A tool to help track the citations of the Western Australian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages from Wikidata and WikiTree.

Marriages in: 1944

Registration year & number Registration district Surname Given names Gender Spouse surname Spouse given names Spouse gender Marriage place Wikidata WikiTree
1945/100002 Perth Johnson Frank Augustus Male Wells Edna Muriel Female Nedlands
1945/100002 Perth Wells Edna Muriel Female Johnson Frank Augustus Male Nedlands
1945/100003 Perth Carley Matthew Bernard Male Warner Mary Gertrude Female Perth
1945/100003 Perth Warner Mary Gertrude Female Carley Matthew Bernard Male Perth
1945/100004 Perth Smith Fenton Joseph Male Sexton Phyllis Victoria Female Perth
1945/100004 Perth Sexton Phyllis Victoria Female Smith Fenton Joseph Male Perth
1945/100005 Perth Vinci Carmelo Male Di Masi Rosa Female West Perth
1945/100005 Perth Di Masi Rosa Female Vinci Carmelo Male West Perth
1945/100006 Perth Gianatti Giovani Male Bordoni Angelena Roma Female West Perth
1945/100006 Perth Bordoni Angelena Roma Female Gianatti Giovani Male West Perth
1945/100007 Perth Faranda Philip Male Silvestri Angelina Female West Perth
1945/100007 Perth Silvestri Angelina Female Faranda Philip Male West Perth
1945/100008 Perth Honner Doreen Alice Female Norrish Frederick Joseph Male West Perth
1945/100008 Perth Norrish Frederick Joseph Male Honner Doreen Alice Female West Perth
1945/100009 Perth Kingston Margaret Georgina Female Adams Kenneth Harold Male Perth
1944/100009 Perth van der Plas Willem Male Rogers Wilma Jean Female West Perth
1944/100009 Perth Rogers Wilma Jean Female van der Plas Willem Male West Perth
1945/100009 Perth Adams Kenneth Harold Male Kingston Margaret Georgina Female Perth
1944/100010 Perth Skinn Pearl May Female Adams Alexander Male South Perth
1944/100010 Perth Adams Alexander Male Skinn Pearl May Female South Perth
1944/100011 Perth Pearce Vera Rose Female Hutchins Noel McGregor Male South Perth
1945/100011 Perth Moore Florence Ann Female France Gordon Male Perth
1945/100011 Perth France Gordon Male Moore Florence Ann Female Perth
1944/100011 Perth Hutchins Noel McGregor Male Pearce Vera Rose Female South Perth
1944/100012 Perth Smith Linda Mildred Moir Female Dunlop James Male Nedlands
1945/100012 Perth King Mary Alice Female Diss Stanley Raymond Male Perth
1944/100012 Perth Dunlop James Male Smith Linda Mildred Moir Female Nedlands Dunlop-3504
1945/100012 Perth Diss Stanley Raymond Male King Mary Alice Female Perth
1945/100013 Perth Graham Jean Female Hanson Wilbur Joseph Male Perth
1945/100013 Perth Hanson Wilbur Joseph Male Graham Jean Female Perth
1945/100014 Perth Thomas Henry Christopher Male Horner Hilda May Female Perth
1945/100014 Perth Horner Hilda May Female Thomas Henry Christopher Male Perth
1945/100016 Perth Jenkinson Roma Female Hoile Richard Valentine Male Nedlands
1944/100016 Perth Bennett Robert Livingstone Male Hicks Ethel Joyce Female Perth
1945/100016 Perth Hoile Richard Valentine Male Jenkinson Roma Female Nedlands
1944/100016 Perth Hicks Ethel Joyce Female Bennett Robert Livingstone Male Perth
1945/100020 Perth Hall Thomas Richard Male McCullough Lida Mary Female Perth
1945/100020 Perth McCullough Lida Mary Female Hall Thomas Richard Male Perth
1944/100020 Perth Williams Leslie Reginald Male Saville Shirley Edith Female West Perth
1944/100020 Perth Saville Shirley Edith Female Williams Leslie Reginald Male West Perth
1945/100021 Perth Wiley Nance Female George Gordon Bert Male Perth
1945/100021 Perth George Gordon Bert Male Wiley Nance Female Perth
1944/100021 Perth Thorne Eileen Catherine Female Fraser Ronald John O'Grady Male Cottesloe
1944/100021 Perth Fraser Ronald John O'Grady Male Thorne Eileen Catherine Female Cottesloe
1945/100022 Perth Tackett William N V Male Johanson Elsie Joan Female Perth
1945/100022 Perth Johanson Elsie Joan Female Tackett William N V Male Perth
1945/100023 Perth Hailstone Florence Female Smith George Philip Male Mt Lawley
1945/100023 Perth Smith George Philip Male Hailstone Florence Female Mt Lawley
1945/100024 Perth Lewis Phyllis Winnifred Female Boalch Alfred Charles Male Perth
1945/100024 Perth Boalch Alfred Charles Male Lewis Phyllis Winnifred Female Perth
1944/100024 Perth Perejuan Coralie Joan Female Van Amstel Freddie Male Perth
1944/100024 Perth Van Amstel Freddie Male Perejuan Coralie Joan Female Perth
1945/100025 Perth Rodda Walter Male Mecklenburgh Margaret Caroline Female Perth
1945/100025 Perth Mecklenburgh Margaret Caroline Female Rodda Walter Male Perth
1945/100026 Perth Rice Louie Daphne Female Dicker Leonard William Charles Male Perth
1945/100026 Perth Dicker Leonard William Charles Male Rice Louie Daphne Female Perth
1944/100026 Perth Beeck Florence Annie Female Smith Alexander Male Perth
1944/100026 Perth Smith Alexander Male Beeck Florence Annie Female Perth
1944/100027 Perth Sumner Marjory Una Female Pierce Dwight Sanford Male Crawley
1945/100027 Perth Fowler Douglas John Male Jones Norah Irene Female Perth
1945/100027 Perth Jones Norah Irene Female Fowler Douglas John Male Perth
1944/100027 Perth Pierce Dwight Sanford Male Sumner Marjory Una Female Crawley
1945/100028 Perth Shields Eileen Joyce Female Reeve William Fordham Male Perth
1945/100028 Perth Reeve William Fordham Male Shields Eileen Joyce Female Perth
1944/100029 Perth Scally Elsie Mary Female Phillips Edward James Male Perth
1944/100029 Perth Phillips Edward James Male Scally Elsie Mary Female Perth
1945/100030 Perth Vassar Levi Gilbert Male Dix Jean Alice Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100030 Perth Dix Jean Alice Female Vassar Levi Gilbert Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100030 Perth Ryan Kathleen Mary Female Benninger Sydney Male Leederville
1944/100030 Perth Benninger Sydney Male Ryan Kathleen Mary Female Leederville
1945/100031 Perth Lydemont Ailsa Lilian Female Packwood Edward Andrew Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100031 Perth Packwood Edward Andrew Male Lydemont Ailsa Lilian Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100032 Perth Davis Harold Stanley Robert Male Rowland Dorothy Jean Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100032 Perth Rowland Dorothy Jean Female Davis Harold Stanley Robert Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100033 Perth Stark Edna Ivy Female MacLeod John Henry Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100033 Perth Ball Maxwell Whylie Male Tarr Thelma Blanche Female West Perth
1945/100033 Perth MacLeod John Henry Male Stark Edna Ivy Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100033 Perth Tarr Thelma Blanche Female Ball Maxwell Whylie Male West Perth
1944/100034 Perth Dickinson Ordeel Male Duffy Thelma Mary Patricia Female West Perth
1945/100034 Perth Anderson Muriel Helen Female Lovejoy Stanley Norman Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100034 Perth Duffy Thelma Mary Patricia Female Dickinson Ordeel Male West Perth
1945/100034 Perth Lovejoy Stanley Norman Male Anderson Muriel Helen Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100035 Perth Forward William George Male Hall Edwina Female South Perth
1945/100035 Perth Rule Ellen Female Hannett Edward Marsden Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100035 Perth Hall Edwina Female Forward William George Male South Perth
1945/100035 Perth Hannett Edward Marsden Male Rule Ellen Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100036 Perth Brabazon Claude Lennox Male Montague Mary Teresa Female Perth
1944/100036 Perth Montague Mary Teresa Female Brabazon Claude Lennox Male Perth
1945/100036 Perth Craig Mervyn Sinclair Male Payne Edna Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100036 Perth Payne Edna Female Craig Mervyn Sinclair Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100037 Perth Barron Charlotte Cecilia Female Green Albert Edgar Male Osborne Park
1945/100037 Perth Neill Louisa Kerr Female Harris Alfred John Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100037 Perth Harris Alfred John Male Neill Louisa Kerr Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100037 Perth Green Albert Edgar Male Barron Charlotte Cecilia Female Osborne Park
1944/100038 Perth Walster Horace John Male Dawson Marjorie Female Highgate Hill
1945/100038 Perth Luff Joyce Ivy Female Hanley James Irwin Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100038 Perth Hanley James Irwin Male Luff Joyce Ivy Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100038 Perth Dawson Marjorie Female Walster Horace John Male Highgate Hill
1944/100039 Perth Marchesi Arturo Male Conti Josephine Female Wanneroo
1944/100039 Perth Conti Josephine Female Marchesi Arturo Male Wanneroo
1945/100040 Perth Wells Max Hubert Male Stephens Ina Joy Female Maylands
1944/100040 Perth Ritchie Mary Female Barr David Lauchland Male Highgate Hill
1944/100040 Perth Barr David Lauchland Male Ritchie Mary Female Highgate Hill
1945/100040 Perth Stephens Ina Joy Female Wells Max Hubert Male Maylands
1944/100041 Perth Wightman Stanley John Male Swindell Vera Eileen Female Perth
1945/100041 Perth Hicks Hilda Jane Female Buckingham Thomas John Male Rosalie
1944/100041 Perth Swindell Vera Eileen Female Wightman Stanley John Male Perth
1945/100041 Perth Buckingham Thomas John Male Hicks Hilda Jane Female Rosalie
1944/100043 Perth Falls Eleanor Minnie Female Dench George Hereward Male Perth
1944/100043 Perth Dench George Hereward Male Falls Eleanor Minnie Female Perth
1944/100044 Perth Petersen Lorna May Female Pendergrast Clifford William Male Perth
1944/100044 Perth Pendergrast Clifford William Male Petersen Lorna May Female Perth
1944/100045 Perth Neal Walter Douglas Male Brooks Ailsa Female Perth
1945/100045 Perth Pusey Dapne Mary Female Buswell Frederick George Male South Perth
1944/100045 Perth Brooks Ailsa Female Neal Walter Douglas Male Perth
1945/100045 Perth Buswell Frederick George Male Pusey Dapne Mary Female South Perth
1944/100046 Perth Miller Patricia Ruth Female Krakouer Philip Charles Male Perth
1945/100046 Perth Meredith Violet Margaret Female Lyms John Cyril Male Perth
1945/100046 Perth Lyms John Cyril Male Meredith Violet Margaret Female Perth
1944/100046 Perth Krakouer Philip Charles Male Miller Patricia Ruth Female Perth
1944/100047 Perth Exley Berna Louisa Female Holmes Aubrey Jack Higgins Male Perth
1944/100047 Perth Holmes Aubrey Jack Higgins Male Exley Berna Louisa Female Perth
1945/100047 Perth Whiting Roma Bell Female Bratt Sidney John Male Subiaco
1945/100047 Perth Bratt Sidney John Male Whiting Roma Bell Female Subiaco
1944/100048 Perth Currie Richard Leroy Male Dawson Ellen Margaret Female West Perth
1944/100048 Perth Dawson Ellen Margaret Female Currie Richard Leroy Male West Perth
1944/100049 Perth de Groot Jan Male Jackson Yvonne Gabrielle Female Claremont
1944/100049 Perth Jackson Yvonne Gabrielle Female de Groot Jan Male Claremont
1944/100050 Perth Williams Ray Male Clappinson Kathleen Patricia Pauline Female Claremont
1944/100050 Perth Clappinson Kathleen Patricia Pauline Female Williams Ray Male Claremont
1945/100051 Perth Morrell Norma Jessie Female Bridger William Hugh Glanville Male Perth
1944/100051 Perth Board Victor Joseph Ladyman Male Howell Joyce Female Claremont
1944/100051 Perth Howell Joyce Female Board Victor Joseph Ladyman Male Claremont
1945/100051 Perth Bridger William Hugh Glanville Male Morrell Norma Jessie Female Perth
1945/100052 Perth Johnson Kathleen Female Tweedie James Male Perth
1944/100052 Perth Warnock Samuel Shaw Male Reynolds Hilda Viola Janet Female Claremont
1944/100052 Perth Reynolds Hilda Viola Janet Female Warnock Samuel Shaw Male Claremont
1945/100052 Perth Tweedie James Male Johnson Kathleen Female Perth
1945/100054 Perth Marshall Elizabeth Charlotte Female Gordon John Lambert Male West Perth
1945/100054 Perth Gordon John Lambert Male Marshall Elizabeth Charlotte Female West Perth
1945/100055 Perth Anderson George Richard Male Williams Madeleine Isobel Female West Perth
1945/100055 Perth Williams Madeleine Isobel Female Anderson George Richard Male West Perth
1944/100056 Perth Thompson Margaret Hunter Female Pratt Donald Scott Male Maylands
1944/100056 Perth Pratt Donald Scott Male Thompson Margaret Hunter Female Maylands
1944/100057 Perth Bullen Lesley Ethel Female Manns Francis George Male Perth
1944/100057 Perth Manns Francis George Male Bullen Lesley Ethel Female Perth
1944/100058 Perth White George Elliott Male Ainsworth Gwendoline Maude Female Perth
1944/100058 Perth Ainsworth Gwendoline Maude Female White George Elliott Male Perth
1944/100059 Perth Wickham Wallis Blair Male Sprunt Dorothy Jean Female Perth
1945/100059 Perth Taylor Gladys Lilian Female Prince James Edwin Male Cottesloe
1945/100059 Perth Prince James Edwin Male Taylor Gladys Lilian Female Cottesloe
1944/100059 Perth Sprunt Dorothy Jean Female Wickham Wallis Blair Male Perth
1944/100060 Perth Rinkus Tony Male Murray Joan Kathleen Female Perth
1944/100060 Perth Murray Joan Kathleen Female Rinkus Tony Male Perth
1944/100061 Perth Nichols Edith Mary Female Richardson Anthony William Male Perth
1944/100061 Perth Richardson Anthony William Male Nichols Edith Mary Female Perth
1944/100062 Perth Loverock Beryl Irene Female Prothero Henry David Male Perth
1944/100062 Perth Prothero Henry David Male Loverock Beryl Irene Female Perth
1944/100063 Perth Ellement Harold Herbert Male Cook Lorna Constance Female Perth
1944/100063 Perth Cook Lorna Constance Female Ellement Harold Herbert Male Perth
1944/100064 Perth Reddin Violet Grace Female Reid Michael McNeil Male Perth
1944/100064 Perth Reid Michael McNeil Male Reddin Violet Grace Female Perth
1944/100066 Perth Killick Lillian May Female Schoolcraft Leonard Duane Male Victoria Park
1944/100066 Perth Schoolcraft Leonard Duane Male Killick Lillian May Female Victoria Park
1945/100067 Perth Fawell Aubrey Laurence Male O'Brien Marjorie Female Subiaco
1944/100067 Perth Bagg Lila Theodora Female Rhoades Thomas George Male West Leederville
1944/100067 Perth Rhoades Thomas George Male Bagg Lila Theodora Female West Leederville
1945/100067 Perth O'Brien Marjorie Female Fawell Aubrey Laurence Male Subiaco
1944/100069 Perth Williams Norma Ethel Female Norman Albert John Male Perth
1944/100069 Perth Norman Albert John Male Williams Norma Ethel Female Perth
1944/100070 Perth Watson Ivy Doreen Female Cumming Alexander William Male Perth
1944/100070 Perth Cumming Alexander William Male Watson Ivy Doreen Female Perth
1944/100071 Perth Hayes William Thomas Male Merton Olive Muriel Female Perth
1944/100071 Perth Merton Olive Muriel Female Hayes William Thomas Male Perth
1944/100072 Perth Hooton Peggy Joan Female de Bijl Jean Joseph Gerard Male Perth
1944/100072 Perth de Bijl Jean Joseph Gerard Male Hooton Peggy Joan Female Perth
1944/100073 Perth Grigson Rita Joy Female Carr Newton Sidney Male Perth
1944/100073 Perth Carr Newton Sidney Male Grigson Rita Joy Female Perth
1944/100074 Perth Battermann Jacob Antonius Male Stewart Eileen Veronica Female South Perth
1944/100074 Perth Stewart Eileen Veronica Female Battermann Jacob Antonius Male South Perth
1944/100075 Perth Pilton Alfred Walter Male Laundy Doris Female West Perth
1944/100075 Perth Laundy Doris Female Pilton Alfred Walter Male West Perth
1944/100076 Perth Millington Harold Male Loane Mabel Grace Female Perth
1944/100076 Perth Loane Mabel Grace Female Millington Harold Male Perth
1944/100077 Perth Baker Keith Oscar Munro Male Webster Daisy Jean Female Perth
1944/100077 Perth Webster Daisy Jean Female Baker Keith Oscar Munro Male Perth
1944/100078 Perth Johnson Lillian Female Lawrence Leonard Harold Male Perth
1944/100078 Perth Lawrence Leonard Harold Male Johnson Lillian Female Perth
1944/100079 Perth O'Neill Ellen Mary Female Halden Leslie Charles Male Subiaco
1944/100079 Perth Halden Leslie Charles Male O'Neill Ellen Mary Female Subiaco
1944/100081 Perth Smith Ena Page Female Heggart Richard Peacocke Male Subiaco
1944/100081 Perth Heggart Richard Peacocke Male Smith Ena Page Female Subiaco
1944/100082 Perth Berad Abigail Female Stone Ronald Nathan Male Perth
1944/100082 Perth Stone Ronald Nathan Male Berad Abigail Female Perth
1944/100083 Perth Davis Emily Eleanor Female Lewis Thomas Henry Male Perth
1944/100083 Perth Lewis Thomas Henry Male Davis Emily Eleanor Female Perth
1944/100084 Perth Battams Robert James Male Longman Kathleen Alicia Female Perth
1944/100084 Perth Longman Kathleen Alicia Female Battams Robert James Male Perth
1944/100085 Perth Hoffman Robert James Male Zimdahl Eileen Frances Female Perth
1944/100085 Perth Zimdahl Eileen Frances Female Hoffman Robert James Male Perth
1944/100086 Perth Callanan Evelyn Carmel Female Nicholas Evan John Male Perth
1944/100086 Perth Nicholas Evan John Male Callanan Evelyn Carmel Female Perth
1944/100087 Perth Hoyne Cecilia Ethel Female Murphy Arthur Francis Male Perth
1944/100087 Perth Murphy Arthur Francis Male Hoyne Cecilia Ethel Female Perth
1944/100088 Perth Hopkins Doris Evelyn Female Bensley Samuel Arthur Male West Leederville
1944/100088 Perth Bensley Samuel Arthur Male Hopkins Doris Evelyn Female West Leederville
1944/100090 Perth Ovens Eric Meshach Male Kirchner Jean Evelyn Female Perth
1944/100090 Perth Kirchner Jean Evelyn Female Ovens Eric Meshach Male Perth
1944/100091 Perth Gardiner Albert Mervyn Male Brandis Edith May Female Perth
1944/100091 Perth Brandis Edith May Female Gardiner Albert Mervyn Male Perth
1944/100092 Perth Jennings Albert Graham Male Stuart Judy Elizabeth Female Perth
1944/100092 Perth Stuart Judy Elizabeth Female Jennings Albert Graham Male Perth
1944/100093 Perth Davis Harbert Middleton Male Pow Peggy Mary Female Perth
1944/100093 Perth Pow Peggy Mary Female Davis Harbert Middleton Male Perth
1944/100094 Perth Miller Iris Female Drake Kingsley Clarence Male Perth
1945/100094 Perth Trainer Reita May Female Peters Ronald Llewelyn Male West Perth
1944/100094 Perth Drake Kingsley Clarence Male Miller Iris Female Perth
1945/100094 Perth Peters Ronald Llewelyn Male Trainer Reita May Female West Perth
1944/100096 Perth Bailey Alice Ethel Female Westhoff Hendrik Willem Male Perth
1944/100096 Perth Westhoff Hendrik Willem Male Bailey Alice Ethel Female Perth
1945/100097 Perth Murray Alma Maud Female Iles Donald Henry Male Perth
1945/100097 Perth Iles Donald Henry Male Murray Alma Maud Female Perth
1944/100097 Perth Mallett Allan Male Vracknos Kathleen Female Perth
1944/100097 Perth Vracknos Kathleen Female Mallett Allan Male Perth
1944/100098 Perth Dungey Shirley Female Brechin Maxwell Alexander Male South Perth
1944/100098 Perth Brechin Maxwell Alexander Male Dungey Shirley Female South Perth
1944/100099 Perth Bell Mary Matilda Female Longbottom John Stephen Male Victoria Park
1944/100099 Perth Longbottom John Stephen Male Bell Mary Matilda Female Victoria Park
1944/100100 Perth Owens Spencer Dale Male Gervase Mary Winifred Female East Victoria Park
1944/100100 Perth Gervase Mary Winifred Female Owens Spencer Dale Male East Victoria Park
1944/100101 Perth Shove Barbara Joan Female Donovan Joseph Vincent Male East Victoria Park
1944/100101 Perth Donovan Joseph Vincent Male Shove Barbara Joan Female East Victoria Park
1944/100102 Perth Tanner Harry Edward Male Galbraith Muriel Rose Female Subiaco
1944/100102 Perth Galbraith Muriel Rose Female Tanner Harry Edward Male Subiaco
1944/100103 Perth Feenstra Jan Male White Betty Female West Perth
1944/100103 Perth White Betty Female Feenstra Jan Male West Perth
1944/100104 Perth Strickland Bernard Lovegrove Male Castledine Kathleen Mary Female West Perth
1944/100104 Perth Castledine Kathleen Mary Female Strickland Bernard Lovegrove Male West Perth
1944/100105 Perth McLennan Colin Campbell Male Curtis Denise Maude Female West Perth
1944/100105 Perth Curtis Denise Maude Female McLennan Colin Campbell Male West Perth
1944/100106 Perth Mann Kenneth Joseph Henry Male Clemie Marion Banbury Female West Perth
1944/100106 Perth Clemie Marion Banbury Female Mann Kenneth Joseph Henry Male West Perth
1944/100107 Perth Smith Patricia Selwyn Female Watts Clement Francis Male West Perth
1944/100107 Perth Watts Clement Francis Male Smith Patricia Selwyn Female West Perth
1944/100108 Perth Goudge James Arnett Male Kimberley Adelaide Lillian Female Perth
1944/100108 Perth Kimberley Adelaide Lillian Female Goudge James Arnett Male Perth
1944/100109 Perth Bruce Alice Dorenda Female Hay Leslie Harry Male Perth
1944/100109 Perth Hay Leslie Harry Male Bruce Alice Dorenda Female Perth
1944/100110 Perth Mitchell Charles Male Scott Aileen Frances Mary Female Victoria Park
1944/100110 Perth Scott Aileen Frances Mary Female Mitchell Charles Male Victoria Park
1944/100111 Perth Seabrook Dorothy Female Morgan David Yolland Male Victoria Park
1944/100111 Perth Morgan David Yolland Male Seabrook Dorothy Female Victoria Park
1944/100112 Perth Payne Eric John Male Brand Kathleen Annie Female Mount Lawley
1944/100112 Perth Brand Kathleen Annie Female Payne Eric John Male Mount Lawley
1944/100113 Perth Worner Mary Patricia Female Smith William Phillip Male Subiaco
1944/100113 Perth Smith William Phillip Male Worner Mary Patricia Female Subiaco
1944/100114 Perth Buddee Paul Edgar Male Bremner Elizabeth Vere Female Mt Lawley
1944/100114 Perth Bremner Elizabeth Vere Female Buddee Paul Edgar Male Mt Lawley
1944/100115 Perth Martyr Audrey Dolores Female Zietse Hans Male Mt Lawley
1944/100115 Perth Zietse Hans Male Martyr Audrey Dolores Female Mt Lawley
1944/100116 Perth Davis Douglas Male Ashmore Eva Florence Female Perth
1944/100116 Perth Ashmore Eva Florence Female Davis Douglas Male Perth
1944/100117 Perth Cook Walter Male Saleeba Mary Ethel Female Perth
1944/100117 Perth Saleeba Mary Ethel Female Cook Walter Male Perth
1944/100118 Perth Cunningham Philip McClure Male Dickson Phyllis Audrey Female Perth
1944/100118 Perth Dickson Phyllis Audrey Female Cunningham Philip McClure Male Perth
1944/100119 Perth Gibson Jack Male Day Marjorie Yvonne Female Nedlands
1944/100119 Perth Day Marjorie Yvonne Female Gibson Jack Male Nedlands
1944/100120 Perth Launder Arthur Sporton Male Tretheway Vivienne Jean Female Perth
1944/100120 Perth Tretheway Vivienne Jean Female Launder Arthur Sporton Male Perth
1944/100121 Perth Hodgson Winnifred Maud Female Chesson John Edward Male Perth
1944/100121 Perth Chesson John Edward Male Hodgson Winnifred Maud Female Perth
1944/100122 Perth Hicks Charles William Male Haigh Constance Margaret Female Perth
1944/100122 Perth Haigh Constance Margaret Female Hicks Charles William Male Perth
1944/100123 Perth O'Keefe George Male Griggs Adelaide Sylvia Female Perth
1944/100123 Perth Griggs Adelaide Sylvia Female O'Keefe George Male Perth
1944/100124 Perth Fewings Ernest Henry Male Stewart Euphemia Millar Female Perth
1944/100124 Perth Stewart Euphemia Millar Female Fewings Ernest Henry Male Perth
1944/100125 Perth McGuigan John Edward Male Seymour June Lesley Female Perth
1944/100125 Perth Seymour June Lesley Female McGuigan John Edward Male Perth
1944/100126 Perth Wheeler Frederick Ernest Reginald Male Hansen Bessie Christina Female Perth
1944/100126 Perth Hansen Bessie Christina Female Wheeler Frederick Ernest Reginald Male Perth
1944/100127 Perth Whipple Doyle Hildrith Male Walker Roma Florence Female Perth
1944/100127 Perth Walker Roma Florence Female Whipple Doyle Hildrith Male Perth
1944/100128 Perth Paine Edward Harold Male Foster Dora Alice Female Perth
1944/100128 Perth Foster Dora Alice Female Paine Edward Harold Male Perth
1944/100129 Perth Giacone Guglielmo Male Bishop Alice Elizabeth Female Perth
1944/100129 Perth Bishop Alice Elizabeth Female Giacone Guglielmo Male Perth
1944/100130 Perth Carr Amy Kathleen Female McConkey Leslie Thomas Male Maylands
1944/100130 Perth McConkey Leslie Thomas Male Carr Amy Kathleen Female Maylands
1944/100131 Perth Couper Iona Female Frearson Archibald Robert Male Perth
1944/100131 Perth Frearson Archibald Robert Male Couper Iona Female Perth
1944/100132 Perth Simpson Joseph Patrick Male Bagley Teresa Marguerite Female Perth
1944/100132 Perth Bagley Teresa Marguerite Female Simpson Joseph Patrick Male Perth
1944/100133 Perth Nealy Joyce Female Devlin Brian Male Perth
1944/100133 Perth Devlin Brian Male Nealy Joyce Female Perth
1944/100134 Perth O'Hare Francis John Male O'Hanlon Sheila Mary Female Perth
1944/100134 Perth O'Hanlon Sheila Mary Female O'Hare Francis John Male Perth
1944/100135 Perth Horne Cedric Alfred Venner Male Coleman Bettie Eileen Female Perth
1944/100135 Perth Coleman Bettie Eileen Female Horne Cedric Alfred Venner Male Perth
1945/100135 Perth Barber Hugh James Male Thomson Dorothy Jean Female Cottesloe
1945/100135 Perth Thomson Dorothy Jean Female Barber Hugh James Male Cottesloe
1944/100136 Perth Bell Frank Male Wardle Minnie Evelyn Female Perth
1944/100136 Perth Wardle Minnie Evelyn Female Bell Frank Male Perth
1944/100137 Perth Chapman Mary Patricia Female Barrow John Leighton Male Perth
1944/100137 Perth Barrow John Leighton Male Chapman Mary Patricia Female Perth
1944/100138 Perth Lear Cecil Roy Male Hackshaw Eileen Mary Female Perth
1944/100138 Perth Hackshaw Eileen Mary Female Lear Cecil Roy Male Perth
1944/100139 Perth Pash Lawrence Clifford Male Molloy Ellen Alice Teresa Female Perth
1944/100139 Perth Molloy Ellen Alice Teresa Female Pash Lawrence Clifford Male Perth
1944/100140 Perth Wood Marian Jane Female Dartnall John Henry Lloyd Male Perth
1944/100140 Perth Dartnall John Henry Lloyd Male Wood Marian Jane Female Perth
1944/100141 Perth Long Margaret Elsie Female Johnson Charles Emil Male South Perth
1944/100141 Perth Johnson Charles Emil Male Long Margaret Elsie Female South Perth
1944/100142 Perth Byron Arthur Ernest Male Virgin Laurel Grace Female West Leederville
1944/100142 Perth Virgin Laurel Grace Female Byron Arthur Ernest Male West Leederville
1944/100143 Perth Cain Charles Elmer Male Murray Betty Female Claremont
1944/100143 Perth Murray Betty Female Cain Charles Elmer Male Claremont
1944/100144 Perth Bowden Joseph Douglas Male Nielsen Lois Grace Walden Female Claremont
1944/100144 Perth Nielsen Lois Grace Walden Female Bowden Joseph Douglas Male Claremont
1944/100145 Perth Howrie Hilda Henson Female Lawrence Keith Francis Male Perth
1944/100145 Perth Lawrence Keith Francis Male Howrie Hilda Henson Female Perth
1944/100146 Perth Abbott Mary Gertrude Female Smith Harold George Male Perth
1944/100146 Perth Smith Harold George Male Abbott Mary Gertrude Female Perth
1944/100147 Perth Williams Dorothy Female Christmass Donald Cecil Male West Perth
1944/100147 Perth Christmass Donald Cecil Male Williams Dorothy Female West Perth
1944/100148 Perth Bridson Ruby Violet Beatrice Female Tasker Clarence George Male Nth Perth
1944/100148 Perth Tasker Clarence George Male Bridson Ruby Violet Beatrice Female Nth Perth
1944/100149 Perth Barndon John Alex Male Martin Millicent Muriel Female Mt Lawley
1944/100149 Perth Martin Millicent Muriel Female Barndon John Alex Male Mt Lawley
1944/100150 Perth Wheeler Stella Agnes Female Fernihough Stanley George Male Perth
1944/100150 Perth Fernihough Stanley George Male Wheeler Stella Agnes Female Perth
1944/100151 Perth Hartlieb Willem Male Cramp Edith Mary Female Perth
1944/100151 Perth Cramp Edith Mary Female Hartlieb Willem Male Perth
1944/100152 Perth Dyson Clifford Bradshaw Male Sedgmen Joan Female Perth
1944/100152 Perth Sedgmen Joan Female Dyson Clifford Bradshaw Male Perth
1944/100153 Perth Castle Myra Emma Female Sewell Reginald Congrove Male Perth
1944/100153 Perth Sewell Reginald Congrove Male Castle Myra Emma Female Perth
1944/100154 Perth Gardiner Robert James Male Carpenter Audrey June Female Subiaco
1944/100154 Perth Carpenter Audrey June Female Gardiner Robert James Male Subiaco
1944/100156 Perth Howitt Elsie Valma Female Arnold Milfred Elmore Male Nth Perth
1944/100156 Perth Arnold Milfred Elmore Male Howitt Elsie Valma Female Nth Perth
1944/100157 Perth Pinker Richard Arthur Male Gwynne Ida Violet Female Perth
1944/100157 Perth Gwynne Ida Violet Female Pinker Richard Arthur Male Perth
1944/100158 Perth Dedman Roderick Noel Male Maxwell Marguerite Jean Female Perth
1944/100158 Perth Maxwell Marguerite Jean Female Dedman Roderick Noel Male Perth
1944/100159 Perth Skeels Dorothy Edna Female Sutherland Henry John Male Perth
1944/100159 Perth Sutherland Henry John Male Skeels Dorothy Edna Female Perth
1944/100160 Perth Sturrock Greigh William Male Binns Jacqueline Phyllis Female Perth
1944/100160 Perth Binns Jacqueline Phyllis Female Sturrock Greigh William Male Perth
1944/100161 Perth Weaver Myrtle May Female Bennett James Male Perth
1944/100161 Perth Bennett James Male Weaver Myrtle May Female Perth
1944/100162 Perth Lee Lillian Golda Female Vickers Harry John Male Perth
1944/100162 Perth Vickers Harry John Male Lee Lillian Golda Female Perth
1944/100163 Perth Kilmurray Cyril William James Male Baxter Mary Edith Female Perth
1944/100163 Perth Baxter Mary Edith Female Kilmurray Cyril William James Male Perth
1944/100164 Perth Richards Irene Female Simpson Patrick Desmond Male Perth
1944/100164 Perth Simpson Patrick Desmond Male Richards Irene Female Perth
1944/100165 Perth McClure James Roy Gordon Male Milne Annie Jean Female Perth
1944/100165 Perth Milne Annie Jean Female McClure James Roy Gordon Male Perth
1944/100166 Perth Richardson Erle John Male Aitken Jean Female Perth
1944/100166 Perth Aitken Jean Female Richardson Erle John Male Perth
1944/100167 Perth Pymont Irene Thelma Female Braimbridge Jack Male Victoria Park
1944/100167 Perth Braimbridge Jack Male Pymont Irene Thelma Female Victoria Park
1944/100168 Perth Brinkhuis Antoni Jacobus Male Silverwood Audrey Merle Female Perth
1944/100168 Perth Silverwood Audrey Merle Female Brinkhuis Antoni Jacobus Male Perth
1944/100169 Perth Fearn Sydney Robert Male Wheaton Laurel Faith Female Perth
1944/100169 Perth Wheaton Laurel Faith Female Fearn Sydney Robert Male Perth
1944/100170 Perth Joynes Marjorie Jean Female Usher Percival John Male Perth
1944/100170 Perth Usher Percival John Male Joynes Marjorie Jean Female Perth
1944/100171 Perth Donohoe Dorothy Minna Female McCudden Redmond Martin Male Perth
1944/100171 Perth McCudden Redmond Martin Male Donohoe Dorothy Minna Female Perth
1944/100172 Perth Loaring Betty Verna Female Bonner James Melvin Male Perth
1944/100172 Perth Bonner James Melvin Male Loaring Betty Verna Female Perth
1944/100173 Perth Schmidt Ernest Henry Male Tucker Thelma Leefe Female Perth
1944/100173 Perth Tucker Thelma Leefe Female Schmidt Ernest Henry Male Perth
1944/100174 Perth Hooks Woodrow Robert Male Richards Violet Eliza Female Perth
1944/100174 Perth Richards Violet Eliza Female Hooks Woodrow Robert Male Perth
1944/100175 Perth Gilbert Alma Maud Female Frazer-Wood Ian Hamilton Male Perth
1944/100175 Perth Frazer-Wood Ian Hamilton Male Gilbert Alma Maud Female Perth
1944/100176 Perth Beech Bessie May Female Visscher Johan Male Perth
1944/100176 Perth Visscher Johan Male Beech Bessie May Female Perth
1944/100177 Perth Christie Freda Evelyn Female Parker Norman Lewis Male Perth
1944/100177 Perth Parker Norman Lewis Male Christie Freda Evelyn Female Perth
1944/100178 Perth Lawrence Mavis Doreen Female Akeman Robert Bruce Male Perth
1944/100178 Perth Akeman Robert Bruce Male Lawrence Mavis Doreen Female Perth
1944/100179 Perth Brooker John William Male Winnett Dorothy Emma Female Perth
1944/100179 Perth Winnett Dorothy Emma Female Brooker John William Male Perth
1944/100180 Perth Hall Clisby John Male Radford Eveline Bemrose Female Perth
1944/100180 Perth Radford Eveline Bemrose Female Hall Clisby John Male Perth
1944/100181 Perth Lang Godfrey William Male Freeman Eva May Female Perth
1944/100181 Perth Freeman Eva May Female Lang Godfrey William Male Perth
1944/100182 Perth Martin Alfred John Male Mann Jessica Marian Female Highgate Hill
1944/100182 Perth Mann Jessica Marian Female Martin Alfred John Male Highgate Hill
1944/100183 Perth Date John Cornwallis Male Dann Jean Iris Female Cottesloe
1944/100183 Perth Dann Jean Iris Female Date John Cornwallis Male Cottesloe
1944/100184 Perth Coops Iris Noreen Female Blaxell Alan Robert Male Perth
1944/100184 Perth Blaxell Alan Robert Male Coops Iris Noreen Female Perth
1944/100187 Perth Jackson Albert Henry Male Ellard Agnes Hannah Female Maylands
1944/100187 Perth Ellard Agnes Hannah Female Jackson Albert Henry Male Maylands
1944/100188 Perth Turnbull Lachlan Neil Male Allen Marjory May Female Maylands
1944/100188 Perth Allen Marjory May Female Turnbull Lachlan Neil Male Maylands
1944/100189 Perth Carlisle Clarence Albert Male Fitzpatrick Phyllis Eileen Female Victoria Park
1944/100189 Perth Fitzpatrick Phyllis Eileen Female Carlisle Clarence Albert Male Victoria Park
1944/100190 Perth Perry Lorna Mary Female Lakides Emanuel Male Perth
1944/100190 Perth Lakides Emanuel Male Perry Lorna Mary Female Perth
1944/100191 Perth Harris Norma Female Bruce Robert Ernest Male West Leederville
1944/100191 Perth Bruce Robert Ernest Male Harris Norma Female West Leederville
1944/100192 Perth Campbell Jean Female Woodbrook Henry Edwin Male Perth
1944/100192 Perth Woodbrook Henry Edwin Male Campbell Jean Female Perth
1944/100193 Perth Smith Patricia Cowdy Female Dennis Egbert Male Perth
1944/100193 Perth Dennis Egbert Male Smith Patricia Cowdy Female Perth
1944/100194 Perth Wood Edward Male Ashley Rosa Marie Alice Female Carlisle
1944/100194 Perth Ashley Rosa Marie Alice Female Wood Edward Male Carlisle
1944/100195 Perth Smith John Thomas Male Murphy Lillian Elizabeth Female W Leederville
1944/100195 Perth Murphy Lillian Elizabeth Female Smith John Thomas Male W Leederville
1944/100196 Perth Glaskin Jean Margaret Female Harrington Norman Edwin Male Subiaco
1944/100196 Perth Harrington Norman Edwin Male Glaskin Jean Margaret Female Subiaco
1944/100197 Perth Ryan Annie Jane Female Brown Reginald Allan Male Subiaco
1944/100197 Perth Brown Reginald Allan Male Ryan Annie Jane Female Subiaco
1944/100198 Perth Davis Ruth Female Burston Percival John Male West Perth
1944/100198 Perth Burston Percival John Male Davis Ruth Female West Perth
1944/100199 Perth Mileham William Male Litherland Selma Lillian Female West Perth
1944/100199 Perth Litherland Selma Lillian Female Mileham William Male West Perth
1944/100200 Perth Preston Fred Robert Male Wolfenden Annie Louisa Female Subiaco
1944/100200 Perth Wolfenden Annie Louisa Female Preston Fred Robert Male Subiaco
1944/100201 Perth Anderton Harry Albert Male Davies Florence May Female Subiaco
1944/100201 Perth Davies Florence May Female Anderton Harry Albert Male Subiaco
1944/100202 Perth Donald Marion Louise Female Burgin George Arthur Male South Perth
1944/100202 Perth Burgin George Arthur Male Donald Marion Louise Female South Perth
1944/100203 Perth Johnson Peter Bernard Male May Ethel Marion Female Perth
1944/100203 Perth May Ethel Marion Female Johnson Peter Bernard Male Perth
1944/100204 Perth Young Roy Forbes Male Mercer Marjorie Winifred Female Nth Perth
1944/100204 Perth Mercer Marjorie Winifred Female Young Roy Forbes Male Nth Perth
1944/100205 Perth Hambley Nellie Emma Female Robins James Male Perth
1944/100205 Perth Robins James Male Hambley Nellie Emma Female Perth
1944/100206 Perth Wilson Phyllis Female Hallman Leland Colquit Male Perth
1944/100206 Perth Hallman Leland Colquit Male Wilson Phyllis Female Perth
1944/100207 Perth van der Breggen Frederik Male Rossiter Kathleen Wanda Lilley Female Perth
1944/100207 Perth Rossiter Kathleen Wanda Lilley Female van der Breggen Frederik Male Perth
1944/100208 Perth Allen Mollie Edith Female Human Joseph Brown Male Perth
1944/100208 Perth Human Joseph Brown Male Allen Mollie Edith Female Perth
1944/100209 Perth Chapman Winifred May Female Dennis Ronald George Male Perth
1944/100209 Perth Dennis Ronald George Male Chapman Winifred May Female Perth
1945/100209 Perth Freeman-Smith Lydia Elizabeth Susanna Female Hudson George Fisher Male Claremont
1945/100209 Perth Hudson George Fisher Male Freeman-Smith Lydia Elizabeth Susanna Female Claremont
1944/100210 Perth Saner Donald Emerson Male Watson Joyce Olive Female Perth
1944/100210 Perth Watson Joyce Olive Female Saner Donald Emerson Male Perth
1944/100211 Perth O'Neill Richard Hughie Male Thomas Phyllis Pearl Female Perth
1944/100211 Perth Thomas Phyllis Pearl Female O'Neill Richard Hughie Male Perth
1944/100212 Perth Jardine Murray Douglas Male Burns Elizabeth Female Perth
1944/100212 Perth Burns Elizabeth Female Jardine Murray Douglas Male Perth
1944/100213 Perth Ugle Leah Female Isaacs Wallace Frederick Male Perth
1944/100213 Perth Isaacs Wallace Frederick Male Ugle Leah Female Perth
1944/100214 Perth Kerrison Ronald George Fredrick Male Jose Patricia Grace Female Perth
1944/100214 Perth Jose Patricia Grace Female Kerrison Ronald George Fredrick Male Perth
1944/100215 Perth Coleman Joan Gladys Lily Female Hillman Frank Kitchener Male Perth
1944/100215 Perth Hillman Frank Kitchener Male Coleman Joan Gladys Lily Female Perth
1944/100216 Perth Stephen Betty Norma Female Collier Avery Bishop Male Perth
1944/100216 Perth Collier Avery Bishop Male Stephen Betty Norma Female Perth
1944/100217 Perth Weller Gordon Male Jeapes Doris Winifred Female Perth
1944/100217 Perth Jeapes Doris Winifred Female Weller Gordon Male Perth
1944/100218 Perth Jones Betty Lena Female Baker Robert Allen Male Perth
1944/100218 Perth Baker Robert Allen Male Jones Betty Lena Female Perth
1944/100220 Perth Mulder John Albert Male Williams Jean Female Perth
1944/100220 Perth Williams Jean Female Mulder John Albert Male Perth
1944/100221 Perth Brooks Joyce Cicely Female Vance David William John Male Perth
1944/100221 Perth Vance David William John Male Brooks Joyce Cicely Female Perth
1944/100222 Perth Price June Hilary Female Headington Wesley Llewellyn Male Perth
1944/100222 Perth Headington Wesley Llewellyn Male Price June Hilary Female Perth
1944/100223 Perth Brankstone Henry Vere Male Gibbs Dora May Female Perth
1944/100223 Perth Gibbs Dora May Female Brankstone Henry Vere Male Perth
1944/100224 Perth Deveson Maurice Male Hart Audrey Joyce Female Perth
1944/100224 Perth Hart Audrey Joyce Female Deveson Maurice Male Perth
1944/100225 Perth Hess Rosalind Elizabeth Dorothy Female Jauncey Reginald Male Perth
1944/100225 Perth Jauncey Reginald Male Hess Rosalind Elizabeth Dorothy Female Perth
1944/100226 Perth Taylor Peggy Female Miller William Edward Male Perth
1944/100226 Perth Miller William Edward Male Taylor Peggy Female Perth
1944/100227 Perth Birtles Marjorie Jean Female Lewis James Arthur Frederick Giffen Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100227 Perth Lewis James Arthur Frederick Giffen Male Birtles Marjorie Jean Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100228 Perth Hard George Edward Male Tutt Betty Josephine Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100228 Perth Tutt Betty Josephine Female Hard George Edward Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100229 Perth Mullett Walter George Male Angell Loris Female Perth
1944/100229 Perth Angell Loris Female Mullett Walter George Male Perth
1944/100230 Perth Woods Jack Lloyd Male Osboine Phyllis Irene Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100230 Perth Osboine Phyllis Irene Female Woods Jack Lloyd Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100231 Perth Napier Donald Hastings Male Edwards Verna May Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100231 Perth Edwards Verna May Female Napier Donald Hastings Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100232 Perth Guilbert Nellie Mavis Female Percival Frank Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100232 Perth Percival Frank Male Guilbert Nellie Mavis Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100233 Perth Henning-Tvermoes Hans Male Mitchell Jessie Constance Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100233 Perth Mitchell Jessie Constance Female Henning-Tvermoes Hans Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100234 Perth Stone Margaret Sophia Female Gribble Horace Hector John Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100234 Perth Gribble Horace Hector John Male Stone Margaret Sophia Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100235 Perth Cook Thomas Henry Male Walker Phyllis Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100235 Perth Walker Phyllis Female Cook Thomas Henry Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100236 Perth Riches Lyndsay Esmond Male Pick Ivy Maude Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100236 Perth Pick Ivy Maude Female Riches Lyndsay Esmond Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100237 Perth Judges John Martin Male Halliday Betty Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100237 Perth Halliday Betty Female Judges John Martin Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100238 Perth Truscott Mildred Esmé Female Smithson Desmond Royce Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100238 Perth Smithson Desmond Royce Male Truscott Mildred Esmé Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100239 Perth Leuba Gladys Doris Female Verhoeven Wouter Johannes Male West Perth
1944/100239 Perth Verhoeven Wouter Johannes Male Leuba Gladys Doris Female West Perth
1944/100240 Perth Jacob Cecil David Male Cooke Thelma Eva Female Cottesloe
1944/100240 Perth Cooke Thelma Eva Female Jacob Cecil David Male Cottesloe
1944/100241 Perth Paull Florence Edith Female Bell Percival James Male Maylands
1944/100241 Perth Bell Percival James Male Paull Florence Edith Female Maylands
1944/100242 Perth Crutchett Juliette Rosamonde Female Vince Alfred Percy Male Inglewood
1944/100242 Perth Vince Alfred Percy Male Crutchett Juliette Rosamonde Female Inglewood
1945/100242 Perth Warren Alan Herbert James Male Marshall Margaret Josephine Female Claremont
1945/100242 Perth Marshall Margaret Josephine Female Warren Alan Herbert James Male Claremont
1944/100243 Perth Maggard Ronald James Male Otley Joan Emmeline Female Perth
1944/100243 Perth Otley Joan Emmeline Female Maggard Ronald James Male Perth
1944/100244 Perth Schneider Alfred Male Steele May Emily Female Perth
1944/100244 Perth Steele May Emily Female Schneider Alfred Male Perth
1944/100245 Perth Parks Ethel Hannah Female Sayers Jack Male Mosman Park
1944/100245 Perth Sayers Jack Male Parks Ethel Hannah Female Mosman Park
1944/100246 Perth Mills Eric William Male Leverington Barbara Eileen Female Perth
1944/100246 Perth Leverington Barbara Eileen Female Mills Eric William Male Perth
1944/100247 Perth Chambers John Sydney Male Williams Doris May Female Subiaco
1944/100247 Perth Williams Doris May Female Chambers John Sydney Male Subiaco
1944/100248 Perth Nicholls Grace Mary Female Wilmot Charles Henry Male Victoria Park
1944/100248 Perth Wilmot Charles Henry Male Nicholls Grace Mary Female Victoria Park
1944/100249 Perth Pepperell John Alexander Male Rogers Enid Female Victoria Park
1944/100249 Perth Rogers Enid Female Pepperell John Alexander Male Victoria Park
1944/100250 Perth Horne Robert Gordon Male Collins Zelma Mary Female Perth
1944/100250 Perth Collins Zelma Mary Female Horne Robert Gordon Male Perth
1944/100251 Perth Joyce Anthony Francis Male Hedges Betty Mary Female Perth
1944/100251 Perth Hedges Betty Mary Female Joyce Anthony Francis Male Perth
1944/100252 Perth Devereux Desmond Male Hodgson Iris Female Nedlands
1944/100252 Perth Hodgson Iris Female Devereux Desmond Male Nedlands
1944/100253 Perth Parker Muriel Grace Female Dunn Ivan Lindsay Male Nedlands
1944/100253 Perth Dunn Ivan Lindsay Male Parker Muriel Grace Female Nedlands
1944/100254 Perth Ntontos Ilias Male Pickett Cecelia Female Perth
1944/100254 Perth Pickett Cecelia Female Ntontos Ilias Male Perth
1944/100255 Perth Price Wilda Dawn Female Tinsley Carl Ashley Male Perth
1944/100255 Perth Tinsley Carl Ashley Male Price Wilda Dawn Female Perth
1944/100256 Perth Hatfield Donald Edgar Male Woosnam Kathleen Hope Female Perth
1944/100256 Perth Woosnam Kathleen Hope Female Hatfield Donald Edgar Male Perth
1944/100257 Perth Stow Neville Frederic Male Doyle Leah Eileen Female Perth
1944/100257 Perth Doyle Leah Eileen Female Stow Neville Frederic Male Perth
1944/100258 Perth Pritchard Lesley Vera Female Starcevich George Male Highgate Hill
1944/100258 Perth Starcevich George Male Pritchard Lesley Vera Female Highgate Hill
1944/100259 Perth Rinaldi Norma Catherine Female Rossiter John Leonard Male Highgate Hill
1944/100259 Perth Rossiter John Leonard Male Rinaldi Norma Catherine Female Highgate Hill
1944/100260 Perth Russell Bernadette Veronica Female O'Reilly John Joseph Male Highgate Hill
1944/100260 Perth O'Reilly John Joseph Male Russell Bernadette Veronica Female Highgate Hill
1944/100261 Perth Colreavy Peter Matthew Male Monaghan Bernadette Sheila Female Highgate Hill
1944/100261 Perth Monaghan Bernadette Sheila Female Colreavy Peter Matthew Male Highgate Hill
1944/100262 Perth McIntyre Bruce Kingsley Male Magee Elsie Violet Amphlett Female Perth
1944/100262 Perth Magee Elsie Violet Amphlett Female McIntyre Bruce Kingsley Male Perth
1944/100263 Perth McGuckin Patricia Hellen Female Sermon Kenneth Ronald Male West Perth
1944/100263 Perth Sermon Kenneth Ronald Male McGuckin Patricia Hellen Female West Perth
1944/100264 Perth Spark Malcolm Maxwell Male Searle Willetta Nola Florence Female West Perth
1944/100264 Perth Searle Willetta Nola Florence Female Spark Malcolm Maxwell Male West Perth
1944/100265 Perth Wake Ronald Francis Male Buck Joan Roselia Female West Perth
1944/100265 Perth Buck Joan Roselia Female Wake Ronald Francis Male West Perth
1944/100266 Perth Monkman Letitia Female Houghton Frederick William Male Perth
1944/100266 Perth Houghton Frederick William Male Monkman Letitia Female Perth
1944/100267 Perth Lee Allan Archie Male Rosevere Mildred Evelyn Female Perth
1944/100267 Perth Rosevere Mildred Evelyn Female Lee Allan Archie Male Perth
1944/100268 Perth Curwood Arthur Charles Male Stanley Winifred Isabel Female Perth
1944/100268 Perth Stanley Winifred Isabel Female Curwood Arthur Charles Male Perth
1944/100269 Perth Bond Ruby Catherine Female Culverhouse William Henry Male Perth
1944/100269 Perth Culverhouse William Henry Male Bond Ruby Catherine Female Perth
1944/100270 Perth Tsakalos Marko Male Dodd Grace Thelma Mary Female Perth
1944/100270 Perth Dodd Grace Thelma Mary Female Tsakalos Marko Male Perth
1944/100271 Perth Tree Claire Female Pember Roy Albert Male Perth
1944/100271 Perth Pember Roy Albert Male Tree Claire Female Perth
1944/100272 Perth Ecclestone Susan Dorothy Female Kirkham John Willem Male Perth
1944/100272 Perth Kirkham John Willem Male Ecclestone Susan Dorothy Female Perth
1944/100273 Perth Davidson Dorothy Margaret Female Walsh Lloyd Male Leederville
1944/100273 Perth Walsh Lloyd Male Davidson Dorothy Margaret Female Leederville
1944/100274 Perth Gepp Patricia Carol Female Zarzecki Henry Joseph Male Cottesloe
1944/100274 Perth Zarzecki Henry Joseph Male Gepp Patricia Carol Female Cottesloe
1944/100275 Perth Cattell Minnie Joyce Female Sharpe Richard William Male Perth
1944/100275 Perth Sharpe Richard William Male Cattell Minnie Joyce Female Perth
1944/100276 Perth Petrides Annetia George Female Grimaldi Alfred Umberto Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100276 Perth Grimaldi Alfred Umberto Male Petrides Annetia George Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100277 Perth Whitby Jean Margaret Female McInerheney James Vincent Anthony Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100277 Perth McInerheney James Vincent Anthony Male Whitby Jean Margaret Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100278 Perth Howard Josephine May Female McMeekin Thomas Oliver Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100278 Perth McMeekin Thomas Oliver Male Howard Josephine May Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100279 Perth Anderson Charles John Male Jeffery Gwendolene Phyllis Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100279 Perth Jeffery Gwendolene Phyllis Female Anderson Charles John Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100280 Perth Marshall Harold Godwin Male Ewing Katherine Joyce Female North Perth
1944/100280 Perth Ewing Katherine Joyce Female Marshall Harold Godwin Male North Perth
1944/100281 Perth Marnham Oriel May Female Lynch Clement Patrick Male West Perth
1944/100281 Perth Lynch Clement Patrick Male Marnham Oriel May Female West Perth
1944/100282 Perth Farmaner Harold Frederick Glyde Male Devenish Ethel Bion Female Perth
1944/100282 Perth Devenish Ethel Bion Female Farmaner Harold Frederick Glyde Male Perth
1944/100283 Perth Liddicut Alfred John Male Grosvenor Gloria Joan Female Perth
1944/100283 Perth Grosvenor Gloria Joan Female Liddicut Alfred John Male Perth
1944/100284 Perth Adam-Walter Valerie May Female Bee Charles Walcott Male Perth
1944/100284 Perth Bee Charles Walcott Male Adam-Walter Valerie May Female Perth
1944/100285 Perth Holmes Cecil Newman Male Armstrong Olive Ethel Female Perth
1944/100285 Perth Armstrong Olive Ethel Female Holmes Cecil Newman Male Perth
1944/100286 Perth Evill Stanley John Male Jackson Nancy Grace Female Perth
1944/100286 Perth Jackson Nancy Grace Female Evill Stanley John Male Perth
1944/100287 Perth Black Laura Agnes Female Kerrison John Joseph Male Perth
1944/100287 Perth Kerrison John Joseph Male Black Laura Agnes Female Perth
1944/100288 Perth Fleay Ernest Seatcon Male Rumble Gladys Mabel Female Perth
1944/100288 Perth Rumble Gladys Mabel Female Fleay Ernest Seatcon Male Perth
1944/100289 Perth Rumble Olive Muriel Female Fahey Kenneth Bramwell Male Perth
1944/100289 Perth Fahey Kenneth Bramwell Male Rumble Olive Muriel Female Perth
1944/100290 Perth Ould Edith Mary Female Nichols William Joseph Male Perth
1944/100290 Perth Nichols William Joseph Male Ould Edith Mary Female Perth
1944/100291 Perth Reid Colin Godfrey Male Wade Joyce Ethel Adela Female Perth
1944/100291 Perth Wade Joyce Ethel Adela Female Reid Colin Godfrey Male Perth
1944/100292 Perth Brown Joan Marion Female Dunning Alan Frederick Male Perth
1944/100292 Perth Dunning Alan Frederick Male Brown Joan Marion Female Perth
1944/100293 Perth Wilson Jessie May Female Henderson Albert Ernest Male Perth
1944/100293 Perth Henderson Albert Ernest Male Wilson Jessie May Female Perth
1944/100294 Perth Ford Victor George Male McCoy Elizabeth Ellen Female Claremont
1944/100294 Perth McCoy Elizabeth Ellen Female Ford Victor George Male Claremont
1944/100295 Perth Francis Eric William Male Maxwell Margaret Female South Perth
1944/100295 Perth Maxwell Margaret Female Francis Eric William Male South Perth
1944/100296 Perth Goddard Nell Eileen Female Day Thomas Wilson Male East Cannington
1944/100296 Perth Day Thomas Wilson Male Goddard Nell Eileen Female East Cannington
1944/100297 Perth Johns Barbara Yolande Female Vickerman Mervyn Godfrey D'Arcy Male Claremont
1944/100297 Perth Vickerman Mervyn Godfrey D'Arcy Male Johns Barbara Yolande Female Claremont
1944/100298 Perth Hardie Cecilia Gladys Female Maclagan George Colin Remington Male Claremont
1944/100298 Perth Maclagan George Colin Remington Male Hardie Cecilia Gladys Female Claremont
1944/100299 Perth Openshaw Thomas Henry Male Edwards Norma Female Claremont
1944/100299 Perth Edwards Norma Female Openshaw Thomas Henry Male Claremont
1944/100300 Perth McKay Dorothy May Female Considine Francis Patrick Male Claremont
1944/100300 Perth Considine Francis Patrick Male McKay Dorothy May Female Claremont
1944/100301 Perth Challenor Alfred Edward Male Butcher Ruth Female Claremont
1944/100301 Perth Butcher Ruth Female Challenor Alfred Edward Male Claremont
1944/100302 Perth Harvey Gordon Frederick Male Vivian Ilfra Joyce Female Mt Lawley
1944/100302 Perth Vivian Ilfra Joyce Female Harvey Gordon Frederick Male Mt Lawley
1944/100303 Perth Molyneux Dorothy Bessie Female Wansbrough Max Male Mt Lawley
1944/100303 Perth Wansbrough Max Male Molyneux Dorothy Bessie Female Mt Lawley
1944/100304 Perth Prosser Winifred Joy Female Eversole William Male Mt Lawley
1944/100304 Perth Eversole William Male Prosser Winifred Joy Female Mt Lawley
1944/100305 Perth Sweet Olive Margaret Female Wade Stanley Kenneth Male Mt Lawley
1944/100305 Perth Wade Stanley Kenneth Male Sweet Olive Margaret Female Mt Lawley
1944/100306 Perth Jennings Chester Silas Male Mackean Muriel Frances Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100306 Perth Mackean Muriel Frances Female Jennings Chester Silas Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100307 Perth Bassett Avis Joyce Female Pereira Leslie Clifton Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100307 Perth Pereira Leslie Clifton Male Bassett Avis Joyce Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100308 Perth Deere William Charles Male Crothers Maisie Theresa Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100308 Perth Crothers Maisie Theresa Female Deere William Charles Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100309 Perth Cornell Margaret Elizabeth Female Snibson Eric William Male Maylands
1944/100309 Perth Snibson Eric William Male Cornell Margaret Elizabeth Female Maylands
1944/100310 Perth Rowe Betty Joan Female Vermeer Theodorus Johannes Male Inglewood
1944/100310 Perth Vermeer Theodorus Johannes Male Rowe Betty Joan Female Inglewood
1944/100311 Perth Wealand Clarice Jean Female Knapton Ross Clifford Male Maylands
1944/100311 Perth Knapton Ross Clifford Male Wealand Clarice Jean Female Maylands
1944/100312 Perth Bennett Betty Gloria Female Ferguson Francis John Male Maylands
1944/100312 Perth Ferguson Francis John Male Bennett Betty Gloria Female Maylands
1944/100313 Perth Munday Dulcie May Female Schofield Lawrence George Male Mt Lawley
1944/100313 Perth Schofield Lawrence George Male Munday Dulcie May Female Mt Lawley
1944/100314 Perth Ferres Ronald Arthur John Male Smith Etta May Female Mt Lawley
1944/100314 Perth Smith Etta May Female Ferres Ronald Arthur John Male Mt Lawley
1944/100315 Perth Chapman June Hope Female Menzies Robert William James Male Claremont
1944/100315 Perth Menzies Robert William James Male Chapman June Hope Female Claremont
1944/100316 Perth Hall Irene Veronica Female Doehring Ronald George Male Highgate Hill
1944/100316 Perth Doehring Ronald George Male Hall Irene Veronica Female Highgate Hill
1944/100317 Perth Halligan Elsie May Female Carlton Ronald Keith Male Highgate Hill
1944/100317 Perth Carlton Ronald Keith Male Halligan Elsie May Female Highgate Hill
1944/100318 Perth Kukura Francis Male Hunter Mary Isabel Female Perth
1944/100318 Perth Hunter Mary Isabel Female Kukura Francis Male Perth
1944/100319 Perth Harrington John McCallum Smith Male Carrie Stella Margaret Maxwell Female Perth
1944/100319 Perth Carrie Stella Margaret Maxwell Female Harrington John McCallum Smith Male Perth
1944/100320 Perth Williamson Kathleen Mary Female Portier Frederik Male Perth
1944/100320 Perth Portier Frederik Male Williamson Kathleen Mary Female Perth
1944/100321 Perth Stone Minnie Calvert Female Bremner Lisle Dudley Male Perth
1944/100321 Perth Bremner Lisle Dudley Male Stone Minnie Calvert Female Perth
1944/100322 Perth Falconer Donald Horwood Bailey Male Parker Jean Female Perth
1944/100322 Perth Parker Jean Female Falconer Donald Horwood Bailey Male Perth
1944/100323 Perth Stone Harold Rodney Male McDonald Frances Jessie Female Perth
1944/100323 Perth McDonald Frances Jessie Female Stone Harold Rodney Male Perth
1944/100324 Perth Uhrich Elmer Franklin Theodore Male Simmons Eileen Syddell Female Perth
1944/100324 Perth Simmons Eileen Syddell Female Uhrich Elmer Franklin Theodore Male Perth
1944/100325 Perth Griffiths David Park Male Blenkinsop Norah Cosette Female Perth
1944/100325 Perth Blenkinsop Norah Cosette Female Griffiths David Park Male Perth
1944/100326 Perth Barnes Evelyn Female Hill Herbert Reginald Male Perth
1944/100326 Perth Hill Herbert Reginald Male Barnes Evelyn Female Perth
1944/100327 Perth Farmer Eva Rose Female Vawser Mervyn Perce Male Subiaco
1944/100327 Perth Vawser Mervyn Perce Male Farmer Eva Rose Female Subiaco
1944/100328 Perth Brehaut Rose May Female Eversden Albert Edward Male Perth
1944/100328 Perth Eversden Albert Edward Male Brehaut Rose May Female Perth
1944/100329 Perth Holzman Eve Naomi Female Gale Lance Aleck Charles Male Perth
1944/100329 Perth Gale Lance Aleck Charles Male Holzman Eve Naomi Female Perth
1944/100330 Perth Maley Ivan Reeves Parker Male Devereux Nellie Catherine Female Maylands
1944/100330 Perth Devereux Nellie Catherine Female Maley Ivan Reeves Parker Male Maylands
1944/100331 Perth Head Kenneth Morris Male Derrick Frances Lillian Female Como
1944/100331 Perth Derrick Frances Lillian Female Head Kenneth Morris Male Como
1944/100332 Perth Dinges Lester Leonard Male Arnold Ivy Eileen Female West Perth
1944/100332 Perth Arnold Ivy Eileen Female Dinges Lester Leonard Male West Perth
1944/100333 Perth Taylor Roma Frances Female Hegney Thomas Patrick Male Leederville
1944/100333 Perth Hegney Thomas Patrick Male Taylor Roma Frances Female Leederville
1944/100334 Perth Coles Iris Jessie Female Jellis Bruce Stanley Male Maylands
1944/100334 Perth Jellis Bruce Stanley Male Coles Iris Jessie Female Maylands
1944/100335 Perth Bovell Bernice Leona Female Stirk James Henry Male Perth
1944/100335 Perth Stirk James Henry Male Bovell Bernice Leona Female Perth
1944/100336 Perth Ellery Daphne Grace Female de Morton Raymond Male West Perth
1944/100336 Perth de Morton Raymond Male Ellery Daphne Grace Female West Perth
1944/100337 Perth Reynolds Sadie Rita Faye Female Berryman William Silvester Thomas Male West Perth
1944/100337 Perth Berryman William Silvester Thomas Male Reynolds Sadie Rita Faye Female West Perth
1944/100338 Perth Rickey James William Male Buggins Audrey Lorraine Female West Perth
1944/100338 Perth Buggins Audrey Lorraine Female Rickey James William Male West Perth
1944/100339 Perth Barton William Milton Male Brisbane Judith Female Cottesloe
1944/100339 Perth Brisbane Judith Female Barton William Milton Male Cottesloe
1944/100340 Perth Langmead Joyce Dorothy Female Armstrong Raymond Foster Male West Perth
1944/100340 Perth Armstrong Raymond Foster Male Langmead Joyce Dorothy Female West Perth
1944/100341 Perth Burvill Ernest Walter Male Griffiths Iris Gwendoline Female West Perth
1944/100341 Perth Griffiths Iris Gwendoline Female Burvill Ernest Walter Male West Perth
1944/100342 Perth Ligertwood James Richard Verdun Male McMahon Olive Maureen Female West Perth
1944/100342 Perth McMahon Olive Maureen Female Ligertwood James Richard Verdun Male West Perth
1944/100343 Perth Kirk James Male Culbertson Elizabeth Female Perth
1944/100343 Perth Culbertson Elizabeth Female Kirk James Male Perth
1944/100344 Perth Scott John Male Uren Joy Female Perth
1944/100344 Perth Uren Joy Female Scott John Male Perth
1944/100345 Perth Fodor Michael Male Bryant Mona Lillian Female Perth
1944/100345 Perth Bryant Mona Lillian Female Fodor Michael Male Perth
1944/100346 Perth Kilminster Leonard Percival Male Bowyer Beryl Female Perth
1944/100346 Perth Bowyer Beryl Female Kilminster Leonard Percival Male Perth
1944/100347 Perth Edwards Margery Mabel Female Kostera Cazmiez Male Perth
1944/100347 Perth Kostera Cazmiez Male Edwards Margery Mabel Female Perth
1944/100348 Perth Richards Florence Laura Gertrude Female Skeels William Thomas Male Claremont
1944/100348 Perth Skeels William Thomas Male Richards Florence Laura Gertrude Female Claremont
1944/100349 Perth Johnson Arthur William Henry Male Barclay Zeeta May Female Claremont
1944/100349 Perth Barclay Zeeta May Female Johnson Arthur William Henry Male Claremont
1944/100350 Perth Barnes Vivian May Female Evans Laurence William Male Claremont
1944/100350 Perth Evans Laurence William Male Barnes Vivian May Female Claremont
1944/100351 Perth Evans Sheila Olwin Female Klose Walter Fürchtegott Male Claremont
1944/100351 Perth Klose Walter Fürchtegott Male Evans Sheila Olwin Female Claremont
1944/100352 Perth Sheppard Ada Millicent Female Hayward Edward Victor Male Claremont
1944/100352 Perth Hayward Edward Victor Male Sheppard Ada Millicent Female Claremont
1944/100353 Perth Edgcumbe George Aubrey Valletort Male George Una Pamela Female Claremont
1944/100353 Perth George Una Pamela Female Edgcumbe George Aubrey Valletort Male Claremont
1944/100354 Perth Smith Kathleen Mary Female Smith David William Male Nth Perth
1944/100354 Perth Smith David William Male Smith Kathleen Mary Female Nth Perth
1944/100355 Perth Lockhart Ronald Henry Male Butler Olive Elizabeth Female Subiaco
1944/100355 Perth Butler Olive Elizabeth Female Lockhart Ronald Henry Male Subiaco
1944/100356 Perth Kern Agnes Female Horresdale Robert Stanley Male North Perth
1944/100356 Perth Horresdale Robert Stanley Male Kern Agnes Female North Perth
1944/100357 Perth Angell Lewis Edward Male Williams Beryl Female Perth
1944/100357 Perth Williams Beryl Female Angell Lewis Edward Male Perth
1944/100358 Perth Nevill Gladys Ruth Female Way George Luiel Male Perth
1944/100358 Perth Way George Luiel Male Nevill Gladys Ruth Female Perth
1944/100359 Perth Bannister Isabel Victoria Female Masters Paul Monroe Male Perth
1944/100359 Perth Masters Paul Monroe Male Bannister Isabel Victoria Female Perth
1944/100360 Perth Beveridge Andrew William Male Young Jean Female Perth
1944/100360 Perth Young Jean Female Beveridge Andrew William Male Perth
1944/100361 Perth Daw Sheila Betty Female Harris Norman Francis Male Nedlands
1944/100361 Perth Harris Norman Francis Male Daw Sheila Betty Female Nedlands
1944/100362 Perth Laing Ophelia May Female Wallis Horace Vivian Male Perth
1944/100362 Perth Wallis Horace Vivian Male Laing Ophelia May Female Perth
1944/100363 Perth Hince Alfred Male Garland Joyce Edith Female Victoria Park
1944/100363 Perth Garland Joyce Edith Female Hince Alfred Male Victoria Park
1944/100364 Perth Kings Georgina May Female Wilson Admiral Male Victoria Park
1944/100364 Perth Wilson Admiral Male Kings Georgina May Female Victoria Park
1944/100365 Perth Clark Ernest Male Bagshaw Joan Female Victoria Park
1944/100365 Perth Bagshaw Joan Female Clark Ernest Male Victoria Park
1944/100366 Perth Blick Herbert Male Butcher Amy Thea Female Victoria Park
1944/100366 Perth Butcher Amy Thea Female Blick Herbert Male Victoria Park
1944/100367 Perth Fricker Joyce Rosanne Female McPherson Duncan Male West Perth
1944/100367 Perth McPherson Duncan Male Fricker Joyce Rosanne Female West Perth
1944/100368 Perth McCormack Henrietta Carle Female Seubert Arnott Donald Male West Perth
1944/100368 Perth Seubert Arnott Donald Male McCormack Henrietta Carle Female West Perth
1944/100369 Perth Rule Eric David Male Millar Christina Barrie Female West Leederville
1944/100369 Perth Millar Christina Barrie Female Rule Eric David Male West Leederville
1944/100370 Perth Anderton Mabel Mary Jane Female King Frederick Male Leederville
1944/100370 Perth King Frederick Male Anderton Mabel Mary Jane Female Leederville
1944/100371 Perth Staddon John Felix Male Warren Lucille Mary Female Wembley Park
1944/100371 Perth Warren Lucille Mary Female Staddon John Felix Male Wembley Park
1944/100372 Perth Finlay Doris Annie Female Sykes Kenneth Walter Harold Wyatt Male North Perth
1944/100372 Perth Sykes Kenneth Walter Harold Wyatt Male Finlay Doris Annie Female North Perth
1944/100373 Perth Bennett Charles Walter Male Scari Blanche Grace Female Perth
1944/100373 Perth Scari Blanche Grace Female Bennett Charles Walter Male Perth
1944/100374 Perth Le Guier Donald Tyson Male Blake Amelia Female East Victoria Park
1944/100374 Perth Blake Amelia Female Le Guier Donald Tyson Male East Victoria Park
1944/100375 Perth Marsh Harold Raymond Male Webb Amy Female Mt Lawley
1944/100375 Perth Webb Amy Female Marsh Harold Raymond Male Mt Lawley
1944/100376 Perth Hansen Patricia Isabel Female Old Richard Charles Male Mt Lawley
1944/100376 Perth Old Richard Charles Male Hansen Patricia Isabel Female Mt Lawley
1944/100377 Perth Gwyther Edward McKinnon Male Foreman Jean Barclay Female Claremont
1944/100377 Perth Foreman Jean Barclay Female Gwyther Edward McKinnon Male Claremont
1944/100378 Perth Devlin Norman Forrester Male Rodsted Elvie Phoebe Female Claremont
1944/100378 Perth Rodsted Elvie Phoebe Female Devlin Norman Forrester Male Claremont
1944/100379 Perth Hetherington Lesley Thornlie Female Williams Mervyn Male Perth
1944/100379 Perth Williams Mervyn Male Hetherington Lesley Thornlie Female Perth
1944/100380 Perth Jackson Helen Joyce Female Carlson John Male Perth
1944/100380 Perth Carlson John Male Jackson Helen Joyce Female Perth
1944/100381 Perth Ellard Wilson Lionel Male Milne Marjorie Jean Female Perth
1944/100381 Perth Milne Marjorie Jean Female Ellard Wilson Lionel Male Perth
1944/100382 Perth Gorman Patricia Mary Female Brown Claude Alfred Male Perth
1944/100382 Perth Brown Claude Alfred Male Gorman Patricia Mary Female Perth
1944/100383 Perth Phillips Eileen Mary Female Watters Bertie John Male Perth
1944/100383 Perth Watters Bertie John Male Phillips Eileen Mary Female Perth
1944/100384 Perth McDorman Earl Leroy Male Barlow Norma Threse Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100384 Perth Barlow Norma Threse Female McDorman Earl Leroy Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100385 Perth Jacobs Viotte Female Cocks Montrose Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100385 Perth Cocks Montrose Male Jacobs Viotte Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100386 Perth Kiernan Ada Lavinia Female Crockford Albert Charles Vernon Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100386 Perth Crockford Albert Charles Vernon Male Kiernan Ada Lavinia Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100387 Perth Simpson Winfred Jane Female Herdsman Henry Horsely Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100387 Perth Herdsman Henry Horsely Male Simpson Winfred Jane Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100388 Perth Walters Robert Richard Male Perry Norma Mary Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100388 Perth Perry Norma Mary Female Walters Robert Richard Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100389 Perth Manton Dorothy Margaret Female Shaw Joseph Bernard Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100389 Perth Shaw Joseph Bernard Male Manton Dorothy Margaret Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100390 Perth Boyes Lynette Female Sinclair Edward Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100390 Perth Sinclair Edward Male Boyes Lynette Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100391 Perth Hughes Winifred Joan Female Pollock George Robert Male Mosman Park
1944/100391 Perth Pollock George Robert Male Hughes Winifred Joan Female Mosman Park
1944/100392 Perth Thurston Lewis Edwin Male Sharp Pamela Lewis Female South Perth
1944/100392 Perth Sharp Pamela Lewis Female Thurston Lewis Edwin Male South Perth
1944/100393 Perth Neal Joyce Emily Female McDonald Donald John Male South Perth
1944/100393 Perth McDonald Donald John Male Neal Joyce Emily Female South Perth
1944/100394 Perth White Catherine Sarah Female Lawrence Edward Patrick Male Perth
1944/100394 Perth Lawrence Edward Patrick Male White Catherine Sarah Female Perth
1944/100395 Perth Allender James Edward Male Kirkham Jean Margaret May Female Perth
1944/100395 Perth Kirkham Jean Margaret May Female Allender James Edward Male Perth
1944/100396 Perth Baker Alice Theresa Female Scanlan Percival Michael Male West Perth
1944/100396 Perth Scanlan Percival Michael Male Baker Alice Theresa Female West Perth
1944/100397 Perth Reid Albert Mervin Male Spowart Margaret Cecilia Female Perth
1944/100397 Perth Spowart Margaret Cecilia Female Reid Albert Mervin Male Perth
1944/100398 Perth Keough Rose Ann Female Harris Gregory Plowman Male Perth
1944/100398 Perth Harris Gregory Plowman Male Keough Rose Ann Female Perth
1944/100399 Perth Gibson David John Wetherup Male Oldham Nancey Enid Female Perth
1944/100399 Perth Oldham Nancey Enid Female Gibson David John Wetherup Male Perth
1944/100400 Perth Shadbolt Vera Isabel Female Miell Oscar Strudwick Male Perth
1944/100400 Perth Miell Oscar Strudwick Male Shadbolt Vera Isabel Female Perth
1944/100401 Perth McKinnon Margaret Ethel Female Ridley Richard Colin Male Perth
1944/100401 Perth Ridley Richard Colin Male McKinnon Margaret Ethel Female Perth
1944/100402 Perth Hooper John Gilbert Male Owen Olive May Female Perth
1944/100402 Perth Owen Olive May Female Hooper John Gilbert Male Perth
1944/100403 Perth Bowring Gordon Male Eyre Ruby Rose Female Victoria Park
1944/100403 Perth Eyre Ruby Rose Female Bowring Gordon Male Victoria Park
1944/100404 Perth André Clifford Norman Male Russell Veronica Agnes Female Victoria Park
1944/100404 Perth Russell Veronica Agnes Female André Clifford Norman Male Victoria Park
1944/100405 Perth Macgowan Elwood Clinton Male Murphy Norma Merle Female Claremont
1944/100405 Perth Murphy Norma Merle Female Macgowan Elwood Clinton Male Claremont
1944/100406 Perth Miles James Frederick Male Furniss Mercy Maud Mary Female Claremont
1944/100406 Perth Furniss Mercy Maud Mary Female Miles James Frederick Male Claremont
1944/100407 Perth Elphick Sidney Male Anspach Sydney Ruth Female Perth
1944/100407 Perth Anspach Sydney Ruth Female Elphick Sidney Male Perth
1944/100408 Perth Stewart Jack McKay Male Haldane Isobel Lillian Female Subiaco
1944/100408 Perth Haldane Isobel Lillian Female Stewart Jack McKay Male Subiaco
1944/100409 Perth Holmes Sydney Male Simonds Vera Joan Female Perth
1944/100409 Perth Simonds Vera Joan Female Holmes Sydney Male Perth
1944/100410 Perth Dixon Elsie Emma Female Bartley Andrew Male Perth
1944/100410 Perth Bartley Andrew Male Dixon Elsie Emma Female Perth
1944/100411 Perth Smith Arthur Edward Male Phillips Beryl Blanche Brewer Female Perth
1944/100411 Perth Phillips Beryl Blanche Brewer Female Smith Arthur Edward Male Perth
1944/100412 Perth Pillage Ada Norma Female Downing Roy Edward Male Perth
1944/100412 Perth Downing Roy Edward Male Pillage Ada Norma Female Perth
1944/100413 Perth Grose William John Male Somerford Betty Doreen Female Perth
1944/100413 Perth Somerford Betty Doreen Female Grose William John Male Perth
1944/100414 Perth Cockram Sylvia Frances Female Tremlett William Herbert Male Perth
1944/100414 Perth Tremlett William Herbert Male Cockram Sylvia Frances Female Perth
1944/100415 Perth Morgan Phyllis Female Cornish Raymond McKenzie Male Perth
1944/100415 Perth Cornish Raymond McKenzie Male Morgan Phyllis Female Perth
1944/100416 Perth Manning Harold Frederick Male Limpus Gwendolene Gladys Female Mosman Park
1944/100416 Perth Limpus Gwendolene Gladys Female Manning Harold Frederick Male Mosman Park
1944/100417 Perth Ryan Francis William Male Kenneally Irene May Female Highgate Hill
1944/100417 Perth Kenneally Irene May Female Ryan Francis William Male Highgate Hill
1944/100418 Perth Cecic Ljubo Male Loncar Annie Female Osborne Park
1944/100418 Perth Loncar Annie Female Cecic Ljubo Male Osborne Park
1944/100419 Perth Lawrence Catherine Ellen Female Mixon (Junior) Richard Irving Male West Leederville
1944/100419 Perth Mixon (Junior) Richard Irving Male Lawrence Catherine Ellen Female West Leederville
1944/100420 Perth Booker James Alfred Male Taylor Helen May Female Perth
1944/100420 Perth Taylor Helen May Female Booker James Alfred Male Perth
1944/100421 Perth Atkins Alan George Male O'Dwyer Eileen Ann Female Carlisle
1944/100421 Perth O'Dwyer Eileen Ann Female Atkins Alan George Male Carlisle
1944/100422 Perth Meier Otto Albert Male McLean Annie Elizabeth Female Perth
1944/100422 Perth McLean Annie Elizabeth Female Meier Otto Albert Male Perth
1944/100423 Perth Neeson Andrew McCall Male Davies Mary Ethel Female Highgate Hill
1944/100423 Perth Davies Mary Ethel Female Neeson Andrew McCall Male Highgate Hill
1944/100424 Perth Wiseman Ronald Keith Male Raynor Joyce Female Perth
1944/100424 Perth Raynor Joyce Female Wiseman Ronald Keith Male Perth
1944/100425 Perth Thurman Alec Bonser Male Whitfield Anita Goldsmith Female Bayswater
1944/100425 Perth Whitfield Anita Goldsmith Female Thurman Alec Bonser Male Bayswater
1944/100426 Perth Diggins Dulcie Female Kempton Ernest Gordon Male Subiaco
1944/100426 Perth Kempton Ernest Gordon Male Diggins Dulcie Female Subiaco
1944/100427 Perth Rooke Peter Francis Male Cameron Margaret Female Cottesloe
1944/100427 Perth Cameron Margaret Female Rooke Peter Francis Male Cottesloe
1944/100428 Perth Varian Clarence David Male Powell Alexia May Female Subiaco
1944/100428 Perth Powell Alexia May Female Varian Clarence David Male Subiaco
1944/100429 Perth Tracy Kathleen Isobel Female McCormick Malcolm Rutherford Male Subiaco
1944/100429 Perth McCormick Malcolm Rutherford Male Tracy Kathleen Isobel Female Subiaco
1944/100430 Perth Wilson Gladys Female Pottinger Matthew Male Perth
1944/100430 Perth Pottinger Matthew Male Wilson Gladys Female Perth
1944/100431 Perth Hill Annie Sadie Female Reid William Male Perth
1944/100431 Perth Reid William Male Hill Annie Sadie Female Perth
1944/100432 Perth Scally Neil Male Cheney Lila Maida Female Perth
1944/100432 Perth Cheney Lila Maida Female Scally Neil Male Perth
1944/100434 Perth Gardiner Strickland Mervyn Male Layman Susan Female Mt Lawley
1944/100434 Perth Layman Susan Female Gardiner Strickland Mervyn Male Mt Lawley
1944/100435 Perth Manson Verna Irene Female McDonald Malcolm Mervyn Male Mt Lawley
1944/100435 Perth McDonald Malcolm Mervyn Male Manson Verna Irene Female Mt Lawley
1944/100436 Perth Offer William Patrick Male Rockman Sadie Female Perth
1944/100436 Perth Rockman Sadie Female Offer William Patrick Male Perth
1944/100437 Perth Cain Thomas Vincent Male James Phyllis Christina Wearne Female Highgate Hill
1944/100437 Perth James Phyllis Christina Wearne Female Cain Thomas Vincent Male Highgate Hill
1944/100438 Perth Gandini Battista Giovanni Male McMahon Rosena Mary Female Subiaco
1944/100438 Perth McMahon Rosena Mary Female Gandini Battista Giovanni Male Subiaco
1944/100439 Perth Redgrave Emily Christina Lilian Female Brown Henry Heath Male West Perth
1944/100439 Perth Brown Henry Heath Male Redgrave Emily Christina Lilian Female West Perth
1944/100440 Perth Blake Edith May Female Dawes Jack Ernest Male Victoria Park
1944/100440 Perth Dawes Jack Ernest Male Blake Edith May Female Victoria Park
1944/100441 Perth McKenna Irene Female Van Brook Robert Male West Perth
1944/100441 Perth Van Brook Robert Male McKenna Irene Female West Perth
1944/100442 Perth Black Valmai Dorothy Lacey Female Mountford Herbert Lloyd Male West Perth
1944/100442 Perth Mountford Herbert Lloyd Male Black Valmai Dorothy Lacey Female West Perth
1944/100443 Perth Barker William Male Buckley Ethel May Female West Perth
1944/100443 Perth Buckley Ethel May Female Barker William Male West Perth
1944/100444 Perth Griffiths Phyllis Edna Female Leicester William Reginald Male W Perth
1944/100444 Perth Leicester William Reginald Male Griffiths Phyllis Edna Female W Perth
1944/100445 Perth Hoddy Albert Roy Male Pipe Ruby Doris Female Highgate Hill
1944/100445 Perth Pipe Ruby Doris Female Hoddy Albert Roy Male Highgate Hill
1944/100446 Perth Kelly Ellen Alice Female Draper Ernest Francis Scott Male Leederville
1944/100446 Perth Draper Ernest Francis Scott Male Kelly Ellen Alice Female Leederville
1944/100447 Perth Leahy Patricia Alice Female Woodhams Cyril Stephen Male Leederville
1944/100447 Perth Woodhams Cyril Stephen Male Leahy Patricia Alice Female Leederville
1944/100448 Perth Beech Norman Victor Male Lefroy Doris May Female Subiaco
1944/100448 Perth Lefroy Doris May Female Beech Norman Victor Male Subiaco
1944/100449 Perth MacGregor Heather Roberta Female Le Vaux Wilton Male Subiaco
1944/100449 Perth Le Vaux Wilton Male MacGregor Heather Roberta Female Subiaco
1944/100450 Perth Fletcher Walter Ernest Male Okely Patricia Barker Female Subiaco
1944/100450 Perth Okely Patricia Barker Female Fletcher Walter Ernest Male Subiaco
1944/100451 Perth Forbes Hettie Adeline Female O'Halloran John Sylvester Male Mosman Park
1944/100451 Perth O'Halloran John Sylvester Male Forbes Hettie Adeline Female Mosman Park
1944/100452 Perth Crabb Ronald George Male Parkes Patricia Female Cottesloe
1944/100452 Perth Parkes Patricia Female Crabb Ronald George Male Cottesloe
1944/100453 Perth Gleason Bernard James Male Sheridan Barbara Faith Female Perth
1944/100453 Perth Sheridan Barbara Faith Female Gleason Bernard James Male Perth
1944/100454 Perth Weston Doris Winifred Female Sewell Edward Arthur Male West Perth
1944/100454 Perth Sewell Edward Arthur Male Weston Doris Winifred Female West Perth
1944/100455 Perth Bell Lurline May Female Rolland Albert John Male Maylands
1944/100455 Perth Rolland Albert John Male Bell Lurline May Female Maylands
1944/100456 Perth West James Ernest Henry Male Forsyth Muriel Female North Perth
1944/100456 Perth Forsyth Muriel Female West James Ernest Henry Male North Perth
1944/100457 Perth Arthur Dorothy Iris Female Jennings George Alfred Leslie Male Subiaco
1944/100457 Perth Jennings George Alfred Leslie Male Arthur Dorothy Iris Female Subiaco
1944/100458 Perth Pittendrigh Donald Male McGhee Lenna Frances Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100458 Perth McGhee Lenna Frances Female Pittendrigh Donald Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100459 Perth Jones Francis Elijah Male Fletcher Mary Cecilia Female Perth
1944/100459 Perth Fletcher Mary Cecilia Female Jones Francis Elijah Male Perth
1944/100460 Perth Brunsden Frank Edward Male Carroll Thelma Maude Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100460 Perth Carroll Thelma Maude Female Brunsden Frank Edward Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100461 Perth Gale Hubert James Male Higham Maisie Joyce Female Osborne Park
1944/100461 Perth Higham Maisie Joyce Female Gale Hubert James Male Osborne Park
1944/100462 Perth Walton Norman Victor Male Payne Catherine Rosa Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100462 Perth Payne Catherine Rosa Female Walton Norman Victor Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100463 Perth McKay Betty Thompson Female Bennett Alexander John Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100463 Perth Bennett Alexander John Male McKay Betty Thompson Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100464 Perth Hithersay Elizabeth Daly Female Smith Robert James Male Nedlands
1944/100464 Perth Smith Robert James Male Hithersay Elizabeth Daly Female Nedlands
1944/100465 Perth Nicholson Thelma May Female Sullivan James Ambrose Male Nedlands
1944/100465 Perth Sullivan James Ambrose Male Nicholson Thelma May Female Nedlands
1944/100466 Perth Smith Ivy Eileen Female Campbell Lionel Roy Male Perth
1944/100466 Perth Campbell Lionel Roy Male Smith Ivy Eileen Female Perth
1944/100467 Perth Williams John Henry Male Caporn Phyllis Mary Female Queen's Park
1944/100467 Perth Caporn Phyllis Mary Female Williams John Henry Male Queen's Park
1944/100468 Perth Hemme Roma Female White Aubrey Raymond Male Perth
1944/100468 Perth White Aubrey Raymond Male Hemme Roma Female Perth
1944/100469 Perth Freebury Gwynneth Vera Female Smith Henry Male Perth
1944/100469 Perth Smith Henry Male Freebury Gwynneth Vera Female Perth
1944/100470 Perth Kelly Ellen Mary Female Tobin John Edmond Male Maylands
1944/100470 Perth Tobin John Edmond Male Kelly Ellen Mary Female Maylands
1944/100471 Perth Irwin John Oliver Male Winthrop Iris Mary Female Maylands
1944/100471 Perth Winthrop Iris Mary Female Irwin John Oliver Male Maylands
1944/100472 Perth Power Charles Leslie Male Fellows Joan Evelyn Female West Perth
1944/100472 Perth Fellows Joan Evelyn Female Power Charles Leslie Male West Perth
1944/100473 Perth Thomson Henry Alfred Male Turner Lorna Hope Female West Perth
1944/100473 Perth Turner Lorna Hope Female Thomson Henry Alfred Male West Perth
1944/100474 Perth Bray Muriel Gledhill Female Wilson Jack Woodrow Male West Perth
1944/100474 Perth Wilson Jack Woodrow Male Bray Muriel Gledhill Female West Perth
1944/100475 Perth Holywell William Thomas Male Symes Jasmine Mary Female West Perth
1944/100475 Perth Symes Jasmine Mary Female Holywell William Thomas Male West Perth
1944/100476 Perth Angwin Shirley Joan Female Adams Eddy Thomas Male West Perth
1944/100476 Perth Adams Eddy Thomas Male Angwin Shirley Joan Female West Perth
1944/100477 Perth Doughty Albert Percival Male Sargeant Gladys Lillian Margaret Female Perth
1944/100477 Perth Sargeant Gladys Lillian Margaret Female Doughty Albert Percival Male Perth
1944/100478 Perth Thornton Frederick Thomas Male Godecke Lorna Joyce Female Perth
1944/100478 Perth Godecke Lorna Joyce Female Thornton Frederick Thomas Male Perth
1944/100479 Perth Scott Catherine Frances Female East William Leonard Male Perth
1944/100479 Perth East William Leonard Male Scott Catherine Frances Female Perth
1944/100480 Perth Wass Gwenyth Faith Female Armstrong James Lawrence Harvey Male Perth
1944/100480 Perth Armstrong James Lawrence Harvey Male Wass Gwenyth Faith Female Perth
1944/100481 Perth Gartrell Charles Henry Male Willis Shirley May Female Perth
1944/100481 Perth Willis Shirley May Female Gartrell Charles Henry Male Perth
1944/100482 Perth Middleton Sadie Jean Female Campbell Edgar Joseph Male Perth
1944/100482 Perth Campbell Edgar Joseph Male Middleton Sadie Jean Female Perth
1944/100483 Perth Pyke Dorothy Ethel Female Northwood Vernon Ray Male Perth
1944/100483 Perth Northwood Vernon Ray Male Pyke Dorothy Ethel Female Perth
1944/100484 Perth Hagley Charlotte Jane Female Stone Philip Bramwell Male Perth
1944/100484 Perth Stone Philip Bramwell Male Hagley Charlotte Jane Female Perth
1944/100485 Perth Stephen Gladys Mary Female Griggs Ernest Leslie Male Perth
1944/100485 Perth Griggs Ernest Leslie Male Stephen Gladys Mary Female Perth
1944/100486 Perth Townsend Ida Doreen Female Salvo Edgar Earle Male Perth
1944/100486 Perth Salvo Edgar Earle Male Townsend Ida Doreen Female Perth
1944/100487 Perth Armstrong Mavis Joan Female Edwards August Morris Male Perth
1944/100487 Perth Edwards August Morris Male Armstrong Mavis Joan Female Perth
1944/100488 Perth Daniels Rose Nesta Female Harrisson Leonard Frank Male Cottesloe
1944/100488 Perth Harrisson Leonard Frank Male Daniels Rose Nesta Female Cottesloe
1944/100489 Perth Foster Ivy May Female Flint William Fredrick Male Perth
1944/100489 Perth Flint William Fredrick Male Foster Ivy May Female Perth
1944/100490 Perth Dover Herbert Harold Male Wickenden Daphne Edna Female Perth
1944/100490 Perth Wickenden Daphne Edna Female Dover Herbert Harold Male Perth
1944/100491 Perth Crawford Kathleen Female Holt Thomas Trevor Male Perth
1944/100491 Perth Holt Thomas Trevor Male Crawford Kathleen Female Perth
1944/100492 Perth Dixson Lilian Jane Female Howat Archibald Walker Male Perth
1944/100492 Perth Howat Archibald Walker Male Dixson Lilian Jane Female Perth
1944/100493 Perth Barber Constance Winifred Female Heath Frederick James Male North Perth
1944/100493 Perth Heath Frederick James Male Barber Constance Winifred Female North Perth
1944/100494 Perth Williamson Evelyn Joyce Female Pearce Harry William Male Nth Perth
1944/100494 Perth Pearce Harry William Male Williamson Evelyn Joyce Female Nth Perth
1944/100495 Perth Croxford Grace Edith Female Cheeseman Edward Reginald Godfrey Male North Perth
1944/100495 Perth Cheeseman Edward Reginald Godfrey Male Croxford Grace Edith Female North Perth
1944/100496 Perth Compton Cecil Frank Male Robinson Betty Evelyn Female North Perth
1944/100496 Perth Robinson Betty Evelyn Female Compton Cecil Frank Male North Perth
1944/100497 Perth Mills Mabel Jean Female Clements Kenneth Male North Perth
1944/100497 Perth Clements Kenneth Male Mills Mabel Jean Female North Perth
1944/100498 Perth Hatch Abram Male Kelly Rose Helen Female North Perth
1944/100498 Perth Kelly Rose Helen Female Hatch Abram Male North Perth
1944/100499 Perth English Jean Isobel Female Briggs Albert Harold Male Perth
1944/100499 Perth Briggs Albert Harold Male English Jean Isobel Female Perth
1944/100500 Perth Gertzel Vincent Leslie Male Stove Clarice Jean Female Mt Lawley
1944/100500 Perth Stove Clarice Jean Female Gertzel Vincent Leslie Male Mt Lawley
1944/100501 Perth Denton Patricia Marjorie Female Crocos Oriel Robinson Male Perth
1944/100501 Perth Crocos Oriel Robinson Male Denton Patricia Marjorie Female Perth
1944/100503 Perth Mellowship Alfred William Male Battersby Dorothy Lily Veronica Female East Victoria Park
1944/100503 Perth Battersby Dorothy Lily Veronica Female Mellowship Alfred William Male East Victoria Park
1944/100504 Perth Bone Roland Male Ritchie Elizabeth Agnes Female Perth
1944/100504 Perth Ritchie Elizabeth Agnes Female Bone Roland Male Perth
1944/100505 Perth Grindlay John Shedden Male Biddell Ada Josephine Female Osborne Park
1944/100505 Perth Biddell Ada Josephine Female Grindlay John Shedden Male Osborne Park
1944/100506 Perth Johnson George Daniel Male Liddell Joyce May Female Victoria Park
1944/100506 Perth Liddell Joyce May Female Johnson George Daniel Male Victoria Park
1944/100507 Perth Johns Douglas Haig Male Jones Ellen Florence Female Victoria Park
1944/100507 Perth Jones Ellen Florence Female Johns Douglas Haig Male Victoria Park
1944/100508 Perth Goddard Norma Kathleen Female Coldicutt Colin Male Victoria Park
1944/100508 Perth Coldicutt Colin Male Goddard Norma Kathleen Female Victoria Park
1944/100509 Perth Weston Shirley Alexandra Joy Female Sylvester August James Male Victoria Park
1944/100509 Perth Sylvester August James Male Weston Shirley Alexandra Joy Female Victoria Park
1944/100510 Perth Price Sadie May Female Whitt Lloyd Arthur Male Perth
1944/100510 Perth Whitt Lloyd Arthur Male Price Sadie May Female Perth
1944/100511 Perth Clarke Ena Female Pericic Anton Male Perth
1944/100511 Perth Pericic Anton Male Clarke Ena Female Perth
1944/100513 Perth Arkell Albert Edward Male Harris Ethel Naoma Female West Perth
1944/100513 Perth Harris Ethel Naoma Female Arkell Albert Edward Male West Perth
1944/100514 Perth Atkins Violet Mary Female Giblin Cyril Falkiner Male West Perth
1944/100514 Perth Giblin Cyril Falkiner Male Atkins Violet Mary Female West Perth
1944/100515 Perth Johnson Frederick Male Attwood Marguerite Joyce Female Shenton Park
1944/100515 Perth Attwood Marguerite Joyce Female Johnson Frederick Male Shenton Park
1944/100516 Perth MacDonald Olive Female Byrnes Norman Percival Male Osborne Park
1944/100516 Perth Byrnes Norman Percival Male MacDonald Olive Female Osborne Park
1944/100517 Perth French Florence Eliza Female Williams Archibald Male Osborne Park
1944/100517 Perth Williams Archibald Male French Florence Eliza Female Osborne Park
1944/100518 Perth Scott Lewis Allwin Male Louis Patricia Junette Jean Female Perth
1944/100518 Perth Louis Patricia Junette Jean Female Scott Lewis Allwin Male Perth
1944/100519 Perth Murray Philip Henry Male Underwood Frances Rema Female Claremont
1944/100519 Perth Underwood Frances Rema Female Murray Philip Henry Male Claremont
1944/100520 Perth Sarson Albert George Male Rees Dorothy Gwendoline Female Claremont
1944/100520 Perth Rees Dorothy Gwendoline Female Sarson Albert George Male Claremont
1944/100521 Perth Marshall Thomas Ervin Male Beaven Margaret Annie May Female Claremont
1944/100521 Perth Beaven Margaret Annie May Female Marshall Thomas Ervin Male Claremont
1944/100522 Perth Collins Lorna Irene Female Ryding Frederick William Male Perth
1944/100522 Perth Ryding Frederick William Male Collins Lorna Irene Female Perth
1944/100523 Perth Spry Sylvia Adeline Female Harris Mervyn George Male Victoria Park
1944/100523 Perth Harris Mervyn George Male Spry Sylvia Adeline Female Victoria Park
1944/100524 Perth Bucci John Alexander Male Livingstone Ellen May Female Perth
1944/100524 Perth Livingstone Ellen May Female Bucci John Alexander Male Perth
1944/100525 Perth Grogan Arnold William Male Brown Theresa Winifred Female Cottesloe
1944/100525 Perth Brown Theresa Winifred Female Grogan Arnold William Male Cottesloe
1944/100526 Perth Conniff Mark James Male Seaman Elizabeth Isabel Female Mt Lawley
1944/100526 Perth Seaman Elizabeth Isabel Female Conniff Mark James Male Mt Lawley
1944/100527 Perth Barbee Delbert Male Cleary Rose Female Leederville
1944/100527 Perth Cleary Rose Female Barbee Delbert Male Leederville
1944/100528 Perth Hiller Ruth Henshaw Female Hughes John Clarence Male Highgate Hill
1944/100528 Perth Hughes John Clarence Male Hiller Ruth Henshaw Female Highgate Hill
1944/100529 Perth Veryard Charles Prowse Male Thomas Elizabeth May Female Perth
1944/100529 Perth Thomas Elizabeth May Female Veryard Charles Prowse Male Perth
1944/100530 Perth Saunders Frederick Lawrence Male Beazley Dorothy Beryl Female Shenton Park
1944/100530 Perth Beazley Dorothy Beryl Female Saunders Frederick Lawrence Male Shenton Park
1944/100531 Perth Dye Coralie Cross Female Barnett James Henry Male Perth
1944/100531 Perth Barnett James Henry Male Dye Coralie Cross Female Perth
1944/100532 Perth Engsberg Glen Koplin Male Skeels Irma May Female Perth
1944/100532 Perth Skeels Irma May Female Engsberg Glen Koplin Male Perth
1944/100533 Perth Rogers Joan Female Jarvis Robert Thomas Male Perth
1944/100533 Perth Jarvis Robert Thomas Male Rogers Joan Female Perth
1944/100535 Perth Boley Myrtle Edith Female Willis Donald Ray Male Subiaco
1944/100535 Perth Willis Donald Ray Male Boley Myrtle Edith Female Subiaco
1944/100536 Perth Brown Mary Female McDonald Roderick Male West Perth
1944/100536 Perth McDonald Roderick Male Brown Mary Female West Perth
1944/100537 Perth Ledger Ivy Female Wright Michael Leo Male Perth
1944/100537 Perth Wright Michael Leo Male Ledger Ivy Female Perth
1944/100538 Perth Giannasi Caterina Female Lucchesi Eliseo Male West Perth
1944/100538 Perth Lucchesi Eliseo Male Giannasi Caterina Female West Perth
1944/100539 Perth Feist James Albert Male Webb Peggy Ellen Female Perth
1944/100539 Perth Webb Peggy Ellen Female Feist James Albert Male Perth
1944/100540 Perth Edwards Gladys Joyce Female Barnett Edward Thomas John Male Perth
1944/100540 Perth Barnett Edward Thomas John Male Edwards Gladys Joyce Female Perth
1944/100541 Perth White George Edward Male O'Brien Janet Mary Female Perth
1944/100541 Perth White Gordon Henry Male O'Brien Janet Mary Female Perth
1944/100541 Perth Caine George Edward Male O'Brien Janet Mary Female Perth
1944/100541 Perth Caine Gordon Henry Male O'Brien Janet Mary Female Perth
1944/100541 Perth O'Brien Janet Mary Female Caine George Edward Male Perth
1944/100541 Perth O'Brien Janet Mary Female Caine Gordon Henry Male Perth
1944/100541 Perth O'Brien Janet Mary Female White George Edward Male Perth
1944/100541 Perth O'Brien Janet Mary Female White Gordon Henry Male Perth
1944/100542 Perth Rowell John Wallace Male Painter Janet Buchanan Female Mount Lawley
1944/100542 Perth Painter Janet Buchanan Female Rowell John Wallace Male Mount Lawley
1944/100543 Perth Hender Gladys Murray Female Barradeen James Mahomed Mudgedeen Male Perth
1944/100543 Perth Barradeen James Mahomed Mudgedeen Male Hender Gladys Murray Female Perth
1944/100544 Perth Atkins Nancy Eunice Female McDougall Colin Peace Male Perth
1944/100544 Perth McDougall Colin Peace Male Atkins Nancy Eunice Female Perth
1944/100545 Perth Harrison Alfred Edward Male Towton Florence Katherine Female Perth
1944/100545 Perth Towton Florence Katherine Female Harrison Alfred Edward Male Perth
1944/100546 Perth Ripper Charles Edward Male Boreham Kathleen Female Perth
1944/100546 Perth Boreham Kathleen Female Ripper Charles Edward Male Perth
1944/100547 Perth Perkins John William Male Thompson Daphne Estelle Female Perth
1944/100547 Perth Thompson Daphne Estelle Female Perkins John William Male Perth
1944/100548 Perth Williams Edward Male Randall-Facer Marjorie Irene Female Perth
1944/100548 Perth Randall-Facer Marjorie Irene Female Williams Edward Male Perth
1944/100549 Perth Crowther Colin Ailsa Calder Female Edwards Clive Eric Male Mt Lawley
1944/100549 Perth Edwards Clive Eric Male Crowther Colin Ailsa Calder Female Mt Lawley
1944/100550 Perth Ford Gwendoline Rose Female Darby Howard John Male Perth
1944/100550 Perth Darby Howard John Male Ford Gwendoline Rose Female Perth
1944/100551 Perth Buxton Elsie Maud Female Pearson Henry Howard Male West Perth
1944/100551 Perth Pearson Henry Howard Male Buxton Elsie Maud Female West Perth
1944/100552 Perth Pearson Robert Male Snoxhill Violet Elsie May Female Perth
1944/100552 Perth Snoxhill Violet Elsie May Female Pearson Robert Male Perth
1944/100553 Perth Nairn Margaret Female Thomas Mervyn Raymond Male Perth
1944/100553 Perth Thomas Mervyn Raymond Male Nairn Margaret Female Perth
1944/100554 Perth Slee Rita Annie Female Quartermaine Geoffrey Douglas Male Maylands
1944/100554 Perth Quartermaine Geoffrey Douglas Male Slee Rita Annie Female Maylands
1944/100555 Perth Herd Ronald Mervyn Male Stone Olive Mary Female Subiaco
1944/100555 Perth Stone Olive Mary Female Herd Ronald Mervyn Male Subiaco
1944/100556 Perth Nahuijs Piet Johan Male Hislop Opal Veronica Female Perth
1944/100556 Perth Hislop Opal Veronica Female Nahuijs Piet Johan Male Perth
1944/100557 Perth Roberts Sheila Female Leonard Edward Russell Male Perth
1944/100557 Perth Leonard Edward Russell Male Roberts Sheila Female Perth
1944/100558 Perth Hawthorne Mervyn Lindsay Male McKenzie Lorna Douglas Female Perth
1944/100558 Perth McKenzie Lorna Douglas Female Hawthorne Mervyn Lindsay Male Perth
1944/100559 Perth Glossop Elsie Louisa Female Hains Clarence Louis William Male Perth
1944/100559 Perth Hains Clarence Louis William Male Glossop Elsie Louisa Female Perth
1944/100560 Perth Chambers Harold Shergold Male Tink Joan Margaret Female Perth
1944/100560 Perth Tink Joan Margaret Female Chambers Harold Shergold Male Perth
1944/100561 Perth Law Thomas Campbell Male Cameron Catherine Jean Female Perth
1944/100561 Perth Cameron Catherine Jean Female Law Thomas Campbell Male Perth
1944/100562 Perth Allan Mary Alice Female Carrodus Arthur Leary Male Perth
1944/100562 Perth Carrodus Arthur Leary Male Allan Mary Alice Female Perth
1944/100563 Perth Ryan Nellie Ivy Female Nolan Leopold Male Perth
1944/100563 Perth Nolan Leopold Male Ryan Nellie Ivy Female Perth
1944/100564 Perth Tanner Ernest Henry Male Gough Alice Female Perth
1944/100564 Perth Gough Alice Female Tanner Ernest Henry Male Perth
1944/100565 Perth Cole Annie Female Brown Herbert Alfred Male Perth
1944/100565 Perth Brown Herbert Alfred Male Cole Annie Female Perth
1944/100566 Perth Mansell Stephen Leslie Male White Ella Norma Female West Perth
1944/100566 Perth White Ella Norma Female Mansell Stephen Leslie Male West Perth
1944/100567 Perth Chapman Lloyd William Male Scott Thelma Doreen Female West Perth
1944/100567 Perth Scott Thelma Doreen Female Chapman Lloyd William Male West Perth
1944/100568 Perth Barker Shelda Lillian Maude Female Wrightson Jnr Robert Ernest William Male Osborne Park
1944/100568 Perth Wrightson Jnr Robert Ernest William Male Barker Shelda Lillian Maude Female Osborne Park
1944/100569 Perth Dicken Annie Female Dicken John Male Osborne Park
1944/100569 Perth Dicken John Male Dicken Annie Female Osborne Park
1944/100570 Perth Barker Alice Female Etheridge Mansel Edwin John Male Osborne Park
1944/100570 Perth Etheridge Mansel Edwin John Male Barker Alice Female Osborne Park
1944/100571 Perth Bulmer John Edward Male Roche Gladys Burridge Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100571 Perth Roche Gladys Burridge Female Bulmer John Edward Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100572 Perth Thornton Mark Ernest Male Tovey Ella May Blanche Female Osborne Park
1944/100572 Perth Tovey Ella May Blanche Female Thornton Mark Ernest Male Osborne Park
1944/100573 Perth Williams Lily Blanche Female Becker Reginald Clifford Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100573 Perth Becker Reginald Clifford Male Williams Lily Blanche Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100574 Perth Nicholson James Male Williams Dorothy Edith Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100574 Perth Williams Dorothy Edith Female Nicholson James Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100575 Perth Pope Joyce Female Hedditch Sydney Kentbruck Male Perth
1944/100575 Perth Hedditch Sydney Kentbruck Male Pope Joyce Female Perth
1944/100576 Perth Davies Berwyn Gordon Male Devenish Alison Beatrice Female Guildford
1944/100576 Perth Devenish Alison Beatrice Female Davies Berwyn Gordon Male Guildford
1944/100577 Perth Zimmer John Raymond Male Smith Phyllis Female South Perth
1944/100577 Perth Smith Phyllis Female Zimmer John Raymond Male South Perth
1944/100578 Perth Gaston Lindsay Gordon Male Sawers Constance Mary Estelle Female Perth
1944/100578 Perth Sawers Constance Mary Estelle Female Gaston Lindsay Gordon Male Perth
1944/100579 Perth White Charles William Male McRobert Jessie Female West Perth
1944/100579 Perth McRobert Jessie Female White Charles William Male West Perth
1944/100580 Perth Binnall Pauline Debra Female Reed Stanley James Walter Male West Perth
1944/100580 Perth Reed Stanley James Walter Male Binnall Pauline Debra Female West Perth
1944/100581 Perth Barton Betty Francis Daymond Female Willan Peter Charles Male West Perth
1944/100581 Perth Willan Peter Charles Male Barton Betty Francis Daymond Female West Perth
1944/100582 Perth Hickson Joan Hamilton Female Stacy Colin Frederick Male West Perth
1944/100582 Perth Stacy Colin Frederick Male Hickson Joan Hamilton Female West Perth
1944/100583 Perth Bodkin Alva Sheba Female Hoare Ralph Maurice Male Mt Lawley
1944/100583 Perth Hoare Ralph Maurice Male Bodkin Alva Sheba Female Mt Lawley
1944/100584 Perth Glaros Manio Male Lucas Mary Female Perth
1944/100584 Perth Lucas Mary Female Glaros Manio Male Perth
1944/100585 Perth James Leo Alphonsus Male Williams Iris Female Subiaco
1944/100585 Perth Williams Iris Female James Leo Alphonsus Male Subiaco
1944/100586 Perth Reen Eileen Female Daily Stewart Male Subiaco
1944/100586 Perth Daily Stewart Male Reen Eileen Female Subiaco
1944/100587 Perth Gibb Hazel Anne Female Tippett Ferdinand Joseph Francis Male Subiaco
1944/100587 Perth Tippett Ferdinand Joseph Francis Male Gibb Hazel Anne Female Subiaco
1944/100588 Perth Rechner Noel Margaruite Female Clear Herbert George Male Leederville
1944/100588 Perth Clear Herbert George Male Rechner Noel Margaruite Female Leederville
1944/100589 Perth Patterson Amelia Margaret Female Wilson Thomas Watson Male Perth
1944/100589 Perth Wilson Thomas Watson Male Patterson Amelia Margaret Female Perth
1944/100590 Perth Kernick Daphne May Female Steele William Edwin Male Perth
1944/100590 Perth Steele William Edwin Male Kernick Daphne May Female Perth
1944/100591 Perth Twaddle Thomas Male Sundercombe Constance Margaret Female Perth
1944/100591 Perth Sundercombe Constance Margaret Female Twaddle Thomas Male Perth
1944/100592 Perth Tickle Roma Joyce Female Hassler Lawrence Otto Male Perth
1944/100592 Perth Hassler Lawrence Otto Male Tickle Roma Joyce Female Perth
1944/100593 Perth Hutchings Norman Fernley Male Wiseman Mary Ann Female Perth
1944/100593 Perth Wiseman Mary Ann Female Hutchings Norman Fernley Male Perth
1944/100594 Perth Napier May Winsome Female Bunney Jack David Male Perth
1944/100594 Perth Bunney Jack David Male Napier May Winsome Female Perth
1944/100595 Perth Curtis Loveday Female Holtom Fred Thomas Male Perth
1944/100595 Perth Holtom Fred Thomas Male Curtis Loveday Female Perth
1944/100596 Perth Hollamby Lillian Dorwood Female Yates Mervyn Hilton Male Claremont
1944/100596 Perth Yates Mervyn Hilton Male Hollamby Lillian Dorwood Female Claremont
1944/100597 Perth Clough Lelia May Female McAlpine Keith William Male Osborne Park
1944/100597 Perth McAlpine Keith William Male Clough Lelia May Female Osborne Park
1944/100598 Perth Mewburn Walter Richard Male Ferguson Mary Conception Female Perth
1944/100598 Perth Ferguson Mary Conception Female Mewburn Walter Richard Male Perth
1944/100599 Perth Johnson Benjamin Male Hawkins May Marion Female Perth
1944/100599 Perth Hawkins May Marion Female Johnson Benjamin Male Perth
1944/100600 Perth Bell Doris Lilian Female Wherry William Henry Male West Leederville
1944/100600 Perth Wherry William Henry Male Bell Doris Lilian Female West Leederville
1944/100601 Perth Broadbank Walter Edward Male Langsford Lillian Pearl Female Mt Lawley
1944/100601 Perth Langsford Lillian Pearl Female Broadbank Walter Edward Male Mt Lawley
1944/100602 Perth Froome Gladys Muriel Female Williams Walter Edward Male Mt Lawley
1944/100602 Perth Williams Walter Edward Male Froome Gladys Muriel Female Mt Lawley
1944/100603 Perth Lowen Mollie Madeline Female Hubley Eugene Leo Male Osborne Park
1944/100603 Perth Hubley Eugene Leo Male Lowen Mollie Madeline Female Osborne Park
1944/100604 Perth Pritchard Elsie Maude Female Podmore Frank Male Perth
1944/100604 Perth Podmore Frank Male Pritchard Elsie Maude Female Perth
1944/100605 Perth Turner Eric John Male Robins Gladys Female Perth
1944/100605 Perth Robins Gladys Female Turner Eric John Male Perth
1944/100606 Perth MacKinnon Stanley Claude Male Thomas Elsie Maude Female Perth
1944/100606 Perth Thomas Elsie Maude Female MacKinnon Stanley Claude Male Perth
1944/100607 Perth Denny Marion Esther Female George Alan Edward Male Perth
1944/100607 Perth George Alan Edward Male Denny Marion Esther Female Perth
1944/100608 Perth Edwards Gladys Irene Female Morris Bernard Male Perth
1944/100608 Perth Morris Bernard Male Edwards Gladys Irene Female Perth
1944/100609 Perth Watson Shirley Joy Female Reany Raymond Barton Male Perth
1944/100609 Perth Reany Raymond Barton Male Watson Shirley Joy Female Perth
1944/100610 Perth Fisher Frank Male Banks Margaret Florence Female Perth
1944/100610 Perth Banks Margaret Florence Female Fisher Frank Male Perth
1944/100611 Perth Pendergast Audrey Coral Female Sketchley James David Male Perth
1944/100611 Perth Sketchley James David Male Pendergast Audrey Coral Female Perth
1944/100612 Perth Knapton Felice Lorraine Grace Female Moeller Earl James Male Perth
1944/100612 Perth Moeller Earl James Male Knapton Felice Lorraine Grace Female Perth
1944/100613 Perth Jones James Fletcher Male Blake Audrey June Female Perth
1944/100613 Perth Blake Audrey June Female Jones James Fletcher Male Perth
1944/100614 Perth Franzon Francesco Male Berlanda Alma Female Perth
1944/100614 Perth Berlanda Alma Female Franzon Francesco Male Perth
1944/100615 Perth Starling Eliza Female Butler William Alfred Male Perth
1944/100615 Perth Butler William Alfred Male Starling Eliza Female Perth
1944/100616 Perth Monaghan Dorothy May Female Wilson William Walker Male Perth
1944/100616 Perth Wilson William Walker Male Monaghan Dorothy May Female Perth
1944/100617 Perth Kilmurray Alan Henry Male Ross Norma Female Perth
1944/100617 Perth Ross Norma Female Kilmurray Alan Henry Male Perth
1944/100618 Perth Watson Lorna Elizabeth Female Watkins Ronald Jack Male Highgate
1944/100618 Perth Watkins Ronald Jack Male Watson Lorna Elizabeth Female Highgate
1944/100619 Perth Giesé Edith Mary Female Sullivan Richard William Male Perth
1944/100619 Perth Sullivan Richard William Male Giesé Edith Mary Female Perth
1944/100620 Perth Harapeet May Sheila Female Brooks Edgar Lee Male Inglewood
1944/100620 Perth Brooks Edgar Lee Male Harapeet May Sheila Female Inglewood
1944/100621 Perth Mihaljevich Steve Joseph Male Eyles Yolanda Mary Rosey Female Perth
1944/100621 Perth Eyles Yolanda Mary Rosey Female Mihaljevich Steve Joseph Male Perth
1944/100622 Perth Smith Rhoda May Female Bowen Leslie Walter Male Victoria Park
1944/100622 Perth Bowen Leslie Walter Male Smith Rhoda May Female Victoria Park
1944/100623 Perth Goddard Joyce Evelyn Female Jones Alan Clement Male Victoria Park
1944/100623 Perth Jones Alan Clement Male Goddard Joyce Evelyn Female Victoria Park
1944/100624 Perth Thompson Rosa Female Bower Harold John Male Nedlands
1944/100624 Perth Bower Harold John Male Thompson Rosa Female Nedlands
1944/100625 Perth Just Irma Bertha Marie Female Napier-Raikes Robert James Male Perth
1944/100625 Perth Napier-Raikes Robert James Male Just Irma Bertha Marie Female Perth
1944/100626 Perth Joss Maggie Female Giles William Edward Male Perth
1944/100626 Perth Giles William Edward Male Joss Maggie Female Perth
1944/100627 Perth Spencer Leonard Percy Male Dowling Dulcie May Female Subiaco
1944/100627 Perth Dowling Dulcie May Female Spencer Leonard Percy Male Subiaco
1944/100628 Perth Parsons Emily Maude Female Horbury John Alfred Male Perth
1944/100628 Perth Horbury John Alfred Male Parsons Emily Maude Female Perth
1944/100629 Perth Tulloch Grace Enid Female Durack Reginald Wyndham Male Perth
1944/100629 Perth Durack Reginald Wyndham Male Tulloch Grace Enid Female Perth
1944/100630 Perth Foster June Mayne Female Gould Albert Noel Male Perth
1944/100630 Perth Gould Albert Noel Male Foster June Mayne Female Perth
1944/100631 Perth Wigmore Adele Female Braimbridge Frank Male Perth
1944/100631 Perth Braimbridge Frank Male Wigmore Adele Female Perth
1944/100632 Perth Harris Vida May Female Bonini William Male Perth
1944/100632 Perth Bonini William Male Harris Vida May Female Perth
1944/100633 Perth Miller Henrietta Alvina Female Wake Francis Luttle Male Perth
1944/100633 Perth Wake Francis Luttle Male Miller Henrietta Alvina Female Perth
1944/100634 Perth Smith Brian Patrick Male Hodgkinson Eva May Female Perth
1944/100634 Perth Hodgkinson Eva May Female Smith Brian Patrick Male Perth
1944/100635 Perth Sells Leslie Walter Male Herbert Joan Margaret Female Perth
1944/100635 Perth Herbert Joan Margaret Female Sells Leslie Walter Male Perth
1944/100636 Perth O'Brien Bernard Bray Male Fleay Olive Lona Female Maylands
1944/100636 Perth Fleay Olive Lona Female O'Brien Bernard Bray Male Maylands
1944/100637 Perth Mason Edward Gordon Male Lewis Clair Female West Perth
1944/100637 Perth Mason Edward Gordon Male Lewis Clara Female West Perth
1944/100637 Perth Waterman Edward Gordon Male Lewis Clair Female West Perth
1944/100637 Perth Waterman Edward Gordon Male Lewis Clara Female West Perth
1944/100637 Perth Waterman Gordon Male Lewis Clair Female West Perth
1944/100637 Perth Waterman Gordon Male Lewis Clara Female West Perth
1944/100637 Perth Lewis Clair Female Mason Edward Gordon Male West Perth
1944/100637 Perth Lewis Clair Female Mason Gordon Male West Perth
1944/100637 Perth Lewis Clair Female Waterman Edward Gordon Male West Perth
1944/100637 Perth Lewis Clair Female Waterman Gordon Male West Perth
1944/100637 Perth Lewis Clara Female Mason Edward Gordon Male West Perth
1944/100637 Perth Lewis Clara Female Mason Gordon Male West Perth
1944/100637 Perth Lewis Clara Female Waterman Edward Gordon Male West Perth
1944/100637 Perth Lewis Clara Female Waterman Gordon Male West Perth
1944/100637 Perth Mason Gordon Male Lewis Clair Female West Perth
1944/100637 Perth Mason Gordon Male Lewis Clara Female West Perth
1944/100638 Perth Ebsary Chloris Myrtle Female Roberts Harold James Male West Perth
1944/100638 Perth Roberts Harold James Male Ebsary Chloris Myrtle Female West Perth
1944/100639 Perth Daniels Mary Bridget Eleanor Female Saggers Robert George Male Rivervale
1944/100639 Perth Saggers Robert George Male Daniels Mary Bridget Eleanor Female Rivervale
1944/100640 Perth Dent Lowell Everette Male Bristowe Norma Christine Female Perth
1944/100640 Perth Bristowe Norma Christine Female Dent Lowell Everette Male Perth
1944/100641 Perth Dunkerley Fred Male Morgan Florence May Female Perth
1944/100641 Perth Morgan Florence May Female Dunkerley Fred Male Perth
1944/100642 Perth Firth Dorothy May Female Smith Victor Charles Albert Male West Leederville
1944/100642 Perth Smith Victor Charles Albert Male Firth Dorothy May Female West Leederville
1944/100643 Perth Alexander Ernest Geoffrey Male Smith Joyce Winifred Female Nedlands
1944/100643 Perth Smith Joyce Winifred Female Alexander Ernest Geoffrey Male Nedlands
1944/100644 Perth Fitzpatrick Joan Charlotte Female Leahey George Bruce Male Perth
1944/100644 Perth Leahey George Bruce Male Fitzpatrick Joan Charlotte Female Perth
1944/100645 Perth Peggs Gwennyth Jean Female Corbett Paul James Male Perth
1944/100645 Perth Corbett Paul James Male Peggs Gwennyth Jean Female Perth
1944/100646 Perth Head Laban Johnson Male Fane Beatrice Mary Female Perth
1944/100646 Perth Fane Beatrice Mary Female Head Laban Johnson Male Perth
1944/100647 Perth Scott Arthur Gordon Male Smith Evelyn Margaret Female Perth
1944/100647 Perth Smith Evelyn Margaret Female Scott Arthur Gordon Male Perth
1944/100648 Perth Nicholson Albert Edward Michael Male Albone Nora Victoria May Female Perth
1944/100648 Perth Albone Nora Victoria May Female Nicholson Albert Edward Michael Male Perth
1944/100649 Perth Duncan Mary Elizabeth Female Rollings Reginald Richard Male Perth
1944/100649 Perth Rollings Reginald Richard Male Duncan Mary Elizabeth Female Perth
1944/100650 Perth Evans Verna Female Davis Edward Male Perth
1944/100650 Perth Davis Edward Male Evans Verna Female Perth
1944/100651 Perth Pitter George Edwin Male Byas Jean Fenella Female Perth
1944/100651 Perth Byas Jean Fenella Female Pitter George Edwin Male Perth
1944/100652 Perth Williamson William Thomas Male Rowlands Evaline Hilda Female Perth
1944/100652 Perth Rowlands Evaline Hilda Female Williamson William Thomas Male Perth
1944/100653 Perth Curry Orville Leon Male Stuart Catherine Veronica Female Perth
1944/100653 Perth Stuart Catherine Veronica Female Curry Orville Leon Male Perth
1944/100654 Perth Trewhella Walter Henry Male Brown Jean Frances Female Perth
1944/100654 Perth Brown Jean Frances Female Trewhella Walter Henry Male Perth
1944/100655 Perth Devlin John Male Sedgman Lorna May Female Leederville
1944/100655 Perth Sedgman Lorna May Female Devlin John Male Leederville
1944/100656 Perth Frost George Woodrow Male Bradshaw Lilian Joan Female Perth
1944/100656 Perth Bradshaw Lilian Joan Female Frost George Woodrow Male Perth
1944/100657 Perth Graham Arthur Male Jones Hilda Victoria Female Perth
1944/100657 Perth Jones Hilda Victoria Female Graham Arthur Male Perth
1944/100658 Perth Coltham Constance Emily Female Hoy Poy Clyde Eric Arnold Male Perth
1944/100658 Perth Hoy Poy Clyde Eric Arnold Male Coltham Constance Emily Female Perth
1944/100659 Perth Roberts George Tippett Male Davidson Marjorie Jean Female West Perth
1944/100659 Perth Davidson Marjorie Jean Female Roberts George Tippett Male West Perth
1944/100660 Perth Costigan Mildred Mary Female Ward Keith Raymond Male North Perth
1944/100660 Perth Ward Keith Raymond Male Costigan Mildred Mary Female North Perth
1944/100661 Perth Williamson Cecily Jean Female Downing Ronald Charles Male North Perth
1944/100661 Perth Downing Ronald Charles Male Williamson Cecily Jean Female North Perth
1944/100662 Perth Cook Ada Mary Female Cook Brian Wallace Male Perth
1944/100662 Perth Cook Brian Wallace Male Cook Ada Mary Female Perth
1944/100663 Perth Bluck Nancy Glyn Female Hocker Leo Clifford Male Perth
1944/100663 Perth Hocker Leo Clifford Male Bluck Nancy Glyn Female Perth
1944/100664 Perth Harper Olive Joyce Female Elliott Keith Watson Male Perth
1944/100664 Perth Elliott Keith Watson Male Harper Olive Joyce Female Perth
1944/100665 Perth Stark Gwenva Kathleen Female Duncan David Male Claremont
1944/100665 Perth Duncan David Male Stark Gwenva Kathleen Female Claremont
1944/100666 Perth Imberti Angelo Male Gamble Margaret Mary Female Perth
1944/100666 Perth Gamble Margaret Mary Female Imberti Angelo Male Perth
1944/100667 Perth Tait Edna Clara Female Lester Humphrey Noel Male Cottesloe
1944/100667 Perth Lester Humphrey Noel Male Tait Edna Clara Female Cottesloe
1944/100668 Perth Nind Lena Maud Female Rodda Victor Herbert Male Swanbourne
1944/100668 Perth Rodda Victor Herbert Male Nind Lena Maud Female Swanbourne
1944/100669 Perth Burr Phyllis May Female Rice John Francis Male Perth
1944/100669 Perth Rice John Francis Male Burr Phyllis May Female Perth
1944/100670 Perth O'Halloran Sheila May Female Glew William John Male Perth
1944/100670 Perth Glew William John Male O'Halloran Sheila May Female Perth
1944/100671 Perth Hickmott Betty Female Rust Richard John Male Perth
1944/100671 Perth Rust Richard John Male Hickmott Betty Female Perth
1944/100672 Perth Patterson Bernice May Female Barden William Morris Male Perth
1944/100672 Perth Barden William Morris Male Patterson Bernice May Female Perth
1944/100673 Perth Theobald Elsie May Female Charlton Angus Male Perth
1944/100673 Perth Charlton Angus Male Theobald Elsie May Female Perth
1944/100674 Perth Good Herbert Mitchell Male O'Hara Olive Winifred Female Perth
1944/100674 Perth O'Hara Olive Winifred Female Good Herbert Mitchell Male Perth
1944/100675 Perth Hardwick Isobel Padbury Female Collins John Francis George Male Perth
1944/100675 Perth Collins John Francis George Male Hardwick Isobel Padbury Female Perth
1944/100676 Perth Sheen Beatrice Elizabeth Female Ellis Stanley Arthur Robert Male Perth
1944/100676 Perth Ellis Stanley Arthur Robert Male Sheen Beatrice Elizabeth Female Perth
1944/100677 Perth Barron Natalie Lucy Female Armstrong Bruce Edmund Male Perth
1944/100677 Perth Armstrong Bruce Edmund Male Barron Natalie Lucy Female Perth
1944/100678 Perth Tozer Reginald Thomas Male Cole Zella Phyllis Female Perth
1944/100678 Perth Cole Zella Phyllis Female Tozer Reginald Thomas Male Perth
1944/100679 Perth Mullooly Francis James Male Lawson Esther May Female Perth
1944/100679 Perth Lawson Esther May Female Mullooly Francis James Male Perth
1944/100680 Perth Raddigan Stanley William Male Martin Dorothy Alice Female Perth
1944/100680 Perth Martin Dorothy Alice Female Raddigan Stanley William Male Perth
1944/100681 Perth Walsh Alice Female Martin Rennie Leith Male Perth
1944/100681 Perth Martin Rennie Leith Male Walsh Alice Female Perth
1944/100682 Perth Vryheid Clyde Raymond Male Harris Gwendoline Pearl Female Perth
1944/100682 Perth Harris Gwendoline Pearl Female Vryheid Clyde Raymond Male Perth
1944/100683 Perth Bubnich Gloria Female Kilpatrick Robert Francis Male Perth
1944/100683 Perth Kilpatrick Robert Francis Male Bubnich Gloria Female Perth
1944/100684 Perth Hutchinson Bernice Bianca Female Sauer Norman Ronald Male Perth
1944/100684 Perth Sauer Norman Ronald Male Hutchinson Bernice Bianca Female Perth
1944/100685 Perth Parsons Walter Albert Male Grayson Merle Agnes Female Perth
1944/100685 Perth Grayson Merle Agnes Female Parsons Walter Albert Male Perth
1944/100686 Perth Cook Harvey Robert Male Romaior Olive Mary Female Osborne Park
1944/100686 Perth Romaior Olive Mary Female Cook Harvey Robert Male Osborne Park
1944/100687 Perth Richardson Gertrude Alice Mary Female Buckett Sidney Harold Male Osborne Park
1944/100687 Perth Buckett Sidney Harold Male Richardson Gertrude Alice Mary Female Osborne Park
1944/100688 Perth Noonan Edward Manning Male Gregory Patricia Mercy Female Osborne Park
1944/100688 Perth Gregory Patricia Mercy Female Noonan Edward Manning Male Osborne Park
1944/100689 Perth McNair Daisy Florence Female Polkinghorne George Marshall Male Osborne Park
1944/100689 Perth Polkinghorne George Marshall Male McNair Daisy Florence Female Osborne Park
1944/100690 Perth Georgy William Alfred Roland Male Salinger Joy Female North Perth
1944/100690 Perth Salinger Joy Female Georgy William Alfred Roland Male North Perth
1944/100691 Perth Dawson Arthur William Male Shimmon Elizabeth Merle Female Claremont
1944/100691 Perth Shimmon Elizabeth Merle Female Dawson Arthur William Male Claremont
1944/100692 Perth Enkelmann Charles Blair Male Ashmore Phyllis Lillian Female Claremont
1944/100692 Perth Ashmore Phyllis Lillian Female Enkelmann Charles Blair Male Claremont
1944/100693 Perth Morris Nancy Female Runciman Henry Male Claremont
1944/100693 Perth Runciman Henry Male Morris Nancy Female Claremont
1944/100694 Perth Fenton Lloyd Ben Male Nichols Ruth Epsie Female Claremont
1944/100694 Perth Nichols Ruth Epsie Female Fenton Lloyd Ben Male Claremont
1944/100695 Perth Weinman Ian Alec Male Arnott Monica Elnora Female Claremont
1944/100695 Perth Arnott Monica Elnora Female Weinman Ian Alec Male Claremont
1944/100696 Perth Edwards Clare Female Yelland Hugh Thomas Male Claremont
1944/100696 Perth Yelland Hugh Thomas Male Edwards Clare Female Claremont
1944/100697 Perth Bennett Richard Noel Male Clark Winsome Angove Female Claremont
1944/100697 Perth Clark Winsome Angove Female Bennett Richard Noel Male Claremont
1944/100698 Perth Hale Norman Male Earl Margaret Evelyn Female Claremont
1944/100698 Perth Earl Margaret Evelyn Female Hale Norman Male Claremont
1944/100699 Perth Bodey Roma Mary Female Medway Henry James Male Bayswater
1944/100699 Perth Medway Henry James Male Bodey Roma Mary Female Bayswater
1944/100700 Perth Angel Thomas Roy Male Stevens Elsie May Female Perth
1944/100700 Perth Stevens Elsie May Female Angel Thomas Roy Male Perth
1944/100701 Perth York Joyce Mabel Female Strother Victor Male Perth
1944/100701 Perth Strother Victor Male York Joyce Mabel Female Perth
1944/100702 Perth Hiddlestone Cecil Forest Male Stevens Vera Female Perth
1944/100702 Perth Stevens Vera Female Hiddlestone Cecil Forest Male Perth
1944/100703 Perth McNabb Merva Enid Female Groves John Arthur Male Guildford
1944/100703 Perth Groves John Arthur Male McNabb Merva Enid Female Guildford
1944/100704 Perth Garth Marion Florence Female Radcliffe Charles Watson David Male Perth
1944/100704 Perth Radcliffe Charles Watson David Male Garth Marion Florence Female Perth
1944/100705 Perth Hamilton Beryl May Vilo Female Hall Norman Male Subiaco
1944/100705 Perth Hall Norman Male Hamilton Beryl May Vilo Female Subiaco
1944/100706 Perth Sheppard Margaret Donaldson Female Healy John William Male West Perth
1944/100706 Perth Healy John William Male Sheppard Margaret Donaldson Female West Perth
1944/100707 Perth Temly Yvonne Dorothea Female Kirby Lawrence Male West Perth
1944/100707 Perth Kirby Lawrence Male Temly Yvonne Dorothea Female West Perth
1944/100708 Perth Weston Stephen Henry Male Gibbs Edna May Female West Perth
1944/100708 Perth Gibbs Edna May Female Weston Stephen Henry Male West Perth
1944/100709 Perth Stowe Helen Margaret Female Fraser Frederick Christopher Male West Perth
1944/100709 Perth Fraser Frederick Christopher Male Stowe Helen Margaret Female West Perth
1944/100710 Perth Whisler Mavis Evelyn Female Baldwin Neville Arthur Male West Perth
1944/100710 Perth Baldwin Neville Arthur Male Whisler Mavis Evelyn Female West Perth
1944/100711 Perth Duffield Stanley Herbert Foss Male Thomas Gloria Joyce Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100711 Perth Thomas Gloria Joyce Female Duffield Stanley Herbert Foss Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100712 Perth Sadleir Audrey Anne Female Scott Joseph Andrew Male Northam
1944/100712 Perth Scott Joseph Andrew Male Sadleir Audrey Anne Female Northam
1944/100713 Perth Cosstick Lillian Mary Female Howe Bert William Male Perth
1944/100713 Perth Howe Bert William Male Cosstick Lillian Mary Female Perth
1944/100714 Perth Hogan Mabel Esther Female Fitzgerald Roy Francis Male Perth
1944/100714 Perth Fitzgerald Roy Francis Male Hogan Mabel Esther Female Perth
1944/100715 Perth McFarlane William George Lawrie Male Hayter Doris Jean Female North Perth
1944/100715 Perth Hayter Doris Jean Female McFarlane William George Lawrie Male North Perth
1944/100716 Perth Stronach William Claude Male Forbes Coleen Isobel Female Perth
1944/100716 Perth Forbes Coleen Isobel Female Stronach William Claude Male Perth
1944/100717 Perth Symons Lilian Eileen Female Linto Francis Boyce Male South Perth
1944/100717 Perth Linto Francis Boyce Male Symons Lilian Eileen Female South Perth
1944/100718 Perth Klein Mathew George Male Alderton Louisa Ethel Female Victoria Park
1944/100718 Perth Alderton Louisa Ethel Female Klein Mathew George Male Victoria Park
1944/100719 Perth Brand George Duncan Male Ding Patricia Ethel Female Victoria Park
1944/100719 Perth Ding Patricia Ethel Female Brand George Duncan Male Victoria Park
1944/100720 Perth Thorley Rosalind Louise Female McGuire Thomas Patrick Male Perth
1944/100720 Perth McGuire Thomas Patrick Male Thorley Rosalind Louise Female Perth
1944/100721 Perth Newburn Mary Ellen Female Forward Walter Allan Male Shenton Park
1944/100721 Perth Forward Walter Allan Male Newburn Mary Ellen Female Shenton Park
1944/100722 Perth Kuchan Mavis Dorothy Female Hornsby Cecil William Male Cottesloe
1944/100722 Perth Hornsby Cecil William Male Kuchan Mavis Dorothy Female Cottesloe
1944/100723 Perth Hixon Verna Lilian Bernice Female Bormann Arthur Allen Male Cottesloe
1944/100723 Perth Bormann Arthur Allen Male Hixon Verna Lilian Bernice Female Cottesloe
1944/100724 Perth Freeman Frank Douglas Male Wedd Mary Cissie Female Cottesloe
1944/100724 Perth Wedd Mary Cissie Female Freeman Frank Douglas Male Cottesloe
1944/100725 Perth Coles Audrey Marguerite Female Cameron James Male Cottesloe
1944/100725 Perth Cameron James Male Coles Audrey Marguerite Female Cottesloe
1944/100726 Perth Tarrant Josephine Maud Female Sproxton Ronald George Male Bayswater
1944/100726 Perth Sproxton Ronald George Male Tarrant Josephine Maud Female Bayswater
1944/100727 Perth Rampant Charles Alphonsus Male Megan Joan Beresford Female South Perth
1944/100727 Perth Megan Joan Beresford Female Rampant Charles Alphonsus Male South Perth
1944/100728 Perth Bishop Joan Mary Female Dawson Colin Peter Middleton Male Bayswater
1944/100728 Perth Dawson Colin Peter Middleton Male Bishop Joan Mary Female Bayswater
1944/100729 Perth Ryan Gertrude Female Prendergast Joseph Charles Male Claremont
1944/100729 Perth Prendergast Joseph Charles Male Ryan Gertrude Female Claremont
1944/100730 Perth Wilde John Curry Male Banting Ilma Female Highgate Hill
1944/100730 Perth Banting Ilma Female Wilde John Curry Male Highgate Hill
1944/100731 Perth Hart Margaret Agnes Female McDonald Alexander William Male Highgate Hill
1944/100731 Perth McDonald Alexander William Male Hart Margaret Agnes Female Highgate Hill
1944/100732 Perth Jacobsen Kathleen Ellen Female Purtill Robert Michael Male Highgate Hill
1944/100732 Perth Purtill Robert Michael Male Jacobsen Kathleen Ellen Female Highgate Hill
1944/100733 Perth Bradford Phyllis Clare Female O'Dea Geoffrey Clare Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100733 Perth O'Dea Geoffrey Clare Male Bradford Phyllis Clare Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100734 Perth Hitchcock Irene Hazel Female Oliver Wallace Richard Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100734 Perth Oliver Wallace Richard Male Hitchcock Irene Hazel Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100735 Perth Allen Lorraine Vera Female Donovan Joseph Eustace Male Perth
1944/100735 Perth Donovan Joseph Eustace Male Allen Lorraine Vera Female Perth
1944/100736 Perth Pollard Samuel Keith Male Stock Dulcie Female Perth
1944/100736 Perth Stock Dulcie Female Pollard Samuel Keith Male Perth
1944/100737 Perth Cameron Irene Joy Female Wait Clifford Harry Edward Male Perth
1944/100737 Perth Wait Clifford Harry Edward Male Cameron Irene Joy Female Perth
1944/100738 Perth Graham Joy Watson Female Whiley Ronald Anthony Male Perth
1944/100738 Perth Whiley Ronald Anthony Male Graham Joy Watson Female Perth
1944/100739 Perth Winrow Hilda Agnes Female Groth Theodore Lawrence Male Perth
1944/100739 Perth Groth Theodore Lawrence Male Winrow Hilda Agnes Female Perth
1944/100740 Perth Lee Fredrick John Male Bruce Wilhelmina Hannah Female Perth
1944/100740 Perth Bruce Wilhelmina Hannah Female Lee Fredrick John Male Perth
1944/100741 Perth Konkel Elsworth Leroy Male Foggon Doreen Liddle Female Perth
1944/100741 Perth Foggon Doreen Liddle Female Konkel Elsworth Leroy Male Perth
1944/100742 Perth Leckie Edward Seymour Male Williams Olive May Female Perth
1944/100742 Perth Williams Olive May Female Leckie Edward Seymour Male Perth
1944/100743 Perth Miller Robert Carl Male Osborne Sophie Female Perth
1944/100743 Perth Osborne Sophie Female Miller Robert Carl Male Perth
1944/100744 Perth Parry Ella Female Black Arthur Ernest Male Perth
1944/100744 Perth Black Arthur Ernest Male Parry Ella Female Perth
1944/100745 Perth Whiteaker Charlotte Female Cangemi Pascoe Male Bayswater
1944/100745 Perth Cangemi Pascoe Male Whiteaker Charlotte Female Bayswater
1944/100746 Perth Baldwinson Sydney James Male Hill Edna Lena Female Cottesloe
1944/100746 Perth Hill Edna Lena Female Baldwinson Sydney James Male Cottesloe
1944/100747 Perth Hyland Reginald John Male Faulkner Audrey Jean Female Perth
1944/100747 Perth Faulkner Audrey Jean Female Hyland Reginald John Male Perth
1944/100748 Perth Ambler June Marjorie Female Kiddie Sydney Lewis Male Perth
1944/100748 Perth Kiddie Sydney Lewis Male Ambler June Marjorie Female Perth
1944/100749 Perth Perkins Laura Elizabeth Female Blake Arthur John Male Perth
1944/100749 Perth Blake Arthur John Male Perkins Laura Elizabeth Female Perth
1944/100750 Perth Rice Desmond Richard Male Campbell Gweneth Dorothy Female Perth
1944/100750 Perth Campbell Gweneth Dorothy Female Rice Desmond Richard Male Perth
1944/100751 Perth Passmore Albert David Ivor Male Goddard Theresa Madeline Female Perth
1944/100751 Perth Goddard Theresa Madeline Female Passmore Albert David Ivor Male Perth
1944/100752 Perth Mitchelson Myrtle Florence Female Mitchelson Robert Frederick Male Perth
1944/100752 Perth Mitchelson Robert Frederick Male Mitchelson Myrtle Florence Female Perth
1944/100753 Perth Gallagher Beryl Olga Female Grannery Ronald Cameron Male Maylands
1944/100753 Perth Grannery Ronald Cameron Male Gallagher Beryl Olga Female Maylands
1944/100754 Perth Pedretti William Thomas Male Connelly Ruby Female Perth
1944/100754 Perth Connelly Ruby Female Pedretti William Thomas Male Perth
1944/100755 Perth Heagy Robert Louis Male Dwyer Lillian Ellen Female Victoria Park
1944/100755 Perth Dwyer Lillian Ellen Female Heagy Robert Louis Male Victoria Park
1944/100756 Perth Paling Joan Phoebe Ernestine Female Ward John Alfred Male Cottesloe
1944/100756 Perth Ward John Alfred Male Paling Joan Phoebe Ernestine Female Cottesloe
1944/100757 Perth Skinn Noel Edward Male Opie Shirley Ethel Female Perth
1944/100757 Perth Opie Shirley Ethel Female Skinn Noel Edward Male Perth
1944/100758 Perth Cameron Cyril Frederick Male Tressider Stella Marie Female Perth
1944/100758 Perth Tressider Stella Marie Female Cameron Cyril Frederick Male Perth
1944/100759 Perth Carthew Gerald Frank Male Lockley Mary Edith Female Perth
1944/100759 Perth Lockley Mary Edith Female Carthew Gerald Frank Male Perth
1944/100760 Perth Andersen Lilian Ninon Edith Female Sauncy Ellsworth Tyler Male Perth
1944/100760 Perth Sauncy Ellsworth Tyler Male Andersen Lilian Ninon Edith Female Perth
1944/100761 Perth Missingham Margaret Susannah Female Panizza Peter Male North Perth
1944/100761 Perth Panizza Peter Male Missingham Margaret Susannah Female North Perth
1944/100762 Perth Harry Frank Harold Male East Audrey Isabella Female Perth
1944/100762 Perth East Audrey Isabella Female Harry Frank Harold Male Perth
1944/100763 Perth Hocking Jean Smyllie Female Cassin Harold James Male Subiaco
1944/100763 Perth Cassin Harold James Male Hocking Jean Smyllie Female Subiaco
1944/100764 Perth Tregoweth Eileen Maud Female Anderson Kenneth George Male North Perth
1944/100764 Perth Anderson Kenneth George Male Tregoweth Eileen Maud Female North Perth
1944/100765 Perth Mackay Josephine Mary Female Tree Ronald Vivian Male Perth
1944/100765 Perth Tree Ronald Vivian Male Mackay Josephine Mary Female Perth
1944/100766 Perth Scott Catherine Jane Female Considine Percival Thomas Male Perth
1944/100766 Perth Considine Percival Thomas Male Scott Catherine Jane Female Perth
1944/100767 Perth Petricevich Joseph Maxwell Male White Margaret Florence Female Perth
1944/100767 Perth White Margaret Florence Female Petricevich Joseph Maxwell Male Perth
1944/100768 Perth Owens Margaret Female Bodman Herbert Victor Male Perth
1944/100768 Perth Bodman Herbert Victor Male Owens Margaret Female Perth
1944/100769 Perth Bates Henry George Male Dwyer Isabel Maude Female Subiaco
1944/100769 Perth Dwyer Isabel Maude Female Bates Henry George Male Subiaco
1944/100770 Perth Whitehead Joan Female Higgins Robert John Male West Perth
1944/100770 Perth Higgins Robert John Male Whitehead Joan Female West Perth
1944/100771 Perth Jarvis Phyllis Dora Female Lind Douglas Andrew Male West Perth
1944/100771 Perth Lind Douglas Andrew Male Jarvis Phyllis Dora Female West Perth
1944/100772 Perth Ramage Harold James Nathan Male Bailey Mabel Emily Female West Perth
1944/100772 Perth Bailey Mabel Emily Female Ramage Harold James Nathan Male West Perth
1944/100773 Perth Lewis David Henry Male Speed Elizabeth Robertson Female South Perth
1944/100773 Perth Speed Elizabeth Robertson Female Lewis David Henry Male South Perth
1944/100774 Perth Jones Frederick Garbutt Male Johnson Marion Cunningham Female Perth
1944/100774 Perth Johnson Marion Cunningham Female Jones Frederick Garbutt Male Perth
1944/100775 Perth Millington Reginald Clifford Male McGowan Jean Kathleen Female Inglewood
1944/100775 Perth McGowan Jean Kathleen Female Millington Reginald Clifford Male Inglewood
1944/100776 Perth Iles Evelyn Margaret Female Moser Ellsworth Frank Male Maylands
1944/100776 Perth Moser Ellsworth Frank Male Iles Evelyn Margaret Female Maylands
1944/100777 Perth Smith James Burtron Male Hayward Florence Female Victoria Park
1944/100777 Perth Hayward Florence Female Smith James Burtron Male Victoria Park
1944/100778 Perth Bowron James Mack Male Milner Ida Dulcie Naomi Female Carlisle
1944/100778 Perth Milner Ida Dulcie Naomi Female Bowron James Mack Male Carlisle
1944/100779 Perth Edwards Robert Stewart Male Bentley Dorothy Marie Female Victoria Park
1944/100779 Perth Bentley Dorothy Marie Female Edwards Robert Stewart Male Victoria Park
1944/100780 Perth Regan Kenneth Raymond Male Dew Ruby Vera Female Perth
1944/100780 Perth Dew Ruby Vera Female Regan Kenneth Raymond Male Perth
1944/100781 Perth Shaddick Jack Stephen Male Smith Shirley Joan Female Subiaco
1944/100781 Perth Smith Shirley Joan Female Shaddick Jack Stephen Male Subiaco
1944/100782 Perth Hatcher Kathleen Edith Female Snell Ronald James Male Nedlands
1944/100782 Perth Snell Ronald James Male Hatcher Kathleen Edith Female Nedlands
1944/100783 Perth Boyd Robert Hugh Male Christensen Telma Joy Female Perth
1944/100783 Perth Christensen Telma Joy Female Boyd Robert Hugh Male Perth
1944/100784 Perth Fisher Walter Fredrick Male Jones Molly Female Mt Lawley
1944/100784 Perth Jones Molly Female Fisher Walter Fredrick Male Mt Lawley
1944/100785 Perth Bonser Roma Evelyn Mary Female Clohessy Gilbert Thomas Patrick Male Mt Lawley
1944/100785 Perth Clohessy Gilbert Thomas Patrick Male Bonser Roma Evelyn Mary Female Mt Lawley
1944/100786 Perth Turner Elsie Joyce Female Morgan William Hopkin Male Mt Lawley
1944/100786 Perth Morgan William Hopkin Male Turner Elsie Joyce Female Mt Lawley
1944/100787 Perth Ivison Dorothy Alice Female Matthews Bertie Charles Male Perth
1944/100787 Perth Matthews Bertie Charles Male Ivison Dorothy Alice Female Perth
1944/100788 Perth Campbell John Male Nevin Bride Anne Female Maylands
1944/100788 Perth Nevin Bride Anne Female Campbell John Male Maylands
1944/100789 Perth Anderson Gladys Eva Female Mutton Horace Desmond Male Maylands Anderson-91502
1944/100789 Perth Mutton Horace Desmond Male Anderson Gladys Eva Female Maylands
1944/100790 Perth Virgin Ella Mavis Female Smith Henry Glyn Male Victoria Park
1944/100790 Perth Smith Henry Glyn Male Virgin Ella Mavis Female Victoria Park
1944/100791 Perth Sharpe David Joseph Male Hancock Sheila Laura Female West Perth
1944/100791 Perth Hancock Sheila Laura Female Sharpe David Joseph Male West Perth
1944/100792 Perth Cullen Kathleen May Female Braithwaite John Alexander Male West Perth
1944/100792 Perth Braithwaite John Alexander Male Cullen Kathleen May Female West Perth
1944/100793 Perth Miller Margaret Flora Female Cameron John O'Grady Male West Perth
1944/100793 Perth Cameron John O'Grady Male Miller Margaret Flora Female West Perth
1944/100794 Perth Rock Edith May Female Illingworth Ernest William Male West Perth
1944/100794 Perth Illingworth Ernest William Male Rock Edith May Female West Perth
1944/100795 Perth Hogg Christina Alexandra Female Smith William Leonard Male West Perth
1944/100795 Perth Smith William Leonard Male Hogg Christina Alexandra Female West Perth
1944/100796 Perth Reid Mariane Florence Female Roche Hugh Lewis Male West Perth
1944/100796 Perth Roche Hugh Lewis Male Reid Mariane Florence Female West Perth
1944/100797 Perth McKernan Esther Ellen Female McCombe Herbert James Male West Perth
1944/100797 Perth McCombe Herbert James Male McKernan Esther Ellen Female West Perth
1944/100798 Perth Rawson Kevin Jasper Male Hamilton Shirley Norine Female West Perth
1944/100798 Perth Hamilton Shirley Norine Female Rawson Kevin Jasper Male West Perth
1944/100799 Perth Hassall Muriel Isabelle Female Jorgensen Selwyn George Male Perth
1944/100799 Perth Jorgensen Selwyn George Male Hassall Muriel Isabelle Female Perth
1944/100800 Perth Wilson Isobelle Mary Female Nugent Stanley Arthur Male Perth
1944/100800 Perth Nugent Stanley Arthur Male Wilson Isobelle Mary Female Perth
1944/100801 Perth Stook Lorna Joyce Female Russell Jack Male Perth
1944/100801 Perth Russell Jack Male Stook Lorna Joyce Female Perth
1944/100802 Perth Sanford Ronald Albert Male Harris Erla May Female Perth
1944/100802 Perth Harris Erla May Female Sanford Ronald Albert Male Perth
1944/100803 Perth James Ernest Richard Male Northwood Audrey Theta Female Perth
1944/100803 Perth Northwood Audrey Theta Female James Ernest Richard Male Perth
1944/100804 Perth Whitehouse Keith Graham Male Rogers Olive Eileen Female West Perth
1944/100804 Perth Rogers Olive Eileen Female Whitehouse Keith Graham Male West Perth
1944/100805 Perth Kirton Kathleen Female Menzies James Ramsay Male West Perth
1944/100805 Perth Menzies James Ramsay Male Kirton Kathleen Female West Perth
1944/100806 Perth Bone Kenneth Clarence Male Lloyd Dorothy Mae Female Perth
1944/100806 Perth Lloyd Dorothy Mae Female Bone Kenneth Clarence Male Perth
1944/100807 Perth Hutchinson Earle Lance Male Nielsen Lorna Alice Female Perth
1944/100807 Perth Nielsen Lorna Alice Female Hutchinson Earle Lance Male Perth
1944/100808 Perth Baker Charles Herbert Male Bailey Marjorie Doris Female Perth
1944/100808 Perth Bailey Marjorie Doris Female Baker Charles Herbert Male Perth
1944/100809 Perth Carruthers Elspeth Hendry Female Alston Douglas Male Cottesloe
1944/100809 Perth Alston Douglas Male Carruthers Elspeth Hendry Female Cottesloe
1944/100810 Perth Sawyer Annie Matilda Florence Female Dodds John William Male Leederville
1944/100810 Perth Dodds John William Male Sawyer Annie Matilda Florence Female Leederville
1944/100811 Perth John Dagmar Olive Female Guthrie Robert Hayward Male Mosman Park
1944/100811 Perth Guthrie Robert Hayward Male John Dagmar Olive Female Mosman Park
1944/100812 Perth Plewright Dorothy Annie Female Hance Albert Milton Male Perth
1944/100812 Perth Hance Albert Milton Male Plewright Dorothy Annie Female Perth
1944/100813 Perth Burt Darold James Male Rogers Dorothy Millicent Female Perth
1944/100813 Perth Rogers Dorothy Millicent Female Burt Darold James Male Perth
1944/100814 Perth Young Robert Keir Male Newson Lilian Lindquist Female Perth
1944/100814 Perth Newson Lilian Lindquist Female Young Robert Keir Male Perth
1944/100815 Perth Wright Jean Keltie Female Brown Maxwell Walter Male Perth
1944/100815 Perth Brown Maxwell Walter Male Wright Jean Keltie Female Perth
1944/100816 Perth Barden Eva Cecelia Female Johnstone Reginald Male Perth
1944/100816 Perth Johnstone Reginald Male Barden Eva Cecelia Female Perth
1944/100817 Perth Scott Mavis Dorothy Female Rathburn Ray Harry Male Perth
1944/100817 Perth Rathburn Ray Harry Male Scott Mavis Dorothy Female Perth
1944/100818 Perth Meakins Jack Ivan Male Glass Elsie Nicol Key Female Perth
1944/100818 Perth Glass Elsie Nicol Key Female Meakins Jack Ivan Male Perth
1944/100819 Perth Gillon Norman Keith Male Butler Eileen Female Perth
1944/100819 Perth Butler Eileen Female Gillon Norman Keith Male Perth
1944/100820 Perth Addison Adeline Rose Female Annesley Robert Devon Male Perth
1944/100820 Perth Annesley Robert Devon Male Addison Adeline Rose Female Perth
1944/100821 Perth Clark John Male Little Patricia Mary Female East Victoria Park
1944/100821 Perth Little Patricia Mary Female Clark John Male East Victoria Park
1944/100822 Perth OKamoto Edward Charles Male Sapcote Dorothy Female East Victoria Park
1944/100822 Perth Sapcote Dorothy Female OKamoto Edward Charles Male East Victoria Park
1944/100823 Perth Simms Rona Harvey Female Lowe Colin Richard Male Claremont
1944/100823 Perth Lowe Colin Richard Male Simms Rona Harvey Female Claremont
1944/100824 Perth McAuslane Harry Readman Male Jones Lilian Margaret Female Claremont
1944/100824 Perth Jones Lilian Margaret Female McAuslane Harry Readman Male Claremont
1944/100825 Perth Batty Peggy Female Rogers Francis Steven Male Claremont
1944/100825 Perth Rogers Francis Steven Male Batty Peggy Female Claremont
1944/100826 Perth Parker William Smith Male Molineux Ruth Robene Female Perth
1944/100826 Perth Molineux Ruth Robene Female Parker William Smith Male Perth
1944/100827 Perth Graham John Marshall Male Lee Marjorie June Female Perth
1944/100827 Perth Lee Marjorie June Female Graham John Marshall Male Perth
1944/100828 Perth Mead Mavis Margaretta Lee Female Bruce Henry Joseph Male Perth
1944/100828 Perth Bruce Henry Joseph Male Mead Mavis Margaretta Lee Female Perth
1944/100829 Perth Lockhart Huntley Mervyn Male Ross Elizabeth Ellen Female Perth
1944/100829 Perth Ross Elizabeth Ellen Female Lockhart Huntley Mervyn Male Perth
1944/100830 Perth Trounson Mary Elizabeth Female Shaw Charles Albert Male Perth
1944/100830 Perth Shaw Charles Albert Male Trounson Mary Elizabeth Female Perth
1944/100831 Perth Dods Harry Ray Male Paskins Georgina Female Perth
1944/100831 Perth Paskins Georgina Female Dods Harry Ray Male Perth
1944/100832 Perth Guppy Alice Irene Female Braithwaite Alexander Male Perth
1944/100832 Perth Braithwaite Alexander Male Guppy Alice Irene Female Perth
1944/100833 Perth Hickey James Thomas Male Stevens Gladys Elizabeth Female Perth
1944/100833 Perth Stevens Gladys Elizabeth Female Hickey James Thomas Male Perth
1944/100834 Perth Carroll Kathleen Christina Female Guy Leonard George Male Perth
1944/100834 Perth Guy Leonard George Male Carroll Kathleen Christina Female Perth
1944/100835 Perth Beard Lewain Ira Male Davidson Shirley Eunice Female Perth
1944/100835 Perth Davidson Shirley Eunice Female Beard Lewain Ira Male Perth
1944/100836 Perth Doyle Phoebe Martha Female Urquhart Thomas George Male Nth Perth
1944/100836 Perth Urquhart Thomas George Male Doyle Phoebe Martha Female Nth Perth
1944/100837 Perth Harris Clifford Regould Male Davidson Thelma Clarice Female Perth
1944/100837 Perth Davidson Thelma Clarice Female Harris Clifford Regould Male Perth
1944/100838 Perth Brayn Thomas Henry William Male Hewett Joyce Female Nedlands
1944/100838 Perth Hewett Joyce Female Brayn Thomas Henry William Male Nedlands
1944/100839 Perth McKenzie William Andrew Male Ashman Patricia Doris Female Shenton Park
1944/100839 Perth Ashman Patricia Doris Female McKenzie William Andrew Male Shenton Park
1944/100840 Perth Carpenter Albert Edward Male Fellows Ida Pasley Female Perth
1944/100840 Perth Fellows Ida Pasley Female Carpenter Albert Edward Male Perth
1944/100841 Perth Carter Hilda Margaret Female Lane Noel James Male Perth
1944/100841 Perth Lane Noel James Male Carter Hilda Margaret Female Perth
1944/100842 Perth Thomas Hubert James Male Moore Nancy Mabel Female Wembley
1944/100842 Perth Moore Nancy Mabel Female Thomas Hubert James Male Wembley
1944/100843 Perth Nelson Victor Neil Male Williams Gwenyth Catherine Female Nedlands
1944/100843 Perth Williams Gwenyth Catherine Female Nelson Victor Neil Male Nedlands
1944/100844 Perth Nicholson Doreen Evelyn Female Knight Albert Stanley Male Subiaco
1944/100844 Perth Knight Albert Stanley Male Nicholson Doreen Evelyn Female Subiaco
1944/100845 Perth Burrows Lorna Olive Mary Female Mitchell Darrel Dean Male Inglewood
1944/100845 Perth Mitchell Darrel Dean Male Burrows Lorna Olive Mary Female Inglewood
1944/100846 Perth Anderson Stanley Fletcher Male Sutherland Margaret Joyce Female South Perth
1944/100846 Perth Sutherland Margaret Joyce Female Anderson Stanley Fletcher Male South Perth
1944/100847 Perth Allsopp William Henry Male Rudkin Lesley Irene Female Perth
1944/100847 Perth Rudkin Lesley Irene Female Allsopp William Henry Male Perth
1944/100848 Perth Doust Thelma Elizabeth Female Holland James Allen Male Perth
1944/100848 Perth Holland James Allen Male Doust Thelma Elizabeth Female Perth
1944/100849 Perth Caine Marie Josephine Female Bufton George Leo Male Perth
1944/100849 Perth Bufton George Leo Male Caine Marie Josephine Female Perth
1944/100850 Perth Yeatman Charles Male Tichbon Violet Frances Female Perth
1944/100850 Perth Tichbon Violet Frances Female Yeatman Charles Male Perth
1944/100851 Perth Culligan Lilian Catherine Female Jeffery John Albert Male Perth
1944/100851 Perth Jeffery John Albert Male Culligan Lilian Catherine Female Perth
1944/100852 Perth Mattaboni Florindo Male Pinti Ermelinda Female Belmont
1944/100852 Perth Pinti Ermelinda Female Mattaboni Florindo Male Belmont
1944/100853 Perth Field Dorothy Clara Female Pethick Robert Laurence Male Perth
1944/100853 Perth Pethick Robert Laurence Male Field Dorothy Clara Female Perth
1944/100854 Perth Craik Patricia Mary Female Allison Wallace Cecil Male Victoria Park
1944/100854 Perth Allison Wallace Cecil Male Craik Patricia Mary Female Victoria Park
1944/100855 Perth Petroff Neonela Barbara Female Clark Alan Reginald Male Perth
1944/100855 Perth Clark Alan Reginald Male Petroff Neonela Barbara Female Perth
1944/100856 Perth Gray Ronald Philip Male Gray Dorothy Elizabeth Covel Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100856 Perth Gray Dorothy Elizabeth Covel Female Gray Ronald Philip Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100857 Perth Lysle Ivy May Female Savory Charles William Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100857 Perth Savory Charles William Male Lysle Ivy May Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100858 Perth Stevens Eva Female Watkins William Fredrick Male Perth
1944/100858 Perth Watkins William Fredrick Male Stevens Eva Female Perth
1944/100859 Perth Jebb Richard John Male Day Florence Louisa Female Perth
1944/100859 Perth Day Florence Louisa Female Jebb Richard John Male Perth
1944/100860 Perth Milne Douglas George Male Cockram Barbara Female Perth
1944/100860 Perth Cockram Barbara Female Milne Douglas George Male Perth
1944/100861 Perth Bishop Harold Thomas Male Davidson May Female Perth
1944/100861 Perth Davidson May Female Bishop Harold Thomas Male Perth
1944/100862 Perth Campbell Howard John McKenzie Male Currall Kathleen Joan Female Perth
1944/100862 Perth Currall Kathleen Joan Female Campbell Howard John McKenzie Male Perth
1944/100863 Perth Ashley Jonathan Gordon Charles Male Kern Edith Lorna Female Perth
1944/100863 Perth Kern Edith Lorna Female Ashley Jonathan Gordon Charles Male Perth
1944/100864 Perth Batten James Male Phillips Ailsa Grace Female Perth
1944/100864 Perth Phillips Ailsa Grace Female Batten James Male Perth
1944/100865 Perth Humphrey Ivy Muriel Female Davis Albert Edward Male Perth
1944/100865 Perth Davis Albert Edward Male Humphrey Ivy Muriel Female Perth
1944/100866 Perth Blundell James David Male Minorgan Gladys Alice Female Perth
1944/100866 Perth Minorgan Gladys Alice Female Blundell James David Male Perth
1944/100867 Perth Hoskins Allan Walter Male Wilson Margarete Female Perth
1944/100867 Perth Wilson Margarete Female Hoskins Allan Walter Male Perth
1944/100868 Perth Leach Helena Maud Female Smith Norman Joseph Male Victoria Park
1944/100868 Perth Smith Norman Joseph Male Leach Helena Maud Female Victoria Park
1944/100869 Perth Burgess Doris Agnes Female Jones Stanley Roy Male Victoria Park
1944/100869 Perth Jones Stanley Roy Male Burgess Doris Agnes Female Victoria Park
1944/100870 Perth Reddall Olive Matilda Female Page Leslie Alfred Oliver Male Victoria Park
1944/100870 Perth Page Leslie Alfred Oliver Male Reddall Olive Matilda Female Victoria Park
1944/100871 Perth Pike Gwendoline Helen Female Thrower William Male Victoria Park
1944/100871 Perth Thrower William Male Pike Gwendoline Helen Female Victoria Park
1944/100872 Perth Bance Gwennyth Lillian Female Henderson John David Male Victoria Park
1944/100872 Perth Henderson John David Male Bance Gwennyth Lillian Female Victoria Park
1944/100873 Perth Hynam Nora Annie Female Bentley Benjamin Male Perth
1944/100873 Perth Bentley Benjamin Male Hynam Nora Annie Female Perth
1944/100874 Perth McAulay Flora Catherine Female Johnson Edward Male Perth
1944/100874 Perth Johnson Edward Male McAulay Flora Catherine Female Perth
1944/100875 Perth Woolhead Marian Antonia Female O'Riley John Male Maylands
1944/100875 Perth O'Riley John Male Woolhead Marian Antonia Female Maylands
1944/100876 Perth Jones Millicent Mona Female Bartlett Stanley George Male East Claremont
1944/100876 Perth Bartlett Stanley George Male Jones Millicent Mona Female East Claremont
1944/100877 Perth Stewart Keith Vernon Douglas Male Ormiston Nance Drummond Female Crawley
1944/100877 Perth Ormiston Nance Drummond Female Stewart Keith Vernon Douglas Male Crawley
1944/100878 Perth Lloyd Maitland Verdun Waters Joseph Male Lynes Hazel Edna Mary Female Perth
1944/100878 Perth Lynes Hazel Edna Mary Female Lloyd Maitland Verdun Waters Joseph Male Perth
1944/100879 Perth Heatly Irene Margaret Female Gobby Frederick George Male Victoria Park
1944/100879 Perth Gobby Frederick George Male Heatly Irene Margaret Female Victoria Park
1944/100880 Perth Dunn Mern Christine Female Smith Albert William Male Victoria Park
1944/100880 Perth Smith Albert William Male Dunn Mern Christine Female Victoria Park
1944/100881 Perth Cooper Margaret Anne Female Davey Albert Joseph Male Shenton Park
1944/100881 Perth Davey Albert Joseph Male Cooper Margaret Anne Female Shenton Park
1944/100882 Perth Jackson Harry Male Ferguson Margaret Agnes Female Perth
1944/100882 Perth Ferguson Margaret Agnes Female Jackson Harry Male Perth
1944/100883 Perth Elder Edith Elizabeth Female Robins Alfred Horace Male Perth
1944/100883 Perth Robins Alfred Horace Male Elder Edith Elizabeth Female Perth
1944/100884 Perth Hulme Elizabeth Fanny Female Nelson Ivan George Male Perth
1944/100884 Perth Nelson Ivan George Male Hulme Elizabeth Fanny Female Perth
1944/100885 Perth Smith Cyril Male Percy Olive Joy Female Perth
1944/100885 Perth Percy Olive Joy Female Smith Cyril Male Perth
1944/100886 Perth Dyson Frederick Ernest Male MacLennan Jessie Female Perth
1944/100886 Perth MacLennan Jessie Female Dyson Frederick Ernest Male Perth
1944/100887 Perth Cousins James William Male Cook Georgina Female Perth
1944/100887 Perth Cook Georgina Female Cousins James William Male Perth
1944/100888 Perth Mills Frances Marjory Female Hall Albert John Male Perth
1944/100888 Perth Hall Albert John Male Mills Frances Marjory Female Perth
1944/100889 Perth Toy Peggie Female Farrell Francis Robert Male Nedlands
1944/100889 Perth Farrell Francis Robert Male Toy Peggie Female Nedlands
1944/100890 Perth Cardamone Peter Thomas Male Cox Mavis May Female Perth
1944/100890 Perth Cox Mavis May Female Cardamone Peter Thomas Male Perth
1944/100891 Perth Magher Eileen Mary Female Leddin Alphonsus Gregory Male Perth
1944/100891 Perth Leddin Alphonsus Gregory Male Magher Eileen Mary Female Perth
1944/100892 Perth Cooper Edith Maud Female Duggan Thomas Patrick Male Perth
1944/100892 Perth Duggan Thomas Patrick Male Cooper Edith Maud Female Perth
1944/100893 Perth Carvell Henry Alfred Male Crawford Lorna Teresa Female Perth
1944/100893 Perth Crawford Lorna Teresa Female Carvell Henry Alfred Male Perth
1944/100894 Perth Reid Thomas William Male Deering Patricia Doreen Female Perth
1944/100894 Perth Deering Patricia Doreen Female Reid Thomas William Male Perth
1944/100895 Perth Curven Donald Peter Male Williams Irene Veronica Female Perth
1944/100895 Perth Williams Irene Veronica Female Curven Donald Peter Male Perth
1944/100896 Perth Green Joan Ellen Female Weir Douglas William Male Perth
1944/100896 Perth Weir Douglas William Male Green Joan Ellen Female Perth
1944/100897 Perth Bransby Iris Ivy Female Williams Ralph Daniel Male Perth
1944/100897 Perth Williams Ralph Daniel Male Bransby Iris Ivy Female Perth
1944/100898 Perth Geary Teen Female Guest James Merrick Male Perth
1944/100898 Perth Guest James Merrick Male Geary Teen Female Perth
1944/100899 Perth Zerk Syvilla Jane Female Richards George Courtney Male Perth
1944/100899 Perth Richards George Courtney Male Zerk Syvilla Jane Female Perth
1944/100900 Perth Ashfield Arthur George Male Parkhouse Elma Betty Female Perth
1944/100900 Perth Parkhouse Elma Betty Female Ashfield Arthur George Male Perth
1944/100901 Perth Wishart Sylvia Mary Female Canning Peter John Male Perth
1944/100901 Perth Canning Peter John Male Wishart Sylvia Mary Female Perth
1944/100902 Perth Fox Isobel Female Long Stanley James Male Perth
1944/100902 Perth Long Stanley James Male Fox Isobel Female Perth
1944/100903 Perth Hocking Robert Leslie Male Gedling Jessie May Female Perth
1944/100903 Perth Gedling Jessie May Female Hocking Robert Leslie Male Perth
1944/100904 Perth Mulligan Marjorie Female Thunder Patrick Weale Male Perth
1944/100904 Perth Thunder Patrick Weale Male Mulligan Marjorie Female Perth
1944/100905 Perth Tweedy Stella Female McConchie Sydney James Male Perth
1944/100905 Perth McConchie Sydney James Male Tweedy Stella Female Perth
1944/100906 Perth Watters Veronica Ethel Female Yates Norman Male Perth
1944/100906 Perth Yates Norman Male Watters Veronica Ethel Female Perth
1944/100907 Perth Burns Dorothy Gertrude Female Fawcett Walter Henry Male Perth
1944/100907 Perth Fawcett Walter Henry Male Burns Dorothy Gertrude Female Perth
1944/100908 Perth Lawrence Nina Eleanor Female Castledine Harry Male Perth
1944/100908 Perth Castledine Harry Male Lawrence Nina Eleanor Female Perth
1944/100909 Perth Main Beth Mary Female Lee Alexander Joseph Male Perth
1944/100909 Perth Lee Alexander Joseph Male Main Beth Mary Female Perth
1944/100910 Perth Lucas Vallery Agnes Female Archer Roy Edwin Arthur Male West Perth
1944/100910 Perth Archer Roy Edwin Arthur Male Lucas Vallery Agnes Female West Perth
1944/100911 Perth Hawkins Francis John Male Hitch Mary Alwhyne Female Perth
1944/100911 Perth Hitch Mary Alwhyne Female Hawkins Francis John Male Perth
1944/100912 Perth Hardman Herbert Male Curtis Edna May Female Perth
1944/100912 Perth Curtis Edna May Female Hardman Herbert Male Perth
1944/100913 Perth Flesfadar Shirley Female Smith Thomas Stanley Male Perth
1944/100913 Perth Smith Thomas Stanley Male Flesfadar Shirley Female Perth
1944/100914 Perth Thomson James Miln Male Greagg Diana May Female Crawley
1944/100914 Perth Greagg Diana May Female Thomson James Miln Male Crawley
1944/100915 Perth Bywaters Minnie Theresa Female Beeson William Lawrance Male Victoria Park
1944/100915 Perth Beeson William Lawrance Male Bywaters Minnie Theresa Female Victoria Park
1944/100916 Perth Wilkinson Raymond James Male Atkinson Roma Female Leederville
1944/100916 Perth Atkinson Roma Female Wilkinson Raymond James Male Leederville
1944/100917 Perth Dudley Barbara Joy Female Rodgers John Alfred Male Leederville
1944/100917 Perth Rodgers John Alfred Male Dudley Barbara Joy Female Leederville
1944/100918 Perth Carter Francis George Male Duggan Dorothy Eugenie Female Leederville
1944/100918 Perth Duggan Dorothy Eugenie Female Carter Francis George Male Leederville
1944/100919 Perth Cross John Male Smith Noreen Catherine Female Leederville
1944/100919 Perth Smith Noreen Catherine Female Cross John Male Leederville
1944/100920 Perth Sheehan Agnes Josephine Female Ballard Martin Joseph Male Leederville
1944/100920 Perth Ballard Martin Joseph Male Sheehan Agnes Josephine Female Leederville
1944/100921 Perth Thompson Robert Lavery Male Blyth Norma Muriel Female West Perth
1944/100921 Perth Maiss Robert Lavery Male Blyth Norma Muriel Female West Perth
1944/100921 Perth Blyth Norma Muriel Female Maiss Robert Lavery Male West Perth
1944/100921 Perth Blyth Norma Muriel Female Thompson Robert Lavery Male West Perth
1944/100922 Perth Drake Brockman Lennard Dawson Paul Male Walker Phyllis Betty Female West Perth
1944/100922 Perth Walker Phyllis Betty Female Drake Brockman Lennard Dawson Paul Male West Perth
1944/100923 Perth Thomson Alexander Fraser Tinling Male Young Minna Grace Female West Perth
1944/100923 Perth Young Minna Grace Female Thomson Alexander Fraser Tinling Male West Perth
1944/100924 Perth Allison David Wallace Male Merrick Daphne Female West Perth
1944/100924 Perth Merrick Daphne Female Allison David Wallace Male West Perth
1944/100925 Perth Eastland Phyllis Mary Female Stephens John Rosser Male West Perth
1944/100925 Perth Stephens John Rosser Male Eastland Phyllis Mary Female West Perth
1944/100926 Perth Biggs Ella May Female Ward Henry George Male West Perth
1944/100926 Perth Ward Henry George Male Biggs Ella May Female West Perth
1944/100927 Perth Fisher Maurice Henry Male Langley Rae Averil Female West Perth
1944/100927 Perth Langley Rae Averil Female Fisher Maurice Henry Male West Perth
1944/100928 Perth Cavey Grace Hope Female Jenkins William Henry Male West Perth
1944/100928 Perth Jenkins William Henry Male Cavey Grace Hope Female West Perth
1944/100929 Perth Honey Cora Pearl Female Gould Thomas William Male West Perth
1944/100929 Perth Gould Thomas William Male Honey Cora Pearl Female West Perth
1944/100930 Perth Ennis Rex Warren Male Cooke Betty Female West Perth
1944/100930 Perth Cooke Betty Female Ennis Rex Warren Male West Perth
1944/100931 Perth McKenna Patricia Mary Female Richards Alfred William Gilpin Male West Perth
1944/100931 Perth Richards Alfred William Gilpin Male McKenna Patricia Mary Female West Perth
1944/100932 Perth Overheu Gwenyth Lucille Female Fowler Thomas James Sherwood Male West Perth
1944/100932 Perth Fowler Thomas James Sherwood Male Overheu Gwenyth Lucille Female West Perth
1944/100933 Perth Pratt Mary Thrower Female Harman Herbert Henry Male West Perth
1944/100933 Perth Harman Herbert Henry Male Pratt Mary Thrower Female West Perth
1944/100934 Perth Robinson Margaret Veronica Female Rigoll Leonard George Male Shenton Park
1944/100934 Perth Rigoll Leonard George Male Robinson Margaret Veronica Female Shenton Park
1944/100935 Perth Woods Mary Teresa Eddington Female Chismark Louis Steven Male Perth
1944/100935 Perth Chismark Louis Steven Male Woods Mary Teresa Eddington Female Perth
1944/100936 Perth Casey Eileen Carmel Female Mitchell Alfred Ernest Male Maylands
1944/100936 Perth Mitchell Alfred Ernest Male Casey Eileen Carmel Female Maylands
1944/100937 Perth Poulton Iris May Female Bell Cedric Cecil Male Perth
1944/100937 Perth Bell Cedric Cecil Male Poulton Iris May Female Perth
1944/100938 Perth Holmes George William Edwin Male McConnell Isabella Hutt Female Perth
1944/100938 Perth McConnell Isabella Hutt Female Holmes George William Edwin Male Perth
1944/100939 Perth Holland Edna Alice Mary Female Jones John Male North Perth
1944/100939 Perth Jones John Male Holland Edna Alice Mary Female North Perth
1944/100940 Perth Crockett Edith Irene Female Duckrell Byron James Male North Perth
1944/100940 Perth Duckrell Byron James Male Crockett Edith Irene Female North Perth
1944/100941 Perth Jones Doreen Mary Female Jones Allan Clive Male Perth
1944/100941 Perth Jones Allan Clive Male Jones Doreen Mary Female Perth
1944/100942 Perth Wilson Evelyn Jennie Female Pritchard Patrick William Male Perth
1944/100942 Perth Pritchard Patrick William Male Wilson Evelyn Jennie Female Perth
1944/100943 Perth McLachlan Florence Ann Female Morphew William Weston Male West Perth
1944/100943 Perth Morphew William Weston Male McLachlan Florence Ann Female West Perth
1944/100944 Perth Erceg Annie Tonich Female Durtanovich John Male West Perth
1944/100944 Perth Durtanovich John Male Erceg Annie Tonich Female West Perth
1944/100945 Perth Rice Alfred Donald Male Hanrahan Lily Florence May Female Perth
1944/100945 Perth Hanrahan Lily Florence May Female Rice Alfred Donald Male Perth
1944/100946 Perth Mahoney Jean Female Bradley William Augustus Male West Perth
1944/100946 Perth Bradley William Augustus Male Mahoney Jean Female West Perth
1944/100947 Perth Wilkins Constance Female Morrison Peter Alexander Male West Perth
1944/100947 Perth Morrison Peter Alexander Male Wilkins Constance Female West Perth
1944/100948 Perth Milhinch Alfred Lindsay Male McInnerney Ruth Mary Female Perth
1944/100948 Perth McInnerney Ruth Mary Female Milhinch Alfred Lindsay Male Perth
1944/100949 Perth Kohlhagen Phyllis Winsome Female Peirl Frank Edward Male Perth
1944/100949 Perth Peirl Frank Edward Male Kohlhagen Phyllis Winsome Female Perth
1944/100950 Perth Ramsay Gordon Thomas Male Marshall Naomi Marjorie Female Claremont
1944/100950 Perth Marshall Naomi Marjorie Female Ramsay Gordon Thomas Male Claremont
1944/100951 Perth Kerr Annie Vera Female Smith Leonard Gordon Male Claremont
1944/100951 Perth Smith Leonard Gordon Male Kerr Annie Vera Female Claremont
1944/100952 Perth Tucker Pearl Frances Female Smith Gibson Male Claremont
1944/100952 Perth Smith Gibson Male Tucker Pearl Frances Female Claremont
1944/100953 Perth Fisher Francis Gordon Male McDermott Betty Patricia Female Highgate Hill
1944/100953 Perth McDermott Betty Patricia Female Fisher Francis Gordon Male Highgate Hill
1944/100954 Perth Burgess Richard Claude Male O'Meara Catherine Mary Female Highgate Hill
1944/100954 Perth O'Meara Catherine Mary Female Burgess Richard Claude Male Highgate Hill
1944/100955 Perth Dawe Richard Frederick Male Hume Marjorie Jean Female Perth
1944/100955 Perth Hume Marjorie Jean Female Dawe Richard Frederick Male Perth
1944/100956 Perth Benness Edwin Charles Male Savage Amy Winifred Female Leederville
1944/100956 Perth Savage Amy Winifred Female Benness Edwin Charles Male Leederville
1944/100957 Perth Cott Olive Rose Female Hounsham James Male Victoria Park
1944/100957 Perth Hounsham James Male Cott Olive Rose Female Victoria Park
1944/100958 Perth Hassell Joan Margaret Female Phippard Edwin Goss Male Claremont
1944/100958 Perth Phippard Edwin Goss Male Hassell Joan Margaret Female Claremont
1944/100959 Perth Slaughter Edwin Robert Male Robertson Margaret Cynthia Female Claremont
1944/100959 Perth Robertson Margaret Cynthia Female Slaughter Edwin Robert Male Claremont
1944/100960 Perth McCall Isla Priscilla Avenal Female Lord Joseph Henry Male Crawley
1944/100960 Perth Lord Joseph Henry Male McCall Isla Priscilla Avenal Female Crawley
1944/100961 Perth Holding Ronald Male Braimbridge Edie Clare Female Claremont
1944/100961 Perth Braimbridge Edie Clare Female Holding Ronald Male Claremont
1944/100962 Perth Dancocks Phyllis Female Bousfield Frederick John Male Claremont
1944/100962 Perth Bousfield Frederick John Male Dancocks Phyllis Female Claremont
1944/100963 Perth Dodd Joan Maragret Female Sweetman James Harry Male Claremont
1944/100963 Perth Sweetman James Harry Male Dodd Joan Maragret Female Claremont
1944/100964 Perth Coad John Charles Male Power Constance Mary Female Claremont
1944/100964 Perth Power Constance Mary Female Coad John Charles Male Claremont
1944/100965 Perth Llewellyn Joanne Rogers Female Tickner Arthur Vernon Male Claremont
1944/100965 Perth Tickner Arthur Vernon Male Llewellyn Joanne Rogers Female Claremont
1944/100966 Perth Flahey Phyllis Female Glazier Maurice Hudson Male Claremont
1944/100966 Perth Glazier Maurice Hudson Male Flahey Phyllis Female Claremont
1944/100967 Perth Dunning Gwenith Winifred Female Holloway Peter James Male Claremont
1944/100967 Perth Holloway Peter James Male Dunning Gwenith Winifred Female Claremont
1944/100968 Perth Mitchell William Ronald Garnet Male Harris Joyce Female Nedlands
1944/100968 Perth Harris Joyce Female Mitchell William Ronald Garnet Male Nedlands
1944/100969 Perth Barrett-Lennard Muriel Ellen Female Mountford Harold Male Nedlands
1944/100969 Perth Mountford Harold Male Barrett-Lennard Muriel Ellen Female Nedlands
1944/100970 Perth Sanders Neville Male Faull Lila Alice Female Perth
1944/100970 Perth Faull Lila Alice Female Sanders Neville Male Perth
1944/100971 Perth Thomter Robert Edward Male McNamara Eileen Sparkle Female Perth
1944/100971 Perth McNamara Eileen Sparkle Female Thomter Robert Edward Male Perth
1944/100972 Perth Fair Alfred Edwin Male Dixon Amy Louise Female Perth
1944/100972 Perth Dixon Amy Louise Female Fair Alfred Edwin Male Perth
1944/100973 Perth Richardson Dorothy Mavis Female Mitchell James William Widdicombe Male Perth
1944/100973 Perth Mitchell James William Widdicombe Male Richardson Dorothy Mavis Female Perth
1944/100974 Perth Damon Edward Joseph Male Ovens Muriel Mary Female Perth
1944/100974 Perth Ovens Muriel Mary Female Damon Edward Joseph Male Perth
1944/100975 Perth Duthie Aubrey Arthur Male Godwin Agnes Florence Female Perth
1944/100975 Perth Godwin Agnes Florence Female Duthie Aubrey Arthur Male Perth
1944/100976 Perth Cole Kenneth Richard Male Crowe Threasa May Female Perth
1944/100976 Perth Crowe Threasa May Female Cole Kenneth Richard Male Perth
1944/100977 Perth Mills Mavis Jean Female Anderson John Andrew Male Perth
1944/100977 Perth Anderson John Andrew Male Mills Mavis Jean Female Perth
1944/100978 Perth Bradley Arthur Kenneth Male Coulthard Alice Lillian Female West Perth
1944/100978 Perth Coulthard Alice Lillian Female Bradley Arthur Kenneth Male West Perth
1944/100979 Perth Hutchinson Adelaide Dorothy Female Williams George Ernest Male Perth
1944/100979 Perth Williams George Ernest Male Hutchinson Adelaide Dorothy Female Perth
1944/100980 Perth King Albert Henry Male Freeman Irene Female South Perth
1944/100980 Perth Freeman Irene Female King Albert Henry Male South Perth
1944/100981 Perth Hoffman Helke Female Breazeale Edward Merle Male Perth
1944/100981 Perth Breazeale Edward Merle Male Hoffman Helke Female Perth
1944/100982 Perth Tangney Phyllis Julia Female Smith William Pugh Lucille Male Claremont
1944/100982 Perth Smith William Pugh Lucille Male Tangney Phyllis Julia Female Claremont
1944/100983 Perth Kerr Gwendoline Maude Female Outred Henry George Male North Perth
1944/100983 Perth Outred Henry George Male Kerr Gwendoline Maude Female North Perth
1944/100984 Perth Barber Esme Joan Female Downie Donald Gordon Male Nth Perth
1944/100984 Perth Downie Donald Gordon Male Barber Esme Joan Female Nth Perth
1944/100985 Perth Gardner Phyllis Daphne Female Friday Albert Alexander Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100985 Perth Friday Albert Alexander Male Gardner Phyllis Daphne Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100986 Perth Tunnercliffe Doreen Iris Female Hay Donald Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100986 Perth Hay Donald Male Tunnercliffe Doreen Iris Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100987 Perth May Norman George Male Stringfellow Lorna Jean Female Mosman Park
1944/100987 Perth Stringfellow Lorna Jean Female May Norman George Male Mosman Park
1944/100988 Perth Moloney Francis Emileo Male Macartney Irene May Female Perth
1944/100988 Perth Macartney Irene May Female Moloney Francis Emileo Male Perth
1944/100989 Perth Crawford Stella Mary Female Edmonds Bob 'O' Male Claremont
1944/100989 Perth Edmonds Bob 'O' Male Crawford Stella Mary Female Claremont
1944/100990 Perth Mathews Jean Isabell Female Merrifield Lancelot Kitchener Male West Perth
1944/100990 Perth Merrifield Lancelot Kitchener Male Mathews Jean Isabell Female West Perth
1944/100991 Perth Sturtridge Bernice Adelaide Female Wooltorton William George Male East Victoria Park
1944/100991 Perth Wooltorton William George Male Sturtridge Bernice Adelaide Female East Victoria Park
1944/100992 Perth Bienvenu Donald John Male Phillips Lida Audrey Female Maylands
1944/100992 Perth Phillips Lida Audrey Female Bienvenu Donald John Male Maylands
1944/100993 Perth Duncan Olive Female Daniels Alfred William Male Perth
1944/100993 Perth Daniels Alfred William Male Duncan Olive Female Perth
1944/100994 Perth Miller Catherine McLeod Female Anderson William Graham Male Cottesloe
1944/100994 Perth Anderson William Graham Male Miller Catherine McLeod Female Cottesloe
1944/100995 Perth Buxton Hugh Gordon William Male Edwards Muriel Ewen Low Female Claremont
1944/100995 Perth Edwards Muriel Ewen Low Female Buxton Hugh Gordon William Male Claremont
1944/100996 Perth Williamson Matthew Berry Male Doddy Peggy Olive Grace Female Claremont
1944/100996 Perth Doddy Peggy Olive Grace Female Williamson Matthew Berry Male Claremont
1944/100997 Perth Cochrane John Edward Male O'Brien Dorothea Bernadette Female Perth
1944/100997 Perth O'Brien Dorothea Bernadette Female Cochrane John Edward Male Perth
1944/100998 Perth Elliss Freda May Female Gilbert Thomas Roberts Male Perth
1944/100998 Perth Gilbert Thomas Roberts Male Elliss Freda May Female Perth
1944/100999 Perth Gaulard Noel Alexander Male Fitzgerald Ivy Lucy Faith Female Perth
1944/100999 Perth Fitzgerald Ivy Lucy Faith Female Gaulard Noel Alexander Male Perth
1944/101000 Perth Firns Olive Grace Female Ovens Walter Joseph Male Perth
1944/101000 Perth Ovens Walter Joseph Male Firns Olive Grace Female Perth
1944/101001 Perth Allan James Thomas Male Grant Isla Maude Female Perth
1944/101001 Perth Grant Isla Maude Female Allan James Thomas Male Perth
1944/101002 Perth Kennett Phyllis Joyce Female McKay Donald Wilfred Male Perth
1944/101002 Perth McKay Donald Wilfred Male Kennett Phyllis Joyce Female Perth
1944/101003 Perth Simeon Ethel Female Xanthis Geoffrey Male Perth
1944/101003 Perth Xanthis Geoffrey Male Simeon Ethel Female Perth
1944/101004 Perth Griffiths Doris Mignon Female McLennan Leonard John Male Mt Lawley
1944/101004 Perth McLennan Leonard John Male Griffiths Doris Mignon Female Mt Lawley
1944/101005 Perth Greenwell Jane McGregor Rae Female Phillips Cyril Male Cottesloe
1944/101005 Perth Phillips Cyril Male Greenwell Jane McGregor Rae Female Cottesloe
1944/101006 Perth Wainwright Arthur George Male Munday Omah Clarice Female West Perth
1944/101006 Perth Munday Omah Clarice Female Wainwright Arthur George Male West Perth
1944/101007 Perth Roffman Zebulun Male Woods Dorothy May Female Perth
1944/101007 Perth Woods Dorothy May Female Roffman Zebulun Male Perth
1944/101008 Perth Lovering Elsie Marie Female Burgess Archie Edward Male Perth
1944/101008 Perth Burgess Archie Edward Male Lovering Elsie Marie Female Perth
1944/101009 Perth Fuller Leslie James Male Hutchings Hazel Louisa Female Perth
1944/101009 Perth Hutchings Hazel Louisa Female Fuller Leslie James Male Perth
1944/101010 Perth Foale Gladys Jean Female Smith Charles Ronald Male Cottesloe
1944/101010 Perth Smith Charles Ronald Male Foale Gladys Jean Female Cottesloe
1944/101011 Perth Jones George Alexander Male Collins Phyllis Maud Female Perth
1944/101011 Perth Collins Phyllis Maud Female Jones George Alexander Male Perth
1944/101012 Perth Greig Alice May Female Radford Arthur Courtenay Male Perth
1944/101012 Perth Radford Arthur Courtenay Male Greig Alice May Female Perth
1944/101013 Perth Bartlett Susan Mercy Female Butler William John Male Perth
1944/101013 Perth Butler William John Male Bartlett Susan Mercy Female Perth
1944/101014 Perth Gregory Florence Jean Female Morgan William Arthur Male Perth
1944/101014 Perth Morgan William Arthur Male Gregory Florence Jean Female Perth
1944/101015 Perth Walker Shirley Eleanor Female Hoare Richard David Male Perth
1944/101015 Perth Hoare Richard David Male Walker Shirley Eleanor Female Perth
1944/101016 Perth Topham Ruth Gladys Female Elliot Frederick Thomas Male Perth
1944/101016 Perth Elliot Frederick Thomas Male Topham Ruth Gladys Female Perth
1944/101017 Perth Rhodes Hamilton Everett Male Atkinson Gladys Gwendoline Female Perth
1944/101017 Perth Atkinson Gladys Gwendoline Female Rhodes Hamilton Everett Male Perth
1944/101018 Perth Dickson Betty Eileen Female Houston Herbert George Male Perth
1944/101018 Perth Houston Herbert George Male Dickson Betty Eileen Female Perth
1944/101019 Perth Melrose Herbert Bruce Male Sherwood Violet Female Perth
1944/101019 Perth Sherwood Violet Female Melrose Herbert Bruce Male Perth
1944/101020 Perth Bercove Rae Passie Female Reed Lester Robert Male Perth
1944/101020 Perth Reed Lester Robert Male Bercove Rae Passie Female Perth
1944/101021 Perth McQueen Dorothy May Female French Norville Robert John Male Perth
1944/101021 Perth French Norville Robert John Male McQueen Dorothy May Female Perth
1944/101022 Perth Kerr Reginald George Male Birch Lesley Yvonne Female North Perth
1944/101022 Perth Birch Lesley Yvonne Female Kerr Reginald George Male North Perth
1944/101023 Perth Lawrence Olga Marcia Female Williams Douglas Samuel Thomas Male Osborne Park
1944/101023 Perth Williams Douglas Samuel Thomas Male Lawrence Olga Marcia Female Osborne Park
1944/101024 Perth Lyons Gordon Charles Male Bates Audrey Jessie Female West Perth
1944/101024 Perth Bates Audrey Jessie Female Lyons Gordon Charles Male West Perth
1944/101025 Perth Powell Harry Male Bradshaw Lavinia Female West Perth
1944/101025 Perth Bradshaw Lavinia Female Powell Harry Male West Perth
1944/101026 Perth McCarley Joan Gloria Female Foster Royston Joseph Male West Perth
1944/101026 Perth Foster Royston Joseph Male McCarley Joan Gloria Female West Perth
1944/101027 Perth Beard Kathleen Gennison Female Rankin Norman Jenkins Male West Perth
1944/101027 Perth Rankin Norman Jenkins Male Beard Kathleen Gennison Female West Perth
1944/101028 Perth Fennell Doris Female Gislingham Percy Edward Male West Perth
1944/101028 Perth Gislingham Percy Edward Male Fennell Doris Female West Perth
1944/101029 Perth Robinson Una Isobel Female King Albert Edward George Male Claremont
1944/101029 Perth King Albert Edward George Male Robinson Una Isobel Female Claremont
1944/101030 Perth Thompson Gladys Adele Female Dimond Frederick Ward Male North Perth
1944/101030 Perth Dimond Frederick Ward Male Thompson Gladys Adele Female North Perth
1944/101031 Perth Cato Mabel Elizabeth Female Jones Charles Lloyd Male Perth
1944/101031 Perth Jones Charles Lloyd Male Cato Mabel Elizabeth Female Perth
1944/101032 Perth Jowett Betty Mae Frances Female Sandercott George Wallace Male Perth
1944/101032 Perth Sandercott George Wallace Male Jowett Betty Mae Frances Female Perth
1944/101033 Perth Andersen Alfred Allen Male Weir Doreen Jean Female Perth
1944/101033 Perth Weir Doreen Jean Female Andersen Alfred Allen Male Perth
1944/101034 Perth Kenyon Gladys Ellen Female Loughton Archibald James Male Perth
1944/101034 Perth Loughton Archibald James Male Kenyon Gladys Ellen Female Perth
1944/101035 Perth Pettit Daphne Cecily Female Williams Maurice Franklin Male Perth
1944/101035 Perth Williams Maurice Franklin Male Pettit Daphne Cecily Female Perth
1944/101036 Perth Tongue John Gibb Male Garcia Ivy Lavinia Female Perth
1944/101036 Perth Garcia Ivy Lavinia Female Tongue John Gibb Male Perth
1944/101037 Perth Davis Gladys Jane Female Randall Francis George Male North Perth
1944/101037 Perth Randall Francis George Male Davis Gladys Jane Female North Perth
1944/101038 Perth Bordoni Giacomo Male Lester Freda Edith Nellie Female Subiaco
1944/101038 Perth Lester Freda Edith Nellie Female Bordoni Giacomo Male Subiaco
1944/101039 Perth Berinshan Ida Elka Female Kamien Abe Joseph Male Perth
1944/101039 Perth Kamien Abe Joseph Male Berinshan Ida Elka Female Perth
1944/101040 Perth Walton Albert Charles Male Solomon June Female Highgate Hill
1944/101040 Perth Solomon June Female Walton Albert Charles Male Highgate Hill
1944/101041 Perth Wall Norine Agnes Female Haire Jeremiah Thomas Male Highgate Hill
1944/101041 Perth Haire Jeremiah Thomas Male Wall Norine Agnes Female Highgate Hill
1944/101042 Perth Beales Ernest Male Neil Nellie Female Subiaco
1944/101042 Perth Neil Nellie Female Beales Ernest Male Subiaco
1944/101043 Perth Griffiths Walter McKay Male Herbert Pearl Female Perth
1944/101043 Perth Griffiths Walter McKay Male McKay Pearl Female Perth
1944/101043 Perth Herbert Pearl Female Griffiths Walter McKay Male Perth
1944/101043 Perth McKay Pearl Female Griffiths Walter McKay Male Perth
1944/101044 Perth Zenz Angela Female Smith Frederick William Male W Australia
1944/101044 Perth Smith Frederick William Male Zenz Angela Female W Australia
1944/101045 Perth Large Elsie May Female Rowe Henry Thornton Male Subiaco
1944/101045 Perth Rowe Henry Thornton Male Large Elsie May Female Subiaco
1944/101046 Perth Creer Myra Female Pritchard Alexander Le'Per Male Mt Lawley
1944/101046 Perth Pritchard Alexander Le'Per Male Creer Myra Female Mt Lawley
1944/101047 Perth Hill Kenneth George Male Dalton Aileen Pearl Female Mt Lawley
1944/101047 Perth Dalton Aileen Pearl Female Hill Kenneth George Male Mt Lawley
1944/101048 Perth Haddrill Keith Male Eldridge Gwendoline Doris Female Mt Lawley
1944/101048 Perth Eldridge Gwendoline Doris Female Haddrill Keith Male Mt Lawley
1944/101049 Perth Veitch James Robert Male Christensen Edna Joyce Female Mt Lawley
1944/101049 Perth Christensen Edna Joyce Female Veitch James Robert Male Mt Lawley
1944/101050 Perth Woolhouse Audrey Edna Female Norman Ernest Roger Male Mt Lawley
1944/101050 Perth Norman Ernest Roger Male Woolhouse Audrey Edna Female Mt Lawley
1944/101051 Perth Brown Rose Dorothea Ruth Female Bradford Allan Albert Male Victoria Park
1944/101051 Perth Bradford Allan Albert Male Brown Rose Dorothea Ruth Female Victoria Park
1944/101052 Perth Hansen Ilene Trena Female Fisher Victor William Male Victoria Park
1944/101052 Perth Fisher Victor William Male Hansen Ilene Trena Female Victoria Park
1944/101053 Perth Turner George James Male Baker Grace June Female Victoria Park
1944/101053 Perth Baker Grace June Female Turner George James Male Victoria Park
1944/101054 Perth Gell Ronald Edgar Stewart Male Morrissey Joyce Female Victoria Park
1944/101054 Perth Morrissey Joyce Female Gell Ronald Edgar Stewart Male Victoria Park
1944/101055 Perth Love Verna Female King John Alan Male Victoria Park
1944/101055 Perth King John Alan Male Love Verna Female Victoria Park
1944/101056 Perth Ashby Samuel Edwin Male Rule Violet Evelyn Female South Perth
1944/101056 Perth Rule Violet Evelyn Female Ashby Samuel Edwin Male South Perth
1944/101057 Perth Peard John Woodley Male Noonan Olga Female Perth
1944/101057 Perth Noonan Olga Female Peard John Woodley Male Perth
1944/101058 Perth Grantham Emma Lorraine Female Morgan David Edgar Male Perth
1944/101058 Perth Morgan David Edgar Male Grantham Emma Lorraine Female Perth
1944/101059 Perth Froome Robert Sydney Male Roy Dorothy Joy Female Claremont
1944/101059 Perth Roy Dorothy Joy Female Froome Robert Sydney Male Claremont
1944/101060 Perth Warrington Olive Betty Female Ayre David Stanley Male Claremont
1944/101060 Perth Ayre David Stanley Male Warrington Olive Betty Female Claremont
1944/101061 Perth Davies Betty Muriel Female Jeffery Charles Henry Male Claremont
1944/101061 Perth Jeffery Charles Henry Male Davies Betty Muriel Female Claremont
1944/101062 Perth Sawkins Frank Norman Male Woods Dulcie Female Claremont
1944/101062 Perth Woods Dulcie Female Sawkins Frank Norman Male Claremont
1944/101063 Perth Reid Ernest Hume Male Sinclair Ethel Jean Female Claremont
1944/101063 Perth Sinclair Ethel Jean Female Reid Ernest Hume Male Claremont
1944/101064 Perth Dewar William Gladstone Male Tattle Mary Edith Female Claremont
1944/101064 Perth Tattle Mary Edith Female Dewar William Gladstone Male Claremont
1944/101065 Perth Whitford Kenneth George Male Jensen Joy Augusta Female Claremont
1944/101065 Perth Jensen Joy Augusta Female Whitford Kenneth George Male Claremont
1944/101066 Perth Evershed Phyllis Muriel Female Peter Robert Vernon Male Claremont
1944/101066 Perth Peter Robert Vernon Male Evershed Phyllis Muriel Female Claremont
1944/101067 Perth Barry Arthur John Male Lawler Jane Female West Perth
1944/101067 Perth Lawler Jane Female Barry Arthur John Male West Perth
1944/101068 Perth Thomson Catherine Elizabeth Female Hurrelbrink Frank Andrew Male Subiaco
1944/101068 Perth Hurrelbrink Frank Andrew Male Thomson Catherine Elizabeth Female Subiaco
1944/101069 Perth Triscari Mary Ann Female Depane Salvatore Male Perth
1944/101069 Perth Depane Salvatore Male Triscari Mary Ann Female Perth
1944/101070 Perth Smith Myrtle Hilda Female Burns Hugh Male Perth
1944/101070 Perth Burns Hugh Male Smith Myrtle Hilda Female Perth
1944/101071 Perth Maslin Mary Female O'Connell Glaven Patrick Male West Perth
1944/101071 Perth O'Connell Glaven Patrick Male Maslin Mary Female West Perth
1944/101072 Perth Collett Alexander William Male Bond Kathleen Anne Female Perth
1944/101072 Perth Bond Kathleen Anne Female Collett Alexander William Male Perth
1944/101073 Perth Coyle George Male Brown Eileen Marion Female Perth
1944/101073 Perth Brown Eileen Marion Female Coyle George Male Perth
1944/101074 Perth Taylor Charles Benedict Male Ryder Elizabeth Female Perth
1944/101074 Perth Ryder Elizabeth Female Taylor Charles Benedict Male Perth
1944/101075 Perth Grace Lucie Mary Female Keegan Edward Kellick Male Perth
1944/101075 Perth Keegan Edward Kellick Male Grace Lucie Mary Female Perth
1944/101076 Perth Bardon Beryl Female Lyon Raymond Donald Male Maylands
1944/101076 Perth Lyon Raymond Donald Male Bardon Beryl Female Maylands
1944/101077 Perth Davis Norma Shirley Female Ingram Royal James Male West Perth
1944/101077 Perth Ingram Royal James Male Davis Norma Shirley Female West Perth
1944/101078 Perth Jameson Jean McRae Female Holm Alexander Bain Male Perth
1944/101078 Perth Holm Alexander Bain Male Jameson Jean McRae Female Perth
1944/101079 Perth Lawson Margaret Jean Female Tucker John Male Leederville
1944/101079 Perth Tucker John Male Lawson Margaret Jean Female Leederville
1944/101080 Perth McCall Archibald Robert Carr Male Clough Vivien Marjory Female West Perth
1944/101080 Perth Clough Vivien Marjory Female McCall Archibald Robert Carr Male West Perth
1944/101081 Perth Campbell Robert Arthur Male Cecil Shirley Mavis Female West Perth
1944/101081 Perth Cecil Shirley Mavis Female Campbell Robert Arthur Male West Perth
1944/101082 Perth Nielsen Ruth Iris Female Du Feu Maurice Albert James Male West Perth
1944/101082 Perth Du Feu Maurice Albert James Male Nielsen Ruth Iris Female West Perth
1944/101083 Perth Sunderland Marie Jean Female Murray James Alexander Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/101083 Perth Murray James Alexander Male Sunderland Marie Jean Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/101084 Perth Hetherington Lawrence Joseph Male Hunwick Violet Rosemarie Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/101084 Perth Hunwick Violet Rosemarie Female Hetherington Lawrence Joseph Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/101085 Perth Turnbull Shirley Clare Female Bremner John Arthur Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/101085 Perth Bremner John Arthur Male Turnbull Shirley Clare Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/101086 Perth Stokes Audrey Murray Female Cook Colin James Male Claremont
1944/101086 Perth Cook Colin James Male Stokes Audrey Murray Female Claremont
1944/101087 Perth Cooper Bridget Kevlin Female Sanders Alfred Allan Male Osborne Park
1944/101087 Perth Sanders Alfred Allan Male Cooper Bridget Kevlin Female Osborne Park
1944/101088 Perth Jones Hazel Jean Female Harding Edgar Lawrence Male Subiaco
1944/101088 Perth Harding Edgar Lawrence Male Jones Hazel Jean Female Subiaco
1944/101089 Perth Wallace Gwen-Audrey Beryl Female Nicholls William Male Subiaco
1944/101089 Perth Nicholls William Male Wallace Gwen-Audrey Beryl Female Subiaco
1944/101090 Perth Holtom Ronald Richard Male Pentilla June Veronica Female Perth
1944/101090 Perth Pentilla June Veronica Female Holtom Ronald Richard Male Perth
1944/101091 Perth Buck Roy Stanley Male Bennett Una May Female Perth
1944/101091 Perth Bennett Una May Female Buck Roy Stanley Male Perth
1944/101092 Perth Hammond Arthur Percival Male Mitter Freda Elva Rodda Female Subiaco
1944/101092 Perth Mitter Freda Elva Rodda Female Hammond Arthur Percival Male Subiaco
1944/101093 Perth Hewitt Barbara Vigors Female Hodge Hugh Peter Vere Male North Perth
1944/101093 Perth Hodge Hugh Peter Vere Male Hewitt Barbara Vigors Female North Perth
1944/101094 Perth Elsegood John Kenneth Male Briggs Joy Female Perth
1944/101094 Perth Briggs Joy Female Elsegood John Kenneth Male Perth
1944/101095 Perth Nock Dora May Female Monger Thomas Edward Male Perth
1944/101095 Perth Monger Thomas Edward Male Nock Dora May Female Perth
1944/101096 Perth Opie Nelson Victor Male Hahnel Gwenyth Ada Female Perth
1944/101096 Perth Hahnel Gwenyth Ada Female Opie Nelson Victor Male Perth
1944/101097 Perth O'Donnell Ida Kathleen Female Walker George Wharton Male Perth
1944/101097 Perth Walker George Wharton Male O'Donnell Ida Kathleen Female Perth
1944/101098 Perth Eastlake Jessie Female McLeod Malcolm Graham Male Perth
1944/101098 Perth McLeod Malcolm Graham Male Eastlake Jessie Female Perth
1944/101099 Perth Metcalfe Norman Ronald Male Hemingway Olive Elizabeth Female Perth
1944/101099 Perth Hemingway Olive Elizabeth Female Metcalfe Norman Ronald Male Perth
1944/101100 Perth Wood Frederick Male Evans Doris Female Perth
1944/101100 Perth Evans Doris Female Wood Frederick Male Perth
1944/101101 Perth Scott Vernon George Male Robins Mona Female Perth
1944/101101 Perth Robins Mona Female Scott Vernon George Male Perth
1944/101102 Perth Wilson George Ernest Male Ingram Beatrice May Female W Aus
1944/101102 Perth Ingram Beatrice May Female Wilson George Ernest Male W Aus
1944/101103 Perth Buck Nellie Gwendoline Female Johns Keith Edward Male Perth
1944/101103 Perth Johns Keith Edward Male Buck Nellie Gwendoline Female Perth
1944/101104 Perth Foster Hannah Winter Female Ferguson Alan Duke Male Perth
1944/101104 Perth Ferguson Alan Duke Male Foster Hannah Winter Female Perth
1944/101105 Perth Pymont Mabel Anne Female Joyce Ashley Raymond Male Perth
1944/101105 Perth Joyce Ashley Raymond Male Pymont Mabel Anne Female Perth
1944/101106 Perth Nelson Robert Lawrence Male Guthrie Ramona Marie Female Perth
1944/101106 Perth Guthrie Ramona Marie Female Nelson Robert Lawrence Male Perth
1944/101107 Perth Carran Wilfred Arthur Male McKinlay Nancy Joan Female Perth
1944/101107 Perth McKinlay Nancy Joan Female Carran Wilfred Arthur Male Perth
1944/101108 Perth Owen Gwenneth Female Martin Jeffrey Theodore Male Perth
1944/101108 Perth Martin Jeffrey Theodore Male Owen Gwenneth Female Perth
1944/101109 Perth Freeland Amos Edward Male Golding Roma Jean Female Perth
1944/101109 Perth Golding Roma Jean Female Freeland Amos Edward Male Perth
1944/101110 Perth Barnett Thomas Mackay Male Walker Ruby Linda Clarice Female Mount Lawley
1944/101110 Perth Walker Ruby Linda Clarice Female Barnett Thomas Mackay Male Mount Lawley
1944/101111 Perth Anderton Margaret Mary Teresa Female Douglas Claude Earl Male Subiaco
1944/101111 Perth Douglas Claude Earl Male Anderton Margaret Mary Teresa Female Subiaco
1944/101112 Perth Bond Janet Harriett Female Burnett Robinson Male W Leederville Perth
1944/101112 Perth Burnett Robinson Male Bond Janet Harriett Female W Leederville Perth
1944/101113 Perth Ives Bridget Angela Marie Female Robson Arthur Male Cottesloe
1944/101113 Perth Robson Arthur Male Ives Bridget Angela Marie Female Cottesloe
1944/101114 Perth Smith Gordon Alexander Male Brenchley Marguerite Female Cottesloe
1944/101114 Perth Brenchley Marguerite Female Smith Gordon Alexander Male Cottesloe
1944/101115 Perth Wright Herbert George Male O'Halloran Kathleen Mary Female Perth
1944/101115 Perth O'Halloran Kathleen Mary Female Wright Herbert George Male Perth
1944/101116 Perth Brownley Ruby Elizabeth Female Bell Francis Male Perth
1944/101116 Perth Bell Francis Male Brownley Ruby Elizabeth Female Perth
1944/101117 Perth Vaccaro Giuseppina Female Conti Francesco Male Lesmurdie
1944/101117 Perth Conti Francesco Male Vaccaro Giuseppina Female Lesmurdie
1944/101118 Perth Bottle Freda Joan Female Moore Everett Andrew Male South Perth
1944/101118 Perth Moore Everett Andrew Male Bottle Freda Joan Female South Perth
1944/101119 Perth Anderson Myra Fletcher Female Luke Valentine Male Perth
1944/101119 Perth Luke Valentine Male Anderson Myra Fletcher Female Perth
1944/101120 Perth Chambers Isobel Lydia Female Syme Ainsley Morey Male Perth
1944/101120 Perth Syme Ainsley Morey Male Chambers Isobel Lydia Female Perth
1944/101121 Perth Penniment Stanley Robert Clarence Male Shaw Iris June Female Perth
1944/101121 Perth Shaw Iris June Female Penniment Stanley Robert Clarence Male Perth
1944/101122 Perth Nagel Harry Ronald Male Walshaw Mary Grace Lavinia Female Perth
1944/101122 Perth Walshaw Mary Grace Lavinia Female Nagel Harry Ronald Male Perth
1944/101123 Perth Jeffries Nellie Female Gardner Graeme Wilson Murray Male Perth
1944/101123 Perth Gardner Graeme Wilson Murray Male Jeffries Nellie Female Perth
1944/101124 Perth Hawkins Phyllis Evelyn Female Goodlet Joseph Male Subiaco
1944/101124 Perth Goodlet Joseph Male Hawkins Phyllis Evelyn Female Subiaco
1944/101125 Perth James Eunice Elsie Female Ager John Henry Male West Perth
1944/101125 Perth Ager John Henry Male James Eunice Elsie Female West Perth
1944/101126 Perth Whitaker Harry Hepthorpe Male Murray Dorothy Edith Female West Perth
1944/101126 Perth Murray Dorothy Edith Female Whitaker Harry Hepthorpe Male West Perth
1944/101127 Perth West Hazel Lilian Female Watkins Thomas George Kinzie Male West Perth
1944/101127 Perth Watkins Thomas George Kinzie Male West Hazel Lilian Female West Perth
1944/101128 Perth Boyle Eunice Muriel Female Pauly Thomas Aloyisus Male West Perth
1944/101128 Perth Pauly Thomas Aloyisus Male Boyle Eunice Muriel Female West Perth
1944/101129 Perth Thomas John Hugh Earnest Male Childs Eileen May Female West Perth
1944/101129 Perth Childs Eileen May Female Thomas John Hugh Earnest Male West Perth
1944/101130 Perth Martin Glassie John Male Worth Clara Minnie Female Victoria Park
1944/101130 Perth Worth Clara Minnie Female Martin Glassie John Male Victoria Park
1944/101131 Perth Headland Peter John Male Tomlinson Lily Female Victoria Park
1944/101131 Perth Tomlinson Lily Female Headland Peter John Male Victoria Park
1944/101132 Perth Tedge Nancy Joan Female O'Brien Eugene Thomas Male Perth
1944/101132 Perth O'Brien Eugene Thomas Male Tedge Nancy Joan Female Perth
1944/101133 Perth Webb Winnifred Doris Female Anderson Leslie Andrew Male Perth
1944/101133 Perth Anderson Leslie Andrew Male Webb Winnifred Doris Female Perth
1944/101134 Perth Anderson William Male Cox Jean Female Perth
1944/101134 Perth Cox Jean Female Anderson William Male Perth
1944/101135 Perth Mitchell Keith Alexander Male Godfrey Jessie June Female Claremont
1944/101135 Perth Godfrey Jessie June Female Mitchell Keith Alexander Male Claremont
1944/101136 Perth Benaim Edward Allan Male Smith Gladys Ethel Female Perth
1944/101136 Perth Smith Gladys Ethel Female Benaim Edward Allan Male Perth
1944/101137 Perth Scrivener Richard Bridgeman Male Heathcote Ruby Elvira Female Victoria Park
1944/101137 Perth Heathcote Ruby Elvira Female Scrivener Richard Bridgeman Male Victoria Park
1944/101138 Perth Lacey Leonard Norman Male Edwards Joan Glindon Female Claremont
1944/101138 Perth Edwards Joan Glindon Female Lacey Leonard Norman Male Claremont
1944/101139 Perth Wright Joan Ruby Female McDonald Kenneth Ranald Male Shenton Park
1944/101139 Perth McDonald Kenneth Ranald Male Wright Joan Ruby Female Shenton Park
1944/101140 Perth Waldock Frederick Allan Male Dawson Rella Female Perth
1944/101140 Perth Dawson Rella Female Waldock Frederick Allan Male Perth
1944/101141 Perth Allen Blanche Edith Female Fowler Jack Henry Male Leederville
1944/101141 Perth Fowler Jack Henry Male Allen Blanche Edith Female Leederville
1944/101142 Perth Robinson Robert James Male Connelly Maureen Female Leederville
1944/101142 Perth Connelly Maureen Female Robinson Robert James Male Leederville
1944/101143 Perth Hepden Kathleen Marie Female Oldfield Lewis James Male Leederville
1944/101143 Perth Oldfield Lewis James Male Hepden Kathleen Marie Female Leederville
1944/101144 Perth Flaherty Mary Catherine Female Casey Maurice Joseph Male Leederville
1944/101144 Perth Casey Maurice Joseph Male Flaherty Mary Catherine Female Leederville
1944/101145 Perth Keeling Morton Ernest Male Lynch Anastatia Teresa Female West Perth
1944/101145 Perth Lynch Anastatia Teresa Female Keeling Morton Ernest Male West Perth
1944/101146 Perth Unger Frank Male Kakavooles Gloria Female Perth
1944/101146 Perth Kakavooles Gloria Female Unger Frank Male Perth
1944/101147 Perth Atkinson Victor Edwin Male Curtin Ivy Grace Female West Perth
1944/101147 Perth Curtin Ivy Grace Female Atkinson Victor Edwin Male West Perth
1944/101148 Perth Tomlin Norman Hamilton Male Somers Evelyn Carmel Female West Perth
1944/101148 Perth Somers Evelyn Carmel Female Tomlin Norman Hamilton Male West Perth
1944/101149 Perth Anderson Teresa Mary Female Osborne Cedric Henry Male West Perth
1944/101149 Perth Osborne Cedric Henry Male Anderson Teresa Mary Female West Perth
1944/101151 Perth Dowsett Anthony John Male Harvey Ursula Margaret Female South Perth
1944/101151 Perth Harvey Ursula Margaret Female Dowsett Anthony John Male South Perth
1944/101152 Perth Guelfi Florence Mary Female Kelly Terence Male Osborne Park
1944/101152 Perth Kelly Terence Male Guelfi Florence Mary Female Osborne Park
1944/101153 Perth Grbelja Angelica Female Vlahov Marijan Male Osborne Park
1944/101153 Perth Vlahov Marijan Male Grbelja Angelica Female Osborne Park
1944/101154 Perth Andrijich Tony Male Dragun Filis Female Osborne Park
1944/101154 Perth Dragun Filis Female Andrijich Tony Male Osborne Park
1944/101155 Perth Gittos Alfred William Male Tyrer Maria Jane Female West Perth
1944/101155 Perth Tyrer Maria Jane Female Gittos Alfred William Male West Perth
1944/101156 Perth Janeczek Selma Johanne Female Moss George Frederick John Male Perth
1944/101156 Perth Moss George Frederick John Male Janeczek Selma Johanne Female Perth
1944/101158 Perth Ramsey Donald Stewart Male Lawler Mary Female West Leederville
1944/101158 Perth Lawler Mary Female Ramsey Donald Stewart Male West Leederville
1944/101159 Perth Manning John Henry Fletcher Male Hardie Lola Isabel Female Maylands
1944/101159 Perth Hardie Lola Isabel Female Manning John Henry Fletcher Male Maylands
1944/101160 Perth Sweetapple Rona Violet Female Findlay Charles Edward Male Perth
1944/101160 Perth Findlay Charles Edward Male Sweetapple Rona Violet Female Perth
1944/101161 Perth Taylor Maurice Miller Male Epstein Annette Mavis Female Perth
1944/101161 Perth Epstein Annette Mavis Female Taylor Maurice Miller Male Perth
1944/101162 Perth Knowles Allan Male Withnell Edna Female Subiaco
1944/101162 Perth Withnell Edna Female Knowles Allan Male Subiaco
1944/101163 Perth Emmanuel Helen Female Taylor Harold Owen Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/101163 Perth Taylor Harold Owen Male Emmanuel Helen Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/101164 Perth Solomon Lorna May Female Owen Keith Alfred Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/101164 Perth Owen Keith Alfred Male Solomon Lorna May Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/101165 Perth Pollock Arthur Alfred Male Roberts Kathleen May Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/101165 Perth Roberts Kathleen May Female Pollock Arthur Alfred Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/101166 Perth Owen Horace Edward Male Hudson Alice May Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/101166 Perth Hudson Alice May Female Owen Horace Edward Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/101167 Perth Kelly Patricia Margaret Female Harvey Harold John Male Perth
1944/101167 Perth Harvey Harold John Male Kelly Patricia Margaret Female Perth
1944/101168 Perth Rice Leonard Male Jackson Thelma Shirley Female Perth
1944/101168 Perth Jackson Thelma Shirley Female Rice Leonard Male Perth
1944/101169 Perth Meyer Bruce Douglas Male Sanders Elsie Willis Female Maylands
1944/101169 Perth Sanders Elsie Willis Female Meyer Bruce Douglas Male Maylands
1944/101170 Perth Boston Moina Jean Female Good Norman Boyett Male Crawley
1944/101170 Perth Good Norman Boyett Male Boston Moina Jean Female Crawley
1944/101171 Perth Ierschot Ian Petrus Male Hill Shirley Dorothy Female Claremont
1944/101171 Perth Hill Shirley Dorothy Female Ierschot Ian Petrus Male Claremont
1944/101172 Perth Love Winifred Maxine Female Medcalf Ian George Male Crawley
1944/101172 Perth Medcalf Ian George Male Love Winifred Maxine Female Crawley
1944/101173 Perth Newling Doris May Female Smith Walter Male Perth
1944/101173 Perth Smith Walter Male Newling Doris May Female Perth
1944/101174 Perth McMillan James Arthur Male Congdon Irene Frances Ainslie Female North Perth
1944/101174 Perth Congdon Irene Frances Ainslie Female McMillan James Arthur Male North Perth
1944/101175 Perth Cargeeg Carinne Joan Female Korner John Strachan Rhys Male West Perth
1944/101175 Perth Korner John Strachan Rhys Male Cargeeg Carinne Joan Female West Perth
1944/101176 Perth Kimble Leonard Victor Male Schwenzfier Ida Johanna Matilda Female West Perth
1944/101176 Perth Schwenzfier Ida Johanna Matilda Female Kimble Leonard Victor Male West Perth
1944/101177 Perth Colebrook Merrial Noel Female O'Neal Neville Male West Perth
1944/101177 Perth O'Neal Neville Male Colebrook Merrial Noel Female West Perth
1944/101178 Perth Brown Marguerite Elizabeth Female Baird Douglas Hopwood Male Victoria Park
1944/101178 Perth Baird Douglas Hopwood Male Brown Marguerite Elizabeth Female Victoria Park
1944/101179 Perth Burgess May Lillian Female Hamilton Gordon Male Victoria Park
1944/101179 Perth Hamilton Gordon Male Burgess May Lillian Female Victoria Park
1944/101180 Perth Dixon Robert Alfred Male Patterson Louise May Female Mt Lawley
1944/101180 Perth Patterson Louise May Female Dixon Robert Alfred Male Mt Lawley
1944/101181 Perth Sharpe Betty Doreen Female McGowan John Male Perth
1944/101181 Perth McGowan John Male Sharpe Betty Doreen Female Perth
1944/101182 Perth Dixon Alec Vernon Male Dixon Clara Selina Female Perth
1944/101182 Perth Dixon Clara Selina Female Dixon Alec Vernon Male Perth
1944/101183 Perth Dobson Marjorie May Female McAullay Kevin Hampton Male South Perth
1944/101183 Perth McAullay Kevin Hampton Male Dobson Marjorie May Female South Perth
1944/101184 Perth King Charles Henry Male Valena Lorenza Maria Cesira Female Perth
1944/101184 Perth Valena Lorenza Maria Cesira Female King Charles Henry Male Perth
1944/101185 Perth Austin Eva Female Kelsall Frank Macdonald Symes Male Perth
1944/101185 Perth Kelsall Frank Macdonald Symes Male Austin Eva Female Perth
1944/101186 Perth Weir Marjory Florence Agnes Female Chambers Herbert Terrence Male Perth
1944/101186 Perth Chambers Herbert Terrence Male Weir Marjory Florence Agnes Female Perth
1944/101187 Perth Mackay Dora Elizabeth Female Forknall Kenneth Ernest Male Perth
1944/101187 Perth Forknall Kenneth Ernest Male Mackay Dora Elizabeth Female Perth
1944/101188 Perth Mott Marjorie Female Wallis William Kenneth Male Perth
1944/101188 Perth Wallis William Kenneth Male Mott Marjorie Female Perth
1944/101189 Perth Wright Athole Joan Female Sowden Ronald Wade Male Perth
1944/101189 Perth Sowden Ronald Wade Male Wright Athole Joan Female Perth
1944/101190 Perth Boothey Edward George Male Gray Jean Mavis Female Perth
1944/101190 Perth Gray Jean Mavis Female Boothey Edward George Male Perth
1944/101191 Perth Castle Gordon Frederick Male Donaldson Peggy Edith Female Perth
1944/101191 Perth Donaldson Peggy Edith Female Castle Gordon Frederick Male Perth
1944/101192 Perth Harris James Milton Male Gilham Gertrude Belle Female Perth
1944/101192 Perth Gilham Gertrude Belle Female Harris James Milton Male Perth
1944/101193 Perth Duschka Olga Female Bradley Robert Male Perth
1944/101193 Perth Bradley Robert Male Duschka Olga Female Perth
1944/101194 Perth Henry Will Ray Male Skuse Doris May Female Perth
1944/101194 Perth Skuse Doris May Female Henry Will Ray Male Perth
1944/101195 Perth Hegarty Dorothy Margaret Female Bignell Roy Milton Male Highgate Hill
1944/101195 Perth Bignell Roy Milton Male Hegarty Dorothy Margaret Female Highgate Hill
1944/101196 Perth Aitchison Cecil Robert Male Gardiner Charlotte Mabel Female Claremont
1944/101196 Perth Gardiner Charlotte Mabel Female Aitchison Cecil Robert Male Claremont
1944/101197 Perth Stewart Joyce Henrietta Female Gibson Norman Edgar Male Perth
1944/101197 Perth Gibson Norman Edgar Male Stewart Joyce Henrietta Female Perth
1944/101198 Perth Thompson Patricia Pearl Female Travers James Marcell Male Victoria Park
1944/101198 Perth Travers James Marcell Male Thompson Patricia Pearl Female Victoria Park
1944/101199 Perth Johnston Hildelith Olymphe Female Elliott George Davidson Male Victoria Park
1944/101199 Perth Elliott George Davidson Male Johnston Hildelith Olymphe Female Victoria Park
1944/101200 Perth Harrison Edward Marton Male Robins Frances Nita Female Perth
1944/101200 Perth Robins Frances Nita Female Harrison Edward Marton Male Perth
1944/101201 Perth Barr James Brighton Male Fraser May Female Victoria Park
1944/101201 Perth Fraser May Female Barr James Brighton Male Victoria Park
1944/101202 Perth Emery Ronald William Male Balmer Elvie Irene Female Subiaco
1944/101202 Perth Balmer Elvie Irene Female Emery Ronald William Male Subiaco
1944/101203 Perth Stevens William Henry Male Giraudo Jessie Victoria Female Perth
1944/101203 Perth Giraudo Jessie Victoria Female Stevens William Henry Male Perth
1944/101204 Perth Gallop Etheldreda Female Venville Allan Male Perth
1944/101204 Perth Venville Allan Male Gallop Etheldreda Female Perth
1944/101205 Perth Radburn Ernest Arthur Male Wishart Alice Evelyn Female Perth
1944/101205 Perth Wishart Alice Evelyn Female Radburn Ernest Arthur Male Perth
1944/101206 Perth Chard Nancy Female Moore Douglas Roy Male Perth
1944/101206 Perth Moore Douglas Roy Male Chard Nancy Female Perth
1944/101207 Perth Armstrong Dorothy Hilda Female Millen Clifford Ross Male Perth
1944/101207 Perth Millen Clifford Ross Male Armstrong Dorothy Hilda Female Perth
1944/101208 Perth Stevenson Peggy Ida May Female Tucker Colin Andrew Male Perth
1944/101208 Perth Tucker Colin Andrew Male Stevenson Peggy Ida May Female Perth
1944/101209 Perth Burton Edith Myrtle Female Richards Basil Frederick Male Subiaco
1944/101209 Perth Richards Basil Frederick Male Burton Edith Myrtle Female Subiaco
1944/101210 Perth Smith Dorothea Patricia Female McDonald Mervyn Allan Male Osborne Park
1944/101210 Perth McDonald Mervyn Allan Male Smith Dorothea Patricia Female Osborne Park
1944/101211 Perth Walker Doreen Phillippa Female Matthews Leonard John Male Claremont
1944/101211 Perth Matthews Leonard John Male Walker Doreen Phillippa Female Claremont
1944/101212 Perth Orr Peter John Male Singer Frances Regina Female Perth
1944/101212 Perth Singer Frances Regina Female Orr Peter John Male Perth
1944/101213 Perth Durack Greta Aileen Female Berry Allan Thurston Male Perth
1944/101213 Perth Berry Allan Thurston Male Durack Greta Aileen Female Perth
1944/101214 Perth Castiglioni Leonard Joseph Male Mottram Evelyn May Female Perth
1944/101214 Perth Mottram Evelyn May Female Castiglioni Leonard Joseph Male Perth
1944/101215 Perth Berad Rachel Female Mandel Thomas Male Perth
1944/101215 Perth Mandel Thomas Male Berad Rachel Female Perth
1944/101216 Perth Savage Joseph James Male Baker Ellen Celia Female Victoria Park
1944/101216 Perth Baker Ellen Celia Female Savage Joseph James Male Victoria Park
1944/101217 Perth Leach Hugh Arthur Male O'Mara Winifred May Female Bayswater
1944/101217 Perth O'Mara Winifred May Female Leach Hugh Arthur Male Bayswater
1944/101218 Perth Sharpe Charles Thomas Male Anglesey Mary Teresa Female Perth
1944/101218 Perth Anglesey Mary Teresa Female Sharpe Charles Thomas Male Perth
1944/101219 Perth Ryan Daniel Albert Male McGavin Loris Birdwood Female Perth
1944/101219 Perth McGavin Loris Birdwood Female Ryan Daniel Albert Male Perth
1944/101220 Perth Davenport Evelyn Mary Female Trembath William Bertrum Male Perth
1944/101220 Perth Trembath William Bertrum Male Davenport Evelyn Mary Female Perth
1944/101221 Perth Pond Amy Doreen Female Young William Gordon Male Nedlands
1944/101221 Perth Young William Gordon Male Pond Amy Doreen Female Nedlands
1944/101222 Perth Russell Frank Rudolph Male Yates Mabel Female Nedlands
1944/101222 Perth Yates Mabel Female Russell Frank Rudolph Male Nedlands
1944/101223 Perth Carn Ivy May Female Johnston Sydney John Male Perth
1944/101223 Perth Johnston Sydney John Male Carn Ivy May Female Perth
1944/101224 Perth Taylor Betty June Female Cartledge Keith Reginald Male Victoria Park
1944/101224 Perth Cartledge Keith Reginald Male Taylor Betty June Female Victoria Park
1944/101225 Perth Pope Joseph Alexander Male Featherstone Phoebe Phyllis Female Subiaco
1944/101225 Perth Featherstone Phoebe Phyllis Female Pope Joseph Alexander Male Subiaco
1944/101226 Perth Dineen Ellen Female Waters Cecil Male Perth
1944/101226 Perth Waters Cecil Male Dineen Ellen Female Perth
1944/101227 Perth Bergin Alfred Wayland Male Cross Catherine Sushanah Female Highgate Hill
1944/101227 Perth Cross Catherine Sushanah Female Bergin Alfred Wayland Male Highgate Hill
1944/101228 Perth O'Connor Harry Michael Male Lang Dorothy Mary Female Highgate Hill
1944/101228 Perth Lang Dorothy Mary Female O'Connor Harry Michael Male Highgate Hill
1944/101229 Perth Meagher Patricia Madeleine Female Gray Lindsay Poplin Male W Perth
1944/101229 Perth Gray Lindsay Poplin Male Meagher Patricia Madeleine Female W Perth
1944/101230 Perth Levitzke John George Male Kelly Norma Hilda Female West Perth
1944/101230 Perth Kelly Norma Hilda Female Levitzke John George Male West Perth
1944/101231 Perth White Daphne Mavis Female Hudson John Male Maylands
1944/101231 Perth Hudson John Male White Daphne Mavis Female Maylands
1944/101232 Perth Potter Catherine Winifred May Female Landwehr Carl Mark Male West Perth
1944/101232 Perth Landwehr Carl Mark Male Potter Catherine Winifred May Female West Perth
1944/101233 Perth Bamford Irene Grace Female Williams James Ernest Male Claremont
1944/101233 Perth Williams James Ernest Male Bamford Irene Grace Female Claremont
1944/101234 Perth Lee Winnifred May Female Hall John George Kenneth Male Claremont
1944/101234 Perth Hall John George Kenneth Male Lee Winnifred May Female Claremont
1944/101235 Perth Welshman Albert George Male Taylor Margaret Eileen Female South Perth
1944/101235 Perth Taylor Margaret Eileen Female Welshman Albert George Male South Perth
1944/101236 Perth Bilney Edna May Female Darch George Selleck John Male Leederville
1944/101236 Perth Darch George Selleck John Male Bilney Edna May Female Leederville
1944/101237 Perth Ireland William Levell Male Frost Isabel Fraser Female Perth
1944/101237 Perth Frost Isabel Fraser Female Ireland William Levell Male Perth
1944/101238 Perth Morrison Jessie Female Helgeland Robert Harvey Male Perth
1944/101238 Perth Helgeland Robert Harvey Male Morrison Jessie Female Perth
1944/101239 Perth Ginbey Henry David Male Ford Daisy Iris Female Perth
1944/101239 Perth Ford Daisy Iris Female Ginbey Henry David Male Perth
1944/101240 Perth Siggins Romney Female Hawtin Albert Wallace Male Perth
1944/101240 Perth Hawtin Albert Wallace Male Siggins Romney Female Perth
1944/101241 Perth James Leonard Harding Male Jardine Roma Howard Female Perth
1944/101241 Perth Jardine Roma Howard Female James Leonard Harding Male Perth
1944/101242 Perth Taylor Joan Phyllis Female Blankenbaker William Da Voin Male Perth
1944/101242 Perth Blankenbaker William Da Voin Male Taylor Joan Phyllis Female Perth
1944/101243 Perth Bancroft Ellen Annie Female Hoffman Francis David Male Cottesloe
1944/101243 Perth Hoffman Francis David Male Bancroft Ellen Annie Female Cottesloe
1944/101244 Perth Ball Stella Maris Female Flynn Mervyn Victor Male West Perth
1944/101244 Perth Flynn Mervyn Victor Male Ball Stella Maris Female West Perth
1944/101245 Perth Iddon George William Gillow Male Engledow Violet Marjorie Female W Perth
1944/101245 Perth Engledow Violet Marjorie Female Iddon George William Gillow Male W Perth
1944/101246 Perth Prior Robert Alfred Male Jauncey Gladys Ethel Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/101246 Perth Jauncey Gladys Ethel Female Prior Robert Alfred Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/101247 Perth Elliss Loris Joy Female King Reginald Lancelot Male Subiaco
1944/101247 Perth King Reginald Lancelot Male Elliss Loris Joy Female Subiaco
1944/101248 Perth Swinney Mary Dorothy Female Howard William Francis James Male Subiaco
1944/101248 Perth Howard William Francis James Male Swinney Mary Dorothy Female Subiaco
1944/101249 Perth Johnson Alice Emely Elizabeth Female Clements Harley David Male Perth
1944/101249 Perth Clements Harley David Male Johnson Alice Emely Elizabeth Female Perth
1944/101250 Perth James Arthur Oswald Male Lee Anita Mavis Female Perth
1944/101250 Perth Lee Anita Mavis Female James Arthur Oswald Male Perth
1944/101251 Perth Whitfield Helen Madge Female Thornell Curtis Earl Male Perth
1944/101251 Perth Thornell Curtis Earl Male Whitfield Helen Madge Female Perth
1944/101252 Perth Frankel Joseph Male Pittman Elizabeth Alma Female Perth
1944/101252 Perth Pittman Elizabeth Alma Female Frankel Joseph Male Perth
1944/101253 Perth Harris Merab Female Tauman Eliezer Leon Male Perth
1944/101253 Perth Tauman Eliezer Leon Male Harris Merab Female Perth
1944/101254 Perth Winchester Phyllis Elsie Female Stewart William James Male Perth
1944/101254 Perth Stewart William James Male Winchester Phyllis Elsie Female Perth
1944/101255 Perth Nicholls Marie Eleanor Molyneaux Female Shelley John D'arcy Male Perth
1944/101255 Perth Shelley John D'arcy Male Nicholls Marie Eleanor Molyneaux Female Perth
1944/101256 Perth Grange Dorothy Female Gillies Raymond Norman Male Subiaco
1944/101256 Perth Gillies Raymond Norman Male Grange Dorothy Female Subiaco
1944/101257 Perth Andersen Andre Raymond Male Morgan Mona Mary Female Perth
1944/101257 Perth Morgan Mona Mary Female Andersen Andre Raymond Male Perth
1944/101258 Perth Jacoby Nola Theodora Female Dahlgren Walter Fredrick Male Perth
1944/101258 Perth Dahlgren Walter Fredrick Male Jacoby Nola Theodora Female Perth
1944/101259 Perth Lamborn Arthur Russell Male Cusack Nellie Mary Female Perth
1944/101259 Perth Cusack Nellie Mary Female Lamborn Arthur Russell Male Perth
1944/101260 Perth Hewitt Phyllis Melville Female Arnold Harold Arthur Male Perth
1944/101260 Perth Arnold Harold Arthur Male Hewitt Phyllis Melville Female Perth
1944/101261 Perth Colquhoun Vira Thelma Female Fogarty Thomas Male Perth
1944/101261 Perth Fogarty Thomas Male Colquhoun Vira Thelma Female Perth
1944/101262 Perth Barratt Ronald Victor Male Flynn Audrey Female Perth
1944/101262 Perth Flynn Audrey Female Barratt Ronald Victor Male Perth
1944/101263 Perth Gregory Audrey Pamela Villiers Langdon Clement Female Nielsen Charles William Male Perth
1944/101263 Perth Nielsen Charles William Male Gregory Audrey Pamela Villiers Langdon Clement Female Perth
1944/101264 Perth Faulkner Lloyd George Male Downe Jean Baxter Female Perth
1944/101264 Perth Downe Jean Baxter Female Faulkner Lloyd George Male Perth
1944/101265 Perth Broughton Mavis Eileen Female Broughton Robert John Male Perth
1944/101265 Perth Broughton Robert John Male Broughton Mavis Eileen Female Perth
1944/101266 Perth Martin William Francis Male Williams Eva Doris Female Perth
1944/101266 Perth Williams Eva Doris Female Martin William Francis Male Perth
1944/101267 Perth Barnes William Alexander Male Howe Constance Margaret Female Perth
1944/101267 Perth Howe Constance Margaret Female Barnes William Alexander Male Perth
1944/101268 Perth Drury Mavis Isobel Female Buchheim Howard Dexter Male Perth
1944/101268 Perth Buchheim Howard Dexter Male Drury Mavis Isobel Female Perth
1944/101269 Perth Beshears Cletes Odis Male Lee Alma Dorothy Ann Female Perth
1944/101269 Perth Lee Alma Dorothy Ann Female Beshears Cletes Odis Male Perth
1944/101270 Perth Pickersgill Hazel Female Zeck Colin Charles Male Perth
1944/101270 Perth Zeck Colin Charles Male Pickersgill Hazel Female Perth
1944/101271 Perth Ferguson John Robert Male Noack Joyce Betty Female Perth
1944/101271 Perth Noack Joyce Betty Female Ferguson John Robert Male Perth
1944/101272 Perth Canby Joyce Gwynneth Female Lawrence Lloyd Wilkinson Male Perth
1944/101272 Perth Lawrence Lloyd Wilkinson Male Canby Joyce Gwynneth Female Perth
1944/101273 Perth Sebbes William Charles Male Hares Thelma Doris Female Perth
1944/101273 Perth Hares Thelma Doris Female Sebbes William Charles Male Perth
1944/101274 Perth Stronach George Male Hope Hilda Rachel Female Perth
1944/101274 Perth Hope Hilda Rachel Female Stronach George Male Perth
1944/101275 Perth Hasleby Hilary June Female Considine John Francis Male Perth
1944/101275 Perth Considine John Francis Male Hasleby Hilary June Female Perth
1944/101276 Perth Cuckson Alma Lillian Female Ardagh Richard Eman Male Perth
1944/101276 Perth Ardagh Richard Eman Male Cuckson Alma Lillian Female Perth
1944/101277 Perth Gower Nancy Female Gardiner Ronald McDonald Male Perth
1944/101277 Perth Gardiner Ronald McDonald Male Gower Nancy Female Perth
1944/101278 Perth Shepherd Doris Mary Female Crabbe Hugh Alford Male Perth
1944/101278 Perth Crabbe Hugh Alford Male Shepherd Doris Mary Female Perth
1944/101279 Perth Wuillemin Lois Atholie Female Bond George Montague Male Perth
1944/101279 Perth Bond George Montague Male Wuillemin Lois Atholie Female Perth
1944/101280 Perth McArthur Marjorie Female Muse Harry Stuart Male Perth
1944/101280 Perth Muse Harry Stuart Male McArthur Marjorie Female Perth
1944/101281 Perth Strongman Mona Eulalie Female Dawson Clarence Bruce Male Perth
1944/101281 Perth Dawson Clarence Bruce Male Strongman Mona Eulalie Female Perth
1944/101282 Perth Chandler Harold Male Kemp Anita Agnes Ann Female Perth
1944/101282 Perth Kemp Anita Agnes Ann Female Chandler Harold Male Perth
1944/101283 Perth Osborne Elsie Female Reed Stanley Joseph Male Mt Lawley
1944/101283 Perth Reed Stanley Joseph Male Osborne Elsie Female Mt Lawley
1944/101284 Perth Cooper Lorraine May Female March Wilfred Edward Male Mt Lawley
1944/101284 Perth March Wilfred Edward Male Cooper Lorraine May Female Mt Lawley
1944/101285 Perth Gossage Nellie Female Ferris Hugh Male Perth
1944/101285 Perth Ferris Hugh Male Gossage Nellie Female Perth
1944/101286 Perth Cooper Bruce William Male Lucas Eva Elizabeth Kerr Female Perth
1944/101286 Perth Lucas Eva Elizabeth Kerr Female Cooper Bruce William Male Perth
1944/101287 Perth Dunlap Glenn Herndon Male Emery Honorah Eileen Female Perth
1944/101287 Perth Emery Honorah Eileen Female Dunlap Glenn Herndon Male Perth
1944/101288 Perth Gifford Francis Robert Male Deague Margaret Female Perth
1944/101288 Perth Deague Margaret Female Gifford Francis Robert Male Perth
1944/101289 Perth Redfern John Barrett Male Stephens Lola Elizabeth Female Perth
1944/101289 Perth Stephens Lola Elizabeth Female Redfern John Barrett Male Perth
1944/101290 Perth Dalen Gunnar Male Buckingham Joyce Hannah Florence Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/101290 Perth Buckingham Joyce Hannah Florence Female Dalen Gunnar Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/101291 Perth McKenzie Dorothy Muriel Female Taylor Henry Lloyd Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/101291 Perth Taylor Henry Lloyd Male McKenzie Dorothy Muriel Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/101292 Perth Nadge Evelyn Iris Female Black Herbert Ernest Male Osborne Park
1944/101292 Perth Black Herbert Ernest Male Nadge Evelyn Iris Female Osborne Park
1944/101293 Perth Pimblett Winifred Margaret Female Ashburner John Joseph Male Osborne Park
1944/101293 Perth Ashburner John Joseph Male Pimblett Winifred Margaret Female Osborne Park
1944/101294 Perth Freestone Evelyn Mary Female Simmons James Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/101294 Perth Simmons James Male Freestone Evelyn Mary Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/101295 Perth Carter Dorothy Joy Female King Sydney Robert Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/101295 Perth King Sydney Robert Male Carter Dorothy Joy Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/101296 Perth Mill Bernard John Anzac Male Marchant Isoline Katherine Maude Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/101296 Perth Marchant Isoline Katherine Maude Female Mill Bernard John Anzac Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/101297 Perth Duncan Heather Bell Female Johnstone John Male Subiaco
1944/101297 Perth Johnstone John Male Duncan Heather Bell Female Subiaco
1944/101298 Perth Coleman Clifford Carl Male Jackson Patricia Isabel Madge Female Perth
1944/101298 Perth Jackson Patricia Isabel Madge Female Coleman Clifford Carl Male Perth
1944/101299 Perth Lund Queen Elizabeth Female Martin William Thomas Male Perth
1944/101299 Perth Martin William Thomas Male Lund Queen Elizabeth Female Perth
1944/101300 Perth Poole Claude Pettit Male Vagg Vera Female Perth
1944/101300 Perth Vagg Vera Female Poole Claude Pettit Male Perth
1944/101301 Perth Haynes Rex Gordon Male Stubbs Maud Female Bayswater
1944/101301 Perth Stubbs Maud Female Haynes Rex Gordon Male Bayswater
1944/101302 Perth Bowley Roberta Frances Female Mitchell Arthur Male South Perth
1944/101302 Perth Mitchell Arthur Male Bowley Roberta Frances Female South Perth
1944/101303 Perth Irwin Phillip Desmond Hastings Male Graham Joan Marie Female Perth
1944/101303 Perth Graham Joan Marie Female Irwin Phillip Desmond Hastings Male Perth
1944/101304 Perth Foran Mary Ada Female King Edward Male Perth
1944/101304 Perth King Edward Male Foran Mary Ada Female Perth
1944/101305 Perth Allchin Robert Lemon Male Peters Kristella Female Perth
1944/101305 Perth Peters Kristella Female Allchin Robert Lemon Male Perth
1944/101306 Perth Woodruff Dorothy Gertrude Female Mayo Frederick George Male Claremont
1944/101306 Perth Mayo Frederick George Male Woodruff Dorothy Gertrude Female Claremont
1944/101307 Perth Reader Muriel Patricia Female Hopkins John Joseph Male Osborne Park
1944/101307 Perth Hopkins John Joseph Male Reader Muriel Patricia Female Osborne Park
1944/101308 Perth McKay Betty Female Beard Henry Edward Male Subiaco
1944/101308 Perth Beard Henry Edward Male McKay Betty Female Subiaco
1944/101309 Perth Durack Eric Gerard Male Lalor Marjorie Elizabeth Female Perth
1944/101309 Perth Lalor Marjorie Elizabeth Female Durack Eric Gerard Male Perth
1944/101310 Perth McKay Betty Edith Female Salis William Nicholas Male Nedlands
1944/101310 Perth Salis William Nicholas Male McKay Betty Edith Female Nedlands
1944/101311 Perth McKenna Jean Irene Female Weston Alfred James Male Perth
1944/101311 Perth Weston Alfred James Male McKenna Jean Irene Female Perth
1944/101312 Perth O'Dwyer Carmel Patricia Female Gregson John Newcombe Male Perth
1944/101312 Perth Gregson John Newcombe Male O'Dwyer Carmel Patricia Female Perth
1944/101313 Perth Monck George Gregory Male Christensen Doris Aisne Female Perth
1944/101313 Perth Christensen Doris Aisne Female Monck George Gregory Male Perth
1944/101314 Perth Cusack Eamonn Robert Male Dermody Doris Angela Female Nedlands
1944/101314 Perth Dermody Doris Angela Female Cusack Eamonn Robert Male Nedlands
1944/101315 Perth Nicholas John Esmond Male Davies Joan Olwen Female Nedlands
1944/101315 Perth Davies Joan Olwen Female Nicholas John Esmond Male Nedlands
1944/101316 Perth Morley Robert George Male McCutcheon Florence Mary May Female Perth
1944/101316 Perth McCutcheon Florence Mary May Female Morley Robert George Male Perth
1944/101317 Perth Crooks William Raymond Male Hutchinson Marie Mavis Female Mt Lawley
1944/101317 Perth Hutchinson Marie Mavis Female Crooks William Raymond Male Mt Lawley
1944/101318 Perth Mountjoy Henry David Male Scurry Florence Jessie Female Mt Lawley
1944/101318 Perth Scurry Florence Jessie Female Mountjoy Henry David Male Mt Lawley
1944/101319 Perth Bedells Thomas Charles Male Baird Elizabeth Edith Female Claremont
1944/101319 Perth Baird Elizabeth Edith Female Bedells Thomas Charles Male Claremont
1944/101320 Perth Armstrong Edith Maud Female Lambert Kenneth Male Perth
1944/101320 Perth Lambert Kenneth Male Armstrong Edith Maud Female Perth
1944/101321 Perth Grace Frederick Thomas Male Lukin Dorothy Margaret Female Perth
1944/101321 Perth Lukin Dorothy Margaret Female Grace Frederick Thomas Male Perth
1944/101322 Perth Seadon William Male Wooffingdon Norah Female Perth
1944/101322 Perth Wooffingdon Norah Female Seadon William Male Perth
1944/101323 Perth Leggo Lois Patricia Female Inman Forrest Charles Male Perth
1944/101323 Perth Inman Forrest Charles Male Leggo Lois Patricia Female Perth
1944/101324 Perth Hudson Norma Kathleen Female Mason Glow Henry Male Perth
1944/101324 Perth Mason Glow Henry Male Hudson Norma Kathleen Female Perth
1944/101325 Perth London Leonard Thomas Male Allen Eileen May Female Perth
1944/101325 Perth Allen Eileen May Female London Leonard Thomas Male Perth
1944/101326 Perth Green Vernon George Male O'Neill Peggy Female Perth
1944/101326 Perth O'Neill Peggy Female Green Vernon George Male Perth
1944/101327 Perth Collinson Jack Male Johnson Elsie May Female Perth
1944/101327 Perth Johnson Elsie May Female Collinson Jack Male Perth
1944/101328 Perth Kennedy Norah Kathleen Female Harrison Edward Noel Male Claremont
1944/101328 Perth Harrison Edward Noel Male Kennedy Norah Kathleen Female Claremont
1944/101329 Perth Osborn Elizabeth May Female Dickie David Anderson Male Perth
1944/101329 Perth Dickie David Anderson Male Osborn Elizabeth May Female Perth
1944/101330 Perth O'Grady Edward James Male Wall Joan Evelyn Female Perth
1944/101330 Perth Wall Joan Evelyn Female O'Grady Edward James Male Perth
1944/101331 Perth Bevan Maurice Arthur Male Duff Jean Female Perth
1944/101331 Perth Duff Jean Female Bevan Maurice Arthur Male Perth
1944/101332 Perth Wendt Shirley Victoria Female Munyard Ronald Robert Male Perth
1944/101332 Perth Munyard Ronald Robert Male Wendt Shirley Victoria Female Perth
1944/101333 Perth Blunt Ethel Mary Female Ward Harry Male West Australia
1944/101333 Perth Ward Harry Male Blunt Ethel Mary Female West Australia
1944/101334 Perth Southwood Myrtle Hilda Female Bruce Gifford George Male Perth
1944/101334 Perth Bruce Gifford George Male Southwood Myrtle Hilda Female Perth
1944/101335 Perth Varris Joseph Peter Male Jones Enid Olive Female Perth
1944/101335 Perth Jones Enid Olive Female Varris Joseph Peter Male Perth
1944/101336 Perth Hill Barbara Elizabeth Joyce Female Henderson John Male Perth
1944/101336 Perth Henderson John Male Hill Barbara Elizabeth Joyce Female Perth
1944/101337 Perth Wallis Ernest Edward Male Baskerville Isla Victoria Female Perth
1944/101337 Perth Baskerville Isla Victoria Female Wallis Ernest Edward Male Perth
1944/101338 Perth Moore George Francis Male Della June Avery Female Perth
1944/101338 Perth Della June Avery Female Moore George Francis Male Perth
1944/101339 Perth Jones Burrison James Male Callow Stella Gladys Female Victoria Park
1944/101339 Perth Callow Stella Gladys Female Jones Burrison James Male Victoria Park
1944/101340 Perth Boyd Gordon Sydney Male Thorson Cecilia Barbara Female Perth
1944/101340 Perth Thorson Cecilia Barbara Female Boyd Gordon Sydney Male Perth
1944/101341 Perth Drake-Brockman Jean Cecily Female Whitington Richard Smallpeice Male Claremont
1944/101341 Perth Whitington Richard Smallpeice Male Drake-Brockman Jean Cecily Female Claremont
1944/101342 Perth Rawlings Enid Patricia Female Rose James Allan Male Osborne Park
1944/101342 Perth Rose James Allan Male Rawlings Enid Patricia Female Osborne Park
1944/101343 Perth Quinn Harry Elvis Male Wood Norma Janet Emily Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/101343 Perth Wood Norma Janet Emily Female Quinn Harry Elvis Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/101344 Perth Burns Jean Loloma Broumpton Female Hubble John Wilkins Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/101344 Perth Hubble John Wilkins Male Burns Jean Loloma Broumpton Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/101345 Perth Lander Norbert Male Wackrill Mildred Gladys Female Osborne Park
1944/101345 Perth Wackrill Mildred Gladys Female Lander Norbert Male Osborne Park
1944/101346 Perth Lechner Julius Joseph Male Higgins Gloria Margaret Female Osborne Park
1944/101346 Perth Higgins Gloria Margaret Female Lechner Julius Joseph Male Osborne Park
1944/101347 Perth Griffiths Norma Joy Female Rowbottam Frederick Edward Male Subiaco
1944/101347 Perth Rowbottam Frederick Edward Male Griffiths Norma Joy Female Subiaco
1944/101348 Perth Tozer James Willcocks Male Melvin Patricia Grace Female Nedlands
1944/101348 Perth Melvin Patricia Grace Female Tozer James Willcocks Male Nedlands
1944/101349 Perth Boneham Valerie Dorothy Female Doughty James Vincent Male Cottesloe
1944/101349 Perth Doughty James Vincent Male Boneham Valerie Dorothy Female Cottesloe
1944/101350 Perth Briggs Emily Ursula Female McAuliffe Patrick Jeremiah Male Cottesloe
1944/101350 Perth McAuliffe Patrick Jeremiah Male Briggs Emily Ursula Female Cottesloe
1944/101351 Perth Chapman William Burly Male Morris Isabelle Female Nedlands
1944/101351 Perth Morris Isabelle Female Chapman William Burly Male Nedlands
1944/101352 Perth Devlin Irene Mae Female Edmunds Frederick Arthur Male Leederville
1944/101352 Perth Edmunds Frederick Arthur Male Devlin Irene Mae Female Leederville
1944/101353 Perth Preisig Coral Enid Cecilia Female Grey Leslie Gordon Male Leederville
1944/101353 Perth Grey Leslie Gordon Male Preisig Coral Enid Cecilia Female Leederville
1944/101354 Perth Guise Marguerite Renée Female Lang Ralph James Male Highgate Hill
1944/101354 Perth Lang Ralph James Male Guise Marguerite Renée Female Highgate Hill
1944/101355 Perth Lyons Bernard Male Forbes Margaret Minta Female Highgate Hill
1944/101355 Perth Forbes Margaret Minta Female Lyons Bernard Male Highgate Hill
1944/101356 Perth Fretz Edward Lawrence Male McGovern Mena Melville Female Subiaco
1944/101356 Perth McGovern Mena Melville Female Fretz Edward Lawrence Male Subiaco
1944/101357 Perth Willcocks Violet Helen Female Lyons James Fitzgerald Male Subiaco
1944/101357 Perth Lyons James Fitzgerald Male Willcocks Violet Helen Female Subiaco
1944/101358 Perth Martin Roy James Male O'Rourke Roma Camelia Female Subiaco
1944/101358 Perth O'Rourke Roma Camelia Female Martin Roy James Male Subiaco
1944/101359 Perth Windsor Frederick William Male Kidd Nellie May Female Subiaco
1944/101359 Perth Kidd Nellie May Female Windsor Frederick William Male Subiaco
1944/101360 Perth Ducat Barton Burroughs Male Graham Norma Olive May Female Subiaco
1944/101360 Perth Graham Norma Olive May Female Ducat Barton Burroughs Male Subiaco
1944/101361 Perth Rose George Spencer Male Felton Annie Mary Thresa Female Rosalie
1944/101361 Perth Felton Annie Mary Thresa Female Rose George Spencer Male Rosalie
1944/101362 Perth Royce Robert Dunlop Male Brownlie Lesly Florence Lucy Female Perth
1944/101362 Perth Brownlie Lesly Florence Lucy Female Royce Robert Dunlop Male Perth
1944/101363 Perth Slattery Frances Enid Female Hunt Joseph Percy Male Cottesloe
1944/101363 Perth Hunt Joseph Percy Male Slattery Frances Enid Female Cottesloe
1944/101364 Perth Rodwell Ernest Edwin Male Laver Antoinette Female Perth
1944/101364 Perth Laver Antoinette Female Rodwell Ernest Edwin Male Perth
1944/101365 Perth Howson Dorothy Jean Female Pember Herbert Thomas Urquhart Male Subiaco
1944/101365 Perth Pember Herbert Thomas Urquhart Male Howson Dorothy Jean Female Subiaco
1944/101366 Perth Bradshaw Deborah Female Bannister George Frederick William Male Mt Lawley
1944/101366 Perth Bannister George Frederick William Male Bradshaw Deborah Female Mt Lawley
1944/101367 Perth Stewart Muriel Female Moore Robert Ernest Male Mt Lawley
1944/101367 Perth Moore Robert Ernest Male Stewart Muriel Female Mt Lawley
1944/101368 Perth Radford Edward Stanley Male Hill Delma Female West Perth
1944/101368 Perth Radford John Edward Stanley Male Hill Delma Female West Perth
1944/101368 Perth Hill Delma Female Radford Edward Stanley Male West Perth
1944/101368 Perth Hill Delma Female Radford John Edward Stanley Male West Perth
1944/101369 Perth Payne Olive Marie Female Prichard John Lauden Male West Perth
1944/101369 Perth Prichard John Lauden Male Payne Olive Marie Female West Perth
1944/101370 Perth Ripp George Ayton Male Bevan Joy Frances Female West Perth
1944/101370 Perth Bevan Joy Frances Female Ripp George Ayton Male West Perth
1944/101371 Perth Purser Roma Dixie Female Shaylor Victor Allen Male West Perth
1944/101371 Perth Shaylor Victor Allen Male Purser Roma Dixie Female West Perth
1944/101372 Perth Hynes Allan Leonard Male Cruse Patricia Female West Perth
1944/101372 Perth Cruse Patricia Female Hynes Allan Leonard Male West Perth
1944/101373 Perth Emms Margaret Edith Female Leighton Eric Hepple Male W Perth
1944/101373 Perth Leighton Eric Hepple Male Emms Margaret Edith Female W Perth
1944/101374 Perth Leake Patricia Female Pigdon John Male West Perth
1944/101374 Perth Pigdon John Male Leake Patricia Female West Perth
1944/101375 Perth Carter Doris Evelyn Female Winnett James Richard Male West Perth
1944/101375 Perth Winnett James Richard Male Carter Doris Evelyn Female West Perth
1944/101376 Perth Evans Frank Laurence Male Hepton Dorothy Annie Female W Perth
1944/101376 Perth Hepton Dorothy Annie Female Evans Frank Laurence Male W Perth
1944/101377 Perth Hayes Ethel Muriel Female Parker Percy John Edward Male Perth
1944/101377 Perth Parker Percy John Edward Male Hayes Ethel Muriel Female Perth
1944/101378 Perth Benfall George Henry McRae Male Hiscox Toska Barrowcliffe Female Perth
1944/101378 Perth Hiscox Toska Barrowcliffe Female Benfall George Henry McRae Male Perth
1944/101379 Perth Hall James Patrick Male Wood Elsie Vera Maud Female Perth
1944/101379 Perth Wood Elsie Vera Maud Female Hall James Patrick Male Perth
1944/101380 Perth Fleay Lorna Maude Female Wilson Henry Edward Male Perth
1944/101380 Perth Wilson Henry Edward Male Fleay Lorna Maude Female Perth
1944/101381 Perth Massey Edward Richard Male Jose Kathleen Gladys Female Perth
1944/101381 Perth Jose Kathleen Gladys Female Massey Edward Richard Male Perth
1944/101382 Perth Cotterill Mona Margaret Female Pickering Herbert Arthur Male Perth
1944/101382 Perth Pickering Herbert Arthur Male Cotterill Mona Margaret Female Perth
1944/101383 Perth Grice Wilfred Percy Male Bird Irene Myfanwy Female Perth
1944/101383 Perth Bird Irene Myfanwy Female Grice Wilfred Percy Male Perth
1944/101384 Perth Thompkins Douglas Grant Male Gray Joan Winifred Female Perth
1944/101384 Perth Gray Joan Winifred Female Thompkins Douglas Grant Male Perth
1944/101385 Perth Ross Catherine Young Female Cooper Ronald Francis Male Perth
1944/101385 Perth Cooper Ronald Francis Male Ross Catherine Young Female Perth
1944/101386 Perth Graham Henry John Male Dewar Bessie May Patricia Female Perth
1944/101386 Perth Dewar Bessie May Patricia Female Graham Henry John Male Perth
1944/101387 Perth Foley Nancy May Female Olson Robert Foster Male Perth
1944/101387 Perth Olson Robert Foster Male Foley Nancy May Female Perth
1944/101388 Perth Waters Victor Athol Male Ashworth Hazel Lilian Female Perth
1944/101388 Perth Ashworth Hazel Lilian Female Waters Victor Athol Male Perth
1944/101389 Perth Bulford Henry Norman West Male Scott Dorothea Rosier Female West Leederville
1944/101389 Perth Scott Dorothea Rosier Female Bulford Henry Norman West Male West Leederville
1944/101390 Perth Wilson Arthur Mowbray De Lacy Male Quinn Kathleen Female Perth
1944/101390 Perth Quinn Kathleen Female Wilson Arthur Mowbray De Lacy Male Perth
1944/101391 Perth Locke Ivan Eugene Male Bowden Ethel Female Perth
1944/101391 Perth Bowden Ethel Female Locke Ivan Eugene Male Perth
1944/101392 Perth Shier William James Male Bannon Marjorie Patricia Female Highgate Hill
1944/101392 Perth Bannon Marjorie Patricia Female Shier William James Male Highgate Hill
1944/101393 Perth Gerstman Samuel Rudolph Male Allen Dulcie Gladys Female Nedlands
1944/101393 Perth Allen Dulcie Gladys Female Gerstman Samuel Rudolph Male Nedlands
1944/101394 Perth Powers Edward Francis Male Walker Jacqueline Frances Female West Perth
1944/101394 Perth Walker Jacqueline Frances Female Powers Edward Francis Male West Perth
1944/101395 Perth Burke Kathleen Teresa Female Sinclair Thomas Male West Perth
1944/101395 Perth Sinclair Thomas Male Burke Kathleen Teresa Female West Perth
1944/101396 Perth Tomkins Patricia Aileen Female Boyle Robert Francis Male West Perth
1944/101396 Perth Boyle Robert Francis Male Tomkins Patricia Aileen Female West Perth
1944/101397 Perth Quinlan John Keith Male Clark Margaret Ethel Shirley Female West Perth
1944/101397 Perth Clark Margaret Ethel Shirley Female Quinlan John Keith Male West Perth
1944/101398 Perth Browne Grace Lavina Female Rumble Ronald Samuel Male Perth
1944/101398 Perth Rumble Ronald Samuel Male Browne Grace Lavina Female Perth
1944/101399 Perth Wallington William James Male Baxter Bertha Ellen Female Perth
1944/101399 Perth Baxter Bertha Ellen Female Wallington William James Male Perth
1944/101400 Perth Zack William Frank Male Colls Shirley Female Claremont
1944/101400 Perth Colls Shirley Female Zack William Frank Male Claremont
1944/101401 Perth Allen Ernest Gordon Male Halkyard Bertha May Female Claremont
1944/101401 Perth Halkyard Bertha May Female Allen Ernest Gordon Male Claremont
1944/101402 Perth Ives Donald Edward Male Marnham Bridget Mabel Female Perth
1944/101402 Perth Marnham Bridget Mabel Female Ives Donald Edward Male Perth
1944/101403 Perth Stitt David Alexander Male Crowe Sophie May Female Perth
1944/101403 Perth Crowe Sophie May Female Stitt David Alexander Male Perth
1944/101404 Perth Kemp Irene Beadie Female Adams Francis Archibald Male Perth
1944/101404 Perth Adams Francis Archibald Male Kemp Irene Beadie Female Perth
1944/101405 Perth Kent Roy Merrit Male Blyth Betty Female Perth
1944/101405 Perth Blyth Betty Female Kent Roy Merrit Male Perth
1944/101406 Perth Bailey Doreen Mary Female Howard Ronald Frank Male Mosman Park
1944/101406 Perth Howard Ronald Frank Male Bailey Doreen Mary Female Mosman Park
1944/101407 Perth Brajkovich Katie Female Travicich Marko Male Perth
1944/101407 Perth Travicich Marko Male Brajkovich Katie Female Perth
1944/101408 Perth May Walter Male Burtenshaw Dorothy Edith Female Maylands
1944/101408 Perth Burtenshaw Dorothy Edith Female May Walter Male Maylands
1944/101409 Perth Tilby Ronald William Male Kennedy Hope Margaret Female Carlisle
1944/101409 Perth Kennedy Hope Margaret Female Tilby Ronald William Male Carlisle
1944/101410 Perth Manson Olive Female Hudman Robert John Male Victoria Park
1944/101410 Perth Hudman Robert John Male Manson Olive Female Victoria Park
1944/101411 Perth Golding Shirley May Female Parry Henry Owen Male Perth
1944/101411 Perth Parry Henry Owen Male Golding Shirley May Female Perth
1944/101412 Perth Chatfield Emma Gweneth Female Smoker Gordon Douglas Male Perth
1944/101412 Perth Smoker Gordon Douglas Male Chatfield Emma Gweneth Female Perth
1944/101413 Perth Jennion Lionel James Male Patterson Irene Joan Female Perth
1944/101413 Perth Patterson Irene Joan Female Jennion Lionel James Male Perth
1944/101414 Perth Farquhar-Reid Ian William Male Hamer Enid May Female Shenton Park
1944/101414 Perth Hamer Enid May Female Farquhar-Reid Ian William Male Shenton Park
1944/101415 Perth Hawter Kenneth James Male Davies Jean Pauline Slingsby Female Mt Lawley
1944/101415 Perth Davies Jean Pauline Slingsby Female Hawter Kenneth James Male Mt Lawley
1944/101417 Perth Mercey Lionel John Male Burke Marjorie Mary Female Leederville
1944/101417 Perth Burke Marjorie Mary Female Mercey Lionel John Male Leederville
1944/101418 Perth Russell Marjorie Ann Female Antoine Jean Charles Male Nedlands
1944/101418 Perth Antoine Jean Charles Male Russell Marjorie Ann Female Nedlands
1944/101419 Perth Taunton Alan Male Dunne Irene Agnes Female Nedlands
1944/101419 Perth Dunne Irene Agnes Female Taunton Alan Male Nedlands
1944/101420 Perth Smith Elsie Alice Female Hutchison John Walter Male Subiaco
1944/101420 Perth Hutchison John Walter Male Smith Elsie Alice Female Subiaco
1944/101421 Perth Wyllie Florence Jean Female Carnaby Keith Neville Male Subiaco
1944/101421 Perth Carnaby Keith Neville Male Wyllie Florence Jean Female Subiaco
1944/101422 Perth Stewart Henry Malcolm Male Willis May Evelyn Female Claremont
1944/101422 Perth Willis May Evelyn Female Stewart Henry Malcolm Male Claremont
1944/101423 Perth Garrett Ronald Gordon Male Reilly Grace Mary Female Claremont
1944/101423 Perth Reilly Grace Mary Female Garrett Ronald Gordon Male Claremont
1944/101424 Perth Bartlett Alma May Female Thomson Stanley Marne Male Perth
1944/101424 Perth Thomson Stanley Marne Male Bartlett Alma May Female Perth
1944/101425 Perth Vass Flora Annabel Female Hanrahan William Michael Male Perth
1944/101425 Perth Hanrahan William Michael Male Vass Flora Annabel Female Perth
1944/101426 Perth Norton Shirley Jean Female Newman Elmo Jacob Male Claremont
1944/101426 Perth Newman Elmo Jacob Male Norton Shirley Jean Female Claremont
1944/101427 Perth Wardle Ralph Buchanou Male Bird Joan Edna Female Shenton Park
1944/101427 Perth Bird Joan Edna Female Wardle Ralph Buchanou Male Shenton Park
1944/101428 Perth Humphreys Thomas Warwick Male Sedgman Audrey Mavis Female Leederville
1944/101428 Perth Sedgman Audrey Mavis Female Humphreys Thomas Warwick Male Leederville
1944/101429 Perth Rogers Jean Female Smith Charles Harold Male Claremont
1944/101429 Perth Smith Charles Harold Male Rogers Jean Female Claremont
1944/101430 Perth Drabble Elsie Sophia Jane Female Wilson George Male Perth
1944/101430 Perth Wilson George Male Drabble Elsie Sophia Jane Female Perth
1944/101431 Perth Grover Daphne Ivy May Female Honess Allan Ernest Male Perth
1944/101431 Perth Honess Allan Ernest Male Grover Daphne Ivy May Female Perth
1944/101432 Perth Pearson Raymond Olaf Male Hawker Amelia Tryphena Female Perth
1944/101432 Perth Hawker Amelia Tryphena Female Pearson Raymond Olaf Male Perth
1944/101433 Perth Wood Dulcie Violet Female Kerr Thomas Male Perth
1944/101433 Perth Kerr Thomas Male Wood Dulcie Violet Female Perth
1944/101434 Perth Woolf Fay Dorothy Female Bartlett Harold Jack Male North Perth
1944/101434 Perth Bartlett Harold Jack Male Woolf Fay Dorothy Female North Perth
1944/101435 Perth West Frances Jean Female Tremain Keith Male North Perth
1944/101435 Perth Tremain Keith Male West Frances Jean Female North Perth
1944/101436 Perth Dillon Eileen May Female Brokensha Eric Leslie Male North Perth
1944/101436 Perth Brokensha Eric Leslie Male Dillon Eileen May Female North Perth
1944/101437 Perth Bumbak Evarist Male Rokich Millie Female Osborne Park
1944/101437 Perth Rokich Millie Female Bumbak Evarist Male Osborne Park
1944/101438 Perth Beilken Raymond John Male O'Brien Rena Mary Wright Female Mt Lawley
1944/101438 Perth O'Brien Rena Mary Wright Female Beilken Raymond John Male Mt Lawley
1944/101439 Perth Hodgson Leslie Male Feast Gladys Doreen Female Perth
1944/101439 Perth Feast Gladys Doreen Female Hodgson Leslie Male Perth
1944/101440 Perth Groves Norma Jean Female Hall Richard Channing Male Perth
1944/101440 Perth Hall Richard Channing Male Groves Norma Jean Female Perth
1944/101441 Perth Durkin William Jeffrey Male Spring Margaret Jean Female Nedlands
1944/101441 Perth Spring Margaret Jean Female Durkin William Jeffrey Male Nedlands
1944/101442 Perth Hill William Mavis Male West Thelma Lavina Female Rosalie
1944/101442 Perth West Thelma Lavina Female Hill William Mavis Male Rosalie
1944/101443 Perth Toholka Gwendoline Ethel Female York William Lloyd Male Rosalie
1944/101443 Perth York William Lloyd Male Toholka Gwendoline Ethel Female Rosalie
1944/101444 Perth Beem Henry Lee Male Bodinner Joan Female West Perth
1944/101444 Perth Bodinner Joan Female Beem Henry Lee Male West Perth
1944/101445 Perth Nelson Dulcie Pearl Female Sharp Rupert Mason Male Perth
1944/101445 Perth Sharp Rupert Mason Male Nelson Dulcie Pearl Female Perth
1944/101446 Perth Cullen Mary Kathleen Female O'Sullivan Patrick John Male West Perth
1944/101446 Perth O'Sullivan Patrick John Male Cullen Mary Kathleen Female West Perth
1944/101447 Perth Hitch Mary Victoria Female Fox Louis Patrick Male Perth
1944/101447 Perth Fox Louis Patrick Male Hitch Mary Victoria Female Perth
1944/101448 Perth Steele Joyce Rebecca Female Daniels George Samuel Francis Male Perth
1944/101448 Perth Daniels George Samuel Francis Male Steele Joyce Rebecca Female Perth
1944/101449 Perth Dunn Cyril Charles Male Phillips Alice Isobel Female Perth
1944/101449 Perth Phillips Alice Isobel Female Dunn Cyril Charles Male Perth
1944/101450 Perth Bushell Allen Harry Male Randall Constance Elsie Female Subiaco
1944/101450 Perth Randall Constance Elsie Female Bushell Allen Harry Male Subiaco
1944/101451 Perth Richardson Harold John Male Smith Jeannie Lindsay Female Perth
1944/101451 Perth Smith Jeannie Lindsay Female Richardson Harold John Male Perth
1944/101452 Perth Brickley Norman James Male Phillips Lillian Rose Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/101452 Perth Phillips Lillian Rose Female Brickley Norman James Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/101453 Perth Taylor Mavis Mary Irene Female Chapman Joseph Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/101453 Perth Chapman Joseph Male Taylor Mavis Mary Irene Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/101454 Perth Riches Pearl Louise Female Sims Lotis Mansel Male Perth
1944/101454 Perth Sims Lotis Mansel Male Riches Pearl Louise Female Perth
1944/101455 Perth Greenberg Queenie Female Sternberg Harry Male Perth
1944/101455 Perth Sternberg Harry Male Greenberg Queenie Female Perth
1944/101456 Perth Spigl Hyman Solomon Male Cohen Sara Female Perth
1944/101456 Perth Cohen Sara Female Spigl Hyman Solomon Male Perth
1944/101457 Perth Birchall Thelma Joy Female Symes Eric John Male Perth
1944/101457 Perth Symes Eric John Male Birchall Thelma Joy Female Perth
1944/101458 Perth Bristow Catherine Jean Female Wasley Albert William Male Perth
1944/101458 Perth Wasley Albert William Male Bristow Catherine Jean Female Perth
1944/101459 Perth Keith Ernest Albert Male Glenn Edith Daphne Female Perth
1944/101459 Perth Glenn Edith Daphne Female Keith Ernest Albert Male Perth
1944/101460 Perth Ford Woodfin Grady Male Barnett Joy Female Perth
1944/101460 Perth Barnett Joy Female Ford Woodfin Grady Male Perth
1944/101461 Perth Plummer Mary Adair Female Lucas Kenneth Michael Male Perth
1944/101461 Perth Lucas Kenneth Michael Male Plummer Mary Adair Female Perth
1944/101462 Perth Geere Norman Frank Male Learmonth Joyce Female Perth
1944/101462 Perth Learmonth Joyce Female Geere Norman Frank Male Perth
1944/101463 Perth Priddle Percival George Male Tonkinson Joan Agnes Female Cottesloe
1944/101463 Perth Tonkinson Joan Agnes Female Priddle Percival George Male Cottesloe
1944/101464 Perth Stephens William Stanly Male Cook Daphne Hilda Elizabeth Female Cottesloe
1944/101464 Perth Cook Daphne Hilda Elizabeth Female Stephens William Stanly Male Cottesloe
1944/101465 Perth Benson Doreen Isabel Female Hogan John Denis Joseph Male Leederville
1944/101465 Perth Hogan John Denis Joseph Male Benson Doreen Isabel Female Leederville
1944/101466 Perth Taylor Nancy Laura Female Rudd Ronald Owen Male West Perth
1944/101466 Perth Rudd Ronald Owen Male Taylor Nancy Laura Female West Perth
1944/101467 Perth Ward Graham Webster Male Robertson Roma May Female West Perth
1944/101467 Perth Robertson Roma May Female Ward Graham Webster Male West Perth
1944/101468 Perth Quinn Noreen Zelma Female Boisdorf John Edwin Male Perth
1944/101468 Perth Boisdorf John Edwin Male Quinn Noreen Zelma Female Perth
1944/101469 Perth Thompson Ralph Lawson Male Dow Ethel Lillie Female Cottesloe
1944/101469 Perth Dow Ethel Lillie Female Thompson Ralph Lawson Male Cottesloe
1944/101470 Perth Ripper William Leslie Male Watt Patricia Everard Female Cottesloe
1944/101470 Perth Watt Patricia Everard Female Ripper William Leslie Male Cottesloe
1944/101471 Perth Beisley Sidney James Joshua Male Parker Joyce Nancy Female West Perth
1944/101471 Perth Parker Joyce Nancy Female Beisley Sidney James Joshua Male West Perth
1944/101472 Perth Cousins George Winston Male McLean Elsie Female West Perth
1944/101472 Perth McLean Elsie Female Cousins George Winston Male West Perth
1944/101473 Perth Steele Betty Lydia Alice Female Ingram Daniel James Male West Perth
1944/101473 Perth Ingram Daniel James Male Steele Betty Lydia Alice Female West Perth
1944/101474 Perth Whitehurst Mavis Jean Female Smales Richard Melville Male West Perth
1944/101474 Perth Smales Richard Melville Male Whitehurst Mavis Jean Female West Perth
1944/101475 Perth Williams Kathleen Sarita Female Burton John Gillies Male West Perth
1944/101475 Perth Burton John Gillies Male Williams Kathleen Sarita Female West Perth
1944/101476 Perth Tregonning Doreen Myrtle Female Baile Keith Ernest Male West Perth
1944/101476 Perth Baile Keith Ernest Male Tregonning Doreen Myrtle Female West Perth
1944/101477 Perth Hogg John Oliver Male Garley Winifred Jean Female West Perth
1944/101477 Perth Garley Winifred Jean Female Hogg John Oliver Male West Perth
1944/101478 Perth Lewis Maurice Thomas Male Goldsmith Mary Margaret Female West Perth
1944/101478 Perth Goldsmith Mary Margaret Female Lewis Maurice Thomas Male West Perth
1944/101479 Perth Hall Henry Lindsay Male Lucas Doris Alice Female North Leederville
1944/101479 Perth Lucas Doris Alice Female Hall Henry Lindsay Male North Leederville
1944/101480 Perth Bateman Eunice Eileen Female Stiles Mervyn Russell Colin Male Perth
1944/101480 Perth Stiles Mervyn Russell Colin Male Bateman Eunice Eileen Female Perth
1944/101481 Perth Carmichael William Russell Male Thompson Constance Hallie Female Perth
1944/101481 Perth Thompson Constance Hallie Female Carmichael William Russell Male Perth
1944/101482 Perth Titterton Laura Joyce Female West Ernest Harry Male Perth
1944/101482 Perth West Ernest Harry Male Titterton Laura Joyce Female Perth
1944/101484 Perth ODriscoll Gerald Male Reid Minnie Barbara Female West Perth
1944/101484 Perth Reid Minnie Barbara Female ODriscoll Gerald Male West Perth
1944/101485 Perth Gould Elfreida May Female Drage Sydney Arthur Male Wembley Park
1944/101485 Perth Drage Sydney Arthur Male Gould Elfreida May Female Wembley Park
1944/101486 Perth Sanson Beatrice Maude Female Norris John William Thomas Male Cottesloe
1944/101486 Perth Norris John William Thomas Male Sanson Beatrice Maude Female Cottesloe
1944/101487 Perth Grumpelt Karl Robert Hugo Male Surevsky Vilma Female Perth
1944/101487 Perth Surevsky Vilma Female Grumpelt Karl Robert Hugo Male Perth
1944/101488 Perth Durack Vincent Augustus Male Rogers Margaret Mary Female West Perth
1944/101488 Perth Rogers Margaret Mary Female Durack Vincent Augustus Male West Perth
1944/101489 Perth Cuthbert John Hornsby Male O'Neill Patricia Mary Philomena Female Perth
1944/101489 Perth O'Neill Patricia Mary Philomena Female Cuthbert John Hornsby Male Perth
1944/101490 Perth Meechan Daniel Male Grubisa Basilka Female West Perth
1944/101490 Perth Grubisa Basilka Female Meechan Daniel Male West Perth
1944/101491 Perth Gent Patricia Mary Female Durack Robert Albert Male Perth
1944/101491 Perth Durack Robert Albert Male Gent Patricia Mary Female Perth
1944/101492 Perth Miller Brenda Kathleen Female Yocum Edward Cope Male Nedlands
1944/101492 Perth Yocum Edward Cope Male Miller Brenda Kathleen Female Nedlands
1944/101493 Perth Wells Marie Enid Female Mellor Jack Henry Male Perth
1944/101493 Perth Mellor Jack Henry Male Wells Marie Enid Female Perth
1944/101494 Perth Atkinson Marie Therese Barbara Female Byrne Keith John Male Perth
1944/101494 Perth Byrne Keith John Male Atkinson Marie Therese Barbara Female Perth
1944/101495 Perth Redding Joseph Edwin Harold Male Syme Elizabeth Ann Female Perth
1944/101495 Perth Syme Elizabeth Ann Female Redding Joseph Edwin Harold Male Perth
1944/101496 Perth Morris Marjorie Irene Female Stuart Donald Leslie Male Perth
1944/101496 Perth Stuart Donald Leslie Male Morris Marjorie Irene Female Perth
1944/101497 Perth Brown Ethel Annie Female Marshall Richard Leslie Male Perth
1944/101497 Perth Marshall Richard Leslie Male Brown Ethel Annie Female Perth
1944/101498 Perth Schulze Zoë Pauline Elsa Female Ritchie David Thomas Male Perth
1944/101498 Perth Ritchie David Thomas Male Schulze Zoë Pauline Elsa Female Perth
1944/101499 Perth Dixon Leslie Victor Male Lightbody Isabel McArthur Stewart Female Perth
1944/101499 Perth Lightbody Isabel McArthur Stewart Female Dixon Leslie Victor Male Perth
1944/101500 Perth Cameron Flora Morrison Female Jackaman Ronald Victor Male Perth
1944/101500 Perth Jackaman Ronald Victor Male Cameron Flora Morrison Female Perth
1944/101501 Perth Jennings Verna Patricia Female Roberts Joseph Henry Male Perth
1944/101501 Perth Roberts Joseph Henry Male Jennings Verna Patricia Female Perth
1944/101502 Perth Willshire William Henry Male Gennoe Mona Dorothy Female Perth
1944/101502 Perth Gennoe Mona Dorothy Female Willshire William Henry Male Perth
1944/101503 Perth Christie Elsie Sarah Female Semple Dundas Reinhardt Male Perth
1944/101503 Perth Semple Dundas Reinhardt Male Christie Elsie Sarah Female Perth
1944/101504 Perth Gust Albert Martin Male Elphick Irene May Female Perth
1944/101504 Perth Elphick Irene May Female Gust Albert Martin Male Perth
1944/101505 Perth Mainard William Gordon Male Wilks Joan Elizabeth Female Perth
1944/101505 Perth Wilks Joan Elizabeth Female Mainard William Gordon Male Perth
1944/101506 Perth Amesz Wilhelmus Male Kershaw Thelma Lou Female Perth
1944/101506 Perth Kershaw Thelma Lou Female Amesz Wilhelmus Male Perth
1944/101507 Perth McArthur William Morrison Male Packham Moira Lilian Female Perth
1944/101507 Perth Packham Moira Lilian Female McArthur William Morrison Male Perth
1944/101508 Perth Coleman Audrey Rene Female Hayes Arthur Male Perth
1944/101508 Perth Hayes Arthur Male Coleman Audrey Rene Female Perth
1944/101509 Perth Edwards Nevin Campbell Male Armstrong Vera Honora Manning Female Perth
1944/101509 Perth Armstrong Vera Honora Manning Female Edwards Nevin Campbell Male Perth
1944/101510 Perth Walker Jessie Adeline Female Kevan James William Male Perth
1944/101510 Perth Kevan James William Male Walker Jessie Adeline Female Perth
1944/101511 Perth Lucanus Victor Walbran Male Doyle Grace Margaret Female Perth
1944/101511 Perth Doyle Grace Margaret Female Lucanus Victor Walbran Male Perth
1944/101512 Perth Moore William Male Smith Dorothy May Female Perth
1944/101512 Perth Smith Dorothy May Female Moore William Male Perth
1944/101513 Perth Allen William Griffiths Male Watson Olga Jean Female Perth
1944/101513 Perth Watson Olga Jean Female Allen William Griffiths Male Perth
1944/101514 Perth Stanley Henry Herbert Male Smith Joan Female Perth
1944/101514 Perth Smith Joan Female Stanley Henry Herbert Male Perth
1944/101515 Perth Dalgleish Donald Male White Nancy Eveline Female Perth
1944/101515 Perth White Nancy Eveline Female Dalgleish Donald Male Perth
1944/101516 Perth Thomson Jane Mary Terrot Female Bartley George Male Perth
1944/101516 Perth Bartley George Male Thomson Jane Mary Terrot Female Perth
1944/101517 Perth Tyler Cyril John Male Williams Dorothy Eileen Female Perth
1944/101517 Perth Williams Dorothy Eileen Female Tyler Cyril John Male Perth
1944/101518 Perth Willis Robert Holden Male Cotter Joyce Mae Female Perth
1944/101518 Perth Cotter Joyce Mae Female Willis Robert Holden Male Perth
1944/101519 Perth Stone Joseph Alan Male Ker Ellen Fielding Wetherby Female Perth
1944/101519 Perth Ker Ellen Fielding Wetherby Female Stone Joseph Alan Male Perth
1944/101520 Perth Bailey Gwendoline Female McKenna John Male Perth
1944/101520 Perth McKenna John Male Bailey Gwendoline Female Perth
1944/101521 Perth Althorpe Neil Hamilton Male Dunwoodie Beryl Elsie Female Subiaco
1944/101521 Perth Dunwoodie Beryl Elsie Female Althorpe Neil Hamilton Male Subiaco
1944/101522 Perth Wells Ruby Annastasia Female King John Male Perth
1944/101522 Perth King John Male Wells Ruby Annastasia Female Perth
1944/101523 Perth O'Sullivan John Lawrence Male Synnot Dorothea Frances Female Perth
1944/101523 Perth Synnot Dorothea Frances Female O'Sullivan John Lawrence Male Perth
1944/101524 Perth Watson John Leslie Male Walker Norma Dorothy Female Perth
1944/101524 Perth Walker Norma Dorothy Female Watson John Leslie Male Perth
1944/101525 Perth Hurley George Albert Male O'Brien Elizabeth Hunter Female Perth
1944/101525 Perth O'Brien Elizabeth Hunter Female Hurley George Albert Male Perth
1944/101526 Perth Grossman Norman Eric Male Roberts Joyce Agnes Female Mt Lawley
1944/101526 Perth Roberts Joyce Agnes Female Grossman Norman Eric Male Mt Lawley
1944/101527 Perth Mitchell Frances Mable Female Hardingham John Christopher Male Subiaco
1944/101527 Perth Hardingham John Christopher Male Mitchell Frances Mable Female Subiaco
1944/101528 Perth Kennewell William Richard Male Harlow Ada Isabel Female South Perth
1944/101528 Perth Harlow Ada Isabel Female Kennewell William Richard Male South Perth
1944/101529 Perth Armstrong Raymond John Male Mouchemore Sheila Erna Female Cottesloe
1944/101529 Perth Mouchemore Sheila Erna Female Armstrong Raymond John Male Cottesloe
1944/101530 Perth Gillingham Henry Male Bleakley Nellie Female Perth
1944/101530 Perth Bleakley Nellie Female Gillingham Henry Male Perth
1944/101531 Perth Horsfield Margarita Female Maslin Robert Graham Male Perth
1944/101531 Perth Maslin Robert Graham Male Horsfield Margarita Female Perth
1944/101532 Perth Endean Wilfred John Male Attwell Queenie Female Mount Hawthorn
1944/101532 Perth Attwell Queenie Female Endean Wilfred John Male Mount Hawthorn
1944/101533 Perth Harding Veronica Pearl Female Leach Francis Eugene Male Perth
1944/101533 Perth Leach Francis Eugene Male Harding Veronica Pearl Female Perth
1944/101534 Perth Bezant Mavis Doreen Female Spouse Percival John Male Perth
1944/101534 Perth Spouse Percival John Male Bezant Mavis Doreen Female Perth
1944/101535 Perth Lees William Allan McDuff Male Taylor Lily Helena Female Perth
1944/101535 Perth Taylor Lily Helena Female Lees William Allan McDuff Male Perth
1944/101536 Perth Phillips Norman Joseph Male Golding Aymone Alma Female Perth
1944/101536 Perth Golding Aymone Alma Female Phillips Norman Joseph Male Perth
1944/101537 Perth McPherson Daniel Christie McConnachie Male Fraser Faith Florence Female Perth
1944/101537 Perth Fraser Faith Florence Female McPherson Daniel Christie McConnachie Male Perth
1944/101538 Perth Carpenter John William Alison Male Innes Ivy Phillis Maude Female North Perth
1944/101538 Perth Innes Ivy Phillis Maude Female Carpenter John William Alison Male North Perth
1944/101539 Perth Howard Mary Corser Female Benoit Maxwell Victor Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/101539 Perth Benoit Maxwell Victor Male Howard Mary Corser Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/101540 Perth O'Grady Brian John Male Hamersley Flora Frances Female Mosman Park
1944/101540 Perth Hamersley Flora Frances Female O'Grady Brian John Male Mosman Park
1944/101541 Perth Hughes Jack Thorpe Male Hepburn Anne Elizabeth Female Claremont
1944/101541 Perth Hepburn Anne Elizabeth Female Hughes Jack Thorpe Male Claremont
1944/101542 Perth Gibbney Dorothy May Female Livingstone George Donald Malcolm Male Maylands
1944/101542 Perth Livingstone George Donald Malcolm Male Gibbney Dorothy May Female Maylands
1944/101543 Perth Wightman Bertha Elizabeth Osborne Female Lambley Julian Percival Male Victoria Park
1944/101543 Perth Lambley Julian Percival Male Wightman Bertha Elizabeth Osborne Female Victoria Park
1944/101544 Perth Kent Roy George Male Huggins Norma Florence Female Victoria Park
1944/101544 Perth Huggins Norma Florence Female Kent Roy George Male Victoria Park
1944/101545 Perth Bentley Alfred Harry Male Chinery Betty Mildred Female Victoria Park
1944/101545 Perth Chinery Betty Mildred Female Bentley Alfred Harry Male Victoria Park
1944/101546 Perth Shaw Joan Isabel Female Hazell John Raymond Male Victoria Park
1944/101546 Perth Hazell John Raymond Male Shaw Joan Isabel Female Victoria Park
1944/101547 Perth Wilson Jean Isobel Female Grant Charles Male Victoria Park
1944/101547 Perth Grant Charles Male Wilson Jean Isobel Female Victoria Park
1944/101548 Perth Couchman David Ralph Male Dickie Eileen Dorothy Female Victoria Park
1944/101548 Perth Dickie Eileen Dorothy Female Couchman David Ralph Male Victoria Park
1944/101549 Perth Maunton Joyce Female Searle William Albert Male Victoria Park
1944/101549 Perth Searle William Albert Male Maunton Joyce Female Victoria Park
1944/101550 Perth Harkins Kathleen Florence Female Snell Fred Mervyn Male Perth
1944/101550 Perth Snell Fred Mervyn Male Harkins Kathleen Florence Female Perth
1944/101551 Perth Woods Samuel William Male Michell Dorothy Constance Female Perth
1944/101551 Perth Michell Dorothy Constance Female Woods Samuel William Male Perth
1944/101552 Perth Duke Doris Alice Female Wahlstrom Henry James Male West Leederville
1944/101552 Perth Wahlstrom Henry James Male Duke Doris Alice Female West Leederville
1944/101553 Perth Grubnau Roy Male Crump Hazel Margery Female Swanbourne
1944/101553 Perth Crump Hazel Margery Female Grubnau Roy Male Swanbourne
1944/101554 Perth Dolan Edward Male Elliot Ellen Mary Female Perth
1944/101554 Perth Elliot Ellen Mary Female Dolan Edward Male Perth
1944/101555 Perth OHehir Patrick Gerald Male Barron Vera Margaret Female Perth
1944/101555 Perth Barron Vera Margaret Female OHehir Patrick Gerald Male Perth
1944/101556 Perth Doolan Roy William Male Boston Violet Lillian Female Perth
1944/101556 Perth Boston Violet Lillian Female Doolan Roy William Male Perth
1944/101557 Perth Hooks Henry George Male Broadwood Mildred Constance Female Perth
1944/101557 Perth Broadwood Mildred Constance Female Hooks Henry George Male Perth
1944/101558 Perth Rinaldi Dorothy Gloria Female Nevill Thomas Laurence Male Perth
1944/101558 Perth Nevill Thomas Laurence Male Rinaldi Dorothy Gloria Female Perth
1944/101559 Perth Butt Leslie Jack Male McCallum Isobel Katherine Female Perth
1944/101559 Perth McCallum Isobel Katherine Female Butt Leslie Jack Male Perth
1944/101560 Perth Young Mary Female Brown Sydney Male Perth
1944/101560 Perth Brown Sydney Male Young Mary Female Perth
1944/101561 Perth Hand Jack Male O'Donnell Eva Female Perth
1944/101561 Perth O'Donnell Eva Female Hand Jack Male Perth
1944/101562 Perth Boadle Albert Wellesley Male Seaman Mabel Lilian Female Perth
1944/101562 Perth Seaman Mabel Lilian Female Boadle Albert Wellesley Male Perth
1944/101563 Perth Thorn Margaret Ruby Female Armstrong Sydney Male Perth
1944/101563 Perth Armstrong Sydney Male Thorn Margaret Ruby Female Perth
1944/101564 Perth Exton Thomas John Male Mangnall Lily Blanche Female Perth
1944/101564 Perth Mangnall Lily Blanche Female Exton Thomas John Male Perth
1944/101565 Perth Stone Ellen Charlotte Female Millar William Edward Male Perth
1944/101565 Perth Millar William Edward Male Stone Ellen Charlotte Female Perth
1944/101566 Perth Pell Margaret Evelyn Eva Female Nolan James Edward Male Belmont
1944/101566 Perth Nolan James Edward Male Pell Margaret Evelyn Eva Female Belmont
1944/101567 Perth Irwin Nellie Female White Robert Male West Perth
1944/101567 Perth White Robert Male Irwin Nellie Female West Perth
1944/101568 Perth Rizos Nicholas Male Murray Jeannie Harvey Female Perth
1944/101568 Perth Murray Jeannie Harvey Female Rizos Nicholas Male Perth
1944/101569 Perth Sachse Herbert Frank Male Stapleton Ellen Margaret Female Subiaco
1944/101569 Perth Stapleton Ellen Margaret Female Sachse Herbert Frank Male Subiaco
1944/101570 Perth Thake Cyril Armour Redvers Male Thornton Dorothy Violet Female West Perth
1944/101570 Perth Thornton Dorothy Violet Female Thake Cyril Armour Redvers Male West Perth
1944/101571 Perth Downes Lorna Frances Female Turner Richmond Anson Male West Perth
1944/101571 Perth Turner Richmond Anson Male Downes Lorna Frances Female West Perth
1944/101572 Perth Brisbane James Fisher Male Crawford Jessie Elizabeth Female West Perth
1944/101572 Perth Crawford Jessie Elizabeth Female Brisbane James Fisher Male West Perth
1944/101573 Perth Patterson Campbell James Male Leech Ellen Joan Female West Perth
1944/101573 Perth Leech Ellen Joan Female Patterson Campbell James Male West Perth
1944/101574 Perth Hearn Alice Edith Mary Female Dalgleish John Francis Male Subiaco
1944/101574 Perth Dalgleish John Francis Male Hearn Alice Edith Mary Female Subiaco
1944/101575 Perth O'Meara Jeremiah James Male Ellis Elizabeth Margaret Mary Female Subiaco
1944/101575 Perth Ellis Elizabeth Margaret Mary Female O'Meara Jeremiah James Male Subiaco
1944/101576 Perth Grier Norma Clarice Female Graham Kenneth Charles Male Subiaco
1944/101576 Perth Graham Kenneth Charles Male Grier Norma Clarice Female Subiaco
1944/101577 Perth De Bonde Marie Female Hardisty William Male Perth
1944/101577 Perth Hardisty William Male De Bonde Marie Female Perth
1944/101578 Perth Damron Harry Woodraw Male Lee Dorothy Ruby Female Subiaco
1944/101578 Perth Lee Dorothy Ruby Female Damron Harry Woodraw Male Subiaco
1944/101579 Perth Davis Linton John Male Marr Constance Clara Female Mount Lawley
1944/101579 Perth Marr Constance Clara Female Davis Linton John Male Mount Lawley
1944/101580 Perth Noble Harold Joseph Male Stamp Winifred Mary Female Claremont
1944/101580 Perth Stamp Winifred Mary Female Noble Harold Joseph Male Claremont
1944/101581 Perth Hamilton Jean Elizabeth Female Grimshaw Richard Male Mt Lawley
1944/101581 Perth Grimshaw Richard Male Hamilton Jean Elizabeth Female Mt Lawley
1944/101582 Perth Fogarty Percy Ernest Male Lockyer Joycelyne Alma Female Mt Lawley
1944/101582 Perth Lockyer Joycelyne Alma Female Fogarty Percy Ernest Male Mt Lawley
1944/101583 Perth Heptinstall Gladys Kathleen Female Roberts Stanley Henry George Male Perth
1944/101583 Perth Roberts Stanley Henry George Male Heptinstall Gladys Kathleen Female Perth
1944/101584 Perth Eaton Alice Irene Female Hunter Thomas John Male Perth
1944/101584 Perth Hunter Thomas John Male Eaton Alice Irene Female Perth
1944/101585 Perth Jubb John David Male Flanagan Dulcie May Female Subiaco
1944/101585 Perth Flanagan Dulcie May Female Jubb John David Male Subiaco
1944/101586 Perth Lucas Claude Male Kelly Alice Mary Female West Perth
1944/101586 Perth Kelly Alice Mary Female Lucas Claude Male West Perth
1944/101587 Perth Hancock George Albert Male Clarke Dorothy Nora Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/101587 Perth Clarke Dorothy Nora Female Hancock George Albert Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/101588 Perth Polglase Arthur Cecil Male Daly Patricia Blanche Female West Perth
1944/101588 Perth Daly Patricia Blanche Female Polglase Arthur Cecil Male West Perth
1944/101589 Perth Callcott Hilma Ivy Female Gothorp Cyril Male Subiaco
1944/101589 Perth Gothorp Cyril Male Callcott Hilma Ivy Female Subiaco
1944/101590 Perth Coyle Patrick Albert Male Dwyer Betty Mary Female Perth
1944/101590 Perth Dwyer Betty Mary Female Coyle Patrick Albert Male Perth
1944/101591 Perth Gibson Leslie Male Farrington Elaine Mae Female Perth
1944/101591 Perth Farrington Elaine Mae Female Gibson Leslie Male Perth
1944/101592 Perth Lane Roderick Stanley Male Hoare Dorothy Devenish Female Perth
1944/101592 Perth Hoare Dorothy Devenish Female Lane Roderick Stanley Male Perth
1944/101593 Perth Simpson Douglas Frewen Male Keyser Thelma Rae Female West Leederville
1944/101593 Perth Keyser Thelma Rae Female Simpson Douglas Frewen Male West Leederville
1944/101594 Perth Edwards Ivan Leslie Male Kiddy Gwenneth Female Perth
1944/101594 Perth Kiddy Gwenneth Female Edwards Ivan Leslie Male Perth
1944/101595 Perth Riley Ailsa Joan Female Payne Stanley Edwin Male Claremont
1944/101595 Perth Payne Stanley Edwin Male Riley Ailsa Joan Female Claremont
1944/101596 Perth Wolfenden James Allan Male McDonald Patricia Jean Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/101596 Perth McDonald Patricia Jean Female Wolfenden James Allan Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/101597 Perth Moseley John Tinnon Male O'Brien Frances Maude Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/101597 Perth O'Brien Frances Maude Female Moseley John Tinnon Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/101598 Perth Steer Basil Male Cunneen Marjorie Jean Female Osborne Park
1944/101598 Perth Cunneen Marjorie Jean Female Steer Basil Male Osborne Park
1944/101599 Perth Lavery John Male Smith Leitha Joy Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/101599 Perth Smith Leitha Joy Female Lavery John Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/101600 Perth Scott Henry Male Miller Doreen Gwladys Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/101600 Perth Miller Doreen Gwladys Female Scott Henry Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/101601 Perth Pass Catherine MacDonald Female Ellicott Donald Saywell Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/101601 Perth Ellicott Donald Saywell Male Pass Catherine MacDonald Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/101602 Perth Morris Beryl Maida Female Wood Wilfred Male Osborne Park
1944/101602 Perth Wood Wilfred Male Morris Beryl Maida Female Osborne Park
1944/101603 Perth Ingram William McWilliam Male Abel Margaret Female Perth
1944/101603 Perth Abel Margaret Female Ingram William McWilliam Male Perth
1944/101604 Perth McHale Arthur Sydney Male Maffina Annie Female Perth
1944/101604 Perth Maffina Annie Female McHale Arthur Sydney Male Perth
1944/101605 Perth Saunders Gwyneth Merle Female Claxton Maxwell Whiting Male Perth
1944/101605 Perth Claxton Maxwell Whiting Male Saunders Gwyneth Merle Female Perth
1944/101606 Perth Priest Ruth Female Williams Ivan George Male Perth
1944/101606 Perth Williams Ivan George Male Priest Ruth Female Perth
1944/101607 Perth Mayo Cyril Male McGuire Evelyn Violet Female Perth
1944/101607 Perth McGuire Evelyn Violet Female Mayo Cyril Male Perth
1944/101608 Perth Taylor June Gladys Female Miller Charles Joseph Male Perth
1944/101608 Perth Miller Charles Joseph Male Taylor June Gladys Female Perth
1944/101609 Perth Ray Chauncey Burl Male Hilzinger Morven Rosalind Female Perth
1944/101609 Perth Hilzinger Morven Rosalind Female Ray Chauncey Burl Male Perth
1944/101610 Perth Wheat Winifred Joan Female West William Charles Male Subiaco
1944/101610 Perth West William Charles Male Wheat Winifred Joan Female Subiaco
1944/101611 Perth Ekert Stanford Leslie Male Jones Elva Mavis Joyce Female Subiaco
1944/101611 Perth Jones Elva Mavis Joyce Female Ekert Stanford Leslie Male Subiaco
1944/101612 Perth King Anthony Tilby Male Packer Hilda Eileen Female Perth
1944/101612 Perth Packer Hilda Eileen Female King Anthony Tilby Male Perth
1944/101613 Perth Watson Iolene Bessie Female Vologodsky Vadim Male Perth
1944/101613 Perth Vologodsky Vadim Male Watson Iolene Bessie Female Perth
1944/101614 Perth Connaughton Kathleen Margaret Female Ewing Ronaldson John Male West Aust
1944/101614 Perth Ewing Ronaldson John Male Connaughton Kathleen Margaret Female West Aust
1944/101615 Perth Russ Lilian June Female Lang James Alexander Male North Perth
1944/101615 Perth Lang James Alexander Male Russ Lilian June Female North Perth
1944/101616 Perth Woolf George Male Taylor Alice Maud Female Perth
1944/101616 Perth Taylor Alice Maud Female Woolf George Male Perth
1944/101617 Perth Boag Dorothy Rose Female Wilson Brian Edwin Male Perth
1944/101617 Perth Wilson Brian Edwin Male Boag Dorothy Rose Female Perth
1944/101618 Perth Symmans Audrey Bertha Female Jolley Mervyn Harry Male Perth
1944/101618 Perth Jolley Mervyn Harry Male Symmans Audrey Bertha Female Perth
1944/101619 Perth Freeman Homer Kenneth Male Garson Martha Female Perth
1944/101619 Perth Garson Martha Female Freeman Homer Kenneth Male Perth
1944/101620 Perth Mainard Ronald Eugene Male Smith Barbara Winifred Female Perth
1944/101620 Perth Smith Barbara Winifred Female Mainard Ronald Eugene Male Perth
1944/101621 Perth Foster Harold Stanley Male Best Hazle Female Maylands
1944/101621 Perth Best Hazle Female Foster Harold Stanley Male Maylands
1944/101622 Perth Faigen Gertrude Female Millman Woolfy Male Perth
1944/101622 Perth Millman Woolfy Male Faigen Gertrude Female Perth
1944/101623 Perth Forster Cameron Hugh Male Geary Nancy Kathleen Female Claremont
1944/101623 Perth Geary Nancy Kathleen Female Forster Cameron Hugh Male Claremont
1944/101624 Perth McDonnell John Joseph Male Dubberlin Irene Yvonne Female Highgate Hill
1944/101624 Perth Dubberlin Irene Yvonne Female McDonnell John Joseph Male Highgate Hill
1944/101625 Perth Cochrane Eileen Female Russell Harry Male Highgate Hill
1944/101625 Perth Russell Harry Male Cochrane Eileen Female Highgate Hill
1944/101626 Perth Carruthers Mercel Female Williams Rex Milton Male Perth
1944/101626 Perth Williams Rex Milton Male Carruthers Mercel Female Perth
1944/101627 Perth Murray Judith Dunmore Female Monk Ian Maxim Male Perth
1944/101627 Perth Monk Ian Maxim Male Murray Judith Dunmore Female Perth
1944/101628 Perth Pridmore Dorothy Josephine Female Trezise James William Male Perth
1944/101628 Perth Trezise James William Male Pridmore Dorothy Josephine Female Perth
1944/101629 Perth Usher Richard Henry Male Yates Marjorie Alma Female Perth
1944/101629 Perth Yates Marjorie Alma Female Usher Richard Henry Male Perth
1944/101630 Perth Gartner Joyce Female Grace Stephen Aloysius Male Perth
1944/101630 Perth Grace Stephen Aloysius Male Gartner Joyce Female Perth
1944/101631 Perth Guy Lillian Iris Merle Female Underwood Thomas William Male Perth
1944/101631 Perth Underwood Thomas William Male Guy Lillian Iris Merle Female Perth
1944/101632 Perth Mudford Mavis Vera Edith Female Weston Rex Male Perth
1944/101632 Perth Weston Rex Male Mudford Mavis Vera Edith Female Perth
1944/101633 Perth Brand Edna Olive Christine Female Knox Ronald Hare Male Perth
1944/101633 Perth Knox Ronald Hare Male Brand Edna Olive Christine Female Perth
1944/101634 Perth Maddren Eva Gertrude Female Beer Kenneth Male Perth
1944/101634 Perth Beer Kenneth Male Maddren Eva Gertrude Female Perth
1944/101635 Perth Collins Doris May Female Edwards Llewellyn Henry Male Perth
1944/101635 Perth Edwards Llewellyn Henry Male Collins Doris May Female Perth
1944/101636 Perth Darling Victor Charles Male Stein Mary Grace Female Mt Lawley
1944/101636 Perth Stein Mary Grace Female Darling Victor Charles Male Mt Lawley
1944/101637 Perth Jacobs Harold Gibson Male Chappell Glenice Maureen Female Nedlands
1944/101637 Perth Chappell Glenice Maureen Female Jacobs Harold Gibson Male Nedlands
1944/101638 Perth Skinner Vivian Thomas Male Richards Lorna Emily Female Perth
1944/101638 Perth Richards Lorna Emily Female Skinner Vivian Thomas Male Perth
1944/101639 Perth Myers Nathan Claude Male Morris Joan Erica Female Subiaco
1944/101639 Perth Morris Joan Erica Female Myers Nathan Claude Male Subiaco
1944/101640 Perth Post Peter John Male Hodge Agnes Canberra Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/101640 Perth Hodge Agnes Canberra Female Post Peter John Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/101641 Perth Kirby Harry George Male Rainnie Jean Eleanor Female Perth
1944/101641 Perth Rainnie Jean Eleanor Female Kirby Harry George Male Perth
1944/101642 Perth Mackie Helen Beatrice Female Rose Norman Male Nedlands
1944/101642 Perth Rose Norman Male Mackie Helen Beatrice Female Nedlands
1944/101643 Perth Davis Robert Maxwell Male Sullivan Lorna Ethel Female Nedlands
1944/101643 Perth Sullivan Lorna Ethel Female Davis Robert Maxwell Male Nedlands
1944/101644 Perth Carter Kathleen Muriel Female Hollamby Francis Walter Male Subiaco
1944/101644 Perth Hollamby Francis Walter Male Carter Kathleen Muriel Female Subiaco
1944/101645 Perth Boucant Alan Paterson Male Theaker Margaret Frances Female South Perth
1944/101645 Perth Theaker Margaret Frances Female Boucant Alan Paterson Male South Perth
1944/101646 Perth Hesford Thomas Louis Male Brookes Beatrice Lydia Female Mosman Park
1944/101646 Perth Brookes Beatrice Lydia Female Hesford Thomas Louis Male Mosman Park
1944/101647 Perth Hammond Dorothy Nellie Female Felstead Trevor William Male Claremont
1944/101647 Perth Felstead Trevor William Male Hammond Dorothy Nellie Female Claremont
1944/101648 Perth Howell Raymonde Francis Female Hudson Charles Joseph Male Claremont
1944/101648 Perth Hudson Charles Joseph Male Howell Raymonde Francis Female Claremont
1944/101649 Perth Beech Leslie Frank Male Stokes Nancy Marion Female Perth
1944/101649 Perth Stokes Nancy Marion Female Beech Leslie Frank Male Perth
1944/101650 Perth Barboutis Stanley Constantine Male Stavrianos Angeline Female Perth
1944/101650 Perth Stavrianos Angeline Female Barboutis Stanley Constantine Male Perth
1944/101651 Perth Freind Allan Ray Male Ross Emily Kieltie Female Perth
1944/101651 Perth Ross Emily Kieltie Female Freind Allan Ray Male Perth
1944/101652 Perth Bourke Christopher William Joseph Male Owens Margery Gertrude Female Perth
1944/101652 Perth Owens Margery Gertrude Female Bourke Christopher William Joseph Male Perth
1944/101653 Perth Mason Ellen Female Morris John Male Cottesloe
1944/101653 Perth Morris John Male Mason Ellen Female Cottesloe
1944/101654 Perth Walley Thomas Frederick Male Newman Doris Edith Female Perth
1944/101654 Perth Newman Doris Edith Female Walley Thomas Frederick Male Perth
1944/101655 Perth Hobbs Lorna Mabel Female Thompson Jeff David Male Perth
1944/101655 Perth Thompson Jeff David Male Hobbs Lorna Mabel Female Perth
1944/101656 Perth McAllan Edward Carey Male Shepherd Mabel Elaine Female Perth
1944/101656 Perth Shepherd Mabel Elaine Female McAllan Edward Carey Male Perth
1944/101657 Perth Sherlock Shirley Joy Female McDonald Peter Duncan Male Perth
1944/101657 Perth McDonald Peter Duncan Male Sherlock Shirley Joy Female Perth
1944/101658 Perth Davey Walter Edward Heydon Male Roads Mavis Emily Lillian Female Perth
1944/101658 Perth Roads Mavis Emily Lillian Female Davey Walter Edward Heydon Male Perth
1944/101659 Perth Hunter Catherine Female Epstein David Male Perth
1944/101659 Perth Epstein David Male Hunter Catherine Female Perth
1944/101660 Perth Black Betty Female Dovey Eric Daniel Ernest Male Claremont
1944/101660 Perth Dovey Eric Daniel Ernest Male Black Betty Female Claremont
1944/101661 Perth Campbell Norman Joseph Male Sayers Patricia Blodwen Female Claremont
1944/101661 Perth Sayers Patricia Blodwen Female Campbell Norman Joseph Male Claremont
1944/101662 Perth Ellis Hazel Gertrude Female Morris Francis Job Male Claremont
1944/101662 Perth Morris Francis Job Male Ellis Hazel Gertrude Female Claremont
1944/101663 Perth Sampson Nancy Female Adams Garnet Lyndsay Male Perth
1944/101663 Perth Adams Garnet Lyndsay Male Sampson Nancy Female Perth
1944/101664 Perth Whipp Winnifred Female MacPherson Jack Matthew Male Perth
1944/101664 Perth MacPherson Jack Matthew Male Whipp Winnifred Female Perth
1944/101665 Perth Macdonald Hugh Male Gibbs Susanna Female Perth
1944/101665 Perth Gibbs Susanna Female Macdonald Hugh Male Perth
1944/101666 Perth Cowie Grace Female Dexter Robert Royal Male Perth
1944/101666 Perth Dexter Robert Royal Male Cowie Grace Female Perth
1944/101667 Perth Priestly Patricia Margaret Female Moyle Leslie Male Perth
1944/101667 Perth Moyle Leslie Male Priestly Patricia Margaret Female Perth
1944/101668 Perth Craven James Male Bowe Elizabeth Doris Female Perth
1944/101668 Perth Bowe Elizabeth Doris Female Craven James Male Perth
1944/101669 Perth Jeffrey Douglas Male Brewer Christina Female Perth
1944/101669 Perth Brewer Christina Female Jeffrey Douglas Male Perth
1944/101670 Perth Conlan Marguerite Joan Rosa Female Roeske Robert Harry Male Perth
1944/101670 Perth Roeske Robert Harry Male Conlan Marguerite Joan Rosa Female Perth
1944/101671 Perth Mackintosh William Murray Male Finch Sheilah Helen Female Claremont
1944/101671 Perth Finch Sheilah Helen Female Mackintosh William Murray Male Claremont
1944/101672 Perth Thomas Celia Madge Female Banner Percival Howard Male Perth
1944/101672 Perth Banner Percival Howard Male Thomas Celia Madge Female Perth
1944/101673 Perth Puttick Eileen Melva Female Tonkin William James Male Perth
1944/101673 Perth Tonkin William James Male Puttick Eileen Melva Female Perth
1944/101674 Perth Mills Peggie Rosalind Female Plowman Kenneth George Male Perth
1944/101674 Perth Plowman Kenneth George Male Mills Peggie Rosalind Female Perth
1944/101675 Perth Hamilton Ann Richardson Female Dickson Frank Richard Ward Male Perth
1944/101675 Perth Dickson Frank Richard Ward Male Hamilton Ann Richardson Female Perth
1944/101676 Perth Cox Thomas Male Houston Dorothy Female Perth
1944/101676 Perth Houston Dorothy Female Cox Thomas Male Perth
1944/101677 Perth Cowie Ronald George Male Aylott Ethel Phyllis Female Perth
1944/101677 Perth Aylott Ethel Phyllis Female Cowie Ronald George Male Perth
1944/101678 Perth Dewson Henry Nathaniel Male Pettit Jean Female Perth
1944/101678 Perth Pettit Jean Female Dewson Henry Nathaniel Male Perth
1944/101679 Perth Hughes Frederick George Male Thompson Joan Veronica Female Belmont
1944/101679 Perth Thompson Joan Veronica Female Hughes Frederick George Male Belmont
1944/101680 Perth Boyd Frederick Esmund Male Baker May Female Highgate Hill
1944/101680 Perth Baker May Female Boyd Frederick Esmund Male Highgate Hill
1944/101681 Perth Leake Elwyn Millicent Female Gibbs George Edward Male W Perth
1944/101681 Perth Gibbs George Edward Male Leake Elwyn Millicent Female W Perth
1944/101682 Perth Sutton Raymond Thomas Male Mottram Jessie Kathleen Female West Perth
1944/101682 Perth Mottram Jessie Kathleen Female Sutton Raymond Thomas Male West Perth
1944/101683 Perth Stolberg Norman James Male Wood Melba Edna Bessie Female W Perth
1944/101683 Perth Wood Melba Edna Bessie Female Stolberg Norman James Male W Perth
1944/101684 Perth Fairchild Stanley William Male Malone Carol Dora Female W Perth
1944/101684 Perth Malone Carol Dora Female Fairchild Stanley William Male W Perth
1944/101685 Perth Gibbs Olwyn Joan Female Allen John Chester Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/101685 Perth Allen John Chester Male Gibbs Olwyn Joan Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/101686 Perth Wylie Jesse Andrew Male Rosen Sadie Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/101686 Perth Rosen Sadie Female Wylie Jesse Andrew Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/101687 Perth Marle Doris Female Wiese George Eric Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/101687 Perth Wiese George Eric Male Marle Doris Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/101688 Perth Hawkins Eleanor Patricia Female Kelly William James Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/101688 Perth Kelly William James Male Hawkins Eleanor Patricia Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/101689 Perth Booth Winnifred Mabel Female Kidd Neville Thomas Male Perth
1944/101689 Perth Kidd Neville Thomas Male Booth Winnifred Mabel Female Perth
1944/101690 Perth Schneider Ernest Edward Male O'Donnell Mary Frances Female Perth
1944/101690 Perth O'Donnell Mary Frances Female Schneider Ernest Edward Male Perth
1944/101691 Perth Pratley James Edward Male Musto Patricia Alice Female Perth
1944/101691 Perth Musto Patricia Alice Female Pratley James Edward Male Perth
1944/101692 Perth Johansen Ragnvald Emil Male Downs Nellie Amy Female Perth
1944/101692 Perth Downs Nellie Amy Female Johansen Ragnvald Emil Male Perth
1944/101693 Perth Gillespie Gwendoline Female Savage Alfred George Male Perth
1944/101693 Perth Savage Alfred George Male Gillespie Gwendoline Female Perth
1944/101694 Perth Williams Iris Marguerite Female Philipps Elwyn Roland Male Maylands
1944/101694 Perth Philipps Elwyn Roland Male Williams Iris Marguerite Female Maylands
1944/101695 Perth Beckel Francis Joseph Male Knight Diana Jacqueline Female Perth
1944/101695 Perth Knight Diana Jacqueline Female Beckel Francis Joseph Male Perth
1944/101696 Perth Parker Bernice Olive Female Walker George Francis William Male Subiaco
1944/101696 Perth Walker George Francis William Male Parker Bernice Olive Female Subiaco
1944/101697 Perth Beattie John Cappie Male Fletcher Marjorie Janet Female Victoria Park
1944/101697 Perth Fletcher Marjorie Janet Female Beattie John Cappie Male Victoria Park
1944/101698 Perth Broadbent Ronald Albert Male Beauclarke Constance Mae Female Perth
1944/101698 Perth Beauclarke Constance Mae Female Broadbent Ronald Albert Male Perth
1944/101699 Perth Taylor Burrows Albert Male King Peggy Joyce Ellen Female Perth
1944/101699 Perth King Peggy Joyce Ellen Female Taylor Burrows Albert Male Perth
1944/101700 Perth Treasure Charles Cecil Male Robinson Dorothy Joyce Female Perth
1944/101700 Perth Robinson Dorothy Joyce Female Treasure Charles Cecil Male Perth
1944/101701 Perth Young Eunice Muriel Harriet Female Roberts Harold Edward Male Perth
1944/101701 Perth Roberts Harold Edward Male Young Eunice Muriel Harriet Female Perth
1944/101702 Perth Reed Francis Wilbur Male Clark Henrietta Bell Patricia Female Perth
1944/101702 Perth Clark Henrietta Bell Patricia Female Reed Francis Wilbur Male Perth
1944/101703 Perth Leschen Patricia Ethel Female Starr Clarence Roy Male Claremont
1944/101703 Perth Starr Clarence Roy Male Leschen Patricia Ethel Female Claremont
1944/101704 Perth Cunningham Quentin Wilbur Male Storey Marjorie Audrey Female Claremont
1944/101704 Perth Storey Marjorie Audrey Female Cunningham Quentin Wilbur Male Claremont
1944/101705 Perth Gozdowsky Matthew Francis Male Firth Dorothy Joan Female Victoria Park
1944/101705 Perth Firth Dorothy Joan Female Gozdowsky Matthew Francis Male Victoria Park
1944/101706 Perth O'Connor Ellen Jacqueline Female Jackson Walter Nelson Male Victoria Park
1944/101706 Perth Jackson Walter Nelson Male O'Connor Ellen Jacqueline Female Victoria Park
1944/101707 Perth Halliday Margaret Female Bothwell Angus McDonald Male Perth
1944/101707 Perth Bothwell Angus McDonald Male Halliday Margaret Female Perth
1944/101708 Perth Fry Edith Adelaide Maud Female Shepherdson Cecil Bingham Male Perth
1944/101708 Perth Shepherdson Cecil Bingham Male Fry Edith Adelaide Maud Female Perth
1944/101709 Perth Clark Doreen Mary Female Battle John Henry Male Subiaco
1944/101709 Perth Battle John Henry Male Clark Doreen Mary Female Subiaco
1944/101710 Perth Ryan Thomas John Male Eborall Constance Female Perth
1944/101710 Perth Eborall Constance Female Ryan Thomas John Male Perth
1944/101711 Perth Peden William Male Fullbrook Lillian May Mary Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/101711 Perth Fullbrook Lillian May Mary Female Peden William Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/101712 Perth Bow Norma Joyce Female Pringle Kenneth Thomas Male Subiaco
1944/101712 Perth Pringle Kenneth Thomas Male Bow Norma Joyce Female Subiaco
1944/101713 Perth Hill Peggy Julia Female Price Max Hilford Male Mosman Park
1944/101713 Perth Price Max Hilford Male Hill Peggy Julia Female Mosman Park
1944/101714 Perth Ayres Ernest Male Stewart Eugenie Adel Female Perth
1944/101714 Perth Stewart Eugenie Adel Female Ayres Ernest Male Perth
1944/101715 Perth Cuthbertson Irene Female Cole Sydney James Male Perth
1944/101715 Perth Cole Sydney James Male Cuthbertson Irene Female Perth
1944/101716 Perth Beatson David Oswald Male McIntyre Dorothy Joyce Female West Perth
1944/101716 Perth McIntyre Dorothy Joyce Female Beatson David Oswald Male West Perth
1944/101717 Perth McKay Barbara Female McAlister Lindsay James Male Leederville
1944/101717 Perth McAlister Lindsay James Male McKay Barbara Female Leederville
1944/101718 Perth Tailby Thomas Ernest Male Thomas Jean Ethel Female West Perth
1944/101718 Perth Thomas Jean Ethel Female Tailby Thomas Ernest Male West Perth
1944/101719 Perth Radford Muriel May Female Hazell Robert Humphrey Male Victoria Park
1944/101719 Perth Hazell Robert Humphrey Male Radford Muriel May Female Victoria Park
1944/101720 Perth Basell Ettie Rose Female Gadsby Dennis William Male Victoria Park
1944/101720 Perth Gadsby Dennis William Male Basell Ettie Rose Female Victoria Park
1944/101721 Perth Parkins Doris May Female Devenish Ralph Lindsay Male Victoria Park
1944/101721 Perth Devenish Ralph Lindsay Male Parkins Doris May Female Victoria Park
1944/101722 Perth Stevens Doris Evelyn Female Austin Stanley John Male Perth
1944/101722 Perth Austin Stanley John Male Stevens Doris Evelyn Female Perth
1944/101723 Perth Johansen Norma Vera Rosaline Female Finn Cromwell Frederick Male Perth
1944/101723 Perth Finn Cromwell Frederick Male Johansen Norma Vera Rosaline Female Perth
1944/101724 Perth Tronic James Samuel Male Andrew Lorraine Shirley Female Victoria Park
1944/101724 Perth Andrew Lorraine Shirley Female Tronic James Samuel Male Victoria Park
1944/101725 Perth Davidson Elsie Rae Female Jackson Richard Eugene Male Perth
1944/101725 Perth Jackson Richard Eugene Male Davidson Elsie Rae Female Perth
1944/101726 Perth Walburn Frank Edward Male Wallace Norma Frances Female Perth
1944/101726 Perth Wallace Norma Frances Female Walburn Frank Edward Male Perth
1944/101727 Perth Sawyer Dorothea Ellen Female Smith Charles Alois Male Perth
1944/101727 Perth Smith Charles Alois Male Sawyer Dorothea Ellen Female Perth
1944/101728 Perth Finch Richard Leslie Male Partridge Mary Estelle Female Perth
1944/101728 Perth Partridge Mary Estelle Female Finch Richard Leslie Male Perth
1944/101729 Perth McDonald Angus Gillis Male Parker Myra Brenda Female West Perth
1944/101729 Perth Parker Myra Brenda Female McDonald Angus Gillis Male West Perth
1944/101730 Perth Fairhead Fred Male O'Rourke Patricia Edith Female West Perth
1944/101730 Perth O'Rourke Patricia Edith Female Fairhead Fred Male West Perth
1944/101731 Perth Ewert John Maxwell Male Beaver Mabel Olive Vera Female Perth
1944/101731 Perth Beaver Mabel Olive Vera Female Ewert John Maxwell Male Perth
1944/101732 Perth McAdam Robert Male Dunstan Edith Elsie Female North Perth
1944/101732 Perth Dunstan Edith Elsie Female McAdam Robert Male North Perth
1944/101733 Perth Goyder Josephine Barr Female Nowland Arthur Justin Male Cottesloe
1944/101733 Perth Nowland Arthur Justin Male Goyder Josephine Barr Female Cottesloe
1944/101734 Perth Woodrow Keith Henry Male McNamara Elizabeth Jessie Female Cottesloe
1944/101734 Perth McNamara Elizabeth Jessie Female Woodrow Keith Henry Male Cottesloe
1944/101735 Perth Brooks Rodney Earle Male Tucker Aivlys Hilda Female Perth
1944/101735 Perth Tucker Aivlys Hilda Female Brooks Rodney Earle Male Perth
1944/101736 Perth Hey Beryl Mary Female Skelton Jack Erwin Male Perth
1944/101736 Perth Skelton Jack Erwin Male Hey Beryl Mary Female Perth
1944/101737 Perth Gellatly Lesley Lorraine Female Johnson Robert Earl Male Perth
1944/101737 Perth Johnson Robert Earl Male Gellatly Lesley Lorraine Female Perth
1944/101738 Perth Ewart Jean Female Read Henry Ernest Male Perth
1944/101738 Perth Read Henry Ernest Male Ewart Jean Female Perth
1944/101739 Perth Taylor Olive May Female Henrys Emery Walter Male North Perth
1944/101739 Perth Henrys Emery Walter Male Taylor Olive May Female North Perth
1944/101740 Perth Hunt James Loftin Male Pash Constance Thelma Female West Perth
1944/101740 Perth Pash Constance Thelma Female Hunt James Loftin Male West Perth
1944/101741 Perth Beton Basil Scott Male Meldrum Isabella Female W Perth
1944/101741 Perth Meldrum Isabella Female Beton Basil Scott Male W Perth
1944/101742 Perth Flemming Jack Male Tye Beyl Enid Female West Perth
1944/101742 Perth Tye Beyl Enid Female Flemming Jack Male West Perth
1944/101743 Perth Tait William James Aitken Male Young Olga Pamela Female West Perth
1944/101743 Perth Young Olga Pamela Female Tait William James Aitken Male West Perth
1944/101744 Perth Tarbotton Ronald Eric Male Wilkes Eliza Florence Female Leederville
1944/101744 Perth Wilkes Eliza Florence Female Tarbotton Ronald Eric Male Leederville
1944/101745 Perth Clapp Joyce Muriel Female Short Harold George Male Cottesloe
1944/101745 Perth Short Harold George Male Clapp Joyce Muriel Female Cottesloe
1944/101746 Perth Osborne Florence May Female Kilby Edward William Joseph Male Perth
1944/101746 Perth Kilby Edward William Joseph Male Osborne Florence May Female Perth
1944/101747 Perth Buxton Edith Violet Female Wilson Arthur Raven Male W Aust
1944/101747 Perth Wilson Arthur Raven Male Buxton Edith Violet Female W Aust
1944/101748 Perth McCarthy Arthur Stephen Male Palmer Elizabeth Anna Female East Victoria Park
1944/101748 Perth Palmer Elizabeth Anna Female McCarthy Arthur Stephen Male East Victoria Park
1944/101749 Perth Muller Walter Edward Male Bailey Kathleen May Female Leederville
1944/101749 Perth Bailey Kathleen May Female Muller Walter Edward Male Leederville
1944/101750 Perth Hills Emilie Gertrude Female Fraser George Francis Male Wembley Park
1944/101750 Perth Fraser George Francis Male Hills Emilie Gertrude Female Wembley Park
1944/101751 Perth Fleming Charles Male Coxon Elsie Joan Female Wembley Park
1944/101751 Perth Coxon Elsie Joan Female Fleming Charles Male Wembley Park
1944/101752 Perth Wilson Fiona Macready Female Rosenberg Jan Albert Male Perth
1944/101752 Perth Rosenberg Jan Albert Male Wilson Fiona Macready Female Perth
1944/101753 Perth Collins Elsie May Victoria Female Carter William Gillen Carlisle Male Perth
1944/101753 Perth Carter William Gillen Carlisle Male Collins Elsie May Victoria Female Perth
1944/101754 Perth Staltari Angelina Female Pitassi Corradino Male Osborne Park
1944/101754 Perth Pitassi Corradino Male Staltari Angelina Female Osborne Park
1944/101755 Perth Rogerson William Male Miller Joan Goldsmith Female Nedlands
1944/101755 Perth Miller Joan Goldsmith Female Rogerson William Male Nedlands
1944/101756 Perth Day Florence Myrtle Female Kelley George Washington Male Perth
1944/101756 Perth Kelley George Washington Male Day Florence Myrtle Female Perth
1944/101757 Perth Bettridge Leslie Garrity Male Roche Joyce Female Perth
1944/101757 Perth Roche Joyce Female Bettridge Leslie Garrity Male Perth
1944/101758 Perth Smith Bertha Female Cook Maurice Ethelbert Male Victoria Park
1944/101758 Perth Cook Maurice Ethelbert Male Smith Bertha Female Victoria Park
1944/101759 Perth Morton William McColl Male Williams Daisy O'Malley Female Perth
1944/101759 Perth Williams Daisy O'Malley Female Morton William McColl Male Perth
1944/101760 Perth Pain Augustus Archibald Kieth Male Elliott Iris Annie May Female Subiaco
1944/101760 Perth Elliott Iris Annie May Female Pain Augustus Archibald Kieth Male Subiaco
1944/101761 Perth Lewis Marion Arthur Male Ellis Olive Winifred Female Subiaco
1944/101761 Perth Ellis Olive Winifred Female Lewis Marion Arthur Male Subiaco
1944/101762 Perth Johnson Albert Andrew Male Barnden Grace Kathleen Female Claremont
1944/101762 Perth Barnden Grace Kathleen Female Johnson Albert Andrew Male Claremont
1944/101763 Perth Heard John Hugh Male Musselwhite Kathleen May Female Claremont
1944/101763 Perth Musselwhite Kathleen May Female Heard John Hugh Male Claremont
1944/101764 Perth Young Elizabeth Thornton Female Hayward Reginald Gilbert Male Mt Lawley
1944/101764 Perth Hayward Reginald Gilbert Male Young Elizabeth Thornton Female Mt Lawley
1944/101765 Perth Simula Roy Alexander Male Pope Elsie Female Mt Lawley
1944/101765 Perth Pope Elsie Female Simula Roy Alexander Male Mt Lawley
1944/101766 Perth Evans Verna Marie Female Knox John Andrew Aubrey Male West Leederville
1944/101766 Perth Knox John Andrew Aubrey Male Evans Verna Marie Female West Leederville
1944/101767 Perth Baker Arthur John Thomas Male Meakin Winifred Female South Perth
1944/101767 Perth Meakin Winifred Female Baker Arthur John Thomas Male South Perth
1944/101768 Perth Block Elizabeth Female Bennison Reginald Male Perth
1944/101768 Perth Bennison Reginald Male Block Elizabeth Female Perth
1944/101769 Perth Browning Thelma Maude Female Prpich John Male Perth
1944/101769 Perth Prpich John Male Browning Thelma Maude Female Perth
1944/101770 Perth Dowinton Gordon Walter Male Flynn Winifred Annie Female Perth
1944/101770 Perth Flynn Winifred Annie Female Dowinton Gordon Walter Male Perth
1944/101771 Perth Harrison Kenneth Marvin Male Forbes Daphne Evelyn Female Perth
1944/101771 Perth Forbes Daphne Evelyn Female Harrison Kenneth Marvin Male Perth
1944/101772 Perth Gibbs Thelma Joy Female Muir Gordon Male Osborne Park
1944/101772 Perth Muir Gordon Male Gibbs Thelma Joy Female Osborne Park
1944/101773 Perth Forbes George Robert Male Langlands Barbara Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/101773 Perth Langlands Barbara Female Forbes George Robert Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/101774 Perth Hastie Dorothy Joan Lilian Female Blake James Male Osborne Park
1944/101774 Perth Blake James Male Hastie Dorothy Joan Lilian Female Osborne Park
1944/101775 Perth Ewen David Kenneth Male Scott Erica Maud Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/101775 Perth Scott Erica Maud Female Ewen David Kenneth Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/101776 Perth McCombe Thomas Male Farmer Rose Elizabeth Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/101776 Perth Farmer Rose Elizabeth Female McCombe Thomas Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/101777 Perth Fowles Betty Selina Female Miller Henry Noel Arthur Male Osborne Park
1944/101777 Perth Miller Henry Noel Arthur Male Fowles Betty Selina Female Osborne Park
1944/101778 Perth Jones Roma Irene Female Hall Albert William Male Osborne Park
1944/101778 Perth Hall Albert William Male Jones Roma Irene Female Osborne Park
1944/101779 Perth Hortin Archie John Male Grose Winifred Female West Leederville
1944/101779 Perth Grose Winifred Female Hortin Archie John Male West Leederville
1944/101780 Perth Schleicher Marie Female Goggin Ernest Albert Male Mt Lawley
1944/101780 Perth Goggin Ernest Albert Male Schleicher Marie Female Mt Lawley
1944/101781 Perth Sexton Nancy Earle Female Binnington Raynor William Male Mt Lawley
1944/101781 Perth Binnington Raynor William Male Sexton Nancy Earle Female Mt Lawley
1944/101782 Perth Wilson Nathalie Gwen Female York Ronald Urquhart Male Nedlands
1944/101782 Perth York Ronald Urquhart Male Wilson Nathalie Gwen Female Nedlands
1944/101783 Perth Jowett Margaret Giles Female Newman Edward Bartram Male Perth
1944/101783 Perth Newman Edward Bartram Male Jowett Margaret Giles Female Perth
1944/101784 Perth Bosci George Rossi Male Nevile Jill Lorraine Female Perth
1944/101784 Perth Nevile Jill Lorraine Female Bosci George Rossi Male Perth
1944/101785 Perth Crain Betty Mary Female Pearce Ronald Malcolm Male Shenton Park
1944/101785 Perth Pearce Ronald Malcolm Male Crain Betty Mary Female Shenton Park
1944/101786 Perth Lindquist Muriel Helen Female Fancourt George Darrell Male Perth
1944/101786 Perth Fancourt George Darrell Male Lindquist Muriel Helen Female Perth
1944/101787 Perth Trew Donald Douglas Male Anderson Muriel Female Claremont
1944/101787 Perth Anderson Muriel Female Trew Donald Douglas Male Claremont
1944/101788 Perth Knight Jean Female Ainsworth Lancelot Annesley Male Claremont
1944/101788 Perth Ainsworth Lancelot Annesley Male Knight Jean Female Claremont
1944/101789 Perth Poulson Nell Amelia Marie Female Leevers Graham William Male Claremont
1944/101789 Perth Leevers Graham William Male Poulson Nell Amelia Marie Female Claremont
1944/101790 Perth Collis William Male Foley Annie Elizabeth Female Perth
1944/101790 Perth Foley Annie Elizabeth Female Collis William Male Perth
1944/101791 Perth Collins Ronald Raymond Male Cringle Eileen Dennison Female Perth
1944/101791 Perth Cringle Eileen Dennison Female Collins Ronald Raymond Male Perth
1944/101793 Perth Clamp Marcia Catherine Female Foley Kevin Patrick Male Subiaco
1944/101793 Perth Foley Kevin Patrick Male Clamp Marcia Catherine Female Subiaco
1944/101794 Perth Fennell Roger Casement Male Laney Margaret Helen Female Subiaco
1944/101794 Perth Laney Margaret Helen Female Fennell Roger Casement Male Subiaco
1944/101795 Perth Slattery John Francis Male Abbott Norma Maria Female Subiaco
1944/101795 Perth Abbott Norma Maria Female Slattery John Francis Male Subiaco
1944/101796 Perth Searle Gordon Alexander Lindsay Male Garbutt Patricia Female Shenton Park
1944/101796 Perth Garbutt Patricia Female Searle Gordon Alexander Lindsay Male Shenton Park
1944/101797 Perth Mather Shirley Joyce Female Frith Ronald Herbert Cokayne Male West Perth
1944/101797 Perth Frith Ronald Herbert Cokayne Male Mather Shirley Joyce Female West Perth
1944/101798 Perth Turner Alfred Male Perry Lorna May Female West Perth
1944/101798 Perth Perry Lorna May Female Turner Alfred Male West Perth
1944/101799 Perth Cook Phyllis Margaret Female Joynes John Thomas Male West Perth
1944/101799 Perth Joynes John Thomas Male Cook Phyllis Margaret Female West Perth
1944/101800 Perth Denn Walter John Male Hunt Dorothy May Female West Perth
1944/101800 Perth Hunt Dorothy May Female Denn Walter John Male West Perth
1944/101801 Perth Musca Melina Female Conti Carmelo Male Osborne Park
1944/101801 Perth Conti Carmelo Male Musca Melina Female Osborne Park
1944/101802 Perth Boalar Dennis Arthur Male Hebiton Edith Female Cottesloe
1944/101802 Perth Hebiton Edith Female Boalar Dennis Arthur Male Cottesloe
1944/101803 Perth Stokesbury Wilfred Henry Male Purdue Alice Phoebe Female North Perth
1944/101803 Perth Purdue Alice Phoebe Female Stokesbury Wilfred Henry Male North Perth
1944/101804 Perth Brown Doreen Lillian Female Bone Douglas Walter Male North Perth
1944/101804 Perth Bone Douglas Walter Male Brown Doreen Lillian Female North Perth
1944/101805 Perth McCain Weldon Earl Male McCabe Mary Anne Female North Perth
1944/101805 Perth McCabe Mary Anne Female McCain Weldon Earl Male North Perth
1944/101806 Perth Wallis Dorothy Maude Female Templar Brian Cullen Male North Perth
1944/101806 Perth Templar Brian Cullen Male Wallis Dorothy Maude Female North Perth
1944/101807 Perth Parker Agnes Female Clark George Macpherson Male Perth
1944/101807 Perth Clark George Macpherson Male Parker Agnes Female Perth
1944/101808 Perth Bateman Laura Female Soffe Ronald Eric Male Perth
1944/101808 Perth Soffe Ronald Eric Male Bateman Laura Female Perth
1944/101809 Perth Luke Ernest Charles Henry Male Williams Dorothy Vivian Female Perth
1944/101809 Perth Williams Dorothy Vivian Female Luke Ernest Charles Henry Male Perth
1944/101810 Perth Bailey Rosamond Eva Female Kilpatrick Trevor Clifton Male Perth
1944/101810 Perth Kilpatrick Trevor Clifton Male Bailey Rosamond Eva Female Perth
1944/101811 Perth Chapman Edwin Male Coleman Winifred Mabel Female Perth
1944/101811 Perth Coleman Winifred Mabel Female Chapman Edwin Male Perth
1944/101812 Perth McDonagh Kathleen Theresa Female Colby Ronald Patrick Male Perth
1944/101812 Perth Colby Ronald Patrick Male McDonagh Kathleen Theresa Female Perth
1944/101813 Perth Greaves Elizabeth Ann Female Bennetts Mervyn Harold Male Perth
1944/101813 Perth Bennetts Mervyn Harold Male Greaves Elizabeth Ann Female Perth
1944/101814 Perth Hughes Ronald Leonard Male Hamersley Noelle Cynthia Female Perth
1944/101814 Perth Hamersley Noelle Cynthia Female Hughes Ronald Leonard Male Perth
1944/101815 Perth Nevile Dorothy Irene Female Donaldson Robert Male Perth
1944/101815 Perth Donaldson Robert Male Nevile Dorothy Irene Female Perth
1944/101816 Perth Hall Emily Mary Female Kinninmont James Rogers Male Perth
1944/101816 Perth Kinninmont James Rogers Male Hall Emily Mary Female Perth
1944/101817 Perth Minchin Norman Wesley Male Edgar Joyce Ailsa Female Perth
1944/101817 Perth Edgar Joyce Ailsa Female Minchin Norman Wesley Male Perth
1944/101818 Perth Nicholas Joan Elliott Female Sweetland Thomas Dane Male Claremont
1944/101818 Perth Sweetland Thomas Dane Male Nicholas Joan Elliott Female Claremont
1944/101819 Perth Archer Iris Ellen Female Chester Norman Clifford Male West Perth
1944/101819 Perth Chester Norman Clifford Male Archer Iris Ellen Female West Perth
1944/101820 Perth Galbraith Rosalind Daphne Female Marchisio Alexander Henry Male West Perth
1944/101820 Perth Marchisio Alexander Henry Male Galbraith Rosalind Daphne Female West Perth
1944/101821 Perth Marshall John Ross Male Livingston Jessie Margaret Female West Perth
1944/101821 Perth Livingston Jessie Margaret Female Marshall John Ross Male West Perth
1944/101822 Perth Eastcott Eileen Rosa Female Frizzell Alexander Henry Male Perth
1944/101822 Perth Frizzell Alexander Henry Male Eastcott Eileen Rosa Female Perth
1944/101823 Perth Dahl Donald Edward Male Sunderland Verona Jane Female Perth
1944/101823 Perth Sunderland Verona Jane Female Dahl Donald Edward Male Perth
1944/101824 Perth Davis Nancie Emerson Female Field Thomas Parry Male Claremont
1944/101824 Perth Field Thomas Parry Male Davis Nancie Emerson Female Claremont
1944/101825 Perth Laney Edna Marion Female Horton William Edward Male Claremont
1944/101825 Perth Horton William Edward Male Laney Edna Marion Female Claremont
1944/101826 Perth Fraser James Arthur Male Hicks Ethel May Female Perth
1944/101826 Perth Hicks Ethel May Female Fraser James Arthur Male Perth
1944/101827 Perth Walton Alison Mabel Female Grimley John Kenneth Male West Leederville
1944/101827 Perth Grimley John Kenneth Male Walton Alison Mabel Female West Leederville
1944/101828 Perth Ferguson Dora Helen Female Triglone Robert Jack Male Mt Lawley
1944/101828 Perth Triglone Robert Jack Male Ferguson Dora Helen Female Mt Lawley
1944/101829 Perth Greaves Cherie Ninon Female Townsend-Crisp Edward Albert Male Mt Lawley
1944/101829 Perth Townsend-Crisp Edward Albert Male Greaves Cherie Ninon Female Mt Lawley
1944/101830 Perth Pascoe Herbert James Male Finch Gladys Sylvia Female Perth
1944/101830 Perth Finch Gladys Sylvia Female Pascoe Herbert James Male Perth
1944/101831 Perth Purvis Robert Edward Male Edwards Patricia Gladys Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/101831 Perth Edwards Patricia Gladys Female Purvis Robert Edward Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/101832 Perth Dight Lloyd George Male Henderson Barbara Female Claremont
1944/101832 Perth Henderson Barbara Female Dight Lloyd George Male Claremont
1944/101833 Perth Loyd Jr Paul Male Bennet Mary Edith Female Nedlands
1944/101833 Perth Bennet Mary Edith Female Loyd Jr Paul Male Nedlands
1944/101834 Perth Bowles Nellie Kathleen Female Stack John Joseph Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/101834 Perth Stack John Joseph Male Bowles Nellie Kathleen Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/101835 Perth Coates Enid Kathleen Female Lynas William James Dalton Male Perth
1944/101835 Perth Lynas William James Dalton Male Coates Enid Kathleen Female Perth
1944/101836 Perth Rogers Dorothy Kathleen Pearl Female Newland George Male Perth
1944/101836 Perth Newland George Male Rogers Dorothy Kathleen Pearl Female Perth
1944/101837 Perth Ahern Eric John Male Holmes Nancy Muriel Female Perth
1944/101837 Perth Holmes Nancy Muriel Female Ahern Eric John Male Perth
1944/101838 Perth Smart Beatrice Ann Female Reynolds Raymond Nathaniel Male Bayswater
1944/101838 Perth Reynolds Raymond Nathaniel Male Smart Beatrice Ann Female Bayswater
1944/101839 Perth O'Brien Stanley Edwin Male Evans Florence Janet Female Perth
1944/101839 Perth Evans Florence Janet Female O'Brien Stanley Edwin Male Perth
1944/101840 Perth Feehan Eileen May Female Ingram Aildred Reginald Male Perth
1944/101840 Perth Ingram Aildred Reginald Male Feehan Eileen May Female Perth
1944/101841 Perth Barrett-Lennard Flora Grace Female England John Richard Fountayne Male Perth
1944/101841 Perth England John Richard Fountayne Male Barrett-Lennard Flora Grace Female Perth
1944/101842 Perth Stewart William Logan Male Walker Mona Female Perth
1944/101842 Perth Walker Mona Female Stewart William Logan Male Perth
1944/101843 Perth Robinson Bettie Makeham Female Rann Thomas Frederick Male South Perth
1944/101843 Perth Rann Thomas Frederick Male Robinson Bettie Makeham Female South Perth
1944/101844 Perth Kerr Joyce Minnie Female Williams Sylvester Frederick Male Subiaco
1944/101844 Perth Williams Sylvester Frederick Male Kerr Joyce Minnie Female Subiaco
1944/101845 Perth Gould Thelma Lily Female Mildwaters John Andrew Male Mt Lawley
1944/101845 Perth Mildwaters John Andrew Male Gould Thelma Lily Female Mt Lawley
1944/101846 Perth Martin Sylvia Violet Female Hansen Arthur Henry Male Mt Lawley
1944/101846 Perth Hansen Arthur Henry Male Martin Sylvia Violet Female Mt Lawley
1944/101847 Perth Jones Naomi Eleanor Female Leffler Walter Edward Male Perth
1944/101847 Perth Leffler Walter Edward Male Jones Naomi Eleanor Female Perth
1944/101848 Perth Thompson Alice May Female Leitch John Male Perth
1944/101848 Perth Leitch John Male Thompson Alice May Female Perth
1944/101849 Perth Oliver Joan Mercia Female Stephens James William Male W Perth
1944/101849 Perth Stephens James William Male Oliver Joan Mercia Female W Perth
1944/101850 Perth Stanton Margaret Elsie Female Cooksley Donald Sidney Male W Perth
1944/101850 Perth Cooksley Donald Sidney Male Stanton Margaret Elsie Female W Perth
1944/101851 Perth Plummer John Everett Male Spence Marjorie Female W Perth
1944/101851 Perth Spence Marjorie Female Plummer John Everett Male W Perth
1944/101852 Perth Semmens Norman Male Britchford Peggy Gwendoline Marie Female W Perth
1944/101852 Perth Britchford Peggy Gwendoline Marie Female Semmens Norman Male W Perth
1944/101853 Perth Lorden Geoffrey Allan Male Lynch Moira Weibye Female W Perth
1944/101853 Perth Lynch Moira Weibye Female Lorden Geoffrey Allan Male W Perth
1944/101854 Perth Jewell Arthur Trenberth Male Cameron Catherine Agnes Female Perth
1944/101854 Perth Cameron Catherine Agnes Female Jewell Arthur Trenberth Male Perth
1944/101855 Perth McLeod Annie Charlotte Female Glew Bernard Edward Male Perth
1944/101855 Perth Glew Bernard Edward Male McLeod Annie Charlotte Female Perth
1944/101856 Perth Hendry Elaine Rose Female Springer Lyle Joseph Male Perth
1944/101856 Perth Springer Lyle Joseph Male Hendry Elaine Rose Female Perth
1944/101857 Perth O'Neill Annie Allen Female Glatz William James Henry Male Perth
1944/101857 Perth Glatz William James Henry Male O'Neill Annie Allen Female Perth
1944/101858 Perth Williamson Molly Female Bridges Donald Herbert Hugh Male Perth
1944/101858 Perth Bridges Donald Herbert Hugh Male Williamson Molly Female Perth
1944/101859 Perth Bartlett Georgina May Female Baker George Albert Male Perth
1944/101859 Perth Baker George Albert Male Bartlett Georgina May Female Perth
1944/101860 Perth Bamblett William John Male Houlahan Eileen Margaret Female Mosman Park
1944/101860 Perth Houlahan Eileen Margaret Female Bamblett William John Male Mosman Park
1944/101861 Perth Corr Sheila Edith Female Wickens Ian Torr Male Claremont
1944/101861 Perth Wickens Ian Torr Male Corr Sheila Edith Female Claremont
1944/101862 Perth Thomas Raymond Ross Male Fowler Louisa Female Claremont
1944/101862 Perth Fowler Louisa Female Thomas Raymond Ross Male Claremont
1944/101863 Perth Vine Rose Matilda Maud Female Villano Richard Male Osborne Park
1944/101863 Perth Villano Richard Male Vine Rose Matilda Maud Female Osborne Park
1944/101864 Perth Friddle Frank Robinson Male Keene Lyle Gladys Patricia Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/101864 Perth Keene Lyle Gladys Patricia Female Friddle Frank Robinson Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/101865 Perth Ridley Geraldine Mary Female Ridley Keith Canute Male Perth
1944/101865 Perth Ridley Keith Canute Male Ridley Geraldine Mary Female Perth
1944/101866 Perth Cobby Elsie Winifred Female Hasluck Alfred Lewis Male Perth
1944/101866 Perth Hasluck Alfred Lewis Male Cobby Elsie Winifred Female Perth
1944/101867 Perth Austin Melvern Hay Male Taylor Shirley Joyce Female Perth
1944/101867 Perth Taylor Shirley Joyce Female Austin Melvern Hay Male Perth
1944/101868 Perth Hill John Arthur Beswick Male Staines Dorothy Suzan Female Perth
1944/101868 Perth Staines Dorothy Suzan Female Hill John Arthur Beswick Male Perth
1944/101869 Perth Duke Thomas Albert Male Hardie Beryl Lorraine Female Perth
1944/101869 Perth Hardie Beryl Lorraine Female Duke Thomas Albert Male Perth
1944/101870 Perth Tutt Colin Victor Male Moss Doris Irene Female Perth
1944/101870 Perth Moss Doris Irene Female Tutt Colin Victor Male Perth
1944/101871 Perth Robinson Joy Britta Female Barden William Lewis Male Perth
1944/101871 Perth Barden William Lewis Male Robinson Joy Britta Female Perth
1944/101872 Perth Hewson William Hayward Male Atkinson Beryl Grace Female Perth
1944/101872 Perth Atkinson Beryl Grace Female Hewson William Hayward Male Perth
1944/101873 Perth Oakes Robert Dewey Male Walton Joan Doris Female Perth
1944/101873 Perth Walton Joan Doris Female Oakes Robert Dewey Male Perth
1944/101874 Perth Lodding Robert Leo Male Horner Muriel Ruby Female Wembley Park
1944/101874 Perth Horner Muriel Ruby Female Lodding Robert Leo Male Wembley Park
1944/101875 Perth Forward James Horace Male Milway Laurie Elizabeth Female Victoria Park
1944/101875 Perth Milway Laurie Elizabeth Female Forward James Horace Male Victoria Park
1944/101876 Perth Sims Eric Ronald Male Stevens Ronda Joyce Female Victoria Park
1944/101876 Perth Stevens Ronda Joyce Female Sims Eric Ronald Male Victoria Park
1944/101877 Perth Hughes Walter Reginald Male Praed Eunice Lilian Female Perth
1944/101877 Perth Praed Eunice Lilian Female Hughes Walter Reginald Male Perth
1944/101878 Perth Harp James Walton Male McLachlan Betty Mary Female Perth
1944/101878 Perth McLachlan Betty Mary Female Harp James Walton Male Perth
1944/101879 Perth Simmons Anne Davida Female Nesbitt Andrew Roy Male Perth
1944/101879 Perth Nesbitt Andrew Roy Male Simmons Anne Davida Female Perth
1944/101880 Perth Goldsmith Winifred Howard Female d'Almeida Marmion Barrington Joseph Male Cottesloe
1944/101881 Perth Leckie Elizabeth Alice Female Reakes Robert William Edward George Male Perth
1944/101881 Perth Reakes Robert William Edward George Male Leckie Elizabeth Alice Female Perth
1944/101882 Perth Leppard Doris May Female Hutchinson Robert Male Perth
1944/101882 Perth Hutchinson Robert Male Leppard Doris May Female Perth
1944/101883 Perth Lutley Mary Female Piesse Ivan Lewis Male Perth
1944/101883 Perth Piesse Ivan Lewis Male Lutley Mary Female Perth
1944/101884 Perth Kempton Edna Winifred Female Garman Raymond Male Perth
1944/101884 Perth Garman Raymond Male Kempton Edna Winifred Female Perth
1944/101885 Perth Timms John Male Doust Muriel Rose Female Perth
1944/101885 Perth Doust Muriel Rose Female Timms John Male Perth
1944/101886 Perth Strika Thomas Anthony Male Gibson Patricia Jean Female Perth
1944/101886 Perth Gibson Patricia Jean Female Strika Thomas Anthony Male Perth
1944/101887 Perth Sebbes Ada Anna Female Wyld Leo Richard Male Perth
1944/101887 Perth Wyld Leo Richard Male Sebbes Ada Anna Female Perth
1944/101888 Perth Heat Edward Leo Male Bandy Beryl Joyce Female Perth
1944/101888 Perth Bandy Beryl Joyce Female Heat Edward Leo Male Perth
1944/101889 Perth Wood Joyce Beryl Female Webb Harry Male Perth
1944/101889 Perth Webb Harry Male Wood Joyce Beryl Female Perth
1944/101890 Perth Elliott Beryl Marjorie Female Duff John Andrew Grosvenor Male Perth
1944/101890 Perth Duff John Andrew Grosvenor Male Elliott Beryl Marjorie Female Perth
1944/101891 Perth Fairweather Maurice Norman Male Hawkins Freda Doreen Female Subiaco
1944/101891 Perth Hawkins Freda Doreen Female Fairweather Maurice Norman Male Subiaco
1944/101892 Perth McCaughan Henry Male Bell Olive May Female Subiaco
1944/101892 Perth Bell Olive May Female McCaughan Henry Male Subiaco
1944/101893 Perth Oelman Rita Doris Gertrude Female Hemming William Frederick Male Nedlands
1944/101893 Perth Hemming William Frederick Male Oelman Rita Doris Gertrude Female Nedlands
1944/101894 Perth Nicholson John Edward Male Palmer Kathleen Mary Female Perth
1944/101894 Perth Palmer Kathleen Mary Female Nicholson John Edward Male Perth
1944/101895 Perth Schravesande Leonard William Male Kelly Norah Lillie Margaret Female Perth
1944/101895 Perth Kelly Norah Lillie Margaret Female Schravesande Leonard William Male Perth
1944/101896 Perth Phillips Myrtle Eleanor Female Hiatt Jack Male Rosalie
1944/101896 Perth Hiatt Jack Male Phillips Myrtle Eleanor Female Rosalie
1944/101897 Perth Arbon Emma Maude Female Faulkner Frederick Henery Male Perth
1944/101897 Perth Faulkner Frederick Henery Male Arbon Emma Maude Female Perth
1944/101898 Perth Vangen Norman Male Williams Lucy Female Perth
1944/101898 Perth Williams Lucy Female Vangen Norman Male Perth
1944/101899 Perth Massey James Gordon Male Bown Fay Lorraine Female Perth
1944/101899 Perth Bown Fay Lorraine Female Massey James Gordon Male Perth
1944/101900 Perth Rogers Mary Agnes Female Matthews Walter Harold Male Perth
1944/101900 Perth Matthews Walter Harold Male Rogers Mary Agnes Female Perth
1944/101901 Perth Rischbieth John Beresford Wills Male Stephenson Joan Female Claremont
1944/101901 Perth Stephenson Joan Female Rischbieth John Beresford Wills Male Claremont
1944/101902 Perth Mills Winifred Ellen Female Hughes James Virgo Male Perth
1944/101902 Perth Hughes James Virgo Male Mills Winifred Ellen Female Perth
1944/101903 Perth O'Brien Daniel Joseph Male Jeffreys Florence Isobel Female Perth
1944/101903 Perth Jeffreys Florence Isobel Female O'Brien Daniel Joseph Male Perth
1944/101904 Perth Groves Joan May Female Donovan Frederick Charles Male Perth
1944/101904 Perth Donovan Frederick Charles Male Groves Joan May Female Perth
1944/101905 Perth Harris Mary Florence Female Poat John Gill Male Highgate Hill
1944/101905 Perth Poat John Gill Male Harris Mary Florence Female Highgate Hill
1944/101906 Perth Lewis Bruce Alexander Male Harris Roma Mary Female Leederville
1944/101906 Perth Harris Roma Mary Female Lewis Bruce Alexander Male Leederville
1944/101907 Perth ODriscoll James Albert Male OBrien Roma Dolores Female Leederville
1944/101907 Perth OBrien Roma Dolores Female ODriscoll James Albert Male Leederville
1944/101908 Perth Selwood Ray Walter Male Evans Bettie Margaret Female Victoria Park
1944/101908 Perth Evans Bettie Margaret Female Selwood Ray Walter Male Victoria Park
1944/101909 Perth Duthie Raymond Howard Male Gillett Risby Alice Female Victoria Park
1944/101909 Perth Gillett Risby Alice Female Duthie Raymond Howard Male Victoria Park
1944/101910 Perth Nobles Marion Female Henderson James Allan Male Victoria Park
1944/101910 Perth Henderson James Allan Male Nobles Marion Female Victoria Park
1944/101911 Perth Field John Henry Male Hansen Louisa Isabella Female Perth
1944/101911 Perth Hansen Louisa Isabella Female Field John Henry Male Perth
1944/101912 Perth Treasure Edward Henry Male Evans Margaret Mary Female Perth
1944/101912 Perth Evans Margaret Mary Female Treasure Edward Henry Male Perth
1944/101913 Perth Guilfoyle Cecil Aloysius Male Cook Gwenyth Bertha Female Subiaco
1944/101913 Perth Cook Gwenyth Bertha Female Guilfoyle Cecil Aloysius Male Subiaco
1944/101914 Perth Cain Charles Albert Male Friend Enid Mary Female Subiaco
1944/101914 Perth Friend Enid Mary Female Cain Charles Albert Male Subiaco
1944/101915 Perth Haddock Iris Mona Female Rogers George Elgar Male Osborne Park
1944/101915 Perth Rogers George Elgar Male Haddock Iris Mona Female Osborne Park
1944/101916 Perth Sheppard Edith Cavell Female Wilkinson Henry Lachlan Male Osborne Park
1944/101916 Perth Wilkinson Henry Lachlan Male Sheppard Edith Cavell Female Osborne Park
1944/101917 Perth Moore James Anthony Male Beard Gloria Female Osborne Park
1944/101917 Perth Beard Gloria Female Moore James Anthony Male Osborne Park
1944/101918 Perth Franklin Charles Rodney Male Franklin Ethel Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/101918 Perth Franklin Ethel Female Franklin Charles Rodney Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/101919 Perth Skilton Edward Karl Male Lange Edna May Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/101919 Perth Lange Edna May Female Skilton Edward Karl Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/101920 Perth Wells Olive Jean Female Gardiner Virgil Harlin Male Perth
1944/101920 Perth Gardiner Virgil Harlin Male Wells Olive Jean Female Perth
1944/101921 Perth Smith Joseph McGregor Male Morrison Elizabeth Smith Female Perth
1944/101921 Perth Morrison Elizabeth Smith Female Smith Joseph McGregor Male Perth
1944/101922 Perth Fullerton Richard Bryant Male Stevens Eva Emily Female Perth
1944/101922 Perth Stevens Eva Emily Female Fullerton Richard Bryant Male Perth
1944/101923 Perth Wigmore Rowena Female Smith Colin Campbell Male Perth
1944/101923 Perth Smith Colin Campbell Male Wigmore Rowena Female Perth
1944/101924 Perth Fraser Colin Male Woods Vera Elsie Female Perth
1944/101924 Perth Woods Vera Elsie Female Fraser Colin Male Perth
1944/101925 Perth Chinnery Yutha Joan Female Crews John Male West Leederville
1944/101925 Perth Crews John Male Chinnery Yutha Joan Female West Leederville
1944/101926 Perth Huskinson Clare Jane Female Norris Percival Male Perth
1944/101926 Perth Norris Percival Male Huskinson Clare Jane Female Perth
1944/101927 Perth Hollins Dora Female Valentino John Male Perth
1944/101927 Perth Valentino John Male Hollins Dora Female Perth
1944/101928 Perth Pratt Shirley Mae Female Clifford Clifford Alfred Male Perth
1944/101928 Perth Clifford Clifford Alfred Male Pratt Shirley Mae Female Perth
1944/101929 Perth Cook Norman Eugene Male Killa Valma Gwendoline Female Perth
1944/101929 Perth Killa Valma Gwendoline Female Cook Norman Eugene Male Perth
1944/101930 Perth Otten Hendrikus Gerardus Rudolf Male Keyser Audrey Margaret Female Perth
1944/101930 Perth Keyser Audrey Margaret Female Otten Hendrikus Gerardus Rudolf Male Perth
1944/101931 Perth Eyles Yvonne June Female Strickland Joseph Chatfield Male Perth
1944/101931 Perth Strickland Joseph Chatfield Male Eyles Yvonne June Female Perth
1944/101932 Perth Bath Mary Female McFarland Wilburn John Male Perth
1944/101932 Perth McFarland Wilburn John Male Bath Mary Female Perth
1944/101933 Perth Wragg Dennis Albert Male Smith Thelma Constance Noelean Female Maylands
1944/101933 Perth Smith Thelma Constance Noelean Female Wragg Dennis Albert Male Maylands
1944/101934 Perth Cooney Ella Irene Female Logan Thomas Henry John Male Inglewood
1944/101934 Perth Logan Thomas Henry John Male Cooney Ella Irene Female Inglewood
1944/101935 Perth Holt Marion Sydenham Female Hackett Thomas James Male Cottesloe
1944/101935 Perth Hackett Thomas James Male Holt Marion Sydenham Female Cottesloe
1944/101936 Perth Brown Robert Keith Male Hardy Patricia Joan Female Perth
1944/101936 Perth Hardy Patricia Joan Female Brown Robert Keith Male Perth
1944/101937 Perth Johnston John Male Gibb Mary Margaret Female Perth
1944/101937 Perth Gibb Mary Margaret Female Johnston John Male Perth
1944/101938 Perth Burnham James Male Slater Alice Euphemia Female North Perth
1944/101938 Perth Slater Alice Euphemia Female Burnham James Male North Perth
1944/101939 Perth Finlay John Alexander Male Fowler Joan Mitford Female Perth
1944/101939 Perth Fowler Joan Mitford Female Finlay John Alexander Male Perth
1944/101940 Perth Wharton Lurline Dagmar Female Gale Ralph Gladstone Male Perth
1944/101940 Perth Gale Ralph Gladstone Male Wharton Lurline Dagmar Female Perth
1944/101941 Perth Jubbs Ruby Violet Maud Female McMahon Gerard Robert Male Perth
1944/101941 Perth McMahon Gerard Robert Male Jubbs Ruby Violet Maud Female Perth
1944/101942 Perth Hodges Beryl May Female Bradley Ronald James Male Bayswater
1944/101942 Perth Bradley Ronald James Male Hodges Beryl May Female Bayswater
1944/101943 Perth Ryan Francis Henry Male Gomer Decima Nell Female Perth
1944/101943 Perth Gomer Decima Nell Female Ryan Francis Henry Male Perth
1944/101944 Perth Craik Monica Stella Female Chinnery Denis Patrick Male Victoria Park
1944/101944 Perth Chinnery Denis Patrick Male Craik Monica Stella Female Victoria Park
1944/101945 Perth Carr Margaret Alice Female La Rose Vernon Joseph Male Victoria Park
1944/101945 Perth La Rose Vernon Joseph Male Carr Margaret Alice Female Victoria Park
1944/101946 Perth Nicholls Gwenyth Martha Female Dwyer Laurence Edward Male Subiaco
1944/101946 Perth Dwyer Laurence Edward Male Nicholls Gwenyth Martha Female Subiaco
1944/101947 Perth Tyler Peggy Muriel Female Emmett Rex Nelson Male Perth
1944/101947 Perth Emmett Rex Nelson Male Tyler Peggy Muriel Female Perth
1944/101948 Perth Shaw Bernard Male Kimber Nina Urquhart Female West Perth
1944/101948 Perth Kimber Nina Urquhart Female Shaw Bernard Male West Perth
1944/101949 Perth Lindsay Jane Stalker Female Macpherson Kenneth Male West Perth
1944/101949 Perth Macpherson Kenneth Male Lindsay Jane Stalker Female West Perth
1944/101950 Perth Barnett Franklyn William Male Merrick Elizabeth Doris Female Claremont
1944/101950 Perth Merrick Elizabeth Doris Female Barnett Franklyn William Male Claremont
1944/101951 Perth Gerring Beatrice Maud Female Clarke Ronald James Albert Male Perth
1944/101951 Perth Clarke Ronald James Albert Male Gerring Beatrice Maud Female Perth
1944/101952 Perth Neuzerling Robert John Male Jeffrey Muriel Esme Female Perth
1944/101952 Perth Jeffrey Muriel Esme Female Neuzerling Robert John Male Perth
1944/101953 Perth Martin Mavis Myrtle Female Haynes William Male Claremont
1944/101953 Perth Haynes William Male Martin Mavis Myrtle Female Claremont
1944/101954 Perth McLean Johnnie Thomas Male Plummer Betty Doreen Female Perth
1944/101954 Perth Plummer Betty Doreen Female McLean Johnnie Thomas Male Perth
1944/101955 Perth McCorry Constance Winifred Female Symes Maxwell Lance Male Perth
1944/101955 Perth Symes Maxwell Lance Male McCorry Constance Winifred Female Perth
1944/101956 Perth Hancock Mavis Jean Female Kearsley William Carter Male Perth
1944/101956 Perth Kearsley William Carter Male Hancock Mavis Jean Female Perth
1944/101957 Perth Vivian Estelle May Female Weir George Arthur Male Perth
1944/101957 Perth Weir George Arthur Male Vivian Estelle May Female Perth
1944/101958 Perth Smith Kathleen Mavis Female Curtis Albert Alexander Male Perth
1944/101958 Perth Curtis Albert Alexander Male Smith Kathleen Mavis Female Perth
1944/101959 Perth Sullivan Shirley Meria Female Orkney Eric Vaughan Male Cottesloe
1944/101959 Perth Orkney Eric Vaughan Male Sullivan Shirley Meria Female Cottesloe
1944/101960 Perth Manning William Booth Male McLean Nancy Female Cottesloe
1944/101960 Perth McLean Nancy Female Manning William Booth Male Cottesloe
1944/101961 Perth Cunningham Donald Carlyle Male Lyons Agnes Mary Female Highgate Hill
1944/101961 Perth Lyons Agnes Mary Female Cunningham Donald Carlyle Male Highgate Hill
1944/101962 Perth Hayes Patrick Gavan Male Fitzhardinge Lucy Margaret Berkeley Female Highgate Hill
1944/101962 Perth Fitzhardinge Lucy Margaret Berkeley Female Hayes Patrick Gavan Male Highgate Hill
1944/101963 Perth Rowles Patrick James Male Hayles Mavis Georgina Female Highgate Hill
1944/101963 Perth Hayles Mavis Georgina Female Rowles Patrick James Male Highgate Hill Hayles-199
1944/101964 Perth Woodbridge Gwendolyne Violet Female Lester Donald James Male Claremont
1944/101964 Perth Lester Donald James Male Woodbridge Gwendolyne Violet Female Claremont
1944/101965 Perth Ilich John Male Vranjican Vesela Female Osborne Park
1944/101965 Perth Vranjican Vesela Female Ilich John Male Osborne Park
1944/101966 Perth Fairweather Beverley Myrtle Alison Female Morley Leonard George Male Inglewood
1944/101966 Perth Morley Leonard George Male Fairweather Beverley Myrtle Alison Female Inglewood
1944/101967 Perth McCaul Alison Gordon Female Rodway Ronald John Male Nedlands
1944/101967 Perth Rodway Ronald John Male McCaul Alison Gordon Female Nedlands
1944/101968 Perth Neil Leslie Robert Male Polkinghorne Phyllis Beryl Female Perth
1944/101968 Perth Polkinghorne Phyllis Beryl Female Neil Leslie Robert Male Perth
1944/101969 Perth McKenna Marie Norma Female Allen George Wallis Male Perth
1944/101969 Perth Allen George Wallis Male McKenna Marie Norma Female Perth
1944/101970 Perth Guerin Carmel Margaret Female Fox Robert Jerome Male Perth
1944/101970 Perth Fox Robert Jerome Male Guerin Carmel Margaret Female Perth
1944/101971 Perth Dival Irene Joycelyn Mary Female Doehring Charles Norrell Male Perth
1944/101971 Perth Doehring Charles Norrell Male Dival Irene Joycelyn Mary Female Perth
1944/101972 Perth Loan Dorothy Gladys Female Gerlach Lucius Wolfgang Cornelis Male Perth
1944/101972 Perth Gerlach Lucius Wolfgang Cornelis Male Loan Dorothy Gladys Female Perth
1944/101973 Perth Whittington Edward Robert Male Sullivan Coral Mary Female Nedlands
1944/101973 Perth Sullivan Coral Mary Female Whittington Edward Robert Male Nedlands
1944/101974 Perth Foott Ronald Male McLean Eileen Blanche Female West Perth
1944/101974 Perth McLean Eileen Blanche Female Foott Ronald Male West Perth
1944/101975 Perth Hicks Ronald Richard Male Chandler Jean Lilian Female West Perth
1944/101975 Perth Chandler Jean Lilian Female Hicks Ronald Richard Male West Perth
1944/101976 Perth Adie Ethel Kate Female Rosevere Walter Male W Aust
1944/101976 Perth Rosevere Walter Male Adie Ethel Kate Female W Aust
1944/101977 Perth Hughes Gerald George Male Holland Valda Dorothy Female Mt Lawley
1944/101977 Perth Holland Valda Dorothy Female Hughes Gerald George Male Mt Lawley
1944/101978 Perth Whitehouse John Albert Male Brown Alice May Female Mt Lawley
1944/101978 Perth Brown Alice May Female Whitehouse John Albert Male Mt Lawley
1944/101979 Perth Thomas Joyce Marjorie Female Smith Emmanuel John Peter Male Mt Lawley
1944/101979 Perth Smith Emmanuel John Peter Male Thomas Joyce Marjorie Female Mt Lawley
1944/101980 Perth Ivey Shirley Olive Female Nichols Robert Maxwell Male West Perth
1944/101980 Perth Nichols Robert Maxwell Male Ivey Shirley Olive Female West Perth
1944/101981 Perth Weston Elaine Joan Female Phillips Lloyd George Male West Perth
1944/101981 Perth Phillips Lloyd George Male Weston Elaine Joan Female West Perth
1944/101982 Perth Cross Kathleen Marjorie Female Powell Owen Male W Perth
1944/101982 Perth Powell Owen Male Cross Kathleen Marjorie Female W Perth
1944/101983 Perth Waddell Catherine Lilian Female Arthur Edward James Male Perth
1944/101983 Perth Arthur Edward James Male Waddell Catherine Lilian Female Perth
1944/101984 Perth Trezise Rona Laurelly Female Hillman Alfred Edward Male Perth
1944/101984 Perth Hillman Alfred Edward Male Trezise Rona Laurelly Female Perth
1944/101985 Perth Clark Doreen Isabel Female Power Alfred James Male Perth
1944/101985 Perth Power Alfred James Male Clark Doreen Isabel Female Perth
1944/101986 Perth Gannon Wallace Yeo Reed Male Phillips Marjorie Myra Female Nedlands
1944/101986 Perth Phillips Marjorie Myra Female Gannon Wallace Yeo Reed Male Nedlands
1944/101987 Perth Grieve Oliver Kelvin Male Plunkett Lila Kathleen Female West Leederville
1944/101987 Perth Plunkett Lila Kathleen Female Grieve Oliver Kelvin Male West Leederville
1944/101988 Perth Gilbert Dorothy May Female Smart Sydney Harold Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/101988 Perth Smart Sydney Harold Male Gilbert Dorothy May Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/101989 Perth Marle Robert Male Wade Muriel Rachel Female Osborne Park
1944/101989 Perth Wade Muriel Rachel Female Marle Robert Male Osborne Park
1944/101990 Perth Carpenter Eileen Margaret Mary Female McDonald Eric Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/101990 Perth McDonald Eric Male Carpenter Eileen Margaret Mary Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/101991 Perth Kerkham Sydney Frank Male Matthews Dulcie Edith Female Osborne Park
1944/101991 Perth Matthews Dulcie Edith Female Kerkham Sydney Frank Male Osborne Park
1944/101992 Perth Vandevander Ward Richard Male Brown Kathleen May Female Osborne Park
1944/101992 Perth Brown Kathleen May Female Vandevander Ward Richard Male Osborne Park
1944/101993 Perth Geldard Richard Welcome Male Lloyd Peggy Beatrice Female Osborne Park
1944/101993 Perth Lloyd Peggy Beatrice Female Geldard Richard Welcome Male Osborne Park
1944/101994 Perth Jones Margaret Marshall Female Philbin James Thomas Male Osborne Park
1944/101994 Perth Philbin James Thomas Male Jones Margaret Marshall Female Osborne Park
1944/101995 Perth Nelson William Stewart Male Cugley Thelma Joy Female Perth
1944/101995 Perth Cugley Thelma Joy Female Nelson William Stewart Male Perth
1944/101996 Perth Smith William Emary Male Attewell Prudence Cecily Female Perth
1944/101996 Perth Attewell Prudence Cecily Female Smith William Emary Male Perth
1944/101997 Perth Schwarzinger Norma Doreen Female Sparks Reginald Victor Wallace Male Perth
1944/101997 Perth Sparks Reginald Victor Wallace Male Schwarzinger Norma Doreen Female Perth
1944/101998 Perth Scally Victor Thomas Male Muir Agnes May Female East Perth
1944/101998 Perth Muir Agnes May Female Scally Victor Thomas Male East Perth
1944/101999 Perth Doyle William Henry Thomas Male McMahon Margaret Josephine Female Perth
1944/101999 Perth McMahon Margaret Josephine Female Doyle William Henry Thomas Male Perth
1944/102000 Perth Lee John Frederick Male Thompson Joan Isabel Female Leederville
1944/102000 Perth Thompson Joan Isabel Female Lee John Frederick Male Leederville
1944/102001 Perth Clarke Terence Bernard Male Dumbrill Mildred Olive Female Leederville
1944/102001 Perth Dumbrill Mildred Olive Female Clarke Terence Bernard Male Leederville
1944/102002 Perth Finnerty Marie Mary Female Ross George Male Perth
1944/102002 Perth Finnerty Marie Mary Female Ross Joshua Male Perth
1944/102002 Perth Ross George Male Finnerty Marie Mary Female Perth
1944/102002 Perth Ross Joshua Male Finnerty Marie Mary Female Perth
1944/102003 Perth Miller Jean Female Borman Albert Edward Male Shenton Park
1944/102003 Perth Borman Albert Edward Male Miller Jean Female Shenton Park
1944/102004 Perth Irwin Gwenyth Jean Female Bigmore Hartley Stanbridge Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/102004 Perth Bigmore Hartley Stanbridge Male Irwin Gwenyth Jean Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/102005 Perth Kitchin John Male Matthews Dorothy Jean Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/102005 Perth Matthews Dorothy Jean Female Kitchin John Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/102006 Perth Taylor Enid Kathleen Female Koehne Edward Joseph Male West Australia
1944/102006 Perth Koehne Edward Joseph Male Taylor Enid Kathleen Female West Australia
1944/102007 Perth Johnson Frank Colin Male Moore Maureen Lola Female Crawley
1944/102007 Perth Moore Maureen Lola Female Johnson Frank Colin Male Crawley
1944/102008 Perth White Douglas Elwood Male Holland Eleanor Marion Female Crawley
1944/102008 Perth Holland Eleanor Marion Female White Douglas Elwood Male Crawley
1944/102009 Perth Andrews Edward Wood Male Arundale Florence May Female W Perth
1944/102009 Perth Arundale Florence May Female Andrews Edward Wood Male W Perth
1944/102010 Perth Gronow Ernest John Male James Dulcie Elizabeth Female W Perth
1944/102010 Perth James Dulcie Elizabeth Female Gronow Ernest John Male W Perth
1944/102011 Perth Edwards Gordon George Male Owen Olwen Female W Perth
1944/102011 Perth Owen Olwen Female Edwards Gordon George Male W Perth
1944/102012 Perth Rogers Betty May Female Brown Charles Arthur Male W Perth
1944/102012 Perth Brown Charles Arthur Male Rogers Betty May Female W Perth
1944/102013 Perth Lloyd Erla Bethia Female Parker Broughton Verney Male W Perth
1944/102013 Perth Parker Broughton Verney Male Lloyd Erla Bethia Female W Perth
1944/102014 Perth Wood Yvonne Joan Doris Female Lemon Maxwell Cuthbert Male South Perth
1944/102014 Perth Lemon Maxwell Cuthbert Male Wood Yvonne Joan Doris Female South Perth
1944/102015 Perth Spagnolo Cono Male Bellitto Frances Female West Perth
1944/102015 Perth Bellitto Frances Female Spagnolo Cono Male West Perth
1944/102016 Perth Lund Roger Male Maloney Anne Veronica Female West Perth
1944/102016 Perth Maloney Anne Veronica Female Lund Roger Male West Perth
1944/102017 Perth Scott Frederick Male Cowain Evelyn Marjorie Malyon Female West Perth
1944/102017 Perth Cowain Evelyn Marjorie Malyon Female Scott Frederick Male West Perth
1944/102018 Perth Millar Phyllis Maud Female Buckner Douglas Francis Male Subiaco
1944/102018 Perth Buckner Douglas Francis Male Millar Phyllis Maud Female Subiaco
1944/102019 Perth Hughes Joan Margaret Female Byer Raymond Alvin Male Subiaco
1944/102019 Perth Byer Raymond Alvin Male Hughes Joan Margaret Female Subiaco
1944/102020 Perth Donaldson Robert Graham Male Tonkin Monica Violet Female Subiaco
1944/102020 Perth Tonkin Monica Violet Female Donaldson Robert Graham Male Subiaco
1944/102021 Perth Marwick Warren Male Flanagan Lenore Female Perth
1944/102021 Perth Flanagan Lenore Female Marwick Warren Male Perth
1944/102022 Perth Yardine Theodore Male Trainer Joyce Constance Female Perth
1944/102022 Perth Trainer Joyce Constance Female Yardine Theodore Male Perth
1944/102023 Perth Stivey Ronald Douglas Male Kimberley Doreen Myrtle Female Perth
1944/102023 Perth Kimberley Doreen Myrtle Female Stivey Ronald Douglas Male Perth
1944/102024 Perth Mackell Lilly Victoria Female Smith Richard Male Perth
1944/102024 Perth Smith Richard Male Mackell Lilly Victoria Female Perth
1944/102025 Perth Brockwell Thelma Sophire Female Belich Thomas Joseph Male North Perth
1944/102025 Perth Belich Thomas Joseph Male Brockwell Thelma Sophire Female North Perth
1944/102026 Perth Lawrance Tamar Willhelmina Female Reeve Frederick Sharpe Male Maylands
1944/102026 Perth Reeve Frederick Sharpe Male Lawrance Tamar Willhelmina Female Maylands
1944/102027 Perth Mason Robert George Male Nimmo Alva Lillian Female Subiaco
1944/102027 Perth Nimmo Alva Lillian Female Mason Robert George Male Subiaco
1944/102028 Perth Lange Mary Elaine Female Flockton Alfred Male Carlisle
1944/102028 Perth Flockton Alfred Male Lange Mary Elaine Female Carlisle
1944/102029 Perth Welsh Beatrice Annie Female Newton Thomas Alfred Richard Male Victoria Park
1944/102029 Perth Newton Thomas Alfred Richard Male Welsh Beatrice Annie Female Victoria Park
1944/102030 Perth Hutchinson Iris Elsie Female Lundy Neil Robert Male Victoria Park
1944/102030 Perth Lundy Neil Robert Male Hutchinson Iris Elsie Female Victoria Park
1944/102031 Perth Pollard Frederick Male Burnham Ruby Joyce Female Victoria Park
1944/102031 Perth Burnham Ruby Joyce Female Pollard Frederick Male Victoria Park
1944/102032 Perth Cohn Eva May Female McIntyre David Keerin Male W Leederville
1944/102032 Perth McIntyre David Keerin Male Cohn Eva May Female W Leederville
1944/102033 Perth Woodley James Austin Male Bluett Constance Margaret Female Perth
1944/102033 Perth Bluett Constance Margaret Female Woodley James Austin Male Perth
1944/102034 Perth Robinson Maxwell Hughes Male Brennan Shirley Female Mt Lawley
1944/102034 Perth Brennan Shirley Female Robinson Maxwell Hughes Male Mt Lawley
1944/102035 Perth Kitcher Ruth Female Hale Andrew William Male Subiaco
1944/102035 Perth Hale Andrew William Male Kitcher Ruth Female Subiaco
1944/102036 Perth Graefling Ronald Arthur Male Evans Ellen Joyce Female West Perth
1944/102036 Perth Evans Ellen Joyce Female Graefling Ronald Arthur Male West Perth
1944/102037 Perth O'Brien Ronald Francis Male Brown Laura Frisby Female West Perth
1944/102037 Perth Brown Laura Frisby Female O'Brien Ronald Francis Male West Perth
1944/102038 Perth Hamlin Norlin Starr Male Jackson Marjorie Rae Female West Perth
1944/102038 Perth Jackson Marjorie Rae Female Hamlin Norlin Starr Male West Perth
1944/102039 Perth O'Mara Daphne Joan Female Taylor Arnold Verdun Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/102039 Perth Taylor Arnold Verdun Male O'Mara Daphne Joan Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/102040 Perth Sworn Emily Margaret Female Burke Benjamin Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/102040 Perth Burke Benjamin Male Sworn Emily Margaret Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/102041 Perth Vallance Mary Iris Female Boyd James Norman Male Perth
1944/102041 Perth Boyd James Norman Male Vallance Mary Iris Female Perth
1944/102042 Perth Ward Frederick John Male Williams France May Female Perth
1944/102042 Perth Williams France May Female Ward Frederick John Male Perth
1944/102043 Perth Sturman James George Male Dillon Lesly Female Perth
1944/102043 Perth Dillon Lesly Female Sturman James George Male Perth
1944/102044 Perth Caldwell Harold Edward Male Rossiter Josie Mary Mitchell Female South Perth
1944/102044 Perth Rossiter Josie Mary Mitchell Female Caldwell Harold Edward Male South Perth
1944/102045 Perth Colley Olga Joyce Female Davis Laurence Stanley Male Perth
1944/102045 Perth Davis Laurence Stanley Male Colley Olga Joyce Female Perth
1944/102046 Perth James Charles Theodore Male Fitzsimmons Iris Joan Female Nedlands
1944/102046 Perth Fitzsimmons Iris Joan Female James Charles Theodore Male Nedlands
1944/102047 Perth Davies Nancy Joan Female Hall Victor Morgan Male Perth
1944/102047 Perth Hall Victor Morgan Male Davies Nancy Joan Female Perth
1944/102048 Perth Walker Ellen Female Kirke Raymond Alwyn Male Perth
1944/102048 Perth Kirke Raymond Alwyn Male Walker Ellen Female Perth
1944/102049 Perth Patman Lionel Shepherd Male Skipworth Joan Esther Female Claremont
1944/102049 Perth Skipworth Joan Esther Female Patman Lionel Shepherd Male Claremont
1944/102050 Perth Rosman Winnie Female Willoughby Donald Edward Male Claremont
1944/102050 Perth Willoughby Donald Edward Male Rosman Winnie Female Claremont
1944/102051 Perth Wilkinson Robert Walter Male Dixon Rita Emma Female Bayswater
1944/102051 Perth Dixon Rita Emma Female Wilkinson Robert Walter Male Bayswater
1944/102052 Perth Lesk Greville Noel Male Shanahan Ivy May Female Perth
1944/102052 Perth Shanahan Ivy May Female Lesk Greville Noel Male Perth
1944/102053 Perth Jackson Clarence Melville Male Edwards Daphne Evelyn Female Perth
1944/102053 Perth Edwards Daphne Evelyn Female Jackson Clarence Melville Male Perth
1944/102054 Perth Healey Nora Eileen Valentine Female O'Neal Charles Gilbert Male Perth
1944/102054 Perth O'Neal Charles Gilbert Male Healey Nora Eileen Valentine Female Perth
1944/102055 Perth Anderson William Male Brewer Vera Female Perth
1944/102055 Perth Brewer Vera Female Anderson William Male Perth
1944/102056 Perth Cook William Male Le Maistre Iris Joan Female Cottesloe
1944/102056 Perth Le Maistre Iris Joan Female Cook William Male Cottesloe
1944/102057 Perth Perkins Maxwell George Male Bohan Netta Marion Female North Perth
1944/102057 Perth Bohan Netta Marion Female Perkins Maxwell George Male North Perth
1944/102058 Perth Kiernan Margaret Female Anderson John Bohling Male Perth
1944/102058 Perth Anderson John Bohling Male Kiernan Margaret Female Perth
1944/102059 Perth Lucas Alec Male Morton Kathleen Jean Female Perth
1944/102059 Perth Morton Kathleen Jean Female Lucas Alec Male Perth
1944/102060 Perth Decker Elias Richard Male Daly Jean Marjori Female Sth Perth
1944/102060 Perth Daly Jean Marjori Female Decker Elias Richard Male Sth Perth
1944/102061 Perth Francis Amy Emma Female Forwood Harold Edward Male East Claremont
1944/102061 Perth Forwood Harold Edward Male Francis Amy Emma Female East Claremont
1944/102062 Perth Haworth Marie Alfreda Female Ewers Wilfred Ernest Male West Leederville
1944/102062 Perth Ewers Wilfred Ernest Male Haworth Marie Alfreda Female West Leederville
1944/102063 Perth Lund John Frederick Male Retallack Doris Annie Female Perth
1944/102063 Perth Retallack Doris Annie Female Lund John Frederick Male Perth
1944/102064 Perth Pavlovich Velika Female Greening John Maxwell Male Perth
1944/102064 Perth Greening John Maxwell Male Pavlovich Velika Female Perth
1944/102065 Perth Donald John Stewart Male Jameson Trenna Lottie Female Perth
1944/102065 Perth Jameson Trenna Lottie Female Donald John Stewart Male Perth
1944/102066 Perth Edwards Oswald John Monger Male Redfern Esma Joy Female Perth
1944/102066 Perth Redfern Esma Joy Female Edwards Oswald John Monger Male Perth
1944/102067 Perth Rudland Morva Female Elphick Kenneth Lionel Male Perth
1944/102067 Perth Elphick Kenneth Lionel Male Rudland Morva Female Perth
1944/102068 Perth Newbold Parker Male Martin Mary Morton Female West Perth
1944/102068 Perth Martin Mary Morton Female Newbold Parker Male West Perth
1944/102069 Perth Shaw Madge Zellin Female Cleaver Leonard Herbert Male West Perth
1944/102069 Perth Cleaver Leonard Herbert Male Shaw Madge Zellin Female West Perth
1944/102070 Perth Wood Dorothy Isabel Female Gilchrist John Henry Male Perth
1944/102070 Perth Gilchrist John Henry Male Wood Dorothy Isabel Female Perth
1944/102071 Perth Chopping William Ernest Male Dowling Barbara Mary Female Nth Perth
1944/102071 Perth Dowling Barbara Mary Female Chopping William Ernest Male Nth Perth
1944/102072 Perth Gregory Edward Norman Male Cole Helen Margaret Female Nth Perth
1944/102072 Perth Cole Helen Margaret Female Gregory Edward Norman Male Nth Perth
1944/102073 Perth Botterill Ronald Frank Male Johnson Gloria Dundas Female Nth Perth
1944/102073 Perth Johnson Gloria Dundas Female Botterill Ronald Frank Male Nth Perth
1944/102074 Perth Francis Margaret Dorothy Female Richards Jack Keith Male Perth
1944/102074 Perth Richards Jack Keith Male Francis Margaret Dorothy Female Perth
1944/102075 Perth Board Doris Maggie Female Towie Javis Amarald Male Perth
1944/102075 Perth Towie Javis Amarald Male Board Doris Maggie Female Perth
1944/102076 Perth O'Keeffe Clement Henry Male Burgess Phyllis Female Perth
1944/102076 Perth Burgess Phyllis Female O'Keeffe Clement Henry Male Perth
1944/102077 Perth Slattery James Stanley Male Patman Ivy Doreen Female Perth
1944/102077 Perth Patman Ivy Doreen Female Slattery James Stanley Male Perth
1944/102078 Perth Fisher Ellen Clare Female Pishlo Michael Edward Male Perth
1944/102078 Perth Pishlo Michael Edward Male Fisher Ellen Clare Female Perth
1944/102079 Perth Howard Gladys Lorraine Female Bancroft Maurice Male Perth
1944/102079 Perth Bancroft Maurice Male Howard Gladys Lorraine Female Perth
1944/102080 Perth Teagle Kenneth Male Jones Elizabeth Mary Female Perth
1944/102080 Perth Jones Elizabeth Mary Female Teagle Kenneth Male Perth
1944/102081 Perth Holman Beatrice Joan Female Bacon Alexander Frederick Charles Male Perth
1944/102081 Perth Bacon Alexander Frederick Charles Male Holman Beatrice Joan Female Perth
1944/102082 Perth House Elma Ashton Female Rickman Albert Ambrose Male Mt Lawley
1944/102082 Perth Rickman Albert Ambrose Male House Elma Ashton Female Mt Lawley
1944/102083 Perth Dunstall Thomas Guy Male Rogers Roberta Mary Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/102083 Perth Rogers Roberta Mary Female Dunstall Thomas Guy Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/102084 Perth Twaddle John Male Clear Lyla Betty Female Perth
1944/102084 Perth Clear Lyla Betty Female Twaddle John Male Perth
1944/102085 Perth McCallum Elsa May Female Fetterhoff Joseph Franklin Male Perth
1944/102085 Perth Fetterhoff Joseph Franklin Male McCallum Elsa May Female Perth
1944/102086 Perth Duffy Mary Henderson Female Holmes Joseph John Male Perth
1944/102086 Perth Holmes Joseph John Male Duffy Mary Henderson Female Perth
1944/102087 Perth Wyatt James Bruce Male Sullivan Mary Alison Female Cottesloe
1944/102087 Perth Sullivan Mary Alison Female Wyatt James Bruce Male Cottesloe
1944/102088 Perth Whitehead Norman Male Mathews Flora Female Perth
1944/102088 Perth Mathews Flora Female Whitehead Norman Male Perth
1944/102089 Perth Waldeck Harold Robert Male Borman Kathlyn May Female Perth
1944/102089 Perth Borman Kathlyn May Female Waldeck Harold Robert Male Perth
1944/102090 Perth Anderson Betty Female Holland George Richard Fenn Male Claremont
1944/102090 Perth Holland George Richard Fenn Male Anderson Betty Female Claremont
1944/102091 Perth Finch Dorothy Margaret Female Pead Alfred Harold Male W Perth
1944/102091 Perth Pead Alfred Harold Male Finch Dorothy Margaret Female W Perth
1944/102092 Perth Willis Joseph Angus Male Nelson Florence Ruth Female W Perth
1944/102092 Perth Nelson Florence Ruth Female Willis Joseph Angus Male W Perth
1944/102093 Perth Le Page Joan Dorothy Female Gere Robert Lyman Male West Perth
1944/102093 Perth Gere Robert Lyman Male Le Page Joan Dorothy Female West Perth
1944/102094 Perth Kendall Charles Francis Male Dowling Marjorie Female W Perth
1944/102094 Perth Dowling Marjorie Female Kendall Charles Francis Male W Perth
1944/102095 Perth Platten William Reed Male Lovegrove Ella Muriel Paterson Female Cottesloe
1944/102095 Perth Lovegrove Ella Muriel Paterson Female Platten William Reed Male Cottesloe
1944/102096 Perth Hayes Dorothy Lorraine Female Jones Herbert Raymond Male North Perth
1944/102096 Perth Jones Herbert Raymond Male Hayes Dorothy Lorraine Female North Perth
1944/102097 Perth Hunnerup Elaine Marie Female Mills Albert Harold Male Claremont
1944/102097 Perth Mills Albert Harold Male Hunnerup Elaine Marie Female Claremont
1944/102098 Perth Kirkby Alice Josephine Female Alford Ian Goldsborough Male Claremont
1944/102098 Perth Alford Ian Goldsborough Male Kirkby Alice Josephine Female Claremont
1944/102099 Perth Craggs Morna Madaline Female Jones Neal Keith Male Perth
1944/102099 Perth Jones Neal Keith Male Craggs Morna Madaline Female Perth
1944/102100 Perth Jones Ruth Evelyn Female Ronchi Bernard Male North Perth
1944/102100 Perth Ronchi Bernard Male Jones Ruth Evelyn Female North Perth
1944/102101 Perth Hiscox Phillip Barrowcliffe Male Shanahan Olive Joyce Female Perth
1944/102101 Perth Shanahan Olive Joyce Female Hiscox Phillip Barrowcliffe Male Perth
1944/102102 Perth Connolly Arthur Donald Male Russell Ellen Kathleen Female Perth
1944/102102 Perth Russell Ellen Kathleen Female Connolly Arthur Donald Male Perth
1944/102103 Perth Konigsberg Harry Male Finkelstein Lily Female Perth
1944/102103 Perth Finkelstein Lily Female Konigsberg Harry Male Perth
1944/102104 Perth Weatherstone William John Male Malone Catherine Ailsa Female Subiaco
1944/102104 Perth Malone Catherine Ailsa Female Weatherstone William John Male Subiaco
1944/102105 Perth McPartland Herbert James Male Pownall Veronica Mary Female Subiaco
1944/102105 Perth Pownall Veronica Mary Female McPartland Herbert James Male Subiaco
1944/102106 Perth Fulcher Iris Female Calvin David Male Leederville
1944/102106 Perth Calvin David Male Fulcher Iris Female Leederville
1944/102107 Perth Poletti Pasqualino Male Robertson Lilian Mary Female Leederville
1944/102107 Perth Robertson Lilian Mary Female Poletti Pasqualino Male Leederville
1944/102108 Perth Thompson John Sizer Male Quinn Kathleen Female Highgate Hill
1944/102108 Perth Quinn Kathleen Female Thompson John Sizer Male Highgate Hill
1944/102109 Perth Millar Edna Joy Female Plenty Desmond Arthur Male Subiaco
1944/102109 Perth Plenty Desmond Arthur Male Millar Edna Joy Female Subiaco
1944/102110 Perth Cohen Esther Female Blundell-Wignall George Arthur Male Perth
1944/102110 Perth Blundell-Wignall George Arthur Male Cohen Esther Female Perth
1944/102111 Perth Williams Eileen Joyce Female Leach George Bernard Male Osborne Park
1944/102111 Perth Leach George Bernard Male Williams Eileen Joyce Female Osborne Park
1944/102112 Perth Saunders Thomas Henry Hosier Male Frederick Moya Mahood Female Claremont
1944/102112 Perth Frederick Moya Mahood Female Saunders Thomas Henry Hosier Male Claremont
1944/102113 Perth Johnston Esma Patricia Female Finlayson William John Male Claremont
1944/102113 Perth Finlayson William John Male Johnston Esma Patricia Female Claremont
1944/102114 Perth Connor Ian Bertram Male Franklyn Elizabeth Dorothy Female Claremont
1944/102114 Perth Franklyn Elizabeth Dorothy Female Connor Ian Bertram Male Claremont
1944/102115 Perth Mutton Harold Male Ferguson Hazele Ruby Female Claremont
1944/102115 Perth Ferguson Hazele Ruby Female Mutton Harold Male Claremont
1944/102116 Perth Wigley Ralph Lloyd Male Smith Marion Joyce Female Como
1944/102116 Perth Smith Marion Joyce Female Wigley Ralph Lloyd Male Como
1944/102117 Perth Murrell Harry James Guy Male Brayshaw Dorothy Rachel Ellen Female Perth
1944/102117 Perth Brayshaw Dorothy Rachel Ellen Female Murrell Harry James Guy Male Perth
1944/102118 Perth Jacobsen Roy Edgar Male Hine Ray Female Claremont
1944/102118 Perth Hine Ray Female Jacobsen Roy Edgar Male Claremont
1944/102119 Perth Sims Fay Female Chalkley Frederick William Male Claremont
1944/102119 Perth Chalkley Frederick William Male Sims Fay Female Claremont
1944/102120 Perth Watts Elsie Adela Female Boase Herbert William Male South Como
1944/102120 Perth Boase Herbert William Male Watts Elsie Adela Female South Como
1944/102121 Perth Gilroy Henry Male Gray Rita Mavis Female Victoria Park
1944/102121 Perth Gray Rita Mavis Female Gilroy Henry Male Victoria Park
1944/102122 Perth Ritchie Mary Henderson Boyack Female Burrows John Male Perth
1944/102122 Perth Burrows John Male Ritchie Mary Henderson Boyack Female Perth
1944/102123 Perth Goldman Robert Male MacKinnon Lois Pearl Female Perth
1944/102123 Perth MacKinnon Lois Pearl Female Goldman Robert Male Perth
1944/102124 Perth Beer Stanley William Cook Male Trimble Decima Irene Female Perth
1944/102124 Perth Trimble Decima Irene Female Beer Stanley William Cook Male Perth
1944/102125 Perth Williams Victor John Male Godecke Flora May Female Perth
1944/102125 Perth Godecke Flora May Female Williams Victor John Male Perth
1944/102126 Perth Scaddan Verna Joy Female Nichols Malcolm Male Perth
1944/102126 Perth Nichols Malcolm Male Scaddan Verna Joy Female Perth
1944/102127 Perth Leivers Harry Male Blencowe Marion Alma Female Ross Memorial Church
1944/102127 Perth Blencowe Marion Alma Female Leivers Harry Male Ross Memorial Church
1944/102128 Perth Wells Victor Anthony Lyall Male Ferris Billy Maevis Female Perth
1944/102128 Perth Ferris Billy Maevis Female Wells Victor Anthony Lyall Male Perth
1944/102129 Perth Runge Joyce Eva Female Lamoureux Valmore Robert Male West Perth
1944/102129 Perth Lamoureux Valmore Robert Male Runge Joyce Eva Female West Perth
1944/102130 Perth Bettinger Walter Joseph Male Curtis Alice Gwendoline Female Perth
1944/102130 Perth Curtis Alice Gwendoline Female Bettinger Walter Joseph Male Perth
1944/102131 Perth Ferguson James Archibald Male Leighton Margaret Meldrum Female Perth
1944/102131 Perth Leighton Margaret Meldrum Female Ferguson James Archibald Male Perth
1944/102132 Perth Rimes Alan Henry Male Jackaman Ruth Irving Female Perth
1944/102132 Perth Jackaman Ruth Irving Female Rimes Alan Henry Male Perth
1944/102133 Perth Fennell Agnes Jean Female Lee James Harry Male Mt Lawley
1944/102133 Perth Lee James Harry Male Fennell Agnes Jean Female Mt Lawley
1944/102134 Perth Cahill Frank Gerald Male Holder Enid Grace Female West Leederville
1944/102134 Perth Holder Enid Grace Female Cahill Frank Gerald Male West Leederville
1944/102135 Perth Green Dorothy Lily Female Rose Clarence Roderick Male Perth
1944/102135 Perth Rose Clarence Roderick Male Green Dorothy Lily Female Perth
1944/102136 Perth Le Guier Esme May Beatrice Female Philpot John Wayne Male Perth
1944/102136 Perth Philpot John Wayne Male Le Guier Esme May Beatrice Female Perth
1944/102137 Perth Fennell Audrey Muriel Female Trimmer Ivo Mortimer Male Perth
1944/102137 Perth Trimmer Ivo Mortimer Male Fennell Audrey Muriel Female Perth
1944/102138 Perth Dunning Ethel Ivy Female Hatch Wilfred Male Perth
1944/102138 Perth Hatch Wilfred Male Dunning Ethel Ivy Female Perth
1944/102139 Perth Bateman Keith Mervyn Male Mellendorf Dora Emily Elizabeth Female Perth
1944/102139 Perth Mellendorf Dora Emily Elizabeth Female Bateman Keith Mervyn Male Perth
1944/102140 Perth Genew Hannah Female Saw Malcolm Henry Male Perth
1944/102140 Perth Saw Malcolm Henry Male Genew Hannah Female Perth
1944/102141 Perth MacLennan Thelma Female Geary John Male Perth
1944/102141 Perth Geary John Male MacLennan Thelma Female Perth
1944/102142 Perth Harrison Joyce Maude Female Carrigy Allan Peter Male West Perth
1944/102142 Perth Carrigy Allan Peter Male Harrison Joyce Maude Female West Perth
1944/102143 Perth Curtis Hilda Ellen Female Pratt John Ferguson Male West Perth
1944/102143 Perth Pratt John Ferguson Male Curtis Hilda Ellen Female West Perth
1944/102144 Perth Whittington Faith Female Arnold Philip Wallace Male Perth
1944/102144 Perth Arnold Philip Wallace Male Whittington Faith Female Perth
1944/102145 Perth Keddie Ernest Raymond Male Cheney Mary Gladys Female Perth
1944/102145 Perth Cheney Mary Gladys Female Keddie Ernest Raymond Male Perth
1944/102146 Perth Johnston Benjamin John Malcolm Male King Violet Evelyn Amelia Female Perth
1944/102146 Perth King Violet Evelyn Amelia Female Johnston Benjamin John Malcolm Male Perth
1944/102147 Perth Bennett Winifred Harrison Female Cunningham Archibald Colin Thomas Male Claremont
1944/102147 Perth Cunningham Archibald Colin Thomas Male Bennett Winifred Harrison Female Claremont
1944/102148 Perth Reid George Malcolm Male Kenny Ellen May Female Claremont
1944/102148 Perth Kenny Ellen May Female Reid George Malcolm Male Claremont
1944/102149 Perth Counsel Walter Glyn Male Stubbs-Mills May Nettley Female Leederville
1944/102149 Perth Stubbs-Mills May Nettley Female Counsel Walter Glyn Male Leederville
1944/102150 Perth Evans Gerald Preston Watt Male Bentley Gladys Evelyn Female Perth
1944/102150 Perth Bentley Gladys Evelyn Female Evans Gerald Preston Watt Male Perth
1944/102151 Perth Turner Ernest John Male Dando Iris Veronica Female Perth
1944/102151 Perth Dando Iris Veronica Female Turner Ernest John Male Perth
1944/102152 Perth Montague Joyce Female Stafford Vertis Allen Male Victoria Park
1944/102152 Perth Stafford Vertis Allen Male Montague Joyce Female Victoria Park
1944/102153 Perth Smith Mabel Female Taylor Frank Male Perth
1944/102153 Perth Taylor Frank Male Smith Mabel Female Perth
1944/102154 Perth Martin Agnes Marion Female Hitchings Thomas Edward Male Perth
1944/102154 Perth Hitchings Thomas Edward Male Martin Agnes Marion Female Perth
1944/102155 Perth Archer Everette Doyle Male Reynish Nancy Female Perth
1944/102155 Perth Reynish Nancy Female Archer Everette Doyle Male Perth
1944/102156 Perth Yeates Dorothy Jean Female Gardner Thomas Pringle Male West Perth
1944/102156 Perth Gardner Thomas Pringle Male Yeates Dorothy Jean Female West Perth
1944/102157 Perth Gleaves Athol Male McGuckin Florence Ada Female West Perth
1944/102157 Perth McGuckin Florence Ada Female Gleaves Athol Male West Perth
1944/102158 Perth Allen Eric Hamilton Male Epstein Beryl Naomi Female Victoria Park
1944/102158 Perth Epstein Beryl Naomi Female Allen Eric Hamilton Male Victoria Park
1944/102159 Perth Marmion Charles Robert Best Male Mylechreest Amy Louisa Female Perth
1944/102159 Perth Mylechreest Amy Louisa Female Marmion Charles Robert Best Male Perth
1944/102160 Perth Millard Merle Joyce Female Gilbert Joseph Richard Male Perth
1944/102160 Perth Gilbert Joseph Richard Male Millard Merle Joyce Female Perth
1944/102161 Perth Shehan Thomas James Male Davies Ellen Georgina Female Perth
1944/102161 Perth Davies Ellen Georgina Female Shehan Thomas James Male Perth
1944/102162 Perth Mecklenburgh Jessie Maude Female Page Raymond John Male Perth
1944/102162 Perth Page Raymond John Male Mecklenburgh Jessie Maude Female Perth
1944/102163 Perth Gray Irene Mary Female Cook Maurice Wells Male Highgate Hill
1944/102163 Perth Cook Maurice Wells Male Gray Irene Mary Female Highgate Hill
1944/102164 Perth Smith Gerald Robert Male Cassidy Kathleen Rose Female Perth
1944/102164 Perth Cassidy Kathleen Rose Female Smith Gerald Robert Male Perth
1944/102165 Perth Horwood Vera Ruth Female Shinall Franklin James Male South Perth
1944/102165 Perth Shinall Franklin James Male Horwood Vera Ruth Female South Perth
1944/102166 Perth Benporath Brian Clement Male Hennig Dorothy Mary Female Claremont
1944/102166 Perth Hennig Dorothy Mary Female Benporath Brian Clement Male Claremont
1944/102167 Perth Atkinson Vera Graham Female Barker Ian Bond Male Claremont
1944/102167 Perth Barker Ian Bond Male Atkinson Vera Graham Female Claremont
1944/102168 Perth Taylor Dorothy Anketell Female Cotton Peter Millner Male Perth
1944/102168 Perth Cotton Peter Millner Male Taylor Dorothy Anketell Female Perth
1944/102169 Perth Suhard Gabrielle Marie Female Dunn Frank Henry Gribble Male Perth
1944/102169 Perth Dunn Frank Henry Gribble Male Suhard Gabrielle Marie Female Perth
1944/102170 Perth Cockroft Reita Mildred Female O'Meara Rea Ronald Male Victoria Park
1944/102170 Perth O'Meara Rea Ronald Male Cockroft Reita Mildred Female Victoria Park
1944/102171 Perth Uttley Norma Dorothy Female Kenney William Lamont Male Perth
1944/102171 Perth Kenney William Lamont Male Uttley Norma Dorothy Female Perth
1944/102172 Perth Reed Betty Rita Female Barto Donald Richard Male Victoria Park
1944/102172 Perth Barto Donald Richard Male Reed Betty Rita Female Victoria Park
1944/102173 Perth Donegan George Laurence Male Campbell Helen May Female Subiaco
1944/102173 Perth Campbell Helen May Female Donegan George Laurence Male Subiaco
1944/102174 Perth Heenan Ann Veronica Female Bitmead Harry Frederick Male Subiaco
1944/102174 Perth Bitmead Harry Frederick Male Heenan Ann Veronica Female Subiaco
1944/102175 Perth Murphy Francis John Male Evans June Doris Female Subiaco
1944/102175 Perth Evans June Doris Female Murphy Francis John Male Subiaco
1944/102176 Perth Valentine Norman Male Jones Flora Mavis Female Perth
1944/102176 Perth Jones Flora Mavis Female Valentine Norman Male Perth
1944/102177 Perth Halligan John Patrick Male Cameron Linda Agnes Female Perth
1944/102177 Perth Cameron Linda Agnes Female Halligan John Patrick Male Perth
1944/102178 Perth Driver Patricia Amy Joyce Female Dickinson Albert John Male Cottesloe
1944/102178 Perth Dickinson Albert John Male Driver Patricia Amy Joyce Female Cottesloe
1944/102179 Perth Pike Roy Meredith Male Branson Patricia Joan Female Perth
1944/102179 Perth Branson Patricia Joan Female Pike Roy Meredith Male Perth
1944/102180 Perth Stanley Rosalind Female Lindgren George Male Perth
1944/102180 Perth Lindgren George Male Stanley Rosalind Female Perth
1944/102181 Perth Allen John Francis Male Knagg Joyce Female Perth
1944/102181 Perth Knagg Joyce Female Allen John Francis Male Perth
1944/102182 Perth Legge Hylda Pearson Female Derrick Colin Philip Male Perth
1944/102182 Perth Derrick Colin Philip Male Legge Hylda Pearson Female Perth
1944/102183 Perth Blake William Victor Male Colling Elizabeth Female Perth
1944/102183 Perth Colling Elizabeth Female Blake William Victor Male Perth
1944/102184 Perth Phelps Frederick Norman Male Houston Norma Selina Female Perth
1944/102184 Perth Houston Norma Selina Female Phelps Frederick Norman Male Perth
1944/102185 Perth Finlay Beryl Noel Female Brander John Keith Male Perth
1944/102185 Perth Brander John Keith Male Finlay Beryl Noel Female Perth
1944/102186 Perth Gee William James George Male McCann Matilda Ann Female Perth
1944/102186 Perth McCann Matilda Ann Female Gee William James George Male Perth
1944/102187 Perth Sheills Myrtle Sylvia Female Reddin Raymond John Male Perth
1944/102187 Perth Reddin Raymond John Male Sheills Myrtle Sylvia Female Perth
1944/102188 Perth Jones Arthur Albert Male Gibbons Mildred Winifred Female North Perth
1944/102188 Perth Gibbons Mildred Winifred Female Jones Arthur Albert Male North Perth
1944/102189 Perth Marshall Herbert Male Seckington Hilda Female West Perth
1944/102189 Perth Seckington Hilda Female Marshall Herbert Male West Perth
1944/102190 Perth Blake Robert Charles Male Elliot Alice Sybil Female West Perth
1944/102190 Perth Elliot Alice Sybil Female Blake Robert Charles Male West Perth
1944/102191 Perth Lee Goldea Violet Joan Female Cook Alan Charles Male West Perth
1944/102191 Perth Cook Alan Charles Male Lee Goldea Violet Joan Female West Perth
1944/102192 Perth Blind Howard James Male Law Bertha Mary Female W Perth
1944/102192 Perth Law Bertha Mary Female Blind Howard James Male W Perth
1944/102193 Perth Hughes Zelme Hazel Female Silverlock Ronald Frank Male Perth
1944/102193 Perth Silverlock Ronald Frank Male Hughes Zelme Hazel Female Perth
1944/102194 Perth Clappinson Muriel Rosalin Female Kidby Frederick Walter Male Perth
1944/102194 Perth Kidby Frederick Walter Male Clappinson Muriel Rosalin Female Perth
1944/102195 Perth Grove Ronald Henry Male Bishop Dorothy Ellza Female Perth
1944/102195 Perth Bishop Dorothy Ellza Female Grove Ronald Henry Male Perth
1944/102196 Perth Flitcroft Elsie Jane Female Morgan Cyril Edward Male Perth
1944/102196 Perth Morgan Cyril Edward Male Flitcroft Elsie Jane Female Perth
1944/102197 Perth Morgan Florence Jean Female Theodore Wilfrid Edward Male Claremont
1944/102197 Perth Theodore Wilfrid Edward Male Morgan Florence Jean Female Claremont
1944/102198 Perth Braimbridge Elizabeth Harrison Female Hunt Harold Ernest Male Claremont
1944/102198 Perth Hunt Harold Ernest Male Braimbridge Elizabeth Harrison Female Claremont
1944/102199 Perth Geere Doris Elizabeth Female Scott Lyle Harvey Male Perth
1944/102199 Perth Scott Lyle Harvey Male Geere Doris Elizabeth Female Perth
1944/102200 Perth Simpson Douglass Lane Male Oakey Pearl Margaret Elizabeth Female Perth
1944/102200 Perth Oakey Pearl Margaret Elizabeth Female Simpson Douglass Lane Male Perth
1944/102201 Perth Byas George Edwin Male Walton Grace Female Perth
1944/102201 Perth Walton Grace Female Byas George Edwin Male Perth
1944/102202 Perth McKay Gwendoline Hazel Female West Robert Arthur Male Perth
1944/102202 Perth West Robert Arthur Male McKay Gwendoline Hazel Female Perth
1944/102203 Perth O'Connor Joyce Margaret Female Giblett-Doust Clarence Thomas Male Maylands
1944/102203 Perth Giblett-Doust Clarence Thomas Male O'Connor Joyce Margaret Female Maylands
1944/102204 Perth Gray Bena Muriel Female Mellet Reginald Male Perth
1944/102204 Perth Mellet Reginald Male Gray Bena Muriel Female Perth
1944/102205 Perth Metcalfe Betsy Bell Female Pink Edward Harold Male W Perth
1944/102205 Perth Pink Edward Harold Male Metcalfe Betsy Bell Female W Perth
1944/102206 Perth Gosper Christopher Mannix Male Smith Valerie Carole Female West Perth
1944/102206 Perth Smith Valerie Carole Female Gosper Christopher Mannix Male West Perth
1944/102207 Perth Moran Joan Aloysia Female Harris Robert Anthony Male South Perth
1944/102207 Perth Harris Robert Anthony Male Moran Joan Aloysia Female South Perth
1944/102208 Perth Dearden Cyril Francis Male Powell Lily Elizabeth Sarah Female Perth
1944/102208 Perth Powell Lily Elizabeth Sarah Female Dearden Cyril Francis Male Perth
1944/102209 Perth Maxey Norma Lorraine Female Wilson Roy George Male Cottesloe
1944/102209 Perth Wilson Roy George Male Maxey Norma Lorraine Female Cottesloe
1944/102210 Perth Duirs Vivienne Grace Female Nairn Frederick Byro Male Mt Lawley
1944/102210 Perth Nairn Frederick Byro Male Duirs Vivienne Grace Female Mt Lawley
1944/102211 Perth Ryan Elsie May Female Paske Lawrence Francis Male West Aust
1944/102211 Perth Paske Lawrence Francis Male Ryan Elsie May Female West Aust
1944/102212 Perth Stevens Joseph Cyril Male Berry June Female Subiaco
1944/102212 Perth Berry June Female Stevens Joseph Cyril Male Subiaco
1944/102213 Perth Kinahan Joan Elizabeth Female Fulwiler John Carlin Male Perth
1944/102213 Perth Fulwiler John Carlin Male Kinahan Joan Elizabeth Female Perth
1944/102214 Perth McNeill Douglas Ross Male OBrien Elizabeth Margaret Female Perth
1944/102214 Perth OBrien Elizabeth Margaret Female McNeill Douglas Ross Male Perth
1944/102215 Perth Rogers Paul Levern Male Booth Jeanne Rose Female Mosman Park
1944/102215 Perth Booth Jeanne Rose Female Rogers Paul Levern Male Mosman Park
1944/102216 Perth Dare Ronald Oakley Male Vallence Nora Stella Female Perth
1944/102216 Perth Vallence Nora Stella Female Dare Ronald Oakley Male Perth
1944/102217 Perth Peterson Harald Male Mills Marie Female Perth
1944/102217 Perth Mills Marie Female Peterson Harald Male Perth
1944/102218 Perth Breheny Thomas Carroll Male Moore Pauline Louise Female Perth
1944/102218 Perth Moore Pauline Louise Female Breheny Thomas Carroll Male Perth
1944/102219 Perth Maxwell Mavis Jean Female Hadley Frank Roderick Holbrow Male North Perth
1944/102219 Perth Hadley Frank Roderick Holbrow Male Maxwell Mavis Jean Female North Perth
1944/102220 Perth Clifton Madge Louise Female Gilmore John Brian Luard Male West Perth
1944/102220 Perth Gilmore John Brian Luard Male Clifton Madge Louise Female West Perth
1944/102221 Perth Leslie Thomas Brown Male Kitts Ilma Leighton Female Mount Lawley
1944/102221 Perth Kitts Ilma Leighton Female Leslie Thomas Brown Male Mount Lawley
1944/102222 Perth Bundy John Thomas Male Nightingale Joan Margaret Female West Australia
1944/102222 Perth Nightingale Joan Margaret Female Bundy John Thomas Male West Australia
1944/102223 Perth Blinco Gerard Maiella Male Pagett Lillian Elizabeth Female Osborne Park
1944/102223 Perth Pagett Lillian Elizabeth Female Blinco Gerard Maiella Male Osborne Park
1944/102224 Perth Nevard Doris Lesley Female Czatynski John Male Perth
1944/102224 Perth Czatynski John Male Nevard Doris Lesley Female Perth
1944/102225 Perth Whyte John George Anderson Male Hoskins Elaine Nellie Female North Leederville
1944/102225 Perth Hoskins Elaine Nellie Female Whyte John George Anderson Male North Leederville
1944/102226 Perth White Richard Edward Lambton Male Frazer Thelma Eileen Female Mt Lawley
1944/102226 Perth Frazer Thelma Eileen Female White Richard Edward Lambton Male Mt Lawley
1944/102227 Perth Meakins Dorothy Female Smith James Aubrey Graham Male Mt Lawley
1944/102227 Perth Smith James Aubrey Graham Male Meakins Dorothy Female Mt Lawley
1944/102228 Perth Evans Kathleen Clarice Female Smith Norman Male Mt Lawley
1944/102228 Perth Smith Norman Male Evans Kathleen Clarice Female Mt Lawley
1944/102229 Perth Brittain Charles James Male Boulton Ivy Ellen Female Perth
1944/102229 Perth Boulton Ivy Ellen Female Brittain Charles James Male Perth
1944/102230 Perth Higgins Alma Joan Female Barrett William Richard Male Belmont
1944/102230 Perth Barrett William Richard Male Higgins Alma Joan Female Belmont
1944/102231 Perth Brett Alice Female Winters Robert Eric Male Perth
1944/102231 Perth Winters Robert Eric Male Brett Alice Female Perth
1944/102232 Perth ODonoghue Lucy Margaret Female Burke Francis Joseph Male West Perth
1944/102232 Perth Burke Francis Joseph Male ODonoghue Lucy Margaret Female West Perth
1944/102233 Perth Errichetti Domenico Male Rifici Rosina Female West Perth
1944/102233 Perth Rifici Rosina Female Errichetti Domenico Male West Perth
1944/102234 Perth Staltari Cosimo Male Macri Rosina Female West Perth
1944/102234 Perth Macri Rosina Female Staltari Cosimo Male West Perth
1944/102235 Perth Lamont Donald Roderick Male Cornwall Lilian Alice Victoria Matilda Winifred Female Perth
1944/102235 Perth Cornwall Lilian Alice Victoria Matilda Winifred Female Lamont Donald Roderick Male Perth
1944/102236 Perth McCabe Carmelle Female Monger Wilfred Herbert Male Perth
1944/102236 Perth Monger Wilfred Herbert Male McCabe Carmelle Female Perth
1944/102237 Perth Lawlor William Charles Male Osborne Margaret Mary Female Perth
1944/102237 Perth Osborne Margaret Mary Female Lawlor William Charles Male Perth
1944/102238 Perth Letch Leslie Sydney Henry Male Thomas Ellen Lambert Female Perth
1944/102238 Perth Thomas Ellen Lambert Female Letch Leslie Sydney Henry Male Perth
1944/102239 Perth Reedy Raymond Leo Male Lucas Mavis Jane Female Perth
1944/102239 Perth Lucas Mavis Jane Female Reedy Raymond Leo Male Perth
1944/102240 Perth Sparkes Kathleen Mary Female Stevens George Walter Male Perth
1944/102240 Perth Stevens George Walter Male Sparkes Kathleen Mary Female Perth
1944/102241 Perth Blackborrow Desmond Male Jones Evelyn Grace Female Perth
1944/102241 Perth Jones Evelyn Grace Female Blackborrow Desmond Male Perth
1944/102242 Perth Johnstone William David Male Toy Joan Sheila Female Perth
1944/102242 Perth Toy Joan Sheila Female Johnstone William David Male Perth
1944/102243 Perth Mann Christopher George Male Wood Eunice May Female Perth
1944/102243 Perth Wood Eunice May Female Mann Christopher George Male Perth
1944/102244 Perth Thompson Leslie Arthur Male Harrison Rae Lesley Female Cottesloe
1944/102244 Perth Harrison Rae Lesley Female Thompson Leslie Arthur Male Cottesloe
1944/102245 Perth Clyne Norman Rutley Male Mann Gweneth Irene Female Perth
1944/102245 Perth Mann Gweneth Irene Female Clyne Norman Rutley Male Perth
1944/102246 Perth Milner Frederick George Male Gill Edna Mabel Female Osborne Park
1944/102246 Perth Gill Edna Mabel Female Milner Frederick George Male Osborne Park
1944/102247 Perth Wheeler Frank Day Male Bromilow June Margaret Female Perth
1944/102247 Perth Bromilow June Margaret Female Wheeler Frank Day Male Perth
1944/102248 Perth Pattinson Fay Tunney Female Tierney Herbert Edward Male Perth
1944/102248 Perth Tierney Herbert Edward Male Pattinson Fay Tunney Female Perth
1944/102249 Perth Ward Henry William Male Taylor Eileen Maxwell Female Perth
1944/102249 Perth Taylor Eileen Maxwell Female Ward Henry William Male Perth
1944/102250 Perth Robinson Eva Beryl Female Bailey Milton Roy Male Perth
1944/102250 Perth Bailey Milton Roy Male Robinson Eva Beryl Female Perth
1944/102251 Perth Soni Myrtle Agnes Female Jensen Harold Raymond Male Mt Hawthorne
1944/102251 Perth Jensen Harold Raymond Male Soni Myrtle Agnes Female Mt Hawthorne
1944/102252 Perth Lawrence Raymond Herbert Male Phillips Jean Mary Female Subiaco
1944/102252 Perth Phillips Jean Mary Female Lawrence Raymond Herbert Male Subiaco
1944/102253 Perth Martin Betty Ann Female Watson Percival George Male Perth
1944/102253 Perth Watson Percival George Male Martin Betty Ann Female Perth
1944/102254 Perth Parker James Cuffley Male Brown Babette Frances Wickliffe Female Nedlands
1944/102254 Perth Brown Babette Frances Wickliffe Female Parker James Cuffley Male Nedlands
1944/102255 Perth Wood Douglas Halleen Male Phillips Lettice Martha Female Nedlands
1944/102255 Perth Phillips Lettice Martha Female Wood Douglas Halleen Male Nedlands
1944/102256 Perth Porter Patricia Marie Female Spill John Howard Lysaght Male Claremont
1944/102256 Perth Spill John Howard Lysaght Male Porter Patricia Marie Female Claremont
1944/102257 Perth McKeown Bernice Marian Female McLeod Neil Dudley Male South Perth
1944/102257 Perth McLeod Neil Dudley Male McKeown Bernice Marian Female South Perth
1944/102258 Perth Caldow Helen May Female Collins Norman William Male W Perth
1944/102258 Perth Collins Norman William Male Caldow Helen May Female W Perth
1944/102259 Perth Foster Marion Edith Female Cruickshank Kenneth John Male W Perth
1944/102259 Perth Cruickshank Kenneth John Male Foster Marion Edith Female W Perth
1944/102260 Perth Delaney Violet Agnes Female Vann George Arthur Male W Perth
1944/102260 Perth Vann George Arthur Male Delaney Violet Agnes Female W Perth
1944/102261 Perth Walker George Male Renfree Dorothy Hannah Female Perth
1944/102261 Perth Renfree Dorothy Hannah Female Walker George Male Perth
1944/102262 Perth Schulze Frederick Albert Male McNess Joyce Female Perth
1944/102262 Perth McNess Joyce Female Schulze Frederick Albert Male Perth
1944/102263 Perth Matison Hazel Dorothy Female Leggo Leonard Christopher Male Perth
1944/102263 Perth Leggo Leonard Christopher Male Matison Hazel Dorothy Female Perth
1944/102264 Perth Starr William Thomas Male Fitzsimmons Bettina Mary Female Victoria Park
1944/102264 Perth Fitzsimmons Bettina Mary Female Starr William Thomas Male Victoria Park
1944/102265 Perth Dunn William George Male Freecorn Mary Esther Female Claremont
1944/102265 Perth Freecorn Mary Esther Female Dunn William George Male Claremont
1944/102266 Perth Dedman Herman William Malcolm Male Cross Doreen Matilda Female Maylands
1944/102266 Perth Cross Doreen Matilda Female Dedman Herman William Malcolm Male Maylands
1944/102267 Perth Dowdell Betty Female Quinlivan John James Male Victoria Park
1944/102267 Perth Quinlivan John James Male Dowdell Betty Female Victoria Park
1944/102268 Perth Harris Jean Gloreina Female Stanton Joseph Arthur Male Bayswater
1944/102268 Perth Stanton Joseph Arthur Male Harris Jean Gloreina Female Bayswater
1944/102269 Perth Bourne Dorothy Joyce Female Panegyres Pantelis Male Perth
1944/102269 Perth Panegyres Pantelis Male Bourne Dorothy Joyce Female Perth
1944/102270 Perth McWilliam Heather Female McCullaugh Phillip Morris Male Claremont
1944/102270 Perth McCullaugh Phillip Morris Male McWilliam Heather Female Claremont
1944/102271 Perth Taylor John Clifford William Male Withnell Nancy Estelle Female Nedlands
1944/102271 Perth Withnell Nancy Estelle Female Taylor John Clifford William Male Nedlands
1944/102272 Perth Scanlan Cyril John Male Doubikin Winifred Stella Female Perth
1944/102272 Perth Doubikin Winifred Stella Female Scanlan Cyril John Male Perth
1944/102273 Perth Kane Robert Fenton Male Denton Elizabeth Clare Female Perth
1944/102273 Perth Denton Elizabeth Clare Female Kane Robert Fenton Male Perth
1944/102274 Perth Sherborne Herbert George Male Down Evelyn May Female Perth
1944/102274 Perth Down Evelyn May Female Sherborne Herbert George Male Perth
1944/102275 Perth Pointon John Raymond Male Simpson Clara Mabel Female Perth
1944/102275 Perth Simpson Clara Mabel Female Pointon John Raymond Male Perth
1944/102276 Perth Kleffner Louis Francis Male Arkwright Mary Female Perth
1944/102276 Perth Arkwright Mary Female Kleffner Louis Francis Male Perth
1944/102277 Perth Challinor William George Male Uren Vera Lucy Female North Perth
1944/102277 Perth Uren Vera Lucy Female Challinor William George Male North Perth
1944/102278 Perth McKay Douglas Bruce Male Ferguson Mabel Rose Female Mt Lawley
1944/102278 Perth Ferguson Mabel Rose Female McKay Douglas Bruce Male Mt Lawley
1944/102279 Perth Radford Iris May Female Rowan-Robinson William Harold Male Mt Lawley
1944/102279 Perth Rowan-Robinson William Harold Male Radford Iris May Female Mt Lawley
1944/102280 Perth Hills David Borden Male Tredrea Daphne Gladys Female Mt Lawley
1944/102280 Perth Tredrea Daphne Gladys Female Hills David Borden Male Mt Lawley
1944/102281 Perth Curlewis Robert Burnham Male Andrew Verna Florence Female West Perth
1944/102281 Perth Andrew Verna Florence Female Curlewis Robert Burnham Male West Perth
1944/102282 Perth Ray William Coolgardie Male Sutherland Elsie May Female West Perth
1944/102282 Perth Sutherland Elsie May Female Ray William Coolgardie Male West Perth
1944/102283 Perth Browne Frederick George Male Hindes Maisie Female Perth
1944/102283 Perth Hindes Maisie Female Browne Frederick George Male Perth
1944/102284 Perth Lawrence Muriel Joyce Female Ward Rex Hamilton Male Perth
1944/102284 Perth Ward Rex Hamilton Male Lawrence Muriel Joyce Female Perth
1944/102285 Perth Glass Frederick Archie Male Gillam Cecily Frances Female Perth
1944/102285 Perth Gillam Cecily Frances Female Glass Frederick Archie Male Perth
1944/102286 Perth Deason Alan James Male Murray Billie Female Perth
1944/102286 Perth Murray Billie Female Deason Alan James Male Perth
1944/102287 Perth Gray Emma May Female Boxhall William James Male Perth
1944/102287 Perth Boxhall William James Male Gray Emma May Female Perth
1944/102288 Perth Carruthers John Male Bolitho Dorothy Mina Female Perth
1944/102288 Perth Bolitho Dorothy Mina Female Carruthers John Male Perth
1944/102289 Perth Foureur Bob Male Kift Shirley Heather Female Perth
1944/102289 Perth Kift Shirley Heather Female Foureur Bob Male Perth
1944/102290 Perth Richardson William James Male Gurney Ada Agnes Maud Female North Perth
1944/102290 Perth Gurney Ada Agnes Maud Female Richardson William James Male North Perth
1944/102291 Perth Oborne Marjorie Female O'Connor Terry Laurel Male Victoria Park
1944/102291 Perth O'Connor Terry Laurel Male Oborne Marjorie Female Victoria Park
1944/102292 Perth Hancock Mabel Kathleen Female McDermid William Donald Male Mt Lawley
1944/102292 Perth McDermid William Donald Male Hancock Mabel Kathleen Female Mt Lawley
1944/102293 Perth Thompson Roscoe Perry Male Christian Cecelia May Female Perth
1944/102293 Perth Christian Cecelia May Female Thompson Roscoe Perry Male Perth
1944/102294 Perth Coats John Brennan Male Brankstone Eunice Winnifred Mary Female Victoria Park
1944/102294 Perth Brankstone Eunice Winnifred Mary Female Coats John Brennan Male Victoria Park
1944/102295 Perth Chandler Ben Male Walter Edith Joan Female Subiaco
1944/102295 Perth Walter Edith Joan Female Chandler Ben Male Subiaco
1944/102296 Perth McKay Gordon Alfred Male Mackenzie Diana Stuart Female Mount Lawley
1944/102296 Perth Mackenzie Diana Stuart Female McKay Gordon Alfred Male Mount Lawley
1944/102297 Perth Jose Walter Mansfield Male Dyke Thora Dorothea Female Perth
1944/102297 Perth Dyke Thora Dorothea Female Jose Walter Mansfield Male Perth
1944/102298 Perth Regan George Frederick Male Crawford Jean Marion Female Perth
1944/102298 Perth Crawford Jean Marion Female Regan George Frederick Male Perth
1944/102299 Perth Murphy Charles Male Saville Queendoline Maud Female Perth
1944/102299 Perth Saville Queendoline Maud Female Murphy Charles Male Perth
1944/102300 Perth Ashton Roy Stewart Male Demasson Nancy Elton Female Perth
1944/102300 Perth Demasson Nancy Elton Female Ashton Roy Stewart Male Perth
1944/102301 Perth Adams Valma Peggy Female Fletcher James Male Perth
1944/102301 Perth Fletcher James Male Adams Valma Peggy Female Perth
1944/102302 Perth Taylor Marguerite Female Hayes John Laurance Male Perth
1944/102302 Perth Hayes John Laurance Male Taylor Marguerite Female Perth
1944/102303 Perth Halbert Alexander Robert Male Halbert Myra Joyce Female Perth
1944/102303 Perth Halbert Myra Joyce Female Halbert Alexander Robert Male Perth
1944/102304 Perth Ruby Doris Evelyn Female Grevell William Blackmore Male Perth
1944/102304 Perth Grevell William Blackmore Male Ruby Doris Evelyn Female Perth
1944/102305 Perth Watts Beryl Hatley Female Newberry William Henry Edward Male Perth
1944/102305 Perth Newberry William Henry Edward Male Watts Beryl Hatley Female Perth
1944/102306 Perth Williams Joyce Eileen Female Tomasini Eric Francis Male Perth
1944/102306 Perth Tomasini Eric Francis Male Williams Joyce Eileen Female Perth
1944/102307 Perth Quaife Cecil Male Cunningham Thelma Female Perth
1944/102307 Perth Cunningham Thelma Female Quaife Cecil Male Perth
1944/102308 Perth Barnard Inez Shirley Female Todd Colin William Male North Perth
1944/102308 Perth Todd Colin William Male Barnard Inez Shirley Female North Perth
1944/102309 Perth Watt Dorothy Joyce Female Smith Henry Male W Perth
1944/102309 Perth Smith Henry Male Watt Dorothy Joyce Female W Perth
1944/102310 Perth Steer Joan Elsie Female Buchanan Cecil Henry Male W Perth
1944/102310 Perth Buchanan Cecil Henry Male Steer Joan Elsie Female W Perth
1944/102311 Perth McDougall Sheila Female Grey William James Male W Perth
1944/102311 Perth Grey William James Male McDougall Sheila Female W Perth
1944/102312 Perth Minchin Raymond Sidney Male Phillips Audrey Female Cottesloe
1944/102312 Perth Phillips Audrey Female Minchin Raymond Sidney Male Cottesloe
1944/102313 Perth Matheson Ellen Elizabeth Female Norling Arthur John Leslie Male Perth
1944/102313 Perth Norling Arthur John Leslie Male Matheson Ellen Elizabeth Female Perth
1944/102314 Perth van Os Jan Male Patton Edna Dorothy Female Perth
1944/102314 Perth Patton Edna Dorothy Female van Os Jan Male Perth
1944/102315 Perth Chambers Gladys Rose Female Hannaford Leslie Arthur Linklater Male Mt Lawley
1944/102315 Perth Hannaford Leslie Arthur Linklater Male Chambers Gladys Rose Female Mt Lawley
1944/102316 Perth Downey Dorothy Susan Female Mountney Francis Samuel Male Osborne Park
1944/102316 Perth Mountney Francis Samuel Male Downey Dorothy Susan Female Osborne Park
1944/102317 Perth Hudson Herbert Raymond Male Mansfield Margaret Muriel Female Osborne Park
1944/102317 Perth Mansfield Margaret Muriel Female Hudson Herbert Raymond Male Osborne Park
1944/102318 Perth Hutton William Jackson Male Tonkin Bernice Vaughan Female Osborne Park
1944/102318 Perth Tonkin Bernice Vaughan Female Hutton William Jackson Male Osborne Park
1944/102319 Perth Mayes Thelma Doreen Female Wooding Desmond Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/102319 Perth Wooding Desmond Male Mayes Thelma Doreen Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/102320 Perth Wood Ernest Reginald Male James Violet Wendy Female Osborne Park
1944/102320 Perth James Violet Wendy Female Wood Ernest Reginald Male Osborne Park
1944/102321 Perth Fish Edward Patrick Joseph Male Jeakes Irene Ella Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/102321 Perth Jeakes Irene Ella Female Fish Edward Patrick Joseph Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/102322 Perth Harris Elsie Joan Female Thomas Darwin Lee Male Osborne Park
1944/102322 Perth Thomas Darwin Lee Male Harris Elsie Joan Female Osborne Park
1944/102323 Perth Strudwick Keith Alfred Male Kelsall Olive Veronica Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/102323 Perth Kelsall Olive Veronica Female Strudwick Keith Alfred Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/102324 Perth Mansell Norma Hannah Female Edwards Alfred Joseph Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/102324 Perth Edwards Alfred Joseph Male Mansell Norma Hannah Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/102325 Perth Hardy Glenn Roy Male Edwards Doreen May Female Perth
1944/102325 Perth Edwards Doreen May Female Hardy Glenn Roy Male Perth
1944/102326 Perth Brash Joyce Catherine Female Carter William Henry Male North Perth
1944/102326 Perth Carter William Henry Male Brash Joyce Catherine Female North Perth
1944/102327 Perth Blanchett Marjorie Irene Louise Female Chapman Athol Robert Male Claremont
1944/102327 Perth Chapman Athol Robert Male Blanchett Marjorie Irene Louise Female Claremont
1944/102328 Perth Elliott Enid Josephine Female Cooke Theodore Male Subiaco
1944/102328 Perth Cooke Theodore Male Elliott Enid Josephine Female Subiaco
1944/102329 Perth King Albert Edward Male Inman Annie Caroline Female Vict Park
1944/102329 Perth Inman Annie Caroline Female King Albert Edward Male Vict Park
1944/102330 Perth Killey Edith May Female Toleman Harry Hanlan Male Claremont
1944/102330 Perth Toleman Harry Hanlan Male Killey Edith May Female Claremont
1944/102331 Perth White Mary Patricia Female Seinor Keith Hugh Male Perth
1944/102331 Perth Seinor Keith Hugh Male White Mary Patricia Female Perth
1944/102332 Perth York Keith Harden Male Green Peggy Elizabeth Female Perth
1944/102332 Perth Green Peggy Elizabeth Female York Keith Harden Male Perth
1944/102333 Perth Rich Alice Joan Female Castledine Elmer Henry Male Nedlands
1944/102333 Perth Castledine Elmer Henry Male Rich Alice Joan Female Nedlands
1944/102334 Perth Fleming Stanley William Male Stielow Jean Female Perth
1944/102334 Perth Stielow Jean Female Fleming Stanley William Male Perth
1944/102335 Perth Fazey Naomi Loveday Female Cahill Brian Alfred Male West Perth
1944/102335 Perth Cahill Brian Alfred Male Fazey Naomi Loveday Female West Perth
1944/102336 Perth Day Ernest John Male Smith Joan Frances Female West Perth
1944/102336 Perth Smith Joan Frances Female Day Ernest John Male West Perth
1944/102337 Perth Shaw Richard Stanley Male Lilly Olive Joyce Female West Perth
1944/102337 Perth Lilly Olive Joyce Female Shaw Richard Stanley Male West Perth
1944/102338 Perth Serich Svetozar Male Tomasevich Yusta Female West Perth
1944/102338 Perth Tomasevich Yusta Female Serich Svetozar Male West Perth
1944/102339 Perth Maher Julia Ethel Female Edwards Angus Gordon Male Perth
1944/102339 Perth Edwards Angus Gordon Male Maher Julia Ethel Female Perth
1944/102340 Perth Greaver Fred Edward Male Dawson Dorothy Kathleen Female West Perth
1944/102340 Perth Dawson Dorothy Kathleen Female Greaver Fred Edward Male West Perth
1944/102341 Perth Walters Doreen Merle Female Parnell Eldred Ivan Rex Male Mount Lawley
1944/102341 Perth Parnell Eldred Ivan Rex Male Walters Doreen Merle Female Mount Lawley
1944/102342 Perth Buchan Raymond John Male Arthur Mavis Anne Female West Perth
1944/102342 Perth Arthur Mavis Anne Female Buchan Raymond John Male West Perth
1944/102343 Perth Benson Dorothy Norma Female McLaughlin James Richard Male West Perth
1944/102343 Perth McLaughlin James Richard Male Benson Dorothy Norma Female West Perth
1944/102344 Perth Roberts Betty Female Trotter Ronald Hamilton Male West Perth
1944/102344 Perth Trotter Ronald Hamilton Male Roberts Betty Female West Perth
1944/102345 Perth Tilly Gwenda Margaret Female Kirkwood Ronald Stuart Male West Perth
1944/102345 Perth Kirkwood Ronald Stuart Male Tilly Gwenda Margaret Female West Perth
1944/102346 Perth Gray George Henry Male Gedge Eva Pearl Female W Perth
1944/102346 Perth Gedge Eva Pearl Female Gray George Henry Male W Perth
1944/102347 Perth McAuslane Dulcie Female Kennedy William Charles Male Perth
1944/102347 Perth Kennedy William Charles Male McAuslane Dulcie Female Perth
1944/102348 Perth Gent Albert George Michael Male Isbister Dorothy Lindsay Gordon Female Perth
1944/102348 Perth Isbister Dorothy Lindsay Gordon Female Gent Albert George Michael Male Perth
1944/102349 Perth Jenkins Betty Christina Female Lent Alan James Male Perth
1944/102349 Perth Lent Alan James Male Jenkins Betty Christina Female Perth
1944/102350 Perth Dunlop Charles Russell Male Innes Margaret Gladys Mackenzie Female Perth
1944/102350 Perth Innes Margaret Gladys Mackenzie Female Dunlop Charles Russell Male Perth
1944/102351 Perth Townsend John Claude Male Abbott Rita Margaret Female Perth
1944/102351 Perth Abbott Rita Margaret Female Townsend John Claude Male Perth
1944/102352 Perth Grounds-Weston Barbara Joan Female Brown Raymond Geoffrey Male Perth
1944/102352 Perth Brown Raymond Geoffrey Male Grounds-Weston Barbara Joan Female Perth
1944/102353 Perth Atkins Herbert Joseph Male Jenner Jessie May Female Perth
1944/102353 Perth Jenner Jessie May Female Atkins Herbert Joseph Male Perth
1944/102354 Perth Kiely Edna Marjorie Female Fomiatti Peter Male Perth
1944/102354 Perth Fomiatti Peter Male Kiely Edna Marjorie Female Perth
1944/102355 Perth Scott James Thomson Male Martin Olive Rae Su'u Female Perth
1944/102355 Perth Martin Olive Rae Su'u Female Scott James Thomson Male Perth
1944/102356 Perth Matich Francis Tony Male Lee Mavis Emily Female Perth
1944/102356 Perth Lee Mavis Emily Female Matich Francis Tony Male Perth
1944/102357 Perth Evans Iris Joan Female Dean Charles Leslie Male Perth
1944/102357 Perth Dean Charles Leslie Male Evans Iris Joan Female Perth
1944/102358 Perth Davey Alwynne Mavis Female Cassidy Clarence Thomas Male Perth
1944/102358 Perth Cassidy Clarence Thomas Male Davey Alwynne Mavis Female Perth
1944/102359 Perth Snell Rona Constance Female Lindeman James Joseph Male Subiaco
1944/102359 Perth Lindeman James Joseph Male Snell Rona Constance Female Subiaco
1944/102360 Perth Dufty Harold Ernest Male Powe Stella Maris Female South Como
1944/102360 Perth Powe Stella Maris Female Dufty Harold Ernest Male South Como
1944/102361 Perth Crosbie Beryl Joyce Female Quinn Eric Edward Male Perth
1944/102361 Perth Quinn Eric Edward Male Crosbie Beryl Joyce Female Perth
1944/102362 Perth Heaton Daphne Female Wood Harold George Male Perth
1944/102362 Perth Wood Harold George Male Heaton Daphne Female Perth
1944/102363 Perth Brittelle Theodore Alan Male Bandy Stella Female Perth
1944/102363 Perth Bandy Stella Female Brittelle Theodore Alan Male Perth
1944/102364 Perth Woodward Joseph Thomas Male Medbury Audrey Frances Female Perth
1944/102364 Perth Medbury Audrey Frances Female Woodward Joseph Thomas Male Perth
1944/102365 Perth Scott Phyllis Doreen Female Jefferies Wilfred George Male Perth
1944/102365 Perth Jefferies Wilfred George Male Scott Phyllis Doreen Female Perth
1944/102366 Perth Dines Dorothy May Female Prideaux Lennard Edgar Male Perth
1944/102366 Perth Prideaux Lennard Edgar Male Dines Dorothy May Female Perth
1944/102367 Perth Manton Ronald James Male Grandison Barbara Jean Female Perth
1944/102367 Perth Grandison Barbara Jean Female Manton Ronald James Male Perth
1944/102368 Perth Henriques Silia Zara Female Simpson Frederick Harold George Male Claremont
1944/102368 Perth Simpson Frederick Harold George Male Henriques Silia Zara Female Claremont
1944/102369 Perth Goldsmith Phyllis May Female George Victor Albert Male Claremont
1944/102369 Perth George Victor Albert Male Goldsmith Phyllis May Female Claremont
1944/102370 Perth Tanian Joan Elizabeth Female Ranson Keith Joseph Male West Perth
1944/102370 Perth Ranson Keith Joseph Male Tanian Joan Elizabeth Female West Perth
1944/102371 Perth Watts John Francis Male Morton Joyce Daphne Female E Victoria Park
1944/102371 Perth Morton Joyce Daphne Female Watts John Francis Male E Victoria Park
1944/102372 Perth Harken Theodore Male Hughes Beryl Catherine Amelia Female E Victoria Park
1944/102372 Perth Hughes Beryl Catherine Amelia Female Harken Theodore Male E Victoria Park
1944/102373 Perth Waite Myrtle Rose Female Halse James Henry Male Maylands
1944/102373 Perth Halse James Henry Male Waite Myrtle Rose Female Maylands
1944/102374 Perth Daniels Eleanor Brenton Female Greeve Geoffrey Blackwell Male Maylands
1944/102374 Perth Greeve Geoffrey Blackwell Male Daniels Eleanor Brenton Female Maylands
1944/102375 Perth Bishop Florence Lucy Female Howe William John Male Maylands
1944/102375 Perth Howe William John Male Bishop Florence Lucy Female Maylands
1944/102376 Perth Bennewitz Jan Male Cadd Barbara Joan Female Perth
1944/102376 Perth Cadd Barbara Joan Female Bennewitz Jan Male Perth
1944/102377 Perth White Percival Henry William Male Walsh June Carmel Female Perth
1944/102377 Perth Walsh June Carmel Female White Percival Henry William Male Perth
1944/102378 Perth de Wolf Gerardus Male Kent Winifred Mary Female Perth
1944/102378 Perth Kent Winifred Mary Female de Wolf Gerardus Male Perth
1944/102379 Perth Macpherson Betty Lorraine Female Price Edward John Male Perth
1944/102379 Perth Price Edward John Male Macpherson Betty Lorraine Female Perth
1944/102380 Perth Aspinall Donald Clive Male Lovell Gladys Doreen Female Perth
1944/102380 Perth Lovell Gladys Doreen Female Aspinall Donald Clive Male Perth
1944/102381 Perth Jones Gwilym Male Keast Margaret Dawn Female Perth
1944/102381 Perth Keast Margaret Dawn Female Jones Gwilym Male Perth
1944/102382 Perth Kay Gordon Robert Male Gregory Joyce Female Perth
1944/102382 Perth Gregory Joyce Female Kay Gordon Robert Male Perth
1944/102383 Perth Massey Gerald Holder Male Kindred Patricia Agnes Female Victoria Park
1944/102383 Perth Kindred Patricia Agnes Female Massey Gerald Holder Male Victoria Park
1944/102384 Perth Reed Jess Ferguson Female Dawson George Henry Male W Perth
1944/102384 Perth Dawson George Henry Male Reed Jess Ferguson Female W Perth
1944/102385 Perth Meldrum Thomas Allen Male Hogan Olga Joan Female Perth
1944/102385 Perth Hogan Olga Joan Female Meldrum Thomas Allen Male Perth
1944/102386 Perth Coppin Joan Female Stewart John Male Cottesloe
1944/102386 Perth Stewart John Male Coppin Joan Female Cottesloe
1944/102387 Perth Martin Thomas Henry Male Owen Ilma Jean Female Subiaco
1944/102387 Perth Owen Ilma Jean Female Martin Thomas Henry Male Subiaco
1944/102388 Perth Smith Gladys Joan Female Yelverton Douglas Allen Male Perth
1944/102388 Perth Yelverton Douglas Allen Male Smith Gladys Joan Female Perth
1944/102389 Perth John Marion Sarah Female Leschen William Erwin Male Perth
1944/102389 Perth Leschen William Erwin Male John Marion Sarah Female Perth
1944/102390 Perth Culley Harold Rudolph Male Hegarty Eileen Betty Female Perth
1944/102390 Perth Hegarty Eileen Betty Female Culley Harold Rudolph Male Perth
1944/102391 Perth Kelly Kathleen Female Nixon William Male Perth
1944/102391 Perth Nixon William Male Kelly Kathleen Female Perth
1944/102392 Perth Cain Fanny Female Reading Fred Male Perth
1944/102392 Perth Reading Fred Male Cain Fanny Female Perth
1944/102393 Perth Neenan John Male Caple Lillian Victoria Female Perth
1944/102393 Perth Caple Lillian Victoria Female Neenan John Male Perth
1944/102394 Perth Coombs Vera Female de Ruyscher Petrus Male Perth
1944/102394 Perth de Ruyscher Petrus Male Coombs Vera Female Perth
1944/102395 Perth Henness Edna May Female Harris Robert Gordon Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/102395 Perth Harris Robert Gordon Male Henness Edna May Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/102396 Perth Wyndow Phyllis Eileen Female Evans Gwynne Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/102396 Perth Evans Gwynne Male Wyndow Phyllis Eileen Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/102397 Perth White Marion Catherine Female Stokes Frank Howard Male Osborne Park
1944/102397 Perth Stokes Frank Howard Male White Marion Catherine Female Osborne Park
1944/102398 Perth Benn Violet Edna Female Thompson Eric John Bowman Male Osborne Park
1944/102398 Perth Thompson Eric John Bowman Male Benn Violet Edna Female Osborne Park
1944/102399 Perth Goulding Caroline Louisa Female Rowe George Henry Male Osborne Park
1944/102399 Perth Rowe George Henry Male Goulding Caroline Louisa Female Osborne Park
1944/102400 Perth Roersma Errit Male Bell Ruby Isobel Female Osborne Park
1944/102400 Perth Bell Ruby Isobel Female Roersma Errit Male Osborne Park
1944/102401 Perth Pell Winifred Everett Female Baster Lionel Cyril Male Leederville
1944/102401 Perth Baster Lionel Cyril Male Pell Winifred Everett Female Leederville
1944/102402 Perth Williams Edna Kathleen Female Tsigulis Victor Male Perth
1944/102402 Perth Tsigulis Victor Male Williams Edna Kathleen Female Perth
1944/102403 Perth Antill John Brian Male Ness Laural Isabel Female Claremont
1944/102403 Perth Ness Laural Isabel Female Antill John Brian Male Claremont
1944/102404 Perth Swift William Male Sallur Christina May Female West Leederville
1944/102404 Perth Sallur Christina May Female Swift William Male West Leederville
1944/102405 Perth Callaghan Douglas William Male Harford Margaret June Female Perth
1944/102405 Perth Harford Margaret June Female Callaghan Douglas William Male Perth
1944/102406 Perth Williams John Edwin Male Pember Joan Edna Female Perth
1944/102406 Perth Pember Joan Edna Female Williams John Edwin Male Perth
1944/102407 Perth Wells Reginald Ernest Male Green Dorothy Alice Anne Female Perth
1944/102407 Perth Green Dorothy Alice Anne Female Wells Reginald Ernest Male Perth
1944/102408 Perth Rowe David Lloyd Male Farrant Betty Helen Female Perth
1944/102408 Perth Farrant Betty Helen Female Rowe David Lloyd Male Perth
1944/102409 Perth Stewart Thelma Jean Female McIver John Edward Male Perth
1944/102409 Perth McIver John Edward Male Stewart Thelma Jean Female Perth
1944/102410 Perth Elzas Jacobus Wilhelmus Male O'Brien Eileen Gertrude Female Victoria Park
1944/102410 Perth O'Brien Eileen Gertrude Female Elzas Jacobus Wilhelmus Male Victoria Park
1944/102411 Perth Clinton Frederick John Male Chitty Madge Valerie Female Victoria Park
1944/102411 Perth Chitty Madge Valerie Female Clinton Frederick John Male Victoria Park
1944/102412 Perth Locke Mary Female Wheatland Arthur Bennett Male Victoria Park
1944/102412 Perth Wheatland Arthur Bennett Male Locke Mary Female Victoria Park
1944/102413 Perth Hankins Margaret McGregor Female High Charles Mathew Male Perth
1944/102413 Perth High Charles Mathew Male Hankins Margaret McGregor Female Perth
1944/102414 Perth Sweeny Mary Female Branson Richard Harry Male Perth
1944/102414 Perth Branson Richard Harry Male Sweeny Mary Female Perth
1944/102415 Perth Hill Alice Anne Female Wolff Albert Eugene Male Perth
1944/102415 Perth Wolff Albert Eugene Male Hill Alice Anne Female Perth
1944/102416 Perth Byrne Sydney Sylvester Male Hodge Glenys Lavinia Female Perth
1944/102416 Perth Hodge Glenys Lavinia Female Byrne Sydney Sylvester Male Perth
1944/102417 Perth Kikeros Jack Male Verios Artemis Female Perth
1944/102417 Perth Verios Artemis Female Kikeros Jack Male Perth
1944/102418 Perth Smith Mary Emily Female McCulloch William Male Perth
1944/102418 Perth McCulloch William Male Smith Mary Emily Female Perth
1944/102419 Perth Johnson Lewis Peter Male Howie Elizabeth Buchanan Female Perth
1944/102419 Perth Howie Elizabeth Buchanan Female Johnson Lewis Peter Male Perth
1944/102420 Perth Stubbs Elizabeth Rebecca Bowe Female Bonfield Keith Wilfred Male Perth
1944/102420 Perth Bonfield Keith Wilfred Male Stubbs Elizabeth Rebecca Bowe Female Perth
1944/102421 Perth Reid Alfred James Male Steptoe Joan Williamene Female Perth
1944/102421 Perth Steptoe Joan Williamene Female Reid Alfred James Male Perth
1944/102422 Perth Stagg Gilbert Male Haigh Zena Millicent Female Perth
1944/102422 Perth Haigh Zena Millicent Female Stagg Gilbert Male Perth
1944/102423 Perth Edwards Muriel Constance Female Appleby John Walter Male Perth
1944/102423 Perth Appleby John Walter Male Edwards Muriel Constance Female Perth
1944/102424 Perth Eastmon Adelaide Alma Female Jackson George Thompson Male Perth
1944/102424 Perth Jackson George Thompson Male Eastmon Adelaide Alma Female Perth
1944/102425 Perth Evans Frederick Herbert Male Weston Ilma Eileen Frances Female Perth
1944/102425 Perth Weston Ilma Eileen Frances Female Evans Frederick Herbert Male Perth
1944/102426 Perth Meyer Glen Raymond Male Thompson Elsie May Female Perth
1944/102426 Perth Thompson Elsie May Female Meyer Glen Raymond Male Perth
1944/102427 Perth Jenkins David Marychurch Male Doney Dorothy Burgess Female Perth
1944/102427 Perth Doney Dorothy Burgess Female Jenkins David Marychurch Male Perth
1944/102428 Perth de Winter Alexander Male Turvey Pamela Faith Female Mt Lawley
1944/102428 Perth Turvey Pamela Faith Female de Winter Alexander Male Mt Lawley
1944/102429 Perth Carlyle David Thomas Male Holliday May Female Cottesloe
1944/102429 Perth Holliday May Female Carlyle David Thomas Male Cottesloe
1944/102430 Perth Osborn Ethel Jessica Female Chaseling Ernest Walton Male Perth
1944/102430 Perth Chaseling Ernest Walton Male Osborn Ethel Jessica Female Perth
1944/102431 Perth Kleingeerts Everardus Johannes Male Bramley June Elsie Female Perth
1944/102431 Perth Bramley June Elsie Female Kleingeerts Everardus Johannes Male Perth
1944/102432 Perth Frame Ernest William Male Thompson Joyce Doreen Female Perth
1944/102432 Perth Thompson Joyce Doreen Female Frame Ernest William Male Perth
1944/102433 Perth Duncan Alfred Wallace Male Nilsson Norma Female Perth
1944/102433 Perth Nilsson Norma Female Duncan Alfred Wallace Male Perth
1944/102434 Perth Milne Alexandra Jean Female Harvey Oliver Michael Male Perth
1944/102434 Perth Harvey Oliver Michael Male Milne Alexandra Jean Female Perth
1944/102435 Perth Farquharson Stanley Male Lindsay Olga Billie Female Perth
1944/102435 Perth Lindsay Olga Billie Female Farquharson Stanley Male Perth
1944/102436 Perth Thorn Wilfred Lewis Male Ballantyne Verna Female Perth
1944/102436 Perth Ballantyne Verna Female Thorn Wilfred Lewis Male Perth
1944/102437 Perth Wilson Clarice Alice Female McPhie Bruce Malcolm Male Perth
1944/102437 Perth McPhie Bruce Malcolm Male Wilson Clarice Alice Female Perth
1944/102438 Perth Curgenven Olive Joyce Female Monteith Hugh Thomas Male Perth
1944/102438 Perth Monteith Hugh Thomas Male Curgenven Olive Joyce Female Perth
1944/102439 Perth Ewing Joyce Iris Female Bell John Stephen Male Perth
1944/102439 Perth Bell John Stephen Male Ewing Joyce Iris Female Perth
1944/102440 Perth Shields Mary Female Gardiner Daniel Male Perth
1944/102440 Perth Gardiner Daniel Male Shields Mary Female Perth
1944/102441 Perth Baggott Marian Gwendoline Female Cory Edwin Frederick Male West Perth
1944/102441 Perth Cory Edwin Frederick Male Baggott Marian Gwendoline Female West Perth
1944/102442 Perth Gibbs Elma Myrtle Female Miller Walter Bertram Male West Perth
1944/102442 Perth Miller Walter Bertram Male Gibbs Elma Myrtle Female West Perth
1944/102443 Perth Edwards Donald Alan Male Wrigglesworth Leonie Meryle Female West Perth
1944/102443 Perth Wrigglesworth Leonie Meryle Female Edwards Donald Alan Male West Perth
1944/102444 Perth Rigden Jean Female Bane Hubert James Male West Perth
1944/102444 Perth Bane Hubert James Male Rigden Jean Female West Perth
1944/102445 Perth Giles Patricia Roma Female Rubarts Buford Euel Male Perth
1944/102445 Perth Rubarts Buford Euel Male Giles Patricia Roma Female Perth
1944/102446 Perth Gosper Kevin Eric Male Martin Patricia Female Perth
1944/102446 Perth Martin Patricia Female Gosper Kevin Eric Male Perth
1944/102447 Perth Fennell Edward Hutton Male Rogan Ethel May Female Perth
1944/102447 Perth Rogan Ethel May Female Fennell Edward Hutton Male Perth
1944/102448 Perth Scott Dorothy May Female Taylor Ralph William Male Perth
1944/102448 Perth Taylor Ralph William Male Scott Dorothy May Female Perth
1944/102449 Perth Brophy Iola May Female Gillies John Neil Male Perth
1944/102449 Perth Gillies John Neil Male Brophy Iola May Female Perth
1944/102450 Perth Snodgrass William James Male Coxon Rubena May Female Subiaco
1944/102450 Perth Coxon Rubena May Female Snodgrass William James Male Subiaco
1944/102451 Perth Ward Granville Kenneth Male Penter Kathleen Mary Female North Perth
1944/102451 Perth Penter Kathleen Mary Female Ward Granville Kenneth Male North Perth
1944/102452 Perth ONeill Doreen Daisy Female Bent Henry Arthur Reginald Male North Perth
1944/102452 Perth Bent Henry Arthur Reginald Male ONeill Doreen Daisy Female North Perth
1944/102453 Perth Carter Lulu Barbara Female Flanagan Albert Francis Male West Perth
1944/102453 Perth Flanagan Albert Francis Male Carter Lulu Barbara Female West Perth
1944/102454 Perth Kennedy Estelle Moyra Female Sturcke Leslie Robert Male West Perth
1944/102454 Perth Sturcke Leslie Robert Male Kennedy Estelle Moyra Female West Perth
1944/102455 Perth Lindsay Margaret Mitchell Female Deetman Hendrik Jan Male West Perth
1944/102455 Perth Deetman Hendrik Jan Male Lindsay Margaret Mitchell Female West Perth
1944/102456 Perth Rintel Edward Noel Male Nilsson Valmai Leonora Daphne Female Perth
1944/102456 Perth Nilsson Valmai Leonora Daphne Female Rintel Edward Noel Male Perth
1944/102457 Perth Rickard John Percy Male Higgins Margaret Shelia Female Perth
1944/102457 Perth Higgins Margaret Shelia Female Rickard John Percy Male Perth
1944/102458 Perth Donohoe Walter Leo Male Carr Beatrice Female West Perth
1944/102458 Perth Carr Beatrice Female Donohoe Walter Leo Male West Perth
1944/102459 Perth Maclean Shona Gordon Female Needham Kevin Male Perth
1944/102459 Perth Needham Kevin Male Maclean Shona Gordon Female Perth
1944/102460 Perth Porteous Ruth Mary Female Lanigan John Paul Male Osborne Park
1944/102460 Perth Lanigan John Paul Male Porteous Ruth Mary Female Osborne Park
1944/102461 Perth Tregonning Kate Female Beaty Wallace Albert Male Victoria Park
1944/102461 Perth Beaty Wallace Albert Male Tregonning Kate Female Victoria Park
1944/102462 Perth White Rosemary Female Leeden Herbert John Male Perth
1944/102462 Perth Leeden Herbert John Male White Rosemary Female Perth
1944/102463 Perth Petkovich Ivan Male Ursich Regina Female Perth
1944/102463 Perth Ursich Regina Female Petkovich Ivan Male Perth
1944/102464 Perth McIntosh Edith Agnes Female Anderson Thurman Helbert Male Perth
1944/102464 Perth Anderson Thurman Helbert Male McIntosh Edith Agnes Female Perth
1944/102465 Perth Hadden Winifred Grace Female Comrie James Stirling Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/102465 Perth Comrie James Stirling Male Hadden Winifred Grace Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/102466 Perth Noonan Noreen May Female Barker George Henry Male Osborne Park
1944/102466 Perth Barker George Henry Male Noonan Noreen May Female Osborne Park
1944/102467 Perth Binney Beatrice Irvine Female Synnot Kenneth Frederick Male Mt Lawley
1944/102467 Perth Synnot Kenneth Frederick Male Binney Beatrice Irvine Female Mt Lawley
1944/102468 Perth Allen George Frederick Douglas Male Van Heurck Valma Jean Female Claremont
1944/102468 Perth Van Heurck Valma Jean Female Allen George Frederick Douglas Male Claremont
1944/102469 Perth Caddy James Douglas Male Thomas Gladys Rachel Female Claremont
1944/102469 Perth Thomas Gladys Rachel Female Caddy James Douglas Male Claremont
1944/102470 Perth Smith Gertrude Female Palmer Arthur Thomas Henry Male Perth
1944/102470 Perth Palmer Arthur Thomas Henry Male Smith Gertrude Female Perth
1944/102471 Perth Thomson John Edward Male Davey Melba May Utber Female Perth
1944/102471 Perth Davey Melba May Utber Female Thomson John Edward Male Perth
1944/102472 Perth Walker Amelia Florence Mary Female Hendley Arthur Clive Male Perth
1944/102472 Perth Hendley Arthur Clive Male Walker Amelia Florence Mary Female Perth
1944/102473 Perth Gamble Elizabeth May Female Green Arthur Albert Male Perth
1944/102473 Perth Green Arthur Albert Male Gamble Elizabeth May Female Perth
1944/102474 Perth Killorn Jack Male Clarke Patricia Mary Female Perth
1944/102474 Perth Clarke Patricia Mary Female Killorn Jack Male Perth
1944/102475 Perth Cain Harold Bernard Male Grose Mavis Bessie Female Perth
1944/102475 Perth Grose Mavis Bessie Female Cain Harold Bernard Male Perth
1944/102476 Perth Compton Betty Joan Female Mitchell Alan Male Perth
1944/102476 Perth Mitchell Alan Male Compton Betty Joan Female Perth
1944/102477 Perth Callow Alice Mabelle Female Wilson Hugh Bryan Male Perth
1944/102477 Perth Wilson Hugh Bryan Male Callow Alice Mabelle Female Perth
1944/102478 Perth Yelland James Edward Male Silvester Gwendoline Female Perth
1944/102478 Perth Silvester Gwendoline Female Yelland James Edward Male Perth
1944/102479 Perth Ryall William George Male Winton Ellen Esther Female Shenton Park
1944/102479 Perth Winton Ellen Esther Female Ryall William George Male Shenton Park
1944/102480 Perth Poland Charles Henry Male Ruggeri Catherine Matilda Female Highgate Hill
1944/102480 Perth Ruggeri Catherine Matilda Female Poland Charles Henry Male Highgate Hill
1944/102481 Perth Payne Frances Josephine Female Lewis Stephen Colman Male West Perth
1944/102481 Perth Lewis Stephen Colman Male Payne Frances Josephine Female West Perth
1944/102482 Perth Hurt Olive May Female McDonald Joseph Peter Male South Perth
1944/102482 Perth McDonald Joseph Peter Male Hurt Olive May Female South Perth
1944/102483 Perth Waddell Freda Bertha Female Greaves Raymond Ernest Male Perth
1944/102483 Perth Greaves Raymond Ernest Male Waddell Freda Bertha Female Perth
1944/102484 Perth Isbister Jean Hamilton Female Frizell Clarence Robert Male Perth
1944/102484 Perth Frizell Clarence Robert Male Isbister Jean Hamilton Female Perth
1944/102485 Perth Easterday James Vernon Male Guelfi Beryl June Female Perth
1944/102485 Perth Guelfi Beryl June Female Easterday James Vernon Male Perth
1944/102486 Perth Ross Witt Cecil Male Charlton Rhoda Cecilia Female Perth
1944/102486 Perth Charlton Rhoda Cecilia Female Ross Witt Cecil Male Perth
1944/102487 Perth Stone Lillian Theresa Female Batson Leslie Hugh Male Perth
1944/102487 Perth Batson Leslie Hugh Male Stone Lillian Theresa Female Perth
1944/102488 Perth Harmer William Male Campbell Edna Marion Female Perth
1944/102488 Perth Campbell Edna Marion Female Harmer William Male Perth
1944/102489 Perth Cooper Elizabeth Agnes Female Baker Frederick Richard Male Perth
1944/102489 Perth Baker Frederick Richard Male Cooper Elizabeth Agnes Female Perth
1944/102490 Perth Cushing Herbert Male Pratt Ethel Muriel Female Victoria Park
1944/102490 Perth Pratt Ethel Muriel Female Cushing Herbert Male Victoria Park
1944/102491 Perth Mulder Hendrik Male Mitchell Alice Evelyn Female Perth
1944/102491 Perth Mitchell Alice Evelyn Female Mulder Hendrik Male Perth
1944/102492 Perth Llano Lewis Clemente Male Kenin Karlotta May Female Perth
1944/102492 Perth Kenin Karlotta May Female Llano Lewis Clemente Male Perth
1944/102493 Perth Humphreys Beryl Maude Female Chapman Wilbur Aubrey Male Subiaco
1944/102493 Perth Chapman Wilbur Aubrey Male Humphreys Beryl Maude Female Subiaco
1944/102494 Perth Lewis Walter Gilbert Male Moriarty Eileen Noel Female Perth
1944/102494 Perth Moriarty Eileen Noel Female Lewis Walter Gilbert Male Perth
1944/102495 Perth Williams David Richard Male Buck Caryl Verna Female Claremont
1944/102495 Perth Buck Caryl Verna Female Williams David Richard Male Claremont
1944/102496 Perth Blacker Hugh Alfred Male Williamson Nellie Female Highgate
1944/102496 Perth Williamson Nellie Female Blacker Hugh Alfred Male Highgate
1944/102497 Perth Callow Gweneth Margaret Female Callow John Raymond Male Perth
1944/102497 Perth Callow John Raymond Male Callow Gweneth Margaret Female Perth
1944/102498 Perth Lewis Florence Myrtle Female Doig William Male Perth
1944/102498 Perth Doig William Male Lewis Florence Myrtle Female Perth
1944/102499 Perth Depiazz Alfred Male Wesley Adelaide Elizabeth Female Perth
1944/102499 Perth Wesley Adelaide Elizabeth Female Depiazz Alfred Male Perth
1944/102500 Perth Kempton Muriel Female Plachowicz Frank Andrew Male Leederville
1944/102500 Perth Plachowicz Frank Andrew Male Kempton Muriel Female Leederville
1944/102501 Perth Conway Edward Male Crouch Grace Female Leederville
1944/102501 Perth Crouch Grace Female Conway Edward Male Leederville
1944/102502 Perth Kolichis Vasilios Male Bozin Lilly Female Perth
1944/102502 Perth Bozin Lilly Female Kolichis Vasilios Male Perth
1944/102503 Perth Lodge Rona Jessie Female Growden Raymond Douglas Male West Perth
1944/102503 Perth Growden Raymond Douglas Male Lodge Rona Jessie Female West Perth
1944/102504 Perth Booth Keith Male Thorne Amy Gladys Female West Perth
1944/102504 Perth Thorne Amy Gladys Female Booth Keith Male West Perth
1944/102505 Perth Groessler Hazel Bernice Female Hall Allan George Male West Perth
1944/102505 Perth Hall Allan George Male Groessler Hazel Bernice Female West Perth
1944/102506 Perth Gillam Edna Joyce Female Lawrence Harry Russell Male Perth
1944/102506 Perth Lawrence Harry Russell Male Gillam Edna Joyce Female Perth
1944/102507 Perth Cousins Dudley Ross Male White Eileen Joyce Female Mt Lawley
1944/102507 Perth White Eileen Joyce Female Cousins Dudley Ross Male Mt Lawley
1944/102508 Perth Gibbs Ronald Keith Male Sutton Rona May Female Perth
1944/102508 Perth Sutton Rona May Female Gibbs Ronald Keith Male Perth
1944/102509 Perth Hicks Grace Enid Female Ridgwell Martin Hunter Male Perth
1944/102509 Perth Ridgwell Martin Hunter Male Hicks Grace Enid Female Perth
1944/102510 Perth Hicks Stanley Thomas Male Wright Reta Edna May Female Perth
1944/102510 Perth Wright Reta Edna May Female Hicks Stanley Thomas Male Perth
1944/102511 Perth Fettling Kenneth Rollason Male Phillips Leola Corbett Female Perth
1944/102511 Perth Phillips Leola Corbett Female Fettling Kenneth Rollason Male Perth
1944/102512 Perth Conway John Redmond Male Collins Edna Joan Female Perth
1944/102512 Perth Collins Edna Joan Female Conway John Redmond Male Perth
1944/102513 Perth Oldfield Ellen Frances Female Mayer Albert Male Perth
1944/102513 Perth Mayer Albert Male Oldfield Ellen Frances Female Perth
1944/102514 Perth Osborne Dorothy Robertina Female Meredith Stanley Arnold Male Perth
1944/102514 Perth Meredith Stanley Arnold Male Osborne Dorothy Robertina Female Perth
1944/102515 Perth Eyles Kathleen Female Kellum Raymond Herlong Male Perth
1944/102515 Perth Kellum Raymond Herlong Male Eyles Kathleen Female Perth
1944/102516 Perth Owen Leslie Norman Male Salisbury Agnes Jessamin Female Claremont
1944/102516 Perth Salisbury Agnes Jessamin Female Owen Leslie Norman Male Claremont
1944/102517 Perth Watson Harry John Male Bullen Mary Dulcie Evelyn Female Claremont
1944/102517 Perth Bullen Mary Dulcie Evelyn Female Watson Harry John Male Claremont
1944/102518 Perth Watts Thelma Frances Female McKay Arthur Douglas Male Mount Lawley
1944/102518 Perth McKay Arthur Douglas Male Watts Thelma Frances Female Mount Lawley
1944/102519 Perth Pass Thelma Mary Female Morgan Douglas Clifford Male Claremont
1944/102519 Perth Morgan Douglas Clifford Male Pass Thelma Mary Female Claremont
1944/102520 Perth Mair Helen Valda Female Gladish Bernard Male Claremont
1944/102520 Perth Gladish Bernard Male Mair Helen Valda Female Claremont
1944/102521 Perth Jones Arthur Edmond Male Poulsen Patricia Joan Female Perth
1944/102521 Perth Poulsen Patricia Joan Female Jones Arthur Edmond Male Perth
1944/102522 Perth Macreadie Alice Jean McCathie Female McAndrew Henry David Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/102522 Perth McAndrew Henry David Male Macreadie Alice Jean McCathie Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/102523 Perth Summers James Male Cowling Irene Mary Female Subiaco
1944/102523 Perth Cowling Irene Mary Female Summers James Male Subiaco
1944/102524 Perth Blennerhassett Leslie Male Thomas Daphne Mary Female North Perth
1944/102524 Perth Thomas Daphne Mary Female Blennerhassett Leslie Male North Perth
1944/102525 Perth Smith Kenneth Sydney Male Cooper Aldyth Evlyn Female Perth
1944/102525 Perth Cooper Aldyth Evlyn Female Smith Kenneth Sydney Male Perth
1944/102526 Perth Durnin Beryl Female Bensley Edward George Clementson Male Perth
1944/102526 Perth Bensley Edward George Clementson Male Durnin Beryl Female Perth
1944/102527 Perth Wylie Lionel Ross Male Reakes Elsie Daisy Elizabeth Female Perth
1944/102527 Perth Reakes Elsie Daisy Elizabeth Female Wylie Lionel Ross Male Perth
1944/102528 Perth Geale Neil Male Bartlett Thelma Eunice Female Perth
1944/102528 Perth Bartlett Thelma Eunice Female Geale Neil Male Perth
1944/102529 Perth Martin Roma Joy Female Grimson Allen Douglas Male Perth
1944/102529 Perth Grimson Allen Douglas Male Martin Roma Joy Female Perth
1944/102530 Perth Roberts Gerald Walter Male Gibson Martha Williamson Female Cottesloe
1944/102530 Perth Gibson Martha Williamson Female Roberts Gerald Walter Male Cottesloe
1944/102531 Perth Best Sydney Harold John Male Scott Mary Isobel Female Subiaco
1944/102531 Perth Scott Mary Isobel Female Best Sydney Harold John Male Subiaco
1944/102532 Perth Ludlow Joyce Elizabeth Female Leeder Charles Lewis Male Mt Lawley
1944/102532 Perth Leeder Charles Lewis Male Ludlow Joyce Elizabeth Female Mt Lawley
1944/102533 Perth Watson Bernard Male McAuliffe Margaret Patricia Female Perth
1944/102533 Perth McAuliffe Margaret Patricia Female Watson Bernard Male Perth
1944/102534 Perth Austin May Jessie Female Reilly Emanuel John Male Perth
1944/102534 Perth Reilly Emanuel John Male Austin May Jessie Female Perth
1944/102535 Perth Bell Edgar Joseph Male Mitchell Vera Daphne Female Perth
1944/102535 Perth Mitchell Vera Daphne Female Bell Edgar Joseph Male Perth
1944/102536 Perth Chegwidden Donald St Clair Male Corbett Nancy Melva Female Perth
1944/102536 Perth Corbett Nancy Melva Female Chegwidden Donald St Clair Male Perth
1944/102537 Perth O'Grady Alma Merrall Female Ware Walter William Male Perth
1944/102537 Perth Ware Walter William Male O'Grady Alma Merrall Female Perth
1944/102538 Perth Forbes Frederick Ivan Male de Grussa Grace Ellen Female Perth
1944/102538 Perth de Grussa Grace Ellen Female Forbes Frederick Ivan Male Perth
1944/102539 Perth Keynes Max Gordon Male Nettleton Elizabeth Ellen Female Perth
1944/102539 Perth Nettleton Elizabeth Ellen Female Keynes Max Gordon Male Perth
1944/102540 Perth Spence Alexander John Male Jacques Edna May Female Perth
1944/102540 Perth Jacques Edna May Female Spence Alexander John Male Perth
1944/102541 Perth Patterson Doreen Joan Female Brewer Norman Charles Male Maylands
1944/102541 Perth Brewer Norman Charles Male Patterson Doreen Joan Female Maylands
1944/102542 Perth Atkinson Teresa May Female Gallop Ronald Victor Male Perth
1944/102542 Perth Gallop Ronald Victor Male Atkinson Teresa May Female Perth
1944/102543 Perth Hall Norman John Male Thomson Grace Lilian Female Perth
1944/102543 Perth Thomson Grace Lilian Female Hall Norman John Male Perth
1944/102544 Perth Paine Audrey Joan Female Provost George Male Perth
1944/102544 Perth Provost George Male Paine Audrey Joan Female Perth
1944/102545 Perth Bloffwitch Mary Anne Patricia Female Saliacus James Male West Perth
1944/102545 Perth Saliacus James Male Bloffwitch Mary Anne Patricia Female West Perth
1944/102546 Perth Kuyer Freddy Male Kyriakakis Rose Female West Perth
1944/102546 Perth Kyriakakis Rose Female Kuyer Freddy Male West Perth
1944/102547 Perth Patton Mary Madeline Female Stevenson Ronald George Male West Perth
1944/102547 Perth Stevenson Ronald George Male Patton Mary Madeline Female West Perth
1944/102548 Perth Wade Eileen Rose Female Tonkin Stanley Richard Male West Perth
1944/102548 Perth Tonkin Stanley Richard Male Wade Eileen Rose Female West Perth
1944/102549 Perth Gibson Shirley Verona Female Beaton Harry Ellis Male West Perth
1944/102549 Perth Beaton Harry Ellis Male Gibson Shirley Verona Female West Perth
1944/102550 Perth Summers John Male Hirsch Laura May Female Mt Lawley
1944/102550 Perth Hirsch Laura May Female Summers John Male Mt Lawley
1944/102551 Perth James Leonard Thomas Male Carter Helen Alice Female South Perth
1944/102551 Perth Carter Helen Alice Female James Leonard Thomas Male South Perth
1944/102552 Perth McKenna Cecily Theresa Female Smith Archibald Coulter Male Subiaco
1944/102552 Perth Smith Archibald Coulter Male McKenna Cecily Theresa Female Subiaco
1944/102553 Perth Hill Shirley Beverley Female Rutjens Henricus Male Victoria Park
1944/102553 Perth Rutjens Henricus Male Hill Shirley Beverley Female Victoria Park
1944/102554 Perth Jeffery Violet Victoria Female Dickens Victor Arthur Douglas Male Victoria Park
1944/102554 Perth Dickens Victor Arthur Douglas Male Jeffery Violet Victoria Female Victoria Park
1944/102555 Perth Mann Oswald Gordon Male Little Avis Joan Female Victoria Park
1944/102555 Perth Little Avis Joan Female Mann Oswald Gordon Male Victoria Park
1944/102556 Perth Birch Dulcie Ellen Female Benton Thomas Richard Male Victoria Park
1944/102556 Perth Benton Thomas Richard Male Birch Dulcie Ellen Female Victoria Park
1944/102557 Perth Haggerty Edward Irvin Male Harris Elaine Elsa Female West Perth
1944/102557 Perth Harris Elaine Elsa Female Haggerty Edward Irvin Male West Perth
1944/102558 Perth Winter Richard Sextus Daly Male Medbury Lorraine May Female Perth
1944/102558 Perth Medbury Lorraine May Female Winter Richard Sextus Daly Male Perth
1944/102559 Perth Worsfold Sarah Alice May Female Fulker Thomas Frank Male Claremont
1944/102559 Perth Fulker Thomas Frank Male Worsfold Sarah Alice May Female Claremont
1944/102560 Perth Connell Daniel Joseph Male Glynn Eileen Magdalene Female East Perth
1944/102560 Perth Glynn Eileen Magdalene Female Connell Daniel Joseph Male East Perth
1944/102561 Perth Morrissey Aloysius John Male Murphy Margaret Mary Female Perth
1944/102561 Perth Murphy Margaret Mary Female Morrissey Aloysius John Male Perth
1944/102562 Perth Mann Albert Samuel Keats Male Davenport Lila May Female Subiaco
1944/102562 Perth Davenport Lila May Female Mann Albert Samuel Keats Male Subiaco
1944/102563 Perth Ramsay Oriel George Male Groves Edna Catherine Female Subiaco
1944/102563 Perth Groves Edna Catherine Female Ramsay Oriel George Male Subiaco
1944/102564 Perth Donaldson Kenneth John Male Pitsikas Joyce Female Perth
1944/102564 Perth Pitsikas Joyce Female Donaldson Kenneth John Male Perth
1944/102565 Perth Taylor Muriel Annette Female Baird Darvel Lindrea Male Perth
1944/102565 Perth Baird Darvel Lindrea Male Taylor Muriel Annette Female Perth
1944/102566 Perth Williamson Mary Female Jackson Richard James Male Perth
1944/102566 Perth Jackson Richard James Male Williamson Mary Female Perth
1944/102567 Perth Freind Jean Elizabeth Female McGowan Albert Douglas Male Perth
1944/102567 Perth McGowan Albert Douglas Male Freind Jean Elizabeth Female Perth
1944/102568 Perth McKay Donald Malcolm Male Hancock Ruby Margaret Female Perth
1944/102568 Perth Hancock Ruby Margaret Female McKay Donald Malcolm Male Perth
1944/102569 Perth Powell Thomas Male Hayes Constance Female Perth
1944/102569 Perth Hayes Constance Female Powell Thomas Male Perth
1944/102570 Perth Baker Janet Elizabeth Female Angel Leslie Male Claremont
1944/102570 Perth Angel Leslie Male Baker Janet Elizabeth Female Claremont
1944/102571 Perth Martin Ruth Emma Female Ferguson-Smith Frank Male Claremont
1944/102571 Perth Ferguson-Smith Frank Male Martin Ruth Emma Female Claremont
1944/102572 Perth Pedler Aubrey William Male Fox Frances Margaret Female Claremont
1944/102572 Perth Fox Frances Margaret Female Pedler Aubrey William Male Claremont
1944/102573 Perth Higgins George Thomas Male Jones Patsy Beryl Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/102573 Perth Jones Patsy Beryl Female Higgins George Thomas Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/102574 Perth Garner Jessie Female Stephens Keith Edward Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/102574 Perth Stephens Keith Edward Male Garner Jessie Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/102575 Perth Anderson Thomas Male Edwards Gladys Dorothy Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/102575 Perth Edwards Gladys Dorothy Female Anderson Thomas Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/102576 Perth Moore Ethel Ottillie Female Gerloff Ernest Raymond Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/102576 Perth Gerloff Ernest Raymond Male Moore Ethel Ottillie Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/102577 Perth Watt James Douglas Murray Male Weatherhead Vera Edna Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/102577 Perth Weatherhead Vera Edna Female Watt James Douglas Murray Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/102578 Perth Adams Philip Deighton Male Hansen Daphne Edwardine Female Osborne Park
1944/102578 Perth Hansen Daphne Edwardine Female Adams Philip Deighton Male Osborne Park
1944/102579 Perth Lester Cecil Male Terry Mary Grace Female Osborne Park
1944/102579 Perth Terry Mary Grace Female Lester Cecil Male Osborne Park
1944/102580 Perth Briggs Vera Elizabeth Female Tippett Richard William Male Osborne Park
1944/102580 Perth Tippett Richard William Male Briggs Vera Elizabeth Female Osborne Park
1944/102581 Perth Shotton Joyce Female Hyatt Lawson Junior Male Osborne Park
1944/102581 Perth Hyatt Lawson Junior Male Shotton Joyce Female Osborne Park
1944/102582 Perth Griffiths Robert Male Miller Beryl Audrey Female Osborne Park
1944/102582 Perth Miller Beryl Audrey Female Griffiths Robert Male Osborne Park
1944/102583 Perth Bennett Frances Boronia Female Peters Walter Vivian Ernest Male Osborne Park
1944/102583 Perth Peters Walter Vivian Ernest Male Bennett Frances Boronia Female Osborne Park
1944/102584 Perth Fallows Ethel May Female Newick Alfred James Male W Perth
1944/102584 Perth Newick Alfred James Male Fallows Ethel May Female W Perth
1944/102585 Perth Morton William Male Mead Kathleen Yvonne Female West Perth
1944/102585 Perth Mead Kathleen Yvonne Female Morton William Male West Perth
1944/102586 Perth Anderson Maxwell Claude Male Saunders Mary Leah Female West Perth
1944/102586 Perth Saunders Mary Leah Female Anderson Maxwell Claude Male West Perth
1944/102587 Perth Threlkeld Thelma Marie Female Visser Muus Male West Perth
1944/102587 Perth Visser Muus Male Threlkeld Thelma Marie Female West Perth
1944/102588 Perth Lewis Robert Henry Male Radford Dorothy Rhoda Female Perth
1944/102588 Perth Radford Dorothy Rhoda Female Lewis Robert Henry Male Perth
1944/102589 Perth Fuller Jean Isobel Female Taylor Clyde Allan Male Perth
1944/102589 Perth Taylor Clyde Allan Male Fuller Jean Isobel Female Perth
1944/102590 Perth Norton Corinne Gladys Female Sermon Laurence Augustine Male Highgate Hill
1944/102590 Perth Sermon Laurence Augustine Male Norton Corinne Gladys Female Highgate Hill
1944/102591 Perth Shearn Hartley Vivian Male Gardiner Edythe Roberta Female Mt Lawley
1944/102591 Perth Gardiner Edythe Roberta Female Shearn Hartley Vivian Male Mt Lawley
1944/102592 Perth Murphy Evelyn Ruth Female Hancock Irwin Stephen Male Maylands
1944/102592 Perth Hancock Irwin Stephen Male Murphy Evelyn Ruth Female Maylands
1944/102593 Perth Tuckey Dudley Charles Male Horne Nesta Female Perth
1944/102593 Perth Horne Nesta Female Tuckey Dudley Charles Male Perth
1944/102594 Perth Mitchell Douglas Edwin Charles Male Austen Lesly Jean Female West Perth
1944/102594 Perth Austen Lesly Jean Female Mitchell Douglas Edwin Charles Male West Perth
1944/102595 Perth Lodge Lawrence William Male James Florence Teresa Female West Perth
1944/102595 Perth James Florence Teresa Female Lodge Lawrence William Male West Perth
1944/102596 Perth Ward Roy Milton Male Rowell Ethelwyn May Female Perth
1944/102596 Perth Rowell Ethelwyn May Female Ward Roy Milton Male Perth
1944/102597 Perth Smoker Viola Evelyn Elizabeth Female Christmass Francis Raymond Male Perth
1944/102597 Perth Christmass Francis Raymond Male Smoker Viola Evelyn Elizabeth Female Perth
1944/102598 Perth Holmes Elsie Jean Female Creek Roy Havill Male West Perth
1944/102598 Perth Creek Roy Havill Male Holmes Elsie Jean Female West Perth
1944/102599 Perth Evans Betty Margret Female Burtenshaw Francis Sidney Male West Perth
1944/102599 Perth Burtenshaw Francis Sidney Male Evans Betty Margret Female West Perth
1944/102600 Perth Hummerston Edwin Richard Male Massey Margaret Female North Perth
1944/102600 Perth Massey Margaret Female Hummerston Edwin Richard Male North Perth
1944/102601 Perth Mason Alexander Chisholm Male MacKay Donaldina Female Claremont
1944/102601 Perth MacKay Donaldina Female Mason Alexander Chisholm Male Claremont
1944/102602 Perth Martens William Henry Male Waters Dora Kate Female Subiaco
1944/102602 Perth Waters Dora Kate Female Martens William Henry Male Subiaco
1944/102603 Perth Sweeney Mary Loyola Female Starling William Albert Male Subiaco
1944/102603 Perth Starling William Albert Male Sweeney Mary Loyola Female Subiaco
1944/102604 Perth Bravin Jane Female Foster Reginald Male Maylands
1944/102604 Perth Foster Reginald Male Bravin Jane Female Maylands
1944/102605 Perth Rattigan Violet Joyce Female Bingham Jesse James Male Mt Lawley
1944/102605 Perth Bingham Jesse James Male Rattigan Violet Joyce Female Mt Lawley
1944/102606 Perth Thurstun Victor Rolfe Male Lyons Dorothy May Female Mt Lawley
1944/102606 Perth Lyons Dorothy May Female Thurstun Victor Rolfe Male Mt Lawley
1944/102607 Perth Rowley Edward Thomas Male Sletcher Mary Grace Female Mount Lawley
1944/102607 Perth Sletcher Mary Grace Female Rowley Edward Thomas Male Mount Lawley
1944/102608 Perth Snook Eric Robin Male Morris Dene Female Claremont
1944/102608 Perth Morris Dene Female Snook Eric Robin Male Claremont
1944/102609 Perth Wise Frank Joseph Scott Male McCormick Patricia Female Claremont
1944/102609 Perth McCormick Patricia Female Wise Frank Joseph Scott Male Claremont
1944/102610 Perth Dettman Cynthia Betty Jean Female Palmer Colin James Male Claremont
1944/102610 Perth Palmer Colin James Male Dettman Cynthia Betty Jean Female Claremont
1944/102611 Perth Jones Dudley Baldwin Male Clairs Irene Peggy Female Perth
1944/102611 Perth Clairs Irene Peggy Female Jones Dudley Baldwin Male Perth
1944/102612 Perth Harris Phyllis Alvine Female Sherlock Colin Herbert Male Perth
1944/102612 Perth Sherlock Colin Herbert Male Harris Phyllis Alvine Female Perth
1944/102613 Perth Dalgleish Eugenie Olivine Marguerita Female Bryant Patrick Richard Male Perth
1944/102613 Perth Bryant Patrick Richard Male Dalgleish Eugenie Olivine Marguerita Female Perth
1944/102614 Perth Bosich Milan Michel Male McNess Thelma Eileen Female Perth
1944/102614 Perth McNess Thelma Eileen Female Bosich Milan Michel Male Perth
1944/102615 Perth Franklin Christina Mary Female Armstrong John William Male Perth
1944/102615 Perth Armstrong John William Male Franklin Christina Mary Female Perth
1944/102616 Perth Campbell Preston Max Male Kuser Bertha Florence Female Perth
1944/102616 Perth Kuser Bertha Florence Female Campbell Preston Max Male Perth
1944/102617 Perth Williams Gertrude Josephine Female Murphy Arthur Samuel Male Perth
1944/102617 Perth Murphy Arthur Samuel Male Williams Gertrude Josephine Female Perth
1944/102618 Perth Blair Margaret Female Preen Walter Henry Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/102618 Perth Preen Walter Henry Male Blair Margaret Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/102619 Perth Exley Shirley Melvie Female Loughridge John William Male Perth
1944/102619 Perth Loughridge John William Male Exley Shirley Melvie Female Perth
1944/102620 Perth Bourne Donald James Male Byrne Nancy Grace Female Cottesloe
1944/102620 Perth Byrne Nancy Grace Female Bourne Donald James Male Cottesloe
1944/102621 Perth Fitzsimmons Robert Male Grande Violet June Female Subiaco
1944/102621 Perth Grande Violet June Female Fitzsimmons Robert Male Subiaco
1944/102622 Perth Crooks Margery Ruth Female Scholl Harold James Male Perth
1944/102622 Perth Scholl Harold James Male Crooks Margery Ruth Female Perth
1944/102623 Perth Fulcher Howard Male Radford Leila Joan Crachley Female Perth
1944/102623 Perth Radford Leila Joan Crachley Female Fulcher Howard Male Perth
1944/102624 Perth Kress Daniel David Male Brown Audrey Jean Female Perth
1944/102624 Perth Brown Audrey Jean Female Kress Daniel David Male Perth
1944/102625 Perth Kerr Barbara Marion Female Rowbotham James Anthony Male Perth
1944/102625 Perth Rowbotham James Anthony Male Kerr Barbara Marion Female Perth
1944/102626 Perth Allan Jessie Margaret Female Cunningham Thomas McFarlane Male Perth
1944/102626 Perth Cunningham Thomas McFarlane Male Allan Jessie Margaret Female Perth
1944/102627 Perth MacKenzie Donald Kenneth Male Robertson Mary Rita Female Perth
1944/102627 Perth Robertson Mary Rita Female MacKenzie Donald Kenneth Male Perth
1944/102628 Perth Colvin Charles Duncan Male Lynch Beryl Estelle Female West Leederville
1944/102628 Perth Lynch Beryl Estelle Female Colvin Charles Duncan Male West Leederville
1944/102629 Perth Williams Roma Joy Female Roddick Neville McKay Male Perth
1944/102629 Perth Roddick Neville McKay Male Williams Roma Joy Female Perth
1944/102630 Perth Cooper Joan Female Helliar Norman Thomas Male Perth
1944/102630 Perth Helliar Norman Thomas Male Cooper Joan Female Perth
1944/102631 Perth Itzstein Rae Female Burnette Ted Male Perth
1944/102631 Perth Burnette Ted Male Itzstein Rae Female Perth
1944/102632 Perth Steer Douglas Edward Male Dullard Doreen Theresa Female Highgate Hill
1944/102632 Perth Dullard Doreen Theresa Female Steer Douglas Edward Male Highgate Hill
1944/102633 Perth Tozer Mavis Elsie Female Currie Thomas Eric Male West Perth
1944/102633 Perth Currie Thomas Eric Male Tozer Mavis Elsie Female West Perth
1944/102634 Perth McBride Vida Joan Female Rendall Frank Harry Male West Perth
1944/102634 Perth Rendall Frank Harry Male McBride Vida Joan Female West Perth
1944/102635 Perth Palmer Arthur Reginald Male Bosworth Muriel Beatrice Edith Female Victoria Park
1944/102635 Perth Bosworth Muriel Beatrice Edith Female Palmer Arthur Reginald Male Victoria Park
1944/102636 Perth Sisson Gwen Virgo Female Jasper Kidwill Ivor Male Victoria Park
1944/102636 Perth Jasper Kidwill Ivor Male Sisson Gwen Virgo Female Victoria Park
1944/102637 Perth Rawlings John Stanley Rolland Male Ollier Mabel Female Victoria Park
1944/102637 Perth Ollier Mabel Female Rawlings John Stanley Rolland Male Victoria Park
1944/102638 Perth Budd George Frederick Male Fuhrmann Ruby Olive Female Perth
1944/102638 Perth Fuhrmann Ruby Olive Female Budd George Frederick Male Perth
1944/102639 Perth McVicker James Keith Male Hartzer Dulcie May Female Perth
1944/102639 Perth Hartzer Dulcie May Female McVicker James Keith Male Perth
1944/102640 Perth Lee Allan Alfred Leslie Male Sims Doreen Melva Female West Perth
1944/102640 Perth Sims Doreen Melva Female Lee Allan Alfred Leslie Male West Perth
1944/102641 Perth Leach Edith Evelyn Female Brown Neil Male Fremantle
1944/102641 Perth Brown Neil Male Leach Edith Evelyn Female Fremantle
1944/102642 Perth Webster Gordon Kingsley Male Naile Phyllis Allison Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/102642 Perth Naile Phyllis Allison Female Webster Gordon Kingsley Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/102643 Perth Smith John Frederick Male Chilvers Eleanor Maria Female Osborne Park
1944/102643 Perth Chilvers Eleanor Maria Female Smith John Frederick Male Osborne Park
1944/102644 Perth Roseveare Olwen Female Foley Charles Joseph Male Osborne Park
1944/102644 Perth Foley Charles Joseph Male Roseveare Olwen Female Osborne Park
1944/102645 Perth Gray Albert Edward Male Harrison Gladys May Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/102645 Perth Harrison Gladys May Female Gray Albert Edward Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/102646 Perth Langham Olive Blanche Female Tischner John Francis Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/102646 Perth Tischner John Francis Male Langham Olive Blanche Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/102647 Perth Crites Charles Joseph Male Toldo Yola Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/102647 Perth Toldo Yola Female Crites Charles Joseph Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/102648 Perth Elfverson William Harold Male Angus Audrey Female Perth
1944/102648 Perth Angus Audrey Female Elfverson William Harold Male Perth
1944/102649 Perth Quirk Margaret Frances Female Kendle James Muir Male Leederville
1944/102649 Perth Kendle James Muir Male Quirk Margaret Frances Female Leederville
1944/102650 Perth Farley Colin Maxwell Male Kent Norah Patricia Female Cottesloe
1944/102650 Perth Kent Norah Patricia Female Farley Colin Maxwell Male Cottesloe
1944/102651 Perth McCormack Jean Female O'Reilly Lawrence James Male Cottesloe
1944/102651 Perth O'Reilly Lawrence James Male McCormack Jean Female Cottesloe
1944/102652 Perth McCauley Mary Dolores Female Goodman Richard Thomas Male Perth
1944/102652 Perth Goodman Richard Thomas Male McCauley Mary Dolores Female Perth
1944/102653 Perth McCarthy Mary Patricia Minnie Female Haight James Delbert Male Perth
1944/102653 Perth Haight James Delbert Male McCarthy Mary Patricia Minnie Female Perth
1944/102654 Perth Sheills Victor Fairbairn Male Butland Mavis Lorraine Female West Leederville
1944/102654 Perth Butland Mavis Lorraine Female Sheills Victor Fairbairn Male West Leederville
1944/102655 Perth Langridge Ronald William John Male Kneller Betty Jean Female West Leederville
1944/102655 Perth Kneller Betty Jean Female Langridge Ronald William John Male West Leederville
1944/102656 Perth Wilton William Roy Male Hawke Lorrice June Female Perth
1944/102656 Perth Hawke Lorrice June Female Wilton William Roy Male Perth
1944/102657 Perth Everett John William Male Crosswell Bertha Norah Mary Female Claremont
1944/102657 Perth Crosswell Bertha Norah Mary Female Everett John William Male Claremont
1944/102658 Perth Sholl Kathleen Joan Female Winner Gordon Walter Male Claremont
1944/102658 Perth Winner Gordon Walter Male Sholl Kathleen Joan Female Claremont
1944/102659 Perth Ramsden James Male Congdon Mabel Martha Female Perth
1944/102659 Perth Congdon Mabel Martha Female Ramsden James Male Perth
1944/102660 Perth Millmore Albert George Male O'Donoghue Margaret McIntyre Female Perth
1944/102660 Perth O'Donoghue Margaret McIntyre Female Millmore Albert George Male Perth
1944/102661 Perth Goss Ellen Mary Female Morris Raymond Arthur Charles Male Maylands
1944/102661 Perth Morris Raymond Arthur Charles Male Goss Ellen Mary Female Maylands
1944/102662 Perth Wynde Leonard John Male Daniels Avril Marjorie Female West Perth
1944/102662 Perth Daniels Avril Marjorie Female Wynde Leonard John Male West Perth
1944/102663 Perth Hynes Mavis Florence Margaret Female Sallur John Alfred Male West Perth
1944/102663 Perth Sallur John Alfred Male Hynes Mavis Florence Margaret Female West Perth
1944/102664 Perth Taylor Ernest Richard Male Akers Rosetta Female West Perth
1944/102664 Perth Akers Rosetta Female Taylor Ernest Richard Male West Perth
1944/102665 Perth Cochran Samuel Male Chambers Beatrice Maud Female Perth
1944/102665 Perth Chambers Beatrice Maud Female Cochran Samuel Male Perth
1944/102666 Perth Nissen John Male Williams Lorna Olive Female Perth
1944/102666 Perth Williams Lorna Olive Female Nissen John Male Perth
1944/102667 Perth Lewis Verna Hope Female Furlonger Robert William Male Perth
1944/102667 Perth Furlonger Robert William Male Lewis Verna Hope Female Perth
1944/102668 Perth Lovick Doreen Lavinia Female Weber Harry Christian Male Perth
1944/102668 Perth Weber Harry Christian Male Lovick Doreen Lavinia Female Perth
1944/102669 Perth Taylor James David Male Crane Gladys Martha De Mollard Female Perth
1944/102669 Perth Crane Gladys Martha De Mollard Female Taylor James David Male Perth
1944/102670 Perth Mitchelson Brian Kerr Male Lock Mavis Thelma Female Perth
1944/102670 Perth Lock Mavis Thelma Female Mitchelson Brian Kerr Male Perth
1944/102671 Perth Knapp Kathleen Winifred Female Golby Roy Frederick George Male Perth
1944/102671 Perth Golby Roy Frederick George Male Knapp Kathleen Winifred Female Perth
1944/102672 Perth Beeson Beryl Agatha Female Withnell Maitland James Male Perth
1944/102672 Perth Withnell Maitland James Male Beeson Beryl Agatha Female Perth
1944/102673 Perth Sanderson William Thomas Male McDonald Laurene Tate Female Perth
1944/102673 Perth McDonald Laurene Tate Female Sanderson William Thomas Male Perth
1944/102674 Perth Jones Rita Eleanor Female Redmond George Lisle Simpson Male Perth
1944/102674 Perth Redmond George Lisle Simpson Male Jones Rita Eleanor Female Perth
1944/102675 Perth Parker Winifred Nancy Female Loughton Mureil Carlyle Male Perth
1944/102675 Perth Loughton Mureil Carlyle Male Parker Winifred Nancy Female Perth
1944/102676 Perth Kelly Hazel Lillian Female Luke William James Male Perth
1944/102676 Perth Luke William James Male Kelly Hazel Lillian Female Perth
1944/102677 Perth Jones Elsie Elizabeth Female Stewart Douglas St Clair Male Perth
1944/102677 Perth Stewart Douglas St Clair Male Jones Elsie Elizabeth Female Perth
1944/102678 Perth Hague John Joseph George Male Leigh Joyce Elizabeth Female Perth
1944/102678 Perth Leigh Joyce Elizabeth Female Hague John Joseph George Male Perth
1944/102679 Perth Dixson Lona Betty Female Moore Herman Allan Male Perth
1944/102679 Perth Moore Herman Allan Male Dixson Lona Betty Female Perth
1944/102680 Perth Compton Gwenneth Agnes Female Chaffin Lavor Kendall Male Subiaco
1944/102680 Perth Chaffin Lavor Kendall Male Compton Gwenneth Agnes Female Subiaco
1944/102681 Perth King Nellie May Female Greenhalgh Stanley Alexander Male Perth
1944/102681 Perth Greenhalgh Stanley Alexander Male King Nellie May Female Perth
1944/102682 Perth Massara Mariea Ruth Charlotte Female Smith Arthur Alfred Joseph Male Perth
1944/102682 Perth Smith Arthur Alfred Joseph Male Massara Mariea Ruth Charlotte Female Perth
1944/102683 Perth Bailley Pauline Teresa Female Reighard Wayne Male Maylands
1944/102683 Perth Reighard Wayne Male Bailley Pauline Teresa Female Maylands
1944/102684 Perth Smith John Foster Male Monkhouse Joyce Maud Female Carlisle
1944/102684 Perth Monkhouse Joyce Maud Female Smith John Foster Male Carlisle
1944/102685 Perth Golding Hilda Louisa Female Smith Charles Seymour Male Victoria Park
1944/102685 Perth Smith Charles Seymour Male Golding Hilda Louisa Female Victoria Park
1944/102686 Perth Skinner Ernest Milton Male Gerrans Betty Jean Female West Perth
1944/102686 Perth Gerrans Betty Jean Female Skinner Ernest Milton Male West Perth
1944/102687 Perth Noble Margaret Georgina Frances Female Webb Donald Victor Male Rosalie
1944/102687 Perth Webb Donald Victor Male Noble Margaret Georgina Frances Female Rosalie
1944/102688 Perth Price Verona Joyce Female Cleaver Ernest James Male Subiaco
1944/102688 Perth Cleaver Ernest James Male Price Verona Joyce Female Subiaco
1944/102689 Perth Flannigan Eileen Muriel Female Mawson Robert Leonard Male Shenton Park
1944/102689 Perth Mawson Robert Leonard Male Flannigan Eileen Muriel Female Shenton Park
1944/102690 Perth Hosking Mavis Lorraine Female Hoare Stanley Allen Male Perth
1944/102690 Perth Hoare Stanley Allen Male Hosking Mavis Lorraine Female Perth
1944/102691 Perth Edmonds Guy Douglas Ross Ellis Male Vanzetti Florence Patricia Female South Perth
1944/102691 Perth Vanzetti Florence Patricia Female Edmonds Guy Douglas Ross Ellis Male South Perth
1944/102692 Perth Barlow Florence Alma Female Baker Reginald Keith Male West Perth
1944/102692 Perth Baker Reginald Keith Male Barlow Florence Alma Female West Perth
1944/102693 Perth Hitchins Lola Gwendoline Female McCue Thomas Alfred Male Perth
1944/102693 Perth McCue Thomas Alfred Male Hitchins Lola Gwendoline Female Perth
1944/102694 Perth Thomas Richard Bertram Male Sadlier Maude Victoria Female Perth
1944/102694 Perth Sadlier Maude Victoria Female Thomas Richard Bertram Male Perth
1944/102695 Perth Parkinson Joy Millicent Female Betts John Sydney Male Mt Lawley
1944/102695 Perth Betts John Sydney Male Parkinson Joy Millicent Female Mt Lawley
1944/102696 Perth Leen Brendan Gerard Male Manners Dorothy Joan Female Mt Lawley
1944/102696 Perth Manners Dorothy Joan Female Leen Brendan Gerard Male Mt Lawley
1944/102697 Perth Williamson Laurina Joyce Female Birrell David Male Victoria Park
1944/102697 Perth Birrell David Male Williamson Laurina Joyce Female Victoria Park
1944/102698 Perth Harper Margaret Female Millard Ernest Male Perth
1944/102698 Perth Millard Ernest Male Harper Margaret Female Perth
1944/102699 Perth Fulker Lillian May Female Sharp Keith Hamilton Male Perth
1944/102699 Perth Sharp Keith Hamilton Male Fulker Lillian May Female Perth
1944/102700 Perth Hollis Joan Kathleen Female Parker Frederick William Male Perth
1944/102700 Perth Parker Frederick William Male Hollis Joan Kathleen Female Perth
1944/102701 Perth Davis Elsie Myrtle Female Dhue Thomas Charles Male Perth
1944/102701 Perth Dhue Thomas Charles Male Davis Elsie Myrtle Female Perth
1944/102702 Perth Matthews Gwendoline Betty Female Jauncey Joseph Male Claremont
1944/102702 Perth Jauncey Joseph Male Matthews Gwendoline Betty Female Claremont
1944/102703 Perth Newbey Thomas Joseph Male Dyson Mildred May Female Perth
1944/102703 Perth Dyson Mildred May Female Newbey Thomas Joseph Male Perth
1944/102704 Perth Finlay Benjamin Male Bristowe Grace Alice Female Perth
1944/102704 Perth Bristowe Grace Alice Female Finlay Benjamin Male Perth
1944/102705 Perth Corser Bruce Male Tomlinson Gwenda Spencer Female West Perth
1944/102705 Perth Tomlinson Gwenda Spencer Female Corser Bruce Male West Perth
1944/102706 Perth Dominish Clementine Agnes Female Mann William Joseph Male South Perth
1944/102706 Perth Mann William Joseph Male Dominish Clementine Agnes Female South Perth
1944/102707 Perth Lynch Jean Thelma Female Beck Cyril Raymond Male South Perth
1944/102707 Perth Beck Cyril Raymond Male Lynch Jean Thelma Female South Perth
1944/102708 Perth Davis Francis Arthur Male Powell Joyce Norma Female South Perth
1944/102708 Perth Powell Joyce Norma Female Davis Francis Arthur Male South Perth
1944/102709 Perth Greaves Gwenyth Mary Female Comino William Alexander Male Perth
1944/102709 Perth Comino William Alexander Male Greaves Gwenyth Mary Female Perth
1944/102710 Perth Quirk Ethel Veronica Female Penaluna Alan Kevin Male Leederville
1944/102710 Perth Penaluna Alan Kevin Male Quirk Ethel Veronica Female Leederville
1944/102711 Perth Hannah Joan Female Harlow Roy James Male Nedlands
1944/102711 Perth Harlow Roy James Male Hannah Joan Female Nedlands
1944/102712 Perth Rowe Dorothy Female Mitchell Stanley Llewellyn Male Bayswater
1944/102712 Perth Mitchell Stanley Llewellyn Male Rowe Dorothy Female Bayswater
1944/102713 Perth Powell Olive Daisy Female Knights Francis Edward Eustace Male Osborne Park
1944/102713 Perth Knights Francis Edward Eustace Male Powell Olive Daisy Female Osborne Park
1944/102714 Perth Cumming Irene Maud Female Husted John Samuel Male Perth
1944/102714 Perth Husted John Samuel Male Cumming Irene Maud Female Perth
1944/102715 Perth Finniss Doris Ivy Female Smith John Allan Male Perth
1944/102715 Perth Smith John Allan Male Finniss Doris Ivy Female Perth
1944/102716 Perth Ghent William Hubert Male McCarthy Joan Kathleen Female Perth
1944/102716 Perth McCarthy Joan Kathleen Female Ghent William Hubert Male Perth
1944/102717 Perth Walton John Claude Male Bell Aubrey Rose Female Perth
1944/102717 Perth Bell Aubrey Rose Female Walton John Claude Male Perth
1944/102718 Perth Simms Audrey Joyce Female Wallace Keith Male Perth
1944/102718 Perth Wallace Keith Male Simms Audrey Joyce Female Perth
1944/102719 Perth Grant John Male Sproston Margaret Female Perth
1944/102719 Perth Sproston Margaret Female Grant John Male Perth
1944/102720 Perth Smith Mavis Irene Female McKendry James Alexander Male Perth
1944/102720 Perth McKendry James Alexander Male Smith Mavis Irene Female Perth
1944/102721 Perth Reston Daphne Thelma Female Edgerton James William Male Perth
1944/102721 Perth Edgerton James William Male Reston Daphne Thelma Female Perth
1944/102722 Perth Mawby Kenneth Ernest Male Rear Eileen Female Perth
1944/102722 Perth Rear Eileen Female Mawby Kenneth Ernest Male Perth
1944/102723 Perth Boskell Leonard Male Clark Eunice Boughton Female Perth
1944/102723 Perth Clark Eunice Boughton Female Boskell Leonard Male Perth
1944/102724 Perth Archer Ethel Lorna Female Flower Edwin Laurence Male Perth
1944/102724 Perth Flower Edwin Laurence Male Archer Ethel Lorna Female Perth
1944/102725 Perth Taylor Arthur Ronald Male Jones Alma May Female Perth
1944/102725 Perth Jones Alma May Female Taylor Arthur Ronald Male Perth
1944/102726 Perth Steadman Norma Joy Female Kirkham Robert Andrew Male Perth
1944/102726 Perth Kirkham Robert Andrew Male Steadman Norma Joy Female Perth
1944/102727 Perth Rogers Roma Ruby Female Wibberley Frederick Brian Male Perth
1944/102727 Perth Wibberley Frederick Brian Male Rogers Roma Ruby Female Perth
1944/102728 Perth Firkin Beatrice Female Devenny Keith Howard Male Perth
1944/102728 Perth Devenny Keith Howard Male Firkin Beatrice Female Perth
1944/102729 Perth Gillingham Doris Eileen Female Taylor Keith Ronald Male Perth
1944/102729 Perth Taylor Keith Ronald Male Gillingham Doris Eileen Female Perth
1944/102730 Perth Buttel Madge Helen Female Morris William Millar John Male Perth
1944/102730 Perth Morris William Millar John Male Buttel Madge Helen Female Perth
1944/102731 Perth Buttel Constance Minnie Female Walton John Regan Kidd Male Perth
1944/102731 Perth Walton John Regan Kidd Male Buttel Constance Minnie Female Perth
1944/102732 Perth Stampalia Joseph Male Parin Lucy Ukich Female Osborne Park
1944/102732 Perth Parin Lucy Ukich Female Stampalia Joseph Male Osborne Park
1944/102733 Perth Joyce Muriel Edna Rose Female Blakeley Keith Williams Male Mt Lawley
1944/102733 Perth Blakeley Keith Williams Male Joyce Muriel Edna Rose Female Mt Lawley
1944/102734 Perth Walker Valma Female Hancock Roy Male Mt Lawley
1944/102734 Perth Hancock Roy Male Walker Valma Female Mt Lawley
1944/102735 Perth Connery Shirley Lorraine Female Wilson Alan Leslie Male Subiaco
1944/102735 Perth Wilson Alan Leslie Male Connery Shirley Lorraine Female Subiaco
1944/102736 Perth Evans Dulcie Marjorie Female Reid Louis Alfred Male Perth
1944/102736 Perth Reid Louis Alfred Male Evans Dulcie Marjorie Female Perth
1944/102737 Perth Gunn Sidney Isaac Male Stubbs Hilda Female Victoria Park
1944/102737 Perth Stubbs Hilda Female Gunn Sidney Isaac Male Victoria Park
1944/102738 Perth Chantler Douglas Charles Male Lawford Betty Joan Female North Perth
1944/102738 Perth Lawford Betty Joan Female Chantler Douglas Charles Male North Perth
1944/102739 Perth Reid Charles Patrick Male Cairney Sarah Parker Female Perth
1944/102739 Perth Cairney Sarah Parker Female Reid Charles Patrick Male Perth
1944/102740 Perth Hodson Hazel Female South Arthur Robert Male Perth
1944/102740 Perth South Arthur Robert Male Hodson Hazel Female Perth
1944/102741 Perth Dermody Victor Vernon Male Akesson Olive Fay Female Perth
1944/102741 Perth Akesson Olive Fay Female Dermody Victor Vernon Male Perth
1944/102742 Perth Lillingston Rhoda Patricia Female Lindsay Robert George Male Perth
1944/102742 Perth Lindsay Robert George Male Lillingston Rhoda Patricia Female Perth
1944/102743 Perth Brice Shirley Female Saunders Eric Clifford Magnus Male Perth
1944/102743 Perth Saunders Eric Clifford Magnus Male Brice Shirley Female Perth
1944/102744 Perth Nelson Wallace John James Male Knight Freda Frances Female Perth
1944/102744 Perth Knight Freda Frances Female Nelson Wallace John James Male Perth
1944/102745 Perth Davies Vera Winifred Female Lathby Frederick Norman Male Perth
1944/102745 Perth Lathby Frederick Norman Male Davies Vera Winifred Female Perth
1944/102746 Perth Trew Dulcie Sarah Female Herbert Reginald Gordon Basil Male Perth
1944/102746 Perth Herbert Reginald Gordon Basil Male Trew Dulcie Sarah Female Perth
1944/102747 Perth Schuberg Eric Norman Male Dunton Olive Amelia Female Perth
1944/102747 Perth Dunton Olive Amelia Female Schuberg Eric Norman Male Perth
1944/102748 Perth Oldfield Edward Peate Male Smith Margaret Josephine Female Perth
1944/102748 Perth Smith Margaret Josephine Female Oldfield Edward Peate Male Perth
1944/102749 Perth Dove Robert Anzac Male Colman Ena May Female Mt Lawley
1944/102749 Perth Colman Ena May Female Dove Robert Anzac Male Mt Lawley
1944/102750 Perth Harrison Eileen Louise Female Telfer Basil William Male Perth
1944/102750 Perth Telfer Basil William Male Harrison Eileen Louise Female Perth
1944/102751 Perth McGuiness Doris Eileen Female Gourley Frank William Male Perth
1944/102751 Perth Gourley Frank William Male McGuiness Doris Eileen Female Perth
1944/102752 Perth Sutton Cecilia Joy Hamilton Female Holland Reginald James Male Perth
1944/102752 Perth Holland Reginald James Male Sutton Cecilia Joy Hamilton Female Perth
1944/102753 Perth Houghton Ruth Florence Female Down Sydney George Edward Male Carlisle
1944/102753 Perth Down Sydney George Edward Male Houghton Ruth Florence Female Carlisle
1944/102754 Perth Cowdrey Evelyn Ann Female Dean Walter Male Subiaco
1944/102754 Perth Dean Walter Male Cowdrey Evelyn Ann Female Subiaco
1944/102755 Perth Barfield Marjory Female Elliott Frank Male Perth
1944/102755 Perth Elliott Frank Male Barfield Marjory Female Perth
1944/102756 Perth Major Kenneth Owen Male Stone Jean Thelma Female Perth
1944/102756 Perth Stone Jean Thelma Female Major Kenneth Owen Male Perth
1944/102757 Perth Cameron Elsie May Female Taylor Stanley David Male Perth
1944/102757 Perth Taylor Stanley David Male Cameron Elsie May Female Perth
1944/102758 Perth Smith Peggy Allsop Female Ford Henry Edsel Male Osborne Park
1944/102758 Perth Ford Henry Edsel Male Smith Peggy Allsop Female Osborne Park
1944/102759 Perth Drummond Mervyn Roy Male Gwynne Marie Marguerite Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/102759 Perth Gwynne Marie Marguerite Female Drummond Mervyn Roy Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/102760 Perth Gardner Thomas Lewis Eric Male Coombs Marie Magdalene Female West Perth
1944/102760 Perth Coombs Marie Magdalene Female Gardner Thomas Lewis Eric Male West Perth
1944/102761 Perth Harrison Yvonne Irene Female Linaker Leonard George Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/102761 Perth Linaker Leonard George Male Harrison Yvonne Irene Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/102762 Perth Vine Eric Francis Male Jameson Elsie Doreen Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/102762 Perth Jameson Elsie Doreen Female Vine Eric Francis Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/102763 Perth Lee John William Male Gardiner Betty Evelyn Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/102763 Perth Gardiner Betty Evelyn Female Lee John William Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/102764 Perth Antonas Mary Female Phillips Anthony Paul Male Perth
1944/102764 Perth Phillips Anthony Paul Male Antonas Mary Female Perth
1944/102765 Perth Paull Lancelot Male Poulter Rose Female Perth
1944/102765 Perth Poulter Rose Female Paull Lancelot Male Perth
1944/102766 Perth Couanis Dimitrios Male Moskonisiotis Maria Female Perth
1944/102766 Perth Moskonisiotis Maria Female Couanis Dimitrios Male Perth
1944/102767 Perth Dyson Douglas Fredrick Male Cheesewright Doris Female West Perth
1944/102767 Perth Cheesewright Doris Female Dyson Douglas Fredrick Male West Perth
1944/102768 Perth Nisbet Thomas Granger Male Scholefield Beverley Female West Perth
1944/102768 Perth Scholefield Beverley Female Nisbet Thomas Granger Male West Perth
1944/102769 Perth Mavromatis Mary Female Dakas Christos Male Perth
1944/102769 Perth Dakas Christos Male Mavromatis Mary Female Perth
1944/102770 Perth Benzie Robert Hammond Male French Jean Liege Female Claremont
1944/102770 Perth French Jean Liege Female Benzie Robert Hammond Male Claremont
1944/102771 Perth Collins Rita Mary Female Riggs James Male Maylands
1944/102771 Perth Riggs James Male Collins Rita Mary Female Maylands
1944/102772 Perth Allen Joan Hilary Female O'Connell Harry Male Perth
1944/102772 Perth O'Connell Harry Male Allen Joan Hilary Female Perth
1944/102773 Perth Vine Eva Emily Female Devonshire Joseph Henry Male Perth
1944/102773 Perth Devonshire Joseph Henry Male Vine Eva Emily Female Perth
1944/102774 Perth Haddrill Albion Male Dyer Dora Female Perth
1944/102774 Perth Dyer Dora Female Haddrill Albion Male Perth
1944/102777 Perth Smith William Arthur Male Pickering Beryl Mavis Female Subiaco
1944/102777 Perth Pickering Beryl Mavis Female Smith William Arthur Male Subiaco
1944/102778 Perth Colton Dorothy Margaret Female Peart William Thomas Male Perth
1944/102778 Perth Peart William Thomas Male Colton Dorothy Margaret Female Perth
1944/102779 Perth Finkle Albert John Male Lang Jean Louisa Female Perth
1944/102779 Perth Lang Jean Louisa Female Finkle Albert John Male Perth
1944/102780 Perth Gibson Dorothy Rose Female Hartmann Arthur Albert Currell Male Perth
1944/102780 Perth Hartmann Arthur Albert Currell Male Gibson Dorothy Rose Female Perth
1944/102781 Perth Carlisle Thelma Madge Female McDowall John George Male Perth
1944/102781 Perth McDowall John George Male Carlisle Thelma Madge Female Perth
1944/102782 Perth Dean Audrey Joyce Female Stradley Jr Charles Edward Male Perth
1944/102782 Perth Stradley Jr Charles Edward Male Dean Audrey Joyce Female Perth
1944/102783 Perth Exley Wallace Arthur Male Kiddle Doreen Lilian Female Perth
1944/102783 Perth Kiddle Doreen Lilian Female Exley Wallace Arthur Male Perth
1944/102784 Perth Garside Stanley Male Bates Floris Rita Female Subiaco
1944/102784 Perth Bates Floris Rita Female Garside Stanley Male Subiaco
1944/102785 Perth Taylor Barbara Mary Female Atkins Francis George Male Leederville
1944/102785 Perth Atkins Francis George Male Taylor Barbara Mary Female Leederville
1944/102786 Perth Benson Geoffrey Denis Gordon Male Leggett Patricia Ivy Female Mt Lawley
1944/102786 Perth Leggett Patricia Ivy Female Benson Geoffrey Denis Gordon Male Mt Lawley
1944/102787 Perth Schuster Eileen Helen Female Robertson David Eric Male Mt Lawley
1944/102787 Perth Robertson David Eric Male Schuster Eileen Helen Female Mt Lawley
1944/102788 Perth Bolton Jeanne Female Heweston Francis Charles Male Perth
1944/102788 Perth Heweston Francis Charles Male Bolton Jeanne Female Perth
1944/102789 Perth Wishart William Henry Male Tatam Ruby Female Victoria Park
1944/102789 Perth Tatam Ruby Female Wishart William Henry Male Victoria Park
1944/102790 Perth Jones Francis Whitmore Male Dolley Evelyn Georgina Female Victoria Park
1944/102790 Perth Dolley Evelyn Georgina Female Jones Francis Whitmore Male Victoria Park
1944/102791 Perth Day Betty Female Alford Arthur Johnson Male Victoria Park
1944/102791 Perth Alford Arthur Johnson Male Day Betty Female Victoria Park
1944/102792 Perth Passmore Leslie James Male Latham Dorothy Bernadette Female Subiaco
1944/102792 Perth Latham Dorothy Bernadette Female Passmore Leslie James Male Subiaco
1944/102793 Perth Ryan Nora Cecilia Female Hedington George Tasman Male Subiaco
1944/102793 Perth Hedington George Tasman Male Ryan Nora Cecilia Female Subiaco
1944/102794 Perth Dowdell Edward Male Hebble Alice Beatrice Female Perth
1944/102794 Perth Hebble Alice Beatrice Female Dowdell Edward Male Perth
1944/102795 Perth Pierpoint Gwenneth May Female Norman Gordon John Male Como
1944/102795 Perth Norman Gordon John Male Pierpoint Gwenneth May Female Como
1944/102796 Perth Reed Samuel Male Braysher Dorothy Female Perth
1944/102796 Perth Braysher Dorothy Female Reed Samuel Male Perth
1944/102797 Perth Moody Laura Florence Female Counsel Maxwell Male West Perth
1944/102797 Perth Counsel Maxwell Male Moody Laura Florence Female West Perth
1944/102798 Perth Pugh Edith Margaret Female Spencer Dean Warren Male Perth
1944/102798 Perth Spencer Dean Warren Male Pugh Edith Margaret Female Perth
1944/102799 Perth Slater Raye Lillian Female Bunney Richard Arthur Male Perth
1944/102799 Perth Bunney Richard Arthur Male Slater Raye Lillian Female Perth
1944/102800 Perth Demasson Patricia Florence Female Broom Wallace Leslie Male Perth
1944/102800 Perth Broom Wallace Leslie Male Demasson Patricia Florence Female Perth
1944/102801 Perth Farquhar Gladys Marie Female Truman Herbert Henry Male Perth
1944/102801 Perth Truman Herbert Henry Male Farquhar Gladys Marie Female Perth
1944/102802 Perth Clayforth Lionel St Clair Male Mitchell Lesley Phyllis Female Perth
1944/102802 Perth Mitchell Lesley Phyllis Female Clayforth Lionel St Clair Male Perth
1944/102803 Perth McBarron Violet Doreen Female Cugley Leslie William Male Highgate
1944/102803 Perth Cugley Leslie William Male McBarron Violet Doreen Female Highgate
1944/102804 Perth Martin Mona Jane Female Riley Arthur Erne Male East Claremont
1944/102804 Perth Riley Arthur Erne Male Martin Mona Jane Female East Claremont
1944/102805 Perth Newport Olive Maud Female Morton Floyd Lee Male Claremont
1944/102805 Perth Morton Floyd Lee Male Newport Olive Maud Female Claremont
1944/102806 Perth Long Robert Rivett Male Middleton Gwyneth Female Claremont
1944/102806 Perth Middleton Gwyneth Female Long Robert Rivett Male Claremont
1944/102807 Perth Buchanan Freda Margaret Female Johnson Charles Edward Male Claremont
1944/102807 Perth Johnson Charles Edward Male Buchanan Freda Margaret Female Claremont
1944/102808 Perth Nottage Edgar Ashton Male Camerer Honor Leila Female Mt Lawley
1944/102808 Perth Camerer Honor Leila Female Nottage Edgar Ashton Male Mt Lawley
1944/102809 Perth Hellmrich Mavis Lottie Female Eckett Roy George Male Perth
1944/102809 Perth Eckett Roy George Male Hellmrich Mavis Lottie Female Perth
1944/102810 Perth Lovering Wilfred Malcolm Male House Lilian Merle Female Perth
1944/102810 Perth House Lilian Merle Female Lovering Wilfred Malcolm Male Perth
1944/102811 Perth Ursic Andjelka Female Garbin Frane Male Perth
1944/102811 Perth Garbin Frane Male Ursic Andjelka Female Perth
1944/102812 Perth Gray Joseph Strong Male Camerer Doris Gwendoline Marie Female West Perth
1944/102812 Perth Camerer Doris Gwendoline Marie Female Gray Joseph Strong Male West Perth
1944/102813 Perth McKay George Male Goldsmith Rosie Elizabeth Female Perth
1944/102813 Perth Goldsmith Rosie Elizabeth Female McKay George Male Perth
1944/102814 Perth Cooper John William Male Goff Pauline May Female Perth
1944/102814 Perth Goff Pauline May Female Cooper John William Male Perth
1944/102815 Perth Strother Jack Francis Male McIntosh Erna Lucie Ruth Female Perth
1944/102815 Perth McIntosh Erna Lucie Ruth Female Strother Jack Francis Male Perth
1944/102816 Perth Dervin Lillian Patricia Female Beckwith Stanley James Male Perth
1944/102816 Perth Beckwith Stanley James Male Dervin Lillian Patricia Female Perth
1944/102817 Perth Teakle Lloyd Victor Male Graham Kathleen Lorna Female Perth
1944/102817 Perth Graham Kathleen Lorna Female Teakle Lloyd Victor Male Perth
1944/102818 Perth Steer Kathleen Mary Inez Female Spanton John William Male Subiaco
1944/102818 Perth Spanton John William Male Steer Kathleen Mary Inez Female Subiaco
1944/102819 Perth Isaachsen Margaret Female Fethers Lloyd Edward Male Cottesloe
1944/102819 Perth Fethers Lloyd Edward Male Isaachsen Margaret Female Cottesloe
1944/102820 Perth Peterson Lawrence Daniel Male Rawlings Audrey Florence Female Claremont
1944/102820 Perth Rawlings Audrey Florence Female Peterson Lawrence Daniel Male Claremont
1944/102821 Perth Geere Gladys Female Waldeck Philip Frederick Male Perth
1944/102821 Perth Waldeck Philip Frederick Male Geere Gladys Female Perth
1944/102822 Perth Cook William Male Charman Glen May Female Perth
1944/102822 Perth Charman Glen May Female Cook William Male Perth
1944/102823 Perth Owen Gwladys May Female Rushton Ernest Charles Louis Male Maylands
1944/102823 Perth Rushton Ernest Charles Louis Male Owen Gwladys May Female Maylands
1944/102824 Perth Maloney Marguerita Hazel Female Rattigan Garry Russell Male Perth
1944/102824 Perth Rattigan Garry Russell Male Maloney Marguerita Hazel Female Perth
1944/102825 Perth Orton Roma Joyce Female Chamberlain Kenneth Noel Male Perth
1944/102825 Perth Chamberlain Kenneth Noel Male Orton Roma Joyce Female Perth
1944/102826 Perth Dimond Rhonda Valmai Female Love Ronald Edward Beaumont Male Perth
1944/102826 Perth Love Ronald Edward Beaumont Male Dimond Rhonda Valmai Female Perth
1944/102827 Perth Williams Beryl Joyce Female Folta George William Male Perth
1944/102827 Perth Folta George William Male Williams Beryl Joyce Female Perth
1944/102828 Perth Hender Patrick Campbell Male Phillips Lola Gloria Female West Perth
1944/102828 Perth Phillips Lola Gloria Female Hender Patrick Campbell Male West Perth
1944/102829 Perth Muskett George Henry Male Lockyer Zora Ruth Female West Perth
1944/102829 Perth Lockyer Zora Ruth Female Muskett George Henry Male West Perth
1944/102830 Perth Cosstick Ellen Joyce Female Abbott Stanley Arthur Ernest Male West Perth
1944/102830 Perth Abbott Stanley Arthur Ernest Male Cosstick Ellen Joyce Female West Perth
1944/102831 Perth Beiner Stephanie Female Weinwurm Paul Male Perth
1944/102831 Perth Weinwurm Paul Male Beiner Stephanie Female Perth
1944/102832 Perth Bradley Francis Harrold Male Ross Jamesina Jessie Female Perth
1944/102832 Perth Ross Jamesina Jessie Female Bradley Francis Harrold Male Perth
1944/102833 Perth Piper Frederick James Male Peirce Gwendoline May Female Perth
1944/102833 Perth Peirce Gwendoline May Female Piper Frederick James Male Perth
1944/102834 Perth Piper Edwin Walter Male Beeson Evelyn Louisa Female Subiaco
1944/102834 Perth Beeson Evelyn Louisa Female Piper Edwin Walter Male Subiaco
1944/102835 Perth West Ethel May Female Westerside Francis William Male Leederville
1944/102835 Perth Westerside Francis William Male West Ethel May Female Leederville
1944/102836 Perth Asplin Ronald James Male Porter Joan Loys Female West Leederville
1944/102836 Perth Porter Joan Loys Female Asplin Ronald James Male West Leederville
1944/102837 Perth Pendlebury Robert Male Reichardt Mary Katherine Female Perth
1944/102837 Perth Reichardt Mary Katherine Female Pendlebury Robert Male Perth
1944/102838 Perth Hedgeland Marion Mable Female Kidd Vernon Roy Male Leederville
1944/102838 Perth Kidd Vernon Roy Male Hedgeland Marion Mable Female Leederville
1944/102839 Perth Green Rona May Female Soutar Norman James Edward Male Claremont
1944/102839 Perth Soutar Norman James Edward Male Green Rona May Female Claremont
1944/102840 Perth Murray Pauline Female Johnson Mervyn Roy Male Claremont
1944/102840 Perth Johnson Mervyn Roy Male Murray Pauline Female Claremont
1944/102841 Perth Shaddick Margaret Jean Female Tyler Arthur Edward Male Claremont
1944/102841 Perth Tyler Arthur Edward Male Shaddick Margaret Jean Female Claremont
1944/102842 Perth Allan Ronald Thomas Male Hards Janet Lily Female Claremont
1944/102842 Perth Hards Janet Lily Female Allan Ronald Thomas Male Claremont
1944/102843 Perth Glover Gerald Herbert Male Hewson Kathleen Patricia Female Perth
1944/102843 Perth Hewson Kathleen Patricia Female Glover Gerald Herbert Male Perth
1944/102844 Perth Squance Edna May Female Burt John Young Male Perth
1944/102844 Perth Burt John Young Male Squance Edna May Female Perth
1944/102845 Perth Fuller Joyce Doreen Female Heal Raymond Charles Male Perth
1944/102845 Perth Heal Raymond Charles Male Fuller Joyce Doreen Female Perth
1944/102846 Perth Bond George Boag Male Wood Shirley Blanche Female Perth
1944/102846 Perth Wood Shirley Blanche Female Bond George Boag Male Perth
1944/102847 Perth Allington Ernest Arthur Male Belicke Enid Ernestine Female Perth
1944/102847 Perth Belicke Enid Ernestine Female Allington Ernest Arthur Male Perth
1944/102848 Perth Hope Gladys Lena Female Elderfield William George Male Perth
1944/102848 Perth Elderfield William George Male Hope Gladys Lena Female Perth
1944/102849 Perth Williams Alfred James Male Woods Effie Norris Female Perth
1944/102849 Perth Woods Effie Norris Female Williams Alfred James Male Perth
1944/102850 Perth Douglas William John Male Reynolds Verna Joyce Female Cottesloe
1944/102850 Perth Reynolds Verna Joyce Female Douglas William John Male Cottesloe
1944/102851 Perth Rowe Richard John Male Denton Elaine Female West Perth
1944/102851 Perth Denton Elaine Female Rowe Richard John Male West Perth
1944/102852 Perth Mills Barbara Alys Female Viezee Gysbertus Male West Perth
1944/102852 Perth Viezee Gysbertus Male Mills Barbara Alys Female West Perth
1944/102853 Perth Smith Irene Constance Female Bailey William Arthur Male Perth
1944/102853 Perth Bailey William Arthur Male Smith Irene Constance Female Perth
1944/102854 Perth Worthington Ailsa Gweneth Female Rudinger Harold Frederick Male Perth
1944/102854 Perth Rudinger Harold Frederick Male Worthington Ailsa Gweneth Female Perth
1944/102855 Perth Beckmann Herbert Norman Vivian Male Richards Florence Madge Female Perth
1944/102855 Perth Richards Florence Madge Female Beckmann Herbert Norman Vivian Male Perth
1944/102856 Perth Baldwin Rupert Stanley Male Pell May Maude Female Perth
1944/102856 Perth Pell May Maude Female Baldwin Rupert Stanley Male Perth
1944/102857 Perth Rose Arthur Bertram Male Jacka Joyce Female Perth
1944/102857 Perth Jacka Joyce Female Rose Arthur Bertram Male Perth
1944/102858 Perth Payne Thora Female Saggers John Robert Male Perth
1944/102858 Perth Saggers John Robert Male Payne Thora Female Perth
1944/102859 Perth Jones Ailsa Irene Female Wilkinson-Jones Clarence Reginald Male Perth
1944/102859 Perth Wilkinson-Jones Clarence Reginald Male Jones Ailsa Irene Female Perth
1944/102860 Perth Sturrock Elma Marie Female Hatton Edward George Male West Perth
1944/102860 Perth Hatton Edward George Male Sturrock Elma Marie Female West Perth
1944/102861 Perth Jones Marjorie Ruth Female Flintoff Thomas Wickliffe Gordon Male Perth
1944/102861 Perth Flintoff Thomas Wickliffe Gordon Male Jones Marjorie Ruth Female Perth
1944/102862 Perth Miller Ronald Leslie Male Luke Kathleen Jenkins Female Perth
1944/102862 Perth Luke Kathleen Jenkins Female Miller Ronald Leslie Male Perth
1944/102863 Perth Hort Grace Charlotte Female Liddell Alwyn Raymond Male Perth
1944/102863 Perth Liddell Alwyn Raymond Male Hort Grace Charlotte Female Perth
1944/102864 Perth Gartrell Marjorie Female Blee Eric Hartley Male Perth
1944/102864 Perth Blee Eric Hartley Male Gartrell Marjorie Female Perth
1944/102865 Perth Baxter William Russell Male Newland Marjorie Female Perth
1944/102865 Perth Newland Marjorie Female Baxter William Russell Male Perth
1944/102866 Perth Martens Doreen May Female Hale Henry James Male Perth
1944/102866 Perth Hale Henry James Male Martens Doreen May Female Perth
1944/102867 Perth Davies Hazel Myra Eliza Female Allen Robert Newstead Osborne Male Perth
1944/102867 Perth Allen Robert Newstead Osborne Male Davies Hazel Myra Eliza Female Perth
1944/102868 Perth York Alfred James Male Jones Madge Winifred May Female Perth
1944/102868 Perth Jones Madge Winifred May Female York Alfred James Male Perth
1944/102869 Perth Mansfield Frederick Thomas Male Watts Lurline Katherine Female Perth
1944/102869 Perth Watts Lurline Katherine Female Mansfield Frederick Thomas Male Perth
1944/102870 Perth Scott Robert Geoffrey Male Coonan Loretta Patricia Female West Australia
1944/102870 Perth Coonan Loretta Patricia Female Scott Robert Geoffrey Male West Australia
1944/102871 Perth Woods Nancy Emily Female Bathgate Archibald Donald Charles Male Nedlands
1944/102871 Perth Bathgate Archibald Donald Charles Male Woods Nancy Emily Female Nedlands
1944/102872 Perth Appleton Jean Agnes Female Kelly Walter Male West Perth
1944/102872 Perth Kelly Walter Male Appleton Jean Agnes Female West Perth
1944/102873 Perth Waterman Edward Gordon Male Cahill Doris Female West Perth
1944/102873 Perth Cahill Doris Female Waterman Edward Gordon Male West Perth
1944/102874 Perth Booker Shirley Ella Mary Female Judkins Stanley William Male Mt Lawley
1944/102874 Perth Judkins Stanley William Male Booker Shirley Ella Mary Female Mt Lawley
1944/102875 Perth White Jacqueline Shirley Female Hansen Lee Eldridge Male Mt Lawley
1944/102875 Perth Hansen Lee Eldridge Male White Jacqueline Shirley Female Mt Lawley
1944/102876 Perth Byrne Kathleen Female Galloway Arthur Sinclair Male West Perth
1944/102876 Perth Galloway Arthur Sinclair Male Byrne Kathleen Female West Perth
1944/102877 Perth Curtin John Francis Male Neill Catherine Reid Female West Perth
1944/102877 Perth Neill Catherine Reid Female Curtin John Francis Male West Perth
1944/102878 Perth Meyers Gus Male Neville Constance Lorraine Female West Perth
1944/102878 Perth Neville Constance Lorraine Female Meyers Gus Male West Perth
1944/102879 Perth Dadswell Mary Jane Female Gunter Charles James Male North Perth
1944/102879 Perth Gunter Charles James Male Dadswell Mary Jane Female North Perth
1944/102880 Perth Elliott Alice Dorothy Female Beckett Robert John George Male East Claremont
1944/102880 Perth Beckett Robert John George Male Elliott Alice Dorothy Female East Claremont
1944/102881 Perth Petricevich Beryl Eunice Female Mitchell Robert Lee Male Perth
1944/102881 Perth Mitchell Robert Lee Male Petricevich Beryl Eunice Female Perth
1944/102882 Perth O'Neill George Wilson Male Fahey Laurel May Female Leederville
1944/102882 Perth Fahey Laurel May Female O'Neill George Wilson Male Leederville
1944/102883 Perth Fanowrios John Male McGuinness Margaret Mary Female Leederville
1944/102883 Perth McGuinness Margaret Mary Female Fanowrios John Male Leederville
1944/102884 Perth Friend Albert Edward Male Jeffs Daphne May Female Subiaco
1944/102884 Perth Jeffs Daphne May Female Friend Albert Edward Male Subiaco
1944/102885 Perth Graham George Frederick Male Triplett Hilda Ruth Clara Female Cottesloe
1944/102885 Perth Triplett Hilda Ruth Clara Female Graham George Frederick Male Cottesloe
1944/102886 Perth Hart Jeffrey Gordon Male Wansbrough Waveney Rosslyn Female Perth
1944/102886 Perth Wansbrough Waveney Rosslyn Female Hart Jeffrey Gordon Male Perth
1944/102887 Perth Hawkins Samuel Robert Male Cowley Rona Female Perth
1944/102887 Perth Cowley Rona Female Hawkins Samuel Robert Male Perth
1944/102888 Perth Shaw Elizabeth Female Tyrer George Beresford Male Perth
1944/102888 Perth Tyrer George Beresford Male Shaw Elizabeth Female Perth
1944/102889 Perth Heineman William Jesse Male Buchan Jessie Thelma Female Perth
1944/102889 Perth Buchan Jessie Thelma Female Heineman William Jesse Male Perth
1944/102890 Perth Atkinson Margaret Female Wilkinson Allan Norman Male Claremont
1944/102890 Perth Wilkinson Allan Norman Male Atkinson Margaret Female Claremont
1944/102891 Perth Simmons Edgar Wilfred Male Cooke Barbara Female Claremont
1944/102891 Perth Cooke Barbara Female Simmons Edgar Wilfred Male Claremont
1944/102892 Perth Schmitt Gweneth Female Ferguson Hugh George Male West Perth
1944/102892 Perth Ferguson Hugh George Male Schmitt Gweneth Female West Perth
1944/102893 Perth Bythell Barbara Female Williams William Stanley Male North Perth
1944/102893 Perth Williams William Stanley Male Bythell Barbara Female North Perth
1944/102894 Perth Horner Malcolm Clifton Male White Violet Catherine Female Perth
1944/102894 Perth White Violet Catherine Female Horner Malcolm Clifton Male Perth
1944/102895 Perth Warnock Athel Leslie Ronald Male Edwards Margaret Female Perth
1944/102895 Perth Edwards Margaret Female Warnock Athel Leslie Ronald Male Perth
1944/102896 Perth Lindsay Joyce Royle Female Walker George McLane Male Perth
1944/102896 Perth Walker George McLane Male Lindsay Joyce Royle Female Perth
1944/102897 Perth Guinan John Augustine Male Shale Eileen Veronica Female South Perth
1944/102897 Perth Shale Eileen Veronica Female Guinan John Augustine Male South Perth
1944/102898 Perth Shephard Donald Franklyn Male McKay Kathleen Shirley Female Perth
1944/102898 Perth McKay Kathleen Shirley Female Shephard Donald Franklyn Male Perth
1944/102899 Perth Toster Joseph George Male Petchell Thelma Bessie Joyce Female Mount Lawley
1944/102899 Perth Petchell Thelma Bessie Joyce Female Toster Joseph George Male Mount Lawley
1944/102900 Perth Gilchrist Kathlyn Ruth Female Rear George Francis Male Perth
1944/102900 Perth Rear George Francis Male Gilchrist Kathlyn Ruth Female Perth
1944/102901 Perth Nichols Elsie Mavis Female Trembath Albert Arthur Male Perth
1944/102901 Perth Trembath Albert Arthur Male Nichols Elsie Mavis Female Perth
1944/102902 Perth Thompson Mavis Eileen Female Bell George Lawrence Male Perth
1944/102902 Perth Bell George Lawrence Male Thompson Mavis Eileen Female Perth
1944/102903 Perth Baum Freda Doris Female Page William Douglas Male Perth
1944/102903 Perth Page William Douglas Male Baum Freda Doris Female Perth
1944/102904 Perth Hasleby Evelyn Mary Female Davies Eric Clive Male Perth
1944/102904 Perth Davies Eric Clive Male Hasleby Evelyn Mary Female Perth
1944/102905 Perth Blakeley Harold Male Lanyon Ellen Honor Female Perth
1944/102905 Perth Lanyon Ellen Honor Female Blakeley Harold Male Perth
1944/102906 Perth Lynn Mary Female Hodges Stanley Male Perth
1944/102906 Perth Hodges Stanley Male Lynn Mary Female Perth
1944/102907 Perth Price Joan Ella Daphne Female Shaw George "P" Male Perth
1944/102907 Perth Shaw George "P" Male Price Joan Ella Daphne Female Perth
1944/102908 Perth Jose Norma Edna Female Miller William Porter Male Perth
1944/102908 Perth Miller William Porter Male Jose Norma Edna Female Perth
1944/102909 Perth Ellen Edward Franklin Male Finch Dorothy Mable Female Perth
1944/102909 Perth Finch Dorothy Mable Female Ellen Edward Franklin Male Perth
1944/102910 Perth Bannon Patrick Redmond Male Garside Elvie Isabel Female Highgate Hill
1944/102910 Perth Garside Elvie Isabel Female Bannon Patrick Redmond Male Highgate Hill
1944/102911 Perth Campain Frederick William Male Carter Constance Elizabeth Female Perth
1944/102911 Perth Carter Constance Elizabeth Female Campain Frederick William Male Perth
1944/102912 Perth Harrison Mavis Irene Female Truran David Charles Male Perth
1944/102912 Perth Truran David Charles Male Harrison Mavis Irene Female Perth
1944/102913 Perth Collins Norah Frances Female Morris Arthur Stanley Male Claremont
1944/102913 Perth Morris Arthur Stanley Male Collins Norah Frances Female Claremont
1944/102914 Perth Dryden William Male Tschentscher Kathleen Nancy Female Subiaco
1944/102914 Perth Tschentscher Kathleen Nancy Female Dryden William Male Subiaco
1944/102915 Perth Wilson Emily Lila Matilda Female Black Barton Edward Joseph Burke Male Subiaco
1944/102915 Perth Black Barton Edward Joseph Burke Male Wilson Emily Lila Matilda Female Subiaco
1944/102916 Perth Peterson Edna Mavis Female Wood Ernest Norman Male Victoria Park
1944/102916 Perth Wood Ernest Norman Male Peterson Edna Mavis Female Victoria Park
1944/102917 Perth Wills Dorothy Elizabeth Female Kinnaird Walter John Male Victoria Park
1944/102917 Perth Kinnaird Walter John Male Wills Dorothy Elizabeth Female Victoria Park
1944/102918 Perth Watkins Thelma Joy Female Emery John Francis Male Bayswater
1944/102918 Perth Emery John Francis Male Watkins Thelma Joy Female Bayswater
1944/102919 Perth Macauley Irene Ethel Female Sullivan Joseph Charles Male Bayswater
1944/102919 Perth Sullivan Joseph Charles Male Macauley Irene Ethel Female Bayswater
1944/102920 Perth White Edward John Male Robinson Myrtle Ethel Female Perth
1944/102920 Perth Robinson Myrtle Ethel Female White Edward John Male Perth
1944/102921 Perth Bridge Gwendoline Hope Female Walker Frank Male Claremont
1944/102921 Perth Walker Frank Male Bridge Gwendoline Hope Female Claremont
1944/102922 Perth Eastlake Anne Female McInnes Douglas Eskel Male West Leederville
1944/102922 Perth McInnes Douglas Eskel Male Eastlake Anne Female West Leederville
1944/102923 Perth Addison Joyce Olive Female Ellemor Maurice George Stephen Male West Leederville
1944/102923 Perth Ellemor Maurice George Stephen Male Addison Joyce Olive Female West Leederville
1944/102924 Perth Judd Charles Fredrick George Male Newton Flossie Dunn Female Cottesloe
1944/102924 Perth Newton Flossie Dunn Female Judd Charles Fredrick George Male Cottesloe
1944/102925 Perth Hill William Gilchrist Male Hood Enid Webster Female Perth
1944/102925 Perth Hood Enid Webster Female Hill William Gilchrist Male Perth
1944/102926 Perth Lewis Hazel May Female Muir Henry John Worlock Male West Perth
1944/102926 Perth Muir Henry John Worlock Male Lewis Hazel May Female West Perth
1944/102927 Perth Walker Alfred Robert Humphery Male Clough Shirley Jean Female West Perth
1944/102927 Perth Clough Shirley Jean Female Walker Alfred Robert Humphery Male West Perth
1944/102928 Perth Jones Elsie Jean Female Matthews Richard Douglas Male Perth
1944/102928 Perth Matthews Richard Douglas Male Jones Elsie Jean Female Perth
1944/102929 Perth Griffith Ian Raymond Male Turner Florence May Female Perth
1944/102929 Perth Turner Florence May Female Griffith Ian Raymond Male Perth
1944/102930 Perth Kinkella Nicholas Male Dickinson Honor Millicent Myrtle Female Perth
1944/102930 Perth Dickinson Honor Millicent Myrtle Female Kinkella Nicholas Male Perth
1944/102931 Perth Naumoff Gordian Male de Rouffignac Una Huddart Female Perth
1944/102931 Perth de Rouffignac Una Huddart Female Naumoff Gordian Male Perth
1944/102932 Perth Eilbeck Harry Male Chisholm Mavis Lillian Female Subiaco
1944/102932 Perth Chisholm Mavis Lillian Female Eilbeck Harry Male Subiaco
1944/102933 Perth Smith Pearl Mary Selina Female Wyatt Henry George Male Bedford Park
1944/102933 Perth Wyatt Henry George Male Smith Pearl Mary Selina Female Bedford Park
1944/102934 Perth Atkins Frances Emily Ivy Female Sim William Walter Reginald Male South Perth
1944/102934 Perth Sim William Walter Reginald Male Atkins Frances Emily Ivy Female South Perth
1944/102935 Perth Osborn Phyllis Margaret Female Kozma Andrew Joseph Male South Perth
1944/102935 Perth Kozma Andrew Joseph Male Osborn Phyllis Margaret Female South Perth
1944/102936 Perth Thatcher Lillian Maimie Female Urquhart Hector Hugh Male E Victoria Park
1944/102936 Perth Urquhart Hector Hugh Male Thatcher Lillian Maimie Female E Victoria Park
1944/102937 Perth Brophy William George Male Senini Margaret Mary Female E Victoria Park
1944/102937 Perth Senini Margaret Mary Female Brophy William George Male E Victoria Park
1944/102938 Perth Kinsella James Michael Male Jackson Annie Irene Female E Victoria Park
1944/102938 Perth Jackson Annie Irene Female Kinsella James Michael Male E Victoria Park
1944/102939 Perth Hillbrick Arnold Clyde Ernest Male Easom Margaret Winifred Female Perth
1944/102939 Perth Easom Margaret Winifred Female Hillbrick Arnold Clyde Ernest Male Perth
1944/102940 Perth Parsons Daphne Joan Female Ruck Sydney Christopher Male Perth
1944/102940 Perth Ruck Sydney Christopher Male Parsons Daphne Joan Female Perth
1944/102941 Perth Negus Allan North Male Davies Winifred Elaine Female Perth
1944/102941 Perth Davies Winifred Elaine Female Negus Allan North Male Perth
1944/102942 Perth McIvor James Joseph Male Arnold Elsie Annie Female Perth
1944/102942 Perth Arnold Elsie Annie Female McIvor James Joseph Male Perth
1944/102943 Perth Dovey Patricia Joyce Female Alford Leslie Ernest Male Perth
1944/102943 Perth Alford Leslie Ernest Male Dovey Patricia Joyce Female Perth
1944/102944 Perth Webb William Arthur Male Lorrigan Audrey Millicent Female Perth
1944/102944 Perth Lorrigan Audrey Millicent Female Webb William Arthur Male Perth
1944/102945 Perth Hepburn Betty Female Giles Edward Clifton Male South Perth
1944/102945 Perth Giles Edward Clifton Male Hepburn Betty Female South Perth
1944/102946 Perth Stockdale Sheila Muriel Female Cooper Thomas Stanley Bate Male South Perth
1944/102946 Perth Cooper Thomas Stanley Bate Male Stockdale Sheila Muriel Female South Perth
1944/102947 Perth Catherall William Hiram Male Moss Grace Elizabeth Frances Female Perth
1944/102947 Perth Moss Grace Elizabeth Frances Female Catherall William Hiram Male Perth
1944/102948 Perth Dandridge Bessie Mavis Joyce Female Garland William Male Perth
1944/102948 Perth Garland William Male Dandridge Bessie Mavis Joyce Female Perth
1944/102949 Perth Lundie Mabel Iris Female Benson Alexander Stuart Male Perth
1944/102949 Perth Benson Alexander Stuart Male Lundie Mabel Iris Female Perth
1944/102950 Perth Sweetman Aline Elizabeth Female Pearson Charles Watson Male Perth
1944/102950 Perth Pearson Charles Watson Male Sweetman Aline Elizabeth Female Perth
1944/102951 Perth Cross Leslie Raymond Male Clark Doreen Dorothy Female Perth
1944/102951 Perth Clark Doreen Dorothy Female Cross Leslie Raymond Male Perth
1944/102952 Perth Colebatch Hal Pateshall Male Gibson Marion Frances Female Perth
1944/102952 Perth Gibson Marion Frances Female Colebatch Hal Pateshall Male Perth
1944/102953 Perth Stanton Norman Gerald Male Rogers Phyllis Margaret Female Perth
1944/102953 Perth Rogers Phyllis Margaret Female Stanton Norman Gerald Male Perth
1944/102954 Perth Thornton Doris May Female True Walter Kelley Male Perth
1944/102954 Perth True Walter Kelley Male Thornton Doris May Female Perth
1944/102955 Perth Thornander Margery Female Rutherford Alexander Hutton Male Perth
1944/102955 Perth Rutherford Alexander Hutton Male Thornander Margery Female Perth
1944/102956 Perth Dean Barbara Female Busby Harold William Male Perth
1944/102956 Perth Busby Harold William Male Dean Barbara Female Perth
1944/102957 Perth Vallely Barbara Female Fraser Donald Grigg Male Perth
1944/102957 Perth Fraser Donald Grigg Male Vallely Barbara Female Perth
1944/102958 Perth Knight Joseph Male Simmons Grace Nellie Female Perth
1944/102958 Perth Simmons Grace Nellie Female Knight Joseph Male Perth
1944/102959 Perth Davies Gladys Doreen Female Giddens Alan Edward Male Perth
1944/102959 Perth Giddens Alan Edward Male Davies Gladys Doreen Female Perth
1944/102960 Perth Grantham Dorothy May Female Quinn Kevin Joseph Male West Perth
1944/102960 Perth Quinn Kevin Joseph Male Grantham Dorothy May Female West Perth
1944/102961 Perth Hutchinson George Chapman Male Curry Ellen Elizabeth Female Perth
1944/102961 Perth Curry Ellen Elizabeth Female Hutchinson George Chapman Male Perth
1944/102962 Perth Groves Freda Maude Female Glover William Joseph Male Perth
1944/102962 Perth Glover William Joseph Male Groves Freda Maude Female Perth
1944/102963 Perth Pippen Ronald John Male Dockett Joyce Mary Female Perth
1944/102963 Perth Dockett Joyce Mary Female Pippen Ronald John Male Perth
1944/102964 Perth Reid Margaret Mary Female Downs George William Male Perth
1944/102964 Perth Downs George William Male Reid Margaret Mary Female Perth
1944/102965 Perth Mullineux Roy Keith Male Black Edna Jean Female North Perth
1944/102965 Perth Black Edna Jean Female Mullineux Roy Keith Male North Perth
1944/102966 Perth Case Avril Female Fleer Noel George Ernest Male Victoria Park
1944/102966 Perth Fleer Noel George Ernest Male Case Avril Female Victoria Park
1944/102967 Perth Leopold Audrey Mary Kathleen Female Hatcher Clifford Herbert Male Victoria Park
1944/102967 Perth Hatcher Clifford Herbert Male Leopold Audrey Mary Kathleen Female Victoria Park
1944/102968 Perth Wheat Myrtle Coralie Female Morris Roy Frederick Male Victoria Park
1944/102968 Perth Morris Roy Frederick Male Wheat Myrtle Coralie Female Victoria Park
1944/102969 Perth Lydon Patrick Andrew Male Wright Muriel Eleanor Female Perth
1944/102969 Perth Wright Muriel Eleanor Female Lydon Patrick Andrew Male Perth
1944/102970 Perth Caddy Lesley Female Forrester Jeffrey Glenarvon Male Claremont
1944/102970 Perth Forrester Jeffrey Glenarvon Male Caddy Lesley Female Claremont
1944/102971 Perth Harkness Henry Edward Male Hood Janet Wilson Female Perth
1944/102971 Perth Hood Janet Wilson Female Harkness Henry Edward Male Perth
1944/102972 Perth Crapp Roma May Female Day Leonard Robert Male W Perth
1944/102972 Perth Day Leonard Robert Male Crapp Roma May Female W Perth
1944/102973 Perth Bretag Allan Bernard Kuse Male Jarvis Mildred Anne Female West Perth
1944/102973 Perth Jarvis Mildred Anne Female Bretag Allan Bernard Kuse Male West Perth
1944/102974 Perth Mudford Elsie Alice Female Kuhlwein George Male Mt Lawley
1944/102974 Perth Kuhlwein George Male Mudford Elsie Alice Female Mt Lawley
1944/102975 Perth Nuich Ivan Male Sepich Ivana Female Perth
1944/102975 Perth Sepich Ivana Female Nuich Ivan Male Perth
1944/102976 Perth Della-Vedova Lori Male Harris Lillian Maisie Female Perth
1944/102976 Perth Harris Lillian Maisie Female Della-Vedova Lori Male Perth
1944/102977 Perth Duncan Raymond Barrington Male Marshall Jean Female Perth
1944/102977 Perth Marshall Jean Female Duncan Raymond Barrington Male Perth
1944/102978 Perth Holly Ernest Albert Male Rhymer Jessie Fergusson Female Osborne Park
1944/102978 Perth Rhymer Jessie Fergusson Female Holly Ernest Albert Male Osborne Park
1944/102979 Perth Malpass Coralie Ada Female Brennan Dennis Frederick Male Osborne Park
1944/102979 Perth Brennan Dennis Frederick Male Malpass Coralie Ada Female Osborne Park
1944/102980 Perth Gynn Emmeline Minnie Female Wilson Henry James Male Osborne Park
1944/102980 Perth Wilson Henry James Male Gynn Emmeline Minnie Female Osborne Park
1944/102981 Perth Foster Winifred May Female Russell Ivan Jean Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/102981 Perth Russell Ivan Jean Male Foster Winifred May Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/102982 Perth Robinson William John Male Lloyd Margery Lillian Olwyn Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/102982 Perth Lloyd Margery Lillian Olwyn Female Robinson William John Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/102983 Perth Austin Norman Leslie Male Gabrielson Dorothy Mabel Female Osborne Park
1954/102983 Perth Cowin Kenneth Milton Male Berry Wanda Rae Female Perth
1954/102983 Perth Berry Wanda Rae Female Cowin Kenneth Milton Male Perth
1944/102983 Perth Gabrielson Dorothy Mabel Female Austin Norman Leslie Male Osborne Park
1944/102984 Perth Cook Geoffrey Lewis Male Potter Edith Valerie Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/102984 Perth Potter Edith Valerie Female Cook Geoffrey Lewis Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/102985 Perth Holycross Arthur "H" Male Dyson Blanche Violet Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/102985 Perth Dyson Blanche Violet Female Holycross Arthur "H" Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/102986 Perth Doust Edward Clarence Male Taylor Isabella Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/102986 Perth Taylor Isabella Female Doust Edward Clarence Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/102987 Perth Hinkley Betty Female Longfellow Elmer David Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/102987 Perth Longfellow Elmer David Male Hinkley Betty Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/102988 Perth Haggerty Sybil May Female Frankish Thomas Jesse Wetherall Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/102988 Perth Frankish Thomas Jesse Wetherall Male Haggerty Sybil May Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/102989 Perth Meister Robert Male Wright Gwendoline Female Victoria Park
1944/102989 Perth Wright Gwendoline Female Meister Robert Male Victoria Park
1944/102990 Perth McCormack Rosslyn Robert John Male Fitzgerald Mary Margaret Female Victoria Park
1944/102990 Perth Fitzgerald Mary Margaret Female McCormack Rosslyn Robert John Male Victoria Park
1944/102991 Perth de Wit Johannes Clement Male Mathews Elizabeth Constance Female Claremont
1944/102991 Perth Mathews Elizabeth Constance Female de Wit Johannes Clement Male Claremont
1944/102992 Perth Howell William Norman James Male McGuire Joyce Imelda Female Bayswater
1944/102992 Perth McGuire Joyce Imelda Female Howell William Norman James Male Bayswater
1944/102993 Perth Arnold Lawrence Douglas Male Benney Muriel Margaret Female West Perth
1944/102993 Perth Benney Muriel Margaret Female Arnold Lawrence Douglas Male West Perth
1944/102994 Perth Duff Leila Mary Female Weston Alfred Ernest Male West Perth
1944/102994 Perth Weston Alfred Ernest Male Duff Leila Mary Female West Perth
1944/102995 Perth Clapton Augustus Albert Christie Male Oliver Rose Adelaide Female West Perth
1944/102995 Perth Oliver Rose Adelaide Female Clapton Augustus Albert Christie Male West Perth
1944/102996 Perth Hyatt Arthur Wilfred Male Woo Dorothy May Female West Perth
1944/102996 Perth Woo Dorothy May Female Hyatt Arthur Wilfred Male West Perth
1944/102997 Perth Duke Denys Brettell Male Curtis Patricia Female West Perth
1944/102997 Perth Curtis Patricia Female Duke Denys Brettell Male West Perth
1944/102998 Perth Farquharson Leslie James Howe Male Williams Phyllis Elizabeth Female Perth
1944/102998 Perth Williams Phyllis Elizabeth Female Farquharson Leslie James Howe Male Perth
1944/102999 Perth Wheeler George Clearmon Male Kildahl Viola Dawn Female Subiaco
1944/102999 Perth Kildahl Viola Dawn Female Wheeler George Clearmon Male Subiaco
1944/103000 Perth Hulland Eric Percival Male Matthews Lilian May Female Jolimont
1944/103000 Perth Matthews Lilian May Female Hulland Eric Percival Male Jolimont
1944/103001 Perth Howe Dorothy Female Christopher Thomas John Male Subiaco
1944/103001 Perth Christopher Thomas John Male Howe Dorothy Female Subiaco
1944/103002 Perth Turner Elsie Gwendolyn Female Coster Robert Charles Male Subiaco
1944/103002 Perth Coster Robert Charles Male Turner Elsie Gwendolyn Female Subiaco
1944/400002 Beverley Forbes Nellie Doreen Female Fairhead Howard Male Beverley
1944/400002 Beverley Fairhead Howard Male Forbes Nellie Doreen Female Beverley
1944/400003 Beverley Simpson Richard Cuthbert Male Avery Rita Blanche Female Quairading
1944/400003 Beverley Avery Rita Blanche Female Simpson Richard Cuthbert Male Quairading
1944/400004 Beverley Turvey Ronald Male Collard Vera Female Pingelly
1944/400004 Beverley Collard Vera Female Turvey Ronald Male Pingelly
1944/400005 Beverley Coxon Edith Edna Female Hovell Victor Allan Male Yealering
1944/400005 Beverley Hovell Victor Allan Male Coxon Edith Edna Female Yealering
1944/400006 Beverley Reynolds Florence Emily Female McLean John Donald Male Beverley
1944/400006 Beverley McLean John Donald Male Reynolds Florence Emily Female Beverley
1944/400007 Beverley Nottle Ethel Bernice Female Crossman Norman Raymond Male Brookton
1944/400007 Beverley Crossman Norman Raymond Male Nottle Ethel Bernice Female Brookton
1944/400008 Beverley Hinkley Constance Mary Female Caporn William Henry Male Quairading
1944/400008 Beverley Caporn William Henry Male Hinkley Constance Mary Female Quairading
1944/400009 Beverley Dale Mervyn Henry Male Treacher Edith May Female Yealering
1944/400009 Beverley Treacher Edith May Female Dale Mervyn Henry Male Yealering
1944/400010 Beverley Battley Olive Female Ewing Fred Augustus Samuel Male Beverley
1944/400010 Beverley Ewing Fred Augustus Samuel Male Battley Olive Female Beverley
1944/400011 Beverley Freeth Walter William Male Baty Stella Isabel Female Quairading
1944/400011 Beverley Baty Stella Isabel Female Freeth Walter William Male Quairading
1944/400012 Beverley George Alfred Male Thompson Ethel Female Pingelly
1944/400012 Beverley Thompson Ethel Female George Alfred Male Pingelly
1944/400013 Beverley Holdsworth Margaret Isabella Female Johnson Edward Male Brookton
1944/400013 Beverley Johnson Edward Male Holdsworth Margaret Isabella Female Brookton
1944/400014 Beverley Turvey Giffard Male Abraham Laura Female Pingelly
1944/400014 Beverley Abraham Laura Female Turvey Giffard Male Pingelly
1944/400015 Beverley Robertsen Reidar Male Safe Mary Dorrit Josephine Female Beverley
1944/400015 Beverley Safe Mary Dorrit Josephine Female Robertsen Reidar Male Beverley
1944/400016 Beverley Minchin Margaret Female Ancliffe George Ernest Male Beverley
1944/400016 Beverley Ancliffe George Ernest Male Minchin Margaret Female Beverley
1944/400017 Beverley Bennier Kathleen Ivy Female Walton Colenso Male Brookton
1944/400017 Beverley Walton Colenso Male Bennier Kathleen Ivy Female Brookton
1944/400018 Beverley Riley Audrey Female Collard Esau Male Pingelly
1944/400018 Beverley Collard Esau Male Riley Audrey Female Pingelly
1944/400019 Beverley Ninyette Vera Female Garlot Ken Male Beverley
1944/400019 Beverley Garlot Ken Male Ninyette Vera Female Beverley
1944/400020 Beverley Ingram Marjorie May Female Coxon Raymond Ernest Male Yealering
1944/400020 Beverley Coxon Raymond Ernest Male Ingram Marjorie May Female Yealering
1944/400021 Beverley Swan Phyllis May Female Waters Cecil Allan Male Beverley
1944/400021 Beverley Waters Cecil Allan Male Swan Phyllis May Female Beverley
1944/400022 Beverley Herdigan Maud Female Websdale John Male Beverley
1944/400022 Beverley Websdale John Male Herdigan Maud Female Beverley
1944/400023 Beverley Crouch Reuben John Male Harris Irene Joan Female Pingelly
1944/400023 Beverley Harris Irene Joan Female Crouch Reuben John Male Pingelly
1944/400024 Beverley Corry Violet May Female Fairhead Donald Ernest Male Beverley
1944/400024 Beverley Fairhead Donald Ernest Male Corry Violet May Female Beverley
1944/500001 Blackwood Hall Leonard John Male Angus Doris Irene Female Greenbushes
1944/500001 Blackwood Angus Doris Irene Female Hall Leonard John Male Greenbushes
1944/500003 Blackwood Jenkins Alan McQuire Male Muir Peace Forrest Female Manjimup
1944/500003 Blackwood Muir Peace Forrest Female Jenkins Alan McQuire Male Manjimup
1944/500004 Blackwood Bloxsome Oswald Thor Male Bignell Valda Myrtle Female Greenbushes
1945/500004 Blackwood Steicke Audrey Doris Female Davis Bruce Alfred Male Pemberton
1945/500004 Blackwood Davis Bruce Alfred Male Steicke Audrey Doris Female Pemberton
1944/500004 Blackwood Bignell Valda Myrtle Female Bloxsome Oswald Thor Male Greenbushes
1944/500005 Blackwood Hearn Violet Lilian Lucy Female Hind John Richard Male Bridgetown
1944/500005 Blackwood Hind John Richard Male Hearn Violet Lilian Lucy Female Bridgetown
1944/500006 Blackwood Doust Clarence John Male Johnston Joyce Elaine Female Bridgetown
1945/500006 Blackwood Panzich Jerry Male Guidici Caterina Female Manjimup
1944/500006 Blackwood Johnston Joyce Elaine Female Doust Clarence John Male Bridgetown
1945/500006 Blackwood Guidici Caterina Female Panzich Jerry Male Manjimup
1944/500007 Blackwood Groves Archibald Male Fry Florence Marianne Female Nannup
1944/500007 Blackwood Fry Florence Marianne Female Groves Archibald Male Nannup
1944/500008 Blackwood Richards Gladys Jean Female Flanagan William Desmond Male Pemberton
1944/500008 Blackwood Flanagan William Desmond Male Richards Gladys Jean Female Pemberton
1944/500009 Blackwood Tooke Thomas George Male Hazelgrove Gertrude Female Manjimup
1944/500009 Blackwood Hazelgrove Gertrude Female Tooke Thomas George Male Manjimup
1944/500010 Blackwood Richardson Thelma May Female Hastie John Edward Male Manjimup
1944/500010 Blackwood Hastie John Edward Male Richardson Thelma May Female Manjimup
1944/500011 Blackwood Ralston Louis Alexander Male Eggington Joan Female Manjimup
1944/500011 Blackwood Eggington Joan Female Ralston Louis Alexander Male Manjimup
1944/500012 Blackwood Du Plessis Jessie Elizabeth Female Hutchins Alfred Male Bridgetown
1944/500012 Blackwood Hutchins Alfred Male Du Plessis Jessie Elizabeth Female Bridgetown
1944/500013 Blackwood Kelly John Male Chester Agnes May Female Manjimup
1944/500013 Blackwood Chester Agnes May Female Kelly John Male Manjimup
1944/500014 Blackwood Ward Grace Elizabeth Female Wetherell John Thomas Male Manjimup
1944/500014 Blackwood Wetherell John Thomas Male Ward Grace Elizabeth Female Manjimup
1944/500015 Blackwood King Patricia Geraldine Female Wheatley Jack Frederick Male Manjimup
1944/500015 Blackwood Wheatley Jack Frederick Male King Patricia Geraldine Female Manjimup
1944/500016 Blackwood Lyon Raymond Male Cowley Joan Female Nannup
1944/500016 Blackwood Cowley Joan Female Lyon Raymond Male Nannup
1944/500017 Blackwood Lambe Clarence Henry James Male Cox Lucy Winifred Female Bridgetown
1944/500017 Blackwood Cox Lucy Winifred Female Lambe Clarence Henry James Male Bridgetown
1944/500018 Blackwood Chattey Sidney Austen Male Styles Lilian Joan Female Manjimup
1944/500018 Blackwood Styles Lilian Joan Female Chattey Sidney Austen Male Manjimup
1944/500019 Blackwood De Vattimo Mary Female Della Vedova Guglielmo Male Manjimup
1944/500019 Blackwood Della Vedova Guglielmo Male De Vattimo Mary Female Manjimup
1944/500020 Blackwood Huntingford Albert Male Case Erica June Female Boyup Brook
1944/500020 Blackwood Case Erica June Female Huntingford Albert Male Boyup Brook
1944/500021 Blackwood Michael Eliza Female Johns Russell Male Bridgetown
1944/500021 Blackwood Johns Russell Male Michael Eliza Female Bridgetown
1944/500022 Blackwood Tuck Elizabeth Jane Female Rendell Frank Male Bridgetown
1944/500022 Blackwood Rendell Frank Male Tuck Elizabeth Jane Female Bridgetown
1944/500023 Blackwood Doust Sheila Jean Female Sounness Kenneth William Male Bridgetown
1944/500023 Blackwood Sounness Kenneth William Male Doust Sheila Jean Female Bridgetown
1944/500024 Blackwood Sanders Kenneth Male Hastie Cecelia Female Manjimup
1944/500024 Blackwood Hastie Cecelia Female Sanders Kenneth Male Manjimup
1944/500025 Blackwood Case Beryl May Female Reid Percy Jacob Male Boyup Brook
1944/500025 Blackwood Reid Percy Jacob Male Case Beryl May Female Boyup Brook
1944/500026 Blackwood Jackson Margaret McLardy McEachram Female Prew Robert Male Pemberton
1944/500026 Blackwood Prew Robert Male Jackson Margaret McLardy McEachram Female Pemberton
1944/500027 Blackwood Green Ronald Raymond Male Deere Sybil Margaret Female Greenbushes
1944/500027 Blackwood Deere Sybil Margaret Female Green Ronald Raymond Male Greenbushes
1944/500028 Blackwood Terlick Joyce Louisa Female Lloyd Herbert Allen Male Bridgetown
1944/500028 Blackwood Lloyd Herbert Allen Male Terlick Joyce Louisa Female Bridgetown
1944/500029 Blackwood Meyers Thomas Edmund Male Hunter Edith Mary Female Manjimup
1944/500029 Blackwood Hunter Edith Mary Female Meyers Thomas Edmund Male Manjimup
1944/500030 Blackwood Stanicich Marijan Male Krapljanov Marija Ivanica Female Bridgetown
1944/500030 Blackwood Krapljanov Marija Ivanica Female Stanicich Marijan Male Bridgetown
1944/500031 Blackwood Adams James Thomas Male Sellick Alice May Female Manjimup
1944/500031 Blackwood Sellick Alice May Female Adams James Thomas Male Manjimup
1944/500032 Blackwood Shervill Roma Jean Female Machin Douglas Male Bridgetown
1944/500032 Blackwood Machin Douglas Male Shervill Roma Jean Female Bridgetown
1944/600001 Black Range Scott Susanna Rose Female Cornelius William Edward Male Sandstone
1944/600001 Black Range Cornelius William Edward Male Scott Susanna Rose Female Sandstone
1944/700001 Boulder Tucker Myrtle Grace Female Bolt George Lyle Male Boulder
1944/700001 Boulder Bolt George Lyle Male Tucker Myrtle Grace Female Boulder
1945/700002 Boulder Crannage William Alfred Male Scott Jean Frances Sarah Female Boulder
1945/700002 Boulder Scott Jean Frances Sarah Female Crannage William Alfred Male Boulder
1944/700002 Boulder Thomas Gordon James Norman Male Gundry Dorothy Margaret Female Boulder
1944/700002 Boulder Gundry Dorothy Margaret Female Thomas Gordon James Norman Male Boulder
1944/700003 Boulder Tregillas Phyllis Jean Female Hartnup George Henry Male Boulder
1944/700003 Boulder Hartnup George Henry Male Tregillas Phyllis Jean Female Boulder
1944/700004 Boulder Kenneally Kathleen Veronica Female Erbe John William Male Boulder
1944/700004 Boulder Erbe John William Male Kenneally Kathleen Veronica Female Boulder
1944/700005 Boulder Hislop Isobell Hamilton Robb Female Byfield Hubert Henry Male Boulder
1944/700005 Boulder Byfield Hubert Henry Male Hislop Isobell Hamilton Robb Female Boulder
1944/700006 Boulder Graham Mabel Lillian Female Coleman Benjamin Male Boulder
1944/700006 Boulder Coleman Benjamin Male Graham Mabel Lillian Female Boulder
1944/700007 Boulder Logue Ronald Ernest Garner Male King Evelyn Maud Female Boulder
1944/700007 Boulder King Evelyn Maud Female Logue Ronald Ernest Garner Male Boulder
1944/700008 Boulder Hearn Rodrick Thomas Male Donovan Greta Rose Female Boulder
1944/700008 Boulder Donovan Greta Rose Female Hearn Rodrick Thomas Male Boulder
1944/700009 Boulder Whitfield Thomas Patrick Male Giudice Rose Mary Female Boulder
1944/700009 Boulder Giudice Rose Mary Female Whitfield Thomas Patrick Male Boulder
1944/700010 Boulder Sizer Thelma Martha Female Youlden Robert James Male Boulder
1944/700010 Boulder Youlden Robert James Male Sizer Thelma Martha Female Boulder
1944/700011 Boulder Flynn Johanna Female Osmetti Joseph Male Boulder
1944/700011 Boulder Osmetti Joseph Male Flynn Johanna Female Boulder
1944/700012 Boulder Gansberg Jean Female Williams Albert Irwin Male Boulder
1944/700012 Boulder Williams Albert Irwin Male Gansberg Jean Female Boulder
1944/700013 Boulder Addicoat Vera May Female Pike Edward James Male Boulder
1944/700013 Boulder Pike Edward James Male Addicoat Vera May Female Boulder
1944/700014 Boulder Hobba Richard Henry Male Baker Irene Judith Female Boulder
1944/700014 Boulder Baker Irene Judith Female Hobba Richard Henry Male Boulder
1944/700015 Boulder Dunstan Arthur Male Guyatt France Zelma Female Boulder
1944/700015 Boulder Guyatt France Zelma Female Dunstan Arthur Male Boulder
1944/700016 Boulder Pinoli Giuseppe Male Frocaro Caterina Ita Female Boulder
1944/700016 Boulder Frocaro Caterina Ita Female Pinoli Giuseppe Male Boulder
1944/700017 Boulder Myers Edna May Female Taylor Leslie Colin Male Boulder
1944/700017 Boulder Taylor Leslie Colin Male Myers Edna May Female Boulder
1944/700018 Boulder Masanovich Zorka Female Vukmanovich Vaso Male Boulder
1944/700018 Boulder Vukmanovich Vaso Male Masanovich Zorka Female Boulder
1944/700019 Boulder Marrett Lucy Maud Female Murphy John Joseph Male Boulder
1944/700019 Boulder Murphy John Joseph Male Marrett Lucy Maud Female Boulder
1944/700020 Boulder Davey Robert William Male Fletcher Elsie May Female Boulder
1944/700020 Boulder Fletcher Elsie May Female Davey Robert William Male Boulder
1944/700021 Boulder Franich Srecka Nedilka Female Hardman Thomas Male Boulder
1944/700021 Boulder Hardman Thomas Male Franich Srecka Nedilka Female Boulder
1944/700022 Boulder Ellery Kathleen Margaret Female Mitchell William Roy Male Boulder
1944/700022 Boulder Mitchell William Roy Male Ellery Kathleen Margaret Female Boulder
1944/700023 Boulder Gibb Andrew Reid Male Langdon Olive Joan Female Boulder
1944/700023 Boulder Langdon Olive Joan Female Gibb Andrew Reid Male Boulder
1944/700024 Boulder Zani Olive Rose Female Varischetti Dominic Male Boulder
1944/700024 Boulder Varischetti Dominic Male Zani Olive Rose Female Boulder
1944/700025 Boulder Larson Arthur Sampson Male Renwick Dulcie May Female West Australia
1944/700025 Boulder Renwick Dulcie May Female Larson Arthur Sampson Male West Australia
1944/700026 Boulder Sharpe Keith Leslie Male Brokenshire Bethel Laura Myrtle Female Boulder
1944/700026 Boulder Brokenshire Bethel Laura Myrtle Female Sharpe Keith Leslie Male Boulder
1944/700027 Boulder Ivey Eric Arthur Male Edgell Dorothy May Female West Australia
1944/700027 Boulder Edgell Dorothy May Female Ivey Eric Arthur Male West Australia
1944/700028 Boulder Wenmouth Dorothy Joan Female Riley Frederick Clement Male Boulder
1944/700028 Boulder Riley Frederick Clement Male Wenmouth Dorothy Joan Female Boulder
1944/700029 Boulder Hooks Veronica Mary Female McPherson Charles Maxwell Male Boulder
1944/700029 Boulder McPherson Charles Maxwell Male Hooks Veronica Mary Female Boulder
1944/700030 Boulder Asher Irene May Female Willock Arthur Vivian Male Boulder
1944/700030 Boulder Willock Arthur Vivian Male Asher Irene May Female Boulder
1944/700031 Boulder Greig Warren Albert Henry Male Keelar Dorothy May Female Boulder
1944/700031 Boulder Keelar Dorothy May Female Greig Warren Albert Henry Male Boulder
1944/700032 Boulder Pugh Olive May Female Naylor Laurie Lancelot Reginald Male Boulder
1944/700032 Boulder Naylor Laurie Lancelot Reginald Male Pugh Olive May Female Boulder
1944/700033 Boulder Read Dorothy June Female Rickmann Robert Alexander Male Boulder
1944/700033 Boulder Rickmann Robert Alexander Male Read Dorothy June Female Boulder
1944/700034 Boulder McFarlane James Say Male Marshall Bella Patricia Female Boulder
1944/700034 Boulder Marshall Bella Patricia Female McFarlane James Say Male Boulder
1944/700035 Boulder Williams Edward Charles Male Scott Evelyn Mary Female Boulder
1944/700035 Boulder Scott Evelyn Mary Female Williams Edward Charles Male Boulder
1944/700036 Boulder Babrich Betty Ethel Female Norris Mervyn Male Boulder
1944/700036 Boulder Norris Mervyn Male Babrich Betty Ethel Female Boulder
1944/700037 Boulder Cross Arthur Male Due Grace Female Boulder
1944/700037 Boulder Due Grace Female Cross Arthur Male Boulder
1944/700038 Boulder Wray Maisie Emma Female Parks Leslie George Male Boulder
1944/700038 Boulder Parks Leslie George Male Wray Maisie Emma Female Boulder
1944/1100001 Broome Sesars Peter Male Wright Kathleen Female Beagle Bay Mission
1944/1100001 Broome Wright Kathleen Female Sesars Peter Male Beagle Bay Mission
1944/1100002 Broome Kelly Magdalen Female Williams Laurence Male Beagle Bay Mission
1944/1100002 Broome Williams Laurence Male Kelly Magdalen Female Beagle Bay Mission
1944/1100003 Broome bin Hussin Yusof Male Williams Stephanie Eve Female Broome
1944/1100003 Broome Williams Stephanie Eve Female bin Hussin Yusof Male Broome
1944/1100004 Broome Kelly Flora Female Williams William Male Beagle Bay Mission Church
1944/1100004 Broome Williams William Male Kelly Flora Female Beagle Bay Mission Church
1944/1100005 Broome Anju Bidy Female Boxer John Male Lombadina Mission
1944/1100005 Broome Boxer John Male Anju Bidy Female Lombadina Mission
1944/1200001 Bruce Rock Smith Lindsay James Male Dayman Roma Jean Female Narembeen
1944/1200001 Bruce Rock Dayman Roma Jean Female Smith Lindsay James Male Narembeen
1944/1200002 Bruce Rock Smith Alma Irene Female Fletcher Squire Albert John Male Bruce Rock
1944/1200002 Bruce Rock Fletcher Squire Albert John Male Smith Alma Irene Female Bruce Rock
1944/1200003 Bruce Rock Ferguson Isobel May Female Anderson William Leonard Male Bruce Rock
1944/1200003 Bruce Rock Anderson William Leonard Male Ferguson Isobel May Female Bruce Rock
1944/1200004 Bruce Rock Riley Walter John Male Clark Frances Ellen Female Bruce Rock
1944/1200004 Bruce Rock Clark Frances Ellen Female Riley Walter John Male Bruce Rock
1944/1200005 Bruce Rock Fuchsbichler Franz Xavier Male Bunney Sylvia Elizabeth Female Bruce Rock
1944/1200005 Bruce Rock Bunney Sylvia Elizabeth Female Fuchsbichler Franz Xavier Male Bruce Rock
1944/1200006 Bruce Rock Adair Joseph Alexander Raymond Male McGellin Rose Ethel Female Bruce Rock
1944/1200006 Bruce Rock McGellin Rose Ethel Female Adair Joseph Alexander Raymond Male Bruce Rock
1944/1200007 Bruce Rock Jackson Ellen May Female Smyth James William Male Bruce Rock
1944/1200007 Bruce Rock Smyth James William Male Jackson Ellen May Female Bruce Rock
1944/1200008 Bruce Rock Rae Mavis Jean Female Parker John Horace Male Bruce Rock
1944/1200008 Bruce Rock Parker John Horace Male Rae Mavis Jean Female Bruce Rock
1944/1200009 Bruce Rock Plant Wyn Leslie Female Brayshaw Grahame Male Bruce Rock
1944/1200009 Bruce Rock Brayshaw Grahame Male Plant Wyn Leslie Female Bruce Rock
1944/1200010 Bruce Rock Hobbs Kenneth Stodart Male Tippet Gwenda Dawn Female Bruce Rock
1944/1200010 Bruce Rock Tippet Gwenda Dawn Female Hobbs Kenneth Stodart Male Bruce Rock
1944/1200011 Bruce Rock McQueen David Ronald Male Johansen Laura Beryl Georgina Female Corrigin
1944/1200011 Bruce Rock Johansen Laura Beryl Georgina Female McQueen David Ronald Male Corrigin
1944/1200012 Bruce Rock Loller Violet Lillian Female Bovell Bernard Roy Male Bruce Rock
1944/1200012 Bruce Rock Bovell Bernard Roy Male Loller Violet Lillian Female Bruce Rock
1944/1200013 Bruce Rock Menegola Giacomo Male Walker Pierina Rodolfina Female Bruce Rock
1944/1200013 Bruce Rock Walker Pierina Rodolfina Female Menegola Giacomo Male Bruce Rock
1944/1200014 Bruce Rock Phillips Frederick William Male Butler Rose Dorelle Female Bruce Rock
1944/1200014 Bruce Rock Butler Rose Dorelle Female Phillips Frederick William Male Bruce Rock
1944/1200015 Bruce Rock Fuchsbichler Jessie Evelyn Female Chown Clarence Wilfred Male Bruce Rock
1944/1200015 Bruce Rock Chown Clarence Wilfred Male Fuchsbichler Jessie Evelyn Female Bruce Rock
1944/1200016 Bruce Rock Walker Verna Mary Female Fuchsbichler Anton Micheal Male Bruce Rock
1944/1200016 Bruce Rock Fuchsbichler Anton Micheal Male Walker Verna Mary Female Bruce Rock
1944/1400001 Canning Geary Patricia Mary Female Rubery Francis William Male Armadale
1944/1400001 Canning Rubery Francis William Male Geary Patricia Mary Female Armadale
1944/1400004 Canning Riley Marjorie Joyce Female Timms Frederick William Male Cannington
1944/1400004 Canning Timms Frederick William Male Riley Marjorie Joyce Female Cannington
1944/1400005 Canning Lea Raymond John Male Berry Betty Female Armadale
1944/1400005 Canning Berry Betty Female Lea Raymond John Male Armadale
1944/1400006 Canning Moon Raymond Keith Male Thorne Dorothy Betsy Female West Australia
1944/1400006 Canning Thorne Dorothy Betsy Female Moon Raymond Keith Male West Australia
1944/1400007 Canning Barber Marjorie Estelle Female Aitken Stephen Walter Male Kelmscott
1944/1400007 Canning Aitken Stephen Walter Male Barber Marjorie Estelle Female Kelmscott
1944/1400008 Canning Alexander Douglas Male Lynn Joyce Margaret Female Armadale
1944/1400008 Canning Lynn Joyce Margaret Female Alexander Douglas Male Armadale
1944/1400009 Canning Bailey Sylvia May Female Anderson Eric Male Armadale
1944/1400009 Canning Anderson Eric Male Bailey Sylvia May Female Armadale
1944/1400010 Canning Knight Kathleen Ruth Female Davies George Geoffrey Male Lesmurdie
1944/1400010 Canning Davies George Geoffrey Male Knight Kathleen Ruth Female Lesmurdie
1944/1400011 Canning Coles Peggy Iris Female Bullard Percival Kingsley Male Gosnells
1944/1400011 Canning Bullard Percival Kingsley Male Coles Peggy Iris Female Gosnells
1944/1400012 Canning Ashton Catherine Mary Female Clough Edward Male Cannington
1944/1400012 Canning Clough Edward Male Ashton Catherine Mary Female Cannington
1944/1400013 Canning Fillinger Henrietta Female Steinhardt Ernest Male Cannington
1944/1400013 Canning Steinhardt Ernest Male Fillinger Henrietta Female Cannington
1944/1400014 Canning Rossi Margaret Ann Louise Female Franchi Victor Male Cannington
1944/1400014 Canning Franchi Victor Male Rossi Margaret Ann Louise Female Cannington
1944/1400015 Canning Bateman Edward John Male Ashton Lucy Female Kalamunda
1944/1400015 Canning Ashton Lucy Female Bateman Edward John Male Kalamunda
1944/1400016 Canning Gillespie Helen Female Wheeler Richard Male Queens Park
1944/1400016 Canning Wheeler Richard Male Gillespie Helen Female Queens Park
1944/1400017 Canning Watson Jessie Dorothy Female Rupe Harold Buist Hardringe Male Gosnells
1944/1400017 Canning Rupe Harold Buist Hardringe Male Watson Jessie Dorothy Female Gosnells
1944/1400018 Canning Dillon Christine Female Wintle Noel Victor Male Bartons Mill
1944/1400018 Canning Wintle Noel Victor Male Dillon Christine Female Bartons Mill
1944/1400019 Canning Reen Betty Female Daniel Ronald Bryce Male Queen's Pk
1944/1400019 Canning Daniel Ronald Bryce Male Reen Betty Female Queen's Pk
1944/1400020 Canning De Vattimo Rosario Male Gusmeroli Josephine Female Queen's Pk
1944/1400020 Canning Gusmeroli Josephine Female De Vattimo Rosario Male Queen's Pk
1944/1400021 Canning Johnson Sydney Male Passmore Margaret Dow Female Cannington
1944/1400021 Canning Passmore Margaret Dow Female Johnson Sydney Male Cannington
1944/1400022 Canning Somers Gordon Henry Male Davies Marjorie Florence Female Lesmurdie
1944/1400022 Canning Davies Marjorie Florence Female Somers Gordon Henry Male Lesmurdie
1944/1400023 Canning Gianatti Carlo Giusseppe Male Catalano Letteria Australia Female Queen's Pk
1944/1400023 Canning Catalano Letteria Australia Female Gianatti Carlo Giusseppe Male Queen's Pk
1944/1400024 Canning Day Horace Fredrick Male Little Alice Jean Female Cannington
1944/1400024 Canning Little Alice Jean Female Day Horace Fredrick Male Cannington
1944/1400025 Canning Anderson Iris Grace Female Foreman Alban Henry Male Byford
1944/1400025 Canning Foreman Alban Henry Male Anderson Iris Grace Female Byford
1944/1400026 Canning Collard Charles Reid Hamilton Male Hedland Daisy Frances Female Kalamunda
1944/1400026 Canning Hedland Daisy Frances Female Collard Charles Reid Hamilton Male Kalamunda
1944/1400027 Canning Hocking John William Male Bennie Olive Murielle Female Maddington
1944/1400027 Canning Bennie Olive Murielle Female Hocking John William Male Maddington
1944/1400028 Canning McGrath John Male Daly Eileen Female Armadale
1944/1400028 Canning Daly Eileen Female McGrath John Male Armadale
1944/1400029 Canning Walton John Thomas Male Agar Ronalda Barbara Female Kalamunda
1944/1400029 Canning Agar Ronalda Barbara Female Walton John Thomas Male Kalamunda
1944/1400030 Canning McCarthy Laurence Joseph Male Shepherd Violet Evelyn Female Cannington
1944/1400030 Canning Shepherd Violet Evelyn Female McCarthy Laurence Joseph Male Cannington
1944/1400031 Canning O'Neil Shirley Adeline Female Douglass Aubrey Male Queen's Park
1944/1400031 Canning Douglass Aubrey Male O'Neil Shirley Adeline Female Queen's Park
1944/1400032 Canning Davey Iris Edna Female Fletcher Walter Hector Male Armadale
1944/1400032 Canning Fletcher Walter Hector Male Davey Iris Edna Female Armadale
1944/1400033 Canning West Frederick Henry Bert Male Bleakley Gladys Female Cannington
1944/1400033 Canning Bleakley Gladys Female West Frederick Henry Bert Male Cannington
1944/1400034 Canning Hooper Henry Wilson Male Horley Winafred Joan Female Armadale
1944/1400034 Canning Horley Winafred Joan Female Hooper Henry Wilson Male Armadale
1944/1400035 Canning Price Nancy Shone Rosslyn Female Myers Harry Male Kalamunda
1944/1400035 Canning Myers Harry Male Price Nancy Shone Rosslyn Female Kalamunda
1944/1400036 Canning Mangini Olga Patricia Female Needham Ronan Male Queen's Park
1944/1400036 Canning Needham Ronan Male Mangini Olga Patricia Female Queen's Park
1944/1400037 Canning Rogan William Male Woolley Joan Josephine Female Queen's Park
1944/1400037 Canning Woolley Joan Josephine Female Rogan William Male Queen's Park
1944/1400038 Canning Braybrook Jean Phyllis Female Lobban Raymond George Male Queen's Park
1944/1400038 Canning Lobban Raymond George Male Braybrook Jean Phyllis Female Queen's Park
1944/1400039 Canning Randall Yvonne Female Tanner James Richard Male Cannington
1944/1400039 Canning Tanner James Richard Male Randall Yvonne Female Cannington
1944/1400040 Canning Devitt Martin Male Thomson Elizabeth Mary Female Queen's Park
1944/1400040 Canning Thomson Elizabeth Mary Female Devitt Martin Male Queen's Park
1944/1400041 Canning Alosi Maria Female Conti Michele Male Lesmurdie
1944/1400041 Canning Conti Michele Male Alosi Maria Female Lesmurdie
1944/1400042 Canning Coyle Rose May Female Burrows Charles Edward Male Armadale
1944/1400042 Canning Burrows Charles Edward Male Coyle Rose May Female Armadale
1944/1400043 Canning Carpenter Francis William Male Hutchinson Winifred May Female Cannington
1944/1400043 Canning Hutchinson Winifred May Female Carpenter Francis William Male Cannington
1944/1400044 Canning Bradley Winifred Hannah Female McCallum Kenneth Male Queen's Park
1944/1400044 Canning McCallum Kenneth Male Bradley Winifred Hannah Female Queen's Park
1944/1400045 Canning Champion Kathleen May Female Kelly Bernard William Male Lesmurdie
1944/1400045 Canning Kelly Bernard William Male Champion Kathleen May Female Lesmurdie
1944/1400046 Canning Pavlinovich Frane Male Lendich Ljube Female Queen's Park
1944/1400046 Canning Lendich Ljube Female Pavlinovich Frane Male Queen's Park
1945/1800001 East Coolgardie Lamb Barton Albert Male Penglase Marjorie Elinor Female West Australia
1944/1800001 East Coolgardie Louden Joan Isobel Female Kinnane Bernard Male Kalgoorlie
1945/1800001 East Coolgardie Penglase Marjorie Elinor Female Lamb Barton Albert Male West Australia
1944/1800001 East Coolgardie Kinnane Bernard Male Louden Joan Isobel Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800002 East Coolgardie Cummins Michael Male Matthews Bernice Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800002 East Coolgardie Matthews Bernice Elizabeth Female Cummins Michael Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800003 East Coolgardie McDonald William Frederick Male Harvey Helen Sarah Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800003 East Coolgardie Harvey Helen Sarah Female McDonald William Frederick Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800004 East Coolgardie Della-Moretti Mary Noreen Female McPartland Andrew Michael Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800004 East Coolgardie McPartland Andrew Michael Male Della-Moretti Mary Noreen Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800005 East Coolgardie Lavrick Arthur Edward Male Holman Enid Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800005 East Coolgardie Holman Enid Female Lavrick Arthur Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800006 East Coolgardie Harries Maisie Gee Female Gamble Harry Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800006 East Coolgardie Gamble Harry Edward Male Harries Maisie Gee Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800007 East Coolgardie Nelson Carl William Male Dillon Beatrice Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800007 East Coolgardie Dillon Beatrice Female Nelson Carl William Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800008 East Coolgardie Burton Marion Marriott Female McCourt Peter Joseph Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800008 East Coolgardie McCourt Peter Joseph Male Burton Marion Marriott Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800009 East Coolgardie Mostachetti Lorenzo Male McManus Patricia Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800009 East Coolgardie McManus Patricia Female Mostachetti Lorenzo Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800010 East Coolgardie Fattorini Felice Male McManus Kathleen Pearl Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800010 East Coolgardie McManus Kathleen Pearl Female Fattorini Felice Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800011 East Coolgardie Brown Edward Phillip Male Harvey Josephine Rankin Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800011 East Coolgardie Harvey Josephine Rankin Female Brown Edward Phillip Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800012 East Coolgardie Chambers Kitty Female Fissioli Edward Faustino Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800012 East Coolgardie Fissioli Edward Faustino Male Chambers Kitty Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800013 East Coolgardie Shadforth Phyllis May Female Caston Peter Farrell Van-der-Graft Male Boulder
1944/1800013 East Coolgardie Caston Peter Farrell Van-der-Graft Male Shadforth Phyllis May Female Boulder
1944/1800014 East Coolgardie Harslett Nellie Eleanor Female Hawkes Edward Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800014 East Coolgardie Hawkes Edward Henry Male Harslett Nellie Eleanor Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800015 East Coolgardie Kneller Iris Gwendoline Female Taylor William Wynfield Russell Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800015 East Coolgardie Taylor William Wynfield Russell Male Kneller Iris Gwendoline Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800016 East Coolgardie Gianatti Charles Male Brown Lillian Isobelle Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800016 East Coolgardie Brown Lillian Isobelle Female Gianatti Charles Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800017 East Coolgardie Saunders Barbara Joan Female Roberts Kenneth Newton Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800017 East Coolgardie Roberts Kenneth Newton Male Saunders Barbara Joan Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800018 East Coolgardie Walling Sarah Female Atkins Ernest Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800018 East Coolgardie Atkins Ernest Male Walling Sarah Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800019 East Coolgardie Liesfield Elaine Female Mills Reginald Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800019 East Coolgardie Mills Reginald Male Liesfield Elaine Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800020 East Coolgardie Cullen Norma Ethel Female Starcevich Fredrick John Male Coolgardie
1944/1800020 East Coolgardie Starcevich Fredrick John Male Cullen Norma Ethel Female Coolgardie
1944/1800021 East Coolgardie Dickson Bonnie Ellen Female Griffin Donald Keith Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800021 East Coolgardie Griffin Donald Keith Male Dickson Bonnie Ellen Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800022 East Coolgardie Foskey Dulcie Female McConnell James Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800022 East Coolgardie McConnell James Male Foskey Dulcie Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800023 East Coolgardie Smith Winifred Edith Female Barker Leslie Thornton Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800023 East Coolgardie Barker Leslie Thornton Male Smith Winifred Edith Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800024 East Coolgardie Pascoe Francis James Male Morgan Joyce Edna Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800024 East Coolgardie Morgan Joyce Edna Female Pascoe Francis James Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800025 East Coolgardie Hansen Edward Norman Male Wilson Edna Alice Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800025 East Coolgardie Wilson Edna Alice Female Hansen Edward Norman Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800026 East Coolgardie Clark Olive May Female Cook Ernest Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800026 East Coolgardie Cook Ernest Male Clark Olive May Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800027 East Coolgardie Edlington Joan Female Killeen Stanley Valentine Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800027 East Coolgardie Killeen Stanley Valentine Male Edlington Joan Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800028 East Coolgardie Witt Helena May Female Maganotti Harry Victor Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800028 East Coolgardie Maganotti Harry Victor Male Witt Helena May Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800029 East Coolgardie Holden John Naylor Male Hayter Ella Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800029 East Coolgardie Hayter Ella Mary Female Holden John Naylor Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800030 East Coolgardie Stratton Marjorie Patience Female Worth James Arthur Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800030 East Coolgardie Worth James Arthur Male Stratton Marjorie Patience Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800031 East Coolgardie Snudden James Harold Male Nobbs Elizabeth Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800031 East Coolgardie Nobbs Elizabeth Mary Female Snudden James Harold Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800032 East Coolgardie Zappelli Ronald Patrick Male Tonkin Leita Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800032 East Coolgardie Tonkin Leita Female Zappelli Ronald Patrick Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800033 East Coolgardie Byrne Frances Thomas Male Whait Margaret Eileen Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800033 East Coolgardie Whait Margaret Eileen Female Byrne Frances Thomas Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800034 East Coolgardie Hutchinson Iris Hope Female Kew Arthur James Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800034 East Coolgardie Kew Arthur James Male Hutchinson Iris Hope Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800035 East Coolgardie Bishop Douglas James Male Forsyth Olive Roberta Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800035 East Coolgardie Forsyth Olive Roberta Female Bishop Douglas James Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800036 East Coolgardie Quan Betty Fay Female Boyd Peter Knight Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800036 East Coolgardie Boyd Peter Knight Male Quan Betty Fay Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800037 East Coolgardie Dewson John Pelham Male Penn Kathleen Mavis Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800037 East Coolgardie Penn Kathleen Mavis Female Dewson John Pelham Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800038 East Coolgardie Lucas Cecil Male Fearns Emily Louisa Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800038 East Coolgardie Fearns Emily Louisa Female Lucas Cecil Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800039 East Coolgardie Yates Arthur Leonard Male Stringfellow Nancy Mavis Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800039 East Coolgardie Stringfellow Nancy Mavis Female Yates Arthur Leonard Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800040 East Coolgardie Worlledge Hazel Margaret Female Williams Lennard George Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800040 East Coolgardie Williams Lennard George Male Worlledge Hazel Margaret Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800041 East Coolgardie Conlin Laurence Gerald Male Martlow Hazel Jean Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800041 East Coolgardie Martlow Hazel Jean Female Conlin Laurence Gerald Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800042 East Coolgardie Hayward George Richard Male Edmonds Agnes Veronica Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800042 East Coolgardie Edmonds Agnes Veronica Female Hayward George Richard Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800043 East Coolgardie Finlay Zelda Hinemoa Patrica Female Radisich Matthew Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800043 East Coolgardie Radisich Matthew Male Finlay Zelda Hinemoa Patrica Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800044 East Coolgardie Dimer Arthur Male Murray Gracie Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800044 East Coolgardie Murray Gracie Female Dimer Arthur Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800045 East Coolgardie Hill Hordern John Male Sharp Eunice Jane Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800045 East Coolgardie Sharp Eunice Jane Female Hill Hordern John Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800046 East Coolgardie Anderson Reginald James Male Harris Patricia Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800046 East Coolgardie Harris Patricia Mary Female Anderson Reginald James Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800047 East Coolgardie Fraser Wallace Rae Male Mason Doreen Marion Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800047 East Coolgardie Mason Doreen Marion Female Fraser Wallace Rae Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800048 East Coolgardie Jones Gilbert Clement Male Hacket Margaret Joan Female Coolgardie
1944/1800048 East Coolgardie Hacket Margaret Joan Female Jones Gilbert Clement Male Coolgardie
1944/1800049 East Coolgardie Morley Frederick James Male Hilliard Avis Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800049 East Coolgardie Hilliard Avis Mary Female Morley Frederick James Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800050 East Coolgardie Chard Beryl Female Ballintyne Howard William Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800050 East Coolgardie Ballintyne Howard William Male Chard Beryl Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800051 East Coolgardie Riley Richard Elias Male Derich Danica Marie Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800051 East Coolgardie Derich Danica Marie Female Riley Richard Elias Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800052 East Coolgardie Howieson Alice Mary Female Glynn Patrick Joseph Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800052 East Coolgardie Glynn Patrick Joseph Male Howieson Alice Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800053 East Coolgardie May Neville Male Fleay Pearl Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800053 East Coolgardie Fleay Pearl Female May Neville Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800054 East Coolgardie Walker Harry Reginald Clarke Male Davey Gladys Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800054 East Coolgardie Davey Gladys Female Walker Harry Reginald Clarke Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800055 East Coolgardie Myers Doris Irene Female Kennedy Roy Charles Edmond Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800055 East Coolgardie Kennedy Roy Charles Edmond Male Myers Doris Irene Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800056 East Coolgardie Cutting Margory Eleanor Female Hastie James Mackay Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800056 East Coolgardie Hastie James Mackay Male Cutting Margory Eleanor Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800057 East Coolgardie Sheppard Helen Female Sneesby Archibald Harold Joseph Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800057 East Coolgardie Sneesby Archibald Harold Joseph Male Sheppard Helen Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800058 East Coolgardie Foote Archie Stephen Male Lane Joan Patricia Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800058 East Coolgardie Lane Joan Patricia Female Foote Archie Stephen Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800059 East Coolgardie McLaughlin Patrick Eugene Male Beacham Christaville Joy Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800059 East Coolgardie Beacham Christaville Joy Female McLaughlin Patrick Eugene Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800060 East Coolgardie Liddell Leslie Johnston Bullock Male Wilson Delys Miriam Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800060 East Coolgardie Wilson Delys Miriam Female Liddell Leslie Johnston Bullock Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800061 East Coolgardie Ridley Lilian Violet May Female Oliver William Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800061 East Coolgardie Oliver William Henry Male Ridley Lilian Violet May Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800062 East Coolgardie Rome Cyril Kenneth Male Newman Florence Carlyle Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800062 East Coolgardie Newman Florence Carlyle Female Rome Cyril Kenneth Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800063 East Coolgardie Medlen Frederick Charles Male Walters Mavis Gladys Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800063 East Coolgardie Walters Mavis Gladys Female Medlen Frederick Charles Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800064 East Coolgardie Bransby Glen Oswald Male Smith Jean Noreen Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800064 East Coolgardie Smith Jean Noreen Female Bransby Glen Oswald Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800065 East Coolgardie Bradford Michael Male Heath Flora Edwina Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800065 East Coolgardie Heath Flora Edwina Female Bradford Michael Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800066 East Coolgardie Doherty John Edward Male Haynes Ruth Cecelia Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800066 East Coolgardie Haynes Ruth Cecelia Female Doherty John Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800067 East Coolgardie Ball Reginald William John Male Martin Dorothy Merle Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800067 East Coolgardie Martin Dorothy Merle Female Ball Reginald William John Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800068 East Coolgardie Beamont Esme Mary Female Renton Donald Leslie Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800068 East Coolgardie Renton Donald Leslie Male Beamont Esme Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800069 East Coolgardie Stanton Edith Joyce Female Deas George Freeman Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800069 East Coolgardie Deas George Freeman Male Stanton Edith Joyce Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800070 East Coolgardie Mosconi Gloria Lucy Female Carter Alfred Boake Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800070 East Coolgardie Carter Alfred Boake Male Mosconi Gloria Lucy Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800071 East Coolgardie Baker Edith Cora Female Edwards Kenneth John Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800071 East Coolgardie Edwards Kenneth John Male Baker Edith Cora Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800072 East Coolgardie Rinaldi Maurice John Male Lawson Annie Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800072 East Coolgardie Lawson Annie Mary Female Rinaldi Maurice John Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800073 East Coolgardie Abotomey Betty Eleanor Female Smith Alick Harold Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800073 East Coolgardie Smith Alick Harold Male Abotomey Betty Eleanor Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800074 East Coolgardie Barrett Edith Ellen Female Lawson Alfred Cosman Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800074 East Coolgardie Lawson Alfred Cosman Male Barrett Edith Ellen Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800075 East Coolgardie Dook Ronald Lawson Male Hunter Agnes Bridges Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800075 East Coolgardie Hunter Agnes Bridges Female Dook Ronald Lawson Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800076 East Coolgardie Baker Auston Joseph Male Sykes Mary Anderson Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800076 East Coolgardie Sykes Mary Anderson Female Baker Auston Joseph Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800077 East Coolgardie Mincham Wilter Aspenwall Male Oates Alma May Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800077 East Coolgardie Oates Alma May Female Mincham Wilter Aspenwall Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800078 East Coolgardie Softley Arthur Emery Male Scoble Dulcie Honor Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800078 East Coolgardie Scoble Dulcie Honor Female Softley Arthur Emery Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800079 East Coolgardie Daly Mary Bridget Female Stinson Alfred Francis Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800079 East Coolgardie Stinson Alfred Francis Male Daly Mary Bridget Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800080 East Coolgardie Sanders Leslie Alfred Male Hillier Dorothy Joyce Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800080 East Coolgardie Hillier Dorothy Joyce Female Sanders Leslie Alfred Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800081 East Coolgardie Bentley William Harold Male Franklin Millicent Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800081 East Coolgardie Franklin Millicent Female Bentley William Harold Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800082 East Coolgardie Paynter Thomas Richard Male Whyte Eunice Swain Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800082 East Coolgardie Whyte Eunice Swain Female Paynter Thomas Richard Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800083 East Coolgardie Rose Oscar William Male Shaddick Daphne Caroline Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800083 East Coolgardie Shaddick Daphne Caroline Female Rose Oscar William Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800084 East Coolgardie Lysaght Dorothy Josephine Female Jenkins Albert Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800084 East Coolgardie Jenkins Albert Edward Male Lysaght Dorothy Josephine Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800085 East Coolgardie Corrigan Marie Kathleen Female Dietrich Robert Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800085 East Coolgardie Dietrich Robert Edward Male Corrigan Marie Kathleen Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800086 East Coolgardie Nelson Hazel Joan Female Hoare Eric George Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800086 East Coolgardie Hoare Eric George Male Nelson Hazel Joan Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800087 East Coolgardie Hasleby Henry Maxwell Male McDonald Helen Beatrice Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800087 East Coolgardie McDonald Helen Beatrice Female Hasleby Henry Maxwell Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800088 East Coolgardie Hannett William Henry Male Pearce Lillian May Female Coolgardie
1944/1800088 East Coolgardie Pearce Lillian May Female Hannett William Henry Male Coolgardie
1944/1800089 East Coolgardie Treby Henry Milton Male Bosustow Emma Jean Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800089 East Coolgardie Bosustow Emma Jean Female Treby Henry Milton Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800090 East Coolgardie Wood Eric Stanley Male Condren Ellen Therese Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800090 East Coolgardie Condren Ellen Therese Female Wood Eric Stanley Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800091 East Coolgardie Jones Agnes Mary Female McKinley John Gerald Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800091 East Coolgardie McKinley John Gerald Male Jones Agnes Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800092 East Coolgardie Brokovich Andrew Harry Male Zorotovich Florrie Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800093 East Coolgardie Slate Arthur Douglas Gordon Male Lathlain Olive Nita Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800093 East Coolgardie Lathlain Olive Nita Female Slate Arthur Douglas Gordon Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800094 East Coolgardie Burwash Ivy Female Paton Charles Ford Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800094 East Coolgardie Paton Charles Ford Male Burwash Ivy Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800095 East Coolgardie Tailor Clare Frances Female Virgo Herbert Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800095 East Coolgardie Virgo Herbert Edward Male Tailor Clare Frances Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800096 East Coolgardie Henley John William Male Rowe Ellen Jane Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800096 East Coolgardie Rowe Ellen Jane Female Henley John William Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800097 East Coolgardie Joynes Esma Amelia Female Perry James Ferguson Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800097 East Coolgardie Perry James Ferguson Male Joynes Esma Amelia Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800098 East Coolgardie Yates Dorothy Gertrude Female Braysher Richard James Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800098 East Coolgardie Braysher Richard James Male Yates Dorothy Gertrude Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800099 East Coolgardie Wright Alexander Moar Male Peel Doreen May Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800099 East Coolgardie Peel Doreen May Female Wright Alexander Moar Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800100 East Coolgardie Starr Arthur Joseph Male Squiers Rhoda Eileen Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800100 East Coolgardie Squiers Rhoda Eileen Female Starr Arthur Joseph Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800101 East Coolgardie Thompson Thomas Male Francis Olive Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800101 East Coolgardie Francis Olive Female Thompson Thomas Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800102 East Coolgardie Thomas Rita May Female Windover Arthur William Clement Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800102 East Coolgardie Windover Arthur William Clement Male Thomas Rita May Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800103 East Coolgardie Scott David Patrick Male Burnett Hazel Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800103 East Coolgardie Burnett Hazel Female Scott David Patrick Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800104 East Coolgardie Huxtable Donald Arthur Male Wills Nancy Agnes Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800104 East Coolgardie Wills Nancy Agnes Female Huxtable Donald Arthur Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800105 East Coolgardie Temple Rose Female Neville William Marcus Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800105 East Coolgardie Neville William Marcus Male Temple Rose Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800106 East Coolgardie Vaughan Sylvia Isabel Female Cossens Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800106 East Coolgardie Cossens Edward Male Vaughan Sylvia Isabel Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800107 East Coolgardie Plumb Jesse Vasse Female Hayles Edwin Kenneth Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800107 East Coolgardie Hayles Edwin Kenneth Male Plumb Jesse Vasse Female Kalgoorlie Hayles-197
1944/1800108 East Coolgardie Fitzgerald Kathleen Female Honey Richard Harold Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800108 East Coolgardie Honey Richard Harold Male Fitzgerald Kathleen Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800109 East Coolgardie Thomas Vera Emily Female O'Neill John Wilton Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800109 East Coolgardie O'Neill John Wilton Male Thomas Vera Emily Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800110 East Coolgardie Hutcheson John Fleming Male Maumill Ethel Barbara Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800110 East Coolgardie Maumill Ethel Barbara Female Hutcheson John Fleming Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800111 East Coolgardie Jennings Arthur Charles Male Thomas Hilda May Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800111 East Coolgardie Thomas Hilda May Female Jennings Arthur Charles Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800112 East Coolgardie Varne Constance Female Kingston Horace Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800112 East Coolgardie Kingston Horace Male Varne Constance Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800114 East Coolgardie McEntee James Norman Patrick Male Jennings Mary Jane Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800114 East Coolgardie Jennings Mary Jane Female McEntee James Norman Patrick Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800115 East Coolgardie Toms Dorothy Gladys Female Clayton Alan Thomas Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800115 East Coolgardie Clayton Alan Thomas Male Toms Dorothy Gladys Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800116 East Coolgardie Kirkham Hector Clarence Male Steel Leta Doris May Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800116 East Coolgardie Steel Leta Doris May Female Kirkham Hector Clarence Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800117 East Coolgardie Woodward Alfred Bruce Male Coker Ilea Jean Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800117 East Coolgardie Coker Ilea Jean Female Woodward Alfred Bruce Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800118 East Coolgardie Bowman Kathleen Mary Female Alman Thomas David Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800118 East Coolgardie Alman Thomas David Male Bowman Kathleen Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800119 East Coolgardie Putland Gerard Francis Male Turich Kathleen Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800119 East Coolgardie Turich Kathleen Mary Female Putland Gerard Francis Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800120 East Coolgardie Martin Ellen Female Boyes Allen Stanley Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800120 East Coolgardie Boyes Allen Stanley Male Martin Ellen Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800121 East Coolgardie Donnelly Clara Watt Female Macauley Frederick James Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800121 East Coolgardie Macauley Frederick James Male Donnelly Clara Watt Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800122 East Coolgardie Hendry Charles Smith Male Melville Myrtle Iris Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800122 East Coolgardie Melville Myrtle Iris Female Hendry Charles Smith Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800123 East Coolgardie Reith Irene Miriam Female Dimer Barney Donald Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800123 East Coolgardie Dimer Barney Donald Male Reith Irene Miriam Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800124 East Coolgardie Bracknell Leonard Arthur Male McKenzie Jean Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800124 East Coolgardie McKenzie Jean Female Bracknell Leonard Arthur Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800125 East Coolgardie Butcher Ronald Male Farrelly Diana Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800125 East Coolgardie Farrelly Diana Female Butcher Ronald Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800126 East Coolgardie Campbell Jessie Edith Female Sharp Ralph Hamilton Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800126 East Coolgardie Sharp Ralph Hamilton Male Campbell Jessie Edith Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800127 East Coolgardie Haynes Richard Henry Male Anderson Joyce Ethel Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800127 East Coolgardie Anderson Joyce Ethel Female Haynes Richard Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800128 East Coolgardie Osborn Edward John Male Jago Joy Joan Female Kalgoorlie
1944/1800128 East Coolgardie Jago Joy Joan Female Osborn Edward John Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800129 East Coolgardie Kennedy Gleneath Gwenieth Fay Female Hampel Norman William Male Kalgoorlie
1944/1800129 East Coolgardie Hampel Norman William Male Kennedy Gleneath Gwenieth Fay Female Kalgoorlie
1945/2400001 Dundas Burton Albert Edward Male Burgoyne Molly Ida Female Norseman
1944/2400001 Dundas Chisholm Valma Female Biddle Lewis Vernon Male Norseman
1944/2400001 Dundas Biddle Lewis Vernon Male Chisholm Valma Female Norseman
1945/2400001 Dundas Burgoyne Molly Ida Female Burton Albert Edward Male Norseman
1944/2400002 Dundas Radosevich John Douglas Male Hayes Phyllis Irene Female Norseman
1944/2400002 Dundas Hayes Phyllis Irene Female Radosevich John Douglas Male Norseman
1944/2400003 Dundas Cook Henry James Male McAndrew Mary Cecelia Female Norseman
1944/2400003 Dundas McAndrew Mary Cecelia Female Cook Henry James Male Norseman
1944/2400004 Dundas Davies Rachel Female Smith Robert Male Norseman
1944/2400004 Dundas Smith Robert Male Davies Rachel Female Norseman
1944/2400005 Dundas Winter Winifred Frances Female Sundquist Harald Lars Male Norseman
1944/2400005 Dundas Sundquist Harald Lars Male Winter Winifred Frances Female Norseman
1944/2400006 Dundas Geyer Ruby May Female Lane Albert Edward Male Norseman
1944/2400006 Dundas Lane Albert Edward Male Geyer Ruby May Female Norseman
1944/2400007 Dundas Moon Audrey Lorraine Female Birch Richard Thomas Male Norseman
1944/2400007 Dundas Birch Richard Thomas Male Moon Audrey Lorraine Female Norseman
1944/2400008 Dundas Thompson Annie Female Blond Philip Ernest Molyneux Male Norseman
1944/2400008 Dundas Blond Philip Ernest Molyneux Male Thompson Annie Female Norseman
1944/2400009 Dundas Jones Edwin John Male Harris Eileen Grace Female Norseman
1944/2400009 Dundas Harris Eileen Grace Female Jones Edwin John Male Norseman
1944/2500001 Esperance Powell John Alfred Male McFadden Lillian Rose Louisa Female Esperance
1944/2500001 Esperance McFadden Lillian Rose Louisa Female Powell John Alfred Male Esperance
1944/2500002 Esperance Parkes Dennis Verdun Male Legg Laura Margaret Female Esperance
1944/2500002 Esperance Legg Laura Margaret Female Parkes Dennis Verdun Male Esperance
1944/2700001 Fremantle Daniels Leslie Male Stuart Nellie Ethel Lillian Female Fremantle
1945/2700001 Fremantle Pratt Harold Male Munn Theodora Kate Jean Female Beaconsfield
1944/2700001 Fremantle Stuart Nellie Ethel Lillian Female Daniels Leslie Male Fremantle
1945/2700001 Fremantle Munn Theodora Kate Jean Female Pratt Harold Male Beaconsfield
1944/2700002 Fremantle Kremer Bernardus Jan Male Horton Joyce Edna Pearl Female Fremantle
1944/2700002 Fremantle Horton Joyce Edna Pearl Female Kremer Bernardus Jan Male Fremantle
1944/2700003 Fremantle Maule Marguerite Female Graney Thomas John Male Fremantle
1944/2700003 Fremantle Graney Thomas John Male Maule Marguerite Female Fremantle
1944/2700004 Fremantle Freund Johannes Male Haddow Sophia Dorothy Female Fremantle
1944/2700004 Fremantle Haddow Sophia Dorothy Female Freund Johannes Male Fremantle
1945/2700004 Fremantle Cordingley Valda Gladys Female Powell Alan William Male Fremantle
1945/2700004 Fremantle Powell Alan William Male Cordingley Valda Gladys Female Fremantle
1944/2700005 Fremantle Peach Mavis Jean Female Hastings Harold John Male Fremantle
1944/2700005 Fremantle Hastings Harold John Male Peach Mavis Jean Female Fremantle
1944/2700006 Fremantle Hart Ada Elizabeth Female Bradbury Miles Coverdale Male W Aust
1944/2700006 Fremantle Bradbury Miles Coverdale Male Hart Ada Elizabeth Female W Aust
1944/2700007 Fremantle Barry Rita Joan Female Ralston Clifton Amiens Male North Fremantle
1944/2700007 Fremantle Ralston Clifton Amiens Male Barry Rita Joan Female North Fremantle
1944/2700008 Fremantle Bestie Mamie Mable Alice Female Brown Horace Male Fremantle
1944/2700008 Fremantle Brown Horace Male Bestie Mamie Mable Alice Female Fremantle
1944/2700010 Fremantle Haye August Allexander Male McEwen Heather Audrey Female Fremantle
1944/2700010 Fremantle McEwen Heather Audrey Female Haye August Allexander Male Fremantle
1944/2700011 Fremantle Tomlin Ronald James Male Walton Barbara Female Fremantle
1944/2700011 Fremantle Walton Barbara Female Tomlin Ronald James Male Fremantle
1944/2700012 Fremantle Ford Yvonne Doris Female Sedgwick Stanier James Male Fremantle
1944/2700012 Fremantle Sedgwick Stanier James Male Ford Yvonne Doris Female Fremantle
1944/2700013 Fremantle Peake Ellis James Male Vanstan Louie Gladys Female Fremantle
1944/2700013 Fremantle Vanstan Louie Gladys Female Peake Ellis James Male Fremantle
1944/2700014 Fremantle Lunghi Charles John Male Chilvers Barbara Jean Female Fremantle
1944/2700014 Fremantle Chilvers Barbara Jean Female Lunghi Charles John Male Fremantle
1944/2700015 Fremantle Lacey Joyce Ena Female Robins Wilfred Leslie Male Fremantle
1944/2700015 Fremantle Robins Wilfred Leslie Male Lacey Joyce Ena Female Fremantle
1944/2700016 Fremantle Lancaster Ronald Allen Male Willis Doreen Kitson Female Fremantle
1944/2700016 Fremantle Willis Doreen Kitson Female Lancaster Ronald Allen Male Fremantle
1944/2700017 Fremantle Bradley Dorothy Maud Female Krummel Ralph Russel Male Fremantle
1944/2700017 Fremantle Krummel Ralph Russel Male Bradley Dorothy Maud Female Fremantle
1944/2700018 Fremantle Shepherd Dorothy Bertha Female Walton John Richard Male Fremantle
1944/2700018 Fremantle Walton John Richard Male Shepherd Dorothy Bertha Female Fremantle
1944/2700019 Fremantle Roveta Norma Grace Female Horrigan Cornelius George Male Fremantle
1944/2700019 Fremantle Horrigan Cornelius George Male Roveta Norma Grace Female Fremantle
1944/2700020 Fremantle Flood Allan Cyril Male Williams Mary Frances Female East Fremantle
1944/2700020 Fremantle Williams Mary Frances Female Flood Allan Cyril Male East Fremantle
1944/2700021 Fremantle Taylor John William Male Boyle Mary Female East Fremantle
1944/2700021 Fremantle Boyle Mary Female Taylor John William Male East Fremantle
1944/2700022 Fremantle McCallum Helga Elizabeth Female Johnston Alfred Percy Male Fremantle
1944/2700022 Fremantle Johnston Alfred Percy Male McCallum Helga Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1944/2700023 Fremantle Sariago Mary Brigid Female bin Sallik Sallum Male Fremantle
1944/2700023 Fremantle bin Sallik Sallum Male Sariago Mary Brigid Female Fremantle
1944/2700024 Fremantle Corker Leonard Douglas Male Tapper Julie Grace Female Freemantle
1944/2700024 Fremantle Tapper Julie Grace Female Corker Leonard Douglas Male Freemantle
1944/2700025 Fremantle Letch Audrey Evelyn Female Masel Harold Hiram Male Fremantle
1944/2700025 Fremantle Masel Harold Hiram Male Letch Audrey Evelyn Female Fremantle
1944/2700026 Fremantle Owens John Male Glazier Lillian Florence Female Fremantle
1944/2700026 Fremantle Glazier Lillian Florence Female Owens John Male Fremantle
1944/2700027 Fremantle Acton Nancy May Female Membery Walter Male Fremantle
1944/2700027 Fremantle Membery Walter Male Acton Nancy May Female Fremantle
1944/2700028 Fremantle Doyle Laurence Male Bevan Margaret Anna Female Fremantle
1944/2700028 Fremantle Bevan Margaret Anna Female Doyle Laurence Male Fremantle
1944/2700029 Fremantle Maud Frederick Male Reed Ada Female Fremantle
1944/2700029 Fremantle Reed Ada Female Maud Frederick Male Fremantle
1944/2700030 Fremantle Haas Roma Domenica Female Gasmann Edward Christopher Male Fremantle
1944/2700030 Fremantle Gasmann Edward Christopher Male Haas Roma Domenica Female Fremantle
1944/2700031 Fremantle Aubrey Ernest Edward Male Dunning Daisy Mary Female North Fremantle
1944/2700031 Fremantle Dunning Daisy Mary Female Aubrey Ernest Edward Male North Fremantle
1944/2700032 Fremantle Luff Mona Marguerite Female Miller Clement Hill Male Fremantle
1944/2700032 Fremantle Miller Clement Hill Male Luff Mona Marguerite Female Fremantle
1944/2700033 Fremantle Pitcher Frederick James Male Madalena Serina Female Fremantle
1944/2700033 Fremantle Madalena Serina Female Pitcher Frederick James Male Fremantle
1944/2700034 Fremantle OHalloran Ellen Rowena Female Mahon William Stephen Male Fremantle
1944/2700034 Fremantle Mahon William Stephen Male OHalloran Ellen Rowena Female Fremantle
1944/2700035 Fremantle Morton Dorothy Isobell Female Dunning Alexander Stanley Male Fremantle
1944/2700035 Fremantle Dunning Alexander Stanley Male Morton Dorothy Isobell Female Fremantle
1944/2700036 Fremantle Anderson Shirley Lynette Female Ayres Claude Clifford Male Fremantle
1944/2700036 Fremantle Ayres Claude Clifford Male Anderson Shirley Lynette Female Fremantle
1944/2700037 Fremantle Rotondella Nicola Male Pensabene Frances Female Fremantle
1944/2700037 Fremantle Pensabene Frances Female Rotondella Nicola Male Fremantle
1944/2700038 Fremantle Hoad Eric Albert Francis Male Chilton Audrey Amelia Ann Female Fremantle
1944/2700038 Fremantle Chilton Audrey Amelia Ann Female Hoad Eric Albert Francis Male Fremantle
1944/2700039 Fremantle Dutton Irene Dorothy Female Castlemain Victor Albert Male Fremantle
1944/2700039 Fremantle Castlemain Victor Albert Male Dutton Irene Dorothy Female Fremantle
1944/2700040 Fremantle Taylor Honarine Female Gould Robert Charles Male Fremantle
1944/2700040 Fremantle Gould Robert Charles Male Taylor Honarine Female Fremantle
1944/2700041 Fremantle McPhail Verona Eva Female Gibbon Gordon Henry Male Fremantle
1944/2700041 Fremantle Gibbon Gordon Henry Male McPhail Verona Eva Female Fremantle
1944/2700042 Fremantle Leggett Joy Louisa Female Chandler Donald John Male Fremantle
1944/2700042 Fremantle Chandler Donald John Male Leggett Joy Louisa Female Fremantle
1944/2700043 Fremantle Moseley Rene May Female Lillywhite Walter Male Fremantle
1944/2700043 Fremantle Lillywhite Walter Male Moseley Rene May Female Fremantle
1944/2700044 Fremantle O'Loughlin William Vincent Male Turner Iris Female Fremantle
1944/2700044 Fremantle Turner Iris Female O'Loughlin William Vincent Male Fremantle
1944/2700045 Fremantle Daddow Margaret Ann Isabella Female Tonkin John Foss Male Fremantle
1944/2700045 Fremantle Tonkin John Foss Male Daddow Margaret Ann Isabella Female Fremantle
1944/2700046 Fremantle Clarke Kenneth Samuel Male Maller Lorna Alice Female Fremantle
1944/2700046 Fremantle Maller Lorna Alice Female Clarke Kenneth Samuel Male Fremantle
1944/2700047 Fremantle Coulson Ernest Edward Male Kennedy Florence Female Fremantle
1944/2700047 Fremantle Kennedy Florence Female Coulson Ernest Edward Male Fremantle
1944/2700048 Fremantle Sutherland Francis Henry Male Jones Emily Evelyn Female Fremantle
1944/2700048 Fremantle Jones Emily Evelyn Female Sutherland Francis Henry Male Fremantle
1944/2700049 Fremantle Cooper Florence Female Bates Albert Newman Male Sth Fremantle
1944/2700049 Fremantle Bates Albert Newman Male Cooper Florence Female Sth Fremantle
1944/2700050 Fremantle Sibley Joyce Female Watts Raymond Alfred Male Fremantle
1944/2700050 Fremantle Watts Raymond Alfred Male Sibley Joyce Female Fremantle
1944/2700051 Fremantle Garbin Mary Female Yakovich Yvan Male Fremantle
1944/2700051 Fremantle Yakovich Yvan Male Garbin Mary Female Fremantle
1944/2700052 Fremantle Sinclair Alice Maud Female Waugh Robert George Male Fremantle
1944/2700052 Fremantle Waugh Robert George Male Sinclair Alice Maud Female Fremantle
1944/2700053 Fremantle Ablett Hazel May Female Beard Bevin Douglas Male Fremantle
1944/2700053 Fremantle Beard Bevin Douglas Male Ablett Hazel May Female Fremantle
1944/2700054 Fremantle White Celia Eunice Female Brown Charlie Henry Male Fremantle
1944/2700054 Fremantle Brown Charlie Henry Male White Celia Eunice Female Fremantle
1944/2700055 Fremantle Allan Patricia Eleanor Female Naylor John Francis Male Fremantle
1944/2700055 Fremantle Naylor John Francis Male Allan Patricia Eleanor Female Fremantle
1944/2700056 Fremantle Connell Victor Charles Male Scott Lurline Paterson Porter Female Fremantle
1944/2700056 Fremantle Scott Lurline Paterson Porter Female Connell Victor Charles Male Fremantle
1944/2700057 Fremantle Garrett Winifred Mary Female Duckworth Edward Keith Male Fremantle
1944/2700057 Fremantle Duckworth Edward Keith Male Garrett Winifred Mary Female Fremantle
1944/2700058 Fremantle Massara Ellen Carmella Female Peters Henry Findlay Male Fremantle
1944/2700058 Fremantle Peters Henry Findlay Male Massara Ellen Carmella Female Fremantle
1944/2700059 Fremantle Fitzpatrick Joy Goldie Female Jones Harold Mervyn Male Fremantle
1944/2700059 Fremantle Jones Harold Mervyn Male Fitzpatrick Joy Goldie Female Fremantle
1944/2700060 Fremantle Fulwood Harvey Jose Male Roche Vera May Female Fremantle
1944/2700060 Fremantle Roche Vera May Female Fulwood Harvey Jose Male Fremantle
1944/2700061 Fremantle Ashton Betty Female Burnett Ronald Tindall Male Fremantle
1944/2700061 Fremantle Burnett Ronald Tindall Male Ashton Betty Female Fremantle
1944/2700062 Fremantle McDonald Isabell Doreen Female Routh Charles Russell Male Fremantle
1944/2700062 Fremantle Routh Charles Russell Male McDonald Isabell Doreen Female Fremantle
1944/2700063 Fremantle Tharpe Herbert Hugh Male Sullivan Jessie Beryl Female Fremantle
1944/2700063 Fremantle Sullivan Jessie Beryl Female Tharpe Herbert Hugh Male Fremantle
1944/2700064 Fremantle Buell Charles Wayne Male Hensley Shirley Patricia Dunton Female Fremantle
1944/2700064 Fremantle Hensley Shirley Patricia Dunton Female Buell Charles Wayne Male Fremantle
1944/2700065 Fremantle Rate Edith Cavell Female Brandis William Edgar Male Beaconsfield
1944/2700065 Fremantle Brandis William Edgar Male Rate Edith Cavell Female Beaconsfield
1944/2700066 Fremantle Morris Terence Michael Male Hutchins Marjorie Doreen Female Beaconsfield
1944/2700066 Fremantle Hutchins Marjorie Doreen Female Morris Terence Michael Male Beaconsfield
1944/2700067 Fremantle Cosstick Albert Osbourne Male Evans Bertha Jean Female Fremantle
1944/2700067 Fremantle Evans Bertha Jean Female Cosstick Albert Osbourne Male Fremantle
1944/2700068 Fremantle Bremmell Dorothy Margaret Female Fossilo Leslie Alexander Noel Male Fremantle
1944/2700068 Fremantle Fossilo Leslie Alexander Noel Male Bremmell Dorothy Margaret Female Fremantle
1944/2700069 Fremantle Jefferies Doris Ethel Irene Female Whitman Douglas Arthur Keech Male Fremantle
1944/2700069 Fremantle Whitman Douglas Arthur Keech Male Jefferies Doris Ethel Irene Female Fremantle
1944/2700070 Fremantle Higgins Jean Dorothy Female Dymock Harold George Male Fremantle
1944/2700070 Fremantle Dymock Harold George Male Higgins Jean Dorothy Female Fremantle
1944/2700071 Fremantle Dugmore Richard Thomas Male Hansen Grace Violet Female Fremantle
1944/2700071 Fremantle Hansen Grace Violet Female Dugmore Richard Thomas Male Fremantle
1944/2700072 Fremantle Knight Robert Harry Male Beckingham Alice Grace Irene Female Fremantle
1944/2700072 Fremantle Beckingham Alice Grace Irene Female Knight Robert Harry Male Fremantle
1944/2700073 Fremantle White Gladys Beryl Female Logan John Robert Male Fremantle
1944/2700073 Fremantle Logan John Robert Male White Gladys Beryl Female Fremantle
1944/2700074 Fremantle Greep Emily Alice Female Castlemain Roy Edward Male Fremantle
1944/2700074 Fremantle Castlemain Roy Edward Male Greep Emily Alice Female Fremantle
1944/2700075 Fremantle O'Neil Desmond Henry Male Culver Nancy Jean Female Fremantle
1944/2700075 Fremantle Culver Nancy Jean Female O'Neil Desmond Henry Male Fremantle
1944/2700076 Fremantle Fearn Margaret Beryl Female Donaldson George Male Fremantle
1944/2700076 Fremantle Donaldson George Male Fearn Margaret Beryl Female Fremantle
1944/2700077 Fremantle O'Keefe Patricia Elaine Female Tate Alec Robert Male E Fremantle
1944/2700077 Fremantle Tate Alec Robert Male O'Keefe Patricia Elaine Female E Fremantle
1944/2700078 Fremantle Stokes Edward Male Walsh Doreen Female Fremantle
1944/2700078 Fremantle Walsh Doreen Female Stokes Edward Male Fremantle
1944/2700079 Fremantle Smith Harlin Albert Male Bishop Joan Female Fremantle
1944/2700079 Fremantle Bishop Joan Female Smith Harlin Albert Male Fremantle
1944/2700080 Fremantle Pitts Gwendoline Violet Female Bagley Richard Andrew Male Fremantle
1944/2700080 Fremantle Bagley Richard Andrew Male Pitts Gwendoline Violet Female Fremantle
1944/2700081 Fremantle Hargreaves Joan Maxine Female Sheridan Edward Bernard Male Fremantle
1944/2700081 Fremantle Sheridan Edward Bernard Male Hargreaves Joan Maxine Female Fremantle
1944/2700082 Fremantle Chilcott Theresa De Voy Female Campbell Donald Farquhar Male Fremantle
1944/2700082 Fremantle Campbell Donald Farquhar Male Chilcott Theresa De Voy Female Fremantle
1944/2700083 Fremantle Williams Esther Minnie Female O'Meara Roy Henry Male Fremantle
1944/2700083 Fremantle O'Meara Roy Henry Male Williams Esther Minnie Female Fremantle
1944/2700084 Fremantle Hill Harry Chesterman Male Greer Marjorie June Female Fremantle
1944/2700084 Fremantle Greer Marjorie June Female Hill Harry Chesterman Male Fremantle
1944/2700085 Fremantle Gibson Dorothy Female Lansdell William Harold Male Fremantle
1944/2700085 Fremantle Lansdell William Harold Male Gibson Dorothy Female Fremantle
1944/2700086 Fremantle Constantine Cynthia Joyce Female Hopkins Joseph Jonas Male Fremantle
1944/2700086 Fremantle Hopkins Joseph Jonas Male Constantine Cynthia Joyce Female Fremantle
1944/2700087 Fremantle Carlsen Peter Oluff Male Horley Blanche Emily Caroline Female Rockingham
1944/2700087 Fremantle Horley Blanche Emily Caroline Female Carlsen Peter Oluff Male Rockingham
1944/2700088 Fremantle Clarkson Helen Female Brinkley John Rowland Lloyd Male Fremantle
1944/2700088 Fremantle Brinkley John Rowland Lloyd Male Clarkson Helen Female Fremantle
1944/2700089 Fremantle Stevenson Hugh Charles Stewart Male Chadwick Dorothy May Female Beaconsfield
1944/2700089 Fremantle Chadwick Dorothy May Female Stevenson Hugh Charles Stewart Male Beaconsfield
1944/2700090 Fremantle Gilpin Violet Livinia Beryl Female Lloyd Ronald Murray Male Fremantle
1944/2700090 Fremantle Lloyd Ronald Murray Male Gilpin Violet Livinia Beryl Female Fremantle
1944/2700091 Fremantle Benthien Marjorie Ivermey Female Power James Joseph Male Fremantle
1944/2700091 Fremantle Power James Joseph Male Benthien Marjorie Ivermey Female Fremantle
1944/2700092 Fremantle Batty Leslie Malcolm Male Thorne Mamie Ellen Female Fremantle
1944/2700092 Fremantle Thorne Mamie Ellen Female Batty Leslie Malcolm Male Fremantle
1944/2700093 Fremantle Robertson John David Male Cameron Mabel Phyllis Female East Fremantle
1944/2700093 Fremantle Cameron Mabel Phyllis Female Robertson John David Male East Fremantle
1944/2700094 Fremantle Hams Keven Bertram Male Jeffery Ida Martha Female Fremantle
1944/2700094 Fremantle Jeffery Ida Martha Female Hams Keven Bertram Male Fremantle
1944/2700095 Fremantle Hicks Olwyn Mary Female Robinson Reginald Walter Male Fremantle
1944/2700095 Fremantle Robinson Reginald Walter Male Hicks Olwyn Mary Female Fremantle
1944/2700096 Fremantle McInnes Lionel Peter Favel Male Clark Vera Doris Isabella Female West Australia
1944/2700096 Fremantle Clark Vera Doris Isabella Female McInnes Lionel Peter Favel Male West Australia
1944/2700097 Fremantle Donovan Elinor Doris Female Haskell Bernard George Male Fremantle
1944/2700097 Fremantle Haskell Bernard George Male Donovan Elinor Doris Female Fremantle
1944/2700098 Fremantle Croker Amelia Female Raynor Bryan Charles Peter Male Fremantle
1944/2700098 Fremantle Raynor Bryan Charles Peter Male Croker Amelia Female Fremantle
1944/2700099 Fremantle Murray Peggy Female Dix James Albert Male Fremantle
1944/2700099 Fremantle Dix James Albert Male Murray Peggy Female Fremantle
1944/2700100 Fremantle Shanhun Harry Male Gammon Bessie Mary Female Fremantle
1944/2700100 Fremantle Gammon Bessie Mary Female Shanhun Harry Male Fremantle
1944/2700101 Fremantle Hines Winifred Mary Female Young Alexander Denison Male Fremantle
1944/2700101 Fremantle Young Alexander Denison Male Hines Winifred Mary Female Fremantle
1944/2700102 Fremantle Daly William Aloysius Male Cotton Mary Elizabeth Female North Fremantle
1944/2700102 Fremantle Cotton Mary Elizabeth Female Daly William Aloysius Male North Fremantle
1944/2700103 Fremantle Margetts Frederick Wilson Male Saunders Elizabeth Jean Female Fremantle
1944/2700103 Fremantle Saunders Elizabeth Jean Female Margetts Frederick Wilson Male Fremantle
1944/2700104 Fremantle Miner Doreen Maud Female Walsh Francis Patrick Male Fremantle
1944/2700104 Fremantle Walsh Francis Patrick Male Miner Doreen Maud Female Fremantle
1944/2700105 Fremantle Mortimer Dorothy Female Brokas Victor John Michael Male Fremantle
1944/2700105 Fremantle Brokas Victor John Michael Male Mortimer Dorothy Female Fremantle
1944/2700106 Fremantle Crabbe Leonard Samuel Male Dorgan Joan Margaret Female Fremantle
1944/2700106 Fremantle Dorgan Joan Margaret Female Crabbe Leonard Samuel Male Fremantle
1944/2700107 Fremantle Tickle Alma Jean Female Walker Edward Norman Male Fremantle
1944/2700107 Fremantle Walker Edward Norman Male Tickle Alma Jean Female Fremantle
1944/2700108 Fremantle Bradley Albert Edward Male Wells Gladys Iris Female Fremantle
1944/2700108 Fremantle Wells Gladys Iris Female Bradley Albert Edward Male Fremantle
1944/2700109 Fremantle Jensen Albert Percival Male Reid Patricia Winifred Female Fremantle
1944/2700109 Fremantle Reid Patricia Winifred Female Jensen Albert Percival Male Fremantle
1944/2700110 Fremantle Stapleton Muriel Betty Female Linden Allan Stanley Male Fremantle
1944/2700110 Fremantle Linden Allan Stanley Male Stapleton Muriel Betty Female Fremantle
1944/2700111 Fremantle Collett Roma Harris Female Norris John Harold Male Fremantle
1944/2700111 Fremantle Norris John Harold Male Collett Roma Harris Female Fremantle
1944/2700112 Fremantle Love Florence Jean Female Walter William Frederic Male Fremantle
1944/2700112 Fremantle Walter William Frederic Male Love Florence Jean Female Fremantle
1944/2700113 Fremantle Murray Margaret Hilda Female Whitehead Ernest Charles Male Fremantle
1944/2700113 Fremantle Whitehead Ernest Charles Male Murray Margaret Hilda Female Fremantle
1944/2700114 Fremantle Rice Stanley Redvers Stephen Male King Thelma Female Fremantle
1944/2700114 Fremantle King Thelma Female Rice Stanley Redvers Stephen Male Fremantle
1944/2700115 Fremantle McColl Colin Neil Male Morris Hazel Rose Female Fremantle
1944/2700115 Fremantle Morris Hazel Rose Female McColl Colin Neil Male Fremantle
1944/2700116 Fremantle Hitchcock Frank Keane Male Charlton Betty Female West Australia
1944/2700116 Fremantle Charlton Betty Female Hitchcock Frank Keane Male West Australia
1944/2700117 Fremantle Wilkinson Walter Johnson Male Scarterfield Doris Helen Female West Australia
1944/2700117 Fremantle Scarterfield Doris Helen Female Wilkinson Walter Johnson Male West Australia
1944/2700118 Fremantle Cappeluti Pasquale Male Fragomeni Esterina Female Fremantle
1944/2700118 Fremantle Fragomeni Esterina Female Cappeluti Pasquale Male Fremantle
1944/2700119 Fremantle Del Rosso Frances Female Hume Donald David Male Fremantle
1944/2700119 Fremantle Hume Donald David Male Del Rosso Frances Female Fremantle
1944/2700120 Fremantle Boyd Beryl Catherine Female Yarrick Martin Henry Male Fremantle
1944/2700120 Fremantle Yarrick Martin Henry Male Boyd Beryl Catherine Female Fremantle
1944/2700121 Fremantle Kerr Mary McIntyre Mitchell Female Martin Denis John Male Fremantle
1944/2700121 Fremantle Martin Denis John Male Kerr Mary McIntyre Mitchell Female Fremantle
1944/2700122 Fremantle Watkins Doris Winifred Female Graham Archibald Murray Male Fremantle
1944/2700122 Fremantle Graham Archibald Murray Male Watkins Doris Winifred Female Fremantle
1944/2700123 Fremantle Gooddy Ethel Agnes Dot Female Paterson James Male Palmyra
1944/2700123 Fremantle Paterson James Male Gooddy Ethel Agnes Dot Female Palmyra
1944/2700124 Fremantle Bower Colin Godfrey Male Vodanovich Barbara Blanche Female Fremantle
1944/2700124 Fremantle Vodanovich Barbara Blanche Female Bower Colin Godfrey Male Fremantle
1944/2700125 Fremantle McIlhattan Sarah Female Sharp Albert Leonard Male East Fremantle
1944/2700125 Fremantle Sharp Albert Leonard Male McIlhattan Sarah Female East Fremantle
1944/2700126 Fremantle Ross Agnes Drummond Female Brindal Owen Seymour Male East Fremantle
1944/2700126 Fremantle Brindal Owen Seymour Male Ross Agnes Drummond Female East Fremantle
1944/2700127 Fremantle King Maxwell Francis Male Liljenquist Beryl Rose Female Palmyra
1944/2700127 Fremantle Liljenquist Beryl Rose Female King Maxwell Francis Male Palmyra
1944/2700128 Fremantle McPharlin Lindsay John Male Parry Vera Joan Female Fremantle
1944/2700128 Fremantle Parry Vera Joan Female McPharlin Lindsay John Male Fremantle
1944/2700129 Fremantle Hull Gordon Thomas Male Hoffman Florence Amelia Female Fremantle
1944/2700129 Fremantle Hoffman Florence Amelia Female Hull Gordon Thomas Male Fremantle
1944/2700130 Fremantle Smith Thomas Bernard Male Jeffery Hazel Rita Female Fremantle
1944/2700130 Fremantle Jeffery Hazel Rita Female Smith Thomas Bernard Male Fremantle
1944/2700131 Fremantle Johnson Robert William Male Allpike Violet Maud Female Fremantle
1944/2700131 Fremantle Allpike Violet Maud Female Johnson Robert William Male Fremantle
1944/2700132 Fremantle Mackay Blair Stewart Male Raston Margaret Ellen Female Fremantle
1944/2700132 Fremantle Raston Margaret Ellen Female Mackay Blair Stewart Male Fremantle
1944/2700133 Fremantle Smith Graham Leppar Male Fletcher Alberta Joy Female Fremantle
1944/2700133 Fremantle Fletcher Alberta Joy Female Smith Graham Leppar Male Fremantle
1944/2700134 Fremantle Walker Albert William George Male Stewart Dorothy Barbara Female Fremantle
1944/2700134 Fremantle Stewart Dorothy Barbara Female Walker Albert William George Male Fremantle
1944/2700135 Fremantle Tinson William Edgar Male Muir Mary Grant Gordon Female Fremantle
1944/2700135 Fremantle Muir Mary Grant Gordon Female Tinson William Edgar Male Fremantle
1944/2700136 Fremantle Garrett Francis William Male Whittle Mary Irene Female West Australia
1944/2700136 Fremantle Whittle Mary Irene Female Garrett Francis William Male West Australia
1944/2700137 Fremantle Richardson James Edward Male Dewar Eunice Emily Female West Australia
1944/2700137 Fremantle Dewar Eunice Emily Female Richardson James Edward Male West Australia
1944/2700138 Fremantle Tame William Edgar Male Hepburn Jessie Female East Fremantle
1944/2700138 Fremantle Hepburn Jessie Female Tame William Edgar Male East Fremantle
1944/2700139 Fremantle Freed Hilda Maud Female Wilson Merle Carl Male Fremantle
1944/2700139 Fremantle Wilson Merle Carl Male Freed Hilda Maud Female Fremantle
1944/2700140 Fremantle Holmes Hilda Isabella Female Walters Norman Logan Male Fremantle
1944/2700140 Fremantle Walters Norman Logan Male Holmes Hilda Isabella Female Fremantle
1944/2700141 Fremantle Follington Elwin Eva Female Rosser Ernest Roy Male Fremantle
1944/2700141 Fremantle Rosser Ernest Roy Male Follington Elwin Eva Female Fremantle
1944/2700142 Fremantle Lacey Fairlie May Female Taylor Fredrick George Male Fremantle
1944/2700142 Fremantle Taylor Fredrick George Male Lacey Fairlie May Female Fremantle
1944/2700143 Fremantle Torre Peter Male Raffaele Moya Female Fremantle
1944/2700143 Fremantle Raffaele Moya Female Torre Peter Male Fremantle
1944/2700144 Fremantle Dunkley Margaret Ann Female Foster Cyril Stanley Male East Fremantle
1944/2700144 Fremantle Foster Cyril Stanley Male Dunkley Margaret Ann Female East Fremantle
1944/2700145 Fremantle Mansfield Ida Maud Female Rutledge Alger Elmo Male Fremantle
1944/2700145 Fremantle Rutledge Alger Elmo Male Mansfield Ida Maud Female Fremantle
1944/2700146 Fremantle Bradford Sadie Female Singer William Bisset Male Fremantle
1944/2700146 Fremantle Singer William Bisset Male Bradford Sadie Female Fremantle
1944/2700147 Fremantle Clarke Dorothy Hilda Female George Harold Victor Male Fremantle
1944/2700147 Fremantle George Harold Victor Male Clarke Dorothy Hilda Female Fremantle
1944/2700148 Fremantle Desmond Philip James Male Dwyer Thelma Joyce Female Palmyra
1944/2700148 Fremantle Dwyer Thelma Joyce Female Desmond Philip James Male Palmyra
1944/2700149 Fremantle Slade Trevor Ian Male Lamp Amy Mary Female Fremantle
1944/2700149 Fremantle Lamp Amy Mary Female Slade Trevor Ian Male Fremantle
1944/2700150 Fremantle Hall Ethel Female Kemp William Henry Male West Australia
1944/2700150 Fremantle Kemp William Henry Male Hall Ethel Female West Australia
1944/2700151 Fremantle Daniels Mary Margaret Female Clune John Thomas Male Fremantle
1944/2700151 Fremantle Clune John Thomas Male Daniels Mary Margaret Female Fremantle
1944/2700152 Fremantle Richards Elva Female Coates Norman Rathjen Male Fremantle
1944/2700152 Fremantle Coates Norman Rathjen Male Richards Elva Female Fremantle
1944/2700153 Fremantle Whitchurch Fredrick Roy Male Farrington Florence Mae Female Fremantle
1944/2700153 Fremantle Farrington Florence Mae Female Whitchurch Fredrick Roy Male Fremantle
1944/2700154 Fremantle Ellement Frederick Ernest Male Groves Joan Isabel Female West Australia
1944/2700154 Fremantle Groves Joan Isabel Female Ellement Frederick Ernest Male West Australia
1944/2700155 Fremantle Klix Doreen Isabel Female Hanson John Jerry Male Fremantle
1944/2700155 Fremantle Hanson John Jerry Male Klix Doreen Isabel Female Fremantle
1944/2700156 Fremantle Russell Albert Henry Douglas Male Josephsen Alice Lorna Female Fremantle
1944/2700156 Fremantle Josephsen Alice Lorna Female Russell Albert Henry Douglas Male Fremantle
1944/2700157 Fremantle Shrubsall Nita Olive Female McKay Donald Stuart Male Fremantle
1944/2700157 Fremantle McKay Donald Stuart Male Shrubsall Nita Olive Female Fremantle
1944/2700158 Fremantle Lyon Margaret Herriot Female Lemon Reginald Male Fremantle
1944/2700158 Fremantle Lemon Reginald Male Lyon Margaret Herriot Female Fremantle
1944/2700159 Fremantle McGowan Manus Edward Male Hennessy Marion Lucille Female Fremantle
1944/2700159 Fremantle Hennessy Marion Lucille Female McGowan Manus Edward Male Fremantle
1944/2700160 Fremantle Sutton Edna Iris Female Anderson Oliver Male Fremantle
1944/2700160 Fremantle Anderson Oliver Male Sutton Edna Iris Female Fremantle
1944/2700161 Fremantle Scorer Percival Frederick Male Murray Jean Eileen Female Fremantle
1944/2700161 Fremantle Murray Jean Eileen Female Scorer Percival Frederick Male Fremantle
1944/2700162 Fremantle Pratt Daphne Edith Female Pursell Douglas Norman Male Fremantle
1944/2700162 Fremantle Pursell Douglas Norman Male Pratt Daphne Edith Female Fremantle
1944/2700163 Fremantle Hogg Thomas Naylor Male Hood Rachel May Female Fremantle
1944/2700163 Fremantle Hood Rachel May Female Hogg Thomas Naylor Male Fremantle
1944/2700164 Fremantle Woodley Ivy Caroline Female Bennetts Charles Richard Male East Fremantle
1944/2700164 Fremantle Bennetts Charles Richard Male Woodley Ivy Caroline Female East Fremantle
1944/2700165 Fremantle Foreman Winifred Alice Female Kahn Joseph Frank Male W Aust
1944/2700165 Fremantle Kahn Joseph Frank Male Foreman Winifred Alice Female W Aust
1944/2700166 Fremantle Watts Ruby May Female Lee Robert Elton Male Fremantle
1944/2700166 Fremantle Lee Robert Elton Male Watts Ruby May Female Fremantle
1944/2700167 Fremantle Anderson Ida Dorothy Female Fredericks John Edward Male Fremantle
1944/2700167 Fremantle Fredericks John Edward Male Anderson Ida Dorothy Female Fremantle
1944/2700168 Fremantle Richards Charles Boutillier Male MacDonald Dorothea Female Fremantle
1944/2700168 Fremantle MacDonald Dorothea Female Richards Charles Boutillier Male Fremantle
1944/2700169 Fremantle Young William Bruce Male McGee Edith May Female Fremantle
1944/2700169 Fremantle McGee Edith May Female Young William Bruce Male Fremantle
1944/2700170 Fremantle Olsen Doreen May Female Ramshaw Joseph George Male Fremantle
1944/2700170 Fremantle Ramshaw Joseph George Male Olsen Doreen May Female Fremantle
1944/2700171 Fremantle Clayton Horace Theo Male Harry Gertrude Josephine Female Fremantle
1944/2700171 Fremantle Harry Gertrude Josephine Female Clayton Horace Theo Male Fremantle
1944/2700172 Fremantle Denton Isabel Amelia Female Edgley Thomas Leslie Male Fremantle
1944/2700172 Fremantle Edgley Thomas Leslie Male Denton Isabel Amelia Female Fremantle
1944/2700173 Fremantle Westbrook Lori Douglas Male Green Margaret Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1944/2700173 Fremantle Green Margaret Elizabeth Female Westbrook Lori Douglas Male Fremantle
1944/2700174 Fremantle Trenberth Victor Robert Male Thomson Edna Mary Female Fremantle
1944/2700174 Fremantle Thomson Edna Mary Female Trenberth Victor Robert Male Fremantle
1944/2700175 Fremantle Musarra Ethel Caloria Female Foley John Mathew Male Fremantle
1944/2700175 Fremantle Foley John Mathew Male Musarra Ethel Caloria Female Fremantle
1944/2700176 Fremantle Luff Charles Harold Male Goddard Francesca Maria Female W Aust
1944/2700176 Fremantle Goddard Francesca Maria Female Luff Charles Harold Male W Aust
1944/2700177 Fremantle Lambiaso Joseph Vincent Male Carnemolla Carmela Carmel Female Fremantle
1944/2700177 Fremantle Carnemolla Carmela Carmel Female Lambiaso Joseph Vincent Male Fremantle
1944/2700178 Fremantle McCarthy Rita May Female Burger Charles Chester Male Fremantle
1944/2700178 Fremantle Burger Charles Chester Male McCarthy Rita May Female Fremantle
1944/2700179 Fremantle Hayward Katherina Erane Female Benjamin Edward Male West Australia
1944/2700179 Fremantle Benjamin Edward Male Hayward Katherina Erane Female West Australia
1944/2700180 Fremantle Chiesa Molly Christina Female Smith Ernest Henry Male Fremantle
1944/2700180 Fremantle Smith Ernest Henry Male Chiesa Molly Christina Female Fremantle
1944/2700181 Fremantle Freed Lily Florence Female Morris Charles Andrew Male Fremantle
1944/2700181 Fremantle Morris Charles Andrew Male Freed Lily Florence Female Fremantle
1944/2700182 Fremantle Merivale Horace William Male Speers Joan Patricia Female Fremantle
1944/2700182 Fremantle Speers Joan Patricia Female Merivale Horace William Male Fremantle
1944/2700183 Fremantle Lloyd Burdette Jean Female Hutchens Darrell Percy Male Fremantle
1944/2700183 Fremantle Hutchens Darrell Percy Male Lloyd Burdette Jean Female Fremantle
1944/2700184 Fremantle Knott Frederick Male Johnston Rachel Victoria Female Fremantle
1944/2700184 Fremantle Johnston Rachel Victoria Female Knott Frederick Male Fremantle
1944/2700185 Fremantle Simms William George Male Power Mona Maude Female Fremantle
1944/2700185 Fremantle Power Mona Maude Female Simms William George Male Fremantle
1944/2700186 Fremantle Turner Ernest Clifford Male MacKenzie Margaret Female East Fremantle
1944/2700186 Fremantle MacKenzie Margaret Female Turner Ernest Clifford Male East Fremantle
1944/2700187 Fremantle Hopkins George Male Loxton Doris Rose Female Fremantle
1944/2700187 Fremantle Loxton Doris Rose Female Hopkins George Male Fremantle
1944/2700188 Fremantle Armstrong Christopher Columbus Male White Mary Stuart Female Fremantle
1944/2700188 Fremantle White Mary Stuart Female Armstrong Christopher Columbus Male Fremantle
1944/2700189 Fremantle King Thomas Henry Male Attwood Phyllis Ivy Female Fremantle
1944/2700189 Fremantle Attwood Phyllis Ivy Female King Thomas Henry Male Fremantle
1944/2700190 Fremantle Bass Clive James Male Wells Rosina Margret Female Fremantle
1944/2700190 Fremantle Wells Rosina Margret Female Bass Clive James Male Fremantle
1944/2700191 Fremantle Whitaker John Patrick Male Lowick Gwenyth Lorraine Female Fremantle
1944/2700191 Fremantle Lowick Gwenyth Lorraine Female Whitaker John Patrick Male Fremantle
1944/2700192 Fremantle Atkins Joyce Elizabeth Female Rice George Arthur Male West Australia
1944/2700192 Fremantle Rice George Arthur Male Atkins Joyce Elizabeth Female West Australia
1944/2700193 Fremantle Bill Henry Oscar Male Johnson Mavis Joyce Female Fremantle
1944/2700193 Fremantle Johnson Mavis Joyce Female Bill Henry Oscar Male Fremantle
1944/2700194 Fremantle Taylor Cecil Francis Male Holloway Myrtle Christie Female Fremantle
1944/2700194 Fremantle Holloway Myrtle Christie Female Taylor Cecil Francis Male Fremantle
1944/2700195 Fremantle bin Hussien Sam Sam Male binti Soejardie Aminah Female W Aust
1944/2700195 Fremantle binti Soejardie Aminah Female bin Hussien Sam Sam Male W Aust
1944/2700196 Fremantle Graham Leslie George Male Ellis Elizabeth Edith Female East Fremantle
1944/2700196 Fremantle Ellis Elizabeth Edith Female Graham Leslie George Male East Fremantle
1944/2700197 Fremantle Chuck Doris Margaret Female Lawrie William MacDonald Male W Aust
1944/2700197 Fremantle Lawrie William MacDonald Male Chuck Doris Margaret Female W Aust
1944/2700198 Fremantle Plummer Ruth Evelyn Thelma Female Foster Sydney George Male Beaconsfield
1944/2700198 Fremantle Foster Sydney George Male Plummer Ruth Evelyn Thelma Female Beaconsfield
1944/2700199 Fremantle Knight Eileen Mary Female Green James Male Beaconsfield
1944/2700199 Fremantle Green James Male Knight Eileen Mary Female Beaconsfield
1944/2700200 Fremantle Jonsson Violet Joyce Female Mahoney Terence James Male Beaconsfield
1944/2700200 Fremantle Mahoney Terence James Male Jonsson Violet Joyce Female Beaconsfield
1944/2700201 Fremantle Rattigan Teresa Female Ellement Henry John Male Fremantle
1944/2700201 Fremantle Ellement Henry John Male Rattigan Teresa Female Fremantle
1944/2700202 Fremantle White Norma Gladys Female Sheridan Leonard James Male Fremantle
1944/2700202 Fremantle Sheridan Leonard James Male White Norma Gladys Female Fremantle
1944/2700203 Fremantle Ratcliffe Dorothy Ellen Ada Female Watson William Alexander Male Fremantle
1944/2700203 Fremantle Watson William Alexander Male Ratcliffe Dorothy Ellen Ada Female Fremantle
1944/2700204 Fremantle Galway James Male Noake Isabella May Female Fremantle
1944/2700204 Fremantle Noake Isabella May Female Galway James Male Fremantle
1944/2700205 Fremantle Brown Eric Lawrence Male de San Miguel Joyce Doreen Female Fremantle
1944/2700205 Fremantle de San Miguel Joyce Doreen Female Brown Eric Lawrence Male Fremantle
1944/2700206 Fremantle Anderson Reginald James Male Pascoe Norma Gwendolyn Female Fremantle
1944/2700206 Fremantle Pascoe Norma Gwendolyn Female Anderson Reginald James Male Fremantle
1944/2700207 Fremantle Macgregor Gregor Male Toms Bertha Maud Gertrude Female Fremantle
1944/2700207 Fremantle Toms Bertha Maud Gertrude Female Macgregor Gregor Male Fremantle
1944/2700208 Fremantle Sheridan Lorna Mildred Female Doyle Thomas Frederick William Male West Australia
1944/2700208 Fremantle Doyle Thomas Frederick William Male Sheridan Lorna Mildred Female West Australia
1944/2700209 Fremantle Gordon Ivy Esma Female O'Bree John Phillip Male Fremantle
1944/2700209 Fremantle O'Bree John Phillip Male Gordon Ivy Esma Female Fremantle
1944/2700210 Fremantle Hogan Agnes Esther Female Couch John Lionel Male East Fremantle
1944/2700210 Fremantle Couch John Lionel Male Hogan Agnes Esther Female East Fremantle
1944/2700211 Fremantle Cooper Beryl Female Carey Ernest John Male Fremantle
1944/2700211 Fremantle Carey Ernest John Male Cooper Beryl Female Fremantle
1944/2700212 Fremantle Morellini Roma Female Cornes Hector Thomas Male Fremantle
1944/2700212 Fremantle Cornes Hector Thomas Male Morellini Roma Female Fremantle
1944/2700213 Fremantle Lyon Myra Edna Amelia Female Peach George Albert Male Fremantle
1944/2700213 Fremantle Peach George Albert Male Lyon Myra Edna Amelia Female Fremantle
1944/2700214 Fremantle Withnell James Aubrey Male Wauhop Edith May Female Fremantle
1944/2700214 Fremantle Wauhop Edith May Female Withnell James Aubrey Male Fremantle
1944/2700215 Fremantle Hemphill Elsie Amelia Catherine Female Johnston Harry Francis Male Fremantle
1944/2700215 Fremantle Johnston Harry Francis Male Hemphill Elsie Amelia Catherine Female Fremantle
1944/2700216 Fremantle Williamson Mary Isabella Female Kelly Richard John Male Fremantle
1944/2700216 Fremantle Kelly Richard John Male Williamson Mary Isabella Female Fremantle
1944/2700217 Fremantle Foxon Percy George Male De Geing Irene Frances Female Fremantle
1944/2700217 Fremantle De Geing Irene Frances Female Foxon Percy George Male Fremantle
1944/2700218 Fremantle McKerchar Grace Kathleen Female Coughlin Michael John Male Beaconsfield
1944/2700218 Fremantle Coughlin Michael John Male McKerchar Grace Kathleen Female Beaconsfield
1944/2700219 Fremantle Brickhill Annie Mildred Female Banks William Henry Male Fremantle
1944/2700219 Fremantle Banks William Henry Male Brickhill Annie Mildred Female Fremantle
1944/2700220 Fremantle Lyon Betty Harvey Female Paukovits John George Male Fremantle
1944/2700220 Fremantle Paukovits John George Male Lyon Betty Harvey Female Fremantle
1944/2700221 Fremantle Greaves Ellen Ada Female Coops Henry Leslie Male West Australia
1944/2700221 Fremantle Coops Henry Leslie Male Greaves Ellen Ada Female West Australia
1944/2700222 Fremantle Thompson Alfred Male Blades Helen Philippa Female West Australia
1944/2700222 Fremantle Blades Helen Philippa Female Thompson Alfred Male West Australia
1944/2700223 Fremantle Ellis Marcia Joyce Female Buchanan John William Male West Australia
1944/2700223 Fremantle Buchanan John William Male Ellis Marcia Joyce Female West Australia
1944/2700224 Fremantle Jones Marjorie Isabella Female Leitch Norman James Dunbar Male West Australia
1944/2700224 Fremantle Leitch Norman James Dunbar Male Jones Marjorie Isabella Female West Australia
1944/2700225 Fremantle Miller Irene Margaret Female Coleman Robert James Male Palmyra
1944/2700225 Fremantle Coleman Robert James Male Miller Irene Margaret Female Palmyra
1944/2700226 Fremantle Sleeman Bertram Henry Male Garrity Verona Frances Edith Female West Australia
1944/2700226 Fremantle Garrity Verona Frances Edith Female Sleeman Bertram Henry Male West Australia
1944/2700227 Fremantle Walshaw John Peter Male Branch Alma Joyce Female Fremantle
1944/2700227 Fremantle Branch Alma Joyce Female Walshaw John Peter Male Fremantle
1944/2700228 Fremantle Hawkins Felicity Anne Female Maclean Peter Alloway Male Fremantle
1944/2700228 Fremantle Maclean Peter Alloway Male Hawkins Felicity Anne Female Fremantle
1944/2700229 Fremantle McIlroy William Albert Hinde Male Mills Violet Beryl Female Fremantle
1944/2700229 Fremantle Mills Violet Beryl Female McIlroy William Albert Hinde Male Fremantle
1944/2700230 Fremantle Santaromita Luigi Male Camarda Maria Female Fremantle
1944/2700230 Fremantle Camarda Maria Female Santaromita Luigi Male Fremantle
1944/2700231 Fremantle Titterton Peggy Irene Female Fraser Clayton Charles Male Fremantle
1944/2700231 Fremantle Fraser Clayton Charles Male Titterton Peggy Irene Female Fremantle
1944/2700232 Fremantle Sorgiovanni Giuseppe Male Scolaro Carmela Female North Fremantle
1944/2700232 Fremantle Scolaro Carmela Female Sorgiovanni Giuseppe Male North Fremantle
1944/2700233 Fremantle Critch Elizabeth Dolores Female Dole Gordon Shattuck Male East Fremantle
1944/2700233 Fremantle Dole Gordon Shattuck Male Critch Elizabeth Dolores Female East Fremantle
1944/2700234 Fremantle Ray King Phillip Male Johnson Betty Patricia Female Fremantle
1944/2700234 Fremantle Johnson Betty Patricia Female Ray King Phillip Male Fremantle
1944/2700235 Fremantle Nicholson Frances Mary Female Watt Alan Male Fremantle
1944/2700235 Fremantle Watt Alan Male Nicholson Frances Mary Female Fremantle
1944/2700236 Fremantle Blackhall Noel Arthur Male Hayward Lorna Ellesmere Female Fremantle
1944/2700236 Fremantle Hayward Lorna Ellesmere Female Blackhall Noel Arthur Male Fremantle
1944/2700237 Fremantle Mears Olga Mary Female Edwards Eric James Male Fremantle
1944/2700237 Fremantle Edwards Eric James Male Mears Olga Mary Female Fremantle
1944/2700238 Fremantle Kutzer Winifred Lucy Female Chilcott Frank Male Fremantle
1944/2700238 Fremantle Chilcott Frank Male Kutzer Winifred Lucy Female Fremantle
1944/2700239 Fremantle Webb Dorothy Female Moraday Francis Norman Harry Male Fremantle
1944/2700239 Fremantle Moraday Francis Norman Harry Male Webb Dorothy Female Fremantle
1944/2700240 Fremantle Blackman Percy Charles Male Scott Gladys Isobelle Female Fremantle
1944/2700240 Fremantle Scott Gladys Isobelle Female Blackman Percy Charles Male Fremantle
1944/2700241 Fremantle Terrell Roy Caleb Male Ballingall Lesley Berice Female Fremantle
1944/2700241 Fremantle Ballingall Lesley Berice Female Terrell Roy Caleb Male Fremantle
1944/2700242 Fremantle Dellar Bruce Shadrach Male Tudor Joan Female Fremantle
1944/2700242 Fremantle Tudor Joan Female Dellar Bruce Shadrach Male Fremantle
1944/2700243 Fremantle Armstrong Samuel Ernest Victor Male Skinner Noele Mary Ellen Female Fremantle
1944/2700243 Fremantle Skinner Noele Mary Ellen Female Armstrong Samuel Ernest Victor Male Fremantle
1944/2700244 Fremantle West Doris Grace Female Smith Robert James Male Fremantle
1944/2700244 Fremantle Smith Robert James Male West Doris Grace Female Fremantle
1944/2700245 Fremantle Cullen Reginald Thomas Male McGlashan Alice Margaret Female Fremantle
1944/2700245 Fremantle McGlashan Alice Margaret Female Cullen Reginald Thomas Male Fremantle
1944/2700246 Fremantle Pollard Joyce Miriam Female Murray Douglas Ian Male Fremantle
1944/2700246 Fremantle Murray Douglas Ian Male Pollard Joyce Miriam Female Fremantle
1944/2700247 Fremantle Hendrix Orville Beecher Male Knight Cora Frances Female East Fremantle
1944/2700247 Fremantle Knight Cora Frances Female Hendrix Orville Beecher Male East Fremantle
1944/2700248 Fremantle Murray Shirley Renee Female Griffin Kenneth Lloyd Male Fremantle
1944/2700248 Fremantle Griffin Kenneth Lloyd Male Murray Shirley Renee Female Fremantle
1944/2700249 Fremantle Law Edna May Female Roe Jack Laurence Male Fremantle
1944/2700249 Fremantle Roe Jack Laurence Male Law Edna May Female Fremantle
1944/2700250 Fremantle Bird Melville Frederick Male Johnston Dorothy Lauchlan Female Fremantle
1944/2700250 Fremantle Johnston Dorothy Lauchlan Female Bird Melville Frederick Male Fremantle
1944/2700251 Fremantle Brown Robert Leroy Male Doig June Female Fremantle
1944/2700251 Fremantle Doig June Female Brown Robert Leroy Male Fremantle
1944/2700252 Fremantle Greenslade Helen Muriel Female Burrows Stanley Mather Male Fremantle
1944/2700252 Fremantle Burrows Stanley Mather Male Greenslade Helen Muriel Female Fremantle
1944/2700253 Fremantle Williams Norman Robert Male Rumble Dorothy Joy Female Fremantle
1944/2700253 Fremantle Rumble Dorothy Joy Female Williams Norman Robert Male Fremantle
1944/2700254 Fremantle Gore Sydney Leonard Male Jenkinson Hilda Female Fremantle
1944/2700254 Fremantle Jenkinson Hilda Female Gore Sydney Leonard Male Fremantle
1944/2700255 Fremantle Vine Theiler Georgeina Female Hartmann Frederick Male Fremantle
1944/2700255 Fremantle Hartmann Frederick Male Vine Theiler Georgeina Female Fremantle
1944/2700256 Fremantle Garbin Jose Male Garbin Mary Female Fremantle
1944/2700256 Fremantle Garbin Mary Female Garbin Jose Male Fremantle
1944/2700257 Fremantle Faulds Florence Mary Female Anderson Alfred Andrew Male Fremantle
1944/2700257 Fremantle Anderson Alfred Andrew Male Faulds Florence Mary Female Fremantle
1944/2700258 Fremantle Allen Lillian Gertrude Female Thomason Alvin Vincent Male Beaconsfield
1944/2700258 Fremantle Thomason Alvin Vincent Male Allen Lillian Gertrude Female Beaconsfield
1944/2700259 Fremantle Anderson Peggy Oline Female Hutting James Louis Male Fremantle
1944/2700259 Fremantle Hutting James Louis Male Anderson Peggy Oline Female Fremantle
1944/2700260 Fremantle Shaw Phyllis Margaret Female Payne Harold Norman Male Fremantle
1944/2700260 Fremantle Payne Harold Norman Male Shaw Phyllis Margaret Female Fremantle
1944/2700261 Fremantle Ming Eileen Female Lovell Ronald Gilbert Raybould Male Fremantle
1944/2700261 Fremantle Lovell Ronald Gilbert Raybould Male Ming Eileen Female Fremantle
1944/2700262 Fremantle Dick Eileen Maud Female Bessen Mervyn Oscar Male East Fremantle
1944/2700262 Fremantle Bessen Mervyn Oscar Male Dick Eileen Maud Female East Fremantle
1944/2700263 Fremantle Alford Joyce Ruby Female Henderson John Gardner Male Fremantle
1944/2700263 Fremantle Henderson John Gardner Male Alford Joyce Ruby Female Fremantle
1944/2700264 Fremantle Scrivener Elsie May Female Rasmussen Wayne Shaffer Male East Fremantle
1944/2700264 Fremantle Rasmussen Wayne Shaffer Male Scrivener Elsie May Female East Fremantle
1944/2700265 Fremantle Despot Matthew Male Weldon Lillian Gertrude Female Fremantle
1944/2700265 Fremantle Weldon Lillian Gertrude Female Despot Matthew Male Fremantle
1944/2700266 Fremantle Sheridan Elizabeth Female Loy Norman Male Fremantle
1944/2700266 Fremantle Loy Norman Male Sheridan Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1944/2700267 Fremantle Yule George William Male Herbert Nellie Valda Female Fremantle
1944/2700267 Fremantle Herbert Nellie Valda Female Yule George William Male Fremantle
1944/2700268 Fremantle Barfield Ernest Charles Male Morrell Dorothy Eva Female Fremantle
1944/2700268 Fremantle Morrell Dorothy Eva Female Barfield Ernest Charles Male Fremantle
1944/2700269 Fremantle Trenberth Charles Male Fleming Ruby Florence Female E Fremantle
1944/2700269 Fremantle Fleming Ruby Florence Female Trenberth Charles Male E Fremantle
1944/2700270 Fremantle Falkingham Robert Arthur Male McCloy Mary May Female Fremantle
1944/2700270 Fremantle McCloy Mary May Female Falkingham Robert Arthur Male Fremantle
1944/2700271 Fremantle Simeon Robert William Male Wadsworth Eveline Caroline Female Fremantle
1944/2700271 Fremantle Wadsworth Eveline Caroline Female Simeon Robert William Male Fremantle
1944/2700272 Fremantle Dillon Iris Effie Female Williams James Kenneth Male Fremantle
1944/2700272 Fremantle Williams James Kenneth Male Dillon Iris Effie Female Fremantle
1944/2700273 Fremantle Keenan Joan Winefred Female Hill John Alexander Male Fremantle
1944/2700273 Fremantle Hill John Alexander Male Keenan Joan Winefred Female Fremantle
1944/2700274 Fremantle Needle Samuel Male Tickle Priscilla Jess Female Fremantle
1944/2700274 Fremantle Tickle Priscilla Jess Female Needle Samuel Male Fremantle
1944/2700275 Fremantle Rechner Clarice Mary Female Day James Edward Male Palmyra
1944/2700275 Fremantle Day James Edward Male Rechner Clarice Mary Female Palmyra
1944/2700276 Fremantle Termath William Edward Male Smith Marie Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1944/2700276 Fremantle Smith Marie Elizabeth Female Termath William Edward Male Fremantle
1944/2700277 Fremantle Smith Herbert Joseph Male Toey Mavis Annie Female Fremantle
1944/2700277 Fremantle Toey Mavis Annie Female Smith Herbert Joseph Male Fremantle
1944/2700278 Fremantle Holland William Male Dorgan Moya Mary Female Fremantle
1944/2700278 Fremantle Dorgan Moya Mary Female Holland William Male Fremantle
1944/2700279 Fremantle Howard Isabelle Faith Female Shaw William Male Fremantle
1944/2700279 Fremantle Shaw William Male Howard Isabelle Faith Female Fremantle
1944/2700280 Fremantle McGovern Ruby Mollie Female Walker Edward Victor Wallace Male Fremantle
1944/2700280 Fremantle Walker Edward Victor Wallace Male McGovern Ruby Mollie Female Fremantle
1944/2700281 Fremantle Bell Gwendoline Female Murphy Geoffery Arthur Male Fremantle
1944/2700281 Fremantle Murphy Geoffery Arthur Male Bell Gwendoline Female Fremantle
1944/2700282 Fremantle Shreeve Lorna Rose Female Benjafield Albert Edward Male Fremantle
1944/2700282 Fremantle Benjafield Albert Edward Male Shreeve Lorna Rose Female Fremantle
1944/2700283 Fremantle Lofthouse Albert Edward Male Howard Hilda Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1944/2700283 Fremantle Howard Hilda Elizabeth Female Lofthouse Albert Edward Male Fremantle
1944/2700284 Fremantle Cutts Reginald Eric Male Pateman Zelma Hope Lillian Female Fremantle
1944/2700284 Fremantle Pateman Zelma Hope Lillian Female Cutts Reginald Eric Male Fremantle
1944/2700285 Fremantle Cottman Leslie Lloyd Male Verrall Yvonne Oldham Female Fremantle
1944/2700285 Fremantle Verrall Yvonne Oldham Female Cottman Leslie Lloyd Male Fremantle
1944/2700286 Fremantle Stewart James Robert Male Jarratt Lilla Joy Female Fremantle
1944/2700286 Fremantle Jarratt Lilla Joy Female Stewart James Robert Male Fremantle
1944/2700287 Fremantle Faithfull Patricia Winifred Female Rear Robert Gordon Male Fremantle
1944/2700287 Fremantle Rear Robert Gordon Male Faithfull Patricia Winifred Female Fremantle
1944/2700288 Fremantle Davies Thomas Hawkins Male Marsh Betty Female Fremantle
1944/2700288 Fremantle Marsh Betty Female Davies Thomas Hawkins Male Fremantle
1944/2700289 Fremantle Brown Norman Male Dalton Elsie Norma Margaret Female Fremantle
1944/2700289 Fremantle Dalton Elsie Norma Margaret Female Brown Norman Male Fremantle
1944/2700290 Fremantle Hewer Anthony Male Holtham Gladys Myrtle Female North Fremantle
1944/2700290 Fremantle Holtham Gladys Myrtle Female Hewer Anthony Male North Fremantle
1944/2700291 Fremantle Separovich Yerko Male Tabain Frana Female Fremantle
1944/2700291 Fremantle Tabain Frana Female Separovich Yerko Male Fremantle
1944/2700292 Fremantle Caratti Remigio Male Peraldini Beatrice Maria Female Fremantle
1944/2700292 Fremantle Peraldini Beatrice Maria Female Caratti Remigio Male Fremantle
1944/2700293 Fremantle Bishop Leslie Roy Male Nicholls Joyce Phyllis Female Beaconsfield
1944/2700293 Fremantle Nicholls Joyce Phyllis Female Bishop Leslie Roy Male Beaconsfield
1944/2700294 Fremantle Day Beth Olive Female Brinkman Mark William Male Fremantle
1944/2700294 Fremantle Brinkman Mark William Male Day Beth Olive Female Fremantle
1944/2700295 Fremantle Wood Lydia Adeline Victoria Female Flores Frank Male North Fremantle
1944/2700295 Fremantle Flores Frank Male Wood Lydia Adeline Victoria Female North Fremantle
1944/2700296 Fremantle Tregillas Elsie Ruby Female Carson Matthew Male Fremantle
1944/2700296 Fremantle Carson Matthew Male Tregillas Elsie Ruby Female Fremantle
1944/2700297 Fremantle Harrison Joan Elizabeth Female Spence Donald James Male Fremantle
1944/2700297 Fremantle Spence Donald James Male Harrison Joan Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1944/2700298 Fremantle Galipò Concetta Female Letizia Carmelo Male Fremantle
1944/2700298 Fremantle Letizia Carmelo Male Galipò Concetta Female Fremantle
1944/2700299 Fremantle Richardson Ena Stella Female Cole John Alexander Male Fremantle
1944/2700299 Fremantle Cole John Alexander Male Richardson Ena Stella Female Fremantle
1944/2700300 Fremantle Warwick Blanche Female Crockett Robert Bruce Male Fremantle
1944/2700300 Fremantle Crockett Robert Bruce Male Warwick Blanche Female Fremantle
1944/2700301 Fremantle Bin Mayo Badu Male Halima Siti Female Fremantle
1944/2700301 Fremantle Halima Siti Female Bin Mayo Badu Male Fremantle
1944/2700302 Fremantle Young Floyd Challen Male Anderson Shirley Gladys Female Fremantle
1944/2700302 Fremantle Anderson Shirley Gladys Female Young Floyd Challen Male Fremantle
1944/2700303 Fremantle Hopman Aart Male Randall Jean Olive Female Fremantle
1944/2700303 Fremantle Randall Jean Olive Female Hopman Aart Male Fremantle
1944/2700304 Fremantle Robison Robert James Male Thompson Rona Ellen Female Fremantle
1944/2700304 Fremantle Thompson Rona Ellen Female Robison Robert James Male Fremantle
1944/2700305 Fremantle Cox Donald Henry Male Brown Coral Lesley Female East Fremantle
1944/2700305 Fremantle Brown Coral Lesley Female Cox Donald Henry Male East Fremantle
1944/2700306 Fremantle Ganfield Robert Claude Charles Male Jones Myra Beryl Female Fremantle
1944/2700306 Fremantle Jones Myra Beryl Female Ganfield Robert Claude Charles Male Fremantle
1944/2700307 Fremantle Smith Grace Laura Female Stone Frederick William Male Fremantle
1944/2700307 Fremantle Stone Frederick William Male Smith Grace Laura Female Fremantle
1944/2700308 Fremantle Treasure Frances May Female Martin Henry William Daniel Male Fremantle
1944/2700308 Fremantle Martin Henry William Daniel Male Treasure Frances May Female Fremantle
1944/2700309 Fremantle Hussey Eugene Burrill Male Poat Vera Patricia Female Fremantle
1944/2700309 Fremantle Poat Vera Patricia Female Hussey Eugene Burrill Male Fremantle
1944/2700310 Fremantle Fardig Margaret Georgina Female Newton James Edward Allen Male Fremantle
1944/2700310 Fremantle Newton James Edward Allen Male Fardig Margaret Georgina Female Fremantle
1944/2700311 Fremantle Smith George Male McAlpine Gladys Lavinia May Female Fremantle
1944/2700311 Fremantle McAlpine Gladys Lavinia May Female Smith George Male Fremantle
1944/2700312 Fremantle Flindell Joyce Ellen Female Davey James Male Beaconsfield
1944/2700312 Fremantle Davey James Male Flindell Joyce Ellen Female Beaconsfield
1944/2700313 Fremantle Townsend Christina Mary Female Coen Bertram James Male Fremantle
1944/2700313 Fremantle Coen Bertram James Male Townsend Christina Mary Female Fremantle
1944/2700314 Fremantle Prout Frederick James Male Hewitt Audrey Joyce Female Beaconsfield
1944/2700314 Fremantle Hewitt Audrey Joyce Female Prout Frederick James Male Beaconsfield
1944/2700315 Fremantle Atwell Phoebe Gladys Female Arbuthnot Ernest Moore Male Fremantle
1944/2700315 Fremantle Arbuthnot Ernest Moore Male Atwell Phoebe Gladys Female Fremantle
1944/2700316 Fremantle Schmidt Kenneth Ruben Male Hall Eileen May Female Fremantle
1944/2700316 Fremantle Hall Eileen May Female Schmidt Kenneth Ruben Male Fremantle
1944/2700317 Fremantle Gannon Patricia Mary Female Roberts Douglas Hamilton Male Fremantle
1944/2700317 Fremantle Roberts Douglas Hamilton Male Gannon Patricia Mary Female Fremantle
1944/2700318 Fremantle Bruce Norma May Female Abbott Norman Francis Male Fremantle
1944/2700318 Fremantle Abbott Norman Francis Male Bruce Norma May Female Fremantle
1944/2700319 Fremantle James Mae Alice Female Proctor Warren Robert Male Fremantle
1944/2700319 Fremantle Proctor Warren Robert Male James Mae Alice Female Fremantle
1944/2700320 Fremantle Cox Elvey Margaret Female Charlton Leslie John Male Fremantle
1944/2700320 Fremantle Charlton Leslie John Male Cox Elvey Margaret Female Fremantle
1944/2700321 Fremantle Pearce Lorna Amelia Female Stucker Everett Male Fremantle
1944/2700321 Fremantle Stucker Everett Male Pearce Lorna Amelia Female Fremantle
1944/2700322 Fremantle Faithfull Betty Female McDermott Albert Male East Fremantle
1944/2700322 Fremantle McDermott Albert Male Faithfull Betty Female East Fremantle
1944/2700323 Fremantle Riggs Enid Gladys Female Fauntleroy Albert Cornelius Male Fremantle
1944/2700323 Fremantle Fauntleroy Albert Cornelius Male Riggs Enid Gladys Female Fremantle
1944/2700324 Fremantle Owen Lois Rae Female Van Helden Gerardus Gustaaf Theodorus Male Fremantle
1944/2700324 Fremantle Van Helden Gerardus Gustaaf Theodorus Male Owen Lois Rae Female Fremantle
1944/2700325 Fremantle Rotondella Susanna Female De Ceglie Giovanni Male Fremantle
1944/2700325 Fremantle De Ceglie Giovanni Male Rotondella Susanna Female Fremantle
1944/2700326 Fremantle Barham Kathleen Teresa Female Proudlove Kenneth Albany Male Fremantle
1944/2700326 Fremantle Proudlove Kenneth Albany Male Barham Kathleen Teresa Female Fremantle
1944/2700327 Fremantle Dearle Carmel Rita Female Smith Vivian Francis Male Fremantle
1944/2700327 Fremantle Smith Vivian Francis Male Dearle Carmel Rita Female Fremantle
1944/2700328 Fremantle Windell Ronald Arthur Male Watson Dorothea Barbara May Female Fremantle
1944/2700328 Fremantle Watson Dorothea Barbara May Female Windell Ronald Arthur Male Fremantle
1944/2700329 Fremantle Elliott Orchard James Francis Male Powell Peggy Rose Female Fremantle
1944/2700329 Fremantle Powell Peggy Rose Female Elliott Orchard James Francis Male Fremantle
1944/2700330 Fremantle Back Leonard James Male Dellar Bosca Florence Rose Female Fremantle
1944/2700330 Fremantle Dellar Bosca Florence Rose Female Back Leonard James Male Fremantle
1944/2700331 Fremantle Cobon Edward James Male Maroney Florence May Female Fremantle
1944/2700331 Fremantle Maroney Florence May Female Cobon Edward James Male Fremantle
1944/2700332 Fremantle Elwick Arthur Cooling Male Greer Maggie Bain Female Fremantle
1944/2700332 Fremantle Greer Maggie Bain Female Elwick Arthur Cooling Male Fremantle
1944/2700333 Fremantle Furzer Beaumont Stanley John Male Cloke Edna May Female Fremantle
1944/2700333 Fremantle Cloke Edna May Female Furzer Beaumont Stanley John Male Fremantle
1944/2700334 Fremantle Murphy Michael John Male Stevenson Helen Female Fremantle
1944/2700334 Fremantle Stevenson Helen Female Murphy Michael John Male Fremantle
1944/2700335 Fremantle Smart Stanley Richard Male Alford Norma Joyce Female Fremantle
1944/2700335 Fremantle Alford Norma Joyce Female Smart Stanley Richard Male Fremantle
1944/2700336 Fremantle Boot Lorna Francis Female Hunter William Miles Male Fremantle
1944/2700336 Fremantle Hunter William Miles Male Boot Lorna Francis Female Fremantle
1944/2700337 Fremantle White Edna May Female Smith Alfred Lewis Male Fremantle
1944/2700337 Fremantle Smith Alfred Lewis Male White Edna May Female Fremantle
1944/2700338 Fremantle Fagan Agnes Frances Female Overall Percy Male Palmyra
1944/2700338 Fremantle Overall Percy Male Fagan Agnes Frances Female Palmyra
1944/2700339 Fremantle Clementi Frank Male Brown Freda Female Fremantle
1944/2700339 Fremantle Brown Freda Female Clementi Frank Male Fremantle
1944/2700340 Fremantle Gibbs Gladys Ivy Female Smith Alfred Male Fremantle
1944/2700340 Fremantle Smith Alfred Male Gibbs Gladys Ivy Female Fremantle
1944/2700341 Fremantle Garrett Dorothy Agnes Female Ainger Douglas Stanley Male Fremantle
1944/2700341 Fremantle Ainger Douglas Stanley Male Garrett Dorothy Agnes Female Fremantle
1944/2700342 Fremantle Cooper Stella Elma Ethel Female Bicknell Daniel Gerald Male Beaconsfield
1944/2700342 Fremantle Bicknell Daniel Gerald Male Cooper Stella Elma Ethel Female Beaconsfield
1944/2700343 Fremantle Sainsbury Phyllis Jean Female Bulley Ernest Davis Male Fremantle
1944/2700343 Fremantle Bulley Ernest Davis Male Sainsbury Phyllis Jean Female Fremantle
1944/2700344 Fremantle McCorry Mary Teresa Female Cronin William Joseph Male Beaconsfield
1944/2700344 Fremantle Cronin William Joseph Male McCorry Mary Teresa Female Beaconsfield
1944/2700345 Fremantle Smirk Evelyn May Female Dorey Donald Christopher Male Beaconsfield
1944/2700345 Fremantle Dorey Donald Christopher Male Smirk Evelyn May Female Beaconsfield
1944/2700346 Fremantle Oakley June Iris Female Oddy William George Male Fremantle
1944/2700346 Fremantle Oddy William George Male Oakley June Iris Female Fremantle
1944/2700347 Fremantle Whittaker George Albert William Male Thompson Jessie Female Fremantle
1944/2700347 Fremantle Thompson Jessie Female Whittaker George Albert William Male Fremantle
1944/2700348 Fremantle Rose-Harrison Margaret Female Collis Donald Keith Male Fremantle
1944/2700348 Fremantle Collis Donald Keith Male Rose-Harrison Margaret Female Fremantle
1944/2700349 Fremantle Beswick William David Male Barron Margaret Helen Female Fremantle
1944/2700349 Fremantle Barron Margaret Helen Female Beswick William David Male Fremantle
1944/2700350 Fremantle Dedman William Thomas Male Hutchens Wilma Marguerite Female Fremantle
1944/2700350 Fremantle Hutchens Wilma Marguerite Female Dedman William Thomas Male Fremantle
1944/2700351 Fremantle Rummer Kathlyn Gladys Female Montgomery Jack Charles Male Fremantle
1944/2700351 Fremantle Montgomery Jack Charles Male Rummer Kathlyn Gladys Female Fremantle
1944/2700352 Fremantle Mason Francis Eric Male Lewis Ethel Wallace Female Fremantle
1944/2700352 Fremantle Lewis Ethel Wallace Female Mason Francis Eric Male Fremantle
1944/2700353 Fremantle Sorensen Joyce Margaret Alice Female Truesdell Kenneth Amos Male Fremantle
1944/2700353 Fremantle Truesdell Kenneth Amos Male Sorensen Joyce Margaret Alice Female Fremantle
1944/2700354 Fremantle Mead Elizabeth Williams Female Greengrass John William Male Fremantle
1944/2700354 Fremantle Greengrass John William Male Mead Elizabeth Williams Female Fremantle
1944/2700355 Fremantle Murray Daniel McGowan Male Peacock Mary Female Fremantle
1944/2700355 Fremantle Peacock Mary Female Murray Daniel McGowan Male Fremantle
1944/2700356 Fremantle Adams Mavis Kathleen Female McAuliffe Norman Francis Male Fremantle
1944/2700356 Fremantle McAuliffe Norman Francis Male Adams Mavis Kathleen Female Fremantle
1944/2700357 Fremantle Wandless Leslie Victor Male Hammond Beth Mary Female Fremantle
1944/2700357 Fremantle Hammond Beth Mary Female Wandless Leslie Victor Male Fremantle
1944/2700358 Fremantle Brian Frederick Keith Male Stewart Pearl Lillian Female Fremantle
1944/2700358 Fremantle Stewart Pearl Lillian Female Brian Frederick Keith Male Fremantle
1944/2700359 Fremantle Scott Muriel Isabella Female Lydon Alfred Michael Male Fremantle
1944/2700359 Fremantle Lydon Alfred Michael Male Scott Muriel Isabella Female Fremantle
1944/2700360 Fremantle Fynmore Leslie James William Male Smith Ethelwyn Joy Female Fremantle
1944/2700360 Fremantle Smith Ethelwyn Joy Female Fynmore Leslie James William Male Fremantle
1944/2700361 Fremantle Dutch Mary Ann Female Willis Sydney Gordon Male Fremantle
1944/2700361 Fremantle Willis Sydney Gordon Male Dutch Mary Ann Female Fremantle
1944/2700362 Fremantle Sullivan Robert Male Stephenson Muriel Morna Female Fremantle
1944/2700362 Fremantle Stephenson Muriel Morna Female Sullivan Robert Male Fremantle
1944/2700363 Fremantle Leahy William Joseph Male Chamberlain Lily May Female Fremantle
1944/2700363 Fremantle Chamberlain Lily May Female Leahy William Joseph Male Fremantle
1944/2700364 Fremantle Muggridge Mona Alice Jessie Female Pizey John Cuthbert Male Fremantle
1944/2700364 Fremantle Pizey John Cuthbert Male Muggridge Mona Alice Jessie Female Fremantle
1944/2700365 Fremantle Tognolini James Michael Male Bowe Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1944/2700365 Fremantle Bowe Elizabeth Female Tognolini James Michael Male Fremantle
1944/2700366 Fremantle Lipscombe Edmond John Male Bird Phyllis Jeanette Female Fremantle
1944/2700366 Fremantle Bird Phyllis Jeanette Female Lipscombe Edmond John Male Fremantle
1944/2700367 Fremantle McGrath Patricia Mae Female Sadler Joseph Henry Male Fremantle
1944/2700367 Fremantle Sadler Joseph Henry Male McGrath Patricia Mae Female Fremantle
1944/2700368 Fremantle Weir Jessie Margaret Alice Female Edwards John Charles Male North Fremantle
1944/2700368 Fremantle Edwards John Charles Male Weir Jessie Margaret Alice Female North Fremantle
1944/2700369 Fremantle Bubb Malcolm Archibald Male Hogan Dorothy May Female Fremantle
1944/2700369 Fremantle Hogan Dorothy May Female Bubb Malcolm Archibald Male Fremantle
1944/2700370 Fremantle Sullivan Ronald Harry Male Bellamy Ethel Emily Female Beaconsfield
1944/2700370 Fremantle Bellamy Ethel Emily Female Sullivan Ronald Harry Male Beaconsfield
1944/2700371 Fremantle Iannello Rosa Female Mannucci Salvatore Male Fremantle
1944/2700371 Fremantle Mannucci Salvatore Male Iannello Rosa Female Fremantle
1944/2700372 Fremantle Parsons Ernest Cliffton Male Hoare Daisy Female Fremantle
1944/2700372 Fremantle Hoare Daisy Female Parsons Ernest Cliffton Male Fremantle
1944/2700373 Fremantle Rose Dorothy Gladys Female Coates Wallington Eaton Male Fremantle
1944/2700373 Fremantle Coates Wallington Eaton Male Rose Dorothy Gladys Female Fremantle
1944/2700374 Fremantle Bubb Raymond Male Northen Ronda Irene Female Fremantle
1944/2700374 Fremantle Northen Ronda Irene Female Bubb Raymond Male Fremantle
1944/2700375 Fremantle McCallum Kenneth Gordon Male Holland Muriel Fay Female Fremantle
1944/2700375 Fremantle Holland Muriel Fay Female McCallum Kenneth Gordon Male Fremantle
1944/2700376 Fremantle Draper Betty Female Roberts James Arthur Male Fremantle
1944/2700376 Fremantle Roberts James Arthur Male Draper Betty Female Fremantle
1944/2700377 Fremantle Whittaker Jean Female Hamilton Ivan Wilson Male Fremantle
1944/2700377 Fremantle Hamilton Ivan Wilson Male Whittaker Jean Female Fremantle
1944/2700378 Fremantle Greig Alexander Blackburn Male Grieves Margaret Female Fremantle
1944/2700378 Fremantle Grieves Margaret Female Greig Alexander Blackburn Male Fremantle
1944/2700379 Fremantle Webb Colin Lindsay Male Higham Hilary Gayton Female Fremantle
1944/2700379 Fremantle Higham Hilary Gayton Female Webb Colin Lindsay Male Fremantle
1944/2700380 Fremantle Ricetti Angelina Female Legena Felice Male Fremantle
1944/2700380 Fremantle Legena Felice Male Ricetti Angelina Female Fremantle
1944/2700381 Fremantle Salpietro Vincenzo Male Landro Angela Female Fremantle
1944/2700381 Fremantle Landro Angela Female Salpietro Vincenzo Male Fremantle
1944/2700382 Fremantle Jones Joseph Murry Male Moore Mary Kathleen Female Fremantle
1944/2700382 Fremantle Moore Mary Kathleen Female Jones Joseph Murry Male Fremantle
1944/2700383 Fremantle Smith Donald Whitney Male De Young Bernice Louisa Female Fremantle
1944/2700383 Fremantle De Young Bernice Louisa Female Smith Donald Whitney Male Fremantle
1944/2700384 Fremantle Swift Kathleen Gladys Female Smythe Allen Male Fremantle
1944/2700384 Fremantle Smythe Allen Male Swift Kathleen Gladys Female Fremantle
1944/2700385 Fremantle Burke Allan Ernest Douglas Male Beard Mary Patricia Joyce Female Fremantle
1944/2700385 Fremantle Beard Mary Patricia Joyce Female Burke Allan Ernest Douglas Male Fremantle
1944/2700386 Fremantle Foley Nora Mary Female Boyle William Male Beaconsfield
1944/2700386 Fremantle Boyle William Male Foley Nora Mary Female Beaconsfield
1944/2700387 Fremantle Coverley Walter Male Green Eileen Jessie Female Fremantle
1944/2700387 Fremantle Green Eileen Jessie Female Coverley Walter Male Fremantle
1944/2700388 Fremantle Higbid Edna May Female Starick Max Allen Male Fremantle
1944/2700388 Fremantle Starick Max Allen Male Higbid Edna May Female Fremantle
1944/2700389 Fremantle Lopes Antonio Male Holtham Edith Joyce Female Fremantle
1944/2700389 Fremantle Holtham Edith Joyce Female Lopes Antonio Male Fremantle
1944/2700390 Fremantle Jarvis Norman George Male Johnson Ida Lillian Female Fremantle
1944/2700390 Fremantle Johnson Ida Lillian Female Jarvis Norman George Male Fremantle
1944/2700391 Fremantle Jack Thomas Alexander Male Muir Doris Jean Female Palmyra
1944/2700391 Fremantle Muir Doris Jean Female Jack Thomas Alexander Male Palmyra
1944/2700392 Fremantle Copperwaite Mary Irene Female Miragliotta Vincent Male Fremantle
1944/2700392 Fremantle Miragliotta Vincent Male Copperwaite Mary Irene Female Fremantle
1944/2700393 Fremantle Jackson Melva Lilian May Female Leslie James Male Fremantle
1944/2700393 Fremantle Leslie James Male Jackson Melva Lilian May Female Fremantle
1944/2700394 Fremantle Rannebarger Keith Orin Male Sheridan Emma Thelma Female Fremantle
1944/2700394 Fremantle Sheridan Emma Thelma Female Rannebarger Keith Orin Male Fremantle
1944/2700395 Fremantle Harding Elizabeth Female Duncan James Henry Male North Fremantle
1944/2700395 Fremantle Duncan James Henry Male Harding Elizabeth Female North Fremantle
1944/2700396 Fremantle Saunders Bessie Female Farrar Richard Clarence Male Fremantle
1944/2700396 Fremantle Farrar Richard Clarence Male Saunders Bessie Female Fremantle
1944/2700397 Fremantle McDonald John Ronald Male Banks Alma Female Fremantle
1944/2700397 Fremantle Banks Alma Female McDonald John Ronald Male Fremantle
1944/2700398 Fremantle Beisley Jack Male Taylor Lillian Ruth Female Fremantle
1944/2700398 Fremantle Taylor Lillian Ruth Female Beisley Jack Male Fremantle
1944/2700399 Fremantle Rodda Eric Richard Male Sharp Hilda Florence Female Fremantle
1944/2700399 Fremantle Sharp Hilda Florence Female Rodda Eric Richard Male Fremantle
1944/2700400 Fremantle Wray Doris Jean Female Degenhardt Percival Raymond Male Fremantle
1944/2700400 Fremantle Degenhardt Percival Raymond Male Wray Doris Jean Female Fremantle
1944/2700401 Fremantle Stuart George Walter Male Dearle Veronica Margaret Female Fremantle
1944/2700401 Fremantle Dearle Veronica Margaret Female Stuart George Walter Male Fremantle
1944/2700402 Fremantle Stevenson Lillian Agnes Female Maher Edward Charles Male Fremantle
1944/2700402 Fremantle Maher Edward Charles Male Stevenson Lillian Agnes Female Fremantle
1944/2700403 Fremantle Mansfield Gladys Isabella Female Higgs Keith Eric Male East Fremantle
1944/2700403 Fremantle Higgs Keith Eric Male Mansfield Gladys Isabella Female East Fremantle
1944/2700404 Fremantle Hopkins Gwen Irene Female Warburton Thomas Herbert Male Beaconsfield
1944/2700404 Fremantle Warburton Thomas Herbert Male Hopkins Gwen Irene Female Beaconsfield
1944/2700405 Fremantle Tapper John Male Palmer Rita Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1944/2700405 Fremantle Palmer Rita Elizabeth Female Tapper John Male Fremantle
1944/2700406 Fremantle Russell Edna Grace Female Daniel John Francis Male Fremantle
1944/2700406 Fremantle Daniel John Francis Male Russell Edna Grace Female Fremantle
1944/2700407 Fremantle Clifton Margaret Jean Female Northey Colin Reginald Male Fremantle
1944/2700407 Fremantle Northey Colin Reginald Male Clifton Margaret Jean Female Fremantle
1944/2700408 Fremantle Schubert Leslie Arthur Male Sloan Dorothea Joan Female Fremantle
1944/2700408 Fremantle Sloan Dorothea Joan Female Schubert Leslie Arthur Male Fremantle
1944/2700409 Fremantle Williams William Joseph Male Gaunt Ruby Female East Fremantle
1944/2700409 Fremantle Gaunt Ruby Female Williams William Joseph Male East Fremantle
1944/2800001 Gascoyne Hall William Teasdale Male Hynard Elsie Lucy Female Carnarvon
1944/2800001 Gascoyne Hynard Elsie Lucy Female Hall William Teasdale Male Carnarvon
1944/2800002 Gascoyne MacQueen John Armstrong Male Wainwright Mary Evelyn Female Carnarvon
1944/2800002 Gascoyne Wainwright Mary Evelyn Female MacQueen John Armstrong Male Carnarvon
1944/2800003 Gascoyne Burt Francis Sinclair Male Burt Winsome Mabel Female Carnarvon
1944/2800003 Gascoyne Burt Winsome Mabel Female Burt Francis Sinclair Male Carnarvon
1944/2800004 Gascoyne Roberts Mollie Louise Female Johnson Francis Baden Male Carnarvon
1944/2800004 Gascoyne Johnson Francis Baden Male Roberts Mollie Louise Female Carnarvon
1944/2900001 Geraldton Braysher John Norman Hugh Male Brennand Alice Female Geraldton
1944/2900001 Geraldton Brennand Alice Female Braysher John Norman Hugh Male Geraldton
1944/2900002 Geraldton Mitchell Thelma Dawn Female Funnell Eric Albert Male Geraldton
1944/2900002 Geraldton Funnell Eric Albert Male Mitchell Thelma Dawn Female Geraldton
1944/2900003 Geraldton Skamp Robert Bowden Male Watson Minnie Eileen Female Geraldton
1944/2900003 Geraldton Watson Minnie Eileen Female Skamp Robert Bowden Male Geraldton
1944/2900004 Geraldton Gould Joan Female Stinson Colin Anthony Male Geraldton
1944/2900004 Geraldton Stinson Colin Anthony Male Gould Joan Female Geraldton
1944/2900005 Geraldton McCafferty Irene Dawn Female Imber Frederick James Male Geraldton
1945/2900005 Geraldton Oliveri Francesco Male Congemi Connie Female Geraldton
1945/2900005 Geraldton Congemi Connie Female Oliveri Francesco Male Geraldton
1944/2900005 Geraldton Imber Frederick James Male McCafferty Irene Dawn Female Geraldton
1944/2900006 Geraldton Sappie Elsie Female Bellottie Laurence Anthony Male Geraldton
1944/2900006 Geraldton Bellottie Laurence Anthony Male Sappie Elsie Female Geraldton
1944/2900008 Geraldton Trainor Leonard Rotchford Male Sullivan Doreen Elsie Female Geraldton
1944/2900008 Geraldton Sullivan Doreen Elsie Female Trainor Leonard Rotchford Male Geraldton
1944/2900009 Geraldton Handran-Smith Claudia Marie Female Jongebloed Julius Arthur Male Geraldton
1944/2900009 Geraldton Jongebloed Julius Arthur Male Handran-Smith Claudia Marie Female Geraldton
1944/2900010 Geraldton Dwyer Walter Male Hollings Beth Alwyne Female Geraldton
1944/2900010 Geraldton Hollings Beth Alwyne Female Dwyer Walter Male Geraldton
1944/2900011 Geraldton Rock John Norman Male Eaton Mabel Irene Female Geraldton
1944/2900011 Geraldton Eaton Mabel Irene Female Rock John Norman Male Geraldton
1944/2900012 Geraldton Oliveri Guiseppe Male Congemi Stella Female Geraldton
1944/2900012 Geraldton Congemi Stella Female Oliveri Guiseppe Male Geraldton
1944/2900013 Geraldton Caratti Alessandro Male Giudicatti Ida Female Geraldton
1944/2900013 Geraldton Giudicatti Ida Female Caratti Alessandro Male Geraldton
1944/2900014 Geraldton Barndon Elsie Millicent Female Ring Reginald Male Geraldton
1944/2900014 Geraldton Ring Reginald Male Barndon Elsie Millicent Female Geraldton
1944/2900015 Geraldton Hoops Bevan Male Harling Dorothy Yvonne Female Geraldton
1944/2900015 Geraldton Harling Dorothy Yvonne Female Hoops Bevan Male Geraldton
1944/2900016 Geraldton Bishop Lorna Female Willock Gordon Grahame Male Geraldton
1944/2900016 Geraldton Willock Gordon Grahame Male Bishop Lorna Female Geraldton
1944/2900017 Geraldton Major Muriel Mavis Female Eastough Ronald John Male Geraldton
1944/2900017 Geraldton Eastough Ronald John Male Major Muriel Mavis Female Geraldton
1944/2900018 Geraldton Smith Robert George Male Brennan Annie Maureen Female Geraldton
1944/2900018 Geraldton Brennan Annie Maureen Female Smith Robert George Male Geraldton
1944/2900019 Geraldton Simmons Ivy Female Whelan Ronald Eric Male Geraldton
1944/2900019 Geraldton Whelan Ronald Eric Male Simmons Ivy Female Geraldton
1944/2900020 Geraldton Angel Joyce Leslie Female Gould Vernon Charles Male Geraldton
1944/2900020 Geraldton Gould Vernon Charles Male Angel Joyce Leslie Female Geraldton
1944/2900021 Geraldton Perryman Margaret Susan Female O'Driscoll Morgan Ernest Patrick Male Geraldton
1944/2900021 Geraldton O'Driscoll Morgan Ernest Patrick Male Perryman Margaret Susan Female Geraldton
1944/2900022 Geraldton Hearn Leonard Harry Male Johnston Edith Marion Female Bluff Point
1944/2900022 Geraldton Johnston Edith Marion Female Hearn Leonard Harry Male Bluff Point
1944/2900023 Geraldton Simpson Winifred Joyce Female Kupsch Norman Roy Male Geraldton
1944/2900023 Geraldton Kupsch Norman Roy Male Simpson Winifred Joyce Female Geraldton
1944/2900024 Geraldton Smyth Beatrice Hazel Female Carter Alfred Male Geraldton
1944/2900024 Geraldton Carter Alfred Male Smyth Beatrice Hazel Female Geraldton
1944/2900025 Geraldton Baines Frank Farrow Male Glass Norma Olive Female Geraldton
1944/2900025 Geraldton Glass Norma Olive Female Baines Frank Farrow Male Geraldton
1944/2900026 Geraldton Hancock Freda Grace Female Wilson John Hamilton Male Geraldton
1944/2900026 Geraldton Wilson John Hamilton Male Hancock Freda Grace Female Geraldton
1944/2900027 Geraldton Easton Alfred Lawrence Male Gray Thelma Female Geraldton
1944/2900027 Geraldton Gray Thelma Female Easton Alfred Lawrence Male Geraldton
1944/2900028 Geraldton Gale Betty Joyce Female Harling Colin Herbert Male Geraldton
1944/2900028 Geraldton Harling Colin Herbert Male Gale Betty Joyce Female Geraldton
1944/2900029 Geraldton McAvoy George Henry Male Cox Sarah Aileen Female Geraldton
1944/2900029 Geraldton Cox Sarah Aileen Female McAvoy George Henry Male Geraldton
1944/2900030 Geraldton Orlando Calogero Carmelo Male Congemi Elminia Female Geraldton
1944/2900030 Geraldton Congemi Elminia Female Orlando Calogero Carmelo Male Geraldton
1944/2900031 Geraldton Buswell Josephine Florence Mary Female Roberts Charles Frederick Male Geraldton
1944/2900031 Geraldton Roberts Charles Frederick Male Buswell Josephine Florence Mary Female Geraldton
1944/2900032 Geraldton Phillips Mary Josephine Female Martin Albert Roy Male Geraldton
1944/2900032 Geraldton Martin Albert Roy Male Phillips Mary Josephine Female Geraldton
1944/2900033 Geraldton Agnew Hilton James Male McGuiness Roma Ann Female Geraldton
1944/2900033 Geraldton McGuiness Roma Ann Female Agnew Hilton James Male Geraldton
1944/2900034 Geraldton Lindsey Raymond Travis Male Wilson Mavis Greenslade Female Geraldton
1944/2900034 Geraldton Wilson Mavis Greenslade Female Lindsey Raymond Travis Male Geraldton
1944/2900035 Geraldton Kerr Robert Alexander Male Cox Joan Eva Female Geraldton
1944/2900035 Geraldton Cox Joan Eva Female Kerr Robert Alexander Male Geraldton
1944/2900036 Geraldton Smythe Noel Leslie Jeffery Male Smith Roma Mary Female Geraldton
1944/2900036 Geraldton Smith Roma Mary Female Smythe Noel Leslie Jeffery Male Geraldton
1944/2900037 Geraldton Damopoulos Christos Male Papadopoulos Demetro Female Geraldton
1944/2900037 Geraldton Papadopoulos Demetro Female Damopoulos Christos Male Geraldton
1944/2900038 Geraldton Howarth Elsie Female McKay Colin Bruce Male Geraldton
1944/2900038 Geraldton McKay Colin Bruce Male Howarth Elsie Female Geraldton
1944/2900039 Geraldton Langford William Lee Male Cornock Annie Female Geraldton
1944/2900039 Geraldton Cornock Annie Female Langford William Lee Male Geraldton
1944/2900040 Geraldton Simpson Winifred Female Bridges William Henry Male Geraldton
1944/2900040 Geraldton Bridges William Henry Male Simpson Winifred Female Geraldton
1944/2900041 Geraldton Hawley Sidney Thomas Male Cooper Rita Emily Female Geraldton
1944/2900041 Geraldton Cooper Rita Emily Female Hawley Sidney Thomas Male Geraldton
1944/2900042 Geraldton Kember Shirley Rose Female Williams Percival Ronald Male Geraldton
1944/2900042 Geraldton Williams Percival Ronald Male Kember Shirley Rose Female Geraldton
1944/2900043 Geraldton Chiffings Richard Frank Male Were Margaret Nancy Lorraine Female Geraldton
1944/2900043 Geraldton Were Margaret Nancy Lorraine Female Chiffings Richard Frank Male Geraldton
1944/2900044 Geraldton Francis Bernard Ralph Male Carss Ivy Joyce Female Geraldton
1944/2900044 Geraldton Carss Ivy Joyce Female Francis Bernard Ralph Male Geraldton
1944/2900045 Geraldton Cant Constance Patricia Female Paterson Andrew James Male Geraldton
1944/2900045 Geraldton Paterson Andrew James Male Cant Constance Patricia Female Geraldton
1944/2900046 Geraldton Randell Francis Arthur Male McCartney Veronica Bridget Female Geraldton
1944/2900046 Geraldton McCartney Veronica Bridget Female Randell Francis Arthur Male Geraldton
1944/2900047 Geraldton Dee Albert John Male Lucas Alberta Female Geraldton
1944/2900047 Geraldton Lucas Alberta Female Dee Albert John Male Geraldton
1944/2900048 Geraldton Pascoe Jean Beryl Female Hawker Francis George Male Geraldton
1944/2900048 Geraldton Hawker Francis George Male Pascoe Jean Beryl Female Geraldton
1944/2900049 Geraldton Major Norma Clarice Female Anderson Colin Fredrick Male Geraldton
1944/2900049 Geraldton Anderson Colin Fredrick Male Major Norma Clarice Female Geraldton
1944/2900050 Geraldton Bruce May Bertha Female Tetlow Allan William Male Geraldton
1944/2900050 Geraldton Tetlow Allan William Male Bruce May Bertha Female Geraldton
1944/2900051 Geraldton Thomas Anita Margaret Female Green Ernest Wallace Male Geraldton
1944/2900051 Geraldton Green Ernest Wallace Male Thomas Anita Margaret Female Geraldton
1944/2900052 Geraldton Fletcher Helena May Female Cassin Daniel John Male Geraldton
1946/2900052 Geraldton Drage Reginald Edward Male Sheehan Elsie Amy Female Geraldton
1946/2900052 Geraldton Sheehan Elsie Amy Female Drage Reginald Edward Male Geraldton
1944/2900052 Geraldton Cassin Daniel John Male Fletcher Helena May Female Geraldton
1944/2900053 Geraldton Bone Mary Monica Female Matheson William Murdoch Male Geraldton
1944/2900053 Geraldton Matheson William Murdoch Male Bone Mary Monica Female Geraldton
1944/2900054 Geraldton Budge Elizabeth Lindsay Female Dally Raymond George Male Geraldton
1944/2900054 Geraldton Dally Raymond George Male Budge Elizabeth Lindsay Female Geraldton
1944/2900055 Geraldton Wilson James Alexnader Male Willoway Elizabeth Jean Female Geraldton
1944/2900055 Geraldton Willoway Elizabeth Jean Female Wilson James Alexnader Male Geraldton
1944/2900056 Geraldton Cook Thomas Joseph Augustus Male Hague Angela Maria Female Geraldton
1944/2900056 Geraldton Hague Angela Maria Female Cook Thomas Joseph Augustus Male Geraldton
1944/2900057 Geraldton Mitchell Hilda Beatrice Female Williams Donald William Frederick Male Geraldton
1944/2900057 Geraldton Williams Donald William Frederick Male Mitchell Hilda Beatrice Female Geraldton
1944/2900058 Geraldton Gatsos Alexandra Female Gotsis Constantinos Dimitris Male Geraldton
1944/2900058 Geraldton Gotsis Constantinos Dimitris Male Gatsos Alexandra Female Geraldton
1944/2900059 Geraldton Piesse Francis Harold Male Rumble Kathleen Isobel Female Geraldton
1944/2900059 Geraldton Rumble Kathleen Isobel Female Piesse Francis Harold Male Geraldton
1944/2900060 Geraldton Turner Nancy Female Labry John Andrew Male Geraldton
1944/2900060 Geraldton Labry John Andrew Male Turner Nancy Female Geraldton
1944/2900061 Geraldton Fitzgerald Hilda Female Smith Walter Male Mullewa
1944/2900061 Geraldton Smith Walter Male Fitzgerald Hilda Female Mullewa
1944/2900062 Geraldton Edwards Everett Keith Male Henderson Marianne Female Geraldton
1944/2900062 Geraldton Henderson Marianne Female Edwards Everett Keith Male Geraldton
1944/2900063 Geraldton Clarkson John Clayton Male Shelton Betty Bennier Female Geraldton
1944/2900063 Geraldton Shelton Betty Bennier Female Clarkson John Clayton Male Geraldton
1944/2900064 Geraldton Rapley Norman Clarence Male Eaton Peggy Female Geraldton
1944/2900064 Geraldton Eaton Peggy Female Rapley Norman Clarence Male Geraldton
1944/2900065 Geraldton Tchan Minnie Female Coxon Fredrick Sydney Male Geraldton
1944/2900065 Geraldton Coxon Fredrick Sydney Male Tchan Minnie Female Geraldton
1944/2900066 Geraldton Dines John Male Sotiroff Noula Female Geraldton
1944/2900066 Geraldton Sotiroff Noula Female Dines John Male Geraldton
1944/2900067 Geraldton Reakes Robert William Male Edwards Winifred Evelyn Female Geraldton
1944/2900067 Geraldton Edwards Winifred Evelyn Female Reakes Robert William Male Geraldton
1944/3000001 Gingin Murray Arthur Joseph Male Jones Una Mabel Female Gingin
1944/3000001 Gingin Jones Una Mabel Female Murray Arthur Joseph Male Gingin
1944/3000002 Gingin Purser Lawrence Male Collett Edna Beryl Female Gingin
1944/3000002 Gingin Collett Edna Beryl Female Purser Lawrence Male Gingin
1944/3000003 Gingin Hill Allan Ralph Male Martin Hilda Mary Female Chittering
1944/3000003 Gingin Martin Hilda Mary Female Hill Allan Ralph Male Chittering
1944/3100001 Greenough Silcock Mary Ann Josephine Female Criddle William Reuben Male Bradley's
1944/3100001 Greenough Criddle William Reuben Male Silcock Mary Ann Josephine Female Bradley's
1945/3300002 Irwin Carter Lois Betty Female Lucas Stanley Harold Male Three Springs
1945/3300002 Irwin Lucas Stanley Harold Male Carter Lois Betty Female Three Springs
1945/3300003 Irwin Stokes Stanley James Male Maley Hazel Florence Female Three Springs
1945/3300003 Irwin Maley Hazel Florence Female Stokes Stanley James Male Three Springs
1944/3300003 Irwin Lynch Ronald Harold John Male Pinker Johana Devina Female Perenjori
1944/3300003 Irwin Pinker Johana Devina Female Lynch Ronald Harold John Male Perenjori
1944/3300004 Irwin Brand David Male McNeill Doris Elspeth Female Mingenew
1944/3300004 Irwin McNeill Doris Elspeth Female Brand David Male Mingenew
1944/3300005 Irwin Brown Ivy Female Morton James Arthur Male Mingenew
1944/3300005 Irwin Morton James Arthur Male Brown Ivy Female Mingenew
1944/3300006 Irwin Maley Claudine Merle Female Williams Raymond Male Three Springs
1944/3300006 Irwin Williams Raymond Male Maley Claudine Merle Female Three Springs
1944/3300007 Irwin Criddle Doris Emma Female Heydon Philip Robert Male Dongarra
1944/3300007 Irwin Heydon Philip Robert Male Criddle Doris Emma Female Dongarra
1944/3400001 Jarrahdale Ticklie Leonard Archibald Male Robins Rosalie Chester Female Rockingham
1944/3400001 Jarrahdale Robins Rosalie Chester Female Ticklie Leonard Archibald Male Rockingham
1944/3400002 Jarrahdale Glover Leonard Stanley Male Kerridge Ivy Leona Female Serpentine
1944/3400002 Jarrahdale Kerridge Ivy Leona Female Glover Leonard Stanley Male Serpentine
1944/3400003 Jarrahdale Day Lillian Jean Female Caporn Arnold Male Mundijong
1944/3400003 Jarrahdale Caporn Arnold Male Day Lillian Jean Female Mundijong
1944/3400004 Jarrahdale Rowcroft Clifford Male Senior Betty Female Serpentine
1944/3400004 Jarrahdale Senior Betty Female Rowcroft Clifford Male Serpentine
1944/3400005 Jarrahdale Swingler Constance Asling Female Senior Frederic Male Serpentine
1944/3400005 Jarrahdale Senior Frederic Male Swingler Constance Asling Female Serpentine
1944/3400006 Jarrahdale Powell Marion Bleema Female Roper Cecil Ohm Male Mundijong
1944/3400006 Jarrahdale Roper Cecil Ohm Male Powell Marion Bleema Female Mundijong
1944/3400007 Jarrahdale Alldridge Edith Agnes Female Mead Victor Henry Male Byford
1944/3400007 Jarrahdale Mead Victor Henry Male Alldridge Edith Agnes Female Byford
1944/3400008 Jarrahdale Kentish Enid Winnifred Female Ingpen Reginald Robert Courtenay Male Serpentine
1944/3400008 Jarrahdale Ingpen Reginald Robert Courtenay Male Kentish Enid Winnifred Female Serpentine
1944/3500006 Katanning Riley Linda Female Eades Alfred Male Kojonup
1944/3500006 Katanning Eades Alfred Male Riley Linda Female Kojonup
1944/3500007 Katanning Cochrane Margaret Elizabeth Female Gibbs Eric Vivian Stephen Male Parish of Kojonup
1944/3500007 Katanning Gibbs Eric Vivian Stephen Male Cochrane Margaret Elizabeth Female Parish of Kojonup
1944/3500008 Katanning Faulkner Charles Henry Male Bairstow Hazel Doreen Female Dumbleyung
1944/3500008 Katanning Bairstow Hazel Doreen Female Faulkner Charles Henry Male Dumbleyung
1944/3500009 Katanning Loan William Male Bain Daphne Sarah May Female Katanning
1944/3500009 Katanning Bain Daphne Sarah May Female Loan William Male Katanning
1944/3500010 Katanning Greenslade Isobel Doreen Female Dawson Walter Nelson Male Katanning
1944/3500010 Katanning Dawson Walter Nelson Male Greenslade Isobel Doreen Female Katanning
1944/3500011 Katanning Milne Andrew Alexander Male Portner Phoebe Female Katanning
1944/3500011 Katanning Portner Phoebe Female Milne Andrew Alexander Male Katanning
1945/3500012 Katanning Ugle Mervyn Male Nebro Roma Female Carrolup Native Settlement
1944/3500012 Katanning Patterson Angus Herbert Male Edwards Elfie Emily Female Wagin
1945/3500012 Katanning Nebro Roma Female Ugle Mervyn Male Carrolup Native Settlement
1944/3500012 Katanning Edwards Elfie Emily Female Patterson Angus Herbert Male Wagin
1944/3500013 Katanning Bailye Laurence Evard Male Marshall Myrtle Olive Female Katanning
1944/3500013 Katanning Marshall Myrtle Olive Female Bailye Laurence Evard Male Katanning
1944/3500014 Katanning Millington Marjorie Eileen Female Fildes Kenneth Woodburn Male Katanning
1944/3500014 Katanning Fildes Kenneth Woodburn Male Millington Marjorie Eileen Female Katanning
1944/3500015 Katanning Harris Kathleen Grace Female Dunn Henry Arthur Male Katanning
1944/3500015 Katanning Dunn Henry Arthur Male Harris Kathleen Grace Female Katanning
1944/3500016 Katanning Castle Norma Jean Female Fleay Wilfred Male Kojonup
1944/3500016 Katanning Fleay Wilfred Male Castle Norma Jean Female Kojonup
1944/3500017 Katanning Dwyer Roma Lorraine Female Kenny Jack Male Katanning
1944/3500017 Katanning Kenny Jack Male Dwyer Roma Lorraine Female Katanning
1944/3500018 Katanning Willock Marjorie Female Cockram Wilfred Stanley Birdwood Male Katanning
1944/3500018 Katanning Cockram Wilfred Stanley Birdwood Male Willock Marjorie Female Katanning
1944/3500019 Katanning Williamson William Male Mercer Elaine Joy Female Arthur River
1944/3500019 Katanning Mercer Elaine Joy Female Williamson William Male Arthur River
1944/3500020 Katanning Radford Enid Isabel Female Tysoe William Frederick Male Katanning
1944/3500020 Katanning Tysoe William Frederick Male Radford Enid Isabel Female Katanning
1944/3500021 Katanning Gwynne Mervyn Edmond Male Clement Cherie Kimble Female Katanning
1944/3500021 Katanning Clement Cherie Kimble Female Gwynne Mervyn Edmond Male Katanning
1944/3500022 Katanning Henchie Reg Blair Male de Hoghton Joyce Female Wagin
1944/3500022 Katanning de Hoghton Joyce Female Henchie Reg Blair Male Wagin
1944/3500023 Katanning McKenna Esma May Female Baldwin Ethelbert Edward Male Wagin
1944/3500023 Katanning Baldwin Ethelbert Edward Male McKenna Esma May Female Wagin
1944/3500024 Katanning Tsakalos Katy Female Rossi Esterino Male Katanning
1944/3500024 Katanning Rossi Esterino Male Tsakalos Katy Female Katanning
1944/3500025 Katanning Elverd Gladys Female Laurence Stanley Ernest Male Kojonup
1944/3500025 Katanning Laurence Stanley Ernest Male Elverd Gladys Female Kojonup
1944/3500026 Katanning Goodchild Ellen Bessie Female Quartermaine Leslie William Male Katanning
1944/3500026 Katanning Quartermaine Leslie William Male Goodchild Ellen Bessie Female Katanning
1944/3500027 Katanning Stade Gladys Mary Female Gardiner Conway Male Katanning
1944/3500027 Katanning Gardiner Conway Male Stade Gladys Mary Female Katanning
1944/3500028 Katanning Tuckett Eileen Joyce Female Hale Arthur Stephen Male Katanning
1944/3500028 Katanning Hale Arthur Stephen Male Tuckett Eileen Joyce Female Katanning
1944/3500029 Katanning Abbott Frank Alfred Male Shier Nora Phyllis Female Wagin
1944/3500029 Katanning Shier Nora Phyllis Female Abbott Frank Alfred Male Wagin
1944/3500030 Katanning Miller John Francis Male Hill Lorna Jean Female Katanning
1944/3500030 Katanning Hill Lorna Jean Female Miller John Francis Male Katanning
1944/3500031 Katanning Riley Marie Female Hansen Charles Lawrence Male Kojonup
1944/3500031 Katanning Hansen Charles Lawrence Male Riley Marie Female Kojonup
1944/3500032 Katanning McGlinn Phillip Edmund Male Dillon Mary Teresa Female Wagin
1944/3500032 Katanning Dillon Mary Teresa Female McGlinn Phillip Edmund Male Wagin
1944/3500033 Katanning Hamlyn Ethel Irene Female Williams Herbert Male Katanning
1944/3500033 Katanning Williams Herbert Male Hamlyn Ethel Irene Female Katanning
1944/3500034 Katanning Sprigg Clifford Hartland Male Bolt Dorothy Jean Female Wagin
1944/3500034 Katanning Bolt Dorothy Jean Female Sprigg Clifford Hartland Male Wagin
1944/3500035 Katanning Proctor George James Male Howie Mary Agnes Female Katanning
1944/3500035 Katanning Howie Mary Agnes Female Proctor George James Male Katanning
1944/3500036 Katanning Smith Linda May Female Bradbury Wilfred Male Ballaying
1944/3500036 Katanning Bradbury Wilfred Male Smith Linda May Female Ballaying
1944/3500037 Katanning Curnow Gweneth Elsie Female West Vivian Leslie Male Katanning
1944/3500037 Katanning West Vivian Leslie Male Curnow Gweneth Elsie Female Katanning
1944/3500038 Katanning Wallam Mavis Lilian Female Quartermaine Frank Male Gnowangerup
1944/3500038 Katanning Quartermaine Frank Male Wallam Mavis Lilian Female Gnowangerup
1944/3500039 Katanning Freegard Alwyn Albert Male Hill Marjorie Florence Female Gnowangerup
1944/3500039 Katanning Hill Marjorie Florence Female Freegard Alwyn Albert Male Gnowangerup
1944/3500040 Katanning Piesse Mavis Irene Female Wright Arthur Male Wagin
1944/3500040 Katanning Wright Arthur Male Piesse Mavis Irene Female Wagin
1944/3500041 Katanning Wann Mary Joyce Female Johnson John William Male Dumbleyung
1944/3500041 Katanning Johnson John William Male Wann Mary Joyce Female Dumbleyung
1944/3500042 Katanning Hanna Daphne Pearl Female Knight William Male Katanning
1944/3500042 Katanning Knight William Male Hanna Daphne Pearl Female Katanning
1944/3500043 Katanning Webb Edna Mary Female Reeves Arthur Ernest Male Katanning
1944/3500043 Katanning Reeves Arthur Ernest Male Webb Edna Mary Female Katanning
1944/3500044 Katanning Cockram Judith Mary Female Stewart Norman Samuel Male Gnowangerup
1944/3500044 Katanning Stewart Norman Samuel Male Cockram Judith Mary Female Gnowangerup
1944/3500045 Katanning Rowe Matthew John Male Wheatley Catherine Rachel Female Wagin
1944/3500045 Katanning Wheatley Catherine Rachel Female Rowe Matthew John Male Wagin
1944/3500046 Katanning Martens Mavis Gertrude Female Willcocks Alaric Albert Male Katanning
1944/3500046 Katanning Willcocks Alaric Albert Male Martens Mavis Gertrude Female Katanning
1944/3500047 Katanning Kilpatrick Jack Leigh Male Furniss Elsie Margaret Female Katanning
1944/3500047 Katanning Furniss Elsie Margaret Female Kilpatrick Jack Leigh Male Katanning
1944/3500048 Katanning Wright Audrey Lilian Female Coleman Laurence Harold Male Gnowangerup
1944/3500048 Katanning Coleman Laurence Harold Male Wright Audrey Lilian Female Gnowangerup
1944/3500049 Katanning McCarthy Winifred Muriel Female Fallon Vernon James William Male Kojonup
1944/3500049 Katanning Fallon Vernon James William Male McCarthy Winifred Muriel Female Kojonup
1944/3500050 Katanning Anderson Maisie Female Ellis Paddy Male Carrolup
1944/3500050 Katanning Ellis Paddy Male Anderson Maisie Female Carrolup
1944/3500051 Katanning Mead Clara Female Colburn Douglas Male Carrolup
1944/3500051 Katanning Colburn Douglas Male Mead Clara Female Carrolup
1944/3500052 Katanning Slee Mabel Joyce Female Lewis Kenneth Male Katanning
1944/3500052 Katanning Lewis Kenneth Male Slee Mabel Joyce Female Katanning
1944/3500053 Katanning Neal Lionel Frank Male Ladyman Dorothy Female Katanning
1944/3500053 Katanning Ladyman Dorothy Female Neal Lionel Frank Male Katanning
1944/3700001 West Kimberley Sariago Bella Female D'Antoine Joseph St John Male Derby
1944/3700001 West Kimberley D'Antoine Joseph St John Male Sariago Bella Female Derby
1944/3700002 West Kimberley Delower Caulumn Dene Male Haldane Dorothy Female Derby
1944/3700002 West Kimberley Haldane Dorothy Female Delower Caulumn Dene Male Derby
1944/3700003 West Kimberley Pedro Rosie Hedgwig Female Marker Harry Male Derby
1944/3700003 West Kimberley Marker Harry Male Pedro Rosie Hedgwig Female Derby
1944/3700004 West Kimberley Fraser Fredrick Hughes Male Haldane Dora Elizabeth Female Derby
1944/3700004 West Kimberley Haldane Dora Elizabeth Female Fraser Fredrick Hughes Male Derby
1944/3700005 West Kimberley Sariago Maximo Male Delaney Benetha Teresa Female Derby
1944/3700005 West Kimberley Delaney Benetha Teresa Female Sariago Maximo Male Derby
1944/3700006 West Kimberley Kirk Suju Female Coakley Thomas John Male Derby
1944/3700006 West Kimberley Coakley Thomas John Male Kirk Suju Female Derby
1944/3700007 West Kimberley Bardwell Teresa Female Lacy Frank Boswood Male Derby
1944/3700007 West Kimberley Lacy Frank Boswood Male Bardwell Teresa Female Derby
1944/3700008 West Kimberley Bunce May Female Smith William Sydney Male Derby
1944/3700008 West Kimberley Smith William Sydney Male Bunce May Female Derby
1944/3800001 Kimberley Goldfields Scott Walter Alexander Male Thompson Margaret Female Halls Creek
1944/3800001 Kimberley Goldfields Thompson Margaret Female Scott Walter Alexander Male Halls Creek
1944/3800002 Kimberley Goldfields Pencher Mary Ann Female Ogden Beu Male Halls Creek
1944/3800002 Kimberley Goldfields Ogden Beu Male Pencher Mary Ann Female Halls Creek
1944/3800003 Kimberley Goldfields Bedford Trooper Male Calwyn Maudie Female Hall's Creek
1944/3800003 Kimberley Goldfields Calwyn Maudie Female Bedford Trooper Male Hall's Creek
1944/3800004 Kimberley Goldfields Hay Violet Female Rivers Scotty Male Halls Creek
1944/3800004 Kimberley Goldfields Rivers Scotty Male Hay Violet Female Halls Creek
1945/4200001 Moora Morden Maitland Male Anderson Erica Female Moore River Native Settlement
1944/4200001 Moora Walley Madeline Female Taylor Patrick Male New Norcia
1945/4200001 Moora Anderson Erica Female Morden Maitland Male Moore River Native Settlement
1944/4200001 Moora Taylor Patrick Male Walley Madeline Female New Norcia
1944/4200002 Moora Whyte Andrew James Hardie Male Nicholls Hilda Female Dalwallinu
1944/4200002 Moora Nicholls Hilda Female Whyte Andrew James Hardie Male Dalwallinu
1945/4200003 Moora Cave Margaret Christina Female Mitchell Harold James Male Wongan Hills
1944/4200003 Moora Dix Kevin Michael Male Leeson Doris May Female New Norcia
1944/4200003 Moora Leeson Doris May Female Dix Kevin Michael Male New Norcia
1945/4200003 Moora Mitchell Harold James Male Cave Margaret Christina Female Wongan Hills
1944/4200004 Moora Parker Harry Wells Male Bullock Winifred Female Moora
1944/4200004 Moora Bullock Winifred Female Parker Harry Wells Male Moora
1944/4200005 Moora Moller Albert Sinclair Male ODea Stella May Female Calingiri
1944/4200005 Moora ODea Stella May Female Moller Albert Sinclair Male Calingiri
1944/4200006 Moora Willaway Harold Male Nettle Philomena Female New Norcia
1944/4200006 Moora Nettle Philomena Female Willaway Harold Male New Norcia
1944/4200007 Moora Johnson Kathleen Mary Female Meadows Thomas Christie Male Dalwallinu
1944/4200007 Moora Meadows Thomas Christie Male Johnson Kathleen Mary Female Dalwallinu
1944/4200008 Moora Jackson Kathleen Alice Female John Albert Emlyn Male Moora
1944/4200008 Moora John Albert Emlyn Male Jackson Kathleen Alice Female Moora
1944/4200009 Moora Indich Josephine Female Taylor George Cyril Male Moore River Native Settlement
1944/4200009 Moora Taylor George Cyril Male Indich Josephine Female Moore River Native Settlement
1944/4200010 Moora Reynolds Ethel Gertrude Female McVee Jeffrey Charles Male Moora
1944/4200010 Moora McVee Jeffrey Charles Male Reynolds Ethel Gertrude Female Moora
1944/4200011 Moora Brown Elsie Maud Female Nesbitt Kenneth Edward Male Moora
1944/4200011 Moora Nesbitt Kenneth Edward Male Brown Elsie Maud Female Moora
1944/4200012 Moora Freestone Mavis Audrey Female Leahy Charles Murray Male Wongan Hills
1944/4200012 Moora Leahy Charles Murray Male Freestone Mavis Audrey Female Wongan Hills
1944/4200013 Moora Counsel George Frank Male Farr Marjorie Bernice Female Buntine
1944/4200013 Moora Farr Marjorie Bernice Female Counsel George Frank Male Buntine
1944/4200014 Moora Walker Alex Abraham Thomas Male Kraft Irngaard Female Moora
1944/4200014 Moora Kraft Irngaard Female Walker Alex Abraham Thomas Male Moora
1944/4200015 Moora Wheelock Jean Female Michael Alfred Male Moore River Native Settlement
1944/4200015 Moora Michael Alfred Male Wheelock Jean Female Moore River Native Settlement
1944/4200016 Moora Dalgety Ralph Male Ray Lizzie Female Moore River Native Settlement
1944/4200016 Moora Ray Lizzie Female Dalgety Ralph Male Moore River Native Settlement
1944/4200017 Moora Walker Beryl May Female Thompson Ronald Arthur Male Moore River Native Settlement
1944/4200017 Moora Thompson Ronald Arthur Male Walker Beryl May Female Moore River Native Settlement
1944/4200018 Moora Webb William Leonard Male Davidson Annie Female Wongan Hills
1944/4200018 Moora Davidson Annie Female Webb William Leonard Male Wongan Hills
1944/4200019 Moora Hewett Winifred Jean Female Fowler John Frederick Male Wongan Hills
1944/4200019 Moora Fowler John Frederick Male Hewett Winifred Jean Female Wongan Hills
1944/4200020 Moora Kelly Gladys Martha Female Abdullah George Male New Norcia
1944/4200020 Moora Abdullah George Male Kelly Gladys Martha Female New Norcia
1944/4300001 Mount Margaret Cooper Lorna May Female Walker Roy Male Mount Margaret
1944/4300001 Mount Margaret Walker Roy Male Cooper Lorna May Female Mount Margaret
1944/4300002 Mount Margaret O'Shaughnessy Edith Mary Female Ruwoldt Wilhelm Johann Heinrich Male Leonora
1944/4300002 Mount Margaret Ruwoldt Wilhelm Johann Heinrich Male O'Shaughnessy Edith Mary Female Leonora
1944/4300003 Mount Margaret Johnston Reggie Male Jones Jean Female Mt Margaret Mission Church
1944/4300003 Mount Margaret Jones Jean Female Johnston Reggie Male Mt Margaret Mission Church
1944/4300004 Mount Margaret Green Rosie Female Meredith Fred Male Leonora
1944/4300004 Mount Margaret Meredith Fred Male Green Rosie Female Leonora
1944/4300005 Mount Margaret Crawford Eliza Margaret Female Kelly William Male Leonora
1944/4300005 Mount Margaret Kelly William Male Crawford Eliza Margaret Female Leonora
1944/4400001 Murchison Thompson Albert Arthur Male Sullivan Margaret Mary Ann Female Cue
1944/4400001 Murchison Sullivan Margaret Mary Ann Female Thompson Albert Arthur Male Cue
1944/4400002 Murchison Long Millicent Maud Female Heydon Charles Male Cue
1944/4400002 Murchison Heydon Charles Male Long Millicent Maud Female Cue
1944/4400003 Murchison Poletti Ronald David Male Davis Irene Norma Female Cue
1944/4400003 Murchison Davis Irene Norma Female Poletti Ronald David Male Cue
1944/4400004 Murchison Harlond Mary Therese Female Woolcock Robert Leslie Male Mt Magnet
1944/4400004 Murchison Woolcock Robert Leslie Male Harlond Mary Therese Female Mt Magnet
1944/4400005 Murchison Lindley Jean Female Simpson Sandy Male Cue
1944/4400005 Murchison Simpson Sandy Male Lindley Jean Female Cue
1944/4400006 Murchison Lindley Lilly Female Dann Ned Male Cue
1944/4400006 Murchison Dann Ned Male Lindley Lilly Female Cue
1944/4400007 Murchison McNair Daisy Female Campbell Alexander Sydney Male Cue
1944/4400007 Murchison Campbell Alexander Sydney Male McNair Daisy Female Cue
1944/4500001 East Murchison Tait Thomas Male Madigan Kathleen Female Wiluna
1944/4500001 East Murchison Madigan Kathleen Female Tait Thomas Male Wiluna
1944/4500002 East Murchison Collins Lawrence James Male Sweetser Noel Dene Female Wiluna
1944/4500002 East Murchison Sweetser Noel Dene Female Collins Lawrence James Male Wiluna
1944/4500003 East Murchison Coles Charles Edward Male Curgenven Mavis Female Wiluna
1944/4500003 East Murchison Curgenven Mavis Female Coles Charles Edward Male Wiluna
1944/4500004 East Murchison Fathers Valma Violet Female Campbell Raymond Anthony Male Wiluna
1944/4500004 East Murchison Campbell Raymond Anthony Male Fathers Valma Violet Female Wiluna
1944/4500005 East Murchison Pettigrew Elizabeth Olive Matilda Female Shackleton Ernest Cecil Male Wiluna
1944/4500005 East Murchison Shackleton Ernest Cecil Male Pettigrew Elizabeth Olive Matilda Female Wiluna
1944/4500006 East Murchison Martin Ada Helen Female Ashwin Jack Male Wiluna
1944/4500006 East Murchison Ashwin Jack Male Martin Ada Helen Female Wiluna
1944/4500007 East Murchison Quadrio Marguerita Gwendoline Female Dowling Walter Male Wiluna
1944/4500007 East Murchison Dowling Walter Male Quadrio Marguerita Gwendoline Female Wiluna
1944/4500008 East Murchison Capper Jean Marie Female Thomson Kenneth Bruce Male Wiluna
1944/4500008 East Murchison Thomson Kenneth Bruce Male Capper Jean Marie Female Wiluna
1944/4500009 East Murchison Webb Gertrude Maud Female Garland James Edwin Male West Aust
1944/4500009 East Murchison Garland James Edwin Male Webb Gertrude Maud Female West Aust
1944/4500010 East Murchison McGaffin Robert Alexander Male Vial Hazel Maude Female Wiluna
1944/4500010 East Murchison Vial Hazel Maude Female McGaffin Robert Alexander Male Wiluna
1944/4500011 East Murchison Head Arthur James Male Goldie Margaret Fraser Female Wiluna
1944/4500011 East Murchison Goldie Margaret Fraser Female Head Arthur James Male Wiluna
1944/4700002 Murray Minchin Daisy Eleanor Female Bowles Herbert Archibald Male Waroona
1944/4700002 Murray Bowles Herbert Archibald Male Minchin Daisy Eleanor Female Waroona
1944/4700003 Murray McDonald William Aussie Male Harrington Winifred Josephine Female Pinjarra
1944/4700003 Murray Harrington Winifred Josephine Female McDonald William Aussie Male Pinjarra
1944/4700004 Murray Hearle Daphne Comfort Female Scott Roy Edwin Male Banksiadale
1945/4700004 Murray McFarlane Jean Female Ilott Henry Male Pinjarra
1944/4700004 Murray Scott Roy Edwin Male Hearle Daphne Comfort Female Banksiadale
1945/4700004 Murray Ilott Henry Male McFarlane Jean Female Pinjarra
1944/4700005 Murray Collier George Ronald Male Hall Alfreda Gertrude Female Waroona
1944/4700005 Murray Hall Alfreda Gertrude Female Collier George Ronald Male Waroona
1944/4700006 Murray Richardson George Male Arnott Margaret Female Waroona
1944/4700006 Murray Arnott Margaret Female Richardson George Male Waroona
1944/4700007 Murray Edwards David Male Styles Mary Ann Margaret Female Coolup
1944/4700007 Murray Styles Mary Ann Margaret Female Edwards David Male Coolup
1944/4700008 Murray Normington Bolton Male Yellow Mary Female Pinjarra
1944/4700008 Murray Yellow Mary Female Normington Bolton Male Pinjarra
1944/4700009 Murray Davidson Nellie Frances Female Beacham Raymond Levi Male Pinjarra
1944/4700009 Murray Beacham Raymond Levi Male Davidson Nellie Frances Female Pinjarra
1944/4700010 Murray Wright Helen Bridget Female Hancock Leslie Male Pinjarra
1944/4700010 Murray Hancock Leslie Male Wright Helen Bridget Female Pinjarra
1944/4700011 Murray Warne Ernest Edwin Male Davey Muriel Ellen Female Mandurah
1944/4700011 Murray Davey Muriel Ellen Female Warne Ernest Edwin Male Mandurah
1944/4700012 Murray Hayes Leonard Male Trotter Alexandra Margaret Female Waroona
1944/4700012 Murray Trotter Alexandra Margaret Female Hayes Leonard Male Waroona
1944/4700013 Murray Brockman Ruby Female Smith Frank Dillon Male Pinjarra
1944/4700013 Murray Smith Frank Dillon Male Brockman Ruby Female Pinjarra
1944/4700014 Murray Pring Mary Sarah Female Clune Matthew Mary Joseph Male Pinjarra
1944/4700014 Murray Clune Matthew Mary Joseph Male Pring Mary Sarah Female Pinjarra
1944/4700015 Murray Moore Jean Violet Female Carroll Percival James Male Dwellingup
1944/4700015 Murray Carroll Percival James Male Moore Jean Violet Female Dwellingup
1944/4700016 Murray McNeill Hugh Haig Male Smith Margaret Janet Female Waroona
1944/4700016 Murray Smith Margaret Janet Female McNeill Hugh Haig Male Waroona
1944/4700017 Murray Teraci Alexander Male Ciccotosto Carmel Female Waroona
1944/4700017 Murray Ciccotosto Carmel Female Teraci Alexander Male Waroona
1944/4700018 Murray Reynolds Leonard Arthur Dennis Male Marshall Kathleen Nellie Female Pinjarra
1944/4700018 Murray Marshall Kathleen Nellie Female Reynolds Leonard Arthur Dennis Male Pinjarra
1944/4700019 Murray Romaro William George Male Stephen Helen May Female Holyoake
1944/4700019 Murray Stephen Helen May Female Romaro William George Male Holyoake
1944/4700020 Murray Savage Ena May Female Coates Frederick Peter Male Pinjarra
1944/4700020 Murray Coates Frederick Peter Male Savage Ena May Female Pinjarra
1944/4700021 Murray Skidmore Iris Mary Female Turner Jessie Odell Male Pinjarra
1944/4700021 Murray Turner Jessie Odell Male Skidmore Iris Mary Female Pinjarra
1944/4700022 Murray Bird Jessie Female Mitting Bertie Horace Male Pinjarra
1944/4700022 Murray Mitting Bertie Horace Male Bird Jessie Female Pinjarra
1945/4900001 Northam Reynolds Esma Marie Female Shields Noel Harrington Male Trayning
1945/4900001 Northam Shields Noel Harrington Male Reynolds Esma Marie Female Trayning
1944/4900002 Northam Collett Herbert Brayley Male Tyndall Olive Mary Female Northam
1944/4900002 Northam Tyndall Olive Mary Female Collett Herbert Brayley Male Northam
1944/4900003 Northam McHugh Ida Merle Female Reed John Denis Verdun Male Dowerin
1944/4900003 Northam Reed John Denis Verdun Male McHugh Ida Merle Female Dowerin
1944/4900004 Northam O'Callaghan Margaret Mary Female Helson George Henry Male Northam
1944/4900004 Northam Helson George Henry Male O'Callaghan Margaret Mary Female Northam
1944/4900005 Northam Hubble Louise Emily Caroline Female Balchin John William James Male Kellerberrin
1944/4900005 Northam Balchin John William James Male Hubble Louise Emily Caroline Female Kellerberrin
1944/4900006 Northam Mills Margaret Emily Mahala Female Harrington Ogilvie Kinloch Male Northam
1944/4900006 Northam Harrington Ogilvie Kinloch Male Mills Margaret Emily Mahala Female Northam
1944/4900007 Northam Smith Gwendoline Alice Female Gibson Harold Alfred Crane Male Northam
1944/4900007 Northam Gibson Harold Alfred Crane Male Smith Gwendoline Alice Female Northam
1944/4900008 Northam Howard Fredrick James Male Lawrence Eva Ellenor Female Northam
1944/4900008 Northam Lawrence Eva Ellenor Female Howard Fredrick James Male Northam
1944/4900009 Northam Pike Gertrude Adelaide Female Swensen Alfred Anton Male Merredin
1944/4900009 Northam Swensen Alfred Anton Male Pike Gertrude Adelaide Female Merredin
1944/4900010 Northam Stone Iris Alma Female Young Albert William Male Northam
1944/4900010 Northam Young Albert William Male Stone Iris Alma Female Northam
1944/4900011 Northam Knuckey Frederick Male Harrison Edith Female Northam
1944/4900011 Northam Harrison Edith Female Knuckey Frederick Male Northam
1944/4900013 Northam Tonkin Myra Linto Female Jarvis Charles Edward Male Merredin
1944/4900013 Northam Jarvis Charles Edward Male Tonkin Myra Linto Female Merredin
1944/4900014 Northam Filose John Clement Male Hicks Patricia Anne Female Wyalkatchem
1944/4900014 Northam Hicks Patricia Anne Female Filose John Clement Male Wyalkatchem
1944/4900015 Northam Martin Roy Francis Male Allen Nancy Caroline Female Nungarin
1944/4900015 Northam Allen Nancy Caroline Female Martin Roy Francis Male Nungarin
1944/4900016 Northam Ewen Alfred George Male Coxon Muriel Alice Female Northam
1944/4900016 Northam Coxon Muriel Alice Female Ewen Alfred George Male Northam
1944/4900017 Northam Howard Jack Male Sanders Vivienne Merle Female Dowerin
1944/4900017 Northam Sanders Vivienne Merle Female Howard Jack Male Dowerin
1944/4900018 Northam Barnes Alfred William Charles Male Lee Phyllis Irene Female Kellerberrin
1944/4900018 Northam Lee Phyllis Irene Female Barnes Alfred William Charles Male Kellerberrin
1944/4900019 Northam Osborne Jack Male Cooper Melva Doreen Female Northam
1944/4900019 Northam Cooper Melva Doreen Female Osborne Jack Male Northam
1944/4900020 Northam Bonser Shirley Elaine Female Katchel Kenneth John Male Northam
1944/4900020 Northam Katchel Kenneth John Male Bonser Shirley Elaine Female Northam
1944/4900021 Northam Marsh Lucy Gertrude Female Hasen Hysen Male Northam
1944/4900021 Northam Hasen Hysen Male Marsh Lucy Gertrude Female Northam
1944/4900022 Northam Chown Doris Amy Female Taylor Richard Hilbert Male Cunderdin
1944/4900022 Northam Taylor Richard Hilbert Male Chown Doris Amy Female Cunderdin
1944/4900023 Northam Holloway Edith Rachel Female Barnes Leslie Howard Male Kellerberrin
1944/4900023 Northam Barnes Leslie Howard Male Holloway Edith Rachel Female Kellerberrin
1944/4900024 Northam McTavish May Halliday Female Borgward Frank Leslie Male Wyalkatchem
1944/4900024 Northam Borgward Frank Leslie Male McTavish May Halliday Female Wyalkatchem
1944/4900025 Northam Buckless Ivy Evelyn Female Morris Rodger James Male Northam
1944/4900025 Northam Morris Rodger James Male Buckless Ivy Evelyn Female Northam
1944/4900026 Northam Blakiston Rona Alfreda Female Davis Albert Charles Male Kellerberrin
1944/4900026 Northam Davis Albert Charles Male Blakiston Rona Alfreda Female Kellerberrin
1944/4900027 Northam Hughes Donald Alfred Male Jeffery Nona Dawn Female Merredin
1944/4900027 Northam Jeffery Nona Dawn Female Hughes Donald Alfred Male Merredin
1944/4900028 Northam Harding Jean Thelma Female MacKeen Harold Thomas Male Northam
1944/4900028 Northam MacKeen Harold Thomas Male Harding Jean Thelma Female Northam
1944/4900029 Northam O'Dea John Richard Male Maitland Lorna Female Northam
1944/4900029 Northam Maitland Lorna Female O'Dea John Richard Male Northam
1944/4900030 Northam Edmondson Constance Edith Female Cooper Alexander Astley Male Northam
1944/4900030 Northam Cooper Alexander Astley Male Edmondson Constance Edith Female Northam
1944/4900031 Northam Jessup Gloria Joan Female Lowry John Arthur Male Northam
1944/4900031 Northam Lowry John Arthur Male Jessup Gloria Joan Female Northam
1944/4900032 Northam Hasson Doris Glover Female Rayner Henry Richard Male Toodyay
1944/4900032 Northam Rayner Henry Richard Male Hasson Doris Glover Female Toodyay
1944/4900033 Northam Knight Peter William Thomas Male Anderson Margaret Helen Female Kellerberrin
1944/4900033 Northam Anderson Margaret Helen Female Knight Peter William Thomas Male Kellerberrin
1944/4900034 Northam Hyland Patricia May Female Boucher Robert William Male Merredin
1944/4900034 Northam Boucher Robert William Male Hyland Patricia May Female Merredin
1944/4900035 Northam Monger Frederick George Male Walters Betty Female Northam
1944/4900035 Northam Walters Betty Female Monger Frederick George Male Northam
1944/4900036 Northam Dobson Letitia Isabelle Female King Ross Male Northam
1944/4900036 Northam King Ross Male Dobson Letitia Isabelle Female Northam
1944/4900037 Northam Bullock Walter Male Stone Norma May Female Northam
1944/4900037 Northam Stone Norma May Female Bullock Walter Male Northam
1944/4900038 Northam Wellman Leslie Alexander Male Monger Elsie Frances Female Northam
1944/4900038 Northam Monger Elsie Frances Female Wellman Leslie Alexander Male Northam
1944/4900039 Northam Devereux Yvonne Marie Estelle Female Reeves John Francis Male Northam
1944/4900039 Northam Reeves John Francis Male Devereux Yvonne Marie Estelle Female Northam
1944/4900040 Northam Pettit Alwin George Male Treffone Shirley Adelaide Female Northam
1944/4900040 Northam Treffone Shirley Adelaide Female Pettit Alwin George Male Northam
1944/4900041 Northam Moore Iris Florence Female Contos Lambros Male Northam
1944/4900041 Northam Contos Lambros Male Moore Iris Florence Female Northam
1944/4900042 Northam Castledine Verna Enid Female Martin Norman James Dale Male Northam
1944/4900042 Northam Martin Norman James Dale Male Castledine Verna Enid Female Northam
1944/4900043 Northam Walker John Thomas Male Morgan Dorothy Mary Female Northam
1944/4900043 Northam Morgan Dorothy Mary Female Walker John Thomas Male Northam
1944/4900044 Northam Reynolds Elsie Female Brown James Edward Male Merredin
1944/4900044 Northam Brown James Edward Male Reynolds Elsie Female Merredin
1944/4900045 Northam Beazley Jean Female Allen John William Male Northam
1944/4900045 Northam Allen John William Male Beazley Jean Female Northam
1944/4900046 Northam Bushell Peggy Female Norrish David Keith Male Northam
1944/4900046 Northam Norrish David Keith Male Bushell Peggy Female Northam
1944/4900047 Northam Linaker Albert Edward Male Giblett Laurel Joyce Female Northam
1944/4900047 Northam Giblett Laurel Joyce Female Linaker Albert Edward Male Northam
1944/4900049 Northam Oliver Ronald William Male Stewart Marjorie Hope Female Northam
1944/4900049 Northam Stewart Marjorie Hope Female Oliver Ronald William Male Northam
1944/4900050 Northam Forbes Murray Alexander Male Reynolds Edna May Female Meckering
1944/4900050 Northam Reynolds Edna May Female Forbes Murray Alexander Male Meckering
1944/4900051 Northam Smith Harold William Male King Dulcie Mary Emily Female Goomalling
1944/4900051 Northam King Dulcie Mary Emily Female Smith Harold William Male Goomalling
1944/4900052 Northam Farmer Dorothy Frances Female Flynn Roy Henry Male Wyalkatchem
1944/4900052 Northam Flynn Roy Henry Male Farmer Dorothy Frances Female Wyalkatchem
1944/4900053 Northam Bursnall Emily Alice Female O'Dea Cyril Male Toodyay
1944/4900053 Northam O'Dea Cyril Male Bursnall Emily Alice Female Toodyay
1944/4900054 Northam Otway Allen Henry Male Rogers Doris Ellen Female Merredin
1944/4900054 Northam Rogers Doris Ellen Female Otway Allen Henry Male Merredin
1944/4900055 Northam Lloyd Gloria Joy Female Groves Percival Roy Male Northam
1944/4900055 Northam Groves Percival Roy Male Lloyd Gloria Joy Female Northam
1944/4900056 Northam Forward Josephine Zoi Female Cockburn-Campbell Thomas Male Northam
1944/4900056 Northam Cockburn-Campbell Thomas Male Forward Josephine Zoi Female Northam
1944/4900057 Northam Lloyd Dorothy Catherine Female Freind Harold Keith Male Toodyay
1944/4900057 Northam Freind Harold Keith Male Lloyd Dorothy Catherine Female Toodyay
1944/4900058 Northam Batt Sylvia Constance Female Atkinson Raymond Elias Male Merredin
1944/4900058 Northam Atkinson Raymond Elias Male Batt Sylvia Constance Female Merredin
1944/4900059 Northam Pasco Arthur William Male Simpson Tessa Elaine Female Northam
1944/4900059 Northam Simpson Tessa Elaine Female Pasco Arthur William Male Northam
1944/4900060 Northam Gardiner Mary Female Horobin Noel George Male Merredin
1944/4900060 Northam Horobin Noel George Male Gardiner Mary Female Merredin
1944/4900061 Northam Horner Leonard John Male McCabe Mary Female Kellerberrin
1944/4900061 Northam McCabe Mary Female Horner Leonard John Male Kellerberrin
1944/4900063 Northam Chitty Andrew Leon Male Thompson Esme May Female Northam
1944/4900063 Northam Thompson Esme May Female Chitty Andrew Leon Male Northam
1944/4900064 Northam Wenn Lavinia Mary Female Collins William James Male Northam
1944/4900064 Northam Collins William James Male Wenn Lavinia Mary Female Northam
1944/4900065 Northam Withers Lyall Wakefield Male Wells Hester Female Northam
1944/4900065 Northam Wells Hester Female Withers Lyall Wakefield Male Northam
1944/4900066 Northam Castley Arthur James Male Barratt Pauline Joy Female Merredin
1944/4900066 Northam Barratt Pauline Joy Female Castley Arthur James Male Merredin
1944/4900067 Northam Davis James Thomas Male Turner Dorothy Maud Female Northam
1944/4900067 Northam Turner Dorothy Maud Female Davis James Thomas Male Northam
1944/4900068 Northam Mills Launcelot William Male Hogan Catherine Female Northam
1944/4900068 Northam Hogan Catherine Female Mills Launcelot William Male Northam
1944/4900069 Northam Andersen Stanley George Male Jahn Dorothy Gladys Female Merredin
1944/4900069 Northam Jahn Dorothy Gladys Female Andersen Stanley George Male Merredin
1944/4900070 Northam Bentley Daphne May Female Hemmett Phillip Male Northam
1944/4900070 Northam Hemmett Phillip Male Bentley Daphne May Female Northam
1944/4900071 Northam Lindsay George Samson Male Gorton Dorothy Nerta Female Northam
1944/4900071 Northam Gorton Dorothy Nerta Female Lindsay George Samson Male Northam
1944/4900072 Northam Waters Frank Gordon Male Bentley Mildred Elizabeth Female Northam
1944/4900072 Northam Bentley Mildred Elizabeth Female Waters Frank Gordon Male Northam
1944/4900073 Northam Kuneman Frederik Alexander Male Kuring Yvonne Marianne Female Northam
1944/4900073 Northam Kuring Yvonne Marianne Female Kuneman Frederik Alexander Male Northam
1944/4900074 Northam Cox Arthur Leicester Male Clarke Norma Beatrice Female Goomalling
1944/4900074 Northam Clarke Norma Beatrice Female Cox Arthur Leicester Male Goomalling
1944/4900075 Northam Webb John Stephen Goodman Male Taylor Edna Female Merredin
1944/4900075 Northam Taylor Edna Female Webb John Stephen Goodman Male Merredin
1944/4900076 Northam Bennetts William James Male Barry Mavis Audrey Female Cunderdin
1944/4900076 Northam Barry Mavis Audrey Female Bennetts William James Male Cunderdin
1944/4900077 Northam Corfield Alma Elizabeth Female Tapper Donald Edgar Male Merredin
1944/4900077 Northam Tapper Donald Edgar Male Corfield Alma Elizabeth Female Merredin
1944/4900078 Northam Lawler Dorothy Catharine Lloyd Female O'Reilly Vincent Male Northam
1944/4900078 Northam O'Reilly Vincent Male Lawler Dorothy Catharine Lloyd Female Northam
1944/4900079 Northam Silchinger Eleonora Martha Female Borrett Richard Male Northam
1944/4900079 Northam Borrett Richard Male Silchinger Eleonora Martha Female Northam
1944/4900080 Northam MacKay Necia Dawn Female Runnalls Sydney Vincent Male Northam
1944/4900080 Northam Runnalls Sydney Vincent Male MacKay Necia Dawn Female Northam
1944/4900081 Northam Clarke Elsie May Female Gunn Alick William Frederick Male Northam
1944/4900081 Northam Gunn Alick William Frederick Male Clarke Elsie May Female Northam
1944/4900082 Northam Nichol Betty Anne Female Norris John Albert Male Northam
1944/4900082 Northam Norris John Albert Male Nichol Betty Anne Female Northam
1944/4900083 Northam Raymond Robert Edward Male Holmes Yvonne Moreen Female Northam
1944/4900083 Northam Holmes Yvonne Moreen Female Raymond Robert Edward Male Northam
1944/4900084 Northam Davies James Alexander Male Atkinson Eileen Monica Female Northam
1944/4900084 Northam Atkinson Eileen Monica Female Davies James Alexander Male Northam
1944/4900085 Northam Shaw George Garnet Male Wickenden Sybil Ruby Female Wyalkatchem
1944/4900085 Northam Wickenden Sybil Ruby Female Shaw George Garnet Male Wyalkatchem
1944/4900086 Northam Chidlow Patricia Dorothy Female Moore Frederick John Male Northam
1944/4900086 Northam Moore Frederick John Male Chidlow Patricia Dorothy Female Northam
1944/4900087 Northam Harris Elizabeth Maud Female Milsom Joseph Charles Male Northam
1944/4900087 Northam Milsom Joseph Charles Male Harris Elizabeth Maud Female Northam
1944/4900088 Northam Stankavich Edward Robert Male Camerer Sibilla Marie Edda Female Northam
1944/4900088 Northam Camerer Sibilla Marie Edda Female Stankavich Edward Robert Male Northam
1944/4900089 Northam Yarran Roy John Male Kickett Mona Cecilia Female Kellerberrin
1944/4900089 Northam Kickett Mona Cecilia Female Yarran Roy John Male Kellerberrin
1944/4900090 Northam Egan Mary Louisa Female Farrell Walter Bernard Male Northam
1944/4900090 Northam Farrell Walter Bernard Male Egan Mary Louisa Female Northam
1944/4900091 Northam Meek Arthur Edward Male Peters Ruby May Female West Northam
1944/4900091 Northam Peters Ruby May Female Meek Arthur Edward Male West Northam
1944/4900092 Northam Freind Merle Female Turner Alfred George Male Kellerberrin
1944/4900092 Northam Turner Alfred George Male Freind Merle Female Kellerberrin
1944/4900093 Northam Pond Horace John Male Repacholi Thelma Female Kondinin
1944/4900093 Northam Repacholi Thelma Female Pond Horace John Male Kondinin
1944/4900094 Northam Dowdell Ivor Thomas Male Haddrill Storm Fay Female Northam
1944/4900094 Northam Haddrill Storm Fay Female Dowdell Ivor Thomas Male Northam
1944/4900095 Northam Sutton William Male Waltham Thelma Lillian Female Kellerberrin
1944/4900095 Northam Waltham Thelma Lillian Female Sutton William Male Kellerberrin
1944/4900096 Northam Mutter Maisie Jean Female Knight James Bernard Male Kellerberrin
1944/4900096 Northam Knight James Bernard Male Mutter Maisie Jean Female Kellerberrin
1944/4900098 Northam O'Dea Dorothy Clare Female Roach Roy William Male Northam
1944/4900098 Northam Roach Roy William Male O'Dea Dorothy Clare Female Northam
1944/4900099 Northam Parnham Rita Mabel Mary Female Rolfe William George Male Northam
1944/4900099 Northam Rolfe William George Male Parnham Rita Mabel Mary Female Northam
1944/4900100 Northam Ingleton Donald Male Hathaway Gladys Mary Female Kellerberrin
1944/4900100 Northam Hathaway Gladys Mary Female Ingleton Donald Male Kellerberrin
1944/4900101 Northam Hayles Peter Waring Male Dale Elsie Elaine Female Northam
1944/4900101 Northam Dale Elsie Elaine Female Hayles Peter Waring Male Northam
1944/4900102 Northam Nile Richard Garfield Male Prince Mabel Patty Female Northam
1944/4900102 Northam Prince Mabel Patty Female Nile Richard Garfield Male Northam
1944/4900103 Northam Glass John Douglas Male Williams Gwendoline Female Northam
1944/4900103 Northam Williams Gwendoline Female Glass John Douglas Male Northam
1944/4900104 Northam Duke Wilfred Brettell Male Christensen Effie King Female Northam
1944/4900104 Northam Christensen Effie King Female Duke Wilfred Brettell Male Northam
1944/4900105 Northam Gale Coral Eileen Female Hinde Wiel Ambrose Male Northam
1944/4900105 Northam Hinde Wiel Ambrose Male Gale Coral Eileen Female Northam
1944/4900106 Northam Perrin Leila May Female Bush Wallace James Male Northam
1944/4900106 Northam Bush Wallace James Male Perrin Leila May Female Northam
1944/4900108 Northam White Cecil Herbert Male Evans Eunice Millicent Female Merredin
1944/4900108 Northam Evans Eunice Millicent Female White Cecil Herbert Male Merredin
1944/4900109 Northam Holt Edna May Female Lindsay Claude James Male W Northam
1944/4900109 Northam Lindsay Claude James Male Holt Edna May Female W Northam
1944/4900110 Northam Forrest Daphne Laurina Female Fitzpatrick Joseph William Henry Male Merredin
1944/4900110 Northam Fitzpatrick Joseph William Henry Male Forrest Daphne Laurina Female Merredin
1944/4900111 Northam Spencer William Ross Male Stewart Mary Vera Female Northam
1944/4900111 Northam Stewart Mary Vera Female Spencer William Ross Male Northam
1944/4900112 Northam Honey Stanley John Male Metcalf Olive May Female Goomalling
1944/4900112 Northam Metcalf Olive May Female Honey Stanley John Male Goomalling
1944/4900113 Northam Twine Amy Kathleen Female Cook Arthur Male Culham
1944/4900113 Northam Cook Arthur Male Twine Amy Kathleen Female Culham
1944/4900114 Northam Crawley Desmond Lewis Male Starsmoore Doris Anne Female Northam
1944/4900114 Northam Starsmoore Doris Anne Female Crawley Desmond Lewis Male Northam
1944/5000001 Northampton Reynolds Owen Cripps Male Sims Irene Mary Female Northampton
1944/5000001 Northampton Sims Irene Mary Female Reynolds Owen Cripps Male Northampton
1944/5000002 Northampton Drage Martha Jean Female Morris Ernest Joseph Male Northampton
1944/5000002 Northampton Morris Ernest Joseph Male Drage Martha Jean Female Northampton
1944/5000003 Northampton Ralph Allan Lewis George Male Rayner Dulcie Elizabeth Female Northampton
1944/5000003 Northampton Rayner Dulcie Elizabeth Female Ralph Allan Lewis George Male Northampton
1944/5000004 Northampton Carroll Ruby Rose Female Speedy Amyus Alfred Male Nanson
1944/5000004 Northampton Speedy Amyus Alfred Male Carroll Ruby Rose Female Nanson
1944/5000005 Northampton Horton John Stanton Male Ash Carmel Rose Female Northampton
1944/5000005 Northampton Ash Carmel Rose Female Horton John Stanton Male Northampton
1944/5300001 Pilbara Attwood Ronald Thornton Male Gregory Petronella Female Marble Bar
1944/5300001 Pilbara Gregory Petronella Female Attwood Ronald Thornton Male Marble Bar
1944/5400001 Plantagenet Brown Dorothy Joan Female Toovey Alfred George Male Albany
1944/5400001 Plantagenet Toovey Alfred George Male Brown Dorothy Joan Female Albany
1944/5400002 Plantagenet Hornby Pauline Rayne Female Rees Joseph David Male Albany
1944/5400002 Plantagenet Rees Joseph David Male Hornby Pauline Rayne Female Albany
1944/5400003 Plantagenet Rice Edna Ninon Female Lehmann Rudolph Edward Male Denmark
1944/5400003 Plantagenet Lehmann Rudolph Edward Male Rice Edna Ninon Female Denmark
1944/5400004 Plantagenet Smith Emily Jane Female Cox Joseph Male Cranbrook
1944/5400004 Plantagenet Cox Joseph Male Smith Emily Jane Female Cranbrook
1944/5400005 Plantagenet Hassell Barbara Female Roberts Charles Andrew Male Albany
1944/5400005 Plantagenet Roberts Charles Andrew Male Hassell Barbara Female Albany
1944/5400006 Plantagenet Pearman Alice Female Baskerville Robert Leslie Male Albany
1944/5400006 Plantagenet Baskerville Robert Leslie Male Pearman Alice Female Albany
1944/5400007 Plantagenet Wilson Eric Gordon Male Edwards Kathleen Mary Female Albany
1944/5400007 Plantagenet Edwards Kathleen Mary Female Wilson Eric Gordon Male Albany
1944/5400008 Plantagenet Bourne Herbert Norveil Male Cook Dorothy Joy Female Albany
1944/5400008 Plantagenet Cook Dorothy Joy Female Bourne Herbert Norveil Male Albany
1944/5400009 Plantagenet McHardy Mary Elizabeth Female Cooper William George Male Needilup
1944/5400009 Plantagenet Cooper William George Male McHardy Mary Elizabeth Female Needilup
1944/5400010 Plantagenet Colbury Gladys Female Krakouer Harold Male Cranbrook
1944/5400010 Plantagenet Krakouer Harold Male Colbury Gladys Female Cranbrook
1944/5400011 Plantagenet Turner Mary Veronica Female O'Neil Gresley John Male Denmark
1944/5400011 Plantagenet O'Neil Gresley John Male Turner Mary Veronica Female Denmark
1944/5400012 Plantagenet Tompkins Ernest Andrew Male Morrison Margaret Myfanwy Female Albany
1944/5400012 Plantagenet Morrison Margaret Myfanwy Female Tompkins Ernest Andrew Male Albany
1944/5400013 Plantagenet Taylor Jack Male Spencer Phyllis Joyce Female Albany
1944/5400013 Plantagenet Spencer Phyllis Joyce Female Taylor Jack Male Albany
1944/5400014 Plantagenet Brown Margaret Evelyn Female Toovey Alan Gardiner Male Albany
1944/5400014 Plantagenet Toovey Alan Gardiner Male Brown Margaret Evelyn Female Albany
1944/5400015 Plantagenet Baker Charles William Male Haley Irene Ida Female Albany
1944/5400015 Plantagenet Haley Irene Ida Female Baker Charles William Male Albany
1944/5400016 Plantagenet Tindale Elsie Female Johnston Charles Harold Male Albany
1944/5400016 Plantagenet Johnston Charles Harold Male Tindale Elsie Female Albany
1944/5400017 Plantagenet Walker Edward Joseph Male Henwood Violet Mary Female Albany
1944/5400017 Plantagenet Henwood Violet Mary Female Walker Edward Joseph Male Albany
1944/5400018 Plantagenet Wrightson Leonard Samuel Male Baker Ivy Louise Female Denmark
1944/5400018 Plantagenet Baker Ivy Louise Female Wrightson Leonard Samuel Male Denmark
1944/5400019 Plantagenet Smith Raymond Thomas Male Jackson Phyllis Rose Female Denmark
1944/5400019 Plantagenet Jackson Phyllis Rose Female Smith Raymond Thomas Male Denmark
1944/5400020 Plantagenet Quinn Beryl Mavis Female Jenkins Jack Robert Male Albany
1944/5400020 Plantagenet Jenkins Jack Robert Male Quinn Beryl Mavis Female Albany
1944/5400021 Plantagenet Bylund Percy Rudolph William Male Bolitho Katherine Elizabeth Female Albany
1944/5400021 Plantagenet Bolitho Katherine Elizabeth Female Bylund Percy Rudolph William Male Albany
1944/5400022 Plantagenet Radbourn Judith Livingstone Female Lawrie Ernest Walter Male Albany
1944/5400022 Plantagenet Lawrie Ernest Walter Male Radbourn Judith Livingstone Female Albany
1944/5400023 Plantagenet Martin Kurt Ernst Male Zimmermann Phyllis Beryl Female Albany
1944/5400023 Plantagenet Zimmermann Phyllis Beryl Female Martin Kurt Ernst Male Albany
1944/5400024 Plantagenet Patterson Isabella Female Annice William Cecil Male Albany
1944/5400024 Plantagenet Annice William Cecil Male Patterson Isabella Female Albany
1944/5400025 Plantagenet Lloyd Mary Alice Female Hunt Leonard Ernest Chapman Male Albany
1944/5400025 Plantagenet Hunt Leonard Ernest Chapman Male Lloyd Mary Alice Female Albany
1944/5400026 Plantagenet Brand Fletcher Raymond Male Bairstow Roma Jessie Female Albany
1944/5400026 Plantagenet Bairstow Roma Jessie Female Brand Fletcher Raymond Male Albany
1944/5400027 Plantagenet Stephens Isla Tess Female Moir Brian Newland Male Albany
1944/5400027 Plantagenet Moir Brian Newland Male Stephens Isla Tess Female Albany
1944/5400028 Plantagenet Cowden Sydney Arthur Male Faulkner Wilma Female Albany
1944/5400028 Plantagenet Faulkner Wilma Female Cowden Sydney Arthur Male Albany
1944/5400029 Plantagenet Endean Mabel Female Attwell Noel Male Albany
1944/5400029 Plantagenet Attwell Noel Male Endean Mabel Female Albany
1944/5400030 Plantagenet Hathaway Ernest George Male Burgess Doris Female Albany
1944/5400030 Plantagenet Burgess Doris Female Hathaway Ernest George Male Albany
1944/5400031 Plantagenet Robinson Daisy Beatrice Female Livesey Robert Claude Male Albany
1944/5400031 Plantagenet Livesey Robert Claude Male Robinson Daisy Beatrice Female Albany
1944/5400032 Plantagenet Cummings Joyce Female Bunker William John Male Albany
1944/5400032 Plantagenet Bunker William John Male Cummings Joyce Female Albany
1944/5400033 Plantagenet Maynard Charlotte Anley Female Scott Douglas George Robertson Male Cranbrook
1944/5400033 Plantagenet Scott Douglas George Robertson Male Maynard Charlotte Anley Female Cranbrook
1944/5400034 Plantagenet Willis John Raymond Male Murray Edna Female Albany
1944/5400034 Plantagenet Murray Edna Female Willis John Raymond Male Albany
1944/5400035 Plantagenet Tanner Diana Anne Female Mackness Leonard Male Albany
1944/5400035 Plantagenet Mackness Leonard Male Tanner Diana Anne Female Albany
1944/5400036 Plantagenet Barry Julia Margaret Female Wolfe Harold Robert Travers Male Denmark
1944/5400036 Plantagenet Wolfe Harold Robert Travers Male Barry Julia Margaret Female Denmark
1944/5400037 Plantagenet Firby Marjorie Joy Female Rodgers Alan Robert Male Albany
1944/5400037 Plantagenet Rodgers Alan Robert Male Firby Marjorie Joy Female Albany
1944/5400038 Plantagenet Potter George Hunter Male Walters Meryl Female Denmark
1944/5400038 Plantagenet Walters Meryl Female Potter George Hunter Male Denmark
1944/5400039 Plantagenet Hassell Betty Female Long Geoffrey Charles Male Albany
1944/5400039 Plantagenet Long Geoffrey Charles Male Hassell Betty Female Albany
1944/5400040 Plantagenet Brighton Mavis Linda Female Welshman Douglas James Male Albany
1944/5400040 Plantagenet Welshman Douglas James Male Brighton Mavis Linda Female Albany
1944/5400041 Plantagenet Goundrey Dorothy Edith Female Bowie William Henry Male Mt Barker
1944/5400041 Plantagenet Bowie William Henry Male Goundrey Dorothy Edith Female Mt Barker
1944/5400042 Plantagenet Piggott Daphne Noreen Female Puls Ernest Charles Male Albany
1944/5400042 Plantagenet Puls Ernest Charles Male Piggott Daphne Noreen Female Albany
1944/5400043 Plantagenet Coombe Joycelyn Ada Female Wolfe Robert Travis Male Albany
1944/5400043 Plantagenet Wolfe Robert Travis Male Coombe Joycelyn Ada Female Albany
1944/5400044 Plantagenet Dodd Arthur Male Cox Margaret Linda Female Mt Barker
1944/5400044 Plantagenet Cox Margaret Linda Female Dodd Arthur Male Mt Barker
1944/5400045 Plantagenet Southerland Elizabeth Hamlin Female Holden Herbert Edward Male Albany
1944/5400045 Plantagenet Holden Herbert Edward Male Southerland Elizabeth Hamlin Female Albany
1944/5400046 Plantagenet Smith Doris Kathleen Female Heighton William Edward Male Albany
1944/5400046 Plantagenet Heighton William Edward Male Smith Doris Kathleen Female Albany
1944/5400047 Plantagenet Tindale Cyril Male Angove Margaret Eileen Female Albany
1944/5400047 Plantagenet Angove Margaret Eileen Female Tindale Cyril Male Albany
1944/5400048 Plantagenet Wheeler Kathleen Elsie Female Stead Keith Raymond Male Albany
1944/5400048 Plantagenet Stead Keith Raymond Male Wheeler Kathleen Elsie Female Albany
1944/5400049 Plantagenet Venn Winsome Ethel Female Carroll Richard George Male Mt Barker
1944/5400049 Plantagenet Carroll Richard George Male Venn Winsome Ethel Female Mt Barker
1944/5400050 Plantagenet Winnmer Ernie Male Battle Topsy Female Mt Barker
1944/5400050 Plantagenet Battle Topsy Female Winnmer Ernie Male Mt Barker
1944/5400051 Plantagenet Shipway Thomas John Edward Male Collins Eileen Mary Female Mt Barker
1944/5400051 Plantagenet Collins Eileen Mary Female Shipway Thomas John Edward Male Mt Barker
1944/5400052 Plantagenet Haire Anne Margaret Mary Female Ryan Allan Francis Male Denmark
1944/5400052 Plantagenet Ryan Allan Francis Male Haire Anne Margaret Mary Female Denmark
1944/5400053 Plantagenet Fisher Frank William Male Flanagan Olive Female Albany
1944/5400053 Plantagenet Flanagan Olive Female Fisher Frank William Male Albany
1944/5400054 Plantagenet Watt Corrine Betty Female Parsons Sidney Seymour Male Mt Barker
1944/5400054 Plantagenet Parsons Sidney Seymour Male Watt Corrine Betty Female Mt Barker
1944/5400055 Plantagenet Sprigg Ronald James Male Bartlett Winifred May Female Albany
1944/5400055 Plantagenet Bartlett Winifred May Female Sprigg Ronald James Male Albany
1944/5400056 Plantagenet Holst Alan Owen Male Lambert Naomi Phyllis Female Albany
1944/5400056 Plantagenet Lambert Naomi Phyllis Female Holst Alan Owen Male Albany
1944/5400057 Plantagenet Caterer Joyce Kathleen Female Downey Joseph Male Albany
1944/5400057 Plantagenet Downey Joseph Male Caterer Joyce Kathleen Female Albany
1944/5400058 Plantagenet Whyte Selma Hilma Female Hay Leslie John Male Albany
1944/5400058 Plantagenet Hay Leslie John Male Whyte Selma Hilma Female Albany
1944/5400059 Plantagenet Stubber Doreen Female Irving William Ward Male Albany
1944/5400059 Plantagenet Irving William Ward Male Stubber Doreen Female Albany
1944/5400060 Plantagenet Hulkes Daphne Winifred Female McClymans Paul Stanley Male Albany
1944/5400060 Plantagenet McClymans Paul Stanley Male Hulkes Daphne Winifred Female Albany
1944/5400061 Plantagenet Allen Jessie Gladys Irene Female Hunter Kenneth Arnold Male Mt Barker
1944/5400061 Plantagenet Hunter Kenneth Arnold Male Allen Jessie Gladys Irene Female Mt Barker
1944/5400062 Plantagenet Stewart Joyce Mary Female Gorman Alex Male Mt Barker
1944/5400062 Plantagenet Gorman Alex Male Stewart Joyce Mary Female Mt Barker
1944/5400063 Plantagenet Benson John Francis Male Collis Veronica Mary Female Albany
1944/5400063 Plantagenet Collis Veronica Mary Female Benson John Francis Male Albany
1944/5400064 Plantagenet Sanderson Constance Mary Carol Female Gilbert John Lawrence Male Mt Barker
1944/5400064 Plantagenet Gilbert John Lawrence Male Sanderson Constance Mary Carol Female Mt Barker
1944/5400065 Plantagenet Hancock Arthur Graham Victor Male Ralph Doreen Phyllis Female Albany
1944/5400065 Plantagenet Ralph Doreen Phyllis Female Hancock Arthur Graham Victor Male Albany
1944/5400066 Plantagenet Green Hilda Amelia Female Annice Ernest Edward Male Albany
1944/5400066 Plantagenet Annice Ernest Edward Male Green Hilda Amelia Female Albany
1944/5400067 Plantagenet May Nellie Violet Female Baker Harry Godfrey Male Albany
1944/5400067 Plantagenet Baker Harry Godfrey Male May Nellie Violet Female Albany
1945/5500001 Port Hedland Pitt Robert Eric Male Richardson Gwen Enid Female Port Hedland
1944/5500001 Port Hedland O'Brien Marie Minetta Female McWhirter Donald Male Port Hedland
1945/5500001 Port Hedland Richardson Gwen Enid Female Pitt Robert Eric Male Port Hedland
1944/5500001 Port Hedland McWhirter Donald Male O'Brien Marie Minetta Female Port Hedland
1944/5500002 Port Hedland Scott Stanley Male Carlson Selina Katherine Female Port Hedland
1944/5500002 Port Hedland Carlson Selina Katherine Female Scott Stanley Male Port Hedland
1944/5500003 Port Hedland Hall William Male Dunham Minnie Female Port Hedland
1944/5500003 Port Hedland Dunham Minnie Female Hall William Male Port Hedland
1944/6000001 Sussex Seymour Norman Dudley Male Hayley Kathleen Female Busselton
1944/6000001 Sussex Hayley Kathleen Female Seymour Norman Dudley Male Busselton
1944/6000002 Sussex Parry Joan Evelyn Female Dennis Frederick Henry Male Group 74
1944/6000002 Sussex Dennis Frederick Henry Male Parry Joan Evelyn Female Group 74
1945/6000003 Sussex Smith Betty Mary Female Rogers John Richard Male Cowaramup Congregational Church
1945/6000003 Sussex Rogers John Richard Male Smith Betty Mary Female Cowaramup Congregational Church
1944/6000003 Sussex Sacristani Giovanna Angela Female Falkingham Harold Male Busselton
1944/6000003 Sussex Falkingham Harold Male Sacristani Giovanna Angela Female Busselton
1944/6000004 Sussex Ireland Arthur Robert Male Carroll Sheila Maria Female Busselton
1944/6000004 Sussex Carroll Sheila Maria Female Ireland Arthur Robert Male Busselton
1944/6000005 Sussex Chapman James Keith Male Tomsett Maude Female Busselton
1944/6000005 Sussex Tomsett Maude Female Chapman James Keith Male Busselton
1944/6000006 Sussex Smith Michael Joseph Male Pollock Helena Mena Jessie Female Karridale
1944/6000006 Sussex Pollock Helena Mena Jessie Female Smith Michael Joseph Male Karridale
1944/6000007 Sussex Bergin Kathleen Alice Female Richmond George Alexander Male Busselton
1944/6000007 Sussex Richmond George Alexander Male Bergin Kathleen Alice Female Busselton
1944/6000008 Sussex Waterhouse Elsie Contance Female Okle Edward Male Busselton
1944/6000008 Sussex Okle Edward Male Waterhouse Elsie Contance Female Busselton
1944/6000009 Sussex Stiles Enid Joyce Female Mack Robert Archibald Edwin Male Busselton
1944/6000009 Sussex Mack Robert Archibald Edwin Male Stiles Enid Joyce Female Busselton
1944/6000010 Sussex Aitchison Dorothy Edith Female Wilkes William Ephraim Robert Male Busselton
1944/6000010 Sussex Wilkes William Ephraim Robert Male Aitchison Dorothy Edith Female Busselton
1944/6000011 Sussex Brand George Ernest Male Thomas Thelma Female Busselton
1944/6000011 Sussex Thomas Thelma Female Brand George Ernest Male Busselton
1944/6000012 Sussex Holloway Betty Jane Female Packard Edward Turner Male Busselton
1944/6000012 Sussex Packard Edward Turner Male Holloway Betty Jane Female Busselton
1944/6000013 Sussex Edwards Geoffrey Lloyd Male Marnie Enid Margaret Female Busselton
1944/6000013 Sussex Marnie Enid Margaret Female Edwards Geoffrey Lloyd Male Busselton
1944/6000014 Sussex Fox Rosalind Mary Female Sartori Laurence George Male Witchcliffe
1944/6000014 Sussex Sartori Laurence George Male Fox Rosalind Mary Female Witchcliffe
1944/6000015 Sussex Allen Albert Lorrimer Male Penfold Gladys Jean Female Cowaramup
1944/6000015 Sussex Penfold Gladys Jean Female Allen Albert Lorrimer Male Cowaramup
1944/6000016 Sussex Jolliffe Nancy Female Passmore Raymond Male Busselton
1944/6000016 Sussex Passmore Raymond Male Jolliffe Nancy Female Busselton
1944/6000017 Sussex McRae John Colin Male Fowler Elvie Lillian Female Busselton
1944/6000017 Sussex Fowler Elvie Lillian Female McRae John Colin Male Busselton
1944/6000018 Sussex Carroll James Stewart Borland Male Greenwood Millicent Minnie Bruce Female Busselton
1944/6000018 Sussex Greenwood Millicent Minnie Bruce Female Carroll James Stewart Borland Male Busselton
1944/6000019 Sussex Galbraith Mabel Dunsmuir Female Johnston Sydney William Male Busselton
1944/6000019 Sussex Johnston Sydney William Male Galbraith Mabel Dunsmuir Female Busselton
1944/6000020 Sussex Clarkson Evelyn Nellie Female Livingstone Keith Male Busselton
1944/6000020 Sussex Livingstone Keith Male Clarkson Evelyn Nellie Female Busselton
1944/6000021 Sussex Overton Audry Ruth Female Dawson Edward Gordon Vidgen Male Busselton
1944/6000021 Sussex Dawson Edward Gordon Vidgen Male Overton Audry Ruth Female Busselton
1944/6000022 Sussex Johnson Edith Evelinda Female Rogers Francis Christopher Male Cowaramup
1944/6000022 Sussex Rogers Francis Christopher Male Johnson Edith Evelinda Female Cowaramup
1944/6000023 Sussex Hayward Monica Mary Female Goggin William Male Busselton
1944/6000023 Sussex Goggin William Male Hayward Monica Mary Female Busselton
1944/6000024 Sussex Crozier Janet Tainsh Female Chapman Eugene Thomas Male Rosa Brook
1944/6000024 Sussex Chapman Eugene Thomas Male Crozier Janet Tainsh Female Rosa Brook
1944/6000025 Sussex Oldfield Harry Male Hutchins Hope Anastasia Female Busselton
1944/6000025 Sussex Hutchins Hope Anastasia Female Oldfield Harry Male Busselton
1944/6000026 Sussex Blythe Rebecca Female Turner John Alexander Male Busselton
1944/6000026 Sussex Turner John Alexander Male Blythe Rebecca Female Busselton
1944/6000027 Sussex Ridley Olive Pearl Female Lowe George Herbert Male Busselton
1944/6000027 Sussex Lowe George Herbert Male Ridley Olive Pearl Female Busselton
1944/6000028 Sussex Spicer William Arthur Male Nixon Kathleen Female Margaret River
1944/6000028 Sussex Nixon Kathleen Female Spicer William Arthur Male Margaret River
1944/6000029 Sussex Pettit Doreen Female Scaddan Jack Male Busselton
1944/6000029 Sussex Scaddan Jack Male Pettit Doreen Female Busselton
1944/6000030 Sussex Bond Dorothy Janet Female Kemp Herbert Male Busselton
1944/6000030 Sussex Kemp Herbert Male Bond Dorothy Janet Female Busselton
1944/6000031 Sussex Vickers Dolores Gloria Female Gable Walter Male Margaret River
1944/6000031 Sussex Gable Walter Male Vickers Dolores Gloria Female Margaret River
1945/6100002 Swan Johnson Lilian Frances Eliza Female Hayden William Francis Male Wooroloo
1945/6100002 Swan Hayden William Francis Male Johnson Lilian Frances Eliza Female Wooroloo
1944/6100003 Swan O'Shea Norah Meldrum Female Fournier Woodrow John Male Bassendean
1944/6100003 Swan Fournier Woodrow John Male O'Shea Norah Meldrum Female Bassendean
1945/6100003 Swan Williams Daphne May Female Heald Ronald John Male Guildford
1945/6100003 Swan Heald Ronald John Male Williams Daphne May Female Guildford
1944/6100004 Swan McLachlan Thona Ethel Female Bovey Leslie Thomas Male Midland Junction
1945/6100004 Swan Trew Lillian Bertha Female Woods Eric Stanley Male Midland Junction
1945/6100004 Swan Woods Eric Stanley Male Trew Lillian Bertha Female Midland Junction
1944/6100004 Swan Bovey Leslie Thomas Male McLachlan Thona Ethel Female Midland Junction
1945/6100005 Swan Cappelletti Charles Anselmo Male McLeod Jean Mary Female Guildford
1944/6100005 Swan Barbarich Tony Male Skender Ella Female Midland Junction
1945/6100005 Swan McLeod Jean Mary Female Cappelletti Charles Anselmo Male Guildford
1944/6100005 Swan Skender Ella Female Barbarich Tony Male Midland Junction
1944/6100006 Swan Goodchild Joseph Franklin Male Caple Martha Agnes Female Greenmount
1945/6100006 Swan Hrabar Ciro Male Burmaz Kathleen Katica Female Guildford
1944/6100006 Swan Caple Martha Agnes Female Goodchild Joseph Franklin Male Greenmount
1945/6100006 Swan Burmaz Kathleen Katica Female Hrabar Ciro Male Guildford
1944/6100007 Swan Burnett Cedric Pearson Male Latham Kathleen Alice Female Guildford
1944/6100007 Swan Latham Kathleen Alice Female Burnett Cedric Pearson Male Guildford
1944/6100008 Swan Berrigan Margaret Eileen Female Edghill Albert Charles Male Midland Junction
1945/6100008 Swan Rutherford Alma Female McCarthy Ernest Male Midland Junction
1945/6100008 Swan McCarthy Ernest Male Rutherford Alma Female Midland Junction
1944/6100008 Swan Edghill Albert Charles Male Berrigan Margaret Eileen Female Midland Junction
1944/6100009 Swan Watson William Rollins Male Ritchie Margaret Gladys Female Bassendean
1944/6100009 Swan Ritchie Margaret Gladys Female Watson William Rollins Male Bassendean
1944/6100010 Swan Smith Reginald Hillas Male Dixon Thelma Ellen Female Midland Junction
1944/6100010 Swan Dixon Thelma Ellen Female Smith Reginald Hillas Male Midland Junction
1944/6100011 Swan Curtin Ivy Thelma Female Plester Arnold Roy Male Midland Junction
1944/6100011 Swan Plester Arnold Roy Male Curtin Ivy Thelma Female Midland Junction
1944/6100012 Swan Fleay Edyth Elsie Mary Female Thompson Kenneth Harold Male Midland Junction
1944/6100012 Swan Thompson Kenneth Harold Male Fleay Edyth Elsie Mary Female Midland Junction
1944/6100013 Swan Rourke Muriel Joyce Female Paterson Ian McLennan Male Midland Junction
1944/6100013 Swan Paterson Ian McLennan Male Rourke Muriel Joyce Female Midland Junction
1944/6100014 Swan Ludich Henry Male Warmdean Teresa Female Midland Junction
1944/6100014 Swan Warmdean Teresa Female Ludich Henry Male Midland Junction
1944/6100015 Swan Howorth Patricia Female Parker Mervyn Thomas Male Midland Junction
1944/6100015 Swan Parker Mervyn Thomas Male Howorth Patricia Female Midland Junction
1944/6100016 Swan McArthur Maxwell Norman Male Lander Mabel Eunice Female Midland Junction
1944/6100016 Swan Lander Mabel Eunice Female McArthur Maxwell Norman Male Midland Junction
1944/6100017 Swan Linthorne Lorna Louisa Female Butler Allan Joseph Male Midland Junction
1944/6100017 Swan Butler Allan Joseph Male Linthorne Lorna Louisa Female Midland Junction
1944/6100018 Swan Douglas Dorothy Eileen Female McNamara Thomas Benedict Male Midland Junction
1944/6100018 Swan McNamara Thomas Benedict Male Douglas Dorothy Eileen Female Midland Junction
1944/6100019 Swan McGuinness Leonard Mervyn Male Nichols Joan Female Midland Junction
1944/6100019 Swan Nichols Joan Female McGuinness Leonard Mervyn Male Midland Junction
1944/6100020 Swan Beus Nellie Female Turkich Matthew Male Midland Junction
1944/6100020 Swan Turkich Matthew Male Beus Nellie Female Midland Junction
1944/6100021 Swan Rigg Edith Jean Female James Victor Ronald Male Guildford
1944/6100021 Swan James Victor Ronald Male Rigg Edith Jean Female Guildford
1944/6100022 Swan Lambert Alfred John Male Osborn Ida Meryl Female Guildford
1944/6100022 Swan Osborn Ida Meryl Female Lambert Alfred John Male Guildford
1944/6100023 Swan James Roy Stanley Male Kelly Louisa Myrtle Female Guildford
1944/6100023 Swan Kelly Louisa Myrtle Female James Roy Stanley Male Guildford
1944/6100024 Swan O'Keefe William Anthony Male Dunne Violet May Female Midland Junction
1944/6100024 Swan Dunne Violet May Female O'Keefe William Anthony Male Midland Junction
1944/6100025 Swan Shaddick Norman Frederick Male Brady Frederica Veronica Female Midland Junction
1944/6100025 Swan Brady Frederica Veronica Female Shaddick Norman Frederick Male Midland Junction
1944/6100026 Swan Beadle Gladys Marguerite Female Brown Alexander Wedderburn Male Bassendean
1944/6100026 Swan Brown Alexander Wedderburn Male Beadle Gladys Marguerite Female Bassendean
1944/6100027 Swan Warne Jean Muriel Female Bird Stanley William Male Bassendean
1944/6100027 Swan Bird Stanley William Male Warne Jean Muriel Female Bassendean
1944/6100028 Swan Shepherd Mona Elizabeth Female McGlew Herbert George Male Middle Swan
1944/6100028 Swan McGlew Herbert George Male Shepherd Mona Elizabeth Female Middle Swan
1944/6100029 Swan Kennedy Robert Rawden Male Ewing Judith Female Guildford
1944/6100029 Swan Ewing Judith Female Kennedy Robert Rawden Male Guildford
1944/6100030 Swan Bursey Bertha Mantova Female Wood Robert Duff Male Guildford
1944/6100030 Swan Wood Robert Duff Male Bursey Bertha Mantova Female Guildford
1944/6100031 Swan Freeman Alfred Henry Male Pascoe Mavis Female Midland Junction
1944/6100031 Swan Pascoe Mavis Female Freeman Alfred Henry Male Midland Junction
1944/6100032 Swan Mackay Euretta May Female Bond Robert Trainer Male Midland Junction
1944/6100032 Swan Bond Robert Trainer Male Mackay Euretta May Female Midland Junction
1944/6100033 Swan Connaughton Eileen Female Mossley Jack Male Guildford
1944/6100033 Swan Mossley Jack Male Connaughton Eileen Female Guildford
1944/6100034 Swan Elwood Reginald James Male Roberts Laurel Mavis Female Bassendean
1944/6100034 Swan Roberts Laurel Mavis Female Elwood Reginald James Male Bassendean
1944/6100035 Swan Marshall Hazel Cauleen Female Brady Neil Kenneth Male Midland Junction
1944/6100035 Swan Brady Neil Kenneth Male Marshall Hazel Cauleen Female Midland Junction
1944/6100036 Swan Gibbons Gwynne Francis Male Longson Winsome Joy Female Guildford
1944/6100036 Swan Longson Winsome Joy Female Gibbons Gwynne Francis Male Guildford
1944/6100037 Swan Burgess Joan Alice Female Tulip Reginald Harry Male Guildford
1944/6100037 Swan Tulip Reginald Harry Male Burgess Joan Alice Female Guildford
1944/6100038 Swan Hawks Donald Leonard Male Baker Shirley Audrey Maude Female Guildford
1944/6100038 Swan Baker Shirley Audrey Maude Female Hawks Donald Leonard Male Guildford
1944/6100039 Swan Taylor William David Dorward Male Snell Fay Menzies Female Midland Junction
1944/6100039 Swan Snell Fay Menzies Female Taylor William David Dorward Male Midland Junction
1944/6100040 Swan Mills Kathleen Eunice Female Atkinson Leon Male Midland Junction
1944/6100040 Swan Atkinson Leon Male Mills Kathleen Eunice Female Midland Junction
1944/6100041 Swan Morrison George Male Webb Dorothy Jean Female Bassendean
1944/6100041 Swan Webb Dorothy Jean Female Morrison George Male Bassendean
1944/6100042 Swan Hunt Clarence Male Hardingham Phyllis May Female Midland Junction
1944/6100042 Swan Hardingham Phyllis May Female Hunt Clarence Male Midland Junction
1944/6100043 Swan Burton Orville Jerry Male Mullins Teresa Joyce Female Bassendean
1944/6100043 Swan Mullins Teresa Joyce Female Burton Orville Jerry Male Bassendean
1944/6100044 Swan Martin George Lewis Male Hoad Rosa Edith Female Midland Junction
1944/6100044 Swan Hoad Rosa Edith Female Martin George Lewis Male Midland Junction
1944/6100045 Swan Henry George Douglas Male Parsonage Frances Female Midland Junction
1944/6100045 Swan Parsonage Frances Female Henry George Douglas Male Midland Junction
1944/6100046 Swan Wynd William Philip Male Garvey Portia Beatrice Female Midland Junction
1944/6100046 Swan Garvey Portia Beatrice Female Wynd William Philip Male Midland Junction
1944/6100047 Swan Keene Thomas John Male Wheildon Jessie Female Bassendean
1944/6100047 Swan Wheildon Jessie Female Keene Thomas John Male Bassendean
1944/6100048 Swan Smith Gordon Male Raymond Genevieve May Female Bassendean
1944/6100048 Swan Raymond Genevieve May Female Smith Gordon Male Bassendean
1944/6100049 Swan Murrie Ronald Roderick Male Smith Ruby Josephine Female Bassendean
1944/6100049 Swan Smith Ruby Josephine Female Murrie Ronald Roderick Male Bassendean
1944/6100050 Swan Bailey Robert Sydney Male Lukin Peggy Dorothy Female Guildford
1944/6100050 Swan Lukin Peggy Dorothy Female Bailey Robert Sydney Male Guildford
1944/6100051 Swan Kilmurray Edith Mary May Female White Ian Keith Male Guildford
1944/6100051 Swan White Ian Keith Male Kilmurray Edith Mary May Female Guildford
1944/6100052 Swan Magill Edith Emily Female Taaffe Henry Male Midland Junction
1944/6100052 Swan Taaffe Henry Male Magill Edith Emily Female Midland Junction
1944/6100053 Swan Kiernan Patrick John Male Higgins Elsie Doreen Female Bellevue
1944/6100053 Swan Higgins Elsie Doreen Female Kiernan Patrick John Male Bellevue
1944/6100054 Swan Waldie William Male Yelland Jean Female Bassendean
1944/6100054 Swan Yelland Jean Female Waldie William Male Bassendean
1944/6100055 Swan Hill Alice Hardy Female Kilgallon Michael William Male Bassendean
1944/6100055 Swan Kilgallon Michael William Male Hill Alice Hardy Female Bassendean
1944/6100056 Swan Arthur Thelma Female Cox Morris Franklin Male Midland Junction
1944/6100056 Swan Cox Morris Franklin Male Arthur Thelma Female Midland Junction
1944/6100057 Swan Acott Leslie Male Shannon Joyce Edna Female Guildford
1944/6100057 Swan Shannon Joyce Edna Female Acott Leslie Male Guildford
1944/6100058 Swan Glover Cyril Martin Male Fraser Hazel Doreen Female Midland Junction
1944/6100058 Swan Fraser Hazel Doreen Female Glover Cyril Martin Male Midland Junction
1944/6100059 Swan Galloway Ian Grant Male Parker Muriel Winifred Female Bassendean
1944/6100059 Swan Parker Muriel Winifred Female Galloway Ian Grant Male Bassendean
1944/6100060 Swan Summers Patricia Pearl Female Spowart Ronald Archibald Male Guildford
1944/6100060 Swan Spowart Ronald Archibald Male Summers Patricia Pearl Female Guildford
1944/6100061 Swan Bridger Doreen Pelling Female Cook Kevin Percival Male Midland Junction
1944/6100061 Swan Cook Kevin Percival Male Bridger Doreen Pelling Female Midland Junction
1944/6100062 Swan Ward Francis James Male Hutchison Devina Lily Female Midland Junction
1944/6100062 Swan Hutchison Devina Lily Female Ward Francis James Male Midland Junction
1944/6100063 Swan Davidson Gwendoline Olive Female Chapman Alfred Henry Male Middle Swan
1944/6100063 Swan Chapman Alfred Henry Male Davidson Gwendoline Olive Female Middle Swan
1944/6100064 Swan McAllister Ernest Clive Male Griggs Kathleen Annie Female Midland Junction
1944/6100064 Swan Griggs Kathleen Annie Female McAllister Ernest Clive Male Midland Junction
1944/6100065 Swan Corby Leighton Osmund Male Driscoll Patricia Frances Female Middle Swan
1944/6100065 Swan Driscoll Patricia Frances Female Corby Leighton Osmund Male Middle Swan
1944/6100066 Swan Richards Alexander Male Lethbridge Myrtle Florence Female Bassendean
1944/6100066 Swan Lethbridge Myrtle Florence Female Richards Alexander Male Bassendean
1944/6100067 Swan Crabbe Ernest Richard Male Bond Mary Inglis Female Midland Junction
1944/6100067 Swan Bond Mary Inglis Female Crabbe Ernest Richard Male Midland Junction
1944/6100068 Swan Struthers Arthur James Male Mills Ethel Female Bassendean
1944/6100068 Swan Mills Ethel Female Struthers Arthur James Male Bassendean
1944/6100069 Swan Wilson Elizabeth Beryl Female Richmond Eric James Male Bassendean
1944/6100069 Swan Richmond Eric James Male Wilson Elizabeth Beryl Female Bassendean
1944/6100070 Swan Gill Gladys Gloria Female Byrne Edward Allen Male Midland Junction
1944/6100070 Swan Byrne Edward Allen Male Gill Gladys Gloria Female Midland Junction
1944/6100071 Swan Bradshaw Avis Joan Female Hyde Henry Staniford Male Guildford
1944/6100071 Swan Hyde Henry Staniford Male Bradshaw Avis Joan Female Guildford
1944/6100072 Swan McKinlay Jean Stewart Female Mullan Edward John Male Midland Junction
1944/6100072 Swan Mullan Edward John Male McKinlay Jean Stewart Female Midland Junction
1944/6100073 Swan Harper Elizabeth Mary Female Jones Lewis Thomas Male Guildford
1944/6100073 Swan Jones Lewis Thomas Male Harper Elizabeth Mary Female Guildford
1944/6100074 Swan Organ Olive Frances Female Horton Ronald Herbert Male West Australia
1944/6100074 Swan Horton Ronald Herbert Male Organ Olive Frances Female West Australia
1944/6100075 Swan Burgess Claude Cyril Male Bessell-Browne May Female Bassendean
1944/6100075 Swan Bessell-Browne May Female Burgess Claude Cyril Male Bassendean
1944/6100076 Swan Hearne Gerald Male Wilson Constance Louise Female Bassendean
1944/6100076 Swan Wilson Constance Louise Female Hearne Gerald Male Bassendean
1944/6100077 Swan Starling Cyril Irwin Male Allpike Elsie May Female Midland Junction
1944/6100077 Swan Allpike Elsie May Female Starling Cyril Irwin Male Midland Junction
1944/6100078 Swan Allen Alice Lydia Female Jarman Arthur Frederick Male Midland Junction
1944/6100078 Swan Jarman Arthur Frederick Male Allen Alice Lydia Female Midland Junction
1944/6100079 Swan Cottam Joseph George Male Blyth Louise Marion Female Glen Forrest
1944/6100079 Swan Blyth Louise Marion Female Cottam Joseph George Male Glen Forrest
1944/6100080 Swan Clark William George Male Angove Mary Jane Female Mundaring
1944/6100080 Swan Angove Mary Jane Female Clark William George Male Mundaring
1944/6100081 Swan Sutcliffe Thomas David Male Balfour Joan Freda Female Mundaring
1944/6100081 Swan Balfour Joan Freda Female Sutcliffe Thomas David Male Mundaring
1944/6100082 Swan Link Leonard Lawrence Male De Atta Gwendoline Florence Female Midland Junction
1944/6100082 Swan De Atta Gwendoline Florence Female Link Leonard Lawrence Male Midland Junction
1944/6100083 Swan McDonald Jessie May Female Mills William Fredrick John Male Middle Swan
1944/6100083 Swan Mills William Fredrick John Male McDonald Jessie May Female Middle Swan
1944/6100084 Swan Frost Arthur Augustus Male Jones Beryl Mary Female Midland Junction
1944/6100084 Swan Jones Beryl Mary Female Frost Arthur Augustus Male Midland Junction
1944/6100085 Swan Burke Ena May Female Pengilly Leslie Walford Ray Male Guildford
1944/6100085 Swan Pengilly Leslie Walford Ray Male Burke Ena May Female Guildford
1944/6100086 Swan Bryan Gladys Violet Female Fahey John Joseph Male Midland Junction
1944/6100086 Swan Fahey John Joseph Male Bryan Gladys Violet Female Midland Junction
1944/6100087 Swan Pervan Stan Male Sakich Mary Female Midland Junction
1944/6100087 Swan Sakich Mary Female Pervan Stan Male Midland Junction
1944/6100088 Swan Hart Colin George Male Sweeney Florence Anne Female Guildford
1944/6100088 Swan Sweeney Florence Anne Female Hart Colin George Male Guildford
1944/6100089 Swan Grigsby Eunice Female Gallop Douglas John Male Guildford
1944/6100089 Swan Gallop Douglas John Male Grigsby Eunice Female Guildford
1944/6100090 Swan Lillig Thomas Male Field Phyllis Valarie Female Mundaring
1944/6100090 Swan Field Phyllis Valarie Female Lillig Thomas Male Mundaring
1944/6100091 Swan Haines Eva Female Elder Robert Charles Male Midland Junction
1944/6100091 Swan Elder Robert Charles Male Haines Eva Female Midland Junction
1944/6100092 Swan Pinnington Jamesena Female Schwanke Rudolf Herman Male Midland Junction
1944/6100092 Swan Schwanke Rudolf Herman Male Pinnington Jamesena Female Midland Junction
1944/6100093 Swan Wishart Muriel Constance Female Eaves George Sydney Male Bassendean
1944/6100093 Swan Eaves George Sydney Male Wishart Muriel Constance Female Bassendean
1944/6100094 Swan Andersen Kevin John Male Bolton Jessie McGowan Female Midland Junction
1944/6100094 Swan Bolton Jessie McGowan Female Andersen Kevin John Male Midland Junction
1944/6100095 Swan Rumney Donald William Male Mitchell Barbara Elsie Female Guildford
1944/6100095 Swan Mitchell Barbara Elsie Female Rumney Donald William Male Guildford
1944/6100096 Swan Davies Margaret Female Gill Ronald Albert Gibb Male Guildford
1944/6100096 Swan Gill Ronald Albert Gibb Male Davies Margaret Female Guildford
1944/6100097 Swan Neary Marjory Mary Female Whitney Frederick William Male West Swan
1944/6100097 Swan Whitney Frederick William Male Neary Marjory Mary Female West Swan
1944/6100098 Swan Cleverly May Victoria Female Barwise William Male Guildford
1944/6100098 Swan Barwise William Male Cleverly May Victoria Female Guildford
1944/6100099 Swan Mant Joyce Katherine Female Warburton Owen Herbert Male Guildford
1944/6100099 Swan Warburton Owen Herbert Male Mant Joyce Katherine Female Guildford
1944/6100100 Swan Parker Jeffrey Wyborn Male Smith Connie Female Guildford
1944/6100100 Swan Smith Connie Female Parker Jeffrey Wyborn Male Guildford
1944/6100101 Swan Hogan Mervyn James William Male Walker Thelma Jessie Female Midland Junction
1944/6100101 Swan Walker Thelma Jessie Female Hogan Mervyn James William Male Midland Junction
1944/6100102 Swan McKenna Douglas John Male Bavich Mary Ivy Female Guildford
1944/6100102 Swan Bavich Mary Ivy Female McKenna Douglas John Male Guildford
1944/6100103 Swan Criddle Shirley Female Carr Francis Herbert Male Midland Junction
1944/6100103 Swan Carr Francis Herbert Male Criddle Shirley Female Midland Junction
1944/6100104 Swan Rule William Reginald Male Williams Irene Violet Lillian Female Greenmount
1944/6100104 Swan Williams Irene Violet Lillian Female Rule William Reginald Male Greenmount
1944/6100105 Swan Horner Harold Vincent Male Balinski Doris Female Guildford
1944/6100105 Swan Balinski Doris Female Horner Harold Vincent Male Guildford
1944/6100106 Swan Cleggett Howard Raymond Male Broadwood Shirley Annie Female Midland Junction
1944/6100106 Swan Broadwood Shirley Annie Female Cleggett Howard Raymond Male Midland Junction
1944/6100107 Swan Batten Beryl Moree Female Aubrey Leon Ernest Male Bassendean
1944/6100107 Swan Aubrey Leon Ernest Male Batten Beryl Moree Female Bassendean
1944/6100108 Swan Stubbs Gwendoline Cathryn Female de Grancy Joseph Anthony Raoul Otto Male Mundaring
1944/6100108 Swan de Grancy Joseph Anthony Raoul Otto Male Stubbs Gwendoline Cathryn Female Mundaring
1944/6100109 Swan Smith William Christopher Male Collins Veronica Mary Female Midland Junction
1944/6100109 Swan Collins Veronica Mary Female Smith William Christopher Male Midland Junction
1944/6100110 Swan Pereira Amelia Helen Female Whiteman William Kenneth Archibald Male Midland Junction
1944/6100110 Swan Whiteman William Kenneth Archibald Male Pereira Amelia Helen Female Midland Junction
1944/6100111 Swan Clatworthy Norma May Female Perrin Thomas William Male Midland Junction
1944/6100111 Swan Perrin Thomas William Male Clatworthy Norma May Female Midland Junction
1944/6100112 Swan Favas Muriel Doreen Female Logan Joseph Male Guildford
1944/6100112 Swan Logan Joseph Male Favas Muriel Doreen Female Guildford
1944/6100113 Swan Scott Hector David Male Robinson Barbara Marjorie Female Guildford
1944/6100113 Swan Robinson Barbara Marjorie Female Scott Hector David Male Guildford
1944/6100114 Swan Greaves Margaret June Female Cowling Le Roy Francis Male Guildford
1944/6100114 Swan Cowling Le Roy Francis Male Greaves Margaret June Female Guildford
1944/6100115 Swan Brown Jean Elizabeth Female Wilkinson Edward Male Bellevue
1944/6100115 Swan Wilkinson Edward Male Brown Jean Elizabeth Female Bellevue
1944/6100116 Swan Kay Thelma Jean Female Marshall Lewis Michael Male Midland Junction
1944/6100116 Swan Marshall Lewis Michael Male Kay Thelma Jean Female Midland Junction
1944/6100117 Swan Brathwaite George Robert Male Hillman Grace Margaret Female Guildford
1944/6100117 Swan Hillman Grace Margaret Female Brathwaite George Robert Male Guildford
1944/6100118 Swan Hearne Fay Diana Female Barley Raymond Ellsworth Male Guildford
1944/6100118 Swan Barley Raymond Ellsworth Male Hearne Fay Diana Female Guildford
1944/6100119 Swan Newman Francis John Male Noack Agnes Mary Female Bassendean
1944/6100119 Swan Noack Agnes Mary Female Newman Francis John Male Bassendean
1944/6100120 Swan Nuttall Grace Female Gale Albert Norman Male Bassendean
1944/6100120 Swan Gale Albert Norman Male Nuttall Grace Female Bassendean
1944/6100121 Swan Catherall Albert John Male Thompson Joyce Doris Female Bassendean
1944/6100121 Swan Thompson Joyce Doris Female Catherall Albert John Male Bassendean
1944/6100122 Swan Thorn Violet Female Barker Kenneth Louis Male Guildford
1944/6100122 Swan Barker Kenneth Louis Male Thorn Violet Female Guildford
1944/6100123 Swan Evans Mansell Male McGlew Phyllis Christine Female Guildford
1944/6100123 Swan McGlew Phyllis Christine Female Evans Mansell Male Guildford
1944/6100124 Swan Laundon Arthur William Male Smith Nellie Female Guildford
1944/6100124 Swan Smith Nellie Female Laundon Arthur William Male Guildford
1944/6100125 Swan Thomas Lillian Beatrice Female McKinney Edward Lee Male Guildford
1944/6100125 Swan McKinney Edward Lee Male Thomas Lillian Beatrice Female Guildford
1944/6100126 Swan Penno Jack Bray Male Genders Mavis Valetta Female Midland Junction
1944/6100126 Swan Genders Mavis Valetta Female Penno Jack Bray Male Midland Junction
1944/6100127 Swan Flynn Hugh Guthrie Male Roe Barbara Leticia Female Middle Swan
1944/6100127 Swan Roe Barbara Leticia Female Flynn Hugh Guthrie Male Middle Swan
1944/6100128 Swan Townsend Jessie Isabel Female Meyn Alexander Eric Male Bassendean
1944/6100128 Swan Meyn Alexander Eric Male Townsend Jessie Isabel Female Bassendean
1944/6100129 Swan Glew Samuel Nevil Male Younger Edith Emily Female Guildford
1944/6100129 Swan Younger Edith Emily Female Glew Samuel Nevil Male Guildford
1944/6100130 Swan Urwin Eunice Mary Female Martin Clarence Reginald Male Bassendean
1944/6100130 Swan Martin Clarence Reginald Male Urwin Eunice Mary Female Bassendean
1944/6100131 Swan Sandland Philip Alan Male Hamilton Mary Female Guildford
1944/6100131 Swan Hamilton Mary Female Sandland Philip Alan Male Guildford
1944/6100132 Swan OMalley Ellen Winifred Female Pauley John Male Midland Junction
1944/6100132 Swan Pauley John Male OMalley Ellen Winifred Female Midland Junction
1944/6100133 Swan Hicks Ivy Alice Female Cooper Jack Douglas Male Midland Junction
1944/6100133 Swan Cooper Jack Douglas Male Hicks Ivy Alice Female Midland Junction
1944/6100134 Swan Rose Forrest Male Harper Alison Grace Female Guildford
1944/6100134 Swan Harper Alison Grace Female Rose Forrest Male Guildford
1944/6100135 Swan Kelly Frederick Fulford Male Zani Edna Jane Female Midland Junction
1944/6100135 Swan Zani Edna Jane Female Kelly Frederick Fulford Male Midland Junction
1944/6100136 Swan Morgan Grace Female Hebiton Alexander Male Midland Junction
1944/6100136 Swan Hebiton Alexander Male Morgan Grace Female Midland Junction
1944/6100137 Swan Jones Walter Male Ilich Kathleen Female Midland Junction
1944/6100137 Swan Ilich Kathleen Female Jones Walter Male Midland Junction
1944/6100138 Swan York Zena Joan Female Webster Harvey Male Midland Junction
1944/6100138 Swan Webster Harvey Male York Zena Joan Female Midland Junction
1944/6100139 Swan Barker Dorothy Ethel Female Keast Robert Lytton Male Guildford
1944/6100139 Swan Keast Robert Lytton Male Barker Dorothy Ethel Female Guildford
1944/6100140 Swan Belton Josephine Monica Female Latto George Alexander Male Guildford
1944/6100140 Swan Latto George Alexander Male Belton Josephine Monica Female Guildford
1944/6100141 Swan Eamer Arthur Ernest Male Atherton Marjorie Mavis Female Guildford
1944/6100141 Swan Atherton Marjorie Mavis Female Eamer Arthur Ernest Male Guildford
1945/6600001 Wellington Mangano Salvatore Male Martella Tindara Female Bunbury
1945/6600001 Wellington Martella Tindara Female Mangano Salvatore Male Bunbury
1945/6600002 Wellington Feehily Dorothy Noelene Female Oldfield Harry Male Donnybrook
1945/6600002 Wellington Oldfield Harry Male Feehily Dorothy Noelene Female Donnybrook
1944/6600004 Wellington McCarthy Eileen Violet Female Thomson George Edward Male Bunbury
1944/6600004 Wellington Thomson George Edward Male McCarthy Eileen Violet Female Bunbury
1944/6600005 Wellington Eckersley John Phillip Male Fry Alice Gurney Female Harvey
1944/6600005 Wellington Fry Alice Gurney Female Eckersley John Phillip Male Harvey
1944/6600009 Wellington Piper Lorna Mary Female Beer Albert Roy Male Collie
1944/6600009 Wellington Beer Albert Roy Male Piper Lorna Mary Female Collie
1944/6600010 Wellington O'Donnell Edith Female Lyons Robert Bernard Male Bunbury
1944/6600010 Wellington Lyons Robert Bernard Male O'Donnell Edith Female Bunbury
1944/6600011 Wellington Dodd Lowis William John Male Jackson Elsie Beatrice Female Collie
1944/6600011 Wellington Jackson Elsie Beatrice Female Dodd Lowis William John Male Collie
1944/6600012 Wellington Adcock Florence Alice Female Hislop Sydney Walter Male South Bunbury
1944/6600012 Wellington Hislop Sydney Walter Male Adcock Florence Alice Female South Bunbury
1944/6600013 Wellington Gottsch Dorothy May Female Hunter Charles Oliver Male Collie
1944/6600013 Wellington Hunter Charles Oliver Male Gottsch Dorothy May Female Collie
1944/6600014 Wellington Pettingell Frank Aubrey William Male Sumpton Doris Ada Female Bunbury
1944/6600014 Wellington Sumpton Doris Ada Female Pettingell Frank Aubrey William Male Bunbury
1944/6600016 Wellington Wringe Muriel May Female Taverner Lenard William Loxley Male Dardanup
1944/6600016 Wellington Taverner Lenard William Loxley Male Wringe Muriel May Female Dardanup
1944/6600017 Wellington Ritchie James Male Milligan Beryl Francis Female Collie
1944/6600017 Wellington Milligan Beryl Francis Female Ritchie James Male Collie
1944/6600018 Wellington Richards William Colin Male Cooke Beryl June Female Bunbury
1944/6600018 Wellington Cooke Beryl June Female Richards William Colin Male Bunbury
1944/6600019 Wellington Keys Cecil Sydney Male Pickersgill Catherine Agnes Female Bunbury
1944/6600019 Wellington Pickersgill Catherine Agnes Female Keys Cecil Sydney Male Bunbury
1944/6600020 Wellington Scott Kevin Joseph Male Gastaldo Angelina Natalie Female Collie
1944/6600020 Wellington Gastaldo Angelina Natalie Female Scott Kevin Joseph Male Collie
1944/6600021 Wellington Karras Nicholas Male Michelis Daphne Alethea Female Bunbury
1944/6600021 Wellington Michelis Daphne Alethea Female Karras Nicholas Male Bunbury
1944/6600022 Wellington Winwood Ellen May Female Wood Norman Patrick Male Bunbury
1944/6600022 Wellington Wood Norman Patrick Male Winwood Ellen May Female Bunbury
1944/6600023 Wellington Johnson Mabel Florence Rebecca Female Ball Henry John Male Donnybrook
1944/6600023 Wellington Ball Henry John Male Johnson Mabel Florence Rebecca Female Donnybrook
1944/6600024 Wellington Hallo Mervyn Clement Male Thrum Caroline Female Bunbury
1944/6600024 Wellington Thrum Caroline Female Hallo Mervyn Clement Male Bunbury
1944/6600025 Wellington Scott John William Cross Male Trigwell Constance Maud Female South Bunbury
1944/6600025 Wellington Trigwell Constance Maud Female Scott John William Cross Male South Bunbury
1944/6600026 Wellington Cooper Eunice Hazel Female Butchart Keith William Male Bunbury
1944/6600026 Wellington Butchart Keith William Male Cooper Eunice Hazel Female Bunbury
1944/6600027 Wellington Williamson Mary Female Hislop William Gordon Male Collie
1944/6600027 Wellington Hislop William Gordon Male Williamson Mary Female Collie
1944/6600028 Wellington Slater Keven William Male Atterton Eileen Maude Female Collie
1944/6600028 Wellington Atterton Eileen Maude Female Slater Keven William Male Collie
1944/6600029 Wellington Ingledew George Male Parnaby Victoria May Female Collie
1944/6600029 Wellington Parnaby Victoria May Female Ingledew George Male Collie
1944/6600030 Wellington Weetman Amelia Adeline Female McDonald Leonard George Male Ferguson Church
1944/6600030 Wellington McDonald Leonard George Male Weetman Amelia Adeline Female Ferguson Church
1944/6600031 Wellington Smith Ella Margaret Female Reid Douglas Murry Blair Male W Aust
1944/6600031 Wellington Reid Douglas Murry Blair Male Smith Ella Margaret Female W Aust
1944/6600032 Wellington Foster Kenneth Delmore Male Denham Berenice Fay Female Bunbury
1944/6600032 Wellington Denham Berenice Fay Female Foster Kenneth Delmore Male Bunbury
1944/6600033 Wellington Clarke Mary Margaret Female Benoit Archibald Edward Male Bunbury
1944/6600033 Wellington Benoit Archibald Edward Male Clarke Mary Margaret Female Bunbury
1944/6600034 Wellington Booker Eileen Emily Female Jones George William Male Bunbury
1944/6600034 Wellington Jones George William Male Booker Eileen Emily Female Bunbury
1944/6600035 Wellington McCrystal William Robert Male McCallum Magretia Female Collie
1944/6600035 Wellington McCallum Magretia Female McCrystal William Robert Male Collie
1944/6600036 Wellington Gould Walter Male Walker Nellie Rosina Sydney Female Bunbury
1944/6600036 Wellington Walker Nellie Rosina Sydney Female Gould Walter Male Bunbury
1944/6600037 Wellington Pickersgill Daphne Mabel Female Hilder Robert Richard Roy Male South Bunbury
1944/6600037 Wellington Hilder Robert Richard Roy Male Pickersgill Daphne Mabel Female South Bunbury
1944/6600038 Wellington Cusack Mabel Georgina Female Harvey William George Male Bunbury
1944/6600038 Wellington Harvey William George Male Cusack Mabel Georgina Female Bunbury
1944/6600039 Wellington Barnsley Gwen Female Clifton Leonard Male Bunbury
1944/6600039 Wellington Clifton Leonard Male Barnsley Gwen Female Bunbury
1944/6600040 Wellington Phillips William Ross Male Embling Marjorie Elizabeth Female Bunbury
1944/6600040 Wellington Embling Marjorie Elizabeth Female Phillips William Ross Male Bunbury
1944/6600041 Wellington Hilton Fanny Lillian Female Fontin Thomas Alexandroff Male Bunbury
1944/6600041 Wellington Fontin Thomas Alexandroff Male Hilton Fanny Lillian Female Bunbury
1944/6600042 Wellington Carthew Francis William Male Evans Eileen Amy Female Bunbury
1944/6600042 Wellington Evans Eileen Amy Female Carthew Francis William Male Bunbury
1944/6600043 Wellington Smith Fanny Mylinda Female Piggott Walter Earnest Male Harvey
1944/6600043 Wellington Piggott Walter Earnest Male Smith Fanny Mylinda Female Harvey
1944/6600044 Wellington Petersen Jack Edward Male Sutherland Hope Female Harvey
1944/6600044 Wellington Sutherland Hope Female Petersen Jack Edward Male Harvey
1944/6600045 Wellington Brown Annette Mary Female Morrissey Horace Charles Male Bunbury
1944/6600045 Wellington Morrissey Horace Charles Male Brown Annette Mary Female Bunbury
1944/6600046 Wellington White Monica Mary Female Pyke Stephen Michael Male Bunbury
1944/6600046 Wellington Pyke Stephen Michael Male White Monica Mary Female Bunbury
1944/6600047 Wellington Read Frank George Male Bailey Norma Florence Female Brunswick
1944/6600047 Wellington Bailey Norma Florence Female Read Frank George Male Brunswick
1944/6600048 Wellington Otway Robin Harold Male Vernon Miriam Female Collie
1944/6600048 Wellington Vernon Miriam Female Otway Robin Harold Male Collie
1944/6600049 Wellington Teraci Delfina Female Madaffari Vincenzo Male Dardanup
1944/6600049 Wellington Madaffari Vincenzo Male Teraci Delfina Female Dardanup
1944/6600050 Wellington Cooper Ronald James Male Creyk Margaret Edith Female Bunbury
1944/6600050 Wellington Creyk Margaret Edith Female Cooper Ronald James Male Bunbury
1944/6600051 Wellington Woodley Constance Minnie Female Dye Gordon Samuel Male Bunbury
1944/6600051 Wellington Dye Gordon Samuel Male Woodley Constance Minnie Female Bunbury
1944/6600052 Wellington Somner Bertram Leonard Male Bushell Maria Beatrice Female Bunbury
1944/6600052 Wellington Bushell Maria Beatrice Female Somner Bertram Leonard Male Bunbury
1944/6600053 Wellington Strike Alice Leticia Female Smith Martin Henry Male Donnybrook
1944/6600053 Wellington Smith Martin Henry Male Strike Alice Leticia Female Donnybrook
1944/6600054 Wellington Munro Arnold Richard Male George Alice Catherine Female Bunbury
1944/6600054 Wellington George Alice Catherine Female Munro Arnold Richard Male Bunbury
1944/6600055 Wellington Fitzgerald Frederick James Male Marston Florence Esther Female Brunswick Junction
1944/6600055 Wellington Marston Florence Esther Female Fitzgerald Frederick James Male Brunswick Junction
1944/6600056 Wellington Gray Ethel Grace Female Ashman Stanley Male Brunswick Junction
1944/6600056 Wellington Ashman Stanley Male Gray Ethel Grace Female Brunswick Junction
1944/6600057 Wellington Higgins Kenneth William Male Thomas Jean Agnes Female Yarloop
1944/6600057 Wellington Thomas Jean Agnes Female Higgins Kenneth William Male Yarloop
1944/6600058 Wellington Winscom Mary Eileen Female Temple Robert Crosby Male Bunbury
1944/6600058 Wellington Kirwan Mary Eileen Female Temple Robert Crosby Male Bunbury
1944/6600058 Wellington Temple Robert Crosby Male Kirwan Mary Eileen Female Bunbury
1944/6600058 Wellington Temple Robert Crosby Male Winscom Mary Eileen Female Bunbury
1944/6600059 Wellington McEwin Joseph George Male Jackson Florence Anne Female Cookernup
1944/6600059 Wellington Jackson Florence Anne Female McEwin Joseph George Male Cookernup
1944/6600060 Wellington Timms Albert Male Muncaster Elsie Female Collie
1944/6600060 Wellington Muncaster Elsie Female Timms Albert Male Collie
1944/6600061 Wellington Parke Emily Jane Female Smith Richard Male Bunbury
1944/6600061 Wellington Smith Richard Male Parke Emily Jane Female Bunbury
1944/6600062 Wellington Crouch Amy Beryl Female Davis Owen William Renfred Male Bunbury
1944/6600062 Wellington Davis Owen William Renfred Male Crouch Amy Beryl Female Bunbury
1944/6600063 Wellington Wall Roy Henry Male Ball Elizabeth Victoria Yeoman Female Donnybrook
1944/6600063 Wellington Ball Elizabeth Victoria Yeoman Female Wall Roy Henry Male Donnybrook
1944/6600064 Wellington Pickersgill Eric Charles Male Bartlett Doreen Ann Female Bunbury
1944/6600064 Wellington Bartlett Doreen Ann Female Pickersgill Eric Charles Male Bunbury
1944/6600065 Wellington Straw Arthur James Male Mann Peggy Female Collie
1944/6600065 Wellington Mann Peggy Female Straw Arthur James Male Collie
1944/6600066 Wellington Tweed Nona Female Butcher Frank Male Collie
1944/6600066 Wellington Butcher Frank Male Tweed Nona Female Collie
1944/6600067 Wellington Moore Frances Annie Female Selfe Wellington Nelson Male Collie
1944/6600067 Wellington Selfe Wellington Nelson Male Moore Frances Annie Female Collie
1944/6600068 Wellington Hollands Beryl Joan Female Williams Alfred Thomas Male Bunbury
1944/6600068 Wellington Williams Alfred Thomas Male Hollands Beryl Joan Female Bunbury
1944/6600069 Wellington Marley Harold John Male Woods Rita Mary Female Collie
1944/6600069 Wellington Woods Rita Mary Female Marley Harold John Male Collie
1944/6600070 Wellington Preston Jean Elsie Female Munro Charles Male Bunbury
1944/6600070 Wellington Munro Charles Male Preston Jean Elsie Female Bunbury
1944/6600071 Wellington Hughes Jean Female Craddon John Hartley Male Collie
1944/6600071 Wellington Craddon John Hartley Male Hughes Jean Female Collie
1944/6600072 Wellington Buchanan John Male Moore Phyllis Margaret Female Bunbury
1944/6600072 Wellington Moore Phyllis Margaret Female Buchanan John Male Bunbury
1944/6600073 Wellington Godley Charles Male Fontanini Nellie Alice Female Bunbury
1944/6600073 Wellington Fontanini Nellie Alice Female Godley Charles Male Bunbury
1944/6600074 Wellington Lloyd Agnes Telfer Female Morris Harry Abe Male Bunbury
1944/6600074 Wellington Morris Harry Abe Male Lloyd Agnes Telfer Female Bunbury
1944/6600075 Wellington Stone Teresa Jean Female Harlond Brendan Chyles Drew Male Bunbury
1944/6600075 Wellington Harlond Brendan Chyles Drew Male Stone Teresa Jean Female Bunbury
1944/6600076 Wellington Nettup Hazel Evelyn Female Whitby Norman Stanley Male Bunbury
1944/6600076 Wellington Brackman Hazel Evelyn Female Whitby Norman Stanley Male Bunbury
1944/6600076 Wellington Whitby Norman Stanley Male Brackman Hazel Evelyn Female Bunbury
1944/6600076 Wellington Whitby Norman Stanley Male Nettup Hazel Evelyn Female Bunbury
1944/6600077 Wellington Dunlop John Male Boyd Norma Grace Female Collie
1944/6600077 Wellington Boyd Norma Grace Female Dunlop John Male Collie
1944/6600078 Wellington Crute Elva Muriel Female Barron George Alexander Male Donnybrook
1944/6600078 Wellington Barron George Alexander Male Crute Elva Muriel Female Donnybrook
1944/6600079 Wellington Murray Elaine Marjorie Female Fisher Royal Augustus Male Collie
1944/6600079 Wellington Fisher Royal Augustus Male Murray Elaine Marjorie Female Collie
1944/6600080 Wellington O'Donnell Edith Female Green Malcolm Ernest Male Harvey
1944/6600080 Wellington Green Malcolm Ernest Male O'Donnell Edith Female Harvey
1944/6600081 Wellington Hambley Alfreda Rosa Female Thompson Robert Wilson Male Bunbury
1944/6600081 Wellington Thompson Robert Wilson Male Hambley Alfreda Rosa Female Bunbury
1944/6600082 Wellington Smith Myrtle Frances Female Haywood John Leslie Male W Aus
1944/6600082 Wellington Haywood John Leslie Male Smith Myrtle Frances Female W Aus
1944/6600083 Wellington Murray Elsie Jean Female Collie Raymond Milton Male Collie
1944/6600083 Wellington Collie Raymond Milton Male Murray Elsie Jean Female Collie
1944/6600084 Wellington Adamson David Male Meleri Joan Hannah Female Bunbury
1944/6600084 Wellington Meleri Joan Hannah Female Adamson David Male Bunbury
1944/6600085 Wellington Jones Roy Eaglesham Male Johns Gwenneth Isobel Female Collie
1944/6600085 Wellington Johns Gwenneth Isobel Female Jones Roy Eaglesham Male Collie
1944/6600086 Wellington Johnson Thora Venetia Female Quackenbush James Victor Male Bunbury
1944/6600086 Wellington Quackenbush James Victor Male Johnson Thora Venetia Female Bunbury
1944/6600087 Wellington Elder Claudie Duwane Male Moriarty Teresa Mary Female Bunbury
1944/6600087 Wellington Moriarty Teresa Mary Female Elder Claudie Duwane Male Bunbury
1944/6600088 Wellington Dillon Cecelia Agnes Female Wood Thomas Sydney Male Bunbury
1944/6600088 Wellington Wood Thomas Sydney Male Dillon Cecelia Agnes Female Bunbury
1944/6600089 Wellington Zampogna Antonio Male Bellissimo Marie Arcangela Female Dardanup
1944/6600089 Wellington Bellissimo Marie Arcangela Female Zampogna Antonio Male Dardanup
1944/6600090 Wellington Larsen Richard Joseph Male Hislop Hazel May Female Bunbury
1944/6600090 Wellington Hislop Hazel May Female Larsen Richard Joseph Male Bunbury
1944/6600091 Wellington Wall Ollie May Female Genge Alexander Albert Male Donnybrook
1944/6600091 Wellington Genge Alexander Albert Male Wall Ollie May Female Donnybrook
1944/6600092 Wellington McKenna Cecil John Male Green Constance Emma Female Collie
1944/6600092 Wellington Green Constance Emma Female McKenna Cecil John Male Collie
1944/6600093 Wellington Howe Almina Rose Female Carroll Thomas Edward Male Shotts
1944/6600093 Wellington Carroll Thomas Edward Male Howe Almina Rose Female Shotts
1944/6600094 Wellington Ruggeri Maria Female Saligari Emil Joseph Male Bunbury
1944/6600094 Wellington Saligari Emil Joseph Male Ruggeri Maria Female Bunbury
1944/6600095 Wellington Cooke Edith Ada Female Ladhams Richard Charles Male Harvey
1944/6600095 Wellington Ladhams Richard Charles Male Cooke Edith Ada Female Harvey
1944/6600096 Wellington Hicks Thelma Joy Female Kelsey Donald Edward Male Yarloop
1944/6600096 Wellington Kelsey Donald Edward Male Hicks Thelma Joy Female Yarloop
1944/6600097 Wellington Jones Edith Beryl Female Mills Robert Preston Male Bunbury
1944/6600097 Wellington Mills Robert Preston Male Jones Edith Beryl Female Bunbury
1944/6600098 Wellington Shuard Roy Male Trott Delma Irene Female Bunbury
1944/6600098 Wellington Trott Delma Irene Female Shuard Roy Male Bunbury
1944/6600099 Wellington Ainsworth Christopher Male Harris Dorothy Female Bunbury
1944/6600099 Wellington Harris Dorothy Female Ainsworth Christopher Male Bunbury
1944/6600100 Wellington Williamson Josephine Torbit Female Shepherdson Jack Male Collie
1944/6600100 Wellington Shepherdson Jack Male Williamson Josephine Torbit Female Collie
1944/6600101 Wellington Paul Ernest Edward Male Ball Alice Martha Female Donnybrook
1944/6600101 Wellington Ball Alice Martha Female Paul Ernest Edward Male Donnybrook
1944/6600102 Wellington Williams Mavis Joyce Female Okle Richard Male W Aus
1944/6600102 Wellington Okle Richard Male Williams Mavis Joyce Female W Aus
1944/6600103 Wellington Dominish Matthew Samuel Male Brandli Vera Anna Female Dardanup
1944/6600103 Wellington Brandli Vera Anna Female Dominish Matthew Samuel Male Dardanup
1944/6600104 Wellington Cross Nancy Estelle Marjorie Female Rose Richard Jeffes Male Bunbury
1944/6600104 Wellington Rose Richard Jeffes Male Cross Nancy Estelle Marjorie Female Bunbury
1944/6600105 Wellington Sortras Glory Joy Female Van Erp Francis Alexander Male Bunbury
1944/6600105 Wellington Van Erp Francis Alexander Male Sortras Glory Joy Female Bunbury
1944/6600106 Wellington Barker Hector Male Thomas Daisy May Female Bunbury
1944/6600106 Wellington Thomas Daisy May Female Barker Hector Male Bunbury
1944/6600107 Wellington Wilkes Frederick Roy Male Johnstone Maisie Elaine Female Brunswick Junction
1944/6600107 Wellington Johnstone Maisie Elaine Female Wilkes Frederick Roy Male Brunswick Junction
1944/6600108 Wellington Crocker Enid Rose Female Thompson Edward Evan Male Collie
1944/6600108 Wellington Thompson Edward Evan Male Crocker Enid Rose Female Collie
1944/6600109 Wellington James Edna Mary Female Buswell Sydney Thomas Male Bunbury
1944/6600109 Wellington Buswell Sydney Thomas Male James Edna Mary Female Bunbury
1944/6600110 Wellington Walker Thomas James Male Whiteaker Shirley Betty Female Collie
1944/6600110 Wellington Whiteaker Shirley Betty Female Walker Thomas James Male Collie
1944/6600111 Wellington Crane Patricia Dorothy Female Walker Arthur Frederick Townsend Male Harvey
1944/6600111 Wellington Walker Arthur Frederick Townsend Male Crane Patricia Dorothy Female Harvey
1944/6600112 Wellington Sullivan Hazel Patricia Female Grayson George Male Bunbury
1944/6600112 Wellington Grayson George Male Sullivan Hazel Patricia Female Bunbury
1944/6600113 Wellington Blake Phillip George Male Jones Poppy Norma Female South Bunbury
1944/6600113 Wellington Jones Poppy Norma Female Blake Phillip George Male South Bunbury
1944/6600114 Wellington Benson Graeme Patrick Male Clifton Ruth Female Harvey
1944/6600114 Wellington Clifton Ruth Female Benson Graeme Patrick Male Harvey
1944/6600115 Wellington Hough Edward William Male Brittain Valetta Jean Female Bunbury
1944/6600115 Wellington Brittain Valetta Jean Female Hough Edward William Male Bunbury
1944/6600116 Wellington Firkin Noel James Male Frazer Georgina Nellie Female Bunbury
1944/6600116 Wellington Frazer Georgina Nellie Female Firkin Noel James Male Bunbury
1944/6600117 Wellington Guppy Albert Henry Male Flanders Myrtle Minnie Female Bunbury
1944/6600117 Wellington Flanders Myrtle Minnie Female Guppy Albert Henry Male Bunbury
1944/6600118 Wellington Muncaster Edna Irene Female White James Male Collie
1944/6600118 Wellington White James Male Muncaster Edna Irene Female Collie
1944/6600119 Wellington Craigie Leslie Andrew Raymond Male Coutas Katherine Amy Female Rathmines
1944/6600119 Wellington Coutas Katherine Amy Female Craigie Leslie Andrew Raymond Male Rathmines
1944/6600120 Wellington Sloan Pearl Bethel Female Allan Ronald John Male Collie
1944/6600120 Wellington Allan Ronald John Male Sloan Pearl Bethel Female Collie
1944/6600121 Wellington Chester Ernest Brian Male Humphries Jean Lillian Female Collie
1944/6600121 Wellington Humphries Jean Lillian Female Chester Ernest Brian Male Collie
1944/6600122 Wellington Olsson John Alfred Dee Male Richards Lilian Marjorie Female Bunbury
1944/6600122 Wellington Richards Lilian Marjorie Female Olsson John Alfred Dee Male Bunbury
1944/6600123 Wellington Miles Robert Thomas Male Kingswood Gloria Myall Female Bunbury
1944/6600123 Wellington Kingswood Gloria Myall Female Miles Robert Thomas Male Bunbury
1944/6600124 Wellington Ratcliffe Muriel Joy Female Bell John Ross Male Bunbury
1944/6600124 Wellington Bell John Ross Male Ratcliffe Muriel Joy Female Bunbury
1944/6600125 Wellington Verschuer Jack Bygrove Male Sartori Marjorie Female Bunbury
1944/6600125 Wellington Sartori Marjorie Female Verschuer Jack Bygrove Male Bunbury
1944/6600126 Wellington Scott Thelma May Female Wood William Male South Bunbury
1944/6600126 Wellington Wood William Male Scott Thelma May Female South Bunbury
1944/6600127 Wellington Gibson Gloria Adelaide Female Godsell Leslie George Male South Bunbury
1944/6600127 Wellington Godsell Leslie George Male Gibson Gloria Adelaide Female South Bunbury
1944/6600128 Wellington Paulsen Elizabeth Adelaide Female Whittaker Alfred How Male Bunbury
1944/6600128 Wellington Whittaker Alfred How Male Paulsen Elizabeth Adelaide Female Bunbury
1944/6600129 Wellington Pain Dorothy Hilda Female McMurray William James Male Bunbury
1944/6600129 Wellington McMurray William James Male Pain Dorothy Hilda Female Bunbury
1944/6600130 Wellington Dodd William Henry Male Redden Iris Patricia Female Bunbury
1944/6600130 Wellington Redden Iris Patricia Female Dodd William Henry Male Bunbury
1944/6600131 Wellington Trezise Eric Stevan Male De Piazzi Isola Mary Female Bunbury
1944/6600131 Wellington De Piazzi Isola Mary Female Trezise Eric Stevan Male Bunbury
1944/6600132 Wellington Bailey Dorothy Margaret Female Taylor Joseph Norris Male Donnybrook
1944/6600132 Wellington Taylor Joseph Norris Male Bailey Dorothy Margaret Female Donnybrook
1944/6600133 Wellington Richards Douglas John Male Dalton Rita Ismay Female Bunbury
1944/6600133 Wellington Dalton Rita Ismay Female Richards Douglas John Male Bunbury
1944/6600134 Wellington Thornton Stanley James Male Cross Florence Blanche Female Bunbury
1944/6600134 Wellington Cross Florence Blanche Female Thornton Stanley James Male Bunbury
1944/6600135 Wellington Stanley Keith Robert Male Meleri Edith Hazel Female Bunbury
1944/6600135 Wellington Meleri Edith Hazel Female Stanley Keith Robert Male Bunbury
1944/6600136 Wellington Major Joan Lilian Female Henshaw John Collins Male Bunbury
1944/6600136 Wellington Henshaw John Collins Male Major Joan Lilian Female Bunbury
1944/6600137 Wellington Adams Arthur Steve Male Loxton Nancy Female Collie
1944/6600137 Wellington Loxton Nancy Female Adams Arthur Steve Male Collie
1944/6600138 Wellington Richardson Marjorie Joyce Female Holman Frederick James Male Bunbury
1944/6600138 Wellington Holman Frederick James Male Richardson Marjorie Joyce Female Bunbury
1945/6700001 Williams Cooper Cecil Keith Male Beacham Ethel Violet Female Narrogin
1944/6700001 Williams Healey Marcia Therese Female Ayres John Frederick Agustus Male Kulin
1945/6700001 Williams Beacham Ethel Violet Female Cooper Cecil Keith Male Narrogin
1944/6700001 Williams Ayres John Frederick Agustus Male Healey Marcia Therese Female Kulin
1944/6700002 Williams Checkley Raymond George Male Edwards Brenda Roselyn Female Cuballing
1944/6700002 Williams Edwards Brenda Roselyn Female Checkley Raymond George Male Cuballing
1944/6700003 Williams Murray Margery Jean Female Playle Albert Leonard Male Narrogin
1944/6700003 Williams Playle Albert Leonard Male Murray Margery Jean Female Narrogin
1944/6700004 Williams Lindley Stirling James Thomas Male Edwards Florence Helen Female Cuballing
1944/6700004 Williams Edwards Florence Helen Female Lindley Stirling James Thomas Male Cuballing
1944/6700005 Williams O'Neill Eileen Mary Female Warren Peter Robert Male Narrogin
1944/6700005 Williams Warren Peter Robert Male O'Neill Eileen Mary Female Narrogin
1944/6700006 Williams Blight Esther Margaretta Victoria May Female Smith Leslie Robert Bruce Male Narrogin
1944/6700006 Williams Smith Leslie Robert Bruce Male Blight Esther Margaretta Victoria May Female Narrogin
1944/6700007 Williams Kirby Kathleen Emily Rose Female Holdaway Roy Hamilton Male Narrogin
1944/6700007 Williams Holdaway Roy Hamilton Male Kirby Kathleen Emily Rose Female Narrogin
1944/6700008 Williams Eastcott Hubert Edward Royal Male Fox Margaret Ethel Joyce Female Narrogin
1944/6700008 Williams Fox Margaret Ethel Joyce Female Eastcott Hubert Edward Royal Male Narrogin
1944/6700009 Williams Fleay Elsie Beatrice Female Duncan Alexander George Male Narrogin
1944/6700009 Williams Duncan Alexander George Male Fleay Elsie Beatrice Female Narrogin
1944/6700010 Williams Levitt Bernice Female Sidebottom John Grayham Male Narrogin
1944/6700010 Williams Sidebottom John Grayham Male Levitt Bernice Female Narrogin
1944/6700011 Williams Parrett Alice Female Armstrong Leslie John Male Narrogin
1944/6700011 Williams Armstrong Leslie John Male Parrett Alice Female Narrogin
1944/6700012 Williams Angwin Mollie Jean Female Thomson Alexander Male Narrogin
1944/6700012 Williams Thomson Alexander Male Angwin Mollie Jean Female Narrogin
1944/6700013 Williams Sprigg Harold Trevor Male Forsyth Helen Elsinore Female Narrogin
1944/6700013 Williams Forsyth Helen Elsinore Female Sprigg Harold Trevor Male Narrogin
1944/6700014 Williams Skewes William Wilfred John Male Small Dorothy Catherine Female Narrogin
1944/6700014 Williams Small Dorothy Catherine Female Skewes William Wilfred John Male Narrogin
1944/6700015 Williams Argent Ivy Muriel Female Coad Henry Herman Male Narrogin
1944/6700015 Williams Coad Henry Herman Male Argent Ivy Muriel Female Narrogin
1944/6700016 Williams Fay Harold Leonard Male Pethybridge Joan Female Narrogin
1944/6700016 Williams Pethybridge Joan Female Fay Harold Leonard Male Narrogin
1944/6700017 Williams Hubbard Neil Harold Resbury Male Parry Shirley Helen Female Narrogin
1944/6700017 Williams Parry Shirley Helen Female Hubbard Neil Harold Resbury Male Narrogin
1944/6700018 Williams Hogg George Bruce Male Ford Norma Kathleen Female Narrogin
1944/6700018 Williams Ford Norma Kathleen Female Hogg George Bruce Male Narrogin
1944/6700019 Williams Sims Vera Female Gray Donal Campbell Male Dorakin
1944/6700019 Williams Gray Donal Campbell Male Sims Vera Female Dorakin
1944/6700020 Williams Shaddick John Male Whitford Lenna Gweneth Female Narrogin
1944/6700020 Williams Whitford Lenna Gweneth Female Shaddick John Male Narrogin
1944/6700021 Williams Haynes Henry William Stanley Male Constable Christina Pearl Scott Female Williams
1944/6700021 Williams Constable Christina Pearl Scott Female Haynes Henry William Stanley Male Williams
1944/6700022 Williams Smith John Mervyn Male Taylor Shirley Jane Female Tinkurrin
1944/6700022 Williams Taylor Shirley Jane Female Smith John Mervyn Male Tinkurrin
1944/6700023 Williams Rae Charles Mervyn Male Ward Emmie Lillias Female Narrogin
1944/6700023 Williams Ward Emmie Lillias Female Rae Charles Mervyn Male Narrogin
1944/6700024 Williams Barron Edward George Male Fitt Edna Florence May Female Narrogin
1944/6700024 Williams Fitt Edna Florence May Female Barron Edward George Male Narrogin
1944/6700025 Williams Slater Ernest Male Saunders Florence Una Female Narrogin
1944/6700025 Williams Saunders Florence Una Female Slater Ernest Male Narrogin
1944/6700026 Williams Edwards Norman George Male Gray Dorothy Joan Female Narrogin
1944/6700026 Williams Gray Dorothy Joan Female Edwards Norman George Male Narrogin
1944/6700027 Williams Marshall Jessie Caroline Female Altham Benjamin Male Lake Grace
1944/6700027 Williams Altham Benjamin Male Marshall Jessie Caroline Female Lake Grace
1944/6700028 Williams Russell Annie Valerie Female McBurney Keith Alan Male Narrogin
1944/6700028 Williams McBurney Keith Alan Male Russell Annie Valerie Female Narrogin
1944/6700029 Williams Bow John Henry Charles Lawrence Male Roles Kathleen Mary Female Narrogin
1944/6700029 Williams Roles Kathleen Mary Female Bow John Henry Charles Lawrence Male Narrogin
1944/6700030 Williams Hooper Lillian Elizabeth Female Dawson William Male Narrogin
1944/6700030 Williams Dawson William Male Hooper Lillian Elizabeth Female Narrogin
1944/6700031 Williams Rose Daphne Jean Female Ryall Frederick Hamilton Male Wickepin
1944/6700031 Williams Ryall Frederick Hamilton Male Rose Daphne Jean Female Wickepin
1944/6700032 Williams McCall Patricia Joan Female Weinert John Lovel Male Narrogin
1944/6700032 Williams Weinert John Lovel Male McCall Patricia Joan Female Narrogin
1944/6700033 Williams Holdaway Lillian Valarie Female Bates Albert James Male Narrogin
1944/6700033 Williams Bates Albert James Male Holdaway Lillian Valarie Female Narrogin
1944/6700034 Williams Waugh Eleanor Patricia Female O'Neill Lawrence Kevin Male Narrogin
1944/6700034 Williams O'Neill Lawrence Kevin Male Waugh Eleanor Patricia Female Narrogin
1944/6700035 Williams Atkins Margaret Daphne Female Watts Albert Male Lake Grace
1944/6700035 Williams Watts Albert Male Atkins Margaret Daphne Female Lake Grace
1944/6700036 Williams French Doris Linda Female Hughes Norman James Male Narrogin
1944/6700036 Williams Hughes Norman James Male French Doris Linda Female Narrogin
1944/6700037 Williams Coleman Norah Christina Female Keighley Walter Leonard Male Lake Biddy
1944/6700037 Williams Keighley Walter Leonard Male Coleman Norah Christina Female Lake Biddy
1944/6700038 Williams Hansen Betty Female Wickham Robin Thomson Male Narrogin
1944/6700038 Williams Wickham Robin Thomson Male Hansen Betty Female Narrogin
1944/6700039 Williams Willoughby Robert Wootton Male Bean Lilia Margaret Jane Female Narrogin
1944/6700039 Williams Bean Lilia Margaret Jane Female Willoughby Robert Wootton Male Narrogin
1944/6700040 Williams Facer Dorothy Mavis Randall Female Williams Joseph Male Williams
1944/6700040 Williams Williams Joseph Male Facer Dorothy Mavis Randall Female Williams
1944/6700041 Williams Saunders Victor Arthur Male Ryall Fay Elizabeth Female Narrogin
1944/6700041 Williams Ryall Fay Elizabeth Female Saunders Victor Arthur Male Narrogin
1944/6700042 Williams Cadman Colin Male McAullay Mary Patricia Female Narrogin
1944/6700042 Williams McAullay Mary Patricia Female Cadman Colin Male Narrogin
1944/6700043 Williams Bailey Shirley Radford Female Anderson Arthur James Male Narrogin
1944/6700043 Williams Anderson Arthur James Male Bailey Shirley Radford Female Narrogin
1944/6700044 Williams Emery Colin George Male Bell Jessie Doris Female Narrogin
1944/6700044 Williams Bell Jessie Doris Female Emery Colin George Male Narrogin
1944/6700045 Williams Brown Michael Maxwell Male Akers Mavis Constance Female Narrogin
1944/6700045 Williams Akers Mavis Constance Female Brown Michael Maxwell Male Narrogin
1944/6700046 Williams Dickson Oswald Williams Male Goldsmith Glory Isobel Female Narrogin
1944/6700046 Williams Goldsmith Glory Isobel Female Dickson Oswald Williams Male Narrogin
1944/6700047 Williams Smith Gilbert James Male Bravin Martha Female Narrogin
1944/6700047 Williams Bravin Martha Female Smith Gilbert James Male Narrogin
1944/6700048 Williams Quindlan Daphne Elizabeth Female Pryce Ian Leonard Male Narrogin
1944/6700048 Williams Pryce Ian Leonard Male Quindlan Daphne Elizabeth Female Narrogin
1944/6900001 Yalgoo Mary - Female Vicentini Leo Male Yalgoo
1944/6900001 Yalgoo Mary - Female Vicentini Leonardo Male Yalgoo
1944/6900001 Yalgoo Mary - Female Vincent Leo Male Yalgoo
1944/6900001 Yalgoo Mary - Female Vincent Leonardo Male Yalgoo
1944/6900001 Yalgoo Mary Mary Female Vicentini Leo Male Yalgoo
1944/6900001 Yalgoo Mary Mary Female Vicentini Leonardo Male Yalgoo
1944/6900001 Yalgoo Mary Mary Female Vincent Leo Male Yalgoo
1944/6900001 Yalgoo Mary Mary Female Vincent Leonardo Male Yalgoo
1944/6900001 Yalgoo Vicentini Leo Male Carnamah - Female Yalgoo
1944/6900001 Yalgoo Vicentini Leo Male Carnamah Mary Female Yalgoo
1944/6900001 Yalgoo Vicentini Leo Male Mary - Female Yalgoo
1944/6900001 Yalgoo Vicentini Leo Male Mary Mary Female Yalgoo
1944/6900001 Yalgoo Vicentini Leonardo Male Carnamah - Female Yalgoo
1944/6900001 Yalgoo Vicentini Leonardo Male Carnamah Mary Female Yalgoo
1944/6900001 Yalgoo Vicentini Leonardo Male Mary - Female Yalgoo
1944/6900001 Yalgoo Vicentini Leonardo Male Mary Mary Female Yalgoo
1944/6900001 Yalgoo Carnamah - Female Vicentini Leo Male Yalgoo
1944/6900001 Yalgoo Carnamah - Female Vicentini Leonardo Male Yalgoo
1944/6900001 Yalgoo Carnamah - Female Vincent Leo Male Yalgoo
1944/6900001 Yalgoo Carnamah - Female Vincent Leonardo Male Yalgoo
1944/6900001 Yalgoo Carnamah Mary Female Vicentini Leo Male Yalgoo
1944/6900001 Yalgoo Carnamah Mary Female Vicentini Leonardo Male Yalgoo
1944/6900001 Yalgoo Carnamah Mary Female Vincent Leo Male Yalgoo
1944/6900001 Yalgoo Carnamah Mary Female Vincent Leonardo Male Yalgoo
1944/6900001 Yalgoo Vincent Leo Male Carnamah - Female Yalgoo
1944/6900001 Yalgoo Vincent Leo Male Carnamah Mary Female Yalgoo
1944/6900001 Yalgoo Vincent Leo Male Mary - Female Yalgoo
1944/6900001 Yalgoo Vincent Leo Male Mary Mary Female Yalgoo
1944/6900001 Yalgoo Vincent Leonardo Male Carnamah - Female Yalgoo
1944/6900001 Yalgoo Vincent Leonardo Male Carnamah Mary Female Yalgoo
1944/6900001 Yalgoo Vincent Leonardo Male Mary - Female Yalgoo
1944/6900001 Yalgoo Vincent Leonardo Male Mary Mary Female Yalgoo
1944/6900002 Yalgoo Hodder Pheobe Female Ryan Jimmy Male Yalgoo
1944/6900002 Yalgoo Ryan Jimmy Male Hodder Pheobe Female Yalgoo
1944/6900003 Yalgoo Carnamah Bessie Female Cameron Joseph Male Yalgoo
1944/6900003 Yalgoo Cameron Joseph Male Carnamah Bessie Female Yalgoo
1944/6900004 Yalgoo Carnamah Horace Ignatius Male Cotterill Kathleen Female Wuraga
1944/6900004 Yalgoo Cotterill Kathleen Female Carnamah Horace Ignatius Male Wuraga
1944/7000001 Yilgarn Sherlock Laurel Beatrice Mary Female Blyth Henry Alfred Male Southern Cross
1944/7000001 Yilgarn Blyth Henry Alfred Male Sherlock Laurel Beatrice Mary Female Southern Cross
1944/7000002 Yilgarn Smith Leslie Thomas Ronald Male Radbourne Prudence Thelma Female Hyden
1944/7000002 Yilgarn Radbourne Prudence Thelma Female Smith Leslie Thomas Ronald Male Hyden
1944/7000003 Yilgarn Collins Arnold John Male Taylor Doris Rebecca Female Southern Cross
1944/7000003 Yilgarn Taylor Doris Rebecca Female Collins Arnold John Male Southern Cross
1944/7000004 Yilgarn Wilson Sidney Arthur Male Kelm Edith Elizabeth Female Southern Cross
1944/7000004 Yilgarn Kelm Edith Elizabeth Female Wilson Sidney Arthur Male Southern Cross
1944/7000005 Yilgarn Brennan William Dixie Male Pollard Edith Cecilia May Female Southern Cross
1944/7000005 Yilgarn Pollard Edith Cecilia May Female Brennan William Dixie Male Southern Cross
1944/7100001 York Wheeler John Shelton Male Parker Dulcie Jean Female York
1944/7100001 York Parker Dulcie Jean Female Wheeler John Shelton Male York
1944/7100002 York Mullen Sheila Mary Female Watts Ross Drabble Male York
1944/7100002 York Watts Ross Drabble Male Mullen Sheila Mary Female York
1944/7100003 York Dudgeon Lyle Hayden Male Scott Betty Female York
1944/7100003 York Scott Betty Female Dudgeon Lyle Hayden Male York
1944/7100004 York Scott Jesse Richard Male Endersby Elsie Irene Female York
1944/7100004 York Endersby Elsie Irene Female Scott Jesse Richard Male York
1944/7100005 York Hall Ross Male Boyle Amy Elizabeth Female York
1944/7100005 York Boyle Amy Elizabeth Female Hall Ross Male York
1944/7100006 York Smith Philip Hubert Male Caudle Valma Johanna Mabel Female Gilgering
1944/7100006 York Caudle Valma Johanna Mabel Female Smith Philip Hubert Male Gilgering
1944/7100007 York Ugle Bertha Female Clarkson Eric Male York
1944/7100007 York Clarkson Eric Male Ugle Bertha Female York
1944/7100008 York Baker Clara Jane Female Spencer Samuel Herbert Male York
1944/7100008 York Spencer Samuel Herbert Male Baker Clara Jane Female York
1944/7100009 York Cooper Victor Ralph Male Ferguson Airlie Emma Female York
1944/7100009 York Ferguson Airlie Emma Female Cooper Victor Ralph Male York
1944/7100010 York Hooper Dulcie May Female Mitchell Peter Graeme Male York
1944/7100010 York Mitchell Peter Graeme Male Hooper Dulcie May Female York
1944/7100011 York Hasson Joseph William Male Sims Ivy May Female York
1944/7100011 York Sims Ivy May Female Hasson Joseph William Male York
1944/7100012 York Randell Bernice Jean Female Kelly Leonard Arthur Male York
1944/7100012 York Kelly Leonard Arthur Male Randell Bernice Jean Female York
1944/7100013 York Rose Edna Amy Female Holmes George Male York
1944/7100013 York Holmes George Male Rose Edna Amy Female York
1944/7100014 York Weston Keith Herbert Male Morgan Louise Frances Nancy Female York
1944/7100014 York Morgan Louise Frances Nancy Female Weston Keith Herbert Male York
1944/7100015 York Marwick Francis Martin Taylor Male Pyke Gloria Frances Female York
1944/7100015 York Pyke Gloria Frances Female Marwick Francis Martin Taylor Male York
1944/7100016 York Kelly Michael Joseph Male Byrne Mary Gladys Female York
1944/7100016 York Byrne Mary Gladys Female Kelly Michael Joseph Male York
1944/7100017 York Spencer John Arthur Male Marshall Alma Mary Female York
1944/7100017 York Marshall Alma Mary Female Spencer John Arthur Male York
1944/7100018 York Parker Mary Elizabeth May Female Nottle Eric George Male York
1944/7100018 York Nottle Eric George Male Parker Mary Elizabeth May Female York
1944/7100019 York Coomber Alan Lester Male Wansbrough Margaret Lauder Female York
1944/7100019 York Wansbrough Margaret Lauder Female Coomber Alan Lester Male York
1944/7100020 York Baker William Henry Male Timms Olive May Female York
1944/7100020 York Timms Olive May Female Baker William Henry Male York