremont
1946/100311 Perth Millington Keven Richard Male Moore Jessie Warnock Female Victoria Park
1946/100311 Perth Moore Jessie Warnock Female Millington Keven Richard Male Victoria Park
1946/100312 Perth Endersby Alexander John Male Endersby Joyce Aileen Female Perth
1946/100312 Perth Endersby Joyce Aileen Female Endersby Alexander John Male Perth
1946/100313 Perth Fletcher Cyril Samuel Male Miller Clare Female Perth
1946/100313 Perth Miller Clare Female Fletcher Cyril Samuel Male Perth
1946/100314 Perth Angove Beatrice Eva Female McGlade Sidney William George Male Perth
1946/100314 Perth McGlade Sidney William George Male Angove Beatrice Eva Female Perth
1946/100315 Perth Hanson Albert Edward Male Richmond Dorothy Irene Female West Perth
1946/100315 Perth Richmond Dorothy Irene Female Hanson Albert Edward Male West Perth
1946/100316 Perth Denny Sheila Constance Female Millar James Rex Male West Perth
1946/100316 Perth Millar James Rex Male Denny Sheila Constance Female West Perth
1946/100317 Perth Bryant Bruce Benjamin Male MacLeod Alastair Jean Female West Perth
1946/100317 Perth MacLeod Alastair Jean Female Bryant Bruce Benjamin Male West Perth
1946/100318 Perth Anderson Harry Ross Male Chase Susette Daphne Walcott Female West Perth
1946/100318 Perth Chase Susette Daphne Walcott Female Anderson Harry Ross Male West Perth
1946/100319 Perth Luder Earnest Herman Male Sholl June Female West Perth
1946/100319 Perth Sholl June Female Luder Earnest Herman Male West Perth
1946/100320 Perth Fowler Lindsay Herbert Male Knight Ethel Courthope Female West Perth
1946/100320 Perth Knight Ethel Courthope Female Fowler Lindsay Herbert Male West Perth
1946/100321 Perth Francisco Bertha Mercia Female Reeves John Julius Male Highgate Hill
1946/100321 Perth Reeves John Julius Male Francisco Bertha Mercia Female Highgate Hill
1946/100322 Perth Gray Agnes Female Kay Henry Male Highgate Hill
1946/100322 Perth Kay Henry Male Gray Agnes Female Highgate Hill
1946/100323 Perth Crisafulli Lucy Madeline Female Torre Carmelo Male West Perth
1946/100323 Perth Torre Carmelo Male Crisafulli Lucy Madeline Female West Perth
1946/100324 Perth Circosta Isidoro Antonio Male Lopes Angelina Female Osborne Park
1946/100324 Perth Lopes Angelina Female Circosta Isidoro Antonio Male Osborne Park
1946/100325 Perth Holyoak Gladys Joyce Female Price Frederick William Male West Leederville
1946/100325 Perth Price Frederick William Male Holyoak Gladys Joyce Female West Leederville
1946/100326 Perth Buck Orpheus Christopher Male Davis Daphne Lorna Female Cottesloe
1946/100326 Perth Davis Daphne Lorna Female Buck Orpheus Christopher Male Cottesloe
1946/100327 Perth Bell Frances Elizabeth Female Ryan Henry Terence Male Perth
1946/100327 Perth Ryan Henry Terence Male Bell Frances Elizabeth Female Perth
1946/100329 Perth Angus Charles Maria Male Western Erica Norma Female Perth
1946/100329 Perth Western Erica Norma Female Angus Charles Maria Male Perth
1946/100330 Perth Hicks Douglas Alfred Male Russell Ivy Winifred Female Perth
1946/100330 Perth Russell Ivy Winifred Female Hicks Douglas Alfred Male Perth
1946/100331 Perth Foyel Margaret Ethel Female Kempees Willy Male Perth
1946/100331 Perth Kempees Willy Male Foyel Margaret Ethel Female Perth
1946/100332 Perth James Avice Minnie Female Masson Charles Edward Male Perth
1946/100332 Perth Masson Charles Edward Male James Avice Minnie Female Perth
1946/100333 Perth Cooper Dorothy Female Wright Lionel Archibald Male Perth
1946/100333 Perth Wright Lionel Archibald Male Cooper Dorothy Female Perth
1946/100334 Perth Hall Edna Female Moore Edward William James Male Perth
1946/100334 Perth Moore Edward William James Male Hall Edna Female Perth
1946/100335 Perth Dillon Patricia Female Taylor Kevin Richard Male Perth
1946/100335 Perth Taylor Kevin Richard Male Dillon Patricia Female Perth
1946/100336 Perth Thompson Alma Lucy Female Wilson William Male Perth
1946/100336 Perth Wilson William Male Thompson Alma Lucy Female Perth
1946/100337 Perth Goodin James Walter Male Marshall Irene Patricia Female Perth
1946/100337 Perth Marshall Irene Patricia Female Goodin James Walter Male Perth
1946/100338 Perth Hazell Doreen Joan Female Whitfort William James Male Victoria Park
1946/100338 Perth Whitfort William James Male Hazell Doreen Joan Female Victoria Park
1946/100340 Perth Long Margaret Female Parkin Arthur William Albert Male Perth
1946/100340 Perth Parkin Arthur William Albert Male Long Margaret Female Perth
1946/100341 Perth Kemple Myra Edith Female Rogers Herbert William Joseph Male Perth
1946/100341 Perth Rogers Herbert William Joseph Male Kemple Myra Edith Female Perth
1946/100342 Perth Kelly Merle Female Wagland Edward Thomas Male Perth
1946/100342 Perth Wagland Edward Thomas Male Kelly Merle Female Perth
1946/100343 Perth Simpson Agnes Collins Female Speksnijder Abram Male Perth
1946/100343 Perth Speksnijder Abram Male Simpson Agnes Collins Female Perth
1946/100344 Perth Green Margaret Female Hart Samuel Male East Perth
1946/100344 Perth Hart Samuel Male Green Margaret Female East Perth
1946/100345 Perth Clarke Phillip John Male Smith Peggy Lynda Female Perth
1946/100345 Perth Smith Peggy Lynda Female Clarke Phillip John Male Perth
1946/100346 Perth Annetts Raymond Male Humphreys Ethel Female West Perth
1946/100346 Perth Humphreys Ethel Female Annetts Raymond Male West Perth
1946/100347 Perth Griffin Joan Female Williams Allen Edward Male Perth
1946/100347 Perth Williams Allen Edward Male Griffin Joan Female Perth
1946/100348 Perth Bates Edward Nimrod Male George May Eldred Female Perth
1946/100348 Perth George May Eldred Female Bates Edward Nimrod Male Perth
1946/100349 Perth Wheeler Noel Male Wyatt Dorothy Lillian Female Perth
1946/100349 Perth Wyatt Dorothy Lillian Female Wheeler Noel Male Perth
1946/100350 Perth Colyer Rita Edith Female Hicks Arthur Robert Male West Perth
1946/100350 Perth Hicks Arthur Robert Male Colyer Rita Edith Female West Perth
1946/100351 Perth Bond Bruce Ernest Male Gibson Jill Huddart Female Mt Hawthorn
1946/100351 Perth Gibson Jill Huddart Female Bond Bruce Ernest Male Mt Hawthorn
1946/100352 Perth Burke Kevin Male Hale Elizabeth Ella Hester Female Mt Hawthorn
1946/100352 Perth Hale Elizabeth Ella Hester Female Burke Kevin Male Mt Hawthorn
1946/100353 Perth Freestone Ernest Frank Male O'Malley Clodagh May Female Mt Hawthorn
1946/100353 Perth O'Malley Clodagh May Female Freestone Ernest Frank Male Mt Hawthorn
1946/100354 Perth Renshaw Carl Arthur Male Westcott Nellie Armistice Female Mt Hawthorn
1946/100354 Perth Westcott Nellie Armistice Female Renshaw Carl Arthur Male Mt Hawthorn
1946/100355 Perth Kennedy Donald Hume Male McLean Isabel Douglas Female Mt Hawthorn
1946/100355 Perth McLean Isabel Douglas Female Kennedy Donald Hume Male Mt Hawthorn
1946/100356 Perth Day Jane Female Hart George Joseph Male Mt Hawthorn
1946/100356 Perth Hart George Joseph Male Day Jane Female Mt Hawthorn
1946/100357 Perth Davies Leslie Mervyn Male Wynne Olive Mary Female Mt Hawthorn
1946/100357 Perth Wynne Olive Mary Female Davies Leslie Mervyn Male Mt Hawthorn
1946/100358 Perth Henley Raymond Frederick Male James Betty Irene Female Subiaco
1946/100358 Perth Henley Raymond Frederick Male James Elizabeth Irene Female Subiaco
1946/100358 Perth Henley Raymond Frederick Male Lemar Betty Irene Female Subiaco
1946/100358 Perth Henley Raymond Frederick Male Lemar Elizabeth Irene Female Subiaco
1946/100358 Perth James Betty Irene Female Henley Raymond Frederick Male Subiaco
1946/100358 Perth James Elizabeth Irene Female Henley Raymond Frederick Male Subiaco
1946/100358 Perth Lemar Betty Irene Female Henley Raymond Frederick Male Subiaco
1946/100358 Perth Lemar Elizabeth Irene Female Henley Raymond Frederick Male Subiaco
1946/100359 Perth Farthing Amos John Male Harewood Lorna Margaret Female Maylands
1946/100359 Perth Harewood Lorna Margaret Female Farthing Amos John Male Maylands
1946/100360 Perth Kehoe Norman Edward Male Scott Winifred Joan Female Perth
1946/100360 Perth Scott Winifred Joan Female Kehoe Norman Edward Male Perth
1946/100361 Perth Johnston John Halliday Male Wilson Mavis June Female West Perth
1946/100361 Perth Wilson Mavis June Female Johnston John Halliday Male West Perth
1946/100362 Perth Looke Alma Sarah Female Matheson Maxwell Ivan Male Subiaco
1946/100362 Perth Matheson Maxwell Ivan Male Looke Alma Sarah Female Subiaco
1946/100363 Perth Burton Charles Alfred Male Williams Annie Elsie Female Subiaco
1946/100363 Perth Williams Annie Elsie Female Burton Charles Alfred Male Subiaco
1946/100364 Perth Fennell Hortin Arthur Male Keel Daisy Dorothy Female Perth
1946/100364 Perth Keel Daisy Dorothy Female Fennell Hortin Arthur Male Perth
1946/100365 Perth Castledine Ethel Female Pearson Donald Leslie Male Perth
1946/100365 Perth Pearson Donald Leslie Male Castledine Ethel Female Perth
1946/100366 Perth Collyer Viola Ellen Female Smith Reginald Stanley Male Perth
1946/100366 Perth Smith Reginald Stanley Male Collyer Viola Ellen Female Perth
1946/100367 Perth Dalziell Roma Female Kilpatrick Gordon Lawrence Male Perth
1946/100367 Perth Kilpatrick Gordon Lawrence Male Dalziell Roma Female Perth
1946/100368 Perth Hall Cyril Wilfred Male McCrackan Lynette Muriel Female Claremont
1946/100368 Perth McCrackan Lynette Muriel Female Hall Cyril Wilfred Male Claremont
1946/100369 Perth Haskey Peggy Female McNeill Percy Hassen Male Claremont
1946/100369 Perth McNeill Percy Hassen Male Haskey Peggy Female Claremont
1946/100370 Perth Donald Muriel Evlyn Female Wilson Henry John Male Claremont
1946/100370 Perth Wilson Henry John Male Donald Muriel Evlyn Female Claremont
1946/100371 Perth Cookson Frederick Roberts Male Firkin Olive Ethel Female Claremont
1946/100371 Perth Firkin Olive Ethel Female Cookson Frederick Roberts Male Claremont
1946/100372 Perth Ashbolt Lloyd George Male Potts Amelia Mabel Female Perth
1946/100372 Perth Potts Amelia Mabel Female Ashbolt Lloyd George Male Perth
1946/100373 Perth Bates Sylvia Linda Female Burford Walter George Male Perth
1946/100373 Perth Burford Walter George Male Bates Sylvia Linda Female Perth
1946/100374 Perth Hannaford Mildred Florence Female Marshall Roderick Douglas Fortescue Male Subiaco
1946/100374 Perth Marshall Roderick Douglas Fortescue Male Hannaford Mildred Florence Female Subiaco
1946/100375 Perth Patrick Elizabeth Penman Female Waldron Joseph Richard Male Highgate Hill
1946/100375 Perth Waldron Joseph Richard Male Patrick Elizabeth Penman Female Highgate Hill
1946/100376 Perth Barry Thomas Patrick Male Jones Madeline Edith Female Highgate Hill
1946/100376 Perth Jones Madeline Edith Female Barry Thomas Patrick Male Highgate Hill
1946/100377 Perth Doyle Ethel Mary Anne Female Willis John Gordon Male Highgate Hill
1946/100377 Perth Willis John Gordon Male Doyle Ethel Mary Anne Female Highgate Hill
1946/100378 Perth Cochrane Stanley Reginald Male Schubert Norma Jean Female Perth
1946/100378 Perth Schubert Norma Jean Female Cochrane Stanley Reginald Male Perth
1946/100379 Perth Smith Sheila Margaret Female Spence Alexander Lowe Male North Perth
1946/100379 Perth Spence Alexander Lowe Male Smith Sheila Margaret Female North Perth
1946/100380 Perth Duncan William Male Olsen Hazel Joan Female Perth
1946/100380 Perth Olsen Hazel Joan Female Duncan William Male Perth
1946/100381 Perth Chaplin Reginald Arthur Male Grigo Sylvia Margaret Female North Perth
1946/100381 Perth Grigo Sylvia Margaret Female Chaplin Reginald Arthur Male North Perth
1946/100382 Perth Godridge James Kenneth Male McKay Marion Female N Perth
1946/100382 Perth McKay Marion Female Godridge James Kenneth Male N Perth
1946/100383 Perth Cook Trevor Middleton Male Leach Pearl Female Maylands
1946/100383 Perth Leach Pearl Female Cook Trevor Middleton Male Maylands
1946/100384 Perth Gibbs Daphne Isabelle Female McCann John George Male Maylands
1946/100384 Perth McCann John George Male Gibbs Daphne Isabelle Female Maylands
1946/100385 Perth Giovinazzo Luigi Male Murley Clorence Florence Female Victoria Park
1946/100385 Perth Murley Clorence Florence Female Giovinazzo Luigi Male Victoria Park
1946/100386 Perth Fogliani Carmelo Male Lucchesi Eletta Female West Perth
1946/100386 Perth Lucchesi Eletta Female Fogliani Carmelo Male West Perth
1946/100387 Perth Jarvis Hazel Gloria Female Polkinghorne Ivan Leslie Male West Perth
1946/100387 Perth Polkinghorne Ivan Leslie Male Jarvis Hazel Gloria Female West Perth
1946/100388 Perth Pratley Thomas Mervyn Male Southworth Evelyn Jean Female Nedlands
1946/100388 Perth Southworth Evelyn Jean Female Pratley Thomas Mervyn Male Nedlands
1946/100389 Perth Gould John Charles Male Kay Gwendoline Bessie Female Perth
1946/100389 Perth Kay Gwendoline Bessie Female Gould John Charles Male Perth
1946/100390 Perth Kelm Ronda Emilie Female McNeill Neil Male Perth
1946/100390 Perth McNeill Neil Male Kelm Ronda Emilie Female Perth
1946/100391 Perth Elliott Edward Venn Male McKay Muriel Ina Female Perth
1946/100391 Perth McKay Muriel Ina Female Elliott Edward Venn Male Perth
1946/100392 Perth Dunn Patricia Nellie Female Heffernan John Ballidu Beresford Male West Perth
1946/100392 Perth Heffernan John Ballidu Beresford Male Dunn Patricia Nellie Female West Perth
1946/100393 Perth Lyons Raymond George Hamilton Male Mangan Kathleen Female Perth
1946/100393 Perth Mangan Kathleen Female Lyons Raymond George Hamilton Male Perth
1946/100394 Perth Brown Emily Gladys Female Leonard Walter Herbert Male Perth
1946/100394 Perth Leonard Walter Herbert Male Brown Emily Gladys Female Perth
1946/100395 Perth Clohessy Joyce Minnie Female McLean Bruce Gordon Male Perth
1946/100395 Perth McLean Bruce Gordon Male Clohessy Joyce Minnie Female Perth
1946/100396 Perth Davenfort Albert Roy Male Gallagher Kathleen Isabel Female Perth
1946/100396 Perth Gallagher Kathleen Isabel Female Davenfort Albert Roy Male Perth
1946/100397 Perth Joseph Alma Sylvia Ruth Female Thomson Eric Gerrard Male Perth
1946/100397 Perth Thomson Eric Gerrard Male Joseph Alma Sylvia Ruth Female Perth
1946/100398 Perth Daniel Laura Kathleen Female Payne Maurice Lindsay Male Perth
1946/100398 Perth Payne Maurice Lindsay Male Daniel Laura Kathleen Female Perth
1946/100399 Perth Cook John Ellis Male Gibb Marion Rae Female Perth
1946/100399 Perth Gibb Marion Rae Female Cook John Ellis Male Perth
1946/100400 Perth Campbell Stella Female Murray John Stuart Male Claremont
1946/100400 Perth Murray John Stuart Male Campbell Stella Female Claremont
1946/100401 Perth Hebbard Charles Francis Male Wilkins Violet Joan Female West Aust
1946/100401 Perth Wilkins Violet Joan Female Hebbard Charles Francis Male West Aust
1946/100402 Perth Bowra Joan Louisa Female Shackleton William Leslie Male Perth
1946/100402 Perth Shackleton William Leslie Male Bowra Joan Louisa Female Perth
1946/100403 Perth Cody Albert John Male Thomas Dorothy Beatrice Female Perth
1946/100403 Perth Thomas Dorothy Beatrice Female Cody Albert John Male Perth
1946/100404 Perth Krugell Francis Edward Male Patman Patricia Agnes Female Perth
1946/100404 Perth Patman Patricia Agnes Female Krugell Francis Edward Male Perth
1946/100405 Perth Stephens William George Male Wells Maude Lilian Female Maylands
1946/100405 Perth Wells Maude Lilian Female Stephens William George Male Maylands
1946/100406 Perth Coyle James Male Howard Mary Female Perth
1946/100406 Perth Howard Mary Female Coyle James Male Perth
1946/100407 Perth Boyle Lillian May Female Eves Allan James Male Perth
1946/100407 Perth Eves Allan James Male Boyle Lillian May Female Perth
1946/100408 Perth Allday Laura Nadia Female Lanigan Ronald Male Osborne Park
1946/100408 Perth Lanigan Ronald Male Allday Laura Nadia Female Osborne Park
1946/100409 Perth Meagher Eileen Female Smith Leonard Richard Male Osborne Park
1946/100409 Perth Smith Leonard Richard Male Meagher Eileen Female Osborne Park
1946/100410 Perth Bennett Brian Willis Male Fairs Violet Ruth Female Perth
1946/100410 Perth Fairs Violet Ruth Female Bennett Brian Willis Male Perth
1946/100411 Perth Beeck Barbara Female Dewar Louis Roy Male Perth
1946/100411 Perth Dewar Louis Roy Male Beeck Barbara Female Perth
1946/100412 Perth Cooper Bernice Evelyn Female Quarti Douglas Edward Cameron Male Perth
1946/100412 Perth Quarti Douglas Edward Cameron Male Cooper Bernice Evelyn Female Perth
1946/100413 Perth Gray Francis Owen Male Westphal Alice Minna Female Perth
1946/100413 Perth Westphal Alice Minna Female Gray Francis Owen Male Perth
1946/100414 Perth Snell Neil Bennett Male Taylor Roma Edna Female Mt Hawthorn
1946/100414 Perth Taylor Roma Edna Female Snell Neil Bennett Male Mt Hawthorn
1946/100415 Perth Gerrard Willis Male Meers Joy Female Perth
1946/100415 Perth Meers Joy Female Gerrard Willis Male Perth
1946/100416 Perth Newby Vera Female Roberts David John Male Claremont
1946/100416 Perth Roberts David John Male Newby Vera Female Claremont
1946/100417 Perth Bahrs Wilma Joyce Female Rudd John William Male Leederville Baptist Church
1946/100417 Perth Rudd John William Male Bahrs Wilma Joyce Female Leederville Baptist Church
1946/100418 Perth Bookham Laurence William Male French Dorothy May Female Nedlands Methodist Church
1946/100418 Perth French Dorothy May Female Bookham Laurence William Male Nedlands Methodist Church
1946/100419 Perth Rowlands Alan Robert Male Ryan Stella May Female West Perth
1946/100419 Perth Ryan Stella May Female Rowlands Alan Robert Male West Perth
1946/100420 Perth Gardiner William Martin Male Rose Esther Joan Female West Perth
1946/100420 Perth Rose Esther Joan Female Gardiner William Martin Male West Perth
1946/100421 Perth Beard Sheila Allison Female Simpson William David Pinnuck Male Perth
1946/100421 Perth Simpson William David Pinnuck Male Beard Sheila Allison Female Perth
1946/100422 Perth Oakes Albert Earnest Francis Male Smith Mabel Myrle Female Perth
1946/100422 Perth Smith Mabel Myrle Female Oakes Albert Earnest Francis Male Perth
1946/100423 Perth Herbert Henry Clemetson Male Peacocke Iris May Female Perth
1946/100423 Perth Peacocke Iris May Female Herbert Henry Clemetson Male Perth
1946/100424 Perth Dawson Catherine Elizabeth Female Gifford Harold Ross Male Perth
1946/100424 Perth Gifford Harold Ross Male Dawson Catherine Elizabeth Female Perth
1946/100425 Perth Gorman Sarah Ann Female Marland John Male Perth
1946/100425 Perth Marland John Male Gorman Sarah Ann Female Perth
1946/100426 Perth Dowell Jack Male Freestone Silvia Daphne Female Claremont
1946/100426 Perth Freestone Silvia Daphne Female Dowell Jack Male Claremont
1946/100427 Perth Levien Patricia Ann Female Treadgold Rodney Francis Male Claremont
1946/100427 Perth Treadgold Rodney Francis Male Levien Patricia Ann Female Claremont
1946/100428 Perth Cain Gwendolyn Muriel Female Gibson Athol Clifford Male Claremont
1946/100428 Perth Gibson Athol Clifford Male Cain Gwendolyn Muriel Female Claremont
1946/100429 Perth Hamilton Murray Trevor Male Morgan Nora Ann Delmar Female Claremont
1946/100429 Perth Morgan Nora Ann Delmar Female Hamilton Murray Trevor Male Claremont
1946/100430 Perth Manning Laurence Gordon Male Stokes Joyce Emmeline Female Perth
1946/100430 Perth Stokes Joyce Emmeline Female Manning Laurence Gordon Male Perth
1946/100431 Perth Cochrane Eric Douglas Male Johnston Dorothy Female South Perth
1946/100431 Perth Johnston Dorothy Female Cochrane Eric Douglas Male South Perth
1946/100432 Perth Campbell Beatrice Isobel Female Grayson John Stephen Male South Perth
1946/100432 Perth Grayson John Stephen Male Campbell Beatrice Isobel Female South Perth
1946/100433 Perth Bastian Irene Mavis Female Thomson Thomas Simpson Male Perth
1946/100433 Perth Thomson Thomas Simpson Male Bastian Irene Mavis Female Perth
1946/100434 Perth Bibra Errol Earlton Male Mettam Audrey Ellen Female Perth
1946/100434 Perth Mettam Audrey Ellen Female Bibra Errol Earlton Male Perth
1946/100435 Perth Blythe Olga May Female Ellis Edwin Thomas Male Perth
1946/100435 Perth Ellis Edwin Thomas Male Blythe Olga May Female Perth
1946/100436 Perth Martin William Murry Male White May Jean Female Perth
1946/100436 Perth White May Jean Female Martin William Murry Male Perth
1946/100437 Perth Hillary Lawrence Male Tester Joan Eleanor Female Perth
1946/100437 Perth Tester Joan Eleanor Female Hillary Lawrence Male Perth
1946/100438 Perth Freeman Doris Ellen Female Williams Edward Male Perth
1946/100438 Perth Williams Edward Male Freeman Doris Ellen Female Perth
1946/100439 Perth McAuslane Eunice Female Tyler Bruce William Male Perth
1946/100439 Perth Tyler Bruce William Male McAuslane Eunice Female Perth
1946/100440 Perth Bridger John Male Reid Elsie Female Perth
1946/100440 Perth Reid Elsie Female Bridger John Male Perth
1946/100441 Perth Allen Betty Female Williams Thomas Oscar Male Perth
1946/100441 Perth Williams Thomas Oscar Male Allen Betty Female Perth
1946/100442 Perth Ardagh Eric Arthur Male Reed Doreen May Female Perth
1946/100442 Perth Reed Doreen May Female Ardagh Eric Arthur Male Perth
1946/100443 Perth Emery Hubert Cameron Male Harris Freda Lillian Female Perth
1946/100443 Perth Harris Freda Lillian Female Emery Hubert Cameron Male Perth
1946/100444 Perth Howell Lester Male Morris Eveline Female Perth
1946/100444 Perth Morris Eveline Female Howell Lester Male Perth
1946/100445 Perth Reid William Clarke Male Ryan Hazel Elizabeth Female Perth
1946/100445 Perth Ryan Hazel Elizabeth Female Reid William Clarke Male Perth
1946/100446 Perth Coleman Lola Grace Female Fry Oscar Louis Male Perth
1946/100446 Perth Fry Oscar Louis Male Coleman Lola Grace Female Perth
1946/100447 Perth Atkinson Ruth Female Edwards Norman Milton Male Nedlands
1946/100447 Perth Edwards Norman Milton Male Atkinson Ruth Female Nedlands
1946/100448 Perth Bantock Kenneth William Male Pow Isabella Mary Drysdale Female Nedlands
1946/100448 Perth Pow Isabella Mary Drysdale Female Bantock Kenneth William Male Nedlands
1946/100449 Perth Fraser Ezme Adella Female Keightley Ernest Edmond Male Forrest Park Methodist Church
1946/100449 Perth Keightley Ernest Edmond Male Fraser Ezme Adella Female Forrest Park Methodist Church
1946/100450 Perth Copley Clive Wayne Male Sharman Alison Mary Female Perth
1946/100450 Perth Sharman Alison Mary Female Copley Clive Wayne Male Perth
1946/100451 Perth Hill Arthur Joseph Male Swan Gwendoline Ruth Female Perth
1946/100451 Perth Swan Gwendoline Ruth Female Hill Arthur Joseph Male Perth
1946/100452 Perth Currie William Henry Male Suarez Elvira Female Perth
1946/100452 Perth Suarez Elvira Female Currie William Henry Male Perth
1946/100453 Perth Calvert Louie Female Horsman Charles Francis Abernethy Male Perth
1946/100453 Perth Horsman Charles Francis Abernethy Male Calvert Louie Female Perth
1946/100454 Perth Markham Dorothy Female Smith Eli Robert Athol Male Perth
1946/100454 Perth Smith Eli Robert Athol Male Markham Dorothy Female Perth
1946/100455 Perth Gerarduzzi Sante Male Jeske Tilley Female Perth
1946/100455 Perth Jeske Tilley Female Gerarduzzi Sante Male Perth
1946/100456 Perth Downs Gwendoline Margaret Adams Female Tate Jack Male Perth
1946/100456 Perth Tate Jack Male Downs Gwendoline Margaret Adams Female Perth
1946/100457 Perth Johnston Brian Hugh Male Kalafatas Marjorie Elsie Female Perth
1946/100457 Perth Kalafatas Marjorie Elsie Female Johnston Brian Hugh Male Perth
1946/100458 Perth Klem Douglas Walter Male Peerless Mary Rose Female Mt Lawley
1946/100458 Perth Peerless Mary Rose Female Klem Douglas Walter Male Mt Lawley
1946/100459 Perth Montgomery Robert Charles Male Warner Muriel Eva Female Bayswater
1946/100459 Perth Warner Muriel Eva Female Montgomery Robert Charles Male Bayswater
1946/100460 Perth Gentelli Margaret Mary Female ONeill William Male Claremont
1946/100460 Perth ONeill William Male Gentelli Margaret Mary Female Claremont
1946/100461 Perth Ingham Howard Milton Robinson Male Sullivan Doreen Female Nedlands
1946/100461 Perth Sullivan Doreen Female Ingham Howard Milton Robinson Male Nedlands
1946/100462 Perth Amato Nicola Male Seragusana Maria Female Wanneroo
1946/100462 Perth Seragusana Maria Female Amato Nicola Male Wanneroo
1946/100463 Perth Firns Thomas Edward Male Monaghan Kathleen Day Female Mount Hawthorn
1946/100463 Perth Monaghan Kathleen Day Female Firns Thomas Edward Male Mount Hawthorn
1946/100464 Perth Bonner John William Male Hamer Isabella Female Perth
1946/100464 Perth Hamer Isabella Female Bonner John William Male Perth
1946/100465 Perth Caldwell Violet Catherine Female Doutch Sidney Bilton Male Perth
1946/100465 Perth Doutch Sidney Bilton Male Caldwell Violet Catherine Female Perth
1946/100466 Perth Fletcher Joyce Female Swift John Cecil Male Perth
1946/100466 Perth Swift John Cecil Male Fletcher Joyce Female Perth
1946/100467 Perth Edwards Garland Davies Male Spencer Shirley Margaret Female Victoria Park
1946/100467 Perth Spencer Shirley Margaret Female Edwards Garland Davies Male Victoria Park
1946/100468 Perth Morton Dorothy Thelma Female Varischetti Marten Male Perth
1946/100468 Perth Varischetti Marten Male Morton Dorothy Thelma Female Perth
1946/100469 Perth Harvey Rowena Drossan Female Howe John Patrick Male Perth
1946/100469 Perth Howe John Patrick Male Harvey Rowena Drossan Female Perth
1946/100470 Perth Bassett Dora Alice Female Bryson Allan Richard Male Subiaco
1946/100470 Perth Bryson Allan Richard Male Bassett Dora Alice Female Subiaco
1946/100471 Perth Clark Albert David Male Stewart Betty Mary Female Subiaco
1946/100471 Perth Stewart Betty Mary Female Clark Albert David Male Subiaco
1946/100472 Perth Green Audrey Ethel Female Williams Robert James Male Perth
1946/100472 Perth Williams Robert James Male Green Audrey Ethel Female Perth
1946/100473 Perth Bennett Phyllis Rowe Female Heinrich Mervan Edgar Male Perth
1946/100473 Perth Heinrich Mervan Edgar Male Bennett Phyllis Rowe Female Perth
1946/100474 Perth Palmer June Female Smith Joseph Reuben Male Perth
1946/100474 Perth Smith Joseph Reuben Male Palmer June Female Perth
1946/100475 Perth Butcher Ernest Alfred Male Hepworth Gladys Joan Female Perth
1946/100475 Perth Hepworth Gladys Joan Female Butcher Ernest Alfred Male Perth
1946/100476 Perth Kenmir Robert Henry Male Rogie Elsie Female Perth
1946/100476 Perth Rogie Elsie Female Kenmir Robert Henry Male Perth
1946/100477 Perth Tanner Sarah Louisa Female Vernede James Neville Ewart Male Perth
1946/100477 Perth Vernede James Neville Ewart Male Tanner Sarah Louisa Female Perth
1946/100478 Perth Farrell Hazel June Female Palmer Geoffrey Donald Male Perth
1946/100478 Perth Palmer Geoffrey Donald Male Farrell Hazel June Female Perth
1946/100479 Perth Grose Albert Franklin Male McNeil Jean Ellen Female Perth
1946/100479 Perth McNeil Jean Ellen Female Grose Albert Franklin Male Perth
1946/100480 Perth Beresford Valmai Villiers Female Thomas Geoffrey Ian Male West Aust
1946/100480 Perth Thomas Geoffrey Ian Male Beresford Valmai Villiers Female West Aust
1946/100481 Perth Hemley Norma Beatrice Female Hiller William Rex Male Perth
1946/100481 Perth Hiller William Rex Male Hemley Norma Beatrice Female Perth
1946/100482 Perth Firkin Norma June Female Quinn Cecil George Male Perth
1946/100482 Perth Quinn Cecil George Male Firkin Norma June Female Perth
1946/100483 Perth Newton Robert John Male Spinks Joan Kathleen Female Perth
1946/100483 Perth Spinks Joan Kathleen Female Newton Robert John Male Perth
1946/100484 Perth Bryan Shirley Mary Female Mortimore Charles William Male Perth
1946/100484 Perth Mortimore Charles William Male Bryan Shirley Mary Female Perth
1946/100485 Perth Hart Douglas Hughes Male Meers Elaine Female West Perth
1946/100485 Perth Meers Elaine Female Hart Douglas Hughes Male West Perth
1946/100486 Perth Carpenter Alica Male Edmunds Doris Lillian Female West Perth
1946/100486 Perth Edmunds Doris Lillian Female Carpenter Alica Male West Perth
1946/100487 Perth Hadden Ronald Trobridge Male Hine Hazel Maude Female West Perth
1946/100487 Perth Hine Hazel Maude Female Hadden Ronald Trobridge Male West Perth
1946/100488 Perth Bowdler Louisa May Female Wege William John Frederick Male West Perth
1946/100488 Perth Wege William John Frederick Male Bowdler Louisa May Female West Perth
1946/100489 Perth Larcombe Jack Robert Male Simpson Roma Joyce Female West Perth
1946/100489 Perth Simpson Roma Joyce Female Larcombe Jack Robert Male West Perth
1946/100490 Perth North Mavis Winifred Female Tolmie John Leslie Male West Perth
1946/100490 Perth Tolmie John Leslie Male North Mavis Winifred Female West Perth
1946/100491 Perth Dickinson John Male Overheer Heather Frances Loftus Female West Perth
1946/100491 Perth Overheer Heather Frances Loftus Female Dickinson John Male West Perth
1946/100492 Perth Fogarty Barbara Blanche Kathleen Female Payne Reginald Male West Perth
1946/100492 Perth Payne Reginald Male Fogarty Barbara Blanche Kathleen Female West Perth
1946/100493 Perth Bate Norma Winifred Female Gleeson John Daniel Male West Perth
1946/100493 Perth Gleeson John Daniel Male Bate Norma Winifred Female West Perth
1946/100494 Perth Dow Gwynneth Temple Female Pearce Joseph Male West Perth
1946/100494 Perth Pearce Joseph Male Dow Gwynneth Temple Female West Perth
1946/100495 Perth Coleman Edward Francis Male Truscott Thelma Jean Female West Perth
1946/100495 Perth Truscott Thelma Jean Female Coleman Edward Francis Male West Perth
1946/100496 Perth Robson Norman Hubert Male Warner Harriett Alice Female West Perth
1946/100496 Perth Warner Harriett Alice Female Robson Norman Hubert Male West Perth
1946/100497 Perth Martin Mary Lila Female Tanner Charles Alfred Male Perth
1946/100497 Perth Tanner Charles Alfred Male Martin Mary Lila Female Perth
1946/100498 Perth Davis Dorothy Theresa Female Hopper Francis Henry Joseph Male Perth
1946/100498 Perth Hopper Francis Henry Joseph Male Davis Dorothy Theresa Female Perth
1946/100499 Perth Gallager Kathleen Nathalia Female Mullins Albert Lewis Male Perth
1946/100499 Perth Mullins Albert Lewis Male Gallager Kathleen Nathalia Female Perth
1946/100500 Perth James Ethel Joan Female Saunders Robert James Johnston Male Perth
1946/100500 Perth Saunders Robert James Johnston Male James Ethel Joan Female Perth
1946/100501 Perth Carter Shirley Mary Female Long Raymond Francis Male Perth
1946/100501 Perth Long Raymond Francis Male Carter Shirley Mary Female Perth
1946/100502 Perth Mundy Hilda Emma Female Powell Ernest Male Perth
1946/100502 Perth Powell Ernest Male Mundy Hilda Emma Female Perth
1946/100503 Perth Evans Doreen Female Offord Thomas Elliss Male Perth
1946/100503 Perth Offord Thomas Elliss Male Evans Doreen Female Perth
1946/100504 Perth Brown Gwendoline Ida Female Robinson Desmond Leslie Male Perth
1946/100504 Perth Robinson Desmond Leslie Male Brown Gwendoline Ida Female Perth
1946/100505 Perth Abbott Francis Kenneth Male Greece Norma Joyce Female Perth
1946/100505 Perth Greece Norma Joyce Female Abbott Francis Kenneth Male Perth
1946/100506 Perth Goddard Harold James Male Read Irene Joy Female Perth
1946/100506 Perth Read Irene Joy Female Goddard Harold James Male Perth
1946/100507 Perth Cooper Constance Clare Female Sewell Rupert Lennard Male Perth
1946/100507 Perth Sewell Rupert Lennard Male Cooper Constance Clare Female Perth
1946/100508 Perth Johnston William James Male McKenzie Gloria Joyce Female Perth
1946/100508 Perth McKenzie Gloria Joyce Female Johnston William James Male Perth
1946/100509 Perth Murray Muriel Asmine Female Phillips Walter Bruce Male West Aust
1946/100509 Perth Phillips Walter Bruce Male Murray Muriel Asmine Female West Aust
1946/100510 Perth Blair Felice Rae Female Newland Walter George Male Perth
1946/100510 Perth Newland Walter George Male Blair Felice Rae Female Perth
1946/100511 Perth Hegney William Edward Male King Thelma Nellie Female Victoria Park
1946/100511 Perth King Thelma Nellie Female Hegney William Edward Male Victoria Park
1946/100512 Perth Hastie Desmond William Male Mazza Verna Augustus Female Victoria Park
1946/100512 Perth Mazza Verna Augustus Female Hastie Desmond William Male Victoria Park
1946/100513 Perth Howlett Arthur Edward Male Thackrah Ethel Mary Female Victoria Park
1946/100513 Perth Thackrah Ethel Mary Female Howlett Arthur Edward Male Victoria Park
1946/100514 Perth Blight Mabel Ada Female Percy Keith Charles Male Perth
1946/100514 Perth Percy Keith Charles Male Blight Mabel Ada Female Perth
1946/100515 Perth Moignard Philip Stanley Male Rowe Berenice Margaret Female Perth
1946/100515 Perth Rowe Berenice Margaret Female Moignard Philip Stanley Male Perth
1946/100516 Perth Axon Rose Amelia Female Cully Stanley Albert Keith Male South Perth
1946/100516 Perth Cully Stanley Albert Keith Male Axon Rose Amelia Female South Perth
1946/100517 Perth Isbister Robert Patterson Male Wyatt Joyce Frances Female Nedlands
1946/100517 Perth Wyatt Joyce Frances Female Isbister Robert Patterson Male Nedlands
1946/100518 Perth Carruthers Ella May Female Graeme Donald Terence Charles Male Perth
1946/100518 Perth Graeme Donald Terence Charles Male Carruthers Ella May Female Perth
1946/100519 Perth Merritt Vincent Frederick Simoni Male Stevens Muriel Bertha Female Perth
1946/100519 Perth Stevens Muriel Bertha Female Merritt Vincent Frederick Simoni Male Perth
1946/100520 Perth Blythe Ethel Joan Female Burridge John Clifford Male Mt Lawley
1946/100520 Perth Burridge John Clifford Male Blythe Ethel Joan Female Mt Lawley
1946/100521 Perth Levinson Felice Amelia Female Rickard Lionel Dudley Male Claremont
1946/100521 Perth Rickard Lionel Dudley Male Levinson Felice Amelia Female Claremont
1946/100522 Perth Brinkman Mary Willy Female Grollé Jan Male Claremont
1946/100522 Perth Grollé Jan Male Brinkman Mary Willy Female Claremont
1946/100523 Perth Leask George William Male Whittaker Thelma May Female West Perth
1946/100523 Perth Whittaker Thelma May Female Leask George William Male West Perth
1946/100524 Perth Armanton Jeanne Reneè Louise Annette Female Michel George Alexander Boyd Male West Perth
1946/100524 Perth Michel George Alexander Boyd Male Armanton Jeanne Reneè Louise Annette Female West Perth
1946/100525 Perth Brooks Alfred Mervyn Male Risden Mable Margaret Female West Perth
1946/100525 Perth Risden Mable Margaret Female Brooks Alfred Mervyn Male West Perth
1946/100526 Perth Gill Cecil Crews Male Northover Betty Christina Female West Perth
1946/100526 Perth Northover Betty Christina Female Gill Cecil Crews Male West Perth
1946/100527 Perth Campbell Margaret Caroline Female Robertson Mervyn James Male West Perth
1946/100527 Perth Robertson Mervyn James Male Campbell Margaret Caroline Female West Perth
1946/100528 Perth Grigg Valerie May Female Watt Arthur David Williamson Male West Perth
1946/100528 Perth Watt Arthur David Williamson Male Grigg Valerie May Female West Perth
1946/100529 Perth Armstrong Cecil Francis Male Vaughan Elsie Female Perth
1946/100529 Perth Vaughan Elsie Female Armstrong Cecil Francis Male Perth
1946/100530 Perth Glencross Hazel May Female Ninnis Valen Male West Leederville
1946/100530 Perth Ninnis Valen Male Glencross Hazel May Female West Leederville
1946/100531 Perth Clively Eric Max Male Hall Doris Mabel Female West Leederville
1946/100531 Perth Hall Doris Mabel Female Clively Eric Max Male West Leederville
1946/100532 Perth Litton Edna Mary Female Wheildon James Honrine Male Highgate
1946/100532 Perth Wheildon James Honrine Male Litton Edna Mary Female Highgate
1946/100533 Perth Lange Claude Male Swinnerton Constance Mary Female Highgate Hill
1946/100533 Perth Swinnerton Constance Mary Female Lange Claude Male Highgate Hill
1946/100534 Perth Charlesworth William Thomas Male Haynes Margaret Female Highgate Hill
1946/100534 Perth Haynes Margaret Female Charlesworth William Thomas Male Highgate Hill
1946/100535 Perth Egerton-Warburton Yexley Selina Female Roberts Gordon Maitland Male West Perth
1946/100535 Perth Roberts Gordon Maitland Male Egerton-Warburton Yexley Selina Female West Perth
1946/100536 Perth Ferrier George Gray Dixon Male Maddren Margaret Eileen Female Mt Hawthorn
1946/100536 Perth Maddren Margaret Eileen Female Ferrier George Gray Dixon Male Mt Hawthorn
1946/100537 Perth Moesman Gatoet Male Wilson Winifred June Female Mt Hawthorn
1946/100537 Perth Wilson Winifred June Female Moesman Gatoet Male Mt Hawthorn
1946/100538 Perth Thomson James Simpson Scott Male Wood Elsie May Female Mt Hawthorn
1946/100538 Perth Wood Elsie May Female Thomson James Simpson Scott Male Mt Hawthorn
1946/100539 Perth Davis Lilian Ethel Female Grant Duncan Peter Male Mt Hawthorn
1946/100539 Perth Grant Duncan Peter Male Davis Lilian Ethel Female Mt Hawthorn
1946/100540 Perth Hunter John Male King Kathleen May Female Mt Hawthorn
1946/100540 Perth King Kathleen May Female Hunter John Male Mt Hawthorn
1946/100543 Perth Allen Della Jessie Female Church William Edward Male Mt Hawthorn
1946/100543 Perth Church William Edward Male Allen Della Jessie Female Mt Hawthorn
1946/100544 Perth Day Henry Albert Male Russell Edna May Female Mt Hawthorn
1946/100544 Perth Russell Edna May Female Day Henry Albert Male Mt Hawthorn
1946/100545 Perth Hainge Edith Amy Female Lester Edward Male Mt Hawthorn
1946/100545 Perth Lester Edward Male Hainge Edith Amy Female Mt Hawthorn
1946/100546 Perth Le Page Veronica Mary Female Smith Joseph Matthew Dominic Male Leederville
1946/100546 Perth Smith Joseph Matthew Dominic Male Le Page Veronica Mary Female Leederville
1946/100547 Perth Austin Terence Ernest Male Curley Rita Veronica Female W Australia
1946/100547 Perth Curley Rita Veronica Female Austin Terence Ernest Male W Australia
1946/100548 Perth Cullity John Anglin Male Nash Helen Mary Female Perth
1946/100548 Perth Nash Helen Mary Female Cullity John Anglin Male Perth
1946/100549 Perth Allen Robert Stanley Male Stevenson Alice Annette Female Perth
1946/100549 Perth Stevenson Alice Annette Female Allen Robert Stanley Male Perth
1946/100550 Perth Briggs Donald Male Wells Winifred Mary Female Perth
1946/100550 Perth Wells Winifred Mary Female Briggs Donald Male Perth
1946/100551 Perth Mulcahy Margery Kathleen Female Phillips John Francis Male Perth
1946/100551 Perth Phillips John Francis Male Mulcahy Margery Kathleen Female Perth
1946/100552 Perth Clarke Margaret Ellen Female Wildy Laurence Albert Male Perth
1946/100552 Perth Wildy Laurence Albert Male Clarke Margaret Ellen Female Perth
1946/100553 Perth Douglas Elaine Freida Female Whittington Kenneth Selby Male Perth
1946/100553 Perth Whittington Kenneth Selby Male Douglas Elaine Freida Female Perth
1946/100554 Perth Aberdeen Kathleen Female Smith Colin Douglas Male Mt Lawley
1946/100554 Perth Smith Colin Douglas Male Aberdeen Kathleen Female Mt Lawley
1946/100555 Perth Abbott Charles Alfred Henry Male Henderson Jean Mary Female West Leederville
1946/100555 Perth Henderson Jean Mary Female Abbott Charles Alfred Henry Male West Leederville
1946/100556 Perth Moore Patricia Margaret Female Rawnsley Kenneth Male West Leederville
1946/100556 Perth Rawnsley Kenneth Male Moore Patricia Margaret Female West Leederville
1946/100557 Perth Gordon Betty May Female Guilfoyle Ronald Arthur Male West Perth
1946/100557 Perth Guilfoyle Ronald Arthur Male Gordon Betty May Female West Perth
1946/100558 Perth Stone Ethel May Female Tremain Cecil John Male West Perth
1946/100558 Perth Tremain Cecil John Male Stone Ethel May Female West Perth
1946/100559 Perth Arrowsmith Douglas Ross Male Page Helen Margaret Female West Perth
1946/100559 Perth Page Helen Margaret Female Arrowsmith Douglas Ross Male West Perth
1946/100560 Perth Moore Walter Lewis Male Waldeck Thelma Doris Female Perth
1946/100560 Perth Waldeck Thelma Doris Female Moore Walter Lewis Male Perth
1946/100561 Perth Daly Dorothy Female Gildersleeves William Ernest Male Perth
1946/100561 Perth Gildersleeves William Ernest Male Daly Dorothy Female Perth
1946/100562 Perth Joy Eileen Margaret Female Murray Louis McGuffie Male Perth
1946/100562 Perth Murray Louis McGuffie Male Joy Eileen Margaret Female Perth
1946/100563 Perth Hicks Stella Evelyn Female Tanner Douglas George Male Perth
1946/100563 Perth Tanner Douglas George Male Hicks Stella Evelyn Female Perth
1946/100564 Perth Dartnell William Charles Male Haines Eva Female Perth
1946/100564 Perth Haines Eva Female Dartnell William Charles Male Perth
1946/100565 Perth Cornell William Robert Male McAuliffe Rhoda Patricia Female Perth
1946/100565 Perth McAuliffe Rhoda Patricia Female Cornell William Robert Male Perth
1946/100566 Perth Damon Ronald Alfred Male Goddard Constance Female Perth
1946/100566 Perth Goddard Constance Female Damon Ronald Alfred Male Perth
1946/100567 Perth Bruhn Mavis Grace Female Welsh Bert Eric Harrison Male Perth
1946/100567 Perth Welsh Bert Eric Harrison Male Bruhn Mavis Grace Female Perth
1946/100568 Perth Hicks Evelyn Florence Female White Henry Charles Frederick Male Perth
1946/100568 Perth White Henry Charles Frederick Male Hicks Evelyn Florence Female Perth
1946/100569 Perth Cubbage Gladys Margaret Female Foggon William Randall Male Perth
1946/100569 Perth Foggon William Randall Male Cubbage Gladys Margaret Female Perth
1946/100570 Perth Jewson Audrey Lorraine Female Johnsen Kenneth Male Perth
1946/100570 Perth Johnsen Kenneth Male Jewson Audrey Lorraine Female Perth
1946/100571 Perth Allen William Henry Male Bell Daphne Alice Female Perth
1946/100571 Perth Bell Daphne Alice Female Allen William Henry Male Perth
1946/100572 Perth Krasnostein Lily Female Segal Solomon David Male Perth
1946/100572 Perth Segal Solomon David Male Krasnostein Lily Female Perth
1946/100573 Perth Cohen Berthe Frances Female Zeffertt Jacob Male Perth
1946/100573 Perth Zeffertt Jacob Male Cohen Berthe Frances Female Perth
1946/100574 Perth Bensky Jack Male Medalia Julie Female Perth
1946/100574 Perth Medalia Julie Female Bensky Jack Male Perth
1946/100575 Perth Vander Velde Lillian Ada Female Steinberg Matthew Male Perth
1946/100575 Perth Steinberg Matthew Male Vander Velde Lillian Ada Female Perth
1946/100576 Perth Sargent Effie Female Wilson John Thompson Male Perth
1946/100576 Perth Wilson John Thompson Male Sargent Effie Female Perth
1946/100577 Perth Leuzzi Jack Male Levings Gladys Frances Female Wembley Park
1946/100577 Perth Levings Gladys Frances Female Leuzzi Jack Male Wembley Park
1946/100578 Perth Hadfield Ralph William Male Whittington Grace Joan Female Victoria Park
1946/100578 Perth Whittington Grace Joan Female Hadfield Ralph William Male Victoria Park
1946/100579 Perth Kennedy Edward Vincent Male Washing Jessie May Female North Perth
1946/100579 Perth Washing Jessie May Female Kennedy Edward Vincent Male North Perth
1946/100580 Perth Bell Maurine Mavis Female Reynolds Alfred Thomas Prinsep Male North Perth
1946/100580 Perth Reynolds Alfred Thomas Prinsep Male Bell Maurine Mavis Female North Perth
1946/100581 Perth Couchman Joan Margaret Female Marshall Brian William Male North Perth
1946/100581 Perth Marshall Brian William Male Couchman Joan Margaret Female North Perth
1946/100582 Perth Price Richard Arthur Male Tolmie Eunice Edith Female Victoria Park
1946/100582 Perth Tolmie Eunice Edith Female Price Richard Arthur Male Victoria Park
1946/100583 Perth Corless Ethel Maud Female Joyner James Arthur Male Swanbourne
1946/100583 Perth Joyner James Arthur Male Corless Ethel Maud Female Swanbourne
1946/100584 Perth Atwell David Henry Male Terrell Constance Anne Female Bayswater
1946/100584 Perth Terrell Constance Anne Female Atwell David Henry Male Bayswater
1946/100585 Perth Cruden Herbert John Male Thornton Lillian Rae Female Osborne Park
1946/100585 Perth Thornton Lillian Rae Female Cruden Herbert John Male Osborne Park
1946/100586 Perth Smith Elaine Margaret Female Taylor James Male Mt Hawthorn
1946/100586 Perth Taylor James Male Smith Elaine Margaret Female Mt Hawthorn
1946/100587 Perth Hargreaves Robert Emslie Male Radburn Dorothy Kathleen Female Mt Hawthorn
1946/100587 Perth Radburn Dorothy Kathleen Female Hargreaves Robert Emslie Male Mt Hawthorn
1946/100588 Perth Doogan Euphemia Tudhope Female Pyper Berend Male Mt Hawthorn
1946/100588 Perth Pyper Berend Male Doogan Euphemia Tudhope Female Mt Hawthorn
1946/100589 Perth Birch Herbert Male Lillee Freda Alice Female Mt Hawthorn
1946/100589 Perth Lillee Freda Alice Female Birch Herbert Male Mt Hawthorn
1946/100590 Perth Campbell Colin Richmond Male Palmer Barbara Agnes Female Osborne Park
1946/100590 Perth Palmer Barbara Agnes Female Campbell Colin Richmond Male Osborne Park
1946/100591 Perth Dohmen Frans Josef Male Taylor Sylvia Joyce Female Mt Hawthorn
1946/100591 Perth Taylor Sylvia Joyce Female Dohmen Frans Josef Male Mt Hawthorn
1946/100592 Perth Hansen Hans Peter Male Isaacs Elizabeth May Female Osborne Park
1946/100592 Perth Isaacs Elizabeth May Female Hansen Hans Peter Male Osborne Park
1946/100593 Perth Hotham Violet Female Tickner Bernie Male Osborne Park
1946/100593 Perth Tickner Bernie Male Hotham Violet Female Osborne Park
1946/100594 Perth Harvey Annie Stanfield Female Jackson Stanley Male Perth
1946/100594 Perth Jackson Stanley Male Harvey Annie Stanfield Female Perth
1946/100595 Perth Dutton-Briant Mary Kathleen Female Jones Alfred James Male South Perth
1946/100595 Perth Jones Alfred James Male Dutton-Briant Mary Kathleen Female South Perth
1946/100596 Perth Chaisty Eileen Anne Female Lindsay John Male Perth
1946/100596 Perth Lindsay John Male Chaisty Eileen Anne Female Perth
1946/100597 Perth Dunsire Margaret Wilson Female Muir George Victor Male Perth
1946/100597 Perth Muir George Victor Male Dunsire Margaret Wilson Female Perth
1946/100598 Perth Clayton Ernest Albert Male McKenzie Julia Allan Channing Female Perth
1946/100598 Perth McKenzie Julia Allan Channing Female Clayton Ernest Albert Male Perth
1946/100599 Perth Donegan Boyce Eric Male Price Edna Female Perth
1946/100599 Perth Price Edna Female Donegan Boyce Eric Male Perth
1946/100600 Perth Scott Walter Robert Male Weedon Nancy Sutton Female Subiaco
1946/100600 Perth Weedon Nancy Sutton Female Scott Walter Robert Male Subiaco
1946/100601 Perth Moore Annie Campbell Female Porter Leon Albert Male Perth
1946/100601 Perth Porter Leon Albert Male Moore Annie Campbell Female Perth
1946/100602 Perth Elfverson John Francis Male Smith Edna Maude Female Perth
1946/100602 Perth Smith Edna Maude Female Elfverson John Francis Male Perth
1946/100603 Perth Grayson Jean Kathleen Female Sands Ronald Francis Male Perth
1946/100603 Perth Sands Ronald Francis Male Grayson Jean Kathleen Female Perth
1946/100604 Perth Brand Hazel May Female Kilburn Arthur Male Perth
1946/100604 Perth Kilburn Arthur Male Brand Hazel May Female Perth
1946/100605 Perth Loverock George Thomas Male Yarwood Margaret Jean Female Perth
1946/100605 Perth Yarwood Margaret Jean Female Loverock George Thomas Male Perth
1946/100606 Perth Baker Iza Lilian Female Chance Thomas Male Perth
1946/100606 Perth Chance Thomas Male Baker Iza Lilian Female Perth
1946/100607 Perth James Kenneth Arthur Lewellyn Male Pascoe Joyce Wilmot Female Perth
1946/100607 Perth Pascoe Joyce Wilmot Female James Kenneth Arthur Lewellyn Male Perth
1946/100608 Perth Blacker Jack Male Leeke Beryl Mary Female Perth
1946/100608 Perth Leeke Beryl Mary Female Blacker Jack Male Perth
1946/100609 Perth Lamb Albert Robert Charles Male Sparrow Patricia Marion Female Perth
1946/100609 Perth Sparrow Patricia Marion Female Lamb Albert Robert Charles Male Perth
1946/100610 Perth Brandis Albert Thomas George Male Kristiansen Mabel Christine Female Perth
1946/100610 Perth Kristiansen Mabel Christine Female Brandis Albert Thomas George Male Perth
1946/100611 Perth Gage Margaret Elaine Female Wright George Louis Male Claremont
1946/100611 Perth Wright George Louis Male Gage Margaret Elaine Female Claremont
1946/100612 Perth Isbister Robert Warren Male White Ellen Carmel Female Perth
1946/100612 Perth White Ellen Carmel Female Isbister Robert Warren Male Perth
1946/100613 Perth Bellhouse Arthur Male Wilcox Dorothy Jean Female Perth
1946/100613 Perth Wilcox Dorothy Jean Female Bellhouse Arthur Male Perth
1946/100614 Perth Grimoldby Patrick Archibald Male Miller Patricia Lesley Female West Aust
1946/100614 Perth Miller Patricia Lesley Female Grimoldby Patrick Archibald Male West Aust
1946/100615 Perth Cecil Lois Estelle Female Gorrie Donald Godfrey Male Mt Lawley
1946/100615 Perth Gorrie Donald Godfrey Male Cecil Lois Estelle Female Mt Lawley
1946/100616 Perth Brown Irene Elsie Female Carrie William John Male Maylands
1946/100616 Perth Carrie William John Male Brown Irene Elsie Female Maylands
1946/100617 Perth Braithwaite Freda Female Prosser Lawrence William Male Maylands
1946/100617 Perth Prosser Lawrence William Male Braithwaite Freda Female Maylands
1946/100618 Perth Cardinal Alice May Female Johnstone Robert Nicholas Male Perth
1946/100618 Perth Johnstone Robert Nicholas Male Cardinal Alice May Female Perth
1946/100619 Perth Stratton Verna Female Thompson Lancelot Ray Male Subiaco
1946/100619 Perth Thompson Lancelot Ray Male Stratton Verna Female Subiaco
1946/100620 Perth Veitch John Dennison Male White Beryl Ruth Female Victoria Park
1946/100620 Perth White Beryl Ruth Female Veitch John Dennison Male Victoria Park
1946/100621 Perth Kemp William Henry Male McKinnon Barbara Mary Female Perth
1946/100621 Perth McKinnon Barbara Mary Female Kemp William Henry Male Perth
1946/100622 Perth Eggert Evelyn Frances May Female Gaywood Harry Clarence Male Perth
1946/100622 Perth Gaywood Harry Clarence Male Eggert Evelyn Frances May Female Perth
1946/100623 Perth Cullen Frank Frederick Male Jackson Pauline Female Claremont
1946/100623 Perth Jackson Pauline Female Cullen Frank Frederick Male Claremont
1946/100624 Perth Bennett Nancy Powell Female Stone James William Male Claremont
1946/100624 Perth Stone James William Male Bennett Nancy Powell Female Claremont
1946/100625 Perth Brearley Alice Female Heller Leslie John Male Claremont
1946/100625 Perth Heller Leslie John Male Brearley Alice Female Claremont
1946/100626 Perth Gardiner Thomas Male Williams June Cory Female Claremont
1946/100626 Perth Williams June Cory Female Gardiner Thomas Male Claremont
1946/100627 Perth Coulson Frank Douglas Male Smith Freda May Female Perth
1946/100627 Perth Smith Freda May Female Coulson Frank Douglas Male Perth
1946/100628 Perth Aslan John Oscar Male Hackfath Irene Grace Female Perth
1946/100628 Perth Hackfath Irene Grace Female Aslan John Oscar Male Perth
1946/100629 Perth Truslove Mavis Madeline Female Wall Herbert John Male Perth
1946/100629 Perth Wall Herbert John Male Truslove Mavis Madeline Female Perth
1946/100630 Perth Kern Emmeline Gertrude Female Lofthouse Bernard Benjamin Male Mount Lawley
1946/100630 Perth Lofthouse Bernard Benjamin Male Kern Emmeline Gertrude Female Mount Lawley
1946/100631 Perth Fickling Reginald Alfred Male Whisler Dorothy Female Perth
1946/100631 Perth Whisler Dorothy Female Fickling Reginald Alfred Male Perth
1946/100632 Perth Ludgate Eileen Chrissie Female Mearns Ronald Seymour Male Perth
1946/100632 Perth Mearns Ronald Seymour Male Ludgate Eileen Chrissie Female Perth
1946/100633 Perth Munro Gordon Walter Hill Male Robinson Marjorie Sylvia Female Perth
1946/100633 Perth Robinson Marjorie Sylvia Female Munro Gordon Walter Hill Male Perth
1946/100634 Perth Scott Clarence George Male Veryard Edith Joan Female Perth
1946/100634 Perth Veryard Edith Joan Female Scott Clarence George Male Perth
1946/100635 Perth van Smaalen Evert Gerardus Male Oldfield Dora Hester Female Perth
1946/100635 Perth Oldfield Dora Hester Female van Smaalen Evert Gerardus Male Perth
1946/100636 Perth Crump Elizabeth Mary Female Gill Cecil William Male Maylands
1946/100636 Perth Gill Cecil William Male Crump Elizabeth Mary Female Maylands
1946/100637 Perth Hutton Helen Margaret Female Thomas Ronald Arthur Male Mosman Park
1946/100637 Perth Thomas Ronald Arthur Male Hutton Helen Margaret Female Mosman Park
1946/100638 Perth Duxbury Edith Female McGarry James Roland Male Subiaco
1946/100638 Perth McGarry James Roland Male Duxbury Edith Female Subiaco
1946/100639 Perth Haywood Frederick Marley Male Sangster Veronica Mary Female Subiaco
1946/100639 Perth Sangster Veronica Mary Female Haywood Frederick Marley Male Subiaco
1946/100640 Perth Widdup Victor Male Woodhams Phyllis June Female Perth
1946/100640 Perth Woodhams Phyllis June Female Widdup Victor Male Perth
1946/100641 Perth Green Dorothy Female Walters Sam Male Perth
1946/100641 Perth Walters Sam Male Green Dorothy Female Perth
1946/100642 Perth Hutt Harry Arthur John Male Taylor Dorothy Bernice Female Perth
1946/100642 Perth Taylor Dorothy Bernice Female Hutt Harry Arthur John Male Perth
1946/100643 Perth Mader Melville Jack Male Ring Eileen Elizabeth Female Perth
1946/100643 Perth Ring Eileen Elizabeth Female Mader Melville Jack Male Perth
1946/100644 Perth Blechynden Doreen Esther Female Rayner Thomas George Male Perth
1946/100644 Perth Rayner Thomas George Male Blechynden Doreen Esther Female Perth
1946/100645 Perth De Campi Angelena Teresa Female Grafton Howard Morey John Male Perth
1946/100645 Perth Grafton Howard Morey John Male De Campi Angelena Teresa Female Perth
1946/100646 Perth Smith Jack Allister Matthew Male Sutcliffe Margaret Female Perth
1946/100646 Perth Sutcliffe Margaret Female Smith Jack Allister Matthew Male Perth
1946/100647 Perth Oliver Rachael Madge Female Salter William Ewart Gladstone Male Perth
1946/100647 Perth Salter William Ewart Gladstone Male Oliver Rachael Madge Female Perth
1946/100648 Perth Fauckner Pamela Dixon Female Forbes Peter Male Perth
1946/100648 Perth Forbes Peter Male Fauckner Pamela Dixon Female Perth
1946/100649 Perth Andrews Olive Female Ballarine Frank Male Mt Lawley
1946/100649 Perth Ballarine Frank Male Andrews Olive Female Mt Lawley
1946/100650 Perth Hartley Francis Male Mullany Muriel Ethel Female Mt Lawley
1946/100650 Perth Mullany Muriel Ethel Female Hartley Francis Male Mt Lawley
1946/100651 Perth Dry Pamela Naomi Female Kenrick Owen John Male West Aust
1946/100651 Perth Dry Pamela Naomi Female Kenrick John Male West Aust
1946/100651 Perth Dry Pamela Naomi Female Stone Owen John Male West Aust
1946/100651 Perth Dry Pamela Naomi Female Stone John Male West Aust
1946/100651 Perth Kenrick Owen John Male Dry Pamela Naomi Female West Aust
1946/100651 Perth Kenrick John Male Dry Pamela Naomi Female West Aust
1946/100651 Perth Stone Owen John Male Dry Pamela Naomi Female West Aust
1946/100651 Perth Stone John Male Dry Pamela Naomi Female West Aust
1946/100652 Perth Jackman Shirley Elizabeth Female Rowe Edward Andrew Male Victoria Park
1946/100652 Perth Rowe Edward Andrew Male Jackman Shirley Elizabeth Female Victoria Park
1946/100653 Perth Bethune Enid Margaret Female Harris David Edward James Male Mt Lawley
1946/100653 Perth Harris David Edward James Male Bethune Enid Margaret Female Mt Lawley
1946/100654 Perth Burton Margaret Frances Female Miller Allan Male Victoria Park
1946/100654 Perth Miller Allan Male Burton Margaret Frances Female Victoria Park
1946/100655 Perth Martin Edwin James Male Western Kathleen Female Victoria Park
1946/100655 Perth Western Kathleen Female Martin Edwin James Male Victoria Park
1946/100656 Perth Greay Anselm Hallanin Male Polkinghorne Annetta May Female Mt Lawley
1946/100656 Perth Polkinghorne Annetta May Female Greay Anselm Hallanin Male Mt Lawley
1946/100657 Perth Empsall Vivian Marie Female Faulkner Albert William Male Perth
1946/100657 Perth Faulkner Albert William Male Empsall Vivian Marie Female Perth
1946/100658 Perth Carnochan Edna May Female Newton Frank Walter Male West Perth
1946/100658 Perth Newton Frank Walter Male Carnochan Edna May Female West Perth
1946/100659 Perth Loughton Evelyn Doris Female Paul Raymond Harry Male Perth
1946/100659 Perth Paul Raymond Harry Male Loughton Evelyn Doris Female Perth
1946/100660 Perth Backshall Thresa Mary Female Kessler David Norman Male Perth
1946/100660 Perth Kessler David Norman Male Backshall Thresa Mary Female Perth
1946/100661 Perth Kempton Walter Robert Male Wylde Joyce Female North Perth
1946/100661 Perth Wylde Joyce Female Kempton Walter Robert Male North Perth
1946/100662 Perth Arscott Olga Irene Female Watt Norman Male North Perth
1946/100662 Perth Watt Norman Male Arscott Olga Irene Female North Perth
1946/100663 Perth Cartmell John Stuart Male Tait Patricia Female South Perth
1946/100663 Perth Tait Patricia Female Cartmell John Stuart Male South Perth
1946/100664 Perth Newport Alan Charles Male Townsend Edna Isobel Female North Perth Congregational Church
1946/100664 Perth Townsend Edna Isobel Female Newport Alan Charles Male North Perth Congregational Church
1946/100665 Perth Doohan Ruth Female Wallace Norman Andrew Male Perth
1946/100665 Perth Wallace Norman Andrew Male Doohan Ruth Female Perth
1946/100666 Perth Carlson Elizabeth Anna Female Martin Stephen Carlyle Male Mt Hawthorn
1946/100666 Perth Martin Stephen Carlyle Male Carlson Elizabeth Anna Female Mt Hawthorn
1946/100667 Perth Rawlins Phill Maxwell Male Westwell-Tunstall Aimee Margaret Female Subiaco
1946/100667 Perth Westwell-Tunstall Aimee Margaret Female Rawlins Phill Maxwell Male Subiaco
1946/100668 Perth McCormack Ida Annie Female Moulton Gordon Herbert Male Perth
1946/100668 Perth Moulton Gordon Herbert Male McCormack Ida Annie Female Perth
1946/100669 Perth Doak Alexander Clayfield Male Harrison Yvonne Florence Female Perth
1946/100669 Perth Harrison Yvonne Florence Female Doak Alexander Clayfield Male Perth
1946/100670 Perth Anderson Ronald Adam Bullecourt Male Cuckson Gladys Ivy Female Perth
1946/100670 Perth Cuckson Gladys Ivy Female Anderson Ronald Adam Bullecourt Male Perth
1946/100671 Perth McNamara Lorna Joy Female Smart John Edward Male Perth
1946/100671 Perth Smart John Edward Male McNamara Lorna Joy Female Perth
1946/100672 Perth Davis Grace Florence Margaret Female Reynolds Alfred George Male Claremont
1946/100672 Perth Reynolds Alfred George Male Davis Grace Florence Margaret Female Claremont
1946/100673 Perth Alder Dorothy May Female Jones Alwyn Edward Male Claremont
1946/100673 Perth Jones Alwyn Edward Male Alder Dorothy May Female Claremont
1946/100674 Perth Holland Betty Female Rademaker Leendert Male Claremont
1946/100674 Perth Rademaker Leendert Male Holland Betty Female Claremont
1946/100675 Perth van Nieuwenhuizen Julius Male Jones Delysia Audrey Kathleen Female Claremont
1946/100675 Perth Jones Delysia Audrey Kathleen Female van Nieuwenhuizen Julius Male Claremont
1946/100676 Perth Brownell Geraldine Rhyllis Female Duff-Still Peter Male Mt Lawley
1946/100676 Perth Duff-Still Peter Male Brownell Geraldine Rhyllis Female Mt Lawley
1946/100677 Perth Drage Lois Female Garrett Albert Raymond Male Cottesloe
1946/100677 Perth Garrett Albert Raymond Male Drage Lois Female Cottesloe
1946/100678 Perth Boucant Sadie Mary Julia Female Mackay Kenneth George Male Cottesloe
1946/100678 Perth Mackay Kenneth George Male Boucant Sadie Mary Julia Female Cottesloe
1946/100679 Perth Gregory William Kingston Male Oliver Colleen May Female Carlisle
1946/100679 Perth Oliver Colleen May Female Gregory William Kingston Male Carlisle
1946/100680 Perth Dalgleish Rose Female Walker William Hay Male Carlisle
1946/100680 Perth Walker William Hay Male Dalgleish Rose Female Carlisle
1946/100681 Perth Goodsell Joseph George Male Smith Thelma Joyce Female Perth
1946/100681 Perth Smith Thelma Joyce Female Goodsell Joseph George Male Perth
1946/100682 Perth McKay Verna Female O'Loughlin Martin Male Perth
1946/100682 Perth O'Loughlin Martin Male McKay Verna Female Perth
1946/100683 Perth Jamieson Sheila Margaret Female Richardson Harold North Male Perth
1946/100683 Perth Richardson Harold North Male Jamieson Sheila Margaret Female Perth
1946/100684 Perth Morrison Annie Johnston Female Putrino Francesco Male Perth
1946/100684 Perth Putrino Francesco Male Morrison Annie Johnston Female Perth
1946/100685 Perth Cust Shirley Cecily Female Moonen Hans Herbert Male Leederville
1946/100685 Perth Moonen Hans Herbert Male Cust Shirley Cecily Female Leederville
1946/100686 Perth Howard Norma Female Scaddan Joseph William Male West Perth
1946/100686 Perth Scaddan Joseph William Male Howard Norma Female West Perth
1946/100687 Perth Dawson Leslie Male Watkins Shirley Zoe Female West Perth
1946/100687 Perth Watkins Shirley Zoe Female Dawson Leslie Male West Perth
1946/100688 Perth Peck Frances Ellen Female Pittam John Dean Male West Perth
1946/100688 Perth Pittam John Dean Male Peck Frances Ellen Female West Perth
1946/100689 Perth Browne Hazel Female French George Anthony Male West Perth
1946/100689 Perth French George Anthony Male Browne Hazel Female West Perth
1946/100690 Perth James Alexander Ainslie Senior Male Moss Hazel Joy Female West Perth
1946/100690 Perth Moss Hazel Joy Female James Alexander Ainslie Senior Male West Perth
1946/100691 Perth Hurley Walter Henry Male Lehne Daphne May Female West Perth
1946/100691 Perth Lehne Daphne May Female Hurley Walter Henry Male West Perth
1946/100692 Perth Harvey Marjorie Ethel Female Trutwin Stanley Roff Male West Perth
1946/100692 Perth Trutwin Stanley Roff Male Harvey Marjorie Ethel Female West Perth
1946/100693 Perth Mackenzie Agnes Female Routley Richard Wallace James Male West Perth
1946/100693 Perth Routley Richard Wallace James Male Mackenzie Agnes Female West Perth