A tool to help track the citations of the Western Australian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages from Wikidata and WikiTree.

Marriages in: 1942

Registration year & number Registration district Surname Given names Gender Spouse surname Spouse given names Spouse gender Marriage place Wikidata WikiTree
1943/100001 Perth Mason Melvenia Joy Female Minchin Lionel George Male Forrest Park Methodist Church
1943/100001 Perth Minchin Lionel George Male Mason Melvenia Joy Female Forrest Park Methodist Church
1942/100001 Perth Morgan Sylvie Mary Female Weaire Eric Frederick Male Perth
1942/100001 Perth Weaire Eric Frederick Male Morgan Sylvie Mary Female Perth
1943/100002 Perth Shaw Arthur Edward Male Whitford Zena Sylvia May Female Claremont
1943/100002 Perth Whitford Zena Sylvia May Female Shaw Arthur Edward Male Claremont
1943/100003 Perth Bindemann Elizabeth Alice Female Dale Samuel Peter Male Leederville
1943/100003 Perth Dale Samuel Peter Male Bindemann Elizabeth Alice Female Leederville
1943/100004 Perth Nelson Shirley Veronica Female Oxenham Kevin Joseph Male South Perth
1943/100004 Perth Oxenham Kevin Joseph Male Nelson Shirley Veronica Female South Perth
1942/100007 Perth Robinson George Ronald Male Style Lilian Hanson Female Perth
1942/100007 Perth Style Lilian Hanson Female Robinson George Ronald Male Perth
1943/100014 Perth Morrissey Norman Vincent Male Vincent Dorothy Ena Florence Female Mt Lawley
1943/100014 Perth Vincent Dorothy Ena Florence Female Morrissey Norman Vincent Male Mt Lawley
1943/100015 Perth Malacari Allen Roy Male Samaha Joan Nita Female Mt Lawley
1943/100015 Perth Samaha Joan Nita Female Malacari Allen Roy Male Mt Lawley
1942/100018 Perth Riebeling Flora Margery Female Schaffer William Thomas Male Perth
1942/100018 Perth Schaffer William Thomas Male Riebeling Flora Margery Female Perth
1943/100020 Perth van der Beek Kathleen Niesiena Female Evans Stanley Montague Male Highgate Hill
1943/100020 Perth Evans Stanley Montague Male van der Beek Kathleen Niesiena Female Highgate Hill
1943/100021 Perth Leheny Roma Edith Female Phillips Llewellyn Alan Male Highgate Hill
1943/100021 Perth Phillips Llewellyn Alan Male Leheny Roma Edith Female Highgate Hill
1942/100022 Perth Biddle Joan Florence Annie Female Tutt Ronald Desmond Male Perth
1943/100022 Perth Gendall John Male Wright Elizabeth Louisa Female Victoria Park
1942/100022 Perth Tutt Ronald Desmond Male Biddle Joan Florence Annie Female Perth
1943/100022 Perth Wright Elizabeth Louisa Female Gendall John Male Victoria Park
1942/100023 Perth Markham Doreen Lillian Female Seragg David Alexander Male Perth
1942/100023 Perth Seragg David Alexander Male Markham Doreen Lillian Female Perth
1942/100024 Perth Bridgett Herbert Harold Male Salter Mary Barker Female Subiaco
1943/100024 Perth Morrison Peter Male Palfreyman Violet Maud Female Perth
1943/100024 Perth Palfreyman Violet Maud Female Morrison Peter Male Perth
1942/100024 Perth Salter Mary Barker Female Bridgett Herbert Harold Male Subiaco
1942/100026 Perth Hodby Sydney Alwyn Male Howard Olive Irene Female Perth
1942/100026 Perth Howard Olive Irene Female Hodby Sydney Alwyn Male Perth
1943/100027 Perth Bowers Gilbert Charles Male Easther Jean May Female Perth
1943/100027 Perth Easther Jean May Female Bowers Gilbert Charles Male Perth
1943/100028 Perth Cant Thelma Christina Female Wilson John Male Perth
1943/100028 Perth Wilson John Male Cant Thelma Christina Female Perth
1943/100029 Perth Ewing Jean Female Mitchell Leslie Joseph Male Perth
1942/100029 Perth Harrington Edgar Cramond Male Wagner Mary Ellen Dorothea Female Leederville
1943/100029 Perth Mitchell Leslie Joseph Male Ewing Jean Female Perth
1942/100029 Perth Wagner Mary Ellen Dorothea Female Harrington Edgar Cramond Male Leederville
1942/100030 Perth Brennan Philomena Kathleen Female May Kenneth George Male Leederville
1942/100030 Perth May Kenneth George Male Brennan Philomena Kathleen Female Leederville
1942/100031 Perth McLeod Mona Barbara Female Swanevelder William John Male Cottesloe
1942/100031 Perth Swanevelder William John Male McLeod Mona Barbara Female Cottesloe
1942/100032 Perth Bailey Clifford George Male McCullough Beryl Kathleen Mary Female Cottesloe
1942/100032 Perth McCullough Beryl Kathleen Mary Female Bailey Clifford George Male Cottesloe
1942/100033 Perth Aizlewood Daphne Rosina Female Nicholls Alfred James Henry Male Perth
1942/100033 Perth Nicholls Alfred James Henry Male Aizlewood Daphne Rosina Female Perth
1943/100037 Perth Allen Olive Mavis Female Taylor Alfred Male Maylands
1943/100037 Perth Taylor Alfred Male Allen Olive Mavis Female Maylands
1942/100038 Perth Johnstone Annie Female Ulrich John Alfred Waldemar Male Subiaco
1942/100038 Perth Ulrich John Alfred Waldemar Male Johnstone Annie Female Subiaco
1943/100039 Perth Edwards Reginald Edward Male Rutherford Beryl Lyle Female Perth
1943/100039 Perth Rutherford Beryl Lyle Female Edwards Reginald Edward Male Perth
1943/100040 Perth Beckwith Phyllis Lorraine Female Robinson William Hugh Male Perth
1943/100040 Perth Robinson William Hugh Male Beckwith Phyllis Lorraine Female Perth
1943/100041 Perth Crowther Norman Male Norman Ger-Trood Marian Female Perth
1943/100041 Perth Norman Ger-Trood Marian Female Crowther Norman Male Perth
1943/100044 Perth Cluning Mavis Olive Female Hayward Lionel Male Perth
1943/100044 Perth Hayward Lionel Male Cluning Mavis Olive Female Perth
1942/100047 Perth Dawson Mavis Doreen Female Fraser Alexander William Male Mount Lawley
1942/100047 Perth Fraser Alexander William Male Dawson Mavis Doreen Female Mount Lawley
1942/100048 Perth Beaton Yvette Madelane Female Brown William Jack Male Victoria Park
1943/100048 Perth Bridal Josephine Lilian Female Ducrow Enos John Paul Male South Perth
1942/100048 Perth Brown William Jack Male Beaton Yvette Madelane Female Victoria Park
1943/100048 Perth Ducrow Enos John Paul Male Bridal Josephine Lilian Female South Perth
1943/100050 Perth Clydesdale Alexander McAlister Male Knights Lilly Female North Perth
1943/100050 Perth Knights Lilly Female Clydesdale Alexander McAlister Male North Perth
1942/100051 Perth Brown Frederick James Davidson Male Firth Dorothy Beryl Female Perth
1942/100051 Perth Firth Dorothy Beryl Female Brown Frederick James Davidson Male Perth
1942/100052 Perth Hick Joan Margaret Female Noble Leonard Francis Male Perth
1942/100052 Perth Noble Leonard Francis Male Hick Joan Margaret Female Perth
1942/100053 Perth Gould Raymond Alfred Male Kingman Eunice Naomi Female Perth
1942/100053 Perth Kingman Eunice Naomi Female Gould Raymond Alfred Male Perth
1942/100054 Perth Clarke Norman William Nesbit Male Hayes Elsie Jean Female Perth
1942/100054 Perth Hayes Elsie Jean Female Clarke Norman William Nesbit Male Perth
1943/100055 Perth Allington Dorothy Mary Female Bugden Harry Kenneth Male Perth
1943/100055 Perth Bugden Harry Kenneth Male Allington Dorothy Mary Female Perth
1942/100056 Perth Henville Charlotte Ann Female Rob Walter Douglas Male West Perth
1943/100056 Perth Jackson Aileen Margaret Female Rutherford William Male West Perth
1942/100056 Perth Rob Walter Douglas Male Henville Charlotte Ann Female West Perth
1943/100056 Perth Rutherford William Male Jackson Aileen Margaret Female West Perth
1942/100057 Perth Gray David Douglas Male Sankins Kathleen Mary Patricia Female West Perth
1943/100057 Perth Hewitt Rowland Dale Male Reynolds Veronica Mavis Female West Perth
1943/100057 Perth Reynolds Veronica Mavis Female Hewitt Rowland Dale Male West Perth
1942/100057 Perth Sankins Kathleen Mary Patricia Female Gray David Douglas Male West Perth
1943/100058 Perth Di Masi Antonina Female Vinci Leo Male West Perth
1942/100058 Perth Beaumont Pamela Somerville Female Hogarth Thomas William Male Perth
1942/100058 Perth Hogarth Thomas William Male Beaumont Pamela Somerville Female Perth
1943/100058 Perth Vinci Leo Male Di Masi Antonina Female West Perth
1943/100059 Perth Edwards Evelyn Veronica Female Wesley John Osmond Male West Perth
1942/100059 Perth Ginbey Vernon Kitchener Male Pontifex Lyla Winifred Female Victoria Park
1942/100059 Perth Pontifex Lyla Winifred Female Ginbey Vernon Kitchener Male Victoria Park
1943/100059 Perth Wesley John Osmond Male Edwards Evelyn Veronica Female West Perth
1942/100060 Perth Balcombe Peggy May Female Worthington Keith Leonard Male Victoria Park
1943/100060 Perth Bungert Marion Jean Female Dyson Albert Male West Perth
1943/100060 Perth Dyson Albert Male Bungert Marion Jean Female West Perth
1942/100060 Perth Worthington Keith Leonard Male Balcombe Peggy May Female Victoria Park
1942/100061 Perth Doust Doreen Winifred Female Sundbye Richard Bernard Male Perth
1943/100061 Perth McMahon Thomas John Male Pitsikas Evangeline Female West Perth
1943/100061 Perth Pitsikas Evangeline Female McMahon Thomas John Male West Perth
1942/100061 Perth Sundbye Richard Bernard Male Doust Doreen Winifred Female Perth
1943/100062 Perth Barlow Carmel Olive Female Castledine Roy Albert Male West Perth
1943/100062 Perth Castledine Roy Albert Male Barlow Carmel Olive Female West Perth
1942/100062 Perth Jones Violet Taggart Female Vango Sidney Thomas Male Perth
1942/100062 Perth Vango Sidney Thomas Male Jones Violet Taggart Female Perth
1943/100063 Perth Brooks Elva Female Miller Reginald Gordon Male E Victoria Park
1942/100063 Perth Grigo Richard George Male Scally Elizabeth Female Perth
1943/100063 Perth Miller Reginald Gordon Male Brooks Elva Female E Victoria Park
1942/100063 Perth Scally Elizabeth Female Grigo Richard George Male Perth
1942/100064 Perth McPherson Donald Male Passmore Thelma Alwyn Female Perth
1942/100064 Perth Passmore Thelma Alwyn Female McPherson Donald Male Perth
1942/100065 Perth Oliver Percival Cale Male Patchett Freda Rose Female Perth
1942/100065 Perth Patchett Freda Rose Female Oliver Percival Cale Male Perth
1942/100066 Perth Endersby Stanley Wess Male Saunders Rona Female Perth
1943/100066 Perth Myles Robert Henry Male Ryniker Janet Margaret Female Mosman Park
1943/100066 Perth Ryniker Janet Margaret Female Myles Robert Henry Male Mosman Park
1942/100066 Perth Saunders Rona Female Endersby Stanley Wess Male Perth
1943/100067 Perth Heffernan Mersley Mortimer Male Saunders Jessie Marguerite Female Shenton Park
1943/100067 Perth Saunders Jessie Marguerite Female Heffernan Mersley Mortimer Male Shenton Park
1942/100068 Perth Harford Jean Helena Female O'Brien Joseph Carr Male Perth
1942/100068 Perth O'Brien Joseph Carr Male Harford Jean Helena Female Perth
1942/100069 Perth Crosbie Ruby Isobel Mary Female Duttson Douglas William Grover Male Perth
1942/100069 Perth Duttson Douglas William Grover Male Crosbie Ruby Isobel Mary Female Perth
1942/100070 Perth Carlson Lillian Josephine Female Skane Kenneth Lloyd Male Perth
1943/100070 Perth Fraser Mary Dorothy Female Spence John William Male Perth
1942/100070 Perth Skane Kenneth Lloyd Male Carlson Lillian Josephine Female Perth
1943/100070 Perth Spence John William Male Fraser Mary Dorothy Female Perth
1943/100071 Perth Judge Colin Brownell Male OFarrell Mary Female Perth
1943/100071 Perth OFarrell Mary Female Judge Colin Brownell Male Perth
1942/100073 Perth Locper Julius John Male Miller Ivy Irene Female South Perth
1942/100073 Perth Miller Ivy Irene Female Locper Julius John Male South Perth
1943/100074 Perth Carter William Patrick Boke Male Sullivan Catherine Female Subiaco
1942/100074 Perth McInerney Eva Norah Female O'Brien Edward Male West Perth
1942/100074 Perth O'Brien Edward Male McInerney Eva Norah Female West Perth
1943/100074 Perth Sullivan Catherine Female Carter William Patrick Boke Male Subiaco
1942/100075 Perth Beaton Alexander Male Burke Julia Elizabeth Female West Perth
1942/100075 Perth Burke Julia Elizabeth Female Beaton Alexander Male West Perth
1942/100076 Perth Rydings Kathleen Callister Female Shaw James Joseph Male Perth
1942/100076 Perth Shaw James Joseph Male Rydings Kathleen Callister Female Perth
1942/100077 Perth Fletcher Edna Muriel Female Grimaldi Lorenco Luigi Domenico Male Perth
1942/100077 Perth Grimaldi Lorenco Luigi Domenico Male Fletcher Edna Muriel Female Perth
1942/100078 Perth Higgins Madge Ethel Female Wimbridge Aubrey Ernest Boy Male Perth
1942/100078 Perth Wimbridge Aubrey Ernest Boy Male Higgins Madge Ethel Female Perth
1942/100079 Perth Larner Eva Annie Mary Female Ryan Lloyd Male Perth
1942/100079 Perth Ryan Lloyd Male Larner Eva Annie Mary Female Perth
1942/100080 Perth Guelfi Irene Mavis Female Salkilld Ross Male Perth
1943/100080 Perth Rinaldi William Henry Joseph Male Zanotti Julia Florence Female Leederville
1942/100080 Perth Salkilld Ross Male Guelfi Irene Mavis Female Perth
1943/100080 Perth Zanotti Julia Florence Female Rinaldi William Henry Joseph Male Leederville
1942/100081 Perth Clannahan Hugh Male Dhu Ethel Margaret Female Perth
1943/100081 Perth Counsel Bertram William Male Schmidt Clara Edith Female Leederville
1942/100081 Perth Dhu Ethel Margaret Female Clannahan Hugh Male Perth
1943/100081 Perth Schmidt Clara Edith Female Counsel Bertram William Male Leederville
1942/100082 Perth Cordingley William Frank Male Faulks Sylvia Elizabeth Female Claremont
1942/100082 Perth Faulks Sylvia Elizabeth Female Cordingley William Frank Male Claremont
1942/100083 Perth Davis Daphne Ruth Female Filmer Gilbert Richard Male Claremont
1942/100083 Perth Filmer Gilbert Richard Male Davis Daphne Ruth Female Claremont
1942/100085 Perth Basell Alma Esther Female Sunderland Victor Frederick Male South Perth
1942/100085 Perth Sunderland Victor Frederick Male Basell Alma Esther Female South Perth
1942/100086 Perth Elliott Nancy Evelyn Female Rowe John Alexander Male Perth
1942/100086 Perth Rowe John Alexander Male Elliott Nancy Evelyn Female Perth
1942/100087 Perth Davey Eva Olive Female Rossiter Reginald Clarence Male Perth
1942/100087 Perth Rossiter Reginald Clarence Male Davey Eva Olive Female Perth
1942/100088 Perth Collins Richard Male Munsie Helen Grace Female Bayswater
1942/100088 Perth Munsie Helen Grace Female Collins Richard Male Bayswater
1942/100091 Perth McNamara Dorothy Constance Female Scott Stanley Gordon Male West Perth
1942/100091 Perth Scott Stanley Gordon Male McNamara Dorothy Constance Female West Perth
1942/100093 Perth Burbidge Henry Male Cumming Pamela Edith Female Perth
1942/100093 Perth Cumming Pamela Edith Female Burbidge Henry Male Perth
1942/100095 Perth Speedy Roy Everard Male Turner Phyllis Joy Female Perth
1942/100095 Perth Turner Phyllis Joy Female Speedy Roy Everard Male Perth
1942/100096 Perth Daley Edna Jean Female Hayward Lloyd Griffin Male Mt Lawley
1942/100096 Perth Hayward Lloyd Griffin Male Daley Edna Jean Female Mt Lawley
1943/100096 Perth Steinberg Reuben Male Zeffert Florence Joy Female Perth
1943/100096 Perth Zeffert Florence Joy Female Steinberg Reuben Male Perth
1942/100097 Perth Bradbury Albert Male Hawkins Florence Myrtle Female Mt Lawley
1943/100097 Perth Brown Ann Fay Female Mossenson David Male Perth
1942/100097 Perth Hawkins Florence Myrtle Female Bradbury Albert Male Mt Lawley
1943/100097 Perth Mossenson David Male Brown Ann Fay Female Perth
1942/100098 Perth Rowe Lorna Walton Female Scanlan Thomas James Male Perth
1942/100098 Perth Scanlan Thomas James Male Rowe Lorna Walton Female Perth
1942/100099 Perth Halliday George Alan Male Wick Joan Elphinstone Female South Perth
1942/100099 Perth Wick Joan Elphinstone Female Halliday George Alan Male South Perth
1942/100100 Perth Carter Alfred Nathaniel Male Olsen Vera May Female Perth
1942/100100 Perth Olsen Vera May Female Carter Alfred Nathaniel Male Perth
1942/100101 Perth Garavanta Arthur Joseph Male Matthews Grace Erica Female Perth
1942/100101 Perth Matthews Grace Erica Female Garavanta Arthur Joseph Male Perth
1942/100102 Perth Ewart Charles Edward Male Serrell Beryl Eileen Female Perth
1942/100102 Perth Serrell Beryl Eileen Female Ewart Charles Edward Male Perth
1942/100103 Perth Bradbury Irene Female Usher George William Male Perth
1942/100103 Perth Usher George William Male Bradbury Irene Female Perth
1942/100104 Perth Pratt Edith Blanche Female Whiteside Albert Male Perth
1942/100104 Perth Whiteside Albert Male Pratt Edith Blanche Female Perth
1942/100105 Perth Barnett Olive Winifred Female Smith Albert James Nelson Male Victoria Park
1942/100105 Perth Smith Albert James Nelson Male Barnett Olive Winifred Female Victoria Park
1942/100106 Perth Guy Robert Talbot Male Jeffery Dorothy Rose Female Victoria Park
1942/100106 Perth Jeffery Dorothy Rose Female Guy Robert Talbot Male Victoria Park
1942/100107 Perth Evers Ida Vivienne Female Gillett Albert Edward Warneford Male Perth
1942/100107 Perth Gillett Albert Edward Warneford Male Evers Ida Vivienne Female Perth
1942/100108 Perth Dimon Elsie Kathleen Female Langford Stuart George Male Perth
1942/100108 Perth Langford Stuart George Male Dimon Elsie Kathleen Female Perth
1942/100109 Perth Lacerda Myrtle Olive Female Mills Roland Leslie Male West Perth
1942/100109 Perth Mills Roland Leslie Male Lacerda Myrtle Olive Female West Perth
1942/100110 Perth Kalafatas Rose K Female Patsoyannis Constantine Male Perth
1942/100110 Perth Patsoyannis Constantine Male Kalafatas Rose K Female Perth
1942/100111 Perth Float Cyril Roy Male Helson Bessie Female Perth
1942/100111 Perth Helson Bessie Female Float Cyril Roy Male Perth
1942/100112 Perth Abbott Joyce Female McKenzie Donald Mervyn Male Perth
1943/100112 Perth Harvey John William Walter Male Volker Mary Philomena Female Maylands
1942/100112 Perth McKenzie Donald Mervyn Male Abbott Joyce Female Perth
1943/100112 Perth Volker Mary Philomena Female Harvey John William Walter Male Maylands
1942/100113 Perth Blitz Dudley Wolf Male Markland June Mildred Female Perth
1942/100113 Perth Markland June Mildred Female Blitz Dudley Wolf Male Perth
1942/100114 Perth Goodwin Peggy Joyce Female Wreford William Lionel Male Perth
1942/100114 Perth Wreford William Lionel Male Goodwin Peggy Joyce Female Perth
1942/100115 Perth Hickinbotham Alfred James Male Meehan Marjorie Mary Female Perth
1942/100115 Perth Meehan Marjorie Mary Female Hickinbotham Alfred James Male Perth
1942/100116 Perth Jones Alexander Frederick Male Tuohey Alma May Female Perth
1942/100116 Perth Tuohey Alma May Female Jones Alexander Frederick Male Perth
1942/100117 Perth Davies Francis James Male Davies Patricia Elizabeth Female Perth
1942/100117 Perth Davies Patricia Elizabeth Female Davies Francis James Male Perth
1942/100118 Perth Newton Reginald Arthur Male Randall Viola Marie Female Perth
1942/100118 Perth Randall Viola Marie Female Newton Reginald Arthur Male Perth
1942/100119 Perth Connolly William Thomas Reginald Male Pyke Jean Victoria Female Perth
1942/100119 Perth Pyke Jean Victoria Female Connolly William Thomas Reginald Male Perth
1942/100120 Perth Crane Jean Margaret Female Pickersgill Ronald Charles Male Perth
1942/100120 Perth Pickersgill Ronald Charles Male Crane Jean Margaret Female Perth
1942/100121 Perth Jeffery George Simpson Male Mercy Edna Margaret Female Perth
1942/100121 Perth Mercy Edna Margaret Female Jeffery George Simpson Male Perth
1942/100122 Perth Carlisle Dorothy Emily Female Shenstone Keith Oswald Male Perth
1942/100122 Perth Shenstone Keith Oswald Male Carlisle Dorothy Emily Female Perth
1942/100123 Perth Farquharson John Male Hatton Norma Gwen Female Perth
1942/100123 Perth Hatton Norma Gwen Female Farquharson John Male Perth
1942/100124 Perth Langridge James William Male Lucas Ellen Vivian Female Perth
1942/100124 Perth Lucas Ellen Vivian Female Langridge James William Male Perth
1942/100125 Perth Minchin Ena Winifred Joy Female Sinclair David Male Perth
1942/100125 Perth Sinclair David Male Minchin Ena Winifred Joy Female Perth
1942/100126 Perth Husk Hubert John Male Love Phyllis Verity Female Rosalie
1942/100126 Perth Love Phyllis Verity Female Husk Hubert John Male Rosalie
1942/100127 Perth Herold Mary Maud Female Stevens Rosa Edward Male Perth
1942/100127 Perth Stevens Rosa Edward Male Herold Mary Maud Female Perth
1942/100128 Perth Burton Olive Amy Female Green John Male Subiaco
1942/100128 Perth Green John Male Burton Olive Amy Female Subiaco
1942/100129 Perth Carter Marie Bertha Christina Female Goodall Andrew Leith Male West Perth
1942/100129 Perth Goodall Andrew Leith Male Carter Marie Bertha Christina Female West Perth
1942/100130 Perth Hunter John Wendell Male Vila Josephine Female West Perth
1942/100130 Perth Vila Josephine Female Hunter John Wendell Male West Perth
1942/100131 Perth Dalwood Eva Mary Female Tasker Archibald Harold Male West Perth
1942/100131 Perth Tasker Archibald Harold Male Dalwood Eva Mary Female West Perth
1942/100132 Perth Cross Ethel Ivy Female Watts Horace Norman Male West Perth
1942/100132 Perth Watts Horace Norman Male Cross Ethel Ivy Female West Perth
1942/100133 Perth Hynam Joyce Una Female Matthews Herbert Walter Male Perth
1942/100133 Perth Matthews Herbert Walter Male Hynam Joyce Una Female Perth
1942/100135 Perth Brown William Stephen Male Ogden Edith Annie Female Perth
1942/100135 Perth Ogden Edith Annie Female Brown William Stephen Male Perth
1942/100136 Perth Caplin Donald James Male Cowan Olive Mary Female Highgate
1942/100136 Perth Cowan Olive Mary Female Caplin Donald James Male Highgate
1942/100137 Perth de Mamiel Harold William Male Rogers Marie Frances Teresa Female Highgate
1942/100137 Perth Rogers Marie Frances Teresa Female de Mamiel Harold William Male Highgate
1942/100138 Perth Kitson Aline Marie Female Spry Louis George Henry Male North Perth
1942/100138 Perth Spry Louis George Henry Male Kitson Aline Marie Female North Perth
1942/100139 Perth Cunningham John Henry Male Long Margaret Female Perth
1942/100139 Perth Long Margaret Female Cunningham John Henry Male Perth
1942/100140 Perth Pola Anne Teresa Female Priest Michael Thomas Male East Victoria Park
1942/100140 Perth Priest Michael Thomas Male Pola Anne Teresa Female East Victoria Park
1942/100141 Perth Baker Dorothy Maude Female Clayton Leslie Male Perth
1942/100141 Perth Clayton Leslie Male Baker Dorothy Maude Female Perth
1942/100142 Perth Dunsire Archibald Male Quinn Mary Carmel Female Victoria Park
1942/100142 Perth Quinn Mary Carmel Female Dunsire Archibald Male Victoria Park
1942/100143 Perth Keane Gloria Female Munckton Alan Male Perth
1942/100143 Perth Munckton Alan Male Keane Gloria Female Perth
1942/100144 Perth Haywood Frederick Theodore Male Norman Dorothy Rona Female Perth
1942/100144 Perth Norman Dorothy Rona Female Haywood Frederick Theodore Male Perth
1942/100145 Perth Clinch Florence Elsie Female Stevens John Arthur Male Perth
1942/100145 Perth Stevens John Arthur Male Clinch Florence Elsie Female Perth
1942/100146 Perth Busher Jean Louisa Female King Robert Greig Male Maylands
1942/100146 Perth King Robert Greig Male Busher Jean Louisa Female Maylands
1942/100147 Perth Francis Roma Anna Tullor Female Roydhouse Francis Paget Male Perth
1942/100147 Perth Roydhouse Francis Paget Male Francis Roma Anna Tullor Female Perth
1942/100148 Perth Douglas Jean Frances Female Pinker Walter Edward Male Bayswater
1942/100148 Perth Pinker Walter Edward Male Douglas Jean Frances Female Bayswater
1942/100149 Perth Eddy Marjory Frances Female Morris Alfred Gerard Ambrose Male Subiaco
1942/100149 Perth Morris Alfred Gerard Ambrose Male Eddy Marjory Frances Female Subiaco
1942/100150 Perth Cavouras Vennyz Male Shackell Joan Lucy Ellen Female Perth
1942/100150 Perth Shackell Joan Lucy Ellen Female Cavouras Vennyz Male Perth
1942/100151 Perth Fogarty Frederick Charles Male Palin Margaret Female Victoria Park
1942/100151 Perth Palin Margaret Female Fogarty Frederick Charles Male Victoria Park
1942/100152 Perth Laughton Doris Phoebe Female Stewart Ronald James Male Victoria Park
1942/100152 Perth Stewart Ronald James Male Laughton Doris Phoebe Female Victoria Park
1942/100153 Perth Bassett Eva Winnefred Female Watson William John Male Perth
1942/100153 Perth Watson William John Male Bassett Eva Winnefred Female Perth
1942/100154 Perth Cosgrove Henry William Male Hilton Hazel Florence Female Perth
1942/100154 Perth Hilton Hazel Florence Female Cosgrove Henry William Male Perth
1942/100155 Perth Nancarrow Alfred Arthur Male Perry Alma Dorothy Female West Leederville
1942/100155 Perth Perry Alma Dorothy Female Nancarrow Alfred Arthur Male West Leederville
1942/100157 Perth Higham Betty Female Smith Glynn Melville Male Perth
1942/100157 Perth Smith Glynn Melville Male Higham Betty Female Perth
1942/100158 Perth Archer Evelyn Nesbitt Female Steele Robert Male Perth
1942/100158 Perth Steele Robert Male Archer Evelyn Nesbitt Female Perth
1942/100159 Perth Dunstan Lorna Deborah Female Lucas Norris George Male Perth
1942/100159 Perth Lucas Norris George Male Dunstan Lorna Deborah Female Perth
1942/100160 Perth Lilley Jean Alma Female O'Hehir William Jack Male West Perth
1942/100160 Perth O'Hehir William Jack Male Lilley Jean Alma Female West Perth
1942/100161 Perth Bosworth Nancy Eloise Female Pettersson Geoffrey Ian Male West Perth
1942/100161 Perth Pettersson Geoffrey Ian Male Bosworth Nancy Eloise Female West Perth
1942/100162 Perth Davidson Alice Mary Female Warne Clyde Therloway Male West Perth
1942/100162 Perth Warne Clyde Therloway Male Davidson Alice Mary Female West Perth
1942/100163 Perth Snook Garth Millett Male Swift Evelyn Edith Female West Perth
1942/100163 Perth Swift Evelyn Edith Female Snook Garth Millett Male West Perth
1942/100165 Perth Heygate Reginald France Male Webster Marguerite Female Mt Lawley
1942/100165 Perth Webster Marguerite Female Heygate Reginald France Male Mt Lawley
1942/100166 Perth Clarke Marion Harriett Female Smoult John Robert Male Perth
1942/100166 Perth Smoult John Robert Male Clarke Marion Harriett Female Perth
1942/100173 Perth Smith Freda Grace Female Vaisey Harold Charles Male Perth
1942/100173 Perth Vaisey Harold Charles Male Smith Freda Grace Female Perth
1942/100174 Perth Cook Cedric Harold Male Smyth Myrtle Annie Female Perth
1942/100174 Perth Smyth Myrtle Annie Female Cook Cedric Harold Male Perth
1942/100175 Perth Bromfield Enid Thelma Female Mead Frederick William Male Victoria Park
1942/100175 Perth Mead Frederick William Male Bromfield Enid Thelma Female Victoria Park
1942/100176 Perth Gavin James Murray Male Millar Ida Evelyn Female Highgate Hill
1942/100176 Perth Millar Ida Evelyn Female Gavin James Murray Male Highgate Hill
1942/100177 Perth Skipworth George Frederick Male Thompson Gertrude Olive Female Maylands
1942/100177 Perth Thompson Gertrude Olive Female Skipworth George Frederick Male Maylands
1942/100178 Perth Fleming Ruth Mary Female Smith Thomas Henry Male Maylands
1942/100178 Perth Smith Thomas Henry Male Fleming Ruth Mary Female Maylands
1942/100179 Perth Glaskin Marie Female Howard Merle Edward Male W Leederville
1942/100179 Perth Howard Merle Edward Male Glaskin Marie Female W Leederville
1942/100180 Perth Flynn Gerald Joseph Male Tobin Lillian May Josephine Female Perth
1942/100180 Perth Tobin Lillian May Josephine Female Flynn Gerald Joseph Male Perth
1942/100181 Perth McGrath Edna Geraldine Female Mills John Franklin Male Perth
1942/100181 Perth Mills John Franklin Male McGrath Edna Geraldine Female Perth
1942/100182 Perth Cahir Gweneth Iris Mary Female French John Henry Alva Male Perth
1942/100182 Perth French John Henry Alva Male Cahir Gweneth Iris Mary Female Perth
1942/100183 Perth Holmes Patricia Ruth Eunice Female Quayle Robert Allanson Male Perth
1942/100183 Perth Quayle Robert Allanson Male Holmes Patricia Ruth Eunice Female Perth
1942/100184 Perth Bathgate Viola Female Wark Alfred Andrew Male Perth
1942/100184 Perth Wark Alfred Andrew Male Bathgate Viola Female Perth
1942/100185 Perth Sanders Mary Monica Female Troy Thomas Robert Male Perth
1942/100185 Perth Troy Thomas Robert Male Sanders Mary Monica Female Perth
1942/100186 Perth Graham Leo John Male McGovern Kathleen Joyce Female Perth
1942/100186 Perth McGovern Kathleen Joyce Female Graham Leo John Male Perth
1942/100187 Perth Ayton Ellen Esslyt Female Hinsley James William Male Perth
1942/100187 Perth Hinsley James William Male Ayton Ellen Esslyt Female Perth
1942/100188 Perth McCagh Eileen Eunice Female Smith Leslie Norman Male Perth
1942/100188 Perth Smith Leslie Norman Male McCagh Eileen Eunice Female Perth
1942/100189 Perth Bergin Louis Alfred John Male Venner Violet Rose Female Perth
1942/100189 Perth Venner Violet Rose Female Bergin Louis Alfred John Male Perth
1942/100190 Perth Longley Lloyd Harry Male Stanton Alice Maud Female Perth
1942/100190 Perth Stanton Alice Maud Female Longley Lloyd Harry Male Perth
1942/100191 Perth Cannell Emily Female Leonard Stephen Charles Male Perth
1942/100191 Perth Leonard Stephen Charles Male Cannell Emily Female Perth
1942/100192 Perth Evans David Male Moore Dellis Irene Maude Female Perth
1942/100192 Perth Moore Dellis Irene Maude Female Evans David Male Perth
1942/100193 Perth Carlon Richard Male Hall Dulcie Kathleen Female Subiaco
1942/100193 Perth Hall Dulcie Kathleen Female Carlon Richard Male Subiaco
1942/100194 Perth James Frederick Noel Male Lewis Anne Evelyn Female Perth
1942/100194 Perth Lewis Anne Evelyn Female James Frederick Noel Male Perth
1942/100195 Perth Elliott Dorothy Eileen Female Lindley Fred Everingham Male Perth
1942/100195 Perth Lindley Fred Everingham Male Elliott Dorothy Eileen Female Perth
1942/100196 Perth Dewar Leslie Basil Male Luke Nancy Hattam Female West Perth
1942/100196 Perth Luke Nancy Hattam Female Dewar Leslie Basil Male West Perth
1942/100197 Perth Bostock Brenda Patricia Warwick Female Wittenoom John Edward Burdett Male Perth
1942/100197 Perth Wittenoom John Edward Burdett Male Bostock Brenda Patricia Warwick Female Perth
1942/100198 Perth Ebsary Ronald Hilton Male Rova Mary Clare Female Perth
1942/100198 Perth Rova Mary Clare Female Ebsary Ronald Hilton Male Perth
1942/100199 Perth Mansfield Mabel Female Roser William John Male Perth
1942/100199 Perth Roser William John Male Mansfield Mabel Female Perth
1942/100200 Perth Bingham Gwendolene Joyce Female Elkington George Henry Male West Perth
1942/100200 Perth Elkington George Henry Male Bingham Gwendolene Joyce Female West Perth
1942/100201 Perth Lawson James Henry Male Saul Alice Violet Female Rosalie
1942/100201 Perth Saul Alice Violet Female Lawson James Henry Male Rosalie
1942/100202 Perth Fookes Charles William Male Ryan Constance Josephine Female Subiaco
1942/100202 Perth Ryan Constance Josephine Female Fookes Charles William Male Subiaco
1942/100203 Perth Heiden Emile Male Nelligan Norah Eileen Female West Perth
1942/100203 Perth Nelligan Norah Eileen Female Heiden Emile Male West Perth
1942/100204 Perth Brown John Edward Male Washing Gladwys Valerie Female West Perth
1942/100204 Perth Washing Gladwys Valerie Female Brown John Edward Male West Perth
1942/100205 Perth Jenkins Lancelot Howard Clive Male Walsh Margaret Female West Perth
1942/100205 Perth Walsh Margaret Female Jenkins Lancelot Howard Clive Male West Perth
1942/100206 Perth Hill Ida Trixie Female Tillotson Raymond George Male Perth
1942/100206 Perth Tillotson Raymond George Male Hill Ida Trixie Female Perth
1942/100207 Perth Cable Douglas Male Rymer Ada Nellie Female Perth
1942/100207 Perth Rymer Ada Nellie Female Cable Douglas Male Perth
1942/100208 Perth Blizard Ronald Clement Male Stickland Lillian Athene Female Perth
1942/100208 Perth Stickland Lillian Athene Female Blizard Ronald Clement Male Perth
1942/100209 Perth Sorensen Valdemar Dane Male Walker Hazel Rose Female Inglewood
1942/100209 Perth Walker Hazel Rose Female Sorensen Valdemar Dane Male Inglewood
1942/100210 Perth Davies Doris May Female Hegarty John Patrick Male Perth
1942/100210 Perth Hegarty John Patrick Male Davies Doris May Female Perth
1942/100211 Perth Elphick Muriel Constance Female Russell Sidney Male Perth
1942/100211 Perth Russell Sidney Male Elphick Muriel Constance Female Perth
1943/100212 Perth Beck Merle Female Scott William Edwin Roy Male Carlisle
1942/100212 Perth Munachen Allan Lawson Male Percival Patricia May Female Perth
1942/100212 Perth Percival Patricia May Female Munachen Allan Lawson Male Perth
1943/100212 Perth Scott William Edwin Roy Male Beck Merle Female Carlisle
1942/100213 Perth Black Dudley William Male Jones Edna Marion Female Perth
1942/100213 Perth Jones Edna Marion Female Black Dudley William Male Perth
1942/100214 Perth Langley Mary Female Matheson Douglas Forbes Male Perth
1942/100214 Perth Matheson Douglas Forbes Male Langley Mary Female Perth
1942/100215 Perth Dennison Melvina Eliza Female Towning Fred Male Perth
1942/100215 Perth Towning Fred Male Dennison Melvina Eliza Female Perth
1942/100216 Perth Godfrey Jack Ashlar Male Shipperd Beryl Christina Female Perth
1942/100216 Perth Shipperd Beryl Christina Female Godfrey Jack Ashlar Male Perth
1942/100217 Perth Carlile Bruce Male Marshall Phyllis May Female Perth
1942/100217 Perth Marshall Phyllis May Female Carlile Bruce Male Perth
1942/100218 Perth Roberts Margaret Emmie Female Wells Kenneth Priestley Male Perth
1942/100218 Perth Wells Kenneth Priestley Male Roberts Margaret Emmie Female Perth
1942/100219 Perth Rickard Mary Evelene Female Summerton James John Male Perth
1942/100219 Perth Summerton James John Male Rickard Mary Evelene Female Perth
1942/100220 Perth Guest Gilbert Harold Male Turner Irene Mavis Female Perth
1942/100220 Perth Turner Irene Mavis Female Guest Gilbert Harold Male Perth
1942/100221 Perth Easton Cyril Gordon Male Radcliffe Annie Hazel Female Perth
1942/100221 Perth Radcliffe Annie Hazel Female Easton Cyril Gordon Male Perth
1942/100222 Perth Joseph Albert Edward Leon Male Mackay Kathleen Margaret Mary Female Perth
1942/100222 Perth Mackay Kathleen Margaret Mary Female Joseph Albert Edward Leon Male Perth
1942/100223 Perth Horne Dorothy Swyer Female Montgomery Donald Male Perth
1942/100223 Perth Montgomery Donald Male Horne Dorothy Swyer Female Perth
1942/100224 Perth Coronel Godfrey Edward Male Maloney Maud Female Cottesloe
1942/100224 Perth Maloney Maud Female Coronel Godfrey Edward Male Cottesloe
1942/100225 Perth O'Donnell Theresé Francis Dawn Female Reed Robert Glasson Male Perth
1942/100225 Perth Reed Robert Glasson Male O'Donnell Theresé Francis Dawn Female Perth
1942/100226 Perth MacKay Christina Ann Female Rowcliffe Arthur Male Claremont
1942/100226 Perth Rowcliffe Arthur Male MacKay Christina Ann Female Claremont
1942/100227 Perth Brown Frederick Stanley Male Stewart Dulcie Kathleen Female Perth
1942/100227 Perth Stewart Dulcie Kathleen Female Brown Frederick Stanley Male Perth
1942/100228 Perth Crofts Arthur James Male Doubikin Dorothy Winifred Female West Leederville
1942/100228 Perth Doubikin Dorothy Winifred Female Crofts Arthur James Male West Leederville
1942/100229 Perth Perkins Elsie Winifred Margaret Female Waller Derrick Alistair Male Victoria Park
1942/100229 Perth Waller Derrick Alistair Male Perkins Elsie Winifred Margaret Female Victoria Park
1942/100230 Perth Cook Melita May Female Sleaford Percival Reginald Male Perth
1942/100230 Perth Sleaford Percival Reginald Male Cook Melita May Female Perth
1942/100233 Perth Callow Edna May Female Lee Aubrey Adderley Henry Male Perth
1942/100233 Perth Lee Aubrey Adderley Henry Male Callow Edna May Female Perth
1942/100234 Perth Humphries Frederick William Male Kemp Iris Louisa Dorothy Female Perth
1942/100234 Perth Kemp Iris Louisa Dorothy Female Humphries Frederick William Male Perth
1942/100235 Perth Hepburn Roy Douglas Male Slater Alice Female Perth
1942/100235 Perth Slater Alice Female Hepburn Roy Douglas Male Perth
1942/100236 Perth Burton Jack Male Rowlands Doreen Female Perth
1942/100236 Perth Rowlands Doreen Female Burton Jack Male Perth
1942/100237 Perth Jennings Olive Maud Female Spencer James Birch Male West Perth
1942/100237 Perth Spencer James Birch Male Jennings Olive Maud Female West Perth
1942/100238 Perth Ager Walter Gordon Male West Dorothy Ethel May Female North Perth
1942/100238 Perth West Dorothy Ethel May Female Ager Walter Gordon Male North Perth
1942/100239 Perth Balmer John Craighill Male Harris Florence Winifred Female Perth
1942/100239 Perth Harris Florence Winifred Female Balmer John Craighill Male Perth
1942/100240 Perth Camp George Ernest Male Cousins Constance Mary Female Claremont
1942/100240 Perth Cousins Constance Mary Female Camp George Ernest Male Claremont
1942/100241 Perth Dempsey Mary Agnes Female Engelbrecht Laurence Bernard Male Perth
1942/100241 Perth Engelbrecht Laurence Bernard Male Dempsey Mary Agnes Female Perth
1942/100242 Perth Outram William Male Wright Pamela Joan Female Belmont
1942/100242 Perth Wright Pamela Joan Female Outram William Male Belmont
1942/100243 Perth Cook Eva May Female Searle Arthur John Male Perth
1942/100243 Perth Searle Arthur John Male Cook Eva May Female Perth
1942/100244 Perth Morrissey Joseph Keith Male Smith Mary Patricia Female Inglewood
1942/100244 Perth Smith Mary Patricia Female Morrissey Joseph Keith Male Inglewood
1942/100247 Perth Hall Edgar Sydney Male Mills Ada Elizabeth Female Claremont
1942/100247 Perth Mills Ada Elizabeth Female Hall Edgar Sydney Male Claremont
1942/100248 Perth McKay Nellie Daulby Female Palmer Ronald Gordon Male Perth
1942/100248 Perth Palmer Ronald Gordon Male McKay Nellie Daulby Female Perth
1942/100249 Perth Hall Edith Dulcie Female Marion John Stuart Male Perth
1942/100249 Perth Marion John Stuart Male Hall Edith Dulcie Female Perth
1942/100250 Perth McCrae Jack William Male Scott Myrtle Jean Female Perth
1942/100250 Perth Scott Myrtle Jean Female McCrae Jack William Male Perth
1942/100251 Perth Blake Margaret Female Pickersgill Kenneth George Male Perth
1942/100251 Perth Pickersgill Kenneth George Male Blake Margaret Female Perth
1942/100252 Perth Brown Raymond Joseph Male Hovley Lorna May Female Perth
1942/100252 Perth Hovley Lorna May Female Brown Raymond Joseph Male Perth
1942/100253 Perth Ring Jean Elizabeth Female Stook Alfred Male Perth
1942/100253 Perth Stook Alfred Male Ring Jean Elizabeth Female Perth
1942/100254 Perth Kendall John Hayward Male McLean Neta May Female Perth
1942/100254 Perth McLean Neta May Female Kendall John Hayward Male Perth
1942/100255 Perth Colley Pauline Maria Female Greenfield Arthur James Male Perth
1942/100255 Perth Greenfield Arthur James Male Colley Pauline Maria Female Perth
1942/100256 Perth Voce Margaret Alice Female Watts Albert Keith Male Perth
1942/100256 Perth Watts Albert Keith Male Voce Margaret Alice Female Perth
1942/100257 Perth Cranfield Thomas Lennard Male Wealand Beryl Joy Female Perth
1942/100257 Perth Wealand Beryl Joy Female Cranfield Thomas Lennard Male Perth
1942/100258 Perth Farrow Ronald William Male Sunderland Violet Florence Female Perth
1942/100258 Perth Sunderland Violet Florence Female Farrow Ronald William Male Perth
1942/100259 Perth Brenton George Ernest Joseph Male Fowler Dorothy Female Perth
1942/100259 Perth Fowler Dorothy Female Brenton George Ernest Joseph Male Perth
1942/100260 Perth Nutchey Maxwell John Male Speak Phyllis Margaret Female Perth
1942/100260 Perth Speak Phyllis Margaret Female Nutchey Maxwell John Male Perth
1942/100261 Perth Stanley Arthur Male Wark Rhona Ila Female Perth
1942/100261 Perth Wark Rhona Ila Female Stanley Arthur Male Perth
1942/100262 Perth Toovey Ethel Isabel Female Wilkinson George Edward Male Perth
1942/100262 Perth Wilkinson George Edward Male Toovey Ethel Isabel Female Perth
1942/100263 Perth Shaw Mary Esther Moya Female Stubbs Frank Henry Robert Male Perth
1942/100263 Perth Stubbs Frank Henry Robert Male Shaw Mary Esther Moya Female Perth
1942/100264 Perth Beer Frances Margaret Mary Female Dillon Robert Noel Male Perth
1942/100264 Perth Dillon Robert Noel Male Beer Frances Margaret Mary Female Perth
1942/100265 Perth Cheetham George William Male Davis Mary Female Perth
1942/100265 Perth Davis Mary Female Cheetham George William Male Perth
1942/100266 Perth Madgen Rene Mary Amelia Female Sweeney Frederick Joseph Male Perth
1942/100266 Perth Sweeney Frederick Joseph Male Madgen Rene Mary Amelia Female Perth
1942/100267 Perth Lambie Elizabeth Female Tate Albert Thomas Male South Perth
1943/100267 Perth Pratt Frederick Arthur Male Sice Patricia Doris Female Leederville
1943/100267 Perth Sice Patricia Doris Female Pratt Frederick Arthur Male Leederville
1942/100267 Perth Tate Albert Thomas Male Lambie Elizabeth Female South Perth
1942/100269 Perth Fewings John Gustavus Male Holmes Barbara Verden Female Nedlands
1942/100269 Perth Holmes Barbara Verden Female Fewings John Gustavus Male Nedlands
1942/100270 Perth Pearce Gladys May Cothay Female Woodbrook Charles Henry Male Nedlands
1942/100270 Perth Woodbrook Charles Henry Male Pearce Gladys May Cothay Female Nedlands
1942/100271 Perth Evans William Harcourt Male Reston Olive Edith Female West Perth
1942/100271 Perth Reston Olive Edith Female Evans William Harcourt Male West Perth
1942/100272 Perth Cherry Joan Female Wood Robert Frederick Crosbie Male West Perth
1942/100272 Perth Wood Robert Frederick Crosbie Male Cherry Joan Female West Perth
1942/100273 Perth Blue Elsie Jean Female Campbell Gordon Male West Perth
1942/100273 Perth Campbell Gordon Male Blue Elsie Jean Female West Perth
1942/100274 Perth Liddell Eric Lionel Male Rowarth Roma Joyce Ella Female West Perth
1942/100274 Perth Rowarth Roma Joyce Ella Female Liddell Eric Lionel Male West Perth
1942/100275 Perth Blue Norma Ethel Female Hansen Charles Thomas Male West Perth
1942/100275 Perth Hansen Charles Thomas Male Blue Norma Ethel Female West Perth
1942/100276 Perth Bell Hilton Robert David Male Eastoe Marcil Female Victoria Park
1942/100276 Perth Eastoe Marcil Female Bell Hilton Robert David Male Victoria Park
1942/100277 Perth Arnold Ronald Jabez Male Deuport Dorothy May Female Victoria Park
1942/100277 Perth Deuport Dorothy May Female Arnold Ronald Jabez Male Victoria Park
1942/100278 Perth Hayward Victor Ernest Male Slee Wilhelmina Booth Female Maylands
1942/100278 Perth Slee Wilhelmina Booth Female Hayward Victor Ernest Male Maylands
1942/100279 Perth Edelman Harry Jacob Male Snader Bertha Female Perth
1942/100279 Perth Snader Bertha Female Edelman Harry Jacob Male Perth
1942/100280 Perth Konigsberg Nahman Male London Hemda Female Perth
1942/100280 Perth London Hemda Female Konigsberg Nahman Male Perth
1942/100281 Perth Bondelmonte Teresa Female Epis Michael Male West Perth
1942/100281 Perth Epis Michael Male Bondelmonte Teresa Female West Perth
1942/100282 Perth Arculus Annie Doris Female Webb Archibald Male Victoria Park
1942/100282 Perth Webb Archibald Male Arculus Annie Doris Female Victoria Park
1942/100283 Perth Bach Stella Edith Female Tomkins Alan Valentine Male Victoria Park
1942/100283 Perth Tomkins Alan Valentine Male Bach Stella Edith Female Victoria Park
1942/100284 Perth Hansen John Frederick Male Peggs Edna May Female Perth
1942/100284 Perth Peggs Edna May Female Hansen John Frederick Male Perth
1942/100285 Perth Foster Hugh Lionel Male Mills Muriel Florence Female Perth
1942/100285 Perth Mills Muriel Florence Female Foster Hugh Lionel Male Perth
1942/100286 Perth Crocker William Male Grant Daphne Myrtle Female Perth
1942/100286 Perth Grant Daphne Myrtle Female Crocker William Male Perth
1942/100287 Perth Sleight Frederick George Male Tomlinson Olive Grace Female Maylands
1942/100287 Perth Tomlinson Olive Grace Female Sleight Frederick George Male Maylands
1942/100288 Perth James Mervyn Charles Walter Male Stripe Constance Phyllis Female Mt Lawley
1942/100288 Perth Stripe Constance Phyllis Female James Mervyn Charles Walter Male Mt Lawley
1942/100289 Perth Della Dora Louisa Female McFadden Ronald Thomas Male Leederville
1942/100289 Perth McFadden Ronald Thomas Male Della Dora Louisa Female Leederville
1942/100290 Perth Brennan Kevin Edward Male Brookes Eva May Female Leederville
1942/100290 Perth Brookes Eva May Female Brennan Kevin Edward Male Leederville
1942/100291 Perth Anastasakis John Dimitri Male Davis Winnifred Female Perth
1942/100291 Perth Davis Winnifred Female Anastasakis John Dimitri Male Perth
1942/100292 Perth Franklyn Nellie Helena Female Nathan Joseph Leslie Saltiel Male Claremont
1942/100292 Perth Nathan Joseph Leslie Saltiel Male Franklyn Nellie Helena Female Claremont
1942/100293 Perth Chalmers Lorraine Olive Female Stockford Harry Frederick Male Perth
1942/100293 Perth Stockford Harry Frederick Male Chalmers Lorraine Olive Female Perth
1942/100294 Perth Adam Edna May Female Barnett Thomas Mervyn Male Perth
1942/100294 Perth Barnett Thomas Mervyn Male Adam Edna May Female Perth
1942/100295 Perth Dewar Edward Male Jones Dorothy Grace Female Perth
1942/100295 Perth Jones Dorothy Grace Female Dewar Edward Male Perth
1942/100296 Perth Button Ellen Edith Female McGinnis Vivian Robert George Male Perth
1942/100296 Perth McGinnis Vivian Robert George Male Button Ellen Edith Female Perth
1942/100297 Perth Massingham Eva Beth Female Watt Roger John Male Perth
1942/100297 Perth Watt Roger John Male Massingham Eva Beth Female Perth
1942/100298 Perth Branch Kathleen Female Doherty Desmond Male Osborne Park
1942/100298 Perth Doherty Desmond Male Branch Kathleen Female Osborne Park
1942/100299 Perth Corvi Giovanni Male Depiazz Doris Female Osborne Park
1942/100299 Perth Depiazz Doris Female Corvi Giovanni Male Osborne Park
1942/100300 Perth Campbell Jean Elizabeth Female Cleghorn John Major Male Subiaco
1942/100300 Perth Cleghorn John Major Male Campbell Jean Elizabeth Female Subiaco
1942/100301 Perth Bostock Helen Mary Female McEwan Ian Keith Male Mount Lawley
1942/100301 Perth McEwan Ian Keith Male Bostock Helen Mary Female Mount Lawley
1942/100302 Perth Anticich Ivan Male Rawlings Ivy Edna Female Perth
1942/100302 Perth Rawlings Ivy Edna Female Anticich Ivan Male Perth
1942/100303 Perth O Keeffe Edna Naomi Female Linley William Douglas Male Highgate Hill
1942/100303 Perth Linley William Douglas Male O Keeffe Edna Naomi Female Highgate Hill
1942/100304 Perth Evershed Walter John Male Liddiard Ethel Isabel Female Perth
1942/100304 Perth Liddiard Ethel Isabel Female Evershed Walter John Male Perth
1942/100305 Perth Cooling Ronald Ernest Male Porter Doris Female Perth
1942/100305 Perth Porter Doris Female Cooling Ronald Ernest Male Perth
1942/100306 Perth Harris Gladys Lavinia Female Shoosmith Frank Male Perth
1942/100306 Perth Shoosmith Frank Male Harris Gladys Lavinia Female Perth
1942/100307 Perth Ballock Evelyn Yvonne Female Rowbotham James Ward Male Perth
1942/100307 Perth Rowbotham James Ward Male Ballock Evelyn Yvonne Female Perth
1942/100308 Perth MacDonald Edna Bernice Female White Charles Edwin Male Perth
1942/100308 Perth White Charles Edwin Male MacDonald Edna Bernice Female Perth
1942/100309 Perth Battams Marjorie Eva Female Odgers John Clunes Male Perth
1942/100309 Perth Odgers John Clunes Male Battams Marjorie Eva Female Perth
1942/100310 Perth Brown Allan August Male Brown Nelly Female Mt Lawley
1942/100310 Perth Brown Nelly Female Brown Allan August Male Mt Lawley
1942/100311 Perth Forbes Kenneth Douglas Male Sherwood Caroline Florence Evelyn Female Claremont
1942/100311 Perth Sherwood Caroline Florence Evelyn Female Forbes Kenneth Douglas Male Claremont
1942/100312 Perth Butcher Keith Ross Male Jones Winifred Rose Female Claremont
1942/100312 Perth Jones Winifred Rose Female Butcher Keith Ross Male Claremont
1942/100313 Perth Arnold Dorothy Adelaide Female Henwood Colin Philip Male Claremont
1942/100313 Perth Henwood Colin Philip Male Arnold Dorothy Adelaide Female Claremont
1942/100314 Perth Hewett John Winston Male Kenrick Evelyn Roberta Female Claremont
1942/100314 Perth Kenrick Evelyn Roberta Female Hewett John Winston Male Claremont
1942/100315 Perth Beale Henry Percival Male Churchill Agnes Montgomery Female Claremont
1942/100315 Perth Churchill Agnes Montgomery Female Beale Henry Percival Male Claremont
1942/100316 Perth Reddin Leslie Thomas Male Varley Dulcie Ellen Female Claremont
1942/100316 Perth Varley Dulcie Ellen Female Reddin Leslie Thomas Male Claremont
1942/100317 Perth Renouf Muriel Grace Female Unbehaun Alan Albert Male Claremont
1942/100317 Perth Unbehaun Alan Albert Male Renouf Muriel Grace Female Claremont
1942/100318 Perth Davenport Frank Torrance Male Johnson Lorna May Female Claremont
1942/100318 Perth Johnson Lorna May Female Davenport Frank Torrance Male Claremont
1942/100319 Perth Crutchett Dorothy Emily Female Johnson John Arthur Poole Male Claremont
1942/100319 Perth Johnson John Arthur Poole Male Crutchett Dorothy Emily Female Claremont
1942/100320 Perth Rinn Kathleen Ivy Rose Paterson Female Webster Allan David Munro Male Mt Lawley
1942/100320 Perth Webster Allan David Munro Male Rinn Kathleen Ivy Rose Paterson Female Mt Lawley
1942/100321 Perth James Ronald Charles Male Turner Dorothy Lucy Female Claremont
1942/100321 Perth Turner Dorothy Lucy Female James Ronald Charles Male Claremont
1942/100322 Perth Guthrie Francis Hugh Male Matthews Jessie Doreen Female Claremont
1942/100322 Perth Matthews Jessie Doreen Female Guthrie Francis Hugh Male Claremont
1942/100323 Perth Lawrence Philip Sydney Male Murray Hilda Aileen Female Swanbourne
1942/100323 Perth Murray Hilda Aileen Female Lawrence Philip Sydney Male Swanbourne
1942/100324 Perth Gray Harold Stacey Male Vance Joan Frances Female Claremont
1942/100324 Perth Vance Joan Frances Female Gray Harold Stacey Male Claremont
1942/100325 Perth Allen Muriel Winifred Syvillia Female Collins Gordon James Male Claremont
1942/100325 Perth Collins Gordon James Male Allen Muriel Winifred Syvillia Female Claremont
1942/100326 Perth Harper Thomas Johnstone Male Walsh Betty Female Claremont
1942/100326 Perth Walsh Betty Female Harper Thomas Johnstone Male Claremont
1942/100327 Perth Hansen Arthur Male Vaisey Gwendoline Rose Gillian Female Claremont
1942/100327 Perth Vaisey Gwendoline Rose Gillian Female Hansen Arthur Male Claremont
1942/100328 Perth Farmer James Raymond Male Glossop Lillian Mary Female Highgate Hill
1942/100328 Perth Glossop Lillian Mary Female Farmer James Raymond Male Highgate Hill
1942/100329 Perth O'Brien Mary Kathleen Female Thompson Robert Stanislaw Male Highgate Hill
1942/100329 Perth Thompson Robert Stanislaw Male O'Brien Mary Kathleen Female Highgate Hill
1942/100330 Perth Boyne Mary Eva Female Pearson Alva Thomas Male Perth
1942/100330 Perth Pearson Alva Thomas Male Boyne Mary Eva Female Perth
1942/100331 Perth Exley Edith Female Flood Frederick Walter Male Subiaco
1942/100331 Perth Flood Frederick Walter Male Exley Edith Female Subiaco
1942/100332 Perth Hitchcock Mary Ann Female Stone Richard Melville Male Perth
1942/100332 Perth Stone Richard Melville Male Hitchcock Mary Ann Female Perth
1942/100333 Perth Buller Kenneth Gordon Male Payne Eva Florence Female Perth
1942/100333 Perth Payne Eva Florence Female Buller Kenneth Gordon Male Perth
1942/100334 Perth Pemberton David Herbert Male Potter Dorothy Frances Female Perth
1942/100334 Perth Potter Dorothy Frances Female Pemberton David Herbert Male Perth
1942/100335 Perth Ding Mollie Erica Female McLennan Donald Hugh Male Perth
1942/100335 Perth McLennan Donald Hugh Male Ding Mollie Erica Female Perth
1942/100337 Perth Lacey Harry William Male Yates Fairlie May Female Perth
1942/100337 Perth Yates Fairlie May Female Lacey Harry William Male Perth
1942/100338 Perth McDonald Thomas Edgar Male Purnell Dorothy Elma Female Perth
1942/100338 Perth Purnell Dorothy Elma Female McDonald Thomas Edgar Male Perth
1942/100339 Perth Delamare Maisie Miller Female Martin Douglas William Male Perth
1942/100339 Perth Martin Douglas William Male Delamare Maisie Miller Female Perth
1942/100340 Perth Edwards Elizabeth Marguerite Female Tatham Joseph William John Male Perth
1942/100340 Perth Tatham Joseph William John Male Edwards Elizabeth Marguerite Female Perth
1942/100341 Perth Stevens Wallace George Male Willis Lorna Jane Female Perth
1942/100341 Perth Willis Lorna Jane Female Stevens Wallace George Male Perth
1942/100342 Perth Pinel Elaine Joyce Female Plaisted Ronald Arthur Male Perth
1942/100342 Perth Plaisted Ronald Arthur Male Pinel Elaine Joyce Female Perth
1942/100343 Perth Bell Frank Gordon Male Catherall-Marks Joan Mary Female Perth
1942/100343 Perth Catherall-Marks Joan Mary Female Bell Frank Gordon Male Perth
1942/100344 Perth Finlayson Rosalie Naomi Female Mandy Ernest Male Perth
1942/100344 Perth Mandy Ernest Male Finlayson Rosalie Naomi Female Perth
1942/100345 Perth de Rooij Alfons Bennadus Male Clarke Norma Pauline Female Claremont
1942/100345 Perth Clarke Norma Pauline Female de Rooij Alfons Bennadus Male Claremont
1942/100346 Perth Brown Lorna Jean Female Kavanagh Kenneth Patrick Male West Leederville
1942/100346 Perth Kavanagh Kenneth Patrick Male Brown Lorna Jean Female West Leederville
1942/100347 Perth Green Herbert Carmicheal Male Medwin Dorothy Jean Female Perth
1942/100347 Perth Medwin Dorothy Jean Female Green Herbert Carmicheal Male Perth
1942/100348 Perth Flower Frank Arthur Male Tyers Myrtle Alfrida Helena Female Perth
1942/100348 Perth Tyers Myrtle Alfrida Helena Female Flower Frank Arthur Male Perth
1942/100349 Perth Linton Christina Marion Female Manuel Kenneth Maynard Male Perth
1942/100349 Perth Manuel Kenneth Maynard Male Linton Christina Marion Female Perth
1942/100350 Perth Ashworth Mavis Pearl Female Browne Gerald William Male Perth
1942/100350 Perth Browne Gerald William Male Ashworth Mavis Pearl Female Perth
1942/100351 Perth Clancy John Michael Male White Margaret Doreen Female Perth
1942/100351 Perth White Margaret Doreen Female Clancy John Michael Male Perth
1942/100352 Perth Rogers Edward Charles Mullany Male Swift Mary Female Perth
1942/100352 Perth Swift Mary Female Rogers Edward Charles Mullany Male Perth
1942/100353 Perth Barrett Francis Male Sheehan Catherine Mary Female Perth
1942/100353 Perth Sheehan Catherine Mary Female Barrett Francis Male Perth
1942/100354 Perth Blows Samuel Male Windell Mabel Christina Female Perth
1942/100354 Perth Windell Mabel Christina Female Blows Samuel Male Perth
1942/100355 Perth Ferguson James Arthur Male Maloney Violet Margret Female Belmont
1942/100355 Perth Maloney Violet Margret Female Ferguson James Arthur Male Belmont
1942/100356 Perth Harvey Rose Myrtle Female Millen Christopher James Male Carlisle
1942/100356 Perth Millen Christopher James Male Harvey Rose Myrtle Female Carlisle
1942/100357 Perth Dawson Edwin Neil Male Wall Doris Frances Female Victoria Park
1942/100357 Perth Wall Doris Frances Female Dawson Edwin Neil Male Victoria Park
1942/100358 Perth Martin Walter Dudley Male Sims Kathleen Margaret Female Perth
1942/100358 Perth Sims Kathleen Margaret Female Martin Walter Dudley Male Perth
1942/100359 Perth Evans Jessie Marie Female Harnett Richard Arthur Male West Leederville
1942/100359 Perth Harnett Richard Arthur Male Evans Jessie Marie Female West Leederville
1942/100360 Perth Jefferys David Ernest Male McCluney Joyce Edna Female West Perth
1942/100360 Perth McCluney Joyce Edna Female Jefferys David Ernest Male West Perth
1942/100361 Perth Brown Russell Saudan Male Fermaner Jean Estelle Sederstrom Female West Perth
1942/100361 Perth Fermaner Jean Estelle Sederstrom Female Brown Russell Saudan Male West Perth
1942/100362 Perth Kershaw Dora Florence Female Minchin Vernon Harold Male West Perth
1942/100362 Perth Minchin Vernon Harold Male Kershaw Dora Florence Female West Perth
1942/100363 Perth Stewart Leslie Francis Male Swinbourne Artie Thomasina Female Perth
1942/100363 Perth Swinbourne Artie Thomasina Female Stewart Leslie Francis Male Perth
1942/100364 Perth Thomson Amy Mabel Female Winfield Edwin Joseph Male Mount Hawthorn
1942/100364 Perth Winfield Edwin Joseph Male Thomson Amy Mabel Female Mount Hawthorn
1942/100365 Perth Moore Isobel Grace Female Stopher Richard William Buchanan Male Maylands
1942/100365 Perth Stopher Richard William Buchanan Male Moore Isobel Grace Female Maylands
1942/100366 Perth Chopin Lorna Miriam Female Malcolm Alexander Gibson Male Maylands
1942/100366 Perth Malcolm Alexander Gibson Male Chopin Lorna Miriam Female Maylands
1942/100367 Perth Collins Jack Laurence Male Ward Nancy Phyllis Female West Perth
1942/100367 Perth Ward Nancy Phyllis Female Collins Jack Laurence Male West Perth
1942/100368 Perth McAuliffe Leonard Roy Male Williams Eunice Hope Whitfield Female West Perth
1942/100368 Perth Williams Eunice Hope Whitfield Female McAuliffe Leonard Roy Male West Perth
1942/100369 Perth Bray Albert Ernest Male Walker Dorothy Helena Female West Perth
1942/100369 Perth Walker Dorothy Helena Female Bray Albert Ernest Male West Perth
1943/100370 Perth Barlow Beatrice Adeline Female Lindsey Robert Royal Male Mt Hawthorn
1943/100370 Perth Lindsey Robert Royal Male Barlow Beatrice Adeline Female Mt Hawthorn
1942/100370 Perth Paull David John Male Pollard Muriel Veronica Female West Perth
1942/100370 Perth Pollard Muriel Veronica Female Paull David John Male West Perth
1942/100371 Perth Byrd Sydney George Male Sullivan Dorothy May Female West Perth
1943/100371 Perth King Doris Female Smith Harold Alfred Male Osborne Park
1943/100371 Perth Smith Harold Alfred Male King Doris Female Osborne Park
1942/100371 Perth Sullivan Dorothy May Female Byrd Sydney George Male West Perth
1942/100372 Perth Keay Alexander Male McKernan Alice Jean Female Leederville
1942/100372 Perth McKernan Alice Jean Female Keay Alexander Male Leederville
1943/100373 Perth Bateman Dora May Female Bryson Reginald Mount Male Mt Hawthorn
1943/100373 Perth Bryson Reginald Mount Male Bateman Dora May Female Mt Hawthorn
1942/100373 Perth Chinnery Phyllis Florence Female Matthewson Cecil David Male West Aust
1942/100373 Perth Matthewson Cecil David Male Chinnery Phyllis Florence Female West Aust
1942/100374 Perth Barlow Gertrude May Female Thompson George Thomas Male Perth
1943/100374 Perth Kingston Veronica Bridget Female Vaughan Harold Male Osborne Park
1942/100374 Perth Thompson George Thomas Male Barlow Gertrude May Female Perth
1943/100374 Perth Vaughan Harold Male Kingston Veronica Bridget Female Osborne Park
1942/100375 Perth Bowern Maude Gertrude Female Cranston Albert Edward Male Perth
1942/100375 Perth Cranston Albert Edward Male Bowern Maude Gertrude Female Perth
1942/100376 Perth Prout Neville Male Webber Joyce Venetta Ruby Female Subiaco
1942/100376 Perth Webber Joyce Venetta Ruby Female Prout Neville Male Subiaco
1942/100377 Perth Chandler Myra Elsie Female Doust Keith Lachlan Male Perth
1942/100377 Perth Doust Keith Lachlan Male Chandler Myra Elsie Female Perth
1942/100378 Perth Menmuir Alicia Jean Female Richards Walter Roy Male Subiaco
1942/100378 Perth Richards Walter Roy Male Menmuir Alicia Jean Female Subiaco
1942/100379 Perth Lyncham Lillian Irene Female Mann John Aubrey Male West Perth
1942/100379 Perth Mann John Aubrey Male Lyncham Lillian Irene Female West Perth
1942/100380 Perth Stabb Robert Le Bearne Male Wrigley Dorothy Muriel Female West Leederville
1942/100380 Perth Wrigley Dorothy Muriel Female Stabb Robert Le Bearne Male West Leederville
1942/100381 Perth Sproule Lesley Emerson Female Ward William John Male North Perth
1942/100381 Perth Ward William John Male Sproule Lesley Emerson Female North Perth
1942/100382 Perth Down Kevin Patrick Male Hynes Hazel Monica Female Subiaco
1942/100382 Perth Hynes Hazel Monica Female Down Kevin Patrick Male Subiaco
1942/100383 Perth Bishop Eric Clune Male Greville Pamela Beatrice Female Subiaco
1942/100383 Perth Greville Pamela Beatrice Female Bishop Eric Clune Male Subiaco
1942/100384 Perth Burton Joyce Ella Female Caddy John Henry Male Perth
1942/100384 Perth Caddy John Henry Male Burton Joyce Ella Female Perth
1942/100385 Perth Hutcheson Lindsay Berwick Male Kiddie Hazel Doris Female Perth
1942/100385 Perth Kiddie Hazel Doris Female Hutcheson Lindsay Berwick Male Perth
1942/100386 Perth Locke William Cooper Kear's Male Miller Jeanie Lawson Female Perth
1942/100386 Perth Miller Jeanie Lawson Female Locke William Cooper Kear's Male Perth
1942/100387 Perth Bruce Desmond Albert Male Cleland Jane Forsyth Female Perth
1942/100387 Perth Cleland Jane Forsyth Female Bruce Desmond Albert Male Perth
1942/100388 Perth Burwell John Bertie Male Podmore Minnie Ann Female Perth
1942/100388 Perth Podmore Minnie Ann Female Burwell John Bertie Male Perth
1942/100389 Perth Greaves William Edwin Ernest Male Miles Lesley Female Perth
1942/100389 Perth Miles Lesley Female Greaves William Edwin Ernest Male Perth
1942/100390 Perth Clarke Edith Patricia Female Coghlan Roland John Male Perth
1942/100390 Perth Coghlan Roland John Male Clarke Edith Patricia Female Perth
1942/100391 Perth Kennedy Maurice Montrose Male Snowball Lorna May Female Perth
1942/100391 Perth Snowball Lorna May Female Kennedy Maurice Montrose Male Perth
1942/100392 Perth Bain Evan Oliver Colin Male Siddons Eileen Price Female Maylands
1942/100392 Perth Siddons Eileen Price Female Bain Evan Oliver Colin Male Maylands
1942/100393 Perth Bell Albert Elijah Male Stanford Barbara Iris Female Perth
1942/100393 Perth Stanford Barbara Iris Female Bell Albert Elijah Male Perth
1942/100394 Perth Parker Marjorie Dora Female Wilson Thomas Forrest Male Victoria Park
1942/100394 Perth Wilson Thomas Forrest Male Parker Marjorie Dora Female Victoria Park
1942/100395 Perth Jones Edna Joyce Female McLeod Donald Campbell Male Mosman Park
1942/100395 Perth McLeod Donald Campbell Male Jones Edna Joyce Female Mosman Park
1942/100396 Perth King Eva Grace Female Stewart George Robinson Male West Perth Leederville
1942/100396 Perth Stewart George Robinson Male King Eva Grace Female West Perth Leederville
1942/100397 Perth Greenwell Roy George Male Hender Ethel Elizabeth Female Victoria Park
1942/100397 Perth Hender Ethel Elizabeth Female Greenwell Roy George Male Victoria Park
1942/100398 Perth Clarke Jessie Phyllis Female Parsons William Wright Male Perth
1942/100398 Perth Parsons William Wright Male Clarke Jessie Phyllis Female Perth
1942/100399 Perth White Eileen Emma Kathleen Female Whitworth Frank Henry Male Perth
1942/100399 Perth Whitworth Frank Henry Male White Eileen Emma Kathleen Female Perth
1942/100400 Perth Connolly Veronica Female Partington Harold Male Osborne Park
1942/100400 Perth Partington Harold Male Connolly Veronica Female Osborne Park
1942/100401 Perth Cowin Laurel Ivy Female Nicholls James John Male Leederville
1942/100401 Perth Nicholls James John Male Cowin Laurel Ivy Female Leederville
1942/100402 Perth Daff Frank Male Plunkett Matilda Jean Female Perth
1942/100402 Perth Plunkett Matilda Jean Female Daff Frank Male Perth
1942/100403 Perth Meaton Olive Dorothy Female Sproule Neville William Male Maylands
1942/100403 Perth Sproule Neville William Male Meaton Olive Dorothy Female Maylands
1942/100404 Perth Hancock Sylvia Female Hogan Albert Sidney Male Maylands
1942/100404 Perth Hogan Albert Sidney Male Hancock Sylvia Female Maylands
1942/100405 Perth Jones Lloyd Emlyn Male Lewis Jean Female Maylands
1942/100405 Perth Lewis Jean Female Jones Lloyd Emlyn Male Maylands
1942/100406 Perth Behring Friedrich Carl Ferdinand Male Ridge Maud Mary Female Maylands
1942/100406 Perth Ridge Maud Mary Female Behring Friedrich Carl Ferdinand Male Maylands
1942/100407 Perth Fimmell Mervyn Male Pratt Ivy Emily Female Victoria Park
1942/100407 Perth Pratt Ivy Emily Female Fimmell Mervyn Male Victoria Park
1942/100408 Perth Bell Gordon Rex Male Humphreys Eleanor Isabel Female West Perth
1942/100408 Perth Humphreys Eleanor Isabel Female Bell Gordon Rex Male West Perth
1942/100409 Perth Gare Stella Mavis Female Learmonth John George Male West Perth
1942/100409 Perth Learmonth John George Male Gare Stella Mavis Female West Perth
1942/100410 Perth Northover Jack Victor Male Roberts Eileen Female West Perth
1942/100410 Perth Roberts Eileen Female Northover Jack Victor Male West Perth
1942/100411 Perth Bairston John Leslie Male Wilhelm Mary Isabel Female Perth
1942/100411 Perth Wilhelm Mary Isabel Female Bairston John Leslie Male Perth
1942/100412 Perth Byas James William Male Davies Alexandra Margaret Female Perth
1942/100412 Perth Davies Alexandra Margaret Female Byas James William Male Perth
1942/100413 Perth Mitchell David Sneddon Male Pearce Mary Grace Alice Female Perth
1942/100413 Perth Pearce Mary Grace Alice Female Mitchell David Sneddon Male Perth
1942/100414 Perth Johnson Alexander Gordon Male Ruse Lillian Lesley Female Perth
1942/100414 Perth Ruse Lillian Lesley Female Johnson Alexander Gordon Male Perth
1942/100415 Perth Grainger Pearl Jean Female Gurner Keith Davidson Male Perth
1942/100415 Perth Gurner Keith Davidson Male Grainger Pearl Jean Female Perth
1942/100416 Perth Butler Daphne Female Martin Andrew Henry Male Perth
1942/100416 Perth Martin Andrew Henry Male Butler Daphne Female Perth
1942/100417 Perth Derby Mescal Dorothy Female Savage Stanley William Alexander Male Perth
1942/100417 Perth Savage Stanley William Alexander Male Derby Mescal Dorothy Female Perth
1942/100418 Perth Bassanelli Maria Female Larkin Ronald Keith Male Perth
1942/100418 Perth Larkin Ronald Keith Male Bassanelli Maria Female Perth
1942/100419 Perth Dewar Daphne Gwendoline Female Herbert Geoffrey George Male Perth
1942/100419 Perth Herbert Geoffrey George Male Dewar Daphne Gwendoline Female Perth
1942/100420 Perth Hutton William Edward Male Rolston Gwendoline Female Perth
1942/100420 Perth Rolston Gwendoline Female Hutton William Edward Male Perth
1942/100421 Perth Ecclestone Bernard Male Powell Audrey Evelyn Female Perth
1942/100421 Perth Powell Audrey Evelyn Female Ecclestone Bernard Male Perth
1942/100422 Perth Braidwood Keith Cannon Male Wood Dorothy Eleanor Female Perth
1942/100422 Perth Wood Dorothy Eleanor Female Braidwood Keith Cannon Male Perth
1942/100423 Perth Haines Thelma Female Mason Logan Gerald Male Perth
1942/100423 Perth Mason Logan Gerald Male Haines Thelma Female Perth
1942/100424 Perth Stevenson Elsie Female Yule James Henry Male Perth
1942/100424 Perth Yule James Henry Male Stevenson Elsie Female Perth
1942/100425 Perth Leonard Sydney Charles Male Shaw Pearl Emma Female Perth
1942/100425 Perth Shaw Pearl Emma Female Leonard Sydney Charles Male Perth
1942/100426 Perth Gartland Dorothy Monica Female Stack Gerald Male Cottesloe
1942/100426 Perth Stack Gerald Male Gartland Dorothy Monica Female Cottesloe
1942/100427 Perth Court Reginald James Male Dalton Carmel Irene Female Cottesloe
1942/100427 Perth Dalton Carmel Irene Female Court Reginald James Male Cottesloe
1942/100428 Perth Bransby Edith Mary Female Loader Thomas Male Perth
1942/100428 Perth Loader Thomas Male Bransby Edith Mary Female Perth
1942/100429 Perth Bryant Eileen Daisy Marshall Female Eddy Hartley Lathlain Male Mt Lawley
1942/100429 Perth Eddy Hartley Lathlain Male Bryant Eileen Daisy Marshall Female Mt Lawley
1942/100430 Perth Ellis Ronald George Male Scott Phyllis Female Mt Lawley
1942/100430 Perth Scott Phyllis Female Ellis Ronald George Male Mt Lawley
1943/100431 Perth Fox Joseph Lawrence Male Garrett Edith Florence Female Cottesloe
1943/100431 Perth Garrett Edith Florence Female Fox Joseph Lawrence Male Cottesloe
1942/100431 Perth Guimelli James Patrick Male Wells Betty Female Perth
1942/100431 Perth Wells Betty Female Guimelli James Patrick Male Perth
1942/100432 Perth Kendall Joan Marion Female Lange Arnold Alfred Male Nedlands
1942/100432 Perth Lange Arnold Alfred Male Kendall Joan Marion Female Nedlands
1942/100433 Perth Garland Clement William Male Milward Anne Mavis Female Nedlands
1942/100433 Perth Milward Anne Mavis Female Garland Clement William Male Nedlands
1942/100434 Perth Chester Baldwin Male Kay Moya Mary Female Subiaco
1942/100434 Perth Kay Moya Mary Female Chester Baldwin Male Subiaco
1942/100435 Perth Billett Herbert Samuel Jonathan Male Cox Florence Elizabeth Female Rosalie
1942/100435 Perth Cox Florence Elizabeth Female Billett Herbert Samuel Jonathan Male Rosalie
1942/100436 Perth Carroll Rita Doris Female Vardy Philip James Male Sth Perth
1942/100436 Perth Vardy Philip James Male Carroll Rita Doris Female Sth Perth
1942/100437 Perth Barker Leonard Male Harding Iris Imelda Female North Perth
1942/100437 Perth Harding Iris Imelda Female Barker Leonard Male North Perth
1942/100438 Perth Chambers Mavis Joyce Female Messenger Ernest George Male Perth
1942/100438 Perth Messenger Ernest George Male Chambers Mavis Joyce Female Perth
1942/100439 Perth Toomey Florence Bridget Female Webb William Male Perth
1942/100439 Perth Webb William Male Toomey Florence Bridget Female Perth
1942/100440 Perth Dimond Shirley Jean Female Troughton Frank Male Perth
1942/100440 Perth Troughton Frank Male Dimond Shirley Jean Female Perth
1942/100441 Perth Blanchard Stanley Bell Male Sutherland Phyllis Jean Female West Perth
1942/100441 Perth Sutherland Phyllis Jean Female Blanchard Stanley Bell Male West Perth
1942/100442 Perth Bain Heatherbell Joy Female Eagar Henry Edward Colin Male Perth
1942/100442 Perth Eagar Henry Edward Colin Male Bain Heatherbell Joy Female Perth
1942/100443 Perth Bradley Lila Doreen Female Kinley James Robert Male Perth
1942/100443 Perth Kinley James Robert Male Bradley Lila Doreen Female Perth
1942/100444 Perth Murphy Doris Patricia Female Witney Ernest Edgar Male Leederville
1942/100444 Perth Witney Ernest Edgar Male Murphy Doris Patricia Female Leederville
1942/100445 Perth Ryan Ellen Female Wilkie Athol Gerard Male Leederville
1942/100445 Perth Wilkie Athol Gerard Male Ryan Ellen Female Leederville
1942/100446 Perth Cobb Ronald James Male Starcevich Anne Female Subiaco
1942/100446 Perth Starcevich Anne Female Cobb Ronald James Male Subiaco
1942/100447 Perth Carberry Lorna Mary Female Dear Arthur John Male Subiaco
1942/100447 Perth Dear Arthur John Male Carberry Lorna Mary Female Subiaco
1942/100448 Perth Samuels Alan Bruce Male Squires Gladys Rose Female West Perth
1942/100448 Perth Squires Gladys Rose Female Samuels Alan Bruce Male West Perth
1942/100449 Perth Brady Laurence Mervyn Male Horne Thelma Bernice Female West Perth
1942/100449 Perth Horne Thelma Bernice Female Brady Laurence Mervyn Male West Perth
1942/100450 Perth MacDonald Malcolm Male MacRitchie Margaret Female West Perth
1942/100450 Perth MacRitchie Margaret Female MacDonald Malcolm Male West Perth
1942/100451 Perth Anderson Carmel Veronica Female Hughes William Male Victoria Park
1942/100451 Perth Hughes William Male Anderson Carmel Veronica Female Victoria Park
1942/100452 Perth Cherrington Arthur Male Wilkinson Catherine Agnes Female Highgate Hill
1942/100452 Perth Wilkinson Catherine Agnes Female Cherrington Arthur Male Highgate Hill
1942/100453 Perth O'Connor James Male O'Halloran Ruby Thelma Loretta Female Highgate Hill
1942/100453 Perth O'Halloran Ruby Thelma Loretta Female O'Connor James Male Highgate Hill
1942/100454 Perth Bishop Norman Vincent Male Normoyle Margaret Mary Female Highgate Hill
1942/100454 Perth Normoyle Margaret Mary Female Bishop Norman Vincent Male Highgate Hill
1942/100455 Perth Anderson John Male Brownley Melva May Female Perth
1942/100455 Perth Brownley Melva May Female Anderson John Male Perth
1942/100456 Perth Goode Miriam Isabel Female Goode Eli Male Perth
1942/100456 Perth Goode Eli Male Goode Miriam Isabel Female Perth
1942/100457 Perth Davies Joan Female Woodgate Albert Richard Male Perth
1942/100457 Perth Woodgate Albert Richard Male Davies Joan Female Perth
1942/100458 Perth Mitchell James Male Simpson Laurel May Female Perth
1942/100458 Perth Simpson Laurel May Female Mitchell James Male Perth
1942/100459 Perth Craig Keith Joseph Male McCall Dorrie Female South Perth
1942/100459 Perth McCall Dorrie Female Craig Keith Joseph Male South Perth
1942/100460 Perth Acton Daphne May Female Phelps Lloyd George Male West Perth
1942/100460 Perth Phelps Lloyd George Male Acton Daphne May Female West Perth
1942/100461 Perth Davies Olive Thomas Female Milner Vere Colyer Male West Perth
1942/100461 Perth Milner Vere Colyer Male Davies Olive Thomas Female West Perth
1942/100462 Perth McDowall Ethel Elizabeth Female Walker Arthur Male West Perth
1942/100462 Perth Walker Arthur Male McDowall Ethel Elizabeth Female West Perth
1942/100463 Perth Dewar Norma Margaret Female Lamb Norman Charles Male West Perth
1942/100463 Perth Lamb Norman Charles Male Dewar Norma Margaret Female West Perth
1942/100464 Perth Quigley John Michael Male Reymond Jean Female West Perth
1942/100464 Perth Reymond Jean Female Quigley John Michael Male West Perth
1942/100465 Perth Broderick Frances Annie Female Paterson Fred Male Mt Lawley
1942/100465 Perth Paterson Fred Male Broderick Frances Annie Female Mt Lawley
1942/100466 Perth Longbottom Hazel Female Osborne Sidney Male Maylands
1942/100466 Perth Osborne Sidney Male Longbottom Hazel Female Maylands
1942/100467 Perth Cleaver Richard Male Painter Mavis Adelaide Female Mt Lawley
1942/100467 Perth Painter Mavis Adelaide Female Cleaver Richard Male Mt Lawley
1942/100468 Perth Hart Frederick Raglus Male Popham Madeleine Laura Female Perth
1942/100468 Perth Popham Madeleine Laura Female Hart Frederick Raglus Male Perth
1942/100469 Perth Rutland Bernard Charles Male Williams Gwendoline Alice Female Perth
1942/100469 Perth Williams Gwendoline Alice Female Rutland Bernard Charles Male Perth
1942/100470 Perth Hardy Myrtle Female Hatch John Frederick Male Perth
1942/100470 Perth Hatch John Frederick Male Hardy Myrtle Female Perth
1942/100471 Perth Menzies John Albert Male Wishart Elsa Ida Female Perth
1942/100471 Perth Wishart Elsa Ida Female Menzies John Albert Male Perth
1942/100472 Perth Usher Muriel Female Worthington Mervyn Colin Male Perth
1942/100472 Perth Worthington Mervyn Colin Male Usher Muriel Female Perth
1942/100473 Perth Buxton Mabel Catherine Female Markham Phillip Claude Male Perth
1942/100473 Perth Markham Phillip Claude Male Buxton Mabel Catherine Female Perth
1942/100474 Perth Ballintyne Gladys Eileen Female Kilgallon Claude William Male Perth
1942/100474 Perth Kilgallon Claude William Male Ballintyne Gladys Eileen Female Perth
1942/100475 Perth Donnelly Peter Hewson Male Kerr Phyllis Jean Female Perth
1942/100475 Perth Kerr Phyllis Jean Female Donnelly Peter Hewson Male Perth
1942/100476 Perth Antulov Anthony Male Vlahov Rayna Female Osborne Park
1942/100476 Perth Vlahov Rayna Female Antulov Anthony Male Osborne Park
1942/100477 Perth Bangay Alison Jessie Female Turner James Harry Male Perth
1942/100477 Perth Turner James Harry Male Bangay Alison Jessie Female Perth
1942/100478 Perth Ryding Levena Joan Female Sone Douglas Andrew Male Mt Hawthorn
1942/100478 Perth Sone Douglas Andrew Male Ryding Levena Joan Female Mt Hawthorn
1942/100479 Perth Dolbear George Perryman Male Saunders Amelia Alice Female West Perth-Leederville
1942/100479 Perth Saunders Amelia Alice Female Dolbear George Perryman Male West Perth-Leederville
1942/100480 Perth Anderson Muriel Roselea Female Leunig Jack William Male Nedlands
1942/100480 Perth Leunig Jack William Male Anderson Muriel Roselea Female Nedlands
1942/100481 Perth Glassford William Lawrence Male Lynn Phyllis Margaret Female Nedlands
1942/100481 Perth Lynn Phyllis Margaret Female Glassford William Lawrence Male Nedlands
1942/100482 Perth Mahony Patricia Phyllis Female Ross Graham Archibald Male Maylands
1942/100482 Perth Ross Graham Archibald Male Mahony Patricia Phyllis Female Maylands
1942/100483 Perth Jones Kathleen Mary Female Pettit Kenneth Richard Male Cottesloe
1942/100483 Perth Pettit Kenneth Richard Male Jones Kathleen Mary Female Cottesloe
1942/100484 Perth Lockhart Gwendoline Freda Female Martin Roy Male Perth
1942/100484 Perth Martin Roy Male Lockhart Gwendoline Freda Female Perth
1942/100485 Perth Cullen Paul Male Griffin Mary Female Maylands
1942/100485 Perth Griffin Mary Female Cullen Paul Male Maylands
1942/100486 Perth Herman Joan Elsie Female Horbury Leslie Abner Male Perth
1942/100486 Perth Horbury Leslie Abner Male Herman Joan Elsie Female Perth
1942/100487 Perth Edmeades Jack Male Macpherson Mary Reid Female Claremont
1942/100487 Perth Macpherson Mary Reid Female Edmeades Jack Male Claremont
1942/100488 Perth Baker Harry Male Goldman Helen Phyllis Female Claremont
1942/100488 Perth Goldman Helen Phyllis Female Baker Harry Male Claremont
1942/100489 Perth Dicton Stewart Frank Male Laraia Patricia Female Claremont
1942/100489 Perth Laraia Patricia Female Dicton Stewart Frank Male Claremont
1942/100490 Perth King Jane Ruth Rebecca Female Wilson Robert Male Claremont
1942/100490 Perth Wilson Robert Male King Jane Ruth Rebecca Female Claremont
1942/100491 Perth Heusler Arthur Reginald Male Naylor Kathleen Female Claremont
1942/100491 Perth Naylor Kathleen Female Heusler Arthur Reginald Male Claremont
1942/100492 Perth Dwyer Patricia Florence Female Ferguson Robert Bruce Male Perth
1942/100492 Perth Ferguson Robert Bruce Male Dwyer Patricia Florence Female Perth
1942/100493 Perth Robertson Muriel Violette Female Thesiger Eugene Male Perth
1942/100493 Perth Thesiger Eugene Male Robertson Muriel Violette Female Perth
1942/100494 Perth Brophy James Howard Male Walker Thelma May Female Perth
1942/100494 Perth Walker Thelma May Female Brophy James Howard Male Perth
1942/100495 Perth Counsel Raymond Burnett Male Gunnyon Edith Rose Female Perth
1942/100495 Perth Gunnyon Edith Rose Female Counsel Raymond Burnett Male Perth
1942/100496 Perth Davies Arthur Norman Male Pearson Florence May Female Perth
1942/100496 Perth Pearson Florence May Female Davies Arthur Norman Male Perth
1942/100497 Perth Brown Jessie Amelia Female McCarthy James Laurence Male Perth
1942/100497 Perth McCarthy James Laurence Male Brown Jessie Amelia Female Perth
1942/100498 Perth Green Dorothy Ellen Female Penny Eric Linden Male Perth
1942/100498 Perth Penny Eric Linden Male Green Dorothy Ellen Female Perth
1942/100499 Perth Doolette Victor John Male Everington Patricia Female Perth
1942/100499 Perth Everington Patricia Female Doolette Victor John Male Perth
1942/100500 Perth Elward James William Richard Male Parmenter Emily Blanche Female Perth
1942/100500 Perth Parmenter Emily Blanche Female Elward James William Richard Male Perth
1942/100501 Perth Nunan Louisa Margaret Female Urry Robert Henry Male Perth
1942/100501 Perth Urry Robert Henry Male Nunan Louisa Margaret Female Perth
1942/100502 Perth Hardwicke Joan Constanza Female Jornsen Lief Male Perth
1942/100502 Perth Jornsen Lief Male Hardwicke Joan Constanza Female Perth
1942/100503 Perth Hyde Eva Phyllis Female Tuckfield Harold Trevor Male Perth
1942/100503 Perth Tuckfield Harold Trevor Male Hyde Eva Phyllis Female Perth
1942/100504 Perth McWaters Dorothy Jean Female Winter Raymond Alfred Male Perth
1942/100504 Perth Winter Raymond Alfred Male McWaters Dorothy Jean Female Perth
1942/100505 Perth Hardisty Ralph Edwin Male Offer Leila May Female Perth
1942/100505 Perth Offer Leila May Female Hardisty Ralph Edwin Male Perth
1942/100506 Perth Hall Arthur Robert Male Strack Olga Marie Female Perth
1942/100506 Perth Strack Olga Marie Female Hall Arthur Robert Male Perth
1942/100507 Perth Chester Beryl Iris Female Marcussen Harold Male Perth
1942/100507 Perth Marcussen Harold Male Chester Beryl Iris Female Perth
1942/100508 Perth Dowding Nellie Maud Female Scott Robert Henderson Male Perth
1942/100508 Perth Scott Robert Henderson Male Dowding Nellie Maud Female Perth
1942/100509 Perth Black Robert Andrew Male Robertson Thelma May Female Perth
1942/100509 Perth Robertson Thelma May Female Black Robert Andrew Male Perth
1942/100510 Perth Levin Carmel Allan Male Penney Daphne Adel Female Perth
1942/100510 Perth Penney Daphne Adel Female Levin Carmel Allan Male Perth
1942/100511 Perth Tillotson Roland Male Wells Eileen Gertrude Female Perth
1942/100511 Perth Wells Eileen Gertrude Female Tillotson Roland Male Perth
1942/100512 Perth Axer Hazel Irene Female Medcraft Ronald Lewis Male Perth
1942/100512 Perth Medcraft Ronald Lewis Male Axer Hazel Irene Female Perth
1942/100513 Perth Bell Jean Female Stone Finley James Male Perth
1942/100513 Perth Stone Finley James Male Bell Jean Female Perth
1942/100514 Perth Jones Richard Thomas Edmund Male Kirkman Dorothy Anne Female Perth
1942/100514 Perth Kirkman Dorothy Anne Female Jones Richard Thomas Edmund Male Perth
1942/100515 Perth Boulton Frederick Thomas Male Hutchinson Eunice Gwen Female West Perth
1942/100515 Perth Hutchinson Eunice Gwen Female Boulton Frederick Thomas Male West Perth
1942/100516 Perth Beadle Edna Female Sexton John Clifford Male West Perth
1942/100516 Perth Sexton John Clifford Male Beadle Edna Female West Perth
1942/100517 Perth Downie Lawrence Frederick Male Jones Mavis Gertrude Female West Perth
1942/100517 Perth Jones Mavis Gertrude Female Downie Lawrence Frederick Male West Perth
1942/100518 Perth Baker Cyril Stanley Male Grant Iza Lilian Female West Perth
1942/100518 Perth Grant Iza Lilian Female Baker Cyril Stanley Male West Perth
1942/100519 Perth Parsons Spencer Percy Male Toll Vida Joyce Female West Perth
1942/100519 Perth Toll Vida Joyce Female Parsons Spencer Percy Male West Perth
1942/100520 Perth Bing Ernest William Male Smith Elsie Winifred Female South Perth
1942/100520 Perth Smith Elsie Winifred Female Bing Ernest William Male South Perth
1942/100521 Perth Girling Helen Mary Ruth Female Sorensen Norman Wilfred Male South Perth
1942/100521 Perth Sorensen Norman Wilfred Male Girling Helen Mary Ruth Female South Perth
1942/100522 Perth Holmes Dorothy Constance Female Jones John Rufus Male Mosman Park
1942/100522 Perth Jones John Rufus Male Holmes Dorothy Constance Female Mosman Park
1942/100523 Perth Davy Elizabeth Female Wyatt William Franklin Male Claremont
1942/100523 Perth Wyatt William Franklin Male Davy Elizabeth Female Claremont
1942/100524 Perth Hart Brendan William Male Smith Elsie Veronica Female West Perth
1942/100524 Perth Smith Elsie Veronica Female Hart Brendan William Male West Perth
1942/100525 Perth Burrell John Henry Male Davey Lillian Rowe Female West Perth
1942/100525 Perth Davey Lillian Rowe Female Burrell John Henry Male West Perth
1942/100526 Perth Doyle Douglas Benedict Male Ryles Clarice May Female West Perth
1942/100526 Perth Ryles Clarice May Female Doyle Douglas Benedict Male West Perth
1942/100527 Perth Ferrie Margaret Mary Female O'Keefe Terence Bernard Male West Perth
1942/100527 Perth O'Keefe Terence Bernard Male Ferrie Margaret Mary Female West Perth
1942/100528 Perth Henderson Jane Susanah McLusky Female Parkinson Thomas Edward Male West Perth
1942/100528 Perth Parkinson Thomas Edward Male Henderson Jane Susanah McLusky Female West Perth
1942/100529 Perth Duffy Hilda Josephine Female Lehne Walter Frederick Male West Perth
1942/100529 Perth Lehne Walter Frederick Male Duffy Hilda Josephine Female West Perth
1942/100530 Perth Fawell Dorothy Ethel Female Rogers Cecil John Male Jolimont
1942/100530 Perth Rogers Cecil John Male Fawell Dorothy Ethel Female Jolimont
1942/100531 Perth Allen Frank Earnest Male Potts Alva Edith Female Perth
1942/100531 Perth Potts Alva Edith Female Allen Frank Earnest Male Perth
1942/100532 Perth Pell Eva Annie Female Pell James Parkinson Male Perth
1942/100532 Perth Pell James Parkinson Male Pell Eva Annie Female Perth
1942/100533 Perth Bosustow Fanny Female Wood William Thomas Male Perth
1942/100533 Perth Wood William Thomas Male Bosustow Fanny Female Perth
1942/100534 Perth Hodgkinson Christina Irene Female Price Harold Roy Male Perth
1942/100534 Perth Price Harold Roy Male Hodgkinson Christina Irene Female Perth
1942/100535 Perth Gill Dulcie Emily Female Moore John Robert Male Perth
1942/100535 Perth Moore John Robert Male Gill Dulcie Emily Female Perth
1942/100536 Perth Jackson Margaret Eileen Joan Female Renton Robert William Male Perth
1942/100536 Perth Renton Robert William Male Jackson Margaret Eileen Joan Female Perth
1942/100537 Perth Bagley Norman Vincent Male Brisbane Hazel Daphne Female Perth
1942/100537 Perth Brisbane Hazel Daphne Female Bagley Norman Vincent Male Perth
1942/100538 Perth Mercer Francis David Male Quigley Marie Teresa Female Perth
1942/100538 Perth Quigley Marie Teresa Female Mercer Francis David Male Perth
1942/100539 Perth Lethbridge Colin Alford Male Tomlinson Thelma Mary Female Maylands
1942/100539 Perth Tomlinson Thelma Mary Female Lethbridge Colin Alford Male Maylands
1942/100540 Perth Hearder Kirke Male Sullivan Beryl Marzetti Female Perth
1942/100540 Perth Sullivan Beryl Marzetti Female Hearder Kirke Male Perth
1942/100541 Perth Bakranich Anton Grego Male Curac Dobrila Female Perth
1942/100541 Perth Curac Dobrila Female Bakranich Anton Grego Male Perth
1942/100542 Perth Dobell Albert Gerald Male Lockhart Roma Amelia Female South Perth
1942/100542 Perth Lockhart Roma Amelia Female Dobell Albert Gerald Male South Perth
1942/100543 Perth Fardell Roy Male Hoare Phyllis May Female Perth
1942/100543 Perth Hoare Phyllis May Female Fardell Roy Male Perth
1942/100544 Perth Horrvitz Ann Female Spencer Wilfred James Nicklson Male Perth
1942/100544 Perth Spencer Wilfred James Nicklson Male Horrvitz Ann Female Perth
1942/100545 Perth Cock Colin Edwin Abbott Male Lundy Molly Lois Female Victoria Park
1942/100545 Perth Lundy Molly Lois Female Cock Colin Edwin Abbott Male Victoria Park
1942/100546 Perth Hamilton Rhoda Kendall Female Suiter Frederick Charles Male Victoria Park
1942/100546 Perth Suiter Frederick Charles Male Hamilton Rhoda Kendall Female Victoria Park
1942/100547 Perth Hewes Gladys Mabel Female Mohen Peter Male Belmont
1942/100547 Perth Mohen Peter Male Hewes Gladys Mabel Female Belmont
1942/100548 Perth Camerer Arnold Lelsie Rudolph Male McLaren Gwen Lily Female Subiaco
1942/100548 Perth McLaren Gwen Lily Female Camerer Arnold Lelsie Rudolph Male Subiaco
1942/100549 Perth Berry Leonard Henry Male O'Brien Ellen Julia Female Subiaco
1942/100549 Perth O'Brien Ellen Julia Female Berry Leonard Henry Male Subiaco
1942/100550 Perth Meakins Alec Ronald Male O'Halloran Stella Nancy Female Perth
1942/100550 Perth O'Halloran Stella Nancy Female Meakins Alec Ronald Male Perth
1942/100551 Perth Fitzgerald Gerald James Male Jackson Sylvia Mary Female Subiaco
1942/100551 Perth Jackson Sylvia Mary Female Fitzgerald Gerald James Male Subiaco
1942/100552 Perth Berry Nerida May Female Nathan Leonard Edward Male Perth
1942/100552 Perth Nathan Leonard Edward Male Berry Nerida May Female Perth
1942/100553 Perth Bullingham Gilbert Lloyd Male Hawkins Emma Jane Female Victoria Park
1942/100553 Perth Hawkins Emma Jane Female Bullingham Gilbert Lloyd Male Victoria Park
1942/100554 Perth Clairs Alarice Gamallie Female Jacka Harold Knight Male Victoria Park
1942/100554 Perth Jacka Harold Knight Male Clairs Alarice Gamallie Female Victoria Park
1942/100555 Perth Bath Walter Roderic Male Thorns Gladys Maud Female North Perth
1942/100555 Perth Thorns Gladys Maud Female Bath Walter Roderic Male North Perth
1942/100556 Perth Hart Lawrence Raglus Male O'Malley Ada Mary Maude Female North Perth
1942/100556 Perth O'Malley Ada Mary Maude Female Hart Lawrence Raglus Male North Perth
1942/100557 Perth Brockman William James Drake Male Hodgkinson Olive Ruth Female North Perth
1942/100557 Perth Hodgkinson Olive Ruth Female Brockman William James Drake Male North Perth
1942/100558 Perth Karadzas Naum Male Shioldas Feny Female Perth
1942/100558 Perth Shioldas Feny Female Karadzas Naum Male Perth
1942/100559 Perth Martin Thelma Philomena Female Swannell David Male Subiaco
1942/100559 Perth Swannell David Male Martin Thelma Philomena Female Subiaco
1942/100560 Perth Hill Richard William Male Mitchell Honorah Agnes Female Subiaco
1942/100560 Perth Mitchell Honorah Agnes Female Hill Richard William Male Subiaco
1942/100561 Perth Ellery Edgar Charles Male Neame Jean Annie Female Jolimont
1942/100561 Perth Neame Jean Annie Female Ellery Edgar Charles Male Jolimont
1942/100562 Perth Garrity William Claude Male Ridgway Florence Elizabeth Female Subiaco
1942/100562 Perth Ridgway Florence Elizabeth Female Garrity William Claude Male Subiaco
1942/100563 Perth Hough Ella Maud Female McAlister Thomas William Male Perth
1942/100563 Perth McAlister Thomas William Male Hough Ella Maud Female Perth
1942/100564 Perth Paton John Male Twaddle Agnes Haddow Female Perth
1942/100564 Perth Twaddle Agnes Haddow Female Paton John Male Perth
1942/100565 Perth Campbell Amy Constance Female Lees Harry Male Perth
1942/100565 Perth Lees Harry Male Campbell Amy Constance Female Perth
1942/100566 Perth Hurley Raymond John Male Lister Peggy Female Perth
1942/100566 Perth Lister Peggy Female Hurley Raymond John Male Perth
1942/100567 Perth Benson John Warner Male Collister Joyce Alice Ellen Female South Perth
1942/100567 Perth Collister Joyce Alice Ellen Female Benson John Warner Male South Perth
1942/100568 Perth Godfrey Joan Female Lightfoot Henry Herbert Male West Perth
1942/100568 Perth Lightfoot Henry Herbert Male Godfrey Joan Female West Perth
1942/100569 Perth Batten Clarence Arthur Male Knox Catherine Harley Female West Perth
1942/100569 Perth Knox Catherine Harley Female Batten Clarence Arthur Male West Perth
1942/100570 Perth Pyke Hazel Glendy Female Yabsley Robert Keith Male Perth
1942/100570 Perth Yabsley Robert Keith Male Pyke Hazel Glendy Female Perth
1942/100571 Perth Coombs Florence Lillian Female Tudor George Arthur Male Perth
1942/100571 Perth Tudor George Arthur Male Coombs Florence Lillian Female Perth
1942/100572 Perth East Joan Isobel Female Rodgers Douglas Donald Male Perth
1942/100572 Perth Rodgers Douglas Donald Male East Joan Isobel Female Perth
1942/100573 Perth Douglas Kenneth Malcolm Male Young Jean Amelia Female Perth
1942/100573 Perth Young Jean Amelia Female Douglas Kenneth Malcolm Male Perth
1942/100574 Perth Rainsford Thomas Ellison Male Sweeney Kathleen Joyce Female Perth
1942/100574 Perth Sweeney Kathleen Joyce Female Rainsford Thomas Ellison Male Perth
1942/100575 Perth Bryant Clarence Jock Male Cooper Muriel Female West Perth
1942/100575 Perth Cooper Muriel Female Bryant Clarence Jock Male West Perth
1942/100576 Perth Gregory James Clyde Johnston Male Keenan Minna Female West Perth
1942/100576 Perth Keenan Minna Female Gregory James Clyde Johnston Male West Perth
1942/100577 Perth Ammon Dorothy Ruby Female Farmer Arthur Benjamin Male West Perth
1942/100577 Perth Farmer Arthur Benjamin Male Ammon Dorothy Ruby Female West Perth
1942/100578 Perth McIntyre Edweena Isabel Female Poole Clifford Henry Male West Perth
1942/100578 Perth Poole Clifford Henry Male McIntyre Edweena Isabel Female West Perth
1942/100579 Perth Lester Diana Louise Female Levinson Malcolm Earle Male West Perth
1942/100579 Perth Levinson Malcolm Earle Male Lester Diana Louise Female West Perth
1942/100580 Perth Healy Iris Eva Female Mason Thomas Edward Male West Perth
1942/100580 Perth Mason Thomas Edward Male Healy Iris Eva Female West Perth
1942/100581 Perth Burt Richard Reginald Male Helliwell Iris Elizabeth Female West Perth
1942/100581 Perth Helliwell Iris Elizabeth Female Burt Richard Reginald Male West Perth
1942/100582 Perth Flanagan Patrick Vincent Monaghan Male Gibbs Margaret Duffy Female Claremont
1942/100582 Perth Gibbs Margaret Duffy Female Flanagan Patrick Vincent Monaghan Male Claremont
1942/100583 Perth Bridson Eileen Jessie Female Mathews Lawrence William Male Perth
1942/100583 Perth Mathews Lawrence William Male Bridson Eileen Jessie Female Perth
1942/100584 Perth Eversden Gladys Ellen Female Soia Peter Male Perth
1942/100584 Perth Soia Peter Male Eversden Gladys Ellen Female Perth
1942/100585 Perth Farrow Sylvia Frances Melva Female Little Douglas James Male Perth
1942/100585 Perth Little Douglas James Male Farrow Sylvia Frances Melva Female Perth
1942/100586 Perth Avery James Edwin Male Lenehan Marjorie Doris Female Perth
1942/100586 Perth Lenehan Marjorie Doris Female Avery James Edwin Male Perth
1942/100587 Perth Donohoe Norman Charles Male Mazzucchelli Doreen Violet Female Perth
1942/100587 Perth Mazzucchelli Doreen Violet Female Donohoe Norman Charles Male Perth
1942/100588 Perth Gould Nancy Doreen Female Witt Percy Frederick Male Perth
1942/100588 Perth Witt Percy Frederick Male Gould Nancy Doreen Female Perth
1942/100589 Perth Erlandsen Raymond Shaw Male Harper Dulcie Irene Female Perth
1942/100589 Perth Harper Dulcie Irene Female Erlandsen Raymond Shaw Male Perth
1942/100590 Perth McInerney Cecil Bernard Male Newton Allwyn Dolores Female Perth
1942/100590 Perth Newton Allwyn Dolores Female McInerney Cecil Bernard Male Perth
1942/100591 Perth Lodge Henry John Male Lynch Josephine Female E Vic Pk
1942/100591 Perth Lynch Josephine Female Lodge Henry John Male E Vic Pk
1942/100592 Perth Goff Malcolm Dennis Male Short Cecile Eton Female North Perth
1942/100592 Perth Short Cecile Eton Female Goff Malcolm Dennis Male North Perth
1942/100593 Perth Hope Percy Arthur Male Mitchell Mary Patricia Jane Female West Aust
1942/100593 Perth Mitchell Mary Patricia Jane Female Hope Percy Arthur Male West Aust
1942/100594 Perth Bourne Doreen Cecily Female Spencer Leonard John Male Mt Lawley
1942/100594 Perth Spencer Leonard John Male Bourne Doreen Cecily Female Mt Lawley
1942/100595 Perth Johanson Ronaldi Male Shaw Frances Iris Female Mt Lawley
1942/100595 Perth Shaw Frances Iris Female Johanson Ronaldi Male Mt Lawley
1942/100596 Perth Smith Eunice Lily Female Trainer William Walter Francis Male Mt Lawley
1942/100596 Perth Trainer William Walter Francis Male Smith Eunice Lily Female Mt Lawley
1942/100597 Perth Martin Ernest Loxley Male Wright Eunice Wilson Female Mt Lawley
1942/100597 Perth Wright Eunice Wilson Female Martin Ernest Loxley Male Mt Lawley
1942/100598 Perth Biddle Eric Ronald Male Clough Catherine Margaret Female Mt Lawley
1942/100598 Perth Clough Catherine Margaret Female Biddle Eric Ronald Male Mt Lawley
1942/100599 Perth Hitchcock John Winston Male Welton Joan Vera Female Mt Lawley
1942/100599 Perth Welton Joan Vera Female Hitchcock John Winston Male Mt Lawley
1942/100600 Perth Atterton Frederick Norman Male Woods Nancy Lola Female West Perth
1942/100600 Perth Woods Nancy Lola Female Atterton Frederick Norman Male West Perth
1942/100601 Perth Mitchell Mavis Female Wilson Robert Fraser Male Perth
1942/100601 Perth Wilson Robert Fraser Male Mitchell Mavis Female Perth
1942/100602 Perth Lynam Ada May Female Soutar William Henry Male Victoria Park
1942/100602 Perth Soutar William Henry Male Lynam Ada May Female Victoria Park
1942/100603 Perth Potter Clarence Clare Male White Mavis Clare Female Bayswater
1942/100603 Perth White Mavis Clare Female Potter Clarence Clare Male Bayswater
1942/100604 Perth Doolin Catherine Mary Female O'Meara William George Male Highgate
1942/100604 Perth O'Meara William George Male Doolin Catherine Mary Female Highgate
1942/100605 Perth Cunningham Sheila Kate Female Pearse Mervyn Ronald Male Perth
1942/100605 Perth Pearse Mervyn Ronald Male Cunningham Sheila Kate Female Perth
1942/100606 Perth Edwards Iris Lorraine Female MacKinnon Archibald Alexander Male South Perth
1942/100606 Perth MacKinnon Archibald Alexander Male Edwards Iris Lorraine Female South Perth
1942/100607 Perth Hoddy Eileen Winifred Female Marshall John Treen Male Perth
1942/100607 Perth Marshall John Treen Male Hoddy Eileen Winifred Female Perth
1942/100608 Perth White Mary Rita Female Williams Venerable Holmes Nieuport Male Perth
1942/100608 Perth Williams Venerable Holmes Nieuport Male White Mary Rita Female Perth
1942/100609 Perth ODriscoll Robert James Male Stormon Betty Female Perth
1942/100609 Perth Stormon Betty Female ODriscoll Robert James Male Perth
1942/100610 Perth Bennison Agnes Mary Female Buckley William Bernard Male Perth
1942/100610 Perth Buckley William Bernard Male Bennison Agnes Mary Female Perth
1942/100611 Perth Shearer Mary Louise Female Urquhart Lionel George Male North Perth
1942/100611 Perth Urquhart Lionel George Male Shearer Mary Louise Female North Perth
1942/100612 Perth Anderson Norman William Henry Male Rae Joan Beatrice Female North Perth
1942/100612 Perth Rae Joan Beatrice Female Anderson Norman William Henry Male North Perth
1942/100613 Perth Mitchell William Edward Male Scott Gladys Evelyn Female North Perth
1942/100613 Perth Scott Gladys Evelyn Female Mitchell William Edward Male North Perth
1942/100614 Perth Chapman Phyllis Martha Female Hull Lionel Claude Male North Perth
1942/100614 Perth Hull Lionel Claude Male Chapman Phyllis Martha Female North Perth
1942/100615 Perth Booker Nora Beatrice Female Spence John Henry Male Mt Lawley
1942/100615 Perth Spence John Henry Male Booker Nora Beatrice Female Mt Lawley
1942/100616 Perth Potts Basil Melville Male Sadler Elsie Vera Mildred Female Mt Lawley
1942/100616 Perth Sadler Elsie Vera Mildred Female Potts Basil Melville Male Mt Lawley
1942/100617 Perth Arthur James Ernest Male Singleton Florence Patricia Female Mt Lawley
1942/100617 Perth Singleton Florence Patricia Female Arthur James Ernest Male Mt Lawley
1942/100618 Perth Bonser Jean Doris Female Paterson Donald Male Mt Lawley
1942/100618 Perth Paterson Donald Male Bonser Jean Doris Female Mt Lawley
1942/100619 Perth Burnett James George Male Weaver Charlotte Evelyn Female Perth
1942/100619 Perth Weaver Charlotte Evelyn Female Burnett James George Male Perth
1942/100620 Perth Hickling William Male Nisbet Edna Sarah Female Mt Lawley
1942/100620 Perth Nisbet Edna Sarah Female Hickling William Male Mt Lawley
1942/100621 Perth Durward Veronica Mary Female Thomson Hugh James Male Mt Lawley
1942/100621 Perth Thomson Hugh James Male Durward Veronica Mary Female Mt Lawley
1942/100622 Perth Carter Joyce Phoebe Female Whisson Edwin Roy Male Forrest Park
1942/100622 Perth Whisson Edwin Roy Male Carter Joyce Phoebe Female Forrest Park
1942/100623 Perth Shepherd Nancy Female Tomlinson Russell Male Subiaco
1942/100623 Perth Tomlinson Russell Male Shepherd Nancy Female Subiaco
1942/100624 Perth Francis Noel Ware Male Robinson Isabella Eileen May Female Subiaco
1942/100624 Perth Robinson Isabella Eileen May Female Francis Noel Ware Male Subiaco
1942/100625 Perth Culley Darrell Leslie Harry Male Plunkett Lila Elsie Female Subiaco
1942/100625 Perth Plunkett Lila Elsie Female Culley Darrell Leslie Harry Male Subiaco
1942/100626 Perth Hingston Stella Grace Female Shaw Ernest John Male Subiaco
1942/100626 Perth Shaw Ernest John Male Hingston Stella Grace Female Subiaco
1942/100627 Perth Johnstone Gwendoline Marie Female Onley John Alfred Male Subiaco
1942/100627 Perth Onley John Alfred Male Johnstone Gwendoline Marie Female Subiaco
1942/100628 Perth Keays Ralph Emmett Male Sorensen Edeline Alice Female Subiaco
1942/100628 Perth Sorensen Edeline Alice Female Keays Ralph Emmett Male Subiaco
1942/100629 Perth Bolton Nellie Mary Female Hilton Denis Male Claremont
1942/100629 Perth Hilton Denis Male Bolton Nellie Mary Female Claremont
1942/100630 Perth Adcock Janet Edith Female Oliver Edwin Bassett Male Claremont
1942/100630 Perth Oliver Edwin Bassett Male Adcock Janet Edith Female Claremont
1942/100631 Perth Pickering Ralph Watt Male Smith Helen Jean Grey Female Claremont
1942/100631 Perth Smith Helen Jean Grey Female Pickering Ralph Watt Male Claremont
1942/100632 Perth Livesey Peter James Male Smith Alice Louisa Female Claremont
1942/100632 Perth Smith Alice Louisa Female Livesey Peter James Male Claremont
1942/100633 Perth Craig Edward George Male Savage Gladys Female Claremont
1942/100633 Perth Savage Gladys Female Craig Edward George Male Claremont
1942/100634 Perth Robertson Joan Hazel Female Sabelberg Raymond Joseph Male Claremont
1942/100634 Perth Sabelberg Raymond Joseph Male Robertson Joan Hazel Female Claremont
1942/100635 Perth Green Maria Isabella Female Marson Sydney Stewart Male Claremont
1942/100635 Perth Marson Sydney Stewart Male Green Maria Isabella Female Claremont
1942/100636 Perth King Edna Francis Female Pearson Eric Sterndale Male Claremont
1942/100636 Perth Pearson Eric Sterndale Male King Edna Francis Female Claremont
1942/100637 Perth Green Selma Florence Female Nolan Kenneth Austin Male West Leederville
1942/100637 Perth Nolan Kenneth Austin Male Green Selma Florence Female West Leederville
1942/100638 Perth Harding Dorothy Agnes Female Miller Robert Ferguson Male North Perth
1942/100638 Perth Miller Robert Ferguson Male Harding Dorothy Agnes Female North Perth
1942/100639 Perth Purton Stanley Arthur Male Reynolds Lily Female Bayswater
1942/100639 Perth Reynolds Lily Female Purton Stanley Arthur Male Bayswater
1942/100640 Perth Carey Joyce Vivian Female Cominelli Andrew Peter Male Perth
1942/100640 Perth Cominelli Andrew Peter Male Carey Joyce Vivian Female Perth
1942/100641 Perth Faigenbaum Haim Male Zusman Esther Female Perth
1942/100642 Perth Gunzburg Hannah Female Sor William Paul Male Perth
1942/100642 Perth Sor William Paul Male Gunzburg Hannah Female Perth
1942/100643 Perth Hoffman Nathan Male Machlin Leah Female Perth
1942/100643 Perth Machlin Leah Female Hoffman Nathan Male Perth
1942/100644 Perth Finkelstein Leslie Male Hillel Ida Female Perth
1942/100644 Perth Hillel Ida Female Finkelstein Leslie Male Perth
1942/100645 Perth Franklin Olive May Female Linthorne Lionel Verdun Male Victoria Park
1942/100645 Perth Linthorne Lionel Verdun Male Franklin Olive May Female Victoria Park
1942/100646 Perth O'Neil John Terrance Male Smith Gwendoline Joy Female Victoria Park
1942/100646 Perth Smith Gwendoline Joy Female O'Neil John Terrance Male Victoria Park
1942/100647 Perth Cucel Allan George Male Woosey Irene Ruth Female Victoria Park
1942/100647 Perth Woosey Irene Ruth Female Cucel Allan George Male Victoria Park
1942/100648 Perth Dimond Percy Male Walker Gloria Hazel Female Perth
1942/100648 Perth Walker Gloria Hazel Female Dimond Percy Male Perth
1942/100649 Perth Gray George Male Watt Julia Hannah Female Perth
1942/100649 Perth Watt Julia Hannah Female Gray George Male Perth
1942/100650 Perth Hough James Male Hudson Valerie Evelyn Female Perth
1942/100650 Perth Hudson Valerie Evelyn Female Hough James Male Perth
1942/100651 Perth Fryer Norman Male Muir Lilian Heather Female Perth
1942/100651 Perth Muir Lilian Heather Female Fryer Norman Male Perth
1942/100652 Perth Brilliant Philip Vernie Male Osborne Evelyn Elizabeth Female Perth
1942/100652 Perth Osborne Evelyn Elizabeth Female Brilliant Philip Vernie Male Perth
1942/100653 Perth Hopperton Constance Adèle Female Vernède Albert James Ewart Male Perth
1942/100653 Perth Vernède Albert James Ewart Male Hopperton Constance Adèle Female Perth
1942/100654 Perth Howard Elvie Rhodesia Female Patterson Gordon Leslie Ronald Male Perth
1942/100654 Perth Patterson Gordon Leslie Ronald Male Howard Elvie Rhodesia Female Perth
1942/100655 Perth Bradley Mary Frances Female Penney Norman Clifford Male Perth
1942/100655 Perth Penney Norman Clifford Male Bradley Mary Frances Female Perth
1942/100656 Perth Greene Mark Male Sinclair Marjory Elmyra Female Perth
1942/100656 Perth Sinclair Marjory Elmyra Female Greene Mark Male Perth
1942/100657 Perth Gaby Eric Charles Male Hebditch Nancy Lucy Female Perth
1942/100657 Perth Hebditch Nancy Lucy Female Gaby Eric Charles Male Perth
1942/100658 Perth Candy Barbara Sybil Winifred Female Wood Albert Clarence Male Perth
1942/100658 Perth Wood Albert Clarence Male Candy Barbara Sybil Winifred Female Perth
1942/100659 Perth McCluney Joan Female O'Donnell Ernest Keith Male Perth
1942/100659 Perth O'Donnell Ernest Keith Male McCluney Joan Female Perth
1942/100660 Perth Broomhall Charles Alexander Courtney Male Elligett Edna May Marie Female Perth
1942/100660 Perth Elligett Edna May Marie Female Broomhall Charles Alexander Courtney Male Perth
1942/100661 Perth Campbell Reta Mabel Female Rosman Raymond Male Perth
1942/100661 Perth Rosman Raymond Male Campbell Reta Mabel Female Perth
1942/100662 Perth Carr Doreen Mavis Female Willis William Male Perth
1942/100662 Perth Willis William Male Carr Doreen Mavis Female Perth
1942/100663 Perth Harris Dulcie Norma Female Wilmot Frank Male Perth
1942/100663 Perth Wilmot Frank Male Harris Dulcie Norma Female Perth
1942/100664 Perth Nichols Clifford Kennington Male Williamson Doreen May Female Perth
1942/100664 Perth Williamson Doreen May Female Nichols Clifford Kennington Male Perth
1942/100665 Perth Carwardine Thomas George Sparkle Male French Phyllis Mary Female Perth
1942/100665 Perth French Phyllis Mary Female Carwardine Thomas George Sparkle Male Perth
1942/100666 Perth Milne Alick William Male Smith Jean Elsie Female Victoria Park
1942/100666 Perth Smith Jean Elsie Female Milne Alick William Male Victoria Park
1942/100667 Perth McDonald Clifford Sinclair Male Preedy Doris Violet Female Subiaco
1942/100667 Perth Preedy Doris Violet Female McDonald Clifford Sinclair Male Subiaco
1942/100668 Perth Haberley Eldred Mae Female Klemm Edward Charles Male West Perth
1942/100668 Perth Klemm Edward Charles Male Haberley Eldred Mae Female West Perth
1942/100669 Perth Palmer William John Male Sinclair Frances Olive Female North Perth
1942/100669 Perth Sinclair Frances Olive Female Palmer William John Male North Perth
1942/100670 Perth Coufos Theodore Steve Male McCarthy Marjorie Irene Female Mount Hawthorn
1942/100670 Perth McCarthy Marjorie Irene Female Coufos Theodore Steve Male Mount Hawthorn
1942/100671 Perth Parker Peter Ross Male Robinson Joyce Alberta Female Applecross
1942/100671 Perth Robinson Joyce Alberta Female Parker Peter Ross Male Applecross
1942/100672 Perth Newey Eric Clive Male Williams Theodora Alpha Female Perth
1942/100672 Perth Williams Theodora Alpha Female Newey Eric Clive Male Perth
1942/100673 Perth Gray Mary Eliza Female Harris John James Male Perth
1942/100673 Perth Harris John James Male Gray Mary Eliza Female Perth
1942/100674 Perth Hilliard Alice Elizabeth Female Pitter William George Male Inglewood
1942/100674 Perth Pitter William George Male Hilliard Alice Elizabeth Female Inglewood
1942/100675 Perth Cunneen John Laurence Male Regan St Anne Regina Female Cottesloe
1942/100675 Perth Regan St Anne Regina Female Cunneen John Laurence Male Cottesloe
1942/100676 Perth Edeson William Ross Male Stuart Beulah Mary Female Nedlands
1942/100676 Perth Stuart Beulah Mary Female Edeson William Ross Male Nedlands
1942/100677 Perth Breese Irene May Female McLeod George White Male Perth
1942/100677 Perth McLeod George White Male Breese Irene May Female Perth
1942/100678 Perth Bilkey Gladys Female Hooper Henry Roy Male Subiaco
1942/100678 Perth Hooper Henry Roy Male Bilkey Gladys Female Subiaco
1942/100679 Perth Lucas Charles William Male Swan Decima Violet Female Leederville
1942/100679 Perth Swan Decima Violet Female Lucas Charles William Male Leederville
1942/100680 Perth Cunningham Enid Elizabeth Female Waugh Robert Albert Male Perth
1942/100680 Perth Waugh Robert Albert Male Cunningham Enid Elizabeth Female Perth
1942/100681 Perth Kaiser George Edwin Male Redmond Pearl Edith Female Mt Lawley
1942/100681 Perth Redmond Pearl Edith Female Kaiser George Edwin Male Mt Lawley
1942/100682 Perth Makin Sydney Herbert Male Northey Phyllis Ruby Female North Perth
1942/100682 Perth Northey Phyllis Ruby Female Makin Sydney Herbert Male North Perth
1942/100683 Perth Duggan John William Male Morris Patricia Female Nedlands
1942/100683 Perth Morris Patricia Female Duggan John William Male Nedlands
1942/100684 Perth Devitt Marion Joan Female Slade Leslie William Male Nedlands
1942/100684 Perth Slade Leslie William Male Devitt Marion Joan Female Nedlands
1942/100685 Perth Lane Michael Joseph Male Leahy May Emelda Female Nedlands
1942/100685 Perth Leahy May Emelda Female Lane Michael Joseph Male Nedlands
1942/100686 Perth Booth Walter Carl Male Wick Edith Maud Female Nedlands
1942/100686 Perth Wick Edith Maud Female Booth Walter Carl Male Nedlands
1942/100687 Perth Cooper Charles Edwin Male Mitchell Gwendoline Ida Female Nedlands
1942/100687 Perth Mitchell Gwendoline Ida Female Cooper Charles Edwin Male Nedlands
1942/100688 Perth Mackintosh Eleanor Jessie Female Woodhouse Alexander McKay Male West Perth
1942/100688 Perth Woodhouse Alexander McKay Male Mackintosh Eleanor Jessie Female West Perth
1942/100689 Perth Thorbjornsen Gabriella Female Young Henry Grey Male West Perth
1942/100689 Perth Young Henry Grey Male Thorbjornsen Gabriella Female West Perth
1942/100690 Perth Forrester Edna Bertha Female Macpherson Gordon Marshall Male West Perth
1942/100690 Perth Macpherson Gordon Marshall Male Forrester Edna Bertha Female West Perth
1942/100691 Perth Johnston Haddon Wicliff Male McDiarmid Christina Ruth Female Subiaco
1942/100691 Perth McDiarmid Christina Ruth Female Johnston Haddon Wicliff Male Subiaco
1942/100692 Perth Greenaway Lexie Female Woodley Austin Leslie Male Leederville
1942/100692 Perth Woodley Austin Leslie Male Greenaway Lexie Female Leederville
1942/100693 Perth Gartrell Hazel Joyce Female Simmons Ronald Male Perth
1942/100693 Perth Simmons Ronald Male Gartrell Hazel Joyce Female Perth
1942/100694 Perth Thornley Eliza Female Wheeler Thomas Male Perth
1942/100694 Perth Wheeler Thomas Male Thornley Eliza Female Perth
1942/100695 Perth Keast Irene Alice Female Royall Lewis Edwin Male Perth
1942/100695 Perth Royall Lewis Edwin Male Keast Irene Alice Female Perth
1942/100696 Perth Franklyn Thelma Mary Female O'Meara Allan George Kitchener Male Subiaco
1942/100696 Perth O'Meara Allan George Kitchener Male Franklyn Thelma Mary Female Subiaco
1942/100697 Perth Fergusson Stewart Athol Male Keeley Lillian May Female Cottesloe Beach
1942/100697 Perth Keeley Lillian May Female Fergusson Stewart Athol Male Cottesloe Beach
1942/100698 Perth Beynon Laura Winifred Female Dawson James Male Perth
1942/100698 Perth Dawson James Male Beynon Laura Winifred Female Perth
1942/100699 Perth Banks Harry Alfred Sydney Male Galvin Vera Eunice Female Perth
1942/100699 Perth Galvin Vera Eunice Female Banks Harry Alfred Sydney Male Perth
1942/100700 Perth Marchant Mary Martha Female Mell Walter Robert Male Claremont
1942/100700 Perth Mell Walter Robert Male Marchant Mary Martha Female Claremont
1942/100701 Perth Hall Patrick Harrison Male Tonkin Alice Marion Female Perth
1942/100701 Perth Tonkin Alice Marion Female Hall Patrick Harrison Male Perth
1942/100702 Perth Wiffen Alice Lilian Female Wood Alfred Male Victoria Park
1942/100702 Perth Wood Alfred Male Wiffen Alice Lilian Female Victoria Park
1942/100703 Perth Ward Kathlyn Beth Female Wilson Percy Leander Male Victoria Park
1942/100703 Perth Wilson Percy Leander Male Ward Kathlyn Beth Female Victoria Park
1942/100704 Perth Critchley Vincent Male Johnson Gladsome Christina Female Perth
1942/100704 Perth Johnson Gladsome Christina Female Critchley Vincent Male Perth
1942/100705 Perth Pleitner William Edward Male Ringuet Gladys Female Perth
1942/100705 Perth Ringuet Gladys Female Pleitner William Edward Male Perth
1942/100706 Perth Hicks Philip Bryce Male Stokes Ruth Female Perth
1942/100706 Perth Stokes Ruth Female Hicks Philip Bryce Male Perth
1942/100707 Perth Craig Leonard John Frederick Male Moncrieff Florence Frances Female Perth
1942/100707 Perth Moncrieff Florence Frances Female Craig Leonard John Frederick Male Perth
1942/100708 Perth Bartlett Gordon Cecil Male Hicks Katherine Ruth Female Perth
1942/100708 Perth Hicks Katherine Ruth Female Bartlett Gordon Cecil Male Perth
1942/100709 Perth Birchmore Norman Athol Male White Veronica Theresa Female Perth
1942/100709 Perth White Veronica Theresa Female Birchmore Norman Athol Male Perth
1942/100710 Perth Mills Albert Charles Male Ward Bronwin Mena Gladys Female Perth
1942/100710 Perth Ward Bronwin Mena Gladys Female Mills Albert Charles Male Perth
1942/100711 Perth Jones Gwendoline Alma Female Stone Maxwell Morrison Male Perth
1942/100711 Perth Stone Maxwell Morrison Male Jones Gwendoline Alma Female Perth
1942/100712 Perth Courtland Lenore Kathleen Female Harding Henry George Male Perth
1942/100712 Perth Harding Henry George Male Courtland Lenore Kathleen Female Perth
1942/100713 Perth Cooke Edith Clarice Nallane Female Hetherington John Male Perth
1942/100713 Perth Hetherington John Male Cooke Edith Clarice Nallane Female Perth
1942/100714 Perth Lamond Lotus Lily Hinde Female Nind John William George Male Perth
1942/100714 Perth Nind John William George Male Lamond Lotus Lily Hinde Female Perth
1942/100715 Perth Brown Gloria Robina Female Farrell James Male Perth
1942/100715 Perth Farrell James Male Brown Gloria Robina Female Perth
1942/100716 Perth Burns Arthur Male O'Keefe Emily Hazel Female Perth
1942/100716 Perth O'Keefe Emily Hazel Female Burns Arthur Male Perth
1942/100717 Perth Hall Leslie William Male Miller Romeno Goldsmith Female Perth
1942/100717 Perth Miller Romeno Goldsmith Female Hall Leslie William Male Perth
1942/100718 Perth Bingham Clifton William Male Gray Helen Alice Female Perth
1942/100718 Perth Gray Helen Alice Female Bingham Clifton William Male Perth
1942/100719 Perth Payne Irwin William Male Selwood Daphne Lorna Sherl Female Subiaco
1942/100719 Perth Selwood Daphne Lorna Sherl Female Payne Irwin William Male Subiaco
1942/100720 Perth Grose Vera Wells Female Hortin Douglas Lloyd Male West Leederville
1942/100720 Perth Hortin Douglas Lloyd Male Grose Vera Wells Female West Leederville
1942/100721 Perth Skeels Albert Edward Male Sullivan Grace Eileen Female Mt Lawley
1942/100721 Perth Sullivan Grace Eileen Female Skeels Albert Edward Male Mt Lawley
1942/100722 Perth Hunter Ruby Elizabeth Female Pleavin William Morris Male Perth
1942/100722 Perth Pleavin William Morris Male Hunter Ruby Elizabeth Female Perth
1942/100723 Perth Burkin Joan Winnifred Female Smallwood William Harvey Male Perth
1942/100723 Perth Smallwood William Harvey Male Burkin Joan Winnifred Female Perth
1942/100724 Perth Ford Margaret Louisa Female Gown Alfred Edward Male Leederville
1942/100724 Perth Gown Alfred Edward Male Ford Margaret Louisa Female Leederville
1942/100725 Perth Cooke Roy George Male Lawson Daphne Thyra Female West Perth
1942/100725 Perth Lawson Daphne Thyra Female Cooke Roy George Male West Perth
1942/100726 Perth Smith Elgar Sydney Michael Male Walter Joy Lorraine Female Perth
1942/100726 Perth Walter Joy Lorraine Female Smith Elgar Sydney Michael Male Perth
1942/100727 Perth Blythe Annie Female Daly Thomas Kevin Male Leederville
1942/100727 Perth Daly Thomas Kevin Male Blythe Annie Female Leederville
1942/100728 Perth Revel Ida Scott Female Smith Leslie Ernest Male Bayswater
1942/100728 Perth Smith Leslie Ernest Male Revel Ida Scott Female Bayswater
1942/100729 Perth Smith Arthur Thomas Male Stephens Mavis Edna Female Inglewood
1942/100729 Perth Stephens Mavis Edna Female Smith Arthur Thomas Male Inglewood
1942/100730 Perth Gregg Mary Alberta Female Stirling John Male West Perth
1942/100730 Perth Stirling John Male Gregg Mary Alberta Female West Perth
1942/100731 Perth Ross Verna Helen Marion Female Rowbotham Harold Male West Perth
1942/100731 Perth Rowbotham Harold Male Ross Verna Helen Marion Female West Perth
1942/100732 Perth Dawson Verdun Allan Male Sclater Florence Viola Female Perth
1942/100732 Perth Sclater Florence Viola Female Dawson Verdun Allan Male Perth
1942/100733 Perth Day Maxwell Thomas Male Theaker Dora Female Maylands