A tool to help track the citations of the Western Australian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages from Wikidata and WikiTree.

Marriages in: 1945

Registration year & number Registration district Surname Given names Gender Spouse surname Spouse given names Spouse gender Marriage place Wikidata WikiTree
1945/100001 Perth Bowes Stanley Male McKenzie Annie Margaret Female South Perth
1945/100001 Perth McKenzie Annie Margaret Female Bowes Stanley Male South Perth
1946/100001 Perth Mecklenburgh John Gordon Male Ford Beryl Patricia Frances Female Perth
1946/100001 Perth Ford Beryl Patricia Frances Female Mecklenburgh John Gordon Male Perth
1946/100002 Perth Holderness Elsie Marion Female Bennett David Edward Male Perth
1946/100002 Perth Bennett David Edward Male Holderness Elsie Marion Female Perth
1946/100003 Perth Drake-Brockman Oliver Danby Male Rutter Betty Lilian Female Perth
1946/100003 Perth Rutter Betty Lilian Female Drake-Brockman Oliver Danby Male Perth
1946/100004 Perth Davis Henry Charles Male Prater Helen Theresa Female Perth
1946/100004 Perth Prater Helen Theresa Female Davis Henry Charles Male Perth
1946/100005 Perth Rowe William George Male Hague Muriel Eunice Female Perth
1946/100005 Perth Hague Muriel Eunice Female Rowe William George Male Perth
1946/100006 Perth Yates Irene Annie Female Mandy Ernest Male Perth
1946/100006 Perth Mandy Ernest Male Yates Irene Annie Female Perth
1946/100007 Perth Beal Liela Female Cooper Cecil Godfrey Male Perth
1946/100007 Perth Cooper Cecil Godfrey Male Beal Liela Female Perth
1946/100008 Perth Nisbet Norman Edward Male Martin Merle Frances Female Perth
1946/100008 Perth Martin Merle Frances Female Nisbet Norman Edward Male Perth
1946/100009 Perth Richards Sidney John Male Harridge Gertrude Madeline Florence Female Perth
1946/100009 Perth Harridge Gertrude Madeline Florence Female Richards Sidney John Male Perth
1946/100010 Perth David-Moss Robert Male Stuber Hester Mary Female Perth
1945/100010 Perth Bailey Betty Concanen Female Moss John Douglas Maxwell Male Perth
1946/100010 Perth Stuber Hester Mary Female David-Moss Robert Male Perth
1945/100010 Perth Moss John Douglas Maxwell Male Bailey Betty Concanen Female Perth
1946/100011 Perth Kirby Stanley George Male Goodlad Joan Mary Female Perth
1946/100011 Perth Goodlad Joan Mary Female Kirby Stanley George Male Perth
1946/100012 Perth Rundle Kenneth Henry Male Johnson Doreen Muriel Female Victoria Park
1946/100012 Perth Johnson Doreen Muriel Female Rundle Kenneth Henry Male Victoria Park
1946/100013 Perth Trinder May Eleanor Female Smith Robert Male Claremont
1946/100013 Perth Smith Robert Male Trinder May Eleanor Female Claremont
1946/100014 Perth Moody William Shepherd Male Russell Florence Beatrice Female Leederville
1946/100014 Perth Russell Florence Beatrice Female Moody William Shepherd Male Leederville
1945/100015 Perth Lynch Minnie Lillian Female Hitchcock Alfred Frederick Male Perth
1946/100015 Perth Bradbury Ian Robert Male Morton Hazel Lily Female West Perth
1946/100015 Perth Morton Hazel Lily Female Bradbury Ian Robert Male West Perth
1945/100015 Perth Hitchcock Alfred Frederick Male Lynch Minnie Lillian Female Perth
1946/100016 Perth Pedersen Arthur Drew Male Morley June Phyllis Female North Perth
1946/100016 Perth Morley June Phyllis Female Pedersen Arthur Drew Male North Perth
1946/100017 Perth Pickett Ronald Wallace Male Cook Betty Violet Female Subiaco
1945/100017 Perth Carlisle William Edmund Male Hancock Mary Female North Beach
1946/100017 Perth Cook Betty Violet Female Pickett Ronald Wallace Male Subiaco
1945/100017 Perth Hancock Mary Female Carlisle William Edmund Male North Beach
1946/100018 Perth Meiklejohn Walter Male Foale Dorothy Langdon Female West Perth
1946/100018 Perth Foale Dorothy Langdon Female Meiklejohn Walter Male West Perth
1945/100018 Perth Davies Joseph Thomas Male Hanson Pauline Female Perth
1945/100018 Perth Hanson Pauline Female Davies Joseph Thomas Male Perth
1945/100019 Perth Read Arthur Coulton Male McDougall Cathrine Mary Female Perth
1946/100019 Perth Geere Nellie Mavis Female Waldeck Stanley Lloyd Fletcher Male Perth
1946/100019 Perth Waldeck Stanley Lloyd Fletcher Male Geere Nellie Mavis Female Perth
1945/100019 Perth McDougall Cathrine Mary Female Read Arthur Coulton Male Perth
1946/100020 Perth Cook Stanley Victor Male Perry Gracie Marion Female Perth
1946/100020 Perth Perry Gracie Marion Female Cook Stanley Victor Male Perth
1946/100021 Perth Burr Agnes Female Clune Gregory Augustine Male Highgate Hill
1946/100021 Perth Clune Gregory Augustine Male Burr Agnes Female Highgate Hill
1946/100023 Perth Jones Frank Male Maxwell Freda Daisy Female Nedlands
1946/100023 Perth Maxwell Freda Daisy Female Jones Frank Male Nedlands
1946/100024 Perth Stewart Adelaide Female Ardagh George Sydney Barras Male Bayswater
1946/100024 Perth Ardagh George Sydney Barras Male Stewart Adelaide Female Bayswater
1946/100025 Perth Schnaars Florence Gwendoline Female Jones Phillip Clive Male Perth
1946/100025 Perth Jones Phillip Clive Male Schnaars Florence Gwendoline Female Perth
1946/100026 Perth Riekie Mabel Gladys Female Wedge James Bardolph Male Perth
1946/100026 Perth Wedge James Bardolph Male Riekie Mabel Gladys Female Perth
1945/100029 Perth Carter Ernestine Female Hayes William Albert Male Perth
1945/100029 Perth Hayes William Albert Male Carter Ernestine Female Perth
1946/100030 Perth McGrath Iris Thina Maria Female Brand Vernon Patten Male Leederville
1946/100030 Perth Brand Vernon Patten Male McGrath Iris Thina Maria Female Leederville
1946/100031 Perth Whisenhunt Gerald Henry Male Buckley Helen Margaret Female Perth
1946/100031 Perth Buckley Helen Margaret Female Whisenhunt Gerald Henry Male Perth
1945/100039 Perth Moss Ernest Laurence Male Turner Linda Gladys Female Mt Lawley
1945/100039 Perth Turner Linda Gladys Female Moss Ernest Laurence Male Mt Lawley
1946/100040 Perth Balding Princess Laurel Female Broad Henry Campbell Male West Perth
1946/100040 Perth Broad Henry Campbell Male Balding Princess Laurel Female West Perth
1945/100042 Perth Smith Violet Female Gibson Hulbert Sydney Keith Male Claremont
1946/100042 Perth Barnes Doreen Mary Female Smith Albert John Male West Perth
1945/100042 Perth Gibson Hulbert Sydney Keith Male Smith Violet Female Claremont
1946/100042 Perth Smith Albert John Male Barnes Doreen Mary Female West Perth
1945/100043 Perth Seale Enid Gloria Female Mayne William Ellett Male Perth
1945/100043 Perth Mayne William Ellett Male Seale Enid Gloria Female Perth
1945/100044 Perth Boston Kenneth Maxwell Male Waghorn Anne Doreen Female Perth
1945/100044 Perth Waghorn Anne Doreen Female Boston Kenneth Maxwell Male Perth
1946/100045 Perth O'Sullivan Bernard Matthew Male Pittersen Valetta Beatrice Female Mount Lawley
1946/100045 Perth Pittersen Valetta Beatrice Female O'Sullivan Bernard Matthew Male Mount Lawley
1945/100048 Perth Middleton Kathleen May Female Jeanes Walter Edward Male Perth
1945/100048 Perth Jeanes Walter Edward Male Middleton Kathleen May Female Perth
1945/100049 Perth Leslie Richard John Male Green Gwendoline Cynthia Female Perth
1945/100049 Perth Green Gwendoline Cynthia Female Leslie Richard John Male Perth
1945/100050 Perth Thom Jean Winifred Female Francis John Male Perth
1945/100050 Perth Francis John Male Thom Jean Winifred Female Perth
1946/100052 Perth Warwick Robert Alfred Male Coall Irene Mavis Female Perth
1946/100052 Perth Coall Irene Mavis Female Warwick Robert Alfred Male Perth
1945/100053 Perth Shoemake Lynn Mitchell Male Woodward Annie Gertrude Female West Perth
1945/100053 Perth Woodward Annie Gertrude Female Shoemake Lynn Mitchell Male West Perth
1946/100056 Perth Lacey Alwin George Charles Male Jeffs Doris Evelyn Female Subiaco
1945/100056 Perth North Elsie May Female Kline Burton Edward Male Perth
1945/100056 Perth Kline Burton Edward Male North Elsie May Female Perth
1946/100056 Perth Jeffs Doris Evelyn Female Lacey Alwin George Charles Male Subiaco
1946/100057 Perth Doust Florence Grace Female Robinson Charles Male Applecross
1945/100057 Perth Ryan Francis James Male Gallagher Mary Female Perth
1945/100057 Perth Gallagher Mary Female Ryan Francis James Male Perth
1946/100057 Perth Robinson Charles Male Doust Florence Grace Female Applecross
1945/100058 Perth Willett Angus Joseph Male Joyce Nora Kathleen Female Leederville
1945/100058 Perth Joyce Nora Kathleen Female Willett Angus Joseph Male Leederville
1945/100060 Perth Barrett-Lennard Lancelot Male Porter Patricia Ida Female Cottesloe
1945/100060 Perth Porter Patricia Ida Female Barrett-Lennard Lancelot Male Cottesloe
1946/100060 Perth Springhall Edna Rose Female Bennett John James Male Mt Hawthorn
1946/100060 Perth Bennett John James Male Springhall Edna Rose Female Mt Hawthorn
1946/100061 Perth Lysle Ernest Henry Male Taylor Winifred Irene Female Osborne Park
1945/100061 Perth Cole Helen Leopoldine Female Malden Thomas Frederick Male Cottesloe
1946/100061 Perth Taylor Winifred Irene Female Lysle Ernest Henry Male Osborne Park
1945/100061 Perth Malden Thomas Frederick Male Cole Helen Leopoldine Female Cottesloe
1945/100062 Perth Perrott Thomas James Male Marshall Eileen Elms Female West Perth
1945/100062 Perth Marshall Eileen Elms Female Perrott Thomas James Male West Perth
1946/100062 Perth Evans Cecil William Male Green Winifred Mildred Female Mt Hawthorn
1946/100062 Perth Green Winifred Mildred Female Evans Cecil William Male Mt Hawthorn
1946/100063 Perth Weeks Harry Male Derrick Elsie Gwendoline Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100063 Perth Downing Audrey Grace Female Crocos Robert Henry Male East Victoria Park
1945/100063 Perth Crocos Robert Henry Male Downing Audrey Grace Female East Victoria Park
1946/100063 Perth Derrick Elsie Gwendoline Female Weeks Harry Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100064 Perth Farmer Violet Female Pallot John Lewis Male Subiaco
1945/100064 Perth Pallot John Lewis Male Farmer Violet Female Subiaco
1946/100064 Perth Rockford George Hanlon Male Burnett Joyce Kathleen Female Mt Hawthorn
1946/100064 Perth Burnett Joyce Kathleen Female Rockford George Hanlon Male Mt Hawthorn
1946/100065 Perth Pritchett Margaret Beverley Female Neil James Douglas Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100065 Perth London Charles William Male Richardson Addie Catherine Ellen Female Perth
1946/100065 Perth Neil James Douglas Male Pritchett Margaret Beverley Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100065 Perth Richardson Addie Catherine Ellen Female London Charles William Male Perth
1946/100066 Perth Brookes Stephen Harry Male Aitken Doris Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100066 Perth Nickolakis Mick Male Pitpazaris Erini Female Perth
1946/100066 Perth Aitken Doris Female Brookes Stephen Harry Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100066 Perth Pitpazaris Erini Female Nickolakis Mick Male Perth
1946/100067 Perth Moore Camille Desma Female Castle John Lewis Male Mt Hawthorn
1946/100067 Perth Castle John Lewis Male Moore Camille Desma Female Mt Hawthorn
1946/100068 Perth Stubbs Alice Betty Female Fraser Donald Alfred Male Mt Hawthorn
1946/100068 Perth Fraser Donald Alfred Male Stubbs Alice Betty Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100068 Perth Robinson Elsie Female Murphy David Hugh Male Highgate Hill
1945/100068 Perth Murphy David Hugh Male Robinson Elsie Female Highgate Hill
1946/100069 Perth Joyce Clarence James Male Lucraft Euphemia Ella Benita Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100069 Perth Truman Gladys June Female Stewart Colin John Trevithick Male Wembley Park
1945/100069 Perth Stewart Colin John Trevithick Male Truman Gladys June Female Wembley Park
1946/100069 Perth Lucraft Euphemia Ella Benita Female Joyce Clarence James Male Mt Hawthorn
1946/100070 Perth Murray Angus Thompson Male Conder Elaine Jessie Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100070 Perth Woodfine Maxwell Alan Male Luxton Margaret Helen Female Claremont
1945/100070 Perth Luxton Margaret Helen Female Woodfine Maxwell Alan Male Claremont
1946/100070 Perth Conder Elaine Jessie Female Murray Angus Thompson Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100071 Perth Birtles Esmond Wellesley Male Muir Barbara Iona Female Claremont
1945/100071 Perth Muir Barbara Iona Female Birtles Esmond Wellesley Male Claremont
1945/100072 Perth Tilly Elwyn Dorothy Female Blakeman Francis Male Claremont
1945/100072 Perth Blakeman Francis Male Tilly Elwyn Dorothy Female Claremont
1945/100073 Perth Davey Richard Henry Male Maunder Hazel Joan Female South Perth
1945/100073 Perth Maunder Hazel Joan Female Davey Richard Henry Male South Perth
1945/100074 Perth Kilmurray Cyril Douglas Vincent Peter Male Reidy Mary Cecilia Female Perth
1945/100074 Perth Reidy Mary Cecilia Female Kilmurray Cyril Douglas Vincent Peter Male Perth
1945/100075 Perth Brown Frank William Male Wailes Elsie Margaret Female Perth
1945/100075 Perth Wailes Elsie Margaret Female Brown Frank William Male Perth
1945/100076 Perth Dixon William Ronald Male Apted Joan Eythel Alice Female Perth
1945/100076 Perth Apted Joan Eythel Alice Female Dixon William Ronald Male Perth
1945/100077 Perth Wegner Beryl Alsa Female Morphett Harold Max Male Perth
1945/100077 Perth Morphett Harold Max Male Wegner Beryl Alsa Female Perth
1945/100078 Perth Thompson Lorna May Female Wheatley Harry James Male Perth
1946/100078 Perth Yule Ivy Beryl Female Southam Percy Harold Male N Perth
1945/100078 Perth Wheatley Harry James Male Thompson Lorna May Female Perth
1946/100078 Perth Southam Percy Harold Male Yule Ivy Beryl Female N Perth
1946/100079 Perth Harvey William Robert Male Reynolds Grace Vivienne Female N Perth
1946/100079 Perth Reynolds Grace Vivienne Female Harvey William Robert Male N Perth
1945/100079 Perth Weight Colin Hubert Male Johnstone Juanita Joy Female Perth
1945/100079 Perth Johnstone Juanita Joy Female Weight Colin Hubert Male Perth
1946/100080 Perth McCaughey John Bernard Male Jenkins Vida Female North Perth Presbyterian Church
1946/100080 Perth Jenkins Vida Female McCaughey John Bernard Male North Perth Presbyterian Church
1945/100080 Perth Porter Joan Eileen Female Paquin Joseph Armand Male Perth
1945/100080 Perth Paquin Joseph Armand Male Porter Joan Eileen Female Perth
1945/100081 Perth Lee William Charles Male Wickenden Doreen Hilda Female Perth
1945/100081 Perth Wickenden Doreen Hilda Female Lee William Charles Male Perth
1945/100082 Perth Hammar John Hugo Male Mills Betty Marjorie Female Perth
1945/100082 Perth Mills Betty Marjorie Female Hammar John Hugo Male Perth
1945/100083 Perth Randall Thomas Ashley Male Harris Nancy Irene Female Perth
1945/100083 Perth Harris Nancy Irene Female Randall Thomas Ashley Male Perth
1945/100084 Perth McHugh Ernest Albert Male O'Dwyer Eileen Joyce Female Perth
1946/100084 Perth Paterson Alexander Male Maher Annie Josephine Female West Perth
1945/100084 Perth O'Dwyer Eileen Joyce Female McHugh Ernest Albert Male Perth
1946/100084 Perth Maher Annie Josephine Female Paterson Alexander Male West Perth
1945/100085 Perth Godfrey Leslie Harold Male Payne Nora Selina Female Perth
1945/100085 Perth Payne Nora Selina Female Godfrey Leslie Harold Male Perth
1945/100086 Perth Harrop Desmond William Male Soutar Joy Merlyn Female Victoria Park
1945/100086 Perth Soutar Joy Merlyn Female Harrop Desmond William Male Victoria Park
1945/100087 Perth Service Sadie McPherson Female McKirdy John Male Perth
1945/100087 Perth McKirdy John Male Service Sadie McPherson Female Perth
1945/100088 Perth Barton-Fulcher Eveline Female Hembrey John Male Perth
1945/100088 Perth Hembrey John Male Barton-Fulcher Eveline Female Perth
1945/100089 Perth Piper Gladys Female King Louis Male Perth
1945/100089 Perth King Louis Male Piper Gladys Female Perth
1945/100090 Perth Scheideck Siegfried Martin Male Benn Una Florence Female Perth
1945/100090 Perth Benn Una Florence Female Scheideck Siegfried Martin Male Perth
1945/100091 Perth Tyler Reginald Merrick Male Aikman Janet Kirkpatrick Female Shenton Park
1945/100091 Perth Aikman Janet Kirkpatrick Female Tyler Reginald Merrick Male Shenton Park
1945/100092 Perth Brown Dorothy Christine Female Bloomfield John Henry Male Perth
1945/100092 Perth Bloomfield John Henry Male Brown Dorothy Christine Female Perth
1945/100093 Perth Schier Lorna May Female Knox George Male Perth
1945/100093 Perth Knox George Male Schier Lorna May Female Perth
1945/100095 Perth Steere Elizabeth Lee Female Lefroy Richard Bruce Male West Perth
1945/100095 Perth Lefroy Richard Bruce Male Steere Elizabeth Lee Female West Perth
1945/100096 Perth Stevens Joan Florence Female White Kenion St Clare Male South Perth
1945/100096 Perth White Kenion St Clare Male Stevens Joan Florence Female South Perth
1945/100098 Perth Hill Geogory Charles Male Thompson Muriel Patricia Female Nedlands
1945/100098 Perth Thompson Muriel Patricia Female Hill Geogory Charles Male Nedlands
1945/100099 Perth Gardiner Robert Warren Male Kingston Lillian Mary Female West Perth
1945/100099 Perth Kingston Lillian Mary Female Gardiner Robert Warren Male West Perth
1945/100100 Perth Moore Robert Male Hanks Betty May Female Subiaco
1945/100100 Perth Hanks Betty May Female Moore Robert Male Subiaco
1945/100101 Perth Goldberg Philip Alfred Male Perry Ada Female Subiaco
1945/100101 Perth Perry Ada Female Goldberg Philip Alfred Male Subiaco
1945/100102 Perth Hunter Jean Hood Female Hayter Laurence James Male Perth
1945/100102 Perth Hayter Laurence James Male Hunter Jean Hood Female Perth
1945/100103 Perth Matheson Ada Agnes Female Hamilton William Newall Male Perth
1945/100103 Perth Hamilton William Newall Male Matheson Ada Agnes Female Perth
1945/100104 Perth Kelly Jean Agnes Female Glasson William Charles Ambrose Male Perth
1945/100104 Perth Glasson William Charles Ambrose Male Kelly Jean Agnes Female Perth
1945/100105 Perth Martin Nola Audrey Female Glavocich Paul Male Perth
1945/100105 Perth Glavocich Paul Male Martin Nola Audrey Female Perth
1945/100106 Perth Allen Thelma Female Purling Louis James Male Perth
1945/100106 Perth Purling Louis James Male Allen Thelma Female Perth
1945/100107 Perth McDonnell Joseph Glenn George Male O'Dea Rita Female Perth
1945/100107 Perth O'Dea Rita Female McDonnell Joseph Glenn George Male Perth
1945/100108 Perth Willcocks John Mitchell Male Birch Edmée Antoinette Female Nedlands
1945/100108 Perth Birch Edmée Antoinette Female Willcocks John Mitchell Male Nedlands
1945/100109 Perth Bergeron Edward Louis Male Goddard Myrtle Hannah Female Leederville
1945/100109 Perth Goddard Myrtle Hannah Female Bergeron Edward Louis Male Leederville
1945/100110 Perth Leunig Dorothy Lorraine Female Glennon Philip Thompson Male Claremont
1945/100110 Perth Glennon Philip Thompson Male Leunig Dorothy Lorraine Female Claremont
1945/100111 Perth Evenis Evelyn Alice Female Anderson George Albert Male Maylands
1945/100111 Perth Anderson George Albert Male Evenis Evelyn Alice Female Maylands
1945/100112 Perth Gravenall Cyril Jesse Male Attrill Kathleen Cheyne Female Perth
1945/100112 Perth Attrill Kathleen Cheyne Female Gravenall Cyril Jesse Male Perth
1945/100113 Perth Slee Samuel Grant Male Mays Dorothy Alsace Lorraine Female Perth
1945/100113 Perth Mays Dorothy Alsace Lorraine Female Slee Samuel Grant Male Perth
1945/100114 Perth Mitchell Alexander Selby Male Barnes Margaret Agnes Female Perth
1945/100114 Perth Barnes Margaret Agnes Female Mitchell Alexander Selby Male Perth
1945/100115 Perth Richards Patricia May Female Bell Colin Cecil Male Perth
1945/100115 Perth Bell Colin Cecil Male Richards Patricia May Female Perth
1946/100116 Perth Lamey John Stuart Male Eaton Florence Daisy Female West Perth
1946/100116 Perth Eaton Florence Daisy Female Lamey John Stuart Male West Perth
1945/100116 Perth Harvey Mary Roberta Female Cusling Thomas Illingworth Male Perth
1945/100116 Perth Cusling Thomas Illingworth Male Harvey Mary Roberta Female Perth
1945/100117 Perth Kern Joan May Female Wilson Dudley Harold Male Perth
1945/100117 Perth Wilson Dudley Harold Male Kern Joan May Female Perth
1945/100118 Perth Cook Harold James Male Strachan Mary Female Perth
1945/100118 Perth Strachan Mary Female Cook Harold James Male Perth
1945/100119 Perth Menner Alfred Ernest Male Robin Doris Eileen Female Victoria Park
1945/100119 Perth Robin Doris Eileen Female Menner Alfred Ernest Male Victoria Park
1945/100120 Perth Underdown Lester Male Stewart Heather Female Victoria Park
1945/100120 Perth Stewart Heather Female Underdown Lester Male Victoria Park
1945/100121 Perth Hollis Ethel Eleanor Female Storry Leslie Vernon Male Cottesloe
1945/100121 Perth Storry Leslie Vernon Male Hollis Ethel Eleanor Female Cottesloe
1945/100122 Perth Pryor Evelyn Joyce Female Pringle Maxwell Keith Male Perth
1945/100122 Perth Pringle Maxwell Keith Male Pryor Evelyn Joyce Female Perth
1945/100123 Perth Chamberlin Charles Martin Male Hostings Eileen Kathleen Female Perth
1945/100123 Perth Hostings Eileen Kathleen Female Chamberlin Charles Martin Male Perth
1945/100124 Perth Murray Gladys Marion Female Ingram Douglas Sydney Male Nedlands
1945/100124 Perth Ingram Douglas Sydney Male Murray Gladys Marion Female Nedlands
1946/100125 Perth Gillespie Donald Murray Male Inge Margaret Ann Female Mt Hawthorn
1946/100125 Perth Inge Margaret Ann Female Gillespie Donald Murray Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100125 Perth Williams Ivor Edward Male Porter Marjorie Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100125 Perth Porter Marjorie Female Williams Ivor Edward Male Mt Hawthorn
1946/100126 Perth Gransden Daisy June Louisa Female De Marchi Allan Cristopher Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100126 Perth Hicks Richard Kenneth Male Ross Marjory Elizabeth Female Claremont
1946/100126 Perth De Marchi Allan Cristopher Male Gransden Daisy June Louisa Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100126 Perth Ross Marjory Elizabeth Female Hicks Richard Kenneth Male Claremont
1945/100127 Perth Wightman Valda Coreen Female Fleming Stanley Male Perth
1946/100127 Perth Pickett Noel John Male Maxwell Joyce Margaret Female Mt Hawthorn
1946/100127 Perth Maxwell Joyce Margaret Female Pickett Noel John Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100127 Perth Fleming Stanley Male Wightman Valda Coreen Female Perth
1945/100128 Perth Fielden Frank Male White Florence Ethel Female Perth
1945/100128 Perth White Florence Ethel Female Fielden Frank Male Perth
1946/100128 Perth McGregor Walter Allan Male Blechynden Amy Sarah Annie Female Mt Hawthorn
1946/100128 Perth Blechynden Amy Sarah Annie Female McGregor Walter Allan Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100129 Perth Hancock Kathleen Margaret Female Tyrrell George Thomas Arthur Male Perth
1946/100129 Perth Anderson Roy Richardt Male McGowan Nellie Pearl Female Mt Hawthorn
1946/100129 Perth McGowan Nellie Pearl Female Anderson Roy Richardt Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100129 Perth Tyrrell George Thomas Arthur Male Hancock Kathleen Margaret Female Perth
1945/100130 Perth Payne Doreen May Female Taylor George Albert Male Perth
1945/100130 Perth Taylor George Albert Male Payne Doreen May Female Perth
1946/100130 Perth Stanley Percy Norman Male Haffner June Ellen Female Mt Hawthorn
1946/100130 Perth Haffner June Ellen Female Stanley Percy Norman Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100131 Perth Caple Audrey Joan Female Nelson Thomas Merrick Male Perth
1945/100131 Perth Nelson Thomas Merrick Male Caple Audrey Joan Female Perth
1946/100132 Perth Mann James Charles Male McDonald Dorothy Carmel Female North Perth
1945/100132 Perth McGarry Marjorie Eileen Female Wilson Maurice George Male Perth
1946/100132 Perth McDonald Dorothy Carmel Female Mann James Charles Male North Perth
1945/100132 Perth Wilson Maurice George Male McGarry Marjorie Eileen Female Perth
1945/100133 Perth Campbell Jean Female Tink Edward Thomas Wills Male Perth
1945/100133 Perth Tink Edward Thomas Wills Male Campbell Jean Female Perth
1945/100134 Perth Firman Alan Reginald Male Grainger Cynthia Winifred Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100134 Perth Grainger Cynthia Winifred Female Firman Alan Reginald Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100136 Perth Case Eunice Mabel Female Birch Harold George Male Perth
1945/100136 Perth Birch Harold George Male Case Eunice Mabel Female Perth
1945/100137 Perth Strempel Dorothy Muriel Hilda Female McMahon Thomas Patrick Male Perth
1945/100137 Perth McMahon Thomas Patrick Male Strempel Dorothy Muriel Hilda Female Perth
1945/100138 Perth Agostino Antonio Raffaele Male Lopes Margherita Female Perth
1945/100138 Perth Lopes Margherita Female Agostino Antonio Raffaele Male Perth
1945/100139 Perth Berry Leslie Thurston Female Lind-Holmes James Francis Male Claremont
1945/100139 Perth Lind-Holmes James Francis Male Berry Leslie Thurston Female Claremont
1945/100140 Perth Aldridge Ruth Mabel Female Spillman Hector David Male Claremont
1945/100140 Perth Spillman Hector David Male Aldridge Ruth Mabel Female Claremont
1945/100141 Perth Bloxsidge Eric Male Burton Cynthia Wynnifred Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100141 Perth Burton Cynthia Wynnifred Female Bloxsidge Eric Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100142 Perth Marsden Dawn Veronica Female Minshall Mahlon Wayne Male Osborne Park
1945/100142 Perth Minshall Mahlon Wayne Male Marsden Dawn Veronica Female Osborne Park
1945/100143 Perth Coleman Edward Stanley Male Townsend Matilda Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100143 Perth Townsend Matilda Female Coleman Edward Stanley Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100144 Perth Shearer John Male Solomon Linda May Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100144 Perth Solomon Linda May Female Shearer John Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100145 Perth Job Gwendoline Kathleen Female Dearle Raymond Keith Male Osborne Park
1945/100145 Perth Dearle Raymond Keith Male Job Gwendoline Kathleen Female Osborne Park
1945/100146 Perth Ranger Leonard Louis Male Richardson Beryl Winifred Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100146 Perth Richardson Beryl Winifred Female Ranger Leonard Louis Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100147 Perth Blamire Gweneth Grace Female Wilson Harry Male Osborne Park
1945/100147 Perth Wilson Harry Male Blamire Gweneth Grace Female Osborne Park
1945/100148 Perth Spragg Marjorie Olive Female Sorensen Roy Male Perth
1945/100148 Perth Sorensen Roy Male Spragg Marjorie Olive Female Perth
1945/100149 Perth Baverstock Olive Louise Female Jones William Gordon Male Perth
1945/100149 Perth Jones William Gordon Male Baverstock Olive Louise Female Perth
1945/100150 Perth Gorrie Jean Catherine Female Cash Mervyn Caradoc Male Perth
1945/100150 Perth Cash Mervyn Caradoc Male Gorrie Jean Catherine Female Perth
1945/100151 Perth Cant George Henry Male Scarff Ruby Elizabeth Female Perth
1945/100151 Perth Scarff Ruby Elizabeth Female Cant George Henry Male Perth
1945/100152 Perth Worsey Dennis Herbert Male Casselton Margaret Constance Female Perth
1945/100152 Perth Casselton Margaret Constance Female Worsey Dennis Herbert Male Perth
1945/100153 Perth Matson Mary Isabel Female Fleay Raymond Herbert Male Perth
1945/100153 Perth Fleay Raymond Herbert Male Matson Mary Isabel Female Perth
1946/100154 Perth Winson Phyllis Elsie Dakehurst Female Ellis Raymond John Male Maylands
1945/100154 Perth Bull Charles Arthur Male Thompson Audrey Marion Female Perth
1945/100154 Perth Thompson Audrey Marion Female Bull Charles Arthur Male Perth
1946/100154 Perth Ellis Raymond John Male Winson Phyllis Elsie Dakehurst Female Maylands
1945/100155 Perth Raven Margaret Jean Female Munday Ronald William Male Perth
1945/100155 Perth Munday Ronald William Male Raven Margaret Jean Female Perth
1945/100156 Perth Roberts William Male Wildman Ngaire Noel Female Perth
1945/100156 Perth Wildman Ngaire Noel Female Roberts William Male Perth
1945/100157 Perth Davey Joyce Florence Female Archibald Thomas Male Perth
1945/100157 Perth Archibald Thomas Male Davey Joyce Florence Female Perth
1945/100158 Perth Stanwell Catherine Muriel Female Britton William Male Perth
1945/100158 Perth Britton William Male Stanwell Catherine Muriel Female Perth
1945/100159 Perth Olsen Dulcie Jean Female Manolas Manoli Male Perth
1945/100159 Perth Manolas Manoli Male Olsen Dulcie Jean Female Perth
1945/100160 Perth Harman Beatrice May Female Bristow Arthur Thomas Male Perth
1945/100160 Perth Bristow Arthur Thomas Male Harman Beatrice May Female Perth
1945/100161 Perth Cocking Phyllis Evelyn Female Hunt Eric Sidney Alfred Male Perth
1945/100161 Perth Hunt Eric Sidney Alfred Male Cocking Phyllis Evelyn Female Perth
1945/100162 Perth Muir Phyllis Margaret Female Maclean Robert Alexander Male Perth
1945/100162 Perth Maclean Robert Alexander Male Muir Phyllis Margaret Female Perth
1945/100163 Perth Firth Joseph Sidney Male Vale Olive Isabelle Female Perth
1945/100163 Perth Vale Olive Isabelle Female Firth Joseph Sidney Male Perth
1945/100164 Perth Baird Arthur George Male Sundercombe Joan Female Perth
1945/100164 Perth Sundercombe Joan Female Baird Arthur George Male Perth
1945/100165 Perth Gardner John Edmund Male Knight Beryl Lily Female Perth
1945/100165 Perth Knight Beryl Lily Female Gardner John Edmund Male Perth
1945/100166 Perth Anderson Dorothy Ann Female Dawson George Fyfield Male Claremont
1945/100166 Perth Dawson George Fyfield Male Anderson Dorothy Ann Female Claremont
1945/100167 Perth Davis William Bernard Male Gadsby Dorothy Mary Female West Perth
1945/100167 Perth Gadsby Dorothy Mary Female Davis William Bernard Male West Perth
1945/100168 Perth Wilkins Joan Florence Female Simpson Milford Male Perth
1945/100168 Perth Simpson Milford Male Wilkins Joan Florence Female Perth
1945/100169 Perth Schubert Friedrich Reinhold Male Anderson Amy Mary Female Perth
1945/100169 Perth Anderson Amy Mary Female Schubert Friedrich Reinhold Male Perth
1945/100170 Perth Kane George John Male Jordan Christina Daisy Female Perth
1945/100170 Perth Jordan Christina Daisy Female Kane George John Male Perth
1945/100171 Perth Robeson Arthur Avon Male O'Connor Catherine Mary Female Perth
1945/100171 Perth O'Connor Catherine Mary Female Robeson Arthur Avon Male Perth
1945/100172 Perth Plenty Edwin Clarence Male Woodland Olive Helen Female Subiaco
1945/100172 Perth Woodland Olive Helen Female Plenty Edwin Clarence Male Subiaco
1945/100173 Perth Midalia Roy Male Rosen Paula Joy Female Perth
1945/100173 Perth Rosen Paula Joy Female Midalia Roy Male Perth
1945/100174 Perth Rebe Maurice Male Benjamin Freda Beatrice Female Perth
1945/100174 Perth Benjamin Freda Beatrice Female Rebe Maurice Male Perth
1945/100175 Perth Charman John Henry Male Brown Phyllis Edith Female West Perth
1945/100175 Perth Brown Phyllis Edith Female Charman John Henry Male West Perth
1945/100176 Perth Mitchell Nancy Female Baston George Winton Keith Male West Perth
1945/100176 Perth Baston George Winton Keith Male Mitchell Nancy Female West Perth
1945/100177 Perth Moran Shirley Mae Female Herbert Morgan Uriah Male West Perth
1945/100177 Perth Herbert Morgan Uriah Male Moran Shirley Mae Female West Perth
1945/100178 Perth Spence Margaret Ohlmeyer Female Pascoe Lester Glen Roy Male West Perth
1945/100178 Perth Pascoe Lester Glen Roy Male Spence Margaret Ohlmeyer Female West Perth
1945/100179 Perth Bettenay Wilfred Joseph Male Bright Ruth Harriet Female West Perth
1945/100179 Perth Bright Ruth Harriet Female Bettenay Wilfred Joseph Male West Perth
1945/100180 Perth Simpson Esther Ivy Female Hampson Robert Douglas Male Perth
1945/100180 Perth Hampson Robert Douglas Male Simpson Esther Ivy Female Perth
1945/100181 Perth Oxley Richard Spruks Male Paterson Frances Eleanor Female West Perth
1945/100181 Perth Paterson Frances Eleanor Female Oxley Richard Spruks Male West Perth
1945/100182 Perth Cocker Norma Lilian Female Roberts Lewis Vernon Male West Perth
1945/100182 Perth Roberts Lewis Vernon Male Cocker Norma Lilian Female West Perth
1945/100183 Perth Edwards Douglas Lionel Male Belstead Enid Myrtle Female Perth
1945/100183 Perth Belstead Enid Myrtle Female Edwards Douglas Lionel Male Perth
1945/100184 Perth Adam Robert Male Robinson Kathleen Female Perth
1945/100184 Perth Robinson Kathleen Female Adam Robert Male Perth
1945/100185 Perth Hey Iris Audrey Female Richmond Frank De Witt Male Perth
1945/100185 Perth Richmond Frank De Witt Male Hey Iris Audrey Female Perth
1945/100186 Perth Macfarlane John Bell Male Flemming Hannah Female Perth
1945/100186 Perth Flemming Hannah Female Macfarlane John Bell Male Perth
1945/100187 Perth Workman Albert Edward Stanton Male Easom Gwenda Margery Female Perth
1945/100187 Perth Easom Gwenda Margery Female Workman Albert Edward Stanton Male Perth
1945/100188 Perth Weston John Edward Male E'att Doreen Elsie Female Perth
1945/100188 Perth E'att Doreen Elsie Female Weston John Edward Male Perth
1945/100189 Perth Dugan Joan Female Williams Alan Henry Male Perth
1945/100189 Perth Williams Alan Henry Male Dugan Joan Female Perth
1945/100190 Perth Chaney Violet Hope Female Scott Douglas David Male Perth
1945/100190 Perth Scott Douglas David Male Chaney Violet Hope Female Perth
1945/100191 Perth Garfoot Eileen Female Priestman Ronald Walter Male Perth
1945/100191 Perth Priestman Ronald Walter Male Garfoot Eileen Female Perth
1945/100192 Perth Andrews Betty Joyce Female Waterman Albert Lewis Male Perth
1945/100192 Perth Waterman Albert Lewis Male Andrews Betty Joyce Female Perth
1945/100193 Perth Jolly Victor Raymond Male McEwen Marjorie Forbes Female West Perth
1945/100193 Perth McEwen Marjorie Forbes Female Jolly Victor Raymond Male West Perth
1945/100194 Perth Hepworth Myrtle Jean Female Clarke Frederick William Male West Perth
1945/100194 Perth Clarke Frederick William Male Hepworth Myrtle Jean Female West Perth
1945/100195 Perth Lippiatt Betty Glazebrook Female Crow Arnold Norman Male Claremont
1945/100195 Perth Crow Arnold Norman Male Lippiatt Betty Glazebrook Female Claremont
1945/100196 Perth Perry Alan John Male Thomas Heather Female Claremont
1945/100196 Perth Thomas Heather Female Perry Alan John Male Claremont
1945/100197 Perth Woolley Gladys May Female Charlton Jeffrey Male Claremont
1945/100197 Perth Charlton Jeffrey Male Woolley Gladys May Female Claremont
1945/100198 Perth Rudland Marjorie Cathrine Female Teakle Ivan Thomas Male Mosman Park
1945/100198 Perth Teakle Ivan Thomas Male Rudland Marjorie Cathrine Female Mosman Park
1945/100199 Perth Sherlock Joyce Audrey Female Sinnott Morris Stirling Male Perth
1945/100199 Perth Sinnott Morris Stirling Male Sherlock Joyce Audrey Female Perth
1945/100200 Perth Sawkins Alice Jean Female Sims Herbert Frederick Male Perth
1945/100200 Perth Sims Herbert Frederick Male Sawkins Alice Jean Female Perth
1945/100201 Perth Williams Beryl Joan Female Zis Joseph Male Perth
1946/100202 Perth Worthington Joseph Male McCreery Ruby Female Cottesloe
1945/100202 Perth Hartley Mary Female Blight Ronald William Male Perth
1946/100202 Perth McCreery Ruby Female Worthington Joseph Male Cottesloe
1945/100202 Perth Blight Ronald William Male Hartley Mary Female Perth
1945/100203 Perth Meehan Robert Charles Male Sutton Lillian Female Perth
1945/100203 Perth Sutton Lillian Female Meehan Robert Charles Male Perth
1945/100204 Perth Flanagan John Patrick Male Simmons Tasma Minnie Female Perth
1945/100204 Perth Simmons Tasma Minnie Female Flanagan John Patrick Male Perth
1946/100205 Perth Hollins Veronica Anne Female Fitzgibbon Horace Leo Male South Perth
1945/100205 Perth Atkins Robert Thomas Male Frazer Emma Florence Female Mt Hawthorn
1946/100205 Perth Fitzgibbon Horace Leo Male Hollins Veronica Anne Female South Perth
1945/100205 Perth Frazer Emma Florence Female Atkins Robert Thomas Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100206 Perth Stephens Thelma Joyce Female Wills Allen Hubert Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100206 Perth Wills Allen Hubert Male Stephens Thelma Joyce Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100207 Perth Stephenson Phyllis May Female Clay Frederick William Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100207 Perth Clay Frederick William Male Stephenson Phyllis May Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100208 Perth Howard Athol Ellis Male Armstrong Helene Muriel Female Claremont
1945/100208 Perth Armstrong Helene Muriel Female Howard Athol Ellis Male Claremont
1945/100210 Perth Cordingley Gwendoline Doreen Female Nairne George Male Claremont
1945/100210 Perth Nairne George Male Cordingley Gwendoline Doreen Female Claremont
1945/100211 Perth Robertson Jean Ada Price Female Sarah Rimmington Vincent Male Claremont
1945/100211 Perth Sarah Rimmington Vincent Male Robertson Jean Ada Price Female Claremont
1945/100212 Perth Howe Ivy May Female Hedges Albert Leslie Male Perth
1945/100212 Perth Hedges Albert Leslie Male Howe Ivy May Female Perth
1945/100213 Perth Forder Norman Jesse Mayne Male Dartnall Violet Mary Female Perth
1945/100213 Perth Dartnall Violet Mary Female Forder Norman Jesse Mayne Male Perth
1945/100214 Perth Clarke Myrtle Jane Female Rowell William Charles Male Perth
1945/100214 Perth Rowell William Charles Male Clarke Myrtle Jane Female Perth
1945/100215 Perth Ducat Harold Vincent Male McDonald Flora Enid Marie Female West Perth
1945/100215 Perth McDonald Flora Enid Marie Female Ducat Harold Vincent Male West Perth
1945/100216 Perth Macnamara Patricia Iris Female Nichols William Robert Male West Perth
1945/100216 Perth Nichols William Robert Male Macnamara Patricia Iris Female West Perth
1945/100217 Perth Kierse Muriel Jane Female Genefini John William Male Subiaco
1945/100217 Perth Genefini John William Male Kierse Muriel Jane Female Subiaco
1945/100218 Perth McMullen Vincent Sidney Male Omond Charlotte Female Shenton Park
1945/100218 Perth Omond Charlotte Female McMullen Vincent Sidney Male Shenton Park
1945/100219 Perth Cosentino Michael Male Scarfo Marie Female Osborne Park
1945/100219 Perth Scarfo Marie Female Cosentino Michael Male Osborne Park
1945/100220 Perth Ewan William Male Merrifield Phyllis Barbara Female Perth
1945/100220 Perth Merrifield Phyllis Barbara Female Ewan William Male Perth
1945/100221 Perth Malcolm Maisie Edna Female Hames Reginald Albert Garner Male Victoria Park
1945/100221 Perth Hames Reginald Albert Garner Male Malcolm Maisie Edna Female Victoria Park
1945/100222 Perth Howson Theresa Eleanor Female Martin Rohan James Male Perth
1945/100222 Perth Martin Rohan James Male Howson Theresa Eleanor Female Perth
1945/100223 Perth Mant Elsie Violet Maud Female Chadwick John Male Perth
1945/100223 Perth Chadwick John Male Mant Elsie Violet Maud Female Perth
1945/100224 Perth Barralet George Craufurd Male Johnson Jean Margaret Female Perth
1945/100224 Perth Johnson Jean Margaret Female Barralet George Craufurd Male Perth
1945/100225 Perth Verrier John George Male Hammer Eileen Ella Female Perth
1945/100225 Perth Hammer Eileen Ella Female Verrier John George Male Perth
1945/100226 Perth Withers Margaret Frances Female Maskiell Reginald James Male Perth
1945/100226 Perth Maskiell Reginald James Male Withers Margaret Frances Female Perth
1945/100227 Perth Potter Joseph William Kemp Male Bremner Margaret Sullivan Female North Perth Presbyterian Church
1945/100227 Perth Bremner Margaret Sullivan Female Potter Joseph William Kemp Male North Perth Presbyterian Church
1945/100228 Perth Stebbins Glen Adelaide Female Hancock Harold Whyte Male Perth
1945/100228 Perth Hancock Harold Whyte Male Stebbins Glen Adelaide Female Perth
1945/100229 Perth Hyde Lance Albert Male Drummond Margaret Ellen Female Claremont
1945/100229 Perth Drummond Margaret Ellen Female Hyde Lance Albert Male Claremont
1945/100230 Perth Hutton Joyce Margaret Female Madden Mervyn Keith Male Claremont
1945/100230 Perth Madden Mervyn Keith Male Hutton Joyce Margaret Female Claremont
1945/100231 Perth Lyon Rona Dorothy Female Carrick Phillip Bruce Male Claremont
1945/100231 Perth Carrick Phillip Bruce Male Lyon Rona Dorothy Female Claremont
1945/100232 Perth Harris Joan Mary Female Wellington Roy Kitchener Male South Perth
1945/100232 Perth Wellington Roy Kitchener Male Harris Joan Mary Female South Perth
1945/100233 Perth Nisbet Harold Maurice Male Menagh Audrey Joyce Female Subiaco
1945/100233 Perth Menagh Audrey Joyce Female Nisbet Harold Maurice Male Subiaco
1945/100234 Perth Butler Marie Felicitas Female Kilpatrick Herbert Leslie Male Subiaco
1945/100234 Perth Kilpatrick Herbert Leslie Male Butler Marie Felicitas Female Subiaco
1945/100235 Perth Allen Lloyd Hamilton Male McGuinness Rosa Theresa Female Subiaco
1945/100235 Perth McGuinness Rosa Theresa Female Allen Lloyd Hamilton Male Subiaco
1945/100236 Perth Millar Patricia Mary Female Miers Anthony Cecil Capel Male Perth
1945/100236 Perth Miers Anthony Cecil Capel Male Millar Patricia Mary Female Perth
1945/100237 Perth Howitt Paul Bakewell Male White Charlotte Catherine Female Perth
1945/100237 Perth White Charlotte Catherine Female Howitt Paul Bakewell Male Perth
1945/100238 Perth Blackmore Thelma Agnes Female Lockyer Michael Horace Male Perth
1945/100238 Perth Lockyer Michael Horace Male Blackmore Thelma Agnes Female Perth
1945/100239 Perth Cowell Laura Marguerite Female Duggan Donald Francis Male Perth
1945/100239 Perth Duggan Donald Francis Male Cowell Laura Marguerite Female Perth
1945/100240 Perth Hartzer Margaret Frances Female Reed Stephen James Male Perth
1945/100240 Perth Reed Stephen James Male Hartzer Margaret Frances Female Perth
1945/100241 Perth Morgan Gwendoline Muriel Female Bennett John Keith Male Perth
1945/100241 Perth Bennett John Keith Male Morgan Gwendoline Muriel Female Perth
1945/100243 Perth Willis Raymond Male Cross Thelma Female Subiaco
1945/100243 Perth Cross Thelma Female Willis Raymond Male Subiaco
1945/100244 Perth Hayes Doreen Winefred Female Cahill John Harry William Male North Perth
1945/100244 Perth Cahill John Harry William Male Hayes Doreen Winefred Female North Perth
1945/100245 Perth Eldridge James Bolling Male Cable Zena May Female Victoria Park
1945/100245 Perth Cable Zena May Female Eldridge James Bolling Male Victoria Park
1945/100246 Perth Jones Eileen Elizabeth Female Bell Alan Male Victoria Park
1945/100246 Perth Bell Alan Male Jones Eileen Elizabeth Female Victoria Park
1945/100247 Perth Patten Sarah Joan Female Butler Leslie Richard Male Victoria Park
1945/100247 Perth Butler Leslie Richard Male Patten Sarah Joan Female Victoria Park
1945/100248 Perth Gouldson Charles William Male Mackenzie Dehlia Helena Female Perth
1945/100248 Perth Mackenzie Dehlia Helena Female Gouldson Charles William Male Perth
1945/100249 Perth Greaves Samuel Arthur Male Rogers Eunice Eliza Female Perth
1945/100249 Perth Rogers Eunice Eliza Female Greaves Samuel Arthur Male Perth
1945/100250 Perth Miguel Eunice Imelda Female Douglas Joseph James Male Perth
1945/100250 Perth Douglas Joseph James Male Miguel Eunice Imelda Female Perth
1945/100251 Perth Auburn George William Male Robertson Violet Alice May Female Perth
1945/100251 Perth Robertson Violet Alice May Female Auburn George William Male Perth
1945/100252 Perth Francis Edgar Charles Male Barron Betty Eileen Female Perth
1945/100252 Perth Barron Betty Eileen Female Francis Edgar Charles Male Perth
1945/100253 Perth Horrocks June Elizabeth Mary Female Evans Stanley Gordon Male Perth
1945/100253 Perth Evans Stanley Gordon Male Horrocks June Elizabeth Mary Female Perth
1945/100254 Perth Howlett Percy Oswald Male Richards Marjorie Lillian Female Perth
1945/100254 Perth Richards Marjorie Lillian Female Howlett Percy Oswald Male Perth
1945/100255 Perth Carter Colin Vernon Male Watkins Roma Joyce Female Bayswater
1945/100255 Perth Watkins Roma Joyce Female Carter Colin Vernon Male Bayswater
1945/100256 Perth Austin Beryl Emma Female Dunstan Leslie Male Subiaco
1945/100256 Perth Dunstan Leslie Male Austin Beryl Emma Female Subiaco
1945/100257 Perth Ninnis Richard Alwynne Andrew Male Cook Irene Winifred Female Perth
1945/100257 Perth Cook Irene Winifred Female Ninnis Richard Alwynne Andrew Male Perth
1945/100258 Perth Hetherington Aubrey Male Thomas Ida Wynonia Female Perth
1945/100258 Perth Thomas Ida Wynonia Female Hetherington Aubrey Male Perth
1945/100259 Perth Norman Henry Male Hobbs Barbara Female Perth
1945/100259 Perth Hobbs Barbara Female Norman Henry Male Perth
1945/100260 Perth Young Christine Mary Female Joseph Vivian Edward Male West Perth
1945/100260 Perth Joseph Vivian Edward Male Young Christine Mary Female West Perth
1945/100261 Perth Fowler George Murray Male Forrest Margaret Mary Female Perth
1945/100261 Perth Forrest Margaret Mary Female Fowler George Murray Male Perth
1945/100262 Perth Quartermaine Timothy Male Hayden Esther Female Perth
1945/100262 Perth Hayden Esther Female Quartermaine Timothy Male Perth
1945/100263 Perth Scott Thelma Female Drake Charles John Male Mt Lawley
1945/100263 Perth Drake Charles John Male Scott Thelma Female Mt Lawley
1945/100264 Perth Dillon Doris Kathleen Female Ross John Robbern Male Perth
1945/100264 Perth Ross John Robbern Male Dillon Doris Kathleen Female Perth
1945/100265 Perth Keseling Marie Lillian Female Kracht Alfred Clark Male East Claremont
1945/100265 Perth Kracht Alfred Clark Male Keseling Marie Lillian Female East Claremont
1945/100266 Perth Williams Phyllis Margaret Female Tuckey Allan Humphrey Male Claremont
1945/100266 Perth Tuckey Allan Humphrey Male Williams Phyllis Margaret Female Claremont
1945/100267 Perth Miller Esmond Gordon Male Martin Nina Rebecca Female Claremont
1945/100267 Perth Martin Nina Rebecca Female Miller Esmond Gordon Male Claremont
1945/100268 Perth Shenstone Eric Joseph Male Reichard Jean Olive Female Claremont
1945/100268 Perth Reichard Jean Olive Female Shenstone Eric Joseph Male Claremont
1945/100269 Perth Beard Patricia Nellie Female Johnston Richard Allen Male Victoria Park
1945/100269 Perth Johnston Richard Allen Male Beard Patricia Nellie Female Victoria Park
1945/100270 Perth Rogers Joyce Female O'Donnell John Hilary Male Victoria Park
1945/100270 Perth O'Donnell John Hilary Male Rogers Joyce Female Victoria Park
1945/100271 Perth Westaway Leo Alfred Male Venner Ellen Mary Female Inglewood
1945/100271 Perth Venner Ellen Mary Female Westaway Leo Alfred Male Inglewood
1945/100272 Perth Vardy Frederick Alfred Male Bannon Sabina Rose Female Highgate Hill
1945/100272 Perth Bannon Sabina Rose Female Vardy Frederick Alfred Male Highgate Hill
1945/100273 Perth Ray Routhal Vaden Male Mulgrave Lorna Female Highgate Hill
1945/100273 Perth Mulgrave Lorna Female Ray Routhal Vaden Male Highgate Hill
1945/100274 Perth Hunter Edward Robert Male Sullivan Mary Margaret Female Victoria Park
1945/100274 Perth Sullivan Mary Margaret Female Hunter Edward Robert Male Victoria Park
1945/100275 Perth Ciprian Tony Male Cooke Margaret Female South Perth
1945/100275 Perth Cooke Margaret Female Ciprian Tony Male South Perth
1945/100276 Perth Roy Norman Ewing Male Searle Adele Constance Female Perth
1945/100276 Perth Searle Adele Constance Female Roy Norman Ewing Male Perth
1945/100277 Perth Maller George Frederick Male Davis Edith Female Perth
1945/100277 Perth Davis Edith Female Maller George Frederick Male Perth
1945/100278 Perth Sullivan Robert Neil Male Gower Dorothy Lucy Female Cottesloe
1945/100278 Perth Gower Dorothy Lucy Female Sullivan Robert Neil Male Cottesloe
1945/100279 Perth Dromey Evelyn Moyea Female Stubbs-Mills Harold Thomas Male Perth
1945/100279 Perth Stubbs-Mills Harold Thomas Male Dromey Evelyn Moyea Female Perth
1945/100280 Perth Simeon Irene Mary Cavall Female Brown Clark Lincoln Male Perth
1945/100280 Perth Brown Clark Lincoln Male Simeon Irene Mary Cavall Female Perth
1945/100281 Perth Leitch George Owen Arthur Male Vale Jean Elizabeth Female Perth
1945/100281 Perth Vale Jean Elizabeth Female Leitch George Owen Arthur Male Perth
1945/100282 Perth Snashall Harold Edwin Male Veaney Rena May Female Perth
1945/100282 Perth Veaney Rena May Female Snashall Harold Edwin Male Perth
1945/100283 Perth Pinch Reginald Charles Male Edwards Joan Marguerite Female Perth
1945/100283 Perth Edwards Joan Marguerite Female Pinch Reginald Charles Male Perth
1945/100284 Perth Rose Cecil Clifton Male Facey Barbara Maxine Female Perth
1945/100284 Perth Facey Barbara Maxine Female Rose Cecil Clifton Male Perth
1945/100285 Perth Watts Arthur Reginald Male Adams Patricia Female Perth
1945/100285 Perth Adams Patricia Female Watts Arthur Reginald Male Perth
1945/100286 Perth Bloxam Cecil Cazalet Keeling Male Annear Dulcie Pauline Female Perth
1945/100286 Perth Annear Dulcie Pauline Female Bloxam Cecil Cazalet Keeling Male Perth
1945/100287 Perth Gibbs Fredrick Thomas Male Taylor Margaret Jean Female Perth
1945/100287 Perth Taylor Margaret Jean Female Gibbs Fredrick Thomas Male Perth
1945/100288 Perth McKenzie April Joyce Female Redmond Edward Victor Male Perth
1945/100288 Perth Redmond Edward Victor Male McKenzie April Joyce Female Perth
1945/100289 Perth Marchant Lorraine Annette Female Smith George Alexander Male Perth
1945/100289 Perth Smith George Alexander Male Marchant Lorraine Annette Female Perth
1945/100290 Perth Feast Allen Leslie Male Babb Roma Joyce Female Perth
1945/100290 Perth Babb Roma Joyce Female Feast Allen Leslie Male Perth
1945/100291 Perth Solin Daphne Joyce Female Littlejohn Albert Richard Male Perth
1945/100291 Perth Littlejohn Albert Richard Male Solin Daphne Joyce Female Perth
1945/100292 Perth Hoddy Doris Pearl Female Wasley George Austin Male Perth
1945/100292 Perth Wasley George Austin Male Hoddy Doris Pearl Female Perth
1945/100293 Perth Smethurst Joan Female Dubber John Wallace Male Perth
1945/100293 Perth Dubber John Wallace Male Smethurst Joan Female Perth
1945/100294 Perth Sands Lilian Female Baker Len Male Subiaco
1945/100294 Perth Baker Len Male Sands Lilian Female Subiaco
1945/100295 Perth Taylor Annie Lillian Female Webb Ralph William Houlton Male Subiaco
1945/100295 Perth Webb Ralph William Houlton Male Taylor Annie Lillian Female Subiaco
1945/100296 Perth Lance Horace Alfred Male Marshall Lillian Emma Female South Perth
1945/100296 Perth Marshall Lillian Emma Female Lance Horace Alfred Male South Perth
1945/100297 Perth Grant Ailsa Female Backshell Thomas Vincent Male West Perth
1945/100297 Perth Backshell Thomas Vincent Male Grant Ailsa Female West Perth
1945/100298 Perth Bates Dorothy May Female Stone Cyril Male West Perth
1945/100298 Perth Stone Cyril Male Bates Dorothy May Female West Perth
1945/100299 Perth Mulberry Carma Mary Female Warrilow William Allyn Male West Perth
1945/100299 Perth Warrilow William Allyn Male Mulberry Carma Mary Female West Perth
1945/100300 Perth Hart John Wilfrid Male Wills Golda Mary Female West Perth
1945/100300 Perth Wills Golda Mary Female Hart John Wilfrid Male West Perth
1945/100301 Perth Mentiplay Ethel Evelyn Female Bowers William Herbert Male Perth
1945/100301 Perth Bowers William Herbert Male Mentiplay Ethel Evelyn Female Perth
1945/100302 Perth Hams Arthur Herbert Male Bingham Evelyn Female West Perth
1945/100302 Perth Bingham Evelyn Female Hams Arthur Herbert Male West Perth
1945/100303 Perth Bowman Pearl Alice Female Kent Ronald Banton Male Victoria Park
1945/100303 Perth Kent Ronald Banton Male Bowman Pearl Alice Female Victoria Park
1945/100304 Perth Evans Frederick Herbert Male McPherson Jessie Female Perth
1945/100304 Perth McPherson Jessie Female Evans Frederick Herbert Male Perth
1945/100305 Perth Dare Mollie Cleone Female Doran James Male Perth
1945/100305 Perth Doran James Male Dare Mollie Cleone Female Perth
1945/100306 Perth Monan Albert Male Osborn Thelma Maud Female Nedlands
1945/100306 Perth Osborn Thelma Maud Female Monan Albert Male Nedlands
1945/100307 Perth Norrish Violet Roberta Female Cameron Reginald Frederick Male Perth
1945/100307 Perth Cameron Reginald Frederick Male Norrish Violet Roberta Female Perth
1945/100308 Perth Brophy Harold Harvey Male Barnfather Ada Maud Female Perth
1945/100308 Perth Barnfather Ada Maud Female Brophy Harold Harvey Male Perth
1945/100309 Perth Yelverton Hilton Mervyn Male Burge Dorothea Carlyon Female Mount Lawley
1945/100309 Perth Burge Dorothea Carlyon Female Yelverton Hilton Mervyn Male Mount Lawley
1945/100310 Perth Edwards Kenneth Charles Male Kerridge Doris Betty Female Victoria Park
1945/100310 Perth Kerridge Doris Betty Female Edwards Kenneth Charles Male Victoria Park
1945/100311 Perth Clarke Kathleen Mary Female Carroll James Male Maylands
1945/100311 Perth Carroll James Male Clarke Kathleen Mary Female Maylands
1945/100312 Perth Donohoe John Edwin Male Volker Mary Francis Female Maylands
1945/100312 Perth Volker Mary Francis Female Donohoe John Edwin Male Maylands
1945/100313 Perth Whitehouse Sidney Male Burridge Janet Evelyn Female Mt Lawley
1945/100313 Perth Burridge Janet Evelyn Female Whitehouse Sidney Male Mt Lawley
1945/100314 Perth Baird John Male Cameron Audrey Beryl Female Perth
1945/100314 Perth Cameron Audrey Beryl Female Baird John Male Perth
1945/100315 Perth Rich Ellen Rose Female Hannah Aubrey Cecil Male Perth
1945/100315 Perth Hannah Aubrey Cecil Male Rich Ellen Rose Female Perth
1945/100316 Perth Doyle Aimee Annie Female Davidson Vincent Thomas Male Leederville
1945/100316 Perth Davidson Vincent Thomas Male Doyle Aimee Annie Female Leederville
1945/100317 Perth Antonas Sylvia Female Miricklis Tony Male Perth
1945/100317 Perth Miricklis Tony Male Antonas Sylvia Female Perth
1945/100318 Perth Lewis Enid Annie Female Whyte John William Male Perth
1945/100318 Perth Whyte John William Male Lewis Enid Annie Female Perth
1945/100319 Perth Freind Albert James Male Simmons Isla Clarice Female Perth
1945/100319 Perth Simmons Isla Clarice Female Freind Albert James Male Perth
1945/100320 Perth McCormack Kathleen Mary Female Heeren Elmer John Male Perth
1945/100320 Perth Heeren Elmer John Male McCormack Kathleen Mary Female Perth
1945/100321 Perth Stevens Fay Hilary Female Osmond Thomas George Male Perth
1945/100321 Perth Osmond Thomas George Male Stevens Fay Hilary Female Perth
1945/100322 Perth Higson Frank Male Shannon Jean Clarkson Female Perth
1945/100322 Perth Shannon Jean Clarkson Female Higson Frank Male Perth
1945/100323 Perth McGorlick Edith Anne Female Reilly John Albert Male West Leederville
1945/100323 Perth Reilly John Albert Male McGorlick Edith Anne Female West Leederville
1945/100324 Perth Sugden David Burnet Male Maguire Peggy Female Crawley
1945/100324 Perth Maguire Peggy Female Sugden David Burnet Male Crawley
1945/100325 Perth Munday Hubert David Miller Male George Ruth Una Female Perth
1945/100325 Perth George Ruth Una Female Munday Hubert David Miller Male Perth
1945/100326 Perth Vetter Mary Evelyn Female Cowan Charles Donald Male Claremont
1945/100326 Perth Cowan Charles Donald Male Vetter Mary Evelyn Female Claremont
1945/100327 Perth McMullen Colin John Male Berry Verna Dorothy Female Claremont
1945/100327 Perth Berry Verna Dorothy Female McMullen Colin John Male Claremont
1945/100328 Perth Wheeler Elizabeth Grace Mowbray Female Fenton Leslie Male Perth
1946/100328 Perth Rouvray Dene Symonds Male Coates Shirley Esther Female Perth
1945/100328 Perth Fenton Leslie Male Wheeler Elizabeth Grace Mowbray Female Perth
1946/100328 Perth Coates Shirley Esther Female Rouvray Dene Symonds Male Perth
1945/100329 Perth Stedman Laurence David Male Stidworthy Mavis Female Perth
1945/100329 Perth Stidworthy Mavis Female Stedman Laurence David Male Perth
1945/100330 Perth Falcone Mike Felix Male Goodlet Jean Deborah Female Perth
1945/100330 Perth Goodlet Jean Deborah Female Falcone Mike Felix Male Perth
1945/100331 Perth Cole Constance Mary Female Martin Clement Charles Male West Perth
1945/100331 Perth Martin Clement Charles Male Cole Constance Mary Female West Perth
1945/100332 Perth Ward Mercer William Anderson Male Craig Mabel Alice Olga Female Perth
1945/100332 Perth Craig Mabel Alice Olga Female Ward Mercer William Anderson Male Perth
1945/100333 Perth Wallace Maxwell Forrest Male Smith Marjorie Jean Female Perth
1945/100333 Perth Smith Marjorie Jean Female Wallace Maxwell Forrest Male Perth
1945/100334 Perth Drewry Alexander Moseley Male Austen Hilda Mary Female Perth
1945/100334 Perth Austen Hilda Mary Female Drewry Alexander Moseley Male Perth
1945/100335 Perth Shipperd Elwyn Female Dransfield Geoffrey David Male Perth
1945/100335 Perth Dransfield Geoffrey David Male Shipperd Elwyn Female Perth
1945/100336 Perth Dudley Verna Lucy Female Freind Leslie Edward Male Perth
1945/100336 Perth Freind Leslie Edward Male Dudley Verna Lucy Female Perth
1945/100337 Perth Piggin Ruth Jeanne Female Hazell Keith Malcolm Male Perth
1945/100337 Perth Hazell Keith Malcolm Male Piggin Ruth Jeanne Female Perth
1945/100338 Perth Adams Raymond James Farley Male Park Beryl May Semple Female Perth
1945/100338 Perth Park Beryl May Semple Female Adams Raymond James Farley Male Perth
1945/100339 Perth Dallywater Cynthia Noreen Female Wilson Ian Macready Male Perth
1945/100339 Perth Wilson Ian Macready Male Dallywater Cynthia Noreen Female Perth
1945/100340 Perth Eldridge Eunice Gwendoline Female Callaghan Stephen Henry Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100340 Perth Callaghan Stephen Henry Male Eldridge Eunice Gwendoline Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100341 Perth Walsh Joan Female Ridley Raymond Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100341 Perth Ridley Raymond Male Walsh Joan Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100342 Perth Asbury Marjorie Female Rogers George Charles Stanley Male Osborne Park
1945/100342 Perth Rogers George Charles Stanley Male Asbury Marjorie Female Osborne Park
1945/100343 Perth Spencer Donald Andrew Victor Male Butterworth Ione Mavis Female Osborne Park
1945/100343 Perth Butterworth Ione Mavis Female Spencer Donald Andrew Victor Male Osborne Park
1945/100344 Perth Balaam Muriel Female Hipper Clarence Roy Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100344 Perth Hipper Clarence Roy Male Balaam Muriel Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100345 Perth Deering Doris Ethel Female Tyson Edward Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100345 Perth Tyson Edward Male Deering Doris Ethel Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100346 Perth Brown Phyllis May Female Rawls Jefferson Weldon Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100346 Perth Rawls Jefferson Weldon Male Brown Phyllis May Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100347 Perth Townsend John Reginald Male Hinchliffe June Enid Female West Perth
1945/100347 Perth Hinchliffe June Enid Female Townsend John Reginald Male West Perth
1945/100348 Perth Marshall John Lewis Male Maidment Ruby Margaret Female Perth
1945/100348 Perth Maidment Ruby Margaret Female Marshall John Lewis Male Perth
1945/100349 Perth March Leslie Sidney Roy Male Whiteford Dora Alice Female Perth
1945/100349 Perth Whiteford Dora Alice Female March Leslie Sidney Roy Male Perth
1945/100350 Perth Bainbridge Jack Lawrence Male Bunn Violet Elizabeth Female Perth
1945/100350 Perth Bunn Violet Elizabeth Female Bainbridge Jack Lawrence Male Perth
1945/100351 Perth Watson Robert William Male Dennis Joan Ethel Female Mount Lawley
1945/100351 Perth Dennis Joan Ethel Female Watson Robert William Male Mount Lawley
1945/100352 Perth Simms Hilda Sarah Ann Female Mannion John Joseph Male Bayswater
1945/100352 Perth Mannion John Joseph Male Simms Hilda Sarah Ann Female Bayswater
1945/100353 Perth Ferguson Clifford Thomas Male Harris Annie Alfreda Female Rosalie
1945/100353 Perth Harris Annie Alfreda Female Ferguson Clifford Thomas Male Rosalie
1945/100354 Perth Gillespie John Reginald Male Beatty Doreen Alma Female Perth
1945/100354 Perth Beatty Doreen Alma Female Gillespie John Reginald Male Perth
1945/100355 Perth Murphy Harold James Male Thomas Merla Female Highgate Hill
1945/100355 Perth Thomas Merla Female Murphy Harold James Male Highgate Hill
1945/100356 Perth Bourne Hugh Gerard Male Nash Anne Fraser Female W Perth
1945/100356 Perth Nash Anne Fraser Female Bourne Hugh Gerard Male W Perth
1945/100357 Perth Lenthall Thelma Constance Maureen Female Halcumb Gallie Smith Male Perth
1945/100357 Perth Halcumb Gallie Smith Male Lenthall Thelma Constance Maureen Female Perth
1945/100358 Perth Turner Thomas Sydney Male Smith Kathleen Teresa Female Perth
1945/100358 Perth Smith Kathleen Teresa Female Turner Thomas Sydney Male Perth
1945/100359 Perth Conway Enid Meynell Female Hatton John Ronald Male Mt Lawley
1945/100359 Perth Hatton John Ronald Male Conway Enid Meynell Female Mt Lawley
1945/100360 Perth Espinos John Male Delaporte Eunice Maisie Female Perth
1945/100360 Perth Delaporte Eunice Maisie Female Espinos John Male Perth
1945/100361 Perth Coder Donald Leonard Male Leitch Dorothy Nance Female Perth
1945/100361 Perth Leitch Dorothy Nance Female Coder Donald Leonard Male Perth
1945/100362 Perth Nugent Jack Male Hopkins Helen Castle Female West Perth
1945/100362 Perth Hopkins Helen Castle Female Nugent Jack Male West Perth
1945/100363 Perth Coley Carl Leslie Joseph Male Sadleir Grace Female West Perth
1945/100363 Perth Sadleir Grace Female Coley Carl Leslie Joseph Male West Perth
1945/100364 Perth Morgan Vaughan Lewis Male Burns Nancy Female West Perth
1945/100364 Perth Burns Nancy Female Morgan Vaughan Lewis Male West Perth
1945/100365 Perth Watson Emily Anna Female Mercer Leslie Frank Male Perth
1945/100365 Perth Mercer Leslie Frank Male Watson Emily Anna Female Perth
1945/100366 Perth Lukey Regina Female Park Charles Toliver Male Perth
1945/100366 Perth Park Charles Toliver Male Lukey Regina Female Perth
1945/100367 Perth Lee Harold Alton Male Down Edna May Female Perth
1945/100367 Perth Down Edna May Female Lee Harold Alton Male Perth
1945/100368 Perth Currie Margaret Ann Female Merrill Harry Male Victoria Park
1945/100368 Perth Merrill Harry Male Currie Margaret Ann Female Victoria Park
1945/100369 Perth McBarron Ronald James Male Boyden Joy Constance Female Inglewood
1945/100369 Perth Boyden Joy Constance Female McBarron Ronald James Male Inglewood
1945/100370 Perth Bezant Kathleen Florence Female Normington John Francis Male Perth
1945/100370 Perth Normington John Francis Male Bezant Kathleen Florence Female Perth
1945/100371 Perth Francis Kenneth Rodney Male Watson Elsie Betty Female Perth
1945/100371 Perth Watson Elsie Betty Female Francis Kenneth Rodney Male Perth
1945/100372 Perth Halperin Zeeva Female Blievers Bernard Ian Male Perth
1945/100372 Perth Blievers Bernard Ian Male Halperin Zeeva Female Perth
1945/100373 Perth Mitchell Louise Mary Female Samuel Victor Male Perth
1945/100373 Perth Samuel Victor Male Mitchell Louise Mary Female Perth
1945/100374 Perth Wilkinson Cedric Male Bowen Annie Grace Female Perth
1945/100374 Perth Bowen Annie Grace Female Wilkinson Cedric Male Perth
1945/100375 Perth Lobe Frank Julius Male Burdus Phyllis May Female Cottesloe
1945/100375 Perth Burdus Phyllis May Female Lobe Frank Julius Male Cottesloe
1945/100376 Perth Reynolds Ethel May Female Woodhouse Frederick William Male Bayswater
1945/100376 Perth Woodhouse Frederick William Male Reynolds Ethel May Female Bayswater
1945/100377 Perth Newport Dulcie Maude Female Reading Harry Frederick Male West Perth
1945/100377 Perth Reading Harry Frederick Male Newport Dulcie Maude Female West Perth
1945/100378 Perth Rodgers Jean Barbara Female Munro Hector Male W Perth
1945/100378 Perth Munro Hector Male Rodgers Jean Barbara Female W Perth
1945/100379 Perth Venemore Kenneth Munday Male Edgcumbe Eily May Female South Perth
1945/100379 Perth Edgcumbe Eily May Female Venemore Kenneth Munday Male South Perth
1945/100380 Perth Johnston Peggy Female Nijst Eduard Victor Rudolf Male South Perth
1945/100380 Perth Nijst Eduard Victor Rudolf Male Johnston Peggy Female South Perth
1945/100381 Perth Foulds Annie Elizabeth Female Carter Bertie Joseph Male South Perth
1945/100381 Perth Carter Bertie Joseph Male Foulds Annie Elizabeth Female South Perth
1945/100382 Perth Northcott Ruby Jean Female Langley Ben Gray Male West Australia
1945/100382 Perth Langley Ben Gray Male Northcott Ruby Jean Female West Australia
1945/100383 Perth Polinelli Ines Rosi Female Wallace Joe Male West Perth
1945/100383 Perth Wallace Joe Male Polinelli Ines Rosi Female West Perth
1945/100384 Perth Marinoni Anrico Male Scherini Elvira Pierina Female West Perth
1945/100384 Perth Scherini Elvira Pierina Female Marinoni Anrico Male West Perth
1945/100385 Perth Sorgiovanni Francesco Male Maiolo Carmela Female West Perth
1945/100385 Perth Maiolo Carmela Female Sorgiovanni Francesco Male West Perth
1945/100386 Perth Bruckner William Male Farrell Norma Female West Perth
1945/100386 Perth Farrell Norma Female Bruckner William Male West Perth
1945/100387 Perth Saxon Ronald Male Durrant Marion Joyce Female Osborne Park
1945/100387 Perth Durrant Marion Joyce Female Saxon Ronald Male Osborne Park
1945/100388 Perth Jones George William Male Paterson Patricia Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100388 Perth Paterson Patricia Female Jones George William Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100389 Perth Davies Herbert Henry Male Weatherhead Ellen Isabella Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100389 Perth Weatherhead Ellen Isabella Female Davies Herbert Henry Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100390 Perth Fisher Florence Amelia Female Sprigg Wilfred George Male Leederville
1945/100390 Perth Sprigg Wilfred George Male Fisher Florence Amelia Female Leederville
1945/100391 Perth Balmer Alan Robert Male Dumbrell Nora Female South Perth
1945/100391 Perth Dumbrell Nora Female Balmer Alan Robert Male South Perth
1945/100392 Perth Pfoff Lawrence Lewis Male Paul Melva Louise Female South Perth
1945/100392 Perth Paul Melva Louise Female Pfoff Lawrence Lewis Male South Perth
1945/100393 Perth Cavey William Thomas Male Mayne Amelia Female Maylands
1945/100393 Perth Mayne Amelia Female Cavey William Thomas Male Maylands
1945/100394 Perth McIntosh Lancelot Gilbert Male Stevens Ronda Dawn Female Perth
1945/100394 Perth Stevens Ronda Dawn Female McIntosh Lancelot Gilbert Male Perth
1945/100395 Perth Carter Betty June Female Johnston James Gordon Male Perth
1945/100395 Perth Johnston James Gordon Male Carter Betty June Female Perth
1945/100396 Perth Brown Margaret Female Anderson John Alfred Male Perth
1945/100396 Perth Anderson John Alfred Male Brown Margaret Female Perth
1945/100397 Perth Wenn Frederick Allan Male Redmond Edna Beryl Female South Perth
1945/100397 Perth Redmond Edna Beryl Female Wenn Frederick Allan Male South Perth
1945/100398 Perth Smythe Sadie Druscilla Female Castledine Thomas John Male Perth
1945/100398 Perth Castledine Thomas John Male Smythe Sadie Druscilla Female Perth
1945/100399 Perth McCracken Angelina Amelia Female Brown Charles William Male Mt Lawley
1945/100399 Perth Brown Charles William Male McCracken Angelina Amelia Female Mt Lawley
1945/100400 Perth Rowe Florence Elizabeth Female Freeman-Smith Cecil Male Bayswater
1945/100400 Perth Freeman-Smith Cecil Male Rowe Florence Elizabeth Female Bayswater
1945/100401 Perth Webster Gloria May Female Luck Henry John Male Subiaco
1945/100401 Perth Luck Henry John Male Webster Gloria May Female Subiaco
1945/100402 Perth McSwain Laurel Joy Female Lynch Henry Male Perth
1945/100402 Perth Lynch Henry Male McSwain Laurel Joy Female Perth
1945/100403 Perth Chamberlain Evelyn Thelma Female Sandberg James Lee Male Perth
1945/100403 Perth Sandberg James Lee Male Chamberlain Evelyn Thelma Female Perth
1945/100404 Perth Burn John Henry Male Skeels Marjorie Female Perth
1945/100404 Perth Skeels Marjorie Female Burn John Henry Male Perth
1945/100405 Perth Graham Nora Minion Female Moore Henry Cassidy Male Perth
1945/100405 Perth Moore Henry Cassidy Male Graham Nora Minion Female Perth
1945/100406 Perth Stone Lawrence Henry Male Gilchrist Joan Phyllis Female Perth
1945/100406 Perth Gilchrist Joan Phyllis Female Stone Lawrence Henry Male Perth
1945/100407 Perth Miguel Edna Jean Female Collins Ronald Frederick Male Perth
1945/100407 Perth Collins Ronald Frederick Male Miguel Edna Jean Female Perth
1945/100408 Perth Brownsdon David Dunlop Male Urquhart Helen Field Female Perth
1945/100408 Perth Urquhart Helen Field Female Brownsdon David Dunlop Male Perth
1945/100409 Perth Kurtz William Joseph Male Pettit Gwendoline Doris Female Perth
1945/100409 Perth Pettit Gwendoline Doris Female Kurtz William Joseph Male Perth
1945/100410 Perth Hall Ronald Desmond Male Richards Jean Elga Female Perth
1945/100410 Perth Richards Jean Elga Female Hall Ronald Desmond Male Perth
1945/100411 Perth Hall Norah Female Lewellin Clyde Raymond Male Perth
1945/100411 Perth Lewellin Clyde Raymond Male Hall Norah Female Perth
1945/100412 Perth Jager Phyllis Millicent Female Newman Victor George Male Perth
1945/100412 Perth Newman Victor George Male Jager Phyllis Millicent Female Perth
1945/100413 Perth Ivey Thelma Joyce Female Middlemas Robert William Male Perth
1945/100413 Perth Middlemas Robert William Male Ivey Thelma Joyce Female Perth
1945/100414 Perth Kelly Edward Francis Male Suiter Nellie Doris Female Perth
1945/100414 Perth Suiter Nellie Doris Female Kelly Edward Francis Male Perth
1945/100415 Perth Randall Martin Willis Male Bennett Pamela Mary Female Claremont
1945/100415 Perth Bennett Pamela Mary Female Randall Martin Willis Male Claremont
1945/100416 Perth Burke Laurence Leo Male Johnson Edith Female East Victoria Park
1945/100416 Perth Johnson Edith Female Burke Laurence Leo Male East Victoria Park
1945/100417 Perth Duke Raymond Fredrick Male Tempest Joyce Eileen Philomena Female East Victoria Park
1945/100417 Perth Tempest Joyce Eileen Philomena Female Duke Raymond Fredrick Male East Victoria Park
1945/100418 Perth Hall Jeanette Ena Female Lock Albert George Male Perth
1945/100418 Perth Lock Albert George Male Hall Jeanette Ena Female Perth
1945/100419 Perth Jones Lucille May Female Penington Alan Harry Male Perth
1945/100419 Perth Penington Alan Harry Male Jones Lucille May Female Perth
1945/100420 Perth Stephens Rowland Foster Male Massey Nell Female Perth
1945/100420 Perth Massey Nell Female Stephens Rowland Foster Male Perth
1945/100421 Perth Birchall Kathleen Female Budiselik William Lawrence Male W Perth
1945/100421 Perth Budiselik William Lawrence Male Birchall Kathleen Female W Perth
1945/100422 Perth Lothian Jean Female Watters Brian Ernest Male Perth
1945/100422 Perth Watters Brian Ernest Male Lothian Jean Female Perth
1945/100423 Perth Heitman Alfred Cecil Darcy Male Leete Margaret Mary Female Nedlands
1945/100423 Perth Leete Margaret Mary Female Heitman Alfred Cecil Darcy Male Nedlands
1945/100424 Perth King Herbert Ernest Male Price Bernice May Female Maylands
1945/100424 Perth Price Bernice May Female King Herbert Ernest Male Maylands
1945/100425 Perth Boyle Patricia Mary Female Marks Jack Gordon Male Perth
1945/100425 Perth Marks Jack Gordon Male Boyle Patricia Mary Female Perth
1945/100426 Perth McDonald Veva Marion Female Guthrie Robert Arthur John Male Wembley Park
1945/100426 Perth Guthrie Robert Arthur John Male McDonald Veva Marion Female Wembley Park
1945/100427 Perth McCaul Frank Male Gittos Maria Jane Female Subiaco
1945/100427 Perth Gittos Maria Jane Female McCaul Frank Male Subiaco
1945/100428 Perth Northcott Thomas Francis James Male Southall Rhoda Jean Female Perth
1945/100428 Perth Southall Rhoda Jean Female Northcott Thomas Francis James Male Perth
1945/100429 Perth Patterson William Male Jones June Eileen Female Subiaco
1945/100429 Perth Jones June Eileen Female Patterson William Male Subiaco
1945/100430 Perth Temby Joseph Norman Male Membery Evelyn Irene Female Perth
1945/100430 Perth Membery Evelyn Irene Female Temby Joseph Norman Male Perth
1945/100431 Perth Watts Albert Raymond Keith Male Riddle Doreen May Female Perth
1945/100431 Perth Riddle Doreen May Female Watts Albert Raymond Keith Male Perth
1945/100432 Perth Gascoigne Charles Albert Male Hewitt Bethel Alice Female Perth
1945/100432 Perth Hewitt Bethel Alice Female Gascoigne Charles Albert Male Perth
1945/100433 Perth Poland Thora May Female Carter Wilfred George Male Perth
1945/100433 Perth Carter Wilfred George Male Poland Thora May Female Perth
1945/100434 Perth McNally William Joseph Male Pergaude Mary Therese Female Highgate Hill
1945/100434 Perth Pergaude Mary Therese Female McNally William Joseph Male Highgate Hill
1945/100435 Perth Minor Edwin Pershing Male Greening Lois Constance Female North Perth
1945/100435 Perth Greening Lois Constance Female Minor Edwin Pershing Male North Perth
1945/100436 Perth Henderson Elizabeth Female Creasey William Male Cottesloe
1945/100436 Perth Creasey William Male Henderson Elizabeth Female Cottesloe
1945/100437 Perth Harris Clayton Hope Male Driscoll Winifred Female Daglish (Perth)
1945/100437 Perth Driscoll Winifred Female Harris Clayton Hope Male Daglish (Perth)
1945/100438 Perth Pratt Norma May Female Jones William David Male Perth
1945/100438 Perth Jones William David Male Pratt Norma May Female Perth
1945/100439 Perth Boyne David Male Atkinson Iris Leslie Female Perth
1945/100439 Perth Atkinson Iris Leslie Female Boyne David Male Perth
1945/100440 Perth Kerr Rhoda May Female Bell Thomas Alexander Male Perth
1945/100440 Perth Bell Thomas Alexander Male Kerr Rhoda May Female Perth
1945/100441 Perth Batten William George Male Anderson Janet Ellen Fletcher Female Perth
1945/100441 Perth Anderson Janet Ellen Fletcher Female Batten William George Male Perth
1945/100442 Perth Rogers James Delma Male Carr Violet Elaine Female Perth
1945/100442 Perth Carr Violet Elaine Female Rogers James Delma Male Perth
1945/100443 Perth Barrows Lily Fanny Female Baker Robert Charles Male Maylands
1945/100443 Perth Baker Robert Charles Male Barrows Lily Fanny Female Maylands
1945/100444 Perth Good Denison George Male Kimberley Alice Lillian Female Perth
1945/100444 Perth Kimberley Alice Lillian Female Good Denison George Male Perth
1945/100445 Perth Braund Jean Annie Female Mason William John Male Perth
1945/100445 Perth Mason William John Male Braund Jean Annie Female Perth
1945/100446 Perth Maisey Reginald Thomas Male Jenkins Meryl Ann Female Perth
1945/100446 Perth Jenkins Meryl Ann Female Maisey Reginald Thomas Male Perth
1945/100447 Perth Robinson John Everard Male Bickford Gwenneth Hetty Female Claremont
1945/100447 Perth Bickford Gwenneth Hetty Female Robinson John Everard Male Claremont
1945/100448 Perth Thomas Winnifred Ellen Female Gordon Douglas Male North Perth
1945/100448 Perth Gordon Douglas Male Thomas Winnifred Ellen Female North Perth
1945/100449 Perth Atkins Margaret Irene Female Donnelly William Francis Male Perth
1945/100449 Perth Donnelly William Francis Male Atkins Margaret Irene Female Perth
1945/100450 Perth Carruthers Allan Victor Male Taylor Doris Eileen Female Perth
1945/100450 Perth Taylor Doris Eileen Female Carruthers Allan Victor Male Perth
1945/100451 Perth Woods Arthur John Male Mayger Berthal Clare Female West Perth
1945/100451 Perth Mayger Berthal Clare Female Woods Arthur John Male West Perth
1945/100452 Perth Barker Joyce Elizabeth Female Nowland Raymond Waller Male West Perth
1945/100452 Perth Nowland Raymond Waller Male Barker Joyce Elizabeth Female West Perth
1945/100453 Perth Wimbridge Frederick Robin Male Buggins Lorna Joy Female West Perth
1945/100453 Perth Buggins Lorna Joy Female Wimbridge Frederick Robin Male West Perth
1945/100454 Perth Cannon Mildred Joy Female Pine Robert Vincent Male West Perth
1945/100454 Perth Pine Robert Vincent Male Cannon Mildred Joy Female West Perth
1945/100455 Perth Milder Charles Joseph Male Skeggs Irene Mavis Female South Perth
1945/100455 Perth Skeggs Irene Mavis Female Milder Charles Joseph Male South Perth
1945/100456 Perth McCann Hugh Terence Male Roach Betty Chave Female Belmont
1945/100456 Perth Roach Betty Chave Female McCann Hugh Terence Male Belmont
1945/100457 Perth Jecks Charles John Male Joynes May Deborah Female Belmont
1945/100457 Perth Joynes May Deborah Female Jecks Charles John Male Belmont
1945/100458 Perth Pelekanos Emmanuel Male Kalaf Rosie Female Perth
1945/100458 Perth Kalaf Rosie Female Pelekanos Emmanuel Male Perth
1945/100459 Perth Zanaras Pantelis Male Parthenos Christina Female Perth
1945/100459 Perth Parthenos Christina Female Zanaras Pantelis Male Perth
1945/100460 Perth Bradley Elizabeth Mary Female Le Ray William Thomas Male Cottesloe
1945/100460 Perth Le Ray William Thomas Male Bradley Elizabeth Mary Female Cottesloe
1945/100461 Perth Woodward Daisy Helen Female Reading George Clarence Male West Leederville
1945/100461 Perth Reading George Clarence Male Woodward Daisy Helen Female West Leederville
1945/100462 Perth Sumner Norma Joyce Female Marchant Francis Dudley Male Perth
1945/100462 Perth Marchant Francis Dudley Male Sumner Norma Joyce Female Perth
1945/100463 Perth Burns Sidney Robert Male Hunt Nellie Victoria Female Mt Lawley
1945/100463 Perth Hunt Nellie Victoria Female Burns Sidney Robert Male Mt Lawley
1945/100464 Perth Langfield Ernest Clarence Boyd Male Walker Mabel Female Perth
1945/100464 Perth Walker Mabel Female Langfield Ernest Clarence Boyd Male Perth
1945/100465 Perth Dierickx Franscicus Johnes Male Sinnott Doreen Mavis Female Perth
1945/100465 Perth Sinnott Doreen Mavis Female Dierickx Franscicus Johnes Male Perth
1945/100466 Perth Ford Rosina Blain Female Howe John Evan Male Cottesloe
1945/100466 Perth Howe John Evan Male Ford Rosina Blain Female Cottesloe
1945/100467 Perth Hilton Lorna Female Smith Leonard William Male Perth
1945/100467 Perth Smith Leonard William Male Hilton Lorna Female Perth
1945/100468 Perth Kirkby Lois Dale Female Caston Joseph Michael Male Nedlands
1945/100468 Perth Caston Joseph Michael Male Kirkby Lois Dale Female Nedlands
1945/100469 Perth Breeze Jock Harold Male Lucas Nellie Euphemea Burt Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100469 Perth Lucas Nellie Euphemea Burt Female Breeze Jock Harold Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100470 Perth Anderson Sarah Female Williams Albert Henry Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100470 Perth Williams Albert Henry Male Anderson Sarah Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100471 Perth Edwards Gladys Olive Female Harry Basil Arthur Male Osborne Park
1945/100471 Perth Harry Basil Arthur Male Edwards Gladys Olive Female Osborne Park
1945/100472 Perth Morris Adelaide Monica Female McGillivray David Malcolm Male Nedlands
1945/100472 Perth McGillivray David Malcolm Male Morris Adelaide Monica Female Nedlands
1945/100473 Perth Mathea Eileen Constance Female Macpherson John William Male Nedlands
1945/100473 Perth Macpherson John William Male Mathea Eileen Constance Female Nedlands
1945/100474 Perth Farr Frank Male Harris Millie Josephine Female Perth
1945/100474 Perth Harris Millie Josephine Female Farr Frank Male Perth
1945/100475 Perth Calder David Male Derrick Jeanne Evelyn Female Perth
1945/100475 Perth Derrick Jeanne Evelyn Female Calder David Male Perth
1945/100476 Perth Rowsome Edward John Male Hawthorne Elsie Elizabeth Female Perth
1945/100476 Perth Hawthorne Elsie Elizabeth Female Rowsome Edward John Male Perth
1945/100477 Perth Taylor Thelma Margaret Female Hughes Edward John Male Perth
1945/100477 Perth Hughes Edward John Male Taylor Thelma Margaret Female Perth
1945/100478 Perth Malcolm Laurie Ellis Male Woolley Valma Elaine Female Perth
1945/100478 Perth Woolley Valma Elaine Female Malcolm Laurie Ellis Male Perth
1945/100479 Perth Ware Percy Arthur Male Muir Nance Isobel Female Perth
1945/100479 Perth Muir Nance Isobel Female Ware Percy Arthur Male Perth
1945/100480 Perth Jensen Kay Nymann Male Bewley Edith Stewart Female Perth
1945/100480 Perth Bewley Edith Stewart Female Jensen Kay Nymann Male Perth
1945/100481 Perth Combley Barbara Maud Female Kempin Edward Thomas Male Perth
1945/100481 Perth Kempin Edward Thomas Male Combley Barbara Maud Female Perth
1945/100482 Perth Edwards Olga Nell Female Little Arthur Raymond Male Perth
1945/100482 Perth Little Arthur Raymond Male Edwards Olga Nell Female Perth
1945/100483 Perth Hills Charles William James Male Nutley Mary Elizabeth Female W Perth
1945/100483 Perth Nutley Mary Elizabeth Female Hills Charles William James Male W Perth
1945/100484 Perth Middleton Beryl Jean Female Warren Sydney Edward Male W Perth
1945/100484 Perth Warren Sydney Edward Male Middleton Beryl Jean Female W Perth
1945/100485 Perth Mason Joseph Benjamin Male Pearce Hazel Olive Female Perth
1945/100485 Perth Pearce Hazel Olive Female Mason Joseph Benjamin Male Perth
1945/100486 Perth Pollard Joyous Ruby Ellen Female Larwood Herbert William Male Perth
1945/100486 Perth Larwood Herbert William Male Pollard Joyous Ruby Ellen Female Perth
1945/100487 Perth Lowther Esmé Edith Female Peers John Felix Verdun Male Perth
1945/100487 Perth Peers John Felix Verdun Male Lowther Esmé Edith Female Perth
1945/100488 Perth Davies Gladys Anne Female Bannon Owen Male Highgate Hill
1945/100488 Perth Bannon Owen Male Davies Gladys Anne Female Highgate Hill
1945/100489 Perth Ford Emeline Rita Female Roy John Nicol Male Highgate Hill
1945/100489 Perth Roy John Nicol Male Ford Emeline Rita Female Highgate Hill
1945/100490 Perth Cluning Albert Sydney Male Duff Alexia Female Perth
1945/100490 Perth Duff Alexia Female Cluning Albert Sydney Male Perth
1945/100491 Perth Parrell Leonard Charles Male Marcellia Jane Female Perth
1945/100491 Perth Marcellia Jane Female Parrell Leonard Charles Male Perth
1945/100492 Perth Bowron Thomas James Male Martin May Elizabeth Female Perth
1945/100492 Perth Martin May Elizabeth Female Bowron Thomas James Male Perth
1945/100492 Perth Martin May Elizabeth Female Lloyd Thomas James Male Perth
1945/100492 Perth Lloyd Thomas James Male Martin May Elizabeth Female Perth
1945/100493 Perth Dobson Grace Josephine Female Brown Kenneth Barnden Male West Perth
1945/100493 Perth Brown Kenneth Barnden Male Dobson Grace Josephine Female West Perth
1945/100494 Perth Thompson Herbert John Male Perry Jean Lyell Female West Perth
1945/100494 Perth Perry Jean Lyell Female Thompson Herbert John Male West Perth
1945/100495 Perth Henderson Cyril Leslie Male Matthews Thelma Noel Female West Perth
1945/100495 Perth Matthews Thelma Noel Female Henderson Cyril Leslie Male West Perth
1945/100496 Perth Browne Arthur Clive Male Ambrosius Doreen Agnes Female West Perth
1945/100496 Perth Ambrosius Doreen Agnes Female Browne Arthur Clive Male West Perth
1945/100497 Perth Atkins Philip William Male Broun Gwennyth Amelia Female West Perth
1945/100497 Perth Broun Gwennyth Amelia Female Atkins Philip William Male West Perth
1945/100498 Perth Rawson Ralph Edward Male Fryer Marjorie May Female West Perth
1945/100498 Perth Fryer Marjorie May Female Rawson Ralph Edward Male West Perth
1945/100499 Perth Norrish William Wray Male Brown Ruby Marion Female West Perth
1945/100499 Perth Brown Ruby Marion Female Norrish William Wray Male West Perth
1945/100500 Perth Rosman Rachel Female Krasenstein Abraham Maurice Male Perth
1945/100500 Perth Krasenstein Abraham Maurice Male Rosman Rachel Female Perth
1945/100501 Perth Cass Solomon Male Malor Miriam Audrey Female Perth
1945/100501 Perth Malor Miriam Audrey Female Cass Solomon Male Perth
1945/100502 Perth Einfeld Joseph Male Bloomfield Lea Simonne Female Perth
1945/100502 Perth Bloomfield Lea Simonne Female Einfeld Joseph Male Perth
1945/100503 Perth Moore Flurence Gerard Male Lougheed Joyce Female Belmont
1945/100503 Perth Lougheed Joyce Female Moore Flurence Gerard Male Belmont
1945/100504 Perth Hanks Elsie May Female Mullaley John Male Carlisle
1945/100504 Perth Mullaley John Male Hanks Elsie May Female Carlisle
1945/100505 Perth Heslop Norman Male Burges Violet Mary Female Rivervale
1945/100505 Perth Burges Violet Mary Female Heslop Norman Male Rivervale
1945/100506 Perth Gream Edith Rose Female Maslin Alfred Ronald Male Claremont
1945/100506 Perth Maslin Alfred Ronald Male Gream Edith Rose Female Claremont
1945/100507 Perth Boultbee Richard Townshend Male Humphreys Philippa Carminha Female Claremont
1945/100507 Perth Humphreys Philippa Carminha Female Boultbee Richard Townshend Male Claremont
1945/100508 Perth Wilkinson Mirla Gwendolen Female Bancroft Arthur Male Subiaco
1945/100508 Perth Bancroft Arthur Male Wilkinson Mirla Gwendolen Female Subiaco
1945/100509 Perth Hunt Ronald James Male Rapp Peggy Edith Gertrude Female Subiaco
1945/100509 Perth Rapp Peggy Edith Gertrude Female Hunt Ronald James Male Subiaco
1945/100510 Perth Robinson Albert Male Mooney Shirley Katherine Female Perth
1945/100510 Perth Mooney Shirley Katherine Female Robinson Albert Male Perth
1945/100511 Perth Browne Anne May Female Hunter Bernard Douglas Male Victoria Park
1945/100511 Perth Hunter Bernard Douglas Male Browne Anne May Female Victoria Park
1945/100512 Perth Tulloch Minnie Sutherland Female Bartlett Lionel Arthur Male Perth
1945/100512 Perth Bartlett Lionel Arthur Male Tulloch Minnie Sutherland Female Perth
1945/100513 Perth Haddy Malcolm Male Randall Jessie May Female Perth
1945/100513 Perth Randall Jessie May Female Haddy Malcolm Male Perth
1945/100514 Perth Were Nancy May Female Howes Raymond William Male Perth
1945/100514 Perth Howes Raymond William Male Were Nancy May Female Perth
1945/100515 Perth Bagshaw Thomas Walter Male Holdcroft Doris Female Perth
1945/100515 Perth Holdcroft Doris Female Bagshaw Thomas Walter Male Perth
1945/100516 Perth Snooks Thomas James Male Bright Llewella Female Perth
1945/100516 Perth Bright Llewella Female Snooks Thomas James Male Perth
1945/100517 Perth Elward Joan Female Dructor Paul Joseph Male Perth
1945/100517 Perth Dructor Paul Joseph Male Elward Joan Female Perth
1945/100518 Perth McCarthy William Charles Male Barrow Edna Agnes Female Perth
1945/100518 Perth Barrow Edna Agnes Female McCarthy William Charles Male Perth
1945/100519 Perth Yeoman Constance Mary Female Taylor Loxley Robert Dallas Male Perth
1945/100519 Perth Taylor Loxley Robert Dallas Male Yeoman Constance Mary Female Perth
1945/100520 Perth Stephen Edith Elvira Female Feld Allen Male Perth
1945/100520 Perth Feld Allen Male Stephen Edith Elvira Female Perth
1945/100521 Perth Parker Arthur Sidney Male Denton Patricia Lillian Female Victoria Park
1945/100521 Perth Denton Patricia Lillian Female Parker Arthur Sidney Male Victoria Park
1945/100522 Perth Baker Dorothy Ellen Female Hughes Meirion Male Victoria Park
1945/100522 Perth Hughes Meirion Male Baker Dorothy Ellen Female Victoria Park
1945/100523 Perth Cleal Olga Beryl Female Radford John Frederick Male Victoria Park
1945/100523 Perth Radford John Frederick Male Cleal Olga Beryl Female Victoria Park
1945/100524 Perth Teale Leslie Roy Male Stutley Frances Elizabeth Female Perth
1945/100524 Perth Stutley Frances Elizabeth Female Teale Leslie Roy Male Perth
1945/100525 Perth Weaire Norman Male Eales Margaret Helen Female Perth
1945/100525 Perth Eales Margaret Helen Female Weaire Norman Male Perth
1945/100526 Perth Troughton Dorothy Female Long Albert William Male Perth
1945/100526 Perth Long Albert William Male Troughton Dorothy Female Perth
1945/100527 Perth Hayton Keith Ronald Stanley Male Mack Trudy Evelyn Female Perth
1945/100527 Perth Mack Trudy Evelyn Female Hayton Keith Ronald Stanley Male Perth
1945/100528 Perth Myatt Clive Rupert Maurice Male Levitzke Florence Mary Female Perth
1945/100528 Perth Levitzke Florence Mary Female Myatt Clive Rupert Maurice Male Perth
1945/100529 Perth Green Douglas Hector Male Golding Mamie Elizabeth Female Perth
1945/100529 Perth Golding Mamie Elizabeth Female Green Douglas Hector Male Perth
1945/100530 Perth Mendelson Jean Female Berent Adolf Franz Male Perth
1945/100530 Perth Berent Adolf Franz Male Mendelson Jean Female Perth
1945/100531 Perth Morris Adelaide Pearson Female Forrest William Clyne Male Subiaco
1945/100531 Perth Forrest William Clyne Male Morris Adelaide Pearson Female Subiaco
1945/100532 Perth Donald John Male McGowan Betty Female Inglewood
1945/100532 Perth McGowan Betty Female Donald John Male Inglewood
1945/100533 Perth Brady Joan Aileen Female Ritchie Frederick Henry Male Inglewood
1945/100533 Perth Ritchie Frederick Henry Male Brady Joan Aileen Female Inglewood
1945/100534 Perth Gaisford Zoe Linda Female Sheridan John Albert Male Perth
1945/100534 Perth Sheridan John Albert Male Gaisford Zoe Linda Female Perth
1945/100535 Perth Quinn Donald Adair Male Budgen Ruby Caroline Frances Female Perth
1945/100535 Perth Budgen Ruby Caroline Frances Female Quinn Donald Adair Male Perth
1945/100536 Perth Nuttall William Male Frazer Kathleen Mary Female Perth
1945/100536 Perth Frazer Kathleen Mary Female Nuttall William Male Perth
1945/100537 Perth Gant Raymond Cleve Male Roberts Doreen Maie Female Perth
1945/100537 Perth Roberts Doreen Maie Female Gant Raymond Cleve Male Perth
1945/100538 Perth Barker Ethel May Female Parmenter Malcolm Edward Male West Australia
1945/100538 Perth Parmenter Malcolm Edward Male Barker Ethel May Female West Australia
1945/100539 Perth Nettleton Arthur Gordon Male Richards Joyce Eileen Female Perth
1945/100539 Perth Richards Joyce Eileen Female Nettleton Arthur Gordon Male Perth
1945/100540 Perth Faulkner Dulcie May Female Bocking Ronald George Male Perth
1945/100540 Perth Bocking Ronald George Male Faulkner Dulcie May Female Perth
1945/100541 Perth Goodson Gordon Male Gibbs Iris Campbell Female Perth
1945/100541 Perth Gibbs Iris Campbell Female Goodson Gordon Male Perth
1945/100542 Perth McCreery Donald Murray Male Buckley Margaret Ellesmere Female West Perth
1945/100542 Perth Buckley Margaret Ellesmere Female McCreery Donald Murray Male West Perth
1945/100543 Perth Milner Gordon Erskine Male Somers Betty Female West Perth
1945/100543 Perth Somers Betty Female Milner Gordon Erskine Male West Perth
1945/100544 Perth Brown Frank Hubbard Male Morris Grace Female West Perth
1945/100544 Perth Morris Grace Female Brown Frank Hubbard Male West Perth
1945/100545 Perth Lack Edna Winifred Female Humphries Noel George Male West Perth
1945/100545 Perth Humphries Noel George Male Lack Edna Winifred Female West Perth
1945/100546 Perth Wright William Godfrey Male Jubb Bertha Lucy Female Perth
1945/100546 Perth Jubb Bertha Lucy Female Wright William Godfrey Male Perth
1945/100547 Perth Harrison Edna Florence Female Price Civiall Richard Hawkins Male Perth
1945/100547 Perth Price Civiall Richard Hawkins Male Harrison Edna Florence Female Perth
1945/100548 Perth Bathgate Thelma Stoddart Female Truran Roy Percival Dean Male Perth
1945/100548 Perth Truran Roy Percival Dean Male Bathgate Thelma Stoddart Female Perth
1945/100549 Perth Allen Jean Female Boag Donald Angus Male Perth
1945/100549 Perth Boag Donald Angus Male Allen Jean Female Perth
1945/100550 Perth Goldie Mary Female Groessler George Henry Male Perth
1945/100550 Perth Groessler George Henry Male Goldie Mary Female Perth
1945/100551 Perth Bussau Victor George Male Meehan Margaret Florence Female Perth
1945/100551 Perth Meehan Margaret Florence Female Bussau Victor George Male Perth
1945/100552 Perth Foulkes James William Jacob Male Garrett Constance Jean Female Perth
1945/100552 Perth Garrett Constance Jean Female Foulkes James William Jacob Male Perth
1945/100553 Perth Clark Frederick John Male Shenton Louise Olive Female West Perth
1945/100553 Perth Shenton Louise Olive Female Clark Frederick John Male West Perth
1945/100554 Perth Howells Norman Cecil Male Duggan Hazel Iris Peace Female West Perth
1945/100554 Perth Duggan Hazel Iris Peace Female Howells Norman Cecil Male West Perth
1945/100555 Perth Meakins Mary Renolds Female Smith Ernest James Male West Perth
1945/100555 Perth Smith Ernest James Male Meakins Mary Renolds Female West Perth
1945/100556 Perth Lusk Herbert Hunter Male Craig Dorothy Frances Female Claremont
1945/100556 Perth Craig Dorothy Frances Female Lusk Herbert Hunter Male Claremont
1945/100557 Perth Huxtable Edgar Baden Male Best Marguerite Fay Female Claremont
1945/100557 Perth Best Marguerite Fay Female Huxtable Edgar Baden Male Claremont
1945/100558 Perth Scott Bonnie Jean Female Winfield Bert Guion Male Cottesloe
1945/100558 Perth Winfield Bert Guion Male Scott Bonnie Jean Female Cottesloe
1945/100559 Perth Merritt Jean Mary Female Stickland Frederick George Male Bayswater
1945/100559 Perth Stickland Frederick George Male Merritt Jean Mary Female Bayswater
1945/100560 Perth Cocking Edna Margaret Female McGreavey Wilfred Male Perth
1945/100560 Perth McGreavey Wilfred Male Cocking Edna Margaret Female Perth
1945/100561 Perth O'Dea Robert Male Quartermaine Ervie Eileen Female Perth
1945/100561 Perth Quartermaine Ervie Eileen Female O'Dea Robert Male Perth
1945/100562 Perth Barry William Maurice Male Pye Olive May Female Perth
1945/100562 Perth Pye Olive May Female Barry William Maurice Male Perth
1945/100563 Perth Allen Walter Male Connolly Veronica Female Perth
1945/100563 Perth Connolly Veronica Female Allen Walter Male Perth
1945/100564 Perth James Clyde Francis Male Middleton Maisie Rebecca Female Perth
1945/100564 Perth Middleton Maisie Rebecca Female James Clyde Francis Male Perth
1945/100565 Perth McPhee Florence Lucy Female Portwood Hector John Male Subiaco
1945/100565 Perth Portwood Hector John Male McPhee Florence Lucy Female Subiaco
1945/100566 Perth Holst Nancy Rose Female Payne Allan Andrew Male Perth
1945/100566 Perth Payne Allan Andrew Male Holst Nancy Rose Female Perth
1945/100567 Perth Casey Edith Elsie Female Colley John Thomas Male Perth
1945/100567 Perth Colley John Thomas Male Casey Edith Elsie Female Perth
1945/100568 Perth Powell Jean McFarlane Female Adams Ernest Victor Male Perth
1945/100568 Perth Adams Ernest Victor Male Powell Jean McFarlane Female Perth
1945/100569 Perth McBean William Male Eamer Dorothy Female Perth
1945/100569 Perth Eamer Dorothy Female McBean William Male Perth
1945/100570 Perth Thomas Edith Mary Female Spencer Kenneth Male Perth
1945/100570 Perth Spencer Kenneth Male Thomas Edith Mary Female Perth
1945/100571 Perth Haddrill Claire Vivian Female Boulton William John Male Perth
1945/100571 Perth Boulton William John Male Haddrill Claire Vivian Female Perth
1945/100572 Perth Gent Ivan Ray Male Smith Maisie Eva Female Perth
1945/100572 Perth Smith Maisie Eva Female Gent Ivan Ray Male Perth
1945/100573 Perth Arnold Alexia Lilian Female Williams Percival Vernon Male Perth
1945/100573 Perth Williams Percival Vernon Male Arnold Alexia Lilian Female Perth
1945/100574 Perth Sutherland William Male Rudd Winifred Female Perth
1945/100574 Perth Rudd Winifred Female Sutherland William Male Perth
1945/100575 Perth Shearer Nancy Jean Female Kilgariff Raymond James Male Perth
1945/100575 Perth Kilgariff Raymond James Male Shearer Nancy Jean Female Perth
1945/100576 Perth Miles Ronald Stanley Male King Hilary Millicent Female Perth
1945/100576 Perth King Hilary Millicent Female Miles Ronald Stanley Male Perth
1945/100577 Perth Jones Clarence Albert Male Butterworth Edna Joan Female Perth
1945/100577 Perth Butterworth Edna Joan Female Jones Clarence Albert Male Perth
1945/100578 Perth Walkerden Robert John Male Turner Alfreda Mary Female Perth
1945/100578 Perth Turner Alfreda Mary Female Walkerden Robert John Male Perth
1945/100579 Perth Stickland Cyril Henry Male Hughes Lynette Mary Female Perth
1945/100579 Perth Hughes Lynette Mary Female Stickland Cyril Henry Male Perth
1945/100580 Perth Snodgrass Estelle Caroline Female Bennett Harry William George Male Perth
1945/100580 Perth Bennett Harry William George Male Snodgrass Estelle Caroline Female Perth
1945/100581 Perth Pike George Leslie Male Wiseman Eleanor Marie Female Maylands
1945/100581 Perth Wiseman Eleanor Marie Female Pike George Leslie Male Maylands
1945/100582 Perth Binnington Gladys Lillian Female Simmonds Robert Anderson Male Perth
1945/100582 Perth Simmonds Robert Anderson Male Binnington Gladys Lillian Female Perth
1945/100583 Perth Beales Martha Sheila Amy Female Gallop Arthur William Male Perth
1945/100583 Perth Gallop Arthur William Male Beales Martha Sheila Amy Female Perth
1945/100584 Perth Bentley Dorothy Elsie Female Scott Allan Thomas Male Perth
1945/100584 Perth Scott Allan Thomas Male Bentley Dorothy Elsie Female Perth
1945/100585 Perth Foreman Marguerite Maud Female Beebe Leslie John Male Mt Lawley
1945/100585 Perth Beebe Leslie John Male Foreman Marguerite Maud Female Mt Lawley
1945/100586 Perth Dunbar Rena Mary Female McDowell Alfred Male Mt Lawley
1945/100586 Perth McDowell Alfred Male Dunbar Rena Mary Female Mt Lawley
1945/100587 Perth Nickels Leslie Thomas Male Forsyth Elaine Elizabeth Female Leederville
1945/100587 Perth Forsyth Elaine Elizabeth Female Nickels Leslie Thomas Male Leederville
1945/100588 Perth McDonald Joan Female Halliday Royden Thomas Male Perth
1945/100588 Perth Halliday Royden Thomas Male McDonald Joan Female Perth
1945/100589 Perth Patfield Zenobia Rose Female McFarlane Alexander Herbert Male Perth
1945/100589 Perth McFarlane Alexander Herbert Male Patfield Zenobia Rose Female Perth
1945/100590 Perth Hickey Thomas Male Miller Rose Pauline Female Perth
1945/100590 Perth Miller Rose Pauline Female Hickey Thomas Male Perth
1945/100591 Perth Hedgcock Raymond Alan Male Fieldhouse Margaret Helen Patricia Female Claremont
1945/100591 Perth Fieldhouse Margaret Helen Patricia Female Hedgcock Raymond Alan Male Claremont
1945/100592 Perth Elder Isabella Female Bisdee George James Male Perth
1945/100592 Perth Bisdee George James Male Elder Isabella Female Perth
1945/100593 Perth Helfers Frederick Male Cameron Jean Olive Female Perth
1945/100593 Perth Cameron Jean Olive Female Helfers Frederick Male Perth
1945/100594 Perth Larkin Clement Sylvester Male Lee Evelyn Elizabeth Female Perth
1945/100594 Perth Lee Evelyn Elizabeth Female Larkin Clement Sylvester Male Perth
1945/100595 Perth Sherlock Rupert Francis Male Kittler Edna Marie Female Perth
1945/100595 Perth Kittler Edna Marie Female Sherlock Rupert Francis Male Perth
1945/100596 Perth Wroblewski Leone Female Potter Charles Male Nedlands
1945/100596 Perth Potter Charles Male Wroblewski Leone Female Nedlands
1945/100597 Perth Newton Eileen Joan Female Kelly Kevin Joseph Male Nedlands
1945/100597 Perth Kelly Kevin Joseph Male Newton Eileen Joan Female Nedlands
1945/100598 Perth Luft Floyd Albert Male Scott Elizabeth Avey Longmore Female Nedlands
1945/100598 Perth Scott Elizabeth Avey Longmore Female Luft Floyd Albert Male Nedlands
1945/100599 Perth Sloan Phyllis Female Pascoe Reginald William John Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100599 Perth Pascoe Reginald William John Male Sloan Phyllis Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100600 Perth Lange James George Male Holmes Ivy Claire Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100600 Perth Holmes Ivy Claire Female Lange James George Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100601 Perth Deskin Randolph Male Andersen Verna Esmé Gladys Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100601 Perth Andersen Verna Esmé Gladys Female Deskin Randolph Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100602 Perth Lucas Doris Nellie Female Muirhead Lloyd Henery Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100602 Perth Muirhead Lloyd Henery Male Lucas Doris Nellie Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100603 Perth Coops Kathleen Frances Female Weaver Sidney Charles Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100603 Perth Weaver Sidney Charles Male Coops Kathleen Frances Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100604 Perth Atkins Olive Alice Mary Female Wake Harold Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100604 Perth Wake Harold Male Atkins Olive Alice Mary Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100605 Perth Cumming Violet Female Dorrington Stanley Albert Male Osborne Park
1945/100605 Perth Dorrington Stanley Albert Male Cumming Violet Female Osborne Park
1945/100606 Perth Lynch Audrey Female Taylor Geoffrey Male Claremont
1945/100606 Perth Taylor Geoffrey Male Lynch Audrey Female Claremont
1945/100607 Perth Daebritz Gertrude Sophia Sylvia Female Donaldson William Male Subiaco
1945/100607 Perth Donaldson William Male Daebritz Gertrude Sophia Sylvia Female Subiaco
1945/100608 Perth Taylor Violet Dorothy Female Jackson Stanley Leslie Herbert Male Perth
1945/100608 Perth Jackson Stanley Leslie Herbert Male Taylor Violet Dorothy Female Perth
1945/100609 Perth Page Gloria Patricia Female Winnett George Norman Male Perth
1945/100609 Perth Winnett George Norman Male Page Gloria Patricia Female Perth
1945/100610 Perth Polain Eleanor Grace Lilian Female Cathro John Richard Male Perth
1945/100610 Perth Cathro John Richard Male Polain Eleanor Grace Lilian Female Perth
1945/100611 Perth Cream Rhona June Female Hood Lloyd Male Perth
1945/100611 Perth Hood Lloyd Male Cream Rhona June Female Perth
1945/100612 Perth Watts Joan Waimea Female Witte Leslie Claude Male Perth
1945/100612 Perth Witte Leslie Claude Male Watts Joan Waimea Female Perth
1945/100613 Perth Hoare Wilbur Male Grant Iris Elizabeth Female Perth
1945/100613 Perth Grant Iris Elizabeth Female Hoare Wilbur Male Perth
1945/100614 Perth Thompson Peter Male Smith Florence Female Perth
1945/100614 Perth Smith Florence Female Thompson Peter Male Perth
1945/100615 Perth Lyon Isabella Clarice Female Sadlier Geoffrey Male Perth
1945/100615 Perth Sadlier Geoffrey Male Lyon Isabella Clarice Female Perth
1945/100616 Perth Albert Charles Cummings Male Thomas Marjorie Morgan Female Perth
1945/100616 Perth Thomas Marjorie Morgan Female Albert Charles Cummings Male Perth
1945/100617 Perth Nicholls John Henry Male Hodder Shirley Ann Female Nedlands
1945/100617 Perth Hodder Shirley Ann Female Nicholls John Henry Male Nedlands
1945/100618 Perth Chaloner Dan William Male Jones Betty Ileen Dorothy Female Nedlands
1945/100618 Perth Jones Betty Ileen Dorothy Female Chaloner Dan William Male Nedlands
1945/100619 Perth Fowler Thelma Muriel Female Leach Lionel John Male Perth
1945/100619 Perth Leach Lionel John Male Fowler Thelma Muriel Female Perth
1945/100620 Perth Barter Robert Charles Male Gates Dorothy Jean Female Perth
1945/100620 Perth Gates Dorothy Jean Female Barter Robert Charles Male Perth
1945/100621 Perth de Bie Johan Eugene Male Paugnault Yvonne Martha Female Subiaco
1945/100621 Perth Paugnault Yvonne Martha Female de Bie Johan Eugene Male Subiaco
1945/100622 Perth Pratt Cyril Frederick Male Bush Lily Doreen Female Perth
1945/100622 Perth Bush Lily Doreen Female Pratt Cyril Frederick Male Perth
1945/100623 Perth Bester Heinrich Male Hallett Irene Jennie Clara Female Perth
1945/100623 Perth Hallett Irene Jennie Clara Female Bester Heinrich Male Perth
1945/100624 Perth Peirce Stanley Male Snedden Helen Esther Pearl Female Maylands
1945/100624 Perth Snedden Helen Esther Pearl Female Peirce Stanley Male Maylands
1945/100625 Perth Whiteside Clarence William Peter Male McLean Janet Nelson Female Perth
1945/100625 Perth McLean Janet Nelson Female Whiteside Clarence William Peter Male Perth
1945/100626 Perth Levy Miriam Female Goldman Israel Male Perth
1945/100626 Perth Goldman Israel Male Levy Miriam Female Perth
1945/100627 Perth Gould Owen Vivian Male Woods Enid Mary Female Perth
1945/100627 Perth Woods Enid Mary Female Gould Owen Vivian Male Perth
1945/100628 Perth Meehan Dorothy Ellen Female Rear Albert Benjamin Male Perth
1945/100628 Perth Rear Albert Benjamin Male Meehan Dorothy Ellen Female Perth
1945/100629 Perth Pearson Harry Male Turner Gladys Muriel Female Perth
1945/100629 Perth Turner Gladys Muriel Female Pearson Harry Male Perth
1945/100630 Perth Rivett Olive Murielle Agnes Female Clements John Henry Male Perth
1945/100630 Perth Clements John Henry Male Rivett Olive Murielle Agnes Female Perth
1945/100631 Perth Crawford Edgar Ronald Wiseman Male Leslie Margaret Female Perth
1945/100631 Perth Leslie Margaret Female Crawford Edgar Ronald Wiseman Male Perth
1945/100632 Perth Phippard Roy Bassett Male Bennett Gladys Jean Female Cottesloe
1945/100632 Perth Bennett Gladys Jean Female Phippard Roy Bassett Male Cottesloe
1945/100633 Perth Harrison Clara Susan Female Morris Thomas Alfred Celeus Male Perth
1945/100633 Perth Morris Thomas Alfred Celeus Male Harrison Clara Susan Female Perth
1945/100634 Perth Tobin John Eric Male Lee Eileen Caroline Female Perth
1945/100634 Perth Lee Eileen Caroline Female Tobin John Eric Male Perth
1945/100635 Perth Nankivell Ivy Savage Female Rogers Trevor Joseph Male Perth
1945/100635 Perth Rogers Trevor Joseph Male Nankivell Ivy Savage Female Perth
1945/100636 Perth Savage Collin Male Arnold Sonia May Female West Perth
1945/100636 Perth Arnold Sonia May Female Savage Collin Male West Perth
1945/100637 Perth Burbidge Edith Betty Female Long Alfred Richard Male West Perth
1945/100637 Perth Long Alfred Richard Male Burbidge Edith Betty Female West Perth
1945/100638 Perth Honey Dorothy Mary Female Virgin Benjamin Trevor Male West Perth
1945/100638 Perth Virgin Benjamin Trevor Male Honey Dorothy Mary Female West Perth
1945/100639 Perth Osborne Brian Male Irving Lucy Doreen Female West Perth
1945/100639 Perth Irving Lucy Doreen Female Osborne Brian Male West Perth
1945/100640 Perth Norman Oscar Geoffrey Swain Male Kearns Barbara Lyon Female W Perth
1945/100640 Perth Kearns Barbara Lyon Female Norman Oscar Geoffrey Swain Male W Perth
1945/100641 Perth Mansell William James Male Leicester Beryl Pheobe Female West Perth
1945/100641 Perth Leicester Beryl Pheobe Female Mansell William James Male West Perth
1945/100642 Perth Allsop John Male Wright Kathleen Jean Female Claremont
1945/100642 Perth Wright Kathleen Jean Female Allsop John Male Claremont
1945/100643 Perth Mullany Gwenda Joan Female Bruinhout Andries Petrus Male Perth
1945/100643 Perth Bruinhout Andries Petrus Male Mullany Gwenda Joan Female Perth
1945/100644 Perth Duirs Lorna Female Russell Frank George Male Perth
1945/100644 Perth Russell Frank George Male Duirs Lorna Female Perth
1945/100645 Perth Harvey Mabel Vera Female Bloomfield Harrison Male Perth
1945/100645 Perth Bloomfield Harrison Male Harvey Mabel Vera Female Perth
1945/100646 Perth Gibson Victor Hayden Male Makin Constance Margaret Female Perth
1945/100646 Perth Makin Constance Margaret Female Gibson Victor Hayden Male Perth
1945/100647 Perth Bradshaw William Charles Male Darch Edna Mary Female Perth
1945/100647 Perth Darch Edna Mary Female Bradshaw William Charles Male Perth
1945/100648 Perth Lancey Walter Henry Male Gibson Olive Doris Female Perth
1945/100648 Perth Gibson Olive Doris Female Lancey Walter Henry Male Perth
1945/100649 Perth Shuard Victor William Male Hackett Edith Mary Female West Perth
1945/100649 Perth Hackett Edith Mary Female Shuard Victor William Male West Perth
1945/100650 Perth Horan William Henry Male Ardagh Jessie Marguerite Female Perth
1945/100650 Perth Ardagh Jessie Marguerite Female Horan William Henry Male Perth
1945/100651 Perth Baker Neil Laurence Male Harper Heather Elizabeth Female Perth
1945/100651 Perth Harper Heather Elizabeth Female Baker Neil Laurence Male Perth
1945/100652 Perth Millar Ruth Mary Female Exell George Stanley Male Perth
1945/100652 Perth Exell George Stanley Male Millar Ruth Mary Female Perth
1945/100653 Perth O'Farrell Neil Male Farrell Edna Catherine Female Subiaco
1945/100653 Perth Farrell Edna Catherine Female O'Farrell Neil Male Subiaco
1945/100654 Perth Bradford Philip John Male Baldwin Ida May Female Osborne Park
1945/100654 Perth Baldwin Ida May Female Bradford Philip John Male Osborne Park
1945/100655 Perth Jongenotter Leendert Male Beeching Edith May Female Osborne Park
1945/100655 Perth Beeching Edith May Female Jongenotter Leendert Male Osborne Park
1945/100656 Perth McCracken Alice May Female Dixon Clarence Melville Trevor Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100656 Perth Dixon Clarence Melville Trevor Male McCracken Alice May Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100657 Perth Haines James George Edward Male Speed Jane Ann Stewart Female Osborne Park
1945/100657 Perth Speed Jane Ann Stewart Female Haines James George Edward Male Osborne Park
1945/100658 Perth Mahoney Kenneth Ernest Male Lambert Joan Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100658 Perth Lambert Joan Female Mahoney Kenneth Ernest Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100659 Perth Pepper William John Male Theobald Florence Annie Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100659 Perth Theobald Florence Annie Female Pepper William John Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100660 Perth Bishop Clarence Stanley Male Jeans Evelyn Dorothy Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100660 Perth Jeans Evelyn Dorothy Female Bishop Clarence Stanley Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100661 Perth Chapman John Thomas Male Payne Kathleen Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100661 Perth Payne Kathleen Female Chapman John Thomas Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100662 Perth Simons Gwyneth Enid Female Boland Andrew Francis Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100662 Perth Boland Andrew Francis Male Simons Gwyneth Enid Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100663 Perth Daly Bartholomew Frederick Male Jones Lorna Margaret Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100663 Perth Jones Lorna Margaret Female Daly Bartholomew Frederick Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100664 Perth Moseley Patricia Blodwen Female Mouat William Herbert McLaren Male Maylands
1945/100664 Perth Mouat William Herbert McLaren Male Moseley Patricia Blodwen Female Maylands
1945/100665 Perth Grasso Natale Male Hawkins Gladys Female Maylands
1945/100665 Perth Hawkins Gladys Female Grasso Natale Male Maylands
1945/100666 Perth Foulds Harold Leader Male Wyllie Mary Gwenneth Female Nedlands
1945/100666 Perth Wyllie Mary Gwenneth Female Foulds Harold Leader Male Nedlands
1945/100667 Perth Dixon Annie Female Farmer Paul Kelvin Male Cottesloe
1945/100667 Perth Farmer Paul Kelvin Male Dixon Annie Female Cottesloe
1945/100668 Perth Toms Pauline Norma Female Marriott Joseph Male Victoria Park
1945/100668 Perth Marriott Joseph Male Toms Pauline Norma Female Victoria Park
1945/100669 Perth Phenna Leonard George Male Young Pattie May Female Victoria Park
1945/100669 Perth Young Pattie May Female Phenna Leonard George Male Victoria Park
1945/100670 Perth George William Henry Male Rutherford Elma Noreen Female Perth
1945/100670 Perth Rutherford Elma Noreen Female George William Henry Male Perth
1945/100671 Perth Vaccaro Carmelo Male Catalano Carmela Concetta Female Perth
1945/100671 Perth Catalano Carmela Concetta Female Vaccaro Carmelo Male Perth
1945/100672 Perth Davies John James Male Lambert Jean Campbell Female Perth
1945/100672 Perth Lambert Jean Campbell Female Davies John James Male Perth
1945/100673 Perth Kerr Kevin Ronald Male Brewer Lesley Edna Female Perth
1945/100673 Perth Brewer Lesley Edna Female Kerr Kevin Ronald Male Perth
1945/100674 Perth Besch Harold Thomas Male Atkinson Joy Female Perth
1945/100674 Perth Atkinson Joy Female Besch Harold Thomas Male Perth
1945/100675 Perth Osborne Peace Francis George Male Sharp Ivy Merle Female Perth
1945/100675 Perth Sharp Ivy Merle Female Osborne Peace Francis George Male Perth
1945/100676 Perth Whiting Edwin Keith Male Edwards Kathleen Marjorie Female Perth
1945/100676 Perth Edwards Kathleen Marjorie Female Whiting Edwin Keith Male Perth
1945/100677 Perth Brown Arthur Gordon Male Elliott Ellen Female Swanbourne
1945/100677 Perth Elliott Ellen Female Brown Arthur Gordon Male Swanbourne
1945/100678 Perth Higham Harry Norman Male Graham Thelma Peace Female Claremont
1945/100678 Perth Graham Thelma Peace Female Higham Harry Norman Male Claremont
1945/100679 Perth Freestone Ronald Vivian Male Marshall Peggy Elaine Female Claremont
1945/100679 Perth Marshall Peggy Elaine Female Freestone Ronald Vivian Male Claremont
1945/100680 Perth Ducas Albert Atlee Male Gimm Pauline Gwendoline Beatrice Female Perth
1945/100680 Perth Gimm Pauline Gwendoline Beatrice Female Ducas Albert Atlee Male Perth
1945/100681 Perth Dawson Samuel Harmon Male Stout Marjorie Kate Female North Perth
1945/100681 Perth Stout Marjorie Kate Female Dawson Samuel Harmon Male North Perth
1945/100683 Perth Pollard Vivian Edgar Male Andrew Patricia Joan Female Perth
1945/100683 Perth Andrew Patricia Joan Female Pollard Vivian Edgar Male Perth
1945/100684 Perth Cottrell Gerard Kevin Male Beard Roma Bridget Female East Victoria Park
1945/100684 Perth Beard Roma Bridget Female Cottrell Gerard Kevin Male East Victoria Park
1945/100685 Perth Spurling Arthur Ernest Male Vokins Pauline Coral Female Victoria Park
1945/100685 Perth Vokins Pauline Coral Female Spurling Arthur Ernest Male Victoria Park
1945/100686 Perth Cobb William George Male Hawkins Marjory Rose Female Victoria Park
1945/100686 Perth Hawkins Marjory Rose Female Cobb William George Male Victoria Park
1945/100687 Perth Herbert Ada Jeanetta Female Nolan Maurice William Male Victoria Park
1945/100687 Perth Nolan Maurice William Male Herbert Ada Jeanetta Female Victoria Park
1945/100688 Perth Stone Cecily Female Pinzon Dimas Male Perth
1945/100688 Perth Pinzon Dimas Male Stone Cecily Female Perth
1945/100689 Perth McLaughlan Thelma Eleanor Female McIntosh Robert William Valentine Male Perth
1945/100689 Perth McIntosh Robert William Valentine Male McLaughlan Thelma Eleanor Female Perth
1945/100690 Perth Robinson Jessie Adele Female Parke William Gordon Male Subiaco
1945/100690 Perth Parke William Gordon Male Robinson Jessie Adele Female Subiaco
1945/100691 Perth Moss Arthur Male Miller Joyce Female Claremont
1945/100691 Perth Miller Joyce Female Moss Arthur Male Claremont
1945/100692 Perth West Edith Rose Female Sharman Robert John Male Perth
1945/100692 Perth Sharman Robert John Male West Edith Rose Female Perth
1945/100693 Perth Prosser Clement Wallace Male Paterson Gladys Mary Female Perth
1945/100693 Perth Paterson Gladys Mary Female Prosser Clement Wallace Male Perth
1945/100694 Perth Sweetman Elsie Violet Female Morgan William Frederick Male Maylands
1945/100694 Perth Morgan William Frederick Male Sweetman Elsie Violet Female Maylands
1945/100695 Perth Thomas Elizabeth Female Wilson Thomas Male Maylands
1945/100695 Perth Wilson Thomas Male Thomas Elizabeth Female Maylands
1945/100696 Perth Thompson George Keith Male Tracey Clara Elizabeth Irene Female Perth
1945/100696 Perth Tracey Clara Elizabeth Irene Female Thompson George Keith Male Perth
1945/100697 Perth Hone Donald Windsor Male Tranter Ruby Helen Female West Perth
1945/100697 Perth Tranter Ruby Helen Female Hone Donald Windsor Male West Perth
1945/100698 Perth Dunlop Joyce Adele Chase Female Wallace Albert Eric Male West Perth
1945/100698 Perth Wallace Albert Eric Male Dunlop Joyce Adele Chase Female West Perth
1945/100699 Perth Cottrill Norma Isabella Female Butler William Harold Male West Perth
1945/100699 Perth Butler William Harold Male Cottrill Norma Isabella Female West Perth
1945/100700 Perth Williams William Male Rasmussen Iris Jessie Christiane Female West Perth
1945/100700 Perth Rasmussen Iris Jessie Christiane Female Williams William Male West Perth
1945/100701 Perth Chipper Donald John Male Bagshaw Muriel Noel Female West Perth
1945/100701 Perth Bagshaw Muriel Noel Female Chipper Donald John Male West Perth
1945/100702 Perth Manning Margaret Campbell Female Rossiter Cyril Francis Male West Perth
1945/100702 Perth Rossiter Cyril Francis Male Manning Margaret Campbell Female West Perth
1945/100703 Perth Simsen Grace Ann May Female Willis Edward Talbot Male Perth
1945/100703 Perth Willis Edward Talbot Male Simsen Grace Ann May Female Perth
1945/100704 Perth Phillips Gwendoline Agnes Female Oliphant Douglas Male Perth
1945/100704 Perth Oliphant Douglas Male Phillips Gwendoline Agnes Female Perth
1945/100705 Perth McAdam Mercedes Gertrude Female Baints Ernst Marcel Male W Perth
1945/100705 Perth Baints Ernst Marcel Male McAdam Mercedes Gertrude Female W Perth
1945/100706 Perth Penniment Albert Ernest Varley Male Bent Joyce Theresa Alice Female Perth
1945/100706 Perth Bent Joyce Theresa Alice Female Penniment Albert Ernest Varley Male Perth
1945/100707 Perth Fitzgerald Eileen Amelia May Female Clark Bruce Male Perth
1945/100707 Perth Clark Bruce Male Fitzgerald Eileen Amelia May Female Perth
1945/100708 Perth Henry Constance Natalie Female Webberley Harold Male Bayswater
1945/100708 Perth Webberley Harold Male Henry Constance Natalie Female Bayswater
1945/100709 Perth Andryashevich Mary Female Cerinich Luka Male Osborne Park
1945/100709 Perth Cerinich Luka Male Andryashevich Mary Female Osborne Park
1945/100710 Perth Crawley Kathleen Gweneth Female Leonard Desmond Lawrence Male Highgate Hill
1945/100710 Perth Leonard Desmond Lawrence Male Crawley Kathleen Gweneth Female Highgate Hill
1945/100711 Perth Sanderson Arthur Chester Male Hardie Dulcie Myra Female Highgate Hill
1945/100711 Perth Hardie Dulcie Myra Female Sanderson Arthur Chester Male Highgate Hill
1945/100712 Perth Ryan Francis Edward Male O'Halloran Sheila Maud Female Highgate Hill
1945/100712 Perth O'Halloran Sheila Maud Female Ryan Francis Edward Male Highgate Hill
1945/100713 Perth Hayden Thomas Joseph Male Lang Margaret Mary Female Highgate
1945/100713 Perth Lang Margaret Mary Female Hayden Thomas Joseph Male Highgate
1945/100714 Perth Winter Mabel Gwendoline Female Kent Claude Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100714 Perth Kent Claude Male Winter Mabel Gwendoline Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100715 Perth Skidmore John Edward Male Klesura Vera May Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100715 Perth Klesura Vera May Female Skidmore John Edward Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100716 Perth Savage Walter Joseph Male King Morag Jean Female Osborne Park
1945/100716 Perth King Morag Jean Female Savage Walter Joseph Male Osborne Park
1945/100717 Perth Parker James Male Otley Olive Berle Female Osborne Park
1945/100717 Perth Otley Olive Berle Female Parker James Male Osborne Park
1945/100718 Perth Arthur Marjorie Amelia Female Howard Frank Clive Male Perth
1945/100718 Perth Howard Frank Clive Male Arthur Marjorie Amelia Female Perth
1945/100719 Perth Neck Christina Eleanor Female Watters Richard Arthur Male Perth
1945/100719 Perth Watters Richard Arthur Male Neck Christina Eleanor Female Perth
1945/100720 Perth Pope Norman John Male Van Heurck Hilda Joy Female Perth
1945/100720 Perth Van Heurck Hilda Joy Female Pope Norman John Male Perth
1945/100721 Perth Maconachie Flora McLeod Female Purnell Donald Leslie Male Perth
1945/100721 Perth Purnell Donald Leslie Male Maconachie Flora McLeod Female Perth
1945/100722 Perth Atkins Thora Ada Female Cockman James Wesley Male Perth
1945/100722 Perth Cockman James Wesley Male Atkins Thora Ada Female Perth
1945/100723 Perth McManus Ivy Caroline Mary Female Smith Claude Reginald Male Perth
1945/100723 Perth Smith Claude Reginald Male McManus Ivy Caroline Mary Female Perth
1945/100724 Perth White Joan Edna Female Hayres Wallace Raymond Male Subiaco
1945/100724 Perth Hayres Wallace Raymond Male White Joan Edna Female Subiaco
1945/100725 Perth Marshall Ruth Irwin Female Moore William Sibbald Male West Perth
1945/100725 Perth Moore William Sibbald Male Marshall Ruth Irwin Female West Perth
1945/100726 Perth Lawson Guy Male Hutchison Edith Emily Female West Perth
1945/100726 Perth Hutchison Edith Emily Female Lawson Guy Male West Perth
1945/100727 Perth Green Lois Elizabeth Female Sproge William Male West Perth
1945/100727 Perth Sproge William Male Green Lois Elizabeth Female West Perth
1945/100728 Perth Johnston William Herbert Male Birnie Georgina Female West Perth
1945/100728 Perth Birnie Georgina Female Johnston William Herbert Male West Perth
1945/100729 Perth Chant Olive Maud Female Patek Jack Williams Male West Perth
1945/100729 Perth Patek Jack Williams Male Chant Olive Maud Female West Perth
1945/100730 Perth Bulger George Oliver Male Harper Marjorie Jean Female Perth
1945/100730 Perth Harper Marjorie Jean Female Bulger George Oliver Male Perth
1945/100731 Perth Carroll Isla Myrtle Female Morris Thomas Francis Male Perth
1945/100731 Perth Morris Thomas Francis Male Carroll Isla Myrtle Female Perth
1945/100732 Perth Myers Lloyd Edward Male Pool Constance Selina Female Perth
1945/100732 Perth Pool Constance Selina Female Myers Lloyd Edward Male Perth
1945/100733 Perth McQuoid Leslie Ivor Male Winch Edna May Female Perth
1945/100733 Perth Winch Edna May Female McQuoid Leslie Ivor Male Perth
1945/100734 Perth Black Nellie Beatrice Female Basell Leslie Charles Male Perth
1945/100734 Perth Basell Leslie Charles Male Black Nellie Beatrice Female Perth
1945/100735 Perth Miller John Donald Male McMeekin Veronica Evelyn Female Perth
1945/100735 Perth McMeekin Veronica Evelyn Female Miller John Donald Male Perth
1945/100736 Perth Goodlett Carl Finley Male Maidment Joan Winnifred Female Perth
1945/100736 Perth Maidment Joan Winnifred Female Goodlett Carl Finley Male Perth
1945/100737 Perth Morrell Alma Kniest Female Butcher Arthur Levi Male Perth
1945/100737 Perth Butcher Arthur Levi Male Morrell Alma Kniest Female Perth
1945/100738 Perth Reynolds Ronald Gordon Male Elliott Lille Muriel Dorothy Female Nth Perth
1945/100738 Perth Elliott Lille Muriel Dorothy Female Reynolds Ronald Gordon Male Nth Perth
1945/100739 Perth Richardson Florence Joan Female Brown Alexander Oswald Male Nth Perth
1945/100739 Perth Brown Alexander Oswald Male Richardson Florence Joan Female Nth Perth
1945/100740 Perth Williams Thomas Henry Male Cooke Margaret Olive Female North Perth Presbyterian Church
1945/100740 Perth Cooke Margaret Olive Female Williams Thomas Henry Male North Perth Presbyterian Church
1945/100741 Perth McEwan Peter Male Ashford Winifred Female Cottesloe
1945/100741 Perth Ashford Winifred Female McEwan Peter Male Cottesloe
1945/100742 Perth Ross Grace Elizabeth Female Young Gilbert Male Perth
1945/100742 Perth Young Gilbert Male Ross Grace Elizabeth Female Perth
1945/100743 Perth Pilcher Charles William Male Isbister Margery Female Perth
1945/100743 Perth Isbister Margery Female Pilcher Charles William Male Perth
1945/100744 Perth Walker Herbert Kitchener Male Tidey Jean Isabel Female Perth
1945/100744 Perth Tidey Jean Isabel Female Walker Herbert Kitchener Male Perth
1945/100745 Perth Cornelius Marguerite Mary Female Kingman Roy Murray Charles Male Perth
1945/100745 Perth Kingman Roy Murray Charles Male Cornelius Marguerite Mary Female Perth
1945/100746 Perth Brill Spencer Edward Woodhouse Male Stewart Muriel Honor Female Claremont
1945/100746 Perth Stewart Muriel Honor Female Brill Spencer Edward Woodhouse Male Claremont
1945/100747 Perth Kearney Clement Murray Male O'Rourke Beatrice Mary Female 110 Perth Military Hospital
1945/100747 Perth O'Rourke Beatrice Mary Female Kearney Clement Murray Male 110 Perth Military Hospital
1945/100748 Perth Hankin Jessie Ellen Female Bryant Walter John Male Perth
1945/100748 Perth Bryant Walter John Male Hankin Jessie Ellen Female Perth
1945/100749 Perth Wright Alice Female Horrocks Harold Scoefeild Male Perth
1945/100749 Perth Horrocks Harold Scoefeild Male Wright Alice Female Perth
1945/100750 Perth Sapcote Marjorie Female Newton Keith Calaway Male West Leederville
1945/100750 Perth Newton Keith Calaway Male Sapcote Marjorie Female West Leederville
1945/100751 Perth Fitzgerald Thomas Francis Joseph Male Browne Vida Joyce Female Perth
1945/100751 Perth Browne Vida Joyce Female Fitzgerald Thomas Francis Joseph Male Perth
1945/100752 Perth Mengler Gwenda Lily Female Müller Eric Theodore Male Claremont
1945/100752 Perth Müller Eric Theodore Male Mengler Gwenda Lily Female Claremont
1945/100753 Perth Krause Norman Luther Male Rhodes Kathleen Mary Female West Australia
1945/100753 Perth Rhodes Kathleen Mary Female Krause Norman Luther Male West Australia
1945/100754 Perth Ellis Roy Rex Male Brown Elwin Marjorie Female Claremont
1945/100754 Perth Brown Elwin Marjorie Female Ellis Roy Rex Male Claremont
1945/100755 Perth Cook Hector John Male Berry Eleanor Female Cottesloe
1945/100755 Perth Berry Eleanor Female Cook Hector John Male Cottesloe
1945/100756 Perth Johnson Peggie Female Marshman Eric Edwin Male Cottesloe
1945/100756 Perth Marshman Eric Edwin Male Johnson Peggie Female Cottesloe
1945/100757 Perth Cherry Lilian Maud Female Flottmann William Theodore Male Victoria Park
1945/100757 Perth Flottmann William Theodore Male Cherry Lilian Maud Female Victoria Park
1945/100758 Perth Price Lorna May Female Endean Stanley Male Claremont
1945/100758 Perth Endean Stanley Male Price Lorna May Female Claremont
1945/100759 Perth Parker Jessie Louisa Female Varley Edward Clifford Male Perth
1945/100759 Perth Varley Edward Clifford Male Parker Jessie Louisa Female Perth
1945/100760 Perth Benthien Glenn Hermann Male Gould Betty Nita Female Cottesloe
1945/100760 Perth Gould Betty Nita Female Benthien Glenn Hermann Male Cottesloe
1945/100761 Perth Wojvodich Vincent Marion Male Watts Ellen Masie Female Perth
1945/100761 Perth Watts Ellen Masie Female Wojvodich Vincent Marion Male Perth
1945/100762 Perth Ball Lawrence Noel Male Steel Norma Anne Female Mt Lawley
1945/100762 Perth Steel Norma Anne Female Ball Lawrence Noel Male Mt Lawley
1945/100763 Perth Sullivan Patricia Elsie Female Spriggs Herbert Laurence Male Mt Lawley
1945/100763 Perth Spriggs Herbert Laurence Male Sullivan Patricia Elsie Female Mt Lawley
1945/100764 Perth Moore Thora Vivienne Female Anning Harry Proctor Male Mt Lawley
1945/100764 Perth Anning Harry Proctor Male Moore Thora Vivienne Female Mt Lawley
1945/100765 Perth Hendrie Ivy Female Summerfield Clifford Arthur Male Mt Lawley
1945/100765 Perth Summerfield Clifford Arthur Male Hendrie Ivy Female Mt Lawley
1945/100766 Perth Stearne Donald Ernest William Male Littleton Mary Isabella Female Mt Lawley
1945/100766 Perth Stearne Donald Ernest Male Littleton Mary Isabella Female Mt Lawley
1945/100766 Perth Littleton Mary Isabella Female Stearne Donald Ernest William Male Mt Lawley
1945/100766 Perth Littleton Mary Isabella Female Stearne Donald Ernest Male Mt Lawley
1945/100766 Perth Littleton Mary Isabella Female Williams Donald Ernest William Male Mt Lawley
1945/100766 Perth Littleton Mary Isabella Female Williams Donald Ernest Male Mt Lawley
1945/100766 Perth Williams Donald Ernest William Male Littleton Mary Isabella Female Mt Lawley
1945/100766 Perth Williams Donald Ernest Male Littleton Mary Isabella Female Mt Lawley
1945/100767 Perth Schirripa Domenico Male Calautti Festina Female Osborne Park
1945/100767 Perth Calautti Festina Female Schirripa Domenico Male Osborne Park
1945/100768 Perth Edwards Nancy Rhoda Female Hales Kenneth Francis Male Leederville
1945/100768 Perth Hales Kenneth Francis Male Edwards Nancy Rhoda Female Leederville
1945/100769 Perth Green Robert Hampton Male Coultas Thelma Female Perth
1945/100769 Perth Coultas Thelma Female Green Robert Hampton Male Perth
1945/100770 Perth Hall Mervyn Charles Male Okely Lola Myrtle Female Perth
1945/100770 Perth Okely Lola Myrtle Female Hall Mervyn Charles Male Perth
1945/100771 Perth Rose Clarence Frederick William Male Gennings Esther Loraine Female Perth
1945/100771 Perth Gennings Esther Loraine Female Rose Clarence Frederick William Male Perth
1945/100772 Perth Tregilles Violet Female Clarke Arthur William Male Perth
1945/100772 Perth Clarke Arthur William Male Tregilles Violet Female Perth
1945/100773 Perth Thorne Beryl Violet Female Rooney Ernest Male Perth
1945/100773 Perth Rooney Ernest Male Thorne Beryl Violet Female Perth
1945/100774 Perth Ward Rosemary Olive Female Carter Owen Alfred Male Claremont
1945/100774 Perth Carter Owen Alfred Male Ward Rosemary Olive Female Claremont
1945/100775 Perth Broadhurst Olive Joan Rose Female Moore Frank William Male Subiaco
1945/100775 Perth Moore Frank William Male Broadhurst Olive Joan Rose Female Subiaco
1945/100776 Perth Wells Dorothy Evelyn Female Raishley Jack Graham Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100776 Perth Raishley Jack Graham Male Wells Dorothy Evelyn Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100777 Perth Cresswell Beryl Joy Female Beaumont Reginald William Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100777 Perth Beaumont Reginald William Male Cresswell Beryl Joy Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100778 Perth Pekich Anne Female Cvitan Antony Male West Perth
1945/100778 Perth Cvitan Antony Male Pekich Anne Female West Perth
1945/100779 Perth Binstead Eileen Mary Female Fairhead James Vernon Male West Perth
1945/100779 Perth Fairhead James Vernon Male Binstead Eileen Mary Female West Perth
1945/100780 Perth Patroni Pauline Frederick Female Gibbs Harold Ignatius Male South Perth
1945/100780 Perth Gibbs Harold Ignatius Male Patroni Pauline Frederick Female South Perth
1945/100781 Perth Willey Roy Allen Male Sallur Josephine Mary Female Perth
1945/100781 Perth Sallur Josephine Mary Female Willey Roy Allen Male Perth
1945/100782 Perth Peters Hugh Male Hill Eleanor Female South Perth
1945/100782 Perth Hill Eleanor Female Peters Hugh Male South Perth
1945/100783 Perth Smith Stanley Male Dearden Gladys Jessie Female North Perth
1945/100783 Perth Dearden Gladys Jessie Female Smith Stanley Male North Perth
1945/100784 Perth Radbourne Kenneth Edward William Male Potter Joyce Ivy Female Perth
1945/100784 Perth Potter Joyce Ivy Female Radbourne Kenneth Edward William Male Perth
1945/100785 Perth Simpson Arthur John Male Dolling Marie Isobel Female North Perth
1945/100785 Perth Dolling Marie Isobel Female Simpson Arthur John Male North Perth
1945/100786 Perth Pope Henry William Male Mattinson Esta May Female Perth
1945/100786 Perth Mattinson Esta May Female Pope Henry William Male Perth
1945/100787 Perth James Catherine Alberta Female Howe Horace William Mervyn Male Perth
1945/100787 Perth Howe Horace William Mervyn Male James Catherine Alberta Female Perth
1945/100788 Perth Strang Jean Ida Female Armanasco Victor Jack Male Perth
1945/100788 Perth Armanasco Victor Jack Male Strang Jean Ida Female Perth
1945/100789 Perth Nicol William Male Small Ellen Mary Female Perth
1945/100789 Perth Small Ellen Mary Female Nicol William Male Perth
1945/100790 Perth Colville Basil Perth Male Donaldson Jenn Female Perth
1945/100790 Perth Donaldson Jenn Female Colville Basil Perth Male Perth
1945/100791 Perth Teague George Male Harvey Constance Hazel Female Perth
1945/100791 Perth Harvey Constance Hazel Female Teague George Male Perth
1945/100792 Perth Culleton Margaret Mary Female Haseldine John Cecil Male Perth
1945/100792 Perth Haseldine John Cecil Male Culleton Margaret Mary Female Perth
1945/100793 Perth Earnshaw Bertha Female McKelvie George Ernest Male Perth
1945/100793 Perth McKelvie George Ernest Male Earnshaw Bertha Female Perth
1945/100794 Perth French Anne Dorothea Female Walton Ivor Male Perth
1945/100794 Perth Walton Ivor Male French Anne Dorothea Female Perth
1945/100795 Perth Purcher Dorothy Female Hooper Melvyn Wilfred Male Perth
1945/100795 Perth Hooper Melvyn Wilfred Male Purcher Dorothy Female Perth
1945/100796 Perth Quayle Hazel Lillian Female Hayes Albert Male Maylands
1945/100796 Perth Hayes Albert Male Quayle Hazel Lillian Female Maylands
1945/100797 Perth Eccles Jack Male Hopkins Gwyneth Fredrica Female West Perth
1945/100797 Perth Hopkins Gwyneth Fredrica Female Eccles Jack Male West Perth
1945/100798 Perth Cadd George Ross Male Cooper Jean Yvonne Female West Perth
1945/100798 Perth Cooper Jean Yvonne Female Cadd George Ross Male West Perth
1945/100799 Perth O'Neill Dorothy May Female Underdown Robert John Male West Perth
1945/100799 Perth Underdown Robert John Male O'Neill Dorothy May Female West Perth
1945/100800 Perth Garvey Roy Male Saul Margaret Anne Female West Perth
1945/100800 Perth Saul Margaret Anne Female Garvey Roy Male West Perth
1945/100801 Perth McKerrow Colin Torney Male Colman Mona Ward Female West Perth
1945/100801 Perth Colman Mona Ward Female McKerrow Colin Torney Male West Perth
1945/100802 Perth Massie Frank Male Smith Thelma May Female West Perth
1945/100802 Perth Smith Thelma May Female Massie Frank Male West Perth
1945/100803 Perth Simmonds Albert Daniel Male Coughlan Stanley Gordon Gertrude Female West Perth
1945/100803 Perth Coughlan Stanley Gordon Gertrude Female Simmonds Albert Daniel Male West Perth
1945/100804 Perth Lewis Eileen Rose Female Miles James Frederick William Male Claremont
1945/100804 Perth Miles James Frederick William Male Lewis Eileen Rose Female Claremont
1945/100805 Perth Harrison Raymond Frederick Male Simpson Iris Alma Female Claremont
1945/100805 Perth Simpson Iris Alma Female Harrison Raymond Frederick Male Claremont
1945/100806 Perth Iles Gerald William George Male Thornber Lois Annie Mabel Female Claremont
1945/100806 Perth Thornber Lois Annie Mabel Female Iles Gerald William George Male Claremont
1945/100807 Perth Player Joseph Robert Male Gander Eunice Irene Female Claremont
1945/100807 Perth Gander Eunice Irene Female Player Joseph Robert Male Claremont
1945/100808 Perth Hartley Henry Sidney Male Griffin Ruby Constance Female Perth
1945/100808 Perth Griffin Ruby Constance Female Hartley Henry Sidney Male Perth
1945/100809 Perth Budge Edith Grace Female Biggs Allan Basil Male South Perth
1945/100809 Perth Biggs Allan Basil Male Budge Edith Grace Female South Perth
1945/100810 Perth Hardey Strelley Hubert Peters Male Peck Maisie Alfreda Female South Perth
1945/100810 Perth Peck Maisie Alfreda Female Hardey Strelley Hubert Peters Male South Perth
1945/100811 Perth Freer Donald Male Smith Lillian Hope Female Perth
1945/100811 Perth Smith Lillian Hope Female Freer Donald Male Perth
1945/100812 Perth Tomlinson Iris May Female Steele John William Male Perth
1945/100812 Perth Steele John William Male Tomlinson Iris May Female Perth
1945/100813 Perth Dudley Francis Male Flores Sylvia Beatrice Female Perth
1945/100813 Perth Flores Sylvia Beatrice Female Dudley Francis Male Perth
1945/100814 Perth Haynes Mary Margaret Female Monk Walter Edward Charles Male West Perth
1945/100814 Perth Monk Walter Edward Charles Male Haynes Mary Margaret Female West Perth
1945/100815 Perth McKeown Norman Robert Male Prendergast Mildred Claire Female Highgate Hill
1945/100815 Perth Prendergast Mildred Claire Female McKeown Norman Robert Male Highgate Hill
1945/100816 Perth Barnett Bernadette Mary Female Campbell Hugh Male West Perth
1945/100816 Perth Campbell Hugh Male Barnett Bernadette Mary Female West Perth
1945/100817 Perth Mercer James Male Martin Beryl Josephine Female Claremont
1945/100817 Perth Martin Beryl Josephine Female Mercer James Male Claremont
1945/100818 Perth Hocking Oswald Clyde Male Johnson Ivy Gladys Female Subiaco
1945/100818 Perth Johnson Ivy Gladys Female Hocking Oswald Clyde Male Subiaco
1945/100819 Perth Dobie William Male Berlyn Elvie Joyce Female Subiaco
1945/100819 Perth Berlyn Elvie Joyce Female Dobie William Male Subiaco
1945/100820 Perth Schumacher Alma Joy Female Wakeford Basil Victor Male Perth
1945/100820 Perth Wakeford Basil Victor Male Schumacher Alma Joy Female Perth
1945/100821 Perth Riou James Albert Male Brown Joyce Catherine Female Claremont
1945/100821 Perth Brown Joyce Catherine Female Riou James Albert Male Claremont
1945/100822 Perth Keith-Magee Cameron Malcolm Male Hester Shirley Elizabeth Ellen Female Claremont
1945/100822 Perth Hester Shirley Elizabeth Ellen Female Keith-Magee Cameron Malcolm Male Claremont
1945/100823 Perth O'Brien Mavis Isabel Female Beard Harry William Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100823 Perth Beard Harry William Male O'Brien Mavis Isabel Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100824 Perth Castle Emily May Female Graves Walter Eugene Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100824 Perth Graves Walter Eugene Male Castle Emily May Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100825 Perth Farmer Reginald James Male Cocker Kathleen Joyce Female Osborne Park
1945/100825 Perth Cocker Kathleen Joyce Female Farmer Reginald James Male Osborne Park
1945/100826 Perth Mullett Esther Female Peterson Noel Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100826 Perth Peterson Noel Male Mullett Esther Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100827 Perth Greaves Violet Lena Female Smith Victor Henry Charles Male Perth
1945/100827 Perth Smith Victor Henry Charles Male Greaves Violet Lena Female Perth
1945/100828 Perth Larratt Lilian Female Smith Leonard Arthur Male Mt Lawley
1945/100828 Perth Smith Leonard Arthur Male Larratt Lilian Female Mt Lawley
1945/100829 Perth Wait Robert Burns Male Mannion Annie Female Perth
1945/100829 Perth Mannion Annie Female Wait Robert Burns Male Perth
1945/100830 Perth Bridger John Male Spargo Emily Elizabeth Female Perth
1945/100830 Perth Spargo Emily Elizabeth Female Bridger John Male Perth
1945/100831 Perth Colebatch Lindsay Gordon Male Idlund Emma Astrid Maria Johanna Female Perth
1945/100831 Perth Idlund Emma Astrid Maria Johanna Female Colebatch Lindsay Gordon Male Perth
1945/100832 Perth Marthinsen Arthur Male Oats Jean Godolphin Female Perth
1945/100832 Perth Oats Jean Godolphin Female Marthinsen Arthur Male Perth
1945/100833 Perth Bray Sybil Irene Female McHutchison George Martin Male Perth
1945/100833 Perth McHutchison George Martin Male Bray Sybil Irene Female Perth
1945/100834 Perth Armstrong Frank Male Riley Florence Gladys Female Perth
1945/100834 Perth Riley Florence Gladys Female Armstrong Frank Male Perth
1945/100835 Perth Thowless Herbert Arthur Male Devlin Ruby Jane Female Perth
1945/100835 Perth Devlin Ruby Jane Female Thowless Herbert Arthur Male Perth
1945/100836 Perth Salfinger Arthur David Male Markham Veronica Female Victoria Park
1945/100836 Perth Markham Veronica Female Salfinger Arthur David Male Victoria Park
1945/100837 Perth Leavesley Charles Arthur Male Craig Amy Mildred Female Claremont
1945/100837 Perth Craig Amy Mildred Female Leavesley Charles Arthur Male Claremont
1945/100838 Perth Woodley Vera Irene Female Lathian Reginald Edward Male West Leederville
1945/100838 Perth Lathian Reginald Edward Male Woodley Vera Irene Female West Leederville
1945/100839 Perth Annakin George Edward Male Boyden Beryl Hanham Female Maylands
1945/100839 Perth Boyden Beryl Hanham Female Annakin George Edward Male Maylands
1945/100840 Perth Pianta Noel Albert Male Silver Olive Female Rosalie
1945/100840 Perth Silver Olive Female Pianta Noel Albert Male Rosalie
1945/100841 Perth Stuart William George Male Fleming Cora Maggie Isabel Female West Perth
1945/100841 Perth Fleming Cora Maggie Isabel Female Stuart William George Male West Perth
1945/100842 Perth Outred Elizabeth May Female Gregan Kevin Micheal Male Perth
1945/100842 Perth Gregan Kevin Micheal Male Outred Elizabeth May Female Perth
1945/100843 Perth Rosevere Grace Female Holden Raymond Joeseph James Male Perth
1945/100843 Perth Holden Raymond Joeseph James Male Rosevere Grace Female Perth
1945/100844 Perth Feakes Judith Stephanie Scott Female McLachlan George Llewelyn Male Perth
1945/100844 Perth McLachlan George Llewelyn Male Feakes Judith Stephanie Scott Female Perth
1945/100845 Perth Humble Athol Denzil Male Ellis Aileen Phyllis Female Perth
1945/100845 Perth Ellis Aileen Phyllis Female Humble Athol Denzil Male Perth
1945/100846 Perth Whitworth Peggy Female Macleod Donald James Male Perth
1945/100846 Perth Macleod Donald James Male Whitworth Peggy Female Perth
1945/100847 Perth Fisher Ronald Duffield Male Jordan Margaret Lorraine Female Victoria Park
1945/100847 Perth Jordan Margaret Lorraine Female Fisher Ronald Duffield Male Victoria Park
1945/100848 Perth Nicholls Marjorie Jean Female Williams Richard Owen Male Perth
1945/100848 Perth Williams Richard Owen Male Nicholls Marjorie Jean Female Perth
1945/100849 Perth Hayes Carol Mary Female Cowlishaw Thomas Abbott Male Nedlands
1945/100849 Perth Cowlishaw Thomas Abbott Male Hayes Carol Mary Female Nedlands
1945/100850 Perth Gostelow John George Pearson Male McCulloch Elvein Elizabeth Female Nedlands
1945/100850 Perth McCulloch Elvein Elizabeth Female Gostelow John George Pearson Male Nedlands
1945/100851 Perth Tulley William Phillip Male Smart Lesley Margarete Female West Perth
1945/100851 Perth Smart Lesley Margarete Female Tulley William Phillip Male West Perth
1945/100852 Perth Van Bracklin Eber Dale Male Goodman Ellen Carmel Female West Perth
1945/100852 Perth Goodman Ellen Carmel Female Van Bracklin Eber Dale Male West Perth
1945/100853 Perth Sharp Yvonne Lillian Female Lee Cyril James Male Hollywood Military Hospital Chapel
1945/100853 Perth Lee Cyril James Male Sharp Yvonne Lillian Female Hollywood Military Hospital Chapel
1945/100854 Perth Pennefather Neil Richard Male Macfarlane Ethel May Female North Perth
1945/100854 Perth Macfarlane Ethel May Female Pennefather Neil Richard Male North Perth
1945/100855 Perth Tadd Joan Female Dunn Jack Dryden Male North Perth
1945/100855 Perth Dunn Jack Dryden Male Tadd Joan Female North Perth
1945/100856 Perth Vivian Margaret Female Hughes Blyth Gwyn Male Perth
1945/100856 Perth Hughes Blyth Gwyn Male Vivian Margaret Female Perth
1945/100857 Perth Clarkson Cecil Philip Male Wansbrough Muriel Hope Female Subiaco
1945/100857 Perth Wansbrough Muriel Hope Female Clarkson Cecil Philip Male Subiaco
1945/100858 Perth Coleman Desmond Thomas Male Dickson Edith Yvonne Female Subiaco
1945/100858 Perth Dickson Edith Yvonne Female Coleman Desmond Thomas Male Subiaco
1945/100859 Perth Phillips Veronica Winnifred Carlisle Female Carr Regnald Male Subiaco
1945/100859 Perth Carr Regnald Male Phillips Veronica Winnifred Carlisle Female Subiaco
1945/100860 Perth Campbell Jean Mary Female Kjellgren Walker Herbert Male Perth
1945/100860 Perth Kjellgren Walker Herbert Male Campbell Jean Mary Female Perth
1945/100861 Perth Thomas Vera Eileen Female Chandler Albert Blechynden Male West Perth
1945/100861 Perth Chandler Albert Blechynden Male Thomas Vera Eileen Female West Perth
1945/100862 Perth Farney Herbert Male Doherty Margaret Female West Perth
1945/100862 Perth Doherty Margaret Female Farney Herbert Male West Perth
1945/100863 Perth Wells Annie Frances Female Garrett Cecil Herbert Male West Perth
1945/100863 Perth Garrett Cecil Herbert Male Wells Annie Frances Female West Perth
1945/100864 Perth Clifton Neil Maxwell Male Membery Victoria Joy Female West Perth
1945/100864 Perth Membery Victoria Joy Female Clifton Neil Maxwell Male West Perth
1945/100865 Perth Harris Kathleen Mary Bernays Female Garvey Ralph Male West Perth
1945/100865 Perth Garvey Ralph Male Harris Kathleen Mary Bernays Female West Perth
1945/100866 Perth Hartney Ralph Earle Male Evans Margaret Annette Lesley Female West Perth
1945/100866 Perth Evans Margaret Annette Lesley Female Hartney Ralph Earle Male West Perth
1945/100867 Perth Chesson Mary Frances Female Sadler John Male Subiaco
1945/100867 Perth Sadler John Male Chesson Mary Frances Female Subiaco
1945/100868 Perth Wright Helen Irene Female Scott Alan Rogers Male Nedlands
1945/100868 Perth Scott Alan Rogers Male Wright Helen Irene Female Nedlands
1945/100869 Perth Grainger John McCalman Male Hinwood Elsie May Female Perth
1945/100869 Perth Hinwood Elsie May Female Grainger John McCalman Male Perth
1945/100870 Perth Beall George Edward Male Ryan Winnifred Ethel Female Perth
1945/100870 Perth Ryan Winnifred Ethel Female Beall George Edward Male Perth
1945/100871 Perth Hollis Kathleen Carmel Female Rutland Alfred Edward Male Perth
1945/100871 Perth Rutland Alfred Edward Male Hollis Kathleen Carmel Female Perth
1945/100872 Perth Sekulich Miroslav Male Banovich Milosava Female Perth
1945/100872 Perth Banovich Milosava Female Sekulich Miroslav Male Perth
1945/100873 Perth Lewis Trevor Bryn Male Riley Coralynne Joan Female Perth
1945/100873 Perth Riley Coralynne Joan Female Lewis Trevor Bryn Male Perth
1945/100874 Perth Buckenara Nancy Louie Female Brown Thomas Russell Male Perth
1945/100874 Perth Brown Thomas Russell Male Buckenara Nancy Louie Female Perth
1945/100875 Perth Creswick Robert Ernest Male Gibbs Irene Babs Female Perth
1945/100875 Perth Gibbs Irene Babs Female Creswick Robert Ernest Male Perth
1945/100876 Perth Andrews Charles Wilfred Male Smith Linda June Female Perth
1945/100876 Perth Smith Linda June Female Andrews Charles Wilfred Male Perth
1945/100877 Perth Cucel William Leslie Male Howlett Myrtle Hazel Female Perth
1945/100877 Perth Howlett Myrtle Hazel Female Cucel William Leslie Male Perth
1945/100878 Perth Aldridge Evelyn Female Dodd Charles William Male Perth
1945/100878 Perth Dodd Charles William Male Aldridge Evelyn Female Perth
1945/100879 Perth Lewis Beryl Veronica Female Toms James McLeod Male Perth
1945/100879 Perth Toms James McLeod Male Lewis Beryl Veronica Female Perth
1945/100880 Perth Greenwood Jean Marjery Female Bailey Isaac Maurice Male West Perth
1945/100880 Perth Bailey Isaac Maurice Male Greenwood Jean Marjery Female West Perth
1945/100881 Perth Pilmer Anthony Claymore Male Lancaster Edna Florence Female West Perth
1945/100881 Perth Lancaster Edna Florence Female Pilmer Anthony Claymore Male West Perth
1945/100882 Perth O'Hehir Sheila Monica Female McKenzie William Robert Joseph Male West Perth
1945/100882 Perth McKenzie William Robert Joseph Male O'Hehir Sheila Monica Female West Perth
1945/100883 Perth Bloom John James Male Cull Laurel Mavis Female North Perth
1945/100883 Perth Cull Laurel Mavis Female Bloom John James Male North Perth
1945/100884 Perth Crutchett Hubert James Male Duncan Jane Amelia Female Victoria Park
1945/100884 Perth Duncan Jane Amelia Female Crutchett Hubert James Male Victoria Park
1945/100885 Perth Tweddle John Pickering Male Mulligan Doris Hilda Female Claremont
1945/100885 Perth Mulligan Doris Hilda Female Tweddle John Pickering Male Claremont
1945/100886 Perth Smith Queenie Haywood McKenzie Female Appleyard Albert James Male Claremont
1945/100886 Perth Appleyard Albert James Male Smith Queenie Haywood McKenzie Female Claremont
1945/100887 Perth Lay Brunetta Ethel Female OBrien John Patrick Male Maylands
1945/100887 Perth OBrien John Patrick Male Lay Brunetta Ethel Female Maylands
1945/100888 Perth Raymond Elfrida Mary Female Naylor George Aubrey Male North Perth
1945/100888 Perth Naylor George Aubrey Male Raymond Elfrida Mary Female North Perth
1945/100889 Perth Massie Arnold Joseph George William Male Lockyer Barbara Agnes Teresa Female Mt Lawley
1945/100889 Perth Lockyer Barbara Agnes Teresa Female Massie Arnold Joseph George William Male Mt Lawley
1945/100890 Perth Wormley Thomas Eddy Male Godenzi Bethel Female Perth
1945/100890 Perth Godenzi Bethel Female Wormley Thomas Eddy Male Perth
1945/100891 Perth Houghton Norah Muriel Josephine Female Cornwall James William Male Perth
1945/100891 Perth Cornwall James William Male Houghton Norah Muriel Josephine Female Perth
1945/100892 Perth De Goosh Coburn Pushee Male Olifent Jesse Female Claremont
1945/100892 Perth Olifent Jesse Female De Goosh Coburn Pushee Male Claremont
1945/100893 Perth McIntosh Ethel Maud Female Hoare William Harry Male Subiaco
1945/100893 Perth Hoare William Harry Male McIntosh Ethel Maud Female Subiaco
1945/100894 Perth Robertson Mary Ellen Female Featherstone Ralph Emerson Male Claremont
1945/100894 Perth Featherstone Ralph Emerson Male Robertson Mary Ellen Female Claremont
1945/100895 Perth Best Danell Darbourn Male Winterbottom Barbara Joyce Female Claremont
1945/100895 Perth Winterbottom Barbara Joyce Female Best Danell Darbourn Male Claremont
1945/100896 Perth Brown Gearld Wesley Male Braysher Gloria Dawn Female Leederville
1945/100896 Perth Braysher Gloria Dawn Female Brown Gearld Wesley Male Leederville
1945/100897 Perth Weir Elizabeth Female Douglas Wilfrid Henry Male Bayswater
1945/100897 Perth Douglas Wilfrid Henry Male Weir Elizabeth Female Bayswater
1945/100898 Perth Skinner Alice Isobel Female Abbett William Walter Male Perth
1945/100898 Perth Abbett William Walter Male Skinner Alice Isobel Female Perth
1945/100899 Perth Mendelawitz Ruth Bertha Female Earnshaw George Male Perth
1945/100899 Perth Earnshaw George Male Mendelawitz Ruth Bertha Female Perth
1945/100900 Perth McKellar-Smith George Male Melling Cathrine Ellen Female Victoria Park
1945/100900 Perth Melling Cathrine Ellen Female McKellar-Smith George Male Victoria Park
1945/100901 Perth Crewe Paul Male Matthews Vivien Millicent Female Leederville
1945/100901 Perth Matthews Vivien Millicent Female Crewe Paul Male Leederville
1945/100902 Perth Long James Male Hurley Gloria Patricia Female Leederville
1945/100902 Perth Hurley Gloria Patricia Female Long James Male Leederville
1945/100903 Perth Low Jean Blair Female Martin Neil Frank Male West Perth
1945/100903 Perth Martin Neil Frank Male Low Jean Blair Female West Perth
1945/100904 Perth Howard Chalice Joan Female Jones Ernest Beresford Male Perth
1945/100904 Perth Jones Ernest Beresford Male Howard Chalice Joan Female Perth
1945/100905 Perth Brennan Joan Elizabeth Female Fennell Robert George Male West Australia
1945/100905 Perth Fennell Robert George Male Brennan Joan Elizabeth Female West Australia
1945/100906 Perth Killey Amelia Jane Female Alp Thomas William Male Cottesloe
1945/100906 Perth Alp Thomas William Male Killey Amelia Jane Female Cottesloe
1945/100907 Perth Mann Ethel Jane Female Botacchi Pietro Male Perth
1945/100907 Perth Botacchi Pietro Male Mann Ethel Jane Female Perth
1945/100908 Perth Reynolds Elsie Dorean Female Aubrey Edward Walter Male Perth
1945/100908 Perth Aubrey Edward Walter Male Reynolds Elsie Dorean Female Perth
1945/100909 Perth Isaac Louisa Eunice May Female Phillips Harold Somerset Male Perth
1945/100909 Perth Phillips Harold Somerset Male Isaac Louisa Eunice May Female Perth
1945/100910 Perth Schmidt William "F" Male Ivey Doreen Cora May Female Perth
1945/100910 Perth Ivey Doreen Cora May Female Schmidt William "F" Male Perth
1945/100911 Perth Morgan Jessie Female Pickering Ernest James Male Perth
1945/100911 Perth Pickering Ernest James Male Morgan Jessie Female Perth
1945/100912 Perth Mortlock Doris Joyce Female Riley Cyril Gregory Male Highgate Hill
1945/100912 Perth Riley Cyril Gregory Male Mortlock Doris Joyce Female Highgate Hill
1945/100913 Perth Hubble Clarence Edward Male McMurray Lorna Alice Female Perth
1945/100913 Perth McMurray Lorna Alice Female Hubble Clarence Edward Male Perth
1945/100914 Perth Chapman Robert Charles Male Brown Catherine Templeton Female Victoria Park
1945/100914 Perth Brown Catherine Templeton Female Chapman Robert Charles Male Victoria Park
1945/100915 Perth Shean Yvonne Eva Female Morrish Harvey Percival Male South Perth
1945/100915 Perth Morrish Harvey Percival Male Shean Yvonne Eva Female South Perth
1945/100916 Perth Newton Marie Female Randall Kenneth Allan Clenshaw Male West Perth
1945/100916 Perth Randall Kenneth Allan Clenshaw Male Newton Marie Female West Perth
1945/100917 Perth McCann Cyril James Male Kreitling Elsie Hazel Female Perth
1945/100917 Perth Kreitling Elsie Hazel Female McCann Cyril James Male Perth
1945/100918 Perth Newnham Doreen Patricia Female Clarke-Hall George Walter Male Perth
1945/100918 Perth Clarke-Hall George Walter Male Newnham Doreen Patricia Female Perth
1945/100919 Perth Morrissey Patrick Michel Joseph Male Green Mary Doreen Female Perth
1945/100919 Perth Green Mary Doreen Female Morrissey Patrick Michel Joseph Male Perth
1945/100920 Perth Woods John Robert Male Sice Ivy Hope Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100920 Perth Sice Ivy Hope Female Woods John Robert Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100921 Perth Mandic Hugo Male Fraser Mary Magdalene Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100921 Perth Fraser Mary Magdalene Female Mandic Hugo Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100922 Perth Crouch Arthur Sydney Male Weaire Gladys Blanche Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100922 Perth Weaire Gladys Blanche Female Crouch Arthur Sydney Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100923 Perth Harrop Eliza Jane Female Steele William Matthews Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100923 Perth Steele William Matthews Male Harrop Eliza Jane Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100924 Perth Archibald Freda Mary Female Keir John Ignatius Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100924 Perth Keir John Ignatius Male Archibald Freda Mary Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100925 Perth Knight Sylvie Doreen Female Smith Robert Lionel Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100925 Perth Smith Robert Lionel Male Knight Sylvie Doreen Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100926 Perth Lyons William Male Black Betty Elaine Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100926 Perth Black Betty Elaine Female Lyons William Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100927 Perth Smith George Douglas Male Nicol Patricia Mae Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100927 Perth Nicol Patricia Mae Female Smith George Douglas Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100928 Perth Shiel Edna Jean Female Turnor Leslie Daniel Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100928 Perth Turnor Leslie Daniel Male Shiel Edna Jean Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100929 Perth Sangster William Greer Male Stock Joyce Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100929 Perth Stock Joyce Female Sangster William Greer Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100930 Perth Hillier John William Male Bignell Irene May Female Victoria Park
1945/100930 Perth Bignell Irene May Female Hillier John William Male Victoria Park
1945/100931 Perth Prosser Arthur Frederick Male Jackamarra Mary Matilda Female Perth
1945/100931 Perth Jackamarra Mary Matilda Female Prosser Arthur Frederick Male Perth
1945/100932 Perth Harris Shirley Lorraine Female Witt Robert Adolph Male Highgate Hill
1945/100932 Perth Witt Robert Adolph Male Harris Shirley Lorraine Female Highgate Hill
1945/100933 Perth Martin Elsie Irene Female Dundas David John Campbell Male Subiaco
1945/100933 Perth Dundas David John Campbell Male Martin Elsie Irene Female Subiaco
1945/100934 Perth Pappa Eftimios Male Milentis Tomay Female Perth
1945/100934 Perth Milentis Tomay Female Pappa Eftimios Male Perth
1945/100935 Perth Foley Bettina Patricia Female Woodland Edwin William Portman Male Leederville
1945/100935 Perth Woodland Edwin William Portman Male Foley Bettina Patricia Female Leederville
1945/100936 Perth Barrett-Lennard Charlotte Virginia Female Giles Alleyne Bruce Male West Perth
1945/100936 Perth Giles Alleyne Bruce Male Barrett-Lennard Charlotte Virginia Female West Perth
1945/100937 Perth Medley Frank Henry Male Hall Lesly Mavis Female W Perth
1945/100937 Perth Hall Lesly Mavis Female Medley Frank Henry Male W Perth
1945/100938 Perth Simmons Norah Female Thompson Harry Male West Perth
1945/100938 Perth Thompson Harry Male Simmons Norah Female West Perth
1945/100939 Perth Dixon Charles Frederick Male Foster Doreen Female West Perth
1945/100939 Perth Foster Doreen Female Dixon Charles Frederick Male West Perth
1945/100940 Perth Stafford Katherine Margaret Elsie Female Hepburn Colin Alexander Male West Perth
1945/100940 Perth Hepburn Colin Alexander Male Stafford Katherine Margaret Elsie Female West Perth
1945/100941 Perth McAlpine Irene Ann Female Horton Septimus Alfred Male Maylands
1945/100941 Perth Horton Septimus Alfred Male McAlpine Irene Ann Female Maylands
1945/100942 Perth Groling Orin Carl Male Kinghorn Mabel Joyce Female Maylands
1945/100942 Perth Kinghorn Mabel Joyce Female Groling Orin Carl Male Maylands
1945/100943 Perth Burnside Gertrude Noel Amelia Female Murray William Donovan Male Perth
1945/100943 Perth Murray William Donovan Male Burnside Gertrude Noel Amelia Female Perth
1945/100944 Perth Harcourt William Alfred Engledow Male Pettit Lucy Elizabeth Female Perth
1945/100944 Perth Pettit Lucy Elizabeth Female Harcourt William Alfred Engledow Male Perth
1945/100945 Perth McVickers William Charles Male Wootten Jean Female Perth
1945/100945 Perth Wootten Jean Female McVickers William Charles Male Perth
1945/100946 Perth Harlock Frank Herbert Male Waters Joyce Elaine Female Perth
1945/100946 Perth Waters Joyce Elaine Female Harlock Frank Herbert Male Perth
1945/100947 Perth Griffits Edith Hamilton Female McGlew Lionel Edgar Male Perth
1945/100947 Perth McGlew Lionel Edgar Male Griffits Edith Hamilton Female Perth
1945/100948 Perth Henderson Emily Joyce Brown Female Turner John Herbert Male Perth
1945/100948 Perth Turner John Herbert Male Henderson Emily Joyce Brown Female Perth
1945/100949 Perth Owston Betty Gladys Female Andrew William Frederick Male Perth
1945/100949 Perth Andrew William Frederick Male Owston Betty Gladys Female Perth
1945/100950 Perth Calder Yvonne Patricia Tournay Female Nie John Eric Male Perth
1945/100950 Perth Nie John Eric Male Calder Yvonne Patricia Tournay Female Perth
1945/100951 Perth Browning Joan Female Middleton Victor Male Perth
1945/100951 Perth Middleton Victor Male Browning Joan Female Perth
1945/100952 Perth Davis Elizabeth Georgina Female Midby Arthur Evelyn Male Maylands
1945/100952 Perth Midby Arthur Evelyn Male Davis Elizabeth Georgina Female Maylands
1945/100953 Perth Ferris Dennis James Male Nevin Mary Theresa Female Maylands
1945/100953 Perth Nevin Mary Theresa Female Ferris Dennis James Male Maylands
1945/100954 Perth Watson Molly Female Pugh John James Male Perth
1945/100954 Perth Pugh John James Male Watson Ethel May Female Perth
1945/100954 Perth Pugh John James Male Watson Molly Female Perth
1945/100954 Perth Watson Ethel May Female Pugh John James Male Perth
1945/100955 Perth Otway John Percival Male Smoker Lerlene Joyce Female Perth
1945/100955 Perth Smoker Lerlene Joyce Female Otway John Percival Male Perth
1945/100956 Perth Pritlove Henry Joseph Male George Sarah Maria Female Subiaco
1945/100956 Perth George Sarah Maria Female Pritlove Henry Joseph Male Subiaco
1945/100957 Perth Dawkins Phyllis Mary Female Draper Joseph Benjamin Male Perth
1945/100957 Perth Draper Joseph Benjamin Male Dawkins Phyllis Mary Female Perth
1945/100958 Perth Wilson Gwendoline Female McCaskie Alexander John Male Mosman Park
1945/100958 Perth McCaskie Alexander John Male Wilson Gwendoline Female Mosman Park
1945/100959 Perth Levi Maxine Sara Female Krantz Roy Male Perth
1945/100959 Perth Krantz Roy Male Levi Maxine Sara Female Perth
1945/100960 Perth Neistat Myer Male Hatfield Beryl Rosetta Female Perth
1945/100960 Perth Hatfield Beryl Rosetta Female Neistat Myer Male Perth
1945/100961 Perth Robertson Ian Beaton Male Carson Dora Louise Female Perth
1945/100961 Perth Carson Dora Louise Female Robertson Ian Beaton Male Perth
1945/100962 Perth Newbold Thomas William Male Rutland Frieda Female Perth
1945/100962 Perth Rutland Frieda Female Newbold Thomas William Male Perth
1945/100963 Perth Wells Peggy MacLeod Female Horrigan William James Male Perth
1945/100963 Perth Horrigan William James Male Wells Peggy MacLeod Female Perth
1945/100964 Perth Cairns Gordon David Duff Male Carlson Shirley Elizabeth Female Perth
1945/100964 Perth Carlson Shirley Elizabeth Female Cairns Gordon David Duff Male Perth
1945/100965 Perth Richter Mavis Joan Female Avery Douglas Thomas Male Perth
1945/100965 Perth Avery Douglas Thomas Male Richter Mavis Joan Female Perth
1945/100966 Perth Hagart Peter Clifford Male Warner Doris Louisa Female Perth
1945/100966 Perth Warner Doris Louisa Female Hagart Peter Clifford Male Perth
1945/100967 Perth Macdonald Duncan Male Fair Dorothy Anne Female Perth
1945/100967 Perth Fair Dorothy Anne Female Macdonald Duncan Male Perth
1945/100968 Perth Rose William James Male Smith Eileen Female Perth
1945/100968 Perth Smith Eileen Female Rose William James Male Perth
1945/100969 Perth Ashton John Elliot Male Ashley Noreen Freda Female Perth
1945/100969 Perth Ashley Noreen Freda Female Ashton John Elliot Male Perth
1945/100970 Perth Stewart William Alexander Male Thomson Elizabeth Female Perth
1945/100970 Perth Thomson Elizabeth Female Stewart William Alexander Male Perth
1945/100971 Perth Hinchliffe Walter James Male Whiteside Joan Female Perth
1945/100971 Perth Whiteside Joan Female Hinchliffe Walter James Male Perth
1945/100972 Perth Fletcher Philis Ina Female Ryniker Frederick Charles Male Perth
1945/100972 Perth Ryniker Frederick Charles Male Fletcher Philis Ina Female Perth
1945/100973 Perth Morris Arthur Roy Male Beaver Hazel Florence Female Perth
1945/100973 Perth Beaver Hazel Florence Female Morris Arthur Roy Male Perth
1945/100974 Perth Muirhead Mervyn John Male Smith Mavis Margaret Female Perth
1945/100974 Perth Smith Mavis Margaret Female Muirhead Mervyn John Male Perth
1945/100975 Perth Clifford Victor Male Winters Mary Female Perth
1945/100975 Perth Winters Mary Female Clifford Victor Male Perth
1945/100976 Perth Streatfield Eric Stanley Male Winton Coralie May Female Shenton Park
1945/100976 Perth Winton Coralie May Female Streatfield Eric Stanley Male Shenton Park
1945/100977 Perth Martin William Henry James Male Rudeberg Karin Nellie Aurora Female Perth
1945/100977 Perth Rudeberg Karin Nellie Aurora Female Martin William Henry James Male Perth
1945/100978 Perth Mitchell Olive Gertrude Female Perham James Luke Male Perth
1945/100978 Perth Perham James Luke Male Mitchell Olive Gertrude Female Perth
1945/100979 Perth Latham William Arnold Male Carlson Enid de Lisle Female Perth
1945/100979 Perth Carlson Enid de Lisle Female Latham William Arnold Male Perth
1945/100980 Perth Smith-Gander Christine Joan Female Beatty William Allan Jeffrey Male Cottesloe
1945/100980 Perth Beatty William Allan Jeffrey Male Smith-Gander Christine Joan Female Cottesloe
1945/100981 Perth Hayes Robert Ellis Male Seaman Violet Evelyn Female Mt Lawley
1945/100981 Perth Seaman Violet Evelyn Female Hayes Robert Ellis Male Mt Lawley
1945/100982 Perth Davy Margaret Jean Female Ferndale Alan James Male Perth
1945/100982 Perth Ferndale Alan James Male Davy Margaret Jean Female Perth
1945/100983 Perth Blinco Betty Christina Female Elsdon Cyril Edward Male Cottesloe
1945/100983 Perth Elsdon Cyril Edward Male Blinco Betty Christina Female Cottesloe
1945/100984 Perth Date Norah Female Graham Eric Gordon Male Cottesloe
1945/100984 Perth Graham Eric Gordon Male Date Norah Female Cottesloe
1945/100985 Perth Simmons Ivy Female Doyle Frank Ronald Male Cottesloe
1945/100985 Perth Doyle Frank Ronald Male Simmons Ivy Female Cottesloe
1945/100986 Perth Loverock James Henry Male Halliday Jean Cecilia Female Claremont
1945/100986 Perth Halliday Jean Cecilia Female Loverock James Henry Male Claremont
1945/100987 Perth Kanther Norah Helen Mary Female Laverack David Frank Male Claremont
1945/100987 Perth Laverack David Frank Male Kanther Norah Helen Mary Female Claremont
1945/100988 Perth Moloney Mary Evelyn Female Grayson Phillip William Thomas Male Perth
1945/100988 Perth Grayson Phillip William Thomas Male Moloney Mary Evelyn Female Perth
1945/100989 Perth Stout Curtis Montague Male Crowe Edna Annie Female Perth
1945/100989 Perth Crowe Edna Annie Female Stout Curtis Montague Male Perth
1945/100990 Perth Papadopoulos Ioannis Male Anastassiadis Sophie Spiro Female Perth
1945/100990 Perth Anastassiadis Sophie Spiro Female Papadopoulos Ioannis Male Perth
1945/100991 Perth Cheshire Harold Male Davey Lily Kent Female West Perth
1945/100991 Perth Davey Lily Kent Female Cheshire Harold Male West Perth
1945/100992 Perth Hortin Catherine Irene Frances Female Thomas Gwilym Henry Male Perth
1945/100992 Perth Thomas Gwilym Henry Male Hortin Catherine Irene Frances Female Perth
1945/100993 Perth Johnson Margaret Isabel Female Bilsby James Henry Mason Male Perth
1945/100993 Perth Bilsby James Henry Mason Male Johnson Margaret Isabel Female Perth
1945/100994 Perth Brinkhuis Cornelis Adrianus Male Calthrop Valda Muriel Female Claremont
1945/100994 Perth Calthrop Valda Muriel Female Brinkhuis Cornelis Adrianus Male Claremont
1945/100995 Perth Rowe Patricia Enid Female Hurst Robert Louis Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100995 Perth Hurst Robert Louis Male Rowe Patricia Enid Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100996 Perth Simmons Warren John Male Rule Coralie Mary Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100996 Perth Rule Coralie Mary Female Simmons Warren John Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100998 Perth Sorg Albert August Male Morrison Jean Gertrude Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100998 Perth Morrison Jean Gertrude Female Sorg Albert August Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100999 Perth May Aubrey Jackson Male Cann Florence Beatrice Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100999 Perth Cann Florence Beatrice Female May Aubrey Jackson Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/101000 Perth Gangell Gladys Female Hill Roy Lee Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/101000 Perth Hill Roy Lee Male Gangell Gladys Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/101001 Perth Smith Marjorie Ellen Female Wondergem Hugo Cornelius Male Claremont
1945/101001 Perth Wondergem Hugo Cornelius Male Smith Marjorie Ellen Female Claremont
1945/101002 Perth Eastland John Christopher Male Winter Rosabelle Female Perth
1945/101002 Perth Winter Rosabelle Female Eastland John Christopher Male Perth
1945/101003 Perth Sloan Robert William Male Lockey Gwendoline Female Perth
1945/101003 Perth Lockey Gwendoline Female Sloan Robert William Male Perth
1945/101005 Perth Eddy William Trevethan Male Knight Mavis Estelle Female West Perth
1945/101005 Perth Knight Mavis Estelle Female Eddy William Trevethan Male West Perth
1945/101006 Perth Bamford Wilfred Hartley Male Hayes Daphne Isobel Female Subiaco
1945/101006 Perth Hayes Daphne Isobel Female Bamford Wilfred Hartley Male Subiaco
1945/101007 Perth Boyd Frances Lorraine Female Riley Harold Kevin Male West Perth
1945/101007 Perth Riley Harold Kevin Male Boyd Frances Lorraine Female West Perth
1945/101008 Perth Baldwin Earl Joseph Male Cahill Alecia Mae Female West Perth
1945/101008 Perth Cahill Alecia Mae Female Baldwin Earl Joseph Male West Perth
1945/101009 Perth Kain Leo Martin Male Pilkington Lucy Lillian Female Perth
1945/101009 Perth Pilkington Lucy Lillian Female Kain Leo Martin Male Perth
1945/101010 Perth Dahlheimer Coral Emily Female Coover Theodore Paul Male Perth
1945/101010 Perth Coover Theodore Paul Male Dahlheimer Coral Emily Female Perth
1945/101011 Perth Walker Allan Charles Clarke Male McCallum Georgina Female Perth
1945/101011 Perth McCallum Georgina Female Walker Allan Charles Clarke Male Perth
1945/101012 Perth Gibbs Norman Stanley Male Ross Irene Merle Female Perth
1945/101012 Perth Ross Irene Merle Female Gibbs Norman Stanley Male Perth
1945/101013 Perth Easthope John Male Hill Edith Evelyn Female West Leederville
1945/101013 Perth Hill Edith Evelyn Female Easthope John Male West Leederville
1945/101014 Perth Colpus John Alexander Male Raston Lorraine Hope Female Claremont
1945/101014 Perth Raston Lorraine Hope Female Colpus John Alexander Male Claremont
1945/101015 Perth Mullen John Alexander Male Collins Rose Mary Female Perth
1945/101015 Perth Collins Rose Mary Female Mullen John Alexander Male Perth
1945/101016 Perth Henry Leslie Robert Male McKay Margaret Jean Female Shenton Park
1945/101016 Perth McKay Margaret Jean Female Henry Leslie Robert Male Shenton Park
1945/101017 Perth Rowe Robert Ronald Male Fitzgerald Lillian Bertha Bessie Female Perth
1945/101017 Perth Fitzgerald Lillian Bertha Bessie Female Rowe Robert Ronald Male Perth
1945/101018 Perth Shaw Ethel Mae Female Jelleff Richard Frederick Male Perth
1945/101018 Perth Jelleff Richard Frederick Male Shaw Ethel Mae Female Perth
1945/101019 Perth Hammond Ina Ellen Female Edward Arthur Finlay Male Perth
1945/101019 Perth Edward Arthur Finlay Male Hammond Ina Ellen Female Perth
1945/101020 Perth Hewson Frederick Thomas Male Matthews Edna Agnes Female Perth
1945/101020 Perth Matthews Edna Agnes Female Hewson Frederick Thomas Male Perth
1945/101021 Perth Fisher Donald James Male Bishop Gweneth Mary Female Perth
1945/101021 Perth Bishop Gweneth Mary Female Fisher Donald James Male Perth
1945/101022 Perth Manley George Henry Male Ion Marjorie Female Perth
1945/101022 Perth Ion Marjorie Female Manley George Henry Male Perth
1945/101023 Perth Harrington James Maurice Male Mitchem Eileen Mary Female Perth
1945/101023 Perth Mitchem Eileen Mary Female Harrington James Maurice Male Perth
1945/101024 Perth Crouch John Edgar Male Bell Noel Gwenllian Female Perth
1945/101024 Perth Bell Noel Gwenllian Female Crouch John Edgar Male Perth
1945/101025 Perth White Patrick Joseph Male Nichols Alice May Female Perth
1945/101025 Perth Nichols Alice May Female White Patrick Joseph Male Perth
1945/101026 Perth Jacobson Ernest William Male McAullay Betty Jean Female Perth
1945/101026 Perth McAullay Betty Jean Female Jacobson Ernest William Male Perth
1945/101027 Perth Bromwell Phyllis Marjory Alice Female Milner Gordon Hendy Male Perth
1945/101027 Perth Milner Gordon Hendy Male Bromwell Phyllis Marjory Alice Female Perth
1945/101028 Perth Andrews Grace Lorraine Female Storer Stanley Henry Male Perth
1945/101028 Perth Storer Stanley Henry Male Andrews Grace Lorraine Female Perth
1945/101029 Perth Halligan William Male Hams Elsie May Female Perth
1945/101029 Perth Hams Elsie May Female Halligan William Male Perth
1945/101030 Perth Bonnette Henry Charles Male Waldron Mary Ann Female Subiaco
1945/101030 Perth Waldron Mary Ann Female Bonnette Henry Charles Male Subiaco
1945/101031 Perth Nutter John Male McCaul Margaret Female Nedlands
1945/101031 Perth McCaul Margaret Female Nutter John Male Nedlands
1945/101032 Perth Benson William David Male Simpson Jane Rosalie Theresa Female Perth
1945/101032 Perth Simpson Jane Rosalie Theresa Female Benson William David Male Perth
1945/101033 Perth Tuckwell Kathleen Frances Female Walker Stanley Preston Male Bayswater
1945/101033 Perth Walker Stanley Preston Male Tuckwell Kathleen Frances Female Bayswater
1945/101034 Perth Hutchens Harold Presley Male Nock Thelma May Female Perth
1945/101034 Perth Nock Thelma May Female Hutchens Harold Presley Male Perth
1945/101035 Perth Taylor Elvie Joyce Beard Female Dillon Joseph Male Perth
1945/101035 Perth Dillon Joseph Male Taylor Elvie Joyce Beard Female Perth
1945/101036 Perth Kinsman Mervyn John Male Hallett Joan Elizabeth Female Perth
1945/101036 Perth Hallett Joan Elizabeth Female Kinsman Mervyn John Male Perth
1945/101037 Perth Decker Gwendoline Mary Janice Female Grafton Allan James Male Perth
1945/101037 Perth Grafton Allan James Male Decker Gwendoline Mary Janice Female Perth
1945/101038 Perth Caporn William Henry Male Anderson Wembley Dorothy Female Nedlands
1945/101038 Perth Anderson Wembley Dorothy Female Caporn William Henry Male Nedlands
1945/101039 Perth Bishop Joyce Caroline Female Mirabella Sebastiano Male Highgate Hill
1945/101039 Perth Mirabella Sebastiano Male Bishop Joyce Caroline Female Highgate Hill
1945/101040 Perth French-Watson Robert Lancaster Male Abbott Ida Alice Kathleen Female Perth
1945/101040 Perth Abbott Ida Alice Kathleen Female French-Watson Robert Lancaster Male Perth
1945/101041 Perth Cross Phyllis Joyce Female McKenna John Leggat Male Perth
1945/101041 Perth McKenna John Leggat Male Cross Phyllis Joyce Female Perth
1945/101042 Perth Davey Bebe Marian Female McAullay Cedric Joseph Male South Perth
1945/101042 Perth McAullay Cedric Joseph Male Davey Bebe Marian Female South Perth
1945/101043 Perth Waldock John Russell Male Watts Phyllis Ivy Female West Perth
1945/101043 Perth Watts Phyllis Ivy Female Waldock John Russell Male West Perth
1945/101044 Perth Brown Thelma Joy Female Murray Thomas Phillip Male Victoria Pk
1945/101044 Perth Murray Thomas Phillip Male Brown Thelma Joy Female Victoria Pk
1945/101045 Perth Marshall James Brown Male King Mildred Female Perth
1945/101045 Perth King Mildred Female Marshall James Brown Male Perth
1945/101046 Perth Stehn Roma May Female Cribb Cyril David Male Perth
1945/101046 Perth Cribb Cyril David Male Stehn Roma May Female Perth
1945/101047 Perth Prior Alfred John Male Gallop Linda Rose Female Subiaco
1945/101047 Perth Gallop Linda Rose Female Prior Alfred John Male Subiaco
1945/101048 Perth McNair Lewis Paterson Male Tregonning Sylvia Female Victoria Park
1945/101048 Perth Tregonning Sylvia Female McNair Lewis Paterson Male Victoria Park
1945/101049 Perth Hay Doreen Jean Female Heslop George Male Victoria Park
1945/101049 Perth Heslop George Male Hay Doreen Jean Female Victoria Park
1945/101050 Perth Steiner Margarete Female Bello Marchino Antonio Male Subiaco
1945/101050 Perth Bello Marchino Antonio Male Steiner Margarete Female Subiaco
1945/101051 Perth Viska Steve Male Pitsikas Athena Female Perth
1945/101051 Perth Pitsikas Athena Female Viska Steve Male Perth
1945/101052 Perth Ralph Leonard Henry Male Wareing Phyllis Annie Female Perth
1945/101052 Perth Wareing Phyllis Annie Female Ralph Leonard Henry Male Perth
1945/101053 Perth Henderson Maude Elizabeth Female McKittrick Allan Male Perth
1945/101053 Perth McKittrick Allan Male Henderson Maude Elizabeth Female Perth
1945/101054 Perth Burgess George Perry Male Jones Violet Doreen Female Perth
1945/101054 Perth Jones Violet Doreen Female Burgess George Perry Male Perth
1945/101055 Perth Duzevich Mathew Male Parry Mavis Elizabeth Female Perth
1945/101055 Perth Parry Mavis Elizabeth Female Duzevich Mathew Male Perth
1945/101056 Perth Ghent Melba Claurene Female Moffett John Swayne Male Perth
1945/101056 Perth Moffett John Swayne Male Ghent Melba Claurene Female Perth
1945/101057 Perth Lawrance George William Male Squires Patricia May Female Perth
1945/101057 Perth Squires Patricia May Female Lawrance George William Male Perth
1945/101058 Perth Thompson Arthur Male Coles Sylvie Female Perth
1945/101058 Perth Coles Sylvie Female Thompson Arthur Male Perth
1945/101059 Perth Ede Jean Evelyn Female Cheetham Victor Arthur Male Perth
1945/101059 Perth Cheetham Victor Arthur Male Ede Jean Evelyn Female Perth
1945/101060 Perth Taylor Eva Maude Grey Female Bunn Arthur William Male Perth
1945/101060 Perth Bunn Arthur William Male Taylor Eva Maude Grey Female Perth
1945/101061 Perth Budlong John William Male Connolly Joyce Female Perth
1945/101061 Perth Connolly Joyce Female Budlong John William Male Perth
1945/101062 Perth Prior Gladys Clarinda Female Brown Horace Theodore Male Claremont
1945/101062 Perth Brown Horace Theodore Male Prior Gladys Clarinda Female Claremont
1945/101063 Perth Gilbert Colin Frank Male Smith Jacqueline Eileen Female Claremont
1945/101063 Perth Smith Jacqueline Eileen Female Gilbert Colin Frank Male Claremont
1945/101064 Perth Billett Sidney Wilton Male Kinsman Joan Muriel Female West Leederville
1945/101064 Perth Kinsman Joan Muriel Female Billett Sidney Wilton Male West Leederville
1945/101065 Perth Goddard Gladys Ellen Female King Jack Male Perth
1945/101065 Perth King Jack Male Goddard Gladys Ellen Female Perth
1945/101066 Perth Northcott Doris Moore Female Grey Jack Reginald Male Perth
1945/101066 Perth Grey Jack Reginald Male Northcott Doris Moore Female Perth
1945/101067 Perth Pryor James Henry Male Maskiell Mavis Female Subiaco
1945/101067 Perth Maskiell Mavis Female Pryor James Henry Male Subiaco
1945/101068 Perth Burton Shirley Estelle Female Welfelt Theodore Gerard Male Perth
1945/101068 Perth Welfelt Theodore Gerard Male Burton Shirley Estelle Female Perth
1945/101069 Perth Lemke Ernest Charles Male Blair Delys Marion Female Perth
1945/101069 Perth Blair Delys Marion Female Lemke Ernest Charles Male Perth
1945/101070 Perth Stephens Grace Emmeline Female Bernhard Thomas Male Perth
1945/101070 Perth Bernhard Thomas Male Stephens Grace Emmeline Female Perth
1945/101071 Perth Gaspar Frank Vierra Male Lawford Ethel Maud Female Perth
1945/101071 Perth Lawford Ethel Maud Female Gaspar Frank Vierra Male Perth
1945/101072 Perth van Hattem Jan Male Raphael Audrey Alma Female Perth
1945/101072 Perth Raphael Audrey Alma Female van Hattem Jan Male Perth
1945/101073 Perth Zellmer Ernest Jerome Male Miller Laurel Brenda Female Claremont
1945/101073 Perth Miller Laurel Brenda Female Zellmer Ernest Jerome Male Claremont
1945/101074 Perth Foulkes Enid Female Irving Herbert John Eliot Male Claremont
1945/101074 Perth Irving Herbert John Eliot Male Foulkes Enid Female Claremont
1945/101075 Perth Wheeler John Edwin Male MacNamara Elizabeth Mary Female Subiaco
1945/101075 Perth MacNamara Elizabeth Mary Female Wheeler John Edwin Male Subiaco
1945/101076 Perth Mildwaters Ruby Charlotte Female Bell John William Male West Perth
1945/101076 Perth Bell John William Male Mildwaters Ruby Charlotte Female West Perth
1945/101077 Perth Spence William Walls Male Bowdidge Lillian Louisa Female Perth
1945/101077 Perth Bowdidge Lillian Louisa Female Spence William Walls Male Perth
1945/101078 Perth Dondas James Nicholas Male Constantine Nita Anna Female Perth
1945/101078 Perth Constantine Nita Anna Female Dondas James Nicholas Male Perth
1945/101079 Perth Unkovich Ivan Cendo Male Tonkin Laurel May Female Belmont
1945/101079 Perth Tonkin Laurel May Female Unkovich Ivan Cendo Male Belmont
1945/101080 Perth Syndergaard Peter Owen Male Sykes Myrtle Female Subiaco
1945/101080 Perth Sykes Myrtle Female Syndergaard Peter Owen Male Subiaco
1945/101081 Perth Garnel Sydney William Male Johnson Alexa Mary Jane Female Perth
1945/101081 Perth Johnson Alexa Mary Jane Female Garnel Sydney William Male Perth
1945/101082 Perth Duffield Lewis Steven Male Gibbs Lillian Grace Female Perth
1945/101082 Perth Gibbs Lillian Grace Female Duffield Lewis Steven Male Perth
1945/101083 Perth Henderson Allan Roy Male McCavana Joyce Lorraine Female Perth
1945/101083 Perth McCavana Joyce Lorraine Female Henderson Allan Roy Male Perth
1945/101084 Perth Summers Alfred Male Lamb Amy Female Perth
1945/101084 Perth Lamb Amy Female Summers Alfred Male Perth
1945/101085 Perth Utterson Edna May Female Sheed William John Male Perth
1945/101085 Perth Sheed William John Male Utterson Edna May Female Perth
1945/101086 Perth Walker Devina Telford Female Kavanagh Henry Thomas Male Victoria Park
1945/101086 Perth Kavanagh Henry Thomas Male Walker Devina Telford Female Victoria Park
1945/101087 Perth Vallis Maxwell Wilmot Male Muir Edna Margaret Female Highgate Hill
1945/101087 Perth Muir Edna Margaret Female Vallis Maxwell Wilmot Male Highgate Hill
1945/101088 Perth Morgan Jean Elsie Female Van Eenennaam Lieven Male Perth
1945/101088 Perth Van Eenennaam Lieven Male Morgan Jean Elsie Female Perth
1945/101089 Perth Webster Joan Olive Female Manners John Birtley Male Perth
1945/101089 Perth Manners John Birtley Male Webster Joan Olive Female Perth
1945/101090 Perth Hoffman Myrtle Hedda Female Ingram Alan Edwin Male Perth
1945/101090 Perth Ingram Alan Edwin Male Hoffman Myrtle Hedda Female Perth
1945/101091 Perth Ashton Frank Male Fuller Irene Lilian Female Perth
1945/101091 Perth Fuller Irene Lilian Female Ashton Frank Male Perth
1945/101092 Perth Orchard Ethel Emily Female Seddon John Male Perth
1945/101092 Perth Seddon John Male Orchard Ethel Emily Female Perth
1945/101093 Perth Mackay Joan Ann Female Rex Kenneth Charles Male Perth
1945/101093 Perth Rex Kenneth Charles Male Mackay Joan Ann Female Perth
1945/101094 Perth Stillwell William Leonard Roy Male McKinlay Betty Female Victoria Park
1945/101094 Perth McKinlay Betty Female Stillwell William Leonard Roy Male Victoria Park
1945/101095 Perth Diggles James Male Campbell Hellen Hilda Female Perth
1945/101095 Perth Campbell Hellen Hilda Female Diggles James Male Perth
1945/101096 Perth Coward Arthur McDonald Male Reynolds Roma Annie Pearl Female Mt Lawley
1945/101096 Perth Reynolds Roma Annie Pearl Female Coward Arthur McDonald Male Mt Lawley
1945/101097 Perth Sullivan Allan Lewis Male Scudds Vera Joan Female Perth
1945/101097 Perth Scudds Vera Joan Female Sullivan Allan Lewis Male Perth
1945/101098 Perth Clarkson George Male Smith Ethel Mary Female Perth
1945/101098 Perth Smith Ethel Mary Female Clarkson George Male Perth
1945/101099 Perth Spence Doreen Rose Hall Female Edmunds Robert Louis Male Rosalie
1945/101099 Perth Edmunds Robert Louis Male Spence Doreen Rose Hall Female Rosalie
1945/101100 Perth Hudson Thelma Ellen Female Mayall Ernest Clarence Male Perth
1945/101100 Perth Mayall Ernest Clarence Male Hudson Thelma Ellen Female Perth
1945/101101 Perth Miller Beatrix Joyce Female Turner Keith Stuart Male Nedlands
1945/101101 Perth Turner Keith Stuart Male Miller Beatrix Joyce Female Nedlands
1945/101102 Perth Thompson Mary Elizabeth Female Paramor William Joseph Male Perth
1945/101102 Perth Paramor William Joseph Male Thompson Mary Elizabeth Female Perth
1945/101103 Perth Glenister Jack Wasson Male Rowe Marjorie Female West Leederville
1945/101103 Perth Rowe Marjorie Female Glenister Jack Wasson Male West Leederville
1945/101104 Perth Carolan Charles Henry Stirling Male Connaughton Kathleen Mary Female Highgate Hill
1945/101104 Perth Connaughton Kathleen Mary Female Carolan Charles Henry Stirling Male Highgate Hill
1945/101105 Perth Thompson James Edward Male Naisbitt Rose Margaret Female Perth
1945/101105 Perth Naisbitt Rose Margaret Female Thompson James Edward Male Perth
1945/101106 Perth Bellanger George Edmund Joseph Male Gibson Jean Welcome Female Perth
1945/101106 Perth Gibson Jean Welcome Female Bellanger George Edmund Joseph Male Perth
1945/101107 Perth Bellanger Frank Pierre Edward Male Sayer Joyce Female Perth
1945/101107 Perth Sayer Joyce Female Bellanger Frank Pierre Edward Male Perth
1945/101108 Perth Harrison Marie Josephine Female Kriaris Sam Male Perth
1945/101108 Perth Kriaris Sam Male Harrison Marie Josephine Female Perth
1945/101109 Perth Hicks Norman Theodor Gibson Male Johnston Kathleen Vete Female Perth
1945/101109 Perth Johnston Kathleen Vete Female Hicks Norman Theodor Gibson Male Perth
1945/101110 Perth Forth Leo Cyril Male Evans Lucy Elizabeth Female Leederville Congregational Church
1945/101110 Perth Evans Lucy Elizabeth Female Forth Leo Cyril Male Leederville Congregational Church
1945/101111 Perth Gillon Doreen Gertrude Female Brown Arthur Charles Male Perth
1945/101111 Perth Brown Arthur Charles Male Gillon Doreen Gertrude Female Perth
1945/101112 Perth Rogers Ila Female Short William Samuel Male Perth
1945/101112 Perth Short William Samuel Male Rogers Ila Female Perth
1945/101113 Perth Sartain James Hendry Male Forward Ma-Belle Alice Female Perth
1945/101113 Perth Forward Ma-Belle Alice Female Sartain James Hendry Male Perth
1945/101114 Perth Paterson Margaret Hope Female Ross John Calder Male Perth
1945/101114 Perth Ross John Calder Male Paterson Margaret Hope Female Perth
1945/101115 Perth Baker John Henry Male Strachan Jean Female Perth
1945/101115 Perth Strachan Jean Female Baker John Henry Male Perth
1945/101116 Perth Grieve Robert Edward Male Flynn Bernice Lillian Female Perth
1945/101116 Perth Flynn Bernice Lillian Female Grieve Robert Edward Male Perth
1945/101117 Perth Noyce Ronald Male Howard Margaret Ellen Female Perth
1945/101117 Perth Howard Margaret Ellen Female Noyce Ronald Male Perth
1945/101118 Perth Marshall Agnes Margaret Female Bright Eric Norman Male Perth
1945/101118 Perth Bright Eric Norman Male Marshall Agnes Margaret Female Perth
1945/101119 Perth Hunter James Allen Male Boston Beryl Female Perth
1945/101119 Perth Boston Beryl Female Hunter James Allen Male Perth
1945/101120 Perth Kennerson Henry Douglas Male MacLennan Mary Margaret Female Perth
1945/101120 Perth MacLennan Mary Margaret Female Kennerson Henry Douglas Male Perth
1945/101121 Perth Curley Albert Laurence Male Hodson Phyllis Noreen Female Perth
1945/101121 Perth Hodson Phyllis Noreen Female Curley Albert Laurence Male Perth
1945/101122 Perth Curley Walter Stephen Male Sweetapple Phoebe Female Perth
1945/101122 Perth Sweetapple Phoebe Female Curley Walter Stephen Male Perth
1945/101123 Perth Jones Arthur Boswell Male Thomas Lydia Elsie Female North Perth Congregational Church
1945/101123 Perth Thomas Lydia Elsie Female Jones Arthur Boswell Male North Perth Congregational Church
1945/101124 Perth West Francis Sidney Male Mason Ina Clare Female Perth
1945/101124 Perth Mason Ina Clare Female West Francis Sidney Male Perth
1945/101125 Perth Munday Ivy May Female Joyce Peter Patrick Male Perth
1945/101125 Perth Joyce Peter Patrick Male Munday Ivy May Female Perth
1945/101126 Perth Jones Elaine Female Jones Allan Keith Male Mt Lawley
1945/101126 Perth Jones Allan Keith Male Jones Elaine Female Mt Lawley
1945/101127 Perth Fixter Baden Male Harvey Barbara Louise Female Mt Lawley
1945/101127 Perth Harvey Barbara Louise Female Fixter Baden Male Mt Lawley
1945/101128 Perth Knapp Edward Roland Male Jahn Phyllis Emily Female West Perth
1945/101128 Perth Jahn Phyllis Emily Female Knapp Edward Roland Male West Perth
1945/101129 Perth Doust Stanley Roy Male Richards Betty Glorvina Female West Perth
1945/101129 Perth Richards Betty Glorvina Female Doust Stanley Roy Male West Perth
1945/101130 Perth Thorley Pamela Dawn Female Durham Keith Wallace Male Victoria Park
1945/101130 Perth Durham Keith Wallace Male Thorley Pamela Dawn Female Victoria Park
1945/101131 Perth Price Lucy Rose Female Barker Donald Male Victoria Park
1945/101131 Perth Barker Donald Male Price Lucy Rose Female Victoria Park
1945/101132 Perth Day Denis Victor Male Franklin Mary Dorothy Female Victoria Park
1945/101132 Perth Franklin Mary Dorothy Female Day Denis Victor Male Victoria Park
1945/101133 Perth Congdon Ronald Ernest Male Edhouse Betty Female Subiaco
1945/101133 Perth Edhouse Betty Female Congdon Ronald Ernest Male Subiaco
1945/101134 Perth Jenkins Beryl Mavis Female Waldie William Male Perth
1945/101134 Perth Waldie William Male Jenkins Beryl Mavis Female Perth
1945/101135 Perth Brown James Henry Male May Rachel Female Perth
1945/101135 Perth May Rachel Female Brown James Henry Male Perth
1945/101136 Perth Armitage Ida Dorothy Female Farrer Geoffrey Dietrich Keen Male Nedlands
1945/101136 Perth Farrer Geoffrey Dietrich Keen Male Armitage Ida Dorothy Female Nedlands
1945/101137 Perth Cunningham James Walter Male Gaunt Jean Florence Female Perth
1945/101137 Perth Gaunt Jean Florence Female Cunningham James Walter Male Perth
1945/101138 Perth Vaughn Robert Gavin Male Williams Linda Female Perth
1945/101138 Perth Williams Linda Female Vaughn Robert Gavin Male Perth
1945/101139 Perth Donovan Frank Ernest Male Macdonald Mary Bates Female Perth
1945/101139 Perth Macdonald Mary Bates Female Donovan Frank Ernest Male Perth
1945/101140 Perth Morrissey June Female Featherstone Norman James Male Perth
1945/101140 Perth Featherstone Norman James Male Morrissey June Female Perth
1945/101141 Perth Taylor Ethel Alice Female Moir Vernon Clement Male Perth
1945/101141 Perth Moir Vernon Clement Male Taylor Ethel Alice Female Perth
1945/101142 Perth Dowson Walter John Male Richardson Gwendoline Florence Female Perth
1945/101142 Perth Richardson Gwendoline Florence Female Dowson Walter John Male Perth
1945/101143 Perth Ladd George William Male Bunker Elizabeth Jocelyn Female W Perth
1945/101143 Perth Bunker Elizabeth Jocelyn Female Ladd George William Male W Perth
1945/101144 Perth Johnson Florence Hilder Agnes Female Spence Henry James Male North Perth Methodist Church
1945/101144 Perth Spence Henry James Male Johnson Florence Hilder Agnes Female North Perth Methodist Church
1945/101145 Perth Grant Charles Edgar Male McLean Clarice Isabel Female Leederville
1945/101145 Perth McLean Clarice Isabel Female Grant Charles Edgar Male Leederville
1945/101146 Perth Yozzi Rocco Michele Male Carbone Domenica Female West Perth
1945/101146 Perth Carbone Domenica Female Yozzi Rocco Michele Male West Perth
1945/101147 Perth Eilbeck Ethel Female Moustaka Themetre Male West Perth
1945/101147 Perth Moustaka Themetre Male Eilbeck Ethel Female West Perth
1945/101148 Perth Stranger Elsie Caroline Female Turton Leslie Frank Male North Perth
1945/101148 Perth Turton Leslie Frank Male Stranger Elsie Caroline Female North Perth
1945/101149 Perth Hare Flora Ann Female Lindsay William Kennedy Male Nth Perth
1945/101149 Perth Lindsay William Kennedy Male Hare Flora Ann Female Nth Perth
1945/101150 Perth Darby Lester Thomas Arthur Male Scott Eva May Female Perth
1945/101150 Perth Scott Eva May Female Darby Lester Thomas Arthur Male Perth
1945/101151 Perth Gosden Bruce Neville Male Upton Barbara Greenwood Female Mount Lawley
1945/101151 Perth Upton Barbara Greenwood Female Gosden Bruce Neville Male Mount Lawley
1945/101152 Perth McGrath Joan Catherine Female Borrett Sturt Donnin Male Perth
1945/101152 Perth Borrett Sturt Donnin Male McGrath Joan Catherine Female Perth
1945/101153 Perth Jones Douglas Ernest Male Mitchison Maud Female Mt Lawley
1945/101153 Perth Mitchison Maud Female Jones Douglas Ernest Male Mt Lawley
1945/101154 Perth Allan Andrew Male Pollard Enid Sophia Female Perth
1945/101154 Perth Pollard Enid Sophia Female Allan Andrew Male Perth
1945/101155 Perth Campbell James Malcolm Male Scott Flora Cecilia Female Perth
1945/101155 Perth Scott Flora Cecilia Female Campbell James Malcolm Male Perth
1945/101156 Perth Maguire Minnie Female Jones David William Male Perth
1945/101156 Perth Jones David William Male Maguire Minnie Female Perth
1945/101157 Perth Cantelo Hector Leonard Male Riddles Gwyneva Helene Myrle Female Crawley
1945/101157 Perth Riddles Gwyneva Helene Myrle Female Cantelo Hector Leonard Male Crawley
1945/101158 Perth Wall Joffre Hamilton Male Byrne Lila Mary Female Subiaco
1945/101158 Perth Byrne Lila Mary Female Wall Joffre Hamilton Male Subiaco
1945/101159 Perth Kilner Emily Isabel Female Dillon Stanley Thomas Male Leederville
1945/101159 Perth Dillon Stanley Thomas Male Kilner Emily Isabel Female Leederville
1945/101160 Perth Bancroft Hilda Ethel Female Baker Samuel Eric Male West Perth
1945/101160 Perth Baker Samuel Eric Male Bancroft Hilda Ethel Female West Perth
1945/101161 Perth Adamson Margaret Rose Female Atkinson Robert Braddock Male Perth
1945/101161 Perth Atkinson Robert Braddock Male Adamson Margaret Rose Female Perth
1945/101162 Perth Gleeson Mary Veronica Female Marchant William Alfred Male Perth
1945/101162 Perth Marchant William Alfred Male Gleeson Mary Veronica Female Perth
1945/101163 Perth Kurczakowski Edward Thomas Male Ford Olive Female Perth
1945/101163 Perth Ford Olive Female Kurczakowski Edward Thomas Male Perth
1945/101164 Perth Coonan Constance Veronica Female Fitz-Gibbon John Alan Male Perth
1945/101164 Perth Fitz-Gibbon John Alan Male Coonan Constance Veronica Female Perth
1945/101165 Perth Masters Claribel Norma Female Dixon George Edward Male Subiaco
1945/101165 Perth Dixon George Edward Male Masters Claribel Norma Female Subiaco
1945/101166 Perth Doddridge Cecil Arthur Male Spear Joy Ivy Female Perth
1945/101166 Perth Spear Joy Ivy Female Doddridge Cecil Arthur Male Perth
1945/101167 Perth Hunter John Gilbert Male Denton Amy Eugene Female Perth
1945/101167 Perth Denton Amy Eugene Female Hunter John Gilbert Male Perth
1945/101168 Perth Rosel Iris Emily Female Wansbrough William Evelyn Male Perth
1945/101168 Perth Wansbrough William Evelyn Male Rosel Iris Emily Female Perth
1945/101169 Perth Holt May Jean Female McGregor Cyril Howard Griffiths Male Perth
1945/101169 Perth McGregor Cyril Howard Griffiths Male Holt May Jean Female Perth
1945/101170 Perth Smith Marie Elaine Female Morrison Mars Raymond Victor Male Perth
1945/101170 Perth Morrison Mars Raymond Victor Male Smith Marie Elaine Female Perth
1945/101171 Perth Moulton Vera Grace Female Perry Earl Herfurth Male Perth
1945/101171 Perth Perry Earl Herfurth Male Moulton Vera Grace Female Perth
1945/101172 Perth Panton Charles Roy Male Hurst Valma Joy Female Perth
1945/101172 Perth Hurst Valma Joy Female Panton Charles Roy Male Perth
1945/101173 Perth Mathieson Isabel Florence Female Jones Harold Edward Male Perth
1945/101173 Perth Jones Harold Edward Male Mathieson Isabel Florence Female Perth
1945/101174 Perth Edwards Ursula May Female McInerney William Leslie Male Perth
1945/101174 Perth McInerney William Leslie Male Edwards Ursula May Female Perth
1945/101175 Perth Starling Victor Keith Male Ford Melinda Evelyn Female Perth
1945/101175 Perth Ford Melinda Evelyn Female Starling Victor Keith Male Perth
1945/101176 Perth Manning Ethel Agnes Fanny Female Flockton Ernest Male Perth
1945/101176 Perth Flockton Ernest Male Manning Ethel Agnes Fanny Female Perth
1945/101177 Perth Hall Charles Nelson Harrison Male Flanagan Cecelia May Female Perth
1945/101177 Perth Flanagan Cecelia May Female Hall Charles Nelson Harrison Male Perth
1945/101178 Perth Taylor Constance Vivien Female Arbery Cleveland Frederick Male Perth
1945/101178 Perth Arbery Cleveland Frederick Male Taylor Constance Vivien Female Perth
1945/101179 Perth Shaw Irene Frances Christian Female Wintle Leonard Male Perth
1945/101179 Perth Wintle Leonard Male Shaw Irene Frances Christian Female Perth
1945/101180 Perth Cook Melva Frances Joan Female Gray Kevin George Male Perth
1945/101180 Perth Gray Kevin George Male Cook Melva Frances Joan Female Perth
1945/101181 Perth Hare Joy Magdaline Female Bowell Horace Charles Male Perth
1945/101181 Perth Bowell Horace Charles Male Hare Joy Magdaline Female Perth
1945/101182 Perth Bell Dorothy Gertrude Female Moffat Alexander McGibbon Male Perth
1945/101182 Perth Moffat Alexander McGibbon Male Bell Dorothy Gertrude Female Perth
1945/101183 Perth Block Elsie Mary Female Kingdon Arthur Abraham Male Perth
1945/101183 Perth Kingdon Arthur Abraham Male Block Elsie Mary Female Perth
1945/101184 Perth Chick Joyce Florence Female Glover Edward Alexander James Male Subiaco
1945/101184 Perth Glover Edward Alexander James Male Chick Joyce Florence Female Subiaco
1945/101185 Perth Penaluna Ernest Robert Male Worthington Edna May Female Subiaco
1945/101185 Perth Worthington Edna May Female Penaluna Ernest Robert Male Subiaco
1945/101186 Perth Philippson Elizabeth Evelyn Female Bail Ernest Charles Male W Perth
1945/101186 Perth Bail Ernest Charles Male Philippson Elizabeth Evelyn Female W Perth
1945/101187 Perth Georgeff Nicholas Harold Male Smith Norma Thelia Female Nedlands
1945/101187 Perth Smith Norma Thelia Female Georgeff Nicholas Harold Male Nedlands
1945/101188 Perth Hendry Daphne Pearl Female Mould Robert Douglas John Male Perth
1945/101188 Perth Mould Robert Douglas John Male Hendry Daphne Pearl Female Perth
1945/101189 Perth Musgrave George William Male Mullaley Kathleen Anne Female Perth
1945/101189 Perth Mullaley Kathleen Anne Female Musgrave George William Male Perth
1945/101190 Perth Westbrook Estelle Mary Female Wanless James Deans Male Perth
1945/101190 Perth Wanless James Deans Male Westbrook Estelle Mary Female Perth
1945/101191 Perth Hogan George Francis Male Ingraham Ray Eileen Female Perth
1945/101191 Perth Ingraham Ray Eileen Female Hogan George Francis Male Perth
1945/101192 Perth Edwards Ann Coull Female Vickers Robert Harold Male Perth
1945/101192 Perth Vickers Robert Harold Male Edwards Ann Coull Female Perth
1945/101193 Perth Smith Billie Marie Female Edmondson Francis Male Claremont
1945/101193 Perth Edmondson Francis Male Smith Billie Marie Female Claremont
1945/101194 Perth Pell Laurel Genevieve Female Reed Samuel Robert Male Leederville
1945/101194 Perth Reed Samuel Robert Male Pell Laurel Genevieve Female Leederville
1945/101195 Perth Meakins Vernon Thomas Male Howell Stella Mary Female Leederville
1945/101195 Perth Howell Stella Mary Female Meakins Vernon Thomas Male Leederville
1945/101196 Perth O'Connor Thelma Agnes Female Palmer George Percival Male Perth
1945/101196 Perth Palmer George Percival Male O'Connor Thelma Agnes Female Perth
1945/101197 Perth Greaves Margaret Susan Female Scott Joseph John Male Perth
1945/101197 Perth Scott Joseph John Male Greaves Margaret Susan Female Perth
1945/101198 Perth Henneberry Monica Patricia Female Sherwood Patrick Gerald Male Osborne Park
1945/101198 Perth Sherwood Patrick Gerald Male Henneberry Monica Patricia Female Osborne Park
1945/101199 Perth Robertson John Baxter Male Vincent Jean Fraser Female Victoria Park
1945/101199 Perth Vincent Jean Fraser Female Robertson John Baxter Male Victoria Park
1945/101200 Perth Larson Robert Mortimer Gordon Male Patterson Jean Winifred Female Perth
1945/101200 Perth Patterson Jean Winifred Female Larson Robert Mortimer Gordon Male Perth
1945/101201 Perth Flanagan Audrey Isobel Female Taylor Sidney Christopher Male Perth
1945/101201 Perth Taylor Sidney Christopher Male Flanagan Audrey Isobel Female Perth
1945/101202 Perth Reilly Mary Louisa Female Franklin John Oliver Male Perth
1945/101202 Perth Franklin John Oliver Male Reilly Mary Louisa Female Perth
1945/101203 Perth Haynes Jack Alvin Male Davies Joan Laurel Joyce Female Perth
1945/101203 Perth Davies Joan Laurel Joyce Female Haynes Jack Alvin Male Perth
1945/101204 Perth Stewart James Male D'Eath Phyllis Hilda Female Perth
1945/101204 Perth D'Eath Phyllis Hilda Female Stewart James Male Perth
1945/101205 Perth Weekes Leslie Joseph Male Hartree Hazel Beryl Female Perth
1945/101205 Perth Hartree Hazel Beryl Female Weekes Leslie Joseph Male Perth
1945/101206 Perth Cross Valda Jean Female Davies Clive Berwyn Male Perth
1945/101206 Perth Davies Clive Berwyn Male Cross Valda Jean Female Perth
1945/101207 Perth Little Ronald Roy Male Macmillan Barbara Jean Female Perth
1945/101207 Perth Macmillan Barbara Jean Female Little Ronald Roy Male Perth
1945/101208 Perth Baldwin Edward James Male Owen Catherine Ellen Female Perth
1945/101208 Perth Owen Catherine Ellen Female Baldwin Edward James Male Perth
1945/101209 Perth Medway Juanita Pearl Female Muldoon Donald William Male West Perth
1945/101209 Perth Muldoon Donald William Male Medway Juanita Pearl Female West Perth
1945/101210 Perth Kimbrell Elliott Dale Male Jones Betty Marjorie Female West Perth
1945/101210 Perth Jones Betty Marjorie Female Kimbrell Elliott Dale Male West Perth
1945/101211 Perth Rogers Ruth Grace Female Moyns William Charles Male West Perth
1945/101211 Perth Moyns William Charles Male Rogers Ruth Grace Female West Perth
1945/101212 Perth Smith Lorna Marjorie Female Liddelow Noel Clifford Male Perth
1945/101212 Perth Liddelow Noel Clifford Male Smith Lorna Marjorie Female Perth
1945/101213 Perth Whitbread Owen Grant Male Fancote Irene May Female Claremont
1945/101213 Perth Fancote Irene May Female Whitbread Owen Grant Male Claremont
1945/101214 Perth Bellanger Dorothy Heppingstone Female Broertjes Willem Male Perth
1945/101214 Perth Broertjes Willem Male Bellanger Dorothy Heppingstone Female Perth
1945/101215 Perth Agnew Dorothy Louise Female Clevenger Lloyd George Male Nedlands
1945/101215 Perth Clevenger Lloyd George Male Agnew Dorothy Louise Female Nedlands
1945/101216 Perth Shaw Dorothy Rose Female Aley William George Male Perth
1945/101216 Perth Aley William George Male Shaw Dorothy Rose Female Perth
1945/101217 Perth Smith Mavis Female Young Douglas Norman Male Perth
1945/101217 Perth Young Douglas Norman Male Smith Mavis Female Perth
1945/101218 Perth Quinlan Joan Wendy Female Treadgold Norman Mervyn Male Perth
1945/101218 Perth Treadgold Norman Mervyn Male Quinlan Joan Wendy Female Perth
1945/101219 Perth Hudleston Marjorie Laura Female Thomas Albert Edward Male Mt Lawley
1945/101219 Perth Thomas Albert Edward Male Hudleston Marjorie Laura Female Mt Lawley
1945/101220 Perth Stewart Rosalyn May Female Aitken Robert Alexander Male Maylands
1945/101220 Perth Aitken Robert Alexander Male Stewart Rosalyn May Female Maylands
1945/101221 Perth de San Miguel Victor George Male Miles Phyllis Grace Female Claremont
1945/101221 Perth Miles Phyllis Grace Female de San Miguel Victor George Male Claremont
1945/101222 Perth Perkins Ivan Darcey Male Boyd Lurline Violet Female Collie
1945/101222 Perth Boyd Lurline Violet Female Perkins Ivan Darcey Male Collie
1945/101223 Perth Wallis Alice Barbara Female Freeman Raymond Charles Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/101223 Perth Freeman Raymond Charles Male Wallis Alice Barbara Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/101224 Perth Kiely Richard Baker Male Littlejohn Winifred Ruth Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/101224 Perth Littlejohn Winifred Ruth Female Kiely Richard Baker Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/101225 Perth Westphal Elma Maisie Female Peacock Joseph Jack Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/101225 Perth Peacock Joseph Jack Male Westphal Elma Maisie Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/101226 Perth Andreou George Male Fisher Mabel Alice Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/101226 Perth Fisher Mabel Alice Female Andreou George Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/101227 Perth Clapton Reavie Avis Venita Female Pola Henry Livingstone Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/101227 Perth Pola Henry Livingstone Male Clapton Reavie Avis Venita Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/101228 Perth Rutherford Hazel Joy Female Tatham Alfred George Male Osborne Park
1945/101228 Perth Tatham Alfred George Male Rutherford Hazel Joy Female Osborne Park
1945/101229 Perth Steel Betty May Female Rodan Kenneth Charles Male Osborne Park
1945/101229 Perth Rodan Kenneth Charles Male Steel Betty May Female Osborne Park
1945/101230 Perth Pomozal John Joseph Male Aitchison Betty Pauline Sarah Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/101230 Perth Aitchison Betty Pauline Sarah Female Pomozal John Joseph Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/101231 Perth Dyer John Francis Male Kane Agnes Mary Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/101231 Perth Kane Agnes Mary Female Dyer John Francis Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/101232 Perth Moore Sophie Isabel Female Jones Alfred Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/101232 Perth Jones Alfred Male Moore Sophie Isabel Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/101233 Perth Shreeve Leonard Clifton Male Dixon Shirley May Female Perth
1945/101233 Perth Dixon Shirley May Female Shreeve Leonard Clifton Male Perth
1945/101234 Perth Scott Bessie Paulina Female Clem Theo Worth Male Perth
1945/101234 Perth Clem Theo Worth Male Scott Bessie Paulina Female Perth
1945/101235 Perth Hodgson John Frederick Male Braidwood Mignon Edith Female Nedlands
1945/101235 Perth Braidwood Mignon Edith Female Hodgson John Frederick Male Nedlands
1945/101236 Perth Purcell John James Male Naulty Edith Alinda Female Perth
1945/101236 Perth Naulty Edith Alinda Female Purcell John James Male Perth
1945/101237 Perth Molloy Laurence Michael Male Sharp Jessie Olive Therèse Female Perth
1945/101237 Perth Sharp Jessie Olive Therèse Female Molloy Laurence Michael Male Perth
1945/101238 Perth Elliott Lily Female Whelan Jack Male Perth
1945/101238 Perth Whelan Jack Male Elliott Lily Female Perth
1945/101239 Perth Pollard Lucy Female Stripe Albert Edward Male Perth
1945/101239 Perth Stripe Albert Edward Male Pollard Lucy Female Perth
1945/101240 Perth Dunlop Frances Mary Female Peacock Thomas Male Perth
1945/101240 Perth Peacock Thomas Male Dunlop Frances Mary Female Perth
1945/101241 Perth Spencer Violet Joyce Female Everett Eric Enders Male Maylands
1945/101241 Perth Everett Eric Enders Male Spencer Violet Joyce Female Maylands
1945/101242 Perth Melbourne Henry George Male Taylor Dora Agnes Female Perth
1945/101242 Perth Taylor Dora Agnes Female Melbourne Henry George Male Perth
1945/101243 Perth Harris Lillian Daphne Female De Luis Lorry Male Perth
1945/101243 Perth De Luis Lorry Male Harris Lillian Daphne Female Perth
1945/101244 Perth Tolmie Vera Caroline Female Abbott Charles Henry Male Perth
1945/101244 Perth Abbott Charles Henry Male Tolmie Vera Caroline Female Perth
1945/101245 Perth Randall Frederick Male Standfield Ivy Anita Female Perth
1945/101245 Perth Standfield Ivy Anita Female Randall Frederick Male Perth
1945/101246 Perth Dearden Mavis Margold Female Bathols Don Everest Male West Australia
1945/101246 Perth Bathols Don Everest Male Dearden Mavis Margold Female West Australia
1945/101247 Perth Shirley Sade Blanche Female Robinson Rupert James Male Perth
1945/101247 Perth Robinson Rupert James Male Shirley Sade Blanche Female Perth
1945/101248 Perth Hart Hugh Frederick Alan Male Mackay Monica Caroline Female Perth
1945/101248 Perth Mackay Monica Caroline Female Hart Hugh Frederick Alan Male Perth
1945/101249 Perth Walsh Thomas Donald Male Pilmer Clara Female Perth
1945/101249 Perth Pilmer Clara Female Walsh Thomas Donald Male Perth
1945/101250 Perth Paterson Mary Enid Female Tindale Gordon Milford Male South Perth
1945/101250 Perth Tindale Gordon Milford Male Paterson Mary Enid Female South Perth
1945/101251 Perth Hills James Peter Male Harvey Lorna Female Leederville
1945/101251 Perth Harvey Lorna Female Hills James Peter Male Leederville
1945/101252 Perth Courtney Theresa Philomena Female Hilsz Francis Alphonsus Male East Victoria Park
1945/101252 Perth Hilsz Francis Alphonsus Male Courtney Theresa Philomena Female East Victoria Park
1945/101253 Perth Adams Arnold Barker Male Fabre Amy Jean Tournay Female Perth
1945/101253 Perth Fabre Amy Jean Tournay Female Adams Arnold Barker Male Perth
1945/101254 Perth Cosgrove Michael Christopher Male McKay Muriel May Female Perth
1945/101254 Perth McKay Muriel May Female Cosgrove Michael Christopher Male Perth
1945/101255 Perth Moore Kelvin John Male Morrissey Dulcie Ronayne Female Perth
1945/101255 Perth Morrissey Dulcie Ronayne Female Moore Kelvin John Male Perth
1945/101256 Perth Cassidy Eileen Mary Female Kenny Thomas Francis Male Perth
1945/101256 Perth Kenny Thomas Francis Male Cassidy Eileen Mary Female Perth
1945/101257 Perth Taylor Arthur Edwin Male Eggleston Margaret Caroline Female Mosman Park
1945/101257 Perth Eggleston Margaret Caroline Female Taylor Arthur Edwin Male Mosman Park
1945/101258 Perth Boyden Henry Thomas Male James Hazel Emily Female Inglewood
1945/101258 Perth James Hazel Emily Female Boyden Henry Thomas Male Inglewood
1945/101259 Perth Perry Edna May Female Mundhenk Norman Male West Perth
1945/101259 Perth Mundhenk Norman Male Perry Edna May Female West Perth
1945/101260 Perth Woods Lewis George Male Mellowship Joyce Ford Female West Perth
1945/101260 Perth Mellowship Joyce Ford Female Woods Lewis George Male West Perth
1945/101261 Perth Barnes William John Male Bennett Dorothea Alice Female West Perth
1945/101261 Perth Bennett Dorothea Alice Female Barnes William John Male West Perth
1945/101262 Perth Goss James Albert Male Rogerson Evelyn Margaret Female South Perth
1945/101262 Perth Rogerson Evelyn Margaret Female Goss James Albert Male South Perth
1945/101263 Perth De Bruin Theodore Male Jack Mary Daisy Female Perth
1945/101263 Perth Jack Mary Daisy Female De Bruin Theodore Male Perth
1945/101264 Perth Mondon Neroli Gabrielle Female Forbes William Maxwell Male Perth
1945/101264 Perth Forbes William Maxwell Male Mondon Neroli Gabrielle Female Perth
1945/101265 Perth Allen Millicent Clare Female Broket-Watson Roderick William Male Perth
1945/101265 Perth Broket-Watson Roderick William Male Allen Millicent Clare Female Perth
1945/101266 Perth Jones Albert Edward Male Mackenzie Georgina Jessie Park Female Perth
1945/101266 Perth Mackenzie Georgina Jessie Park Female Jones Albert Edward Male Perth
1945/101267 Perth Morgan William James Male Hooper Joan Lorraine Female West Perth
1945/101267 Perth Hooper Joan Lorraine Female Morgan William James Male West Perth
1945/101268 Perth Clune Bertha Female Gairns William Brand Millor Male Perth
1945/101268 Perth Gairns William Brand Millor Male Clune Bertha Female Perth
1945/101269 Perth McHutchison Leslie Male Howe Phyllis Mabel Pearl Female Perth
1945/101269 Perth Howe Phyllis Mabel Pearl Female McHutchison Leslie Male Perth
1945/101270 Perth Sines Ivy Kathleen Female Burns Matthew Male Perth
1945/101270 Perth Burns Matthew Male Sines Ivy Kathleen Female Perth
1945/101271 Perth Hearnden Florence Ruth Female Bulley Arthur Leslie Male Perth
1945/101271 Perth Bulley Arthur Leslie Male Hearnden Florence Ruth Female Perth
1945/101272 Perth Daniel Adolphus John Male Hewett Mary Flora Female Nedlands
1945/101272 Perth Hewett Mary Flora Female Daniel Adolphus John Male Nedlands
1945/101273 Perth Steel Harry Male Kavanagh Helena Victoria Female Perth
1945/101273 Perth Kavanagh Helena Victoria Female Steel Harry Male Perth
1945/101274 Perth Barris Kyriakos Kyriakakis Male Auguste Helené Female Perth
1945/101274 Perth Auguste Helené Female Barris Kyriakos Kyriakakis Male Perth
1945/101275 Perth Baker Jean Allison Female Stone Wallace Malcolm Male Nth Perth
1945/101275 Perth Stone Wallace Malcolm Male Baker Jean Allison Female Nth Perth
1945/101276 Perth Stalker Lionel William Male Toop Erla Dorothy Female Perth
1945/101276 Perth Toop Erla Dorothy Female Stalker Lionel William Male Perth
1945/101277 Perth Lawler Desmond Patrick Male Kernaghan Jule Hannah Lillian Female Perth
1945/101277 Perth Kernaghan Jule Hannah Lillian Female Lawler Desmond Patrick Male Perth
1945/101278 Perth Mann Audrey Violet Female Jackson Thomas William Male Perth
1945/101278 Perth Jackson Thomas William Male Mann Audrey Violet Female Perth
1945/101279 Perth Paulin Henry Northy Male Russell Joyce Violet Female Perth
1945/101279 Perth Russell Joyce Violet Female Paulin Henry Northy Male Perth
1945/101280 Perth West Dorothy Kathleen Female Cummings Norman Male Bayswater
1945/101280 Perth Cummings Norman Male West Dorothy Kathleen Female Bayswater
1945/101281 Perth Baldwin Gladys Meryl Female Philipps Norman James Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/101281 Perth Philipps Norman James Male Baldwin Gladys Meryl Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/101282 Perth Della Iris Female McGill Leslie Ronald Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/101282 Perth McGill Leslie Ronald Male Della Iris Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/101283 Perth Farmer Ronald Victor Male Moir Catherine Pritchard Female Osborne Park
1945/101283 Perth Moir Catherine Pritchard Female Farmer Ronald Victor Male Osborne Park
1945/101284 Perth Pittendreigh Elsie May Female Proctor Douglas Leonard Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/101284 Perth Proctor Douglas Leonard Male Pittendreigh Elsie May Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/101285 Perth MacKinlay Margarita Honor Female Cosper Orval Isam Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/101285 Perth Cosper Orval Isam Male MacKinlay Margarita Honor Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/101285 Perth Cosper Orval Isam Male Taylor Margarita Honor Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/101285 Perth Taylor Margarita Honor Female Cosper Orval Isam Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/101286 Perth Hanlon Norma Shirley Female Butler Alan Leslie Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/101286 Perth Butler Alan Leslie Male Hanlon Norma Shirley Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/101287 Perth Reilly Patricia Female Adams Phillip Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/101287 Perth Adams Phillip Male Reilly Patricia Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/101288 Perth Noonan Alice Mainnie Female Retzlaff John Maxwell Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/101288 Perth Retzlaff John Maxwell Male Noonan Alice Mainnie Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/101289 Perth Williamson Herbert Male Rowlings Lily Female Osborne Park
1945/101289 Perth Rowlings Lily Female Williamson Herbert Male Osborne Park
1945/101290 Perth King Amy Jean Female Goldsmith William Oliver Male Perth
1945/101290 Perth Goldsmith William Oliver Male King Amy Jean Female Perth
1945/101291 Perth Wood Lillie Margaret Female Griffiths Joseph Edward Male Perth
1945/101291 Perth Griffiths Joseph Edward Male Wood Lillie Margaret Female Perth
1945/101292 Perth Hilsz Albert Joseph Male Hegney Doreen Agnes Female Victoria Park
1945/101292 Perth Hegney Doreen Agnes Female Hilsz Albert Joseph Male Victoria Park
1945/101293 Perth Baldwin Ivy Gertrude Female Arnott Leonard Henry Male Claremont
1945/101293 Perth Arnott Leonard Henry Male Baldwin Ivy Gertrude Female Claremont
1945/101294 Perth McCarthy Thomas William Male Harrison Irene Beatrice Female Perth
1945/101294 Perth Harrison Irene Beatrice Female McCarthy Thomas William Male Perth
1945/101295 Perth Fuller Margaret Elizabeth Female Dick Harold Samuel Male Bayswater
1945/101295 Perth Dick Harold Samuel Male Fuller Margaret Elizabeth Female Bayswater
1945/101296 Perth Emichi Angelina Adele Female Clark Edward Albert Male Bayswater
1945/101296 Perth Clark Edward Albert Male Emichi Angelina Adele Female Bayswater
1945/101297 Perth Nicholls Bridget Female Tanner Charles Male Subiaco
1945/101297 Perth Tanner Charles Male Nicholls Bridget Female Subiaco
1945/101298 Perth Stewart James Andrew Male Wells Evelyn Musgrove Female Leederville
1945/101298 Perth Wells Evelyn Musgrove Female Stewart James Andrew Male Leederville
1945/101299 Perth Howard Jack Wiluna Male Ridge Marjorie Esther Thamzon Female Claremont
1945/101299 Perth Ridge Marjorie Esther Thamzon Female Howard Jack Wiluna Male Claremont
1945/101300 Perth Bracher Alfred Herbert Male Fallon Norma May Female Highgate Hill
1945/101300 Perth Fallon Norma May Female Bracher Alfred Herbert Male Highgate Hill
1945/101301 Perth O'Donoghue Margaret Winifred Female Roberts Clifford Charles Male Perth
1945/101301 Perth Roberts Clifford Charles Male O'Donoghue Margaret Winifred Female Perth
1945/101302 Perth Williams Muriel Ethel Female Carnaby Eric Wilfred Male Subiaco
1945/101302 Perth Carnaby Eric Wilfred Male Williams Muriel Ethel Female Subiaco
1945/101303 Perth Molyneux Dolores Juanita Female George Kenneth Earl Male Perth
1945/101303 Perth George Kenneth Earl Male Molyneux Dolores Juanita Female Perth
1945/101304 Perth Shaw Doris Alice Female Parry Fred Male Perth
1945/101304 Perth Parry Fred Male Shaw Doris Alice Female Perth
1945/101305 Perth Shilton Wray Ellis Thomas Male Schipp Marion Anne Ethel Female Perth
1945/101305 Perth Schipp Marion Anne Ethel Female Shilton Wray Ellis Thomas Male Perth
1945/101306 Perth Reid Charles Clair Male Pagelsan Grace Emma Female Perth
1945/101306 Perth Pagelsan Grace Emma Female Reid Charles Clair Male Perth
1945/101307 Perth Spence Clifford Frank Male Borgas Rita Joan Female Perth
1945/101307 Perth Borgas Rita Joan Female Spence Clifford Frank Male Perth
1945/101308 Perth Moore Joan Alice Female Butt Donald Clifton Male Claremont
1945/101308 Perth Butt Donald Clifton Male Moore Joan Alice Female Claremont
1945/101309 Perth Pouleris William Male Hodgson Kathleen Female Perth
1945/101309 Perth Hodgson Kathleen Female Pouleris William Male Perth
1945/101310 Perth Smith Stanley Ulysses Male Thompson Shirley Rae Female Claremont
1945/101310 Perth Thompson Shirley Rae Female Smith Stanley Ulysses Male Claremont
1945/101311 Perth Guilfoyle Walter Edward Male Keep Betty Eileen Female Perth
1945/101311 Perth Keep Betty Eileen Female Guilfoyle Walter Edward Male Perth
1945/101312 Perth Tolan Robert John Male Dingley Elsie Sandra Female Perth
1945/101312 Perth Dingley Elsie Sandra Female Tolan Robert John Male Perth
1945/101313 Perth Garner Francis Arthur Male Thorns Mavis Adelaide Female North Perth
1945/101313 Perth Thorns Mavis Adelaide Female Garner Francis Arthur Male North Perth
1945/101314 Perth Nottage Reta Gwendoline Female Martin Douglas Lloyd Stewart Male North Perth
1945/101314 Perth Martin Douglas Lloyd Stewart Male Nottage Reta Gwendoline Female North Perth
1945/101315 Perth Fairweather Margaret Gardiner Female Bennett William Eyres Male West Perth
1945/101315 Perth Bennett William Eyres Male Fairweather Margaret Gardiner Female West Perth
1945/101316 Perth Grainger Dudley Male Forder Alvia Stella Female Perth
1945/101316 Perth Forder Alvia Stella Female Grainger Dudley Male Perth
1945/101317 Perth Backshall Gladys Thelma Female Vernon Eric Emil Male Perth
1945/101317 Perth Vernon Eric Emil Male Backshall Gladys Thelma Female Perth
1945/101318 Perth Martin Gwen Garnet Female Plaistowe Edward Cuthbert Male Perth
1945/101318 Perth Plaistowe Edward Cuthbert Male Martin Gwen Garnet Female Perth
1945/101319 Perth Hearn Deryth Irene Female Tournay Herbert Knowles Male Victoria Park
1945/101319 Perth Tournay Herbert Knowles Male Hearn Deryth Irene Female Victoria Park
1945/101320 Perth Robson Reginald Charles Male Dorey Isla Annie Female Perth
1945/101320 Perth Dorey Isla Annie Female Robson Reginald Charles Male Perth
1945/101321 Perth Hayes Thelma Lois Female Povey Alan Percival Male West Australia
1945/101321 Perth Povey Alan Percival Male Hayes Thelma Lois Female West Australia
1945/101322 Perth Dunstan Olive Mary Female Crimp Alexander Glyn Santo Male Claremont
1945/101322 Perth Crimp Alexander Glyn Santo Male Dunstan Olive Mary Female Claremont
1945/101323 Perth McLeod Ethel Gwendoline Female Donovan Michael William Male Perth
1945/101323 Perth Donovan Michael William Male McLeod Ethel Gwendoline Female Perth
1945/101324 Perth Windell Jean Phyllis Female Dalton Alan Edward Male Perth
1945/101324 Perth Dalton Alan Edward Male Windell Jean Phyllis Female Perth
1945/101325 Perth Callahan Thomas Joseph Male Osborn Grace Winfred Female West Perth
1945/101325 Perth Osborn Grace Winfred Female Callahan Thomas Joseph Male West Perth
1945/101326 Perth Sanderson Peggy Female Beech Lawrence Arthur Male West Perth
1945/101326 Perth Beech Lawrence Arthur Male Sanderson Peggy Female West Perth
1945/101327 Perth Struck Vivienne Joy Female Sands Reginald Joseph John Male West Perth
1945/101327 Perth Sands Reginald Joseph John Male Struck Vivienne Joy Female West Perth
1945/101328 Perth Pearce Charles Edward Male Williams Mary Agnes Female Claremont
1945/101328 Perth Williams Mary Agnes Female Pearce Charles Edward Male Claremont
1945/101329 Perth Woodcroft Vida May Female Allen Herbert Vincent Male Claremont
1945/101329 Perth Allen Herbert Vincent Male Woodcroft Vida May Female Claremont
1945/101330 Perth Scoggins Creed Bates Male Fowles Thelma May Female Claremont
1945/101330 Perth Fowles Thelma May Female Scoggins Creed Bates Male Claremont
1945/101331 Perth Hanna Patricia Winifred Female Churchus John Walter Male Leederville
1945/101331 Perth Churchus John Walter Male Hanna Patricia Winifred Female Leederville
1945/101332 Perth Tangney Bernard Paul Male McKenna Shirley Maria Female Maylands
1945/101332 Perth McKenna Shirley Maria Female Tangney Bernard Paul Male Maylands
1945/101333 Perth Tobin Bertram Joseph Male Spillane Ellen Female Inglewood
1945/101333 Perth Spillane Ellen Female Tobin Bertram Joseph Male Inglewood
1945/101334 Perth McDonald Lawrence Arthur Male Lynch Enid Mary Female Inglewood
1945/101334 Perth Lynch Enid Mary Female McDonald Lawrence Arthur Male Inglewood
1945/101335 Perth Boyatzis Michael Male Palassis Jesmane Female Perth
1945/101335 Perth Palassis Jesmane Female Boyatzis Michael Male Perth
1945/101336 Perth Hagen Arden Jay Male Paul Valda Esther Female South Perth
1945/101336 Perth Paul Valda Esther Female Hagen Arden Jay Male South Perth
1945/101337 Perth Dunstan George Ray Male Ayre Ida May Female Perth
1945/101337 Perth Ayre Ida May Female Dunstan George Ray Male Perth
1945/101338 Perth Smith John Henry Male Baker Ivy Female Perth
1945/101338 Perth Baker Ivy Female Smith John Henry Male Perth
1945/101339 Perth Colebatch Gwendolin Gladys Female Mitton Harold Arthur Male Claremont
1945/101339 Perth Mitton Harold Arthur Male Colebatch Gwendolin Gladys Female Claremont
1945/101340 Perth Stonham Edith Lillian Orontes Female Brown Kenneth James Male Claremont
1945/101340 Perth Brown Kenneth James Male Stonham Edith Lillian Orontes Female Claremont
1945/101341 Perth Moore James Wallace Male Heron Enid Joy Female Perth
1945/101341 Perth Heron Enid Joy Female Moore James Wallace Male Perth
1945/101342 Perth Whittington Rose Marie Female Manelli Nickolas Charles Male Perth
1945/101342 Perth Manelli Nickolas Charles Male Whittington Rose Marie Female Perth
1945/101343 Perth Amery Percival James Male Benson Nora Gladys Female Forrest Park
1945/101343 Perth Benson Nora Gladys Female Amery Percival James Male Forrest Park
1945/101344 Perth Goddard Nellie Margaret Female Newton Ronald Evan George Male Nedlands
1945/101344 Perth Newton Ronald Evan George Male Goddard Nellie Margaret Female Nedlands
1945/101345 Perth Schurink Gerrit Male Howe Maria Dufour Female Perth
1945/101345 Perth Howe Maria Dufour Female Schurink Gerrit Male Perth
1945/101346 Perth Hancock Robert George Waymouth Male McWhirter Henrietta Jean Female Perth
1945/101346 Perth McWhirter Henrietta Jean Female Hancock Robert George Waymouth Male Perth
1945/101347 Perth Borthwick Barbara Female Lofthouse Richard Harvey Male Perth
1945/101347 Perth Lofthouse Richard Harvey Male Borthwick Barbara Female Perth
1945/101348 Perth Johnston Joyce Female Stokes Cyril Henry Male Perth
1945/101348 Perth Stokes Cyril Henry Male Johnston Joyce Female Perth
1945/101349 Perth Taylor Joseph Male Lynn Ivy May Female Perth
1945/101349 Perth Lynn Ivy May Female Taylor Joseph Male Perth
1945/101350 Perth Hurworth Emily Patricia Female Powell Robert Henry George Male Perth
1945/101350 Perth Powell Robert Henry George Male Hurworth Emily Patricia Female Perth
1945/101351 Perth Shively Harold Wayne Male Guelfi Edna Joyce Female Perth
1945/101351 Perth Guelfi Edna Joyce Female Shively Harold Wayne Male Perth
1945/101352 Perth Screaigh Valda Joan Female Double Harold Noel Male Perth
1945/101352 Perth Double Harold Noel Male Screaigh Valda Joan Female Perth
1945/101353 Perth Gibbons Francis Ronald Male Pearson Marjorie Female Perth
1945/101353 Perth Pearson Marjorie Female Gibbons Francis Ronald Male Perth
1945/101354 Perth Adams Florence Joan Female Gillham John Edward Male Perth
1945/101354 Perth Gillham John Edward Male Adams Florence Joan Female Perth
1945/101355 Perth Smith Gilbert Male Parker Mary Patricia Female Perth
1945/101355 Perth Parker Mary Patricia Female Smith Gilbert Male Perth
1945/101356 Perth Cranfield John Gordon Male Aram Elizabeth Margaret Female Perth
1945/101356 Perth Aram Elizabeth Margaret Female Cranfield John Gordon Male Perth
1945/101357 Perth Pearce Jean Margaret Female Wynne Norman Alfred Male Perth
1945/101357 Perth Wynne Norman Alfred Male Pearce Jean Margaret Female Perth
1945/101358 Perth Baker Evelyn May Female Trimble Alfred Male Perth
1945/101358 Perth Trimble Alfred Male Baker Evelyn May Female Perth
1945/101359 Perth Sonter Jean Female Church Brian Geoffrey Male Perth
1945/101359 Perth Church Brian Geoffrey Male Sonter Jean Female Perth
1945/101360 Perth Jones Frederick Male Griffiths Elsie Marion Female Perth
1945/101360 Perth Griffiths Elsie Marion Female Jones Frederick Male Perth
1945/101361 Perth Clayton Barbara Denise Female Hensley Joe Dick Male Perth
1945/101361 Perth Hensley Joe Dick Male Clayton Barbara Denise Female Perth
1945/101362 Perth Pearson Ruth Sylvia Female Mitchell Ronald Earle John Male Perth
1945/101362 Perth Mitchell Ronald Earle John Male Pearson Ruth Sylvia Female Perth
1945/101363 Perth Garnsworthy Nancy Jean Female Hopkins John William Male Perth
1945/101363 Perth Hopkins John William Male Garnsworthy Nancy Jean Female Perth
1945/101364 Perth Hamilton Ian Fitzgerald Male Knight Veronica Frances Female Perth
1945/101364 Perth Knight Veronica Frances Female Hamilton Ian Fitzgerald Male Perth
1945/101365 Perth O'Donnell Edward Male Baulch Minnie Gertrude Female West Perth
1945/101365 Perth Baulch Minnie Gertrude Female O'Donnell Edward Male West Perth
1945/101366 Perth Fletcher Albert Male Pilley Daphne Estel Female Claremont
1945/101366 Perth Pilley Daphne Estel Female Fletcher Albert Male Claremont
1945/101367 Perth Rothery Surtees Montagu Male Hobson Valerie Margaret Female Claremont
1945/101367 Perth Hobson Valerie Margaret Female Rothery Surtees Montagu Male Claremont
1945/101368 Perth Eastlake Frank Male Walton Laura Female Perth
1945/101368 Perth Walton Laura Female Eastlake Frank Male Perth
1945/101369 Perth Neeson Alice May Female Cook William Charles Male Perth
1945/101369 Perth Cook William Charles Male Neeson Alice May Female Perth
1945/101370 Perth Studdy Beryl Grant Female Hugo Lenard Clarence William Male Perth
1945/101370 Perth Hugo Lenard Clarence William Male Studdy Beryl Grant Female Perth
1945/101371 Perth Barrow Marshall Campbell Male McConnell Marjorie Kathleen Female Crawley
1945/101371 Perth McConnell Marjorie Kathleen Female Barrow Marshall Campbell Male Crawley
1945/101372 Perth Sims Alice Emily Female McGeachey Charles William Male Perth
1945/101372 Perth McGeachey Charles William Male Sims Alice Emily Female Perth
1945/101373 Perth Cornford Esther Primrose Female Field Raymond John Male Perth
1945/101373 Perth Field Raymond John Male Cornford Esther Primrose Female Perth
1945/101374 Perth Wilkinson Colin Male Hardman Tasma Joyce Female Perth
1945/101374 Perth Hardman Tasma Joyce Female Wilkinson Colin Male Perth
1945/101375 Perth Whistler Harold Blomfield Male Spiers Elsie Littlejohn Female Claremont
1945/101375 Perth Spiers Elsie Littlejohn Female Whistler Harold Blomfield Male Claremont
1945/101376 Perth Deshon Leith Winton Curzon Female Klenzman Marvin Paul Male Perth
1945/101376 Perth Klenzman Marvin Paul Male Deshon Leith Winton Curzon Female Perth
1945/101377 Perth Ware Frank Raymond Male Searle Patricia Esme Female Claremont
1945/101377 Perth Searle Patricia Esme Female Ware Frank Raymond Male Claremont
1945/101378 Perth Boulter Irene Gwenyth Female Smart Wilfred Harry Male Victoria Park
1945/101378 Perth Smart Wilfred Harry Male Boulter Irene Gwenyth Female Victoria Park
1945/101379 Perth Moore Sidney Male Repacholi Kathleen Hilda Female Perth
1945/101379 Perth Repacholi Kathleen Hilda Female Moore Sidney Male Perth
1945/101380 Perth White Edith Mary Female Plackett Thomas Lewis Male Leederville
1945/101380 Perth Plackett Thomas Lewis Male White Edith Mary Female Leederville
1945/101382 Perth Pugh Nellie Female Yeo Peter Male West Perth
1945/101382 Perth Yeo Peter Male Pugh Nellie Female West Perth
1945/101383 Perth Tomkins Jean Lucie Female Allen Albert Henry Male West Perth
1945/101383 Perth Allen Albert Henry Male Tomkins Jean Lucie Female West Perth
1945/101384 Perth Fyfe James Stanley Male Cronin Vera May Female West Perth
1945/101384 Perth Cronin Vera May Female Fyfe James Stanley Male West Perth
1945/101385 Perth Mellor Leonard Heweston Male Isaachsen Erica Female Cottesloe
1945/101385 Perth Isaachsen Erica Female Mellor Leonard Heweston Male Cottesloe
1945/101386 Perth Scott William Dawson Male Lavender Betty Bernadette Female Perth
1945/101386 Perth Lavender Betty Bernadette Female Scott William Dawson Male Perth
1945/101387 Perth Savage Robert Hewitt Male Howell Valmai Mary Female Perth
1945/101387 Perth Howell Valmai Mary Female Savage Robert Hewitt Male Perth
1945/101388 Perth Byrne Hazel Millicent Female Ring John Mark Male Perth
1945/101388 Perth Ring John Mark Male Byrne Hazel Millicent Female Perth
1945/101389 Perth Sandwell Alwyn Frederick Male Dawe Lorna Alice Female Perth
1945/101389 Perth Dawe Lorna Alice Female Sandwell Alwyn Frederick Male Perth
1945/101390 Perth Brack Doreen Joyce Female Tedge Frederick Male Perth
1945/101390 Perth Tedge Frederick Male Brack Doreen Joyce Female Perth
1945/101391 Perth Lichtenberger Harry Robert Male Foley Gladys Sophia Female Perth
1945/101391 Perth Foley Gladys Sophia Female Lichtenberger Harry Robert Male Perth
1945/101392 Perth Scott Alfred Charles Male Rumble Thelma Kathleen Female Victoria Park
1945/101392 Perth Rumble Thelma Kathleen Female Scott Alfred Charles Male Victoria Park
1945/101393 Perth Chambers Henry Ernest Male Holloway Emily Mary Female Perth
1945/101393 Perth Holloway Emily Mary Female Chambers Henry Ernest Male Perth
1945/101394 Perth Hollingbery Ronald Henry Male Jamieson Janet Aitken Female Bayswater
1945/101394 Perth Jamieson Janet Aitken Female Hollingbery Ronald Henry Male Bayswater
1945/101395 Perth Ouweneel Evert Male Hackworthy Esme Lavinia Female Mount Lawley
1945/101395 Perth Hackworthy Esme Lavinia Female Ouweneel Evert Male Mount Lawley
1945/101396 Perth Crossley Lloyd George Male Hunt Jessie Whitelaw Female Perth
1945/101396 Perth Hunt Jessie Whitelaw Female Crossley Lloyd George Male Perth
1945/101397 Perth Wallace Flora Female Willock Edward King Male Mt Lawley
1945/101397 Perth Willock Edward King Male Wallace Flora Female Mt Lawley
1945/101398 Perth Danemann Hirsch Male Boral Lily Female Perth
1945/101398 Perth Boral Lily Female Danemann Hirsch Male Perth
1945/101399 Perth Mitchell David Taylor Male Stansfield Eileen May Female Carlisle
1945/101399 Perth Stansfield Eileen May Female Mitchell David Taylor Male Carlisle
1945/101400 Perth Birt Stanley Herbert Hocking Male Ackland Elizabeth Female Perth
1945/101400 Perth Ackland Elizabeth Female Birt Stanley Herbert Hocking Male Perth
1945/101401 Perth Hutchinson Frank William Male Stone Evelyn Amelia Female Perth
1945/101401 Perth Stone Evelyn Amelia Female Hutchinson Frank William Male Perth
1945/101402 Perth Pennefather Honoria Gertrude Female Muller Joseph James Male Highgate Hill
1945/101402 Perth Muller Joseph James Male Pennefather Honoria Gertrude Female Highgate Hill
1945/101403 Perth Matheson Gwladys May Female McGrath Alfred Russell Male Highgate Hill
1945/101403 Perth McGrath Alfred Russell Male Matheson Gwladys May Female Highgate Hill
1945/101404 Perth Zadkovich Caterina Female Afric Casimiro Male Highgate Hill
1945/101404 Perth Afric Casimiro Male Zadkovich Caterina Female Highgate Hill
1945/101405 Perth Martin Viotti Theresa Female Gray Kevin Male Highgate Hill
1945/101405 Perth Gray Kevin Male Martin Viotti Theresa Female Highgate Hill
1945/101406 Perth Bassett Patience Marion Female McGhee Hendry Male Subiaco
1945/101406 Perth McGhee Hendry Male Bassett Patience Marion Female Subiaco
1945/101407 Perth Nicholas Linda May Female Kirk Arthur William Male Maylands
1945/101407 Perth Kirk Arthur William Male Nicholas Linda May Female Maylands
1945/101408 Perth Bradley George Leggett Male Jones Florence Coe Female Perth
1945/101408 Perth Jones Florence Coe Female Bradley George Leggett Male Perth
1945/101409 Perth Sainsbury William Whistler Male Taylor Margaret June Female Mt Lawley
1945/101409 Perth Taylor Margaret June Female Sainsbury William Whistler Male Mt Lawley
1945/101410 Perth McKenzie Joan Adeline Female Rosevear William Harold Male Perth
1945/101410 Perth Rosevear William Harold Male McKenzie Joan Adeline Female Perth
1945/101411 Perth Wheeler Robert Henry Male Helier June Mavis Female Perth
1945/101411 Perth Helier June Mavis Female Wheeler Robert Henry Male Perth
1945/101412 Perth Lothian Walter Thomas William Male Hennerty Ellen Joyce Female Perth
1945/101412 Perth Hennerty Ellen Joyce Female Lothian Walter Thomas William Male Perth
1945/101413 Perth Witheridge Margory Florence Female Streatfield Cecil Male Perth
1945/101413 Perth Streatfield Cecil Male Witheridge Margory Florence Female Perth
1945/101414 Perth Edwards Starr Shirley Female Henneberry Jack Male Perth
1945/101414 Perth Henneberry Jack Male Edwards Starr Shirley Female Perth
1945/101415 Perth Nagle Ethel May Female Gray Andrew Murray Male Perth
1945/101415 Perth Gray Andrew Murray Male Nagle Ethel May Female Perth
1945/101416 Perth Dixon Joan Gwendoline Female Smith Laurence Harold Male Perth
1945/101416 Perth Smith Laurence Harold Male Dixon Joan Gwendoline Female Perth
1945/101417 Perth Clegg Shirley May Female Carrick Bruce David Male Perth
1945/101417 Perth Carrick Bruce David Male Clegg Shirley May Female Perth
1945/101418 Perth Knight Eileen Female Fagan Alexander James Male Perth
1945/101418 Perth Fagan Alexander James Male Knight Eileen Female Perth
1945/101419 Perth Perrie Margaret Lilian Female Marshall Neil Ronald Male Cottesloe
1945/101419 Perth Marshall Neil Ronald Male Perrie Margaret Lilian Female Cottesloe
1945/101420 Perth Cargeeg Douglas Victor Male Jago Shirley Female Mt Lawley
1945/101420 Perth Jago Shirley Female Cargeeg Douglas Victor Male Mt Lawley
1945/101421 Perth Mickle Roma Patricia Female Mortimer William Alan Male South Perth
1945/101421 Perth Mortimer William Alan Male Mickle Roma Patricia Female South Perth
1945/101422 Perth Jongejan Ary Male Gable Joy Agnes Female Claremont
1945/101422 Perth Gable Joy Agnes Female Jongejan Ary Male Claremont
1945/101423 Perth Stone Lorna Margaret Female Radford Harold Dennis Male Claremont
1945/101423 Perth Radford Harold Dennis Male Stone Lorna Margaret Female Claremont
1945/101424 Perth Bryant Norman Victor Male Ambrosius Mabel Rose Female Rosalie
1945/101424 Perth Ambrosius Mabel Rose Female Bryant Norman Victor Male Rosalie
1945/101425 Perth Anderson Jessie Gibson McNeill Female Wright Frank Charles Male Perth
1945/101425 Perth Wright Frank Charles Male Anderson Jessie Gibson McNeill Female Perth
1945/101426 Perth Webb William James Male Stewart Audrey Alberta Female Perth
1945/101426 Perth Stewart Audrey Alberta Female Webb William James Male Perth
1945/101427 Perth Keevers Marcia Elsie Female Lynes Louis Raymond Male Perth
1945/101427 Perth Lynes Louis Raymond Male Keevers Marcia Elsie Female Perth
1945/101428 Perth McGlinn Ronald Arthur Male Nunan Doris Mary Margaret Female Perth
1945/101428 Perth Nunan Doris Mary Margaret Female McGlinn Ronald Arthur Male Perth
1945/101429 Perth Stott Elaine Margaret Female Fairclough Mervyn James Male Perth
1945/101429 Perth Fairclough Mervyn James Male Stott Elaine Margaret Female Perth
1945/101430 Perth Leonard Edith Harriet Female Hames Arthur Harold Garner Male Perth
1945/101430 Perth Hames Arthur Harold Garner Male Leonard Edith Harriet Female Perth
1945/101431 Perth Tanner Harry Victor Male Greenhalgh Harriett Female Perth
1945/101431 Perth Greenhalgh Harriett Female Tanner Harry Victor Male Perth
1945/101432 Perth Bradford Naomi Irene Female Ellery Herbert Thomas Male Perth
1945/101432 Perth Ellery Herbert Thomas Male Bradford Naomi Irene Female Perth
1945/101433 Perth Krankowsky Leonard Harold Male Cruse Eileen Eva Female East Perth
1945/101433 Perth Cruse Eileen Eva Female Krankowsky Leonard Harold Male East Perth
1945/101434 Perth Mackintosh Helen Joyce Female Mouritz Keith Dudley Male West Perth
1945/101434 Perth Mouritz Keith Dudley Male Mackintosh Helen Joyce Female West Perth
1945/101435 Perth Ryding Barbara Mercia Female Nancarrow Ronald Aubrey Male Leederville
1945/101435 Perth Nancarrow Ronald Aubrey Male Ryding Barbara Mercia Female Leederville
1945/101436 Perth Mettam Edward Albert Male Rowles Florence May Female Perth
1945/101436 Perth Rowles Florence May Female Mettam Edward Albert Male Perth
1945/101437 Perth Bradford Irene Isabel Female Flint Charles Herbert Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/101437 Perth Flint Charles Herbert Male Bradford Irene Isabel Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/101438 Perth Lloyd-Woods Ronald Hugh Male Clark Lorna Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/101438 Perth Clark Lorna Female Lloyd-Woods Ronald Hugh Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/101439 Perth Richardson Doris Margaret Female Smith Sidney Patrick Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/101439 Perth Smith Sidney Patrick Male Richardson Doris Margaret Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/101440 Perth Biggers Gladys Joy Female Hamilton Joseph Male Osborne Park
1945/101440 Perth Hamilton Joseph Male Biggers Gladys Joy Female Osborne Park
1945/101441 Perth Mitting Joseph Male Woodby Mercy Ann Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/101441 Perth Woodby Mercy Ann Female Mitting Joseph Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/101442 Perth Pearce Nancy Beatrice Female Stacey Alfred Harold Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/101442 Perth Stacey Alfred Harold Male Pearce Nancy Beatrice Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/101443 Perth Cumming Doris Jane Female Green Raymond Joseph Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/101443 Perth Green Raymond Joseph Male Cumming Doris Jane Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/101444 Perth Murray Nellie Myrtle Female Warner Frederick Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/101444 Perth Warner Frederick Male Murray Nellie Myrtle Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/101445 Perth Edmeades Ross Septimus Male Griffin Nellie Elizabeth Female West Perth
1945/101445 Perth Griffin Nellie Elizabeth Female Edmeades Ross Septimus Male West Perth
1945/101446 Perth Cargeeg George Male Purdom Mary Margaret Female West Perth
1945/101446 Perth Purdom Mary Margaret Female Cargeeg George Male West Perth
1945/101447 Perth Coles Alfred Benson Male Facey Myee Leila Myrtle Female Subiaco
1945/101447 Perth Facey Myee Leila Myrtle Female Coles Alfred Benson Male Subiaco
1945/101448 Perth Gard Bernard Wesley Male McRea Heather Mary Female Perth
1945/101448 Perth McRea Heather Mary Female Gard Bernard Wesley Male Perth
1945/101449 Perth Hurley Arthur Delbert Male Patchett Eunice Female Perth
1945/101449 Perth Patchett Eunice Female Hurley Arthur Delbert Male Perth
1945/101450 Perth Gray Vera Ruth Female Trimble Mostyn Male Perth
1945/101450 Perth Trimble Mostyn Male Gray Vera Ruth Female Perth
1945/101451 Perth Warren Charles Noel Male Browne Kathleen Muriel Female Perth
1945/101451 Perth Browne Kathleen Muriel Female Warren Charles Noel Male Perth
1945/101452 Perth Cockman Enid Pearl Female Wall George Lawlor Male Perth
1945/101452 Perth Wall George Lawlor Male Cockman Enid Pearl Female Perth
1945/101453 Perth Pantall Joan Tasma Female Duncan Stanley Reginald Male Perth
1945/101453 Perth Duncan Stanley Reginald Male Pantall Joan Tasma Female Perth
1945/101454 Perth Franklin Leonard William Male Innes Elsie May Female Perth
1945/101454 Perth Innes Elsie May Female Franklin Leonard William Male Perth
1945/101455 Perth Knight Ronald George Male O'Donoghue Kathleen Mary Female Perth
1945/101455 Perth Knight Ronald George Male Woods Kathleen Mary Female Perth
1945/101455 Perth Woods Kathleen Mary Female Knight Ronald George Male Perth
1945/101455 Perth O'Donoghue Kathleen Mary Female Knight Ronald George Male Perth
1945/101456 Perth Hack Gulielma Elizabeth Female Barrett Norman Lenard Male Perth
1945/101456 Perth Barrett Norman Lenard Male Hack Gulielma Elizabeth Female Perth
1945/101457 Perth Nye Roma Ethel Female Bancroft Arthur Waldegrave Male Mt Lawley
1945/101457 Perth Bancroft Arthur Waldegrave Male Nye Roma Ethel Female Mt Lawley
1945/101458 Perth Wilson Frederick Harvey Male Sforcina Shirley Constance Female Subiaco
1945/101458 Perth Wilson Frederick Harvey Male Sforcina Shirley Margarita Female Subiaco
1945/101458 Perth Wilson Frederick Harvey Male Tingey Shirley Constance Female Subiaco
1945/101458 Perth Wilson Frederick Harvey Male Tingey Shirley Margarita Female Subiaco
1945/101458 Perth Tingey Shirley Constance Female Wilson Frederick Harvey Male Subiaco
1945/101458 Perth Tingey Shirley Margarita Female Wilson Frederick Harvey Male Subiaco
1945/101458 Perth Sforcina Shirley Constance Female Wilson Frederick Harvey Male Subiaco
1945/101458 Perth Sforcina Shirley Margarita Female Wilson Frederick Harvey Male Subiaco
1945/101459 Perth Crouch Mabel Winifred Female Smith Robert Henry Male Perth
1945/101459 Perth Smith Robert Henry Male Crouch Mabel Winifred Female Perth
1945/101460 Perth Hughes David Robertson Male Dillon Olive Mary Female Perth
1945/101460 Perth Dillon Olive Mary Female Hughes David Robertson Male Perth
1945/101461 Perth Freshwater Marian Minnie Female Newton Raymond George Male Victoria Park
1945/101461 Perth Newton Raymond George Male Freshwater Marian Minnie Female Victoria Park
1945/101462 Perth Hutchinson Doris Winnifred Female Perry Ronald Edward Male Victoria Park
1945/101462 Perth Perry Ronald Edward Male Hutchinson Doris Winnifred Female Victoria Park
1945/101463 Perth Howard Harry Charles Male Barnett Hazel Dorothy Female Victoria Park
1945/101463 Perth Barnett Hazel Dorothy Female Howard Harry Charles Male Victoria Park
1945/101464 Perth Tilson Shirley Dorothy Female Trotter Albert Edward Male Victoria Park
1945/101464 Perth Trotter Albert Edward Male Tilson Shirley Dorothy Female Victoria Park
1945/101465 Perth Boston George Thomas Male Holman Peggy Heddon Female Victoria Park
1945/101465 Perth Holman Peggy Heddon Female Boston George Thomas Male Victoria Park
1945/101466 Perth Hill Pearl Annie Female Dyer James Arthur Male Victoria Park
1945/101466 Perth Dyer James Arthur Male Hill Pearl Annie Female Victoria Park
1945/101467 Perth Reeby Laura Clarice Female Hutchins Ronald Charles Male Perth
1945/101467 Perth Hutchins Ronald Charles Male Reeby Laura Clarice Female Perth
1945/101468 Perth Meyer Paul Carl Male Norling Elizabeth Kathleen Female Perth
1945/101468 Perth Norling Elizabeth Kathleen Female Meyer Paul Carl Male Perth
1945/101469 Perth Spain Elizabeth Grace Female Sims Albert Hector Male Perth
1945/101469 Perth Sims Albert Hector Male Spain Elizabeth Grace Female Perth
1945/101470 Perth Gillett Alack Arnold Male Johnstone Agnes Mary Female Claremont
1945/101470 Perth Johnstone Agnes Mary Female Gillett Alack Arnold Male Claremont
1945/101471 Perth Redmond Reginald George Male Schnaars Edith May Female Perth
1945/101471 Perth Schnaars Edith May Female Redmond Reginald George Male Perth
1945/101472 Perth Pope John Campbell Male Brisbane Helen Charlotte Female Claremont
1945/101472 Perth Brisbane Helen Charlotte Female Pope John Campbell Male Claremont
1945/101473 Perth Clark Eileen Louise Female Speechley Francis Joseph Male East Victoria Park
1945/101473 Perth Speechley Francis Joseph Male Clark Eileen Louise Female East Victoria Park
1945/101474 Perth Cato Bernice Mary Female Cunningham Robert George Male Perth
1945/101474 Perth Cunningham Robert George Male Cato Bernice Mary Female Perth
1945/101475 Perth Holtom Violet Olive Geraldine Female Dalziell Thomas John Male Perth
1945/101475 Perth Dalziell Thomas John Male Holtom Violet Olive Geraldine Female Perth
1945/101476 Perth Hodgson Robert Male Hannay Alice Millicent Female Perth
1945/101476 Perth Hannay Alice Millicent Female Hodgson Robert Male Perth
1945/101477 Perth O'Neill Iris Lillian Female Hewitt George Magnus Male Maylands
1945/101477 Perth Hewitt George Magnus Male O'Neill Iris Lillian Female Maylands
1945/101478 Perth Conner Robert Male Maher Monica May Female Perth
1945/101478 Perth Maher Monica May Female Conner Robert Male Perth
1945/101479 Perth Veitch Susannah Gertrude Female Jacobs George Male Perth
1945/101479 Perth Jacobs George Male Veitch Susannah Gertrude Female Perth
1945/101480 Perth Johnson Pauline Hannah Female Leicester Ronald George Male West Perth
1945/101480 Perth Leicester Ronald George Male Johnson Pauline Hannah Female West Perth
1945/101481 Perth Healy Beryl Joy Female Schuurhuizen Ferdinand Martinus Male Highgate Hill
1945/101481 Perth Schuurhuizen Ferdinand Martinus Male Healy Beryl Joy Female Highgate Hill
1945/101482 Perth Bizzaca Zora Female Martinovich Nicholas Male Perth
1945/101482 Perth Martinovich Nicholas Male Bizzaca Zora Female Perth
1945/101483 Perth Smith Charles Sydney Gordon Male Haigh Audrey Muriel Foley Female Bayswater
1945/101483 Perth Haigh Audrey Muriel Foley Female Smith Charles Sydney Gordon Male Bayswater
1945/101484 Perth Anderson David George Male Weddle Lilian Female Bayswater
1945/101484 Perth Weddle Lilian Female Anderson David George Male Bayswater
1945/101485 Perth Mead John Robert Male Matson Dora Maude Female West Perth
1945/101485 Perth Matson Dora Maude Female Mead John Robert Male West Perth
1945/101486 Perth Benda Hermanus Male Tyler Maureen Female Perth
1945/101486 Perth Tyler Maureen Female Benda Hermanus Male Perth
1945/101487 Perth Cox Thomas Henry Male Alder Kathleen Female Perth
1945/101487 Perth Alder Kathleen Female Cox Thomas Henry Male Perth
1945/101488 Perth Dawe Charles William Frederick Male Stagbover Mavis Isabel Female Claremont
1945/101488 Perth Stagbover Mavis Isabel Female Dawe Charles William Frederick Male Claremont
1945/101489 Perth Montgomery Alfred Victor Male Smith June Yvonne Female Claremont
1945/101489 Perth Smith June Yvonne Female Montgomery Alfred Victor Male Claremont
1945/101490 Perth Case John Charles Male Brooker Marie Female Perth
1945/101490 Perth Brooker Marie Female Case John Charles Male Perth
1945/101491 Perth Bevan Beryl Joyce Female Brandmarker Sanford Lee Male Perth
1945/101491 Perth Brandmarker Sanford Lee Male Bevan Beryl Joyce Female Perth
1945/101492 Perth Elsegood Jean Louisa Female Burney Robert Male Perth
1945/101492 Perth Burney Robert Male Elsegood Jean Louisa Female Perth
1945/101493 Perth Lawrence Jean Female Trimble Warren Julius Male Victoria Park
1945/101493 Perth Trimble Warren Julius Male Lawrence Jean Female Victoria Park
1945/101494 Perth Hough Joan Beatrice Female White Sydney Edward Male South Perth
1945/101494 Perth White Sydney Edward Male Hough Joan Beatrice Female South Perth
1945/101495 Perth Hartley Walter James Male Simeon Beryl Joyce Female Perth
1945/101495 Perth Simeon Beryl Joyce Female Hartley Walter James Male Perth
1945/101496 Perth Duncan Robert Smith Male Elsegood Phyllis Joy Female Perth
1945/101496 Perth Elsegood Phyllis Joy Female Duncan Robert Smith Male Perth
1945/101497 Perth Bone William James Male Pillow Ruth Iana Female Perth
1945/101497 Perth Pillow Ruth Iana Female Bone William James Male Perth
1945/101498 Perth Agnew James Male Doré Williaming Guild Glandville Female Perth
1945/101498 Perth Doré Williaming Guild Glandville Female Agnew James Male Perth
1945/101499 Perth Stewart Henrietta Brown Female McPherson Alick Norman Male Perth
1945/101499 Perth McPherson Alick Norman Male Stewart Henrietta Brown Female Perth
1945/101500 Perth McDougall Alice Christine Female McDougall Ronald Male Perth
1945/101500 Perth McDougall Ronald Male McDougall Alice Christine Female Perth
1945/101501 Perth Harris William Male Middleton Betty Eunice Female Perth
1945/101501 Perth Middleton Betty Eunice Female Harris William Male Perth
1945/101502 Perth Johnston Gladys Christie Female Underwood Angus Napier Male Perth
1945/101502 Perth Underwood Angus Napier Male Johnston Gladys Christie Female Perth
1945/101503 Perth Lunt Marjorie Adele Morphett Female Reeves Archibald Thomas Male Perth
1945/101503 Perth Reeves Archibald Thomas Male Lunt Marjorie Adele Morphett Female Perth
1945/101504 Perth Loncar Millie Mary Ivy Female Mylonas Sotirius Male Perth
1945/101504 Perth Mylonas Sotirius Male Loncar Millie Mary Ivy Female Perth
1945/101505 Perth Coufos Chris Male Kyriakacis Eva Female Perth
1945/101505 Perth Kyriakacis Eva Female Coufos Chris Male Perth
1945/101506 Perth Coles John Richard Male Winnett Sarah Dorothy Female Perth
1945/101506 Perth Winnett Sarah Dorothy Female Coles John Richard Male Perth
1945/101507 Perth Oliver James Victor Male Dickinson Hilda Joy Female Perth
1945/101507 Perth Dickinson Hilda Joy Female Oliver James Victor Male Perth
1945/101508 Perth Webb Arthur Lloyd Kitchener Male Tijou Margery Jean Female Perth
1945/101508 Perth Tijou Margery Jean Female Webb Arthur Lloyd Kitchener Male Perth
1945/101509 Perth Gibb Frances Emmeline Martha Female Gibb Ronald Robert Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/101509 Perth Gibb Ronald Robert Male Gibb Frances Emmeline Martha Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/101510 Perth Thomas Shirley Eva Female Neil Marshall Clayton Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/101510 Perth Neil Marshall Clayton Male Thomas Shirley Eva Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/101511 Perth Salter Kevin John Male Taylor Joan Fay Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/101511 Perth Taylor Joan Fay Female Salter Kevin John Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/101512 Perth Guthrie Alan Clifford Male Richards Winifred Eliza Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/101512 Perth Richards Winifred Eliza Female Guthrie Alan Clifford Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/101513 Perth Hewett Dorothy Coade Female Davies Lester Lloyd Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/101513 Perth Davies Lester Lloyd Male Hewett Dorothy Coade Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/101514 Perth Wood Iris Norma Female Laidler Henry Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/101514 Perth Laidler Henry Male Wood Iris Norma Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/101515 Perth Joynson Claire Betty Female Thompson Joseph Edward Male Osborne Park
1945/101515 Perth Thompson Joseph Edward Male Joynson Claire Betty Female Osborne Park
1945/101516 Perth Lee Nancy Ida Female Smith Geoffrey Pensom Male West Perth
1945/101516 Perth Smith Geoffrey Pensom Male Lee Nancy Ida Female West Perth
1945/101517 Perth Dewar Una Female Riebeling Edwyn Charles Male West Perth
1945/101517 Perth Riebeling Edwyn Charles Male Dewar Una Female West Perth
1945/101518 Perth Cato Frank William Male Dimond Annie Elizabeth Female West Perth
1945/101518 Perth Cato Frank William Male Murphy Annie Elizabeth Female West Perth
1945/101518 Perth Murphy Annie Elizabeth Female Cato Frank William Male West Perth
1945/101518 Perth Dimond Annie Elizabeth Female Cato Frank William Male West Perth
1945/101519 Perth Kennedy Terence John Male Fallows Una Mary Female Perth
1945/101519 Perth Fallows Una Mary Female Kennedy Terence John Male Perth
1945/101520 Perth Pollitt John Beresford Male Clift Beryl May Female West Australia
1945/101520 Perth Clift Beryl May Female Pollitt John Beresford Male West Australia
1945/101521 Perth Hales Nancy Elizabeth Female Polishuk John Male Perth
1945/101521 Perth Polishuk John Male Hales Nancy Elizabeth Female Perth
1945/101522 Perth Seiler Ronald John Male Cowan Eileen Agnes Female Highgate Hill
1945/101522 Perth Cowan Eileen Agnes Female Seiler Ronald John Male Highgate Hill
1945/101523 Perth Allan Evadne Linda Mary Female Moir Alvin Rupert Male Cottesloe
1945/101523 Perth Moir Alvin Rupert Male Allan Evadne Linda Mary Female Cottesloe
1945/101524 Perth Chapman Alexander Innes Male Edgeler Clara Belle Female Cottesloe
1945/101524 Perth Edgeler Clara Belle Female Chapman Alexander Innes Male Cottesloe
1945/101525 Perth Taylor Ernest George Male Jobling Beryl May Female Cottesloe
1945/101525 Perth Jobling Beryl May Female Taylor Ernest George Male Cottesloe
1945/101526 Perth Hollerbeck James Edward Male Cook Alma Beatrice Female Claremont
1945/101526 Perth Cook Alma Beatrice Female Hollerbeck James Edward Male Claremont
1945/101527 Perth Guthrie Beryl Joan Female Chalmers Raymond Henry Neville Male Claremont
1945/101527 Perth Chalmers Raymond Henry Neville Male Guthrie Beryl Joan Female Claremont
1945/101528 Perth Massey Claude Sydney Male Dickson Henrietta Female Perth
1945/101528 Perth Dickson Henrietta Female Massey Claude Sydney Male Perth
1945/101529 Perth Davies John Leonard Male Norrish Mona Dolars Female East Victoria Park
1945/101529 Perth Norrish Mona Dolars Female Davies John Leonard Male East Victoria Park
1945/101530 Perth O'Connor John George Male Fort Beryl Lillian Female Subiaco
1945/101530 Perth Fort Beryl Lillian Female O'Connor John George Male Subiaco
1945/101531 Perth Gaynor William John Male Glaskin Lynette Female Subiaco
1946/101531 Perth Noonan Gerald Emmett Male Needham Doreen Iris Female Maylands
1945/101531 Perth Glaskin Lynette Female Gaynor William John Male Subiaco
1946/101531 Perth Needham Doreen Iris Female Noonan Gerald Emmett Male Maylands
1945/101532 Perth Moon Geoffrey Leonard Male Hinkley Shirley May Female North Perth
1945/101532 Perth Hinkley Shirley May Female Moon Geoffrey Leonard Male North Perth
1945/101533 Perth Prior Percy Ernest Male Cann Dorothy Rose Female North Perth
1945/101533 Perth Cann Dorothy Rose Female Prior Percy Ernest Male North Perth
1945/101534 Perth Brown Albert Morley Male Hill Ethel Lola Female North Perth
1945/101534 Perth Hill Ethel Lola Female Brown Albert Morley Male North Perth
1945/101535 Perth Cook Lorna Victoria Mavis Female Durrant Alfred Male Perth
1945/101535 Perth Durrant Alfred Male Cook Lorna Victoria Mavis Female Perth
1945/101536 Perth Nicholson Dorothy Margaret Female Beckett John Barry Male Perth
1945/101536 Perth Beckett John Barry Male Nicholson Dorothy Margaret Female Perth
1945/101537 Perth Hepple Frank Joseph Male Wilson Eunice Marjorie Female Perth
1945/101537 Perth Wilson Eunice Marjorie Female Hepple Frank Joseph Male Perth
1945/101538 Perth Anderson Hazel Ellen Female Broad Geoffrey Wilfred Male Perth
1945/101538 Perth Broad Geoffrey Wilfred Male Anderson Hazel Ellen Female Perth
1945/101539 Perth Kendrick Ronald Edward Male Jennings Mary Elizabeth Claire Female Perth
1945/101539 Perth Jennings Mary Elizabeth Claire Female Kendrick Ronald Edward Male Perth
1945/101540 Perth Simpson John Male Robartson Jane Lillian Female Perth
1945/101540 Perth Robartson Jane Lillian Female Simpson John Male Perth
1945/101541 Perth Burton Ruby Alice Female Skett Wallace Edmund Male Perth
1945/101541 Perth Skett Wallace Edmund Male Burton Ruby Alice Female Perth
1945/101542 Perth Jones Irene Female Moore Alexander William Male West Leederville
1945/101542 Perth Moore Alexander William Male Jones Irene Female West Leederville
1945/101543 Perth Murray Muriel Bronwyne Female Coxon Allan William Male West Perth
1945/101543 Perth Coxon Allan William Male Murray Muriel Bronwyne Female West Perth
1945/101544 Perth Laue Wilmer John Male Cann Betty Sarah Female W Perth
1945/101544 Perth Cann Betty Sarah Female Laue Wilmer John Male W Perth
1945/101545 Perth Clarke-Jones Robert David Howell Male Howell Jacobin Dorothea Female Mt Lawley
1945/101545 Perth Howell Jacobin Dorothea Female Clarke-Jones Robert David Howell Male Mt Lawley
1945/101546 Perth Hislop Alice Noureil Female Stevens Jack Lloyd Male Mt Lawley
1945/101546 Perth Stevens Jack Lloyd Male Hislop Alice Noureil Female Mt Lawley
1945/101547 Perth Brittain Dorothy Elaine Female Hooley Colin Thomas Male Perth
1945/101547 Perth Hooley Colin Thomas Male Brittain Dorothy Elaine Female Perth
1945/101548 Perth Wall George William Male Fern Nancy Female Perth
1945/101548 Perth Fern Nancy Female Wall George William Male Perth
1945/101549 Perth Calder Mary Philomena Female O'Brien Thomas James Male Perth
1945/101549 Perth O'Brien Thomas James Male Calder Mary Philomena Female Perth
1945/101550 Perth Duberly John Arthur Grey Male Atkins Dorothy Maud Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/101550 Perth Atkins Dorothy Maud Female Duberly John Arthur Grey Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/101551 Perth Robinson Alexander John Male Culleton Clementina Rose Female Osborne Park
1945/101551 Perth Culleton Clementina Rose Female Robinson Alexander John Male Osborne Park
1945/101552 Perth Sharman Dorothy Christina Female Ellis Arthur Norman Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/101552 Perth Ellis Arthur Norman Male Sharman Dorothy Christina Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/101553 Perth Charles Ronald Keith Male Walters Patricia Joan Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/101553 Perth Walters Patricia Joan Female Charles Ronald Keith Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/101554 Perth Rowtcliff Cecil George William Male Hewson Kate Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/101554 Perth Hewson Kate Female Rowtcliff Cecil George William Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/101555 Perth Shaw Reginald Arthur Male Ferres Hazel Marjory Female Osborne Park
1945/101555 Perth Ferres Hazel Marjory Female Shaw Reginald Arthur Male Osborne Park
1945/101556 Perth Hodgson Florence Amelia Female Bates Richard Henry Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/101556 Perth Bates Richard Henry Male Hodgson Florence Amelia Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/101557 Perth Fisher Reginald Male Clinch Scholastica Gertrude Female Perth
1945/101557 Perth Clinch Scholastica Gertrude Female Fisher Reginald Male Perth
1945/101558 Perth Edmed Mary Winifred Female Burgoyne Norman William Male Claremont
1945/101558 Perth Burgoyne Norman William Male Edmed Mary Winifred Female Claremont
1945/101559 Perth Samson Coulston Scott Male Hewett Joan Frances Female Claremont
1945/101559 Perth Hewett Joan Frances Female Samson Coulston Scott Male Claremont
1945/101560 Perth Crawford Gladys Evelyn Female Pearce Haywood Astley Male Claremont
1945/101560 Perth Pearce Haywood Astley Male Crawford Gladys Evelyn Female Claremont
1945/101561 Perth Blair Ross Alfred Male Palmer Vera Joyce Female Nedlands
1945/101561 Perth Palmer Vera Joyce Female Blair Ross Alfred Male Nedlands
1945/101562 Perth Gilchrist Marjorie Lillian Female Farmer Arnold Geoffrey Male Nedlands
1945/101562 Perth Farmer Arnold Geoffrey Male Gilchrist Marjorie Lillian Female Nedlands
1945/101563 Perth Adams Clarence Charles Male Washer Gladys Irene Female Nedlands
1945/101563 Perth Washer Gladys Irene Female Adams Clarence Charles Male Nedlands
1945/101564 Perth Elward Daphne Althea Female McLaughlin Lewis Edward Male Perth
1945/101564 Perth McLaughlin Lewis Edward Male Elward Daphne Althea Female Perth
1945/101565 Perth Lewis Betty Kathleen Female Witcombe Reginald Charles Male Leederville
1945/101565 Perth Witcombe Reginald Charles Male Lewis Betty Kathleen Female Leederville
1945/101566 Perth Ahearn Mavis Female Paulden John Banks Male Mosman Park
1945/101566 Perth Paulden John Banks Male Ahearn Mavis Female Mosman Park
1945/101567 Perth Valmas Philip Male Pitos Mary Female Perth
1945/101567 Perth Pitos Mary Female Valmas Philip Male Perth
1945/101568 Perth Stanford Desland John Male Jarvis Kitty Victoria Female North Perth
1945/101568 Perth Jarvis Kitty Victoria Female Stanford Desland John Male North Perth
1945/101569 Perth Marshall Francis Tyrell Male Hiscox Betty Maud Female North Perth
1945/101569 Perth Hiscox Betty Maud Female Marshall Francis Tyrell Male North Perth
1945/101570 Perth Berry Herbert Male Wadsworth Amy Female Perth
1945/101570 Perth Wadsworth Amy Female Berry Herbert Male Perth
1945/101571 Perth Greif Philip Male Turner Nellie Lillian Denyer Female Perth
1945/101571 Perth Turner Nellie Lillian Denyer Female Greif Philip Male Perth
1945/101572 Perth van Dierendonck Petrus Johannes Male Epstein Sonia Female Perth
1945/101572 Perth Epstein Sonia Female van Dierendonck Petrus Johannes Male Perth
1945/101573 Perth Lawrie William Raymond Male D'Arcy Carmel Rosina Female Perth
1945/101573 Perth D'Arcy Carmel Rosina Female Lawrie William Raymond Male Perth
1945/101574 Perth King Yvonne Claire Female Caley Raymond Philip Male Perth
1945/101574 Perth Caley Raymond Philip Male King Yvonne Claire Female Perth
1945/101575 Perth Hancock Frederick Albert Male Funnell Dorothy Vivien May Female Perth
1945/101575 Perth Funnell Dorothy Vivien May Female Hancock Frederick Albert Male Perth
1945/101576 Perth van Aart Cornelis Male Green Dorothy June Female Perth
1945/101576 Perth Green Dorothy June Female van Aart Cornelis Male Perth
1945/101577 Perth Stodart Jack Willoughby Male Price Nancy Elizabeth Bingham Female Perth
1945/101577 Perth Price Nancy Elizabeth Bingham Female Stodart Jack Willoughby Male Perth
1945/101578 Perth Schipp Iris Patricia Female Gale John Male Perth
1945/101578 Perth Gale John Male Schipp Iris Patricia Female Perth
1945/101579 Perth Myers Helen Kathleen Female Grigo William Herbert Male Perth
1945/101579 Perth Grigo William Herbert Male Myers Helen Kathleen Female Perth
1945/101580 Perth Daniel Reginald Bruce Male Aitken Shirley Mary Female Mt Lawley
1945/101580 Perth Aitken Shirley Mary Female Daniel Reginald Bruce Male Mt Lawley
1945/101581 Perth Nunn Margaret Rose Female Grossetta Warren Arthur Male Nedlands
1945/101581 Perth Grossetta Warren Arthur Male Nunn Margaret Rose Female Nedlands
1945/101582 Perth Rowston Mervyn Henry Male Horton Marie Louisa Female Perth
1945/101582 Perth Horton Marie Louisa Female Rowston Mervyn Henry Male Perth
1945/101583 Perth Wiese Lawrence Ralph Male Martin Jean Rose Female Perth
1945/101583 Perth Martin Jean Rose Female Wiese Lawrence Ralph Male Perth
1945/101584 Perth Read Beatrice Hope Female Baskerville Norman Thomas Male Perth
1945/101584 Perth Baskerville Norman Thomas Male Read Beatrice Hope Female Perth
1945/101585 Perth Hughes Wilfred Charles Male Page Mavis Jane Female Perth
1945/101585 Perth Page Mavis Jane Female Hughes Wilfred Charles Male Perth
1945/101586 Perth Rogers Beryl Female Marten Charles Alfred Male Perth
1945/101586 Perth Marten Charles Alfred Male Rogers Beryl Female Perth
1945/101587 Perth Evans Trevor Richard Jones Male Dalgleish Violet Pearl Female Perth
1945/101587 Perth Dalgleish Violet Pearl Female Evans Trevor Richard Jones Male Perth
1945/101588 Perth Jones Charles Frederick John Male Woodbrook Joan Female Perth
1945/101588 Perth Woodbrook Joan Female Jones Charles Frederick John Male Perth
1945/101589 Perth Nalder Ivan Wesley Male Painter Violet Grace Female Mt Lawley
1945/101589 Perth Painter Violet Grace Female Nalder Ivan Wesley Male Mt Lawley
1945/101590 Perth Sherwood Irene Ellen Female Staggard Frederick William Male Maylands
1945/101590 Perth Staggard Frederick William Male Sherwood Irene Ellen Female Maylands
1945/101591 Perth Martin Lewis Edward Male Jackson Beryl June Female Perth
1945/101591 Perth Jackson Beryl June Female Martin Lewis Edward Male Perth
1945/101592 Perth McNess Constance Mary Female Stead Beverley George Male West Perth
1945/101592 Perth Stead Beverley George Male McNess Constance Mary Female West Perth
1945/101593 Perth Fletcher Lawrence Cyril Male Scally Joan Female West Perth
1945/101593 Perth Scally Joan Female Fletcher Lawrence Cyril Male West Perth
1945/101594 Perth Nielson Thomas William Male Smith Eileen Myrtle Female West Perth
1945/101594 Perth Smith Eileen Myrtle Female Nielson Thomas William Male West Perth
1945/101595 Perth Anderson Theodore Male Gedge Sylvia Gertrude Female West Perth
1945/101595 Perth Gedge Sylvia Gertrude Female Anderson Theodore Male West Perth
1945/101596 Perth Richards Frank Arthur Male Davies Margaret Mary Isobel Female West Perth
1945/101596 Perth Davies Margaret Mary Isobel Female Richards Frank Arthur Male West Perth
1945/101597 Perth Scoffern Harry Arthur Male Peters Verna May Female West Perth
1945/101597 Perth Peters Verna May Female Scoffern Harry Arthur Male West Perth
1945/101598 Perth Barrington Kenneth William Male Brown Thelma May Female Perth
1945/101598 Perth Brown Thelma May Female Barrington Kenneth William Male Perth
1945/101599 Perth Robson James Thomas Male Carter Jessie Venus Female Perth
1945/101599 Perth Carter Jessie Venus Female Robson James Thomas Male Perth
1945/101600 Perth Goonan Daniel Michael Male McCarthy Doreen Evelyn Veronica Female Perth
1945/101600 Perth McCarthy Doreen Evelyn Veronica Female Goonan Daniel Michael Male Perth
1945/101601 Perth Armstrong Leslie Bevan Male Reid Patricia Lillian Female Perth
1945/101601 Perth Reid Patricia Lillian Female Armstrong Leslie Bevan Male Perth
1945/101602 Perth Strong James Bernard Male Baxter Helen Female Perth
1945/101602 Perth Baxter Helen Female Strong James Bernard Male Perth
1945/101603 Perth Dunn Edward Norman Male Patrick Anne Cowan Female Perth
1945/101603 Perth Patrick Anne Cowan Female Dunn Edward Norman Male Perth
1945/101604 Perth Fleming Edward Joseph Male Moroney Olive Bertha Female W Perth
1945/101604 Perth Moroney Olive Bertha Female Fleming Edward Joseph Male W Perth
1945/101605 Perth Cooper Arthur Male Gardner Rita Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/101605 Perth Gardner Rita Female Cooper Arthur Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/101606 Perth Bairstow Reginald Male Stephens Mary Mavis Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/101606 Perth Stephens Mary Mavis Female Bairstow Reginald Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/101607 Perth Shean William Charles Male Tatham Kathleen May Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/101607 Perth Tatham Kathleen May Female Shean William Charles Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/101608 Perth Sims Florence Female Johnston Percy Heaton Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/101608 Perth Johnston Percy Heaton Male Sims Florence Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/101609 Perth Hamlett Aubrey Glenn Male Naylor Mary Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/101609 Perth Naylor Mary Female Hamlett Aubrey Glenn Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/101610 Perth Hopewell Lillian Beatrice Female Boer Arie Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/101610 Perth Boer Arie Male Hopewell Lillian Beatrice Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/101611 Perth Kleeberg Thelma Dorreen Female Whitter Robert Charles Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/101611 Perth Whitter Robert Charles Male Kleeberg Thelma Dorreen Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/101612 Perth Caddy Vera Homer Female Roberts Stephen Cleugh Male Perth
1945/101612 Perth Roberts Stephen Cleugh Male Caddy Vera Homer Female Perth
1945/101613 Perth Porter Charles Bertrand Male Evans Dorothy Mona Female East Claremont
1945/101613 Perth Evans Dorothy Mona Female Porter Charles Bertrand Male East Claremont
1945/101614 Perth Leyden Margaret Dorothy Female Lee William Douglas Male Perth
1945/101614 Perth Lee William Douglas Male Leyden Margaret Dorothy Female Perth
1945/101615 Perth Dowell Eileen Frances Female McRostie Peter Ronald Male West Perth
1945/101615 Perth McRostie Peter Ronald Male Dowell Eileen Frances Female West Perth
1945/101616 Perth McDonnell William Michael Male Bremner Dorothy Female West Perth
1945/101616 Perth Bremner Dorothy Female McDonnell William Michael Male West Perth
1945/101617 Perth Harmer Fredrick Male Mair Janet Rae Dewar Female West Perth
1945/101617 Perth Mair Janet Rae Dewar Female Harmer Fredrick Male West Perth
1945/101618 Perth Sharp Elizabeth Female Davis William Russell Male West Australia
1945/101618 Perth Davis William Russell Male Sharp Elizabeth Female West Australia
1945/101619 Perth Hester Jesse Walton Male Gillies Marjorie Dawn Female West Australia
1945/101619 Perth Gillies Marjorie Dawn Female Hester Jesse Walton Male West Australia
1945/101620 Perth Leitch Margaret Female Newham Sydney Male Subiaco
1945/101620 Perth Newham Sydney Male Leitch Margaret Female Subiaco
1945/101621 Perth Baumgarten Sarah Female Johnstone Alexander Male West Perth
1945/101621 Perth Johnstone Alexander Male Baumgarten Sarah Female West Perth
1945/101622 Perth Rattigan John Martin Male Stallard Myrtle Female West Perth
1945/101622 Perth Stallard Myrtle Female Rattigan John Martin Male West Perth
1945/101623 Perth Giles Mavis Ellen Female Smith Evan Herbert Francis Male Subiaco
1945/101623 Perth Smith Evan Herbert Francis Male Giles Mavis Ellen Female Subiaco
1945/101624 Perth Beatson Walter Angus Male Sutton Wilgah Constance Female Perth
1945/101624 Perth Sutton Wilgah Constance Female Beatson Walter Angus Male Perth
1945/101625 Perth Tait Edward Robert Aitken Male Sharp Betty May Female Claremont
1945/101625 Perth Sharp Betty May Female Tait Edward Robert Aitken Male Claremont
1945/101626 Perth Weiland Hilda Joy Female Wilkinson Carl Thomas Male Victoria Park
1945/101626 Perth Wilkinson Carl Thomas Male Weiland Hilda Joy Female Victoria Park
1945/101627 Perth Patten Phillip John Male Liddelow Olga Phyllis Female Victoria Park
1945/101627 Perth Liddelow Olga Phyllis Female Patten Phillip John Male Victoria Park
1945/101628 Perth Crompton Benjamin Male Watson Margaret Irene Female Victoria Park
1945/101628 Perth Watson Margaret Irene Female Crompton Benjamin Male Victoria Park
1945/101629 Perth Williams Valma Leah Female Lavender James Richard Male Victoria Park
1945/101629 Perth Lavender James Richard Male Williams Valma Leah Female Victoria Park
1945/101630 Perth Filewood Eileen Georgina Female Bauer Joseph La Verne Male Victoria Park
1945/101630 Perth Bauer Joseph La Verne Male Filewood Eileen Georgina Female Victoria Park
1945/101631 Perth McCaskill Evelyn Female Mann Donald Archibald Male Leederville
1945/101631 Perth Mann Donald Archibald Male McCaskill Evelyn Female Leederville
1945/101632 Perth Boylan May Female Skull John Christopher Male Leederville
1945/101632 Perth Skull John Christopher Male Boylan May Female Leederville
1945/101633 Perth Kennedy Mary Ellen Female McMullen Maurice Francis Male Carlisle
1945/101633 Perth McMullen Maurice Francis Male Kennedy Mary Ellen Female Carlisle
1945/101634 Perth Martens Elizabeth Female Duggan William Edmond Male Claremont
1945/101634 Perth Duggan William Edmond Male Martens Elizabeth Female Claremont
1945/101635 Perth King Robert Cunningham Male Rhodes Olive Doreen Female Perth
1945/101635 Perth Rhodes Olive Doreen Female King Robert Cunningham Male Perth
1945/101636 Perth Alves Aileen Patricia Female Roberts Earle Douglas Male Perth
1945/101636 Perth Roberts Earle Douglas Male Alves Aileen Patricia Female Perth
1945/101637 Perth Hewton Joan Ruth Female Lowe Alan McKinnon Male Perth
1945/101637 Perth Lowe Alan McKinnon Male Hewton Joan Ruth Female Perth
1945/101638 Perth McKeown James Nolan Male Coxon Ethel Mary Female Perth
1945/101638 Perth Coxon Ethel Mary Female McKeown James Nolan Male Perth
1945/101639 Perth Tandy Margaret Louie Female Moir William Sydney Male Perth
1945/101639 Perth Moir William Sydney Male Tandy Margaret Louie Female Perth
1945/101640 Perth Oxman Margaret Victoria Female Hancock Samuel Arthur Male Perth
1945/101640 Perth Hancock Samuel Arthur Male Oxman Margaret Victoria Female Perth
1945/101641 Perth Butler Leslie Davenport Male Richards Joyce June Female Perth
1945/101641 Perth Richards Joyce June Female Butler Leslie Davenport Male Perth
1945/101642 Perth Griffith Tom Burbington Male Hynes Grace May Female Perth
1945/101642 Perth Hynes Grace May Female Griffith Tom Burbington Male Perth
1945/101643 Perth Adams Edith Betty Female Capenhurst Colin Male Victoria Park
1945/101643 Perth Capenhurst Colin Male Adams Edith Betty Female Victoria Park
1945/101644 Perth Arnold Vincent Paul Male Barnes Joyce Evelyn Female Perth
1945/101644 Perth Barnes Joyce Evelyn Female Arnold Vincent Paul Male Perth
1945/101645 Perth Bremner Elaine Joy Female Plint David Algernon Male Claremont
1945/101645 Perth Plint David Algernon Male Bremner Elaine Joy Female Claremont
1945/101646 Perth Llewelyn Neil Griffyth Male Maskiell Mary Constance Female Claremont
1945/101646 Perth Maskiell Mary Constance Female Llewelyn Neil Griffyth Male Claremont
1945/101647 Perth Lyon Evelyn Beulah Female Osborn William Thomas Charles Male Perth
1945/101647 Perth Osborn William Thomas Charles Male Lyon Evelyn Beulah Female Perth
1945/101648 Perth Sticken Harry Male Edmonds Jessie Eva Female Perth
1945/101648 Perth Edmonds Jessie Eva Female Sticken Harry Male Perth
1945/101649 Perth Wong See Maxwell Sidney Male Shem Winifred Female Perth
1945/101649 Perth Shem Winifred Female Wong See Maxwell Sidney Male Perth
1945/101650 Perth Ward Doris Elsie Female Kersting Raymond Male Perth
1945/101650 Perth Kersting Raymond Male Ward Doris Elsie Female Perth
1945/101651 Perth Guthrie Douglas George Male Woodward Mabel Doris Female Perth
1945/101651 Perth Woodward Mabel Doris Female Guthrie Douglas George Male Perth
1945/101652 Perth Boor Ida Lillian Female Hugo Gordon Leslie Male Perth
1945/101652 Perth Hugo Gordon Leslie Male Boor Ida Lillian Female Perth
1945/101653 Perth McGowan Stanley Arnold Male Barrow Dulcie Margaret Female Perth
1945/101653 Perth Barrow Dulcie Margaret Female McGowan Stanley Arnold Male Perth
1945/101654 Perth Ackland John Barnes Male Sharpe Mavis Female Perth
1945/101654 Perth Sharpe Mavis Female Ackland John Barnes Male Perth
1945/101655 Perth Teasdale Rowell Walton Male Giblett Rene Agnes Female Perth
1945/101655 Perth Giblett Rene Agnes Female Teasdale Rowell Walton Male Perth
1945/101656 Perth Wood Betty Evalyn Female Paterson Colin William Roberts Male Perth
1945/101656 Perth Paterson Colin William Roberts Male Wood Betty Evalyn Female Perth
1945/101657 Perth Riley Mary Elizabeth Female Wright Peter Arundel Male Mount Lawley
1945/101657 Perth Wright Peter Arundel Male Riley Mary Elizabeth Female Mount Lawley
1945/101658 Perth Pavlinovich Maurice Male Newman Lilian Frances Female Perth
1945/101658 Perth Newman Lilian Frances Female Pavlinovich Maurice Male Perth
1945/101659 Perth Madderson Edna Mary Female Lynn David Male Perth
1945/101659 Perth Lynn David Male Madderson Edna Mary Female Perth
1945/101660 Perth Parker Lolene Norma Female Coram Thomas Stephen Male Perth
1945/101660 Perth Coram Thomas Stephen Male Parker Lolene Norma Female Perth
1945/101661 Perth Evans Lloyd Thomas Male Gibson Mavis Elliott Female Perth
1945/101661 Perth Gibson Mavis Elliott Female Evans Lloyd Thomas Male Perth
1945/101662 Perth Luttrell Edna Joyce Female Luchansky Fred Male Perth
1945/101662 Perth Luchansky Fred Male Luttrell Edna Joyce Female Perth
1945/101663 Perth Wilson James Male Brewer Jean Female Perth
1945/101663 Perth Brewer Jean Female Wilson James Male Perth
1945/101664 Perth Bursill Sydney Albert Irwin Male Farrell Joan Ethel Female Mt Lawley
1945/101664 Perth Farrell Joan Ethel Female Bursill Sydney Albert Irwin Male Mt Lawley
1945/101665 Perth Walker Madge Anne Female Champion Raymond George Male Maylands
1945/101665 Perth Champion Raymond George Male Walker Madge Anne Female Maylands
1945/101666 Perth Mackay Harold Stuart Male Hutchins Daisy Margaret Female Perth
1945/101666 Perth Hutchins Daisy Margaret Female Mackay Harold Stuart Male Perth
1945/101667 Perth De La Pair Jordin Henri Massgue Male Malcom Audrey Joyce Female Perth
1945/101667 Perth Malcom Audrey Joyce Female De La Pair Jordin Henri Massgue Male Perth
1945/101668 Perth Stafford William Martin Male Carvell Laura Jeanne Female Perth
1945/101668 Perth Carvell Laura Jeanne Female Stafford William Martin Male Perth
1945/101669 Perth Pittard Eleanor Margaret Female Tanner Leonard Edward Male Subiaco
1945/101669 Perth Tanner Leonard Edward Male Pittard Eleanor Margaret Female Subiaco
1945/101670 Perth Freind Phyllis Adelaide Female Melvin Alexander Norman Male Cottesloe
1945/101670 Perth Melvin Alexander Norman Male Freind Phyllis Adelaide Female Cottesloe
1945/101671 Perth Segal Rosy Female Steinberg Harry Male Perth
1945/101671 Perth Steinberg Harry Male Segal Rosy Female Perth
1945/101672 Perth Zelazne Ida Female Wingens Bruno Male Perth
1945/101672 Perth Wingens Bruno Male Zelazne Ida Female Perth
1945/101673 Perth Green Beryl Constance Female Slade Reginald Samuel Male Nedlands
1945/101673 Perth Slade Reginald Samuel Male Green Beryl Constance Female Nedlands
1945/101674 Perth Wood James Bennett Male Moroney Patricia Female Perth
1945/101674 Perth Moroney Patricia Female Wood James Bennett Male Perth
1945/101675 Perth Clancy Kathleen Margaret Female Dillon John Thomas Male W Perth
1945/101675 Perth Dillon John Thomas Male Clancy Kathleen Margaret Female W Perth
1945/101676 Perth Kinshela Mary Agnes Female Moran Leo Charles Male Perth
1945/101676 Perth Moran Leo Charles Male Kinshela Mary Agnes Female Perth
1945/101677 Perth Monaghan Thelma Joy Female Webster Colin George Male Perth
1945/101677 Perth Webster Colin George Male Monaghan Thelma Joy Female Perth
1945/101678 Perth Haskins Valma Patricia Female Bates Gordon Leslie Male Perth
1945/101678 Perth Bates Gordon Leslie Male Haskins Valma Patricia Female Perth
1945/101679 Perth Forrest Margaret Elizabeth Female Salmon Allan Malcolm Cockburn Male West Perth
1945/101679 Perth Salmon Allan Malcolm Cockburn Male Forrest Margaret Elizabeth Female West Perth
1945/101680 Perth Holland Myrtle Female Schnaars Henry James Male Perth
1945/101680 Perth Schnaars Henry James Male Holland Myrtle Female Perth
1945/101681 Perth Copeland Sarah Sharp Female MacRae James Alexander Male Perth
1945/101681 Perth MacRae James Alexander Male Copeland Sarah Sharp Female Perth
1945/101682 Perth Wells Shirley Suzanne Female Francis Stanley Eric Male Perth
1945/101682 Perth Francis Stanley Eric Male Wells Shirley Suzanne Female Perth
1945/101683 Perth Shipperd Thelma Female Anderson Albert Edward Male Perth
1945/101683 Perth Anderson Albert Edward Male Shipperd Thelma Female Perth
1945/101684 Perth Hogg James Vanderbilt Male Grlusich Fay Female Claremont
1945/101684 Perth Grlusich Fay Female Hogg James Vanderbilt Male Claremont
1945/101685 Perth Parsons Beryl Female Hood Leslie Edward Male Claremont
1945/101685 Perth Hood Leslie Edward Male Parsons Beryl Female Claremont
1945/101686 Perth Wildy Vera Doreen Female Webb Edmund Richard Male Claremont
1945/101686 Perth Webb Edmund Richard Male Wildy Vera Doreen Female Claremont
1945/101687 Perth Wardle Mary Ellen Female Pettit Sydney Torres Male Highgate Hill
1945/101687 Perth Pettit Sydney Torres Male Wardle Mary Ellen Female Highgate Hill
1945/101688 Perth Watts Sylvia Florence Female Bennion William Male West Perth
1945/101688 Perth Bennion William Male Watts Sylvia Florence Female West Perth
1945/101689 Perth Smythe Herbert Edward Vivian Male McCay Judith Waring Female West Perth
1945/101689 Perth McCay Judith Waring Female Smythe Herbert Edward Vivian Male West Perth
1945/101690 Perth Rowston Jean Mains Female Coates Roy Harry Male West Perth
1945/101690 Perth Coates Roy Harry Male Rowston Jean Mains Female West Perth
1945/101691 Perth Watts Leslie Clifton William Male Yorath Winifred Merva Female Perth
1945/101691 Perth Yorath Winifred Merva Female Watts Leslie Clifton William Male Perth
1945/101692 Perth Roberts Ellen Rosemarie Female Mooers Robert Eugene Male Perth
1945/101692 Perth Mooers Robert Eugene Male Roberts Ellen Rosemarie Female Perth
1945/101693 Perth Williams Kenneth Maxwell Male Meares Gloria Goldsmith Female Perth
1945/101693 Perth Meares Gloria Goldsmith Female Williams Kenneth Maxwell Male Perth
1945/101694 Perth Boliver Ida Naomi Female Morritt Albert Edward Male Perth
1945/101694 Perth Morritt Albert Edward Male Boliver Ida Naomi Female Perth
1945/101695 Perth Jenzen Allan Royce Male Robinson Patricia June Female Perth
1945/101695 Perth Robinson Patricia June Female Jenzen Allan Royce Male Perth
1945/101696 Perth Schreiber Alvin Peter Male Groves Margaret Female Perth
1945/101696 Perth Groves Margaret Female Schreiber Alvin Peter Male Perth
1945/101697 Perth Burke Edward Dennis Male Beaver Gwen Female Perth
1945/101697 Perth Beaver Gwen Female Burke Edward Dennis Male Perth
1945/101698 Perth Pearce Lionel Arthur Male Manning Dorothy Female Perth
1945/101698 Perth Manning Dorothy Female Pearce Lionel Arthur Male Perth
1945/101699 Perth Bradley Nellie Edith Female Collins William David Male Subiaco
1945/101699 Perth Collins William David Male Bradley Nellie Edith Female Subiaco
1945/101700 Perth Tottman Alma Stella Female Morris Keith Male Subiaco
1945/101700 Perth Morris Keith Male Tottman Alma Stella Female Subiaco
1945/101701 Perth Nott Norma Burlingson Female Kirk James Thomas Ryan Keith Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/101701 Perth Kirk James Thomas Ryan Keith Male Nott Norma Burlingson Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/101702 Perth York Norman Roland Male Stoner Joy Winifred Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/101702 Perth Stoner Joy Winifred Female York Norman Roland Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/101703 Perth Allen Alma Queenie Female Heerey Frank Thomas Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/101703 Perth Heerey Frank Thomas Male Allen Alma Queenie Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/101704 Perth Smith Jacqueline Ann Female Hunter Robert Cresswell Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/101704 Perth Hunter Robert Cresswell Male Smith Jacqueline Ann Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/101705 Perth Knight Alec Male White Edith Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/101705 Perth White Edith Female Knight Alec Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/101706 Perth Martin John Mungo Male Walsh Gladys Mabel Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/101706 Perth Walsh Gladys Mabel Female Martin John Mungo Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/101707 Perth Skidmore Charles Garner Male Swartz Anne Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/101707 Perth Swartz Anne Female Skidmore Charles Garner Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/101708 Perth Timothy Auldon Leo Male Warwick Margery Olga Female Subiaco
1945/101708 Perth Warwick Margery Olga Female Timothy Auldon Leo Male Subiaco
1945/101709 Perth Gath William Murray Male Glasson Edna Olive Female West Perth
1945/101709 Perth Glasson Edna Olive Female Gath William Murray Male West Perth
1945/101710 Perth Bull Edwin Arthur Male Mason Florence Female West Perth
1945/101710 Perth Mason Florence Female Bull Edwin Arthur Male West Perth
1945/101711 Perth Paterson William Murray Pryde Male Draper Jessie May Female West Perth
1945/101711 Perth Draper Jessie May Female Paterson William Murray Pryde Male West Perth
1945/101712 Perth Nelson Thelma Jean Female Fultz Waden Coy Male West Perth
1945/101712 Perth Fultz Waden Coy Male Nelson Thelma Jean Female West Perth
1945/101713 Perth Gill Kathleen Elsie Female Sounness Harold William Male West Perth
1945/101713 Perth Sounness Harold William Male Gill Kathleen Elsie Female West Perth
1945/101714 Perth Fletcher Jessie Drysdale Female Nicholas Stanley Hughes Male Claremont
1945/101714 Perth Nicholas Stanley Hughes Male Fletcher Jessie Drysdale Female Claremont
1945/101715 Perth Morgan Anthony Eric Male Watson Evelyn Female Perth
1945/101715 Perth Watson Evelyn Female Morgan Anthony Eric Male Perth
1945/101716 Perth White Lionel Thomas Male White Doris Jean Female Victoria Park
1945/101716 Perth White Doris Jean Female White Lionel Thomas Male Victoria Park
1945/101717 Perth Benson Dorothy Alice Female Daujat Albert Frank Male Victoria Park
1945/101717 Perth Daujat Albert Frank Male Benson Dorothy Alice Female Victoria Park
1945/101718 Perth Yates Annie Constance Female Bingham William Male Perth
1945/101718 Perth Bingham William Male Yates Annie Constance Female Perth
1945/101719 Perth Dyson Elsie Leah Female Lane John Male Perth
1945/101719 Perth Lane John Male Dyson Elsie Leah Female Perth
1945/101720 Perth Coward Harold Stanley Male Coward Thelma Mae Female Perth
1945/101720 Perth Coward Thelma Mae Female Coward Harold Stanley Male Perth
1945/101721 Perth Groom Bessie Female Waugh John Hastie Male Perth
1945/101721 Perth Waugh John Hastie Male Groom Bessie Female Perth
1945/101722 Perth Collins Mark Bernard Male Bentley Claire Bessie Female Perth
1945/101722 Perth Bentley Claire Bessie Female Collins Mark Bernard Male Perth
1945/101723 Perth Johnston Ethel Violet Female de Kadt Philip Jacques Male Perth
1945/101723 Perth de Kadt Philip Jacques Male Johnston Ethel Violet Female Perth
1945/101724 Perth Treacy Ellen Veronica Female Anderson Charles Clare Male Leederville
1945/101724 Perth Anderson Charles Clare Male Treacy Ellen Veronica Female Leederville
1945/101725 Perth Lewin James Herbert Male Mercer Betty Rae Female Claremont
1945/101725 Perth Mercer Betty Rae Female Lewin James Herbert Male Claremont
1945/101726 Perth Hardie Gwendoline Emily Ruth Female Scudds Hugh John Male West Australia
1945/101726 Perth Scudds Hugh John Male Hardie Gwendoline Emily Ruth Female West Australia
1945/101727 Perth Hayward Lucelle Mary Female Zdanowicz Stanley Joseph Male Subiaco
1945/101727 Perth Zdanowicz Stanley Joseph Male Hayward Lucelle Mary Female Subiaco
1945/101728 Perth Morse Earl Waldo Male Ford Lucy Mary Female Subiaco
1945/101728 Perth Ford Lucy Mary Female Morse Earl Waldo Male Subiaco
1945/101729 Perth Crannage Betty Female Silvester John Thomas Male Subiaco
1945/101729 Perth Silvester John Thomas Male Crannage Betty Female Subiaco
1945/101730 Perth Henderson Arthur Gordon Moore Male Bromfield Dorothy Olive Female Victoria Park Congregational Church
1945/101730 Perth Bromfield Dorothy Olive Female Henderson Arthur Gordon Moore Male Victoria Park Congregational Church
1945/101731 Perth Hall Clarice Lillian Female Branson John Joseph Male Subiaco
1945/101731 Perth Branson John Joseph Male Hall Clarice Lillian Female Subiaco
1945/101732 Perth Copeland William Rhett Male Stewart Jean Isabel Female Perth
1945/101732 Perth Stewart Jean Isabel Female Copeland William Rhett Male Perth
1945/101733 Perth Donaldson Ronald Fredrick Male Fuller Elva May Female Perth
1945/101733 Perth Fuller Elva May Female Donaldson Ronald Fredrick Male Perth
1945/101734 Perth Wall Melvin Owen Male Campbell Elaine Isobel Female Perth
1945/101734 Perth Campbell Elaine Isobel Female Wall Melvin Owen Male Perth
1945/101735 Perth Waddell Winnifred Margarete Wilson Female Baxley James William Male Perth
1945/101735 Perth Baxley James William Male Waddell Winnifred Margarete Wilson Female Perth
1945/101736 Perth Richards Alexander Male Fraser Thelma Elsie Female Perth
1945/101736 Perth Fraser Thelma Elsie Female Richards Alexander Male Perth
1945/101737 Perth Oliver Eva Edna Female Kiddell Robert Male Victoria Park
1945/101737 Perth Kiddell Robert Male Oliver Eva Edna Female Victoria Park
1945/101738 Perth Bradley Ada Clara Female Pangau Engelbert Male W Perth
1945/101738 Perth Pangau Engelbert Male Bradley Ada Clara Female W Perth
1945/101739 Perth Andriessen Pieter Dingenis Male Gilroy Eileen Joyce Female Perth
1945/101739 Perth Gilroy Eileen Joyce Female Andriessen Pieter Dingenis Male Perth
1945/101740 Perth Childe Joyce Female Bryce George Alfred Male Perth
1945/101740 Perth Bryce George Alfred Male Childe Joyce Female Perth
1945/101741 Perth Russell Patricia Florence Female King George Baily Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/101741 Perth King George Baily Male Russell Patricia Florence Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/101742 Perth Miller Florence Joy Female McKibben Raymond LeRoy Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/101742 Perth McKibben Raymond LeRoy Male Miller Florence Joy Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/101743 Perth Beaton Alice Female Turner Melville Thomas Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/101743 Perth Turner Melville Thomas Male Beaton Alice Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/101744 Perth Sellinger Marvin Daniel Male Gallagher Mary Catherine Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/101744 Perth Gallagher Mary Catherine Female Sellinger Marvin Daniel Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/101745 Perth Hild Earl Philip George Male Carney Shirley Mavis Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/101745 Perth Carney Shirley Mavis Female Hild Earl Philip George Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/101746 Perth Anderson Betty Margaret Female Wolfe Jeffery Meredith Male South Perth
1945/101746 Perth Wolfe Jeffery Meredith Male Anderson Betty Margaret Female South Perth
1945/101747 Perth Wilson Lloyd George Male Browne Marion Katherine Female Claremont
1945/101747 Perth Browne Marion Katherine Female Wilson Lloyd George Male Claremont
1945/101748 Perth Ebbs Kenneth Robert Male Keech Marjorie Female Perth
1945/101748 Perth Keech Marjorie Female Ebbs Kenneth Robert Male Perth
1945/101749 Perth Lacey Edna Ivy Female Garrett Norman Rolland Male Perth
1945/101749 Perth Garrett Norman Rolland Male Lacey Edna Ivy Female Perth
1945/101750 Perth Doig Arthur Clifton Male Hingston Ruth Female Perth
1945/101750 Perth Hingston Ruth Female Doig Arthur Clifton Male Perth
1945/101751 Perth Claye Max Pemberton Male Nicholls Kathleen Nellie Female Perth
1945/101751 Perth Nicholls Kathleen Nellie Female Claye Max Pemberton Male Perth
1945/101752 Perth Rogers George Thomas Leslie Male Sexton Dorothy Martha Female Perth
1945/101752 Perth Sexton Dorothy Martha Female Rogers George Thomas Leslie Male Perth
1945/101753 Perth Andrews Arthur Lancelot Male Beilby Margaret Adrianne Courtney Female North Perth
1945/101753 Perth Beilby Margaret Adrianne Courtney Female Andrews Arthur Lancelot Male North Perth
1945/101754 Perth Hodgson Mary Yvonne Female Marsh Leonard Mervyn Male Perth
1945/101754 Perth Marsh Leonard Mervyn Male Hodgson Mary Yvonne Female Perth
1945/101755 Perth Durack William Aiden Male Braham Norah Female Perth
1945/101755 Perth Braham Norah Female Durack William Aiden Male Perth
1945/101756 Perth Watson Joan Amelia Female Potter Walter William Male Perth
1945/101756 Perth Potter Walter William Male Watson Joan Amelia Female Perth
1945/101757 Perth McKenzie Irene Mary Female Schulz Albert Allan Male Perth
1945/101757 Perth Schulz Albert Allan Male McKenzie Irene Mary Female Perth
1945/101758 Perth Knotts Marion Jacob Male Biggs Dorothy Dorne Female Perth
1945/101758 Perth Biggs Dorothy Dorne Female Knotts Marion Jacob Male Perth
1945/101759 Perth Evans William Male Wundenberg Vivienne Ruth Female Victoria Park
1945/101759 Perth Wundenberg Vivienne Ruth Female Evans William Male Victoria Park
1945/101760 Perth Thielemann Eleanor Jean Female Butchart Aubrey James Male Victoria Park
1945/101760 Perth Butchart Aubrey James Male Thielemann Eleanor Jean Female Victoria Park
1945/101761 Perth Burrow Henry Male Black Marjorie Female Victoria Park
1945/101761 Perth Black Marjorie Female Burrow Henry Male Victoria Park
1945/101762 Perth Galloway Eleanor Patrine Female Hickling Dennis Howard Male Victoria Park
1945/101762 Perth Hickling Dennis Howard Male Galloway Eleanor Patrine Female Victoria Park
1945/101763 Perth Hudson Kenneth John Male Henderson Edith Jean Female Subiaco
1945/101763 Perth Henderson Edith Jean Female Hudson Kenneth John Male Subiaco
1945/101764 Perth Slade Muriel Florence Female Clark Forrest Denzel Male Perth
1945/101764 Perth Clark Forrest Denzel Male Slade Muriel Florence Female Perth
1945/101765 Perth Hoskin John Stanley Male Taaffe Doris Catherine Female Maylands
1945/101765 Perth Taaffe Doris Catherine Female Hoskin John Stanley Male Maylands
1945/101766 Perth Dalgleish Donald Male Cassidy Patricia Joy Female Perth
1945/101766 Perth Cassidy Patricia Joy Female Dalgleish Donald Male Perth
1945/101767 Perth Garrett Gwendoline Laura Female Turner Edward James Robert Male Perth
1945/101767 Perth Turner Edward James Robert Male Garrett Gwendoline Laura Female Perth
1945/101768 Perth Cousens William Frank Male Adams Veronica Female Perth
1945/101768 Perth Adams Veronica Female Cousens William Frank Male Perth
1945/101769 Perth Butler Lilian Margaret Female Ladiges George Henry Thomas Male Perth
1945/101769 Perth Ladiges George Henry Thomas Male Butler Lilian Margaret Female Perth
1945/101770 Perth Stodart Vivian Hope Female Jorgensen Jon Eugen Male Perth
1945/101770 Perth Jorgensen Jon Eugen Male Stodart Vivian Hope Female Perth
1945/101771 Perth Abraham Desmond Herbert Male Bennetti Christina Jean Female East Perth
1945/101771 Perth Bennetti Christina Jean Female Abraham Desmond Herbert Male East Perth
1945/101772 Perth Gazzard Joseph Thomas Male Bowen Margaret Cecilia Female West Perth
1945/101772 Perth Bowen Margaret Cecilia Female Gazzard Joseph Thomas Male West Perth
1945/101773 Perth Veitch Joan Margaret Female Gillett Reginald Matthew Male West Perth
1945/101773 Perth Gillett Reginald Matthew Male Veitch Joan Margaret Female West Perth
1945/101774 Perth Smith Wendy Gwenevere Female Loois Johannes Male West Perth
1945/101774 Perth Loois Johannes Male Smith Wendy Gwenevere Female West Perth
1945/101775 Perth Dawes-Smith Francis William John Male Wadley Joan Vivienne Female Claremont
1945/101775 Perth Wadley Joan Vivienne Female Dawes-Smith Francis William John Male Claremont
1945/101776 Perth Rowcroft Frederick Male Johnson Catherine Mary Female Perth
1945/101776 Perth Johnson Catherine Mary Female Rowcroft Frederick Male Perth
1945/101777 Perth McKenzie Monica Marjory Female Bennett Keith Owen Male Perth
1945/101777 Perth Bennett Keith Owen Male McKenzie Monica Marjory Female Perth
1945/101778 Perth Jones Donald Edward Male Lubcke Jean Emily Keith Female Perth
1945/101778 Perth Lubcke Jean Emily Keith Female Jones Donald Edward Male Perth
1945/101779 Perth Harris Arthur Male Holland Grace Lillias Watson Female South Perth
1945/101779 Perth Holland Grace Lillias Watson Female Harris Arthur Male South Perth
1945/101780 Perth Brand Jean Octavia Female Hollingworth Francis Male Perth
1945/101780 Perth Hollingworth Francis Male Brand Jean Octavia Female Perth
1945/101781 Perth Versluis Dirk Cornelis Male Hennig Ethel Maud Female Perth
1945/101781 Perth Hennig Ethel Maud Female Versluis Dirk Cornelis Male Perth
1945/101782 Perth Hearle Charles Derek Male Hall Audrey Ellen Female Perth
1945/101782 Perth Hall Audrey Ellen Female Hearle Charles Derek Male Perth
1945/101783 Perth McGill Hugh Male Stewart Florence May Female Perth
1945/101783 Perth Stewart Florence May Female McGill Hugh Male Perth
1945/101784 Perth Olsen Joan Female Grinter Frank Male Perth
1945/101784 Perth Grinter Frank Male Olsen Joan Female Perth
1945/101785 Perth Pollitt John Hopwood Male Woods Esther Emily Female Perth
1945/101785 Perth Woods Esther Emily Female Pollitt John Hopwood Male Perth
1945/101786 Perth Byrne Albert Berry Male Best Helen Maud Female Maylands
1945/101786 Perth Best Helen Maud Female Byrne Albert Berry Male Maylands
1945/101787 Perth Booker Gladys Female Beaman Thomas Frederick Male Mt Lawley
1945/101787 Perth Beaman Thomas Frederick Male Booker Gladys Female Mt Lawley
1945/101788 Perth Andrew George Colin Male Morris Eileen Yvonne Female Mt Lawley
1945/101788 Perth Morris Eileen Yvonne Female Andrew George Colin Male Mt Lawley
1945/101789 Perth Stallard Emilie Ann Female Bonner Geoffrey Lyne Male North Perth Methodist Church
1945/101789 Perth Bonner Geoffrey Lyne Male Stallard Emilie Ann Female North Perth Methodist Church
1945/101790 Perth Dawson Aubrey Cecil Male Righton Ethel May Female North Perth
1945/101790 Perth Righton Ethel May Female Dawson Aubrey Cecil Male North Perth
1945/101791 Perth Brown Edna Marie Female Faddy Algy Reginald Male Nedlands
1945/101791 Perth Faddy Algy Reginald Male Brown Edna Marie Female Nedlands
1945/101792 Perth McKenna John Barambah Male Loxton Dorothy Amy Female Perth
1945/101792 Perth Loxton Dorothy Amy Female McKenna John Barambah Male Perth
1945/101793 Perth Merton Douglas Hobbs Male Needham Olive Mary Female Perth
1945/101793 Perth Needham Olive Mary Female Merton Douglas Hobbs Male Perth
1945/101794 Perth McCann Alice Mary Female Kelly Jack Henry Male Perth
1945/101794 Perth Kelly Jack Henry Male McCann Alice Mary Female Perth
1945/101795 Perth Honeyman Richard Charles Male Mullane Eileen Joyce Female Perth
1945/101795 Perth Mullane Eileen Joyce Female Honeyman Richard Charles Male Perth
1945/101796 Perth Thompson Alice Ruby Female van Galen Hendrik Marie Male Perth
1945/101796 Perth van Galen Hendrik Marie Male Thompson Alice Ruby Female Perth
1945/101797 Perth McEvoy James Male Solomon Shirley Rose Female Perth
1945/101797 Perth Solomon Shirley Rose Female McEvoy James Male Perth
1945/101798 Perth Lockhart Dorothea May Female Walmsley William Male Maylands
1945/101798 Perth Walmsley William Male Lockhart Dorothea May Female Maylands
1945/101799 Perth Shaw Margaret Joan Female Farrell James Allan Joseph Male Inglewood
1945/101799 Perth Farrell James Allan Joseph Male Shaw Margaret Joan Female Inglewood
1945/101800 Perth Lockyer Kenneth Male Carroll Doreen Ellen Female Maylands
1945/101800 Perth Carroll Doreen Ellen Female Lockyer Kenneth Male Maylands
1945/101801 Perth Collins Lorna Margaret Female Thomasson Harry Male West Perth
1945/101801 Perth Thomasson Harry Male Collins Lorna Margaret Female West Perth
1945/101802 Perth McClure Roderic Colin Male Poole Joyce Female West Perth
1945/101802 Perth Poole Joyce Female McClure Roderic Colin Male West Perth
1945/101803 Perth Pope Vivian Male Downs Eva Jean Female West Perth
1945/101803 Perth Downs Eva Jean Female Pope Vivian Male West Perth
1945/101804 Perth Culligan William Aloysius Male Franklin Isabelle Emily Florence Female Cottesloe
1945/101804 Perth Franklin Isabelle Emily Florence Female Culligan William Aloysius Male Cottesloe
1945/101805 Perth McIlwraith Shirley Female Carter Vaughan Laurence Male Perth College
1945/101805 Perth Carter Vaughan Laurence Male McIlwraith Shirley Female Perth College
1945/101806 Perth Ewers Victor Lawrance Albert Male Leicester Thelma Joan Female W Perth
1945/101806 Perth Leicester Thelma Joan Female Ewers Victor Lawrance Albert Male W Perth
1945/101807 Perth Dent Gordon Paul Male Buckenara Elaine Female W Perth
1945/101807 Perth Buckenara Elaine Female Dent Gordon Paul Male W Perth
1945/101808 Perth Gibson Samuel Lyons Male Crooks Florence Louisa Female Claremont
1945/101808 Perth Crooks Florence Louisa Female Gibson Samuel Lyons Male Claremont
1945/101809 Perth Wood William Edward Male Wilson Anna Robbie Female West Perth
1945/101809 Perth Wilson Anna Robbie Female Wood William Edward Male West Perth
1945/101810 Perth Johnson Andrew David Male Lowe Nellie Hilda Female Maylands
1945/101810 Perth Lowe Nellie Hilda Female Johnson Andrew David Male Maylands
1945/101811 Perth Robinson Anne Florence Female Read Thomas Henry Male Maylands
1945/101811 Perth Read Thomas Henry Male Robinson Anne Florence Female Maylands
1945/101812 Perth James Ronald Alwyn Quintin Male Skett Irene May Female Mt Lawley
1945/101812 Perth Skett Irene May Female James Ronald Alwyn Quintin Male Mt Lawley
1945/101813 Perth Daws Vernon Male Foweraker Lynda May Female Claremont
1945/101813 Perth Foweraker Lynda May Female Daws Vernon Male Claremont
1945/101814 Perth Bogan Robert Barr Male Jones Thelma Florence Female Claremont
1945/101814 Perth Jones Thelma Florence Female Bogan Robert Barr Male Claremont
1945/101815 Perth Bell Harriet Elizabeth Female Schulze William Conrad Male Subiaco
1945/101815 Perth Schulze William Conrad Male Bell Harriet Elizabeth Female Subiaco
1945/101816 Perth Abbott Marie Female Borg Charles Male Subiaco
1945/101816 Perth Borg Charles Male Abbott Marie Female Subiaco
1945/101817 Perth Wood Caroline Female Grant William Lewis Male Perth
1945/101817 Perth Grant William Lewis Male Wood Caroline Female Perth
1945/101818 Perth Campbell Patricia Female Stewart John Reginald Male Perth
1945/101818 Perth Stewart John Reginald Male Campbell Patricia Female Perth
1945/101819 Perth Oreo Edith Rose Female Knight George Hector Male Perth
1945/101819 Perth Knight George Hector Male Oreo Edith Rose Female Perth
1945/101820 Perth Budd Edna May Olive Female Hewitt William Male Perth
1945/101820 Perth Hewitt William Male Budd Edna May Olive Female Perth
1945/101821 Perth Redfearn Harold Thomas Male Monkhouse Beryl Marion Female Perth
1945/101821 Perth Monkhouse Beryl Marion Female Redfearn Harold Thomas Male Perth
1945/101822 Perth Morgan Harry John Male Campbell Jean Sophia Female Perth
1945/101822 Perth Campbell Jean Sophia Female Morgan Harry John Male Perth
1945/101823 Perth Morrison Albert Male Strange Gwendoline Patricia Female Perth
1945/101823 Perth Strange Gwendoline Patricia Female Morrison Albert Male Perth
1945/101824 Perth Thompson Ruth Female Waters Leslie Edward Male Perth
1945/101824 Perth Waters Leslie Edward Male Thompson Ruth Female Perth
1945/101825 Perth Foot Shirley Jean Female Smith Matthew Joseph Male Perth
1945/101825 Perth Smith Matthew Joseph Male Foot Shirley Jean Female Perth
1945/101826 Perth Pratley Thelma Joyce Female Green Leslie Male Perth
1945/101826 Perth Green Leslie Male Pratley Thelma Joyce Female Perth
1945/101827 Perth McAllister William Prater Male Lane Margaret Edna Female Perth
1945/101827 Perth Lane Margaret Edna Female McAllister William Prater Male Perth
1945/101828 Perth Budd Norman Turton Male Reeves Beatrice Joy Female Perth
1945/101828 Perth Reeves Beatrice Joy Female Budd Norman Turton Male Perth
1945/101829 Perth Cleary Norman Stephen Male Ellis Nellie Female Perth
1945/101829 Perth Ellis Nellie Female Cleary Norman Stephen Male Perth
1945/101830 Perth Larking Christine Florence Female Stanley Vivian Dransfield Male West Leederville
1945/101830 Perth Stanley Vivian Dransfield Male Larking Christine Florence Female West Leederville
1945/101831 Perth Thomson David John Male Hughes Teresa Female West Perth
1945/101831 Perth Hughes Teresa Female Thomson David John Male West Perth
1945/101832 Perth Higgins Joan Marie Female Howson Herbert Victor Male West Perth
1945/101832 Perth Howson Herbert Victor Male Higgins Joan Marie Female West Perth
1945/101833 Perth Evans Mary Dorothy Female O'Dwyer Redmond Hurley Male West Perth
1945/101833 Perth O'Dwyer Redmond Hurley Male Evans Mary Dorothy Female West Perth
1945/101834 Perth Russell James Male Cameron Elizabeth Female Perth
1945/101834 Perth Cameron Elizabeth Female Russell James Male Perth
1945/101835 Perth Biggs Emily May Female Taylor Robert Watson Male Perth
1945/101835 Perth Taylor Robert Watson Male Biggs Emily May Female Perth
1945/101836 Perth Dark Phyllis Ada Female Trunfull Montric Leonard Abbott Male Perth
1945/101836 Perth Trunfull Montric Leonard Abbott Male Dark Phyllis Ada Female Perth
1945/101837 Perth Rodgers Robert Male Reading June Female Perth
1945/101837 Perth Reading June Female Rodgers Robert Male Perth
1945/101838 Perth Brown William Duncan Howie Male Gorringe Veronica Jean Female Perth
1945/101838 Perth Gorringe Veronica Jean Female Brown William Duncan Howie Male Perth
1945/101839 Perth Flottman Mabel Edith Female Green Raymond Henry Male Victoria Park
1945/101839 Perth Green Raymond Henry Male Flottman Mabel Edith Female Victoria Park
1945/101840 Perth Slavin Athol Lindsay Male Strahan Kathleen Beatrice Female Victoria Park
1945/101840 Perth Strahan Kathleen Beatrice Female Slavin Athol Lindsay Male Victoria Park
1945/101841 Perth Keep Joyce Beryl Female Hoult Eric Arthur Male Victoria Park
1945/101841 Perth Hoult Eric Arthur Male Keep Joyce Beryl Female Victoria Park
1945/101842 Perth Williams Gwen Female Bevis Andrew Gordon Male Victoria Park
1945/101842 Perth Bevis Andrew Gordon Male Williams Gwen Female Victoria Park
1945/101843 Perth Macdonald Kenneth Male Inglis Janet Female Perth
1945/101843 Perth Inglis Janet Female Macdonald Kenneth Male Perth
1945/101844 Perth Passmore George Arthur Male Doust Phylis Annie Female South Perth
1945/101844 Perth Doust Phylis Annie Female Passmore George Arthur Male South Perth
1945/101845 Perth McCallum Archibald Anderson Male Dalley Lillian Doris Female Perth
1945/101845 Perth Dalley Lillian Doris Female McCallum Archibald Anderson Male Perth
1945/101846 Perth Hickson Jack Henry Male Thomas Joyce Margaret Female Cottesloe
1945/101846 Perth Thomas Joyce Margaret Female Hickson Jack Henry Male Cottesloe
1945/101847 Perth Bell Martha Antoinette Female Nixon Thomas Male West Perth
1945/101847 Perth Nixon Thomas Male Bell Martha Antoinette Female West Perth
1945/101848 Perth Nicholson Keith Gervase Male Watters Dorothy Joy Turner Female Cottesloe
1945/101848 Perth Watters Dorothy Joy Turner Female Nicholson Keith Gervase Male Cottesloe
1945/101849 Perth Simpson Hazel Doreen Female Smart John Hilary Male Cottesloe
1945/101849 Perth Smart John Hilary Male Simpson Hazel Doreen Female Cottesloe
1945/101850 Perth Gibbons John Patrick Male Riley Eleanor Female Perth
1945/101850 Perth Riley Eleanor Female Gibbons John Patrick Male Perth
1945/101851 Perth Nugent Robert Samuel Male Hearnden Ethel Ada Female Perth
1945/101851 Perth Hearnden Ethel Ada Female Nugent Robert Samuel Male Perth
1945/101852 Perth Ward Vera Female Herd Douglas Arthur Male Perth
1945/101852 Perth Herd Douglas Arthur Male Ward Vera Female Perth
1945/101853 Perth Pilton Ruby Mabel Female Keenan George Andrew Male Perth
1945/101853 Perth Keenan George Andrew Male Pilton Ruby Mabel Female Perth
1945/101854 Perth Roberts Alma Carmel Female Ritchie David McQueen Male Highgate Hill
1945/101854 Perth Ritchie David McQueen Male Roberts Alma Carmel Female Highgate Hill
1945/101855 Perth Stubbs Peter Halkon Male Leo Maureen Female Highgate Hill
1945/101855 Perth Leo Maureen Female Stubbs Peter Halkon Male Highgate Hill
1945/101856 Perth Levings Muriel Rose Female Bentley Charles Ernest Male Perth
1945/101856 Perth Bentley Charles Ernest Male Levings Muriel Rose Female Perth
1945/101857 Perth McNabb Roy Thompson Male Davis Jean Valda Female Perth
1945/101857 Perth Davis Jean Valda Female McNabb Roy Thompson Male Perth
1945/101858 Perth Donovan Mary Helen Female Morgan Charles Ivor Male Leederville
1945/101858 Perth Morgan Charles Ivor Male Donovan Mary Helen Female Leederville
1945/101859 Perth Hudson Raymond Male King Edith Mary Female Victoria Park
1945/101859 Perth King Edith Mary Female Hudson Raymond Male Victoria Park
1945/101860 Perth McNamara Peter Male Thomson Louisa Elizabeth Female Cottesloe
1945/101860 Perth Thomson Louisa Elizabeth Female McNamara Peter Male Cottesloe
1945/101861 Perth van den Broeke Johan Male Patterson Lorna Ellen Female Cottesloe
1945/101861 Perth Patterson Lorna Ellen Female van den Broeke Johan Male Cottesloe
1945/101862 Perth Tomlinson Dennis Ivan Male de Marche Dulcie Janet Female Hollywood Mil Hospital
1945/101862 Perth de Marche Dulcie Janet Female Tomlinson Dennis Ivan Male Hollywood Mil Hospital
1945/101863 Perth Pratt Albert Male Whittam Jennie Female Perth
1945/101863 Perth Whittam Jennie Female Pratt Albert Male Perth
1945/101864 Perth Moore Thelma Rose Mary Female Combley Edward James Male Claremont
1945/101864 Perth Combley Edward James Male Moore Thelma Rose Mary Female Claremont
1945/101865 Perth McAllan Kathleen Ann Female Lovegrove Edwin Archard Male Claremont
1945/101865 Perth Lovegrove Edwin Archard Male McAllan Kathleen Ann Female Claremont
1945/101866 Perth Greene Eva Female McManus John Male Perth
1945/101866 Perth McManus John Male Greene Eva Female Perth
1945/101867 Perth Howe Dora Margaret Jean Female Rogers Cecil Frederic Ernest Male Perth
1945/101867 Perth Rogers Cecil Frederic Ernest Male Howe Dora Margaret Jean Female Perth
1945/101868 Perth Murdoch Kenneth Harding Male Dundas Phyllis Female Perth
1945/101868 Perth Dundas Phyllis Female Murdoch Kenneth Harding Male Perth
1945/101869 Perth Marsh Frances Margaret Female Savage John Male Swanbourne
1945/101869 Perth Savage John Male Marsh Frances Margaret Female Swanbourne
1945/101870 Perth Harron Veronica Rose Female Henderson William Forbes Male Perth
1945/101870 Perth Henderson William Forbes Male Harron Veronica Rose Female Perth
1945/101871 Perth Shaw George Male Brown Grace Beryl Female Perth
1945/101871 Perth Brown Grace Beryl Female Shaw George Male Perth
1945/101872 Perth Kelleher Gilbert Hugh Thomas Male Bridges Teresa Frances Female Perth
1945/101872 Perth Bridges Teresa Frances Female Kelleher Gilbert Hugh Thomas Male Perth
1945/101873 Perth Parkinson Patricia Female Barnes Kenneth Wallace Christopher Male Perth
1945/101873 Perth Barnes Kenneth Wallace Christopher Male Parkinson Patricia Female Perth
1945/101874 Perth Brown Mabel Evelyn Female Juon Ernest Frederick Male Perth
1945/101874 Perth Juon Ernest Frederick Male Brown Mabel Evelyn Female Perth
1945/101875 Perth McNeice Ernestine Joan Female Buckey Alfred Male Subiaco
1945/101875 Perth Buckey Alfred Male McNeice Ernestine Joan Female Subiaco
1945/101876 Perth Owen Leslie Cunliffe Male Fist Marjorie Ashford Female Perth
1945/101876 Perth Fist Marjorie Ashford Female Owen Leslie Cunliffe Male Perth
1945/101877 Perth Badock Brian Clennell Male Hales Patricia Louise Female Perth
1945/101877 Perth Hales Patricia Louise Female Badock Brian Clennell Male Perth
1945/101878 Perth Dunn Olive Rae Female Theedom Eric William Male Perth
1945/101878 Perth Theedom Eric William Male Dunn Olive Rae Female Perth
1945/101879 Perth Fay Doreen Alice Female Wallace Charles Barr Male Maylands
1945/101879 Perth Wallace Charles Barr Male Fay Doreen Alice Female Maylands
1945/101880 Perth Allday Charles William Male Marnham Dulcie May Female Perth
1945/101880 Perth Marnham Dulcie May Female Allday Charles William Male Perth
1945/101881 Perth McGann James Thomas Male Hamersley Elvia Vera Female Perth
1945/101881 Perth Hamersley Elvia Vera Female McGann James Thomas Male Perth
1945/101882 Perth Stack Ellen Maude Female Howard Leslie Albert Male South Perth
1945/101882 Perth Howard Leslie Albert Male Stack Ellen Maude Female South Perth
1945/101883 Perth Newham Phyllis Edith Female Smylie Robert Male Subiaco
1945/101883 Perth Smylie Robert Male Newham Phyllis Edith Female Subiaco
1945/101884 Perth Henke Stafford Charles Male Mansbridge Ida Franklin Female Subiaco
1945/101884 Perth Mansbridge Ida Franklin Female Henke Stafford Charles Male Subiaco
1945/101885 Perth Dibley Robert Walter Haynes Male Johnston Morrey Female Nedlands Methodist Church
1945/101885 Perth Johnston Morrey Female Dibley Robert Walter Haynes Male Nedlands Methodist Church
1945/101886 Perth Hutchinson Charles Henry Male Haley Winifred Marjory Female Perth
1945/101886 Perth Haley Winifred Marjory Female Hutchinson Charles Henry Male Perth
1945/101887 Perth Howland Nina Female Morrow Charles Henry Male South Como
1945/101887 Perth Svidersky Nina Female Morrow Charles Henry Male South Como
1945/101887 Perth Morrow Charles Henry Male Howland Nina Female South Como
1945/101887 Perth Morrow Charles Henry Male Svidersky Nina Female South Como
1945/101888 Perth Leahy Stanley Joseph Male Gray Georgina Rose Female Cottesloe
1945/101888 Perth Gray Georgina Rose Female Leahy Stanley Joseph Male Cottesloe
1945/101889 Perth Smith Stanley Male Tresidder Wendy Olive Female Nedlands
1945/101889 Perth Tresidder Wendy Olive Female Smith Stanley Male Nedlands
1945/101890 Perth Smoker Ronald Male Sherwood Hilda Florence Female E Perth
1945/101890 Perth Sherwood Hilda Florence Female Smoker Ronald Male E Perth
1945/101891 Perth Beer Francis Arthur Male Coops Florence Mary Female Victoria Park
1945/101891 Perth Coops Florence Mary Female Beer Francis Arthur Male Victoria Park
1945/101892 Perth Humphreys Millicent Doreen Female Carr Gerald Gregory Male West Perth
1945/101892 Perth Carr Gerald Gregory Male Humphreys Millicent Doreen Female West Perth
1945/101893 Perth Smith Ernest Thomas Wilfred Male Johnson Ellen Female West Perth
1945/101893 Perth Johnson Ellen Female Smith Ernest Thomas Wilfred Male West Perth
1945/101894 Perth O'Donnell Walter Michael Male Thomas Kathleen Margaret Female South Perth
1945/101894 Perth Thomas Kathleen Margaret Female O'Donnell Walter Michael Male South Perth
1945/101895 Perth Flynn Maurice Joseph Male Wood Gertrude May Female Perth
1945/101895 Perth Wood Gertrude May Female Flynn Maurice Joseph Male Perth
1945/101896 Perth Haynes Leo Arthur Male Christie Daisy Female East Victoria Park
1945/101896 Perth Christie Daisy Female Haynes Leo Arthur Male East Victoria Park
1945/101897 Perth Fisher Edith Mary Female Grimmett Leonard Frank Male East Victoria Park
1945/101897 Perth Grimmett Leonard Frank Male Fisher Edith Mary Female East Victoria Park
1945/101898 Perth Fullarton Rose Camilla Female Atkinson James William Male Highgate Hill
1945/101898 Perth Atkinson James William Male Fullarton Rose Camilla Female Highgate Hill
1945/101899 Perth Turnbull Linda Female Morrissey James Francis Male Perth
1945/101899 Perth Morrissey James Francis Male Turnbull Linda Female Perth
1945/101900 Perth Jones William Edwin Clement Male Gilman Doris Female East Claremont
1945/101900 Perth Gilman Doris Female Jones William Edwin Clement Male East Claremont
1945/101901 Perth Ripley Harold Charles Male Byfield Constance Rose Female Subiaco
1945/101901 Perth Byfield Constance Rose Female Ripley Harold Charles Male Subiaco
1945/101902 Perth Carwardine Clarence Charles Male Hallissy Dorothy Mary Female Perth
1945/101902 Perth Hallissy Dorothy Mary Female Carwardine Clarence Charles Male Perth
1945/101903 Perth Thorpe Norma Doris Female MacColl Duncan Davidson Male Perth
1945/101903 Perth MacColl Duncan Davidson Male Thorpe Norma Doris Female Perth
1945/101904 Perth Kendrick Alfred Thomas Male Tarrant Jaquita Dominica Female Perth
1945/101904 Perth Tarrant Jaquita Dominica Female Kendrick Alfred Thomas Male Perth
1945/101905 Perth James Peter Male New Ethel Rosina Female Perth
1945/101905 Perth New Ethel Rosina Female James Peter Male Perth
1945/101906 Perth Petersen Leslie James Male Hart Helen Female Perth
1945/101906 Perth Hart Helen Female Petersen Leslie James Male Perth
1945/101907 Perth Mackenzie Robert Male Holt Edna Female Perth
1945/101907 Perth Holt Edna Female Mackenzie Robert Male Perth
1945/101908 Perth Middleton Audrey Attree Female Ballantyne Donald Male Perth
1945/101908 Perth Ballantyne Donald Male Middleton Audrey Attree Female Perth
1945/101909 Perth Phillips Dorothy Edith Female Herbert William Leslie Male Perth
1945/101909 Perth Herbert William Leslie Male Phillips Dorothy Edith Female Perth
1945/101910 Perth Beard Shirley Joyce Female Lee Ernest Douglas Male Perth
1945/101910 Perth Lee Ernest Douglas Male Beard Shirley Joyce Female Perth
1945/101911 Perth Brooke Paul Walter Albert Male Purdy Dorothy Marion Female Perth
1945/101911 Perth Purdy Dorothy Marion Female Brooke Paul Walter Albert Male Perth
1945/101912 Perth Cook David Charles Male Nabbs Joan Female Subiaco
1945/101912 Perth Nabbs Joan Female Cook David Charles Male Subiaco
1945/101913 Perth Stephens Alice Winifred Female Forbes Keith George Male Perth
1945/101913 Perth Forbes Keith George Male Stephens Alice Winifred Female Perth
1945/101914 Perth Romano Thelma May Female Mosey Joseph Albert Male Perth
1945/101914 Perth Mosey Joseph Albert Male Romano Thelma May Female Perth
1945/101915 Perth Linley Truda Isobel Jean Female Over Arthur Augustine Male Perth
1945/101915 Perth Over Arthur Augustine Male Linley Truda Isobel Jean Female Perth
1945/101916 Perth Mitchell Emma Female O'Brien Daniel Male Perth
1945/101916 Perth O'Brien Daniel Male Mitchell Emma Female Perth
1945/101917 Perth Sloane Thelma Dorothy Jean Female Oetelmans Pieter Marinus Frans Male Perth
1945/101917 Perth Oetelmans Pieter Marinus Frans Male Sloane Thelma Dorothy Jean Female Perth
1945/101918 Perth Taylor Betty Norma Female Hill Ronald John Male Nedlands
1945/101918 Perth Hill Ronald John Male Taylor Betty Norma Female Nedlands
1945/101919 Perth Harn Edna Joyce Female Ismay Anthony Arnold Markham Male Perth
1945/101919 Perth Ismay Anthony Arnold Markham Male Harn Edna Joyce Female Perth
1945/101920 Perth Ryan Norah Muriel Female James Arthur Henry Male Perth
1945/101920 Perth James Arthur Henry Male Ryan Norah Muriel Female Perth
1945/101921 Perth Moir Gerald Robert Male Barnes Doris Joyce Female Perth
1945/101921 Perth Barnes Doris Joyce Female Moir Gerald Robert Male Perth
1945/101922 Perth Conway Raymond Albert Edward Male Vivian Joan Lavinia Female Mt Lawley
1945/101922 Perth Vivian Joan Lavinia Female Conway Raymond Albert Edward Male Mt Lawley
1945/101923 Perth Halliday James Male Nicol Joan Athel Female Perth
1945/101923 Perth Nicol Joan Athel Female Halliday James Male Perth
1945/101924 Perth Browne Francis Percival Male Burge Shirley Vi Female Perth
1945/101924 Perth Burge Shirley Vi Female Browne Francis Percival Male Perth
1945/101925 Perth Fleer Betty Female Oswald Ronald James Male Perth
1945/101925 Perth Oswald Ronald James Male Fleer Betty Female Perth
1945/101926 Perth Walker Beryl Eleanor Female Hill Bruce Macauley Male Perth
1945/101926 Perth Hill Bruce Macauley Male Walker Beryl Eleanor Female Perth
1945/101927 Perth Rinke George Jack Male Hutchinson Betty May Female Perth
1945/101927 Perth Hutchinson Betty May Female Rinke George Jack Male Perth
1945/101928 Perth Hodge Viola Eileen Female Brackenridge Albert Male N Perth
1945/101928 Perth Brackenridge Albert Male Hodge Viola Eileen Female N Perth
1945/101929 Perth Byron Douglas William Male Jamieson Natalie Mary Female Perth
1945/101929 Perth Jamieson Natalie Mary Female Byron Douglas William Male Perth
1945/101930 Perth Barnes Stanley Roy Male Phillips Kathleen Florence Female Perth
1945/101930 Perth Phillips Kathleen Florence Female Barnes Stanley Roy Male Perth
1945/101931 Perth Garratt George Male Cresswell Joan Olive Female Perth
1945/101931 Perth Cresswell Joan Olive Female Garratt George Male Perth
1945/101932 Perth Poole Walter Reuben Male Baldock Blanche Mary Female Perth
1945/101932 Perth Baldock Blanche Mary Female Poole Walter Reuben Male Perth
1945/101933 Perth Truran Beryl Mavis Female Brennan Eric John Male Perth
1945/101933 Perth Brennan Eric John Male Truran Beryl Mavis Female Perth
1945/101934 Perth Holmsen Thomas Victor Male Orton Dorothy Joyce Female Mt Lawley
1945/101934 Perth Orton Dorothy Joyce Female Holmsen Thomas Victor Male Mt Lawley
1945/101935 Perth Miller Peggy Lynette Female Lambert Maurice Henry John Male Claremont
1945/101935 Perth Lambert Maurice Henry John Male Miller Peggy Lynette Female Claremont
1945/101936 Perth Eversden Zellah Edwina Female Bamford Frederick Ronald Male Perth
1945/101936 Perth Bamford Frederick Ronald Male Eversden Zellah Edwina Female Perth
1945/101937 Perth Duthie Lorna Constance Female Wilson Douglas Rose Campbell Male Claremont
1945/101937 Perth Wilson Douglas Rose Campbell Male Duthie Lorna Constance Female Claremont
1945/101938 Perth Punch Lewis Male Bond Lylies Matilda Female Perth
1945/101938 Perth Bond Lylies Matilda Female Punch Lewis Male Perth
1945/101939 Perth Crowley Hilda Barbara Elizabeth Female Renton John Edward Male Perth
1945/101939 Perth Renton John Edward Male Crowley Hilda Barbara Elizabeth Female Perth
1945/101940 Perth Newman Eric Edward Male Shillington Mollie Elsie Female West Aust
1945/101940 Perth Shillington Mollie Elsie Female Newman Eric Edward Male West Aust
1945/101941 Perth Ebbs William Walter Male Hynes Alma Female Perth
1945/101941 Perth Hynes Alma Female Ebbs William Walter Male Perth
1945/101942 Perth Ellis Joyce Edna Female Robinson Leslie John Male Perth
1945/101942 Perth Robinson Leslie John Male Ellis Joyce Edna Female Perth
1945/101943 Perth Harris Valerie May Female Vooles George Male Perth
1945/101943 Perth Vooles George Male Harris Valerie May Female Perth
1945/101944 Perth Neely Dudley Bindley Male Cocks Maude Female Perth
1945/101944 Perth Cocks Maude Female Neely Dudley Bindley Male Perth
1945/101945 Perth Joy George Benson Male Wilson Betty Mary Female Perth
1945/101945 Perth Wilson Betty Mary Female Joy George Benson Male Perth
1945/101946 Perth Price John Maurice Male Gibson Mary Female Claremont
1945/101946 Perth Gibson Mary Female Price John Maurice Male Claremont
1945/101947 Perth Johnston Gervase de Clifford Male Forrest Zoe Ruth Female Claremont
1945/101947 Perth Forrest Zoe Ruth Female Johnston Gervase de Clifford Male Claremont
1945/101948 Perth Vansittart Robert Charles Male Dunne Joan Patricia Female Claremont
1945/101948 Perth Dunne Joan Patricia Female Vansittart Robert Charles Male Claremont
1945/101949 Perth Dodds Iris Melva Female Fry Lancelot Harold Male Perth
1945/101949 Perth Fry Lancelot Harold Male Dodds Iris Melva Female Perth
1945/101950 Perth Shilkin Mona Ann Female Rosenfield Lionel Nathan Male Perth
1945/101950 Perth Rosenfield Lionel Nathan Male Shilkin Mona Ann Female Perth
1945/101951 Perth Blanchard Gavin Paul Male Piggott Edith Grace Female Highgate Hill
1945/101951 Perth Piggott Edith Grace Female Blanchard Gavin Paul Male Highgate Hill
1945/101952 Perth Randall Betty Frances Female Jones Richard Ramsden Male Perth
1945/101952 Perth Jones Richard Ramsden Male Randall Betty Frances Female Perth
1945/101953 Perth Marchant Arthur Noel Male Aitken Doreen Pearl Female Leederville Congregational Church
1945/101953 Perth Aitken Doreen Pearl Female Marchant Arthur Noel Male Leederville Congregational Church
1945/101954 Perth Dunn Joyce Owen Margaret Female Gorringe John Male South Perth
1945/101954 Perth Gorringe John Male Dunn Joyce Owen Margaret Female South Perth
1945/101955 Perth Wood James Leslie Male Buchanan Shirley Mae Female Perth
1945/101955 Perth Buchanan Shirley Mae Female Wood James Leslie Male Perth
1945/101956 Perth Dalziell Arthur George Male Flanders Olive Kay Female Perth
1945/101956 Perth Flanders Olive Kay Female Dalziell Arthur George Male Perth
1945/101957 Perth Lowrie John Haig Male Thorne Norma Dulcie Female Perth
1945/101957 Perth Thorne Norma Dulcie Female Lowrie John Haig Male Perth
1945/101958 Perth Ashworth Ruth Florrence Female Reilly Arnold Francis Male Perth
1945/101958 Perth Reilly Arnold Francis Male Ashworth Ruth Florrence Female Perth
1945/101959 Perth Fowler Phyllis Irene Female Ryding Eric Spencer Male Perth
1945/101959 Perth Ryding Eric Spencer Male Fowler Phyllis Irene Female Perth
1945/101960 Perth Coyle Veronica Mary Female McQueen Gregory Male Forrest Park
1945/101960 Perth McQueen Gregory Male Coyle Veronica Mary Female Forrest Park
1945/101961 Perth Hutchings Beryl May Female Boyd Alfred Male Perth
1945/101961 Perth Boyd Alfred Male Hutchings Beryl May Female Perth
1945/101962 Perth Wood Kathleen Female Liddell John Norman Male West Perth
1945/101962 Perth Liddell John Norman Male Wood Kathleen Female West Perth
1945/101963 Perth Stirling Robert Male Phillips Isabella Margaret Female West Perth
1945/101963 Perth Phillips Isabella Margaret Female Stirling Robert Male West Perth
1945/101964 Perth Jacks William Thomas Male Ferguson Joyce Florence Female West Perth
1945/101964 Perth Ferguson Joyce Florence Female Jacks William Thomas Male West Perth
1945/101965 Perth Needs Raymond Terry Male Rule Joan Marjorie Female Nedlands
1945/101965 Perth Rule Joan Marjorie Female Needs Raymond Terry Male Nedlands
1945/101966 Perth Read Gladys May Female Gilsenan Leslie Walter Male Victoria Park
1945/101966 Perth Gilsenan Leslie Walter Male Read Gladys May Female Victoria Park
1945/101967 Perth Usher William George Male Coxon Doris Olive Female Victoria Park
1945/101967 Perth Coxon Doris Olive Female Usher William George Male Victoria Park
1945/101968 Perth Dahlberg Ocsar Bedford Male Martinovich Irene Joyce Female West Leederville
1945/101968 Perth Martinovich Irene Joyce Female Dahlberg Ocsar Bedford Male West Leederville
1945/101969 Perth Husking Allan Male Ardagh June Rose Female West Leederville
1945/101969 Perth Ardagh June Rose Female Husking Allan Male West Leederville
1945/101970 Perth Whyte David Chalmers Male Waters Joan Rose Female Perth
1945/101970 Perth Waters Joan Rose Female Whyte David Chalmers Male Perth
1945/101971 Perth Walden Isabelle Margaret Female Devlin Edward Francis Male Perth
1945/101971 Perth Devlin Edward Francis Male Walden Isabelle Margaret Female Perth
1945/101972 Perth Oliver Joan Elizabeth Female Horne Samuel George Male Perth
1945/101972 Perth Horne Samuel George Male Oliver Joan Elizabeth Female Perth
1945/101973 Perth Sheen Betty Female Hardie James Stoddart Male Perth
1945/101973 Perth Hardie James Stoddart Male Sheen Betty Female Perth
1945/101974 Perth Jones Cecil Harris Male Hare Joyce Female West Perth
1945/101974 Perth Hare Joyce Female Jones Cecil Harris Male West Perth
1945/101975 Perth Lanchester Joan Maude Female Watts Leslie John Male West Perth
1945/101975 Perth Watts Leslie John Male Lanchester Joan Maude Female West Perth
1945/101976 Perth Purtle Stanley Joseph Male vom Hofe Irmgard Johanna Ulricke Kalan Female West Perth
1945/101976 Perth vom Hofe Irmgard Johanna Ulricke Kalan Female Purtle Stanley Joseph Male West Perth
1945/101977 Perth Carrick Mavis Grace Female Vickery Henry Charles Male West Perth
1945/101977 Perth Vickery Henry Charles Male Carrick Mavis Grace Female West Perth
1945/101978 Perth Macdonald William Craig Stuart Male Tomlinson Bethwyn Edith Angove Female West Perth
1945/101978 Perth Tomlinson Bethwyn Edith Angove Female Macdonald William Craig Stuart Male West Perth
1945/101979 Perth Hardwick Joan Evelyn Female Gaiger Roland Clifford Male West Perth
1945/101979 Perth Gaiger Roland Clifford Male Hardwick Joan Evelyn Female West Perth
1945/101980 Perth Hunn Rosemary Ann Female Millar Michael Darracott Male Cottesloe
1945/101980 Perth Millar Michael Darracott Male Hunn Rosemary Ann Female Cottesloe
1945/101981 Perth Macdonald Janet Female Maraspen Francis Matthew Male Perth
1945/101981 Perth Maraspen Francis Matthew Male Macdonald Janet Female Perth
1945/101982 Perth Hanson John David Male Graham Doreen Betty Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/101982 Perth Graham Doreen Betty Female Hanson John David Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/101983 Perth Jenkins Edward Male Livesey Mavis Violet Female Osborne Park
1945/101983 Perth Livesey Mavis Violet Female Jenkins Edward Male Osborne Park
1945/101984 Perth Davies Vivian Glyn Male Gee Joan Josephine Clemence Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/101984 Perth Gee Joan Josephine Clemence Female Davies Vivian Glyn Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/101985 Perth Nicol Agnes Jean Female Fry George Franklin Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/101985 Perth Fry George Franklin Male Nicol Agnes Jean Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/101986 Perth Armstrong Patricia Ida Female Cunningham Christopher Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/101986 Perth Cunningham Christopher Male Armstrong Patricia Ida Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/101987 Perth Lillig Olive Linda Female Traill Maurice Algar Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/101987 Perth Traill Maurice Algar Male Lillig Olive Linda Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/101988 Perth Fallon Leslie Clement Male Franklin Margaret Winifred Jean Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/101988 Perth Franklin Margaret Winifred Jean Female Fallon Leslie Clement Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/101989 Perth Beattie Elizabeth Mary Female Leslie Graham Milne Male Perth
1945/101989 Perth Leslie Graham Milne Male Beattie Elizabeth Mary Female Perth
1945/101990 Perth Hickey Cecelia Mary Henderson Female Grigg Henry Tattersall Male Nth Perth
1945/101990 Perth Grigg Henry Tattersall Male Hickey Cecelia Mary Henderson Female Nth Perth
1945/101991 Perth Keenan Fredrick Ernest Male Coster Elizabeth May Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/101991 Perth Coster Elizabeth May Female Keenan Fredrick Ernest Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/101992 Perth Badge Gordon Desmond Male Thorn Freda Elaine Female Perth
1945/101992 Perth Thorn Freda Elaine Female Badge Gordon Desmond Male Perth
1945/101993 Perth Percival Rosie Jane Female Drummond Norman André Male Perth
1945/101993 Perth Drummond Norman André Male Percival Rosie Jane Female Perth
1945/101994 Perth Mellor Mabel Mary Female Powell Frank Baden Male Perth
1945/101994 Perth Powell Frank Baden Male Mellor Mabel Mary Female Perth
1945/101995 Perth Ellson Ailsa Margaret Female Moss Frank Archer Cecil Male Victoria Park
1945/101995 Perth Moss Frank Archer Cecil Male Ellson Ailsa Margaret Female Victoria Park
1945/101996 Perth Baker William George Male Johnson Doris Isabel Female Perth
1945/101996 Perth Johnson Doris Isabel Female Baker William George Male Perth
1945/101997 Perth Piggott Edward James Male Slater Kathleen Female Perth
1945/101997 Perth Slater Kathleen Female Piggott Edward James Male Perth
1945/101998 Perth Kerr Jessie Rose Female Megaw Sidney Burge Male Victoria Park
1945/101998 Perth Megaw Sidney Burge Male Kerr Jessie Rose Female Victoria Park
1945/101999 Perth Browne Laurence Alexander Male Collins Gwenda Marie Female Cottesloe
1945/101999 Perth Collins Gwenda Marie Female Browne Laurence Alexander Male Cottesloe
1945/102000 Perth Chandler James Male Fallon Malvina Marie Female Highgate Hill
1945/102000 Perth Fallon Malvina Marie Female Chandler James Male Highgate Hill
1945/102001 Perth Brown Daphne Verrill Female Crack Alwyne George Male Perth
1945/102001 Perth Crack Alwyne George Male Brown Daphne Verrill Female Perth
1945/102002 Perth Parker Cicely Mary Female Hutchison Edgar Keith Male Perth
1945/102002 Perth Hutchison Edgar Keith Male Parker Cicely Mary Female Perth
1945/102003 Perth Hockley Lucy May Female Steel Reginald Douglas Male Subiaco
1945/102003 Perth Steel Reginald Douglas Male Hockley Lucy May Female Subiaco
1945/102004 Perth Woods Arthur Roy Male Scott Ethel Jean Female Subiaco
1945/102004 Perth Scott Ethel Jean Female Woods Arthur Roy Male Subiaco
1945/102005 Perth Gregory Winifred Dorothea Female Ewing Peter Norman Male North Perth Baptist Church
1945/102005 Perth Ewing Peter Norman Male Gregory Winifred Dorothea Female North Perth Baptist Church
1945/102006 Perth McAndrew Dorothy Phyllis Mary Female Brown Horace James Male Perth
1945/102006 Perth Brown Horace James Male McAndrew Dorothy Phyllis Mary Female Perth
1945/102007 Perth Phillips Dorothy Ellice Female Ellis Edwin John Male South Perth
1945/102007 Perth Ellis Edwin John Male Phillips Dorothy Ellice Female South Perth
1945/102008 Perth Morris Lloyd Keith Male Johnston Dorothy Evelyn Female Perth
1945/102008 Perth Johnston Dorothy Evelyn Female Morris Lloyd Keith Male Perth
1945/102009 Perth Stevens Alice Elizabeth Mary Female Bingham Jesse William Male Perth
1945/102009 Perth Bingham Jesse William Male Stevens Alice Elizabeth Mary Female Perth
1945/102010 Perth Chaytor Stanley Alfred Male Chester Betty Virtue Amelia Female Perth
1945/102010 Perth Chester Betty Virtue Amelia Female Chaytor Stanley Alfred Male Perth
1945/102011 Perth Jackson Betty Joy Female Savage Alfred William Male Perth
1945/102011 Perth Savage Alfred William Male Jackson Betty Joy Female Perth
1945/102012 Perth Sawdon Fannie Jemima Female Sawdon Josiah Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/102012 Perth Sawdon Josiah Male Sawdon Fannie Jemima Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/102013 Perth Ruggero Rremi Female Della Madelina Fiori Giacomo Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/102013 Perth Della Madelina Fiori Giacomo Male Ruggero Rremi Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/102014 Perth Pearce Winifred Jean Female Cox James Frederick Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/102014 Perth Cox James Frederick Male Pearce Winifred Jean Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/102015 Perth Jennings John Male Sloss Doris May Female Osborne Park
1945/102015 Perth Sloss Doris May Female Jennings John Male Osborne Park
1945/102016 Perth Bond Charles Henry Male McLean Agnes Irene Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/102016 Perth McLean Agnes Irene Female Bond Charles Henry Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/102017 Perth Freestone Frank Lewis Male Ranger Daphney Eileen Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/102017 Perth Ranger Daphney Eileen Female Freestone Frank Lewis Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/102018 Perth Flitcroft Keith Frederick Male Evans Olive May Female Osborne Park
1945/102018 Perth Evans Olive May Female Flitcroft Keith Frederick Male Osborne Park
1945/102019 Perth Reading Frances Muriel Female Ayoub John Edward Male Perth
1945/102019 Perth Ayoub John Edward Male Reading Frances Muriel Female Perth
1945/102020 Perth Buckland Albert William Male Ripp Doreen Elsie Gladys Female Perth
1945/102020 Perth Ripp Doreen Elsie Gladys Female Buckland Albert William Male Perth
1945/102021 Perth Sargent Roy Male Evans Alma May Female Perth
1945/102021 Perth Evans Alma May Female Sargent Roy Male Perth
1945/102022 Perth Stockden Phyllis Female Murphy Edward Roy Male North Perth
1945/102022 Perth Murphy Edward Roy Male Stockden Phyllis Female North Perth
1945/102023 Perth Patterson Katie Female Pell Bernard John Male North Perth Methodist Church
1945/102023 Perth Pell Bernard John Male Patterson Katie Female North Perth Methodist Church
1945/102024 Perth Riessen Robert William Male Marsden Dorothy Mary Female Inglewood
1945/102024 Perth Marsden Dorothy Mary Female Riessen Robert William Male Inglewood
1945/102025 Perth Gilmour Archibald Male O'Donnell Eileen Maud Female Inglewood
1945/102025 Perth O'Donnell Eileen Maud Female Gilmour Archibald Male Inglewood
1945/102026 Perth Heatly Robert McFarlane Male Rose Elizabeth Female Perth
1945/102026 Perth Rose Elizabeth Female Heatly Robert McFarlane Male Perth
1945/102027 Perth Oberg Patricia Ann Female Donovan Eric Stanley Male Cottesloe
1945/102027 Perth Donovan Eric Stanley Male Oberg Patricia Ann Female Cottesloe
1945/102028 Perth Tepper Kathleen May Female Jenkin Gilbert James Male Nedlands
1945/102028 Perth Jenkin Gilbert James Male Tepper Kathleen May Female Nedlands
1945/102029 Perth Mead Frank Donald Male Gilham Merle Female Nedlands
1945/102029 Perth Gilham Merle Female Mead Frank Donald Male Nedlands
1945/102030 Perth Croci Modesta Jean Female Dillon Norbert Male Perth
1945/102030 Perth Dillon Norbert Male Croci Modesta Jean Female Perth
1945/102031 Perth Smith Doris Edna Female Barbour Thomas Male Perth
1945/102031 Perth Barbour Thomas Male Smith Doris Edna Female Perth
1945/102032 Perth Haynes Joan Margaret Female Wallace David Wilson Male Perth
1945/102032 Perth Wallace David Wilson Male Haynes Joan Margaret Female Perth
1945/102033 Perth Falconer Mary Samuel Female Gilbert George Male Perth
1945/102033 Perth Gilbert George Male Falconer Mary Samuel Female Perth
1945/102034 Perth Dunlop Alexander Male Baxter Thora Doreen Female Claremont
1945/102034 Perth Baxter Thora Doreen Female Dunlop Alexander Male Claremont
1945/102035 Perth Fitzgerald Kevin Bernard Male Manion Doreen Mary Female Claremont
1945/102035 Perth Manion Doreen Mary Female Fitzgerald Kevin Bernard Male Claremont
1945/102036 Perth Ramsay Trevor Ian Male Lovell Margaret Joyce Female Perth
1945/102036 Perth Lovell Margaret Joyce Female Ramsay Trevor Ian Male Perth
1945/102037 Perth Wells Marjorie Beatrice Female Boag Ronald George Male Perth
1945/102037 Perth Boag Ronald George Male Wells Marjorie Beatrice Female Perth
1945/102038 Perth Collinson Florence Nellie Female Weaver Frederick John Male Perth
1945/102038 Perth Weaver Frederick John Male Collinson Florence Nellie Female Perth
1945/102039 Perth Dungate Albert Henry Male Lawler Isabel Female Victoria Park
1945/102039 Perth Lawler Isabel Female Dungate Albert Henry Male Victoria Park
1945/102040 Perth Stewart Kenneth Reginald Male Palmer Irene Dorothy Female Victoria Park
1945/102040 Perth Palmer Irene Dorothy Female Stewart Kenneth Reginald Male Victoria Park
1945/102041 Perth Bubb Ronald Edwin Male Hayes Gloria Myrtle Female Victoria Park
1945/102041 Perth Hayes Gloria Myrtle Female Bubb Ronald Edwin Male Victoria Park
1945/102042 Perth Kirwan Harold Leslie Male Drennan Gladys Joy Female West Perth
1945/102042 Perth Drennan Gladys Joy Female Kirwan Harold Leslie Male West Perth
1945/102043 Perth Gartner Minna Margaret Female Chester Norman Angove Male West Perth
1945/102043 Perth Chester Norman Angove Male Gartner Minna Margaret Female West Perth
1945/102044 Perth Bowra Edna Doreen Female Jahn Morris Albert Male West Perth
1945/102044 Perth Jahn Morris Albert Male Bowra Edna Doreen Female West Perth
1945/102045 Perth Rogers Merle Doris Female Everett John Male West Perth
1945/102045 Perth Everett John Male Rogers Merle Doris Female West Perth
1945/102046 Perth North Harry Jack Male Ryan Constance Anne Female West Perth
1945/102046 Perth Ryan Constance Anne Female North Harry Jack Male West Perth
1945/102047 Perth Korff Kenneth Eric Milton Male Wells Kathleen Beatrice Female North Perth
1945/102047 Perth Wells Kathleen Beatrice Female Korff Kenneth Eric Milton Male North Perth
1945/102048 Perth Groves Peter Male Richards Avis Irene Female North Perth
1945/102048 Perth Richards Avis Irene Female Groves Peter Male North Perth
1945/102049 Perth Magor Reginald Gordon Male Davenport Ruth Female Perth
1945/102049 Perth Davenport Ruth Female Magor Reginald Gordon Male Perth
1945/102050 Perth Paterson Lenore Charlotte Female Mansfield Charles Stanley Male Perth
1945/102050 Perth Mansfield Charles Stanley Male Paterson Lenore Charlotte Female Perth
1945/102051 Perth Ellard Dorothy May Female Sallur Harold Male Perth
1945/102051 Perth Sallur Harold Male Ellard Dorothy May Female Perth
1945/102052 Perth Browning Bessie Female Richardson Arthur Bede Male Perth
1945/102052 Perth Richardson Arthur Bede Male Browning Bessie Female Perth
1945/102053 Perth Burston Ann Female Tonkin Richard George Male Perth
1945/102053 Perth Tonkin Richard George Male Burston Ann Female Perth
1945/102054 Perth Gordon Nellie Sarah Female Marshall Jack Eric Male Cottesloe
1945/102054 Perth Marshall Jack Eric Male Gordon Nellie Sarah Female Cottesloe
1945/102055 Perth Bodkin Pattie Agneta Female Dudley-Bateman John Frederick Male Forrest Park Methodist Church
1945/102055 Perth Dudley-Bateman John Frederick Male Bodkin Pattie Agneta Female Forrest Park Methodist Church
1945/102056 Perth Cole Doris Irene Female Harris William George Male Perth
1945/102056 Perth Harris William George Male Cole Doris Irene Female Perth
1945/102057 Perth Johnson Walter Poole Male Sharp Margaret Sheila Edwina Garten Female Nedlands
1945/102057 Perth Sharp Margaret Sheila Edwina Garten Female Johnson Walter Poole Male Nedlands
1945/102058 Perth Beard Thomas Henry Male Gilchrist Alice Maude Mary Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/102058 Perth Gilchrist Alice Maude Mary Female Beard Thomas Henry Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/102059 Perth McMartin Veronica Helene Female Tyson Francis Charles Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/102059 Perth Tyson Francis Charles Male McMartin Veronica Helene Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/102060 Perth Stanford Nora Doris Female Hext Richard George Charles Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/102060 Perth Hext Richard George Charles Male Stanford Nora Doris Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/102061 Perth Organ Georgina Hope Female Everett Francis Herbert John Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/102061 Perth Everett Francis Herbert John Male Organ Georgina Hope Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/102062 Perth Sainsbury Ivy Beatrice Female Jordan Reginald Henry Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/102062 Perth Jordan Reginald Henry Male Sainsbury Ivy Beatrice Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/102063 Perth Moir Ernest Edward Male Whitehouse Anne Eva Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/102063 Perth Whitehouse Anne Eva Female Moir Ernest Edward Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/102064 Perth Turnbull Gordon MacDonald Male Leemon Elizabeth Amelia Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/102064 Perth Leemon Elizabeth Amelia Female Turnbull Gordon MacDonald Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/102065 Perth Chadd Frances Ilma Female Dean Geoffrey Arthur Male Perth
1945/102065 Perth Dean Geoffrey Arthur Male Chadd Frances Ilma Female Perth
1945/102066 Perth Heyhoe Douglas Henry Male Crafter Lois Madge Female Perth
1945/102066 Perth Crafter Lois Madge Female Heyhoe Douglas Henry Male Perth
1945/102067 Perth Stevens Winifred Elsie Female Wadsworth John William Male Perth
1945/102067 Perth Wadsworth John William Male Stevens Winifred Elsie Female Perth
1945/102068 Perth Green Eileen Mary Female Marshall Leslie James Male Perth
1945/102068 Perth Marshall Leslie James Male Green Eileen Mary Female Perth
1945/102069 Perth Bailey James Male Stocker Alice Beatrice Female Perth
1945/102069 Perth Stocker Alice Beatrice Female Bailey James Male Perth
1945/102070 Perth Brennan William Keith Male McCafferty Doreen Isabel Female Perth
1945/102070 Perth McCafferty Doreen Isabel Female Brennan William Keith Male Perth
1945/102071 Perth Young Eric Jesse Male Rutland Elsie Kathleen Female Perth
1945/102071 Perth Rutland Elsie Kathleen Female Young Eric Jesse Male Perth
1945/102072 Perth Lee George Edward Male Ranger Gertrude Emily Female Perth
1945/102072 Perth Ranger Gertrude Emily Female Lee George Edward Male Perth
1945/102073 Perth Fleming Marian Patricia Noel Female Leenhouwers Johan Cornelis Male Perth
1945/102073 Perth Leenhouwers Johan Cornelis Male Fleming Marian Patricia Noel Female Perth
1945/102074 Perth Maxfield Gerard Peter Male Rodoreda Julie Female Claremont
1945/102074 Perth Rodoreda Julie Female Maxfield Gerard Peter Male Claremont
1945/102075 Perth Tapscott Amy Coral Female Tapscott Ernest Charles Male Maylands
1945/102075 Perth Tapscott Ernest Charles Male Tapscott Amy Coral Female Maylands
1945/102076 Perth Coles Ivy Female Wise William Henry Male Maylands
1945/102076 Perth Wise William Henry Male Coles Ivy Female Maylands
1945/102077 Perth Rudland Harry Doyle Male Sartori Dorothy May Female Perth
1945/102077 Perth Sartori Dorothy May Female Rudland Harry Doyle Male Perth
1945/102078 Perth Mackay Johan Hugo Baron Male Herbert Margaret Pearse Female Claremont
1945/102078 Perth Herbert Margaret Pearse Female Mackay Johan Hugo Baron Male Claremont
1945/102079 Perth Prothero Constance Wright Female Smoker Eric Paterson Male W Perth
1945/102079 Perth Smoker Eric Paterson Male Prothero Constance Wright Female W Perth
1945/102080 Perth Prinsen Lammert Male Atkinson Eve Female Claremont
1945/102080 Perth Atkinson Eve Female Prinsen Lammert Male Claremont
1945/102081 Perth Carr David Michael Male Mews Thelma Clarissa Female Cottesloe
1945/102081 Perth Mews Thelma Clarissa Female Carr David Michael Male Cottesloe
1945/102082 Perth Kopke Norman Ernest Male Stewart Mary Josephine Female East Claremont
1945/102082 Perth Stewart Mary Josephine Female Kopke Norman Ernest Male East Claremont
1945/102083 Perth Smith Douglas Thomas Male Stevens Iris Ada Female Perth
1945/102083 Perth Stevens Iris Ada Female Smith Douglas Thomas Male Perth
1945/102084 Perth Wheatley Aubrey McKellar Male Clarke Norma Doris Female Perth
1945/102084 Perth Clarke Norma Doris Female Wheatley Aubrey McKellar Male Perth
1945/102085 Perth MacGregor Joyce Female Taylor Robert Walker Male Claremont
1945/102085 Perth Taylor Robert Walker Male MacGregor Joyce Female Claremont
1945/102086 Perth McSweeney Eric Lloyd Male Ridgwell Ethel Edna Amelia Female Perth
1945/102086 Perth Ridgwell Ethel Edna Amelia Female McSweeney Eric Lloyd Male Perth
1945/102087 Perth Golding William Jesse Male Partlon Alice Cecilia Female Maylands
1945/102087 Perth Partlon Alice Cecilia Female Golding William Jesse Male Maylands
1945/102088 Perth Lawrence Thomas William Male Brown Doris Female Perth
1945/102088 Perth Brown Doris Female Lawrence Thomas William Male Perth
1945/102089 Perth Thomas Jessie Elizabeth Female Sanders Gene McDonald Male Subiaco
1945/102089 Perth Sanders Gene McDonald Male Thomas Jessie Elizabeth Female Subiaco
1945/102090 Perth Sankey Victor Frank Male Leach Joan Mary Female Claremont
1945/102090 Perth Leach Joan Mary Female Sankey Victor Frank Male Claremont
1945/102091 Perth Britten Christopher Barton Male Martin Joan Cecily Female Claremont
1945/102091 Perth Martin Joan Cecily Female Britten Christopher Barton Male Claremont
1945/102092 Perth Brennan James Male Goodilyer Myrtle Female Perth
1945/102092 Perth Goodilyer Myrtle Female Brennan James Male Perth
1945/102093 Perth Stanley Cyril Albert Male MacLennan Joyce Female Perth
1945/102093 Perth MacLennan Joyce Female Stanley Cyril Albert Male Perth
1945/102094 Perth Balinski Evelyn Female Cassidy Jack Ronald Robert Male Perth
1945/102094 Perth Cassidy Jack Ronald Robert Male Balinski Evelyn Female Perth
1945/102095 Perth Williams Norma Doris Female Thompson Robert Henry Male Perth
1945/102095 Perth Thompson Robert Henry Male Williams Norma Doris Female Perth
1945/102096 Perth McAtee Thomas Wesley Male Parkhouse Rhonda Gladwyn Female Perth
1945/102096 Perth Parkhouse Rhonda Gladwyn Female McAtee Thomas Wesley Male Perth
1945/102097 Perth Stringer Sydney Male Bramwell Violet Mona Female West Leederville
1945/102097 Perth Bramwell Violet Mona Female Stringer Sydney Male West Leederville
1945/102098 Perth Glover Gwendoline Laura Female Lee Thomas Edward Male Shenton Park Methodist Church
1945/102098 Perth Lee Thomas Edward Male Glover Gwendoline Laura Female Shenton Park Methodist Church
1945/102099 Perth Thomas Ethel Muriel Female Webb John Charles Male Maylands
1945/102099 Perth Webb John Charles Male Thomas Ethel Muriel Female Maylands
1945/102100 Perth Williams Violet Jean Female Mentiplay David Victor Male Perth
1945/102100 Perth Mentiplay David Victor Male Williams Violet Jean Female Perth
1945/102101 Perth McKenzie Evan James Male Cumming Jean Isobel Female Perth
1945/102101 Perth Cumming Jean Isobel Female McKenzie Evan James Male Perth
1945/102102 Perth Jefferies Eileen Margaret Female Rusconi Frederick Thomas Male Perth
1945/102102 Perth Rusconi Frederick Thomas Male Jefferies Eileen Margaret Female Perth
1945/102103 Perth Bentley Allan Edward Male Saxon Elsie Female Perth
1945/102103 Perth Saxon Elsie Female Bentley Allan Edward Male Perth
1945/102104 Perth Kelly Robert James Male Savory Doreen Thelma Female Perth
1945/102104 Perth Savory Doreen Thelma Female Kelly Robert James Male Perth
1945/102105 Perth Laundy Irene Emma Florence Female Randell Maurice Edwin Male South Perth
1945/102105 Perth Randell Maurice Edwin Male Laundy Irene Emma Florence Female South Perth
1945/102106 Perth Isbister George Francis Male Allen Thelma Marjorie Female Perth
1945/102106 Perth Allen Thelma Marjorie Female Isbister George Francis Male Perth
1945/102107 Perth Bender Jack Male Turner Joan Emily Female Perth
1945/102107 Perth Turner Joan Emily Female Bender Jack Male Perth
1945/102108 Perth Thompson Anne Female McDermott James John Male Perth
1945/102108 Perth McDermott James John Male Thompson Anne Female Perth
1945/102109 Perth Lloyd Lenore Gladys Female Fry John Harold Male West Perth
1945/102109 Perth Fry John Harold Male Lloyd Lenore Gladys Female West Perth
1945/102110 Perth Whitworth Archer Race Male Vince Irene Mary Female West Perth
1945/102110 Perth Vince Irene Mary Female Whitworth Archer Race Male West Perth
1945/102111 Perth Anderson Shirley Ellen Female Tuffin William Henry Male West Perth
1945/102111 Perth Tuffin William Henry Male Anderson Shirley Ellen Female West Perth
1945/102112 Perth Cain Dorothy Katleen Female Brown Eric McDonnell Male West Perth
1945/102112 Perth Brown Eric McDonnell Male Cain Dorothy Katleen Female West Perth
1945/102113 Perth Emmerson George William Male Eberhard Beatrice Mary Louise Female West Perth
1945/102113 Perth Eberhard Beatrice Mary Louise Female Emmerson George William Male West Perth
1945/102114 Perth Stevens Elsie Margaret Female Lambert Sydney Barrington Male West Perth
1945/102114 Perth Lambert Sydney Barrington Male Stevens Elsie Margaret Female West Perth
1945/102115 Perth Ashdown Marjorie Louise Female Russell Harold Herbert Male West Perth
1945/102115 Perth Russell Harold Herbert Male Ashdown Marjorie Louise Female West Perth
1945/102116 Perth Retallack Alexander Male Mitchell Edith Urline Female West Perth
1945/102116 Perth Mitchell Edith Urline Female Retallack Alexander Male West Perth
1945/102117 Perth Harrison Joyce Ivanhoe Female Carpenter Norman Ernest Male Perth
1945/102117 Perth Carpenter Norman Ernest Male Harrison Joyce Ivanhoe Female Perth
1945/102118 Perth Gordon Gwendoline Logan Female Jacoby Henry Gustave Male Perth
1945/102118 Perth Jacoby Henry Gustave Male Gordon Gwendoline Logan Female Perth
1945/102119 Perth Kelly Ellen Aseneth Female Smith William Francis Male Perth
1945/102119 Perth Smith William Francis Male Kelly Ellen Aseneth Female Perth
1945/102120 Perth McCarthy Peter John Male Lilly Doreen Gertrude Female Perth
1945/102120 Perth Lilly Doreen Gertrude Female McCarthy Peter John Male Perth
1945/102121 Perth Heaton Eric Bruce Male Jones Olive May Female Perth
1945/102121 Perth Jones Olive May Female Heaton Eric Bruce Male Perth
1945/102122 Perth Barrett Sheila Constance Female Tomlinson Thomas Male West Perth
1945/102122 Perth Tomlinson Thomas Male Barrett Sheila Constance Female West Perth
1945/102123 Perth Buchan Harold James Male Wallis Nada Dudley Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/102123 Perth Wallis Nada Dudley Female Buchan Harold James Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/102124 Perth Stainsby Ronald Ernest Male Green Jean Lillian Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/102124 Perth Green Jean Lillian Female Stainsby Ronald Ernest Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/102125 Perth Barnes William Edward Male Goodman Phyllis Winifred Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/102125 Perth Goodman Phyllis Winifred Female Barnes William Edward Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/102126 Perth Ashby Sydney Ernest Male Fern Bessie Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/102126 Perth Fern Bessie Female Ashby Sydney Ernest Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/102127 Perth Williams Henry James Male Wynne Gwendolyn Ida Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/102127 Perth Wynne Gwendolyn Ida Female Williams Henry James Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/102128 Perth North Donald James Male East Betty Roma Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/102128 Perth East Betty Roma Female North Donald James Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/102129 Perth Cullen May Gertrude Female Hart Ralph Charles Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/102129 Perth Hart Ralph Charles Male Cullen May Gertrude Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/102130 Perth Maconachie William Valentine Male Dickey Emily Ellen Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/102130 Perth Dickey Emily Ellen Female Maconachie William Valentine Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/102131 Perth Blackford Catherine Millicent Female Beadle Walter Thomas Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/102131 Perth Beadle Walter Thomas Male Blackford Catherine Millicent Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/102132 Perth Anderson Marion Elizabeth Female Hislop Harry Male Subiaco
1945/102132 Perth Hislop Harry Male Anderson Marion Elizabeth Female Subiaco
1945/102133 Perth Lee Raymond Edwin Cyril Male Stone Barbara Female W Perth
1945/102133 Perth Stone Barbara Female Lee Raymond Edwin Cyril Male W Perth
1945/102134 Perth Allen Mary Eileen Female Finch Christopher Male Perth
1945/102134 Perth Finch Christopher Male Allen Mary Eileen Female Perth
1945/102135 Perth Grogan Kitty Female Lupton Percy John Male Victoria Park
1945/102135 Perth Lupton Percy John Male Grogan Kitty Female Victoria Park
1945/102136 Perth Hird Sadie Female Cormack Benjamin John Gerald Male South Perth
1945/102136 Perth Cormack Benjamin John Gerald Male Hird Sadie Female South Perth
1945/102137 Perth Deschamps Dorothy Violet Female Morris Clarence George Male Maylands
1945/102137 Perth Morris Clarence George Male Deschamps Dorothy Violet Female Maylands
1945/102138 Perth Hanna Keith Frederick Male Sharp Jacqueline Shirley Female Claremont
1945/102138 Perth Sharp Jacqueline Shirley Female Hanna Keith Frederick Male Claremont
1945/102139 Perth Hunter Elizabeth Ashton Female Hill John Male Claremont
1945/102139 Perth Hill John Male Hunter Elizabeth Ashton Female Claremont
1945/102140 Perth Hillary Beryl Joy Female Nilan William Mervyn Patrick Male Perth
1945/102140 Perth Nilan William Mervyn Patrick Male Hillary Beryl Joy Female Perth
1945/102141 Perth Kennedy Ronald Christian Male Sherwood Margaret Catherine Female West Leederville
1945/102141 Perth Sherwood Margaret Catherine Female Kennedy Ronald Christian Male West Leederville
1945/102142 Perth Cumming Charles Fredrick Male Hardie Lilian Marie Female Perth
1945/102142 Perth Hardie Lilian Marie Female Cumming Charles Fredrick Male Perth
1945/102143 Perth Paltoglou Irene Female Verios Spero Male Perth
1945/102143 Perth Verios Spero Male Paltoglou Irene Female Perth
1945/102144 Perth McLeod Esme Beryle Female Griffiths Bertram Stanley Male Perth
1945/102144 Perth Griffiths Bertram Stanley Male McLeod Esme Beryle Female Perth
1945/102145 Perth Lidbury Margaret Edith Female Hardie Robert James Male Nedlands
1945/102145 Perth Hardie Robert James Male Lidbury Margaret Edith Female Nedlands
1945/102146 Perth Brown William Male Moran Hazel June Female West Perth
1945/102146 Perth Moran Hazel June Female Brown William Male West Perth
1945/102147 Perth Johns John Andrew Male Williamson Jean Catherine Female West Perth
1945/102147 Perth Williamson Jean Catherine Female Johns John Andrew Male West Perth
1945/102148 Perth Aitchison Laura Marchment Female Baynes Eric Andrew Male West Perth
1945/102148 Perth Baynes Eric Andrew Male Aitchison Laura Marchment Female West Perth
1945/102149 Perth Parker Amy Female Orr Ian Johnston Male West Perth
1945/102149 Perth Orr Ian Johnston Male Parker Amy Female West Perth
1945/102150 Perth Bungey Winifred Myrtle Female Waldock Harding Male West Perth
1945/102150 Perth Waldock Harding Male Bungey Winifred Myrtle Female West Perth
1945/102151 Perth Mailey Elizabeth Female Hennessey Patrick Christopher Male Perth
1945/102151 Perth Hennessey Patrick Christopher Male Mailey Elizabeth Female Perth
1945/102152 Perth McCracken Bruce Male Kerr Mary Crawford Female Perth
1945/102152 Perth Kerr Mary Crawford Female McCracken Bruce Male Perth
1945/102153 Perth Holgate James Edwin Male Percy-Dove Joan Esther Vaughanita Female Perth
1945/102153 Perth Percy-Dove Joan Esther Vaughanita Female Holgate James Edwin Male Perth
1945/102154 Perth Haines Dorothy Mary Female Emery Bertram Raymond Male Perth
1945/102154 Perth Emery Bertram Raymond Male Haines Dorothy Mary Female Perth
1945/102155 Perth Miller Olive Joan Female Wyatt Desmond John Male Perth
1945/102155 Perth Wyatt Desmond John Male Miller Olive Joan Female Perth
1945/102156 Perth Abbott Fred Wesley Male Crawford Gweneth Jean Female Perth
1945/102156 Perth Crawford Gweneth Jean Female Abbott Fred Wesley Male Perth
1945/102157 Perth Lapham Frank Male Watson Janet May Female Perth
1945/102157 Perth Watson Janet May Female Lapham Frank Male Perth
1945/102158 Perth Flynn Harry Clifford Male Godfree Beatrice Alice Louise Female Mt Lawley
1945/102158 Perth Godfree Beatrice Alice Louise Female Flynn Harry Clifford Male Mt Lawley
1945/102159 Perth Brooks George Robert Bruce Male Dumps Ivy Hazel Female Subiaco
1945/102159 Perth Dumps Ivy Hazel Female Brooks George Robert Bruce Male Subiaco
1945/102160 Perth Burgess Raymond William Male Hodge Edna Ellen Female Claremont
1945/102160 Perth Hodge Edna Ellen Female Burgess Raymond William Male Claremont
1945/102161 Perth Faulconer Harold Male Bunker Ellen Female Claremont
1945/102161 Perth Bunker Ellen Female Faulconer Harold Male Claremont
1945/102162 Perth Harris Sidney Keith Male Stewart Martha Female Perth
1945/102162 Perth Stewart Martha Female Harris Sidney Keith Male Perth
1945/102163 Perth Enright William Richard Male Paterson Elizabeth Charlotte Female Perth
1945/102163 Perth Paterson Elizabeth Charlotte Female Enright William Richard Male Perth
1945/102164 Perth Maher Margaret Patricia Female Gardiner Albert Edwin Male Perth
1945/102164 Perth Gardiner Albert Edwin Male Maher Margaret Patricia Female Perth
1945/102165 Perth Hopkinson Gladys Maud Female Cole Henry Edward Male Perth
1945/102165 Perth Cole Henry Edward Male Hopkinson Gladys Maud Female Perth
1945/102166 Perth Dyson Maureen Joy Female Schoon Reginald William Male Perth
1945/102166 Perth Schoon Reginald William Male Dyson Maureen Joy Female Perth
1945/102167 Perth Fitzsimmons Lillian Female Grayson Arthur Male Perth
1945/102167 Perth Grayson Arthur Male Fitzsimmons Lillian Female Perth
1945/102168 Perth Hocking Lucy Aileen Female Rowlands George Francis Male Perth
1945/102168 Perth Rowlands George Francis Male Hocking Lucy Aileen Female Perth
1945/102169 Perth Moore Shirley Rona Female Schwab George Richard Male Perth
1945/102169 Perth Schwab George Richard Male Moore Shirley Rona Female Perth
1945/102170 Perth Miller Eva Frances Female Grace Thomas Henry Male Victoria Park
1945/102170 Perth Grace Thomas Henry Male Miller Eva Frances Female Victoria Park
1945/102171 Perth Rowe Geoffrey Male Goodall Thelma Female Victoria Park
1945/102171 Perth Goodall Thelma Female Rowe Geoffrey Male Victoria Park
1945/102172 Perth Anderson Edward Leslie James Male Stokes Rita Mary Female Perth
1945/102172 Perth Stokes Rita Mary Female Anderson Edward Leslie James Male Perth
1945/102173 Perth Auburn Frances Noel Female Alexander Kenneth Peter Joseph Male West Perth
1945/102173 Perth Alexander Kenneth Peter Joseph Male Auburn Frances Noel Female West Perth
1945/102174 Perth Milne Joan Patricia Female Jones Thomas Frederick Male Claremont
1945/102174 Perth Jones Thomas Frederick Male Milne Joan Patricia Female Claremont
1945/102175 Perth Ramsay Eric George Male Wiseman Evelyn Mary Female West Perth
1945/102175 Perth Wiseman Evelyn Mary Female Ramsay Eric George Male West Perth
1945/102176 Perth Wood Marjorie Female Harvey Stanley Robert Male West Perth
1945/102176 Perth Harvey Stanley Robert Male Wood Marjorie Female West Perth
1945/102177 Perth Whitford Clifton Edward Male Hayes Ethel Evelyn May Female West Perth
1945/102177 Perth Hayes Ethel Evelyn May Female Whitford Clifton Edward Male West Perth
1945/102178 Perth Cheney Colin Gordon Male Duff Jean Female West Perth
1945/102178 Perth Duff Jean Female Cheney Colin Gordon Male West Perth
1945/102179 Perth Robertson Jill Griselda Female Davidson John Male West Perth
1945/102179 Perth Davidson John Male Robertson Jill Griselda Female West Perth
1945/102180 Perth Leach Marion Georgina Female O'Keeffe James Stanley Male Cottesloe
1945/102180 Perth O'Keeffe James Stanley Male Leach Marion Georgina Female Cottesloe
1945/102181 Perth Bancroft Florence Iris Female Gale Leslie Thomas Male Cottesloe
1945/102181 Perth Gale Leslie Thomas Male Bancroft Florence Iris Female Cottesloe
1945/102182 Perth Parr Joy Lorraine Female McDowell Edward John Male West Perth
1945/102182 Perth McDowell Edward John Male Parr Joy Lorraine Female West Perth
1945/102183 Perth Elliot Mary Clyne Female Butler Anthony James Male Perth
1945/102183 Perth Butler Anthony James Male Elliot Mary Clyne Female Perth
1945/102184 Perth Anderson Claude Raymond Male Blee Vera Almoral Female Perth
1945/102184 Perth Blee Vera Almoral Female Anderson Claude Raymond Male Perth
1945/102185 Perth Forster Ethel Rose Female Knight Arthur Edward Male Perth
1945/102185 Perth Knight Arthur Edward Male Forster Ethel Rose Female Perth
1945/102186 Perth Wilson Catherine Female Sheppard Benjamin Male Perth
1945/102186 Perth Sheppard Benjamin Male Wilson Catherine Female Perth
1945/102187 Perth Henderson Raymond Ian Male Barratt Roma Nena Female Victoria Park Congregational Church
1945/102187 Perth Barratt Roma Nena Female Henderson Raymond Ian Male Victoria Park Congregational Church
1945/102188 Perth Turnbull Joyce Clarissa Female Hoffman Lawrence Gerard Male Mt Lawley
1945/102188 Perth Hoffman Lawrence Gerard Male Turnbull Joyce Clarissa Female Mt Lawley
1945/102189 Perth Green Rosslyn Graham Male Watson Joan Dorothy Female Perth
1945/102189 Perth Watson Joan Dorothy Female Green Rosslyn Graham Male Perth
1945/102190 Perth Prochownick Terence Albert John Male Parker Margaret Louise Female Perth
1945/102190 Perth Parker Margaret Louise Female Prochownick Terence Albert John Male Perth
1945/102191 Perth McKay Catherine Female Cobby Herbert William Male Perth
1945/102191 Perth Cobby Herbert William Male McKay Catherine Female Perth
1945/102192 Perth Morris Kimberley Gwendoline Female Oldham Richard Russell Male Claremont
1945/102192 Perth Oldham Richard Russell Male Morris Kimberley Gwendoline Female Claremont
1945/102193 Perth Fennell Russell Thomas Male Smith Eileen Betty Female Perth
1945/102193 Perth Smith Eileen Betty Female Fennell Russell Thomas Male Perth
1945/102194 Perth Thornton Amelia Louise Female Lockwood Alfred Edwin Male Perth
1945/102194 Perth Lockwood Alfred Edwin Male Thornton Amelia Louise Female Perth
1945/102195 Perth Wood Keith Carson Male Keesing Betty May Female South Perth
1945/102195 Perth Keesing Betty May Female Wood Keith Carson Male South Perth
1945/102196 Perth Andrews Winifred Jessie Female Rodger John Male South Perth
1945/102196 Perth Rodger John Male Andrews Winifred Jessie Female South Perth
1945/102197 Perth Coles Phyllis Betty Female Denner William Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/102197 Perth Denner William Male Coles Phyllis Betty Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/102198 Perth Wright James William Male Evans Joyce Olive Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/102198 Perth Evans Joyce Olive Female Wright James William Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/102199 Perth Graham William Theodore Male Perry Valmae Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/102199 Perth Perry Valmae Female Graham William Theodore Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/102200 Perth Read James Male Kennedy Margaret Anne Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/102200 Perth Kennedy Margaret Anne Female Read James Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/102201 Perth Brooks Victor Roy Male Darby Gwendolene Helen Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/102201 Perth Darby Gwendolene Helen Female Brooks Victor Roy Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/102202 Perth Bowers Eileen Olive Female Bowers James Raymond Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/102202 Perth Bowers James Raymond Male Bowers Eileen Olive Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/102203 Perth Cooke George Edward Male Appleton Edith May Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/102203 Perth Appleton Edith May Female Cooke George Edward Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/102204 Perth Evans Peter John Male Stamp Irene Amelia Female Claremont
1945/102204 Perth Stamp Irene Amelia Female Evans Peter John Male Claremont
1945/102205 Perth Walter Leslie Steve Male Malcolm Agnes Chrystal Female Mosman Park
1945/102205 Perth Malcolm Agnes Chrystal Female Walter Leslie Steve Male Mosman Park
1945/102206 Perth Kelly Mary Catherine Female Lackenby William Male Highgate Hill
1945/102206 Perth Lackenby William Male Kelly Mary Catherine Female Highgate Hill
1945/102207 Perth Semmens Hazel Lucy May Female Sorley Alexander McGregor Male Perth
1945/102207 Perth Sorley Alexander McGregor Male Semmens Hazel Lucy May Female Perth
1945/102208 Perth Smith Keith Edward Male Duff Myrtle Norma Gladys Female Perth
1945/102208 Perth Duff Myrtle Norma Gladys Female Smith Keith Edward Male Perth
1945/102209 Perth Reeves Hazel Maimie Female Masters Noel John Male Perth
1945/102209 Perth Masters Noel John Male Reeves Hazel Maimie Female Perth
1945/102210 Perth Anderson Victor Rudolph Busselton Male Nicol Vera Florence Female Perth
1945/102210 Perth Nicol Vera Florence Female Anderson Victor Rudolph Busselton Male Perth
1945/102211 Perth Broadhurst Freda May Female Young Robert Male Perth
1945/102211 Perth Young Robert Male Broadhurst Freda May Female Perth
1945/102212 Perth Kirk Kathleen Mary Female Mitchell Stanley Male Perth
1945/102212 Perth Mitchell Stanley Male Kirk Kathleen Mary Female Perth
1945/102213 Perth Parker Howard Creal Male Kennedy Rona Female Perth
1945/102213 Perth Kennedy Rona Female Parker Howard Creal Male Perth
1945/102214 Perth Mitchell Diana Hutton Female Nichols William Harold Male Perth
1945/102214 Perth Nichols William Harold Male Mitchell Diana Hutton Female Perth
1945/102215 Perth Maybourne Myrtle Dorothy Female Stewart Norman Roy Male Perth
1945/102215 Perth Stewart Norman Roy Male Maybourne Myrtle Dorothy Female Perth
1945/102216 Perth Dorph-Petersen Karen Elizabeth Female Griffiths Francis William Male Perth
1945/102216 Perth Griffiths Francis William Male Dorph-Petersen Karen Elizabeth Female Perth
1945/102217 Perth Smith Albert Eric Male Edwards Joy Alda Female Perth
1945/102217 Perth Edwards Joy Alda Female Smith Albert Eric Male Perth
1945/102218 Perth Staniforth Walter Male Andrew Grace Dorothy Female Perth
1945/102218 Perth Andrew Grace Dorothy Female Staniforth Walter Male Perth
1945/102219 Perth Chambers Ernest John Paul Male Sheppard Nancy Louisa Female Perth
1945/102219 Perth Sheppard Nancy Louisa Female Chambers Ernest John Paul Male Perth
1945/102220 Perth Biffin Hazel Irene Female Bell Harry Augusta Male Perth
1945/102220 Perth Bell Harry Augusta Male Biffin Hazel Irene Female Perth
1945/102221 Perth Sargison Albert Garth Male Arnold Nancy Female North Perth
1945/102221 Perth Arnold Nancy Female Sargison Albert Garth Male North Perth
1945/102222 Perth Howard Stanley Raymond Male Dawes Joan Marion Female Perth
1945/102222 Perth Dawes Joan Marion Female Howard Stanley Raymond Male Perth
1945/102223 Perth Mulqueeney Marion Isobel Female Beckman Albert Peterson Murray Male Perth
1945/102223 Perth Beckman Albert Peterson Murray Male Mulqueeney Marion Isobel Female Perth
1945/102224 Perth White Joseph Reginald Male English Beryl Florence Female Perth
1945/102224 Perth English Beryl Florence Female White Joseph Reginald Male Perth
1945/102225 Perth Rothnie Meryl Female Gardiner Frederick Andrew Male Claremont
1945/102225 Perth Gardiner Frederick Andrew Male Rothnie Meryl Female Claremont
1945/102226 Perth Shelley Diana Maisie Female Williams Clifford Murray Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/102226 Perth Williams Clifford Murray Male Shelley Diana Maisie Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/102227 Perth Riley William Haxton Male McDonald Jean Lucy Victoria Female Osborne Park
1945/102227 Perth McDonald Jean Lucy Victoria Female Riley William Haxton Male Osborne Park
1945/102228 Perth Ahrens Dora Mary Female Fairhead Cyril Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/102228 Perth Fairhead Cyril Male Ahrens Dora Mary Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/102229 Perth Roberts Thomas Male Lee Daphne Ada Elizabeth Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/102229 Perth Lee Daphne Ada Elizabeth Female Roberts Thomas Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/102230 Perth O'Brien Louisa Josephine Female Derby Gilbert Jerard Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/102230 Perth Derby Gilbert Jerard Male O'Brien Louisa Josephine Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/102231 Perth Shoobert Constance Vivienne Female Reynolds Charles Theodore Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/102231 Perth Reynolds Charles Theodore Male Shoobert Constance Vivienne Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/102232 Perth Mackay Henry John Male Chandler Jean Mabel Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/102232 Perth Chandler Jean Mabel Female Mackay Henry John Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/102233 Perth Slater Edward Joseph Male Morris Daisy Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/102233 Perth Morris Daisy Female Slater Edward Joseph Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/102234 Perth Clarkson Norbert Joseph Male Wedgwood Sylvia Edith Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/102234 Perth Wedgwood Sylvia Edith Female Clarkson Norbert Joseph Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/102235 Perth Wall Herbert Ernest Male Watts Kathleen Thelma Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/102235 Perth Watts Kathleen Thelma Female Wall Herbert Ernest Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/102236 Perth Hondeos Manuel Male Penglis Saide Female Perth
1945/102236 Perth Penglis Saide Female Hondeos Manuel Male Perth
1945/102236 Perth Penglis Saide Female Iannakou Manuel Male Perth
1945/102236 Perth Iannakou Manuel Male Penglis Saide Female Perth
1945/102237 Perth Miles John Ralph Male Bullock Annie Edna Female West Perth
1945/102237 Perth Bullock Annie Edna Female Miles John Ralph Male West Perth
1945/102238 Perth Alexander Violet May Female Williams Fredrick George Male West Perth
1945/102238 Perth Williams Fredrick George Male Alexander Violet May Female West Perth
1945/102239 Perth Gaden Ernest Albert Male Nash Eileen Muriel Female West Perth
1945/102239 Perth Nash Eileen Muriel Female Gaden Ernest Albert Male West Perth
1945/102240 Perth Murrells Edith Astley Female Swanson Hubert Male West Perth
1945/102240 Perth Swanson Hubert Male Murrells Edith Astley Female West Perth
1945/102241 Perth Atherton James Anthony Male Burns Shirley Maria Female West Perth
1945/102241 Perth Burns Shirley Maria Female Atherton James Anthony Male West Perth
1945/102242 Perth Sisson John Male Faull Alice Margaret Female West Perth
1945/102242 Perth Faull Alice Margaret Female Sisson John Male West Perth
1945/102243 Perth Heffernan Vernon Francis Male Abbott Betty Garbutt Female West Perth
1945/102243 Perth Abbott Betty Garbutt Female Heffernan Vernon Francis Male West Perth
1945/102244 Perth Metaxas Constance Orea Female Kenny George Herbert Male West Perth
1945/102244 Perth Kenny George Herbert Male Metaxas Constance Orea Female West Perth
1945/102245 Perth Kuhne Otto George Male Hameister Ada Female Claremont
1945/102245 Perth Hameister Ada Female Kuhne Otto George Male Claremont
1945/102246 Perth Tolmer-Brown Mossie Alexandra Female McKenzie Charles Barry Male Claremont
1945/102246 Perth McKenzie Charles Barry Male Tolmer-Brown Mossie Alexandra Female Claremont
1945/102247 Perth Withers George Edward Male Chamberlain Dorothy Edyth Female Claremont
1945/102247 Perth Chamberlain Dorothy Edyth Female Withers George Edward Male Claremont
1945/102248 Perth Bateman Norma Doris Female Sauzier Louis Joseph Male Claremont
1945/102248 Perth Sauzier Louis Joseph Male Bateman Norma Doris Female Claremont
1945/102249 Perth Cailes Ruth Iris Female Swan Arthur Alexander Male Claremont
1945/102249 Perth Swan Arthur Alexander Male Cailes Ruth Iris Female Claremont
1945/102250 Perth Lowe Colin Tony Male Lowe Joan Nairn Female Claremont
1945/102250 Perth Lowe Joan Nairn Female Lowe Colin Tony Male Claremont
1945/102251 Perth Crombie Ronald George Male Petherick Marian Joan Female Claremont
1945/102251 Perth Petherick Marian Joan Female Crombie Ronald George Male Claremont
1945/102252 Perth Millar Harry Duncan Male Hood Peggy Joan Female Victoria Park Congregational Church
1945/102252 Perth Hood Peggy Joan Female Millar Harry Duncan Male Victoria Park Congregational Church
1945/102253 Perth Whitworth Joan Female Harris Robert Geoffrey Male Mt Lawley
1945/102253 Perth Harris Robert Geoffrey Male Whitworth Joan Female Mt Lawley
1945/102254 Perth Guthrie Jean Cameron Williamson Female Wright Ronald Jonathan Male Perth
1945/102254 Perth Wright Ronald Jonathan Male Guthrie Jean Cameron Williamson Female Perth
1945/102255 Perth Polain Harry Claude Male Mort Iris Rose Female Perth
1945/102255 Perth Mort Iris Rose Female Polain Harry Claude Male Perth
1945/102256 Perth Nancarrow Vera June Female Underwood Raymond Cecil Male Perth
1945/102256 Perth Underwood Raymond Cecil Male Nancarrow Vera June Female Perth
1945/102257 Perth Smith Norman Male Bicknell Eleanor Eileen Female Perth
1945/102257 Perth Bicknell Eleanor Eileen Female Smith Norman Male Perth
1945/102258 Perth Ball Albert Reece Male Redhall Ruby Female Perth
1945/102258 Perth Redhall Ruby Female Ball Albert Reece Male Perth
1945/102259 Perth Hogan Alfred William Male Bawdon Elsie May Boronia Female Perth
1945/102259 Perth Bawdon Elsie May Boronia Female Hogan Alfred William Male Perth
1945/102260 Perth Weeks Thomas Balantyne Male Abbott Anita Joan Female Perth
1945/102260 Perth Abbott Anita Joan Female Weeks Thomas Balantyne Male Perth
1945/102261 Perth Aitken Dorothy Alix Female Learmonth Robert William Male Mt Lawley
1945/102261 Perth Learmonth Robert William Male Aitken Dorothy Alix Female Mt Lawley
1945/102262 Perth Greenway George James Male Duce Sybil Gwendolyn Female West Australia
1945/102262 Perth Duce Sybil Gwendolyn Female Greenway George James Male West Australia
1945/102263 Perth O'Sullivan Josephine Patricia Female Mitchell John Robert Male Perth
1945/102263 Perth Mitchell John Robert Male O'Sullivan Josephine Patricia Female Perth
1945/102264 Perth van Viersen Gysbertus Cornelis Johannes Male Ashmore Gertrude Lucille Female Perth
1945/102264 Perth Ashmore Gertrude Lucille Female van Viersen Gysbertus Cornelis Johannes Male Perth
1945/102265 Perth MacKenzie James Ross Male Hardie Nancy Keiller Female Claremont
1945/102265 Perth Hardie Nancy Keiller Female MacKenzie James Ross Male Claremont
1945/102266 Perth Parker James Colin Male Davidson Jean Rosemary Female Perth
1945/102266 Perth Davidson Jean Rosemary Female Parker James Colin Male Perth
1945/102267 Perth Goodchild Bernard Frank Male Bryant Valerie Emily Female Perth
1945/102267 Perth Bryant Valerie Emily Female Goodchild Bernard Frank Male Perth
1945/102268 Perth Gratwick Richard Lloyd Male Hill Fifinella Female Perth
1945/102268 Perth Hill Fifinella Female Gratwick Richard Lloyd Male Perth
1945/102269 Perth Tuckey Stanley Bell Male Jessett Thelma Margaret Female Perth
1945/102269 Perth Jessett Thelma Margaret Female Tuckey Stanley Bell Male Perth
1945/102270 Perth Connery Norma Dorothy Female Tangney Jack Roslyn Male Perth
1945/102270 Perth Tangney Jack Roslyn Male Connery Norma Dorothy Female Perth
1945/102271 Perth Payne Lilian Joyce Female Rossiter Leslie Male Perth
1945/102271 Perth Rossiter Leslie Male Payne Lilian Joyce Female Perth
1945/102272 Perth Nicoll Eric Thomas Male Scudds Lavenia Rose Female Perth
1945/102272 Perth Scudds Lavenia Rose Female Nicoll Eric Thomas Male Perth
1945/102273 Perth Shaw Herbert Alec Male Abernethy Margaret McAlpine Female South Perth
1945/102273 Perth Abernethy Margaret McAlpine Female Shaw Herbert Alec Male South Perth
1945/102274 Perth Sullivan Michael John Male Crossley Joyce Muriel Female Perth
1945/102274 Perth Crossley Joyce Muriel Female Sullivan Michael John Male Perth
1945/102275 Perth Kennedy Amelia May Female Slattery Ernest William Male Perth
1945/102275 Perth Slattery Ernest William Male Kennedy Amelia May Female Perth
1945/102276 Perth Ruck Ronald Joseph William Male Congdon Winifred Annie Female Subiaco
1945/102276 Perth Congdon Winifred Annie Female Ruck Ronald Joseph William Male Subiaco
1945/102277 Perth Clarkson Arthur Kenneth Male Chick Doris Joyce Female Subiaco
1945/102277 Perth Chick Doris Joyce Female Clarkson Arthur Kenneth Male Subiaco
1945/102278 Perth Harvey Enid Joyce Female Poole Leonard Arthur Male Cottesloe
1945/102278 Perth Poole Leonard Arthur Male Harvey Enid Joyce Female Cottesloe
1945/102279 Perth Cowley Gwendoline Jessie Female Loveless Frederick John Male Perth
1945/102279 Perth Loveless Frederick John Male Cowley Gwendoline Jessie Female Perth
1945/102280 Perth Boyland George Male Pearson Dorothy May Female North Perth Congregational Church
1945/102280 Perth Pearson Dorothy May Female Boyland George Male North Perth Congregational Church
1945/102281 Perth Clifford Garth Edward Male Milton Joan Leslie Female Como
1945/102281 Perth Milton Joan Leslie Female Clifford Garth Edward Male Como
1945/102282 Perth Austin Winifred Doris Charlotte Female Playle Charles Oswald Male Perth
1945/102282 Perth Playle Charles Oswald Male Austin Winifred Doris Charlotte Female Perth
1945/102283 Perth Rhodes Donovan Francis Duncan Male Charman Dorothy Female Claremont
1945/102283 Perth Charman Dorothy Female Rhodes Donovan Francis Duncan Male Claremont
1945/102284 Perth Waters Shirley Elsie Female Kelly Stanley Patrick Male Subiaco
1945/102284 Perth Kelly Stanley Patrick Male Waters Shirley Elsie Female Subiaco
1945/102285 Perth Stokes Irene Mary Female Ribbon Charles James Male Subiaco
1945/102285 Perth Washington Irene Mary Female Ribbon Charles James Male Subiaco
1945/102285 Perth Ribbon Charles James Male Stokes Irene Mary Female Subiaco
1945/102285 Perth Ribbon Charles James Male Washington Irene Mary Female Subiaco
1945/102286 Perth Williams Thomas John Male Spurr Patricia Mary Female Highgate Hill
1945/102286 Perth Spurr Patricia Mary Female Williams Thomas John Male Highgate Hill
1945/102287 Perth Goddard Jessie Alice Female McFadden Raymond Ernest Male Perth
1945/102287 Perth McFadden Raymond Ernest Male Goddard Jessie Alice Female Perth
1945/102288 Perth Hanson Eileen Frances Female Oreo John Edward Male Perth
1945/102288 Perth Oreo John Edward Male Hanson Eileen Frances Female Perth
1945/102289 Perth Hanna Ivan Edwin Male George Olive Eileen Female Perth
1945/102289 Perth George Olive Eileen Female Hanna Ivan Edwin Male Perth
1945/102290 Perth Warren Edna Priscilla Female Pillow Richard Peter James Male Perth
1945/102290 Perth Pillow Richard Peter James Male Warren Edna Priscilla Female Perth
1945/102291 Perth Samers Henry Francis Male Griffiths June Winifred Female Perth
1945/102291 Perth Griffiths June Winifred Female Samers Henry Francis Male Perth
1945/102292 Perth Utting Keith Raymond Male Barker Elma Margaret Female Perth
1945/102292 Perth Barker Elma Margaret Female Utting Keith Raymond Male Perth
1945/102293 Perth Kuring Ray Female Smith Roswald Eric Forbes Male Perth
1945/102293 Perth Smith Roswald Eric Forbes Male Kuring Ray Female Perth
1945/102294 Perth Mawson Mark Dodds Male Field Selina Tryphena Female East Claremont
1945/102294 Perth Field Selina Tryphena Female Mawson Mark Dodds Male East Claremont
1945/102295 Perth Cocking Charles William Richard Male Quartermaine Winifred Alice Female West Perth
1945/102295 Perth Quartermaine Winifred Alice Female Cocking Charles William Richard Male West Perth
1945/102296 Perth Campbell Frederick William Male Gordon Adele Roma Female West Perth
1945/102296 Perth Gordon Adele Roma Female Campbell Frederick William Male West Perth
1945/102297 Perth Gillam Kathleen Patrica Female Scott-Malcolm Leslie Male West Perth
1945/102297 Perth Scott-Malcolm Leslie Male Gillam Kathleen Patrica Female West Perth
1945/102298 Perth Maxted Edith Alice Lilian Jean Female Hill James Brown Male West Perth
1945/102298 Perth Hill James Brown Male Maxted Edith Alice Lilian Jean Female West Perth
1945/102299 Perth Welch Robert Henry Male Gilbert Ruby Doreen Female West Perth
1945/102299 Perth Gilbert Ruby Doreen Female Welch Robert Henry Male West Perth
1945/102300 Perth Morrison Claire Eugenie Female Poole William Godfrey Male West Perth
1945/102300 Perth Poole William Godfrey Male Morrison Claire Eugenie Female West Perth
1945/102301 Perth Crabb John Francis Male Bailey Ethel Ford Female Bayswater
1945/102301 Perth Bailey Ethel Ford Female Crabb John Francis Male Bayswater
1945/102302 Perth Tonkin Shirley Teresa Female Pratt Elliott Douglas Male Leederville
1945/102302 Perth Pratt Elliott Douglas Male Tonkin Shirley Teresa Female Leederville
1945/102303 Perth Lucas Lloyd Newton Douglas Male Pollitt Greta May Female Perth
1945/102303 Perth Pollitt Greta May Female Lucas Lloyd Newton Douglas Male Perth
1945/102304 Perth Spice Irene Mary Female Morcombe Brian Moody Male Perth
1945/102304 Perth Morcombe Brian Moody Male Spice Irene Mary Female Perth
1945/102305 Perth Harris Sydney Alfred Male Allen Margaret Isobel Female Bayswater
1945/102305 Perth Allen Margaret Isobel Female Harris Sydney Alfred Male Bayswater
1945/102306 Perth Roberts Jessie Female Kinnane James Claver Male Victoria Park
1945/102306 Perth Kinnane James Claver Male Roberts Jessie Female Victoria Park
1945/102307 Perth Farrar Pauline MacLeod Female Odlum Anthony Henry Rupert Male Crawley
1945/102307 Perth Odlum Anthony Henry Rupert Male Farrar Pauline MacLeod Female Crawley
1945/102308 Perth Young Harlan Frederick Male Hopewell Marcia Joyce Female Claremont
1945/102308 Perth Hopewell Marcia Joyce Female Young Harlan Frederick Male Claremont
1945/102309 Perth James Kenneth Elwin Male Hummerston Judith Female Claremont
1945/102309 Perth Hummerston Judith Female James Kenneth Elwin Male Claremont
1945/102310 Perth Cullington William Ernest Male Morrison Mary Jane Female Perth
1945/102310 Perth Morrison Mary Jane Female Cullington William Ernest Male Perth
1945/102311 Perth Brennan John Edward Male Paterson Elizabeth Jane Female Perth
1945/102311 Perth Paterson Elizabeth Jane Female Brennan John Edward Male Perth
1945/102312 Perth Orsi Doreen Female Monaghan Lloyd George Male Perth
1945/102312 Perth Monaghan Lloyd George Male Orsi Doreen Female Perth
1945/102313 Perth Sevil Mary Adrienne Female Kenworthy Henry Joseph Male Perth
1945/102313 Perth Kenworthy Henry Joseph Male Sevil Mary Adrienne Female Perth
1945/102314 Perth Hamlen Jean Female Hannaford Walter Ernest Male Perth
1945/102314 Perth Hannaford Walter Ernest Male Hamlen Jean Female Perth
1945/102315 Perth Pearson Nancy Jean Female Lee William Harold Male Perth
1945/102315 Perth Lee William Harold Male Pearson Nancy Jean Female Perth
1945/102316 Perth Doust Eileen May Female Blomfield Arthur William Alexander Male Perth
1945/102316 Perth Blomfield Arthur William Alexander Male Doust Eileen May Female Perth
1945/102317 Perth Bandy Edith Elaine Female Cockell William George Male Perth
1945/102317 Perth Cockell William George Male Bandy Edith Elaine Female Perth
1945/102318 Perth Reynolds Arthur George Male Downsborough Jeanette Female Perth
1945/102318 Perth Downsborough Jeanette Female Reynolds Arthur George Male Perth
1945/102319 Perth Steel Joyce Marjorie Female Goullet Arthur Thomas Male Perth
1945/102319 Perth Goullet Arthur Thomas Male Steel Joyce Marjorie Female Perth
1945/102320 Perth Potter James Thomas Male Leach Mary Female West Perth
1945/102320 Perth Leach Mary Female Potter James Thomas Male West Perth
1945/102321 Perth Tulley William Lawrence Male Dawkins Shirley Harrison Female Perth
1945/102321 Perth Dawkins Shirley Harrison Female Tulley William Lawrence Male Perth
1945/102322 Perth Hepburn Dorothy Jean Female Hudson Robert Raymond Male Leederville
1945/102322 Perth Hudson Robert Raymond Male Hepburn Dorothy Jean Female Leederville
1945/102323 Perth Byrne Joan Kate Female Raphael Morris Alick Ernest Male Cottesloe
1945/102323 Perth Raphael Morris Alick Ernest Male Byrne Joan Kate Female Cottesloe
1945/102324 Perth Hammer Beryl Joyce Female Allen Francis James Male Subiaco
1945/102324 Perth Allen Francis James Male Hammer Beryl Joyce Female Subiaco
1945/102325 Perth Dodge Charles Herbert Male Yates Doris Female Subiaco
1945/102325 Perth Yates Doris Female Dodge Charles Herbert Male Subiaco
1945/102326 Perth Lissiman Marjorie Florence Rae Female Cartledge John Owen Male Claremont
1945/102326 Perth Cartledge John Owen Male Lissiman Marjorie Florence Rae Female Claremont
1945/102327 Perth Culley Lily Bertha Female Raphael Frank Male Perth
1945/102327 Perth Raphael Frank Male Culley Lily Bertha Female Perth
1945/102328 Perth Meegan Alice Female Trott Francis Norman Male Perth
1945/102328 Perth Trott Francis Norman Male Meegan Alice Female Perth
1945/102329 Perth Catlin Allan Philip Male Long Yvonne Francis May Female Perth
1945/102329 Perth Long Yvonne Francis May Female Catlin Allan Philip Male Perth
1945/102330 Perth Diment Eva May Female Kelly Leo Jack Male W Perth
1945/102330 Perth Kelly Leo Jack Male Diment Eva May Female W Perth
1945/102331 Perth Cruttenden Leonard Male Murphy Mabel Frances Female Perth
1945/102331 Perth Murphy Mabel Frances Female Cruttenden Leonard Male Perth
1945/102332 Perth Crowell Russell Frederick Male Kensitt Violet Female Nedlands
1945/102332 Perth Kensitt Violet Female Crowell Russell Frederick Male Nedlands
1945/102333 Perth Wood Gwyneth Anne Female Brockman John Hugh Male Nedlands
1945/102333 Perth Brockman John Hugh Male Wood Gwyneth Anne Female Nedlands
1945/102334 Perth Parker Joan Cuffley Female Maguire Richard James Male Crawley
1945/102334 Perth Maguire Richard James Male Parker Joan Cuffley Female Crawley
1945/102335 Perth Franks Walter William Male Bell Joy Daphne Female Wembley
1945/102335 Perth Bell Joy Daphne Female Franks Walter William Male Wembley
1945/102336 Perth Hill John Edward Male Shaw Madeline Alice Female West Leederville
1945/102336 Perth Shaw Madeline Alice Female Hill John Edward Male West Leederville
1945/102337 Perth Foti Carmelo Male Vaccaro Lucia Female West Perth
1945/102337 Perth Vaccaro Lucia Female Foti Carmelo Male West Perth
1945/102338 Perth Ferrara Nina Female Calogero Agatino Male West Perth
1945/102338 Perth Calogero Agatino Male Ferrara Nina Female West Perth
1945/102339 Perth Dullard Eric Hugh Male French Marjorie Mary Female West Perth
1945/102339 Perth French Marjorie Mary Female Dullard Eric Hugh Male West Perth
1945/102340 Perth Del Rij Thelma Amy Female Smith John Percival Howe Male Perth
1945/102340 Perth Smith John Percival Howe Male Del Rij Thelma Amy Female Perth
1945/102341 Perth Goldsworthy Valma Nora Female Curtis Arthur Dunstan Male Perth
1945/102341 Perth Curtis Arthur Dunstan Male Goldsworthy Valma Nora Female Perth
1945/102342 Perth Wilkinson Mervyn Wilfred Male Broom Marjorie Ada Female Perth
1945/102342 Perth Broom Marjorie Ada Female Wilkinson Mervyn Wilfred Male Perth
1945/102343 Perth Ellis Leoni Blanche Female Gilmour James Male Perth
1945/102343 Perth Gilmour James Male Ellis Leoni Blanche Female Perth
1945/102344 Perth Strang Jessie Dorothy Female Taylor John Alexander Male Perth
1945/102344 Perth Taylor John Alexander Male Strang Jessie Dorothy Female Perth
1945/102345 Perth Bassett Lewis Henry Male Horan Mary Bridget Female Perth
1945/102345 Perth Horan Mary Bridget Female Bassett Lewis Henry Male Perth
1945/102346 Perth Fisher Beryl May Female Selley Alan Roy Male Perth
1945/102346 Perth Selley Alan Roy Male Fisher Beryl May Female Perth
1945/102347 Perth Bevan Albert Sidney Male Back Muriel Stella Female Rosalie
1945/102347 Perth Back Muriel Stella Female Bevan Albert Sidney Male Rosalie
1945/102348 Perth Kay Thomas Martland Male Appleton Elsie Violet Female Rosalie
1945/102348 Perth Appleton Elsie Violet Female Kay Thomas Martland Male Rosalie
1945/102349 Perth Wilson Mary Hetty Female Lindsey Thomas Malcolm Male South Perth
1945/102349 Perth Lindsey Thomas Malcolm Male Wilson Mary Hetty Female South Perth
1945/102350 Perth Burston Joseph Male Seaton Lilian Louise Female Perth
1945/102350 Perth Seaton Lilian Louise Female Burston Joseph Male Perth
1945/102351 Perth Turner Eileen Christine Female Ridley Clifton Francis Male Perth
1945/102351 Perth Ridley Clifton Francis Male Turner Eileen Christine Female Perth
1945/102352 Perth McGriskin Patrick Harold Male Reynolds Betty Faye Female Subiaco
1945/102352 Perth Reynolds Betty Faye Female McGriskin Patrick Harold Male Subiaco
1945/102353 Perth Mangano Anna Maria Female La Mancusa Carlo Male Osborne Park
1945/102353 Perth La Mancusa Carlo Male Mangano Anna Maria Female Osborne Park
1945/102354 Perth Smith Sophie Elida Marie Female Trobridge Arthur Lincoln Male Perth
1945/102354 Perth Trobridge Arthur Lincoln Male Smith Sophie Elida Marie Female Perth
1945/102355 Perth Roberts Mavis Joan Female Appleton Ronald Jack Male Perth
1945/102355 Perth Appleton Ronald Jack Male Roberts Mavis Joan Female Perth
1945/102356 Perth Rock Queenie May Female White Leslie Thomas Edward Male Perth
1945/102356 Perth White Leslie Thomas Edward Male Rock Queenie May Female Perth
1945/102357 Perth Woolley Joy Lorraine Female Smith George Andrew Male Perth
1945/102357 Perth Smith George Andrew Male Woolley Joy Lorraine Female Perth
1945/102358 Perth Edwards Edith Florence Female Mills John Male Perth
1945/102358 Perth Mills John Male Edwards Edith Florence Female Perth
1945/102359 Perth Hassall Gwendolyn Elsie Female Riley Cyril Bernard Male Perth
1945/102359 Perth Riley Cyril Bernard Male Hassall Gwendolyn Elsie Female Perth
1945/102360 Perth Cadwallader Raymond James Male Wilson Helen Mildred Female Perth
1945/102360 Perth Wilson Helen Mildred Female Cadwallader Raymond James Male Perth
1945/102361 Perth Leake May Female Wyatt Brian Patrick Male Perth
1945/102361 Perth Wyatt Brian Patrick Male Leake May Female Perth
1945/102362 Perth Langsford Marjorie Joyce Female Edwards Arthur Llewellyn Davies Male Claremont
1945/102362 Perth Edwards Arthur Llewellyn Davies Male Langsford Marjorie Joyce Female Claremont
1945/102363 Perth Lankester Betty Margaret Female Sagar Bernard Atholstan Male Perth
1945/102363 Perth Sagar Bernard Atholstan Male Lankester Betty Margaret Female Perth
1945/102364 Perth Revell Alvin Vernon Male Morley Alys Mae Winson Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/102364 Perth Morley Alys Mae Winson Female Revell Alvin Vernon Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/102365 Perth Annear Dorothea Verna Female Sands Desmond Ossiter Male West Perth
1945/102365 Perth Sands Desmond Ossiter Male Annear Dorothea Verna Female West Perth
1945/102366 Perth Brookes Genevieve Gertrude Agnes Female Gregson Ian Frank Male West Perth
1945/102366 Perth Gregson Ian Frank Male Brookes Genevieve Gertrude Agnes Female West Perth
1945/102367 Perth Davis Victoria Mary Constance Female Lee Ernest Eric Male West Perth
1945/102367 Perth Lee Ernest Eric Male Davis Victoria Mary Constance Female West Perth
1945/102368 Perth O'Connell Leslie Richard Male Goland Jean Margaret Female West Perth
1945/102368 Perth Goland Jean Margaret Female O'Connell Leslie Richard Male West Perth
1945/102369 Perth Massey Elaine Janet Female Gordon-Hart Harold Ramsay Male West Perth
1945/102369 Perth Gordon-Hart Harold Ramsay Male Massey Elaine Janet Female West Perth
1945/102370 Perth Williamson Bruce Kershaw Male Coxon Eileen Elizabeth Ann Female Perth
1945/102370 Perth Coxon Eileen Elizabeth Ann Female Williamson Bruce Kershaw Male Perth
1945/102371 Perth Peterson Victor Male Botachi Florence Gertrude Female Perth
1945/102371 Perth Botachi Florence Gertrude Female Peterson Victor Male Perth
1945/102372 Perth Kirk Robert Hogg Male Edwards Phyllis Female Perth
1945/102372 Perth Edwards Phyllis Female Kirk Robert Hogg Male Perth
1945/102373 Perth Holmes Shirley Marguerite Female Bishop Gordon Fredrick Male Perth
1945/102373 Perth Bishop Gordon Fredrick Male Holmes Shirley Marguerite Female Perth
1945/102374 Perth Wright Leonard Jack Male Brennan Edeline Mavis Female Perth
1945/102374 Perth Brennan Edeline Mavis Female Wright Leonard Jack Male Perth
1945/102375 Perth Norton Peter Murton Male Hirst Patricia Cresswell Female Perth
1945/102375 Perth Hirst Patricia Cresswell Female Norton Peter Murton Male Perth
1945/102376 Perth Carter John Osbourne Male Goldman Traphena Alma Female North Perth Methodist Church
1945/102376 Perth Goldman Traphena Alma Female Carter John Osbourne Male North Perth Methodist Church
1945/102377 Perth Wagner Ivy May Female Hill Robert James Male North Perth Methodist Church
1945/102377 Perth Hill Robert James Male Wagner Ivy May Female North Perth Methodist Church
1945/102378 Perth Vass Margaret Munro Female Donaldson William Alderson Male Cottesloe
1945/102378 Perth Donaldson William Alderson Male Vass Margaret Munro Female Cottesloe
1945/102379 Perth Poole Leslie Male Watkins Ruby Gwendoline Margrett Female Perth
1945/102379 Perth Watkins Ruby Gwendoline Margrett Female Poole Leslie Male Perth
1945/102380 Perth Connaughton Edna May Female Sadler Thomas William Male Perth
1945/102380 Perth Sadler Thomas William Male Connaughton Edna May Female Perth
1945/102381 Perth Swinnerton Dulcie Margaret Female Bridges Charles Henry Oliver Male Perth
1945/102381 Perth Bridges Charles Henry Oliver Male Swinnerton Dulcie Margaret Female Perth
1945/102382 Perth Thompson Malcolm Ernest Male Oliver Elizabeth Female Perth
1945/102382 Perth Oliver Elizabeth Female Thompson Malcolm Ernest Male Perth
1945/102383 Perth Jennings Charles Arthur Male Adlam Doreen Patricia Female Perth
1945/102383 Perth Adlam Doreen Patricia Female Jennings Charles Arthur Male Perth
1945/102384 Perth Logan Colin Stanbury Male Jeans Avis Cynthia Female Claremont
1945/102384 Perth Jeans Avis Cynthia Female Logan Colin Stanbury Male Claremont
1945/102385 Perth Rodgers Joan Elizabeth Female Frost James Jack Male Claremont
1945/102385 Perth Frost James Jack Male Rodgers Joan Elizabeth Female Claremont
1945/102386 Perth Radbourn Norma Beth Female Player Malcolm John Male Claremont
1945/102386 Perth Player Malcolm John Male Radbourn Norma Beth Female Claremont
1945/102387 Perth Cooke Annie Female Kerr George Male Perth
1945/102387 Perth Kerr George Male Cooke Annie Female Perth
1945/102388 Perth Moir Reginald John Male Kildahl Shirley Louise Female Crawley
1945/102388 Perth Kildahl Shirley Louise Female Moir Reginald John Male Crawley
1945/102389 Perth Butler Ruby Elizabeth Female Roberts Digory Pendry Linton Male Maylands
1945/102389 Perth Roberts Digory Pendry Linton Male Butler Ruby Elizabeth Female Maylands
1945/102390 Perth Komaroff Amy Female Gilbert Albert John Male Nedlands
1945/102390 Perth Gilbert Albert John Male Komaroff Amy Female Nedlands
1945/102391 Perth Tozer Florence Evaline Female Wells Leigh Arnold Male Nedlands
1945/102391 Perth Wells Leigh Arnold Male Tozer Florence Evaline Female Nedlands
1945/102392 Perth Arlidge Noel Bertram Stuart Male Davies Josephine Blanche Female Perth
1945/102392 Perth Davies Josephine Blanche Female Arlidge Noel Bertram Stuart Male Perth
1945/102393 Perth Scanlan Thomas Joseph Male Buchi Laura May Female Perth
1945/102393 Perth Buchi Laura May Female Scanlan Thomas Joseph Male Perth
1945/102394 Perth Milesi Angelo John Male Wilson Julie Rhoda Annie Female Perth
1945/102394 Perth Wilson Julie Rhoda Annie Female Milesi Angelo John Male Perth
1945/102395 Perth White Mary Veronica Female Smith James Stanley Male Perth
1945/102395 Perth Smith James Stanley Male White Mary Veronica Female Perth
1945/102396 Perth Levin Harold Male Helfand Pearl Female Perth
1945/102396 Perth Helfand Pearl Female Levin Harold Male Perth
1945/102397 Perth Wrigley Marjory Patricia Female Farley Cecil Raymond Male West Leederville
1945/102397 Perth Farley Cecil Raymond Male Wrigley Marjory Patricia Female West Leederville
1945/102398 Perth Hamilton Catherine Ellen Female Cassidy John Patrick Male Perth
1945/102398 Perth Cassidy John Patrick Male Hamilton Catherine Ellen Female Perth
1945/102399 Perth McAdam Roma Gwenda Female Cosson Edward James Male Perth
1945/102399 Perth Cosson Edward James Male McAdam Roma Gwenda Female Perth
1945/102400 Perth Burvill Alfred Joseph Male Burvill Dorothy Allison Female East Victoria Park
1945/102400 Perth Burvill Dorothy Allison Female Burvill Alfred Joseph Male East Victoria Park
1945/102401 Perth Ransome Victor Allan Male Jefferson Gwendoline Mary Female Perth
1945/102401 Perth Jefferson Gwendoline Mary Female Ransome Victor Allan Male Perth
1945/102402 Perth Pestalozzi Suzette Female Allnutt Norman Loudon Lea Male Cottesloe
1945/102402 Perth Allnutt Norman Loudon Lea Male Pestalozzi Suzette Female Cottesloe
1945/102403 Perth Lee Francis Female Johnson Henry Cecil Male Mt Lawley
1945/102403 Perth Johnson Henry Cecil Male Lee Francis Female Mt Lawley
1945/102404 Perth Little Claude Arthur Male Atkinson Frances West Female Perth
1945/102404 Perth Atkinson Frances West Female Little Claude Arthur Male Perth
1945/102405 Perth Mahoney Reginald Ernest Male Montgomery Veronica Jean Female Subiaco
1945/102405 Perth Montgomery Veronica Jean Female Mahoney Reginald Ernest Male Subiaco
1945/102406 Perth Ames Russell William Male Riches Elva Jean Female Perth
1945/102406 Perth Riches Elva Jean Female Ames Russell William Male Perth
1945/102407 Perth Paterson Colin Frederick Male McLean Isabel Evans Female Perth
1945/102407 Perth McLean Isabel Evans Female Paterson Colin Frederick Male Perth
1945/102408 Perth Heffernan Joyce Female Rendell Harry Milton Male Perth
1945/102408 Perth Rendell Harry Milton Male Heffernan Joyce Female Perth
1945/102409 Perth Grant Charles Stewart Male Towton Amy Dorothy Female Perth
1945/102409 Perth Towton Amy Dorothy Female Grant Charles Stewart Male Perth
1945/102410 Perth Kirchner Leo Vincent Male Stahl Gertrude May Female Perth
1945/102410 Perth Stahl Gertrude May Female Kirchner Leo Vincent Male Perth
1945/102411 Perth Grace John Roy Male Pozzi Carina Margaret Female Perth
1945/102411 Perth Pozzi Carina Margaret Female Grace John Roy Male Perth
1945/102412 Perth Delany Margaret Mary Female Ruwoldt Ronald Glover Male Perth
1945/102412 Perth Ruwoldt Ronald Glover Male Delany Margaret Mary Female Perth
1945/102413 Perth Wearmouth Richard Worthy Male Baistow Betty Female Perth
1945/102413 Perth Baistow Betty Female Wearmouth Richard Worthy Male Perth
1945/102414 Perth Menhennett Percy Grove Male Dolling Florence Violet May Female Perth
1945/102414 Perth Dolling Florence Violet May Female Menhennett Percy Grove Male Perth
1945/102415 Perth Sturcke Phillip Henry Male Pears Maureen Female Perth
1945/102415 Perth Pears Maureen Female Sturcke Phillip Henry Male Perth
1945/102416 Perth Coombs Alfred John Male Thomson Hildred Elsie Female Perth
1945/102416 Perth Thomson Hildred Elsie Female Coombs Alfred John Male Perth
1945/102417 Perth Campbell Shirley Elaine Female Reynolds Neville Samuel Male Perth
1945/102417 Perth Reynolds Neville Samuel Male Campbell Shirley Elaine Female Perth
1945/102418 Perth Morris Lily Female Gell Garnett Richard Male Perth
1945/102418 Perth Gell Garnett Richard Male Morris Lily Female Perth
1945/102419 Perth Cross Percival Raymond Male Bertram Lillis Mary Female Perth
1945/102419 Perth Bertram Lillis Mary Female Cross Percival Raymond Male Perth
1945/102420 Perth Guelfi Alice Jean Female Bastow Francis William Male Osborne Park
1945/102420 Perth Bastow Francis William Male Guelfi Alice Jean Female Osborne Park
1945/102421 Perth Skeels Annie Mavis Female McGee John Henry Male Victoria Park
1945/102421 Perth McGee John Henry Male Skeels Annie Mavis Female Victoria Park
1945/102422 Perth Uden Edith Nellie Female Branton John William Male Forrest Park Methodist Church
1945/102422 Perth Branton John William Male Uden Edith Nellie Female Forrest Park Methodist Church
1945/102423 Perth Hutchinson Frank William Male Smith Betty Female Forrest Park Methodist Church
1945/102423 Perth Smith Betty Female Hutchinson Frank William Male Forrest Park Methodist Church
1945/102424 Perth Delaney Ruby Mary Female Henderson James Elliott Male Subiaco
1945/102424 Perth Henderson James Elliott Male Delaney Ruby Mary Female Subiaco
1945/102425 Perth Cook Kenneth Victor Frederick Male Caporn Olive May Female Victoria Park
1945/102425 Perth Caporn Olive May Female Cook Kenneth Victor Frederick Male Victoria Park
1945/102426 Perth Cunningham Winifred Alberta Female Phillips John Vincent Male Perth
1945/102426 Perth Phillips John Vincent Male Cunningham Winifred Alberta Female Perth
1945/102427 Perth Nielsen Elizabeth Kathleen Female Byrne William Leslie Male Perth
1945/102427 Perth Byrne William Leslie Male Nielsen Elizabeth Kathleen Female Perth
1945/102428 Perth Carr Martha Myrtle Female Edelman Samuel Male Perth
1945/102428 Perth Edelman Samuel Male Carr Martha Myrtle Female Perth
1945/102429 Perth Willcock John Percy Male Wright Shirley Ivy Female Mt Lawley
1945/102429 Perth Wright Shirley Ivy Female Willcock John Percy Male Mt Lawley
1945/102430 Perth Symonds Geoffrey Edwin Male Strangway Gwenyth Female Mt Lawley
1945/102430 Perth Strangway Gwenyth Female Symonds Geoffrey Edwin Male Mt Lawley
1945/102431 Perth Clarkson Dorothy May Female Sharp John Bennett Male Mt Lawley
1945/102431 Perth Sharp John Bennett Male Clarkson Dorothy May Female Mt Lawley
1945/102432 Perth Jackson Leonard William Male Cowin Amy Victoria Female Maylands
1945/102432 Perth Cowin Amy Victoria Female Jackson Leonard William Male Maylands
1945/102433 Perth Lockley Iris Mary Female Aamot Hans Male West Perth
1945/102433 Perth Aamot Hans Male Lockley Iris Mary Female West Perth
1945/102434 Perth Forte Antonietta Female Italiano Antonino Male West Perth
1945/102434 Perth Italiano Antonino Male Forte Antonietta Female West Perth
1945/102435 Perth Dau Theodore Reginald Male Sharp Evelyn Ann Female West Perth
1945/102435 Perth Sharp Evelyn Ann Female Dau Theodore Reginald Male West Perth
1945/102436 Perth Moore Irene Florence Female Meagher George Edmund Male South Perth
1945/102436 Perth Meagher George Edmund Male Moore Irene Florence Female South Perth
1945/102437 Perth Budd Ivy Rachel Female Smith Lenard Edward Male Perth
1945/102437 Perth Smith Lenard Edward Male Budd Ivy Rachel Female Perth
1945/102438 Perth Catherall Edward Vernon Male Green Alma Rose Female Perth
1945/102438 Perth Green Alma Rose Female Catherall Edward Vernon Male Perth
1945/102439 Perth Rutherford James Alexander Male Davies Margaret Cecil Female West Perth
1945/102439 Perth Davies Margaret Cecil Female Rutherford James Alexander Male West Perth
1945/102440 Perth Risinger Harold Ernest Male See Mollie Frances Female West Perth
1945/102440 Perth See Mollie Frances Female Risinger Harold Ernest Male West Perth
1945/102441 Perth Bell Leslie James Male Carmody Eileen Mary Female Perth
1945/102441 Perth Carmody Eileen Mary Female Bell Leslie James Male Perth
1945/102442 Perth Williams Joyce Emma Female Loxton Kevin Joseph Male West Perth
1945/102442 Perth Loxton Kevin Joseph Male Williams Joyce Emma Female West Perth
1945/102443 Perth Gilbert Richard Thomas Male Ashby Edith Laura Female West Perth
1945/102443 Perth Ashby Edith Laura Female Gilbert Richard Thomas Male West Perth
1945/102444 Perth Harding Margaret Ellen Female Lambert Frederick Male Perth
1945/102444 Perth Lambert Frederick Male Harding Margaret Ellen Female Perth
1945/102445 Perth Foley Mary Female Rowe James Male Perth
1945/102445 Perth Rowe James Male Foley Mary Female Perth
1945/102446 Perth Daffen John Frederick Knowles Male Smith Kathleen Lily Female Perth
1945/102446 Perth Smith Kathleen Lily Female Daffen John Frederick Knowles Male Perth
1945/102447 Perth Crockenberg Frederick Herbert Male Nelson Edith May Female Mt Lawley
1945/102447 Perth Nelson Edith May Female Crockenberg Frederick Herbert Male Mt Lawley
1945/102448 Perth Ritchie Mollie Caroline Female Faulkes John Edward Male West Perth
1945/102448 Perth Faulkes John Edward Male Ritchie Mollie Caroline Female West Perth
1945/102449 Perth Howie Kathleen Female Gregson Gordon Hugh Male West Perth
1945/102449 Perth Gregson Gordon Hugh Male Howie Kathleen Female West Perth
1945/102450 Perth Burgess Alick Gilbert Male Richardson Elsie Margaret Female West Perth
1945/102450 Perth Richardson Elsie Margaret Female Burgess Alick Gilbert Male West Perth
1945/102451 Perth McMillan Joyce Elizabeth Female Ryan Bernard Hastings Male West Perth
1945/102451 Perth Ryan Bernard Hastings Male McMillan Joyce Elizabeth Female West Perth
1945/300001 Ashburton Vine Alfred Kenneth Male Bryce Betty Rita Female Onslow
1945/300001 Ashburton Bryce Betty Rita Female Vine Alfred Kenneth Male Onslow
1945/300002 Ashburton Clark Samuel Henry James Neil Male Rinaldi Alice Jerome Female Onslow
1945/300002 Ashburton Rinaldi Alice Jerome Female Clark Samuel Henry James Neil Male Onslow
1946/400001 Beverley Kelly Eileen Female Cahill Stanley Francis Male Wandering
1945/400001 Beverley Martin Enid Ruth Female Broun Melvin Aldrick Male Pingelly
1945/400001 Beverley Broun Melvin Aldrick Male Martin Enid Ruth Female Pingelly
1946/400001 Beverley Cahill Stanley Francis Male Kelly Eileen Female Wandering
1945/400002 Beverley Whittington Henry Samuel Male Dean Alice Louisa Female Beverley
1945/400002 Beverley Dean Alice Louisa Female Whittington Henry Samuel Male Beverley
1945/400003 Beverley Stone Joyce Eleanor Female Edwick Owen Wilson Male Pingelly
1945/400003 Beverley Edwick Owen Wilson Male Stone Joyce Eleanor Female Pingelly
1945/400004 Beverley Thorn Lottie Female Collard Rod Male Pingelly
1945/400004 Beverley Collard Rod Male Thorn Lottie Female Pingelly
1945/400005 Beverley Grigsby Winifred Rose Female Edwards Edward Male Beverley
1945/400005 Beverley Edwards Edward Male Grigsby Winifred Rose Female Beverley
1945/400006 Beverley King Nancy Sybil Female Hancock Walter Lloyd Male Yealering
1945/400006 Beverley Hancock Walter Lloyd Male King Nancy Sybil Female Yealering
1945/400007 Beverley Hill Maitland Male Davis May Female Pingelly
1945/400007 Beverley Davis May Female Hill Maitland Male Pingelly
1945/400008 Beverley Fleay Anna Ruth Julia Female Mann John Avondale Male Beverley
1945/400008 Beverley Mann John Avondale Male Fleay Anna Ruth Julia Female Beverley
1945/400009 Beverley Grafham Beryl Elizabeth Female Riebeling Horton Alfred Male Beverley
1945/400009 Beverley Riebeling Horton Alfred Male Grafham Beryl Elizabeth Female Beverley
1945/400010 Beverley Hill Violet Female Bennell Henry Male Pingelly
1945/400010 Beverley Bennell Henry Male Hill Violet Female Pingelly
1945/400011 Beverley Watts Sylvia Elizabeth Lydia Female White George Edwin Male Pingelly
1945/400011 Beverley White George Edwin Male Watts Sylvia Elizabeth Lydia Female Pingelly
1945/400012 Beverley Eva Emma Florence Female Bassett Francis Male Brookton
1945/400012 Beverley Bassett Francis Male Eva Emma Florence Female Brookton
1945/400013 Beverley Edwards Essie Jean Female Langley Stanley John Male Brookton
1945/400013 Beverley Langley Stanley John Male Edwards Essie Jean Female Brookton
1945/400014 Beverley McKellar Murdoch James Male Weaver Mary Annette Female Beverley
1945/400014 Beverley Weaver Mary Annette Female McKellar Murdoch James Male Beverley
1945/400015 Beverley Kerr Alice Mary Female Noonan Walter Frederick Male Pingelly
1945/400015 Beverley Noonan Walter Frederick Male Kerr Alice Mary Female Pingelly
1945/400016 Beverley Giles Mary Mavis Female Taylor George William Harry Male Pingelly
1945/400016 Beverley Taylor George William Harry Male Giles Mary Mavis Female Pingelly
1945/400017 Beverley Gilchrist Colin Robert Sinclair Male Hosking Evelyn Ruth Female Pingelly
1945/400017 Beverley Hosking Evelyn Ruth Female Gilchrist Colin Robert Sinclair Male Pingelly
1945/400018 Beverley Shaw Stewart Campbell Male Thomas Gwenyth Mary Female Beverley
1945/400018 Beverley Thomas Gwenyth Mary Female Shaw Stewart Campbell Male Beverley
1946/500001 Blackwood Holgate William John Male Bazeley Stella Female Bridgetown
1945/500001 Blackwood Hubery Maude Female Lowe Victor James Male Bridgetown
1946/500001 Blackwood Bazeley Stella Female Holgate William John Male Bridgetown
1945/500001 Blackwood Lowe Victor James Male Hubery Maude Female Bridgetown
1946/500002 Blackwood Faulkner Archibald Hughan Male Stagoll Mabel Florence Female Manjimup
1945/500002 Blackwood Buchanan Gweneth Christine Female Gorman Norman Charles Male Greenbushes
1945/500002 Blackwood Gorman Norman Charles Male Buchanan Gweneth Christine Female Greenbushes
1946/500002 Blackwood Stagoll Mabel Florence Female Faulkner Archibald Hughan Male Manjimup
1945/500003 Blackwood Velios Georgios Nicolaou Male Konsolis Nici Female Manjimup
1945/500003 Blackwood Konsolis Nici Female Velios Georgios Nicolaou Male Manjimup
1946/500003 Blackwood Rann Joan Maxine Female South Owen Male Manjimup
1946/500003 Blackwood South Owen Male Rann Joan Maxine Female Manjimup
1946/500005 Blackwood Ireland Leslie Francis Male Brown Elizabeth Laura Paul Female Manjimup
1945/500005 Blackwood Luff Claude Fergus Male Muir Doreen Elizabeth Female Bridgetown
1946/500005 Blackwood Brown Elizabeth Laura Paul Female Ireland Leslie Francis Male Manjimup
1945/500005 Blackwood Muir Doreen Elizabeth Female Luff Claude Fergus Male Bridgetown
1945/500007 Blackwood Angel Dudley Walter Male Mowday Daphne Joy Female Nannup
1945/500007 Blackwood Mowday Daphne Joy Female Angel Dudley Walter Male Nannup
1945/500008 Blackwood Mace Olive Florence Female Worthington William Richard Male Bridgetown
1945/500008 Blackwood Worthington William Richard Male Mace Olive Florence Female Bridgetown
1945/500009 Blackwood Butler Marjorie Kieber Female Stephenson Eric George Henry Male Manjimup
1945/500009 Blackwood Stephenson Eric George Henry Male Butler Marjorie Kieber Female Manjimup
1945/500010 Blackwood McAtee Raymond Charles Male Dean Margaret Evelyn Female Nannup
1945/500010 Blackwood Dean Margaret Evelyn Female McAtee Raymond Charles Male Nannup
1945/500011 Blackwood Jones Harold Keith Male Pearce Elva Lila Female Bridgetown
1945/500011 Blackwood Pearce Elva Lila Female Jones Harold Keith Male Bridgetown
1945/500012 Blackwood Strudwick George William Male Rowley Glenise Female Bridgetown
1945/500012 Blackwood Rowley Glenise Female Strudwick George William Male Bridgetown
1945/500013 Blackwood McSwain Eric Allan Male Braund Olive Female Bridgetown
1945/500013 Blackwood Braund Olive Female McSwain Eric Allan Male Bridgetown
1945/500014 Blackwood Divall Florence Kate Female Churchill William Male Manjimup
1945/500014 Blackwood Churchill William Male Divall Florence Kate Female Manjimup
1945/500015 Blackwood Pickersgill Veronica Mona Female Mears Basil Charles Male Nannup
1945/500015 Blackwood Mears Basil Charles Male Pickersgill Veronica Mona Female Nannup
1945/500016 Blackwood Betsworth Thomas Male Coan Edith Mary Female Manjimup
1945/500016 Blackwood Coan Edith Mary Female Betsworth Thomas Male Manjimup
1945/500017 Blackwood Wilkes Mavis Edith Joyce Female Rogers Charles William Male Greenbushes
1945/500017 Blackwood Rogers Charles William Male Wilkes Mavis Edith Joyce Female Greenbushes
1945/500018 Blackwood Goyder Julian Bruce Male Egerton-Warburton Diana Female Bridgetown
1945/500018 Blackwood Egerton-Warburton Diana Female Goyder Julian Bruce Male Bridgetown
1945/500019 Blackwood Borshoff Stella Female Surleff Victor Male Bridgetown
1945/500019 Blackwood Surleff Victor Male Borshoff Stella Female Bridgetown
1945/500020 Blackwood Mabey Horace Ernest Male Bearman Freeda Milfred Female Bridgetown
1945/500020 Blackwood Bearman Freeda Milfred Female Mabey Horace Ernest Male Bridgetown
1945/500021 Blackwood Whittell Peter Male Hester Edith Mary Katherine Female Bridgetown
1945/500021 Blackwood Hester Edith Mary Katherine Female Whittell Peter Male Bridgetown
1945/500022 Blackwood Kaiser Allan Leslie Male Underwood Irene Annie Female Bridgetown
1945/500022 Blackwood Underwood Irene Annie Female Kaiser Allan Leslie Male Bridgetown
1945/500023 Blackwood Walker Alexander Male Raper Mavis Ethel Female Greenbushes
1945/500023 Blackwood Raper Mavis Ethel Female Walker Alexander Male Greenbushes
1945/500024 Blackwood Ballantyne Roma Margaret Female Jacobs James Frederick Male Bridgetown
1945/500024 Blackwood Jacobs James Frederick Male Ballantyne Roma Margaret Female Bridgetown
1945/500025 Blackwood Clough George Male Evans Elizabeth Daphne Female Bridgetown
1945/500025 Blackwood Evans Elizabeth Daphne Female Clough George Male Bridgetown
1945/500026 Blackwood Hall Winnifred Jane Female Gee Alfred Herbert Male Manjimup
1945/500026 Blackwood Gee Alfred Herbert Male Hall Winnifred Jane Female Manjimup
1945/500027 Blackwood Muir Walter Edward Male Collins Jean Margery Female Manjimup
1945/500027 Blackwood Collins Jean Margery Female Muir Walter Edward Male Manjimup
1945/500028 Blackwood Edwards Patrick Roy Male Crowd Mary Antonette Female Bridgetown
1945/500028 Blackwood Crowd Mary Antonette Female Edwards Patrick Roy Male Bridgetown
1945/500029 Blackwood Kilmurray Genevieve Female Regan Clarence Male Bridgetown
1945/500029 Blackwood Regan Clarence Male Kilmurray Genevieve Female Bridgetown
1945/500030 Blackwood Broadhurst Greta Joan Female Membry Albert Raymond Male Manjimup
1945/500030 Blackwood Membry Albert Raymond Male Broadhurst Greta Joan Female Manjimup
1945/500031 Blackwood Braid Elizabeth Kidd Female Ward Ernest Claude Male Manjimup
1945/500031 Blackwood Ward Ernest Claude Male Braid Elizabeth Kidd Female Manjimup
1945/500032 Blackwood Murdock Lorna Gladys Female Hebbermann Arthur Male Bridgetown
1945/500032 Blackwood Hebbermann Arthur Male Murdock Lorna Gladys Female Bridgetown
1945/500033 Blackwood Sims Ellen Edith Female Balding Gerald Henry Male Manjimup
1945/500033 Blackwood Balding Gerald Henry Male Sims Ellen Edith Female Manjimup
1945/500034 Blackwood Wilson Andrew Male Rising Barbara Rose Female Manjimup
1945/500034 Blackwood Rising Barbara Rose Female Wilson Andrew Male Manjimup
1945/500035 Blackwood Somerset Mary Poulett Female Thomson Herbert David Male Balingup
1945/500035 Blackwood Thomson Herbert David Male Somerset Mary Poulett Female Balingup
1945/500036 Blackwood Green Mavis Jean Female Nichols James William Male Pemberton
1945/500036 Blackwood Nichols James William Male Green Mavis Jean Female Pemberton
1945/500037 Blackwood Goss Winifred Maude Female Sanders Eric Arnold Male Pemberton
1945/500037 Blackwood Sanders Eric Arnold Male Goss Winifred Maude Female Pemberton
1945/500038 Blackwood Lilly Frank Male Fontanini Kathleen Female Manjimup
1945/500038 Blackwood Fontanini Kathleen Female Lilly Frank Male Manjimup
1945/500039 Blackwood Slavich John Male Sepich Milly Female Manjimup
1945/500039 Blackwood Sepich Milly Female Slavich John Male Manjimup
1945/500040 Blackwood Hall Sylvia Mary Female Crowd Walter William Male Bridgetown
1945/500040 Blackwood Crowd Walter William Male Hall Sylvia Mary Female Bridgetown
1945/500041 Blackwood Hague Lawrence Charles Male Raper Eunice Dorothy Female Greenbushes
1945/500041 Blackwood Raper Eunice Dorothy Female Hague Lawrence Charles Male Greenbushes
1945/500042 Blackwood Dawson May Mary Elizabeth Female Morris Norman Ernest Male Greenbushes
1945/500042 Blackwood Morris Norman Ernest Male Dawson May Mary Elizabeth Female Greenbushes
1945/500043 Blackwood Dickson Carola May Female Curnuck Royston Keith Male Nannup
1945/500043 Blackwood Curnuck Royston Keith Male Dickson Carola May Female Nannup
1945/500044 Blackwood Moss Patricia Betty Female Herbert Harold Joseph Keith Male Manjimup
1945/500044 Blackwood Herbert Harold Joseph Keith Male Moss Patricia Betty Female Manjimup
1945/500045 Blackwood Pittendreigh Eva Jean Female Rowley Gordon Palgrave Male Manjimup
1945/500045 Blackwood Rowley Gordon Palgrave Male Pittendreigh Eva Jean Female Manjimup
1945/500046 Blackwood Vlahos Peter Male Surleff Cristina Female Manjimup
1945/500046 Blackwood Surleff Cristina Female Vlahos Peter Male Manjimup
1946/700001 Boulder Coolahan Lawrence Arthur Male Elder Isabella Peace Female Boulder
1945/700001 Boulder Pearson Norma Dorothy Female Gray David Denis Charles Male Boulder
1946/700001 Boulder Elder Isabella Peace Female Coolahan Lawrence Arthur Male Boulder
1945/700001 Boulder Gray David Denis Charles Male Pearson Norma Dorothy Female Boulder
1945/700003 Boulder Sizer David John Male Nicholson Pauline Grace Female Boulder
1945/700003 Boulder Nicholson Pauline Grace Female Sizer David John Male Boulder
1945/700004 Boulder Osboine Eric Gordon Male Smart Roma Jean Female Boulder
1945/700004 Boulder Smart Roma Jean Female Osboine Eric Gordon Male Boulder
1945/700005 Boulder Lovatt Marjorie Irene Female Hislop Thomas Male Boulder
1945/700005 Boulder Hislop Thomas Male Lovatt Marjorie Irene Female Boulder
1945/700006 Boulder Aurisch Gordon Harold Male Hughes Lilian May Female Boulder
1945/700006 Boulder Hughes Lilian May Female Aurisch Gordon Harold Male Boulder
1945/700007 Boulder Bracegirdle Brian Thomas Maxwell Male Hearn Phoebe Female Boulder
1945/700007 Boulder Hearn Phoebe Female Bracegirdle Brian Thomas Maxwell Male Boulder
1945/700008 Boulder Gherbaz Milly Female Croci Anthony John Male Boulder
1945/700008 Boulder Croci Anthony John Male Gherbaz Milly Female Boulder
1945/700009 Boulder Anderson Isla Lillian Female Hahn Arthur Male Boulder
1945/700009 Boulder Hahn Arthur Male Anderson Isla Lillian Female Boulder
1945/700010 Boulder Eatts Sydney Thomas Male Taylor Mary Ellen Female Boulder
1945/700010 Boulder Taylor Mary Ellen Female Eatts Sydney Thomas Male Boulder
1945/700011 Boulder McArdell John Patrick Male Cleasby Daphne Female Boulder
1945/700011 Boulder Cleasby Daphne Female McArdell John Patrick Male Boulder
1945/700012 Boulder Pollard Reginald Edward James Male Mason Jean Female Boulder
1945/700012 Boulder Mason Jean Female Pollard Reginald Edward James Male Boulder
1945/700013 Boulder Wilson Wallace Henry Male Moore Nora Irene Cecilia Female Boulder
1945/700013 Boulder Moore Nora Irene Cecilia Female Wilson Wallace Henry Male Boulder
1945/700014 Boulder Gould Reuben Male Dunstone Nancy Evelyn Female Boulder
1945/700014 Boulder Dunstone Nancy Evelyn Female Gould Reuben Male Boulder
1945/700015 Boulder Richards Valma Dell Female Foster John Male Boulder
1945/700015 Boulder Foster John Male Richards Valma Dell Female Boulder
1945/700016 Boulder Weary Iris Gladys Female Gully Leslie Raymond Male Boulder
1945/700016 Boulder Gully Leslie Raymond Male Weary Iris Gladys Female Boulder
1945/700017 Boulder McHugh Joan Female Cross Ronald Male Boulder
1945/700017 Boulder Cross Ronald Male McHugh Joan Female Boulder
1945/700018 Boulder Dorter Dorothy Jean Female Banks George Male Boulder
1945/700018 Boulder Banks George Male Dorter Dorothy Jean Female Boulder
1945/700019 Boulder Wholley Mary Johanna Female Kulken Richard Anthony Male Boulder
1945/700019 Boulder Kulken Richard Anthony Male Wholley Mary Johanna Female Boulder
1945/700020 Boulder Holly Charles Lindly Male Cleary Vivian Millicent Female Boulder
1945/700020 Boulder Cleary Vivian Millicent Female Holly Charles Lindly Male Boulder
1945/700021 Boulder Phillips Elsie May Female Strauch William Leslie Male Boulder
1945/700021 Boulder Strauch William Leslie Male Phillips Elsie May Female Boulder
1945/700022 Boulder Dower Frederick George Male Hackett Dorothy Jean Female Boulder
1945/700022 Boulder Hackett Dorothy Jean Female Dower Frederick George Male Boulder
1945/700023 Boulder Hassell Harry Male McMahon Gwendoline June Female Boulder
1945/700023 Boulder McMahon Gwendoline June Female Hassell Harry Male Boulder
1945/700024 Boulder Trewhella Frederick John Male Turrell Florence May Female Boulder
1945/700024 Boulder Turrell Florence May Female Trewhella Frederick John Male Boulder
1945/700025 Boulder Vicensoni Lucy Gelsa Female Cinanni Paul Male Boulder
1945/700025 Boulder Cinanni Paul Male Vicensoni Lucy Gelsa Female Boulder
1945/700026 Boulder Dickhart Joan Elizabeth Female Wasley Raymond Mark Male Boulder
1945/700026 Boulder Wasley Raymond Mark Male Dickhart Joan Elizabeth Female Boulder
1945/700027 Boulder Matthews Frederick Charles Thomas Male Galbraith Ivy May Female Boulder
1945/700027 Boulder Galbraith Ivy May Female Matthews Frederick Charles Thomas Male Boulder
1945/700028 Boulder Criddle Leslie Ronald Male Olsson Joyce Myrtle Female Boulder
1945/700028 Boulder Olsson Joyce Myrtle Female Criddle Leslie Ronald Male Boulder
1945/700029 Boulder Ruane Olive Helena Mary Female Foster Walter Edmond Male Boulder
1945/700029 Boulder Foster Walter Edmond Male Ruane Olive Helena Mary Female Boulder
1945/700030 Boulder Wainwright Frederick Charles Male Grubb Freda Female Boulder
1945/700030 Boulder Grubb Freda Female Wainwright Frederick Charles Male Boulder
1945/700031 Boulder Thomas Emma Elizabeth Female Jackson Gordon William Male Boulder
1945/700031 Boulder Jackson Gordon William Male Thomas Emma Elizabeth Female Boulder
1945/700032 Boulder Fiora Hannah Elizabeth Female Maffina Luigi Male Boulder
1945/700032 Boulder Maffina Luigi Male Fiora Hannah Elizabeth Female Boulder
1945/700033 Boulder Henderson Verna Mavis Female Halliday Donald Gregory Male Boulder
1945/700033 Boulder Halliday Donald Gregory Male Henderson Verna Mavis Female Boulder
1945/700034 Boulder Saligari Charles John Male McPherson Grace Female Boulder
1945/700034 Boulder McPherson Grace Female Saligari Charles John Male Boulder
1945/1100001 Broome Petronella - Female Gerard - Male Broome
1945/1100001 Broome Gerard - Male Petronella - Female Broome
1945/1100002 Broome Dugal Martin Male Xavier Anna Female Lombadina-Mission
1945/1100002 Broome Xavier Anna Female Dugal Martin Male Lombadina-Mission
1945/1100003 Broome O'Shea Veronica Anne Female Nightingall William Eustace Stanley Male Broome
1945/1100003 Broome Nightingall William Eustace Stanley Male O'Shea Veronica Anne Female Broome
1945/1100004 Broome Moore Doris Ethel Female Studd Robert John Male Broome
1945/1100004 Broome Studd Robert John Male Moore Doris Ethel Female Broome
1945/1200001 Bruce Rock Sloan Thomas Male Proud Gwladys Mary Female Kulin
1945/1200001 Bruce Rock Proud Gwladys Mary Female Sloan Thomas Male Kulin
1945/1200002 Bruce Rock Formby Robert William Harper Male Taylor Alice Susann Female Corrigin
1945/1200002 Bruce Rock Taylor Alice Susann Female Formby Robert William Harper Male Corrigin
1945/1200003 Bruce Rock Fidge Arthur Allan Commons Male Wagner Audrey Eileen Female Bruce Rock
1945/1200003 Bruce Rock Wagner Audrey Eileen Female Fidge Arthur Allan Commons Male Bruce Rock
1945/1200004 Bruce Rock Butler Joan Veronica Female Farrall Harold Kenneth Male Bruce Rock
1945/1200004 Bruce Rock Farrall Harold Kenneth Male Butler Joan Veronica Female Bruce Rock
1945/1200005 Bruce Rock Leslie Margaret Mavis Female Altham William Lewtas Male Bruce Rock
1945/1200005 Bruce Rock Altham William Lewtas Male Leslie Margaret Mavis Female Bruce Rock
1945/1200006 Bruce Rock Criddle Lloyd Douglas Male Hill Joyce May Female Bruce Rock
1945/1200006 Bruce Rock Hill Joyce May Female Criddle Lloyd Douglas Male Bruce Rock
1945/1200007 Bruce Rock McKenzie Ethel Sylvia Female Seimons George Clarke Male Corrigin
1945/1200007 Bruce Rock Seimons George Clarke Male McKenzie Ethel Sylvia Female Corrigin
1945/1200008 Bruce Rock Cream John Male Wheeler Doreen Mary Female Bruce Rock
1945/1200008 Bruce Rock Wheeler Doreen Mary Female Cream John Male Bruce Rock
1945/1200009 Bruce Rock Hague Hilda Rose Female McGaw Clinton Alexander Male Bruce Rock
1945/1200009 Bruce Rock McGaw Clinton Alexander Male Hague Hilda Rose Female Bruce Rock
1945/1200010 Bruce Rock Arbuthnot Gladys Mary Female Lane Henry Lionel Male Kondinin
1945/1200010 Bruce Rock Lane Henry Lionel Male Arbuthnot Gladys Mary Female Kondinin
1945/1200011 Bruce Rock Robinson Winifred Edith Shirley Female Mortimore Brian Arthur Male Bruce Rock
1945/1200011 Bruce Rock Mortimore Brian Arthur Male Robinson Winifred Edith Shirley Female Bruce Rock
1945/1200012 Bruce Rock Ingham Elsie Rosalie Female Speedy Roy Everard Male Bruce Rock
1945/1200012 Bruce Rock Speedy Roy Everard Male Ingham Elsie Rosalie Female Bruce Rock
1945/1200013 Bruce Rock Murray John Thomas Male Lane Peggy Mavis Female Kondinin
1945/1200013 Bruce Rock Lane Peggy Mavis Female Murray John Thomas Male Kondinin
1945/1200014 Bruce Rock Burke Betty Female Walton Roy Noel Male Kondinin
1945/1200014 Bruce Rock Walton Roy Noel Male Burke Betty Female Kondinin
1945/1400001 Canning Breen Patricia Alice Female Sleight Phillip Thomas Male Cannington
1945/1400001 Canning Sleight Phillip Thomas Male Breen Patricia Alice Female Cannington
1945/1400002 Canning Judd Arnold Bertram Male Sharpe Phyllis Agnes Female Cannington
1945/1400002 Canning Sharpe Phyllis Agnes Female Judd Arnold Bertram Male Cannington
1945/1400003 Canning Nicolaisen Hans Julius Male Petty Winifred Isabel Female Cannington
1945/1400003 Canning Petty Winifred Isabel Female Nicolaisen Hans Julius Male Cannington
1945/1400004 Canning Boneham Minna Winifred Female Halse Ross James Male Armadale
1945/1400004 Canning Halse Ross James Male Boneham Minna Winifred Female Armadale
1945/1400005 Canning Walker Christina Grace Female Anderson Robert Charles Male Armadale
1945/1400005 Canning Anderson Robert Charles Male Walker Christina Grace Female Armadale
1945/1400006 Canning McGlinn David Gordon Male Harwood Ethel May Female Armadale
1945/1400006 Canning Harwood Ethel May Female McGlinn David Gordon Male Armadale
1946/1400007 Canning Lewis Megan Graham Female Stretch Anthony Farquhar Male Kalamunda
1946/1400007 Canning Stretch Anthony Farquhar Male Lewis Megan Graham Female Kalamunda
1945/1400007 Canning Cloutt Dorothy Joy Female O'Meagher Thomas Stanley Male Kelmscott
1945/1400007 Canning O'Meagher Thomas Stanley Male Cloutt Dorothy Joy Female Kelmscott
1945/1400008 Canning Bates Leonard William Male Beard Carmel Female Kalamunda
1945/1400008 Canning Beard Carmel Female Bates Leonard William Male Kalamunda
1945/1400009 Canning Spencer William Wallace Male Stevenson Kathleen Dorothy Female Kelmscott
1945/1400009 Canning Stevenson Kathleen Dorothy Female Spencer William Wallace Male Kelmscott
1945/1400010 Canning Bumbak George Male Bumbak Mila Female Armadale
1945/1400010 Canning Bumbak Mila Female Bumbak George Male Armadale
1945/1400011 Canning North Edna May Female Stanley Charles Raymond Male Bickley
1945/1400011 Canning Stanley Charles Raymond Male North Edna May Female Bickley
1945/1400012 Canning Delamotte Betty Elwyn Female Martin Richard Charles Male Armadale
1945/1400012 Canning Martin Richard Charles Male Delamotte Betty Elwyn Female Armadale
1945/1400013 Canning Martin Elsie May Female Lucas William John Male Kelmscott
1945/1400013 Canning Lucas William John Male Martin Elsie May Female Kelmscott
1945/1400014 Canning Carruthers Lucy June Female Allen William Francis Male Gosnells
1945/1400014 Canning Allen William Francis Male Carruthers Lucy June Female Gosnells
1945/1400015 Canning Hobby Ronald Joseph Male Sewell Iris Pauline Female Maddington
1945/1400015 Canning Sewell Iris Pauline Female Hobby Ronald Joseph Male Maddington
1945/1400016 Canning Griffiths Muriel Jessie Female Morgan Ronald David Male Armadale
1945/1400016 Canning Morgan Ronald David Male Griffiths Muriel Jessie Female Armadale
1945/1400017 Canning Moroni Alda Female Dorazio Donato Male Queen's Park
1945/1400017 Canning Dorazio Donato Male Moroni Alda Female Queen's Park
1945/1400018 Canning Martin Ross Edgar Male Sass Daphne Female Armadale
1945/1400018 Canning Sass Daphne Female Martin Ross Edgar Male Armadale
1945/1400019 Canning Gibson Frederick Male Palmer Esme Georgina Female Kalamunda
1945/1400019 Canning Palmer Esme Georgina Female Gibson Frederick Male Kalamunda
1945/1400020 Canning Davis Ernest Clarence Male Embling Beryl Female Queen's Park
1945/1400020 Canning Embling Beryl Female Davis Ernest Clarence Male Queen's Park
1945/1400021 Canning McCallum Daphne Matt Female Perks Ernest James Male Gosnells
1945/1400021 Canning Perks Ernest James Male McCallum Daphne Matt Female Gosnells
1945/1400022 Canning Gleichman Theodoor George Male Mackenzie Mary Heather Female Armadale
1945/1400022 Canning Mackenzie Mary Heather Female Gleichman Theodoor George Male Armadale
1945/1400023 Canning Bertolucci Domenico Male Ranieri Elia Female Queen's Park
1945/1400023 Canning Ranieri Elia Female Bertolucci Domenico Male Queen's Park
1945/1400024 Canning Mills Doris Edith Female Mills Douglas Kenneth Male Armadale Congregational Church
1945/1400024 Canning Mills Douglas Kenneth Male Mills Doris Edith Female Armadale Congregational Church
1945/1400025 Canning Phillips Roy Arthur James Male Millett Elsa Elizabeth Female Armadale
1945/1400025 Canning Millett Elsa Elizabeth Female Phillips Roy Arthur James Male Armadale
1945/1400026 Canning Robin Arthur Charles Male Kelly Amy Doris Beatrice May Female Armadale
1945/1400026 Canning Kelly Amy Doris Beatrice May Female Robin Arthur Charles Male Armadale
1945/1400027 Canning Chapman Albert Edward Male Richards Nance Female Cannington
1945/1400027 Canning Richards Nance Female Chapman Albert Edward Male Cannington
1945/1400028 Canning Hutchings Gloria Joyce Female Rowe Harold Francis Male East Cannington
1945/1400028 Canning Rowe Harold Francis Male Hutchings Gloria Joyce Female East Cannington
1945/1400029 Canning Taylor Robert Arthur Stephen Male Morcombe Eileen Grace Female Armadale
1945/1400029 Canning Morcombe Eileen Grace Female Taylor Robert Arthur Stephen Male Armadale
1945/1400030 Canning Willis Valma Ruby Female Randall Eric Charles Male Bickley
1945/1400030 Canning Randall Eric Charles Male Willis Valma Ruby Female Bickley
1945/1400031 Canning McGurk Francis Neal Male Passmore Faith Female Gosnells
1945/1400031 Canning Passmore Faith Female McGurk Francis Neal Male Gosnells
1945/1400032 Canning Aiberti Emilio Adriano Male Panizza Iolanda Maria Female Queen's Park
1945/1400032 Canning Panizza Iolanda Maria Female Aiberti Emilio Adriano Male Queen's Park
1945/1400033 Canning Ursich Andjelina Female Stampalija Kresimir Male Queen's Park
1945/1400033 Canning Stampalija Kresimir Male Ursich Andjelina Female Queen's Park
1945/1400034 Canning Boston Edwin Lawrence Male Fuller Edna Margaret Female Gosnells
1945/1400034 Canning Fuller Edna Margaret Female Boston Edwin Lawrence Male Gosnells
1945/1400035 Canning Hickey Rita Alvena Female Ilich Joseph Male Armadale
1945/1400035 Canning Ilich Joseph Male Hickey Rita Alvena Female Armadale
1945/1400036 Canning Golding Donald Allen Male Lunn Kathleen May Female Armadale
1945/1400036 Canning Lunn Kathleen May Female Golding Donald Allen Male Armadale
1945/1400037 Canning Foreman Edward Henry Male Janeczek Alice Nora Female Kenwick
1945/1400037 Canning Janeczek Alice Nora Female Foreman Edward Henry Male Kenwick
1945/1400038 Canning Vose Vernon Frederick de Pennington Male Draggett Erica Female Cannington
1945/1400038 Canning Draggett Erica Female Vose Vernon Frederick de Pennington Male Cannington
1945/1400039 Canning Ware Ethel Mary Female Old Charles Edward Male Cannington
1945/1400039 Canning Old Charles Edward Male Ware Ethel Mary Female Cannington
1945/1400040 Canning Gwynne Ronald Male Devereux Ella Joan Female Armadale Congregational Church
1945/1400040 Canning Devereux Ella Joan Female Gwynne Ronald Male Armadale Congregational Church
1945/1400041 Canning Wood Ethel Female Osdalen Harold Male Cannington
1945/1400041 Canning Osdalen Harold Male Wood Ethel Female Cannington
1945/1400042 Canning Mortimer Gerard William Male Alexander Mavis Jean Female Cannington
1945/1400042 Canning Alexander Mavis Jean Female Mortimer Gerard William Male Cannington
1945/1400043 Canning Bradshaw Florence Edna Female King Harold Waldeck Male Gosnells
1945/1400043 Canning King Harold Waldeck Male Bradshaw Florence Edna Female Gosnells
1945/1400044 Canning Allen Blanche Eleanor Female Bancroft John Couper Male Gosnells
1945/1400044 Canning Bancroft John Couper Male Allen Blanche Eleanor Female Gosnells
1945/1400045 Canning Boraston George Stokes Male Fleming Florance Female Cannington
1945/1400045 Canning Fleming Florance Female Boraston George Stokes Male Cannington
1945/1400046 Canning Le Roy Violet Female Hales Joseph Edward Male Cannington
1945/1400046 Canning Hales Joseph Edward Male Le Roy Violet Female Cannington
1945/1400047 Canning Ashby Percy William Male Noble Lillian Blanche Female Welshpool
1945/1400047 Canning Noble Lillian Blanche Female Ashby Percy William Male Welshpool
1946/1800001 East Coolgardie Gianni Roma Lucy Female Boromini Giuseppe Alessandro Male Kalgoorlie
1946/1800001 East Coolgardie Boromini Giuseppe Alessandro Male Gianni Roma Lucy Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800002 East Coolgardie Pollard Marjorie Grace Female Ward Philip John Kirwan Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800002 East Coolgardie Ward Philip John Kirwan Male Pollard Marjorie Grace Female Kalgoorlie
1946/1800002 East Coolgardie Dance Jean Florence Female Heeps Andrew Erskine Male Kalgoorlie
1946/1800002 East Coolgardie Heeps Andrew Erskine Male Dance Jean Florence Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800003 East Coolgardie McDonald Joan Pearl Female Ball Ivan Richard Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800003 East Coolgardie Ball Ivan Richard Male McDonald Joan Pearl Female Kalgoorlie
1946/1800004 East Coolgardie Lutjins Joyce Marie Female Paull Stephen Leo Male Kalgoorlie
1946/1800004 East Coolgardie Paull Stephen Leo Male Lutjins Joyce Marie Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800004 East Coolgardie Harris Doris Mary Female O'Shea Timothy Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800004 East Coolgardie O'Shea Timothy Male Harris Doris Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800005 East Coolgardie Carrott Phyllis May Female Worth Edwin Earl Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800005 East Coolgardie Worth Edwin Earl Male Carrott Phyllis May Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800006 East Coolgardie Carrott Arthur Male Rowe Olive Janet Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800006 East Coolgardie Rowe Olive Janet Female Carrott Arthur Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800007 East Coolgardie Dunstan Edwin Charles Male Thompson Eileen Theresa Clare Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800007 East Coolgardie Thompson Eileen Theresa Clare Female Dunstan Edwin Charles Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800008 East Coolgardie Kinsella Herbert Guy Stanislaus Male Goss Maffiecen Leila Salina Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800008 East Coolgardie Goss Maffiecen Leila Salina Female Kinsella Herbert Guy Stanislaus Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800009 East Coolgardie Gollan Phyllis May Female Johns Gordon Maxwell Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800009 East Coolgardie Johns Gordon Maxwell Male Gollan Phyllis May Female Kalgoorlie
1946/1800010 East Coolgardie Healey Mary Frances Female Sell James Alfred Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800010 East Coolgardie McKell Herbert Reginald Male Trew Vera Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1946/1800010 East Coolgardie Sell James Alfred Male Healey Mary Frances Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800010 East Coolgardie Trew Vera Mary Female McKell Herbert Reginald Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800011 East Coolgardie Francis Leonard Guy Male Edgell Vivienne Patricia Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800011 East Coolgardie Edgell Vivienne Patricia Female Francis Leonard Guy Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800012 East Coolgardie Stidworthy Charles Raymond Male Bruce Margaret Jean Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800012 East Coolgardie Bruce Margaret Jean Female Stidworthy Charles Raymond Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800013 East Coolgardie Ebsary Noel Stanley Male Firns Phyllis Emma Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800013 East Coolgardie Firns Phyllis Emma Female Ebsary Noel Stanley Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800014 East Coolgardie Hulme Jack Male Nangle Jean Laurencia Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800014 East Coolgardie Nangle Jean Laurencia Female Hulme Jack Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800015 East Coolgardie James Mabel Georgiana Female Lawson George Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800015 East Coolgardie Lawson George Male James Mabel Georgiana Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800016 East Coolgardie Bishop Iris Emily Female Proud Kenneth George Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800016 East Coolgardie Proud Kenneth George Male Bishop Iris Emily Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800017 East Coolgardie Rowe Richard Henry Male Dunbar Dorothy Gwendoline Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800017 East Coolgardie Dunbar Dorothy Gwendoline Female Rowe Richard Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800018 East Coolgardie Patroni Olimpio Male Capelli Maria Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800018 East Coolgardie Capelli Maria Female Patroni Olimpio Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800019 East Coolgardie Grant-Frost Charles Ray Male Radcliffe-Taylor Marion Aroha Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800019 East Coolgardie Radcliffe-Taylor Marion Aroha Female Grant-Frost Charles Ray Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800020 East Coolgardie Rogers Constance Lola Female Greenhill Warren Milner Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800020 East Coolgardie Greenhill Warren Milner Male Rogers Constance Lola Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800021 East Coolgardie Cordin Evelyn Rosa Female Gibson Lyle William Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800021 East Coolgardie Gibson Lyle William Male Cordin Evelyn Rosa Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800022 East Coolgardie Thorn Ethel Maud Female Thompson Thomas Richard Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800022 East Coolgardie Thompson Thomas Richard Male Thorn Ethel Maud Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800023 East Coolgardie Donovan Ethel Jean Female Murphy Timothy Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800023 East Coolgardie Murphy Timothy Male Donovan Ethel Jean Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800024 East Coolgardie Hicks James Alan Crandon Male Cahill Patricia Alice Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800024 East Coolgardie Cahill Patricia Alice Female Hicks James Alan Crandon Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800025 East Coolgardie Moylan Shirley Agnes Female Mason Harold William George Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800025 East Coolgardie Mason Harold William George Male Moylan Shirley Agnes Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800026 East Coolgardie Louden Merle Norma Female Halton Reginald Leslie Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800026 East Coolgardie Halton Reginald Leslie Male Louden Merle Norma Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800027 East Coolgardie Allen John Albert Male Kerr Barbara Elaine Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800027 East Coolgardie Kerr Barbara Elaine Female Allen John Albert Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800028 East Coolgardie Brown Robert Henry Hatwell Male Grafton Lola May Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800028 East Coolgardie Grafton Lola May Female Brown Robert Henry Hatwell Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800029 East Coolgardie Seal Oretta Elaine Female Donnelly Joseph Patrick Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800029 East Coolgardie Donnelly Joseph Patrick Male Seal Oretta Elaine Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800030 East Coolgardie Jones Ronald William Male Kaye Lorna May Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800030 East Coolgardie Kaye Lorna May Female Jones Ronald William Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800031 East Coolgardie Wall John Leslie Male Dawson Olive Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800031 East Coolgardie Dawson Olive Female Wall John Leslie Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800032 East Coolgardie Adamson Ethel Pearl Female Surridge Robert Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800032 East Coolgardie Surridge Robert Edward Male Adamson Ethel Pearl Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800033 East Coolgardie Rennie Gwendoline Elizabeth Female Patterson Henry Douglas Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800033 East Coolgardie Patterson Henry Douglas Male Rennie Gwendoline Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800034 East Coolgardie Parker Rodney Male Halford Ada Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800034 East Coolgardie Halford Ada Elizabeth Female Parker Rodney Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800035 East Coolgardie Whitley Frederick William Stuart Male Turner Caroline Gladys Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800035 East Coolgardie Turner Caroline Gladys Female Whitley Frederick William Stuart Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800036 East Coolgardie Turner Benjamin George Male Chambers Blanche Irene Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800036 East Coolgardie Chambers Blanche Irene Female Turner Benjamin George Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800037 East Coolgardie Hunt Robert James Roy Male Harvey Mabel Alice Maude Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800037 East Coolgardie Harvey Mabel Alice Maude Female Hunt Robert James Roy Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800038 East Coolgardie Cant Hartley Gordon James Male Newton Florence Miriam Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800038 East Coolgardie Newton Florence Miriam Female Cant Hartley Gordon James Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800039 East Coolgardie McGarry John Male Skipworth Olive Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800039 East Coolgardie Skipworth Olive Female McGarry John Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800040 East Coolgardie McMahon Keith Leonard Male Davis Bethel Eunice Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800040 East Coolgardie Davis Bethel Eunice Female McMahon Keith Leonard Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800041 East Coolgardie Sparling Albert David Male Zappelli Nora Jean Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800041 East Coolgardie Zappelli Nora Jean Female Sparling Albert David Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800042 East Coolgardie McSweeney Timothy Male Carter Mary Ellen Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800042 East Coolgardie Carter Mary Ellen Female McSweeney Timothy Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800043 East Coolgardie Hore Aubrey Edwin Male Beavis Irene Ellen Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800043 East Coolgardie Beavis Irene Ellen Female Hore Aubrey Edwin Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800044 East Coolgardie Gray Francis Gordon Male Bentley Alma May Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800044 East Coolgardie Bentley Alma May Female Gray Francis Gordon Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800045 East Coolgardie Boyland Alice Mabel Female McNally John Aloysius Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800045 East Coolgardie McNally John Aloysius Male Boyland Alice Mabel Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800046 East Coolgardie O'Loughlin Sophia Jean Female Mitchell Ernest Joseph Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800046 East Coolgardie Mitchell Ernest Joseph Male O'Loughlin Sophia Jean Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800047 East Coolgardie Slee Cyril Joseph Male McElhone Gwen Josephine Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800047 East Coolgardie McElhone Gwen Josephine Female Slee Cyril Joseph Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800048 East Coolgardie Fleming Ronald Maxwell Male Virgo Lilian May Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800048 East Coolgardie Virgo Lilian May Female Fleming Ronald Maxwell Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800049 East Coolgardie Mitchell Emily Ellen Female Messenger Bernard Samuel Male Coolgardie
1945/1800049 East Coolgardie Messenger Bernard Samuel Male Mitchell Emily Ellen Female Coolgardie
1945/1800050 East Coolgardie Rule Hazel Grace Female Hayes Ralph Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800050 East Coolgardie Hayes Ralph Male Rule Hazel Grace Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800051 East Coolgardie York Clarence Colin Male Holt Norma Betty Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800051 East Coolgardie Holt Norma Betty Female York Clarence Colin Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800052 East Coolgardie Gard Lionel Allen Male de Boer Erna Kathlyn Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800052 East Coolgardie de Boer Erna Kathlyn Female Gard Lionel Allen Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800053 East Coolgardie Tagliaferri Maria Ellena Female Roberts Thomas Alexander Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800053 East Coolgardie Roberts Thomas Alexander Male Tagliaferri Maria Ellena Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800054 East Coolgardie Norton Elizabeth Emily Female Heslop George William Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800054 East Coolgardie Heslop George William Male Norton Elizabeth Emily Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800055 East Coolgardie Gill Keith Albert Male Scotson Adeline Ivy Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800055 East Coolgardie Scotson Adeline Ivy Female Gill Keith Albert Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800056 East Coolgardie McMillan Robert Alexander Male Fraser Flora Victoria Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800056 East Coolgardie Fraser Flora Victoria Female McMillan Robert Alexander Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800057 East Coolgardie Watts Catherine Agnes Female Peters William James Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800057 East Coolgardie Peters William James Male Watts Catherine Agnes Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800058 East Coolgardie Stokes Patricia Female Cadd Leslie Ambrose Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800058 East Coolgardie Cadd Leslie Ambrose Male Stokes Patricia Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800059 East Coolgardie McDonald Avis Jean Female Oates Frederick William Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800059 East Coolgardie Oates Frederick William Male McDonald Avis Jean Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800060 East Coolgardie Cutting Dulcie Lorraine Female McQuoid David Arthur Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800060 East Coolgardie McQuoid David Arthur Male Cutting Dulcie Lorraine Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800061 East Coolgardie Dartnell Albert Male Gerrard Queenie Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800061 East Coolgardie Gerrard Queenie Female Dartnell Albert Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800062 East Coolgardie Henderson Bessie Female Dimer Rollick Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800062 East Coolgardie Dimer Rollick Male Henderson Bessie Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800063 East Coolgardie Nicolson Edith May Female MacLean Norman Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800063 East Coolgardie MacLean Norman Male Nicolson Edith May Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800064 East Coolgardie Flynn Alice May Female Thornander Eric Wilhelm Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800064 East Coolgardie Thornander Eric Wilhelm Male Flynn Alice May Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800065 East Coolgardie Lowry William Francis Male Lally Veronica Anne Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800065 East Coolgardie Lally Veronica Anne Female Lowry William Francis Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800066 East Coolgardie Maloney Robert Arthur George Male Pope Joy Dorothy Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800066 East Coolgardie Pope Joy Dorothy Female Maloney Robert Arthur George Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800067 East Coolgardie Bowden Kenneth Curtis Male Winter Millicent Kathleen Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800067 East Coolgardie Winter Millicent Kathleen Female Bowden Kenneth Curtis Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800068 East Coolgardie Hine Charles Thomas Male Prudence Phyllis June Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800068 East Coolgardie Prudence Phyllis June Female Hine Charles Thomas Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800069 East Coolgardie Deason Mavis Paulene Female Coghlan Ronald Arthur Gordon Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800069 East Coolgardie Coghlan Ronald Arthur Gordon Male Deason Mavis Paulene Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800070 East Coolgardie Wallis Frederick Alfred Male Brown Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800070 East Coolgardie Brown Elizabeth Female Wallis Frederick Alfred Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800071 East Coolgardie Polmear Florence Eunice Female Lowe William Howard Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800071 East Coolgardie Lowe William Howard Male Polmear Florence Eunice Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800072 East Coolgardie Palmer Roy William Male Proud Rita Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800072 East Coolgardie Proud Rita Mary Female Palmer Roy William Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800073 East Coolgardie Battaglia Roma Mary Female Doricich John Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800073 East Coolgardie Doricich John Male Battaglia Roma Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800074 East Coolgardie Dunlop Ronald Male Fane Iolanthe Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800074 East Coolgardie Fane Iolanthe Female Dunlop Ronald Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800075 East Coolgardie Hamerton Roy Arnold Male McCarthy Gloria Ruby Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800075 East Coolgardie McCarthy Gloria Ruby Female Hamerton Roy Arnold Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800076 East Coolgardie Opie Edward Harvey Male Hewson Ivy Jocelyn Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800076 East Coolgardie Hewson Ivy Jocelyn Female Opie Edward Harvey Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800077 East Coolgardie Barry Alan Michael Male Virgo Beryl Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800077 East Coolgardie Virgo Beryl Female Barry Alan Michael Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800078 East Coolgardie Humphreys Grace Malinda Female Jordan Harry William Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800078 East Coolgardie Jordan Harry William Male Humphreys Grace Malinda Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800079 East Coolgardie Piggott Margery Doris Female Kenneally Thomas Stephen Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800079 East Coolgardie Kenneally Thomas Stephen Male Piggott Margery Doris Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800080 East Coolgardie Law Frances Amelia Female Thomas William John Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800080 East Coolgardie Thomas William John Male Law Frances Amelia Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800081 East Coolgardie Brockman Robert Edward Male Wardrop Florence Emily Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800081 East Coolgardie Wardrop Florence Emily Female Brockman Robert Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800082 East Coolgardie Southby Henry Charles George Male Watson Violet Daisy Female Coolgardie
1945/1800082 East Coolgardie Watson Violet Daisy Female Southby Henry Charles George Male Coolgardie
1945/1800083 East Coolgardie Willcocks William Male Mitchell Louisa Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800083 East Coolgardie Mitchell Louisa Female Willcocks William Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800084 East Coolgardie Sutton Robert Desmond Male Coleman Jean Mavis Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800084 East Coolgardie Coleman Jean Mavis Mary Female Sutton Robert Desmond Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800085 East Coolgardie Spoors Ruby Edith Female Langdon James Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800085 East Coolgardie Langdon James Male Spoors Ruby Edith Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800086 East Coolgardie Triat Kenneth Martin Male Davey Ruth Annie Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800086 East Coolgardie Davey Ruth Annie Female Triat Kenneth Martin Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800087 East Coolgardie Thorns Vera Bertha Female Tatman Kenneth Woodruff Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800087 East Coolgardie Tatman Kenneth Woodruff Male Thorns Vera Bertha Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800088 East Coolgardie Thornton William Alexander Male Trembath Phyllis Irene Joyce Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800088 East Coolgardie Trembath Phyllis Irene Joyce Female Thornton William Alexander Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800089 East Coolgardie Pilgrim Doris Mahala Female Johnson George Martin Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800089 East Coolgardie Johnson George Martin Male Pilgrim Doris Mahala Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800090 East Coolgardie Falconer Douglas George Male Graham Rita Dorothy Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800090 East Coolgardie Graham Rita Dorothy Female Falconer Douglas George Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800091 East Coolgardie Laws Thelma Joyce Female Penn Henry Charles Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800091 East Coolgardie Penn Henry Charles Male Laws Thelma Joyce Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800092 East Coolgardie Davis William Henry Male Glover Rohna Margaret Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800092 East Coolgardie Glover Rohna Margaret Female Davis William Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800093 East Coolgardie Hardwick Joseph Harold Male Cole Ellen Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800093 East Coolgardie Cole Ellen Elizabeth Female Hardwick Joseph Harold Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800094 East Coolgardie Smith Stanley Morrisson Male Ryan Mary Theresa Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800094 East Coolgardie Ryan Mary Theresa Female Smith Stanley Morrisson Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800095 East Coolgardie Buzacott Dorothy Marion Female Dundas Keith Ivan Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800095 East Coolgardie Dundas Keith Ivan Male Buzacott Dorothy Marion Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800096 East Coolgardie Wharton Vera Beatrice Female Peek Kenneth Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800096 East Coolgardie Peek Kenneth Male Wharton Vera Beatrice Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800097 East Coolgardie Bannister Henry Gordon Male O'Halloran Doreen Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800097 East Coolgardie O'Halloran Doreen Female Bannister Henry Gordon Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800098 East Coolgardie Foreman Eric George Male Regan Norma Lyle Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800098 East Coolgardie Regan Norma Lyle Female Foreman Eric George Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800099 East Coolgardie Findlay John Male Nelson Shirley Estelle Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800099 East Coolgardie Nelson Shirley Estelle Female Findlay John Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800100 East Coolgardie Gaspar Andrija Male Grljusich Diana Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800100 East Coolgardie Grljusich Diana Female Gaspar Andrija Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800101 East Coolgardie Willman Jessie Alma Female Johnston Robert George Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800101 East Coolgardie Johnston Robert George Male Willman Jessie Alma Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800102 East Coolgardie Rowe Mary Alice Female Lawson Bruce James Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800102 East Coolgardie Lawson Bruce James Male Rowe Mary Alice Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800103 East Coolgardie Walsh Vida Veronica Female Ellis Charles Ernest Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800103 East Coolgardie Ellis Charles Ernest Male Walsh Vida Veronica Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800104 East Coolgardie Ballard Elizabeth Rebecca Female Smith Alfred Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800104 East Coolgardie Smith Alfred Male Ballard Elizabeth Rebecca Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800105 East Coolgardie Oates Una Ellen Female Daws William Mervyn Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800105 East Coolgardie Daws William Mervyn Male Oates Una Ellen Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800106 East Coolgardie Revell Patricia Winifred Norma Female Abbott Norman Frank Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800106 East Coolgardie Abbott Norman Frank Male Revell Patricia Winifred Norma Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800107 East Coolgardie Brown George Edward Male Beardsell Dorothy Mabel Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800107 East Coolgardie Beardsell Dorothy Mabel Female Brown George Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800108 East Coolgardie Tasker Raymond Leslie Male Pinkerton Daisy Pearl Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800108 East Coolgardie Pinkerton Daisy Pearl Female Tasker Raymond Leslie Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800109 East Coolgardie Saunders Verona Ivy Female George Norman Thomas Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800109 East Coolgardie George Norman Thomas Male Saunders Verona Ivy Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800110 East Coolgardie Ibbotson Allan William Male Nunn Valerie June Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800110 East Coolgardie Nunn Valerie June Female Ibbotson Allan William Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800111 East Coolgardie Smythe Beverley Brice Female Halton Alfred Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800111 East Coolgardie Halton Alfred Edward Male Smythe Beverley Brice Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800112 East Coolgardie Vukovich Mary Female Zlvich Jack Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800113 East Coolgardie Rogers Bernard Murchison Male Dorizzi Erminia Agnes Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800113 East Coolgardie Dorizzi Erminia Agnes Female Rogers Bernard Murchison Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800114 East Coolgardie Edwards Bella Black Female Steel James Montgomery Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800114 East Coolgardie Steel James Montgomery Male Edwards Bella Black Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800115 East Coolgardie Hay Reginald Thomas Male Larsen Ileen Dolores Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800115 East Coolgardie Larsen Ileen Dolores Female Hay Reginald Thomas Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800116 East Coolgardie Bowers Kate Irene Female James Hugh Raymond Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800116 East Coolgardie James Hugh Raymond Male Bowers Kate Irene Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800117 East Coolgardie Cooper Thelma Vivian Female Stocker Frank Noel Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800117 East Coolgardie Stocker Frank Noel Male Cooper Thelma Vivian Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800118 East Coolgardie Wood Colin Parham Male Gilbert Greta Merle Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800118 East Coolgardie Gilbert Greta Merle Female Wood Colin Parham Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800119 East Coolgardie Neal John Robert Male Tailor Grace Alice Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800119 East Coolgardie Tailor Grace Alice Mary Female Neal John Robert Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800120 East Coolgardie Payne Linda Mavis Female Lush Jack Englefield Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800120 East Coolgardie Lush Jack Englefield Male Payne Linda Mavis Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800121 East Coolgardie Williams Thomas Wonga Male West Elaine Harvey Female Kalgoorlie
1945/1800121 East Coolgardie West Elaine Harvey Female Williams Thomas Wonga Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800122 East Coolgardie Varney Marjory Christina Female Wright Cyril Tom Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800122 East Coolgardie Wright Cyril Tom Male Varney Marjory Christina Female Kalgoorlie
1945/2400002 Dundas Anslow Vincent Male Robins Gladys Female Norseman
1945/2400002 Dundas Robins Gladys Female Anslow Vincent Male Norseman
1945/2400003 Dundas Evans Barbara Lucy Female Swann Rodney Ambrose Male Norseman
1945/2400003 Dundas Swann Rodney Ambrose Male Evans Barbara Lucy Female Norseman
1945/2400004 Dundas Coombs Ronald Albert Male Wooding Ruby Muriel Female Norseman
1945/2400004 Dundas Wooding Ruby Muriel Female Coombs Ronald Albert Male Norseman
1945/2400005 Dundas McLean Enid Emmeline Female Barry William Male Norseman
1945/2400005 Dundas Barry William Male McLean Enid Emmeline Female Norseman
1945/2400006 Dundas Pantall Milton George Male Pearson Francis Ethel Female Norseman
1945/2400006 Dundas Pearson Francis Ethel Female Pantall Milton George Male Norseman
1945/2400007 Dundas Jones Henry Maxwell Male McAndrew Margaret Mary Female Norseman
1945/2400007 Dundas McAndrew Margaret Mary Female Jones Henry Maxwell Male Norseman
1945/2400008 Dundas Coleman Lorna Phyllis Female Dodd Arthur Clarence Male Norseman
1945/2400008 Dundas Dodd Arthur Clarence Male Coleman Lorna Phyllis Female Norseman
1945/2500001 Esperance Nicholls Molly Violet Female Dehring Ronald Frederick Male Esperance
1945/2500001 Esperance Dehring Ronald Frederick Male Nicholls Molly Violet Female Esperance
1945/2500002 Esperance Beckett Sarah Isabell Mary Female Anderson Leslie James Male Esperance
1945/2500002 Esperance Anderson Leslie James Male Beckett Sarah Isabell Mary Female Esperance
1945/2500003 Esperance Hartley Patricia Sylvia Female Strachan Douglas Robert Male Esperance
1945/2500003 Esperance Strachan Douglas Robert Male Hartley Patricia Sylvia Female Esperance
1945/2500004 Esperance Daw Raymonde Vivienne Female Remnant Roy Male Esperance
1945/2500004 Esperance Remnant Roy Male Daw Raymonde Vivienne Female Esperance
1945/2500005 Esperance Rodgers Jean Mary Female Dimer Ned Male Esperance
1945/2500005 Esperance Dimer Ned Male Rodgers Jean Mary Female Esperance
1946/2700001 Fremantle Gericevich Vetea Eva Female Jaksich Yuonimir Rodo Male Fremantle
1946/2700001 Fremantle Jaksich Yuonimir Rodo Male Gericevich Vetea Eva Female Fremantle
1946/2700002 Fremantle Gleadall Alice Mary Female Vincent Gordon Male Fremantle
1945/2700002 Fremantle Rowe Roy James Male Dyer Margaret Female Fremantle
1945/2700002 Fremantle Dyer Margaret Female Rowe Roy James Male Fremantle
1946/2700002 Fremantle Vincent Gordon Male Gleadall Alice Mary Female Fremantle
1946/2700003 Fremantle Rowe Albert Edward Male MacDonald Anne Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1945/2700003 Fremantle McDonald Joseph Edward Male Fossilo Frances Joyce Female Fremantle
1946/2700003 Fremantle MacDonald Anne Elizabeth Female Rowe Albert Edward Male Fremantle
1945/2700003 Fremantle Fossilo Frances Joyce Female McDonald Joseph Edward Male Fremantle
1946/2700004 Fremantle Pearce Olive Betty Female Sandow Reginald James Male Fremantle
1946/2700004 Fremantle Sandow Reginald James Male Pearce Olive Betty Female Fremantle
1945/2700005 Fremantle Gibson Ronald Joseph Male Hillier Bridget Female Fremantle
1946/2700005 Fremantle Winzar Ethelwin Frances Flamsteed Female Moffatt Mervyn Charles Male Fremantle
1946/2700005 Fremantle Moffatt Mervyn Charles Male Winzar Ethelwin Frances Flamsteed Female Fremantle
1945/2700005 Fremantle Hillier Bridget Female Gibson Ronald Joseph Male Fremantle
1945/2700006 Fremantle Miragliotta Gloria Angelina Female Spagnolo Antonino Male Fremantle
1945/2700006 Fremantle Spagnolo Antonino Male Miragliotta Gloria Angelina Female Fremantle
1945/2700007 Fremantle Sciano Rosa Female Rispoli Giuseppe Male Fremantle
1945/2700007 Fremantle Rispoli Giuseppe Male Sciano Rosa Female Fremantle
1946/2700007 Fremantle La Rosa Nina Female Pasqua Vincenzo Male Fremantle
1946/2700007 Fremantle Pasqua Vincenzo Male La Rosa Nina Female Fremantle
1945/2700008 Fremantle Haines Cephas Stephen Male Gaylard Edna Lane Female Fremantle
1945/2700008 Fremantle Gaylard Edna Lane Female Haines Cephas Stephen Male Fremantle
1945/2700009 Fremantle Rudland Mavis Joan Female Wagner Kenneth William Male Fremantle
1945/2700009 Fremantle Wagner Kenneth William Male Rudland Mavis Joan Female Fremantle
1945/2700010 Fremantle Mitchell Earnest Manley Male Chiesa Joyce Rosa Female Fremantle
1945/2700010 Fremantle Chiesa Joyce Rosa Female Mitchell Earnest Manley Male Fremantle
1945/2700011 Fremantle Krapivin Boris Male Edwards Joan Lorraine Female Fremantle
1945/2700011 Fremantle Edwards Joan Lorraine Female Krapivin Boris Male Fremantle
1945/2700012 Fremantle Doughney Arthur Hubert Male Dittmer Mabel Ellen Female Fremantle
1945/2700012 Fremantle Dittmer Mabel Ellen Female Doughney Arthur Hubert Male Fremantle
1945/2700013 Fremantle Morris Edna Mavis Female Trembath Ronald Aubrey Male Fremantle
1945/2700013 Fremantle Trembath Ronald Aubrey Male Morris Edna Mavis Female Fremantle
1945/2700014 Fremantle Sparks Thomas George Male Myers Gwendoline Mavis Female Fremantle
1945/2700014 Fremantle Myers Gwendoline Mavis Female Sparks Thomas George Male Fremantle
1945/2700015 Fremantle Thomson Albert Edward Male Bruse Myrtle Jean Female Fremantle
1945/2700015 Fremantle Bruse Myrtle Jean Female Thomson Albert Edward Male Fremantle
1945/2700016 Fremantle Scobie Clive Emery Male Delaney Marian Patricia Female East Fremantle
1945/2700016 Fremantle Delaney Marian Patricia Female Scobie Clive Emery Male East Fremantle
1945/2700017 Fremantle Hawes Cecil Arthur Norman Male Cookesley Eunice Gertrude Female Fremantle
1945/2700017 Fremantle Cookesley Eunice Gertrude Female Hawes Cecil Arthur Norman Male Fremantle
1945/2700018 Fremantle Gates William Desmond McLaren Male Freeman Olive Kathleen Female Fremantle
1945/2700018 Fremantle Freeman Olive Kathleen Female Gates William Desmond McLaren Male Fremantle
1945/2700019 Fremantle Roberts Nellie Victoria Female Griffiths Joshua Arthur Male Fremantle
1945/2700019 Fremantle Griffiths Joshua Arthur Male Roberts Nellie Victoria Female Fremantle
1945/2700020 Fremantle Fullston Walter James Male Brown Grace Florence Female Fremantle
1945/2700020 Fremantle Brown Grace Florence Female Fullston Walter James Male Fremantle
1945/2700021 Fremantle Holt Thomas Male Scott Zelme Gertrude Female Fremantle
1945/2700021 Fremantle Scott Zelme Gertrude Female Holt Thomas Male Fremantle
1945/2700022 Fremantle McCaffrey William Edward Male Gower Olive Joy Female Fremantle
1945/2700022 Fremantle Gower Olive Joy Female McCaffrey William Edward Male Fremantle
1945/2700023 Fremantle Williams Eiluned Female Back Percy Ernest George Male Cottesloe
1945/2700023 Fremantle Back Percy Ernest George Male Williams Eiluned Female Cottesloe
1945/2700024 Fremantle Quarrell Esme Norma Female Dawson William Sherville Male Fremantle
1945/2700024 Fremantle Dawson William Sherville Male Quarrell Esme Norma Female Fremantle
1945/2700025 Fremantle Serra Ernest Paul Male Freeman Phoebe Emmeline Female Beaconsfield
1945/2700025 Fremantle Freeman Phoebe Emmeline Female Serra Ernest Paul Male Beaconsfield
1945/2700026 Fremantle McKinnon Malcolm Male Mortimer Muriel Jean Female Fremantle
1945/2700026 Fremantle Mortimer Muriel Jean Female McKinnon Malcolm Male Fremantle
1945/2700027 Fremantle Small John Male Morfitt Elvie Agnes Eileen Female Fremantle
1945/2700027 Fremantle Morfitt Elvie Agnes Eileen Female Small John Male Fremantle
1945/2700028 Fremantle Slocum Rose Ellen Female Reith Ronald Alexander Kay Male Fremantle
1945/2700028 Fremantle Reith Ronald Alexander Kay Male Slocum Rose Ellen Female Fremantle
1945/2700029 Fremantle Gillett Gladys Irene Female OConnor Roy Male West Australia
1945/2700029 Fremantle OConnor Roy Male Gillett Gladys Irene Female West Australia
1945/2700030 Fremantle Kernick Rona Alma Female Sexton Archibald John Male Fremantle
1945/2700030 Fremantle Sexton Archibald John Male Kernick Rona Alma Female Fremantle
1945/2700031 Fremantle Limpus Betty Joyce Female Wallace John Male Fremantle
1945/2700031 Fremantle Wallace John Male Limpus Betty Joyce Female Fremantle
1945/2700032 Fremantle Re Alice Maud Female Reeves Sydney William Male Fremantle
1945/2700032 Fremantle Reeves Sydney William Male Re Alice Maud Female Fremantle
1945/2700033 Fremantle Harvey Dorothy Jean Female Sheridan Elmer Dean Male Fremantle
1945/2700033 Fremantle Sheridan Elmer Dean Male Harvey Dorothy Jean Female Fremantle
1945/2700034 Fremantle Witcomb Phyllis Roberta Female Blanc Charles Richard Male Palmyra
1945/2700034 Fremantle Blanc Charles Richard Male Witcomb Phyllis Roberta Female Palmyra
1945/2700035 Fremantle Hillberg Olga Margaret Female Tickle Walter Wright Male E' Fremantle
1945/2700035 Fremantle Tickle Walter Wright Male Hillberg Olga Margaret Female E' Fremantle
1945/2700036 Fremantle Anderson David Male Westergaard Evelyn Rubina Female East Fremantle Presbyterian Church
1945/2700036 Fremantle Westergaard Evelyn Rubina Female Anderson David Male East Fremantle Presbyterian Church
1945/2700037 Fremantle McGlashan Jessie Female Ritchie David Thomson Male Fremantle
1945/2700037 Fremantle Ritchie David Thomson Male McGlashan Jessie Female Fremantle
1945/2700038 Fremantle Crosbie Albert Edward Male Pinker Esther Harriett Female Fremantle
1945/2700038 Fremantle Pinker Esther Harriett Female Crosbie Albert Edward Male Fremantle
1945/2700039 Fremantle Dowley Agnes Mary Female Trevorah Arthur Male Fremantle
1945/2700039 Fremantle Trevorah Arthur Male Dowley Agnes Mary Female Fremantle
1945/2700040 Fremantle Leury James Alan Male Short Joan Female Fremantle
1945/2700040 Fremantle Short Joan Female Leury James Alan Male Fremantle
1945/2700041 Fremantle Linthorne Ronald Irwin Male Graham Pauline Patterson Female Fremantle
1945/2700041 Fremantle Graham Pauline Patterson Female Linthorne Ronald Irwin Male Fremantle
1945/2700042 Fremantle Jarvis Lorna Annie Female Kerr Robert Brown Male Fremantle
1945/2700042 Fremantle Kerr Robert Brown Male Jarvis Lorna Annie Female Fremantle
1945/2700043 Fremantle Brandon Gwendoline Joyce Female Ballingall Harold William Male Fremantle
1945/2700043 Fremantle Ballingall Harold William Male Brandon Gwendoline Joyce Female Fremantle
1945/2700044 Fremantle Draper William Edward Male Hawkins Edna Female Fremantle
1945/2700044 Fremantle Hawkins Edna Female Draper William Edward Male Fremantle
1945/2700045 Fremantle Hettick Lois Beatrice Female Solosy Robert Henry Male Fremantle
1945/2700045 Fremantle Solosy Robert Henry Male Hettick Lois Beatrice Female Fremantle
1945/2700046 Fremantle Slapp Kathleen Rosalie Female Hinton Tom Herbert Male Fremantle
1945/2700046 Fremantle Hinton Tom Herbert Male Slapp Kathleen Rosalie Female Fremantle
1945/2700047 Fremantle Hopkins Ada Eleanor Female Young William Male Fremantle
1945/2700047 Fremantle Young William Male Hopkins Ada Eleanor Female Fremantle
1945/2700048 Fremantle Truscott Hazel Female Levissanos Peter Angelo Male Fremantle
1945/2700048 Fremantle Levissanos Peter Angelo Male Truscott Hazel Female Fremantle
1945/2700049 Fremantle Morton Robert William Gillespie Male Buxton Ada Florence Female Fremantle
1945/2700049 Fremantle Buxton Ada Florence Female Morton Robert William Gillespie Male Fremantle
1945/2700050 Fremantle Altomare Elena Female Amato Francesco Male Fremantle
1945/2700050 Fremantle Amato Francesco Male Altomare Elena Female Fremantle
1945/2700051 Fremantle Galbraith Dorothy Jean Female McKee William McNielly Male East Fremantle Baptist Church
1945/2700051 Fremantle McKee William McNielly Male Galbraith Dorothy Jean Female East Fremantle Baptist Church
1945/2700052 Fremantle Williams Herbert Thomas Male Black Bertha Amelia Female Fremantle
1945/2700052 Fremantle Black Bertha Amelia Female Williams Herbert Thomas Male Fremantle
1945/2700053 Fremantle Winchcombe Morris Alan Pearte Male McDermott Lena Female Fremantle
1945/2700053 Fremantle McDermott Lena Female Winchcombe Morris Alan Pearte Male Fremantle
1945/2700054 Fremantle Reinhold Jan Male Russell-Davison Katie Marian Female Fremantle
1945/2700054 Fremantle Russell-Davison Katie Marian Female Reinhold Jan Male Fremantle
1945/2700055 Fremantle Fyke Melvin Eugene Male Lamond Irene Joyce Female Fremantle
1945/2700055 Fremantle Lamond Irene Joyce Female Fyke Melvin Eugene Male Fremantle
1945/2700056 Fremantle Schenk Margery Elizabeth Female Maiorana Antonino Male Fremantle
1945/2700056 Fremantle Maiorana Antonino Male Schenk Margery Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1945/2700057 Fremantle Doak Dorothea Agnes Female Hill William Ernest Male Fremantle
1945/2700057 Fremantle Hill William Ernest Male Doak Dorothea Agnes Female Fremantle
1945/2700058 Fremantle Moriarty Hazel Frances Female Conti Amerigo Ernest Male Fremantle
1945/2700058 Fremantle Conti Amerigo Ernest Male Moriarty Hazel Frances Female Fremantle
1945/2700059 Fremantle Outram Dorothy Mavis Female Peters Albert Henry Male Fremantle
1945/2700059 Fremantle Peters Albert Henry Male Outram Dorothy Mavis Female Fremantle
1945/2700060 Fremantle Sullivan Shirley Jean Female Parkes Robert Male Fremantle
1945/2700060 Fremantle Parkes Robert Male Sullivan Shirley Jean Female Fremantle
1945/2700061 Fremantle Wright Kathleen Joyce Female Lewis Lige Franklin Male Fremantle
1945/2700061 Fremantle Lewis Lige Franklin Male Wright Kathleen Joyce Female Fremantle
1945/2700062 Fremantle Suiter Stanley George Male Golding Thelma Ethel Female Fremantle
1945/2700062 Fremantle Golding Thelma Ethel Female Suiter Stanley George Male Fremantle
1945/2700063 Fremantle Jobson Marjorie Female Bannon Frederick James Male Fremantle
1945/2700063 Fremantle Bannon Frederick James Male Jobson Marjorie Female Fremantle
1945/2700064 Fremantle Leyden James Stephen Male Fenton Theresa Annie Female North Fremantle
1945/2700064 Fremantle Fenton Theresa Annie Female Leyden James Stephen Male North Fremantle
1945/2700065 Fremantle Perry Robina Female Parker John William Walter Male Fremantle
1945/2700065 Fremantle Parker John William Walter Male Perry Robina Female Fremantle
1945/2700066 Fremantle Sinclair Doreen Phyllis Female Innes William Murray Male Fremantle
1945/2700066 Fremantle Innes William Murray Male Sinclair Doreen Phyllis Female Fremantle
1945/2700067 Fremantle Hunter Thomas Male Essex Dorothy Jean Female Fremantle
1945/2700067 Fremantle Essex Dorothy Jean Female Hunter Thomas Male Fremantle
1945/2700068 Fremantle Redfern Rita Janet Female Chastney Alan William Male North Fremantle
1945/2700068 Fremantle Chastney Alan William Male Redfern Rita Janet Female North Fremantle
1945/2700069 Fremantle Whitbread Hedley James Male Caine Betsie Sheelah Female Fremantle
1945/2700069 Fremantle Caine Betsie Sheelah Female Whitbread Hedley James Male Fremantle
1945/2700070 Fremantle Collis Raymond Gordon Male Smith Muriel Female Fremantle
1945/2700070 Fremantle Smith Muriel Female Collis Raymond Gordon Male Fremantle
1945/2700071 Fremantle Stanton Edith Hope Female Aldus Robert Quintin Male Fremantle
1945/2700071 Fremantle Aldus Robert Quintin Male Stanton Edith Hope Female Fremantle
1945/2700072 Fremantle Waddell Marion Marjorie Female Cull Allan Kenneth Male Fremantle
1945/2700072 Fremantle Cull Allan Kenneth Male Waddell Marion Marjorie Female Fremantle
1945/2700073 Fremantle Draper Mavis Female Dubbeling Rudy Male Fremantle
1945/2700073 Fremantle Dubbeling Rudy Male Draper Mavis Female Fremantle
1945/2700074 Fremantle Gray Ellen Maud Female Parsons John James Male Beaconsfield
1945/2700074 Fremantle Parsons John James Male Gray Ellen Maud Female Beaconsfield
1945/2700075 Fremantle Hays Ronald Jefferson Male Travia Angela Mary Female Beaconsfield
1945/2700075 Fremantle Travia Angela Mary Female Hays Ronald Jefferson Male Beaconsfield
1945/2700076 Fremantle Pearse Allie Letitia Female Hart Charles Henry Male Fremantle
1945/2700076 Fremantle Hart Charles Henry Male Pearse Allie Letitia Female Fremantle
1945/2700077 Fremantle Sims Vera Audrey Female Davies Leslie Charles Male Fremantle
1945/2700077 Fremantle Davies Leslie Charles Male Sims Vera Audrey Female Fremantle
1945/2700078 Fremantle Lewis Claude William Male Hollands Jean Mary Female Fremantle
1945/2700078 Fremantle Hollands Jean Mary Female Lewis Claude William Male Fremantle
1945/2700079 Fremantle Patterson Harry Male Parker Ivy Female East Fremantle Presbyterian Church
1945/2700079 Fremantle Parker Ivy Female Patterson Harry Male East Fremantle Presbyterian Church
1945/2700080 Fremantle Willey Roy Allen Male Barden Josephine Mary Female Fremantle
1945/2700080 Fremantle Barden Josephine Mary Female Willey Roy Allen Male Fremantle
1945/2700081 Fremantle Muir Maud Female Guidena James Male Fremantle
1945/2700081 Fremantle Guidena James Male Muir Maud Female Fremantle
1945/2700082 Fremantle Burke Charles George Male Sellars Esmeè Nocla Female Fremantle
1945/2700082 Fremantle Sellars Esmeè Nocla Female Burke Charles George Male Fremantle
1945/2700083 Fremantle Harcourt Cyril Male Higgins Mary Barbara Female Fremantle
1945/2700083 Fremantle Higgins Mary Barbara Female Harcourt Cyril Male Fremantle
1945/2700084 Fremantle Fisher Florence Myrtle Female Gow Francis William David Male Fremantle
1945/2700084 Fremantle Gow Francis William David Male Fisher Florence Myrtle Female Fremantle
1945/2700085 Fremantle Griffiths Alice Mary Female Bulliard Lionel Victor Male East Fremantle Presbyterian Church
1945/2700085 Fremantle Bulliard Lionel Victor Male Griffiths Alice Mary Female East Fremantle Presbyterian Church
1945/2700086 Fremantle Brockwell Barbara Joan Female Ault Frederick Lyle Male Fremantle
1945/2700086 Fremantle Ault Frederick Lyle Male Brockwell Barbara Joan Female Fremantle
1945/2700087 Fremantle Hamilton Thomas Gavin Male Earnshaw Mary Female Fremantle
1945/2700087 Fremantle Earnshaw Mary Female Hamilton Thomas Gavin Male Fremantle
1945/2700088 Fremantle Gettingby Gloria Joan Female Garrett Frederick James Male West Australia
1945/2700088 Fremantle Garrett Frederick James Male Gettingby Gloria Joan Female West Australia
1945/2700089 Fremantle Hymus Rene Alicia Female Angove Victor Thomas Male Beaconsfield
1945/2700089 Fremantle Angove Victor Thomas Male Hymus Rene Alicia Female Beaconsfield
1945/2700090 Fremantle Elworthy Muriel Iris Female Morris Charles John Male Fremantle
1945/2700090 Fremantle Morris Charles John Male Elworthy Muriel Iris Female Fremantle
1945/2700091 Fremantle McLeod James John Male Martin Jean Olive Female Fremantle
1945/2700091 Fremantle Martin Jean Olive Female McLeod James John Male Fremantle
1945/2700092 Fremantle Parker Lee Smith Male Francis Thelma Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1945/2700092 Fremantle Francis Thelma Elizabeth Female Parker Lee Smith Male Fremantle
1945/2700093 Fremantle Berglund Thelma Joan Female McMurray John Male Fremantle
1945/2700093 Fremantle McMurray John Male Berglund Thelma Joan Female Fremantle
1945/2700094 Fremantle Sainsbury Felix William Male McLeod Muriel Agnes Female Fremantle
1945/2700094 Fremantle McLeod Muriel Agnes Female Sainsbury Felix William Male Fremantle
1945/2700095 Fremantle Mackay Vivian Alfred Male Bruse Dorothy May Female Fremantle
1945/2700095 Fremantle Bruse Dorothy May Female Mackay Vivian Alfred Male Fremantle
1945/2700096 Fremantle Ward Vernon George Male Freeman Shirley Joan Female Fremantle
1945/2700096 Fremantle Freeman Shirley Joan Female Ward Vernon George Male Fremantle
1945/2700097 Fremantle Doust Jack Austin Male Rossell Dorothy Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1945/2700097 Fremantle Rossell Dorothy Elizabeth Female Doust Jack Austin Male Fremantle
1945/2700098 Fremantle Hunt John Male Barrett Norma Winifred Female Fremantle
1945/2700098 Fremantle Barrett Norma Winifred Female Hunt John Male Fremantle
1945/2700099 Fremantle Wasson Fred Calvin Male Simmonds Edna Female Fremantle
1945/2700099 Fremantle Simmonds Edna Female Wasson Fred Calvin Male Fremantle
1945/2700100 Fremantle Barndon Jaqueline Pearl Female Rowse Harry Lesley Male Fremantle
1945/2700100 Fremantle Rowse Harry Lesley Male Barndon Jaqueline Pearl Female Fremantle
1945/2700101 Fremantle Field Selina Mary Female Alford Jack Male Fremantle
1945/2700101 Fremantle Alford Jack Male Field Selina Mary Female Fremantle
1945/2700102 Fremantle Valle Eric Male Clarke Marjorie Female Fremantle
1945/2700102 Fremantle Clarke Marjorie Female Valle Eric Male Fremantle
1945/2700103 Fremantle Terace Charles Male Vinci Mary Female Fremantle
1945/2700103 Fremantle Vinci Mary Female Terace Charles Male Fremantle
1945/2700104 Fremantle Paparella Leonardo Male De Judicibus Maria Domenica Female Fremantle
1945/2700104 Fremantle De Judicibus Maria Domenica Female Paparella Leonardo Male Fremantle
1945/2700105 Fremantle Riggs Ina West Female Ainsworth Archibald Brechin Male Fremantle
1945/2700105 Fremantle Ainsworth Archibald Brechin Male Riggs Ina West Female Fremantle
1945/2700106 Fremantle Harmer Lilian Florence Female Cross David John Male Fremantle
1945/2700106 Fremantle Cross David John Male Harmer Lilian Florence Female Fremantle
1945/2700107 Fremantle Robinson Edward McCormick Male Chester Bella Female Fremantle
1945/2700107 Fremantle Chester Bella Female Robinson Edward McCormick Male Fremantle
1945/2700108 Fremantle Pitt Francis Bertram Martell Male Jennings Mary Patricia Female Fremantle
1945/2700108 Fremantle Jennings Mary Patricia Female Pitt Francis Bertram Martell Male Fremantle
1945/2700109 Fremantle Sturmer Mary Cecelia Female Roden Everett Ralph Male North Fremantle
1945/2700109 Fremantle Roden Everett Ralph Male Sturmer Mary Cecelia Female North Fremantle
1945/2700110 Fremantle Wilton Hazel Maud Female Wright Samuel Alfred Male North Fremantle
1945/2700110 Fremantle Wright Samuel Alfred Male Wilton Hazel Maud Female North Fremantle
1945/2700111 Fremantle Rottler Patrick Marion Male Dymock Aileen Mary Female Palmyra
1945/2700111 Fremantle Dymock Aileen Mary Female Rottler Patrick Marion Male Palmyra
1945/2700112 Fremantle Perry Frederick William Male Sheridan Joyce Evelyn Female Fremantle
1945/2700112 Fremantle Sheridan Joyce Evelyn Female Perry Frederick William Male Fremantle
1945/2700113 Fremantle Stuart Marjorie Elaine Female Rowse James William Male Fremantle
1945/2700113 Fremantle Rowse James William Male Stuart Marjorie Elaine Female Fremantle
1945/2700114 Fremantle Harrison Vera Margaret Female Gill Edward Clarence Male Fremantle
1945/2700114 Fremantle Gill Edward Clarence Male Harrison Vera Margaret Female Fremantle
1945/2700115 Fremantle Polden Edna Theresa Female Stubseid Kristian Jensen Male Fremantle
1945/2700115 Fremantle Stubseid Kristian Jensen Male Polden Edna Theresa Female Fremantle
1945/2700116 Fremantle Munro Annie Female Browder Jack Male Fremantle
1945/2700116 Fremantle Browder Jack Male Munro Annie Female Fremantle
1945/2700117 Fremantle Stabler Albert George Male Jones Valmai Amy Female Palmyra
1945/2700117 Fremantle Jones Valmai Amy Female Stabler Albert George Male Palmyra
1945/2700118 Fremantle Matkovich Manda Alice Female Kennedy Sydney Lawrence Hampton Male Fremantle
1945/2700118 Fremantle Kennedy Sydney Lawrence Hampton Male Matkovich Manda Alice Female Fremantle
1945/2700119 Fremantle Barrington Gladys Florinda Female Barry Michael James Male Fremantle
1945/2700119 Fremantle Barry Michael James Male Barrington Gladys Florinda Female Fremantle
1945/2700120 Fremantle Rudland Hilda Maria Female Parker Bruce Aubrey Male Fremantle
1945/2700120 Fremantle Parker Bruce Aubrey Male Rudland Hilda Maria Female Fremantle
1945/2700121 Fremantle Harrod Eric Charles Male Gorman Mary Female Fremantle
1945/2700121 Fremantle Gorman Mary Female Harrod Eric Charles Male Fremantle
1945/2700122 Fremantle Thomas Evan Percival Male Walter Mavis Rose Female Fremantle
1945/2700122 Fremantle Walter Mavis Rose Female Thomas Evan Percival Male Fremantle
1945/2700123 Fremantle Fleet John Male Smith Daisy May Female Fremantle
1945/2700123 Fremantle Smith Daisy May Female Fleet John Male Fremantle
1945/2700124 Fremantle Salmond Alexander Male McMullan Kathleen Female East Fremantle
1945/2700124 Fremantle McMullan Kathleen Female Salmond Alexander Male East Fremantle
1945/2700125 Fremantle Davies Walter Vicarage Male Sproule Isobel Nancy Edith Female Fremantle
1945/2700125 Fremantle Sproule Isobel Nancy Edith Female Davies Walter Vicarage Male Fremantle
1945/2700126 Fremantle Simpson Mary Female Williams Stanley Richard Male Fremantle
1945/2700126 Fremantle Williams Stanley Richard Male Simpson Mary Female Fremantle
1945/2700127 Fremantle Rawson Charles George Male Williams Merle Female Fremantle
1945/2700127 Fremantle Williams Merle Female Rawson Charles George Male Fremantle
1945/2700128 Fremantle Bathurst Doris Elizabeth Female Clark Alexander Ronald Male Fremantle
1945/2700128 Fremantle Clark Alexander Ronald Male Bathurst Doris Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1945/2700129 Fremantle Woolhouse Edna Joyce Female Colleran Richard Patrick Male Nth Fremantle
1945/2700129 Fremantle Colleran Richard Patrick Male Woolhouse Edna Joyce Female Nth Fremantle
1945/2700130 Fremantle Hall William Male Swain Eileen Mary Female Fremantle
1945/2700130 Fremantle Swain Eileen Mary Female Hall William Male Fremantle
1945/2700131 Fremantle Bessen Clive Richard Male Hogan Williamena Female Fremantle
1945/2700131 Fremantle Hogan Williamena Female Bessen Clive Richard Male Fremantle
1945/2700132 Fremantle Worthington Evelyn Female Hunt Percy Ivor Male Palmyra
1945/2700132 Fremantle Hunt Percy Ivor Male Worthington Evelyn Female Palmyra
1945/2700133 Fremantle Rea Francis Starr Male Kelly Rhonnie Female Fremantle
1945/2700133 Fremantle Kelly Rhonnie Female Rea Francis Starr Male Fremantle
1945/2700134 Fremantle Denton Margaret Violet Female Smyth Edward Genever Male Fremantle
1945/2700134 Fremantle Smyth Edward Genever Male Denton Margaret Violet Female Fremantle
1945/2700135 Fremantle Carter Ronald Edward Male Joslin Grace Dorothy Female Beaconsfield
1945/2700135 Fremantle Joslin Grace Dorothy Female Carter Ronald Edward Male Beaconsfield
1945/2700136 Fremantle Schwarzenberg Carl Herbert Alexander Male Porter Faisa Irene Female Fremantle
1945/2700136 Fremantle Porter Faisa Irene Female Schwarzenberg Carl Herbert Alexander Male Fremantle
1945/2700137 Fremantle Anderson Olive Mary Female Hales Ralph Charles Male Fremantle
1945/2700137 Fremantle Hales Ralph Charles Male Anderson Olive Mary Female Fremantle
1945/2700138 Fremantle Noble Francis Henry Male Murray Lucy Allan Female Fremantle
1945/2700138 Fremantle Murray Lucy Allan Female Noble Francis Henry Male Fremantle
1945/2700139 Fremantle Elliott Elizabeth Ruby Female Tapp Albert Edward Male Fremantle
1945/2700139 Fremantle Tapp Albert Edward Male Elliott Elizabeth Ruby Female Fremantle
1945/2700140 Fremantle Sims Olive Margaruite Female Reilly Stanley William Male Fremantle
1945/2700140 Fremantle Reilly Stanley William Male Sims Olive Margaruite Female Fremantle
1945/2700141 Fremantle Morrisey Eileen Ellen Female Corver Maarten Male Fremantle
1945/2700141 Fremantle Corver Maarten Male Morrisey Eileen Ellen Female Fremantle
1945/2700142 Fremantle Hughes Elsie Catherine Female Murrell Ralph Gerald Male West Australia
1945/2700142 Fremantle Murrell Ralph Gerald Male Hughes Elsie Catherine Female West Australia
1945/2700143 Fremantle Preston Ralph Ward Male Sherborne Dorothy Agnes Female Fremantle
1945/2700143 Fremantle Sherborne Dorothy Agnes Female Preston Ralph Ward Male Fremantle
1945/2700144 Fremantle Thompson Shirley Lorraine Female Garcia Manuel Joseph Male Fremantle
1945/2700144 Fremantle Garcia Manuel Joseph Male Thompson Shirley Lorraine Female Fremantle
1945/2700145 Fremantle Gregory Garnet Reginald Male Shimmen Florence Female Fremantle
1945/2700145 Fremantle Shimmen Florence Female Gregory Garnet Reginald Male Fremantle
1945/2700146 Fremantle Andrews Ellenor Gwendolin Female Sharpen Luke Benjamin Male Fremantle
1945/2700146 Fremantle Sharpen Luke Benjamin Male Andrews Ellenor Gwendolin Female Fremantle
1945/2700147 Fremantle Bodzak Andrew Joseph Male Mack Joan Audrey Female Fremantle
1945/2700147 Fremantle Mack Joan Audrey Female Bodzak Andrew Joseph Male Fremantle
1945/2700148 Fremantle Turner Leslie Leonard Male Hawkins Isabella Female Fremantle
1945/2700148 Fremantle Hawkins Isabella Female Turner Leslie Leonard Male Fremantle
1945/2700149 Fremantle Caple Noel Wallace Male Mackay Ethel Jean Female Fremantle
1945/2700149 Fremantle Mackay Ethel Jean Female Caple Noel Wallace Male Fremantle
1945/2700150 Fremantle Wilson Carl Timothy Male Jones Eileen Female Fremantle
1945/2700150 Fremantle Jones Eileen Female Wilson Carl Timothy Male Fremantle
1945/2700151 Fremantle Triplett Phyllis May Female Sandison John William Male Fremantle
1945/2700151 Fremantle Sandison John William Male Triplett Phyllis May Female Fremantle
1945/2700152 Fremantle Metcher Doreen Winifred Female Edwards Sydney Louis Washington Male Fremantle
1945/2700152 Fremantle Edwards Sydney Louis Washington Male Metcher Doreen Winifred Female Fremantle
1945/2700153 Fremantle Butson Jessie Eileen Female Morrison Jonathan Male Fremantle
1945/2700153 Fremantle Morrison Jonathan Male Butson Jessie Eileen Female Fremantle
1945/2700154 Fremantle Green Harry Maslen Male Woollams Myrtle Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1945/2700154 Fremantle Woollams Myrtle Elizabeth Female Green Harry Maslen Male Fremantle
1945/2700155 Fremantle Matthews Louise Emma Female Kidd Augustus Rowlings Male Fremantle
1945/2700155 Fremantle Kidd Augustus Rowlings Male Matthews Louise Emma Female Fremantle
1945/2700156 Fremantle Hudson Thomas Male Hymus Merla Edwina Female Beaconsfield
1945/2700156 Fremantle Hymus Merla Edwina Female Hudson Thomas Male Beaconsfield
1945/2700157 Fremantle Newton Joy Female Marsh Stephen William Male Beaconsfield
1945/2700157 Fremantle Marsh Stephen William Male Newton Joy Female Beaconsfield
1945/2700158 Fremantle Law Gwendoline May Female Barker Joseph Arthur Male Fremantle
1945/2700158 Fremantle Barker Joseph Arthur Male Law Gwendoline May Female Fremantle
1945/2700159 Fremantle Liston Pearl Ada Female Carlson Oscar Alfred Male Fremantle
1945/2700159 Fremantle Carlson Oscar Alfred Male Liston Pearl Ada Female Fremantle
1945/2700160 Fremantle Howson Betty Lucretia Female Logan Leonard William Male Fremantle
1945/2700160 Fremantle Logan Leonard William Male Howson Betty Lucretia Female Fremantle
1945/2700161 Fremantle Simm Linda Clement Female Hudson Douglas Charles Male Fremantle
1945/2700161 Fremantle Hudson Douglas Charles Male Simm Linda Clement Female Fremantle
1945/2700162 Fremantle Johnson Gloria Josephine Female Nelson John Henry Male Fremantle
1945/2700162 Fremantle Nelson John Henry Male Johnson Gloria Josephine Female Fremantle
1945/2700163 Fremantle Muir Campbell Male Reynolds Margaret Female Fremantle
1945/2700163 Fremantle Reynolds Margaret Female Muir Campbell Male Fremantle
1945/2700164 Fremantle Gibbs William Bert Male Dixon Kathleen Female Fremantle
1945/2700164 Fremantle Dixon Kathleen Female Gibbs William Bert Male Fremantle
1945/2700165 Fremantle Roy Ronald William Male Gamble Elizabeth Mary Female Fremantle
1945/2700165 Fremantle Gamble Elizabeth Mary Female Roy Ronald William Male Fremantle
1945/2700166 Fremantle Noone Margaret Florence Female Lyons Reginald Joseph Male Fremantle
1945/2700166 Fremantle Lyons Reginald Joseph Male Noone Margaret Florence Female Fremantle
1945/2700167 Fremantle Hill Norma Female Williams Dillon Bernard Male Fremantle
1945/2700167 Fremantle Williams Dillon Bernard Male Hill Norma Female Fremantle
1945/2700168 Fremantle Gilbert Gweneth Jean Female Black Alden Edward Male Fremantle
1945/2700168 Fremantle Black Alden Edward Male Gilbert Gweneth Jean Female Fremantle
1945/2700169 Fremantle Sansom Gordon Charles Alfred Male Baker Sylvia May Lucy Female Fremantle
1945/2700169 Fremantle Baker Sylvia May Lucy Female Sansom Gordon Charles Alfred Male Fremantle
1945/2700170 Fremantle Brown Gordon Frederick Male Walsh Irena Joy Female Fremantle
1945/2700170 Fremantle Walsh Irena Joy Female Brown Gordon Frederick Male Fremantle
1945/2700171 Fremantle Price Margaret May Female Price Gerald Male Fremantle
1945/2700171 Fremantle Price Gerald Male Price Margaret May Female Fremantle
1945/2700172 Fremantle Hookway Arnold Roy Male Stephens Hazel Loraine Female Fremantle
1945/2700172 Fremantle Stephens Hazel Loraine Female Hookway Arnold Roy Male Fremantle
1945/2700173 Fremantle Ricketts Evelyn Alice Female Dixon Edward Foster Male Fremantle
1945/2700173 Fremantle Dixon Edward Foster Male Ricketts Evelyn Alice Female Fremantle
1945/2700174 Fremantle Moir Mary Jeannette Female Murton George Comport Male Fremantle
1945/2700174 Fremantle Murton George Comport Male Moir Mary Jeannette Female Fremantle
1945/2700175 Fremantle Moore Ralph Male Fuller Helen Kathleen Female Fremantle
1945/2700175 Fremantle Fuller Helen Kathleen Female Moore Ralph Male Fremantle
1945/2700176 Fremantle Mansom Lorrie Male Killeen Dolly Female Fremantle
1945/2700176 Fremantle Killeen Dolly Female Mansom Lorrie Male Fremantle
1945/2700177 Fremantle Murray Leo Harold Male Guilfoyle Ila Elizabeth Female Beaconsfield
1945/2700177 Fremantle Guilfoyle Ila Elizabeth Female Murray Leo Harold Male Beaconsfield
1945/2700178 Fremantle Smirk Bertram John Male Dann Grace Norma Female Beaconsfield
1945/2700178 Fremantle Dann Grace Norma Female Smirk Bertram John Male Beaconsfield
1945/2700179 Fremantle Parker Alice Emily Female Herd Robert Sang Male Fremantle
1945/2700179 Fremantle Herd Robert Sang Male Parker Alice Emily Female Fremantle
1945/2700180 Fremantle Johnson Betty Helen Female Bourne Geoffrey Male Fremantle
1945/2700180 Fremantle Bourne Geoffrey Male Johnson Betty Helen Female Fremantle
1945/2700181 Fremantle Vaughan Elsie Female Moore Robert Jesse Male Fremantle
1945/2700181 Fremantle Moore Robert Jesse Male Vaughan Elsie Female Fremantle
1945/2700182 Fremantle Spurling Edith Joan Female Forbes Arthur Allan Male Fremantle
1945/2700182 Fremantle Forbes Arthur Allan Male Spurling Edith Joan Female Fremantle
1945/2700183 Fremantle Young Clifford Male Hinson Daphne Winifred Female Fremantle
1945/2700183 Fremantle Hinson Daphne Winifred Female Young Clifford Male Fremantle
1945/2700184 Fremantle Bielby George Ernest Male West Patricia Victoria Female Fremantle
1945/2700184 Fremantle West Patricia Victoria Female Bielby George Ernest Male Fremantle
1945/2700185 Fremantle Page Arthur Ernest Male Houston Mary Madeline Female Fremantle
1945/2700185 Fremantle Houston Mary Madeline Female Page Arthur Ernest Male Fremantle
1945/2700186 Fremantle Roach Dorothy Agnes Female Hurren Howard Auber Male Fremantle
1945/2700186 Fremantle Hurren Howard Auber Male Roach Dorothy Agnes Female Fremantle
1945/2700187 Fremantle Bowden Alice May Female Bovell Douglas Eric Male Fremantle
1945/2700187 Fremantle Bovell Douglas Eric Male Bowden Alice May Female Fremantle
1945/2700188 Fremantle Fogliani Cologero Male Vinci Carmela Female Fremantle
1945/2700188 Fremantle Vinci Carmela Female Fogliani Cologero Male Fremantle
1945/2700189 Fremantle Burns Alice Female Male Theodore Frank Male Fremantle
1945/2700189 Fremantle Male Theodore Frank Male Burns Alice Female Fremantle
1945/2700190 Fremantle Del Rosso Lorna Female Villanova Antonio Male Fremantle
1945/2700190 Fremantle Villanova Antonio Male Del Rosso Lorna Female Fremantle
1945/2700191 Fremantle Baker Jack Male Sanderson Vera Jean Female Fremantle
1945/2700191 Fremantle Sanderson Vera Jean Female Baker Jack Male Fremantle
1945/2700192 Fremantle Chilcott John Albert Male Morisey Merle Christina Female Fremantle
1945/2700192 Fremantle Morisey Merle Christina Female Chilcott John Albert Male Fremantle
1945/2700193 Fremantle Wright Dorothea Jean Female Stewart Lewis Johanas Male Fremantle
1945/2700193 Fremantle Stewart Lewis Johanas Male Wright Dorothea Jean Female Fremantle
1945/2700194 Fremantle Faithfull Maureen Female Buswell William Male East Fremantle
1945/2700194 Fremantle Buswell William Male Faithfull Maureen Female East Fremantle
1945/2700195 Fremantle Wright Beatrice Mary Female Bruse Ronald Alexander Male Fremantle
1945/2700195 Fremantle Bruse Ronald Alexander Male Wright Beatrice Mary Female Fremantle
1945/2700196 Fremantle Tunbridge Nellie Carlyle Female Thompson Jack William Male Fremantle Congregational Church
1945/2700196 Fremantle Thompson Jack William Male Tunbridge Nellie Carlyle Female Fremantle Congregational Church
1945/2700197 Fremantle Jackson Albert Roy Male Douglas Muriel Female Fremantle
1945/2700197 Fremantle Douglas Muriel Female Jackson Albert Roy Male Fremantle
1945/2700198 Fremantle Osborne Henry Joseph Male Bolton Lita Mary Female North Fremantle
1945/2700198 Fremantle Bolton Lita Mary Female Osborne Henry Joseph Male North Fremantle
1945/2700199 Fremantle Ablett Eric John Male Dicton Joyce May Female Fremantle
1945/2700199 Fremantle Dicton Joyce May Female Ablett Eric John Male Fremantle
1945/2700200 Fremantle Gibbs Bernard Anthony Male Hunter Patricia Emma Female Beaconsfield
1945/2700200 Fremantle Hunter Patricia Emma Female Gibbs Bernard Anthony Male Beaconsfield
1945/2700201 Fremantle Yukich Milivoy Male Lopes Rose Domenica Female Beaconsfield
1945/2700201 Fremantle Lopes Rose Domenica Female Yukich Milivoy Male Beaconsfield
1945/2700202 Fremantle Nind Philip Alfred Pitt Male Bennetts Jean Female Fremantle
1945/2700202 Fremantle Bennetts Jean Female Nind Philip Alfred Pitt Male Fremantle
1945/2700203 Fremantle Dunne John Richard Male Stringfellow Annie McBurnie Female Palmyra
1945/2700203 Fremantle Stringfellow Annie McBurnie Female Dunne John Richard Male Palmyra
1945/2700204 Fremantle Jennings Patricia Pearl Female Phillips Norman Engle Male Fremantle
1945/2700204 Fremantle Phillips Norman Engle Male Jennings Patricia Pearl Female Fremantle
1945/2700205 Fremantle Sharpe Joan Katie Female Crow George Frederick Male Fremantle
1945/2700205 Fremantle Crow George Frederick Male Sharpe Joan Katie Female Fremantle
1945/2700206 Fremantle Clegg Joyce Emma Female Farrington Ralph William Male Fremantle
1945/2700206 Fremantle Farrington Ralph William Male Clegg Joyce Emma Female Fremantle
1945/2700207 Fremantle Limpus Alfred Septimus Male Bennett Betty Female Fremantle
1945/2700207 Fremantle Bennett Betty Female Limpus Alfred Septimus Male Fremantle
1945/2700208 Fremantle Ohman Joyce Ruth Female Morris Henry Gordon Male East Fremantle Presbyterian Church
1945/2700208 Fremantle Morris Henry Gordon Male Ohman Joyce Ruth Female East Fremantle Presbyterian Church
1945/2700209 Fremantle Barry Margaret Female Welsh Colin Thomas Male Fremantle
1945/2700209 Fremantle Welsh Colin Thomas Male Barry Margaret Female Fremantle
1945/2700210 Fremantle Gilbride Kathleen Patricia Female Hawkins James Oswald Thomas Male Beaconsfield
1945/2700210 Fremantle Hawkins James Oswald Thomas Male Gilbride Kathleen Patricia Female Beaconsfield
1945/2700211 Fremantle Brown Dagny Rosa Female Myers William Alfred Male Fremantle
1945/2700211 Fremantle Myers William Alfred Male Brown Dagny Rosa Female Fremantle
1945/2700212 Fremantle Bradshaw Edna May Female Robertson James John Male Fremantle
1945/2700212 Fremantle Robertson James John Male Bradshaw Edna May Female Fremantle
1945/2700213 Fremantle Newton Edwin Bryant Male Grafton Beryl Evelyn Female Fremantle
1945/2700213 Fremantle Grafton Beryl Evelyn Female Newton Edwin Bryant Male Fremantle
1945/2700214 Fremantle Watson Shirley Olive Female Snary Norman Albert Male Fremantle
1945/2700214 Fremantle Snary Norman Albert Male Watson Shirley Olive Female Fremantle
1945/2700215 Fremantle Petsch Ronald Male Jennings Marion Hope Female Fremantle
1945/2700215 Fremantle Jennings Marion Hope Female Petsch Ronald Male Fremantle
1945/2700216 Fremantle Brophy Alfred Roy Male Miller Alice Goldia Female Fremantle
1945/2700216 Fremantle Miller Alice Goldia Female Brophy Alfred Roy Male Fremantle
1945/2700217 Fremantle Eachus Alice Female Bown Robert Joseph Male Fremantle
1945/2700217 Fremantle Bown Robert Joseph Male Eachus Alice Female Fremantle
1945/2700218 Fremantle McColl Phyllis May Charlotte Female Waldon Alexander Colin Male Fremantle
1945/2700218 Fremantle Waldon Alexander Colin Male McColl Phyllis May Charlotte Female Fremantle
1945/2700219 Fremantle Clark Doreen Lucy Female Caro John Anthony Male Fremantle
1945/2700219 Fremantle Caro John Anthony Male Clark Doreen Lucy Female Fremantle
1945/2700220 Fremantle Mitchell Robert William Male Sharpe Mavis Female E Fremantle
1945/2700220 Fremantle Sharpe Mavis Female Mitchell Robert William Male E Fremantle
1945/2700221 Fremantle Baldwin Betty Joyce Female Bower Derrick Walter Male Fremantle
1945/2700221 Fremantle Bower Derrick Walter Male Baldwin Betty Joyce Female Fremantle
1945/2700222 Fremantle McCallum Jean Black Female Bancroft Ernest Walter Male Fremantle
1945/2700222 Fremantle Bancroft Ernest Walter Male McCallum Jean Black Female Fremantle
1945/2700223 Fremantle Leavy Laureen June Female Cumming Lawrence Charles Male Fremantle
1945/2700223 Fremantle Cumming Lawrence Charles Male Leavy Laureen June Female Fremantle
1945/2700224 Fremantle Lawrence Edward Paul Male Holland Valma Joyce Female Fremantle
1945/2700224 Fremantle Holland Valma Joyce Female Lawrence Edward Paul Male Fremantle
1945/2700225 Fremantle Baker Leslie Ernest Male Stobbs Gladys Rose Female Fremantle
1945/2700225 Fremantle Stobbs Gladys Rose Female Baker Leslie Ernest Male Fremantle
1945/2700226 Fremantle Winter Alfred Daly Male Smith Justine Helene Female E Fremantle
1945/2700226 Fremantle Smith Justine Helene Female Winter Alfred Daly Male E Fremantle
1945/2700227 Fremantle Healy James Marshall Male Craig Lillian Beryl Pearl Female Fremantle
1945/2700227 Fremantle Craig Lillian Beryl Pearl Female Healy James Marshall Male Fremantle
1945/2700228 Fremantle Costa Ernest Anthony Male Rowe Violet Glassie Female Fremantle
1945/2700228 Fremantle Rowe Violet Glassie Female Costa Ernest Anthony Male Fremantle
1945/2700229 Fremantle Klingberg Axel William Male Thomas Elizabeth Walker Female Fremantle
1945/2700229 Fremantle Thomas Elizabeth Walker Female Klingberg Axel William Male Fremantle
1945/2700230 Fremantle Webb Alfred Male Longson Elsie Female Fremantle
1945/2700230 Fremantle Longson Elsie Female Webb Alfred Male Fremantle
1945/2700231 Fremantle Williams James Henry Male Emery Evelyn Mary Female Fremantle
1945/2700231 Fremantle Emery Evelyn Mary Female Williams James Henry Male Fremantle
1945/2700232 Fremantle Sullivan Laurence Edward Male Radley Florence May Female North Fremantle
1945/2700232 Fremantle Radley Florence May Female Sullivan Laurence Edward Male North Fremantle
1945/2700233 Fremantle Bell Lorna Muriel Female Simm Sydney Male East Fremantle
1945/2700233 Fremantle Simm Sydney Male Bell Lorna Muriel Female East Fremantle
1945/2700234 Fremantle Morteson Lexie May Female Coy Roseby Winsor Male West Australia
1945/2700234 Fremantle Coy Roseby Winsor Male Morteson Lexie May Female West Australia
1945/2700235 Fremantle Hammond Ursula Evelyn Female Gray William Henry Gordon Male Fremantle
1945/2700235 Fremantle Gray William Henry Gordon Male Hammond Ursula Evelyn Female Fremantle
1945/2700236 Fremantle Bateman Joan Yvonne Female Sellin Albert Ernest Male Beaconsfield
1945/2700236 Fremantle Sellin Albert Ernest Male Bateman Joan Yvonne Female Beaconsfield
1945/2700237 Fremantle Ottey Edna Gwendoline Female Stevenson Francis Kingsley Male Fremantle
1945/2700237 Fremantle Stevenson Francis Kingsley Male Ottey Edna Gwendoline Female Fremantle
1945/2700238 Fremantle Unrein Edwin Male Hines Gloria Hope Female Fremantle
1945/2700238 Fremantle Hines Gloria Hope Female Unrein Edwin Male Fremantle
1945/2700239 Fremantle Wickens Maude Female Nettleton Donald Howley Male Fremantle
1945/2700239 Fremantle Nettleton Donald Howley Male Wickens Maude Female Fremantle
1945/2700240 Fremantle Maher Sydney Francis Male Jefferys Dorothy Kathleen Female Fremantle
1945/2700240 Fremantle Jefferys Dorothy Kathleen Female Maher Sydney Francis Male Fremantle
1945/2700241 Fremantle Harding Russel James Male Melvin Mary Female Fremantle
1945/2700241 Fremantle Melvin Mary Female Harding Russel James Male Fremantle
1945/2700242 Fremantle Toigo Guerriero Male Fote Margaret Female Fremantle
1945/2700242 Fremantle Fote Margaret Female Toigo Guerriero Male Fremantle
1945/2700243 Fremantle Taylor Eunice Irene Mary Female Leahy Edward James Male Fremantle
1945/2700243 Fremantle Leahy Edward James Male Taylor Eunice Irene Mary Female Fremantle
1945/2700244 Fremantle Williams Beryl Mary Female MacKenzie Robert Duncan Male Fremantle
1945/2700244 Fremantle MacKenzie Robert Duncan Male Williams Beryl Mary Female Fremantle
1945/2700245 Fremantle McMullen Ena Maude Female Davis Frank Male Fremantle
1945/2700245 Fremantle Davis Frank Male McMullen Ena Maude Female Fremantle
1945/2700246 Fremantle Pratt Robert Montgomery Male Mason Joyce Elaine Female Fremantle
1945/2700246 Fremantle Mason Joyce Elaine Female Pratt Robert Montgomery Male Fremantle
1945/2700247 Fremantle McCann Charles Edward Male Coward Sheila Lorraine Female Fremantle
1945/2700247 Fremantle Coward Sheila Lorraine Female McCann Charles Edward Male Fremantle
1945/2700248 Fremantle Anderson Mary Mildred Female Beard Thomas Joseph Male Fremantle
1945/2700248 Fremantle Beard Thomas Joseph Male Anderson Mary Mildred Female Fremantle
1945/2700249 Fremantle Doust Marjory Lorraine Female Baker Neil Male Fremantle
1945/2700249 Fremantle Baker Neil Male Doust Marjory Lorraine Female Fremantle
1945/2700250 Fremantle O'Byrne Roma Hilda Female French Victor Jack Male Fremantle
1945/2700250 Fremantle French Victor Jack Male O'Byrne Roma Hilda Female Fremantle
1945/2700251 Fremantle Hamilton Joan Marie Female Sullivan David Francis Male Fremantle
1945/2700251 Fremantle Sullivan David Francis Male Hamilton Joan Marie Female Fremantle
1945/2700252 Fremantle Riggen Robert De Roy Male Bradley Moyra Female East Fremantle
1945/2700252 Fremantle Bradley Moyra Female Riggen Robert De Roy Male East Fremantle
1945/2700253 Fremantle Treasure Patricia Maude Female Grafton Edwin Norman Male Fremantle
1945/2700253 Fremantle Grafton Edwin Norman Male Treasure Patricia Maude Female Fremantle
1945/2700254 Fremantle Chard Mavis Female Martin Frederick Henry Male Fremantle
1945/2700254 Fremantle Martin Frederick Henry Male Chard Mavis Female Fremantle
1945/2700255 Fremantle Cooper Leo Francis Male Gabbedy Frances Joan Female Fremantle
1945/2700255 Fremantle Gabbedy Frances Joan Female Cooper Leo Francis Male Fremantle
1945/2700256 Fremantle O'Brien Annie Sarah Female Matthews Walter James Male Beaconsfield
1945/2700256 Fremantle Matthews Walter James Male O'Brien Annie Sarah Female Beaconsfield
1945/2700257 Fremantle Griffiths Georgina Harriet Female Smith George Albert Male E Fremantle
1945/2700257 Fremantle Smith George Albert Male Griffiths Georgina Harriet Female E Fremantle
1945/2700258 Fremantle Swincer Albert Thurston Male Wynn Elizabeth Elsie Female Fremantle
1945/2700258 Fremantle Wynn Elizabeth Elsie Female Swincer Albert Thurston Male Fremantle
1945/2700259 Fremantle Wenn Mervyn Gilbert Male Brain Dorothy Mavis Female Fremantle
1945/2700259 Fremantle Brain Dorothy Mavis Female Wenn Mervyn Gilbert Male Fremantle
1945/2700260 Fremantle Hartley Dorothy Female Leech Frederick Male Fremantle
1945/2700260 Fremantle Leech Frederick Male Hartley Dorothy Female Fremantle
1945/2700261 Fremantle Brown Walter Mather Male Scott Catherine Female Fremantle
1945/2700261 Fremantle Scott Catherine Female Brown Walter Mather Male Fremantle
1945/2700262 Fremantle Ellement George Leslie Male Greenham Elsie Edith Female Fremantle
1945/2700262 Fremantle Greenham Elsie Edith Female Ellement George Leslie Male Fremantle
1945/2700263 Fremantle Lowick Edward George Thomas Male Saul Eileen Rose Female Fremantle
1945/2700263 Fremantle Saul Eileen Rose Female Lowick Edward George Thomas Male Fremantle
1945/2700264 Fremantle Terry Moira Eunice Female Santich Arthur Joseph Male Fremantle
1945/2700264 Fremantle Santich Arthur Joseph Male Terry Moira Eunice Female Fremantle
1945/2700265 Fremantle Burley Dora Octavia Female Jones Dennis Male Fremantle
1945/2700265 Fremantle Jones Dennis Male Burley Dora Octavia Female Fremantle
1945/2700266 Fremantle Nugent Ernest Arthur Male Bain Elsie Margaret Florence Female Fremantle
1945/2700266 Fremantle Bain Elsie Margaret Florence Female Nugent Ernest Arthur Male Fremantle
1945/2700267 Fremantle Johnson Joseph Male Cooper Irene Mavis Female Fremantle
1945/2700267 Fremantle Cooper Irene Mavis Female Johnson Joseph Male Fremantle
1945/2700268 Fremantle Fowler Francis Oswald Male Poole Margaret Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1945/2700268 Fremantle Poole Margaret Elizabeth Female Fowler Francis Oswald Male Fremantle
1945/2700269 Fremantle West Clarice Muriel Female Howson Alexander Alfred Male Fremantle
1945/2700269 Fremantle Howson Alexander Alfred Male West Clarice Muriel Female Fremantle
1945/2700270 Fremantle Deveson Gwennie Female Pengilly Ronald Thomas Male East Fremantle
1945/2700270 Fremantle Pengilly Ronald Thomas Male Deveson Gwennie Female East Fremantle
1945/2700271 Fremantle Elliss May Florence Female Drust George Ernest Male Fremantle
1945/2700271 Fremantle Drust George Ernest Male Elliss May Florence Female Fremantle
1945/2700272 Fremantle Boyd Raymond Stanley Male Cronk Mavis Dorothy Female Fremantle Seventh-day Adventist Church
1945/2700272 Fremantle Cronk Mavis Dorothy Female Boyd Raymond Stanley Male Fremantle Seventh-day Adventist Church
1945/2700273 Fremantle Harrison Kenneth Michael Male McIntyre Beryl Shirley Maxine Female Fremantle
1945/2700273 Fremantle McIntyre Beryl Shirley Maxine Female Harrison Kenneth Michael Male Fremantle
1945/2700274 Fremantle Larsen Sverre Karlberg Male Butterworth Doris Josephine Female Fremantle
1945/2700274 Fremantle Butterworth Doris Josephine Female Larsen Sverre Karlberg Male Fremantle
1945/2700275 Fremantle Nelson Ronald Male Young Daphne Strangways Female Fremantle
1945/2700275 Fremantle Young Daphne Strangways Female Nelson Ronald Male Fremantle
1945/2700276 Fremantle Aston Joan Female Ritchie Arthur Edward Male Fremantle
1945/2700276 Fremantle Ritchie Arthur Edward Male Aston Joan Female Fremantle
1945/2700277 Fremantle Woodley Margaret Mary Female Batchelor William Arthur Male Fremantle
1945/2700277 Fremantle Batchelor William Arthur Male Woodley Margaret Mary Female Fremantle
1945/2700278 Fremantle Solomon Patricia Lillian Female Day John Norman Male North Fremantle
1945/2700278 Fremantle Day John Norman Male Solomon Patricia Lillian Female North Fremantle
1945/2700279 Fremantle Harding Doreen Female Wyatt Albert Victor Male Fremantle
1945/2700279 Fremantle Wyatt Albert Victor Male Harding Doreen Female Fremantle
1945/2700280 Fremantle Newell Archie Gerald Male Pinkerton Dorothy Louisa Female Fremantle
1945/2700280 Fremantle Pinkerton Dorothy Louisa Female Newell Archie Gerald Male Fremantle
1945/2700281 Fremantle Notley Daphne Emma Female Sullivan Harold James Male Fremantle
1945/2700281 Fremantle Sullivan Harold James Male Notley Daphne Emma Female Fremantle
1945/2700282 Fremantle Ipock Charles Hubert Male Bailey Constance Emma Female Fremantle
1945/2700282 Fremantle Bailey Constance Emma Female Ipock Charles Hubert Male Fremantle
1945/2700283 Fremantle Graham Doris Charlotte Female Jefferies Leonard Albert James Male Fremantle
1945/2700283 Fremantle Jefferies Leonard Albert James Male Graham Doris Charlotte Female Fremantle
1945/2700284 Fremantle Perkins Lillian Joyce Female Bennett Walter James Male Fremantle
1945/2700284 Fremantle Bennett Walter James Male Perkins Lillian Joyce Female Fremantle
1945/2700285 Fremantle Richardson William Fredrick Arnold Male Wilson Shirley Hex Female Fremantle
1945/2700285 Fremantle Wilson Shirley Hex Female Richardson William Fredrick Arnold Male Fremantle
1945/2700286 Fremantle Errington Joyce Powell Female Blay Arthur Lewis Male Fremantle
1945/2700286 Fremantle Blay Arthur Lewis Male Errington Joyce Powell Female Fremantle
1945/2700287 Fremantle Butler Alfred William Male Armstrong Joy Female Fremantle
1945/2700287 Fremantle Armstrong Joy Female Butler Alfred William Male Fremantle
1945/2700288 Fremantle Hendry Elizabeth Bruce Goudie Female Seery Colin Frederick Male Fremantle
1945/2700288 Fremantle Seery Colin Frederick Male Hendry Elizabeth Bruce Goudie Female Fremantle
1945/2700289 Fremantle Collins Annie Margaret Female Ward Alfred Male Palmyra
1945/2700289 Fremantle Ward Alfred Male Collins Annie Margaret Female Palmyra
1945/2700290 Fremantle Knight Cyril Leonard Male Greenhalgh Geneva Albertha Female Fremantle
1945/2700290 Fremantle Greenhalgh Geneva Albertha Female Knight Cyril Leonard Male Fremantle
1945/2700291 Fremantle Marsh Helen Jean Female Poole Wilfred James Male Fremantle
1945/2700291 Fremantle Poole Wilfred James Male Marsh Helen Jean Female Fremantle
1945/2700292 Fremantle Cook Phyllis May Female Potter Neil William Robert Male East Fremantle Presbyterian Church
1945/2700292 Fremantle Potter Neil William Robert Male Cook Phyllis May Female East Fremantle Presbyterian Church
1945/2700293 Fremantle Anderson Gwendolyn Ellen Female Sweet John Wray Male Fremantle
1945/2700293 Fremantle Sweet John Wray Male Anderson Gwendolyn Ellen Female Fremantle
1945/2700294 Fremantle Fitzgerald James Edward Arthur Roderick Male Davenport Annie Female Fremantle
1945/2700294 Fremantle Davenport Annie Female Fitzgerald James Edward Arthur Roderick Male Fremantle
1945/2700295 Fremantle Cary Barbara Elizabeth Female Bautel Donald Charles Male Fremantle
1945/2700295 Fremantle Bautel Donald Charles Male Cary Barbara Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1945/2700296 Fremantle Cullen Raymond Arthur Male Andrew Victoria Norreen Female Fremantle
1945/2700296 Fremantle Andrew Victoria Norreen Female Cullen Raymond Arthur Male Fremantle
1945/2700297 Fremantle Murray Matilda Female Christensen Horace Charles Male Fremantle
1945/2700297 Fremantle Christensen Horace Charles Male Murray Matilda Female Fremantle
1945/2700298 Fremantle Troy Kevin Terence Male Bourne Myrtle Violet Female Fremantle
1945/2700298 Fremantle Bourne Myrtle Violet Female Troy Kevin Terence Male Fremantle
1945/2700299 Fremantle Shield Silas George Pearse Male Winstone Edith Emily Ellen Female Fremantle
1945/2700299 Fremantle Winstone Edith Emily Ellen Female Shield Silas George Pearse Male Fremantle
1945/2700300 Fremantle Miragliotta Sarina Female Helman John Edward Male Fremantle
1945/2700300 Fremantle Helman John Edward Male Miragliotta Sarina Female Fremantle
1945/2700301 Fremantle Pike Leonard James Male Smirk Mavis Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1945/2700301 Fremantle Smirk Mavis Elizabeth Female Pike Leonard James Male Fremantle
1945/2700302 Fremantle Anderson Gordon Andrew Male Bradford Roma Mary Female Fremantle
1945/2700302 Fremantle Bradford Roma Mary Female Anderson Gordon Andrew Male Fremantle
1945/2700303 Fremantle Middleton Robert James Male Hutchison Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1945/2700303 Fremantle Hutchison Elizabeth Female Middleton Robert James Male Fremantle
1945/2700304 Fremantle Brown Amy Blanche Female McCarthy Charles Richard Male Beaconsfield
1945/2700304 Fremantle McCarthy Charles Richard Male Brown Amy Blanche Female Beaconsfield
1945/2700305 Fremantle Marshall Hilda Mary Female Styles Samuel James Male Beaconsfield
1945/2700305 Fremantle Styles Samuel James Male Marshall Hilda Mary Female Beaconsfield
1945/2700306 Fremantle Miles Burt Benjamin Charles Male King Joyce Mary Female Fremantle
1945/2700306 Fremantle King Joyce Mary Female Miles Burt Benjamin Charles Male Fremantle
1945/2700307 Fremantle Bateman Thora Helen Female Jacobs William Humphrey Male Fremantle
1945/2700307 Fremantle Jacobs William Humphrey Male Bateman Thora Helen Female Fremantle
1945/2700308 Fremantle Finlay Ruth Gladys Beatrice Female Green George Porter Male Fremantle
1945/2700308 Fremantle Green George Porter Male Finlay Ruth Gladys Beatrice Female Fremantle
1945/2700309 Fremantle Mead Stella Muriel Female Manning Hugh Male West Australia
1945/2700309 Fremantle Manning Hugh Male Mead Stella Muriel Female West Australia
1945/2700310 Fremantle Gunn Joyce Female Hislop Ronald James Male Fremantle
1945/2700310 Fremantle Hislop Ronald James Male Gunn Joyce Female Fremantle
1945/2700311 Fremantle Enright Lilian Rosetta Female Bruse Robert Henry Male Fremantle
1945/2700311 Fremantle Bruse Robert Henry Male Enright Lilian Rosetta Female Fremantle
1945/2700312 Fremantle Teague Frederick Thomas Male Wood Ethel Alice Female West Australia
1945/2700312 Fremantle Wood Ethel Alice Female Teague Frederick Thomas Male West Australia
1945/2700313 Fremantle Moury Sherman Junior Male Dymond Norma Female Fremantle
1945/2700313 Fremantle Dymond Norma Female Moury Sherman Junior Male Fremantle
1945/2700314 Fremantle Lloyd James Arthur Male Martin Ivy Helen Female Fremantle
1945/2700314 Fremantle Martin Ivy Helen Female Lloyd James Arthur Male Fremantle
1945/2700315 Fremantle Hiscock Phyllis Maud Female Mann Vernon William Male Fremantle
1945/2700315 Fremantle Mann Vernon William Male Hiscock Phyllis Maud Female Fremantle
1945/2700316 Fremantle Goodchild James Arthur Male Fullston Jean Female Fremantle
1945/2700316 Fremantle Fullston Jean Female Goodchild James Arthur Male Fremantle
1945/2700317 Fremantle Lawrence Walter John Male Higgins Bernice Joyce Female Fremantle
1945/2700317 Fremantle Higgins Bernice Joyce Female Lawrence Walter John Male Fremantle
1945/2700318 Fremantle McKenzie Winifred Mary Female Langley William Arthur Eley Male East Fremantle
1945/2700318 Fremantle Langley William Arthur Eley Male McKenzie Winifred Mary Female East Fremantle
1945/2700319 Fremantle Armstrong Ivy Eva Rose Female Knott George William Male Fremantle
1945/2700319 Fremantle Knott George William Male Armstrong Ivy Eva Rose Female Fremantle
1945/2700320 Fremantle Duff Eugene Mathew John Male Vagg Rose Marie Harriett Female Fremantle
1945/2700320 Fremantle Vagg Rose Marie Harriett Female Duff Eugene Mathew John Male Fremantle
1945/2700321 Fremantle Van Wijk Johannes Male Fitzpatrick Margaret Jean Female Fremantle
1945/2700321 Fremantle Fitzpatrick Margaret Jean Female Van Wijk Johannes Male Fremantle
1945/2700322 Fremantle Skillen Bertram Albert Male Wrighton Vera Elizabeth Fredreca Female Fremantle
1945/2700322 Fremantle Wrighton Vera Elizabeth Fredreca Female Skillen Bertram Albert Male Fremantle
1945/2700323 Fremantle Carter Norman Keith Male Hopkins Betty Dawn Female Fremantle
1945/2700323 Fremantle Hopkins Betty Dawn Female Carter Norman Keith Male Fremantle
1945/2700324 Fremantle Robertson John Male Cook Helen Dorothy Female Fremantle
1945/2700324 Fremantle Cook Helen Dorothy Female Robertson John Male Fremantle
1945/2700325 Fremantle Morfitt Lillian May Female McCarthy Allen Thomas Male Fremantle
1945/2700325 Fremantle McCarthy Allen Thomas Male Morfitt Lillian May Female Fremantle
1945/2700326 Fremantle Rochfort Moreen May Female Clarke (Jnr) George Maurice Male Fremantle
1945/2700326 Fremantle Clarke (Jnr) George Maurice Male Rochfort Moreen May Female Fremantle
1945/2700327 Fremantle Hoskin John Henry Male Wasley Clarice Elva Female Fremantle
1945/2700327 Fremantle Wasley Clarice Elva Female Hoskin John Henry Male Fremantle
1945/2700328 Fremantle Foster Joseph Henry Male Matheson Gloria June Female Fremantle
1945/2700328 Fremantle Matheson Gloria June Female Foster Joseph Henry Male Fremantle
1945/2700329 Fremantle Abbott Margaret Female Fauntleroy Ernest Leslie Male Fremantle
1945/2700329 Fremantle Fauntleroy Ernest Leslie Male Abbott Margaret Female Fremantle
1945/2700330 Fremantle Eadey Marjory Rene Female Broad Richard Leslie Male Fremantle
1945/2700330 Fremantle Broad Richard Leslie Male Eadey Marjory Rene Female Fremantle
1945/2700331 Fremantle Caratti Ellen Domenica Female Smith Harold Henry Male Fremantle
1945/2700331 Fremantle Smith Harold Henry Male Caratti Ellen Domenica Female Fremantle
1945/2700332 Fremantle Davis Violet Female Sanderson William Male Fremantle
1945/2700332 Fremantle Sanderson William Male Davis Violet Female Fremantle
1945/2700333 Fremantle Martin Ruth Doreen Female Poole George Warren Male Fremantle
1945/2700333 Fremantle Poole George Warren Male Martin Ruth Doreen Female Fremantle
1945/2700334 Fremantle Hempsall John Stafford Male Herd Rona Victoria Female Fremantle
1945/2700334 Fremantle Herd Rona Victoria Female Hempsall John Stafford Male Fremantle
1945/2700335 Fremantle Lenton Thomas Alfred Male Poole Joan Female East Fremantle
1945/2700335 Fremantle Poole Joan Female Lenton Thomas Alfred Male East Fremantle
1945/2700336 Fremantle Hough Albert Edward Male Allen Mavis Alice Female Fremantle
1945/2700336 Fremantle Allen Mavis Alice Female Hough Albert Edward Male Fremantle
1945/2700337 Fremantle Perry Beryl Joan Female Meyers George Russell Male East Fremantle
1945/2700337 Fremantle Meyers George Russell Male Perry Beryl Joan Female East Fremantle
1945/2700338 Fremantle Fiocco Giuseppe Male Sicari Connie Female Fremantle
1945/2700338 Fremantle Sicari Connie Female Fiocco Giuseppe Male Fremantle
1945/2700339 Fremantle Moir June Charmian Anne Female Ridley Roy Gilbert Male Fremantle
1945/2700339 Fremantle Ridley Roy Gilbert Male Moir June Charmian Anne Female Fremantle
1945/2700340 Fremantle Miragliotta Santa Female Congemi Salvatore Male Fremantle
1945/2700340 Fremantle Congemi Salvatore Male Miragliotta Santa Female Fremantle
1945/2700341 Fremantle Dixon Horace Allan Male Armanasco Angeline Violet Female Fremantle
1945/2700341 Fremantle Armanasco Angeline Violet Female Dixon Horace Allan Male Fremantle
1945/2700342 Fremantle Thompson Irene Olive Female Host Donald Frank Male Fremantle
1945/2700342 Fremantle Host Donald Frank Male Thompson Irene Olive Female Fremantle
1945/2700343 Fremantle Martin Kathleen Mary Female Melancon Patrick Male Fremantle
1945/2700343 Fremantle Melancon Patrick Male Martin Kathleen Mary Female Fremantle
1945/2700344 Fremantle Rea Beatrice Mary McDonald Female Jones Eric Alfred Male Fremantle
1945/2700344 Fremantle Jones Eric Alfred Male Rea Beatrice Mary McDonald Female Fremantle
1945/2700345 Fremantle Mulcahy Elizabeth Stella Female Colby John Cuthbert Male E Fremantle
1945/2700345 Fremantle Colby John Cuthbert Male Mulcahy Elizabeth Stella Female E Fremantle
1945/2700346 Fremantle Ferguson Treena Mary Female Maguire Stanley Herbert Male East Fremantle
1945/2700346 Fremantle Maguire Stanley Herbert Male Ferguson Treena Mary Female East Fremantle
1945/2700347 Fremantle Pengel Alice Merle Female Carter Glen Walter George Male Fremantle
1945/2700347 Fremantle Carter Glen Walter George Male Pengel Alice Merle Female Fremantle
1945/2700348 Fremantle Grimes Charles Frank Arthur Male Stratton Doreen Tainsh Female Fremantle
1945/2700348 Fremantle Stratton Doreen Tainsh Female Grimes Charles Frank Arthur Male Fremantle
1945/2700349 Fremantle Scanlan Faye Margaret Female Arnold Kenneth Arthur Male Fremantle
1945/2700349 Fremantle Arnold Kenneth Arthur Male Scanlan Faye Margaret Female Fremantle
1945/2700350 Fremantle Fredrikson Dorothy May Female Campbell Alan Patrick Male Fremantle
1945/2700350 Fremantle Campbell Alan Patrick Male Fredrikson Dorothy May Female Fremantle
1945/2700351 Fremantle Shields John Male Horne Winifred Lilian Female Fremantle
1945/2700351 Fremantle Horne Winifred Lilian Female Shields John Male Fremantle
1945/2700352 Fremantle Wilson Cecil Male Pierce Olga Delores Female Fremantle
1945/2700352 Fremantle Pierce Olga Delores Female Wilson Cecil Male Fremantle
1945/2700353 Fremantle Ellis Maud Agnes Female Watson John William Male Fremantle
1945/2700353 Fremantle Watson John William Male Ellis Maud Agnes Female Fremantle
1945/2700354 Fremantle Rees Doreen Winifred Female Powell John Albert Henry Male Fremantle
1945/2700354 Fremantle Powell John Albert Henry Male Rees Doreen Winifred Female Fremantle
1945/2800001 Gascoyne Wear Ralph Male Winder Mary Kathleen Female Carnarvon
1945/2800001 Gascoyne Winder Mary Kathleen Female Wear Ralph Male Carnarvon
1945/2800002 Gascoyne Kempton William James Male Smith Margaret Mary Female Carnarvon
1945/2800002 Gascoyne Smith Margaret Mary Female Kempton William James Male Carnarvon
1945/2800003 Gascoyne Russell William Henry Male Scarff Myrtle Evelyn Female Carnarvon
1945/2800003 Gascoyne Scarff Myrtle Evelyn Female Russell William Henry Male Carnarvon
1945/2800004 Gascoyne Drummond Sam Male Tittum Ethel Agnes Female Carnarvon
1945/2800004 Gascoyne Tittum Ethel Agnes Female Drummond Sam Male Carnarvon
1945/2900001 Geraldton Ramsay Ellen Mary Female Lewis Augustus Urban Male Geraldton
1946/2900001 Geraldton Watson Jean Ellen Female Regan James Patrick Male Geraldton
1946/2900001 Geraldton Regan James Patrick Male Watson Jean Ellen Female Geraldton
1945/2900001 Geraldton Lewis Augustus Urban Male Ramsay Ellen Mary Female Geraldton
1945/2900002 Geraldton Collins Horace Male Cailes Thora Gwendoline Female Geraldton
1946/2900002 Geraldton Eakins Patricia Mary Female McAuliffe Frederick Male Geraldton
1945/2900002 Geraldton Cailes Thora Gwendoline Female Collins Horace Male Geraldton
1946/2900002 Geraldton McAuliffe Frederick Male Eakins Patricia Mary Female Geraldton
1945/2900003 Geraldton Maskell Isobel Annie Female Bralich Marko Male Geraldton
1945/2900003 Geraldton Bralich Marko Male Maskell Isobel Annie Female Geraldton
1945/2900004 Geraldton Donovan Agnes Muriel Female Holbrook George Norris Male Geraldton
1945/2900004 Geraldton Holbrook George Norris Male Donovan Agnes Muriel Female Geraldton
1945/2900006 Geraldton Curtis George William Male Russell Jean Lillian Female Geraldton
1945/2900006 Geraldton Russell Jean Lillian Female Curtis George William Male Geraldton
1945/2900007 Geraldton Drage Stephen Male Carrington Peggy Louise Female Geraldton
1945/2900007 Geraldton Carrington Peggy Louise Female Drage Stephen Male Geraldton
1945/2900008 Geraldton Dunne Bernice Muriel Female Edwards Ronald Charles Male Geraldton
1945/2900008 Geraldton Edwards Ronald Charles Male Dunne Bernice Muriel Female Geraldton
1945/2900009 Geraldton Roach Vernon Francis Male Rhodes Rita Female Geraldton
1945/2900009 Geraldton Rhodes Rita Female Roach Vernon Francis Male Geraldton
1945/2900010 Geraldton Morley George Edward Male Levett Thora Frances Female Geraldton
1945/2900010 Geraldton Levett Thora Frances Female Morley George Edward Male Geraldton
1945/2900011 Geraldton Phillips Michael Male Mitchell Jessie Veronica Female Geraldton
1945/2900011 Geraldton Mitchell Jessie Veronica Female Phillips Michael Male Geraldton
1945/2900012 Geraldton Pearson Per Male Saunders Winifred Florence Female Geraldton
1945/2900012 Geraldton Saunders Winifred Florence Female Pearson Per Male Geraldton
1945/2900013 Geraldton McCracken Percy Allen Male Keeffe Mary Margaret Female Mullewa
1945/2900013 Geraldton Keeffe Mary Margaret Female McCracken Percy Allen Male Mullewa
1945/2900014 Geraldton Eaton Gladys Ruth Female Miles Keith Charles Donald Male Geraldton
1945/2900014 Geraldton Miles Keith Charles Donald Male Eaton Gladys Ruth Female Geraldton
1945/2900015 Geraldton Farber Cora Arnold Female McGregor Gilbert Ralph Male Bluff Point
1945/2900015 Geraldton McGregor Gilbert Ralph Male Farber Cora Arnold Female Bluff Point
1945/2900016 Geraldton McLoughlin Gordon George Male Hipper Hazel Merril Female Geraldton
1945/2900016 Geraldton Hipper Hazel Merril Female McLoughlin Gordon George Male Geraldton
1945/2900017 Geraldton Long Felicity Grace Female Cross Harry Clarence John Male Geraldton
1945/2900017 Geraldton Cross Harry Clarence John Male Long Felicity Grace Female Geraldton
1945/2900018 Geraldton Lockwood Raymond Edward Male Wildman Mavis Jean Female Geraldton
1945/2900018 Geraldton Wildman Mavis Jean Female Lockwood Raymond Edward Male Geraldton
1945/2900019 Geraldton Parker Abraham Wesley Male Broad Nellie Ellen Female Geraldton
1945/2900019 Geraldton Broad Nellie Ellen Female Parker Abraham Wesley Male Geraldton
1945/2900020 Geraldton Stafford Nellie Gladys Knowlton Female Wheeldon William James Male Geraldton
1945/2900020 Geraldton Wheeldon William James Male Stafford Nellie Gladys Knowlton Female Geraldton
1945/2900021 Geraldton May Ronald Sydney Male Crabbe Clara Joyce Female Geraldton
1945/2900021 Geraldton Crabbe Clara Joyce Female May Ronald Sydney Male Geraldton
1945/2900022 Geraldton Rennie William James Male Rosser Kathleen Female Geraldton
1945/2900022 Geraldton Rosser Kathleen Female Rennie William James Male Geraldton
1945/2900023 Geraldton Stokes Clem Joseph Male Smith Edna Sophia Jane Female Geraldton
1945/2900023 Geraldton Smith Edna Sophia Jane Female Stokes Clem Joseph Male Geraldton
1945/2900024 Geraldton Mazzuchelli Bernard Benedict Male Stokes Mary Norma Female Geraldton
1945/2900024 Geraldton Stokes Mary Norma Female Mazzuchelli Bernard Benedict Male Geraldton
1945/2900025 Geraldton Eakins Kathleen Margaret Female Maher Barrington David Male Geraldton
1945/2900025 Geraldton Maher Barrington David Male Eakins Kathleen Margaret Female Geraldton
1945/2900026 Geraldton Bourne Violet Female Tetlow Frederick Henry Male Geraldton
1945/2900026 Geraldton Tetlow Frederick Henry Male Bourne Violet Female Geraldton
1945/2900027 Geraldton Cross Stanley John Male Marsden Rita Jean Female Geraldton
1945/2900027 Geraldton Marsden Rita Jean Female Cross Stanley John Male Geraldton
1945/2900028 Geraldton Lauder Eva Augusta Female Mitchell Charles Robert Male Geraldton
1945/2900028 Geraldton Mitchell Charles Robert Male Lauder Eva Augusta Female Geraldton
1945/2900029 Geraldton Kershaw Eric John Male Donald Margaret Adamson Female Geraldton
1945/2900029 Geraldton Donald Margaret Adamson Female Kershaw Eric John Male Geraldton
1945/2900030 Geraldton Fletcher Mary Agnes Female Wells James Henry Male Geraldton
1945/2900030 Geraldton Wells James Henry Male Fletcher Mary Agnes Female Geraldton
1945/2900031 Geraldton Burgess Norma Rose Female Thomas Norman William Male Geraldton
1945/2900031 Geraldton Thomas Norman William Male Burgess Norma Rose Female Geraldton
1945/2900032 Geraldton Kells Jessie May Female Middleton Gordon Male Geraldton
1945/2900032 Geraldton Middleton Gordon Male Kells Jessie May Female Geraldton
1945/2900033 Geraldton Ramshaw Mary Josephine Female Collins Frank Male Geraldton
1945/2900033 Geraldton Collins Frank Male Ramshaw Mary Josephine Female Geraldton
1945/2900034 Geraldton Brown Daisy Sylvia Female Christiansen Frank Alfred Male Geraldton
1945/2900034 Geraldton Christiansen Frank Alfred Male Brown Daisy Sylvia Female Geraldton
1945/2900035 Geraldton Hansen Rebecca Female Watson William Graham Male Geraldton
1945/2900035 Geraldton Watson William Graham Male Hansen Rebecca Female Geraldton
1945/2900036 Geraldton Poole Colin Herbert Male Wick Lucy Joyce Female Geraldton
1945/2900036 Geraldton Wick Lucy Joyce Female Poole Colin Herbert Male Geraldton
1945/2900037 Geraldton Leete Edward Albert Male Hancock Vera May Female Geraldton
1945/2900037 Geraldton Hancock Vera May Female Leete Edward Albert Male Geraldton
1945/2900038 Geraldton McAuliffe Carmel Dent Female Marsden Colin Male Geraldton
1945/2900038 Geraldton Marsden Colin Male McAuliffe Carmel Dent Female Geraldton
1945/2900039 Geraldton Silcock Clement Frances Male Oliver Vivienne Odile Rene Female Geraldton
1945/2900039 Geraldton Oliver Vivienne Odile Rene Female Silcock Clement Frances Male Geraldton
1945/2900040 Geraldton Hulme Allan John Sperry Male Gummery Vera Florence Female Geraldton
1945/2900040 Geraldton Gummery Vera Florence Female Hulme Allan John Sperry Male Geraldton
1945/2900041 Geraldton Paine Betty Margaret Female Edwards Stanley Male Geraldton
1945/2900041 Geraldton Edwards Stanley Male Paine Betty Margaret Female Geraldton
1945/2900042 Geraldton Heath Sidney John Male Varley Mary Agnes Female Geraldton
1945/2900042 Geraldton Varley Mary Agnes Female Heath Sidney John Male Geraldton
1945/2900043 Geraldton Heinz William Adolphus Male Dearlove Eva Female Geraldton
1945/2900043 Geraldton Dearlove Eva Female Heinz William Adolphus Male Geraldton
1945/2900044 Geraldton Murray Herbert Male Smith Joan Female Geraldton
1945/2900044 Geraldton Smith Joan Female Murray Herbert Male Geraldton
1945/2900045 Geraldton Hall Arthur Reginald Male O'Neil Joyce Mary Female Geraldton
1945/2900045 Geraldton O'Neil Joyce Mary Female Hall Arthur Reginald Male Geraldton
1945/2900046 Geraldton Barnden Leo Edward Male Hutchinson Gladys Jean Female Geraldton
1945/2900046 Geraldton Barnden Leo Edwin Male Hutchinson Gladys Jean Female Geraldton
1945/2900046 Geraldton Hutchinson Gladys Jean Female Barnden Leo Edward Male Geraldton
1945/2900046 Geraldton Hutchinson Gladys Jean Female Barnden Leo Edwin Male Geraldton
1945/2900047 Geraldton Stephens Bertram James Male Sherwood Dorothy Joan Female Geraldton
1945/2900047 Geraldton Sherwood Dorothy Joan Female Stephens Bertram James Male Geraldton
1945/2900048 Geraldton McLoughlin Arthur Patrick Male Criddle Dora Female Geraldton
1945/2900048 Geraldton Criddle Dora Female McLoughlin Arthur Patrick Male Geraldton
1945/2900049 Geraldton Watling Therese Veronica Female Ryan Joseph Francis Male Geraldton
1945/2900049 Geraldton Ryan Joseph Francis Male Watling Therese Veronica Female Geraldton
1945/2900050 Geraldton West Barbara Pearl Female Dawson John Ewart Male Geraldton
1945/2900050 Geraldton Dawson John Ewart Male West Barbara Pearl Female Geraldton
1945/2900051 Geraldton Cahill Edward Michael Male Maher Ida Grace Female Geraldton
1945/2900051 Geraldton Maher Ida Grace Female Cahill Edward Michael Male Geraldton
1945/2900052 Geraldton Gould Maureen Edyth Female Cuneo Robert Andrew Male Geraldton
1945/2900052 Geraldton Cuneo Robert Andrew Male Gould Maureen Edyth Female Geraldton
1945/2900053 Geraldton Shepheard Leonard Wisley Male Brewer Adeline Martha Female Geraldton
1945/2900053 Geraldton Brewer Adeline Martha Female Shepheard Leonard Wisley Male Geraldton
1945/2900054 Geraldton McInnes Keith Male McCarley Rose Celia Female Mullewa
1945/2900054 Geraldton McCarley Rose Celia Female McInnes Keith Male Mullewa
1945/2900055 Geraldton Richardson Cyril Ernest Thomas Male Pepper Marjorie Winifred Female Geraldton
1945/2900055 Geraldton Pepper Marjorie Winifred Female Richardson Cyril Ernest Thomas Male Geraldton
1945/2900056 Geraldton Lewis Elsie Lilian Female Nichols Henry John Male Mullewa
1945/2900056 Geraldton Nichols Henry John Male Lewis Elsie Lilian Female Mullewa
1945/2900057 Geraldton Silcock Joseph William Male Patience Doris Jean Female Walkaway
1945/2900057 Geraldton Patience Doris Jean Female Silcock Joseph William Male Walkaway
1945/2900058 Geraldton Pearce Alice Helen Female Sinclair William Male Geraldton
1945/2900058 Geraldton Sinclair William Male Pearce Alice Helen Female Geraldton
1945/2900059 Geraldton Patten Walter Charles Male Barndon Stella Emily Female Geraldton
1945/2900059 Geraldton Barndon Stella Emily Female Patten Walter Charles Male Geraldton
1945/2900060 Geraldton Mears Lionel John Logan Male Glance Betsy Alice Female Geraldton
1945/2900060 Geraldton Glance Betsy Alice Female Mears Lionel John Logan Male Geraldton
1945/2900061 Geraldton Ashcroft Colin Alonzo Male Harrower Mary Lennox Female Geraldton
1945/2900061 Geraldton Ashcroft Colin Alonzo Male Kerr Mary Lennox Female Geraldton
1945/2900061 Geraldton Harrower Mary Lennox Female Ashcroft Colin Alonzo Male Geraldton
1945/2900061 Geraldton Kerr Mary Lennox Female Ashcroft Colin Alonzo Male Geraldton
1945/2900062 Geraldton Slavin Carmel Joan Female Francis Sydney Clarence Male Geraldton
1945/2900062 Geraldton Francis Sydney Clarence Male Slavin Carmel Joan Female Geraldton
1945/2900063 Geraldton Coniglio Rosa Female Pirrottina Salvatore Male Geraldton
1945/2900063 Geraldton Pirrottina Salvatore Male Coniglio Rosa Female Geraldton
1945/2900064 Geraldton White William Edward Male ONeill Norma Gladys Female Geraldton
1945/2900064 Geraldton ONeill Norma Gladys Female White William Edward Male Geraldton
1945/2900065 Geraldton Bourne Noreen Beryl Female Pulleine Alfred Frederick Male Geraldton
1945/2900065 Geraldton Pulleine Alfred Frederick Male Bourne Noreen Beryl Female Geraldton
1945/2900066 Geraldton Scott Estella Female Silverlock Jack Orestes Male Geraldton
1945/2900066 Geraldton Silverlock Jack Orestes Male Scott Estella Female Geraldton
1945/2900067 Geraldton Fishwick Doris Delia Female Anderson Alfred Ernest Male Geraldton
1945/2900067 Geraldton Anderson Alfred Ernest Male Fishwick Doris Delia Female Geraldton
1945/2900068 Geraldton Yates Laurel Bertha Female Prunster Leopold Leslie Male Geraldton
1945/2900068 Geraldton Prunster Leopold Leslie Male Yates Laurel Bertha Female Geraldton
1945/3000001 Gingin Thompson Benedict Male Ashman Ethel Maureen Female Chittering
1945/3000001 Gingin Ashman Ethel Maureen Female Thompson Benedict Male Chittering
1945/3100001 Greenough Brady Winifred Iris Female Leishman Alec Gordon Male Greenough
1945/3100001 Greenough Leishman Alec Gordon Male Brady Winifred Iris Female Greenough
1945/3300001 Irwin Aubert Laurel Rose Female Gilmore Leedham Joseph Male Morawa
1945/3300001 Irwin Gilmore Leedham Joseph Male Aubert Laurel Rose Female Morawa
1946/3300001 Irwin Gamble Sheilah Elaine Evlyn Female Shaw Joseph Edward Male Maya
1946/3300001 Irwin Shaw Joseph Edward Male Gamble Sheilah Elaine Evlyn Female Maya
1945/3300004 Irwin McSwain Nancy Female Stacy John Maitland Male Carnamah
1945/3300004 Irwin Stacy John Maitland Male McSwain Nancy Female Carnamah
1945/3300005 Irwin Newton Robert Fergus Male Croft Olga Female Mingenew
1945/3300005 Irwin Croft Olga Female Newton Robert Fergus Male Mingenew
1945/3300006 Irwin Cousins Walter Leo Male Pethick Lottie Female Carnamah
1945/3300006 Irwin Pethick Lottie Female Cousins Walter Leo Male Carnamah
1945/3300007 Irwin Bates Lorraine Ellen Wadsworth Female Croot Gilbert Male Canna Hall
1945/3300007 Irwin Croot Gilbert Male Bates Lorraine Ellen Wadsworth Female Canna Hall
1945/3300008 Irwin Tonissen Joyce Elizabeth Female Powell William Thomas Male Morawa
1945/3300008 Irwin Powell William Thomas Male Tonissen Joyce Elizabeth Female Morawa
1945/3400001 Jarrahdale Pescud Lillian Esther Female Preddey Kenneth Bate Male Rockingham
1945/3400001 Jarrahdale Preddey Kenneth Bate Male Pescud Lillian Esther Female Rockingham
1945/3400002 Jarrahdale Crawford William Fullerton Male Cunningham Janet Milligan Female Byford
1945/3400002 Jarrahdale Cunningham Janet Milligan Female Crawford William Fullerton Male Byford
1945/3400003 Jarrahdale McMillan Edwin Victor Male Briggs Patricia Joy Female Byford
1945/3400003 Jarrahdale Briggs Patricia Joy Female McMillan Edwin Victor Male Byford
1945/3400004 Jarrahdale Mason Daniel Hursle Strathalbyn Male York Violet Jean Female Mundijong
1945/3400004 Jarrahdale York Violet Jean Female Mason Daniel Hursle Strathalbyn Male Mundijong
1945/3500001 Katanning Lloyd Frederick Charles Male Hurst Vera May Female Gnowangerup
1946/3500001 Katanning Ward William Colin Male McLachlan Joan Elizabeth Female Dumbleyung Methodist Church
1946/3500001 Katanning McLachlan Joan Elizabeth Female Ward William Colin Male Dumbleyung Methodist Church
1945/3500001 Katanning Hurst Vera May Female Lloyd Frederick Charles Male Gnowangerup
1945/3500002 Katanning Fildes Edith Marion Female Chequer Sydney Daniel Male Katanning
1946/3500002 Katanning Frost Enid Olive Female Ward Laurance Edley Male Wagin Methodist Church
1945/3500002 Katanning Chequer Sydney Daniel Male Fildes Edith Marion Female Katanning
1946/3500002 Katanning Ward Laurance Edley Male Frost Enid Olive Female Wagin Methodist Church
1945/3500003 Katanning Longmire Aileene Joyce Female Saxby Bryan Yvon Male Katanning
1945/3500003 Katanning Saxby Bryan Yvon Male Longmire Aileene Joyce Female Katanning
1945/3500004 Katanning Varey William Male Grocock Dorothy Female Katanning
1945/3500004 Katanning Grocock Dorothy Female Varey William Male Katanning
1945/3500005 Katanning Shaw Norma Jean Female Goodchild George Richmond Male Katanning
1945/3500005 Katanning Goodchild George Richmond Male Shaw Norma Jean Female Katanning
1945/3500006 Katanning Joy Evelyn May Female Hall George Leggat Male Wagin
1945/3500006 Katanning Hall George Leggat Male Joy Evelyn May Female Wagin
1945/3500007 Katanning Collins Keith Male Sugg Norma Mary Female Katanning Baptist Church
1945/3500007 Katanning Sugg Norma Mary Female Collins Keith Male Katanning Baptist Church
1945/3500008 Katanning Williams Mifanwy Female Holland Roy Newton Male Kukerin
1945/3500008 Katanning Holland Roy Newton Male Williams Mifanwy Female Kukerin
1945/3500009 Katanning Bransby John Alexander Male Collins Doreen May Female Katanning
1945/3500009 Katanning Collins Doreen May Female Bransby John Alexander Male Katanning
1945/3500010 Katanning Cousins Ellen Margaret Winson Female Beardman Horace Prince Alford Male Tambellup
1945/3500010 Katanning Beardman Horace Prince Alford Male Cousins Ellen Margaret Winson Female Tambellup
1945/3500011 Katanning Gorman Dulcie Faith Female Tysoe Reginald Male Katanning Methodist Church
1945/3500011 Katanning Tysoe Reginald Male Gorman Dulcie Faith Female Katanning Methodist Church
1945/3500013 Katanning Levitzke Elizabeth Female Holmes Walter Leonard Fleay Male Katanning
1945/3500013 Katanning Holmes Walter Leonard Fleay Male Levitzke Elizabeth Female Katanning
1945/3500014 Katanning Stott Quentin Charles Male Flood Dorothy Kathleen Irene Female Wagin
1945/3500014 Katanning Flood Dorothy Kathleen Irene Female Stott Quentin Charles Male Wagin
1945/3500015 Katanning Ward Elizabeth May Female Dawson William Robert Male Dumbleyung
1945/3500015 Katanning Dawson William Robert Male Ward Elizabeth May Female Dumbleyung
1945/3500016 Katanning McKenney Patricia Pearl Female Furniss Clifton William Male Katanning
1945/3500016 Katanning Furniss Clifton William Male McKenney Patricia Pearl Female Katanning
1945/3500017 Katanning Bailye Stanley George Male Roberts Laurel Heath Female Kojonup Methodist Church
1945/3500017 Katanning Roberts Laurel Heath Female Bailye Stanley George Male Kojonup Methodist Church
1945/3500018 Katanning Bagg Robin Nathaniel Chandler Male Slee Louise Cecilia May Female Katanning
1945/3500018 Katanning Slee Louise Cecilia May Female Bagg Robin Nathaniel Chandler Male Katanning
1945/3500019 Katanning Wanke Albert Edward Male Atkin Rose Female Katanning
1945/3500019 Katanning Atkin Rose Female Wanke Albert Edward Male Katanning
1945/3500020 Katanning Goodchild Barbara Joyce Female Jamieson Gordon Stanley Male Katanning
1945/3500020 Katanning Jamieson Gordon Stanley Male Goodchild Barbara Joyce Female Katanning
1945/3500021 Katanning Smith Sylvia Female Loo Norman Gordon Male Carrolup Settlement
1945/3500021 Katanning Loo Norman Gordon Male Smith Sylvia Female Carrolup Settlement
1945/3500022 Katanning Walker Violet May Female Holland Thomas Walter Male Wagin
1945/3500022 Katanning Holland Thomas Walter Male Walker Violet May Female Wagin
1945/3500023 Katanning Spry Darcy Lloyd Male Baker Jean Female Katanning
1945/3500023 Katanning Baker Jean Female Spry Darcy Lloyd Male Katanning
1945/3500024 Katanning Parsons Claude Laurance Male Connor Margaret Anna Female Katanning
1945/3500024 Katanning Connor Margaret Anna Female Parsons Claude Laurance Male Katanning
1945/3500025 Katanning Slater Bertram Keith Male Hanna Mavis Lillian Female Katanning Methodist Church
1945/3500025 Katanning Hanna Mavis Lillian Female Slater Bertram Keith Male Katanning Methodist Church
1945/3500026 Katanning Wilcox Cyril Flanders Keith Male Markham Florence Jean Female Katanning
1945/3500026 Katanning Markham Florence Jean Female Wilcox Cyril Flanders Keith Male Katanning
1945/3500027 Katanning Quartermaine Joyce Sylvia Female Hams Eric George Male Katanning
1945/3500027 Katanning Hams Eric George Male Quartermaine Joyce Sylvia Female Katanning
1945/3500028 Katanning Woods Mavis Rene Female Eades Angus Male Gnowangerup
1945/3500028 Katanning Eades Angus Male Woods Mavis Rene Female Gnowangerup
1945/3500029 Katanning Smith Freda Female Winmar Wilfred James Male Katanning
1945/3500029 Katanning Winmar Wilfred James Male Smith Freda Female Katanning
1945/3500030 Katanning Ugle Margaret Female Kelly Harry Male Katanning
1945/3500030 Katanning Kelly Harry Male Ugle Margaret Female Katanning
1945/3500031 Katanning Ugle Godfrey Male Hart Dawdy Bertha Female Katanning
1945/3500031 Katanning Hart Dawdy Bertha Female Ugle Godfrey Male Katanning
1945/3500032 Katanning McGuire Miriam Female Keogh Cornelius Joseph Aloysius Male Katanning
1945/3500032 Katanning Keogh Cornelius Joseph Aloysius Male McGuire Miriam Female Katanning
1945/3500033 Katanning White Elizabeth Joy Female Bennett Albert John Male Katanning
1945/3500033 Katanning Bennett Albert John Male White Elizabeth Joy Female Katanning
1945/3500034 Katanning Allen Reginald Davey Male Poole Eileen Patricia Margeret Female Wagin
1945/3500034 Katanning Poole Eileen Patricia Margeret Female Allen Reginald Davey Male Wagin
1945/3500035 Katanning Antonio Nellie Agnes Female O'Driscoll Bernard Male Katanning
1945/3500035 Katanning O'Driscoll Bernard Male Antonio Nellie Agnes Female Katanning
1945/3500036 Katanning Harvey Phillip Male Foster Audrey Hilda Female Kukerin
1945/3500036 Katanning Foster Audrey Hilda Female Harvey Phillip Male Kukerin
1945/3500037 Katanning Bruce Mary Female Sheehan Bryant Bernard Male Katanning
1945/3500037 Katanning Sheehan Bryant Bernard Male Bruce Mary Female Katanning
1945/3500038 Katanning Allan Bruce Gordon Wallace Male McCracken Marguerite Eileen Esther Female Katanning
1945/3500038 Katanning McCracken Marguerite Eileen Esther Female Allan Bruce Gordon Wallace Male Katanning
1945/3500039 Katanning Sibly Hazel Elizabeth Female Kenward Robert Leslie Male Katanning
1945/3500039 Katanning Kenward Robert Leslie Male Sibly Hazel Elizabeth Female Katanning
1945/3500040 Katanning Richardson Isabella Kathleen Elizabeth Female Jones Leslie Hubert Male Gnowangerup
1945/3500040 Katanning Jones Leslie Hubert Male Richardson Isabella Kathleen Elizabeth Female Gnowangerup
1945/3500041 Katanning Wallwork George Greaves Male Hesse Elvie Dawn Female Katanning
1945/3500041 Katanning Hesse Elvie Dawn Female Wallwork George Greaves Male Katanning
1945/3500042 Katanning Taylor Colin William Male Blaxill Dorothy Betty Female Katanning
1945/3500042 Katanning Blaxill Dorothy Betty Female Taylor Colin William Male Katanning
1945/3500043 Katanning Phillips Isabel Naomi Female Drew Ivo Tom Male Katanning
1945/3500043 Katanning Drew Ivo Tom Male Phillips Isabel Naomi Female Katanning
1945/3500044 Katanning Goss Arthur Male Genoni Kathleen Ella Female Katanning
1945/3500044 Katanning Genoni Kathleen Ella Female Goss Arthur Male Katanning
1945/3500045 Katanning Sullivan Thomas Male Martyn Ethel Mary Female Katanning
1945/3500045 Katanning Martyn Ethel Mary Female Sullivan Thomas Male Katanning
1945/3500046 Katanning Pope Mollie Campbell Female Harley Kenneth Neville Male Katanning
1945/3500046 Katanning Harley Kenneth Neville Male Pope Mollie Campbell Female Katanning
1945/3500047 Katanning Garnett Amy Doreen Female Parnell Alexander David Male Gnowangerup
1945/3500047 Katanning Parnell Alexander David Male Garnett Amy Doreen Female Gnowangerup
1945/3500048 Katanning Dowdell Phyllis May Female Matthews Leonard Male Katanning
1945/3500048 Katanning Matthews Leonard Male Dowdell Phyllis May Female Katanning
1945/3500049 Katanning Peacock Walter Basil Vickers Male Pearce Grace Lillian Female Wagin
1945/3500049 Katanning Pearce Grace Lillian Female Peacock Walter Basil Vickers Male Wagin
1945/3500050 Katanning Baldwin Douglas Craig Male Watterson Margaret Mona Ettie Female Gnowangerup
1945/3500050 Katanning Watterson Margaret Mona Ettie Female Baldwin Douglas Craig Male Gnowangerup
1945/3500051 Katanning Hegarty Frances Mary Female Ellis Arthur George Male Wagin
1945/3500051 Katanning Ellis Arthur George Male Hegarty Frances Mary Female Wagin
1945/3500052 Katanning Hotker Norman August Male Cooper Hilda Rose Female Katanning
1945/3500052 Katanning Cooper Hilda Rose Female Hotker Norman August Male Katanning
1945/3500053 Katanning Gomm Betty Female Gittins Ronald George Male Katanning
1945/3500053 Katanning Gittins Ronald George Male Gomm Betty Female Katanning
1945/3500054 Katanning Elverd May Cecelia Female Savory Albert Edward Male Katanning
1945/3500054 Katanning Savory Albert Edward Male Elverd May Cecelia Female Katanning
1945/3500055 Katanning Farr Gordon George Male Baxter Stella Pearl Female Gnowangerup
1945/3500055 Katanning Baxter Stella Pearl Female Farr Gordon George Male Gnowangerup
1945/3500056 Katanning Ward Martin Thomas Male Cronin Marjorie Jean Female Wagin
1945/3500056 Katanning Cronin Marjorie Jean Female Ward Martin Thomas Male Wagin
1945/3500057 Katanning Castle Dudley Gordon Male Rangott Alma Millicent Female Katanning
1945/3500057 Katanning Rangott Alma Millicent Female Castle Dudley Gordon Male Katanning
1945/3500058 Katanning Fleay Aubrey Arnold Male Gray Noreen Mary Female Katanning
1945/3500058 Katanning Gray Noreen Mary Female Fleay Aubrey Arnold Male Katanning
1945/3500059 Katanning O'Brien Joyce Patricia Female Rhodes Geoff Male Katanning
1945/3500059 Katanning Rhodes Geoff Male O'Brien Joyce Patricia Female Katanning
1945/3500060 Katanning Heberle Norman Alfred Male Quartermaine Violet Florence Female Katanning
1945/3500060 Katanning Quartermaine Violet Florence Female Heberle Norman Alfred Male Katanning
1945/3500061 Katanning Harris William Murray Male Golding Lilian Joyce Female Katanning
1945/3500061 Katanning Golding Lilian Joyce Female Harris William Murray Male Katanning
1945/3500062 Katanning Norrish Faith Female Kealley Charles Radford Male Katanning
1945/3500062 Katanning Kealley Charles Radford Male Norrish Faith Female Katanning
1946/3600001 East Kimberley Nyunumeri Lorna Female Wundjuludneri Leo Male Forrest River Mission
1946/3600001 East Kimberley Wundjuludneri Leo Male Nyunumeri Lorna Female Forrest River Mission
1945/3600001 East Kimberley Allan - Male Nambigin Hilda Female Forrest River Mission
1945/3600001 East Kimberley Nambigin Hilda Female Allan - Male Forrest River Mission
1945/3600002 East Kimberley Nyanben Vigil Female Gundilar Edmund Male Forrest River Mission
1945/3600002 East Kimberley Gundilar Edmund Male Nyanben Vigil Female Forrest River Mission
1946/3600002 East Kimberley Mayes Frederick Male Winton Dorothy Beatrice Female Wyndham
1946/3600002 East Kimberley Winton Dorothy Beatrice Female Mayes Frederick Male Wyndham
1945/3600003 East Kimberley Bidjigu Daphne Female Leonard - Male Forrest River Mission
1945/3600003 East Kimberley Leonard - Male Bidjigu Daphne Female Forrest River Mission
1945/3600004 East Kimberley Webster Victor Henry Male Raymond Angela Female Wyndham in the Office of the District Registrar
1945/3600004 East Kimberley Raymond Angela Female Webster Victor Henry Male Wyndham in the Office of the District Registrar
1945/3700001 West Kimberley Queenie - Female Doherty Clancy Male Derby
1945/3700001 West Kimberley Doherty Clancy Male Queenie - Female Derby
1945/3800001 Kimberley Goldfields Green Albert Male Doris - Female Hall's Creek
1945/3800001 Kimberley Goldfields Doris - Female Green Albert Male Hall's Creek
1945/3800002 Kimberley Goldfields Carter George Male Lawford Ivy Female Hall's Creek
1945/3800002 Kimberley Goldfields Lawford Ivy Female Carter George Male Hall's Creek
1945/3800003 Kimberley Goldfields Rivers Sandy Male Landsdown Cissie Female Hall's Creek
1945/3800003 Kimberley Goldfields Landsdown Cissie Female Rivers Sandy Male Hall's Creek
1945/4200002 Moora Fairclough Ray Myrven Male Butler Sheila Patricia Female Namban
1945/4200002 Moora Butler Sheila Patricia Female Fairclough Ray Myrven Male Namban
1945/4200004 Moora Meadows Nancy Elizabeth Female Sullivan Lincoln James Tevelyn Male Dalwallinu
1945/4200004 Moora Sullivan Lincoln James Tevelyn Male Meadows Nancy Elizabeth Female Dalwallinu
1945/4200005 Moora Mippy Edward Male Narrier Phyllis Female Moore River Native Settlement
1945/4200005 Moora Narrier Phyllis Female Mippy Edward Male Moore River Native Settlement
1945/4200006 Moora Phelan James Joseph Male Gatti Dorothea Joy Female Pithara
1945/4200006 Moora Gatti Dorothea Joy Female Phelan James Joseph Male Pithara
1945/4200007 Moora Main Jean Winifred Female Della Vedova Mario Male Moora
1945/4200007 Moora Della Vedova Mario Male Main Jean Winifred Female Moora
1945/4200008 Moora Giles Herbert William Male Parsons Frances Edith Female Moora
1945/4200008 Moora Parsons Frances Edith Female Giles Herbert William Male Moora
1945/4200009 Moora Jones Jack Male Websdale Dorothy Mabel Lillian Female Moore River Native Settlement
1945/4200009 Moora Websdale Dorothy Mabel Lillian Female Jones Jack Male Moore River Native Settlement
1945/4200010 Moora Hubbard Constance Female McRea Harold James Hugh Male Moora
1945/4200010 Moora McRea Harold James Hugh Male Hubbard Constance Female Moora
1945/4200011 Moora Cousins Douglas William Male Chitty Mary Bridget Female Wyening
1945/4200011 Moora Chitty Mary Bridget Female Cousins Douglas William Male Wyening
1945/4200012 Moora Hathway Alfred James Male Martin Eileen Annie Female Dalwallinu
1945/4200012 Moora Martin Eileen Annie Female Hathway Alfred James Male Dalwallinu
1945/4200013 Moora Evans Alfred James Male Sizmur Alice Winnifred Female Ballidu
1945/4200013 Moora Sizmur Alice Winnifred Female Evans Alfred James Male Ballidu
1945/4200014 Moora Walley John Stephen Male Narrier Elizabeth Rosaline Female New Norcia
1945/4200014 Moora Narrier Elizabeth Rosaline Female Walley John Stephen Male New Norcia
1945/4200015 Moora Fogarty Yvonne Dawn Female Phillips Albert Pandora Male Dalwallinu
1945/4200015 Moora Phillips Albert Pandora Male Fogarty Yvonne Dawn Female Dalwallinu
1945/4200016 Moora Hill Hilda Newton Female Owen John Morris Male Calingiri
1945/4200016 Moora Owen John Morris Male Hill Hilda Newton Female Calingiri
1945/4200017 Moora Thorne Marie Dorothea Female Black Cecil Ernest Male Moora
1945/4200017 Moora Black Cecil Ernest Male Thorne Marie Dorothea Female Moora
1945/4300001 Mount Margaret Kullack Arthur Frederick Male Kitson Myrtle Ellen Female Leonora
1945/4300001 Mount Margaret Kitson Myrtle Ellen Female Kullack Arthur Frederick Male Leonora
1945/4300002 Mount Margaret Smith Iris Jean Female Atkinson Albert Oliver Male Leonora
1945/4300002 Mount Margaret Atkinson Albert Oliver Male Smith Iris Jean Female Leonora
1945/4300003 Mount Margaret Ramus Angelo Male Bonomini Maria Female West Aust
1945/4300003 Mount Margaret Bonomini Maria Female Ramus Angelo Male West Aust
1945/4300004 Mount Margaret Grey Norma Grace Female Crump Desmond George Male Leonora
1945/4300004 Mount Margaret Crump Desmond George Male Grey Norma Grace Female Leonora
1945/4400001 Murchison Hayles Lindsay Ronald Male McDonald Ellen Mary Female Meekatharra Hayles-198
1945/4400001 Murchison McDonald Ellen Mary Female Hayles Lindsay Ronald Male Meekatharra
1945/4400002 Murchison Derschow Violet Female Hicks James Elliot Kingdon Male Cue
1945/4400002 Murchison Hicks James Elliot Kingdon Male Derschow Violet Female Cue
1945/4400003 Murchison Brockman Donald Male Scott Cissy Female Cue
1945/4400003 Murchison Scott Cissy Female Brockman Donald Male Cue
1945/4400004 Murchison Scott Joan Olive Female Paskov Lewis James Male Sandstone
1945/4400004 Murchison Paskov Lewis James Male Scott Joan Olive Female Sandstone
1945/4400005 Murchison Haynes Arthur Richard Male Edeson Olive Irene Female Mt Magnet
1945/4400005 Murchison Edeson Olive Irene Female Haynes Arthur Richard Male Mt Magnet
1945/4400006 Murchison Murphy Gerald Blayne' Male Sherrell Delcie Priscilla Female Reedy Town Hall
1945/4400006 Murchison Sherrell Delcie Priscilla Female Murphy Gerald Blayne' Male Reedy Town Hall
1945/4400007 Murchison Head Ivy Ellen Female Woollcott Aubrey James Male Meekatharra
1945/4400007 Murchison Woollcott Aubrey James Male Head Ivy Ellen Female Meekatharra
1945/4500001 East Murchison Eaton Cedric Vernon Male Pitt Doreen Cecilia Female Wiluna
1946/4500001 East Murchison Gee Desmond Ernest Male Groessler Betty Stella Female Wiluna
1946/4500001 East Murchison Groessler Betty Stella Female Gee Desmond Ernest Male Wiluna
1945/4500001 East Murchison Pitt Doreen Cecilia Female Eaton Cedric Vernon Male Wiluna
1945/4500002 East Murchison Gregson Mavis Shirley Female Houston James Marshall Male Wiluna
1945/4500002 East Murchison Houston James Marshall Male Gregson Mavis Shirley Female Wiluna
1945/4500003 East Murchison Hille Gloria May Female Smith Len Ernest Male Wiluna
1945/4500003 East Murchison Smith Len Ernest Male Hille Gloria May Female Wiluna
1945/4500004 East Murchison Thomas William Charles Male Silverlock Ethel Mavis Female Wiluna
1945/4500004 East Murchison Silverlock Ethel Mavis Female Thomas William Charles Male Wiluna
1945/4500005 East Murchison Gates Loyal Kyle Female McLean Wilson Male Wiluna
1945/4500005 East Murchison McLean Wilson Male Gates Loyal Kyle Female Wiluna
1945/4500006 East Murchison Geikie Robert McLaren Male Groessler Violet Maud Female Wiluna
1945/4500006 East Murchison Groessler Violet Maud Female Geikie Robert McLaren Male Wiluna
1945/4700001 Murray Candish Arthur George Male Parker Olive Esmea Female Mandurah
1945/4700001 Murray Parker Olive Esmea Female Candish Arthur George Male Mandurah
1945/4700002 Murray Nicholls Tom Laurence Male Morrell Enid Hope Female Pinjarra
1945/4700002 Murray Morrell Enid Hope Female Nicholls Tom Laurence Male Pinjarra
1945/4700003 Murray Nicholls Gordon Oscar Male Rabbish Nancy Gertrude Female Pinjarra
1945/4700003 Murray Rabbish Nancy Gertrude Female Nicholls Gordon Oscar Male Pinjarra
1945/4700005 Murray Paull Ivy Frances Female Inman Eric George Male Pinjarra
1945/4700005 Murray Inman Eric George Male Paull Ivy Frances Female Pinjarra
1945/4700006 Murray Robartson Hugh Male Stewart Mary Astburry Female Pinjarra
1945/4700006 Murray Stewart Mary Astburry Female Robartson Hugh Male Pinjarra
1945/4700007 Murray Johns Joan Betty Female Welsh William Moir Shaw Male Waroona
1945/4700007 Murray Welsh William Moir Shaw Male Johns Joan Betty Female Waroona
1945/4700008 Murray Bennetts Dorothy Annie Female Tait Kenneth William Peter Male Waroona
1945/4700008 Murray Tait Kenneth William Peter Male Bennetts Dorothy Annie Female Waroona
1945/4700009 Murray Walker William George Male Hodge Gladys Gertrude Female Pinjarra
1945/4700009 Murray Hodge Gladys Gertrude Female Walker William George Male Pinjarra
1945/4700010 Murray Green Daisy Gloria Female Payne Kenneth Joseph Male Pinjarra
1945/4700010 Murray Payne Kenneth Joseph Male Green Daisy Gloria Female Pinjarra
1945/4700011 Murray Hayden Joan Frances Female Yellow John Male Holyoake
1945/4700011 Murray Yellow John Male Hayden Joan Frances Female Holyoake
1945/4700012 Murray Barry Jessie Kathleen Female Bowles Henry Robert Male Waroona
1945/4700012 Murray Bowles Henry Robert Male Barry Jessie Kathleen Female Waroona
1945/4700013 Murray Bennetts Lloyd Warburton Male Stewart Margaret Female Dwellingup
1945/4700013 Murray Stewart Margaret Female Bennetts Lloyd Warburton Male Dwellingup
1945/4700014 Murray Butler Joyce Hariet Female Reeve Frederick Norman Male Fairbridge Farm
1945/4700014 Murray Reeve Frederick Norman Male Butler Joyce Hariet Female Fairbridge Farm
1945/4700015 Murray Rowcroft Albert Male Butler Patricia June Female Pinjarra
1945/4700015 Murray Rowcroft Bert Male Butler Patricia June Female Pinjarra
1945/4700015 Murray Butler Patricia June Female Rowcroft Albert Male Pinjarra
1945/4700015 Murray Butler Patricia June Female Rowcroft Bert Male Pinjarra
1945/4900002 Northam Bowen Patrick James Male Jeffery Eva Mary Female Northam
1945/4900002 Northam Jeffery Eva Mary Female Bowen Patrick James Male Northam
1945/4900003 Northam Hams Alex George Male Ryan Mary Margaret Female Jennacubbine
1945/4900003 Northam Ryan Mary Margaret Female Hams Alex George Male Jennacubbine
1945/4900004 Northam Coughlan Thelma Olive Female Edwards Reginald William Male Merredin
1945/4900004 Northam Edwards Reginald William Male Coughlan Thelma Olive Female Merredin
1945/4900005 Northam Nunn Lillian Rose Female Dhue Ernest James Male Northam
1945/4900005 Northam Dhue Ernest James Male Nunn Lillian Rose Female Northam
1946/4900006 Northam Ferrari Olive Female Thomas John Edwin Male Kellerberrin
1945/4900006 Northam Barton William Herbert Male Atkins Rosina May Female Northam
1945/4900006 Northam Atkins Rosina May Female Barton William Herbert Male Northam
1946/4900006 Northam Thomas John Edwin Male Ferrari Olive Female Kellerberrin
1945/4900007 Northam Blakiston Alan Robert Male Parsons Joan Cecilia Female Wyalkatchem
1945/4900007 Northam Parsons Joan Cecilia Female Blakiston Alan Robert Male Wyalkatchem
1945/4900008 Northam Gamble Edith Helen Female Davis John Edgar Male Wyalkatchem
1945/4900008 Northam Davis John Edgar Male Gamble Edith Helen Female Wyalkatchem
1945/4900009 Northam Ashton Florence Female Last Kenneth William Male Merredin
1945/4900009 Northam Last Kenneth William Male Ashton Florence Female Merredin
1945/4900010 Northam Hardman Leonard Norman Male Carter Valma Myrtle Female Northam
1945/4900010 Northam Carter Valma Myrtle Female Hardman Leonard Norman Male Northam
1945/4900011 Northam Stone Cedric Gordon Male Davis Catherine Mena Female Northam
1945/4900011 Northam Davis Catherine Mena Female Stone Cedric Gordon Male Northam
1945/4900012 Northam Woolhouse Alma May Female Western Raymond Elmo Male Northam
1945/4900012 Northam Western Raymond Elmo Male Woolhouse Alma May Female Northam
1945/4900013 Northam Browning Joan Dorothy Female Watson Keith James Male Northam
1945/4900013 Northam Watson Keith James Male Browning Joan Dorothy Female Northam
1945/4900014 Northam Watson Kathleen Veronica Female Hay George Lancelot Male Northam
1945/4900014 Northam Hay George Lancelot Male Watson Kathleen Veronica Female Northam
1945/4900015 Northam Hopes William Ernest Male Phillips Joan Enid Female Northam
1945/4900015 Northam Phillips Joan Enid Female Hopes William Ernest Male Northam
1945/4900016 Northam Parnham Hester Aileen Mavis Female Minchin Ross Edgar Male Northam
1945/4900016 Northam Minchin Ross Edgar Male Parnham Hester Aileen Mavis Female Northam
1945/4900017 Northam Reynolds Frank Esmond Male Clarke Crystal Edith Female Northam
1945/4900017 Northam Clarke Crystal Edith Female Reynolds Frank Esmond Male Northam
1945/4900018 Northam McDonnell Valintine Francis Male Baxter Thelma Joan Female Kellerberrin
1945/4900018 Northam Baxter Thelma Joan Female McDonnell Valintine Francis Male Kellerberrin
1945/4900019 Northam Trewern Robert Oswald Male Martin Doreen Lily Female Meckering
1945/4900019 Northam Martin Doreen Lily Female Trewern Robert Oswald Male Meckering
1945/4900020 Northam Hayward Frank James Male Nock Dorothy Joyce Female Kellerberrin
1945/4900020 Northam Nock Dorothy Joyce Female Hayward Frank James Male Kellerberrin
1945/4900021 Northam Doy Florence Ethel Female Bartlett George Jeffrey Male Kellerberrin
1945/4900021 Northam Bartlett George Jeffrey Male Doy Florence Ethel Female Kellerberrin
1945/4900022 Northam O'Shaughnessy Patrick George Male McLellan Margaret Catherine Female Kellerberrin
1945/4900022 Northam McLellan Margaret Catherine Female O'Shaughnessy Patrick George Male Kellerberrin
1945/4900023 Northam Jaques William Alfred George Male Brown Nellie May Female Northam
1945/4900023 Northam Brown Nellie May Female Jaques William Alfred George Male Northam
1945/4900024 Northam Donegan May Verna Female Tyson Charles Henry Male Toodyay
1945/4900024 Northam Tyson Charles Henry Male Donegan May Verna Female Toodyay
1945/4900025 Northam Snooke Molly Evelyn Female Corse William Ernest Male Northam
1945/4900025 Northam Corse William Ernest Male Snooke Molly Evelyn Female Northam
1945/4900026 Northam Putland Gordon James Male Lucy Nelma Joy Female Northam
1945/4900026 Northam Lucy Nelma Joy Female Putland Gordon James Male Northam
1945/4900027 Northam Altham Valerie Natalie Female Fowler Elliott Arthur Male Doodlakine
1945/4900027 Northam Fowler Elliott Arthur Male Altham Valerie Natalie Female Doodlakine
1945/4900028 Northam Marlow Arthur Edward Male Wilson Cecile Evelyn Female Toodyay
1945/4900028 Northam Wilson Cecile Evelyn Female Marlow Arthur Edward Male Toodyay
1945/4900029 Northam King Mabel Isobel Female Denison Ronald Arthur Male Wyalkatchem
1945/4900029 Northam Denison Ronald Arthur Male King Mabel Isobel Female Wyalkatchem
1945/4900030 Northam Helliwell Frank Edward Male Colombera Angelina Female Merredin
1945/4900030 Northam Colombera Angelina Female Helliwell Frank Edward Male Merredin
1945/4900031 Northam Wilson Bernice Isabel Female Chatfield Donald Alexander Male Tammin
1945/4900031 Northam Chatfield Donald Alexander Male Wilson Bernice Isabel Female Tammin
1945/4900032 Northam Greay Arthur Frederick Male Gimbel June Teresa Female Northam
1945/4900032 Northam Gimbel June Teresa Female Greay Arthur Frederick Male Northam
1945/4900033 Northam Johnson Philip Male Gimbel Mary Patricia Female Northam
1945/4900033 Northam Gimbel Mary Patricia Female Johnson Philip Male Northam
1945/4900034 Northam Connaughton Jean Female Horgan Maxwell George Male Northam
1945/4900034 Northam Horgan Maxwell George Male Connaughton Jean Female Northam
1945/4900035 Northam Walton Herbert Male Chatfield Dorothy May Female Tammin
1945/4900035 Northam Chatfield Dorothy May Female Walton Herbert Male Tammin
1945/4900036 Northam Jonbert Charles Cecil Oliver Male Kenny Eileen Veronica Female Northam
1945/4900036 Northam Kenny Eileen Veronica Female Jonbert Charles Cecil Oliver Male Northam
1945/4900037 Northam Freeman Leslie James Male Male Margorie Female Northam
1945/4900037 Northam Male Margorie Female Freeman Leslie James Male Northam
1945/4900038 Northam Till Philip Henry Male Hitchcock Elva Joyce Female Northam
1945/4900038 Northam Hitchcock Elva Joyce Female Till Philip Henry Male Northam
1945/4900039 Northam Gordon Kathleen Theresa Female Butterly Desmond Clyde Male Northam
1945/4900039 Northam Butterly Desmond Clyde Male Gordon Kathleen Theresa Female Northam
1945/4900040 Northam Coff James Joseph Male Wolfenden Grace Female Northam
1945/4900040 Northam Wolfenden Grace Female Coff James Joseph Male Northam
1945/4900041 Northam Taylor John Herman Male Host Winifred Female Northam
1945/4900041 Northam Host Winifred Female Taylor John Herman Male Northam
1945/4900042 Northam Herold Christina Ray Female Willmott Vernon Lester Male Cunderdin
1945/4900042 Northam Willmott Vernon Lester Male Herold Christina Ray Female Cunderdin
1945/4900043 Northam Yates Alan Arthur Male Fenwick Lesbia Dawn Female Korrelocking
1945/4900043 Northam Fenwick Lesbia Dawn Female Yates Alan Arthur Male Korrelocking
1945/4900044 Northam Chapple Reginald Lindsay Male Smith Sylvia Miriam Female Wyalkatchem
1945/4900044 Northam Smith Sylvia Miriam Female Chapple Reginald Lindsay Male Wyalkatchem
1945/4900045 Northam Walley Mavis Female Phillips Hubert Ernest Charles Male Goomalling
1945/4900045 Northam Phillips Hubert Ernest Charles Male Walley Mavis Female Goomalling
1945/4900046 Northam Ganigan Dorothy Jane Female Glass Raymond James Male Northam
1945/4900046 Northam Glass Raymond James Male Ganigan Dorothy Jane Female Northam
1945/4900047 Northam Murphy Veronica Mary Female Separovic Buda Zivko Male Toodyay
1945/4900047 Northam Separovic Buda Zivko Male Murphy Veronica Mary Female Toodyay
1945/4900048 Northam Waugh Eileen Mary Female Thomson Donald Hay Male Yorkrakine
1945/4900048 Northam Thomson Donald Hay Male Waugh Eileen Mary Female Yorkrakine
1945/4900049 Northam Colmer Irene Joan Female Morris Jack Male Northam
1945/4900049 Northam Morris Jack Male Colmer Irene Joan Female Northam
1945/4900050 Northam Smith Gordon Francis Male Wilkins Oriel Joy Female W Aust
1945/4900050 Northam Wilkins Oriel Joy Female Smith Gordon Francis Male W Aust
1945/4900051 Northam Pope Gladys Female Turner Edward George Male W Aus
1945/4900051 Northam Turner Edward George Male Pope Gladys Female W Aus
1945/4900052 Northam Dayman Renira Joyce Female Haigh William Arthur Male Nungarin
1945/4900052 Northam Haigh William Arthur Male Dayman Renira Joyce Female Nungarin
1945/4900053 Northam Serong Doreen Iris Female Thompson David Stuart Douglas Male West Aust
1945/4900053 Northam Thompson David Stuart Douglas Male Serong Doreen Iris Female West Aust
1945/4900054 Northam Hardie Ian Alexander Male Burns Winifred Millicent Female Northam Presbyterian Church
1945/4900054 Northam Burns Winifred Millicent Female Hardie Ian Alexander Male Northam Presbyterian Church
1945/4900055 Northam May John Male O'Neill Mary Patricia Female Northam
1945/4900055 Northam O'Neill Mary Patricia Female May John Male Northam
1945/4900056 Northam Jones Sydney Horace Male Lawrie Iris Millicent Female Northam
1945/4900056 Northam Lawrie Iris Millicent Female Jones Sydney Horace Male Northam
1945/4900057 Northam Matthews Laurel Dawn Female McKee Joseph Patrick Male Northam
1945/4900057 Northam McKee Joseph Patrick Male Matthews Laurel Dawn Female Northam
1945/4900058 Northam Glass Elsie May Female Hampson Albert James Male Northam Presbyterian Church
1945/4900058 Northam Hampson Albert James Male Glass Elsie May Female Northam Presbyterian Church
1945/4900059 Northam Hutcheson Lillian Gwendoline Female Richards Richard Male Doodlakine
1945/4900059 Northam Richards Richard Male Hutcheson Lillian Gwendoline Female Doodlakine
1945/4900060 Northam Churchus Walter Male Buttersfield Fay Mary Female Northam
1945/4900060 Northam Buttersfield Fay Mary Female Churchus Walter Male Northam
1945/4900061 Northam Copp Donald Male Paterson Barbara Susan Female Northam
1945/4900061 Northam Paterson Barbara Susan Female Copp Donald Male Northam
1945/4900062 Northam Jeffrey Rowland Richard Scott Male McKenzie Doris Margorie Female Northam
1945/4900062 Northam McKenzie Doris Margorie Female Jeffrey Rowland Richard Scott Male Northam
1945/4900063 Northam Silchinger Louis Joseph Male McKay Betty Jean Female West Australia
1945/4900063 Northam McKay Betty Jean Female Silchinger Louis Joseph Male West Australia
1945/4900064 Northam McIntosh Angus Sinclair Male Stewart Dorothy Joan Female Northam Presbyterian Church
1945/4900064 Northam Stewart Dorothy Joan Female McIntosh Angus Sinclair Male Northam Presbyterian Church
1945/4900065 Northam Murray David Goodall Male Roser Edith Dorothy Female Northam Presbyterian Church
1945/4900065 Northam Roser Edith Dorothy Female Murray David Goodall Male Northam Presbyterian Church
1945/4900066 Northam Hannagan Edna Mary Female Miller Keith Hamilton Male Northam
1945/4900066 Northam Miller Keith Hamilton Male Hannagan Edna Mary Female Northam
1945/4900067 Northam Ritchie Merlyne Jean Female Carlsen Robert Anthony Male Northam
1945/4900067 Northam Carlsen Robert Anthony Male Ritchie Merlyne Jean Female Northam
1945/4900068 Northam Miguel Lorna May Female Evans Ronald Thomas Male Mukinbudin
1945/4900068 Northam Evans Ronald Thomas Male Miguel Lorna May Female Mukinbudin
1945/4900069 Northam Burns Elsie Edna Female Case Eric Arthur Male Northam
1945/4900069 Northam Case Eric Arthur Male Burns Elsie Edna Female Northam
1945/4900070 Northam Pilkington Eileen Harriett Female Lawrence Keith Lionel Male Northam
1945/4900070 Northam Lawrence Keith Lionel Male Pilkington Eileen Harriett Female Northam
1945/4900071 Northam Smith Mary Jane Female Bagshaw George Stanley Male Kellerberrin
1945/4900071 Northam Bagshaw George Stanley Male Smith Mary Jane Female Kellerberrin
1945/4900072 Northam Atkins Olga Mary Female Scarlett William John Male Northam
1945/4900072 Northam Scarlett William John Male Atkins Olga Mary Female Northam
1945/4900073 Northam Davis Robert Murray Male Pavy Kathleen Frances Female Northam
1945/4900073 Northam Pavy Kathleen Frances Female Davis Robert Murray Male Northam
1945/4900074 Northam Summerton Sheila Lorraine Female Barnes Raymond Erol Male Northam
1945/4900074 Northam Barnes Raymond Erol Male Summerton Sheila Lorraine Female Northam
1945/4900075 Northam Martin Myrtle Kathleen Female Biddle Edgar Vernon Male Meckering
1945/4900075 Northam Biddle Edgar Vernon Male Martin Myrtle Kathleen Female Meckering
1945/4900076 Northam Collins Maitland George Male Twine Margaret Sutherland Female Northam
1945/4900076 Northam Twine Margaret Sutherland Female Collins Maitland George Male Northam
1945/4900077 Northam Payne William Male Lynch Annie Claire Female Kellerberrin
1945/4900077 Northam Lynch Annie Claire Female Payne William Male Kellerberrin
1945/5000001 Northampton Ryan Ellen Louisa Female Mitchell Eric Bruce Male Northampton
1945/5000001 Northampton Mitchell Eric Bruce Male Ryan Ellen Louisa Female Northampton
1945/5000002 Northampton Criddle George Maitland Male Cooper Florence Aileen Female Nabawa
1945/5000002 Northampton Cooper Florence Aileen Female Criddle George Maitland Male Nabawa
1945/5000003 Northampton Forrester Dorothy Jean Female Criddle Keith Michael Male Northampton
1945/5000003 Northampton Criddle Keith Michael Male Forrester Dorothy Jean Female Northampton
1945/5000004 Northampton Tetlow Claude Male Jupp Merle Female Northampton
1945/5000004 Northampton Jupp Merle Female Tetlow Claude Male Northampton
1945/5000005 Northampton Williams Barbara May Female Cooper Lawrence Percival Male Northampton
1945/5000005 Northampton Cooper Lawrence Percival Male Williams Barbara May Female Northampton
1945/5000006 Northampton Criddle Ruby Jane Female McClintock Lister John Male Office of the District Registrar
1945/5000006 Northampton McClintock Lister John Male Criddle Ruby Jane Female Office of the District Registrar
1945/5000007 Northampton Mitchell Frank Vivian Male Rumble Pauline Hope Female Northampton
1945/5000007 Northampton Rumble Pauline Hope Female Mitchell Frank Vivian Male Northampton
1945/5000008 Northampton Williams Kenneth David Male Mitchell Merle Female Northampton
1945/5000008 Northampton Mitchell Merle Female Williams Kenneth David Male Northampton
1945/5000009 Northampton Whitehurst Gweneth Ann Female Hayley Frank Male Nabawa
1945/5000009 Northampton Hayley Frank Male Whitehurst Gweneth Ann Female Nabawa
1945/5300001 Pilbara Wellington Dorothy May Female Kember Victor Gordon Male Marble Bar
1945/5300001 Pilbara Kember Victor Gordon Male Wellington Dorothy May Female Marble Bar
1945/5300002 Pilbara George Alice Jane Female Johnstone Brian Archibald Male Marble Bar
1945/5300002 Pilbara Johnstone Brian Archibald Male George Alice Jane Female Marble Bar
1946/5400001 Plantagenet Steward Thomas Raymond Male Day Mary Teresa Female Albany
1945/5400001 Plantagenet Henderson Peggy Yvonne Female Townsend Ronald William Male Mt Barker
1945/5400001 Plantagenet Townsend Ronald William Male Henderson Peggy Yvonne Female Mt Barker
1946/5400001 Plantagenet Day Mary Teresa Female Steward Thomas Raymond Male Albany
1945/5400002 Plantagenet Rennie Ethel Keeva Female McTavish Thomas Arthur Male Albany
1945/5400002 Plantagenet McTavish Thomas Arthur Male Rennie Ethel Keeva Female Albany
1946/5400002 Plantagenet Nichols Norma Mabel Female D'Orsogna Giuseppe Male Mt Barker
1946/5400002 Plantagenet D'Orsogna Giuseppe Male Nichols Norma Mabel Female Mt Barker
1945/5400003 Plantagenet Williams Laura Elizabeth Female Hamilton Thomas Sydney Male Denmark
1945/5400003 Plantagenet Hamilton Thomas Sydney Male Williams Laura Elizabeth Female Denmark
1945/5400004 Plantagenet House Robert Wilfrid Male Richardson Nancy Fleming Haywood Female Albany
1945/5400004 Plantagenet Richardson Nancy Fleming Haywood Female House Robert Wilfrid Male Albany
1945/5400005 Plantagenet Wilkinson John Thomas Male Pannett Ada Dorothy Female Albany
1946/5400005 Plantagenet Buckle Iris Ruby Female Welshman Arthur Wilfred Male Albany
1946/5400005 Plantagenet Welshman Arthur Wilfred Male Buckle Iris Ruby Female Albany
1945/5400005 Plantagenet Pannett Ada Dorothy Female Wilkinson John Thomas Male Albany
1945/5400006 Plantagenet Vigus Charles Thomas Male Brain Wilma Edith Female Tingledale
1945/5400006 Plantagenet Brain Wilma Edith Female Vigus Charles Thomas Male Tingledale
1945/5400007 Plantagenet Payne Ellen Julia Female Tysoe John Edward Male Denmark
1945/5400007 Plantagenet Tysoe John Edward Male Payne Ellen Julia Female Denmark
1945/5400008 Plantagenet Hards Joan Dorothy Female Offer Albert George Male Albany
1945/5400008 Plantagenet Offer Albert George Male Hards Joan Dorothy Female Albany
1945/5400009 Plantagenet Ivory William Male Brazier Irene Gladys Female Albany
1945/5400009 Plantagenet Brazier Irene Gladys Female Ivory William Male Albany
1945/5400010 Plantagenet Pope Christine Eugenie Female Ackley Ernest Louis Male Cranbrook
1945/5400010 Plantagenet Ackley Ernest Louis Male Pope Christine Eugenie Female Cranbrook
1945/5400011 Plantagenet Daly Timothy William Male Linto Margaret Female Mt Barker
1945/5400011 Plantagenet Linto Margaret Female Daly Timothy William Male Mt Barker
1945/5400012 Plantagenet Smith John Frederick Male O'Neil Thelma Josephine Female Denmark
1945/5400012 Plantagenet O'Neil Thelma Josephine Female Smith John Frederick Male Denmark
1945/5400013 Plantagenet Wood Jean Muriel Female Reed Alfred James Male Denmark
1945/5400013 Plantagenet Reed Alfred James Male Wood Jean Muriel Female Denmark
1945/5400014 Plantagenet Hemingway Mary Gwendoline Female Puls Mervyn Andrew Male Albany
1945/5400014 Plantagenet Puls Mervyn Andrew Male Hemingway Mary Gwendoline Female Albany
1945/5400015 Plantagenet Prior Henry Charles Male Norrish Margaret Helga Mildred Female Mt Barker
1945/5400015 Plantagenet Norrish Margaret Helga Mildred Female Prior Henry Charles Male Mt Barker
1945/5400016 Plantagenet Lloyd Nellie Female Bennett Joseph Alexander Male Albany
1945/5400016 Plantagenet Bennett Joseph Alexander Male Lloyd Nellie Female Albany
1945/5400017 Plantagenet Lamont Margaret Alice Female Shanhun Ernest Victor Male Albany
1945/5400017 Plantagenet Shanhun Ernest Victor Male Lamont Margaret Alice Female Albany
1945/5400018 Plantagenet Armstrong Olive Pozieres Female Cardwell Herbert Arthur Male Albany
1945/5400018 Plantagenet Cardwell Herbert Arthur Male Armstrong Olive Pozieres Female Albany
1945/5400019 Plantagenet Fletcher Desmond Carlton Male Williams Thelma Edith Female Mt Barker
1945/5400019 Plantagenet Williams Thelma Edith Female Fletcher Desmond Carlton Male Mt Barker
1945/5400020 Plantagenet Parsons Harry Wallace Male Edge Ivy Violet Female Albany
1945/5400020 Plantagenet Edge Ivy Violet Female Parsons Harry Wallace Male Albany
1945/5400021 Plantagenet Murray Dorothy Anne Female Gannon Frederick William Male Albany
1945/5400021 Plantagenet Gannon Frederick William Male Murray Dorothy Anne Female Albany
1945/5400022 Plantagenet Lewis Allen George Male Noakes Josephine Female Albany
1945/5400022 Plantagenet Noakes Josephine Female Lewis Allen George Male Albany
1945/5400023 Plantagenet Oldham Alice May Female Kerley Charles Ernest Male Albany
1945/5400023 Plantagenet Kerley Charles Ernest Male Oldham Alice May Female Albany
1945/5400024 Plantagenet Tindale Alfred Male Edmonds Elizabeth Joan Female Tingledale State School
1945/5400024 Plantagenet Edmonds Elizabeth Joan Female Tindale Alfred Male Tingledale State School
1945/5400025 Plantagenet Bird Joscelyn Margaret Female Bowey Percival James Male Albany
1945/5400025 Plantagenet Bowey Percival James Male Bird Joscelyn Margaret Female Albany
1945/5400026 Plantagenet Haddrill Ethel Female Reed Harry Hamilton Male Albany
1945/5400026 Plantagenet Reed Harry Hamilton Male Haddrill Ethel Female Albany
1945/5400027 Plantagenet Winstone Eileen Joy Female Farr Thomas Wallace Male Albany
1945/5400027 Plantagenet Farr Thomas Wallace Male Winstone Eileen Joy Female Albany
1945/5400028 Plantagenet Ible Edna Grace Female Burns Cyril Sydney Male Albany
1945/5400028 Plantagenet Burns Cyril Sydney Male Ible Edna Grace Female Albany
1945/5400029 Plantagenet Lawson James Francis Male Hawksworth Greta Mary Female Albany
1945/5400029 Plantagenet Hawksworth Greta Mary Female Lawson James Francis Male Albany
1945/5400030 Plantagenet Patterson Joan Female Kennedy Theodore Reginald Male Albany
1945/5400030 Plantagenet Kennedy Theodore Reginald Male Patterson Joan Female Albany
1945/5400031 Plantagenet Moore Frederick William Male Norman Elsa May Female Albany
1945/5400031 Plantagenet Norman Elsa May Female Moore Frederick William Male Albany
1945/5400032 Plantagenet Douglas Hazel Doreen Female Flugge Brice Walther Male Albany
1945/5400032 Plantagenet Flugge Brice Walther Male Douglas Hazel Doreen Female Albany
1945/5400033 Plantagenet Wilson Myrtle June Female Ferry Leslie William Male Porongorups East
1945/5400033 Plantagenet Ferry Leslie William Male Wilson Myrtle June Female Porongorups East
1945/5400034 Plantagenet McCormick John Robert Male Hemingway Gladys Joyce Female Albany
1945/5400034 Plantagenet Hemingway Gladys Joyce Female McCormick John Robert Male Albany
1945/5400035 Plantagenet Workman Ellen Ruby Female Haese Glen Alan Male Albany
1945/5400035 Plantagenet Haese Glen Alan Male Workman Ellen Ruby Female Albany
1945/5400036 Plantagenet White Phillip John Male Johnson Rose Leigh Female Albany
1945/5400036 Plantagenet Johnson Rose Leigh Female White Phillip John Male Albany
1945/5400037 Plantagenet Meyers Irene May Female Randall Charles Henry Male Albany
1945/5400037 Plantagenet Randall Charles Henry Male Meyers Irene May Female Albany
1945/5400038 Plantagenet Allan James Percival Male Moore Florence Amy Female Mount Barker
1945/5400038 Plantagenet Moore Florence Amy Female Allan James Percival Male Mount Barker
1945/5400039 Plantagenet Palfrey Gladys May Female Harris Reginald Fredrick George Male Albany
1945/5400039 Plantagenet Harris Reginald Fredrick George Male Palfrey Gladys May Female Albany
1945/5400040 Plantagenet Phillips Kathleen Maud Female Pethick Thomas Reginald Male Albany
1945/5400040 Plantagenet Pethick Thomas Reginald Male Phillips Kathleen Maud Female Albany
1945/5400041 Plantagenet Burnell Norman William Male Fitch Frances Elizabeth Grace Female Albany
1945/5400041 Plantagenet Fitch Frances Elizabeth Grace Female Burnell Norman William Male Albany
1945/5400042 Plantagenet West Joyce Casson Female Knudsen Harold Samuel Nielse Male Albany
1945/5400042 Plantagenet Knudsen Harold Samuel Nielse Male West Joyce Casson Female Albany
1945/5400043 Plantagenet Medwin Kenneth Ivan Male Stewart Betty Margaret Female Walpole
1945/5400043 Plantagenet Stewart Betty Margaret Female Medwin Kenneth Ivan Male Walpole
1945/5400044 Plantagenet Michael Harry Male Webb Miriam Gale Female Tambellup
1945/5400044 Plantagenet Webb Miriam Gale Female Michael Harry Male Tambellup
1945/5400045 Plantagenet Bullen Ernest George Male Kelsey Ivy Constance Female Albany
1945/5400045 Plantagenet Kelsey Ivy Constance Female Bullen Ernest George Male Albany
1945/5400046 Plantagenet Dodds Joan Elizabeth Atkinson Female Bayly Brian Beverley Male Albany
1945/5400046 Plantagenet Bayly Brian Beverley Male Dodds Joan Elizabeth Atkinson Female Albany
1945/5400047 Plantagenet Pearson Hubert Noel Male Aldred Mary Female Albany
1945/5400047 Plantagenet Aldred Mary Female Pearson Hubert Noel Male Albany
1945/5400048 Plantagenet Coombe Ernest Alvin Male Moir Patricia June Female Albany
1945/5400048 Plantagenet Moir Patricia June Female Coombe Ernest Alvin Male Albany
1945/5400049 Plantagenet Boyd Alexander McBeath Male Cross Mary Female Albany
1945/5400049 Plantagenet Cross Mary Female Boyd Alexander McBeath Male Albany
1945/5400050 Plantagenet Walker William Male Pavlovich Trayana Female Mt Barker
1945/5400050 Plantagenet Pavlovich Trayana Female Walker William Male Mt Barker
1945/5400051 Plantagenet Fidler Vera Doreen Female Beale Percy John Male Albany
1945/5400051 Plantagenet Beale Percy John Male Fidler Vera Doreen Female Albany
1945/5400052 Plantagenet Walter Dorothy Miriam Female Wilson Clifford Male Albany
1945/5400052 Plantagenet Wilson Clifford Male Walter Dorothy Miriam Female Albany
1945/5400053 Plantagenet Carroll Robert James Male Barnett Olwen Margaret Female Mount Barker
1945/5400053 Plantagenet Barnett Olwen Margaret Female Carroll Robert James Male Mount Barker
1945/5400054 Plantagenet Swallow Kenneth Roderick Male Silver Meryl Female Albany
1945/5400054 Plantagenet Silver Meryl Female Swallow Kenneth Roderick Male Albany
1945/5400055 Plantagenet Boothey Leslie Gordon Male Herbert Grace Evelyn Female Albany
1945/5400055 Plantagenet Herbert Grace Evelyn Female Boothey Leslie Gordon Male Albany
1945/5500002 Port Hedland Goodchild Jean Daphne Female Watson William Bernard Male Port Hedland
1945/5500002 Port Hedland Watson William Bernard Male Goodchild Jean Daphne Female Port Hedland
1945/5500003 Port Hedland Dobey Roy Male Polly - Female Port Hedland
1945/5500003 Port Hedland Polly - Female Dobey Roy Male Port Hedland
1945/5600001 Roebourne Tyrer Gordon Bayley Stephen Male Kelly Annie Female Roebourne
1945/5600001 Roebourne Kelly Annie Female Tyrer Gordon Bayley Stephen Male Roebourne
1945/5600002 Roebourne McAullay Shirley Faith Female Armstrong Ronald Alan Male Roebourne
1945/5600002 Roebourne Armstrong Ronald Alan Male McAullay Shirley Faith Female Roebourne
1945/6000001 Sussex Searle Mary Female Thorpe Leslie Mervyn Male Busselton
1945/6000001 Sussex Thorpe Leslie Mervyn Male Searle Mary Female Busselton
1946/6000001 Sussex Rowe Ralph John Male Brooks Thona Joyce Female Witchcliffe Congregational Church
1946/6000001 Sussex Brooks Thona Joyce Female Rowe Ralph John Male Witchcliffe Congregational Church
1945/6000002 Sussex Cooper John Reginald Male Beadmore Audrey Mary Female Busselton
1945/6000002 Sussex Beadmore Audrey Mary Female Cooper John Reginald Male Busselton
1945/6000004 Sussex Dalglish Jean Lilian Female Thompson Victor Leslie Male Busselton
1945/6000004 Sussex Thompson Victor Leslie Male Dalglish Jean Lilian Female Busselton
1945/6000005 Sussex Clayton Margaret Catherine Female Kearney Laurence Daniel Male Cowaramup Congregational Church
1945/6000005 Sussex Kearney Laurence Daniel Male Clayton Margaret Catherine Female Cowaramup Congregational Church
1945/6000006 Sussex Chambers Roy Ernest Male Morrissey Margaret Theresa Female Busselton
1945/6000006 Sussex Morrissey Margaret Theresa Female Chambers Roy Ernest Male Busselton
1946/6000006 Sussex Fraser James Arthur Male Browne Rosita Nadia Female Margaret River
1946/6000006 Sussex Browne Rosita Nadia Female Fraser James Arthur Male Margaret River
1945/6000007 Sussex Curtis Thelma Beatrice Female Butterly Bernard James Laurence Male Busselton
1945/6000007 Sussex Butterly Bernard James Laurence Male Curtis Thelma Beatrice Female Busselton
1945/6000008 Sussex Spurr Hilda Molly Female May Eric Alfred Male Busselton
1945/6000008 Sussex May Eric Alfred Male Spurr Hilda Molly Female Busselton
1945/6000009 Sussex Rodgers Arthur Martin Male McQueen Marjorie Cameron Female Busselton
1945/6000009 Sussex McQueen Marjorie Cameron Female Rodgers Arthur Martin Male Busselton
1945/6000010 Sussex Johnson Walter James Verdun Male Berryman Lily Gertrude May Female Busselton
1945/6000010 Sussex Berryman Lily Gertrude May Female Johnson Walter James Verdun Male Busselton
1945/6000011 Sussex Rowcliffe Joseph Male Strugnell Grace Lucy May Female Witchcliffe Congregational Church
1945/6000011 Sussex Strugnell Grace Lucy May Female Rowcliffe Joseph Male Witchcliffe Congregational Church
1945/6000012 Sussex Wilson Arthur John Male Saxey Vera Elsie Female Busselton
1945/6000012 Sussex Saxey Vera Elsie Female Wilson Arthur John Male Busselton
1945/6000013 Sussex Teale Reginald Henry Male Palmer Eileen Elizabeth Josephine Female Busselton
1945/6000013 Sussex Palmer Eileen Elizabeth Josephine Female Teale Reginald Henry Male Busselton
1945/6000014 Sussex Lindley Lucy Florence Female Pearson Alan Edwin Frederick Male Busselton
1945/6000014 Sussex Pearson Alan Edwin Frederick Male Lindley Lucy Florence Female Busselton
1945/6000015 Sussex Jones Dorothy Female Higgins Robert Reginald Male Busselton
1945/6000015 Sussex Higgins Robert Reginald Male Jones Dorothy Female Busselton
1945/6000016 Sussex Sutton Norman William Male Lancaster Dorothy Maud Female Margaret River
1945/6000016 Sussex Lancaster Dorothy Maud Female Sutton Norman William Male Margaret River
1945/6000017 Sussex Smith Frances Mary Female Whittaker William John Male Busselton
1945/6000017 Sussex Whittaker William John Male Smith Frances Mary Female Busselton
1945/6000018 Sussex Clayton Charles Frederick Male Widdup Jean Gwendlene Female Cowaramup Congregational Church
1945/6000018 Sussex Widdup Jean Gwendlene Female Clayton Charles Frederick Male Cowaramup Congregational Church
1945/6000019 Sussex Dorman Mary Jane Female Cullum James Arthur Male Margaret River
1945/6000019 Sussex Cullum James Arthur Male Dorman Mary Jane Female Margaret River
1945/6000020 Sussex Lindley Verna Louisa Female Maschette Vincent Male Busselton
1945/6000020 Sussex Maschette Vincent Male Lindley Verna Louisa Female Busselton
1945/6000021 Sussex Fewell Margaret Harriet Female Armstrong Cedar George Male Busselton
1945/6000021 Sussex Armstrong Cedar George Male Fewell Margaret Harriet Female Busselton
1945/6000022 Sussex Ah Sue James Albert Chung Male Foord Marjorie May Female Ambergate
1945/6000022 Sussex Foord Marjorie May Female Ah Sue James Albert Chung Male Ambergate
1946/6100001 Swan Knezovic Josip Male Vitlic Antica Female Guildford
1946/6100001 Swan Vitlic Antica Female Knezovic Josip Male Guildford
1945/6100001 Swan Lind Victor George Male Bowra Helena May Female Midland Junction
1945/6100001 Swan Bowra Helena May Female Lind Victor George Male Midland Junction
1946/6100002 Swan Pollard Muriel Margaret Female Ramm Colin Arnold Male Guildford
1946/6100002 Swan Ramm Colin Arnold Male Pollard Muriel Margaret Female Guildford
1946/6100003 Swan Riches Kenneth Raymond Male Brandis Phyllis Elvie Female Midland Junction
1946/6100003 Swan Brandis Phyllis Elvie Female Riches Kenneth Raymond Male Midland Junction
1945/6100007 Swan Polinelli James Marius Male Woodbridge Marie Ellen Female Guildford
1945/6100007 Swan Woodbridge Marie Ellen Female Polinelli James Marius Male Guildford
1945/6100009 Swan Keedle Sybil Female Fry Henry James Joseph Male Midland Junction
1945/6100009 Swan Fry Henry James Joseph Male Keedle Sybil Female Midland Junction
1945/6100010 Swan Hourigan Floris Irene Female Gibbons Frederick William Male Midland Junction
1945/6100010 Swan Gibbons Frederick William Male Hourigan Floris Irene Female Midland Junction
1945/6100011 Swan Elliott Jean Female Lynch John Male Midland Junction
1945/6100011 Swan Lynch John Male Elliott Jean Female Midland Junction
1945/6100012 Swan Jamieson Eva May Female Washbourne Leonard Male Midland Junction
1945/6100012 Swan Washbourne Leonard Male Jamieson Eva May Female Midland Junction
1945/6100013 Swan James Bernard Horace Male Robottom Thelma Cecily Female Midland Junction
1945/6100013 Swan Robottom Thelma Cecily Female James Bernard Horace Male Midland Junction
1945/6100014 Swan Brown Linda Maude Female Bridges Neil Kenneth Male Midland Junction
1945/6100014 Swan Bridges Neil Kenneth Male Brown Linda Maude Female Midland Junction
1945/6100015 Swan Freeman Bertram Wallace Male Durnin Evelyn Isobel Female Midland Junction
1945/6100015 Swan Durnin Evelyn Isobel Female Freeman Bertram Wallace Male Midland Junction
1945/6100016 Swan Mountford Thomas Edward Male Ambrose Doris Rosemary Female Guildford
1945/6100016 Swan Ambrose Doris Rosemary Female Mountford Thomas Edward Male Guildford
1945/6100017 Swan Mosedale Cecil Harold Male Read Dorothy Isaline Byers Female Guildford
1945/6100017 Swan Read Dorothy Isaline Byers Female Mosedale Cecil Harold Male Guildford
1945/6100018 Swan Moir Robert Ross Male Quartermaine Betty Alice Female Midland Junction
1945/6100018 Swan Quartermaine Betty Alice Female Moir Robert Ross Male Midland Junction
1945/6100019 Swan Thompson Ronald Alphonsus Male Brown Lilian Elizabeth Female Midland Junction
1945/6100019 Swan Brown Lilian Elizabeth Female Thompson Ronald Alphonsus Male Midland Junction
1945/6100020 Swan Clements Kathleen Female Schmids Frank Male Midland Junction
1945/6100020 Swan Schmids Frank Male Clements Kathleen Female Midland Junction
1945/6100021 Swan Yovich Wally Male Byozevich Ena Female Midland Junction
1945/6100021 Swan Byozevich Ena Female Yovich Wally Male Midland Junction
1945/6100022 Swan Cox Ernest Leslie Male Fitzgerald Kathleen Mary Female Guildford
1945/6100022 Swan Fitzgerald Kathleen Mary Female Cox Ernest Leslie Male Guildford
1945/6100023 Swan Lewis Shirley Jean Female Dawson Arthur Male Bassendean
1945/6100023 Swan Dawson Arthur Male Lewis Shirley Jean Female Bassendean
1945/6100024 Swan Canning John Lewis Male Purcell Gladys Margaret Female Guildford
1945/6100024 Swan Purcell Gladys Margaret Female Canning John Lewis Male Guildford
1945/6100025 Swan Waters Alice Mabel Female Lloyd Trevor Kenneth Male Guildford
1945/6100025 Swan Lloyd Trevor Kenneth Male Waters Alice Mabel Female Guildford
1945/6100026 Swan Clements Olive Cecilia Female Wakeham Oswald Michale Male Guildford
1945/6100026 Swan Wakeham Oswald Michale Male Clements Olive Cecilia Female Guildford
1945/6100027 Swan Elliott Ronald Percy Male Gallop Dorothy Gwendoline Female Guildford
1945/6100027 Swan Gallop Dorothy Gwendoline Female Elliott Ronald Percy Male Guildford
1945/6100028 Swan Wright William Chapman Male Taylor Ruth Alice Female Guildford
1945/6100028 Swan Taylor Ruth Alice Female Wright William Chapman Male Guildford
1945/6100029 Swan Gardner Frank Male Erskine Shirley Madge Female Midland Junction
1945/6100029 Swan Erskine Shirley Madge Female Gardner Frank Male Midland Junction
1945/6100030 Swan Lukovic Marija Female Vuleta Ante Male Midland Junction
1945/6100030 Swan Vuleta Ante Male Lukovic Marija Female Midland Junction
1945/6100031 Swan Russell Dougal Robert Male Quartermaine Enid May Female Midland Junction
1945/6100031 Swan Quartermaine Enid May Female Russell Dougal Robert Male Midland Junction
1945/6100032 Swan Roger Vivian Dennis Male Okely Joan Ellice Female Bassendean
1945/6100032 Swan Okely Joan Ellice Female Roger Vivian Dennis Male Bassendean
1945/6100033 Swan Ferguson John Albert Male Norling Kathleen Emily Female Midland Junction
1945/6100033 Swan Norling Kathleen Emily Female Ferguson John Albert Male Midland Junction
1945/6100034 Swan Halligan Richard Ernest Male Johnson Merle Virginia Female Guildford
1945/6100034 Swan Johnson Merle Virginia Female Halligan Richard Ernest Male Guildford
1945/6100035 Swan Scanlan Benedict Vincent Male Payne Evelyn Female Guildford
1945/6100035 Swan Payne Evelyn Female Scanlan Benedict Vincent Male Guildford
1945/6100036 Swan Howe Evelyn Cecilia Female Berry Arnold Male Midland Junction
1945/6100036 Swan Berry Arnold Male Howe Evelyn Cecilia Female Midland Junction
1945/6100037 Swan Lloyd Bonita Joan Female Ahola Bruce Ashburton Male Guildford
1945/6100037 Swan Ahola Bruce Ashburton Male Lloyd Bonita Joan Female Guildford
1945/6100038 Swan Mortimore Grace Viola Female Zurich Vincent Male Midland Junction
1945/6100039 Swan Callow John Frederick Male Henwood Doris Annie Female Bassendean Methodist Church
1945/6100039 Swan Henwood Doris Annie Female Callow John Frederick Male Bassendean Methodist Church
1945/6100040 Swan Mellor Robert William Male Moore Honora Elizabeth Female Guildford
1945/6100040 Swan Moore Honora Elizabeth Female Mellor Robert William Male Guildford
1945/6100041 Swan English William Charles Male Atkins Alice Female Midland Junction
1945/6100041 Swan Atkins Alice Female English William Charles Male Midland Junction
1945/6100042 Swan Bobanac Stana Female Vukojevich Ivan Male Herne Hill
1945/6100042 Swan Vukojevich Ivan Male Bobanac Stana Female Herne Hill
1945/6100043 Swan Berrigan Patrick Male Garvey Nerissa Female Midland Junction
1945/6100043 Swan Garvey Nerissa Female Berrigan Patrick Male Midland Junction
1945/6100044 Swan Terrey Harold Ambrose Male Yeo Joan Female Midland Junction
1945/6100044 Swan Yeo Joan Female Terrey Harold Ambrose Male Midland Junction
1945/6100045 Swan Smallman Winifred Joy Female Spencer Reginald Owen Male Bassendean
1945/6100045 Swan Spencer Reginald Owen Male Smallman Winifred Joy Female Bassendean
1945/6100046 Swan Greentree George Henry Male Sutton Ruth Female Midland Junction
1945/6100046 Swan Sutton Ruth Female Greentree George Henry Male Midland Junction
1945/6100047 Swan Canny Gay Hassell Male Bessell-Browne Nance Jean Female Guildford Grammar School
1945/6100047 Swan Bessell-Browne Nance Jean Female Canny Gay Hassell Male Guildford Grammar School
1945/6100048 Swan Perkins Alice Rose Female King Herbert George John Male Guildford
1945/6100048 Swan King Herbert George John Male Perkins Alice Rose Female Guildford
1945/6100049 Swan Thompson Thomas Male Meechin Beatrice Hellen McCaughie Female Guildford
1945/6100049 Swan Meechin Beatrice Hellen McCaughie Female Thompson Thomas Male Guildford
1945/6100050 Swan Budiselik Anthony Joseph Male Turich Mary Female Midland Junction
1945/6100050 Swan Turich Mary Female Budiselik Anthony Joseph Male Midland Junction
1945/6100051 Swan Unkovich Zora Vica Female Unkovich Nicholas Male Midland Junction
1945/6100051 Swan Unkovich Nicholas Male Unkovich Zora Vica Female Midland Junction
1945/6100052 Swan Read George Robert Male Ducas Dorothea Elizabeth Marie Female Midland Junction
1945/6100052 Swan Ducas Dorothea Elizabeth Marie Female Read George Robert Male Midland Junction
1945/6100053 Swan Paynter James Male Burton Grace May Female Midland Junction
1945/6100053 Swan Burton Grace May Female Paynter James Male Midland Junction
1945/6100054 Swan Crabbe Francis Raymond Male Gilbert Ruth Margaret Female Midland Junction
1945/6100054 Swan Gilbert Ruth Margaret Female Crabbe Francis Raymond Male Midland Junction
1945/6100055 Swan Mills Leslie Arthur Male Moore Myrtle Rachel Female Guildford
1945/6100055 Swan Moore Myrtle Rachel Female Mills Leslie Arthur Male Guildford
1945/6100056 Swan Pollard Maxwell Albert Male Turton Kathleen Elizabeth Female Bassendean
1945/6100056 Swan Turton Kathleen Elizabeth Female Pollard Maxwell Albert Male Bassendean
1945/6100057 Swan Sheppard Mary Margaret Female Whitehead Joseph Harold Male Guildford
1945/6100057 Swan Whitehead Joseph Harold Male Sheppard Mary Margaret Female Guildford
1945/6100058 Swan Lynch Sylvia Christina Female Hogan Terence Joseph Male Guildford
1945/6100058 Swan Hogan Terence Joseph Male Lynch Sylvia Christina Female Guildford
1945/6100059 Swan Levitt Lillian May Female Carrick Thomas Male Bassendean
1945/6100059 Swan Carrick Thomas Male Levitt Lillian May Female Bassendean
1945/6100060 Swan Bowles Leonard Frank Male Tolley Irene Mary Female Midland Junction
1945/6100060 Swan Tolley Irene Mary Female Bowles Leonard Frank Male Midland Junction
1945/6100061 Swan Goodwin Gwendoline Nellie Female Hinsley Robert Male Midland Junction
1945/6100061 Swan Hinsley Robert Male Goodwin Gwendoline Nellie Female Midland Junction
1945/6100062 Swan Warnes William Thomas Male Walsh Doris Mary Female Bassendean
1945/6100062 Swan Walsh Doris Mary Female Warnes William Thomas Male Bassendean
1945/6100063 Swan Fitzgerald Hilary Edward Male Adams Edith May Female Guildford
1945/6100063 Swan Adams Edith May Female Fitzgerald Hilary Edward Male Guildford
1945/6100064 Swan Ripp Grace Florence Female Shelton Robert Alexander Male Bassendean
1945/6100064 Swan Shelton Robert Alexander Male Ripp Grace Florence Female Bassendean
1945/6100065 Swan Platt William Frederick Male Aymer Alma Iverna Female Midland Junction
1945/6100065 Swan Aymer Alma Iverna Female Platt William Frederick Male Midland Junction
1945/6100066 Swan Carr Margaret Gallacher Female Barron John Robert Male Bassendean
1945/6100066 Swan Barron John Robert Male Carr Margaret Gallacher Female Bassendean
1945/6100067 Swan Willcock Richard Patrick Male Morrissey Frances Josephine Female Bassendean
1945/6100067 Swan Morrissey Frances Josephine Female Willcock Richard Patrick Male Bassendean
1945/6100068 Swan Butler Patricia Mary Anne Female Greene Thomas Joseph Male Midland Junction
1945/6100068 Swan Greene Thomas Joseph Male Butler Patricia Mary Anne Female Midland Junction
1945/6100069 Swan Rakich Julia Female Tomasovich Josip Male Midland Junction
1945/6100069 Swan Tomasovich Josip Male Rakich Julia Female Midland Junction
1945/6100070 Swan Robartson Freda Female Roberts William Henry Male Midland Junction
1945/6100070 Swan Roberts William Henry Male Robartson Freda Female Midland Junction
1945/6100071 Swan Carter Ethel Mary Female O'Connell William George Male Midland Junction
1945/6100071 Swan O'Connell William George Male Carter Ethel Mary Female Midland Junction
1945/6100072 Swan Beatson John Mack Male Epps Gwen Female Midland Junction
1945/6100072 Swan Epps Gwen Female Beatson John Mack Male Midland Junction
1945/6100073 Swan Oliver Frank Lester Male Austin Jean Female Midland Junction
1945/6100073 Swan Austin Jean Female Oliver Frank Lester Male Midland Junction
1945/6100074 Swan Cook Stanley Gilbert Male Gregory Vera Webster Female Guildford
1945/6100074 Swan Gregory Vera Webster Female Cook Stanley Gilbert Male Guildford
1945/6100075 Swan Grundy Edna Edith Female Harris Alan Henry Male Midland Junction
1945/6100075 Swan Harris Alan Henry Male Grundy Edna Edith Female Midland Junction
1945/6100076 Swan Drage Daphne Jean Female Middleton Charles Henry John Male Midland Junction
1945/6100076 Swan Middleton Charles Henry John Male Drage Daphne Jean Female Midland Junction
1945/6100077 Swan Harris John Francis Male Trunfull Shirley May Female Bassendean
1945/6100077 Swan Trunfull Shirley May Female Harris John Francis Male Bassendean
1945/6100078 Swan Read James Hartley Male Kelly Betty Ellen Corbet Female Midland Junction
1945/6100078 Swan Kelly Betty Ellen Corbet Female Read James Hartley Male Midland Junction
1945/6100079 Swan Grace Eileen Mary Female Grimes-Harvey Michael Male Guildford
1945/6100079 Swan Grimes-Harvey Michael Male Grace Eileen Mary Female Guildford
1945/6100080 Swan Clark James Archibald Male Tucker Elsie Annie Female Guildford
1945/6100080 Swan Tucker Elsie Annie Female Clark James Archibald Male Guildford
1945/6100081 Swan Jones Evelyn May Female Latto George Stanley Male Midland Junction
1945/6100081 Swan Latto George Stanley Male Jones Evelyn May Female Midland Junction
1945/6100082 Swan Domaschenz Leonard Martin Hendy Male Marshall Ethel Beryl Female Guildford
1945/6100082 Swan Marshall Ethel Beryl Female Domaschenz Leonard Martin Hendy Male Guildford
1945/6100083 Swan McCarthy Marion Betty Female McDonald Charles Alexander Male Midland Junction
1945/6100083 Swan McDonald Charles Alexander Male McCarthy Marion Betty Female Midland Junction
1945/6100084 Swan Marsh George James Male Chandler Roma Beryl Female Mount Helena Methodist Church
1945/6100084 Swan Chandler Roma Beryl Female Marsh George James Male Mount Helena Methodist Church
1945/6100085 Swan Julian William Kenneth Male Heald Ella Ruby Female Guildford
1945/6100085 Swan Heald Ella Ruby Female Julian William Kenneth Male Guildford
1945/6100086 Swan Barbarich Kate Female Stanicich Mate Male Midland Junction
1945/6100086 Swan Stanicich Mate Male Barbarich Kate Female Midland Junction
1945/6100087 Swan Drinkwater Beresford Douglas Male Eckett Dorothea Frances Female Bassendean
1945/6100087 Swan Eckett Dorothea Frances Female Drinkwater Beresford Douglas Male Bassendean
1945/6100088 Swan Maxwell Jean Carberry Female Williams Stanley Maunder Male Darlington
1945/6100088 Swan Williams Stanley Maunder Male Maxwell Jean Carberry Female Darlington
1945/6100089 Swan Shepherd Linda Pearl Female Cook Byron John Male Midland Junction
1945/6100089 Swan Cook Byron John Male Shepherd Linda Pearl Female Midland Junction
1945/6100090 Swan Jones Mary Joan Female Byrne Lawrence Thomas Male Midland Junction
1945/6100090 Swan Byrne Lawrence Thomas Male Jones Mary Joan Female Midland Junction
1945/6100091 Swan Beer Arthur Herbert Male Tolmie Gwenneth Female Guildford
1945/6100091 Swan Tolmie Gwenneth Female Beer Arthur Herbert Male Guildford
1945/6100092 Swan Rakich Ivan Male Andrijich Nellie Female Midland Junction
1945/6100092 Swan Andrijich Nellie Female Rakich Ivan Male Midland Junction
1945/6100093 Swan Clemens Hattie Hilda Female Nobles Joshua Male Middle Swan
1945/6100093 Swan Nobles Joshua Male Clemens Hattie Hilda Female Middle Swan
1945/6100094 Swan Read Muriel Byers Female Anderson Alwyn Thomas Male Guildford
1945/6100094 Swan Anderson Alwyn Thomas Male Read Muriel Byers Female Guildford
1945/6100095 Swan Hughes Gerard Anthony Male Boyes Edith Beryl Female Midland Junction
1945/6100095 Swan Boyes Edith Beryl Female Hughes Gerard Anthony Male Midland Junction
1945/6100096 Swan Newman Herbert Phillip Male Clements Florence Kathleen Female Midland Junction
1945/6100096 Swan Clements Florence Kathleen Female Newman Herbert Phillip Male Midland Junction
1945/6100097 Swan Manning Annie Dorothy Female Roberts James Joseph Male Bassendean
1945/6100097 Swan Roberts James Joseph Male Manning Annie Dorothy Female Bassendean
1945/6100098 Swan Holding Walter Male de Worbois Winifred May Female Bassendean
1945/6100098 Swan de Worbois Winifred May Female Holding Walter Male Bassendean
1945/6100099 Swan Scott John Edward Male Laurissen Patricia Clare Female Midland Junction
1945/6100099 Swan Laurissen Patricia Clare Female Scott John Edward Male Midland Junction
1945/6100100 Swan Vardy Albert Leslie Male Hardwick Doreen Mary Female Midland Junction
1945/6100100 Swan Hardwick Doreen Mary Female Vardy Albert Leslie Male Midland Junction
1945/6100101 Swan Saxby Francis Sarah Female McGowan John Male Midland Junction
1945/6100101 Swan McGowan John Male Saxby Francis Sarah Female Midland Junction
1945/6100102 Swan Utting William Robert Male Denning Irene Nellie Female Midland Junction
1945/6100102 Swan Denning Irene Nellie Female Utting William Robert Male Midland Junction
1945/6100103 Swan Oliver Kenneth Rees Male Robinson Winifred Dorothy Female Midland Junction
1945/6100103 Swan Robinson Winifred Dorothy Female Oliver Kenneth Rees Male Midland Junction
1945/6100104 Swan Clugston William Gordon Male Mills Mary Female Bassendean
1945/6100104 Swan Mills Mary Female Clugston William Gordon Male Bassendean
1945/6100105 Swan Harrison Charles Vivian James Male Stiles Kathleen Louisa Female Midland Junction
1945/6100105 Swan Stiles Kathleen Louisa Female Harrison Charles Vivian James Male Midland Junction
1945/6100106 Swan Martin Mary Jean Female Cream Gordon Thomas Male Midland Junction
1945/6100106 Swan Cream Gordon Thomas Male Martin Mary Jean Female Midland Junction
1945/6100107 Swan Wilkins Eric William Male Laurisson Elsie Female Midland Junction
1945/6100107 Swan Laurisson Elsie Female Wilkins Eric William Male Midland Junction
1945/6100108 Swan Hill Reginald Robert Male Lovelock Joy Female Guildford
1945/6100108 Swan Lovelock Joy Female Hill Reginald Robert Male Guildford
1945/6100109 Swan Shardlow Leslie Dumbar Male Collins Joan St Clair Female Guildford
1945/6100109 Swan Collins Joan St Clair Female Shardlow Leslie Dumbar Male Guildford
1946/6600001 Wellington Collins Violet Ivy Mary Female Muir Gordon Stephen Male Collie
1946/6600001 Wellington Muir Gordon Stephen Male Collins Violet Ivy Mary Female Collie
1946/6600002 Wellington Duff Mavis Winifred Female Aldis Harry Spencer Male Collie
1946/6600002 Wellington Aldis Harry Spencer Male Duff Mavis Winifred Female Collie
1946/6600003 Wellington Cox Dorothy Female Flynn Raymond Joseph Male Collie
1945/6600003 Wellington Hislop Noel Crawford Male Stewart Helen Female Bunbury
1945/6600003 Wellington Stewart Helen Female Hislop Noel Crawford Male Bunbury
1946/6600003 Wellington Flynn Raymond Joseph Male Cox Dorothy Female Collie
1946/6600004 Wellington Wilson Olive Elsie Female Cogdon Alfred Edward Male Collie
1945/6600004 Wellington Pedretti Rita Angel Female Zagami Felice Male Bunbury
1945/6600004 Wellington Zagami Felice Male Pedretti Rita Angel Female Bunbury
1946/6600004 Wellington Cogdon Alfred Edward Male Wilson Olive Elsie Female Collie
1945/6600005 Wellington Bradshaw Pauline Constance Female Jones Leonard Ernest Male Bunbury
1945/6600005 Wellington Jones Leonard Ernest Male Bradshaw Pauline Constance Female Bunbury
1946/6600006 Wellington Green William Richard Male O'Neil Alys Gardiner Female Brunswick Junction
1945/6600006 Wellington Wise Horace Leonard Male Cooper Ina Edline Female Picton
1945/6600006 Wellington Cooper Ina Edline Female Wise Horace Leonard Male Picton
1946/6600006 Wellington O'Neil Alys Gardiner Female Green William Richard Male Brunswick Junction
1945/6600007 Wellington Gilmour Catherine Campbell Female Roberts John Charles Thomas Male Bunbury
1945/6600007 Wellington Roberts John Charles Thomas Male Gilmour Catherine Campbell Female Bunbury
1945/6600008 Wellington Kirk Nancy Winifred Female Read Arthur Frederick Male Bunbury
1945/6600008 Wellington Read Arthur Frederick Male Kirk Nancy Winifred Female Bunbury
1945/6600009 Wellington Wright Nellie Edith Female Miller William Henry Male Collie
1945/6600009 Wellington Miller William Henry Male Wright Nellie Edith Female Collie
1945/6600010 Wellington Steer Edward Male Kohler Eva Kathleen Female Bunbury
1945/6600010 Wellington Kohler Eva Kathleen Female Steer Edward Male Bunbury
1945/6600011 Wellington Aggiss John Francis Male Whitbread Frances Sylvia Female Harvey
1945/6600011 Wellington Whitbread Frances Sylvia Female Aggiss John Francis Male Harvey
1945/6600012 Wellington Stocks William Male Ferris Kathleen Myrtle Female Collie
1945/6600012 Wellington Ferris Kathleen Myrtle Female Stocks William Male Collie
1945/6600013 Wellington Davies Frederick George Male McCausland Alice Margaret Female Capel
1945/6600013 Wellington McCausland Alice Margaret Female Davies Frederick George Male Capel
1945/6600014 Wellington Clifton Roy Gordon Male Williams Dorothy Alice Female Rathmines
1945/6600014 Wellington Williams Dorothy Alice Female Clifton Roy Gordon Male Rathmines
1945/6600015 Wellington Jelleff Linda May Female Whitton Fredrick Ernest Male Bunbury
1945/6600015 Wellington Whitton Fredrick Ernest Male Jelleff Linda May Female Bunbury
1945/6600016 Wellington Ross Vera Hazel Female Howie John Edgar Male Collie
1945/6600016 Wellington Howie John Edgar Male Ross Vera Hazel Female Collie
1945/6600017 Wellington Ratcliffe Thomas Thomson Male Mann Barbara Female Collie
1945/6600017 Wellington Mann Barbara Female Ratcliffe Thomas Thomson Male Collie
1945/6600018 Wellington Mitchell Elsie Dorothy Mary Female Dawes William Edward Male Collie
1945/6600018 Wellington Dawes William Edward Male Mitchell Elsie Dorothy Mary Female Collie
1945/6600019 Wellington Trezise Albert John Hartigan Male Moulton Noreen Female Balingup
1945/6600019 Wellington Moulton Noreen Female Trezise Albert John Hartigan Male Balingup
1945/6600020 Wellington Baggetta Domenico Girolamo Male Panetta Mary Female Harvey
1945/6600020 Wellington Panetta Mary Female Baggetta Domenico Girolamo Male Harvey
1945/6600021 Wellington Marsh Winifred Mary Female Gardiner Bradley James Male Bunbury
1945/6600021 Wellington Gardiner Bradley James Male Marsh Winifred Mary Female Bunbury
1945/6600022 Wellington Clifton Margaret Lilian Female Smith Vivian Archibald Male Bunbury
1945/6600022 Wellington Smith Vivian Archibald Male Clifton Margaret Lilian Female Bunbury
1945/6600023 Wellington Duthie Florence Female Dall Roy William Male Harvey
1945/6600023 Wellington Dall Roy William Male Duthie Florence Female Harvey
1945/6600024 Wellington Della Franca Charlie Male Campisi Maria Stellina Female Harvey
1945/6600024 Wellington Campisi Maria Stellina Female Della Franca Charlie Male Harvey
1945/6600025 Wellington Robb Winifred Ruby Female White John William Male Collie
1945/6600025 Wellington White John William Male Robb Winifred Ruby Female Collie
1945/6600026 Wellington Smith Donald William Reece Male Cousens Mary Elizabeth Female Harvey
1945/6600026 Wellington Cousens Mary Elizabeth Female Smith Donald William Reece Male Harvey
1945/6600027 Wellington Fry Samuel Gurney Male Johnson Patricia Eve Female Brunswick Junction
1945/6600027 Wellington Johnson Patricia Eve Female Fry Samuel Gurney Male Brunswick Junction
1945/6600028 Wellington Reinke William Fredrick Male Winkleman Florence Maud Female Bunbury
1945/6600028 Wellington Winkleman Florence Maud Female Reinke William Fredrick Male Bunbury
1945/6600029 Wellington Edwards Mabel Female Smith Vincent Ronald Male Bunbury
1945/6600029 Wellington Smith Vincent Ronald Male Edwards Mabel Female Bunbury
1945/6600030 Wellington Bates Leonard George Male Gardiner Thelma Maud Female Bunbury
1945/6600030 Wellington Gardiner Thelma Maud Female Bates Leonard George Male Bunbury
1945/6600031 Wellington Cox Betty Merle Female Beal Jack Male Bunbury
1945/6600031 Wellington Beal Jack Male Cox Betty Merle Female Bunbury
1945/6600032 Wellington Reynolds Leonard Male Brockman Christina Kate Female Picton
1945/6600032 Wellington Brockman Christina Kate Female Reynolds Leonard Male Picton
1945/6600033 Wellington Barrett John William Male Burns Naomi Ray Female Bunbury
1945/6600033 Wellington Burns Naomi Ray Female Barrett John William Male Bunbury
1945/6600034 Wellington Commisso Paul Male Rechichi Ann Female Bunbury
1945/6600034 Wellington Rechichi Ann Female Commisso Paul Male Bunbury
1945/6600035 Wellington Bowman Irene Alice Jane Female Hutchesson Ronald Ernest Male Bunbury
1945/6600035 Wellington Hutchesson Ronald Ernest Male Bowman Irene Alice Jane Female Bunbury
1945/6600036 Wellington Castro Venera Maria Female Caruso Vittorio Vincenzo Male Donnybrook
1945/6600036 Wellington Caruso Vittorio Vincenzo Male Castro Venera Maria Female Donnybrook
1945/6600037 Wellington Morton Reginald William Male Childs Kathleen Ellen Female Mornington Mills
1945/6600037 Wellington Childs Kathleen Ellen Female Morton Reginald William Male Mornington Mills
1945/6600038 Wellington Beard June Noreen Female Edwards Wallace Hamley Male Bunbury
1945/6600038 Wellington Edwards Wallace Hamley Male Beard June Noreen Female Bunbury
1945/6600039 Wellington Box Leone Bernadette Female Bridgland Russell Clifford Lloyd Male W Australia
1945/6600039 Wellington Bridgland Russell Clifford Lloyd Male Box Leone Bernadette Female W Australia
1945/6600040 Wellington Wilkinson Robert Bruce Male Eckersley Elsie Mavis Female Harvey
1945/6600040 Wellington Eckersley Elsie Mavis Female Wilkinson Robert Bruce Male Harvey
1945/6600041 Wellington Uren Horace Male Tilbee Hettie Isabell Female Collie
1945/6600041 Wellington Tilbee Hettie Isabell Female Uren Horace Male Collie
1945/6600042 Wellington Gray Alvan Victor Male Saunders Dulcie Edith Female Collie
1945/6600042 Wellington Saunders Dulcie Edith Female Gray Alvan Victor Male Collie
1945/6600043 Wellington Joel Henry Theodore Male Fraser Joyce Ivy Female Bunbury
1945/6600043 Wellington Fraser Joyce Ivy Female Joel Henry Theodore Male Bunbury
1945/6600044 Wellington Teraci Carmela Female Mercuri Ilario Male Bunbury
1945/6600044 Wellington Mercuri Ilario Male Teraci Carmela Female Bunbury
1945/6600045 Wellington Demarte Guiseppe Male Frisina Maria Female Bunbury
1945/6600045 Wellington Frisina Maria Female Demarte Guiseppe Male Bunbury
1945/6600046 Wellington Usher Patrick Joseph Male Hislop Nellie Maude Female Bunbury
1945/6600046 Wellington Hislop Nellie Maude Female Usher Patrick Joseph Male Bunbury
1945/6600047 Wellington Harrison Bernard George Male Douglas Rhona Jacqueline Female Bunbury
1945/6600047 Wellington Douglas Rhona Jacqueline Female Harrison Bernard George Male Bunbury
1945/6600048 Wellington Greenberg George Male Halse Gladious Female Bunbury
1945/6600048 Wellington Halse Gladious Female Greenberg George Male Bunbury
1945/6600049 Wellington Sauer Gloria May Female Rushton Kenneth Roy Male Picton
1945/6600049 Wellington Rushton Kenneth Roy Male Sauer Gloria May Female Picton
1945/6600050 Wellington House Alma Beatrice Female Trigwell Neville William Male Capel
1945/6600050 Wellington Trigwell Neville William Male House Alma Beatrice Female Capel
1945/6600051 Wellington McIntosh Jean Elizabeth Female Proctor Phillip Male Donnybrook
1945/6600051 Wellington Proctor Phillip Male McIntosh Jean Elizabeth Female Donnybrook
1945/6600052 Wellington Mitchell Clement Male Muncaster Gladys May Female Collie
1945/6600052 Wellington Muncaster Gladys May Female Mitchell Clement Male Collie
1945/6600053 Wellington Forrest Gwendoline Campbell Female Field Shirley Percy Male Donnybrook
1945/6600053 Wellington Field Shirley Percy Male Forrest Gwendoline Campbell Female Donnybrook
1945/6600054 Wellington Cristaldi Angelina Female Dell'Agostino Egidio Male Donnybrook
1945/6600054 Wellington Dell'Agostino Egidio Male Cristaldi Angelina Female Donnybrook
1945/6600055 Wellington Lees Sidney George Male Davis Gloria Dorothy Arlene Female Bunbury
1945/6600055 Wellington Davis Gloria Dorothy Arlene Female Lees Sidney George Male Bunbury
1945/6600056 Wellington Fleay Alan Henry Male Millen Joyce Female Collie
1945/6600056 Wellington Millen Joyce Female Fleay Alan Henry Male Collie
1945/6600057 Wellington Harnett Robert Michael Male Watt Wilma Pearl Female Brunswick Junction
1945/6600057 Wellington Watt Wilma Pearl Female Harnett Robert Michael Male Brunswick Junction
1945/6600058 Wellington Tooke William Alfred Male Rodgers Joan Mary Female Bunbury
1945/6600058 Wellington Rodgers Joan Mary Female Tooke William Alfred Male Bunbury
1945/6600059 Wellington Karlsen Florence Mathilda Female Bristow William Berrie Male Bunbury
1945/6600059 Wellington Bristow William Berrie Male Karlsen Florence Mathilda Female Bunbury
1945/6600060 Wellington Bain Percy James Male Borg Enid Female Bunbury
1945/6600060 Wellington Borg Enid Female Bain Percy James Male Bunbury
1945/6600061 Wellington Spice Clara Florence Female Jones William Henry Male Collie
1945/6600061 Wellington Jones William Henry Male Spice Clara Florence Female Collie
1945/6600062 Wellington Salter Robert Percy Male Hislop Sybil Mary Female Bunbury
1945/6600062 Wellington Hislop Sybil Mary Female Salter Robert Percy Male Bunbury
1945/6600063 Wellington Stone Mary Ellen Female Carlisle Percival Thomas Male Collie
1945/6600063 Wellington Carlisle Percival Thomas Male Stone Mary Ellen Female Collie
1945/6600064 Wellington Willis Robert Alexander Male Jones Beryl Marion Female W Australia
1945/6600064 Wellington Jones Beryl Marion Female Willis Robert Alexander Male W Australia
1945/6600065 Wellington Holland Ursula Estelle Female Howard William Henry Male Harvey
1945/6600065 Wellington Howard William Henry Male Holland Ursula Estelle Female Harvey
1945/6600066 Wellington Clark Ronald Percy Male Rodwell Dulcie Beryl Female South Bunbury
1945/6600066 Wellington Rodwell Dulcie Beryl Female Clark Ronald Percy Male South Bunbury
1945/6600067 Wellington Cain Walter Leslie Male Paton Kathleen Mary Female Donnybrook Methodist Church
1945/6600067 Wellington Paton Kathleen Mary Female Cain Walter Leslie Male Donnybrook Methodist Church
1945/6600068 Wellington McCormack John Male Tucker Doris Lucy Catherine Female W Aus
1945/6600068 Wellington Tucker Doris Lucy Catherine Female McCormack John Male W Aus
1945/6600069 Wellington Ashcroft George William Male Gardiner Beryl Joy Female Bunbury
1945/6600069 Wellington Gardiner Beryl Joy Female Ashcroft George William Male Bunbury
1945/6600070 Wellington Stewart Alexander Frederick Male Marshall Jean Female Bunbury
1945/6600070 Wellington Stewart Alexander Frederick Male Mitchell Jean Female Bunbury
1945/6600070 Wellington Mitchell Jean Female Stewart Alexander Frederick Male Bunbury
1945/6600070 Wellington Marshall Jean Female Stewart Alexander Frederick Male Bunbury
1945/6600071 Wellington McCaughan Esther Female Hammond George Roy Male Bunbury
1945/6600071 Wellington Hammond George Roy Male McCaughan Esther Female Bunbury
1945/6600072 Wellington McClymont Norma Agnes Female Anderson James Noel Male Donnybrook
1945/6600072 Wellington Anderson James Noel Male McClymont Norma Agnes Female Donnybrook
1945/6600073 Wellington True Emrys John Male Blight Phyllis Mabel May Female Collie
1945/6600073 Wellington Blight Phyllis Mabel May Female True Emrys John Male Collie
1945/6600074 Wellington Allan Victor Ernest Albert Male Mills Irene Edith Female Bunbury
1945/6600074 Wellington Mills Irene Edith Female Allan Victor Ernest Albert Male Bunbury
1945/6600075 Wellington Wood Ronald Male Martin Irene May Female Collie
1945/6600075 Wellington Martin Irene May Female Wood Ronald Male Collie
1945/6600076 Wellington Robb William James Male Thompson Dorothy Betty Patty Female Collie
1945/6600076 Wellington Thompson Dorothy Betty Patty Female Robb William James Male Collie
1945/6600077 Wellington Nipper Holman Male Nannup Shirley May Female Roelands
1945/6600077 Wellington Nannup Shirley May Female Hume Holman Male Roelands
1945/6600077 Wellington Nannup Shirley May Female Nipper Holman Male Roelands
1945/6600077 Wellington Hume Holman Male Nannup Shirley May Female Roelands
1945/6600078 Wellington Davis Mervyn Charles Joseph Male Rogers Faith Female Bunbury
1945/6600078 Wellington Rogers Faith Female Davis Mervyn Charles Joseph Male Bunbury
1945/6600079 Wellington Palfreyman George Male Beer Vera Female Bunbury
1945/6600079 Wellington Beer Vera Female Palfreyman George Male Bunbury
1945/6600080 Wellington Rajander Gertrude Sophie Female Trigwell Walter James Ronald Male Collie
1945/6600080 Wellington Trigwell Walter James Ronald Male Rajander Gertrude Sophie Female Collie
1945/6600081 Wellington Leach Francis Charles Male Repacholi Evelyn Dolores Female Bunbury
1945/6600081 Wellington Repacholi Evelyn Dolores Female Leach Francis Charles Male Bunbury
1945/6600082 Wellington Graham James Male Prowse Mary Esther Muriel Female Bunbury
1945/6600082 Wellington Prowse Mary Esther Muriel Female Graham James Male Bunbury
1945/6600083 Wellington Warren Arthur Joseph Male Swensen Doreen Thelma Female Collie
1945/6600083 Wellington Swensen Doreen Thelma Female Warren Arthur Joseph Male Collie
1945/6600084 Wellington Ratcliffe Joseph James Male Plunkett Dorothy Elizabeth Female Bunbury
1945/6600084 Wellington Plunkett Dorothy Elizabeth Female Ratcliffe Joseph James Male Bunbury
1945/6600085 Wellington Gibbs Rhoda Maria Female Gittos Charles Edwin Male Donnybrook Methodist Church
1945/6600085 Wellington Gittos Charles Edwin Male Gibbs Rhoda Maria Female Donnybrook Methodist Church
1945/6600086 Wellington Francis Gwyneth Getta Female McMillan (Jnr) Andrew Male Bunbury
1945/6600086 Wellington McMillan (Jnr) Andrew Male Francis Gwyneth Getta Female Bunbury
1945/6600087 Wellington Spurr Charles Alfred Male McTaggart Norma May Female W Aus
1945/6600087 Wellington McTaggart Norma May Female Spurr Charles Alfred Male W Aus
1945/6600088 Wellington Garvey Mary Agnes Female Kellow Maxwell Male Dardanup
1945/6600088 Wellington Kellow Maxwell Male Garvey Mary Agnes Female Dardanup
1945/6600089 Wellington Dawes Charles Male Dawes Hilda May Female Collie
1945/6600089 Wellington Dawes Hilda May Female Dawes Charles Male Collie
1945/6600090 Wellington Murdoch Malcolm John Male Hewitt Isabelle Female Bunbury
1945/6600090 Wellington Hewitt Isabelle Female Murdoch Malcolm John Male Bunbury
1945/6600091 Wellington Adderley Arthur James Male Gardiner Vivienne Thora Female Bunbury
1945/6600091 Wellington Gardiner Vivienne Thora Female Adderley Arthur James Male Bunbury
1945/6600092 Wellington Rajander Rae Solveig Maria Female Holmes Trevor Alfred Male Collie
1945/6600092 Wellington Holmes Trevor Alfred Male Rajander Rae Solveig Maria Female Collie
1945/6600093 Wellington Merritt Audrey Frances Female Hammond Edward Leonard Male Bunbury
1945/6600093 Wellington Hammond Edward Leonard Male Merritt Audrey Frances Female Bunbury
1945/6600094 Wellington Pitts Isobella Female Atthowe Kenneth Victor Male Worsley
1945/6600094 Wellington Atthowe Kenneth Victor Male Pitts Isobella Female Worsley
1945/6600095 Wellington Daly John Henry Male Houston Violet Beatrice Female Collie
1945/6600095 Wellington Houston Violet Beatrice Female Daly John Henry Male Collie
1945/6600096 Wellington McDonald Jean Margaret Female Edwards William Hugh Male Bunbury
1945/6600096 Wellington Edwards William Hugh Male McDonald Jean Margaret Female Bunbury
1945/6600097 Wellington Betti Silvia Female Dell'Agostino Anselmo Male Donnybrook
1945/6600097 Wellington Dell'Agostino Anselmo Male Betti Silvia Female Donnybrook
1945/6600098 Wellington Hardisty Albert John Male Gibbs Mavis Emma Female W Aus
1945/6600098 Wellington Gibbs Mavis Emma Female Hardisty Albert John Male W Aus
1945/6600099 Wellington Jackson Dorothy Female White James Male Collie
1945/6600099 Wellington White James Male Jackson Dorothy Female Collie
1945/6600100 Wellington Holloway Ellen Emily Female Hall Edgar Charles Male Hoffman Mill Hall
1945/6600100 Wellington Hall Edgar Charles Male Holloway Ellen Emily Female Hoffman Mill Hall
1945/6600101 Wellington Crouch Douglas Benjamin Male Howlett Iris Lillian Female Bunbury
1945/6600101 Wellington Howlett Iris Lillian Female Crouch Douglas Benjamin Male Bunbury
1945/6600102 Wellington Morton William Laurence Male Palmer Marie Reynardson Female Collie
1945/6600102 Wellington Palmer Marie Reynardson Female Morton William Laurence Male Collie
1945/6600103 Wellington Burgess Arthur Charles Fearless Male Roberts Rita May Female Bunbury
1945/6600103 Wellington Roberts Rita May Female Burgess Arthur Charles Fearless Male Bunbury
1945/6600104 Wellington Hope Marie Elizabeth Female Jones Brynmor Male Bunbury
1945/6600104 Wellington Jones Brynmor Male Hope Marie Elizabeth Female Bunbury
1945/6600105 Wellington Hall Donald Milton Male Symes Phyllis Margaret Female Bunbury
1945/6600105 Wellington Symes Phyllis Margaret Female Hall Donald Milton Male Bunbury
1945/6600106 Wellington Burke Dorothy Jean Female May Alan Henry Male Collie
1945/6600106 Wellington May Alan Henry Male Burke Dorothy Jean Female Collie
1945/6600107 Wellington Collins Noel Thomas Male Johnston Jeanette Piesse Female Bunbury
1945/6600107 Wellington Johnston Jeanette Piesse Female Collins Noel Thomas Male Bunbury
1945/6600108 Wellington Strongman Gwendoline Mary Female Isaac Arthur Male Bunbury
1945/6600108 Wellington Isaac Arthur Male Strongman Gwendoline Mary Female Bunbury
1945/6600109 Wellington Mower Eric Elsdon Male Pumfrey Mabel Evans Female Bunbury
1945/6600109 Wellington Pumfrey Mabel Evans Female Mower Eric Elsdon Male Bunbury
1945/6600110 Wellington Harris Carmel Brigid Female Strachan David Male Dardanup
1945/6600110 Wellington Strachan David Male Harris Carmel Brigid Female Dardanup
1945/6600111 Wellington Hubble Gwendoline Barbra Female Busch Lawrence Percival Male Donnybrook Methodist Church
1945/6600111 Wellington Busch Lawrence Percival Male Hubble Gwendoline Barbra Female Donnybrook Methodist Church
1945/6600112 Wellington Mead Milton Lawrance Male Dawson Beverley June Female W Aus
1945/6600112 Wellington Dawson Beverley June Female Mead Milton Lawrance Male W Aus
1945/6600113 Wellington Gaines Marjorie Ellen Female Smith George Eric Male W Aus
1945/6600113 Wellington Smith George Eric Male Gaines Marjorie Ellen Female W Aus
1945/6600114 Wellington Lee Lloyd Chester Male Hardisty Alice Sarah Female W Aus
1945/6600114 Wellington Hardisty Alice Sarah Female Lee Lloyd Chester Male W Aus
1945/6600115 Wellington Gardiner Reuben Avelyn Onslow Male Allen Rose Female Bunbury
1945/6600115 Wellington Allen Rose Female Gardiner Reuben Avelyn Onslow Male Bunbury
1945/6600116 Wellington Bode Amy Queenie Female Wilson Edward Thomas Male Bunbury
1945/6600116 Wellington Wilson Edward Thomas Male Bode Amy Queenie Female Bunbury
1945/6600117 Wellington Tuck Isabell Constant Female Payne Thomas William Male Bunbury
1945/6600117 Wellington Payne Thomas William Male Tuck Isabell Constant Female Bunbury
1945/6600118 Wellington Smith Brenda Olive Female Clisby Sydney Alfred Male Bunbury
1945/6600118 Wellington Clisby Sydney Alfred Male Smith Brenda Olive Female Bunbury
1945/6600119 Wellington Thompson George Noel Male Mitchell Netta Muriel Female Collie
1945/6600119 Wellington Mitchell Netta Muriel Female Thompson George Noel Male Collie
1945/6600120 Wellington Keddie Bernard Cyril Male Widdeson Alice Elizabeth Female Bunbury
1945/6600120 Wellington Widdeson Alice Elizabeth Female Keddie Bernard Cyril Male Bunbury
1945/6600121 Wellington Craigie James Douglas Bramwell Male Anderson Edna Jean Female W Aus
1945/6600121 Wellington Anderson Edna Jean Female Craigie James Douglas Bramwell Male W Aus
1945/6600122 Wellington Gardiner Lynda Maud Female Williams Clive Frederick Male Dardanup
1945/6600122 Wellington Williams Clive Frederick Male Gardiner Lynda Maud Female Dardanup
1945/6600123 Wellington Cox Shirley Josine Female Larke Ronald Eric Male Burekup
1945/6600123 Wellington Larke Ronald Eric Male Cox Shirley Josine Female Burekup
1945/6600124 Wellington Carpenter Allan George Male Saunders Claire Victoria Female Collie
1945/6600124 Wellington Saunders Claire Victoria Female Carpenter Allan George Male Collie
1945/6600125 Wellington McDonald Hector John Male Muir Freda Mary Female Collie
1945/6600125 Wellington Muir Freda Mary Female McDonald Hector John Male Collie
1945/6600126 Wellington Norrie Iris Female Spear Keneth Harry Male Collie
1945/6600126 Wellington Spear Keneth Harry Male Norrie Iris Female Collie
1945/6600127 Wellington Coghlan Cyril Male Campbell Winifred Mary Female Brunswick Junction
1945/6600127 Wellington Campbell Winifred Mary Female Coghlan Cyril Male Brunswick Junction
1945/6600128 Wellington Anderson Merle May Female Dearle John Arnold Male Bunbury
1945/6600128 Wellington Dearle John Arnold Male Anderson Merle May Female Bunbury
1945/6600129 Wellington Williams Gordon Male McCormick Jean Elizabeth Female Donnybrook
1945/6600129 Wellington McCormick Jean Elizabeth Female Williams Gordon Male Donnybrook
1945/6600130 Wellington Hall James Crawford Male Waters Amelia Hettie Female Bunbury
1945/6600130 Wellington Waters Amelia Hettie Female Hall James Crawford Male Bunbury
1945/6600131 Wellington Hancock Stanley Male Drummond Thelma Dorothy Female Donnybrook
1945/6600131 Wellington Drummond Thelma Dorothy Female Hancock Stanley Male Donnybrook
1945/6600132 Wellington Steward Anthony John Male Yates Mary Clare Female Capel
1945/6600132 Wellington Yates Mary Clare Female Steward Anthony John Male Capel
1945/6600133 Wellington Gillmore Kenneth Male Godden Kathleen Mary Female Bunbury
1945/6600133 Wellington Godden Kathleen Mary Female Gillmore Kenneth Male Bunbury
1945/6600134 Wellington Bold Winifred Female Rowney Gerard James Male Bunbury
1945/6600134 Wellington Rowney Gerard James Male Bold Winifred Female Bunbury
1945/6600135 Wellington Kembery Olwynne Phyllis Female Morton Maurice Charles Male Mornington Mills
1945/6600135 Wellington Morton Maurice Charles Male Kembery Olwynne Phyllis Female Mornington Mills
1945/6600136 Wellington Lloyd Ann Female Anderson James Male Bunbury
1945/6600136 Wellington Anderson James Male Lloyd Ann Female Bunbury
1945/6600137 Wellington Circosta Armando Male Contarici Marianna Female Dardanup
1945/6600137 Wellington Contarici Marianna Female Circosta Armando Male Dardanup
1945/6600138 Wellington McKenzie Alex Male Cross Jessie Mary Female Bunbury
1945/6600138 Wellington Cross Jessie Mary Female McKenzie Alex Male Bunbury
1945/6600139 Wellington Matthews Glynis Norma Female Carroll Leslie Allan Male Collie
1945/6600139 Wellington Carroll Leslie Allan Male Matthews Glynis Norma Female Collie
1945/6600140 Wellington McPherson Duncan Ian Male Donaldson Patricia Marie Female Bunbury
1945/6600140 Wellington Donaldson Patricia Marie Female McPherson Duncan Ian Male Bunbury
1945/6600141 Wellington Gibson Donald John Male Taylor Lorraine Rosedue Female Bunbury
1945/6600141 Wellington Taylor Lorraine Rosedue Female Gibson Donald John Male Bunbury
1945/6600142 Wellington Gardiner Veronica May Female Pryce Eric James Male Harvey Methodist Church
1945/6600142 Wellington Pryce Eric James Male Gardiner Veronica May Female Harvey Methodist Church
1945/6600143 Wellington Fairbrass Dorothy Elaine Female White Eric Russell Male Harvey
1945/6600143 Wellington White Eric Russell Male Fairbrass Dorothy Elaine Female Harvey
1945/6600144 Wellington Corti William Anthony Male Britten Corale Female Bunbury
1945/6600144 Wellington Britten Corale Female Corti William Anthony Male Bunbury
1945/6600145 Wellington Redford Patricia Louise Female Aramini Joseph Sidney Male Bunbury
1945/6600145 Wellington Aramini Joseph Sidney Male Redford Patricia Louise Female Bunbury
1945/6600146 Wellington Thornborough Evelyn Female Gardiner Charles Lionel Male Bunbury
1945/6600146 Wellington Gardiner Charles Lionel Male Thornborough Evelyn Female Bunbury
1945/6600147 Wellington Knight Colin Frederick Nathan Male Eckersley Judith Helen Female Harvey
1945/6600147 Wellington Eckersley Judith Helen Female Knight Colin Frederick Nathan Male Harvey
1945/6700002 Williams Green William Henry Male Montgomery Daphne Beryl Female Narrogin
1945/6700002 Williams Montgomery Daphne Beryl Female Green William Henry Male Narrogin
1945/6700003 Williams Bass Ruth Female White Ernest Leslie Crute Male Narrogin
1945/6700003 Williams White Ernest Leslie Crute Male Bass Ruth Female Narrogin
1945/6700004 Williams Edwards Joy Beryl Female Hemley Leslie Alfred Male Narrogin
1945/6700004 Williams Hemley Leslie Alfred Male Edwards Joy Beryl Female Narrogin
1945/6700005 Williams Carn Ellen Teresa Female Mellon Joseph William Male Narrogin
1945/6700005 Williams Mellon Joseph William Male Carn Ellen Teresa Female Narrogin
1945/6700006 Williams Cowin Reginald Keith Male Groth Enid Mary Female Narrogin
1945/6700006 Williams Groth Enid Mary Female Cowin Reginald Keith Male Narrogin
1945/6700007 Williams Meredith Stanley Donald Male Brown Kathleen Anne Female Narrogin
1945/6700007 Williams Brown Kathleen Anne Female Meredith Stanley Donald Male Narrogin
1945/6700008 Williams Scott Elizabeth Sybil Female Latham Don Sydney Male Narrogin
1945/6700008 Williams Latham Don Sydney Male Scott Elizabeth Sybil Female Narrogin
1945/6700009 Williams Mullan Mary Ellen Female Kerrigan John Michael Male Narrogin
1945/6700009 Williams Kerrigan John Michael Male Mullan Mary Ellen Female Narrogin
1945/6700010 Williams Hardacre James Schofield Male Ingleton Joan Athelyn Female Narrogin
1945/6700010 Williams Ingleton Joan Athelyn Female Hardacre James Schofield Male Narrogin
1945/6700011 Williams Davies Roy Munslow Male Trotter Jean Margaret Female Kulin
1945/6700011 Williams Trotter Jean Margaret Female Davies Roy Munslow Male Kulin
1945/6700012 Williams Bull Nancy Ethel Female Kirby Reginald Albert Male Kulin
1945/6700012 Williams Kirby Reginald Albert Male Bull Nancy Ethel Female Kulin
1945/6700013 Williams McLoughlin Edith Elizabeth Female Webster Philip Clifton Male Narrogin
1945/6700013 Williams Webster Philip Clifton Male McLoughlin Edith Elizabeth Female Narrogin
1945/6700014 Williams Robb Gwenith Aileen Female Hastie John Francis Male Narrogin
1945/6700014 Williams Hastie John Francis Male Robb Gwenith Aileen Female Narrogin
1945/6700015 Williams McBeath Arthur James Male Williamson Doris Ethel Female Narrogin
1945/6700015 Williams Williamson Doris Ethel Female McBeath Arthur James Male Narrogin
1945/6700016 Williams Rice Richard John Male Macpherson Joyce Heather Female Narrogin
1945/6700016 Williams Macpherson Joyce Heather Female Rice Richard John Male Narrogin
1945/6700017 Williams Jeffrey Madge Ritchie Female Hitchins Cleopas Male Narrogin
1945/6700017 Williams Hitchins Cleopas Male Jeffrey Madge Ritchie Female Narrogin
1945/6700018 Williams Elwick Phyllis Margaret Female Pryce Harold Herbert Raymond Male Narrogin
1945/6700018 Williams Pryce Harold Herbert Raymond Male Elwick Phyllis Margaret Female Narrogin
1945/6700019 Williams White Vernon Emanuel Male Austic Sylvia Female Boddington
1945/6700019 Williams Austic Sylvia Female White Vernon Emanuel Male Boddington
1945/6700020 Williams Kirby Shirley Christina Phyllis Female Hawkins Bernard Abbott Male Narrogin
1945/6700020 Williams Hawkins Bernard Abbott Male Kirby Shirley Christina Phyllis Female Narrogin
1945/6700021 Williams Argent Winifred Amy Female Francis Leslie Oliver Male Narrogin
1945/6700021 Williams Francis Leslie Oliver Male Argent Winifred Amy Female Narrogin
1945/6700022 Williams Brown Horace Male Campbell Hilary Gloria Female Narrogin
1945/6700022 Williams Campbell Hilary Gloria Female Brown Horace Male Narrogin
1945/6700023 Williams Imberti Joseph Male Boehm Barbara Christeena Female Narrogin
1945/6700023 Williams Boehm Barbara Christeena Female Imberti Joseph Male Narrogin
1945/6700024 Williams Ledwith Joseph Harold Male Mullan Kathleen Marjory Female Dudinin Hall
1945/6700024 Williams Mullan Kathleen Marjory Female Ledwith Joseph Harold Male Dudinin Hall
1945/6700025 Williams Sherry Beryl Fay Female Nichols Frederick George Charles Male Marradong
1945/6700025 Williams Nichols Frederick George Charles Male Sherry Beryl Fay Female Marradong
1945/6700026 Williams Fletcher George William Male Davis Leah Rose Female Narrogin
1945/6700026 Williams Davis Leah Rose Female Fletcher George William Male Narrogin
1945/6700027 Williams Butler Johanna Anthonina Female van Embden Clemens Otto Gerard Male Narrogin
1945/6700027 Williams van Embden Clemens Otto Gerard Male Butler Johanna Anthonina Female Narrogin
1945/6700028 Williams Murdoch Jane Dewar Female Bennett John Walter Male Lake Grace
1945/6700028 Williams Bennett John Walter Male Murdoch Jane Dewar Female Lake Grace
1945/6700029 Williams Brockman David Hamersley Male Smith Eileen Shirley Female Lake Grace
1945/6700029 Williams Smith Eileen Shirley Female Brockman David Hamersley Male Lake Grace
1945/6700030 Williams Healey Patricia Elsie Female Wallis Francis John Male Kulin Hall
1945/6700030 Williams Wallis Francis John Male Healey Patricia Elsie Female Kulin Hall
1945/6700031 Williams Mitchell Thelma Gladys Female Dart Lionel Male Narrogin
1945/6700031 Williams Dart Lionel Male Mitchell Thelma Gladys Female Narrogin
1945/6700032 Williams Batt William Ernest Male Townsend Phyllis Ellen Female Narrogin
1945/6700032 Williams Townsend Phyllis Ellen Female Batt William Ernest Male Narrogin
1945/6700033 Williams Morris Joseph Edward George Male Marle Gladys Irene Female Narrogin
1945/6700033 Williams Marle Gladys Irene Female Morris Joseph Edward George Male Narrogin
1945/6700034 Williams Brown Ian Royston Male Sutherland Roma Female Narrogin
1945/6700034 Williams Sutherland Roma Female Brown Ian Royston Male Narrogin
1945/6700035 Williams Thomas Llewellyn Male Hardie Ronda Female Narrogin
1945/6700035 Williams Hardie Ronda Female Thomas Llewellyn Male Narrogin
1945/6700036 Williams McGay John Bruce Male Oliver Dellis Mary Female Narrogin
1945/6700036 Williams Oliver Dellis Mary Female McGay John Bruce Male Narrogin
1945/6700037 Williams Dunn William Harper Male Angwin Iris June Female Narrogin Methodist Church
1945/6700037 Williams Angwin Iris June Female Dunn William Harper Male Narrogin Methodist Church
1945/6700038 Williams Napier Brightye Henrietta Female Northcott Russell Frederick Charles Male Narrogin
1945/6700038 Williams Northcott Russell Frederick Charles Male Napier Brightye Henrietta Female Narrogin
1945/6700039 Williams Hansen Joan Female Temby Garth Male Narrogin
1945/6700039 Williams Temby Garth Male Hansen Joan Female Narrogin
1945/7000001 Yilgarn Williams Georgina May Female McCarthy Bernard Joseph Male Southern Cross
1945/7000001 Yilgarn McCarthy Bernard Joseph Male Williams Georgina May Female Southern Cross
1945/7000002 Yilgarn Ashford William Andrew Male Peacock Florence Female Westonia
1945/7000002 Yilgarn Peacock Florence Female Ashford William Andrew Male Westonia
1945/7000003 Yilgarn Piggott Colin Rupet Male Dunbar Violet Rebecca Patterson Female Southern Cross
1945/7000003 Yilgarn Dunbar Violet Rebecca Patterson Female Piggott Colin Rupet Male Southern Cross
1945/7000004 Yilgarn Neal Thelma Jean Female Coppin James William Male Westonia
1945/7000004 Yilgarn Coppin James William Male Neal Thelma Jean Female Westonia
1945/7000005 Yilgarn Fairclough Peggy Dulcie Female Guerini Pietro Male Southern Cross
1945/7000005 Yilgarn Guerini Pietro Male Fairclough Peggy Dulcie Female Southern Cross
1945/7000006 Yilgarn Anderson Edward Louis Andrew Male Dunne Monica Frances Female Westonia
1945/7000006 Yilgarn Dunne Monica Frances Female Anderson Edward Louis Andrew Male Westonia
1945/7100001 York Giles Hilbert George Male Dunham Iris Emmeline Female York
1945/7100001 York Dunham Iris Emmeline Female Giles Hilbert George Male York
1945/7100002 York Boyle Ellen Kathleen Female Bradley Thomas Leo Male York
1945/7100002 York Bradley Thomas Leo Male Boyle Ellen Kathleen Female York
1945/7100003 York Hawksley Freda Gladys Female McColl Douglas Ian Male York
1945/7100003 York McColl Douglas Ian Male Hawksley Freda Gladys Female York
1945/7100004 York Green Ronald James Male Anderson Doreen Female York
1945/7100004 York Anderson Doreen Female Green Ronald James Male York
1945/7100005 York Fleay Donald Ernest Male Springbett Nancy Grace Female York
1945/7100005 York Springbett Nancy Grace Female Fleay Donald Ernest Male York
1945/7100006 York Sims Mabel Female Jones Archibald Male York
1945/7100006 York Jones Archibald Male Sims Mabel Female York
1945/7100007 York Winsor Reginald John Male Ovens Mary Matilda Female York
1945/7100007 York Ovens Mary Matilda Female Winsor Reginald John Male York
1945/7100008 York Kelly Maxwell Albert Male Fleay Winifred Elsie Female York
1945/7100008 York Fleay Winifred Elsie Female Kelly Maxwell Albert Male York
1945/7100009 York Ashworth Ruth Mabel Female Johnson John William Male York
1945/7100009 York Johnson John William Male Ashworth Ruth Mabel Female York
1945/7100010 York Collins Rosalind Hilda Female Holme Maurice Lachlan Male York
1945/7100010 York Holme Maurice Lachlan Male Collins Rosalind Hilda Female York
1945/7100011 York Baker Leslie George Male O'Sullivan Betty Female York
1945/7100011 York O'Sullivan Betty Female Baker Leslie George Male York
1945/7100012 York Noonan Margaret Ellen Female Prunster Rodney John Male York
1945/7100012 York Prunster Rodney John Male Noonan Margaret Ellen Female York