A tool to help track the citations of the Western Australian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages from Wikidata and WikiTree.

Marriages in: 1944

Registration year & number Registration district Surname Given names Gender Spouse surname Spouse given names Spouse gender Marriage place Wikidata WikiTree
1945/100002 Perth Johnson Frank Augustus Male Wells Edna Muriel Female Nedlands
1945/100002 Perth Wells Edna Muriel Female Johnson Frank Augustus Male Nedlands
1945/100003 Perth Carley Matthew Bernard Male Warner Mary Gertrude Female Perth
1945/100003 Perth Warner Mary Gertrude Female Carley Matthew Bernard Male Perth
1945/100004 Perth Smith Fenton Joseph Male Sexton Phyllis Victoria Female Perth
1945/100004 Perth Sexton Phyllis Victoria Female Smith Fenton Joseph Male Perth
1945/100005 Perth Vinci Carmelo Male Di Masi Rosa Female West Perth
1945/100005 Perth Di Masi Rosa Female Vinci Carmelo Male West Perth
1945/100006 Perth Gianatti Giovani Male Bordoni Angelena Roma Female West Perth
1945/100006 Perth Bordoni Angelena Roma Female Gianatti Giovani Male West Perth
1945/100007 Perth Faranda Philip Male Silvestri Angelina Female West Perth
1945/100007 Perth Silvestri Angelina Female Faranda Philip Male West Perth
1945/100008 Perth Honner Doreen Alice Female Norrish Frederick Joseph Male West Perth
1945/100008 Perth Norrish Frederick Joseph Male Honner Doreen Alice Female West Perth
1945/100009 Perth Kingston Margaret Georgina Female Adams Kenneth Harold Male Perth
1944/100009 Perth van der Plas Willem Male Rogers Wilma Jean Female West Perth
1944/100009 Perth Rogers Wilma Jean Female van der Plas Willem Male West Perth
1945/100009 Perth Adams Kenneth Harold Male Kingston Margaret Georgina Female Perth
1944/100010 Perth Skinn Pearl May Female Adams Alexander Male South Perth
1944/100010 Perth Adams Alexander Male Skinn Pearl May Female South Perth
1944/100011 Perth Pearce Vera Rose Female Hutchins Noel McGregor Male South Perth
1945/100011 Perth Moore Florence Ann Female France Gordon Male Perth
1945/100011 Perth France Gordon Male Moore Florence Ann Female Perth
1944/100011 Perth Hutchins Noel McGregor Male Pearce Vera Rose Female South Perth
1944/100012 Perth Smith Linda Mildred Moir Female Dunlop James Male Nedlands
1945/100012 Perth King Mary Alice Female Diss Stanley Raymond Male Perth
1944/100012 Perth Dunlop James Male Smith Linda Mildred Moir Female Nedlands Dunlop-3504
1945/100012 Perth Diss Stanley Raymond Male King Mary Alice Female Perth
1945/100013 Perth Graham Jean Female Hanson Wilbur Joseph Male Perth
1945/100013 Perth Hanson Wilbur Joseph Male Graham Jean Female Perth
1945/100014 Perth Thomas Henry Christopher Male Horner Hilda May Female Perth
1945/100014 Perth Horner Hilda May Female Thomas Henry Christopher Male Perth
1945/100016 Perth Jenkinson Roma Female Hoile Richard Valentine Male Nedlands
1944/100016 Perth Bennett Robert Livingstone Male Hicks Ethel Joyce Female Perth
1945/100016 Perth Hoile Richard Valentine Male Jenkinson Roma Female Nedlands
1944/100016 Perth Hicks Ethel Joyce Female Bennett Robert Livingstone Male Perth
1945/100020 Perth Hall Thomas Richard Male McCullough Lida Mary Female Perth
1945/100020 Perth McCullough Lida Mary Female Hall Thomas Richard Male Perth
1944/100020 Perth Williams Leslie Reginald Male Saville Shirley Edith Female West Perth
1944/100020 Perth Saville Shirley Edith Female Williams Leslie Reginald Male West Perth
1945/100021 Perth Wiley Nance Female George Gordon Bert Male Perth
1945/100021 Perth George Gordon Bert Male Wiley Nance Female Perth
1944/100021 Perth Thorne Eileen Catherine Female Fraser Ronald John O'Grady Male Cottesloe
1944/100021 Perth Fraser Ronald John O'Grady Male Thorne Eileen Catherine Female Cottesloe
1945/100022 Perth Tackett William N V Male Johanson Elsie Joan Female Perth
1945/100022 Perth Johanson Elsie Joan Female Tackett William N V Male Perth
1945/100023 Perth Hailstone Florence Female Smith George Philip Male Mt Lawley
1945/100023 Perth Smith George Philip Male Hailstone Florence Female Mt Lawley
1945/100024 Perth Lewis Phyllis Winnifred Female Boalch Alfred Charles Male Perth
1945/100024 Perth Boalch Alfred Charles Male Lewis Phyllis Winnifred Female Perth
1944/100024 Perth Perejuan Coralie Joan Female Van Amstel Freddie Male Perth
1944/100024 Perth Van Amstel Freddie Male Perejuan Coralie Joan Female Perth
1945/100025 Perth Rodda Walter Male Mecklenburgh Margaret Caroline Female Perth
1945/100025 Perth Mecklenburgh Margaret Caroline Female Rodda Walter Male Perth
1945/100026 Perth Rice Louie Daphne Female Dicker Leonard William Charles Male Perth
1945/100026 Perth Dicker Leonard William Charles Male Rice Louie Daphne Female Perth
1944/100026 Perth Beeck Florence Annie Female Smith Alexander Male Perth
1944/100026 Perth Smith Alexander Male Beeck Florence Annie Female Perth
1944/100027 Perth Sumner Marjory Una Female Pierce Dwight Sanford Male Crawley
1945/100027 Perth Fowler Douglas John Male Jones Norah Irene Female Perth
1945/100027 Perth Jones Norah Irene Female Fowler Douglas John Male Perth
1944/100027 Perth Pierce Dwight Sanford Male Sumner Marjory Una Female Crawley
1945/100028 Perth Shields Eileen Joyce Female Reeve William Fordham Male Perth
1945/100028 Perth Reeve William Fordham Male Shields Eileen Joyce Female Perth
1944/100029 Perth Scally Elsie Mary Female Phillips Edward James Male Perth
1944/100029 Perth Phillips Edward James Male Scally Elsie Mary Female Perth
1945/100030 Perth Vassar Levi Gilbert Male Dix Jean Alice Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100030 Perth Dix Jean Alice Female Vassar Levi Gilbert Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100030 Perth Ryan Kathleen Mary Female Benninger Sydney Male Leederville
1944/100030 Perth Benninger Sydney Male Ryan Kathleen Mary Female Leederville
1945/100031 Perth Lydemont Ailsa Lilian Female Packwood Edward Andrew Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100031 Perth Packwood Edward Andrew Male Lydemont Ailsa Lilian Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100032 Perth Davis Harold Stanley Robert Male Rowland Dorothy Jean Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100032 Perth Rowland Dorothy Jean Female Davis Harold Stanley Robert Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100033 Perth Stark Edna Ivy Female MacLeod John Henry Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100033 Perth Ball Maxwell Whylie Male Tarr Thelma Blanche Female West Perth
1945/100033 Perth MacLeod John Henry Male Stark Edna Ivy Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100033 Perth Tarr Thelma Blanche Female Ball Maxwell Whylie Male West Perth
1944/100034 Perth Dickinson Ordeel Male Duffy Thelma Mary Patricia Female West Perth
1945/100034 Perth Anderson Muriel Helen Female Lovejoy Stanley Norman Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100034 Perth Duffy Thelma Mary Patricia Female Dickinson Ordeel Male West Perth
1945/100034 Perth Lovejoy Stanley Norman Male Anderson Muriel Helen Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100035 Perth Forward William George Male Hall Edwina Female South Perth
1945/100035 Perth Rule Ellen Female Hannett Edward Marsden Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100035 Perth Hall Edwina Female Forward William George Male South Perth
1945/100035 Perth Hannett Edward Marsden Male Rule Ellen Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100036 Perth Brabazon Claude Lennox Male Montague Mary Teresa Female Perth
1944/100036 Perth Montague Mary Teresa Female Brabazon Claude Lennox Male Perth
1945/100036 Perth Craig Mervyn Sinclair Male Payne Edna Female Mt Hawthorn
1945/100036 Perth Payne Edna Female Craig Mervyn Sinclair Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100037 Perth Barron Charlotte Cecilia Female Green Albert Edgar Male Osborne Park
1945/100037 Perth Neill Louisa Kerr Female Harris Alfred John Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100037 Perth Harris Alfred John Male Neill Louisa Kerr Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100037 Perth Green Albert Edgar Male Barron Charlotte Cecilia Female Osborne Park
1944/100038 Perth Walster Horace John Male Dawson Marjorie Female Highgate Hill
1945/100038 Perth Luff Joyce Ivy Female Hanley James Irwin Male Mt Hawthorn
1945/100038 Perth Hanley James Irwin Male Luff Joyce Ivy Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100038 Perth Dawson Marjorie Female Walster Horace John Male Highgate Hill
1944/100039 Perth Marchesi Arturo Male Conti Josephine Female Wanneroo
1944/100039 Perth Conti Josephine Female Marchesi Arturo Male Wanneroo
1945/100040 Perth Wells Max Hubert Male Stephens Ina Joy Female Maylands
1944/100040 Perth Ritchie Mary Female Barr David Lauchland Male Highgate Hill
1944/100040 Perth Barr David Lauchland Male Ritchie Mary Female Highgate Hill
1945/100040 Perth Stephens Ina Joy Female Wells Max Hubert Male Maylands
1944/100041 Perth Wightman Stanley John Male Swindell Vera Eileen Female Perth
1945/100041 Perth Hicks Hilda Jane Female Buckingham Thomas John Male Rosalie
1944/100041 Perth Swindell Vera Eileen Female Wightman Stanley John Male Perth
1945/100041 Perth Buckingham Thomas John Male Hicks Hilda Jane Female Rosalie
1944/100043 Perth Falls Eleanor Minnie Female Dench George Hereward Male Perth
1944/100043 Perth Dench George Hereward Male Falls Eleanor Minnie Female Perth
1944/100044 Perth Petersen Lorna May Female Pendergrast Clifford William Male Perth
1944/100044 Perth Pendergrast Clifford William Male Petersen Lorna May Female Perth
1944/100045 Perth Neal Walter Douglas Male Brooks Ailsa Female Perth
1945/100045 Perth Pusey Dapne Mary Female Buswell Frederick George Male South Perth
1944/100045 Perth Brooks Ailsa Female Neal Walter Douglas Male Perth
1945/100045 Perth Buswell Frederick George Male Pusey Dapne Mary Female South Perth
1944/100046 Perth Miller Patricia Ruth Female Krakouer Philip Charles Male Perth
1945/100046 Perth Meredith Violet Margaret Female Lyms John Cyril Male Perth
1945/100046 Perth Lyms John Cyril Male Meredith Violet Margaret Female Perth
1944/100046 Perth Krakouer Philip Charles Male Miller Patricia Ruth Female Perth
1944/100047 Perth Exley Berna Louisa Female Holmes Aubrey Jack Higgins Male Perth
1944/100047 Perth Holmes Aubrey Jack Higgins Male Exley Berna Louisa Female Perth
1945/100047 Perth Whiting Roma Bell Female Bratt Sidney John Male Subiaco
1945/100047 Perth Bratt Sidney John Male Whiting Roma Bell Female Subiaco
1944/100048 Perth Currie Richard Leroy Male Dawson Ellen Margaret Female West Perth
1944/100048 Perth Dawson Ellen Margaret Female Currie Richard Leroy Male West Perth
1944/100049 Perth de Groot Jan Male Jackson Yvonne Gabrielle Female Claremont
1944/100049 Perth Jackson Yvonne Gabrielle Female de Groot Jan Male Claremont
1944/100050 Perth Williams Ray Male Clappinson Kathleen Patricia Pauline Female Claremont
1944/100050 Perth Clappinson Kathleen Patricia Pauline Female Williams Ray Male Claremont
1945/100051 Perth Morrell Norma Jessie Female Bridger William Hugh Glanville Male Perth
1944/100051 Perth Board Victor Joseph Ladyman Male Howell Joyce Female Claremont
1944/100051 Perth Howell Joyce Female Board Victor Joseph Ladyman Male Claremont
1945/100051 Perth Bridger William Hugh Glanville Male Morrell Norma Jessie Female Perth
1945/100052 Perth Johnson Kathleen Female Tweedie James Male Perth
1944/100052 Perth Warnock Samuel Shaw Male Reynolds Hilda Viola Janet Female Claremont
1944/100052 Perth Reynolds Hilda Viola Janet Female Warnock Samuel Shaw Male Claremont
1945/100052 Perth Tweedie James Male Johnson Kathleen Female Perth
1945/100054 Perth Marshall Elizabeth Charlotte Female Gordon John Lambert Male West Perth
1945/100054 Perth Gordon John Lambert Male Marshall Elizabeth Charlotte Female West Perth
1945/100055 Perth Anderson George Richard Male Williams Madeleine Isobel Female West Perth
1945/100055 Perth Williams Madeleine Isobel Female Anderson George Richard Male West Perth
1944/100056 Perth Thompson Margaret Hunter Female Pratt Donald Scott Male Maylands
1944/100056 Perth Pratt Donald Scott Male Thompson Margaret Hunter Female Maylands
1944/100057 Perth Bullen Lesley Ethel Female Manns Francis George Male Perth
1944/100057 Perth Manns Francis George Male Bullen Lesley Ethel Female Perth
1944/100058 Perth White George Elliott Male Ainsworth Gwendoline Maude Female Perth
1944/100058 Perth Ainsworth Gwendoline Maude Female White George Elliott Male Perth
1944/100059 Perth Wickham Wallis Blair Male Sprunt Dorothy Jean Female Perth
1945/100059 Perth Taylor Gladys Lilian Female Prince James Edwin Male Cottesloe
1945/100059 Perth Prince James Edwin Male Taylor Gladys Lilian Female Cottesloe
1944/100059 Perth Sprunt Dorothy Jean Female Wickham Wallis Blair Male Perth
1944/100060 Perth Rinkus Tony Male Murray Joan Kathleen Female Perth
1944/100060 Perth Murray Joan Kathleen Female Rinkus Tony Male Perth
1944/100061 Perth Nichols Edith Mary Female Richardson Anthony William Male Perth
1944/100061 Perth Richardson Anthony William Male Nichols Edith Mary Female Perth
1944/100062 Perth Loverock Beryl Irene Female Prothero Henry David Male Perth
1944/100062 Perth Prothero Henry David Male Loverock Beryl Irene Female Perth
1944/100063 Perth Ellement Harold Herbert Male Cook Lorna Constance Female Perth
1944/100063 Perth Cook Lorna Constance Female Ellement Harold Herbert Male Perth
1944/100064 Perth Reddin Violet Grace Female Reid Michael McNeil Male Perth
1944/100064 Perth Reid Michael McNeil Male Reddin Violet Grace Female Perth
1944/100066 Perth Killick Lillian May Female Schoolcraft Leonard Duane Male Victoria Park
1944/100066 Perth Schoolcraft Leonard Duane Male Killick Lillian May Female Victoria Park
1945/100067 Perth Fawell Aubrey Laurence Male O'Brien Marjorie Female Subiaco
1944/100067 Perth Bagg Lila Theodora Female Rhoades Thomas George Male West Leederville
1944/100067 Perth Rhoades Thomas George Male Bagg Lila Theodora Female West Leederville
1945/100067 Perth O'Brien Marjorie Female Fawell Aubrey Laurence Male Subiaco
1944/100069 Perth Williams Norma Ethel Female Norman Albert John Male Perth
1944/100069 Perth Norman Albert John Male Williams Norma Ethel Female Perth
1944/100070 Perth Watson Ivy Doreen Female Cumming Alexander William Male Perth
1944/100070 Perth Cumming Alexander William Male Watson Ivy Doreen Female Perth
1944/100071 Perth Hayes William Thomas Male Merton Olive Muriel Female Perth
1944/100071 Perth Merton Olive Muriel Female Hayes William Thomas Male Perth
1944/100072 Perth Hooton Peggy Joan Female de Bijl Jean Joseph Gerard Male Perth
1944/100072 Perth de Bijl Jean Joseph Gerard Male Hooton Peggy Joan Female Perth
1944/100073 Perth Grigson Rita Joy Female Carr Newton Sidney Male Perth
1944/100073 Perth Carr Newton Sidney Male Grigson Rita Joy Female Perth
1944/100074 Perth Battermann Jacob Antonius Male Stewart Eileen Veronica Female South Perth
1944/100074 Perth Stewart Eileen Veronica Female Battermann Jacob Antonius Male South Perth
1944/100075 Perth Pilton Alfred Walter Male Laundy Doris Female West Perth
1944/100075 Perth Laundy Doris Female Pilton Alfred Walter Male West Perth
1944/100076 Perth Millington Harold Male Loane Mabel Grace Female Perth
1944/100076 Perth Loane Mabel Grace Female Millington Harold Male Perth
1944/100077 Perth Baker Keith Oscar Munro Male Webster Daisy Jean Female Perth
1944/100077 Perth Webster Daisy Jean Female Baker Keith Oscar Munro Male Perth
1944/100078 Perth Johnson Lillian Female Lawrence Leonard Harold Male Perth
1944/100078 Perth Lawrence Leonard Harold Male Johnson Lillian Female Perth
1944/100079 Perth O'Neill Ellen Mary Female Halden Leslie Charles Male Subiaco
1944/100079 Perth Halden Leslie Charles Male O'Neill Ellen Mary Female Subiaco
1944/100081 Perth Smith Ena Page Female Heggart Richard Peacocke Male Subiaco
1944/100081 Perth Heggart Richard Peacocke Male Smith Ena Page Female Subiaco
1944/100082 Perth Berad Abigail Female Stone Ronald Nathan Male Perth
1944/100082 Perth Stone Ronald Nathan Male Berad Abigail Female Perth
1944/100083 Perth Davis Emily Eleanor Female Lewis Thomas Henry Male Perth
1944/100083 Perth Lewis Thomas Henry Male Davis Emily Eleanor Female Perth
1944/100084 Perth Battams Robert James Male Longman Kathleen Alicia Female Perth
1944/100084 Perth Longman Kathleen Alicia Female Battams Robert James Male Perth
1944/100085 Perth Hoffman Robert James Male Zimdahl Eileen Frances Female Perth
1944/100085 Perth Zimdahl Eileen Frances Female Hoffman Robert James Male Perth
1944/100086 Perth Callanan Evelyn Carmel Female Nicholas Evan John Male Perth
1944/100086 Perth Nicholas Evan John Male Callanan Evelyn Carmel Female Perth
1944/100087 Perth Hoyne Cecilia Ethel Female Murphy Arthur Francis Male Perth
1944/100087 Perth Murphy Arthur Francis Male Hoyne Cecilia Ethel Female Perth
1944/100088 Perth Hopkins Doris Evelyn Female Bensley Samuel Arthur Male West Leederville
1944/100088 Perth Bensley Samuel Arthur Male Hopkins Doris Evelyn Female West Leederville
1944/100090 Perth Ovens Eric Meshach Male Kirchner Jean Evelyn Female Perth
1944/100090 Perth Kirchner Jean Evelyn Female Ovens Eric Meshach Male Perth
1944/100091 Perth Gardiner Albert Mervyn Male Brandis Edith May Female Perth
1944/100091 Perth Brandis Edith May Female Gardiner Albert Mervyn Male Perth
1944/100092 Perth Jennings Albert Graham Male Stuart Judy Elizabeth Female Perth
1944/100092 Perth Stuart Judy Elizabeth Female Jennings Albert Graham Male Perth
1944/100093 Perth Davis Harbert Middleton Male Pow Peggy Mary Female Perth
1944/100093 Perth Pow Peggy Mary Female Davis Harbert Middleton Male Perth
1944/100094 Perth Miller Iris Female Drake Kingsley Clarence Male Perth
1945/100094 Perth Trainer Reita May Female Peters Ronald Llewelyn Male West Perth
1944/100094 Perth Drake Kingsley Clarence Male Miller Iris Female Perth
1945/100094 Perth Peters Ronald Llewelyn Male Trainer Reita May Female West Perth
1944/100096 Perth Bailey Alice Ethel Female Westhoff Hendrik Willem Male Perth
1944/100096 Perth Westhoff Hendrik Willem Male Bailey Alice Ethel Female Perth
1945/100097 Perth Murray Alma Maud Female Iles Donald Henry Male Perth
1945/100097 Perth Iles Donald Henry Male Murray Alma Maud Female Perth
1944/100097 Perth Mallett Allan Male Vracknos Kathleen Female Perth
1944/100097 Perth Vracknos Kathleen Female Mallett Allan Male Perth
1944/100098 Perth Dungey Shirley Female Brechin Maxwell Alexander Male South Perth
1944/100098 Perth Brechin Maxwell Alexander Male Dungey Shirley Female South Perth
1944/100099 Perth Bell Mary Matilda Female Longbottom John Stephen Male Victoria Park
1944/100099 Perth Longbottom John Stephen Male Bell Mary Matilda Female Victoria Park
1944/100100 Perth Owens Spencer Dale Male Gervase Mary Winifred Female East Victoria Park
1944/100100 Perth Gervase Mary Winifred Female Owens Spencer Dale Male East Victoria Park
1944/100101 Perth Shove Barbara Joan Female Donovan Joseph Vincent Male East Victoria Park
1944/100101 Perth Donovan Joseph Vincent Male Shove Barbara Joan Female East Victoria Park
1944/100102 Perth Tanner Harry Edward Male Galbraith Muriel Rose Female Subiaco
1944/100102 Perth Galbraith Muriel Rose Female Tanner Harry Edward Male Subiaco
1944/100103 Perth Feenstra Jan Male White Betty Female West Perth
1944/100103 Perth White Betty Female Feenstra Jan Male West Perth
1944/100104 Perth Strickland Bernard Lovegrove Male Castledine Kathleen Mary Female West Perth
1944/100104 Perth Castledine Kathleen Mary Female Strickland Bernard Lovegrove Male West Perth
1944/100105 Perth McLennan Colin Campbell Male Curtis Denise Maude Female West Perth
1944/100105 Perth Curtis Denise Maude Female McLennan Colin Campbell Male West Perth
1944/100106 Perth Mann Kenneth Joseph Henry Male Clemie Marion Banbury Female West Perth
1944/100106 Perth Clemie Marion Banbury Female Mann Kenneth Joseph Henry Male West Perth
1944/100107 Perth Smith Patricia Selwyn Female Watts Clement Francis Male West Perth
1944/100107 Perth Watts Clement Francis Male Smith Patricia Selwyn Female West Perth
1944/100108 Perth Goudge James Arnett Male Kimberley Adelaide Lillian Female Perth
1944/100108 Perth Kimberley Adelaide Lillian Female Goudge James Arnett Male Perth
1944/100109 Perth Bruce Alice Dorenda Female Hay Leslie Harry Male Perth
1944/100109 Perth Hay Leslie Harry Male Bruce Alice Dorenda Female Perth
1944/100110 Perth Mitchell Charles Male Scott Aileen Frances Mary Female Victoria Park
1944/100110 Perth Scott Aileen Frances Mary Female Mitchell Charles Male Victoria Park
1944/100111 Perth Seabrook Dorothy Female Morgan David Yolland Male Victoria Park
1944/100111 Perth Morgan David Yolland Male Seabrook Dorothy Female Victoria Park
1944/100112 Perth Payne Eric John Male Brand Kathleen Annie Female Mount Lawley
1944/100112 Perth Brand Kathleen Annie Female Payne Eric John Male Mount Lawley
1944/100113 Perth Worner Mary Patricia Female Smith William Phillip Male Subiaco
1944/100113 Perth Smith William Phillip Male Worner Mary Patricia Female Subiaco
1944/100114 Perth Buddee Paul Edgar Male Bremner Elizabeth Vere Female Mt Lawley
1944/100114 Perth Bremner Elizabeth Vere Female Buddee Paul Edgar Male Mt Lawley
1944/100115 Perth Martyr Audrey Dolores Female Zietse Hans Male Mt Lawley
1944/100115 Perth Zietse Hans Male Martyr Audrey Dolores Female Mt Lawley
1944/100116 Perth Davis Douglas Male Ashmore Eva Florence Female Perth
1944/100116 Perth Ashmore Eva Florence Female Davis Douglas Male Perth
1944/100117 Perth Cook Walter Male Saleeba Mary Ethel Female Perth
1944/100117 Perth Saleeba Mary Ethel Female Cook Walter Male Perth
1944/100118 Perth Cunningham Philip McClure Male Dickson Phyllis Audrey Female Perth
1944/100118 Perth Dickson Phyllis Audrey Female Cunningham Philip McClure Male Perth
1944/100119 Perth Gibson Jack Male Day Marjorie Yvonne Female Nedlands
1944/100119 Perth Day Marjorie Yvonne Female Gibson Jack Male Nedlands
1944/100120 Perth Launder Arthur Sporton Male Tretheway Vivienne Jean Female Perth
1944/100120 Perth Tretheway Vivienne Jean Female Launder Arthur Sporton Male Perth
1944/100121 Perth Hodgson Winnifred Maud Female Chesson John Edward Male Perth
1944/100121 Perth Chesson John Edward Male Hodgson Winnifred Maud Female Perth
1944/100122 Perth Hicks Charles William Male Haigh Constance Margaret Female Perth
1944/100122 Perth Haigh Constance Margaret Female Hicks Charles William Male Perth
1944/100123 Perth O'Keefe George Male Griggs Adelaide Sylvia Female Perth
1944/100123 Perth Griggs Adelaide Sylvia Female O'Keefe George Male Perth
1944/100124 Perth Fewings Ernest Henry Male Stewart Euphemia Millar Female Perth
1944/100124 Perth Stewart Euphemia Millar Female Fewings Ernest Henry Male Perth
1944/100125 Perth McGuigan John Edward Male Seymour June Lesley Female Perth
1944/100125 Perth Seymour June Lesley Female McGuigan John Edward Male Perth
1944/100126 Perth Wheeler Frederick Ernest Reginald Male Hansen Bessie Christina Female Perth
1944/100126 Perth Hansen Bessie Christina Female Wheeler Frederick Ernest Reginald Male Perth
1944/100127 Perth Whipple Doyle Hildrith Male Walker Roma Florence Female Perth
1944/100127 Perth Walker Roma Florence Female Whipple Doyle Hildrith Male Perth
1944/100128 Perth Paine Edward Harold Male Foster Dora Alice Female Perth
1944/100128 Perth Foster Dora Alice Female Paine Edward Harold Male Perth
1944/100129 Perth Giacone Guglielmo Male Bishop Alice Elizabeth Female Perth
1944/100129 Perth Bishop Alice Elizabeth Female Giacone Guglielmo Male Perth
1944/100130 Perth Carr Amy Kathleen Female McConkey Leslie Thomas Male Maylands
1944/100130 Perth McConkey Leslie Thomas Male Carr Amy Kathleen Female Maylands
1944/100131 Perth Couper Iona Female Frearson Archibald Robert Male Perth
1944/100131 Perth Frearson Archibald Robert Male Couper Iona Female Perth
1944/100132 Perth Simpson Joseph Patrick Male Bagley Teresa Marguerite Female Perth
1944/100132 Perth Bagley Teresa Marguerite Female Simpson Joseph Patrick Male Perth
1944/100133 Perth Nealy Joyce Female Devlin Brian Male Perth
1944/100133 Perth Devlin Brian Male Nealy Joyce Female Perth
1944/100134 Perth O'Hare Francis John Male O'Hanlon Sheila Mary Female Perth
1944/100134 Perth O'Hanlon Sheila Mary Female O'Hare Francis John Male Perth
1944/100135 Perth Horne Cedric Alfred Venner Male Coleman Bettie Eileen Female Perth
1944/100135 Perth Coleman Bettie Eileen Female Horne Cedric Alfred Venner Male Perth
1945/100135 Perth Barber Hugh James Male Thomson Dorothy Jean Female Cottesloe
1945/100135 Perth Thomson Dorothy Jean Female Barber Hugh James Male Cottesloe
1944/100136 Perth Bell Frank Male Wardle Minnie Evelyn Female Perth
1944/100136 Perth Wardle Minnie Evelyn Female Bell Frank Male Perth
1944/100137 Perth Chapman Mary Patricia Female Barrow John Leighton Male Perth
1944/100137 Perth Barrow John Leighton Male Chapman Mary Patricia Female Perth
1944/100138 Perth Lear Cecil Roy Male Hackshaw Eileen Mary Female Perth
1944/100138 Perth Hackshaw Eileen Mary Female Lear Cecil Roy Male Perth
1944/100139 Perth Pash Lawrence Clifford Male Molloy Ellen Alice Teresa Female Perth
1944/100139 Perth Molloy Ellen Alice Teresa Female Pash Lawrence Clifford Male Perth
1944/100140 Perth Wood Marian Jane Female Dartnall John Henry Lloyd Male Perth
1944/100140 Perth Dartnall John Henry Lloyd Male Wood Marian Jane Female Perth
1944/100141 Perth Long Margaret Elsie Female Johnson Charles Emil Male South Perth
1944/100141 Perth Johnson Charles Emil Male Long Margaret Elsie Female South Perth
1944/100142 Perth Byron Arthur Ernest Male Virgin Laurel Grace Female West Leederville
1944/100142 Perth Virgin Laurel Grace Female Byron Arthur Ernest Male West Leederville
1944/100143 Perth Cain Charles Elmer Male Murray Betty Female Claremont
1944/100143 Perth Murray Betty Female Cain Charles Elmer Male Claremont
1944/100144 Perth Bowden Joseph Douglas Male Nielsen Lois Grace Walden Female Claremont
1944/100144 Perth Nielsen Lois Grace Walden Female Bowden Joseph Douglas Male Claremont
1944/100145 Perth Howrie Hilda Henson Female Lawrence Keith Francis Male Perth
1944/100145 Perth Lawrence Keith Francis Male Howrie Hilda Henson Female Perth
1944/100146 Perth Abbott Mary Gertrude Female Smith Harold George Male Perth
1944/100146 Perth Smith Harold George Male Abbott Mary Gertrude Female Perth
1944/100147 Perth Williams Dorothy Female Christmass Donald Cecil Male West Perth
1944/100147 Perth Christmass Donald Cecil Male Williams Dorothy Female West Perth
1944/100148 Perth Bridson Ruby Violet Beatrice Female Tasker Clarence George Male Nth Perth
1944/100148 Perth Tasker Clarence George Male Bridson Ruby Violet Beatrice Female Nth Perth
1944/100149 Perth Barndon John Alex Male Martin Millicent Muriel Female Mt Lawley
1944/100149 Perth Martin Millicent Muriel Female Barndon John Alex Male Mt Lawley
1944/100150 Perth Wheeler Stella Agnes Female Fernihough Stanley George Male Perth
1944/100150 Perth Fernihough Stanley George Male Wheeler Stella Agnes Female Perth
1944/100151 Perth Hartlieb Willem Male Cramp Edith Mary Female Perth
1944/100151 Perth Cramp Edith Mary Female Hartlieb Willem Male Perth
1944/100152 Perth Dyson Clifford Bradshaw Male Sedgmen Joan Female Perth
1944/100152 Perth Sedgmen Joan Female Dyson Clifford Bradshaw Male Perth
1944/100153 Perth Castle Myra Emma Female Sewell Reginald Congrove Male Perth
1944/100153 Perth Sewell Reginald Congrove Male Castle Myra Emma Female Perth
1944/100154 Perth Gardiner Robert James Male Carpenter Audrey June Female Subiaco
1944/100154 Perth Carpenter Audrey June Female Gardiner Robert James Male Subiaco
1944/100156 Perth Howitt Elsie Valma Female Arnold Milfred Elmore Male Nth Perth
1944/100156 Perth Arnold Milfred Elmore Male Howitt Elsie Valma Female Nth Perth
1944/100157 Perth Pinker Richard Arthur Male Gwynne Ida Violet Female Perth
1944/100157 Perth Gwynne Ida Violet Female Pinker Richard Arthur Male Perth
1944/100158 Perth Dedman Roderick Noel Male Maxwell Marguerite Jean Female Perth
1944/100158 Perth Maxwell Marguerite Jean Female Dedman Roderick Noel Male Perth
1944/100159 Perth Skeels Dorothy Edna Female Sutherland Henry John Male Perth
1944/100159 Perth Sutherland Henry John Male Skeels Dorothy Edna Female Perth
1944/100160 Perth Sturrock Greigh William Male Binns Jacqueline Phyllis Female Perth
1944/100160 Perth Binns Jacqueline Phyllis Female Sturrock Greigh William Male Perth
1944/100161 Perth Weaver Myrtle May Female Bennett James Male Perth
1944/100161 Perth Bennett James Male Weaver Myrtle May Female Perth
1944/100162 Perth Lee Lillian Golda Female Vickers Harry John Male Perth
1944/100162 Perth Vickers Harry John Male Lee Lillian Golda Female Perth
1944/100163 Perth Kilmurray Cyril William James Male Baxter Mary Edith Female Perth
1944/100163 Perth Baxter Mary Edith Female Kilmurray Cyril William James Male Perth
1944/100164 Perth Richards Irene Female Simpson Patrick Desmond Male Perth
1944/100164 Perth Simpson Patrick Desmond Male Richards Irene Female Perth
1944/100165 Perth McClure James Roy Gordon Male Milne Annie Jean Female Perth
1944/100165 Perth Milne Annie Jean Female McClure James Roy Gordon Male Perth
1944/100166 Perth Richardson Erle John Male Aitken Jean Female Perth
1944/100166 Perth Aitken Jean Female Richardson Erle John Male Perth
1944/100167 Perth Pymont Irene Thelma Female Braimbridge Jack Male Victoria Park
1944/100167 Perth Braimbridge Jack Male Pymont Irene Thelma Female Victoria Park
1944/100168 Perth Brinkhuis Antoni Jacobus Male Silverwood Audrey Merle Female Perth
1944/100168 Perth Silverwood Audrey Merle Female Brinkhuis Antoni Jacobus Male Perth
1944/100169 Perth Fearn Sydney Robert Male Wheaton Laurel Faith Female Perth
1944/100169 Perth Wheaton Laurel Faith Female Fearn Sydney Robert Male Perth
1944/100170 Perth Joynes Marjorie Jean Female Usher Percival John Male Perth
1944/100170 Perth Usher Percival John Male Joynes Marjorie Jean Female Perth
1944/100171 Perth Donohoe Dorothy Minna Female McCudden Redmond Martin Male Perth
1944/100171 Perth McCudden Redmond Martin Male Donohoe Dorothy Minna Female Perth
1944/100172 Perth Loaring Betty Verna Female Bonner James Melvin Male Perth
1944/100172 Perth Bonner James Melvin Male Loaring Betty Verna Female Perth
1944/100173 Perth Schmidt Ernest Henry Male Tucker Thelma Leefe Female Perth
1944/100173 Perth Tucker Thelma Leefe Female Schmidt Ernest Henry Male Perth
1944/100174 Perth Hooks Woodrow Robert Male Richards Violet Eliza Female Perth
1944/100174 Perth Richards Violet Eliza Female Hooks Woodrow Robert Male Perth
1944/100175 Perth Gilbert Alma Maud Female Frazer-Wood Ian Hamilton Male Perth
1944/100175 Perth Frazer-Wood Ian Hamilton Male Gilbert Alma Maud Female Perth
1944/100176 Perth Beech Bessie May Female Visscher Johan Male Perth
1944/100176 Perth Visscher Johan Male Beech Bessie May Female Perth
1944/100177 Perth Christie Freda Evelyn Female Parker Norman Lewis Male Perth
1944/100177 Perth Parker Norman Lewis Male Christie Freda Evelyn Female Perth
1944/100178 Perth Lawrence Mavis Doreen Female Akeman Robert Bruce Male Perth
1944/100178 Perth Akeman Robert Bruce Male Lawrence Mavis Doreen Female Perth
1944/100179 Perth Brooker John William Male Winnett Dorothy Emma Female Perth
1944/100179 Perth Winnett Dorothy Emma Female Brooker John William Male Perth
1944/100180 Perth Hall Clisby John Male Radford Eveline Bemrose Female Perth
1944/100180 Perth Radford Eveline Bemrose Female Hall Clisby John Male Perth
1944/100181 Perth Lang Godfrey William Male Freeman Eva May Female Perth
1944/100181 Perth Freeman Eva May Female Lang Godfrey William Male Perth
1944/100182 Perth Martin Alfred John Male Mann Jessica Marian Female Highgate Hill
1944/100182 Perth Mann Jessica Marian Female Martin Alfred John Male Highgate Hill
1944/100183 Perth Date John Cornwallis Male Dann Jean Iris Female Cottesloe
1944/100183 Perth Dann Jean Iris Female Date John Cornwallis Male Cottesloe
1944/100184 Perth Coops Iris Noreen Female Blaxell Alan Robert Male Perth
1944/100184 Perth Blaxell Alan Robert Male Coops Iris Noreen Female Perth
1944/100187 Perth Jackson Albert Henry Male Ellard Agnes Hannah Female Maylands
1944/100187 Perth Ellard Agnes Hannah Female Jackson Albert Henry Male Maylands
1944/100188 Perth Turnbull Lachlan Neil Male Allen Marjory May Female Maylands
1944/100188 Perth Allen Marjory May Female Turnbull Lachlan Neil Male Maylands
1944/100189 Perth Carlisle Clarence Albert Male Fitzpatrick Phyllis Eileen Female Victoria Park
1944/100189 Perth Fitzpatrick Phyllis Eileen Female Carlisle Clarence Albert Male Victoria Park
1944/100190 Perth Perry Lorna Mary Female Lakides Emanuel Male Perth
1944/100190 Perth Lakides Emanuel Male Perry Lorna Mary Female Perth
1944/100191 Perth Harris Norma Female Bruce Robert Ernest Male West Leederville
1944/100191 Perth Bruce Robert Ernest Male Harris Norma Female West Leederville
1944/100192 Perth Campbell Jean Female Woodbrook Henry Edwin Male Perth
1944/100192 Perth Woodbrook Henry Edwin Male Campbell Jean Female Perth
1944/100193 Perth Smith Patricia Cowdy Female Dennis Egbert Male Perth
1944/100193 Perth Dennis Egbert Male Smith Patricia Cowdy Female Perth
1944/100194 Perth Wood Edward Male Ashley Rosa Marie Alice Female Carlisle
1944/100194 Perth Ashley Rosa Marie Alice Female Wood Edward Male Carlisle
1944/100195 Perth Smith John Thomas Male Murphy Lillian Elizabeth Female W Leederville
1944/100195 Perth Murphy Lillian Elizabeth Female Smith John Thomas Male W Leederville
1944/100196 Perth Glaskin Jean Margaret Female Harrington Norman Edwin Male Subiaco
1944/100196 Perth Harrington Norman Edwin Male Glaskin Jean Margaret Female Subiaco
1944/100197 Perth Ryan Annie Jane Female Brown Reginald Allan Male Subiaco
1944/100197 Perth Brown Reginald Allan Male Ryan Annie Jane Female Subiaco
1944/100198 Perth Davis Ruth Female Burston Percival John Male West Perth
1944/100198 Perth Burston Percival John Male Davis Ruth Female West Perth
1944/100199 Perth Mileham William Male Litherland Selma Lillian Female West Perth
1944/100199 Perth Litherland Selma Lillian Female Mileham William Male West Perth
1944/100200 Perth Preston Fred Robert Male Wolfenden Annie Louisa Female Subiaco
1944/100200 Perth Wolfenden Annie Louisa Female Preston Fred Robert Male Subiaco
1944/100201 Perth Anderton Harry Albert Male Davies Florence May Female Subiaco
1944/100201 Perth Davies Florence May Female Anderton Harry Albert Male Subiaco
1944/100202 Perth Donald Marion Louise Female Burgin George Arthur Male South Perth
1944/100202 Perth Burgin George Arthur Male Donald Marion Louise Female South Perth
1944/100203 Perth Johnson Peter Bernard Male May Ethel Marion Female Perth
1944/100203 Perth May Ethel Marion Female Johnson Peter Bernard Male Perth
1944/100204 Perth Young Roy Forbes Male Mercer Marjorie Winifred Female Nth Perth
1944/100204 Perth Mercer Marjorie Winifred Female Young Roy Forbes Male Nth Perth
1944/100205 Perth Hambley Nellie Emma Female Robins James Male Perth
1944/100205 Perth Robins James Male Hambley Nellie Emma Female Perth
1944/100206 Perth Wilson Phyllis Female Hallman Leland Colquit Male Perth
1944/100206 Perth Hallman Leland Colquit Male Wilson Phyllis Female Perth
1944/100207 Perth van der Breggen Frederik Male Rossiter Kathleen Wanda Lilley Female Perth
1944/100207 Perth Rossiter Kathleen Wanda Lilley Female van der Breggen Frederik Male Perth
1944/100208 Perth Allen Mollie Edith Female Human Joseph Brown Male Perth
1944/100208 Perth Human Joseph Brown Male Allen Mollie Edith Female Perth
1944/100209 Perth Chapman Winifred May Female Dennis Ronald George Male Perth
1944/100209 Perth Dennis Ronald George Male Chapman Winifred May Female Perth
1945/100209 Perth Freeman-Smith Lydia Elizabeth Susanna Female Hudson George Fisher Male Claremont
1945/100209 Perth Hudson George Fisher Male Freeman-Smith Lydia Elizabeth Susanna Female Claremont
1944/100210 Perth Saner Donald Emerson Male Watson Joyce Olive Female Perth
1944/100210 Perth Watson Joyce Olive Female Saner Donald Emerson Male Perth
1944/100211 Perth O'Neill Richard Hughie Male Thomas Phyllis Pearl Female Perth
1944/100211 Perth Thomas Phyllis Pearl Female O'Neill Richard Hughie Male Perth
1944/100212 Perth Jardine Murray Douglas Male Burns Elizabeth Female Perth
1944/100212 Perth Burns Elizabeth Female Jardine Murray Douglas Male Perth
1944/100213 Perth Ugle Leah Female Isaacs Wallace Frederick Male Perth
1944/100213 Perth Isaacs Wallace Frederick Male Ugle Leah Female Perth
1944/100214 Perth Kerrison Ronald George Fredrick Male Jose Patricia Grace Female Perth
1944/100214 Perth Jose Patricia Grace Female Kerrison Ronald George Fredrick Male Perth
1944/100215 Perth Coleman Joan Gladys Lily Female Hillman Frank Kitchener Male Perth
1944/100215 Perth Hillman Frank Kitchener Male Coleman Joan Gladys Lily Female Perth
1944/100216 Perth Stephen Betty Norma Female Collier Avery Bishop Male Perth
1944/100216 Perth Collier Avery Bishop Male Stephen Betty Norma Female Perth
1944/100217 Perth Weller Gordon Male Jeapes Doris Winifred Female Perth
1944/100217 Perth Jeapes Doris Winifred Female Weller Gordon Male Perth
1944/100218 Perth Jones Betty Lena Female Baker Robert Allen Male Perth
1944/100218 Perth Baker Robert Allen Male Jones Betty Lena Female Perth
1944/100220 Perth Mulder John Albert Male Williams Jean Female Perth
1944/100220 Perth Williams Jean Female Mulder John Albert Male Perth
1944/100221 Perth Brooks Joyce Cicely Female Vance David William John Male Perth
1944/100221 Perth Vance David William John Male Brooks Joyce Cicely Female Perth
1944/100222 Perth Price June Hilary Female Headington Wesley Llewellyn Male Perth
1944/100222 Perth Headington Wesley Llewellyn Male Price June Hilary Female Perth
1944/100223 Perth Brankstone Henry Vere Male Gibbs Dora May Female Perth
1944/100223 Perth Gibbs Dora May Female Brankstone Henry Vere Male Perth
1944/100224 Perth Deveson Maurice Male Hart Audrey Joyce Female Perth
1944/100224 Perth Hart Audrey Joyce Female Deveson Maurice Male Perth
1944/100225 Perth Hess Rosalind Elizabeth Dorothy Female Jauncey Reginald Male Perth
1944/100225 Perth Jauncey Reginald Male Hess Rosalind Elizabeth Dorothy Female Perth
1944/100226 Perth Taylor Peggy Female Miller William Edward Male Perth
1944/100226 Perth Miller William Edward Male Taylor Peggy Female Perth
1944/100227 Perth Birtles Marjorie Jean Female Lewis James Arthur Frederick Giffen Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100227 Perth Lewis James Arthur Frederick Giffen Male Birtles Marjorie Jean Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100228 Perth Hard George Edward Male Tutt Betty Josephine Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100228 Perth Tutt Betty Josephine Female Hard George Edward Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100229 Perth Mullett Walter George Male Angell Loris Female Perth
1944/100229 Perth Angell Loris Female Mullett Walter George Male Perth
1944/100230 Perth Woods Jack Lloyd Male Osboine Phyllis Irene Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100230 Perth Osboine Phyllis Irene Female Woods Jack Lloyd Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100231 Perth Napier Donald Hastings Male Edwards Verna May Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100231 Perth Edwards Verna May Female Napier Donald Hastings Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100232 Perth Guilbert Nellie Mavis Female Percival Frank Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100232 Perth Percival Frank Male Guilbert Nellie Mavis Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100233 Perth Henning-Tvermoes Hans Male Mitchell Jessie Constance Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100233 Perth Mitchell Jessie Constance Female Henning-Tvermoes Hans Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100234 Perth Stone Margaret Sophia Female Gribble Horace Hector John Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100234 Perth Gribble Horace Hector John Male Stone Margaret Sophia Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100235 Perth Cook Thomas Henry Male Walker Phyllis Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100235 Perth Walker Phyllis Female Cook Thomas Henry Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100236 Perth Riches Lyndsay Esmond Male Pick Ivy Maude Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100236 Perth Pick Ivy Maude Female Riches Lyndsay Esmond Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100237 Perth Judges John Martin Male Halliday Betty Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100237 Perth Halliday Betty Female Judges John Martin Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100238 Perth Truscott Mildred Esmé Female Smithson Desmond Royce Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100238 Perth Smithson Desmond Royce Male Truscott Mildred Esmé Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100239 Perth Leuba Gladys Doris Female Verhoeven Wouter Johannes Male West Perth
1944/100239 Perth Verhoeven Wouter Johannes Male Leuba Gladys Doris Female West Perth
1944/100240 Perth Jacob Cecil David Male Cooke Thelma Eva Female Cottesloe
1944/100240 Perth Cooke Thelma Eva Female Jacob Cecil David Male Cottesloe
1944/100241 Perth Paull Florence Edith Female Bell Percival James Male Maylands
1944/100241 Perth Bell Percival James Male Paull Florence Edith Female Maylands
1944/100242 Perth Crutchett Juliette Rosamonde Female Vince Alfred Percy Male Inglewood
1944/100242 Perth Vince Alfred Percy Male Crutchett Juliette Rosamonde Female Inglewood
1945/100242 Perth Warren Alan Herbert James Male Marshall Margaret Josephine Female Claremont
1945/100242 Perth Marshall Margaret Josephine Female Warren Alan Herbert James Male Claremont
1944/100243 Perth Maggard Ronald James Male Otley Joan Emmeline Female Perth
1944/100243 Perth Otley Joan Emmeline Female Maggard Ronald James Male Perth
1944/100244 Perth Schneider Alfred Male Steele May Emily Female Perth
1944/100244 Perth Steele May Emily Female Schneider Alfred Male Perth
1944/100245 Perth Parks Ethel Hannah Female Sayers Jack Male Mosman Park
1944/100245 Perth Sayers Jack Male Parks Ethel Hannah Female Mosman Park
1944/100246 Perth Mills Eric William Male Leverington Barbara Eileen Female Perth
1944/100246 Perth Leverington Barbara Eileen Female Mills Eric William Male Perth
1944/100247 Perth Chambers John Sydney Male Williams Doris May Female Subiaco
1944/100247 Perth Williams Doris May Female Chambers John Sydney Male Subiaco
1944/100248 Perth Nicholls Grace Mary Female Wilmot Charles Henry Male Victoria Park
1944/100248 Perth Wilmot Charles Henry Male Nicholls Grace Mary Female Victoria Park
1944/100249 Perth Pepperell John Alexander Male Rogers Enid Female Victoria Park
1944/100249 Perth Rogers Enid Female Pepperell John Alexander Male Victoria Park
1944/100250 Perth Horne Robert Gordon Male Collins Zelma Mary Female Perth
1944/100250 Perth Collins Zelma Mary Female Horne Robert Gordon Male Perth
1944/100251 Perth Joyce Anthony Francis Male Hedges Betty Mary Female Perth
1944/100251 Perth Hedges Betty Mary Female Joyce Anthony Francis Male Perth
1944/100252 Perth Devereux Desmond Male Hodgson Iris Female Nedlands
1944/100252 Perth Hodgson Iris Female Devereux Desmond Male Nedlands
1944/100253 Perth Parker Muriel Grace Female Dunn Ivan Lindsay Male Nedlands
1944/100253 Perth Dunn Ivan Lindsay Male Parker Muriel Grace Female Nedlands
1944/100254 Perth Ntontos Ilias Male Pickett Cecelia Female Perth
1944/100254 Perth Pickett Cecelia Female Ntontos Ilias Male Perth
1944/100255 Perth Price Wilda Dawn Female Tinsley Carl Ashley Male Perth
1944/100255 Perth Tinsley Carl Ashley Male Price Wilda Dawn Female Perth
1944/100256 Perth Hatfield Donald Edgar Male Woosnam Kathleen Hope Female Perth
1944/100256 Perth Woosnam Kathleen Hope Female Hatfield Donald Edgar Male Perth
1944/100257 Perth Stow Neville Frederic Male Doyle Leah Eileen Female Perth
1944/100257 Perth Doyle Leah Eileen Female Stow Neville Frederic Male Perth
1944/100258 Perth Pritchard Lesley Vera Female Starcevich George Male Highgate Hill
1944/100258 Perth Starcevich George Male Pritchard Lesley Vera Female Highgate Hill
1944/100259 Perth Rinaldi Norma Catherine Female Rossiter John Leonard Male Highgate Hill
1944/100259 Perth Rossiter John Leonard Male Rinaldi Norma Catherine Female Highgate Hill
1944/100260 Perth Russell Bernadette Veronica Female O'Reilly John Joseph Male Highgate Hill
1944/100260 Perth O'Reilly John Joseph Male Russell Bernadette Veronica Female Highgate Hill
1944/100261 Perth Colreavy Peter Matthew Male Monaghan Bernadette Sheila Female Highgate Hill
1944/100261 Perth Monaghan Bernadette Sheila Female Colreavy Peter Matthew Male Highgate Hill
1944/100262 Perth McIntyre Bruce Kingsley Male Magee Elsie Violet Amphlett Female Perth
1944/100262 Perth Magee Elsie Violet Amphlett Female McIntyre Bruce Kingsley Male Perth
1944/100263 Perth McGuckin Patricia Hellen Female Sermon Kenneth Ronald Male West Perth
1944/100263 Perth Sermon Kenneth Ronald Male McGuckin Patricia Hellen Female West Perth
1944/100264 Perth Spark Malcolm Maxwell Male Searle Willetta Nola Florence Female West Perth
1944/100264 Perth Searle Willetta Nola Florence Female Spark Malcolm Maxwell Male West Perth
1944/100265 Perth Wake Ronald Francis Male Buck Joan Roselia Female West Perth
1944/100265 Perth Buck Joan Roselia Female Wake Ronald Francis Male West Perth
1944/100266 Perth Monkman Letitia Female Houghton Frederick William Male Perth
1944/100266 Perth Houghton Frederick William Male Monkman Letitia Female Perth
1944/100267 Perth Lee Allan Archie Male Rosevere Mildred Evelyn Female Perth
1944/100267 Perth Rosevere Mildred Evelyn Female Lee Allan Archie Male Perth
1944/100268 Perth Curwood Arthur Charles Male Stanley Winifred Isabel Female Perth
1944/100268 Perth Stanley Winifred Isabel Female Curwood Arthur Charles Male Perth
1944/100269 Perth Bond Ruby Catherine Female Culverhouse William Henry Male Perth
1944/100269 Perth Culverhouse William Henry Male Bond Ruby Catherine Female Perth
1944/100270 Perth Tsakalos Marko Male Dodd Grace Thelma Mary Female Perth
1944/100270 Perth Dodd Grace Thelma Mary Female Tsakalos Marko Male Perth
1944/100271 Perth Tree Claire Female Pember Roy Albert Male Perth
1944/100271 Perth Pember Roy Albert Male Tree Claire Female Perth
1944/100272 Perth Ecclestone Susan Dorothy Female Kirkham John Willem Male Perth
1944/100272 Perth Kirkham John Willem Male Ecclestone Susan Dorothy Female Perth
1944/100273 Perth Davidson Dorothy Margaret Female Walsh Lloyd Male Leederville
1944/100273 Perth Walsh Lloyd Male Davidson Dorothy Margaret Female Leederville
1944/100274 Perth Gepp Patricia Carol Female Zarzecki Henry Joseph Male Cottesloe
1944/100274 Perth Zarzecki Henry Joseph Male Gepp Patricia Carol Female Cottesloe
1944/100275 Perth Cattell Minnie Joyce Female Sharpe Richard William Male Perth
1944/100275 Perth Sharpe Richard William Male Cattell Minnie Joyce Female Perth
1944/100276 Perth Petrides Annetia George Female Grimaldi Alfred Umberto Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100276 Perth Grimaldi Alfred Umberto Male Petrides Annetia George Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100277 Perth Whitby Jean Margaret Female McInerheney James Vincent Anthony Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100277 Perth McInerheney James Vincent Anthony Male Whitby Jean Margaret Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100278 Perth Howard Josephine May Female McMeekin Thomas Oliver Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100278 Perth McMeekin Thomas Oliver Male Howard Josephine May Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100279 Perth Anderson Charles John Male Jeffery Gwendolene Phyllis Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100279 Perth Jeffery Gwendolene Phyllis Female Anderson Charles John Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100280 Perth Marshall Harold Godwin Male Ewing Katherine Joyce Female North Perth
1944/100280 Perth Ewing Katherine Joyce Female Marshall Harold Godwin Male North Perth
1944/100281 Perth Marnham Oriel May Female Lynch Clement Patrick Male West Perth
1944/100281 Perth Lynch Clement Patrick Male Marnham Oriel May Female West Perth
1944/100282 Perth Farmaner Harold Frederick Glyde Male Devenish Ethel Bion Female Perth
1944/100282 Perth Devenish Ethel Bion Female Farmaner Harold Frederick Glyde Male Perth
1944/100283 Perth Liddicut Alfred John Male Grosvenor Gloria Joan Female Perth
1944/100283 Perth Grosvenor Gloria Joan Female Liddicut Alfred John Male Perth
1944/100284 Perth Adam-Walter Valerie May Female Bee Charles Walcott Male Perth
1944/100284 Perth Bee Charles Walcott Male Adam-Walter Valerie May Female Perth
1944/100285 Perth Holmes Cecil Newman Male Armstrong Olive Ethel Female Perth
1944/100285 Perth Armstrong Olive Ethel Female Holmes Cecil Newman Male Perth
1944/100286 Perth Evill Stanley John Male Jackson Nancy Grace Female Perth
1944/100286 Perth Jackson Nancy Grace Female Evill Stanley John Male Perth
1944/100287 Perth Black Laura Agnes Female Kerrison John Joseph Male Perth
1944/100287 Perth Kerrison John Joseph Male Black Laura Agnes Female Perth
1944/100288 Perth Fleay Ernest Seatcon Male Rumble Gladys Mabel Female Perth
1944/100288 Perth Rumble Gladys Mabel Female Fleay Ernest Seatcon Male Perth
1944/100289 Perth Rumble Olive Muriel Female Fahey Kenneth Bramwell Male Perth
1944/100289 Perth Fahey Kenneth Bramwell Male Rumble Olive Muriel Female Perth
1944/100290 Perth Ould Edith Mary Female Nichols William Joseph Male Perth
1944/100290 Perth Nichols William Joseph Male Ould Edith Mary Female Perth
1944/100291 Perth Reid Colin Godfrey Male Wade Joyce Ethel Adela Female Perth
1944/100291 Perth Wade Joyce Ethel Adela Female Reid Colin Godfrey Male Perth
1944/100292 Perth Brown Joan Marion Female Dunning Alan Frederick Male Perth
1944/100292 Perth Dunning Alan Frederick Male Brown Joan Marion Female Perth
1944/100293 Perth Wilson Jessie May Female Henderson Albert Ernest Male Perth
1944/100293 Perth Henderson Albert Ernest Male Wilson Jessie May Female Perth
1944/100294 Perth Ford Victor George Male McCoy Elizabeth Ellen Female Claremont
1944/100294 Perth McCoy Elizabeth Ellen Female Ford Victor George Male Claremont
1944/100295 Perth Francis Eric William Male Maxwell Margaret Female South Perth
1944/100295 Perth Maxwell Margaret Female Francis Eric William Male South Perth
1944/100296 Perth Goddard Nell Eileen Female Day Thomas Wilson Male East Cannington
1944/100296 Perth Day Thomas Wilson Male Goddard Nell Eileen Female East Cannington
1944/100297 Perth Johns Barbara Yolande Female Vickerman Mervyn Godfrey D'Arcy Male Claremont
1944/100297 Perth Vickerman Mervyn Godfrey D'Arcy Male Johns Barbara Yolande Female Claremont
1944/100298 Perth Hardie Cecilia Gladys Female Maclagan George Colin Remington Male Claremont
1944/100298 Perth Maclagan George Colin Remington Male Hardie Cecilia Gladys Female Claremont
1944/100299 Perth Openshaw Thomas Henry Male Edwards Norma Female Claremont
1944/100299 Perth Edwards Norma Female Openshaw Thomas Henry Male Claremont
1944/100300 Perth McKay Dorothy May Female Considine Francis Patrick Male Claremont
1944/100300 Perth Considine Francis Patrick Male McKay Dorothy May Female Claremont
1944/100301 Perth Challenor Alfred Edward Male Butcher Ruth Female Claremont
1944/100301 Perth Butcher Ruth Female Challenor Alfred Edward Male Claremont
1944/100302 Perth Harvey Gordon Frederick Male Vivian Ilfra Joyce Female Mt Lawley
1944/100302 Perth Vivian Ilfra Joyce Female Harvey Gordon Frederick Male Mt Lawley
1944/100303 Perth Molyneux Dorothy Bessie Female Wansbrough Max Male Mt Lawley
1944/100303 Perth Wansbrough Max Male Molyneux Dorothy Bessie Female Mt Lawley
1944/100304 Perth Prosser Winifred Joy Female Eversole William Male Mt Lawley
1944/100304 Perth Eversole William Male Prosser Winifred Joy Female Mt Lawley
1944/100305 Perth Sweet Olive Margaret Female Wade Stanley Kenneth Male Mt Lawley
1944/100305 Perth Wade Stanley Kenneth Male Sweet Olive Margaret Female Mt Lawley
1944/100306 Perth Jennings Chester Silas Male Mackean Muriel Frances Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100306 Perth Mackean Muriel Frances Female Jennings Chester Silas Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100307 Perth Bassett Avis Joyce Female Pereira Leslie Clifton Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100307 Perth Pereira Leslie Clifton Male Bassett Avis Joyce Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100308 Perth Deere William Charles Male Crothers Maisie Theresa Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100308 Perth Crothers Maisie Theresa Female Deere William Charles Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100309 Perth Cornell Margaret Elizabeth Female Snibson Eric William Male Maylands
1944/100309 Perth Snibson Eric William Male Cornell Margaret Elizabeth Female Maylands
1944/100310 Perth Rowe Betty Joan Female Vermeer Theodorus Johannes Male Inglewood
1944/100310 Perth Vermeer Theodorus Johannes Male Rowe Betty Joan Female Inglewood
1944/100311 Perth Wealand Clarice Jean Female Knapton Ross Clifford Male Maylands
1944/100311 Perth Knapton Ross Clifford Male Wealand Clarice Jean Female Maylands
1944/100312 Perth Bennett Betty Gloria Female Ferguson Francis John Male Maylands
1944/100312 Perth Ferguson Francis John Male Bennett Betty Gloria Female Maylands
1944/100313 Perth Munday Dulcie May Female Schofield Lawrence George Male Mt Lawley
1944/100313 Perth Schofield Lawrence George Male Munday Dulcie May Female Mt Lawley
1944/100314 Perth Ferres Ronald Arthur John Male Smith Etta May Female Mt Lawley
1944/100314 Perth Smith Etta May Female Ferres Ronald Arthur John Male Mt Lawley
1944/100315 Perth Chapman June Hope Female Menzies Robert William James Male Claremont
1944/100315 Perth Menzies Robert William James Male Chapman June Hope Female Claremont
1944/100316 Perth Hall Irene Veronica Female Doehring Ronald George Male Highgate Hill
1944/100316 Perth Doehring Ronald George Male Hall Irene Veronica Female Highgate Hill
1944/100317 Perth Halligan Elsie May Female Carlton Ronald Keith Male Highgate Hill
1944/100317 Perth Carlton Ronald Keith Male Halligan Elsie May Female Highgate Hill
1944/100318 Perth Kukura Francis Male Hunter Mary Isabel Female Perth
1944/100318 Perth Hunter Mary Isabel Female Kukura Francis Male Perth
1944/100319 Perth Harrington John McCallum Smith Male Carrie Stella Margaret Maxwell Female Perth
1944/100319 Perth Carrie Stella Margaret Maxwell Female Harrington John McCallum Smith Male Perth
1944/100320 Perth Williamson Kathleen Mary Female Portier Frederik Male Perth
1944/100320 Perth Portier Frederik Male Williamson Kathleen Mary Female Perth
1944/100321 Perth Stone Minnie Calvert Female Bremner Lisle Dudley Male Perth
1944/100321 Perth Bremner Lisle Dudley Male Stone Minnie Calvert Female Perth
1944/100322 Perth Falconer Donald Horwood Bailey Male Parker Jean Female Perth
1944/100322 Perth Parker Jean Female Falconer Donald Horwood Bailey Male Perth
1944/100323 Perth Stone Harold Rodney Male McDonald Frances Jessie Female Perth
1944/100323 Perth McDonald Frances Jessie Female Stone Harold Rodney Male Perth
1944/100324 Perth Uhrich Elmer Franklin Theodore Male Simmons Eileen Syddell Female Perth
1944/100324 Perth Simmons Eileen Syddell Female Uhrich Elmer Franklin Theodore Male Perth
1944/100325 Perth Griffiths David Park Male Blenkinsop Norah Cosette Female Perth
1944/100325 Perth Blenkinsop Norah Cosette Female Griffiths David Park Male Perth
1944/100326 Perth Barnes Evelyn Female Hill Herbert Reginald Male Perth
1944/100326 Perth Hill Herbert Reginald Male Barnes Evelyn Female Perth
1944/100327 Perth Farmer Eva Rose Female Vawser Mervyn Perce Male Subiaco
1944/100327 Perth Vawser Mervyn Perce Male Farmer Eva Rose Female Subiaco
1944/100328 Perth Brehaut Rose May Female Eversden Albert Edward Male Perth
1944/100328 Perth Eversden Albert Edward Male Brehaut Rose May Female Perth
1944/100329 Perth Holzman Eve Naomi Female Gale Lance Aleck Charles Male Perth
1944/100329 Perth Gale Lance Aleck Charles Male Holzman Eve Naomi Female Perth
1944/100330 Perth Maley Ivan Reeves Parker Male Devereux Nellie Catherine Female Maylands
1944/100330 Perth Devereux Nellie Catherine Female Maley Ivan Reeves Parker Male Maylands
1944/100331 Perth Head Kenneth Morris Male Derrick Frances Lillian Female Como
1944/100331 Perth Derrick Frances Lillian Female Head Kenneth Morris Male Como
1944/100332 Perth Dinges Lester Leonard Male Arnold Ivy Eileen Female West Perth
1944/100332 Perth Arnold Ivy Eileen Female Dinges Lester Leonard Male West Perth
1944/100333 Perth Taylor Roma Frances Female Hegney Thomas Patrick Male Leederville
1944/100333 Perth Hegney Thomas Patrick Male Taylor Roma Frances Female Leederville
1944/100334 Perth Coles Iris Jessie Female Jellis Bruce Stanley Male Maylands
1944/100334 Perth Jellis Bruce Stanley Male Coles Iris Jessie Female Maylands
1944/100335 Perth Bovell Bernice Leona Female Stirk James Henry Male Perth
1944/100335 Perth Stirk James Henry Male Bovell Bernice Leona Female Perth
1944/100336 Perth Ellery Daphne Grace Female de Morton Raymond Male West Perth
1944/100336 Perth de Morton Raymond Male Ellery Daphne Grace Female West Perth
1944/100337 Perth Reynolds Sadie Rita Faye Female Berryman William Silvester Thomas Male West Perth
1944/100337 Perth Berryman William Silvester Thomas Male Reynolds Sadie Rita Faye Female West Perth
1944/100338 Perth Rickey James William Male Buggins Audrey Lorraine Female West Perth
1944/100338 Perth Buggins Audrey Lorraine Female Rickey James William Male West Perth
1944/100339 Perth Barton William Milton Male Brisbane Judith Female Cottesloe
1944/100339 Perth Brisbane Judith Female Barton William Milton Male Cottesloe
1944/100340 Perth Langmead Joyce Dorothy Female Armstrong Raymond Foster Male West Perth
1944/100340 Perth Armstrong Raymond Foster Male Langmead Joyce Dorothy Female West Perth
1944/100341 Perth Burvill Ernest Walter Male Griffiths Iris Gwendoline Female West Perth
1944/100341 Perth Griffiths Iris Gwendoline Female Burvill Ernest Walter Male West Perth
1944/100342 Perth Ligertwood James Richard Verdun Male McMahon Olive Maureen Female West Perth
1944/100342 Perth McMahon Olive Maureen Female Ligertwood James Richard Verdun Male West Perth
1944/100343 Perth Kirk James Male Culbertson Elizabeth Female Perth
1944/100343 Perth Culbertson Elizabeth Female Kirk James Male Perth
1944/100344 Perth Scott John Male Uren Joy Female Perth
1944/100344 Perth Uren Joy Female Scott John Male Perth
1944/100345 Perth Fodor Michael Male Bryant Mona Lillian Female Perth
1944/100345 Perth Bryant Mona Lillian Female Fodor Michael Male Perth
1944/100346 Perth Kilminster Leonard Percival Male Bowyer Beryl Female Perth
1944/100346 Perth Bowyer Beryl Female Kilminster Leonard Percival Male Perth
1944/100347 Perth Edwards Margery Mabel Female Kostera Cazmiez Male Perth
1944/100347 Perth Kostera Cazmiez Male Edwards Margery Mabel Female Perth
1944/100348 Perth Richards Florence Laura Gertrude Female Skeels William Thomas Male Claremont
1944/100348 Perth Skeels William Thomas Male Richards Florence Laura Gertrude Female Claremont
1944/100349 Perth Johnson Arthur William Henry Male Barclay Zeeta May Female Claremont
1944/100349 Perth Barclay Zeeta May Female Johnson Arthur William Henry Male Claremont
1944/100350 Perth Barnes Vivian May Female Evans Laurence William Male Claremont
1944/100350 Perth Evans Laurence William Male Barnes Vivian May Female Claremont
1944/100351 Perth Evans Sheila Olwin Female Klose Walter Fürchtegott Male Claremont
1944/100351 Perth Klose Walter Fürchtegott Male Evans Sheila Olwin Female Claremont
1944/100352 Perth Sheppard Ada Millicent Female Hayward Edward Victor Male Claremont
1944/100352 Perth Hayward Edward Victor Male Sheppard Ada Millicent Female Claremont
1944/100353 Perth Edgcumbe George Aubrey Valletort Male George Una Pamela Female Claremont
1944/100353 Perth George Una Pamela Female Edgcumbe George Aubrey Valletort Male Claremont
1944/100354 Perth Smith Kathleen Mary Female Smith David William Male Nth Perth
1944/100354 Perth Smith David William Male Smith Kathleen Mary Female Nth Perth
1944/100355 Perth Lockhart Ronald Henry Male Butler Olive Elizabeth Female Subiaco
1944/100355 Perth Butler Olive Elizabeth Female Lockhart Ronald Henry Male Subiaco
1944/100356 Perth Kern Agnes Female Horresdale Robert Stanley Male North Perth
1944/100356 Perth Horresdale Robert Stanley Male Kern Agnes Female North Perth
1944/100357 Perth Angell Lewis Edward Male Williams Beryl Female Perth
1944/100357 Perth Williams Beryl Female Angell Lewis Edward Male Perth
1944/100358 Perth Nevill Gladys Ruth Female Way George Luiel Male Perth
1944/100358 Perth Way George Luiel Male Nevill Gladys Ruth Female Perth
1944/100359 Perth Bannister Isabel Victoria Female Masters Paul Monroe Male Perth
1944/100359 Perth Masters Paul Monroe Male Bannister Isabel Victoria Female Perth
1944/100360 Perth Beveridge Andrew William Male Young Jean Female Perth
1944/100360 Perth Young Jean Female Beveridge Andrew William Male Perth
1944/100361 Perth Daw Sheila Betty Female Harris Norman Francis Male Nedlands
1944/100361 Perth Harris Norman Francis Male Daw Sheila Betty Female Nedlands
1944/100362 Perth Laing Ophelia May Female Wallis Horace Vivian Male Perth
1944/100362 Perth Wallis Horace Vivian Male Laing Ophelia May Female Perth
1944/100363 Perth Hince Alfred Male Garland Joyce Edith Female Victoria Park
1944/100363 Perth Garland Joyce Edith Female Hince Alfred Male Victoria Park
1944/100364 Perth Kings Georgina May Female Wilson Admiral Male Victoria Park
1944/100364 Perth Wilson Admiral Male Kings Georgina May Female Victoria Park
1944/100365 Perth Clark Ernest Male Bagshaw Joan Female Victoria Park
1944/100365 Perth Bagshaw Joan Female Clark Ernest Male Victoria Park
1944/100366 Perth Blick Herbert Male Butcher Amy Thea Female Victoria Park
1944/100366 Perth Butcher Amy Thea Female Blick Herbert Male Victoria Park
1944/100367 Perth Fricker Joyce Rosanne Female McPherson Duncan Male West Perth
1944/100367 Perth McPherson Duncan Male Fricker Joyce Rosanne Female West Perth
1944/100368 Perth McCormack Henrietta Carle Female Seubert Arnott Donald Male West Perth
1944/100368 Perth Seubert Arnott Donald Male McCormack Henrietta Carle Female West Perth
1944/100369 Perth Rule Eric David Male Millar Christina Barrie Female West Leederville
1944/100369 Perth Millar Christina Barrie Female Rule Eric David Male West Leederville
1944/100370 Perth Anderton Mabel Mary Jane Female King Frederick Male Leederville
1944/100370 Perth King Frederick Male Anderton Mabel Mary Jane Female Leederville
1944/100371 Perth Staddon John Felix Male Warren Lucille Mary Female Wembley Park
1944/100371 Perth Warren Lucille Mary Female Staddon John Felix Male Wembley Park
1944/100372 Perth Finlay Doris Annie Female Sykes Kenneth Walter Harold Wyatt Male North Perth
1944/100372 Perth Sykes Kenneth Walter Harold Wyatt Male Finlay Doris Annie Female North Perth
1944/100373 Perth Bennett Charles Walter Male Scari Blanche Grace Female Perth
1944/100373 Perth Scari Blanche Grace Female Bennett Charles Walter Male Perth
1944/100374 Perth Le Guier Donald Tyson Male Blake Amelia Female East Victoria Park
1944/100374 Perth Blake Amelia Female Le Guier Donald Tyson Male East Victoria Park
1944/100375 Perth Marsh Harold Raymond Male Webb Amy Female Mt Lawley
1944/100375 Perth Webb Amy Female Marsh Harold Raymond Male Mt Lawley
1944/100376 Perth Hansen Patricia Isabel Female Old Richard Charles Male Mt Lawley
1944/100376 Perth Old Richard Charles Male Hansen Patricia Isabel Female Mt Lawley
1944/100377 Perth Gwyther Edward McKinnon Male Foreman Jean Barclay Female Claremont
1944/100377 Perth Foreman Jean Barclay Female Gwyther Edward McKinnon Male Claremont
1944/100378 Perth Devlin Norman Forrester Male Rodsted Elvie Phoebe Female Claremont
1944/100378 Perth Rodsted Elvie Phoebe Female Devlin Norman Forrester Male Claremont
1944/100379 Perth Hetherington Lesley Thornlie Female Williams Mervyn Male Perth
1944/100379 Perth Williams Mervyn Male Hetherington Lesley Thornlie Female Perth
1944/100380 Perth Jackson Helen Joyce Female Carlson John Male Perth
1944/100380 Perth Carlson John Male Jackson Helen Joyce Female Perth
1944/100381 Perth Ellard Wilson Lionel Male Milne Marjorie Jean Female Perth
1944/100381 Perth Milne Marjorie Jean Female Ellard Wilson Lionel Male Perth
1944/100382 Perth Gorman Patricia Mary Female Brown Claude Alfred Male Perth
1944/100382 Perth Brown Claude Alfred Male Gorman Patricia Mary Female Perth
1944/100383 Perth Phillips Eileen Mary Female Watters Bertie John Male Perth
1944/100383 Perth Watters Bertie John Male Phillips Eileen Mary Female Perth
1944/100384 Perth McDorman Earl Leroy Male Barlow Norma Threse Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100384 Perth Barlow Norma Threse Female McDorman Earl Leroy Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100385 Perth Jacobs Viotte Female Cocks Montrose Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100385 Perth Cocks Montrose Male Jacobs Viotte Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100386 Perth Kiernan Ada Lavinia Female Crockford Albert Charles Vernon Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100386 Perth Crockford Albert Charles Vernon Male Kiernan Ada Lavinia Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100387 Perth Simpson Winfred Jane Female Herdsman Henry Horsely Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100387 Perth Herdsman Henry Horsely Male Simpson Winfred Jane Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100388 Perth Walters Robert Richard Male Perry Norma Mary Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100388 Perth Perry Norma Mary Female Walters Robert Richard Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100389 Perth Manton Dorothy Margaret Female Shaw Joseph Bernard Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100389 Perth Shaw Joseph Bernard Male Manton Dorothy Margaret Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100390 Perth Boyes Lynette Female Sinclair Edward Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100390 Perth Sinclair Edward Male Boyes Lynette Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100391 Perth Hughes Winifred Joan Female Pollock George Robert Male Mosman Park
1944/100391 Perth Pollock George Robert Male Hughes Winifred Joan Female Mosman Park
1944/100392 Perth Thurston Lewis Edwin Male Sharp Pamela Lewis Female South Perth
1944/100392 Perth Sharp Pamela Lewis Female Thurston Lewis Edwin Male South Perth
1944/100393 Perth Neal Joyce Emily Female McDonald Donald John Male South Perth
1944/100393 Perth McDonald Donald John Male Neal Joyce Emily Female South Perth
1944/100394 Perth White Catherine Sarah Female Lawrence Edward Patrick Male Perth
1944/100394 Perth Lawrence Edward Patrick Male White Catherine Sarah Female Perth
1944/100395 Perth Allender James Edward Male Kirkham Jean Margaret May Female Perth
1944/100395 Perth Kirkham Jean Margaret May Female Allender James Edward Male Perth
1944/100396 Perth Baker Alice Theresa Female Scanlan Percival Michael Male West Perth
1944/100396 Perth Scanlan Percival Michael Male Baker Alice Theresa Female West Perth
1944/100397 Perth Reid Albert Mervin Male Spowart Margaret Cecilia Female Perth
1944/100397 Perth Spowart Margaret Cecilia Female Reid Albert Mervin Male Perth
1944/100398 Perth Keough Rose Ann Female Harris Gregory Plowman Male Perth
1944/100398 Perth Harris Gregory Plowman Male Keough Rose Ann Female Perth
1944/100399 Perth Gibson David John Wetherup Male Oldham Nancey Enid Female Perth
1944/100399 Perth Oldham Nancey Enid Female Gibson David John Wetherup Male Perth
1944/100400 Perth Shadbolt Vera Isabel Female Miell Oscar Strudwick Male Perth
1944/100400 Perth Miell Oscar Strudwick Male Shadbolt Vera Isabel Female Perth
1944/100401 Perth McKinnon Margaret Ethel Female Ridley Richard Colin Male Perth
1944/100401 Perth Ridley Richard Colin Male McKinnon Margaret Ethel Female Perth
1944/100402 Perth Hooper John Gilbert Male Owen Olive May Female Perth
1944/100402 Perth Owen Olive May Female Hooper John Gilbert Male Perth
1944/100403 Perth Bowring Gordon Male Eyre Ruby Rose Female Victoria Park
1944/100403 Perth Eyre Ruby Rose Female Bowring Gordon Male Victoria Park
1944/100404 Perth André Clifford Norman Male Russell Veronica Agnes Female Victoria Park
1944/100404 Perth Russell Veronica Agnes Female André Clifford Norman Male Victoria Park
1944/100405 Perth Macgowan Elwood Clinton Male Murphy Norma Merle Female Claremont
1944/100405 Perth Murphy Norma Merle Female Macgowan Elwood Clinton Male Claremont
1944/100406 Perth Miles James Frederick Male Furniss Mercy Maud Mary Female Claremont
1944/100406 Perth Furniss Mercy Maud Mary Female Miles James Frederick Male Claremont
1944/100407 Perth Elphick Sidney Male Anspach Sydney Ruth Female Perth
1944/100407 Perth Anspach Sydney Ruth Female Elphick Sidney Male Perth
1944/100408 Perth Stewart Jack McKay Male Haldane Isobel Lillian Female Subiaco
1944/100408 Perth Haldane Isobel Lillian Female Stewart Jack McKay Male Subiaco
1944/100409 Perth Holmes Sydney Male Simonds Vera Joan Female Perth
1944/100409 Perth Simonds Vera Joan Female Holmes Sydney Male Perth
1944/100410 Perth Dixon Elsie Emma Female Bartley Andrew Male Perth
1944/100410 Perth Bartley Andrew Male Dixon Elsie Emma Female Perth
1944/100411 Perth Smith Arthur Edward Male Phillips Beryl Blanche Brewer Female Perth
1944/100411 Perth Phillips Beryl Blanche Brewer Female Smith Arthur Edward Male Perth
1944/100412 Perth Pillage Ada Norma Female Downing Roy Edward Male Perth
1944/100412 Perth Downing Roy Edward Male Pillage Ada Norma Female Perth
1944/100413 Perth Grose William John Male Somerford Betty Doreen Female Perth
1944/100413 Perth Somerford Betty Doreen Female Grose William John Male Perth
1944/100414 Perth Cockram Sylvia Frances Female Tremlett William Herbert Male Perth
1944/100414 Perth Tremlett William Herbert Male Cockram Sylvia Frances Female Perth
1944/100415 Perth Morgan Phyllis Female Cornish Raymond McKenzie Male Perth
1944/100415 Perth Cornish Raymond McKenzie Male Morgan Phyllis Female Perth
1944/100416 Perth Manning Harold Frederick Male Limpus Gwendolene Gladys Female Mosman Park
1944/100416 Perth Limpus Gwendolene Gladys Female Manning Harold Frederick Male Mosman Park
1944/100417 Perth Ryan Francis William Male Kenneally Irene May Female Highgate Hill
1944/100417 Perth Kenneally Irene May Female Ryan Francis William Male Highgate Hill
1944/100418 Perth Cecic Ljubo Male Loncar Annie Female Osborne Park
1944/100418 Perth Loncar Annie Female Cecic Ljubo Male Osborne Park
1944/100419 Perth Lawrence Catherine Ellen Female Mixon (Junior) Richard Irving Male West Leederville
1944/100419 Perth Mixon (Junior) Richard Irving Male Lawrence Catherine Ellen Female West Leederville
1944/100420 Perth Booker James Alfred Male Taylor Helen May Female Perth
1944/100420 Perth Taylor Helen May Female Booker James Alfred Male Perth
1944/100421 Perth Atkins Alan George Male O'Dwyer Eileen Ann Female Carlisle
1944/100421 Perth O'Dwyer Eileen Ann Female Atkins Alan George Male Carlisle
1944/100422 Perth Meier Otto Albert Male McLean Annie Elizabeth Female Perth
1944/100422 Perth McLean Annie Elizabeth Female Meier Otto Albert Male Perth
1944/100423 Perth Neeson Andrew McCall Male Davies Mary Ethel Female Highgate Hill
1944/100423 Perth Davies Mary Ethel Female Neeson Andrew McCall Male Highgate Hill
1944/100424 Perth Wiseman Ronald Keith Male Raynor Joyce Female Perth
1944/100424 Perth Raynor Joyce Female Wiseman Ronald Keith Male Perth
1944/100425 Perth Thurman Alec Bonser Male Whitfield Anita Goldsmith Female Bayswater
1944/100425 Perth Whitfield Anita Goldsmith Female Thurman Alec Bonser Male Bayswater
1944/100426 Perth Diggins Dulcie Female Kempton Ernest Gordon Male Subiaco
1944/100426 Perth Kempton Ernest Gordon Male Diggins Dulcie Female Subiaco
1944/100427 Perth Rooke Peter Francis Male Cameron Margaret Female Cottesloe
1944/100427 Perth Cameron Margaret Female Rooke Peter Francis Male Cottesloe
1944/100428 Perth Varian Clarence David Male Powell Alexia May Female Subiaco
1944/100428 Perth Powell Alexia May Female Varian Clarence David Male Subiaco
1944/100429 Perth Tracy Kathleen Isobel Female McCormick Malcolm Rutherford Male Subiaco
1944/100429 Perth McCormick Malcolm Rutherford Male Tracy Kathleen Isobel Female Subiaco
1944/100430 Perth Wilson Gladys Female Pottinger Matthew Male Perth
1944/100430 Perth Pottinger Matthew Male Wilson Gladys Female Perth
1944/100431 Perth Hill Annie Sadie Female Reid William Male Perth
1944/100431 Perth Reid William Male Hill Annie Sadie Female Perth
1944/100432 Perth Scally Neil Male Cheney Lila Maida Female Perth
1944/100432 Perth Cheney Lila Maida Female Scally Neil Male Perth
1944/100434 Perth Gardiner Strickland Mervyn Male Layman Susan Female Mt Lawley
1944/100434 Perth Layman Susan Female Gardiner Strickland Mervyn Male Mt Lawley
1944/100435 Perth Manson Verna Irene Female McDonald Malcolm Mervyn Male Mt Lawley
1944/100435 Perth McDonald Malcolm Mervyn Male Manson Verna Irene Female Mt Lawley
1944/100436 Perth Offer William Patrick Male Rockman Sadie Female Perth
1944/100436 Perth Rockman Sadie Female Offer William Patrick Male Perth
1944/100437 Perth Cain Thomas Vincent Male James Phyllis Christina Wearne Female Highgate Hill
1944/100437 Perth James Phyllis Christina Wearne Female Cain Thomas Vincent Male Highgate Hill
1944/100438 Perth Gandini Battista Giovanni Male McMahon Rosena Mary Female Subiaco
1944/100438 Perth McMahon Rosena Mary Female Gandini Battista Giovanni Male Subiaco
1944/100439 Perth Redgrave Emily Christina Lilian Female Brown Henry Heath Male West Perth
1944/100439 Perth Brown Henry Heath Male Redgrave Emily Christina Lilian Female West Perth
1944/100440 Perth Blake Edith May Female Dawes Jack Ernest Male Victoria Park
1944/100440 Perth Dawes Jack Ernest Male Blake Edith May Female Victoria Park
1944/100441 Perth McKenna Irene Female Van Brook Robert Male West Perth
1944/100441 Perth Van Brook Robert Male McKenna Irene Female West Perth
1944/100442 Perth Black Valmai Dorothy Lacey Female Mountford Herbert Lloyd Male West Perth
1944/100442 Perth Mountford Herbert Lloyd Male Black Valmai Dorothy Lacey Female West Perth
1944/100443 Perth Barker William Male Buckley Ethel May Female West Perth
1944/100443 Perth Buckley Ethel May Female Barker William Male West Perth
1944/100444 Perth Griffiths Phyllis Edna Female Leicester William Reginald Male W Perth
1944/100444 Perth Leicester William Reginald Male Griffiths Phyllis Edna Female W Perth
1944/100445 Perth Hoddy Albert Roy Male Pipe Ruby Doris Female Highgate Hill
1944/100445 Perth Pipe Ruby Doris Female Hoddy Albert Roy Male Highgate Hill
1944/100446 Perth Kelly Ellen Alice Female Draper Ernest Francis Scott Male Leederville
1944/100446 Perth Draper Ernest Francis Scott Male Kelly Ellen Alice Female Leederville
1944/100447 Perth Leahy Patricia Alice Female Woodhams Cyril Stephen Male Leederville
1944/100447 Perth Woodhams Cyril Stephen Male Leahy Patricia Alice Female Leederville
1944/100448 Perth Beech Norman Victor Male Lefroy Doris May Female Subiaco
1944/100448 Perth Lefroy Doris May Female Beech Norman Victor Male Subiaco
1944/100449 Perth MacGregor Heather Roberta Female Le Vaux Wilton Male Subiaco
1944/100449 Perth Le Vaux Wilton Male MacGregor Heather Roberta Female Subiaco
1944/100450 Perth Fletcher Walter Ernest Male Okely Patricia Barker Female Subiaco
1944/100450 Perth Okely Patricia Barker Female Fletcher Walter Ernest Male Subiaco
1944/100451 Perth Forbes Hettie Adeline Female O'Halloran John Sylvester Male Mosman Park
1944/100451 Perth O'Halloran John Sylvester Male Forbes Hettie Adeline Female Mosman Park
1944/100452 Perth Crabb Ronald George Male Parkes Patricia Female Cottesloe
1944/100452 Perth Parkes Patricia Female Crabb Ronald George Male Cottesloe
1944/100453 Perth Gleason Bernard James Male Sheridan Barbara Faith Female Perth
1944/100453 Perth Sheridan Barbara Faith Female Gleason Bernard James Male Perth
1944/100454 Perth Weston Doris Winifred Female Sewell Edward Arthur Male West Perth
1944/100454 Perth Sewell Edward Arthur Male Weston Doris Winifred Female West Perth
1944/100455 Perth Bell Lurline May Female Rolland Albert John Male Maylands
1944/100455 Perth Rolland Albert John Male Bell Lurline May Female Maylands
1944/100456 Perth West James Ernest Henry Male Forsyth Muriel Female North Perth
1944/100456 Perth Forsyth Muriel Female West James Ernest Henry Male North Perth
1944/100457 Perth Arthur Dorothy Iris Female Jennings George Alfred Leslie Male Subiaco
1944/100457 Perth Jennings George Alfred Leslie Male Arthur Dorothy Iris Female Subiaco
1944/100458 Perth Pittendrigh Donald Male McGhee Lenna Frances Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100458 Perth McGhee Lenna Frances Female Pittendrigh Donald Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100459 Perth Jones Francis Elijah Male Fletcher Mary Cecilia Female Perth
1944/100459 Perth Fletcher Mary Cecilia Female Jones Francis Elijah Male Perth
1944/100460 Perth Brunsden Frank Edward Male Carroll Thelma Maude Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100460 Perth Carroll Thelma Maude Female Brunsden Frank Edward Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100461 Perth Gale Hubert James Male Higham Maisie Joyce Female Osborne Park
1944/100461 Perth Higham Maisie Joyce Female Gale Hubert James Male Osborne Park
1944/100462 Perth Walton Norman Victor Male Payne Catherine Rosa Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100462 Perth Payne Catherine Rosa Female Walton Norman Victor Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100463 Perth McKay Betty Thompson Female Bennett Alexander John Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100463 Perth Bennett Alexander John Male McKay Betty Thompson Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100464 Perth Hithersay Elizabeth Daly Female Smith Robert James Male Nedlands
1944/100464 Perth Smith Robert James Male Hithersay Elizabeth Daly Female Nedlands
1944/100465 Perth Nicholson Thelma May Female Sullivan James Ambrose Male Nedlands
1944/100465 Perth Sullivan James Ambrose Male Nicholson Thelma May Female Nedlands
1944/100466 Perth Smith Ivy Eileen Female Campbell Lionel Roy Male Perth
1944/100466 Perth Campbell Lionel Roy Male Smith Ivy Eileen Female Perth
1944/100467 Perth Williams John Henry Male Caporn Phyllis Mary Female Queen's Park
1944/100467 Perth Caporn Phyllis Mary Female Williams John Henry Male Queen's Park
1944/100468 Perth Hemme Roma Female White Aubrey Raymond Male Perth
1944/100468 Perth White Aubrey Raymond Male Hemme Roma Female Perth
1944/100469 Perth Freebury Gwynneth Vera Female Smith Henry Male Perth
1944/100469 Perth Smith Henry Male Freebury Gwynneth Vera Female Perth
1944/100470 Perth Kelly Ellen Mary Female Tobin John Edmond Male Maylands
1944/100470 Perth Tobin John Edmond Male Kelly Ellen Mary Female Maylands
1944/100471 Perth Irwin John Oliver Male Winthrop Iris Mary Female Maylands
1944/100471 Perth Winthrop Iris Mary Female Irwin John Oliver Male Maylands
1944/100472 Perth Power Charles Leslie Male Fellows Joan Evelyn Female West Perth
1944/100472 Perth Fellows Joan Evelyn Female Power Charles Leslie Male West Perth
1944/100473 Perth Thomson Henry Alfred Male Turner Lorna Hope Female West Perth
1944/100473 Perth Turner Lorna Hope Female Thomson Henry Alfred Male West Perth
1944/100474 Perth Bray Muriel Gledhill Female Wilson Jack Woodrow Male West Perth
1944/100474 Perth Wilson Jack Woodrow Male Bray Muriel Gledhill Female West Perth
1944/100475 Perth Holywell William Thomas Male Symes Jasmine Mary Female West Perth
1944/100475 Perth Symes Jasmine Mary Female Holywell William Thomas Male West Perth
1944/100476 Perth Angwin Shirley Joan Female Adams Eddy Thomas Male West Perth
1944/100476 Perth Adams Eddy Thomas Male Angwin Shirley Joan Female West Perth
1944/100477 Perth Doughty Albert Percival Male Sargeant Gladys Lillian Margaret Female Perth
1944/100477 Perth Sargeant Gladys Lillian Margaret Female Doughty Albert Percival Male Perth
1944/100478 Perth Thornton Frederick Thomas Male Godecke Lorna Joyce Female Perth
1944/100478 Perth Godecke Lorna Joyce Female Thornton Frederick Thomas Male Perth
1944/100479 Perth Scott Catherine Frances Female East William Leonard Male Perth
1944/100479 Perth East William Leonard Male Scott Catherine Frances Female Perth
1944/100480 Perth Wass Gwenyth Faith Female Armstrong James Lawrence Harvey Male Perth
1944/100480 Perth Armstrong James Lawrence Harvey Male Wass Gwenyth Faith Female Perth
1944/100481 Perth Gartrell Charles Henry Male Willis Shirley May Female Perth
1944/100481 Perth Willis Shirley May Female Gartrell Charles Henry Male Perth
1944/100482 Perth Middleton Sadie Jean Female Campbell Edgar Joseph Male Perth
1944/100482 Perth Campbell Edgar Joseph Male Middleton Sadie Jean Female Perth
1944/100483 Perth Pyke Dorothy Ethel Female Northwood Vernon Ray Male Perth
1944/100483 Perth Northwood Vernon Ray Male Pyke Dorothy Ethel Female Perth
1944/100484 Perth Hagley Charlotte Jane Female Stone Philip Bramwell Male Perth
1944/100484 Perth Stone Philip Bramwell Male Hagley Charlotte Jane Female Perth
1944/100485 Perth Stephen Gladys Mary Female Griggs Ernest Leslie Male Perth
1944/100485 Perth Griggs Ernest Leslie Male Stephen Gladys Mary Female Perth
1944/100486 Perth Townsend Ida Doreen Female Salvo Edgar Earle Male Perth
1944/100486 Perth Salvo Edgar Earle Male Townsend Ida Doreen Female Perth
1944/100487 Perth Armstrong Mavis Joan Female Edwards August Morris Male Perth
1944/100487 Perth Edwards August Morris Male Armstrong Mavis Joan Female Perth
1944/100488 Perth Daniels Rose Nesta Female Harrisson Leonard Frank Male Cottesloe
1944/100488 Perth Harrisson Leonard Frank Male Daniels Rose Nesta Female Cottesloe
1944/100489 Perth Foster Ivy May Female Flint William Fredrick Male Perth
1944/100489 Perth Flint William Fredrick Male Foster Ivy May Female Perth
1944/100490 Perth Dover Herbert Harold Male Wickenden Daphne Edna Female Perth
1944/100490 Perth Wickenden Daphne Edna Female Dover Herbert Harold Male Perth
1944/100491 Perth Crawford Kathleen Female Holt Thomas Trevor Male Perth
1944/100491 Perth Holt Thomas Trevor Male Crawford Kathleen Female Perth
1944/100492 Perth Dixson Lilian Jane Female Howat Archibald Walker Male Perth
1944/100492 Perth Howat Archibald Walker Male Dixson Lilian Jane Female Perth
1944/100493 Perth Barber Constance Winifred Female Heath Frederick James Male North Perth
1944/100493 Perth Heath Frederick James Male Barber Constance Winifred Female North Perth
1944/100494 Perth Williamson Evelyn Joyce Female Pearce Harry William Male Nth Perth
1944/100494 Perth Pearce Harry William Male Williamson Evelyn Joyce Female Nth Perth
1944/100495 Perth Croxford Grace Edith Female Cheeseman Edward Reginald Godfrey Male North Perth
1944/100495 Perth Cheeseman Edward Reginald Godfrey Male Croxford Grace Edith Female North Perth
1944/100496 Perth Compton Cecil Frank Male Robinson Betty Evelyn Female North Perth
1944/100496 Perth Robinson Betty Evelyn Female Compton Cecil Frank Male North Perth
1944/100497 Perth Mills Mabel Jean Female Clements Kenneth Male North Perth
1944/100497 Perth Clements Kenneth Male Mills Mabel Jean Female North Perth
1944/100498 Perth Hatch Abram Male Kelly Rose Helen Female North Perth
1944/100498 Perth Kelly Rose Helen Female Hatch Abram Male North Perth
1944/100499 Perth English Jean Isobel Female Briggs Albert Harold Male Perth
1944/100499 Perth Briggs Albert Harold Male English Jean Isobel Female Perth
1944/100500 Perth Gertzel Vincent Leslie Male Stove Clarice Jean Female Mt Lawley
1944/100500 Perth Stove Clarice Jean Female Gertzel Vincent Leslie Male Mt Lawley
1944/100501 Perth Denton Patricia Marjorie Female Crocos Oriel Robinson Male Perth
1944/100501 Perth Crocos Oriel Robinson Male Denton Patricia Marjorie Female Perth
1944/100503 Perth Mellowship Alfred William Male Battersby Dorothy Lily Veronica Female East Victoria Park
1944/100503 Perth Battersby Dorothy Lily Veronica Female Mellowship Alfred William Male East Victoria Park
1944/100504 Perth Bone Roland Male Ritchie Elizabeth Agnes Female Perth
1944/100504 Perth Ritchie Elizabeth Agnes Female Bone Roland Male Perth
1944/100505 Perth Grindlay John Shedden Male Biddell Ada Josephine Female Osborne Park
1944/100505 Perth Biddell Ada Josephine Female Grindlay John Shedden Male Osborne Park
1944/100506 Perth Johnson George Daniel Male Liddell Joyce May Female Victoria Park
1944/100506 Perth Liddell Joyce May Female Johnson George Daniel Male Victoria Park
1944/100507 Perth Johns Douglas Haig Male Jones Ellen Florence Female Victoria Park
1944/100507 Perth Jones Ellen Florence Female Johns Douglas Haig Male Victoria Park
1944/100508 Perth Goddard Norma Kathleen Female Coldicutt Colin Male Victoria Park
1944/100508 Perth Coldicutt Colin Male Goddard Norma Kathleen Female Victoria Park
1944/100509 Perth Weston Shirley Alexandra Joy Female Sylvester August James Male Victoria Park
1944/100509 Perth Sylvester August James Male Weston Shirley Alexandra Joy Female Victoria Park
1944/100510 Perth Price Sadie May Female Whitt Lloyd Arthur Male Perth
1944/100510 Perth Whitt Lloyd Arthur Male Price Sadie May Female Perth
1944/100511 Perth Clarke Ena Female Pericic Anton Male Perth
1944/100511 Perth Pericic Anton Male Clarke Ena Female Perth
1944/100513 Perth Arkell Albert Edward Male Harris Ethel Naoma Female West Perth
1944/100513 Perth Harris Ethel Naoma Female Arkell Albert Edward Male West Perth
1944/100514 Perth Atkins Violet Mary Female Giblin Cyril Falkiner Male West Perth
1944/100514 Perth Giblin Cyril Falkiner Male Atkins Violet Mary Female West Perth
1944/100515 Perth Johnson Frederick Male Attwood Marguerite Joyce Female Shenton Park
1944/100515 Perth Attwood Marguerite Joyce Female Johnson Frederick Male Shenton Park
1944/100516 Perth MacDonald Olive Female Byrnes Norman Percival Male Osborne Park
1944/100516 Perth Byrnes Norman Percival Male MacDonald Olive Female Osborne Park
1944/100517 Perth French Florence Eliza Female Williams Archibald Male Osborne Park
1944/100517 Perth Williams Archibald Male French Florence Eliza Female Osborne Park
1944/100518 Perth Scott Lewis Allwin Male Louis Patricia Junette Jean Female Perth
1944/100518 Perth Louis Patricia Junette Jean Female Scott Lewis Allwin Male Perth
1944/100519 Perth Murray Philip Henry Male Underwood Frances Rema Female Claremont
1944/100519 Perth Underwood Frances Rema Female Murray Philip Henry Male Claremont
1944/100520 Perth Sarson Albert George Male Rees Dorothy Gwendoline Female Claremont
1944/100520 Perth Rees Dorothy Gwendoline Female Sarson Albert George Male Claremont
1944/100521 Perth Marshall Thomas Ervin Male Beaven Margaret Annie May Female Claremont
1944/100521 Perth Beaven Margaret Annie May Female Marshall Thomas Ervin Male Claremont
1944/100522 Perth Collins Lorna Irene Female Ryding Frederick William Male Perth
1944/100522 Perth Ryding Frederick William Male Collins Lorna Irene Female Perth
1944/100523 Perth Spry Sylvia Adeline Female Harris Mervyn George Male Victoria Park
1944/100523 Perth Harris Mervyn George Male Spry Sylvia Adeline Female Victoria Park
1944/100524 Perth Bucci John Alexander Male Livingstone Ellen May Female Perth
1944/100524 Perth Livingstone Ellen May Female Bucci John Alexander Male Perth
1944/100525 Perth Grogan Arnold William Male Brown Theresa Winifred Female Cottesloe
1944/100525 Perth Brown Theresa Winifred Female Grogan Arnold William Male Cottesloe
1944/100526 Perth Conniff Mark James Male Seaman Elizabeth Isabel Female Mt Lawley
1944/100526 Perth Seaman Elizabeth Isabel Female Conniff Mark James Male Mt Lawley
1944/100527 Perth Barbee Delbert Male Cleary Rose Female Leederville
1944/100527 Perth Cleary Rose Female Barbee Delbert Male Leederville
1944/100528 Perth Hiller Ruth Henshaw Female Hughes John Clarence Male Highgate Hill
1944/100528 Perth Hughes John Clarence Male Hiller Ruth Henshaw Female Highgate Hill
1944/100529 Perth Veryard Charles Prowse Male Thomas Elizabeth May Female Perth
1944/100529 Perth Thomas Elizabeth May Female Veryard Charles Prowse Male Perth
1944/100530 Perth Saunders Frederick Lawrence Male Beazley Dorothy Beryl Female Shenton Park
1944/100530 Perth Beazley Dorothy Beryl Female Saunders Frederick Lawrence Male Shenton Park
1944/100531 Perth Dye Coralie Cross Female Barnett James Henry Male Perth
1944/100531 Perth Barnett James Henry Male Dye Coralie Cross Female Perth
1944/100532 Perth Engsberg Glen Koplin Male Skeels Irma May Female Perth
1944/100532 Perth Skeels Irma May Female Engsberg Glen Koplin Male Perth
1944/100533 Perth Rogers Joan Female Jarvis Robert Thomas Male Perth
1944/100533 Perth Jarvis Robert Thomas Male Rogers Joan Female Perth
1944/100535 Perth Boley Myrtle Edith Female Willis Donald Ray Male Subiaco
1944/100535 Perth Willis Donald Ray Male Boley Myrtle Edith Female Subiaco
1944/100536 Perth Brown Mary Female McDonald Roderick Male West Perth
1944/100536 Perth McDonald Roderick Male Brown Mary Female West Perth
1944/100537 Perth Ledger Ivy Female Wright Michael Leo Male Perth
1944/100537 Perth Wright Michael Leo Male Ledger Ivy Female Perth
1944/100538 Perth Giannasi Caterina Female Lucchesi Eliseo Male West Perth
1944/100538 Perth Lucchesi Eliseo Male Giannasi Caterina Female West Perth
1944/100539 Perth Feist James Albert Male Webb Peggy Ellen Female Perth
1944/100539 Perth Webb Peggy Ellen Female Feist James Albert Male Perth
1944/100540 Perth Edwards Gladys Joyce Female Barnett Edward Thomas John Male Perth
1944/100540 Perth Barnett Edward Thomas John Male Edwards Gladys Joyce Female Perth
1944/100541 Perth White George Edward Male O'Brien Janet Mary Female Perth
1944/100541 Perth White Gordon Henry Male O'Brien Janet Mary Female Perth
1944/100541 Perth Caine George Edward Male O'Brien Janet Mary Female Perth
1944/100541 Perth Caine Gordon Henry Male O'Brien Janet Mary Female Perth
1944/100541 Perth O'Brien Janet Mary Female Caine George Edward Male Perth
1944/100541 Perth O'Brien Janet Mary Female Caine Gordon Henry Male Perth
1944/100541 Perth O'Brien Janet Mary Female White George Edward Male Perth
1944/100541 Perth O'Brien Janet Mary Female White Gordon Henry Male Perth
1944/100542 Perth Rowell John Wallace Male Painter Janet Buchanan Female Mount Lawley
1944/100542 Perth Painter Janet Buchanan Female Rowell John Wallace Male Mount Lawley
1944/100543 Perth Hender Gladys Murray Female Barradeen James Mahomed Mudgedeen Male Perth
1944/100543 Perth Barradeen James Mahomed Mudgedeen Male Hender Gladys Murray Female Perth
1944/100544 Perth Atkins Nancy Eunice Female McDougall Colin Peace Male Perth
1944/100544 Perth McDougall Colin Peace Male Atkins Nancy Eunice Female Perth
1944/100545 Perth Harrison Alfred Edward Male Towton Florence Katherine Female Perth
1944/100545 Perth Towton Florence Katherine Female Harrison Alfred Edward Male Perth
1944/100546 Perth Ripper Charles Edward Male Boreham Kathleen Female Perth
1944/100546 Perth Boreham Kathleen Female Ripper Charles Edward Male Perth
1944/100547 Perth Perkins John William Male Thompson Daphne Estelle Female Perth
1944/100547 Perth Thompson Daphne Estelle Female Perkins John William Male Perth
1944/100548 Perth Williams Edward Male Randall-Facer Marjorie Irene Female Perth
1944/100548 Perth Randall-Facer Marjorie Irene Female Williams Edward Male Perth
1944/100549 Perth Crowther Colin Ailsa Calder Female Edwards Clive Eric Male Mt Lawley
1944/100549 Perth Edwards Clive Eric Male Crowther Colin Ailsa Calder Female Mt Lawley
1944/100550 Perth Ford Gwendoline Rose Female Darby Howard John Male Perth
1944/100550 Perth Darby Howard John Male Ford Gwendoline Rose Female Perth
1944/100551 Perth Buxton Elsie Maud Female Pearson Henry Howard Male West Perth
1944/100551 Perth Pearson Henry Howard Male Buxton Elsie Maud Female West Perth
1944/100552 Perth Pearson Robert Male Snoxhill Violet Elsie May Female Perth
1944/100552 Perth Snoxhill Violet Elsie May Female Pearson Robert Male Perth
1944/100553 Perth Nairn Margaret Female Thomas Mervyn Raymond Male Perth
1944/100553 Perth Thomas Mervyn Raymond Male Nairn Margaret Female Perth
1944/100554 Perth Slee Rita Annie Female Quartermaine Geoffrey Douglas Male Maylands
1944/100554 Perth Quartermaine Geoffrey Douglas Male Slee Rita Annie Female Maylands
1944/100555 Perth Herd Ronald Mervyn Male Stone Olive Mary Female Subiaco
1944/100555 Perth Stone Olive Mary Female Herd Ronald Mervyn Male Subiaco
1944/100556 Perth Nahuijs Piet Johan Male Hislop Opal Veronica Female Perth
1944/100556 Perth Hislop Opal Veronica Female Nahuijs Piet Johan Male Perth
1944/100557 Perth Roberts Sheila Female Leonard Edward Russell Male Perth
1944/100557 Perth Leonard Edward Russell Male Roberts Sheila Female Perth
1944/100558 Perth Hawthorne Mervyn Lindsay Male McKenzie Lorna Douglas Female Perth
1944/100558 Perth McKenzie Lorna Douglas Female Hawthorne Mervyn Lindsay Male Perth
1944/100559 Perth Glossop Elsie Louisa Female Hains Clarence Louis William Male Perth
1944/100559 Perth Hains Clarence Louis William Male Glossop Elsie Louisa Female Perth
1944/100560 Perth Chambers Harold Shergold Male Tink Joan Margaret Female Perth
1944/100560 Perth Tink Joan Margaret Female Chambers Harold Shergold Male Perth
1944/100561 Perth Law Thomas Campbell Male Cameron Catherine Jean Female Perth
1944/100561 Perth Cameron Catherine Jean Female Law Thomas Campbell Male Perth
1944/100562 Perth Allan Mary Alice Female Carrodus Arthur Leary Male Perth
1944/100562 Perth Carrodus Arthur Leary Male Allan Mary Alice Female Perth
1944/100563 Perth Ryan Nellie Ivy Female Nolan Leopold Male Perth
1944/100563 Perth Nolan Leopold Male Ryan Nellie Ivy Female Perth
1944/100564 Perth Tanner Ernest Henry Male Gough Alice Female Perth
1944/100564 Perth Gough Alice Female Tanner Ernest Henry Male Perth
1944/100565 Perth Cole Annie Female Brown Herbert Alfred Male Perth
1944/100565 Perth Brown Herbert Alfred Male Cole Annie Female Perth
1944/100566 Perth Mansell Stephen Leslie Male White Ella Norma Female West Perth
1944/100566 Perth White Ella Norma Female Mansell Stephen Leslie Male West Perth
1944/100567 Perth Chapman Lloyd William Male Scott Thelma Doreen Female West Perth
1944/100567 Perth Scott Thelma Doreen Female Chapman Lloyd William Male West Perth
1944/100568 Perth Barker Shelda Lillian Maude Female Wrightson Jnr Robert Ernest William Male Osborne Park
1944/100568 Perth Wrightson Jnr Robert Ernest William Male Barker Shelda Lillian Maude Female Osborne Park
1944/100569 Perth Dicken Annie Female Dicken John Male Osborne Park
1944/100569 Perth Dicken John Male Dicken Annie Female Osborne Park
1944/100570 Perth Barker Alice Female Etheridge Mansel Edwin John Male Osborne Park
1944/100570 Perth Etheridge Mansel Edwin John Male Barker Alice Female Osborne Park
1944/100571 Perth Bulmer John Edward Male Roche Gladys Burridge Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100571 Perth Roche Gladys Burridge Female Bulmer John Edward Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100572 Perth Thornton Mark Ernest Male Tovey Ella May Blanche Female Osborne Park
1944/100572 Perth Tovey Ella May Blanche Female Thornton Mark Ernest Male Osborne Park
1944/100573 Perth Williams Lily Blanche Female Becker Reginald Clifford Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100573 Perth Becker Reginald Clifford Male Williams Lily Blanche Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100574 Perth Nicholson James Male Williams Dorothy Edith Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100574 Perth Williams Dorothy Edith Female Nicholson James Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100575 Perth Pope Joyce Female Hedditch Sydney Kentbruck Male Perth
1944/100575 Perth Hedditch Sydney Kentbruck Male Pope Joyce Female Perth
1944/100576 Perth Davies Berwyn Gordon Male Devenish Alison Beatrice Female Guildford
1944/100576 Perth Devenish Alison Beatrice Female Davies Berwyn Gordon Male Guildford
1944/100577 Perth Zimmer John Raymond Male Smith Phyllis Female South Perth
1944/100577 Perth Smith Phyllis Female Zimmer John Raymond Male South Perth
1944/100578 Perth Gaston Lindsay Gordon Male Sawers Constance Mary Estelle Female Perth
1944/100578 Perth Sawers Constance Mary Estelle Female Gaston Lindsay Gordon Male Perth
1944/100579 Perth White Charles William Male McRobert Jessie Female West Perth
1944/100579 Perth McRobert Jessie Female White Charles William Male West Perth
1944/100580 Perth Binnall Pauline Debra Female Reed Stanley James Walter Male West Perth
1944/100580 Perth Reed Stanley James Walter Male Binnall Pauline Debra Female West Perth
1944/100581 Perth Barton Betty Francis Daymond Female Willan Peter Charles Male West Perth
1944/100581 Perth Willan Peter Charles Male Barton Betty Francis Daymond Female West Perth
1944/100582 Perth Hickson Joan Hamilton Female Stacy Colin Frederick Male West Perth
1944/100582 Perth Stacy Colin Frederick Male Hickson Joan Hamilton Female West Perth
1944/100583 Perth Bodkin Alva Sheba Female Hoare Ralph Maurice Male Mt Lawley
1944/100583 Perth Hoare Ralph Maurice Male Bodkin Alva Sheba Female Mt Lawley
1944/100584 Perth Glaros Manio Male Lucas Mary Female Perth
1944/100584 Perth Lucas Mary Female Glaros Manio Male Perth
1944/100585 Perth James Leo Alphonsus Male Williams Iris Female Subiaco
1944/100585 Perth Williams Iris Female James Leo Alphonsus Male Subiaco
1944/100586 Perth Reen Eileen Female Daily Stewart Male Subiaco
1944/100586 Perth Daily Stewart Male Reen Eileen Female Subiaco
1944/100587 Perth Gibb Hazel Anne Female Tippett Ferdinand Joseph Francis Male Subiaco
1944/100587 Perth Tippett Ferdinand Joseph Francis Male Gibb Hazel Anne Female Subiaco
1944/100588 Perth Rechner Noel Margaruite Female Clear Herbert George Male Leederville
1944/100588 Perth Clear Herbert George Male Rechner Noel Margaruite Female Leederville
1944/100589 Perth Patterson Amelia Margaret Female Wilson Thomas Watson Male Perth
1944/100589 Perth Wilson Thomas Watson Male Patterson Amelia Margaret Female Perth
1944/100590 Perth Kernick Daphne May Female Steele William Edwin Male Perth
1944/100590 Perth Steele William Edwin Male Kernick Daphne May Female Perth
1944/100591 Perth Twaddle Thomas Male Sundercombe Constance Margaret Female Perth
1944/100591 Perth Sundercombe Constance Margaret Female Twaddle Thomas Male Perth
1944/100592 Perth Tickle Roma Joyce Female Hassler Lawrence Otto Male Perth
1944/100592 Perth Hassler Lawrence Otto Male Tickle Roma Joyce Female Perth
1944/100593 Perth Hutchings Norman Fernley Male Wiseman Mary Ann Female Perth
1944/100593 Perth Wiseman Mary Ann Female Hutchings Norman Fernley Male Perth
1944/100594 Perth Napier May Winsome Female Bunney Jack David Male Perth
1944/100594 Perth Bunney Jack David Male Napier May Winsome Female Perth
1944/100595 Perth Curtis Loveday Female Holtom Fred Thomas Male Perth
1944/100595 Perth Holtom Fred Thomas Male Curtis Loveday Female Perth
1944/100596 Perth Hollamby Lillian Dorwood Female Yates Mervyn Hilton Male Claremont
1944/100596 Perth Yates Mervyn Hilton Male Hollamby Lillian Dorwood Female Claremont
1944/100597 Perth Clough Lelia May Female McAlpine Keith William Male Osborne Park
1944/100597 Perth McAlpine Keith William Male Clough Lelia May Female Osborne Park
1944/100598 Perth Mewburn Walter Richard Male Ferguson Mary Conception Female Perth
1944/100598 Perth Ferguson Mary Conception Female Mewburn Walter Richard Male Perth
1944/100599 Perth Johnson Benjamin Male Hawkins May Marion Female Perth
1944/100599 Perth Hawkins May Marion Female Johnson Benjamin Male Perth
1944/100600 Perth Bell Doris Lilian Female Wherry William Henry Male West Leederville
1944/100600 Perth Wherry William Henry Male Bell Doris Lilian Female West Leederville
1944/100601 Perth Broadbank Walter Edward Male Langsford Lillian Pearl Female Mt Lawley
1944/100601 Perth Langsford Lillian Pearl Female Broadbank Walter Edward Male Mt Lawley
1944/100602 Perth Froome Gladys Muriel Female Williams Walter Edward Male Mt Lawley
1944/100602 Perth Williams Walter Edward Male Froome Gladys Muriel Female Mt Lawley
1944/100603 Perth Lowen Mollie Madeline Female Hubley Eugene Leo Male Osborne Park
1944/100603 Perth Hubley Eugene Leo Male Lowen Mollie Madeline Female Osborne Park
1944/100604 Perth Pritchard Elsie Maude Female Podmore Frank Male Perth
1944/100604 Perth Podmore Frank Male Pritchard Elsie Maude Female Perth
1944/100605 Perth Turner Eric John Male Robins Gladys Female Perth
1944/100605 Perth Robins Gladys Female Turner Eric John Male Perth
1944/100606 Perth MacKinnon Stanley Claude Male Thomas Elsie Maude Female Perth
1944/100606 Perth Thomas Elsie Maude Female MacKinnon Stanley Claude Male Perth
1944/100607 Perth Denny Marion Esther Female George Alan Edward Male Perth
1944/100607 Perth George Alan Edward Male Denny Marion Esther Female Perth
1944/100608 Perth Edwards Gladys Irene Female Morris Bernard Male Perth
1944/100608 Perth Morris Bernard Male Edwards Gladys Irene Female Perth
1944/100609 Perth Watson Shirley Joy Female Reany Raymond Barton Male Perth
1944/100609 Perth Reany Raymond Barton Male Watson Shirley Joy Female Perth
1944/100610 Perth Fisher Frank Male Banks Margaret Florence Female Perth
1944/100610 Perth Banks Margaret Florence Female Fisher Frank Male Perth
1944/100611 Perth Pendergast Audrey Coral Female Sketchley James David Male Perth
1944/100611 Perth Sketchley James David Male Pendergast Audrey Coral Female Perth
1944/100612 Perth Knapton Felice Lorraine Grace Female Moeller Earl James Male Perth
1944/100612 Perth Moeller Earl James Male Knapton Felice Lorraine Grace Female Perth
1944/100613 Perth Jones James Fletcher Male Blake Audrey June Female Perth
1944/100613 Perth Blake Audrey June Female Jones James Fletcher Male Perth
1944/100614 Perth Franzon Francesco Male Berlanda Alma Female Perth
1944/100614 Perth Berlanda Alma Female Franzon Francesco Male Perth
1944/100615 Perth Starling Eliza Female Butler William Alfred Male Perth
1944/100615 Perth Butler William Alfred Male Starling Eliza Female Perth
1944/100616 Perth Monaghan Dorothy May Female Wilson William Walker Male Perth
1944/100616 Perth Wilson William Walker Male Monaghan Dorothy May Female Perth
1944/100617 Perth Kilmurray Alan Henry Male Ross Norma Female Perth
1944/100617 Perth Ross Norma Female Kilmurray Alan Henry Male Perth
1944/100618 Perth Watson Lorna Elizabeth Female Watkins Ronald Jack Male Highgate
1944/100618 Perth Watkins Ronald Jack Male Watson Lorna Elizabeth Female Highgate
1944/100619 Perth Giesé Edith Mary Female Sullivan Richard William Male Perth
1944/100619 Perth Sullivan Richard William Male Giesé Edith Mary Female Perth
1944/100620 Perth Harapeet May Sheila Female Brooks Edgar Lee Male Inglewood
1944/100620 Perth Brooks Edgar Lee Male Harapeet May Sheila Female Inglewood
1944/100621 Perth Mihaljevich Steve Joseph Male Eyles Yolanda Mary Rosey Female Perth
1944/100621 Perth Eyles Yolanda Mary Rosey Female Mihaljevich Steve Joseph Male Perth
1944/100622 Perth Smith Rhoda May Female Bowen Leslie Walter Male Victoria Park
1944/100622 Perth Bowen Leslie Walter Male Smith Rhoda May Female Victoria Park
1944/100623 Perth Goddard Joyce Evelyn Female Jones Alan Clement Male Victoria Park
1944/100623 Perth Jones Alan Clement Male Goddard Joyce Evelyn Female Victoria Park
1944/100624 Perth Thompson Rosa Female Bower Harold John Male Nedlands
1944/100624 Perth Bower Harold John Male Thompson Rosa Female Nedlands
1944/100625 Perth Just Irma Bertha Marie Female Napier-Raikes Robert James Male Perth
1944/100625 Perth Napier-Raikes Robert James Male Just Irma Bertha Marie Female Perth
1944/100626 Perth Joss Maggie Female Giles William Edward Male Perth
1944/100626 Perth Giles William Edward Male Joss Maggie Female Perth
1944/100627 Perth Spencer Leonard Percy Male Dowling Dulcie May Female Subiaco
1944/100627 Perth Dowling Dulcie May Female Spencer Leonard Percy Male Subiaco
1944/100628 Perth Parsons Emily Maude Female Horbury John Alfred Male Perth
1944/100628 Perth Horbury John Alfred Male Parsons Emily Maude Female Perth
1944/100629 Perth Tulloch Grace Enid Female Durack Reginald Wyndham Male Perth
1944/100629 Perth Durack Reginald Wyndham Male Tulloch Grace Enid Female Perth
1944/100630 Perth Foster June Mayne Female Gould Albert Noel Male Perth
1944/100630 Perth Gould Albert Noel Male Foster June Mayne Female Perth
1944/100631 Perth Wigmore Adele Female Braimbridge Frank Male Perth
1944/100631 Perth Braimbridge Frank Male Wigmore Adele Female Perth
1944/100632 Perth Harris Vida May Female Bonini William Male Perth
1944/100632 Perth Bonini William Male Harris Vida May Female Perth
1944/100633 Perth Miller Henrietta Alvina Female Wake Francis Luttle Male Perth
1944/100633 Perth Wake Francis Luttle Male Miller Henrietta Alvina Female Perth
1944/100634 Perth Smith Brian Patrick Male Hodgkinson Eva May Female Perth
1944/100634 Perth Hodgkinson Eva May Female Smith Brian Patrick Male Perth
1944/100635 Perth Sells Leslie Walter Male Herbert Joan Margaret Female Perth
1944/100635 Perth Herbert Joan Margaret Female Sells Leslie Walter Male Perth
1944/100636 Perth O'Brien Bernard Bray Male Fleay Olive Lona Female Maylands
1944/100636 Perth Fleay Olive Lona Female O'Brien Bernard Bray Male Maylands
1944/100637 Perth Mason Edward Gordon Male Lewis Clair Female West Perth
1944/100637 Perth Mason Edward Gordon Male Lewis Clara Female West Perth
1944/100637 Perth Waterman Edward Gordon Male Lewis Clair Female West Perth
1944/100637 Perth Waterman Edward Gordon Male Lewis Clara Female West Perth
1944/100637 Perth Waterman Gordon Male Lewis Clair Female West Perth
1944/100637 Perth Waterman Gordon Male Lewis Clara Female West Perth
1944/100637 Perth Lewis Clair Female Mason Edward Gordon Male West Perth
1944/100637 Perth Lewis Clair Female Mason Gordon Male West Perth
1944/100637 Perth Lewis Clair Female Waterman Edward Gordon Male West Perth
1944/100637 Perth Lewis Clair Female Waterman Gordon Male West Perth
1944/100637 Perth Lewis Clara Female Mason Edward Gordon Male West Perth
1944/100637 Perth Lewis Clara Female Mason Gordon Male West Perth
1944/100637 Perth Lewis Clara Female Waterman Edward Gordon Male West Perth
1944/100637 Perth Lewis Clara Female Waterman Gordon Male West Perth
1944/100637 Perth Mason Gordon Male Lewis Clair Female West Perth
1944/100637 Perth Mason Gordon Male Lewis Clara Female West Perth
1944/100638 Perth Ebsary Chloris Myrtle Female Roberts Harold James Male West Perth
1944/100638 Perth Roberts Harold James Male Ebsary Chloris Myrtle Female West Perth
1944/100639 Perth Daniels Mary Bridget Eleanor Female Saggers Robert George Male Rivervale
1944/100639 Perth Saggers Robert George Male Daniels Mary Bridget Eleanor Female Rivervale
1944/100640 Perth Dent Lowell Everette Male Bristowe Norma Christine Female Perth
1944/100640 Perth Bristowe Norma Christine Female Dent Lowell Everette Male Perth
1944/100641 Perth Dunkerley Fred Male Morgan Florence May Female Perth
1944/100641 Perth Morgan Florence May Female Dunkerley Fred Male Perth
1944/100642 Perth Firth Dorothy May Female Smith Victor Charles Albert Male West Leederville
1944/100642 Perth Smith Victor Charles Albert Male Firth Dorothy May Female West Leederville
1944/100643 Perth Alexander Ernest Geoffrey Male Smith Joyce Winifred Female Nedlands
1944/100643 Perth Smith Joyce Winifred Female Alexander Ernest Geoffrey Male Nedlands
1944/100644 Perth Fitzpatrick Joan Charlotte Female Leahey George Bruce Male Perth
1944/100644 Perth Leahey George Bruce Male Fitzpatrick Joan Charlotte Female Perth
1944/100645 Perth Peggs Gwennyth Jean Female Corbett Paul James Male Perth
1944/100645 Perth Corbett Paul James Male Peggs Gwennyth Jean Female Perth
1944/100646 Perth Head Laban Johnson Male Fane Beatrice Mary Female Perth
1944/100646 Perth Fane Beatrice Mary Female Head Laban Johnson Male Perth
1944/100647 Perth Scott Arthur Gordon Male Smith Evelyn Margaret Female Perth
1944/100647 Perth Smith Evelyn Margaret Female Scott Arthur Gordon Male Perth
1944/100648 Perth Nicholson Albert Edward Michael Male Albone Nora Victoria May Female Perth
1944/100648 Perth Albone Nora Victoria May Female Nicholson Albert Edward Michael Male Perth
1944/100649 Perth Duncan Mary Elizabeth Female Rollings Reginald Richard Male Perth
1944/100649 Perth Rollings Reginald Richard Male Duncan Mary Elizabeth Female Perth
1944/100650 Perth Evans Verna Female Davis Edward Male Perth
1944/100650 Perth Davis Edward Male Evans Verna Female Perth
1944/100651 Perth Pitter George Edwin Male Byas Jean Fenella Female Perth
1944/100651 Perth Byas Jean Fenella Female Pitter George Edwin Male Perth
1944/100652 Perth Williamson William Thomas Male Rowlands Evaline Hilda Female Perth
1944/100652 Perth Rowlands Evaline Hilda Female Williamson William Thomas Male Perth
1944/100653 Perth Curry Orville Leon Male Stuart Catherine Veronica Female Perth
1944/100653 Perth Stuart Catherine Veronica Female Curry Orville Leon Male Perth
1944/100654 Perth Trewhella Walter Henry Male Brown Jean Frances Female Perth
1944/100654 Perth Brown Jean Frances Female Trewhella Walter Henry Male Perth
1944/100655 Perth Devlin John Male Sedgman Lorna May Female Leederville
1944/100655 Perth Sedgman Lorna May Female Devlin John Male Leederville
1944/100656 Perth Frost George Woodrow Male Bradshaw Lilian Joan Female Perth
1944/100656 Perth Bradshaw Lilian Joan Female Frost George Woodrow Male Perth
1944/100657 Perth Graham Arthur Male Jones Hilda Victoria Female Perth
1944/100657 Perth Jones Hilda Victoria Female Graham Arthur Male Perth
1944/100658 Perth Coltham Constance Emily Female Hoy Poy Clyde Eric Arnold Male Perth
1944/100658 Perth Hoy Poy Clyde Eric Arnold Male Coltham Constance Emily Female Perth
1944/100659 Perth Roberts George Tippett Male Davidson Marjorie Jean Female West Perth
1944/100659 Perth Davidson Marjorie Jean Female Roberts George Tippett Male West Perth
1944/100660 Perth Costigan Mildred Mary Female Ward Keith Raymond Male North Perth
1944/100660 Perth Ward Keith Raymond Male Costigan Mildred Mary Female North Perth
1944/100661 Perth Williamson Cecily Jean Female Downing Ronald Charles Male North Perth
1944/100661 Perth Downing Ronald Charles Male Williamson Cecily Jean Female North Perth
1944/100662 Perth Cook Ada Mary Female Cook Brian Wallace Male Perth
1944/100662 Perth Cook Brian Wallace Male Cook Ada Mary Female Perth
1944/100663 Perth Bluck Nancy Glyn Female Hocker Leo Clifford Male Perth
1944/100663 Perth Hocker Leo Clifford Male Bluck Nancy Glyn Female Perth
1944/100664 Perth Harper Olive Joyce Female Elliott Keith Watson Male Perth
1944/100664 Perth Elliott Keith Watson Male Harper Olive Joyce Female Perth
1944/100665 Perth Stark Gwenva Kathleen Female Duncan David Male Claremont
1944/100665 Perth Duncan David Male Stark Gwenva Kathleen Female Claremont
1944/100666 Perth Imberti Angelo Male Gamble Margaret Mary Female Perth
1944/100666 Perth Gamble Margaret Mary Female Imberti Angelo Male Perth
1944/100667 Perth Tait Edna Clara Female Lester Humphrey Noel Male Cottesloe
1944/100667 Perth Lester Humphrey Noel Male Tait Edna Clara Female Cottesloe
1944/100668 Perth Nind Lena Maud Female Rodda Victor Herbert Male Swanbourne
1944/100668 Perth Rodda Victor Herbert Male Nind Lena Maud Female Swanbourne
1944/100669 Perth Burr Phyllis May Female Rice John Francis Male Perth
1944/100669 Perth Rice John Francis Male Burr Phyllis May Female Perth
1944/100670 Perth O'Halloran Sheila May Female Glew William John Male Perth
1944/100670 Perth Glew William John Male O'Halloran Sheila May Female Perth
1944/100671 Perth Hickmott Betty Female Rust Richard John Male Perth
1944/100671 Perth Rust Richard John Male Hickmott Betty Female Perth
1944/100672 Perth Patterson Bernice May Female Barden William Morris Male Perth
1944/100672 Perth Barden William Morris Male Patterson Bernice May Female Perth
1944/100673 Perth Theobald Elsie May Female Charlton Angus Male Perth
1944/100673 Perth Charlton Angus Male Theobald Elsie May Female Perth
1944/100674 Perth Good Herbert Mitchell Male O'Hara Olive Winifred Female Perth
1944/100674 Perth O'Hara Olive Winifred Female Good Herbert Mitchell Male Perth
1944/100675 Perth Hardwick Isobel Padbury Female Collins John Francis George Male Perth
1944/100675 Perth Collins John Francis George Male Hardwick Isobel Padbury Female Perth
1944/100676 Perth Sheen Beatrice Elizabeth Female Ellis Stanley Arthur Robert Male Perth
1944/100676 Perth Ellis Stanley Arthur Robert Male Sheen Beatrice Elizabeth Female Perth
1944/100677 Perth Barron Natalie Lucy Female Armstrong Bruce Edmund Male Perth
1944/100677 Perth Armstrong Bruce Edmund Male Barron Natalie Lucy Female Perth
1944/100678 Perth Tozer Reginald Thomas Male Cole Zella Phyllis Female Perth
1944/100678 Perth Cole Zella Phyllis Female Tozer Reginald Thomas Male Perth
1944/100679 Perth Mullooly Francis James Male Lawson Esther May Female Perth
1944/100679 Perth Lawson Esther May Female Mullooly Francis James Male Perth
1944/100680 Perth Raddigan Stanley William Male Martin Dorothy Alice Female Perth
1944/100680 Perth Martin Dorothy Alice Female Raddigan Stanley William Male Perth
1944/100681 Perth Walsh Alice Female Martin Rennie Leith Male Perth
1944/100681 Perth Martin Rennie Leith Male Walsh Alice Female Perth
1944/100682 Perth Vryheid Clyde Raymond Male Harris Gwendoline Pearl Female Perth
1944/100682 Perth Harris Gwendoline Pearl Female Vryheid Clyde Raymond Male Perth
1944/100683 Perth Bubnich Gloria Female Kilpatrick Robert Francis Male Perth
1944/100683 Perth Kilpatrick Robert Francis Male Bubnich Gloria Female Perth
1944/100684 Perth Hutchinson Bernice Bianca Female Sauer Norman Ronald Male Perth
1944/100684 Perth Sauer Norman Ronald Male Hutchinson Bernice Bianca Female Perth
1944/100685 Perth Parsons Walter Albert Male Grayson Merle Agnes Female Perth
1944/100685 Perth Grayson Merle Agnes Female Parsons Walter Albert Male Perth
1944/100686 Perth Cook Harvey Robert Male Romaior Olive Mary Female Osborne Park
1944/100686 Perth Romaior Olive Mary Female Cook Harvey Robert Male Osborne Park
1944/100687 Perth Richardson Gertrude Alice Mary Female Buckett Sidney Harold Male Osborne Park
1944/100687 Perth Buckett Sidney Harold Male Richardson Gertrude Alice Mary Female Osborne Park
1944/100688 Perth Noonan Edward Manning Male Gregory Patricia Mercy Female Osborne Park
1944/100688 Perth Gregory Patricia Mercy Female Noonan Edward Manning Male Osborne Park
1944/100689 Perth McNair Daisy Florence Female Polkinghorne George Marshall Male Osborne Park
1944/100689 Perth Polkinghorne George Marshall Male McNair Daisy Florence Female Osborne Park
1944/100690 Perth Georgy William Alfred Roland Male Salinger Joy Female North Perth
1944/100690 Perth Salinger Joy Female Georgy William Alfred Roland Male North Perth
1944/100691 Perth Dawson Arthur William Male Shimmon Elizabeth Merle Female Claremont
1944/100691 Perth Shimmon Elizabeth Merle Female Dawson Arthur William Male Claremont
1944/100692 Perth Enkelmann Charles Blair Male Ashmore Phyllis Lillian Female Claremont
1944/100692 Perth Ashmore Phyllis Lillian Female Enkelmann Charles Blair Male Claremont
1944/100693 Perth Morris Nancy Female Runciman Henry Male Claremont
1944/100693 Perth Runciman Henry Male Morris Nancy Female Claremont
1944/100694 Perth Fenton Lloyd Ben Male Nichols Ruth Epsie Female Claremont
1944/100694 Perth Nichols Ruth Epsie Female Fenton Lloyd Ben Male Claremont
1944/100695 Perth Weinman Ian Alec Male Arnott Monica Elnora Female Claremont
1944/100695 Perth Arnott Monica Elnora Female Weinman Ian Alec Male Claremont
1944/100696 Perth Edwards Clare Female Yelland Hugh Thomas Male Claremont
1944/100696 Perth Yelland Hugh Thomas Male Edwards Clare Female Claremont
1944/100697 Perth Bennett Richard Noel Male Clark Winsome Angove Female Claremont
1944/100697 Perth Clark Winsome Angove Female Bennett Richard Noel Male Claremont
1944/100698 Perth Hale Norman Male Earl Margaret Evelyn Female Claremont
1944/100698 Perth Earl Margaret Evelyn Female Hale Norman Male Claremont
1944/100699 Perth Bodey Roma Mary Female Medway Henry James Male Bayswater
1944/100699 Perth Medway Henry James Male Bodey Roma Mary Female Bayswater