A tool to help track the citations of the Western Australian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages from Wikidata and WikiTree.

Marriages in: 1943

Registration year & number Registration district Surname Given names Gender Spouse surname Spouse given names Spouse gender Marriage place Wikidata WikiTree
1944/100001 Perth Hitch Edna May Female Pitson Donald John Male Highgate
1944/100001 Perth Pitson Donald John Male Hitch Edna May Female Highgate
1944/100002 Perth Papalazarous Stravros Male Gray Ivy Ellen Female Mt Hawthorn
1944/100002 Perth Gray Ivy Ellen Female Papalazarous Stravros Male Mt Hawthorn
1944/100003 Perth Badger William Ernest Male Rogers Eileen Rosetta Female Mt Lawley
1944/100003 Perth Rogers Eileen Rosetta Female Badger William Ernest Male Mt Lawley
1944/100004 Perth Caddy Roma Helen Female Benness James Alexander Male Mt Lawley
1944/100004 Perth Benness James Alexander Male Caddy Roma Helen Female Mt Lawley
1943/100005 Perth Robson Bertha Lilian Female Bartlett Thomas James Male Perth
1943/100005 Perth Bartlett Thomas James Male Robson Bertha Lilian Female Perth
1944/100005 Perth Gibson Noreen Female Bruce Athol John Male Cottesloe
1944/100005 Perth Bruce Athol John Male Gibson Noreen Female Cottesloe
1943/100006 Perth McNally Adrian Leonard Male Henderson Elsie May Female Perth
1944/100006 Perth Daniel Janet Rosalie Female de Heer Marinus Adrianus Male Perth
1943/100006 Perth Henderson Elsie May Female McNally Adrian Leonard Male Perth
1944/100006 Perth de Heer Marinus Adrianus Male Daniel Janet Rosalie Female Perth
1943/100007 Perth Yeomans Keith Edward Male See Yvonne Jean Female Claremont
1944/100007 Perth McClements Betty Joan Female Groenenberg Frans Male Claremont
1943/100007 Perth See Yvonne Jean Female Yeomans Keith Edward Male Claremont
1944/100007 Perth Groenenberg Frans Male McClements Betty Joan Female Claremont
1943/100008 Perth Kell Paul Male Guidice Lena Mary Female Perth
1944/100008 Perth Hewett Kenneth Vernon Male Hynes Geraldine Female Perth
1944/100008 Perth Hynes Geraldine Female Hewett Kenneth Vernon Male Perth
1943/100008 Perth Guidice Lena Mary Female Kell Paul Male Perth
1943/100009 Perth Facey Olive Doreen Female Ashby Frederick Charles Male North Perth
1943/100009 Perth Ashby Frederick Charles Male Facey Olive Doreen Female North Perth
1943/100010 Perth Wegener Burley Conradine Louisa Female Dynon Harold Victor Martin Male South Perth
1943/100010 Perth Dynon Harold Victor Martin Male Wegener Burley Conradine Louisa Female South Perth
1943/100011 Perth Potts Hazel Louisa Female Lawrance Leonard Osmond Male Victoria Park
1943/100011 Perth Lawrance Leonard Osmond Male Potts Hazel Louisa Female Victoria Park
1943/100012 Perth Reid Ronald Richard Male Locke Iris Ethel Female Victoria Park
1943/100012 Perth Locke Iris Ethel Female Reid Ronald Richard Male Victoria Park
1944/100013 Perth Dodd Norma Thelma Hebburton Female Taylor Leslie Ernest Male Perth
1943/100013 Perth Coles Roma Female Towton Jack Hilton Male Maylands
1944/100013 Perth Taylor Leslie Ernest Male Dodd Norma Thelma Hebburton Female Perth
1943/100013 Perth Towton Jack Hilton Male Coles Roma Female Maylands
1944/100014 Perth Castaldini Chester Louis Male Woolston Irene Edna May Female Perth
1944/100014 Perth Woolston Irene Edna May Female Castaldini Chester Louis Male Perth
1944/100015 Perth Barron Clarence James Male Stockdale Monica Female Perth
1944/100015 Perth Stockdale Monica Female Barron Clarence James Male Perth
1943/100016 Perth Taylor David Murray Robert Male Halliday Florence Ruby Female Mt Lawley
1943/100016 Perth Halliday Florence Ruby Female Taylor David Murray Robert Male Mt Lawley
1944/100017 Perth Mowday Yvonne Female Gray Arthur Daniel Male West Perth
1943/100017 Perth McQueen Ruby Joyce Female Hyde Silas Hay Male Mt Lawley
1944/100017 Perth Gray Arthur Daniel Male Mowday Yvonne Female West Perth
1943/100017 Perth Hyde Silas Hay Male McQueen Ruby Joyce Female Mt Lawley
1944/100018 Perth Farmer Glen Riches Male Wicken Muriel Clara Female West Perth
1943/100018 Perth Fielder Jean Frances Female Clarke Thomas Male Perth
1943/100018 Perth Clarke Thomas Male Fielder Jean Frances Female Perth
1944/100018 Perth Wicken Muriel Clara Female Farmer Glen Riches Male West Perth
1944/100019 Perth Baesjou John Royce Constantine Male Gillam Elaine Patricia Female West Perth
1943/100019 Perth Lang Stanley Reuben Male Barron Bertha Female Perth
1944/100019 Perth Gillam Elaine Patricia Female Baesjou John Royce Constantine Male West Perth
1943/100019 Perth Barron Bertha Female Lang Stanley Reuben Male Perth
1944/100022 Perth Purdey Lillias Female Dixon Francis William Male Maylands
1944/100022 Perth Dixon Francis William Male Purdey Lillias Female Maylands
1943/100023 Perth Holdsworth Eleanor Wallace Female Rowe Allan Francis Male Victoria Park
1943/100023 Perth Rowe Allan Francis Male Holdsworth Eleanor Wallace Female Victoria Park
1944/100023 Perth Daws Sheila Margaret Mary Female Schell Leopold Jozef Male Perth
1944/100023 Perth Schell Leopold Jozef Male Daws Sheila Margaret Mary Female Perth
1944/100025 Perth Crooks Walter Royston John Male Brennan Philomena Mary Female Perth
1944/100025 Perth Brennan Philomena Mary Female Crooks Walter Royston John Male Perth
1943/100025 Perth McIlwraith Jack Male Ward Zelpha Ruby Female Perth
1943/100025 Perth Ward Zelpha Ruby Female McIlwraith Jack Male Perth
1943/100026 Perth Massey Wilfred Hugh Male Thomson Doris Elizabeth May Female Perth
1943/100026 Perth Thomson Doris Elizabeth May Female Massey Wilfred Hugh Male Perth
1944/100028 Perth Staples Arthur Charles Male Rogers Alicia Josephine Marie Female Perth
1944/100028 Perth Rogers Alicia Josephine Marie Female Staples Arthur Charles Male Perth
1943/100030 Perth FitzSimmons Mary Elizabeth Female McLennan Alexander Colin Male Claremont
1943/100030 Perth McLennan Alexander Colin Male FitzSimmons Mary Elizabeth Female Claremont
1944/100031 Perth McKay Andrew Male South Margaret Jane Female West Perth
1943/100031 Perth Crapp Thomas George Male McIlwraith Muriel Naomi Female Claremont
1943/100031 Perth McIlwraith Muriel Naomi Female Crapp Thomas George Male Claremont
1944/100031 Perth South Margaret Jane Female McKay Andrew Male West Perth
1943/100032 Perth Eliot Rosa Ernestine Female Fisher Russell George Male Claremont
1944/100032 Perth Roberts Joan Female Poldervaart Cornelis Male West Perth
1944/100032 Perth Poldervaart Cornelis Male Roberts Joan Female West Perth
1943/100032 Perth Fisher Russell George Male Eliot Rosa Ernestine Female Claremont
1943/100033 Perth Hunt William George Male Charman Ailsa Loretta Female Claremont
1943/100033 Perth Charman Ailsa Loretta Female Hunt William George Male Claremont
1943/100034 Perth Moore Leonard Gordon Inglis Male Richardson Ruby Margaret Female Claremont
1943/100034 Perth Richardson Ruby Margaret Female Moore Leonard Gordon Inglis Male Claremont
1943/100035 Perth Costigan Gladys Female Cock Jack Maxwell Male Claremont
1943/100035 Perth Cock Jack Maxwell Male Costigan Gladys Female Claremont
1943/100036 Perth Milne Geoffrey Male Neve Edith Frances Female Mt Lawley
1943/100036 Perth Neve Edith Frances Female Milne Geoffrey Male Mt Lawley
1943/100038 Perth Perkins Leslie Philip Male Hogg Vida Myrtle Female Perth
1943/100038 Perth Hogg Vida Myrtle Female Perkins Leslie Philip Male Perth
1943/100042 Perth Calderwood Winifred Ella Mary Female Lang John Male Perth
1944/100042 Perth Nioa Hilda Ruby Emma Female Morton John Ellsworth Male West Perth
1943/100042 Perth Lang John Male Calderwood Winifred Ella Mary Female Perth
1944/100042 Perth Morton John Ellsworth Male Nioa Hilda Ruby Emma Female West Perth
1943/100043 Perth Miley Reginald John Austin Male Carson Maud Barnes Female Perth
1943/100043 Perth Carson Maud Barnes Female Miley Reginald John Austin Male Perth
1943/100045 Perth Cuming James John Skinner Male Gribble Helena May Female Perth
1943/100045 Perth Gribble Helena May Female Cuming James John Skinner Male Perth
1943/100046 Perth Wilson John Hunter Male Carey Edna May Female Perth
1943/100046 Perth Carey Edna May Female Wilson John Hunter Male Perth
1943/100047 Perth Platon Constance Irene Bessie Female Campbell Thomas Duncan Male Perth
1943/100047 Perth Campbell Thomas Duncan Male Platon Constance Irene Bessie Female Perth
1943/100049 Perth Williams Reginald John Male Duffy Monica Female South Perth
1943/100049 Perth Duffy Monica Female Williams Reginald John Male South Perth
1943/100051 Perth Horgan Sheila Byrne Female Maunsell John Florence Stewart Male Victoria Park
1943/100051 Perth Maunsell John Florence Stewart Male Horgan Sheila Byrne Female Victoria Park
1943/100052 Perth Onslow Gladys Female Cooper William Albert Male Perth
1943/100052 Perth Cooper William Albert Male Onslow Gladys Female Perth
1944/100053 Perth Wilson Joan Frances Female Birch Desmond Russell Male Claremont
1943/100053 Perth Nairn Victoria May Yvonne Female Hodshon George Male Perth
1944/100053 Perth Birch Desmond Russell Male Wilson Joan Frances Female Claremont
1943/100053 Perth Hodshon George Male Nairn Victoria May Yvonne Female Perth
1943/100054 Perth Bertram Keith Murdoch Male York Phyllis Ray Female Perth
1943/100054 Perth York Phyllis Ray Female Bertram Keith Murdoch Male Perth
1944/100054 Perth Rendall Jessamine Amelia Joyce Female Rosher Albert Male Maylands
1944/100054 Perth Rosher Albert Male Rendall Jessamine Amelia Joyce Female Maylands
1944/100055 Perth Sweet Hannah Isabella Female Naughton David Andrew Male Maylands
1944/100055 Perth Naughton David Andrew Male Sweet Hannah Isabella Female Maylands
1943/100064 Perth Hodgson Edward Charles Male Payne Hannah Margaret Female Perth
1943/100064 Perth Payne Hannah Margaret Female Hodgson Edward Charles Male Perth
1943/100065 Perth Halligan Veronica Isabel Female Espinos Peter Male Highgate Hill
1944/100065 Perth Dinnie Alexander Black Male Eddington Lucy Olive Vivian Female Victoria Park
1943/100065 Perth Espinos Peter Male Halligan Veronica Isabel Female Highgate Hill
1944/100065 Perth Eddington Lucy Olive Vivian Female Dinnie Alexander Black Male Victoria Park
1943/100068 Perth Higson Myrtle Alice Female Courtney Harry John Male Mosman Park
1944/100068 Perth Fox John Cleathing Male Anderson Frances Mary Female West Leederville
1944/100068 Perth Anderson Frances Mary Female Fox John Cleathing Male West Leederville
1943/100068 Perth Courtney Harry John Male Higson Myrtle Alice Female Mosman Park
1943/100069 Perth Smith Walter Alexander Male Legge Norma Patricia Female Perth
1943/100069 Perth Legge Norma Patricia Female Smith Walter Alexander Male Perth
1943/100072 Perth Bradford James Male Rear Catherine Agnes Female Perth
1943/100072 Perth Rear Catherine Agnes Female Bradford James Male Perth
1943/100073 Perth Vervoort Gerardus Male Nicholls Evelyn Amy Female Perth
1943/100073 Perth Nicholls Evelyn Amy Female Vervoort Gerardus Male Perth
1943/100075 Perth Tomlinson Allan George Male Stone Mollie Sheilah Female Subiaco
1943/100075 Perth Stone Mollie Sheilah Female Tomlinson Allan George Male Subiaco
1943/100076 Perth Johansen Betty Olive Peggy Female Scott Alexander Male West Perth
1943/100076 Perth Scott Alexander Male Johansen Betty Olive Peggy Female West Perth
1943/100077 Perth Anderson Daphne Ethel Female Donaldson Eric Alexander Male West Perth
1943/100077 Perth Donaldson Eric Alexander Male Anderson Daphne Ethel Female West Perth
1943/100078 Perth Burgess Jean Marjorie Female Broad Douglas Bonney Male West Perth
1943/100078 Perth Broad Douglas Bonney Male Burgess Jean Marjorie Female West Perth
1943/100079 Perth Furge Edwin Richard David Male Bishop Florence Jean Female West Perth
1943/100079 Perth Bishop Florence Jean Female Furge Edwin Richard David Male West Perth
1944/100080 Perth Mauger Marjory Female Height Ronald Male Subiaco
1944/100080 Perth Height Ronald Male Mauger Marjory Female Subiaco
1943/100082 Perth Sullivan Patricia Female Black James Male Perth
1943/100082 Perth Black James Male Sullivan Patricia Female Perth
1943/100083 Perth Bennetts Lillian Maud Female Patrick Cyril Charles Male Perth
1943/100083 Perth Patrick Cyril Charles Male Bennetts Lillian Maud Female Perth
1943/100084 Perth Wright Valmar Elsie Female Oldfield Leslie Male Perth
1943/100084 Perth Oldfield Leslie Male Wright Valmar Elsie Female Perth
1943/100085 Perth Ritchie Patricia Female Hill Cecil James Arthur Male South Perth
1943/100085 Perth Hill Cecil James Arthur Male Ritchie Patricia Female South Perth
1943/100086 Perth Gillett Audrey Vivienne Female Morris Harold Male Maylands
1943/100086 Perth Morris Harold Male Gillett Audrey Vivienne Female Maylands
1943/100087 Perth Stephens Sibyl Ann Female Hart Edward Walter Male Mt Lawley
1943/100087 Perth Hart Edward Walter Male Stephens Sibyl Ann Female Mt Lawley
1943/100088 Perth Blatchley Violet Josephene Female Crawford Jesse Dexter Male Perth
1943/100088 Perth Crawford Jesse Dexter Male Blatchley Violet Josephene Female Perth
1944/100089 Perth Woods Frederick Houston Male Hubble Dorothy Pearl Female Perth
1944/100089 Perth Hubble Dorothy Pearl Female Woods Frederick Houston Male Perth
1943/100089 Perth Marshall Lewis Winchester Male Pollard Doris Ada Female Perth
1943/100089 Perth Pollard Doris Ada Female Marshall Lewis Winchester Male Perth
1943/100090 Perth Clifford Mary Patricia Female Mundy Harold John Male Perth
1943/100090 Perth Mundy Harold John Male Clifford Mary Patricia Female Perth
1943/100091 Perth Terry Francis Stanley Male Durrant Myrtle Florence Female Perth
1943/100091 Perth Durrant Myrtle Florence Female Terry Francis Stanley Male Perth
1943/100092 Perth Payne Mavis Female Kemp Harold Edward Male Perth
1943/100092 Perth Kemp Harold Edward Male Payne Mavis Female Perth
1943/100093 Perth Tucker Joyce Female Mortimore Reginald Edward Male Perth
1943/100093 Perth Mortimore Reginald Edward Male Tucker Joyce Female Perth
1943/100094 Perth Bocksette Gwendoline Ilma Female Webster Albert Charles Male Victoria Park
1943/100094 Perth Webster Albert Charles Male Bocksette Gwendoline Ilma Female Victoria Park
1943/100095 Perth Pearse William Colin Kennedy Male Kitto Alice Thelma Female Claremont
1944/100095 Perth Richards Joyce Evelyn Female Bullock Allan James Walter Male Perth
1943/100095 Perth Kitto Alice Thelma Female Pearse William Colin Kennedy Male Claremont
1944/100095 Perth Bullock Allan James Walter Male Richards Joyce Evelyn Female Perth
1943/100098 Perth Marshall Samuel Saul Male Grochowski Sylvia Female Perth
1943/100098 Perth Grochowski Sylvia Female Marshall Samuel Saul Male Perth
1943/100099 Perth Edelman Naomi Female Rosenthal Lindsay Kenneth Male Perth
1943/100099 Perth Rosenthal Lindsay Kenneth Male Edelman Naomi Female Perth
1943/100100 Perth Lord Mary Female Smith Peter Campbell Male Perth
1943/100100 Perth Smith Peter Campbell Male Lord Mary Female Perth
1943/100101 Perth Denn Ronald Male Marshall Jean Murry Female Perth
1943/100101 Perth Marshall Jean Murry Female Denn Ronald Male Perth
1943/100102 Perth Dickson Lyla Jean Female Gray Ronald Willis Male Perth
1943/100102 Perth Gray Ronald Willis Male Dickson Lyla Jean Female Perth
1943/100103 Perth Ross Agnes Helen Female Wilkins Harrie Gordon Male Perth
1943/100103 Perth Wilkins Harrie Gordon Male Ross Agnes Helen Female Perth
1943/100104 Perth Miller Alexander McDougall Male Woolley Phyllis Jean Female Perth
1943/100104 Perth Woolley Phyllis Jean Female Miller Alexander McDougall Male Perth
1943/100105 Perth Kenyon Irene Female Farley Leslie John Male Perth
1943/100105 Perth Farley Leslie John Male Kenyon Irene Female Perth
1943/100106 Perth Horry Sylvia May Female Hartz Sydney Abraham Male Perth
1943/100106 Perth Hartz Sydney Abraham Male Horry Sylvia May Female Perth
1943/100107 Perth Wheelock Ronald Henry Male Anderson Olga Female Nedlands
1943/100107 Perth Anderson Olga Female Wheelock Ronald Henry Male Nedlands
1943/100108 Perth O'Donnell Rose Female Spitty Wallace William Male Perth
1943/100108 Perth Spitty Wallace William Male O'Donnell Rose Female Perth
1943/100109 Perth McCall Constance Mary Female Armstrong Gordon Heath Male Perth
1943/100109 Perth Armstrong Gordon Heath Male McCall Constance Mary Female Perth
1943/100110 Perth Williams Gertrude Tricks Female Capewell John Henry Male Perth
1943/100110 Perth Capewell John Henry Male Williams Gertrude Tricks Female Perth
1943/100111 Perth Handmer William Charles Male Wilkins Marion Alice Female Perth
1943/100111 Perth Wilkins Marion Alice Female Handmer William Charles Male Perth
1943/100113 Perth Hassett Richard John Male King Alwynne Joyce Female Perth
1943/100113 Perth King Alwynne Joyce Female Hassett Richard John Male Perth
1943/100114 Perth Leete Richard James Male Boswell Lavinia Nightingale Female Perth
1943/100114 Perth Boswell Lavinia Nightingale Female Leete Richard James Male Perth
1943/100115 Perth Boon Margaret Olive Female Lawler Thomas Richard Alfred Male Cottesloe
1943/100115 Perth Lawler Thomas Richard Alfred Male Boon Margaret Olive Female Cottesloe
1943/100116 Perth Challis Harry Martin Male Baker Eleanor Mary Female Leederville
1943/100116 Perth Baker Eleanor Mary Female Challis Harry Martin Male Leederville
1943/100117 Perth Thorpe Ronald James Male Sheahan Gladys Eileen Female Leederville
1943/100117 Perth Sheahan Gladys Eileen Female Thorpe Ronald James Male Leederville
1943/100118 Perth Norton Constance Jean Female Witheridge Kenneth Charles Male Leederville
1943/100118 Perth Witheridge Kenneth Charles Male Norton Constance Jean Female Leederville
1943/100119 Perth Roach Patrick Male Butler Eileen Agnes Female Perth
1943/100119 Perth Butler Eileen Agnes Female Roach Patrick Male Perth
1943/100120 Perth O'Callaghan John Francis Male Moody Eleanor Maureen Female Perth
1943/100120 Perth Moody Eleanor Maureen Female O'Callaghan John Francis Male Perth
1943/100121 Perth Cunneen Florence Ann Female McCourt Leonard Adrian Male Perth
1943/100121 Perth McCourt Leonard Adrian Male Cunneen Florence Ann Female Perth
1943/100122 Perth Sherwin Robert William Male Ryan Mary Pauline Female Perth
1943/100122 Perth Ryan Mary Pauline Female Sherwin Robert William Male Perth
1943/100123 Perth Elton Raymond Thomas Male Dowling Joyce Dorothy Female Shenton Park
1943/100123 Perth Dowling Joyce Dorothy Female Elton Raymond Thomas Male Shenton Park
1943/100124 Perth Dodd William Henry Redvers Male Barrie Mary Scott Female Perth
1943/100124 Perth Barrie Mary Scott Female Dodd William Henry Redvers Male Perth
1943/100125 Perth Gray Hazel Mary Female Morrison Kenneth William Male Perth
1943/100125 Perth Morrison Kenneth William Male Gray Hazel Mary Female Perth
1943/100126 Perth Johnston Joan Margaret Female Hunter Johnston Male Nedlands
1943/100126 Perth Hunter Johnston Male Johnston Joan Margaret Female Nedlands
1943/100127 Perth Morgan Lester David Male King Joyce Female Perth
1943/100127 Perth King Joyce Female Morgan Lester David Male Perth
1943/100128 Perth Rhodes Joan Mary Female Houldsworth Samuel Leslie Male Subiaco
1943/100128 Perth Houldsworth Samuel Leslie Male Rhodes Joan Mary Female Subiaco
1943/100129 Perth Bride Clarence Edward Male Leyden Teresa Monica Female Bayswater
1943/100129 Perth Leyden Teresa Monica Female Bride Clarence Edward Male Bayswater
1943/100130 Perth Ballantine Anne Beatrice Female Miller John Sydney Male Highgate Hill
1943/100130 Perth Miller John Sydney Male Ballantine Anne Beatrice Female Highgate Hill
1943/100131 Perth McLoughlin Thomas Joseph Male Johnson Myrtle Jessie Dorothy Female Highgate Hill
1943/100131 Perth Johnson Myrtle Jessie Dorothy Female McLoughlin Thomas Joseph Male Highgate Hill
1943/100132 Perth Walker Marion Isobel Jean Female Lawrie Ernest Arnold Male Perth
1943/100132 Perth Lawrie Ernest Arnold Male Walker Marion Isobel Jean Female Perth
1943/100133 Perth Smith Melvina May Female Palmer Nicholas Male Perth
1943/100133 Perth Palmer Nicholas Male Smith Melvina May Female Perth
1943/100134 Perth Clarke Eloise Evelyn Female Taylor Harold Aubrey Male Perth
1943/100134 Perth Taylor Harold Aubrey Male Clarke Eloise Evelyn Female Perth
1943/100135 Perth Perry Sydney Victor Lancelot Male McGuire Margaret Nowell Female Perth
1943/100135 Perth McGuire Margaret Nowell Female Perry Sydney Victor Lancelot Male Perth
1943/100136 Perth Carter Roy Male Ryder Mollie Evelyn Female Perth
1943/100136 Perth Ryder Mollie Evelyn Female Carter Roy Male Perth
1943/100137 Perth Murdoch Ernest Kitchener Male Harper Laura Marion Female Perth
1943/100137 Perth Harper Laura Marion Female Murdoch Ernest Kitchener Male Perth
1943/100138 Perth Wilson Colin Arthur George Male Towler Bernice Ruth Female Perth
1943/100138 Perth Towler Bernice Ruth Female Wilson Colin Arthur George Male Perth
1943/100139 Perth Morley Vera Violet Female Shawyer Nichalas Cecil Male Perth
1943/100139 Perth Shawyer Nichalas Cecil Male Morley Vera Violet Female Perth
1943/100140 Perth Mahon James Alexander Male Christensen Mary Frances Female Perth
1943/100140 Perth Christensen Mary Frances Female Mahon James Alexander Male Perth
1943/100141 Perth Collett Arthur Frederick Male Howard June Nellie Corser Female Perth
1943/100141 Perth Howard June Nellie Corser Female Collett Arthur Frederick Male Perth
1943/100142 Perth Scott Horace Muir Male Ward Winifred Ellen Female Victoria Park
1943/100142 Perth Ward Winifred Ellen Female Scott Horace Muir Male Victoria Park
1943/100143 Perth Simpson Clifford Male Lead Yvonne Jessie Female Wembley
1943/100143 Perth Lead Yvonne Jessie Female Simpson Clifford Male Wembley
1943/100144 Perth Holt Kathleen Margaret Female Kenneally Frank Bernard Male Claremont
1943/100144 Perth Kenneally Frank Bernard Male Holt Kathleen Margaret Female Claremont
1943/100145 Perth Coram Hetty Victoria Female Archibald George Henry Male Claremont
1943/100145 Perth Archibald George Henry Male Coram Hetty Victoria Female Claremont
1943/100146 Perth Godfrey William John Male Porter Margaret Female Claremont
1943/100146 Perth Porter Margaret Female Godfrey William John Male Claremont
1943/100147 Perth Rose Eunice Female Shimmon William Male Claremont
1943/100147 Perth Shimmon William Male Rose Eunice Female Claremont
1943/100148 Perth Baldwin Frank Heirons Male Wilson May Dawn Gladstone Female Claremont
1943/100148 Perth Wilson May Dawn Gladstone Female Baldwin Frank Heirons Male Claremont
1943/100149 Perth Rose Benjamin Theodore Male Gibbs Helen Coventry Female Claremont
1943/100149 Perth Gibbs Helen Coventry Female Rose Benjamin Theodore Male Claremont
1943/100150 Perth Miles Dorothy Gwendoline Female Mews Walter Jasper Male Claremont
1943/100150 Perth Mews Walter Jasper Male Miles Dorothy Gwendoline Female Claremont
1943/100151 Perth Wholagan Kenneth Clyde Male Frazer Della Florence Female Claremont
1943/100151 Perth Frazer Della Florence Female Wholagan Kenneth Clyde Male Claremont
1943/100152 Perth Grundy Terence Nigel Male Lovell Rhoda Elizabeth Female Claremont
1943/100152 Perth Lovell Rhoda Elizabeth Female Grundy Terence Nigel Male Claremont
1943/100153 Perth Lance Douglas Hilton Male Hobbs Betty Frances Female Perth
1943/100153 Perth Hobbs Betty Frances Female Lance Douglas Hilton Male Perth
1943/100154 Perth Wood Iris Ellen Female Casselton Phillip James Male Perth
1943/100154 Perth Casselton Phillip James Male Wood Iris Ellen Female Perth
1943/100155 Perth Arnold Dorothy Hazel Alice Female Hill Walter Kenneth Male Cottesloe
1943/100155 Perth Hill Walter Kenneth Male Arnold Dorothy Hazel Alice Female Cottesloe
1943/100156 Perth Hodgson Dorothy Henderson Female Cousins Eric Brewster Male Cottesloe
1943/100156 Perth Cousins Eric Brewster Male Hodgson Dorothy Henderson Female Cottesloe
1943/100157 Perth Knight Margaret Christine Female Savill David Andrew Male Cottesloe
1943/100157 Perth Savill David Andrew Male Knight Margaret Christine Female Cottesloe
1943/100158 Perth Smith Stanley Charles Male Elliott Gladys Female Perth
1943/100158 Perth Elliott Gladys Female Smith Stanley Charles Male Perth
1943/100159 Perth Morris Edward Elais Male Miller Lucy Veronica Female Perth
1943/100159 Perth Miller Lucy Veronica Female Morris Edward Elais Male Perth
1943/100160 Perth Watson Shelah Louise Female Marriott William Henry Male Victoria Park
1943/100160 Perth Marriott William Henry Male Watson Shelah Louise Female Victoria Park
1943/100161 Perth Lines Sidney Ernest Male Naismith Rita Marian Female Perth
1943/100161 Perth Naismith Rita Marian Female Lines Sidney Ernest Male Perth
1943/100162 Perth Trobe Victor Arnold Male Ganzer Marie Enid Female Perth
1943/100162 Perth Ganzer Marie Enid Female Trobe Victor Arnold Male Perth
1943/100163 Perth Halliday Bruce Alfred Male Gallop Una Gertrude Female North Perth
1943/100163 Perth Gallop Una Gertrude Female Halliday Bruce Alfred Male North Perth
1943/100164 Perth Carroll Albert William Male Nolan Dellis Enid Female West Leederville
1943/100164 Perth Nolan Dellis Enid Female Carroll Albert William Male West Leederville
1943/100165 Perth Nicolson Kenneth Thomas Male Higgins Myrtle Irene Female Perth
1943/100165 Perth Higgins Myrtle Irene Female Nicolson Kenneth Thomas Male Perth
1943/100166 Perth Crewe Arthur Male Canlin Dorothy Female Perth
1943/100166 Perth Canlin Dorothy Female Crewe Arthur Male Perth
1943/100167 Perth Turpin Herbert Alex Male Crane Margaret Agnes Elizabeth Female Perth
1943/100167 Perth Crane Margaret Agnes Elizabeth Female Turpin Herbert Alex Male Perth
1943/100168 Perth McNee John Male Michael Mary Bernice Female Perth
1943/100168 Perth Michael Mary Bernice Female McNee John Male Perth
1943/100169 Perth Meney Mary Fleming Female Clark William Maxwell Male Perth
1943/100169 Perth Clark William Maxwell Male Meney Mary Fleming Female Perth
1943/100170 Perth Lawson Lloyd Vere James Male Matthew-Sanderson Maxine Louise Female Perth
1943/100170 Perth Matthew-Sanderson Maxine Louise Female Lawson Lloyd Vere James Male Perth
1943/100171 Perth Kenworthy Ronald Alexander Male Backshall Kathleen Alicia Female Leederville
1943/100171 Perth Backshall Kathleen Alicia Female Kenworthy Ronald Alexander Male Leederville
1943/100172 Perth Hammond Phyllis May Female Broadwood Harold Francis Male West Perth
1943/100172 Perth Broadwood Harold Francis Male Hammond Phyllis May Female West Perth
1943/100173 Perth Dumsday Joy Female Atkinson Gregory Alpine Male West Perth
1943/100173 Perth Atkinson Gregory Alpine Male Dumsday Joy Female West Perth
1943/100174 Perth Ruegg Anna Josephin Female Boesser Edward William Gustavus Male West Perth
1943/100174 Perth Boesser Edward William Gustavus Male Ruegg Anna Josephin Female West Perth
1943/100175 Perth OLeary Daniel Joseph Male Fenton Kathleen Martha Female Leederville
1943/100175 Perth Fenton Kathleen Martha Female OLeary Daniel Joseph Male Leederville
1943/100176 Perth Katuna-Rich Dora Female Rosich Marin Male Leederville
1943/100176 Perth Rosich Marin Male Katuna-Rich Dora Female Leederville
1943/100177 Perth Duncan Doreen Madge Female Martin John Francis Male Highgate
1943/100177 Perth Martin John Francis Male Duncan Doreen Madge Female Highgate
1943/100178 Perth Bailey Valma Eades Female Davenport Ronald James Male North Perth
1943/100178 Perth Davenport Ronald James Male Bailey Valma Eades Female North Perth
1943/100179 Perth Cheeseman Beryl Lurline Female Mazzini Joseph Andrew Male North Perth
1943/100179 Perth Mazzini Joseph Andrew Male Cheeseman Beryl Lurline Female North Perth
1943/100180 Perth Marriott Eileen Teresa Female Thiel Francis Ernest Male South Perth
1943/100180 Perth Thiel Francis Ernest Male Marriott Eileen Teresa Female South Perth
1943/100181 Perth King Myrtle Iris Annetta Female Dickson William Henry Percival Male Perth
1943/100181 Perth Dickson William Henry Percival Male King Myrtle Iris Annetta Female Perth
1943/100182 Perth Clark Nelson Leo Male Jones Joyce Lillian Female Perth
1943/100182 Perth Jones Joyce Lillian Female Clark Nelson Leo Male Perth
1943/100183 Perth Moyle Hugh Ross Male Nuttall Dorothy May Female Perth
1943/100183 Perth Nuttall Dorothy May Female Moyle Hugh Ross Male Perth
1943/100184 Perth Houghton John Clive Male Hewins Phyllis Marjory Female Nedlands
1943/100184 Perth Hewins Phyllis Marjory Female Houghton John Clive Male Nedlands
1943/100185 Perth Nolan Dorothy Ethel Female McWhirter William George Male Perth
1943/100185 Perth McWhirter William George Male Nolan Dorothy Ethel Female Perth
1944/100185 Perth Kinnane Maud Female Howson William Thomas Male West Perth
1944/100185 Perth Howson William Thomas Male Kinnane Maud Female West Perth
1944/100186 Perth Donegan Mary Theresa Female Ryan William John Male West Perth
1944/100186 Perth Ryan William John Male Donegan Mary Theresa Female West Perth
1943/100186 Perth Thill Dorothy Lilian Female Jennings John Ahern Male Perth
1943/100186 Perth Jennings John Ahern Male Thill Dorothy Lilian Female Perth
1943/100187 Perth Oakey Rose Alice Isobel Female Page George Albert Male Perth
1943/100187 Perth Page George Albert Male Oakey Rose Alice Isobel Female Perth
1943/100188 Perth Newman Edmond Roland Male Lang Marion Frances Chalmers Female Perth
1943/100188 Perth Lang Marion Frances Chalmers Female Newman Edmond Roland Male Perth
1943/100189 Perth Amourgis Agnes Mackay Female Sharp Wilfred Gordon Male Perth
1943/100189 Perth Sharp Wilfred Gordon Male Amourgis Agnes Mackay Female Perth
1943/100190 Perth Berriman Audrey Joan Female Moore Robert Matthew Male Perth
1943/100190 Perth Moore Robert Matthew Male Berriman Audrey Joan Female Perth
1943/100191 Perth Foote Albert Robert Male McLure May Isobel Female Perth
1943/100191 Perth McLure May Isobel Female Foote Albert Robert Male Perth
1943/100192 Perth Goldsworthy Sarah Female Basley James Colin Male Mosman Park
1943/100192 Perth Basley James Colin Male Goldsworthy Sarah Female Mosman Park
1943/100193 Perth Herbert Eileen Leah Female Dowling William Price Male Belmont
1943/100193 Perth Dowling William Price Male Herbert Eileen Leah Female Belmont
1943/100194 Perth Ede Doris Irene Female Freitag Thomas Arthur Oswald Male Perth
1943/100194 Perth Freitag Thomas Arthur Oswald Male Ede Doris Irene Female Perth
1943/100195 Perth Creighton Mabel Annie Female Murray Stanley Wentworth Male Perth
1943/100195 Perth Murray Stanley Wentworth Male Creighton Mabel Annie Female Perth
1943/100196 Perth Cuthbert George Upton Male Muhleisen Kathleen Rosemary Female Perth
1943/100196 Perth Muhleisen Kathleen Rosemary Female Cuthbert George Upton Male Perth
1943/100197 Perth Ward Thelma Colleen Female Nicholls Frederick Arthur Male Perth
1943/100197 Perth Nicholls Frederick Arthur Male Ward Thelma Colleen Female Perth
1943/100198 Perth Alexander Ivy May Female Thompson James Male Perth
1943/100198 Perth Thompson James Male Alexander Ivy May Female Perth
1943/100199 Perth Godfrey Rita Nell Female Gaertner Terrence Reginald Male Perth
1943/100199 Perth Gaertner Terrence Reginald Male Godfrey Rita Nell Female Perth
1943/100200 Perth Avery Norman Lionel Male Evans Olga Althea Female Perth
1943/100200 Perth Evans Olga Althea Female Avery Norman Lionel Male Perth
1943/100201 Perth Raven Dick Male Bentley Florence Gertrude Elizabeth Female Perth
1943/100201 Perth Bentley Florence Gertrude Elizabeth Female Raven Dick Male Perth
1943/100202 Perth Hickey Ronald James Male Thomson Fay Alison Female Perth
1943/100202 Perth Thomson Fay Alison Female Hickey Ronald James Male Perth
1943/100203 Perth Miller Patricia Isobel Female Kennedy Stewart John Male Perth
1943/100203 Perth Kennedy Stewart John Male Miller Patricia Isobel Female Perth
1943/100204 Perth French Henry George Male Hawkins Katherine Female Perth
1943/100204 Perth Hawkins Katherine Female French Henry George Male Perth
1943/100205 Perth Dawson Reginald George Male Wyatt Kathleen Female Perth
1943/100205 Perth Wyatt Kathleen Female Dawson Reginald George Male Perth
1943/100206 Perth Wright Barbara Louisa Female Power John Patrick Male Perth
1943/100206 Perth Power John Patrick Male Wright Barbara Louisa Female Perth
1943/100207 Perth Grundy Dorothea Alice Female McCubbin Bruce Lorriner Male Perth
1943/100207 Perth McCubbin Bruce Lorriner Male Grundy Dorothea Alice Female Perth
1943/100208 Perth Sutherland William James Male Edwards Lila Beverley Female Perth
1943/100208 Perth Edwards Lila Beverley Female Sutherland William James Male Perth
1943/100209 Perth Brown Elsie May Female Powell Albert Thomas Male Osborne Park
1943/100209 Perth Powell Albert Thomas Male Brown Elsie May Female Osborne Park
1943/100210 Perth Wilkinson Norman Tindale Male Curtin Edith Georgina Female Subiaco
1943/100210 Perth Curtin Edith Georgina Female Wilkinson Norman Tindale Male Subiaco
1943/100211 Perth Watson Laurie Male Toussaint Coral Athené Female Perth
1943/100211 Perth Toussaint Coral Athené Female Watson Laurie Male Perth
1943/100213 Perth Roper Olive Female Royall Robert William Male Perth
1943/100213 Perth Royall Robert William Male Roper Olive Female Perth
1943/100214 Perth Dolbear Edna May Female Nutt Arthur James Male Perth
1943/100214 Perth Nutt Arthur James Male Dolbear Edna May Female Perth
1943/100215 Perth Knifton Mavis Edna Female Sandford Charles George Male Perth
1943/100215 Perth Sandford Charles George Male Knifton Mavis Edna Female Perth
1943/100216 Perth Bailey Wilfred George Male Crombie Norma Beth Female Cottesloe
1943/100216 Perth Crombie Norma Beth Female Bailey Wilfred George Male Cottesloe
1943/100217 Perth Hill Norman Horace Male Clifford Olga Violet Female Perth
1943/100217 Perth Clifford Olga Violet Female Hill Norman Horace Male Perth
1943/100218 Perth Clarke Maxwell John Male Studdy Ivy Elizabeth Female Mt Lawley
1943/100218 Perth Studdy Ivy Elizabeth Female Clarke Maxwell John Male Mt Lawley
1943/100219 Perth Atkinson Aileen Female Tempany Edward James Male Mt Lawley
1943/100219 Perth Tempany Edward James Male Atkinson Aileen Female Mt Lawley
1943/100220 Perth Hagley Eric Anthony Male Murphy Lucy Beryl Female North Perth
1943/100220 Perth Murphy Lucy Beryl Female Hagley Eric Anthony Male North Perth
1943/100221 Perth Howarth Patty Female Rapp William Morris Male Claremont
1943/100221 Perth Rapp William Morris Male Howarth Patty Female Claremont
1943/100222 Perth Barrett-Lennard Anthony Leslie Male Adams Ethel Barbara Female Claremont
1943/100222 Perth Adams Ethel Barbara Female Barrett-Lennard Anthony Leslie Male Claremont
1943/100223 Perth Golder Lyla Hortense Female Kessell Donald Philip Male Claremont
1943/100223 Perth Kessell Donald Philip Male Golder Lyla Hortense Female Claremont
1943/100224 Perth Walker Hazel Adell Female Sounness Roger Male Claremont
1943/100224 Perth Sounness Roger Male Walker Hazel Adell Female Claremont
1943/100225 Perth Brown Norman Male Christian Estelle Patricia Female Claremont
1943/100225 Perth Christian Estelle Patricia Female Brown Norman Male Claremont
1943/100226 Perth Podger Dardanelle Ruby Prudence Female Dalby Robert William Charles Male Claremont
1943/100226 Perth Dalby Robert William Charles Male Podger Dardanelle Ruby Prudence Female Claremont
1943/100227 Perth Andrews Irene Millicent Female Brand-Smith Clarence Hugh Male Claremont
1943/100227 Perth Brand-Smith Clarence Hugh Male Andrews Irene Millicent Female Claremont
1943/100228 Perth Dachtler Winifred Ethel Female Lenz Geoffrey Ernest Male Claremont
1943/100228 Perth Lenz Geoffrey Ernest Male Dachtler Winifred Ethel Female Claremont
1943/100229 Perth Ellemor Rhoda Marion Female Byass William Milton Male Claremont
1943/100229 Perth Byass William Milton Male Ellemor Rhoda Marion Female Claremont
1943/100230 Perth Cox Eileen Female Stagg Augustus Male Perth
1943/100230 Perth Stagg Augustus Male Cox Eileen Female Perth
1943/100231 Perth Harvey Gloria Pearl Female Sutton Leonard Male West Perth
1943/100231 Perth Sutton Leonard Male Harvey Gloria Pearl Female West Perth
1943/100232 Perth Armitage Florence May Female Vincent Reginald Ambrose Male West Perth
1943/100232 Perth Vincent Reginald Ambrose Male Armitage Florence May Female West Perth
1943/100233 Perth Crompton Josephine Clara Female Warwick Jack Allen Sutton Male Nedlands
1943/100233 Perth Warwick Jack Allen Sutton Male Crompton Josephine Clara Female Nedlands
1943/100234 Perth O'Dea Elise Olive Female Burnett John Charles Cowcher Male Highgate Hill
1943/100234 Perth Burnett John Charles Cowcher Male O'Dea Elise Olive Female Highgate Hill
1943/100235 Perth Elphick Harold Robert Male Charleston Dorothy Powell Female Highgate Hill
1943/100235 Perth Charleston Dorothy Powell Female Elphick Harold Robert Male Highgate Hill
1943/100236 Perth Hastwell Lorna Mary Female Milbourne Norman Male Highgate Hill
1943/100236 Perth Milbourne Norman Male Hastwell Lorna Mary Female Highgate Hill
1943/100237 Perth Gilligan James Thomas Male Gilbertson Myrtle Louisa Female Highgate Hill
1943/100237 Perth Gilbertson Myrtle Louisa Female Gilligan James Thomas Male Highgate Hill
1943/100238 Perth Sullivan Rose Philomena Female Burrows Kenneth John Male Highgate Hill
1943/100238 Perth Burrows Kenneth John Male Sullivan Rose Philomena Female Highgate Hill
1943/100239 Perth Barker Ada Henrietta Cavell Female Wilson Leslie Frank Male Highgate Hill
1943/100239 Perth Wilson Leslie Frank Male Barker Ada Henrietta Cavell Female Highgate Hill
1943/100240 Perth Hill Rhyce Male Burke Lorna Ann Josephine Female Highgate Hill
1943/100240 Perth Burke Lorna Ann Josephine Female Hill Rhyce Male Highgate Hill
1943/100241 Perth Mentiplay Donald Leslie Male Raymond Mavis Edna Female Highgate Hill
1943/100241 Perth Raymond Mavis Edna Female Mentiplay Donald Leslie Male Highgate Hill
1943/100242 Perth O'Grady Gerald Charles Male Forrester Laura Viva Female Perth
1943/100242 Perth Forrester Laura Viva Female O'Grady Gerald Charles Male Perth
1943/100243 Perth Viska Aferdita Female Pando Sotir Male Perth
1943/100243 Perth Pando Sotir Male Viska Aferdita Female Perth
1943/100244 Perth Nikola Praksetheya Stavre Female Spiro Petre Tasi Male Perth
1943/100244 Perth Spiro Petre Tasi Male Nikola Praksetheya Stavre Female Perth
1943/100245 Perth Hay Helen Elizabeth Female Gould Austin Connolly Male South Perth
1943/100245 Perth Gould Austin Connolly Male Hay Helen Elizabeth Female South Perth
1943/100246 Perth Carson John Bernard Male Clarke Margaret Cecilia Female South Perth
1943/100246 Perth Clarke Margaret Cecilia Female Carson John Bernard Male South Perth
1943/100247 Perth Smith Sylvia May Female Morrison Eric Sproule Male West Perth
1943/100247 Perth Morrison Eric Sproule Male Smith Sylvia May Female West Perth
1943/100248 Perth Cantlay June Valerie Female Shepherd William Lott Male Subiaco
1943/100248 Perth Shepherd William Lott Male Cantlay June Valerie Female Subiaco
1943/100249 Perth Priest Roy Leslie Male Cribb Violet Amy Female Subiaco
1943/100249 Perth Cribb Violet Amy Female Priest Roy Leslie Male Subiaco
1943/100250 Perth Cumming Gwenneth May Female ter Horst Anton Theodoor Male Subiaco
1943/100250 Perth ter Horst Anton Theodoor Male Cumming Gwenneth May Female Subiaco
1943/100251 Perth Clarke Kenneth Edric Male Foord Nellie Clift Female Subiaco
1943/100251 Perth Foord Nellie Clift Female Clarke Kenneth Edric Male Subiaco
1943/100252 Perth Greenhalgh Thelma Kathleen Female Emery Cuthbert George Male Subiaco
1943/100252 Perth Emery Cuthbert George Male Greenhalgh Thelma Kathleen Female Subiaco
1943/100253 Perth Frank Mavis Betty Female Ogg George Smith Male Subiaco
1943/100253 Perth Ogg George Smith Male Frank Mavis Betty Female Subiaco
1943/100254 Perth Jolley Edward William Male Ballantine Violet May Female Victoria Park
1943/100254 Perth Ballantine Violet May Female Jolley Edward William Male Victoria Park
1943/100255 Perth Chambers Muriel Lilian Female Fletcher Walter Ernest Male Perth
1943/100255 Perth Fletcher Walter Ernest Male Chambers Muriel Lilian Female Perth
1943/100256 Perth Spencer Doris Aileen Female Winnett Frederick John Male Perth
1943/100256 Perth Winnett Frederick John Male Spencer Doris Aileen Female Perth
1943/100257 Perth Franklin Margaret Veronica Female Granland Thomas Alexander Male Perth
1943/100257 Perth Granland Thomas Alexander Male Franklin Margaret Veronica Female Perth
1943/100258 Perth Bertram Shirley Diane Female Moyle Douglas Roy Male Perth
1943/100258 Perth Moyle Douglas Roy Male Bertram Shirley Diane Female Perth
1943/100259 Perth Newton Lynda Isobel Female Scrace John Sydney Male Perth
1943/100259 Perth Scrace John Sydney Male Newton Lynda Isobel Female Perth
1943/100260 Perth Webb Herbert Wilson Roy Male East Alice Myrian Female Perth
1943/100260 Perth East Alice Myrian Female Webb Herbert Wilson Roy Male Perth
1943/100261 Perth Sterrett Ronald Edwin Male Cooper Jean Elizabeth Female Perth
1943/100261 Perth Cooper Jean Elizabeth Female Sterrett Ronald Edwin Male Perth
1943/100262 Perth Johnston Arthur Besson Male Smith Marjory Ellen Female Perth
1943/100262 Perth Smith Marjory Ellen Female Johnston Arthur Besson Male Perth
1943/100263 Perth Watson James Gordon Male Holt Vera Female Perth
1943/100263 Perth Holt Vera Female Watson James Gordon Male Perth
1943/100264 Perth Sherman Edward Vincent Male Thickbroom Jean Female Perth
1943/100264 Perth Thickbroom Jean Female Sherman Edward Vincent Male Perth
1943/100265 Perth Harvey Douglas Newton Male Bennett Joyce Eileen Female Perth
1943/100265 Perth Bennett Joyce Eileen Female Harvey Douglas Newton Male Perth
1943/100266 Perth Read Henry Francis Male Smith Beryl Esme Female Victoria Park
1943/100266 Perth Smith Beryl Esme Female Read Henry Francis Male Victoria Park
1943/100268 Perth Stewart Sylvia Mae Female Minney Stanley Reginald Male Leederville
1943/100268 Perth Minney Stanley Reginald Male Stewart Sylvia Mae Female Leederville
1943/100269 Perth Millward Dorothy Lilian Female Jenkins Harold Stanley Male Leederville
1943/100269 Perth Jenkins Harold Stanley Male Millward Dorothy Lilian Female Leederville
1943/100270 Perth Buchanan William Clyde Male Freeman Nancy Beatrice Female West Perth
1943/100270 Perth Freeman Nancy Beatrice Female Buchanan William Clyde Male West Perth
1943/100271 Perth Christie Dorothy May Female Patman Leslie Vernon Male Perth
1943/100271 Perth Patman Leslie Vernon Male Christie Dorothy May Female Perth
1943/100272 Perth Walton Stanley Joseph Male Foley Elva Bernice Female Perth
1943/100272 Perth Foley Elva Bernice Female Walton Stanley Joseph Male Perth
1943/100273 Perth Gartrell Freda Madge Female Griffin Arnold Frederick Male Perth
1943/100273 Perth Griffin Arnold Frederick Male Gartrell Freda Madge Female Perth
1943/100274 Perth Osbourn Howard James Male Hodson Hilda Mabel Amy Female Perth
1943/100274 Perth Hodson Hilda Mabel Amy Female Osbourn Howard James Male Perth
1943/100275 Perth Ferguson Douglas Horace Male Thompson Ellen Joyce Female West Perth
1943/100275 Perth Thompson Ellen Joyce Female Ferguson Douglas Horace Male West Perth
1943/100276 Perth Bray Rufus Male Dwyer Margaret Anne Female West Perth
1943/100276 Perth Dwyer Margaret Anne Female Bray Rufus Male West Perth
1943/100277 Perth Arbuckle Ronald Edward Robert Male Cochrane Phyllis Olive Female West Perth
1943/100277 Perth Cochrane Phyllis Olive Female Arbuckle Ronald Edward Robert Male West Perth
1943/100278 Perth Knox Ann Smith Female Rosser Leonard Clifton Male West Perth
1943/100278 Perth Rosser Leonard Clifton Male Knox Ann Smith Female West Perth
1943/100279 Perth Mills Norma Joy Female Frazer Kenneth George Male Perth
1943/100279 Perth Frazer Kenneth George Male Mills Norma Joy Female Perth
1943/100280 Perth O'Brien Roy Mac Male Heston Patricia Eileen Female Perth
1943/100280 Perth Heston Patricia Eileen Female O'Brien Roy Mac Male Perth
1943/100281 Perth Cole Audrey Eileen Female Nattrass James Henry Male Perth
1943/100281 Perth Nattrass James Henry Male Cole Audrey Eileen Female Perth
1943/100282 Perth Otway Roma May Female Brinkworth Cuthbert William Male Perth
1943/100282 Perth Brinkworth Cuthbert William Male Otway Roma May Female Perth
1943/100283 Perth Griffiths Thora Ray Female White James Oswald Male Perth
1943/100283 Perth White James Oswald Male Griffiths Thora Ray Female Perth
1943/100284 Perth McGahey Annetta Female Blennerhassett Samuel Rowland Male Perth
1943/100284 Perth Blennerhassett Samuel Rowland Male McGahey Annetta Female Perth
1943/100285 Perth Jeffrey Johanna Margaret Female O'Keeffe Martin Male Highgate Hill
1943/100285 Perth O'Keeffe Martin Male Jeffrey Johanna Margaret Female Highgate Hill
1943/100286 Perth Byrne Brendan Patrick Male Cruite Marjorie Anne Female Highgate Hill
1943/100286 Perth Cruite Marjorie Anne Female Byrne Brendan Patrick Male Highgate Hill
1943/100287 Perth Macpherson Alexander George Male Haynes Marion Eleanor Female Highgate Hill
1943/100287 Perth Haynes Marion Eleanor Female Macpherson Alexander George Male Highgate Hill
1943/100288 Perth Hamer Faith Female Howe Frank Royce Male Shenton Park
1943/100288 Perth Howe Frank Royce Male Hamer Faith Female Shenton Park
1943/100289 Perth Jones Lillian Kathleen Female Daniels James Herbert Male Highgate
1943/100289 Perth Daniels James Herbert Male Jones Lillian Kathleen Female Highgate
1943/100290 Perth Venables Ella Avro Female Lawrence Robert Scambler Male Leederville
1943/100290 Perth Lawrence Robert Scambler Male Venables Ella Avro Female Leederville
1943/100291 Perth Crute Lois Beryl Female Bray Alfred William Pouw Male Maylands
1943/100291 Perth Bray Alfred William Pouw Male Crute Lois Beryl Female Maylands
1943/100292 Perth Gibellini Marie Female Buegge Ronald Edgar Male West Perth
1943/100292 Perth Buegge Ronald Edgar Male Gibellini Marie Female West Perth
1943/100293 Perth Smith William Alfred Male Beard Alice Mabel Female Perth
1943/100293 Perth Beard Alice Mabel Female Smith William Alfred Male Perth
1943/100294 Perth O'Dea Lillian Frances Female Evans Thomas Henry Male Perth
1943/100294 Perth Evans Thomas Henry Male O'Dea Lillian Frances Female Perth
1943/100295 Perth Caris Dove Ashbourne Male Harrison Marjorie Francene Female West Perth
1943/100295 Perth Harrison Marjorie Francene Female Caris Dove Ashbourne Male West Perth
1943/100296 Perth Hansen Amy Frances Female Rawlings Richard Male Cottesloe
1943/100296 Perth Rawlings Richard Male Hansen Amy Frances Female Cottesloe
1943/100297 Perth Lawson Robert Male Parkey Elizabeth Female Victoria Park
1943/100297 Perth Parkey Elizabeth Female Lawson Robert Male Victoria Park
1943/100298 Perth Dobbins Helen Rosina Female Puttock Frederick Charles Male Victoria Park
1943/100298 Perth Puttock Frederick Charles Male Dobbins Helen Rosina Female Victoria Park
1943/100299 Perth Roberts Patricia Phylis Mary Female Palmer Desly Halley Male Victoria Park
1943/100299 Perth Palmer Desly Halley Male Roberts Patricia Phylis Mary Female Victoria Park
1943/100300 Perth Wishart Margaret Female Wilkie Thomas Male Victoria Park
1943/100300 Perth Wilkie Thomas Male Wishart Margaret Female Victoria Park
1943/100301 Perth McInnes Thomas Augustine Male Kirby Beryl Jean Female Perth
1943/100301 Perth Kirby Beryl Jean Female McInnes Thomas Augustine Male Perth
1943/100302 Perth Mead George Felix Male Richardson Philippa Charity Female West Perth
1943/100302 Perth Richardson Philippa Charity Female Mead George Felix Male West Perth
1943/100303 Perth Leys Hendrik Simon Male Mason Minnie Viole Female West Perth
1943/100303 Perth Mason Minnie Viole Female Leys Hendrik Simon Male West Perth
1943/100304 Perth Wilson June Mary Female Young Keith Sydney Male West Perth
1943/100304 Perth Young Keith Sydney Male Wilson June Mary Female West Perth
1943/100305 Perth Eckermann Iris Irene Female Dunnell Cyril John Male West Perth
1943/100305 Perth Dunnell Cyril John Male Eckermann Iris Irene Female West Perth Dunnell-116
1943/100306 Perth Pearce Gloria Lilian Female Hartley Albert Ernest Male Perth
1943/100306 Perth Hartley Albert Ernest Male Pearce Gloria Lilian Female Perth
1943/100307 Perth Lemmon Charles Frederick Male Bocksette Edith Winnifred Female Perth
1943/100307 Perth Bocksette Edith Winnifred Female Lemmon Charles Frederick Male Perth
1943/100308 Perth Vanzetti Evelyn Female McMullen John Male South Perth
1943/100308 Perth McMullen John Male Vanzetti Evelyn Female South Perth
1943/100309 Perth Barnes Francis Male Felton Mary Dorothea Female South Perth
1943/100309 Perth Felton Mary Dorothea Female Barnes Francis Male South Perth
1943/100310 Perth Hales Veronica Winifred Female Wale John Male Leederville
1943/100310 Perth Wale John Male Hales Veronica Winifred Female Leederville
1943/100311 Perth Strange Lorna Nellie Female Nicholls William Alfred Male Mt Lawley
1943/100311 Perth Nicholls William Alfred Male Strange Lorna Nellie Female Mt Lawley
1943/100312 Perth Unkovich Dragica Female Rosick John Nicholas Male Belmont
1943/100312 Perth Rosick John Nicholas Male Unkovich Dragica Female Belmont
1943/100313 Perth Noonan Florence Hilda Anne Female Fleming Donald James Male Victoria Park
1943/100313 Perth Fleming Donald James Male Noonan Florence Hilda Anne Female Victoria Park
1943/100314 Perth Healey Veronica Irene Female Allen Arthur Leslie Male Victoria Park
1943/100314 Perth Allen Arthur Leslie Male Healey Veronica Irene Female Victoria Park
1943/100315 Perth Jennings Bridget Maud Female Grocke Richard James Male Subiaco
1943/100315 Perth Grocke Richard James Male Jennings Bridget Maud Female Subiaco
1943/100316 Perth Simon Doreen Female O'Halloran Francis Stephen Male Shenton Park
1943/100316 Perth O'Halloran Francis Stephen Male Simon Doreen Female Shenton Park
1943/100317 Perth Nutt Isla Josephine Female Rowbotham William Male North Perth
1943/100317 Perth Rowbotham William Male Nutt Isla Josephine Female North Perth
1943/100318 Perth Batten Robert Male Bailley Dorothy Maud Female Maylands
1943/100318 Perth Bailley Dorothy Maud Female Batten Robert Male Maylands
1943/100319 Perth Chappell Irene Female Warner Raymond Frederick Smith Male Perth
1943/100319 Perth Warner Raymond Frederick Smith Male Chappell Irene Female Perth
1943/100320 Perth Trefort Dorothy Annie Female Beazley Stanley Frederick Newell Male Leederville
1943/100320 Perth Beazley Stanley Frederick Newell Male Trefort Dorothy Annie Female Leederville
1943/100321 Perth Lynch Clara Female Paton John Male Perth
1943/100321 Perth Paton John Male Lynch Clara Female Perth
1943/100322 Perth Inness-Campbell Gertrude Lois Female Garcia Bernard Male Perth
1943/100322 Perth Garcia Bernard Male Inness-Campbell Gertrude Lois Female Perth
1943/100323 Perth Keevers Reginald Harold Male Salkilld Nancy Burness Female Perth
1943/100323 Perth Salkilld Nancy Burness Female Keevers Reginald Harold Male Perth
1943/100324 Perth Porter Bertram Male Smith Jean Florence Female Perth
1943/100324 Perth Smith Jean Florence Female Porter Bertram Male Perth
1943/100325 Perth Coates Frank Male Belstone Gertrude Evans Female Perth
1943/100325 Perth Belstone Gertrude Evans Female Coates Frank Male Perth
1943/100326 Perth Morris Mavis Bertha Female Watson John William Male Perth
1943/100326 Perth Watson John William Male Morris Mavis Bertha Female Perth
1943/100327 Perth Pedersen Petra Alice Florence Female Gillan John Arthur Male Perth
1943/100327 Perth Gillan John Arthur Male Pedersen Petra Alice Florence Female Perth
1943/100328 Perth Clifford Joseph Henry Male Purser Gladys Audrey Female Perth
1943/100328 Perth Purser Gladys Audrey Female Clifford Joseph Henry Male Perth
1943/100329 Perth Dean Violet Female Davis Francis Male Perth
1943/100329 Perth Davis Francis Male Dean Violet Female Perth
1943/100330 Perth Forrest Kitty Female Brown Joseph James Male Perth
1943/100330 Perth Brown Joseph James Male Forrest Kitty Female Perth
1943/100331 Perth Lejeune Ayris Francesca Female Sewell Eric Vernon Male Mt Lawley
1943/100331 Perth Sewell Eric Vernon Male Lejeune Ayris Francesca Female Mt Lawley
1943/100332 Perth Edwards Marjorie Female Pritchard Wilfred George Male Victoria Park
1943/100332 Perth Pritchard Wilfred George Male Edwards Marjorie Female Victoria Park
1943/100333 Perth Hockey Courtney Male Drake Elizabeth Female Perth
1943/100333 Perth Drake Elizabeth Female Hockey Courtney Male Perth
1943/100334 Perth Orsulich Mary Female Grubisa Nikola Male Perth
1943/100334 Perth Grubisa Nikola Male Orsulich Mary Female Perth
1943/100335 Perth Higgs Howard Smith Male Yabsley Olive Violette Female Perth
1943/100335 Perth Yabsley Olive Violette Female Higgs Howard Smith Male Perth
1943/100336 Perth Harman Cyril Alexander Male May Dulcie Cameron Female Perth
1943/100336 Perth May Dulcie Cameron Female Harman Cyril Alexander Male Perth
1943/100337 Perth Aslan Mavis Anita Female Brittain John Milton Male Perth
1943/100337 Perth Brittain John Milton Male Aslan Mavis Anita Female Perth
1943/100338 Perth Humm Ronald Male Oakey Trissie Eleanor Female Perth
1943/100338 Perth Oakey Trissie Eleanor Female Humm Ronald Male Perth
1943/100339 Perth Potter Bernard Maxwell Male Mott Alsace Minnie Female Perth
1943/100339 Perth Mott Alsace Minnie Female Potter Bernard Maxwell Male Perth
1943/100340 Perth Limpus William Andrew Male Jenkins Violet Eiddwen Female Perth
1943/100340 Perth Jenkins Violet Eiddwen Female Limpus William Andrew Male Perth
1943/100341 Perth Crowther Eleanor Frances Female Thomson Douglas Yule Male Perth
1943/100341 Perth Thomson Douglas Yule Male Crowther Eleanor Frances Female Perth
1943/100342 Perth Edwards Thomas Martin Male Morgan Dorothea Lillian May Female West Perth
1943/100342 Perth Morgan Dorothea Lillian May Female Edwards Thomas Martin Male West Perth
1943/100343 Perth Viney Nancy June Female Burkett Keith Raymond Male West Perth
1943/100343 Perth Burkett Keith Raymond Male Viney Nancy June Female West Perth
1943/100344 Perth Goldenberg Abe Male Bowen Guynnedd Audrey Female Perth
1943/100344 Perth Bowen Guynnedd Audrey Female Goldenberg Abe Male Perth
1943/100345 Perth Haywood Edmund Henry Thomas Male Francis Thelma Una Female Perth
1943/100345 Perth Francis Thelma Una Female Haywood Edmund Henry Thomas Male Perth
1943/100346 Perth Bodger Winifred Mary Elizabeth Female Pullan Charles Richard Male Perth
1943/100346 Perth Pullan Charles Richard Male Bodger Winifred Mary Elizabeth Female Perth
1943/100347 Perth Papadopulos Alky Male Castle Gertrude Rose Female Perth
1943/100347 Perth Castle Gertrude Rose Female Papadopulos Alky Male Perth
1943/100348 Perth Pasco Louisa Kathleen Female Jackson John Male Perth
1943/100348 Perth Jackson John Male Pasco Louisa Kathleen Female Perth
1943/100349 Perth Lorraine Henry Robert Male Woolston Constance Mary Female Perth
1943/100349 Perth Woolston Constance Mary Female Lorraine Henry Robert Male Perth
1943/100350 Perth MacGrotty Harold Frank Male Munday Merle Audrey Female Perth
1943/100350 Perth Munday Merle Audrey Female MacGrotty Harold Frank Male Perth
1943/100351 Perth Johnson Eugenie Faith Female Marsh Charles Kenneth Male Perth
1943/100351 Perth Marsh Charles Kenneth Male Johnson Eugenie Faith Female Perth
1943/100352 Perth Francis Victor Vernon Male Rowe Lydia Ethel Female Perth
1943/100352 Perth Rowe Lydia Ethel Female Francis Victor Vernon Male Perth
1943/100353 Perth Phillips Colin Alexander Male Luck Lilian Beatrice Female Perth
1943/100353 Perth Luck Lilian Beatrice Female Phillips Colin Alexander Male Perth
1943/100354 Perth Truslove Joyce Evelyne Female Adams Fredrick James Male Victoria Park
1943/100354 Perth Adams Fredrick James Male Truslove Joyce Evelyne Female Victoria Park
1943/100355 Perth Miller Herbert Edward Male Martin Dorothy Alice Female Victoria Park
1943/100355 Perth Martin Dorothy Alice Female Miller Herbert Edward Male Victoria Park
1943/100356 Perth Richardson Douglas Edward Male Mohr Shirley Roma Female Victoria Park
1943/100356 Perth Mohr Shirley Roma Female Richardson Douglas Edward Male Victoria Park
1943/100357 Perth Hickey Nona Clarice Female Lockyer Norman Edward Male Bedford Park
1943/100357 Perth Lockyer Norman Edward Male Hickey Nona Clarice Female Bedford Park
1943/100358 Perth Murphy Josephine Ellen Female Riddler Morrice Leslie Male Highgate Hill
1943/100358 Perth Riddler Morrice Leslie Male Murphy Josephine Ellen Female Highgate Hill
1943/100359 Perth Cadman Thora Dorothea Female Thorp Victor Male Mt Hawthorn
1943/100359 Perth Thorp Victor Male Cadman Thora Dorothea Female Mt Hawthorn
1943/100360 Perth Atkins Hazel Violet Female Proud Clive Thomas Male Perth
1943/100360 Perth Proud Clive Thomas Male Atkins Hazel Violet Female Perth
1943/100361 Perth Ashford Nellie Margaret Female Hunter Frederick Roberts Male Subiaco
1943/100361 Perth Hunter Frederick Roberts Male Ashford Nellie Margaret Female Subiaco
1943/100362 Perth Orriss Janet Maud Female Innes Albert Laurence Male Perth
1943/100362 Perth Innes Albert Laurence Male Orriss Janet Maud Female Perth
1943/100363 Perth Christiansen Peter Male McCarthy Mary Female Perth
1943/100363 Perth McCarthy Mary Female Christiansen Peter Male Perth
1943/100364 Perth Papadopulis Chris Male Clark Hester Ada Female Perth
1943/100364 Perth Clark Hester Ada Female Papadopulis Chris Male Perth
1943/100365 Perth Tanner Iris Josephine Female Kenward Ronald Douglas Male Victoria Park
1943/100365 Perth Kenward Ronald Douglas Male Tanner Iris Josephine Female Victoria Park
1943/100366 Perth Jackson Ivy Female Hardie Arthur William Douglas Male West Perth
1943/100366 Perth Hardie Arthur William Douglas Male Jackson Ivy Female West Perth
1943/100367 Perth Rodgers Patricia Dorothy Female Hancock Stephen Hugh Male West Perth
1943/100367 Perth Hancock Stephen Hugh Male Rodgers Patricia Dorothy Female West Perth
1943/100368 Perth McArthur Hector Male Pugh Agnes Female West Perth
1943/100368 Perth Pugh Agnes Female McArthur Hector Male West Perth
1943/100369 Perth Watkinson Melva Constance Female Craig Linly Maxwell Male West Perth
1943/100369 Perth Craig Linly Maxwell Male Watkinson Melva Constance Female West Perth
1943/100372 Perth Whiteland Robert Henry Male Goonan Irene May Female Mt Hawthorn
1943/100372 Perth Goonan Irene May Female Whiteland Robert Henry Male Mt Hawthorn
1943/100375 Perth Oakley Douglas Ronald Male Pummell Lillian Emma Female Nedlands
1943/100375 Perth Pummell Lillian Emma Female Oakley Douglas Ronald Male Nedlands
1943/100376 Perth Crowhurst June Dalmas Female Golding Francis Bentley Male Nedlands
1943/100376 Perth Golding Francis Bentley Male Crowhurst June Dalmas Female Nedlands
1943/100377 Perth Sampson Joy Constance Female Carroll Lindsay William Male Nedlands
1943/100377 Perth Carroll Lindsay William Male Sampson Joy Constance Female Nedlands
1943/100378 Perth Mounsey Beryl Female MacKinnon Keith Male Nedlands
1943/100378 Perth MacKinnon Keith Male Mounsey Beryl Female Nedlands
1943/100379 Perth Maddox June Isabella Female Steele Noel Stephen Male Nedlands
1943/100379 Perth Steele Noel Stephen Male Maddox June Isabella Female Nedlands
1943/100380 Perth Leeden William Walter Male Johnsen Violet Blanche Female Nedlands
1943/100380 Perth Johnsen Violet Blanche Female Leeden William Walter Male Nedlands
1943/100381 Perth Beckett Jean Edith Female Power Rodney William Male Maylands
1943/100381 Perth Power Rodney William Male Beckett Jean Edith Female Maylands
1943/100382 Perth Martin Kathleen Landseer Female McGlashan John Gardner Male Crawley
1943/100382 Perth McGlashan John Gardner Male Martin Kathleen Landseer Female Crawley
1943/100383 Perth Clarke Irene May Female Clarke Arthur Dudley Girdlestone Male Perth
1943/100383 Perth Clarke Arthur Dudley Girdlestone Male Clarke Irene May Female Perth
1943/100384 Perth Burns Marian Dalores Female Arnold Milton Vaughan Male Perth
1943/100384 Perth Arnold Milton Vaughan Male Burns Marian Dalores Female Perth
1943/100385 Perth Warne Harold James Male Burt Florence Mary Female Perth
1943/100385 Perth Burt Florence Mary Female Warne Harold James Male Perth
1943/100386 Perth Prosser William Leo Male Flitcroft Gladys Female Perth
1943/100386 Perth Flitcroft Gladys Female Prosser William Leo Male Perth
1943/100387 Perth Fishlock Ada Female Wilmot Frederick Male Perth
1943/100387 Perth Wilmot Frederick Male Fishlock Ada Female Perth
1943/100388 Perth Clarke Jean Elvie Female Ewing Desmond Stanislaus Male Perth
1943/100388 Perth Ewing Desmond Stanislaus Male Clarke Jean Elvie Female Perth
1943/100389 Perth Maloney Thomas Patrick Male Slater Janet Elizabeth Female Perth
1943/100389 Perth Slater Janet Elizabeth Female Maloney Thomas Patrick Male Perth
1943/100390 Perth Farrer Mavis Female Wright George Simpson Male Perth
1943/100390 Perth Wright George Simpson Male Farrer Mavis Female Perth
1943/100391 Perth Palmer Arthur William Bentley Male Peters Elizabeth Harriet Female Bassendean
1943/100391 Perth Peters Elizabeth Harriet Female Palmer Arthur William Bentley Male Bassendean
1943/100392 Perth Arthur Margaret Female Wells Leonard William Male Perth
1943/100392 Perth Wells Leonard William Male Arthur Margaret Female Perth
1943/100393 Perth Riley Phyllis May Female Finlayson Andrew Hume Male Perth
1943/100393 Perth Finlayson Andrew Hume Male Riley Phyllis May Female Perth
1943/100394 Perth Campbell Hugh Bernard Male Maxwell Edith Mary Female Perth
1943/100394 Perth Maxwell Edith Mary Female Campbell Hugh Bernard Male Perth
1943/100395 Perth McCarthy Margaret Mary Female Walker Cyril Mackenzie Male Perth
1943/100395 Perth Walker Cyril Mackenzie Male McCarthy Margaret Mary Female Perth
1943/100396 Perth Rubery Shirley May Female Tytgat Adrien Joseph Male Perth
1943/100396 Perth Tytgat Adrien Joseph Male Rubery Shirley May Female Perth
1943/100397 Perth Lee Margaret Mary Female Eddy Jack Francis Male Perth
1943/100397 Perth Eddy Jack Francis Male Lee Margaret Mary Female Perth
1943/100398 Perth Coupland Alfred Allan Male Norman Beryl Irene Female Perth
1943/100398 Perth Norman Beryl Irene Female Coupland Alfred Allan Male Perth
1943/100399 Perth Jarvis Joseph John Male Cowie Margaret Senton Female Perth
1943/100399 Perth Cowie Margaret Senton Female Jarvis Joseph John Male Perth
1943/100400 Perth Letch Jeanette Esme Female Burges Douglas Roe Male Mt Lawley
1943/100400 Perth Burges Douglas Roe Male Letch Jeanette Esme Female Mt Lawley
1943/100401 Perth Beveridge Clement Adam Male Sykes Mary Josephine Female Claremont
1943/100401 Perth Sykes Mary Josephine Female Beveridge Clement Adam Male Claremont
1943/100402 Perth Tate Leon Male Masel Vida Shirley Female Perth
1943/100402 Perth Masel Vida Shirley Female Tate Leon Male Perth
1943/100403 Perth Croker Boris Male Lewis Leah Rose Female Perth
1943/100403 Perth Lewis Leah Rose Female Croker Boris Male Perth
1943/100404 Perth Finkelstein Beatrice Female Cohen Avon Male Perth
1943/100404 Perth Cohen Avon Male Finkelstein Beatrice Female Perth
1943/100405 Perth Shaw Charles Albert Male Easther Winifred Sarah Female Perth
1943/100405 Perth Easther Winifred Sarah Female Shaw Charles Albert Male Perth
1943/100406 Perth Moseley Keith Athol Male Ward Hope Victoria Sowden Female Perth
1943/100406 Perth Ward Hope Victoria Sowden Female Moseley Keith Athol Male Perth
1943/100407 Perth Patroni Amilcari Male Parkinson Joicelyn Irene Female Perth
1943/100407 Perth Parkinson Joicelyn Irene Female Patroni Amilcari Male Perth
1943/100408 Perth Allen Beatrice May Female Brennan William Norman Male Perth
1943/100408 Perth Brennan William Norman Male Allen Beatrice May Female Perth
1943/100409 Perth McGregor Alan Gordon Male Hopkins Jean Kathleen Female West Perth
1943/100409 Perth Hopkins Jean Kathleen Female McGregor Alan Gordon Male West Perth
1943/100410 Perth Knox Annie Mary Female Fullgrabe Herbert James Male West Perth
1943/100410 Perth Fullgrabe Herbert James Male Knox Annie Mary Female West Perth
1943/100411 Perth Horton Mary Florence Female Tennant Patrick Kevin Male West Perth
1943/100411 Perth Tennant Patrick Kevin Male Horton Mary Florence Female West Perth
1943/100412 Perth Brophy Veronica Female Helm Bernard Patrick Male West Perth
1943/100412 Perth Helm Bernard Patrick Male Brophy Veronica Female West Perth
1943/100413 Perth Galloway Norma Mavis Female MacKenzie Kenneth Hector Stuart Male Mt Lawley
1943/100413 Perth MacKenzie Kenneth Hector Stuart Male Galloway Norma Mavis Female Mt Lawley
1943/100414 Perth Gates Mavis Kathleen Female McCafferty Manus Male Mt Lawley
1943/100414 Perth McCafferty Manus Male Gates Mavis Kathleen Female Mt Lawley
1943/100415 Perth Weiss Noelene Fay Female Davidson Robert Joseph Grant Male Perth
1943/100415 Perth Davidson Robert Joseph Grant Male Weiss Noelene Fay Female Perth
1943/100416 Perth Lange Joy Bell Female Hufner Paul Frederick Carl Male Perth
1943/100416 Perth Hufner Paul Frederick Carl Male Lange Joy Bell Female Perth
1943/100417 Perth Berry Ronal George Male Brennan Ethel Lillian Female Perth
1943/100417 Perth Brennan Ethel Lillian Female Berry Ronal George Male Perth
1943/100418 Perth Parker Vaughan Joseph Male Collins Nora Patricia Female Perth
1943/100418 Perth Collins Nora Patricia Female Parker Vaughan Joseph Male Perth
1943/100419 Perth Forrest Kenneth Male Blore Teresa Mary Female Perth
1943/100419 Perth Blore Teresa Mary Female Forrest Kenneth Male Perth
1943/100420 Perth Johnston Norman Carnegie Male Miller Diana Marjory Female Maylands
1943/100420 Perth Miller Diana Marjory Female Johnston Norman Carnegie Male Maylands
1943/100421 Perth Cunningham Gerard Horace Edward Male Benninger Inez Rose Female West Perth
1943/100421 Perth Benninger Inez Rose Female Cunningham Gerard Horace Edward Male West Perth
1943/100422 Perth Ryan Patrick James Male Marshall Gloria Ursula Female Maylands
1943/100422 Perth Marshall Gloria Ursula Female Ryan Patrick James Male Maylands
1943/100423 Perth Kelly Dorothea Edna Alice Female Besley John Harrison Foster Male Maylands
1943/100423 Perth Besley John Harrison Foster Male Kelly Dorothea Edna Alice Female Maylands
1943/100424 Perth Schorer Roy Kerr Male Lewis Evelyn Francis Female Maylands
1943/100424 Perth Lewis Evelyn Francis Female Schorer Roy Kerr Male Maylands
1943/100425 Perth Baker Joan Winifred Female Smart Ernest George Male Maylands
1943/100425 Perth Smart Ernest George Male Baker Joan Winifred Female Maylands
1943/100426 Perth Clement Katherine Anastasia Female Crunkhorn George Arthur Male Perth
1943/100426 Perth Crunkhorn George Arthur Male Clement Katherine Anastasia Female Perth
1943/100427 Perth Pfeiffer Mona Sheila Female Bailey Eric Rudolph Gerard Male Perth
1943/100427 Perth Bailey Eric Rudolph Gerard Male Pfeiffer Mona Sheila Female Perth
1943/100428 Perth Hearman John Merrifield Male Hardie Millicent Jean Female Claremont
1943/100428 Perth Hardie Millicent Jean Female Hearman John Merrifield Male Claremont
1943/100429 Perth Crock Sylvia Isabel Female Walsh Albert James Male Leederville
1943/100429 Perth Walsh Albert James Male Crock Sylvia Isabel Female Leederville
1943/100430 Perth Lichtenberg Conrad Johannes Willem Male Maunders Dorothy Clara Female Cottesloe
1943/100430 Perth Maunders Dorothy Clara Female Lichtenberg Conrad Johannes Willem Male Cottesloe
1943/100432 Perth Ballard Constance Mary Eusar Female Clarke Francis Brian Male Perth
1943/100432 Perth Clarke Francis Brian Male Ballard Constance Mary Eusar Female Perth
1943/100433 Perth Bagley Eileen Female Prendergast Maurice Benedict Male Perth
1943/100433 Perth Prendergast Maurice Benedict Male Bagley Eileen Female Perth
1943/100434 Perth Vaughan Frederick Ward Male Watson Leila June Female South Perth
1943/100434 Perth Watson Leila June Female Vaughan Frederick Ward Male South Perth
1943/100435 Perth della Vallé Mary Rose Female McKinley Maurice Paul Male Perth
1943/100435 Perth McKinley Maurice Paul Male della Vallé Mary Rose Female Perth
1943/100436 Perth Lenton Bette Mary Female Newstead George Walter Male Wembley Park
1943/100436 Perth Newstead George Walter Male Lenton Bette Mary Female Wembley Park
1943/100437 Perth Mynard Mollie Isabell Female Dawson Henry Norman Male North Perth
1943/100437 Perth Dawson Henry Norman Male Mynard Mollie Isabell Female North Perth
1943/100438 Perth Bridgwood Maurice Frederick Male Mercer Joan Edna Female Claremont
1943/100438 Perth Mercer Joan Edna Female Bridgwood Maurice Frederick Male Claremont
1943/100439 Perth Stewart Charles Male Maxwell Margaret Female Perth
1943/100439 Perth Maxwell Margaret Female Stewart Charles Male Perth
1943/100440 Perth Duthie Colin Leslie Male Buckley Kathleen Female Highgate Hill
1943/100440 Perth Buckley Kathleen Female Duthie Colin Leslie Male Highgate Hill
1943/100441 Perth Murphy Thomas Francis Male Blezard Iris Female Highgate Hill
1943/100441 Perth Blezard Iris Female Murphy Thomas Francis Male Highgate Hill
1943/100442 Perth Westphal Amy Pearl Female Marchesi Joseph Leslie Male Highgate Hill
1943/100442 Perth Marchesi Joseph Leslie Male Westphal Amy Pearl Female Highgate Hill
1943/100443 Perth Johns Albert Edward Male Fitzgerald Ruth Frances Female Highgate Hill
1943/100443 Perth Fitzgerald Ruth Frances Female Johns Albert Edward Male Highgate Hill
1943/100444 Perth Cooper Arthur Lawrence Male Mantle Barbara Mary Female Highgate Hill
1943/100444 Perth Mantle Barbara Mary Female Cooper Arthur Lawrence Male Highgate Hill
1943/100445 Perth Taylor Austin Henry Male Howard Lilian Edith Female Highgate Hill
1943/100445 Perth Howard Lilian Edith Female Taylor Austin Henry Male Highgate Hill
1943/100446 Perth Chapman Kathleen Enid Female Vidler William Benjamin Male Highgate Hill
1943/100446 Perth Vidler William Benjamin Male Chapman Kathleen Enid Female Highgate Hill
1943/100447 Perth Pond Ethel Violet Female Wilson Arthur Hayward Male South Perth
1943/100447 Perth Wilson Arthur Hayward Male Pond Ethel Violet Female South Perth
1943/100448 Perth Clinch Hazel Irene Female Wallace Stephen Male Perth
1943/100448 Perth Wallace Stephen Male Clinch Hazel Irene Female Perth
1943/100449 Perth Papaeannis Haralambos Male Condous Anne John Female Perth
1943/100449 Perth Papaeannis Harry Male Condous Anne John Female Perth
1943/100449 Perth Pappajohn Haralambos Male Condous Anne John Female Perth
1943/100449 Perth Pappajohn Harry Male Condous Anne John Female Perth
1943/100449 Perth Condous Anne John Female Papaeannis Haralambos Male Perth
1943/100449 Perth Condous Anne John Female Papaeannis Harry Male Perth
1943/100449 Perth Condous Anne John Female Pappajohn Haralambos Male Perth
1943/100449 Perth Condous Anne John Female Pappajohn Harry Male Perth
1943/100450 Perth Davies Raymond Warwick Male Harewood Mavis Beatrice Female Maylands
1943/100450 Perth Harewood Mavis Beatrice Female Davies Raymond Warwick Male Maylands
1943/100451 Perth Halnan Joan Mavis Female East Jack Eric Percy Male Leederville
1943/100451 Perth East Jack Eric Percy Male Halnan Joan Mavis Female Leederville
1943/100452 Perth Noble Frank Charles Male Gannaway Joyce Marion Female Victoria Park
1943/100452 Perth Gannaway Joyce Marion Female Noble Frank Charles Male Victoria Park
1943/100453 Perth McFarlane Reuben James Male Waldeck Mary Dorothy Female Victoria Park
1943/100453 Perth Waldeck Mary Dorothy Female McFarlane Reuben James Male Victoria Park
1943/100454 Perth Seery Robert John Male Smith Mavis Muriel Female Perth
1943/100454 Perth Smith Mavis Muriel Female Seery Robert John Male Perth
1943/100455 Perth Cunningham Eric Robert Male Metcalf Nellie Isobel Female Perth
1943/100455 Perth Metcalf Nellie Isobel Female Cunningham Eric Robert Male Perth
1943/100456 Perth Criddle Vera Joan Female Taylor Alfred Lawrence Male Perth
1943/100456 Perth Taylor Alfred Lawrence Male Criddle Vera Joan Female Perth
1943/100457 Perth Turner Eric Christian Male Mackay Mary Female Perth
1943/100457 Perth Mackay Mary Female Turner Eric Christian Male Perth
1943/100458 Perth Lansdown Ian Donald Male Davies Lillie Margaret Female Perth
1943/100458 Perth Davies Lillie Margaret Female Lansdown Ian Donald Male Perth
1943/100459 Perth Carter Barbara Valeska Female Blakey John Hedley Male Perth
1943/100459 Perth Blakey John Hedley Male Carter Barbara Valeska Female Perth
1943/100460 Perth Wass Rheta Mae Female Bray James Walter Edward Male Perth
1943/100460 Perth Bray James Walter Edward Male Wass Rheta Mae Female Perth
1943/100461 Perth Reid Mary Elizabeth Female McKenzie Charles Francis Gerald Male Perth
1943/100461 Perth McKenzie Charles Francis Gerald Male Reid Mary Elizabeth Female Perth
1943/100462 Perth Greenwell Francis William Male Bullingham Lorna Daphne Female Perth
1943/100462 Perth Bullingham Lorna Daphne Female Greenwell Francis William Male Perth
1943/100463 Perth Warren Edith Victoria Female Murphy Edward John Male Perth
1943/100463 Perth Murphy Edward John Male Warren Edith Victoria Female Perth
1943/100464 Perth Hills John Lancelot Male Jones Jessie May Female Perth
1943/100464 Perth Jones Jessie May Female Hills John Lancelot Male Perth
1943/100465 Perth Tatham Dorothy Sarah Female Truelove Reginald Frank Male Perth
1943/100465 Perth Truelove Reginald Frank Male Tatham Dorothy Sarah Female Perth
1943/100466 Perth Kershaw Moreen Female Chamberlain Harold Male Perth
1943/100466 Perth Chamberlain Harold Male Kershaw Moreen Female Perth
1943/100467 Perth Smith Reg Morris Male Jeffery Mabel Jean Female Perth
1943/100467 Perth Jeffery Mabel Jean Female Smith Reg Morris Male Perth
1943/100468 Perth Fletcher Harry Arthur Male Scarlett Esme Kathleen Female Perth
1943/100468 Perth Scarlett Esme Kathleen Female Fletcher Harry Arthur Male Perth
1943/100469 Perth Vila Anita Female Lyon Leo Harry Male Perth
1943/100469 Perth Lyon Leo Harry Male Vila Anita Female Perth
1943/100470 Perth Fletcher Lily Mary Female Smithson William Samuel Male Perth
1943/100470 Perth Smithson William Samuel Male Fletcher Lily Mary Female Perth
1943/100471 Perth Price Roger Stuart Male Young Joyce Agnes Female Perth
1943/100471 Perth Young Joyce Agnes Female Price Roger Stuart Male Perth
1943/100472 Perth Keenan Vera Elizabeth Female Rooke Robert Arthur Male Subiaco
1943/100472 Perth Rooke Robert Arthur Male Keenan Vera Elizabeth Female Subiaco
1943/100473 Perth Newell Grace Female Boland Arthur John Male Subiaco
1943/100473 Perth Boland Arthur John Male Newell Grace Female Subiaco
1943/100474 Perth Ford Mary Helen Female Bullman Herbert Anthony Male Subiaco
1943/100474 Perth Bullman Herbert Anthony Male Ford Mary Helen Female Subiaco
1943/100475 Perth Sturk Betty Marie Female McShane Robert Rowan McClean Male Subiaco
1943/100475 Perth McShane Robert Rowan McClean Male Sturk Betty Marie Female Subiaco
1943/100476 Perth Tyler Edmund Paul Male Roberts Delys Beatrice Female Mt Lawley
1943/100476 Perth Roberts Delys Beatrice Female Tyler Edmund Paul Male Mt Lawley
1943/100477 Perth Pickett Gladys May Female Tucker Harold David Male Mt Lawley
1943/100477 Perth Tucker Harold David Male Pickett Gladys May Female Mt Lawley
1943/100478 Perth Frater Alfred Male Blandin Regina Mary Female Subiaco
1943/100478 Perth Blandin Regina Mary Female Frater Alfred Male Subiaco
1943/100479 Perth Armstrong Edward Alexander Male Hawkes Stella Constance Female Claremont
1943/100479 Perth Hawkes Stella Constance Female Armstrong Edward Alexander Male Claremont
1943/100480 Perth Kilburn Gladys Rose Female Sloan Ian Robert Male Perth
1943/100480 Perth Sloan Ian Robert Male Kilburn Gladys Rose Female Perth
1943/100481 Perth Currie Elizabeth Janet Female Sanders Roy Matthew Male Perth
1943/100481 Perth Sanders Roy Matthew Male Currie Elizabeth Janet Female Perth
1943/100482 Perth Dawson John Furphy Male Moir Barbara Marion Female Perth
1943/100482 Perth Moir Barbara Marion Female Dawson John Furphy Male Perth
1943/100483 Perth Guelfi Pearl Frances Female Beaver Ronald Ernest Male Osborne Park
1943/100483 Perth Beaver Ronald Ernest Male Guelfi Pearl Frances Female Osborne Park
1943/100484 Perth Grant Alice McAndrew Female Marshall Francis Dudley Male Cottesloe
1943/100484 Perth Marshall Francis Dudley Male Grant Alice McAndrew Female Cottesloe
1943/100485 Perth Williams Theodore Alfred Male van Zuilecom Beatrice Forsyth Female Perth
1943/100485 Perth van Zuilecom Beatrice Forsyth Female Williams Theodore Alfred Male Perth
1943/100486 Perth Watts Charlie Male Wright Marie Elizabeth Female Perth
1943/100486 Perth Wright Marie Elizabeth Female Watts Charlie Male Perth
1943/100487 Perth O'Farrell Amy Teresa Female O'Farrell John Francis Male Perth
1943/100487 Perth O'Farrell John Francis Male O'Farrell Amy Teresa Female Perth
1943/100488 Perth Walls Ivy Olive Female Daniells Kenneth David Bruce Male Perth
1943/100488 Perth Daniells Kenneth David Bruce Male Walls Ivy Olive Female Perth
1943/100489 Perth Ross William Albert Male Ellis Maude Louisa Female Perth
1943/100489 Perth Ellis Maude Louisa Female Ross William Albert Male Perth
1943/100490 Perth Keeley Roy Patrick Male Smith Ena Female South Perth
1943/100490 Perth Smith Ena Female Keeley Roy Patrick Male South Perth
1943/100491 Perth McLeish Shirley Female Williams Frederick Allan Male Perth
1943/100491 Perth Williams Frederick Allan Male McLeish Shirley Female Perth
1943/100492 Perth Garner Dorothy Edna May Female Boalar Albert George Male Perth
1943/100492 Perth Boalar Albert George Male Garner Dorothy Edna May Female Perth
1943/100493 Perth Jones Sarah Female Moroney James Male East Victoria Park
1943/100493 Perth Moroney James Male Jones Sarah Female East Victoria Park
1943/100494 Perth Christian Ronald Henry Male Antoine Yvonne Marcelline Marie Female Cottesloe
1943/100494 Perth Antoine Yvonne Marcelline Marie Female Christian Ronald Henry Male Cottesloe
1943/100495 Perth Arthur Clement John Male Maloney Alma Female Cottesloe
1943/100495 Perth Maloney Alma Female Arthur Clement John Male Cottesloe
1943/100496 Perth Field William James Male Rodway Gwladys Wynne Female Cottesloe
1943/100496 Perth Rodway Gwladys Wynne Female Field William James Male Cottesloe
1943/100497 Perth Paterson James Raymond Male Seagrim Ada Olive Female South Perth
1943/100497 Perth Seagrim Ada Olive Female Paterson James Raymond Male South Perth
1943/100498 Perth Cover Pamela Dorothy Female Howard William Lyndon Male South Perth
1943/100498 Perth Howard William Lyndon Male Cover Pamela Dorothy Female South Perth
1943/100499 Perth Sparre Allen Doone Male Lyon Thelma Joy Female West Perth
1943/100499 Perth Lyon Thelma Joy Female Sparre Allen Doone Male West Perth
1943/100500 Perth Hatton Shirley Joan Arundel Female Choate Alec Herbert Male West Perth
1943/100500 Perth Choate Alec Herbert Male Hatton Shirley Joan Arundel Female West Perth
1943/100501 Perth Moss Herbert Male Barclay Dulcie Ethel Female West Perth
1943/100501 Perth Barclay Dulcie Ethel Female Moss Herbert Male West Perth
1943/100502 Perth Nelson William Horner Male Whiteley Lexie Dorothy Female West Perth
1944/100502 Perth Young Gweneth Miriam Female Watt Edward Male Cottesloe
1943/100502 Perth Whiteley Lexie Dorothy Female Nelson William Horner Male West Perth
1944/100502 Perth Watt Edward Male Young Gweneth Miriam Female Cottesloe
1943/100503 Perth Anderson Edith Jean Female Courtney Clement James Male West Perth
1943/100503 Perth Courtney Clement James Male Anderson Edith Jean Female West Perth
1943/100504 Perth Smith Peggy Martin Female Low Henry Charles Male West Perth
1943/100504 Perth Low Henry Charles Male Smith Peggy Martin Female West Perth
1943/100505 Perth Exton Irene Berta Female Brown Douglas Chapman Male Claremont
1943/100505 Perth Brown Douglas Chapman Male Exton Irene Berta Female Claremont
1943/100506 Perth Doepel Eric Glen Male Mansel Shiela Female Claremont
1943/100506 Perth Mansel Shiela Female Doepel Eric Glen Male Claremont
1943/100507 Perth Millard William Kenneth Male Hill Marjory Hamilton Female Highgate Hill
1943/100507 Perth Hill Marjory Hamilton Female Millard William Kenneth Male Highgate Hill
1943/100508 Perth Hall Clair Female Byfield Frederick William Male Perth
1943/100508 Perth Byfield Frederick William Male Hall Clair Female Perth
1943/100509 Perth Reynolds Ivan Samuel Male Harding Fay Hilda Female Highgate Hill
1943/100509 Perth Harding Fay Hilda Female Reynolds Ivan Samuel Male Highgate Hill
1943/100510 Perth Holliday Rae Grist Female Roe Frederick William Male Highgate Hill
1943/100510 Perth Roe Frederick William Male Holliday Rae Grist Female Highgate Hill
1943/100511 Perth Jewell Joan Mary Female Gibbs Mervyn Edward Male Highgate Hill
1943/100511 Perth Gibbs Mervyn Edward Male Jewell Joan Mary Female Highgate Hill
1943/100512 Perth Ward Edward Male Bicknell Madeleine Florence Female Perth
1943/100512 Perth Bicknell Madeleine Florence Female Ward Edward Male Perth
1944/100512 Perth Kruimink Klaas Male Stokes Margaret Mary Female Nedlands
1944/100512 Perth Stokes Margaret Mary Female Kruimink Klaas Male Nedlands
1943/100513 Perth Quaife Norma Joan Female Nicholson Bernard Male Perth
1943/100513 Perth Nicholson Bernard Male Quaife Norma Joan Female Perth
1943/100514 Perth McGougan Margaret McArthur Female Terry Richard John Male Perth
1943/100514 Perth Terry Richard John Male McGougan Margaret McArthur Female Perth
1943/100515 Perth Short Elsie Sarah Female Strain Hugh David Male Perth
1943/100515 Perth Strain Hugh David Male Short Elsie Sarah Female Perth
1943/100516 Perth Wilson James Robert Male Dillon Flossie Josephine Female Perth
1943/100516 Perth Dillon Flossie Josephine Female Wilson James Robert Male Perth
1943/100517 Perth Edgar Mary Elizabeth Female McFarlane Albert Walter Male Perth
1943/100517 Perth McFarlane Albert Walter Male Edgar Mary Elizabeth Female Perth
1943/100518 Perth Trezise Gwendolyn Mona Female McGarry Norman Douglas Male Perth
1943/100518 Perth McGarry Norman Douglas Male Trezise Gwendolyn Mona Female Perth
1943/100519 Perth Sanderson William Male Trembath Mary Ann Female Perth
1943/100519 Perth Trembath Mary Ann Female Sanderson William Male Perth
1943/100520 Perth McKenzie Richard Male Ross Marion Shanks Female Perth
1943/100520 Perth Ross Marion Shanks Female McKenzie Richard Male Perth
1943/100521 Perth Dean William Ralph Male Monaghan Patricia Noreen Female Highgate Hill
1943/100521 Perth Monaghan Patricia Noreen Female Dean William Ralph Male Highgate Hill
1943/100522 Perth Stevenson Neil Davidson Male Nuttall Edna Muriel Female Highgate Hill
1943/100522 Perth Nuttall Edna Muriel Female Stevenson Neil Davidson Male Highgate Hill
1943/100523 Perth Gilbertson Lilian Dorothy Female Shortill Michael John Male Highgate Hill
1943/100523 Perth Shortill Michael John Male Gilbertson Lilian Dorothy Female Highgate Hill
1943/100524 Perth Waters Thomas Arnold Male McDonough Myrtle Elizabeth Female Highgate Hill
1943/100524 Perth McDonough Myrtle Elizabeth Female Waters Thomas Arnold Male Highgate Hill
1943/100525 Perth Ball Verna Elaine Female Wilson David Comber Male Claremont
1943/100525 Perth Wilson David Comber Male Ball Verna Elaine Female Claremont
1943/100526 Perth Backman Russell Ernest Male Hanbury Kathleen Frances Female Claremont
1943/100526 Perth Hanbury Kathleen Frances Female Backman Russell Ernest Male Claremont
1943/100527 Perth Philp Marian Ethel Female Griffiths John Raymond Male Claremont
1943/100527 Perth Griffiths John Raymond Male Philp Marian Ethel Female Claremont
1943/100528 Perth Maher Vincent Harold Male Wrankmore Gwendolyn Mary Female Claremont
1943/100528 Perth Wrankmore Gwendolyn Mary Female Maher Vincent Harold Male Claremont
1943/100529 Perth Stamp Dorothy Murray Female Watts Jack Cecil Arthur Male Claremont
1943/100529 Perth Watts Jack Cecil Arthur Male Stamp Dorothy Murray Female Claremont
1943/100530 Perth Sutherland Elizabeth Home Female Malone Arthur John Male Claremont
1943/100530 Perth Malone Arthur John Male Sutherland Elizabeth Home Female Claremont
1943/100531 Perth Matthews Marjory Female Simmonds George Arthur Male Claremont
1943/100531 Perth Simmonds George Arthur Male Matthews Marjory Female Claremont
1943/100532 Perth Muecke Roy Le Page Male Davy Diana Female Claremont
1943/100532 Perth Davy Diana Female Muecke Roy Le Page Male Claremont
1943/100533 Perth Bane Doris Female Retallack Cyril Vernon Male Claremont
1943/100533 Perth Retallack Cyril Vernon Male Bane Doris Female Claremont
1943/100534 Perth Sadleir Marshall Crofton Male Whyte Dorothy Joan Female Claremont
1943/100534 Perth Whyte Dorothy Joan Female Sadleir Marshall Crofton Male Claremont
1943/100535 Perth Woodruff Daisy Emme Female McBroom John Stewart Male Claremont
1943/100535 Perth McBroom John Stewart Male Woodruff Daisy Emme Female Claremont
1943/100536 Perth Rowe Robert Arthur James Male Brown Daphne Female Claremont
1943/100536 Perth Brown Daphne Female Rowe Robert Arthur James Male Claremont
1943/100537 Perth Otto Jean Gordon Female Woods Bruce Ian Male West Perth
1943/100537 Perth Woods Bruce Ian Male Otto Jean Gordon Female West Perth
1943/100538 Perth Pearce May Emma Female Campbell Archibald Male West Perth
1943/100538 Perth Campbell Archibald Male Pearce May Emma Female West Perth
1943/100539 Perth Sabine Dorothy May Female Pattinson John Male West Perth
1943/100539 Perth Pattinson John Male Sabine Dorothy May Female West Perth
1943/100540 Perth Chapman Vernon Paris Male McGhie Edna May Female West Perth
1943/100540 Perth McGhie Edna May Female Chapman Vernon Paris Male West Perth
1943/100541 Perth Lloyd John Kenneth Neil Male Reed Lucille Annabella Female West Perth
1943/100541 Perth Reed Lucille Annabella Female Lloyd John Kenneth Neil Male West Perth
1943/100542 Perth Tomsett Laurel Viola Female Williams Ernest Herbert Male West Perth
1943/100542 Perth Williams Ernest Herbert Male Tomsett Laurel Viola Female West Perth
1943/100543 Perth O'Neil James Edward Male Stewart Ethel Vera Female West Perth
1943/100543 Perth Stewart Ethel Vera Female O'Neil James Edward Male West Perth
1943/100544 Perth Maley Marjorie Winsome Female Craggs George Matthew Male West Perth
1943/100544 Perth Craggs George Matthew Male Maley Marjorie Winsome Female West Perth
1943/100545 Perth Denman John Reginald Male Purser Joyce Lucille Female West Perth
1943/100545 Perth Purser Joyce Lucille Female Denman John Reginald Male West Perth
1943/100546 Perth Conway Lois Jeanne Female Beach Harry Robert Male Mt Lawley
1943/100546 Perth Beach Harry Robert Male Conway Lois Jeanne Female Mt Lawley
1943/100547 Perth Brett Eva Doris Female Grenfell Frederick Gordon Male Mt Lawley
1943/100547 Perth Grenfell Frederick Gordon Male Brett Eva Doris Female Mt Lawley
1943/100548 Perth Seeker Alice Margaret Female Keene Douglas Leonard Male North Perth
1943/100548 Perth Keene Douglas Leonard Male Seeker Alice Margaret Female North Perth
1943/100549 Perth Carter Violet Mavis Female Atkins Edward Raymond Male North Perth
1943/100549 Perth Atkins Edward Raymond Male Carter Violet Mavis Female North Perth
1943/100550 Perth Kent Francis Albert Male Ashby Elsie Barbara Female East Victoria Park
1943/100550 Perth Ashby Elsie Barbara Female Kent Francis Albert Male East Victoria Park
1943/100551 Perth Hunton Phyllis Eleanor Female Jackson Frederick William Male Perth
1943/100551 Perth Jackson Frederick William Male Hunton Phyllis Eleanor Female Perth
1943/100552 Perth Craigie Rita Ellen Female Mills Harry John Male Perth
1943/100552 Perth Mills Harry John Male Craigie Rita Ellen Female Perth
1943/100553 Perth Holding Alice Female Rout Kenneth Cameron Edward Male Perth
1943/100553 Perth Rout Kenneth Cameron Edward Male Holding Alice Female Perth
1943/100554 Perth Oldham Charles Lancelot Russel Male Doney Joan Yeo Female Perth
1943/100554 Perth Doney Joan Yeo Female Oldham Charles Lancelot Russel Male Perth
1943/100555 Perth de Lacy Norman Albert Male Humphries Katherine Mary Female Perth
1943/100555 Perth Humphries Katherine Mary Female de Lacy Norman Albert Male Perth
1943/100556 Perth Bode Doris Lucy Female Elsworthy Walter Clarence Edwin Male Perth
1943/100556 Perth Elsworthy Walter Clarence Edwin Male Bode Doris Lucy Female Perth
1943/100557 Perth Moulton Leonard Matthew Male Maclean Lila Margaret Female Perth
1943/100557 Perth Maclean Lila Margaret Female Moulton Leonard Matthew Male Perth
1943/100558 Perth Metzke Letitia Anne Sylvie Female Leach Vernon Pollock Male Perth
1943/100558 Perth Leach Vernon Pollock Male Metzke Letitia Anne Sylvie Female Perth
1943/100559 Perth Hooks Robert Alexander Male Bodinner Eileen Dorothy Female Perth
1943/100559 Perth Bodinner Eileen Dorothy Female Hooks Robert Alexander Male Perth
1943/100560 Perth Whittington Bernard Noel Male Duff Patricia Female Perth
1943/100560 Perth Duff Patricia Female Whittington Bernard Noel Male Perth
1943/100561 Perth Heberle Alexander George Male Bishop Eunice Marion Female Perth
1943/100561 Perth Bishop Eunice Marion Female Heberle Alexander George Male Perth
1943/100562 Perth Williams Enid Joyce Female Carlson Alfred John Male Perth
1943/100562 Perth Carlson Alfred John Male Williams Enid Joyce Female Perth
1943/100563 Perth Williams Charles Frederick Male Sewell Laura Emily Female Perth
1943/100563 Perth Sewell Laura Emily Female Williams Charles Frederick Male Perth
1943/100564 Perth Lake Albert Edward Male Motteram Mavis Madeline Female Perth
1943/100564 Perth Motteram Mavis Madeline Female Lake Albert Edward Male Perth
1943/100565 Perth Beattie Lilla Marjorie Female Roberts Richard Bruce Male Perth
1943/100565 Perth Roberts Richard Bruce Male Beattie Lilla Marjorie Female Perth
1943/100566 Perth Evans Rene Joyce Female Lewis Russell Taze Male Perth
1943/100566 Perth Lewis Russell Taze Male Evans Rene Joyce Female Perth
1943/100567 Perth Gallagher Florence Mary Female Squires Laurie Male Perth
1943/100567 Perth Squires Laurie Male Gallagher Florence Mary Female Perth
1943/100568 Perth Mansfield Mavis Jean Female Chaplin Charles James Male Perth
1943/100568 Perth Chaplin Charles James Male Mansfield Mavis Jean Female Perth
1943/100569 Perth Rodgers Charles Henry Male Browne Veronica May Female Perth
1943/100569 Perth Browne Veronica May Female Rodgers Charles Henry Male Perth
1943/100570 Perth Prendergast Kenneth Douglas Male Nurse Kathleen May Female Perth
1943/100570 Perth Nurse Kathleen May Female Prendergast Kenneth Douglas Male Perth
1943/100571 Perth Greaves John William Male Burgess Mavis Ann Female Perth
1943/100571 Perth Burgess Mavis Ann Female Greaves John William Male Perth
1943/100572 Perth Butler Iris Gertrude Female Jose William James Male Perth
1943/100572 Perth Jose William James Male Butler Iris Gertrude Female Perth
1943/100573 Perth Barnard Cecil Lancelot Male Kinghorn Dorothy Agnes Female Maylands
1943/100573 Perth Kinghorn Dorothy Agnes Female Barnard Cecil Lancelot Male Maylands
1943/100574 Perth Hampton Albert Henry Male Candwell Violet Zuleikha Female Maylands
1943/100574 Perth Candwell Violet Zuleikha Female Hampton Albert Henry Male Maylands
1943/100575 Perth Harris Lydia Mavis Female Eacott Donald Franklin Male Maylands
1943/100575 Perth Eacott Donald Franklin Male Harris Lydia Mavis Female Maylands
1943/100576 Perth Growcott Dororht MacPherson Female Koefod Joseph Charles Male Mt Lawley
1943/100576 Perth Koefod Joseph Charles Male Growcott Dororht MacPherson Female Mt Lawley
1943/100577 Perth White Elsie Wharton Female Height Mervyn Harvey Male Leederville
1943/100577 Perth Height Mervyn Harvey Male White Elsie Wharton Female Leederville
1943/100578 Perth Giles Nora Agnes Female Ellis Walter Henry Male Leederville
1943/100578 Perth Ellis Walter Henry Male Giles Nora Agnes Female Leederville
1943/100579 Perth Ostle Roy Henry Male Langdon Veronica May Female Leederville
1943/100579 Perth Langdon Veronica May Female Ostle Roy Henry Male Leederville
1943/100580 Perth Bethune Marguerita Female Perks Reginald Dudley Male Perth
1943/100580 Perth Perks Reginald Dudley Male Bethune Marguerita Female Perth
1943/100581 Perth Foreman Lois Murray Female Green William John Male Perth
1943/100581 Perth Green William John Male Foreman Lois Murray Female Perth
1943/100582 Perth Gray William Erskine Male Bevan Enid Florence Female Perth
1943/100582 Perth Bevan Enid Florence Female Gray William Erskine Male Perth
1943/100583 Perth Hollingsworth William Alexander Male Brearley Nell Jean Female Perth
1943/100583 Perth Brearley Nell Jean Female Hollingsworth William Alexander Male Perth
1943/100584 Perth Beck Joan Sabina Female Truman Leslie Ernest Male West Perth
1943/100584 Perth Truman Leslie Ernest Male Beck Joan Sabina Female West Perth
1943/100585 Perth Ryniker Arthur John Male Ryniker Mary Anne Elizabeth Female Subiaco
1943/100585 Perth Ryniker Mary Anne Elizabeth Female Ryniker Arthur John Male Subiaco
1943/100586 Perth O'Neil Gwendoline Grace Jean Female Anderson John Basil Male Subiaco
1943/100586 Perth Anderson John Basil Male O'Neil Gwendoline Grace Jean Female Subiaco
1943/100587 Perth Sawyer Barbara Isabel Female Nykiel John Male Subiaco
1943/100587 Perth Nykiel John Male Sawyer Barbara Isabel Female Subiaco
1943/100588 Perth Dudderidge Myrtle Mary Female Marshall Frank Clifford Male Jolimont
1943/100588 Perth Marshall Frank Clifford Male Dudderidge Myrtle Mary Female Jolimont
1943/100589 Perth Green Thomas Henry Roy Male Taylor Jean Lillian Female Subiaco
1943/100589 Perth Taylor Jean Lillian Female Green Thomas Henry Roy Male Subiaco
1943/100590 Perth Jenkins Gwendoline Noel Female Higham Gerald Alwyn Male Perth
1943/100590 Perth Higham Gerald Alwyn Male Jenkins Gwendoline Noel Female Perth
1943/100591 Perth Walton Dora May Female Lang William Edward Male Victoria Park
1943/100591 Perth Lang William Edward Male Walton Dora May Female Victoria Park
1943/100592 Perth Colin Rosina Lilian Female Bacon Harold William Male Perth
1943/100592 Perth Bacon Harold William Male Colin Rosina Lilian Female Perth
1943/100593 Perth Linnett Harold Frederick Male Cocks Dorothy Female Perth
1943/100593 Perth Cocks Dorothy Female Linnett Harold Frederick Male Perth
1943/100594 Perth Fleming William Ronald Male Wilson Wilma Irene Female Perth
1943/100594 Perth Wilson Wilma Irene Female Fleming William Ronald Male Perth
1943/100595 Perth Ferguson Sydney James Male Robbins Gladys Munro Female Perth
1943/100595 Perth Robbins Gladys Munro Female Ferguson Sydney James Male Perth
1943/100596 Perth Byrom Hilda Irene Female Sladden Keith Male Perth
1943/100596 Perth Sladden Keith Male Byrom Hilda Irene Female Perth
1943/100597 Perth Fowles Robert Charlie Male Oreo Elsie May Female Perth
1943/100597 Perth Oreo Elsie May Female Fowles Robert Charlie Male Perth
1943/100598 Perth Haustead Vera May Female Klesura Peter Male Perth
1943/100598 Perth Klesura Peter Male Haustead Vera May Female Perth
1943/100599 Perth Loud Edward Male Graham Phyllis Adeline Female Perth
1943/100599 Perth Graham Phyllis Adeline Female Loud Edward Male Perth
1943/100600 Perth Ratcliffe Dorothy Nancy Female Budd-Doyle Cyril Ernest Male Perth
1943/100600 Perth Budd-Doyle Cyril Ernest Male Ratcliffe Dorothy Nancy Female Perth
1943/100601 Perth Fraser Jean Female Henry William Waddell Male Perth
1943/100601 Perth Henry William Waddell Male Fraser Jean Female Perth
1943/100602 Perth Croxton Shirley Norma Female McRae John Arthur Percy Male Perth
1943/100602 Perth McRae John Arthur Percy Male Croxton Shirley Norma Female Perth
1943/100603 Perth Penglase John Cyril Male Daniels Elsie May Female Perth
1943/100603 Perth Daniels Elsie May Female Penglase John Cyril Male Perth
1943/100604 Perth Gibbs May Female Pearson Ernest William Male Perth
1943/100604 Perth Pearson Ernest William Male Gibbs May Female Perth
1943/100605 Perth Sprigg Norman Lorenzo Percival Male Taylor Sheila Mary Female Perth
1943/100605 Perth Taylor Sheila Mary Female Sprigg Norman Lorenzo Percival Male Perth
1943/100606 Perth Eliot Thomas Geoffrey Male Williams Marjory June Female Wembley
1943/100606 Perth Williams Marjory June Female Eliot Thomas Geoffrey Male Wembley
1943/100607 Perth Jarvis Lewis Arthur Male McGregor Lillian Jane Female Victoria Park
1943/100607 Perth McGregor Lillian Jane Female Jarvis Lewis Arthur Male Victoria Park
1943/100608 Perth Burke Monica Victoria Female Kenny Francis James Male South Perth
1943/100608 Perth Kenny Francis James Male Burke Monica Victoria Female South Perth
1943/100609 Perth Fabry Alfred Charles Male Kennedy Ellen May Female South Perth
1943/100609 Perth Kennedy Ellen May Female Fabry Alfred Charles Male South Perth
1943/100610 Perth Flynn Faith Elizabeth Holt Female Duncan John Hart Male Perth
1943/100610 Perth Duncan John Hart Male Flynn Faith Elizabeth Holt Female Perth
1943/100611 Perth Martin Harry Milverton Male Goddard Yvonne Dorothy Female Victoria Park
1943/100611 Perth Goddard Yvonne Dorothy Female Martin Harry Milverton Male Victoria Park
1943/100612 Perth Meyer William Alfred Russell Male Sims Gwenneth Mary Female Victoria Park
1943/100612 Perth Sims Gwenneth Mary Female Meyer William Alfred Russell Male Victoria Park
1943/100613 Perth Craven Alfred William Male Johnston Joyce Adelaide Female Victoria Park
1943/100613 Perth Johnston Joyce Adelaide Female Craven Alfred William Male Victoria Park
1943/100614 Perth Rumble Neil Merten Staples Male Butcher Betty Irene Hughina Female Victoria Park
1943/100614 Perth Butcher Betty Irene Hughina Female Rumble Neil Merten Staples Male Victoria Park
1943/100615 Perth Reid Albert Edward Male Reynolds Margaret Female Victoria Park
1943/100615 Perth Reynolds Margaret Female Reid Albert Edward Male Victoria Park
1943/100616 Perth Merry Thomas William Herbert Male McMullen Lorna Lilian May Female Victoria Park
1943/100616 Perth McMullen Lorna Lilian May Female Merry Thomas William Herbert Male Victoria Park
1943/100617 Perth Mills Keith Raymond Male Glew Patricia Frances Female Victoria Park
1943/100617 Perth Glew Patricia Frances Female Mills Keith Raymond Male Victoria Park
1943/100618 Perth Pinington James Henry Male Biggins Irene Elizabeth Female Maylands
1943/100618 Perth Biggins Irene Elizabeth Female Pinington James Henry Male Maylands
1943/100619 Perth Yourn Avis Emily Female Gill Allan Herbert Male North Leederville
1943/100619 Perth Gill Allan Herbert Male Yourn Avis Emily Female North Leederville
1943/100620 Perth Abé Francis Lionel Male Dorham Elizabeth Female Cottesloe
1943/100620 Perth Dorham Elizabeth Female Abé Francis Lionel Male Cottesloe
1943/100621 Perth Webster Jean Catherine Female Trefort James Edwin Male Leederville
1943/100621 Perth Trefort James Edwin Male Webster Jean Catherine Female Leederville
1943/100622 Perth Vlahov Tony Male Grubelich Andra Female Osborne Park
1943/100622 Perth Grubelich Andra Female Vlahov Tony Male Osborne Park
1943/100623 Perth Wilkinson Dorothy Mary Female Fort Ronald Walter Douglas Male Highgate Hill
1943/100623 Perth Fort Ronald Walter Douglas Male Wilkinson Dorothy Mary Female Highgate Hill
1943/100624 Perth Murray Flora Montague Female Keating Leo Francis Male Highgate Hill
1943/100624 Perth Keating Leo Francis Male Murray Flora Montague Female Highgate Hill
1943/100625 Perth Hough Lesley Joan Female Marsh Albert James Dewberry Male Highgate Hill
1943/100625 Perth Marsh Albert James Dewberry Male Hough Lesley Joan Female Highgate Hill
1943/100626 Perth Murphy Veronica Martha Female McNab Wesley John Male Highgate Hill
1943/100626 Perth McNab Wesley John Male Murphy Veronica Martha Female Highgate Hill
1943/100627 Perth Bridger Gwendolyne Mabel Female Peterkin George Male Highgate Hill
1943/100627 Perth Peterkin George Male Bridger Gwendolyne Mabel Female Highgate Hill
1943/100628 Perth Walker Lorna May Female Waters John Patrick Male Highgate Hill
1943/100628 Perth Waters John Patrick Male Walker Lorna May Female Highgate Hill
1943/100629 Perth Beamish Kenneth William Male Ashwin Alice Marie Antoinette Female Belmont
1943/100629 Perth Ashwin Alice Marie Antoinette Female Beamish Kenneth William Male Belmont
1943/100630 Perth Scott Samuel Henry Male Schorer Norah Thomasine Female Bayswater
1943/100630 Perth Schorer Norah Thomasine Female Scott Samuel Henry Male Bayswater
1943/100631 Perth Bennetts Dorothy Lucy Female Moncrieff Peter Edward Male Maylands
1943/100631 Perth Moncrieff Peter Edward Male Bennetts Dorothy Lucy Female Maylands
1943/100632 Perth Lowell Nellie May Stuart Female Holman Ernest Frederick Thomas Male Wembley
1943/100632 Perth Holman Ernest Frederick Thomas Male Lowell Nellie May Stuart Female Wembley
1943/100633 Perth Craik Magdeline Daisy Female Bartlett Thomas Hugh Male Victoria Park
1943/100633 Perth Bartlett Thomas Hugh Male Craik Magdeline Daisy Female Victoria Park
1943/100634 Perth Roberts Marjorie Female Chamberlain William Stanley Male Perth
1943/100634 Perth Chamberlain William Stanley Male Roberts Marjorie Female Perth
1943/100635 Perth Brooks William Richard Male Deary Heba Coralie Female Perth
1943/100635 Perth Deary Heba Coralie Female Brooks William Richard Male Perth
1943/100636 Perth Baker Jean Margaret Female Evans Donald Ross Male Perth
1943/100636 Perth Evans Donald Ross Male Baker Jean Margaret Female Perth
1943/100637 Perth Hindley Richard Geoffrey Male Wise Gwendoline Joyce Female Perth
1943/100637 Perth Wise Gwendoline Joyce Female Hindley Richard Geoffrey Male Perth
1943/100638 Perth Limbom Frederick John Male Watson Hazel Female Perth
1943/100638 Perth Watson Hazel Female Limbom Frederick John Male Perth
1943/100639 Perth Giraudo Enrico Male Randall Jessie Victoria Female Perth
1943/100639 Perth Randall Jessie Victoria Female Giraudo Enrico Male Perth
1943/100640 Perth Stewart Sylvia Margaret Female Miller Oliver George Male Perth
1943/100640 Perth Miller Oliver George Male Stewart Sylvia Margaret Female Perth
1943/100641 Perth Elliott Douglas John Male Lawrence Irene May Female Perth
1943/100641 Perth Lawrence Irene May Female Elliott Douglas John Male Perth
1943/100642 Perth Lockhart Peggy Doreen Female Henville Walter Sampson Male W Leederville
1943/100642 Perth Henville Walter Sampson Male Lockhart Peggy Doreen Female W Leederville
1943/100643 Perth Goldie Edith Martha Female Sparrow Charles George Male North Perth
1943/100643 Perth Sparrow Charles George Male Goldie Edith Martha Female North Perth
1943/100644 Perth Pumphrey Joan Annie Female Feary William George Male West Aust
1943/100644 Perth Feary William George Male Pumphrey Joan Annie Female West Aust
1943/100645 Perth Edwards Margaret Joan Female Banks Malcolm Frederick Male West Aust
1943/100645 Perth Banks Malcolm Frederick Male Edwards Margaret Joan Female West Aust
1943/100646 Perth Hearne Robert William Male Davis Dorothea Agnes Female South Perth
1943/100646 Perth Davis Dorothea Agnes Female Hearne Robert William Male South Perth
1943/100647 Perth Kingsbury Stella Amelia Female Arthur Michael Thomas Male South Perth
1943/100647 Perth Arthur Michael Thomas Male Kingsbury Stella Amelia Female South Perth
1943/100648 Perth Finch Stella Female Gale William John Kitchener Male Perth
1943/100648 Perth Gale William John Kitchener Male Finch Stella Female Perth
1943/100649 Perth Miles Gordon William Male Rumble Jean Estelle Female Perth
1943/100649 Perth Rumble Jean Estelle Female Miles Gordon William Male Perth
1943/100650 Perth Cannon Edward Male Moore Mary Dale Female Perth
1943/100650 Perth Moore Mary Dale Female Cannon Edward Male Perth
1943/100651 Perth Hill Herbert Raymond Male Penrose Melva Female Perth
1943/100651 Perth Penrose Melva Female Hill Herbert Raymond Male Perth
1943/100652 Perth Berry Bessie Hillgard Female Vallis Kenneth Wilmot Male Perth
1943/100652 Perth Vallis Kenneth Wilmot Male Berry Bessie Hillgard Female Perth
1943/100653 Perth Marsh Sylvia Irene Female Humes Norman Male Perth
1943/100653 Perth Humes Norman Male Marsh Sylvia Irene Female Perth
1943/100654 Perth Kingsbury William John Male Campbell Margaret Iris Female Perth
1943/100654 Perth Campbell Margaret Iris Female Kingsbury William John Male Perth
1943/100655 Perth Roesner Charles Roy Male Jefferies Hilda Female Perth
1943/100655 Perth Jefferies Hilda Female Roesner Charles Roy Male Perth
1943/100656 Perth Greenwell Louis Hector Male Gough Ena Emily Hazel Female Perth
1943/100656 Perth Gough Ena Emily Hazel Female Greenwell Louis Hector Male Perth
1943/100657 Perth Kemp Donald Walter Male Summerfield Eileen Female Perth
1943/100657 Perth Summerfield Eileen Female Kemp Donald Walter Male Perth
1943/100658 Perth Bricknell Reginald Herbert Male Hammond Hermanie Beatrice Female Perth
1943/100658 Perth Hammond Hermanie Beatrice Female Bricknell Reginald Herbert Male Perth
1943/100659 Perth Brindley Doris Evelyn Female Rumball Harry Male Perth
1943/100659 Perth Rumball Harry Male Brindley Doris Evelyn Female Perth
1943/100660 Perth Brindley Jean Female Heffernan Victor Michael Male Perth
1943/100660 Perth Heffernan Victor Michael Male Brindley Jean Female Perth
1943/100661 Perth Montague May Zilla Female Knox Walter Male Perth
1943/100661 Perth Knox Walter Male Montague May Zilla Female Perth
1943/100662 Perth James Alfred William Male Bluett Laura Female Perth
1943/100662 Perth Bluett Laura Female James Alfred William Male Perth
1943/100663 Perth Moloney Mary Margaret Female Burton James John Male Perth
1943/100663 Perth Burton James John Male Moloney Mary Margaret Female Perth
1943/100664 Perth Trouchet Marie Female Newton Timothy Sedgelty Henry Male South Perth
1943/100664 Perth Newton Timothy Sedgelty Henry Male Trouchet Marie Female South Perth
1943/100665 Perth Cannon Arthur Fredrick Male Stewart Joan Margaret Female Nedlands
1943/100665 Perth Stewart Joan Margaret Female Cannon Arthur Fredrick Male Nedlands
1943/100667 Perth Dixon Rita Female Heron Thomas Male Claremont
1943/100667 Perth Heron Thomas Male Dixon Rita Female Claremont
1943/100668 Perth Dickson Alan Claude Male Mercer Florence May Blackwood Female Claremont
1943/100668 Perth Mercer Florence May Blackwood Female Dickson Alan Claude Male Claremont
1943/100669 Perth Colhoun Joyce Winifred Female Croft John William Male Perth
1943/100669 Perth Croft John William Male Colhoun Joyce Winifred Female Perth
1943/100670 Perth Johnson Thomas Male O'Neill Johanna Gertrude Female Perth
1943/100670 Perth O'Neill Johanna Gertrude Female Johnson Thomas Male Perth
1943/100671 Perth Reynolds Gordon Campbell Male Della Vedova Sylvia May Female Perth
1943/100671 Perth Della Vedova Sylvia May Female Reynolds Gordon Campbell Male Perth
1943/100672 Perth Cox Violet Gertrude Female Zappa Ernest Patrick Male Perth
1943/100672 Perth Zappa Ernest Patrick Male Cox Violet Gertrude Female Perth
1943/100673 Perth Ryan John William Male Williamson Bernadette May Female West Perth
1943/100673 Perth Williamson Bernadette May Female Ryan John William Male West Perth
1943/100674 Perth Daff Amy Female Nevill William Joseph Male Perth
1943/100674 Perth Nevill William Joseph Male Daff Amy Female Perth
1943/100675 Perth Brenchley Elizabeth Frances Female Phillips Laurence Day Male Perth
1943/100675 Perth Phillips Laurence Day Male Brenchley Elizabeth Frances Female Perth
1943/100676 Perth Walsh Vincent Ernest Male Lenegan Zoe Ella Annesley Female Perth
1943/100676 Perth Lenegan Zoe Ella Annesley Female Walsh Vincent Ernest Male Perth
1943/100677 Perth Walker Sydney Male Lepper Daisy Victoria Female Perth
1943/100677 Perth Lepper Daisy Victoria Female Walker Sydney Male Perth
1943/100678 Perth Holy William Creighton Male Rillstone Mavis Mary Female Perth
1943/100678 Perth Rillstone Mavis Mary Female Holy William Creighton Male Perth
1943/100679 Perth Lynch Olga Maud Female Yaksich Christopher Male Perth
1943/100679 Perth Yaksich Christopher Male Lynch Olga Maud Female Perth
1943/100680 Perth Parry Frances Joyce Female Ranclaud Leonard Charles Male Perth
1943/100680 Perth Ranclaud Leonard Charles Male Parry Frances Joyce Female Perth
1943/100681 Perth Gascoyne Ethel May Female Page Sydney George William Male Perth
1943/100681 Perth Page Sydney George William Male Gascoyne Ethel May Female Perth
1943/100682 Perth Skinner Amy Seller Female Anderson Larry Male Perth
1943/100682 Perth Anderson Larry Male Skinner Amy Seller Female Perth
1943/100683 Perth Bastian Edward Male Warren Olive Frances Female Perth
1943/100683 Perth Warren Olive Frances Female Bastian Edward Male Perth
1943/100684 Perth Etheridge Cedric James Male Tate Betty Winifred Female Subiaco
1943/100684 Perth Tate Betty Winifred Female Etheridge Cedric James Male Subiaco
1943/100685 Perth Newcombe Fred Male Hewitt Fredesha Flora Female Subiaco
1943/100685 Perth Hewitt Fredesha Flora Female Newcombe Fred Male Subiaco
1943/100686 Perth Gard Gwendoline Dorothy Female Duncan William James Male West Perth
1943/100686 Perth Duncan William James Male Gard Gwendoline Dorothy Female West Perth
1943/100687 Perth Cushing Bernard Male Hackpath Gwendoline May Female Nedlands
1943/100687 Perth Hackpath Gwendoline May Female Cushing Bernard Male Nedlands
1943/100688 Perth Woodthorpe Gladys Florence Female Bonser Gordon Albert Male Victoria Park
1943/100688 Perth Bonser Gordon Albert Male Woodthorpe Gladys Florence Female Victoria Park
1943/100689 Perth Clarke William Albert Male Parrett Dorothy Eunice Female Perth
1943/100689 Perth Parrett Dorothy Eunice Female Clarke William Albert Male Perth
1943/100690 Perth Dargavel Keith Male Wilkins Veronica Alice Female Perth
1943/100690 Perth Wilkins Veronica Alice Female Dargavel Keith Male Perth
1943/100691 Perth Sloane Evelyn Catherine Female Sublet George Howard Male South Perth
1943/100691 Perth Sublet George Howard Male Sloane Evelyn Catherine Female South Perth
1943/100692 Perth Thomson Mayoh Miller Male Fry Joan Gwendolyn Female South Perth
1943/100692 Perth Fry Joan Gwendolyn Female Thomson Mayoh Miller Male South Perth
1943/100693 Perth Allen Keith Hamilton Male Nicolson Gweneth Merle Female Shenton Park
1943/100693 Perth Nicolson Gweneth Merle Female Allen Keith Hamilton Male Shenton Park
1943/100694 Perth Hawkins George James Male Thompson Eulalie Cave Female South Perth
1943/100694 Perth Thompson Eulalie Cave Female Hawkins George James Male South Perth
1943/100695 Perth Kloppenburg Maria Laetitia Ignatia Female Malone James Dale Male Perth
1943/100695 Perth Malone James Dale Male Kloppenburg Maria Laetitia Ignatia Female Perth
1943/100696 Perth Batterbury Una Mary Female Jackson George Christopher Male West Perth
1943/100696 Perth Jackson George Christopher Male Batterbury Una Mary Female West Perth
1943/100697 Perth Conlan Joyce Female Collier Lyndon Walter Joseph Male West Perth
1943/100697 Perth Collier Lyndon Walter Joseph Male Conlan Joyce Female West Perth
1943/100698 Perth Stenhouse Thomas Robert Male Taylor Peggy Marriott Female West Leederville
1943/100698 Perth Taylor Peggy Marriott Female Stenhouse Thomas Robert Male West Leederville
1943/100699 Perth Wilton Eva Edith Female Smith Richard Leslie Male Perth
1943/100699 Perth Smith Richard Leslie Male Wilton Eva Edith Female Perth
1943/100700 Perth Halls Albert James Male Armstrong Winifred Betty Female South Perth
1943/100700 Perth Armstrong Winifred Betty Female Halls Albert James Male South Perth
1943/100701 Perth Dewar Irene Launa Female Mulcahy Thomas Hugh Male Subiaco
1943/100701 Perth Mulcahy Thomas Hugh Male Dewar Irene Launa Female Subiaco
1943/100702 Perth Whyte Lilian May Female Grosser Henry Alfred Male Subiaco
1943/100702 Perth Grosser Henry Alfred Male Whyte Lilian May Female Subiaco
1943/100703 Perth Brennan Gwendoline Mary Female Mulligan Nicholas Male Subiaco
1943/100703 Perth Mulligan Nicholas Male Brennan Gwendoline Mary Female Subiaco
1943/100704 Perth Della-Vedova Margaret Joyce Female Walters Albert Payne Male Highgate Hill
1943/100704 Perth Walters Albert Payne Male Della-Vedova Margaret Joyce Female Highgate Hill
1943/100705 Perth Rogers Nancy Martha Female Dhu Victor George Male Highgate Hill
1943/100705 Perth Dhu Victor George Male Rogers Nancy Martha Female Highgate Hill
1943/100706 Perth Boley Muriel Ruth Female Shore Andrew McCulley Male Highgate Hill
1943/100706 Perth Shore Andrew McCulley Male Boley Muriel Ruth Female Highgate Hill
1943/100707 Perth Scrivener Geoffrey Male Genery Annie Margaret Female Highgate Hill
1943/100707 Perth Genery Annie Margaret Female Scrivener Geoffrey Male Highgate Hill
1943/100708 Perth Ridgill James Allen Male Hocking Muriel Doreen Female Maylands
1943/100708 Perth Hocking Muriel Doreen Female Ridgill James Allen Male Maylands
1943/100709 Perth Pearson Marion Harrower Female Smailes James Palliser Male Mt Lawley
1943/100709 Perth Smailes James Palliser Male Pearson Marion Harrower Female Mt Lawley
1943/100710 Perth Winzer Alfred Keith Male Hassett Mary Kathleen Female Mt Lawley
1943/100710 Perth Hassett Mary Kathleen Female Winzer Alfred Keith Male Mt Lawley
1943/100711 Perth McCorkill Reginald Alexander Male Bailey Marjorie Florence Female Perth
1943/100711 Perth Bailey Marjorie Florence Female McCorkill Reginald Alexander Male Perth
1943/100712 Perth Nyal Mary Female Lofthouse James Robert Male Perth
1943/100712 Perth Lofthouse James Robert Male Nyal Mary Female Perth
1943/100713 Perth O'Neil Bryan Desmond Warr Male Calvett Anne Eleanor Howard Female Perth
1943/100713 Perth Calvett Anne Eleanor Howard Female O'Neil Bryan Desmond Warr Male Perth
1943/100714 Perth Woodward Eveline Louisa Female Tonkin Forrest Henry Charles Male Perth
1943/100714 Perth Tonkin Forrest Henry Charles Male Woodward Eveline Louisa Female Perth
1943/100715 Perth Yates Marjorie Anne Female Johnston Douglas Haig Male Rosalie
1943/100715 Perth Johnston Douglas Haig Male Yates Marjorie Anne Female Rosalie
1943/100716 Perth Herriot John Woon Male Whitehead Mary Constance Elizabeth Female Rosalie
1943/100716 Perth Whitehead Mary Constance Elizabeth Female Herriot John Woon Male Rosalie
1943/100717 Perth Dudgeon Silvie Clare Female Bell William Henry Gordon Male Victoria Park
1943/100717 Perth Bell William Henry Gordon Male Dudgeon Silvie Clare Female Victoria Park
1943/100718 Perth Pursey Vera Alice Female Ullock Raymond Brunton Male Perth
1943/100718 Perth Ullock Raymond Brunton Male Pursey Vera Alice Female Perth
1943/100719 Perth Burns Edith Jean Female Saunders Ronald George Male Mt Lawley
1943/100719 Perth Saunders Ronald George Male Burns Edith Jean Female Mt Lawley
1943/100720 Perth Bryant Phyllis Isabel Female Sharpe Robert Benjamin Male Mt Lawley
1943/100720 Perth Sharpe Robert Benjamin Male Bryant Phyllis Isabel Female Mt Lawley
1943/100721 Perth Sinclair Albert James Male Williams Joyce Female Wembley Park
1943/100721 Perth Williams Joyce Female Sinclair Albert James Male Wembley Park
1943/100722 Perth Ogilvie James Male Darcy Ellen Mary Female Highgate Hill
1943/100722 Perth Darcy Ellen Mary Female Ogilvie James Male Highgate Hill
1943/100723 Perth Flint Edna May Female Taylor Harry Laurence Male Highgate Hill
1943/100723 Perth Taylor Harry Laurence Male Flint Edna May Female Highgate Hill
1943/100724 Perth Burgess Edith Evelyn Female Carrick Bruce Henry Male West Perth
1943/100724 Perth Carrick Bruce Henry Male Burgess Edith Evelyn Female West Perth
1943/100725 Perth Bridges Joan Louise Female Powell Alfred Male West Perth
1943/100725 Perth Powell Alfred Male Bridges Joan Louise Female West Perth
1943/100726 Perth Barnes Doris Olive Female Anderson Robert Male West Perth
1943/100726 Perth Anderson Robert Male Barnes Doris Olive Female West Perth
1943/100727 Perth Hodgson Lillian May Female Henderson Roy Halliday Male West Perth
1943/100727 Perth Henderson Roy Halliday Male Hodgson Lillian May Female West Perth
1943/100728 Perth Smith Thelma Female Freeman William Arthur Male West Perth
1943/100728 Perth Freeman William Arthur Male Smith Thelma Female West Perth
1943/100729 Perth Oakley Winnis Irene Female Broad Henry Edward Male West Perth
1943/100729 Perth Broad Henry Edward Male Oakley Winnis Irene Female West Perth
1943/100730 Perth Wittwer Theodore Oswald Male Rogers Peggy Florence Female West Perth
1943/100730 Perth Rogers Peggy Florence Female Wittwer Theodore Oswald Male West Perth
1943/100731 Perth Hutchinson Norman Eric Male Beckett Betty Female Perth
1943/100731 Perth Beckett Betty Female Hutchinson Norman Eric Male Perth
1943/100732 Perth Fleay Sheilah Eileen Female King Stanley Ernest Male Perth
1943/100732 Perth King Stanley Ernest Male Fleay Sheilah Eileen Female Perth
1943/100733 Perth Tuurenhout Hendrik Matthijs Male Ballantine Jessie Reah Female Perth
1943/100733 Perth Ballantine Jessie Reah Female Tuurenhout Hendrik Matthijs Male Perth
1943/100734 Perth Culbertson John Henry Male Van Heurck Mavis Carol Female Perth
1943/100734 Perth Van Heurck Mavis Carol Female Culbertson John Henry Male Perth
1943/100735 Perth Coonan Phyllis Annie Female Grey Raymond George Male Perth
1943/100735 Perth Grey Raymond George Male Coonan Phyllis Annie Female Perth
1943/100736 Perth Osborne John Male Dorward Doris Margaret Female Perth
1943/100736 Perth Dorward Doris Margaret Female Osborne John Male Perth
1943/100737 Perth Tognolini Roma Margaret Female Lee Cyrus Gordon Male Perth
1943/100737 Perth Lee Cyrus Gordon Male Tognolini Roma Margaret Female Perth
1943/100738 Perth Lepley Jessie May Female Hemingway Albert Young Male Perth
1943/100738 Perth Hemingway Albert Young Male Lepley Jessie May Female Perth
1943/100739 Perth Kelleher Charles Patrick Male Grout Thelma Florence Female Perth
1943/100739 Perth Grout Thelma Florence Female Kelleher Charles Patrick Male Perth
1943/100740 Perth Lucas Marjorie Female Hover Calvin William Male Perth
1943/100740 Perth Hover Calvin William Male Lucas Marjorie Female Perth
1943/100741 Perth Venables Allan Stanley Male Langsford Pansy Love Female Perth
1943/100741 Perth Langsford Pansy Love Female Venables Allan Stanley Male Perth
1943/100742 Perth Oates Harold Male Williams Dorothy Eileen Female Perth
1943/100742 Perth Williams Dorothy Eileen Female Oates Harold Male Perth
1943/100743 Perth Scott David Henry Male Garrett Doreen Enid Female Perth
1943/100743 Perth Garrett Doreen Enid Female Scott David Henry Male Perth
1943/100744 Perth Willis James Henry Ambrose Male Hickey Mena Doreen Female Perth
1943/100744 Perth Hickey Mena Doreen Female Willis James Henry Ambrose Male Perth
1943/100745 Perth Jacobs Thelma Stella Female Hitchcock Arnold Thomas Male Perth
1943/100745 Perth Hitchcock Arnold Thomas Male Jacobs Thelma Stella Female Perth
1943/100746 Perth Mawson Jean Female Criddle Colin Raymond Male Perth
1943/100746 Perth Criddle Colin Raymond Male Mawson Jean Female Perth
1943/100747 Perth Thomas June Townsend Female Smith James Henry Male Perth
1943/100747 Perth Smith James Henry Male Thomas June Townsend Female Perth
1943/100748 Perth Burley Frederick George Male McKenzie Phyllis Winifred Female Subiaco
1943/100748 Perth McKenzie Phyllis Winifred Female Burley Frederick George Male Subiaco
1943/100749 Perth Taylor Albert Harry Male Moynihan Eileen Elizabeth Female East Victoria Park
1943/100749 Perth Moynihan Eileen Elizabeth Female Taylor Albert Harry Male East Victoria Park
1943/100750 Perth Thomas Mary Agnes Female Jennings John Cockburn Male Mount Lawley
1943/100750 Perth Jennings John Cockburn Male Thomas Mary Agnes Female Mount Lawley
1943/100751 Perth Millman Bert Male Machlin Julia Female Perth
1943/100751 Perth Machlin Julia Female Millman Bert Male Perth
1943/100752 Perth Ware William John Male Lathwell Annie Female Perth
1943/100752 Perth Lathwell Annie Female Ware William John Male Perth
1943/100753 Perth McKenzie John Alexander Male Wallace Edith Caroline Veronica Female Perth
1943/100753 Perth Wallace Edith Caroline Veronica Female McKenzie John Alexander Male Perth
1943/100754 Perth Ross Marjorie Female Fleay Norman Lawrence Male Maylands
1943/100754 Perth Fleay Norman Lawrence Male Ross Marjorie Female Maylands
1943/100755 Perth Adams Athol Hamilton Male Borrett Carmen Cleave Female Perth
1943/100755 Perth Borrett Carmen Cleave Female Adams Athol Hamilton Male Perth
1943/100756 Perth Dewar Ronald James Male Pratley Dorothy Verna Female Perth
1943/100756 Perth Pratley Dorothy Verna Female Dewar Ronald James Male Perth
1943/100757 Perth Stott Elizabeth Mary Female Jones Ivor George Male Perth
1943/100757 Perth Jones Ivor George Male Stott Elizabeth Mary Female Perth
1943/100758 Perth Telfer Hilda May Female Pow Walter Wallace Benjamin Male Perth
1943/100758 Perth Pow Walter Wallace Benjamin Male Telfer Hilda May Female Perth
1943/100759 Perth Dow Frederich John Male Gordon Christian Mackie Middleton Female Perth
1943/100759 Perth Gordon Christian Mackie Middleton Female Dow Frederich John Male Perth
1943/100760 Perth Roberts Gwendoline Female Ivimey Alfred Brian George Male Perth
1943/100760 Perth Ivimey Alfred Brian George Male Roberts Gwendoline Female Perth
1943/100761 Perth Rietschel Doris Marie Female Spivey Christopher Male Perth
1943/100761 Perth Spivey Christopher Male Rietschel Doris Marie Female Perth
1943/100762 Perth Byas Lorna May Female Barratt Norman Wilfred Male Perth
1943/100762 Perth Barratt Norman Wilfred Male Byas Lorna May Female Perth
1943/100763 Perth Beard Ronald George Male McRae Dorothy May Female Perth
1943/100763 Perth McRae Dorothy May Female Beard Ronald George Male Perth
1943/100764 Perth Galbraith Archibald Male Kallawk Beatrice Female Perth
1943/100764 Perth Kallawk Beatrice Female Galbraith Archibald Male Perth
1943/100765 Perth Noble Enid Margaret Female Williams Robert James Male Perth
1943/100765 Perth Williams Robert James Male Noble Enid Margaret Female Perth
1943/100766 Perth Benson Gladys Frances Female Harding William Redvers Male Perth
1943/100766 Perth Harding William Redvers Male Benson Gladys Frances Female Perth
1943/100767 Perth Leyden Patrick Gerald Male Nicholas Patricia Maud Female Nedlands
1943/100767 Perth Nicholas Patricia Maud Female Leyden Patrick Gerald Male Nedlands
1943/100768 Perth Dawson Brian Frank Female Dempster Margaret Frances Male Perth
1943/100768 Perth Dempster Margaret Frances Male Dawson Brian Frank Female Perth
1943/100769 Perth Fogarty George Vincent Male Lynch Christie Weibye Female West Perth
1943/100769 Perth Lynch Christie Weibye Female Fogarty George Vincent Male West Perth
1943/100770 Perth Sinclair Margaret Joan Female Watts Vivian Edward Male Cottesloe
1943/100770 Perth Watts Vivian Edward Male Sinclair Margaret Joan Female Cottesloe
1943/100771 Perth Olsen John Fredrik Male McCarrey Eileen Patricia Female Cottesloe
1943/100771 Perth McCarrey Eileen Patricia Female Olsen John Fredrik Male Cottesloe
1943/100772 Perth Rawes William Male Blair Annie Kyle Female Cottesloe
1943/100772 Perth Blair Annie Kyle Female Rawes William Male Cottesloe
1943/100773 Perth Killpatrick Kenneth Desmond Aubrey Male Mortimer Dulcie Female Nedlands
1943/100773 Perth Mortimer Dulcie Female Killpatrick Kenneth Desmond Aubrey Male Nedlands
1943/100774 Perth Davies Charles Henry Atlee Male Kerridge Norma Florence Female Victoria Park
1943/100774 Perth Kerridge Norma Florence Female Davies Charles Henry Atlee Male Victoria Park
1943/100775 Perth Sutherland John Roden Male Harding Alma Gladys Female Victoria Park
1943/100775 Perth Harding Alma Gladys Female Sutherland John Roden Male Victoria Park
1943/100776 Perth Porter John Robert Male Campbell Lydia Joyce Female Victoria Park
1943/100776 Perth Campbell Lydia Joyce Female Porter John Robert Male Victoria Park
1943/100777 Perth Baxter Russell Ernest Male Smith Hilda Edith Female Maylands
1943/100777 Perth Smith Hilda Edith Female Baxter Russell Ernest Male Maylands
1943/100778 Perth Little Betty Lorraine Female Momber Renwick Charles Male Nedlands
1943/100778 Perth Momber Renwick Charles Male Little Betty Lorraine Female Nedlands
1943/100779 Perth Ryan Elinor Margaret Female Moran Leo William Male West Perth
1943/100779 Perth Moran Leo William Male Ryan Elinor Margaret Female West Perth
1943/100780 Perth Loftus Henry Alfred Male Jamieson Olga Lucy Female West Perth
1943/100780 Perth Jamieson Olga Lucy Female Loftus Henry Alfred Male West Perth
1943/100781 Perth Hepton Wilfrid John Male Casselton Eileen Maud Female West Perth
1943/100781 Perth Casselton Eileen Maud Female Hepton Wilfrid John Male West Perth
1943/100782 Perth Vinneir William Charles Male Buchanan Vera Female Perth
1943/100782 Perth Buchanan Vera Female Vinneir William Charles Male Perth
1943/100783 Perth Moloney William Michael Male Marsh Dorothy Gwendoline Female Perth
1943/100783 Perth Marsh Dorothy Gwendoline Female Moloney William Michael Male Perth
1943/100784 Perth Hildyard Barney Alexander Male Armanini Olive Female Perth
1943/100784 Perth Armanini Olive Female Hildyard Barney Alexander Male Perth
1943/100785 Perth Jolley Raymond William Male Williams Jenny Cecilia Female Perth
1943/100785 Perth Williams Jenny Cecilia Female Jolley Raymond William Male Perth
1943/100786 Perth O'Driscoll Mary Kathleen Female Simmons John Ogilvy Male Perth
1943/100786 Perth Simmons John Ogilvy Male O'Driscoll Mary Kathleen Female Perth
1943/100787 Perth Forknall Frederick Charles Male Burgess Joan Doreen Female Perth
1943/100787 Perth Burgess Joan Doreen Female Forknall Frederick Charles Male Perth
1943/100788 Perth Combs Dudley Charles Male Johnson Jean Alice Female Perth
1943/100788 Perth Johnson Jean Alice Female Combs Dudley Charles Male Perth
1943/100789 Perth Forrest Clifford Richard Male Cavanough Stella Ethel Female Perth
1943/100789 Perth Cavanough Stella Ethel Female Forrest Clifford Richard Male Perth
1943/100790 Perth Morris Ruby Violet Female Shann Charles Raynor Male Perth
1943/100790 Perth Shann Charles Raynor Male Morris Ruby Violet Female Perth
1943/100791 Perth Lindsay Lorna Heather Female Tredrea Ernest Frederick John Trevethick Male Perth
1943/100791 Perth Tredrea Ernest Frederick John Trevethick Male Lindsay Lorna Heather Female Perth
1943/100792 Perth Lomas Muriel Rheims Female Fernie Colin Patrick Male Perth
1943/100792 Perth Fernie Colin Patrick Male Lomas Muriel Rheims Female Perth
1943/100793 Perth Jebb Dicksie Female Snell Jack William Male Perth
1943/100793 Perth Snell Jack William Male Jebb Dicksie Female Perth
1943/100794 Perth Dvorak Charles Oscar Male Green Ethel Mary Female Perth
1943/100794 Perth Green Ethel Mary Female Dvorak Charles Oscar Male Perth
1943/100795 Perth Royle Gordon Michael Male Armstrong-Hill Betty Patricia Anne Female Perth
1943/100795 Perth Armstrong-Hill Betty Patricia Anne Female Royle Gordon Michael Male Perth
1943/100796 Perth Frazier Berniece Eileen Female Smailes Bernard Sydney Male Subiaco
1943/100796 Perth Smailes Bernard Sydney Male Frazier Berniece Eileen Female Subiaco
1943/100797 Perth Glover Cecil Augustus Male Newman Dorothy Female Perth
1943/100797 Perth Newman Dorothy Female Glover Cecil Augustus Male Perth
1943/100798 Perth Scanlan Phyllis Ayleen Female Morris Geoffrey William Male Perth
1943/100798 Perth Morris Geoffrey William Male Scanlan Phyllis Ayleen Female Perth
1943/100799 Perth Meyer Arthur Louis Male Armstrong Gwendolyn Mary Female Maylands
1943/100799 Perth Armstrong Gwendolyn Mary Female Meyer Arthur Louis Male Maylands
1943/100800 Perth Cooper Kathleen Kyle Female Kelso Harold Hopetoun Male Nedlands
1943/100800 Perth Kelso Harold Hopetoun Male Cooper Kathleen Kyle Female Nedlands
1943/100801 Perth Warnes Ivan James Male Barrett Kathleen Beatrice Female Mosman Park
1943/100801 Perth Barrett Kathleen Beatrice Female Warnes Ivan James Male Mosman Park
1943/100802 Perth Lindsay Andrew French Male Rodda Winifred Hazel Female West Perth
1943/100802 Perth Rodda Winifred Hazel Female Lindsay Andrew French Male West Perth
1943/100803 Perth Browning Patricia Female Woodhouse John Victor Male Perth
1943/100803 Perth Woodhouse John Victor Male Browning Patricia Female Perth
1943/100804 Perth Sparks Steve Terrence Vivian Male Parrott Betty Kathleen Female Perth
1943/100804 Perth Parrott Betty Kathleen Female Sparks Steve Terrence Vivian Male Perth
1943/100805 Perth Robinson Enid Hope Female Plaistowe Hugh Macdonald Male West Perth
1943/100805 Perth Plaistowe Hugh Macdonald Male Robinson Enid Hope Female West Perth
1943/100806 Perth Roberts Patricia Mary Alwyn Female Heffernan Lance Makin Male West Perth
1943/100806 Perth Heffernan Lance Makin Male Roberts Patricia Mary Alwyn Female West Perth
1943/100807 Perth Neal Rowena Mary Female Watson Thomas William Male West Perth
1943/100807 Perth Watson Thomas William Male Neal Rowena Mary Female West Perth
1943/100808 Perth Copley Brian Wallie Earl Male Kirkland Majorie Lindsay Female West Perth
1943/100808 Perth Kirkland Majorie Lindsay Female Copley Brian Wallie Earl Male West Perth
1943/100809 Perth Marshall William Richard Leith Male Wood Ruby Virginia Female Mosman Park
1943/100809 Perth Wood Ruby Virginia Female Marshall William Richard Leith Male Mosman Park
1943/100810 Perth Manning Kenneth George Male Wild Laurel Female Cottesloe
1943/100810 Perth Wild Laurel Female Manning Kenneth George Male Cottesloe
1943/100811 Perth Richards Lawrence Herbert Male Donovan Phyllis Gertrude Female West Perth
1943/100811 Perth Donovan Phyllis Gertrude Female Richards Lawrence Herbert Male West Perth
1943/100812 Perth Rumble Harry William Matthew Male Ringrose Vera Delcie Female Perth
1943/100812 Perth Ringrose Vera Delcie Female Rumble Harry William Matthew Male Perth
1943/100813 Perth Finlayson Joyce Marianne Female Burgoyne John William Male Perth
1943/100813 Perth Burgoyne John William Male Finlayson Joyce Marianne Female Perth
1943/100814 Perth Peverett Violet Jessie Female Macfarlane Clement Male Perth
1943/100814 Perth Macfarlane Clement Male Peverett Violet Jessie Female Perth
1943/100815 Perth Kelly Jeanne Rosina Mary Female Mitchell Charles Walter Male Perth
1943/100815 Perth Mitchell Charles Walter Male Kelly Jeanne Rosina Mary Female Perth
1943/100816 Perth McCaskill Ellen Alexandra Female Teakle Herbert Walter Male Perth
1943/100816 Perth Teakle Herbert Walter Male McCaskill Ellen Alexandra Female Perth
1943/100817 Perth Clinch Margaret Joyce Female Childers James Henry Male Perth
1943/100817 Perth Childers James Henry Male Clinch Margaret Joyce Female Perth
1943/100818 Perth Stone MacDonald Douglas Male Stone Annie Elizabeth Female Perth
1943/100818 Perth Stone Annie Elizabeth Female Stone MacDonald Douglas Male Perth
1943/100819 Perth Whittimore-Hull Cyril Thomas Male Hill Edith Dora Delphina Female Bayswater
1943/100819 Perth Hill Edith Dora Delphina Female Whittimore-Hull Cyril Thomas Male Bayswater
1943/100820 Perth Thorne Jessie Margaret Female Wallis Raymond Oliver Male North Perth
1943/100820 Perth Wallis Raymond Oliver Male Thorne Jessie Margaret Female North Perth
1943/100821 Perth Bell David Hamilton Male Bailey Guinivere Isabel Female North Perth
1943/100821 Perth Bailey Guinivere Isabel Female Bell David Hamilton Male North Perth
1943/100822 Perth Hunter Marion Isabel Mary Female Kernutt Keith Alan Male North Perth
1943/100822 Perth Kernutt Keith Alan Male Hunter Marion Isabel Mary Female North Perth
1943/100823 Perth Wylie Gladys Sylvia Female Hussey James Whyte Cook Male Subiaco
1943/100823 Perth Hussey James Whyte Cook Male Wylie Gladys Sylvia Female Subiaco
1943/100824 Perth Ludlow Stanley Male Beetson Helen Adele Female Nedlands
1943/100824 Perth Beetson Helen Adele Female Ludlow Stanley Male Nedlands
1943/100825 Perth Piper Donald Walter Male Bretherton Phyllis Margaret Female Nedlands
1943/100825 Perth Bretherton Phyllis Margaret Female Piper Donald Walter Male Nedlands
1943/100826 Perth Castle Ernest Frederick Male Silva Sarah Constance Female Perth
1943/100826 Perth Silva Sarah Constance Female Castle Ernest Frederick Male Perth
1943/100827 Perth Ward Ethel Mary Female Good Ernest Allen Male Belmont
1943/100827 Perth Good Ernest Allen Male Ward Ethel Mary Female Belmont
1943/100828 Perth Edwards Joseph Thomas Male Stewart Edna May Female Leederville
1943/100828 Perth Stewart Edna May Female Edwards Joseph Thomas Male Leederville
1943/100829 Perth Gee Patricia Mary Female Steggar John Ambrose Male Leederville
1943/100829 Perth Steggar John Ambrose Male Gee Patricia Mary Female Leederville
1943/100830 Perth Edwards Edward Male Scott Verna Mary Female Leederville
1943/100830 Perth Scott Verna Mary Female Edwards Edward Male Leederville
1943/100831 Perth Telford Violet Ruby Female Kenworthy Basil Sydney John Male Perth
1943/100831 Perth Kenworthy Basil Sydney John Male Telford Violet Ruby Female Perth
1943/100832 Perth Bunce Dorothy Lorraine Female Cousins Hector Sanderson Male Highgate Hill
1943/100832 Perth Cousins Hector Sanderson Male Bunce Dorothy Lorraine Female Highgate Hill
1943/100833 Perth Haines Faith Female Brearley Richard Sharp Male Claremont
1943/100833 Perth Brearley Richard Sharp Male Haines Faith Female Claremont
1943/100834 Perth Sutton William Phillip Male Towton Gladys Myrtle Magdalene Female Perth
1943/100834 Perth Towton Gladys Myrtle Magdalene Female Sutton William Phillip Male Perth
1943/100835 Perth Simons Ethel Female Harrison Hector John Male Perth
1943/100835 Perth Harrison Hector John Male Simons Ethel Female Perth
1943/100836 Perth Allen Sarah Edna Female Walker Sydney Charles Male Perth
1943/100836 Perth Walker Sydney Charles Male Allen Sarah Edna Female Perth
1943/100837 Perth York Doris May Female Bridge Arthur John Eric Male Perth
1943/100837 Perth Bridge Arthur John Eric Male York Doris May Female Perth
1943/100838 Perth Sutton Jessie Maisie Female Cooke William Joseph Male Perth
1943/100838 Perth Cooke William Joseph Male Sutton Jessie Maisie Female Perth
1943/100839 Perth Marshall Gwendoline Harriett Female Ware James Kenneth John Male Perth
1943/100839 Perth Ware James Kenneth John Male Marshall Gwendoline Harriett Female Perth
1943/100840 Perth Satchell Ivy May Female Hutchinson John Male Perth
1943/100840 Perth Hutchinson John Male Satchell Ivy May Female Perth
1943/100841 Perth Male Leonard Walter Male Robinson Gladys May Female Perth
1943/100841 Perth Robinson Gladys May Female Male Leonard Walter Male Perth
1943/100842 Perth Clark Violet May Female Thompson Jack Male Perth
1943/100842 Perth Thompson Jack Male Clark Violet May Female Perth
1943/100843 Perth Affleck Alexander James Male Murphy Dulcie Elvie Female Perth
1943/100843 Perth Murphy Dulcie Elvie Female Affleck Alexander James Male Perth
1943/100844 Perth Dau Keith Charles Male Sansom Marian Winnifred Female Perth
1943/100844 Perth Sansom Marian Winnifred Female Dau Keith Charles Male Perth
1943/100846 Perth Wood Kathleen May Female Garvey William Male West Leederville
1943/100846 Perth Garvey William Male Wood Kathleen May Female West Leederville
1943/100847 Perth Clarke Arthur Johnstone Male Brazell Nora Female Perth
1943/100847 Perth Brazell Nora Female Clarke Arthur Johnstone Male Perth
1943/100848 Perth Salter William Richard Male Jones Elsie Edna May Female Perth
1943/100848 Perth Jones Elsie Edna May Female Salter William Richard Male Perth
1943/100849 Perth Johnson Kevin Dance Male Backshall Jean Clara Edna Female Perth
1943/100849 Perth Backshall Jean Clara Edna Female Johnson Kevin Dance Male Perth
1943/100850 Perth Bird Mary Lilian Female Williams Samuel John Hamilton Male Perth
1943/100850 Perth Williams Samuel John Hamilton Male Bird Mary Lilian Female Perth
1943/100851 Perth Hammond Alfred "B" Male Fitzsimmons Clarice Doreen Female Perth
1943/100851 Perth Fitzsimmons Clarice Doreen Female Hammond Alfred "B" Male Perth
1943/100852 Perth Jarboe Evan Andrew Male Springhall Grace Henrietta Female Cottesloe
1943/100852 Perth Springhall Grace Henrietta Female Jarboe Evan Andrew Male Cottesloe
1943/100853 Perth Power Josephine Kathleen Female Rehn James Henry Male Cottesloe
1943/100853 Perth Rehn James Henry Male Power Josephine Kathleen Female Cottesloe
1943/100854 Perth English Isobella Johnston Female Ball Charles Male Perth
1943/100854 Perth Ball Charles Male English Isobella Johnston Female Perth
1943/100855 Perth Farmer Frederick Daniel Male Penny Melva Irene Female West Perth
1943/100855 Perth Penny Melva Irene Female Farmer Frederick Daniel Male West Perth
1943/100856 Perth Tregurtha Juliet Hera Female Abbott Cecil Edward George Male West Perth
1943/100856 Perth Abbott Cecil Edward George Male Tregurtha Juliet Hera Female West Perth
1943/100858 Perth Cleal Mavis Joyce Female Page Ernest Lincoln Male Victoria Park
1943/100858 Perth Page Ernest Lincoln Male Cleal Mavis Joyce Female Victoria Park
1943/100859 Perth Ellyard Arthur Male Perry Joyce Margaret Female Highgate Hill
1943/100859 Perth Perry Joyce Margaret Female Ellyard Arthur Male Highgate Hill
1943/100860 Perth Waddell John Robert Male Field Alice Amelia Female Highgate Hill
1943/100860 Perth Field Alice Amelia Female Waddell John Robert Male Highgate Hill
1943/100861 Perth Buckley Ethel May Female Bell Albert Ernest Male Perth
1943/100861 Perth Bell Albert Ernest Male Buckley Ethel May Female Perth
1943/100862 Perth Kingsley Shirley Female Porter John Henry Male Perth
1943/100862 Perth Porter John Henry Male Kingsley Shirley Female Perth
1943/100863 Perth Potter Roma Ada Female McKinley Wilfred Henry Male West Perth
1943/100863 Perth McKinley Wilfred Henry Male Potter Roma Ada Female West Perth
1943/100864 Perth Williams Constance Tindale Female Mercer James Keegan Male Nedlands
1943/100864 Perth Mercer James Keegan Male Williams Constance Tindale Female Nedlands
1943/100865 Perth Binckes Myrtle Alice Female Taylor Harold Leslie Male Subiaco
1943/100865 Perth Taylor Harold Leslie Male Binckes Myrtle Alice Female Subiaco
1943/100866 Perth Tyler Percy Steward Male Thomas Gladys Claire Female North Perth
1943/100866 Perth Thomas Gladys Claire Female Tyler Percy Steward Male North Perth
1943/100867 Perth Stower James Charles Male Power Jessie Charlotte Female North Perth
1943/100867 Perth Power Jessie Charlotte Female Stower James Charles Male North Perth
1943/100868 Perth Brown Alice Teresa Doris Female Wright Arthur Edward Male North Perth
1943/100868 Perth Wright Arthur Edward Male Brown Alice Teresa Doris Female North Perth
1943/100869 Perth Andrews Harold Ernest Male Snell May Vivian Female Perth
1943/100869 Perth Snell May Vivian Female Andrews Harold Ernest Male Perth
1943/100870 Perth Filmer Gertrude May Female Gilpin James Eles Male Maylands
1943/100870 Perth Gilpin James Eles Male Filmer Gertrude May Female Maylands
1943/100871 Perth Humphrey Dorothy Maud Female Mayes Peter Cole Male Maylands
1943/100871 Perth Mayes Peter Cole Male Humphrey Dorothy Maud Female Maylands
1943/100872 Perth Fisher Constance May Female Baker Meryn James Male Claremont
1943/100872 Perth Baker Meryn James Male Fisher Constance May Female Claremont
1943/100873 Perth Priestley Cecily Ruth Female McGuire Kenneth John Male Claremont
1943/100873 Perth McGuire Kenneth John Male Priestley Cecily Ruth Female Claremont
1943/100874 Perth Petrie June Doris Female Laycock John Swinton Male Claremont
1943/100874 Perth Laycock John Swinton Male Petrie June Doris Female Claremont
1943/100875 Perth Wyle Dorothy Gwen Female Broughton William Edward Male Claremont
1943/100875 Perth Broughton William Edward Male Wyle Dorothy Gwen Female Claremont
1943/100876 Perth Tindal Bettie Female Kealy Edmond Henry Male Claremont
1943/100876 Perth Kealy Edmond Henry Male Tindal Bettie Female Claremont
1943/100877 Perth Joyner Clifford Male Slater Elizabeth Patricia Female Claremont
1943/100877 Perth Slater Elizabeth Patricia Female Joyner Clifford Male Claremont
1943/100878 Perth Howat George Peter Miller Male Lyons Betty Lorna Female Claremont
1943/100878 Perth Lyons Betty Lorna Female Howat George Peter Miller Male Claremont
1943/100879 Perth Hameister Lincoln Fernley Male Bignell Joyce Helen Female Claremont
1943/100879 Perth Bignell Joyce Helen Female Hameister Lincoln Fernley Male Claremont
1943/100880 Perth Karr Olive Wilhelmina Female Lovell George Henry Male Mount Lawley
1943/100880 Perth Lovell George Henry Male Karr Olive Wilhelmina Female Mount Lawley
1943/100881 Perth Sassella Lavanio Micheal Male Machen Jessie Margaret Lucy Female East Claremont
1943/100881 Perth Machen Jessie Margaret Lucy Female Sassella Lavanio Micheal Male East Claremont
1943/100882 Perth Ferguson William Dawson Male Curthoys Patricia Marian Female South Perth
1943/100882 Perth Curthoys Patricia Marian Female Ferguson William Dawson Male South Perth
1943/100883 Perth Warwick Edgar George Male Etherton Ethel Amelia Female Subiaco
1943/100883 Perth Etherton Ethel Amelia Female Warwick Edgar George Male Subiaco
1943/100884 Perth Greenwell Margaret Elizabeth Female Anderson Keith Mervyn Male Perth
1943/100884 Perth Anderson Keith Mervyn Male Greenwell Margaret Elizabeth Female Perth
1943/100885 Perth Thomas Lilah May Female Lafferty Hugh Joseph Male Perth
1943/100885 Perth Lafferty Hugh Joseph Male Thomas Lilah May Female Perth
1943/100886 Perth Worcester Norman Charles Male Manton Gladys Daphne Female Perth
1943/100886 Perth Manton Gladys Daphne Female Worcester Norman Charles Male Perth
1943/100887 Perth Carter John Oliver Male Burlinson Margôt Winifred Female Mt Lawley
1943/100887 Perth Burlinson Margôt Winifred Female Carter John Oliver Male Mt Lawley
1943/100888 Perth Heales Beryle May Female Davey Donald Male Mt Lawley
1943/100888 Perth Davey Donald Male Heales Beryle May Female Mt Lawley
1943/100889 Perth De Vaney Margaret Female Johnson Ernest Peter Male Osborne Park
1943/100889 Perth Johnson Ernest Peter Male De Vaney Margaret Female Osborne Park
1943/100890 Perth Webb Cyril George Male Stokes Mavis Female Leederville
1943/100890 Perth Stokes Mavis Female Webb Cyril George Male Leederville
1943/100891 Perth Brodie Lorna Lilian Female Howse William Frederick Male Leederville
1943/100891 Perth Howse William Frederick Male Brodie Lorna Lilian Female Leederville
1943/100892 Perth George Lloyd Aubrey Male Newton Laurel Ivy Female Leederville
1943/100892 Perth Newton Laurel Ivy Female George Lloyd Aubrey Male Leederville
1943/100893 Perth Anthony Frances Florence Female Herold Edward Male Leederville
1943/100893 Perth Herold Edward Male Anthony Frances Florence Female Leederville
1943/100894 Perth Cullingworth Beatrice Constance Female Thompson Robert McKay Male Mt Lawley
1943/100894 Perth Thompson Robert McKay Male Cullingworth Beatrice Constance Female Mt Lawley
1943/100895 Perth Cooper Reginald Ernest Male Doley Dorothy Dawn Female Perth
1943/100895 Perth Doley Dorothy Dawn Female Cooper Reginald Ernest Male Perth
1943/100896 Perth Billings Henry Walter Male Bales Jane Female Perth
1943/100896 Perth Bales Jane Female Billings Henry Walter Male Perth
1943/100897 Perth Mason Gwendoline Vida Female Gray Sidney John Male Perth
1943/100897 Perth Gray Sidney John Male Mason Gwendoline Vida Female Perth
1943/100898 Perth Watts Claude Francis Male Davidson Olga Female Perth
1943/100898 Perth Davidson Olga Female Watts Claude Francis Male Perth
1943/100899 Perth Barger Marjorie Female Basell Charles Frederick Male Perth
1943/100899 Perth Basell Charles Frederick Male Barger Marjorie Female Perth
1943/100900 Perth Thornton Alfred William Male Harris Emma Elizabeth Female Perth
1943/100900 Perth Harris Emma Elizabeth Female Thornton Alfred William Male Perth
1943/100901 Perth Bagley John Lewis Male Burnett Ellen Joan Female Perth
1943/100901 Perth Burnett Ellen Joan Female Bagley John Lewis Male Perth
1943/100902 Perth Green Clement Joseph Male Shine Kathleen Margaret Female Perth
1943/100902 Perth Shine Kathleen Margaret Female Green Clement Joseph Male Perth
1943/100903 Perth Farrell Thomas Patrick Joseph Male Darley Margaret Augusta Female Perth
1943/100903 Perth Darley Margaret Augusta Female Farrell Thomas Patrick Joseph Male Perth
1943/100904 Perth Green Henry Clement Male Carter Dorothy Mildred Female Perth
1943/100904 Perth Carter Dorothy Mildred Female Green Henry Clement Male Perth
1943/100905 Perth Tyler Pamela Lilian Female Wilson Stanley James Male Perth
1943/100905 Perth Wilson Stanley James Male Tyler Pamela Lilian Female Perth
1943/100906 Perth Girdlestone Albert Edward Male Leach Marjorie Doris Female Perth
1943/100906 Perth Leach Marjorie Doris Female Girdlestone Albert Edward Male Perth
1943/100907 Perth Payne Dorothy Laura Female Davies Arnold Keating Male Perth
1943/100907 Perth Davies Arnold Keating Male Payne Dorothy Laura Female Perth
1943/100908 Perth Haley Violet Doreen Female Mills James William Male Perth
1943/100908 Perth Mills James William Male Haley Violet Doreen Female Perth
1943/100909 Perth Fry Betty Female Lovegrove Dudley James Paterson Male Perth
1943/100909 Perth Lovegrove Dudley James Paterson Male Fry Betty Female Perth
1943/100910 Perth Hall Roy Sydney Male Sack Beryl Catherine Female Perth
1943/100910 Perth Sack Beryl Catherine Female Hall Roy Sydney Male Perth
1943/100911 Perth Parr George William Male Dewar Edna Eileen Female Perth
1943/100911 Perth Dewar Edna Eileen Female Parr George William Male Perth
1943/100912 Perth Hunt Lauretta Female Cooper Thomas Male Perth
1943/100912 Perth Cooper Thomas Male Hunt Lauretta Female Perth
1943/100913 Perth Nelson Truda Vivian Female Malacari George Roland Male Perth
1943/100913 Perth Malacari George Roland Male Nelson Truda Vivian Female Perth
1943/100914 Perth Maslin Sylvia May Female Croft William Patrick Osmond Male Perth
1943/100914 Perth Croft William Patrick Osmond Male Maslin Sylvia May Female Perth
1943/100915 Perth Cook Iris Middleton Female Rustand Jack Male Perth
1943/100915 Perth Rustand Jack Male Cook Iris Middleton Female Perth
1943/100916 Perth Evans Thelma Female Carroll James Arthur Male Perth
1943/100916 Perth Carroll James Arthur Male Evans Thelma Female Perth
1943/100917 Perth Davies Frances Elsie Female Ward Francis Leslie Male Perth
1943/100917 Perth Ward Francis Leslie Male Davies Frances Elsie Female Perth
1943/100918 Perth Shearer John Freeman Male Dodds Mary Female Perth
1943/100918 Perth Dodds Mary Female Shearer John Freeman Male Perth
1943/100919 Perth Huntley Edward Thomas Male Cahill Laura Beverley Female Perth
1943/100919 Perth Cahill Laura Beverley Female Huntley Edward Thomas Male Perth
1943/100920 Perth Flanagan Mary Agnes Female Hotchkin Alfred Victor Male Perth
1943/100920 Perth Hotchkin Alfred Victor Male Flanagan Mary Agnes Female Perth
1943/100921 Perth Smith Amy Adelaide Female Zimdahl Fredrick John Male Perth
1943/100921 Perth Zimdahl Fredrick John Male Smith Amy Adelaide Female Perth
1943/100922 Perth Astill Charles Douglas Male Wilton Hilda Betsy Female Perth
1943/100922 Perth Wilton Hilda Betsy Female Astill Charles Douglas Male Perth
1943/100923 Perth Boothey Cecilia Olive Matilda Female Masters Cecil George Male Perth
1943/100923 Perth Masters Cecil George Male Boothey Cecilia Olive Matilda Female Perth
1943/100924 Perth Lothringer Kurt Ervin Male Rule Audrey Fay Female Perth
1943/100924 Perth Rule Audrey Fay Female Lothringer Kurt Ervin Male Perth
1943/100925 Perth Sears Elizabeth Irene Female Hall Fredrick Harold Male Perth
1943/100925 Perth Hall Fredrick Harold Male Sears Elizabeth Irene Female Perth
1943/100926 Perth Paull Loyd Caris Male Grandison Edith May Female Perth
1943/100926 Perth Grandison Edith May Female Paull Loyd Caris Male Perth
1943/100927 Perth Yeoman Arthur Frederick Male Barnett Nellie Female Perth
1943/100927 Perth Barnett Nellie Female Yeoman Arthur Frederick Male Perth
1943/100928 Perth Hudson Phillip John Male Pippett Thelma Marjorie Female West Perth
1943/100928 Perth Pippett Thelma Marjorie Female Hudson Phillip John Male West Perth
1943/100929 Perth Neindorf Jack Male Rosekelly Leah Female Victoria Park
1943/100929 Perth Rosekelly Leah Female Neindorf Jack Male Victoria Park
1943/100930 Perth Isaacs Samuel Male Miller Dulcie Joan Female Perth
1943/100930 Perth Miller Dulcie Joan Female Isaacs Samuel Male Perth
1943/100931 Perth Robins Frederick Arthur Male Shaw Jessie Cotterill Female Perth
1943/100931 Perth Shaw Jessie Cotterill Female Robins Frederick Arthur Male Perth
1943/100932 Perth Garner Ivy May Female McCreddin Albert Ernest Male Perth
1943/100932 Perth McCreddin Albert Ernest Male Garner Ivy May Female Perth
1943/100933 Perth Solomon Howard Austin Male Masel Eva Sadie Female Perth
1943/100933 Perth Masel Eva Sadie Female Solomon Howard Austin Male Perth
1943/100934 Perth McGhie John Alexander White Male Sharpe Ella May Female South Perth
1943/100934 Perth Sharpe Ella May Female McGhie John Alexander White Male South Perth
1943/100935 Perth Lawrance Jeanne Lorraine Female Slater Albert Edward Male Perth
1943/100935 Perth Slater Albert Edward Male Lawrance Jeanne Lorraine Female Perth
1943/100936 Perth Morrell Wilbur Ernest Male Kitto Merle Doreen Female Perth
1943/100936 Perth Kitto Merle Doreen Female Morrell Wilbur Ernest Male Perth
1943/100937 Perth Woodcock Dorcas Lillian Female Bellion Vivian George White Sefton Male Victoria Park
1943/100937 Perth Bellion Vivian George White Sefton Male Woodcock Dorcas Lillian Female Victoria Park
1943/100938 Perth Ibbotson Robert Bainbridge Male Williams Jean Female Victoria Park
1943/100938 Perth Williams Jean Female Ibbotson Robert Bainbridge Male Victoria Park
1943/100939 Perth Carson Ellen Matilda Female Howard Raymond Charles Male Victoria Park
1943/100939 Perth Howard Raymond Charles Male Carson Ellen Matilda Female Victoria Park
1943/100940 Perth Leach Esma Gwynnyth Female Knox James Harley Male Victoria Park
1943/100940 Perth Knox James Harley Male Leach Esma Gwynnyth Female Victoria Park
1943/100941 Perth Bracey Lana Neave Female Stickman Francis John Male Victoria Park
1943/100941 Perth Stickman Francis John Male Bracey Lana Neave Female Victoria Park
1943/100942 Perth Hocking Hilda Joy Female Smith Thomas Stanley Male Mt Lawley
1943/100942 Perth Smith Thomas Stanley Male Hocking Hilda Joy Female Mt Lawley
1943/100943 Perth Owston Violet Mary Female Barnes Milton Male West Leederville
1943/100943 Perth Barnes Milton Male Owston Violet Mary Female West Leederville
1943/100944 Perth Connors Raymond Thomas Male Wallace Edna Vivian Female West Perth
1943/100944 Perth Wallace Edna Vivian Female Connors Raymond Thomas Male West Perth
1943/100945 Perth Terry Grace Emily Female Roberts Albert Edward Male West Perth
1943/100945 Perth Roberts Albert Edward Male Terry Grace Emily Female West Perth
1943/100946 Perth Littmann Leonard Julius William Male Tremain Rona Adelaide Female West Perth
1943/100946 Perth Tremain Rona Adelaide Female Littmann Leonard Julius William Male West Perth
1943/100947 Perth King Neta Ray Female Chadwick John Edward Male West Perth
1943/100947 Perth Chadwick John Edward Male King Neta Ray Female West Perth
1943/100948 Perth David Gwenyth Florence Female Corbett Jack Basil Male Mt Lawley
1943/100948 Perth Corbett Jack Basil Male David Gwenyth Florence Female Mt Lawley
1943/100949 Perth White Lorna Female Crosling William Henry Male Perth
1943/100949 Perth Crosling William Henry Male White Lorna Female Perth
1943/100950 Perth Jones Gloria Female Hill Leslie Joseph Male Perth
1943/100950 Perth Hill Leslie Joseph Male Jones Gloria Female Perth
1943/100951 Perth Ronan Victor George Male Hill Alice May Female Perth
1943/100951 Perth Hill Alice May Female Ronan Victor George Male Perth
1943/100952 Perth Geddes Henry Caine Male Shanks Thelma Margaret Female Perth
1943/100952 Perth Shanks Thelma Margaret Female Geddes Henry Caine Male Perth
1943/100953 Perth Pusey Isaac Henry Male Travers June Female Perth
1943/100953 Perth Travers June Female Pusey Isaac Henry Male Perth
1943/100954 Perth Morgan Thomas Joseph Male Christian Constance Jeffrey Female Mosman Park
1943/100954 Perth Christian Constance Jeffrey Female Morgan Thomas Joseph Male Mosman Park
1943/100955 Perth Kneale Cecilia Female Meakins Douglas Male Highgate Hill
1943/100955 Perth Meakins Douglas Male Kneale Cecilia Female Highgate Hill
1943/100956 Perth Leheny Robert Godfrey Male Ogg Grace Female Highgate Hill
1943/100956 Perth Ogg Grace Female Leheny Robert Godfrey Male Highgate Hill
1943/100957 Perth Dalton Kathleen Linda Mary Female Hall Montrose William Male Highgate Hill
1943/100957 Perth Hall Montrose William Male Dalton Kathleen Linda Mary Female Highgate Hill
1943/100958 Perth Quartly Betty Evelyn Female Miles Frederick William Male Highgate Hill
1943/100958 Perth Miles Frederick William Male Quartly Betty Evelyn Female Highgate Hill
1943/100959 Perth Cranswick Nancy Mary Female Lang Campbell Howard Male Highgate Hill
1943/100959 Perth Lang Campbell Howard Male Cranswick Nancy Mary Female Highgate Hill
1943/100960 Perth Collins Betty Merle Female Smith Keith Seddon Male Highgate Hill
1943/100960 Perth Smith Keith Seddon Male Collins Betty Merle Female Highgate Hill
1943/100961 Perth King Beverley Graham Female Sherwood Leonard Frederick Male West Perth
1943/100961 Perth Sherwood Leonard Frederick Male King Beverley Graham Female West Perth
1943/100962 Perth Chappell Lilian Jean Female Bennett Laurence Alan Male West Perth
1943/100962 Perth Bennett Laurence Alan Male Chappell Lilian Jean Female West Perth
1943/100963 Perth Leyden Patricia Mary Female Sampson Albert Leonard Male Bayswater
1943/100963 Perth Sampson Albert Leonard Male Leyden Patricia Mary Female Bayswater
1943/100964 Perth Miles Trevor George Male Watson Marjorie Adelaide Female Maylands
1943/100964 Perth Watson Marjorie Adelaide Female Miles Trevor George Male Maylands
1943/100965 Perth Harrington Dorothy Female Betts Charles Male Perth
1943/100965 Perth Betts Charles Male Harrington Dorothy Female Perth
1943/100966 Perth Garth Melvina Elsie Female Lawson Charles Francis Male Perth
1943/100966 Perth Lawson Charles Francis Male Garth Melvina Elsie Female Perth
1943/100967 Perth White William McNeil Male Harwood Mary Louisa Female Perth
1943/100967 Perth Harwood Mary Louisa Female White William McNeil Male Perth
1943/100968 Perth Lillingston Lesley Catherine Female Hewitt Albert Edward Male Perth
1943/100968 Perth Hewitt Albert Edward Male Lillingston Lesley Catherine Female Perth
1943/100969 Perth Evans Philip Albert Male Stagbouer Amanda Mary Anne Female Perth
1943/100969 Perth Stagbouer Amanda Mary Anne Female Evans Philip Albert Male Perth
1943/100970 Perth Hunt Joyce Female Hugill Desmond Robert Ellis Male Perth
1943/100970 Perth Hugill Desmond Robert Ellis Male Hunt Joyce Female Perth
1943/100971 Perth Harley Hazel Doreen Female Hegarty Daniel Philip Male Perth
1943/100971 Perth Hegarty Daniel Philip Male Harley Hazel Doreen Female Perth
1943/100972 Perth Robinson Barbara Wade Female Buckley Robert Edward Male Perth
1943/100972 Perth Buckley Robert Edward Male Robinson Barbara Wade Female Perth
1943/100973 Perth Bick Walter James Male Sadlier Patricia Mary Youle Female Perth
1943/100973 Perth Sadlier Patricia Mary Youle Female Bick Walter James Male Perth
1943/100974 Perth Stickland William Edward Charles Male Basell Thelma Marie Female Perth
1943/100974 Perth Basell Thelma Marie Female Stickland William Edward Charles Male Perth
1943/100975 Perth McNabb Ian Stewart Lindsay Male Brown Marion Kethere Female Perth
1943/100975 Perth Brown Marion Kethere Female McNabb Ian Stewart Lindsay Male Perth
1943/100976 Perth Smith Harry Sampson Male Byfield Elsie Kathleen Female Subiaco
1943/100976 Perth Byfield Elsie Kathleen Female Smith Harry Sampson Male Subiaco
1943/100977 Perth Tolland Marie Antoinette Female Allen William Francis Male Subiaco
1943/100977 Perth Allen William Francis Male Tolland Marie Antoinette Female Subiaco
1943/100978 Perth Canute Leslie Male McGrath Grace Mary Female Subiaco
1943/100978 Perth McGrath Grace Mary Female Canute Leslie Male Subiaco
1943/100979 Perth Reilly Leslie Norman Male Cunningham Teresa Vera Agnes Female Subiaco
1943/100979 Perth Cunningham Teresa Vera Agnes Female Reilly Leslie Norman Male Subiaco
1943/100980 Perth Mihich Petromila Female Chokolich Ante Male Osborne Park
1943/100980 Perth Chokolich Ante Male Mihich Petromila Female Osborne Park
1943/100981 Perth Olson Arthur Leslie Male Conder Grace Emala Female Mosman Park
1943/100981 Perth Conder Grace Emala Female Olson Arthur Leslie Male Mosman Park
1943/100982 Perth Gladden Colleen Jean Female Ringue Melvin Morgan Male North Perth
1943/100982 Perth Ringue Melvin Morgan Male Gladden Colleen Jean Female North Perth
1943/100983 Perth Dawson Noel Stanley Male Ayling Ruth Laura Female Perth
1943/100983 Perth Ayling Ruth Laura Female Dawson Noel Stanley Male Perth
1943/100984 Perth Mann Claude Male Andrews Gwendoline Female Perth
1943/100984 Perth Andrews Gwendoline Female Mann Claude Male Perth
1943/100985 Perth Thompson Arthur Norman Male Pogson Andrewena Female Maylands
1943/100985 Perth Pogson Andrewena Female Thompson Arthur Norman Male Maylands
1943/100986 Perth Semple Leslie Lloyd Male Hogg Ray Female Forrest Park
1943/100986 Perth Hogg Ray Female Semple Leslie Lloyd Male Forrest Park
1943/100987 Perth Crombie Kathleen Female Earnshaw Walter Male Subiaco
1943/100987 Perth Earnshaw Walter Male Crombie Kathleen Female Subiaco
1943/100988 Perth Rees Norma Beatrice Alice Female Robson John William Male Nedlands
1943/100988 Perth Robson John William Male Rees Norma Beatrice Alice Female Nedlands
1943/100989 Perth Dapper Mavis Jean Female Bowman Bertie Male Nedlands
1943/100989 Perth Bowman Bertie Male Dapper Mavis Jean Female Nedlands
1943/100990 Perth Choules John William Male Wilson Irene Christina Female Nedlands
1943/100990 Perth Wilson Irene Christina Female Choules John William Male Nedlands
1943/100991 Perth Gaffney Robert Alfred Male Martin Dorothy Winifred Female Perth
1943/100991 Perth Martin Dorothy Winifred Female Gaffney Robert Alfred Male Perth
1943/100992 Perth Smith Lorna Adelaide Female Morton Henry George Male Maylands
1943/100992 Perth Morton Henry George Male Smith Lorna Adelaide Female Maylands
1943/100993 Perth Maddren Kathleen Margaret Female Bernhard Edmund Roy Male Maylands
1943/100993 Perth Bernhard Edmund Roy Male Maddren Kathleen Margaret Female Maylands
1943/100994 Perth Thompson William Hogg Male Reynolds Beryl May Female Perth
1943/100994 Perth Reynolds Beryl May Female Thompson William Hogg Male Perth
1943/100995 Perth O'Brien Mary Catherine Female Baker Clarence John Male Perth
1943/100995 Perth Baker Clarence John Male O'Brien Mary Catherine Female Perth
1943/100996 Perth Connolly Joseph Michael Male Coffey Elizabeth Mary Female Mosman Park
1943/100996 Perth Coffey Elizabeth Mary Female Connolly Joseph Michael Male Mosman Park
1943/100997 Perth Brown Eileen Elizabeth Female Riley Ernest George Male Perth
1943/100997 Perth Riley Ernest George Male Brown Eileen Elizabeth Female Perth
1943/100998 Perth Lamb Jessie May Female Louis Walter Victor John Male Perth
1943/100998 Perth Louis Walter Victor John Male Lamb Jessie May Female Perth
1943/100999 Perth Campbell Cecil Gaven Male Doel Edith May Female Subiaco
1943/100999 Perth Doel Edith May Female Campbell Cecil Gaven Male Subiaco
1943/101000 Perth Jensen Olkjer Norman Male Hewitt Gwendoline May Female Subiaco
1943/101000 Perth Hewitt Gwendoline May Female Jensen Olkjer Norman Male Subiaco
1943/101001 Perth Ballantine James William Keith Male Mogridge Hilda Dorothea Female Subiaco
1943/101001 Perth Mogridge Hilda Dorothea Female Ballantine James William Keith Male Subiaco
1943/101002 Perth Healy James Joseph Male Wait Lilian Maud Female Mt Lawley
1943/101002 Perth Wait Lilian Maud Female Healy James Joseph Male Mt Lawley
1943/101003 Perth Backshall Alice Mabel Female Young Joseph Alexander Male Mt Lawley
1943/101003 Perth Young Joseph Alexander Male Backshall Alice Mabel Female Mt Lawley
1943/101004 Perth McQueen Archibald Jack Male Jones Gladys May Female Mt Lawley
1943/101004 Perth Jones Gladys May Female McQueen Archibald Jack Male Mt Lawley
1943/101005 Perth Rauce Kenneth Male Smith Joan Victoria Female Mt Lawley
1943/101005 Perth Smith Joan Victoria Female Rauce Kenneth Male Mt Lawley
1943/101006 Perth Young Joan Female Turner Douglas George Male Perth
1943/101006 Perth Turner Douglas George Male Young Joan Female Perth
1943/101007 Perth Pickersgill Elizabeth Joan Female Healy Stanley Grange Male Perth
1943/101007 Perth Healy Stanley Grange Male Pickersgill Elizabeth Joan Female Perth
1943/101009 Perth Franck Herbert Arthur Male Vickers Irene Victoria Female Perth
1943/101009 Perth Vickers Irene Victoria Female Franck Herbert Arthur Male Perth
1943/101010 Perth Goldsworthy Horace Frederick Male Lyons Clare Elizabeth Female Victoria Park
1943/101010 Perth Lyons Clare Elizabeth Female Goldsworthy Horace Frederick Male Victoria Park
1943/101011 Perth Weir Kathleen Vera Female Smith Albert Laurentius Male Victoria Park
1943/101011 Perth Smith Albert Laurentius Male Weir Kathleen Vera Female Victoria Park
1943/101012 Perth Foulds Lilian May Female Hill Douglas Male South Perth
1943/101012 Perth Hill Douglas Male Foulds Lilian May Female South Perth
1943/101013 Perth Buddee Joyce Alma Female Read Harold Alwyn Male Mount Lawley
1943/101013 Perth Read Harold Alwyn Male Buddee Joyce Alma Female Mount Lawley
1943/101014 Perth Quaife George Frederick Male Puttick Joan May Female South Perth
1943/101014 Perth Puttick Joan May Female Quaife George Frederick Male South Perth
1943/101015 Perth Hollingsworth Charles Roland Male Ashmore Heleanor Mary Female Perth
1943/101015 Perth Ashmore Heleanor Mary Female Hollingsworth Charles Roland Male Perth
1943/101016 Perth Spackman Robert John Male Hair Laura Joyce Female Maylands
1943/101016 Perth Hair Laura Joyce Female Spackman Robert John Male Maylands
1943/101017 Perth Chatwin Burleigh James Male Sundercombe Peggy Clay Female Rosalie
1943/101017 Perth Sundercombe Peggy Clay Female Chatwin Burleigh James Male Rosalie
1943/101018 Perth Stitfold Joan Ethel Female Rolliston Richard Charles Male Perth
1943/101018 Perth Rolliston Richard Charles Male Stitfold Joan Ethel Female Perth
1943/101019 Perth Abbott Ernest Clive Male Roach Patricia Jean Female Perth
1943/101019 Perth Roach Patricia Jean Female Abbott Ernest Clive Male Perth
1943/101020 Perth Leabeter Lilian Ida Female Noonan Leslie Ernest Male Perth
1943/101020 Perth Noonan Leslie Ernest Male Leabeter Lilian Ida Female Perth
1943/101021 Perth Allan Catherine Female Taylor Arthur Male Perth
1943/101021 Perth Taylor Arthur Male Allan Catherine Female Perth
1943/101022 Perth Read Lily Female Newbon William Roy Male Perth
1943/101022 Perth Newbon William Roy Male Read Lily Female Perth
1943/101023 Perth Jones Lilian Agnes Kate Female Austen Mervyn George Male Perth
1943/101023 Perth Austen Mervyn George Male Jones Lilian Agnes Kate Female Perth
1943/101024 Perth Drabble Margaret Ward Female Davey Thomas Eric Male Perth
1943/101024 Perth Davey Thomas Eric Male Drabble Margaret Ward Female Perth
1943/101025 Perth Walton Lily Maud Female Charlton John Watson Male Perth
1943/101025 Perth Charlton John Watson Male Walton Lily Maud Female Perth
1943/101026 Perth Clarkson Doreen Bertha Female Brown Lyall Male Subiaco
1943/101026 Perth Brown Lyall Male Clarkson Doreen Bertha Female Subiaco
1943/101027 Perth Owens Robert Male Murphy Joan Marcelle Female Perth
1943/101027 Perth Murphy Joan Marcelle Female Owens Robert Male Perth
1943/101028 Perth Callaghan Thomas Male Leuba Alice Clare Female West Perth
1943/101028 Perth Leuba Alice Clare Female Callaghan Thomas Male West Perth
1943/101029 Perth Coleman Albert James Male Snow Hilda Olive Female West Perth
1943/101029 Perth Snow Hilda Olive Female Coleman Albert James Male West Perth
1943/101030 Perth Morrison Gertrude Female Acosta Pablo Male West Perth
1943/101030 Perth Acosta Pablo Male Morrison Gertrude Female West Perth
1943/101031 Perth Scott Peggy Female Doyle William Henry Male Victoria Park
1943/101031 Perth Doyle William Henry Male Scott Peggy Female Victoria Park
1943/101032 Perth Walker Alfred Allan George Male Sherwood Margaret Muriel Female Claremont
1943/101032 Perth Sherwood Margaret Muriel Female Walker Alfred Allan George Male Claremont
1943/101033 Perth Denham Violet Female Smith William Male Perth
1943/101033 Perth Smith William Male Denham Violet Female Perth
1943/101034 Perth Wyllie Robert Male Barnes Ina Alice Female Perth
1943/101034 Perth Barnes Ina Alice Female Wyllie Robert Male Perth
1943/101035 Perth Lennox Colin Meaden Male Laker Iris Jean Female Perth
1943/101035 Perth Laker Iris Jean Female Lennox Colin Meaden Male Perth
1943/101036 Perth Litchfield Walter Male Gaunt Noel Female Perth
1943/101036 Perth Gaunt Noel Female Litchfield Walter Male Perth
1943/101037 Perth Killick Audrey Sylvia Female Blaize Mervyn Frederick Arnold Male Perth
1943/101037 Perth Blaize Mervyn Frederick Arnold Male Killick Audrey Sylvia Female Perth
1943/101038 Perth Moss Phoebe Lydia Female Carter Henry Lewis Male Perth
1943/101038 Perth Carter Henry Lewis Male Moss Phoebe Lydia Female Perth
1943/101039 Perth Rickert James Herbert Male Brennan Patricia Catherine Mary Female Perth
1943/101039 Perth Brennan Patricia Catherine Mary Female Rickert James Herbert Male Perth
1943/101040 Perth Johnson Phyllis Joyce Female Baldcock Frederick Philip Male Perth
1943/101040 Perth Baldcock Frederick Philip Male Johnson Phyllis Joyce Female Perth
1943/101041 Perth Daws Malcolm Ernest Male Walker Gladys M'liss Female Perth
1943/101041 Perth Walker Gladys M'liss Female Daws Malcolm Ernest Male Perth
1943/101042 Perth Brierley Leslie Male Kennedy Alice Joyce Female Perth
1943/101042 Perth Kennedy Alice Joyce Female Brierley Leslie Male Perth
1943/101044 Perth Pearse Evelyn Marjorie Female Richards Barnard MacKenzie Male Perth
1943/101044 Perth Richards Barnard MacKenzie Male Pearse Evelyn Marjorie Female Perth
1943/101045 Perth Murphy Alan James Male Warburton Joan Female Perth
1943/101045 Perth Warburton Joan Female Murphy Alan James Male Perth
1943/101046 Perth Mitchell James Francis Ewan Male Richards Daphne Theresa Female Perth
1943/101046 Perth Richards Daphne Theresa Female Mitchell James Francis Ewan Male Perth
1943/101047 Perth Campbell Richard Ernest Male Jepson Mavis Female Perth
1943/101047 Perth Jepson Mavis Female Campbell Richard Ernest Male Perth
1943/101048 Perth Rafferty Elizabeth Mair Cameron Female Reed John Henry Male Perth
1943/101048 Perth Reed John Henry Male Rafferty Elizabeth Mair Cameron Female Perth
1943/101049 Perth Shand Victor Duncan Male Lampe Dorothy Marie Female Perth
1943/101049 Perth Lampe Dorothy Marie Female Shand Victor Duncan Male Perth
1943/101050 Perth Cassey Beatrice Noel Female Kerr Daniel Male Perth
1943/101050 Perth Kerr Daniel Male Cassey Beatrice Noel Female Perth
1943/101051 Perth Payne Hannah Female Meeres Bertram Griffiths Male Perth
1943/101051 Perth Meeres Bertram Griffiths Male Payne Hannah Female Perth
1943/101052 Perth White Margaret Joyce Female Gunnyon Walter Robert Male Perth
1943/101052 Perth Gunnyon Walter Robert Male White Margaret Joyce Female Perth
1943/101053 Perth Groat Donald Edward Male Barnes Marjorie Joan Female Perth
1943/101053 Perth Barnes Marjorie Joan Female Groat Donald Edward Male Perth
1943/101054 Perth Neil Helen Brownlie Female Edwards Leslie Albert Male South Perth
1943/101054 Perth Edwards Leslie Albert Male Neil Helen Brownlie Female South Perth
1943/101055 Perth Barrow Lillian Rose Female Grasso Nicola Male Perth
1943/101055 Perth Grasso Nicola Male Barrow Lillian Rose Female Perth
1943/101056 Perth Boyd Edwin Raymond Male Kershaw Rita Catherine Female Perth
1943/101056 Perth Kershaw Rita Catherine Female Boyd Edwin Raymond Male Perth
1943/101057 Perth Grote Albert Louis Male Fenimore Ireneè Victoria Female West Perth
1943/101057 Perth Fenimore Ireneè Victoria Female Grote Albert Louis Male West Perth
1943/101058 Perth Gregory Edna Jean Female Eeles Ernest Roy Male West Perth
1943/101058 Perth Eeles Ernest Roy Male Gregory Edna Jean Female West Perth
1943/101059 Perth Ellis Ray Maxwell Male Brown Grace Female West Perth
1943/101059 Perth Brown Grace Female Ellis Ray Maxwell Male West Perth
1943/101060 Perth Crain Dorothy Gwendoline Female Willison Eric Raymond Male Maylands
1943/101060 Perth Willison Eric Raymond Male Crain Dorothy Gwendoline Female Maylands
1943/101061 Perth Saul Joyce Female Beeck Alan Ross Male Perth
1943/101061 Perth Beeck Alan Ross Male Saul Joyce Female Perth
1943/101062 Perth Matthews Robert Irwin Male Abercromby Irene Female Claremont
1943/101062 Perth Abercromby Irene Female Matthews Robert Irwin Male Claremont
1943/101063 Perth Colton Vera Lynda Female Fraser Gordon Wallace Male Claremont
1943/101063 Perth Fraser Gordon Wallace Male Colton Vera Lynda Female Claremont
1943/101064 Perth Lawson Lorna Rose Female Coulson Wallace Alfred John Male Perth
1943/101064 Perth Coulson Wallace Alfred John Male Lawson Lorna Rose Female Perth
1943/101065 Perth McKenzie Williams Thomas Male Heil Mavis Female Perth
1943/101065 Perth Heil Mavis Female McKenzie Williams Thomas Male Perth
1943/101066 Perth Bruce Agnes Female Johnson George William Male North Perth
1943/101066 Perth Johnson George William Male Bruce Agnes Female North Perth
1943/101067 Perth Till Charlotte Emily Female Otley Leslie Ernest Male Bayswater
1943/101067 Perth Otley Leslie Ernest Male Till Charlotte Emily Female Bayswater
1943/101068 Perth McGrath James Joseph Male Geraghty Monica Female Perth
1943/101068 Perth Geraghty Monica Female McGrath James Joseph Male Perth
1943/101069 Perth Copley Roma Joyce Female Armstrong Philip Male Subiaco
1943/101069 Perth Armstrong Philip Male Copley Roma Joyce Female Subiaco
1943/101070 Perth Lawrence Sydney William Male Collins Vera Alma Female North Perth
1943/101070 Perth Collins Vera Alma Female Lawrence Sydney William Male North Perth
1943/101071 Perth Garwood Joan Female Lint Robert Walker Male North Perth
1943/101071 Perth Lint Robert Walker Male Garwood Joan Female North Perth
1943/101072 Perth Greaves Verna Jessie Margaret Female Thompson Harold Male Victoria Park
1943/101072 Perth Thompson Harold Male Greaves Verna Jessie Margaret Female Victoria Park
1943/101073 Perth Keene Mavis Gertrude Female Keen Eric William Male South Perth
1943/101073 Perth Keen Eric William Male Keene Mavis Gertrude Female South Perth
1943/101074 Perth Evans Audrey Female Hill Clement Male South Perth
1943/101074 Perth Hill Clement Male Evans Audrey Female South Perth
1943/101075 Perth Knight Jack Male Barker Evelyn Lesley Female Victoria Park
1943/101075 Perth Barker Evelyn Lesley Female Knight Jack Male Victoria Park
1943/101076 Perth Bodé Gwenneth Dulcie Female Taylor Ronald Victor Male Cottesloe
1943/101076 Perth Taylor Ronald Victor Male Bodé Gwenneth Dulcie Female Cottesloe
1943/101077 Perth Morey Anne Amelia May Female Williams Jack Male Victoria Park
1943/101077 Perth Williams Jack Male Morey Anne Amelia May Female Victoria Park
1943/101078 Perth Scott Eileen Esther Female Forsyth Joseph Male Perth
1943/101078 Perth Forsyth Joseph Male Scott Eileen Esther Female Perth
1943/101079 Perth Hassell Mary Isabel Female Palmer Walter Benjiman Male Perth
1943/101079 Perth Palmer Walter Benjiman Male Hassell Mary Isabel Female Perth
1943/101080 Perth Bowman Alfred Ernest Male Stone Patricia Lucille Female Perth
1943/101080 Perth Stone Patricia Lucille Female Bowman Alfred Ernest Male Perth
1943/101081 Perth Pinner Edward Hubert Male McGuire Marguerite Jean Female Perth
1943/101081 Perth McGuire Marguerite Jean Female Pinner Edward Hubert Male Perth
1943/101082 Perth Wilkinson John Alfred Male White Joan Grace Female Perth
1943/101082 Perth White Joan Grace Female Wilkinson John Alfred Male Perth
1943/101083 Perth Mole Doris Female Black Alexander Duncan Male Perth
1943/101083 Perth Black Alexander Duncan Male Mole Doris Female Perth
1943/101084 Perth Brede Lesley Jean Female Douglas Frank Nugent Male Perth
1943/101084 Perth Douglas Frank Nugent Male Brede Lesley Jean Female Perth
1943/101085 Perth Reynolds Winsome Beatrice Female Reynolds Norman Claude Male Perth
1943/101085 Perth Reynolds Norman Claude Male Reynolds Winsome Beatrice Female Perth
1943/101086 Perth Seiffert Denis Roger Male McCormick Esther Amelia Female Perth
1943/101086 Perth McCormick Esther Amelia Female Seiffert Denis Roger Male Perth
1943/101087 Perth Chapman Mervyn Austin Male Lockyer Dorothy Maude Female Subiaco
1943/101087 Perth Lockyer Dorothy Maude Female Chapman Mervyn Austin Male Subiaco
1943/101088 Perth Spencer Joyce Female Kelly Leonard John Male West Perth
1943/101088 Perth Kelly Leonard John Male Spencer Joyce Female West Perth
1943/101089 Perth Johns Reginald Ernest Male Martin Norma Mary Female West Perth
1943/101089 Perth Martin Norma Mary Female Johns Reginald Ernest Male West Perth
1943/101090 Perth Irvine John Taylor Male McIntyre Vivian Joyce Female West Perth
1943/101090 Perth McIntyre Vivian Joyce Female Irvine John Taylor Male West Perth
1943/101091 Perth Chamberlain Erica Ella Female Bigham Robert King Male West Perth
1943/101091 Perth Bigham Robert King Male Chamberlain Erica Ella Female West Perth
1943/101092 Perth Bush Richard Male Hodges Dorothy Freda Female North Perth
1943/101092 Perth Hodges Dorothy Freda Female Bush Richard Male North Perth
1943/101093 Perth Hicks Richard Charles Male Harman Grace Marie Female North Perth
1943/101093 Perth Harman Grace Marie Female Hicks Richard Charles Male North Perth
1943/101094 Perth Davies Trevor Male Howting Gwenyth Madge Female Perth
1943/101094 Perth Howting Gwenyth Madge Female Davies Trevor Male Perth
1943/101095 Perth Privost Marie Maie Female Tregoning Jack Male Cottesloe
1943/101095 Perth Tregoning Jack Male Privost Marie Maie Female Cottesloe
1943/101096 Perth Gibbons Stanley Cyril Male Scott Ivy Louisa Female Cottesloe
1943/101096 Perth Scott Ivy Louisa Female Gibbons Stanley Cyril Male Cottesloe
1943/101097 Perth Diggins Stanley Cyril George Male Smith Phyllis Audrey Female Mt Hawthorn
1943/101097 Perth Smith Phyllis Audrey Female Diggins Stanley Cyril George Male Mt Hawthorn
1943/101098 Perth Carter Dorothy Lillian Female Jackson Robert Male Cottesloe
1943/101098 Perth Jackson Robert Male Carter Dorothy Lillian Female Cottesloe
1943/101099 Perth Weir William Ian Male Thomas Coral Morwyn Female Cottesloe
1943/101099 Perth Thomas Coral Morwyn Female Weir William Ian Male Cottesloe
1943/101100 Perth Ellershaw Patricia Olive Female Murray Frederick Robert Male Cottesloe
1943/101100 Perth Murray Frederick Robert Male Ellershaw Patricia Olive Female Cottesloe
1943/101101 Perth King Albert Thomas Male Cassidy Alice Amelia Female Perth
1943/101101 Perth Cassidy Alice Amelia Female King Albert Thomas Male Perth
1943/101102 Perth Heavey Denis Francis Male Beard Elizabeth Mary Bernice Female Perth
1943/101102 Perth Beard Elizabeth Mary Bernice Female Heavey Denis Francis Male Perth
1943/101103 Perth Sheahan Joseph Edward Male Fairclough Dorothy Rhoda Female South Perth
1943/101103 Perth Fairclough Dorothy Rhoda Female Sheahan Joseph Edward Male South Perth
1943/101104 Perth Corrie Lionel Leonard Male Cooke June Lilian Female Perth
1943/101104 Perth Cooke June Lilian Female Corrie Lionel Leonard Male Perth
1943/101105 Perth McCardey Edna France Female Walsh Keith Male Perth
1943/101105 Perth Walsh Keith Male McCardey Edna France Female Perth
1943/101106 Perth Sinclair Patricia Mary Female Millen Arthur Wallace Male Highgate Hill
1943/101106 Perth Millen Arthur Wallace Male Sinclair Patricia Mary Female Highgate Hill
1943/101107 Perth Gallagher Nora Frances Female Nolan Harold Aloysius Male Highgate Hill
1943/101107 Perth Nolan Harold Aloysius Male Gallagher Nora Frances Female Highgate Hill
1943/101108 Perth Martens Marie Patricia Female Blampey Henry James Male Highgate Hill
1943/101108 Perth Blampey Henry James Male Martens Marie Patricia Female Highgate Hill
1943/101109 Perth Anderson Horace Charles Male Dover Daphne Iris Female Cottesloe
1943/101109 Perth Dover Daphne Iris Female Anderson Horace Charles Male Cottesloe
1943/101110 Perth Southee Kenneth Vincent Male Burghall Ruby Winifred Female Mt Lawley
1943/101110 Perth Burghall Ruby Winifred Female Southee Kenneth Vincent Male Mt Lawley
1943/101111 Perth Klein William Henry Male Turner Hilda Eunice Female Mt Lawley
1943/101111 Perth Turner Hilda Eunice Female Klein William Henry Male Mt Lawley
1943/101112 Perth Dunbabin George Male Hart Dorothy Henrietta Female Nedlands
1943/101112 Perth Hart Dorothy Henrietta Female Dunbabin George Male Nedlands
1943/101113 Perth Adams Royston John Male Ashfold Dolores Margaret Female Victoria Park
1943/101113 Perth Ashfold Dolores Margaret Female Adams Royston John Male Victoria Park
1943/101114 Perth Ashby Percy Lawrence Male Bassett Kathleen Gertrude Female Victoria Park
1943/101114 Perth Bassett Kathleen Gertrude Female Ashby Percy Lawrence Male Victoria Park
1943/101115 Perth Abrahams Roy Male Christmass Lesley Maude Female Victoria Park
1943/101115 Perth Christmass Lesley Maude Female Abrahams Roy Male Victoria Park
1943/101116 Perth Gardiner Andrew John Male Scott Ellen Dickson Female Perth
1943/101116 Perth Scott Ellen Dickson Female Gardiner Andrew John Male Perth
1943/101117 Perth Bahen Edmond Vincent Male Cavanagh Isabel Female Perth
1943/101117 Perth Cavanagh Isabel Female Bahen Edmond Vincent Male Perth
1943/101118 Perth Bycroft Clarence Male Sullivan Enid Mary Female Perth
1943/101118 Perth Sullivan Enid Mary Female Bycroft Clarence Male Perth
1943/101119 Perth Gardener William John Male Barrett Valda May Female Perth
1943/101119 Perth Barrett Valda May Female Gardener William John Male Perth
1943/101120 Perth Watson Grace Ellen Female Palm William Francis Male North Leederville
1943/101120 Perth Palm William Francis Male Watson Grace Ellen Female North Leederville
1943/101121 Perth Shaw Joan Evelyn Female Grocock Eric Male Perth
1943/101121 Perth Grocock Eric Male Shaw Joan Evelyn Female Perth
1943/101122 Perth D'Alton Esme Pearl Female Davidson Neil Male Perth
1943/101122 Perth Davidson Neil Male D'Alton Esme Pearl Female Perth
1943/101123 Perth Nadin Nancy Irene Female Love Harry Male Perth
1943/101123 Perth Love Harry Male Nadin Nancy Irene Female Perth
1943/101124 Perth Sadler Claude Alexander Male Booth Jean Frances Female Perth
1943/101124 Perth Booth Jean Frances Female Sadler Claude Alexander Male Perth
1943/101125 Perth Perry Alfred Trevor Male Hewitt Edna Joyce Female Perth
1943/101125 Perth Hewitt Edna Joyce Female Perry Alfred Trevor Male Perth
1943/101126 Perth Jennings Ronald Maxwell Male Reeves Marjorie Joyce Female Perth
1943/101126 Perth Reeves Marjorie Joyce Female Jennings Ronald Maxwell Male Perth
1943/101127 Perth Whittaker Francis William Male Thesiger Nancy Anita Female Perth
1943/101127 Perth Thesiger Nancy Anita Female Whittaker Francis William Male Perth
1943/101128 Perth Agnew Sarah Female Kurtz George Alfred Male Perth
1943/101128 Perth Kurtz George Alfred Male Agnew Sarah Female Perth
1943/101129 Perth Baxter Mary Irene Female Stockdale Robert Male Perth
1943/101129 Perth Stockdale Robert Male Baxter Mary Irene Female Perth
1943/101130 Perth Chinnery Oswald Walter Male Brown Shirley Evelyn Female Highgate Hill
1943/101130 Perth Brown Shirley Evelyn Female Chinnery Oswald Walter Male Highgate Hill
1943/101131 Perth Burns Barton Mervyn Male Hansen Iris Elsie Female Highgate Hill
1943/101131 Perth Hansen Iris Elsie Female Burns Barton Mervyn Male Highgate Hill
1943/101132 Perth Reddrop Leslie Sydney Douglas Male Treloar Olive Ida Female Highgate Hill
1943/101132 Perth Treloar Olive Ida Female Reddrop Leslie Sydney Douglas Male Highgate Hill
1943/101133 Perth Chapple Mervyn Joseph Male Ramsden Dorothy Marguerite Female Subiaco
1943/101133 Perth Ramsden Dorothy Marguerite Female Chapple Mervyn Joseph Male Subiaco
1943/101134 Perth Abraham Olive Violet Female Smith Frederick Victor Male Claremont
1943/101134 Perth Smith Frederick Victor Male Abraham Olive Violet Female Claremont
1943/101135 Perth Duirs Kenneth Lorne Male Readhead Edna Frances Female Rosalie
1943/101135 Perth Readhead Edna Frances Female Duirs Kenneth Lorne Male Rosalie
1943/101136 Perth Millar Andrew Brown Male Harris Hazel Ann Female Mount Hawthorn
1943/101136 Perth Harris Hazel Ann Female Millar Andrew Brown Male Mount Hawthorn
1943/101137 Perth Filipou Kaliopi Christou Female Christodoulou George Male Perth
1943/101137 Perth Christodoulou George Male Filipou Kaliopi Christou Female Perth
1943/101138 Perth Print Alfred Norman Male Nicholls Shirley Joyce Female Bayswater
1943/101138 Perth Nicholls Shirley Joyce Female Print Alfred Norman Male Bayswater
1943/101139 Perth Assender Nancye Ethel Female Allender Edward John Male North Perth
1943/101139 Perth Allender Edward John Male Assender Nancye Ethel Female North Perth
1943/101140 Perth Green Doris Belinda Female Brearley John Roy Male North Perth
1943/101140 Perth Brearley John Roy Male Green Doris Belinda Female North Perth
1943/101141 Perth Harry Lila Female Nelson Francis Alexander Male Subiaco
1943/101141 Perth Nelson Francis Alexander Male Harry Lila Female Subiaco
1943/101142 Perth Fry Phillis Isobel Female Grantham Joseph Anderson Male Subiaco
1943/101142 Perth Grantham Joseph Anderson Male Fry Phillis Isobel Female Subiaco
1943/101143 Perth Hicks Isa Marjorie Female Fellows Gordon George Ronald Male West Perth
1943/101143 Perth Fellows Gordon George Ronald Male Hicks Isa Marjorie Female West Perth
1943/101144 Perth Irons Jack Edward Male Ranclaud Joan Female Perth
1943/101144 Perth Ranclaud Joan Female Irons Jack Edward Male Perth
1943/101145 Perth Trigg Thomas William Austin Male Wheatley Madge Alison Female Perth
1943/101145 Perth Wheatley Madge Alison Female Trigg Thomas William Austin Male Perth
1943/101146 Perth Knight Dorothy Mary Female Fernihough Kenneth James Male Perth
1943/101146 Perth Fernihough Kenneth James Male Knight Dorothy Mary Female Perth
1943/101147 Perth Riley Lawrence William Male Jose Margaret Dorothea Female Perth
1943/101147 Perth Jose Margaret Dorothea Female Riley Lawrence William Male Perth
1943/101148 Perth Wood Ronald Frank Male Goldsmith Patricia Violet Female Perth
1943/101148 Perth Goldsmith Patricia Violet Female Wood Ronald Frank Male Perth
1943/101149 Perth Goodwin Irene Constance Marion Female Gray Ivan Harold Male Perth
1943/101149 Perth Gray Ivan Harold Male Goodwin Irene Constance Marion Female Perth
1943/101150 Perth Maldon Joyce Evelyn Female Brown Colin Norman Lambert Male Perth
1943/101150 Perth Brown Colin Norman Lambert Male Maldon Joyce Evelyn Female Perth
1943/101151 Perth Budge Hope Margaret Female Kitto George Francis Male Perth
1943/101151 Perth Kitto George Francis Male Budge Hope Margaret Female Perth
1943/101152 Perth O'Connor Vernon Male Reynolds Olive Joyce Female Perth
1943/101152 Perth Reynolds Olive Joyce Female O'Connor Vernon Male Perth
1943/101153 Perth Temple Ronald Stanley Male Elliot Helen Marion Female Perth
1943/101153 Perth Elliot Helen Marion Female Temple Ronald Stanley Male Perth
1943/101154 Perth King Marjorie Joyce Female Bridger Allen Reginald Male Perth
1943/101154 Perth Bridger Allen Reginald Male King Marjorie Joyce Female Perth
1943/101155 Perth Wardrope George Giles Male Rich Olive Frances Female Nedlands
1943/101155 Perth Rich Olive Frances Female Wardrope George Giles Male Nedlands
1943/101156 Perth Allan Diana Fairlie Female Spargo William Pearce Male Mount Lawley
1943/101156 Perth Spargo William Pearce Male Allan Diana Fairlie Female Mount Lawley
1943/101157 Perth Hudson Noel Albert Male Lefroy Violet Joyce Female Subiaco
1943/101157 Perth Lefroy Violet Joyce Female Hudson Noel Albert Male Subiaco
1943/101158 Perth Haywood Helen Annie Jessie Female Chitty Phillip Henry Male Subiaco
1943/101158 Perth Chitty Phillip Henry Male Haywood Helen Annie Jessie Female Subiaco
1943/101159 Perth Gaitskell Harry Male Northam Thelma Blanche Female Subiaco
1943/101159 Perth Northam Thelma Blanche Female Gaitskell Harry Male Subiaco
1943/101160 Perth Jones Morris Elias Male Burns Olive Myrtle Female Subiaco
1943/101160 Perth Burns Olive Myrtle Female Jones Morris Elias Male Subiaco
1943/101161 Perth Randall Dorothy May Female Harper William Bryn Male West Perth
1943/101161 Perth Harper William Bryn Male Randall Dorothy May Female West Perth
1943/101162 Perth Nelson William Robert Male Hewton Constance Jean Female West Perth
1943/101162 Perth Hewton Constance Jean Female Nelson William Robert Male West Perth
1943/101163 Perth Macdonald Barbara Stuart Female Williams Frederick Herbert Male Claremont
1943/101163 Perth Williams Frederick Herbert Male Macdonald Barbara Stuart Female Claremont
1943/101164 Perth Jardine Joyce Campbell Female Facius Everard Noel Male Claremont
1943/101164 Perth Facius Everard Noel Male Jardine Joyce Campbell Female Claremont
1943/101165 Perth Crewe Eileen Mary Teresa Female King Charles Frederick Keith Male Claremont
1943/101165 Perth King Charles Frederick Keith Male Crewe Eileen Mary Teresa Female Claremont
1943/101166 Perth Pontifex Govan Friend Male Hilton Rhoda Alice Female Claremont
1943/101166 Perth Hilton Rhoda Alice Female Pontifex Govan Friend Male Claremont
1943/101167 Perth Bodwell John David Male Ward Joan Clifford Female Claremont
1943/101167 Perth Ward Joan Clifford Female Bodwell John David Male Claremont
1943/101168 Perth Manning John Robert Male Wark Ellen Amelia Female Claremont
1943/101168 Perth Wark Ellen Amelia Female Manning John Robert Male Claremont
1943/101169 Perth Clydesdale May Female McClure Alexander Thomas Male Claremont
1943/101169 Perth McClure Alexander Thomas Male Clydesdale May Female Claremont
1943/101170 Perth Lush Keith Vivian Male Williams Gwendoline Marion Female Claremont
1943/101170 Perth Williams Gwendoline Marion Female Lush Keith Vivian Male Claremont
1943/101171 Perth Blackburne Spencer King Male Smith Margaret Florence Female Claremont
1943/101171 Perth Smith Margaret Florence Female Blackburne Spencer King Male Claremont
1943/101172 Perth Pendleton John Edgar Male Disher Dulcie Norma Female Claremont
1943/101172 Perth Disher Dulcie Norma Female Pendleton John Edgar Male Claremont
1943/101173 Perth Piggin Richard Henry Male Sharp Vyda Normanda Female Perth
1943/101173 Perth Sharp Vyda Normanda Female Piggin Richard Henry Male Perth
1943/101174 Perth Sharpe Joyce Elfreda Sainsbury Female Warren Louis Delbert Male Perth
1943/101174 Perth Warren Louis Delbert Male Sharpe Joyce Elfreda Sainsbury Female Perth
1943/101175 Perth Whiting Iris Clare Female Martin William Matthew Male Perth
1943/101175 Perth Martin William Matthew Male Whiting Iris Clare Female Perth
1943/101176 Perth Fennell William George Male Johnstone Margaret Goldie Noble Female Perth
1943/101176 Perth Johnstone Margaret Goldie Noble Female Fennell William George Male Perth
1943/101177 Perth James Arthur Witnish Male Ferrier Brenda Dorothy Female Cottesloe
1943/101177 Perth Ferrier Brenda Dorothy Female James Arthur Witnish Male Cottesloe
1943/101178 Perth Margrie Leslie Vincent Male Davis Florence Louisa Jane Female Perth
1943/101178 Perth Davis Florence Louisa Jane Female Margrie Leslie Vincent Male Perth
1943/101179 Perth Maloney James Daniel Male Malone Violet Patricia Female West Perth
1943/101179 Perth Malone Violet Patricia Female Maloney James Daniel Male West Perth
1943/101180 Perth Falconer Robert Male Dawson Ivy Olive Female West Perth
1943/101180 Perth Dawson Ivy Olive Female Falconer Robert Male West Perth
1943/101181 Perth Guy Aileen May Female Taylor Edward Ellis Male South Perth
1943/101181 Perth Taylor Edward Ellis Male Guy Aileen May Female South Perth
1943/101182 Perth Alkin Avis Eileen Female Kidd Frank Male Victoria Park
1943/101182 Perth Kidd Frank Male Alkin Avis Eileen Female Victoria Park
1943/101183 Perth Young John Edward Male Hardman Mary Marion Female Perth
1943/101183 Perth Hardman Mary Marion Female Young John Edward Male Perth
1943/101184 Perth Batten Sylvia Anne Female Quinn Cyril Henry Francis Male Maylands
1943/101184 Perth Quinn Cyril Henry Francis Male Batten Sylvia Anne Female Maylands
1943/101185 Perth Ottey Margaret Alice Ivy Female Dunne Joseph Patrick Male Perth
1943/101185 Perth Dunne Joseph Patrick Male Ottey Margaret Alice Ivy Female Perth
1943/101186 Perth Starling Charles Edward Male Bunter Ruth Josephine Female Perth
1943/101186 Perth Bunter Ruth Josephine Female Starling Charles Edward Male Perth
1943/101187 Perth Fordham Marjorie Patricia Female Kelly Arthur Male Perth
1943/101187 Perth Kelly Arthur Male Fordham Marjorie Patricia Female Perth
1943/101188 Perth Sullivan Teresa Margaret Female Dodds Frederick Ronald Male Perth
1943/101188 Perth Dodds Frederick Ronald Male Sullivan Teresa Margaret Female Perth
1943/101189 Perth Temby Patricia Josephine Female Ahern Cornelius Quigley Male Perth
1943/101189 Perth Ahern Cornelius Quigley Male Temby Patricia Josephine Female Perth
1943/101190 Perth Anderson Ella Fredrica Female Guy Frank Rollings Male Perth
1943/101190 Perth Guy Frank Rollings Male Anderson Ella Fredrica Female Perth
1943/101191 Perth Kam Albert Ming Male Bow Ada Elizabeth Female Perth
1943/101191 Perth Bow Ada Elizabeth Female Kam Albert Ming Male Perth
1943/101192 Perth Wine Solomon Male Lewis Mabel Female Perth
1943/101192 Perth Lewis Mabel Female Wine Solomon Male Perth
1943/101193 Perth Orsi Osmano Male Rowles Doreen Female Perth
1943/101193 Perth Rowles Doreen Female Orsi Osmano Male Perth
1943/101194 Perth Howlett June Female Blomfield Alfred Aubrey Male Perth
1943/101194 Perth Blomfield Alfred Aubrey Male Howlett June Female Perth
1943/101195 Perth Hotker Ella Bertha Female Pumphrey William John Male Perth
1943/101195 Perth Pumphrey William John Male Hotker Ella Bertha Female Perth
1943/101196 Perth Heinrich Alice Edna Female Lovedee Benjamin Herbert Male Mt Lawley
1943/101196 Perth Lovedee Benjamin Herbert Male Heinrich Alice Edna Female Mt Lawley
1943/101197 Perth Colreavy Leo Male Marsh Norma Josephine Female Leederville
1943/101197 Perth Marsh Norma Josephine Female Colreavy Leo Male Leederville
1943/101198 Perth Wood Elsie Rose Female Gee Arthur Geoffrey Male Leederville
1943/101198 Perth Gee Arthur Geoffrey Male Wood Elsie Rose Female Leederville
1943/101199 Perth Moore Louisa Frances Female Keating Wilfred Haywood Male Perth
1943/101199 Perth Keating Wilfred Haywood Male Moore Louisa Frances Female Perth
1943/101200 Perth de Haan Simon Male Young Betty Mavis Female Perth
1943/101200 Perth Young Betty Mavis Female de Haan Simon Male Perth
1943/101201 Perth Pendlebury Irene Alma Female Weatherburn Bernard Male Perth
1943/101201 Perth Weatherburn Bernard Male Pendlebury Irene Alma Female Perth
1943/101202 Perth Nagel Beatrice Olive Female Perkins Lewis Bennett Male West Perth
1943/101202 Perth Perkins Lewis Bennett Male Nagel Beatrice Olive Female West Perth
1943/101203 Perth Hyne Robert Richard Male Phillips Lydia Teresa Female West Perth
1943/101203 Perth Phillips Lydia Teresa Female Hyne Robert Richard Male West Perth
1943/101204 Perth Bestwick Ellen May Female Kruger Robert Harry Clements Male Maylands
1943/101204 Perth Kruger Robert Harry Clements Male Bestwick Ellen May Female Maylands
1943/101205 Perth Lindsay Merle Joy Female Lannan Vernon Joseph Male Highgate Hill
1943/101205 Perth Lannan Vernon Joseph Male Lindsay Merle Joy Female Highgate Hill
1943/101206 Perth Kenny Edward Michael Male Clifton Dorothy Worsley Female Highgate Hill
1943/101206 Perth Clifton Dorothy Worsley Female Kenny Edward Michael Male Highgate Hill
1943/101207 Perth Knowles Peggy Rosemary Female Duffy Charles Male West Perth
1943/101207 Perth Duffy Charles Male Knowles Peggy Rosemary Female West Perth
1943/101208 Perth White John Harold Male McCorry Theresa May Female West Perth
1943/101208 Perth McCorry Theresa May Female White John Harold Male West Perth
1943/101209 Perth Sullivan Thomas Bernard Male O'Grady Ethel Maud Female West Perth
1943/101209 Perth O'Grady Ethel Maud Female Sullivan Thomas Bernard Male West Perth
1943/101210 Perth Capolingua Cona Female Martino Frank Male West Perth
1943/101210 Perth Martino Frank Male Capolingua Cona Female West Perth
1943/101211 Perth Hann Albert Victor Male Stevens Ethel May Female Maylands
1943/101211 Perth Stevens Ethel May Female Hann Albert Victor Male Maylands
1943/101212 Perth McCarthy Bridget Female Perrin Albert Edmund Male Cottesloe
1943/101212 Perth Perrin Albert Edmund Male McCarthy Bridget Female Cottesloe
1943/101213 Perth Park Merle Ethel Female Hobbs Albert Edward Male Baywater
1943/101213 Perth Hobbs Albert Edward Male Park Merle Ethel Female Baywater
1943/101214 Perth Farrell Lillian Mary Female Murphy Vincent Francis Gerald Male Perth
1943/101214 Perth Murphy Vincent Francis Gerald Male Farrell Lillian Mary Female Perth
1943/101215 Perth Keyser Gladys Ethelwyne Female Marwick William Joseph Male Perth
1943/101215 Perth Marwick William Joseph Male Keyser Gladys Ethelwyne Female Perth
1943/101216 Perth Jozwick Francis Xavier Male Nielson Audry Netta Joy Female Perth
1943/101216 Perth Nielson Audry Netta Joy Female Jozwick Francis Xavier Male Perth
1943/101217 Perth Walker Myrtle Freeland Female Wilkie Gerald Male Perth
1943/101217 Perth Wilkie Gerald Male Walker Myrtle Freeland Female Perth
1943/101218 Perth Callander Gloria Dorothy Female Gannon Bruce Marshall Male Perth
1943/101218 Perth Gannon Bruce Marshall Male Callander Gloria Dorothy Female Perth
1943/101219 Perth Lloyd Doris Magdaline Female Bateman James Male Perth
1943/101219 Perth Bateman James Male Lloyd Doris Magdaline Female Perth
1943/101220 Perth Brady Frederick Male Ryan Mary Cecile Female Perth
1943/101220 Perth Ryan Mary Cecile Female Brady Frederick Male Perth
1943/101221 Perth Draper Ivy Sylvia Female Gibbs Stephen Male Maylands
1943/101221 Perth Gibbs Stephen Male Draper Ivy Sylvia Female Maylands
1943/101222 Perth Arnold Henry John Peter Male Boston Ada Witts Female West Aust
1943/101222 Perth Boston Ada Witts Female Arnold Henry John Peter Male West Aust
1943/101223 Perth Hansen-Thiim Mavis Female Gordon Lionel Finlayson Male North Perth
1943/101223 Perth Gordon Lionel Finlayson Male Hansen-Thiim Mavis Female North Perth
1943/101224 Perth Pritchard Keith Stanley Male Cook Marjorie Mary Female North Perth
1943/101224 Perth Cook Marjorie Mary Female Pritchard Keith Stanley Male North Perth
1943/101225 Perth Fraser Vera Lilian May Female Dunstan Kingsley John Male Subiaco
1943/101225 Perth Dunstan Kingsley John Male Fraser Vera Lilian May Female Subiaco
1943/101226 Perth McKenzie Leslie Evelyn Female Matthews Sydney Norman Rodd Male Perth
1943/101226 Perth Matthews Sydney Norman Rodd Male McKenzie Leslie Evelyn Female Perth
1943/101227 Perth Lockhart Linda May Female Walker Frederick William Male Perth
1943/101227 Perth Walker Frederick William Male Lockhart Linda May Female Perth
1943/101228 Perth Wilson James Edward Male Golding Lillian Violet Female Perth
1943/101228 Perth Golding Lillian Violet Female Wilson James Edward Male Perth
1943/101229 Perth Harrison Robert James Male Hill Jean Maude Jessie Female Perth
1943/101229 Perth Hill Jean Maude Jessie Female Harrison Robert James Male Perth
1943/101230 Perth Liddelow Douglas Morton Male Gordon Audrey May Female Perth
1943/101230 Perth Gordon Audrey May Female Liddelow Douglas Morton Male Perth
1943/101231 Perth Thompson Beryl Maude Female Anderson Keble Thomas Male Perth
1943/101231 Perth Anderson Keble Thomas Male Thompson Beryl Maude Female Perth
1943/101232 Perth Perie Frances Evelyn Female Shackleton John Hannam Male Perth
1943/101232 Perth Shackleton John Hannam Male Perie Frances Evelyn Female Perth
1943/101233 Perth Smith Thelma Winifred Female Cantrell Jiles Walton Male Perth
1943/101233 Perth Cantrell Jiles Walton Male Smith Thelma Winifred Female Perth
1943/101234 Perth Thatcher Harold Hunt Male Martin Georgina May Female Victoria Park
1943/101234 Perth Martin Georgina May Female Thatcher Harold Hunt Male Victoria Park
1943/101235 Perth Ashton Edith Florence Female Benesh Joseph Henry Male Victoria Park
1943/101235 Perth Benesh Joseph Henry Male Ashton Edith Florence Female Victoria Park
1943/101236 Perth Doyle Thomas William Male Taylor Lillian Janetta Female Subiaco
1943/101236 Perth Taylor Lillian Janetta Female Doyle Thomas William Male Subiaco
1943/101237 Perth Anderson Dagmar Ruth Female Kriloff Herbert Male Claremont
1943/101237 Perth Kriloff Herbert Male Anderson Dagmar Ruth Female Claremont
1943/101238 Perth Coombs Frederick Lewes Male Peniston Alice Mary Female Perth
1943/101238 Perth Peniston Alice Mary Female Coombs Frederick Lewes Male Perth
1943/101239 Perth Sorensen Kristinius Male Fewings Florence Ada Female Perth
1943/101239 Perth Fewings Florence Ada Female Sorensen Kristinius Male Perth
1943/101240 Perth Richards Rita Lillian Female Dowglass Kenneth Nigel Male Perth
1943/101240 Perth Dowglass Kenneth Nigel Male Richards Rita Lillian Female Perth
1943/101241 Perth Smith Arthur Harry Male Johnston Violet Florence Female Perth
1943/101241 Perth Johnston Violet Florence Female Smith Arthur Harry Male Perth
1943/101242 Perth Havercroft Lyle Female Smith Eric Manfred Male North Perth
1943/101242 Perth Smith Eric Manfred Male Havercroft Lyle Female North Perth
1943/101243 Perth Moore Norma Eugenie Female Lyons Joseph Edwin Male South Perth
1943/101243 Perth Lyons Joseph Edwin Male Moore Norma Eugenie Female South Perth
1943/101244 Perth Kilner Mollie Jenkyn Female Bird John Tyrie Male Subiaco
1943/101244 Perth Bird John Tyrie Male Kilner Mollie Jenkyn Female Subiaco
1943/101245 Perth Chinnery Ronald Albert Male Johnsen Elsie Dorothy Female Nedlands
1943/101245 Perth Johnsen Elsie Dorothy Female Chinnery Ronald Albert Male Nedlands
1943/101246 Perth Warner Edgar John Male Eversden Dorothy Mavis Female Perth
1943/101246 Perth Eversden Dorothy Mavis Female Warner Edgar John Male Perth
1943/101247 Perth Blamire Ethel Jessie Female Jones Bonner Ray Male Perth
1943/101247 Perth Jones Bonner Ray Male Blamire Ethel Jessie Female Perth
1943/101248 Perth Read Francis William Male Fulton Marie Joyce Female Perth
1943/101248 Perth Fulton Marie Joyce Female Read Francis William Male Perth
1943/101249 Perth Farley Louisa Female Wallis Ernest Edward Male Perth
1943/101249 Perth Wallis Ernest Edward Male Farley Louisa Female Perth
1943/101250 Perth Sheridan Ellen Phyllis Female Stradwick Frederick Kelvin Male Perth
1943/101250 Perth Stradwick Frederick Kelvin Male Sheridan Ellen Phyllis Female Perth
1943/101251 Perth Johnston Arthur Male Offord Winifred Elliss Female Perth
1943/101251 Perth Offord Winifred Elliss Female Johnston Arthur Male Perth
1943/101252 Perth Nankervis Nita Bernice Female Menhennett Leslie William Male Perth
1943/101252 Perth Menhennett Leslie William Male Nankervis Nita Bernice Female Perth
1943/101253 Perth Butcher Phyllis Doreen Female Marshall John Percival Male Perth
1943/101253 Perth Marshall John Percival Male Butcher Phyllis Doreen Female Perth
1943/101254 Perth Schumann John Robert Male Eaton Dulcie Female Leederville
1943/101254 Perth Eaton Dulcie Female Schumann John Robert Male Leederville
1943/101255 Perth Smith Jean Evelyn Female Hughes Alfred Leonard Male Mt Lawley
1943/101255 Perth Hughes Alfred Leonard Male Smith Jean Evelyn Female Mt Lawley
1943/101256 Perth Glover Thomas Arthur Male Grosser Elvie Mavis Female Subiaco
1943/101256 Perth Grosser Elvie Mavis Female Glover Thomas Arthur Male Subiaco
1943/101257 Perth Delamare Dorothy Jean Female Patrick Leonard Baird Male Claremont
1943/101257 Perth Patrick Leonard Baird Male Delamare Dorothy Jean Female Claremont
1943/101258 Perth Lutz Victor Theodore Male Jones Valerie Eska Female West Perth
1943/101258 Perth Jones Valerie Eska Female Lutz Victor Theodore Male West Perth
1943/101259 Perth Greaney Ellen Female Hoar Jonathan George Male Claremont
1943/101259 Perth Hoar Jonathan George Male Greaney Ellen Female Claremont
1943/101260 Perth Chapman Vivian Albert Male Moss Gwendolin Bertha Female Claremont
1943/101260 Perth Moss Gwendolin Bertha Female Chapman Vivian Albert Male Claremont
1943/101261 Perth McBeath Jean Female Loneragan Alan Byers Male Claremont
1943/101261 Perth Loneragan Alan Byers Male McBeath Jean Female Claremont
1943/101262 Perth Mitchell Jane Female Rafferty Ronald Lindsay Male Perth
1943/101262 Perth Rafferty Ronald Lindsay Male Mitchell Jane Female Perth
1943/101263 Perth Couchman Wilfred George Chalmers Male Crockford Alice Myra Female Perth
1943/101263 Perth Crockford Alice Myra Female Couchman Wilfred George Chalmers Male Perth
1943/101264 Perth Keogh Douglas Edward Male Tonkin Nita Jean Female Cottesloe
1943/101264 Perth Tonkin Nita Jean Female Keogh Douglas Edward Male Cottesloe
1943/101265 Perth Lloyd Aubrey Alexander Male Tresidder Sheila Amy Female Cottesloe
1943/101265 Perth Tresidder Sheila Amy Female Lloyd Aubrey Alexander Male Cottesloe
1943/101266 Perth Kelly Michael Herbert Male McEwen Lorna May Female Rosalie
1943/101266 Perth McEwen Lorna May Female Kelly Michael Herbert Male Rosalie
1943/101267 Perth Larson Mary Ida Female Jones Keith Leonard Male West Perth
1943/101267 Perth Jones Keith Leonard Male Larson Mary Ida Female West Perth
1943/101268 Perth Drake-Brockman Richard Francis Male Smith Noïl Dora Female Cottesloe
1943/101268 Perth Smith Noïl Dora Female Drake-Brockman Richard Francis Male Cottesloe
1943/101269 Perth Mulberry Vera Nellie Female Spilcker Jack Gosden Male West Perth
1943/101269 Perth Spilcker Jack Gosden Male Mulberry Vera Nellie Female West Perth
1943/101270 Perth Samson Derick Jack Male Church Audrey Female West Perth
1943/101270 Perth Church Audrey Female Samson Derick Jack Male West Perth
1943/101271 Perth Coffen Bettie Muriel Female Bennick Arthur Francis Male West Perth
1943/101271 Perth Bennick Arthur Francis Male Coffen Bettie Muriel Female West Perth
1943/101272 Perth Richards Vern Rowen Male Hodgson May Female West Perth
1943/101272 Perth Hodgson May Female Richards Vern Rowen Male West Perth
1943/101273 Perth Jeffery George Charles Male Vernon Margaret Laura Female West Perth
1943/101273 Perth Vernon Margaret Laura Female Jeffery George Charles Male West Perth
1943/101274 Perth Denny Henry Thomas Male Game Shirley Vynyan Female West Perth
1943/101274 Perth Game Shirley Vynyan Female Denny Henry Thomas Male West Perth
1943/101275 Perth Timms George Ormond Male Beeck Nancy Lorraine Female Perth
1943/101275 Perth Beeck Nancy Lorraine Female Timms George Ormond Male Perth
1943/101276 Perth Oxbrow John Lloyd Male Pettit Jean Annie Myra Female Mosman Park
1943/101276 Perth Pettit Jean Annie Myra Female Oxbrow John Lloyd Male Mosman Park
1943/101277 Perth Maskew Jean Olive Female Blyth Alfred James Male South Perth
1943/101277 Perth Blyth Alfred James Male Maskew Jean Olive Female South Perth
1943/101278 Perth Norrish Stanley Robert Male Yates Phyllis Mary Female Perth
1943/101278 Perth Yates Phyllis Mary Female Norrish Stanley Robert Male Perth
1943/101279 Perth Bassett Violet Female Bishop Herbert Hector Male Perth
1943/101279 Perth Bishop Herbert Hector Male Bassett Violet Female Perth
1943/101280 Perth Spence Alexander James Noble Male Green Esther Female Perth
1943/101280 Perth Green Esther Female Spence Alexander James Noble Male Perth
1943/101281 Perth Rekow Fred Arnold Male Carstairs Vera Louise Female Subiaco Perth
1943/101281 Perth Carstairs Vera Louise Female Rekow Fred Arnold Male Subiaco Perth
1943/101282 Perth Douglas Dorothy Maud Female Haycox Frank Allan Male Claremont
1943/101282 Perth Haycox Frank Allan Male Douglas Dorothy Maud Female Claremont
1943/101283 Perth Howard Elsie Dorothy Female Brown Herbert Stanley Anzac Male Carlisle
1943/101283 Perth Brown Herbert Stanley Anzac Male Howard Elsie Dorothy Female Carlisle
1943/101284 Perth Goff Maurice Male Patrick Emilie Leonie Cewa Female West Leederville
1943/101284 Perth Patrick Emilie Leonie Cewa Female Goff Maurice Male West Leederville
1943/101285 Perth McClintock Marjorie Winifred Kathleen Female Green Percival Ernest Male Perth
1943/101285 Perth Green Percival Ernest Male McClintock Marjorie Winifred Kathleen Female Perth
1943/101286 Perth McKinnon Thona Doreen Female Ouweneel Boudewyn Male Perth
1943/101286 Perth Ouweneel Boudewyn Male McKinnon Thona Doreen Female Perth
1943/101287 Perth Fuller Phillip Dawkins Male Hannan Veronica Sylena Female Perth
1943/101287 Perth Hannan Veronica Sylena Female Fuller Phillip Dawkins Male Perth
1943/101288 Perth McHugh Alma Ethel Female McDonald Raymond Male Perth
1943/101288 Perth McDonald Raymond Male McHugh Alma Ethel Female Perth
1943/101289 Perth Chivers John Joshua Male McGowan Audrey Lois Female Perth
1943/101289 Perth McGowan Audrey Lois Female Chivers John Joshua Male Perth
1943/101290 Perth Thomas Gordon William Woodrow Male Brown Barbara Jean Female Perth
1943/101290 Perth Brown Barbara Jean Female Thomas Gordon William Woodrow Male Perth
1943/101291 Perth Healy Antony Frederick Male McDonough Kathleen Female Perth
1943/101291 Perth McDonough Kathleen Female Healy Antony Frederick Male Perth
1943/101292 Perth McGuckin Cyril Joseph Male Johnson Carmel Doreen Female Perth
1943/101292 Perth Johnson Carmel Doreen Female McGuckin Cyril Joseph Male Perth
1943/101293 Perth Large Leslie Neville Male Best Mary Ellen Female Perth
1943/101293 Perth Best Mary Ellen Female Large Leslie Neville Male Perth
1943/101294 Perth Anning Ivy Grace Female Parkin Charles Edward Male Perth
1943/101294 Perth Parkin Charles Edward Male Anning Ivy Grace Female Perth
1943/101295 Perth Williams Henry Frederick Watson Male Vincent Helen Beatrice Female Cottesloe
1943/101295 Perth Vincent Helen Beatrice Female Williams Henry Frederick Watson Male Cottesloe
1943/101296 Perth Murphy Frederick Arthur Male Ferguson Ruth Ellen Margaret Female Subiaco Perth
1943/101296 Perth Ferguson Ruth Ellen Margaret Female Murphy Frederick Arthur Male Subiaco Perth
1943/101297 Perth Frame Margaret Anita Female Goodall Robert Royce Male Victoria Park
1943/101297 Perth Goodall Robert Royce Male Frame Margaret Anita Female Victoria Park
1943/101298 Perth Blogg Charles Male Saxby Maisie Teresa Female Victoria Park
1943/101298 Perth Saxby Maisie Teresa Female Blogg Charles Male Victoria Park
1943/101299 Perth Fisher Edward Neve Male Barrey Thelma Joyce Female Victoria Park
1943/101299 Perth Barrey Thelma Joyce Female Fisher Edward Neve Male Victoria Park
1943/101300 Perth Marsh Marjorie Joyce Female Littooy Nicolaas Arie Male Perth
1943/101300 Perth Littooy Nicolaas Arie Male Marsh Marjorie Joyce Female Perth
1943/101301 Perth Jolley Gordon Wilfred Ivan Male Short Bessie Olive Female Perth
1943/101301 Perth Short Bessie Olive Female Jolley Gordon Wilfred Ivan Male Perth
1943/101302 Perth Cosgrove Thomas Avery Male McLaren Margaret Merle Female Perth
1943/101302 Perth McLaren Margaret Merle Female Cosgrove Thomas Avery Male Perth
1943/101303 Perth Walkerden Errol Ross Male Craven Florence Evelyn Female Perth
1943/101303 Perth Craven Florence Evelyn Female Walkerden Errol Ross Male Perth
1943/101304 Perth Schilling Walter Leslie Male Gordon Pearl Female Perth
1943/101304 Perth Gordon Pearl Female Schilling Walter Leslie Male Perth
1943/101305 Perth Richards Raymond Gilbert Male Aram Dorothy Joan Female Bayswater
1943/101305 Perth Aram Dorothy Joan Female Richards Raymond Gilbert Male Bayswater
1943/101306 Perth O'Malley Francis Hugh Male Pauly Nancy Edith Maude Female Perth
1943/101306 Perth Pauly Nancy Edith Maude Female O'Malley Francis Hugh Male Perth
1943/101307 Perth Currie Constance May Female Harris Harold Stirling Male West Perth
1943/101307 Perth Harris Harold Stirling Male Currie Constance May Female West Perth
1943/101308 Perth Lynch Horace William Male Price Jean Hope Melvin Female Maylands
1943/101308 Perth Price Jean Hope Melvin Female Lynch Horace William Male Maylands
1943/101309 Perth Murdock Peggy Iris Female Atkinson Daniel Sowerley Male North Perth
1943/101309 Perth Atkinson Daniel Sowerley Male Murdock Peggy Iris Female North Perth
1943/101310 Perth Overzier Henricus Adrianus Antonius Male Shave Joyce Elizabeth Female Perth
1943/101310 Perth Shave Joyce Elizabeth Female Overzier Henricus Adrianus Antonius Male Perth
1943/101311 Perth Castle Gladys Clara Female La Vertu Henry Edmond Male Perth
1943/101311 Perth La Vertu Henry Edmond Male Castle Gladys Clara Female Perth
1943/101312 Perth Alexander Alexander Male O'Connor Eileen Female Perth
1943/101312 Perth O'Connor Eileen Female Alexander Alexander Male Perth
1943/101313 Perth Metcalfe Ina Isabel Female Buchanan Allan McLeod Male Perth
1943/101313 Perth Buchanan Allan McLeod Male Metcalfe Ina Isabel Female Perth
1943/101314 Perth Christie Ernest Val Male Cant Doreen Margaret Female Perth
1943/101314 Perth Cant Doreen Margaret Female Christie Ernest Val Male Perth
1943/101315 Perth McClemens William Joseph Male Forrest Susie Violet Female Claremont
1943/101315 Perth Forrest Susie Violet Female McClemens William Joseph Male Claremont
1943/101316 Perth Boyle Edith Mary Female McGrath Francis Patrick Male Highgate
1943/101316 Perth McGrath Francis Patrick Male Boyle Edith Mary Female Highgate
1943/101317 Perth Finch Margaret Rae Female Douglas Noel Male Highgate
1943/101317 Perth Douglas Noel Male Finch Margaret Rae Female Highgate
1943/101318 Perth Ricciardi Antonio Male Lambkin Gladys Muriel Female Leederville
1943/101318 Perth Lambkin Gladys Muriel Female Ricciardi Antonio Male Leederville
1943/101319 Perth Carroll Dorothy Rose Female Priest Patrick Maurice Male Victoria Park
1943/101319 Perth Priest Patrick Maurice Male Carroll Dorothy Rose Female Victoria Park
1943/101320 Perth Pedersen Flora May Female Smith Colin Henry Male Perth
1943/101320 Perth Smith Colin Henry Male Pedersen Flora May Female Perth
1943/101321 Perth Lanham Robert William Male Double Winifred Mary Female Perth
1943/101321 Perth Double Winifred Mary Female Lanham Robert William Male Perth
1943/101322 Perth Read George Edward Male Holder Elsie May Female Perth
1943/101322 Perth Holder Elsie May Female Read George Edward Male Perth
1943/101323 Perth Lundy Jack Martin Male Hughes Amy Ryder Female Perth
1943/101323 Perth Hughes Amy Ryder Female Lundy Jack Martin Male Perth
1943/101324 Perth Scott Harold George Male Wake Mavis Jean Female Perth
1943/101324 Perth Wake Mavis Jean Female Scott Harold George Male Perth
1943/101325 Perth Archer Dorothy Elizabeth Female Howe Charles Joseph James Male Perth
1943/101325 Perth Howe Charles Joseph James Male Archer Dorothy Elizabeth Female Perth
1943/101326 Perth Horne Dorothy May Female Ford William Male Perth
1943/101326 Perth Ford William Male Horne Dorothy May Female Perth
1943/101327 Perth Ashurst James Male Holden Marjorie Alicia Harriett Female Perth
1943/101327 Perth Holden Marjorie Alicia Harriett Female Ashurst James Male Perth
1943/101328 Perth Venables Lloyd Melville Male Wilson Yvonne Mary Female Perth
1943/101328 Perth Wilson Yvonne Mary Female Venables Lloyd Melville Male Perth
1943/101329 Perth Mann Dulcie Rose Female Bairstow Mervyn William Male Perth
1943/101329 Perth Bairstow Mervyn William Male Mann Dulcie Rose Female Perth
1943/101330 Perth Calderwood Ellen Female Green Lloyd Frederick Male Perth
1943/101330 Perth Green Lloyd Frederick Male Calderwood Ellen Female Perth
1943/101331 Perth Payne Douglas Gordon Male Jackson Enid Female Perth
1943/101331 Perth Jackson Enid Female Payne Douglas Gordon Male Perth
1943/101332 Perth Phillips Kathleen Marion Female Park Edward Norman Semple Male Perth
1943/101332 Perth Park Edward Norman Semple Male Phillips Kathleen Marion Female Perth
1943/101333 Perth Bayliss William George Male Jones Hazel Vera Female Perth
1943/101333 Perth Jones Hazel Vera Female Bayliss William George Male Perth
1943/101334 Perth Hyland Aneata Ruth Female Cantrell James Alfred Male Perth
1943/101334 Perth Cantrell James Alfred Male Hyland Aneata Ruth Female Perth
1943/101335 Perth Gardner Rhona Jean Female Maloney William Male Perth
1943/101335 Perth Maloney William Male Gardner Rhona Jean Female Perth
1943/101336 Perth White Marjorie Ethel Female Kelley Harry Male Perth
1943/101336 Perth Kelley Harry Male White Marjorie Ethel Female Perth
1943/101337 Perth Kessey Llywelyn William Male Henderson Dorothy Female Perth
1943/101337 Perth Henderson Dorothy Female Kessey Llywelyn William Male Perth
1943/101338 Perth Pope Fredrick Hamilton Male Aldridge Ivy Catharine Elizabeth Female Perth
1943/101338 Perth Aldridge Ivy Catharine Elizabeth Female Pope Fredrick Hamilton Male Perth
1943/101339 Perth Stewart Hilda May Female Ewers Robert Egerton Male West Perth-Leederville Congregational Church
1943/101339 Perth Ewers Robert Egerton Male Stewart Hilda May Female West Perth-Leederville Congregational Church
1943/101340 Perth Rate Eric Cecil Male Swingler Jean Agnes Female Victoria Park
1943/101340 Perth Swingler Jean Agnes Female Rate Eric Cecil Male Victoria Park
1943/101341 Perth Hart Lorna Jean Female Reid Charles Stuart Male Victoria Park
1943/101341 Perth Reid Charles Stuart Male Hart Lorna Jean Female Victoria Park
1943/101342 Perth Paulson Frederick Lawrence Male Morley Dorothy Humphreys Female West Leederville
1943/101342 Perth Morley Dorothy Humphreys Female Paulson Frederick Lawrence Male West Leederville
1943/101343 Perth Bennett Colin Francis Male Henderson Irene Joyce Female Perth
1943/101343 Perth Henderson Irene Joyce Female Bennett Colin Francis Male Perth
1943/101344 Perth Morris John Philip Male Carrington Kathleen Frances Female Perth
1943/101344 Perth Carrington Kathleen Frances Female Morris John Philip Male Perth
1943/101345 Perth Re Frank Male Vinciullo Grazia Female Perth
1943/101345 Perth Vinciullo Grazia Female Re Frank Male Perth
1943/101346 Perth Higgins William Robert Male Ormerod Violet Female Perth
1943/101346 Perth Ormerod Violet Female Higgins William Robert Male Perth
1943/101347 Perth Campbell Alan John Male Della Madalena Sheila Female Perth
1943/101347 Perth Della Madalena Sheila Female Campbell Alan John Male Perth
1943/101348 Perth Treacy Kevin Kiniry Male Shanley Lorraine Jean Female Inglewood
1943/101348 Perth Shanley Lorraine Jean Female Treacy Kevin Kiniry Male Inglewood
1943/101349 Perth Hinds Katherine Clare Female Butler Herbert Male Maylands
1943/101349 Perth Butler Herbert Male Hinds Katherine Clare Female Maylands
1943/101350 Perth Winn Ivy May Female Roe Harold Ernest Male Perth
1943/101350 Perth Roe Harold Ernest Male Winn Ivy May Female Perth
1943/101351 Perth Stevenson Phyllis Ailsa Female Nelson Jack Aubrey Male West Perth
1943/101351 Perth Nelson Jack Aubrey Male Stevenson Phyllis Ailsa Female West Perth
1943/101352 Perth Thomas Gwenyth Olwen Female West Sidney John Male West Perth
1943/101352 Perth West Sidney John Male Thomas Gwenyth Olwen Female West Perth
1943/101353 Perth Kennedy William McLaren Male Bowen Doris May Female West Perth
1943/101353 Perth Bowen Doris May Female Kennedy William McLaren Male West Perth
1943/101354 Perth Lunt William Male Leonard Ann Female Victoria Park
1943/101354 Perth Leonard Ann Female Lunt William Male Victoria Park
1943/101355 Perth Johnston Alexander Walker Male Fleer Elsie Caroline Alma Female Victoria Park
1943/101355 Perth Fleer Elsie Caroline Alma Female Johnston Alexander Walker Male Victoria Park
1943/101356 Perth Simpson Frederick Jack Male Cliff Mary Female West Perth
1943/101356 Perth Cliff Mary Female Simpson Frederick Jack Male West Perth
1943/101357 Perth Moir Doreen Margaret Female McRae George Male West Perth
1943/101357 Perth McRae George Male Moir Doreen Margaret Female West Perth
1943/101358 Perth Lamb George Male Irving Annie Margaret Female Maylands
1943/101358 Perth Irving Annie Margaret Female Lamb George Male Maylands
1943/101359 Perth Brigatti Keith Male Wilkinson Patricia May Female North Perth
1943/101359 Perth Wilkinson Patricia May Female Brigatti Keith Male North Perth
1943/101360 Perth West Joan Marjorie Female Nelson Ernest Reginald Male Perth
1943/101360 Perth Nelson Ernest Reginald Male West Joan Marjorie Female Perth
1943/101361 Perth Beecroft Elsie Verna Female White Leslie Thomas Edward Male Perth
1943/101361 Perth White Leslie Thomas Edward Male Beecroft Elsie Verna Female Perth
1943/101362 Perth Powell John Herbert Peter Male Jackson Harriet Betty Female Claremont
1943/101362 Perth Jackson Harriet Betty Female Powell John Herbert Peter Male Claremont
1943/101363 Perth Pike Beatrice Female Gunning John Stansfeld Duncan Male Claremont
1943/101363 Perth Gunning John Stansfeld Duncan Male Pike Beatrice Female Claremont
1943/101364 Perth Ashdown Thelma Esther Lorraine Female Hodgkinson William Eric Male Claremont
1943/101364 Perth Hodgkinson William Eric Male Ashdown Thelma Esther Lorraine Female Claremont
1943/101365 Perth Pilbeam Dudley Meredith Male McCrossan Maria Barnshaw Female Claremont
1943/101365 Perth McCrossan Maria Barnshaw Female Pilbeam Dudley Meredith Male Claremont
1943/101366 Perth Cropper Betty Robina Female Atkinson Albert Male Claremont
1943/101366 Perth Atkinson Albert Male Cropper Betty Robina Female Claremont
1943/101367 Perth Mann Douglas Arthur Male Smith Rita Maud Female Claremont
1943/101367 Perth Smith Rita Maud Female Mann Douglas Arthur Male Claremont
1943/101368 Perth Clarkson Doris Lucy May Female Rees Alan Male Claremont
1943/101368 Perth Rees Alan Male Clarkson Doris Lucy May Female Claremont
1943/101369 Perth Shotton Irene Agnes Female Hopkins Charles Clinton Male Perth
1943/101369 Perth Hopkins Charles Clinton Male Shotton Irene Agnes Female Perth
1943/101370 Perth Wall Betty Naomi Female Harrison Colin George Male Perth
1943/101370 Perth Harrison Colin George Male Wall Betty Naomi Female Perth
1943/101371 Perth Williams John George Male Norman Doreen Mary Female West Perth
1943/101371 Perth Norman Doreen Mary Female Williams John George Male West Perth
1943/101372 Perth Ryan Eileen Alice Female Harrison-Brown Wilfred Male Perth
1943/101372 Perth Harrison-Brown Wilfred Male Ryan Eileen Alice Female Perth
1943/101373 Perth Thompson Doris Female Beetson Kevin George Male Claremont
1943/101373 Perth Beetson Kevin George Male Thompson Doris Female Claremont
1943/101374 Perth Beswick John Thomas Male Guthrie Rosina Lillian Female Swanbourne
1943/101374 Perth Guthrie Rosina Lillian Female Beswick John Thomas Male Swanbourne
1943/101375 Perth Ring William James Male Winning Esther Mary Female Perth
1943/101375 Perth Winning Esther Mary Female Ring William James Male Perth
1943/101376 Perth Marato Anthony Fiero Male Christensen Norma Joan Female Perth
1943/101376 Perth Christensen Norma Joan Female Marato Anthony Fiero Male Perth
1943/101377 Perth Morton Ethel Female Dunham George Earnest Male Perth
1943/101377 Perth Dunham George Earnest Male Morton Ethel Female Perth
1943/101378 Perth Pendal Lorna May Female Randolph Earl Braden Male Perth
1943/101378 Perth Randolph Earl Braden Male Pendal Lorna May Female Perth
1943/101379 Perth Findlay Thomas Male Legg Margaret Hazel Female Perth
1943/101379 Perth Legg Margaret Hazel Female Findlay Thomas Male Perth
1943/101380 Perth Drysdale Michael Male Wells Joan Lorna Female Perth
1943/101380 Perth Wells Joan Lorna Female Drysdale Michael Male Perth
1943/101381 Perth Eckersley Malcolm Frank Male Rushton Minnie Female Perth
1943/101381 Perth Rushton Minnie Female Eckersley Malcolm Frank Male Perth
1943/101382 Perth Diamond William Thomas Male Wright Margaret Rose Female Perth
1943/101382 Perth Wright Margaret Rose Female Diamond William Thomas Male Perth
1943/101383 Perth Sertorio Elsa Mary Female Francesconi Alfred Ronald Male Osborne Park
1943/101383 Perth Francesconi Alfred Ronald Male Sertorio Elsa Mary Female Osborne Park
1943/101384 Perth Burton Agnes Murry Female Barrass William Thomas Male Mount Hawthorn
1943/101384 Perth Barrass William Thomas Male Burton Agnes Murry Female Mount Hawthorn
1943/101385 Perth Pimm Walter Rule Male Wells Jean Female Perth
1943/101385 Perth Wells Jean Female Pimm Walter Rule Male Perth
1943/101386 Perth David Sarah Female Jackson Edward Theodore Male Perth
1943/101386 Perth Jackson Edward Theodore Male David Sarah Female Perth
1943/101387 Perth Bastian Ernest Charles Albany Male Coulter Florence Gwendoline Adel Female Perth
1943/101387 Perth Coulter Florence Gwendoline Adel Female Bastian Ernest Charles Albany Male Perth
1943/101388 Perth Stroud Woodrow Wilson Male Horton Shirley Joyce Female Perth
1943/101388 Perth Horton Shirley Joyce Female Stroud Woodrow Wilson Male Perth
1943/101389 Perth Truscott Victor Edwin Male Barron Mary Jane Female Perth
1943/101389 Perth Barron Mary Jane Female Truscott Victor Edwin Male Perth
1943/101390 Perth Powers Millard Randolph Male Meyer Jessie Queen Female Highgate Hill
1943/101390 Perth Meyer Jessie Queen Female Powers Millard Randolph Male Highgate Hill
1943/101391 Perth O'Callaghan Bernice Maud Female Taylor George Lindsay Male Highgate Hill
1943/101391 Perth Taylor George Lindsay Male O'Callaghan Bernice Maud Female Highgate Hill
1943/101392 Perth Kirchner Kathleen Joyce Female Ovens Leonard Allan Male Highgate Hill
1943/101392 Perth Ovens Leonard Allan Male Kirchner Kathleen Joyce Female Highgate Hill
1943/101393 Perth Emery James Male Hynam Christina Catherine Turner Female Highgate Hill
1943/101393 Perth Hynam Christina Catherine Turner Female Emery James Male Highgate Hill
1943/101394 Perth Peterkin John Henry Male Shanley Geita Irene Female Inglewood
1943/101394 Perth Shanley Geita Irene Female Peterkin John Henry Male Inglewood
1943/101395 Perth Coughlin Colin John Male Reith Patricia Joan Female Highgate
1943/101395 Perth Reith Patricia Joan Female Coughlin Colin John Male Highgate
1943/101396 Perth Wiley Vaughan Pearson Male Murrihy Stella Mary Female Subiaco
1943/101396 Perth Murrihy Stella Mary Female Wiley Vaughan Pearson Male Subiaco
1943/101397 Perth Hales Doris Irene Female Jones Wynn Griffith Male Subiaco
1943/101397 Perth Jones Wynn Griffith Male Hales Doris Irene Female Subiaco
1943/101398 Perth Cumming Kenneth Roy Male Tune Grace Hilda Female Subiaco
1943/101398 Perth Tune Grace Hilda Female Cumming Kenneth Roy Male Subiaco
1943/101399 Perth Parrick Olive Irene Female Hoey Ronald Male Subiaco
1943/101399 Perth Hoey Ronald Male Parrick Olive Irene Female Subiaco
1943/101400 Perth Borwick Millicent Christina Female Hatch Ronald James Male Mount Lawley
1943/101400 Perth Hatch Ronald James Male Borwick Millicent Christina Female Mount Lawley
1943/101401 Perth Smith Frederick Charles Male Stubbs-Mills Winnifred Doreen Female Perth
1943/101401 Perth Stubbs-Mills Winnifred Doreen Female Smith Frederick Charles Male Perth
1943/101402 Perth Sparrow Peggy Florence Female West James Alexander Male Perth
1943/101402 Perth West James Alexander Male Sparrow Peggy Florence Female Perth
1943/101403 Perth Westerduin Leendert Male Bellingham Doreen Emelia Female Perth
1943/101403 Perth Bellingham Doreen Emelia Female Westerduin Leendert Male Perth
1943/101404 Perth Golding David Male Curtis Florence Jane Female Perth
1943/101404 Perth Curtis Florence Jane Female Golding David Male Perth
1943/101405 Perth Austin Frank Arnold Male Wilson Rose Henrietta Female West Perth
1943/101405 Perth Wilson Rose Henrietta Female Austin Frank Arnold Male West Perth
1943/101406 Perth Walsh Michael Male Mullan Josephine Mary Female South Perth
1943/101406 Perth Mullan Josephine Mary Female Walsh Michael Male South Perth
1943/101407 Perth Baird James Male Cash Dorothy Maud Margaret Female Highgate Hill
1943/101407 Perth Cash Dorothy Maud Margaret Female Baird James Male Highgate Hill
1943/101408 Perth Dolphin Victor George Male Case Eileen Maude Female Subiaco
1943/101408 Perth Case Eileen Maude Female Dolphin Victor George Male Subiaco
1943/101409 Perth Hill Rowland Rutherford Male Woods Phyllis Rose Female Perth
1943/101409 Perth Woods Phyllis Rose Female Hill Rowland Rutherford Male Perth
1943/101410 Perth Bennett Samuel Male Fryer Jane Robinson Female Swanbourne
1943/101410 Perth Fryer Jane Robinson Female Bennett Samuel Male Swanbourne
1943/101411 Perth Brown Sarita Iris Female Hennessey John Herbert Male Perth
1943/101411 Perth Hennessey John Herbert Male Brown Sarita Iris Female Perth
1943/101412 Perth Kuipers Lucas Male Birch Mavis Lillian Female Perth
1943/101412 Perth Birch Mavis Lillian Female Kuipers Lucas Male Perth
1943/101413 Perth Callaghan Patrick Male Turnham Mary Ann Female Perth
1943/101413 Perth Turnham Mary Ann Female Callaghan Patrick Male Perth
1943/101414 Perth Watterston Doris Margaret Female King George Herbert Male Perth
1943/101414 Perth King George Herbert Male Watterston Doris Margaret Female Perth
1943/101415 Perth Quarrier Gertrude May Female Durrant Trevor Barton Male Perth
1943/101415 Perth Durrant Trevor Barton Male Quarrier Gertrude May Female Perth
1943/101416 Perth Barke Peter Woolrich Male Freeman Mena Female Perth
1943/101416 Perth Freeman Mena Female Barke Peter Woolrich Male Perth
1943/101417 Perth Hart Ida Lynette Female Hulcup Walter Thomas Male Perth
1943/101417 Perth Hulcup Walter Thomas Male Hart Ida Lynette Female Perth
1943/101418 Perth Strother Sidney Edward Male Dunne Margaret Florence Female West Perth
1943/101418 Perth Dunne Margaret Florence Female Strother Sidney Edward Male West Perth
1943/101419 Perth Guidici Zaccaria Male Borlini Kathleen Mary Female West Perth
1943/101419 Perth Borlini Kathleen Mary Female Guidici Zaccaria Male West Perth
1943/101420 Perth Fotheringham Jean Patterson Female Pickering Cyril Milverton Male West Perth
1943/101420 Perth Pickering Cyril Milverton Male Fotheringham Jean Patterson Female West Perth
1943/101421 Perth Daly Hyacinth Picton Gore Male Malone Kathleen Agnes Female West Perth
1943/101421 Perth Malone Kathleen Agnes Female Daly Hyacinth Picton Gore Male West Perth
1943/101422 Perth Evans Dorothy Joyce Female Kennedy Alexander Male West Perth
1943/101422 Perth Kennedy Alexander Male Evans Dorothy Joyce Female West Perth
1943/101423 Perth Colbenson Doris Amanda Female Berryman Maxwell Sydney Male Maylands
1943/101423 Perth Berryman Maxwell Sydney Male Colbenson Doris Amanda Female Maylands
1943/101424 Perth Woolhead Sidney Male Jacka Winifred May Female Maylands
1943/101424 Perth Jacka Winifred May Female Woolhead Sidney Male Maylands
1943/101425 Perth Bickford Ian Courtney Male Sales Elizabeth Female Mt Lawley
1943/101425 Perth Sales Elizabeth Female Bickford Ian Courtney Male Mt Lawley
1943/101426 Perth Kingsbury Ronald James Male Pallister Margaret Female South Perth
1943/101426 Perth Pallister Margaret Female Kingsbury Ronald James Male South Perth
1943/101427 Perth Knapton Jean Patricia Female Critch Cecil Charles Male South Perth
1943/101427 Perth Critch Cecil Charles Male Knapton Jean Patricia Female South Perth
1943/101428 Perth Hough Vita Mary Florence Female Putland Dennis Edward Male West Perth-Leederville Congregational Church
1943/101428 Perth Putland Dennis Edward Male Hough Vita Mary Florence Female West Perth-Leederville Congregational Church
1943/101429 Perth Hadley Charles Alfred Male Sault Francis Mavis Female Cottesloe
1943/101429 Perth Sault Francis Mavis Female Hadley Charles Alfred Male Cottesloe
1943/101430 Perth Crawford Thomas Herbert Male Rogers Delcie Female Perth
1943/101430 Perth Rogers Delcie Female Crawford Thomas Herbert Male Perth
1943/101431 Perth Noble Gilbert Andrew Male Gleeson Kathleen Veronica Female Claremont
1943/101431 Perth Gleeson Kathleen Veronica Female Noble Gilbert Andrew Male Claremont
1943/101432 Perth Lush William Beeken Male Smith Laureenie Thesbie Female Perth
1943/101432 Perth Smith Laureenie Thesbie Female Lush William Beeken Male Perth
1943/101433 Perth Buller Donald Neil Male Hutchison Jean Ruth Female Perth
1943/101433 Perth Hutchison Jean Ruth Female Buller Donald Neil Male Perth
1943/101434 Perth Hutchison Dulcie Florence Erica Female Duncan Harry Mason Male Perth
1943/101434 Perth Duncan Harry Mason Male Hutchison Dulcie Florence Erica Female Perth
1943/101435 Perth Fisher James Faulds Male Muir Jean Myrtle Female Perth
1943/101435 Perth Muir Jean Myrtle Female Fisher James Faulds Male Perth
1943/101436 Perth Hewson Isobel Holtham Female Woods Allan Watson Male Perth
1943/101436 Perth Woods Allan Watson Male Hewson Isobel Holtham Female Perth
1943/101437 Perth Shaw Betty Anne Female Purvis James Henry Male Belmont
1943/101437 Perth Purvis James Henry Male Shaw Betty Anne Female Belmont
1943/101438 Perth McCarthy Patricia Mary Female Gilchrist Robert Henry Male East Victoria Park
1943/101438 Perth Gilchrist Robert Henry Male McCarthy Patricia Mary Female East Victoria Park
1943/101439 Perth Petchell Evangeline Frances Female Gould John Male West Leederville
1943/101439 Perth Gould John Male Petchell Evangeline Frances Female West Leederville
1943/101440 Perth Mackie Myra Maud Female Dodd Harold Roy Male West Leederville
1943/101440 Perth Dodd Harold Roy Male Mackie Myra Maud Female West Leederville
1943/101441 Perth Purves Elizabeth Minnie Female Outred Glen Male Mt Lawley
1943/101441 Perth Outred Glen Male Purves Elizabeth Minnie Female Mt Lawley
1943/101442 Perth Hunt Percy Ross Male Johnson Audrey Doreen Female Mt Lawley
1943/101442 Perth Johnson Audrey Doreen Female Hunt Percy Ross Male Mt Lawley
1943/101443 Perth Stephens Gladys Irene Female Locke Howard Norman Charles Male Mt Lawley
1943/101443 Perth Locke Howard Norman Charles Male Stephens Gladys Irene Female Mt Lawley
1943/101444 Perth Williams John Raymond Male Guest Olga Female Perth
1943/101444 Perth Guest Olga Female Williams John Raymond Male Perth
1943/101445 Perth Segal Rose Female Shilkin Joshua Male Perth
1943/101445 Perth Shilkin Joshua Male Segal Rose Female Perth
1943/101446 Perth Goldberger Hans Male Lessheim Eva Pauline Female Perth
1943/101446 Perth Lessheim Eva Pauline Female Goldberger Hans Male Perth
1943/101447 Perth Bowring Keith Stanley Joseph Male Gooch Joan Lilian Therese Female Leederville
1943/101447 Perth Gooch Joan Lilian Therese Female Bowring Keith Stanley Joseph Male Leederville
1943/101448 Perth Alcock George Francis Charles Male Hillary Gwen Joyce Female Leederville
1943/101448 Perth Hillary Gwen Joyce Female Alcock George Francis Charles Male Leederville
1943/101449 Perth Carey Ellenor Erin Female O'Leary Patrick Gerald Male Perth
1943/101449 Perth O'Leary Patrick Gerald Male Carey Ellenor Erin Female Perth
1943/101450 Perth Fleay Norma Bessie Female Goldsmith William Edwin Male Maylands
1943/101450 Perth Goldsmith William Edwin Male Fleay Norma Bessie Female Maylands
1943/101451 Perth Gericke Eric Herbert Male Wood Florence May Female Perth
1943/101451 Perth Wood Florence May Female Gericke Eric Herbert Male Perth
1943/101452 Perth West Edna Emily May Female Lowe Albert Frank Male Perth
1943/101452 Perth Lowe Albert Frank Male West Edna Emily May Female Perth
1943/101453 Perth Hughes Rosalie Olive Female Bewsher Gordon Reginald Male Perth
1943/101453 Perth Bewsher Gordon Reginald Male Hughes Rosalie Olive Female Perth
1943/101454 Perth Watt Kathleen Cathcart Female Park Cyril Bruce Semple Male Perth
1943/101454 Perth Park Cyril Bruce Semple Male Watt Kathleen Cathcart Female Perth
1943/101455 Perth Keenan Joyce Freda Female Davey Norman Clive Male Perth
1943/101455 Perth Davey Norman Clive Male Keenan Joyce Freda Female Perth
1943/101456 Perth Jobse Joost Male Clements Marjorie Joan Female Perth
1943/101456 Perth Clements Marjorie Joan Female Jobse Joost Male Perth
1943/101457 Perth Rickerby Jean Odette Female McClure Bruce Robert Male Perth
1943/101457 Perth McClure Bruce Robert Male Rickerby Jean Odette Female Perth
1943/101458 Perth Chico Mihalag Ilo Male Lekias Anna Antona Female Perth
1943/101458 Perth Lekias Anna Antona Female Chico Mihalag Ilo Male Perth
1943/101459 Perth Kern Thora Patrica Female Jervis Mervyn Thomas Male South Perth
1943/101459 Perth Jervis Mervyn Thomas Male Kern Thora Patrica Female South Perth
1943/101460 Perth Bastow Thomas John Male Sedgwick Elsie Annetta Female Mt Lawley
1943/101460 Perth Sedgwick Elsie Annetta Female Bastow Thomas John Male Mt Lawley
1943/101461 Perth Richter Veronica Joy Female Hickey Kevin John Male Perth
1943/101461 Perth Hickey Kevin John Male Richter Veronica Joy Female Perth
1943/101462 Perth Hunt Deborah Elizabeth Female Fewings John Robert Male Perth
1943/101462 Perth Fewings John Robert Male Hunt Deborah Elizabeth Female Perth
1943/101463 Perth Marshall Phyllis Jean Female Retallack Gordon Percival Male Perth
1943/101463 Perth Retallack Gordon Percival Male Marshall Phyllis Jean Female Perth
1943/101464 Perth Vines Freda Mary Bussell Female Calder Edward Louis Male Perth
1943/101464 Perth Calder Edward Louis Male Vines Freda Mary Bussell Female Perth
1943/101465 Perth Wall Dorothy Madge Female Hawkins Cecil Augustus Male Perth
1943/101465 Perth Hawkins Cecil Augustus Male Wall Dorothy Madge Female Perth
1943/101466 Perth Sigley Charles Male Kirkham Gladys Doreen Female Perth
1943/101466 Perth Kirkham Gladys Doreen Female Sigley Charles Male Perth
1943/101467 Perth Fisher Gwendolyn Phyllis Female Westgate Kenneth Graham Male Perth
1943/101467 Perth Westgate Kenneth Graham Male Fisher Gwendolyn Phyllis Female Perth
1943/101468 Perth Nunan Norah Constance Female Hawkins Victor James Leonard Male Perth
1943/101468 Perth Hawkins Victor James Leonard Male Nunan Norah Constance Female Perth
1943/101469 Perth Corney Phyllis Joyce Female Roberts Warren Vincent Male Perth
1943/101469 Perth Roberts Warren Vincent Male Corney Phyllis Joyce Female Perth
1943/101470 Perth Jackson Alice Joyce Female Reidy Thomas Michael Gerald Male Shenton Park
1943/101470 Perth Reidy Thomas Michael Gerald Male Jackson Alice Joyce Female Shenton Park
1943/101471 Perth Woods Raymond Eddington Male Grocke Marjorie Anne Female Shenton Park
1943/101471 Perth Grocke Marjorie Anne Female Woods Raymond Eddington Male Shenton Park
1943/101472 Perth Dinsdale Gladys May Female Morris Walter Francis Male Maylands
1943/101472 Perth Morris Walter Francis Male Dinsdale Gladys May Female Maylands
1943/101473 Perth Shaw William McDonald Male Millson Irene Female Perth
1943/101473 Perth Millson Irene Female Shaw William McDonald Male Perth
1943/101474 Perth Preedy Ronald James Male Hoare Nancy Muriel Female Mt Lawley
1943/101474 Perth Hoare Nancy Muriel Female Preedy Ronald James Male Mt Lawley
1943/101475 Perth Tracey David William Aubrey Male Brewster Alice Female Perth
1943/101475 Perth Brewster Alice Female Tracey David William Aubrey Male Perth
1943/101476 Perth Manning Josephine Female Johnston Norman Brint Male Perth
1943/101476 Perth Johnston Norman Brint Male Manning Josephine Female Perth
1943/101477 Perth Noble Blanche Susannah Female Dale Fredrick George Male Rosalie
1943/101477 Perth Dale Fredrick George Male Noble Blanche Susannah Female Rosalie
1943/101478 Perth Chambers Terence Charles Male Gorrie Margaret Hart Female Perth
1943/101478 Perth Gorrie Margaret Hart Female Chambers Terence Charles Male Perth
1943/101479 Perth Kempton Leslie Male Welch Jean Ellen Female Perth
1943/101479 Perth Welch Jean Ellen Female Kempton Leslie Male Perth
1943/101480 Perth Bonser Anne Elizabeth Female Stirling Arthur Hordern Male West Perth
1943/101480 Perth Stirling Arthur Hordern Male Bonser Anne Elizabeth Female West Perth
1943/101481 Perth Carlsson Sven Eric Gustaf Male Crabbe Elaine Female West Perth
1943/101481 Perth Crabbe Elaine Female Carlsson Sven Eric Gustaf Male West Perth
1943/101482 Perth Dvoretsky Harold Male Combley Helen Grecian Female Perth
1943/101482 Perth Combley Helen Grecian Female Dvoretsky Harold Male Perth
1943/101483 Perth Payne George Male Childe Harriet Female Perth
1943/101483 Perth Childe Harriet Female Payne George Male Perth
1943/101484 Perth van Ooran Ethel May Female Warren Colin Sydney Male Cottesloe
1943/101484 Perth Warren Colin Sydney Male van Ooran Ethel May Female Cottesloe
1943/101485 Perth Youngman Lillian Female Cutten Charles Henry Male Victoria Park
1943/101485 Perth Cutten Charles Henry Male Youngman Lillian Female Victoria Park
1943/101486 Perth Tillotson Charles Curtis Male Whelan Gertrude Mary Female Victoria Park
1943/101486 Perth Whelan Gertrude Mary Female Tillotson Charles Curtis Male Victoria Park
1943/101487 Perth Markussen Juliana Mary Female Simms Herbert Gould Male Leederville
1943/101487 Perth Simms Herbert Gould Male Markussen Juliana Mary Female Leederville
1943/101488 Perth Murdoch James Ernest Male Darcey Jean Wilhelmina Female Leederville
1943/101488 Perth Darcey Jean Wilhelmina Female Murdoch James Ernest Male Leederville
1943/101489 Perth Pryke Joan Rebecca Female Grover Leo Albert Male Leederville
1943/101489 Perth Grover Leo Albert Male Pryke Joan Rebecca Female Leederville
1943/101490 Perth Noble Martha Constance Joan Female Carden Fredrick George Male Perth
1943/101490 Perth Carden Fredrick George Male Noble Martha Constance Joan Female Perth
1943/101491 Perth Howie Robert Douglas Male Sturtridge Marjorie Female West Perth
1943/101491 Perth Sturtridge Marjorie Female Howie Robert Douglas Male West Perth
1943/101492 Perth Macaskill Alexander Henry Male Cadd Joyce Female Perth
1943/101492 Perth Cadd Joyce Female Macaskill Alexander Henry Male Perth
1943/101493 Perth Stanford Mary Elizabeth Female Secker William Edward Male North Perth
1943/101493 Perth Secker William Edward Male Stanford Mary Elizabeth Female North Perth
1943/101494 Perth Martin Walter Raymond Cecil Male Lowry Dorothy May Female North Perth
1943/101494 Perth Lowry Dorothy May Female Martin Walter Raymond Cecil Male North Perth
1943/101495 Perth van der Gieyen Adrian Male Glynn-Armstrong Kathleen Doris Female Claremont
1943/101495 Perth Glynn-Armstrong Kathleen Doris Female van der Gieyen Adrian Male Claremont
1943/101496 Perth Cable Edward Joseph Male Sullivan Mary Elizabeth Female Perth
1943/101496 Perth Sullivan Mary Elizabeth Female Cable Edward Joseph Male Perth
1943/101497 Perth Blinco Joan Natalie Female Bicker Aubrey Leonard Male Claremont
1943/101497 Perth Bicker Aubrey Leonard Male Blinco Joan Natalie Female Claremont
1943/101498 Perth Devitt Harold Thomas Male Kitching Henrietta Marguerite Female Claremont
1943/101498 Perth Kitching Henrietta Marguerite Female Devitt Harold Thomas Male Claremont
1943/101499 Perth Hastings Albert Male Simpson Helen Winifred Female Claremont
1943/101499 Perth Simpson Helen Winifred Female Hastings Albert Male Claremont
1943/101500 Perth Beard Audrey Jean Female Jenaway Sidney John Male Claremont
1943/101500 Perth Jenaway Sidney John Male Beard Audrey Jean Female Claremont
1943/101501 Perth Richards Edith Dorothy Female James Allan Torrens Male Claremont
1943/101501 Perth James Allan Torrens Male Richards Edith Dorothy Female Claremont
1943/101502 Perth Herbert Kathleen Female Witty John Malcolm Male Claremont
1943/101502 Perth Witty John Malcolm Male Herbert Kathleen Female Claremont
1943/101503 Perth Carter Marjory Helen Rebecca Female Dent William Desmond Male Claremont
1943/101503 Perth Dent William Desmond Male Carter Marjory Helen Rebecca Female Claremont
1943/101504 Perth Graham Elizabeth Dorothy Female Greig John Whitelaw Male Claremont
1943/101504 Perth Greig John Whitelaw Male Graham Elizabeth Dorothy Female Claremont
1943/101505 Perth Serjeant Thomas Lionel Male Hudson Dorothy Merle Female Claremont
1943/101505 Perth Hudson Dorothy Merle Female Serjeant Thomas Lionel Male Claremont
1943/101506 Perth Evans Alice Mary Female Mackie Gilbert Percy Male Claremont
1943/101506 Perth Mackie Gilbert Percy Male Evans Alice Mary Female Claremont
1943/101507 Perth Curlewis Alfred Charles Male Cotterell Sheila Eugenie Female Claremont
1943/101507 Perth Cotterell Sheila Eugenie Female Curlewis Alfred Charles Male Claremont
1943/101508 Perth Gallagher Eleanor Grace Female King Richard Male Victoria Park
1943/101508 Perth King Richard Male Gallagher Eleanor Grace Female Victoria Park
1943/101509 Perth Williams Victor Leo Male McGrade Elsie Veronica Female Highgate Hill
1943/101509 Perth McGrade Elsie Veronica Female Williams Victor Leo Male Highgate Hill
1943/101510 Perth North Gloria Mary Female Hallett Ernest Jack Male Highgate Hill
1943/101510 Perth Hallett Ernest Jack Male North Gloria Mary Female Highgate Hill
1943/101511 Perth Kennison Ian James Stodart Male Altorfer Patricia Northmore Female Mt Lawley
1943/101511 Perth Altorfer Patricia Northmore Female Kennison Ian James Stodart Male Mt Lawley
1943/101512 Perth Matthews Glenice Valma Jean Female Ashmore Joseph Harold Male South Perth
1943/101512 Perth Ashmore Joseph Harold Male Matthews Glenice Valma Jean Female South Perth
1943/101513 Perth Dempster Audrey Bell Female Culliver Francis Edward Male Perth
1943/101513 Perth Culliver Francis Edward Male Dempster Audrey Bell Female Perth
1943/101514 Perth Withnell Jean Lillian Female O'Leary Daniel Francis Male Perth
1943/101514 Perth O'Leary Daniel Francis Male Withnell Jean Lillian Female Perth
1943/101515 Perth Struthers Thelma Rose Female McMahon James Edward Male Perth
1943/101515 Perth McMahon James Edward Male Struthers Thelma Rose Female Perth
1943/101516 Perth Waddell Oswald Allison Male Stonehouse Elizabeth Jean Female West Perth
1943/101516 Perth Stonehouse Elizabeth Jean Female Waddell Oswald Allison Male West Perth
1943/101517 Perth Stephenson Daisy Laurel Female Reiger Victor James Male Subiaco
1943/101517 Perth Reiger Victor James Male Stephenson Daisy Laurel Female Subiaco
1943/101518 Perth Williamson Mavis Evelyn Female Sharman Frank Edgar Male Perth
1943/101518 Perth Sharman Frank Edgar Male Williamson Mavis Evelyn Female Perth
1943/101519 Perth Bain John Male Jeffs Emma Elizabeth Female Perth
1943/101519 Perth Jeffs Emma Elizabeth Female Bain John Male Perth
1943/101520 Perth McDonald Horace Alexander Male Allen Margaret Ivy Female Perth
1943/101520 Perth Allen Margaret Ivy Female McDonald Horace Alexander Male Perth
1943/101521 Perth Merritt Thomas Frederick Male Anderson Ivy May Female Perth
1943/101521 Perth Anderson Ivy May Female Merritt Thomas Frederick Male Perth
1943/101522 Perth Millen Percival Neville Male Wooding Eileen Margaret Female Perth
1943/101522 Perth Wooding Eileen Margaret Female Millen Percival Neville Male Perth
1943/101523 Perth Ikin Elma Female Hayres Percival Male Perth
1943/101523 Perth Hayres Percival Male Ikin Elma Female Perth
1943/101524 Perth Ross Doreen Alice Female Korting Frederick Charles Male Perth
1943/101524 Perth Korting Frederick Charles Male Ross Doreen Alice Female Perth
1943/101525 Perth Doherty Irene Female Paini George Anthony Male Perth
1943/101525 Perth Paini George Anthony Male Doherty Irene Female Perth
1943/101526 Perth Marsh Edna Mary Female Bender Reginald Ellis Frederick Male Perth
1943/101526 Perth Bender Reginald Ellis Frederick Male Marsh Edna Mary Female Perth
1943/101527 Perth Davies Allan Edward Male Lynch Sheila Veronica Female Perth
1943/101527 Perth Lynch Sheila Veronica Female Davies Allan Edward Male Perth
1943/101528 Perth White Madeline Female Jones David Herbert Male Perth
1943/101528 Perth Jones David Herbert Male White Madeline Female Perth
1943/101529 Perth Hazard Freda Ellen Female Leaver Stanley Norman Male Perth
1943/101529 Perth Leaver Stanley Norman Male Hazard Freda Ellen Female Perth
1943/101530 Perth Dunne Olive Margery Female Jeisman Christopher Male Mt Lawley
1943/101530 Perth Jeisman Christopher Male Dunne Olive Margery Female Mt Lawley
1943/101531 Perth Robinson William Thomas Male Vernon Daphne June Female Maylands
1943/101531 Perth Vernon Daphne June Female Robinson William Thomas Male Maylands
1943/101532 Perth Williamson Cyril Leslie Male Prosser Mary Hilda Female Perth
1943/101532 Perth Prosser Mary Hilda Female Williamson Cyril Leslie Male Perth
1943/101533 Perth Tomsett Ivor Francis Male Cahill Dorothy Adelaide Female Perth
1943/101533 Perth Cahill Dorothy Adelaide Female Tomsett Ivor Francis Male Perth
1943/101534 Perth Truman Isobel May Female Kennedy Arthur Ainsley Male Perth
1943/101534 Perth Kennedy Arthur Ainsley Male Truman Isobel May Female Perth
1943/101535 Perth Kendall Betty Louisa Female Ager John Maxwell Male Nedlands
1943/101535 Perth Ager John Maxwell Male Kendall Betty Louisa Female Nedlands
1943/101536 Perth Lloyd Margaret Female Burt Francis Theodore Page Male Crawley
1943/101536 Perth Burt Francis Theodore Page Male Lloyd Margaret Female Crawley
1943/101537 Perth Smith Joyce Frances Female Middleton Leslie Harold Male Victoria Park
1943/101537 Perth Middleton Leslie Harold Male Smith Joyce Frances Female Victoria Park
1943/101538 Perth Bradley Bertha Female Clune Francis Joseph Male Perth
1943/101538 Perth Clune Francis Joseph Male Bradley Bertha Female Perth
1943/101539 Perth Gray Walter Male Glew Edna Margaret Female Perth
1943/101539 Perth Glew Edna Margaret Female Gray Walter Male Perth
1943/101540 Perth Corbitt Violet Brenda Female Kleijweg Rijk Male Perth
1943/101540 Perth Kleijweg Rijk Male Corbitt Violet Brenda Female Perth
1943/101541 Perth Barkla Daphne Wynne Female McDonald Richard Arthur Male Perth
1943/101541 Perth McDonald Richard Arthur Male Barkla Daphne Wynne Female Perth
1943/101542 Perth Edwards Evelyn Olive May Female De Worboies Robert Edward Male Perth
1943/101542 Perth De Worboies Robert Edward Male Edwards Evelyn Olive May Female Perth
1943/101543 Perth Douglas Hilda Mary Female Sebbes Albert Henry Stanford Male Perth
1943/101543 Perth Sebbes Albert Henry Stanford Male Douglas Hilda Mary Female Perth
1943/101544 Perth Harwood Ailsa Katherine Female Panasuk Sam Male Perth
1943/101544 Perth Panasuk Sam Male Harwood Ailsa Katherine Female Perth
1943/101545 Perth Hearne Sydney Harvey Male Scurry Ivy Lavinia Female Perth
1943/101545 Perth Scurry Ivy Lavinia Female Hearne Sydney Harvey Male Perth
1943/101546 Perth Cramer Hugh Stockman James Male McLennan Dulcie Beryl Female North Perth
1943/101546 Perth McLennan Dulcie Beryl Female Cramer Hugh Stockman James Male North Perth
1943/101547 Perth Hamilton John William Male Buckley Olga Minnie Female North Perth
1943/101547 Perth Buckley Olga Minnie Female Hamilton John William Male North Perth
1943/101548 Perth Muldoon Mavis Dorothy Female Clode Hughie Male Highgate Hill
1943/101548 Perth Clode Hughie Male Muldoon Mavis Dorothy Female Highgate Hill
1943/101549 Perth Lundgren Alexander August Male Stevenson Joan Alfreda Female Highgate Hill
1943/101549 Perth Stevenson Joan Alfreda Female Lundgren Alexander August Male Highgate Hill
1943/101550 Perth Gibbs Norma Jean Female Arnold Frederick William Male Cottesloe
1943/101550 Perth Arnold Frederick William Male Gibbs Norma Jean Female Cottesloe
1943/101551 Perth Jennings Thomas Edmund Male Smith Olga Florence Female South Perth
1943/101551 Perth Smith Olga Florence Female Jennings Thomas Edmund Male South Perth
1943/101552 Perth Keyser Mavis Sanderson Female Ashdown Maxwell Male North Perth
1943/101552 Perth Ashdown Maxwell Male Keyser Mavis Sanderson Female North Perth
1943/101553 Perth Hare Margaret Constance Female McCuish Angus Melrose Male North Perth
1943/101553 Perth McCuish Angus Melrose Male Hare Margaret Constance Female North Perth
1943/101554 Perth Darel Flora Female Waters John Vincent Male Perth
1943/101554 Perth Waters John Vincent Male Darel Flora Female Perth
1943/101555 Perth Lockhart Phyllis May Female Scura Dominie Anthony Male Perth
1943/101555 Perth Scura Dominie Anthony Male Lockhart Phyllis May Female Perth
1943/101556 Perth Quinn Irene Mary Female Fitzpatrick Timothy John Male Claremont
1943/101556 Perth Fitzpatrick Timothy John Male Quinn Irene Mary Female Claremont
1943/101557 Perth Hamilton David Gordon Male Gover Cecilia Leonora Female West Leederville
1943/101557 Perth Gover Cecilia Leonora Female Hamilton David Gordon Male West Leederville
1943/101558 Perth Sountag Walter Joseph Male Orr Irene Florence Female West Perth
1943/101558 Perth Orr Irene Florence Female Sountag Walter Joseph Male West Perth
1943/101559 Perth Knight Ronald Barrington Male Crawford Margaret Elizabeth Cudmore Female West Perth
1943/101559 Perth Crawford Margaret Elizabeth Cudmore Female Knight Ronald Barrington Male West Perth
1943/101560 Perth Campbell Rilda Marion Female Sumpton Edward Owen Male West Perth
1943/101560 Perth Sumpton Edward Owen Male Campbell Rilda Marion Female West Perth
1943/101561 Perth Altorfer Margaret Northmore Female Van Hazel Cornelis Male West Perth
1943/101561 Perth Van Hazel Cornelis Male Altorfer Margaret Northmore Female West Perth
1943/101562 Perth Barker William John Wilson Male Egan Maude Ellen Female Perth
1943/101562 Perth Egan Maude Ellen Female Barker William John Wilson Male Perth
1943/101563 Perth Smith Doris Maud Female Turner Noel Ernest Male Perth
1943/101563 Perth Turner Noel Ernest Male Smith Doris Maud Female Perth
1943/101564 Perth Wharton Frank Joseph Leonard Male Watson Ethel Christina Ann Female Perth
1943/101564 Perth Watson Ethel Christina Ann Female Wharton Frank Joseph Leonard Male Perth
1943/101565 Perth Liti Aristotel Male Beris Anne Female Perth
1943/101565 Perth Beris Anne Female Liti Aristotel Male Perth
1943/101566 Perth Smith Myrtle Marjorie Female Dyer William Male Highgate Hill
1943/101566 Perth Dyer William Male Smith Myrtle Marjorie Female Highgate Hill
1943/101567 Perth Tsakalos Katy Female Rossi Esterino Male Highgate Hill
1943/101567 Perth Rossi Esterino Male Tsakalos Katy Female Highgate Hill
1943/101568 Perth Higgs June Margaret Female Dobson Oliver Male Perth
1943/101568 Perth Dobson Oliver Male Higgs June Margaret Female Perth
1943/101569 Perth Spice Horace Charles Male Bunt Elsie Jean Female North Perth
1943/101569 Perth Bunt Elsie Jean Female Spice Horace Charles Male North Perth
1943/101570 Perth Hawkins Enid Phoebe Female Skinner William Jack Male North Perth
1943/101570 Perth Skinner William Jack Male Hawkins Enid Phoebe Female North Perth
1943/101571 Perth Naismith George Brownley Male Hammond Olive Ruth Female North Perth
1943/101571 Perth Hammond Olive Ruth Female Naismith George Brownley Male North Perth
1943/101572 Perth Brophy Matthew John Male Green Jacquelina Carol Female Victoria Park
1943/101572 Perth Green Jacquelina Carol Female Brophy Matthew John Male Victoria Park
1943/101573 Perth Jones Audrey Constance Female Pache Eugene Paul Male West Perth
1943/101573 Perth Pache Eugene Paul Male Jones Audrey Constance Female West Perth
1943/101574 Perth Sharp William Ernest Male Lockyer Hazel Martha Female Perth
1943/101574 Perth Lockyer Hazel Martha Female Sharp William Ernest Male Perth
1943/101575 Perth Jackson Florence Female Gregory Herbert Allen Cornwell Male Perth
1943/101575 Perth Gregory Herbert Allen Cornwell Male Jackson Florence Female Perth
1943/101576 Perth Mercer Leslie Benjamin Male Toy Hilda May Female Perth
1943/101576 Perth Toy Hilda May Female Mercer Leslie Benjamin Male Perth
1943/101577 Perth Morris Claude Fredrick Male Carlisle Ruby Female Perth
1943/101577 Perth Carlisle Ruby Female Morris Claude Fredrick Male Perth
1943/101578 Perth Witts Mary Perpetua Female Page Allan John Male Perth
1943/101578 Perth Page Allan John Male Witts Mary Perpetua Female Perth
1943/101579 Perth Williams Joyce Gladys Female Anderson Roy Sydney Male Perth
1943/101579 Perth Anderson Roy Sydney Male Williams Joyce Gladys Female Perth
1943/101580 Perth Halse Leslie Paull Male Wilks Edna Vera Female Perth
1943/101580 Perth Wilks Edna Vera Female Halse Leslie Paull Male Perth
1943/101581 Perth Eatwell Hilda Mary Female O'Neill John Thomas Male Perth
1943/101581 Perth O'Neill John Thomas Male Eatwell Hilda Mary Female Perth
1943/101582 Perth Hunt Alan Stewart Male Robinson Mary Richenda Female Maylands
1943/101582 Perth Robinson Mary Richenda Female Hunt Alan Stewart Male Maylands
1943/101583 Perth Spence William David Male O'Keefe Kathleen Female Perth
1943/101583 Perth O'Keefe Kathleen Female Spence William David Male Perth
1943/101584 Perth Wilkins Dorothy Florence Female East Maurice James Male Perth
1943/101584 Perth East Maurice James Male Wilkins Dorothy Florence Female Perth
1943/101585 Perth Evans Annie Female Creed Philip John Male Subiaco
1943/101585 Perth Creed Philip John Male Evans Annie Female Subiaco
1943/101586 Perth Minto Ethel Doris Female Northey Reginald Harry Male West Perth
1943/101586 Perth Northey Reginald Harry Male Minto Ethel Doris Female West Perth
1943/101587 Perth Roberts Frank Albert Male Peterson Beryl Mavis Female Perth
1943/101587 Perth Peterson Beryl Mavis Female Roberts Frank Albert Male Perth
1943/101588 Perth Burston Nina Ethel Female Davidson James Mair Male Perth
1943/101588 Perth Davidson James Mair Male Burston Nina Ethel Female Perth
1943/101589 Perth Carless Florrie Ethel Female Brehaut Thomas Keith Male Victoria Park
1943/101589 Perth Brehaut Thomas Keith Male Carless Florrie Ethel Female Victoria Park
1943/101590 Perth Connolly Winifred Mary Female Gibbney William John Male Perth
1943/101590 Perth Gibbney William John Male Connolly Winifred Mary Female Perth
1943/101591 Perth Langridge Joan Alice Female Marshall Aaron Elms Male Perth
1943/101591 Perth Marshall Aaron Elms Male Langridge Joan Alice Female Perth
1943/101592 Perth Clark Myra Ellen Female Boyd Allan Keith Male West Leederville
1943/101592 Perth Boyd Allan Keith Male Clark Myra Ellen Female West Leederville
1943/101593 Perth Tanner Enid Mary Female Rogers Arthur Jamieson Male West Perth
1943/101593 Perth Rogers Arthur Jamieson Male Tanner Enid Mary Female West Perth
1943/101594 Perth Thomas John Henry Stewart Male Dunbar Agnes Elizabeth Female West Perth
1943/101594 Perth Dunbar Agnes Elizabeth Female Thomas John Henry Stewart Male West Perth
1943/101595 Perth Warnes Hector Male Hebditch Betty Female Perth
1943/101595 Perth Hebditch Betty Female Warnes Hector Male Perth
1943/101596 Perth McRostie Adeline Female Hugo Herbert James Male Perth
1943/101596 Perth Hugo Herbert James Male McRostie Adeline Female Perth
1943/101597 Perth Brown George James Farrington Male Jarvie Anne Miller Tennant Female Perth
1943/101597 Perth Jarvie Anne Miller Tennant Female Brown George James Farrington Male Perth
1943/101598 Perth McInnerney Gladys Female Heal Stanley Male Perth
1943/101598 Perth Heal Stanley Male McInnerney Gladys Female Perth
1943/101599 Perth Dickinson George Joseph Male Axell Jessie Bertha Female Perth
1943/101599 Perth Axell Jessie Bertha Female Dickinson George Joseph Male Perth
1943/101600 Perth van der Beek Jan Rupert Male Healy Stella Marie Female Perth
1943/101600 Perth Healy Stella Marie Female van der Beek Jan Rupert Male Perth
1943/101601 Perth Sheppard Richard Francis Male Spencer Sarah Irene Female Perth
1943/101601 Perth Spencer Sarah Irene Female Sheppard Richard Francis Male Perth
1943/101602 Perth Ellyard Muriel Bertha Female Stevens Francis William Male Subiaco
1943/101602 Perth Stevens Francis William Male Ellyard Muriel Bertha Female Subiaco
1943/101603 Perth Keenan Patricia Agatha Female Boylson Walter Vincent Male Subiaco
1943/101603 Perth Boylson Walter Vincent Male Keenan Patricia Agatha Female Subiaco
1943/101604 Perth Papprill Stanley Victor Male Grose Rita Daphne Female South Perth
1943/101604 Perth Grose Rita Daphne Female Papprill Stanley Victor Male South Perth
1943/101605 Perth Heyen Alice Mary Female Collins William Joseph Male Perth
1943/101605 Perth Collins William Joseph Male Heyen Alice Mary Female Perth
1943/101606 Perth Rear Stanley Herbert Male Sara Thoreen Sylvia Female Maylands
1943/101606 Perth Sara Thoreen Sylvia Female Rear Stanley Herbert Male Maylands
1943/101607 Perth Cherry Mary Female Anderson John McDickom Male Subiaco
1943/101607 Perth Anderson John McDickom Male Cherry Mary Female Subiaco
1943/101608 Perth Jones Terrence Counsel Male Rose Norma Eileen Female Subiaco
1943/101608 Perth Rose Norma Eileen Female Jones Terrence Counsel Male Subiaco
1943/101609 Perth Rathbun Robert Lyle Male Musgrove Margaret Mary Ellen Female Perth
1943/101609 Perth Musgrove Margaret Mary Ellen Female Rathbun Robert Lyle Male Perth
1943/101610 Perth Mount Muriel Violet Female Stone Charles Steel Hunting Male South Perth
1943/101610 Perth Stone Charles Steel Hunting Male Mount Muriel Violet Female South Perth
1943/101611 Perth Pateman Eric William Male Bishop Doris Enid Female West Australia
1943/101611 Perth Bishop Doris Enid Female Pateman Eric William Male West Australia
1943/101612 Perth O'Keefe Colin Hector Male Brown Rachael Veronica Female Perth
1943/101612 Perth Brown Rachael Veronica Female O'Keefe Colin Hector Male Perth
1943/101613 Perth Clark Frank William Male Casserly Dorothea May Female Mosman Park
1943/101613 Perth Casserly Dorothea May Female Clark Frank William Male Mosman Park
1943/101614 Perth Lyons Cecilia Mary Female Deering Patrick Michael Male Perth
1943/101614 Perth Deering Patrick Michael Male Lyons Cecilia Mary Female Perth
1943/101615 Perth Campbell Margaret Female Lamont Thomas Male Perth
1943/101615 Perth Lamont Thomas Male Campbell Margaret Female Perth
1943/101616 Perth Whittaker Clement Lester Male Fitt Vera Frances Female Perth
1943/101616 Perth Fitt Vera Frances Female Whittaker Clement Lester Male Perth
1943/101617 Perth Leversedge Francis Male Thornett Thea Alberta Female Perth
1943/101617 Perth Thornett Thea Alberta Female Leversedge Francis Male Perth
1943/101618 Perth Davey Trevor Albert Male Martin-Smith Patricia Olivia Female Subiaco
1943/101618 Perth Martin-Smith Patricia Olivia Female Davey Trevor Albert Male Subiaco
1943/101619 Perth Cooper John Male Spring Mary Alberta Female West Perth
1943/101619 Perth Spring Mary Alberta Female Cooper John Male West Perth
1943/101620 Perth Dupuy Harold Male Dalton Vera Female West Perth
1943/101620 Perth Dalton Vera Female Dupuy Harold Male West Perth
1943/101621 Perth Burke Elizabeth Female Hewitt George Arthur Male West Perth
1943/101621 Perth Hewitt George Arthur Male Burke Elizabeth Female West Perth
1943/101622 Perth Blackford Robert Charles Male Parker Kathleen Mary Female West Perth
1943/101622 Perth Parker Kathleen Mary Female Blackford Robert Charles Male West Perth
1943/101623 Perth Wilson Nona Louisa Female Gulberti Angelo Male West Perth
1943/101623 Perth Gulberti Angelo Male Wilson Nona Louisa Female West Perth
1943/101624 Perth Henderson Thomas Male Irwin Alice Maud Female West Perth
1943/101624 Perth Irwin Alice Maud Female Henderson Thomas Male West Perth
1943/101625 Perth Fleer Edgar Ernest Male Ridley Charlotte Female Victoria Park
1943/101625 Perth Ridley Charlotte Female Fleer Edgar Ernest Male Victoria Park
1943/101626 Perth Mackay Richard Andrew Male Loughton Dulcie May Female Perth
1943/101626 Perth Loughton Dulcie May Female Mackay Richard Andrew Male Perth
1943/101627 Perth Truslove Beryl Joyce Female Thompson George Henry Male Perth
1943/101627 Perth Thompson George Henry Male Truslove Beryl Joyce Female Perth
1943/101628 Perth Harris Dorothy Clare Female Mitchell Geoffrey Howard Male Perth
1943/101628 Perth Mitchell Geoffrey Howard Male Harris Dorothy Clare Female Perth
1943/101629 Perth McCullough Kenneth Male Dawson Millicent Female Perth
1943/101629 Perth Dawson Millicent Female McCullough Kenneth Male Perth
1943/101630 Perth Sweeney Sheila Margeret Female Wicks Leslie Rickwood Male Perth
1943/101630 Perth Wicks Leslie Rickwood Male Sweeney Sheila Margeret Female Perth
1943/101631 Perth Ridley Colin Jack Male Holtom Mavis De Lilah Female Perth
1943/101631 Perth Holtom Mavis De Lilah Female Ridley Colin Jack Male Perth
1943/101632 Perth Smith Ethel Mary Female Whittock Alan George Male Perth
1943/101632 Perth Whittock Alan George Male Smith Ethel Mary Female Perth
1943/101633 Perth Ayling Raymond Clarence Male Knapp Ivy May Female Perth
1943/101633 Perth Knapp Ivy May Female Ayling Raymond Clarence Male Perth
1943/101634 Perth Seaton Laura Louise Female Samuels Ronald Alfred Male Perth
1943/101634 Perth Samuels Ronald Alfred Male Seaton Laura Louise Female Perth
1943/101635 Perth Wright Helena Female Dolan James Michael Male Highgate Hill
1943/101635 Perth Dolan James Michael Male Wright Helena Female Highgate Hill
1943/101636 Perth Daly Olive May Female Game David William Male Perth
1943/101636 Perth Game David William Male Daly Olive May Female Perth
1943/101637 Perth Rowsell Shirley Mavis Female Garnsworthy John Youlden George Male Nedlands
1943/101637 Perth Garnsworthy John Youlden George Male Rowsell Shirley Mavis Female Nedlands
1943/101638 Perth Williams Daniel Alexander Male Whimpey Nellie Female Perth
1943/101638 Perth Whimpey Nellie Female Williams Daniel Alexander Male Perth
1943/101639 Perth Luxford Frederick Male Foster Thelma May Female West Leederville
1943/101639 Perth Foster Thelma May Female Luxford Frederick Male West Leederville
1943/101640 Perth Caporn Ruby Lillian Female Ashby Edward Alexander Male North Perth
1943/101640 Perth Ashby Edward Alexander Male Caporn Ruby Lillian Female North Perth
1943/101641 Perth Fison Edith Helen Female Marshall Neil Thomas Male East Claremont
1943/101641 Perth Marshall Neil Thomas Male Fison Edith Helen Female East Claremont
1943/101642 Perth Spershott Florence Grace Female Spershott Richard Male Perth
1943/101642 Perth Spershott Richard Male Spershott Florence Grace Female Perth
1943/101643 Perth Scott William Male Bell Aileen Female Perth
1943/101643 Perth Bell Aileen Female Scott William Male Perth
1943/101644 Perth King Kenneth George Alfred Male Chapman Mary Young Female Perth
1943/101644 Perth Chapman Mary Young Female King Kenneth George Alfred Male Perth
1943/101645 Perth Dawson Thomas William Male Greaves Anne Female Perth
1943/101645 Perth Greaves Anne Female Dawson Thomas William Male Perth
1943/101646 Perth Wilson Frances Edith Female Matthews Thomas Arthur Male Perth
1943/101646 Perth Matthews Thomas Arthur Male Wilson Frances Edith Female Perth
1943/101647 Perth Smith Ernest Albert George Male Martin Zena Mabel Female Perth
1943/101647 Perth Martin Zena Mabel Female Smith Ernest Albert George Male Perth
1943/101648 Perth Brierley Eva Female Townsend Thomas Phillip Male Perth
1943/101648 Perth Townsend Thomas Phillip Male Brierley Eva Female Perth
1943/101649 Perth Waite Lilian Marcelline Female Gibson Noel Alfred William Male Perth
1943/101649 Perth Gibson Noel Alfred William Male Waite Lilian Marcelline Female Perth
1943/101650 Perth Mell Clifford Edgar Male Mannix Myrtle Olive Female Claremont
1943/101650 Perth Mannix Myrtle Olive Female Mell Clifford Edgar Male Claremont
1943/101651 Perth Stevens William Joseph Male McCrae Kathleen Female Perth
1943/101651 Perth McCrae Kathleen Female Stevens William Joseph Male Perth
1943/101652 Perth Newport Gloria Joan Female Doy Kenneth Alexander Male Perth
1943/101652 Perth Doy Kenneth Alexander Male Newport Gloria Joan Female Perth
1943/101653 Perth Bailey Hovea Lulu Female Reeves Edward John Male Perth
1943/101653 Perth Reeves Edward John Male Bailey Hovea Lulu Female Perth
1943/101654 Perth Skillen James Male Makin Joan Roberta Female Perth
1943/101654 Perth Makin Joan Roberta Female Skillen James Male Perth
1943/101655 Perth Batchelor Zena Female Morris Frank Male Perth
1943/101655 Perth Morris Frank Male Batchelor Zena Female Perth
1943/101656 Perth O'Donnell Charles Male Taylor Lorna Charlotte Female Perth
1943/101656 Perth Taylor Lorna Charlotte Female O'Donnell Charles Male Perth
1943/101657 Perth Bordas Jack Male Hosking Lillian Venetia Female Perth
1943/101657 Perth Hosking Lillian Venetia Female Bordas Jack Male Perth
1943/101658 Perth Blencowe Albert Frank Male Hodges Mavis Priscella Female Perth
1943/101658 Perth Hodges Mavis Priscella Female Blencowe Albert Frank Male Perth
1943/101659 Perth Humm Donald Male Oakey Winnifred Mavis Female W Leederville
1943/101659 Perth Oakey Winnifred Mavis Female Humm Donald Male W Leederville
1943/101660 Perth Lindquist Horace Edgar Male Boalar Lillian Vera Female Perth
1943/101660 Perth Boalar Lillian Vera Female Lindquist Horace Edgar Male Perth
1943/101661 Perth Antulov Tony Male Rodin Mary Female Osborne Park
1943/101661 Perth Rodin Mary Female Antulov Tony Male Osborne Park
1943/101662 Perth Croucher Rex Hamilton Male Marsh Dorothy Female North Perth
1943/101662 Perth Marsh Dorothy Female Croucher Rex Hamilton Male North Perth
1943/101663 Perth McKenzie Audrey Mary Female Humphry Alfred Henry Male North Perth
1943/101663 Perth Humphry Alfred Henry Male McKenzie Audrey Mary Female North Perth
1943/101664 Perth Flügge Rex Arnold Male Swanson Peggy Female Perth
1943/101664 Perth Swanson Peggy Female Flügge Rex Arnold Male Perth
1943/101665 Perth Cook Muriel Dawn Female Faithfull Alfred Charles Male Perth
1943/101665 Perth Faithfull Alfred Charles Male Cook Muriel Dawn Female Perth
1943/101666 Perth Turner Olive Grace Female Colgan Laurence Thomas Male Perth
1943/101666 Perth Colgan Laurence Thomas Male Turner Olive Grace Female Perth
1943/101667 Perth Lewis George Anker Male Dwyer Nancy Karlena Female Perth
1943/101667 Perth Dwyer Nancy Karlena Female Lewis George Anker Male Perth
1943/101668 Perth Ennis Hylda Barbara Female Smith Bernard Gladstone Male Perth
1943/101668 Perth Smith Bernard Gladstone Male Ennis Hylda Barbara Female Perth
1943/101669 Perth Andersen Hjalmar Brian Male Yates Elsie Female Perth
1943/101669 Perth Yates Elsie Female Andersen Hjalmar Brian Male Perth
1943/101670 Perth Angove Geoffrey Allen Male Hall Gwendoline Female Perth
1943/101670 Perth Hall Gwendoline Female Angove Geoffrey Allen Male Perth
1943/101671 Perth Coleman Margaret Jean Female Neaves Stanley Raymond Male Perth
1943/101671 Perth Neaves Stanley Raymond Male Coleman Margaret Jean Female Perth
1943/101672 Perth Webb Eric Walter Frederick Male Spencer Marjorie Female Perth
1943/101672 Perth Spencer Marjorie Female Webb Eric Walter Frederick Male Perth
1943/101673 Perth Buckenara Clive James Male Shelton Phyllis May Female Perth
1943/101673 Perth Shelton Phyllis May Female Buckenara Clive James Male Perth
1943/101674 Perth Noble Petric Female Marriott Walter Alexander George Male Perth
1943/101674 Perth Marriott Walter Alexander George Male Noble Petric Female Perth
1943/101675 Perth Clevenger John Knapp Male Brabazon Leonie Joy Female Perth
1943/101675 Perth Brabazon Leonie Joy Female Clevenger John Knapp Male Perth
1943/101676 Perth Spaulding Alfred Leigh Male Nicol Lorna Isabel Female Perth
1943/101676 Perth Nicol Lorna Isabel Female Spaulding Alfred Leigh Male Perth
1943/101677 Perth Keegan Barbara Iles Female Jones Laurance Alan Male Perth
1943/101677 Perth Jones Laurance Alan Male Keegan Barbara Iles Female Perth
1943/101678 Perth Barrett Clara Olive Female Percival John Male West Perth
1943/101678 Perth Percival John Male Barrett Clara Olive Female West Perth
1943/101679 Perth Emons Douglas Haig Male Fuge Dorothy May Female West Perth
1943/101679 Perth Fuge Dorothy May Female Emons Douglas Haig Male West Perth
1943/101680 Perth Nettleton Grace Evelyn Female Robinson Frank Male Bayswater
1943/101680 Perth Robinson Frank Male Nettleton Grace Evelyn Female Bayswater
1943/101681 Perth Long Mavis Female Emberson John Donald Male Maylands
1943/101681 Perth Emberson John Donald Male Long Mavis Female Maylands
1943/101682 Perth Martin Ronald Burley Male Nettle Joyce Katherine Female West Perth
1943/101682 Perth Nettle Joyce Katherine Female Martin Ronald Burley Male West Perth
1943/101683 Perth McTavish Dorothy Minnie Female McCamish Norman Male Mt Lawley
1943/101683 Perth McCamish Norman Male McTavish Dorothy Minnie Female Mt Lawley
1943/101684 Perth Ferridge John Male Dale Ethel Sarah Female South Perth
1943/101684 Perth Dale Ethel Sarah Female Ferridge John Male South Perth
1943/101685 Perth Dicks James William Male Anderson Eveleen Ruth Female Perth
1943/101685 Perth Anderson Eveleen Ruth Female Dicks James William Male Perth
1943/101686 Perth McDonagh John William Joseph Male Rogers Joan Naomi Female E Victoria Pk
1943/101686 Perth Rogers Joan Naomi Female McDonagh John William Joseph Male E Victoria Pk
1943/101687 Perth Wright George William Male Waghorn Doris Emma Female Perth
1943/101687 Perth Waghorn Doris Emma Female Wright George William Male Perth
1943/101688 Perth Grootveld Johannes Male Clarke Corene Nonnie Female Claremont
1943/101688 Perth Clarke Corene Nonnie Female Grootveld Johannes Male Claremont
1943/101689 Perth Best Melva Letitia Female Jackson Walter Frederick Male Perth
1943/101689 Perth Jackson Walter Frederick Male Best Melva Letitia Female Perth
1943/101690 Perth Desmond Robert John Male Pearce Doreen Jean Female Perth
1943/101690 Perth Pearce Doreen Jean Female Desmond Robert John Male Perth
1943/101691 Perth Davidson Frederick Andrew Male Larratt Violet Ruth Female Perth
1943/101691 Perth Larratt Violet Ruth Female Davidson Frederick Andrew Male Perth
1943/101692 Perth Waters Violet Mary Female Blight Douglas Ronald Male Victoria Park
1943/101692 Perth Blight Douglas Ronald Male Waters Violet Mary Female Victoria Park
1943/101693 Perth Costello Thomas Patrick Male Parfitt Betty Female Perth
1943/101693 Perth Parfitt Betty Female Costello Thomas Patrick Male Perth
1943/101694 Perth Pearlman Cyril Solomon Male Grant Zelda Cecielle Female Perth
1943/101694 Perth Grant Zelda Cecielle Female Pearlman Cyril Solomon Male Perth
1943/101695 Perth Garcia Rachel Female Nathan Edward Male Perth
1943/101695 Perth Nathan Edward Male Garcia Rachel Female Perth
1943/101696 Perth Maplesden Hilda Elizabeth Female Hearne Douglas Wallace Male South Perth
1943/101696 Perth Hearne Douglas Wallace Male Maplesden Hilda Elizabeth Female South Perth
1943/101697 Perth Fazey Frances Catherine Female Wilshire Douglas Robin Male Perth
1943/101697 Perth Wilshire Douglas Robin Male Fazey Frances Catherine Female Perth
1943/101698 Perth Riley Robina Maude Female O'Donoghue Lewis Edward Male Perth
1943/101698 Perth O'Donoghue Lewis Edward Male Riley Robina Maude Female Perth
1943/101699 Perth Walsh Annie Louisa Female Fisher William Robert Male Perth
1943/101699 Perth Fisher William Robert Male Walsh Annie Louisa Female Perth
1943/101700 Perth McCormick Doris May Female Edgar Archibald Victor Male Perth
1943/101700 Perth Edgar Archibald Victor Male McCormick Doris May Female Perth
1943/101701 Perth Wilson Dorothy Female Thompson Ernest Lawrence Male Perth
1943/101701 Perth Thompson Ernest Lawrence Male Wilson Dorothy Female Perth
1943/101702 Perth Beck Alfred Joseph Edmond Male Haygarth Gwendoline Female Mt Lawley
1943/101702 Perth Haygarth Gwendoline Female Beck Alfred Joseph Edmond Male Mt Lawley
1943/101703 Perth Williams Joan Female Craig William Eric Male Perth
1943/101703 Perth Craig William Eric Male Williams Joan Female Perth
1943/101704 Perth Wilkes Olive Pittaway Female Burke Ronald Male Perth
1943/101704 Perth Burke Ronald Male Wilkes Olive Pittaway Female Perth
1943/101705 Perth Keene Kenneth Denis Male Brentnall Bonnie Jean Female Perth
1943/101705 Perth Brentnall Bonnie Jean Female Keene Kenneth Denis Male Perth
1943/101706 Perth McDonald Jean Stephen Female Baird Robert Noble Male Perth
1943/101706 Perth Baird Robert Noble Male McDonald Jean Stephen Female Perth
1943/101707 Perth Topham Joyce Winsome Female Currell Leonard Michael Male Perth
1943/101707 Perth Currell Leonard Michael Male Topham Joyce Winsome Female Perth
1943/101708 Perth Purves Janet Scott Female Jepson Cyril Male Perth
1943/101708 Perth Jepson Cyril Male Purves Janet Scott Female Perth
1943/101709 Perth Hill George Thomas Male Wills Enid May Female Perth
1943/101709 Perth Wills Enid May Female Hill George Thomas Male Perth
1943/101710 Perth McLarty Roderick Ernest Male Males Violet Ann Female West Perth
1943/101710 Perth Males Violet Ann Female McLarty Roderick Ernest Male West Perth
1943/101711 Perth Mason Ernest Edawrd Male Knight Joan Emily Female West Perth
1943/101711 Perth Knight Joan Emily Female Mason Ernest Edawrd Male West Perth
1943/101712 Perth Samuel Leslie William Male Chambers Shirly Female West Perth
1943/101712 Perth Chambers Shirly Female Samuel Leslie William Male West Perth
1943/101713 Perth Collyer Alice May Female Bastian Kevin Archibald Male West Perth
1943/101713 Perth Bastian Kevin Archibald Male Collyer Alice May Female West Perth
1943/101714 Perth Bertini Nello Male Menghini Helen Constance Female Perth
1943/101714 Perth Menghini Helen Constance Female Bertini Nello Male Perth
1943/101715 Perth Read Alice Evelyn May Female Wills Leslie John Male Perth
1943/101715 Perth Wills Leslie John Male Read Alice Evelyn May Female Perth
1943/101716 Perth Gordin Edith Margaret Female Moore George Patrick Male Perth
1943/101716 Perth Moore George Patrick Male Gordin Edith Margaret Female Perth
1943/101717 Perth Coventry Donald Jack Male Herbert Edna Vale Female Perth
1943/101717 Perth Herbert Edna Vale Female Coventry Donald Jack Male Perth
1943/101718 Perth Martin Enid Sybil Female Ellis William Male Perth
1943/101718 Perth Ellis William Male Martin Enid Sybil Female Perth
1943/101719 Perth Baldock Joan Margaret Female Robertson Leonard McRae Male Perth
1943/101719 Perth Robertson Leonard McRae Male Baldock Joan Margaret Female Perth
1943/101720 Perth Shand Leslie Frederick Male Payne Alice Margaret Female Perth
1943/101720 Perth Payne Alice Margaret Female Shand Leslie Frederick Male Perth
1943/101721 Perth Jefferson Lilian Female Down John Edward Leslie Male Cottesloe
1943/101721 Perth Down John Edward Leslie Male Jefferson Lilian Female Cottesloe
1943/101722 Perth Hertel Ethel Vera Female Fogden Robert Henry Male Cottesloe
1943/101722 Perth Fogden Robert Henry Male Hertel Ethel Vera Female Cottesloe
1943/101723 Perth Hameister Galvin Victor Male Dingwall Ena Rita Female Cottesloe
1943/101723 Perth Dingwall Ena Rita Female Hameister Galvin Victor Male Cottesloe
1943/101724 Perth Tyler Rodney Norcott Male Donald Lyndsay Mure Female Claremont
1943/101724 Perth Donald Lyndsay Mure Female Tyler Rodney Norcott Male Claremont
1943/101725 Perth Naylor Peggy Jean Female Varley Ronald Jack Vaux Male Claremont
1943/101725 Perth Varley Ronald Jack Vaux Male Naylor Peggy Jean Female Claremont
1943/101726 Perth Cox Frank Robert Male Fancote Lillian Beth Female Claremont
1943/101726 Perth Fancote Lillian Beth Female Cox Frank Robert Male Claremont
1943/101727 Perth Seaton Herbert Joseph Male Higgins Mabel Ellen Female Claremont
1943/101727 Perth Higgins Mabel Ellen Female Seaton Herbert Joseph Male Claremont
1943/101728 Perth Matthews Gloria Edith Female Hastie Robert Patrick Male Claremont
1943/101728 Perth Hastie Robert Patrick Male Matthews Gloria Edith Female Claremont
1943/101729 Perth Corboy Brian Edwin Male Meredith Daphne May Female Claremont
1943/101729 Perth Meredith Daphne May Female Corboy Brian Edwin Male Claremont
1943/101730 Perth Glaris Thetis Asther Female Woods Sydney Charles Alfred Male Claremont
1943/101730 Perth Woods Sydney Charles Alfred Male Glaris Thetis Asther Female Claremont
1943/101731 Perth Price Alice Dorothy Female Weight Arthur Martin Male West Australia
1943/101731 Perth Weight Arthur Martin Male Price Alice Dorothy Female West Australia
1943/101732 Perth Walker Edwyna Mary Female Mole Robert Male Perth
1943/101732 Perth Mole Robert Male Walker Edwyna Mary Female Perth
1943/101733 Perth Hodgson William George Male Munday Hilda Blanche Female Perth
1943/101733 Perth Munday Hilda Blanche Female Hodgson William George Male Perth
1943/101734 Perth Emmins Olive Elizabeth Female Bullen Arthur Douglas Male Perth
1943/101734 Perth Bullen Arthur Douglas Male Emmins Olive Elizabeth Female Perth
1943/101735 Perth Musto Sydney Albert Male Wilks June Doreen Female Perth
1943/101735 Perth Wilks June Doreen Female Musto Sydney Albert Male Perth
1943/101736 Perth Harms Harold Male Patman Winifred Elizabeth Female Perth
1943/101736 Perth Patman Winifred Elizabeth Female Harms Harold Male Perth
1943/101737 Perth Becroft Arthur Hervan Male Jones Elaine Doris Female Subiaco
1943/101737 Perth Jones Elaine Doris Female Becroft Arthur Hervan Male Subiaco
1943/101738 Perth Tolhurst Edward Walter Male Tolhurst Jessie Nita Female Perth
1943/101738 Perth Tolhurst Jessie Nita Female Tolhurst Edward Walter Male Perth
1943/101739 Perth Sharp Thomas Male Tapper Edna Marrianne Female Perth
1943/101739 Perth Tapper Edna Marrianne Female Sharp Thomas Male Perth
1943/101742 Perth Hansen Trygve Johan Male Hitchin Thora Sylvia Female Nedlands
1943/101742 Perth Hitchin Thora Sylvia Female Hansen Trygve Johan Male Nedlands
1943/101743 Perth Sheppard Jean Creed Female Odden Odd Male Claremont
1943/101743 Perth Odden Odd Male Sheppard Jean Creed Female Claremont
1943/101744 Perth Stevens Ernest Morrison Male McKerron Brae Doreen Female Subiaco
1943/101744 Perth McKerron Brae Doreen Female Stevens Ernest Morrison Male Subiaco
1943/101745 Perth Collins Arthur Ernest Male Douglas Gladys Mary Female Perth
1943/101745 Perth Douglas Gladys Mary Female Collins Arthur Ernest Male Perth
1943/101746 Perth Longbottom Iris Female Burgess Norman Male Perth
1943/101746 Perth Burgess Norman Male Longbottom Iris Female Perth
1943/101747 Perth Exley William Clifford Male Wheelock Stella Mary Female Perth
1943/101747 Perth Wheelock Stella Mary Female Exley William Clifford Male Perth
1943/101748 Perth Duncan Keith George Male Spencer Martha Elizabeth Female Perth
1943/101748 Perth Spencer Martha Elizabeth Female Duncan Keith George Male Perth
1943/101749 Perth Riordan Josephine Female Martin Francis Kevin Male Leederville
1943/101749 Perth Martin Francis Kevin Male Riordan Josephine Female Leederville
1943/101750 Perth Drexl Willmer Frank Male Fisher Gladys Jean Female Subiaco
1943/101750 Perth Fisher Gladys Jean Female Drexl Willmer Frank Male Subiaco
1943/101751 Perth Theilhaber Elizabeth Gertraud Female Ward Ronald Francis Male Perth
1943/101751 Perth Ward Ronald Francis Male Theilhaber Elizabeth Gertraud Female Perth
1943/101752 Perth Spencer Marjorie Emily Female Scott Robert Farquhar Male West Perth
1943/101752 Perth Scott Robert Farquhar Male Spencer Marjorie Emily Female West Perth
1943/101753 Perth Couch David Male Gill Olive Emily Female Perth
1943/101753 Perth Gill Olive Emily Female Couch David Male Perth
1943/101754 Perth Moss Winnifred Marguerite Female Burt Walter Lincoln Male Perth
1943/101754 Perth Burt Walter Lincoln Male Moss Winnifred Marguerite Female Perth
1943/101755 Perth White George Alfred Male White Laura Phyllis Irene Female Perth
1943/101755 Perth White Laura Phyllis Irene Female White George Alfred Male Perth
1943/101756 Perth Bertram Margaret Olive Female McCosker John Francis Male Perth
1943/101756 Perth McCosker John Francis Male Bertram Margaret Olive Female Perth
1943/101757 Perth Western Victor Claude Male Harris Norma Olive Female Perth
1943/101757 Perth Harris Norma Olive Female Western Victor Claude Male Perth
1943/101758 Perth Hough Kathleen Rose Female Wishart Lancelot Edwin Male South Perth
1943/101758 Perth Wishart Lancelot Edwin Male Hough Kathleen Rose Female South Perth
1943/101759 Perth Kelder Johan Frederick Male Stewart Isabel McKenzie Female Perth
1943/101759 Perth Stewart Isabel McKenzie Female Kelder Johan Frederick Male Perth
1943/101760 Perth Hatcher Peter James Trevor Olden Male Kevan Dorothy Tressie Female Perth
1943/101760 Perth Kevan Dorothy Tressie Female Hatcher Peter James Trevor Olden Male Perth
1943/101761 Perth Lister Henry Alexander Male Lear Rita Irene Female Perth
1943/101761 Perth Lear Rita Irene Female Lister Henry Alexander Male Perth
1943/101762 Perth Whiting Billy Jones Male Bowen Joyce Adderley Female Perth
1943/101762 Perth Bowen Joyce Adderley Female Whiting Billy Jones Male Perth
1943/101763 Perth Munsie Doreen Joyce Female Heron Francis William Male Perth
1943/101763 Perth Heron Francis William Male Munsie Doreen Joyce Female Perth
1943/101764 Perth Culleton Neita Alice Female Woodard Richard Leonard Male Perth
1943/101764 Perth Woodard Richard Leonard Male Culleton Neita Alice Female Perth
1943/101765 Perth Collins Clara Tilly Female Weeden William Ernest Male Perth
1943/101765 Perth Weeden William Ernest Male Collins Clara Tilly Female Perth
1943/101766 Perth Ray Doris Marion Dawn Female Gadsby Ronald Cecil Male West Leederville
1943/101766 Perth Gadsby Ronald Cecil Male Ray Doris Marion Dawn Female West Leederville
1943/101767 Perth Turner Murray Webling Male White Daisy Mary Female Victoria Park
1943/101767 Perth White Daisy Mary Female Turner Murray Webling Male Victoria Park
1943/101768 Perth Snashall Frederick Daniel Male Simons Erica Helen Female Victoria Park
1943/101768 Perth Simons Erica Helen Female Snashall Frederick Daniel Male Victoria Park
1943/101769 Perth Castengera William Joseph Male Dixey Eileen Marion Female Perth
1943/101769 Perth Dixey Eileen Marion Female Castengera William Joseph Male Perth
1943/101770 Perth Russell Frank Male Burgess Ida Female Perth
1943/101770 Perth Burgess Ida Female Russell Frank Male Perth
1943/101771 Perth Taggart Allen Douglas Male Hunter Elizabeth Mary Female Claremont
1943/101771 Perth Hunter Elizabeth Mary Female Taggart Allen Douglas Male Claremont
1943/101772 Perth Beck William Burt Male Tychsen Inez Freide Female Claremont
1943/101772 Perth Tychsen Inez Freide Female Beck William Burt Male Claremont
1943/101773 Perth Kitchell Alfred Roy Male Maxwell Irene Female Subiaco
1943/101773 Perth Maxwell Irene Female Kitchell Alfred Roy Male Subiaco
1943/101774 Perth Duffy Doris Eva Female Steel Kenneth James Male West Perth
1943/101774 Perth Steel Kenneth James Male Duffy Doris Eva Female West Perth
1943/101775 Perth Montgomery Kenneth Allan Male Dixon Florence Amelia Female West Perth
1943/101775 Perth Dixon Florence Amelia Female Montgomery Kenneth Allan Male West Perth
1943/101776 Perth Spencer Una Rebecca Female Woodland Ronald Charles Male West Perth
1943/101776 Perth Woodland Ronald Charles Male Spencer Una Rebecca Female West Perth
1943/101777 Perth Lange Terrence Phillip Male Holmes Winifred Dorothy Female Perth
1943/101777 Perth Holmes Winifred Dorothy Female Lange Terrence Phillip Male Perth
1943/101778 Perth Ashcroft Kitty Female Martins William Male Perth
1943/101778 Perth Martins William Male Ashcroft Kitty Female Perth
1943/101779 Perth Cockman Dulcie Ada Female Hahnel William George Male West Perth
1943/101779 Perth Hahnel William George Male Cockman Dulcie Ada Female West Perth
1943/101780 Perth Prothero Evelyn Frances Female Sayers Albert Leslie Male West Perth
1943/101780 Perth Sayers Albert Leslie Male Prothero Evelyn Frances Female West Perth
1943/101781 Perth Mills Barbara Female Bateman Leonard Male Mt Lawley
1943/101781 Perth Bateman Leonard Male Mills Barbara Female Mt Lawley
1943/101782 Perth Jose Florence Mabel Female Hall Edward Horace Male Mt Lawley
1943/101782 Perth Hall Edward Horace Male Jose Florence Mabel Female Mt Lawley
1943/101783 Perth Morris Frederick Gerald Male Dawe Lucy Female Mt Lawley
1943/101783 Perth Dawe Lucy Female Morris Frederick Gerald Male Mt Lawley
1943/101784 Perth McLeod Edna Mary Female Mountjoy Walter Edgar Male Mt Lawley
1943/101784 Perth Mountjoy Walter Edgar Male McLeod Edna Mary Female Mt Lawley
1943/101785 Perth Stokes Thomas Michael O'Neil Male McGilvray Essie Doris Female Perth
1943/101785 Perth McGilvray Essie Doris Female Stokes Thomas Michael O'Neil Male Perth
1943/101786 Perth Hoy Margaret Lillian Female McCallum Edward Albert Male Mt Lawley
1943/101786 Perth McCallum Edward Albert Male Hoy Margaret Lillian Female Mt Lawley
1943/101787 Perth Tuckey Doris Veronica Female Broomfield Stanley William Male Mt Hawthorn
1943/101787 Perth Broomfield Stanley William Male Tuckey Doris Veronica Female Mt Hawthorn
1943/101788 Perth Wright David Charles Bliss Male Cockburn Barbara Eleanor Female Mt Hawthorn
1943/101788 Perth Cockburn Barbara Eleanor Female Wright David Charles Bliss Male Mt Hawthorn
1943/101789 Perth Hann Robert Gordon Male Ridley Pearl Female Mt Hawthorn
1943/101789 Perth Ridley Pearl Female Hann Robert Gordon Male Mt Hawthorn
1943/101790 Perth Richardson Julia Female Pagoda Frank John Male Mt Hawthorn
1943/101790 Perth Pagoda Frank John Male Richardson Julia Female Mt Hawthorn
1943/101791 Perth Janes Leslie Edward Smith Male Parsons Gladys Ida Female Mt Hawthorn
1943/101791 Perth Parsons Gladys Ida Female Janes Leslie Edward Smith Male Mt Hawthorn
1943/101792 Perth Burton Leonard James Male Bickle Patricia Joyce Female Mt Hawthorn
1943/101792 Perth Bickle Patricia Joyce Female Burton Leonard James Male Mt Hawthorn
1943/101793 Perth Schnider Rudolph Male Ellis Frances Ellen Female Mt Hawthorn
1943/101793 Perth Ellis Frances Ellen Female Schnider Rudolph Male Mt Hawthorn
1943/101794 Perth Murray Robert Male Edwards Florence Female Perth
1943/101794 Perth Edwards Florence Female Murray Robert Male Perth
1943/101795 Perth Noble Mary Female Doyle William James Male Perth
1943/101795 Perth Doyle William James Male Noble Mary Female Perth
1943/101796 Perth Yoxall Samuel Marshall Male Bradbury Dorothea Mary Female Perth
1943/101796 Perth Bradbury Dorothea Mary Female Yoxall Samuel Marshall Male Perth
1943/101797 Perth Lucas Alice May Female Harrison William Theodore Male Perth
1943/101797 Perth Harrison William Theodore Male Lucas Alice May Female Perth
1943/101798 Perth Ross Florence Allison Female Bentley Arthur Cyril Male Perth
1943/101798 Perth Bentley Arthur Cyril Male Ross Florence Allison Female Perth
1943/101799 Perth Youngman Rose Mary Female Mathis James Henry Male Perth
1943/101799 Perth Mathis James Henry Male Youngman Rose Mary Female Perth
1943/101800 Perth Hannett Rita Violet Female Sutherland Robert Gordon Male Perth
1943/101800 Perth Sutherland Robert Gordon Male Hannett Rita Violet Female Perth
1943/101801 Perth Geronimos Basilios Male Macrides Katie Female Perth
1943/101801 Perth Macrides Katie Female Geronimos Basilios Male Perth
1943/101802 Perth Morgan Alexander Male Lumsden Margaret Ann Female Maylands
1943/101802 Perth Lumsden Margaret Ann Female Morgan Alexander Male Maylands
1943/101803 Perth Chesson Margaret Female Thomson Frederick Allan Male Maylands
1943/101803 Perth Thomson Frederick Allan Male Chesson Margaret Female Maylands
1943/101804 Perth Harrington Brian Mervyn Male Butcher Beryl Jessepha Female Claremont
1943/101804 Perth Butcher Beryl Jessepha Female Harrington Brian Mervyn Male Claremont
1943/101805 Perth Thomas Frederick James Male Warner Teresa Agnes Mary Female West Australia
1943/101805 Perth Warner Teresa Agnes Mary Female Thomas Frederick James Male West Australia
1943/101806 Perth Ritchie Joan Female Ramsden Walter John Male Victoria Park
1943/101806 Perth Ramsden Walter John Male Ritchie Joan Female Victoria Park
1943/101807 Perth Mitchell Frederick Robert Male Turriff Ivy Female West Perth
1943/101807 Perth Turriff Ivy Female Mitchell Frederick Robert Male West Perth
1943/101808 Perth Tuohey Alice May Female Urquhart Edwards Phillip Male Perth
1943/101808 Perth Urquhart Edwards Phillip Male Tuohey Alice May Female Perth
1943/101809 Perth Panting George Edward Male Gaitskell Iris Isobel Female Perth
1943/101809 Perth Gaitskell Iris Isobel Female Panting George Edward Male Perth
1943/101810 Perth Waghorn Frederick George Arthur Male Evans Shirley Mary Female Perth
1943/101810 Perth Evans Shirley Mary Female Waghorn Frederick George Arthur Male Perth
1943/101811 Perth Newman Richard Lawrance Male McKelvie Elsie May Female Perth
1943/101811 Perth McKelvie Elsie May Female Newman Richard Lawrance Male Perth
1943/101812 Perth Yuill John Smith Male Hopkins Doreen Mary Female West Perth
1943/101812 Perth Hopkins Doreen Mary Female Yuill John Smith Male West Perth
1943/101813 Perth Ryan Mary Female Cooney John William Male West Perth
1943/101813 Perth Cooney John William Male Ryan Mary Female West Perth
1943/101814 Perth Schroeder Rosalie Marie Female Mills William Munson Male Perth
1943/101814 Perth Mills William Munson Male Schroeder Rosalie Marie Female Perth
1943/101815 Perth Strang Bernice Lilian Female Hunt Royston Frederick Gilbert Male Perth
1943/101815 Perth Hunt Royston Frederick Gilbert Male Strang Bernice Lilian Female Perth
1943/101816 Perth Della-Vedova Peter Male Ambrosius Violet Myrtle Female Perth
1943/101816 Perth Ambrosius Violet Myrtle Female Della-Vedova Peter Male Perth
1943/101817 Perth Cox Olive Female Collins John Richard Male Perth
1943/101817 Perth Collins John Richard Male Cox Olive Female Perth
1943/101818 Perth Scott Harry Edward Male Simeon Ellen Amelia Female Perth
1943/101818 Perth Simeon Ellen Amelia Female Scott Harry Edward Male Perth
1943/101819 Perth Chatfield Iris Loma Female Thomson John Male Perth
1943/101819 Perth Thomson John Male Chatfield Iris Loma Female Perth
1943/101820 Perth Annear Ethel May Female Haasse Willem Hendrik Johannes Male Perth
1943/101820 Perth Haasse Willem Hendrik Johannes Male Annear Ethel May Female Perth
1943/101821 Perth Spence Nancy Rose Female Ashman Charles James Male North Perth
1943/101821 Perth Ashman Charles James Male Spence Nancy Rose Female North Perth
1943/101822 Perth Price Margaret Florence Female Baskett Reavis Porter Male Perth
1943/101822 Perth Baskett Reavis Porter Male Price Margaret Florence Female Perth
1943/101823 Perth Michie Melbourne Ronalda Male Hall Grace Ellen Female Perth
1943/101823 Perth Hall Grace Ellen Female Michie Melbourne Ronalda Male Perth
1943/101824 Perth Buckland James Edward Male Dagnia Natalie Fanny Female Perth
1943/101824 Perth Dagnia Natalie Fanny Female Buckland James Edward Male Perth
1943/101825 Perth Patterson Edith Constance Female Read Geoffrey Alexander Male Perth
1943/101825 Perth Read Geoffrey Alexander Male Patterson Edith Constance Female Perth
1943/101826 Perth Cunningham Keith Male Barnes Kathleen Jane Elaine Female Subiaco
1943/101826 Perth Barnes Kathleen Jane Elaine Female Cunningham Keith Male Subiaco
1943/101827 Perth Martin Duncan Eric Male Treen Joan Yvonne Female Subiaco
1943/101827 Perth Treen Joan Yvonne Female Martin Duncan Eric Male Subiaco
1943/101828 Perth Doherty Lillian Agnes Female Bant Frederick Bray Male West Leederville
1943/101828 Perth Bant Frederick Bray Male Doherty Lillian Agnes Female West Leederville
1943/101829 Perth Smith Dorothy Jean Female Nordfelt Chester Frederick Male West Perth
1943/101829 Perth Nordfelt Chester Frederick Male Smith Dorothy Jean Female West Perth
1943/101830 Perth Waller Jean Female Archer Basil Charles Male Victoria Park
1943/101830 Perth Archer Basil Charles Male Waller Jean Female Victoria Park
1943/101831 Perth Wall Gladys Ivy Female Stephenson William Oscar Morrison Male Subiaco
1943/101831 Perth Stephenson William Oscar Morrison Male Wall Gladys Ivy Female Subiaco
1943/101832 Perth Campesi Felix Male Dyer Phylis Audrey Female Subiaco
1943/101832 Perth Dyer Phylis Audrey Female Campesi Felix Male Subiaco
1943/101833 Perth Gudgeon Frank Ward Male Carter Rita Doreen Female West Perth
1943/101833 Perth Carter Rita Doreen Female Gudgeon Frank Ward Male West Perth
1943/101834 Perth Missingham Ruth Lenora Female Smith Alec Arthur Male Subiaco
1943/101834 Perth Smith Alec Arthur Male Missingham Ruth Lenora Female Subiaco
1943/101835 Perth Beus Ivan Male Garbin Remy Margaret Female Perth
1943/101835 Perth Garbin Remy Margaret Female Beus Ivan Male Perth
1943/101836 Perth Mead Shirley Lorraine Female Eddison Jack Male Perth
1943/101836 Perth Eddison Jack Male Mead Shirley Lorraine Female Perth
1943/101837 Perth Robinson Beryl Jean Female Mann Lionel James Male Perth
1943/101837 Perth Mann Lionel James Male Robinson Beryl Jean Female Perth
1943/101838 Perth Weir Margaret Mary Female Beauchamp William Leonard Male Perth
1943/101838 Perth Beauchamp William Leonard Male Weir Margaret Mary Female Perth
1943/101839 Perth Harders John Gustav Male Elliott Edith Margretta Female Perth
1943/101839 Perth Elliott Edith Margretta Female Harders John Gustav Male Perth
1943/101840 Perth Armanasco Norman Leslie Male Babb Dorothy Blanche Female Victoria Park
1943/101840 Perth Babb Dorothy Blanche Female Armanasco Norman Leslie Male Victoria Park
1943/101841 Perth Belcastro Francesco Male Cangemi Amelia Female Osborne Park
1943/101841 Perth Cangemi Amelia Female Belcastro Francesco Male Osborne Park
1943/101842 Perth Taylor Sylvia Gertrude Female Vigers Stanley James Male Bayswater
1943/101842 Perth Vigers Stanley James Male Taylor Sylvia Gertrude Female Bayswater
1943/101843 Perth Avins Albert Edward Male Boyce Eileen Winnifred Female North Perth
1943/101843 Perth Boyce Eileen Winnifred Female Avins Albert Edward Male North Perth
1943/101844 Perth Freind Dulcie Florence Female Linthorne Irroy Gerald Male North Perth
1943/101844 Perth Linthorne Irroy Gerald Male Freind Dulcie Florence Female North Perth
1943/101845 Perth Rettig Harold Francis Male Rumble Evelyn Dulcie Female Perth
1943/101845 Perth Rumble Evelyn Dulcie Female Rettig Harold Francis Male Perth
1943/101846 Perth Bebbington Evelyn Geldert Female Laurisch Bernhardt Oscar Waldamar Male Perth
1943/101846 Perth Laurisch Bernhardt Oscar Waldamar Male Bebbington Evelyn Geldert Female Perth
1943/101847 Perth Ivey Bertram Ralph Male Pearce Sybil Blanche Female Perth
1943/101847 Perth Pearce Sybil Blanche Female Ivey Bertram Ralph Male Perth
1943/101848 Perth Wilson Alfred Jennings Male Murray Constance Female Perth
1943/101848 Perth Murray Constance Female Wilson Alfred Jennings Male Perth
1943/101849 Perth Hasleby Gladys Lillian Daphne Female Kennedy Felix Herbert Male Perth
1943/101849 Perth Kennedy Felix Herbert Male Hasleby Gladys Lillian Daphne Female Perth
1943/101850 Perth Gannaway Clifford Archibald Male Briston Irene Violet Iris Female Perth
1943/101850 Perth Briston Irene Violet Iris Female Gannaway Clifford Archibald Male Perth
1943/101851 Perth Morrison Susanna Mighten Female Wood Herbert James Male Perth
1943/101851 Perth Wood Herbert James Male Morrison Susanna Mighten Female Perth
1943/101852 Perth Spoors Florence Maud Female Caldwell William Male Perth
1943/101852 Perth Caldwell William Male Spoors Florence Maud Female Perth
1943/101853 Perth Snow Norman James Male Carrie Edith Female Perth
1943/101853 Perth Carrie Edith Female Snow Norman James Male Perth
1943/101854 Perth Keene Lorna Claribel Female Howe Carl William Male Perth
1943/101854 Perth Howe Carl William Male Keene Lorna Claribel Female Perth
1943/101855 Perth Napier Eda Bessie Female Whitsed Claude De Key Male Perth
1943/101855 Perth Whitsed Claude De Key Male Napier Eda Bessie Female Perth
1943/101856 Perth Kerwin Robert William Male Ash Beatrice Meta Female Perth
1943/101856 Perth Ash Beatrice Meta Female Kerwin Robert William Male Perth
1943/101857 Perth van Velthoven Arnoldus Johannes Male Wood Vera Marie Louise Female Perth
1943/101857 Perth Wood Vera Marie Louise Female van Velthoven Arnoldus Johannes Male Perth
1943/101858 Perth Watts Leslie Male Thomas Elsie May Female Perth
1943/101858 Perth Thomas Elsie May Female Watts Leslie Male Perth
1943/101859 Perth Murphy Agnes May Female Mollenoyux William Ross Male Perth
1943/101859 Perth Mollenoyux William Ross Male Murphy Agnes May Female Perth
1943/101860 Perth Steer Joseph Ralph Male Dawson Ellen Female Perth
1943/101860 Perth Dawson Ellen Female Steer Joseph Ralph Male Perth
1943/101861 Perth Wrist Shelah Female Smither Cranley Boyton Male Perth
1943/101861 Perth Smither Cranley Boyton Male Wrist Shelah Female Perth
1943/101862 Perth Gilbey Albert Edward Male Watt Margaret Annie Female Perth
1943/101862 Perth Watt Margaret Annie Female Gilbey Albert Edward Male Perth
1943/101863 Perth Evans Edward Henry George Male Grant Veneen Olive Female Perth
1943/101863 Perth Grant Veneen Olive Female Evans Edward Henry George Male Perth
1943/101864 Perth Owen Francis Morris Edwin Male Tremain Constance Beryl Female Perth
1943/101864 Perth Tremain Constance Beryl Female Owen Francis Morris Edwin Male Perth
1943/101865 Perth Cooper Doris Lillian Female Kinghorn James Raymond Male Perth
1943/101865 Perth Kinghorn James Raymond Male Cooper Doris Lillian Female Perth
1943/101866 Perth Sells Millicent Marjorie Female van Dongen Wilhelmus Gerardus Male Perth
1943/101866 Perth van Dongen Wilhelmus Gerardus Male Sells Millicent Marjorie Female Perth
1943/101867 Perth Hand Phyllis May Female May Charles Weekes Male North Perth
1943/101867 Perth May Charles Weekes Male Hand Phyllis May Female North Perth
1943/101868 Perth Bowra Glen Ronald Francis Male Broomhall Lesley Joan Female North Perth
1943/101868 Perth Broomhall Lesley Joan Female Bowra Glen Ronald Francis Male North Perth
1943/101869 Perth Ebert Minnie Sophia Mary Female Hough Alexander Male Perth
1943/101869 Perth Hough Alexander Male Ebert Minnie Sophia Mary Female Perth
1943/101870 Perth McLeod Heath Dennison Male Timms Stella Marie Cecelia Female Perth
1943/101870 Perth Timms Stella Marie Cecelia Female McLeod Heath Dennison Male Perth
1943/101871 Perth Stenson Kathleen Elizabeth Female Parker Alexander Edward William Male Maylands
1943/101871 Perth Parker Alexander Edward William Male Stenson Kathleen Elizabeth Female Maylands
1943/101872 Perth Shaw Edna Eliza Alice Female Martin Lionel Victor Male West Perth
1943/101872 Perth Martin Lionel Victor Male Shaw Edna Eliza Alice Female West Perth
1943/101873 Perth McLennan Maude Female Mullineux Louis Ivhan Male West Perth
1943/101873 Perth Mullineux Louis Ivhan Male McLennan Maude Female West Perth
1943/101874 Perth Campbell Arthur Ronald Male Griffiths Florence Ethel Female West Perth
1943/101874 Perth Griffiths Florence Ethel Female Campbell Arthur Ronald Male West Perth
1943/101875 Perth Killick Margaret Irene Female Osborn Stanley Male West Perth
1943/101875 Perth Osborn Stanley Male Killick Margaret Irene Female West Perth
1943/101876 Perth Stewart John Calvin Male Bradley Evelyn Irene Female Victoria Park
1943/101876 Perth Bradley Evelyn Irene Female Stewart John Calvin Male Victoria Park
1943/101877 Perth Bull Bessie Harriet Female Moore Ernest Henry Male Victoria Park
1943/101877 Perth Moore Ernest Henry Male Bull Bessie Harriet Female Victoria Park
1943/101878 Perth Milner Joyce Female Calaby Walter Harold Male Perth
1943/101878 Perth Calaby Walter Harold Male Milner Joyce Female Perth
1943/101879 Perth Maffescioni Lawrance James Male Simmons Joyce Ellen Female E Victoria Park
1943/101879 Perth Simmons Joyce Ellen Female Maffescioni Lawrance James Male E Victoria Park
1943/101880 Perth Higgins Thomas George Male Turner Veronica Ann Female East Victoria Park
1943/101880 Perth Turner Veronica Ann Female Higgins Thomas George Male East Victoria Park
1943/101881 Perth Gray Richard Raymond Male Boland Dorothy Margaret Female Subiaco
1943/101881 Perth Boland Dorothy Margaret Female Gray Richard Raymond Male Subiaco
1943/101882 Perth Molloy John Joseph Male Thorpe Jane Female Subiaco
1943/101882 Perth Thorpe Jane Female Molloy John Joseph Male Subiaco
1943/101883 Perth Young Eva Dorothy Female Fergusson Reginald Charles Claude Male Victoria Park
1943/101883 Perth Fergusson Reginald Charles Claude Male Young Eva Dorothy Female Victoria Park
1943/101884 Perth Carter Gwen Female Hoogland Decic Male West Perth
1943/101884 Perth Hoogland Decic Male Carter Gwen Female West Perth
1943/101885 Perth Forman Freda Tamar Female Murphy Robert William Male West Perth
1943/101885 Perth Murphy Robert William Male Forman Freda Tamar Female West Perth
1943/101886 Perth Clifton Margaret Louise Female Copeland James Dalton Male Mt Lawley
1943/101886 Perth Copeland James Dalton Male Clifton Margaret Louise Female Mt Lawley
1943/101887 Perth Ryder Leith Greville Male Crawford Lois Joan Female Perth
1943/101887 Perth Crawford Lois Joan Female Ryder Leith Greville Male Perth
1943/101888 Perth Bartlett Albert Edward Male Fleming Mary Female Perth
1943/101888 Perth Fleming Mary Female Bartlett Albert Edward Male Perth
1943/101889 Perth Davey Gladys Jean Female Ullrich Victor Gerald Male Perth
1943/101889 Perth Ullrich Victor Gerald Male Davey Gladys Jean Female Perth
1943/101890 Perth Browne Francis Wilfred Male Davis Mary Monica Female Leederville
1943/101890 Perth Davis Mary Monica Female Browne Francis Wilfred Male Leederville
1943/101891 Perth Dann Edward Percy Male Potter Ruth Audrey Female South Perth
1943/101891 Perth Potter Ruth Audrey Female Dann Edward Percy Male South Perth
1943/101892 Perth Noyce Doris Emma Female Beeck Arnold Walter Male Perth
1943/101892 Perth Beeck Arnold Walter Male Noyce Doris Emma Female Perth
1943/101893 Perth Fleay Ida May Female Manson George Percy Male West Perth
1943/101893 Perth Manson George Percy Male Fleay Ida May Female West Perth
1943/101894 Perth Holben William Ernest Male Ellison Lorna Ruth Female Victoria Park
1943/101894 Perth Ellison Lorna Ruth Female Holben William Ernest Male Victoria Park
1943/101895 Perth Rippon Dulcie Marion Female Rydings Joseph Male Subiaco
1943/101895 Perth Rydings Joseph Male Rippon Dulcie Marion Female Subiaco
1943/101896 Perth Adams Reginald George Male Withnell Emma Mary Female Perth
1943/101896 Perth Withnell Emma Mary Female Adams Reginald George Male Perth
1943/101897 Perth Brown Marjorie Emmie Female Fels Leslie Harold Male Highgate Hill
1943/101897 Perth Fels Leslie Harold Male Brown Marjorie Emmie Female Highgate Hill
1943/101898 Perth Gurry John Male Bryant Ellen Margaret Female Highgate Hill
1943/101898 Perth Bryant Ellen Margaret Female Gurry John Male Highgate Hill
1943/101899 Perth Shapkaris Aeleen Female Naoumis Harilaos Male Perth
1943/101899 Perth Naoumis Harilaos Male Shapkaris Aeleen Female Perth
1943/101900 Perth Sholdas Mikael Male Angeloff Sophie Female Perth
1943/101900 Perth Angeloff Sophie Female Sholdas Mikael Male Perth
1943/101901 Perth Stickland Harry Male Menz Vivienne Luciele Rae Female Mt Lawley
1943/101901 Perth Menz Vivienne Luciele Rae Female Stickland Harry Male Mt Lawley
1943/101902 Perth Brenzi Frank Male Newport Lily Dorothy Female Perth
1943/101902 Perth Newport Lily Dorothy Female Brenzi Frank Male Perth
1943/101903 Perth Semmens Constance Doreen Isabel Female Healy Wilson Pershing Male Perth
1943/101903 Perth Healy Wilson Pershing Male Semmens Constance Doreen Isabel Female Perth
1943/101904 Perth Fraser George Frederick Male Hedges Solveig Theodora Female Perth
1943/101904 Perth Hedges Solveig Theodora Female Fraser George Frederick Male Perth
1943/101905 Perth Elward Daniel James Male Robson Martha Robina Female Perth
1943/101905 Perth Robson Martha Robina Female Elward Daniel James Male Perth
1943/101906 Perth Blake Edgar Charles Male Hoffman Jessie Margaret Hope Female Perth
1943/101906 Perth Hoffman Jessie Margaret Hope Female Blake Edgar Charles Male Perth
1943/101907 Perth Dean Zora Hameeda Female Bourne Alfred Milton Male Perth
1943/101907 Perth Bourne Alfred Milton Male Dean Zora Hameeda Female Perth
1943/101908 Perth Burton Douglas Joseph Male Brown Olive Elsie Chapman Female Perth
1943/101908 Perth Brown Olive Elsie Chapman Female Burton Douglas Joseph Male Perth
1943/101909 Perth Lockley Betty Female Beadle Harrie Male Perth
1943/101909 Perth Beadle Harrie Male Lockley Betty Female Perth
1943/101910 Perth Suiter Norman Douglas Male Douglas Barbara Female Perth
1943/101910 Perth Douglas Barbara Female Suiter Norman Douglas Male Perth
1943/101911 Perth Skardon Hazel Female Bousfield Reginald Herbert Male Perth
1943/101911 Perth Bousfield Reginald Herbert Male Skardon Hazel Female Perth
1943/101912 Perth Ryan Sybil Grace McAuley Female Cook Eli Male Perth
1943/101912 Perth Cook Eli Male Ryan Sybil Grace McAuley Female Perth
1943/101913 Perth Edwards Norma May Female Campbell Benjamin Charles Henry Male Bayswater
1943/101913 Perth Campbell Benjamin Charles Henry Male Edwards Norma May Female Bayswater
1943/101914 Perth Kuring Kathleen Terese Female Slee Anthony Peter Male North Perth
1943/101914 Perth Slee Anthony Peter Male Kuring Kathleen Terese Female North Perth
1943/101915 Perth van Drempt Gerard Male Browne Joan Patricia Female Cottesloe
1943/101915 Perth Browne Joan Patricia Female van Drempt Gerard Male Cottesloe
1943/101916 Perth Cranwell Gweneth May Female Roberts Keith Percival Male West Aust
1943/101916 Perth Roberts Keith Percival Male Cranwell Gweneth May Female West Aust
1943/101917 Perth Smith Sheila Marie Phillimena Female Granath Edmund Hans Male Perth
1943/101917 Perth Granath Edmund Hans Male Smith Sheila Marie Phillimena Female Perth
1943/101918 Perth Villa Sheila Clare Female Pavey James Gilbert Male Perth
1943/101918 Perth Pavey James Gilbert Male Villa Sheila Clare Female Perth
1943/101919 Perth Philp Joyce Doreen Female McGuire Francis Male Perth
1943/101919 Perth McGuire Francis Male Philp Joyce Doreen Female Perth
1943/101920 Perth Sabine Vera Lilian Female Leonard Henry Bertram Male Perth
1943/101920 Perth Leonard Henry Bertram Male Sabine Vera Lilian Female Perth
1943/101921 Perth Irvine Irene Nicholson Female Morien Johannes Cornelis Male Perth
1943/101921 Perth Morien Johannes Cornelis Male Irvine Irene Nicholson Female Perth
1943/101922 Perth Davis George Wilfrid Bennett Male Burges Wendy Isabel Female Mount Lawley
1943/101922 Perth Burges Wendy Isabel Female Davis George Wilfrid Bennett Male Mount Lawley
1943/101923 Perth Stokes Eleanor Female Crowe Irwin Farquhar Male West Perth
1943/101923 Perth Crowe Irwin Farquhar Male Stokes Eleanor Female West Perth
1943/101924 Perth Foot Clare Norma Female Waters Ronald George Male Maylands
1943/101924 Perth Waters Ronald George Male Foot Clare Norma Female Maylands
1943/101925 Perth Howlett Gladys May Female Morris Wilfred Charles Male Victoria Park
1943/101925 Perth Morris Wilfred Charles Male Howlett Gladys May Female Victoria Park
1943/101926 Perth O'Keefe Alwyn James Male Webber Rose Constance Female Applecross
1943/101926 Perth Webber Rose Constance Female O'Keefe Alwyn James Male Applecross
1943/101927 Perth Beer Margarette Mary Female Daily Farquhar John Male Subiaco
1943/101927 Perth Daily Farquhar John Male Beer Margarette Mary Female Subiaco
1943/101928 Perth Munday Rose Amelia Female King Hubert Dewar Male Perth
1943/101928 Perth King Hubert Dewar Male Munday Rose Amelia Female Perth
1943/101929 Perth Roberts Elizabeth Ellen Female Chapman David John Male Perth
1943/101929 Perth Chapman David John Male Roberts Elizabeth Ellen Female Perth
1943/101930 Perth Holt Frank Baxter Male Campbell Cordelia Catherine Female Perth
1943/101930 Perth Campbell Cordelia Catherine Female Holt Frank Baxter Male Perth
1943/101931 Perth Wilson Bruce David Adam Male Cusack Kathleen Florence Female Perth
1943/101931 Perth Cusack Kathleen Florence Female Wilson Bruce David Adam Male Perth
1943/101932 Perth Wilkinson Frederick William Thomas Male Smith Irene Gladys Female Perth
1943/101932 Perth Smith Irene Gladys Female Wilkinson Frederick William Thomas Male Perth
1943/101933 Perth Thornett Audrey May Female Chapman George Charles Male Perth
1943/101933 Perth Chapman George Charles Male Thornett Audrey May Female Perth
1943/101934 Perth McCulloch James Male Balding Mabel Annie Female Perth
1943/101934 Perth Balding Mabel Annie Female McCulloch James Male Perth
1943/101935 Perth Lloyd Betty May Female Daebritz Frank Walter Male West Perth
1943/101935 Perth Daebritz Frank Walter Male Lloyd Betty May Female West Perth
1943/101936 Perth Quinlan Pauline Myrtle Female Halfweeg Simon Male West Perth
1943/101936 Perth Halfweeg Simon Male Quinlan Pauline Myrtle Female West Perth
1943/101937 Perth Harle Charles Sefton Male Hathway Monica Rosina Female West Perth
1943/101937 Perth Hathway Monica Rosina Female Harle Charles Sefton Male West Perth
1943/101938 Perth Christensen Charles Torvald Christian Male de Rons Katharine Frances Female Perth
1943/101938 Perth de Rons Katharine Frances Female Christensen Charles Torvald Christian Male Perth
1943/101939 Perth Davies Milton Simpson Male Boase Ivy Thelma Female Maylands
1943/101939 Perth Boase Ivy Thelma Female Davies Milton Simpson Male Maylands
1943/101940 Perth Kiesey Irvin Collace Male Shorthouse Rose Ettie Female Cottesloe
1943/101940 Perth Kiesey Ernest Male Shorthouse Rose Ettie Female Cottesloe
1943/101940 Perth Shorthouse Rose Ettie Female Kiesey Irvin Collace Male Cottesloe
1943/101940 Perth Shorthouse Rose Ettie Female Kiesey Ernest Male Cottesloe
1943/101941 Perth Treasure Dorothy May Female McLean John Russell Male Perth
1943/101941 Perth McLean John Russell Male Treasure Dorothy May Female Perth
1943/101942 Perth Muchomel Rose Female Zacher Edwin Griffith Male Perth
1943/101942 Perth Zacher Edwin Griffith Male Muchomel Rose Female Perth
1943/101943 Perth Goodhall William Male Standing Florence May Female Perth
1943/101943 Perth Standing Florence May Female Goodhall William Male Perth
1943/101944 Perth Randall Walter Male Randall Jessie Isla Florence Female Perth
1943/101944 Perth Randall Jessie Isla Florence Female Randall Walter Male Perth
1943/101945 Perth Bedford John William Male Douglas Thelma Joan Female Perth
1943/101945 Perth Douglas Thelma Joan Female Bedford John William Male Perth
1943/101946 Perth Garrity Veronica Petrel Female Smyth George James Male Subiaco
1943/101946 Perth Smyth George James Male Garrity Veronica Petrel Female Subiaco
1943/101947 Perth Martens James Henry Male Standen Margaret Female Subiaco
1943/101947 Perth Standen Margaret Female Martens James Henry Male Subiaco
1943/101948 Perth Dillon Ronald Bernard Joseph Male Rushton Phylliss Joyce Female Subiaco
1943/101948 Perth Rushton Phylliss Joyce Female Dillon Ronald Bernard Joseph Male Subiaco
1943/101949 Perth Ritter Grace Violet Female Steneker Johannes Petrus Male North Perth
1943/101949 Perth Steneker Johannes Petrus Male Ritter Grace Violet Female North Perth
1943/101950 Perth Porter Doris Joyce Female Carroll John Henry Male North Perth
1943/101950 Perth Carroll John Henry Male Porter Doris Joyce Female North Perth
1943/101951 Perth Ward Marjorie Joyce Female Dunstan John Percival Neaves Male North Perth
1943/101951 Perth Dunstan John Percival Neaves Male Ward Marjorie Joyce Female North Perth
1943/101952 Perth Parsons Edmond Richard Male Price Marie Valita Female Mt Hawthorn
1943/101952 Perth Price Marie Valita Female Parsons Edmond Richard Male Mt Hawthorn
1943/101953 Perth Griesbach Arthur Keith Male Huf Veronica Esther Female Perth
1943/101953 Perth Huf Veronica Esther Female Griesbach Arthur Keith Male Perth
1943/101954 Perth Smith Edmond James Male Hunter Florence Louise Female Mt Lawley
1943/101954 Perth Hunter Florence Louise Female Smith Edmond James Male Mt Lawley
1943/101955 Perth Smith Muriel Eva Female Attwell Thomas Henry Male Perth
1943/101955 Perth Attwell Thomas Henry Male Smith Muriel Eva Female Perth
1943/101956 Perth Brede Gwen Winifred Female Loveland Charles David Male Nedlands
1943/101956 Perth Loveland Charles David Male Brede Gwen Winifred Female Nedlands
1943/101957 Perth Pyle Stella Maria Female Lugue Pete Hilbert Male Bayswater
1943/101957 Perth Lugue Pete Hilbert Male Pyle Stella Maria Female Bayswater
1943/101958 Perth Page William Pembroke Male Kelly Mary Veronica Female Bayswater
1943/101958 Perth Kelly Mary Veronica Female Page William Pembroke Male Bayswater
1943/101959 Perth Cooper Margaret Mary Female Staaden Leon Gustave Francois Male Perth
1943/101959 Perth Staaden Leon Gustave Francois Male Cooper Margaret Mary Female Perth
1943/101960 Perth Mason Henry John Male Feast Veronica May Female South Perth
1943/101960 Perth Feast Veronica May Female Mason Henry John Male South Perth
1943/101961 Perth Anderson Patricia Anne Female Jones Gwyllyn Howell Male Subiaco
1943/101961 Perth Jones Gwyllyn Howell Male Anderson Patricia Anne Female Subiaco
1943/101962 Perth Frost Charles Henry Male Manlein Dorothy Mabel Female Mt Lawley
1943/101962 Perth Manlein Dorothy Mabel Female Frost Charles Henry Male Mt Lawley
1943/101963 Perth Frost Frederick Sydney Peyton Male Wilson Ruby Elizabeth Female Perth
1943/101963 Perth Wilson Ruby Elizabeth Female Frost Frederick Sydney Peyton Male Perth
1943/101964 Perth Farley Leslie Bernard Male Keeler Edna Maisie Female Perth
1943/101964 Perth Keeler Edna Maisie Female Farley Leslie Bernard Male Perth
1943/101965 Perth Guthrie Natalie May Female Hill Hector Charles Male South Perth
1943/101965 Perth Hill Hector Charles Male Guthrie Natalie May Female South Perth
1943/101966 Perth Gooch Douglas Melville Male Werndly Ada Louise Female North Leederville
1943/101966 Perth Werndly Ada Louise Female Gooch Douglas Melville Male North Leederville
1943/101967 Perth Burton Clarence Ralph Male Jacobs Dorothy June Female Subiaco
1943/101967 Perth Jacobs Dorothy June Female Burton Clarence Ralph Male Subiaco
1943/101968 Perth Breen Norma Kathleen Female Morgan Leonard Gilchrist Male Claremont
1943/101968 Perth Morgan Leonard Gilchrist Male Breen Norma Kathleen Female Claremont
1943/101969 Perth Finniss Frances Joyce Female Mowday Noel Henry Helen Male Victoria Park
1943/101969 Perth Mowday Noel Henry Helen Male Finniss Frances Joyce Female Victoria Park
1943/101970 Perth Smith Sybil Gertrude Female Ponton Thomas William John Laurence Male Perth
1943/101970 Perth Ponton Thomas William John Laurence Male Smith Sybil Gertrude Female Perth
1943/101971 Perth Russell Mary Gerardine Female Harris Leonard Percival Male Highgate Hill
1943/101971 Perth Harris Leonard Percival Male Russell Mary Gerardine Female Highgate Hill
1943/101972 Perth Wright Jacob Clarence Male Stewart Helenor Female Mt Lawley
1943/101972 Perth Stewart Helenor Female Wright Jacob Clarence Male Mt Lawley
1943/101973 Perth Atwell Lloyd David Male Grace Ethel Noeline Female Mt Lawley
1943/101973 Perth Grace Ethel Noeline Female Atwell Lloyd David Male Mt Lawley
1943/101974 Perth Magill Alan James Male Smith Rhonda Florence Female Subiaco
1943/101974 Perth Smith Rhonda Florence Female Magill Alan James Male Subiaco
1943/101975 Perth Hurley Mavis Blanche Mary Female Deards George Morgan Joseph Male Perth
1943/101975 Perth Deards George Morgan Joseph Male Hurley Mavis Blanche Mary Female Perth
1943/101976 Perth Prout Arnold Francis Male Irvine Eva Margaret Female Perth
1943/101976 Perth Irvine Eva Margaret Female Prout Arnold Francis Male Perth
1943/101977 Perth Thurgood Damien Thomas Male Streat Mary Ivy Martha Female Perth
1943/101977 Perth Streat Mary Ivy Martha Female Thurgood Damien Thomas Male Perth
1943/101978 Perth Clements Albert Edward Male Lynch Alma Mary Female Perth
1943/101978 Perth Lynch Alma Mary Female Clements Albert Edward Male Perth
1943/101979 Perth Fitzmaurice John Varley Male Muldoon Annie Kathleen Female Perth
1943/101979 Perth Muldoon Annie Kathleen Female Fitzmaurice John Varley Male Perth
1943/101980 Perth Kelly Mary Philomena Female Byrne Donald Vincent Male Perth
1943/101980 Perth Byrne Donald Vincent Male Kelly Mary Philomena Female Perth
1943/101981 Perth Bayliss George Male Quartermaine Norma Elaine Female Perth
1943/101981 Perth Quartermaine Norma Elaine Female Bayliss George Male Perth
1943/101982 Perth Brennan Herbert John Male Wackrill Phyllis Female Perth
1943/101982 Perth Wackrill Phyllis Female Brennan Herbert John Male Perth
1943/101983 Perth Bowley Norma May Female Power John Leslie Male Claremont
1943/101983 Perth Power John Leslie Male Bowley Norma May Female Claremont
1943/101984 Perth Stallebrass Ronald Scott Male Lukin Marjorie Female Claremont
1943/101984 Perth Lukin Marjorie Female Stallebrass Ronald Scott Male Claremont
1943/101985 Perth North Norma Lucy Female Campbell Colin Wallace Male Claremont
1943/101985 Perth Campbell Colin Wallace Male North Norma Lucy Female Claremont
1943/101986 Perth Bryant William Alexander Herbert Male Sweetman Maud Ethel Female Claremont
1943/101986 Perth Sweetman Maud Ethel Female Bryant William Alexander Herbert Male Claremont
1943/101987 Perth Lohrey Joyce Frances Female Pitkethly Kenneth George McCulloch Male Claremont
1943/101987 Perth Pitkethly Kenneth George McCulloch Male Lohrey Joyce Frances Female Claremont
1943/101988 Perth Churchill Walter Montgomery Male Fielder Hope Helene Female West Perth
1943/101988 Perth Fielder Hope Helene Female Churchill Walter Montgomery Male West Perth
1943/101989 Perth Whitehouse Phyllis Female Gardner Edmond Hugh Male West Perth
1943/101989 Perth Gardner Edmond Hugh Male Whitehouse Phyllis Female West Perth
1943/101990 Perth McLean Stuart Douglas Male Russell Bessie Female West Perth
1943/101990 Perth Russell Bessie Female McLean Stuart Douglas Male West Perth
1943/101991 Perth Trager Gloria Crystal Nance Female Key Raymond Andrew Male Perth
1943/101991 Perth Key Raymond Andrew Male Trager Gloria Crystal Nance Female Perth
1943/101992 Perth Duffield James Montgomery Foss Male Meeks Joan Beth Marion Female Nedlands
1943/101992 Perth Meeks Joan Beth Marion Female Duffield James Montgomery Foss Male Nedlands
1943/101993 Perth Cresswell Enid Victoria Female Craze Allan James Male Maylands
1943/101993 Perth Craze Allan James Male Cresswell Enid Victoria Female Maylands
1943/101994 Perth Pilbeam Robert Thomas Male Tucker Daphne Hope Female Mt Lawley
1943/101994 Perth Tucker Daphne Hope Female Pilbeam Robert Thomas Male Mt Lawley
1943/101995 Perth Stirling Joan Viola Female Slattery Harry Male Perth
1943/101995 Perth Slattery Harry Male Stirling Joan Viola Female Perth
1943/101996 Perth Killick Rose Evelyn Mary Female Orriss Eric Walter Male Subiaco
1943/101996 Perth Orriss Eric Walter Male Killick Rose Evelyn Mary Female Subiaco
1943/101997 Perth Armstrong Jessie Daphne Ella Female Matthews Sydney Tasman Male Subiaco
1943/101997 Perth Matthews Sydney Tasman Male Armstrong Jessie Daphne Ella Female Subiaco
1943/101998 Perth Thatcher Harry Male Brooker Lillian Casandra Eva Female Leederville
1943/101998 Perth Brooker Lillian Casandra Eva Female Thatcher Harry Male Leederville
1943/101999 Perth Greig Mildred Jay Female Skeet John William Tawler Male Leederville
1943/101999 Perth Skeet John William Tawler Male Greig Mildred Jay Female Leederville
1943/102000 Perth Curtis Irene Edna Female Stammers Percy Geoffrey Male Perth
1943/102000 Perth Stammers Percy Geoffrey Male Curtis Irene Edna Female Perth
1943/102001 Perth Boras Jerko Male Burke Violet Marie Female Perth
1943/102001 Perth Burke Violet Marie Female Boras Jerko Male Perth
1943/102002 Perth Scott Hubert James Male Palmer Phyllis Kathleen Female Perth
1943/102002 Perth Palmer Phyllis Kathleen Female Scott Hubert James Male Perth
1943/102003 Perth Lodge Arthur Richard Male Turner Dorothy Edith Rose Female Perth
1943/102003 Perth Turner Dorothy Edith Rose Female Lodge Arthur Richard Male Perth
1943/102004 Perth Williams Patricia Female Perry Baden Reuben Male Perth
1943/102004 Perth Perry Baden Reuben Male Williams Patricia Female Perth
1943/102005 Perth Neuss Arnold Male Weyman Judith Dorothy Female Perth
1943/102005 Perth Weyman Judith Dorothy Female Neuss Arnold Male Perth
1943/102006 Perth Burns Mavis Florence Clinton Female Darcey Thomas Male South Perth
1943/102006 Perth Darcey Thomas Male Burns Mavis Florence Clinton Female South Perth
1943/102007 Perth Cavouras George Constantine Male Kalafatas Rosie Zoe Female Perth
1943/102007 Perth Kalafatas Rosie Zoe Female Cavouras George Constantine Male Perth
1943/102008 Perth McNamara Ronald Maurice Male King Edith May Female South Perth
1943/102008 Perth King Edith May Female McNamara Ronald Maurice Male South Perth
1943/102009 Perth Finney Victor Mawdsley Atkin Male Grosser Ivy Elizabeth Female Perth
1943/102009 Perth Grosser Ivy Elizabeth Female Finney Victor Mawdsley Atkin Male Perth
1943/102010 Perth Wiegand Louis Thomas Male Manuel Jean Victoria Female Perth
1943/102010 Perth Manuel Jean Victoria Female Wiegand Louis Thomas Male Perth
1943/102011 Perth Hollins Mary Elizabeth Female Nicholas John Kirby Male Mosman Park
1943/102011 Perth Nicholas John Kirby Male Hollins Mary Elizabeth Female Mosman Park
1943/102012 Perth Brown Freda Jessie Female Russell Harry Paterson Male Perth
1943/102012 Perth Russell Harry Paterson Male Brown Freda Jessie Female Perth
1943/102013 Perth Veryard Beatrice May Female Samelowitz Emille Aminaduv Male Perth
1943/102013 Perth Samelowitz Emille Aminaduv Male Veryard Beatrice May Female Perth
1943/102014 Perth Kibblewhite James Lennard Male Guidice Gloria May Female Perth
1943/102014 Perth Guidice Gloria May Female Kibblewhite James Lennard Male Perth
1943/102015 Perth Withers Beryl May Female Kennedy Ronald Bale Male Perth
1943/102015 Perth Kennedy Ronald Bale Male Withers Beryl May Female Perth
1943/102016 Perth Kneale Clara Harriett Female Stockley Albert Edward Male Perth
1943/102016 Perth Stockley Albert Edward Male Kneale Clara Harriett Female Perth
1943/102017 Perth Brown-Neaves Hubert William Male Trewern Ivy Evelyn Female Nth Leederville
1943/102017 Perth Trewern Ivy Evelyn Female Brown-Neaves Hubert William Male Nth Leederville
1943/102018 Perth Bowtell Norman Eric Male Joyce Lorna Beryl Female Perth
1943/102018 Perth Joyce Lorna Beryl Female Bowtell Norman Eric Male Perth
1943/102019 Perth Leslie Ronald Charles Male Nicholls Edith Rose Female Perth
1943/102019 Perth Nicholls Edith Rose Female Leslie Ronald Charles Male Perth
1943/102020 Perth Blackman Alfred James Male McKee Gladys Charlotte Female Perth
1943/102020 Perth McKee Gladys Charlotte Female Blackman Alfred James Male Perth
1943/102021 Perth MacDonald Roy Male Stewart Margaret Hazel Female Perth
1943/102021 Perth Stewart Margaret Hazel Female MacDonald Roy Male Perth
1943/102022 Perth White John Douglas Male Neilson Joyce Audrey Eda Female Perth
1943/102022 Perth Neilson Joyce Audrey Eda Female White John Douglas Male Perth
1943/102023 Perth Stark Norma May Female Burford Edward James Male Perth
1943/102023 Perth Burford Edward James Male Stark Norma May Female Perth
1943/102024 Perth Bremner Thelma Florence Female Heyhoe Harry Male Perth
1943/102024 Perth Heyhoe Harry Male Bremner Thelma Florence Female Perth
1943/102025 Perth Stott Ronald Frederick Male Pearce Frances Evelyn Female Perth
1943/102025 Perth Pearce Frances Evelyn Female Stott Ronald Frederick Male Perth
1943/102026 Perth Mitchell Constance Female Bain George Male Perth
1943/102026 Perth Bain George Male Mitchell Constance Female Perth
1943/102027 Perth Biagioni Marino Male Bordin Maria Female East Victoria Park
1943/102027 Perth Bordin Maria Female Biagioni Marino Male East Victoria Park
1943/102028 Perth Capstick Mary Margaret Female Lamp Kenneth Leslie Male Perth
1943/102028 Perth Lamp Kenneth Leslie Male Capstick Mary Margaret Female Perth
1943/102029 Perth Blair John Donald Male Davey Patricia Female Perth
1943/102029 Perth Davey Patricia Female Blair John Donald Male Perth
1943/102030 Perth Wellington Frank Albert Male Flitcroft Nellie Female Perth
1943/102030 Perth Flitcroft Nellie Female Wellington Frank Albert Male Perth
1943/102031 Perth Flynn George Robert Male Garavanta Millie Amelia Mary Female Perth
1943/102031 Perth Garavanta Millie Amelia Mary Female Flynn George Robert Male Perth
1943/102032 Perth Bragg William Albert Male Ilich Katie Female Perth
1943/102032 Perth Ilich Katie Female Bragg William Albert Male Perth
1943/102033 Perth Jones Eric Male Bussola June Violet Female Perth
1943/102033 Perth Bussola June Violet Female Jones Eric Male Perth
1943/102034 Perth Taylor Catherine Elsie Female Reynolds Gordon Webb Male Perth
1943/102034 Perth Reynolds Gordon Webb Male Taylor Catherine Elsie Female Perth
1943/102035 Perth Wirth Norman Lloyd Male Hall Joy Female Perth
1943/102035 Perth Hall Joy Female Wirth Norman Lloyd Male Perth
1943/102036 Perth Scahill Doris Catherine Female Winslade James Gordon Male Perth
1943/102036 Perth Winslade James Gordon Male Scahill Doris Catherine Female Perth
1943/102037 Perth Togni Bertha Roma Female Gordon Alfred James Male Subiaco
1943/102037 Perth Gordon Alfred James Male Togni Bertha Roma Female Subiaco
1943/102038 Perth Jensen Eiler Gladys Female Pitt Clive Kevin Male Mt Lawley
1943/102038 Perth Pitt Clive Kevin Male Jensen Eiler Gladys Female Mt Lawley
1943/102039 Perth Davies Geoffrey Maxwell Slingsby Male Laverack Gertrude St Clare Female Perth
1943/102039 Perth Laverack Gertrude St Clare Female Davies Geoffrey Maxwell Slingsby Male Perth
1943/102040 Perth Sparnon Wilma Esther Female Nightingale Wallace William Keir Male Perth
1943/102040 Perth Nightingale Wallace William Keir Male Sparnon Wilma Esther Female Perth
1943/102041 Perth Burns Cynthia Grace Female Saunders Ronald George Male Perth
1943/102041 Perth Saunders Ronald George Male Burns Cynthia Grace Female Perth
1943/102042 Perth West Robert Alexander Leslie Male Button Dorothy Mena Female Perth
1943/102042 Perth Button Dorothy Mena Female West Robert Alexander Leslie Male Perth
1943/102043 Perth Challenor Arthur Edward Male Read Violet Elizabeth Female Perth
1943/102043 Perth Read Violet Elizabeth Female Challenor Arthur Edward Male Perth
1943/102044 Perth Webb Dale Veronica Female Coroneos Constantine Male Perth
1943/102044 Perth Coroneos Constantine Male Webb Dale Veronica Female Perth
1943/102045 Perth Elliott Pamela Joan Female Mele David Albert Male Perth
1943/102045 Perth Mele David Albert Male Elliott Pamela Joan Female Perth
1943/102046 Perth Morfitt Walter Henry Male James Ida Frances Female Perth
1943/102046 Perth James Ida Frances Female Morfitt Walter Henry Male Perth
1943/102047 Perth Ford Francis Anzac Male Millar Gladys Marian Female Perth
1943/102047 Perth Millar Gladys Marian Female Ford Francis Anzac Male Perth
1943/102048 Perth Ayres Margaret Kathleen Female Ryan Joseph Male West Perth
1943/102048 Perth Ryan Joseph Male Ayres Margaret Kathleen Female West Perth
1943/102049 Perth Davies Joan Margaret Female Baird Reginald David Male West Perth
1943/102049 Perth Baird Reginald David Male Davies Joan Margaret Female West Perth
1943/102050 Perth Hewitt William Vigors Male Hall Mary Edith Female West Perth
1943/102050 Perth Hall Mary Edith Female Hewitt William Vigors Male West Perth
1943/102051 Perth Rogers Stanley Redvers Buller Male Dais Eileen Kathleen Female West Perth
1943/102051 Perth Dais Eileen Kathleen Female Rogers Stanley Redvers Buller Male West Perth
1943/102052 Perth Powell James Emlyn Male Tomlinson Veigan Margaret Female Cottesloe
1943/102052 Perth Tomlinson Veigan Margaret Female Powell James Emlyn Male Cottesloe
1943/102053 Perth Morley George William Male Best Marguerite Alice Female Cottesloe
1943/102053 Perth Best Marguerite Alice Female Morley George William Male Cottesloe
1943/102054 Perth Butler Geoffrey Allan Male Burnett Mary Marshall Female Perth
1943/102054 Perth Burnett Mary Marshall Female Butler Geoffrey Allan Male Perth
1943/102055 Perth Munro Alex Bruce Male Pearce Ivy May Female Perth
1943/102055 Perth Pearce Ivy May Female Munro Alex Bruce Male Perth
1943/102056 Perth Tobin Frederick Charles Anthony Male Folly Carol Female Perth
1943/102056 Perth Folly Carol Female Tobin Frederick Charles Anthony Male Perth
1943/102057 Perth Thomas Robert James Male Holliday Florence Female Cottesloe
1943/102057 Perth Holliday Florence Female Thomas Robert James Male Cottesloe
1943/102058 Perth Polglaze May Olive Female Trott Clement Samuel Male Inglewood
1943/102058 Perth Trott Clement Samuel Male Polglaze May Olive Female Inglewood
1943/102059 Perth Redford Pansy Joyce Female Hislop Wallace Male Perth
1943/102059 Perth Hislop Wallace Male Redford Pansy Joyce Female Perth
1943/102060 Perth Eyre Walter Male Johnson Ella Catherine Female Highgate Hill
1943/102060 Perth Johnson Ella Catherine Female Eyre Walter Male Highgate Hill
1943/102061 Perth Bowden Melva Vivien Female Bradley Wilfred George Male Victoria Park
1943/102061 Perth Bradley Wilfred George Male Bowden Melva Vivien Female Victoria Park
1943/102062 Perth Campbell Donald Barker Male Keirle Margaret Catherine Female Victoria Park
1943/102062 Perth Keirle Margaret Catherine Female Campbell Donald Barker Male Victoria Park
1943/102063 Perth Long Rosa Carlton Lumley Female Mahony Ernest Percy Male South Perth
1943/102063 Perth Mahony Ernest Percy Male Long Rosa Carlton Lumley Female South Perth
1943/102064 Perth Louwers Henricus Johannes Male Driessen Helena Barendina Female Perth
1943/102064 Perth Driessen Helena Barendina Female Louwers Henricus Johannes Male Perth
1943/102065 Perth Smith Malcolm Ernest Male Moffin Margaret Adele Female Mt Lawley
1943/102065 Perth Moffin Margaret Adele Female Smith Malcolm Ernest Male Mt Lawley
1943/102066 Perth Harris William Quick Male Clinch Greta Kniest Female West Perth
1943/102066 Perth Clinch Greta Kniest Female Harris William Quick Male West Perth
1943/102067 Perth Wheeler Marion Ada Female Mathews Kenneth Clyde Male West Perth
1943/102067 Perth Mathews Kenneth Clyde Male Wheeler Marion Ada Female West Perth
1943/102068 Perth Rogers Keith Walter Male Swarbrick Ethel May Female Perth
1943/102068 Perth Swarbrick Ethel May Female Rogers Keith Walter Male Perth
1943/102069 Perth Felts Florence Evelyn Female Weller Cyril Albert Male Maylands
1943/102069 Perth Weller Cyril Albert Male Felts Florence Evelyn Female Maylands
1943/102071 Perth Truslove Edgar Henry Male Collopy Eileen Anne Female Perth
1943/102071 Perth Collopy Eileen Anne Female Truslove Edgar Henry Male Perth
1943/102072 Perth Healey Evelyn Margaret Female Green Leonard George Male Perth
1943/102072 Perth Green Leonard George Male Healey Evelyn Margaret Female Perth
1943/102073 Perth Gilders Louise Emily Female Hernan Patrick Francis Male Perth
1943/102073 Perth Hernan Patrick Francis Male Gilders Louise Emily Female Perth
1943/102074 Perth Trappitt Joan Female Fox Patrick William Male Perth
1943/102074 Perth Fox Patrick William Male Trappitt Joan Female Perth
1943/102075 Perth Rudland Ivy Isabel Female Minn Ronald Charles Edwin Male Mosman Park
1943/102075 Perth Minn Ronald Charles Edwin Male Rudland Ivy Isabel Female Mosman Park
1943/102076 Perth Guthrie Elizabeth Rose Female Green Edward Frederick Male Claremont
1943/102076 Perth Green Edward Frederick Male Guthrie Elizabeth Rose Female Claremont
1943/102077 Perth Goss Lucy Vivienne Female Prideaux Victor George Male Perth
1943/102077 Perth Prideaux Victor George Male Goss Lucy Vivienne Female Perth
1943/102078 Perth Cugley John Charles Male Best Joyce Melville Female Perth
1943/102078 Perth Best Joyce Melville Female Cugley John Charles Male Perth
1943/102079 Perth Goodridge Charles Fredrick Male Morgan Norma May Female South Perth
1943/102079 Perth Morgan Norma May Female Goodridge Charles Fredrick Male South Perth
1943/102080 Perth Elliott Sidney Albert Male Mawley Mary Female South Perth
1943/102080 Perth Mawley Mary Female Elliott Sidney Albert Male South Perth
1943/102081 Perth Dobbs Elizabeth Clare Female Sanderson John Cornelius Male Subiaco
1943/102081 Perth Sanderson John Cornelius Male Dobbs Elizabeth Clare Female Subiaco
1943/102082 Perth Louden Elizabeth Forsyth Female MacDonald James Male Inglewood
1943/102082 Perth MacDonald James Male Louden Elizabeth Forsyth Female Inglewood
1943/102083 Perth Ward Aubrey William Male Yeomans Mary Female Claremont
1943/102083 Perth Yeomans Mary Female Ward Aubrey William Male Claremont
1943/102084 Perth Salom Ellen Kate Female Alting-du Cloux Menzo Male Claremont
1943/102084 Perth Alting-du Cloux Menzo Male Salom Ellen Kate Female Claremont
1943/102085 Perth Gallagher Mildred Reeves Female Harkins Henry William Male Perth
1943/102085 Perth Harkins Henry William Male Gallagher Mildred Reeves Female Perth
1943/102086 Perth Fortescue George William Male Wishart Norma Female Perth
1943/102086 Perth Wishart Norma Female Fortescue George William Male Perth
1943/102087 Perth Morris Thelma Nellie Female Bailey Lawrence Harvey Male Perth
1943/102087 Perth Bailey Lawrence Harvey Male Morris Thelma Nellie Female Perth
1943/102088 Perth Arundale Joseph John Male Bowes Betty Joan Female Perth
1943/102088 Perth Bowes Betty Joan Female Arundale Joseph John Male Perth
1943/102089 Perth Deppeler Arthur Stanley Male Robinson Halcyone Lesley Female Perth
1943/102089 Perth Robinson Halcyone Lesley Female Deppeler Arthur Stanley Male Perth
1943/102090 Perth Gervase Nancy Female Elvish Edward Trayton Male E Victoria Pk
1943/102090 Perth Elvish Edward Trayton Male Gervase Nancy Female E Victoria Pk
1943/102091 Perth McDonald Yvonne Lydia Graham Female Douglas Colin Bruce Male Perth
1943/102091 Perth Douglas Colin Bruce Male McDonald Yvonne Lydia Graham Female Perth
1943/102092 Perth Norton Gordon Charles Murtin Male Bartley Violet Linda Female Perth
1943/102092 Perth Bartley Violet Linda Female Norton Gordon Charles Murtin Male Perth
1943/102093 Perth Bates Hazel Marjorie Female Lord Trevor Maurice Male Perth
1943/102093 Perth Lord Trevor Maurice Male Bates Hazel Marjorie Female Perth
1943/102094 Perth Anthony Ilma Leah Mary Female Martin Harry Eric Male Perth
1943/102094 Perth Martin Harry Eric Male Anthony Ilma Leah Mary Female Perth
1943/102095 Perth Burke Glady's Teresa Female Smith Francis Harlan Male Perth
1943/102095 Perth Smith Francis Harlan Male Burke Glady's Teresa Female Perth
1943/102096 Perth Riley Katherine Gwen Female Love Richard Darling Male Perth
1943/102096 Perth Love Richard Darling Male Riley Katherine Gwen Female Perth
1943/102097 Perth Runham Hannah Agnes Female Golding Charles Male Perth
1943/102097 Perth Golding Charles Male Runham Hannah Agnes Female Perth
1943/102098 Perth Glover Dudley Lewis Male Davies Lilian Elizabeth Female Victoria Park
1943/102098 Perth Davies Lilian Elizabeth Female Glover Dudley Lewis Male Victoria Park
1943/102099 Perth Vroom Jacob Male Smith Ruth Elwyn Female Nedlands
1943/102099 Perth Smith Ruth Elwyn Female Vroom Jacob Male Nedlands
1943/102100 Perth Moir Alan Male Brookman Lillian Maud Female West Perth
1943/102100 Perth Brookman Lillian Maud Female Moir Alan Male West Perth
1943/102101 Perth Jeffery Kitty Kirkby Female Carr James Jay Male West Perth
1943/102101 Perth Carr James Jay Male Jeffery Kitty Kirkby Female West Perth
1943/102102 Perth Muller Kathleen Female Stockden Malcolm Patrick Male West Perth
1943/102102 Perth Stockden Malcolm Patrick Male Muller Kathleen Female West Perth
1943/102103 Perth Sparks Joyce Alwyn Female Berry George Noel Male Perth
1943/102103 Perth Berry George Noel Male Sparks Joyce Alwyn Female Perth
1943/102104 Perth Kingston Stella May Female Thomson James Alexander Male Forest Park
1943/102104 Perth Thomson James Alexander Male Kingston Stella May Female Forest Park
1943/102105 Perth Smith Clements Keith Male Stephens Edythe Joy Female Perth
1943/102105 Perth Stephens Edythe Joy Female Smith Clements Keith Male Perth
1943/102106 Perth Caddy Frank Harold Male Purkiss Dorothy Lily Female Perth
1943/102106 Perth Purkiss Dorothy Lily Female Caddy Frank Harold Male Perth
1943/102107 Perth Thomas Lorna Jean Female Sluimer Robertus Egbert Male West Perth
1943/102107 Perth Sluimer Robertus Egbert Male Thomas Lorna Jean Female West Perth
1943/102108 Perth Boskaljon Daniel William Male Carroll June Irene Female Highgate Hill
1943/102108 Perth Carroll June Irene Female Boskaljon Daniel William Male Highgate Hill
1943/102109 Perth Lowe Thomas Male Scott Rose Female Highgate Hill
1943/102109 Perth Scott Rose Female Lowe Thomas Male Highgate Hill
1943/102110 Perth Robinson Frederick Thomas Male James Violet Joy Female West Perth
1943/102110 Perth James Violet Joy Female Robinson Frederick Thomas Male West Perth
1943/102111 Perth Dewar Robert Rutherford Male Bowhay Shirley Mildred Female Perth
1943/102111 Perth Bowhay Shirley Mildred Female Dewar Robert Rutherford Male Perth
1943/102112 Perth Petrie Frederick Robert Male Peter Elsa Louise Female Perth
1943/102112 Perth Peter Elsa Louise Female Petrie Frederick Robert Male Perth
1943/102113 Perth Foulkes Peter Darrow Male Hardman Phyllis Mae Female Perth
1943/102113 Perth Hardman Phyllis Mae Female Foulkes Peter Darrow Male Perth
1943/102114 Perth Hewitt Jean Lorraine Female Knox Maurice George Male Perth
1943/102114 Perth Knox Maurice George Male Hewitt Jean Lorraine Female Perth
1943/102115 Perth Costolloe Laurence Patrick John Male Bell Joan Evelyn Female Perth
1943/102115 Perth Bell Joan Evelyn Female Costolloe Laurence Patrick John Male Perth
1943/102116 Perth Morey Patricia Joan Female Bowers Patrick O'Sullivan Male Perth
1943/102116 Perth Bowers Patrick O'Sullivan Male Morey Patricia Joan Female Perth
1943/102117 Perth Seymour Richard Male Shackell Joan Female Perth
1943/102117 Perth Shackell Joan Female Seymour Richard Male Perth
1943/102118 Perth Mansfield John Lloyd Male Payne Joyce Mary Female Perth
1943/102118 Perth Payne Joyce Mary Female Mansfield John Lloyd Male Perth
1943/102119 Perth Doherty Esme Female Kelskey Victor John Male Perth
1943/102119 Perth Doherty Esme Female King Victor John Male Perth
1943/102119 Perth King Victor John Male Doherty Esme Female Perth
1943/102119 Perth Kelskey Victor John Male Doherty Esme Female Perth
1943/102120 Perth Campbell Margery Female Rosser Hubert Lionel Male Perth
1943/102120 Perth Rosser Hubert Lionel Male Campbell Margery Female Perth
1943/102121 Perth Macgregor Patricia Eleanor Frances Female MacDonald John Gibb Male Perth
1943/102121 Perth MacDonald John Gibb Male Macgregor Patricia Eleanor Frances Female Perth
1943/102122 Perth Pollard Marjorie Leggo Female McDonald John Edward Male Maylands
1943/102122 Perth McDonald John Edward Male Pollard Marjorie Leggo Female Maylands
1943/102123 Perth Callaghan William Male Barfein Gwyneth Isla Female Perth
1943/102123 Perth Barfein Gwyneth Isla Female Callaghan William Male Perth
1943/102124 Perth Cousins David Oscar Male Underwood Enid Joyce Female Perth
1943/102124 Perth Underwood Enid Joyce Female Cousins David Oscar Male Perth
1943/102125 Perth Pearson Alan Andrew Male Day Mary Isobelle Female Cottesloe
1943/102125 Perth Day Mary Isobelle Female Pearson Alan Andrew Male Cottesloe
1943/102126 Perth Seed William Walter Male Chipper Kathleen Maud Female Perth
1943/102126 Perth Chipper Kathleen Maud Female Seed William Walter Male Perth
1943/102127 Perth Barrett Norma Wilma Female Skippings Ernest Edward Male Claremont
1943/102127 Perth Skippings Ernest Edward Male Barrett Norma Wilma Female Claremont
1943/102128 Perth Preedy Charles Edward Male Awde Rosa Mary Female Claremont
1943/102128 Perth Awde Rosa Mary Female Preedy Charles Edward Male Claremont
1943/102129 Perth Poulton Daphne Ruth Female Gillette Raymond Nelson Male Claremont
1943/102129 Perth Gillette Raymond Nelson Male Poulton Daphne Ruth Female Claremont
1943/102130 Perth Bridges Harold Bertram Male Bingham Edith Female Claremont
1943/102130 Perth Bingham Edith Female Bridges Harold Bertram Male Claremont
1943/102131 Perth Jordan Arthur John Male Standish Edna May Female Claremont
1943/102131 Perth Standish Edna May Female Jordan Arthur John Male Claremont
1943/102132 Perth Balme Lucy Clara Female Hillman George William Haig Male Claremont
1943/102132 Perth Hillman George William Haig Male Balme Lucy Clara Female Claremont
1943/102133 Perth Newbey James Herbert Male Pearson Mary Lauris Female Claremont
1943/102133 Perth Pearson Mary Lauris Female Newbey James Herbert Male Claremont
1943/102134 Perth Wade Ronald Clement Male Crawford Norma Frances Female Claremont
1943/102134 Perth Crawford Norma Frances Female Wade Ronald Clement Male Claremont
1943/102135 Perth Loxas James John Male Little Joyce Lillian Female Perth
1943/102135 Perth Little Joyce Lillian Female Loxas James John Male Perth
1943/102136 Perth Buchan William Male Richards Aileen Female Perth
1943/102136 Perth Richards Aileen Female Buchan William Male Perth
1943/102137 Perth Palmer Norman Dudley Male Roberts Lois Female West Leederville
1943/102137 Perth Roberts Lois Female Palmer Norman Dudley Male West Leederville
1943/102138 Perth Hancock Mary Amelia Llanddwyn Female Powell Albert Henry Male Leederville
1943/102138 Perth Powell Albert Henry Male Hancock Mary Amelia Llanddwyn Female Leederville
1943/102139 Perth Griffiths Ellen Irene May Female Maxwell James Male Perth
1943/102139 Perth Maxwell James Male Griffiths Ellen Irene May Female Perth
1943/102140 Perth Stacey Winifred Jean Female Ashfold Guy Archibald Male Nedlands
1943/102140 Perth Ashfold Guy Archibald Male Stacey Winifred Jean Female Nedlands
1943/102141 Perth Haynes Clifton William Richmond Male Laybourne Joan Eardley Female Mt Lawley
1943/102141 Perth Laybourne Joan Eardley Female Haynes Clifton William Richmond Male Mt Lawley
1943/102142 Perth Watkins Elizabeth Mason Female Goudge Peter George Male Perth
1943/102142 Perth Goudge Peter George Male Watkins Elizabeth Mason Female Perth
1943/102143 Perth Lethlean James Alexander Male Cook Cecelia Noreen Female Perth
1943/102143 Perth Cook Cecelia Noreen Female Lethlean James Alexander Male Perth
1943/102144 Perth Powell Florence Elma Amenda Female Hutchinson John Dixon Male Perth
1943/102144 Perth Hutchinson John Dixon Male Powell Florence Elma Amenda Female Perth
1943/102145 Perth Kinder Arthur John Male Glover Olive Daphne Female Perth
1943/102145 Perth Glover Olive Daphne Female Kinder Arthur John Male Perth
1943/102146 Perth Birrell John Male Ewart Sarah Ann Female Subiaco
1943/102146 Perth Ewart Sarah Ann Female Birrell John Male Subiaco
1943/102147 Perth Waugh Eleanor Mary Female Toy Stuart Ian Male Perth
1943/102147 Perth Toy Stuart Ian Male Waugh Eleanor Mary Female Perth
1943/102148 Perth Connor Clarence George Male Brown Ailsa Emma Amelia Female Perth
1943/102148 Perth Brown Ailsa Emma Amelia Female Connor Clarence George Male Perth
1943/102149 Perth Clifton Noreen Audrey Female Dunlap Merlyn Ewald Male Perth
1943/102149 Perth Dunlap Merlyn Ewald Male Clifton Noreen Audrey Female Perth
1943/102150 Perth Millman Neville Charles Male Acres Phyllis Jean Female Perth
1943/102150 Perth Acres Phyllis Jean Female Millman Neville Charles Male Perth
1943/102151 Perth Gray George Male Kent Lily Female Perth
1943/102151 Perth Kent Lily Female Gray George Male Perth
1943/102152 Perth Maddock Andrew Frank Male Carlson Edna Joy Female Perth
1943/102152 Perth Carlson Edna Joy Female Maddock Andrew Frank Male Perth
1943/102153 Perth Parks Shirley June Female Jodrell Herbert Ray Male Perth
1943/102153 Perth Jodrell Herbert Ray Male Parks Shirley June Female Perth
1943/102154 Perth Walker Hazel Winifred Female Cooper Leslie Edwin Male Victoria Park
1943/102154 Perth Cooper Leslie Edwin Male Walker Hazel Winifred Female Victoria Park
1943/102155 Perth Maley Kenneth Robert Male Gordon Edith Emily Female Victoria Park
1943/102155 Perth Gordon Edith Emily Female Maley Kenneth Robert Male Victoria Park
1943/102156 Perth Pittelkow Louis Albert Marne Male Pritchard Joyce Anthea Female Perth
1943/102156 Perth Pritchard Joyce Anthea Female Pittelkow Louis Albert Marne Male Perth
1943/102157 Perth Burgess Alice Isobel Female Uhe Ronald Herbert Male Perth
1943/102157 Perth Uhe Ronald Herbert Male Burgess Alice Isobel Female Perth
1943/102158 Perth Russell Margaret Jean Female Daniels Malachi Deeble Male Leederville
1943/102158 Perth Daniels Malachi Deeble Male Russell Margaret Jean Female Leederville
1943/102159 Perth Smellie Marion Female Scott Clifford William Male Cottesloe
1943/102159 Perth Scott Clifford William Male Smellie Marion Female Cottesloe
1943/102160 Perth Pishos Thema Female Bellos Steve Male Perth
1943/102160 Perth Bellos Steve Male Pishos Thema Female Perth
1943/102161 Perth Markwell Doris Pauline Female Barnett Ronald Clement Male West Perth
1943/102161 Perth Barnett Ronald Clement Male Markwell Doris Pauline Female West Perth
1943/102162 Perth Hedley Veronica Sarah Female Greenhalgh Edward Male West Perth
1943/102162 Perth Greenhalgh Edward Male Hedley Veronica Sarah Female West Perth
1943/102163 Perth Becu Abraham Adriaan Male Hansen Rita Female West Perth
1943/102163 Perth Hansen Rita Female Becu Abraham Adriaan Male West Perth
1943/102164 Perth Hewlett James Phillip Male Young Patience Elsie Female West Perth
1943/102164 Perth Young Patience Elsie Female Hewlett James Phillip Male West Perth
1943/102165 Perth Girdler William Thomas Harold Male Gillham Eileen Mary Female South Perth
1943/102165 Perth Gillham Eileen Mary Female Girdler William Thomas Harold Male South Perth
1943/102166 Perth Whelan James Patrick Male Bourke Ethel Ada Female Bayswater
1943/102166 Perth Bourke Ethel Ada Female Whelan James Patrick Male Bayswater
1943/102167 Perth Birmingham Edward Brian Male Lawson Audrie Jean Female Perth
1943/102167 Perth Lawson Audrie Jean Female Birmingham Edward Brian Male Perth
1943/102168 Perth Wright George Dundas Male Higham Norma Female Perth
1943/102168 Perth Higham Norma Female Wright George Dundas Male Perth
1943/102169 Perth Mann Dorothea Edna Female Reading Lindsay Gordon Male Perth
1943/102169 Perth Reading Lindsay Gordon Male Mann Dorothea Edna Female Perth
1943/102170 Perth Tapscott Ellen Grace Female Hern Albert Joseph Male Perth
1943/102170 Perth Hern Albert Joseph Male Tapscott Ellen Grace Female Perth
1943/102171 Perth Anderson Edith Alice Female Werner Allan John Male Perth
1943/102171 Perth Werner Allan John Male Anderson Edith Alice Female Perth
1943/102172 Perth Sayer Albert James Male Bryan Theresa Margaret Female Perth
1943/102172 Perth Bryan Theresa Margaret Female Sayer Albert James Male Perth
1943/102173 Perth Thornton Beryl Elaine Female Plaat Hendrick Male Perth
1943/102173 Perth Plaat Hendrick Male Thornton Beryl Elaine Female Perth
1943/102174 Perth Cook James Maxwell Male Clements Hazel Jean Female Victoria Park
1943/102174 Perth Clements Hazel Jean Female Cook James Maxwell Male Victoria Park
1943/102175 Perth Kok Willem Frederik Male Rodd Joan Patricia Female Perth
1943/102175 Perth Rodd Joan Patricia Female Kok Willem Frederik Male Perth
1943/102176 Perth Beresford Ethel Mary Female Clarke Francis Edward Male Perth
1943/102176 Perth Clarke Francis Edward Male Beresford Ethel Mary Female Perth
1943/102177 Perth Knight Catherine Margaret Female Zani Percy Male Perth
1943/102177 Perth Zani Percy Male Knight Catherine Margaret Female Perth
1943/102178 Perth Clark Dorothy Jean Female Keen Alan Keith Male Perth
1943/102178 Perth Keen Alan Keith Male Clark Dorothy Jean Female Perth
1943/102179 Perth James Gwyneth Female Leahy Ernest Joseph Male Perth
1943/102179 Perth Leahy Ernest Joseph Male James Gwyneth Female Perth
1943/102180 Perth Cooper Doreen Female McGillivray Robert Albert Male Perth
1943/102180 Perth McGillivray Robert Albert Male Cooper Doreen Female Perth
1943/102181 Perth Morris Leslie Howard Male Montague Irene Priscilla Female Perth
1943/102181 Perth Montague Irene Priscilla Female Morris Leslie Howard Male Perth
1943/102182 Perth Ankcorn Emma Dorothy Female Brown Eric John Male Mt Lawley
1943/102182 Perth Brown Eric John Male Ankcorn Emma Dorothy Female Mt Lawley
1943/102183 Perth Mayman George Edwin Male Beechey Daphne Reeve Female West Leederville
1943/102183 Perth Beechey Daphne Reeve Female Mayman George Edwin Male West Leederville
1943/102184 Perth Couchman Dorothea Edna Female Gribble Lionel Howard Male Mount Lawley
1943/102184 Perth Gribble Lionel Howard Male Couchman Dorothea Edna Female Mount Lawley
1943/102185 Perth Cass Alick Male Zines Sarah Female Perth
1943/102185 Perth Zines Sarah Female Cass Alick Male Perth
1943/102186 Perth Davies Barbara Betty Female Green Francis George Lionel Male Claremont
1943/102186 Perth Green Francis George Lionel Male Davies Barbara Betty Female Claremont
1943/102187 Perth Antoniazzi Carlo Male Tolg Linda Sofia Female Perth
1943/102187 Perth Tolg Linda Sofia Female Antoniazzi Carlo Male Perth
1943/102188 Perth Salomons Loas Mary Teale Female Ferguson Neil John Male Cottesloe
1943/102188 Perth Ferguson Neil John Male Salomons Loas Mary Teale Female Cottesloe
1943/102189 Perth Evans Beth Wallace Female Lewington Clive William Male Cottesloe
1943/102189 Perth Lewington Clive William Male Evans Beth Wallace Female Cottesloe
1943/102190 Perth MacGregor Norma Jean Female Wiltshire Leonard Crisford Male Cottesloe
1943/102190 Perth Wiltshire Leonard Crisford Male MacGregor Norma Jean Female Cottesloe
1943/102191 Perth Paynter Veronica Joyce Female Cunnington Lloyd Watkin Male Perth
1943/102191 Perth Cunnington Lloyd Watkin Male Paynter Veronica Joyce Female Perth
1943/102192 Perth O'Brien Thelma Joy Female Patterson John Donaldson Male West Perth
1943/102192 Perth Patterson John Donaldson Male O'Brien Thelma Joy Female West Perth
1943/102193 Perth Hepworth John Albert Male Kiver Patricia Margaret Female Nedlands
1943/102193 Perth Kiver Patricia Margaret Female Hepworth John Albert Male Nedlands
1943/102194 Perth Bell Myrtle Evelyn Female Lynch Bryan Basil Male Perth
1943/102194 Perth Lynch Bryan Basil Male Bell Myrtle Evelyn Female Perth
1943/102195 Perth Grieve Mary Catherine Female Smith Charles Walter Male Maylands
1943/102195 Perth Smith Charles Walter Male Grieve Mary Catherine Female Maylands
1943/102196 Perth Daws Rose Female Trott Neville Male Inglewood
1943/102196 Perth Trott Neville Male Daws Rose Female Inglewood
1943/102197 Perth Collins Marion Constance May Female Fealy Frederick Vincent Male Inglewood
1943/102197 Perth Fealy Frederick Vincent Male Collins Marion Constance May Female Inglewood
1943/102198 Perth Norriss Edith Female ODonnell James John Male Perth
1943/102198 Perth ODonnell James John Male Norriss Edith Female Perth
1943/102199 Perth Gaze Barbara Helen Female Stewart David Baillieu Male Perth
1943/102199 Perth Stewart David Baillieu Male Gaze Barbara Helen Female Perth
1943/102200 Perth Pass Reginald Joseph Male Sullivan Kathleen Mary Female Perth
1943/102200 Perth Sullivan Kathleen Mary Female Pass Reginald Joseph Male Perth
1943/102201 Perth Weir Matthew Robert Male Cream Imelda Teresa Female Perth
1943/102201 Perth Cream Imelda Teresa Female Weir Matthew Robert Male Perth
1943/102202 Perth Lindley Helen Lorraine Female Spragg Lloyd Francis Male Perth
1943/102202 Perth Spragg Lloyd Francis Male Lindley Helen Lorraine Female Perth
1943/102203 Perth Lawrence Daphne Iris Female Willis Albert Helen Paul Male Shenton Park
1943/102203 Perth Willis Albert Helen Paul Male Lawrence Daphne Iris Female Shenton Park
1943/102204 Perth Free Sarah Female Edwards Francis Frederick Male Perth
1943/102204 Perth Edwards Francis Frederick Male Free Sarah Female Perth
1943/102205 Perth Nowotny Earle William Male Minchin Ruth Female Perth
1943/102205 Perth Minchin Ruth Female Nowotny Earle William Male Perth
1943/102206 Perth Teague Philip Alan Male Francis Gladys Female South Perth
1943/102206 Perth Francis Gladys Female Teague Philip Alan Male South Perth
1943/102207 Perth Saunders Zarita Joy Female Pearson Grady Lee Male Victoria Park
1943/102207 Perth Pearson Grady Lee Male Saunders Zarita Joy Female Victoria Park
1943/102208 Perth Dent Joseph James Male Thomas Gwendolene Mary Female Victoria Park
1943/102208 Perth Thomas Gwendolene Mary Female Dent Joseph James Male Victoria Park
1943/102209 Perth Shaw Arnold Robert Bernard Male Milton Margaret Clare Butler Female Claremont
1943/102209 Perth Milton Margaret Clare Butler Female Shaw Arnold Robert Bernard Male Claremont
1943/102210 Perth Cairns Pauline Eva Mary Female Craig Bruce Male Claremont
1943/102210 Perth Craig Bruce Male Cairns Pauline Eva Mary Female Claremont
1943/102211 Perth Parker Bertram Harding Male Sales Joy Marion Female Claremont
1943/102211 Perth Sales Joy Marion Female Parker Bertram Harding Male Claremont
1943/102212 Perth Veryard Irene May Female Grigg Donald Balfour Male Claremont
1943/102212 Perth Grigg Donald Balfour Male Veryard Irene May Female Claremont
1943/102213 Perth Brown Alison Wynne Female Hearn Ronald Ernest Male Claremont
1943/102213 Perth Hearn Ronald Ernest Male Brown Alison Wynne Female Claremont
1943/102214 Perth Wright Dulcie Mavis Female Thomas Edmund Henry Male Mt Lawley
1943/102214 Perth Thomas Edmund Henry Male Wright Dulcie Mavis Female Mt Lawley
1943/102215 Perth McNish Freda Female Williams Ernest James Paling Male Mt Lawley
1943/102215 Perth Williams Ernest James Paling Male McNish Freda Female Mt Lawley
1943/102216 Perth Pieterse Hubrecht Male ODea Moira Monica Female Perth
1943/102216 Perth ODea Moira Monica Female Pieterse Hubrecht Male Perth
1943/102217 Perth Wilson Alexander Charles Male Adams Vera Garwen Female Nedlands
1943/102217 Perth Adams Vera Garwen Female Wilson Alexander Charles Male Nedlands
1943/102218 Perth Wrankmore Adelaid Vera Female Linton Henry Ross Male West Perth
1943/102218 Perth Linton Henry Ross Male Wrankmore Adelaid Vera Female West Perth
1943/102219 Perth Butt Hamilton Watson Male Barratt Jean Greta Female West Perth
1943/102219 Perth Barratt Jean Greta Female Butt Hamilton Watson Male West Perth
1943/102220 Perth Jones Robert Hugh Male Ridgwell Jessie Louise Female West Perth
1943/102220 Perth Ridgwell Jessie Louise Female Jones Robert Hugh Male West Perth
1943/102221 Perth Stephen Cyril James Male Connolly Muriel Ernestine Female West Perth
1943/102221 Perth Connolly Muriel Ernestine Female Stephen Cyril James Male West Perth
1943/102222 Perth Lawson Marguerite Phillips Female Ulm John Albert Edward Male West Perth
1943/102222 Perth Ulm John Albert Edward Male Lawson Marguerite Phillips Female West Perth
1943/102223 Perth Rogers Thelma Florence Female Gladin Samuel Gilbert Male Perth
1943/102223 Perth Gladin Samuel Gilbert Male Rogers Thelma Florence Female Perth
1943/102224 Perth Forden Florence Elliott Female Kennedy Cecil Ernest Male Perth
1943/102224 Perth Kennedy Cecil Ernest Male Forden Florence Elliott Female Perth
1943/102225 Perth Harris Allan Thomas Male Reynolds Caroline May Female Perth
1943/102225 Perth Reynolds Caroline May Female Harris Allan Thomas Male Perth
1943/102226 Perth Tutton Patricia Eileen Female Wilks Elton Miller Male Bayswater
1943/102226 Perth Wilks Elton Miller Male Tutton Patricia Eileen Female Bayswater
1943/102227 Perth Schippers Hendrikus Albertus Male Frearson Laurel Jean Female Cottesloe
1943/102227 Perth Frearson Laurel Jean Female Schippers Hendrikus Albertus Male Cottesloe
1943/102228 Perth Hayes Margaret Mary Female Wilson Alton William Male Highgate Hill
1943/102228 Perth Wilson Alton William Male Hayes Margaret Mary Female Highgate Hill
1943/102229 Perth Thompson Geoffrey Malcolm Male Temby Nina Christine Female Claremont
1943/102229 Perth Temby Nina Christine Female Thompson Geoffrey Malcolm Male Claremont
1943/102230 Perth McManus Alice Minilya Female Lewis Ernest Male Perth
1943/102230 Perth Lewis Ernest Male McManus Alice Minilya Female Perth
1943/102231 Perth Sims Francis William Male Cole Alice Hazel Female Perth
1943/102231 Perth Cole Alice Hazel Female Sims Francis William Male Perth
1943/102232 Perth Bisby Alfred John Male Frederick Elsie Female Perth
1943/102232 Perth Frederick Elsie Female Bisby Alfred John Male Perth
1943/102233 Perth Hicks Laura Mabel Female Bunce Reginald Arthur Male Perth
1943/102233 Perth Bunce Reginald Arthur Male Hicks Laura Mabel Female Perth
1943/102234 Perth Dry Ngatiawa Harold Male Foot Joyce Rene Female Perth
1943/102234 Perth Foot Joyce Rene Female Dry Ngatiawa Harold Male Perth
1943/102235 Perth van Haastrecht Cornelis Male Stubbs Gladys Rubina Female Perth
1943/102235 Perth Stubbs Gladys Rubina Female van Haastrecht Cornelis Male Perth
1943/102236 Perth Forrest Nora Shirley Female Hall Reginald Frank Male Perth
1943/102236 Perth Hall Reginald Frank Male Forrest Nora Shirley Female Perth
1943/102237 Perth Zerk Lorna Gertrude Female Lewis William George Allan Male Perth
1943/102237 Perth Lewis William George Allan Male Zerk Lorna Gertrude Female Perth
1943/102238 Perth Sutcliffe Bessie Joyce Female Scarff Wallace King Male Claremont
1943/102238 Perth Scarff Wallace King Male Sutcliffe Bessie Joyce Female Claremont
1943/102239 Perth Strachan Jessie Margaret Female Robartson George Roy Male Subiaco
1943/102239 Perth Robartson George Roy Male Strachan Jessie Margaret Female Subiaco
1943/102240 Perth Jefferis Kenneth Pank Male Baker Mary Alison Female Nedlands
1943/102240 Perth Baker Mary Alison Female Jefferis Kenneth Pank Male Nedlands
1943/102241 Perth Jones John Benjamin Male Hutchins Joan Patricia Gladys Female Perth
1943/102241 Perth Hutchins Joan Patricia Gladys Female Jones John Benjamin Male Perth
1943/102242 Perth Maloney John Joseph Male Friedlander Veronica Rose Female Subiaco
1943/102242 Perth Friedlander Veronica Rose Female Maloney John Joseph Male Subiaco
1943/102243 Perth Burt Lina Elizabeth Female Facey Raymond Joseph Male Subiaco
1943/102243 Perth Facey Raymond Joseph Male Burt Lina Elizabeth Female Subiaco
1943/102244 Perth Paull Lilly May Female Ford Leslie John Male Mt Hawthorn
1943/102244 Perth Ford Leslie John Male Paull Lilly May Female Mt Hawthorn
1943/102245 Perth Wadeisha John Male Hill Martha Cecilia Female Victoria Park
1943/102245 Perth Hill Martha Cecilia Female Wadeisha John Male Victoria Park
1943/102246 Perth Butler Helen Rosina Female Penny George Arthur Male Subiaco
1943/102246 Perth Penny George Arthur Male Butler Helen Rosina Female Subiaco
1943/102247 Perth Jorgensen Thelma Pauline Female Rogers Edward Albert Male Subiaco
1943/102247 Perth Rogers Edward Albert Male Jorgensen Thelma Pauline Female Subiaco
1943/102248 Perth Collins Letty Rosamond Female Preston John Charles Male North Perth
1943/102248 Perth Preston John Charles Male Collins Letty Rosamond Female North Perth
1943/102249 Perth Lund Thomas Robertson Male Simpson Ada May Female Perth
1943/102249 Perth Simpson Ada May Female Lund Thomas Robertson Male Perth
1943/102250 Perth Fraser Mary Alexandria Female Hibben Reginald Alfred Male Perth
1943/102250 Perth Hibben Reginald Alfred Male Fraser Mary Alexandria Female Perth
1943/102251 Perth Alldridge Arthur Samuel William Male Brennand Ruby Female Perth
1943/102251 Perth Brennand Ruby Female Alldridge Arthur Samuel William Male Perth
1943/102252 Perth Wauhop Gracie Female Brey Gerard Jerry Male Perth
1943/102252 Perth Brey Gerard Jerry Male Wauhop Gracie Female Perth
1943/102253 Perth Petty Isabel Mary Female Osmond Geoffrey Thomas Male Perth
1943/102253 Perth Osmond Geoffrey Thomas Male Petty Isabel Mary Female Perth
1943/102254 Perth McAlister Gordon George Male Smith Olive Holding Female Perth
1943/102254 Perth Smith Olive Holding Female McAlister Gordon George Male Perth
1943/102255 Perth Dalton Clifford Charles Male Crothers Winifred Female Cottesloe
1943/102255 Perth Crothers Winifred Female Dalton Clifford Charles Male Cottesloe
1943/102256 Perth Tarsevic Dimitrye Male Tsallis Helen Keriacules Female Perth
1943/102256 Perth Tsallis Helen Keriacules Female Tarsevic Dimitrye Male Perth
1943/102257 Perth Preisig Adeline Elsie Female Davies William Andrew Male Leederville
1943/102257 Perth Davies William Andrew Male Preisig Adeline Elsie Female Leederville
1943/102258 Perth Charles William Male Linton Thelma Nancy Female Leederville
1943/102258 Perth Linton Thelma Nancy Female Charles William Male Leederville
1943/102259 Perth Milner James Agnew Davis Male Giles Eleanor Joan Female West Perth
1943/102259 Perth Giles Eleanor Joan Female Milner James Agnew Davis Male West Perth
1943/102260 Perth Aitken Annie Birrell Female Herbert Ronald Luscombe Male West Perth
1943/102260 Perth Herbert Ronald Luscombe Male Aitken Annie Birrell Female West Perth
1943/102261 Perth Hughes Dorothy May Female Nordahl Keith Alfred Male Cottesloe
1943/102261 Perth Nordahl Keith Alfred Male Hughes Dorothy May Female Cottesloe
1943/102262 Perth Mallett Teresa Delia Female Duggan Justin James Male Cottesloe
1943/102262 Perth Duggan Justin James Male Mallett Teresa Delia Female Cottesloe
1943/102263 Perth Pratt Elizabeth Female Brinkley Walter William Male Mt Lawley
1943/102263 Perth Brinkley Walter William Male Pratt Elizabeth Female Mt Lawley
1943/102264 Perth Stott Margaret Marion Female Cambridge Austin Lusher Male Mt Lawley
1943/102264 Perth Cambridge Austin Lusher Male Stott Margaret Marion Female Mt Lawley
1943/102265 Perth Bainbridge Walter Douglas Male Best Joyce Lorraine Female Mt Lawley
1943/102265 Perth Best Joyce Lorraine Female Bainbridge Walter Douglas Male Mt Lawley
1943/102266 Perth Newnham Gordon Malcolm Male Whitehead Eva Leonie Female Mt Lawley
1943/102266 Perth Whitehead Eva Leonie Female Newnham Gordon Malcolm Male Mt Lawley
1943/102267 Perth Thomas Dorothy Alberta Female Hemingway Edward Gatley Male Cottesloe
1943/102267 Perth Hemingway Edward Gatley Male Thomas Dorothy Alberta Female Cottesloe
1943/102268 Perth Johnson Teresa Catherine Female Mitchell Wallace Harvey Male Cottesloe
1943/102268 Perth Mitchell Wallace Harvey Male Johnson Teresa Catherine Female Cottesloe
1943/102269 Perth Gray Joan Rosina Female Bradtke James Walter Male Perth
1943/102269 Perth Bradtke James Walter Male Gray Joan Rosina Female Perth
1943/102270 Perth Fuller Patricia Dorothy Female Beer Edward William Male West Leederville
1943/102270 Perth Beer Edward William Male Fuller Patricia Dorothy Female West Leederville
1943/102271 Perth Clarke John Charles Christie Male Jauncey Lily Female West Leederville
1943/102271 Perth Jauncey Lily Female Clarke John Charles Christie Male West Leederville
1943/102272 Perth Widick Dallis Earl Male Bradley Lorna Margaret Female Victoria Park
1943/102272 Perth Bradley Lorna Margaret Female Widick Dallis Earl Male Victoria Park
1943/102273 Perth Rowe Arthur Clarence Male Feast Joan Female Perth
1943/102273 Perth Feast Joan Female Rowe Arthur Clarence Male Perth
1943/102274 Perth Gleadell Stella Grace Female Gath Harold Percival Male Perth
1943/102274 Perth Gath Harold Percival Male Gleadell Stella Grace Female Perth
1943/102275 Perth Gulley Vera Joan Female Auld George Douglas Male Perth
1943/102275 Perth Auld George Douglas Male Gulley Vera Joan Female Perth
1943/102276 Perth Chappell Jessie Female Riley Albert Edward Archibald Male Perth
1943/102276 Perth Riley Albert Edward Archibald Male Chappell Jessie Female Perth
1943/102277 Perth Kelly Valda May Female Eugene Harry Lester Male Perth
1943/102277 Perth Eugene Harry Lester Male Kelly Valda May Female Perth
1943/102278 Perth Vivian David Thomas Male Ribbins Clara May Female Perth
1943/102278 Perth Ribbins Clara May Female Vivian David Thomas Male Perth
1943/102279 Perth Byrne Norman Anderson Melbourne Male Drummond Roma Patricia Female South Perth
1943/102279 Perth Drummond Roma Patricia Female Byrne Norman Anderson Melbourne Male South Perth
1943/102280 Perth Johnson Lionel Harold Male Orr Mary Female South Perth
1943/102280 Perth Orr Mary Female Johnson Lionel Harold Male South Perth
1943/102281 Perth Plozza Lucy Katrina Female Waters Arthur Roy Male Perth
1943/102281 Perth Waters Arthur Roy Male Plozza Lucy Katrina Female Perth
1943/102282 Perth Hill Oswald Hamilton Male Rew Kathleen Ann Female Perth
1943/102282 Perth Rew Kathleen Ann Female Hill Oswald Hamilton Male Perth
1943/102283 Perth Hodgson Robert Joseph Male Hall Gladys Irene Mabel Female Perth
1943/102283 Perth Hall Gladys Irene Mabel Female Hodgson Robert Joseph Male Perth
1943/102284 Perth Carroll Edna Anne Female O'Donoghue Denis John Male Perth
1943/102284 Perth O'Donoghue Denis John Male Carroll Edna Anne Female Perth
1943/102285 Perth Rumney Dorothy Annie Female Rouse Leslie Edward Male Claremont
1943/102285 Perth Rouse Leslie Edward Male Rumney Dorothy Annie Female Claremont
1943/102286 Perth Hansen Freda Female Bartle Clarence Robert Male Perth
1943/102286 Perth Bartle Clarence Robert Male Hansen Freda Female Perth
1943/102287 Perth Trainer Percy Male Bryan Florence Maud Female Perth
1943/102287 Perth Bryan Florence Maud Female Trainer Percy Male Perth
1943/102288 Perth Matthews Laurance Edwin Male Grosser Jessie Edwyna Female Perth
1943/102288 Perth Grosser Jessie Edwyna Female Matthews Laurance Edwin Male Perth
1943/102289 Perth Giroud John Mitchell Male Hampton Gwenyth Agnes Female Perth
1943/102289 Perth Hampton Gwenyth Agnes Female Giroud John Mitchell Male Perth
1943/102290 Perth Hull William Male Wilson Harriett Ann Female Perth
1943/102290 Perth Wilson Harriett Ann Female Hull William Male Perth
1943/102291 Perth Friel Enid Helen Female Kennedy William John Male Subiaco
1943/102291 Perth Kennedy William John Male Friel Enid Helen Female Subiaco
1943/102292 Perth Warner Ruth Female Thompson Ernest Arthur Male Perth
1943/102292 Perth Thompson Ernest Arthur Male Warner Ruth Female Perth
1943/102293 Perth Bodle Godfrey James Male Walmsley Evelyn Viola Female Perth
1943/102293 Perth Walmsley Evelyn Viola Female Bodle Godfrey James Male Perth
1943/102294 Perth Lacy Roy Thomas Ernest Male Hogg Evelyn Female Bayswater
1943/102294 Perth Hogg Evelyn Female Lacy Roy Thomas Ernest Male Bayswater
1943/102295 Perth Brown Margaret Lees Female Wittber Ralph Male Perth
1943/102295 Perth Wittber Ralph Male Brown Margaret Lees Female Perth
1943/102296 Perth Guile Verna Beryl Female Bell Joseph James Male Maylands
1943/102296 Perth Bell Joseph James Male Guile Verna Beryl Female Maylands
1943/102297 Perth Warner Nora Jeanette Female Whitfield Basil Harry Male North Perth
1943/102297 Perth Whitfield Basil Harry Male Warner Nora Jeanette Female North Perth
1943/102298 Perth Ferguson Arthur William Male Chisholm Joyce Mary Female Claremont
1943/102298 Perth Chisholm Joyce Mary Female Ferguson Arthur William Male Claremont
1943/102299 Perth Woodwell Edward Charles Male Mitchell Thelma Joyce Female Maylands
1943/102299 Perth Mitchell Thelma Joyce Female Woodwell Edward Charles Male Maylands
1943/102300 Perth Fleming Erica Ruth Female MacKinlay Bruce Male Cottesloe
1943/102300 Perth MacKinlay Bruce Male Fleming Erica Ruth Female Cottesloe
1943/102301 Perth Harris Mavis Female Kean William John McKendry Male Cottesloe
1943/102301 Perth Kean William John McKendry Male Harris Mavis Female Cottesloe
1943/102302 Perth Evans Stanley Harwood Male Holgate Ethel Maude Female Victoria Park
1943/102302 Perth Holgate Ethel Maude Female Evans Stanley Harwood Male Victoria Park
1943/102304 Perth Gardiner Marjorie Helen Female Newton Douglas Arthur Male Victoria Park
1943/102304 Perth Newton Douglas Arthur Male Gardiner Marjorie Helen Female Victoria Park
1943/102305 Perth Caporn Leslie Gordon Male McMahon Margaret Gertrude Female Victoria Park
1943/102305 Perth McMahon Margaret Gertrude Female Caporn Leslie Gordon Male Victoria Park
1943/102306 Perth Rowell James Peter Male Orr Dorothy Ethelwyn Female Vic Park
1943/102306 Perth Orr Dorothy Ethelwyn Female Rowell James Peter Male Vic Park
1943/102307 Perth Lindsay Jean Esther Female Ridener Ed Charles Male Perth
1943/102307 Perth Ridener Ed Charles Male Lindsay Jean Esther Female Perth
1943/102308 Perth Hall Thomas Henderson Male Owen Marion May Female Perth
1943/102308 Perth Owen Marion May Female Hall Thomas Henderson Male Perth
1943/102309 Perth Williams Ellen Louise Female Garza Federico Alaniz Male Perth
1943/102309 Perth Garza Federico Alaniz Male Williams Ellen Louise Female Perth
1943/102310 Perth Lenson Doris Beatrice Female Sharpe Raymond Joseph Male Perth
1943/102310 Perth Sharpe Raymond Joseph Male Lenson Doris Beatrice Female Perth
1943/102311 Perth Baldwin Iris May Female Hanrahan Raymond Vincent Male Mosman Park
1943/102311 Perth Hanrahan Raymond Vincent Male Baldwin Iris May Female Mosman Park
1943/102312 Perth Davey Richard Howard Male Somers Lorna Joyce Female Subiaco
1943/102312 Perth Somers Lorna Joyce Female Davey Richard Howard Male Subiaco
1943/102313 Perth MacKenzie Donald Hugh Ardross Male Priestman Lillian Female Mt Lawley
1943/102313 Perth Priestman Lillian Female MacKenzie Donald Hugh Ardross Male Mt Lawley
1943/102314 Perth Grigsby William Edward Male Hopkins Beatrice Grace Female Perth
1943/102314 Perth Hopkins Beatrice Grace Female Grigsby William Edward Male Perth
1943/102315 Perth Fragomeni Nunziata Emilia Female Fragomeni Carlo Male Bayswater
1943/102315 Perth Fragomeni Carlo Male Fragomeni Nunziata Emilia Female Bayswater
1943/102316 Perth Kielman John Charles Male Davey Joyce Edna Female Perth
1943/102316 Perth Davey Joyce Edna Female Kielman John Charles Male Perth
1943/102317 Perth Cooper Joyce Hope Female Flanagan James Vincent Male Claremont
1943/102317 Perth Flanagan James Vincent Male Cooper Joyce Hope Female Claremont
1943/102318 Perth Manning Doreen Female Hodgkins Samuel Male Perth
1943/102318 Perth Hodgkins Samuel Male Manning Doreen Female Perth
1943/102319 Perth Edwards Olive Winnifred Female Reed Norman Herbert Male North Perth
1943/102319 Perth Reed Norman Herbert Male Edwards Olive Winnifred Female North Perth
1943/102320 Perth Robertson Richard Robert Male Walker Florence Beryl Amelia Female Shenton Park
1943/102320 Perth Walker Florence Beryl Amelia Female Robertson Richard Robert Male Shenton Park
1943/102321 Perth Justins Arthur George Male Portner Margaret Female Perth
1943/102321 Perth Portner Margaret Female Justins Arthur George Male Perth
1943/102322 Perth Watts Valmai Esme Female Bandy Laurence Henry Male Perth
1943/102322 Perth Bandy Laurence Henry Male Watts Valmai Esme Female Perth
1943/102323 Perth Hammond Sylvia Augusta Female Lee William Edward Edgar Male Perth
1943/102323 Perth Lee William Edward Edgar Male Hammond Sylvia Augusta Female Perth
1943/102324 Perth Davenport Hilda Mortyne Female Lovell James Keith Male Perth
1943/102324 Perth Lovell James Keith Male Davenport Hilda Mortyne Female Perth
1943/102325 Perth Garcia Esther Female Orr Leonard Male Perth
1943/102325 Perth Orr Leonard Male Garcia Esther Female Perth
1943/102326 Perth Redmond Myrtle Mavis Female Heron Thomas George Male Perth
1943/102326 Perth Heron Thomas George Male Redmond Myrtle Mavis Female Perth
1943/102327 Perth Irons Edward Norman Male Robson Roma Female Perth
1943/102327 Perth Robson Roma Female Irons Edward Norman Male Perth
1943/102328 Perth Jenkins Sidney Male Bom Hazel Constance Female Perth
1943/102328 Perth Bom Hazel Constance Female Jenkins Sidney Male Perth
1943/102329 Perth Demasson Roy Hilary Male Double Irene Maud Female Perth
1943/102329 Perth Double Irene Maud Female Demasson Roy Hilary Male Perth
1943/102330 Perth Davies Norman Leslie Male Smith Esmee Constance Female Perth
1943/102330 Perth Smith Esmee Constance Female Davies Norman Leslie Male Perth
1943/102331 Perth Counsel Mervyn William Arthur Male Rodgers Thelma Caroline Female Perth
1943/102331 Perth Rodgers Thelma Caroline Female Counsel Mervyn William Arthur Male Perth
1943/102332 Perth Beurteaux Leonide Marie Female Ponder Paul Emiel Nicolaas Male Perth
1943/102332 Perth Ponder Paul Emiel Nicolaas Male Beurteaux Leonide Marie Female Perth
1943/102333 Perth Tacey Marie Teresa Female Scott David Alexander Male Perth
1943/102333 Perth Scott David Alexander Male Tacey Marie Teresa Female Perth
1943/102334 Perth Hart Cyril Fitz-John Male Richmond Mollie Female Sth Perth
1943/102334 Perth Richmond Mollie Female Hart Cyril Fitz-John Male Sth Perth
1943/102335 Perth Hayes Alison Clare Female Bruyn Hendrik Johan Male West Perth
1943/102335 Perth Bruyn Hendrik Johan Male Hayes Alison Clare Female West Perth
1943/102336 Perth Munt Victor Cranston Male Emery Ivy Albiston Female West Perth
1943/102336 Perth Emery Ivy Albiston Female Munt Victor Cranston Male West Perth
1943/102337 Perth Wilson Noel Bryan Male Timms Irene Amelia Female Victoria Park
1943/102337 Perth Timms Irene Amelia Female Wilson Noel Bryan Male Victoria Park
1943/102338 Perth Bidwell Doris Joyce Female Jose Laurence William Male Mt Lawley
1943/102338 Perth Bidwell Doris Joyce Female Jose Lewis Male Mt Lawley
1943/102338 Perth Bidwell Doris Joyce Female Walter Laurence William Male Mt Lawley
1943/102338 Perth Bidwell Doris Joyce Female Walter Lewis Male Mt Lawley
1943/102338 Perth Walter Laurence William Male Bidwell Doris Joyce Female Mt Lawley
1943/102338 Perth Walter Lewis Male Bidwell Doris Joyce Female Mt Lawley
1943/102338 Perth Jose Laurence William Male Bidwell Doris Joyce Female Mt Lawley
1943/102338 Perth Jose Lewis Male Bidwell Doris Joyce Female Mt Lawley
1943/102339 Perth Dillon Margaret Ingles Female Brown Thomas George Male Perth
1943/102339 Perth Brown Thomas George Male Dillon Margaret Ingles Female Perth
1943/102340 Perth Cock Beatrice Grace Female Ridley Rubert Gordon Cameron Male Perth
1943/102340 Perth Ridley Rubert Gordon Cameron Male Cock Beatrice Grace Female Perth
1943/102341 Perth Baptie Ada Patricia Female Gerick Ivor Richard Male Perth
1943/102341 Perth Gerick Ivor Richard Male Baptie Ada Patricia Female Perth
1943/102342 Perth Phillips William Gerard Gilby Male Noel Alma Veronica Female Perth
1943/102342 Perth Noel Alma Veronica Female Phillips William Gerard Gilby Male Perth
1943/102343 Perth Ellison Loreto Female Lewis Frederick Victor James Male Perth
1943/102343 Perth Lewis Frederick Victor James Male Ellison Loreto Female Perth
1943/102344 Perth Vaughan Alice Florence Female Farrell James Male Perth
1943/102344 Perth Farrell James Male Vaughan Alice Florence Female Perth
1943/102345 Perth Height George Arthur Stephen Male Patrick Lesly Kingston Female West Leederville
1943/102345 Perth Patrick Lesly Kingston Female Height George Arthur Stephen Male West Leederville
1943/102346 Perth Hill Arthur William Male Thornbury Lillian Edith Female Perth
1943/102346 Perth Thornbury Lillian Edith Female Hill Arthur William Male Perth
1943/102347 Perth Blake Arthur Gordon Male Gibson Phyllis Edna Female Perth
1943/102347 Perth Gibson Phyllis Edna Female Blake Arthur Gordon Male Perth
1943/102348 Perth Haynes Evan Brizzee Male Rainsford Janet Sutherland Female Perth
1943/102348 Perth Rainsford Janet Sutherland Female Haynes Evan Brizzee Male Perth
1943/102349 Perth Scally Agnes Reid Female Neumann Henry Sadler Male Perth
1943/102349 Perth Neumann Henry Sadler Male Scally Agnes Reid Female Perth
1943/102350 Perth Wroth Harold Chapman Male Bond Elizabeth Haddow Female Perth
1943/102350 Perth Bond Elizabeth Haddow Female Wroth Harold Chapman Male Perth
1943/102351 Perth Anderson Margaret Lucy Female Ewers Eric Charles Male West Perth
1943/102351 Perth Ewers Eric Charles Male Anderson Margaret Lucy Female West Perth
1943/102352 Perth Parker William Henry Alfred Male Thomas Edna Elvira Female Perth
1943/102352 Perth Thomas Edna Elvira Female Parker William Henry Alfred Male Perth
1943/102353 Perth Jones Rita Shirley Female Frumerie Walter Edward Male Perth
1943/102353 Perth Frumerie Walter Edward Male Johnson Rita Shirley Female Perth
1943/102353 Perth Frumerie Walter Edward Male Jones Rita Shirley Female Perth
1943/102353 Perth Johnson Rita Shirley Female Frumerie Walter Edward Male Perth
1943/102354 Perth Dobbie Dorothy Allenby Female Lewis John Woodrow Male Claremont
1943/102354 Perth Lewis John Woodrow Male Dobbie Dorothy Allenby Female Claremont
1943/102355 Perth Ellis Austin Neville Male Wood Ursula Annie Female Claremont
1943/102355 Perth Wood Ursula Annie Female Ellis Austin Neville Male Claremont
1943/102356 Perth Fisher Eileen Hilda Lorraine Female Sherriffs William Davison Male West Perth
1943/102356 Perth Sherriffs William Davison Male Fisher Eileen Hilda Lorraine Female West Perth
1943/102357 Perth Caddy Midland Joan Female Praed John Max Male West Perth
1943/102357 Perth Praed John Max Male Caddy Midland Joan Female West Perth
1943/102358 Perth Carey Pauline Female de Laeter Richard Male Perth
1943/102358 Perth de Laeter Richard Male Carey Pauline Female Perth
1943/102359 Perth Fay Marjorie Alexandra Female Abbott Arnold Frank Male Perth
1943/102359 Perth Abbott Arnold Frank Male Fay Marjorie Alexandra Female Perth
1943/102360 Perth Greaves Harry Charles Male McLeod Shirley Lilian Female West Leederville
1943/102360 Perth McLeod Shirley Lilian Female Greaves Harry Charles Male West Leederville
1943/102361 Perth Carvell James Male Perry Thoreen May Female West Leederville
1943/102361 Perth Perry Thoreen May Female Carvell James Male West Leederville
1943/102362 Perth James Howard Pearse Male Schwartz Hazel Miriel Female Perth
1943/102362 Perth Schwartz Hazel Miriel Female James Howard Pearse Male Perth
1943/102363 Perth Hart Richard Dwaine Male James Gwenneth Narramore Female Perth
1943/102363 Perth James Gwenneth Narramore Female Hart Richard Dwaine Male Perth
1943/102364 Perth Brookes Herbert Thomas Male Ive Patricia Ernestine Mary Female South Perth
1943/102364 Perth Ive Patricia Ernestine Mary Female Brookes Herbert Thomas Male South Perth
1943/102365 Perth Smith Peter William Male Chilvers Mary Catherine Female Leederville
1943/102365 Perth Chilvers Mary Catherine Female Smith Peter William Male Leederville
1943/102366 Perth Holmes Richard Male McCaughey Verna Mary Female Leederville
1943/102366 Perth McCaughey Verna Mary Female Holmes Richard Male Leederville
1943/102367 Perth Clarke Teresa Enid Female Buckley Michael William Male Leederville
1943/102367 Perth Buckley Michael William Male Clarke Teresa Enid Female Leederville
1943/102368 Perth Stewart John McGregor Male Webb Joan Mavis Female Leederville
1943/102368 Perth Webb Joan Mavis Female Stewart John McGregor Male Leederville
1943/102369 Perth McGrade Sheila Maureen Female Burnett Eric Male West Leederville
1943/102369 Perth Burnett Eric Male McGrade Sheila Maureen Female West Leederville
1943/102370 Perth Behn Justus Heinrich Male Johnson May Sylvia Constance Female Nedlands
1943/102370 Perth Johnson May Sylvia Constance Female Behn Justus Heinrich Male Nedlands
1943/102371 Perth Robinson Lila Beatrice Female Lette Walter Thomas William Male Wembley Park
1943/102371 Perth Lette Walter Thomas William Male Robinson Lila Beatrice Female Wembley Park
1943/102372 Perth McPharlin Rex William Male Gilmour Gwynneth May Female West Leederville
1943/102372 Perth Gilmour Gwynneth May Female McPharlin Rex William Male West Leederville
1943/102373 Perth Hart John Anthony Male Shaw Dorothy Jean Female Highgate Hill
1943/102373 Perth Shaw Dorothy Jean Female Hart John Anthony Male Highgate Hill
1943/102374 Perth Baker Iris Female Dimer Karl Herbert Male Highgate Hill
1943/102374 Perth Dimer Karl Herbert Male Baker Iris Female Highgate Hill
1943/102375 Perth Golding Grace Mary Female Ellis Arthur Henry Male Mt Lawley
1943/102375 Perth Ellis Arthur Henry Male Golding Grace Mary Female Mt Lawley
1943/102376 Perth Kelly Challis Althea Female Haltz Albert Mervyn Male Nedlands
1943/102376 Perth Haltz Albert Mervyn Male Kelly Challis Althea Female Nedlands
1943/102377 Perth Bennett Stanley Birdwood Male Andrews Marjorie Lillian Female Perth
1943/102377 Perth Andrews Marjorie Lillian Female Bennett Stanley Birdwood Male Perth
1943/102378 Perth Wilkins Horace Oliver Male Townsend Joyce Evelyn Female Maylands
1943/102378 Perth Townsend Joyce Evelyn Female Wilkins Horace Oliver Male Maylands
1943/102379 Perth Button Joan Tregellas Female Arlow William Ross Male Perth
1943/102379 Perth Arlow William Ross Male Button Joan Tregellas Female Perth
1943/102380 Perth Deters Henk Kleine Male Thorp Myrtle Marion Female Perth
1943/102380 Perth Thorp Myrtle Marion Female Deters Henk Kleine Male Perth
1943/102381 Perth Stout Frederick George Male Bairstow Lesley Maud Female Perth
1943/102381 Perth Bairstow Lesley Maud Female Stout Frederick George Male Perth
1943/102382 Perth Yeates George Stanley Male Olver Ethel Violet Female Perth
1943/102382 Perth Olver Ethel Violet Female Yeates George Stanley Male Perth
1943/102383 Perth Bone Harry Male Kiddle Joan Female Perth
1943/102383 Perth Kiddle Joan Female Bone Harry Male Perth
1943/102384 Perth Manders Jack Charles Male Currell Ivy Myrtle Female Perth
1943/102384 Perth Currell Ivy Myrtle Female Manders Jack Charles Male Perth
1943/102385 Perth Peirce Edgar Craig Male Hunter Alice Grace Female West Leederville
1943/102385 Perth Hunter Alice Grace Female Peirce Edgar Craig Male West Leederville
1943/102386 Perth Paull Emily Female Bell John Dodd Male Nedlands
1943/102386 Perth Bell John Dodd Male Paull Emily Female Nedlands
1943/102387 Perth Greenwood Alfred James Male Goldstone Joy Sylvia Grace Female Perth
1943/102387 Perth Goldstone Joy Sylvia Grace Female Greenwood Alfred James Male Perth
1943/102388 Perth Catherall Elsie May Female Munro James Bennett Male Perth
1943/102388 Perth Munro James Bennett Male Catherall Elsie May Female Perth
1943/102389 Perth Carter Arthur Lewis Male Lingwood Dorothy Female Perth
1943/102389 Perth Lingwood Dorothy Female Carter Arthur Lewis Male Perth
1943/102390 Perth Forwood Richard Langley Male Watters May Kathleen Female Perth
1943/102390 Perth Watters May Kathleen Female Forwood Richard Langley Male Perth
1943/102391 Perth Linkson Dorothy Olive Female Gibson James Alexander Male Subiaco
1943/102391 Perth Gibson James Alexander Male Linkson Dorothy Olive Female Subiaco
1943/102392 Perth Smith Alma Joyce Female Boland James Nicholas Male Subiaco
1943/102392 Perth Boland James Nicholas Male Smith Alma Joyce Female Subiaco
1943/102393 Perth Anderton Reginald Leon Male Gardner Eileen Jeanette Female Subiaco
1943/102393 Perth Gardner Eileen Jeanette Female Anderton Reginald Leon Male Subiaco
1943/102394 Perth Burtenshaw Ruth Emily Female Harewood Reginald Edwin Male Maylands
1943/102394 Perth Harewood Reginald Edwin Male Burtenshaw Ruth Emily Female Maylands
1943/102395 Perth Kroenert Jack Ernest Male Wesley Mary Beth Female Perth
1943/102395 Perth Wesley Mary Beth Female Kroenert Jack Ernest Male Perth
1943/102396 Perth Lowndes Clarice Victoria Female Hawthorne Hugh William Male Perth
1943/102396 Perth Hawthorne Hugh William Male Lowndes Clarice Victoria Female Perth
1943/102397 Perth Nolan Stanley Owen Male Hughes Betty Mae Female Subiaco
1943/102397 Perth Hughes Betty Mae Female Nolan Stanley Owen Male Subiaco
1943/102398 Perth Clarke Clifford Barry Male Barradeen Myrtle Ashar Female Maylands
1943/102398 Perth Barradeen Myrtle Ashar Female Clarke Clifford Barry Male Maylands
1943/102399 Perth McDonnell Alick Charles John Male Chapman Marion Drever Female W Perth
1943/102399 Perth Chapman Marion Drever Female McDonnell Alick Charles John Male W Perth
1943/102400 Perth Hyland Doreen Hilda Female Browning James Auswell Male Wembley Park
1943/102400 Perth Browning James Auswell Male Hyland Doreen Hilda Female Wembley Park
1943/102401 Perth Outram Alma Jean Female Goodman Fredrick John Male Perth
1943/102401 Perth Goodman Fredrick John Male Outram Alma Jean Female Perth
1943/102402 Perth Parkinson Noel Andrew Male Millane Kathleen Iris Female Perth
1943/102402 Perth Millane Kathleen Iris Female Parkinson Noel Andrew Male Perth
1943/102403 Perth Croker Alice Elizabeth Female Brakeman Elmer Charles Henry Male Perth
1943/102403 Perth Brakeman Elmer Charles Henry Male Croker Alice Elizabeth Female Perth
1943/102404 Perth Baker Edward George Male Turnbull Betty Muriel Female Perth
1943/102404 Perth Turnbull Betty Muriel Female Baker Edward George Male Perth
1943/102405 Perth Benson Eileen Female McLeod John Male Maylands
1943/102405 Perth McLeod John Male Benson Eileen Female Maylands
1943/102406 Perth Hull Marjorie Joyce Female Wrighton William Frederick Male West Perth
1943/102406 Perth Wrighton William Frederick Male Hull Marjorie Joyce Female West Perth
1943/102407 Perth Marshall James John Male Dodd Frances Mary Female West Perth
1943/102407 Perth Dodd Frances Mary Female Marshall James John Male West Perth
1943/102408 Perth Sewell Anthony Davys Male Appleby Joyce Isabel Female West Perth
1943/102408 Perth Appleby Joyce Isabel Female Sewell Anthony Davys Male West Perth
1943/102409 Perth McEwan Wilhelmina Keogh Female Staal Arie Johannes Male Cottesloe
1943/102409 Perth Staal Arie Johannes Male McEwan Wilhelmina Keogh Female Cottesloe
1943/102410 Perth Reese Carsten Bernard Male Jackman Isabel Linda Female Perth
1943/102410 Perth Jackman Isabel Linda Female Reese Carsten Bernard Male Perth
1943/102411 Perth Howard Francis Henry Male Birch Olga Ayleen Female W Aust
1943/102411 Perth Birch Olga Ayleen Female Howard Francis Henry Male W Aust
1943/102412 Perth Jamieson George Archibald Male Howes Doris Celestine Jane Female Perth
1943/102412 Perth Howes Doris Celestine Jane Female Jamieson George Archibald Male Perth
1943/102413 Perth Jolly Arnold Male Evans Florence Edna Female Cottesloe
1943/102413 Perth Evans Florence Edna Female Jolly Arnold Male Cottesloe
1943/102414 Perth West Enid Dorothy Female Best Laurence Alexander Male Cottesloe
1943/102414 Perth Best Laurence Alexander Male West Enid Dorothy Female Cottesloe
1943/102415 Perth McCaul Marjory Ethel Female Hamilton Francis George Male Shenton Park
1943/102415 Perth Hamilton Francis George Male McCaul Marjory Ethel Female Shenton Park
1943/102416 Perth Duffield Leonard Murray Foss Male Charles Beatrice Winifred Female Nedlands
1943/102416 Perth Charles Beatrice Winifred Female Duffield Leonard Murray Foss Male Nedlands
1943/102417 Perth Sullivan William Henry Male Murphy Monica Cathrine Female Highgate Hill
1943/102417 Perth Murphy Monica Cathrine Female Sullivan William Henry Male Highgate Hill
1943/102418 Perth Wragg Audrey Jean Female Dunstan Kenneth Maxwell Male Perth
1943/102418 Perth Dunstan Kenneth Maxwell Male Wragg Audrey Jean Female Perth
1943/102419 Perth Brittain Lorna Mary Female Reed Alfred Charles Male Victoria Park
1943/102419 Perth Reed Alfred Charles Male Brittain Lorna Mary Female Victoria Park
1943/102420 Perth Wright Ethel Female White Andrew Murray Male Victoria Park
1943/102420 Perth White Andrew Murray Male Wright Ethel Female Victoria Park
1943/102421 Perth Allen Catherine Mary Female Bellingham Arthur Harold Male Victoria Park
1943/102421 Perth Bellingham Arthur Harold Male Allen Catherine Mary Female Victoria Park
1943/102422 Perth Doyle Elizabeth May Female Dalziel Jack Meldrum Male South Perth
1943/102422 Perth Dalziel Jack Meldrum Male Doyle Elizabeth May Female South Perth
1943/102423 Perth Faithfull Augustus Arthur Jonathan Male Nelly Marion Kathleen Female Perth
1943/102423 Perth Nelly Marion Kathleen Female Faithfull Augustus Arthur Jonathan Male Perth
1943/102424 Perth Smith Horace Raymond Male Smith Winifred May Female Perth
1943/102424 Perth Smith Winifred May Female Smith Horace Raymond Male Perth
1943/102425 Perth Robertson Frank Male Hyde Rhoda Lilian Margaret Female Perth
1943/102425 Perth Hyde Rhoda Lilian Margaret Female Robertson Frank Male Perth
1943/102426 Perth Sanford Olive Yvonne Female Phillips Henry Thomas Male Victoria Park
1943/102426 Perth Phillips Henry Thomas Male Sanford Olive Yvonne Female Victoria Park
1943/102427 Perth Ponton Mavis June Female Shortland Robert George Male Victoria Park
1943/102427 Perth Shortland Robert George Male Ponton Mavis June Female Victoria Park
1943/102428 Perth Clement Agnes Samson Female Messinger George Edward Male Perth
1943/102428 Perth Messinger George Edward Male Clement Agnes Samson Female Perth
1943/102429 Perth Blue John Stuart Male Kempe Maxine June Female Mt Lawley
1943/102429 Perth Kempe Maxine June Female Blue John Stuart Male Mt Lawley
1943/102430 Perth Hill John Kenneth Male Evans Lilian Stephanie Female Mt Lawley
1943/102430 Perth Evans Lilian Stephanie Female Hill John Kenneth Male Mt Lawley
1943/102431 Perth Hey Stanley Thomas Male Perry Joyce Lorna Female Subiaco
1943/102431 Perth Perry Joyce Lorna Female Hey Stanley Thomas Male Subiaco
1943/102432 Perth Priest Gladys Francis Amelia Female Young Gordon William Male Subiaco
1943/102432 Perth Young Gordon William Male Priest Gladys Francis Amelia Female Subiaco
1943/102433 Perth Hay Henry James Male Surman Ada Jane Female Perth
1943/102433 Perth Surman Ada Jane Female Hay Henry James Male Perth
1943/102434 Perth Lemmey Mervyn John Male Beazley Lorna Rose Female West Perth
1943/102434 Perth Beazley Lorna Rose Female Lemmey Mervyn John Male West Perth
1943/102435 Perth Giles John Richardson Male Reynolds Edith Josephine Female West Perth
1943/102435 Perth Reynolds Edith Josephine Female Giles John Richardson Male West Perth
1943/102436 Perth Rogers Albert Charles Male O'Connor Audrey Female West Perth
1943/102436 Perth O'Connor Audrey Female Rogers Albert Charles Male West Perth
1943/102437 Perth Backhouse Dorothy Margaret Female Cox James Albert Male Mt Lawley
1943/102437 Perth Cox James Albert Male Backhouse Dorothy Margaret Female Mt Lawley
1943/102438 Perth Murray Ivy Gwendoline Female Simmons Lloyd Calvin Male Perth
1943/102438 Perth Simmons Lloyd Calvin Male Murray Ivy Gwendoline Female Perth
1943/102439 Perth Thomas Robert Lloyd Male Greay Iris Joan Female Perth
1943/102439 Perth Greay Iris Joan Female Thomas Robert Lloyd Male Perth
1943/102440 Perth Radburn Frank Male Stevens Joan Margaret Female Perth
1943/102440 Perth Stevens Joan Margaret Female Radburn Frank Male Perth
1943/102441 Perth Marshall Clifford Lancelot Male Hawke Marian Yvonne Female Perth
1943/102441 Perth Hawke Marian Yvonne Female Marshall Clifford Lancelot Male Perth
1943/102442 Perth Weaver Margaret Female Kerr William Henry Male Perth
1943/102442 Perth Kerr William Henry Male Weaver Margaret Female Perth
1943/102443 Perth Wake Charles John Thomas Hereward Male Markland Ngaio Jessie Female Perth
1943/102443 Perth Markland Ngaio Jessie Female Wake Charles John Thomas Hereward Male Perth
1943/102444 Perth Anderson Margaret Marie Esther Female Brooker Richard Nickolls Male Perth
1943/102444 Perth Brooker Richard Nickolls Male Anderson Margaret Marie Esther Female Perth
1943/102445 Perth Marshall Alfred James Talbot Male Creeper Elaine Hope Female Claremont
1943/102445 Perth Creeper Elaine Hope Female Marshall Alfred James Talbot Male Claremont
1943/102446 Perth Law-Davis Frederick Clarence Male Hoare Margaret Jessie Fortescue Female Perth
1943/102446 Perth Hoare Margaret Jessie Fortescue Female Law-Davis Frederick Clarence Male Perth
1943/102447 Perth Faranda Antonio Male Conti Mary Antonia Female Osborne Park
1943/102447 Perth Conti Mary Antonia Female Faranda Antonio Male Osborne Park
1943/102448 Perth Coppen John Duncan Male Paget Evelyn Stella Female W Leederville
1943/102448 Perth Paget Evelyn Stella Female Coppen John Duncan Male W Leederville
1943/102449 Perth Wallington Edith Blanche Female Dods William Daniel Male N Perth
1943/102449 Perth Dods William Daniel Male Wallington Edith Blanche Female N Perth
1943/102450 Perth Kennedy May Isobel Female Krieger Harold Douglas Male West Perth
1943/102450 Perth Krieger Harold Douglas Male Kennedy May Isobel Female West Perth
1943/102451 Perth Campbell Glenn Le Roy Male Grannery Betty McIvor Female Victoria Park
1943/102451 Perth Grannery Betty McIvor Female Campbell Glenn Le Roy Male Victoria Park
1943/102452 Perth Pickett Elizabeth Sylvia Female Saunders Clifford Harrison Male Perth
1943/102452 Perth Saunders Clifford Harrison Male Pickett Elizabeth Sylvia Female Perth
1943/102453 Perth Elworthy Charles Henry Male King Joan Female Perth
1943/102453 Perth King Joan Female Elworthy Charles Henry Male Perth
1943/102454 Perth Crews Robert Moultrie Male Moore Muriel Female Perth
1943/102454 Perth Moore Muriel Female Crews Robert Moultrie Male Perth
1943/102455 Perth Poliak Clarence Male Connelly Audrey Female Perth
1943/102455 Perth Connelly Audrey Female Poliak Clarence Male Perth
1943/102456 Perth Smith Gwendoline Sarah Female Chamberlain Albert Male West Leederville
1943/102456 Perth Chamberlain Albert Male Smith Gwendoline Sarah Female West Leederville
1943/102457 Perth Raven Dulcie Eunice Female Wootten William George Male Perth
1943/102457 Perth Wootten William George Male Raven Dulcie Eunice Female Perth
1943/102458 Perth Doolan Percival Joseph Andrew Male Cocks Florence Jennie Female Perth
1943/102458 Perth Cocks Florence Jennie Female Doolan Percival Joseph Andrew Male Perth
1943/102459 Perth Bolger Dorothy May Female Cox Frederick Nathaniel John Male Perth
1943/102459 Perth Cox Frederick Nathaniel John Male Bolger Dorothy May Female Perth
1943/102460 Perth Cleghorn George Louis Male McMahon Violet Female Subiaco
1943/102460 Perth McMahon Violet Female Cleghorn George Louis Male Subiaco
1943/102461 Perth Hugall Malcolm Male King Jessie Henrietta Female Subiaco
1943/102461 Perth King Jessie Henrietta Female Hugall Malcolm Male Subiaco
1943/102462 Perth Aldersea Dulcie Joan Female Musgrave Cecil Beryl Male Subiaco
1943/102462 Perth Musgrave Cecil Beryl Male Aldersea Dulcie Joan Female Subiaco
1943/102463 Perth Banks Frank Whych Male Percival Florence Mary Ellen Female Subiaco
1943/102463 Perth Percival Florence Mary Ellen Female Banks Frank Whych Male Subiaco
1943/102464 Perth Roberts James Male Giri Dorothy Jean Female Perth
1943/102464 Perth Giri Dorothy Jean Female Roberts James Male Perth
1943/102465 Perth Fleming Donald Wallace Male Cook Elizabeth Ella Female West Perth
1943/102465 Perth Cook Elizabeth Ella Female Fleming Donald Wallace Male West Perth
1943/102466 Perth Kane John Murray Male Johnston Betty Constance Female Subiaco
1943/102466 Perth Johnston Betty Constance Female Kane John Murray Male Subiaco
1943/102467 Perth Lane Thomas John Male Orwin Ada Female Perth
1943/102467 Perth Orwin Ada Female Lane Thomas John Male Perth
1943/102468 Perth Kent Charles William Male Scarey Dora Martha Female Perth
1943/102468 Perth Scarey Dora Martha Female Kent Charles William Male Perth
1943/102469 Perth Delavale-Wickins Kathleen Marion Female Thorpe Albert Leslie Male Perth
1943/102469 Perth Thorpe Albert Leslie Male Delavale-Wickins Kathleen Marion Female Perth
1943/102470 Perth Nylander John Desmond Male Barr-Smith Doreen Female Perth
1943/102470 Perth Barr-Smith Doreen Female Nylander John Desmond Male Perth
1943/102471 Perth McDonald Archibald Ronald Male Daniels Hilda Letitia Female Leederville
1943/102471 Perth Daniels Hilda Letitia Female McDonald Archibald Ronald Male Leederville
1943/102472 Perth Taylor Thamson Edith Female Wood John Frederick Male Perth
1943/102472 Perth Wood John Frederick Male Taylor Thamson Edith Female Perth
1943/102473 Perth Speer Molly Irene Female Layton William John Male South Perth
1943/102473 Perth Layton William John Male Speer Molly Irene Female South Perth
1943/102474 Perth Ham Nona Florence Female Johnson Arthur Percival Male Claremont
1943/102474 Perth Johnson Arthur Percival Male Ham Nona Florence Female Claremont
1943/102475 Perth Hollingsworth Jannet Ann McLeod Female Bush Horace Christopher Male Perth
1943/102475 Perth Bush Horace Christopher Male Hollingsworth Jannet Ann McLeod Female Perth
1943/102484 Perth Clark Sydney Edgar Male Johansson Alohildé Mathel Female Perth
1943/102484 Perth Johansson Alohildé Mathel Female Clark Sydney Edgar Male Perth
1943/102485 Perth Massie Norma Female Ballard John Houston Male Victoria Park
1943/102485 Perth Ballard John Houston Male Massie Norma Female Victoria Park
1943/102486 Perth Darel June Estelle Female Kisiel John Edward Male Claremont
1943/102486 Perth Kisiel John Edward Male Darel June Estelle Female Claremont
1943/102487 Perth Moran Thomas Morris Male Monaghan Magdalene Joan Female Highgate Hill
1943/102487 Perth Monaghan Magdalene Joan Female Moran Thomas Morris Male Highgate Hill
1943/102488 Perth Hendry Ivy Lyda Morean Female Cornwall John Whyte Male Maylands
1943/102488 Perth Cornwall John Whyte Male Hendry Ivy Lyda Morean Female Maylands
1943/102489 Perth Hall Arthur Warren Male Davenport Pauline Sylvia Female Leederville
1943/102489 Perth Davenport Pauline Sylvia Female Hall Arthur Warren Male Leederville
1943/102490 Perth Martin Thomas Franklin Male Smith Verna Frances Female Perth
1943/102490 Perth Smith Verna Frances Female Martin Thomas Franklin Male Perth
1943/102491 Perth Hunt Henry Ronald Male Bailey Mena Kate Female Perth
1943/102491 Perth Bailey Mena Kate Female Hunt Henry Ronald Male Perth
1943/102492 Perth Le May Herbert William Male Messenger Nancy Mary Female Perth
1943/102492 Perth Messenger Nancy Mary Female Le May Herbert William Male Perth
1943/102493 Perth Hull Joyce Winsome Female Beacham William Charles Male Perth
1943/102493 Perth Beacham William Charles Male Hull Joyce Winsome Female Perth
1943/102494 Perth Collins Douglas James Male Prout Lilias Mary Female Perth
1943/102494 Perth Prout Lilias Mary Female Collins Douglas James Male Perth
1943/102495 Perth Doré Jean Amelia Granville Female Byatt Leslie Male Perth
1943/102495 Perth Byatt Leslie Male Doré Jean Amelia Granville Female Perth
1943/102496 Perth Whiteley Joyce Maud Female Stevenson Robert George Male Perth
1943/102496 Perth Stevenson Robert George Male Whiteley Joyce Maud Female Perth
1943/102497 Perth Flaherty Joseph Patrick Male Newman Eveline Brumpton Female Perth
1943/102497 Perth Newman Eveline Brumpton Female Flaherty Joseph Patrick Male Perth
1943/102498 Perth Vodanovic Bertha Female Cockman Henry James Samuel Male Perth
1943/102498 Perth Cockman Henry James Samuel Male Vodanovic Bertha Female Perth
1943/102499 Perth Oversby Ruby Female Sloss Charles Othel Male Perth
1943/102499 Perth Sloss Charles Othel Male Oversby Ruby Female Perth
1943/102500 Perth Ayling William Harold Male Sing Sideral Quan Female Perth
1943/102500 Perth Sing Sideral Quan Female Ayling William Harold Male Perth
1943/102501 Perth Mumford George Lewis Male Newland Doris Victoria Female West Perth
1943/102501 Perth Newland Doris Victoria Female Mumford George Lewis Male West Perth
1943/102502 Perth Smith Eric Wilkin Male Dunham Margaret Elizabeth Female Perth
1943/102502 Perth Dunham Margaret Elizabeth Female Smith Eric Wilkin Male Perth
1943/102503 Perth Zappa Ersilia Female Cassidy Stanley Edward Male Perth
1943/102503 Perth Cassidy Stanley Edward Male Zappa Ersilia Female Perth
1943/102504 Perth Milne Mary Female Howson Ronald George Male Perth
1943/102504 Perth Howson Ronald George Male Milne Mary Female Perth
1943/102505 Perth Joyce Bernard Thomas Male Gooding Coralie Joan Female Perth
1943/102505 Perth Gooding Coralie Joan Female Joyce Bernard Thomas Male Perth
1943/102506 Perth Clohessy Carmel Mary Female Kehoe Kevin Redmond Male Perth
1943/102506 Perth Kehoe Kevin Redmond Male Clohessy Carmel Mary Female Perth
1943/102507 Perth Rogel William Male Matthews Rona Daphney Female Perth
1943/102507 Perth Matthews Rona Daphney Female Rogel William Male Perth
1943/102508 Perth Wheals Alma May Female O'Dea Roy Patrick Male Perth
1943/102508 Perth O'Dea Roy Patrick Male Wheals Alma May Female Perth
1943/102509 Perth Linto Mercia Genevieve Female Elliott Ivan Tom Male Perth
1943/102509 Perth Elliott Ivan Tom Male Linto Mercia Genevieve Female Perth
1943/102510 Perth Woodward Rose Female Hayes John Francis Male Perth
1943/102510 Perth Hayes John Francis Male Woodward Rose Female Perth
1943/102511 Perth Grace Reginald Henry Richard Male Michel Elsie Girdwood Female Perth
1943/102511 Perth Michel Elsie Girdwood Female Grace Reginald Henry Richard Male Perth
1943/102512 Perth Eyles Stewart Ernest Male Sargent Gladys May Female Perth
1943/102512 Perth Sargent Gladys May Female Eyles Stewart Ernest Male Perth
1943/102513 Perth Lowes Joseph William Male Halse Isabel Vierk Female Mosman Park
1943/102513 Perth Halse Isabel Vierk Female Lowes Joseph William Male Mosman Park
1943/102514 Perth Fennell Herbert John Male Hislop Edith May Female Perth
1943/102514 Perth Hislop Edith May Female Fennell Herbert John Male Perth
1943/102515 Perth Nardini Rosie Female Nani Vincent Male Belmont
1943/102515 Perth Nani Vincent Male Nardini Rosie Female Belmont
1943/102516 Perth Bennett Lilah Ivetta Allum Female Hamilton William Herbert Male West Leederville
1943/102516 Perth Hamilton William Herbert Male Bennett Lilah Ivetta Allum Female West Leederville
1943/102517 Perth Baldock John Alfred Male McNamara Bessie Augusta Female Perth
1943/102517 Perth McNamara Bessie Augusta Female Baldock John Alfred Male Perth
1943/102518 Perth Frazer Irene Lillian Female Thomason Roy Victor Herbert Male Perth
1943/102518 Perth Thomason Roy Victor Herbert Male Frazer Irene Lillian Female Perth
1943/102519 Perth Troyer Ivan Roscoe Male Dunne Sheila Kathleen Female Perth
1943/102519 Perth Dunne Sheila Kathleen Female Troyer Ivan Roscoe Male Perth
1943/102520 Perth Worcester Daphne Florence Female Lawrence Max Alfred Male Perth
1943/102520 Perth Lawrence Max Alfred Male Worcester Daphne Florence Female Perth
1943/102521 Perth Riconi Veronica Mary Female Nunn Herbert Male Cottesloe
1943/102521 Perth Nunn Herbert Male Riconi Veronica Mary Female Cottesloe
1943/102522 Perth Schultz Claire Kezia Female Timmermans Gerardus Male Cottesloe
1943/102522 Perth Timmermans Gerardus Male Schultz Claire Kezia Female Cottesloe
1943/102523 Perth Adams Victor John Male Hodge Evelyn Joy Female Cottesloe
1943/102523 Perth Hodge Evelyn Joy Female Adams Victor John Male Cottesloe
1943/102524 Perth Wilson Kathleen Cecilia Female Armstrong Robert Male Perth
1943/102524 Perth Armstrong Robert Male Wilson Kathleen Cecilia Female Perth
1943/102525 Perth Marmion William Francis Noel Male Hall Muriel Douglas Female Mt Lawley
1943/102525 Perth Hall Muriel Douglas Female Marmion William Francis Noel Male Mt Lawley
1943/102526 Perth Charles Edward Thomas Male Casey Mary Josephine Female Maylands
1943/102526 Perth Casey Mary Josephine Female Charles Edward Thomas Male Maylands
1943/102527 Perth Scoble Marjorie Doreen Female Bolton Gordon Thomas Male Mosman Park
1943/102527 Perth Bolton Gordon Thomas Male Scoble Marjorie Doreen Female Mosman Park
1943/102528 Perth Thornton Ellen Veronica Female Murray Henry William Leonard Male Subiaco
1943/102528 Perth Murray Henry William Leonard Male Thornton Ellen Veronica Female Subiaco
1943/102529 Perth Rafferty Arthur William Male Armstrong Annie Female Perth
1943/102529 Perth Armstrong Annie Female Rafferty Arthur William Male Perth
1943/102530 Perth Rowe Rachel Sylvia Female Newell Harold Henry Male Perth
1943/102530 Perth Newell Harold Henry Male Rowe Rachel Sylvia Female Perth
1943/102531 Perth Shearer Maude Female Rhodes Arthur Vernon Male Perth
1943/102531 Perth Rhodes Arthur Vernon Male Shearer Maude Female Perth
1943/102532 Perth Spain Adelaide Grace Female Hampton Herbert Robert Male Perth
1943/102532 Perth Hampton Herbert Robert Male Spain Adelaide Grace Female Perth
1943/102533 Perth Myers James Edward Male Boddington Louise Female Perth
1943/102533 Perth Boddington Louise Female Myers James Edward Male Perth
1943/102534 Perth Bishop Sally Lilian Female Parry Hubert Cecil Male Perth
1943/102534 Perth Parry Hubert Cecil Male Bishop Sally Lilian Female Perth
1943/102535 Perth Russell Edna May Female Higgins Ronald Joseph Male Perth
1943/102535 Perth Higgins Ronald Joseph Male Russell Edna May Female Perth
1943/102536 Perth Mitchell Joyce Alice Female Payne Sydney Laurence Male Mount Hawthorn
1943/102536 Perth Payne Sydney Laurence Male Mitchell Joyce Alice Female Mount Hawthorn
1943/102537 Perth Panaia Bernardina Female Radici Mi Male West Perth
1943/102537 Perth Radici Mi Male Panaia Bernardina Female West Perth
1943/102538 Perth ODonoghue John Neil Male Tyler Veronica Suzanne Female West Perth
1943/102538 Perth Tyler Veronica Suzanne Female ODonoghue John Neil Male West Perth
1943/102539 Perth Smith Paul Victor Male Perrott Kathleen Mary Female W Perth
1943/102539 Perth Perrott Kathleen Mary Female Smith Paul Victor Male W Perth
1943/102540 Perth Ciccotosto Pietro Male Orlando Emma Female West Perth
1943/102540 Perth Orlando Emma Female Ciccotosto Pietro Male West Perth
1943/102541 Perth Thomas Alberta Gladys Female Rogers William James Male Victoria Park
1943/102541 Perth Rogers William James Male Thomas Alberta Gladys Female Victoria Park
1943/102542 Perth Gilleland John Arthur Royle Male Hamlyn Mavis Lillian Female Nedlands
1943/102542 Perth Hamlyn Mavis Lillian Female Gilleland John Arthur Royle Male Nedlands
1943/102543 Perth O'Keefe Kevin Patrick Male Flintoff Gertrude Jeannette Female Nedlands
1943/102543 Perth Flintoff Gertrude Jeannette Female O'Keefe Kevin Patrick Male Nedlands
1943/102544 Perth Conley Clyde Loyde Male Beamish Frances Merle Female Claremont
1943/102544 Perth Beamish Frances Merle Female Conley Clyde Loyde Male Claremont
1943/102545 Perth Downing Arthur Norman Male McConnell Rosemary Female Perth
1943/102545 Perth McConnell Rosemary Female Downing Arthur Norman Male Perth
1943/102546 Perth Gath Florence Hilda Female Ledgerwood John James Male Perth
1943/102546 Perth Ledgerwood John James Male Gath Florence Hilda Female Perth
1943/102547 Perth Thomas Ethel May Female Mathews Frank Male Claremont
1943/102547 Perth Mathews Frank Male Thomas Ethel May Female Claremont
1943/102548 Perth Sampson Victor Bruce Male Leslie Mary Cowan Female Claremont
1943/102548 Perth Leslie Mary Cowan Female Sampson Victor Bruce Male Claremont
1943/102549 Perth Daniels Cynthia Doreen Bertha Female Eggleston Maxwell Ian Royston Male Perth
1943/102549 Perth Eggleston Maxwell Ian Royston Male Daniels Cynthia Doreen Bertha Female Perth
1943/102550 Perth Garrard Edward Alfred Henry Male Wilson Edith Joan Female Perth
1943/102550 Perth Wilson Edith Joan Female Garrard Edward Alfred Henry Male Perth
1943/102551 Perth Dzienciol Izrael Szymszon Male Wilzig Frieda Female Perth
1943/102551 Perth Wilzig Frieda Female Dzienciol Izrael Szymszon Male Perth
1943/102552 Perth Allen Kenneth Robert Male Cocker Marjorie Doris Female West Perth
1943/102552 Perth Cocker Marjorie Doris Female Allen Kenneth Robert Male West Perth
1943/102553 Perth Anderson Roy Frank Male Bridges Roma Kathleen Female West Perth
1943/102553 Perth Bridges Roma Kathleen Female Anderson Roy Frank Male West Perth
1943/102554 Perth Wintle Doris Patricia Female Wallder Alfred Frederick Male West Perth
1943/102554 Perth Wallder Alfred Frederick Male Wintle Doris Patricia Female West Perth
1943/102555 Perth McQueen John Male Petford Marie Frances Female Perth
1943/102555 Perth Petford Marie Frances Female McQueen John Male Perth
1943/102556 Perth Nohr Jenny Female Brown Joseph Lazoraitus Male Leederville
1943/102556 Perth Brown Joseph Lazoraitus Male Nohr Jenny Female Leederville
1943/102557 Perth Barry Alma May Female Clarke Bruce Edward Male Highgate Hill
1943/102557 Perth Clarke Bruce Edward Male Barry Alma May Female Highgate Hill
1943/102558 Perth Smith Irene Ann Female Farmer Norman Stanlake Male Highgate Hill
1943/102558 Perth Farmer Norman Stanlake Male Smith Irene Ann Female Highgate Hill
1943/102559 Perth Kelliher James Cornelius Male Genefini Eileen Mary Female Highgate Hill
1943/102559 Perth Genefini Eileen Mary Female Kelliher James Cornelius Male Highgate Hill
1943/102560 Perth Brinkman Lesley May Female Fisher Stanley Herbert Male West Perth
1943/102560 Perth Fisher Stanley Herbert Male Brinkman Lesley May Female West Perth
1943/102561 Perth Turnbull Doris Rinfrey Female Johnson Frank Tesling Male Perth
1943/102561 Perth Johnson Frank Tesling Male Turnbull Doris Rinfrey Female Perth
1943/102562 Perth Gwyther Herbert Owen Male Port Hilda Grace Marie Female Perth
1943/102562 Perth Port Hilda Grace Marie Female Gwyther Herbert Owen Male Perth
1943/102563 Perth Bordas Jack Male Hosking Lillian Venetia Female Perth
1943/102563 Perth Hosking Lillian Venetia Female Bordas Jack Male Perth
1943/102564 Perth McLure William Robert Male Watkins Rosina Elizabeth Female Carlisle
1943/102564 Perth Watkins Rosina Elizabeth Female McLure William Robert Male Carlisle
1943/102565 Perth Massey William Thomas Male Rowbottam Kathleen Gertrude Female Subiaco
1943/102565 Perth Rowbottam Kathleen Gertrude Female Massey William Thomas Male Subiaco
1943/102566 Perth Wakely Colin Clayton Male Williams Ruth Elizabeth Female Cottesloe
1943/102566 Perth Williams Ruth Elizabeth Female Wakely Colin Clayton Male Cottesloe
1943/102567 Perth Wood Ida Marguerite Female Bailey John Charles Male Perth
1943/102567 Perth Bailey John Charles Male Wood Ida Marguerite Female Perth
1943/102568 Perth King Florence May Female Clarke Claude Frederick Male Perth
1943/102568 Perth Clarke Claude Frederick Male King Florence May Female Perth
1943/102569 Perth Rodgers Thelma Female Walters Joseph Male Perth
1943/102569 Perth Walters Joseph Male Rodgers Thelma Female Perth
1943/102570 Perth Barnes William Fredrick George Male Gentry Elsie May Female Perth
1943/102570 Perth Gentry Elsie May Female Barnes William Fredrick George Male Perth
1943/102571 Perth Tunbridge Vera May Female Haldane James Francis Keane Male Perth
1943/102571 Perth Haldane James Francis Keane Male Tunbridge Vera May Female Perth
1943/102572 Perth Jones Robert Morton Male Munt Barbara Ellen Female Perth
1943/102572 Perth Munt Barbara Ellen Female Jones Robert Morton Male Perth
1943/102573 Perth White Pearl Joyce Female Keyes Eugene Victor Male Perth
1943/102573 Perth Keyes Eugene Victor Male White Pearl Joyce Female Perth
1943/102574 Perth Mumford Edwin Winston Stuart George Male Tomkinson Winifred Female Perth
1943/102574 Perth Tomkinson Winifred Female Mumford Edwin Winston Stuart George Male Perth
1943/102575 Perth Fleming Percy Male Taylor Aileen Mary Female Perth
1943/102575 Perth Taylor Aileen Mary Female Fleming Percy Male Perth
1943/102576 Perth Rail Marjorie Jean Female Campbell Edward George Male Perth
1943/102576 Perth Campbell Edward George Male Rail Marjorie Jean Female Perth
1943/102577 Perth Millar Mary Emily Female Beagley Harry James Male Perth
1943/102577 Perth Beagley Harry James Male Millar Mary Emily Female Perth
1943/102578 Perth Crofts Harold Male Jose Nancy Hope Female Perth
1943/102578 Perth Jose Nancy Hope Female Crofts Harold Male Perth
1943/102579 Perth Bright Norma Emily Female Nash Lloyd James Male Perth
1943/102579 Perth Nash Lloyd James Male Bright Norma Emily Female Perth
1943/102580 Perth Thiel Kathleen Verna Female Donovan Frederick James Male Perth
1943/102580 Perth Donovan Frederick James Male Thiel Kathleen Verna Female Perth
1943/102581 Perth Ainsworth Patricia Hope Female Morison Douglas Charles Male Perth
1943/102581 Perth Morison Douglas Charles Male Ainsworth Patricia Hope Female Perth
1943/102582 Perth Carey Marjorie May Female Waters Leslie Harold Male Perth
1943/102582 Perth Waters Leslie Harold Male Carey Marjorie May Female Perth
1943/102583 Perth Read Eileen Veronica Female Goold Roy Ernest Male Perth
1943/102583 Perth Goold Roy Ernest Male Read Eileen Veronica Female Perth
1943/102584 Perth Mollett Phyllis Nellie Female Carville Ronald Francis Male Perth
1943/102584 Perth Carville Ronald Francis Male Mollett Phyllis Nellie Female Perth
1943/102585 Perth Thomsett Betty Elvira Female Rainey William Edward Male Perth
1943/102585 Perth Rainey William Edward Male Thomsett Betty Elvira Female Perth
1943/102586 Perth King Verna Joy Female Marshall Raymond Frank Male Perth
1943/102586 Perth Marshall Raymond Frank Male King Verna Joy Female Perth
1943/102587 Perth Tullis William Henry Male Hey Gladys Jean Female Perth
1943/102587 Perth Hey Gladys Jean Female Tullis William Henry Male Perth
1943/102588 Perth Bell Lindsay Ella Female Nicholson Peter Laurence Male Claremont
1943/102588 Perth Nicholson Peter Laurence Male Bell Lindsay Ella Female Claremont
1943/102589 Perth Lovering Henry George Male Eaton Thelma Grace Female Claremont
1943/102589 Perth Eaton Thelma Grace Female Lovering Henry George Male Claremont
1943/102590 Perth Stark Clifford Andrew Stirling Male Maidment Barbara Lois Female Claremont
1943/102590 Perth Maidment Barbara Lois Female Stark Clifford Andrew Stirling Male Claremont
1943/102591 Perth Shapcott Elaine Mary Beatrice Female Suddath Thomas Howle Male Claremont
1943/102591 Perth Suddath Thomas Howle Male Shapcott Elaine Mary Beatrice Female Claremont
1943/102592 Perth Hannan Mary Adeline Female Williamson John Archibald Irvine Male West Leederville
1943/102592 Perth Williamson John Archibald Irvine Male Hannan Mary Adeline Female West Leederville
1943/102593 Perth Giles Stanley Arthur Male Millane Doris Hilda Female West Perth
1943/102593 Perth Millane Doris Hilda Female Giles Stanley Arthur Male West Perth
1943/102594 Perth Smith Linton Charles Male Ballard Doreen Female Mosman Park
1943/102594 Perth Ballard Doreen Female Smith Linton Charles Male Mosman Park
1943/102595 Perth McEwan George Douglas Haigh Male Bosustow Roma Beverley Female Cottesloe
1943/102595 Perth Bosustow Roma Beverley Female McEwan George Douglas Haigh Male Cottesloe
1943/102596 Perth Yaksich Ellie Freda Female Martinovich Mati Male Osborne Park
1943/102596 Perth Martinovich Mati Male Yaksich Ellie Freda Female Osborne Park
1943/102597 Perth Sam Ethel Ada Female Oswald Edwin James Male Bayswater
1943/102597 Perth Oswald Edwin James Male Sam Ethel Ada Female Bayswater
1943/102598 Perth Crain Max Aubrey Male Millman Sara Female Perth
1943/102598 Perth Millman Sara Female Crain Max Aubrey Male Perth
1943/102599 Perth Bowden George Charles Male Gilfuis Isabel King Female Perth
1943/102599 Perth Gilfuis Isabel King Female Bowden George Charles Male Perth
1943/102600 Perth Braack Leonard Patrick Male Berry Renée Kathleen Female Subiaco
1943/102600 Perth Berry Renée Kathleen Female Braack Leonard Patrick Male Subiaco
1943/102601 Perth Bruce John Male Dow Georgina Harriett Female Mt Lawley
1943/102601 Perth Dow Georgina Harriett Female Bruce John Male Mt Lawley
1943/102602 Perth Beale Mary Ann Female King Thomas Oglesby Male Perth
1943/102602 Perth King Thomas Oglesby Male Beale Mary Ann Female Perth
1943/102603 Perth Gaisford Joy Female Taylor Paul Maurice Male Perth
1943/102603 Perth Taylor Paul Maurice Male Gaisford Joy Female Perth
1943/102604 Perth Temby Arthur Allen Male Browne Shirley Gladys Female Nedlands
1943/102604 Perth Browne Shirley Gladys Female Temby Arthur Allen Male Nedlands
1943/102605 Perth Wharton John James Male Scrymgour Evelyn Audrey Female Nedlands
1943/102605 Perth Scrymgour Evelyn Audrey Female Wharton John James Male Nedlands
1943/102606 Perth Tonkin Harold Lancelot Pearce Male Rowney Gwendolyn Doris Female Perth
1943/102606 Perth Rowney Gwendolyn Doris Female Tonkin Harold Lancelot Pearce Male Perth
1943/102607 Perth Bateman Ronald Male Gerrard Winifred Phyllis Female Perth
1943/102607 Perth Gerrard Winifred Phyllis Female Bateman Ronald Male Perth
1943/102608 Perth Cockram Henry Thomas Male Norris Emma Female Perth
1943/102608 Perth Norris Emma Female Cockram Henry Thomas Male Perth
1943/102609 Perth Eastlake Francis Pelerin Male Picknoll Mary Margaret Female Perth
1943/102609 Perth Picknoll Mary Margaret Female Eastlake Francis Pelerin Male Perth
1943/102610 Perth Panten Cecilia Lucy Daphne Female Pauline Robert Reid Male Victoria Park
1943/102610 Perth Pauline Robert Reid Male Panten Cecilia Lucy Daphne Female Victoria Park
1943/102611 Perth Woosey Joan Female Corps Albert Male Victoria Park
1943/102611 Perth Corps Albert Male Woosey Joan Female Victoria Park
1943/102612 Perth Castle Cyril Frank Male Brown Dulcie Isabell Female Victoria Park
1943/102612 Perth Brown Dulcie Isabell Female Castle Cyril Frank Male Victoria Park
1943/102613 Perth Jennings Dorothy Joy Female Beavis Ronald William Male Victoria Park
1943/102613 Perth Beavis Ronald William Male Jennings Dorothy Joy Female Victoria Park
1943/102614 Perth Collins Ronald Frederick Male Travis Alice May Female North Perth
1943/102614 Perth Travis Alice May Female Collins Ronald Frederick Male North Perth
1943/102615 Perth Crain Herbert Lloyd Male Ferguson Rae Female Perth
1943/102615 Perth Ferguson Rae Female Crain Herbert Lloyd Male Perth
1943/102616 Perth Winchester Olga Grace Female Holly Cyril James Male Perth
1943/102616 Perth Holly Cyril James Male Winchester Olga Grace Female Perth
1943/102617 Perth Spencer Mary Myra Female Lee James Male Perth
1943/102617 Perth Lee James Male Spencer Mary Myra Female Perth
1943/102618 Perth Blampey Joan Marie Female Spencer Wallace Frederick Crawford Male West Perth
1943/102618 Perth Spencer Wallace Frederick Crawford Male Blampey Joan Marie Female West Perth
1943/102619 Perth Ricketts Joan Mary Female Knox Ronald Smith Male Leederville
1943/102619 Perth Knox Ronald Smith Male Ricketts Joan Mary Female Leederville
1943/102620 Perth Hurley Josephine Mary Kathleen Female Nevill John Harold Male Victoria Park
1943/102620 Perth Nevill John Harold Male Hurley Josephine Mary Kathleen Female Victoria Park
1943/102621 Perth Findley Mary Female McIntyre Francis Desmond Male Victoria Park
1943/102621 Perth McIntyre Francis Desmond Male Findley Mary Female Victoria Park
1943/102622 Perth Hagan Helen Elizabeth Female Rossiter Lloyd Temby Male Cottesloe
1943/102622 Perth Rossiter Lloyd Temby Male Hagan Helen Elizabeth Female Cottesloe
1943/102623 Perth White Wilfred Michael Male Brown Kathleen Margaret Female Cottesloe
1943/102623 Perth Brown Kathleen Margaret Female White Wilfred Michael Male Cottesloe
1943/102624 Perth Driscoll Jean Margaret Female Carver Augustus Male Perth
1943/102624 Perth Carver Augustus Male Driscoll Jean Margaret Female Perth
1943/102625 Perth Napier Charles Lindsay Male Major Daisy Roy Female Perth
1943/102625 Perth Major Daisy Roy Female Napier Charles Lindsay Male Perth
1943/102626 Perth Parkinson Roy Male Shaw Mary Lillian Female Perth
1943/102626 Perth Shaw Mary Lillian Female Parkinson Roy Male Perth
1943/102627 Perth Okamoto Edna Marina Female McGuire Arthur James Male Perth
1943/102627 Perth McGuire Arthur James Male Okamoto Edna Marina Female Perth
1943/102628 Perth Jones Harold Hugh Male Milner Sarah Female Perth
1943/102628 Perth Milner Sarah Female Jones Harold Hugh Male Perth
1943/102629 Perth Pearson Allison McLoughlin Female Whyte John Male Perth
1943/102629 Perth Whyte John Male Pearson Allison McLoughlin Female Perth
1943/102630 Perth Noble Stanley Frederick Male McDavitt Yvonne May Female Perth
1943/102630 Perth McDavitt Yvonne May Female Noble Stanley Frederick Male Perth
1943/102631 Perth Jackson J Forrest Male Grigo Charlotte Jean Female Perth
1943/102631 Perth Grigo Charlotte Jean Female Jackson J Forrest Male Perth
1943/102632 Perth Carter Lucy Ernestine Female Ross John Jeffrey Male Subiaco
1943/102632 Perth Ross John Jeffrey Male Carter Lucy Ernestine Female Subiaco
1943/102633 Perth Goodwill Alexandrina Ritchie Female Kershaw Herbert Male Perth
1943/102633 Perth Kershaw Herbert Male Goodwill Alexandrina Ritchie Female Perth
1943/102634 Perth Robinson Alfred Augustus Male Leemon Alice May Female Perth
1943/102634 Perth Leemon Alice May Female Robinson Alfred Augustus Male Perth
1943/102635 Perth Lacioppa Salvatore Male Lucas Jean Jessica Female Perth
1943/102635 Perth Lucas Jean Jessica Female Lacioppa Salvatore Male Perth
1943/102636 Perth Selby Ernest William Albert Male Carr Evelyn Ruth Female Perth
1943/102636 Perth Carr Evelyn Ruth Female Selby Ernest William Albert Male Perth
1943/102637 Perth Lewis Marjorie Joyce Female Foster Lloyd John Male Perth
1943/102637 Perth Foster Lloyd John Male Lewis Marjorie Joyce Female Perth
1943/102638 Perth Long Ronald David Male Timewell Hilda May Female West Perth
1943/102638 Perth Timewell Hilda May Female Long Ronald David Male West Perth
1943/102639 Perth Warlow Thomas George Howell Male Hunter Jean Margaret Female West Perth
1943/102639 Perth Hunter Jean Margaret Female Warlow Thomas George Howell Male West Perth
1943/102640 Perth Brown Mary Annie Female Murchie Archibald Male West Perth
1943/102640 Perth Murchie Archibald Male Brown Mary Annie Female West Perth
1943/102641 Perth Hughes Dorothy Lorraine Female Hindes Herbert George Male Perth
1943/102641 Perth Hindes Herbert George Male Hughes Dorothy Lorraine Female Perth
1943/102642 Perth O'Dea Imelda May Female Lukey Dariel Kitchener Male West Australia
1943/102642 Perth Lukey Dariel Kitchener Male O'Dea Imelda May Female West Australia
1943/102643 Perth Hughes Desmond Harrington Male Welstand Constance Inez Female Nedlands
1943/102643 Perth Welstand Constance Inez Female Hughes Desmond Harrington Male Nedlands
1943/102644 Perth Billingsley Patrick Benjamin Male Tomney Barbara Mary Female West Perth
1943/102644 Perth Tomney Barbara Mary Female Billingsley Patrick Benjamin Male West Perth
1943/102645 Perth Marshall Dorothy Patricia Female Blechynden John Bathurst Male Perth
1943/102645 Perth Blechynden John Bathurst Male Marshall Dorothy Patricia Female Perth
1943/102646 Perth Seymour Albert Stanley Male Saunders May Elphinstone Female South Perth
1943/102646 Perth Saunders May Elphinstone Female Seymour Albert Stanley Male South Perth
1943/102647 Perth Murdock Vernon Wallis Male Richards Ilma Margaret Female Perth
1943/102647 Perth Richards Ilma Margaret Female Murdock Vernon Wallis Male Perth
1943/102648 Perth Hancock Robert John Male Rova Sylvia Joan Female Victoria Park
1943/102648 Perth Rova Sylvia Joan Female Hancock Robert John Male Victoria Park
1943/102649 Perth Stoltze Ivan William Male Briggs Shirley June Female Cottesloe
1943/102649 Perth Briggs Shirley June Female Stoltze Ivan William Male Cottesloe
1943/102650 Perth Thompson Gordon Kenneth Male Robinson Phyllis Joyce Female Cottesloe
1943/102650 Perth Robinson Phyllis Joyce Female Thompson Gordon Kenneth Male Cottesloe
1943/102651 Perth West James Male Smith Edith Female Perth
1943/102651 Perth Smith Edith Female West James Male Perth
1943/102652 Perth Oates Winsome Joyce Female Pask Bernard William Male Perth
1943/102652 Perth Pask Bernard William Male Oates Winsome Joyce Female Perth
1943/102653 Perth Cooper Irene Female Martin Robert Lee Male Perth
1943/102653 Perth Martin Robert Lee Male Cooper Irene Female Perth
1943/102654 Perth Foster Earle Stanley Male Griffiths Joan Mavis Female Perth
1943/102654 Perth Griffiths Joan Mavis Female Foster Earle Stanley Male Perth
1943/102655 Perth Franklin Doreen Female Paull Douglas Mervyn Male Perth
1943/102655 Perth Paull Douglas Mervyn Male Franklin Doreen Female Perth
1943/102656 Perth Smith Gladys Pearl Female Smith Robert Leslie Male Perth
1943/102656 Perth Smith Robert Leslie Male Smith Gladys Pearl Female Perth
1943/102657 Perth Greig Jean Whitelaw Female Dillon Stanley Daryl Male Mt Lawley
1943/102657 Perth Dillon Stanley Daryl Male Greig Jean Whitelaw Female Mt Lawley
1943/102658 Perth Lee Lorna Dorothy Female Gibson Harold Francis Male Perth
1943/102658 Perth Gibson Harold Francis Male Lee Lorna Dorothy Female Perth
1943/102659 Perth Hedley Enid Female Davies William Edward Male Perth
1943/102659 Perth Davies William Edward Male Hedley Enid Female Perth
1943/102660 Perth Meredith Hazel Clara Female Hedington Ernest Arthur Male Perth
1943/102660 Perth Hedington Ernest Arthur Male Meredith Hazel Clara Female Perth
1943/102661 Perth Parker Jessie Female Nijgh Rein Male Perth
1943/102661 Perth Nijgh Rein Male Parker Jessie Female Perth
1943/102662 Perth Pettitt William Male Aldous Margaret Mary Female East Perth
1943/102662 Perth Aldous Margaret Mary Female Pettitt William Male East Perth
1943/102663 Perth Hamilton Charles Donald Male Foster Joyce Isobel Female Mt Lawley
1943/102663 Perth Foster Joyce Isobel Female Hamilton Charles Donald Male Mt Lawley
1943/102664 Perth Nash Arthur Male Mollett Maud Victoria Female Perth
1943/102664 Perth Mollett Maud Victoria Female Nash Arthur Male Perth
1943/102665 Perth Wood Arthur Hilton Male Davies Mary Josephine Female Highgate Hill
1943/102665 Perth Davies Mary Josephine Female Wood Arthur Hilton Male Highgate Hill
1943/102666 Perth Johnson Eurla Elaine Female Rolfe Joseph William Male Victoria Park
1943/102666 Perth Rolfe Joseph William Male Johnson Eurla Elaine Female Victoria Park
1943/102667 Perth Scott Isobel Marion Female Altheer Hendrik Johannes Theodorus Male Nedlands
1943/102667 Perth Altheer Hendrik Johannes Theodorus Male Scott Isobel Marion Female Nedlands
1943/102668 Perth McCallum Florence May Female Kilvington John William Male Perth
1943/102668 Perth Kilvington John William Male McCallum Florence May Female Perth
1943/102669 Perth Settle Olive Female Watson Herbert Male Perth
1943/102669 Perth Watson Herbert Male Settle Olive Female Perth
1943/102670 Perth Hankes Jack Male Blyth Ouida Female South Perth
1943/102670 Perth Blyth Ouida Female Hankes Jack Male South Perth
1943/102671 Perth Blue Eileen Female Roberts Walter Llewelyn Male West Perth
1943/102671 Perth Roberts Walter Llewelyn Male Blue Eileen Female West Perth
1943/102672 Perth Anthony John Male Orr Agnes Jean Female Subiaco
1943/102672 Perth Orr Agnes Jean Female Anthony John Male Subiaco
1943/102673 Perth Quinn Gladys Susan May Female Hedington Laurence Edward Male Victoria Park
1943/102673 Perth Hedington Laurence Edward Male Quinn Gladys Susan May Female Victoria Park
1943/102674 Perth Bass Marion Elizabeth Female Singleton Leslie Andrew Male West Perth
1943/102674 Perth Singleton Leslie Andrew Male Bass Marion Elizabeth Female West Perth
1943/102675 Perth Fell Margaret Elizabeth Female Lilford Charles Frank Male West Perth
1943/102675 Perth Lilford Charles Frank Male Fell Margaret Elizabeth Female West Perth
1943/102676 Perth Burke May Lillian Female Dunstan William Charles Male West Perth
1943/102676 Perth Dunstan William Charles Male Burke May Lillian Female West Perth
1943/102677 Perth McDiarmid Lucie Joyce Female Thickins Percy Richard Male Subiaco
1943/102677 Perth Thickins Percy Richard Male McDiarmid Lucie Joyce Female Subiaco
1943/102678 Perth Hart Alan Hughes Male Jackson Sylvia Lorna Female Perth
1943/102678 Perth Jackson Sylvia Lorna Female Hart Alan Hughes Male Perth
1943/102679 Perth Lord Charles Lonsdale Male Andrewartha Catherine Female Perth
1943/102679 Perth Andrewartha Catherine Female Lord Charles Lonsdale Male Perth
1943/102680 Perth O'Brien Kathleen Florence Female Phillips Stanley Walton Male Claremont
1943/102680 Perth Phillips Stanley Walton Male O'Brien Kathleen Florence Female Claremont
1943/102681 Perth Joyce Muriel Ethel Female Clive Arthur William Male Claremont
1943/102681 Perth Clive Arthur William Male Joyce Muriel Ethel Female Claremont
1943/102682 Perth Bride Herbert Francis Male Grose Edith Lydia Joyce Female Mt Lawley
1943/102682 Perth Grose Edith Lydia Joyce Female Bride Herbert Francis Male Mt Lawley
1943/102683 Perth Stone Lesley Alison Female Potter Harry Edward Male Mt Lawley
1943/102683 Perth Potter Harry Edward Male Stone Lesley Alison Female Mt Lawley
1943/102684 Perth Wood Jack Male Huish Audrey Rose Female Mt Lawley
1943/102684 Perth Huish Audrey Rose Female Wood Jack Male Mt Lawley
1943/102685 Perth Beck Joan Elizabeth Female Hooper Kevin Sidney Male Mt Lawley
1943/102685 Perth Hooper Kevin Sidney Male Beck Joan Elizabeth Female Mt Lawley
1943/102686 Perth McDonald Gladys Maud Irene Female Napier Frederick William Edward Male Mt Lawley
1943/102686 Perth Napier Frederick William Edward Male McDonald Gladys Maud Irene Female Mt Lawley
1943/102687 Perth Elliot Edna Muriel Female Fenn Cyril Courtney Male Perth
1943/102687 Perth Fenn Cyril Courtney Male Elliot Edna Muriel Female Perth
1943/102688 Perth Thomas Mary Bertha Female Raine Arnold Yeldham Male Perth
1943/102688 Perth Raine Arnold Yeldham Male Thomas Mary Bertha Female Perth
1943/102689 Perth Haines Robert George Male Evans Kathleen Betsy Female Perth
1943/102689 Perth Evans Kathleen Betsy Female Haines Robert George Male Perth
1943/102690 Perth Orr James Male Angus Dorothy Female Perth
1943/102690 Perth Angus Dorothy Female Orr James Male Perth
1943/102691 Perth Oudendyk James William Male Deere Joy Emily Female Perth
1943/102691 Perth Deere Joy Emily Female Oudendyk James William Male Perth
1943/102692 Perth Maddren Keith Owen Male Pyke Edythe May Vera Female Perth
1943/102692 Perth Pyke Edythe May Vera Female Maddren Keith Owen Male Perth
1943/102693 Perth Board Eric Ernest Male Oldham Joan Adelaide Female Perth
1943/102693 Perth Oldham Joan Adelaide Female Board Eric Ernest Male Perth
1943/102694 Perth Le Fevre Derek Harcourt Ernest Male Reid Edythe Florence Female Perth
1943/102694 Perth Reid Edythe Florence Female Le Fevre Derek Harcourt Ernest Male Perth
1943/102695 Perth Knowler Bethel Olive Female Bunn John James Male Perth
1943/102695 Perth Bunn John James Male Knowler Bethel Olive Female Perth
1943/102696 Perth Jewell Ruby Maude Female Warner John Byrne Male Perth
1943/102696 Perth Warner John Byrne Male Jewell Ruby Maude Female Perth
1943/102697 Perth Quigley Francis Patrick Male Mack Edith Rose Female Perth
1943/102697 Perth Mack Edith Rose Female Quigley Francis Patrick Male Perth
1943/102698 Perth Rigby Anne Margaret Female Fitzgerald John Clarence Male Perth
1943/102698 Perth Fitzgerald John Clarence Male Rigby Anne Margaret Female Perth
1943/102699 Perth Tanner Irene Patricia Female Thompson William Edward Male East Perth
1943/102699 Perth Thompson William Edward Male Tanner Irene Patricia Female East Perth
1943/102700 Perth Kenneally Eileen Cecilia Female Ladyman Ray Mills Male Perth
1943/102700 Perth Ladyman Ray Mills Male Kenneally Eileen Cecilia Female Perth
1943/102701 Perth Sloss William Ronald Male Henson Dorothy Pearl Female Perth
1943/102701 Perth Henson Dorothy Pearl Female Sloss William Ronald Male Perth
1943/102702 Perth Schuts Doreen Evelyn Female OBrien Michael George Male South Perth
1943/102702 Perth OBrien Michael George Male Schuts Doreen Evelyn Female South Perth
1943/102703 Perth Walters Jack Purkess Male Gillett Nellie May Female Perth
1943/102703 Perth Gillett Nellie May Female Walters Jack Purkess Male Perth
1943/102704 Perth Williams John Heslop Male Neille Kitty Female Perth
1943/102704 Perth Neille Kitty Female Williams John Heslop Male Perth
1943/102705 Perth Bodman Phyllis Amelia Francis Female Herold Leslie Male Perth
1943/102705 Perth Herold Leslie Male Bodman Phyllis Amelia Francis Female Perth
1943/102706 Perth Mathis Charles Howard Male Priest Belinda Edna Female Perth
1943/102706 Perth Priest Belinda Edna Female Mathis Charles Howard Male Perth
1943/102707 Perth Evanoff Meri Female Panaiotoff Penko Male Perth
1943/102707 Perth Panaiotoff Penko Male Evanoff Meri Female Perth
1943/102708 Perth Llorens Carmen Theresa Mary Female Blomfield Benjamin George Male Perth
1943/102708 Perth Blomfield Benjamin George Male Llorens Carmen Theresa Mary Female Perth
1943/102709 Perth Lowden Marguerite Gloria Female Hoskins John Vivian Male Perth
1943/102709 Perth Hoskins John Vivian Male Lowden Marguerite Gloria Female Perth
1943/102710 Perth Forrester Isabel Dunsire Female Ambrosius Edwin Royce Male West Perth
1943/102710 Perth Ambrosius Edwin Royce Male Forrester Isabel Dunsire Female West Perth
1943/102711 Perth Fee Leonard Robert Male Power Pauline May Female West Perth
1943/102711 Perth Power Pauline May Female Fee Leonard Robert Male West Perth
1943/102712 Perth Hills Joyce Irene Female Pettit Thomas Clarence Male West Perth
1943/102712 Perth Pettit Thomas Clarence Male Hills Joyce Irene Female West Perth
1943/102713 Perth Houlahan Alfred Thomas Male Dowse Patricia June Female Perth
1943/102713 Perth Dowse Patricia June Female Houlahan Alfred Thomas Male Perth
1943/102714 Perth Miller Nellie Jocelyn Female Watson Stanley Mervyn Male Perth
1943/102714 Perth Watson Stanley Mervyn Male Miller Nellie Jocelyn Female Perth
1943/102715 Perth Rudrum Doris Female Salt Sydney Joseph Male Subiaco
1943/102715 Perth Salt Sydney Joseph Male Rudrum Doris Female Subiaco
1943/102716 Perth Saunders John Edward Stanley Male Wedge Jessie Ellen Female Cottesloe
1943/102716 Perth Wedge Jessie Ellen Female Saunders John Edward Stanley Male Cottesloe
1943/102717 Perth Baesjan Petronella Catherine Female Lieske William Frank Male Claremont
1943/102717 Perth Lieske William Frank Male Baesjan Petronella Catherine Female Claremont
1943/102718 Perth de Young Bruce Thomas Male Catoni Adolfina Marie Female Subiaco
1943/102718 Perth Catoni Adolfina Marie Female de Young Bruce Thomas Male Subiaco
1943/102719 Perth Langford Constance Maud Female Marsh Thomas Male Victoria Park
1943/102719 Perth Marsh Thomas Male Langford Constance Maud Female Victoria Park
1943/102720 Perth Acker Lawrence Ernest Male Butchart Dorothy Agnes Female Victoria Park
1943/102720 Perth Butchart Dorothy Agnes Female Acker Lawrence Ernest Male Victoria Park
1943/102721 Perth Wall Alice Maud Female Gamble Arthur Ernest Male Victoria Park
1943/102721 Perth Gamble Arthur Ernest Male Wall Alice Maud Female Victoria Park
1943/102723 Perth Hewett Norman Male Maffescioni Mabel Nancy Female Victoria Park
1943/102723 Perth Maffescioni Mabel Nancy Female Hewett Norman Male Victoria Park
1943/102724 Perth Modra Veronica Margaret Female Leeson Donald Male Leederville
1943/102724 Perth Leeson Donald Male Modra Veronica Margaret Female Leederville
1943/102725 Perth Price Rhoda Female Christensen Christian Male East Perth
1943/102725 Perth Christensen Christian Male Price Rhoda Female East Perth
1943/102726 Perth Mitchell Albert Leslie Male Richards Crystal Ida Female Nedlands
1943/102726 Perth Richards Crystal Ida Female Mitchell Albert Leslie Male Nedlands
1943/102727 Perth Griffin Charles Richard Henry Robert Male Trevatt Dorothy Joan Female Shenton Park
1943/102727 Perth Trevatt Dorothy Joan Female Griffin Charles Richard Henry Robert Male Shenton Park
1943/102728 Perth Connett May Olive Female Mackintosh Robert James Male Perth
1943/102728 Perth Mackintosh Robert James Male Connett May Olive Female Perth
1943/102729 Perth Thackray Richard James Male Vidler Mary Jane Female Osborne Park
1943/102729 Perth Vidler Mary Jane Female Thackray Richard James Male Osborne Park
1943/102730 Perth Harcourt Leslie Walter Male Williamson Daphne Merle Female Subiaco
1943/102730 Perth Williamson Daphne Merle Female Harcourt Leslie Walter Male Subiaco
1943/102731 Perth Dwyer Vera Female Sutton Arthur Male Perth
1943/102731 Perth Sutton Arthur Male Dwyer Vera Female Perth
1943/102732 Perth McCallum John Archibald Male Jones Ethel Maud Female Perth
1943/102732 Perth Jones Ethel Maud Female McCallum John Archibald Male Perth
1943/102733 Perth Hocking Lorna Jean Female Kither Harold Cotton Male Perth
1943/102733 Perth Kither Harold Cotton Male Hocking Lorna Jean Female Perth
1943/102734 Perth Campbell Muriel Bessie Female Quinn James Aloysius Male Claremont
1943/102734 Perth Quinn James Aloysius Male Campbell Muriel Bessie Female Claremont
1943/102735 Perth Hughes Norman Arthur Male Clarke Roma Joyce Female Mount Hawthorn Perth
1943/102735 Perth Clarke Roma Joyce Female Hughes Norman Arthur Male Mount Hawthorn Perth
1943/102736 Perth McCorkindale Helen Law Female Beresford Ronald William Male Perth
1943/102736 Perth Beresford Ronald William Male McCorkindale Helen Law Female Perth
1943/102737 Perth Olney Edward John Male Geilman Gwendoline Margaret Female Perth
1943/102737 Perth Geilman Gwendoline Margaret Female Olney Edward John Male Perth
1943/102738 Perth Brooks Lindsay Gordon Male Clarke Rita Yvonne Female Perth
1943/102738 Perth Clarke Rita Yvonne Female Brooks Lindsay Gordon Male Perth
1943/102739 Perth Moorhead Winifred Elizabeth Female James Jack Joseph Male Perth
1943/102739 Perth James Jack Joseph Male Moorhead Winifred Elizabeth Female Perth
1943/102740 Perth Fraser Donald Hamilton Male Blenkinsop Audrey Marion Female Perth
1943/102740 Perth Blenkinsop Audrey Marion Female Fraser Donald Hamilton Male Perth
1943/102741 Perth Kinnane Leslie Martin Male May Eileen Lillian Female West Perth
1943/102741 Perth May Eileen Lillian Female Kinnane Leslie Martin Male West Perth
1943/102742 Perth Neal Frederick George Male Sherborne Elizabeth Elsie Female West Perth
1943/102742 Perth Sherborne Elizabeth Elsie Female Neal Frederick George Male West Perth
1943/102743 Perth McDiarmid Olive Grace Female Greene John William Male West Perth
1943/102743 Perth Greene John William Male McDiarmid Olive Grace Female West Perth
1943/102744 Perth Brown Irene Mary Female Chapman Herbert Lionel Male Perth
1943/102744 Perth Chapman Herbert Lionel Male Brown Irene Mary Female Perth
1943/102745 Perth Stephens Robert Jack Male Walker Thelma Barbara Female Perth
1943/102745 Perth Walker Thelma Barbara Female Stephens Robert Jack Male Perth
1943/102746 Perth Masters John Henry Nelson Male Heron Gladys Edith Female Perth
1943/102746 Perth Heron Gladys Edith Female Masters John Henry Nelson Male Perth
1943/102747 Perth Roberts Nancy Lillian Female Murdoch Colin William Male Perth
1943/102747 Perth Murdoch Colin William Male Roberts Nancy Lillian Female Perth
1943/102748 Perth Taylor Isabell Jean Female Caporn Owen Towton Male Perth
1943/102748 Perth Caporn Owen Towton Male Taylor Isabell Jean Female Perth
1943/102749 Perth Chinnery Muriel Female Parry William Cuthbert Male Perth
1943/102749 Perth Parry William Cuthbert Male Chinnery Muriel Female Perth
1943/102750 Perth Burley Grace Female Wareing John William Edwin Male Perth
1943/102750 Perth Wareing John William Edwin Male Burley Grace Female Perth
1943/102751 Perth Shelton Hilda Baxter Female Frisby Robert Martin Male Perth
1943/102751 Perth Frisby Robert Martin Male Shelton Hilda Baxter Female Perth
1943/102752 Perth Grant Joyce Female Hamilton James Gibb Male Perth
1943/102752 Perth Hamilton James Gibb Male Grant Joyce Female Perth
1943/102753 Perth le Rütte Louis Emile Male Percival Shirley Female Perth
1943/102753 Perth Percival Shirley Female le Rütte Louis Emile Male Perth
1943/102754 Perth Bailey Evelyn Cecelia Female Wilson James Male Perth
1943/102754 Perth Wilson James Male Bailey Evelyn Cecelia Female Perth
1943/102755 Perth Wilson Norman Francis Male Jowett Moira Burnley Female Perth
1943/102755 Perth Jowett Moira Burnley Female Wilson Norman Francis Male Perth
1943/102756 Perth Walton Patricia Phyllis Female Sinclair Harold Verdun Male Perth
1943/102756 Perth Sinclair Harold Verdun Male Walton Patricia Phyllis Female Perth
1943/102757 Perth Gledhill Ronald Wilfred Male Ridley Enid May Female Mt Lawley
1943/102757 Perth Ridley Enid May Female Gledhill Ronald Wilfred Male Mt Lawley
1943/102758 Perth Blakers Henry Eric Male Brockman Enid de Burgh Female Como
1943/102758 Perth Brockman Enid de Burgh Female Blakers Henry Eric Male Como
1943/102759 Perth Beckwith Albany Clarence Male Smart Norma Phyllis Female Osborne Park
1943/102759 Perth Smart Norma Phyllis Female Beckwith Albany Clarence Male Osborne Park
1943/102760 Perth Clark Harry Male Gardiner Joan Mary Female Applecross
1943/102760 Perth Gardiner Joan Mary Female Clark Harry Male Applecross
1943/102761 Perth Wellman Leila Betty Female Brown Edmond Hepple Male Perth
1943/102761 Perth Brown Edmond Hepple Male Wellman Leila Betty Female Perth
1943/102762 Perth Dawson Lloyd Clifton Male Stewart Berlinda May Female Claremont
1943/102762 Perth Stewart Berlinda May Female Dawson Lloyd Clifton Male Claremont
1943/102763 Perth Barrett Kenneth Malcolm Male Guyatt Dorothy Jean Female Claremont
1943/102763 Perth Guyatt Dorothy Jean Female Barrett Kenneth Malcolm Male Claremont
1943/102764 Perth Hughes Elsie Jean Catherine Female Pearce Frederic John Male Claremont
1943/102764 Perth Pearce Frederic John Male Hughes Elsie Jean Catherine Female Claremont
1943/102765 Perth House Charles Maitland Male Broomhall Rita Dorothy Female Claremont
1943/102765 Perth Broomhall Rita Dorothy Female House Charles Maitland Male Claremont
1943/102766 Perth Hall Ronald Stewart Male Hartnett Violet Frances Female Perth
1943/102766 Perth Hartnett Violet Frances Female Hall Ronald Stewart Male Perth
1943/102767 Perth Donovan Joan Veronica Female Anderson Albert George Herrick Male Perth
1943/102767 Perth Anderson Albert George Herrick Male Donovan Joan Veronica Female Perth
1943/102768 Perth Bridge George Anthony Male Nelson Ivy Maud Female W Aust
1943/102768 Perth Nelson Ivy Maud Female Bridge George Anthony Male W Aust
1943/102769 Perth Kneale Amy Eileen Beryl Female Brown Jn Henry Lamar Male West Perth
1943/102769 Perth Brown Jn Henry Lamar Male Kneale Amy Eileen Beryl Female West Perth
1943/102770 Perth Johnson Mavis Lovett Female Marshall Lennard Clifford McDougall Male West Perth
1943/102770 Perth Marshall Lennard Clifford McDougall Male Johnson Mavis Lovett Female West Perth
1943/102771 Perth Campbell David Donald Ian Male Thomas Elaine Maye Female West Perth
1943/102771 Perth Thomas Elaine Maye Female Campbell David Donald Ian Male West Perth
1943/102772 Perth Lavis Constance Thelma Female Lowe Ralph Thomas Male West Perth
1943/102772 Perth Lowe Ralph Thomas Male Lavis Constance Thelma Female West Perth
1943/102773 Perth Cooper John William Victor Male Bray Kathleen Female Perth
1943/102773 Perth Bray Kathleen Female Cooper John William Victor Male Perth
1943/102774 Perth Reid William Melville Male Berry Dora Mildred Female Perth
1943/102774 Perth Berry Dora Mildred Female Reid William Melville Male Perth
1943/102775 Perth Wooders Shirley Margaret Joy Female Newby Philip William Male Claremont
1943/102775 Perth Newby Philip William Male Wooders Shirley Margaret Joy Female Claremont
1943/102776 Perth Levin Fanny Female Sizik Irving Irving Male Perth
1943/102776 Perth Sizik Irving Irving Male Levin Fanny Female Perth
1943/102777 Perth VanderVelde Marie Joy Female Tauss Walter Male Perth
1943/102777 Perth Tauss Walter Male VanderVelde Marie Joy Female Perth
1943/102778 Perth Holzman Samuel Abraham Male Levy Irene Rose Female Perth
1943/102778 Perth Levy Irene Rose Female Holzman Samuel Abraham Male Perth
1943/102779 Perth Rowles Edna Pat Female Wood Reginald Jasper Clive Male North Perth
1943/102779 Perth Wood Reginald Jasper Clive Male Rowles Edna Pat Female North Perth
1943/102780 Perth Tucker Roy Edward Male Lang Brenda Female Perth
1943/102780 Perth Lang Brenda Female Tucker Roy Edward Male Perth
1943/102781 Perth Bennett Mary Curtis Female Levinson Gordon Alfred Male Claremont
1943/102781 Perth Levinson Gordon Alfred Male Bennett Mary Curtis Female Claremont
1943/102782 Perth Griffin Bernice Adéle Female Duggan Noel Motherwell Nimmo Male Osborne Park
1943/102782 Perth Duggan Noel Motherwell Nimmo Male Griffin Bernice Adéle Female Osborne Park
1943/102783 Perth Cook Vernon Male Darch Lorraine Eunice Female Osborne Park
1943/102783 Perth Darch Lorraine Eunice Female Cook Vernon Male Osborne Park
1943/102784 Perth Eaton Ernest James Male Ryan Kathleen Eileen Female Subiaco
1943/102784 Perth Ryan Kathleen Eileen Female Eaton Ernest James Male Subiaco
1943/102785 Perth Dobell William Henry Male Midgley Edith Alice Female Perth
1943/102785 Perth Midgley Edith Alice Female Dobell William Henry Male Perth
1943/102786 Perth Rosen Jacob Male Wilks Adelaide Ellen Female Perth
1943/102786 Perth Wilks Adelaide Ellen Female Rosen Jacob Male Perth
1943/102787 Perth Wakeling Robin Walter Male George Ethel Female South Como
1943/102787 Perth George Ethel Female Tormey Robin Walter Male South Como
1943/102787 Perth George Ethel Female Wakeling Robin Walter Male South Como
1943/102787 Perth Tormey Robin Walter Male George Ethel Female South Como
1943/102788 Perth Shapkaris Connie Female Michailides Jim Male Perth
1943/102788 Perth Michailides Jim Male Shapkaris Connie Female Perth
1943/102789 Perth Cusack Joyce Louisa Female Cocks Edward Desmond Kearney Male Leederville
1943/102789 Perth Cocks Edward Desmond Kearney Male Cusack Joyce Louisa Female Leederville
1943/102790 Perth Chambers Roma Female Bevilaqua Max Winford Male Mt Lawley
1943/102790 Perth Bevilaqua Max Winford Male Chambers Roma Female Mt Lawley
1943/102791 Perth Harris Jane Irvine Female Cooper Edward Male Maylands
1943/102791 Perth Cooper Edward Male Harris Jane Irvine Female Maylands
1943/102792 Perth Cooper Dulcie Yule Female Strauch Edward Henry Male Claremont
1943/102792 Perth Strauch Edward Henry Male Cooper Dulcie Yule Female Claremont
1943/102793 Perth Usher Robert William Male Worsley Edna Female Perth
1943/102793 Perth Worsley Edna Female Usher Robert William Male Perth
1943/102794 Perth Jorgensen Enid Margaret Female Youlden Colin Male Subiaco
1943/102794 Perth Youlden Colin Male Jorgensen Enid Margaret Female Subiaco
1943/102795 Perth Wallace Norman Lindsay Male Matheson Nita Rona Female Subiaco
1943/102795 Perth Matheson Nita Rona Female Wallace Norman Lindsay Male Subiaco
1943/102796 Perth Serventy John Stefan Male Hilton Laura Female Subiaco
1943/102796 Perth Hilton Laura Female Serventy John Stefan Male Subiaco
1943/102797 Perth Hutchinson Carlina May Female Markwell Ernest Verion Male Subiaco
1943/102797 Perth Markwell Ernest Verion Male Hutchinson Carlina May Female Subiaco
1943/102798 Perth Harris Evelyn Female McCabe Frank Male Perth
1943/102798 Perth McCabe Frank Male Harris Evelyn Female Perth
1943/102799 Perth Le Cheminart Romary Augustine Male McCook Elizabeth May Female Maylands
1943/102799 Perth McCook Elizabeth May Female Le Cheminart Romary Augustine Male Maylands
1943/102800 Perth Hiddlestone Jessica Catherine Annette Female Waddington Kevin Male Subiaco
1943/102800 Perth Waddington Kevin Male Hiddlestone Jessica Catherine Annette Female Subiaco
1943/102801 Perth Meldrum Leslie Jean Female Smith Clement Gordon Male Cottesloe
1943/102801 Perth Smith Clement Gordon Male Meldrum Leslie Jean Female Cottesloe
1943/102802 Perth Cannon Bertie Male Hooper Lila Laura Female Victoria Park
1943/102802 Perth Hooper Lila Laura Female Cannon Bertie Male Victoria Park
1943/102803 Perth Downie Norman Male Kelly Alice Jessie Female Cottesloe
1943/102803 Perth Kelly Alice Jessie Female Downie Norman Male Cottesloe
1943/102804 Perth Phillips Donald Arthur Male Holzberger Shirley Heathcote Female Cottesloe
1943/102804 Perth Holzberger Shirley Heathcote Female Phillips Donald Arthur Male Cottesloe
1943/102805 Perth Dobson Harold Male Ware Queenie Ellen Female Cottesloe
1943/102805 Perth Ware Queenie Ellen Female Dobson Harold Male Cottesloe
1943/102806 Perth Dachtler William Benjamin Male Hilton Nancy Merle Female Cottesloe
1943/102806 Perth Hilton Nancy Merle Female Dachtler William Benjamin Male Cottesloe
1943/102807 Perth Sloan Myrtle Joyce Female Lilly Edward Arthur Charlesworth Male Maylands
1943/102807 Perth Lilly Edward Arthur Charlesworth Male Sloan Myrtle Joyce Female Maylands
1943/102808 Perth Buxton Florence Hope Female Manning Iven Wemyss Male West Perth
1943/102808 Perth Manning Iven Wemyss Male Buxton Florence Hope Female West Perth
1943/102809 Perth Barnes Kitty Female Hunter Edward Male West Perth
1943/102809 Perth Hunter Edward Male Barnes Kitty Female West Perth
1943/102810 Perth Lavrick Maud Juliet Female Wright David Male Perth
1943/102810 Perth Wright David Male Lavrick Maud Juliet Female Perth
1943/102811 Perth Fisher John Male Tatham Vera Effie Female Perth
1943/102811 Perth Tatham Vera Effie Female Fisher John Male Perth
1943/102812 Perth Smith Arnold Arlington Male Smith Rose Female Perth
1943/102812 Perth Smith Rose Female Smith Arnold Arlington Male Perth
1943/102813 Perth Hughes Edna Mavis Female Keets Ralph James Male Perth
1943/102813 Perth Keets Ralph James Male Hughes Edna Mavis Female Perth
1943/102814 Perth Oliver Enid Gloria Female Wilson John Roland Male Perth
1943/102814 Perth Wilson John Roland Male Oliver Enid Gloria Female Perth
1943/102815 Perth Caskey Theodora Florence Female Middleton Olwynn Hugh Male Perth
1943/102815 Perth Middleton Olwynn Hugh Male Caskey Theodora Florence Female Perth
1943/102816 Perth King Lilian Ida Female Wiseman Lloyd George Male Perth
1943/102816 Perth Wiseman Lloyd George Male King Lilian Ida Female Perth
1943/102817 Perth Douglas Norman Matthewson Male Rubery May Dorothea Female Perth
1943/102817 Perth Rubery May Dorothea Female Douglas Norman Matthewson Male Perth
1943/102818 Perth Mills Margaret Jane Female Brown Alexander Robert Male Perth
1943/102818 Perth Brown Alexander Robert Male Mills Margaret Jane Female Perth
1943/102819 Perth Edmunds Evelyn May Female Kempe Karl Wilhelm Male Cottesloe
1943/102819 Perth Kempe Karl Wilhelm Male Edmunds Evelyn May Female Cottesloe
1943/102820 Perth Poptie John Raymond Male Carey Beatrice Female Victoria Park
1943/102820 Perth Carey Beatrice Female Poptie John Raymond Male Victoria Park
1943/102821 Perth Seeley Jessie Elizabeth Female Garton John Harold Male Cottesloe
1943/102821 Perth Garton John Harold Male Seeley Jessie Elizabeth Female Cottesloe
1943/102822 Perth Park Jean Emelene Semple Female Kelly John Male Perth
1943/102822 Perth Kelly John Male Park Jean Emelene Semple Female Perth
1943/102823 Perth Prain Florence Myrtle Female Warner Herbert Frank Male Perth
1943/102823 Perth Warner Herbert Frank Male Prain Florence Myrtle Female Perth
1943/102824 Perth Stoneham Andrew James Male Mitchell Betty Rosewall Female Perth
1943/102824 Perth Mitchell Betty Rosewall Female Stoneham Andrew James Male Perth
1943/102825 Perth van Velzen Theodorus Derek Male Ryan Kathleen May Female Perth
1943/102825 Perth Ryan Kathleen May Female van Velzen Theodorus Derek Male Perth
1943/102826 Perth Palmer Mavis Alice Female Jones Thomas Albert Male Perth
1943/102826 Perth Jones Thomas Albert Male Palmer Mavis Alice Female Perth
1943/102827 Perth Willoughby Violet May Female Macpherson Ross Trenmore Male Perth
1943/102827 Perth Macpherson Ross Trenmore Male Willoughby Violet May Female Perth
1943/102828 Perth Fisk Kenneth Norman Male Rawlings Doreen Mary Female Perth
1943/102828 Perth Rawlings Doreen Mary Female Fisk Kenneth Norman Male Perth
1943/102829 Perth Smith Douglas Reginald Male Gulson Lucy Evelyn Female Perth
1943/102829 Perth Gulson Lucy Evelyn Female Smith Douglas Reginald Male Perth
1943/102830 Perth Murdock Hazel June Female Staples Victor Ashley Male Perth
1943/102830 Perth Staples Victor Ashley Male Murdock Hazel June Female Perth
1943/102831 Perth Guthrie Eunice Eunetta Female Archer William Richard Male Perth
1943/102831 Perth Archer William Richard Male Guthrie Eunice Eunetta Female Perth
1943/102832 Perth Parker John Austin Robson Male Wray Margaret Nancy Female Perth
1943/102832 Perth Wray Margaret Nancy Female Parker John Austin Robson Male Perth
1943/102833 Perth Stephen Kathleen Mavis Female Bentley William Joseph Male Perth
1943/102833 Perth Bentley William Joseph Male Stephen Kathleen Mavis Female Perth
1943/102834 Perth Criddle Jean Margaret Female Rutherford William George Male Perth
1943/102834 Perth Rutherford William George Male Criddle Jean Margaret Female Perth
1943/102835 Perth Bunter Thora Elizabeth Female Argiropoulos Kiriacos Petrou Male Perth
1943/102835 Perth Argiropoulos Kiriacos Petrou Male Bunter Thora Elizabeth Female Perth
1943/102836 Perth Sheehan Hazel Florence Female Stannard William Alfred Male Perth
1943/102836 Perth Stannard William Alfred Male Sheehan Hazel Florence Female Perth
1943/102837 Perth Christie Jean Alexandra Wallace Female Wallace Charles Male Perth
1943/102837 Perth Wallace Charles Male Christie Jean Alexandra Wallace Female Perth
1943/102838 Perth Slater Doris Ileen Female Anderson John Frederick Male Perth
1943/102838 Perth Anderson John Frederick Male Slater Doris Ileen Female Perth
1943/102839 Perth White Albert Male Sweeney Adeline Blanche Female Perth
1943/102839 Perth Sweeney Adeline Blanche Female White Albert Male Perth
1943/102840 Perth Sangster Enid Naomi Female Fenner Roy William Male Perth
1943/102840 Perth Fenner Roy William Male Sangster Enid Naomi Female Perth
1943/102841 Perth Perry Francis Sylvester Male Ferguson Muriel Kilpatrick Female Perth
1943/102841 Perth Ferguson Muriel Kilpatrick Female Perry Francis Sylvester Male Perth
1943/102842 Perth Hodge Leslie Dennis Male Craggs Eileen Adelaide Female Perth
1943/102842 Perth Craggs Eileen Adelaide Female Hodge Leslie Dennis Male Perth
1943/102843 Perth Dyer Elva Elizabeth Female Kealley Noel Manuel Male Perth
1943/102843 Perth Kealley Noel Manuel Male Dyer Elva Elizabeth Female Perth
1943/102844 Perth Jensen Christiaan Cornelis Male Moir Betty Margaret Female Perth
1943/102844 Perth Moir Betty Margaret Female Jensen Christiaan Cornelis Male Perth
1943/102845 Perth Beaton Margaret Female Bridges Bruce Ernest Male Perth
1943/102845 Perth Bridges Bruce Ernest Male Beaton Margaret Female Perth
1943/102846 Perth Peirce Alan Keith Male Abernethy Dorothy Elsie Female Perth
1943/102846 Perth Abernethy Dorothy Elsie Female Peirce Alan Keith Male Perth
1943/102847 Perth McKenzie Thomas Male A'Vard Lorna Joy Female Perth
1943/102847 Perth A'Vard Lorna Joy Female McKenzie Thomas Male Perth
1943/102848 Perth Hall William Wilmington Male O'Halloran June Patricia Female Cottesloe
1943/102848 Perth O'Halloran June Patricia Female Hall William Wilmington Male Cottesloe
1943/102849 Perth Vaughan Charles Howard Male George Gladys May Female Perth
1943/102849 Perth George Gladys May Female Vaughan Charles Howard Male Perth
1943/102850 Perth Carey Kathleen Olivia Female Hackshaw Henry Charles Male Perth
1943/102850 Perth Hackshaw Henry Charles Male Carey Kathleen Olivia Female Perth
1943/102851 Perth Williams Thelma May Female Flottman Frederick Charles Male Victoria Park
1943/102851 Perth Flottman Frederick Charles Male Williams Thelma May Female Victoria Park
1943/102852 Perth Anderson Raymond Thomas Male Evans Norma Doreen Female Maylands
1943/102852 Perth Evans Norma Doreen Female Anderson Raymond Thomas Male Maylands
1943/102853 Perth Guile Gladys Lily Dorothy Female Spitteler Franciscus Hendricus Wilhelmus Male Maylands
1943/102853 Perth Spitteler Franciscus Hendricus Wilhelmus Male Guile Gladys Lily Dorothy Female Maylands
1943/102854 Perth Foy John Male Shortill Eileen Mary Female Maylands
1943/102854 Perth Shortill Eileen Mary Female Foy John Male Maylands
1943/102855 Perth Cassam Alec Lewis Male Boundy Myrtle Margaret Female Maylands
1943/102855 Perth Boundy Myrtle Margaret Female Cassam Alec Lewis Male Maylands
1943/102856 Perth Butler Mary Constance Female Sargeant Jack Male Mount Hawthorn
1943/102856 Perth Sargeant Jack Male Butler Mary Constance Female Mount Hawthorn
1943/102857 Perth Turner Edward Thomas Male Warwicker Alice May Female West Perth
1943/102857 Perth Warwicker Alice May Female Turner Edward Thomas Male West Perth
1943/102858 Perth Anderson Laurel June Female Anstey Herbert Alfred Male Victoria Park
1943/102858 Perth Anstey Herbert Alfred Male Anderson Laurel June Female Victoria Park
1943/102859 Perth Flatman Elizabeth Grey Female Yeing Oliver Bruce Male Perth
1943/102859 Perth Yeing Oliver Bruce Male Flatman Elizabeth Grey Female Perth
1943/102860 Perth Compton James Richard Male Reynolds Alma Sarah Female Bayswater
1943/102860 Perth Reynolds Alma Sarah Female Compton James Richard Male Bayswater
1943/102861 Perth Ross Claire Female Dorney Frank William Male Claremont
1943/102861 Perth Dorney Frank William Male Ross Claire Female Claremont
1943/102862 Perth Burnside Muriel Grace Female Tucker William Edward Male Claremont
1943/102862 Perth Tucker William Edward Male Burnside Muriel Grace Female Claremont
1943/102863 Perth Harden Ivy May Female Aldersea Alfred Albert Male Claremont
1943/102863 Perth Aldersea Alfred Albert Male Harden Ivy May Female Claremont
1943/102864 Perth Ward Neil Male Moyle June Elvie Female Perth
1943/102864 Perth Moyle June Elvie Female Ward Neil Male Perth
1943/102865 Perth King Lillian Zibirah Emily Female Wells George James Male Perth
1943/102865 Perth Wells George James Male King Lillian Zibirah Emily Female Perth
1943/102866 Perth Anderson Margery Eleanor Female Palmer George Male Perth
1943/102866 Perth Palmer George Male Anderson Margery Eleanor Female Perth
1943/102867 Perth Fennell William Thomas Male Bell Winifred Violet Female Perth
1943/102867 Perth Bell Winifred Violet Female Fennell William Thomas Male Perth
1943/102868 Perth Iles Doris Kathleen Female Green Ernest Edward Male Perth
1943/102868 Perth Green Ernest Edward Male Iles Doris Kathleen Female Perth
1943/102869 Perth Davies John Edwin Male O'Meara Mary Margaret Kate Female Perth
1943/102869 Perth O'Meara Mary Margaret Kate Female Davies John Edwin Male Perth
1943/102870 Perth Keough Ethel Margaret Female Hawtin James Frederick Male Perth
1943/102870 Perth Hawtin James Frederick Male Keough Ethel Margaret Female Perth
1943/102871 Perth Carroll Alfred Hugh Male Ellison June Heather Female Perth
1943/102871 Perth Ellison June Heather Female Carroll Alfred Hugh Male Perth
1943/102872 Perth Kelly Francis Edward Male Golding Phyllis May Female Perth
1943/102872 Perth Golding Phyllis May Female Kelly Francis Edward Male Perth
1943/102873 Perth Daff Rema Hope Female Larsen Basil Henry Male Perth
1943/102873 Perth Larsen Basil Henry Male Daff Rema Hope Female Perth
1943/102874 Perth Birchall Cecil James Male Morton Barbara Dawn Female Perth
1943/102874 Perth Morton Barbara Dawn Female Birchall Cecil James Male Perth
1943/102875 Perth Monck Gertrude Winifred Female Latimer Colin Alfred Male Subiaco
1943/102875 Perth Latimer Colin Alfred Male Monck Gertrude Winifred Female Subiaco
1943/102876 Perth Pearce Phreeda Annie Female Best Richard Arnold Edward Male South Perth
1943/102876 Perth Best Richard Arnold Edward Male Pearce Phreeda Annie Female South Perth
1943/102877 Perth Moffatt Gertrude Esther Female Young Reginald George Male Maylands
1943/102877 Perth Young Reginald George Male Moffatt Gertrude Esther Female Maylands
1943/102878 Perth Cockman Kenneth John Male Wooldridge Myee Mollie Female Perth
1943/102878 Perth Wooldridge Myee Mollie Female Cockman Kenneth John Male Perth
1943/102879 Perth Holmes Benedick William Male Hartle Hilda Mary Female Perth
1943/102879 Perth Hartle Hilda Mary Female Holmes Benedick William Male Perth
1943/102880 Perth Young William Douglas Male Bruce Ada Betty Female Perth
1943/102880 Perth Bruce Ada Betty Female Young William Douglas Male Perth
1943/102881 Perth Baker Boronia Dorothea Female Rapp Victor Henri Rijken Male Perth
1943/102881 Perth Rapp Victor Henri Rijken Male Baker Boronia Dorothea Female Perth
1943/102882 Perth Chapman William Harley Male Logan Jean Iris Female Perth
1943/102882 Perth Logan Jean Iris Female Chapman William Harley Male Perth
1943/102883 Perth Thompson George Burton Male Donovan Beatrice Maud Female Perth
1943/102883 Perth Donovan Beatrice Maud Female Thompson George Burton Male Perth
1943/102884 Perth Tomlinson Hilda Joyce Female Foster Robert Alonza Male Perth
1943/102884 Perth Foster Robert Alonza Male Tomlinson Hilda Joyce Female Perth
1943/102885 Perth Hendry Dorothy Mavis Female Jones Randall Vasco Male Perth
1943/102885 Perth Jones Randall Vasco Male Hendry Dorothy Mavis Female Perth
1943/102886 Perth Edward Eisdell Isabel Wedderburn Female Vos Gerardus Hubertus Male Mt Lawley
1943/102886 Perth Vos Gerardus Hubertus Male Edward Eisdell Isabel Wedderburn Female Mt Lawley
1943/102887 Perth Alexander Sinclair Bonar Male Hughan Isabel Myra Female Mt Lawley
1943/102887 Perth Hughan Isabel Myra Female Alexander Sinclair Bonar Male Mt Lawley
1943/102888 Perth Montgomery John Robert Male Richards Muriel Phyllis Female Mt Lawley
1943/102888 Perth Richards Muriel Phyllis Female Montgomery John Robert Male Mt Lawley
1943/102889 Perth Lock Willem Male Joseph Violet Maude Female Perth
1943/102889 Perth Joseph Violet Maude Female Lock Willem Male Perth
1943/102890 Perth Young Harriet Louisa Elizabeth Female Jones Richard Leslie Male Victoria Park
1943/102890 Perth Jones Richard Leslie Male Young Harriet Louisa Elizabeth Female Victoria Park
1943/102891 Perth McKinnon Roy Male Riebe Catherine Marguerite Female Perth
1943/102891 Perth Riebe Catherine Marguerite Female McKinnon Roy Male Perth
1943/102892 Perth Haslemore Margaret Martha Female Brekvoort Egbert Jan Male Perth
1943/102892 Perth Brekvoort Egbert Jan Male Haslemore Margaret Martha Female Perth
1943/102893 Perth Kerr Mavis Irene Female Jacobs Nathan Earl Male Perth
1943/102893 Perth Jacobs Nathan Earl Male Kerr Mavis Irene Female Perth
1943/102894 Perth Henry Melvin B Male Vigar Edna Vera Female Perth
1943/102894 Perth Vigar Edna Vera Female Henry Melvin B Male Perth
1943/102895 Perth Atwell Norman William Campbell Male Conder Dorothy Rebecca Female Perth
1943/102895 Perth Conder Dorothy Rebecca Female Atwell Norman William Campbell Male Perth
1943/102896 Perth Turner Edward Joseph Male Wolfe Mary Catherine Female Perth
1943/102896 Perth Wolfe Mary Catherine Female Turner Edward Joseph Male Perth
1943/102897 Perth Andrews Elvie Hester Jean Female Lumpkins Jnr Charles William Male Perth
1943/102897 Perth Lumpkins Jnr Charles William Male Andrews Elvie Hester Jean Female Perth
1943/102898 Perth Hobbs Ernest Llewellyn Male Farmer Jean Maude Female Perth
1943/102898 Perth Farmer Jean Maude Female Hobbs Ernest Llewellyn Male Perth
1943/102899 Perth Kidson Elsie Kathleen Iris Female Langhorn Harold John Male Perth
1943/102899 Perth Langhorn Harold John Male Kidson Elsie Kathleen Iris Female Perth
1943/102900 Perth Young Elsie Female Horton William Henry Male Perth
1943/102900 Perth Horton William Henry Male Young Elsie Female Perth
1943/102901 Perth Theobald Arthur John Male Davidson Isabella Female Mt Hawthorn
1943/102901 Perth Davidson Isabella Female Theobald Arthur John Male Mt Hawthorn
1943/102902 Perth Oldfield Ruby Ada Florence Female Gutso Christopher Male Mt Hawthorn
1943/102902 Perth Gutso Christopher Male Oldfield Ruby Ada Florence Female Mt Hawthorn
1943/102903 Perth Sawkins Marjorie Female Naughton Peter Wade Male Mt Lawley
1943/102903 Perth Naughton Peter Wade Male Sawkins Marjorie Female Mt Lawley
1943/102904 Perth De Freitas Norma Gertrude Female Stone Francis William James Male Highgate Hill
1943/102904 Perth Stone Francis William James Male De Freitas Norma Gertrude Female Highgate Hill
1943/102905 Perth Watervoort Oswald Gerhard Male Houlahan Mary Veronica Female Highgate Hill
1943/102905 Perth Houlahan Mary Veronica Female Watervoort Oswald Gerhard Male Highgate Hill
1943/102906 Perth Houlahan Norma Raye Female Van Dijl Anno Male Highgate Hill
1943/102906 Perth Van Dijl Anno Male Houlahan Norma Raye Female Highgate Hill
1943/102907 Perth Jacques Christopher Frederick Male Dalton Ada Amelia Sarah Female Highgate Hill
1943/102907 Perth Tichener Christopher Frederick Male Dalton Ada Amelia Sarah Female Highgate Hill
1943/102907 Perth Dalton Ada Amelia Sarah Female Jacques Christopher Frederick Male Highgate Hill
1943/102907 Perth Dalton Ada Amelia Sarah Female Tichener Christopher Frederick Male Highgate Hill
1943/102908 Perth Priest Mary Theresa Female Craig Patrick John Dillon Male E Victoria Park
1943/102908 Perth Craig Patrick John Dillon Male Priest Mary Theresa Female E Victoria Park
1943/102909 Perth Slavin Janet Kernan Female Martin Michael Benedict Male West Perth
1943/102909 Perth Martin Michael Benedict Male Slavin Janet Kernan Female West Perth
1943/102910 Perth Brennan Mary Therese Female Fontanini Charles Ernest Male Perth
1943/102910 Perth Fontanini Charles Ernest Male Brennan Mary Therese Female Perth
1943/102911 Perth Mulligan Edna May Female Roach John Raymond Male Perth
1943/102911 Perth Roach John Raymond Male Mulligan Edna May Female Perth
1943/102912 Perth Summers-Jenkins Audrey June Female Lewis Samuel John Male Perth
1943/102912 Perth Lewis Samuel John Male Summers-Jenkins Audrey June Female Perth
1943/102913 Perth Robinson William Austin Male Gladstone Margaret Emily Female Perth
1943/102913 Perth Gladstone Margaret Emily Female Robinson William Austin Male Perth
1943/102914 Perth Jackson Leonard Matthew Male Hennessy Mary Agnes Female Perth
1943/102914 Perth Hennessy Mary Agnes Female Jackson Leonard Matthew Male Perth
1943/102915 Perth Lowry Wallace Ellsworth Male Guppy Nancy Ellen Female West Perth
1943/102915 Perth Guppy Nancy Ellen Female Lowry Wallace Ellsworth Male West Perth
1943/102916 Perth Barbetti Christmas Male Mangini Noel Patricia Mary Female Perth
1943/102916 Perth Mangini Noel Patricia Mary Female Barbetti Christmas Male Perth
1943/102917 Perth Sullivan Richard Stephen Male O'Neill Mary Patricia Female Perth
1943/102917 Perth O'Neill Mary Patricia Female Sullivan Richard Stephen Male Perth
1943/102918 Perth Paull Marie Female Wiltshire Eustace Reginald Male Victoria Park
1943/102918 Perth Paull Marina Female Wiltshire Eustace Reginald Male Victoria Park
1943/102918 Perth Wiltshire Eustace Reginald Male Paull Marie Female Victoria Park
1943/102918 Perth Wiltshire Eustace Reginald Male Paull Marina Female Victoria Park
1943/102919 Perth Heaysman Henry Thomas Male Gibbs Ellen Jane Female Victoria Park
1943/102919 Perth Gibbs Ellen Jane Female Heaysman Henry Thomas Male Victoria Park
1943/102920 Perth Cardell Winnifred Irene Leah Female Aitken Alexander Male West Perth
1943/102920 Perth Aitken Alexander Male Cardell Winnifred Irene Leah Female West Perth
1943/102921 Perth Kent Ronald John Male Collins Jean Burnside Female Claremont
1943/102921 Perth Collins Jean Burnside Female Kent Ronald John Male Claremont
1944/400001 Beverley Joy Walter Stanley Male Bell Ada Lilian Female Bullaring
1943/400001 Beverley Howard James Walker Male Nottle Joy Ruth Female Kweda
1944/400001 Beverley Bell Ada Lilian Female Joy Walter Stanley Male Bullaring
1943/400001 Beverley Nottle Joy Ruth Female Howard James Walker Male Kweda
1943/400002 Beverley Cooper Kathleen Margaret Female Porter James Mason Male Beverley
1943/400002 Beverley Porter James Mason Male Cooper Kathleen Margaret Female Beverley
1943/400003 Beverley Bailey Winifred Mabel Female Smith John Washington Male Beverley
1943/400003 Beverley Smith John Washington Male Bailey Winifred Mabel Female Beverley
1943/400004 Beverley McMullen Dulcie Grace Female Feazey Albert Sylvester Male Beverley
1943/400004 Beverley Feazey Albert Sylvester Male McMullen Dulcie Grace Female Beverley
1943/400005 Beverley Cassin James Male Shaddick Muriel Female Pingelly
1943/400005 Beverley Shaddick Muriel Female Cassin James Male Pingelly
1943/400006 Beverley Mildwaters Patricia Mary Female Messenger Raymond Theo Male Pingelly
1943/400006 Beverley Messenger Raymond Theo Male Mildwaters Patricia Mary Female Pingelly
1943/400007 Beverley Miles Thelma Mary Dorothy Female Stevens Arthur Frederick Male Brookton
1943/400007 Beverley Stevens Arthur Frederick Male Miles Thelma Mary Dorothy Female Brookton
1943/400008 Beverley Kickett Gertrude Judith Female Collard Joseph Male Pingelly
1943/400008 Beverley Collard Joseph Male Kickett Gertrude Judith Female Pingelly
1943/400009 Beverley Simmons Herbert Male Moulton Ina Elizabeth Annie Female Beverley
1943/400009 Beverley Moulton Ina Elizabeth Annie Female Simmons Herbert Male Beverley
1943/400010 Beverley Bishop William Henry Arthur Male Cole Gweneth Mary Female Beverley
1943/400010 Beverley Cole Gweneth Mary Female Bishop William Henry Arthur Male Beverley
1943/400011 Beverley Neale Ruby Elizabeth Female Brownley Alick Ernest Male Dangin
1943/400011 Beverley Brownley Alick Ernest Male Neale Ruby Elizabeth Female Dangin
1943/400012 Beverley Oliver Nancy Winifred Female Williams Robert Charles Male Brookton
1943/400012 Beverley Williams Robert Charles Male Oliver Nancy Winifred Female Brookton
1943/400013 Beverley Bennell Edward James Male Bolton Elsie Maisie Female Beverley
1943/400013 Beverley Bolton Elsie Maisie Female Bennell Edward James Male Beverley
1943/400014 Beverley Stedman Carol Male Rose Elizabeth Mary Female Brookton
1943/400014 Beverley Rose Elizabeth Mary Female Stedman Carol Male Brookton
1943/400015 Beverley Norman Marjorie Female Fleay Mervyn Alic Male Beverley
1943/400015 Beverley Fleay Mervyn Alic Male Norman Marjorie Female Beverley
1943/400016 Beverley Baverstock William Enos Male Warren Anne Doris Female Brookton
1943/400016 Beverley Warren Anne Doris Female Baverstock William Enos Male Brookton
1943/400017 Beverley Blake Geoffrey Charles Male Shenton Joan Female Quairading
1943/400017 Beverley Shenton Joan Female Blake Geoffrey Charles Male Quairading
1943/400018 Beverley Lucas Olive Essington Female Clark James Male Beverley
1943/400018 Beverley Clark James Male Lucas Olive Essington Female Beverley
1943/400019 Beverley Wood Ernest George Male Coxon Annie Vera Female Yealering
1943/400019 Beverley Coxon Annie Vera Female Wood Ernest George Male Yealering
1943/400020 Beverley Doohan Pearl Margaret Female Gilchrist Edwin William Male Beverley
1943/400020 Beverley Gilchrist Edwin William Male Doohan Pearl Margaret Female Beverley
1943/400021 Beverley Taylor Patty Eileen Female Hall Alfred Gordon Oliver Male Pingelly
1943/400021 Beverley Hall Alfred Gordon Oliver Male Taylor Patty Eileen Female Pingelly
1943/400022 Beverley Tozer Doris Ethel Female White Edmund George Male Pingelly
1943/400022 Beverley White Edmund George Male Tozer Doris Ethel Female Pingelly
1943/400023 Beverley Stone Joseph Henry Male McLean Helen Forrest Female Beverley
1943/400023 Beverley McLean Helen Forrest Female Stone Joseph Henry Male Beverley
1943/400024 Beverley Sumner Norman Steadcourt Male Carson Ethel Female Quairading
1943/400024 Beverley Carson Ethel Female Sumner Norman Steadcourt Male Quairading
1943/400025 Beverley Hunt Hilda Ruth Female Cornelius Eric Edward Male Beverley
1943/400025 Beverley Cornelius Eric Edward Male Hunt Hilda Ruth Female Beverley
1943/400026 Beverley Blackstone Clifford Norman Male Clulow Ruby Ivy Female Beverley
1943/400026 Beverley Clulow Ruby Ivy Female Blackstone Clifford Norman Male Beverley
1943/500002 Blackwood Klanjscek Rinaldo Male Crawley Agnes Catherine Female Manjimup
1944/500002 Blackwood Vlahos Nicola Sotirios Male Crawley Thelma Female Manjimup
1943/500002 Blackwood Crawley Agnes Catherine Female Klanjscek Rinaldo Male Manjimup
1944/500002 Blackwood Crawley Thelma Female Vlahos Nicola Sotirios Male Manjimup
1943/500003 Blackwood James Caroline Amelia Female Hewison Robert Male Bridgetown
1943/500003 Blackwood Hewison Robert Male James Caroline Amelia Female Bridgetown
1943/500004 Blackwood Wheatley Jean Ellen Female Brockman Francis Edward Male Bridgetown
1943/500004 Blackwood Brockman Francis Edward Male Wheatley Jean Ellen Female Bridgetown
1943/500005 Blackwood Buss Stanley Austen Male Murdock Gladys Female Manjimup
1943/500005 Blackwood Murdock Gladys Female Buss Stanley Austen Male Manjimup
1943/500006 Blackwood Meagher Thora Constance Female Easton Kennerly Gill Male Boyup Brook
1943/500006 Blackwood Easton Kennerly Gill Male Meagher Thora Constance Female Boyup Brook
1943/500007 Blackwood Freind Ellen Dorrie Female Abbott Reginald James Male Bridgetown
1943/500007 Blackwood Abbott Reginald James Male Freind Ellen Dorrie Female Bridgetown
1943/500008 Blackwood Jenkins Ethel Elizabeth Female Happ Herbert Louis Male Nannup
1943/500008 Blackwood Happ Herbert Louis Male Jenkins Ethel Elizabeth Female Nannup
1943/500009 Blackwood Anic Joseph Male Krsull Millicent Female Bridgetown
1943/500009 Blackwood Krsull Millicent Female Anic Joseph Male Bridgetown
1943/500010 Blackwood Letchford Sydney Walter Male Jenour Blanche Myrtle Female Boyup Brook
1943/500010 Blackwood Jenour Blanche Myrtle Female Letchford Sydney Walter Male Boyup Brook
1943/500011 Blackwood Palfrey Allen James Male Nichols Thelma Florence Female Pemberton
1943/500011 Blackwood Nichols Thelma Florence Female Palfrey Allen James Male Pemberton
1943/500012 Blackwood Thomas Kathleen Claire Female Mask Wallace Brownrigg Male Greenbushes
1943/500012 Blackwood Mask Wallace Brownrigg Male Thomas Kathleen Claire Female Greenbushes
1943/500013 Blackwood Bevan Winifred Female Willimott John Edward Male Bridgetown
1943/500013 Blackwood Willimott John Edward Male Bevan Winifred Female Bridgetown
1943/500014 Blackwood Turner Ida May Female Myles Harvey Robert Male Bridgetown
1943/500014 Blackwood Myles Harvey Robert Male Turner Ida May Female Bridgetown
1943/500015 Blackwood George Leonard Male Young Louise May Female Manjimup
1943/500015 Blackwood Young Louise May Female George Leonard Male Manjimup
1943/500016 Blackwood Hunter Mary Alice Elizabeth Female Osboine William Leonard Male Pemberton
1943/500016 Blackwood Osboine William Leonard Male Hunter Mary Alice Elizabeth Female Pemberton
1943/500017 Blackwood Palmer Arthur Robert Male Muir Mary Rosalie Female Pemberton
1943/500017 Blackwood Muir Mary Rosalie Female Palmer Arthur Robert Male Pemberton
1943/500018 Blackwood Plackett Amy Female Parish Sidney Male Manjimup
1943/500018 Blackwood Parish Sidney Male Plackett Amy Female Manjimup
1943/500019 Blackwood Whitham Kathleen Mary Female Quartermaine Leonard George Male Boyup Brook
1943/500019 Blackwood Quartermaine Leonard George Male Whitham Kathleen Mary Female Boyup Brook
1943/500020 Blackwood Pickles Roberta Ingliston Female Parkhill John Mark Male Nannup
1943/500020 Blackwood Parkhill John Mark Male Pickles Roberta Ingliston Female Nannup
1943/500021 Blackwood Sawyer Della Beatrice Female Gisborne John Leslie Male Bridgetown
1943/500021 Blackwood Gisborne John Leslie Male Sawyer Della Beatrice Female Bridgetown
1943/500022 Blackwood Palfrey Anthony Gordon Male South Marjory Female Manjimup
1943/500022 Blackwood South Marjory Female Palfrey Anthony Gordon Male Manjimup
1943/500023 Blackwood Barefoot Coral Florence Female Paganini Guido Male Manjimup
1943/500023 Blackwood Paganini Guido Male Barefoot Coral Florence Female Manjimup
1943/500024 Blackwood Shephard Stanley James Male Bousfield Grace Female Bridgetown
1943/500024 Blackwood Bousfield Grace Female Shephard Stanley James Male Bridgetown
1943/500025 Blackwood Coverley Noreen Grace Female Foster John Greensitt Male Bridgetown
1943/500025 Blackwood Foster John Greensitt Male Coverley Noreen Grace Female Bridgetown
1943/500026 Blackwood Cross Stanley William Male Cowley Hilda Vera Female Boyup Brook
1943/500026 Blackwood Cowley Hilda Vera Female Cross Stanley William Male Boyup Brook
1943/500027 Blackwood Bailey Prudence Harrison Female Davidson John Edward George Male Balingup
1943/500027 Blackwood Davidson John Edward George Male Bailey Prudence Harrison Female Balingup
1943/500028 Blackwood Allen Barbara Alberta Blanche Female Ravenhill Stanley Frederick Male Walpole
1943/500028 Blackwood Ravenhill Stanley Frederick Male Allen Barbara Alberta Blanche Female Walpole
1943/500029 Blackwood Moore Jean Alice Female Payne Herbert Douglas Male Greenbushes
1943/500029 Blackwood Payne Herbert Douglas Male Moore Jean Alice Female Greenbushes
1943/500030 Blackwood Alafacis Vasilia Female Cocodis Michael Male Manjimup
1943/500030 Blackwood Cocodis Michael Male Alafacis Vasilia Female Manjimup
1943/500031 Blackwood Fraser Douglas Allen Munro Male Puttick Ivy Mary Female Manjimup
1943/500031 Blackwood Puttick Ivy Mary Female Fraser Douglas Allen Munro Male Manjimup
1943/500032 Blackwood Morris Avice Martha Female Oliver Arthur Frederick Male Manjimup
1943/500032 Blackwood Oliver Arthur Frederick Male Morris Avice Martha Female Manjimup
1943/500033 Blackwood Bamess Loyalty Emma Female Sander Berthold Wilhelm Male Pemberton
1943/500033 Blackwood Sander Berthold Wilhelm Male Bamess Loyalty Emma Female Pemberton
1943/500034 Blackwood Elphick Kathleen Theodora Female Smith Robert Leigh Male Bridgetown
1943/500034 Blackwood Smith Robert Leigh Male Elphick Kathleen Theodora Female Bridgetown
1943/500035 Blackwood Veljacich Marijan Mato Male Hanekamp Eleonora Agnes Elsie Female Manjimup
1943/500035 Blackwood Hanekamp Eleonora Agnes Elsie Female Veljacich Marijan Mato Male Manjimup
1943/500036 Blackwood Yates Arthur Richard Male Hart Christina Female Kulikup
1943/500036 Blackwood Hart Christina Female Yates Arthur Richard Male Kulikup
1943/500037 Blackwood Regan Ernest Male Vernon Grace Female Bridgetown
1943/500037 Blackwood Vernon Grace Female Regan Ernest Male Bridgetown
1943/500038 Blackwood Letchford Doris Trew Female Leslie John Male Bridgetown
1943/500038 Blackwood Leslie John Male Letchford Doris Trew Female Bridgetown
1943/500039 Blackwood McGough Jack Gilbert Male Scaddan Lesley Hope Female Bridgetown
1943/500039 Blackwood Scaddan Lesley Hope Female McGough Jack Gilbert Male Bridgetown
1943/500040 Blackwood Cable Leo Edward Male Rodda Margaret Florence Female Manjimup
1943/500040 Blackwood Rodda Margaret Florence Female Cable Leo Edward Male Manjimup
1943/500041 Blackwood Nicolaou Soterios Male Rumenos Vasiliki Female Manjimup
1943/500041 Blackwood Rumenos Vasiliki Female Nicolaou Soterios Male Manjimup
1943/500042 Blackwood Callegari Emilio Male Collins Elsie Female Pemberton
1943/500042 Blackwood Collins Elsie Female Callegari Emilio Male Pemberton
1943/500043 Blackwood O'Connor Kathleen Winifred Female Beadsworth Joseph Male Manjimup
1943/500043 Blackwood Beadsworth Joseph Male O'Connor Kathleen Winifred Female Manjimup
1943/500044 Blackwood Bygraves Albert Austin Male Chester Elsie McLachlan Bennett Female Bridgetown
1943/500044 Blackwood Chester Elsie McLachlan Bennett Female Bygraves Albert Austin Male Bridgetown
1943/500045 Blackwood Moyes Henry Stinchcombe Male Lowe Elvey Dawn Female Bridgetown
1943/500045 Blackwood Lowe Elvey Dawn Female Moyes Henry Stinchcombe Male Bridgetown
1943/500046 Blackwood MacArthur Farquhar Stewart Male Martin Isabel May Female Manjimup
1943/500046 Blackwood Martin Isabel May Female MacArthur Farquhar Stewart Male Manjimup
1943/500047 Blackwood Tudor Annie Female Ruzich John Micin Male Bridgetown
1943/500047 Blackwood Ruzich John Micin Male Tudor Annie Female Bridgetown
1943/500048 Blackwood Elliott Olga Viviene Female Trudgeon Thomas Arthur Male Bridgetown
1943/500048 Blackwood Trudgeon Thomas Arthur Male Elliott Olga Viviene Female Bridgetown
1943/500049 Blackwood Henry Charles Hollis Male Yates Beryl Female Bridgetown
1943/500049 Blackwood Yates Beryl Female Henry Charles Hollis Male Bridgetown
1943/500050 Blackwood Doust Clive Eric Giblett Male Murphy Loris Joyce Female Dingup
1943/500050 Blackwood Murphy Loris Joyce Female Doust Clive Eric Giblett Male Dingup
1943/500051 Blackwood Campbell Roy Leslie Male Goldring Elsie Mary Female Pemberton
1943/500051 Blackwood Goldring Elsie Mary Female Campbell Roy Leslie Male Pemberton
1943/500052 Blackwood McCracken Allan James Male Logan Marie Kathleen Female Manjimup
1943/500052 Blackwood Logan Marie Kathleen Female McCracken Allan James Male Manjimup
1943/500053 Blackwood Napier Arthur Ronald Male Rodda Enid May Female Manjimup
1943/500053 Blackwood Rodda Enid May Female Napier Arthur Ronald Male Manjimup
1943/500054 Blackwood Sheffield Jessie Martha Female Gray Charles Ernest Male Bridgetown
1943/500054 Blackwood Gray Charles Ernest Male Sheffield Jessie Martha Female Bridgetown
1943/500055 Blackwood Nicoloff Mary Spasoff Female Todoroff Tom Sabcoff Male Bridgetown
1943/500055 Blackwood Todoroff Tom Sabcoff Male Nicoloff Mary Spasoff Female Bridgetown
1943/500056 Blackwood Burch Valentine Margaret Alice Female Scott Gilbert Thomas Male Pemberton
1943/500056 Blackwood Scott Gilbert Thomas Male Burch Valentine Margaret Alice Female Pemberton
1943/500057 Blackwood Platten Doris Marion Female Ladhams George Lewis Male Northcliffe
1943/500057 Blackwood Ladhams George Lewis Male Platten Doris Marion Female Northcliffe
1943/600001 Black Range Scott Eliza Female Carbine Joe Male Sandstone
1943/600001 Black Range Carbine Joe Male Scott Eliza Female Sandstone
1943/700001 Boulder Bell Richard Lionel Male Zani Iolanda Roma Female Boulder
1943/700001 Boulder Zani Iolanda Roma Female Bell Richard Lionel Male Boulder
1943/700002 Boulder Elliott Irene Maud Female Lewis John Frank Male Boulder
1943/700002 Boulder Lewis John Frank Male Elliott Irene Maud Female Boulder
1943/700003 Boulder Prince Lionel Male Stokes Patricia May Female Boulder
1943/700003 Boulder Stokes Patricia May Female Prince Lionel Male Boulder
1943/700004 Boulder Stevenson Myrtle Linore Female Hibberd Ernest Brookfield Male Boulder
1943/700004 Boulder Hibberd Ernest Brookfield Male Stevenson Myrtle Linore Female Boulder
1943/700005 Boulder Trewhella William Christopher Male Walker Jean Female Boulder
1943/700005 Boulder Walker Jean Female Trewhella William Christopher Male Boulder
1943/700006 Boulder Walker Clifford Male Laffin Josephine Carmen Female Boulder
1943/700006 Boulder Laffin Josephine Carmen Female Walker Clifford Male Boulder
1943/700007 Boulder Duddy William Male Taaffe Alice Ellen Female Boulder
1943/700007 Boulder Taaffe Alice Ellen Female Duddy William Male Boulder
1943/700008 Boulder Dower John Edward Male Perks Glenice Margaret Female Boulder
1943/700008 Boulder Perks Glenice Margaret Female Dower John Edward Male Boulder
1943/700009 Boulder Due Vera May Female Greene Lambert Maurice Male Boulder
1943/700009 Boulder Greene Lambert Maurice Male Due Vera May Female Boulder
1943/700010 Boulder Dutton William Leonard Male Bessen Thelma Inez Female Boulder
1943/700010 Boulder Bessen Thelma Inez Female Dutton William Leonard Male Boulder
1943/700011 Boulder Bright Frederick Gordon Male Ardagh Margaret Eileen Female Boulder
1943/700011 Boulder Ardagh Margaret Eileen Female Bright Frederick Gordon Male Boulder
1943/700012 Boulder Bracegirdle Leopold Male Gonsal Joan May Female Boulder
1943/700012 Boulder Gonsal Joan May Female Bracegirdle Leopold Male Boulder
1943/700013 Boulder Young Ronald Morton Male Mackeney Elsie Joy Female Boulder
1943/700013 Boulder Mackeney Elsie Joy Female Young Ronald Morton Male Boulder
1943/700014 Boulder Mitchell Mavis Florence Female Marsh Arthur Frederick Male Boulder
1943/700014 Boulder Marsh Arthur Frederick Male Mitchell Mavis Florence Female Boulder
1943/700015 Boulder Younger Ronald Arthur Male Sanders Edna May Female Boulder
1943/700015 Boulder Sanders Edna May Female Younger Ronald Arthur Male Boulder
1943/700016 Boulder Smythe Vernon Patrick Male O'Grady Phyllis May Female Boulder
1943/700016 Boulder O'Grady Phyllis May Female Smythe Vernon Patrick Male Boulder
1943/700017 Boulder Jones Robert Edmund Angwin Male Pascoe Gweneth Amy Female Boulder
1943/700017 Boulder Pascoe Gweneth Amy Female Jones Robert Edmund Angwin Male Boulder
1943/700018 Boulder Smith Stanley James Male Norman Catherine Ada Female Boulder
1943/700018 Boulder Norman Catherine Ada Female Smith Stanley James Male Boulder
1943/700019 Boulder Chinnery William George Henry Male Bown Ellen Aileen Female Boulder
1943/700019 Boulder Bown Ellen Aileen Female Chinnery William George Henry Male Boulder
1943/700020 Boulder Halls Vincent Joseph Male Hutchison Lennos Doreen Female West Australia
1943/700020 Boulder Hutchison Lennos Doreen Female Halls Vincent Joseph Male West Australia
1943/700021 Boulder Yukich Ante Male Vegar Matija Female Boulder
1943/700021 Boulder Vegar Matija Female Yukich Ante Male Boulder
1943/700022 Boulder Marten George Owen Male Glasson Lucinda Pearl Female West Australia
1943/700022 Boulder Glasson Lucinda Pearl Female Marten George Owen Male West Australia
1943/700023 Boulder McNally Kathleen Patricia Female Keenan Claude Male Boulder
1943/700023 Boulder Keenan Claude Male McNally Kathleen Patricia Female Boulder
1943/700024 Boulder Dick Herbert Cecil Male Newton Edith Nellie Female West Australia
1943/700024 Boulder Newton Edith Nellie Female Dick Herbert Cecil Male West Australia
1943/700025 Boulder Oates Marjorie Female Skane Eric Male West Australia
1943/700025 Boulder Skane Eric Male Oates Marjorie Female West Australia
1943/700026 Boulder Rose Clarence Samuel Male Elliott Hilda Isobel Female Boulder
1943/700026 Boulder Elliott Hilda Isobel Female Rose Clarence Samuel Male Boulder
1943/700027 Boulder Scaddan Constance Helen Female Day Walter Ditchfield Male Boulder
1943/700027 Boulder Day Walter Ditchfield Male Scaddan Constance Helen Female Boulder
1943/700028 Boulder Salmon Francis Robert Male Angwin Lilian Margaret Female Boulder
1943/700028 Boulder Angwin Lilian Margaret Female Salmon Francis Robert Male Boulder
1943/700029 Boulder Kumparak Annie Female Kosovich Joseph Male Boulder
1943/700029 Boulder Kosovich Joseph Male Kumparak Annie Female Boulder
1943/700030 Boulder Hodges Dulcie Beatrice Female Jenkins Robert James Male West Australia
1943/700030 Boulder Jenkins Robert James Male Hodges Dulcie Beatrice Female West Australia
1943/700031 Boulder Kirkby James Henry Male Gregory Winifred Ailus Female Boulder
1943/700031 Boulder Gregory Winifred Ailus Female Kirkby James Henry Male Boulder
1943/700032 Boulder Tomkinson Ada Ruth Female Brooks Victor Male Boulder
1943/700032 Boulder Brooks Victor Male Tomkinson Ada Ruth Female Boulder
1943/700033 Boulder Dorrington John Edward Male Stephens Avis Cavell Female Boulder
1943/700033 Boulder Stephens Avis Cavell Female Dorrington John Edward Male Boulder
1943/700034 Boulder Thomas Ralph Percy Male Miles Florence Irene Female Boulder
1943/700034 Boulder Miles Florence Irene Female Thomas Ralph Percy Male Boulder
1943/700035 Boulder Landre Luie Male Dwyer Agnes Amy Female Boulder
1943/700035 Boulder Dwyer Agnes Amy Female Landre Luie Male Boulder
1943/700036 Boulder Miller Thomas Henry James Male Riley Doreen Annie Female Boulder
1943/700036 Boulder Riley Doreen Annie Female Miller Thomas Henry James Male Boulder
1943/700037 Boulder Paull William Charles Male Ruddick Gloria Nina Female Boulder
1943/700037 Boulder Ruddick Gloria Nina Female Paull William Charles Male Boulder
1943/700038 Boulder Park Elizabeth Female Hadden Frederick Gilbert Carlile Male Boulder
1943/700038 Boulder Hadden Frederick Gilbert Carlile Male Park Elizabeth Female Boulder
1943/700039 Boulder Treacy Eileen Mary Female Bown Leo Charles Male Boulder
1943/700039 Boulder Bown Leo Charles Male Treacy Eileen Mary Female Boulder
1943/700040 Boulder Davidson Gertrude Lindsay Margaret Female Kenneally William Male Boulder
1943/700040 Boulder Kenneally William Male Davidson Gertrude Lindsay Margaret Female Boulder
1943/700041 Boulder Plant Patricia Mary Female Sexton John Frederick Male Boulder
1943/700041 Boulder Sexton John Frederick Male Plant Patricia Mary Female Boulder
1943/700042 Boulder Halliwell Robert John Male Duca Madeline Violet Female Boulder
1943/700042 Boulder Duca Madeline Violet Female Halliwell Robert John Male Boulder
1943/700043 Boulder Cruickshank Ella Gertrude Female Pike Arthur George Male Boulder
1943/700043 Boulder Pike Arthur George Male Cruickshank Ella Gertrude Female Boulder
1943/700044 Boulder Bell Lavinia Emma Female Irvine Michael Francis Male Boulder
1943/700044 Boulder Irvine Michael Francis Male Bell Lavinia Emma Female Boulder
1943/700045 Boulder Dawson Norman Frank Male Deas Jessie Evelyn Female Boulder
1943/700045 Boulder Deas Jessie Evelyn Female Dawson Norman Frank Male Boulder
1943/700046 Boulder Piggott Edward Male Tennant Mabel Vera Female Boulder
1943/700046 Boulder Tennant Mabel Vera Female Piggott Edward Male Boulder
1943/700047 Boulder Boyne Alice Female Dawson Herbert Victor Male Boulder
1943/700047 Boulder Dawson Herbert Victor Male Boyne Alice Female Boulder
1943/700048 Boulder O'Neill Sheila Gertrude Female Taaffe Andrew Joseph Male Boulder
1943/700048 Boulder Taaffe Andrew Joseph Male O'Neill Sheila Gertrude Female Boulder
1943/700049 Boulder Conway Kathleen Margaret Female Everett Leslie Walter Male Boulder
1943/700049 Boulder Everett Leslie Walter Male Conway Kathleen Margaret Female Boulder
1943/700050 Boulder Caporn Lillian May Female Leary Hubert Clarence Plimsol Male Boulder
1943/700050 Boulder Leary Hubert Clarence Plimsol Male Caporn Lillian May Female Boulder
1943/700051 Boulder Crannage Margaret Joan Female Peterson Thomas Seymour Male Boulder
1943/700051 Boulder Peterson Thomas Seymour Male Crannage Margaret Joan Female Boulder
1943/700052 Boulder Epis Peter Male Cook Dulcie Rose Female Boulder
1943/700052 Boulder Cook Dulcie Rose Female Epis Peter Male Boulder
1943/700053 Boulder Marendoli Cleto Male Marendoli Liana Female Boulder
1943/700053 Boulder Marendoli Liana Female Marendoli Cleto Male Boulder
1943/1100001 Broome Fraser Agnes Female Puertollano Thomas Male Broome
1943/1100001 Broome Puertollano Thomas Male Fraser Agnes Female Broome
1943/1100002 Broome Gido Esther Female Lande Paddy Male Lombadina Mission
1943/1100002 Broome Lande Paddy Male Gido Esther Female Lombadina Mission
1943/1100003 Broome Palerbor Vincent Male Mogal Susanna Female Lombadina-Mission
1943/1100003 Broome Mogal Susanna Female Palerbor Vincent Male Lombadina-Mission
1943/1100004 Broome Howse Alice Female Spencer Thomas Male Broome
1943/1100004 Broome Spencer Thomas Male Howse Alice Female Broome
1943/1100005 Broome Wambelog Bella Female Norman Charlie Male Beagle Bay Mission
1943/1100005 Broome Norman Charlie Male Wambelog Bella Female Beagle Bay Mission
1943/1200001 Bruce Rock Smith Howard Rex Male Hunter Effie Margaret Female Narembeen
1943/1200001 Bruce Rock Hunter Effie Margaret Female Smith Howard Rex Male Narembeen
1943/1200002 Bruce Rock Davenport Alison Hope Female McPherson John Male Bruce Rock
1943/1200002 Bruce Rock McPherson John Male Davenport Alison Hope Female Bruce Rock
1943/1200003 Bruce Rock Janson Maria Rosalia Female Skippari Werner Male Bruce Rock
1943/1200003 Bruce Rock Skippari Werner Male Janson Maria Rosalia Female Bruce Rock
1943/1200004 Bruce Rock Hutchinson Gavin Forbes Male Johnson Dorothy Grace Female Corrigin
1943/1200004 Bruce Rock Johnson Dorothy Grace Female Hutchinson Gavin Forbes Male Corrigin
1943/1200005 Bruce Rock Loller Ethel Amy Rosetta Female Johnson Neil Thomas Male Bruce Rock
1943/1200005 Bruce Rock Johnson Neil Thomas Male Loller Ethel Amy Rosetta Female Bruce Rock
1943/1200006 Bruce Rock Aldridge May Gwendolyn Female Hopwood Frederick George Male Kondinin
1943/1200006 Bruce Rock Hopwood Frederick George Male Aldridge May Gwendolyn Female Kondinin
1943/1200007 Bruce Rock Button Hilton Wesley Male Wynne Lillian Hazel Female Bruce Rock
1943/1200007 Bruce Rock Wynne Lillian Hazel Female Button Hilton Wesley Male Bruce Rock
1943/1200008 Bruce Rock Butler Robert Bruce Male Starcevich Nell Female Bruce Rock
1943/1200008 Bruce Rock Starcevich Nell Female Butler Robert Bruce Male Bruce Rock
1943/1200009 Bruce Rock Nicholaidis Stamatios Male Henderson Stella Hynam Female Corrigin
1943/1200009 Bruce Rock Henderson Stella Hynam Female Nicholaidis Stamatios Male Corrigin
1943/1200010 Bruce Rock Donaldson Phil Male Jacobs Frenda Female Muntadgin
1943/1200010 Bruce Rock Jacobs Frenda Female Donaldson Phil Male Muntadgin
1943/1200011 Bruce Rock Fleay Moyle Oakover Male Fernihough Evelyn May Female Bruce Rock
1943/1200011 Bruce Rock Fernihough Evelyn May Female Fleay Moyle Oakover Male Bruce Rock
1943/1200012 Bruce Rock Loller Gladys Agnes Female Milham John William Harold Randolph Mervyn Male Bruce Rock
1943/1200012 Bruce Rock Milham John William Harold Randolph Mervyn Male Loller Gladys Agnes Female Bruce Rock
1943/1200013 Bruce Rock Lynch Mary Catherine Female Hynes John Joseph Male Kondinin
1943/1200013 Bruce Rock Hynes John Joseph Male Lynch Mary Catherine Female Kondinin
1943/1400001 Canning Valli John William Male Price Annie Amelia Female Armadale
1943/1400001 Canning Price Annie Amelia Female Valli John William Male Armadale
1944/1400002 Canning Baker Joyce Ellen Female Lane Donald Ian Male Bickley
1944/1400002 Canning Lane Donald Ian Male Baker Joyce Ellen Female Bickley
1944/1400003 Canning Fuller Mervyn Edward Male Shaw Betty Cecelia Female Kalamunda
1944/1400003 Canning Shaw Betty Cecelia Female Fuller Mervyn Edward Male Kalamunda
1943/1400003 Canning Auger Beryl Ann Female Wardrope Malcolm David Male Bartons Mill
1943/1400003 Canning Wardrope Malcolm David Male Auger Beryl Ann Female Bartons Mill
1943/1400004 Canning Hough Stanley Owen Male Jones Gwendoline Ivy Female Armadale
1943/1400004 Canning Jones Gwendoline Ivy Female Hough Stanley Owen Male Armadale
1943/1400005 Canning Williams Margaret Glendinning Female Milton Robert George Male Gosnells
1943/1400005 Canning Milton Robert George Male Williams Margaret Glendinning Female Gosnells
1943/1400006 Canning Cherubino Carlo Antonio Male Fisher Grace Josephine Female Queens Pk
1943/1400006 Canning Fisher Grace Josephine Female Cherubino Carlo Antonio Male Queens Pk
1943/1400007 Canning Green Westley Jack Male Hurst Sheila Maud Female Kalamunda
1943/1400007 Canning Hurst Sheila Maud Female Green Westley Jack Male Kalamunda
1943/1400008 Canning Whittem Yvonne Mary Female McVeigh Francis Medland Male Kelmscott
1943/1400008 Canning McVeigh Francis Medland Male Whittem Yvonne Mary Female Kelmscott
1943/1400009 Canning Davison Dorothy Female Thompson Joseph Male Cannington
1943/1400009 Canning Thompson Joseph Male Davison Dorothy Female Cannington
1943/1400010 Canning Richardson Estelle Audrey Female Morrell Frederick George Male Maddington
1943/1400010 Canning Morrell Frederick George Male Richardson Estelle Audrey Female Maddington
1943/1400011 Canning Wade Charles Henry Male Rutherford Clare Elizabeth Female Kalamunda
1943/1400011 Canning Rutherford Clare Elizabeth Female Wade Charles Henry Male Kalamunda
1943/1400012 Canning Weir Andrew Male Bettles Eilene Ada Female Queen's Pk
1943/1400012 Canning Bettles Eilene Ada Female Weir Andrew Male Queen's Pk
1943/1400013 Canning George Hilda May Female Zanotti Wilton Edward Male Bickley
1943/1400013 Canning Zanotti Wilton Edward Male George Hilda May Female Bickley
1943/1400014 Canning Scott Catherine Gordon Female Woodman Lindsay Victor Male Kelmscott
1943/1400014 Canning Woodman Lindsay Victor Male Scott Catherine Gordon Female Kelmscott
1943/1400015 Canning Thomson James Hynd Male Richardson Mavis Thelma Female Maddington
1943/1400015 Canning Richardson Mavis Thelma Female Thomson James Hynd Male Maddington
1943/1400016 Canning Ward Pauline Female Blandford William Lewis Male Cannington
1943/1400016 Canning Blandford William Lewis Male Ward Pauline Female Cannington
1943/1400017 Canning Kinsella Thomas Kavanagh Male Gibson Freda Female Armadale
1943/1400017 Canning Gibson Freda Female Kinsella Thomas Kavanagh Male Armadale
1943/1400018 Canning Carter John Male Kelly Muriel Ivy Female Queen's Park
1943/1400018 Canning Kelly Muriel Ivy Female Carter John Male Queen's Park
1943/1400019 Canning Galbraith Ruby Female Taylor Alfred Ernest Male Cannington
1943/1400019 Canning Taylor Alfred Ernest Male Galbraith Ruby Female Cannington
1943/1400020 Canning Petrov Tony Male Oakes Agnes Female Cannington
1943/1400020 Canning Oakes Agnes Female Petrov Tony Male Cannington
1943/1400021 Canning Collins Ethel Clare Female Morrell Ivern Howard Male Kalamunda
1943/1400021 Canning Morrell Ivern Howard Male Collins Ethel Clare Female Kalamunda
1943/1400022 Canning Savage Patricia Elizabeth Female Rooke David Alan Male Kelmscott
1943/1400022 Canning Rooke David Alan Male Savage Patricia Elizabeth Female Kelmscott
1943/1400023 Canning Fulwood Alma Jean Female Lilley Norman Henry Male Cannington
1943/1400023 Canning Lilley Norman Henry Male Fulwood Alma Jean Female Cannington
1943/1400024 Canning Anderson Herbert Francis Male Davies Edith Annie Female Kenwick
1943/1400024 Canning Davies Edith Annie Female Anderson Herbert Francis Male Kenwick
1943/1400025 Canning Geddes William McBean Male Turner Lillian Hope Female Armadale
1943/1400025 Canning Turner Lillian Hope Female Geddes William McBean Male Armadale
1943/1400026 Canning Thatcher Corisande Payor Female Cross John William Greer Male Byford
1943/1400026 Canning Cross John William Greer Male Thatcher Corisande Payor Female Byford
1943/1400027 Canning Cousins Gordon Winson Male Buckingham Ella Mabel Female Kelmscott
1943/1400027 Canning Buckingham Ella Mabel Female Cousins Gordon Winson Male Kelmscott
1943/1400028 Canning Scolaro Basilio Male Pennisi Grazia Female Lesmurdie
1943/1400028 Canning Pennisi Grazia Female Scolaro Basilio Male Lesmurdie
1943/1400029 Canning O'Brien Edith Patricia Female Fraser Keith Henderson Male Armadale
1943/1400029 Canning Fraser Keith Henderson Male O'Brien Edith Patricia Female Armadale
1943/1400030 Canning Tilka Jack Milton Male Tomlinson Evelyn Female Queens Park
1943/1400030 Canning Tomlinson Evelyn Female Tilka Jack Milton Male Queens Park
1943/1400031 Canning Dowell Richard Williams Male Denton Dorothy May Female Cannington
1943/1400031 Canning Denton Dorothy May Female Dowell Richard Williams Male Cannington
1943/1400032 Canning Carter Eileen Donaldson Female McDowell Robert Barr Male Cannington
1943/1400032 Canning McDowell Robert Barr Male Carter Eileen Donaldson Female Cannington
1943/1400033 Canning Ewen Dorothy Phyllis Female Kilkenny Martin Francis Male Queen's Pk
1943/1400033 Canning Kilkenny Martin Francis Male Ewen Dorothy Phyllis Female Queen's Pk
1943/1400034 Canning Gallagher John Percival Patrick Male James Edna Olive Female Armadale
1943/1400034 Canning James Edna Olive Female Gallagher John Percival Patrick Male Armadale
1943/1400035 Canning Cartwright Amelia Frances Female Malone James Patrick Male Queen's Pk
1943/1400035 Canning Malone James Patrick Male Cartwright Amelia Frances Female Queen's Pk
1943/1400036 Canning Brljevich Draga Female Erceg Stanko Ante Male Queen's Pk
1943/1400036 Canning Erceg Stanko Ante Male Brljevich Draga Female Queen's Pk
1943/1400037 Canning Norman Dorothy Agnes Female Wootton Edward Henry Male Kalamunda
1943/1400037 Canning Wootton Edward Henry Male Norman Dorothy Agnes Female Kalamunda
1943/1800002 East Coolgardie Hill Joy Mildred Female Dwyer Thomas Henry Leo Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800002 East Coolgardie Dwyer Thomas Henry Leo Male Hill Joy Mildred Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800003 East Coolgardie Grime Kathleen Pansy Female Hubble Victor George Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800003 East Coolgardie Hubble Victor George Male Grime Kathleen Pansy Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800004 East Coolgardie Millwood Iris Millicent Female Smith John Patrick Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800004 East Coolgardie Smith John Patrick Male Millwood Iris Millicent Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800005 East Coolgardie Rayner James Arthur Male Jones Dorothy Gertrude Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800005 East Coolgardie Jones Dorothy Gertrude Female Rayner James Arthur Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800006 East Coolgardie Vinneir Margaret Ann Female Daniels Harold Edwin Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800006 East Coolgardie Daniels Harold Edwin Male Vinneir Margaret Ann Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800007 East Coolgardie Paterson Robert McIntyre Male Wilkins Margaret Lesley Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800007 East Coolgardie Wilkins Margaret Lesley Female Paterson Robert McIntyre Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800008 East Coolgardie Ledgard William Alfred Male Evans Ellen Theresa Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800008 East Coolgardie Evans Ellen Theresa Female Ledgard William Alfred Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800009 East Coolgardie Whelan Patricia Female Nelson Norman Clifford Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800009 East Coolgardie Nelson Norman Clifford Male Whelan Patricia Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800010 East Coolgardie King Joan Female Torpy Francis Kevin Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800010 East Coolgardie Torpy Francis Kevin Male King Joan Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800011 East Coolgardie Hallam Leo Daniel Male Logan Mary Sarah Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800011 East Coolgardie Logan Mary Sarah Female Hallam Leo Daniel Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800012 East Coolgardie Heatley Rose Female Rintoul Thomas Stewart Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800012 East Coolgardie Rintoul Thomas Stewart Male Heatley Rose Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800013 East Coolgardie Whiteley Robert George Male O'Brien Jessie Naomi Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800013 East Coolgardie O'Brien Jessie Naomi Female Whiteley Robert George Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800014 East Coolgardie Stone Herbert Charles Male Martin Amelia Rosetta Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800014 East Coolgardie Martin Amelia Rosetta Female Stone Herbert Charles Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800015 East Coolgardie Clapp Gwenyth Margaret Female Coalwell Purcel Harding Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800015 East Coolgardie Coalwell Purcel Harding Male Clapp Gwenyth Margaret Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800016 East Coolgardie Tasker Ernest Male Marston Muriel Alice Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800016 East Coolgardie Marston Muriel Alice Female Tasker Ernest Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800017 East Coolgardie Andrews Florence Queen Female Drew Eric Sydney Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800017 East Coolgardie Drew Eric Sydney Male Andrews Florence Queen Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800018 East Coolgardie Waddell Archibald John Male Keogh Margaret Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800018 East Coolgardie Keogh Margaret Female Waddell Archibald John Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800019 East Coolgardie Neilson Dorothy Evelyn Female Skewes Mervyn Roy Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800019 East Coolgardie Skewes Mervyn Roy Male Neilson Dorothy Evelyn Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800020 East Coolgardie Cooper Jessie Frances Female Golding George Walker Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800020 East Coolgardie Golding George Walker Male Cooper Jessie Frances Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800021 East Coolgardie Radosevich Rose Anna Female Fry William Marcus Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800021 East Coolgardie Fry William Marcus Male Radosevich Rose Anna Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800022 East Coolgardie Brimblecombe Edward John Male Bates Evelyn Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800022 East Coolgardie Bates Evelyn Female Brimblecombe Edward John Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800023 East Coolgardie Broadhurst Amelia Edith Female Brooks William Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800023 East Coolgardie Brooks William Edward Male Broadhurst Amelia Edith Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800024 East Coolgardie Sarich Mary Elizebeth Female Bonser Ivan Leslie Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800024 East Coolgardie Bonser Ivan Leslie Male Sarich Mary Elizebeth Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800025 East Coolgardie Papasergio Francesco Male Urch Gwendoline May Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800025 East Coolgardie Urch Gwendoline May Female Papasergio Francesco Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800026 East Coolgardie Kestle Iris Lorraine Female Gaylor Leonard John William Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800026 East Coolgardie Gaylor Leonard John William Male Kestle Iris Lorraine Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800027 East Coolgardie North Samuel James Male Cockburn Millicent Ruby Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800027 East Coolgardie Cockburn Millicent Ruby Female North Samuel James Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800028 East Coolgardie Regan Francis John Male Coleman Valerie Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800028 East Coolgardie Coleman Valerie Female Regan Francis John Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800029 East Coolgardie Scott Andrew Dalmain Male Cadd Eva Freda Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800029 East Coolgardie Cadd Eva Freda Female Scott Andrew Dalmain Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800030 East Coolgardie Harris Dorothea Gwendoline Female Austin Sydney Drury Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800030 East Coolgardie Austin Sydney Drury Male Harris Dorothea Gwendoline Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800031 East Coolgardie Hughes Dorothy Evelyn Female Gurney John Sylvester Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800031 East Coolgardie Gurney John Sylvester Male Hughes Dorothy Evelyn Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800032 East Coolgardie Fraser Daniel Male Hinchliffe Roma Marcella Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800032 East Coolgardie Hinchliffe Roma Marcella Female Fraser Daniel Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800033 East Coolgardie Cowley Agnes Female Bruce Joseph Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800033 East Coolgardie Bruce Joseph Henry Male Cowley Agnes Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800034 East Coolgardie Chisholm Ronald Alexander Male Mizen Eva May Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800034 East Coolgardie Mizen Eva May Female Chisholm Ronald Alexander Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800036 East Coolgardie Russell Bernard John James Male Harlond Irene Margaret Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800036 East Coolgardie Harlond Irene Margaret Female Russell Bernard John James Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800037 East Coolgardie Bailey Merle Jean Female Moore Robert Ralph Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800037 East Coolgardie Moore Robert Ralph Male Bailey Merle Jean Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800038 East Coolgardie Knight Edna Female Fissioli Walter Dominico Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800038 East Coolgardie Fissioli Walter Dominico Male Knight Edna Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800039 East Coolgardie Harn Phyllis Antionette Female Hall Richard John Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800039 East Coolgardie Hall Richard John Male Harn Phyllis Antionette Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800040 East Coolgardie Thomas Maisie Lavinia Hazel Female Cavanagh Michael John Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800040 East Coolgardie Cavanagh Michael John Male Thomas Maisie Lavinia Hazel Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800041 East Coolgardie Charlton Alfred Richard Male Cruickshank Emma May Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800041 East Coolgardie Cruickshank Emma May Female Charlton Alfred Richard Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800042 East Coolgardie Mosconi Velia Mary Female Brown Charles Arthur Oliver Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800042 East Coolgardie Brown Charles Arthur Oliver Male Mosconi Velia Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800043 East Coolgardie Gore Elsie Theresa Female Roberts Peter Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800043 East Coolgardie Roberts Peter Male Gore Elsie Theresa Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800044 East Coolgardie Solly Clare Female Campbell Douglas John Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800044 East Coolgardie Campbell Douglas John Male Solly Clare Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800045 East Coolgardie Ronald Harold Davidson Male McIvor Kathleen Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800045 East Coolgardie McIvor Kathleen Female Ronald Harold Davidson Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800046 East Coolgardie Jollands Edward Male North Evelyn May Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800046 East Coolgardie North Evelyn May Female Jollands Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800047 East Coolgardie Coate Stella Grace Female Hall John Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800047 East Coolgardie Hall John Male Coate Stella Grace Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800048 East Coolgardie Turner Rhona Female Southern William Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800048 East Coolgardie Southern William Male Turner Rhona Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800049 East Coolgardie Brazier Edward Colin Male Cullen Eileen Hope Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800049 East Coolgardie Cullen Eileen Hope Female Brazier Edward Colin Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800050 East Coolgardie Conway Greta Irene Female Vlasic Yerko Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800050 East Coolgardie Vlasic Yerko Male Conway Greta Irene Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800051 East Coolgardie Nettle Marjorie Katherine Female Stratton Thomas George Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800051 East Coolgardie Stratton Thomas George Male Nettle Marjorie Katherine Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800052 East Coolgardie Giblett Ethel Grace Female Friessbourg William Frederick Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800052 East Coolgardie Friessbourg William Frederick Male Giblett Ethel Grace Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800053 East Coolgardie Reid James Francis Male Virgo Lorna Margaret Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800053 East Coolgardie Virgo Lorna Margaret Female Reid James Francis Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800054 East Coolgardie Wills Ernest William Male Rose Lesley Joan Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800054 East Coolgardie Rose Lesley Joan Female Wills Ernest William Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800055 East Coolgardie Fletcher Sydney Frank Male Williams Dorothy Gwenyth Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800055 East Coolgardie Williams Dorothy Gwenyth Female Fletcher Sydney Frank Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800056 East Coolgardie Kingsbury Dorothy Alice Eunice Female Higgs Clyde Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800056 East Coolgardie Higgs Clyde Male Kingsbury Dorothy Alice Eunice Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800057 East Coolgardie Dirk Patrick John Male Pollard Aileen Eva Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800057 East Coolgardie Pollard Aileen Eva Female Dirk Patrick John Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800058 East Coolgardie Mazza Francis Claude Male Carter Annie Florence Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800058 East Coolgardie Carter Annie Florence Female Mazza Francis Claude Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800059 East Coolgardie Richards Doris Jean Female Havelberg Kenneth Douglas Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800059 East Coolgardie Havelberg Kenneth Douglas Male Richards Doris Jean Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800060 East Coolgardie Forrest Kenneth George Male Radisich Madeline Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800060 East Coolgardie Radisich Madeline Female Forrest Kenneth George Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800061 East Coolgardie Petersen Albert Richard Male Williams Joan Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800061 East Coolgardie Williams Joan Female Petersen Albert Richard Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800062 East Coolgardie Boardley Joseph Albert Male Williams Doris Selina Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800062 East Coolgardie Williams Doris Selina Female Boardley Joseph Albert Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800063 East Coolgardie Forkin Hilda Florence Female Woodforde Edwarde Roy Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800063 East Coolgardie Woodforde Edwarde Roy Male Forkin Hilda Florence Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800064 East Coolgardie Bamess Alder Marie Female Hegarty Gerald Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800064 East Coolgardie Hegarty Gerald Male Bamess Alder Marie Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800065 East Coolgardie Anderson Norah Blanche Female Martin Keith Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800065 East Coolgardie Martin Keith Male Anderson Norah Blanche Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800066 East Coolgardie Goodwin Eva Female Saligari Robert Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800066 East Coolgardie Saligari Robert Male Goodwin Eva Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800067 East Coolgardie Richardson Ethel Maude Female Coe Ronald Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800067 East Coolgardie Coe Ronald Male Richardson Ethel Maude Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800068 East Coolgardie Martin Silvey Berril Female Wallace Martin Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800068 East Coolgardie Wallace Martin Male Martin Silvey Berril Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800069 East Coolgardie Fitzgerald Richard John Male Hall Alice Joan Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800069 East Coolgardie Hall Alice Joan Female Fitzgerald Richard John Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800070 East Coolgardie Francis Margaret Powlett Female George Ronald Neil Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800070 East Coolgardie George Ronald Neil Male Francis Margaret Powlett Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800071 East Coolgardie Clarke Albert Rosier Male Wynne Harriet Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800071 East Coolgardie Wynne Harriet Female Clarke Albert Rosier Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800072 East Coolgardie Lynch Owenie Marjorie Jessie Female Elsbury Cyril Robert Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800072 East Coolgardie Elsbury Cyril Robert Male Lynch Owenie Marjorie Jessie Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800073 East Coolgardie Hilzinger Mildred Margaret Female Thomas William Stewart Elwyn Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800073 East Coolgardie Thomas William Stewart Elwyn Male Hilzinger Mildred Margaret Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800074 East Coolgardie Harcourt Rhoda Sabina Cumberland Female Humphrys Stephen Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800074 East Coolgardie Humphrys Stephen Henry Male Harcourt Rhoda Sabina Cumberland Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800075 East Coolgardie Dando Stanley James Male Cross Florence Ethel Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800075 East Coolgardie Cross Florence Ethel Female Dando Stanley James Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800076 East Coolgardie Scattini James Henry Joseph Male Henderson Elsie Jean Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800076 East Coolgardie Henderson Elsie Jean Female Scattini James Henry Joseph Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800077 East Coolgardie Woods Jean Gertrude Female Laffin Rupert Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800077 East Coolgardie Laffin Rupert Male Woods Jean Gertrude Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800078 East Coolgardie Woledge Thurza Hellen Rubina Elizabeth Female Doyle Reginald Herbert Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800078 East Coolgardie Doyle Reginald Herbert Male Woledge Thurza Hellen Rubina Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800079 East Coolgardie Benford Jean Helena Female Coxon Leonard Darcy Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800079 East Coolgardie Coxon Leonard Darcy Male Benford Jean Helena Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800080 East Coolgardie Elms Enid Alice Bath Female Brandle Benjamin Josiah Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800080 East Coolgardie Brandle Benjamin Josiah Male Elms Enid Alice Bath Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800081 East Coolgardie Mann George Edward Male White Joan Hilda Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800081 East Coolgardie White Joan Hilda Female Mann George Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800082 East Coolgardie Haddow William Beresford Male Jennings Eileen May Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800082 East Coolgardie Jennings Eileen May Female Haddow William Beresford Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800083 East Coolgardie Isard Doris Winifred Female Felton Francis James Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800083 East Coolgardie Felton Francis James Male Isard Doris Winifred Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800084 East Coolgardie Smiles Frederick William Male Earnshaw Jean Faith Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800084 East Coolgardie Earnshaw Jean Faith Female Smiles Frederick William Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800085 East Coolgardie Hall Claire Ellan Female Brandle James Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800085 East Coolgardie Brandle James Male Hall Claire Ellan Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800086 East Coolgardie Hanrahan Hilary Frederick Male Virgo Doris Eileen Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800086 East Coolgardie Virgo Doris Eileen Female Hanrahan Hilary Frederick Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800087 East Coolgardie Clark Colin McKenzie Male Tait Edna Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800087 East Coolgardie Tait Edna Female Clark Colin McKenzie Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800088 East Coolgardie McPherson Isobelle Kate Female Yaldwyn Reginald Alfred Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800088 East Coolgardie Yaldwyn Reginald Alfred Male McPherson Isobelle Kate Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800089 East Coolgardie Davey Nancy May Female Jennings Bernard Alfred Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800089 East Coolgardie Jennings Bernard Alfred Male Davey Nancy May Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800090 East Coolgardie Saunders Margaret Alice Female Royce Richard Gladstone Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800090 East Coolgardie Royce Richard Gladstone Male Saunders Margaret Alice Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800091 East Coolgardie Bacich Milan Male Maras Helen Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800091 East Coolgardie Maras Helen Mary Female Bacich Milan Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800092 East Coolgardie Hayes Keith Cragg Male Stevenson Catherine Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800092 East Coolgardie Stevenson Catherine Female Hayes Keith Cragg Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800093 East Coolgardie Grigson Arthur Edward Male Pritchard Fay Francis Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800093 East Coolgardie Pritchard Fay Francis Female Grigson Arthur Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800094 East Coolgardie Fiumara Giuseppina Female Favaro Ernesto Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800094 East Coolgardie Favaro Ernesto Male Fiumara Giuseppina Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800095 East Coolgardie Boyd Alitia Butler Female Tinetti John Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800095 East Coolgardie Tinetti John Henry Male Boyd Alitia Butler Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800096 East Coolgardie Roberts Merva Millicent Female McMorrow Raymond John Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800096 East Coolgardie McMorrow Raymond John Male Roberts Merva Millicent Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800097 East Coolgardie Duke John Charles Male Lunnon Vera Olive Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800097 East Coolgardie Lunnon Vera Olive Female Duke John Charles Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800098 East Coolgardie Normington Ethel Maud Female Purkiss Charles William Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800098 East Coolgardie Purkiss Charles William Male Normington Ethel Maud Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800099 East Coolgardie Farrell Stanley Longhurst Male Steere Alice Ruth Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800099 East Coolgardie Steere Alice Ruth Female Farrell Stanley Longhurst Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800100 East Coolgardie Horn Harold Louis Male McNally Lillian Agnes Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800100 East Coolgardie McNally Lillian Agnes Female Horn Harold Louis Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800101 East Coolgardie Hazelwood Thomas William Male Wilkin Peggy Rosemary Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800101 East Coolgardie Wilkin Peggy Rosemary Female Hazelwood Thomas William Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800102 East Coolgardie Evans June Catherine Female Scott William Keith Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800102 East Coolgardie Scott William Keith Male Evans June Catherine Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800103 East Coolgardie Campbell Geoffrey Francis Male Bainbridge Gertrude Grace Margaret Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800103 East Coolgardie Bainbridge Gertrude Grace Margaret Female Campbell Geoffrey Francis Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800104 East Coolgardie Rankine John Beddome Male Morris Joan Catherine Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800104 East Coolgardie Morris Joan Catherine Female Rankine John Beddome Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800105 East Coolgardie Miles George Male Waddingham Phyllis May Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800105 East Coolgardie Waddingham Phyllis May Female Miles George Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800106 East Coolgardie McDonald George Athol Male Evans Agnes Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800106 East Coolgardie Evans Agnes Elizabeth Female McDonald George Athol Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800107 East Coolgardie Divitini Giovanni Male Gindicatti Fiolinda Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800107 East Coolgardie Gindicatti Fiolinda Female Divitini Giovanni Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800108 East Coolgardie Hair Kenneth Robert Male Sloan Elsie Gwendoline Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800108 East Coolgardie Sloan Elsie Gwendoline Female Hair Kenneth Robert Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800109 East Coolgardie Taylor Dorothy Ellen Female Gundry Harry Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800109 East Coolgardie Gundry Harry Male Taylor Dorothy Ellen Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800110 East Coolgardie Gouge Dorothy Gladys Female Polkinghorne Lionel James Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800110 East Coolgardie Polkinghorne Lionel James Male Gouge Dorothy Gladys Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800111 East Coolgardie Chetkovich Nicholas Male Radanovich Ann Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800111 East Coolgardie Radanovich Ann Female Chetkovich Nicholas Male Kalgoorlie
1943/2400001 Dundas Grover Lionel Joseph Male Kerber Clara Eleonore Female Norseman
1943/2400001 Dundas Kerber Clara Eleonore Female Grover Lionel Joseph Male Norseman
1943/2400002 Dundas Coleman Audrey Lorraine Female Moon Harold William Male Norseman
1943/2400002 Dundas Moon Harold William Male Coleman Audrey Lorraine Female Norseman
1943/2400003 Dundas Reid Davied Lesley Male Durrans Irene May Female Norseman
1943/2400003 Dundas Durrans Irene May Female Reid Davied Lesley Male Norseman
1943/2400004 Dundas Marsh Tommy Nunbarrin Male Graham Lulu Fino Female Norseman
1943/2400004 Dundas Graham Lulu Fino Female Marsh Tommy Nunbarrin Male Norseman
1943/2400005 Dundas Pugsley Nancy Robena Female Mayberry Joseph Francis Male Norseman
1943/2400005 Dundas Mayberry Joseph Francis Male Pugsley Nancy Robena Female Norseman
1943/2400006 Dundas Ryan Patrick Male Harslett Evelyn May Female Norseman
1943/2400006 Dundas Harslett Evelyn May Female Ryan Patrick Male Norseman
1943/2400007 Dundas Kempton Joan Female Trembath Richard Frank Male Norseman
1943/2400007 Dundas Trembath Richard Frank Male Kempton Joan Female Norseman
1943/2400008 Dundas Kennedy David James Male Rose Myrtle Jean Female Norseman
1943/2400008 Dundas Rose Myrtle Jean Female Kennedy David James Male Norseman
1943/2400009 Dundas Burnside Mary Female Rowley George Male Norseman
1943/2400009 Dundas Rowley George Male Burnside Mary Female Norseman
1943/2400010 Dundas Renton Maria Grace Female Davies David Male Norseman
1943/2400010 Dundas Davies David Male Renton Maria Grace Female Norseman
1943/2500001 Esperance Brenton Samuel Male Sassella Gloria Hilda Female Esperance
1943/2500001 Esperance Sassella Gloria Hilda Female Brenton Samuel Male Esperance
1943/2500002 Esperance Thomas Evelyn Olive Female Paterson William Steel Male Esperance
1943/2500002 Esperance Paterson William Steel Male Thomas Evelyn Olive Female Esperance
1943/2500003 Esperance Reeves Warren Male Gurney Patience Elvie Female Esperance
1943/2500003 Esperance Gurney Patience Elvie Female Reeves Warren Male Esperance
1943/2500004 Esperance Cottrell Robert William Male Payne Joan Marjorie Female Esperance
1943/2500004 Esperance Payne Joan Marjorie Female Cottrell Robert William Male Esperance
1943/2700001 Fremantle Farley Robert John Male Fontaine Fernande Catherine Female Fremantle
1943/2700001 Fremantle Fontaine Fernande Catherine Female Farley Robert John Male Fremantle
1943/2700002 Fremantle Paterson Janet Watt Female Bowell Ronald George Walter Male Fremantle
1943/2700002 Fremantle Bowell Ronald George Walter Male Paterson Janet Watt Female Fremantle
1943/2700004 Fremantle Hickey Gladys Doreen Female Casserly John Thomas Male Fremantle
1943/2700004 Fremantle Casserly John Thomas Male Hickey Gladys Doreen Female Fremantle
1943/2700006 Fremantle Moore Frederick John Male Blyth Joyce Female West Australia
1943/2700006 Fremantle Blyth Joyce Female Moore Frederick John Male West Australia
1943/2700007 Fremantle Henderson Ronald Alan Male Maule Ruth Female West Australia
1943/2700007 Fremantle Maule Ruth Female Henderson Ronald Alan Male West Australia
1943/2700008 Fremantle Spurr Jessie Evelyn Female Yeo Charles Francis Male West Australia
1943/2700008 Fremantle Yeo Charles Francis Male Spurr Jessie Evelyn Female West Australia
1943/2700009 Fremantle Beilken Dorothy May Female Moyle Francis John Male Fremantle
1943/2700009 Fremantle Moyle Francis John Male Beilken Dorothy May Female Fremantle
1944/2700009 Fremantle Daly Mary Harriett Female Bickley Wallace Alan Male Fremantle
1944/2700009 Fremantle Bickley Wallace Alan Male Daly Mary Harriett Female Fremantle
1943/2700010 Fremantle Crellin June Emery Female Love Roy Clifford Male Fremantle
1943/2700010 Fremantle Love Roy Clifford Male Crellin June Emery Female Fremantle
1943/2700011 Fremantle Giles William Fredrick Henry Male Fawcett Irene May Female Fremantle
1943/2700011 Fremantle Fawcett Irene May Female Giles William Fredrick Henry Male Fremantle
1943/2700012 Fremantle Norris Ruth Hetty Female Weaver Alfred George Male East Fremantle
1943/2700012 Fremantle Weaver Alfred George Male Norris Ruth Hetty Female East Fremantle
1943/2700013 Fremantle Mitchell Gwen Female Waters Leonard William Male Fremantle
1943/2700013 Fremantle Waters Leonard William Male Mitchell Gwen Female Fremantle
1943/2700014 Fremantle Martin Henrietta Ivy Female Shepherd William Kennard Male Fremantle
1943/2700014 Fremantle Shepherd William Kennard Male Martin Henrietta Ivy Female Fremantle
1943/2700015 Fremantle Smith Emily Gertrude Frances Female Collis Kenneth Foch Male Fremantle
1943/2700015 Fremantle Collis Kenneth Foch Male Smith Emily Gertrude Frances Female Fremantle
1943/2700016 Fremantle Anderson Rowland Ralph Male Courthope Claudia Enid Female Fremantle
1943/2700016 Fremantle Courthope Claudia Enid Female Anderson Rowland Ralph Male Fremantle
1943/2700017 Fremantle Harrison Mary Gladys Female Groves Thomas Frederick Male Fremantle
1943/2700017 Fremantle Groves Thomas Frederick Male Harrison Mary Gladys Female Fremantle
1943/2700018 Fremantle Wilkins Lorraine Mary Female Pellegrini John Leslie Male Fremantle
1943/2700018 Fremantle Pellegrini John Leslie Male Wilkins Lorraine Mary Female Fremantle
1943/2700019 Fremantle Conway Patrick James Male Adams Jean Lydia Female Fremantle
1943/2700019 Fremantle Adams Jean Lydia Female Conway Patrick James Male Fremantle
1943/2700020 Fremantle Carbon Arthur Edward Arnold Male Harrison Violet May Female Fremantle
1943/2700020 Fremantle Harrison Violet May Female Carbon Arthur Edward Arnold Male Fremantle
1943/2700021 Fremantle Johnston Arnold Thomas Male Forrest Jessie Harriett Female Fremantle
1943/2700021 Fremantle Forrest Jessie Harriett Female Johnston Arnold Thomas Male Fremantle
1943/2700022 Fremantle Stevens Laurie Male Tolmie Estelle Marguerite Female Fremantle
1943/2700022 Fremantle Tolmie Estelle Marguerite Female Stevens Laurie Male Fremantle
1943/2700023 Fremantle Crake Lorraine Beatrice Female Spencer Frederick Ronald Male Fremantle
1943/2700023 Fremantle Spencer Frederick Ronald Male Crake Lorraine Beatrice Female Fremantle
1943/2700024 Fremantle Nelson Edward Male Waring Polly Female West Australia
1943/2700024 Fremantle Waring Polly Female Nelson Edward Male West Australia
1943/2700025 Fremantle Eckett Florence Hilda Female Brown Stanley Male Fremantle
1943/2700025 Fremantle Brown Stanley Male Eckett Florence Hilda Female Fremantle
1943/2700026 Fremantle Sanderson Helen Betsy Female Treloar James Male Fremantle
1943/2700026 Fremantle Treloar James Male Sanderson Helen Betsy Female Fremantle
1943/2700027 Fremantle Panton Joan Female Leivers Fred Male Fremantle
1943/2700027 Fremantle Leivers Fred Male Panton Joan Female Fremantle
1943/2700028 Fremantle Smith Florence Ethel Female Kennedy Albert Richard Male Fremantle
1943/2700028 Fremantle Kennedy Albert Richard Male Smith Florence Ethel Female Fremantle
1943/2700029 Fremantle Walker John Allen Jenkinson Male Dunn Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1943/2700029 Fremantle Dunn Elizabeth Female Walker John Allen Jenkinson Male Fremantle
1943/2700030 Fremantle Reeves Norma Grace Female Spencer Ronald Edward Male Fremantle
1943/2700030 Fremantle Spencer Ronald Edward Male Reeves Norma Grace Female Fremantle
1943/2700031 Fremantle Bruce Cecil Leonard Male Burton Elsie Irene Ada Female Fremantle
1943/2700031 Fremantle Burton Elsie Irene Ada Female Bruce Cecil Leonard Male Fremantle
1943/2700032 Fremantle Ashe Muriel Jean Female Godden Frank Robert Male Fremantle
1943/2700032 Fremantle Godden Frank Robert Male Ashe Muriel Jean Female Fremantle
1943/2700033 Fremantle Wilson John Bevan Male Rawlinson Ethel Annie Female Beaconsfield
1943/2700033 Fremantle Rawlinson Ethel Annie Female Wilson John Bevan Male Beaconsfield
1943/2700034 Fremantle Thompson Ellen May Female Rasmussen Victor Roy Male Fremantle
1943/2700034 Fremantle Rasmussen Victor Roy Male Thompson Ellen May Female Fremantle
1943/2700035 Fremantle Truscott William Sydney Male Delfs Dorothy Alesandria Female Fremantle
1943/2700035 Fremantle Delfs Dorothy Alesandria Female Truscott William Sydney Male Fremantle
1943/2700036 Fremantle Rush Frederick Elmer Male Teets Cicelia Marie Female Fremantle
1943/2700036 Fremantle Teets Cicelia Marie Female Rush Frederick Elmer Male Fremantle
1943/2700037 Fremantle Eggleston Alice Joyce Female Dale Albert Desmond Male Fremantle
1943/2700037 Fremantle Dale Albert Desmond Male Eggleston Alice Joyce Female Fremantle
1943/2700038 Fremantle Robb Annabella Jean Female Watt William Thomas Male Fremantle
1943/2700038 Fremantle Watt William Thomas Male Robb Annabella Jean Female Fremantle
1943/2700039 Fremantle Waldock Brenda Ena Female Fitzpatrick Robert John Pearce Male Fremantle
1943/2700039 Fremantle Fitzpatrick Robert John Pearce Male Waldock Brenda Ena Female Fremantle
1943/2700040 Fremantle Knox John Male Tupper Alice Female West Australia
1943/2700040 Fremantle Tupper Alice Female Knox John Male West Australia
1943/2700041 Fremantle Bridger Atholie Ivy Olive Female Shenfield Alfred Leslie Male West Australia
1943/2700041 Fremantle Shenfield Alfred Leslie Male Bridger Atholie Ivy Olive Female West Australia
1943/2700042 Fremantle Wood Flora Beatrice Female Dale Charles Henry Male Fremantle
1943/2700042 Fremantle Dale Charles Henry Male Wood Flora Beatrice Female Fremantle
1943/2700043 Fremantle Quigley John Male Brown Elsie May Female Fremantle
1943/2700043 Fremantle Brown Elsie May Female Quigley John Male Fremantle
1943/2700044 Fremantle Beisley Frank Male Boardman Doreen May Female Fremantle
1943/2700044 Fremantle Boardman Doreen May Female Beisley Frank Male Fremantle
1943/2700045 Fremantle Rennie Patricia Elma Alice Female Bernhard Eric Hastings Male Fremantle
1943/2700045 Fremantle Bernhard Eric Hastings Male Rennie Patricia Elma Alice Female Fremantle
1943/2700046 Fremantle Cole Ernest Stanley Male Wood Eileen Vera Female Fremantle
1943/2700046 Fremantle Wood Eileen Vera Female Cole Ernest Stanley Male Fremantle
1943/2700047 Fremantle Cole Martha Female Priest Vernon Stancliffe Male Fremantle
1943/2700047 Fremantle Priest Vernon Stancliffe Male Cole Martha Female Fremantle
1943/2700048 Fremantle McManus Bernard John Male Miller Johanna Margaret Female Palmyra
1943/2700048 Fremantle Miller Johanna Margaret Female McManus Bernard John Male Palmyra
1943/2700049 Fremantle Macgregor Donald Male Johansen Olga Female Fremantle
1943/2700049 Fremantle Johansen Olga Female Macgregor Donald Male Fremantle
1943/2700050 Fremantle Solomon Moss Samuel Male Baker Evelyne June Female Fremantle
1943/2700050 Fremantle Baker Evelyne June Female Solomon Moss Samuel Male Fremantle
1943/2700051 Fremantle Braidwood Elsie Female Knock Leslie John Male Fremantle
1943/2700051 Fremantle Knock Leslie John Male Braidwood Elsie Female Fremantle
1943/2700052 Fremantle Withnell (Jnr) Herbert George Male Miller Barbara Joy Female Fremantle
1943/2700052 Fremantle Miller Barbara Joy Female Withnell (Jnr) Herbert George Male Fremantle
1943/2700053 Fremantle McGlade Mary Agnes Female Corbett Francis Joseph Male Fremantle
1943/2700053 Fremantle Corbett Francis Joseph Male McGlade Mary Agnes Female Fremantle
1943/2700054 Fremantle Gifford Alfred Henry Male Lundy Jean Gwendolyn Female Fremantle
1943/2700054 Fremantle Lundy Jean Gwendolyn Female Gifford Alfred Henry Male Fremantle
1943/2700055 Fremantle Evans Lesley Margaret Female Waters Frederick Albert Male West Australia
1943/2700055 Fremantle Waters Frederick Albert Male Evans Lesley Margaret Female West Australia
1943/2700056 Fremantle Gill Florence Rosina Female Earle Clarence Wentworth Male Fremantle
1943/2700056 Fremantle Earle Clarence Wentworth Male Gill Florence Rosina Female Fremantle
1943/2700057 Fremantle Keegan Ralph Melville Male Brice Eileen Elizabeth Female East Fremantle
1943/2700057 Fremantle Brice Eileen Elizabeth Female Keegan Ralph Melville Male East Fremantle
1943/2700058 Fremantle Mountain Amy Laurel Female Williams William Henry Male Fremantle
1943/2700058 Fremantle Williams William Henry Male Mountain Amy Laurel Female Fremantle
1943/2700059 Fremantle Kay Ian Wallace Male Johnson Natalie Jane Female Fremantle
1943/2700059 Fremantle Johnson Natalie Jane Female Kay Ian Wallace Male Fremantle
1943/2700060 Fremantle Barrett Eileen Ivamey O'Connor Female Myers Arthur William Male Fremantle
1943/2700060 Fremantle Myers Arthur William Male Barrett Eileen Ivamey O'Connor Female Fremantle
1943/2700061 Fremantle Manea John Male McDermott Ellen Theresa Female North Fremantle
1943/2700061 Fremantle McDermott Ellen Theresa Female Manea John Male North Fremantle
1943/2700062 Fremantle Samuelson Herbert Graham Male Dorey May Dorothy Female Fremantle
1943/2700062 Fremantle Dorey May Dorothy Female Samuelson Herbert Graham Male Fremantle
1943/2700063 Fremantle Shaw Veronica May Female Tranthem Victor William Richard Male Fremantle
1943/2700063 Fremantle Tranthem Victor William Richard Male Shaw Veronica May Female Fremantle
1943/2700064 Fremantle Kernaghan Robert Harold Andrew Male Griffiths Mabel Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1943/2700064 Fremantle Griffiths Mabel Elizabeth Female Kernaghan Robert Harold Andrew Male Fremantle
1943/2700065 Fremantle de Vries Lavinia Caroline Female Knight Donald Stuart Male Fremantle
1943/2700065 Fremantle Knight Donald Stuart Male de Vries Lavinia Caroline Female Fremantle
1943/2700066 Fremantle Chessher Kathleen Elizabeth Female Nix William Francis Male Fremantle
1943/2700066 Fremantle Nix William Francis Male Chessher Kathleen Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1943/2700067 Fremantle Smith Mathew Male Cunnold Dorothy Hazel Female Fremantle
1943/2700067 Fremantle Cunnold Dorothy Hazel Female Smith Mathew Male Fremantle
1943/2700068 Fremantle Melvin Hugh Bill Male Monkhouse Fay Female Rockingham
1943/2700068 Fremantle Monkhouse Fay Female Melvin Hugh Bill Male Rockingham
1943/2700069 Fremantle Goodvinn Hazel Jean Female Bahrs Stanley William Male Fremantle
1943/2700069 Fremantle Bahrs Stanley William Male Goodvinn Hazel Jean Female Fremantle
1943/2700070 Fremantle Hutchins Frank Alfred Male Cameron Mary Female Fremantle
1943/2700070 Fremantle Cameron Mary Female Hutchins Frank Alfred Male Fremantle
1943/2700071 Fremantle Messenger Ronald Milton Male Nelson Hazel Joy Female West Australia
1943/2700071 Fremantle Nelson Hazel Joy Female Messenger Ronald Milton Male West Australia
1943/2700072 Fremantle Turner Marjorie Jean Female McPharlin Clifford Hilton Male Fremantle
1943/2700072 Fremantle McPharlin Clifford Hilton Male Turner Marjorie Jean Female Fremantle
1943/2700073 Fremantle Barrett Laurence George Edward Male Giles Betty Edith Winifred Female Fremantle
1943/2700073 Fremantle Giles Betty Edith Winifred Female Barrett Laurence George Edward Male Fremantle
1943/2700074 Fremantle Anderson Coral Cecilia Female Kjellgren Cyril Norman Male Fremantle
1943/2700074 Fremantle Kjellgren Cyril Norman Male Anderson Coral Cecilia Female Fremantle
1943/2700075 Fremantle Bussell Julius William Harold Male Carrick Heather Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1943/2700075 Fremantle Carrick Heather Elizabeth Female Bussell Julius William Harold Male Fremantle
1943/2700076 Fremantle McLeod Jessie Henderson McDonald Female Epps William Thomas Male Fremantle
1943/2700076 Fremantle Epps William Thomas Male McLeod Jessie Henderson McDonald Female Fremantle
1943/2700077 Fremantle Moorhouse Dacier Annie Female Laurenson Bruce Male Fremantle
1943/2700077 Fremantle Laurenson Bruce Male Moorhouse Dacier Annie Female Fremantle
1943/2700078 Fremantle Oborne Norman Kimberley Male Gambie Joan Miriam Female Palmyra
1943/2700078 Fremantle Gambie Joan Miriam Female Oborne Norman Kimberley Male Palmyra
1943/2700079 Fremantle André George Wilfred Male Adams Edith Amy Wootton Female Fremantle
1943/2700079 Fremantle Adams Edith Amy Wootton Female André George Wilfred Male Fremantle
1943/2700080 Fremantle Dyer Lois Joyce Female Nicol James Harold Bonella Male Fremantle
1943/2700080 Fremantle Nicol James Harold Bonella Male Dyer Lois Joyce Female Fremantle
1943/2700081 Fremantle Smith Betty Ethel Female Marks William Henry Male Fremantle
1943/2700081 Fremantle Marks William Henry Male Smith Betty Ethel Female Fremantle
1943/2700082 Fremantle Chapman Jean Carmel Female Ryan John Sutherland Male North Fremantle
1943/2700082 Fremantle Ryan John Sutherland Male Chapman Jean Carmel Female North Fremantle
1943/2700083 Fremantle Berry George William Male Straughair Dorothy Isabel Female Beaconsfield
1943/2700083 Fremantle Straughair Dorothy Isabel Female Berry George William Male Beaconsfield
1943/2700084 Fremantle Daly Frances Female Browne James Male Fremantle
1943/2700084 Fremantle Browne James Male Daly Frances Female Fremantle
1943/2700085 Fremantle Richardson Harry Male West Phyllis Myrtle Female West Australia
1943/2700085 Fremantle West Phyllis Myrtle Female Richardson Harry Male West Australia
1943/2700086 Fremantle Winfield Dorothy Jean Female Jenkin Alfred James Male West Australia
1943/2700086 Fremantle Jenkin Alfred James Male Winfield Dorothy Jean Female West Australia
1943/2700087 Fremantle Rigg Herbert Charles Male Langlands Clara Female Fremantle
1943/2700087 Fremantle Langlands Clara Female Rigg Herbert Charles Male Fremantle
1943/2700088 Fremantle Allen Phyllis Marion Female Higgins Gordon Charles Male Fremantle
1943/2700088 Fremantle Higgins Gordon Charles Male Allen Phyllis Marion Female Fremantle
1943/2700089 Fremantle McCarthy Kathleen Matilda Female Porter Ernest Alfred Male Fremantle
1943/2700089 Fremantle Porter Ernest Alfred Male McCarthy Kathleen Matilda Female Fremantle
1943/2700090 Fremantle Davey Iris May Female Lunn-Garner Eric Clifford Male Fremantle
1943/2700090 Fremantle Lunn-Garner Eric Clifford Male Davey Iris May Female Fremantle
1943/2700091 Fremantle Mason Stanley Richard Male Smith Winifred Ethel Female Fremantle
1943/2700091 Fremantle Smith Winifred Ethel Female Mason Stanley Richard Male Fremantle
1943/2700092 Fremantle Harris Thelma Elizabeth Female Bowe Andrew Fairgrieve Male Fremantle
1943/2700092 Fremantle Bowe Andrew Fairgrieve Male Harris Thelma Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1943/2700093 Fremantle Vinci Tony Male Bedwell Edna May Female Fremantle
1943/2700093 Fremantle Bedwell Edna May Female Vinci Tony Male Fremantle
1943/2700094 Fremantle Oxman Roy Male Mitchell Sarah Victoria Female Fremantle
1943/2700094 Fremantle Mitchell Sarah Victoria Female Oxman Roy Male Fremantle
1943/2700095 Fremantle Doran Irene May Female Walton Allan Male Fremantle
1943/2700095 Fremantle Walton Allan Male Doran Irene May Female Fremantle
1943/2700096 Fremantle Browne Francis Anthony Male Heath Cynthia Agatha Female Fremantle
1943/2700096 Fremantle Heath Cynthia Agatha Female Browne Francis Anthony Male Fremantle
1943/2700097 Fremantle Muir Elizabeth Mahood Female Boatwright Norman Leonard Male Fremantle
1943/2700097 Fremantle Boatwright Norman Leonard Male Muir Elizabeth Mahood Female Fremantle
1943/2700098 Fremantle Cameron Clive Kingston Male Clarke Betty Gwendoline Female Fremantle
1943/2700098 Fremantle Clarke Betty Gwendoline Female Cameron Clive Kingston Male Fremantle
1943/2700099 Fremantle Hopkins Charles William Male Bousfield Minnie Elizabeth Female East Fremantle
1943/2700099 Fremantle Bousfield Minnie Elizabeth Female Hopkins Charles William Male East Fremantle
1943/2700100 Fremantle Mitchell Eileen Joyce Female Strachan William Allan Male East Fremantle
1943/2700100 Fremantle Strachan William Allan Male Mitchell Eileen Joyce Female East Fremantle
1943/2700101 Fremantle Simpson Francis Albert Male Grieve Dorothy Hallet Female Fremantle
1943/2700101 Fremantle Grieve Dorothy Hallet Female Simpson Francis Albert Male Fremantle
1943/2700102 Fremantle Delahunt Rosa Lizzie Female Talus John Henrik Male Fremantle
1943/2700102 Fremantle Talus John Henrik Male Delahunt Rosa Lizzie Female Fremantle
1943/2700103 Fremantle White Eileen Lillian Daisy Female McNicol William Warwick Male East Fremantle
1943/2700103 Fremantle McNicol William Warwick Male White Eileen Lillian Daisy Female East Fremantle
1943/2700104 Fremantle Pearce Delina Madeline Female Copeland Keith Samuel Male Fremantle
1943/2700104 Fremantle Copeland Keith Samuel Male Pearce Delina Madeline Female Fremantle
1943/2700105 Fremantle Morris Mildred Maria Female Williams Ernest Montague Male Fremantle
1943/2700105 Fremantle Williams Ernest Montague Male Morris Mildred Maria Female Fremantle
1943/2700106 Fremantle Smith Leslie Male Atkinson Edna Female Fremantle
1943/2700106 Fremantle Atkinson Edna Female Smith Leslie Male Fremantle
1943/2700107 Fremantle Harris Rex Male Taylor Jean Female Fremantle
1943/2700107 Fremantle Taylor Jean Female Harris Rex Male Fremantle
1943/2700108 Fremantle Smith Malcolm Harold Male Holland Edith Violet Female Fremantle
1943/2700108 Fremantle Holland Edith Violet Female Smith Malcolm Harold Male Fremantle
1943/2700109 Fremantle Gardiner Wilfred Henry John Male Shadbolt Faith Elizabeth Rose Female Fremantle
1943/2700109 Fremantle Shadbolt Faith Elizabeth Rose Female Gardiner Wilfred Henry John Male Fremantle
1943/2700110 Fremantle Ingrilli Maria Female De Cinque Alberino Male Fremantle
1943/2700110 Fremantle De Cinque Alberino Male Ingrilli Maria Female Fremantle
1943/2700111 Fremantle Watts Margaret May Female Dunworth John Male Fremantle
1943/2700111 Fremantle Dunworth John Male Watts Margaret May Female Fremantle
1943/2700112 Fremantle Mackinnon Dolina Female Waldron Thomas John Male Fremantle
1943/2700112 Fremantle Waldron Thomas John Male Mackinnon Dolina Female Fremantle
1943/2700113 Fremantle Pearse Thomas Higham Male Harper Shirley Winifred Female Fremantle
1943/2700113 Fremantle Harper Shirley Winifred Female Pearse Thomas Higham Male Fremantle
1943/2700114 Fremantle Delaney Irene Mary Female Fossilo Albert Douglas Henry Male Fremantle
1943/2700114 Fremantle Fossilo Albert Douglas Henry Male Delaney Irene Mary Female Fremantle
1943/2700115 Fremantle Moon Lillian Mary Female Ovens John George Male Fremantle
1943/2700115 Fremantle Ovens John George Male Moon Lillian Mary Female Fremantle
1943/2700116 Fremantle Gibson David Thomas Male Lock Eveline Dede Female Fremantle
1943/2700116 Fremantle Lock Eveline Dede Female Gibson David Thomas Male Fremantle
1943/2700117 Fremantle Swan Thora Female Bralich Vincent Male Fremantle
1943/2700117 Fremantle Bralich Vincent Male Swan Thora Female Fremantle
1943/2700118 Fremantle Torrent Andrew Male Castle Diana Ruth Female Fremantle
1943/2700118 Fremantle Castle Diana Ruth Female Torrent Andrew Male Fremantle
1943/2700119 Fremantle Anderson William Norman Male Sparks Evelyn Female Fremantle
1943/2700119 Fremantle Sparks Evelyn Female Anderson William Norman Male Fremantle
1943/2700120 Fremantle Buchan Raymond John Male Gannon Dorothy Irene Female Beaconsfield
1943/2700120 Fremantle Gannon Dorothy Irene Female Buchan Raymond John Male Beaconsfield
1943/2700121 Fremantle Spence Madeline Dorinda Female White Joseph Thomas Male Fremantle
1943/2700121 Fremantle White Joseph Thomas Male Spence Madeline Dorinda Female Fremantle
1943/2700122 Fremantle Wagner Dorothy Gladys Female Gould Christopher Joseph Male Fremantle
1943/2700122 Fremantle Gould Christopher Joseph Male Wagner Dorothy Gladys Female Fremantle
1943/2700123 Fremantle Johnson Keith Allan Male Robins Joyce Viola Female East Fremantle
1943/2700123 Fremantle Robins Joyce Viola Female Johnson Keith Allan Male East Fremantle
1943/2700124 Fremantle Elliott Jean Female Gater John William Male Fremantle
1943/2700124 Fremantle Gater John William Male Elliott Jean Female Fremantle
1943/2700125 Fremantle Oxbrow Clive Guthrie Male Shadbolt Ruth Margaret Female Fremantle
1943/2700125 Fremantle Shadbolt Ruth Margaret Female Oxbrow Clive Guthrie Male Fremantle
1943/2700126 Fremantle Urquhart Christina Ann Female Boyce Henry Charles Male Fremantle
1943/2700126 Fremantle Boyce Henry Charles Male Urquhart Christina Ann Female Fremantle
1943/2700127 Fremantle Jones Louisa Female Strandly Sverre Johan Male Fremantle
1943/2700127 Fremantle Strandly Sverre Johan Male Jones Louisa Female Fremantle
1943/2700128 Fremantle Fortune Florence Ida Eliza Female Smith John Male Fremantle
1943/2700128 Fremantle Smith John Male Fortune Florence Ida Eliza Female Fremantle
1943/2700129 Fremantle Blanning Jocelyn Iris Female Speechly Ronald Alfred Male Fremantle
1943/2700129 Fremantle Speechly Ronald Alfred Male Blanning Jocelyn Iris Female Fremantle
1943/2700130 Fremantle Adanell Denis Male Nelson Olive Napier Female Fremantle
1943/2700130 Fremantle Nelson Olive Napier Female Adanell Denis Male Fremantle
1943/2700131 Fremantle Churches Mary Ann Charlotte Female Hankin Robert Hudson Male East Fremantle
1943/2700131 Fremantle Hankin Robert Hudson Male Churches Mary Ann Charlotte Female East Fremantle
1943/2700132 Fremantle Lawrie Mabel Jean Female Livings Arthur William Male Fremantle
1943/2700132 Fremantle Livings Arthur William Male Lawrie Mabel Jean Female Fremantle
1943/2700133 Fremantle Meek Laurie Norman Male Gay Alice Ruth Mary Female East Fremantle
1943/2700133 Fremantle Gay Alice Ruth Mary Female Meek Laurie Norman Male East Fremantle
1943/2700134 Fremantle Fowles Margaret Winifred Female Bond Leslie John Male Fremantle
1943/2700134 Fremantle Bond Leslie John Male Fowles Margaret Winifred Female Fremantle
1943/2700135 Fremantle Curedale Alfred William Edward Male Davey Olive Mary Female Fremantle
1943/2700135 Fremantle Davey Olive Mary Female Curedale Alfred William Edward Male Fremantle
1943/2700136 Fremantle Gabrielson Donald Percy Male Byrne Phyllis Joyce Female Fremantle
1943/2700136 Fremantle Byrne Phyllis Joyce Female Gabrielson Donald Percy Male Fremantle
1943/2700137 Fremantle Bowley Thomas Richard Male Dixon Dorothy June Female Fremantle
1943/2700137 Fremantle Dixon Dorothy June Female Bowley Thomas Richard Male Fremantle
1943/2700138 Fremantle Marsh Lillian Ainsworth Female Hill William Percy Male Fremantle
1943/2700138 Fremantle Hill William Percy Male Marsh Lillian Ainsworth Female Fremantle
1943/2700139 Fremantle Exley Alfred Lawrance Male Wauhop Mavis Jean Female West Aus
1943/2700139 Fremantle Wauhop Mavis Jean Female Exley Alfred Lawrance Male West Aus
1943/2700140 Fremantle Wilson Sidney Male Collins Esther Maud Female Fremantle
1943/2700140 Fremantle Collins Esther Maud Female Wilson Sidney Male Fremantle
1943/2700141 Fremantle Renton Ronald Maitland Male Spinold Anne Ellen Female Fremantle
1943/2700141 Fremantle Spinold Anne Ellen Female Renton Ronald Maitland Male Fremantle
1943/2700142 Fremantle Brown Irene Edna Female Lymn Norman Male West Australia
1943/2700142 Fremantle Lymn Norman Male Brown Irene Edna Female West Australia
1943/2700143 Fremantle Paino Helena Female Martino Vincent Male Fremantle
1943/2700143 Fremantle Martino Vincent Male Paino Helena Female Fremantle
1943/2700144 Fremantle Weir William Male Cook Jeanette Female Fremantle
1943/2700144 Fremantle Cook Jeanette Female Weir William Male Fremantle
1943/2700145 Fremantle Flindell Hubert Harry Male Bailey Marjory Ellen Female Beaconsfield
1943/2700145 Fremantle Bailey Marjory Ellen Female Flindell Hubert Harry Male Beaconsfield
1943/2700146 Fremantle Dickman Joy Eva Female Jose Ronald Alfred Male Fremantle
1943/2700146 Fremantle Jose Ronald Alfred Male Dickman Joy Eva Female Fremantle
1943/2700147 Fremantle Maddison Queenie Elizabeth Female Sharpen Robert John Male Fremantle
1943/2700147 Fremantle Sharpen Robert John Male Maddison Queenie Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1943/2700148 Fremantle Green Maureen Female Gardiner Vincent Male Fremantle
1943/2700148 Fremantle Gardiner Vincent Male Green Maureen Female Fremantle
1943/2700149 Fremantle Rickerby Lillian Florrence Female Simmonds William Joseph Charles Male Fremantle
1943/2700149 Fremantle Simmonds William Joseph Charles Male Rickerby Lillian Florrence Female Fremantle
1943/2700150 Fremantle Branson Norma Jean Female Blundell Gordon Henry Male Fremantle
1943/2700150 Fremantle Blundell Gordon Henry Male Branson Norma Jean Female Fremantle
1943/2700151 Fremantle Brown Phyllis Female Goff Cyril Male Fremantle
1943/2700151 Fremantle Goff Cyril Male Brown Phyllis Female Fremantle
1943/2700152 Fremantle Moore Beryl Rose Female Nicholls Allen John Male West Australia
1943/2700152 Fremantle Nicholls Allen John Male Moore Beryl Rose Female West Australia
1943/2700153 Fremantle Boyd Richard Ivan Male MacKinnon Margaret Female Fremantle
1943/2700153 Fremantle MacKinnon Margaret Female Boyd Richard Ivan Male Fremantle
1943/2700154 Fremantle Hymus Roma Elaine Female Angove Ronald Edward Male Beaconsfield
1943/2700154 Fremantle Angove Ronald Edward Male Hymus Roma Elaine Female Beaconsfield
1943/2700155 Fremantle White Robert Hillmir Male Elliott Laura Agnes Female East Fremantle
1943/2700155 Fremantle Elliott Laura Agnes Female White Robert Hillmir Male East Fremantle
1943/2700156 Fremantle Metzke Vera May Female Barratt William Eric Male East Fremantle
1943/2700156 Fremantle Barratt William Eric Male Metzke Vera May Female East Fremantle
1943/2700157 Fremantle Maisey Maxwell Charles Male Price Betty Florence Female Fremantle
1943/2700157 Fremantle Price Betty Florence Female Maisey Maxwell Charles Male Fremantle
1943/2700158 Fremantle Stoel Alice Ruth Female Herle George Frans Johan Male West Australia
1943/2700158 Fremantle Herle George Frans Johan Male Stoel Alice Ruth Female West Australia
1943/2700159 Fremantle Booth Lena Marie Female Thomson Henry Calderwood Male Fremantle
1943/2700159 Fremantle Thomson Henry Calderwood Male Booth Lena Marie Female Fremantle
1943/2700160 Fremantle Dunn William Leslie Male Josephsen Elsie Lena Female Fremantle
1943/2700160 Fremantle Josephsen Elsie Lena Female Dunn William Leslie Male Fremantle
1943/2700161 Fremantle Thompson Ronald Male Brams Doris Violet Female Fremantle
1943/2700161 Fremantle Brams Doris Violet Female Thompson Ronald Male Fremantle
1943/2700162 Fremantle Collinson Yvonne Myrtle Female McMahon Robert Carruthers Male Fremantle
1943/2700162 Fremantle McMahon Robert Carruthers Male Collinson Yvonne Myrtle Female Fremantle
1943/2700163 Fremantle Galloway Margaret Hunter Female Cameron Thomas Andrew Hansell Male Fremantle
1943/2700163 Fremantle Cameron Thomas Andrew Hansell Male Galloway Margaret Hunter Female Fremantle
1943/2700164 Fremantle Man Frank Heyer Male Armstrong Hilda May Female Fremantle
1943/2700164 Fremantle Armstrong Hilda May Female Man Frank Heyer Male Fremantle
1943/2700165 Fremantle White Edward Ernest Ludwig Male Rovetta Victoria Ivy Female Fremantle
1943/2700165 Fremantle Rovetta Victoria Ivy Female White Edward Ernest Ludwig Male Fremantle
1943/2700166 Fremantle House Dorothy May Female Hughes Enoch Male Fremantle
1943/2700166 Fremantle Hughes Enoch Male House Dorothy May Female Fremantle
1943/2700167 Fremantle Allen Mary Female Worth Kenneth Harold Male Fremantle
1943/2700167 Fremantle Worth Kenneth Harold Male Allen Mary Female Fremantle
1943/2700168 Fremantle Bombara Santa Maria Female Pirrottino Antonino Male Beaconsfield
1943/2700168 Fremantle Pirrottino Antonino Male Bombara Santa Maria Female Beaconsfield
1943/2700169 Fremantle Fisher Bernard Male Seastream Irene Carmen Female Beaconsfield
1943/2700169 Fremantle Seastream Irene Carmen Female Fisher Bernard Male Beaconsfield
1943/2700170 Fremantle Walker Veronica Evelyn Female Hillen Tony Male Fremantle
1943/2700170 Fremantle Hillen Tony Male Walker Veronica Evelyn Female Fremantle
1943/2700171 Fremantle Cukrov Nellie Female Srdarov Miroslav Male Fremantle
1943/2700171 Fremantle Srdarov Miroslav Male Cukrov Nellie Female Fremantle
1943/2700172 Fremantle Johnston Elsie Female Rumpf Peter Hutton Male East Fremantle
1943/2700172 Fremantle Rumpf Peter Hutton Male Johnston Elsie Female East Fremantle
1943/2700173 Fremantle Shirley Gwendoline Joan Female Leslie Ronald Male West Australia
1943/2700173 Fremantle Leslie Ronald Male Shirley Gwendoline Joan Female West Australia
1943/2700174 Fremantle Hopkins Stella Marjorie Female Crowd Walter Lancelot Male Beaconsfield
1943/2700174 Fremantle Crowd Walter Lancelot Male Hopkins Stella Marjorie Female Beaconsfield
1943/2700175 Fremantle Dixon Eileen Mary Female Phillips Bernard Cecil Male Fremantle
1943/2700175 Fremantle Phillips Bernard Cecil Male Dixon Eileen Mary Female Fremantle
1943/2700176 Fremantle Ross Angus Male Haslam Mary Anne Female Spearwood
1943/2700176 Fremantle Haslam Mary Anne Female Ross Angus Male Spearwood
1943/2700177 Fremantle Lang Agnes Jean Female Young John Male Fremantle
1943/2700177 Fremantle Young John Male Lang Agnes Jean Female Fremantle
1943/2700178 Fremantle Cooper John Arthur Lewis Male Temple Moira Female Fremantle
1943/2700178 Fremantle Temple Moira Female Cooper John Arthur Lewis Male Fremantle
1943/2700179 Fremantle Blackman Wesley George Male Wild Muriel Female West Australia
1943/2700179 Fremantle Wild Muriel Female Blackman Wesley George Male West Australia
1943/2700180 Fremantle Sims Ruby Jane Female James Felix Gordon Male West Australia
1943/2700180 Fremantle James Felix Gordon Male Sims Ruby Jane Female West Australia
1943/2700181 Fremantle Burridge Thelma Gladys Female Cridland Walter Henry Male Fremantle
1943/2700181 Fremantle Cridland Walter Henry Male Burridge Thelma Gladys Female Fremantle
1943/2700182 Fremantle Marsden Albert Lawrence Male Michel Dorothy Ellen Female Fremantle
1943/2700182 Fremantle Michel Dorothy Ellen Female Marsden Albert Lawrence Male Fremantle
1943/2700183 Fremantle Heaven Ernest James Male McLean Dorothy Blanche Female Fremantle
1943/2700183 Fremantle McLean Dorothy Blanche Female Heaven Ernest James Male Fremantle
1943/2700184 Fremantle Tibbles Jack Male Parker Amelia Elizabeth Female North Fremantle
1943/2700184 Fremantle Parker Amelia Elizabeth Female Tibbles Jack Male North Fremantle
1943/2700185 Fremantle Lombardi Angelo Male Wright Mary Rose Female Fremantle
1943/2700185 Fremantle Wright Mary Rose Female Lombardi Angelo Male Fremantle
1943/2700187 Fremantle Bass Laurie Crawford Female Bitter Paulus Hendrik Male Fremantle
1943/2700187 Fremantle Bitter Paulus Hendrik Male Bass Laurie Crawford Female Fremantle
1943/2700188 Fremantle Collins George Roper Male Fagence Ada Cornelia Female Fremantle
1943/2700188 Fremantle Fagence Ada Cornelia Female Collins George Roper Male Fremantle
1943/2700189 Fremantle Barnard Kathleen Frances Female Keeffe Patrick Clarence Male East Fremantle
1943/2700189 Fremantle Keeffe Patrick Clarence Male Barnard Kathleen Frances Female East Fremantle
1943/2700190 Fremantle Barker Maude Annie Female Harvey John James Male Fremantle
1943/2700190 Fremantle Harvey John James Male Barker Maude Annie Female Fremantle
1943/2700191 Fremantle White Pearl Female Iles Henry Gifford Male Fremantle
1943/2700191 Fremantle Iles Henry Gifford Male White Pearl Female Fremantle
1943/2700192 Fremantle Petrucci Gerard Salvatore Male Stouck Mary Margaret Katherine Female Fremantle
1943/2700192 Fremantle Stouck Mary Margaret Katherine Female Petrucci Gerard Salvatore Male Fremantle
1943/2700193 Fremantle Ireland Douglas George Male Poore Rosa Esther Violet Female West Australia
1943/2700193 Fremantle Poore Rosa Esther Violet Female Ireland Douglas George Male West Australia
1943/2700194 Fremantle Suiter Robert Stanley Male Lloyd Marjory Florence Female West Australia
1943/2700194 Fremantle Lloyd Marjory Florence Female Suiter Robert Stanley Male West Australia
1943/2700195 Fremantle Gartland Mary Veronica Female Woods Timothy James Male Palmyra
1943/2700195 Fremantle Woods Timothy James Male Gartland Mary Veronica Female Palmyra
1943/2700196 Fremantle Griffiths William John Male Wood Agnes Beatrice Female Fremantle
1943/2700196 Fremantle Wood Agnes Beatrice Female Griffiths William John Male Fremantle
1943/2700197 Fremantle Cayford Patrick Francis Male McKenzie Marjory Christine Female Fremantle
1943/2700197 Fremantle McKenzie Marjory Christine Female Cayford Patrick Francis Male Fremantle
1943/2700198 Fremantle Braidwood Annie Allison Female Treeby George Raymond Male Fremantle
1943/2700198 Fremantle Treeby George Raymond Male Braidwood Annie Allison Female Fremantle
1943/2700199 Fremantle Lewis Edna May Female Dienaar Pieter Male Fremantle
1943/2700199 Fremantle Dienaar Pieter Male Lewis Edna May Female Fremantle
1943/2700200 Fremantle Brown George Wilfred Male Hitchcock Berta Florence Female West Australia
1943/2700200 Fremantle Hitchcock Berta Florence Female Brown George Wilfred Male West Australia
1943/2700201 Fremantle Smirk Jean Constance Female Moffitt Roy William Male Fremantle
1943/2700201 Fremantle Moffitt Roy William Male Smirk Jean Constance Female Fremantle
1943/2700202 Fremantle Robinson Edwal Male Acton Doris Amy Rita Female Fremantle
1943/2700202 Fremantle Acton Doris Amy Rita Female Robinson Edwal Male Fremantle
1943/2700203 Fremantle De Worboies Henry John Male Peters Jean Hilder Female Fremantle
1943/2700203 Fremantle Peters Jean Hilder Female De Worboies Henry John Male Fremantle
1943/2700204 Fremantle Anderson Albert Male Dale Susannah Female Fremantle
1943/2700204 Fremantle Dale Susannah Female Anderson Albert Male Fremantle
1943/2700205 Fremantle Durant Harold Vernon Male Ward Elizabeth Joyce Female Fremantle
1943/2700205 Fremantle Ward Elizabeth Joyce Female Durant Harold Vernon Male Fremantle
1943/2700206 Fremantle Tetenburg Adriaan Male Sym Gladys Lorna Female Fremantle
1943/2700206 Fremantle Sym Gladys Lorna Female Tetenburg Adriaan Male Fremantle
1943/2700207 Fremantle Johnson Eunice Adeline Female Hester Wiley Newman Male Fremantle
1943/2700207 Fremantle Hester Wiley Newman Male Johnson Eunice Adeline Female Fremantle
1943/2700208 Fremantle Titterton Edward William Male Hammond Alice Emma Female Fremantle
1943/2700208 Fremantle Hammond Alice Emma Female Titterton Edward William Male Fremantle
1943/2700209 Fremantle Curtis Jerome James Male Lawson Beverley Lorraine Female Fremantle
1943/2700209 Fremantle Lawson Beverley Lorraine Female Curtis Jerome James Male Fremantle
1943/2700210 Fremantle Shreeve Edna Mavis Female Bantjes Ronald Male Fremantle
1943/2700210 Fremantle Bantjes Ronald Male Shreeve Edna Mavis Female Fremantle
1943/2700211 Fremantle Crabbe Marjory Jean Female Kerferd Joseph Male Beaconsfield
1943/2700211 Fremantle Kerferd Joseph Male Crabbe Marjory Jean Female Beaconsfield
1943/2700212 Fremantle Bickley William Wallace Male Quinlan Ada Belle Female Fremantle
1943/2700212 Fremantle Quinlan Ada Belle Female Bickley William Wallace Male Fremantle
1943/2700213 Fremantle Duffield Doris Winifred Female Kemp Francis Henry Male Fremantle
1943/2700213 Fremantle Kemp Francis Henry Male Duffield Doris Winifred Female Fremantle
1943/2700214 Fremantle Dight Lurline Margaret Helleur Female Olsson Lars Olaf Martin Male Fremantle
1943/2700214 Fremantle Olsson Lars Olaf Martin Male Dight Lurline Margaret Helleur Female Fremantle
1943/2700215 Fremantle Williamson Robert James Male Truscott Eva Mary Female Fremantle
1943/2700215 Fremantle Truscott Eva Mary Female Williamson Robert James Male Fremantle
1943/2700216 Fremantle McDonald Gladys Mary Female Gow James Archibald Male North Fremantle
1943/2700216 Fremantle Gow James Archibald Male McDonald Gladys Mary Female North Fremantle
1943/2700217 Fremantle Telfer Robert Roy Male Ekholm Florence Joyce Female Fremantle
1943/2700217 Fremantle Ekholm Florence Joyce Female Telfer Robert Roy Male Fremantle
1943/2700218 Fremantle Hine George Fitsall Male Edmonds Gloria Dawn Female Fremantle
1943/2700218 Fremantle Edmonds Gloria Dawn Female Hine George Fitsall Male Fremantle
1943/2700219 Fremantle Mudge Audrey Gweneth Female Arnold Henry Noah Male Fremantle
1943/2700219 Fremantle Arnold Henry Noah Male Mudge Audrey Gweneth Female Fremantle
1943/2700220 Fremantle Wood Edna May Female Cork Ronald George Male Fremantle
1943/2700220 Fremantle Cork Ronald George Male Wood Edna May Female Fremantle
1943/2700221 Fremantle Bishop Catherine Female Walker George Male Fremantle
1943/2700221 Fremantle Walker George Male Bishop Catherine Female Fremantle
1943/2700222 Fremantle Rickards Ena Florence Female Lyngcoln William Dudley Frank Male Fremantle
1943/2700222 Fremantle Lyngcoln William Dudley Frank Male Rickards Ena Florence Female Fremantle
1943/2700223 Fremantle Howe Harold Robert Male Andrew Norma Maria Female West Australia
1943/2700223 Fremantle Andrew Norma Maria Female Howe Harold Robert Male West Australia
1943/2700224 Fremantle Marland Dudley Alfred Male O'Connor Kathleen Female Beaconsfield
1943/2700224 Fremantle O'Connor Kathleen Female Marland Dudley Alfred Male Beaconsfield
1943/2700225 Fremantle Head Thomas Lindsay Male McBride Nancy Hamilton Female Fremantle
1943/2700225 Fremantle McBride Nancy Hamilton Female Head Thomas Lindsay Male Fremantle
1943/2700226 Fremantle Morrison Richard Henry Male Mitchell Elaine Female Fremantle
1943/2700226 Fremantle Mitchell Elaine Female Morrison Richard Henry Male Fremantle
1943/2700227 Fremantle Mumford Mary Female Robins Alistair Thomas Male Fremantle
1943/2700227 Fremantle Robins Alistair Thomas Male Mumford Mary Female Fremantle
1943/2700228 Fremantle Wilson Jean Charlotte Female Keen Geoffrey Frank Male Fremantle
1943/2700228 Fremantle Keen Geoffrey Frank Male Wilson Jean Charlotte Female Fremantle
1943/2700229 Fremantle MacKenzie Heather Constance Female Corkhill Joseph Dudley Male East Fremantle
1943/2700229 Fremantle Corkhill Joseph Dudley Male MacKenzie Heather Constance Female East Fremantle
1943/2700230 Fremantle Allen Stanley Male Wulff Alice Evelyn Maud Female East Fremantle
1943/2700230 Fremantle Wulff Alice Evelyn Maud Female Allen Stanley Male East Fremantle
1943/2700231 Fremantle Wardman Patricia Margaret Female Whittle Bartram Fraser Male Fremantle
1943/2700231 Fremantle Whittle Bartram Fraser Male Wardman Patricia Margaret Female Fremantle
1943/2700232 Fremantle Barnden Carl Bernard Male Deering Joyce Evelyn Female Fremantle
1943/2700232 Fremantle Deering Joyce Evelyn Female Barnden Carl Bernard Male Fremantle
1943/2700233 Fremantle Meyers Charles William Keith Male Winter Shirley Helen Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1943/2700233 Fremantle Meyers Charles William Keith Male Winterbottom Shirley Helen Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1943/2700233 Fremantle Winter Shirley Helen Elizabeth Female Meyers Charles William Keith Male Fremantle
1943/2700233 Fremantle Winterbottom Shirley Helen Elizabeth Female Meyers Charles William Keith Male Fremantle
1943/2700234 Fremantle Jenkins Francis Sydney Male Bird Marjorie Joyce Female Fremantle
1943/2700234 Fremantle Bird Marjorie Joyce Female Jenkins Francis Sydney Male Fremantle
1943/2700235 Fremantle Woosnam Douglas Aubrey Male Powell Zoe May Female Fremantle
1943/2700235 Fremantle Powell Zoe May Female Woosnam Douglas Aubrey Male Fremantle
1943/2700236 Fremantle Hughes Lorna Winifred Female Barrett Albert Richard Male West Australia
1943/2700236 Fremantle Barrett Albert Richard Male Hughes Lorna Winifred Female West Australia
1943/2700237 Fremantle Morris George Male Bain Elsie Maud Furneaux Female Fremantle
1943/2700237 Fremantle Bain Elsie Maud Furneaux Female Morris George Male Fremantle
1943/2700238 Fremantle Foster Edith Alice Female Scoullar Mervyn Raymond Male East Fremantle
1943/2700238 Fremantle Scoullar Mervyn Raymond Male Foster Edith Alice Female East Fremantle
1943/2700239 Fremantle Field Margaret Grace Female Crowe Harry Male Fremantle
1943/2700239 Fremantle Crowe Harry Male Field Margaret Grace Female Fremantle
1943/2700240 Fremantle Edwards Bernard Gerard Male Scott Margaret Mary Female Fremantle
1943/2700240 Fremantle Scott Margaret Mary Female Edwards Bernard Gerard Male Fremantle
1943/2700241 Fremantle Staples Winifred Eleanor Female Brookes Wilfred Male Fremantle
1943/2700241 Fremantle Brookes Wilfred Male Staples Winifred Eleanor Female Fremantle
1943/2700242 Fremantle Vaughan Joyce Phoebe Female Barber Stanley Roy Male Fremantle
1943/2700242 Fremantle Barber Stanley Roy Male Vaughan Joyce Phoebe Female Fremantle
1943/2700243 Fremantle Wood William Cyril Male Snary Shirley Emma Female Fremantle
1943/2700243 Fremantle Snary Shirley Emma Female Wood William Cyril Male Fremantle
1943/2700244 Fremantle Jones Walter Henry Rivet Male Treloar Catherine Female Fremantle
1943/2700244 Fremantle Treloar Catherine Female Jones Walter Henry Rivet Male Fremantle
1943/2700245 Fremantle Flindell Hilda Female Cotter Francis Male Beaconsfield
1943/2700245 Fremantle Cotter Francis Male Flindell Hilda Female Beaconsfield
1943/2700246 Fremantle Hislop Donald James Male Forsyth Mavis Lillian Female Nt Fremantle
1943/2700246 Fremantle Forsyth Mavis Lillian Female Hislop Donald James Male Nt Fremantle
1943/2700247 Fremantle Pengilly George Morley Male Martin Joan Clara Female Fremantle
1943/2700247 Fremantle Martin Joan Clara Female Pengilly George Morley Male Fremantle
1943/2700248 Fremantle Gibbs Anne Jean Female Little John Reginald Male Fremantle
1943/2700248 Fremantle Little John Reginald Male Gibbs Anne Jean Female Fremantle
1943/2700249 Fremantle Halgren Noel Oscar Male Mews Betty Dorothy Female Fremantle
1943/2700249 Fremantle Mews Betty Dorothy Female Halgren Noel Oscar Male Fremantle
1943/2700250 Fremantle Maguire Marjorie Maria Female Harman Robert James Frederick Male East Fremantle
1943/2700250 Fremantle Harman Robert James Frederick Male Maguire Marjorie Maria Female East Fremantle
1943/2700251 Fremantle Faulkner Margaret Louise Female Clarke Melville Charles Male Fremantle
1943/2700251 Fremantle Clarke Melville Charles Male Faulkner Margaret Louise Female Fremantle
1943/2700252 Fremantle Mileham Edwin Arthur Male Jones Evelyn May Female Fremantle
1943/2700252 Fremantle Jones Evelyn May Female Mileham Edwin Arthur Male Fremantle
1943/2700253 Fremantle Luetich Mandea Female Miocevich Dani Male Fremantle
1943/2700253 Fremantle Miocevich Dani Male Luetich Mandea Female Fremantle
1943/2700254 Fremantle Wisse Cornelis Johannes Wilhelmus Male McCarthy Frances Mary Female Fremantle
1943/2700254 Fremantle McCarthy Frances Mary Female Wisse Cornelis Johannes Wilhelmus Male Fremantle
1943/2700255 Fremantle Ball Delores Jean Female Pratt Frederick William Male Fremantle
1943/2700255 Fremantle Pratt Frederick William Male Ball Delores Jean Female Fremantle
1943/2700256 Fremantle Morgan Gordon Sydney Male Webb Elsie Marjorie Female Fremantle
1943/2700256 Fremantle Webb Elsie Marjorie Female Morgan Gordon Sydney Male Fremantle
1943/2700258 Fremantle Townsend Henry James Male Chappell Joy Lorraine Female Fremantle
1943/2700258 Fremantle Chappell Joy Lorraine Female Townsend Henry James Male Fremantle
1943/2700259 Fremantle Robinson John Henry Stewart Male Davey Daphne Olive Emma Female Fremantle
1943/2700259 Fremantle Davey Daphne Olive Emma Female Robinson John Henry Stewart Male Fremantle
1943/2700260 Fremantle Higgs James Walter Male Hunter Evelyn Olive Female Fremantle
1943/2700260 Fremantle Hunter Evelyn Olive Female Higgs James Walter Male Fremantle
1943/2700261 Fremantle Macauley Margaret Jean Female Hewitt Harold Leonard Male Fremantle
1943/2700261 Fremantle Hewitt Harold Leonard Male Macauley Margaret Jean Female Fremantle
1943/2700262 Fremantle Collett Clifford William Male Sheppard Lorna Female Fremantle
1943/2700262 Fremantle Sheppard Lorna Female Collett Clifford William Male Fremantle
1943/2700263 Fremantle Heuston Mary Ann Elizabeth Female Thompson James Collins Male East Fremantle
1943/2700263 Fremantle Thompson James Collins Male Heuston Mary Ann Elizabeth Female East Fremantle
1943/2700264 Fremantle House Phyllis Winifred Female Symons Maurice Joseph Male Fremantle
1943/2700264 Fremantle Symons Maurice Joseph Male House Phyllis Winifred Female Fremantle
1943/2700265 Fremantle Leland Leonard Julius Male Cook Marjorie Jean Female Fremantle
1943/2700265 Fremantle Cook Marjorie Jean Female Leland Leonard Julius Male Fremantle
1943/2700266 Fremantle Wright Daphne Margaret Female Bathurst William Henry Male West Australia
1943/2700266 Fremantle Bathurst William Henry Male Wright Daphne Margaret Female West Australia
1943/2700267 Fremantle Sealey Violet Rosina Female Bleakley Jack James Male Palmyra
1943/2700267 Fremantle Bleakley Jack James Male Sealey Violet Rosina Female Palmyra
1943/2700268 Fremantle Downes Helen Elizabeth Female Naumann William Jack Male Fremantle
1943/2700268 Fremantle Naumann William Jack Male Downes Helen Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1943/2700269 Fremantle Salmeri Patricia Teresa Female Brown Leslie Mather Male Fremantle
1943/2700269 Fremantle Brown Leslie Mather Male Salmeri Patricia Teresa Female Fremantle
1943/2700270 Fremantle Payne Evelyn Audrey Female Kutzer Ernest Robert Male Fremantle
1943/2700270 Fremantle Kutzer Ernest Robert Male Payne Evelyn Audrey Female Fremantle
1943/2700271 Fremantle Bush Doris Phoebe Female Capell Robert Male Fremantle
1943/2700271 Fremantle Capell Robert Male Bush Doris Phoebe Female Fremantle
1943/2700272 Fremantle Criddle Lynette Grace Female Gray Robert Gordon Male Fremantle
1943/2700272 Fremantle Gray Robert Gordon Male Criddle Lynette Grace Female Fremantle
1943/2700273 Fremantle Capolingua Antonino Male Marchese Vincenza Female Fremantle
1943/2700273 Fremantle Marchese Vincenza Female Capolingua Antonino Male Fremantle
1943/2700274 Fremantle Stevens Bernard Fitzgerald Male Rowles Nora Frances Female Fremantle
1943/2700274 Fremantle Rowles Nora Frances Female Stevens Bernard Fitzgerald Male Fremantle
1943/2700275 Fremantle Kelly Ronald Thomas Male Jeffs Maggie Female Fremantle
1943/2700275 Fremantle Jeffs Maggie Female Kelly Ronald Thomas Male Fremantle
1943/2700276 Fremantle McCall Phyllis Mary Female Gulvin Reginald Victor Male Fremantle
1943/2700276 Fremantle Gulvin Reginald Victor Male McCall Phyllis Mary Female Fremantle
1943/2700277 Fremantle Adamini Larry Male Ricetti Maria Female Fremantle
1943/2700277 Fremantle Ricetti Maria Female Adamini Larry Male Fremantle
1943/2700278 Fremantle Neal Osman Wofford Male Mahon Eileen Mary Female Fremantle
1943/2700278 Fremantle Mahon Eileen Mary Female Neal Osman Wofford Male Fremantle
1943/2700279 Fremantle Gervase Alan James Male Connell Josephine Florence Female Beaconsfield
1943/2700279 Fremantle Connell Josephine Florence Female Gervase Alan James Male Beaconsfield
1943/2700280 Fremantle Eaton Alexander Male Scott Adrienne Female Fremantle
1943/2700280 Fremantle Scott Adrienne Female Eaton Alexander Male Fremantle
1943/2700281 Fremantle Birdwell Billy John Male Currié Esmé Joyce Female Fremantle
1943/2700281 Fremantle Currié Esmé Joyce Female Birdwell Billy John Male Fremantle
1943/2700282 Fremantle Poole Roy Male Bosustow Norma Jean Female Fremantle
1943/2700282 Fremantle Bosustow Norma Jean Female Poole Roy Male Fremantle
1943/2700283 Fremantle O'Sullivan Margaret Rose Female Johnson John William Male Palmyra
1943/2700283 Fremantle Johnson John William Male O'Sullivan Margaret Rose Female Palmyra
1943/2700284 Fremantle Soltoggio Silvio Male Douglas Annie Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1943/2700284 Fremantle Douglas Annie Elizabeth Female Soltoggio Silvio Male Fremantle
1943/2700285 Fremantle Whitbread Doreen Merle Female Scott George Bill Male Melville
1943/2700285 Fremantle Scott George Bill Male Whitbread Doreen Merle Female Melville
1943/2700286 Fremantle Oost Cornelis Male McLeod Marjorie Doris Female Fremantle
1943/2700286 Fremantle McLeod Marjorie Doris Female Oost Cornelis Male Fremantle
1943/2700287 Fremantle Elder James Alexander Male Cutting Joyce Mary Female Fremantle
1943/2700287 Fremantle Cutting Joyce Mary Female Elder James Alexander Male Fremantle
1943/2700288 Fremantle Mather Roma Ethel Female Smith Robert George Male West Australia
1943/2700288 Fremantle Smith Robert George Male Mather Roma Ethel Female West Australia
1943/2700289 Fremantle Shaw Dorothy Myrtle Female Pead Alexander William Male West Australia
1943/2700289 Fremantle Pead Alexander William Male Shaw Dorothy Myrtle Female West Australia
1943/2700290 Fremantle Goldsworthy Edith Female Coates James Male Fremantle
1943/2700290 Fremantle Coates James Male Goldsworthy Edith Female Fremantle
1943/2700291 Fremantle Jones Graham Hamley Male Williamson Corrylynn Patricia Female Fremantle
1943/2700291 Fremantle Williamson Corrylynn Patricia Female Jones Graham Hamley Male Fremantle
1943/2700292 Fremantle Garwood Walter Joseph Male McDonald Nellie Female Fremantle
1943/2700292 Fremantle McDonald Nellie Female Garwood Walter Joseph Male Fremantle
1943/2700293 Fremantle Greenaway Joan Female Mould Ronald Herbert Male Beaconsfield
1943/2700293 Fremantle Mould Ronald Herbert Male Greenaway Joan Female Beaconsfield
1943/2700294 Fremantle Bishop Kathleen Female Nash Frederick John Male Fremantle
1943/2700294 Fremantle Nash Frederick John Male Bishop Kathleen Female Fremantle
1943/2700295 Fremantle Golding Bentley George Male Addison Thelma Irene Female West Australia
1943/2700295 Fremantle Addison Thelma Irene Female Golding Bentley George Male West Australia
1943/2700296 Fremantle Bostelman Lois Clarice Female Stratton Colin Desmond Male West Australia
1943/2700296 Fremantle Stratton Colin Desmond Male Bostelman Lois Clarice Female West Australia
1943/2700297 Fremantle Owen Stella Adelaide Rose Female Hennessy John Male Fremantle
1943/2700297 Fremantle Hennessy John Male Owen Stella Adelaide Rose Female Fremantle
1943/2700298 Fremantle Walker William Male McWhirter Elsie Female Fremantle
1943/2700298 Fremantle McWhirter Elsie Female Walker William Male Fremantle
1943/2700299 Fremantle Rocke Bruce Anthony Male Walker Doris Helen Female East Fremantle
1943/2700299 Fremantle Walker Doris Helen Female Rocke Bruce Anthony Male East Fremantle
1943/2700300 Fremantle Tapping George Edward Male Castle Jean Doris Female North Fremantle
1943/2700300 Fremantle Castle Jean Doris Female Tapping George Edward Male North Fremantle
1943/2700301 Fremantle Yule Annie Female Cox Noel William Spencer Male Fremantle
1943/2700301 Fremantle Cox Noel William Spencer Male Yule Annie Female Fremantle
1943/2700302 Fremantle Mudge Victor Roy Male Stevenson Dulcie Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1943/2700302 Fremantle Stevenson Dulcie Elizabeth Female Mudge Victor Roy Male Fremantle
1943/2700303 Fremantle Hammond Joan Ridgwell Female Tisdale Arthur Thomas Male Fremantle
1943/2700303 Fremantle Tisdale Arthur Thomas Male Hammond Joan Ridgwell Female Fremantle
1943/2700305 Fremantle Meneguz Domenico Male Capuiti Maddalena Female Fremantle
1943/2700305 Fremantle Capuiti Maddalena Female Meneguz Domenico Male Fremantle
1943/2700306 Fremantle Newton Elsie Female Taylor John Henry Male Fremantle
1943/2700306 Fremantle Taylor John Henry Male Newton Elsie Female Fremantle
1943/2700307 Fremantle Howie Lily Female Bolger George Sherlock Male West Australia
1943/2700307 Fremantle Bolger George Sherlock Male Howie Lily Female West Australia
1943/2700308 Fremantle McCaskie Margaret Female Bowater Walter Charles Male Fremantle
1943/2700308 Fremantle Bowater Walter Charles Male McCaskie Margaret Female Fremantle
1943/2700309 Fremantle Swift Isabel Eileen Female Launder Donald Leslie Male Fremantle
1943/2700309 Fremantle Launder Donald Leslie Male Swift Isabel Eileen Female Fremantle
1943/2700310 Fremantle Fraser Walter Duncan Male Holland Lorna Jean Female Fremantle
1943/2700310 Fremantle Holland Lorna Jean Female Fraser Walter Duncan Male Fremantle
1943/2700311 Fremantle Keane Dorothy Female Van der Straaten Hendrik Willem Male Fremantle
1943/2700311 Fremantle Van der Straaten Hendrik Willem Male Keane Dorothy Female Fremantle
1943/2700312 Fremantle Weston Horace Allan Male Isaacs Edna May Female Fremantle
1943/2700312 Fremantle Isaacs Edna May Female Weston Horace Allan Male Fremantle
1943/2700313 Fremantle Follows Ellison George Male Sweetman Lillian Francis Female Beaconsfield
1943/2700313 Fremantle Sweetman Lillian Francis Female Follows Ellison George Male Beaconsfield
1943/2700314 Fremantle Den Haan Pieter Theo Male Gill Lily Female West Australia
1943/2700314 Fremantle Gill Lily Female Den Haan Pieter Theo Male West Australia
1943/2700315 Fremantle Bonner Edith May Female Hill Joseph Stephen Male Fremantle
1943/2700315 Fremantle Hill Joseph Stephen Male Bonner Edith May Female Fremantle
1943/2700316 Fremantle Nicoll Heather Edith Female Harrison Edward Anthony Male Fremantle
1943/2700316 Fremantle Harrison Edward Anthony Male Nicoll Heather Edith Female Fremantle
1943/2700317 Fremantle Ingram Rose Anne Female Brookes Charlie Male Fremantle
1943/2700317 Fremantle Brookes Charlie Male Ingram Rose Anne Female Fremantle
1943/2700318 Fremantle Jones Kenneth Rufus Male Metcalf Ivy Rose Female Fremantle
1943/2700318 Fremantle Metcalf Ivy Rose Female Jones Kenneth Rufus Male Fremantle
1943/2700319 Fremantle Gough Henry Male Miller Edith Matilda Female Fremantle
1943/2700319 Fremantle Miller Edith Matilda Female Gough Henry Male Fremantle
1943/2700320 Fremantle Hettick Jack Neville Male Parkes Linda Emma Female Fremantle
1943/2700320 Fremantle Parkes Linda Emma Female Hettick Jack Neville Male Fremantle
1943/2700321 Fremantle Filtness John Albert Male Crockett Phyllis Lorraine Female Fremantle
1943/2700321 Fremantle Crockett Phyllis Lorraine Female Filtness John Albert Male Fremantle
1943/2700322 Fremantle Daniel Beatrice Maud Female Sewell William Raymond Stephen Male Fremantle
1943/2700322 Fremantle Sewell William Raymond Stephen Male Daniel Beatrice Maud Female Fremantle
1943/2700323 Fremantle Airey Susan Elizabeth Female Shepherd James Male Fremantle
1943/2700323 Fremantle Shepherd James Male Airey Susan Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1943/2700324 Fremantle Walker Geoffrey Leslie Male Tapper Ivy Mavis Female Fremantle
1943/2700324 Fremantle Tapper Ivy Mavis Female Walker Geoffrey Leslie Male Fremantle
1943/2700325 Fremantle Phillips Nicholas Lee Male Symonds Phyllis Ellen Female Fremantle
1943/2700325 Fremantle Symonds Phyllis Ellen Female Phillips Nicholas Lee Male Fremantle
1943/2700326 Fremantle Stanley Alice Sylvester Female Steedman Henry Male East Fremantle
1943/2700326 Fremantle Steedman Henry Male Stanley Alice Sylvester Female East Fremantle
1943/2700327 Fremantle Naylor Gwendoline Mary Female Reeves Bertie James Male Fremantle
1943/2700327 Fremantle Reeves Bertie James Male Naylor Gwendoline Mary Female Fremantle
1943/2700328 Fremantle Bing Helen Mary Female Rawlings Ronald Arthur Male Fremantle
1943/2700328 Fremantle Rawlings Ronald Arthur Male Bing Helen Mary Female Fremantle
1943/2700329 Fremantle Buxton James Douglas Male Storer Beatrice Wilkinson Female Fremantle
1943/2700329 Fremantle Storer Beatrice Wilkinson Female Buxton James Douglas Male Fremantle
1943/2700330 Fremantle Skeahan Stella June Female Rodd Herbert Arthur Male Fremantle
1943/2700330 Fremantle Rodd Herbert Arthur Male Skeahan Stella June Female Fremantle
1943/2700331 Fremantle Van der Hoek Sytze Male McDonald Clara Hafner Female Fremantle
1943/2700331 Fremantle McDonald Clara Hafner Female Van der Hoek Sytze Male Fremantle
1943/2700332 Fremantle Garner Angelena Female Taylor James Joseph Male Fremantle
1943/2700332 Fremantle Taylor James Joseph Male Garner Angelena Female Fremantle
1943/2700333 Fremantle Wright William Arnold Male Macdonald Agnes Patricia Female Fremantle
1943/2700333 Fremantle Macdonald Agnes Patricia Female Wright William Arnold Male Fremantle
1943/2700334 Fremantle Britnell Robert Archibald Male Groves Frances Female Fremantle
1943/2700334 Fremantle Groves Frances Female Britnell Robert Archibald Male Fremantle
1943/2700335 Fremantle McLaughlin Sidney Robert James Male Bray Margaret Dorothy Female Fremantle
1943/2700335 Fremantle Bray Margaret Dorothy Female McLaughlin Sidney Robert James Male Fremantle
1943/2700336 Fremantle Adams Casley Charles Male Wych Thelma Jean Female Fremantle
1943/2700336 Fremantle Wych Thelma Jean Female Adams Casley Charles Male Fremantle
1943/2700337 Fremantle Rumple Ornel Clinton Male McKay Mavis Heather Female Fremantle
1943/2700337 Fremantle McKay Mavis Heather Female Rumple Ornel Clinton Male Fremantle
1943/2700338 Fremantle Jones Eileen Janet Female Durnin Frederick James Male Fremantle
1943/2700338 Fremantle Durnin Frederick James Male Jones Eileen Janet Female Fremantle
1943/2700339 Fremantle Roberts Robert Stanley Male Winefield Gwendoline Female Fremantle
1943/2700339 Fremantle Winefield Gwendoline Female Roberts Robert Stanley Male Fremantle
1943/2700340 Fremantle Dillehay Richard Hubbard Male Kelly Adeline Hannah Female Fremantle
1943/2700340 Fremantle Kelly Adeline Hannah Female Dillehay Richard Hubbard Male Fremantle
1943/2700341 Fremantle Glossop John Frederick Male Henry Teresa Mary Female Nth Fremantle
1943/2700341 Fremantle Henry Teresa Mary Female Glossop John Frederick Male Nth Fremantle
1943/2700342 Fremantle Laudehr Joan Mary Female Higbid Edward James Male Palmyra
1943/2700342 Fremantle Higbid Edward James Male Laudehr Joan Mary Female Palmyra
1943/2700343 Fremantle Cugley James Male Murphy Patricia Female Fremantle
1943/2700343 Fremantle Murphy Patricia Female Cugley James Male Fremantle
1943/2700344 Fremantle Whitford Madge Female Gulvin Robert Ernest Male Fremantle
1943/2700344 Fremantle Gulvin Robert Ernest Male Whitford Madge Female Fremantle
1943/2700345 Fremantle Del Rosso Francesco Male Salvemini Maria Female Fremantle
1943/2700345 Fremantle Salvemini Maria Female Del Rosso Francesco Male Fremantle
1943/2700346 Fremantle Tyler Enid Female Orton Raymond Arthur Male East Fremantle
1943/2700346 Fremantle Orton Raymond Arthur Male Tyler Enid Female East Fremantle
1943/2700347 Fremantle Luff Alice May Female Holmes Douglas Male Beaconsfield
1943/2700347 Fremantle Holmes Douglas Male Luff Alice May Female Beaconsfield
1943/2700348 Fremantle Atkins Melvin Otto Male Phelan Frances Anne Female Fremantle
1943/2700348 Fremantle Phelan Frances Anne Female Atkins Melvin Otto Male Fremantle
1943/2700349 Fremantle Mayo Dora Winnie Female Mahaffey Thomas Male Fremantle
1943/2700349 Fremantle Mahaffey Thomas Male Mayo Dora Winnie Female Fremantle
1943/2700350 Fremantle Edmonds Betty Constance Female Hansen Eric Leslie Male Fremantle
1943/2700350 Fremantle Hansen Eric Leslie Male Edmonds Betty Constance Female Fremantle
1943/2700351 Fremantle Lo Nero Jasper Patrick Male Pearce Hazel Female Fremantle
1943/2700351 Fremantle Pearce Hazel Female Lo Nero Jasper Patrick Male Fremantle
1943/2700352 Fremantle Nelson Joseph Male Staples Marjorie Jean Female Fremantle
1943/2700352 Fremantle Staples Marjorie Jean Female Nelson Joseph Male Fremantle
1943/2700353 Fremantle McNaught Douglas Archibald Male Mortimer Ruby Evelyn Female Fremantle
1943/2700353 Fremantle Mortimer Ruby Evelyn Female McNaught Douglas Archibald Male Fremantle
1943/2700354 Fremantle Gibson Cecil Kenneth Male Duthie Hazel Eunice Female West Australia
1943/2700354 Fremantle Duthie Hazel Eunice Female Gibson Cecil Kenneth Male West Australia
1943/2700355 Fremantle Shelton Lois Agnes Female Emery Cyril Charles Male Fremantle
1943/2700355 Fremantle Emery Cyril Charles Male Shelton Lois Agnes Female Fremantle
1943/2700356 Fremantle Moloney Eileen Mary Female Eibe Eugene Delman Male Fremantle
1943/2700356 Fremantle Eibe Eugene Delman Male Moloney Eileen Mary Female Fremantle
1943/2700357 Fremantle Horbelt Frederick Olaf Male Franklyn Iris Doreen Female Fremantle
1943/2700357 Fremantle Franklyn Iris Doreen Female Horbelt Frederick Olaf Male Fremantle
1943/2700358 Fremantle Whiting Isabel Female McLeish Colin Neil Male Fremantle
1943/2700358 Fremantle McLeish Colin Neil Male Whiting Isabel Female Fremantle
1943/2700359 Fremantle Tuddenham Albert William Male Hendric Agnes Anthony Female Fremantle
1943/2700359 Fremantle Hendric Agnes Anthony Female Tuddenham Albert William Male Fremantle
1943/2700360 Fremantle Burridge Hagbarth Henry Male Lamp Olive Amelia Female Fremantle
1943/2700360 Fremantle Lamp Olive Amelia Female Burridge Hagbarth Henry Male Fremantle
1943/2700361 Fremantle Merton Gladys Female Pearson Cuthbert Francis Male Fremantle
1943/2700361 Fremantle Pearson Cuthbert Francis Male Merton Gladys Female Fremantle
1943/2700362 Fremantle Potter Joyce Mildred Female Thornell Clarence Alfred Male Fremantle
1943/2700362 Fremantle Thornell Clarence Alfred Male Potter Joyce Mildred Female Fremantle
1943/2700363 Fremantle Golson Mallory William Male Mulhall Kathleen Female Fremantle
1943/2700363 Fremantle Mulhall Kathleen Female Golson Mallory William Male Fremantle
1943/2700364 Fremantle Patterson Elizabeth Joyce Female Davies Llewellyn Branthwaite Male Fremantle
1943/2700364 Fremantle Davies Llewellyn Branthwaite Male Patterson Elizabeth Joyce Female Fremantle
1943/2700365 Fremantle Gledhill Arthur Male Parrott Betty Lynne Female Fremantle
1943/2700365 Fremantle Parrott Betty Lynne Female Gledhill Arthur Male Fremantle
1943/2700366 Fremantle Gerovich Edward Leonard Male Simpson Rona Mary Female Fremantle
1943/2700366 Fremantle Simpson Rona Mary Female Gerovich Edward Leonard Male Fremantle
1943/2700367 Fremantle Triplett Dorothy Olive Female Andrew Herbert James Male Fremantle
1943/2700367 Fremantle Andrew Herbert James Male Triplett Dorothy Olive Female Fremantle
1943/2700368 Fremantle Edwards Charles Male Sweeney Silver Isobell Female Fremantle
1943/2700368 Fremantle Sweeney Silver Isobell Female Edwards Charles Male Fremantle
1943/2700369 Fremantle Needle Una Female van de Poll William Henrie Male Fremantle
1943/2700369 Fremantle van de Poll William Henrie Male Needle Una Female Fremantle
1943/2700370 Fremantle Devine Basil Albert Male Bishop Florance May Female West Australia
1943/2700370 Fremantle Bishop Florance May Female Devine Basil Albert Male West Australia
1943/2700371 Fremantle Power Eric James Male Oxwell Joan Frances Female Fremantle
1943/2700371 Fremantle Oxwell Joan Frances Female Power Eric James Male Fremantle
1943/2700372 Fremantle Gard Verna Margaret Female Bellanger Bernard Jean Male Fremantle
1943/2700372 Fremantle Bellanger Bernard Jean Male Gard Verna Margaret Female Fremantle
1943/2700373 Fremantle Robinson Stephen George Male Roche Winifred Jean Female Fremantle
1943/2700373 Fremantle Roche Winifred Jean Female Robinson Stephen George Male Fremantle
1943/2700374 Fremantle Seekamp Arthur Harold Male Christie Elizabeth Patricia Female Fremantle
1943/2700374 Fremantle Christie Elizabeth Patricia Female Seekamp Arthur Harold Male Fremantle
1943/2700375 Fremantle Spriggs Robert Franklin Male Amaranti Flora Female Fremantle
1943/2700375 Fremantle Amaranti Flora Female Spriggs Robert Franklin Male Fremantle
1943/2700376 Fremantle Pfeiffer George Elmer Male Moloney Irene Mary Female Fremantle
1943/2700376 Fremantle Moloney Irene Mary Female Pfeiffer George Elmer Male Fremantle
1943/2700377 Fremantle Montanus Willem Adriaan Male De Dardel Ebba Helene Carola Female Fremantle
1943/2700377 Fremantle De Dardel Ebba Helene Carola Female Montanus Willem Adriaan Male Fremantle
1943/2700378 Fremantle Samson Beatrice June Female Dyer Keith Male Fremantle
1943/2700378 Fremantle Dyer Keith Male Samson Beatrice June Female Fremantle
1943/2700379 Fremantle Hartnell Kathleen Laura Florence Female Hunter Francis John Male Fremantle
1943/2700379 Fremantle Hunter Francis John Male Hartnell Kathleen Laura Florence Female Fremantle
1943/2700380 Fremantle Currie Florence Mary Female Willis William Edward Male Fremantle
1943/2700380 Fremantle Willis William Edward Male Currie Florence Mary Female Fremantle
1943/2700381 Fremantle Mewburn Dolores Mary Joyce Female Gidley Harry David Male Fremantle
1943/2700381 Fremantle Gidley Harry David Male Mewburn Dolores Mary Joyce Female Fremantle
1943/2700382 Fremantle Williams Blanche Beatrice Female McCarthy Herbert John Male Fremantle
1943/2700382 Fremantle McCarthy Herbert John Male Williams Blanche Beatrice Female Fremantle
1943/2700383 Fremantle West Leslie Male Herbert Florence Female Fremantle
1943/2700383 Fremantle Herbert Florence Female West Leslie Male Fremantle
1943/2700384 Fremantle Williams Dorothy Female Fletcher Stanley Edward Male Fremantle
1943/2700384 Fremantle Fletcher Stanley Edward Male Williams Dorothy Female Fremantle
1943/2700385 Fremantle Kelderman William Male Strogeon Peggy Gloria Helen Female Fremantle
1943/2700385 Fremantle Strogeon Peggy Gloria Helen Female Kelderman William Male Fremantle
1943/2700386 Fremantle Waller Sybil May Female Davey Harry Stanley Male Beaconsfield
1943/2700386 Fremantle Davey Harry Stanley Male Waller Sybil May Female Beaconsfield
1943/2700387 Fremantle Parry Edward John Male Peters Jean May Female South Fremantle
1943/2700387 Fremantle Peters Jean May Female Parry Edward John Male South Fremantle
1943/2700388 Fremantle Duncan Rona Pauline Female Lee Edward Ronald Male Fremantle
1943/2700388 Fremantle Lee Edward Ronald Male Duncan Rona Pauline Female Fremantle
1943/2700389 Fremantle Collinson Betty Delma Female Moore Hugh Finn Male Fremantle
1943/2700389 Fremantle Moore Hugh Finn Male Collinson Betty Delma Female Fremantle
1943/2700390 Fremantle Ahearn Alice Amelia Female Bourne Joseph Male Fremantle
1943/2700390 Fremantle Bourne Joseph Male Ahearn Alice Amelia Female Fremantle
1943/2700391 Fremantle Hardy Mary Viola Female Vince Stewart Leonard Male Fremantle
1943/2700391 Fremantle Vince Stewart Leonard Male Hardy Mary Viola Female Fremantle
1943/2700392 Fremantle Dalziell Norma Female Brown Keith Peterson Male Fremantle
1943/2700392 Fremantle Brown Keith Peterson Male Dalziell Norma Female Fremantle
1943/2700393 Fremantle Luff Lyndon Louis Peter Male Butterly Phyllis Lorraine Female Fremantle
1943/2700393 Fremantle Butterly Phyllis Lorraine Female Luff Lyndon Louis Peter Male Fremantle
1943/2700394 Fremantle Verrier Evelyn Joy Female Paulik Bohuslav Male Fremantle
1943/2700394 Fremantle Paulik Bohuslav Male Verrier Evelyn Joy Female Fremantle
1943/2700395 Fremantle Inglis Hector James Male Munn Violet Margaret Female Beaconsfield
1943/2700395 Fremantle Munn Violet Margaret Female Inglis Hector James Male Beaconsfield
1943/2700396 Fremantle Wilson Bertram Henry Male Peek Margaret Hope Female West Australia
1943/2700396 Fremantle Peek Margaret Hope Female Wilson Bertram Henry Male West Australia
1943/2700397 Fremantle Foote Joan Theres Female Foxon George Male Fremantle
1943/2700397 Fremantle Foxon George Male Foote Joan Theres Female Fremantle
1943/2700398 Fremantle Baker Joseph Ryan Male Waugh Margaret Minnie Female Fremantle
1943/2700398 Fremantle Waugh Margaret Minnie Female Baker Joseph Ryan Male Fremantle
1943/2700399 Fremantle Thomas Kathleen Olive Female Cavazzi Roderick James Male Fremantle
1943/2700399 Fremantle Cavazzi Roderick James Male Thomas Kathleen Olive Female Fremantle
1943/2700400 Fremantle Dixon Olive Josephine Female Cuffe Leo Michael Male Fremantle
1943/2700400 Fremantle Cuffe Leo Michael Male Dixon Olive Josephine Female Fremantle
1943/2700401 Fremantle Bainbridge Thomas Male Gilbert Violet Dorothy Female Fremantle
1943/2700401 Fremantle Gilbert Violet Dorothy Female Bainbridge Thomas Male Fremantle
1943/2700402 Fremantle Pickett Mary Emily Female Dearle Arthur Charles Male Fremantle
1943/2700402 Fremantle Dearle Arthur Charles Male Pickett Mary Emily Female Fremantle
1943/2700403 Fremantle Mathews Rhoda Female Matkovich Stephen Anthony Male Fremantle
1943/2700403 Fremantle Matkovich Stephen Anthony Male Mathews Rhoda Female Fremantle
1943/2700404 Fremantle Edgar Dorothy Joyce Maud Female Haslam Ross Roger Male Fremantle
1943/2700404 Fremantle Haslam Ross Roger Male Edgar Dorothy Joyce Maud Female Fremantle
1943/2700405 Fremantle Cliffen Annie Female Chamberlain Alfred Kenneth Male Fremantle
1943/2700405 Fremantle Chamberlain Alfred Kenneth Male Cliffen Annie Female Fremantle
1943/2700406 Fremantle Mawer Elyzabeth Teresa Female Kent Brian Anthony Male Palmyra
1943/2700406 Fremantle Kent Brian Anthony Male Mawer Elyzabeth Teresa Female Palmyra
1943/2700407 Fremantle Hill Elsie May Female Cotton Ronald Joseph Male Palmyra
1943/2700407 Fremantle Cotton Ronald Joseph Male Hill Elsie May Female Palmyra
1943/2700408 Fremantle Merendino Concetta Female Spinella Emanuele Male Fremantle
1943/2700408 Fremantle Spinella Emanuele Male Merendino Concetta Female Fremantle
1943/2700409 Fremantle Smith Roma Melita Female Dunn Harry Roy Male Fremantle
1943/2700409 Fremantle Dunn Harry Roy Male Smith Roma Melita Female Fremantle
1943/2700410 Fremantle West Leonard Walter Male Smedley Alma Neil Female Beaconsfield
1943/2700410 Fremantle Smedley Alma Neil Female West Leonard Walter Male Beaconsfield
1943/2700411 Fremantle Goodenough Shirley Jean Female Manuel Roy Charles John Male Fremantle
1943/2700411 Fremantle Manuel Roy Charles John Male Goodenough Shirley Jean Female Fremantle
1943/2700412 Fremantle Grierson James Rayford Male Dunn Jean Harriet Female Fremantle
1943/2700412 Fremantle Dunn Jean Harriet Female Grierson James Rayford Male Fremantle
1943/2700413 Fremantle O'Donnell Eric Stanley Male Simpson Audrey Joyce Female Fremantle
1943/2700413 Fremantle Simpson Audrey Joyce Female O'Donnell Eric Stanley Male Fremantle
1943/2700414 Fremantle Elliott Ruby Beryl Maud Female Cook Ian Lindsay Male Fremantle
1943/2700414 Fremantle Cook Ian Lindsay Male Elliott Ruby Beryl Maud Female Fremantle
1943/2700415 Fremantle Moore James Richard Male Whiting Alice May Female Fremantle
1943/2700415 Fremantle Whiting Alice May Female Moore James Richard Male Fremantle
1943/2700416 Fremantle Fisher Jessie Female Nutt Frederick James Male Fremantle
1943/2700416 Fremantle Nutt Frederick James Male Fisher Jessie Female Fremantle
1943/2700417 Fremantle Hogg Clifford George Male Holloway Rosalie Irene Female East Fremantle
1943/2700417 Fremantle Holloway Rosalie Irene Female Hogg Clifford George Male East Fremantle
1943/2700418 Fremantle Holmes Herbert Francis Male Caine Barbara McLean Female Fremantle
1943/2700418 Fremantle Caine Barbara McLean Female Holmes Herbert Francis Male Fremantle
1943/2700419 Fremantle Grigo Doris May Female Williamson Jasper Grover Male West Australia
1943/2700419 Fremantle Williamson Jasper Grover Male Grigo Doris May Female West Australia
1943/2700420 Fremantle Wilding Herbert Edward George Male Thompson Laurel Rose Female Fremantle
1943/2700420 Fremantle Thompson Laurel Rose Female Wilding Herbert Edward George Male Fremantle
1943/2700421 Fremantle Smith Victor Male Askevold Hannah Christina Female Fremantle
1943/2700421 Fremantle Askevold Hannah Christina Female Smith Victor Male Fremantle
1943/2700422 Fremantle Clarke Walter Norman Male Harris Norma Jean Female Fremantle
1943/2700422 Fremantle Harris Norma Jean Female Clarke Walter Norman Male Fremantle
1943/2700423 Fremantle Bowman Harry Male Fleming Audrey Amelia Female Fremantle
1943/2700423 Fremantle Fleming Audrey Amelia Female Bowman Harry Male Fremantle
1943/2700424 Fremantle Brown Peggy Noel Female Bright William Arthur Male Fremantle
1943/2700424 Fremantle Bright William Arthur Male Brown Peggy Noel Female Fremantle
1943/2700425 Fremantle D'Alton Shirley Grace Female Verjans Jan Henrik Willem Male Fremantle
1943/2700425 Fremantle Verjans Jan Henrik Willem Male D'Alton Shirley Grace Female Fremantle
1943/2700426 Fremantle Lewis Millicent Margaret Female Elsegood William John France Male Fremantle
1943/2700426 Fremantle Elsegood William John France Male Lewis Millicent Margaret Female Fremantle
1943/2700427 Fremantle Smith Alan Désmond Male Jakobson Nancy Mavis Female Fremantle
1943/2700427 Fremantle Jakobson Nancy Mavis Female Smith Alan Désmond Male Fremantle
1943/2700428 Fremantle Wagland Jack Allen Male Prue Gladys Veronica Female Fremantle
1943/2700428 Fremantle Prue Gladys Veronica Female Wagland Jack Allen Male Fremantle
1943/2700429 Fremantle Anderson Shirley Joyce Female Mathews Harold Male Fremantle
1943/2700429 Fremantle Mathews Harold Male Anderson Shirley Joyce Female Fremantle
1943/2700430 Fremantle Willis Betty Clarice Female Clarke Robert Alexander Male Fremantle
1943/2700430 Fremantle Clarke Robert Alexander Male Willis Betty Clarice Female Fremantle
1943/2700431 Fremantle Walker Clifford John Male Cole Thelma Ruby Female Fremantle
1943/2700431 Fremantle Cole Thelma Ruby Female Walker Clifford John Male Fremantle
1943/2700432 Fremantle Roser Charles Frederick Male Bastin Doris Ada Female Fremantle
1943/2700432 Fremantle Bastin Doris Ada Female Roser Charles Frederick Male Fremantle
1943/2700433 Fremantle Janes Ida Female Mulligan Roy Male Fremantle
1943/2700433 Fremantle Mulligan Roy Male Janes Ida Female Fremantle
1943/2700434 Fremantle Barber Lorna Evelyn Female Spence William Arthur Male Fremantle
1943/2700434 Fremantle Spence William Arthur Male Barber Lorna Evelyn Female Fremantle
1943/2700435 Fremantle Elder Norma Sylvia Female Fowler Leslie Merritt Male Palmyra
1943/2700435 Fremantle Fowler Leslie Merritt Male Elder Norma Sylvia Female Palmyra
1943/2700436 Fremantle Igglesden Malcolm Fredrick William Male Shackleton Jenny Marian Female Fremantle
1943/2700436 Fremantle Shackleton Jenny Marian Female Igglesden Malcolm Fredrick William Male Fremantle
1943/2700437 Fremantle Hayes William Albert Male Toovey Gloria Muriel Mary Female Fremantle
1943/2700437 Fremantle Toovey Gloria Muriel Mary Female Hayes William Albert Male Fremantle
1943/2700438 Fremantle Olsen Arvid Kjerulf Male Green Lillian Cora Female Fremantle
1943/2700438 Fremantle Green Lillian Cora Female Olsen Arvid Kjerulf Male Fremantle
1943/2700439 Fremantle Gillespie John Aidan Male Draper Linda May Female Fremantle
1943/2700439 Fremantle Draper Linda May Female Gillespie John Aidan Male Fremantle
1943/2700440 Fremantle Gates Mavis Myrtle Female Smoor Anthonius Male Fremantle
1943/2700440 Fremantle Smoor Anthonius Male Gates Mavis Myrtle Female Fremantle
1943/2700441 Fremantle van der Tuin Bastiaan Male Sinclair Catherine Beveridge Nicolson Female W Aust
1943/2700441 Fremantle Sinclair Catherine Beveridge Nicolson Female van der Tuin Bastiaan Male W Aust
1943/2700442 Fremantle Young Alice Mary Female Gardner Frederick John Male Fremantle
1943/2700442 Fremantle Gardner Frederick John Male Young Alice Mary Female Fremantle
1943/2700443 Fremantle Russell Harry Male Holmes Shirley Dawn Female Fremantle
1943/2700443 Fremantle Holmes Shirley Dawn Female Russell Harry Male Fremantle
1943/2700444 Fremantle Hutchinson Barbara June Female Davis Osborn Stone Male Fremantle
1943/2700444 Fremantle Davis Osborn Stone Male Hutchinson Barbara June Female Fremantle
1943/2800001 Gascoyne Hayward Dorothy Nancy Female Tonkin Morris Edward Male Carnarvon
1943/2800001 Gascoyne Tonkin Morris Edward Male Hayward Dorothy Nancy Female Carnarvon
1943/2800002 Gascoyne Penna Eve Millicent Female Reynolds Keith Male East Carnarvon
1943/2800002 Gascoyne Reynolds Keith Male Penna Eve Millicent Female East Carnarvon
1943/2800003 Gascoyne Winder Douglas Thomas Male Ugle Sylvia Female Carnarvon
1943/2800003 Gascoyne Ugle Sylvia Female Winder Douglas Thomas Male Carnarvon
1943/2800004 Gascoyne Gilbert Amy Laurel Female Morgan Norman Herbert Male Carnarvon
1943/2800004 Gascoyne Morgan Norman Herbert Male Gilbert Amy Laurel Female Carnarvon
1943/2800005 Gascoyne Vos Esther Archer Female Pickles George William Fredrick Henery Herbert Male Carnarvon
1943/2800005 Gascoyne Pickles George William Fredrick Henery Herbert Male Vos Esther Archer Female Carnarvon
1943/2800006 Gascoyne Thomas Leonard Brice Male Fullarton June Patricia Female Carnarvon
1943/2800006 Gascoyne Fullarton June Patricia Female Thomas Leonard Brice Male Carnarvon
1943/2800007 Gascoyne Connolly Edith May Female Inglis Alexander James Male Carnarvon
1943/2800007 Gascoyne Inglis Alexander James Male Connolly Edith May Female Carnarvon
1943/2900001 Geraldton Lums Hoson Charles Male Fong Dellace Myra Female Geraldton
1943/2900001 Geraldton Fong Dellace Myra Female Lums Hoson Charles Male Geraldton
1943/2900003 Geraldton O'Neil Lucy Female Perham William Humphrey Male Geraldton
1943/2900003 Geraldton Perham William Humphrey Male O'Neil Lucy Female Geraldton
1943/2900004 Geraldton Catchpole Gladys Female King Leonard William Male Geraldton
1943/2900004 Geraldton King Leonard William Male Catchpole Gladys Female Geraldton
1943/2900005 Geraldton Benson David Alfred Male Pearce Sylvia Louisa Female Geraldton
1943/2900005 Geraldton Pearce Sylvia Louisa Female Benson David Alfred Male Geraldton
1943/2900006 Geraldton Hutton Robert Male Clarke Gwendoline Female Geraldton
1943/2900006 Geraldton Clarke Gwendoline Female Hutton Robert Male Geraldton
1944/2900007 Geraldton Larkham Colvin James Male Mildwaters Phyllis Mae Female Geraldton
1943/2900007 Geraldton Adams Edna May Female Adams John Charles Male Geraldton
1944/2900007 Geraldton Mildwaters Phyllis Mae Female Larkham Colvin James Male Geraldton
1943/2900007 Geraldton Adams John Charles Male Adams Edna May Female Geraldton
1943/2900008 Geraldton Criddle Teresa Olive Female Clarke Edgar Frederick Male Geraldton
1943/2900008 Geraldton Clarke Edgar Frederick Male Criddle Teresa Olive Female Geraldton
1943/2900009 Geraldton Seinor Leo Samuel Male Herbert Gwendoline Helena Female Geraldton
1943/2900009 Geraldton Herbert Gwendoline Helena Female Seinor Leo Samuel Male Geraldton
1943/2900010 Geraldton Killian Patricia Mary Female Roach Austin Gregory Male Geraldton
1943/2900010 Geraldton Roach Austin Gregory Male Killian Patricia Mary Female Geraldton
1943/2900011 Geraldton Torrent Clara Thelma Female Jones Roy Male Geraldton
1943/2900011 Geraldton Jones Roy Male Torrent Clara Thelma Female Geraldton
1943/2900012 Geraldton Hancock Ida Lena Louisa Female Zinella Mark Male Geraldton
1943/2900012 Geraldton Zinella Mark Male Hancock Ida Lena Louisa Female Geraldton
1943/2900013 Geraldton Pass Ellen Mary Female Soultanis Emmanuel Male Bluff Point
1943/2900013 Geraldton Soultanis Emmanuel Male Pass Ellen Mary Female Bluff Point
1943/2900014 Geraldton Carlton Emma Agnes Female Williamson Donald Thomas Male Geraldton
1943/2900014 Geraldton Williamson Donald Thomas Male Carlton Emma Agnes Female Geraldton
1943/2900015 Geraldton Cream Edna Elvina Female Hill Leslie William Male Geraldton
1943/2900015 Geraldton Hill Leslie William Male Cream Edna Elvina Female Geraldton
1943/2900016 Geraldton Gillespie Douglas Harvey Male Terrell Joan Beatrice Female Geraldton
1943/2900016 Geraldton Terrell Joan Beatrice Female Gillespie Douglas Harvey Male Geraldton
1943/2900017 Geraldton Wright Christopher John Male Baker Phyllis Norma Female Geraldton
1943/2900017 Geraldton Baker Phyllis Norma Female Wright Christopher John Male Geraldton
1943/2900018 Geraldton Eyles Arnold Frederick Male Haley Madge Doreen Female Mullewa
1943/2900018 Geraldton Haley Madge Doreen Female Eyles Arnold Frederick Male Mullewa
1943/2900019 Geraldton Kane Patricia May Female Butterworth Malcolm Le Roy Male Geraldton
1943/2900019 Geraldton Butterworth Malcolm Le Roy Male Kane Patricia May Female Geraldton
1943/2900020 Geraldton Anderson Thelma Maud Female Corlett William Arthur Male Geraldton
1943/2900020 Geraldton Corlett William Arthur Male Anderson Thelma Maud Female Geraldton
1943/2900021 Geraldton Daddow Sydney Haig Male Webb Olive Lydia Female Geraldton
1943/2900021 Geraldton Webb Olive Lydia Female Daddow Sydney Haig Male Geraldton
1943/2900022 Geraldton Dixon James Myles Male Driscoll Gladys Milda Female Geraldton
1943/2900022 Geraldton Driscoll Gladys Milda Female Dixon James Myles Male Geraldton
1943/2900023 Geraldton Whitehurst Charles Joseph Male Newland Ivy Alma Female Geraldton
1943/2900023 Geraldton Newland Ivy Alma Female Whitehurst Charles Joseph Male Geraldton
1943/2900024 Geraldton Fowler Eric Francis Male Joseph Gladys Aileen Female Geraldton
1943/2900024 Geraldton Joseph Gladys Aileen Female Fowler Eric Francis Male Geraldton
1943/2900025 Geraldton Brennan Mary Agnes Female Bray Douglas Kenneth Male Geraldton
1943/2900025 Geraldton Bray Douglas Kenneth Male Brennan Mary Agnes Female Geraldton
1943/2900026 Geraldton McGuiness Alice Victoria Female Coghill Charles Davidson Mackay Male Geraldton
1943/2900026 Geraldton Coghill Charles Davidson Mackay Male McGuiness Alice Victoria Female Geraldton
1943/2900027 Geraldton Simpson Frederica Bertha Female Browne Donald William Male Geraldton
1943/2900027 Geraldton Browne Donald William Male Simpson Frederica Bertha Female Geraldton
1943/2900028 Geraldton Battye Douglas Fisher Male Beazley Irene Mary Female Geraldton
1943/2900028 Geraldton Beazley Irene Mary Female Battye Douglas Fisher Male Geraldton
1943/2900029 Geraldton Ronan Mairs Pearl Female Johnson Reginald Male Geraldton
1943/2900029 Geraldton Johnson Reginald Male Ronan Mairs Pearl Female Geraldton
1943/2900030 Geraldton Bowering Ronald John Male Wedgwood Marie Female Geraldton
1943/2900030 Geraldton Wedgwood Marie Female Bowering Ronald John Male Geraldton
1943/2900031 Geraldton Ireland Phillip William Male Turner Audrey Female Geraldton
1943/2900031 Geraldton Turner Audrey Female Ireland Phillip William Male Geraldton
1943/2900032 Geraldton Rivers Allan Sydney Male Adams Doris Female Geraldton
1943/2900032 Geraldton Adams Doris Female Rivers Allan Sydney Male Geraldton
1943/2900033 Geraldton Hancock Annie Elizabeth Female Campbell William Neil Male Geraldton
1943/2900033 Geraldton Campbell William Neil Male Hancock Annie Elizabeth Female Geraldton
1943/2900034 Geraldton Stokes Ellen Lavinia Female Simmons Stanley John Male Geraldton
1943/2900034 Geraldton Simmons Stanley John Male Stokes Ellen Lavinia Female Geraldton
1943/2900035 Geraldton Cassin Rose Female Davis Reginald Arnold Male Geraldton
1943/2900035 Geraldton Davis Reginald Arnold Male Cassin Rose Female Geraldton
1943/2900036 Geraldton Lucas Herbert Stanley Male Chamberlain Patricia Annie Female Geraldton
1943/2900036 Geraldton Chamberlain Patricia Annie Female Lucas Herbert Stanley Male Geraldton
1943/2900037 Geraldton Costello Leslie Thomas Male Jackson Ethel Joyce Female Geraldton
1943/2900037 Geraldton Jackson Ethel Joyce Female Costello Leslie Thomas Male Geraldton
1943/2900038 Geraldton Webb Dorothy Jean Female Prior John Male Geraldton
1943/2900038 Geraldton Prior John Male Webb Dorothy Jean Female Geraldton
1943/2900039 Geraldton Filgate Mavis Evelyn Female Youard Donald Keith Male Geraldton
1943/2900039 Geraldton Youard Donald Keith Male Filgate Mavis Evelyn Female Geraldton
1943/2900040 Geraldton Stanley Joseph Philip Male Webb Marjorie Ellen Female Geraldton
1943/2900040 Geraldton Webb Marjorie Ellen Female Stanley Joseph Philip Male Geraldton
1943/2900041 Geraldton Ryan Rita Cathleen Female Waters Robert Reginald Male Geraldton
1943/2900041 Geraldton Waters Robert Reginald Male Ryan Rita Cathleen Female Geraldton
1943/2900042 Geraldton Phillips Vera Jean Female Caltabiano Rosario Andrew Male Geraldton
1943/2900042 Geraldton Caltabiano Rosario Andrew Male Phillips Vera Jean Female Geraldton
1943/2900043 Geraldton Hutchinson Ruby May Female Marshall Lowell Eugene Male Geraldton
1943/2900043 Geraldton Marshall Lowell Eugene Male Hutchinson Ruby May Female Geraldton
1943/2900044 Geraldton Kember Muriel Eliza Female Connolly Allenby Male Geraldton
1943/2900044 Geraldton Connolly Allenby Male Kember Muriel Eliza Female Geraldton
1943/2900045 Geraldton Norton Lily Rose Female Jose Raymond Arthur Male Geraldton
1943/2900045 Geraldton Jose Raymond Arthur Male Norton Lily Rose Female Geraldton
1943/2900046 Geraldton Reynolds Norman Wilfred Male Williams Stella May Female Geraldton
1943/2900046 Geraldton Williams Stella May Female Reynolds Norman Wilfred Male Geraldton
1943/2900047 Geraldton Pratt Phyllis Rebecca Female Cometti Arthur Male Mullewa
1943/2900047 Geraldton Cometti Arthur Male Pratt Phyllis Rebecca Female Mullewa
1943/2900048 Geraldton Hull Florence Olive Whittimore Female Steele George Charles Campbell Male Geraldton
1943/2900048 Geraldton Steele George Charles Campbell Male Hull Florence Olive Whittimore Female Geraldton
1943/2900049 Geraldton Alcock Ronald Ransom Male Maslin Agnes Jean Female Geraldton
1943/2900049 Geraldton Maslin Agnes Jean Female Alcock Ronald Ransom Male Geraldton
1943/2900050 Geraldton Crawford John Lance Male Kavanagh Leah Female Geraldton
1943/2900050 Geraldton Kavanagh Leah Female Crawford John Lance Male Geraldton
1943/2900051 Geraldton Diprose Elsie May Female Steele Alexander Male Geraldton
1943/2900051 Geraldton Steele Alexander Male Diprose Elsie May Female Geraldton
1943/2900052 Geraldton Smith Sidney George Male Criddle Ina Grace Female Geraldton
1943/2900052 Geraldton Criddle Ina Grace Female Smith Sidney George Male Geraldton
1943/2900053 Geraldton Sewell George Thomas Male Cragan Thelma Jean Female Geraldton
1943/2900053 Geraldton Cragan Thelma Jean Female Sewell George Thomas Male Geraldton
1943/2900054 Geraldton Ingram Mary Veronica Female Driscoll George Edward Male Geraldton
1943/2900054 Geraldton Driscoll George Edward Male Ingram Mary Veronica Female Geraldton
1943/2900055 Geraldton King Horace Henry Male Roberts Jessie Catherine Female Geraldton
1943/2900055 Geraldton Roberts Jessie Catherine Female King Horace Henry Male Geraldton
1943/2900056 Geraldton Blows Gordon Manning Male Logan Gladys Ellen Female Mullewa
1943/2900056 Geraldton Logan Gladys Ellen Female Blows Gordon Manning Male Mullewa
1943/2900057 Geraldton Savage Eric Robert Male Thomson Gwendoline Alberta Female Geraldton
1943/2900057 Geraldton Thomson Gwendoline Alberta Female Savage Eric Robert Male Geraldton
1943/2900058 Geraldton May George James Male Mercy Lorna Hope Mary Female Geraldton
1943/2900058 Geraldton Mercy Lorna Hope Mary Female May George James Male Geraldton
1943/2900059 Geraldton White Byron James Male Ronan Ethel May Female Geraldton
1943/2900059 Geraldton Ronan Ethel May Female White Byron James Male Geraldton
1943/2900060 Geraldton Ricciardi Maria Female Vinci Alberto Male Geraldton
1943/2900060 Geraldton Vinci Alberto Male Ricciardi Maria Female Geraldton
1943/2900061 Geraldton Morris Phyllis Maud Female Lynch Thomas William Male Geraldton
1943/2900061 Geraldton Lynch Thomas William Male Morris Phyllis Maud Female Geraldton
1943/2900062 Geraldton Knudsen Kathleen Else Female Jones Allan Hunter Male Geraldton
1943/2900062 Geraldton Jones Allan Hunter Male Knudsen Kathleen Else Female Geraldton
1943/2900063 Geraldton Ankers Reuben Male O'Donnell Mary Bridget Female Geraldton
1943/2900063 Geraldton O'Donnell Mary Bridget Female Ankers Reuben Male Geraldton
1943/2900064 Geraldton Day James Hubert Male Richmond Amy Female Geraldton
1943/2900064 Geraldton Richmond Amy Female Day James Hubert Male Geraldton
1943/2900065 Geraldton Young Russell George Male MacDonald Jeanne Key Female Geraldton
1943/2900065 Geraldton MacDonald Jeanne Key Female Young Russell George Male Geraldton
1943/2900066 Geraldton Sykes Thomas James Male Cooper Imelda Blanche Female Geraldton
1943/2900066 Geraldton Cooper Imelda Blanche Female Sykes Thomas James Male Geraldton
1943/2900067 Geraldton Bowler George Henry Male Barnfather Eileen Joyce Female Geraldton
1943/2900067 Geraldton Barnfather Eileen Joyce Female Bowler George Henry Male Geraldton
1943/2900068 Geraldton Jones John Martin Male Miller Joscelyn Emily Female Geraldton
1943/2900068 Geraldton Miller Joscelyn Emily Female Jones John Martin Male Geraldton
1943/2900069 Geraldton Mincherton William Male Gibson Dorothy Joy Clara Female Geraldton
1943/2900069 Geraldton Gibson Dorothy Joy Clara Female Mincherton William Male Geraldton
1943/2900070 Geraldton Johnston Gordon Stuart Male Giles Betty Female Bluff Point
1943/2900070 Geraldton Giles Betty Female Johnston Gordon Stuart Male Bluff Point
1943/2900071 Geraldton Mott Alice Amelia Female Greyson Barry Allan Male Geraldton
1943/2900071 Geraldton Greyson Barry Allan Male Mott Alice Amelia Female Geraldton
1943/3000001 Gingin Brittain Albert Grovner Male Riley Stella Maude Female Gingin
1943/3000001 Gingin Riley Stella Maude Female Brittain Albert Grovner Male Gingin
1943/3100001 Greenough Criddle Mary Priscilla Maud Female Gould Clement Edgar Male Walkaway
1943/3100001 Greenough Gould Clement Edgar Male Criddle Mary Priscilla Maud Female Walkaway
1943/3100002 Greenough Bagley Ethel Marquerita Female McAuliffe Robert Phillip Male Greenough
1943/3100002 Greenough McAuliffe Robert Phillip Male Bagley Ethel Marquerita Female Greenough
1944/3300001 Irwin Hunt Agnes Joan Female Lyon Leslie Ernest Male Three Springs
1944/3300001 Irwin Lyon Leslie Ernest Male Hunt Agnes Joan Female Three Springs
1943/3300001 Irwin Oliver Mary Lina Female Norrish Christopher James Male Three Springs
1943/3300001 Irwin Norrish Christopher James Male Oliver Mary Lina Female Three Springs
1944/3300002 Irwin Bowtell Dorothy Hannah Female McNeill Norman Alexander Male Three Springs
1943/3300002 Irwin MacQueen Jean Female Lakeman Roy Donald Male Caron
1944/3300002 Irwin McNeill Norman Alexander Male Bowtell Dorothy Hannah Female Three Springs
1943/3300002 Irwin Lakeman Roy Donald Male MacQueen Jean Female Caron
1943/3300003 Irwin Franklin Victor Harold Male Stokes Margaret Ellen Avis Eileen Female Three Springs
1943/3300003 Irwin Stokes Margaret Ellen Avis Eileen Female Franklin Victor Harold Male Three Springs
1943/3300004 Irwin Lockhart Doris Emily Female Whitby Ernest William Male Morawa
1943/3300004 Irwin Whitby Ernest William Male Lockhart Doris Emily Female Morawa
1943/3300005 Irwin Howard Ivy May Female Rojo Albert Ernest Male Three Springs
1943/3300005 Irwin Rojo Albert Ernest Male Howard Ivy May Female Three Springs
1943/3300006 Irwin Hamilton Irene Isabelle Female Bickford George Harding Male Dongarra
1943/3300006 Irwin Bickford George Harding Male Hamilton Irene Isabelle Female Dongarra
1943/3300007 Irwin Granville Laura Hope Female Ferguson Donald Male Morawa
1943/3300007 Irwin Ferguson Donald Male Granville Laura Hope Female Morawa
1943/3300008 Irwin Clarkson Florence Margaret Female Jones Roslyn Lance Male Dongarra
1943/3300008 Irwin Jones Roslyn Lance Male Clarkson Florence Margaret Female Dongarra
1943/3400001 Jarrahdale Gillespie Richard Male Little Elsie May Female Mundijong
1943/3400001 Jarrahdale Little Elsie May Female Gillespie Richard Male Mundijong
1943/3400002 Jarrahdale Young George Edwin Male Bicknell Winifred Joan Female Serpentine
1943/3400002 Jarrahdale Bicknell Winifred Joan Female Young George Edwin Male Serpentine
1943/3400003 Jarrahdale Tidy Jean Alice Female Muir John Hilton Male Serpentine
1943/3400003 Jarrahdale Muir John Hilton Male Tidy Jean Alice Female Serpentine
1943/3400004 Jarrahdale Williams Ivy Esther Female Posselt Roy Lancelot Male Mundijong
1943/3400004 Jarrahdale Posselt Roy Lancelot Male Williams Ivy Esther Female Mundijong
1943/3400005 Jarrahdale Pollard Patrick Burton Male Cox Elsie May Female Mundijong
1943/3400005 Jarrahdale Cox Elsie May Female Pollard Patrick Burton Male Mundijong
1943/3400006 Jarrahdale Wood Mary Roselyn Female Mathews Thomas Norman Male Keysbrook
1943/3400006 Jarrahdale Mathews Thomas Norman Male Wood Mary Roselyn Female Keysbrook
1943/3400007 Jarrahdale Fitzgerald William Male Tonkin Marjorie Winifred Female Serpentine
1943/3400007 Jarrahdale Tonkin Marjorie Winifred Female Fitzgerald William Male Serpentine
1943/3400008 Jarrahdale Kirwan Emily Female Hughes Harold Cyril Stephen Male West Australia
1943/3400008 Jarrahdale Hughes Harold Cyril Stephen Male Kirwan Emily Female West Australia
1943/3400009 Jarrahdale Slingsby Albert George Male Lillee Elsie Female Mundijong
1943/3400009 Jarrahdale Lillee Elsie Female Slingsby Albert George Male Mundijong
1943/3400010 Jarrahdale Graham Gloria Eileen Female Braithwaite Richard Male Jarrahdale
1943/3400010 Jarrahdale Braithwaite Richard Male Graham Gloria Eileen Female Jarrahdale
1943/3400011 Jarrahdale Walley Irene Female Michael John Male Mundijong
1943/3400011 Jarrahdale Michael John Male Walley Irene Female Mundijong
1943/3400012 Jarrahdale Mead Annie Female Gordin Alexander Andrew Male Mundijong
1943/3400012 Jarrahdale Gordin Alexander Andrew Male Mead Annie Female Mundijong
1944/3500001 Katanning Chatwin Agnes Jane Female Storey Harold Male Kojonup
1943/3500001 Katanning Rogers Marie Elaine Female Kowald Norman Edwin Male Katanning
1944/3500001 Katanning Storey Harold Male Chatwin Agnes Jane Female Kojonup
1943/3500001 Katanning Kowald Norman Edwin Male Rogers Marie Elaine Female Katanning
1944/3500002 Katanning Atkins Kenneth Melvin Male Hamilton Sheila Helen Female Katanning
1943/3500002 Katanning Aylmore Marjorie Eleanor Female Cull Eric Claude Male Gnowangerup
1944/3500002 Katanning Hamilton Sheila Helen Female Atkins Kenneth Melvin Male Katanning
1943/3500002 Katanning Cull Eric Claude Male Aylmore Marjorie Eleanor Female Gnowangerup
1943/3500003 Katanning Boyce Harold Male Farley Mercia Female Wagin
1943/3500003 Katanning Farley Mercia Female Boyce Harold Male Wagin
1944/3500003 Katanning Loo Donald James Male Innell Margaret May Female Gnowangerup
1944/3500003 Katanning Innell Margaret May Female Loo Donald James Male Gnowangerup
1944/3500004 Katanning Woods John Male Innell Alma Jane Female Gnowangerup
1943/3500004 Katanning Parolo Luigi Male Paini Mary Female Kojonup
1944/3500004 Katanning Innell Alma Jane Female Woods John Male Gnowangerup
1943/3500004 Katanning Paini Mary Female Parolo Luigi Male Kojonup
1944/3500005 Katanning Bolton Cecil Male Woods Ethel Female Gnowangerup
1943/3500005 Katanning Yates Francis Cecil Male Kohlhagen Juanita Stoessel Female Katanning
1944/3500005 Katanning Woods Ethel Female Bolton Cecil Male Gnowangerup
1943/3500005 Katanning Kohlhagen Juanita Stoessel Female Yates Francis Cecil Male Katanning
1943/3500006 Katanning Logue Jean Louvain Cooper Female Braithwaite Leonard Charles Male Katanning
1943/3500006 Katanning Braithwaite Leonard Charles Male Logue Jean Louvain Cooper Female Katanning
1943/3500007 Katanning Newbey Eireen Melba Female Newton John Ernest Male Katanning
1943/3500007 Katanning Newton John Ernest Male Newbey Eireen Melba Female Katanning
1943/3500008 Katanning Rebbeck Percy Lewis Male Norman Lucy May Female Gnowangerup
1943/3500008 Katanning Norman Lucy May Female Rebbeck Percy Lewis Male Gnowangerup
1943/3500009 Katanning Henry Kathleen Female Davis Jack Leonard Male Wagin
1943/3500009 Katanning Davis Jack Leonard Male Henry Kathleen Female Wagin
1943/3500010 Katanning Harrison Charles Arthur Male Bailye Fay Melita Female Kojonup
1943/3500010 Katanning Bailye Fay Melita Female Harrison Charles Arthur Male Kojonup
1943/3500011 Katanning Edwards George Male Joyce Theresa Anne Female Wagin
1943/3500011 Katanning Joyce Theresa Anne Female Edwards George Male Wagin
1943/3500012 Katanning Grundy Lawrence Male Ingleton Jean Female Katanning
1943/3500012 Katanning Ingleton Jean Female Grundy Lawrence Male Katanning
1943/3500013 Katanning Ward Clara Eliza Female Coles Ronald Male Woodanilling
1943/3500013 Katanning Coles Ronald Male Ward Clara Eliza Female Woodanilling
1943/3500014 Katanning Elverd Thomas William Male Taylor Rita Victoria Female Katanning
1943/3500014 Katanning Taylor Rita Victoria Female Elverd Thomas William Male Katanning
1943/3500015 Katanning West Kelwin Hooper Male Ball Gladys Emmiline Female Wagin
1943/3500015 Katanning Ball Gladys Emmiline Female West Kelwin Hooper Male Wagin
1943/3500016 Katanning McInnis Effie May Female Hamersley Hubert James Male Wagin
1943/3500016 Katanning Hamersley Hubert James Male McInnis Effie May Female Wagin
1943/3500017 Katanning Thompson Beatrice Mary Female Cattanach Walter George Male Katanning
1943/3500017 Katanning Cattanach Walter George Male Thompson Beatrice Mary Female Katanning
1943/3500018 Katanning Tacey George de Montfort Male Crouch Mary Ann Elizabeth Female Katanning
1943/3500018 Katanning Crouch Mary Ann Elizabeth Female Tacey George de Montfort Male Katanning
1943/3500019 Katanning Huxtable Gwendoline Ethel Female Kruger Trevor Leslie Male Katanning
1943/3500019 Katanning Kruger Trevor Leslie Male Huxtable Gwendoline Ethel Female Katanning
1943/3500020 Katanning Castle Evelyn Rose Female Turnpenny Frank Raymond Male Katanning
1943/3500020 Katanning Turnpenny Frank Raymond Male Castle Evelyn Rose Female Katanning
1943/3500021 Katanning Carrie Jane Lindsay Female Kiddie Allen Ray Male Katanning
1943/3500021 Katanning Kiddie Allen Ray Male Carrie Jane Lindsay Female Katanning
1943/3500022 Katanning Charsley Richard Male Prosser Rita Ellen Female Katanning
1943/3500022 Katanning Prosser Rita Ellen Female Charsley Richard Male Katanning
1943/3500023 Katanning Hart Bessie Female Kelly Simon Male Carrolup
1943/3500023 Katanning Kelly Simon Male Hart Bessie Female Carrolup
1943/3500024 Katanning Sampson Fred Charles Male Doig Esther Jean Female Katanning
1943/3500024 Katanning Doig Esther Jean Female Sampson Fred Charles Male Katanning
1943/3500025 Katanning Kramer Victoria Hilda Female Clark Thomas Male West Australia
1943/3500025 Katanning Clark Thomas Male Kramer Victoria Hilda Female West Australia
1943/3500026 Katanning Taylor Florence Eveline Female Clugston Edward James Male Wagin
1943/3500026 Katanning Clugston Edward James Male Taylor Florence Eveline Female Wagin
1943/3500027 Katanning Smith Leah Female Eades Charles Male Kojonup
1943/3500027 Katanning Eades Charles Male Smith Leah Female Kojonup
1943/3500028 Katanning Roberts Olive Veneita Female Hunter Leslie Hubert Male Kojonup
1943/3500028 Katanning Hunter Leslie Hubert Male Roberts Olive Veneita Female Kojonup
1943/3500029 Katanning Stack Barbara Female Parfitt Eric Male Katanning
1943/3500029 Katanning Parfitt Eric Male Stack Barbara Female Katanning
1943/3500030 Katanning Swan Douglas Geoffrey Male Flugge Dawn Florence Female Katanning
1943/3500030 Katanning Flugge Dawn Florence Female Swan Douglas Geoffrey Male Katanning
1943/3500031 Katanning Roulston Eric William Male Harvey Vera Female Wagin
1943/3500031 Katanning Harvey Vera Female Roulston Eric William Male Wagin
1943/3500032 Katanning Longmire Walter John Male Sargent Elvy Cecelia Female Katanning
1943/3500032 Katanning Sargent Elvy Cecelia Female Longmire Walter John Male Katanning
1943/3500033 Katanning Smith Gilbert Arthur Male Eades Jean Female Kojonup
1943/3500033 Katanning Eades Jean Female Smith Gilbert Arthur Male Kojonup
1943/3500034 Katanning Kemble Mavis Daphne Female Smith Alexander Cope Male Katanning
1943/3500034 Katanning Smith Alexander Cope Male Kemble Mavis Daphne Female Katanning
1943/3500035 Katanning Wells Keith Male Fraser Mary Elizabeth Female Katanning
1943/3500035 Katanning Fraser Mary Elizabeth Female Wells Keith Male Katanning
1943/3500036 Katanning Smith Ada Female Johnston Edward James Male Katanning
1943/3500036 Katanning Johnston Edward James Male Smith Ada Female Katanning
1943/3500037 Katanning Smith James Charles Male Kohlhagen Ivy Floris Female Katanning
1943/3500037 Katanning Kohlhagen Ivy Floris Female Smith James Charles Male Katanning
1943/3500038 Katanning Narkle Dempsey Male Narrier Pearl Brown Female Katanning
1943/3500038 Katanning Narrier Pearl Brown Female Narkle Dempsey Male Katanning
1943/3500039 Katanning Speight Jessie May Female Jury Athol Roy Male Nyabing
1943/3500039 Katanning Jury Athol Roy Male Speight Jessie May Female Nyabing
1943/3500040 Katanning Walker Isabella Eileen Female McVeigh James Henry Male Wagin
1943/3500040 Katanning McVeigh James Henry Male Walker Isabella Eileen Female Wagin
1943/3500041 Katanning Williams Pearl Female Burash Reedy Male Katanning
1943/3500041 Katanning Burash Reedy Male Williams Pearl Female Katanning
1943/3500042 Katanning Nenke Esther Female O'Neill James Michael Male Kukerin
1943/3500042 Katanning O'Neill James Michael Male Nenke Esther Female Kukerin
1943/3500043 Katanning Kippin Louis Charles Male Patterson Jean Winifred Female Cartmeticup
1943/3500043 Katanning Patterson Jean Winifred Female Kippin Louis Charles Male Cartmeticup
1943/3500044 Katanning Michie Mary Jane Female Taylor Robert Male Wagin
1943/3500044 Katanning Taylor Robert Male Michie Mary Jane Female Wagin
1943/3500045 Katanning Hansen Harold Male Riley Kathleen Female Carrolup
1943/3500045 Katanning Riley Kathleen Female Hansen Harold Male Carrolup
1943/3500046 Katanning West Ellen Alma Female Paranthoiene David Francis McInerney Male Katanning
1943/3500046 Katanning Paranthoiene David Francis McInerney Male West Ellen Alma Female Katanning
1943/3500047 Katanning Daddow Keith George Male Diprose Ella Mary Female Katanning
1943/3500047 Katanning Diprose Ella Mary Female Daddow Keith George Male Katanning
1943/3500048 Katanning Johnson Mary Isabell Female Bell Robert Clarance Male Katanning
1943/3500048 Katanning Bell Robert Clarance Male Johnson Mary Isabell Female Katanning
1943/3500049 Katanning Hersey Margaret Maude Female Quartermaine Owen John Male Katanning
1943/3500049 Katanning Quartermaine Owen John Male Hersey Margaret Maude Female Katanning
1943/3500050 Katanning Tussler Arthur Thomas Edward Male Bransby Mavis Mary Female Katanning
1943/3500050 Katanning Bransby Mavis Mary Female Tussler Arthur Thomas Edward Male Katanning
1943/3500051 Katanning Hersey Lydia Dennett Female Tree Robert Edmends Male Katanning
1943/3500051 Katanning Tree Robert Edmends Male Hersey Lydia Dennett Female Katanning
1943/3500052 Katanning Horley Jean Isabel Female Kirk Henry James Male Parish of Kojonup
1943/3500052 Katanning Kirk Henry James Male Horley Jean Isabel Female Parish of Kojonup
1943/3500053 Katanning Hobart Stanley Bruce Male McLaren Maggie Jean Female Katanning
1943/3500053 Katanning McLaren Maggie Jean Female Hobart Stanley Bruce Male Katanning
1943/3500054 Katanning Carpenter Stanley Male Attwell Rosie Beatrice Female Katanning
1943/3500054 Katanning Attwell Rosie Beatrice Female Carpenter Stanley Male Katanning
1943/3500055 Katanning Hams Thomas Herbert Male Skewes Joyce Rita Female Gnowangerup
1943/3500055 Katanning Skewes Joyce Rita Female Hams Thomas Herbert Male Gnowangerup
1943/3500056 Katanning Bentley John Joseph Male Prosser Grace Anna Female Katanning
1943/3500056 Katanning Prosser Grace Anna Female Bentley John Joseph Male Katanning
1943/3500057 Katanning Bosenberg Leslie George Male Kowald Dulcia Bertha Female Katanning
1943/3500057 Katanning Kowald Dulcia Bertha Female Bosenberg Leslie George Male Katanning
1943/3500058 Katanning Speight Charles Harold Male Roberts Ethel Female Katanning
1943/3500058 Katanning Roberts Ethel Female Speight Charles Harold Male Katanning
1943/3500059 Katanning Jefferies Allan George Male McDougall Ella Myrtle Female Katanning
1943/3500059 Katanning McDougall Ella Myrtle Female Jefferies Allan George Male Katanning
1943/3500060 Katanning Radford Doris Marion Female Beeck Louis Conrad Male Katanning
1943/3500060 Katanning Beeck Louis Conrad Male Radford Doris Marion Female Katanning
1943/3500061 Katanning Woods Leah Female Williams Francis George Male Gnowangerup
1943/3500061 Katanning Williams Francis George Male Woods Leah Female Gnowangerup
1943/3500062 Katanning Hislop Ferdinand Kelly Male Buchholz Zena Emelia Female Katanning
1943/3500062 Katanning Buchholz Zena Emelia Female Hislop Ferdinand Kelly Male Katanning
1943/3500063 Katanning Henderer William Henry Male Alger Shirley Emily Female Kojonup
1943/3500063 Katanning Alger Shirley Emily Female Henderer William Henry Male Kojonup
1943/3500064 Katanning Duckworth John Male Powell Shirley Constance Female Wagin
1943/3500064 Katanning Powell Shirley Constance Female Duckworth John Male Wagin
1943/3500065 Katanning Joss Leslie Male Blundy Jean Caroline Sarah Female Katanning
1943/3500065 Katanning Blundy Jean Caroline Sarah Female Joss Leslie Male Katanning
1943/3500066 Katanning Scott Robert Thomas Male Smith Hilda Vilera Female Katanning
1943/3500066 Katanning Smith Hilda Vilera Female Scott Robert Thomas Male Katanning
1943/3500067 Katanning Woods Joe Male Knapp Lena Female Gnowangerup
1943/3500067 Katanning Knapp Lena Female Woods Joe Male Gnowangerup
1943/3500068 Katanning Moir Ethel Mary Female Roberts John Meredith Male Wagin
1943/3500068 Katanning Roberts John Meredith Male Moir Ethel Mary Female Wagin
1943/3500069 Katanning Harris Ursula Mauween Female Harrison Clifton Bown Male Katanning
1943/3500069 Katanning Harrison Clifton Bown Male Harris Ursula Mauween Female Katanning
1943/3500070 Katanning Ward Audrey Edna Female Gooding Roy Ronald Male Dumbleyung
1943/3500070 Katanning Gooding Roy Ronald Male Ward Audrey Edna Female Dumbleyung
1943/3600002 East Kimberley Martin John Wyndham Male Pretlove Jean Ferguson Female Wyndham
1943/3600002 East Kimberley Pretlove Jean Ferguson Female Martin John Wyndham Male Wyndham
1943/3700001 West Kimberley Hunter Jessie Teresa Female Booker George Edward Male Derby
1943/3700001 West Kimberley Booker George Edward Male Hunter Jessie Teresa Female Derby
1943/3800001 Kimberley Goldfields Glasheen Martin Michael Male Brown Ethel May Female Hall's Creek
1943/3800001 Kimberley Goldfields Brown Ethel May Female Glasheen Martin Michael Male Hall's Creek
1943/3800002 Kimberley Goldfields Flack Nita Mary Female Marshall John Jack Male Halls Creek
1943/3800002 Kimberley Goldfields Marshall John Jack Male Flack Nita Mary Female Halls Creek
1943/4200001 Moora Oakley Lisle Ernest Male Hay Jean Female Moora
1943/4200001 Moora Hay Jean Female Oakley Lisle Ernest Male Moora
1943/4200002 Moora Moller Peter Christian Male Whittleton Annie Katherine Female Pithara
1943/4200002 Moora Whittleton Annie Katherine Female Moller Peter Christian Male Pithara
1943/4200003 Moora Warfield Charles Franklin Male Thomas Joan Mary Female Dalwallinu
1943/4200003 Moora Thomas Joan Mary Female Warfield Charles Franklin Male Dalwallinu
1943/4200004 Moora Dix Bernice May Female Ralph Albert Benjamin Male Moora
1943/4200004 Moora Ralph Albert Benjamin Male Dix Bernice May Female Moora
1943/4200005 Moora Kearny Joan Female Meehan John Male Moora
1943/4200005 Moora Meehan John Male Kearny Joan Female Moora
1943/4200006 Moora Davidson Olive Female Barrett-Lennard Douglas Graham Male Wongan Hills
1943/4200006 Moora Barrett-Lennard Douglas Graham Male Davidson Olive Female Wongan Hills
1943/4200007 Moora Taylor Noel Clement Male Wells Constance Muriel Female Wongan Hills
1943/4200007 Moora Wells Constance Muriel Female Taylor Noel Clement Male Wongan Hills
1943/4200008 Moora Dalgety Robert Male Hart Celia Female Chapel of Moore River Native Settlement
1943/4200008 Moora Hart Celia Female Dalgety Robert Male Chapel of Moore River Native Settlement
1943/4200009 Moora Pettit Lyla Veronica Female Ramirez Joseph Arthur Male Moora
1943/4200009 Moora Ramirez Joseph Arthur Male Pettit Lyla Veronica Female Moora
1943/4200010 Moora Ellis Vera May Female McDowell Lindsay Russell Male Wongan Hills
1943/4200010 Moora McDowell Lindsay Russell Male Ellis Vera May Female Wongan Hills
1943/4200011 Moora Alderson Arthur Male Brian Matilda Irene Female Bindi Bindi
1943/4200011 Moora Brian Matilda Irene Female Alderson Arthur Male Bindi Bindi
1943/4200012 Moora Fowler Dulcie Jean Female Read Thomas Ingram Male Moora
1943/4200012 Moora Read Thomas Ingram Male Fowler Dulcie Jean Female Moora
1943/4200013 Moora Mulroy Patrick Male Garrigan Edith Mary Female Calingiri
1943/4200013 Moora Garrigan Edith Mary Female Mulroy Patrick Male Calingiri
1943/4200014 Moora Stockton Cyril Percy Male Brian Reta Cavell Female Bindi Bindi
1943/4200014 Moora Brian Reta Cavell Female Stockton Cyril Percy Male Bindi Bindi
1943/4300001 Mount Margaret Sawyer Frederick Herbert Male Smith Olga May Female Leonora
1943/4300001 Mount Margaret Smith Olga May Female Sawyer Frederick Herbert Male Leonora
1943/4300002 Mount Margaret Steel Eileen May Female Drage Thomas Amos Male Leonora
1943/4300002 Mount Margaret Drage Thomas Amos Male Steel Eileen May Female Leonora
1943/4300003 Mount Margaret Curtain Eileen Marea Female Abadene John Guido Male Leonora
1943/4300003 Mount Margaret Abadene John Guido Male Curtain Eileen Marea Female Leonora
1943/4300004 Mount Margaret Tyme William Leslie Male Cooper Vera Female Mt Margaret
1943/4300004 Mount Margaret Cooper Vera Female Dimer William Leslie Male Mt Margaret
1943/4300004 Mount Margaret Cooper Vera Female Tyme William Leslie Male Mt Margaret
1943/4300004 Mount Margaret Dimer William Leslie Male Cooper Vera Female Mt Margaret
1943/4300005 Mount Margaret Workman Mary Grace Female Burke Jim Male Leonora
1943/4300005 Mount Margaret Burke Jim Male Workman Mary Grace Female Leonora
1943/4300006 Mount Margaret Graham Didla Male Goldsmith Violet Female Morgans
1943/4300006 Mount Margaret Goldsmith Violet Female Graham Didla Male Morgans
1943/4400001 Murchison Parkinson William Charles Male Angus Olive Louise Female Cue
1943/4400001 Murchison Angus Olive Louise Female Parkinson William Charles Male Cue
1943/4400002 Murchison Cameron William Roy Male Hedlam Doris Female Cue
1943/4400002 Murchison Hedlam Doris Female Cameron William Roy Male Cue
1943/4400003 Murchison Stanley Norman Walter Male Paull Agnes Mary Female Mount Magnet
1943/4400003 Murchison Paull Agnes Mary Female Stanley Norman Walter Male Mount Magnet
1943/4400004 Murchison O'Neill Stanley Clement Male Edwards Jean Mary Female Cue
1943/4400004 Murchison Edwards Jean Mary Female O'Neill Stanley Clement Male Cue
1943/4400005 Murchison Eckermann Anne Lorraine Female Hayles Arthur George Male Meekatharra
1943/4400005 Murchison Hayles Arthur George Male Eckermann Anne Lorraine Female Meekatharra
1943/4400006 Murchison Seubert Mary Female Coster Frank Male Cue
1943/4400006 Murchison Coster Frank Male Seubert Mary Female Cue
1943/4400007 Murchison Rodgers John Edward Male Krakouer Myrtle Female Mt Magnet
1943/4400007 Murchison Krakouer Myrtle Female Rodgers John Edward Male Mt Magnet
1943/4400008 Murchison Warren Jack Male Watty Mary Female Mt Magnet
1943/4400008 Murchison Watty Mary Female Warren Jack Male Mt Magnet
1943/4400009 Murchison Hamilton John Durlacher Male Morrissey Genevieve Marie Female Cue
1943/4400009 Murchison Morrissey Genevieve Marie Female Hamilton John Durlacher Male Cue
1943/4400010 Murchison Walgar Rita Female Drummond Dick Male Cue
1943/4400010 Murchison Drummond Dick Male Walgar Rita Female Cue
1943/4400011 Murchison Marsh Edward Robert Male Sutherland Fanny Jane Female Nannine
1943/4400011 Murchison Sutherland Fanny Jane Female Marsh Edward Robert Male Nannine
1943/4500001 East Murchison Williamson Phyllis Winifred Female Atkins Basil Herbert Male Wiluna
1943/4500001 East Murchison Atkins Basil Herbert Male Williamson Phyllis Winifred Female Wiluna
1943/4500002 East Murchison Stodart Gwynne Hughes Female Jones John Bentley Male Wiluna
1943/4500002 East Murchison Jones John Bentley Male Stodart Gwynne Hughes Female Wiluna
1943/4500003 East Murchison Hall William Taprell Male Naylor Marjorie Mavis Female Wiluna
1943/4500003 East Murchison Naylor Marjorie Mavis Female Hall William Taprell Male Wiluna
1943/4500004 East Murchison Murphy Monica Female Freeman George Male Wiluna
1943/4500004 East Murchison Freeman George Male Murphy Monica Female Wiluna
1943/4500005 East Murchison Tullock Edward Male Garlett Daisy Female Wiluna
1943/4500005 East Murchison Garlett Daisy Female Tullock Edward Male Wiluna
1943/4500006 East Murchison Hanrahan Barbara Helen Female McLeod Graham Male Wiluna
1943/4500006 East Murchison McLeod Graham Male Hanrahan Barbara Helen Female Wiluna
1943/4500007 East Murchison Toohey Phyllis Hilary Female Hallyburton Alex George Male Wiluna
1943/4500007 East Murchison Hallyburton Alex George Male Toohey Phyllis Hilary Female Wiluna
1943/4500008 East Murchison Blechynden Olive Beatrice Pearl Female Buckley Patrick John Male Wiluna
1943/4500008 East Murchison Buckley Patrick John Male Blechynden Olive Beatrice Pearl Female Wiluna
1944/4700001 Murray Patten May Blanche Female Watts George Albert Charles Male Pinjarra
1943/4700001 Murray Briggs Carl Frederick Male Boxley Daphne Norma Mercedes Female Pinjarra
1944/4700001 Murray Watts George Albert Charles Male Patten May Blanche Female Pinjarra
1943/4700001 Murray Boxley Daphne Norma Mercedes Female Briggs Carl Frederick Male Pinjarra
1943/4700002 Murray Postans Joyce Evelyn Female Dawe Ronald Andrewe Male Pinjarra
1943/4700002 Murray Dawe Ronald Andrewe Male Postans Joyce Evelyn Female Pinjarra
1943/4700003 Murray Eaton Beverley Arthur Male Dodd Eugene Margaret Female Pinjarra
1943/4700003 Murray Dodd Eugene Margaret Female Eaton Beverley Arthur Male Pinjarra
1943/4700004 Murray Thorn Donald Wheaton Male Readhead Peggy Ernestine Female Pinjarra
1943/4700004 Murray Readhead Peggy Ernestine Female Thorn Donald Wheaton Male Pinjarra
1943/4700005 Murray Dawson Christina Elizabeth Female Warren James Lawley Male Pinjarra
1943/4700005 Murray Warren James Lawley Male Dawson Christina Elizabeth Female Pinjarra
1943/4700006 Murray Sharman John Herbert Male Hall Alice Roma Female Mandurah
1943/4700006 Murray Hall Alice Roma Female Sharman John Herbert Male Mandurah
1943/4700007 Murray Thompson Mary Eileen Female Stephen Leslie Thomas Male Dwellingup
1943/4700007 Murray Stephen Leslie Thomas Male Thompson Mary Eileen Female Dwellingup
1943/4700008 Murray Cherrington Evelyn Phyllis Female Watson William John Male Pinjarra
1943/4700008 Murray Watson William John Male Cherrington Evelyn Phyllis Female Pinjarra
1943/4700009 Murray Readhead Betty Lillian Female Smith Thomas Main Male Pinjarra
1943/4700009 Murray Smith Thomas Main Male Readhead Betty Lillian Female Pinjarra
1943/4700010 Murray Rutherford Iris Pearl Female Chamberlain Mark Male Pinjarra
1943/4700010 Murray Chamberlain Mark Male Rutherford Iris Pearl Female Pinjarra
1943/4700011 Murray Warne William Lorraine Male Day Thelma Betty Female Pinjarra
1943/4700011 Murray Day Thelma Betty Female Warne William Lorraine Male Pinjarra
1943/4700012 Murray Birch Constance Ruby Female Styles George Thomas Male Waroona
1943/4700012 Murray Styles George Thomas Male Birch Constance Ruby Female Waroona
1943/4700013 Murray Jones Lorna May Female Chamberlain Douglas Male Pinjarra
1943/4700013 Murray Chamberlain Douglas Male Jones Lorna May Female Pinjarra
1943/4700014 Murray Pepper Gerald Goodchild Male James Valma Joyce Female Waroona
1943/4700014 Murray James Valma Joyce Female Pepper Gerald Goodchild Male Waroona
1943/4700015 Murray McLarty John Edward Male Partridge Dorothy Elizabeth Female Pinjarra
1943/4700015 Murray Partridge Dorothy Elizabeth Female McLarty John Edward Male Pinjarra
1943/4700016 Murray Ryan Loine Millicent Female Williams Francis John Male Coolup
1943/4700016 Murray Williams Francis John Male Ryan Loine Millicent Female Coolup
1943/4700017 Murray Gliddon Linda Rose Female Craig William Male Dwellingup
1943/4700017 Murray Craig William Male Gliddon Linda Rose Female Dwellingup
1943/4700018 Murray Hamming Laurence Charles Leonard Male King Nellie Female Pinjarra
1943/4700018 Murray King Nellie Female Hamming Laurence Charles Leonard Male Pinjarra
1943/4700019 Murray Wallis Edward John Male Kirby Norma Rose Female Pinjarra
1943/4700019 Murray Kirby Norma Rose Female Wallis Edward John Male Pinjarra
1943/4700020 Murray Chuard Douglas Male Neil Isabella Ternent Female Waroona
1943/4700020 Murray Neil Isabella Ternent Female Chuard Douglas Male Waroona
1943/4700021 Murray Newby Annie Mary Female Leagas Albert William Charles Male Fairbridge
1943/4700021 Murray Leagas Albert William Charles Male Newby Annie Mary Female Fairbridge
1943/4700022 Murray Ferguson Cecil Clifford Male Pearson Nita Victoria Female Mandurah
1943/4700022 Murray Pearson Nita Victoria Female Ferguson Cecil Clifford Male Mandurah
1943/4700023 Murray Marshall James Charles Male Scown Natal Eunice Female Pinjarra
1943/4700023 Murray Scown Natal Eunice Female Marshall James Charles Male Pinjarra
1943/4700024 Murray Murphy Lola Wyndham Female Morfitt Norman George Male Mandurah
1943/4700024 Murray Morfitt Norman George Male Murphy Lola Wyndham Female Mandurah
1943/4700025 Murray Patten Annie Lyra Female Thompson Roy Male Pinjarra
1943/4700025 Murray Thompson Roy Male Patten Annie Lyra Female Pinjarra
1944/4900001 Northam Miles Alec George Male Jones Eva Claire Female Dowerin
1944/4900001 Northam Jones Eva Claire Female Miles Alec George Male Dowerin
1943/4900002 Northam Thair Arthur Lawrence Male Haddrill June Alice Female Northam
1943/4900002 Northam Haddrill June Alice Female Thair Arthur Lawrence Male Northam
1943/4900003 Northam Herridge Aimee Lynette Female Dixon George Alexander Male Northam
1943/4900003 Northam Dixon George Alexander Male Herridge Aimee Lynette Female Northam
1943/4900004 Northam Smith Esme Grace Female Carter William Henry Male Northam
1943/4900004 Northam Carter William Henry Male Smith Esme Grace Female Northam
1943/4900005 Northam Wallace Royle Alexandra Female Hubble Kenneth William Male Northam
1943/4900005 Northam Hubble Kenneth William Male Wallace Royle Alexandra Female Northam
1943/4900006 Northam Forward Audrey Edith Female Spencer Richard Nelson Male Northam
1943/4900006 Northam Spencer Richard Nelson Male Forward Audrey Edith Female Northam
1943/4900007 Northam Draper Leslie Ernest Male Hodgkiss Doris Female Merredin
1943/4900007 Northam Hodgkiss Doris Female Draper Leslie Ernest Male Merredin
1943/4900008 Northam Hollett Raymond George Male Hemley Alice Isabel Female Northam
1943/4900008 Northam Hemley Alice Isabel Female Hollett Raymond George Male Northam
1943/4900009 Northam Jones Walter Male Young Mary Female Merredin
1943/4900009 Northam Young Mary Female Jones Walter Male Merredin
1943/4900010 Northam Scutter Walter Allan Male Smith Veronica Lorraine Female Kellerberrin
1943/4900010 Northam Smith Veronica Lorraine Female Scutter Walter Allan Male Kellerberrin
1943/4900011 Northam Hambley Norman Henry Male Smith Ethel Hannah Female Northam
1943/4900011 Northam Smith Ethel Hannah Female Hambley Norman Henry Male Northam
1944/4900012 Northam Pearce Norma Mabel Female Trott Michael Gurard Male Northam
1943/4900012 Northam Billyeald Arthur John Henry Male Banks Lois Margaret Female Northam
1943/4900012 Northam Banks Lois Margaret Female Billyeald Arthur John Henry Male Northam
1944/4900012 Northam Trott Michael Gurard Male Pearce Norma Mabel Female Northam
1943/4900013 Northam Hill Ronald Douglas Male Arundel Mary Female Northam
1943/4900013 Northam Arundel Mary Female Hill Ronald Douglas Male Northam
1943/4900014 Northam Stevens Daisy Alice Female Hobbs John Male Tammin
1943/4900014 Northam Hobbs John Male Stevens Daisy Alice Female Tammin
1943/4900015 Northam McGrath Raymond Herbert Male Winton Clarice Grace Female Merredin
1943/4900015 Northam Winton Clarice Grace Female McGrath Raymond Herbert Male Merredin
1943/4900016 Northam Wightman Morva Female Simpson William Neillans Male Merredin
1943/4900016 Northam Simpson William Neillans Male Wightman Morva Female Merredin
1943/4900017 Northam Masters Gilbert Henry Male Browne Phyllis Female Merredin
1943/4900017 Northam Browne Phyllis Female Masters Gilbert Henry Male Merredin
1943/4900018 Northam Kitto Lloyd Adams Male Brechin Edna May Female Cunderdin
1943/4900018 Northam Brechin Edna May Female Kitto Lloyd Adams Male Cunderdin
1943/4900019 Northam Alvaro Joseph Male Zoite Josephine Female Merredin
1943/4900020 Northam Hansen Sybil Jane Female Gardiner Robert John Male Merredin
1943/4900020 Northam Gardiner Robert John Male Hansen Sybil Jane Female Merredin
1943/4900021 Northam Wing Nellie Winifred Female Leeder Orbit Lionel Male Toodyay
1943/4900021 Northam Leeder Orbit Lionel Male Wing Nellie Winifred Female Toodyay
1943/4900022 Northam Blake Dorothy Margaret Female Wills Peter Douglas Male Quairading
1943/4900022 Northam Wills Peter Douglas Male Blake Dorothy Margaret Female Quairading
1943/4900023 Northam Stone Marcus Blair Male Edmonds Joyce May Female Toodyay
1943/4900023 Northam Edmonds Joyce May Female Stone Marcus Blair Male Toodyay
1943/4900024 Northam Twine Beryl Enid Female Martin Harold Herbert Male Toodyay
1943/4900024 Northam Martin Harold Herbert Male Twine Beryl Enid Female Toodyay
1943/4900025 Northam Gleeson Roger Male Kent Mary Laura Female Goomalling
1943/4900025 Northam Kent Mary Laura Female Gleeson Roger Male Goomalling
1943/4900026 Northam Donovan Jack Wilfred Angus Male Rose Ivy Lilian Female Cunderdin
1943/4900026 Northam Rose Ivy Lilian Female Donovan Jack Wilfred Angus Male Cunderdin
1943/4900027 Northam Hicks Newton John Male Neilson Margaret Mary Female Northam
1943/4900027 Northam Neilson Margaret Mary Female Hicks Newton John Male Northam
1943/4900028 Northam Chambers William Charles Male Lally Evelyn Female Northam
1943/4900028 Northam Lally Evelyn Female Chambers William Charles Male Northam
1943/4900029 Northam Brimblecombe Amelia Female Gable Stanley Male Northam
1943/4900029 Northam Gable Stanley Male Brimblecombe Amelia Female Northam
1943/4900030 Northam Robertson John David Male Mahoney Mary Female Northam
1943/4900030 Northam Mahoney Mary Female Robertson John David Male Northam
1943/4900031 Northam Pringle Mary Jane Lorraine Female Jackson Walter George Thomas Male Northam
1943/4900031 Northam Jackson Walter George Thomas Male Pringle Mary Jane Lorraine Female Northam
1943/4900032 Northam Wishart Norman Leslie Male Porter Olga Female Merredin
1943/4900032 Northam Porter Olga Female Wishart Norman Leslie Male Merredin
1943/4900033 Northam Lewis Billee Pauline Female McEachern Keith Male Northam
1943/4900033 Northam McEachern Keith Male Lewis Billee Pauline Female Northam
1943/4900034 Northam Wynne Hilda Female Walsh Victor Male West Northam
1943/4900034 Northam Walsh Victor Male Wynne Hilda Female West Northam
1943/4900035 Northam Monger William Frank Male Podmore Dorothy Mary Female West Northam
1943/4900035 Northam Podmore Dorothy Mary Female Monger William Frank Male West Northam
1943/4900036 Northam Summerton Daphne Joan Female Rosewarne Leslie Keith Male West Northam
1943/4900036 Northam Rosewarne Leslie Keith Male Summerton Daphne Joan Female West Northam
1943/4900038 Northam Telford Reginald Carl Walter Male Reisenauer Linda Joy Female Northam
1943/4900038 Northam Reisenauer Linda Joy Female Telford Reginald Carl Walter Male Northam
1943/4900039 Northam Adamson Mary Kathleen Female Kirkwood Rupert Male Merredin
1943/4900039 Northam Kirkwood Rupert Male Adamson Mary Kathleen Female Merredin
1943/4900040 Northam Hull Rose Minnie Female Stewart Frank Allan Male Goomalling
1943/4900040 Northam Stewart Frank Allan Male Hull Rose Minnie Female Goomalling
1943/4900041 Northam Bransby James Victor Lawrence Male Matthews Patricia Joan Female Northam
1943/4900041 Northam Matthews Patricia Joan Female Bransby James Victor Lawrence Male Northam
1943/4900042 Northam Scott Ronald Edgar Male Watson Ellen Maud Theresa Female Northam
1943/4900042 Northam Watson Ellen Maud Theresa Female Scott Ronald Edgar Male Northam
1943/4900043 Northam Austin Dulcie May Female Percival Charles Harold Male Kellerberrin
1943/4900043 Northam Percival Charles Harold Male Austin Dulcie May Female Kellerberrin
1943/4900044 Northam Frost Dorothy Female Stone Ivan Male Kellerberrin
1943/4900044 Northam Stone Ivan Male Frost Dorothy Female Kellerberrin
1943/4900045 Northam O'Brien Mary Kathleen Female Hanley James Edward Male Goomalling
1943/4900045 Northam Hanley James Edward Male O'Brien Mary Kathleen Female Goomalling
1943/4900046 Northam Dodds Jean Female Francis William Alfred Tullo Male Merredin
1943/4900046 Northam Francis William Alfred Tullo Male Dodds Jean Female Merredin
1943/4900047 Northam Leopard Ernest Male Trott Georgina Female Northam
1943/4900047 Northam Trott Georgina Female Leopard Ernest Male Northam
1943/4900048 Northam Hocking Herbert Keith Male Frearson Edna Emma Female Tammin
1943/4900048 Northam Frearson Edna Emma Female Hocking Herbert Keith Male Tammin
1943/4900049 Northam Ashworth Joan Evelyn Female Hoskins Lewis John Male West Northam
1943/4900049 Northam Hoskins Lewis John Male Ashworth Joan Evelyn Female West Northam
1943/4900050 Northam Kimpton Ethel May Female Mitchell Athol Edward Wiley Male Merredin
1943/4900050 Northam Mitchell Athol Edward Wiley Male Kimpton Ethel May Female Merredin
1943/4900051 Northam McEvoy Beryl Mary Female Sermon Leslie Edmund Male Grass Valley
1943/4900051 Northam Sermon Leslie Edmund Male McEvoy Beryl Mary Female Grass Valley
1943/4900052 Northam Clohessy Harry Joseph Male Kiddell Myrtle Winnifred Female Northam
1943/4900052 Northam Kiddell Myrtle Winnifred Female Clohessy Harry Joseph Male Northam
1943/4900053 Northam Osborne Oliver Ralph Oscar Male Clarke Lola May Female Northam
1943/4900053 Northam Clarke Lola May Female Osborne Oliver Ralph Oscar Male Northam
1943/4900054 Northam Williams Ernest James Male Higgs Jean Female West Aust
1943/4900054 Northam Higgs Jean Female Williams Ernest James Male West Aust
1943/4900055 Northam Cockle Joyce Female Humphrey Amos Male Kellerberrin
1943/4900055 Northam Humphrey Amos Male Cockle Joyce Female Kellerberrin
1943/4900056 Northam Boyd Jean Falconer Female Flintoff Thomas Wickliffe Gordon Male Northam
1943/4900056 Northam Flintoff Thomas Wickliffe Gordon Male Boyd Jean Falconer Female Northam
1943/4900057 Northam Morgan Maud Female Clarke Matthew Male Northam
1943/4900057 Northam Clarke Matthew Male Morgan Maud Female Northam
1943/4900058 Northam Smith Elvie May Female Rewell Frederick Stephen Male Northam
1943/4900058 Northam Rewell Frederick Stephen Male Smith Elvie May Female Northam
1943/4900059 Northam Hague Taresa Female Legg Jack Mark Male Cunderdin
1943/4900059 Northam Legg Jack Mark Male Hague Taresa Female Cunderdin
1943/4900060 Northam Leake Robert Maitland Male Watt Lydia Mary Female Kellerberrin
1943/4900060 Northam Watt Lydia Mary Female Leake Robert Maitland Male Kellerberrin
1943/4900061 Northam Tiller George William Male Beck Elsie Florence Female Doodlakine
1943/4900061 Northam Beck Elsie Florence Female Tiller George William Male Doodlakine
1944/4900062 Northam Della Bosca Lila Jean Female Curtis Jack Male West Northam
1944/4900062 Northam Curtis Jack Male Della Bosca Lila Jean Female West Northam
1943/4900062 Northam Wray George William Male O Callaghan Margaret Monica Female Northam
1943/4900062 Northam O Callaghan Margaret Monica Female Wray George William Male Northam
1943/4900063 Northam Priestly Archibald Robert Male Crews Alice Beryl Female Merredin
1943/4900063 Northam Crews Alice Beryl Female Priestly Archibald Robert Male Merredin
1943/4900064 Northam Pearson William Hutchison Male Last Phyllis May Female Merredin
1943/4900064 Northam Last Phyllis May Female Pearson William Hutchison Male Merredin
1943/4900065 Northam Young Robert Frank Male Muir Margaret Female Northam
1943/4900065 Northam Muir Margaret Female Young Robert Frank Male Northam
1943/4900066 Northam Allbeury Grace Jean Female Thompson Alexander Kerr Male Merredin
1943/4900066 Northam Thompson Alexander Kerr Male Allbeury Grace Jean Female Merredin
1943/4900067 Northam Parsons Vera May Female Anderson Francis Robert Male Northam
1943/4900067 Northam Anderson Francis Robert Male Parsons Vera May Female Northam
1943/4900068 Northam Marlow James Henry Male Studd Thelma May Female Northam
1943/4900068 Northam Studd Thelma May Female Marlow James Henry Male Northam
1943/4900069 Northam Tankard Patricia Ellen Female Gibson Keith Kynaston Male Northam
1943/4900069 Northam Gibson Keith Kynaston Male Tankard Patricia Ellen Female Northam
1943/4900070 Northam Hately Gregory Male Stirk Beryl Female Northam
1943/4900070 Northam Stirk Beryl Female Hately Gregory Male Northam
1943/4900071 Northam Thorsager Neils Peter Male Steicke Matilda May Female Merredin
1943/4900071 Northam Steicke Matilda May Female Thorsager Neils Peter Male Merredin
1943/4900072 Northam Laffer Sheila Corinne Female Day William George Male Merredin
1943/4900072 Northam Day William George Male Laffer Sheila Corinne Female Merredin
1943/4900073 Northam Sheen Ivy May Female Witton David William Male West Aust
1943/4900073 Northam Witton David William Male Sheen Ivy May Female West Aust
1943/4900074 Northam Gillespie Donald Male Taylor Mabel Jane Female Northam
1943/4900074 Northam Taylor Mabel Jane Female Gillespie Donald Male Northam
1943/4900075 Northam Peet Harold Frank Male Bott Thelma Sainsbury Female Northam
1943/4900075 Northam Bott Thelma Sainsbury Female Peet Harold Frank Male Northam
1943/4900076 Northam Petersen George Albert Male Bennett Evelyn Alice Female Northam
1943/4900076 Northam Bennett Evelyn Alice Female Petersen George Albert Male Northam
1943/4900077 Northam Quinlan Thelma Jane Female Field Edwin Joseph Charles Male Northam
1943/4900077 Northam Field Edwin Joseph Charles Male Quinlan Thelma Jane Female Northam
1943/4900078 Northam Woods Freda Elsie Female Haynes Alan James Male Northam
1943/4900078 Northam Haynes Alan James Male Woods Freda Elsie Female Northam
1943/4900079 Northam McGrath Albert Male Alford Kathleen Female Northam
1943/4900079 Northam Alford Kathleen Female McGrath Albert Male Northam
1943/4900080 Northam Della Madalena Clementa Rose Female Hannagan Leopold Male Northam
1943/4900080 Northam Hannagan Leopold Male Della Madalena Clementa Rose Female Northam
1943/4900081 Northam Hoffmann Ruth Margarate Female Conder Harry John Male Wyalkatchem
1943/4900081 Northam Conder Harry John Male Hoffmann Ruth Margarate Female Wyalkatchem
1943/4900082 Northam Smallacombe Veda Ethel Female Hodgkiss Bernard Joseph Male Merredin
1943/4900082 Northam Hodgkiss Bernard Joseph Male Smallacombe Veda Ethel Female Merredin
1943/4900083 Northam Perucci Alfred Dominic Male Cowie Irene Alice Female Northam
1943/4900083 Northam Cowie Irene Alice Female Perucci Alfred Dominic Male Northam
1943/4900084 Northam Jeffrey Nancy Vivienne Female Dear Edward Charles Male Northam
1943/4900084 Northam Dear Edward Charles Male Jeffrey Nancy Vivienne Female Northam
1943/4900085 Northam Payne Henry Godsell Male London Edna Madge Female Nungarin
1943/4900085 Northam London Edna Madge Female Payne Henry Godsell Male Nungarin
1943/4900086 Northam Bray Doris Female Paine Thomas Male West Aust
1943/4900086 Northam Paine Thomas Male Bray Doris Female West Aust
1943/4900087 Northam Preitz Allen Alex Male Sims Doris June Female Northam
1943/4900087 Northam Sims Doris June Female Preitz Allen Alex Male Northam
1943/4900088 Northam Roe Jack Male Fellows Clive Beryl Female Northam
1943/4900088 Northam Fellows Clive Beryl Female Roe Jack Male Northam
1943/4900089 Northam Bywaters Edith Mary Female Slater Donald Francis Male Goomalling
1943/4900089 Northam Slater Donald Francis Male Bywaters Edith Mary Female Goomalling
1943/4900090 Northam Wheatley Arlene Faye Female Peters Albert Edward Male Northam
1943/4900090 Northam Peters Albert Edward Male Wheatley Arlene Faye Female Northam
1943/4900091 Northam Brett Richard Lenore Male Waters Jean Dorothy Female West Northam
1943/4900091 Northam Waters Jean Dorothy Female Brett Richard Lenore Male West Northam
1943/4900092 Northam Twine Helen Atwell Female Doe Harold Don Male Culham
1943/4900092 Northam Doe Harold Don Male Twine Helen Atwell Female Culham
1943/4900093 Northam Chatfield Henry Levi Male McMorran Isabella Loudon Condie Female Dowerin
1943/4900093 Northam McMorran Isabella Loudon Condie Female Chatfield Henry Levi Male Dowerin
1943/4900094 Northam Munday Joan Lillian Female Bingham Henry James Male Northam
1943/4900094 Northam Bingham Henry James Male Munday Joan Lillian Female Northam
1943/4900095 Northam Hill Herbert Nelson Male Dees Vivienne Monica Female Northam
1943/4900095 Northam Dees Vivienne Monica Female Hill Herbert Nelson Male Northam
1943/4900096 Northam Saunders George Richard Male McWhirter Myrtle Female Kellerberrin
1943/4900096 Northam McWhirter Myrtle Female Saunders George Richard Male Kellerberrin
1943/4900097 Northam Rickaby Berwyn Male Baker Marian Dorothea Female Northam
1943/4900097 Northam Baker Marian Dorothea Female Rickaby Berwyn Male Northam
1943/4900098 Northam Richardson Julia Mary Female Gillam Roger Meadow Male Wyalkatchem
1943/4900098 Northam Gillam Roger Meadow Male Richardson Julia Mary Female Wyalkatchem
1943/4900099 Northam Le Lievre Verna Joyce Female Simpson Cleve Hill Male Northam
1943/4900099 Northam Simpson Cleve Hill Male Le Lievre Verna Joyce Female Northam
1943/4900100 Northam Williams Thomas Daniel Male de Largie Patricia Mary Female Merredin
1943/4900100 Northam de Largie Patricia Mary Female Williams Thomas Daniel Male Merredin
1943/4900101 Northam Killeen Phyliss Elizabeth Female White Francis Lyle Male Northam
1943/4900101 Northam White Francis Lyle Male Killeen Phyliss Elizabeth Female Northam
1943/4900102 Northam O'Connor Frances Norah Female Lord Arthur William Male Konnongorring
1943/4900102 Northam Lord Arthur William Male O'Connor Frances Norah Female Konnongorring
1943/4900103 Northam White Edmund Dudley Male Bateman Margaret May Female Meckering
1943/4900103 Northam White Edmund Dudley Male Ehlers Margaret May Female Meckering
1943/4900103 Northam Bateman Margaret May Female White Edmund Dudley Male Meckering
1943/4900103 Northam Ehlers Margaret May Female White Edmund Dudley Male Meckering
1943/4900104 Northam Day George Male Leithhead Lillian Josephine Female Merredin
1943/4900104 Northam Leithhead Lillian Josephine Female Day George Male Merredin
1943/4900105 Northam Atkins Maury Lee Male Wilkins Lola Enid Female Northam
1943/4900105 Northam Wilkins Lola Enid Female Atkins Maury Lee Male Northam
1943/4900106 Northam Gibson Henry John Male Miller Irene Sarah Female Northam
1943/4900106 Northam Miller Irene Sarah Female Gibson Henry John Male Northam
1943/4900107 Northam Tadd Phyllis Barbara Female Edwards John William Male Northam
1943/4900107 Northam Edwards John William Male Tadd Phyllis Barbara Female Northam
1943/5000001 Northampton Temple Kingsley Francis Stuart Male Cripps Annie Dolores Mary Female Northampton
1943/5000001 Northampton Cripps Annie Dolores Mary Female Temple Kingsley Francis Stuart Male Northampton
1943/5000002 Northampton Ash Dulcie Eileen Female Cragan Louis John Male Northampton
1943/5000002 Northampton Cragan Louis John Male Ash Dulcie Eileen Female Northampton
1943/5000003 Northampton Teakle Gladys Jane Female Drage William Austin Male Northampton
1943/5000003 Northampton Drage William Austin Male Teakle Gladys Jane Female Northampton
1943/5000004 Northampton Drage Gwendaline Myrtle Female Espinos Frederick Male Northampton
1943/5000004 Northampton Espinos Frederick Male Drage Gwendaline Myrtle Female Northampton
1943/5000005 Northampton Woodcock Barbara May Female Thomas Henry William Male Northampton
1943/5000005 Northampton Thomas Henry William Male Woodcock Barbara May Female Northampton
1943/5000006 Northampton Drage Gordon Maxwell Male Johnson Patricia Dolores Female Northampton
1943/5000006 Northampton Johnson Patricia Dolores Female Drage Gordon Maxwell Male Northampton
1943/5000007 Northampton Carroll Clarence Edward Male Eastough Clarice Catherine Female Nanson
1943/5000007 Northampton Eastough Clarice Catherine Female Carroll Clarence Edward Male Nanson
1943/5000008 Northampton Standen Irene Alberta Female Harrison Hector Frankland Male Northampton
1943/5000008 Northampton Harrison Hector Frankland Male Standen Irene Alberta Female Northampton
1943/5200001 Phillips River Tweeddale William Richard Male Coleman Harriette Female Ravensthorpe
1943/5200001 Phillips River Coleman Harriette Female Tweeddale William Richard Male Ravensthorpe
1943/5300001 Pilbara Dann Ignatius Male Todd Molly Female Bonney Downs Station
1943/5300001 Pilbara Todd Molly Female Dann Ignatius Male Bonney Downs Station
1943/5300002 Pilbara McColl Andrew Frederick Male Daisy - Female Marble Bar
1943/5300002 Pilbara Daisy - Female McColl Andrew Frederick Male Marble Bar
1943/5300003 Pilbara Bradford Joan Marjorie Female Dean Richard Male Marble Bar
1943/5300003 Pilbara Dean Richard Male Bradford Joan Marjorie Female Marble Bar
1943/5300004 Pilbara Hall Clorrie Female Lockyer Alfred Male Marble Bar
1943/5300004 Pilbara Lockyer Alfred Male Hall Clorrie Female Marble Bar
1943/5400003 Plantagenet Ross Ivan Herbert Alexander Male Singleton Lilian Constance Female Albany
1943/5400003 Plantagenet Singleton Lilian Constance Female Ross Ivan Herbert Alexander Male Albany
1943/5400004 Plantagenet Barrett Margaret Amy Female Allen Norman Frederick Male Denmark
1943/5400004 Plantagenet Allen Norman Frederick Male Barrett Margaret Amy Female Denmark
1943/5400005 Plantagenet Moir Selina Elizabeth Female Wheatcroft Percival Arthur Male Albany
1943/5400005 Plantagenet Wheatcroft Percival Arthur Male Moir Selina Elizabeth Female Albany
1943/5400006 Plantagenet Warrington Dorothy Female Saw Kenneth Lindsay Palmer Male Albany
1943/5400006 Plantagenet Saw Kenneth Lindsay Palmer Male Warrington Dorothy Female Albany
1943/5400007 Plantagenet Gray Winifred Joyce Female Sharpe Keith Upton Male Albany
1943/5400007 Plantagenet Sharpe Keith Upton Male Gray Winifred Joyce Female Albany
1943/5400008 Plantagenet Fleming Robert Peter Male Wallis Adeline Mary Female Albany
1943/5400008 Plantagenet Wallis Adeline Mary Female Fleming Robert Peter Male Albany
1943/5400009 Plantagenet Douglas Dulcie Ethel Female Borgas Cyril Raymond Male Albany
1943/5400009 Plantagenet Borgas Cyril Raymond Male Douglas Dulcie Ethel Female Albany
1943/5400010 Plantagenet Seymour Marjorie Lorraine Female Bail Victor Leslie Male Albany
1943/5400010 Plantagenet Bail Victor Leslie Male Seymour Marjorie Lorraine Female Albany
1943/5400011 Plantagenet Whyte John William Male Westphal Selma Hilma Female Albany
1943/5400011 Plantagenet Westphal Selma Hilma Female Whyte John William Male Albany
1943/5400013 Plantagenet Payne Lionel Joseph Male Allen Henrietta Mary Female Albany
1943/5400013 Plantagenet Allen Henrietta Mary Female Payne Lionel Joseph Male Albany
1943/5400014 Plantagenet Steward Gladys Amelia Marjorie Female Clark Alfred William Sydney Male Albany
1943/5400014 Plantagenet Clark Alfred William Sydney Male Steward Gladys Amelia Marjorie Female Albany
1943/5400015 Plantagenet Nicholson Albert Francis Male Colbenson Victoria Female Albany
1943/5400015 Plantagenet Colbenson Victoria Female Nicholson Albert Francis Male Albany
1943/5400016 Plantagenet Board Agnes Maud Female Horne Leslie Francis Male Forest Hill
1943/5400016 Plantagenet Horne Leslie Francis Male Board Agnes Maud Female Forest Hill
1943/5400017 Plantagenet Colbung Timothy Male Krakouer Ethel Female Mt Barker
1943/5400017 Plantagenet Krakouer Ethel Female Colbung Timothy Male Mt Barker
1943/5400018 Plantagenet Young Rosina Daisy Female Toone Henry William Male Mt Barker
1943/5400018 Plantagenet Toone Henry William Male Young Rosina Daisy Female Mt Barker
1943/5400020 Plantagenet Bevan Mavis Female Welshman Leslie George Male Albany
1943/5400020 Plantagenet Welshman Leslie George Male Bevan Mavis Female Albany
1943/5400021 Plantagenet Smith Mabel Adams Female Hartree Leslie Roy Male Albany
1943/5400021 Plantagenet Hartree Leslie Roy Male Smith Mabel Adams Female Albany
1943/5400022 Plantagenet Faulkner David Leonard Male Tubb Marjorie Inez Female Mt Barker
1943/5400022 Plantagenet Tubb Marjorie Inez Female Faulkner David Leonard Male Mt Barker
1943/5400023 Plantagenet Johnson Arthur Cornelius Male Worsfold Florence Mary Female Albany
1943/5400023 Plantagenet Worsfold Florence Mary Female Johnson Arthur Cornelius Male Albany
1943/5400024 Plantagenet Bunker Effie Elizabeth Female Gorton Colin Male Albany
1943/5400024 Plantagenet Gorton Colin Male Bunker Effie Elizabeth Female Albany
1943/5400025 Plantagenet Gosling Jean May Female Eddleston William Stephen Lawrence Male Albany
1943/5400025 Plantagenet Eddleston William Stephen Lawrence Male Gosling Jean May Female Albany
1943/5400026 Plantagenet Paterson Jane Adam Female Swingler George William Male Albany
1943/5400026 Plantagenet Swingler George William Male Paterson Jane Adam Female Albany
1943/5400027 Plantagenet Webb Arnold Septimus Male Casseltine Roma Dorothy Female Albany
1943/5400027 Plantagenet Casseltine Roma Dorothy Female Webb Arnold Septimus Male Albany
1943/5400028 Plantagenet Taylor Doreen Marjorie Female Fergusson John McKay Male Albany
1943/5400028 Plantagenet Fergusson John McKay Male Taylor Doreen Marjorie Female Albany
1943/5400029 Plantagenet Church Irene Ethel Female Pick Vivian Laurence Percival Male Mt Barker
1943/5400029 Plantagenet Pick Vivian Laurence Percival Male Church Irene Ethel Female Mt Barker
1943/5400030 Plantagenet Wignall William Morton Male Casseltine Norma Kathleen Female Albany
1943/5400030 Plantagenet Casseltine Norma Kathleen Female Wignall William Morton Male Albany
1943/5400031 Plantagenet Hull John Douglas Male Ravenhill Doris May Female Tingledale
1943/5400031 Plantagenet Ravenhill Doris May Female Hull John Douglas Male Tingledale
1943/5400032 Plantagenet Hemingway Lawrence Arnold Male Howson Marion Female Albany
1943/5400032 Plantagenet Howson Marion Female Hemingway Lawrence Arnold Male Albany
1943/5400033 Plantagenet Thompson Norman Male Walker Mary Amelia Gaffney Female Albany
1943/5400033 Plantagenet Walker Mary Amelia Gaffney Female Thompson Norman Male Albany
1943/5400034 Plantagenet Ralph Elsie May Female Grose William Harold Male Albany
1943/5400034 Plantagenet Grose William Harold Male Ralph Elsie May Female Albany
1943/5400035 Plantagenet Lane William Arthur Male Horton Enid Leila Female Mt Barker
1943/5400035 Plantagenet Horton Enid Leila Female Lane William Arthur Male Mt Barker
1943/5400036 Plantagenet Procter William Male Scott Annie Matilda Female Albany
1943/5400036 Plantagenet Scott Annie Matilda Female Procter William Male Albany
1943/5400037 Plantagenet Dale Ruth Elizabeth May Female Betti Leslie Male Albany
1943/5400037 Plantagenet Betti Leslie Male Dale Ruth Elizabeth May Female Albany
1943/5400038 Plantagenet Bartlett Harry Kenyon Male O'Dowd Joan Patricia Female Denmark
1943/5400038 Plantagenet O'Dowd Joan Patricia Female Bartlett Harry Kenyon Male Denmark
1943/5400039 Plantagenet Bone John Stanley Male Wilde Margaret Eileen Female Albany
1943/5400039 Plantagenet Wilde Margaret Eileen Female Bone John Stanley Male Albany
1943/5400040 Plantagenet Atkinson Edward William Male Hill Doris Amelia Female Albany
1943/5400040 Plantagenet Hill Doris Amelia Female Atkinson Edward William Male Albany
1943/5400041 Plantagenet Hills William Leslie Male Williams Lavinia June Female Albany
1943/5400041 Plantagenet Williams Lavinia June Female Hills William Leslie Male Albany
1943/5400042 Plantagenet Pinney Kathleen Female Noakes Edward Richard Male Albany
1943/5400042 Plantagenet Noakes Edward Richard Male Pinney Kathleen Female Albany
1943/5400043 Plantagenet Voce Richard Arden Male Newman Elsie May Female Albany
1943/5400043 Plantagenet Newman Elsie May Female Voce Richard Arden Male Albany
1943/5400044 Plantagenet Wallis Brian William Male Lane Dorothy Edna Female Albany
1943/5400044 Plantagenet Lane Dorothy Edna Female Wallis Brian William Male Albany
1943/5400045 Plantagenet Lambert Norman Henry Male Puls Eileen Ada Female Albany
1943/5400045 Plantagenet Puls Eileen Ada Female Lambert Norman Henry Male Albany
1943/5400046 Plantagenet Garnett Glen Hope Male Tranter Gladys Joy Female Albany
1943/5400046 Plantagenet Tranter Gladys Joy Female Garnett Glen Hope Male Albany
1943/5400047 Plantagenet Moir Cecilia Ellen Female Sounness Francis William Male Mt Barker
1943/5400047 Plantagenet Sounness Francis William Male Moir Cecilia Ellen Female Mt Barker
1943/5400048 Plantagenet Ryan Eileen Mary Female Bell John Milthorpe Male Albany
1943/5400048 Plantagenet Bell John Milthorpe Male Ryan Eileen Mary Female Albany
1943/5400049 Plantagenet Monck Eileen Doris Female Twaddle Charles Campbell Male Albany
1943/5400049 Plantagenet Twaddle Charles Campbell Male Monck Eileen Doris Female Albany
1943/5400050 Plantagenet Watson Walter John Male Rendell Beatrice Elsie Elizabeth Female Albany
1943/5400050 Plantagenet Rendell Beatrice Elsie Elizabeth Female Watson Walter John Male Albany
1943/5400051 Plantagenet Sloan Margaret Mary Female Marsh Ernest William Bradbury Male Albany
1943/5400051 Plantagenet Marsh Ernest William Bradbury Male Sloan Margaret Mary Female Albany
1943/5400052 Plantagenet Candy Charles Richard Male Moore Rene Joyce Female Mt Barker
1943/5400052 Plantagenet Moore Rene Joyce Female Candy Charles Richard Male Mt Barker
1943/5400053 Plantagenet Tranter Harley Wilbur Neville Male Kennedy Doreen Clarice Female Albany
1943/5400053 Plantagenet Kennedy Doreen Clarice Female Tranter Harley Wilbur Neville Male Albany
1943/5400054 Plantagenet Norman Walter Percy Male James Marie Female Albany
1943/5400054 Plantagenet James Marie Female Norman Walter Percy Male Albany
1943/5400055 Plantagenet Seward Reginald James Male Coleman Florence Mary Female Albany
1943/5400055 Plantagenet Coleman Florence Mary Female Seward Reginald James Male Albany
1943/5400056 Plantagenet Mason Joyce Lillian Female White James William Male Albany
1943/5400056 Plantagenet White James William Male Mason Joyce Lillian Female Albany
1943/5400057 Plantagenet Kennett Herbert Edward Male Hunter Barbara Madge Female Cranbrook
1943/5400057 Plantagenet Hunter Barbara Madge Female Kennett Herbert Edward Male Cranbrook
1943/5400058 Plantagenet Playford Bessie Florence Female Powell Charles St Leonard Male Albany
1943/5400058 Plantagenet Powell Charles St Leonard Male Playford Bessie Florence Female Albany
1943/5400059 Plantagenet Buckeridge Paul Wilkinson Male Goldsmith Alice Maud Female Mt Barker
1943/5400059 Plantagenet Goldsmith Alice Maud Female Buckeridge Paul Wilkinson Male Mt Barker
1943/5400060 Plantagenet Mills Dorothy May Female Beeck Neville Andersen Male Mount Barker
1943/5400060 Plantagenet Beeck Neville Andersen Male Mills Dorothy May Female Mount Barker
1943/5400061 Plantagenet Berry John James Male Weight Marjorie Florence Female Albany
1943/5400061 Plantagenet Weight Marjorie Florence Female Berry John James Male Albany
1943/5400062 Plantagenet Pearce Arthur Norman Male Bartley Betty Gertrude Female Albany
1943/5400062 Plantagenet Bartley Betty Gertrude Female Pearce Arthur Norman Male Albany
1943/5400063 Plantagenet Spidell George William Male Farr Ruby May Female Albany
1943/5400063 Plantagenet Farr Ruby May Female Spidell George William Male Albany
1943/5400064 Plantagenet Page Donald Douglas Haig Male Logan Agnes Jean Female Albany
1943/5400064 Plantagenet Logan Agnes Jean Female Page Donald Douglas Haig Male Albany
1943/5400065 Plantagenet Sussex Joan Olive Emily Female Lambe Edward Laurence Male Albany
1943/5400065 Plantagenet Lambe Edward Laurence Male Sussex Joan Olive Emily Female Albany
1943/5400066 Plantagenet Freeborough Abigail Female Shepherd Frederick William Male Albany
1943/5400066 Plantagenet Shepherd Frederick William Male Freeborough Abigail Female Albany
1943/5400067 Plantagenet Murphy William Joseph Male Thornton Joan Mildred Female Denmark
1943/5400067 Plantagenet Thornton Joan Mildred Female Murphy William Joseph Male Denmark
1943/5400068 Plantagenet Fitzpatrick Daphne May Female Phillips Andy Lloyd John Male Albany
1943/5400068 Plantagenet Phillips Andy Lloyd John Male Fitzpatrick Daphne May Female Albany
1943/5400069 Plantagenet Belfield Lucy Gwendoleen Female Patterson Joseph Edward Male Albany
1943/5400069 Plantagenet Patterson Joseph Edward Male Belfield Lucy Gwendoleen Female Albany
1943/5400070 Plantagenet Beale Joyce Beatrice Eleanor Female Pomery Albert Roy Male Albany
1943/5400070 Plantagenet Pomery Albert Roy Male Beale Joyce Beatrice Eleanor Female Albany
1943/5500001 Port Hedland Williams Roy Leech Male Lee Doris Myrtle Female Port Hedland
1943/5500001 Port Hedland Lee Doris Myrtle Female Williams Roy Leech Male Port Hedland
1943/5600001 Roebourne Rattigan Mary Female Brown Maurice Kitchener Right Male Roebourne
1943/5600001 Roebourne Brown Maurice Kitchener Right Male Rattigan Mary Female Roebourne
1943/6000001 Sussex Warren Florence Mabel Female Chapman Frederick George Newlands Male Busselton
1943/6000001 Sussex Chapman Frederick George Newlands Male Warren Florence Mabel Female Busselton
1943/6000002 Sussex House Thelma Grace Female Boyle Leonard Ashley Male Busselton
1943/6000002 Sussex Boyle Leonard Ashley Male House Thelma Grace Female Busselton
1943/6000003 Sussex Stewart Gordon George Male Cullum Josephine Daisy Georgina Female Margaret River
1943/6000003 Sussex Cullum Josephine Daisy Georgina Female Stewart Gordon George Male Margaret River
1943/6000004 Sussex Brittain Thomas Henry Male Sayers Helen Fenner Female Busselton
1943/6000004 Sussex Sayers Helen Fenner Female Brittain Thomas Henry Male Busselton
1943/6000005 Sussex Rafferty Agnes Teresa Female Avery Rabone Stephen Male Busselton
1943/6000005 Sussex Avery Rabone Stephen Male Rafferty Agnes Teresa Female Busselton
1943/6000006 Sussex Pelle Francesco Male Camera Maria Caterina Female Busselton
1943/6000006 Sussex Camera Maria Caterina Female Pelle Francesco Male Busselton
1943/6000007 Sussex Boardman Millicent Female Maslin Edward William Harvey Male Busselton
1943/6000007 Sussex Maslin Edward William Harvey Male Boardman Millicent Female Busselton
1943/6000008 Sussex Ripper Alan Lugar Male Sinclair Isabel Heddle Female Busselton
1943/6000008 Sussex Sinclair Isabel Heddle Female Ripper Alan Lugar Male Busselton
1943/6000009 Sussex Armstrong Elizabeth Evelyn Female Warnock Thomas Edwin Male Busselton
1943/6000009 Sussex Warnock Thomas Edwin Male Armstrong Elizabeth Evelyn Female Busselton
1943/6000010 Sussex Cockin Vincent James Male Clark Eunice Mary Female Karridale
1943/6000010 Sussex Clark Eunice Mary Female Cockin Vincent James Male Karridale
1943/6000011 Sussex Harwood William Clarence Male Clinton Helen Frances Female Busselton
1943/6000011 Sussex Clinton Helen Frances Female Harwood William Clarence Male Busselton
1943/6000012 Sussex Maughan Rowena Female Hancock Alexander John Male Cowaramup
1943/6000012 Sussex Hancock Alexander John Male Maughan Rowena Female Cowaramup
1943/6000013 Sussex Rogers Mary Elizabeth Female Walton Olly Jack Male Cowaramup
1943/6000013 Sussex Walton Olly Jack Male Rogers Mary Elizabeth Female Cowaramup
1943/6000014 Sussex Dapozzi May Edna Female Scott Alan Frederick Barrett Male Busselton
1943/6000014 Sussex Scott Alan Frederick Barrett Male Dapozzi May Edna Female Busselton
1943/6000015 Sussex Law Dulcie May Female Taylor Frederick Patrick Male Busselton
1943/6000015 Sussex Taylor Frederick Patrick Male Law Dulcie May Female Busselton
1943/6000016 Sussex Galbraith Mary Marguerite Female Frusher James Edward Male Busselton
1943/6000016 Sussex Frusher James Edward Male Galbraith Mary Marguerite Female Busselton
1943/6000017 Sussex Ireland William George Male Shannahan Mary Ellen Female Jarrahwood
1943/6000017 Sussex Shannahan Mary Ellen Female Ireland William George Male Jarrahwood
1943/6000018 Sussex Harris Violet Female Jones Wilfred Male Busselton
1943/6000018 Sussex Jones Wilfred Male Harris Violet Female Busselton
1943/6000019 Sussex Smallacombe Keith Henry Larner Male Forrest Esther May Female Busselton
1943/6000019 Sussex Forrest Esther May Female Smallacombe Keith Henry Larner Male Busselton
1943/6000020 Sussex Hall Clarence Male Lowe Ines May Female Busselton
1943/6000020 Sussex Lowe Ines May Female Hall Clarence Male Busselton
1943/6000021 Sussex Plozza Florence Mary Female Camarri Pietro Felice Male Cundenup
1943/6000021 Sussex Camarri Pietro Felice Male Plozza Florence Mary Female Cundenup
1943/6000022 Sussex Law Frederick George Male Counsel May Female Busselton
1943/6000022 Sussex Counsel May Female Law Frederick George Male Busselton
1943/6000023 Sussex Boyle Alfred Vernon Male Cockerill Edith Alwyne Female Busselton
1943/6000023 Sussex Cockerill Edith Alwyne Female Boyle Alfred Vernon Male Busselton
1943/6000024 Sussex Sanders Ida Irene Female Scaddan Richard John Joseph Male Busselton
1943/6000024 Sussex Scaddan Richard John Joseph Male Sanders Ida Irene Female Busselton
1943/6000025 Sussex Stiles Olive May Female McEachern John Alexander Male Busselton
1943/6000025 Sussex McEachern John Alexander Male Stiles Olive May Female Busselton
1943/6000026 Sussex Sharp Florence Edith Beatrice Female McNeill Thomas William Male Busselton
1943/6000026 Sussex McNeill Thomas William Male Sharp Florence Edith Beatrice Female Busselton
1943/6000027 Sussex Fennell Irene Female Mahony Joseph Sands Male Busselton
1943/6000027 Sussex Mahony Joseph Sands Male Fennell Irene Female Busselton
1943/6000028 Sussex Hindge Leslie Frederick Male Roberts Lilian Female Busselton
1943/6000028 Sussex Roberts Lilian Female Hindge Leslie Frederick Male Busselton
1943/6000029 Sussex Wallingford Margaret Campbell Female Power Kieran Daniel Male Busselton
1943/6000029 Sussex Power Kieran Daniel Male Wallingford Margaret Campbell Female Busselton
1943/6000030 Sussex Vinall Mary Marshall Female Fox Frederick John Bowley Male Witchcliffe
1943/6000030 Sussex Fox Frederick John Bowley Male Vinall Mary Marshall Female Witchcliffe
1943/6000031 Sussex Thorn Charles Male Gibb Gwenyth Margaret Female Busselton
1943/6000031 Sussex Gibb Gwenyth Margaret Female Thorn Charles Male Busselton
1943/6000032 Sussex MacKellar John Male Colgan Mary Lorraine Female Busselton
1943/6000032 Sussex Colgan Mary Lorraine Female MacKellar John Male Busselton
1943/6000033 Sussex Curtis Ivy Rebecca Female Wright Preston Stuart Male Busselton
1943/6000033 Sussex Wright Preston Stuart Male Curtis Ivy Rebecca Female Busselton
1943/6000034 Sussex Batley Vera Female Watkins Nelson Thomas William Male Busselton
1943/6000034 Sussex Watkins Nelson Thomas William Male Batley Vera Female Busselton
1944/6100001 Swan Barfield Edward Raymond Male Elliott Elfreda Gwendoline Female Parkerville
1944/6100001 Swan Elliott Elfreda Gwendoline Female Barfield Edward Raymond Male Parkerville
1944/6100002 Swan Gard Cecilia Rona Female Bickford Peter Clement Male Bassendean
1944/6100002 Swan Bickford Peter Clement Male Gard Cecilia Rona Female Bassendean
1943/6100002 Swan Letica Doris Female Leeden Alexander Henry Male Midland Junction
1943/6100002 Swan Leeden Alexander Henry Male Letica Doris Female Midland Junction
1943/6100003 Swan Neujhar Thomas Allenby Male Higgins Lillian Phyllis Female Guildford
1943/6100003 Swan Higgins Lillian Phyllis Female Neujhar Thomas Allenby Male Guildford
1943/6100004 Swan Whyte Rodney Henry Male Bovell Joan Female Darlington
1943/6100004 Swan Bovell Joan Female Whyte Rodney Henry Male Darlington
1943/6100006 Swan Newbold William Thomas Male Blanch Helena Annie May Female Guildford
1943/6100006 Swan Blanch Helena Annie May Female Newbold William Thomas Male Guildford
1943/6100007 Swan Macaulay Beatrice May Female Jones Herbert Watson Male Guildford
1943/6100007 Swan Jones Herbert Watson Male Macaulay Beatrice May Female Guildford
1943/6100008 Swan Johnson Alma Mary Noal Female Mackay Findlay Bell Male Guildford
1943/6100008 Swan Mackay Findlay Bell Male Johnson Alma Mary Noal Female Guildford
1943/6100009 Swan Smillie Robert Male Hoar Isabel Amy Female Midland Junction
1943/6100009 Swan Hoar Isabel Amy Female Smillie Robert Male Midland Junction
1943/6100010 Swan McGuinness Kevin Edwin Male Meadows Eileen Faith Female Bassendean
1943/6100010 Swan Meadows Eileen Faith Female McGuinness Kevin Edwin Male Bassendean
1943/6100011 Swan Hampson James Male Madden Sheila Mary Female Midland Junction
1943/6100011 Swan Madden Sheila Mary Female Hampson James Male Midland Junction
1943/6100012 Swan MacFarlane James Bertram Male Bell Isabella Strang Female Bassendean
1943/6100012 Swan Bell Isabella Strang Female MacFarlane James Bertram Male Bassendean
1943/6100013 Swan Crocker Vernon George Male Hunt Matilda Elizabeth Female Mundaring
1943/6100013 Swan Hunt Matilda Elizabeth Female Crocker Vernon George Male Mundaring
1943/6100014 Swan Radalj Cecilia Female Kvesich Ivan Male Midland Junction
1943/6100014 Swan Kvesich Ivan Male Radalj Cecilia Female Midland Junction
1943/6100015 Swan Rutherford Florence Adelaide Female Beresford Leonard Henry Male Mundaring
1943/6100015 Swan Beresford Leonard Henry Male Rutherford Florence Adelaide Female Mundaring
1943/6100016 Swan Watson George Vernon Male Douthwaite Leonora Female Bassendean
1943/6100016 Swan Douthwaite Leonora Female Watson George Vernon Male Bassendean
1943/6100017 Swan Read Elizabeth Rosemary Female Cox Mervyn Alfred Male Bassendean
1943/6100017 Swan Cox Mervyn Alfred Male Read Elizabeth Rosemary Female Bassendean
1943/6100018 Swan Robinson Joan Mary Female Edwards Laurence Charles Male Bassendean
1943/6100018 Swan Edwards Laurence Charles Male Robinson Joan Mary Female Bassendean
1943/6100019 Swan Telfer Thelma Joy Female Anderson Thomas Gordon William Male Bassendean
1943/6100019 Swan Anderson Thomas Gordon William Male Telfer Thelma Joy Female Bassendean
1943/6100020 Swan Noell Beatrice Hettie Female Bennett Kenneth James Male Bassendean
1943/6100020 Swan Bennett Kenneth James Male Noell Beatrice Hettie Female Bassendean
1943/6100021 Swan Watts Beryl Roma Female Edwards Cyril Percival Male Bassendean
1943/6100021 Swan Edwards Cyril Percival Male Watts Beryl Roma Female Bassendean
1943/6100022 Swan Dimond Joan Female Hartzer Charles James Male Guildford
1943/6100022 Swan Hartzer Charles James Male Dimond Joan Female Guildford
1943/6100023 Swan Warren Roy Male Crampton Sidney Female Guildford
1943/6100023 Swan Crampton Sidney Female Warren Roy Male Guildford
1943/6100024 Swan Bolton Jean Graham Female Goldspink Roy Stephen Male Midland Junction
1943/6100024 Swan Goldspink Roy Stephen Male Bolton Jean Graham Female Midland Junction
1943/6100025 Swan Wilson Neal Edward Male Magill Vera May Female Midland Junction
1943/6100025 Swan Magill Vera May Female Wilson Neal Edward Male Midland Junction
1943/6100026 Swan McKibbin Stanley Francis Male King Audrey Hilda Female Guildford
1943/6100026 Swan King Audrey Hilda Female McKibbin Stanley Francis Male Guildford
1943/6100027 Swan Mackin John Patrick Male O'Meara Kathleen Anne Female Guildford
1943/6100027 Swan O'Meara Kathleen Anne Female Mackin John Patrick Male Guildford
1943/6100028 Swan Mant Mabel Beryl Female Acott Arthur Lewis Male Bassendean
1943/6100028 Swan Acott Arthur Lewis Male Mant Mabel Beryl Female Bassendean
1943/6100029 Swan Currie George Ireland Male Vaughan Florence May Female Guildford
1943/6100029 Swan Vaughan Florence May Female Currie George Ireland Male Guildford
1943/6100030 Swan Pettit Leslie Percival Male Longman Aleta Jean Female Midland Junction
1943/6100030 Swan Longman Aleta Jean Female Pettit Leslie Percival Male Midland Junction
1943/6100031 Swan Bonner Mervyen Philip Kiely Male Smoker Hilda May Female Midland Junction
1943/6100031 Swan Smoker Hilda May Female Bonner Mervyen Philip Kiely Male Midland Junction
1943/6100032 Swan Jones Kathleen May Female French Kenneth Arthur Male Bassendean
1943/6100032 Swan French Kenneth Arthur Male Jones Kathleen May Female Bassendean
1943/6100033 Swan Donnelly Helen Mary Female Wallace Alfred Davison Male Guildford
1943/6100033 Swan Wallace Alfred Davison Male Donnelly Helen Mary Female Guildford
1943/6100034 Swan Henderson Roy Augustus Male Collins Ellen Cecilia Female Guildford
1943/6100034 Swan Collins Ellen Cecilia Female Henderson Roy Augustus Male Guildford
1943/6100035 Swan Russell John Ernest Male Wright Thelma Kathleen Female Midland Junction
1943/6100035 Swan Wright Thelma Kathleen Female Russell John Ernest Male Midland Junction
1943/6100036 Swan Preece Alfred Male Rodda Sarah Female Guildford
1943/6100036 Swan Rodda Sarah Female Preece Alfred Male Guildford
1943/6100037 Swan Marsh Edna May Female Penny Frederick Louis Male Mount Helena
1943/6100037 Swan Penny Frederick Louis Male Marsh Edna May Female Mount Helena
1943/6100038 Swan Hiscock Ethel May Female Sheppard Charley Male Midland Junction
1943/6100038 Swan Sheppard Charley Male Hiscock Ethel May Female Midland Junction
1943/6100039 Swan Smith Helen Strath Ingram Female Vardy Arthur James Male Midland Junction
1943/6100039 Swan Vardy Arthur James Male Smith Helen Strath Ingram Female Midland Junction
1943/6100040 Swan Churchill Brigham Oliver Male Schulz Lillian Maud Female Midland Junction
1943/6100040 Swan Schulz Lillian Maud Female Churchill Brigham Oliver Male Midland Junction
1943/6100041 Swan Cottrell Loyal Florence Female Wallis Frank Arthur Male Bassendean
1943/6100041 Swan Wallis Frank Arthur Male Cottrell Loyal Florence Female Bassendean
1943/6100042 Swan Howorth Doris Ellen Female Mitchell Robert Thomas Male Midland Junction
1943/6100042 Swan Mitchell Robert Thomas Male Howorth Doris Ellen Female Midland Junction
1943/6100043 Swan Mann John James Stanley Male Maxwell Violet Ivy May Female Darlington
1943/6100043 Swan Maxwell Violet Ivy May Female Mann John James Stanley Male Darlington
1943/6100044 Swan Wynne Angus Male Tilbrook Gladys Adelaide Female Mundaring
1943/6100044 Swan Tilbrook Gladys Adelaide Female Wynne Angus Male Mundaring
1943/6100045 Swan Heald Stanley Albert Male Wholagan Joan Primrose Female Guildford
1943/6100045 Swan Wholagan Joan Primrose Female Heald Stanley Albert Male Guildford
1943/6100046 Swan Redfern Hilda Grace Female Drake Francis William Male Guildford
1943/6100046 Swan Drake Francis William Male Redfern Hilda Grace Female Guildford
1943/6100047 Swan Thomas Ronald Herbert Male Bird Phyllis Katherleen Female Midland Junction
1943/6100047 Swan Bird Phyllis Katherleen Female Thomas Ronald Herbert Male Midland Junction
1943/6100048 Swan Danks Ellen Mary Female Andrews Sydney Laurence Male Midland Junction
1943/6100048 Swan Andrews Sydney Laurence Male Danks Ellen Mary Female Midland Junction
1943/6100049 Swan Williamson Patrick Eric Male Clatworthy Doris Female Midland Junction
1943/6100049 Swan Clatworthy Doris Female Williamson Patrick Eric Male Midland Junction
1943/6100050 Swan Williams Roma May Female Goggin William Robert Thomas Male Bassendean
1943/6100050 Swan Goggin William Robert Thomas Male Williams Roma May Female Bassendean
1943/6100051 Swan Parker Robert Henry Male Mills Gladys Elizabeth Matilda Female Bassendean
1943/6100051 Swan Mills Gladys Elizabeth Matilda Female Parker Robert Henry Male Bassendean
1943/6100052 Swan Williams William Stephen Male Maskew Lesley Joy Female Midland Junction
1943/6100052 Swan Maskew Lesley Joy Female Williams William Stephen Male Midland Junction
1943/6100053 Swan Humphrey Theodore Charles Male Warr Joyce Lillian Female Bellevue
1943/6100053 Swan Warr Joyce Lillian Female Humphrey Theodore Charles Male Bellevue
1943/6100054 Swan Hughes David Laxton Male McCashney Emily Joyce Female Bassendean
1943/6100054 Swan McCashney Emily Joyce Female Hughes David Laxton Male Bassendean
1943/6100055 Swan Bathols Gordon Masterman Male Nicholls Florence Joyce Female Bassendean
1943/6100055 Swan Nicholls Florence Joyce Female Bathols Gordon Masterman Male Bassendean
1943/6100056 Swan Martin Ernest George Male Jones Dorothy Doreen Female Midland Junction
1943/6100056 Swan Jones Dorothy Doreen Female Martin Ernest George Male Midland Junction
1943/6100057 Swan Bransby Eva Daphne Female Green David Albert Male Guildford
1943/6100057 Swan Green David Albert Male Bransby Eva Daphne Female Guildford
1943/6100058 Swan Fawell Mervyn James Male Lee Jean Rosina Female Guildford
1943/6100058 Swan Lee Jean Rosina Female Fawell Mervyn James Male Guildford
1943/6100059 Swan Foxall Florence Jean Marshall Female Hay Gordon Fergus Male Guildford
1943/6100059 Swan Hay Gordon Fergus Male Foxall Florence Jean Marshall Female Guildford
1943/6100060 Swan Stephenson Maxwell Coleman Male Victor Dorothy Eltze Female Guildford
1943/6100060 Swan Victor Dorothy Eltze Female Stephenson Maxwell Coleman Male Guildford
1943/6100061 Swan Vicary Lavinia Ethel Louie Female Hess Stanley Walter James Male Bassendean
1943/6100061 Swan Hess Stanley Walter James Male Vicary Lavinia Ethel Louie Female Bassendean
1943/6100062 Swan Moloney John Joseph Male Redfern Caroline Female Guildford
1943/6100062 Swan Redfern Caroline Female Moloney John Joseph Male Guildford
1943/6100063 Swan Ingram Dulcie Female Smith Harry Stanley Male Mundaring
1943/6100063 Swan Smith Harry Stanley Male Ingram Dulcie Female Mundaring
1943/6100064 Swan Smith Geoffrey Russell Male Booth Betty Lever Female Guildford
1943/6100064 Swan Booth Betty Lever Female Smith Geoffrey Russell Male Guildford
1943/6100065 Swan Usher Rene Josephine Female Stone Alfred Edward Male Guildford
1943/6100065 Swan Stone Alfred Edward Male Usher Rene Josephine Female Guildford
1943/6100066 Swan Ridley Mavis Estelle Female Garbutt Harry George Male Guildford
1943/6100066 Swan Garbutt Harry George Male Ridley Mavis Estelle Female Guildford
1943/6100067 Swan Newman Albert James Male Brand Marjorey June Female Mt Helena
1943/6100067 Swan Brand Marjorey June Female Newman Albert James Male Mt Helena
1943/6100068 Swan Guy Alma Heather Female Ottaway James Frank Male West Swan
1943/6100068 Swan Ottaway James Frank Male Guy Alma Heather Female West Swan
1943/6100069 Swan Neary Betty Florence Female Bignell Arthur George Male Middle Swan
1943/6100069 Swan Bignell Arthur George Male Neary Betty Florence Female Middle Swan
1943/6100070 Swan Harrison Ruby Christina Female Fitch Jack Gurlent Male Midland Junction
1943/6100070 Swan Fitch Jack Gurlent Male Harrison Ruby Christina Female Midland Junction
1943/6100071 Swan Brierly Edward Charles Male Morley Violet May Female Guildford
1943/6100071 Swan Morley Violet May Female Brierly Edward Charles Male Guildford
1943/6100072 Swan Anderson Francis Male Willis Edna Joyce Female Guildford
1943/6100072 Swan Willis Edna Joyce Female Anderson Francis Male Guildford
1943/6100073 Swan Muirhead Robert Charles Male Gibson Amy Lawrence Female Midland Junction
1943/6100073 Swan Gibson Amy Lawrence Female Muirhead Robert Charles Male Midland Junction
1943/6100074 Swan Hull Elsie May Female Ampt Maxwell Albert Male Bassendean
1943/6100074 Swan Ampt Maxwell Albert Male Hull Elsie May Female Bassendean
1943/6100075 Swan Bennett Phyllis Ethel Mary Female Dundee Kevin James Denis Male Bassendean
1943/6100075 Swan Dundee Kevin James Denis Male Bennett Phyllis Ethel Mary Female Bassendean
1943/6100076 Swan West Dorothy Evelyn Female Bartlett George Herbert Male Guildford
1943/6100076 Swan Bartlett George Herbert Male West Dorothy Evelyn Female Guildford
1943/6100077 Swan Kilmurray Georgina Louise Barbara Female Gibson Francis William Male Midland Junction
1943/6100077 Swan Gibson Francis William Male Kilmurray Georgina Louise Barbara Female Midland Junction
1943/6100078 Swan Moore Bertha Mary Female Niven Robert Male Midland Junction
1943/6100078 Swan Niven Robert Male Moore Bertha Mary Female Midland Junction
1943/6100079 Swan Norman Shirley Helen Female Wilson Thomas Hood Male Darlington
1943/6100079 Swan Wilson Thomas Hood Male Norman Shirley Helen Female Darlington
1943/6100080 Swan Fardig Joseph Valdemar Robert Male Elphick Mabel Eileen Female Mundaring
1943/6100080 Swan Elphick Mabel Eileen Female Fardig Joseph Valdemar Robert Male Mundaring
1943/6100081 Swan Chipper Olive Ethel Female Broad Desmond Henry Male Bassendean
1943/6100081 Swan Broad Desmond Henry Male Chipper Olive Ethel Female Bassendean
1943/6100082 Swan Savage Dulcie Edna Female Read Francis Keith Male Midland Junction
1943/6100082 Swan Read Francis Keith Male Savage Dulcie Edna Female Midland Junction
1943/6100083 Swan Stribley Elsie May Female Kilpatrick Alexander Walter Male Midland Junction
1943/6100083 Swan Kilpatrick Alexander Walter Male Stribley Elsie May Female Midland Junction
1943/6100084 Swan Gane Phyllis Shirley Female O'Byrne William Francis Male Bassendean
1943/6100084 Swan O'Byrne William Francis Male Gane Phyllis Shirley Female Bassendean
1943/6100085 Swan Stent Irene May Female Tassell Colin Rupert Male Guildford
1943/6100085 Swan Tassell Colin Rupert Male Stent Irene May Female Guildford
1943/6100086 Swan Gordon Francis Maxwell Male Campbell Clarice Jean Female Guildford
1943/6100086 Swan Campbell Clarice Jean Female Gordon Francis Maxwell Male Guildford
1943/6100087 Swan Brady Ernest Joseph Male Peters Daphne Female Midland Junction
1943/6100087 Swan Peters Daphne Female Brady Ernest Joseph Male Midland Junction
1943/6100088 Swan Landré Fumie Phillip Male Stock Violet Female Midland Junction
1943/6100088 Swan Stock Violet Female Landré Fumie Phillip Male Midland Junction
1943/6100089 Swan Byrne Helena Josephine Female Fletcher Wilfred George Male Midland Junction
1943/6100089 Swan Fletcher Wilfred George Male Byrne Helena Josephine Female Midland Junction
1943/6100090 Swan Machoures Robert William Marshall Male McGlew Elizabeth Maud Female Midland Junction
1943/6100090 Swan McGlew Elizabeth Maud Female Machoures Robert William Marshall Male Midland Junction
1943/6100091 Swan Greenfield Edna May Female Jones Leslie John Male Midland Junction
1943/6100091 Swan Jones Leslie John Male Greenfield Edna May Female Midland Junction
1943/6100092 Swan Wallwork Thomas Patterson Male Savell Laura May Female Midland Junction
1943/6100092 Swan Savell Laura May Female Wallwork Thomas Patterson Male Midland Junction
1943/6100093 Swan Laurissen Mary Female Tippett Leslie Claude Male Midland Junction
1943/6100093 Swan Tippett Leslie Claude Male Laurissen Mary Female Midland Junction
1943/6100094 Swan Woolhouse Arnold Gordon Male Mansfield Fanny Jane Female Midland Junction
1943/6100094 Swan Mansfield Fanny Jane Female Woolhouse Arnold Gordon Male Midland Junction
1943/6100095 Swan Gaffy William James Male Lance Ella Mavis Female Guildford
1943/6100095 Swan Lance Ella Mavis Female Gaffy William James Male Guildford
1943/6100096 Swan Gallagher Patrick James Male Morrissey Catherine Female Midland Junction
1943/6100096 Swan Morrissey Catherine Female Gallagher Patrick James Male Midland Junction
1943/6100097 Swan Sumich Matija Female Buselich Marko Male Midland Junction
1943/6100097 Swan Buselich Marko Male Sumich Matija Female Midland Junction
1943/6100098 Swan Ethell Olive Frances Female Whittle George Male Midland Junction
1943/6100098 Swan Whittle George Male Ethell Olive Frances Female Midland Junction
1943/6100099 Swan Newport Charles Ernest Male Robson Mary Isabel Female Guildford
1943/6100099 Swan Robson Mary Isabel Female Newport Charles Ernest Male Guildford
1943/6100100 Swan Jecks Norman David Charles Male Humphreys May Female Midland Junction
1943/6100100 Swan Humphreys May Female Jecks Norman David Charles Male Midland Junction
1943/6100101 Swan Stewart Daisy Doreen Female Maskew John Charles Male Guildford
1943/6100101 Swan Maskew John Charles Male Stewart Daisy Doreen Female Guildford
1943/6100102 Swan Stent Albert Frederick Male Weatherburn Dorothy Marjorie Female Guildford
1943/6100102 Swan Weatherburn Dorothy Marjorie Female Stent Albert Frederick Male Guildford
1943/6100103 Swan Burridge Alan Lindsay Gordon Male Williams Aileen Female Midland Junction
1943/6100103 Swan Williams Aileen Female Burridge Alan Lindsay Gordon Male Midland Junction
1943/6100104 Swan Thomas James McCully Male Rendell Sadie Beatrice Female Guildford
1943/6100104 Swan Rendell Sadie Beatrice Female Thomas James McCully Male Guildford
1943/6100105 Swan Tower Harold John Male Graham Olive Hilda Ada Female Midland Junction
1943/6100105 Swan Graham Olive Hilda Ada Female Tower Harold John Male Midland Junction
1943/6100106 Swan Chilcott Geoffrey Hinwood Male Jamieson Lillian Barbara Female Midland Junction
1943/6100106 Swan Jamieson Lillian Barbara Female Chilcott Geoffrey Hinwood Male Midland Junction
1943/6100107 Swan McGuiness Ronald Keith Male Linthorne Beryl Joan Female Midland Junction
1943/6100107 Swan Linthorne Beryl Joan Female McGuiness Ronald Keith Male Midland Junction
1943/6100108 Swan Quinn Bettina Lois Female Mann William James Male Guildford
1943/6100108 Swan Mann William James Male Quinn Bettina Lois Female Guildford
1943/6100109 Swan Bailey Robert Loverock Male Bowers Minnie Female Guildford
1943/6100109 Swan Bowers Minnie Female Bailey Robert Loverock Male Guildford
1943/6100110 Swan McDonald Winifred Female Rolle Jack Lindsay Male Guildford
1943/6100110 Swan Rolle Jack Lindsay Male McDonald Winifred Female Guildford
1943/6100111 Swan Irwin Henry Charles Male Sturtridge Elinor Edith Female Middle Swan
1943/6100111 Swan Sturtridge Elinor Edith Female Irwin Henry Charles Male Middle Swan
1943/6100112 Swan Archer Philip Topham Male Kynaston Norma Edith Female Midland Junction
1943/6100112 Swan Kynaston Norma Edith Female Archer Philip Topham Male Midland Junction
1943/6100113 Swan Seale Herbert George Male Bastow Elizabeth Sarah Female Midland Junction
1943/6100113 Swan Bastow Elizabeth Sarah Female Seale Herbert George Male Midland Junction
1943/6100114 Swan Lennon Thomas Henry Male Bower Pearl Irene Female Guildford
1943/6100114 Swan Bower Pearl Irene Female Lennon Thomas Henry Male Guildford
1943/6100115 Swan Farley Marie Elizabeth Female Avery Basil Hurlstone Male Guildford
1943/6100115 Swan Avery Basil Hurlstone Male Farley Marie Elizabeth Female Guildford
1943/6100116 Swan Gardiner Ronald Keith Male Steel Gwendoline Mae Female Guildford
1943/6100116 Swan Steel Gwendoline Mae Female Gardiner Ronald Keith Male Guildford
1943/6100117 Swan Atkins Dennis Reginald Male Johnson Hilda Female Guildford
1943/6100117 Swan Johnson Hilda Female Atkins Dennis Reginald Male Guildford
1943/6100118 Swan Hewson Mary Catherine Female Rendell Claude Stanley Male Guildford
1943/6100118 Swan Rendell Claude Stanley Male Hewson Mary Catherine Female Guildford
1943/6100119 Swan Brown Olga Lorraine Female Thurley Roy Norman Male Midland Junction
1943/6100119 Swan Thurley Roy Norman Male Brown Olga Lorraine Female Midland Junction
1943/6100120 Swan Anderson Gwendoline Greta Female Pittaway William Thomas Male Midland Junction
1943/6100120 Swan Pittaway William Thomas Male Anderson Gwendoline Greta Female Midland Junction
1943/6100121 Swan Vlasic Joza Female Dundo Tony Male Midland Junction
1943/6100121 Swan Dundo Tony Male Vlasic Joza Female Midland Junction
1943/6100122 Swan Klinac Annie Female Jakovich Bozan Male Midland Junction
1943/6100122 Swan Jakovich Bozan Male Klinac Annie Female Midland Junction
1943/6100124 Swan Thompson Frederick Louis Male Liddelow Margaret Mary Female Guildford
1943/6100124 Swan Liddelow Margaret Mary Female Thompson Frederick Louis Male Guildford
1943/6100125 Swan Palmer Stanley Eric Male Abbott Elise Female Darlington
1943/6100125 Swan Abbott Elise Female Palmer Stanley Eric Male Darlington
1943/6100126 Swan Barker Stanley Craig Male Smith Teresa Mary Female Guildford
1943/6100126 Swan Smith Teresa Mary Female Barker Stanley Craig Male Guildford
1943/6100127 Swan Tanner Noel Henry Male Devenish Margaret Elizabeth Female Guildford
1943/6100127 Swan Devenish Margaret Elizabeth Female Tanner Noel Henry Male Guildford
1943/6100128 Swan Cody Ronald Joseph Male Greenalsh Kathleen Blair Female Guildford
1943/6100128 Swan Greenalsh Kathleen Blair Female Cody Ronald Joseph Male Guildford
1943/6100129 Swan Sly Ernest Edwin Male Horley Jamsie Elizabeth Female Midland Junction
1943/6100129 Swan Horley Jamsie Elizabeth Female Sly Ernest Edwin Male Midland Junction
1943/6100130 Swan Seater Frank Male McKendry Alison Elizabeth Female Bassendean
1943/6100130 Swan McKendry Alison Elizabeth Female Seater Frank Male Bassendean
1943/6100131 Swan Crocker Veronica Jean Female Westphal Cyril Norman Male Midland Junction
1943/6100131 Swan Westphal Cyril Norman Male Crocker Veronica Jean Female Midland Junction
1943/6100132 Swan Jones Walter Moulson Male Sparks Audrey Lucille Female Midland Junction
1943/6100132 Swan Sparks Audrey Lucille Female Jones Walter Moulson Male Midland Junction
1943/6100133 Swan Struthoff Betty Patricia Female Gale Robert Male Midland Junction
1943/6100133 Swan Gale Robert Male Struthoff Betty Patricia Female Midland Junction
1943/6100134 Swan McArthur Daphne Grace Female Lynch Francis Gerard Male Midland Junction
1943/6100134 Swan Lynch Francis Gerard Male McArthur Daphne Grace Female Midland Junction
1943/6100135 Swan Telfer Robert Mervin Male Weatherburn Verna Ella Female Bassendean
1943/6100135 Swan Weatherburn Verna Ella Female Telfer Robert Mervin Male Bassendean
1943/6100136 Swan Haines Henry Wallace Male Carson Rosemary Female West Aus
1943/6100136 Swan Carson Rosemary Female Haines Henry Wallace Male West Aus
1943/6100137 Swan O'Loughlin Mary Margaret Female Howlett Allan Norman Male Midland Junction
1943/6100137 Swan Howlett Allan Norman Male O'Loughlin Mary Margaret Female Midland Junction
1943/6100138 Swan Bartlett Marjorie Alice Female Mitchell Harold Laurence Male Bassendean
1943/6100138 Swan Mitchell Harold Laurence Male Bartlett Marjorie Alice Female Bassendean
1943/6100139 Swan Pivac Lena Ena Female Radisich Frank Male Guildford
1943/6100139 Swan Radisich Frank Male Pivac Lena Ena Female Guildford
1943/6100140 Swan Gregg Samuel Herbert Male Bassett Noel Harmony Female Middle Swan
1943/6100140 Swan Bassett Noel Harmony Female Gregg Samuel Herbert Male Middle Swan
1943/6100141 Swan Harrigan Kathleen Mary Female Featherston James Monty Male Midland Junction
1943/6100141 Swan Featherston James Monty Male Harrigan Kathleen Mary Female Midland Junction
1943/6100142 Swan Sims Dorothy Annie Female Michael Francis William Male Midland Junction
1943/6100142 Swan Michael Francis William Male Sims Dorothy Annie Female Midland Junction
1943/6100143 Swan Goode Evelyn Clare Female Smith Frank Murphy McKay Male Guildford
1943/6100143 Swan Smith Frank Murphy McKay Male Goode Evelyn Clare Female Guildford
1943/6100144 Swan Carr Keith James Male Finlay Rosalind Mary Female Guildford
1943/6100144 Swan Finlay Rosalind Mary Female Carr Keith James Male Guildford
1943/6100145 Swan Haynes Annie Olive Female Edwards Leslie William Male Guildford
1943/6100145 Swan Edwards Leslie William Male Haynes Annie Olive Female Guildford
1943/6100146 Swan Wholagan Patricia Margaret Amy Female Ronan William Henry Male Guildford
1943/6100146 Swan Ronan William Henry Male Wholagan Patricia Margaret Amy Female Guildford
1943/6100147 Swan Cordon Albert Percival Male Ayres Joyce Muriel Female Guildford
1943/6100147 Swan Ayres Joyce Muriel Female Cordon Albert Percival Male Guildford
1943/6100148 Swan Pritchard John Henry Male Hemmings Allison Nellie Female Guildford
1943/6100148 Swan Hemmings Allison Nellie Female Pritchard John Henry Male Guildford
1943/6100149 Swan McClymans Norma Florence Female Jullyan Peter Male Midland Junction
1943/6100149 Swan Jullyan Peter Male McClymans Norma Florence Female Midland Junction
1943/6100150 Swan Young Lena Mary Eileen Female Cogdon Charles John Male Guildford
1943/6100150 Swan Cogdon Charles John Male Young Lena Mary Eileen Female Guildford
1943/6500001 Victoria Plains Taylor Bertha Female Cooper Albert Male New Norcia
1943/6500001 Victoria Plains Cooper Albert Male Taylor Bertha Female New Norcia
1943/6500002 Victoria Plains King Phyllis Irene Female Carter Robert Charles Male Calingiri
1943/6500002 Victoria Plains Carter Robert Charles Male King Phyllis Irene Female Calingiri
1943/6500003 Victoria Plains Forrest Betty Patricia Female Ellis Alan James Male Wongan Hills
1943/6500003 Victoria Plains Ellis Alan James Male Forrest Betty Patricia Female Wongan Hills
1943/6500004 Victoria Plains Thomas Harold Male Lindsay Bertha Alma Female Calingiri
1943/6500004 Victoria Plains Lindsay Bertha Alma Female Thomas Harold Male Calingiri
1944/6600001 Wellington Rechichi Maria Rosa Female Madaffari Santa Male Bunbury
1944/6600001 Wellington Madaffari Santa Male Rechichi Maria Rosa Female Bunbury
1944/6600002 Wellington Faulds Joseph Male Aitken Annie McDonald Female Collie
1944/6600002 Wellington Aitken Annie McDonald Female Faulds Joseph Male Collie
1944/6600003 Wellington Musitano Domenica Female Italiano Arcangelo Male Dardanup
1944/6600003 Wellington Italiano Arcangelo Male Musitano Domenica Female Dardanup
1943/6600005 Wellington Power Lindsay Kevin Male Yoonbusch Mary Female Bunbury
1943/6600005 Wellington Yoonbusch Mary Female Power Lindsay Kevin Male Bunbury
1944/6600006 Wellington Barone Antonio Male De Rosa Celia Female Waroona
1944/6600006 Wellington De Rosa Celia Female Barone Antonio Male Waroona
1944/6600007 Wellington Ferraro Caterina Female D'Agostino Cosimo Male Harvey
1944/6600007 Wellington D'Agostino Cosimo Male Ferraro Caterina Female Harvey
1943/6600008 Wellington Donaldson Elizabeth King Female Dawe Roger Male Bunbury
1944/6600008 Wellington Parham Eleanor Rebecca Female Ausden Stanley George Male Bunbury
1944/6600008 Wellington Ausden Stanley George Male Parham Eleanor Rebecca Female Bunbury
1943/6600008 Wellington Dawe Roger Male Donaldson Elizabeth King Female Bunbury
1943/6600011 Wellington Poller Marjory Lucy Neville Female Hall John Male Burekup
1943/6600011 Wellington Hall John Male Poller Marjory Lucy Neville Female Burekup
1943/6600012 Wellington Lawrence Norma Rose Female Harris Allan Male South Bunbury
1943/6600012 Wellington Harris Allan Male Lawrence Norma Rose Female South Bunbury
1943/6600013 Wellington Ridley Edward Thomas Male Bird Diana Patricia Female Bunbury
1943/6600013 Wellington Bird Diana Patricia Female Ridley Edward Thomas Male Bunbury
1943/6600014 Wellington Inman Grace Female Davies Eric Gordon Male Bunbury
1943/6600014 Wellington Davies Eric Gordon Male Inman Grace Female Bunbury
1943/6600015 Wellington Matthews Ellen Female Chapman Kimberley Male Donnybrook
1943/6600015 Wellington Chapman Kimberley Male Matthews Ellen Female Donnybrook
1944/6600015 Wellington Daniels Ernest Thomas Male Hovey Kathleen Cecilia Female Collie
1944/6600015 Wellington Hovey Kathleen Cecilia Female Daniels Ernest Thomas Male Collie
1943/6600016 Wellington Ellard Evelyn Sarah Female Redden Frederick George Male Bunbury
1943/6600016 Wellington Redden Frederick George Male Ellard Evelyn Sarah Female Bunbury
1943/6600017 Wellington Herbert-Burns William Thomas Male Kitschke Emily Blanche Female Bunbury
1943/6600017 Wellington Kitschke Emily Blanche Female Herbert-Burns William Thomas Male Bunbury
1943/6600018 Wellington Graham George Percival Male Fowler Evelyn Rhoda Female Thomson's Brook
1943/6600018 Wellington Fowler Evelyn Rhoda Female Graham George Percival Male Thomson's Brook
1943/6600019 Wellington Fyfe Colin Charles James Male Beer Doreen Female Bunbury
1943/6600019 Wellington Beer Doreen Female Fyfe Colin Charles James Male Bunbury
1943/6600020 Wellington Udell Violet Ruby Female Hicks Alfred Noel Male Bunbury
1943/6600020 Wellington Hicks Alfred Noel Male Udell Violet Ruby Female Bunbury
1943/6600021 Wellington Fennell Edith Emily Female House James Aubrey Male Bunbury
1943/6600021 Wellington House James Aubrey Male Fennell Edith Emily Female Bunbury
1943/6600022 Wellington Foster Eileen Mary Female Rodgers George Leonard Male Dardanup
1943/6600022 Wellington Rodgers George Leonard Male Foster Eileen Mary Female Dardanup
1943/6600023 Wellington Widdup Clara Female Scott Arthur George Male Bunbury
1943/6600023 Wellington Scott Arthur George Male Widdup Clara Female Bunbury
1943/6600024 Wellington Higgins Clifford James Male Cross Joy Evelyn Female Donnybrook
1943/6600024 Wellington Cross Joy Evelyn Female Higgins Clifford James Male Donnybrook
1943/6600025 Wellington Richards Elsie Joyce Female Saunders Albert George Male Collie
1943/6600025 Wellington Saunders Albert George Male Richards Elsie Joyce Female Collie
1943/6600026 Wellington Reid Elizabeth Female Britza George Ditlev Male Bunbury
1943/6600026 Wellington Britza George Ditlev Male Reid Elizabeth Female Bunbury
1943/6600027 Wellington Ryall Elsa Elaine Female Hamerton Edward Bramley Male Bunbury
1943/6600027 Wellington Hamerton Edward Bramley Male Ryall Elsa Elaine Female Bunbury
1943/6600028 Wellington Williams Eric Marsden Male Meade Lola Jean Female Bunbury
1943/6600028 Wellington Meade Lola Jean Female Williams Eric Marsden Male Bunbury
1943/6600029 Wellington Jones Thomas Henry Bushe Male Mitchell Hazel Olive Female Collie
1943/6600029 Wellington Mitchell Hazel Olive Female Jones Thomas Henry Bushe Male Collie
1943/6600030 Wellington Fleay Emily Margaret Female Barber Raymond George Male Collie
1943/6600030 Wellington Barber Raymond George Male Fleay Emily Margaret Female Collie
1943/6600031 Wellington Donohoe Frederick Thomas Male Carter Muriel Louisa Female Bunbury
1943/6600031 Wellington Carter Muriel Louisa Female Donohoe Frederick Thomas Male Bunbury
1943/6600032 Wellington Cox Thelma Betty Female Cooke Edward Arthur Male Bunbury
1943/6600032 Wellington Cooke Edward Arthur Male Cox Thelma Betty Female Bunbury
1943/6600033 Wellington Newman Doreen Daphne Female Male Harold Lenard Male South Bunbury
1943/6600033 Wellington Male Harold Lenard Male Newman Doreen Daphne Female South Bunbury
1943/6600034 Wellington Murnane Grace Ramsay Female Turner Clarence William Male W Aus
1943/6600034 Wellington Turner Clarence William Male Murnane Grace Ramsay Female W Aus
1943/6600035 Wellington Cluning John Daniel Male Bingham Patricia Joan Female Collie
1943/6600035 Wellington Bingham Patricia Joan Female Cluning John Daniel Male Collie
1943/6600036 Wellington Fox Ruth Winifred Female McRae Colin Joseph Male Donnybrook
1943/6600036 Wellington McRae Colin Joseph Male Fox Ruth Winifred Female Donnybrook
1943/6600037 Wellington Avery Dorothy Mabel Female Clarke Richard Oakdon Male Donnybrook
1943/6600037 Wellington Clarke Richard Oakdon Male Avery Dorothy Mabel Female Donnybrook
1943/6600038 Wellington Leeder Eileen Sophia Female Johnston Stewart Barclay Male W Aus
1943/6600038 Wellington Johnston Stewart Barclay Male Leeder Eileen Sophia Female W Aus
1943/6600039 Wellington Rogers Margaret Female Shaw Philip Male Bunbury
1943/6600039 Wellington Shaw Philip Male Rogers Margaret Female Bunbury
1943/6600040 Wellington Moriarty William Leslie Joseph Male Vincent Mary Kathleen Female Bunbury
1943/6600040 Wellington Vincent Mary Kathleen Female Moriarty William Leslie Joseph Male Bunbury
1943/6600041 Wellington Mighell Dorothy Grace Female Cox John Joseph Male Bunbury
1943/6600041 Wellington Cox John Joseph Male Mighell Dorothy Grace Female Bunbury
1943/6600042 Wellington Cumming Norma Madeline Female Lambert Robert Vincent Male Bunbury
1943/6600042 Wellington Lambert Robert Vincent Male Cumming Norma Madeline Female Bunbury
1943/6600043 Wellington Campbell Fordyce Jack Charles Male Inglis Ruth Female Bunbury
1943/6600043 Wellington Inglis Ruth Female Campbell Fordyce Jack Charles Male Bunbury
1943/6600044 Wellington Lanigan Robert Patrick Male Hastie Theresa Christina Female Bunbury
1943/6600044 Wellington Hastie Theresa Christina Female Lanigan Robert Patrick Male Bunbury
1943/6600045 Wellington Whitehouse Marshall Reginald Male Gibson Olive Marion Female W Aus
1943/6600045 Wellington Gibson Olive Marion Female Whitehouse Marshall Reginald Male W Aus
1943/6600046 Wellington Owens Rhoda Mary Female Macdonald John Gilders Male Bunbury
1943/6600046 Wellington Macdonald John Gilders Male Owens Rhoda Mary Female Bunbury
1943/6600047 Wellington Pendal Algar Harold Male Buswell Marie Julia Female Bunbury
1943/6600047 Wellington Buswell Marie Julia Female Pendal Algar Harold Male Bunbury
1943/6600048 Wellington Merritt Kenneth Albert Male Kitschke Plenda Annie Female Bunbury
1943/6600048 Wellington Kitschke Plenda Annie Female Merritt Kenneth Albert Male Bunbury
1943/6600049 Wellington Murnane Phyllis May Female Stephens Leslie Herbert Male W Aus
1943/6600049 Wellington Stephens Leslie Herbert Male Murnane Phyllis May Female W Aus
1943/6600050 Wellington Palmer Robert Kenneth Male Roberts Barbara Athelstone Female Donnybrook
1943/6600050 Wellington Roberts Barbara Athelstone Female Palmer Robert Kenneth Male Donnybrook
1943/6600051 Wellington Smith Leslie Robert Male Gibson Vera Millicent Female South Bunbury
1943/6600051 Wellington Gibson Vera Millicent Female Smith Leslie Robert Male South Bunbury
1943/6600052 Wellington Semmens Albert Harding Male Wenn Merle Stella Female Bunbury
1943/6600052 Wellington Wenn Merle Stella Female Semmens Albert Harding Male Bunbury
1943/6600053 Wellington Moore Donald Rex Male Hards Amy Maude Frances Female Bunbury
1943/6600053 Wellington Hards Amy Maude Frances Female Moore Donald Rex Male Bunbury
1943/6600054 Wellington Major Stanley Arthur Male Day Lorna May Female Bunbury
1943/6600054 Wellington Day Lorna May Female Major Stanley Arthur Male Bunbury
1943/6600055 Wellington Goodson Ronald Robert Male Day Rita Edna Female Bunbury
1943/6600055 Wellington Day Rita Edna Female Goodson Ronald Robert Male Bunbury
1943/6600056 Wellington Straw Andrew James Male Dawes Beryl Grace Female Collie
1943/6600056 Wellington Dawes Beryl Grace Female Straw Andrew James Male Collie
1943/6600057 Wellington Redden Nancy Pamela Female Woolley Geoffery Charles Male Bunbury
1943/6600057 Wellington Woolley Geoffery Charles Male Redden Nancy Pamela Female Bunbury
1943/6600058 Wellington McKendry Norman Henry Male Beaglehole Ida Josephine Female Bunbury
1943/6600058 Wellington Beaglehole Ida Josephine Female McKendry Norman Henry Male Bunbury
1943/6600059 Wellington Jackson Phillip Henry Male Smith Coralia Lily Female Bunbury
1943/6600059 Wellington Smith Coralia Lily Female Jackson Phillip Henry Male Bunbury
1943/6600060 Wellington Sweeney Laurence Leslie Male Lewis Enid Rose Female Collie
1943/6600060 Wellington Lewis Enid Rose Female Sweeney Laurence Leslie Male Collie
1943/6600061 Wellington Lake William Albert Male Williams Daphne Florence Female W Aus
1943/6600061 Wellington Williams Daphne Florence Female Lake William Albert Male W Aus
1943/6600062 Wellington Burton Allan Vance James Male Saunders Betty Laura Female Bunbury
1943/6600062 Wellington Saunders Betty Laura Female Burton Allan Vance James Male Bunbury
1943/6600063 Wellington McGinty Robert Vincent Patrick Male Wadley Vera Victoria Female Bunbury
1943/6600063 Wellington Wadley Vera Victoria Female McGinty Robert Vincent Patrick Male Bunbury
1943/6600064 Wellington McCaughan Alexander John Wallace Male Hood Maggie Ellen Female Collie
1943/6600064 Wellington Hood Maggie Ellen Female McCaughan Alexander John Wallace Male Collie
1943/6600065 Wellington Hann Alexander James Male Weymouth Ethel May Female Bunbury
1943/6600065 Wellington Weymouth Ethel May Female Hann Alexander James Male Bunbury
1943/6600066 Wellington Garbelini Dominic Thomas Male Manoni Sylvia Female Dardanup
1943/6600066 Wellington Manoni Sylvia Female Garbelini Dominic Thomas Male Dardanup
1943/6600067 Wellington Lyon Cornelius Jacobus Male Burrows Constance Alma Sarah Female Donnybrook
1943/6600067 Wellington Burrows Constance Alma Sarah Female Lyon Cornelius Jacobus Male Donnybrook
1943/6600068 Wellington Flynn Ellen Rose Female O'Neill Gervase Sylvester Male Bunbury
1943/6600068 Wellington O'Neill Gervase Sylvester Male Flynn Ellen Rose Female Bunbury
1943/6600069 Wellington Ashcroft Arthur Joseph Male Downs Eileen May Female Bunbury
1943/6600069 Wellington Downs Eileen May Female Ashcroft Arthur Joseph Male Bunbury
1943/6600070 Wellington Slater Gweneth Ruby Female Smith Athol Francis Male Collie
1943/6600070 Wellington Smith Athol Francis Male Slater Gweneth Ruby Female Collie
1943/6600071 Wellington Gardiner Lionel Trigwell Male Hunter Dorothy Agnes Female Bunbury
1943/6600071 Wellington Hunter Dorothy Agnes Female Gardiner Lionel Trigwell Male Bunbury
1943/6600072 Wellington White George Mark Hounsfield Male Ferguson Nancy Olivia Winnifred Female Collie
1943/6600072 Wellington Ferguson Nancy Olivia Winnifred Female White George Mark Hounsfield Male Collie
1943/6600073 Wellington Lambert Charles Bertram Male Gardiner Ella Muriel Sophia Female W Aus
1943/6600073 Wellington Gardiner Ella Muriel Sophia Female Lambert Charles Bertram Male W Aus
1943/6600075 Wellington Boyd Norah Frances Female Mackley Allen Edward Male Collie
1943/6600075 Wellington Mackley Allen Edward Male Boyd Norah Frances Female Collie
1943/6600076 Wellington Archer Margaret Female Campbell Arthur Male Collie
1943/6600076 Wellington Campbell Arthur Male Archer Margaret Female Collie
1943/6600077 Wellington Jeffery William Charles Bennett Male Shield Margaret Lillian Female Donnybrook
1943/6600077 Wellington Shield Margaret Lillian Female Jeffery William Charles Bennett Male Donnybrook
1943/6600078 Wellington Cutter Mary Female Mulgrue John Christian James Male Bunbury
1943/6600078 Wellington Mulgrue John Christian James Male Cutter Mary Female Bunbury
1943/6600079 Wellington Ottrey Thomas Albert Male Newby Hettie Female Harvey
1943/6600079 Wellington Newby Hettie Female Ottrey Thomas Albert Male Harvey
1943/6600080 Wellington Wallace Alexander Robert John Male Maidment Alice Jean Female Harvey
1943/6600080 Wellington Maidment Alice Jean Female Wallace Alexander Robert John Male Harvey
1943/6600081 Wellington Shield Eileen Evelyn Female Clancy James Patrick Male Bunbury
1943/6600081 Wellington Clancy James Patrick Male Shield Eileen Evelyn Female Bunbury
1943/6600082 Wellington Brown Ronald Lesley Male Shannon Valma Joy Female Collie
1943/6600082 Wellington Shannon Valma Joy Female Brown Ronald Lesley Male Collie
1943/6600083 Wellington Newman Ernest Charles Male Rogers Shirley Eunice Female South Bunbury
1943/6600083 Wellington Rogers Shirley Eunice Female Newman Ernest Charles Male South Bunbury
1943/6600084 Wellington Betti Giuseppe Male Tuia Emma Female Donnybrook
1943/6600084 Wellington Tuia Emma Female Betti Giuseppe Male Donnybrook
1943/6600085 Wellington Macleod Robert Ewels Male Hislop Freida Lawrence Margaret Female Bunbury
1943/6600085 Wellington Hislop Freida Lawrence Margaret Female Macleod Robert Ewels Male Bunbury
1943/6600086 Wellington Hill Gladys Clara Female Rickert Percival John Male Yarloop
1943/6600086 Wellington Rickert Percival John Male Hill Gladys Clara Female Yarloop
1943/6600087 Wellington Crews Wilfred Male Cooknell Gladys Constance Female Bunbury
1943/6600087 Wellington Cooknell Gladys Constance Female Crews Wilfred Male Bunbury
1943/6600088 Wellington De Marte Giuseppe Male Italiano Immaculate Female Brunswick Junction
1943/6600088 Wellington Italiano Immaculate Female De Marte Giuseppe Male Brunswick Junction
1943/6600090 Wellington Leitch Maura Catherine Female Winterrowd Glenn Delbert Male Collie
1943/6600090 Wellington Winterrowd Glenn Delbert Male Leitch Maura Catherine Female Collie
1943/6600091 Wellington Knight Margaret Joy Female Black Maurice Agnew Male Bunbury
1943/6600091 Wellington Black Maurice Agnew Male Knight Margaret Joy Female Bunbury
1943/6600092 Wellington Turner Edwin Keith Male Chapman Beatrice May Female W Aus
1943/6600092 Wellington Chapman Beatrice May Female Turner Edwin Keith Male W Aus
1943/6600093 Wellington Cousens Edith Jean Female Bazzo Guerrino Male Bunbury
1943/6600093 Wellington Bazzo Guerrino Male Cousens Edith Jean Female Bunbury
1943/6600094 Wellington Dye Allan Male Lange Thelma Olive Female Bunbury
1943/6600094 Wellington Lange Thelma Olive Female Dye Allan Male Bunbury
1943/6600095 Wellington Sceresini Mary Female Chiappalone Francis Anthony Male Yarloop
1943/6600095 Wellington Chiappalone Francis Anthony Male Sceresini Mary Female Yarloop
1943/6600096 Wellington Bertoni Francisco Male Italiano Rosa Female Brunswick Junction
1943/6600096 Wellington Italiano Rosa Female Bertoni Francisco Male Brunswick Junction
1943/6600097 Wellington Greive Phillip Leslie John Male Saunders Aline Burness Female Bunbury
1943/6600097 Wellington Saunders Aline Burness Female Greive Phillip Leslie John Male Bunbury
1943/6600098 Wellington Little John Male Hoddell Hilda Elizabeth Female Collie
1943/6600098 Wellington Hoddell Hilda Elizabeth Female Little John Male Collie
1943/6600099 Wellington Steddy Charlottie Ann Female Cluning Leonard George Male Collie
1943/6600099 Wellington Cluning Leonard George Male Steddy Charlottie Ann Female Collie
1943/6600100 Wellington Boley Edward Alfred Male Bell Elizabeth Alice Female Bunbury
1943/6600100 Wellington Bell Elizabeth Alice Female Boley Edward Alfred Male Bunbury
1943/6600101 Wellington Keddie Irwin Roy Male Sharman Edna Agnes Female Bunbury
1943/6600101 Wellington Sharman Edna Agnes Female Keddie Irwin Roy Male Bunbury
1943/6600102 Wellington Parsons Grace Murial Female Walker David John Male West Australia
1943/6600102 Wellington Walker David John Male Parsons Grace Murial Female West Australia
1943/6600103 Wellington Cusack Ellen Mary Female Allison Maxwell Male Bunbury
1943/6600103 Wellington Allison Maxwell Male Cusack Ellen Mary Female Bunbury
1943/6600104 Wellington Pickersgill Constance Winifred Female John Howard Male South Bunbury
1943/6600104 Wellington John Howard Male Pickersgill Constance Winifred Female South Bunbury
1943/6600105 Wellington Wicksteed Hazel Olive Lissa Female Devenish Harold Male Bunbury
1943/6600105 Wellington Devenish Harold Male Wicksteed Hazel Olive Lissa Female Bunbury
1943/6600106 Wellington Hill Gladys Rebecca Female Gibson Leslie William Male Collie
1943/6600106 Wellington Temple Gladys Rebecca Female Gibson Leslie William Male Collie
1943/6600106 Wellington Gibson Leslie William Male Hill Gladys Rebecca Female Collie
1943/6600106 Wellington Gibson Leslie William Male Temple Gladys Rebecca Female Collie
1943/6600107 Wellington Mordecai Elsie May Female Strike David William Male Collie
1943/6600107 Wellington Strike David William Male Mordecai Elsie May Female Collie
1943/6600108 Wellington Offer Sybil Catherine Female Rake Charles James Male Bunbury
1943/6600108 Wellington Rake Charles James Male Offer Sybil Catherine Female Bunbury
1943/6600109 Wellington Kirk William Ernest Male Fitzpatrick Violet Elizabeth Female Darkan
1943/6600109 Wellington Fitzpatrick Violet Elizabeth Female Kirk William Ernest Male Darkan
1943/6600110 Wellington Thomas Marjorie May Female Capewell Frederick George Male South Bunbury
1943/6600110 Wellington Capewell Frederick George Male Thomas Marjorie May Female South Bunbury
1943/6600111 Wellington Blakeney Glory Isabell Female Woolcock Eric Lancelot Male Bunbury
1943/6600111 Wellington Woolcock Eric Lancelot Male Blakeney Glory Isabell Female Bunbury
1943/6600112 Wellington Evans Una Betty Female Stenhouse Blyth William Male Bunbury
1943/6600112 Wellington Stenhouse Blyth William Male Evans Una Betty Female Bunbury
1943/6600113 Wellington Newman Agnes Doreen Female Lawson Clifford Male Harvey
1943/6600113 Wellington Lawson Clifford Male Newman Agnes Doreen Female Harvey
1943/6600114 Wellington Hartnett Doreen May Female Platts Noel Berham Male Bunbury
1943/6600114 Wellington Platts Noel Berham Male Hartnett Doreen May Female Bunbury
1943/6600115 Wellington Hewson Elizabeth Emma Female Potter George Frank Male Collie
1943/6600115 Wellington Potter George Frank Male Hewson Elizabeth Emma Female Collie
1943/6600116 Wellington English Harry Male Bowra Irene Alice Female Collie
1943/6600116 Wellington Bowra Irene Alice Female English Harry Male Collie
1943/6600117 Wellington Wunnenberg James Henry Male James Grace Gwenda Female Bulading
1943/6600117 Wellington James Grace Gwenda Female Wunnenberg James Henry Male Bulading
1943/6600118 Wellington Hall Thomas Cavers Male Fowler Enid Joyce Female Ferguson
1943/6600118 Wellington Fowler Enid Joyce Female Hall Thomas Cavers Male Ferguson
1943/6600119 Wellington Every Florence Marjory Female Scott Alexander Raphney Carl Male Bunbury
1943/6600119 Wellington Scott Alexander Raphney Carl Male Every Florence Marjory Female Bunbury
1943/6600120 Wellington Fisher Richard Male Scott Lorna St Clair Female W Aus
1943/6600120 Wellington Scott Lorna St Clair Female Fisher Richard Male W Aus
1943/6600121 Wellington Gartrell Harry William Male Neilsen Nellie Female Bunbury
1943/6600121 Wellington Neilsen Nellie Female Gartrell Harry William Male Bunbury
1943/6600122 Wellington Ryall Athalie Isabel Female Isted Alfred Thomas Male Bunbury
1943/6600122 Wellington Isted Alfred Thomas Male Ryall Athalie Isabel Female Bunbury
1943/6600123 Wellington Hundley Philip James William Male Gardiner Joyce Agnes Female Collie
1943/6600123 Wellington Gardiner Joyce Agnes Female Hundley Philip James William Male Collie
1943/6600124 Wellington Johnson Alfred Martin Male Zagami Angelena Female Donnybrook
1943/6600124 Wellington Zagami Angelena Female Johnson Alfred Martin Male Donnybrook
1943/6600125 Wellington Hill Ottie Mary Female Aitken Lionel Male Collie
1943/6600125 Wellington Aitken Lionel Male Hill Ottie Mary Female Collie
1943/6600126 Wellington Agostino Michael Male Ameduri Marianna Female Harvey
1943/6600126 Wellington Ameduri Marianna Female Agostino Michael Male Harvey
1943/6600127 Wellington Bebbington Ronald Male Shanahan Freda Kathleen Female Collie
1943/6600127 Wellington Shanahan Freda Kathleen Female Bebbington Ronald Male Collie
1943/6600128 Wellington Piavanini Livio Paul Male Borlini Ellen Victoria Female Collie
1943/6600128 Wellington Borlini Ellen Victoria Female Piavanini Livio Paul Male Collie
1943/6600129 Wellington Bestry Alma Helena Female Magee Shelby Male Bunbury
1943/6600129 Wellington Magee Shelby Male Bestry Alma Helena Female Bunbury
1943/6600130 Wellington Treacy Dorothy Mary Female Sheridan Thomas Patrick Male Waroona
1943/6600130 Wellington Sheridan Thomas Patrick Male Treacy Dorothy Mary Female Waroona
1943/6600131 Wellington Tognolini Elizabeth Female Amonini Giuseppe Male Dardanup
1943/6600131 Wellington Amonini Giuseppe Male Tognolini Elizabeth Female Dardanup
1943/6600132 Wellington Rodgers Hilda Frances Female Cain Edward Henry Male Bunbury
1943/6600132 Wellington Cain Edward Henry Male Rodgers Hilda Frances Female Bunbury
1943/6600133 Wellington Fitzpatrick Irene May Female Marsh Charles Henry Male Darkan
1943/6600133 Wellington Marsh Charles Henry Male Fitzpatrick Irene May Female Darkan
1943/6600134 Wellington Walton Margaret Female Sterritt Gordon Andrew Male W Aus
1943/6600134 Wellington Sterritt Gordon Andrew Male Walton Margaret Female W Aus
1943/6600135 Wellington Reading Albert Walter Male McDonald Josephine Mary Female Brunswick Junction
1943/6600135 Wellington McDonald Josephine Mary Female Reading Albert Walter Male Brunswick Junction
1943/6600136 Wellington Conlin Raymond Francis Male Pearce Irene Margaret Female Collie
1943/6600136 Wellington Pearce Irene Margaret Female Conlin Raymond Francis Male Collie
1943/6600137 Wellington Aquino Nicola Giuseppe Male Contarici Domenica Female Bunbury
1943/6600137 Wellington Contarici Domenica Female Aquino Nicola Giuseppe Male Bunbury
1943/6600138 Wellington Evans Winsome Edna Jean Female Washer James Francis Male Bunbury
1943/6600138 Wellington Washer James Francis Male Evans Winsome Edna Jean Female Bunbury
1943/6600139 Wellington Donaldson Rona May Cecilia Female Sanders Arthur Edmund Kevin Male Bunbury
1943/6600139 Wellington Sanders Arthur Edmund Kevin Male Donaldson Rona May Cecilia Female Bunbury
1943/6600140 Wellington Fitzpatrick Hazel May Female Hadley Floyd Allan Male Darkan
1943/6600140 Wellington Hadley Floyd Allan Male Fitzpatrick Hazel May Female Darkan
1943/6600141 Wellington Shepherd Beulah Frances May Female Marshall John Boyes Male Collie
1943/6600141 Wellington Marshall John Boyes Male Shepherd Beulah Frances May Female Collie
1943/6600142 Wellington Lamming Thomas Mervyn Male Maslin Muriel Jane Female Bunbury
1943/6600142 Wellington Maslin Muriel Jane Female Lamming Thomas Mervyn Male Bunbury
1943/6600143 Wellington Daff William Cavan Male Buswell Cecilia Maude Female Bunbury
1943/6600143 Wellington Buswell Cecilia Maude Female Daff William Cavan Male Bunbury
1943/6600144 Wellington Freeman Albert Gustave Leonard Male Banting Myrtie Veronica Female Bunbury
1943/6600144 Wellington Banting Myrtie Veronica Female Freeman Albert Gustave Leonard Male Bunbury
1943/6600145 Wellington Buswell Sylvester Francis Joseph Male Gibson Aileen Yvonne Female South Bunbury
1943/6600145 Wellington Gibson Aileen Yvonne Female Buswell Sylvester Francis Joseph Male South Bunbury
1943/6600146 Wellington Watson Robert William Male Kirke Doreen Lucy Female Bunbury
1943/6600146 Wellington Kirke Doreen Lucy Female Watson Robert William Male Bunbury
1943/6600147 Wellington Milligan Mavis Doreen Female Woodier John Alfred Male Harvey
1943/6600147 Wellington Woodier John Alfred Male Milligan Mavis Doreen Female Harvey
1943/6600148 Wellington Ganfield Lilian Rose Female Bayliss William Male Bunbury
1943/6600148 Wellington Bayliss William Male Ganfield Lilian Rose Female Bunbury
1943/6600149 Wellington Haynes Richard Arthur Male Dodson Alison Jean Female Bunbury
1943/6600149 Wellington Dodson Alison Jean Female Haynes Richard Arthur Male Bunbury
1943/6600150 Wellington Spall Elaine Emily Female Archer William Male Bunbury
1943/6600150 Wellington Archer William Male Spall Elaine Emily Female Bunbury
1943/6600151 Wellington Whear Amy Dorcas Female Holman John William Male Collie
1943/6600151 Wellington Holman John William Male Whear Amy Dorcas Female Collie
1943/6600152 Wellington Pickering Philip Douglas Male Robertson Eileen Cecelia Female Bunbury
1943/6600152 Wellington Robertson Eileen Cecelia Female Pickering Philip Douglas Male Bunbury
1943/6600153 Wellington Smith Reuben Frank Male Heron Agnes Female Bunbury
1943/6600153 Wellington Heron Agnes Female Smith Reuben Frank Male Bunbury
1943/6600154 Wellington Campbell George Warwick De Lisle Male Spratt Honrietta Joy Female Bunbury
1943/6600154 Wellington Spratt Honrietta Joy Female Campbell George Warwick De Lisle Male Bunbury
1943/6600155 Wellington Bartlett Norma Sinclair Female Warwick Robert Male Bunbury
1943/6600155 Wellington Warwick Robert Male Bartlett Norma Sinclair Female Bunbury
1943/6600156 Wellington Richards Rita Myrtle Female Green Frank Bertram Male Rathmines
1943/6600156 Wellington Green Frank Bertram Male Richards Rita Myrtle Female Rathmines
1943/6600157 Wellington Palmer Norman Male Graham Sadie Donaldson Little Female Collie
1943/6600157 Wellington Graham Sadie Donaldson Little Female Palmer Norman Male Collie
1943/6600158 Wellington Anthony John McPherson Male Henningsen Ivy May Female Harvey
1943/6600158 Wellington Henningsen Ivy May Female Anthony John McPherson Male Harvey
1943/6600159 Wellington Bilsby Lilian Constance Female Motion George Valentine Male Collie
1943/6600159 Wellington Motion George Valentine Male Bilsby Lilian Constance Female Collie
1943/6600160 Wellington Owen Beryl Maud Female Butler Thomas Albert Male Bunbury
1943/6600160 Wellington Butler Thomas Albert Male Owen Beryl Maud Female Bunbury
1943/6600161 Wellington Carbone Marina Female Mamolitti Giovanni Male Brunswick Junction
1943/6600161 Wellington Mamolitti Giovanni Male Carbone Marina Female Brunswick Junction
1943/6600162 Wellington Crouch Ellen Jessie Female Cook Gilbert Haig Male Bunbury
1943/6600162 Wellington Cook Gilbert Haig Male Crouch Ellen Jessie Female Bunbury
1943/6600163 Wellington Edwards Patricia Louisa Frances Female Grenfell Ronald Percival Male Bunbury
1943/6600163 Wellington Grenfell Ronald Percival Male Edwards Patricia Louisa Frances Female Bunbury
1943/6600164 Wellington Davies Gwen Female Williamson Colin George Male Collie
1943/6600164 Wellington Williamson Colin George Male Davies Gwen Female Collie
1943/6600165 Wellington Cain Charlotte Audrey Female Clifford Alfred Bernard Thomas Male Donnybrook
1943/6600165 Wellington Clifford Alfred Bernard Thomas Male Cain Charlotte Audrey Female Donnybrook
1943/6700001 Williams McKinnon John Campbell Male Blight Alice Edna Female Narrogin
1943/6700001 Williams Blight Alice Edna Female McKinnon John Campbell Male Narrogin
1943/6700002 Williams Everatt Harriet Monica Female Thomas Donald Leslie Male Narrogin
1943/6700002 Williams Thomas Donald Leslie Male Everatt Harriet Monica Female Narrogin
1943/6700003 Williams Bates John Alfred Lawrence Male Chaplyn Winifred Myrtle Female Narrogin
1943/6700003 Williams Chaplyn Winifred Myrtle Female Bates John Alfred Lawrence Male Narrogin
1943/6700004 Williams Armstrong Elsie Winifred Female Carmody Francis John Male Narrogin
1943/6700004 Williams Carmody Francis John Male Armstrong Elsie Winifred Female Narrogin
1943/6700005 Williams McBeath Edward Male Walton Ileen Mavis Female Narrogin
1943/6700005 Williams Walton Ileen Mavis Female McBeath Edward Male Narrogin
1943/6700006 Williams English Wallace Francis Male Henderson Mary Lilian Female Narrogin
1943/6700006 Williams Henderson Mary Lilian Female English Wallace Francis Male Narrogin
1943/6700007 Williams Sheiles Joyce Female Wilson William Walter Male Narrogin
1943/6700007 Williams Wilson William Walter Male Sheiles Joyce Female Narrogin
1943/6700008 Williams Taylor Maureen Dent Female Miller Charles George Male Tinkurrin
1943/6700008 Williams Miller Charles George Male Taylor Maureen Dent Female Tinkurrin
1943/6700009 Williams Healey Ellen Robina Female Miller Alfred Douglas Male Narrogin
1943/6700009 Williams Miller Alfred Douglas Male Healey Ellen Robina Female Narrogin
1943/6700010 Williams Green Audrey Fredericka Female Seaton Frank Male Narrogin
1943/6700010 Williams Seaton Frank Male Green Audrey Fredericka Female Narrogin
1943/6700011 Williams Abbott Keith Gillon Male Ewing Joy Valda Female Narrogin
1943/6700011 Williams Ewing Joy Valda Female Abbott Keith Gillon Male Narrogin
1943/6700012 Williams Kahl Mervyn Lloyd Male Hotham Alice Elizabeth Female Narrogin
1943/6700012 Williams Hotham Alice Elizabeth Female Kahl Mervyn Lloyd Male Narrogin
1943/6700013 Williams Bolton William Male Humes Sylvia Female Narrogin
1943/6700013 Williams Bolton William Male Nipper Sylvia Female Narrogin
1943/6700013 Williams Nipper Sylvia Female Bolton William Male Narrogin
1943/6700013 Williams Humes Sylvia Female Bolton William Male Narrogin
1943/6700014 Williams Flint Irene Alice Female Miller Sydney Mervin Male Narrogin
1943/6700014 Williams Miller Sydney Mervin Male Flint Irene Alice Female Narrogin
1943/6700015 Williams Clark Gladys Pearl Female Wertheimer Reginald Ben Male Narrogin
1943/6700015 Williams Wertheimer Reginald Ben Male Clark Gladys Pearl Female Narrogin
1943/6700016 Williams Nichols Harold Gordon Male Anderson Florence Ethel Female Marradong
1943/6700016 Williams Anderson Florence Ethel Female Nichols Harold Gordon Male Marradong
1943/6700017 Williams Carmody Eileen Frances Female Gardner Edwin Roy Male Narrogin
1943/6700017 Williams Gardner Edwin Roy Male Carmody Eileen Frances Female Narrogin
1943/6700018 Williams Caris Beth Ashbourne Female Freind Donald Douglas Male Narrogin
1943/6700018 Williams Freind Donald Douglas Male Caris Beth Ashbourne Female Narrogin
1943/6700019 Williams Haynes Walter Alexander Burell Male Courthope Dorothy Jean Female Williams
1943/6700019 Williams Courthope Dorothy Jean Female Haynes Walter Alexander Burell Male Williams
1943/6700020 Williams Webb Ethel Dora Female Holt John Male Narrogin
1943/6700020 Williams Holt John Male Webb Ethel Dora Female Narrogin
1943/6700021 Williams Rouse Lorna Winifred Female Mullally Edward Male Narrogin
1943/6700021 Williams Mullally Edward Male Rouse Lorna Winifred Female Narrogin
1943/6700022 Williams Gibbs Edgar James Male Aldom Alice Jean Female Narrogin
1943/6700022 Williams Aldom Alice Jean Female Gibbs Edgar James Male Narrogin
1943/6700023 Williams Ewen Edith Ivy Female Mahar William Cyril Male Narrogin
1943/6700023 Williams Mahar William Cyril Male Ewen Edith Ivy Female Narrogin
1943/6700024 Williams Watson Doreen May Female Willock Henry James Male Newdegate
1943/6700024 Williams Willock Henry James Male Watson Doreen May Female Newdegate
1943/6700025 Williams Macpherson Graeme Sutherland Male Marchant Judith Anne Jessie Female Yealering
1943/6700025 Williams Marchant Judith Anne Jessie Female Macpherson Graeme Sutherland Male Yealering
1943/6700026 Williams Domenech John Claudio Male Kelly Eileen Kathleen Female Narrogin
1943/6700026 Williams Kelly Eileen Kathleen Female Domenech John Claudio Male Narrogin
1943/6700027 Williams McClare Francis Gerald Male Elliott Helena Joan Female Lake Grace
1943/6700027 Williams Elliott Helena Joan Female McClare Francis Gerald Male Lake Grace
1943/6700028 Williams Potts Ida Lilian Female Elliott William James Male Narrogin
1943/6700028 Williams Elliott William James Male Potts Ida Lilian Female Narrogin
1943/6700029 Williams Paynter Vera Dorise Female Farmer Charles Alfred Clement Male Marradong
1943/6700029 Williams Farmer Charles Alfred Clement Male Paynter Vera Dorise Female Marradong
1943/6700030 Williams Francis Arthur Leonard Male Argent Jessie Myrtle Female Narrogin
1943/6700030 Williams Argent Jessie Myrtle Female Francis Arthur Leonard Male Narrogin
1943/6700031 Williams Williams Gregory Male Sattler Veronica Doreen Female Narrogin
1943/6700031 Williams Sattler Veronica Doreen Female Williams Gregory Male Narrogin
1943/6700032 Williams Healey Patrick John Male Walker Frances Margaret Female Narrogin
1943/6700032 Williams Walker Frances Margaret Female Healey Patrick John Male Narrogin
1943/6700033 Williams Guttrey Ethel Mary Female Ham Clarence Albert Male Marradong
1943/6700033 Williams Ham Clarence Albert Male Guttrey Ethel Mary Female Marradong
1943/6700034 Williams Ugle Owic Male Narkle Blanche Female Narrogin
1943/6700034 Williams Narkle Blanche Female Ugle Owic Male Narrogin
1943/6700035 Williams Meeres Dorothy May Female Batt Charles Arthur Thomas Male Narrogin
1943/6700035 Williams Batt Charles Arthur Thomas Male Meeres Dorothy May Female Narrogin
1943/6700036 Williams Lambie John Lyle Male Lavis Margaret Patricia Female Narrogin
1943/6700036 Williams Lavis Margaret Patricia Female Lambie John Lyle Male Narrogin
1943/6700037 Williams Hill Allen Marmaduke Male Beynon Olive May Female Narrogin
1943/6700037 Williams Beynon Olive May Female Hill Allen Marmaduke Male Narrogin
1943/6700038 Williams Morgan William James Male Oates Sylvia Female Williams
1943/6700038 Williams Oates Sylvia Female Morgan William James Male Williams
1943/6700039 Williams Barber Cedric Ivan Male Clinch Ethel Mary Female Narrogin
1943/6700039 Williams Clinch Ethel Mary Female Barber Cedric Ivan Male Narrogin
1943/6700040 Williams Kersley George Barrington Male Gell Gladys Ellen Female Narrogin
1943/6700040 Williams Gell Gladys Ellen Female Kersley George Barrington Male Narrogin
1943/6700041 Williams Lilly Ivy Patricia Female Sherry Stanley Beaufort Male Marradong
1943/6700041 Williams Sherry Stanley Beaufort Male Lilly Ivy Patricia Female Marradong
1943/6700042 Williams Bates Joyce Isabel Ellen Female Bennier Henry Colin Male Narrogin
1943/6700042 Williams Bennier Henry Colin Male Bates Joyce Isabel Ellen Female Narrogin
1943/6700043 Williams Butcher Joan Jose Female Walker Cameron Edward Male Narrogin
1943/6700043 Williams Walker Cameron Edward Male Butcher Joan Jose Female Narrogin
1943/6700044 Williams Doney Malcolm Hughie Male English Eileen Joyce Female Dorakin
1943/6700044 Williams English Eileen Joyce Female Doney Malcolm Hughie Male Dorakin
1943/6700045 Williams Pitchers Cyril Male Dunne Veronica Winifred Ambrose Female Williams
1943/6700045 Williams Dunne Veronica Winifred Ambrose Female Pitchers Cyril Male Williams
1943/6700046 Williams Anderson John Anthony Male Bartlett Joan Female Kulin
1943/6700046 Williams Bartlett Joan Female Anderson John Anthony Male Kulin
1943/6700047 Williams Pickernell James Male Lloyd Barbara May Female Newdegate
1943/6700047 Williams Lloyd Barbara May Female Pickernell James Male Newdegate
1943/6900001 Yalgoo Papertalk Jean Female Comeagain Jack Male Yalgoo
1943/6900001 Yalgoo Comeagain Jack Male Papertalk Jean Female Yalgoo
1943/7000001 Yilgarn Yeoman Joan Lylia Female Rogers William Thomas Charles Male Southern Cross
1943/7000001 Yilgarn Rogers William Thomas Charles Male Yeoman Joan Lylia Female Southern Cross
1943/7000002 Yilgarn Lacey Ellen Frances Female McNabb Gordon Norman Male Southern Cross
1943/7000002 Yilgarn McNabb Gordon Norman Male Lacey Ellen Frances Female Southern Cross
1943/7000003 Yilgarn Smith James Charles Male Kearsley Alice Jane Female Southern Cross
1943/7000003 Yilgarn Kearsley Alice Jane Female Smith James Charles Male Southern Cross
1943/7000004 Yilgarn Peacock Phyllis Margaret Jane Female Worthington Maxwell Brian Male Westonia
1943/7000004 Yilgarn Worthington Maxwell Brian Male Peacock Phyllis Margaret Jane Female Westonia
1943/7000005 Yilgarn Campbell Jean Female McIntosh Robert Male Westonia
1943/7000005 Yilgarn McIntosh Robert Male Campbell Jean Female Westonia
1943/7000006 Yilgarn Parsons William Braddon Male Ryan Magdalene Doreen Female Southern Cross
1943/7000006 Yilgarn Ryan Magdalene Doreen Female Parsons William Braddon Male Southern Cross
1943/7000007 Yilgarn Bickers James Francis Male Goodin Gwen Female Southern Cross
1943/7000007 Yilgarn Goodin Gwen Female Bickers James Francis Male Southern Cross
1943/7100001 York Free Violet Gertrude Female Bennier Rex Osborne Male York
1943/7100001 York Bennier Rex Osborne Male Free Violet Gertrude Female York
1943/7100002 York Butcher Sylvia Doreen Female Schilling Howard Derby Male York
1943/7100002 York Schilling Howard Derby Male Butcher Sylvia Doreen Female York
1943/7100003 York Jones Maxine Courtney Female Rogers Frederick Robert Male York
1943/7100003 York Rogers Frederick Robert Male Jones Maxine Courtney Female York
1943/7100004 York Wheeler Jean Female Collins Wardell Addison Male York
1943/7100004 York Collins Wardell Addison Male Wheeler Jean Female York
1943/7100005 York Tarpinoff Konstantin Georgieff Male Batty Kathleen Marjorie Female York
1943/7100005 York Batty Kathleen Marjorie Female Tarpinoff Konstantin Georgieff Male York
1943/7100006 York Watts Joseph Male Hayman Florence Jean Female York
1943/7100006 York Hayman Florence Jean Female Watts Joseph Male York
1943/7100007 York Stone Dorothy Grace Female Smith Leonard William Male York
1943/7100007 York Smith Leonard William Male Stone Dorothy Grace Female York
1943/7100008 York Newbold Robert John Shaw Male Stone Barbara Doreen Female York
1943/7100008 York Stone Barbara Doreen Female Newbold Robert John Shaw Male York
1943/7100009 York Grigson Mavis Beryl Female Swan Thomas Arthur Male York
1943/7100009 York Swan Thomas Arthur Male Grigson Mavis Beryl Female York
1943/7100010 York Grigson Gertrude Eunice Female Bond Frederick James Male York
1943/7100010 York Bond Frederick James Male Grigson Gertrude Eunice Female York
1943/7100011 York Jones Walter Reuben Male Watters Gladys Ruth Female Greenhills
1943/7100011 York Watters Gladys Ruth Female Jones Walter Reuben Male Greenhills
1943/7100012 York Fleay Samuel Hamilton Male Mercer Elma Adelaide Female York
1943/7100012 York Mercer Elma Adelaide Female Fleay Samuel Hamilton Male York