A tool to help track the citations of the Western Australian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages from Wikidata and WikiTree.

Marriages in: 1940

Registration year & number Registration district Surname Given names Gender Spouse surname Spouse given names Spouse gender Marriage place Wikidata WikiTree
1941/100001 Perth McPherson Jean Forrest Female Newhill George Frederick Male Victoria Park
1941/100001 Perth Newhill George Frederick Male McPherson Jean Forrest Female Victoria Park
1941/100003 Perth Curtis Joyce Glindon Female Miles Albert Vincent Male Victoria Park
1941/100003 Perth Miles Albert Vincent Male Curtis Joyce Glindon Female Victoria Park
1941/100004 Perth Black Winifred Daphne Female Joynes Walter Thomas Male Mosman Park
1941/100004 Perth Joynes Walter Thomas Male Black Winifred Daphne Female Mosman Park
1941/100005 Perth Adam Arthur Leslie Male Standen Dorothy Ellen Female West Perth
1941/100005 Perth Standen Dorothy Ellen Female Adam Arthur Leslie Male West Perth
1941/100006 Perth Lambert Letitia Gertrude Female Preston Laurence Howard Male West Perth
1941/100006 Perth Preston Laurence Howard Male Lambert Letitia Gertrude Female West Perth
1941/100007 Perth Turner Edna Annie Female Waters Douglas Haig Male Perth
1941/100007 Perth Waters Douglas Haig Male Turner Edna Annie Female Perth
1941/100008 Perth Horobin Arthur William Male Smith Jean Bersey Female Perth
1941/100008 Perth Smith Jean Bersey Female Horobin Arthur William Male Perth
1941/100009 Perth Armstrong Vera Emily Female Norman Percival Leslie Male Perth
1941/100009 Perth Norman Percival Leslie Male Armstrong Vera Emily Female Perth
1941/100010 Perth Driver Sylvia Daisy Female Wheatley Eric Howard Male Perth
1941/100010 Perth Wheatley Eric Howard Male Driver Sylvia Daisy Female Perth
1941/100011 Perth Doust Pearl Ethel Female Stokes William Male Perth
1941/100011 Perth Stokes William Male Doust Pearl Ethel Female Perth
1940/100012 Perth Clayton Joyce Florence Female Davey William Francis Male West Perth
1940/100012 Perth Davey William Francis Male Clayton Joyce Florence Female West Perth
1941/100012 Perth Hunt Francis Joseph Male Tarbotton Muriel Freda Female Perth
1941/100012 Perth Tarbotton Muriel Freda Female Hunt Francis Joseph Male Perth
1940/100013 Perth Black Maxine Kathleen Female Hill Reginald Alfred Male West Perth
1940/100013 Perth Hill Reginald Alfred Male Black Maxine Kathleen Female West Perth
1941/100013 Perth Lindsey Jean Female Mead Jack Male Perth
1941/100013 Perth Mead Jack Male Lindsey Jean Female Perth
1941/100014 Perth Rule Isabella Rubina Female Stent William Considine Male Perth
1941/100014 Perth Stent William Considine Male Rule Isabella Rubina Female Perth
1941/100015 Perth Beattie Dorothy Gilmour Female McNabb Frank Glenlee Male Perth
1941/100015 Perth McNabb Frank Glenlee Male Beattie Dorothy Gilmour Female Perth
1941/100016 Perth Gordon William Stanley Arthur Male Paterson Jean Ellen Female Perth
1941/100016 Perth Paterson Jean Ellen Female Gordon William Stanley Arthur Male Perth
1941/100017 Perth Allbeury Clarice Bertha Female Babb William Headon Male Perth
1941/100017 Perth Babb William Headon Male Allbeury Clarice Bertha Female Perth
1941/100018 Perth Hampton John Patrick Male Rankin Patricia Mary Female Perth
1941/100018 Perth Rankin Patricia Mary Female Hampton John Patrick Male Perth
1941/100019 Perth Mort Rose Constance Female Viney Alfred John Male Perth
1941/100019 Perth Viney Alfred John Male Mort Rose Constance Female Perth
1941/100020 Perth Read Donald Stanley Male Woodhams Eileen Veronica Female Perth
1941/100020 Perth Woodhams Eileen Veronica Female Read Donald Stanley Male Perth
1941/100021 Perth Hiscox Durward Male Morrison Jessie Lillian Female Perth
1941/100021 Perth Morrison Jessie Lillian Female Hiscox Durward Male Perth
1941/100022 Perth Griffiths Leslie Laurance George Male Haywood Ivy Female Perth
1941/100022 Perth Haywood Ivy Female Griffiths Leslie Laurance George Male Perth
1941/100023 Perth Connor Roderick James Male Rees Patricia Wynne Female Perth
1941/100023 Perth Rees Patricia Wynne Female Connor Roderick James Male Perth
1941/100024 Perth May Gladys Audrey Female Parkinson John Male Perth
1941/100024 Perth Parkinson John Male May Gladys Audrey Female Perth
1941/100025 Perth Fraser Lorna Graham Female Nicholls Peter Alexander Male Perth
1941/100025 Perth Nicholls Peter Alexander Male Fraser Lorna Graham Female Perth
1941/100026 Perth Elliott Ronald Franklin Male Welch Lucy Florence Female Perth
1941/100026 Perth Welch Lucy Florence Female Elliott Ronald Franklin Male Perth
1941/100027 Perth Barrow Julia Ena Female Gibson Thomas Male Perth
1941/100027 Perth Gibson Thomas Male Barrow Julia Ena Female Perth
1941/100028 Perth Bates Florence Emily Female Osborne Robert William Male Perth
1941/100028 Perth Osborne Robert William Male Bates Florence Emily Female Perth
1941/100029 Perth French William George Male Kerr Emily Louisa May Female Perth
1941/100029 Perth Kerr Emily Louisa May Female French William George Male Perth
1941/100030 Perth Crawford Francis Ferguson Male Edwards Melba Rose Ann Female Perth
1941/100030 Perth Edwards Melba Rose Ann Female Crawford Francis Ferguson Male Perth
1941/100031 Perth Hanby Cyril Albert Male Stuart Isabelle Mary Female Perth
1941/100031 Perth Stuart Isabelle Mary Female Hanby Cyril Albert Male Perth
1941/100032 Perth Campbell Alexander Ross Male Hansen Ada Jane Dorthea Female Perth
1941/100032 Perth Hansen Ada Jane Dorthea Female Campbell Alexander Ross Male Perth
1941/100033 Perth Harvey Keith George William Male Weedon Edna May Female Perth
1941/100033 Perth Weedon Edna May Female Harvey Keith George William Male Perth
1941/100034 Perth Heelan John William Male Levy Ilma Joan Female Perth
1941/100034 Perth Levy Ilma Joan Female Heelan John William Male Perth
1941/100035 Perth Jackson Royston Arthur Male Kitching Theodora Anne Female Perth
1941/100035 Perth Kitching Theodora Anne Female Jackson Royston Arthur Male Perth
1941/100036 Perth McKenna Alexander Edward Male Springett Edith Joyce Female Perth
1941/100036 Perth Springett Edith Joyce Female McKenna Alexander Edward Male Perth
1941/100037 Perth Dixon Mary Florence Female Salter Robert Male Perth
1941/100037 Perth Salter Robert Male Dixon Mary Florence Female Perth
1941/100042 Perth Rose Norman Harold Male Walker Mary Stewart Female Maylands
1941/100042 Perth Walker Mary Stewart Female Rose Norman Harold Male Maylands
1940/100043 Perth Colley Dorothy Vardon Female Irwin Edward Way Darley Male Perth
1940/100043 Perth Irwin Edward Way Darley Male Colley Dorothy Vardon Female Perth
1941/100043 Perth Menzies Margaret Louisa Female Rossiter Geoffrey George Male Crawley
1941/100043 Perth Rossiter Geoffrey George Male Menzies Margaret Louisa Female Crawley
1941/100044 Perth Booty Thelma Dawn Female Fogden Charles Edward Male Claremont
1941/100044 Perth Fogden Charles Edward Male Booty Thelma Dawn Female Claremont
1941/100045 Perth Deimel Jean Lillian Female Reid Allen Harling Male Claremont
1941/100045 Perth Reid Allen Harling Male Deimel Jean Lillian Female Claremont
1940/100046 Perth Ferguson Alfred Noel Male Healy Constance Jean Female Perth
1941/100046 Perth Forsyth Kenneth David Male Oliver Vera Constance Female Claremont
1940/100046 Perth Healy Constance Jean Female Ferguson Alfred Noel Male Perth
1941/100046 Perth Oliver Vera Constance Female Forsyth Kenneth David Male Claremont
1941/100047 Perth Boyland Elsie Victoria Female Hidderley George Stewart Male Claremont
1941/100047 Perth Hidderley George Stewart Male Boyland Elsie Victoria Female Claremont
1941/100048 Perth Dover Irene Female Smith Frederick Arthur Male Claremont
1941/100048 Perth Smith Frederick Arthur Male Dover Irene Female Claremont
1941/100049 Perth Crommelin Reginald Male O'Sullivan Jennie Letitia Mary Female Claremont
1941/100049 Perth O'Sullivan Jennie Letitia Mary Female Crommelin Reginald Male Claremont
1941/100050 Perth McGregor Harry Gourlay Male Pearson Marjory Jean Female Claremont
1941/100050 Perth Pearson Marjory Jean Female McGregor Harry Gourlay Male Claremont
1940/100051 Perth Morrison Horace Robertson Male Opie Annie Evelyn Female Cottesloe
1940/100051 Perth Opie Annie Evelyn Female Morrison Horace Robertson Male Cottesloe
1941/100052 Perth Hughes Arthur John Decourcy Male Turner Alma Joyce Female Perth
1941/100052 Perth Turner Alma Joyce Female Hughes Arthur John Decourcy Male Perth
1941/100053 Perth Ucich Nellie Female Vladich Anthony Male Osborne Park
1941/100053 Perth Vladich Anthony Male Ucich Nellie Female Osborne Park
1941/100054 Perth Paton Adolph Ernest Male Whitfield Ethel Female Claremont
1941/100054 Perth Whitfield Ethel Female Paton Adolph Ernest Male Claremont
1940/100055 Perth Beever Nancy Gweneth Jean Female Horton Arthur William Male Perth
1940/100055 Perth Horton Arthur William Male Beever Nancy Gweneth Jean Female Perth
1941/100058 Perth Forkin Doreen Winifred Female Williams Norman Male Subiaco
1941/100058 Perth Williams Norman Male Forkin Doreen Winifred Female Subiaco
1941/100060 Perth Wenn Greta Eileen Female White Roy Male Inglewood
1941/100060 Perth White Roy Male Wenn Greta Eileen Female Inglewood
1941/100061 Perth Reines Isabelle Pearl Female Rockman Bernard Male Perth
1941/100061 Perth Rockman Bernard Male Reines Isabelle Pearl Female Perth
1941/100062 Perth Gershon Jean Ray Female Rosen Joe Male Perth
1941/100062 Perth Rosen Joe Male Gershon Jean Ray Female Perth
1941/100063 Perth Kessler Anne Sadie Female Lewis Louis Male Perth
1941/100063 Perth Lewis Louis Male Kessler Anne Sadie Female Perth
1941/100064 Perth Freedman Ada Female Morris Percy Male Perth
1941/100064 Perth Morris Percy Male Freedman Ada Female Perth
1941/100067 Perth Ashworth Victor Male Morley Gladys Female East Perth
1941/100067 Perth Morley Gladys Female Ashworth Victor Male East Perth
1941/100068 Perth Hunt Margaret Nancy Female Shilcock James Francis Male Como
1941/100068 Perth Shilcock James Francis Male Hunt Margaret Nancy Female Como
1941/100069 Perth Shepherd Roma Jean Female Taylor William George Male Perth
1941/100069 Perth Taylor William George Male Shepherd Roma Jean Female Perth
1941/100070 Perth Mallins George Fredrick Male Sanders Ivy Mary Female North Perth
1941/100070 Perth Sanders Ivy Mary Female Mallins George Fredrick Male North Perth
1941/100071 Perth Gandy Muriel Gladys Female Mather Harold Allen Male Subiaco
1941/100071 Perth Mather Harold Allen Male Gandy Muriel Gladys Female Subiaco
1940/100072 Perth Barratt Constance Mary Female Stevenson Selby Clifford Male Perth
1941/100072 Perth Hicks Clarence Male Long Edna Female North Perth
1941/100072 Perth Long Edna Female Hicks Clarence Male North Perth
1940/100072 Perth Stevenson Selby Clifford Male Barratt Constance Mary Female Perth
1940/100077 Perth Elliott Raymond Richard Male Hart Irene Mary Female Leederville
1940/100077 Perth Hart Irene Mary Female Elliott Raymond Richard Male Leederville
1941/100078 Perth Ahern Mary Patricia Female Buxton Richard Raymond Male Perth
1941/100078 Perth Buxton Richard Raymond Male Ahern Mary Patricia Female Perth
1940/100078 Perth Shaw Basil Edward Stuart Male Wilson Juanita Gladys Female Mt Lawley
1940/100078 Perth Wilson Juanita Gladys Female Shaw Basil Edward Stuart Male Mt Lawley
1941/100079 Perth Chinnery Gwen Ina Female Monck Frank Stirling Male Perth
1940/100079 Perth Conway James Male Knight Phyllis Female Osborne Park
1940/100079 Perth Knight Phyllis Female Conway James Male Osborne Park
1941/100079 Perth Monck Frank Stirling Male Chinnery Gwen Ina Female Perth
1941/100080 Perth Kavanagh John Male Rendall Rose Female Perth
1941/100080 Perth Rendall Rose Female Kavanagh John Male Perth
1940/100081 Perth Dixon Violet Hilda Female Pearman Horace James Male Claremont
1941/100081 Perth Kelly Michael Kieran Male Reed Margaret Ellen Female Perth
1940/100081 Perth Pearman Horace James Male Dixon Violet Hilda Female Claremont
1941/100081 Perth Reed Margaret Ellen Female Kelly Michael Kieran Male Perth
1940/100082 Perth Baker Margaret Lenora Female Williams Charles Victor John Male Swanbourne
1940/100082 Perth Williams Charles Victor John Male Baker Margaret Lenora Female Swanbourne
1940/100083 Perth Fitzgerald Gwendoline Margaret Female Gilligan Arthur William Male Highgate Hill
1940/100083 Perth Gilligan Arthur William Male Fitzgerald Gwendoline Margaret Female Highgate Hill
1941/100084 Perth Smith Joyce Rebecca Female Steele Joseph Male Cottesloe
1941/100084 Perth Steele Joseph Male Smith Joyce Rebecca Female Cottesloe
1941/100085 Perth Choyce Harold John David Male Hudson Marion Alice Joan Female Cottesloe
1941/100085 Perth Hudson Marion Alice Joan Female Choyce Harold John David Male Cottesloe
1941/100086 Perth Ferguson Ivor Eric Male Salomons Gladys Rose Female Cottesloe
1941/100086 Perth Salomons Gladys Rose Female Ferguson Ivor Eric Male Cottesloe
1941/100087 Perth Dingwall Phyllis Thelma Female Granland Harold Edgar Male Cottesloe
1941/100087 Perth Granland Harold Edgar Male Dingwall Phyllis Thelma Female Cottesloe
1941/100088 Perth Reddin Joan Amelia Female Waters Leonard John Male Cottesloe
1941/100088 Perth Waters Leonard John Male Reddin Joan Amelia Female Cottesloe
1940/100089 Perth Clarke William Henry Male Gilmour Audrey Florence Female Mt Lawley
1940/100089 Perth Gilmour Audrey Florence Female Clarke William Henry Male Mt Lawley
1941/100091 Perth St John Albert Thomas Joseph Male Whitely Amelda Female East Victoria Park
1941/100091 Perth Whitely Amelda Female St John Albert Thomas Joseph Male East Victoria Park
1941/100093 Perth Mahony John Daniel Male Weir Grace Eleanor Female Maylands
1941/100093 Perth Weir Grace Eleanor Female Mahony John Daniel Male Maylands
1941/100094 Perth OBrien John Patrick Male Ponton Eva May Female Inglewood
1941/100094 Perth Ponton Eva May Female OBrien John Patrick Male Inglewood
1941/100095 Perth Ryan Lucy Joyce Female Word Charles Noel Male Maylands
1941/100095 Perth Word Charles Noel Male Ryan Lucy Joyce Female Maylands
1941/100097 Perth Maher Ronald George Male Thompson Ainslie Rose Female Perth
1941/100097 Perth Thompson Ainslie Rose Female Maher Ronald George Male Perth
1940/100098 Perth Knight Phyllis May Female Street William James Male West Perth
1940/100098 Perth Street William James Male Knight Phyllis May Female West Perth
1941/100098 Perth Tomlinson Edna Wilhelmina Female Toms Frederick James Male Maylands
1941/100098 Perth Toms Frederick James Male Tomlinson Edna Wilhelmina Female Maylands
1940/100099 Perth Deakin Alfred Lytton Male Smith Evelyn Mary Female West Perth
1940/100099 Perth Smith Evelyn Mary Female Deakin Alfred Lytton Male West Perth
1940/100100 Perth Dawe Lorna Winifred Female Sigley Walton Male West Perth
1940/100100 Perth Sigley Walton Male Dawe Lorna Winifred Female West Perth
1940/100103 Perth McCulloch Leslie George Male Thompson Elsie May Female Perth
1940/100103 Perth Thompson Elsie May Female McCulloch Leslie George Male Perth
1940/100104 Perth Cooper Mavis Lillian Female O'Keeffe Clarence John Male Perth
1940/100104 Perth O'Keeffe Clarence John Male Cooper Mavis Lillian Female Perth
1940/100106 Perth Laing Lavinia Gertrude Female Owen Thomas Victor Male Perth
1940/100106 Perth Owen Thomas Victor Male Laing Lavinia Gertrude Female Perth
1940/100109 Perth O'Shaughnessy Olive Female Perrie Frederick Weeks Male Mt Lawley
1940/100109 Perth Perrie Frederick Weeks Male O'Shaughnessy Olive Female Mt Lawley
1940/100110 Perth Harken Valmay Elaine Female Huggett Sidney Holman Male Mt Lawley
1940/100110 Perth Huggett Sidney Holman Male Harken Valmay Elaine Female Mt Lawley
1940/100111 Perth Broun Lennox Heath Male White Joyce Female Mt Lawley
1941/100111 Perth Brown Jean Elizabeth Female O'Malley Patrick Joseph Male West Perth
1941/100111 Perth O'Malley Patrick Joseph Male Brown Jean Elizabeth Female West Perth
1940/100111 Perth White Joyce Female Broun Lennox Heath Male Mt Lawley
1940/100112 Perth Campbell Lillian Female Gibbs Leonard James Male Subiaco
1940/100112 Perth Gibbs Leonard James Male Campbell Lillian Female Subiaco
1941/100112 Perth McCabe Dhyllis Elva Isobel Female Saville Herbert John Male West Perth
1941/100112 Perth Saville Herbert John Male McCabe Dhyllis Elva Isobel Female West Perth
1941/100113 Perth McFarlane Alexander Murray Male Williams Helena Margaret Female West Perth
1941/100113 Perth Williams Helena Margaret Female McFarlane Alexander Murray Male West Perth
1941/100114 Perth Coxon Gertrude Rosina Female Rodoreda Leslie John Male Maylands
1941/100114 Perth Rodoreda Leslie John Male Coxon Gertrude Rosina Female Maylands
1940/100116 Perth Lawrence Alice Maud Female Stott Robert Methuen Male Perth
1940/100116 Perth Stott Robert Methuen Male Lawrence Alice Maud Female Perth
1940/100118 Perth Parker Charles Edward Male Pimm Laurel Joyce Female North Perth
1940/100118 Perth Pimm Laurel Joyce Female Parker Charles Edward Male North Perth
1940/100121 Perth Beech William Male Elsegood Kate Female Perth
1940/100121 Perth Elsegood Kate Female Beech William Male Perth
1940/100122 Perth Clarkson Freda Anne Female Laugdon Thomas Edward Male North Perth
1940/100122 Perth Laugdon Thomas Edward Male Clarkson Freda Anne Female North Perth
1940/100123 Perth Forbes Donald McPherson Male Stokes Eileen Mavis Female Perth
1940/100123 Perth Stokes Eileen Mavis Female Forbes Donald McPherson Male Perth
1940/100124 Perth Chester Alan Frederick John Male Ottaway Betty Mary Female Perth
1940/100124 Perth Ottaway Betty Mary Female Chester Alan Frederick John Male Perth
1940/100125 Perth Huggett Norah Gladys Female Walker Thomas Gordon Male Morley Park
1940/100125 Perth Walker Thomas Gordon Male Huggett Norah Gladys Female Morley Park
1940/100126 Perth Brown Robert Lees Male Colpus Audrey Elizabeth Annie Female Perth
1940/100126 Perth Colpus Audrey Elizabeth Annie Female Brown Robert Lees Male Perth
1940/100127 Perth Pugh James David Male Smith Dorothy Mary Female Leederville
1940/100127 Perth Smith Dorothy Mary Female Pugh James David Male Leederville
1940/100128 Perth Leverett John Joseph Male Pridmore Florence Edna Female Perth
1940/100128 Perth Pridmore Florence Edna Female Leverett John Joseph Male Perth
1940/100129 Perth Crawford James Herbert Male Newton Alice Mary Kathleen Female Victoria Park
1940/100129 Perth Newton Alice Mary Kathleen Female Crawford James Herbert Male Victoria Park
1940/100130 Perth Bonnerup Henry Christian Madsen Male Pether Beatrice Ellen Female South Perth
1940/100130 Perth Pether Beatrice Ellen Female Bonnerup Henry Christian Madsen Male South Perth
1941/100131 Perth Baker Arthur Joseph Male Hoddinott Mavis Female Inglewood
1941/100131 Perth Hoddinott Mavis Female Baker Arthur Joseph Male Inglewood
1940/100131 Perth Lindsay John Male Stone Hilda Lilian Female Perth
1940/100131 Perth Stone Hilda Lilian Female Lindsay John Male Perth
1940/100133 Perth Ukich Alfred Male Yaksich Katica Female Osborne Park
1940/100133 Perth Yaksich Katica Female Ukich Alfred Male Osborne Park
1940/100134 Perth Buchanan Edith May Female McEwin Oswald Sydney Male Cottesloe
1940/100134 Perth McEwin Oswald Sydney Male Buchanan Edith May Female Cottesloe
1940/100135 Perth Chamberlain Gwyn Carl Female Jenkinson Basil Leigh Mervyn Male Perth
1940/100135 Perth Jenkinson Basil Leigh Mervyn Male Chamberlain Gwyn Carl Female Perth
1940/100136 Perth Denney Mary Jane Female Long Joseph Male Perth
1940/100136 Perth Long Joseph Male Denney Mary Jane Female Perth
1940/100137 Perth Green Matilda Female Lewis Charles John Male Perth
1940/100137 Perth Lewis Charles John Male Green Matilda Female Perth
1940/100138 Perth Plummer Arthur George Male Sewell Ethel Cecelia Female Perth
1940/100138 Perth Sewell Ethel Cecelia Female Plummer Arthur George Male Perth
1940/100139 Perth Dale Frank William Male McCarroll Phyllis May Female Perth
1940/100139 Perth McCarroll Phyllis May Female Dale Frank William Male Perth
1941/100140 Perth Crewe Lorna Female Ford Eric Harold Male Mosman Park
1941/100140 Perth Ford Eric Harold Male Crewe Lorna Female Mosman Park
1940/100140 Perth Griffiths Edna May Female McShane Andrew Shaw Male Perth
1940/100140 Perth McShane Andrew Shaw Male Griffiths Edna May Female Perth
1940/100141 Perth Findlay Horace Alexander Male Salter Margaret Julia Female Perth
1940/100141 Perth Salter Margaret Julia Female Findlay Horace Alexander Male Perth
1940/100142 Perth Dowling John Angus Male Ewert Eunice Mary Female Perth
1940/100142 Perth Ewert Eunice Mary Female Dowling John Angus Male Perth
1940/100143 Perth Brakewell Maurice Henry Male Vernon Henrietta Female Mt Lawley
1940/100143 Perth Vernon Henrietta Female Brakewell Maurice Henry Male Mt Lawley
1940/100144 Perth Booth George Alfred Male Watson Gwendoline Jane Female Mt Lawley
1940/100144 Perth Watson Gwendoline Jane Female Booth George Alfred Male Mt Lawley
1940/100145 Perth Leach Pearl Female Taylor Harold Edward Male Mt Lawley
1940/100145 Perth Taylor Harold Edward Male Leach Pearl Female Mt Lawley
1940/100146 Perth Lutey Phyllis Female Munyard John Walter MacLachlan Male Perth
1940/100146 Perth Munyard John Walter MacLachlan Male Lutey Phyllis Female Perth
1940/100147 Perth Krepp Iris Lillian Female O'Neill James Joseph Male Perth
1940/100147 Perth O'Neill James Joseph Male Krepp Iris Lillian Female Perth
1941/100149 Perth Branson George Howard Male Burlinson Isla May Female Nedlands
1941/100149 Perth Burlinson Isla May Female Branson George Howard Male Nedlands
1940/100151 Perth Alston Robert Bruce Male McKenzie Sheila Gertrude Female Perth
1940/100151 Perth McKenzie Sheila Gertrude Female Alston Robert Bruce Male Perth
1940/100152 Perth Stavrianou Maria Economou Female Tringas Basilios Constantinou Male Perth
1940/100152 Perth Tringas Basilios Constantinou Male Stavrianou Maria Economou Female Perth
1940/100154 Perth Dook Irvine James Lawson Male Hufner Roma Valeria Joy Female Perth
1940/100154 Perth Hufner Roma Valeria Joy Female Dook Irvine James Lawson Male Perth
1940/100155 Perth Lord Malcolm Pryce Male Smith Wendy Barbara Naylor Female Claremont
1940/100155 Perth Smith Wendy Barbara Naylor Female Lord Malcolm Pryce Male Claremont
1940/100156 Perth Egerton-Warburton Geoffrey Grey Male Taylor Marjorie Vere Hamilton Female Subiaco
1940/100156 Perth Taylor Marjorie Vere Hamilton Female Egerton-Warburton Geoffrey Grey Male Subiaco
1940/100157 Perth Castledine Earle Thomas Male Craig Vera Female Perth
1940/100157 Perth Craig Vera Female Castledine Earle Thomas Male Perth
1940/100158 Perth Abbott Hannah Endersby Female Ward Walter Ernest Male Subiaco
1940/100158 Perth Ward Walter Ernest Male Abbott Hannah Endersby Female Subiaco
1940/100159 Perth Maclean Irene Mary Female Muller Sylvester Bartholomew Male West Perth
1940/100159 Perth Muller Sylvester Bartholomew Male Maclean Irene Mary Female West Perth
1940/100160 Perth Brown John Richard Male Spencer Olive Hope Female Perth
1940/100160 Perth Spencer Olive Hope Female Brown John Richard Male Perth
1940/100161 Perth Hollingworth Kenneth William Male Lindau Edna Mavis Female Perth
1940/100161 Perth Lindau Edna Mavis Female Hollingworth Kenneth William Male Perth
1940/100162 Perth Bentley Charles Male Katzin Claire Bessie Female Perth
1940/100162 Perth Katzin Claire Bessie Female Bentley Charles Male Perth
1940/100164 Perth Edwards Freda Emma Female McLaren Ramsay Male Perth
1940/100164 Perth McLaren Ramsay Male Edwards Freda Emma Female Perth
1940/100165 Perth Bill Dorothy Female Dalla-Chiara Mario Male Perth
1940/100165 Perth Dalla-Chiara Mario Male Bill Dorothy Female Perth
1940/100166 Perth Bower Olive May Female Roach Reginald William Male Rosalie
1940/100166 Perth Roach Reginald William Male Bower Olive May Female Rosalie
1940/100167 Perth Kuhlmann Bertha Lavinia Female Wiese William Bernard Male Leederville
1940/100167 Perth Wiese William Bernard Male Kuhlmann Bertha Lavinia Female Leederville
1940/100168 Perth Fisher Charles Orvieto Male Reynolds Norma Faulkner Female Leederville
1940/100168 Perth Reynolds Norma Faulkner Female Fisher Charles Orvieto Male Leederville
1940/100169 Perth Thomas Gertrude Mary Female Willmott Percival Edmund Sykes Male Perth
1940/100169 Perth Willmott Percival Edmund Sykes Male Thomas Gertrude Mary Female Perth
1940/100170 Perth Bowtell Betty Amelia Female Shortland Leslie Trevor Frederick Male Perth
1940/100170 Perth Shortland Leslie Trevor Frederick Male Bowtell Betty Amelia Female Perth
1940/100171 Perth Burke Mary Catherine Female Gorman Leonard Reginald Male Highgate Hill
1940/100171 Perth Gorman Leonard Reginald Male Burke Mary Catherine Female Highgate Hill
1940/100173 Perth Horsfall John Charles Male Hussey Marguerita Female Highgate Hill
1940/100173 Perth Hussey Marguerita Female Horsfall John Charles Male Highgate Hill
1941/100174 Perth Bandy Doris Emily Female Harris Eric Joseph Male Mt Hawthorn
1940/100174 Perth Farrall Ronald James Male Smith Jean Marion Female Victoria Park
1941/100174 Perth Harris Eric Joseph Male Bandy Doris Emily Female Mt Hawthorn
1940/100174 Perth Smith Jean Marion Female Farrall Ronald James Male Victoria Park
1940/100175 Perth Driver Harold Male Hansen Phyllis May Female Victoria Park
1940/100175 Perth Hansen Phyllis May Female Driver Harold Male Victoria Park
1941/100175 Perth Hill Olive Gladys Isobel Female Leeder William David Male Osborne Park
1941/100175 Perth Leeder William David Male Hill Olive Gladys Isobel Female Osborne Park
1940/100176 Perth Coops May Female Fabry William Robert Male Victoria Park
1940/100176 Perth Fabry William Robert Male Coops May Female Victoria Park
1941/100176 Perth Green Francis Alfred Male McCrossen Edith Jane Female Osborne Park
1941/100176 Perth McCrossen Edith Jane Female Green Francis Alfred Male Osborne Park
1940/100177 Perth Cockcroft Mark Male Nicholson Doreen Ethel Frances Female Perth
1940/100177 Perth Nicholson Doreen Ethel Frances Female Cockcroft Mark Male Perth
1941/100177 Perth Ross Emily Janet Female Turner Henry Roy Male Osborne Park
1941/100177 Perth Turner Henry Roy Male Ross Emily Janet Female Osborne Park
1940/100178 Perth Cooper William George Male Smith Iris Hope Female Perth
1940/100178 Perth Smith Iris Hope Female Cooper William George Male Perth
1941/100179 Perth Beardon Grace Emmaline Female Bussanich John Benedict Male Claremont
1941/100179 Perth Bussanich John Benedict Male Beardon Grace Emmaline Female Claremont
1940/100179 Perth Jaques Margaret Ruth Female Lennox Robert Mackay Male Subiaco
1940/100179 Perth Lennox Robert Mackay Male Jaques Margaret Ruth Female Subiaco
1941/100180 Perth Channon Eric Crosby Male Ryan Teresa Mary Female Claremont
1940/100180 Perth Leppard Wilfred Roland Male McCourt Mavis Ethel Female North Perth
1940/100180 Perth McCourt Mavis Ethel Female Leppard Wilfred Roland Male North Perth
1941/100180 Perth Ryan Teresa Mary Female Channon Eric Crosby Male Claremont
1940/100181 Perth Beers Clifton George Male Cook Josephine Rachel Female North Perth
1940/100181 Perth Cook Josephine Rachel Female Beers Clifton George Male North Perth
1940/100182 Perth Turnbull Eric John Male Witt Heather May Female North Perth
1940/100182 Perth Witt Heather May Female Turnbull Eric John Male North Perth
1940/100183 Perth Watson Mabel Florence Female Wolfenden Leonard Male Perth
1940/100183 Perth Wolfenden Leonard Male Watson Mabel Florence Female Perth
1940/100184 Perth Beckett Kenneth George McBeth Male Fitzgerald Mary Monica Female Perth
1940/100184 Perth Fitzgerald Mary Monica Female Beckett Kenneth George McBeth Male Perth
1940/100186 Perth Bondelmonte Angelo Male Rice Dorothy Ray Female Victoria Park
1940/100186 Perth Rice Dorothy Ray Female Bondelmonte Angelo Male Victoria Park
1941/100187 Perth Binks William McDonald Male Hayman Hazel Phyllis Female Leederville
1941/100187 Perth Hayman Hazel Phyllis Female Binks William McDonald Male Leederville
1940/100187 Perth Headdey George Henry Male Headdey Rose Female Perth
1940/100187 Perth Headdey Rose Female Headdey George Henry Male Perth
1940/100188 Perth Amos William Ernest Male Wellwood May Isabella Female Perth
1941/100188 Perth Taylor Clarence Warwick Male Ward Margaret Emma Female Leederville
1941/100188 Perth Ward Margaret Emma Female Taylor Clarence Warwick Male Leederville
1940/100188 Perth Wellwood May Isabella Female Amos William Ernest Male Perth
1940/100189 Perth Agnew Mary Female Borthwick William Torrie Male Perth
1940/100189 Perth Borthwick William Torrie Male Agnew Mary Female Perth
1940/100190 Perth Jeffries Gerald Raymond Male Morris Helena Freda Female Perth
1940/100190 Perth Morris Helena Freda Female Jeffries Gerald Raymond Male Perth
1941/100190 Perth Newbury Albert William Male Tattle Ruth Elizabeth Female Leederville
1941/100190 Perth Tattle Ruth Elizabeth Female Newbury Albert William Male Leederville
1940/100193 Perth Berry Arthur William Male Ward Ada Jessie Female Perth
1940/100193 Perth Ward Ada Jessie Female Berry Arthur William Male Perth
1940/100194 Perth Arrantash Reginald Thomas Male Guy Vyvyan Katie Female Perth
1940/100194 Perth Guy Vyvyan Katie Female Arrantash Reginald Thomas Male Perth
1940/100195 Perth Blunt George Edward Male Willson Phyllis Laurel Female Perth
1940/100195 Perth Willson Phyllis Laurel Female Blunt George Edward Male Perth
1940/100196 Perth Quirk Margaret Mary Female Stacey Ernest Reginald Male Perth
1940/100196 Perth Stacey Ernest Reginald Male Quirk Margaret Mary Female Perth
1940/100197 Perth McCulloch Edward Albert Male Murray Hazel Elsie Female Perth
1940/100197 Perth Murray Hazel Elsie Female McCulloch Edward Albert Male Perth
1940/100198 Perth Morgan Francis Wesley Male Sartori Lucia Female Perth
1940/100198 Perth Sartori Lucia Female Morgan Francis Wesley Male Perth
1940/100199 Perth Nevard Doris Lesley Female Reeves Archibald Thomas Male Perth
1940/100199 Perth Reeves Archibald Thomas Male Nevard Doris Lesley Female Perth
1940/100200 Perth Dewes Olive Evelyn Female Turner Victor Clarence Male Perth
1940/100200 Perth Turner Victor Clarence Male Dewes Olive Evelyn Female Perth
1940/100201 Perth O'Shannassy Lillian Lorraine Female Wotzko Leslie Gustave Male Perth
1940/100201 Perth Wotzko Leslie Gustave Male O'Shannassy Lillian Lorraine Female Perth
1940/100202 Perth McCann Francis William Male Ward Edeline Daisy Hilda Female Perth
1940/100202 Perth Ward Edeline Daisy Hilda Female McCann Francis William Male Perth
1940/100203 Perth Clark Oliver Thomas Richard Male Over Iris Female Perth
1940/100203 Perth Over Iris Female Clark Oliver Thomas Richard Male Perth
1940/100204 Perth Rowe Albert Ernest Male Unbehaun Lena Female Perth
1940/100204 Perth Unbehaun Lena Female Rowe Albert Ernest Male Perth
1940/100205 Perth Dean Ghulam Emana Female Wynne Frederick Male Perth
1940/100205 Perth Wynne Frederick Male Dean Ghulam Emana Female Perth
1940/100206 Perth Hardie Kerr Redmond Male Pannell Ida May Female Cottesloe
1940/100206 Perth Pannell Ida May Female Hardie Kerr Redmond Male Cottesloe
1940/100207 Perth Brimblecombe Ethel May Female Gardner John Edwin Male Perth
1940/100207 Perth Gardner John Edwin Male Brimblecombe Ethel May Female Perth
1940/100208 Perth Sullivan Muriel Esther Female Wilkins William Edward Male Inglewood
1940/100208 Perth Wilkins William Edward Male Sullivan Muriel Esther Female Inglewood
1940/100209 Perth Buckland Mollie Catherine Female Davis Walter James Male South Perth
1940/100209 Perth Davis Walter James Male Buckland Mollie Catherine Female South Perth
1940/100210 Perth Barrey Aileen Jean Female Lee Ronald Male Perth
1940/100210 Perth Lee Ronald Male Barrey Aileen Jean Female Perth
1940/100211 Perth Hornsby Frederick Leonard Male Lehrback Sigrid Maria Female Mt Lawley
1940/100211 Perth Lehrback Sigrid Maria Female Hornsby Frederick Leonard Male Mt Lawley
1940/100212 Perth Ellis Dora Margaret Female Ewers Colin David Male Perth
1940/100212 Perth Ewers Colin David Male Ellis Dora Margaret Female Perth
1940/100213 Perth Clare John Male Green Violet Gertrude Female Perth
1940/100213 Perth Green Violet Gertrude Female Clare John Male Perth
1940/100214 Perth Leslie John MacNair Ross Male Powell Edith Female Carlisle
1940/100214 Perth Powell Edith Female Leslie John MacNair Ross Male Carlisle
1940/100215 Perth Azariadis Sophia Female Spartalis Mick Male Perth
1940/100215 Perth Spartalis Mick Male Azariadis Sophia Female Perth
1940/100216 Perth Spencer Jean Isabelle Female Western Eric Claude Male Perth
1940/100216 Perth Western Eric Claude Male Spencer Jean Isabelle Female Perth
1940/100217 Perth Carter Estelle Mae Female Quigley Keith Hunter Male Shenton Park
1940/100217 Perth Quigley Keith Hunter Male Carter Estelle Mae Female Shenton Park
1940/100218 Perth Keiller Olive Female Lachberg Maurice Derek Male Perth
1940/100218 Perth Lachberg Maurice Derek Male Keiller Olive Female Perth
1940/100219 Perth Hetherington John Collins Male Read Merle Female Claremont
1940/100219 Perth Read Merle Female Hetherington John Collins Male Claremont
1940/100220 Perth Peterkin Jessie Magdalen Female Shortland-Jones Allan Male Maylands
1940/100220 Perth Shortland-Jones Allan Male Peterkin Jessie Magdalen Female Maylands
1940/100221 Perth Jones Andrew Duckett Male Sutherland Phylis Joyce Female Perth
1940/100221 Perth Sutherland Phylis Joyce Female Jones Andrew Duckett Male Perth
1940/100222 Perth Brown Edith Irene Female Westlake Lionel Leslie Male Bayswater
1940/100222 Perth Westlake Lionel Leslie Male Brown Edith Irene Female Bayswater
1940/100223 Perth Eakins Cyril Clarence Male Wilkinson Emmie Female Mt Lawley
1940/100223 Perth Wilkinson Emmie Female Eakins Cyril Clarence Male Mt Lawley
1940/100224 Perth Binney James Milton Male Stephens Doris Wilhelmina Female Perth
1940/100224 Perth Stephens Doris Wilhelmina Female Binney James Milton Male Perth
1940/100225 Perth Mews Newton William Male Ritter Ruby Olive Female Claremont
1940/100225 Perth Ritter Ruby Olive Female Mews Newton William Male Claremont
1940/100226 Perth Liddle Doris Evelyn Female Sawkins William Dansil Male Perth
1940/100226 Perth Sawkins William Dansil Male Liddle Doris Evelyn Female Perth
1940/100227 Perth Hill Phillip Arthur Male Palmer Doreen Emma Female Perth
1940/100227 Perth Palmer Doreen Emma Female Hill Phillip Arthur Male Perth
1940/100228 Perth Ireland Patricia Florence Female Miller Edward Peter Male Perth
1940/100228 Perth Miller Edward Peter Male Ireland Patricia Florence Female Perth
1940/100229 Perth Main Hester Agnes Female Pugh Alfred John Male Perth
1940/100229 Perth Pugh Alfred John Male Main Hester Agnes Female Perth
1940/100230 Perth Russell Mabel Jean Female Stott Alwyn James Male Perth
1940/100230 Perth Stott Alwyn James Male Russell Mabel Jean Female Perth
1940/100231 Perth Austin Archibald Thomas Male Wishart Louise Norma Female Perth
1940/100231 Perth Wishart Louise Norma Female Austin Archibald Thomas Male Perth
1940/100232 Perth Bentley Jack Male Stirk Leila Maude Female Perth
1940/100232 Perth Stirk Leila Maude Female Bentley Jack Male Perth
1940/100233 Perth Chandler Alfred Clarence Male Robinson Marjorie Rosevear Female Perth
1940/100233 Perth Robinson Marjorie Rosevear Female Chandler Alfred Clarence Male Perth
1940/100234 Perth Powell Charles Rupert Male Stones Beryl Alice Female Perth
1940/100234 Perth Stones Beryl Alice Female Powell Charles Rupert Male Perth
1940/100235 Perth Adam Ruth Leah Female Flood Victor Joseph George Male Highgate Hill Perth
1940/100235 Perth Flood Victor Joseph George Male Adam Ruth Leah Female Highgate Hill Perth
1940/100236 Perth Doyle Mary Patricia Female Stirling Frederick Robert Male Highgate Hill Perth
1940/100236 Perth Stirling Frederick Robert Male Doyle Mary Patricia Female Highgate Hill Perth
1940/100237 Perth Draffen Frank Male Stevenson Grace Female Highgate Hill Perth
1940/100237 Perth Stevenson Grace Female Draffen Frank Male Highgate Hill Perth
1940/100238 Perth Garnaut Colin Verdun Male Stanbridge Lavinia Jessie Female Highgate Hill Perth
1940/100238 Perth Stanbridge Lavinia Jessie Female Garnaut Colin Verdun Male Highgate Hill Perth
1940/100239 Perth Carey Herbert Frederick Male Lucas Marjorie Alice Female West Perth
1940/100239 Perth Lucas Marjorie Alice Female Carey Herbert Frederick Male West Perth
1940/100240 Perth Bramwell Michael Curtin Joseph Bell Male Chamberlain Elsie Hilda Female West Perth
1940/100240 Perth Chamberlain Elsie Hilda Female Bramwell Michael Curtin Joseph Bell Male West Perth
1941/100241 Perth Collins Wilfred Male McLeod Isabella Female Perth
1940/100241 Perth Hudson Florence Female Maguire John Francis Male West Perth
1940/100241 Perth Maguire John Francis Male Hudson Florence Female West Perth
1941/100241 Perth McLeod Isabella Female Collins Wilfred Male Perth
1940/100242 Perth Davis Gordon Bentley Male Farrelly Jessie Marie Female West Perth
1940/100242 Perth Farrelly Jessie Marie Female Davis Gordon Bentley Male West Perth
1940/100243 Perth Avery Austin Gerald Male Shaw Katherine Irene Susan Female West Perth
1940/100243 Perth Shaw Katherine Irene Susan Female Avery Austin Gerald Male West Perth
1940/100244 Perth Bucktin Doris Jean Female Young John George Male West Perth
1940/100244 Perth Young John George Male Bucktin Doris Jean Female West Perth
1940/100245 Perth Cary Rhoda Grace Female Hale Edmund Male West Perth
1940/100245 Perth Hale Edmund Male Cary Rhoda Grace Female West Perth
1940/100246 Perth Bingham John Herbert Male Bothe Shelma Jean Female West Perth
1940/100246 Perth Bothe Shelma Jean Female Bingham John Herbert Male West Perth
1940/100247 Perth Edell Edna Lois Female Holberton Henry Cyril Male Perth
1940/100247 Perth Holberton Henry Cyril Male Edell Edna Lois Female Perth
1940/100248 Perth Kay Arthur Edward Male Peene Gwendoline Constance Female Perth
1940/100248 Perth Peene Gwendoline Constance Female Kay Arthur Edward Male Perth
1940/100249 Perth Gibbs Kathleen Madge Female Paramor Donald Male Perth
1940/100249 Perth Paramor Donald Male Gibbs Kathleen Madge Female Perth
1940/100250 Perth Maher Henry Robert Male Sweet Victoria May Female Perth
1940/100250 Perth Sweet Victoria May Female Maher Henry Robert Male Perth
1940/100251 Perth Crawford Violet May Female Davies Halden Male Perth
1940/100251 Perth Davies Halden Male Crawford Violet May Female Perth
1940/100252 Perth Barnett Edith Violet Female Collins Clifford Arthur Male Victoria Park
1940/100252 Perth Collins Clifford Arthur Male Barnett Edith Violet Female Victoria Park
1940/100253 Perth Ayling Henry Walter Male Evans Barbara Female Victoria Park
1940/100253 Perth Evans Barbara Female Ayling Henry Walter Male Victoria Park
1940/100254 Perth Bell Robert Allan Kempton Male Bowkett Irene Rose Female Victoria Park
1940/100254 Perth Bowkett Irene Rose Female Bell Robert Allan Kempton Male Victoria Park
1940/100255 Perth Hill Mildred Eileen Female Martin Stanley Edward Male Leederville
1940/100255 Perth Martin Stanley Edward Male Hill Mildred Eileen Female Leederville
1940/100256 Perth Manning Neil McLaren Male Sanders Dorothy May Female North Perth
1940/100256 Perth Sanders Dorothy May Female Manning Neil McLaren Male North Perth
1940/100257 Perth Perrin Ezma Evelyn Female Ryle Robert Bowman Male North Perth - Mount Lawley
1940/100257 Perth Ryle Robert Bowman Male Perrin Ezma Evelyn Female North Perth - Mount Lawley
1940/100258 Perth Norris Albert Victor Male Reid Gertrude Madge Female Perth
1940/100258 Perth Reid Gertrude Madge Female Norris Albert Victor Male Perth
1940/100259 Perth Ruston Henry Leonard Male Thompson Jean Ellen Female Perth
1940/100259 Perth Thompson Jean Ellen Female Ruston Henry Leonard Male Perth
1940/100260 Perth Brown Victor Samuel Male Thomson Vera Elsie Female Perth
1940/100260 Perth Thomson Vera Elsie Female Brown Victor Samuel Male Perth
1940/100261 Perth Grinblat Jacob Male Vanpraag Josephine Female Perth
1940/100261 Perth Vanpraag Josephine Female Grinblat Jacob Male Perth
1940/100262 Perth Saker Rose Female Swartz Joseph Male Perth
1940/100262 Perth Swartz Joseph Male Saker Rose Female Perth
1940/100264 Perth Duffy Hugh Male Jones Lottie Female West Perth
1940/100264 Perth Jones Lottie Female Duffy Hugh Male West Perth
1940/100265 Perth Bennison Robert Gordon Male Warner Agnes Rose Female Perth
1940/100265 Perth Warner Agnes Rose Female Bennison Robert Gordon Male Perth
1940/100266 Perth Artley John Thomas Male Hamilton Gertie Female Subiaco
1940/100266 Perth Hamilton Gertie Female Artley John Thomas Male Subiaco
1940/100267 Perth Bourn Arthur Leslie Male Smith Elizabeth Female Claremont
1940/100267 Perth Smith Elizabeth Female Bourn Arthur Leslie Male Claremont
1940/100268 Perth Hooper Laurel Fersdon Female Worrall Norman Roberts Male Mosman Park
1940/100268 Perth Worrall Norman Roberts Male Hooper Laurel Fersdon Female Mosman Park
1940/100269 Perth Chapman Eva Maud Female Tomkins Samuel Joseph Male Mount Hawthorn
1940/100269 Perth Tomkins Samuel Joseph Male Chapman Eva Maud Female Mount Hawthorn
1940/100270 Perth Beeson Sydney Joseph Male Edwards Mary Bridget Philomina Female Leederville
1940/100270 Perth Edwards Mary Bridget Philomina Female Beeson Sydney Joseph Male Leederville
1940/100271 Perth Johnston Thomas Victor Male Peace Edith Female Perth
1940/100271 Perth Peace Edith Female Johnston Thomas Victor Male Perth
1940/100272 Perth Carter Horace Male Towes Theodora Jean Female Perth
1940/100272 Perth Towes Theodora Jean Female Carter Horace Male Perth
1940/100273 Perth Houghton Elsa Gladys Female McMath William Addenbrooke Male Cottesloe
1940/100273 Perth McMath William Addenbrooke Male Houghton Elsa Gladys Female Cottesloe
1940/100274 Perth Allen Elizabeth Female Broadhurst Philip Henry Male Mt Lawley
1940/100274 Perth Broadhurst Philip Henry Male Allen Elizabeth Female Mt Lawley
1940/100275 Perth Elsegood Alfred Keith Male Hoyle Mary Gibson Female Mt Lawley
1940/100275 Perth Hoyle Mary Gibson Female Elsegood Alfred Keith Male Mt Lawley
1940/100276 Perth Hughes Cecil Male John Constance Joyce Female Cottesloe
1940/100276 Perth John Constance Joyce Female Hughes Cecil Male Cottesloe
1940/100277 Perth Cooling Cedric Noel Male Woodland Ivy Mary Female Cottesloe
1940/100277 Perth Woodland Ivy Mary Female Cooling Cedric Noel Male Cottesloe
1940/100279 Perth Connelly Mavis Female Moon Joseph Lawrence Male Perth
1940/100279 Perth Moon Joseph Lawrence Male Connelly Mavis Female Perth
1940/100280 Perth Goggins Patrick James Male Watkins Florence Edna Female Carlisle
1940/100280 Perth Watkins Florence Edna Female Goggins Patrick James Male Carlisle
1940/100281 Perth Bush Ruby Mary Female Duncan John Henry Male Bayswater
1940/100281 Perth Duncan John Henry Male Bush Ruby Mary Female Bayswater
1940/100282 Perth Clarke Olive Violet Female Devine Bernard Francis Male Inglewood
1940/100282 Perth Devine Bernard Francis Male Clarke Olive Violet Female Inglewood
1940/100283 Perth Allison George Edward Male Pearson Gladys Mary Female Claremont
1940/100283 Perth Pearson Gladys Mary Female Allison George Edward Male Claremont
1940/100284 Perth Hodgson Sylvia Millicent Female Wallis Alwyn James Male Claremont
1940/100284 Perth Wallis Alwyn James Male Hodgson Sylvia Millicent Female Claremont
1940/100285 Perth Abbott Winston Rennie Male Murray Jimira Begg Female Claremont
1940/100285 Perth Murray Jimira Begg Female Abbott Winston Rennie Male Claremont
1940/100286 Perth Hughes Thomas George Male Watts Stella Julia Female Claremont
1940/100286 Perth Watts Stella Julia Female Hughes Thomas George Male Claremont
1940/100287 Perth Coronel Alice Kathleen Female Taylor Edward Albert Male Claremont
1940/100287 Perth Taylor Edward Albert Male Coronel Alice Kathleen Female Claremont
1940/100288 Perth Cummins Ray Alwyn Male Nankivell Greta Marjorie Female Perth
1940/100288 Perth Nankivell Greta Marjorie Female Cummins Ray Alwyn Male Perth
1940/100289 Perth Gale Ivy Minnie Female Morris Sydney Herbert Male West Perth
1940/100289 Perth Morris Sydney Herbert Male Gale Ivy Minnie Female West Perth
1940/100290 Perth Birch Olive Corona Female Dempster John Hislop Male W Perth
1940/100290 Perth Dempster John Hislop Male Birch Olive Corona Female W Perth
1940/100291 Perth Iversen Jean Marie Female Tanner Basil Charles Male W Perth
1940/100291 Perth Tanner Basil Charles Male Iversen Jean Marie Female W Perth
1940/100292 Perth Niblock Margaret Emilie Female Snashall Charles Henry Male W Perth
1940/100292 Perth Snashall Charles Henry Male Niblock Margaret Emilie Female W Perth
1940/100293 Perth Crawford-Ferguson Charles Ross Hammond Male Hamond Isobel Frances Female W Perth
1940/100293 Perth Hamond Isobel Frances Female Crawford-Ferguson Charles Ross Hammond Male W Perth
1940/100294 Perth Condon Henry John Male Halliday Olive Mavis Female Subiaco
1940/100294 Perth Halliday Olive Mavis Female Condon Henry John Male Subiaco
1940/100295 Perth Alexander Woodruff Roy Male Weir Helen Clarkson Female W Perth
1940/100295 Perth Weir Helen Clarkson Female Alexander Woodruff Roy Male W Perth
1940/100296 Perth Lloyd Rita Mavis Female Sandercock Adrian Olaf Male W Perth
1940/100296 Perth Sandercock Adrian Olaf Male Lloyd Rita Mavis Female W Perth
1940/100297 Perth Bayliss Florence Margaret Female Pacey Robert Henry Ray Male W Perth
1940/100297 Perth Pacey Robert Henry Ray Male Bayliss Florence Margaret Female W Perth
1940/100298 Perth Bryen Francis Sydney Male McGraw Lilian Mabel Female Perth
1940/100298 Perth McGraw Lilian Mabel Female Bryen Francis Sydney Male Perth
1940/100299 Perth Donald Leslie James Barr Male Franklin Moira Margaret Female West Perth
1940/100299 Perth Franklin Moira Margaret Female Donald Leslie James Barr Male West Perth
1941/100299 Perth Pilkington Margery Female Watkins Douglas Alex George Male Subiaco
1941/100299 Perth Watkins Douglas Alex George Male Pilkington Margery Female Subiaco
1940/100300 Perth Domyer Phyllis Elsie Jean Female North Thomas William Male West Perth
1940/100300 Perth North Thomas William Male Domyer Phyllis Elsie Jean Female West Perth
1940/100301 Perth Lowick Nellie Alma Blanche Female Moore George John Robert Male Perth
1940/100301 Perth Moore George John Robert Male Lowick Nellie Alma Blanche Female Perth
1940/100302 Perth Behn Olga Wilhelmina Sophie Female Bennett Thomas John Male Perth
1940/100302 Perth Bennett Thomas John Male Behn Olga Wilhelmina Sophie Female Perth
1940/100303 Perth Reed Lilian Louisa Cressy Female Ritchie William Boyack Male Victoria Park
1940/100303 Perth Ritchie William Boyack Male Reed Lilian Louisa Cressy Female Victoria Park
1940/100304 Perth Guppy Harry Reginald James Male MacKinnon Irene Hawthorne Female Victoria Park
1940/100304 Perth MacKinnon Irene Hawthorne Female Guppy Harry Reginald James Male Victoria Park
1940/100305 Perth Dalton Arthur Herbert Male Watters Verna May Female Victoria Park
1940/100305 Perth Watters Verna May Female Dalton Arthur Herbert Male Victoria Park
1940/100306 Perth Holtzmann Lorna Edna Female McMiles Alfred John Exon Male Perth
1940/100306 Perth McMiles Alfred John Exon Male Holtzmann Lorna Edna Female Perth
1940/100307 Perth Barker Catherine Maud Female Shields John Harrington Male Perth
1940/100307 Perth Shields John Harrington Male Barker Catherine Maud Female Perth
1940/100308 Perth Brosnan Michael Male McCarthy Mary Ellen Female Perth
1940/100308 Perth McCarthy Mary Ellen Female Brosnan Michael Male Perth
1940/100309 Perth Curtis Doreen Female Milner Raymond Male Claremont
1940/100309 Perth Milner Raymond Male Curtis Doreen Female Claremont
1940/100310 Perth Ashman Albert Edward Male Matthews Elsie May Female Claremont
1940/100310 Perth Matthews Elsie May Female Ashman Albert Edward Male Claremont
1940/100311 Perth Johnson Esme Winifred Female Livingstone Leslie Arthur Male Maylands
1940/100311 Perth Livingstone Leslie Arthur Male Johnson Esme Winifred Female Maylands
1940/100312 Perth Gallop William Ernest Male Hirth Iris Female Perth
1940/100312 Perth Hirth Iris Female Gallop William Ernest Male Perth
1940/100313 Perth Abbott Henry George Male Hatfield Agnes Mary Female Perth
1940/100313 Perth Hatfield Agnes Mary Female Abbott Henry George Male Perth
1940/100314 Perth Beckwith Mowbray Edward Male Rutherford Agnes Hutton Female Mount Lawley
1940/100314 Perth Rutherford Agnes Hutton Female Beckwith Mowbray Edward Male Mount Lawley
1940/100315 Perth Gillett Gustave Theodore Male Miller Ruby Pearl Dorothy Female Perth
1940/100315 Perth Miller Ruby Pearl Dorothy Female Gillett Gustave Theodore Male Perth
1940/100316 Perth Robinson George Everton Male Wallis Emma Irene Female Carlisle
1940/100316 Perth Wallis Emma Irene Female Robinson George Everton Male Carlisle
1940/100317 Perth Downey Patrick Francis Male Kenny Carmel Mary Female Highgate Hill
1940/100317 Perth Kenny Carmel Mary Female Downey Patrick Francis Male Highgate Hill
1940/100318 Perth Campbell Esther Mavis Female Down Norman Keith Male Maylands
1940/100318 Perth Down Norman Keith Male Campbell Esther Mavis Female Maylands
1940/100319 Perth Stewart Mary Female Williams Charles Leonard Male Perth
1940/100319 Perth Williams Charles Leonard Male Stewart Mary Female Perth
1940/100320 Perth Burridge Gladys Grace Female Flaherty John Joseph Male West Perth
1940/100320 Perth Flaherty John Joseph Male Burridge Gladys Grace Female West Perth
1940/100321 Perth Barratt Frederick Perth Male Noble Rose Veronica Female West Perth
1940/100321 Perth Noble Rose Veronica Female Barratt Frederick Perth Male West Perth
1940/100322 Perth Crudace Edith Ellen Female Lewis Walter Geoffroy Male West Perth
1940/100322 Perth Lewis Walter Geoffroy Male Crudace Edith Ellen Female West Perth
1940/100323 Perth Davies William Laurie Male Dix Mina Gwenifer Female West Perth
1940/100323 Perth Dix Mina Gwenifer Female Davies William Laurie Male West Perth
1940/100324 Perth Oates Herbert Otto Male Phillips Peggie Marian Female West Perth
1940/100324 Perth Phillips Peggie Marian Female Oates Herbert Otto Male West Perth
1940/100325 Perth Dick Lindsay James Male Moloney Dorothy Ada Mary Female Perth
1940/100325 Perth Moloney Dorothy Ada Mary Female Dick Lindsay James Male Perth
1940/100326 Perth McKay Rosa Benton Female Swan Edmund Campbell Male Perth
1940/100326 Perth Swan Edmund Campbell Male McKay Rosa Benton Female Perth
1940/100327 Perth Hoteley Albert Edward Male Skinner Gwendoline Pearl Female North Perth
1940/100327 Perth Skinner Gwendoline Pearl Female Hoteley Albert Edward Male North Perth
1940/100328 Perth Emery Eunice Mabel Female Faul Charles James Male Highgate Hill Perth
1940/100328 Perth Faul Charles James Male Emery Eunice Mabel Female Highgate Hill Perth
1940/100329 Perth Callow Hector Everard Male Reynolds Lilian Maude Female Highgate Hill Perth
1940/100329 Perth Reynolds Lilian Maude Female Callow Hector Everard Male Highgate Hill Perth
1940/100330 Perth Boothey Alice May Female Hardman Ronald Henry Charles Male Highgate Hill Perth
1940/100330 Perth Hardman Ronald Henry Charles Male Boothey Alice May Female Highgate Hill Perth
1940/100331 Perth Beckett Elsie Christina Female Jaggard Alfred William Male Claremont
1940/100331 Perth Jaggard Alfred William Male Beckett Elsie Christina Female Claremont
1940/100332 Perth Lewis Marjorie Violet Female McQuade Earl Robert Male Claremont
1940/100332 Perth McQuade Earl Robert Male Lewis Marjorie Violet Female Claremont
1940/100333 Perth Lennard Ernest Stuart Barrett Male Mair Lorraine Vivian Female Claremont
1940/100333 Perth Mair Lorraine Vivian Female Lennard Ernest Stuart Barrett Male Claremont
1940/100334 Perth Phillips Melva Evelyn Female Wakelin Sydney George Edward Male Perth
1940/100334 Perth Wakelin Sydney George Edward Male Phillips Melva Evelyn Female Perth
1940/100335 Perth Casley Lillian Lorraine Female Jackson Richard Walter Male Perth
1940/100335 Perth Jackson Richard Walter Male Casley Lillian Lorraine Female Perth
1940/100336 Perth Scoffern Gladys Doreen Female Vickery Leslie Cyril Male Perth
1940/100336 Perth Vickery Leslie Cyril Male Scoffern Gladys Doreen Female Perth
1940/100337 Perth Northey Olive Mary Female Power Thomas William Male Inglewood
1940/100337 Perth Power Thomas William Male Northey Olive Mary Female Inglewood
1940/100339 Perth Littlejohn Bernice Female Standing Richard Reuben Ernest Male Leederville
1940/100339 Perth Standing Richard Reuben Ernest Male Littlejohn Bernice Female Leederville
1940/100340 Perth Davison Mary Amilda Female Howe John Frank Stanford Male Perth
1940/100340 Perth Howe John Frank Stanford Male Davison Mary Amilda Female Perth
1940/100341 Perth Dunning Allan Thomas Male Protheroe Lilian Clara Female West Perth
1940/100341 Perth Protheroe Lilian Clara Female Dunning Allan Thomas Male West Perth
1940/100342 Perth Blechynden Ellen May Peace Female Yeaman James Male Perth
1940/100342 Perth Yeaman James Male Blechynden Ellen May Peace Female Perth
1940/100343 Perth Meyer Jean Isabel Female Pyne Allan David Male Wembley
1940/100343 Perth Pyne Allan David Male Meyer Jean Isabel Female Wembley
1940/100344 Perth Dawson Archibald Murray Male McClure Eileen Female Shenton Park
1940/100344 Perth McClure Eileen Female Dawson Archibald Murray Male Shenton Park
1940/100345 Perth Davis Doreen Margaret Female Roach Wilfred Male Perth
1940/100345 Perth Roach Wilfred Male Davis Doreen Margaret Female Perth
1940/100346 Perth Clarkson James Drummond Male Forrest Elsie Female Perth
1940/100346 Perth Forrest Elsie Female Clarkson James Drummond Male Perth
1940/100347 Perth Bond George Montague Male Fane Mary Josephine Female Perth
1940/100347 Perth Fane Mary Josephine Female Bond George Montague Male Perth
1940/100348 Perth Dorney Reginald Walter Henry Male Sutherland Thelma Irene Female Perth
1940/100348 Perth Sutherland Thelma Irene Female Dorney Reginald Walter Henry Male Perth
1940/100349 Perth Cooke Leslie Martin Male James Dorothy Edna Female Perth
1940/100349 Perth James Dorothy Edna Female Cooke Leslie Martin Male Perth
1940/100350 Perth Fawcett Lillian Eva Female White Irwin Spencer Male Perth
1940/100350 Perth White Irwin Spencer Male Fawcett Lillian Eva Female Perth
1940/100351 Perth O'Connor Alfred James Male Richards Phyllis Marion Female Perth
1940/100351 Perth Richards Phyllis Marion Female O'Connor Alfred James Male Perth
1940/100352 Perth Dark Lillian Grace Female Donaldson John Duncan Male Perth
1940/100352 Perth Donaldson John Duncan Male Dark Lillian Grace Female Perth
1940/100353 Perth Bishop Edward Cecil Male Heweston Rosalie Alice Female Perth
1940/100353 Perth Heweston Rosalie Alice Female Bishop Edward Cecil Male Perth
1940/100354 Perth Buzzini Mary Elizabeth Female Criddle Richard William Male Subiaco
1940/100354 Perth Criddle Richard William Male Buzzini Mary Elizabeth Female Subiaco
1940/100355 Perth Flaherty Josephine Mary Female McPhee Alfred John Male Subiaco
1940/100355 Perth McPhee Alfred John Male Flaherty Josephine Mary Female Subiaco
1940/100356 Perth Bahen Bernadette Female Fenton Robert John Male Subiaco
1940/100356 Perth Fenton Robert John Male Bahen Bernadette Female Subiaco
1940/100357 Perth Carroll Daphne Joyce Female McAndrew Felix Male Mt Lawley
1940/100357 Perth McAndrew Felix Male Carroll Daphne Joyce Female Mt Lawley
1940/100358 Perth Sales Dorothy Rhoda Female Wackett Owen Saunders Male Mount Lawley
1940/100358 Perth Wackett Owen Saunders Male Sales Dorothy Rhoda Female Mount Lawley
1940/100359 Perth Bell Ivy Grace Female Dingle Harry Charles Male Subiaco
1940/100359 Perth Dingle Harry Charles Male Bell Ivy Grace Female Subiaco
1940/100360 Perth Barry Mary Jean Female Manuel Leslie David Male Subiaco
1940/100360 Perth Manuel Leslie David Male Barry Mary Jean Female Subiaco
1940/100361 Perth McGregor John James Male Rowe Dulcie May Female Perth
1940/100361 Perth Rowe Dulcie May Female McGregor John James Male Perth
1940/100362 Perth Ingram Alice Eileen Female Willet Frank Percival Male Leederville
1940/100362 Perth Willet Frank Percival Male Ingram Alice Eileen Female Leederville
1940/100363 Perth Leahy William Male Lee Mavis Claire Female Perth
1940/100363 Perth Lee Mavis Claire Female Leahy William Male Perth
1940/100364 Perth Cruickshank Jean Gladys Female Levy Alfred Roy Male West Australia
1940/100364 Perth Levy Alfred Roy Male Cruickshank Jean Gladys Female West Australia
1940/100365 Perth Fitzsimons Mary Joyce Female Gillam Darrel Male East Victoria Pk
1940/100365 Perth Gillam Darrel Male Fitzsimons Mary Joyce Female East Victoria Pk
1940/100366 Perth Maslin Julia Eileen Female Stockton Eric Percy Male East Victoria Park
1940/100366 Perth Stockton Eric Percy Male Maslin Julia Eileen Female East Victoria Park
1940/100367 Perth Jones William Charles Male Kingsbury Veronica May Female South Perth
1940/100367 Perth Kingsbury Veronica May Female Jones William Charles Male South Perth
1940/100368 Perth Foulds Joy Margaret Female Lowrey Arthur Albert Male Perth
1940/100368 Perth Lowrey Arthur Albert Male Foulds Joy Margaret Female Perth
1940/100369 Perth Hicks Verna Calton Female Keddie Ronald Andrew Male Mt Lawley
1940/100369 Perth Keddie Ronald Andrew Male Hicks Verna Calton Female Mt Lawley
1940/100370 Perth Barnett Albert Jack Male Guthrie Jessie Caroline Female Claremont
1940/100370 Perth Guthrie Jessie Caroline Female Barnett Albert Jack Male Claremont
1940/100371 Perth Manuel Norman Male Reid Florence Isabel Female North Perth
1940/100371 Perth Reid Florence Isabel Female Manuel Norman Male North Perth
1940/100372 Perth Smith Enid Winifred Female White Albert Roy Male Cottesloe
1940/100372 Perth White Albert Roy Male Smith Enid Winifred Female Cottesloe
1940/100373 Perth Mutton Gladys Marie Female Taylor Francis Robert Male Perth
1940/100373 Perth Taylor Francis Robert Male Mutton Gladys Marie Female Perth
1940/100374 Perth Evensen Albert John Male Jenner Marjorie Lucy Female Perth
1940/100374 Perth Jenner Marjorie Lucy Female Evensen Albert John Male Perth
1940/100375 Perth Smith Alan Rupert Male Wilkerson Edith Belle Female Perth
1940/100375 Perth Wilkerson Edith Belle Female Smith Alan Rupert Male Perth
1940/100376 Perth Baxter George Whitehaven Male Griffith Kathleen Louise Female West Perth
1940/100376 Perth Griffith Kathleen Louise Female Baxter George Whitehaven Male West Perth
1940/100377 Perth McCreery Jean Ethel Female Wooding Leslie Herbert Male West Perth
1940/100377 Perth Wooding Leslie Herbert Male McCreery Jean Ethel Female West Perth
1940/100378 Perth Grey Mary Beatrice Female Smith Albert Edward Male West Perth
1940/100378 Perth Smith Albert Edward Male Grey Mary Beatrice Female West Perth
1940/100379 Perth Walling Elsie May Female Woodland Leslie Male Claremont
1940/100379 Perth Woodland Leslie Male Walling Elsie May Female Claremont
1940/100380 Perth Dedman Gordon William George Male Haskey Constance Betty Female Claremont
1940/100380 Perth Haskey Constance Betty Female Dedman Gordon William George Male Claremont
1940/100381 Perth Cheyne Nancy Ina Female Sharpe Frederick Vernon Male Claremont
1940/100381 Perth Sharpe Frederick Vernon Male Cheyne Nancy Ina Female Claremont
1940/100382 Perth Davies Florence Ivy Female Ellis James Albert Male Victoria Park
1940/100382 Perth Ellis James Albert Male Davies Florence Ivy Female Victoria Park
1940/100383 Perth Abbott Leonard Malcolm Male Bryan Enda Gertrude Female Shenton Park
1940/100383 Perth Bryan Enda Gertrude Female Abbott Leonard Malcolm Male Shenton Park
1940/100384 Perth Meakins Ronald Male Rooke Evelyn Mary Female Perth
1940/100384 Perth Rooke Evelyn Mary Female Meakins Ronald Male Perth
1940/100385 Perth Cooper Thomas Alexander Male Stewart Stella Beatrice Margaret Female Perth
1940/100385 Perth Stewart Stella Beatrice Margaret Female Cooper Thomas Alexander Male Perth
1940/100386 Perth Cooper Gertrude May Female Spear Elisha Louis John Male Perth
1940/100386 Perth Spear Elisha Louis John Male Cooper Gertrude May Female Perth
1940/100387 Perth Chalmers David Albert Male Manton Gwennie Elsa Female Perth
1940/100387 Perth Manton Gwennie Elsa Female Chalmers David Albert Male Perth
1940/100388 Perth Banks Barbara Ellen Female Munyard Henry Samuel Male Perth
1940/100388 Perth Munyard Henry Samuel Male Banks Barbara Ellen Female Perth
1940/100389 Perth Power Arthur Norman Male Roberts Lillian Agnes Female Perth
1940/100389 Perth Roberts Lillian Agnes Female Power Arthur Norman Male Perth
1940/100390 Perth Philpott Muriel Christina Female Rebonds Bertram Walter Male Perth
1940/100390 Perth Rebonds Bertram Walter Male Philpott Muriel Christina Female Perth
1940/100391 Perth Drummond Agnes Brown Female Seymour William Edward Male Perth
1940/100391 Perth Seymour William Edward Male Drummond Agnes Brown Female Perth
1940/100392 Perth Davidson John Alexander Male Tuckett Alice Female Perth
1940/100392 Perth Tuckett Alice Female Davidson John Alexander Male Perth
1940/100393 Perth Hamlyn Roy Midgley Male Wright Jessie Marguerite Female Perth
1940/100393 Perth Wright Jessie Marguerite Female Hamlyn Roy Midgley Male Perth
1940/100394 Perth Quinn Ernest John Male Smith Iris Doreen Female Highgate
1940/100394 Perth Smith Iris Doreen Female Quinn Ernest John Male Highgate
1940/100395 Perth Keegan Winifred Mary Female Slade Francis Edwin Male Perth
1940/100395 Perth Slade Francis Edwin Male Keegan Winifred Mary Female Perth
1940/100396 Perth Maisey Muriel Gladys Female Williams John Raymond Male Perth
1940/100396 Perth Williams John Raymond Male Maisey Muriel Gladys Female Perth
1940/100397 Perth Canniffe Mary Margaret Female Canniffe Thomas Austin Male Perth
1940/100397 Perth Canniffe Thomas Austin Male Canniffe Mary Margaret Female Perth
1940/100398 Perth Gough Margaret Jean Female Mace William Harvey Male Victoria Park
1940/100398 Perth Mace William Harvey Male Gough Margaret Jean Female Victoria Park
1940/100403 Perth Beck Gwendoline Mary Female Hodder Benjamin Cecil Barbour Male Mt Hawthorn
1940/100403 Perth Hodder Benjamin Cecil Barbour Male Beck Gwendoline Mary Female Mt Hawthorn
1940/100404 Perth Currell Reginald Culleton Male Over Joyce Estella Female South Perth
1940/100404 Perth Over Joyce Estella Female Currell Reginald Culleton Male South Perth
1940/100405 Perth Castledine Clytie Frances Female Silva Robert Male South Perth
1940/100405 Perth Silva Robert Male Castledine Clytie Frances Female South Perth
1940/100406 Perth Beard Cyril Joseph Male Shegog Margaret Bertha Female South Perth
1940/100406 Perth Shegog Margaret Bertha Female Beard Cyril Joseph Male South Perth
1940/100407 Perth Carrington Stanley Stuart Douglas Male Fry Grace Amelia Female Perth
1940/100407 Perth Fry Grace Amelia Female Carrington Stanley Stuart Douglas Male Perth
1940/100408 Perth Brisbane Florence Thelma Female Robertson Fredrick Ronald Male Subiaco
1940/100408 Perth Robertson Fredrick Ronald Male Brisbane Florence Thelma Female Subiaco
1940/100409 Perth Hodges Mary Ann Catherine Female Watson Haldane Everard Spencer Male Perth
1940/100409 Perth Watson Haldane Everard Spencer Male Hodges Mary Ann Catherine Female Perth
1940/100410 Perth Jenkins Edna Mabel Female Lancaster Francis Samuel Male Nedlands
1940/100410 Perth Lancaster Francis Samuel Male Jenkins Edna Mabel Female Nedlands
1940/100411 Perth Broadwood Robert Leonard Male Halls Helene Elizabeth Female Claremont
1940/100411 Perth Halls Helene Elizabeth Female Broadwood Robert Leonard Male Claremont
1940/100412 Perth Dickenson Lynette Jacqueline Female Kew Sydney John Male Perth
1940/100412 Perth Kew Sydney John Male Dickenson Lynette Jacqueline Female Perth
1940/100413 Perth Gibson Leila Evelyn Female Reid Robert Bartram Male Subiaco
1940/100413 Perth Reid Robert Bartram Male Gibson Leila Evelyn Female Subiaco
1940/100414 Perth Boston Aubrey Horace Male Brown Daisy Irene Female Claremont
1940/100414 Perth Brown Daisy Irene Female Boston Aubrey Horace Male Claremont
1940/100415 Perth Lessels Alexander William Male Piper Shirley Eileen Female Highgate Hill Perth
1940/100415 Perth Piper Shirley Eileen Female Lessels Alexander William Male Highgate Hill Perth
1940/100416 Perth Regan Christina May Female Watson Frederick George Male Bayswater
1940/100416 Perth Watson Frederick George Male Regan Christina May Female Bayswater
1940/100417 Perth McNamara Aloysius Paul Male Walsh Mary Kathleen Female Perth
1940/100417 Perth Walsh Mary Kathleen Female McNamara Aloysius Paul Male Perth
1940/100418 Perth Bevans Theresa Female McCabe Philip Frost Male Perth
1940/100418 Perth McCabe Philip Frost Male Bevans Theresa Female Perth
1940/100419 Perth Osborn Jack Louis Male Valmadre Novena Patricia Female Perth
1940/100419 Perth Valmadre Novena Patricia Female Osborn Jack Louis Male Perth
1940/100420 Perth Foskey Phyllis Veronica Female Pember William Stanley Male Perth
1940/100420 Perth Pember William Stanley Male Foskey Phyllis Veronica Female Perth
1940/100421 Perth Connors Katherine Mary Female Murphy Jack Paul Male Perth
1940/100421 Perth Murphy Jack Paul Male Connors Katherine Mary Female Perth
1940/100422 Perth Cole Dorcas Lilian Female Fowler Edgar William Male Perth
1940/100422 Perth Fowler Edgar William Male Cole Dorcas Lilian Female Perth
1940/100423 Perth Godber Angus James Male Lathwell Lillian Peace Female Perth
1940/100423 Perth Lathwell Lillian Peace Female Godber Angus James Male Perth
1940/100424 Perth Brown Gordon Peter Male Clarke Ellen Eileen Female Perth
1940/100424 Perth Clarke Ellen Eileen Female Brown Gordon Peter Male Perth
1940/100425 Perth Clayton Daisy Marion Female Gliddon Donald Walter Male Perth
1940/100425 Perth Gliddon Donald Walter Male Clayton Daisy Marion Female Perth
1940/100426 Perth Russell Phyllis Female Wannell Harry James Male Perth
1940/100426 Perth Wannell Harry James Male Russell Phyllis Female Perth
1940/100427 Perth Abbott Eileen Mary Female Bridger Jesse James Male Perth
1940/100427 Perth Bridger Jesse James Male Abbott Eileen Mary Female Perth
1940/100428 Perth Champion Mabel Florence Female Venn John William Male Perth
1940/100428 Perth Venn John William Male Champion Mabel Florence Female Perth
1940/100429 Perth Binney Lesley May Female Williams Alfred Norman Male Perth
1940/100429 Perth Williams Alfred Norman Male Binney Lesley May Female Perth
1940/100430 Perth McCaughey Mary Margaret Female Smith Matthew Joseph Male West Perth
1940/100430 Perth Smith Matthew Joseph Male McCaughey Mary Margaret Female West Perth
1940/100431 Perth Hart Phyllis Elizabeth Female Hickman Herbert William Male Perth
1940/100431 Perth Hickman Herbert William Male Hart Phyllis Elizabeth Female Perth
1940/100432 Perth Martin Hearle Forrest Snell Male Walker Margaret Knox Female Victoria Park
1940/100432 Perth Walker Margaret Knox Female Martin Hearle Forrest Snell Male Victoria Park
1940/100433 Perth Blythe Florance Mary Female Halford William George Male Victoria Park
1940/100433 Perth Halford William George Male Blythe Florance Mary Female Victoria Park
1940/100434 Perth Fienberg Constance Alice Female Ord Duncan Charles Beresford Male Subiaco
1940/100434 Perth Ord Duncan Charles Beresford Male Fienberg Constance Alice Female Subiaco
1940/100435 Perth Melbye Charles Louis Holger Male Veale Edith Alma Female Mt Lawley
1940/100435 Perth Veale Edith Alma Female Melbye Charles Louis Holger Male Mt Lawley
1940/100436 Perth Fitzpatrick Joyce Female Nicholas Hector St Anthony Male Perth
1940/100436 Perth Nicholas Hector St Anthony Male Fitzpatrick Joyce Female Perth
1940/100437 Perth Andrews Godfrey Frederick Male Harmer Daisy Female Mount Hawthorn
1940/100437 Perth Harmer Daisy Female Andrews Godfrey Frederick Male Mount Hawthorn
1940/100438 Perth Mead Richard Patrick Male Moseley Margaret Darling Female Nedlands
1940/100438 Perth Moseley Margaret Darling Female Mead Richard Patrick Male Nedlands
1940/100439 Perth Moyle Kathleen Gwenneth Female Schorer John Graham Male Nedlands
1940/100439 Perth Schorer John Graham Male Moyle Kathleen Gwenneth Female Nedlands
1940/100440 Perth Chester Doris Myrtle Female Woodland John Angus Male Nedlands
1940/100440 Perth Woodland John Angus Male Chester Doris Myrtle Female Nedlands
1941/100441 Perth Bailey Susan Edith Female Ralph Eric Aubrey Male South Perth
1940/100441 Perth Mansfield Nancy Lorna Female Watkins Walter William Male Nedlands
1941/100441 Perth Ralph Eric Aubrey Male Bailey Susan Edith Female South Perth
1940/100441 Perth Watkins Walter William Male Mansfield Nancy Lorna Female Nedlands
1940/100442 Perth McAllister Robert Templeton Male Ochiltree Mary Graham Female Claremont
1940/100442 Perth Ochiltree Mary Graham Female McAllister Robert Templeton Male Claremont
1940/100443 Perth Dunsire Inezeta Thompson Female Johnson Lionel Clarence Male Perth
1940/100443 Perth Johnson Lionel Clarence Male Dunsire Inezeta Thompson Female Perth
1940/100444 Perth Brown Albert Augustas George Edward Male Russell-Lane Gwendoline May Female Perth
1940/100444 Perth Russell-Lane Gwendoline May Female Brown Albert Augustas George Edward Male Perth
1940/100445 Perth Fitt Evaline Jean Female Watkins George Thomas Male Perth
1940/100445 Perth Watkins George Thomas Male Fitt Evaline Jean Female Perth
1940/100446 Perth Jeffery Jean Female Palmer Keith Ryder Male Perth
1940/100446 Perth Palmer Keith Ryder Male Jeffery Jean Female Perth
1940/100447 Perth Chester Conrad Theodore Male Dimmick Gladys Dickenson Female Mt Lawley
1940/100447 Perth Dimmick Gladys Dickenson Female Chester Conrad Theodore Male Mt Lawley
1940/100448 Perth Gilchrist Rose Female Woodward Leslie Ellis Male Mt Lawley
1940/100448 Perth Woodward Leslie Ellis Male Gilchrist Rose Female Mt Lawley
1940/100449 Perth MacKenzie James Norman Male Millen Unice May Female Mt Lawley
1940/100449 Perth Millen Unice May Female MacKenzie James Norman Male Mt Lawley
1940/100450 Perth Ryan Charles McAndrew Male Swain Daisy Maud Female East Claremont
1940/100450 Perth Swain Daisy Maud Female Ryan Charles McAndrew Male East Claremont
1940/100451 Perth Martin Colin William Male Thompson Joyce Eleanor Female Maylands
1940/100451 Perth Thompson Joyce Eleanor Female Martin Colin William Male Maylands
1940/100452 Perth Tollos Daphne Olga Female Walker Sidney George Male Maylands
1940/100452 Perth Walker Sidney George Male Tollos Daphne Olga Female Maylands
1940/100453 Perth Chadwick Anne Female Williams Bernard Charles Male Claremont
1940/100453 Perth Williams Bernard Charles Male Chadwick Anne Female Claremont
1940/100454 Perth McCashney Jean Female Sherrington George Arthur Francis Male Claremont
1940/100454 Perth Sherrington George Arthur Francis Male McCashney Jean Female Claremont
1940/100455 Perth Kalafatas Helen Michael Female Sgouromallis Nicholas Male Perth
1940/100455 Perth Sgouromallis Nicholas Male Kalafatas Helen Michael Female Perth
1940/100456 Perth Comninos Gabriel Michael Male Pispini Catherine G Female Perth
1940/100456 Perth Pispini Catherine G Female Comninos Gabriel Michael Male Perth
1940/100457 Perth Hammond Gerald Male Malone Patricia Female Cottesloe
1940/100457 Perth Malone Patricia Female Hammond Gerald Male Cottesloe
1940/100458 Perth Appleton Edna May Female Robinson Alexander Male Carlisle
1940/100458 Perth Robinson Alexander Male Appleton Edna May Female Carlisle
1940/100459 Perth Gillespie Eugene Walter Male Stone Jessie Cameron Female Perth
1940/100459 Perth Stone Jessie Cameron Female Gillespie Eugene Walter Male Perth
1940/100460 Perth Davies Laurel Jean Female Walters Cecil Edmund James Male Perth
1940/100460 Perth Walters Cecil Edmund James Male Davies Laurel Jean Female Perth
1940/100461 Perth Reynolds Keith Phillip Male Slattery Phyllis Joy Female Leederville
1940/100461 Perth Slattery Phyllis Joy Female Reynolds Keith Phillip Male Leederville
1940/100462 Perth Hallinan Joan Female Peachey Robert Duncan Male Claremont
1940/100462 Perth Peachey Robert Duncan Male Hallinan Joan Female Claremont
1940/100463 Perth Richardson Miriam Female Woods Edward Douglas Male Perth
1940/100463 Perth Woods Edward Douglas Male Richardson Miriam Female Perth
1940/100464 Perth Lavis Raymond Dudley Burn Male Shaw Margaret Mary Female Perth
1940/100464 Perth Shaw Margaret Mary Female Lavis Raymond Dudley Burn Male Perth
1940/100465 Perth Hendy William George Male O'Hagan Josephine Louisa Female Highgate Hill
1940/100465 Perth O'Hagan Josephine Louisa Female Hendy William George Male Highgate Hill
1940/100466 Perth Carrington John Thomas Male Leix Alice Hope Female Highgate Hill
1940/100466 Perth Leix Alice Hope Female Carrington John Thomas Male Highgate Hill
1940/100467 Perth Standfield Doreen Grace Female Woodall John Joseph Male Perth
1940/100467 Perth Woodall John Joseph Male Standfield Doreen Grace Female Perth
1940/100468 Perth Lumbers Thelma Moreen Female Vernon Reginald Male West Perth
1940/100468 Perth Vernon Reginald Male Lumbers Thelma Moreen Female West Perth
1940/100469 Perth Cable Flora Female Hearle Charles Kenneth Male West Perth
1940/100469 Perth Hearle Charles Kenneth Male Cable Flora Female West Perth
1940/100470 Perth Bartlett-Bartlett Elizabeth Female Lewis Morgan Henry Male Perth
1940/100470 Perth Lewis Morgan Henry Male Bartlett-Bartlett Elizabeth Female Perth
1940/100471 Perth Casey Verna Dorothy Female Fyfe Allen Cameron Male West Australia
1940/100471 Perth Fyfe Allen Cameron Male Casey Verna Dorothy Female West Australia
1940/100472 Perth Gandy Delia Eileen Female Mills Harry Male Perth
1940/100472 Perth Mills Harry Male Gandy Delia Eileen Female Perth
1940/100473 Perth Regan Clyde Henry Male Simpson Ella Olive Female Perth
1940/100473 Perth Simpson Ella Olive Female Regan Clyde Henry Male Perth
1940/100474 Perth Gibb Jean Mavis Female Sprunt Roderick Male Perth
1940/100474 Perth Sprunt Roderick Male Gibb Jean Mavis Female Perth
1940/100475 Perth Carter George Male Tomson Marjorie Gladys Female Perth
1940/100475 Perth Tomson Marjorie Gladys Female Carter George Male Perth
1940/100476 Perth Cornish Edith Alberta Female Glenister Charles Arthur Male Perth
1940/100476 Perth Glenister Charles Arthur Male Cornish Edith Alberta Female Perth
1940/100477 Perth Chipchase Robert Male Parnell Molly Joan Female Highgate Hill Perth
1940/100477 Perth Parnell Molly Joan Female Chipchase Robert Male Highgate Hill Perth
1940/100478 Perth Cansfield Margaret Clara Female Sewell Henry Joseph William Male Highgate Hill Perth
1940/100478 Perth Sewell Henry Joseph William Male Cansfield Margaret Clara Female Highgate Hill Perth
1940/100479 Perth Jones Arthur Raymond Male Slater Mavis Mary Female North Perth
1940/100479 Perth Slater Mavis Mary Female Jones Arthur Raymond Male North Perth
1940/100480 Perth Cohen Rachel Rony Female Lenny Ivan Hershon Male Perth
1940/100480 Perth Lenny Ivan Hershon Male Cohen Rachel Rony Female Perth
1940/100481 Perth Jordan Aidie Louise Female Silbert David Male Perth
1940/100481 Perth Silbert David Male Jordan Aidie Louise Female Perth
1940/100482 Perth Murphy Noel Edward Male Nettleton Cecelia Deborah Female Perth
1940/100482 Perth Nettleton Cecelia Deborah Female Murphy Noel Edward Male Perth
1940/100483 Perth Newby George Male Smith Grace Edith Female Perth
1940/100483 Perth Smith Grace Edith Female Newby George Male Perth
1940/100484 Perth Godfrey Rita Fay Lloyd Female Holloway William John Male Perth
1940/100484 Perth Holloway William John Male Godfrey Rita Fay Lloyd Female Perth
1940/100485 Perth Schillerman George Frederick Hutton Male Simmons Dulcie Lottie Female Perth
1940/100485 Perth Simmons Dulcie Lottie Female Schillerman George Frederick Hutton Male Perth
1940/100486 Perth Richardson Alison Blakeney Female Taylor Alexander John Male Perth
1940/100486 Perth Taylor Alexander John Male Richardson Alison Blakeney Female Perth
1940/100487 Perth O'Hern James Male Spokes Eileen Maude Female Perth
1940/100487 Perth Spokes Eileen Maude Female O'Hern James Male Perth
1940/100488 Perth Gallagher William Male Williams Muriel Florence Female Perth
1940/100488 Perth Williams Muriel Florence Female Gallagher William Male Perth
1940/100489 Perth Lewis Daniel Male Stilgoe Margaret Lucy Female Perth
1940/100489 Perth Stilgoe Margaret Lucy Female Lewis Daniel Male Perth
1940/100490 Perth Dunkley Alfred Ernest Male Negus Gwenyth Clarinda Female Perth
1940/100490 Perth Negus Gwenyth Clarinda Female Dunkley Alfred Ernest Male Perth
1940/100491 Perth Bradley Bridget Patricia Female Richards Ronald George Male Perth
1940/100491 Perth Richards Ronald George Male Bradley Bridget Patricia Female Perth
1940/100492 Perth Bick Harry Miller Male Hoskin Annie Female Perth
1940/100492 Perth Hoskin Annie Female Bick Harry Miller Male Perth
1940/100493 Perth Hill-Rennie Alice Ellen Female O'Brien John Francis Male North Perth
1940/100493 Perth O'Brien John Francis Male Hill-Rennie Alice Ellen Female North Perth
1940/100494 Perth Ballard Desmond Frank Ensor Male Mathias Josephine Female West Australia
1940/100494 Perth Mathias Josephine Female Ballard Desmond Frank Ensor Male West Australia
1940/100495 Perth Crowe Courthope Farquhar Male Lang Jean Euphemia Female Claremont
1940/100495 Perth Lang Jean Euphemia Female Crowe Courthope Farquhar Male Claremont
1940/100496 Perth Biddle Oliver William Ross Male Mercer Hilda Mona Female Inglewood
1940/100496 Perth Mercer Hilda Mona Female Biddle Oliver William Ross Male Inglewood
1940/100497 Perth Hughes Ronald Leslie Male McKenzie Ethel May Female Osborne Park
1940/100497 Perth McKenzie Ethel May Female Hughes Ronald Leslie Male Osborne Park
1940/100498 Perth Moyle Evelyn Mary Female O'Callaghan Maurice Patrick Male Perth
1940/100498 Perth O'Callaghan Maurice Patrick Male Moyle Evelyn Mary Female Perth
1940/100499 Perth Bradshaw George Douglas Male Macmillan Sarah Alma Eliza Female Perth
1940/100499 Perth Macmillan Sarah Alma Eliza Female Bradshaw George Douglas Male Perth
1940/100500 Perth Gibbs Gerard Boladeras Male Lloyd Jean Telfer Female Perth
1940/100500 Perth Lloyd Jean Telfer Female Gibbs Gerard Boladeras Male Perth
1940/100501 Perth Grant Margaret Carol Female Randall Alfred Thomas William Male Perth
1940/100501 Perth Randall Alfred Thomas William Male Grant Margaret Carol Female Perth
1940/100502 Perth Nocton Harold Edward Male Smithson Ethel Olive Female Perth
1940/100502 Perth Smithson Ethel Olive Female Nocton Harold Edward Male Perth
1940/100503 Perth Barbera Basilia Evelyn Female Jecks William Henry Joseph Male Victoria Park
1940/100503 Perth Jecks William Henry Joseph Male Barbera Basilia Evelyn Female Victoria Park
1940/100504 Perth Laurenson Sydney John Male Leaman Dorothy Irene Female Mt Lawley
1940/100504 Perth Leaman Dorothy Irene Female Laurenson Sydney John Male Mt Lawley
1940/100505 Perth Cullen Lucius Michael Male Howieson Barbara Annie Female Cottesloe
1940/100505 Perth Howieson Barbara Annie Female Cullen Lucius Michael Male Cottesloe
1940/100506 Perth Smith Sadie Female Stone Harry Vivian Male South Perth
1940/100506 Perth Stone Harry Vivian Male Smith Sadie Female South Perth
1940/100507 Perth Airy Dorothy Edith Mabel Female Taylor Eric Charles Male Claremont
1940/100507 Perth Taylor Eric Charles Male Airy Dorothy Edith Mabel Female Claremont
1940/100508 Perth Bridgman Edwin Frederick Male Fox Claire Female Claremont
1940/100508 Perth Fox Claire Female Bridgman Edwin Frederick Male Claremont
1940/100509 Perth Hewitt Ernest James Male Rowe Linda Female Claremont
1940/100509 Perth Rowe Linda Female Hewitt Ernest James Male Claremont
1940/100510 Perth Campbell Florence Mary Female Simpson John Male Perth
1940/100510 Perth Simpson John Male Campbell Florence Mary Female Perth
1940/100511 Perth Blomfield Arthur William Alexander Male Thomas Phyllis Janet Female Victoria Park
1940/100511 Perth Thomas Phyllis Janet Female Blomfield Arthur William Alexander Male Victoria Park
1940/100512 Perth Baverstock Herbert Charles Male Maddigan Margaret Mary Female Victoria Park
1940/100512 Perth Maddigan Margaret Mary Female Baverstock Herbert Charles Male Victoria Park
1940/100513 Perth Nedkoff Steve Male Spasich Hellen Female Perth
1940/100513 Perth Nedkoff Tzonu Male Spasich Hellen Female Perth
1940/100513 Perth Nikoloff Steve Male Spasich Hellen Female Perth
1940/100513 Perth Nikoloff Tzonu Male Spasich Hellen Female Perth
1940/100513 Perth Spasich Hellen Female Nedkoff Steve Male Perth
1940/100513 Perth Spasich Hellen Female Nedkoff Tzonu Male Perth
1940/100513 Perth Spasich Hellen Female Nikoloff Steve Male Perth
1940/100513 Perth Spasich Hellen Female Nikoloff Tzonu Male Perth
1940/100514 Perth Lansdown Christopher William Male Shields Leila Margaret Female South Perth
1940/100514 Perth Shields Leila Margaret Female Lansdown Christopher William Male South Perth
1940/100515 Perth Jury Rita Vivian Female Stevens Harry James Male Perth
1940/100515 Perth Stevens Harry James Male Jury Rita Vivian Female Perth
1940/100516 Perth Harris Horace Norman Male Slyth Roma Patricia Female Perth
1940/100516 Perth Slyth Roma Patricia Female Harris Horace Norman Male Perth
1940/100517 Perth Fay Charles Herbert Male Wilson Marjorie Alexandra Female West Perth
1940/100517 Perth Wilson Marjorie Alexandra Female Fay Charles Herbert Male West Perth
1940/100518 Perth Gallop Norman Frederick Male Waddington Dorothy Female West Perth
1940/100518 Perth Waddington Dorothy Female Gallop Norman Frederick Male West Perth
1940/100519 Perth Biltoft Amy Isabel Female Grant Kenneth Dunstan Male West Perth
1940/100519 Perth Grant Kenneth Dunstan Male Biltoft Amy Isabel Female West Perth
1940/100520 Perth Boesser Dorothy Ellery Female Leggatt Victor Erl Male West Perth
1940/100520 Perth Leggatt Victor Erl Male Boesser Dorothy Ellery Female West Perth
1940/100521 Perth Hughes Marjorie Emmeline Nanfan Female Wall Clement Newport Male West Perth
1940/100521 Perth Wall Clement Newport Male Hughes Marjorie Emmeline Nanfan Female West Perth
1940/100522 Perth David Mary Evelyn Rose Female Fogg Hugh Lillico Male West Perth
1940/100522 Perth Fogg Hugh Lillico Male David Mary Evelyn Rose Female West Perth
1940/100523 Perth Brearley Joseph Thomas Male McIntyre Edna Mary Female Leederville
1940/100523 Perth McIntyre Edna Mary Female Brearley Joseph Thomas Male Leederville
1940/100524 Perth Merkin Marjorie Joan Female Nash William Andrew Male Leederville
1940/100524 Perth Nash William Andrew Male Merkin Marjorie Joan Female Leederville
1940/100525 Perth Johnson Marjorie Jane Female Makinson Arthur Male West Australia
1940/100525 Perth Makinson Arthur Male Johnson Marjorie Jane Female West Australia
1940/100526 Perth Evans Margaret Marcia Female Stout Robert Keith Male Cottesloe
1940/100526 Perth Stout Robert Keith Male Evans Margaret Marcia Female Cottesloe
1940/100527 Perth Maisey Mollie Isobel Female Winter Frederick Saunders Male Perth
1940/100527 Perth Winter Frederick Saunders Male Maisey Mollie Isobel Female Perth
1940/100528 Perth Kirkby George Thomas Male Page Sylvia May Female North Perth
1940/100528 Perth Page Sylvia May Female Kirkby George Thomas Male North Perth
1940/100529 Perth Bowra Mervyn Charles Male Martin Ella Florence Female North Perth
1940/100529 Perth Martin Ella Florence Female Bowra Mervyn Charles Male North Perth
1940/100530 Perth Best Robert Edward Male Foley Gladys Sophia Female North Perth
1940/100530 Perth Foley Gladys Sophia Female Best Robert Edward Male North Perth
1940/100531 Perth Daw Fay Elsie Female Jones Harold John Male North Perth
1940/100531 Perth Jones Harold John Male Daw Fay Elsie Female North Perth
1940/100532 Perth Mansfield Edith Doreen Female Snader Hyman Male North Perth
1940/100532 Perth Snader Hyman Male Mansfield Edith Doreen Female North Perth
1940/100533 Perth Hayter Mabel Amy Female Hurst Thomas Abram Male Perth
1940/100533 Perth Hurst Thomas Abram Male Hayter Mabel Amy Female Perth
1940/100534 Perth Haley Gladys Female Smith Harold Thomas Male Subiaco
1940/100534 Perth Smith Harold Thomas Male Haley Gladys Female Subiaco
1940/100535 Perth Croot Nichol Charles Male Micke Fenella Alice Female Perth
1940/100535 Perth Micke Fenella Alice Female Croot Nichol Charles Male Perth
1940/100536 Perth Court John Sydney Male Gilmore Betty Female Leederville
1940/100536 Perth Gilmore Betty Female Court John Sydney Male Leederville
1940/100537 Perth Butcher Florence Amelia Female Tonkin John Robert Neil Male Perth
1940/100537 Perth Tonkin John Robert Neil Male Butcher Florence Amelia Female Perth
1940/100538 Perth Hand Keith Fisher Male Oliver Yvonne Catherine Martha Female Perth
1940/100538 Perth Oliver Yvonne Catherine Martha Female Hand Keith Fisher Male Perth
1940/100539 Perth Jones Frederick Newton Male Ledger Lorna Wheatley Female Claremont
1940/100539 Perth Ledger Lorna Wheatley Female Jones Frederick Newton Male Claremont
1940/100540 Perth Carlson Gladys Margaret Female Clegg William Male West Leederville
1940/100540 Perth Clegg William Male Carlson Gladys Margaret Female West Leederville
1940/100541 Perth James Harold George Asquith Male Robson Alice Teresa Female Perth
1940/100541 Perth Robson Alice Teresa Female James Harold George Asquith Male Perth
1940/100542 Perth Collis Ralph Male Pearce Ivy Gwendoline Female Mt Lawley
1940/100542 Perth Pearce Ivy Gwendoline Female Collis Ralph Male Mt Lawley
1940/100543 Perth Allison Arthur Douglas Yale Male Ghent Eveline Ada Female Mt Lawley
1940/100543 Perth Ghent Eveline Ada Female Allison Arthur Douglas Yale Male Mt Lawley
1940/100544 Perth Barsden Joseph Henry Male Hibble Gwendolyn Thelma Female Claremont
1940/100544 Perth Hibble Gwendolyn Thelma Female Barsden Joseph Henry Male Claremont
1940/100545 Perth Dawson William John Male Symons Marie Eileen Female Claremont
1940/100545 Perth Symons Marie Eileen Female Dawson William John Male Claremont
1940/100546 Perth Burns Basil Thomas Male Strickland Nellie Mary Female Claremont
1940/100546 Perth Strickland Nellie Mary Female Burns Basil Thomas Male Claremont
1940/100547 Perth Mathews Emily May Female Young Colin Brook Male Shenton Park
1940/100547 Perth Young Colin Brook Male Mathews Emily May Female Shenton Park
1940/100548 Perth Giesè Vera Emily Female Harris John Noble Male Victoria Park
1940/100548 Perth Harris John Noble Male Giesè Vera Emily Female Victoria Park
1940/100549 Perth McInnes Pearl May Female McInnes Thomas Male Perth
1940/100549 Perth McInnes Thomas Male McInnes Pearl May Female Perth
1940/100550 Perth Arbon Betty Lund Female Wilson Arthur George Male Perth
1940/100550 Perth Wilson Arthur George Male Arbon Betty Lund Female Perth
1940/100551 Perth Abbott Christina Rose Blanche Female Morley William Alfred Male Perth
1940/100551 Perth Morley William Alfred Male Abbott Christina Rose Blanche Female Perth
1940/100552 Perth Morrison Lillian Rose Female Wray Arthur Richard Male Perth
1940/100552 Perth Wray Arthur Richard Male Morrison Lillian Rose Female Perth
1940/100553 Perth Webster Audrey Coral Female Wynne Allan Male West Perth
1940/100553 Perth Wynne Allan Male Webster Audrey Coral Female West Perth
1940/100554 Perth Leishman Robert Archibald Fleming Male Monger Mavis Gertrude Female Claremont
1940/100554 Perth Monger Mavis Gertrude Female Leishman Robert Archibald Fleming Male Claremont
1940/100555 Perth Kuhn Jean Female Willey Eric Edwin Male Claremont
1940/100555 Perth Willey Eric Edwin Male Kuhn Jean Female Claremont
1940/100556 Perth Cain Nancy Barbara Female Hibble Lloyd Guy Male Claremont
1940/100556 Perth Hibble Lloyd Guy Male Cain Nancy Barbara Female Claremont
1940/100557 Perth Evans Vivian Walden Male Pamment Winsome Edna Jean Female Claremont
1940/100557 Perth Pamment Winsome Edna Jean Female Evans Vivian Walden Male Claremont
1940/100558 Perth Kirby Norman Male Michelsson Hilda Female W Perth
1940/100558 Perth Michelsson Hilda Female Kirby Norman Male W Perth
1940/100559 Perth Maitland Phyllis Female Walker Frederick William Male Perth
1940/100559 Perth Walker Frederick William Male Maitland Phyllis Female Perth
1940/100560 Perth Morgan Sheila Mary Female Parncutt Keith Dean Male Cottesloe
1940/100560 Perth Parncutt Keith Dean Male Morgan Sheila Mary Female Cottesloe
1940/100561 Perth Duffell Kathleen Mary Female Stewart William Alfred Male Perth
1940/100561 Perth Stewart William Alfred Male Duffell Kathleen Mary Female Perth
1940/100562 Perth Anderson Walter Charles Male McKenzie Ruby Anne Female West Perth
1940/100562 Perth McKenzie Ruby Anne Female Anderson Walter Charles Male West Perth
1940/100563 Perth Bell Robert Male Hayles Henrietta Rose Female West Perth
1940/100563 Perth Hayles Henrietta Rose Female Bell Robert Male West Perth
1940/100564 Perth Baston Murial Ruth Female Oakley Phillip Alfred Male West Perth
1940/100564 Perth Oakley Phillip Alfred Male Baston Murial Ruth Female West Perth
1940/100565 Perth Dray Walter Lewis Winson Male O'Sullivan Delecia Lillian Violetta Female West Perth
1940/100565 Perth O'Sullivan Delecia Lillian Violetta Female Dray Walter Lewis Winson Male West Perth
1940/100566 Perth Moretto Lorenzo Male Phillipe Maria Esther Female Perth
1940/100566 Perth Phillipe Maria Esther Female Moretto Lorenzo Male Perth
1940/100567 Perth Gibb Kenneth Allan Male Powell Edith May Female Mt Lawley
1940/100567 Perth Powell Edith May Female Gibb Kenneth Allan Male Mt Lawley
1940/100568 Perth Carne Walter Broughton Male Smith Jean Gordon Female Victoria Park
1940/100568 Perth Smith Jean Gordon Female Carne Walter Broughton Male Victoria Park
1940/100569 Perth Dearden Charles Arthur Male Holmes Ada Marjorie Female Victoria Park
1940/100569 Perth Holmes Ada Marjorie Female Dearden Charles Arthur Male Victoria Park
1940/100570 Perth Marsh Horace Waldamar Male Semini Myrtle Lucy Female Highgate Hill Perth
1940/100570 Perth Semini Myrtle Lucy Female Marsh Horace Waldamar Male Highgate Hill Perth
1940/100571 Perth Brookes Mary Ann Elizabeth Female Grant Harry William Male Highgate Hill Perth
1940/100571 Perth Grant Harry William Male Brookes Mary Ann Elizabeth Female Highgate Hill Perth
1940/100572 Perth Bates Charles Ivon Male Beard Eileen Laura Female Highgate Hill Perth
1940/100572 Perth Beard Eileen Laura Female Bates Charles Ivon Male Highgate Hill Perth
1940/100573 Perth Keehner Frederick Emil Male Marshall Alma Elvina Augusta Female Highgate Hill Perth
1940/100573 Perth Marshall Alma Elvina Augusta Female Keehner Frederick Emil Male Highgate Hill Perth
1940/100574 Perth Merifield Joyce Evelyn Female Morley James Male Highgate Hill Perth
1940/100574 Perth Morley James Male Merifield Joyce Evelyn Female Highgate Hill Perth
1940/100575 Perth Black Herbert Edward Male Fry Irene Dora Female Perth
1940/100575 Perth Fry Irene Dora Female Black Herbert Edward Male Perth
1940/100576 Perth Brennan Florence Matilda Female Rowe Ronald Male West Australia
1940/100576 Perth Rowe Ronald Male Brennan Florence Matilda Female West Australia
1940/100577 Perth Dungate Evelyn Beatrice Female Wallis Roland Rivers Male Perth
1940/100577 Perth Wallis Roland Rivers Male Dungate Evelyn Beatrice Female Perth
1940/100578 Perth Kirkby Frederick Samuel Male Waldron Doris Ethel Female Claremont
1940/100578 Perth Waldron Doris Ethel Female Kirkby Frederick Samuel Male Claremont
1940/100579 Perth Lees Thomas Male Watt Isabella Anderson Female Perth
1940/100579 Perth Watt Isabella Anderson Female Lees Thomas Male Perth
1940/100580 Perth Ewen Thomas Male Gunnell Frances Mabel Female Perth
1940/100580 Perth Gunnell Frances Mabel Female Ewen Thomas Male Perth
1940/100581 Perth Burton Robert MacDonald Male Jennings Laura Veronica Female Perth
1940/100581 Perth Jennings Laura Veronica Female Burton Robert MacDonald Male Perth
1940/100582 Perth Draffin Hazel Hilda May Female Love James Walter Hamilton Male Perth
1940/100582 Perth Love James Walter Hamilton Male Draffin Hazel Hilda May Female Perth
1940/100583 Perth Barkshire Phyllis Emily Doreen Female Ward Eric Frederick Male Perth
1940/100583 Perth Ward Eric Frederick Male Barkshire Phyllis Emily Doreen Female Perth
1940/100584 Perth Holmes Reginald Male Martin Jean Stollery Female Perth
1940/100584 Perth Martin Jean Stollery Female Holmes Reginald Male Perth
1940/100585 Perth Burke Edgar Henry Male Doyle Dorothy Female Perth
1940/100585 Perth Doyle Dorothy Female Burke Edgar Henry Male Perth
1940/100586 Perth Abbott Lilian Valetta Female Bignold Bernard Clive Male Perth
1940/100586 Perth Bignold Bernard Clive Male Abbott Lilian Valetta Female Perth
1940/100587 Perth Coppin Hilda Jean Female Milner Douglas Hendy Male Perth
1940/100587 Perth Milner Douglas Hendy Male Coppin Hilda Jean Female Perth
1940/100588 Perth Burley Hazel Female Verco Frank Leslie Male Mosman Park
1940/100588 Perth Verco Frank Leslie Male Burley Hazel Female Mosman Park
1940/100589 Perth Berichon Marie Simonde Female Sharman Walter Percival Male Perth
1940/100589 Perth Sharman Walter Percival Male Berichon Marie Simonde Female Perth
1940/100590 Perth Johnson Margaret Female Waun Delbert James Male Perth
1940/100590 Perth Waun Delbert James Male Johnson Margaret Female Perth
1940/100591 Perth Cohen Ethel Female Finkelstein Bennie Male Perth
1940/100591 Perth Finkelstein Bennie Male Cohen Ethel Female Perth
1940/100592 Perth Hoffman Bruce Male Koser Fanny Female Perth
1940/100592 Perth Koser Fanny Female Hoffman Bruce Male Perth
1940/100593 Perth Beales Cecilia Maudie Female Prior John Thomas Male Perth
1940/100593 Perth Prior John Thomas Male Beales Cecilia Maudie Female Perth
1940/100594 Perth Groom Eric George Male Tredrea Doris Emily Female Perth
1940/100594 Perth Tredrea Doris Emily Female Groom Eric George Male Perth
1940/100595 Perth Adams Annabella Female Green Albert Clifford Male Victoria Park
1940/100595 Perth Green Albert Clifford Male Adams Annabella Female Victoria Park
1940/100596 Perth Dean Albert Victor Male Haines Constance Violet Female Perth
1940/100596 Perth Haines Constance Violet Female Dean Albert Victor Male Perth
1940/100597 Perth Cooper Raymond Arthur Male Smith Joan Female South Perth
1940/100597 Perth Smith Joan Female Cooper Raymond Arthur Male South Perth
1940/100598 Perth Hood Jeanie Female Jones Thomas Male Perth
1940/100598 Perth Jones Thomas Male Hood Jeanie Female Perth
1940/100599 Perth Blakeley Violet Female Smetherham Hartley William Male Maylands
1940/100599 Perth Smetherham Hartley William Male Blakeley Violet Female Maylands
1940/100600 Perth Coad Hazel Female Garcia Jacob Male Perth
1940/100600 Perth Garcia Jacob Male Coad Hazel Female Perth
1940/100601 Perth Abeliotis John Male Karapa Koula Female Perth
1940/100601 Perth Karapa Koula Female Abeliotis John Male Perth
1940/100602 Perth McQuade Patrick Jean Male Wearing Clara Agnes Female Perth
1940/100602 Perth Wearing Clara Agnes Female McQuade Patrick Jean Male Perth
1940/100603 Perth Sorensen Katherine Valmai Female Williams Lloyd John Male Perth
1940/100603 Perth Williams Lloyd John Male Sorensen Katherine Valmai Female Perth
1940/100604 Perth Crowe Charles Austin Male Taylor Edna Maud Female Perth
1940/100604 Perth Taylor Edna Maud Female Crowe Charles Austin Male Perth
1940/100605 Perth Coad Alice May Female Jenkins Keith William Male West Perth
1940/100605 Perth Jenkins Keith William Male Coad Alice May Female West Perth
1940/100606 Perth Meehan Jesse Thomas Male Nicholls Frances Ann Female Subiaco
1940/100606 Perth Nicholls Frances Ann Female Meehan Jesse Thomas Male Subiaco
1940/100607 Perth Don James Mervyn Male Irons Audrey Jean Female Crawley
1940/100607 Perth Irons Audrey Jean Female Don James Mervyn Male Crawley
1940/100608 Perth Logan Nellie May Female Payne Horace Howard Male Perth
1940/100608 Perth Payne Horace Howard Male Logan Nellie May Female Perth
1940/100609 Perth Holden Maisie Constance Female Hurley James Gordon Male North Perth
1940/100609 Perth Hurley James Gordon Male Holden Maisie Constance Female North Perth
1940/100610 Perth Rowlands Jean Ethel Female Thomas John Allan Male Subiaco
1940/100610 Perth Thomas John Allan Male Rowlands Jean Ethel Female Subiaco
1940/100611 Perth Cooper Allan Kenneth Male Patterson Joyce Gwenneth Pearl Female Subiaco
1940/100611 Perth Patterson Joyce Gwenneth Pearl Female Cooper Allan Kenneth Male Subiaco
1940/100612 Perth Horne Edna Hetty Female Robinson Fredric Henry Male Perth
1940/100612 Perth Robinson Fredric Henry Male Horne Edna Hetty Female Perth
1940/100613 Perth O'Dowd James Thomas Male Phease Vera May Female Victoria Park
1940/100613 Perth Phease Vera May Female O'Dowd James Thomas Male Victoria Park
1940/100614 Perth Ineson Edith Muriel Female Kirkby Alfred Athol Male Victoria Park
1940/100614 Perth Kirkby Alfred Athol Male Ineson Edith Muriel Female Victoria Park
1940/100615 Perth Kidd Lydia Madge Female McKinnon Alex Male Victoria Park
1940/100615 Perth McKinnon Alex Male Kidd Lydia Madge Female Victoria Park
1940/100616 Perth Braddock Josephine Elizabeth Female Cheney John Aubrey Male Victoria Park
1940/100616 Perth Cheney John Aubrey Male Braddock Josephine Elizabeth Female Victoria Park
1940/100617 Perth Bell Thomas Henry Male Jenkin Mary Ann Female Mt Lawley
1940/100617 Perth Jenkin Mary Ann Female Bell Thomas Henry Male Mt Lawley
1940/100618 Perth Martin Mavis Edna Female Taylor Basil Bain Male Claremont
1940/100618 Perth Taylor Basil Bain Male Martin Mavis Edna Female Claremont
1940/100619 Perth Lampard Rose Ellen Female Thompson Henry Thomas Male Maylands
1940/100619 Perth Thompson Henry Thomas Male Lampard Rose Ellen Female Maylands
1940/100620 Perth Evill Gordon Fredrick Male Gibbs Alma Kathleen Female Maylands
1940/100620 Perth Gibbs Alma Kathleen Female Evill Gordon Fredrick Male Maylands
1940/100621 Perth Healy Douglas Richard Male Johns Elizabeth Dorothy Female Maylands
1940/100621 Perth Johns Elizabeth Dorothy Female Healy Douglas Richard Male Maylands
1940/100622 Perth Cugley Sydney George Male Wooldridge Jean Burford Female Leederville
1940/100622 Perth Wooldridge Jean Burford Female Cugley Sydney George Male Leederville
1940/100623 Perth Roeger William Norden Male Sullivan Frances Isabel Female Leederville
1940/100623 Perth Sullivan Frances Isabel Female Roeger William Norden Male Leederville
1940/100624 Perth Davidson William Thompson Male Neri Gladys Meni Female Leederville
1940/100624 Perth Neri Gladys Meni Female Davidson William Thompson Male Leederville
1940/100625 Perth Ettridge Clara Ann Female Francesconi Joseph Patrick Male Leederville
1940/100625 Perth Francesconi Joseph Patrick Male Ettridge Clara Ann Female Leederville
1940/100626 Perth Haddleton Walter William Male Mouritz Eileen Edith Female Leederville
1940/100626 Perth Mouritz Eileen Edith Female Haddleton Walter William Male Leederville
1940/100627 Perth Hay Elsie Female Nicholson Patrick Anthony Thomas Male Perth
1940/100627 Perth Nicholson Patrick Anthony Thomas Male Hay Elsie Female Perth
1940/100628 Perth Lenihan Mary Ellen Female Williams George Male Perth
1940/100628 Perth Williams George Male Lenihan Mary Ellen Female Perth
1940/100629 Perth Johnston Arthur Joseph Male Jones Janet Torrance Female Maylands
1940/100629 Perth Jones Janet Torrance Female Johnston Arthur Joseph Male Maylands
1940/100630 Perth Kemshall Ida Lulu Female Melsom Alf Kristoffer Male Perth
1940/100630 Perth Melsom Alf Kristoffer Male Kemshall Ida Lulu Female Perth
1940/100631 Perth Richards George Ernest Male White Patty Bamford Female Perth
1940/100631 Perth White Patty Bamford Female Richards George Ernest Male Perth
1940/100632 Perth Hutchinson Ernest John Noel Male Robinson Myrtle Mavis Female Subiaco
1940/100632 Perth Robinson Myrtle Mavis Female Hutchinson Ernest John Noel Male Subiaco
1940/100633 Perth Frank Camilla Helene Female Lewis William Flynn Male Perth
1940/100633 Perth Lewis William Flynn Male Frank Camilla Helene Female Perth
1940/100634 Perth Cook Kathleen Delafield Female Willis George Henry Male Claremont
1940/100634 Perth Willis George Henry Male Cook Kathleen Delafield Female Claremont
1940/100635 Perth McGaffin John Male Swan Jessie Hazel Female Perth
1940/100635 Perth Swan Jessie Hazel Female McGaffin John Male Perth
1940/100636 Perth Hoare Minnie Selina Female Plummer George Arthur David Male W Perth
1940/100636 Perth Plummer George Arthur David Male Hoare Minnie Selina Female W Perth
1940/100637 Perth Barnfather Rita Kathleen Female Scott James William Male Mt Lawley
1940/100637 Perth Scott James William Male Barnfather Rita Kathleen Female Mt Lawley
1940/100638 Perth Cooper Hugh Male Trotman Edith Muriel Lenore Female Subiaco
1940/100638 Perth Trotman Edith Muriel Lenore Female Cooper Hugh Male Subiaco
1940/100639 Perth Cornell George Meredith Male Pope Mollie Gladys Female Mt Lawley
1940/100639 Perth Pope Mollie Gladys Female Cornell George Meredith Male Mt Lawley
1940/100640 Perth Mildwaters Phillip Male Williams Rona May Female Mt Lawley
1940/100640 Perth Williams Rona May Female Mildwaters Phillip Male Mt Lawley
1940/100641 Perth Morris Leila Florence Female Stanley Allan Edward Male Highgate
1940/100641 Perth Stanley Allan Edward Male Morris Leila Florence Female Highgate
1940/100642 Perth Davey Mary Alison Female Mellowship George Thomas Male Mt Lawley
1940/100642 Perth Mellowship George Thomas Male Davey Mary Alison Female Mt Lawley
1940/100643 Perth Tresidder Arthur Victor Male Wilson Audrey Mae Female Nedlands
1940/100643 Perth Wilson Audrey Mae Female Tresidder Arthur Victor Male Nedlands
1940/100644 Perth Smith Dorothy May Female Wilson William Male Nedlands
1940/100644 Perth Wilson William Male Smith Dorothy May Female Nedlands
1940/100645 Perth Boreham Thomas Male Henderson Mary Female Nedlands
1940/100645 Perth Henderson Mary Female Boreham Thomas Male Nedlands
1940/100646 Perth Battilana John Anthony Male Coall Amy Female Victoria Park
1940/100646 Perth Coall Amy Female Battilana John Anthony Male Victoria Park
1940/100647 Perth Colledge Raymond Male Jones Ivy Gwendoline Female Victoria Park
1940/100647 Perth Jones Ivy Gwendoline Female Colledge Raymond Male Victoria Park
1940/100648 Perth Noyce Henry Stephens Male Symons Maud Mabel Female Victoria Park
1940/100648 Perth Symons Maud Mabel Female Noyce Henry Stephens Male Victoria Park
1940/100649 Perth Howells Stanley Male Pearse Amy Alice Female Victoria Park
1940/100649 Perth Pearse Amy Alice Female Howells Stanley Male Victoria Park
1940/100650 Perth Reeves Charles Edwin Male Wall Clemency Jean Frances Female Victoria Park
1940/100650 Perth Wall Clemency Jean Frances Female Reeves Charles Edwin Male Victoria Park
1940/100651 Perth Orr Nancy Ethel Female Plaisted Sydney Anzac Male Cottesloe
1940/100651 Perth Plaisted Sydney Anzac Male Orr Nancy Ethel Female Cottesloe
1940/100652 Perth Howe Edith Victoria Female McKenzie Alfred Wilson Male Leederville
1940/100652 Perth McKenzie Alfred Wilson Male Howe Edith Victoria Female Leederville
1940/100653 Perth Harbron Thomas Richard Male Moore Agnes Female Leederville
1940/100653 Perth Moore Agnes Female Harbron Thomas Richard Male Leederville
1940/100654 Perth Garrett Ernest Male Richardson Rita Louisa Female Leederville
1940/100654 Perth Richardson Rita Louisa Female Garrett Ernest Male Leederville
1940/100655 Perth Cousins Charles Henry Male Hall Elaine Elizabeth Female Perth
1940/100655 Perth Hall Elaine Elizabeth Female Cousins Charles Henry Male Perth
1940/100656 Perth Harrison George Male Hudson Edith Grace Female Perth
1940/100656 Perth Hudson Edith Grace Female Harrison George Male Perth
1940/100657 Perth Bawdon Roberta Rosemary Female Norlin Andrew Daniel Male Perth
1940/100657 Perth Norlin Andrew Daniel Male Bawdon Roberta Rosemary Female Perth
1940/100658 Perth Harris Donald Arthur Male Patterson Ruby Eileen Female Bayswater
1940/100658 Perth Patterson Ruby Eileen Female Harris Donald Arthur Male Bayswater
1940/100659 Perth Eldredge Freda Florence Female Gent John Henry Male Perth
1940/100659 Perth Gent John Henry Male Eldredge Freda Florence Female Perth
1940/100660 Perth Chernoff Michael Male Hyde Audrey Ria Female Perth
1940/100660 Perth Hyde Audrey Ria Female Chernoff Michael Male Perth
1940/100661 Perth Green Thomas Henry Male Gresham Myrtle Evelyn Female Perth
1940/100661 Perth Gresham Myrtle Evelyn Female Green Thomas Henry Male Perth
1940/100662 Perth Cordon Dorothy Female Wardrop George Harold Male Derby Rd Methodist Church
1940/100662 Perth Wardrop George Harold Male Cordon Dorothy Female Derby Rd Methodist Church
1940/100663 Perth Respini Alan Francis Male Thornett Ivy Victoria Female Perth
1940/100663 Perth Thornett Ivy Victoria Female Respini Alan Francis Male Perth
1940/100664 Perth Bellchambers Pat Female Stehn Eric Ernest Male West Perth
1940/100664 Perth Stehn Eric Ernest Male Bellchambers Pat Female West Perth
1940/100665 Perth Bartley John Murray Male Jorgensen Dorothy May Female West Perth
1940/100665 Perth Jorgensen Dorothy May Female Bartley John Murray Male West Perth
1940/100666 Perth Burgess Liston James Male Jefferies Dorothy Rubina Female West Perth
1940/100666 Perth Jefferies Dorothy Rubina Female Burgess Liston James Male West Perth
1940/100667 Perth Biggin Eileen Nellie Female Greer Henry William Male West Perth
1941/100667 Perth Duffy Edward Roy Male Macey Rose Female Leederville
1940/100667 Perth Greer Henry William Male Biggin Eileen Nellie Female West Perth
1941/100667 Perth Macey Rose Female Duffy Edward Roy Male Leederville
1940/100668 Perth McLure Gavin George Male Rieusset Eileen Maude Female West Perth
1940/100668 Perth Rieusset Eileen Maude Female McLure Gavin George Male West Perth
1940/100669 Perth Mitchell Charles Norman Male Sandford Gladys Patricia Female West Perth
1940/100669 Perth Sandford Gladys Patricia Female Mitchell Charles Norman Male West Perth
1940/100670 Perth Ellery William Rolfe Male Wanke Joy Caroline Adele Female West Perth
1940/100670 Perth Wanke Joy Caroline Adele Female Ellery William Rolfe Male West Perth
1940/100671 Perth Dargin Jean Annette Female Parker Geoffrey Oliver Nevill Male West Perth
1940/100671 Perth Parker Geoffrey Oliver Nevill Male Dargin Jean Annette Female West Perth
1940/100672 Perth Fry William Arthur Male Gardner Isabel Female Maylands
1940/100672 Perth Gardner Isabel Female Fry William Arthur Male Maylands
1940/100673 Perth Hopkins Charles Reginald Male Sherry Irene May Female Perth
1940/100673 Perth Sherry Irene May Female Hopkins Charles Reginald Male Perth
1940/100674 Perth Properjohn Lillian Maimie Female Thatcher Alfred George Male East Victoria Park
1940/100674 Perth Thatcher Alfred George Male Properjohn Lillian Maimie Female East Victoria Park
1940/100675 Perth Lawrence Raymond Alphonsus Male Stott Carmel Mary Gertrude Female Perth
1940/100675 Perth Stott Carmel Mary Gertrude Female Lawrence Raymond Alphonsus Male Perth
1940/100676 Perth Cartwright Verna Ada Female Duggan Maxwell Male Subiaco
1940/100676 Perth Duggan Maxwell Male Cartwright Verna Ada Female Subiaco
1940/100677 Perth Browning Hannah Sybil Female Sanders Ernest William Male Maylands
1940/100677 Perth Sanders Ernest William Male Browning Hannah Sybil Female Maylands
1940/100678 Perth Jackson William Henry Male Smith Ruby Mabel Female South Perth
1940/100678 Perth Smith Ruby Mabel Female Jackson William Henry Male South Perth
1940/100679 Perth Booth Lilian Joy Female Higham Clarence Frederick Male Leederville
1940/100679 Perth Higham Clarence Frederick Male Booth Lilian Joy Female Leederville
1940/100680 Perth Berryman Laurel Kathleen Female Held John Gaston Male Claremont
1940/100680 Perth Held John Gaston Male Berryman Laurel Kathleen Female Claremont
1940/100681 Perth Chisholm Clarence Victor Male Hartnup Doreen Florence Female Mt Lawley
1940/100681 Perth Hartnup Doreen Florence Female Chisholm Clarence Victor Male Mt Lawley
1940/100682 Perth Nunn Arnold Sibald Male Wesley Bessie Catherine Female Mt Lawley
1940/100682 Perth Wesley Bessie Catherine Female Nunn Arnold Sibald Male Mt Lawley
1940/100683 Perth Manwaring Frederick Gordon Male Paterson Mary Alyward Female Perth
1940/100683 Perth Paterson Mary Alyward Female Manwaring Frederick Gordon Male Perth
1940/100684 Perth Lane Alfred Frederick Male Wheatley Florence Susan Female Leederville
1940/100684 Perth Wheatley Florence Susan Female Lane Alfred Frederick Male Leederville
1940/100685 Perth Newman Edith Pearl Female Sheffield Eric Clarence Male South Perth
1940/100685 Perth Sheffield Eric Clarence Male Newman Edith Pearl Female South Perth
1940/100686 Perth Boan Beryl Beatty Female Wilson Leslie Gordon Male South Perth
1940/100686 Perth Wilson Leslie Gordon Male Boan Beryl Beatty Female South Perth
1940/100687 Perth Hyde Mary Clarkson Female Palmer Earle Trevelyan Male Claremont
1940/100687 Perth Palmer Earle Trevelyan Male Hyde Mary Clarkson Female Claremont
1940/100688 Perth Bales Kathlyn Juliette Female Hewitt Harry Edwin Joseph Male Nedlands Methodist Church
1940/100688 Perth Hewitt Harry Edwin Joseph Male Bales Kathlyn Juliette Female Nedlands Methodist Church
1940/100689 Perth Jefferies Hazel Elizabeth Female Shepherdson Lawrence Arthur Male Nedlands Methodist Church
1940/100689 Perth Shepherdson Lawrence Arthur Male Jefferies Hazel Elizabeth Female Nedlands Methodist Church
1940/100690 Perth French Edith Mary Female Woolhouse Harry Thomas George Male Nedlands Methodist Church
1940/100690 Perth Woolhouse Harry Thomas George Male French Edith Mary Female Nedlands Methodist Church
1940/100691 Perth Holland George Norris Male Kennedy Joyce Kathleen Female North Perth
1940/100691 Perth Kennedy Joyce Kathleen Female Holland George Norris Male North Perth
1940/100692 Perth Esplan Agnes Dick Baxter Sharp Female Massey Eric Arthur Male Bayswater
1940/100692 Perth Massey Eric Arthur Male Esplan Agnes Dick Baxter Sharp Female Bayswater
1940/100693 Perth Fletcher Annie Female Taylor Clarence Victor Male Perth
1940/100693 Perth Taylor Clarence Victor Male Fletcher Annie Female Perth
1940/100694 Perth Fitzsimmons Hugh Male Rowles Lorna Frances Female Perth
1940/100694 Perth Rowles Lorna Frances Female Fitzsimmons Hugh Male Perth
1940/100695 Perth Baverstock Herbert Charles Male Maddigan Margaret Mary Female Perth
1940/100695 Perth Maddigan Margaret Mary Female Baverstock Herbert Charles Male Perth
1940/100696 Perth Campbell Stuart Stone Male Sweeney Phyllis Cecelia Female Perth
1940/100696 Perth Sweeney Phyllis Cecelia Female Campbell Stuart Stone Male Perth
1940/100697 Perth Keough Gledys Mary Female Masters Henry William Male Perth
1940/100697 Perth Masters Henry William Male Keough Gledys Mary Female Perth
1940/100698 Perth Kelly Mavis Margaret Female Mitchell Donald Thomas Male Perth
1940/100698 Perth Mitchell Donald Thomas Male Kelly Mavis Margaret Female Perth
1940/100699 Perth Cleary Theresa Carmel Female Prunster Leslie Brennan Male Perth
1940/100699 Perth Prunster Leslie Brennan Male Cleary Theresa Carmel Female Perth
1940/100700 Perth Hopkins Jean Margaret Female Rose Stanley James Male Perth
1940/100700 Perth Rose Stanley James Male Hopkins Jean Margaret Female Perth
1940/100701 Perth Lynch Margaret Veronica Female Lynch Thomas Alphonsus Male Perth
1940/100701 Perth Lynch Thomas Alphonsus Male Lynch Margaret Veronica Female Perth
1940/100702 Perth Cadd Douglas John Male Marwood Pauline Norma Female Perth
1940/100702 Perth Marwood Pauline Norma Female Cadd Douglas John Male Perth
1940/100703 Perth Brown Lillian Davina Female Caporn Richard Charles Plant Male Perth
1940/100703 Perth Caporn Richard Charles Plant Male Brown Lillian Davina Female Perth
1940/100704 Perth Coleman Basil John Male McDermott Patricia Kathleen Jane Female Perth
1940/100704 Perth McDermott Patricia Kathleen Jane Female Coleman Basil John Male Perth
1940/100705 Perth Lear Dellis May Female Philip Ronald Adair Male Perth
1940/100705 Perth Philip Ronald Adair Male Lear Dellis May Female Perth
1940/100706 Perth Dunk Herbert William Edwin Male Young Joyce Gwendolin Female Perth
1940/100706 Perth Young Joyce Gwendolin Female Dunk Herbert William Edwin Male Perth
1940/100707 Perth Broom Samuel George Male Lane Kathleen Mary Female Perth
1940/100707 Perth Lane Kathleen Mary Female Broom Samuel George Male Perth
1940/100708 Perth George Cecil Eden Male Shade Nellie May Female Perth
1940/100708 Perth Shade Nellie May Female George Cecil Eden Male Perth
1940/100709 Perth Thompson Florence Helen Female Veale Maurice Stanley Male Perth
1940/100709 Perth Veale Maurice Stanley Male Thompson Florence Helen Female Perth
1940/100710 Perth Ferguson Alwyn Hughes Male Kimber Alice Ellen Female Claremont
1940/100710 Perth Kimber Alice Ellen Female Ferguson Alwyn Hughes Male Claremont
1940/100711 Perth Davey Lillian May Female Vicary Theodore Percival Male Claremont
1940/100711 Perth Vicary Theodore Percival Male Davey Lillian May Female Claremont
1940/100712 Perth Phoenix James Garnet Male Wilson Kathleen Eunice Female Claremont
1940/100712 Perth Wilson Kathleen Eunice Female Phoenix James Garnet Male Claremont
1940/100713 Perth Craddom Iris Maude Female Kearns Ernest Smith Male Claremont
1940/100713 Perth Kearns Ernest Smith Male Craddom Iris Maude Female Claremont
1940/100714 Perth Rayner Percival William Male Walsh Esther Veronica Female Claremont
1940/100714 Perth Walsh Esther Veronica Female Rayner Percival William Male Claremont
1940/100715 Perth Robson Mary Lilian Female Scott Herbert Leslie Male Claremont
1940/100715 Perth Scott Herbert Leslie Male Robson Mary Lilian Female Claremont
1940/100716 Perth Chitty Marie Female Williams William James Male West Perth
1940/100716 Perth Williams William James Male Chitty Marie Female West Perth
1940/100717 Perth Barns Roland Kingsley Male Davey Doris May Female Perth
1940/100717 Perth Davey Doris May Female Barns Roland Kingsley Male Perth
1940/100718 Perth Meehan Victor George Male Potter Joyce Clarice Female Leederville
1940/100718 Perth Potter Joyce Clarice Female Meehan Victor George Male Leederville
1940/100719 Perth Guneriussen Olga Marie Female Lankester Leonard Reginald John Male Maylands
1940/100719 Perth Lankester Leonard Reginald John Male Guneriussen Olga Marie Female Maylands
1940/100720 Perth Birch Dulcie Ruth Female Cope John Arthur Male West Perth
1940/100720 Perth Cope John Arthur Male Birch Dulcie Ruth Female West Perth
1940/100721 Perth Best Mary Jeffrey Female Flood Leonard Male West Perth
1940/100721 Perth Flood Leonard Male Best Mary Jeffrey Female West Perth
1940/100722 Perth Blanc Gabriel Louise Female Edwards Clement Male West Perth
1940/100722 Perth Edwards Clement Male Blanc Gabriel Louise Female West Perth
1940/100723 Perth Hewitt Francis Edward Male Lake Winifred Mary Female Highgate Hill
1940/100723 Perth Lake Winifred Mary Female Hewitt Francis Edward Male Highgate Hill
1940/100724 Perth Harris Teresa Nellis Female Wright George Male Perth
1940/100724 Perth Wright George Male Harris Teresa Nellis Female Perth
1940/100725 Perth Fitzpatrick Mary Dympna Female Pusey Harold John Male Cottesloe
1940/100725 Perth Pusey Harold John Male Fitzpatrick Mary Dympna Female Cottesloe
1940/100726 Perth Austin Dulcie Vera Female Walker Harry Clarence Male Bayswater
1940/100726 Perth Walker Harry Clarence Male Austin Dulcie Vera Female Bayswater
1940/100727 Perth Bestwick Thelma Lilian Female Spice Henry Herbert Male Maylands
1940/100727 Perth Spice Henry Herbert Male Bestwick Thelma Lilian Female Maylands
1940/100728 Perth Bennison Herbert Gordon Male Smith Eileen Female Inglewood
1940/100728 Perth Smith Eileen Female Bennison Herbert Gordon Male Inglewood
1940/100729 Perth Chesson John Robert Male O'Connor Thelma Female Inglewood
1940/100729 Perth O'Connor Thelma Female Chesson John Robert Male Inglewood
1940/100730 Perth Hanrahan Theresa Ann Female McIntyre Thomas James Male Maylands
1940/100730 Perth McIntyre Thomas James Male Hanrahan Theresa Ann Female Maylands
1940/100731 Perth Norman Ethel Annie Female Saunders John Rupert Male West Perth
1940/100731 Perth Saunders John Rupert Male Norman Ethel Annie Female West Perth
1940/100732 Perth Allan Violet Dorothy Female Garn Charles Frederick Male West Perth
1940/100732 Perth Garn Charles Frederick Male Allan Violet Dorothy Female West Perth
1940/100733 Perth Coker Maude Elizabeth Heathcote Female Tough Ernest Roy Male West Perth
1940/100733 Perth Tough Ernest Roy Male Coker Maude Elizabeth Heathcote Female West Perth
1940/100734 Perth Patterson Ruby Lilian Muriel Female Sawyer Cyril Frederick Male West Perth
1940/100734 Perth Sawyer Cyril Frederick Male Patterson Ruby Lilian Muriel Female West Perth
1940/100735 Perth Bartlett Frank James Male Finnerty Charlotte Cecelia Female Perth
1940/100735 Perth Finnerty Charlotte Cecelia Female Bartlett Frank James Male Perth
1940/100736 Perth Guthrie Lorna May Female Starr Raymond Mathew Male Perth
1940/100736 Perth Starr Raymond Mathew Male Guthrie Lorna May Female Perth
1940/100737 Perth Hatswell Lillian Isabell Female Porter Leonard James Harold Male Perth
1940/100737 Perth Porter Leonard James Harold Male Hatswell Lillian Isabell Female Perth
1940/100738 Perth Burton John Walter Male Robinson Edna Female West Leederville
1940/100738 Perth Robinson Edna Female Burton John Walter Male West Leederville
1940/100739 Perth Lyon Beatrice Maud Female Tonkin Neil Henry Male Mt Lawley
1940/100739 Perth Tonkin Neil Henry Male Lyon Beatrice Maud Female Mt Lawley
1940/100740 Perth Cooke John James Male Gorman Alma Irene Female Perth
1940/100740 Perth Gorman Alma Irene Female Cooke John James Male Perth
1940/100741 Perth Lyon Norman William Male Marsh Esther Lena Female Maylands
1940/100741 Perth Marsh Esther Lena Female Lyon Norman William Male Maylands
1940/100742 Perth Timms Margaret Ida Female Vost James Edward Male Perth
1940/100742 Perth Vost James Edward Male Timms Margaret Ida Female Perth
1940/100743 Perth Sawyer Eric William Male Sinclair Phyllis Gwendoline Female Mount Hawthorn
1940/100743 Perth Sinclair Phyllis Gwendoline Female Sawyer Eric William Male Mount Hawthorn
1940/100744 Perth Coonan Dorothy Benedict Female James Ernest James Male Inglewood
1940/100744 Perth James Ernest James Male Coonan Dorothy Benedict Female Inglewood
1940/100745 Perth Ellis Leslie Charles Male Walton Ellen Rose Female Perth
1940/100745 Perth Walton Ellen Rose Female Ellis Leslie Charles Male Perth
1940/100746 Perth Binks Hector McLean Male Burchall Gwendoline Female Subiaco
1940/100746 Perth Burchall Gwendoline Female Binks Hector McLean Male Subiaco
1940/100746 Perth Burchall Gwendoline Female Morton Hector McLean Male Subiaco
1940/100746 Perth Morton Hector McLean Male Burchall Gwendoline Female Subiaco
1940/100747 Perth McKerracher Alexander Francis Hugh Male Willoughby Alison Rose Female Claremont
1940/100747 Perth Willoughby Alison Rose Female McKerracher Alexander Francis Hugh Male Claremont
1940/100748 Perth Davey Winifred Daymont Female Turner Howard James Male Claremont
1940/100748 Perth Turner Howard James Male Davey Winifred Daymont Female Claremont
1940/100749 Perth Dower Alan George Male Wilson Sarah Porter Female Claremont
1940/100749 Perth Wilson Sarah Porter Female Dower Alan George Male Claremont
1940/100750 Perth Conochie Helen Robertson Female Ward Victor Raymond Male Claremont
1940/100750 Perth Ward Victor Raymond Male Conochie Helen Robertson Female Claremont
1940/100751 Perth Arnold Gwendoline Female Henwood Robert Henry Male Subiaco
1940/100751 Perth Henwood Robert Henry Male Arnold Gwendoline Female Subiaco
1940/100752 Perth Beckingham Athol Trevor Male Farrant Nora Female Perth
1940/100752 Perth Farrant Nora Female Beckingham Athol Trevor Male Perth
1940/100753 Perth Morrison Eric Charles Male Norman Winifred May Female Perth
1940/100753 Perth Norman Winifred May Female Morrison Eric Charles Male Perth
1940/100754 Perth Arbery Norma Mary Female Gardiner Henry Douglas Male Perth
1940/100754 Perth Gardiner Henry Douglas Male Arbery Norma Mary Female Perth
1940/100755 Perth McGlew Colin Owen Male Peden Nancy Female Perth
1940/100755 Perth Peden Nancy Female McGlew Colin Owen Male Perth
1940/100756 Perth Molyneux Albert Male Williams Ellen Female Perth
1940/100756 Perth Williams Ellen Female Molyneux Albert Male Perth
1940/100757 Perth Frost Betty Female Jones Geoffrey Harold Francis Male Perth
1940/100757 Perth Jones Geoffrey Harold Francis Male Frost Betty Female Perth
1940/100758 Perth Smith Irene Winifred Female Tassell Vivian Byrne Male Perth
1940/100758 Perth Tassell Vivian Byrne Male Smith Irene Winifred Female Perth
1940/100759 Perth Hodgson Jane Agnes Female Kanair Ronald Sydney Male Perth
1940/100759 Perth Kanair Ronald Sydney Male Hodgson Jane Agnes Female Perth
1940/100760 Perth Keals Margaret Patricia Female White Albert William Male Perth
1940/100760 Perth White Albert William Male Keals Margaret Patricia Female Perth
1940/100761 Perth Harris Marjorie Austin Female Knight Herbert Walter Male Perth
1940/100761 Perth Knight Herbert Walter Male Harris Marjorie Austin Female Perth
1940/100762 Perth McCormick Clifford Horace Thomas Male Wheatley Dorothy Ellen Female Perth
1940/100762 Perth Wheatley Dorothy Ellen Female McCormick Clifford Horace Thomas Male Perth
1940/100763 Perth Edwards Vera Joyce Female Sanfelin Jackson Ernest Gordon Male Perth
1940/100763 Perth Sanfelin Jackson Ernest Gordon Male Edwards Vera Joyce Female Perth
1940/100764 Perth Hulme Jack Male Mellowship Edna Joyce Female Perth
1940/100764 Perth Mellowship Edna Joyce Female Hulme Jack Male Perth
1940/100765 Perth Atkins John Leigh Male Bickerton Phyllis Irene Female Perth
1940/100765 Perth Bickerton Phyllis Irene Female Atkins John Leigh Male Perth
1940/100766 Perth Mickle Enid Erminie Female Pericles Arthur Leonidas Male Perth
1940/100766 Perth Pericles Arthur Leonidas Male Mickle Enid Erminie Female Perth
1940/100767 Perth Cox Douglas Arthur Male Hayes Esther Jane Female Perth
1940/100767 Perth Hayes Esther Jane Female Cox Douglas Arthur Male Perth
1940/100768 Perth Cobb John Wightwick Male Dreyer Corrie May Female Perth
1940/100768 Perth Dreyer Corrie May Female Cobb John Wightwick Male Perth
1940/100769 Perth Brittain Sylvia Bertha Eileen Female Wylde Leslie Joseph Male Perth
1940/100769 Perth Wylde Leslie Joseph Male Brittain Sylvia Bertha Eileen Female Perth
1940/100770 Perth Stock Frank Edwin Male Wenban Eleanor Joyce Female Perth
1940/100770 Perth Wenban Eleanor Joyce Female Stock Frank Edwin Male Perth
1940/100771 Perth Banner Thora Madeline Female Wilsdon Melvin Frederick Male Perth
1940/100771 Perth Wilsdon Melvin Frederick Male Banner Thora Madeline Female Perth
1940/100772 Perth Batty Edna May Female Tester Bert Edward Male Perth
1940/100772 Perth Tester Bert Edward Male Batty Edna May Female Perth
1940/100773 Perth Addison Willoughby Alfred Male Brown Doreen Teresa Female Leederville
1940/100773 Perth Brown Doreen Teresa Female Addison Willoughby Alfred Male Leederville
1940/100774 Perth Francesconi Rita Mary Yolanda Female Menaglio Arthur Joseph Male Leederville
1940/100774 Perth Menaglio Arthur Joseph Male Francesconi Rita Mary Yolanda Female Leederville
1940/100775 Perth Nute Julia Florence Female Robinson Harold Edmund Male Leederville
1940/100775 Perth Robinson Harold Edmund Male Nute Julia Florence Female Leederville
1940/100776 Perth Robinson Hilda Josephine Female Seale Herbert George Male Perth
1940/100776 Perth Seale Herbert George Male Robinson Hilda Josephine Female Perth
1940/100777 Perth Arundel Helen Irene Female Hayward Reginald Philip Male Perth
1940/100777 Perth Hayward Reginald Philip Male Arundel Helen Irene Female Perth
1940/100778 Perth Anderson Ruth Isabel Female Cowan James William Halley Male Bayswater
1940/100778 Perth Cowan James William Halley Male Anderson Ruth Isabel Female Bayswater
1940/100779 Perth Arnold Clara Elizabeth Female Lamb Reginald Angaston Male Perth
1940/100779 Perth Lamb Reginald Angaston Male Arnold Clara Elizabeth Female Perth
1940/100780 Perth Lee Muriel Female Walker John Shirley Bell Male Perth
1940/100780 Perth Walker John Shirley Bell Male Lee Muriel Female Perth
1940/100781 Perth Chipper Roma Female Cronin Deverick John Male Perth
1940/100781 Perth Cronin Deverick John Male Chipper Roma Female Perth
1940/100782 Perth Lonie James Sime Male Walker Jane Female Perth
1940/100782 Perth Walker Jane Female Lonie James Sime Male Perth
1940/100783 Perth Hollow Lexie May Female Trainor James Frusher Male Perth
1940/100783 Perth Trainor James Frusher Male Hollow Lexie May Female Perth
1940/100784 Perth Gliddon Reginald Edgar Howard Male Middleton Joan Female Claremont
1940/100784 Perth Middleton Joan Female Gliddon Reginald Edgar Howard Male Claremont
1940/100785 Perth Hope Joseph Male Morris Pauline Ethel Female Claremont
1940/100785 Perth Morris Pauline Ethel Female Hope Joseph Male Claremont
1940/100786 Perth Cock Ruth Female Willing Maurice Phillip Male Claremont
1940/100786 Perth Willing Maurice Phillip Male Cock Ruth Female Claremont
1940/100787 Perth Gordon Nancy Rose Female Smallwood Wilfred Male Claremont
1940/100787 Perth Smallwood Wilfred Male Gordon Nancy Rose Female Claremont
1940/100788 Perth Carter Vivienne Female Robertson William Gray Male Claremont
1940/100788 Perth Robertson William Gray Male Carter Vivienne Female Claremont
1940/100789 Perth Hogben Lewis Hewlett Male Raymond Margaret Malenoir Female Claremont
1940/100789 Perth Raymond Margaret Malenoir Female Hogben Lewis Hewlett Male Claremont
1940/100790 Perth Neck Alma Gladys Female Vilkson Charles Cornelius Joseph Male Perth
1940/100790 Perth Vilkson Charles Cornelius Joseph Male Neck Alma Gladys Female Perth
1940/100791 Perth Cockram Lynette Constance Female Johnston Claude Barclay Male Perth
1940/100791 Perth Johnston Claude Barclay Male Cockram Lynette Constance Female Perth
1940/100792 Perth Heal Irene Gladys Female Smith Lindsay Frederick William Male Perth
1940/100792 Perth Smith Lindsay Frederick William Male Heal Irene Gladys Female Perth
1940/100793 Perth Hayes Frederick William Male Saunders Patricia Adelaide Female Highgate
1940/100793 Perth Saunders Patricia Adelaide Female Hayes Frederick William Male Highgate
1940/100794 Perth Driver Amelia Florence Female Liggins Sydney Thomas Male Mt Lawley
1940/100794 Perth Liggins Sydney Thomas Male Driver Amelia Florence Female Mt Lawley
1940/100795 Perth Dunn James Gribble Male Schoolar Gwendoline Margaret Female Perth
1940/100795 Perth Schoolar Gwendoline Margaret Female Dunn James Gribble Male Perth
1940/100796 Perth Digby Dawn Jean Female Johns William Percival Male Highgate Hill
1940/100796 Perth Johns William Percival Male Digby Dawn Jean Female Highgate Hill
1940/100797 Perth Brash Albert Male Lowler Joyce Catherine Female Perth
1940/100797 Perth Lowler Joyce Catherine Female Brash Albert Male Perth
1940/100798 Perth Day Lorna Phyllis Female Griffin Eric Daniel Male Claremont
1940/100798 Perth Griffin Eric Daniel Male Day Lorna Phyllis Female Claremont
1940/100799 Perth Evans John William Male Upsall Gladys Linda Female Perth
1940/100799 Perth Upsall Gladys Linda Female Evans John William Male Perth
1940/100800 Perth Campbell Lillian Winifred Female Egan Thomas Male Leederville
1940/100800 Perth Egan Thomas Male Campbell Lillian Winifred Female Leederville
1940/100802 Perth Campbell Clive Male Redmond Myra Ella Female Mt Lawley
1940/100802 Perth Redmond Myra Ella Female Campbell Clive Male Mt Lawley
1940/100803 Perth Innes Alfred Ronald Male White Beatrice Emily Female Perth
1940/100803 Perth White Beatrice Emily Female Innes Alfred Ronald Male Perth
1940/100804 Perth Arrigoni James Male Genev Helene Female Perth
1940/100804 Perth Genev Helene Female Arrigoni James Male Perth
1940/100805 Perth Finlay Mary Catherine Female Russell John William Colin Male Perth
1940/100805 Perth Russell John William Colin Male Finlay Mary Catherine Female Perth
1940/100806 Perth Butler Joseph Patrick Male White Constance Mary Female Perth
1940/100806 Perth White Constance Mary Female Butler Joseph Patrick Male Perth
1940/100807 Perth Hobson John Stephen Male Ramsay Elsie May Female Perth
1940/100807 Perth Ramsay Elsie May Female Hobson John Stephen Male Perth
1940/100808 Perth Thom Jean Margaret Female Treacy Noel Vincent Male North Perth
1940/100808 Perth Treacy Noel Vincent Male Thom Jean Margaret Female North Perth
1940/100809 Perth Lyons Sydney Mary Penny Female Wigham Donald Aubrey Male North Perth
1940/100809 Perth Wigham Donald Aubrey Male Lyons Sydney Mary Penny Female North Perth
1940/100810 Perth Stevens Helen Scott Female Wolfe Harold Male Mt Hawthorn Presbyterian Church
1940/100810 Perth Wolfe Harold Male Stevens Helen Scott Female Mt Hawthorn Presbyterian Church
1940/100811 Perth Ariti Carmela Female Palumbo Antonino Male West Perth
1940/100811 Perth Palumbo Antonino Male Ariti Carmela Female West Perth
1940/100812 Perth Hynes Doreen Vernon Female Scook George Male N Perth
1940/100812 Perth Scook George Male Hynes Doreen Vernon Female N Perth
1940/100813 Perth Hulse Ellery Marrable Male King Dorothy May Female Rosalie
1940/100813 Perth King Dorothy May Female Hulse Ellery Marrable Male Rosalie
1940/100814 Perth Bowler Harry Aubrey Male Howard Doris Jean Female Perth
1940/100814 Perth Howard Doris Jean Female Bowler Harry Aubrey Male Perth
1940/100815 Perth Ryan John Joseph Male Tillotson Marjorie Elizabeth Female W Perth
1940/100815 Perth Tillotson Marjorie Elizabeth Female Ryan John Joseph Male W Perth
1940/100816 Perth Hastings Constance Ellen Female Rigg Darrell Lawrence Male Perth
1940/100816 Perth Rigg Darrell Lawrence Male Hastings Constance Ellen Female Perth
1940/100817 Perth Finch Margaret Edith Doreen Female Jolley Ernest Edgar Male Carlisle
1940/100817 Perth Jolley Ernest Edgar Male Finch Margaret Edith Doreen Female Carlisle
1940/100818 Perth Allen Kathleen Edith May Female Willis William Percival Male Victoria Park
1940/100818 Perth Willis William Percival Male Allen Kathleen Edith May Female Victoria Park
1940/100819 Perth Evans Alma Ruth Female McAllister Oliver Charles Male Victoria Park
1940/100819 Perth McAllister Oliver Charles Male Evans Alma Ruth Female Victoria Park
1940/100820 Perth Bailey Phyllis Rosalie Female Kemp Reginald Ernest Male Victoria Park
1940/100820 Perth Kemp Reginald Ernest Male Bailey Phyllis Rosalie Female Victoria Park
1940/100821 Perth Freeman Helen Female Wedgwood George Lindsay Male South Perth
1940/100821 Perth Wedgwood George Lindsay Male Freeman Helen Female South Perth
1940/100822 Perth Cooke Helen Frances Female Embleton George Halley Male South Perth
1940/100822 Perth Embleton George Halley Male Cooke Helen Frances Female South Perth
1940/100823 Perth Kerr Freda Mary Female Lewis Max Swinburne Male Leederville
1940/100823 Perth Lewis Max Swinburne Male Kerr Freda Mary Female Leederville
1940/100824 Perth Goddard Mable Female Tovey Arthur Joseph Male Bayswater
1940/100824 Perth Tovey Arthur Joseph Male Goddard Mable Female Bayswater
1940/100825 Perth Brown Henry James Male Moyle Ethel Elizabeth Female Nedlands
1940/100825 Perth Moyle Ethel Elizabeth Female Brown Henry James Male Nedlands
1940/100826 Perth Newton Kenneth Rossiter Male Scrymgour Erica Frances Female Nedlands
1940/100826 Perth Scrymgour Erica Frances Female Newton Kenneth Rossiter Male Nedlands
1940/100827 Perth Lillingston Ivy Florence Female Orr Edgar Langley Howell Male Maylands
1940/100827 Perth Orr Edgar Langley Howell Male Lillingston Ivy Florence Female Maylands
1940/100828 Perth Huish Frances Marie Female Jury Kellar Male Maylands
1940/100828 Perth Jury Kellar Male Huish Frances Marie Female Maylands
1940/100829 Perth Scott John Francis Male Stacey Beryl Joan Female Maylands
1940/100829 Perth Stacey Beryl Joan Female Scott John Francis Male Maylands
1940/100830 Perth Bennett Mollie Joyce Female Cook Lionel Scott Male Cottesloe
1940/100830 Perth Cook Lionel Scott Male Bennett Mollie Joyce Female Cottesloe
1940/100831 Perth Grogan Patrick John Male Russell Bertha Daphne Female Perth
1940/100831 Perth Russell Bertha Daphne Female Grogan Patrick John Male Perth
1940/100832 Perth Gobby George Albert James Male Peirson Phyllis Mary Female North Perth
1940/100832 Perth Peirson Phyllis Mary Female Gobby George Albert James Male North Perth
1940/100833 Perth Ballard Walter James Male Eccles Margaret Female North Perth
1940/100833 Perth Eccles Margaret Female Ballard Walter James Male North Perth
1940/100834 Perth Phillips Beryl Cretishia Female Reid James Brown Willis Male North Perth
1940/100834 Perth Reid James Brown Willis Male Phillips Beryl Cretishia Female North Perth
1940/100835 Perth Miller Edward Charles Male Stoneham Thelma May Female Mt Lawley
1940/100835 Perth Stoneham Thelma May Female Miller Edward Charles Male Mt Lawley
1940/100836 Perth Buckenara Francis Male Kay Winifred Amy Female Claremont
1940/100836 Perth Kay Winifred Amy Female Buckenara Francis Male Claremont
1940/100837 Perth King Mary Selina Larkin Female Mann Albert Ronald Male Maylands
1940/100837 Perth Mann Albert Ronald Male King Mary Selina Larkin Female Maylands
1940/100838 Perth Rosser Cedric Gra Male Thompson Alice May Female Perth
1940/100838 Perth Thompson Alice May Female Rosser Cedric Gra Male Perth
1940/100839 Perth Gillis John Rogers Male Wright Joan Female West Perth
1940/100839 Perth Wright Joan Female Gillis John Rogers Male West Perth
1940/100840 Perth Fisher Raymond Hamilton Male Manton Rita Sylvia Female West Perth
1940/100840 Perth Manton Rita Sylvia Female Fisher Raymond Hamilton Male West Perth
1940/100841 Perth Bowring Dorothy Rhoda Female Rogers Joseph William Male West Perth
1940/100841 Perth Rogers Joseph William Male Bowring Dorothy Rhoda Female West Perth
1940/100842 Perth Gow Ruby Vida Female Palmer Noel William John Male Claremont
1940/100842 Perth Palmer Noel William John Male Gow Ruby Vida Female Claremont
1940/100843 Perth Allen Ethel Letitia Female Barrett Herbert Douglas Male Perth
1940/100843 Perth Barrett Herbert Douglas Male Allen Ethel Letitia Female Perth
1940/100844 Perth Hemphill Joan Despard Female Love Philip Thomas Addington Male Perth
1940/100844 Perth Love Philip Thomas Addington Male Hemphill Joan Despard Female Perth
1940/100845 Perth Gorman Patricia Maud Female Morrison Albert Norman Male East Victoria Park
1940/100845 Perth Morrison Albert Norman Male Gorman Patricia Maud Female East Victoria Park
1940/100846 Perth Robinson Athol Charles Male Saw Amy Gwenneth Female Perth
1940/100846 Perth Saw Amy Gwenneth Female Robinson Athol Charles Male Perth
1940/100847 Perth Donovan Clarence Aubrey Male Scott June Felice Female Mt Lawley
1940/100847 Perth Scott June Felice Female Donovan Clarence Aubrey Male Mt Lawley
1940/100848 Perth Clayton James Wallace Male Cox Norah Jean Female Perth
1940/100848 Perth Cox Norah Jean Female Clayton James Wallace Male Perth
1940/100849 Perth Coombs Dorothy Winifred Female Weir Robert Male North Perth
1940/100849 Perth Weir Robert Male Coombs Dorothy Winifred Female North Perth
1940/100850 Perth Grieve Mollie McNeill Female Hungerford Harry Hedley Male Perth
1940/100850 Perth Hungerford Harry Hedley Male Grieve Mollie McNeill Female Perth
1940/100851 Perth Bailey David Stanley Male Snell Elsie Adelaide Female North Perth
1940/100851 Perth Snell Elsie Adelaide Female Bailey David Stanley Male North Perth
1940/100852 Perth Porter Thelma Eileen Female Sneddon John Gillespie Male North Perth
1940/100852 Perth Sneddon John Gillespie Male Porter Thelma Eileen Female North Perth
1940/100853 Perth Harman Ada Female Simpson Peter Muirhead Male Perth
1940/100853 Perth Simpson Peter Muirhead Male Harman Ada Female Perth
1940/100854 Perth Aldis Mabel Edith Female Wenmoth Frederick Samuel Male West Perth
1940/100854 Perth Wenmoth Frederick Samuel Male Aldis Mabel Edith Female West Perth
1940/100855 Perth Brooking Gladys Emily Female Utting Matthew Arthur Male West Perth
1940/100855 Perth Utting Matthew Arthur Male Brooking Gladys Emily Female West Perth
1940/100856 Perth Hogan Inman Newberry Male Milton Olga Joan Female Perth
1940/100856 Perth Milton Olga Joan Female Hogan Inman Newberry Male Perth
1940/100857 Perth O'Brien John Joseph Male Tonkin Mabel Edith Female Claremont
1940/100857 Perth Tonkin Mabel Edith Female O'Brien John Joseph Male Claremont
1940/100858 Perth Fretwell Henry Neil Male Hall Isobel Muriel Female Claremont
1940/100858 Perth Hall Isobel Muriel Female Fretwell Henry Neil Male Claremont
1940/100859 Perth Hicks Alice Gertrude Female Platten Harold Male Perth
1940/100859 Perth Platten Harold Male Hicks Alice Gertrude Female Perth
1940/100860 Perth Gardiner Florence Ethel Female Hallion Herbert James Male Perth
1940/100860 Perth Hallion Herbert James Male Gardiner Florence Ethel Female Perth
1940/100861 Perth Black Gladys Evelyn Female Kennedy Harold Male Perth
1940/100861 Perth Kennedy Harold Male Black Gladys Evelyn Female Perth
1940/100862 Perth Cook Glynora Mary Female Palmer Alan George Male Victoria Park
1940/100862 Perth Palmer Alan George Male Cook Glynora Mary Female Victoria Park
1940/100863 Perth Kirwan Richard Frederick Male Williams Grace Mercedes Female South Perth Methodist Manse
1940/100863 Perth Williams Grace Mercedes Female Kirwan Richard Frederick Male South Perth Methodist Manse
1940/100864 Perth Macpherson Beryl May Female Taylor Aloysius Joseph Male Perth
1940/100864 Perth Taylor Aloysius Joseph Male Macpherson Beryl May Female Perth
1940/100865 Perth Noonan Thomas William Male Seymour Adeline Female Perth
1940/100865 Perth Seymour Adeline Female Noonan Thomas William Male Perth
1940/100866 Perth Dixon Keith Reginald Male Young Mary Female Perth
1940/100866 Perth Young Mary Female Dixon Keith Reginald Male Perth
1940/100867 Perth Croake Laura Kathleen Female Worrall Harold Charles Male Perth
1940/100867 Perth Worrall Harold Charles Male Croake Laura Kathleen Female Perth
1940/100868 Perth Cope Mary Eunice Female Williams Godfrey Frank Male Maylands
1940/100868 Perth Williams Godfrey Frank Male Cope Mary Eunice Female Maylands
1940/100869 Perth Murrihy John Alexander Male Oberman Edna May Female Perth
1940/100869 Perth Oberman Edna May Female Murrihy John Alexander Male Perth
1940/100870 Perth Bamford Penelope Female Walmsley Charles Arthur Male Victoria Park
1940/100870 Perth Walmsley Charles Arthur Male Bamford Penelope Female Victoria Park
1940/100871 Perth Langdon Henry James Male Moulton Agnes May Female Perth
1940/100871 Perth Moulton Agnes May Female Langdon Henry James Male Perth
1940/100872 Perth Bovell Reginald Eustace John Male Edwards Grace Mary Female Perth
1940/100872 Perth Edwards Grace Mary Female Bovell Reginald Eustace John Male Perth
1940/100873 Perth Barker Albert Harry James Male Richards Phyllis Grace Female Perth
1940/100873 Perth Richards Phyllis Grace Female Barker Albert Harry James Male Perth
1940/100874 Perth Hewlett Kathleen Edith Female Robertson Colin Hamilton Male Perth
1940/100874 Perth Robertson Colin Hamilton Male Hewlett Kathleen Edith Female Perth
1940/100875 Perth Jacobs William Cater Male Watson Phyllis May Female Perth
1940/100875 Perth Watson Phyllis May Female Jacobs William Cater Male Perth
1940/100876 Perth Edwards Laurie Jack Male Higgins Eileen Mary Female Perth
1940/100876 Perth Higgins Eileen Mary Female Edwards Laurie Jack Male Perth
1940/100877 Perth Cohen Norma Female Krasnostein Jacob Male Perth
1940/100877 Perth Krasnostein Jacob Male Cohen Norma Female Perth
1940/100878 Perth McLennan Walter Errol Male Regan Stella Olive Female Maylands
1940/100878 Perth Regan Stella Olive Female McLennan Walter Errol Male Maylands
1940/100879 Perth Hayman Marjory Evelyn Female Mould Edgar James Male Perth
1940/100879 Perth Mould Edgar James Male Hayman Marjory Evelyn Female Perth
1940/100880 Perth Davis Frank James Male Perry Jean Elizabeth Female West Leederville
1940/100880 Perth Perry Jean Elizabeth Female Davis Frank James Male West Leederville
1940/100881 Perth Groves Walter John Male Sebo Eleanor Female Victoria Park
1940/100881 Perth Sebo Eleanor Female Groves Walter John Male Victoria Park
1940/100882 Perth Humphrys Russell Barton Male Philp Dellas Beryl Female Perth
1940/100882 Perth Philp Dellas Beryl Female Humphrys Russell Barton Male Perth
1940/100883 Perth Ashby Lawrance Clara Female Miller Geoffrey Frederick Male Cottesloe
1940/100883 Perth Miller Geoffrey Frederick Male Ashby Lawrance Clara Female Cottesloe
1940/100884 Perth Greenwell Walter Ernest Male Stanley Audrey Gladys Female Claremont
1940/100884 Perth Stanley Audrey Gladys Female Greenwell Walter Ernest Male Claremont
1940/100885 Perth Abbey Alec Horace Male Hogg Rhona Daphne Female Claremont
1940/100885 Perth Hogg Rhona Daphne Female Abbey Alec Horace Male Claremont
1940/100886 Perth Jeffrey George Leopold Male Larke Ethel Ruby Lillian Female Claremont
1940/100886 Perth Larke Ethel Ruby Lillian Female Jeffrey George Leopold Male Claremont
1940/100887 Perth Phipps Frederick William Charles Male Sheehan Gwendolyne Edna Female Claremont
1940/100887 Perth Sheehan Gwendolyne Edna Female Phipps Frederick William Charles Male Claremont
1940/100888 Perth Barrett-Lennard Lucille Female Chellew John Hill Male Claremont
1940/100888 Perth Chellew John Hill Male Barrett-Lennard Lucille Female Claremont
1940/100889 Perth Browne Joyce Rosa Female Cutten Alfred William Male Claremont
1940/100889 Perth Cutten Alfred William Male Browne Joyce Rosa Female Claremont
1940/100890 Perth Myers George Malcolm Duncan Male Woodley Georgina Hudson Female Claremont
1940/100890 Perth Woodley Georgina Hudson Female Myers George Malcolm Duncan Male Claremont
1940/100891 Perth Foster Roland Austin Male Marshall Violet Maude Female Nedlands
1940/100891 Perth Marshall Violet Maude Female Foster Roland Austin Male Nedlands
1940/100892 Perth Weaver Jill Cadman Female Williams Jack Male Nedlands
1940/100892 Perth Williams Jack Male Weaver Jill Cadman Female Nedlands
1940/100893 Perth Stack Russel Male Storer Violet Female Subiaco
1940/100893 Perth Storer Violet Female Stack Russel Male Subiaco
1940/100894 Perth Hopkins May Francis Female True Emrys John Male Subiaco
1940/100894 Perth True Emrys John Male Hopkins May Francis Female Subiaco
1940/100895 Perth Fordham William Henry Male Wallis Iris Doreen Female Perth
1940/100895 Perth Wallis Iris Doreen Female Fordham William Henry Male Perth
1940/100896 Perth Clover James Henry Male Noonan Nance Amy Female South Perth
1940/100896 Perth Noonan Nance Amy Female Clover James Henry Male South Perth
1940/100897 Perth MacLean Samuel Alister Male Quigley Nora Frances Female South Perth
1940/100897 Perth Quigley Nora Frances Female MacLean Samuel Alister Male South Perth
1940/100898 Perth Nankiville Sydney Clarence Male Tanner Maude Female Victoria Park
1940/100898 Perth Tanner Maude Female Nankiville Sydney Clarence Male Victoria Park
1940/100899 Perth Nicholas Sylvia Lanyon Female Somers Kevin George Michael Male Perth
1940/100899 Perth Somers Kevin George Michael Male Nicholas Sylvia Lanyon Female Perth
1940/100900 Perth Alexander Joyce May Female Crabtree William Edmund Wordsworth Male West Perth
1940/100900 Perth Crabtree William Edmund Wordsworth Male Alexander Joyce May Female West Perth
1940/100901 Perth De Marchi Charles William Male Sutherland Mary Adelaide Female West Perth
1940/100901 Perth Sutherland Mary Adelaide Female De Marchi Charles William Male West Perth
1940/100902 Perth Hill Frederick Thomas Male Richardson Jean Ann McKenzie Female West Perth
1940/100902 Perth Richardson Jean Ann McKenzie Female Hill Frederick Thomas Male West Perth
1940/100903 Perth Davies Una Muriel Female Sinclair William Cecil John Male West Perth
1940/100903 Perth Sinclair William Cecil John Male Davies Una Muriel Female West Perth
1940/100904 Perth Frings Clyde Hamilton Melville Male Maslin Patricia Graham Female West Perth
1940/100904 Perth Maslin Patricia Graham Female Frings Clyde Hamilton Melville Male West Perth
1940/100905 Perth Eggleston Ivy Muriel Female Elliss Leonard Mervyn Male West Perth
1940/100905 Perth Elliss Leonard Mervyn Male Eggleston Ivy Muriel Female West Perth
1940/100906 Perth Harford Heather Beulah Slater Female Wilberforce John Henry Male Perth
1940/100906 Perth Wilberforce John Henry Male Harford Heather Beulah Slater Female Perth
1940/100907 Perth Fogg Charles Thomas John Male Jones Enid Phyllis Female Leederville
1940/100907 Perth Jones Enid Phyllis Female Fogg Charles Thomas John Male Leederville
1940/100908 Perth Hodges Eva Female McGhee Alexander Daniel Male Mt Lawley
1940/100908 Perth McGhee Alexander Daniel Male Hodges Eva Female Mt Lawley
1940/100909 Perth Rogers Edward George Male Westgarth Mary Female Shenton Park
1940/100909 Perth Westgarth Mary Female Rogers Edward George Male Shenton Park
1940/100910 Perth Boyd Harold Walter Male Morgan Irene Merredew Female West Perth
1940/100910 Perth Morgan Irene Merredew Female Boyd Harold Walter Male West Perth
1940/100911 Perth Cope Eunice Rosalind Female Kaiser Reginald Charles Male Maylands
1940/100911 Perth Kaiser Reginald Charles Male Cope Eunice Rosalind Female Maylands
1940/100912 Perth Mace Vera Female Mackie David Ramsay Male Subiaco
1940/100912 Perth Mackie David Ramsay Male Mace Vera Female Subiaco
1940/100913 Perth Jacobs Mary Leah Female Taylor Charles Norman Anzac Male Subiaco
1940/100913 Perth Taylor Charles Norman Anzac Male Jacobs Mary Leah Female Subiaco
1940/100914 Perth Ford Chrisina Beryl Female Griffiths William John Male Subiaco
1940/100914 Perth Griffiths William John Male Ford Chrisina Beryl Female Subiaco
1940/100915 Perth Keenan John Dominic Gerard Male Owen Rosemary Female Subiaco
1940/100915 Perth Owen Rosemary Female Keenan John Dominic Gerard Male Subiaco
1940/100916 Perth Lefroy Frederick St John Male Saleeba May Female Claremont
1940/100916 Perth Saleeba May Female Lefroy Frederick St John Male Claremont
1940/100917 Perth Barnard Percival Joseph Male Toms Mabel Ann Victoria Female Leederville
1940/100917 Perth Toms Mabel Ann Victoria Female Barnard Percival Joseph Male Leederville
1940/100918 Perth Lloyd Eva Maud Female Tarr Roy Herbert Gordon Male West Perth
1940/100918 Perth Tarr Roy Herbert Gordon Male Lloyd Eva Maud Female West Perth
1940/100919 Perth Logan Mary Evelyn Female Wright Alfred William Male Subiaco
1940/100919 Perth Wright Alfred William Male Logan Mary Evelyn Female Subiaco
1940/100920 Perth Cole Irene Frances Female Hymus Edmund William Male Subiaco
1940/100920 Perth Hymus Edmund William Male Cole Irene Frances Female Subiaco
1940/100921 Perth McKinnon Graham Charles Male Shaw Mary Theresa Female Maylands
1940/100921 Perth Shaw Mary Theresa Female McKinnon Graham Charles Male Maylands
1940/100922 Perth Ashworth Thomas Rowland Jonathon Male Meagher Mary Elizabeth Female Osborne Park
1940/100922 Perth Meagher Mary Elizabeth Female Ashworth Thomas Rowland Jonathon Male Osborne Park
1940/100923 Perth Henderson Jean Florence Female Urquhart Thomas MacKenzie Male West Perth
1940/100923 Perth Urquhart Thomas MacKenzie Male Henderson Jean Florence Female West Perth
1940/100924 Perth Sharp Herbert William Male Welchman Lily Howard Female Perth College Chapel
1940/100924 Perth Welchman Lily Howard Female Sharp Herbert William Male Perth College Chapel
1940/100925 Perth Mounsey Norman Graham Male Rogers Evelyn Ledden Female Claremont
1940/100925 Perth Rogers Evelyn Ledden Female Mounsey Norman Graham Male Claremont
1940/100926 Perth McKay Stanley Roy Male Robinson Margeret Mary Female Perth
1940/100926 Perth Robinson Margeret Mary Female McKay Stanley Roy Male Perth
1940/100927 Perth Ballingall Coral May Female Grieve James Laurence Male Mosman Park
1940/100927 Perth Grieve James Laurence Male Ballingall Coral May Female Mosman Park
1940/100928 Perth Gliddon Brian Reginald Male Kennedy Maisie Stuart Female West Perth
1940/100928 Perth Kennedy Maisie Stuart Female Gliddon Brian Reginald Male West Perth
1940/100929 Perth Pericles Emma Flora Female Williams James Hugh Male Claremont
1940/100929 Perth Williams James Hugh Male Pericles Emma Flora Female Claremont
1940/100930 Perth Frizzell Freda Maud Female Phillips Clive Wesley Male Claremont
1940/100930 Perth Phillips Clive Wesley Male Frizzell Freda Maud Female Claremont
1940/100931 Perth Logan Kenneth Victor Male Watson Elsie Marjorie Female Claremont
1940/100931 Perth Watson Elsie Marjorie Female Logan Kenneth Victor Male Claremont
1940/100932 Perth Bowes Mavis Ena Female Salter Harry George Male Perth
1940/100932 Perth Salter Harry George Male Bowes Mavis Ena Female Perth
1940/100933 Perth Cocker Leslie Cleveland Male Tilbrook Mary Edeline Female Perth
1940/100933 Perth Tilbrook Mary Edeline Female Cocker Leslie Cleveland Male Perth
1940/100934 Perth Howson Grace Margaret Female Mitchell Sydney Gordon Male Perth
1940/100934 Perth Mitchell Sydney Gordon Male Howson Grace Margaret Female Perth
1940/100935 Perth Kirby John Arthur Charles Male Lightfoot Nynette Gwen Female Nedlands
1940/100935 Perth Lightfoot Nynette Gwen Female Kirby John Arthur Charles Male Nedlands
1940/100936 Perth Thomson Sarah Allison Female Timms Henry George Male West Perth
1940/100936 Perth Timms Henry George Male Thomson Sarah Allison Female West Perth
1940/100937 Perth Meredith Ernest William Male Randell Ailsa May Female Perth
1940/100937 Perth Randell Ailsa May Female Meredith Ernest William Male Perth
1940/100938 Perth James Philip Walter Male Vial Isabel Eva Female Subiaco
1940/100938 Perth Vial Isabel Eva Female James Philip Walter Male Subiaco
1940/100939 Perth Blennerhassett Francis Male Lockhart Hazel Lillian Female Mt Lawley
1940/100939 Perth Lockhart Hazel Lillian Female Blennerhassett Francis Male Mt Lawley
1940/100940 Perth Cadwallader Claude Richard Male Hillman Shirley Gene Female Mt Lawley
1940/100940 Perth Hillman Shirley Gene Female Cadwallader Claude Richard Male Mt Lawley
1940/100941 Perth Harle Reginald Frank Male Norton Mary Elizabeth Female Perth
1940/100941 Perth Norton Mary Elizabeth Female Harle Reginald Frank Male Perth
1940/100942 Perth Jones Holly Twining Young Female Richards Neil Ronald Male Maylands
1940/100942 Perth Richards Neil Ronald Male Jones Holly Twining Young Female Maylands
1940/100943 Perth Freegard Dorothy Mabel Female Leach Fredrick Vernon Male Cottesloe
1940/100943 Perth Leach Fredrick Vernon Male Freegard Dorothy Mabel Female Cottesloe
1940/100944 Perth Pegrum Colin Anzac Male Wincey Elsie Florence Radiance Female Cottesloe
1940/100944 Perth Wincey Elsie Florence Radiance Female Pegrum Colin Anzac Male Cottesloe
1940/100945 Perth Brown William Douglas Male Goldsworthy Mavis Female Cottesloe
1940/100945 Perth Goldsworthy Mavis Female Brown William Douglas Male Cottesloe
1940/100946 Perth Richards Edna May Female Smith Charles Alfred Male Cottesloe
1940/100946 Perth Smith Charles Alfred Male Richards Edna May Female Cottesloe
1940/100947 Perth Dawkins Alec Letts Male Steere Muriel Lee Female Cottesloe
1940/100947 Perth Steere Muriel Lee Female Dawkins Alec Letts Male Cottesloe
1940/100948 Perth Baumgurtel Beatrice Female Ridgway Raymond Poyer Male Claremont
1940/100948 Perth Ridgway Raymond Poyer Male Baumgurtel Beatrice Female Claremont
1940/100949 Perth Cooper Walter Milton Harvey Male Neal Dorothy Elizabeth Female West Perth
1940/100949 Perth Neal Dorothy Elizabeth Female Cooper Walter Milton Harvey Male West Perth
1940/100950 Perth Arnold Dora Margaret Female Sullivan Richard John Male West Perth
1940/100950 Perth Sullivan Richard John Male Arnold Dora Margaret Female West Perth
1940/100951 Perth Birch Jean Lorraine Female Murray Robert James McKenzie Male West Perth
1940/100951 Perth Murray Robert James McKenzie Male Birch Jean Lorraine Female West Perth
1940/100952 Perth Davis William John Male Doust Edith Grace Female West Perth
1940/100952 Perth Doust Edith Grace Female Davis William John Male West Perth
1940/100953 Perth Lazarus Harry Male Moore Marjory Helen Female West Perth
1940/100953 Perth Moore Marjory Helen Female Lazarus Harry Male West Perth
1940/100954 Perth Thomas Joyce Female Williams William Oswald Male Perth
1940/100954 Perth Williams William Oswald Male Thomas Joyce Female Perth
1940/100955 Perth Catterall Marjorie Cookson Female Huxtable Henry Egerton Male Perth
1940/100955 Perth Huxtable Henry Egerton Male Catterall Marjorie Cookson Female Perth
1940/100956 Perth Cruickshank Harry Male Miners Isabelle Ursula Female Perth
1940/100956 Perth Miners Isabelle Ursula Female Cruickshank Harry Male Perth
1940/100957 Perth Andrews Charles Henry Male Morgan Gwendoline Female Victoria Park
1940/100957 Perth Morgan Gwendoline Female Andrews Charles Henry Male Victoria Park
1940/100958 Perth Hockley Gilthea Elsie May Female Horne Henry Thomas Male Perth
1940/100958 Perth Horne Henry Thomas Male Hockley Gilthea Elsie May Female Perth
1940/100959 Perth Sydenham Lavinia Gertrude Female Treherne Frederick Victor Male Perth
1940/100959 Perth Treherne Frederick Victor Male Sydenham Lavinia Gertrude Female Perth
1940/100960 Perth Angus Ronald Herbert Male Brown Gertrude Monica Female Carlisle
1940/100960 Perth Brown Gertrude Monica Female Angus Ronald Herbert Male Carlisle
1940/100961 Perth Hall Wiliam Harrison Male Murray Agnes Carmel Female Perth
1940/100961 Perth Murray Agnes Carmel Female Hall Wiliam Harrison Male Perth
1940/100962 Perth Curtis Edward William Male Hoops Mabel Female Perth
1940/100962 Perth Hoops Mabel Female Curtis Edward William Male Perth
1940/100963 Perth Cole Ernest Charles Male Kennington Elsie Irene Female Cottesloe
1940/100963 Perth Kennington Elsie Irene Female Cole Ernest Charles Male Cottesloe
1940/100964 Perth Hayes Ada May Female Skinner Albert Philip Male Claremont
1940/100964 Perth Skinner Albert Philip Male Hayes Ada May Female Claremont
1940/100965 Perth Carnochan Ruby Hester Female Peirce Frank Richard Male Perth
1940/100965 Perth Peirce Frank Richard Male Carnochan Ruby Hester Female Perth
1940/100966 Perth Gillespie Hugh Male Gray Ena Minnie Female Perth
1940/100966 Perth Gray Ena Minnie Female Gillespie Hugh Male Perth
1940/100967 Perth Reid Thomas James Male Starrit Caroline Mary Female Perth
1940/100967 Perth Starrit Caroline Mary Female Reid Thomas James Male Perth
1940/100968 Perth Pratt Maud Mary Female Thomas Alfred Donald Male Osborne Park
1940/100968 Perth Thomas Alfred Donald Male Pratt Maud Mary Female Osborne Park
1940/100969 Perth Cullen John Leslie Male Whitfield Dinah Female Perth
1940/100969 Perth Whitfield Dinah Female Cullen John Leslie Male Perth
1940/100970 Perth Messenger Maude Eugenie Female Turbett William Henry Male Subiaco
1940/100970 Perth Turbett William Henry Male Messenger Maude Eugenie Female Subiaco
1940/100971 Perth O'Neil Coralie Mavis Female Spicer Victor Heberle Male Inglewood
1940/100971 Perth Spicer Victor Heberle Male O'Neil Coralie Mavis Female Inglewood
1940/100972 Perth Howard Daphne May Female Jeffs David George Graham Male Perth
1940/100972 Perth Jeffs David George Graham Male Howard Daphne May Female Perth
1940/100973 Perth Brisbane Margaret Claire Female Temperley Charles Robert Fortescue Male Claremont
1940/100973 Perth Temperley Charles Robert Fortescue Male Brisbane Margaret Claire Female Claremont
1940/100974 Perth Judges Louis Henry Male Simpson Jessie Maud Female Mt Lawley
1940/100974 Perth Simpson Jessie Maud Female Judges Louis Henry Male Mt Lawley
1940/100975 Perth Bowra Phyllis Jane Female Wilcox John George Male Mt Lawley
1940/100975 Perth Wilcox John George Male Bowra Phyllis Jane Female Mt Lawley
1940/100976 Perth Franchina Rosina Female Loschiavo Vincenzo Male West Perth
1940/100976 Perth Loschiavo Vincenzo Male Franchina Rosina Female West Perth
1940/100977 Perth Paini Rosina Female Squarcini Emanuel Aldi Male West Perth
1940/100977 Perth Squarcini Emanuel Aldi Male Paini Rosina Female West Perth
1940/100978 Perth Barlow Lorraine Roberta Female Durbridge Charles Daniel Male West Perth
1940/100978 Perth Durbridge Charles Daniel Male Barlow Lorraine Roberta Female West Perth
1940/100979 Perth Jones Lillian Agnes Mary Female Smith George Stanhope Male West Perth
1940/100979 Perth Smith George Stanhope Male Jones Lillian Agnes Mary Female West Perth
1940/100980 Perth Luckey Stirling Melville Male McKenna Mavis Female West Perth
1940/100980 Perth McKenna Mavis Female Luckey Stirling Melville Male West Perth
1940/100981 Perth Farley Kenneth Sydney Male d'Arcy Louise Theodora Female West Perth
1940/100982 Perth Gregory George Boughey Male Woodworth Gladys Female West Perth
1940/100982 Perth Woodworth Gladys Female Gregory George Boughey Male West Perth
1940/100983 Perth Bryan Colin McBeth Male Warne Melva Evelyn Female West Perth
1940/100983 Perth Warne Melva Evelyn Female Bryan Colin McBeth Male West Perth
1940/100984 Perth Kent William Sydney Male Nash Leila Ellen Female Shenton Park
1940/100984 Perth Nash Leila Ellen Female Kent William Sydney Male Shenton Park
1940/100985 Perth Howard Albert Edward Male Mandible Julia Ann Female Perth
1940/100985 Perth Mandible Julia Ann Female Howard Albert Edward Male Perth
1940/100986 Perth Jeffries Ethel Ellen Female Lodge Kenneth Fitzgerald Male Leederville
1940/100986 Perth Lodge Kenneth Fitzgerald Male Jeffries Ethel Ellen Female Leederville
1940/100987 Perth McMahon Hilda Isabel Female Whiteman Geoffrey Male Leederville
1940/100987 Perth Whiteman Geoffrey Male McMahon Hilda Isabel Female Leederville
1940/100988 Perth Bennett Harry Clarkson Male Glenister Jessie Winetta Female Leederville
1940/100988 Perth Glenister Jessie Winetta Female Bennett Harry Clarkson Male Leederville
1940/100989 Perth Beard Rosemund Daisy Female Duggan John Patrick Male Perth
1940/100989 Perth Duggan John Patrick Male Beard Rosemund Daisy Female Perth
1940/100990 Perth Brown Cyril Herneman Male Twaddle Elizabeth Campbell Female Perth
1940/100990 Perth Twaddle Elizabeth Campbell Female Brown Cyril Herneman Male Perth
1940/100991 Perth Cox James Male McFarlane Jean Lillian Female Perth
1940/100991 Perth McFarlane Jean Lillian Female Cox James Male Perth
1940/100992 Perth Bennett Gordon William Male Greene Ainslie Frances Female Perth
1940/100992 Perth Greene Ainslie Frances Female Bennett Gordon William Male Perth
1940/100993 Perth Bushell Joy Olive Female Gardner Donald Male Perth
1940/100993 Perth Gardner Donald Male Bushell Joy Olive Female Perth
1940/100994 Perth Ebbs Allan Roy Male Kemp Thora Helen Female Perth
1940/100994 Perth Kemp Thora Helen Female Ebbs Allan Roy Male Perth
1940/100995 Perth Cameron Isobel Jean Female Snelgar George Henry Male Perth
1940/100995 Perth Snelgar George Henry Male Cameron Isobel Jean Female Perth
1940/100996 Perth Day Frederick Albert Male Simcock Ruth Female Maylands
1940/100996 Perth Simcock Ruth Female Day Frederick Albert Male Maylands
1940/100997 Perth Ovenden Robert James Male Watling Laura Iris Female Maylands
1940/100997 Perth Watling Laura Iris Female Ovenden Robert James Male Maylands
1940/100998 Perth Eltham Eileen Female Sharpe Cyril Arthur Male Maylands
1940/100998 Perth Sharpe Cyril Arthur Male Eltham Eileen Female Maylands
1940/100999 Perth Fowler Phyllis May Female Wood Firth Male Maylands
1940/100999 Perth Wood Firth Male Fowler Phyllis May Female Maylands
1940/101000 Perth Clark Nancy Female Woodall Patrick Male Maylands
1940/101000 Perth Woodall Patrick Male Clark Nancy Female Maylands
1940/101001 Perth Little Joan Eileen Female Steven Simon Bremner Male Maylands
1940/101001 Perth Steven Simon Bremner Male Little Joan Eileen Female Maylands
1940/101002 Perth Marston Gladys Dinah Female Solloway William John Male Claremont
1940/101002 Perth Solloway William John Male Marston Gladys Dinah Female Claremont
1940/101003 Perth Clements Phyllis Kathleen Female Pettitt James Herbert Male Highgate Hill
1940/101003 Perth Pettitt James Herbert Male Clements Phyllis Kathleen Female Highgate Hill
1940/101004 Perth Bruechle Erica Gertrude Female Fogarty Joseph Alphonsus Male Highgate Hill
1940/101004 Perth Fogarty Joseph Alphonsus Male Bruechle Erica Gertrude Female Highgate Hill
1940/101005 Perth Corner William Charles Male Mann Thelma Doris Female Highgate Hill
1940/101005 Perth Mann Thelma Doris Female Corner William Charles Male Highgate Hill
1940/101006 Perth Bryant Reginald Charles Male Power Kura Inez Female Bayswater
1940/101006 Perth Power Kura Inez Female Bryant Reginald Charles Male Bayswater
1940/101007 Perth Brambles Joyce Female Hayres John Robert William Male Perth
1940/101007 Perth Hayres John Robert William Male Brambles Joyce Female Perth
1940/101008 Perth Sales Samuel Walter Male Tomlin Irene Female Leederville
1940/101008 Perth Tomlin Irene Female Sales Samuel Walter Male Leederville
1940/101009 Perth Carroll Vincent Michael Male Smith Gwendoline Mancel Female Leederville
1940/101009 Perth Smith Gwendoline Mancel Female Carroll Vincent Michael Male Leederville
1940/101010 Perth Poat Mary Elizabeth Female Shaw Joseph James Male Perth
1940/101010 Perth Shaw Joseph James Male Poat Mary Elizabeth Female Perth
1940/101011 Perth Fair Joan Female Nabbs David Lys Lille Male West Aust
1940/101011 Perth Nabbs David Lys Lille Male Fair Joan Female West Aust
1940/101012 Perth Croft Joyce Female Spencer Albert Frank Robinson Male Perth
1940/101012 Perth Spencer Albert Frank Robinson Male Croft Joyce Female Perth
1940/101013 Perth Parker George Ronald Male Simons Joan Elsie Female Perth
1940/101013 Perth Simons Joan Elsie Female Parker George Ronald Male Perth
1940/101014 Perth James Marion Ruby Female Lowe Horace Thorley Moore Male Perth
1940/101014 Perth Lowe Horace Thorley Moore Male James Marion Ruby Female Perth
1940/101015 Perth Best Alfred John Male Rogers Betty Helen Female Perth
1940/101015 Perth Rogers Betty Helen Female Best Alfred John Male Perth
1940/101016 Perth Baker Cecil Oralando Male Cuthbert Helen Elizabeth Female Perth
1940/101016 Perth Cuthbert Helen Elizabeth Female Baker Cecil Oralando Male Perth
1940/101017 Perth Hurren Neville Sydney Gordon Male Jones Arras Gladys Jean Female Perth
1940/101017 Perth Jones Arras Gladys Jean Female Hurren Neville Sydney Gordon Male Perth
1940/101018 Perth Ballinger Norman William Thomas Male Lee Ethel May Female Perth
1940/101018 Perth Lee Ethel May Female Ballinger Norman William Thomas Male Perth
1940/101019 Perth Walden Sarah Female Weeks Thomas Male Perth
1940/101019 Perth Weeks Thomas Male Walden Sarah Female Perth
1940/101020 Perth Knapp John Leonard Male Nixon Pearl Caroline Female Perth
1940/101020 Perth Nixon Pearl Caroline Female Knapp John Leonard Male Perth
1940/101021 Perth Barton Enid Margaret Female Bethune Ronald Leslie Male Perth
1940/101021 Perth Bethune Ronald Leslie Male Barton Enid Margaret Female Perth
1940/101022 Perth Ball John Cardwell Male Barker Betty Lilian Female Perth
1940/101022 Perth Barker Betty Lilian Female Ball John Cardwell Male Perth
1940/101023 Perth Lowes Clarence William Male Lukehurst Sylvia Nancy May Female Perth
1940/101023 Perth Lukehurst Sylvia Nancy May Female Lowes Clarence William Male Perth
1940/101024 Perth Craig Dorothy Female Wincey Arthur Alfred Male Perth
1940/101024 Perth Wincey Arthur Alfred Male Craig Dorothy Female Perth
1940/101025 Perth Beard Olive Lila Female Long Edward Male Perth
1940/101025 Perth Long Edward Male Beard Olive Lila Female Perth
1940/101026 Perth Brooks Helen Mabel Female Totterdell Frank Male Claremont
1940/101026 Perth Totterdell Frank Male Brooks Helen Mabel Female Claremont
1940/101027 Perth Barber Doris Female Newbey Ernest Henry Male Claremont
1940/101027 Perth Newbey Ernest Henry Male Barber Doris Female Claremont
1940/101028 Perth Taylor John Charles Edward Male Whimpey Gweneth Female Claremont
1940/101028 Perth Whimpey Gweneth Female Taylor John Charles Edward Male Claremont
1940/101029 Perth Comber-Brown Eunice Ethel Female Woods Hubert Stanley Male Perth
1940/101029 Perth Woods Hubert Stanley Male Comber-Brown Eunice Ethel Female Perth
1940/101030 Perth Gibbings Jack Male Schwann Patricia Rosemary Donnelly Female South Perth
1940/101030 Perth Schwann Patricia Rosemary Donnelly Female Gibbings Jack Male South Perth
1940/101031 Perth Fulton Olive Maud Female Pratley James Edward Male Perth
1940/101031 Perth Pratley James Edward Male Fulton Olive Maud Female Perth
1940/101032 Perth Costello Kevin Cecil Male Hansson Alma May Female Perth
1940/101032 Perth Hansson Alma May Female Costello Kevin Cecil Male Perth
1940/101033 Perth Smith-Ryan Thomas Beverley Male Welch Betsy Mayne Female Mt Lawley
1940/101033 Perth Welch Betsy Mayne Female Smith-Ryan Thomas Beverley Male Mt Lawley
1940/101034 Perth Leyland William Male Wallis Amy Eileen Marjorie Female Mt Lawley
1940/101034 Perth Wallis Amy Eileen Marjorie Female Leyland William Male Mt Lawley
1940/101035 Perth Phillips Carmen Ettie Female Walker Donald Jules Male Perth
1940/101035 Perth Walker Donald Jules Male Phillips Carmen Ettie Female Perth
1940/101036 Perth Angell Allan Thomas Male Ryan Kathleen Eileen Female Victoria Park
1940/101036 Perth Ryan Kathleen Eileen Female Angell Allan Thomas Male Victoria Park
1940/101037 Perth Frank Andrew Male Macpherson Eva Grace Female Perth
1940/101037 Perth Macpherson Eva Grace Female Frank Andrew Male Perth
1940/101038 Perth Elliot Mary Female Fowler Ernest Adam Singer Male Perth
1940/101038 Perth Fowler Ernest Adam Singer Male Elliot Mary Female Perth
1940/101039 Perth Bentley Jessie Marjory Ruby Female Forster Herbert Cyril Male Subiaco
1940/101039 Perth Forster Herbert Cyril Male Bentley Jessie Marjory Ruby Female Subiaco
1940/101040 Perth Chitty Maxwell Raymond Claude Male Gannaway Gwendoline May Female Perth
1940/101040 Perth Gannaway Gwendoline May Female Chitty Maxwell Raymond Claude Male Perth
1940/101041 Perth Bradley Laura Evelyn Female Brown Matthew Herbert Male Perth
1940/101041 Perth Brown Matthew Herbert Male Bradley Laura Evelyn Female Perth
1940/101042 Perth Hosken Honor Ruth Female Stacey William Edward Male Perth
1940/101042 Perth Stacey William Edward Male Hosken Honor Ruth Female Perth
1940/101043 Perth Beaumont Alexander William Male Chard Joan Lillian Female Perth
1940/101043 Perth Chard Joan Lillian Female Beaumont Alexander William Male Perth
1940/101044 Perth Coates Jack Male Mitchell Betty Irene Female Perth
1940/101044 Perth Mitchell Betty Irene Female Coates Jack Male Perth
1940/101045 Perth Andrew John William Male Schibler Mavis Jean Female Subiaco
1940/101045 Perth Schibler Mavis Jean Female Andrew John William Male Subiaco
1940/101046 Perth Foulds Ellen Female Williams Brian Male Cottesloe
1940/101046 Perth Williams Brian Male Foulds Ellen Female Cottesloe
1940/101047 Perth Deighton Harold Vincent Male Stewart Glenyce Joan Female West Perth
1940/101047 Perth Stewart Glenyce Joan Female Deighton Harold Vincent Male West Perth
1940/101048 Perth Humphrey Eleanor Margaret Female Mount John Jean Male Mt Lawley
1940/101048 Perth Mount John Jean Male Humphrey Eleanor Margaret Female Mt Lawley
1940/101049 Perth Edwards John Joseph Male Marquis Edna May Female Highgate Hill
1940/101049 Perth Marquis Edna May Female Edwards John Joseph Male Highgate Hill
1940/101050 Perth Campbell William George Male Woodbrook Thelma Irene Female Claremont
1940/101050 Perth Woodbrook Thelma Irene Female Campbell William George Male Claremont
1940/101051 Perth Coci Antonino Male Ioppolo Maria Female West Perth
1940/101051 Perth Ioppolo Maria Female Coci Antonino Male West Perth
1940/101052 Perth Blythe May Lilian Female Pearson Clifford John Male Subiaco
1940/101052 Perth Pearson Clifford John Male Blythe May Lilian Female Subiaco
1940/101053 Perth Egan Cecilia Geraldine Female Hagan Francis Joseph Male Cottesloe
1940/101053 Perth Hagan Francis Joseph Male Egan Cecilia Geraldine Female Cottesloe
1940/101054 Perth Haynes Alfred Robert William Male Morgan Ellen Jean Female Cottesloe
1940/101054 Perth Morgan Ellen Jean Female Haynes Alfred Robert William Male Cottesloe
1940/101055 Perth Harkness Stuart Close Male Smith Geraldine May Female Mount Lawley
1940/101055 Perth Smith Geraldine May Female Harkness Stuart Close Male Mount Lawley
1940/101056 Perth Goff Terence Ronald Male Nelligan Daisy Olive Female North Perth
1940/101056 Perth Nelligan Daisy Olive Female Goff Terence Ronald Male North Perth
1940/101057 Perth Barlow David Albert Leslie Male Furzer Phyllis Amelia Female North Perth
1940/101057 Perth Furzer Phyllis Amelia Female Barlow David Albert Leslie Male North Perth
1940/101058 Perth Collins Edward Leslie Male McLennan Fanny May Female North Perth
1940/101058 Perth McLennan Fanny May Female Collins Edward Leslie Male North Perth
1940/101059 Perth Hodgkinson Ernest Alexander Male Urquhart Winifred Alwena Female North Perth
1940/101059 Perth Urquhart Winifred Alwena Female Hodgkinson Ernest Alexander Male North Perth
1940/101060 Perth Chaplin-Ardagh Jeannie Adeline Doris Female Millen Kenneth Ronald Male North Perth
1940/101060 Perth Millen Kenneth Ronald Male Chaplin-Ardagh Jeannie Adeline Doris Female North Perth
1940/101062 Perth Colledge Samuel Male Nickels Lily Sophia Female Perth
1940/101062 Perth Nickels Lily Sophia Female Colledge Samuel Male Perth
1940/101063 Perth Miranovich Jovan Male Pozzi Hazel Female Perth
1940/101063 Perth Pozzi Hazel Female Miranovich Jovan Male Perth
1940/101064 Perth Harris Phyllis Evelyn Female Marshall Robert Leonard Male Nedlands
1940/101064 Perth Marshall Robert Leonard Male Harris Phyllis Evelyn Female Nedlands
1940/101065 Perth Finch Richard Leslie Male Sampson Lorna Frances Barbara Female Nedlands
1940/101065 Perth Sampson Lorna Frances Barbara Female Finch Richard Leslie Male Nedlands
1940/101066 Perth Hewson John Henry Calvert Male Pizzey Maude Constance Female Perth
1940/101066 Perth Pizzey Maude Constance Female Hewson John Henry Calvert Male Perth
1940/101067 Perth Davies Elma Violet Female Long George Edgar Male Perth
1940/101067 Perth Long George Edgar Male Davies Elma Violet Female Perth
1940/101068 Perth Joll Edward Richard Male Sutton Edith Ivy Female Claremont
1940/101068 Perth Sutton Edith Ivy Female Joll Edward Richard Male Claremont
1940/101069 Perth Kirkman Connie Edith Female Stevens Ronald George Male Claremont
1940/101069 Perth Stevens Ronald George Male Kirkman Connie Edith Female Claremont
1940/101070 Perth Brokensha Frederick Gordon Male Ledgerd Doreen Gladys Female Perth
1940/101070 Perth Ledgerd Doreen Gladys Female Brokensha Frederick Gordon Male Perth
1940/101071 Perth Butcher James Male Height Constance Jean Female Perth
1940/101071 Perth Height Constance Jean Female Butcher James Male Perth
1940/101072 Perth Chase Lio Bernard Howell Male Coleman Katherine Elizabeth Female Perth
1940/101072 Perth Coleman Katherine Elizabeth Female Chase Lio Bernard Howell Male Perth
1940/101073 Perth Braysher Gladys May Female Clarkson Stanley Clarence Male South Perth
1940/101073 Perth Clarkson Stanley Clarence Male Braysher Gladys May Female South Perth
1940/101074 Perth Tychsen Irene Ada Female Wells Norman John Lloyd Male South Perth
1940/101074 Perth Wells Norman John Lloyd Male Tychsen Irene Ada Female South Perth
1940/101075 Perth Langdon Thomas West Male Parry Caroline Female South Perth
1940/101075 Perth Parry Caroline Female Langdon Thomas West Male South Perth
1940/101076 Perth Armstrong Ethel Freda Female Spalding Charles Andrew Male South Perth
1940/101076 Perth Spalding Charles Andrew Male Armstrong Ethel Freda Female South Perth
1940/101077 Perth Genery Walter Edward Robert Male Maddison Teresa Mary Female Victoria Park
1940/101077 Perth Maddison Teresa Mary Female Genery Walter Edward Robert Male Victoria Park
1940/101078 Perth Catchpole Hubert Arnold Male Towers Beatrice Caroline Female Perth
1940/101078 Perth Towers Beatrice Caroline Female Catchpole Hubert Arnold Male Perth
1940/101079 Perth Cleasby John Male Hutchinson Margaret Elizabeth Female Perth
1940/101079 Perth Hutchinson Margaret Elizabeth Female Cleasby John Male Perth
1940/101080 Perth Clarke Rema Joyce Female Gilbert James Ernest Male Perth
1940/101080 Perth Gilbert James Ernest Male Clarke Rema Joyce Female Perth
1940/101081 Perth Carter Winifred Olive Female Manson Alexander William Male Claremont
1940/101081 Perth Manson Alexander William Male Carter Winifred Olive Female Claremont
1940/101082 Perth Corkhill Beatrice Gertrude Female Woods Jeffery Male Claremont
1940/101082 Perth Woods Jeffery Male Corkhill Beatrice Gertrude Female Claremont
1940/101083 Perth Macpherson Sheila Jean Female Phillips Derwent Courthope Male Claremont
1940/101083 Perth Phillips Derwent Courthope Male Macpherson Sheila Jean Female Claremont
1940/101084 Perth Bryan Kathleen Monica Female Carr Richard John Male Nedlands
1940/101084 Perth Carr Richard John Male Bryan Kathleen Monica Female Nedlands
1940/101085 Perth Cook Cyril Maxwell Male Wauchope Jessie Maud Female Nedlands Methodist Church
1940/101085 Perth Wauchope Jessie Maud Female Cook Cyril Maxwell Male Nedlands Methodist Church
1940/101086 Perth Beard Dora Pearl Female Page Cyril Edwin Woodley Male Subiaco
1940/101086 Perth Page Cyril Edwin Woodley Male Beard Dora Pearl Female Subiaco
1940/101087 Perth Delaney William James Male O'Dea Nora Mary Female Perth
1940/101087 Perth O'Dea Nora Mary Female Delaney William James Male Perth
1940/101088 Perth Barnes Maude Female Tomsett Ivor Francis Male Perth
1940/101088 Perth Tomsett Ivor Francis Male Barnes Maude Female Perth
1940/101089 Perth Gallager Francis James Male Plunkett Lucy Gertrude Female Perth
1940/101089 Perth Plunkett Lucy Gertrude Female Gallager Francis James Male Perth
1940/101090 Perth Clarke Andrew Charles Male Hearnden Kathleen Gladys May Female Perth
1940/101090 Perth Hearnden Kathleen Gladys May Female Clarke Andrew Charles Male Perth
1940/101091 Perth Adkins Alma Marjory May Female Kelly Ronald Haworth Male Perth College Chapel
1940/101091 Perth Kelly Ronald Haworth Male Adkins Alma Marjory May Female Perth College Chapel
1940/101092 Perth Bartlett Alfred Ernest Male Groom Hannah Female Perth
1940/101092 Perth Groom Hannah Female Bartlett Alfred Ernest Male Perth
1940/101093 Perth Thorn Joyce Female Wood Harry Melville Male Perth
1940/101093 Perth Wood Harry Melville Male Thorn Joyce Female Perth
1940/101094 Perth Henshilwood Elva Rose Female White William Stanley Male West Aust
1940/101094 Perth White William Stanley Male Henshilwood Elva Rose Female West Aust
1940/101095 Perth Beck Mavis Daisy Female York Gordon Henry Male West Aust
1940/101095 Perth York Gordon Henry Male Beck Mavis Daisy Female West Aust
1940/101096 Perth Hildebrandt Annie Mavis Female Skeels Eric John Male Perth
1940/101096 Perth Skeels Eric John Male Hildebrandt Annie Mavis Female Perth
1940/101097 Perth Halnan Harold Roy Male Moore Eva Dagmar Female Perth
1940/101097 Perth Moore Eva Dagmar Female Halnan Harold Roy Male Perth
1940/101098 Perth Laidler-Stokes Patrick William Male Matson Veeni Edwina Horwill Female W Perth
1940/101098 Perth Matson Veeni Edwina Horwill Female Laidler-Stokes Patrick William Male W Perth
1940/101099 Perth Holmes John Vernon Male Kinninmont Gladys Joyce Female Perth
1940/101099 Perth Kinninmont Gladys Joyce Female Holmes John Vernon Male Perth
1940/101100 Perth Grundy Walter Robert Male Menzies Grace Female Perth
1940/101100 Perth Menzies Grace Female Grundy Walter Robert Male Perth
1940/101101 Perth Baker Kathleen May Female Fielder Robert Edward Male Cottesloe
1940/101101 Perth Fielder Robert Edward Male Baker Kathleen May Female Cottesloe
1940/101102 Perth Rule Austin Richard Male Sloan Ernestine Hilda Female Perth
1940/101102 Perth Sloan Ernestine Hilda Female Rule Austin Richard Male Perth
1940/101103 Perth Davey Harry Male Palmer Beatrice Agnes Female Perth
1940/101103 Perth Palmer Beatrice Agnes Female Davey Harry Male Perth
1940/101104 Perth Needham Harold Gilbert Male Penberthy Phyllis Esther Female Maylands
1940/101104 Perth Penberthy Phyllis Esther Female Needham Harold Gilbert Male Maylands
1940/101105 Perth Boon Joseph Frederick Male Eddleston Clara Isobel Female Perth
1940/101105 Perth Eddleston Clara Isobel Female Boon Joseph Frederick Male Perth
1940/101106 Perth Brown Roma Cecelia Female Saunier Robert Norman Male West Perth
1940/101106 Perth Saunier Robert Norman Male Brown Roma Cecelia Female West Perth
1940/101107 Perth Adams Dorothy Gertrude Female Everett Robert Tabor Male West Perth
1940/101107 Perth Everett Robert Tabor Male Adams Dorothy Gertrude Female West Perth
1940/101108 Perth Gamble Raymond Male Hall Beryl Evelyn Female Claremont
1940/101108 Perth Hall Beryl Evelyn Female Gamble Raymond Male Claremont
1940/101109 Perth Gilbert Dorothea Madge Female Herbert Harold Newton Male Claremont
1940/101109 Perth Herbert Harold Newton Male Gilbert Dorothea Madge Female Claremont
1940/101110 Perth Barrett-Lennard Donald Male Ferguson Dorothy Female Perth
1940/101110 Perth Ferguson Dorothy Female Barrett-Lennard Donald Male Perth
1940/101111 Perth Bruce Florence Evelyn Female Cornell James Male Perth
1940/101111 Perth Cornell James Male Bruce Florence Evelyn Female Perth
1940/101112 Perth Sackville Arthur William Male Syme Joyce Avril Female Perth
1940/101112 Perth Syme Joyce Avril Female Sackville Arthur William Male Perth
1940/101113 Perth Birkbeck Alan Male Bunting Edith Jane Female Perth
1940/101113 Perth Bunting Edith Jane Female Birkbeck Alan Male Perth
1940/101114 Perth Clarke Noel McKellar Male Shields Alice Maud Female Perth
1940/101114 Perth Shields Alice Maud Female Clarke Noel McKellar Male Perth
1940/101115 Perth Clayton Gladys Cora Female Green Thomas Patrick Male Highgate Hill
1940/101115 Perth Green Thomas Patrick Male Clayton Gladys Cora Female Highgate Hill
1940/101116 Perth Barfield John Henry Male Thorpe Adeline Alice Female Perth
1940/101116 Perth Thorpe Adeline Alice Female Barfield John Henry Male Perth
1940/101117 Perth Brown Eva Emily Pearl Female Williams Sydney Alfred Male Perth
1940/101117 Perth Williams Sydney Alfred Male Brown Eva Emily Pearl Female Perth
1940/101118 Perth Johns Allan Ernest Male Whitehouse Mona Female Mt Lawley
1940/101118 Perth Whitehouse Mona Female Johns Allan Ernest Male Mt Lawley
1940/101119 Perth Folezzani Alice Joan Female Goldstone Walter Hugh Male Perth
1940/101119 Perth Goldstone Walter Hugh Male Folezzani Alice Joan Female Perth
1940/101120 Perth Holman Nancy Lilian Female Jones Frederick George Male Perth
1940/101120 Perth Jones Frederick George Male Holman Nancy Lilian Female Perth
1940/101121 Perth Gilchrist John Amos Male Graham Jean Daisy Female Maylands
1940/101121 Perth Graham Jean Daisy Female Gilchrist John Amos Male Maylands
1940/101122 Perth Chave Vera Mabel Woolandra Female Scott Warren Walkington Male Subiaco
1940/101122 Perth Scott Warren Walkington Male Chave Vera Mabel Woolandra Female Subiaco
1940/101123 Perth Whittle Beryl Dawn Female Woodhouse Harold Male Perth
1940/101123 Perth Woodhouse Harold Male Whittle Beryl Dawn Female Perth
1940/101124 Perth Doyle Noreen Veronica Female McCallum Alexander James Hugh Male Perth
1940/101124 Perth McCallum Alexander James Hugh Male Doyle Noreen Veronica Female Perth
1940/101125 Perth Chambers Amy Olla Female Ridley Francis Raymond Male Perth
1940/101125 Perth Ridley Francis Raymond Male Chambers Amy Olla Female Perth
1940/101126 Perth Morris Harold Male Raper Jane Female Carlisle
1940/101126 Perth Raper Jane Female Morris Harold Male Carlisle
1940/101127 Perth Harrington Bessie Female Waldon Alan Septimus Male Victoria Park
1940/101127 Perth Waldon Alan Septimus Male Harrington Bessie Female Victoria Park
1940/101128 Perth Morrissey Clyde Leslie Male Tucker Laura Jessie Female Perth
1940/101128 Perth Tucker Laura Jessie Female Morrissey Clyde Leslie Male Perth
1940/101129 Perth Clarke Doreen Amy Female Williams Allan James Male South Perth
1940/101129 Perth Williams Allan James Male Clarke Doreen Amy Female South Perth
1940/101130 Perth Duncan Ella Joyce Female Stark Alwyn Rupert Westycott Male Maylands
1940/101130 Perth Stark Alwyn Rupert Westycott Male Duncan Ella Joyce Female Maylands
1940/101131 Perth Petridis Christos Male Pufcas Afrodity Female Perth
1940/101131 Perth Pufcas Afrodity Female Petridis Christos Male Perth
1940/101132 Perth Auguste Dorothea Helen Female Mavros Skevos George Male Perth
1940/101132 Perth Mavros Skevos George Male Auguste Dorothea Helen Female Perth
1940/101133 Perth Carr Ethel May Female Trundle Edwin William Male Perth
1940/101133 Perth Trundle Edwin William Male Carr Ethel May Female Perth
1940/101134 Perth Jacobs Beryl Mavis Female Peterson Kenneth Harold James Male Leederville
1940/101134 Perth Peterson Kenneth Harold James Male Jacobs Beryl Mavis Female Leederville
1940/101135 Perth Beaton Duncan Male Hopkins Olive May Female Leederville
1940/101135 Perth Hopkins Olive May Female Beaton Duncan Male Leederville
1940/101136 Perth Griffin Hilda Rosamond Female Watson Raymond Hartley Male Victoria Park Congregational Church
1940/101136 Perth Watson Raymond Hartley Male Griffin Hilda Rosamond Female Victoria Park Congregational Church
1940/101137 Perth McCormack George Frederick Ernest Male Saunders Olive Thedoras Female Perth
1940/101137 Perth Saunders Olive Thedoras Female McCormack George Frederick Ernest Male Perth
1940/101138 Perth Connell John Edward Male Haig Margaret Yvonne Female Perth
1940/101138 Perth Haig Margaret Yvonne Female Connell John Edward Male Perth
1940/101139 Perth Miller Amy Myrtle Female Properjohn Norman John Male Perth
1940/101139 Perth Properjohn Norman John Male Miller Amy Myrtle Female Perth
1940/101140 Perth Farrell Mary Margaret Female Tanner James Thomas Male West Perth
1940/101140 Perth Tanner James Thomas Male Farrell Mary Margaret Female West Perth
1940/101141 Perth Harding Robert James Male Hingston Joan Lesley Female North Perth
1940/101141 Perth Hingston Joan Lesley Female Harding Robert James Male North Perth
1940/101142 Perth Bushell Noel Edward Male Canning Christina Betty Douglas Female South Perth
1940/101142 Perth Canning Christina Betty Douglas Female Bushell Noel Edward Male South Perth
1940/101143 Perth Bath Ellen Hope Female Burgoyne Gordon Geoffrey Male Perth
1940/101143 Perth Burgoyne Gordon Geoffrey Male Bath Ellen Hope Female Perth
1940/101144 Perth Casey Francis James Male Furlong Ellen Dympna Female West Perth
1940/101144 Perth Furlong Ellen Dympna Female Casey Francis James Male West Perth
1940/101145 Perth Davies John Llewellyn Male Wilson Kittie Dorothy Female West Perth
1940/101145 Perth Wilson Kittie Dorothy Female Davies John Llewellyn Male West Perth
1940/101146 Perth Clinch Annie Hughes Female Hallas James Edward Male North Perth
1940/101146 Perth Hallas James Edward Male Clinch Annie Hughes Female North Perth
1940/101147 Perth Lewis Clara Hillier Female Orchard Stanley Ernest Male Mt Lawley
1940/101147 Perth Orchard Stanley Ernest Male Lewis Clara Hillier Female Mt Lawley
1940/101148 Perth Bartlett George William Male Fieldgate Nina Mary Female Cottesloe
1940/101148 Perth Fieldgate Nina Mary Female Bartlett George William Male Cottesloe
1940/101149 Perth Evans Edgar Male Tischler Alice Female North Perth
1940/101149 Perth Tischler Alice Female Evans Edgar Male North Perth
1940/101150 Perth Bates Lionel Alfred Male Smith Marie Grace Female Victoria Park
1940/101150 Perth Smith Marie Grace Female Bates Lionel Alfred Male Victoria Park
1940/101151 Perth Davis Marjorie Marion Female Young James Thomas Male Victoria Park
1940/101151 Perth Young James Thomas Male Davis Marjorie Marion Female Victoria Park
1940/101152 Perth McNab Alexander Male O'Connor Gladys Irene Female Victoria Park
1940/101152 Perth O'Connor Gladys Irene Female McNab Alexander Male Victoria Park
1940/101153 Perth Gilbertson William Power Male Saggers Edith Jane Female Perth
1940/101153 Perth Saggers Edith Jane Female Gilbertson William Power Male Perth
1940/101154 Perth Ellis Priscilla Adelaide Female Nail Reginald Stanley Male Joondanna Heights
1940/101154 Perth Nail Reginald Stanley Male Ellis Priscilla Adelaide Female Joondanna Heights
1940/101155 Perth Pond Mary Ray Female Rigby John Male Leederville
1940/101155 Perth Rigby John Male Pond Mary Ray Female Leederville
1940/101156 Perth Halton Margaret Georgina Female Stevens Ronald Sidney Male Leederville
1940/101156 Perth Stevens Ronald Sidney Male Halton Margaret Georgina Female Leederville
1940/101157 Perth Miller Maisie Female Sheehan Patrick Male Perth
1940/101157 Perth Sheehan Patrick Male Miller Maisie Female Perth
1940/101158 Perth Bennett Leta Doris May Female Steel Frederick John Male W Perth
1940/101158 Perth Steel Frederick John Male Bennett Leta Doris May Female W Perth
1940/101159 Perth Churchill Arthur Douglas Male McLeod Hazel Alice Female West Perth
1940/101159 Perth McLeod Hazel Alice Female Churchill Arthur Douglas Male West Perth
1940/101160 Perth Greaves Walter Ernest Male Watts Olga Mavis Female Inglewood
1940/101160 Perth Watts Olga Mavis Female Greaves Walter Ernest Male Inglewood
1940/101161 Perth Peterson William Ronald Anderson Male Wickens Margaret Mary Cook Female South Como
1940/101161 Perth Wickens Margaret Mary Cook Female Peterson William Ronald Anderson Male South Como
1940/101162 Perth Chambers Harold Clifford Male May Thelma Grace Female Perth
1940/101162 Perth May Thelma Grace Female Chambers Harold Clifford Male Perth
1940/101163 Perth Graham Donald Male Williams Linda Marjory Female Nedlands
1940/101163 Perth Williams Linda Marjory Female Graham Donald Male Nedlands
1940/101164 Perth Lewis George Frederick Seamark Male Stanton Violet Doreen Female West Leederville
1940/101164 Perth Stanton Violet Doreen Female Lewis George Frederick Seamark Male West Leederville
1940/101165 Perth Hebenton John Alexander Male Jenyns Hilda Female Perth
1940/101165 Perth Jenyns Hilda Female Hebenton John Alexander Male Perth
1940/101166 Perth Gendall Ethel Mary Female Wigley Brian Leslie Male Perth
1940/101166 Perth Wigley Brian Leslie Male Gendall Ethel Mary Female Perth
1940/101167 Perth Mulcahy Mary Kathleen Female OLoughlin Thomas Francis Male Cottesloe
1940/101167 Perth OLoughlin Thomas Francis Male Mulcahy Mary Kathleen Female Cottesloe
1940/101168 Perth Gregory Geoffrey Gerard Male Staughton Nancye Helen Female Cottesloe
1940/101168 Perth Staughton Nancye Helen Female Gregory Geoffrey Gerard Male Cottesloe
1940/101169 Perth Glenn Florence Winifred Female Pozzi Guido John Male Osborne Park
1940/101169 Perth Pozzi Guido John Male Glenn Florence Winifred Female Osborne Park
1940/101170 Perth Bennett Alma Goulding Female Stinton Lionel Chase Male Perth College Chapel
1940/101170 Perth Stinton Lionel Chase Male Bennett Alma Goulding Female Perth College Chapel
1940/101171 Perth Moss Ethel Louise Female Scott James McBain Male South Perth
1940/101171 Perth Scott James McBain Male Moss Ethel Louise Female South Perth
1940/101172 Perth Allom Marion Elizabeth Female Hampton Alfred Guy Essex Male South Perth
1940/101172 Perth Hampton Alfred Guy Essex Male Allom Marion Elizabeth Female South Perth
1940/101173 Perth Davey Isabella Female Leighton Frederick William Male Subiaco
1940/101173 Perth Leighton Frederick William Male Davey Isabella Female Subiaco
1940/101174 Perth Fisher Alan Wilbur Male Lamb Irene Alice Female Maylands
1940/101174 Perth Lamb Irene Alice Female Fisher Alan Wilbur Male Maylands
1940/101175 Perth Horne Mavis Ettie Female Mackey James Frederick Male Perth
1940/101175 Perth Mackey James Frederick Male Horne Mavis Ettie Female Perth
1940/101176 Perth Kent Margaret Joyce Penelope Female Piercy Frank Ernest Male Perth
1940/101176 Perth Piercy Frank Ernest Male Kent Margaret Joyce Penelope Female Perth
1940/101177 Perth Devereux Leonard Godfrey Male Futter Jean Elizabeth Hannah Female Perth
1940/101177 Perth Futter Jean Elizabeth Hannah Female Devereux Leonard Godfrey Male Perth
1940/101178 Perth Ferris Francis James Male Laing Gladys Ruth Female Perth
1940/101178 Perth Laing Gladys Ruth Female Ferris Francis James Male Perth
1940/101180 Perth Cooper Charles Edward Glanville Male Smith Eileen May Female Perth
1940/101180 Perth Smith Eileen May Female Cooper Charles Edward Glanville Male Perth
1940/101181 Perth Cooper Josephine Mary Female Moody George Reid Male Perth
1940/101181 Perth Moody George Reid Male Cooper Josephine Mary Female Perth
1940/101182 Perth Jacques Ronald Ewart Male Lee Jessie Dora Female W Perth
1940/101182 Perth Lee Jessie Dora Female Jacques Ronald Ewart Male W Perth
1940/101183 Perth Bowker Lucy Jean Female Danielson Alfred Male W Perth
1940/101183 Perth Danielson Alfred Male Bowker Lucy Jean Female W Perth
1940/101184 Perth Gawned Ethel Louise Female Rogers William Arthur Male W Perth
1940/101184 Perth Rogers William Arthur Male Gawned Ethel Louise Female W Perth
1940/101185 Perth McLeod Keneth Bane Male White Edith Marguerite Female West Aus
1940/101185 Perth White Edith Marguerite Female McLeod Keneth Bane Male West Aus
1940/101186 Perth Marchesi Virginio Male Portaro Argentina Female West Perth
1940/101186 Perth Portaro Argentina Female Marchesi Virginio Male West Perth
1940/101187 Perth Clarke Marjorie Florence Female Hunt Thomas Laurence Male Perth
1940/101187 Perth Hunt Thomas Laurence Male Clarke Marjorie Florence Female Perth
1940/101188 Perth Dunn Joseph Male Williams Doris Eileen Female Cottesloe
1940/101188 Perth Williams Doris Eileen Female Dunn Joseph Male Cottesloe
1940/101189 Perth Burgess Stuart Edward Male Sommers Dulcie Rhoda Female Cottesloe
1940/101189 Perth Sommers Dulcie Rhoda Female Burgess Stuart Edward Male Cottesloe
1940/101190 Perth Gregg Ruth Mary Margaret Female Williams Ralph Daniel Male Perth
1940/101190 Perth Williams Ralph Daniel Male Gregg Ruth Mary Margaret Female Perth
1940/101191 Perth Kershaw Margery Florence Female Newton Thomas Henry Alexander Male Cottesloe
1940/101191 Perth Newton Thomas Henry Alexander Male Kershaw Margery Florence Female Cottesloe
1940/101192 Perth Bold John William Male Hemy Margaret Jean Female Perth College Chapel
1940/101192 Perth Hemy Margaret Jean Female Bold John William Male Perth College Chapel
1940/101193 Perth Juett Winifred Mary Female Whittington Albert Male West Perth
1940/101193 Perth Whittington Albert Male Juett Winifred Mary Female West Perth
1940/101194 Perth Hall Phyllis Rose Female Meyer Ronald George Alfred Male West Perth
1940/101194 Perth Meyer Ronald George Alfred Male Hall Phyllis Rose Female West Perth
1940/101195 Perth Mayger Monica Mary Female Russell-Brown Robert Male West Perth
1940/101195 Perth Russell-Brown Robert Male Mayger Monica Mary Female West Perth
1940/101196 Perth Clarkson Marjory Eunice Female Dowden Arnold George Male West Perth
1940/101196 Perth Dowden Arnold George Male Clarkson Marjory Eunice Female West Perth
1940/101197 Perth Duggan Benjamin Edward Male Giese Gracie Female West Perth
1940/101197 Perth Giese Gracie Female Duggan Benjamin Edward Male West Perth
1940/101198 Perth Donegan Leonard Leslie Male MacKenzie Norah Georgina Female West Perth
1940/101198 Perth MacKenzie Norah Georgina Female Donegan Leonard Leslie Male West Perth
1940/101199 Perth Davies Joseph Ronald Male Jennings Alma T Female West Perth
1940/101199 Perth Jennings Alma T Female Davies Joseph Ronald Male West Perth
1940/101200 Perth Chapman Dorothy Rose Female Eastwood Edgar George Male West Perth
1940/101200 Perth Eastwood Edgar George Male Chapman Dorothy Rose Female West Perth
1940/101201 Perth Becher Robert Gordon Male Farmer Edna May Female West Perth
1940/101201 Perth Farmer Edna May Female Becher Robert Gordon Male West Perth
1940/101202 Perth Cox John Male Temby Angelina Maude Female West Perth
1940/101202 Perth Temby Angelina Maude Female Cox John Male West Perth
1940/101203 Perth Forsyth Bruce George Male Stinson Gwendoline Female Perth
1940/101203 Perth Stinson Gwendoline Female Forsyth Bruce George Male Perth
1940/101204 Perth Jackson Frances Female McAllister Malcolm Male North Perth
1940/101204 Perth McAllister Malcolm Male Jackson Frances Female North Perth
1940/101205 Perth McHugh Lyall James Fox Male Scott Olive Freda Female North Perth
1940/101205 Perth Scott Olive Freda Female McHugh Lyall James Fox Male North Perth
1940/101206 Perth Burns Christina Rose Female Roberts Samuel Gordon Male Jolimont
1940/101206 Perth Roberts Samuel Gordon Male Burns Christina Rose Female Jolimont
1940/101207 Perth Gent Rose Irene Female Gray Frederick Albert Redvers Male Perth
1940/101207 Perth Gray Frederick Albert Redvers Male Gent Rose Irene Female Perth
1940/101208 Perth Anderson Frederick Harold Male Apps Marjorie Female Claremont
1940/101208 Perth Apps Marjorie Female Anderson Frederick Harold Male Claremont
1940/101209 Perth de Mouncey Victor Stirling Male Frizzell Lora May Female Claremont
1940/101209 Perth Frizzell Lora May Female de Mouncey Victor Stirling Male Claremont
1940/101211 Perth Campbell Robert McKenzie Male McKeown Ellen Jean Female Claremont
1940/101211 Perth McKeown Ellen Jean Female Campbell Robert McKenzie Male Claremont
1940/101212 Perth Lawley Llewellyn Male Mulvay Lavinia Female Claremont
1940/101212 Perth Mulvay Lavinia Female Lawley Llewellyn Male Claremont
1940/101213 Perth Renton Edna Theodora Female Simpson Richard William Male Perth
1940/101213 Perth Simpson Richard William Male Renton Edna Theodora Female Perth
1940/101214 Perth Beard Heath Gennison Female Rowe John Warwick Male Claremont
1940/101214 Perth Rowe John Warwick Male Beard Heath Gennison Female Claremont
1940/101215 Perth Andrews Errol Preston Male Merritt Jean Female Claremont
1940/101215 Perth Merritt Jean Female Andrews Errol Preston Male Claremont
1940/101216 Perth King John Charles Male Weir Flora Isobel Female Perth
1940/101216 Perth Weir Flora Isobel Female King John Charles Male Perth
1940/101217 Perth Cook Ernest Male Young Catherine Johnson Female Perth
1940/101217 Perth Young Catherine Johnson Female Cook Ernest Male Perth
1940/101218 Perth Corps William Male James Joyce Eileen Female Perth
1940/101218 Perth James Joyce Eileen Female Corps William Male Perth
1940/101219 Perth Scrymgeour James Meck Male Smith Olive Araminta Marie Female Perth
1940/101219 Perth Smith Olive Araminta Marie Female Scrymgeour James Meck Male Perth
1940/101220 Perth Mitchell Annie Female Stewart Augustus Alfred Ernest Male Perth
1940/101220 Perth Stewart Augustus Alfred Ernest Male Mitchell Annie Female Perth
1940/101221 Perth Barfield Dorothy Lillian Female McLean Donald Male Perth
1940/101221 Perth McLean Donald Male Barfield Dorothy Lillian Female Perth
1940/101222 Perth Edgar Robert Turnbull Male Ranger Phyllis May Female Mt Lawley
1940/101222 Perth Ranger Phyllis May Female Edgar Robert Turnbull Male Mt Lawley
1940/101223 Perth Davies Kenneth Roy Male Richards Dorothy Enid Female Perth
1940/101223 Perth Richards Dorothy Enid Female Davies Kenneth Roy Male Perth
1940/101224 Perth Owen Edward Thomas Male Roberts Ruby Gladys Female Perth
1940/101224 Perth Roberts Ruby Gladys Female Owen Edward Thomas Male Perth
1940/101225 Perth Colbung Josephine May Female Isaacs Percival Andrew Male Perth
1940/101225 Perth Isaacs Percival Andrew Male Colbung Josephine May Female Perth
1940/101226 Perth Hughes Amy Coral Female Tapscott Wallace Male Perth
1940/101226 Perth Tapscott Wallace Male Hughes Amy Coral Female Perth
1940/101227 Perth Elliott Jessie Beatrice Female Ostle William Thomas Male Perth
1940/101227 Perth Ostle William Thomas Male Elliott Jessie Beatrice Female Perth
1940/101228 Perth Browder William Male Thomas Elizabeth Myrtle Female Perth
1940/101228 Perth Thomas Elizabeth Myrtle Female Browder William Male Perth
1940/101229 Perth Jackson Wilfred Leslie Male Mundy Winnifred Lily Female Perth
1940/101229 Perth Mundy Winnifred Lily Female Jackson Wilfred Leslie Male Perth
1940/101230 Perth Morgan Richard Parry Male Scott Ethel Marion Female Perth
1940/101230 Perth Scott Ethel Marion Female Morgan Richard Parry Male Perth
1940/101231 Perth Millson May Female Vranjican Michael Male Perth
1940/101231 Perth Vranjican Michael Male Millson May Female Perth
1940/101232 Perth Henneberry James Michael Male Kinson Lily Female Maylands
1940/101232 Perth Kinson Lily Female Henneberry James Michael Male Maylands
1940/101233 Perth Le Clerc Maurice Simpson Male Ronan Gloria Hope Female Perth
1940/101233 Perth Ronan Gloria Hope Female Le Clerc Maurice Simpson Male Perth
1940/101234 Perth Beard John Frederick Male Debnam Gwen Female Mosman Park
1940/101234 Perth Debnam Gwen Female Beard John Frederick Male Mosman Park
1940/101235 Perth Bevan Thomas Douglas Male Kirk Ethel May Female Perth
1940/101235 Perth Kirk Ethel May Female Bevan Thomas Douglas Male Perth
1940/101236 Perth Northover Beryl Violet Female Withell Edward Leaver Male Perth
1940/101236 Perth Withell Edward Leaver Male Northover Beryl Violet Female Perth
1940/101237 Perth Mack Mary Kathleen Female Welch Wilbur Clifford Male Perth
1940/101237 Perth Welch Wilbur Clifford Male Mack Mary Kathleen Female Perth
1940/101238 Perth Marshall Isabel Female Pearce Jack Gill Male Perth
1940/101238 Perth Pearce Jack Gill Male Marshall Isabel Female Perth
1940/101239 Perth East June Huntleigh Female Harvey Harold Norman Male Perth
1940/101239 Perth Harvey Harold Norman Male East June Huntleigh Female Perth
1940/101240 Perth Hunter Iris Lambert Female Senier Francis Norman Male Perth
1940/101240 Perth Senier Francis Norman Male Hunter Iris Lambert Female Perth
1940/101241 Perth Hogan Irene Janice Female Rowe Douglas Henry Male Perth
1940/101241 Perth Rowe Douglas Henry Male Hogan Irene Janice Female Perth
1940/101242 Perth Hunter John Matthew Male Taylor Eunice May Female Perth
1940/101242 Perth Taylor Eunice May Female Hunter John Matthew Male Perth
1940/101243 Perth Compton Hector Leslie John Male Watson Roma Noel Female Perth
1940/101243 Perth Watson Roma Noel Female Compton Hector Leslie John Male Perth
1940/101244 Perth Dingle Dorothy Sylvia Female Marquis Arthur Cecil Male Perth
1940/101244 Perth Marquis Arthur Cecil Male Dingle Dorothy Sylvia Female Perth
1940/101245 Perth Davies Alwyn Gerald Male Smily Joan Patricia Female Claremont
1940/101245 Perth Smily Joan Patricia Female Davies Alwyn Gerald Male Claremont
1940/101246 Perth Moore George William Richmond Male Short Jean Elizabeth Female South Perth
1940/101246 Perth Short Jean Elizabeth Female Moore George William Richmond Male South Perth
1940/101247 Perth Emery Mary Irene Female Gannaway Henry John Male Perth
1940/101247 Perth Gannaway Henry John Male Emery Mary Irene Female Perth
1940/101248 Perth Ford Violet Female Sharp Walter Melville Male Perth
1940/101248 Perth Sharp Walter Melville Male Ford Violet Female Perth
1940/101249 Perth Glacken Eunice Eileen Female Taplin Frederick Keith Male Victoria Park
1940/101249 Perth Taplin Frederick Keith Male Glacken Eunice Eileen Female Victoria Park
1940/101250 Perth Benton Albert Verden Male Turner Joan Gloria Female Victoria Park
1940/101250 Perth Turner Joan Gloria Female Benton Albert Verden Male Victoria Park
1940/101251 Perth Peacock Ada Josephine Female Stevenson George Keith Male Subiaco
1940/101251 Perth Stevenson George Keith Male Peacock Ada Josephine Female Subiaco
1941/101252 Perth Cooper George Henry Male McGill May Ellen Female Perth
1940/101252 Perth Dubokovich Simin Male Pidgeon Phyllis Monica Female Perth
1941/101252 Perth McGill May Ellen Female Cooper George Henry Male Perth
1940/101252 Perth Pidgeon Phyllis Monica Female Dubokovich Simin Male Perth
1940/101253 Perth Harper Reginald Male Keeley Ruth Female Perth
1940/101253 Perth Keeley Ruth Female Harper Reginald Male Perth
1941/101253 Perth Kelly John Patrick Male Renton Edith Audrey Female Perth
1941/101253 Perth Renton Edith Audrey Female Kelly John Patrick Male Perth
1940/101254 Perth Lewis Marjory Phyllis Female McGann Gerard Michael Male Perth
1940/101254 Perth McGann Gerard Michael Male Lewis Marjory Phyllis Female Perth
1940/101255 Perth Davis Mary Frances Female Skinner Percy Lionel Male Perth
1940/101255 Perth Skinner Percy Lionel Male Davis Mary Frances Female Perth
1940/101256 Perth OConnell Charlotte Catherine Female White Ronald George Male Perth
1940/101256 Perth White Ronald George Male OConnell Charlotte Catherine Female Perth
1940/101257 Perth Snelgar Jack Male Tottman Ida Marian Female Subiaco
1940/101257 Perth Tottman Ida Marian Female Snelgar Jack Male Subiaco
1940/101258 Perth Griffiths Caroline Margaret Female Kerr John Leslie Male Mt Lawley
1940/101258 Perth Kerr John Leslie Male Griffiths Caroline Margaret Female Mt Lawley
1940/101259 Perth Lockwood Georgina Martha Female McBeath Neil Kearney Male Perth
1940/101259 Perth McBeath Neil Kearney Male Lockwood Georgina Martha Female Perth
1940/101260 Perth Hay Kenneth Alexander Gordon Male Stevens Mabel Elizabeth Female Leederville
1940/101260 Perth Stevens Mabel Elizabeth Female Hay Kenneth Alexander Gordon Male Leederville
1940/101261 Perth McNamara Josephine Lesley Female O'Sullivan Terence Michael Male Highgate Hill
1940/101261 Perth O'Sullivan Terence Michael Male McNamara Josephine Lesley Female Highgate Hill
1940/101262 Perth De Freitas Phyllis Cecilia Female Buggy Joseph Aloysius Male Highgate Hill
1940/101262 Perth Buggy Joseph Aloysius Male De Freitas Phyllis Cecilia Female Highgate Hill
1940/101263 Perth Clarke Elizabeth Agnes Female Morris Thomas Francis Male Leederville
1940/101263 Perth Morris Thomas Francis Male Clarke Elizabeth Agnes Female Leederville
1940/101264 Perth Marsh Theresa Helena Female Nelligan Philip William Male Leederville
1940/101264 Perth Nelligan Philip William Male Marsh Theresa Helena Female Leederville
1940/101265 Perth Bolitho William Male Woodland Edna Female Perth
1940/101265 Perth Woodland Edna Female Bolitho William Male Perth
1940/101266 Perth Barron Alice Teresa Female Isaacs Leslie Male Perth
1940/101266 Perth Isaacs Leslie Male Barron Alice Teresa Female Perth
1940/101267 Perth Bradley Kathleen Mary Female Cooper Reginald William Male Victoria Park
1940/101267 Perth Cooper Reginald William Male Bradley Kathleen Mary Female Victoria Park
1940/101268 Perth Gordon James Hannah Male Troy Myrtle Anzac Female Wembley Park
1940/101268 Perth Troy Myrtle Anzac Female Gordon James Hannah Male Wembley Park
1940/101269 Perth Coe Richard Gash Male Thomas Vinia Marjorie Anderson Female Perth
1940/101269 Perth Thomas Vinia Marjorie Anderson Female Coe Richard Gash Male Perth
1940/101270 Perth Cornell Helen Jean Female Winstone Frederick James Male Mt Lawley
1940/101270 Perth Winstone Frederick James Male Cornell Helen Jean Female Mt Lawley
1940/101271 Perth Grace Mary Mildred Female Moss Francis Reginald Bruce Male Mt Lawley
1940/101271 Perth Moss Francis Reginald Bruce Male Grace Mary Mildred Female Mt Lawley
1940/101272 Perth Shellam Herbert William Male Stow Norah Female Mt Lawley
1940/101272 Perth Stow Norah Female Shellam Herbert William Male Mt Lawley
1940/101273 Perth George Philip Frederick Male Simmonds Hazel Dorothea Female West Perth
1940/101273 Perth Simmonds Hazel Dorothea Female George Philip Frederick Male West Perth
1940/101274 Perth Burrell Albert Arthur Male Turvey Thelma May Female West Perth
1940/101274 Perth Turvey Thelma May Female Burrell Albert Arthur Male West Perth
1940/101275 Perth Davies Robert Ellsmere Male Garavanta Rosa May Female West Perth
1940/101275 Perth Garavanta Rosa May Female Davies Robert Ellsmere Male West Perth
1940/101276 Perth Kennedy John Francis Male Washing Estelle Gwyneth Female West Perth
1940/101276 Perth Washing Estelle Gwyneth Female Kennedy John Francis Male West Perth
1940/101277 Perth Denton Margaret Elizabeth Female Grant James Male Mount Hawthorn Presbyterian Church
1940/101277 Perth Grant James Male Denton Margaret Elizabeth Female Mount Hawthorn Presbyterian Church
1940/101278 Perth Hooker Esther Gwendoline Female Ison Ernest James Male Perth
1940/101278 Perth Ison Ernest James Male Hooker Esther Gwendoline Female Perth
1940/101279 Perth Atkins Colin Louis Male Nichols Clytie Evelynt May Female Maylands
1940/101279 Perth Nichols Clytie Evelynt May Female Atkins Colin Louis Male Maylands
1940/101280 Perth Castiglioni Edith Mary Female Mason Francis Lionell Male Perth
1940/101280 Perth Mason Francis Lionell Male Castiglioni Edith Mary Female Perth
1940/101281 Perth McKenzie Allan George Steele Male Walker Grace Janet Female South Perth
1940/101281 Perth Walker Grace Janet Female McKenzie Allan George Steele Male South Perth
1940/101282 Perth Liggins Agnes Mary Female McArdell Phillip Harris Oldfield Male South Perth
1940/101282 Perth McArdell Phillip Harris Oldfield Male Liggins Agnes Mary Female South Perth
1940/101283 Perth Peirce Agnes Freda Female Wright John James Male Perth
1940/101283 Perth Wright John James Male Peirce Agnes Freda Female Perth
1940/101284 Perth Forsyth Joseph Alexander Male McLean Christina Annie Female Perth
1940/101284 Perth McLean Christina Annie Female Forsyth Joseph Alexander Male Perth
1940/101285 Perth Bevan Stephen Alfred Male Brehaut Beryl Joyce Female Perth
1940/101285 Perth Brehaut Beryl Joyce Female Bevan Stephen Alfred Male Perth
1940/101286 Perth Maidment Alexander Royston Male Ward Elsie Annie Female North Perth
1940/101286 Perth Ward Elsie Annie Female Maidment Alexander Royston Male North Perth
1940/101287 Perth Arcus Shirley Mary Female Nunn Irvin Campbell Aubrey Male North Perth
1940/101287 Perth Nunn Irvin Campbell Aubrey Male Arcus Shirley Mary Female North Perth
1940/101288 Perth Hunter William James Male Simpson Laura Bernice Female Perth
1940/101288 Perth Simpson Laura Bernice Female Hunter William James Male Perth
1940/101290 Perth Long Ada Jean Female Todd Reginald Verdun Male Rosalie
1940/101290 Perth Todd Reginald Verdun Male Long Ada Jean Female Rosalie
1940/101291 Perth Perrie Robert John Male Philpott Queen Lita Doris Female Perth
1940/101291 Perth Philpott Queen Lita Doris Female Perrie Robert John Male Perth
1940/101292 Perth Pearce Edith Gladys Jane Female Triscott Richard Lawley Male Perth
1940/101292 Perth Triscott Richard Lawley Male Pearce Edith Gladys Jane Female Perth
1940/101294 Perth Moore William Henry Male Stothard Eunice Kathleen Female Perth
1940/101294 Perth Stothard Eunice Kathleen Female Moore William Henry Male Perth
1940/101295 Perth Griesbach Patricia Esther Female Waghorne John Leonard Male Perth
1940/101295 Perth Waghorne John Leonard Male Griesbach Patricia Esther Female Perth
1940/101296 Perth Anderson Hazel Olive Female Liggins Harold Male Perth
1940/101296 Perth Liggins Harold Male Anderson Hazel Olive Female Perth
1940/101297 Perth Lynch Elsie Margaret Female Smart Herbert Sidney Male Perth
1940/101297 Perth Lynch Elsie Margaret Female Tripp Herbert Sidney Male Perth
1940/101297 Perth Smart Herbert Sidney Male Lynch Elsie Margaret Female Perth
1940/101297 Perth Tripp Herbert Sidney Male Lynch Elsie Margaret Female Perth
1940/101298 Perth Dickerson Alan Edward Male Whiteman Lillian May Female Perth
1940/101298 Perth Whiteman Lillian May Female Dickerson Alan Edward Male Perth
1940/101299 Perth Peters Lyla Florence Female Roberts Francis Vincent Male Perth
1940/101299 Perth Roberts Francis Vincent Male Peters Lyla Florence Female Perth
1940/101300 Perth de Luca John Alfred Male Dyson Edna May Female Perth
1940/101300 Perth Dyson Edna May Female de Luca John Alfred Male Perth
1940/101301 Perth Grenville Daniel Stanley Male Tulip Phyllis Eileen Female Perth
1940/101301 Perth Tulip Phyllis Eileen Female Grenville Daniel Stanley Male Perth
1940/101302 Perth Easton William Robert Male Herrmann Gwendoline Jean Female Perth
1940/101302 Perth Herrmann Gwendoline Jean Female Easton William Robert Male Perth
1940/101303 Perth Baxter David Male Darvell Dorothy Hannah Female Cottesloe
1940/101303 Perth Darvell Dorothy Hannah Female Baxter David Male Cottesloe
1940/101304 Perth Biermann Edna Bertha Hilda Female Ulbrich Leo Dodwell Male Perth
1940/101304 Perth Ulbrich Leo Dodwell Male Biermann Edna Bertha Hilda Female Perth
1940/101305 Perth Biermann Erica Phelma Female McKechnie Alan Francis Clark Male Perth
1940/101305 Perth McKechnie Alan Francis Clark Male Biermann Erica Phelma Female Perth
1940/101306 Perth Garrett Walter Leslie Male Ricketts Constance Jean Female Perth
1940/101306 Perth Ricketts Constance Jean Female Garrett Walter Leslie Male Perth
1940/101307 Perth John David George Male Roberts Nellie Female Perth
1940/101307 Perth Roberts Nellie Female John David George Male Perth
1940/101308 Perth Humphry Frank Frederick Male Long Joyce Female Perth College Chapel
1940/101308 Perth Long Joyce Female Humphry Frank Frederick Male Perth College Chapel
1940/101309 Perth Baverstock Alice Patricia Female Reading Leonard Charles Male W Perth
1940/101309 Perth Reading Leonard Charles Male Baverstock Alice Patricia Female W Perth
1940/101310 Perth Lawson George Walter Maurice Male Saunders Marie Josephine Female Highgate Hill
1940/101310 Perth Saunders Marie Josephine Female Lawson George Walter Maurice Male Highgate Hill
1940/101311 Perth Bergersen Dorothy Lola Female Criddle Glen Thomas Male Perth
1940/101311 Perth Criddle Glen Thomas Male Bergersen Dorothy Lola Female Perth
1940/101312 Perth Hope Charles Henry Male Knight Florence Emma Martin Female Perth
1940/101312 Perth Knight Florence Emma Martin Female Hope Charles Henry Male Perth
1940/101313 Perth Chave Albert Edward Aubrey Male Hawkins Thelma May Female Leederville
1940/101313 Perth Hawkins Thelma May Female Chave Albert Edward Aubrey Male Leederville
1940/101314 Perth Boulton Charles James Male Chapman Joyce Mary Female Leederville
1940/101314 Perth Chapman Joyce Mary Female Boulton Charles James Male Leederville
1940/101315 Perth Abbott William Thomas Male Bridger Laurel Joyce Female West Perth
1940/101315 Perth Bridger Laurel Joyce Female Abbott William Thomas Male West Perth
1940/101316 Perth Cutting Bertram George Male Houston Mavis Lillian Female W Perth
1940/101316 Perth Houston Mavis Lillian Female Cutting Bertram George Male W Perth
1940/101317 Perth Levy Helen Rosalie Female McMillan Julo Douglas Male Perth
1940/101317 Perth McMillan Julo Douglas Male Levy Helen Rosalie Female Perth
1940/101318 Perth Anthony Leslie Male Nagle Gladys Maud Female Perth
1940/101318 Perth Nagle Gladys Maud Female Anthony Leslie Male Perth
1940/101319 Perth Barnes John Male Fox Florence Kathleen Female Victoria Park
1940/101319 Perth Fox Florence Kathleen Female Barnes John Male Victoria Park
1940/101320 Perth Hammarquist Susie Sarah Female Tucker William John Male Highgate
1940/101320 Perth Tucker William John Male Hammarquist Susie Sarah Female Highgate
1940/101321 Perth Bell Ann Robertson Female Clarke William Barrie Male Mosman Park
1940/101321 Perth Clarke William Barrie Male Bell Ann Robertson Female Mosman Park
1940/101322 Perth Knell Norman Charles Fry Male Melsom Marie Augusta Fremantle Female Perth
1940/101322 Perth Melsom Marie Augusta Fremantle Female Knell Norman Charles Fry Male Perth
1940/101323 Perth Harding Leslie Harold Male Hewitt Jean Isabel Female West Aust
1940/101323 Perth Hewitt Jean Isabel Female Harding Leslie Harold Male West Aust
1940/101324 Perth Main Andrew Robert Male Rowe Melba Mavis Female Shenton Park
1940/101324 Perth Rowe Melba Mavis Female Main Andrew Robert Male Shenton Park
1940/101325 Perth Beere Kathleen Mary Hope Female Paterson William James Male Perth
1940/101325 Perth Paterson William James Male Beere Kathleen Mary Hope Female Perth
1940/101326 Perth Gallagher Bridget Evelyn Female Mitchell Leslie Male Victoria Park
1940/101326 Perth Mitchell Leslie Male Gallagher Bridget Evelyn Female Victoria Park
1940/101327 Perth Hennings Douglas Graham Male Snell Dulcie Heather Female Victoria Park
1940/101327 Perth Snell Dulcie Heather Female Hennings Douglas Graham Male Victoria Park
1940/101328 Perth Clapp Donald Keith Male Ridley Marjory Female Victoria Park
1940/101328 Perth Ridley Marjory Female Clapp Donald Keith Male Victoria Park
1940/101329 Perth Blair Arthur David Stewart Male Searby Bluebell Heather Female Claremont
1940/101329 Perth Searby Bluebell Heather Female Blair Arthur David Stewart Male Claremont
1940/101330 Perth Norman Phyllis Irene Female Strickland Clifford Arthur Male Claremont
1940/101330 Perth Strickland Clifford Arthur Male Norman Phyllis Irene Female Claremont
1940/101331 Perth Dean Gordon Austin Male Pascarl Amy Annie Female Claremont
1940/101331 Perth Pascarl Amy Annie Female Dean Gordon Austin Male Claremont
1940/101332 Perth Larner Herbert Edward Male Lewis Kathleen Margaret Female West Leederville
1940/101332 Perth Lewis Kathleen Margaret Female Larner Herbert Edward Male West Leederville
1940/101333 Perth George Ernest Maxwell Male Riley Dorothy June Female Maylands
1940/101333 Perth Riley Dorothy June Female George Ernest Maxwell Male Maylands
1940/101334 Perth Spencer Thelma Mildred Female Wilding Bert Male Perth
1940/101334 Perth Wilding Bert Male Spencer Thelma Mildred Female Perth
1940/101335 Perth Male James Newton Male Smith Kathleen Florence Female Perth
1940/101335 Perth Smith Kathleen Florence Female Male James Newton Male Perth
1940/101336 Perth Butcher Margaret Isobel Female Nathan Bernard David Male Perth
1940/101336 Perth Nathan Bernard David Male Butcher Margaret Isobel Female Perth
1940/101337 Perth Murrihy Alma Gladys Female Turnbull Kenneth George Male Perth
1940/101337 Perth Turnbull Kenneth George Male Murrihy Alma Gladys Female Perth
1940/101338 Perth Beer Elsie May Female Smith John Male Claremont
1940/101338 Perth Smith John Male Beer Elsie May Female Claremont
1940/101339 Perth Bicker Bertha Ellen Louisa Female Chessher William Edward Male Claremont
1940/101339 Perth Chessher William Edward Male Bicker Bertha Ellen Louisa Female Claremont
1940/101340 Perth McCormick Leo Male Rogers Edna May Female Claremont
1940/101340 Perth Rogers Edna May Female McCormick Leo Male Claremont
1940/101341 Perth Henderson Thomas Wyndham Male Smith Ivy Norma McKay Female Mt Lawley
1940/101341 Perth Smith Ivy Norma McKay Female Henderson Thomas Wyndham Male Mt Lawley
1940/101342 Perth Morrison Margaret Anne Female Sutherlin Marcel Henri Male Perth
1940/101342 Perth Sutherlin Marcel Henri Male Morrison Margaret Anne Female Perth
1940/101343 Perth Brentnall Brenda May Female Kersley Ronald George Male Perth
1940/101343 Perth Kersley Ronald George Male Brentnall Brenda May Female Perth
1940/101344 Perth Graham Annie May Female Miller James Male Perth
1940/101344 Perth Miller James Male Graham Annie May Female Perth
1940/101345 Perth Miles Lennard Maxwell Male Warr Jessie Lillian Maud Female Perth
1940/101345 Perth Warr Jessie Lillian Maud Female Miles Lennard Maxwell Male Perth
1940/101346 Perth Greig Olive Female Parkin Eric William Male Perth
1940/101346 Perth Parkin Eric William Male Greig Olive Female Perth
1940/101347 Perth Carcary Ailsa Lyle Female Locke Edward George Male Perth
1940/101347 Perth Locke Edward George Male Carcary Ailsa Lyle Female Perth
1940/101348 Perth Bell Arthur Male Stronach Edna Mona Margaret Female Perth
1940/101348 Perth Stronach Edna Mona Margaret Female Bell Arthur Male Perth
1940/101349 Perth Field Harry Vivian Male Paull Muriel May Female Perth
1940/101349 Perth Paull Muriel May Female Field Harry Vivian Male Perth
1940/101350 Perth Brooks Mary Josephine Female Howard Thomas Alexander Male West Perth
1940/101350 Perth Howard Thomas Alexander Male Brooks Mary Josephine Female West Perth
1940/101351 Perth Donaldson Margery Female Urquhart Donald David McDougal Male Perth
1940/101351 Perth Urquhart Donald David McDougal Male Donaldson Margery Female Perth
1940/101352 Perth Coe Nancy Clarence Female Smedley Charlie Frederic Male Bayswater
1940/101352 Perth Smedley Charlie Frederic Male Coe Nancy Clarence Female Bayswater
1940/101353 Perth Auld Jean Nisbett Female Baldock Frederick George Male North Perth
1940/101353 Perth Baldock Frederick George Male Auld Jean Nisbett Female North Perth
1940/101354 Perth Borbidge Margaret Josephine Female McInnes Norman Cameron Male Perth
1940/101354 Perth McInnes Norman Cameron Male Borbidge Margaret Josephine Female Perth
1940/101355 Perth McNaboe Lorna Mary Katherine Female Watson Albert Thomas Allan Male Perth
1940/101355 Perth Watson Albert Thomas Allan Male McNaboe Lorna Mary Katherine Female Perth
1940/101356 Perth Leishman Howard Lindsay Male Ryan Kathleen Mary Female West Perth
1940/101356 Perth Ryan Kathleen Mary Female Leishman Howard Lindsay Male West Perth
1940/101358 Perth Bettini Angelo Male Della-Vedova Linda Female Osborne Park
1940/101358 Perth Della-Vedova Linda Female Bettini Angelo Male Osborne Park
1940/101359 Perth Brew Philip Norman Male Evans Brenda Louisa Female Perth
1940/101359 Perth Evans Brenda Louisa Female Brew Philip Norman Male Perth
1940/101360 Perth Bucktin Mary Frances Female Forsyth George Raymond Male East Claremont
1940/101360 Perth Forsyth George Raymond Male Bucktin Mary Frances Female East Claremont
1940/101361 Perth McAuliffe Charles Raymond Male Waters Florence Joan Female Perth
1940/101361 Perth Waters Florence Joan Female McAuliffe Charles Raymond Male Perth
1940/101362 Perth Brennon Roma Dorothy Female Fisher Stanley Male Maylands
1940/101362 Perth Fisher Stanley Male Brennon Roma Dorothy Female Maylands
1940/101363 Perth Daniel Marjorie Frances Female White Colin Charles James Male Perth
1940/101363 Perth White Colin Charles James Male Daniel Marjorie Frances Female Perth
1940/101364 Perth Leedies Helen Female Rogers Samuel Evan Male Perth
1940/101364 Perth Rogers Samuel Evan Male Leedies Helen Female Perth
1940/101365 Perth Minchin Thomas Albert Henry Male Whittem Margaret Lucy Female Perth
1940/101365 Perth Whittem Margaret Lucy Female Minchin Thomas Albert Henry Male Perth
1940/101366 Perth Munro Colin James Male Rebell Lonita Emilia Female Perth
1940/101366 Perth Rebell Lonita Emilia Female Munro Colin James Male Perth
1940/101367 Perth Cooper Enid Mary Female Frieze Greig Barnett Male Perth
1940/101367 Perth Frieze Greig Barnett Male Cooper Enid Mary Female Perth
1940/101368 Perth Ferguson Doris Female Menhennett Sydney Henry Male Bayswater
1940/101368 Perth Menhennett Sydney Henry Male Ferguson Doris Female Bayswater
1940/101369 Perth Lennell Albert Ernest Male McManus Madeleine Ann Female Leederville
1940/101369 Perth McManus Madeleine Ann Female Lennell Albert Ernest Male Leederville
1940/101370 Perth Cherry Thomas Davidson Male Rushforth Dorothy Joyce Female Leederville
1940/101370 Perth Rushforth Dorothy Joyce Female Cherry Thomas Davidson Male Leederville
1940/101371 Perth Davies Stewart Maitland George Male Griffiths Eva Margaret Female Maylands
1940/101371 Perth Griffiths Eva Margaret Female Davies Stewart Maitland George Male Maylands
1940/101372 Perth Rowbottom Frederick Farnell Male Williamson Maude Gwendoline Female Inglewood
1940/101372 Perth Williamson Maude Gwendoline Female Rowbottom Frederick Farnell Male Inglewood
1940/101373 Perth James Lily Doris Female Stephens Richard John Male Maylands
1940/101373 Perth Stephens Richard John Male James Lily Doris Female Maylands
1940/101374 Perth Andrijasevich Ivica Female Babich Leo Mark Male Leederville
1940/101374 Perth Babich Leo Mark Male Andrijasevich Ivica Female Leederville
1940/101375 Perth Coppin Lilian May Female Singleton John Elgy Male East Perth
1940/101375 Perth Singleton John Elgy Male Coppin Lilian May Female East Perth
1940/101376 Perth McCutcheon Robert Geoffrey Male Sandercock Phyllis Edna Mary Female Perth
1940/101376 Perth Sandercock Phyllis Edna Mary Female McCutcheon Robert Geoffrey Male Perth
1940/101377 Perth Blight Donald Wilford Male Mann Jeanette Lillian Female Perth
1940/101377 Perth Mann Jeanette Lillian Female Blight Donald Wilford Male Perth
1940/101378 Perth Gliddon Evelyn Winifred Female Townsend Allan McPhail Male South Perth
1940/101378 Perth Townsend Allan McPhail Male Gliddon Evelyn Winifred Female South Perth
1940/101379 Perth Hodgson Cortis Guy Male Richardson Patricia Sophia Female Maylands
1940/101379 Perth Richardson Patricia Sophia Female Hodgson Cortis Guy Male Maylands
1940/101380 Perth Castle Alexander Edward Male Sherar Ella Female Maylands
1940/101380 Perth Sherar Ella Female Castle Alexander Edward Male Maylands
1940/101381 Perth Cooke Frances Doris Female Sherar Henry Male Maylands
1940/101381 Perth Sherar Henry Male Cooke Frances Doris Female Maylands
1940/101382 Perth Berry Constance Vera Female O'Keeffe Frank Percival Male Cottesloe
1940/101382 Perth O'Keeffe Frank Percival Male Berry Constance Vera Female Cottesloe
1940/101383 Perth Cresswell Edward Evan Male Hawke-Wegg Octavia Mary Female Cottesloe
1940/101383 Perth Hawke-Wegg Octavia Mary Female Cresswell Edward Evan Male Cottesloe
1940/101384 Perth Bridges William John Male Mantova Eunice Eileen Female West Perth
1940/101384 Perth Mantova Eunice Eileen Female Bridges William John Male West Perth
1940/101385 Perth Evans Maria Female Hayward Lloyd George Male West Perth
1940/101385 Perth Hayward Lloyd George Male Evans Maria Female West Perth
1940/101386 Perth Allen Alfred George Male Middleton Winifred Elsie Female West Perth
1940/101386 Perth Middleton Winifred Elsie Female Allen Alfred George Male West Perth
1940/101387 Perth Logan Ray Allan Male Parker Joyce Coralie Female West Perth
1940/101387 Perth Parker Joyce Coralie Female Logan Ray Allan Male West Perth
1940/101388 Perth Black Ronald Gordon Male Browne-Cooper Kathleen Laurna Female West Perth
1940/101388 Perth Browne-Cooper Kathleen Laurna Female Black Ronald Gordon Male West Perth
1940/101389 Perth Bradley Maisie Female Hindes Ronald Franklin Male West Perth
1940/101389 Perth Hindes Ronald Franklin Male Bradley Maisie Female West Perth
1940/101390 Perth Meecham Robert Nigel Goss Male Wallder Enid Merle Female West Perth
1940/101390 Perth Wallder Enid Merle Female Meecham Robert Nigel Goss Male West Perth
1940/101391 Perth Short William Male Wilson Mary Elizabeth Female Leederville
1940/101391 Perth Wilson Mary Elizabeth Female Short William Male Leederville
1940/101392 Perth Fry Gwendoline May Female Joyner James Alexander Male Claremont
1940/101392 Perth Joyner James Alexander Male Fry Gwendoline May Female Claremont
1940/101393 Perth Byers Philip Wallace Male Kerin Doreen Victoria Female Claremont
1940/101393 Perth Kerin Doreen Victoria Female Byers Philip Wallace Male Claremont
1940/101394 Perth Dixon Elsie Beatrice Female Hutchinson Wilfred Lincoln Male Claremont
1940/101394 Perth Hutchinson Wilfred Lincoln Male Dixon Elsie Beatrice Female Claremont
1940/101395 Perth Gollan Joy Francia Female Watt Stanley Douglas Male Claremont
1940/101395 Perth Watt Stanley Douglas Male Gollan Joy Francia Female Claremont
1940/101396 Perth Braid Norman Alexander Male Kerr Eva Loraine Female Perth
1940/101396 Perth Kerr Eva Loraine Female Braid Norman Alexander Male Perth
1940/101397 Perth Downing Alfred Charles Evans Male Miller Margaret Ethel Female Perth
1940/101397 Perth Miller Margaret Ethel Female Downing Alfred Charles Evans Male Perth
1940/101398 Perth Cole Archibald John Hamlyn Male Noble Coral Ivy Female Perth
1940/101398 Perth Noble Coral Ivy Female Cole Archibald John Hamlyn Male Perth
1940/101399 Perth McLeod Norma Veronica Female Reynolds Norman Whally Male Subiaco
1940/101399 Perth Reynolds Norman Whally Male McLeod Norma Veronica Female Subiaco
1940/101400 Perth Cross Albert Joseph Male Wise Norma Angela Female Subiaco
1940/101400 Perth Wise Norma Angela Female Cross Albert Joseph Male Subiaco
1940/101401 Perth Atkinson Mavis Dorothy Female Brooks Sidney Male Victoria Park
1940/101401 Perth Brooks Sidney Male Atkinson Mavis Dorothy Female Victoria Park
1940/101401 Perth Brooks Sidney Male Mazzuchelli Mavis Dorothy Female Victoria Park
1940/101401 Perth Mazzuchelli Mavis Dorothy Female Brooks Sidney Male Victoria Park
1940/101402 Perth Crow Winifred Jessie Female Glenn Waverley Allen de Burgh Male Victoria Park
1940/101402 Perth Glenn Waverley Allen de Burgh Male Crow Winifred Jessie Female Victoria Park
1940/101403 Perth Day Reginald Osborne Bartlett Male Fraser Isabel Female Nedlands
1940/101403 Perth Fraser Isabel Female Day Reginald Osborne Bartlett Male Nedlands
1940/101404 Perth Hall Doris Joyce Female Smith Albert Arthur Male West Perth
1940/101404 Perth Smith Albert Arthur Male Hall Doris Joyce Female West Perth
1940/101405 Perth Ferguson Catherine McAlister Female Richards Hilton Leonard Male W Perth
1940/101405 Perth Richards Hilton Leonard Male Ferguson Catherine McAlister Female W Perth
1940/101406 Perth Clark Emily Elizabeth Female Tucker Ernest Joseph Male Perth
1940/101406 Perth Tucker Ernest Joseph Male Clark Emily Elizabeth Female Perth
1940/101407 Perth Clarke Albert Emiel Frederick Male Wiley Ellen May Female West Leederville
1940/101407 Perth Wiley Ellen May Female Clarke Albert Emiel Frederick Male West Leederville
1940/101408 Perth Forman Mary Helen Female Johnson Richard John Joseph Male West Perth
1940/101408 Perth Johnson Richard John Joseph Male Forman Mary Helen Female West Perth
1940/101409 Perth Baber Joyce Beatrice Female Moore James Richard Male Subiaco
1940/101409 Perth Moore James Richard Male Baber Joyce Beatrice Female Subiaco
1940/101410 Perth Campbell Harold George Male Tanner Vera Joan Female Maylands
1940/101410 Perth Tanner Vera Joan Female Campbell Harold George Male Maylands
1940/101411 Perth Phillips Catherine Theresa Female Ward Harold Edward Male Leederville
1940/101411 Perth Ward Harold Edward Male Phillips Catherine Theresa Female Leederville
1940/101412 Perth Dullard Ronald Hector Male Knox Thelma Rose Female Highgate
1940/101412 Perth Knox Thelma Rose Female Dullard Ronald Hector Male Highgate
1940/101413 Perth Hazeldine Frances Ida Female Noonan Cyril John Male Highgate Hill
1940/101413 Perth Noonan Cyril John Male Hazeldine Frances Ida Female Highgate Hill
1940/101414 Perth Fellows Dorothy Irene Female Fenwick Roy Male Subiaco
1940/101414 Perth Fenwick Roy Male Fellows Dorothy Irene Female Subiaco
1940/101415 Perth Flower Patricia Female Myles William Henry Saunders Male Mount Lawley
1940/101415 Perth Myles William Henry Saunders Male Flower Patricia Female Mount Lawley
1940/101416 Perth McKenzie Harold George Male Spinks Lillian May Female North Perth
1940/101416 Perth Spinks Lillian May Female McKenzie Harold George Male North Perth
1940/101417 Perth Boxall Lynda May Female Foweraker Austin Clarence Male Mt Lawley
1940/101417 Perth Foweraker Austin Clarence Male Boxall Lynda May Female Mt Lawley
1940/101418 Perth George Kenneth Ellis Male Smith Winnifred Margaret Female Victoria Park
1940/101418 Perth Smith Winnifred Margaret Female George Kenneth Ellis Male Victoria Park
1940/101419 Perth Black Heather Mary Female McKenzie Eric Robert Male Victoria Park
1940/101419 Perth McKenzie Eric Robert Male Black Heather Mary Female Victoria Park
1940/101420 Perth Anderson Kenneth Proudfoot Male Goldstein Winifred Waters Female West Perth
1940/101420 Perth Goldstein Winifred Waters Female Anderson Kenneth Proudfoot Male West Perth
1940/101421 Perth Lockyer Paul Male Ward Edna Gwendolyn Female West Perth
1940/101421 Perth Ward Edna Gwendolyn Female Lockyer Paul Male West Perth
1940/101422 Perth Homewood Edgar Male West Stella Joyce Doreen Female West Perth
1940/101422 Perth West Stella Joyce Doreen Female Homewood Edgar Male West Perth
1940/101423 Perth Courtenay Edna Mavis Female Lawry Walter Douglas Male West Perth
1940/101423 Perth Lawry Walter Douglas Male Courtenay Edna Mavis Female West Perth
1940/101424 Perth Brown Jessie Female Smith Clive Bernhard Male West Perth
1940/101424 Perth Smith Clive Bernhard Male Brown Jessie Female West Perth
1940/101425 Perth Agg Charles Shirley Metcalf Male Ferrier Jane Broun Female West Perth
1940/101425 Perth Ferrier Jane Broun Female Agg Charles Shirley Metcalf Male West Perth
1940/101426 Perth Meldrum Ethel Muriel Female Thomas Cecil Harvey Male West Perth
1940/101426 Perth Thomas Cecil Harvey Male Meldrum Ethel Muriel Female West Perth
1940/101427 Perth Essex Edward Charles Male Wilkinson Mona Female Perth
1940/101427 Perth Wilkinson Mona Female Essex Edward Charles Male Perth
1940/101428 Perth Gibson James Andrew Male Mathews Edith Female Perth
1940/101428 Perth Mathews Edith Female Gibson James Andrew Male Perth
1940/101429 Perth Petkov Rada Hristoff Female Tsutsulis George Vasil Male Perth
1940/101429 Perth Tsutsulis George Vasil Male Petkov Rada Hristoff Female Perth
1940/101430 Perth Greenberg Dora Female Pashkoff Frank Male Perth
1940/101430 Perth Pashkoff Frank Male Greenberg Dora Female Perth
1940/101431 Perth Gunzburg Noah Male Schwarz Eva Female Perth
1940/101431 Perth Schwarz Eva Female Gunzburg Noah Male Perth
1940/101432 Perth De Grieve Thaddeus Male Parker Kathleen Mary Female Perth
1940/101432 Perth Parker Kathleen Mary Female De Grieve Thaddeus Male Perth
1940/101433 Perth Farrell John Phillip Male Mewitt Joyce Female West Perth
1940/101433 Perth Mewitt Joyce Female Farrell John Phillip Male West Perth
1940/101434 Perth Hemans Geoffrey Valentine Male Starling Gwendoline Holly Female Perth
1940/101434 Perth Starling Gwendoline Holly Female Hemans Geoffrey Valentine Male Perth
1940/101435 Perth Bale Joan Female Godsall Geoffrey Neil Male Perth
1940/101435 Perth Godsall Geoffrey Neil Male Bale Joan Female Perth
1940/101436 Perth Allan Griffeth David Male Healy Nancy Female Perth
1940/101436 Perth Healy Nancy Female Allan Griffeth David Male Perth
1940/101437 Perth Connolly Mary Julia Female Roche William Frances Male Perth
1940/101437 Perth Roche William Frances Male Connolly Mary Julia Female Perth
1940/101438 Perth Taylor Edna May Female Warner Thomas Henry Male Perth
1940/101438 Perth Warner Thomas Henry Male Taylor Edna May Female Perth
1940/101439 Perth Johnston Imelda Teresa Female Lennon Ernest Silvester Male Perth
1940/101439 Perth Lennon Ernest Silvester Male Johnston Imelda Teresa Female Perth
1940/101440 Perth Hynes Marcia Gwendoline Female Lewis Maxwell Vernon Male Perth
1940/101440 Perth Lewis Maxwell Vernon Male Hynes Marcia Gwendoline Female Perth
1940/101441 Perth Fothergill Jean Female King Geoffrey Donald Charles Male Claremont
1940/101441 Perth King Geoffrey Donald Charles Male Fothergill Jean Female Claremont
1940/101442 Perth Plews Laura Female Weedon George John Male Nedlands
1940/101442 Perth Weedon George John Male Plews Laura Female Nedlands
1940/101443 Perth Jones George Milton Male Troy Joy Yuvonne Female Perth
1940/101443 Perth Troy Joy Yuvonne Female Jones George Milton Male Perth
1940/101444 Perth Brazier Phyllis Muriel Female Forbes Howard Tyldesley Male Perth College Chapel
1940/101444 Perth Forbes Howard Tyldesley Male Brazier Phyllis Muriel Female Perth College Chapel
1940/101445 Perth Browning Kathleen Nancy Female Cox David Gordon Male South Perth
1940/101445 Perth Cox David Gordon Male Browning Kathleen Nancy Female South Perth
1940/101446 Perth Bradley Alan Horace George Male Joy Diana Barbara Female West Perth
1940/101446 Perth Joy Diana Barbara Female Bradley Alan Horace George Male West Perth
1940/101447 Perth Jenner Herbert Clifton Male Marchesi Florence Lilian Female Perth
1940/101447 Perth Marchesi Florence Lilian Female Jenner Herbert Clifton Male Perth
1940/101448 Perth Kimberley Joseph Edgar Male Lehmann May Pearl Female Maylands
1940/101448 Perth Lehmann May Pearl Female Kimberley Joseph Edgar Male Maylands
1940/101449 Perth Berry Graham Male Hearn Edith Louisa Female Perth
1940/101449 Perth Hearn Edith Louisa Female Berry Graham Male Perth
1940/101450 Perth Ayton Kenneth John Male Harvey Edith May Female Leederville
1940/101450 Perth Harvey Edith May Female Ayton Kenneth John Male Leederville
1940/101451 Perth Bowes Peggy Jean Female Meakins Stephen Russel Male North Perth
1940/101451 Perth Meakins Stephen Russel Male Bowes Peggy Jean Female North Perth
1940/101452 Perth Joyce Albert Donald Male Muir Edna Eunice Female Leederville
1940/101452 Perth Muir Edna Eunice Female Joyce Albert Donald Male Leederville
1940/101453 Perth Carter Randall John Male Wallis Nellie Hymus Female Leederville
1940/101453 Perth Wallis Nellie Hymus Female Carter Randall John Male Leederville
1940/101454 Perth Duffield Jack Lancelot Male Monger Agnes Mary Female Claremont
1940/101454 Perth Monger Agnes Mary Female Duffield Jack Lancelot Male Claremont
1940/101455 Perth Benporath Grace Isobel Female Underwood Arthur Glazebrook Male Claremont
1940/101455 Perth Underwood Arthur Glazebrook Male Benporath Grace Isobel Female Claremont
1940/101456 Perth Holthouse Mary Anne Female Kempton Clarence George Male Claremont
1940/101456 Perth Kempton Clarence George Male Holthouse Mary Anne Female Claremont
1940/101457 Perth Chant Edith Helen Female Hellmrich Leslie Clive Male Perth
1940/101457 Perth Hellmrich Leslie Clive Male Chant Edith Helen Female Perth
1940/101458 Perth Abé Heawood Male Lazoraitis Anele Female Subiaco
1940/101458 Perth Lazoraitis Anele Female Abé Heawood Male Subiaco
1940/101459 Perth Ferrier Alan Muir Male Tully Elizabeth Female West Perth
1940/101459 Perth Tully Elizabeth Female Ferrier Alan Muir Male West Perth
1940/101460 Perth Facius Maurine Madge Female Faulkner Richard Montague Male Rosalie
1940/101460 Perth Faulkner Richard Montague Male Facius Maurine Madge Female Rosalie
1940/101461 Perth Hough Amy Constance Female Lee Seaton Charles Male Rosalie
1940/101461 Perth Lee Seaton Charles Male Hough Amy Constance Female Rosalie
1940/101462 Perth Godwin Joseph William Male Green Gwendoline Maud Female Perth
1940/101462 Perth Green Gwendoline Maud Female Godwin Joseph William Male Perth
1940/101463 Perth Dybing Robert Bernt Male Whitworth Lily Euphemia Female Perth
1940/101463 Perth Whitworth Lily Euphemia Female Dybing Robert Bernt Male Perth
1940/101464 Perth Dodds Catherine Maude Female Morgan Arthur William Herbert Male Perth
1940/101464 Perth Morgan Arthur William Herbert Male Dodds Catherine Maude Female Perth
1940/101465 Perth Summers Mary Anne Female Walker William Alexander Male Perth
1940/101465 Perth Walker William Alexander Male Summers Mary Anne Female Perth
1940/101466 Perth Dalby Mary Doreen Female Smith Henry Thomas Male Perth
1940/101466 Perth Smith Henry Thomas Male Dalby Mary Doreen Female Perth
1940/101467 Perth Crowley Mary Kathleen Female O'Connor Francis Male Perth
1940/101467 Perth O'Connor Francis Male Crowley Mary Kathleen Female Perth
1940/101468 Perth Culloton Ernest Male Davies Florence Louisa Female Perth
1940/101468 Perth Davies Florence Louisa Female Culloton Ernest Male Perth
1940/101469 Perth Fleer Beryl Irene Female Horgan Mure Frank Male North Perth
1940/101469 Perth Horgan Mure Frank Male Fleer Beryl Irene Female North Perth
1940/101470 Perth McDonald Amy Gertrude Female Spruce Edgar William Male Inglewood
1940/101470 Perth Spruce Edgar William Male McDonald Amy Gertrude Female Inglewood
1940/101471 Perth Clarke Ivy Female Teasdale Edward Percy Male Victoria Park
1940/101471 Perth Teasdale Edward Percy Male Clarke Ivy Female Victoria Park
1940/101472 Perth Bunn Olive Pearl Female Lynch Clayton Brenden Male Perth
1940/101472 Perth Lynch Clayton Brenden Male Bunn Olive Pearl Female Perth
1940/101473 Perth Butcher Carmel Joan Female Hobbs Harold Male Perth
1940/101473 Perth Hobbs Harold Male Butcher Carmel Joan Female Perth
1940/101474 Perth Agnello Sarah Female Coltrona Leone Male Wanneroo
1940/101474 Perth Coltrona Leone Male Agnello Sarah Female Wanneroo
1940/101475 Perth Elliott Joseph Henry Male Nelson Olga Mary Female Mt Lawley
1940/101475 Perth Nelson Olga Mary Female Elliott Joseph Henry Male Mt Lawley
1940/101476 Perth Servante Erica Mabel Female Thrum Henry Fletcher Male Perth
1940/101476 Perth Thrum Henry Fletcher Male Servante Erica Mabel Female Perth
1940/101477 Perth Antill Clive Spencer Male Hough Daphne May Female Claremont
1940/101477 Perth Hough Daphne May Female Antill Clive Spencer Male Claremont
1940/101478 Perth Abrahamson Sidney Osborn Male Symes Gladys Female Perth
1940/101478 Perth Symes Gladys Female Abrahamson Sidney Osborn Male Perth
1940/101479 Perth Bicker Raymond Willis Male Payne Mary Ann Margaret Female Claremont
1940/101479 Perth Payne Mary Ann Margaret Female Bicker Raymond Willis Male Claremont
1940/101480 Perth Le Fanu Claire Victorine Female Dunnet Leslie Albert Male Perth
1940/101480 Perth Dunnet Leslie Albert Male Le Fanu Claire Victorine Female Perth
1940/101481 Perth Binney Joyce Hesleden Liddle Female Thomas James Morris Male Perth
1940/101481 Perth Thomas James Morris Male Binney Joyce Hesleden Liddle Female Perth
1940/101482 Perth Georgeff Carl Male O'Brien Phyllis Lilian Female Perth
1940/101482 Perth O'Brien Phyllis Lilian Female Georgeff Carl Male Perth
1940/101483 Perth Bancroft Victor Male Wicks Violet Elsie Female Perth
1940/101483 Perth Wicks Violet Elsie Female Bancroft Victor Male Perth
1940/101484 Perth Coe Ernest Lennox Male Lloyd Maude Ida Female Perth
1940/101484 Perth Lloyd Maude Ida Female Coe Ernest Lennox Male Perth
1940/101485 Perth Taylor Stuart John Fyfe Male Wilkerson Nancy Isabel Female Perth
1940/101485 Perth Wilkerson Nancy Isabel Female Taylor Stuart John Fyfe Male Perth
1940/101486 Perth Chaplin Florence Hazel Female Stephens Clement Charles Male Perth
1940/101486 Perth Stephens Clement Charles Male Chaplin Florence Hazel Female Perth
1940/101487 Perth Pritchard Daphne Euphemia Female Wheatley Raymond Emanuel Male Perth
1940/101487 Perth Wheatley Raymond Emanuel Male Pritchard Daphne Euphemia Female Perth
1940/101488 Perth Kinsela Charles Claude Harold Male Thompson Mattie Winifred Female Perth
1940/101488 Perth Thompson Mattie Winifred Female Kinsela Charles Claude Harold Male Perth
1940/101489 Perth Chipper Harold John Male Clarke Ena Keziah Female Perth
1940/101489 Perth Clarke Ena Keziah Female Chipper Harold John Male Perth
1940/101490 Perth Valentine George Archibald Male Wearne Phyllis Josephine Female Perth
1940/101490 Perth Wearne Phyllis Josephine Female Valentine George Archibald Male Perth
1940/101491 Perth Doust Agnes Joy Giblett Female Moore George William Male Perth
1940/101491 Perth Moore George William Male Doust Agnes Joy Giblett Female Perth
1940/101492 Perth McAuliffe Thomas Walter Male Roberts Velma Josephine Female Perth
1940/101492 Perth Roberts Velma Josephine Female McAuliffe Thomas Walter Male Perth
1940/101493 Perth Gare Eva Marion Female McPhail Duncan Garfield Male Perth
1940/101493 Perth McPhail Duncan Garfield Male Gare Eva Marion Female Perth
1940/101494 Perth Beattie Pearl Moncrieff Female Nash Alan George Male Perth
1940/101494 Perth Nash Alan George Male Beattie Pearl Moncrieff Female Perth
1940/101495 Perth Hicks Mary Veva Female Walker Allan Male Perth
1940/101495 Perth Walker Allan Male Hicks Mary Veva Female Perth
1940/101496 Perth Colyer Alice Maude Female Metcalf Walter Male Perth
1940/101496 Perth Metcalf Walter Male Colyer Alice Maude Female Perth
1940/101497 Perth Kinghorn Ethel Vera Female Young Wilfred Lance Male Perth
1940/101497 Perth Young Wilfred Lance Male Kinghorn Ethel Vera Female Perth
1940/101498 Perth Barry Constance Mabel Female Phelps Alfred Edward Male Perth
1940/101498 Perth Phelps Alfred Edward Male Barry Constance Mabel Female Perth
1940/101499 Perth Coskie Annie Female Henley Jacob Male Perth
1940/101499 Perth Henley Jacob Male Coskie Annie Female Perth
1940/101500 Perth Gordon Alan Henry Male Purves Jemima Female Perth
1940/101500 Perth Purves Jemima Female Gordon Alan Henry Male Perth
1940/101501 Perth Le Nay Raymond Arnaud Male Gibb Margaret Female Perth
1940/101501 Perth Gibb Margaret Female Le Nay Raymond Arnaud Male Perth
1940/101502 Perth McCann Linda Florence Female Robertson Alan Stewart Male Perth
1940/101502 Perth Robertson Alan Stewart Male McCann Linda Florence Female Perth
1940/101503 Perth Moore James Male Young Melva Gertrude Female Perth
1940/101503 Perth Young Melva Gertrude Female Moore James Male Perth
1940/101504 Perth Dunnet Annie Ida Female Thomson John Male Perth
1940/101504 Perth Thomson John Male Dunnet Annie Ida Female Perth
1940/101505 Perth Gollan Colin Francis Joseph Male Tompkins Violet May Female Perth
1940/101505 Perth Tompkins Violet May Female Gollan Colin Francis Joseph Male Perth
1940/101506 Perth Inkpen Verna Gladys Female Murray John Donald Male Mt Lawley
1940/101506 Perth Murray John Donald Male Inkpen Verna Gladys Female Mt Lawley
1940/101507 Perth Harvey Vera Phyllis Female Henderson Leslie Walter Male South Perth
1940/101507 Perth Henderson Leslie Walter Male Harvey Vera Phyllis Female South Perth
1940/101508 Perth Tolhurst Edward James Male Tolhurst Jessie Nita Female Perth
1940/101508 Perth Tolhurst Edward Walter Male Tolhurst Jessie Nita Female Perth
1940/101508 Perth Tolhurst Jessie Nita Female Tolhurst Edward James Male Perth
1940/101508 Perth Tolhurst Jessie Nita Female Tolhurst Edward Walter Male Perth
1940/101508 Perth Tolhurst Jessie Nita Female Woods Edward James Male Perth
1940/101508 Perth Tolhurst Jessie Nita Female Woods Edward Walter Male Perth
1940/101508 Perth Woods Edward James Male Tolhurst Jessie Nita Female Perth
1940/101508 Perth Woods Edward Walter Male Tolhurst Jessie Nita Female Perth
1940/101509 Perth Brown Lorna Kathleen Female Height Horace Robert Male Perth
1940/101509 Perth Height Horace Robert Male Brown Lorna Kathleen Female Perth
1940/101510 Perth Ingram Joyce Isabelle Female White George William Male Victoria Park
1940/101510 Perth White George William Male Ingram Joyce Isabelle Female Victoria Park
1940/101511 Perth Heatly Elizabeth Elaine Female Kent Graham William John Male Victoria Park
1940/101511 Perth Kent Graham William John Male Heatly Elizabeth Elaine Female Victoria Park
1940/101512 Perth Freer Constance Mary Female Kelly John Alexander Male Mt Lawley
1940/101512 Perth Kelly John Alexander Male Freer Constance Mary Female Mt Lawley
1940/101513 Perth Armstrong Elizabeth Mary Female Boag Leslie Charles Male Mt Lawley Methodist Church
1940/101513 Perth Boag Leslie Charles Male Armstrong Elizabeth Mary Female Mt Lawley Methodist Church
1940/101514 Perth Mildwaters Leonard Francis Male Rogers Dorothy Marion Female Mt Lawley Methodist Church
1940/101514 Perth Rogers Dorothy Marion Female Mildwaters Leonard Francis Male Mt Lawley Methodist Church
1940/101515 Perth Pearse Jessica Eileen Marion Female Thunder Geoffrey Bernard Male West Perth
1940/101515 Perth Thunder Geoffrey Bernard Male Pearse Jessica Eileen Marion Female West Perth
1940/101516 Perth Atwell Phyllis Ada Female Tapper Leonard Thomas Male Mt Lawley
1940/101516 Perth Tapper Leonard Thomas Male Atwell Phyllis Ada Female Mt Lawley
1940/101517 Perth Bell Mary Ruth Female Eastland Herbert William Male Mt Lawley
1940/101517 Perth Eastland Herbert William Male Bell Mary Ruth Female Mt Lawley
1940/101518 Perth Quinn Harry Owen Male Runge Maud Margaret Female Perth
1940/101518 Perth Runge Maud Margaret Female Quinn Harry Owen Male Perth
1940/101519 Perth Day Robert Male Kern Eileen Rhoda Female Perth
1940/101519 Perth Kern Eileen Rhoda Female Day Robert Male Perth
1940/101520 Perth Sinclair Joan Female Smoker Harold Frederick Male Perth
1940/101520 Perth Smoker Harold Frederick Male Sinclair Joan Female Perth
1940/101521 Perth Feeney James Edward John Male Whittington Henrietta Gladys Irene Female Perth
1940/101521 Perth Whittington Henrietta Gladys Irene Female Feeney James Edward John Male Perth
1940/101522 Perth Fair Agnes Lloyd Female Hannell Frank Ellis Heath Male Perth
1940/101522 Perth Hannell Frank Ellis Heath Male Fair Agnes Lloyd Female Perth
1940/101523 Perth Fawcett Herbert Barkla Male Mutter Dulcie Martha Female Perth
1940/101523 Perth Mutter Dulcie Martha Female Fawcett Herbert Barkla Male Perth
1940/101524 Perth Wells Albert Edward Walter Male Wood Minna Edith Esther Female Perth
1940/101524 Perth Wood Minna Edith Esther Female Wells Albert Edward Walter Male Perth
1940/101525 Perth Cunningham Winifred Alberta Female Nicholas James Delamore Male Perth
1940/101525 Perth Nicholas James Delamore Male Cunningham Winifred Alberta Female Perth
1940/101526 Perth Emery Gordon Leitch Male Wray Jean Lillian Female Perth
1940/101526 Perth Wray Jean Lillian Female Emery Gordon Leitch Male Perth
1940/101527 Perth Sims Edith Joan Female Williams Allan David Gerald Oakey Male Subiaco
1940/101527 Perth Williams Allan David Gerald Oakey Male Sims Edith Joan Female Subiaco
1940/101528 Perth Douglas Frank Edward Male Fay Madeline Grace Female Subiaco
1940/101528 Perth Fay Madeline Grace Female Douglas Frank Edward Male Subiaco
1940/101529 Perth Clifton John Martin Male Host Jean Female Claremont
1940/101529 Perth Host Jean Female Clifton John Martin Male Claremont
1940/101530 Perth Carr John Alexander Male Smith Marjorie Louise Female Claremont
1940/101530 Perth Smith Marjorie Louise Female Carr John Alexander Male Claremont
1940/101531 Perth James Betty Female Pilgrim Jack Male W Perth
1940/101531 Perth Pilgrim Jack Male James Betty Female W Perth
1940/101532 Perth Ball Keith Edgar Male Tuck Lynette Winchester Female W Perth
1940/101532 Perth Tuck Lynette Winchester Female Ball Keith Edgar Male W Perth
1940/101533 Perth Comley Harold Saxon Male Wishart Bessie Margaret Female Perth
1940/101533 Perth Wishart Bessie Margaret Female Comley Harold Saxon Male Perth
1940/101534 Perth Hall Robert Male McLean Henrietta Female Perth
1940/101534 Perth McLean Henrietta Female Hall Robert Male Perth
1940/101535 Perth Hedley Tom Cunningham Male Leahy Martha Elizabeth Female Perth
1940/101535 Perth Leahy Martha Elizabeth Female Hedley Tom Cunningham Male Perth
1940/101536 Perth Grosser Norman William Male Hatch Dorothea Joan Female Mt Hawthorn
1940/101536 Perth Hatch Dorothea Joan Female Grosser Norman William Male Mt Hawthorn
1940/101537 Perth Goff Stanley Vernon Male Hesford Daisy Muriel Female North Perth
1940/101537 Perth Hesford Daisy Muriel Female Goff Stanley Vernon Male North Perth
1940/101538 Perth Fitzgibbon Joyce Kathleen Female Walker Edward Milton Male North Perth
1940/101538 Perth Walker Edward Milton Male Fitzgibbon Joyce Kathleen Female North Perth
1940/101539 Perth Nott Irene Dorothy Female Percival Harold William Clarence Male West Perth
1940/101539 Perth Percival Harold William Clarence Male Nott Irene Dorothy Female West Perth
1940/101540 Perth Fewings John Henry Male Woodhouse Frances Helena Female West Perth
1940/101540 Perth Woodhouse Frances Helena Female Fewings John Henry Male West Perth
1940/101541 Perth Baird George Ernest Male Gray Edna Female Perth
1940/101541 Perth Gray Edna Female Baird George Ernest Male Perth
1940/101542 Perth Higgins Garnet Patrick Male McCabe Patricia Female West Perth
1940/101542 Perth McCabe Patricia Female Higgins Garnet Patrick Male West Perth
1940/101543 Perth Evans Ivor John Thomas Male Lambert Mona Emily Female Perth
1940/101543 Perth Lambert Mona Emily Female Evans Ivor John Thomas Male Perth
1940/101544 Perth Colhoun John Glenn Male Payne Gweneth Iris Female Perth
1940/101544 Perth Payne Gweneth Iris Female Colhoun John Glenn Male Perth
1940/101545 Perth Skipsey John Arthur Male Taplin Kathleen Mary Female Cottesloe
1940/101545 Perth Taplin Kathleen Mary Female Skipsey John Arthur Male Cottesloe
1940/101546 Perth Croxton Gordon Richard Male Weeks Madge Female Perth
1940/101546 Perth Weeks Madge Female Croxton Gordon Richard Male Perth
1940/101547 Perth Magann Yvonne Pearl Female Slocombe John Charles Male Perth
1940/101547 Perth Slocombe John Charles Male Magann Yvonne Pearl Female Perth
1940/101548 Perth Evans Gweneth Lorraine Macaulay Female Griffith Arthur Frederick Male Perth
1940/101548 Perth Griffith Arthur Frederick Male Evans Gweneth Lorraine Macaulay Female Perth
1940/101549 Perth Holder Alwyn Duncan Male Johnston Mary Muriel Female Perth
1940/101549 Perth Johnston Mary Muriel Female Holder Alwyn Duncan Male Perth
1940/101550 Perth Johnston Margaret Isobel Female Withers George Anthony Male Perth
1940/101550 Perth Withers George Anthony Male Johnston Margaret Isobel Female Perth
1940/101551 Perth Gliddon Constance Howard Female Hill Alan Jack Male Perth
1940/101551 Perth Hill Alan Jack Male Gliddon Constance Howard Female Perth
1940/101552 Perth Devereux Kathleen Amy Female Easton Thomas Alphonsus Male Perth
1940/101552 Perth Easton Thomas Alphonsus Male Devereux Kathleen Amy Female Perth
1940/101553 Perth Knapton George Holland Male McTavish Jean Eliza Female Perth
1940/101553 Perth McTavish Jean Eliza Female Knapton George Holland Male Perth
1940/101554 Perth Bond Robert Edward Male Nash Florence Mary Female Perth
1940/101554 Perth Nash Florence Mary Female Bond Robert Edward Male Perth
1940/101555 Perth Moran Myles Whelan Male Preston Dorothea Gladys Buzzacott Female Maylands
1940/101555 Perth Preston Dorothea Gladys Buzzacott Female Moran Myles Whelan Male Maylands
1940/101556 Perth Simmons Robson Tapley Male Watson Agnes Mary Female Victoria Park
1940/101556 Perth Watson Agnes Mary Female Simmons Robson Tapley Male Victoria Park
1940/101557 Perth Beveridge Lillian Stewart Female Hampton Herbert Gordon Male Perth
1940/101557 Perth Hampton Herbert Gordon Male Beveridge Lillian Stewart Female Perth
1940/101558 Perth Bailey Joyce Elizabeth Female Hill Peter Smith Male Perth
1940/101558 Perth Hill Peter Smith Male Bailey Joyce Elizabeth Female Perth
1940/101559 Perth Mackenzie Olive Female Milner Edgar William Harry Male Perth
1940/101559 Perth Milner Edgar William Harry Male Mackenzie Olive Female Perth
1940/101560 Perth Cocking Frederick William Male Patterson Helen Female Perth
1940/101560 Perth Patterson Helen Female Cocking Frederick William Male Perth
1940/101561 Perth Cussans Henry Male Heighton Grace Phoebe Female Subiaco
1940/101561 Perth Heighton Grace Phoebe Female Cussans Henry Male Subiaco
1940/101562 Perth Le Cornu Hilda Jane Female Freeman Ross Hillman Male Perth
1940/101562 Perth Freeman Ross Hillman Male Le Cornu Hilda Jane Female Perth
1940/101563 Perth Lister Marjorie Female Walsh Colin Joseph Male North Perth-Mt Lawley Congregational Church
1940/101563 Perth Walsh Colin Joseph Male Lister Marjorie Female North Perth-Mt Lawley Congregational Church
1940/101564 Perth Bradley Eric Leopold Male Kitchen Lily Alice Mary Female Perth
1940/101564 Perth Kitchen Lily Alice Mary Female Bradley Eric Leopold Male Perth
1940/101565 Perth Ewing Mary McKinnon Female Smith Robert George Male Perth
1940/101565 Perth Smith Robert George Male Ewing Mary McKinnon Female Perth
1940/101566 Perth Garnaut Laurence Male McCaughey Patricia Winifred Female Mt Lawley
1940/101566 Perth McCaughey Patricia Winifred Female Garnaut Laurence Male Mt Lawley
1940/101567 Perth Griffiths Clifford Jack Male Hill Gwenyth Laura Female Leederville
1940/101567 Perth Hill Gwenyth Laura Female Griffiths Clifford Jack Male Leederville
1940/101568 Perth Edwards Charles Edmund Kean Glanville Male Paterson Alice Mary Female Cottesloe
1940/101568 Perth Paterson Alice Mary Female Edwards Charles Edmund Kean Glanville Male Cottesloe
1940/101569 Perth Coleman Sydney Alfred Male Lovegrove Alice May Paterson Female Cottesloe
1940/101569 Perth Lovegrove Alice May Paterson Female Coleman Sydney Alfred Male Cottesloe
1940/101570 Perth Nardini Maria Female Torrisi Salvatore Male Victoria Park
1940/101570 Perth Torrisi Salvatore Male Nardini Maria Female Victoria Park
1940/101571 Perth Collard Victor Iranoff Male Sears Margaret Clara Female Cottesloe
1940/101571 Perth Sears Margaret Clara Female Collard Victor Iranoff Male Cottesloe
1940/101572 Perth Nelson Rose May Female Weidenback Roy Willis Male Cottesloe
1940/101572 Perth Weidenback Roy Willis Male Nelson Rose May Female Cottesloe
1940/101573 Perth Forward Carl Samuel Male Lee Doretta Jean Female Claremont
1940/101573 Perth Lee Doretta Jean Female Forward Carl Samuel Male Claremont
1940/101574 Perth Evenis Lillian May Female Hazelton Archibald Henry Male Maylands
1940/101574 Perth Hazelton Archibald Henry Male Evenis Lillian May Female Maylands
1940/101575 Perth Digney Lionel John Male O'Meara Irene Mary Female West Perth
1940/101575 Perth O'Meara Irene Mary Female Digney Lionel John Male West Perth
1940/101576 Perth Lavis John Male Reside Nancy Mary Female W Perth
1940/101576 Perth Reside Nancy Mary Female Lavis John Male W Perth
1940/101577 Perth Hillary Harry Joseph Godfrey Male Parkes Edith Female Perth
1940/101577 Perth Parkes Edith Female Hillary Harry Joseph Godfrey Male Perth
1940/101578 Perth Franklin Harold Richard Male Howe Edith Maud Female West Perth
1940/101578 Perth Howe Edith Maud Female Franklin Harold Richard Male West Perth
1940/101579 Perth Morton Ada Jean Female Thompson Frederick Male West Perth
1940/101579 Perth Thompson Frederick Male Morton Ada Jean Female West Perth
1940/101580 Perth Cassey Allen Male Sweeney Valarie Milva Female North Perth
1940/101580 Perth Sweeney Valarie Milva Female Cassey Allen Male North Perth
1940/101581 Perth Gardiner George Alan Male Sharp Elsie Heather Dunstan Female Nedlands
1940/101581 Perth Sharp Elsie Heather Dunstan Female Gardiner George Alan Male Nedlands
1940/101582 Perth Chesson Alice Female Garratt George Robert Marshall Male Perth
1940/101582 Perth Garratt George Robert Marshall Male Chesson Alice Female Perth
1940/101583 Perth Muldowney Kathleen Cerisy Female Sullivan Vernon Francis Wilfred Male Perth
1940/101583 Perth Sullivan Vernon Francis Wilfred Male Muldowney Kathleen Cerisy Female Perth
1940/101584 Perth Gilfellon John Male Norrish Freda Mary Female Perth
1940/101584 Perth Norrish Freda Mary Female Gilfellon John Male Perth
1940/101585 Perth Jones Harold Hill Male McConachie Mary Cecelia Female Perth
1940/101585 Perth McConachie Mary Cecelia Female Jones Harold Hill Male Perth
1940/101586 Perth Lardi Francis Collins Male Thomas Ethel Dorothy Female Perth
1940/101586 Perth Thomas Ethel Dorothy Female Lardi Francis Collins Male Perth
1940/101587 Perth OBrien Michael Male Thomson Margery Female Perth
1940/101587 Perth Thomson Margery Female OBrien Michael Male Perth
1940/101588 Perth Quinlan Alice Teresa Female Woodland Eldred James Male Perth
1940/101588 Perth Woodland Eldred James Male Quinlan Alice Teresa Female Perth
1940/101589 Perth Anderson William Ernest Male Wheelwright Hazel Irene Female Perth
1940/101589 Perth Wheelwright Hazel Irene Female Anderson William Ernest Male Perth
1940/101590 Perth Robinson Alma Neal Male Vincent Alma Elizabeth Female Subiaco
1940/101590 Perth Vincent Alma Elizabeth Female Robinson Alma Neal Male Subiaco
1940/101591 Perth French Douglas Male Woods Ethel Irene Female Highgate
1940/101591 Perth Woods Ethel Irene Female French Douglas Male Highgate
1940/101592 Perth Hawkins Mary Teresa Female Scott Bernard Anthony Male Maylands
1940/101592 Perth Scott Bernard Anthony Male Hawkins Mary Teresa Female Maylands
1940/101593 Perth Allen Ernest Sydney Male Storen Eileen May Female Shenton Park
1940/101593 Perth Storen Eileen May Female Allen Ernest Sydney Male Shenton Park
1940/101594 Perth Davies Alfred Godfrey Male List Stella May Female Perth
1940/101594 Perth List Stella May Female Davies Alfred Godfrey Male Perth
1940/101595 Perth Andrijich Jakica Female Boletich Toni Male Perth
1940/101595 Perth Boletich Toni Male Andrijich Jakica Female Perth
1940/101596 Perth Church Marjorie Sholl Female Clarke Jeffrey Alfred Male Cottesloe
1940/101596 Perth Clarke Jeffrey Alfred Male Church Marjorie Sholl Female Cottesloe
1940/101597 Perth Anderson Bertha Female Judge David Male Perth
1940/101597 Perth Judge David Male Anderson Bertha Female Perth
1940/101598 Perth Runds Stanley Male Stern Miriam Female Perth
1940/101598 Perth Stern Miriam Female Runds Stanley Male Perth
1940/101599 Perth Lee Carmel Joan Female Voak Charles Patrick Male Highgate Hill
1940/101599 Perth Voak Charles Patrick Male Lee Carmel Joan Female Highgate Hill
1940/101600 Perth Stewart John Athol Male Toomey Margaret Grace Female Highgate Hill
1940/101600 Perth Toomey Margaret Grace Female Stewart John Athol Male Highgate Hill
1940/101601 Perth Cowan Arthur Stephen Male Plumridge Brenda May Female Perth
1940/101601 Perth Plumridge Brenda May Female Cowan Arthur Stephen Male Perth
1940/101602 Perth Coleman Neville Hamilton Male Fitzgerald Ivy Olive Female Perth
1940/101602 Perth Fitzgerald Ivy Olive Female Coleman Neville Hamilton Male Perth
1940/101603 Perth Corish Raymond Francis Male Webb Bertha Female Mosman Park
1940/101603 Perth Webb Bertha Female Corish Raymond Francis Male Mosman Park
1940/101604 Perth Cole Geoffrey George Male Dixon Annie Female Perth
1940/101604 Perth Dixon Annie Female Cole Geoffrey George Male Perth
1940/101605 Perth Carroll Norma McEwan Female Sherlock Norman Hilton Male Perth
1940/101605 Perth Sherlock Norman Hilton Male Carroll Norma McEwan Female Perth
1940/101606 Perth Fox Constance Female Savage Tom Male Perth
1940/101606 Perth Savage Tom Male Fox Constance Female Perth
1940/101607 Perth Brown William Henry Male Byrnes Marian Gwendoline Female Perth
1940/101607 Perth Byrnes Marian Gwendoline Female Brown William Henry Male Perth
1940/101608 Perth Goodall Thomas Edward Male Hay Anna Isabel Female South Perth
1940/101608 Perth Hay Anna Isabel Female Goodall Thomas Edward Male South Perth
1940/101609 Perth Cook Una Female McCurdy James Alfred Male Osborne Park
1940/101609 Perth McCurdy James Alfred Male Cook Una Female Osborne Park
1940/101610 Perth Graham Mary Priscilla Female Perry Clarence Charles Male Mt Hawthorn
1940/101610 Perth Perry Clarence Charles Male Graham Mary Priscilla Female Mt Hawthorn
1940/101611 Perth Callaghan Jessie Female Ward William Male Mt Hawthorn
1940/101611 Perth Ward William Male Callaghan Jessie Female Mt Hawthorn
1940/101612 Perth Hammill William Edward John Male Mackey Doris May Female Perth
1940/101612 Perth Mackey Doris May Female Hammill William Edward John Male Perth
1940/101613 Perth Mollett William David Male Thorn Dorothy George Female Perth
1940/101613 Perth Thorn Dorothy George Female Mollett William David Male Perth
1940/101614 Perth Kelly Constance Isabel Female Reynolds Colin Irwin Male Perth
1940/101614 Perth Reynolds Colin Irwin Male Kelly Constance Isabel Female Perth
1940/101615 Perth McDonald Roderick Malcolm Male Pearson Alice Gertrude Female Perth
1940/101615 Perth Pearson Alice Gertrude Female McDonald Roderick Malcolm Male Perth
1940/101616 Perth Dost Violet Pathina Female Potter Thomas Ellington Male Perth
1940/101616 Perth Potter Thomas Ellington Male Dost Violet Pathina Female Perth
1940/101617 Perth Parry Rose Ethel Female Wright Norman Ernest Male Perth
1940/101617 Perth Wright Norman Ernest Male Parry Rose Ethel Female Perth
1940/101618 Perth Gummow George Albert Male Morris Gwenneth Louvaine Female Perth
1940/101618 Perth Morris Gwenneth Louvaine Female Gummow George Albert Male Perth
1940/101619 Perth Braine Barbara Female Coppin Cecil Christopher Male Claremont
1940/101619 Perth Coppin Cecil Christopher Male Braine Barbara Female Claremont
1940/101620 Perth Major William Walter Male Morrison Edna May Female Claremont
1940/101620 Perth Morrison Edna May Female Major William Walter Male Claremont
1940/101621 Perth Short Eileen Elizabeth Haslor Female Wimbush Clifford Richmond Male Claremont
1940/101621 Perth Wimbush Clifford Richmond Male Short Eileen Elizabeth Haslor Female Claremont
1940/101622 Perth Green Rose Female Newman Harold John Male Claremont
1940/101622 Perth Newman Harold John Male Green Rose Female Claremont
1940/101623 Perth Hoey Lynette Bernadette Female Wilson Arthur Yelverton Male Perth
1940/101623 Perth Wilson Arthur Yelverton Male Hoey Lynette Bernadette Female Perth
1940/101624 Perth McCarthy Hannah Maud Female Winter Leonard Gordon Male Perth
1940/101624 Perth Winter Leonard Gordon Male McCarthy Hannah Maud Female Perth
1940/101625 Perth Davenport Neil Male Jones Kathleen Female Perth
1940/101625 Perth Jones Kathleen Female Davenport Neil Male Perth
1940/101626 Perth Hollis Beatrice Mary Female Page Arthur Basil Thomas Male Perth
1940/101626 Perth Page Arthur Basil Thomas Male Hollis Beatrice Mary Female Perth
1940/101627 Perth Byfield Eileen Doris Female Gow William Male Perth
1940/101627 Perth Gow William Male Byfield Eileen Doris Female Perth
1940/101628 Perth McGuire Elsie May Female Veale Stanley Nicholas Male Perth
1940/101628 Perth Veale Stanley Nicholas Male McGuire Elsie May Female Perth
1940/101629 Perth Jacoby Colin Robert Male Watters Lesley Jean Turner Female Perth
1940/101629 Perth Watters Lesley Jean Turner Female Jacoby Colin Robert Male Perth
1940/101630 Perth Groom Jessica Female Hamling Lancelot Wilson Male Adelaide Terrace
1940/101630 Perth Hamling Lancelot Wilson Male Groom Jessica Female Adelaide Terrace
1940/101631 Perth Hooper Myrtle Rose Female Morris Thomas William Eben Male Mt Hawthorn
1940/101631 Perth Morris Thomas William Eben Male Hooper Myrtle Rose Female Mt Hawthorn
1940/101632 Perth Bradley Maurice Ewan Male Brown Mary Philomera Female Claremont
1940/101632 Perth Brown Mary Philomera Female Bradley Maurice Ewan Male Claremont
1940/101633 Perth Clare Peter Joseph Male O'Meara Veronica May Female West Perth
1940/101633 Perth O'Meara Veronica May Female Clare Peter Joseph Male West Perth
1940/101634 Perth Hennessy Audrey Gwladys Female Mahony Arnold Male Perth
1940/101634 Perth Mahony Arnold Male Hennessy Audrey Gwladys Female Perth
1940/101635 Perth Krantz Golda Hope Female Laurissen Lawrence Arthur Male West Perth
1940/101635 Perth Laurissen Lawrence Arthur Male Krantz Golda Hope Female West Perth
1940/101636 Perth Elsegood Jean Constance Female Poole Joseph Edward Keary Male West Perth
1940/101636 Perth Poole Joseph Edward Keary Male Elsegood Jean Constance Female West Perth
1940/101637 Perth Burke Doreen Margaret Philomena Female Hansen John Wallace Male Cottesloe
1940/101637 Perth Hansen John Wallace Male Burke Doreen Margaret Philomena Female Cottesloe
1940/101638 Perth Lawrence Percy Norman Male Phillips Clarice Myrtle Female Maylands
1940/101638 Perth Phillips Clarice Myrtle Female Lawrence Percy Norman Male Maylands
1940/101639 Perth Elsdon Herbert Cedric Bailey Male Wojvodich Jean Margaret Female Perth
1940/101639 Perth Wojvodich Jean Margaret Female Elsdon Herbert Cedric Bailey Male Perth
1940/101640 Perth Mickle Esme Lillie Female Pethick Stanley Male West Perth
1940/101640 Perth Pethick Stanley Male Mickle Esme Lillie Female West Perth
1940/101641 Perth Hughes Frances Olive Female Lobb Ernest Jules Male Perth
1940/101641 Perth Lobb Ernest Jules Male Hughes Frances Olive Female Perth
1940/101642 Perth Caple Sydney Stephen Male Smith Florence Freda Female West Perth
1940/101642 Perth Smith Florence Freda Female Caple Sydney Stephen Male West Perth
1940/101643 Perth Morris Lillian Ann Female Thomas Eric Maxwell Male West Perth
1940/101643 Perth Thomas Eric Maxwell Male Morris Lillian Ann Female West Perth
1940/101644 Perth Appleton Barry Thorpe Male Wheatley Nancy Maude Female West Perth
1940/101644 Perth Wheatley Nancy Maude Female Appleton Barry Thorpe Male West Perth
1940/101645 Perth Clements Edna Ethel Evelyn Female Macdonald William Norquay Male West Perth
1940/101645 Perth Macdonald William Norquay Male Clements Edna Ethel Evelyn Female West Perth
1940/101646 Perth Glasson Beryl Eleanor Female Jeanes Maxwell William Male West Perth
1940/101646 Perth Jeanes Maxwell William Male Glasson Beryl Eleanor Female West Perth
1940/101647 Perth Sinclair Joan Lorraine Female Wilmot Francis John Male West Perth
1940/101647 Perth Wilmot Francis John Male Sinclair Joan Lorraine Female West Perth
1940/101648 Perth Murdoch Keith Alexander Male Thomas Marjorie Joan Female West Perth
1940/101648 Perth Thomas Marjorie Joan Female Murdoch Keith Alexander Male West Perth
1940/101649 Perth Hill Walter Jack Male Moran Kathleen Mary Female Maylands
1940/101649 Perth Moran Kathleen Mary Female Hill Walter Jack Male Maylands
1940/101650 Perth Ferrie Catherine Female Irvine Douglas Norman Male Perth
1940/101650 Perth Irvine Douglas Norman Male Ferrie Catherine Female Perth
1940/101651 Perth Cardilini Agnes Belle Female Jeffreys Robert Piercy Male South Perth
1940/101651 Perth Jeffreys Robert Piercy Male Cardilini Agnes Belle Female South Perth
1970/101652 Perth Byrne Elizabeth Christina Female Keays Richard John Male West Perth
1940/101652 Perth Hamersley Mary Thereasa Female Phillips Eric Thomas Male Leederville
1970/101652 Perth Keays Richard John Male Byrne Elizabeth Christina Female West Perth
1940/101652 Perth Phillips Eric Thomas Male Hamersley Mary Thereasa Female Leederville
1940/101653 Perth Dewar Norma Frances Female Lee Louis Henry Male Wembley
1940/101653 Perth Lee Louis Henry Male Dewar Norma Frances Female Wembley
1940/101654 Perth Clark Verdun Male Tapping Olive Maude Female Perth
1940/101654 Perth Tapping Olive Maude Female Clark Verdun Male Perth
1940/101655 Perth Denslow Harry Male Peachey Myrtle Frances Female Perth
1940/101655 Perth Peachey Myrtle Frances Female Denslow Harry Male Perth
1940/101656 Perth Elkins Harry Lawrence Male Whyte Annie Female Perth
1940/101656 Perth Whyte Annie Female Elkins Harry Lawrence Male Perth
1940/101657 Perth Letts Dorothy May Female Manwaring Bryan Harry Male W Perth
1940/101657 Perth Manwaring Bryan Harry Male Letts Dorothy May Female W Perth
1940/101658 Perth Bruechle Elsa Tasma Female Burbridge William Male Perth
1940/101658 Perth Burbridge William Male Bruechle Elsa Tasma Female Perth
1940/101659 Perth Anderson George William Male Craig Ailsa Thelma Female W Perth
1940/101659 Perth Craig Ailsa Thelma Female Anderson George William Male W Perth
1940/101660 Perth Cuthbert Edward Frank Male Drummond Mary Janet Jule Female W Perth
1940/101660 Perth Drummond Mary Janet Jule Female Cuthbert Edward Frank Male W Perth
1940/101661 Perth Baillie Robert Finlay Male Knox Anne Boyd Smith Female West Perth
1940/101661 Perth Knox Anne Boyd Smith Female Baillie Robert Finlay Male West Perth
1940/101662 Perth Hobbs Elaine Mary Female Liggins Ralph Collingwood Male W Perth
1940/101662 Perth Liggins Ralph Collingwood Male Hobbs Elaine Mary Female W Perth
1940/101663 Perth Legge Edith Owsley Female McKee Douglas Birch Male West Perth
1940/101663 Perth McKee Douglas Birch Male Legge Edith Owsley Female West Perth
1940/101664 Perth Olsen Ole Male Simpson Mignon Daisy Female Perth
1940/101664 Perth Simpson Mignon Daisy Female Olsen Ole Male Perth
1940/101665 Perth Church Douglas Malcolm Male Epstein Eva Liela Female Perth
1940/101665 Perth Epstein Eva Liela Female Church Douglas Malcolm Male Perth
1940/101666 Perth Kealley Eric William Male Reid Pansy Ethel Female South Perth
1940/101666 Perth Reid Pansy Ethel Female Kealley Eric William Male South Perth
1940/101667 Perth Bessant Alexander Robert Male Macinnes Peggy Female Maylands
1940/101667 Perth Macinnes Peggy Female Bessant Alexander Robert Male Maylands
1940/101668 Perth Cato Alfred Thomas James Male Ward Marie Teresa Female Perth
1940/101668 Perth Ward Marie Teresa Female Cato Alfred Thomas James Male Perth
1940/101669 Perth Gallagher Michael James Male McEncroe Veronica Josephine Female Highgate Hill
1940/101669 Perth McEncroe Veronica Josephine Female Gallagher Michael James Male Highgate Hill
1940/101670 Perth Blackall Walter Gardner Male Warren Cicely Noel Female Swanbourne
1940/101670 Perth Warren Cicely Noel Female Blackall Walter Gardner Male Swanbourne
1940/101671 Perth McLeod Malcolm Male Scown Enid Agnes Female Perth
1940/101671 Perth Scown Enid Agnes Female McLeod Malcolm Male Perth
1940/101672 Perth Bailey Eleanor Marjorie Female Britton Thomas Henry Male Perth
1940/101672 Perth Britton Thomas Henry Male Bailey Eleanor Marjorie Female Perth
1940/101673 Perth Davey Queenie May Female Russell Archibald Arthur Male Subiaco
1940/101673 Perth Russell Archibald Arthur Male Davey Queenie May Female Subiaco
1940/101674 Perth Bickham Janet McGregor Female Harrison William Male Perth
1940/101674 Perth Harrison William Male Bickham Janet McGregor Female Perth
1940/101675 Perth Dwyer James Daniel Michael Male Iversen Hilda Mary Female Mt Lawley
1940/101675 Perth Iversen Hilda Mary Female Dwyer James Daniel Michael Male Mt Lawley
1940/101676 Perth Hall Archibald Henry Male Johns Jessie Catherine Female Mt Lawley
1940/101676 Perth Johns Jessie Catherine Female Hall Archibald Henry Male Mt Lawley
1940/101677 Perth Chinnery Lewis William John Male Taylor Lorna Elizabeth Female West Perth
1940/101677 Perth Taylor Lorna Elizabeth Female Chinnery Lewis William John Male West Perth
1940/101678 Perth Bridges Esther May Female Harvey John Alexander Campbell Male West Perth
1940/101678 Perth Harvey John Alexander Campbell Male Bridges Esther May Female West Perth
1940/101679 Perth Allen Walter Bevis Male Whitworth Hilda Winifred Female West Perth
1940/101679 Perth Whitworth Hilda Winifred Female Allen Walter Bevis Male West Perth
1940/101680 Perth Phillips Francis Robert Male Woolgar Mavis Geraldine Female West Perth
1940/101680 Perth Woolgar Mavis Geraldine Female Phillips Francis Robert Male West Perth
1940/101681 Perth Kessell Beryl Female Stone Maxwell Thompson Male Claremont
1940/101681 Perth Stone Maxwell Thompson Male Kessell Beryl Female Claremont
1940/101682 Perth Edwards Frank Male Murphy Kathleen Violet Female Perth
1940/101682 Perth Murphy Kathleen Violet Female Edwards Frank Male Perth
1940/101683 Perth O Bryan Stanley Male Sutherland Beatrice Hope Female Leederville
1940/101683 Perth Sutherland Beatrice Hope Female O Bryan Stanley Male Leederville
1940/101684 Perth Anderson Rona Amelia Female Carr Sydney Male Leederville
1940/101684 Perth Carr Sydney Male Anderson Rona Amelia Female Leederville
1940/101685 Perth Hawkins Evelyn May Female Henderson Ronald Male Leederville
1940/101685 Perth Henderson Ronald Male Hawkins Evelyn May Female Leederville
1940/101686 Perth Bevis Patricia Female Merralls Reuben William Male Leederville
1940/101686 Perth Merralls Reuben William Male Bevis Patricia Female Leederville
1940/101687 Perth Birchenall David Male Dunn Sybil Wathen Female Leederville
1940/101687 Perth Dunn Sybil Wathen Female Birchenall David Male Leederville
1940/101688 Perth Combs Winifred May Female Lane Ormond Lex Male Mt Lawley
1940/101688 Perth Lane Ormond Lex Male Combs Winifred May Female Mt Lawley
1940/101689 Perth Wake Mary Evelyn Female Wood Clifford George Male Mt Lawley
1940/101689 Perth Wood Clifford George Male Wake Mary Evelyn Female Mt Lawley
1940/101690 Perth Boucher Olive Christina Female Routledge Frederick Harold Male Maylands
1940/101690 Perth Routledge Frederick Harold Male Boucher Olive Christina Female Maylands
1940/101691 Perth Abbott Joyce Female Larwood Melvin George Clarke Male Subiaco
1940/101691 Perth Larwood Melvin George Clarke Male Abbott Joyce Female Subiaco
1940/101692 Perth Coonan Josephine Patricia Female Golding Kennith Hamilton Male Maylands
1940/101692 Perth Golding Kennith Hamilton Male Coonan Josephine Patricia Female Maylands
1940/101693 Perth Campbell Robert Buchannan Male Iles Moreen Frances Female Perth
1940/101693 Perth Iles Moreen Frances Female Campbell Robert Buchannan Male Perth
1940/101694 Perth McBrearty George Leon Male Mitchell Sylvia Mavis Female Perth
1940/101694 Perth Mitchell Sylvia Mavis Female McBrearty George Leon Male Perth
1940/101695 Perth Burch Gwendoline Mary Female Spencer Edward Harvey Male Subiaco
1940/101695 Perth Spencer Edward Harvey Male Burch Gwendoline Mary Female Subiaco
1940/101696 Perth Parks Gladys May Female Willoughby Percy Hobart Male Nedlands
1940/101696 Perth Willoughby Percy Hobart Male Parks Gladys May Female Nedlands
1940/101697 Perth Abbott Lens Francis Male King Joyce Iris Female Nedlands
1940/101697 Perth King Joyce Iris Female Abbott Lens Francis Male Nedlands
1940/101698 Perth Brokensha Alan Leonard Male Samson Dorothy Noel Female Nedlands
1940/101698 Perth Samson Dorothy Noel Female Brokensha Alan Leonard Male Nedlands
1940/101699 Perth Forman Clive Campbell Male McMillan Cynthia Margaret Female Cottesloe
1940/101699 Perth McMillan Cynthia Margaret Female Forman Clive Campbell Male Cottesloe
1940/101700 Perth Cannell Dulcie May Female McKenzie Kenneth Male Mt Lawley
1940/101700 Perth McKenzie Kenneth Male Cannell Dulcie May Female Mt Lawley
1940/101701 Perth Johnson Eric Francis Harold Male O'Connor Eileen Mary Female Cottesloe
1940/101701 Perth O'Connor Eileen Mary Female Johnson Eric Francis Harold Male Cottesloe
1940/101702 Perth Scotford Ronald Albert Male Smith Janet Female Perth
1940/101702 Perth Smith Janet Female Scotford Ronald Albert Male Perth
1940/101703 Perth Loaring Leonard John Male West Kathleen Lucy Mary Female Perth
1940/101703 Perth West Kathleen Lucy Mary Female Loaring Leonard John Male Perth
1940/101704 Perth McElmel Sarah Jane Female Vantell Ernest Male Perth
1940/101704 Perth Vantell Ernest Male McElmel Sarah Jane Female Perth
1940/101705 Perth McKenney Kevin William Male Milsted Joan Alice Female Claremont
1940/101705 Perth Milsted Joan Alice Female McKenney Kevin William Male Claremont
1940/101706 Perth McBride Alice Mary Female Shirley Arthur Francis Male Claremont
1940/101706 Perth Shirley Arthur Francis Male McBride Alice Mary Female Claremont
1940/101707 Perth Milne Roy Douglas Male Prior Rona Ethel Alice Female West Perth
1940/101707 Perth Prior Rona Ethel Alice Female Milne Roy Douglas Male West Perth
1940/101708 Perth Middleton Mavis Berenice Female Pope William Male Claremont
1940/101708 Perth Pope William Male Middleton Mavis Berenice Female Claremont
1940/101709 Perth Fewings John Francis Male Jackson Elsa Patricia Female West Perth
1940/101709 Perth Jackson Elsa Patricia Female Fewings John Francis Male West Perth
1940/101710 Perth Chappell Philip Roland Male Mumme Elizabeth Mary Female West Perth
1940/101710 Perth Mumme Elizabeth Mary Female Chappell Philip Roland Male West Perth
1940/101711 Perth Garrity Iris Edna Female Stubbs Leonard Bowe Male West Perth
1940/101711 Perth Stubbs Leonard Bowe Male Garrity Iris Edna Female West Perth
1940/101712 Perth Arnold Cecil Robert Male Job Enid Alma Female Leederville
1940/101712 Perth Job Enid Alma Female Arnold Cecil Robert Male Leederville
1940/101713 Perth Allanson John Aubrey Male Rennie Marie Lucy Female Leederville
1940/101713 Perth Rennie Marie Lucy Female Allanson John Aubrey Male Leederville
1940/101714 Perth Gilbert Norah Female Simmons Thomas Linton Male Leederville
1940/101714 Perth Simmons Thomas Linton Male Gilbert Norah Female Leederville
1940/101715 Perth McAuliffe Joseph Albert Male Slaven Mary Evelyn Estelle Female Leederville
1940/101715 Perth Slaven Mary Evelyn Estelle Female McAuliffe Joseph Albert Male Leederville
1940/101716 Perth Harris John Stewart Male Symes Evelyn Myrtle Female Perth
1940/101716 Perth Symes Evelyn Myrtle Female Harris John Stewart Male Perth
1940/101717 Perth Harris Philip Male Redman Lillian Maisie Female Perth
1940/101717 Perth Redman Lillian Maisie Female Harris Philip Male Perth
1940/101718 Perth Lunt Evelyn Pearl Female Oldfield Ernest Radcliffe Male Perth
1940/101718 Perth Oldfield Ernest Radcliffe Male Lunt Evelyn Pearl Female Perth
1940/101719 Perth Dainton Kathleen Adelaide Female Farrell Hugh Thompson Male Perth
1940/101719 Perth Farrell Hugh Thompson Male Dainton Kathleen Adelaide Female Perth
1940/101720 Perth Phelps Rose Adella Female Stone Horace Albert Male Perth
1940/101720 Perth Stone Horace Albert Male Phelps Rose Adella Female Perth
1940/101721 Perth Airey Keith Lewis Male Stone Phyllis Neville Female Perth
1940/101721 Perth Stone Phyllis Neville Female Airey Keith Lewis Male Perth
1940/101722 Perth Cooper Joseph Robert Cleland Male Steffann Hildegard Helene Maria Female Perth
1940/101722 Perth Steffann Hildegard Helene Maria Female Cooper Joseph Robert Cleland Male Perth
1940/101723 Perth Ackland George Henry Male Webb Jean Rachel Female Subiaco
1940/101723 Perth Webb Jean Rachel Female Ackland George Henry Male Subiaco
1940/101724 Perth Isele Frank Ernest Male Nelson Elaine Zora Female Subiaco
1940/101724 Perth Nelson Elaine Zora Female Isele Frank Ernest Male Subiaco
1940/101725 Perth Burkett Sylvia Doreen Female Hammond Thomas Garfield Male Subiaco
1940/101725 Perth Hammond Thomas Garfield Male Burkett Sylvia Doreen Female Subiaco
1940/101726 Perth White Francis John Male Willison Henrietta Amelia Female Perth
1940/101726 Perth Willison Henrietta Amelia Female White Francis John Male Perth
1940/101727 Perth Cutten Maud Lilian Female Reid James Alic Male Victoria Park
1940/101727 Perth Reid James Alic Male Cutten Maud Lilian Female Victoria Park
1940/101728 Perth Craven Phillip Male Harding Joyce Doreen Female Perth
1940/101728 Perth Harding Joyce Doreen Female Craven Phillip Male Perth
1940/101729 Perth Hendrie Arthur Charles Male Thomas Jean McCully Female Perth
1940/101729 Perth Thomas Jean McCully Female Hendrie Arthur Charles Male Perth
1940/101730 Perth Hatton James Traquair Male Hoffman Edith May Female Perth
1940/101730 Perth Hoffman Edith May Female Hatton James Traquair Male Perth
1940/101731 Perth Forbes Margaret Female Norrie Richard Henry Male Perth
1940/101731 Perth Norrie Richard Henry Male Forbes Margaret Female Perth
1940/101732 Perth Goddard Doris Rosalind Female Hawkins Wilfred Leonard Male Perth
1940/101732 Perth Hawkins Wilfred Leonard Male Goddard Doris Rosalind Female Perth
1940/101733 Perth Coombs Emil Otto Male Francis Laura Elizabeth Land Female Perth
1940/101733 Perth Francis Laura Elizabeth Land Female Coombs Emil Otto Male Perth
1940/101734 Perth Davies Herbert Claude Male Police Sylvia Dorothy Female Perth
1940/101734 Perth Police Sylvia Dorothy Female Davies Herbert Claude Male Perth
1940/101735 Perth McDaniell Algernon Alexander Male O'Connor Frances Ada Female Perth
1940/101735 Perth O'Connor Frances Ada Female McDaniell Algernon Alexander Male Perth
1940/101736 Perth Magi William Adriano Male Watson Rebecca Sneddin Female Perth
1940/101736 Perth Watson Rebecca Sneddin Female Magi William Adriano Male Perth
1940/101737 Perth Fitzgerald Phyllis Mary Female Smith Frederick Kitchener Male Perth
1940/101737 Perth Smith Frederick Kitchener Male Fitzgerald Phyllis Mary Female Perth
1940/101738 Perth Bryant Myrtle Estelle Female Harrison Albert Male Perth
1940/101738 Perth Harrison Albert Male Bryant Myrtle Estelle Female Perth
1940/101739 Perth Collett Mavis Constance Female Hodge Denis Alfred Male Perth
1940/101739 Perth Hodge Denis Alfred Male Collett Mavis Constance Female Perth
1940/101740 Perth Cocking Olive May Female Delamotte Hardy Cotes Male Perth
1940/101740 Perth Delamotte Hardy Cotes Male Cocking Olive May Female Perth
1940/101741 Perth Cross Edwin Phillip John Male Culleton Gladys Irene Female Perth
1940/101741 Perth Culleton Gladys Irene Female Cross Edwin Phillip John Male Perth
1940/101742 Perth Craig Alison Female Kostera Lawrence Paul Male Perth
1940/101742 Perth Kostera Lawrence Paul Male Craig Alison Female Perth
1940/101743 Perth Barkla Richard Geoffrey Male Shepherd Grace Pettinger Female Nedlands
1940/101743 Perth Shepherd Grace Pettinger Female Barkla Richard Geoffrey Male Nedlands
1940/101744 Perth Bailey Harold Cromwell Male Reed Edna Mary Female Maylands
1940/101744 Perth Reed Edna Mary Female Bailey Harold Cromwell Male Maylands
1940/101745 Perth Harris Linda Daphne Female Lorden Charles William Male Nedlands
1940/101745 Perth Lorden Charles William Male Harris Linda Daphne Female Nedlands
1940/101746 Perth Jones Blodwen Maud Female Mercer David Lloyd Male Perth
1940/101746 Perth Mercer David Lloyd Male Jones Blodwen Maud Female Perth
1940/101747 Perth Dunstan Glen Herford Male Jury Brenda Muriel Lamb Female North Perth
1940/101747 Perth Jury Brenda Muriel Lamb Female Dunstan Glen Herford Male North Perth
1940/101748 Perth Costigan Edna Amelia Female Rose Ronald Robert Male North Perth
1940/101748 Perth Rose Ronald Robert Male Costigan Edna Amelia Female North Perth
1940/101749 Perth Arcus Doris Eunice Female O'Sullivan Edward Male North Perth
1940/101749 Perth O'Sullivan Edward Male Arcus Doris Eunice Female North Perth
1940/101750 Perth Smith George Male York Dorothy Joyce Female Perth
1940/101750 Perth York Dorothy Joyce Female Smith George Male Perth
1940/101751 Perth Matthews Gertrude Louisa Female Meredith Joshua William Male Perth
1940/101751 Perth Meredith Joshua William Male Matthews Gertrude Louisa Female Perth
1940/101752 Perth Glaskin Edna Joan Female Sherrington William Samuel Male North Perth
1940/101752 Perth Sherrington William Samuel Male Glaskin Edna Joan Female North Perth
1940/101753 Perth Crawford Euphemia Elsie Female McKenzie Eric Norman Male Cottesloe
1940/101753 Perth McKenzie Eric Norman Male Crawford Euphemia Elsie Female Cottesloe
1940/101754 Perth Gibbons Leonard George Male Myers Jean Elizabeth Female Perth
1940/101754 Perth Myers Jean Elizabeth Female Gibbons Leonard George Male Perth
1940/101755 Perth Chance Philip John Male Mold Doris Josephine Female Perth
1940/101755 Perth Mold Doris Josephine Female Chance Philip John Male Perth
1940/101756 Perth Bursill Edna May Female Howie Alan Edgar Scott Male Claremont
1940/101756 Perth Howie Alan Edgar Scott Male Bursill Edna May Female Claremont
1940/101757 Perth Overthrow Bessie Amelia Female Smith Ernest Henry Male North Perth
1940/101757 Perth Smith Ernest Henry Male Overthrow Bessie Amelia Female North Perth
1940/101758 Perth Toms Raymond Cuthbert Male Watkins Pauline Norma Female Perth
1940/101758 Perth Watkins Pauline Norma Female Toms Raymond Cuthbert Male Perth
1940/101759 Perth Payne William Llewellyn Griffith Male White Betty Isobel Female North Perth
1940/101759 Perth White Betty Isobel Female Payne William Llewellyn Griffith Male North Perth
1940/101760 Perth Brunner Adolf George Male Casey Edna May Female North Perth
1940/101760 Perth Casey Edna May Female Brunner Adolf George Male North Perth
1940/101761 Perth Finnie John Alexander Male Munachen Jean Female Perth
1940/101761 Perth Munachen Jean Female Finnie John Alexander Male Perth
1940/101762 Perth Johnson Dudley Alfred Male Johnstone Gweneth Daphne Female Perth
1940/101762 Perth Johnstone Gweneth Daphne Female Johnson Dudley Alfred Male Perth
1940/101763 Perth Carter Joan Vera Female Proctor Stephen Roy Male Perth
1940/101763 Perth Proctor Stephen Roy Male Carter Joan Vera Female Perth
1940/101764 Perth Cross Ailsa Caroline Female Logan Alexander Allen Male Perth
1940/101764 Perth Logan Alexander Allen Male Cross Ailsa Caroline Female Perth
1940/101765 Perth Johns John William Male Siggins Patricia Muriel Female Maylands
1940/101765 Perth Siggins Patricia Muriel Female Johns John William Male Maylands
1940/101766 Perth Oreo John Edward Male Spark Edith Rose Female Perth
1940/101766 Perth Spark Edith Rose Female Oreo John Edward Male Perth
1940/101767 Perth Chandler Noel Austin Male Savage Ida Marjory Female Leederville
1940/101767 Perth Savage Ida Marjory Female Chandler Noel Austin Male Leederville
1940/101768 Perth Keys William James Male Mutton Eveline Female Mosman Park
1940/101768 Perth Mutton Eveline Female Keys William James Male Mosman Park
1940/101769 Perth Darbon Leonard Cooper Male Machoures Joyce Constance Female Perth
1940/101769 Perth Machoures Joyce Constance Female Darbon Leonard Cooper Male Perth
1940/101770 Perth Clarke Dorothy Female Harvey Thomas John Male Perth
1940/101770 Perth Harvey Thomas John Male Clarke Dorothy Female Perth
1940/101771 Perth Groves Florence Mary Female Sutherland Thomas Alfred Male South Perth
1940/101771 Perth Sutherland Thomas Alfred Male Groves Florence Mary Female South Perth
1940/101772 Perth Dempsey Hazell Knight Female Munyard Clifford Edwin Male South Perth
1940/101772 Perth Munyard Clifford Edwin Male Dempsey Hazell Knight Female South Perth
1940/101773 Perth Ingleton William John Male Stubbs Bessie Female South Perth
1940/101773 Perth Stubbs Bessie Female Ingleton William John Male South Perth
1940/101774 Perth Gerke Jack Male McNicol Gladys Florence Female South Perth
1940/101774 Perth McNicol Gladys Florence Female Gerke Jack Male South Perth
1940/101775 Perth Silsbury Dorothy Agnes Female Sutherland Ranald Inglis Male Perth
1940/101775 Perth Sutherland Ranald Inglis Male Silsbury Dorothy Agnes Female Perth
1940/101776 Perth Francis Annie Maria Female McGowan James Male Perth
1940/101776 Perth McGowan James Male Francis Annie Maria Female Perth
1940/101777 Perth Taylor Althea Mabel Female Williams Wyndham Daniel Male Perth
1940/101777 Perth Williams Wyndham Daniel Male Taylor Althea Mabel Female Perth
1940/101778 Perth Aurisch Eric Frank Male Witney Dorothy May Female Perth
1940/101778 Perth Witney Dorothy May Female Aurisch Eric Frank Male Perth
1940/101779 Perth Nicholson David Male Ray Mary Female Perth
1940/101779 Perth Ray Mary Female Nicholson David Male Perth
1940/101780 Perth Gerde Marika Female Viska Dimitrios Male Perth
1940/101780 Perth Viska Dimitrios Male Gerde Marika Female Perth
1940/101781 Perth Daintrey Marcia Female Gray George Urie Male Perth
1940/101781 Perth Gray George Urie Male Daintrey Marcia Female Perth
1940/101782 Perth Leppinns Lester Grose Male Prideaux Effie Eliza McAlister Female South Perth
1940/101782 Perth Prideaux Effie Eliza McAlister Female Leppinns Lester Grose Male South Perth
1940/101783 Perth Marriott Herbert Male Stewart Elsie Female Perth
1940/101783 Perth Stewart Elsie Female Marriott Herbert Male Perth
1940/101784 Perth Chinnery Jean Myrtle Female Smith Rodger Clifton Male Perth
1940/101784 Perth Smith Rodger Clifton Male Chinnery Jean Myrtle Female Perth
1940/101785 Perth Rapley Alice Annette Female Stevenson Kenneth Aubrey Male Perth
1940/101785 Perth Stevenson Kenneth Aubrey Male Rapley Alice Annette Female Perth
1940/101786 Perth Barton Constance Victoria Female Robertson Lawrence Westland Male Claremont
1940/101786 Perth Robertson Lawrence Westland Male Barton Constance Victoria Female Claremont
1940/101787 Perth Potter Florence Mary Female Spicer Robert Cecil Male Claremont
1940/101787 Perth Spicer Robert Cecil Male Potter Florence Mary Female Claremont
1940/101788 Perth Butler Louvain Myrtle Female Kerrnish Lawrence Marshall Male West Perth
1940/101788 Perth Kerrnish Lawrence Marshall Male Butler Louvain Myrtle Female West Perth
1940/101789 Perth Ford Stanley Edmund Male Ross Enid Viola Female West Perth
1940/101789 Perth Ross Enid Viola Female Ford Stanley Edmund Male West Perth
1940/101790 Perth Alver Grace Female Cowie George David Male West Perth
1940/101790 Perth Cowie George David Male Alver Grace Female West Perth
1940/101791 Perth Cleave Harold Frank Male Hoile Elizabeth Mary Female Nedlands
1940/101791 Perth Hoile Elizabeth Mary Female Cleave Harold Frank Male Nedlands
1940/101792 Perth Baker Malcolm Wilbur Male Hughes Violet Jean Female West Perth
1940/101792 Perth Hughes Violet Jean Female Baker Malcolm Wilbur Male West Perth
1940/101793 Perth Edwards Lola Ruby Female Passmore Ronald George Male West Perth
1940/101793 Perth Passmore Ronald George Male Edwards Lola Ruby Female West Perth
1940/101794 Perth Geddes Jean Female James John Alexander Male West Perth
1940/101794 Perth James John Alexander Male Geddes Jean Female West Perth
1940/101795 Perth Alexander William Male Maller Beatrice Female Shenton Park
1940/101795 Perth Maller Beatrice Female Alexander William Male Shenton Park
1940/101796 Perth Stevenson Enid Ethel Female Watson Jack Campbell Male Mt Lawley
1940/101796 Perth Watson Jack Campbell Male Stevenson Enid Ethel Female Mt Lawley
1940/101797 Perth Gordon Norman Fredrick Male Marshall Beatrice Female Mt Lawley
1940/101797 Perth Marshall Beatrice Female Gordon Norman Fredrick Male Mt Lawley
1940/101798 Perth Hatch Hazel Alice Female Ivers Ralph Owen Male Cottesloe
1940/101798 Perth Ivers Ralph Owen Male Hatch Hazel Alice Female Cottesloe
1940/101799 Perth Chester Ivy Sophia Female McLean Frederick Sydney Male Cottesloe
1940/101799 Perth McLean Frederick Sydney Male Chester Ivy Sophia Female Cottesloe
1940/101800 Perth Mansfield John Henry Male Palmer Mary May Female Cottesloe
1940/101800 Perth Palmer Mary May Female Mansfield John Henry Male Cottesloe
1940/101801 Perth Clegg Rowena Minnie Female Gregg Henry Rufert Male W Perth
1940/101801 Perth Gregg Henry Rufert Male Clegg Rowena Minnie Female W Perth
1940/101802 Perth Aspinall Beatrice Meriel Female Piper Wallace Harry Douglas Male W Perth
1940/101802 Perth Piper Wallace Harry Douglas Male Aspinall Beatrice Meriel Female W Perth
1940/101803 Perth Collins Sarah Elizabeth Female Mechcoff Denis James Male Perth
1940/101803 Perth Mechcoff Denis James Male Collins Sarah Elizabeth Female Perth
1940/101804 Perth Glen William James Male Roach Esther Female Perth
1940/101804 Perth Roach Esther Female Glen William James Male Perth
1940/101805 Perth Allen William John Male White Violet Winifred Female Mt Hawthorne Baptist Church
1940/101805 Perth White Violet Winifred Female Allen William John Male Mt Hawthorne Baptist Church
1940/101806 Perth Fortune Donald Jamieson Male Lewis Dorothy Hilda Female West Perth
1940/101806 Perth Lewis Dorothy Hilda Female Fortune Donald Jamieson Male West Perth
1940/101807 Perth Kemp Eunice Female Winzer George Malcolm Male Perth
1940/101807 Perth Winzer George Malcolm Male Kemp Eunice Female Perth
1940/101808 Perth Davies Joyce Edna Female Karlovsky William Clement Male Perth
1940/101808 Perth Karlovsky William Clement Male Davies Joyce Edna Female Perth
1940/101809 Perth Cook Marjorie Allon Female Leahey Frank Ernest McKinnon Male Claremont
1940/101809 Perth Leahey Frank Ernest McKinnon Male Cook Marjorie Allon Female Claremont
1940/101810 Perth Gale Joyce Female Hawkes John Bowbear Male Claremont
1940/101810 Perth Hawkes John Bowbear Male Gale Joyce Female Claremont
1940/101811 Perth Hoare Dorie Evelyn Female Reed Edward Thomas Male Claremont
1940/101811 Perth Reed Edward Thomas Male Hoare Dorie Evelyn Female Claremont
1940/101812 Perth Harrold Francis Xavier Male Whyte Davina Female Victoria Park
1940/101812 Perth Whyte Davina Female Harrold Francis Xavier Male Victoria Park
1940/101813 Perth Corry Irene Isabell Female Martin Kenneth Lorne Male Victoria Park
1940/101813 Perth Martin Kenneth Lorne Male Corry Irene Isabell Female Victoria Park
1940/101814 Perth Moss Wallace Harold Male Rowland Olive Female Perth
1940/101814 Perth Rowland Olive Female Moss Wallace Harold Male Perth
1940/101815 Perth Holder Harry Male Roper Constance Mary Female East Claremont
1940/101815 Perth Roper Constance Mary Female Holder Harry Male East Claremont
1940/101816 Perth Churchill Frank Robert Male Mitchell Elwyn Nowell Female Swanbourne
1940/101816 Perth Mitchell Elwyn Nowell Female Churchill Frank Robert Male Swanbourne
1940/101817 Perth Freeman Frederick John Male Kinghorn Edna Grace Female Belmont
1940/101817 Perth Kinghorn Edna Grace Female Freeman Frederick John Male Belmont
1940/101818 Perth Tranthem Ruby Margaret Female Williams Thomas William Stanley Male West Aust
1940/101818 Perth Williams Thomas William Stanley Male Tranthem Ruby Margaret Female West Aust
1940/101819 Perth Howard Shirley Lorna Female Taylor Robert Martin Male Perth
1940/101819 Perth Taylor Robert Martin Male Howard Shirley Lorna Female Perth
1940/101820 Perth McDonald Duncan William Male White Florence Amelia Female North Perth-Mt Lawley Congregational Church
1940/101820 Perth White Florence Amelia Female McDonald Duncan William Male North Perth-Mt Lawley Congregational Church
1940/101821 Perth Brand Richard William Charles Male Nasso Mida Filamena Female Nth Perth-Mt Lawley Congregational Church
1940/101821 Perth Brand Richard William Charles Male Nasso Mida Filamina Female Nth Perth-Mt Lawley Congregational Church
1940/101821 Perth Brand Richard William Charles Male Nassuato Mida Filamena Female Nth Perth-Mt Lawley Congregational Church
1940/101821 Perth Brand Richard William Charles Male Nassuato Mida Filamina Female Nth Perth-Mt Lawley Congregational Church
1940/101821 Perth Nasso Mida Filamena Female Brand Richard William Charles Male Nth Perth-Mt Lawley Congregational Church
1940/101821 Perth Nasso Mida Filamina Female Brand Richard William Charles Male Nth Perth-Mt Lawley Congregational Church
1940/101821 Perth Nassuato Mida Filamena Female Brand Richard William Charles Male Nth Perth-Mt Lawley Congregational Church
1940/101821 Perth Nassuato Mida Filamina Female Brand Richard William Charles Male Nth Perth-Mt Lawley Congregational Church
1940/101822 Perth Still Jane Female Woods Richard Edmund Male Perth
1940/101822 Perth Woods Richard Edmund Male Still Jane Female Perth
1940/101823 Perth Geary Henry James Male O'Brien Evelyn Rosa Female Victoria Park
1940/101823 Perth O'Brien Evelyn Rosa Female Geary Henry James Male Victoria Park
1940/101824 Perth Campbell Kenneth Robert Male Dunning Elizabeth May Female Victoria Park
1940/101824 Perth Dunning Elizabeth May Female Campbell Kenneth Robert Male Victoria Park
1940/101825 Perth Kenny Dinah Geraldine Female Wyatt Kenneth George Male Mount Lawley
1940/101825 Perth Wyatt Kenneth George Male Kenny Dinah Geraldine Female Mount Lawley
1940/101826 Perth Gittos Norman Edmund Male Rattigan Isabelle Female Perth
1940/101826 Perth Rattigan Isabelle Female Gittos Norman Edmund Male Perth
1940/101827 Perth Beston Evelyn Margaret Female Salas Kevin Frederic Francis Male Perth
1940/101827 Perth Salas Kevin Frederic Francis Male Beston Evelyn Margaret Female Perth
1940/101828 Perth Fletcher Olive Nancy Theresa Female Tapper Peter John Male Perth
1940/101828 Perth Tapper Peter John Male Fletcher Olive Nancy Theresa Female Perth
1940/101829 Perth Brighouse Stewart Roy Carey Male Sloane Eileen Alberta Female Perth
1940/101829 Perth Sloane Eileen Alberta Female Brighouse Stewart Roy Carey Male Perth
1940/101830 Perth Beard Edgar Louis Male Reynolds Margaret Female Perth
1940/101830 Perth Reynolds Margaret Female Beard Edgar Louis Male Perth
1940/101831 Perth Clohessy Moreen May Female Farrell Albert Stephen Male Perth
1940/101831 Perth Farrell Albert Stephen Male Clohessy Moreen May Female Perth
1940/101832 Perth Adams Will Male Cullity Julia Maria Female Perth
1940/101832 Perth Cullity Julia Maria Female Adams Will Male Perth
1940/101833 Perth Holden Reneé Female Smith Norman Roland Male Victoria Park
1940/101833 Perth Smith Norman Roland Male Holden Reneé Female Victoria Park
1940/101834 Perth John Thomas David Male Joyce Margaret Louisa Lucy Female Perth
1940/101834 Perth Joyce Margaret Louisa Lucy Female John Thomas David Male Perth
1940/101835 Perth Gravas Elene Minerva Female Lakides Peter Male Perth
1940/101835 Perth Lakides Peter Male Gravas Elene Minerva Female Perth
1940/101836 Perth Ives Leo Godfrey Male OBrien Louise Ethel Female Inglewood
1940/101836 Perth OBrien Louise Ethel Female Ives Leo Godfrey Male Inglewood
1940/101837 Perth Dalglish Leonard James Male Michael Veronica Mary Female Highgate Hill
1940/101837 Perth Michael Veronica Mary Female Dalglish Leonard James Male Highgate Hill
1940/101838 Perth Abbott Eunice Female Larmont James Male Perth
1940/101838 Perth Larmont James Male Abbott Eunice Female Perth
1940/101839 Perth McKnight Robert George James Male Rogers Ethel Ernistine Female Victoria Park
1940/101839 Perth Rogers Ethel Ernistine Female McKnight Robert George James Male Victoria Park
1940/101840 Perth Burgess Alan Male Strongman Mavis Mary Female Subiaco
1940/101840 Perth Strongman Mavis Mary Female Burgess Alan Male Subiaco
1940/101841 Perth Drabble Septimus Herbert Male Jaques Jean Mary Female Subiaco
1940/101841 Perth Jaques Jean Mary Female Drabble Septimus Herbert Male Subiaco
1940/101842 Perth Irvine Douglas Beatty Male Kilpatrick Dorothy Mabel Female Claremont
1940/101842 Perth Kilpatrick Dorothy Mabel Female Irvine Douglas Beatty Male Claremont
1940/101843 Perth Cummings Florence Eleanor Female Maller Alfred Edward Male Claremont
1940/101843 Perth Maller Alfred Edward Male Cummings Florence Eleanor Female Claremont
1940/101844 Perth Cameron Thomas Riley Male Rowe Alice Ellen Female Claremont
1940/101844 Perth Rowe Alice Ellen Female Cameron Thomas Riley Male Claremont
1940/101845 Perth Farley Beecher Vernon Male Judges Winifred Cressy Female Victoria Park
1940/101845 Perth Judges Winifred Cressy Female Farley Beecher Vernon Male Victoria Park
1940/101846 Perth Downey Josephine Theresa Female Murray Francis Michael Male West Perth
1940/101846 Perth Murray Francis Michael Male Downey Josephine Theresa Female West Perth
1940/101847 Perth Mulcahy Molly Female Wood Leopold Gerrande Male Perth
1940/101847 Perth Wood Leopold Gerrande Male Mulcahy Molly Female Perth
1940/101848 Perth Considine Anne May Female Scott James Longmore Male West Perth
1940/101848 Perth Scott James Longmore Male Considine Anne May Female West Perth
1940/101849 Perth Blore Teresa Margaret Female McMahon Thomas Patrick Male West Perth
1940/101849 Perth McMahon Thomas Patrick Male Blore Teresa Margaret Female West Perth
1940/101850 Perth Hobden Millicent Annie Female Metcalf Ellis Alfred Male Forrest Park
1940/101850 Perth Metcalf Ellis Alfred Male Hobden Millicent Annie Female Forrest Park
1940/101851 Perth Milne Lorna Ellen Female Shea John Adrian Male Highgate
1940/101851 Perth Shea John Adrian Male Milne Lorna Ellen Female Highgate
1940/101852 Perth Griffith Gwen Amy Langford Female Ward Graham Warner Male Mt Lawley
1940/101852 Perth Ward Graham Warner Male Griffith Gwen Amy Langford Female Mt Lawley
1940/101853 Perth Craik Jean Ogilvie Female Hassell Arthur Young Male West Perth
1940/101853 Perth Hassell Arthur Young Male Craik Jean Ogilvie Female West Perth
1940/101854 Perth O'Neill Terence Roy Male Sykes Isabel Wilmot Easthope Female West Perth
1940/101854 Perth Sykes Isabel Wilmot Easthope Female O'Neill Terence Roy Male West Perth
1940/101855 Perth Clowes William Adolphus Male Stone Dorothy Edith Female West Perth
1940/101855 Perth Stone Dorothy Edith Female Clowes William Adolphus Male West Perth
1940/101856 Perth Haynes Astley Florence Female Molyneux Donald Male West Perth
1940/101856 Perth Molyneux Donald Male Haynes Astley Florence Female West Perth
1940/101857 Perth Jones Jean Female Wood Herbert Male West Perth
1940/101857 Perth Wood Herbert Male Jones Jean Female West Perth
1940/101858 Perth Crofts Phyllis Violet Female Hahn Alfred Keith Male Perth
1940/101858 Perth Hahn Alfred Keith Male Crofts Phyllis Violet Female Perth
1940/101859 Perth Batten Lorna Isabella Female Burns Norman John Male Perth
1940/101859 Perth Burns Norman John Male Batten Lorna Isabella Female Perth
1940/101860 Perth O'Neil Gloria Jean Female Tanner Leslie Male Subiaco
1940/101860 Perth Tanner Leslie Male O'Neil Gloria Jean Female Subiaco
1940/101861 Perth Day Joyce Gweneth Female McMillan Robert Clive Male South Perth
1940/101861 Perth McMillan Robert Clive Male Day Joyce Gweneth Female South Perth
1940/101862 Perth McConnell Norman Leslie Male Miller Alice Lucre Female West Leederville
1940/101862 Perth Miller Alice Lucre Female McConnell Norman Leslie Male West Leederville
1940/101863 Perth Farr Joyce Emily Female Lillingston Eric Norman Male Nedlands
1940/101863 Perth Lillingston Eric Norman Male Farr Joyce Emily Female Nedlands
1940/101864 Perth Farr Phyllis Irene Female Jones Frederick Alfred Male Nedlands
1940/101864 Perth Jones Frederick Alfred Male Farr Phyllis Irene Female Nedlands
1940/101865 Perth Fuller Stanley Frank Male King Margaret Young Millar Female Perth
1940/101865 Perth King Margaret Young Millar Female Fuller Stanley Frank Male Perth
1940/101866 Perth Sanderson Basil Stanhope Male Tolmie Dulcie May Female Perth
1940/101866 Perth Tolmie Dulcie May Female Sanderson Basil Stanhope Male Perth
1940/101867 Perth Fitch William Henry Charles Male McNair Jean Female Perth
1940/101867 Perth McNair Jean Female Fitch William Henry Charles Male Perth
1940/101868 Perth Christie Christina Mavis Female Woodbridge Frederick Albert Dunford Male Perth
1940/101868 Perth Woodbridge Frederick Albert Dunford Male Christie Christina Mavis Female Perth
1940/101869 Perth McCracken Alexander Thriepland Male Page Marguerite Eileen Esther Female Perth
1940/101869 Perth Page Marguerite Eileen Esther Female McCracken Alexander Thriepland Male Perth
1940/101870 Perth Higgins Lloyd Hamilton Male Porter Jane Sharp Female Perth
1940/101870 Perth Porter Jane Sharp Female Higgins Lloyd Hamilton Male Perth
1940/101871 Perth Ogg Robert Wilson Male Smylie Lily Female Perth
1940/101871 Perth Smylie Lily Female Ogg Robert Wilson Male Perth
1940/101872 Perth Rose James Tyril Male Smith Edith Female Perth
1940/101872 Perth Smith Edith Female Rose James Tyril Male Perth
1940/101873 Perth Aitken Jean Stafford Female Lenegan John Clifford Male Perth
1940/101873 Perth Lenegan John Clifford Male Aitken Jean Stafford Female Perth
1940/101874 Perth Ashurst Margaret Female McMahon Thomas Henry Male Perth
1940/101874 Perth McMahon Thomas Henry Male Ashurst Margaret Female Perth
1940/101875 Perth Connell James Francis Dudley Male Garrett Margaret Gwendelyne Female Leederville St Barnabas
1940/101875 Perth Garrett Margaret Gwendelyne Female Connell James Francis Dudley Male Leederville St Barnabas
1940/101876 Perth Davies Dorothy May Female Knapton Vernon John Male Leederville
1940/101876 Perth Knapton Vernon John Male Davies Dorothy May Female Leederville
1940/101877 Perth Eacott Stanley George Male Threnoworth Kathleen Norah Gibson Female Leederville
1940/101877 Perth Threnoworth Kathleen Norah Gibson Female Eacott Stanley George Male Leederville
1940/101878 Perth Hartmann Ida Alberta Wilhemina Female Rosier James Horace Male Perth
1940/101878 Perth Rosier James Horace Male Hartmann Ida Alberta Wilhemina Female Perth
1940/101879 Perth Cohen Becky Female Shilkin Wolf Male Perth
1940/101879 Perth Shilkin Wolf Male Cohen Becky Female Perth
1940/101880 Perth Hart Stanley Male Shilkin Lily Female Perth
1940/101880 Perth Shilkin Lily Female Hart Stanley Male Perth
1940/101881 Perth Andersen Violet Hazel Female Robinson Clarence John Male Perth
1940/101881 Perth Robinson Clarence John Male Andersen Violet Hazel Female Perth
1940/101882 Perth Martin Thomas James Male Wishart Isabel Grace Female Leederville
1940/101882 Perth Wishart Isabel Grace Female Martin Thomas James Male Leederville
1940/101883 Perth Dinsdale Myrtle Female Murphy Edmund Ramplin Male South Perth
1940/101883 Perth Murphy Edmund Ramplin Male Dinsdale Myrtle Female South Perth
1940/101884 Perth Dewe Percy Roland Male Rath Emilie Ehrengard Female South Perth
1940/101884 Perth Rath Emilie Ehrengard Female Dewe Percy Roland Male South Perth
1940/101885 Perth Davey Edwina Alsace Female Mason George Edward Male South Perth
1940/101885 Perth Mason George Edward Male Davey Edwina Alsace Female South Perth
1940/101886 Perth Miller Daphne Female Yelland Robert Arthur Male South Perth
1940/101886 Perth Yelland Robert Arthur Male Miller Daphne Female South Perth
1940/101887 Perth Jones Grace Isabell Female Rasmussen Neville Etheridge Johannas Male Mount Hawthorn Presbyterian Church
1940/101887 Perth Rasmussen Neville Etheridge Johannas Male Jones Grace Isabell Female Mount Hawthorn Presbyterian Church
1940/101888 Perth Clough Albert Edward Male O'Neil Sheila Marie Female Perth
1940/101888 Perth O'Neil Sheila Marie Female Clough Albert Edward Male Perth
1940/101889 Perth Hanley Isobel Finlyson Female Perkins Francis Male Subiaco
1940/101889 Perth Perkins Francis Male Hanley Isobel Finlyson Female Subiaco
1940/101890 Perth Matthews Neville George Male Staffe Agnes Eva Female Subiaco
1940/101890 Perth Staffe Agnes Eva Female Matthews Neville George Male Subiaco
1940/101891 Perth Graham Alexander Male Lucchinelli Elva Ginevra Female Subiaco
1940/101891 Perth Lucchinelli Elva Ginevra Female Graham Alexander Male Subiaco
1940/101892 Perth Perrin Eileen Anne Female Skehan James Joseph Male Subiaco
1940/101892 Perth Skehan James Joseph Male Perrin Eileen Anne Female Subiaco
1940/101893 Perth Clayster Dorothy Eliza Female Delaney Leslie William Male Subiaco
1940/101893 Perth Delaney Leslie William Male Clayster Dorothy Eliza Female Subiaco
1940/101894 Perth Lithgo George Leslie Male Swarbrick Eileen Female Subiaco
1940/101894 Perth Swarbrick Eileen Female Lithgo George Leslie Male Subiaco
1940/101895 Perth Carroll Magdalene Female Grante William Henry Male Subiaco
1940/101895 Perth Grante William Henry Male Carroll Magdalene Female Subiaco
1940/101896 Perth Elsegood Alva Doreen Female Langoulant William Patrick Male Subiaco
1940/101896 Perth Langoulant William Patrick Male Elsegood Alva Doreen Female Subiaco
1940/101897 Perth Greet Unice Lydia Female Wilson Harry Male Perth
1940/101897 Perth Wilson Harry Male Greet Unice Lydia Female Perth
1940/101898 Perth Featherstone Henry Ernest Male Krüger Rossalie Ruth Female Perth
1940/101898 Perth Krüger Rossalie Ruth Female Featherstone Henry Ernest Male Perth
1940/101899 Perth Hird Thomas Bernard Male Jecks Florence Elizabeth Female Perth
1940/101899 Perth Jecks Florence Elizabeth Female Hird Thomas Bernard Male Perth
1940/101900 Perth Dyer Albert Edward Male Leister Ena Mavis Female Maylands
1940/101900 Perth Leister Ena Mavis Female Dyer Albert Edward Male Maylands
1940/101901 Perth Morris Leslie William Male Swain Dorothy Hilda Female Claremont
1940/101901 Perth Swain Dorothy Hilda Female Morris Leslie William Male Claremont
1940/101902 Perth Bickley Marie Caroline Female Meyers James William Male Perth
1940/101902 Perth Meyers James William Male Bickley Marie Caroline Female Perth
1940/101903 Perth Miller Lilian Elsie Female Osborne Kenneth Frederick Male Perth
1940/101903 Perth Osborne Kenneth Frederick Male Miller Lilian Elsie Female Perth
1940/101904 Perth Greaves George Arthur Male Hope Alice Edna Female Claremont
1940/101904 Perth Hope Alice Edna Female Greaves George Arthur Male Claremont
1940/101905 Perth Conway Joan Yvonne Female Kennedy Gavin Albert Male Claremont
1940/101905 Perth Kennedy Gavin Albert Male Conway Joan Yvonne Female Claremont
1940/101906 Perth Rich Gwen Mabel Female Rogers Percival Walter Male Claremont
1940/101906 Perth Rogers Percival Walter Male Rich Gwen Mabel Female Claremont
1940/101907 Perth Bitton Jack Male Kersting Mabel Female Claremont
1940/101907 Perth Kersting Mabel Female Bitton Jack Male Claremont
1940/101908 Perth Murray Jean Marie Female Richards Ronald Male Claremont
1940/101908 Perth Richards Ronald Male Murray Jean Marie Female Claremont
1940/101909 Perth Carvill William Tyrwhitt Male McIntosh Joyce Female Victoria Park
1940/101909 Perth McIntosh Joyce Female Carvill William Tyrwhitt Male Victoria Park
1940/101910 Perth Lee Frederick Wilson Male Whitfield Dorothy May Female Victoria Park
1940/101910 Perth Whitfield Dorothy May Female Lee Frederick Wilson Male Victoria Park
1940/101911 Perth Grose Henry Reginald Male Mercer Phillis Dorothy Female Victoria Park
1940/101911 Perth Mercer Phillis Dorothy Female Grose Henry Reginald Male Victoria Park
1940/101912 Perth Collinson James Catterall Male Williams Ethel May Female Subiaco
1940/101912 Perth Williams Ethel May Female Collinson James Catterall Male Subiaco
1940/101913 Perth Christmass Frederick Norman Male Warwicker Edith Warene Female Subiaco
1940/101913 Perth Warwicker Edith Warene Female Christmass Frederick Norman Male Subiaco
1940/101914 Perth Crawford Annie Female White Alfred Male Perth
1940/101914 Perth White Alfred Male Crawford Annie Female Perth
1940/101915 Perth Hughes Edna May Female McIntyre Peter Male Perth
1940/101915 Perth McIntyre Peter Male Hughes Edna May Female Perth
1940/101916 Perth Herd Kenneth Allister Male Smith Kathleen Phyllis Female West Perth
1940/101916 Perth Smith Kathleen Phyllis Female Herd Kenneth Allister Male West Perth
1940/101917 Perth Clifton James Irvine Male McDonald Joan Elwes Female West Perth
1940/101917 Perth McDonald Joan Elwes Female Clifton James Irvine Male West Perth
1940/101918 Perth Lyford Harold Cotton Male Minchin Jean Thelma Female Cottesloe
1940/101918 Perth Minchin Jean Thelma Female Lyford Harold Cotton Male Cottesloe
1940/101919 Perth Drake-Brockman Frederick Allan Male Murton Eve Murray Female Cottesloe
1940/101919 Perth Murton Eve Murray Female Drake-Brockman Frederick Allan Male Cottesloe
1940/101920 Perth Grigg Robert Neil Male Smith Judith Anne Female South Perth
1940/101920 Perth Smith Judith Anne Female Grigg Robert Neil Male South Perth
1940/101921 Perth Sherriff George Frederick Male Wansbrough Jean Mildred Female North Perth
1940/101921 Perth Wansbrough Jean Mildred Female Sherriff George Frederick Male North Perth
1940/101922 Perth Mullins Alice Victorie Female Witney Vernon Claude Male North Perth
1940/101922 Perth Witney Vernon Claude Male Mullins Alice Victorie Female North Perth
1940/101923 Perth Lovering Ronald Frederick Philip Male Watt Joan Helen Female North Perth
1940/101923 Perth Watt Joan Helen Female Lovering Ronald Frederick Philip Male North Perth
1940/101924 Perth Loaring Archibald Henry Male Trewartha Winifred Female Perth
1940/101924 Perth Trewartha Winifred Female Loaring Archibald Henry Male Perth
1940/101925 Perth Farrell Margaret Clare Female Gartland Cedric Francis Joseph Male Nedlands
1940/101925 Perth Gartland Cedric Francis Joseph Male Farrell Margaret Clare Female Nedlands
1940/101926 Perth Gates Allan Stanley Male Saville Helen Female West Perth
1940/101926 Perth Saville Helen Female Gates Allan Stanley Male West Perth
1940/101927 Perth Aikman Robert Gordon Male McClelland Eaditha Sheila Female W Perth
1940/101927 Perth McClelland Eaditha Sheila Female Aikman Robert Gordon Male W Perth
1940/101928 Perth Ellis Margaret Florence Female Peebles Alexander Malcolm Male West Perth
1940/101928 Perth Peebles Alexander Malcolm Male Ellis Margaret Florence Female West Perth
1940/101929 Perth Allum Elsie Louise Female Mitchem Harold Male W Perth
1940/101929 Perth Mitchem Harold Male Allum Elsie Louise Female W Perth
1940/101930 Perth Kurts Alwyn Cecil Male O'Hehir Eileen Margaret Female W Perth
1940/101930 Perth O'Hehir Eileen Margaret Female Kurts Alwyn Cecil Male W Perth
1940/101931 Perth Newling Jocelyn May Female Perry Roy John Male W Perth
1940/101931 Perth Perry Roy John Male Newling Jocelyn May Female W Perth
1940/101932 Perth Genev Nicolai Male Rawlings Irene Cecilia Female Osborne Park
1940/101932 Perth Rawlings Irene Cecilia Female Genev Nicolai Male Osborne Park
1940/101933 Perth Clark Robert James Male Slater Edith Maud Female Mt Hawthorn
1940/101933 Perth Slater Edith Maud Female Clark Robert James Male Mt Hawthorn
1940/101934 Perth Davies Jessie Helen Capel Female Pittaway Keith Alfred Male Cottesloe
1940/101934 Perth Pittaway Keith Alfred Male Davies Jessie Helen Capel Female Cottesloe
1940/101935 Perth Oxley Kathleen Female Wishart Keith Malcolm Male Cottesloe
1940/101935 Perth Wishart Keith Malcolm Male Oxley Kathleen Female Cottesloe
1940/101936 Perth Meares Ellen Vittoria Female Williams Allan Murray Male Swanbourne
1940/101936 Perth Williams Allan Murray Male Meares Ellen Vittoria Female Swanbourne
1940/101937 Perth Bennett Dorothy Joan Female Street Frederick William Male Bayswater
1940/101937 Perth Street Frederick William Male Bennett Dorothy Joan Female Bayswater
1940/101938 Perth Grosse Gwendoline Jessie Female West Frederick Arthur Male Subiaco
1940/101938 Perth West Frederick Arthur Male Grosse Gwendoline Jessie Female Subiaco
1940/101939 Perth Crossley James Stanley Male Flint Elsie Female Subiaco
1940/101939 Perth Flint Elsie Female Crossley James Stanley Male Subiaco
1940/101940 Perth Davis Osterley Morgan Female Needham Trevor Brian Cecil Male West Perth
1940/101940 Perth Needham Trevor Brian Cecil Male Davis Osterley Morgan Female West Perth
1940/101941 Perth Howard Thomas Male Hughes Maud Female Perth
1940/101941 Perth Hughes Maud Female Howard Thomas Male Perth
1940/101942 Perth Bates Wynfield Denise Female Vickers Douglas Haig Male South Perth
1940/101942 Perth Vickers Douglas Haig Male Bates Wynfield Denise Female South Perth
1940/101943 Perth Olson Hulda May Female Wardle Thomas Edward Jewell Male Mt Lawley
1940/101943 Perth Wardle Thomas Edward Jewell Male Olson Hulda May Female Mt Lawley
1940/101944 Perth Davis Roy Arthur Male Parnaby Edna Alice Female Claremont
1940/101944 Perth Parnaby Edna Alice Female Davis Roy Arthur Male Claremont
1940/101945 Perth Kinnane Leslie Martin Male Lowrie Maud Female Perth
1940/101945 Perth Lowrie Maud Female Kinnane Leslie Martin Male Perth
1940/101946 Perth Fisher Olive Clareen Female Lloyd Frank Male Perth
1940/101946 Perth Lloyd Frank Male Fisher Olive Clareen Female Perth
1940/101947 Perth Gill Sheila Marjorie Female Kimpton Robert Webb Male Perth
1940/101947 Perth Kimpton Robert Webb Male Gill Sheila Marjorie Female Perth
1940/101948 Perth Donegan Louisa Bell Female Hurlston Harold Sydney Male Perth
1940/101948 Perth Hurlston Harold Sydney Male Donegan Louisa Bell Female Perth
1940/101949 Perth Macdonald Eric Gladstone Male Norrish Margaret Amelia Female Perth
1940/101949 Perth Norrish Margaret Amelia Female Macdonald Eric Gladstone Male Perth
1940/101950 Perth McQuade Francis William Male Woodhams Betty Joan Female Perth
1940/101950 Perth Woodhams Betty Joan Female McQuade Francis William Male Perth
1940/101951 Perth Graham Jessie Rose Female Snelgar Albert William Male Perth
1940/101951 Perth Snelgar Albert William Male Graham Jessie Rose Female Perth
1940/101952 Perth Knox John William Male Madderson Elsie Sarah Female Perth
1940/101952 Perth Madderson Elsie Sarah Female Knox John William Male Perth
1940/101953 Perth Dunbar John Boudet Male Johnstone Thora Florence Female Mount Lawley
1940/101953 Perth Johnstone Thora Florence Female Dunbar John Boudet Male Mount Lawley
1940/101954 Perth Walton William John Male Williams Dorothy Ellen Sophia Female Perth
1940/101954 Perth Williams Dorothy Ellen Sophia Female Walton William John Male Perth
1940/101955 Perth Hawkins William Frederick Male Povah Mary Doreen Female Perth
1940/101955 Perth Povah Mary Doreen Female Hawkins William Frederick Male Perth
1940/101956 Perth Drew Kathleen Maud Female Saville George Enoch Male Perth
1940/101956 Perth Saville George Enoch Male Drew Kathleen Maud Female Perth
1940/101957 Perth O'Keeffe Edward Redmond Male Williams Hilda May Female Perth
1940/101957 Perth Williams Hilda May Female O'Keeffe Edward Redmond Male Perth
1940/101958 Perth Darvill George Alfred Male Gandy Constance Beatrice May Female Perth
1940/101958 Perth Gandy Constance Beatrice May Female Darvill George Alfred Male Perth
1940/101959 Perth Buller Joan Yvonne Female Waite Frederick William Male Perth
1940/101959 Perth Waite Frederick William Male Buller Joan Yvonne Female Perth
1940/101960 Perth Hammond Rosina Female Wallis Thomas Edward Male Perth
1940/101960 Perth Wallis Thomas Edward Male Hammond Rosina Female Perth
1940/101961 Perth Dewhirst Elsie Sybil Female Rowbottom James Frederick Abraham Male Perth
1940/101961 Perth Rowbottom James Frederick Abraham Male Dewhirst Elsie Sybil Female Perth
1940/101962 Perth Lindsay Rose Patricia Lille Female Watson John Henry Male Perth
1940/101962 Perth Watson John Henry Male Lindsay Rose Patricia Lille Female Perth
1940/101963 Perth Kidd James Anzac Male Martin Dorothy Mavis Female Perth
1940/101963 Perth Martin Dorothy Mavis Female Kidd James Anzac Male Perth
1940/101964 Perth Hunt Henry Chapman Male Pusey Muriel Lena Female Perth
1940/101964 Perth Pusey Muriel Lena Female Hunt Henry Chapman Male Perth
1940/101965 Perth Mess Isobel Female Robinson Thomas Henry Male Perth
1940/101965 Perth Robinson Thomas Henry Male Mess Isobel Female Perth
1940/101966 Perth Clarke Sydney Campbell Male MacDonald Jean Female Perth
1940/101966 Perth MacDonald Jean Female Clarke Sydney Campbell Male Perth
1940/101967 Perth Leonard Edith Aileen Female Pearce Wilfred Clive Male Perth
1940/101967 Perth Pearce Wilfred Clive Male Leonard Edith Aileen Female Perth
1940/101968 Perth Heenan Doreen Norma Margaret Female Lee Henry Gordon Male Perth
1940/101968 Perth Lee Henry Gordon Male Heenan Doreen Norma Margaret Female Perth
1940/101969 Perth Jenkin Neill Emmett Male Robinson Jean Mary Female Perth
1940/101969 Perth Robinson Jean Mary Female Jenkin Neill Emmett Male Perth
1940/101970 Perth Smith Stella Mary Female Storey Robert Henry Male Leederville
1940/101970 Perth Storey Robert Henry Male Smith Stella Mary Female Leederville
1940/101971 Perth Benson Albert Arnold Male Selmes Florence Eleanor Female South Perth
1940/101971 Perth Selmes Florence Eleanor Female Benson Albert Arnold Male South Perth
1940/101972 Perth Carroll Veronica Mary Female Marshall Leonard Roy Male Maylands
1940/101972 Perth Marshall Leonard Roy Male Carroll Veronica Mary Female Maylands
1940/101973 Perth Cameron John Gordon Male Sanderson Myra Eileen Female West Perth
1940/101973 Perth Sanderson Myra Eileen Female Cameron John Gordon Male West Perth
1940/101974 Perth Spicer Ernest Male Watson Eva Female Mt Hawthorn
1940/101974 Perth Watson Eva Female Spicer Ernest Male Mt Hawthorn
1940/101975 Perth McKenzie Alice Helen Female Skinner Cyril John Male Osborne Park
1940/101975 Perth Skinner Cyril John Male McKenzie Alice Helen Female Osborne Park
1940/101976 Perth Goldsmith Stanley Kenneth Male Strom Constance May Female Perth
1940/101976 Perth Strom Constance May Female Goldsmith Stanley Kenneth Male Perth
1940/101977 Perth Barrett Sheila Gwendoline Female Bell John William Male Vic Park
1940/101977 Perth Bell John William Male Barrett Sheila Gwendoline Female Vic Park
1940/101978 Perth Blight Ruby Lorraine Female Mackenzie George Burt Male West Perth
1940/101978 Perth Mackenzie George Burt Male Blight Ruby Lorraine Female West Perth
1940/101979 Perth Golding Elva Female Johnson Alfred Elliot Male West Perth
1940/101979 Perth Johnson Alfred Elliot Male Golding Elva Female West Perth
1940/101980 Perth Gibson Richard John Male Longbottom Nellie Jane Female West Perth
1940/101980 Perth Longbottom Nellie Jane Female Gibson Richard John Male West Perth
1940/101981 Perth Moyle Stanley Reginald Ernest Male Rusha Veronica Patience Female West Perth
1940/101981 Perth Rusha Veronica Patience Female Moyle Stanley Reginald Ernest Male West Perth
1940/101982 Perth Pond Sidney Clifford Male Spargo Grace Maud Female West Perth
1940/101982 Perth Spargo Grace Maud Female Pond Sidney Clifford Male West Perth
1940/101983 Perth Stringer James William Male Townsend Marjorie Female West Perth
1940/101983 Perth Townsend Marjorie Female Stringer James William Male West Perth
1940/101984 Perth Boyland William Roy Male Gunn Katherine Mary Female West Perth
1940/101984 Perth Gunn Katherine Mary Female Boyland William Roy Male West Perth
1940/101985 Perth Barrett John Dunford Male Irving Janet Female Cottesloe
1940/101985 Perth Irving Janet Female Barrett John Dunford Male Cottesloe
1940/101986 Perth Deans Bertha Florence Female Plain Robert James Male Perth
1940/101986 Perth Plain Robert James Male Deans Bertha Florence Female Perth
1940/101987 Perth Pember Alma May Female Randolph Edgar Male Maylands
1940/101987 Perth Randolph Edgar Male Pember Alma May Female Maylands
1940/101988 Perth Burgess Charles Arthur Male Hornby Doris Female Maylands
1940/101988 Perth Hornby Doris Female Burgess Charles Arthur Male Maylands
1940/101989 Perth Moody Sidney Male Roberts Lucy May Female Perth
1940/101989 Perth Roberts Lucy May Female Moody Sidney Male Perth
1940/101990 Perth Smith Frederick Edward Male Stanley Margaret Winifred Female Claremont
1940/101990 Perth Stanley Margaret Winifred Female Smith Frederick Edward Male Claremont
1940/101991 Perth Anderson Alexander Albert Male Booker Peggy Winifred Female Mt Lawley
1940/101991 Perth Booker Peggy Winifred Female Anderson Alexander Albert Male Mt Lawley
1940/101992 Perth Kelly Gordon James Male Reed Iris Irene Female Perth
1940/101992 Perth Reed Iris Irene Female Kelly Gordon James Male Perth
1940/101993 Perth Boyd Hazel Veronica Female Kyrwood Richard John Wesley Male Perth
1940/101993 Perth Kyrwood Richard John Wesley Male Boyd Hazel Veronica Female Perth
1940/101994 Perth Backshall Beryl May Female Salmon Hugh Ignatius Male North Perth
1940/101994 Perth Salmon Hugh Ignatius Male Backshall Beryl May Female North Perth
1940/101995 Perth Blackburn Edna Isobel Female Townsend David Horace Male North Perth
1940/101995 Perth Townsend David Horace Male Blackburn Edna Isobel Female North Perth
1940/101996 Perth Beckett Winifred Violet Female Bell Samuel William Thomas Male Perth
1940/101996 Perth Bell Samuel William Thomas Male Beckett Winifred Violet Female Perth
1940/101997 Perth Eagles Allan William Male McLagan Yvonne Jean Female Perth
1940/101997 Perth McLagan Yvonne Jean Female Eagles Allan William Male Perth
1940/101998 Perth Burke John Joseph Male Noble Mary Adeline Female Perth
1940/101998 Perth Noble Mary Adeline Female Burke John Joseph Male Perth
1940/101999 Perth Bell Fredrick Roger Male Gray Annie Rachel Female Perth
1940/101999 Perth Gray Annie Rachel Female Bell Fredrick Roger Male Perth
1940/102000 Perth Douglas Archibald Roy Male Lalor Florence Irene Female Perth
1940/102000 Perth Lalor Florence Irene Female Douglas Archibald Roy Male Perth
1940/102001 Perth Partington George Male Robertson Dorothy Phyllis Female Perth
1940/102001 Perth Robertson Dorothy Phyllis Female Partington George Male Perth
1940/102002 Perth McKenzie Keith Roslyn Male McKenzie Margaret Isabelle Female Perth
1940/102002 Perth McKenzie Margaret Isabelle Female McKenzie Keith Roslyn Male Perth
1940/102003 Perth Bowman Isobel Aitken Female Jones Warwick Hartley Male Perth
1940/102003 Perth Jones Warwick Hartley Male Bowman Isobel Aitken Female Perth
1940/102004 Perth Clarke Andrew Robert Fausset Male Lupton Winifred Elaine Female Perth
1940/102004 Perth Lupton Winifred Elaine Female Clarke Andrew Robert Fausset Male Perth
1940/102005 Perth Brown Katherine Beatrice Female Depiazzi Victor Alphonsus Male Highgate Hill
1940/102005 Perth Depiazzi Victor Alphonsus Male Brown Katherine Beatrice Female Highgate Hill
1940/102006 Perth Bastow Charles Hollett Male Wilson Dora Jean Female Perth
1940/102006 Perth Wilson Dora Jean Female Bastow Charles Hollett Male Perth
1940/102007 Perth Fellows James Henry Male Jago Grace Female Subiaco
1940/102007 Perth Jago Grace Female Fellows James Henry Male Subiaco
1940/102008 Perth Gliddon Oscar Leslie Howard Male Wittman Olive Gertrude Female Rosalie
1940/102008 Perth Wittman Olive Gertrude Female Gliddon Oscar Leslie Howard Male Rosalie
1940/102009 Perth Cordon Phyllis Female Semple James Wesley Blackwell Male Shenton Park
1940/102009 Perth Semple James Wesley Blackwell Male Cordon Phyllis Female Shenton Park
1940/102010 Perth Barnes Phyllis Kathleen Female Brown Leslie John Male Nedlands
1940/102010 Perth Brown Leslie John Male Barnes Phyllis Kathleen Female Nedlands
1940/102011 Perth McMillan Jean Isobel Female Watts Laurence Raymond Male Claremont
1940/102011 Perth Watts Laurence Raymond Male McMillan Jean Isobel Female Claremont
1940/102012 Perth Baird Dorothy Irene Female Dreger Rudolph Robert Male Claremont
1940/102012 Perth Dreger Rudolph Robert Male Baird Dorothy Irene Female Claremont
1940/102013 Perth Carlisle Olive Cochrane Female Glew Garnet Reginald Male Victoria Park
1940/102013 Perth Glew Garnet Reginald Male Carlisle Olive Cochrane Female Victoria Park
1940/102014 Perth Davis Sydney Charles Alfred Male Feeney Ida Mary Elizabeth Female Perth
1940/102014 Perth Feeney Ida Mary Elizabeth Female Davis Sydney Charles Alfred Male Perth
1940/102015 Perth Clifford Maida Beryl Female Green Edwin James Male Leederville
1940/102015 Perth Green Edwin James Male Clifford Maida Beryl Female Leederville
1940/102016 Perth Bourne Henry Male Budd Bernice Elizabeth Female Perth
1940/102016 Perth Budd Bernice Elizabeth Female Bourne Henry Male Perth
1940/102017 Perth Jamieson Jannis Jean Thelma Female Morrison Archibald John Taylor Male West Perth
1940/102017 Perth Morrison Archibald John Taylor Male Jamieson Jannis Jean Thelma Female West Perth
1940/102018 Perth Jeffreys Joyce Winifred Female Mutton Frank Male West Leederville
1940/102018 Perth Mutton Frank Male Jeffreys Joyce Winifred Female West Leederville
1940/102019 Perth Crossley Dorothy Phylis Female McDonald Wilfred James Male Perth
1940/102019 Perth McDonald Wilfred James Male Crossley Dorothy Phylis Female Perth
1940/102020 Perth Brooke Lilian Cassie Female Granland William John Male Perth
1940/102020 Perth Granland William John Male Brooke Lilian Cassie Female Perth
1940/102021 Perth Feakes Richard Victor Male Larsen Irene Katherine Female Perth
1940/102021 Perth Larsen Irene Katherine Female Feakes Richard Victor Male Perth
1940/102022 Perth Carson Reginald Male Glaskin Frona Ceclie Female South Perth
1940/102022 Perth Glaskin Frona Ceclie Female Carson Reginald Male South Perth
1940/102023 Perth Fernihough Lillian Rose Female Shier William Charles Edward Male Subiaco
1940/102023 Perth Shier William Charles Edward Male Fernihough Lillian Rose Female Subiaco
1940/102024 Perth Boss Nance Grace Female McNamara Jack Male Victoria Park
1940/102024 Perth McNamara Jack Male Boss Nance Grace Female Victoria Park
1940/102025 Perth Boneham William Charles Male Moore Estella Female Perth
1940/102025 Perth Moore Estella Female Boneham William Charles Male Perth
1940/102026 Perth MacOmish Janette Mason Female Snow Sidney Leonard Male Shenton Park
1940/102026 Perth Snow Sidney Leonard Male MacOmish Janette Mason Female Shenton Park
1940/102027 Perth Folland Kyra Joyce Female Love Archibald Spencer Hamilton Male West Leederville
1940/102027 Perth Love Archibald Spencer Hamilton Male Folland Kyra Joyce Female West Leederville
1940/102028 Perth Fitzpatrick John Lynn Male Willcock Eileen May Female Perth
1940/102028 Perth Willcock Eileen May Female Fitzpatrick John Lynn Male Perth
1940/102029 Perth Godwin Leonard Male MacLennan Olive Female Perth
1940/102029 Perth MacLennan Olive Female Godwin Leonard Male Perth
1940/102030 Perth Weeks Peggy Ethel Female Wylie George Montgomery Rennie Male Perth
1940/102030 Perth Wylie George Montgomery Rennie Male Weeks Peggy Ethel Female Perth
1940/102031 Perth Brown Thomas Leishman Male Hutchinson Florence Gray Female West Perth
1940/102031 Perth Hutchinson Florence Gray Female Brown Thomas Leishman Male West Perth
1940/102032 Perth Sanguinetti Leslie Archibald Male Webster Jean Female West Perth
1940/102032 Perth Webster Jean Female Sanguinetti Leslie Archibald Male West Perth
1940/102033 Perth Hookway Elsa Mary Female Rutter Vernon Temple Male Perth
1940/102033 Perth Rutter Vernon Temple Male Hookway Elsa Mary Female Perth
1940/102034 Perth Backshall Frances Annie Eleanor Eileen Female Guelfi Frank John Joseph Male Perth
1940/102034 Perth Guelfi Frank John Joseph Male Backshall Frances Annie Eleanor Eileen Female Perth
1940/102035 Perth Boom Alfred John Male Smale Dorothy Sophia Female Perth
1940/102035 Perth Smale Dorothy Sophia Female Boom Alfred John Male Perth
1940/102036 Perth Martin Agnes Lily Female Tolson Desmond Anthony Male Belmont
1940/102036 Perth Tolson Desmond Anthony Male Martin Agnes Lily Female Belmont
1940/102037 Perth Palmer Kathleen Female Rickey Keable John Male Perth
1940/102037 Perth Rickey Keable John Male Palmer Kathleen Female Perth
1940/102038 Perth Hebenton Charles David Male Irvine Ruth Female Perth
1940/102038 Perth Irvine Ruth Female Hebenton Charles David Male Perth
1940/102039 Perth Turkington Esme May Female Wright Henry Male Victoria Park
1940/102039 Perth Wright Henry Male Turkington Esme May Female Victoria Park
1940/102040 Perth Le Mercier Charles Richard Male Kiesewetter Jean Female Claremont
1940/102040 Perth Kiesewetter Jean Female Le Mercier Charles Richard Male Claremont
1940/102041 Perth Birch Estele Margerite Female Court Albert James Male Leederville
1940/102041 Perth Court Albert James Male Birch Estele Margerite Female Leederville
1940/102042 Perth Farrell Agnes Gardener Female Hutchison Neil Alexander Male Maylands
1940/102042 Perth Hutchison Neil Alexander Male Farrell Agnes Gardener Female Maylands
1940/102043 Perth Pascoe Coral Trissy Female Thomas Ralph Male Claremont
1940/102043 Perth Thomas Ralph Male Pascoe Coral Trissy Female Claremont
1940/102044 Perth Fletcher Frederick Thomas Male Moylan Patricia May Female Mt Lawley
1940/102044 Perth Moylan Patricia May Female Fletcher Frederick Thomas Male Mt Lawley
1940/102045 Perth Gilmore William Ernest Male Spencer Stella Female Mt Lawley
1940/102045 Perth Spencer Stella Female Gilmore William Ernest Male Mt Lawley
1940/102046 Perth Martin Annie Sarah Female Searle Gerard William Male Cottesloe
1940/102046 Perth Searle Gerard William Male Martin Annie Sarah Female Cottesloe
1940/102047 Perth Hardy Kathleen Betty Female Warr Maurice James Gordon Male Perth
1940/102047 Perth Warr Maurice James Gordon Male Hardy Kathleen Betty Female Perth
1940/102048 Perth Ellerby George Edward Male Weir Florence Ethel May Female Perth
1940/102048 Perth Weir Florence Ethel May Female Ellerby George Edward Male Perth
1940/102049 Perth McArthur Lilian Dorothy Female Smith Edgar Frederick Male Perth
1940/102049 Perth Smith Edgar Frederick Male McArthur Lilian Dorothy Female Perth
1940/102050 Perth Clarke Hugh Male Westerside Mary Female Leederville
1940/102050 Perth Westerside Mary Female Clarke Hugh Male Leederville
1940/102051 Perth Coutts Mavis Jean Female Witheridge William Alfred George Male Leederville
1940/102051 Perth Witheridge William Alfred George Male Coutts Mavis Jean Female Leederville
1940/102052 Perth Hawkins Arthur Henry Male Kendrick Effie Enid May Female Perth
1940/102052 Perth Kendrick Effie Enid May Female Hawkins Arthur Henry Male Perth
1940/102053 Perth Macleod Frederick Bailey Hector Male Ward Nancy Millicent Female Claremont
1940/102053 Perth Ward Nancy Millicent Female Macleod Frederick Bailey Hector Male Claremont
1940/102054 Perth Eaton Dorothy Margaret Female Murton Monte Stead Male Cottesloe
1940/102054 Perth Murton Monte Stead Male Eaton Dorothy Margaret Female Cottesloe
1940/102055 Perth Brown Susie Female Oates John William Male Subiaco
1940/102055 Perth Oates John William Male Brown Susie Female Subiaco
1940/102056 Perth Brooker Arthur John Male Moore Mary Lillian Female Perth
1940/102056 Perth Moore Mary Lillian Female Brooker Arthur John Male Perth
1940/102057 Perth Hardwick Geoffrey Maitland Male Hebson Ena Mary Female Mt Lawley
1940/102057 Perth Hebson Ena Mary Female Hardwick Geoffrey Maitland Male Mt Lawley
1940/102058 Perth Green Jesse Thomas Male Watson Phyllis Jean Female Mt Lawley
1940/102058 Perth Watson Phyllis Jean Female Green Jesse Thomas Male Mt Lawley
1940/102059 Perth Stringer Sydney Alfred Male Woods Beryl Annie Female Subiaco
1940/102059 Perth Woods Beryl Annie Female Stringer Sydney Alfred Male Subiaco
1940/102060 Perth Armstrong Ethel Female Watson Kenneth George Male Subiaco
1940/102060 Perth Watson Kenneth George Male Armstrong Ethel Female Subiaco
1940/102061 Perth Donegan Patricia Kathleen Female Lutz Robin Proudfoot Male Subiaco
1940/102061 Perth Lutz Robin Proudfoot Male Donegan Patricia Kathleen Female Subiaco
1940/102062 Perth Dorrington Pearl Evelyn Female Gerlach Newton Edward Male Subiaco
1940/102062 Perth Gerlach Newton Edward Male Dorrington Pearl Evelyn Female Subiaco
1940/102063 Perth Bolin Stanley William Male Downes Erin Margaret Mary Female Subiaco
1940/102063 Perth Downes Erin Margaret Mary Female Bolin Stanley William Male Subiaco
1940/102064 Perth Viveash Arthur Nelson Male Walters Doris Maitland Female Perth
1940/102064 Perth Walters Doris Maitland Female Viveash Arthur Nelson Male Perth
1940/102065 Perth Cumming Gordon Alfred Male Dailly Lorna Female North Perth
1940/102065 Perth Dailly Lorna Female Cumming Gordon Alfred Male North Perth
1940/102066 Perth Jeffrey Richard Rawle Male O'Connor Sheila Female Claremont
1940/102066 Perth O'Connor Sheila Female Jeffrey Richard Rawle Male Claremont
1940/102067 Perth Alexander David James Male Slater Norma Mary Female Claremont
1940/102067 Perth Slater Norma Mary Female Alexander David James Male Claremont
1940/102068 Perth Russell Dorothy Beatrice Female Taylor James Robert Male Claremont
1940/102068 Perth Taylor James Robert Male Russell Dorothy Beatrice Female Claremont
1940/102069 Perth Arnold Charles Edward Male Cox Floris Alma Female Claremont
1940/102069 Perth Cox Floris Alma Female Arnold Charles Edward Male Claremont
1940/102070 Perth Dienhoff Norman Leslie Male McAlpine Isobel Female Claremont
1940/102070 Perth McAlpine Isobel Female Dienhoff Norman Leslie Male Claremont
1940/102071 Perth Read Joyce Anne Female Weir Walter Cecil Male West Perth
1940/102071 Perth Weir Walter Cecil Male Read Joyce Anne Female West Perth
1940/102072 Perth Sanderson Lancelot Oscar Male Telford Edna Maude Female West Perth
1940/102072 Perth Telford Edna Maude Female Sanderson Lancelot Oscar Male West Perth
1940/102073 Perth Connery Daphne Irene Female Dawson Maurice Nicholls Male West Perth
1940/102073 Perth Dawson Maurice Nicholls Male Connery Daphne Irene Female West Perth
1940/102074 Perth Cosson David Wynne Male Oats Lillian Godolphin Female West Perth
1940/102074 Perth Oats Lillian Godolphin Female Cosson David Wynne Male West Perth
1940/102075 Perth Ryan George Leslie Male Thistlethwaite Phoebe Patricia Female Maylands
1940/102075 Perth Thistlethwaite Phoebe Patricia Female Ryan George Leslie Male Maylands
1940/102076 Perth Bruce Margaret Bathie Female Entwistle Wilfred Male North Perth
1940/102076 Perth Bruce Margaret Bathie Female Ferguson Wilfred Male North Perth
1940/102076 Perth Entwistle Wilfred Male Bruce Margaret Bathie Female North Perth
1940/102076 Perth Ferguson Wilfred Male Bruce Margaret Bathie Female North Perth
1940/102077 Perth Barrett Amy Female Couper Henry George Male Perth
1940/102077 Perth Couper Henry George Male Barrett Amy Female Perth
1940/102078 Perth Allan Gladys Isabella Female Towers William John Male Perth
1940/102078 Perth Towers William John Male Allan Gladys Isabella Female Perth
1940/102079 Perth Murphy Alfred Charles Male Weedon Edith Gordon Female Maylands
1940/102079 Perth Weedon Edith Gordon Female Murphy Alfred Charles Male Maylands
1940/102080 Perth Fraser Edward Grant Male Wiseman Frances Female Perth
1940/102080 Perth Wiseman Frances Female Fraser Edward Grant Male Perth
1940/102081 Perth Bayliss Lorna Emma Female Shurman William Arthur Male Perth
1940/102081 Perth Shurman William Arthur Male Bayliss Lorna Emma Female Perth
1940/102082 Perth MacKinnon William Alexander Male Walters Eve Female Perth
1940/102082 Perth Walters Eve Female MacKinnon William Alexander Male Perth
1940/102083 Perth Davison Winifred Female Duncan Wallace Male Perth
1940/102083 Perth Duncan Wallace Male Davison Winifred Female Perth
1940/102084 Perth Bourke Norman Male Jones Aurora Isabel Rose Female Perth
1940/102084 Perth Jones Aurora Isabel Rose Female Bourke Norman Male Perth
1940/102085 Perth Appleton Lillian Josephine Female Nichols Harold George Male Carlisle
1940/102085 Perth Nichols Harold George Male Appleton Lillian Josephine Female Carlisle
1940/102086 Perth Leete James Cecil Betts Male Sheppard Helen Martha Female West Perth
1940/102086 Perth Sheppard Helen Martha Female Leete James Cecil Betts Male West Perth
1940/102087 Perth Black Donald William Male Braack Gladys Mary Female West Perth
1940/102087 Perth Braack Gladys Mary Female Black Donald William Male West Perth
1940/102088 Perth Barwick Ernest Frederick Male Johnson Josephine Winnifred Female West Perth
1940/102088 Perth Johnson Josephine Winnifred Female Barwick Ernest Frederick Male West Perth
1940/102089 Perth Miller Winnie Female Stone Leo David Male Nedlands
1940/102089 Perth Stone Leo David Male Miller Winnie Female Nedlands
1940/102090 Perth Flanagan Edward Tyrell Male Pyke Veronica Eliza Female Perth
1940/102090 Perth Pyke Veronica Eliza Female Flanagan Edward Tyrell Male Perth
1940/102091 Perth Graham Josephine Anne Female Mumme Leslie Aloysious Male Perth
1940/102091 Perth Mumme Leslie Aloysious Male Graham Josephine Anne Female Perth
1940/102092 Perth Cheshire Eugenie May Female McKenzie-McHarg Andrew Vincent Male Perth
1940/102092 Perth McKenzie-McHarg Andrew Vincent Male Cheshire Eugenie May Female Perth
1940/102093 Perth Ahern Sarah May Susan Female Noble John Henry Male Perth
1940/102093 Perth Noble John Henry Male Ahern Sarah May Susan Female Perth
1940/102094 Perth Doubikin Nell Florence Female Wetherell Austen Morrison Male Maylands
1940/102094 Perth Wetherell Austen Morrison Male Doubikin Nell Florence Female Maylands
1940/102095 Perth Boland Dorothy Jean Female Saxon Arthur Victor Male Perth
1940/102095 Perth Saxon Arthur Victor Male Boland Dorothy Jean Female Perth
1940/102096 Perth Cohen Lola Dorothea Annie Female McCarthy Stanley Thomas Male Perth
1940/102096 Perth McCarthy Stanley Thomas Male Cohen Lola Dorothea Annie Female Perth
1940/102097 Perth Gibbs Norman Henry Male Hart Dorothy Beatrice Female Perth
1940/102097 Perth Hart Dorothy Beatrice Female Gibbs Norman Henry Male Perth
1940/102098 Perth Standfield Alma Joan Female Woodall James Male Perth
1940/102098 Perth Woodall James Male Standfield Alma Joan Female Perth
1940/102099 Perth James Leonard Charles Male Scurlock Eileen Female Perth
1940/102099 Perth Scurlock Eileen Female James Leonard Charles Male Perth
1940/102100 Perth Hindle Mabel Ellen Female James Charles Edward Male Perth
1940/102100 Perth James Charles Edward Male Hindle Mabel Ellen Female Perth
1940/102101 Perth Groat Alexander Arthur Male Todd Doris Hazel Female Perth
1940/102101 Perth Todd Doris Hazel Female Groat Alexander Arthur Male Perth
1940/102102 Perth Harring Leslie Norman Male Hudson Olive Jessie Female Perth
1940/102102 Perth Hudson Olive Jessie Female Harring Leslie Norman Male Perth
1940/102103 Perth Gray Jean Patricia Tait Female McCashney John Neil Male Perth College Chapel
1940/102103 Perth McCashney John Neil Male Gray Jean Patricia Tait Female Perth College Chapel
1940/102104 Perth Perrie Enid May Female Walker Walter Male Perth
1940/102104 Perth Walker Walter Male Perrie Enid May Female Perth
1940/102105 Perth Marshall Ronald Male Stewart Gweneth Marjorie Female West Aust
1940/102105 Perth Stewart Gweneth Marjorie Female Marshall Ronald Male West Aust
1940/102106 Perth Appel Verna Joan Female Millar John Dean Male West Aust
1940/102106 Perth Millar John Dean Male Appel Verna Joan Female West Aust
1940/102107 Perth Cole Brian Archibald Male Murray Jane Gilmour Female Perth
1940/102107 Perth Murray Jane Gilmour Female Cole Brian Archibald Male Perth
1940/102108 Perth Bagshaw Woodley Stokes Male Harris Jean Williamson Female Victoria Park
1940/102108 Perth Harris Jean Williamson Female Bagshaw Woodley Stokes Male Victoria Park
1940/102109 Perth Bailey Kathleen Avis Female Taylor Eric William Male Perth
1940/102109 Perth Taylor Eric William Male Bailey Kathleen Avis Female Perth
1940/102110 Perth Harris John Henry Male McCann Gladys Jean Female Perth
1940/102110 Perth McCann Gladys Jean Female Harris John Henry Male Perth
1940/102111 Perth Carson Edith Ellen Female Hill Reginald Everett Male Perth
1940/102111 Perth Hill Reginald Everett Male Carson Edith Ellen Female Perth
1940/102113 Perth Burgess Raymond James Male Hatton Marjorie Clara Female Perth
1940/102113 Perth Hatton Marjorie Clara Female Burgess Raymond James Male Perth
1940/102114 Perth Hayward Esther Minnie Rhyles Female Watting Joseph William Male Perth
1940/102114 Perth Watting Joseph William Male Hayward Esther Minnie Rhyles Female Perth
1940/102115 Perth Quick Nita Elsie Female Symons Arthur Edward Male Perth
1940/102115 Perth Symons Arthur Edward Male Quick Nita Elsie Female Perth
1940/102116 Perth Glenister Edith Female Sprunt Gordon Male Perth
1940/102116 Perth Sprunt Gordon Male Glenister Edith Female Perth
1940/102117 Perth van Zuilecom Peggy Doreen Female Garner Harold Hugh Male Perth
1940/102117 Perth Garner Harold Hugh Male van Zuilecom Peggy Doreen Female Perth
1940/102118 Perth Adams Edgar Copley Male Birchmore Hilda Amelia Female Perth
1940/102118 Perth Birchmore Hilda Amelia Female Adams Edgar Copley Male Perth
1940/102119 Perth Armstrong Joyce Kathleen Female Gallop Charles Leslie Male Perth
1940/102119 Perth Gallop Charles Leslie Male Armstrong Joyce Kathleen Female Perth
1940/102120 Perth Johnson John Stephen Male Sturrock Jean Female Perth
1940/102120 Perth Sturrock Jean Female Johnson John Stephen Male Perth
1940/102121 Perth Beauglehole Denis Male Linscer Betty Female Perth
1940/102121 Perth Linscer Betty Female Beauglehole Denis Male Perth
1940/102122 Perth Lunn William Henry Male Manwaring Eileen Mary Female Perth
1940/102122 Perth Manwaring Eileen Mary Female Lunn William Henry Male Perth
1940/102123 Perth Leach Millicent Emma Female Liddelow Richard Alfred Male Perth
1940/102123 Perth Liddelow Richard Alfred Male Leach Millicent Emma Female Perth
1940/102124 Perth Edwards Kenneth Male Richards Millicent Amy Female Perth
1940/102124 Perth Richards Millicent Amy Female Edwards Kenneth Male Perth
1940/102125 Perth Forrington Decima Margaret Female Walker Robert Stephen Male Perth
1940/102125 Perth Walker Robert Stephen Male Forrington Decima Margaret Female Perth
1940/102126 Perth Ball Edna Female Johnson Ernie Frank Male Perth
1940/102126 Perth Johnson Ernie Frank Male Ball Edna Female Perth
1940/102127 Perth Gamage Grey Howard Male Wright Ethel Maud Female Belmont
1940/102127 Perth Wright Ethel Maud Female Gamage Grey Howard Male Belmont
1940/102128 Perth Hebble Leslie Albert Male Philpot Doreen May Female Belmont
1940/102128 Perth Philpot Doreen May Female Hebble Leslie Albert Male Belmont
1940/102129 Perth Ford Nancy Irene Female Warner Joshua Wentworth Male Perth
1940/102129 Perth Warner Joshua Wentworth Male Ford Nancy Irene Female Perth
1940/102130 Perth Munro-George Irene Margaret Female Nickolls Henry Berkeley Male West Perth
1940/102130 Perth Nickolls Henry Berkeley Male Munro-George Irene Margaret Female West Perth
1940/102131 Perth Bull Ronald Francis Male Chute Lorraine Ida Female North Perth
1940/102131 Perth Chute Lorraine Ida Female Bull Ronald Francis Male North Perth
1940/102132 Perth Buchanan Elsie May Female Flanagan Charles Francis Male Leederville
1940/102132 Perth Flanagan Charles Francis Male Buchanan Elsie May Female Leederville
1940/102133 Perth Brown Charles Arthur Male Yates Muriel Gwendoline Female Leederville
1940/102133 Perth Yates Muriel Gwendoline Female Brown Charles Arthur Male Leederville
1940/102134 Perth Broadhurst Ernest Cephas Hunter Male Pfitzner Vera Anna Louise Female Perth
1940/102134 Perth Pfitzner Vera Anna Louise Female Broadhurst Ernest Cephas Hunter Male Perth
1940/102135 Perth Jones Irene Female Manley John Thomas Male Perth
1940/102135 Perth Manley John Thomas Male Jones Irene Female Perth
1940/102136 Perth Crouch George William Male Fordy Alice Mary Female Mt Lawley
1940/102136 Perth Fordy Alice Mary Female Crouch George William Male Mt Lawley
1940/102137 Perth Elphick William Theodore Male Leake Joan Wenefryde Female Mt Lawley
1940/102137 Perth Leake Joan Wenefryde Female Elphick William Theodore Male Mt Lawley
1940/102138 Perth Male Nellie May Female Robins Percival Male Mt Lawley
1940/102138 Perth Robins Percival Male Male Nellie May Female Mt Lawley
1940/102139 Perth Burwood May Gladys Female Squires Kenneth George Male Mt Lawley
1940/102139 Perth Squires Kenneth George Male Burwood May Gladys Female Mt Lawley
1940/102140 Perth Ayres Frank Male Pickles Emma Louise Female Perth
1940/102140 Perth Pickles Emma Louise Female Ayres Frank Male Perth
1940/102141 Perth Bell Isaac Fearon Male Howard Phyllis Frances Female Mt Lawley
1940/102141 Perth Howard Phyllis Frances Female Bell Isaac Fearon Male Mt Lawley
1940/102142 Perth Cambridge Arthur Aram Male Thomas Olive Jane Female Mt Lawley
1940/102142 Perth Thomas Olive Jane Female Cambridge Arthur Aram Male Mt Lawley
1940/102143 Perth Menzies Marguerita Female Nikellys William Male West Perth
1940/102143 Perth Nikellys William Male Menzies Marguerita Female West Perth
1940/102144 Perth Cook Maurice Edgar Male Kelly Myrtle Mary Female West Perth
1940/102144 Perth Kelly Myrtle Mary Female Cook Maurice Edgar Male West Perth
1940/102145 Perth Hancock Henry Bruce Male Johnson Joan Richmond Female West Perth
1940/102145 Perth Johnson Joan Richmond Female Hancock Henry Bruce Male West Perth
1940/102146 Perth Harris Florence Bernays Female Watts Worthy William Regenald Male West Perth
1940/102146 Perth Watts Worthy William Regenald Male Harris Florence Bernays Female West Perth
1940/102147 Perth Hebbard Ethel Bell Female Williams Bernard John Male West Perth
1940/102147 Perth Williams Bernard John Male Hebbard Ethel Bell Female West Perth
1940/102148 Perth McDonald Marjory Olive Female Tournay Frank Goddard Male West Perth
1940/102148 Perth Tournay Frank Goddard Male McDonald Marjory Olive Female West Perth
1940/102149 Perth Barnett Alma Gertrude Female Marriott Leslie James Male West Perth
1940/102149 Perth Marriott Leslie James Male Barnett Alma Gertrude Female West Perth
1940/102150 Perth Mills Kathleen Female Wemm Albert Male West Perth
1940/102150 Perth Wemm Albert Male Mills Kathleen Female West Perth
1940/102151 Perth Lee Robert Edward Male Quigley Kathleen Mary Female West Perth
1940/102151 Perth Quigley Kathleen Mary Female Lee Robert Edward Male West Perth
1940/102152 Perth Howard Drenda Josephine Female Layton William Lawrence Male Perth
1940/102152 Perth Layton William Lawrence Male Howard Drenda Josephine Female Perth
1940/102153 Perth Coffey Thomas Joseph Male Lee Beryl Florris Female North Perth
1940/102153 Perth Lee Beryl Florris Female Coffey Thomas Joseph Male North Perth
1940/102154 Perth Gelmi William Male Williamson Josephine Torbett Biggins Female Perth
1940/102154 Perth Williamson Josephine Torbett Biggins Female Gelmi William Male Perth
1940/102155 Perth Kennedy Robert Gover Male Smetherham Doris Female Perth
1940/102155 Perth Smetherham Doris Female Kennedy Robert Gover Male Perth
1940/102156 Perth Stockton Nellie Maude Female Strapp Francis James Male Victoria Park
1940/102156 Perth Strapp Francis James Male Stockton Nellie Maude Female Victoria Park
1940/102157 Perth Brown Elsie May Female Hooper Donald Herbert Male Victoria Park
1940/102157 Perth Hooper Donald Herbert Male Brown Elsie May Female Victoria Park
1940/102158 Perth Butler Olive Ellie Female Elliss Allan Hubert Male South Perth
1940/102158 Perth Elliss Allan Hubert Male Butler Olive Ellie Female South Perth
1940/102159 Perth Ferguson Edward David Male Hartley Vera Ruby Female Rosalie
1940/102159 Perth Hartley Vera Ruby Female Ferguson Edward David Male Rosalie
1940/102160 Perth Trewenack Geoffrey Male Wilde Lillian Grace Female Rosalie
1940/102160 Perth Wilde Lillian Grace Female Trewenack Geoffrey Male Rosalie
1940/102161 Perth Bishop Daphne Edith Female Clancy John Francis Male Subiaco
1940/102161 Perth Clancy John Francis Male Bishop Daphne Edith Female Subiaco
1940/102162 Perth Rockett Richard Hildreth Male Sewell Edith Marjorie Female Perth College Chapel
1940/102162 Perth Sewell Edith Marjorie Female Rockett Richard Hildreth Male Perth College Chapel
1940/102163 Perth Brazil Douglas Frederick Male Daebritz Frances Dorothy Female Jolimont
1940/102163 Perth Daebritz Frances Dorothy Female Brazil Douglas Frederick Male Jolimont
1940/102164 Perth Foster Hazel Emma Female King Frederick Treadwell Male Subiaco
1940/102164 Perth King Frederick Treadwell Male Foster Hazel Emma Female Subiaco
1940/102165 Perth Brook Flora Ellen Moorhouse Female Lord Alfred Henry Male Maylands
1940/102165 Perth Lord Alfred Henry Male Brook Flora Ellen Moorhouse Female Maylands
1940/102166 Perth Jones Frances May Female Lovick Robert Louis Male Perth
1940/102166 Perth Lovick Robert Louis Male Jones Frances May Female Perth
1940/102167 Perth Orr Ronald Bernard Male Whiteley Sheilagh Muriel Female Highgate
1940/102167 Perth Whiteley Sheilagh Muriel Female Orr Ronald Bernard Male Highgate
1940/102168 Perth Brown Gwladys Beresford Female Yewers George Herbert Male Nedlands
1940/102168 Perth Yewers George Herbert Male Brown Gwladys Beresford Female Nedlands
1940/102169 Perth Priestley Ian Arthur Male Williams Avis Female Nedlands
1940/102169 Perth Williams Avis Female Priestley Ian Arthur Male Nedlands
1940/102170 Perth Crampton Edith Lydia Female Moore William Gerard Male Shenton Park
1940/102170 Perth Moore William Gerard Male Crampton Edith Lydia Female Shenton Park
1940/102171 Perth Bryant Susan May Female Bryant Thomas Samuel Male Subiaco
1940/102171 Perth Bryant Thomas Samuel Male Bryant Susan May Female Subiaco
1940/102171 Perth Bryant Thomas Samuel Male Hall Susan May Female Subiaco
1940/102171 Perth Hall Susan May Female Bryant Thomas Samuel Male Subiaco
1940/102172 Perth Costigan Doreen Mavis Female Townsend Harold Leslie Male North Perth
1940/102172 Perth Townsend Harold Leslie Male Costigan Doreen Mavis Female North Perth
1940/102173 Perth Costigan Ethel Maude Female Townsend Mervyn Male North Perth
1940/102173 Perth Townsend Mervyn Male Costigan Ethel Maude Female North Perth
1940/102174 Perth James Mary Francis Female Scotford Alfred Herbert Male North Perth
1940/102174 Perth Scotford Alfred Herbert Male James Mary Francis Female North Perth
1940/102175 Perth Stubbs Margery Female Thomas William Townsend Male Perth College Chapel
1940/102175 Perth Thomas William Townsend Male Stubbs Margery Female Perth College Chapel
1940/102176 Perth Clifton Myrtle Winifred Female Wadley Geoffrey Bernard Male Bayswater
1940/102176 Perth Wadley Geoffrey Bernard Male Clifton Myrtle Winifred Female Bayswater
1940/102177 Perth Gibbs Albert John Male Williams Olga Florence Female Mount Hawthorn
1940/102177 Perth Williams Olga Florence Female Gibbs Albert John Male Mount Hawthorn
1940/102178 Perth Oates Martin Joseph Male Whiting Mabel Lillian Female Subiaco
1940/102178 Perth Whiting Mabel Lillian Female Oates Martin Joseph Male Subiaco
1940/102179 Perth Henry Jean Christina Elizabeth Female Pritchard William Henry Drew Male Subiaco
1940/102179 Perth Pritchard William Henry Drew Male Henry Jean Christina Elizabeth Female Subiaco
1940/102180 Perth Cook Arthur Benjamin Male Reed Ruby May Female Perth
1940/102180 Perth Reed Ruby May Female Cook Arthur Benjamin Male Perth
1940/102181 Perth Conway Wilfred Bruce Male Fisher Armistice May Female Wembley
1940/102181 Perth Fisher Armistice May Female Conway Wilfred Bruce Male Wembley
1940/102182 Perth Foley Maude Mary Female Sharman Thomas Robert Male Subiaco
1940/102182 Perth Sharman Thomas Robert Male Foley Maude Mary Female Subiaco
1940/102183 Perth Serisier Doreen Marie Female Yardley Walter James Male Subiaco
1940/102183 Perth Yardley Walter James Male Serisier Doreen Marie Female Subiaco
1940/102184 Perth Montgomery Stanley Joseph Male Smith Joyce Marjorie Female Subiaco
1940/102184 Perth Smith Joyce Marjorie Female Montgomery Stanley Joseph Male Subiaco
1940/102185 Perth Frater Betty Eleanor Female Seinor Joseph Adlam Male Perth
1940/102185 Perth Seinor Joseph Adlam Male Frater Betty Eleanor Female Perth
1940/102186 Perth Mitchell Frances Elizabeth Female Warner Donald Crosby Male Cottesloe
1940/102186 Perth Warner Donald Crosby Male Mitchell Frances Elizabeth Female Cottesloe
1940/102187 Perth Byrne Josephine Mary Female Paton William Murray Male Claremont
1940/102187 Perth Paton William Murray Male Byrne Josephine Mary Female Claremont
1940/102188 Perth Ryan Sydney Joseph Male Vale Constance Elizabeth Female Shenton Park
1940/102188 Perth Vale Constance Elizabeth Female Ryan Sydney Joseph Male Shenton Park
1940/102189 Perth Harvey Olive Joan Female Heyhoe Henry Seddon Male Nedlands
1940/102189 Perth Heyhoe Henry Seddon Male Harvey Olive Joan Female Nedlands
1940/102190 Perth Chandler Russell Alfred Male Ives Emily Annie Female Shenton Park
1940/102190 Perth Ives Emily Annie Female Chandler Russell Alfred Male Shenton Park
1940/102191 Perth Pierce Annie May Female Thomas Clement Male Subiaco
1940/102191 Perth Thomas Clement Male Pierce Annie May Female Subiaco
1940/102192 Perth Smart Gwendoline Ruth Female Swan Albert Ernest Male Leederville
1940/102192 Perth Swan Albert Ernest Male Smart Gwendoline Ruth Female Leederville
1940/102193 Perth Jefferies Dorothy Maggie Female Nabbs Albert Edward Male Cottesloe
1940/102193 Perth Nabbs Albert Edward Male Jefferies Dorothy Maggie Female Cottesloe
1940/102194 Perth Lenton Verna Gladys Female Watson Ernest Leslie Male Cottesloe
1940/102194 Perth Watson Ernest Leslie Male Lenton Verna Gladys Female Cottesloe
1940/102195 Perth Morgan Barbara Female Westwood Thomas Henry Male Perth
1940/102195 Perth Westwood Thomas Henry Male Morgan Barbara Female Perth
1940/102196 Perth Hayward Winifred Ellen Female Mann Ernest Aubrey Male Perth
1940/102196 Perth Mann Ernest Aubrey Male Hayward Winifred Ellen Female Perth
1940/102197 Perth Keen Aileen Ivy Female Retallack Richard Percy Male Perth
1940/102197 Perth Retallack Richard Percy Male Keen Aileen Ivy Female Perth
1940/102198 Perth Espinos Edward Male Wilks Alma Elizabeth Female Perth
1940/102198 Perth Wilks Alma Elizabeth Female Espinos Edward Male Perth
1940/102199 Perth Brooks William Lawrence Male Woods Elsie May Female Perth
1940/102199 Perth Woods Elsie May Female Brooks William Lawrence Male Perth
1940/102200 Perth Noble Molly Margaret Female Smith Peter Stuart Male Perth
1940/102200 Perth Smith Peter Stuart Male Noble Molly Margaret Female Perth
1940/102201 Perth Bird Nellie Marion Female Stapleton Edward Patrick Male Perth
1940/102201 Perth Stapleton Edward Patrick Male Bird Nellie Marion Female Perth
1940/102202 Perth Brown Emily Gladys Female Contolas Emmanuel Male Perth
1940/102202 Perth Contolas Emmanuel Male Brown Emily Gladys Female Perth
1940/102203 Perth Hodder Violet Lena Female Lillywhite Gordon Hudson Male Perth
1940/102203 Perth Lillywhite Gordon Hudson Male Hodder Violet Lena Female Perth
1940/102204 Perth Davey Ivanhoe Randall Male Hewes Marjorie Sybil Female Perth
1940/102204 Perth Hewes Marjorie Sybil Female Davey Ivanhoe Randall Male Perth
1940/102205 Perth Godwin Gerald Nelson Male Hurley Dorothy Collins Female Perth
1940/102205 Perth Hurley Dorothy Collins Female Godwin Gerald Nelson Male Perth
1940/102206 Perth Kretchmar Jessie Jacqueline Female Mayberry Leo Paul Male Perth
1940/102206 Perth Mayberry Leo Paul Male Kretchmar Jessie Jacqueline Female Perth
1940/102207 Perth Hunter Betty Maud Female Stade Charles Lawrence Male Maylands
1940/102207 Perth Stade Charles Lawrence Male Hunter Betty Maud Female Maylands
1940/102208 Perth Bryan John William Male Wreford Ivy Female Perth
1940/102208 Perth Wreford Ivy Female Bryan John William Male Perth
1940/102209 Perth Hodgekiss Clara Joyce Female Williamson Campbell Gordon Male Mosman Park
1940/102209 Perth Williamson Campbell Gordon Male Hodgekiss Clara Joyce Female Mosman Park
1940/102210 Perth Keane John Patrick Male Marchesi Phyllis Elsie Female Victoria Park
1940/102210 Perth Marchesi Phyllis Elsie Female Keane John Patrick Male Victoria Park
1940/102211 Perth Austin Walter Leslie Male Hunter Jean Olive Female Victoria Park
1940/102211 Perth Hunter Jean Olive Female Austin Walter Leslie Male Victoria Park
1940/102212 Perth Griffin Muriel Lucy Female Thorpe Arthur Edmond Male Victoria Park
1940/102212 Perth Thorpe Arthur Edmond Male Griffin Muriel Lucy Female Victoria Park
1940/102213 Perth Evans Jean Female Fogarty Daniel Owen Male Victoria Park
1940/102213 Perth Fogarty Daniel Owen Male Evans Jean Female Victoria Park
1940/102214 Perth McEntyre Jessie Female Steedman Kevin John Male South Perth
1940/102214 Perth Steedman Kevin John Male McEntyre Jessie Female South Perth
1940/102215 Perth Empsall Dorothy Mabel Female Russell Arthur Fredrick Male South Perth
1940/102215 Perth Russell Arthur Fredrick Male Empsall Dorothy Mabel Female South Perth
1940/102216 Perth Brunsgard Fred Male Hawke Marjorie Gertrude Female South Perth
1940/102216 Perth Hawke Marjorie Gertrude Female Brunsgard Fred Male South Perth
1940/102217 Perth Sweetman Erskine Cuthbert Male Walton Joan Glendinning Female South Perth
1940/102217 Perth Walton Joan Glendinning Female Sweetman Erskine Cuthbert Male South Perth
1940/102218 Perth Baker Stanley Thomas Male Carter Beryl Agnes Female Leederville
1940/102218 Perth Carter Beryl Agnes Female Baker Stanley Thomas Male Leederville
1940/102219 Perth Lawry Christina Female McLeod George Male Perth
1940/102219 Perth McLeod George Male Lawry Christina Female Perth
1940/102220 Perth Clarson Dorothy Gwendoline Female Cochrane Francis McPaike Male Perth
1940/102220 Perth Cochrane Francis McPaike Male Clarson Dorothy Gwendoline Female Perth
1940/102221 Perth Clement Eric Clarence Male Robinson Muriel Fanny Female Perth
1940/102221 Perth Robinson Muriel Fanny Female Clement Eric Clarence Male Perth
1940/102222 Perth Brewer Gladys Female Eddy Albert George Male Perth
1940/102222 Perth Eddy Albert George Male Brewer Gladys Female Perth
1940/102223 Perth Sherriffs Sidney Male Venn Ivy Florence Female Perth
1940/102223 Perth Venn Ivy Florence Female Sherriffs Sidney Male Perth
1940/102224 Perth Agnew Jean Mary Female Read Kenneth Athelstan Male West Perth
1940/102224 Perth Read Kenneth Athelstan Male Agnew Jean Mary Female West Perth
1940/102225 Perth Lee Harry Male Miller Muress Female Perth
1940/102225 Perth Miller Muress Female Lee Harry Male Perth
1940/102226 Perth Honniball Constance Ruby Female White Leslie Raymond Male Perth
1940/102226 Perth White Leslie Raymond Male Honniball Constance Ruby Female Perth
1940/102227 Perth Allen Stanley William Male Gidney Jean Lorraine Female Mt Lawley
1940/102227 Perth Gidney Jean Lorraine Female Allen Stanley William Male Mt Lawley
1940/102228 Perth Campbell Victor Robert Male Evans Betty Irene Female Mt Lawley
1940/102228 Perth Evans Betty Irene Female Campbell Victor Robert Male Mt Lawley
1940/102229 Perth Herold Jack Male Hilliard Margaret Mary Female Perth
1940/102229 Perth Hilliard Margaret Mary Female Herold Jack Male Perth
1940/102230 Perth Backshall Joyce Daphne Female Mincham Allan Findlay Male Perth
1940/102230 Perth Mincham Allan Findlay Male Backshall Joyce Daphne Female Perth
1940/102231 Perth Chappell Keith Reginald Male Cullen Kathleen Elizabeth Female Perth
1940/102231 Perth Cullen Kathleen Elizabeth Female Chappell Keith Reginald Male Perth
1940/102232 Perth Andrews Ernest Roy Male Doolan Grace Myrtle Female Perth
1940/102232 Perth Doolan Grace Myrtle Female Andrews Ernest Roy Male Perth
1940/102233 Perth Andrew Doreen Lydia Female Taylor Donald Gordon Male Perth
1940/102233 Perth Taylor Donald Gordon Male Andrew Doreen Lydia Female Perth
1940/102234 Perth Herrick Laurel Daphne Female Mackenzie George Ronald Male Perth
1940/102234 Perth Mackenzie George Ronald Male Herrick Laurel Daphne Female Perth
1940/102235 Perth George William Frederick Male Walker Margaret Ruth Female Perth
1940/102235 Perth Walker Margaret Ruth Female George William Frederick Male Perth
1940/102236 Perth Reid Dorothy Rachel Female Whitman Leonard James Male Cottesloe Congregational Church
1940/102236 Perth Whitman Leonard James Male Reid Dorothy Rachel Female Cottesloe Congregational Church
1940/102237 Perth Bisset Teresa Monica Female Cable Charles Male West Australia
1940/102237 Perth Cable Charles Male Bisset Teresa Monica Female West Australia
1940/102238 Perth Anderson Winifred Ivy Female Meakins James Male West Perth
1940/102238 Perth Meakins James Male Anderson Winifred Ivy Female West Perth
1940/102239 Perth Andrews Maude Annie Female Marsh Horace James Bradbury Male West Perth
1940/102239 Perth Marsh Horace James Bradbury Male Andrews Maude Annie Female West Perth
1940/102240 Perth Giles Colin Ross Male Harvey Dorothy Viola Female West Perth
1940/102240 Perth Harvey Dorothy Viola Female Giles Colin Ross Male West Perth
1940/102241 Perth Benda John Edgar Male Tompkins Bessie Irene Female West Perth
1940/102241 Perth Tompkins Bessie Irene Female Benda John Edgar Male West Perth
1940/102242 Perth Elliot Kathleen Vera Female Scott Hiram Nelson Male West Perth
1940/102242 Perth Scott Hiram Nelson Male Elliot Kathleen Vera Female West Perth
1940/102243 Perth Say Jeremiah Male Waldeck Jean Florence Female West Perth
1940/102243 Perth Waldeck Jean Florence Female Say Jeremiah Male West Perth
1940/102244 Perth Bacchus John Joseph Male Gunnell Bertha Female Perth
1940/102244 Perth Gunnell Bertha Female Bacchus John Joseph Male Perth
1940/102245 Perth Bridger Winifred Elizabeth Female Dudgeon Charles Alfred Male Perth
1940/102245 Perth Dudgeon Charles Alfred Male Bridger Winifred Elizabeth Female Perth
1940/102246 Perth Howell Raven George Male Weaver Violet Edna Female Perth
1940/102246 Perth Weaver Violet Edna Female Howell Raven George Male Perth
1940/102247 Perth Scally Mary Taylor Female Wright Arthur Leslie Male Perth
1940/102247 Perth Wright Arthur Leslie Male Scally Mary Taylor Female Perth
1940/102248 Perth Clune Marjorie Isabel Female Raine Holmes Male Perth
1940/102248 Perth Raine Holmes Male Clune Marjorie Isabel Female Perth
1940/102249 Perth Foley Gladys Alma Female Harding Henry Cameron Male Perth
1940/102249 Perth Harding Henry Cameron Male Foley Gladys Alma Female Perth
1940/102250 Perth Gibson David Gaulding Male Gillon Iris Evelyn Female West Perth
1940/102250 Perth Gillon Iris Evelyn Female Gibson David Gaulding Male West Perth
1940/102251 Perth Bracks Cameron Male Cartledge Gwendoline Margaret Robina Female Perth
1940/102251 Perth Cartledge Gwendoline Margaret Robina Female Bracks Cameron Male Perth
1940/102252 Perth Owens Johanna Female Randall James Edward Male Subiaco
1940/102252 Perth Randall James Edward Male Owens Johanna Female Subiaco
1940/102253 Perth Freeman Annabella Female Welsh William Bindon Male Victoria Park
1940/102253 Perth Welsh William Bindon Male Freeman Annabella Female Victoria Park
1940/102254 Perth Brockwell Ronald Gilbert Male Roatch Dorothy Esther May Female Victoria Park
1940/102254 Perth Roatch Dorothy Esther May Female Brockwell Ronald Gilbert Male Victoria Park
1940/102255 Perth Lazarus Edna Ellen Alice Female Pass Walter Henry Male Perth
1940/102255 Perth Pass Walter Henry Male Lazarus Edna Ellen Alice Female Perth
1940/102256 Perth Erskine Gratney Pierrepone Male Kenworthy Beth Rosemary Female Claremont
1940/102256 Perth Kenworthy Beth Rosemary Female Erskine Gratney Pierrepone Male Claremont
1940/102257 Perth Peterson Walter Martin Male Whittam Sarah Emily Female Claremont
1940/102257 Perth Whittam Sarah Emily Female Peterson Walter Martin Male Claremont
1940/102258 Perth French Frank Reginald Male Howse Margaret Lilian Female Claremont
1940/102258 Perth Howse Margaret Lilian Female French Frank Reginald Male Claremont
1940/102259 Perth Le Fevre Douglas Male Jones Eileen Alberta Female Claremont
1940/102259 Perth Jones Eileen Alberta Female Le Fevre Douglas Male Claremont
1940/102260 Perth Ducie John Francis Male Ross Elizabeth Shanks Female Perth
1940/102260 Perth Ross Elizabeth Shanks Female Ducie John Francis Male Perth
1940/102261 Perth Britt Margaret Beatrice Female McLernon Luke Male Highgate
1940/102261 Perth McLernon Luke Male Britt Margaret Beatrice Female Highgate
1940/102262 Perth Barrington Evalina Female Falconer John Male Perth
1940/102262 Perth Falconer John Male Barrington Evalina Female Perth
1940/102263 Perth Pennefather Alecia Female Reardon John Male Highgate
1940/102263 Perth Reardon John Male Pennefather Alecia Female Highgate
1940/102264 Perth McGrade Bernice Mary Female Trainor Reginald Bernard Male Highgate
1940/102264 Perth Trainor Reginald Bernard Male McGrade Bernice Mary Female Highgate
1940/102265 Perth Cleverly Gladys Cecilia Female Saunders Bernard Edward Male Highgate Hill
1940/102265 Perth Saunders Bernard Edward Male Cleverly Gladys Cecilia Female Highgate Hill
1940/102266 Perth D'Arcy Colin John Male Drysdale Isabell Female Highgate Hill
1940/102266 Perth Drysdale Isabell Female D'Arcy Colin John Male Highgate Hill
1940/102267 Perth Campbell Archibald Noble Male Pace Wilhelmina Blanche Female Highgate Hill
1940/102267 Perth Pace Wilhelmina Blanche Female Campbell Archibald Noble Male Highgate Hill
1940/102268 Perth Bennett Olive Maude Female Miller David Allison Dickson Male Highgate
1940/102268 Perth Miller David Allison Dickson Male Bennett Olive Maude Female Highgate
1940/102269 Perth Callanan Katie Agnes Female Williams Eric Joseph Male Highgate Hill
1940/102269 Perth Williams Eric Joseph Male Callanan Katie Agnes Female Highgate Hill
1940/102270 Perth McGrath Eileen Mary Frances Female O'Shanassy Bartholomew Male West Perth
1940/102270 Perth O'Shanassy Bartholomew Male McGrath Eileen Mary Frances Female West Perth
1940/102271 Perth Galvin George Joseph Male Wheatland Prudentia Olive Mary Female Perth
1940/102271 Perth Wheatland Prudentia Olive Mary Female Galvin George Joseph Male Perth
1940/102272 Perth Keane Maurice Patrick Male Korbosky Mary Ellen Female Highgate Hill
1940/102272 Perth Korbosky Mary Ellen Female Keane Maurice Patrick Male Highgate Hill
1940/102273 Perth Martinovich Bosilka Female Yaksich Majkel Male Osborne Park
1940/102273 Perth Yaksich Majkel Male Martinovich Bosilka Female Osborne Park
1940/102274 Perth Fulwood Rosanna Female Mott Clarence Gordon Male Perth
1940/102274 Perth Mott Clarence Gordon Male Fulwood Rosanna Female Perth
1940/102275 Perth Joyce Meryl Eunicé Female Smith Herbert Cyril Male Perth
1940/102275 Perth Smith Herbert Cyril Male Joyce Meryl Eunicé Female Perth
1940/102276 Perth Gray Lorna Alice Mary Female White Robert Harold Male North Perth
1940/102276 Perth White Robert Harold Male Gray Lorna Alice Mary Female North Perth
1940/102277 Perth Tangney Patricia Female Wall John Windsor Male Claremont
1940/102277 Perth Wall John Windsor Male Tangney Patricia Female Claremont
1940/102278 Perth Cahir James Thomas Male Keeble Judith Herbert Female Claremont
1940/102278 Perth Keeble Judith Herbert Female Cahir James Thomas Male Claremont
1940/102279 Perth Staniforth Phyllis May Female White Fredrick Michael Male Perth
1940/102279 Perth White Fredrick Michael Male Staniforth Phyllis May Female Perth
1940/102280 Perth Johnson Elizabeth Female Taylor Francis George Male West Perth
1940/102280 Perth Taylor Francis George Male Johnson Elizabeth Female West Perth
1940/102281 Perth Barrett-Lennard Frances Josephine Female Gwynne Geoffrey Howard Male Mount Lawley
1940/102281 Perth Gwynne Geoffrey Howard Male Barrett-Lennard Frances Josephine Female Mount Lawley
1940/102282 Perth Adams James Henry Male Casten Dorothy Emma Female Perth
1940/102282 Perth Casten Dorothy Emma Female Adams James Henry Male Perth
1940/102283 Perth Stanley Phyllis Ruby Female Watts Arthur Guy Male Highgate
1940/102283 Perth Watts Arthur Guy Male Stanley Phyllis Ruby Female Highgate
1940/102284 Perth Barker Dorothy May Female Hunt George Ernest Male Victoria Park
1940/102284 Perth Hunt George Ernest Male Barker Dorothy May Female Victoria Park
1940/102285 Perth Abbott Clarence Male Locke Christina Olive Winifred Female Victoria Park
1940/102285 Perth Locke Christina Olive Winifred Female Abbott Clarence Male Victoria Park
1940/102286 Perth Collett Lilian Blanch Female Seery Thomas William Male Victoria Park
1940/102286 Perth Seery Thomas William Male Collett Lilian Blanch Female Victoria Park
1940/102287 Perth Bryden Jean Margaret Female Freeman Archibald Cameron Male West Perth
1940/102287 Perth Freeman Archibald Cameron Male Bryden Jean Margaret Female West Perth
1940/102288 Perth Launder Wilfred Aubrey Male Reith Isobel Dorothy Margret Female West Perth
1940/102288 Perth Reith Isobel Dorothy Margret Female Launder Wilfred Aubrey Male West Perth
1940/102289 Perth Inness-Campbell Joseph William Male O'Rourke Frances Maud Female West Perth
1940/102289 Perth O'Rourke Frances Maud Female Inness-Campbell Joseph William Male West Perth
1940/102290 Perth Begent Audrey Francis Annie Female Metcalf Walter Bell Male West Perth
1940/102290 Perth Metcalf Walter Bell Male Begent Audrey Francis Annie Female West Perth
1940/102291 Perth Male Arthur Streeter Male Quigley Phyllis Agnes Female West Perth
1940/102291 Perth Quigley Phyllis Agnes Female Male Arthur Streeter Male West Perth
1940/102292 Perth Jones Arthur Male MacKenzie Phyllis Greta Female Maylands
1940/102292 Perth MacKenzie Phyllis Greta Female Jones Arthur Male Maylands
1940/102293 Perth Hartmann Mavis Winifred Female Williams Leonard James Alexander Male Victoria Park
1940/102293 Perth Williams Leonard James Alexander Male Hartmann Mavis Winifred Female Victoria Park
1940/102294 Perth OKell Alfred Leslie Male Waterman Edna Lilias Female Cottesloe
1940/102294 Perth Waterman Edna Lilias Female OKell Alfred Leslie Male Cottesloe
1940/102295 Perth Houston Jack Male Tchan Vivienne Joyce Female West Perth
1940/102295 Perth Tchan Vivienne Joyce Female Houston Jack Male West Perth
1940/102296 Perth Craig George Lawrence Male Gilbertson Gladys Martha Female Perth
1940/102296 Perth Gilbertson Gladys Martha Female Craig George Lawrence Male Perth
1940/102297 Perth Farquhar Ian Male Leary Ida May Female Perth
1940/102297 Perth Leary Ida May Female Farquhar Ian Male Perth
1940/102298 Perth Hardie Donald Male Wilson Jean Irene Female Perth
1940/102298 Perth Wilson Jean Irene Female Hardie Donald Male Perth
1940/102299 Perth Blackham Arthur Male McKay Edna Female Perth
1940/102299 Perth McKay Edna Female Blackham Arthur Male Perth
1940/102300 Perth Barker Claude Osmonde Male Keast Lilah Agnes Female Perth
1940/102300 Perth Keast Lilah Agnes Female Barker Claude Osmonde Male Perth
1940/102301 Perth Lorrigan Pattie Female Webster Richard Coulter Male Perth
1940/102301 Perth Webster Richard Coulter Male Lorrigan Pattie Female Perth
1940/102302 Perth Armstrong Walter Percival Cole Male Mortlock Elsie Muriel Female West Australia
1940/102302 Perth Mortlock Elsie Muriel Female Armstrong Walter Percival Cole Male West Australia
1940/102303 Perth Hooper Maude Adelaide Female Walsh Bernard James Male East Claremont
1940/102303 Perth Walsh Bernard James Male Hooper Maude Adelaide Female East Claremont
1940/102304 Perth Drage Margaret Lucy Female McNamara Gordon Lindsay Male Swanbourne
1940/102304 Perth McNamara Gordon Lindsay Male Drage Margaret Lucy Female Swanbourne
1940/102305 Perth Charles James Henry Male Harrison Mabel Annie Female Perth
1940/102305 Perth Harrison Mabel Annie Female Charles James Henry Male Perth
1940/102306 Perth Peirce Edward Ralph Male Webb Hazel Hope Female Subiaco
1940/102306 Perth Webb Hazel Hope Female Peirce Edward Ralph Male Subiaco
1940/102307 Perth Donovan Edwin Eversfield Male Thomson Noreen Louisa Female Subiaco
1940/102307 Perth Thomson Noreen Louisa Female Donovan Edwin Eversfield Male Subiaco
1940/102308 Perth Brewster Margaret Ruth Female Selwood Lionel Woodrow Male Subiaco
1940/102308 Perth Selwood Lionel Woodrow Male Brewster Margaret Ruth Female Subiaco
1940/102309 Perth Dunworth Mary Female Randall John Robert Male Perth
1940/102309 Perth Randall John Robert Male Dunworth Mary Female Perth
1940/102310 Perth Chester Henry George Male Robert Vera Eileen Female Cottesloe
1940/102310 Perth Robert Vera Eileen Female Chester Henry George Male Cottesloe
1940/102311 Perth Thornton Robert Ernest Male Vertudaches Doreen Zambia Female Cottesloe
1940/102311 Perth Vertudaches Doreen Zambia Female Thornton Robert Ernest Male Cottesloe
1940/102312 Perth Sharpe Peggy Antonia Ayrton Female Whitcombe Edward Arthur Male Cottesloe
1940/102312 Perth Whitcombe Edward Arthur Male Sharpe Peggy Antonia Ayrton Female Cottesloe
1940/102313 Perth Green Gerald Irwin Male Pettitt Alice Eleanor Female Perth
1940/102313 Perth Pettitt Alice Eleanor Female Green Gerald Irwin Male Perth
1940/102314 Perth Hamersley John Forrest Edward Male O'Brien Marjorie Justine Female Perth
1940/102314 Perth O'Brien Marjorie Justine Female Hamersley John Forrest Edward Male Perth
1940/102315 Perth Dow Ronald Male Graham Gwynneth Temple Female Perth
1940/102315 Perth Graham Gwynneth Temple Female Dow Ronald Male Perth
1940/102316 Perth Mackenzie Barbara Whitworth Female Reeves Raymond George Male Perth
1940/102316 Perth Reeves Raymond George Male Mackenzie Barbara Whitworth Female Perth
1940/102317 Perth Hogben Eric Edwin Male Johnstone Edna May Female Victoria Park
1940/102317 Perth Johnstone Edna May Female Hogben Eric Edwin Male Victoria Park
1940/102318 Perth Haywood Norman Male Morris Doreen Edna Female Victoria Park
1940/102318 Perth Morris Doreen Edna Female Haywood Norman Male Victoria Park
1940/102319 Perth Chandler George Thomas Male Smith Beatrice Female Victoria Park
1940/102319 Perth Smith Beatrice Female Chandler George Thomas Male Victoria Park
1940/102320 Perth Healy Kevin Martin Male Marks Leah Female Perth
1940/102320 Perth Marks Leah Female Healy Kevin Martin Male Perth
1940/102321 Perth Smith Robert Leslie Male Woodhouse Mabel Female Perth
1940/102321 Perth Woodhouse Mabel Female Smith Robert Leslie Male Perth
1940/102322 Perth Castledine Avis Isabelle Female Currie Donald Malcolm Male Perth
1940/102322 Perth Currie Donald Malcolm Male Castledine Avis Isabelle Female Perth
1940/102323 Perth Mill Herbert Ralph Male Sheppard Ottilie Evelyn Female Maylands
1940/102323 Perth Sheppard Ottilie Evelyn Female Mill Herbert Ralph Male Maylands
1940/102324 Perth Mitchell Helen Mary Female Stone Marcus St John Herbert Male South Perth
1940/102324 Perth Stone Marcus St John Herbert Male Mitchell Helen Mary Female South Perth
1940/102325 Perth Horton George Thomas Male Sayers Maisie Harriet Female South Perth
1940/102325 Perth Sayers Maisie Harriet Female Horton George Thomas Male South Perth
1940/102326 Perth Cox Violette Lydia Female Green Reginald Albert Male West Perth
1940/102326 Perth Green Reginald Albert Male Cox Violette Lydia Female West Perth
1940/102327 Perth Jones Margaret Female Scott George Ernest Male West Perth
1940/102327 Perth Scott George Ernest Male Jones Margaret Female West Perth
1940/102328 Perth Groves Fredrick Robert Male Moore Jean Elizabeth Female West Perth
1940/102328 Perth Moore Jean Elizabeth Female Groves Fredrick Robert Male West Perth
1940/102329 Perth Ellerby Daphne Joy Female Vincent Henry Lot Male West Perth
1940/102329 Perth Vincent Henry Lot Male Ellerby Daphne Joy Female West Perth
1940/102330 Perth Hagart Walter Edward Male Rinaldi Magdalen Mary Female Leederville
1940/102330 Perth Rinaldi Magdalen Mary Female Hagart Walter Edward Male Leederville
1940/102331 Perth Allen Helena Mary Female Loughlin Edward Male Leederville
1940/102331 Perth Loughlin Edward Male Allen Helena Mary Female Leederville
1940/102332 Perth Keady Martin Francis Male Tormey Bridget Mary Female Perth
1940/102332 Perth Tormey Bridget Mary Female Keady Martin Francis Male Perth
1940/102333 Perth Carty Katherine Margaret Female Warner Justice Alexander Male Perth
1940/102333 Perth Warner Justice Alexander Male Carty Katherine Margaret Female Perth
1940/102334 Perth Deering David Cuthbert Male Smith Rosemary Female Perth
1940/102334 Perth Smith Rosemary Female Deering David Cuthbert Male Perth
1940/102335 Perth Beauglehole Pearl Doreen Female Plasto Gerald John Male Perth
1940/102335 Perth Plasto Gerald John Male Beauglehole Pearl Doreen Female Perth
1940/102336 Perth Grosser William Carl Male Sanderson Jessie Female W Perth
1940/102336 Perth Sanderson Jessie Female Grosser William Carl Male W Perth
1940/102337 Perth Cook Frederick George Cyril Male Hutson Claribel Elaine Female Perth
1940/102337 Perth Hutson Claribel Elaine Female Cook Frederick George Cyril Male Perth
1940/102338 Perth Bennett Keith Rollo Male Watt Dorothy Barbara Female West Perth
1940/102338 Perth Watt Dorothy Barbara Female Bennett Keith Rollo Male West Perth
1940/102339 Perth Evans Ernest Matthew John Male Stanton Marie Rose Female Perth
1940/102339 Perth Stanton Marie Rose Female Evans Ernest Matthew John Male Perth
1940/102340 Perth Peace Margaret Estill Female Shaw Alexander David Male South Como
1940/102340 Perth Shaw Alexander David Male Peace Margaret Estill Female South Como
1940/102341 Perth Hutchinson Rhoda Female Little Francis Leo Male Perth
1940/102341 Perth Little Francis Leo Male Hutchinson Rhoda Female Perth
1940/102342 Perth Moran Romney Edward Male Quayle Florence Gwendoline Female Claremont
1940/102342 Perth Quayle Florence Gwendoline Female Moran Romney Edward Male Claremont
1940/102343 Perth Jaentsch Isa Gertrude Female Mengler Gustav Ernst Male Claremont
1940/102343 Perth Mengler Gustav Ernst Male Jaentsch Isa Gertrude Female Claremont
1940/102344 Perth Scott Arthur Male Taylor Edna Helena Victoria Female Perth
1940/102344 Perth Taylor Edna Helena Victoria Female Scott Arthur Male Perth
1940/102345 Perth Clifton Ruth Alice Female Rule John McEwan Male Mt Hawthorn
1940/102345 Perth Rule John McEwan Male Clifton Ruth Alice Female Mt Hawthorn
1940/102346 Perth Ellis Robert Male Loughlin Iris Gloria Joyce Female Maylands
1940/102346 Perth Loughlin Iris Gloria Joyce Female Ellis Robert Male Maylands
1940/102347 Perth Palmer Alice Margaret Female Shaw David John Male Maylands
1940/102347 Perth Shaw David John Male Palmer Alice Margaret Female Maylands
1940/102348 Perth Gray Eva Lillian Rose Female McCaw Ronald George Male Subiaco
1940/102348 Perth McCaw Ronald George Male Gray Eva Lillian Rose Female Subiaco
1940/102349 Perth Drown May Pearl Female Dyson Frank Male Claremont
1940/102349 Perth Dyson Frank Male Drown May Pearl Female Claremont
1940/102350 Perth Brunning Hedley Jefferies Male Couldridge Constance Lilian Female Victoria Park
1940/102350 Perth Couldridge Constance Lilian Female Brunning Hedley Jefferies Male Victoria Park
1940/102351 Perth Riches William Robert James Male Wood Elsie Female Victoria Park
1940/102351 Perth Wood Elsie Female Riches William Robert James Male Victoria Park
1940/102352 Perth Morriss Ronald James Male Murton Betty Wyndham Female Victoria Park
1940/102352 Perth Murton Betty Wyndham Female Morriss Ronald James Male Victoria Park
1940/102353 Perth Giles Richard James Male Murphy Phyllis Blaney Female Perth
1940/102353 Perth Murphy Phyllis Blaney Female Giles Richard James Male Perth
1940/102354 Perth Gell Kelvin Percy Male Jones Mulvie Harriet Female Perth
1940/102354 Perth Jones Mulvie Harriet Female Gell Kelvin Percy Male Perth
1940/102355 Perth Anderton John Henry Male Christie Mary Catherine Female Perth
1940/102355 Perth Christie Mary Catherine Female Anderton John Henry Male Perth
1940/102356 Perth Bailey Sylvia Margerat Beryl Female McEntyre Charles Stuart Male Perth
1940/102356 Perth McEntyre Charles Stuart Male Bailey Sylvia Margerat Beryl Female Perth
1940/102357 Perth Day Lilian Sylvia Female Hibben Ronald Leonard Male Perth
1940/102357 Perth Hibben Ronald Leonard Male Day Lilian Sylvia Female Perth
1940/102358 Perth Eaton Elsie Hilda Female Rodoreda John Alfred Male Subiaco
1940/102358 Perth Rodoreda John Alfred Male Eaton Elsie Hilda Female Subiaco
1940/102359 Perth Ham Reginald John Male Obst Loral Eileen Female Cottesloe
1940/102359 Perth Obst Loral Eileen Female Ham Reginald John Male Cottesloe
1940/102360 Perth Dimond Thelma Bessie Female Griffiths James Male Claremont
1940/102360 Perth Griffiths James Male Dimond Thelma Bessie Female Claremont
1940/102361 Perth Tassell Kathleen Lorraine Female Weatherburn Clifford John Male Bayswater
1940/102361 Perth Weatherburn Clifford John Male Tassell Kathleen Lorraine Female Bayswater
1940/102362 Perth Harrison Marjorie Female Wegg Victor Alan Male West Perth
1940/102362 Perth Wegg Victor Alan Male Harrison Marjorie Female West Perth
1940/102363 Perth Keddie Dorothy Jean Female Richards Stephen Norman Male North Perth
1940/102363 Perth Richards Stephen Norman Male Keddie Dorothy Jean Female North Perth
1940/102364 Perth Foot Gordon Male Howitt Ida Female North Perth
1940/102364 Perth Howitt Ida Female Foot Gordon Male North Perth
1940/102365 Perth Fyfe Mollie Female Hicks Herbert Ronald Male Perth
1940/102365 Perth Hicks Herbert Ronald Male Fyfe Mollie Female Perth
1940/102366 Perth Gill John Frederick Male Hindge Carmel Alexandra Female Perth
1940/102366 Perth Hindge Carmel Alexandra Female Gill John Frederick Male Perth
1940/102367 Perth Taylor Minnie Female Trinder John Willis Male Perth
1940/102367 Perth Trinder John Willis Male Taylor Minnie Female Perth
1940/102368 Perth Bell Olive Female Cullen Arthur Samuel Male Perth
1940/102368 Perth Cullen Arthur Samuel Male Bell Olive Female Perth
1940/102369 Perth Agnew Elizabeth Female Paine Clifford Ernest Male Perth
1940/102369 Perth Paine Clifford Ernest Male Agnew Elizabeth Female Perth
1940/102370 Perth Maxwell Phyllis Jean Female Taylor Howard Ralph Male West Perth
1940/102370 Perth Taylor Howard Ralph Male Maxwell Phyllis Jean Female West Perth
1940/102371 Perth Henderson Marjorie Sussanna Female Lewis Arthur William Male West Perth
1940/102371 Perth Lewis Arthur William Male Henderson Marjorie Sussanna Female West Perth
1940/102372 Perth Hayman Ada Agnes Female Ryan Brian Oakley Male Nedlands
1940/102372 Perth Ryan Brian Oakley Male Hayman Ada Agnes Female Nedlands
1940/102373 Perth Hansen-Thiim Ralph Male Martin Phyllis May Female Perth
1940/102373 Perth Martin Phyllis May Female Hansen-Thiim Ralph Male Perth
1940/102374 Perth Hall Leslie Donald Male Herrington Enid Eileen Female Mt Lawley
1940/102374 Perth Herrington Enid Eileen Female Hall Leslie Donald Male Mt Lawley
1940/102375 Perth Bell Louisa Jane Female Scott Bert Male Perth
1940/102375 Perth Scott Bert Male Bell Louisa Jane Female Perth
1940/102376 Perth Barker Laura Edith Female McMorrow Redmond Joseph Male Leederville
1940/102376 Perth McMorrow Redmond Joseph Male Barker Laura Edith Female Leederville
1940/102377 Perth Day Beatrice Ethel Female Taylor Thomas Male Subiaco
1940/102377 Perth Taylor Thomas Male Day Beatrice Ethel Female Subiaco
1940/102378 Perth Fell Doris Evelyn Female Ray Maurice William Male Subiaco
1940/102378 Perth Ray Maurice William Male Fell Doris Evelyn Female Subiaco
1940/102379 Perth Crawford Edward Lawrence Male Rowlands Alice Sydney Female Subiaco
1940/102379 Perth Rowlands Alice Sydney Female Crawford Edward Lawrence Male Subiaco
1940/102380 Perth Spice Isabell Caroline Female Wauchope William John Male Claremont
1940/102380 Perth Wauchope William John Male Spice Isabell Caroline Female Claremont
1940/102381 Perth Caporn Lillian Georgina Female Moore Harold Desmond Male Perth
1940/102381 Perth Moore Harold Desmond Male Caporn Lillian Georgina Female Perth
1940/102382 Perth Doyle John Francis Male Shulman Lottie Female Perth
1940/102382 Perth Shulman Lottie Female Doyle John Francis Male Perth
1940/102383 Perth Addison John Barber Gavin Pollock Male Shepherd Edith Annie Female Highgate Hill
1940/102383 Perth Shepherd Edith Annie Female Addison John Barber Gavin Pollock Male Highgate Hill
1940/102384 Perth Gibson Lawrence Ernest Male Leslie Marjorie Female Highgate Hill
1940/102384 Perth Leslie Marjorie Female Gibson Lawrence Ernest Male Highgate Hill
1940/102385 Perth Budd Robert John Male Pratt Nina Female Highgate Hill
1940/102385 Perth Pratt Nina Female Budd Robert John Male Highgate Hill
1940/102386 Perth Armstrong Malcolm Male Osmond Edna May Female Highgate Hill
1940/102386 Perth Osmond Edna May Female Armstrong Malcolm Male Highgate Hill
1940/102387 Perth Cornish Mary Cora Female Thompson Robert James Male Highgate Hill
1940/102387 Perth Thompson Robert James Male Cornish Mary Cora Female Highgate Hill
1940/102388 Perth Curlewis Brian Burnham Male Monger Barbara Mary Female Perth
1940/102388 Perth Monger Barbara Mary Female Curlewis Brian Burnham Male Perth
1940/102389 Perth Jensen Laura Keeva Female Welsh Frederick Male Perth
1940/102389 Perth Welsh Frederick Male Jensen Laura Keeva Female Perth
1940/102390 Perth Fiveash Dorothy May Female Utley Francis Jennings Male Perth
1940/102390 Perth Utley Francis Jennings Male Fiveash Dorothy May Female Perth
1940/102391 Perth Campbell Thomas Wilson Male Trigar Mildred Hansen Female Perth
1940/102391 Perth Trigar Mildred Hansen Female Campbell Thomas Wilson Male Perth
1940/102392 Perth Henderson Faith Leila Female Herrington Colin George Male Perth
1940/102392 Perth Herrington Colin George Male Henderson Faith Leila Female Perth
1940/102393 Perth Faulkner Stanley Male Miller Madge Nicholson Female Perth
1940/102393 Perth Miller Madge Nicholson Female Faulkner Stanley Male Perth
1940/102394 Perth Edwards Reginald Gordon Male Griffiths Dorothy Jean Irwin Female Perth
1940/102394 Perth Griffiths Dorothy Jean Irwin Female Edwards Reginald Gordon Male Perth
1940/102395 Perth Anglesey David Joseph Male Cash Lydia Patricia Female Perth
1940/102395 Perth Cash Lydia Patricia Female Anglesey David Joseph Male Perth
1940/102396 Perth Richards Burnice Dorothy Female Swarbrick Norman Keith Male Mt Lawley
1940/102396 Perth Swarbrick Norman Keith Male Richards Burnice Dorothy Female Mt Lawley
1940/102397 Perth Campbell Colin Edward Male Collyer Elaine Estelle Female Perth
1940/102397 Perth Collyer Elaine Estelle Female Campbell Colin Edward Male Perth
1940/102398 Perth Smith Mavis Doreen Female Thackrah Norman Keith Napoleon Male Perth
1940/102398 Perth Thackrah Norman Keith Napoleon Male Smith Mavis Doreen Female Perth
1940/102399 Perth Couves Oliver Male Rudd Clarice Martha Female Perth
1940/102399 Perth Rudd Clarice Martha Female Couves Oliver Male Perth
1940/102400 Perth Coverley Melba Joyce Female Mitchell Henry James Male Perth
1940/102400 Perth Mitchell Henry James Male Coverley Melba Joyce Female Perth
1940/102401 Perth Grace Keith Gavin Male Properjohn Marjorie Ethel Female Perth
1940/102401 Perth Properjohn Marjorie Ethel Female Grace Keith Gavin Male Perth
1940/102402 Perth King Arthur George Male Wright Mabel Elizabeth Female Perth
1940/102402 Perth Wright Mabel Elizabeth Female King Arthur George Male Perth
1940/102403 Perth Draper Doreen Elizabeth Female Jones Walter Edward Male Perth
1940/102403 Perth Jones Walter Edward Male Draper Doreen Elizabeth Female Perth
1940/102404 Perth Hollow Henry Thomas Male Howe Marjorie Female Perth
1940/102404 Perth Howe Marjorie Female Hollow Henry Thomas Male Perth
1940/102405 Perth Smith William Alfred Male Usher Emily May Female Perth
1940/102405 Perth Usher Emily May Female Smith William Alfred Male Perth
1940/102406 Perth Pight Phyllis Jessie Female Richards Phillip Male Perth
1940/102406 Perth Richards Phillip Male Pight Phyllis Jessie Female Perth
1940/102407 Perth Kershaw William John Male Thompson Evelyn Almora Female Perth
1940/102407 Perth Thompson Evelyn Almora Female Kershaw William John Male Perth
1940/102408 Perth Alexander Thomas Algernon Male Banham Gladys Elizabeth Female Perth
1940/102408 Perth Banham Gladys Elizabeth Female Alexander Thomas Algernon Male Perth
1940/102409 Perth Lewis Margaret Annie Female Shackleton Harold Ernest Male Perth
1940/102409 Perth Shackleton Harold Ernest Male Lewis Margaret Annie Female Perth
1940/102410 Perth Braddock Marshall Harry Male Okely Bertha Desire Female Perth
1940/102410 Perth Okely Bertha Desire Female Braddock Marshall Harry Male Perth
1940/102411 Perth Anderson Josephine Betsy Female Clifford Cyril Charles Male Perth
1940/102411 Perth Clifford Cyril Charles Male Anderson Josephine Betsy Female Perth
1940/102412 Perth Davey George Harold Male Sanders Gladys Lorna Female Perth
1940/102412 Perth Sanders Gladys Lorna Female Davey George Harold Male Perth
1940/102413 Perth Gascoigne Harold James Male Podger Phyllis Beryle Female Claremont
1940/102413 Perth Podger Phyllis Beryle Female Gascoigne Harold James Male Claremont
1940/102414 Perth Fairbrother John Male Hartley Lillie Elizabeth Female Perth
1940/102414 Perth Hartley Lillie Elizabeth Female Fairbrother John Male Perth
1940/102415 Perth Gray Patricia Annie Orr Female Williams Victor Male Perth
1940/102415 Perth Williams Victor Male Gray Patricia Annie Orr Female Perth
1940/102416 Perth Edward Douglas Osmond Male Hanbury Dorothy Louisa Female Mt Lawley
1940/102416 Perth Hanbury Dorothy Louisa Female Edward Douglas Osmond Male Mt Lawley
1940/102417 Perth Hand Iris Merle Female Monger Herbert Charles Male West Perth
1940/102417 Perth Monger Herbert Charles Male Hand Iris Merle Female West Perth
1940/102418 Perth Miller Francis Male Nelson Irene Joyce Female West Perth
1940/102418 Perth Nelson Irene Joyce Female Miller Francis Male West Perth
1940/102419 Perth Clifton Gordon Glynn Male Young Lindsey Cawte Female West Perth
1940/102419 Perth Young Lindsey Cawte Female Clifton Gordon Glynn Male West Perth
1940/102420 Perth Bradley Norman Avery Male Holmes Lorraine Daisy Female Victoria Park
1940/102420 Perth Holmes Lorraine Daisy Female Bradley Norman Avery Male Victoria Park
1940/102421 Perth Carless Pearcey Harold Male Wallis Emilia Edith Joyce Female Victoria Park
1940/102421 Perth Wallis Emilia Edith Joyce Female Carless Pearcey Harold Male Victoria Park
1940/102422 Perth Davies Alec Edwardson Male Moorman Bessie Alice Female Perth
1940/102422 Perth Moorman Bessie Alice Female Davies Alec Edwardson Male Perth
1940/102423 Perth Hine Maidie Menzies Female Reid George Harling Male Cottesloe
1940/102423 Perth Reid George Harling Male Hine Maidie Menzies Female Cottesloe
1940/102424 Perth Jones Arthur Murray Male McGowan Margaret Stevenson Female Maylands
1940/102424 Perth McGowan Margaret Stevenson Female Jones Arthur Murray Male Maylands
1940/102425 Perth Corbitt Dorothy May Female Henderson Donald Male Perth
1940/102425 Perth Henderson Donald Male Corbitt Dorothy May Female Perth
1940/102426 Perth Bateman Henry William Male Rubery Nellie May Female Perth
1940/102426 Perth Rubery Nellie May Female Bateman Henry William Male Perth
1940/102427 Perth Gianoncelli Omobino Male Scherini Maria Giusepina Ida Female Perth
1940/102427 Perth Scherini Maria Giusepina Ida Female Gianoncelli Omobino Male Perth
1940/102428 Perth Quartermaine Dorothy Edith Cavell Female Wearing Stanley Oswald Male Perth
1940/102428 Perth Wearing Stanley Oswald Male Quartermaine Dorothy Edith Cavell Female Perth
1940/102429 Perth Biggers Jeremiah Male Ryles Mary Olive Female Perth
1940/102429 Perth Ryles Mary Olive Female Biggers Jeremiah Male Perth
1940/102430 Perth Knight Herbert George Male McCrone Jeanie Boyd Female Mt Lawley
1940/102430 Perth McCrone Jeanie Boyd Female Knight Herbert George Male Mt Lawley
1940/102431 Perth Beck Olive Female Muller Raymond Male Perth
1940/102431 Perth Muller Raymond Male Beck Olive Female Perth
1940/102432 Perth Alcorn Graham Nixon Male Cruttenden Dorothy Joy Female Mosman Park
1940/102432 Perth Cruttenden Dorothy Joy Female Alcorn Graham Nixon Male Mosman Park
1940/102433 Perth Hay Phyllis Beatrice Female Peterkin Francis William Male Subiaco
1940/102433 Perth Peterkin Francis William Male Hay Phyllis Beatrice Female Subiaco
1940/102434 Perth Lemonis Triandafilia S Female Michalakis Kiriakos M Male Perth
1940/102434 Perth Michalakis Kiriakos M Male Lemonis Triandafilia S Female Perth
1940/102435 Perth Backshall Frederick George Male Carvill Nancie Kathleen Female W Perth
1940/102435 Perth Carvill Nancie Kathleen Female Backshall Frederick George Male W Perth
1940/102436 Perth Buchanan Alice Warene Female McGauran William de Courcy Male Perth
1940/102436 Perth McGauran William de Courcy Male Buchanan Alice Warene Female Perth
1940/102437 Perth Bartlett Harold Francis Male Kirk Barbara Cooper Female Perth
1940/102437 Perth Kirk Barbara Cooper Female Bartlett Harold Francis Male Perth
1940/102438 Perth Brown Ray Margaret Female Synnot Francis Leonard Davie Male Perth
1940/102438 Perth Synnot Francis Leonard Davie Male Brown Ray Margaret Female Perth
1940/102439 Perth Black Ida Irene Female Webb Reginald Victor Male North Perth
1940/102439 Perth Webb Reginald Victor Male Black Ida Irene Female North Perth
1940/102440 Perth Cook Gwenyth Victoria Female Corp James Henry Gilbert Male North Perth
1940/102440 Perth Corp James Henry Gilbert Male Cook Gwenyth Victoria Female North Perth
1940/102441 Perth Ellett Gladys Louisa Pearl Female Vallance Leslie Napier Male Perth
1940/102441 Perth Vallance Leslie Napier Male Ellett Gladys Louisa Pearl Female Perth
1940/102442 Perth Harvey Laurence John Male Hastie Enid Mary Female West Perth
1940/102442 Perth Hastie Enid Mary Female Harvey Laurence John Male West Perth
1940/102443 Perth Fitzgerald Michael Male Wilson Mary Female Perth
1940/102443 Perth Wilson Mary Female Fitzgerald Michael Male Perth
1940/102444 Perth Bergin Leo Bruce Male Comerford Elizabeth Ann Female Perth
1940/102444 Perth Comerford Elizabeth Ann Female Bergin Leo Bruce Male Perth
1940/102445 Perth Cody James Male Minter Maitland Alice Female Perth
1940/102445 Perth Minter Maitland Alice Female Cody James Male Perth
1940/102446 Perth Gorrett Francis Charles Male Hatch Lorna Minnie Female Leederville
1940/102446 Perth Hatch Lorna Minnie Female Gorrett Francis Charles Male Leederville
1940/102447 Perth Coleman George Male Ellard May Female North Perth
1940/102447 Perth Ellard May Female Coleman George Male North Perth
1940/102448 Perth Clarke Marjorie Mary Female Truscott Raymond George Harvey Male West Perth
1940/102448 Perth Truscott Raymond George Harvey Male Clarke Marjorie Mary Female West Perth
1940/102449 Perth Burlinson Esme Elwyn Female Murphy Noel Arthur Male West Perth
1940/102449 Perth Murphy Noel Arthur Male Burlinson Esme Elwyn Female West Perth
1940/102450 Perth Carter William Thomas Male Griffiths Gladys Eileen Female West Perth
1940/102450 Perth Griffiths Gladys Eileen Female Carter William Thomas Male West Perth
1940/102451 Perth Blakiston Harold George Male Braddock Roma Iris Female West Perth
1940/102451 Perth Braddock Roma Iris Female Blakiston Harold George Male West Perth
1940/102452 Perth Hawke Joy Marjorie Female Livie John Binnie Male West Perth
1940/102452 Perth Livie John Binnie Male Hawke Joy Marjorie Female West Perth
1940/102453 Perth Munro Kelvin Gordon Male Rowlands Thelma Ivy Female Perth
1940/102453 Perth Rowlands Thelma Ivy Female Munro Kelvin Gordon Male Perth
1940/102454 Perth Christie Roseanna Mary Female Fountain Alfred Earnest Male Cottesloe
1940/102454 Perth Fountain Alfred Earnest Male Christie Roseanna Mary Female Cottesloe
1940/102455 Perth Chester Leslie Colin Male Reeves Henrietta Maria Female Leederville
1940/102455 Perth Reeves Henrietta Maria Female Chester Leslie Colin Male Leederville
1940/102456 Perth Rodd Theodore Leslie Male Thornton Dorothy Mary Female Mt Lawley
1940/102456 Perth Thornton Dorothy Mary Female Rodd Theodore Leslie Male Mt Lawley
1940/102457 Perth Von Paleske Clarissa Ada May Female Jones John Pryce Male Perth
1940/102457 Perth Jones John Pryce Male Von Paleske Clarissa Ada May Female Perth
1940/102458 Perth Bayliss Norman Bernice Male Wearn Phyllis Elizabeth Female Perth
1940/102458 Perth Wearn Phyllis Elizabeth Female Bayliss Norman Bernice Male Perth
1940/102459 Perth Bader Winifred Rose Female Bailey George Allan Male Perth
1940/102459 Perth Bailey George Allan Male Bader Winifred Rose Female Perth
1940/102460 Perth O'Brien Stanley Frederick John Male Upham Marjorie Joan Female Perth
1940/102460 Perth Upham Marjorie Joan Female O'Brien Stanley Frederick John Male Perth
1940/102461 Perth Boileau Dorothy Ruth Female Brown David Richmond Male Perth
1940/102461 Perth Brown David Richmond Male Boileau Dorothy Ruth Female Perth
1940/102462 Perth Taylor Edna Mary Isabel Female Tindale Arthur Milford Male Perth
1940/102462 Perth Tindale Arthur Milford Male Taylor Edna Mary Isabel Female Perth
1940/102463 Perth Stubbs Frances Arnell Female Wright Maxwell Keith Male Perth
1940/102463 Perth Wright Maxwell Keith Male Stubbs Frances Arnell Female Perth
1940/102464 Perth Green Leslie Arnold Male Philbey Lorrice Winifred Eileen Female Cottesloe Congregational Church
1940/102464 Perth Philbey Lorrice Winifred Eileen Female Green Leslie Arnold Male Cottesloe Congregational Church
1940/102465 Perth O'Donnell Joyce Female Page Henry Francis Male Shenton Park
1940/102465 Perth Page Henry Francis Male O'Donnell Joyce Female Shenton Park
1940/102466 Perth Bell Pauline Mary Female MacFarlane Harold John Hosken Male South Perth
1940/102466 Perth MacFarlane Harold John Hosken Male Bell Pauline Mary Female South Perth
1940/102467 Perth Read Ilma Ethel Houghton Female Wilson Arthur William Male South Perth
1940/102467 Perth Wilson Arthur William Male Read Ilma Ethel Houghton Female South Perth
1940/102468 Perth Campbell Clarice Marjorie Joyce Female Rocke Harold Vantin Male S Perth
1940/102468 Perth Rocke Harold Vantin Male Campbell Clarice Marjorie Joyce Female S Perth
1940/102469 Perth Buckingham Ivy Elizabeth Female Knapton George Scoones Male S Perth
1940/102469 Perth Knapton George Scoones Male Buckingham Ivy Elizabeth Female S Perth
1940/102470 Perth Cotter Eva Female Riordan Arthur Male South Perth
1940/102470 Perth Riordan Arthur Male Cotter Eva Female South Perth
1940/102471 Perth Stevens Vivienne Delys Olive Female Woodvine Wilfred Thomas Male Perth
1940/102471 Perth Woodvine Wilfred Thomas Male Stevens Vivienne Delys Olive Female Perth
1940/102472 Perth Carter Dorothy Florence Elizabeth Female Tate Keith Leonard Male Victoria Park
1940/102472 Perth Tate Keith Leonard Male Carter Dorothy Florence Elizabeth Female Victoria Park
1940/102473 Perth Dunne Frederick Dorrion Male Palmer Gwenyth Doreen Female Victoria Park
1940/102473 Perth Palmer Gwenyth Doreen Female Dunne Frederick Dorrion Male Victoria Park
1940/102474 Perth Horwood Claude Henry Male West Nell Wynnette Female Perth
1940/102474 Perth West Nell Wynnette Female Horwood Claude Henry Male Perth
1940/102475 Perth Crowder Ernest Harold Male Matthews Gladys Rose Female Claremont
1940/102475 Perth Matthews Gladys Rose Female Crowder Ernest Harold Male Claremont
1940/102476 Perth Pengilly Eric Hedley Male Power Eileen Patricia Female Maylands
1940/102476 Perth Power Eileen Patricia Female Pengilly Eric Hedley Male Maylands
1940/102477 Perth Lindridge Thora Elson Belston Female O'Connor Lloyd Thomas James Male West Perth
1940/102477 Perth O'Connor Lloyd Thomas James Male Lindridge Thora Elson Belston Female West Perth
1940/102478 Perth Evans Audrey Agnes Female Gardiner Joseph Hardie George Male West Perth
1940/102478 Perth Gardiner Joseph Hardie George Male Evans Audrey Agnes Female West Perth
1940/102479 Perth Jeffrey William John Male Lewis Gwenyth Everett Female Mount Lawley
1940/102479 Perth Lewis Gwenyth Everett Female Jeffrey William John Male Mount Lawley
1940/102480 Perth Oliver Charles Male Walshe Olive Alberta Female East Victoria Park
1940/102480 Perth Walshe Olive Alberta Female Oliver Charles Male East Victoria Park
1940/102481 Perth Caldwell Phyllis Edith Female Donovan George Male Claremont
1940/102481 Perth Donovan George Male Caldwell Phyllis Edith Female Claremont
1940/102482 Perth Donnes Norma Olwen Effie Female Hunt George William Male Perth General Hospital
1940/102482 Perth Hunt George William Male Donnes Norma Olwen Effie Female Perth General Hospital
1940/102483 Perth Jones Roma Jean Female Lilly Ernest Henry Male South Perth
1940/102483 Perth Lilly Ernest Henry Male Jones Roma Jean Female South Perth
1940/102484 Perth Benari Dorothy Ada Female MacKenzie Archibald George Kenneth Male Perth
1940/102484 Perth MacKenzie Archibald George Kenneth Male Benari Dorothy Ada Female Perth
1940/102485 Perth Lang Ivy Jeannette Female Scott Thomas William Male Perth
1940/102485 Perth Scott Thomas William Male Lang Ivy Jeannette Female Perth
1940/102486 Perth Doney Freda Pearl Female Flood Joseph Male Perth
1940/102486 Perth Flood Joseph Male Doney Freda Pearl Female Perth
1940/102487 Perth Smith Victor Richard William Male Thurston Trixie Marion Esther Female Perth
1940/102487 Perth Thurston Trixie Marion Esther Female Smith Victor Richard William Male Perth
1940/102488 Perth Styants Sylvia Female Waring Ellis Male Perth
1940/102488 Perth Waring Ellis Male Styants Sylvia Female Perth
1940/102489 Perth Kensell Richard Charles Male Rocke Dorothy Melva Female Perth
1940/102489 Perth Rocke Dorothy Melva Female Kensell Richard Charles Male Perth
1940/102490 Perth Bidwell Edward William Male Norman Elsie Hilda Female Perth
1940/102490 Perth Norman Elsie Hilda Female Bidwell Edward William Male Perth
1940/102491 Perth North Harry Austin Male Wishart Ruby Doris Female Highgate Hill
1940/102491 Perth Wishart Ruby Doris Female North Harry Austin Male Highgate Hill
1940/102492 Perth Dalton Allen Male Raven Eva Martha Female North Perth
1940/102492 Perth Raven Eva Martha Female Dalton Allen Male North Perth
1940/102493 Perth Paddison Alan Edward Male Robertson Edna Bell Female North Perth
1940/102493 Perth Robertson Edna Bell Female Paddison Alan Edward Male North Perth
1940/102494 Perth Headling David Ralph Male Ward Leila Hazel Howard Female North Perth
1940/102494 Perth Ward Leila Hazel Howard Female Headling David Ralph Male North Perth
1940/102495 Perth Goodman Harry Herbert Male Jordan Dorothy Phyllis Female Victoria Park
1940/102495 Perth Jordan Dorothy Phyllis Female Goodman Harry Herbert Male Victoria Park
1940/102496 Perth Didcock Ethel May Female Watterston Arthur William Male Subiaco
1940/102496 Perth Watterston Arthur William Male Didcock Ethel May Female Subiaco
1940/102497 Perth Gould Violet May Female Palmer Alfred William Male Subiaco
1940/102497 Perth Palmer Alfred William Male Gould Violet May Female Subiaco
1940/102498 Perth Hanbury Oliver Male Posselt Myrtle Dorothy Female Subiaco
1940/102498 Perth Posselt Myrtle Dorothy Female Hanbury Oliver Male Subiaco
1940/102499 Perth Henley Lawrence George Male James Hilda Maisie Female Cottesloe
1940/102499 Perth James Hilda Maisie Female Henley Lawrence George Male Cottesloe
1940/102500 Perth Bearfoot Joan Sybil Female Platt Frederick William Male Cottesloe
1940/102500 Perth Platt Frederick William Male Bearfoot Joan Sybil Female Cottesloe
1940/102501 Perth Bullen Laurence Monica Female Jarvis Alwyn Male Cottesloe
1940/102501 Perth Jarvis Alwyn Male Bullen Laurence Monica Female Cottesloe
1940/102502 Perth Connell Alfred Charles Male Rowe Lillian Jessie Irene Female Perth
1940/102502 Perth Rowe Lillian Jessie Irene Female Connell Alfred Charles Male Perth
1940/102503 Perth Addison Charles James Male Wilkie Helen Amelia Female Perth
1940/102503 Perth Wilkie Helen Amelia Female Addison Charles James Male Perth
1940/102504 Perth Hogan John Male Weaver Mary Charlotte Female Perth
1940/102504 Perth Weaver Mary Charlotte Female Hogan John Male Perth
1940/102505 Perth Hall Ruby Gladys Female Pascoe Frederick Charles Male North Perth
1940/102505 Perth Pascoe Frederick Charles Male Hall Ruby Gladys Female North Perth
1940/102506 Perth Berry May Female Burton Leslie Male Subiaco
1940/102506 Perth Burton Leslie Male Berry May Female Subiaco
1940/102507 Perth Bridson Edna Edith Female Maloney Allan Wilson Male Perth
1940/102507 Perth Maloney Allan Wilson Male Bridson Edna Edith Female Perth
1940/102508 Perth Allatt Kathleen Elizabeth Female Duncan David Male Victoria Park
1940/102508 Perth Duncan David Male Allatt Kathleen Elizabeth Female Victoria Park
1940/102509 Perth Hellwig Doris Marion Female Randall Fredrick John Male Victoria Park
1940/102509 Perth Randall Fredrick John Male Hellwig Doris Marion Female Victoria Park
1940/102510 Perth Ching Edith Maud Female Girdlestone Edgar John Male Perth
1940/102510 Perth Girdlestone Edgar John Male Ching Edith Maud Female Perth
1940/102511 Perth Newton Nesta Kathleen Female Renouf William Anzac Male Perth
1940/102511 Perth Renouf William Anzac Male Newton Nesta Kathleen Female Perth
1940/102512 Perth Matson Isobel Eliza Clarke Female Thorburn John Male Perth
1940/102512 Perth Thorburn John Male Matson Isobel Eliza Clarke Female Perth
1940/102513 Perth Liddelow John Henry Male Snell Emily Ruth Female Perth
1940/102513 Perth Snell Emily Ruth Female Liddelow John Henry Male Perth
1940/102514 Perth Davies Charlie Male Turner Hazel May Female Perth
1940/102514 Perth Turner Hazel May Female Davies Charlie Male Perth
1940/102515 Perth Ah-Sing Una Female Stewart William Graham Male Perth
1940/102515 Perth Stewart William Graham Male Ah-Sing Una Female Perth
1940/102516 Perth Halton Edward Alexander Male Johnson Daphne May Female Perth
1940/102516 Perth Johnson Daphne May Female Halton Edward Alexander Male Perth
1940/102517 Perth de Mamiel Oswald Gerard Male Dodd Edna Pearl Female Perth
1940/102517 Perth Dodd Edna Pearl Female de Mamiel Oswald Gerard Male Perth
1940/102518 Perth Evans Walter Male Gomme Joan Mary Female Claremont
1940/102518 Perth Gomme Joan Mary Female Evans Walter Male Claremont
1940/102519 Perth Larkins Gwendoline Female Thunder Anthony Leslie Male Claremont
1940/102519 Perth Thunder Anthony Leslie Male Larkins Gwendoline Female Claremont
1940/102520 Perth Paddon Leslie Thomas Male Wilson Isabella Female Claremont
1940/102520 Perth Wilson Isabella Female Paddon Leslie Thomas Male Claremont
1940/102521 Perth Caporn Joyce Thelma Female French Leonard Shenton Male Claremont
1940/102521 Perth French Leonard Shenton Male Caporn Joyce Thelma Female Claremont
1940/102522 Perth Betts Margaret Winifred Female Ward Raymond Gordon Male Claremont
1940/102522 Perth Ward Raymond Gordon Male Betts Margaret Winifred Female Claremont
1940/102523 Perth Shann Marjorie Florence Female Tange Arthur Harold Male Claremont
1940/102523 Perth Tange Arthur Harold Male Shann Marjorie Florence Female Claremont
1940/102524 Perth Dan Sadie Irene Female Felton Frank Briarwood Male Victoria Pk
1940/102524 Perth Felton Frank Briarwood Male Dan Sadie Irene Female Victoria Pk
1940/102525 Perth Mee Harry Oakley Male Scott Dorothy Muriel Female North Perth
1940/102525 Perth Scott Dorothy Muriel Female Mee Harry Oakley Male North Perth
1940/102526 Perth Lister Angus Male Wohlstrand Vera Cecilia Female West Perth
1940/102526 Perth Wohlstrand Vera Cecilia Female Lister Angus Male West Perth
1940/102527 Perth Hackett William Eric Male Poulson Amelia Marie Female Perth
1940/102527 Perth Poulson Amelia Marie Female Hackett William Eric Male Perth
1940/102528 Perth Britton William Male Vince Hilda Female Perth
1940/102528 Perth Vince Hilda Female Britton William Male Perth
1940/102529 Perth Dain Douglas Male Dickins Annie Estelle Adeline Female West Perth
1940/102529 Perth Dickins Annie Estelle Adeline Female Dain Douglas Male West Perth
1940/102530 Perth Crosbie William Male Hooper Eileen May Female Osborne Park
1940/102530 Perth Hooper Eileen May Female Crosbie William Male Osborne Park
1940/102531 Perth Ferguson Pearl Ruby Female Norrish James Samuel Male Perth
1940/102531 Perth Norrish James Samuel Male Ferguson Pearl Ruby Female Perth
1940/102532 Perth Eatwell Victor Charles Male Turton Zoe Rachel Female Perth
1940/102532 Perth Turton Zoe Rachel Female Eatwell Victor Charles Male Perth
1940/102533 Perth Symons Frank Cletus Joseph Male Whelan Sylvia Georgina Agnes Female Victoria Park
1940/102533 Perth Whelan Sylvia Georgina Agnes Female Symons Frank Cletus Joseph Male Victoria Park
1940/102534 Perth Ladner Stanley Frank Male Smith Eleanor Josephine Female Cottesloe
1940/102534 Perth Smith Eleanor Josephine Female Ladner Stanley Frank Male Cottesloe
1940/102535 Perth Milburn Berenice Ruth Female Nuttman Fred Edmund Male Victoria Park Congregational Church
1940/102535 Perth Nuttman Fred Edmund Male Milburn Berenice Ruth Female Victoria Park Congregational Church
1940/102536 Perth Blechynden Violet Julia Female Brooks Henry Male Leederville
1940/102536 Perth Brooks Henry Male Blechynden Violet Julia Female Leederville
1940/102537 Perth Cosstick Dorothy May Female Crawford John Henry Male Leederville
1940/102537 Perth Crawford John Henry Male Cosstick Dorothy May Female Leederville
1940/102538 Perth Everett Margaret Hilton Female James David Thomas Male Perth
1940/102538 Perth James David Thomas Male Everett Margaret Hilton Female Perth
1940/102539 Perth Broun Bessie McBryde Female Eades Ralph Thomas Male West Perth
1940/102539 Perth Eades Ralph Thomas Male Broun Bessie McBryde Female West Perth
1940/102540 Perth Jordan Samuel Leslie Male Pittman Evelyn Pearl Female West Perth
1940/102540 Perth Pittman Evelyn Pearl Female Jordan Samuel Leslie Male West Perth
1940/102541 Perth Morris Ethel Doreen Female Pix Alfred William Male Perth
1940/102541 Perth Pix Alfred William Male Morris Ethel Doreen Female Perth
1940/102542 Perth Jamieson David John Male McSwain Gloria Olive Female Perth
1940/102542 Perth McSwain Gloria Olive Female Jamieson David John Male Perth
1940/102543 Perth Handford Bertha Female Millward Ernest Male Perth
1940/102543 Perth Millward Ernest Male Handford Bertha Female Perth
1940/102544 Perth Burge Clarence Austin Male Hardy Margaret Wallace Female Perth
1940/102544 Perth Hardy Margaret Wallace Female Burge Clarence Austin Male Perth
1940/102545 Perth Noble Raymond John Male Sexton Eileen Mabel Female Perth
1940/102545 Perth Sexton Eileen Mabel Female Noble Raymond John Male Perth
1940/102546 Perth Kent William Norman Male Reed Elsie Joyce Female Victoria Park
1940/102546 Perth Reed Elsie Joyce Female Kent William Norman Male Victoria Park
1940/102547 Perth Dalgleish William Albert Male Nankiville Eugenie Olivine Marguerita Female Victoria Park
1940/102547 Perth Nankiville Eugenie Olivine Marguerita Female Dalgleish William Albert Male Victoria Park
1940/102548 Perth Cadlolo Lance Dinsdale Male Higgins Iris Doreen Female Victoria Park
1940/102548 Perth Higgins Iris Doreen Female Cadlolo Lance Dinsdale Male Victoria Park
1940/102549 Perth Kovacevich Magdalene Lenka Female Marinkovich Frane Male Osborne Park
1940/102549 Perth Marinkovich Frane Male Kovacevich Magdalene Lenka Female Osborne Park
1940/102550 Perth Forrest Marjorie Stella Elizabeth Female Leeder Edward Henry Male Perth
1940/102550 Perth Leeder Edward Henry Male Forrest Marjorie Stella Elizabeth Female Perth
1940/102551 Perth Armstrong John Male Robertson Stella Eileen Female Highgate Hill
1940/102551 Perth Robertson Stella Eileen Female Armstrong John Male Highgate Hill
1940/102552 Perth Rendall Olive Bonita Female Shellam Charles Edwin Male Highgate Hill
1940/102552 Perth Shellam Charles Edwin Male Rendall Olive Bonita Female Highgate Hill
1940/102553 Perth Hendley William Louis Male Taylor Annie Elizabeth Female Perth
1940/102553 Perth Taylor Annie Elizabeth Female Hendley William Louis Male Perth
1940/102554 Perth Dorrington Ethel Mae Female Zeunert Eric Male Subiaco
1940/102554 Perth Zeunert Eric Male Dorrington Ethel Mae Female Subiaco
1940/102555 Perth Chalizky Samuel Male Rappeport Rachel Female Perth
1940/102555 Perth Rappeport Rachel Female Chalizky Samuel Male Perth
1940/102556 Perth Gorodnaski Frederick Male Rosen Annice Sylvia Female Perth
1940/102556 Perth Rosen Annice Sylvia Female Gorodnaski Frederick Male Perth
1940/102557 Perth Hoffman Hannah Bella Female Miller Maurice Male Perth
1940/102557 Perth Miller Maurice Male Hoffman Hannah Bella Female Perth
1940/102558 Perth Duffy Claude Albert Male Stade Nancy Evelyn Mary Female Maylands
1940/102558 Perth Stade Nancy Evelyn Mary Female Duffy Claude Albert Male Maylands
1940/102559 Perth Birchley Jean Eckley Female Charles James Male Cottesloe
1940/102559 Perth Charles James Male Birchley Jean Eckley Female Cottesloe
1940/102560 Perth Argent Florence Pearl Female Watson Henry Albert Male Highgate Hill
1940/102560 Perth Watson Henry Albert Male Argent Florence Pearl Female Highgate Hill
1940/102561 Perth Clarke Ethel Jessie Elizabeth Female Morton Alan Cedric Male Nth Perth-Mt Lawley Congregational Church
1940/102561 Perth Morton Alan Cedric Male Clarke Ethel Jessie Elizabeth Female Nth Perth-Mt Lawley Congregational Church
1940/102562 Perth Dixon Lorraine Joyce Female Falconer John Alex Male Perth
1940/102562 Perth Falconer John Alex Male Dixon Lorraine Joyce Female Perth
1940/102563 Perth Chance Geoffrey Maurice Male Prowse Hazel Isobel Female Claremont
1940/102563 Perth Prowse Hazel Isobel Female Chance Geoffrey Maurice Male Claremont
1940/102564 Perth Kennington Jeanne Female Smith Percival George Male Cottesloe
1940/102564 Perth Smith Percival George Male Kennington Jeanne Female Cottesloe
1940/102565 Perth Deuport Edna Mary Female Hill Arthur John Male Victoria Park
1940/102565 Perth Hill Arthur John Male Deuport Edna Mary Female Victoria Park
1940/102566 Perth Aiken Margaret May Female Castlemain Herbert Charles Male South Perth
1940/102566 Perth Castlemain Herbert Charles Male Aiken Margaret May Female South Perth
1940/102567 Perth Paterson James Laidlaw Male Perry Dorothy Adele Female South Perth
1940/102567 Perth Perry Dorothy Adele Female Paterson James Laidlaw Male South Perth
1940/102568 Perth Jones Doris Olive Female Sorenson Frederick Stanley Male West Perth
1940/102568 Perth Sorenson Frederick Stanley Male Jones Doris Olive Female West Perth
1940/102569 Perth Allcorn Joyce Ethel Female Olney Arthur Stewart Male West Perth
1940/102569 Perth Olney Arthur Stewart Male Allcorn Joyce Ethel Female West Perth
1940/102570 Perth Clack Florence May Female Glasson Colin Richard Male West Perth
1940/102570 Perth Glasson Colin Richard Male Clack Florence May Female West Perth
1940/102571 Perth Fearn Raymond Charles Male Hutton Joan Estella Female West Perth
1940/102571 Perth Hutton Joan Estella Female Fearn Raymond Charles Male West Perth
1940/102572 Perth Cressall Mavis Mary Female Leahy Timothy Male West Perth
1940/102572 Perth Leahy Timothy Male Cressall Mavis Mary Female West Perth
1940/102573 Perth Hester Walter Jesse Male Johnson Monica Female West Perth
1940/102573 Perth Johnson Monica Female Hester Walter Jesse Male West Perth
1940/102574 Perth Dick Colin McPherson Male Haberley Hilda Beatrice Female West Perth
1940/102574 Perth Haberley Hilda Beatrice Female Dick Colin McPherson Male West Perth
1940/102575 Perth Henderson Francis Edward Male King Kathleen Hanora Female Subiaco
1940/102575 Perth King Kathleen Hanora Female Henderson Francis Edward Male Subiaco
1940/102576 Perth Galloway Norman William Harold Male Wilké Norma Verdunette Female Subiaco
1940/102576 Perth Wilké Norma Verdunette Female Galloway Norman William Harold Male Subiaco
1940/102577 Perth Birch William Hodson Male Henley Mona Ariell Female Subiaco
1940/102577 Perth Henley Mona Ariell Female Birch William Hodson Male Subiaco
1940/102578 Perth Fowler Irene Mavis Female Niblett Alfred Herbert Gayling Male Maylands
1940/102578 Perth Niblett Alfred Herbert Gayling Male Fowler Irene Mavis Female Maylands
1940/102579 Perth Horton Roma Daisy Female Soulsby Robert Joseph Male Maylands
1940/102579 Perth Soulsby Robert Joseph Male Horton Roma Daisy Female Maylands
1940/102580 Perth Atkins Edith Irene Female Thompson George Edward Male Maylands
1940/102580 Perth Thompson George Edward Male Atkins Edith Irene Female Maylands
1940/102581 Perth Lego Cecilia Hird Female McBride William Andrew Male Perth
1940/102581 Perth McBride William Andrew Male Lego Cecilia Hird Female Perth
1940/102582 Perth Green Alexander Stewart Male Wittorff Vivienne Irene Female Perth
1940/102582 Perth Wittorff Vivienne Irene Female Green Alexander Stewart Male Perth
1940/102583 Perth Hanrahan Patrick Philip Male McNair Margaret Craigie Female Perth
1940/102583 Perth McNair Margaret Craigie Female Hanrahan Patrick Philip Male Perth
1940/102584 Perth Joy Ruth Theodora Female Lyndon-James Ivo Lindsay Carl Male Perth
1940/102584 Perth Lyndon-James Ivo Lindsay Carl Male Joy Ruth Theodora Female Perth
1940/102585 Perth Woolley Frank John Male Wright Phyllis Myrtle Female Perth
1940/102585 Perth Wright Phyllis Myrtle Female Woolley Frank John Male Perth
1940/102586 Perth Burns Gwen Joyce Female Daly Dominic Davies Male Perth
1940/102586 Perth Daly Dominic Davies Male Burns Gwen Joyce Female Perth
1940/102587 Perth Gilmour Joseph Murray Male Livingstone Mary Waters Female Perth
1940/102587 Perth Livingstone Mary Waters Female Gilmour Joseph Murray Male Perth
1940/102588 Perth Grayson Kathleen Margaret Female Thomas Evan Male Victoria Park
1940/102588 Perth Thomas Evan Male Grayson Kathleen Margaret Female Victoria Park
1940/102589 Perth Cookson Marjorie Helen Female Roper Robert Male Subiaco
1940/102589 Perth Roper Robert Male Cookson Marjorie Helen Female Subiaco
1940/102590 Perth Haynes Norman Field Male Hogg Winifred Emily Female Shenton Park
1940/102590 Perth Hogg Winifred Emily Female Haynes Norman Field Male Shenton Park
1940/102591 Perth Cecic Violet Female Glamuzina Yozef Male Osborne Park
1940/102591 Perth Glamuzina Yozef Male Cecic Violet Female Osborne Park
1940/102592 Perth Bolleter Arthur William Male Griffiths Dorothy Kathleen Female Subiaco
1940/102592 Perth Griffiths Dorothy Kathleen Female Bolleter Arthur William Male Subiaco
1940/102593 Perth Moulton Walter James Male White Vera Grace Female North Perth
1940/102593 Perth White Vera Grace Female Moulton Walter James Male North Perth
1940/102594 Perth Anderson Phyllis May Female Edwards Ronald Edward Male Nedlands
1940/102594 Perth Edwards Ronald Edward Male Anderson Phyllis May Female Nedlands
1940/102595 Perth McLaughlin Ada May Female Woods Henry Redver Male South Perth
1940/102595 Perth Woods Henry Redver Male McLaughlin Ada May Female South Perth
1940/102596 Perth Doubikin Ormond Craigie Male Stott Lois Margaret Female Perth
1940/102596 Perth Stott Lois Margaret Female Doubikin Ormond Craigie Male Perth
1940/102597 Perth Davey Nellie Female Jackson Thomas Marshall Male Perth
1940/102597 Perth Jackson Thomas Marshall Male Davey Nellie Female Perth
1940/102598 Perth Dorizzi Edgar Joseph Male Novell Lorna Mary Female Perth
1940/102598 Perth Novell Lorna Mary Female Dorizzi Edgar Joseph Male Perth
1940/102599 Perth Bailey Albert Stanley Male Smith Doreen Mildred Female Perth
1940/102599 Perth Smith Doreen Mildred Female Bailey Albert Stanley Male Perth
1940/102600 Perth Heenan Esmond Francis Male Williams Amy Female Perth
1940/102600 Perth Williams Amy Female Heenan Esmond Francis Male Perth
1940/102601 Perth Lambert Douglas Bronsdon Male McBrearty Jessie Frances Female Mt Hawthorn
1940/102601 Perth McBrearty Jessie Frances Female Lambert Douglas Bronsdon Male Mt Hawthorn
1940/102602 Perth French Myrtle Janet Female Gillett Frank Perkins Male Mt Lawley
1940/102602 Perth Gillett Frank Perkins Male French Myrtle Janet Female Mt Lawley
1940/102603 Perth Kinninmont Walter James Male O'Sullivan Eileen Elizabeth Female Perth
1940/102603 Perth O'Sullivan Eileen Elizabeth Female Kinninmont Walter James Male Perth
1940/102604 Perth Hutchins William Percy Male Randall Esma Female Wembley Park
1940/102604 Perth Randall Esma Female Hutchins William Percy Male Wembley Park
1940/102605 Perth Kanzler Leslie Bernard Male Mack Judy Female Perth
1940/102605 Perth Mack Judy Female Kanzler Leslie Bernard Male Perth
1940/102606 Perth Dyson Nancy Enid Female Wright Leo Charles Male Perth
1940/102606 Perth Wright Leo Charles Male Dyson Nancy Enid Female Perth
1940/102607 Perth Mitchem Floradora Louise Female Twine Henry James Male Perth
1940/102607 Perth Twine Henry James Male Mitchem Floradora Louise Female Perth
1940/102608 Perth Budden Joan Mary Female Fletcher Cyril Henry Male Perth
1940/102608 Perth Fletcher Cyril Henry Male Budden Joan Mary Female Perth
1940/102609 Perth Armstrong Campbell Hulton Male Burns Agnes Weir Female Perth
1940/102609 Perth Burns Agnes Weir Female Armstrong Campbell Hulton Male Perth
1940/102610 Perth Dunkley Winifred Louisa Female Parent Edgar George Male Perth
1940/102610 Perth Parent Edgar George Male Dunkley Winifred Louisa Female Perth
1940/102611 Perth Darcy John James Male Diggins Lucy Mary Female Perth
1940/102611 Perth Diggins Lucy Mary Female Darcy John James Male Perth
1940/102612 Perth Armfield George Albert Male Hayward Madge Ivy Female Perth
1940/102612 Perth Hayward Madge Ivy Female Armfield George Albert Male Perth
1940/102613 Perth Christensen Lionel Francis Male Pearce Alice Lilian Female Perth
1940/102613 Perth Pearce Alice Lilian Female Christensen Lionel Francis Male Perth
1940/102614 Perth Harper Frederick John Male Mountjoy Thora Female Perth
1940/102614 Perth Mountjoy Thora Female Harper Frederick John Male Perth
1940/102615 Perth Cable Pearl Adelaide Female Holtom Gerald Vincent Male Perth
1940/102615 Perth Holtom Gerald Vincent Male Cable Pearl Adelaide Female Perth
1940/102616 Perth Le Feuvre George Edward Male Peterson Mary Female Perth
1940/102616 Perth Peterson Mary Female Le Feuvre George Edward Male Perth
1940/102617 Perth Coomber-Brown Henry Francis Male Coverley Phyllis Pearl Female Perth
1940/102617 Perth Coverley Phyllis Pearl Female Coomber-Brown Henry Francis Male Perth
1940/102618 Perth Badger Aubrey Victor Male Irvine June Yvonne Female Perth
1940/102618 Perth Irvine June Yvonne Female Badger Aubrey Victor Male Perth
1940/102619 Perth Bodger Robert Benjamin Elgie Male Hiron Evelyn Millicent Elizabeth Female Perth
1940/102619 Perth Hiron Evelyn Millicent Elizabeth Female Bodger Robert Benjamin Elgie Male Perth
1940/102620 Perth Browning William Male Lennon Margaret Mary Female Perth
1940/102620 Perth Lennon Margaret Mary Female Browning William Male Perth
1940/102621 Perth Stalker Leslie Douglas Male Williams Stella Agnes Female Perth
1940/102621 Perth Williams Stella Agnes Female Stalker Leslie Douglas Male Perth
1940/102622 Perth MacLean Hugh Male Martin Patricia Mary Female Perth
1940/102622 Perth Martin Patricia Mary Female MacLean Hugh Male Perth
1940/102623 Perth Jenkins Rita May Female Turner Walter Thomas Male North Leederville Methodist Church
1940/102623 Perth Turner Walter Thomas Male Jenkins Rita May Female North Leederville Methodist Church
1940/102624 Perth Leonard George Albert Male Thomas Elsie Mavis Female Perth
1940/102624 Perth Thomas Elsie Mavis Female Leonard George Albert Male Perth
1940/102625 Perth Coe Kathleen Mary Female Hendry Leslie Hampton Male West Perth
1940/102625 Perth Hendry Leslie Hampton Male Coe Kathleen Mary Female West Perth
1940/102626 Perth Carich George Male Rubinich Maria Female West Perth
1940/102626 Perth Rubinich Maria Female Carich George Male West Perth
1940/102627 Perth Campbell Violet Maude Female Wright Bertie James Male Perth
1940/102627 Perth Wright Bertie James Male Campbell Violet Maude Female Perth
1940/102628 Perth Boas May Female Retallack Percy Male Maylands
1940/102628 Perth Retallack Percy Male Boas May Female Maylands
1940/102629 Perth Brown Victor Joseph Male Viney Mavis Lilian Female West Perth
1940/102629 Perth Viney Mavis Lilian Female Brown Victor Joseph Male West Perth
1940/102630 Perth Mobury Alexander Victor Male Steedman Ethel May Female North Perth
1940/102630 Perth Steedman Ethel May Female Mobury Alexander Victor Male North Perth
1940/102631 Perth Harris Allen James Male Nelligan Marguerite Doreen Female Maylands
1940/102631 Perth Nelligan Marguerite Doreen Female Harris Allen James Male Maylands
1940/102632 Perth Hamilton Dorothy Louise Female McDermott Alfred John Male West Perth
1940/102632 Perth McDermott Alfred John Male Hamilton Dorothy Louise Female West Perth
1940/102633 Perth Dunsire Ronald George Male Thomas Doris Marie Female West Perth
1940/102633 Perth Thomas Doris Marie Female Dunsire Ronald George Male West Perth
1940/102634 Perth Smith Hugh Male Turner Florence Ruby Frances Female Inglewood
1940/102634 Perth Turner Florence Ruby Frances Female Smith Hugh Male Inglewood
1940/102635 Perth Street Betty Florence Edith Female Wells Maxwell Albert Male Victoria Park
1940/102635 Perth Wells Maxwell Albert Male Street Betty Florence Edith Female Victoria Park
1940/102636 Perth Carter Alexander Nathan Male Power Kathleen Maude Female Maylands
1940/102636 Perth Power Kathleen Maude Female Carter Alexander Nathan Male Maylands
1940/102637 Perth Parker Harry Male Wilhelm Ella May Female Perth
1940/102637 Perth Wilhelm Ella May Female Parker Harry Male Perth
1940/102638 Perth Millson Irene Female Shaw William McDonald Male Perth
1940/102638 Perth Shaw William McDonald Male Millson Irene Female Perth
1940/102639 Perth Guy Edith Ivy Female Lewin Robert William Male Inglewood
1940/102639 Perth Lewin Robert William Male Guy Edith Ivy Female Inglewood
1940/102640 Perth Krauth Leslie Robert Male Riebe Jessie Beatrice Female Bayswater
1940/102640 Perth Riebe Jessie Beatrice Female Krauth Leslie Robert Male Bayswater
1940/102641 Perth Bailey Joyce Emma Maud Female Raven Robert Percival Burgess Male Claremont
1940/102641 Perth Raven Robert Percival Burgess Male Bailey Joyce Emma Maud Female Claremont
1940/102642 Perth Busch Arthur William Male Glen Millecent Eleanor Female Claremont
1940/102642 Perth Glen Millecent Eleanor Female Busch Arthur William Male Claremont
1940/102643 Perth Scott Charles William Male Woodhouse Enid Female Claremont
1940/102643 Perth Woodhouse Enid Female Scott Charles William Male Claremont
1940/102644 Perth Bennett Sidney Tiddall Male Graham Jessie Florence Female Highgate Hill
1940/102644 Perth Graham Jessie Florence Female Bennett Sidney Tiddall Male Highgate Hill
1940/102645 Perth Hastings Mary Paton Female Murphy William Michael Male Highgate Hill
1940/102645 Perth Murphy William Michael Male Hastings Mary Paton Female Highgate Hill
1940/102646 Perth Giblett Ethel Hazel Female Hale Walter Bamford Robert Male Highgate Hill
1940/102646 Perth Hale Walter Bamford Robert Male Giblett Ethel Hazel Female Highgate Hill
1940/102647 Perth Beckwith Arthur William Male Pedrotta Beatrice Camile Female Highgate Hill
1940/102647 Perth Pedrotta Beatrice Camile Female Beckwith Arthur William Male Highgate Hill
1940/102648 Perth Chapman William Leslie Male O'Keefe Edna Winifred Female Highgate Hill
1940/102648 Perth O'Keefe Edna Winifred Female Chapman William Leslie Male Highgate Hill
1940/102649 Perth Darch Hilda Ellenor Female Thompson Robert John Kemp Male W Perth
1940/102649 Perth Thompson Robert John Kemp Male Darch Hilda Ellenor Female W Perth
1940/102650 Perth Masters Daisy Agustus Female Turner Alexander Eric Male Subiaco
1940/102650 Perth Turner Alexander Eric Male Masters Daisy Agustus Female Subiaco
1940/102651 Perth McQueen Harriett Female Rose Donald Kensington Male Cottesloe
1940/102651 Perth Rose Donald Kensington Male McQueen Harriett Female Cottesloe
1940/102652 Perth Court Betty May Female Hawkins Joseph Charles Male Perth
1940/102652 Perth Hawkins Joseph Charles Male Court Betty May Female Perth
1940/102653 Perth Lenehan Kaye Patricia Female Poland Francis Frederick Male Subiaco
1940/102653 Perth Poland Francis Frederick Male Lenehan Kaye Patricia Female Subiaco
1940/102654 Perth Baird Neil Hutchison Male Fauckner Mollie Female West Perth
1940/102654 Perth Fauckner Mollie Female Baird Neil Hutchison Male West Perth
1940/102655 Perth Clinch Ruby Female McNamara Albert Arthur Male Perth
1940/102655 Perth McNamara Albert Arthur Male Clinch Ruby Female Perth
1940/102656 Perth Carroll James Male Huggett Mary Geraldine Female East Perth
1940/102656 Perth Huggett Mary Geraldine Female Carroll James Male East Perth
1940/102657 Perth Cantwell Daphne Elizabeth Female McGregor George Edmund Male Perth
1940/102657 Perth McGregor George Edmund Male Cantwell Daphne Elizabeth Female Perth
1940/102658 Perth Ahern Michael Joseph Male Ellis Muriel Lindsay Female Perth
1940/102658 Perth Ellis Muriel Lindsay Female Ahern Michael Joseph Male Perth
1940/102659 Perth Boddington Iris Isobel Female Oldfield William Patrick Male Perth
1940/102659 Perth Oldfield William Patrick Male Boddington Iris Isobel Female Perth
1940/102660 Perth McEwen David Edward Theodore Male Turner Jeanette Maud Female Perth
1940/102660 Perth Turner Jeanette Maud Female McEwen David Edward Theodore Male Perth
1940/102661 Perth Deary George William Male Hewitt Grace Beryl Female Claremont
1940/102661 Perth Hewitt Grace Beryl Female Deary George William Male Claremont
1940/102662 Perth Backhouse Alfred Frank Male Eaton Ethel Kirby Female Perth
1940/102662 Perth Eaton Ethel Kirby Female Backhouse Alfred Frank Male Perth
1940/102663 Perth Galbraith Mary Stuart Female Neville George Henry Male North Perth
1940/102663 Perth Neville George Henry Male Galbraith Mary Stuart Female North Perth
1940/102664 Perth Armstrong Ellen Ivy Female Hopkins Arthur William Male Mt Lawley
1940/102664 Perth Hopkins Arthur William Male Armstrong Ellen Ivy Female Mt Lawley
1940/102665 Perth Nagel Mary Fettes Female Wilbrey Arthur Reginald Male Mt Lawley
1940/102665 Perth Wilbrey Arthur Reginald Male Nagel Mary Fettes Female Mt Lawley
1940/102666 Perth Hislop Alice May Female Williams Alfred George Male Perth
1940/102666 Perth Williams Alfred George Male Hislop Alice May Female Perth
1940/102667 Perth Filear Charles Edwin Male McKenzie Rona Oveda Female North Perth
1940/102667 Perth McKenzie Rona Oveda Female Filear Charles Edwin Male North Perth
1940/102668 Perth Blight Arthur John Cyril Male Whittington Sadie Daphne Female Highgate Hill
1940/102668 Perth Whittington Sadie Daphne Female Blight Arthur John Cyril Male Highgate Hill
1940/102669 Perth Fraser Lily Florence Female Giffard Harold de Lisle Male North Perth
1940/102669 Perth Giffard Harold de Lisle Male Fraser Lily Florence Female North Perth
1940/102670 Perth Nicholls Marie Eleanor Molyneaux Female Wickens William George Male West Perth
1940/102670 Perth Wickens William George Male Nicholls Marie Eleanor Molyneaux Female West Perth
1940/102671 Perth Ryan Frederick Vincent Male Steinbach Enid Muriel May Female West Perth
1940/102671 Perth Steinbach Enid Muriel May Female Ryan Frederick Vincent Male West Perth
1940/102672 Perth Adamson Beryl Margaret Female Smallwood Colin Russell Male West Perth
1940/102672 Perth Smallwood Colin Russell Male Adamson Beryl Margaret Female West Perth
1940/102673 Perth Davidson Muriel Marjorie Female Newman John Barry Male West Perth
1940/102673 Perth Newman John Barry Male Davidson Muriel Marjorie Female West Perth
1940/102674 Perth Healy Mary Ellen Female Ryan Lorne Deakin Male West Perth
1940/102674 Perth Ryan Lorne Deakin Male Healy Mary Ellen Female West Perth
1940/102675 Perth Dalton Joyce Doreen Female Fitzpatrick Gordon Fredrick John Male Perth
1940/102675 Perth Fitzpatrick Gordon Fredrick John Male Dalton Joyce Doreen Female Perth
1940/102676 Perth Webster Esther Lillian Female Wills John Cleveland Chevalier Male Victoria Park
1940/102676 Perth Wills John Cleveland Chevalier Male Webster Esther Lillian Female Victoria Park
1940/102677 Perth Hancock Evelyn Molly Female Todd Arthur Joseph Male Victoria Park
1940/102677 Perth Todd Arthur Joseph Male Hancock Evelyn Molly Female Victoria Park
1940/102678 Perth Hobbs Albert Thomas Male Ross Joan Female Victoria Park
1940/102678 Perth Ross Joan Female Hobbs Albert Thomas Male Victoria Park
1940/102679 Perth Prowse William Birdwood Wylie Male Stevens Heather Golden Female Perth
1940/102679 Perth Stevens Heather Golden Female Prowse William Birdwood Wylie Male Perth
1940/102680 Perth Hawkins John Male Watling Dinah Female Perth
1940/102680 Perth Watling Dinah Female Hawkins John Male Perth
1940/102681 Perth Benefield Lillian Annie Female Phillips John Dewar Male Perth
1940/102681 Perth Phillips John Dewar Male Benefield Lillian Annie Female Perth
1940/102682 Perth Hansen Edward Victor Male Stevens Philomena Mary Female Perth
1940/102682 Perth Stevens Philomena Mary Female Hansen Edward Victor Male Perth
1940/102683 Perth Rogers Frederick Male Williams Ruby May Female Perth
1940/102683 Perth Williams Ruby May Female Rogers Frederick Male Perth
1940/102684 Perth Coxon Gertrude Elizabeth Female Stirling Roy Ernest Male Perth
1940/102684 Perth Stirling Roy Ernest Male Coxon Gertrude Elizabeth Female Perth
1940/102685 Perth Annetts Ivy Irene Female Evans Bernard Arthur Male West Perth
1940/102685 Perth Evans Bernard Arthur Male Annetts Ivy Irene Female West Perth
1940/102686 Perth Inkpen Janice Goldsmith Female Rutherford Ross Roberts Male Perth College chapel of St Michael and all angels
1940/102686 Perth Rutherford Ross Roberts Male Inkpen Janice Goldsmith Female Perth College chapel of St Michael and all angels
1940/102687 Perth Dell Leslie James Male Phillips Gladys Ada Female Rosalie
1940/102687 Perth Phillips Gladys Ada Female Dell Leslie James Male Rosalie
1940/102688 Perth Adcroft George Male Plews Marjory Annie Female South Perth Methodist Church
1940/102688 Perth Plews Marjory Annie Female Adcroft George Male South Perth Methodist Church
1940/102689 Perth Allday Phyllis Amy Joy Female Greenwell Walter Male Perth
1940/102689 Perth Greenwell Walter Male Allday Phyllis Amy Joy Female Perth
1940/102690 Perth Peterkin Annie Williamson Female Wright Ernest Male Perth
1940/102690 Perth Wright Ernest Male Peterkin Annie Williamson Female Perth
1940/102691 Perth Collard Doris Elaine Female Harding Arthur Watson Male Perth
1940/102691 Perth Harding Arthur Watson Male Collard Doris Elaine Female Perth
1940/102692 Perth Cavanough Edna Annie Female O'Hare Francis Joseph Male Perth
1940/102692 Perth O'Hare Francis Joseph Male Cavanough Edna Annie Female Perth
1940/102693 Perth Baile Harry Robert Male Foster Margaret Austral Female Perth
1940/102693 Perth Foster Margaret Austral Female Baile Harry Robert Male Perth
1940/102694 Perth La Motte Walter Charles Male Milton Mildred Rhoda Female Highgate Hill
1940/102694 Perth Milton Mildred Rhoda Female La Motte Walter Charles Male Highgate Hill
1940/102695 Perth Ashman Marjorie Mouquet Female Leckie Stuart James Male Perth
1940/102695 Perth Leckie Stuart James Male Ashman Marjorie Mouquet Female Perth
1940/102696 Perth Lockley Ethel Florence Female Pender Harold Arthur Male Perth
1940/102696 Perth Pender Harold Arthur Male Lockley Ethel Florence Female Perth
1940/102697 Perth Fuller Irene Ruth Female Shackleton Ellis Male Leederville
1940/102697 Perth Shackleton Ellis Male Fuller Irene Ruth Female Leederville
1940/102698 Perth Allen John Selwyn Male Thomas Evelyn Alexandria Female Claremont
1940/102698 Perth Thomas Evelyn Alexandria Female Allen John Selwyn Male Claremont
1940/102699 Perth Balding Marjorie Mainland Female Martin Leslie David Llewellyn Male Perth
1940/102699 Perth Martin Leslie David Llewellyn Male Balding Marjorie Mainland Female Perth
1940/102700 Perth Crowder William Frederick Male Rogers Elizabeth Female Perth
1940/102700 Perth Rogers Elizabeth Female Crowder William Frederick Male Perth
1940/102701 Perth Dermer Geoffrey George Male Dodd Hazel May Female Perth
1940/102701 Perth Dodd Hazel May Female Dermer Geoffrey George Male Perth
1940/102702 Perth Beacham William Alexander Male Sterritt Ellen Marion Female Hamilton Hill
1940/102702 Perth Sterritt Ellen Marion Female Beacham William Alexander Male Hamilton Hill
1940/102703 Perth Leigh Ethel Margaret Standish Female Ridley Arthur James Male Subiaco
1940/102703 Perth Ridley Arthur James Male Leigh Ethel Margaret Standish Female Subiaco
1940/102704 Perth Mudford Ivy Cecilia Female Shapcott Thomas Leslie Male Perth
1940/102704 Perth Shapcott Thomas Leslie Male Mudford Ivy Cecilia Female Perth
1940/102705 Perth Leggo Agnes Isabella Female Miller Malcolm Neate Male Perth
1940/102705 Perth Miller Malcolm Neate Male Leggo Agnes Isabella Female Perth
1940/102706 Perth Setterfield Ronald Walter Male Simpson Bertha Irene Female Perth
1940/102706 Perth Simpson Bertha Irene Female Setterfield Ronald Walter Male Perth
1940/102707 Perth Von Paleske Ralph Dennis Pearce Male Pearce Gladys May Female Perth
1940/102707 Perth Pearce Gladys May Female Von Paleske Ralph Dennis Pearce Male Perth
1940/102708 Perth Liddelow Marjorie Lillian Female Vickery Jack Leonard Male Perth
1940/102708 Perth Vickery Jack Leonard Male Liddelow Marjorie Lillian Female Perth
1940/102709 Perth Cooper Iris Josephine Female Russell Norman Henry Thomas Male Perth
1940/102709 Perth Russell Norman Henry Thomas Male Cooper Iris Josephine Female Perth
1940/102710 Perth Dobson James Male Oates Ruby Myrtle Female Shenton Park Methodist Church
1940/102710 Perth Oates Ruby Myrtle Female Dobson James Male Shenton Park Methodist Church
1940/102711 Perth Charlton Cuthbertson Male Wilson Lorna Veronica Female Perth
1940/102711 Perth Wilson Lorna Veronica Female Charlton Cuthbertson Male Perth
1940/102712 Perth Rocke Claude Andrew Male Sutherland Assumpta Mary Female Perth
1940/102712 Perth Sutherland Assumpta Mary Female Rocke Claude Andrew Male Perth
1940/102713 Perth Hermon May Ellen Emma Female Wailes Robert Male Woodville St
1940/102713 Perth Wailes Robert Male Hermon May Ellen Emma Female Woodville St
1940/102714 Perth Robertson Wilhelmina McLenaghan Female Wooller John Benjamin Male Perth
1940/102714 Perth Wooller John Benjamin Male Robertson Wilhelmina McLenaghan Female Perth
1940/102715 Perth Crick Walter James Male Harman Alice Jean Female Perth
1940/102715 Perth Harman Alice Jean Female Crick Walter James Male Perth
1940/102716 Perth Barlow John Robert Male Davidson Elsie Female Perth
1940/102716 Perth Davidson Elsie Female Barlow John Robert Male Perth
1940/102717 Perth Tonkin William George Male Walker Constance Beryl Female Perth
1940/102717 Perth Walker Constance Beryl Female Tonkin William George Male Perth
1940/102718 Perth Cain Alexander John Male Williams Phoebe Marshall Female Perth
1940/102718 Perth Williams Phoebe Marshall Female Cain Alexander John Male Perth
1940/102719 Perth Bennett Peter George Male Harris May Kathleen Female Perth
1940/102719 Perth Harris May Kathleen Female Bennett Peter George Male Perth
1940/102720 Perth Hamer Frederick Hassel Male Hegarty Helena Grace Female Perth
1940/102720 Perth Hegarty Helena Grace Female Hamer Frederick Hassel Male Perth
1940/102721 Perth Tucker Colin Andrew Male Warnock Winnifred Kathleen Female Subiaco
1940/102721 Perth Warnock Winnifred Kathleen Female Tucker Colin Andrew Male Subiaco
1940/102722 Perth Bedggood Dorothy Female Dunstan Ernest Edward Male Subiaco
1940/102722 Perth Dunstan Ernest Edward Male Bedggood Dorothy Female Subiaco
1940/102723 Perth Beardman Kathleen Laurette Female Walpole Wilfred Thomas Male Mt Lawley
1940/102723 Perth Walpole Wilfred Thomas Male Beardman Kathleen Laurette Female Mt Lawley
1940/102724 Perth Halliday Clifton Male O'Loughlin Alice Margaret Female Mt Lawley
1940/102724 Perth O'Loughlin Alice Margaret Female Halliday Clifton Male Mt Lawley
1940/102725 Perth Draffin Ronald John Male Lockhart Irene Grace Female Mt Lawley
1940/102725 Perth Lockhart Irene Grace Female Draffin Ronald John Male Mt Lawley
1940/102726 Perth Bourn Charles Eric Male Coulson Winifred Female Mt Lawley
1940/102726 Perth Coulson Winifred Female Bourn Charles Eric Male Mt Lawley
1940/102727 Perth Reid Bernadine Lampriere Female Rymill Max Hayward Male Mt Lawley
1940/102727 Perth Rymill Max Hayward Male Reid Bernadine Lampriere Female Mt Lawley
1940/102728 Perth Bishop Dorothy Ellen Female Halliday William James Hartley Male West Perth
1940/102728 Perth Halliday William James Hartley Male Bishop Dorothy Ellen Female West Perth
1940/102729 Perth Von Paleske Muriel Merle Female Alexander Leonard George Male Perth
1940/102729 Perth Alexander Leonard George Male Von Paleske Muriel Merle Female Perth
1940/102730 Perth Lewis Mary Catherine Female Simpson Edward Male W Leederville
1940/102730 Perth Simpson Edward Male Lewis Mary Catherine Female W Leederville
1940/102731 Perth Barndon Miriam Chifney Female Uren Laurence Claude Male Maylands
1940/102731 Perth Uren Laurence Claude Male Barndon Miriam Chifney Female Maylands
1940/102732 Perth Gardner John Male Murphy Grace Edna Female Perth
1940/102732 Perth Murphy Grace Edna Female Gardner John Male Perth
1940/102733 Perth Cross Nellie Perle Female Dixon John Winters Male Perth
1940/102733 Perth Dixon John Winters Male Cross Nellie Perle Female Perth
1940/102734 Perth O'Neil Grace Female Reynolds Lionel Edward Male Maylands
1940/102734 Perth Reynolds Lionel Edward Male O'Neil Grace Female Maylands
1940/102735 Perth Clarke Ronnie Roy James Male Smith Catherine Attenborough Female Maylands
1940/102735 Perth Smith Catherine Attenborough Female Clarke Ronnie Roy James Male Maylands
1940/102736 Perth Clark Gwenyth Evelyn Female Honisett Norman George Spicer Male Subiaco
1940/102736 Perth Honisett Norman George Spicer Male Clark Gwenyth Evelyn Female Subiaco
1940/102737 Perth Chappell Stanley James Male Tindall Daisy Florence Female Subiaco
1940/102737 Perth Tindall Daisy Florence Female Chappell Stanley James Male Subiaco
1940/102738 Perth Sims James Male Wright Betty Female Subiaco
1940/102738 Perth Wright Betty Female Sims James Male Subiaco
1940/102739 Perth Knight Olive May Female Wilson John William Male Perth
1940/102739 Perth Wilson John William Male Knight Olive May Female Perth
1940/102740 Perth Edwards Gomez George Herbert Male Rollings Dalhousie Anne Woodards Female Cottesloe
1940/102740 Perth Rollings Dalhousie Anne Woodards Female Edwards Gomez George Herbert Male Cottesloe
1940/102741 Perth Johnston Muriel Heather Female Loder George Sidney Male Maylands
1940/102741 Perth Loder George Sidney Male Johnston Muriel Heather Female Maylands
1940/102742 Perth Bragg Ethel Marion Female Francais Joseph Vincent Male Perth
1940/102742 Perth Francais Joseph Vincent Male Bragg Ethel Marion Female Perth
1940/102743 Perth Fowler Ivy Jean Female Thorpe Ross Roderick Male Perth
1940/102743 Perth Thorpe Ross Roderick Male Fowler Ivy Jean Female Perth
1940/102744 Perth Harvey Ernest Gorrie Male Smith Emma Verlie Female Perth
1940/102744 Perth Smith Emma Verlie Female Harvey Ernest Gorrie Male Perth
1940/102745 Perth Cook Ruth Mary Female Grey Leonard Douglas Male Perth
1940/102745 Perth Grey Leonard Douglas Male Cook Ruth Mary Female Perth
1940/102746 Perth Backshall Doreen Female Parsons Ronald Thomas Male Perth
1940/102746 Perth Parsons Ronald Thomas Male Backshall Doreen Female Perth
1940/102747 Perth Deacon Carol Hilda Female McKenna Ronald Wilfred Male Perth
1940/102747 Perth McKenna Ronald Wilfred Male Deacon Carol Hilda Female Perth
1940/102748 Perth Allan Ronald Douglas Male Davey Margaret Female Perth
1940/102748 Perth Davey Margaret Female Allan Ronald Douglas Male Perth
1940/102749 Perth Deanshaw Annie Rita Female Fogarty Francis Robert Hale Male Perth
1940/102749 Perth Fogarty Francis Robert Hale Male Deanshaw Annie Rita Female Perth
1940/102750 Perth Meyer Gladys May Female Wall Charles William Aloyisus Male Perth
1940/102750 Perth Wall Charles William Aloyisus Male Meyer Gladys May Female Perth
1940/102751 Perth Lincoln Henry Wilfred Male Lyon Flora Merle Female Victoria Park
1940/102751 Perth Lyon Flora Merle Female Lincoln Henry Wilfred Male Victoria Park
1940/102752 Perth McDonald Leslie Charles Male Wilkins Josephine Female Perth
1940/102752 Perth Wilkins Josephine Female McDonald Leslie Charles Male Perth
1940/102753 Perth Day Hazel Millicent Female Higgins George Arthur Male Perth
1940/102753 Perth Higgins George Arthur Male Day Hazel Millicent Female Perth
1940/102754 Perth Bruce Robert Edwin Male Porter Nancy Jean Female Mt Hawthorn Presbyterian Church
1940/102754 Perth Porter Nancy Jean Female Bruce Robert Edwin Male Mt Hawthorn Presbyterian Church
1940/102755 Perth Brown Margaret Joyce Female White Francis Henry Everett Male Perth
1940/102755 Perth White Francis Henry Everett Male Brown Margaret Joyce Female Perth
1940/102756 Perth Kensell Marjorie Irene Female Stanwell Oliver Moir Male Bayswater
1940/102756 Perth Stanwell Oliver Moir Male Kensell Marjorie Irene Female Bayswater
1940/102757 Perth Clarke Dorothy Clara Female Halligan Robert Joseph Male Bayswater
1940/102757 Perth Halligan Robert Joseph Male Clarke Dorothy Clara Female Bayswater
1940/102758 Perth Broun Nancy Josephine Female Reid Gordon Charles Alexander Male Perth
1940/102758 Perth Reid Gordon Charles Alexander Male Broun Nancy Josephine Female Perth
1940/102759 Perth Davey Bessie May Female Nelson Arthur George Male Seventh-day Adventist Church
1940/102759 Perth Nelson Arthur George Male Davey Bessie May Female Seventh-day Adventist Church
1940/102760 Perth Beckwith Eric William Male Flanagan Dorothy May Female Leederville
1940/102760 Perth Flanagan Dorothy May Female Beckwith Eric William Male Leederville
1940/102761 Perth Gouteff Chris Male Mitev Anka G Female Perth
1940/102761 Perth Mitev Anka G Female Gouteff Chris Male Perth
1940/102762 Perth McEvoy James Simon Male Sams Elvie Olive Lilian Female Maylands
1940/102762 Perth Sams Elvie Olive Lilian Female McEvoy James Simon Male Maylands
1940/102763 Perth Hill Hector Richard Male Wells Mavis Clive Female Highgate Hill
1940/102763 Perth Wells Mavis Clive Female Hill Hector Richard Male Highgate Hill
1940/102764 Perth Jensen Olive May Female Price Cyril Dennis Male Maylands
1940/102764 Perth Price Cyril Dennis Male Jensen Olive May Female Maylands
1940/102765 Perth Hemsley Catherine Henrietta Female Serra-Sanfeliss John Male Perth
1940/102765 Perth Serra-Sanfeliss John Male Hemsley Catherine Henrietta Female Perth
1940/102766 Perth Lawrence Frederick Thomas Male Skipworth Bertha Elizabeth Female Subiaco
1940/102766 Perth Skipworth Bertha Elizabeth Female Lawrence Frederick Thomas Male Subiaco
1940/102767 Perth Blechynden Thomas Albert Baden Male Lee Ruby Mary Female Perth
1940/102767 Perth Lee Ruby Mary Female Blechynden Thomas Albert Baden Male Perth
1940/102768 Perth Jamieson Charles David Male Tozer Gwendoline Emilie Female Leederville
1940/102768 Perth Tozer Gwendoline Emilie Female Jamieson Charles David Male Leederville
1940/102769 Perth O'Reilly Jessica Caroline Female Olney Ernest Alfred Male Victoria Park
1940/102769 Perth Olney Ernest Alfred Male O'Reilly Jessica Caroline Female Victoria Park
1940/102770 Perth Jefferies Vera Doreen Female Wildy Frank Watson Male Cottesloe Church of Christ
1940/102770 Perth Wildy Frank Watson Male Jefferies Vera Doreen Female Cottesloe Church of Christ
1940/102771 Perth Clark Joseph Male Toia Helena Female Bayswater
1940/102771 Perth Toia Helena Female Clark Joseph Male Bayswater
1940/102772 Perth Blain Alexander Francis John Male Christie Margaret Enid Hunter Female Crawley
1940/102772 Perth Christie Margaret Enid Hunter Female Blain Alexander Francis John Male Crawley
1940/102773 Perth Smithson John Male Whittle Ella Gertrude Female Perth
1940/102773 Perth Whittle Ella Gertrude Female Smithson John Male Perth
1940/102774 Perth Federici Antonio Male Mudford Olive Cecilia Female Perth
1940/102774 Perth Mudford Olive Cecilia Female Federici Antonio Male Perth
1940/102775 Perth Blake George Thomas Male McDonald Elsie May Female Subiaco
1940/102775 Perth McDonald Elsie May Female Blake George Thomas Male Subiaco
1940/102776 Perth Beeson Kathleen Elizabeth Female Larkin John Vincent Male Perth
1940/102776 Perth Larkin John Vincent Male Beeson Kathleen Elizabeth Female Perth
1940/102777 Perth Curtis Clementine Magdalene Female Stanton Stanley Reginald Male West Leederville
1940/102777 Perth Stanton Stanley Reginald Male Curtis Clementine Magdalene Female West Leederville
1940/102778 Perth Bumstead Margery Charlton Female Ekstam Hugo Ragnar Jonatan Male Mt Lawley
1940/102778 Perth Ekstam Hugo Ragnar Jonatan Male Bumstead Margery Charlton Female Mt Lawley
1940/102779 Perth Galloway Francis Male Lay Ethel Brunetta Female Mt Lawley
1940/102779 Perth Lay Ethel Brunetta Female Galloway Francis Male Mt Lawley
1940/102780 Perth Leaman Alton Charles Male Odgaard Phyllis Avice Female West Perth
1940/102780 Perth Odgaard Phyllis Avice Female Leaman Alton Charles Male West Perth
1940/102781 Perth Fox Alan Lloyd Male Norris Elizabeth Emma Rosalind Female West Perth
1940/102781 Perth Norris Elizabeth Emma Rosalind Female Fox Alan Lloyd Male West Perth
1940/102782 Perth Cruse Kevin Anthony Marrnion Male Thackrah Marjorie Ida Female West Perth
1940/102782 Perth Thackrah Marjorie Ida Female Cruse Kevin Anthony Marrnion Male West Perth
1940/102783 Perth Clark Peter Morton Male Nicholas Hope Margaret Female West Perth
1940/102783 Perth Nicholas Hope Margaret Female Clark Peter Morton Male West Perth
1940/102784 Perth Barrett Norma Cynthia Female Reynolds Robert Francis Lancelot Male West Perth
1940/102784 Perth Reynolds Robert Francis Lancelot Male Barrett Norma Cynthia Female West Perth
1940/102785 Perth Firns William Barratt Male Tonkin Lily Doris Female West Perth
1940/102785 Perth Tonkin Lily Doris Female Firns William Barratt Male West Perth
1940/102786 Perth Easton Miriam Verona Female Wilson Cyril Courtney Male West Perth
1940/102786 Perth Wilson Cyril Courtney Male Easton Miriam Verona Female West Perth
1940/102787 Perth Neal Charles Arthur Male Thompson Alice Mildred Female West Perth
1940/102787 Perth Thompson Alice Mildred Female Neal Charles Arthur Male West Perth
1940/102788 Perth Maley Colin Kennedy Male Rowledge Lorina Smedmore Female West Perth
1940/102788 Perth Rowledge Lorina Smedmore Female Maley Colin Kennedy Male West Perth
1940/102789 Perth Evans Albert John Male Fitchell Evelyn Anne Female South Perth
1940/102789 Perth Fitchell Evelyn Anne Female Evans Albert John Male South Perth
1940/102790 Perth Drage Sylvia Dorothy Female Ranks Ernest Leonard Male South Perth
1940/102790 Perth Ranks Ernest Leonard Male Drage Sylvia Dorothy Female South Perth
1940/102791 Perth Elliott Eva Myrtle Female Rann Arthur Richard Male South Perth
1940/102791 Perth Rann Arthur Richard Male Elliott Eva Myrtle Female South Perth
1940/102792 Perth Elliott William Walter Male Kelly Kathleen Florence Female Perth
1940/102792 Perth Kelly Kathleen Florence Female Elliott William Walter Male Perth
1940/102793 Perth Cooper Violet Elizabeth Female Letts Jack Male Perth
1940/102793 Perth Letts Jack Male Cooper Violet Elizabeth Female Perth
1940/102794 Perth Neille Charles Henry Male Purser Freda Lillian Female Perth
1940/102794 Perth Purser Freda Lillian Female Neille Charles Henry Male Perth
1940/102795 Perth Boyer Ernest Alfred Male Bradbury Rosa Female Perth
1940/102795 Perth Bradbury Rosa Female Boyer Ernest Alfred Male Perth
1940/102796 Perth Baker John Aubrey Male Lacey Ethel May Female Perth
1940/102796 Perth Lacey Ethel May Female Baker John Aubrey Male Perth
1940/102797 Perth Pettit William Male Stuchbury Maisie Laurel Female Perth
1940/102797 Perth Stuchbury Maisie Laurel Female Pettit William Male Perth
1940/102798 Perth Markham Frances Maud Female Smith Horace Male Perth
1940/102798 Perth Smith Horace Male Markham Frances Maud Female Perth
1940/102799 Perth Barker Lauisa Jane Female Thorpe Cuthbert Forder Male Perth
1940/102799 Perth Thorpe Cuthbert Forder Male Barker Lauisa Jane Female Perth
1940/102800 Perth Buckenara Francis Verdun Male Watson Audrey Mary Female Highgate Hill
1940/102800 Perth Watson Audrey Mary Female Buckenara Francis Verdun Male Highgate Hill
1940/102801 Perth Brophey Helen Elizabeth Female Fennessy John Leonard Male Highgate Hill
1940/102801 Perth Fennessy John Leonard Male Brophey Helen Elizabeth Female Highgate Hill
1940/102802 Perth Green Rosa Noreen Female Milne Jack Male Highgate Hill
1940/102802 Perth Milne Jack Male Green Rosa Noreen Female Highgate Hill
1940/102803 Perth Boyle Sheila Agnes Female Hatcher Roland Claude Male Highgate Hill
1940/102803 Perth Hatcher Roland Claude Male Boyle Sheila Agnes Female Highgate Hill
1940/102804 Perth Hewitt Valerie Bolt Female Manning Barton Edward Male Victoria Park
1940/102804 Perth Manning Barton Edward Male Hewitt Valerie Bolt Female Victoria Park
1940/102805 Perth Northrop Mary Female Peacock William John Male Victoria Park
1940/102805 Perth Peacock William John Male Northrop Mary Female Victoria Park
1940/102806 Perth Scharf Arthur John Male Temby Lucy Kathleen Female Victoria Park
1940/102806 Perth Temby Lucy Kathleen Female Scharf Arthur John Male Victoria Park
1940/102807 Perth Carroll Stanley Edward Male Duncan Jeanie Verna Female Victoria Park
1940/102807 Perth Duncan Jeanie Verna Female Carroll Stanley Edward Male Victoria Park
1940/102808 Perth Cook John Spencer Male Young Dorothy Eva Female South Perth
1940/102808 Perth Young Dorothy Eva Female Cook John Spencer Male South Perth
1940/102809 Perth Sturrock Kenneth John Male Watkins Mavis Josephine Female South Perth
1940/102809 Perth Watkins Mavis Josephine Female Sturrock Kenneth John Male South Perth
1940/102810 Perth Blackwell William Donald Male McNamara Gladys Muriel Female Belmont
1940/102810 Perth McNamara Gladys Muriel Female Blackwell William Donald Male Belmont
1940/102811 Perth Barons William Henry Male Burn Selina Isabella Female Perth
1940/102811 Perth Burn Selina Isabella Female Barons William Henry Male Perth
1940/102812 Perth Abbott Clarence John Male Ricketts Doreen Therese Female Victoria Park
1940/102812 Perth Ricketts Doreen Therese Female Abbott Clarence John Male Victoria Park
1940/102813 Perth Pilkington Florence Elizabeth Female Rutter Theodore Wallis Male Inglewood
1940/102813 Perth Rutter Theodore Wallis Male Pilkington Florence Elizabeth Female Inglewood
1940/102814 Perth Beck John Henry Male Biggers Sybil Monica Female Carlisle
1940/102814 Perth Biggers Sybil Monica Female Beck John Henry Male Carlisle
1940/102815 Perth Bennett Phyllis May Female Lockhart Huntley Mervyn Male Sth Perth
1940/102815 Perth Lockhart Huntley Mervyn Male Bennett Phyllis May Female Sth Perth
1940/102816 Perth Colebatch John Wolter Male Townsend Gwendolin Gladys Female Perth
1940/102816 Perth Townsend Gwendolin Gladys Female Colebatch John Wolter Male Perth
1940/102817 Perth Clark Ian Gordon Male Hughes Mary Kathleen Female Perth
1940/102817 Perth Hughes Mary Kathleen Female Clark Ian Gordon Male Perth
1940/102818 Perth Hames Laura Dorothy Female Were Alexander Gerald Male Perth
1940/102818 Perth Were Alexander Gerald Male Hames Laura Dorothy Female Perth
1940/102819 Perth Harris Elsie Clara Female Smith Louis Vivian Kaye Male Perth
1940/102819 Perth Smith Louis Vivian Kaye Male Harris Elsie Clara Female Perth
1940/102820 Perth Hart Stanley Claude Male Williams Edna May Female Perth
1940/102820 Perth Williams Edna May Female Hart Stanley Claude Male Perth
1940/102821 Perth Candwell Ivan Theodore Male Pritchard Elloda Jessie Female Nedlands
1940/102821 Perth Pritchard Elloda Jessie Female Candwell Ivan Theodore Male Nedlands
1940/102822 Perth Saunders Thelma Gladys Female Yewers Phillip Brookes Male Mt Lawley
1940/102822 Perth Yewers Phillip Brookes Male Saunders Thelma Gladys Female Mt Lawley
1940/102823 Perth Denson Dorothy May Female Smith-Ryan Neville Lancelote Male Mt Lawley
1940/102823 Perth Smith-Ryan Neville Lancelote Male Denson Dorothy May Female Mt Lawley
1940/102824 Perth Mutton Jnr James Henry Male Edwards Hazel Jean Female Perth
1940/102824 Perth Edwards Hazel Jean Female Mutton Jnr James Henry Male Perth
1940/102825 Perth Dye Dorothy Ethel Female Jarrad William Male Perth
1940/102825 Perth Jarrad William Male Dye Dorothy Ethel Female Perth
1940/102826 Perth Reekie Thomas Adams Male Thompson Ruby Merlin Female Perth
1940/102826 Perth Thompson Ruby Merlin Female Reekie Thomas Adams Male Perth
1940/102827 Perth Douglas Alan Gerard Male White Jean McIntosh Female Perth
1940/102827 Perth White Jean McIntosh Female Douglas Alan Gerard Male Perth
1940/102828 Perth Matheson Donald Angus Male Morgan Gladys May Female Perth
1940/102828 Perth Morgan Gladys May Female Matheson Donald Angus Male Perth
1940/102829 Perth Curtis Annie Eileen Doris Female Toesland Leslie Rowland Male Perth
1940/102829 Perth Toesland Leslie Rowland Male Curtis Annie Eileen Doris Female Perth
1940/102830 Perth Main Andrewina Female O'Brien Austin Daniel Male Perth
1940/102830 Perth O'Brien Austin Daniel Male Main Andrewina Female Perth
1940/102831 Perth Iles Kathleen Margaret Female Vardy George William Male Perth
1940/102831 Perth Vardy George William Male Iles Kathleen Margaret Female Perth
1940/102832 Perth Philip Catherine Christina Female Turkington William George Male Perth
1940/102832 Perth Turkington William George Male Philip Catherine Christina Female Perth
1940/102833 Perth Cargill Veronica Florence Leeds Female Dale Thomas James Male Perth
1940/102833 Perth Dale Thomas James Male Cargill Veronica Florence Leeds Female Perth
1940/102834 Perth Bond Charles Arthur Male Lacey Alice Gertrude Female Perth
1940/102834 Perth Lacey Alice Gertrude Female Bond Charles Arthur Male Perth
1940/102835 Perth Jager Frederick Male MacKinnon Esther Female West Perth
1940/102835 Perth MacKinnon Esther Female Jager Frederick Male West Perth
1940/102836 Perth Dye Nina Whynam Female Parkinson Thomas Ronald Male Subiaco
1940/102836 Perth Parkinson Thomas Ronald Male Dye Nina Whynam Female Subiaco
1940/102837 Perth Ward Noel Sinclair Male Warwick Dorothy Gladys Female Perth
1940/102837 Perth Warwick Dorothy Gladys Female Ward Noel Sinclair Male Perth
1940/300001 Ashburton Brown Stella Christine Anne Female Kempton Thomas William Male Onslow
1940/300001 Ashburton Kempton Thomas William Male Brown Stella Christine Anne Female Onslow
1940/400001 Beverley Clare George Male York Rose Laura Female Beverley
1940/400001 Beverley York Rose Laura Female Clare George Male Beverley
1940/400002 Beverley Langley Mona Alice Female Yeo Thomas Albert Male Brookton
1940/400002 Beverley Yeo Thomas Albert Male Langley Mona Alice Female Brookton
1940/400003 Beverley Brownley Dudley Verdun Male Forrest Joan Marjory Female Beverley
1940/400003 Beverley Forrest Joan Marjory Female Brownley Dudley Verdun Male Beverley
1940/400004 Beverley Fairhead Gordon Forrest Male Greay Melva Eileen Female Pingelly
1940/400004 Beverley Greay Melva Eileen Female Fairhead Gordon Forrest Male Pingelly
1940/400005 Beverley Beattie Doreen Florence Female Roberts Cyril Oswald Sydney Male Quairading
1940/400005 Beverley Roberts Cyril Oswald Sydney Male Beattie Doreen Florence Female Quairading
1940/400006 Beverley Pimlott Frank Manifold Male Robson Dora Constance Female Quairading
1940/400006 Beverley Robson Dora Constance Female Pimlott Frank Manifold Male Quairading
1940/400007 Beverley Harris Jessie Clara Female Ryan Urban Gerard Male Pingelly
1940/400007 Beverley Ryan Urban Gerard Male Harris Jessie Clara Female Pingelly
1940/400008 Beverley McBurney John Amos Male Salathiel Eunice Isabel Female Yealering
1940/400008 Beverley Salathiel Eunice Isabel Female McBurney John Amos Male Yealering
1940/400009 Beverley Pike Robert Desmond Male Symes Rita Muriel Female Brookton
1940/400009 Beverley Symes Rita Muriel Female Pike Robert Desmond Male Brookton
1940/400010 Beverley Barrett-Lennard Launa Female Butler Horace Arnold Male Beverley
1940/400010 Beverley Butler Horace Arnold Male Barrett-Lennard Launa Female Beverley
1940/400011 Beverley Poultney Mabel Mary Female Weatherhead Henry Allan Male Milton
1940/400011 Beverley Weatherhead Henry Allan Male Poultney Mabel Mary Female Milton
1940/400012 Beverley Hathaway George Edward Male Johnston Lillian Dora Female Beverley
1940/400012 Beverley Johnston Lillian Dora Female Hathaway George Edward Male Beverley
1940/400013 Beverley Fisher Sedgerick Lewis Male Green Constance Violet Female Quairading
1940/400013 Beverley Green Constance Violet Female Fisher Sedgerick Lewis Male Quairading
1940/400014 Beverley Collard Irene Female Woods Robert Charles Male Beverley
1940/400014 Beverley Woods Robert Charles Male Collard Irene Female Beverley
1940/400015 Beverley Jefford Jack Eustace Male Scudds Daisy Emily Female Pingelly
1940/400015 Beverley Scudds Daisy Emily Female Jefford Jack Eustace Male Pingelly
1940/400016 Beverley Bunny Eric Lisle Male Craig Phyllis Daphne Female Brookton
1940/400016 Beverley Craig Phyllis Daphne Female Bunny Eric Lisle Male Brookton
1940/400017 Beverley Godfrey Ernest George Albert Male Nottle Kathleen Ivy Female Beverley
1940/400017 Beverley Nottle Kathleen Ivy Female Godfrey Ernest George Albert Male Beverley
1940/400018 Beverley Gaskin Harold Clayton Male Watts Ida Josephine Female Pingelly
1940/400018 Beverley Watts Ida Josephine Female Gaskin Harold Clayton Male Pingelly
1940/400019 Beverley Allen Edna May Female Lobban Eric James Male West Australia
1940/400019 Beverley Lobban Eric James Male Allen Edna May Female West Australia
1940/400020 Beverley Blackmore John Bernard Male Martion Patricia Sheila Merle Female Brookton
1940/400020 Beverley Martion Patricia Sheila Merle Female Blackmore John Bernard Male Brookton
1940/400021 Beverley Gillespie Samuel Male Scudds Phyllis May Female Pingelly
1940/400021 Beverley Scudds Phyllis May Female Gillespie Samuel Male Pingelly
1940/400022 Beverley Batty Edward William Male Brodie Hilda Beatrice Female Pingelly
1940/400022 Beverley Brodie Hilda Beatrice Female Batty Edward William Male Pingelly
1940/400023 Beverley Snow Beryl Female Whittington Henry Claude Male Mourambine
1940/400023 Beverley Whittington Henry Claude Male Snow Beryl Female Mourambine
1940/400024 Beverley Elsegood John Ernest Donelle Male McBurney Kathleen Gweneth Female Pingelly
1940/400024 Beverley McBurney Kathleen Gweneth Female Elsegood John Ernest Donelle Male Pingelly
1940/400025 Beverley Hales Phyllis Ada Female Short John Howard Bailey Male Pingelly
1940/400025 Beverley Short John Howard Bailey Male Hales Phyllis Ada Female Pingelly
1940/400026 Beverley Feazey Thomas Henry Male O'Shea Theresa Noel Female Beverley
1940/400026 Beverley O'Shea Theresa Noel Female Feazey Thomas Henry Male Beverley
1940/400027 Beverley Austin Nauce Female Eva Herbert James Theodore Male Brookton
1940/400027 Beverley Eva Herbert James Theodore Male Austin Nauce Female Brookton
1940/400028 Beverley Hinkley Thomas Gerard Male Zis Kathrine Carmalina Female Quairading
1940/400029 Beverley Eva Helena May Female Marsh Douglas George Male Brookton
1940/400029 Beverley Marsh Douglas George Male Eva Helena May Female Brookton
1940/400030 Beverley Avery Alan Male Moule Harriet Mary Female Pingelly
1940/400030 Beverley Moule Harriet Mary Female Avery Alan Male Pingelly
1940/400031 Beverley Blechynden Sheila Marie Female McLean Roy Alexander Male Beverley
1940/400031 Beverley McLean Roy Alexander Male Blechynden Sheila Marie Female Beverley
1940/400032 Beverley Warren Joyce Caroline Female Yates Francis Leslie Male Beverley
1940/400032 Beverley Yates Francis Leslie Male Warren Joyce Caroline Female Beverley
1940/400033 Beverley Gray Clarence John Male Grover Stella Ellen Grace Female Beverley
1940/400033 Beverley Grover Stella Ellen Grace Female Gray Clarence John Male Beverley
1940/400034 Beverley Herdigan Charles James Male Websdale Pearl Female Beverley
1940/400034 Beverley Websdale Pearl Female Herdigan Charles James Male Beverley
1940/400035 Beverley Bowring William Frederick Male Eva Evelyn Lorraine Female Brookton
1940/400035 Beverley Eva Evelyn Lorraine Female Bowring William Frederick Male Brookton
1940/400036 Beverley Harvey Alfred Raymond Male McWhirter Barbara Marion May Female Dangin
1940/400036 Beverley McWhirter Barbara Marion May Female Harvey Alfred Raymond Male Dangin
1940/400037 Beverley McCloy Elizabeth Napier Female Powell James George Male Pingelly
1940/400037 Beverley Powell James George Male McCloy Elizabeth Napier Female Pingelly
1940/400038 Beverley Davies Gwenyth Susan Female Howse Richard William Male Dangin
1940/400038 Beverley Howse Richard William Male Davies Gwenyth Susan Female Dangin
1940/400039 Beverley Johnson Verna Doreen Female Park Stanley William Ernest Male Quairading
1940/400039 Beverley Park Stanley William Ernest Male Johnson Verna Doreen Female Quairading
1940/400040 Beverley Walker Mervyn Frederick Male Warren Edna Beryl Female Brookton
1940/400040 Beverley Warren Edna Beryl Female Walker Mervyn Frederick Male Brookton
1940/400041 Beverley Campbell Ethel Jean Female Davison Morris Male Pingelly
1940/400041 Beverley Davison Morris Male Campbell Ethel Jean Female Pingelly
1940/400042 Beverley Fitzsimmons Annie Female Priest Henry Bernard Male Beverley
1940/400042 Beverley Priest Henry Bernard Male Fitzsimmons Annie Female Beverley
1940/400043 Beverley Ferguson Keith William Charles Male Parker Vera Roseworn Female Pingelly
1940/400043 Beverley Parker Vera Roseworn Female Ferguson Keith William Charles Male Pingelly
1940/400044 Beverley Hayman Charles Albert Male Norwell Dorothy Jean Emma Female Pingelly
1940/400044 Beverley Norwell Dorothy Jean Emma Female Hayman Charles Albert Male Pingelly
1940/400045 Beverley Baldock Harold William James Male Lock Ivy Ellen Female West Australia
1940/400045 Beverley Lock Ivy Ellen Female Baldock Harold William James Male West Australia
1940/400046 Beverley Bowron Percy Charles Male Braddock Mary May Female Beverley
1940/400046 Beverley Braddock Mary May Female Bowron Percy Charles Male Beverley
1940/400047 Beverley Bell Georgena Female McCracken George Harold Male Bullaring
1940/400047 Beverley McCracken George Harold Male Bell Georgena Female Bullaring
1941/500001 Blackwood Dickerson George Bagshaw Male Griffiths Ivy Florence Female Pemberton
1941/500001 Blackwood Griffiths Ivy Florence Female Dickerson George Bagshaw Male Pemberton
1941/500002 Blackwood Smart James Wesley Male Wilkes Dorothy Rosetta Female Greenbushes
1941/500002 Blackwood Wilkes Dorothy Rosetta Female Smart James Wesley Male Greenbushes
1940/500006 Blackwood Bowe Margaret Iris Female Shorthouse Bertram James Male Manjimup
1940/500006 Blackwood Shorthouse Bertram James Male Bowe Margaret Iris Female Manjimup
1940/500007 Blackwood Downing Daisy Maud Female Fletcher Teddy Male Bridgetown
1940/500007 Blackwood Fletcher Teddy Male Downing Daisy Maud Female Bridgetown
1940/500008 Blackwood Marlow Harry Richard Male Wakefield Bessie Marjory Female Nannup
1940/500008 Blackwood Wakefield Bessie Marjory Female Marlow Harry Richard Male Nannup
1940/500009 Blackwood Palmer Melvie Irene Female Phillips Eric Stanley Male Manjimup Methodist Church
1940/500009 Blackwood Phillips Eric Stanley Male Palmer Melvie Irene Female Manjimup Methodist Church
1940/500010 Blackwood Forrest Wesley James Male Henderson Maisie Ellen Female Nannup
1940/500010 Blackwood Henderson Maisie Ellen Female Forrest Wesley James Male Nannup
1940/500011 Blackwood Fontanella Eric Alfred Male Hartzer Mary Ellen Female Bridgetown
1940/500011 Blackwood Hartzer Mary Ellen Female Fontanella Eric Alfred Male Bridgetown
1940/500012 Blackwood Stanicich Yure Male Topic Matija Female Bridgetown
1940/500012 Blackwood Topic Matija Female Stanicich Yure Male Bridgetown
1940/500013 Blackwood Samsa Joe Frenk Male Samsa Elena Female Bridgetown
1940/500013 Blackwood Samsa Elena Female Samsa Joe Frenk Male Bridgetown
1940/500014 Blackwood Bastiani Marjory Female Starcevich Anton Male Bridgetown
1940/500014 Blackwood Starcevich Anton Male Bastiani Marjory Female Bridgetown
1940/500015 Blackwood Fragomeni Carlo Antonio Male Mannucci Nunziata Female Balingup
1940/500015 Blackwood Mannucci Nunziata Female Fragomeni Carlo Antonio Male Balingup
1940/500016 Blackwood Lee Edna Mary Eleanor Female Wood Claude Noel Henry Male Balingup
1940/500016 Blackwood Wood Claude Noel Henry Male Lee Edna Mary Eleanor Female Balingup
1940/500017 Blackwood Chapman Buchanan Frank Male Hetherington Augusta Winifred Female Boyup Brook
1940/500017 Blackwood Hetherington Augusta Winifred Female Chapman Buchanan Frank Male Boyup Brook
1940/500018 Blackwood King Agnes Margaret Female Tuck Harold Ivan Male Bridgetown
1940/500018 Blackwood Tuck Harold Ivan Male King Agnes Margaret Female Bridgetown
1940/500019 Blackwood Crawford Laurence Dudley Male Dunn Madeline May Female Bridgetown
1940/500019 Blackwood Dunn Madeline May Female Crawford Laurence Dudley Male Bridgetown
1940/500020 Blackwood Percival Vivienne May Female Smith George Male Pemberton
1940/500020 Blackwood Smith George Male Percival Vivienne May Female Pemberton
1940/500021 Blackwood Harper Cyril Frederick Male Kazakoff Selma Florence Female Manjimup
1940/500021 Blackwood Kazakoff Selma Florence Female Harper Cyril Frederick Male Manjimup
1940/500022 Blackwood Belton Cecil Raymond Male Draper Kathleen Dorothy Female Balingup
1940/500022 Blackwood Draper Kathleen Dorothy Female Belton Cecil Raymond Male Balingup
1940/500023 Blackwood Aitchison Ethel Berrill Female Petterson Raymond Herbert Male Bridgetown
1940/500023 Blackwood Petterson Raymond Herbert Male Aitchison Ethel Berrill Female Bridgetown
1940/500024 Blackwood Dunn Arthur Archibald Male Kammann Hetty Ellen Annie Female Manjimup Methodist Church
1940/500024 Blackwood Kammann Hetty Ellen Annie Female Dunn Arthur Archibald Male Manjimup Methodist Church
1940/500025 Blackwood Andrews John Thomas Male Drummond Eileen Victoria Female Boyup Brook
1940/500025 Blackwood Drummond Eileen Victoria Female Andrews John Thomas Male Boyup Brook
1940/500026 Blackwood Caddy William Ellis Male Spark Mona Jessie Female Bridgetown
1940/500026 Blackwood Spark Mona Jessie Female Caddy William Ellis Male Bridgetown
1940/500027 Blackwood Carn John Anzac Male Coverley Kathleen May Female Pemberton
1940/500027 Blackwood Coverley Kathleen May Female Carn John Anzac Male Pemberton
1940/500028 Blackwood Mottram Mabel Eva Female Muir Peter James Male Manjimup
1940/500028 Blackwood Muir Peter James Male Mottram Mabel Eva Female Manjimup
1940/500029 Blackwood Carroll John Raymond Male Knapton Audrey Treweek Female Greenbushes
1940/500029 Blackwood Knapton Audrey Treweek Female Carroll John Raymond Male Greenbushes
1941/500030 Blackwood Byrne Joan Female Irwin John Horace Male Manjimup
1940/500030 Blackwood Eastwood Winifred Emily Female O'Meara Charles Francis Male Bridgetown
1941/500030 Blackwood Irwin John Horace Male Byrne Joan Female Manjimup
1940/500030 Blackwood O'Meara Charles Francis Male Eastwood Winifred Emily Female Bridgetown
1940/500031 Blackwood Duncan Edith Joyce Female Williams Jack Verdun Male Bridgetown
1940/500031 Blackwood Williams Jack Verdun Male Duncan Edith Joyce Female Bridgetown
1940/500032 Blackwood Fouracres Douglas Charles Male Rice Margaret Louise Female Manjimup
1940/500032 Blackwood Rice Margaret Louise Female Fouracres Douglas Charles Male Manjimup
1940/500033 Blackwood Ettridge Roy Cecil Male Holloway Beatrice Female Bridgetown Hospital
1940/500033 Blackwood Holloway Beatrice Female Ettridge Roy Cecil Male Bridgetown Hospital
1940/500034 Blackwood Smith Nellie Joan Female Stanford Edwin James Male Manjimup
1940/500034 Blackwood Stanford Edwin James Male Smith Nellie Joan Female Manjimup
1940/500035 Blackwood Brown Sydney James Male Hicks Una Lomond Female Manjimup
1940/500035 Blackwood Hicks Una Lomond Female Brown Sydney James Male Manjimup
1940/500036 Blackwood Church Henry John Male Helliwell Joyce Female Manjimup
1940/500036 Blackwood Helliwell Joyce Female Church Henry John Male Manjimup
1940/500037 Blackwood Kirby Beatrice Christina Female Young Raymond David James Male Bridgetown
1940/500037 Blackwood Young Raymond David James Male Kirby Beatrice Christina Female Bridgetown
1940/500038 Blackwood Asplin Mabel Jean Female Kenney William Bert Male Bridgetown
1940/500038 Blackwood Kenney William Bert Male Asplin Mabel Jean Female Bridgetown
1940/500039 Blackwood Purse John Reginald Male Ritson Jannet Evelyn Female Boyup Brook
1940/500039 Blackwood Ritson Jannet Evelyn Female Purse John Reginald Male Boyup Brook
1940/500040 Blackwood Ingram Sidney James Male Newton Catherine Female Greenbushes
1940/500040 Blackwood Newton Catherine Female Ingram Sidney James Male Greenbushes
1940/500041 Blackwood Crawley Marion Isabella Female Smith Henry Male Manjimup
1940/500041 Blackwood Smith Henry Male Crawley Marion Isabella Female Manjimup
1940/500042 Blackwood Jones Violet Maude Female Moir Kenneth Melville Male Manjimup
1940/500042 Blackwood Moir Kenneth Melville Male Jones Violet Maude Female Manjimup
1940/500043 Blackwood Gray Ethel Florence Female Mayor Walter Isaac Male Manjimup
1940/500043 Blackwood Mayor Walter Isaac Male Gray Ethel Florence Female Manjimup
1940/500044 Blackwood Court Leslie Frank Male Goss Dorothy Jean Female Pemberton
1940/500044 Blackwood Goss Dorothy Jean Female Court Leslie Frank Male Pemberton
1940/500045 Blackwood Brockman Julius Vernon Male Whittell Joan Margaret Female Bridgetown
1940/500045 Blackwood Whittell Joan Margaret Female Brockman Julius Vernon Male Bridgetown
1940/500046 Blackwood Kosonen Mauno Richard Male Notley Hazel Beatrice Female Manjimup
1940/500046 Blackwood Notley Hazel Beatrice Female Kosonen Mauno Richard Male Manjimup
1940/500047 Blackwood Bazeley Annie Female Cantwell Stanley Bertram Male Bridgetown
1940/500047 Blackwood Cantwell Stanley Bertram Male Bazeley Annie Female Bridgetown
1940/500048 Blackwood Jeffrey Thomas Alfred Male Rodda Hazel Jean Female Nannup
1940/500048 Blackwood Rodda Hazel Jean Female Jeffrey Thomas Alfred Male Nannup
1940/500049 Blackwood Gibbs Eileen Valentine Female Lewis Harold John Male Bridgetown
1940/500049 Blackwood Lewis Harold John Male Gibbs Eileen Valentine Female Bridgetown
1940/500050 Blackwood Excell Margaret Ann Female Wood Ronald Thomas John Male Nannup
1940/500050 Blackwood Wood Ronald Thomas John Male Excell Margaret Ann Female Nannup
1940/500051 Blackwood Burnett Jean Margaret Female Love Henry Herbert Male Manjimup
1940/500051 Blackwood Love Henry Herbert Male Burnett Jean Margaret Female Manjimup
1940/500052 Blackwood Blechynden Ena Edna Female Farquhar Gordon Lindsay Male Bridgetown
1940/500052 Blackwood Farquhar Gordon Lindsay Male Blechynden Ena Edna Female Bridgetown
1940/500053 Blackwood De Worboies Dora May Female Lilley Frederick William Male Bridgetown
1940/500053 Blackwood Lilley Frederick William Male De Worboies Dora May Female Bridgetown
1940/500054 Blackwood Aitken Frederick Kenneth Male Williams Emily Madge Female Bridgetown
1940/500054 Blackwood Williams Emily Madge Female Aitken Frederick Kenneth Male Bridgetown
1940/500055 Blackwood Hanrahan Ray James Male Hicks Bernice Cora Female Bridgetown
1940/500055 Blackwood Hicks Bernice Cora Female Hanrahan Ray James Male Bridgetown
1940/500056 Blackwood Usorac Milka Female Yerkovic Mate Male Manjimup
1940/500056 Blackwood Yerkovic Mate Male Usorac Milka Female Manjimup
1940/500057 Blackwood Church Reginald George Male Collins Lucy Patricia Female Pemberton
1940/500057 Blackwood Collins Lucy Patricia Female Church Reginald George Male Pemberton
1940/500058 Blackwood Church Benjamin Henry Male Gilchrist Gladys Rose Female Manjimup
1940/500058 Blackwood Gilchrist Gladys Rose Female Church Benjamin Henry Male Manjimup
1940/500059 Blackwood Arnott Clarice Maureen Female Sweet William Pearson Male Manjimup
1940/500059 Blackwood Sweet William Pearson Male Arnott Clarice Maureen Female Manjimup
1940/500060 Blackwood Doust John Raymond Male White Joyce Muriel Grace Female Bridgetown
1940/500060 Blackwood White Joyce Muriel Grace Female Doust John Raymond Male Bridgetown
1940/500061 Blackwood De Worboies Maude Gertrude Female Glover Jack Male Bridgetown
1940/500061 Blackwood Glover Jack Male De Worboies Maude Gertrude Female Bridgetown
1940/500062 Blackwood Gangell Alfred George Male Hales Edna Jean Female Boyup Brook
1940/500062 Blackwood Hales Edna Jean Female Gangell Alfred George Male Boyup Brook
1940/500063 Blackwood Gnyech Tony Male Musulin Stella Female Manjimup
1940/500063 Blackwood Musulin Stella Female Gnyech Tony Male Manjimup
1940/500064 Blackwood Burney Mary Ellen Patricia Female Sheridan John Francis Male Manjimup
1940/500064 Blackwood Sheridan John Francis Male Burney Mary Ellen Patricia Female Manjimup
1941/500065 Blackwood De Landgraft Maysie Linda Female Needs Raymond Frank Male Manjimup
1940/500065 Blackwood McAlpine John Edward Male Winch Kathleen Geraldine Female Bridgetown
1941/500065 Blackwood Needs Raymond Frank Male De Landgraft Maysie Linda Female Manjimup
1940/500065 Blackwood Winch Kathleen Geraldine Female McAlpine John Edward Male Bridgetown
1940/500066 Blackwood Rodgers Robert Donald Male Sheridan Jessica Daisy Female Manjimup
1940/500066 Blackwood Sheridan Jessica Daisy Female Rodgers Robert Donald Male Manjimup
1940/500067 Blackwood Rising Harvey John Male Thomas Marjorie Grace Female Bridgetown
1940/500067 Blackwood Thomas Marjorie Grace Female Rising Harvey John Male Bridgetown
1940/500068 Blackwood Elwin Lewis Humphrey Male Newbey Joan Maude Female Bridgetown
1940/500068 Blackwood Newbey Joan Maude Female Elwin Lewis Humphrey Male Bridgetown
1940/500069 Blackwood Jenkins Florence Evelyn Female Wringe Edward Andrew Male Balingup
1940/500069 Blackwood Wringe Edward Andrew Male Jenkins Florence Evelyn Female Balingup
1940/500070 Blackwood Hunt John Laurence Bingham Male Saunders Gertrude Allison Female Manjimup
1940/500070 Blackwood Saunders Gertrude Allison Female Hunt John Laurence Bingham Male Manjimup
1940/500071 Blackwood Dawson Edward Neil Male Walkerden Alice Henrietta Female Manjimup
1940/500071 Blackwood Walkerden Alice Henrietta Female Dawson Edward Neil Male Manjimup
1940/500072 Blackwood Pettersson George Adalrick Male Pickles Fedora Lucy Female Nannup
1940/500072 Blackwood Pickles Fedora Lucy Female Pettersson George Adalrick Male Nannup
1940/500073 Blackwood Jones Alexander Leslie Male Kaiser Barbara Emma Female Manjimup
1940/500073 Blackwood Kaiser Barbara Emma Female Jones Alexander Leslie Male Manjimup
1940/500074 Blackwood Hindes Winifred Louisa Female Littlecott Leonard Alfred James Male Manjimup
1940/500074 Blackwood Littlecott Leonard Alfred James Male Hindes Winifred Louisa Female Manjimup
1940/500075 Blackwood Walker Dorothea Elizabeth Female Watson Alec White Male Nannup
1940/500075 Blackwood Watson Alec White Male Walker Dorothea Elizabeth Female Nannup
1940/600001 Black Range Casas Carmen Patricia Female Rowe Walter James Male Sandstone
1940/600001 Black Range Rowe Walter James Male Casas Carmen Patricia Female Sandstone
1940/600002 Black Range Monks Raymond James Male Wood Rita Female Youanmi
1940/600002 Black Range Wood Rita Female Monks Raymond James Male Youanmi
1940/600003 Black Range Dwyer Bessie Female Uren Arthur Nicholas Male Youanmi
1940/600003 Black Range Uren Arthur Nicholas Male Dwyer Bessie Female Youanmi
1940/600004 Black Range McGowan James Patrick Male Springhall Florence Elizabeth Female Youanmi
1940/600004 Black Range Springhall Florence Elizabeth Female McGowan James Patrick Male Youanmi
1940/700006 Boulder Baldwin William Male Morgan Florence Lorraine Female Boulder
1940/700006 Boulder Morgan Florence Lorraine Female Baldwin William Male Boulder
1940/700007 Boulder Cooper Katie Irene Female Cunningham Francis Gerard Male Boulder
1940/700007 Boulder Cunningham Francis Gerard Male Cooper Katie Irene Female Boulder
1940/700008 Boulder Cumming Gavin Miller Male Simpson Louisa May Female Boulder
1940/700008 Boulder Simpson Louisa May Female Cumming Gavin Miller Male Boulder
1940/700009 Boulder Connell William Norman Male Nelson Nancy Barbara Dorothy Female Boulder
1940/700009 Boulder Nelson Nancy Barbara Dorothy Female Connell William Norman Male Boulder
1940/700010 Boulder Penton Mollie Lucy Female Thomson Keith Arnold Male Boulder
1940/700010 Boulder Thomson Keith Arnold Male Penton Mollie Lucy Female Boulder
1940/700011 Boulder Knowles Margaret Dora Female Wann Robert Edward Male Boulder
1940/700011 Boulder Wann Robert Edward Male Knowles Margaret Dora Female Boulder
1940/700012 Boulder Bextrum William Albert Male Hughes Phyllis May Female Boulder
1940/700012 Boulder Hughes Phyllis May Female Bextrum William Albert Male Boulder
1940/700013 Boulder McVittie Stanley Male Young Joyce Olga Female Boulder
1940/700013 Boulder Young Joyce Olga Female McVittie Stanley Male Boulder
1940/700014 Boulder Holland Berenice Female Scheele Francis Irvine Male Boulder
1940/700014 Boulder Scheele Francis Irvine Male Holland Berenice Female Boulder
1940/700015 Boulder Curtis William Leonard Male Skane Selma Merle Female Boulder
1940/700015 Boulder Skane Selma Merle Female Curtis William Leonard Male Boulder
1940/700016 Boulder Hahn Selinda Gerogina Female Hinton Harold Thomas Male Boulder
1940/700016 Boulder Hinton Harold Thomas Male Hahn Selinda Gerogina Female Boulder
1940/700017 Boulder Boggons Effie Isobel Female Cavell Vernon Male Boulder
1940/700017 Boulder Cavell Vernon Male Boggons Effie Isobel Female Boulder
1940/700018 Boulder Gilbert Arthur Reginald Male O'Neil Ellen Mary Female Boulder
1940/700018 Boulder O'Neil Ellen Mary Female Gilbert Arthur Reginald Male Boulder
1940/700019 Boulder Goldsworthy Clara Isabel Female Murray Keith Hinchliffe Male Boulder
1940/700019 Boulder Murray Keith Hinchliffe Male Goldsworthy Clara Isabel Female Boulder
1940/700020 Boulder Laffin Arthur Male Osboine Freda May Female Boulder
1940/700020 Boulder Osboine Freda May Female Laffin Arthur Male Boulder
1940/700021 Boulder Norris Percy Llewellyn James Male Short Jean Florence Female Boulder
1940/700021 Boulder Short Jean Florence Female Norris Percy Llewellyn James Male Boulder
1940/700022 Boulder Stockdale Clarice Hurther Female Westlow Robert Herbert Male Boulder
1940/700022 Boulder Westlow Robert Herbert Male Stockdale Clarice Hurther Female Boulder
1940/700023 Boulder Mrsa Milka Female Zupanovich Jakov Male Boulder
1940/700024 Boulder Bradshaw Elsie May Female Cavazzi Maurice John Male Boulder
1940/700024 Boulder Cavazzi Maurice John Male Bradshaw Elsie May Female Boulder
1940/700025 Boulder Bishop Richard Walter Male Godfrey Mona Female Boulder
1940/700025 Boulder Godfrey Mona Female Bishop Richard Walter Male Boulder
1940/700026 Boulder Mooney Mary Kate Female Volk Frank Male Boulder
1940/700026 Boulder Volk Frank Male Mooney Mary Kate Female Boulder
1940/700027 Boulder Dial Harold George Male Gundry Joan Osterley Juliet Female Boulder
1940/700027 Boulder Gundry Joan Osterley Juliet Female Dial Harold George Male Boulder
1940/700028 Boulder Farrar Arthur Gordon Male Willoughby Myra Female Boulder
1940/700028 Boulder Willoughby Myra Female Farrar Arthur Gordon Male Boulder
1940/700029 Boulder Cox Sydney Victor Male Swinton Catherine Wilson Female Boulder
1940/700029 Boulder Swinton Catherine Wilson Female Cox Sydney Victor Male Boulder
1940/700030 Boulder Kovacich Francis Female Loje Marin Male Boulder
1940/700030 Boulder Loje Marin Male Kovacich Francis Female Boulder
1940/700031 Boulder Crisp Cathrene Marian Female Daws Thomas Albion Male Boulder
1940/700031 Boulder Daws Thomas Albion Male Crisp Cathrene Marian Female Boulder
1940/700032 Boulder Knight Ethel Alder Female Rowe Andrew Male Boulder
1940/700032 Boulder Rowe Andrew Male Knight Ethel Alder Female Boulder
1940/700033 Boulder Craddock Edgar Alfred Male Mettam Shirley Female Boulder
1940/700033 Boulder Mettam Shirley Female Craddock Edgar Alfred Male Boulder
1940/700034 Boulder Adamson Fanny Female Cockburn James Wilton Male Boulder
1940/700034 Boulder Cockburn James Wilton Male Adamson Fanny Female Boulder
1940/700035 Boulder King Grace May Gwen Female Morris Edgar Leslie Male Boulder
1940/700035 Boulder Morris Edgar Leslie Male King Grace May Gwen Female Boulder
1940/700036 Boulder Conway Mary Veronica Female Hampton William Lionel Male Boulder
1940/700036 Boulder Hampton William Lionel Male Conway Mary Veronica Female Boulder
1940/700037 Boulder McCulloch Johnann Female Pittard John Ormonde Male Boulder
1940/700037 Boulder Pittard John Ormonde Male McCulloch Johnann Female Boulder
1940/700038 Boulder Fielder Charles William Male Topping Ann Elizabeth Female Boulder
1940/700038 Boulder Topping Ann Elizabeth Female Fielder Charles William Male Boulder
1940/700039 Boulder Hampton Herbert Thomas Male McCulloch Bernice Isabell Female Boulder
1940/700039 Boulder McCulloch Bernice Isabell Female Hampton Herbert Thomas Male Boulder
1940/700040 Boulder Coleman John Trenear Male Greenwell Amy Female Boulder
1940/700040 Boulder Greenwell Amy Female Coleman John Trenear Male Boulder
1940/700041 Boulder Davison Ida Female Hebbard William Male Boulder
1940/700041 Boulder Hebbard William Male Davison Ida Female Boulder
1940/700042 Boulder Carpenter Elizabeth Anne Female Douglas John Male Boulder
1940/700042 Boulder Douglas John Male Carpenter Elizabeth Anne Female Boulder
1940/700043 Boulder Adam Bethel Beatrice Female Parker William Howard Male Boulder
1940/700043 Boulder Parker William Howard Male Adam Bethel Beatrice Female Boulder
1940/700044 Boulder Fiennes-Clinton Edward Horace Male Millen Leila Ruth Female Boulder
1940/700044 Boulder Millen Leila Ruth Female Fiennes-Clinton Edward Horace Male Boulder
1940/700045 Boulder Bracegirdle Walter Male Prosser Thelma Ena Female Boulder
1940/700045 Boulder Prosser Thelma Ena Female Bracegirdle Walter Male Boulder
1940/700046 Boulder Bull Frederick William Thirlow Male Reid Ellen Margaret Female Boulder
1940/700046 Boulder Reid Ellen Margaret Female Bull Frederick William Thirlow Male Boulder
1940/700047 Boulder Sayers Edward Ronald Male Stanford Beatrice Female Boulder
1940/700047 Boulder Stanford Beatrice Female Sayers Edward Ronald Male Boulder
1940/700048 Boulder Elari James Male Norman Jessie May Female Boulder
1940/700048 Boulder Norman Jessie May Female Elari James Male Boulder
1940/700049 Boulder Pettit Claudia Mona Female Procter Francis Male Boulder
1940/700049 Boulder Procter Francis Male Pettit Claudia Mona Female Boulder
1940/700050 Boulder O'Neil James Richard Male Rattigan Teresa Agnes Female Boulder
1940/700050 Boulder Rattigan Teresa Agnes Female O'Neil James Richard Male Boulder
1940/700051 Boulder Nye Herbert John Male Wellington Lottina Lenora Female Boulder
1940/700051 Boulder Wellington Lottina Lenora Female Nye Herbert John Male Boulder
1940/700052 Boulder Dowson Leslie Charles Male Harris Irene Female Boulder
1940/700052 Boulder Harris Irene Female Dowson Leslie Charles Male Boulder
1940/700053 Boulder Ferara Marko Male Pribicevich Mary Female Boulder
1940/700053 Boulder Pribicevich Mary Female Ferara Marko Male Boulder
1940/700054 Boulder Anderson Neil Felix Male Campbell Ailsa Jean Female Boulder
1940/700054 Boulder Campbell Ailsa Jean Female Anderson Neil Felix Male Boulder
1940/700055 Boulder Brown Albert Henry Male Reynolds Ellen Lucy Female Boulder
1940/700055 Boulder Reynolds Ellen Lucy Female Brown Albert Henry Male Boulder
1940/700056 Boulder Giudice Robert Male Grazziadelli Linda Female Boulder
1940/700056 Boulder Grazziadelli Linda Female Giudice Robert Male Boulder
1940/700057 Boulder Kent Kenneth John Male O'Neill Kathleen Maude Female Boulder
1940/700057 Boulder O'Neill Kathleen Maude Female Kent Kenneth John Male Boulder
1940/700058 Boulder Cross Edward Eugene Male Tanner Joyce Female Boulder
1940/700058 Boulder Tanner Joyce Female Cross Edward Eugene Male Boulder
1940/700059 Boulder Shillinglaw Jean Female Turner William Paul Male Boulder
1940/700059 Boulder Turner William Paul Male Shillinglaw Jean Female Boulder
1940/700060 Boulder Harding George Male Parry Sylvia Patricia Female Boulder
1940/700060 Boulder Parry Sylvia Patricia Female Harding George Male Boulder
1940/700061 Boulder Britton James Alfred Male Robertson Elsie Dorothy Female Boulder
1940/700061 Boulder Robertson Elsie Dorothy Female Britton James Alfred Male Boulder
1940/700062 Boulder Cragan Alfred Darcy Male Style Sheila Female Boulder
1940/700062 Boulder Style Sheila Female Cragan Alfred Darcy Male Boulder
1940/700063 Boulder Ekholm Ethel Maud Female Marchesi Erminio Paolo Male Boulder
1940/700063 Boulder Marchesi Erminio Paolo Male Ekholm Ethel Maud Female Boulder
1940/700064 Boulder Hall Jessie May Female Hutcheson William Henry Male Boulder
1940/700064 Boulder Hutcheson William Henry Male Hall Jessie May Female Boulder
1940/700065 Boulder Rijavec Giulio Male Zerotovich Annie Female Boulder
1940/700065 Boulder Zerotovich Annie Female Rijavec Giulio Male Boulder
1940/700066 Boulder Graham John Male Kidd Florence Margret Female Boulder
1940/700066 Boulder Kidd Florence Margret Female Graham John Male Boulder
1940/700067 Boulder Crapp Gordon Thomas Male Fitzsimons Lillias Wallace Female Boulder
1940/700067 Boulder Fitzsimons Lillias Wallace Female Crapp Gordon Thomas Male Boulder
1940/700068 Boulder Ilich Ivan Male Pavich Ani Female Boulder
1940/700068 Boulder Pavich Ani Female Ilich Ivan Male Boulder
1940/700069 Boulder Dick Myrtle Dulcie Female Nilsen Jack Fredrik Oscar Male Boulder
1940/700069 Boulder Nilsen Jack Fredrik Oscar Male Dick Myrtle Dulcie Female Boulder
1940/700070 Boulder Brett Irene Ruby Female Tindall Ernest Male Boulder
1940/700070 Boulder Tindall Ernest Male Brett Irene Ruby Female Boulder
1940/700071 Boulder Rochester Clive Reginald Male Touchell Sylvia Ellen Female Boulder
1940/700071 Boulder Touchell Sylvia Ellen Female Rochester Clive Reginald Male Boulder
1940/700072 Boulder Colk Thelma Susan Female Lynch James Male Boulder
1940/700072 Boulder Lynch James Male Colk Thelma Susan Female Boulder
1940/700073 Boulder Augustine Gladys Olive Myrtle Female Schoppe Walter Roy Male Boulder
1940/700073 Boulder Schoppe Walter Roy Male Augustine Gladys Olive Myrtle Female Boulder
1940/700074 Boulder Jones Douglas Grant Male Scott Marjorie Yvonne Female Boulder
1940/700074 Boulder Scott Marjorie Yvonne Female Jones Douglas Grant Male Boulder
1940/700075 Boulder Daly Kathleen Margaret Female Kirkwood Thomas Joseph Male Boulder
1940/700075 Boulder Kirkwood Thomas Joseph Male Daly Kathleen Margaret Female Boulder
1940/700076 Boulder Shine Doreen Mary Female Sullivan James Alexander Male Boulder
1940/700076 Boulder Sullivan James Alexander Male Shine Doreen Mary Female Boulder
1940/700077 Boulder Fowler Francis Kersley Male Marchant Marjory Jean Female Boulder
1940/700077 Boulder Marchant Marjory Jean Female Fowler Francis Kersley Male Boulder
1940/700078 Boulder Martin Florence May Female O'Hern William Male Boulder
1940/700078 Boulder O'Hern William Male Martin Florence May Female Boulder
1940/700079 Boulder Daws Margreta Jessie Female Mingonie Ronald Gus Male Boulder
1940/700079 Boulder Mingonie Ronald Gus Male Daws Margreta Jessie Female Boulder
1940/700080 Boulder Godenzie Olive Louise Female Toms John Ellery Male Boulder
1940/700080 Boulder Toms John Ellery Male Godenzie Olive Louise Female Boulder
1940/700081 Boulder Funnell Albert Kitchener Male Williamson Alita Mary Female Boulder
1940/700081 Boulder Williamson Alita Mary Female Funnell Albert Kitchener Male Boulder
1940/700082 Boulder Erceg Pearl Mary Female Pugh George William Male Boulder
1940/700082 Boulder Pugh George William Male Erceg Pearl Mary Female Boulder
1940/700083 Boulder Auger Harold Bertram Male Butcher Norma Female Boulder
1940/700083 Boulder Butcher Norma Female Auger Harold Bertram Male Boulder
1940/700084 Boulder Armstrong Alwyn Leslie Male Warbrook Agnes Ann Female Boulder
1940/700084 Boulder Warbrook Agnes Ann Female Armstrong Alwyn Leslie Male Boulder
1940/700085 Boulder Larcombe Mary Grace Female Walsh Bernard William Male Boulder
1940/700085 Boulder Walsh Bernard William Male Larcombe Mary Grace Female Boulder
1940/700086 Boulder Bonola Guerino Male Hardeman Violet Joan Female Boulder
1940/700086 Boulder Hardeman Violet Joan Female Bonola Guerino Male Boulder
1940/700088 Boulder Gansberg Sydney Arthur Male Williams Elsie Mary Female Boulder
1940/700088 Boulder Williams Elsie Mary Female Gansberg Sydney Arthur Male Boulder
1940/700089 Boulder De Biasio Linda Female Comensoli Giovanni Battista Male Boulder
1940/700089 Boulder Comensoli Giovanni Battista Male De Biasio Linda Female Boulder
1940/700090 Boulder Roberts James Thompson Male Stamers Lorna Joan Female Boulder
1940/700090 Boulder Stamers Lorna Joan Female Roberts James Thompson Male Boulder
1940/700091 Boulder Kelly Sylvia Beryl Female Saunders John Edgar Male Boulder
1940/700091 Boulder Saunders John Edgar Male Kelly Sylvia Beryl Female Boulder
1940/700092 Boulder Doretich Anna Female Unkovich Lucky Male Boulder
1940/700092 Boulder Unkovich Lucky Male Doretich Anna Female Boulder
1940/700093 Boulder Juranovich Mary Female Tolj Joseph Male Boulder
1940/700093 Boulder Tolj Joseph Male Juranovich Mary Female Boulder
1940/700094 Boulder Barnes Muriel Joan Female Coe Sydney Andrew Male Boulder
1940/700094 Boulder Coe Sydney Andrew Male Barnes Muriel Joan Female Boulder
1940/700095 Boulder Lawson Myrtle Irene Female Robertson George Henry Male Boulder
1940/700095 Boulder Robertson George Henry Male Lawson Myrtle Irene Female Boulder
1940/700096 Boulder Rudwick Doris Annie Female Williams Russell George Male Boulder
1940/700096 Boulder Williams Russell George Male Rudwick Doris Annie Female Boulder
1940/700097 Boulder Hyland Alfred William Male Kenneally Mary Carmel Female Boulder
1940/700097 Boulder Kenneally Mary Carmel Female Hyland Alfred William Male Boulder
1940/700098 Boulder Gangell Rita Isabella Female Gundry Horace Verdun William Male Boulder
1940/700098 Boulder Gundry Horace Verdun William Male Gangell Rita Isabella Female Boulder
1940/700099 Boulder Jeffries Hazel Elsie Female Love Robert Harry Male Boulder
1940/700099 Boulder Love Robert Harry Male Jeffries Hazel Elsie Female Boulder
1940/700100 Boulder McRostie Vera Female Prideaux William John Male Boulder
1940/700100 Boulder Prideaux William John Male McRostie Vera Female Boulder
1940/700101 Boulder Perich Michael Francis Male Viskich Zora Female Boulder
1940/700101 Boulder Viskich Zora Female Perich Michael Francis Male Boulder
1940/700102 Boulder Elford Laura Female Murray Jack Male Boulder
1940/700102 Boulder Murray Jack Male Elford Laura Female Boulder
1940/700103 Boulder Brown Mabel Dorothy Female Smith Jack Roy Male Boulder
1940/700103 Boulder Smith Jack Roy Male Brown Mabel Dorothy Female Boulder
1940/700104 Boulder Green Edith Mavis Female Lewis James Sinclair Male Boulder
1940/700104 Boulder Lewis James Sinclair Male Green Edith Mavis Female Boulder
1940/700105 Boulder Beilken Lorna Dorothy Female Scott Alan William Male Boulder
1940/700105 Boulder Scott Alan William Male Beilken Lorna Dorothy Female Boulder
1940/700106 Boulder Sampson Dorothy Ruth Female Tregaskis Francis Noel Male Boulder
1940/700106 Boulder Tregaskis Francis Noel Male Sampson Dorothy Ruth Female Boulder
1940/700107 Boulder Godfrey Kathleen Elsie Female Taylor Athol Wesley Male Boulder
1940/700107 Boulder Taylor Athol Wesley Male Godfrey Kathleen Elsie Female Boulder
1940/700108 Boulder Connolly Claude Vincent Male Daly Aileen Dorothy Female Boulder
1940/700108 Boulder Daly Aileen Dorothy Female Connolly Claude Vincent Male Boulder
1940/1100001 Broome DAntoine Jessie Female Nickels Walter Langton Male Broome
1940/1100001 Broome Nickels Walter Langton Male DAntoine Jessie Female Broome
1940/1100002 Broome Barrett Gwendolyn Harriett Female Park Stanley Male Broome
1940/1100002 Broome Park Stanley Male Barrett Gwendolyn Harriett Female Broome
1940/1100003 Broome Dean Albert Barney Male Sibosado Brigid Female Broome
1940/1100003 Broome Sibosado Brigid Female Dean Albert Barney Male Broome
1940/1100004 Broome Dempster Campbell Male Duncan Janet Female Broome
1940/1100004 Broome Duncan Janet Female Dempster Campbell Male Broome
1940/1100005 Broome Evans Luna Female Rahman Ali Male Broome
1940/1100005 Broome Rahman Ali Male Evans Luna Female Broome
1940/1100006 Broome Cox Ambrose Male O'Grady Helena Female Beagle Bay
1940/1100006 Broome O'Grady Helena Female Cox Ambrose Male Beagle Bay
1940/1100007 Broome Inwood George Charles Male Powell Ethel Gladys Female Broome
1940/1100007 Broome Powell Ethel Gladys Female Inwood George Charles Male Broome
1940/1100008 Broome Hunter Percy Philip Male Ishiguchi Margaret Mary Female Broome
1940/1100008 Broome Ishiguchi Margaret Mary Female Hunter Percy Philip Male Broome
1940/1100009 Broome Rae Dorothy Female Shadforth Patrick Male Broome
1940/1100009 Broome Shadforth Patrick Male Rae Dorothy Female Broome
1940/1100010 Broome Shadforth Percival Male Sibosado Mary Cecilia Female Broome
1940/1100010 Broome Sibosado Mary Cecilia Female Shadforth Percival Male Broome
1940/1200001 Bruce Rock Buller Keith George Male Jones Violet Dorothie Female Bruce Rock
1940/1200001 Bruce Rock Jones Violet Dorothie Female Buller Keith George Male Bruce Rock
1941/1200002 Bruce Rock Cusack Phyllis Edna Female Hudson Arthur Sydney Male Narembeen
1941/1200002 Bruce Rock Hudson Arthur Sydney Male Cusack Phyllis Edna Female Narembeen
1940/1200002 Bruce Rock White Marjorie Alice Female Woodbury Colin John Male Kondinin
1940/1200002 Bruce Rock Woodbury Colin John Male White Marjorie Alice Female Kondinin
1941/1200003 Bruce Rock Blue Archibald Lindsay Male Heathcote Dawn Pax Frances Female Bruce Rock
1940/1200003 Bruce Rock Busch Norma Female Romaior Eric Male Corrigin
1941/1200003 Bruce Rock Heathcote Dawn Pax Frances Female Blue Archibald Lindsay Male Bruce Rock
1940/1200003 Bruce Rock Romaior Eric Male Busch Norma Female Corrigin
1940/1200005 Bruce Rock Schuttloffel Bertie Andrew Leopold Male Webb Doris Jane Female Bruce Rock
1940/1200005 Bruce Rock Webb Doris Jane Female Schuttloffel Bertie Andrew Leopold Male Bruce Rock
1940/1200006 Bruce Rock Moseley Norman Male Venemore Elizabeth Jean Female Bruce Rock
1940/1200006 Bruce Rock Venemore Elizabeth Jean Female Moseley Norman Male Bruce Rock
1940/1200007 Bruce Rock Burr William Male Escott Myra Priscilla Female Narembeen
1940/1200007 Bruce Rock Escott Myra Priscilla Female Burr William Male Narembeen
1940/1200008 Bruce Rock Armstead Gordon Alan Male Farrall Dorothy Nora Female Bruce Rock
1940/1200008 Bruce Rock Farrall Dorothy Nora Female Armstead Gordon Alan Male Bruce Rock
1940/1200010 Bruce Rock Brankstone Bridwood Lorraine Female Pickersgill Nelis McIntosh Male Corrigin
1940/1200010 Bruce Rock Pickersgill Nelis McIntosh Male Brankstone Bridwood Lorraine Female Corrigin
1940/1200011 Bruce Rock Gray Nellie Female Ingham Thomas George Male Bruce Rock
1940/1200011 Bruce Rock Ingham Thomas George Male Gray Nellie Female Bruce Rock
1940/1200012 Bruce Rock Baillie Elizabeth Jamieson Female Taylor Walter Norman Milton Male Bruce Rock
1940/1200012 Bruce Rock Taylor Walter Norman Milton Male Baillie Elizabeth Jamieson Female Bruce Rock
1940/1200013 Bruce Rock Henderson Thomas William Male Larke Ercil Stewart Female Bruce Rock
1940/1200013 Bruce Rock Larke Ercil Stewart Female Henderson Thomas William Male Bruce Rock
1940/1200014 Bruce Rock Gorringe James Walter Male Honisett Doris Ethel Female Kondinin
1940/1200014 Bruce Rock Honisett Doris Ethel Female Gorringe James Walter Male Kondinin
1940/1200015 Bruce Rock Price Lorna Laurel Female Taylor Charles Aaron Male Narembeen
1940/1200015 Bruce Rock Taylor Charles Aaron Male Price Lorna Laurel Female Narembeen
1940/1200016 Bruce Rock Dalton Robert David Male Loxton Myra Mary Female Kondinin
1940/1200016 Bruce Rock Loxton Myra Mary Female Dalton Robert David Male Kondinin
1940/1200017 Bruce Rock Bourne Annetta Isabel Female Mead Ernest Charles Male Bruce Rock
1940/1200017 Bruce Rock Mead Ernest Charles Male Bourne Annetta Isabel Female Bruce Rock
1940/1200018 Bruce Rock Morris Frederick Thomas Male Packard Joan Female Bruce Rock
1940/1200018 Bruce Rock Packard Joan Female Morris Frederick Thomas Male Bruce Rock
1940/1200019 Bruce Rock Woollam Violet Ethel Elizabeth Female Young Kenneth Male Kondinin
1940/1200019 Bruce Rock Young Kenneth Male Woollam Violet Ethel Elizabeth Female Kondinin
1940/1200020 Bruce Rock Ellson Joy Margaret Female Hardingham Arthur Maurace Male Narembeen
1940/1200020 Bruce Rock Hardingham Arthur Maurace Male Ellson Joy Margaret Female Narembeen
1940/1200021 Bruce Rock Gillard Elsie Rose Female Mutton William Male Bruce Rock
1940/1200021 Bruce Rock Mutton William Male Gillard Elsie Rose Female Bruce Rock
1940/1200022 Bruce Rock Fidge Nellie Frances Female Nichols Arthur Whichels Male Bruce Rock
1940/1200022 Bruce Rock Nichols Arthur Whichels Male Fidge Nellie Frances Female Bruce Rock
1940/1200023 Bruce Rock Ding Gordon Jeffrey Male Watters Doris Margaret Female Ardath
1940/1200023 Bruce Rock Watters Doris Margaret Female Ding Gordon Jeffrey Male Ardath
1940/1200024 Bruce Rock Hallett John Mead Male Sorensen Lucy Mavis Female Corrigin
1940/1200024 Bruce Rock Sorensen Lucy Mavis Female Hallett John Mead Male Corrigin
1940/1400001 Canning Eyre Robert Roland Male Weyman Alice Mary Bushby Female Kalamunda
1941/1400001 Canning Johnston Lindsay Keille Male Wright Winifred Ettie Female Maddington
1940/1400001 Canning Weyman Alice Mary Bushby Female Eyre Robert Roland Male Kalamunda
1941/1400001 Canning Wright Winifred Ettie Female Johnston Lindsay Keille Male Maddington
1940/1400002 Canning Dyson Albert Henry Male Thompson Evelyn Mary Female Cannington
1941/1400002 Canning Rawlings Betty Jean Female Werner Ernest Eric Male Queens Park
1940/1400002 Canning Thompson Evelyn Mary Female Dyson Albert Henry Male Cannington
1941/1400002 Canning Werner Ernest Eric Male Rawlings Betty Jean Female Queens Park
1940/1400003 Canning Brooks Isobel Female Turkington John George Male Queen's Park
1941/1400003 Canning Chamberlain Ernest William Male Werner Florence Winifred Female Queens Park
1940/1400003 Canning Turkington John George Male Brooks Isobel Female Queen's Park
1941/1400003 Canning Werner Florence Winifred Female Chamberlain Ernest William Male Queens Park
1940/1400004 Canning Hickenbotham Vera Alberta Female Smyth Ronald Frederick Male Cannington
1940/1400004 Canning Smyth Ronald Frederick Male Hickenbotham Vera Alberta Female Cannington
1940/1400005 Canning Weaver Patricia Joyce Female Wright Leonard William Male Maddington
1940/1400005 Canning Wright Leonard William Male Weaver Patricia Joyce Female Maddington
1940/1400006 Canning Kell Robert Charles Male Shepherd Grace Iris Miriam Female Cannington
1940/1400006 Canning Shepherd Grace Iris Miriam Female Kell Robert Charles Male Cannington
1940/1400007 Canning Gargett Reginald Stanley Dunelm Male McClure Mollie Evans Female Kalamunda Methodist Church
1940/1400007 Canning McClure Mollie Evans Female Gargett Reginald Stanley Dunelm Male Kalamunda Methodist Church
1940/1400008 Canning Gray Dorothy Edith Female Hillam Alick Norman Male Kalamunda
1940/1400008 Canning Hillam Alick Norman Male Gray Dorothy Edith Female Kalamunda
1940/1400010 Canning Lidbury Raymond Leslie Male Rose Jean Margaret Female Queen's Park
1940/1400010 Canning Rose Jean Margaret Female Lidbury Raymond Leslie Male Queen's Park
1940/1400011 Canning Shackleton Gwendoline Mary Female Werndly Charles Edward Male Cannington
1940/1400011 Canning Werndly Charles Edward Male Shackleton Gwendoline Mary Female Cannington
1940/1400012 Canning Byfield Rosamond Flossie Elizabeth Female Parker George Robert Male Maddington
1940/1400012 Canning Parker George Robert Male Byfield Rosamond Flossie Elizabeth Female Maddington
1940/1400013 Canning Johnson Charles Reginald Male Millson Evelyne Female Queens Park
1940/1400013 Canning Millson Evelyne Female Johnson Charles Reginald Male Queens Park
1940/1400014 Canning Bassett Robert Frederick Male McCormack Jane Bell Female East Cannington
1940/1400014 Canning McCormack Jane Bell Female Bassett Robert Frederick Male East Cannington
1940/1400015 Canning Bright Jasper Male Crofts Lily Constance Female Armadale
1940/1400015 Canning Crofts Lily Constance Female Bright Jasper Male Armadale
1940/1400016 Canning Bannister Robert George Male Siely Nellie Female Cannington
1940/1400016 Canning Siely Nellie Female Bannister Robert George Male Cannington
1940/1400017 Canning Cockram Ivy Hilda Female Hart Charles Prowse Male Cannington Church of England
1940/1400017 Canning Hart Charles Prowse Male Cockram Ivy Hilda Female Cannington Church of England
1940/1400018 Canning Cody Margaret Ada Female Humble Edmund Male Queens Park
1940/1400018 Canning Humble Edmund Male Cody Margaret Ada Female Queens Park
1940/1400019 Canning Fancote Barbara Joan Female Saw George William Male Kelmscott
1940/1400019 Canning Saw George William Male Fancote Barbara Joan Female Kelmscott
1940/1400020 Canning Bird William Arthur Male Smith Marjorie Eva Lilian Female East Cannington
1940/1400020 Canning Smith Marjorie Eva Lilian Female Bird William Arthur Male East Cannington
1940/1400021 Canning Rodgers Carl Male Sexty Eleanor Mercy Female Armadale
1940/1400021 Canning Sexty Eleanor Mercy Female Rodgers Carl Male Armadale
1940/1400022 Canning Minchin Stuart Basil Male Spencer Catherine Honorah Female Queens Park
1940/1400022 Canning Spencer Catherine Honorah Female Minchin Stuart Basil Male Queens Park
1940/1400023 Canning Marshall James Charles Male Smith Catherine Female Queens Park
1940/1400023 Canning Smith Catherine Female Marshall James Charles Male Queens Park
1940/1400024 Canning Bariolo John Male Corvi Palmira Female Queen's Park
1940/1400024 Canning Corvi Palmira Female Bariolo John Male Queen's Park
1940/1400025 Canning Hawkins Florence Female Moreton Jack Cedric Male Cannington
1940/1400025 Canning Moreton Jack Cedric Male Hawkins Florence Female Cannington
1940/1400026 Canning Douglas Dorothy Hilda Female Stirling Roy Alva Male Armadale
1940/1400026 Canning Stirling Roy Alva Male Douglas Dorothy Hilda Female Armadale
1940/1400027 Canning Prior Ivy Grace Female Severn Herbert Male Cannington
1940/1400027 Canning Severn Herbert Male Prior Ivy Grace Female Cannington
1940/1400028 Canning Shepherd Alfred Arthur Male Stalker Olive Christina Female Gosnells
1940/1400028 Canning Stalker Olive Christina Female Shepherd Alfred Arthur Male Gosnells
1940/1400029 Canning Arthur Robert Easton Stenhouse Thomson Male Carter Annie Frances Female Gosnells
1940/1400029 Canning Arthur Robert Easton Stenhouse Thomson Male Harrison Annie Frances Female Gosnells
1940/1400029 Canning Carter Annie Frances Female Arthur Robert Easton Stenhouse Thomson Male Gosnells
1940/1400029 Canning Harrison Annie Frances Female Arthur Robert Easton Stenhouse Thomson Male Gosnells
1940/1400030 Canning Cloutt Alfred Charles Male Rosborough Annabella Female Kelmscott
1940/1400030 Canning Rosborough Annabella Female Cloutt Alfred Charles Male Kelmscott
1940/1400031 Canning MacArthur Kenneth George Charles Male Reeves Joan Constance Female Cannington
1940/1400031 Canning Reeves Joan Constance Female MacArthur Kenneth George Charles Male Cannington
1940/1400032 Canning Clegg Gordon Male Radford Joan Kathleen Female Cannington
1940/1400032 Canning Radford Joan Kathleen Female Clegg Gordon Male Cannington
1940/1400033 Canning Bullock Elsie Blanche Female Westley William Howard Male Gosnells
1940/1400033 Canning Westley William Howard Male Bullock Elsie Blanche Female Gosnells
1940/1400034 Canning Gilbride Bernard William Male Powell Minnie Lillian Female Armadale
1940/1400034 Canning Powell Minnie Lillian Female Gilbride Bernard William Male Armadale
1940/1400035 Canning Blower Joyce Olive Female Mappin William Frank Male Cannington
1940/1400035 Canning Mappin William Frank Male Blower Joyce Olive Female Cannington
1940/1400036 Canning Barrodeen Ensop Male Cocking Frances Amelia Female Cannington
1940/1400036 Canning Cocking Frances Amelia Female Barrodeen Ensop Male Cannington
1940/1400037 Canning Browne Margaret Jean Female Fraser Thomas Bernard Male Maddington
1940/1400037 Canning Fraser Thomas Bernard Male Browne Margaret Jean Female Maddington
1940/1400038 Canning Hurley Christina Catherine Female Smith Douglas Thomas Male Cannington
1940/1400038 Canning Smith Douglas Thomas Male Hurley Christina Catherine Female Cannington
1940/1400039 Canning Coote Josiah Male Harrison Joan May Female Kelmscott
1940/1400039 Canning Harrison Joan May Female Coote Josiah Male Kelmscott
1940/1400040 Canning Grgich Monte Male Sando Meri Female Queen's Park
1940/1400040 Canning Sando Meri Female Grgich Monte Male Queen's Park
1940/1400041 Canning Fitzsimons Margaret Katherine Female Ward Francis Thomas Male Queen's Park
1940/1400041 Canning Ward Francis Thomas Male Fitzsimons Margaret Katherine Female Queen's Park
1940/1400042 Canning Brown Harold Raymond Male Passmore Nellie Margaret Female Queens Park
1940/1400042 Canning Passmore Nellie Margaret Female Brown Harold Raymond Male Queens Park
1940/1400043 Canning Buckingham Mavis Jean Female Martin Ernest Gordon Male Kelmscott
1940/1400043 Canning Martin Ernest Gordon Male Buckingham Mavis Jean Female Kelmscott
1940/1400044 Canning Chiari Ottavio Male Macri Domenica Female Queens Park
1940/1400044 Canning Macri Domenica Female Chiari Ottavio Male Queens Park
1940/1400045 Canning Parrott Winafred Lena Female Rootes Raymond Henry Male Cannington
1940/1400045 Canning Rootes Raymond Henry Male Parrott Winafred Lena Female Cannington
1940/1400046 Canning Brennan Agnes Amelia Female Smith Gordon Edwin Male Armadale
1940/1400046 Canning Smith Gordon Edwin Male Brennan Agnes Amelia Female Armadale
1940/1400047 Canning Hall Anderton Murray Male McWilliams Elizabeth Burrows Female Cannington
1940/1400047 Canning McWilliams Elizabeth Burrows Female Hall Anderton Murray Male Cannington
1940/1400048 Canning McGrath Mavis Winifred Female Raymond Benjamin Male Cannington
1940/1400048 Canning Raymond Benjamin Male McGrath Mavis Winifred Female Cannington
1940/1400049 Canning Hancock Ernest Hedley Male Yates Nora Edith Female Kelmscott
1940/1400049 Canning Yates Nora Edith Female Hancock Ernest Hedley Male Kelmscott
1940/1400050 Canning O'Brien Elsie Louise Female Saunders William Alfred Male Armadale
1940/1400050 Canning Saunders William Alfred Male O'Brien Elsie Louise Female Armadale
1940/1400051 Canning Bradley Doris May Female Witheridge Cecil Charles Male Queens Park
1940/1400051 Canning Witheridge Cecil Charles Male Bradley Doris May Female Queens Park
1940/1400052 Canning Kiely Josephine Female Phillips Cecil Male Queens Park
1940/1400052 Canning Phillips Cecil Male Kiely Josephine Female Queens Park
1940/1400053 Canning Rutherford Arthur Lawrence Male Wilkinson Agnes Emma Harriet Female Queen's Park
1940/1400053 Canning Wilkinson Agnes Emma Harriet Female Rutherford Arthur Lawrence Male Queen's Park
1940/1400054 Canning Buckley Arthur George Male Palmer Hope Female Cannington
1940/1400054 Canning Palmer Hope Female Buckley Arthur George Male Cannington
1940/1400055 Canning Hamdorf May Female Newport George Male Cannington
1940/1400055 Canning Newport George Male Hamdorf May Female Cannington
1940/1400056 Canning Bain Norris Duncan Grant Male Milne Doris Mabel Female Queens Park
1940/1400056 Canning Milne Doris Mabel Female Bain Norris Duncan Grant Male Queens Park
1940/1400057 Canning Born Dorrie Lenne Marguritte Female Callaway John Thomas Male Armadale
1940/1400057 Canning Callaway John Thomas Male Born Dorrie Lenne Marguritte Female Armadale
1940/1400058 Canning Downey Eunice May Female Law Thomas George Male Queens Park
1940/1400058 Canning Law Thomas George Male Downey Eunice May Female Queens Park
1940/1400059 Canning Doering Ursula Johanna Female Pailthorpe John Edward Roland Male Armadale
1940/1400059 Canning Pailthorpe John Edward Roland Male Doering Ursula Johanna Female Armadale
1940/1400060 Canning Box Charles William Male Browne Jean Elizabeth Female Cannington
1940/1400060 Canning Browne Jean Elizabeth Female Box Charles William Male Cannington
1940/1400061 Canning Clinton Rose Victoria Female Maschetti Antoine Male Cannington
1940/1400061 Canning Maschetti Antoine Male Clinton Rose Victoria Female Cannington
1940/1400062 Canning Eversden Arthur Frederick Male Salmon Susan May Female East Cannington
1940/1400062 Canning Salmon Susan May Female Eversden Arthur Frederick Male East Cannington
1940/1400063 Canning Avard Richard George Male Morgan Doris Keziah Female Armadale
1940/1400063 Canning Morgan Doris Keziah Female Avard Richard George Male Armadale
1940/1400064 Canning Day Kathleen May Female Dunn Leslie Neil Male Armadale
1940/1400064 Canning Dunn Leslie Neil Male Day Kathleen May Female Armadale
1940/1400065 Canning Leach Thomas Raymond Male Perkins Alice May Female East Cannington
1940/1400065 Canning Perkins Alice May Female Leach Thomas Raymond Male East Cannington
1940/1400066 Canning May Julie Female Pearson John Eyres Male Maddington
1940/1400066 Canning Pearson John Eyres Male May Julie Female Maddington
1940/1400067 Canning Downey Olive Elizabeth Female McGinniss Rhys Lawrence Frank Male Queens Park
1940/1400067 Canning McGinniss Rhys Lawrence Frank Male Downey Olive Elizabeth Female Queens Park
1940/1400068 Canning Bocquet Eric Roscoe Male Finnis Jane Margaret Female Armadale
1940/1400068 Canning Finnis Jane Margaret Female Bocquet Eric Roscoe Male Armadale
1940/1400069 Canning Christie William Glencross Male Jackson Elsie Alberta Female Armadale
1940/1400069 Canning Jackson Elsie Alberta Female Christie William Glencross Male Armadale
1940/1400070 Canning Champion Kenneth Roy Male Fowler Clair Female Armadale
1940/1400070 Canning Fowler Clair Female Champion Kenneth Roy Male Armadale
1940/1400071 Canning Cherrill Sylvia Laura Female Johnston Neil Charles Male Armadale
1940/1400071 Canning Johnston Neil Charles Male Cherrill Sylvia Laura Female Armadale
1940/1400072 Canning Nilsson William George Male Winsor Evelyn May Female Maddington
1940/1400072 Canning Winsor Evelyn May Female Nilsson William George Male Maddington
1940/1400073 Canning Ferguson Stewart Roderick Angus Male Tchan Annie Elizabeth Female Armadale
1940/1400073 Canning Tchan Annie Elizabeth Female Ferguson Stewart Roderick Angus Male Armadale
1940/1400074 Canning Croucher Eunice Mary Female Peirce Percy Albert Male Cannington
1940/1400074 Canning Peirce Percy Albert Male Croucher Eunice Mary Female Cannington
1940/1400075 Canning Campbell Phyllis Betty Female Parker Hamilton Forbes Male Kelmscott
1940/1400075 Canning Parker Hamilton Forbes Male Campbell Phyllis Betty Female Kelmscott
1941/1800001 East Coolgardie Allen Faith Muriel Female Wheeler Sidney James Male Kalgoorlie
1941/1800001 East Coolgardie Wheeler Sidney James Male Allen Faith Muriel Female Kalgoorlie
1941/1800002 East Coolgardie Anderson John Abraham Male West Florence May Everingham Female Kalgoorlie
1941/1800002 East Coolgardie West Florence May Everingham Female Anderson John Abraham Male Kalgoorlie
1941/1800003 East Coolgardie Barker Colin Trevor Male Pozzi Milly Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800003 East Coolgardie Blacker Herbert Parfitt Male Blackwell Phyllis Ethel Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800003 East Coolgardie Blackwell Phyllis Ethel Female Blacker Herbert Parfitt Male Kalgoorlie
1941/1800003 East Coolgardie Pozzi Milly Female Barker Colin Trevor Male Kalgoorlie
1941/1800004 East Coolgardie Saunders Addie Constance Female Smithin Sydney Gerald Male Kalgoorlie
1941/1800004 East Coolgardie Smithin Sydney Gerald Male Saunders Addie Constance Female Kalgoorlie
1941/1800005 East Coolgardie Lomasney Marjorie Alva Female Peterson Sydney James Male Kalgoorlie
1941/1800005 East Coolgardie Peterson Sydney James Male Lomasney Marjorie Alva Female Kalgoorlie
1941/1800008 East Coolgardie Dunham Thelma Rose Female Grace James Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1941/1800008 East Coolgardie Grace James Henry Male Dunham Thelma Rose Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800008 East Coolgardie Long John Male Richards Kathleen May Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800008 East Coolgardie Richards Kathleen May Female Long John Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800009 East Coolgardie Ryle Richard Daniel Male Spoors Constance Stirling Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800009 East Coolgardie Spoors Constance Stirling Female Ryle Richard Daniel Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800010 East Coolgardie Phillips John Samuel Male Powell Rose Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800010 East Coolgardie Powell Rose Female Phillips John Samuel Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800013 East Coolgardie Alman Sydney Arthur Male Hartstein Elisheva Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800013 East Coolgardie Hartstein Elisheva Female Alman Sydney Arthur Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800014 East Coolgardie Hawkins Lorraine Susie Female Morley William Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800014 East Coolgardie Morley William Edward Male Hawkins Lorraine Susie Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800015 East Coolgardie Hopkins Robert Leslie Male Pass Marjorie Lucy Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800015 East Coolgardie Pass Marjorie Lucy Female Hopkins Robert Leslie Male Kalgoorlie
1941/1800016 East Coolgardie Bradfield Mary Margurete Female Pearce Phillip Robert Male Kalgoorlie
1941/1800016 East Coolgardie Pearce Phillip Robert Male Bradfield Mary Margurete Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800017 East Coolgardie Crowley Dora Female Robinson Thomas Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1941/1800017 East Coolgardie Giles William Vincent Male Thomas Joan Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800017 East Coolgardie Robinson Thomas Henry Male Crowley Dora Female Kalgoorlie
1941/1800017 East Coolgardie Thomas Joan Elizabeth Female Giles William Vincent Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800018 East Coolgardie Bradford Mavis Evelyn Female Sanders Leslie John Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800018 East Coolgardie Sanders Leslie John Male Bradford Mavis Evelyn Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800019 East Coolgardie Armanasco Faustina Female Fendoni Paolo Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800019 East Coolgardie Fendoni Paolo Male Armanasco Faustina Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800020 East Coolgardie Lewis Robert Henry Male Weedon Chrisie Ruth Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800020 East Coolgardie Weedon Chrisie Ruth Female Lewis Robert Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800021 East Coolgardie Davey Bruce Redvers Buller Male Elms Ilma Grace Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800021 East Coolgardie Elms Ilma Grace Female Davey Bruce Redvers Buller Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800022 East Coolgardie Grant Annie Female Kirwan Martin Edmund Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800022 East Coolgardie Kirwan Martin Edmund Male Grant Annie Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800023 East Coolgardie Hodges Raymond Walter Male Muncaster Ada Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800023 East Coolgardie Muncaster Ada Mary Female Hodges Raymond Walter Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800024 East Coolgardie Harris Norma Gladys Female O'Brien Norman Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800024 East Coolgardie O'Brien Norman Henry Male Harris Norma Gladys Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800026 East Coolgardie Louden Reginald James Male Twigg Marjorie Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800026 East Coolgardie Twigg Marjorie Female Louden Reginald James Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800027 East Coolgardie Abbott Rosslind Gerard Male Harvey Hilda Frances Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800027 East Coolgardie Harvey Hilda Frances Female Abbott Rosslind Gerard Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800028 East Coolgardie Knowles Grace Female Stokes Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800028 East Coolgardie Stokes Henry Male Knowles Grace Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800029 East Coolgardie Elshaw Anne Female Gianni Charles Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800029 East Coolgardie Gianni Charles Male Elshaw Anne Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800030 East Coolgardie Oakley Dorothy Grace Female Rear Robert Charles Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800030 East Coolgardie Rear Robert Charles Male Oakley Dorothy Grace Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800031 East Coolgardie Embleton Trevor Bruce Male Kenin Anna Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800031 East Coolgardie Kenin Anna Female Embleton Trevor Bruce Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800032 East Coolgardie Godfrey Ernest Henry Male Thorn Dulcie Lillian Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800032 East Coolgardie Thorn Dulcie Lillian Female Godfrey Ernest Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800033 East Coolgardie Hosking Hilary Robert Male Thomas Lilian Imelda Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800033 East Coolgardie Thomas Lilian Imelda Female Hosking Hilary Robert Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800034 East Coolgardie Pascoe Hilda Rosalie Female Watson Edwin James Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800034 East Coolgardie Watson Edwin James Male Pascoe Hilda Rosalie Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800035 East Coolgardie Bingley Edna Female Smith William Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800035 East Coolgardie Smith William Henry Male Bingley Edna Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800036 East Coolgardie Norman Vera Georgina Female Veitch Thomas Hardie Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800036 East Coolgardie Veitch Thomas Hardie Male Norman Vera Georgina Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800037 East Coolgardie Mathews Alan Peter Male Scott Edna Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800037 East Coolgardie Scott Edna Female Mathews Alan Peter Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800038 East Coolgardie Hymus Kathleen Mavoureen Female Sturman John Ernest Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800038 East Coolgardie Sturman John Ernest Male Hymus Kathleen Mavoureen Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800039 East Coolgardie Downes John Herbert James Male West Dorothy Milby Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800039 East Coolgardie West Dorothy Milby Female Downes John Herbert James Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800040 East Coolgardie Dixon Olive May Female Laidley James Crawford Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800040 East Coolgardie Laidley James Crawford Male Dixon Olive May Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800041 East Coolgardie Gibson Mavis Alma Female Powell Eric William Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800041 East Coolgardie Powell Eric William Male Gibson Mavis Alma Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800042 East Coolgardie Bidstrup Rita Veronica Female Riebeling Fredrick Ernest Adolph Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800042 East Coolgardie Riebeling Fredrick Ernest Adolph Male Bidstrup Rita Veronica Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800043 East Coolgardie Bothwell Herbert Leonard Male Darroch Isabel Margaret Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800043 East Coolgardie Darroch Isabel Margaret Female Bothwell Herbert Leonard Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800044 East Coolgardie Steward Raymond Edward Male Virgo Gladys May Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800044 East Coolgardie Virgo Gladys May Female Steward Raymond Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800045 East Coolgardie Cragan Lewis Michael Male Fisher Alma Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800045 East Coolgardie Fisher Alma Female Cragan Lewis Michael Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800046 East Coolgardie Dawson Stella Marie Therése Female Peden James Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800046 East Coolgardie Peden James Male Dawson Stella Marie Therése Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800047 East Coolgardie Lane Mavis Veronica Female Palmer David Harry Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800047 East Coolgardie Palmer David Harry Male Lane Mavis Veronica Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800048 East Coolgardie Howes Edna Jean Female Morris Harold Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800048 East Coolgardie Morris Harold Male Howes Edna Jean Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800049 East Coolgardie Moon Kathleen Marie Female Prosser Charles Rooks Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800049 East Coolgardie Prosser Charles Rooks Male Moon Kathleen Marie Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800050 East Coolgardie Baker Ivy Gladys Female Johns Arthur Frederick Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800050 East Coolgardie Johns Arthur Frederick Male Baker Ivy Gladys Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800051 East Coolgardie Arkell Irene Joy Female Davey Albert John Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800051 East Coolgardie Davey Albert John Male Arkell Irene Joy Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800052 East Coolgardie Edwards George Oswell Male Hamerton Patricia Daphne Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800052 East Coolgardie Hamerton Patricia Daphne Female Edwards George Oswell Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800053 East Coolgardie Hard Gladys Elizabeth Female Pringle William Sidney Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800053 East Coolgardie Pringle William Sidney Male Hard Gladys Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800054 East Coolgardie Matthiesson Olga Emily Female Pearson Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800054 East Coolgardie Pearson Edward Male Matthiesson Olga Emily Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800055 East Coolgardie Byfield Florence Maud Female Taylor Colonel William Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800055 East Coolgardie Taylor Colonel William Male Byfield Florence Maud Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800056 East Coolgardie Bray Marjorie Edith Female Hitchcock Lionel Wingfield Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800056 East Coolgardie Hitchcock Lionel Wingfield Male Bray Marjorie Edith Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800057 East Coolgardie Crew Walter James Male Macfarlane Nellie Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800057 East Coolgardie Macfarlane Nellie Female Crew Walter James Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800058 East Coolgardie Cooper Doris May Female Fenn Ronald John Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800058 East Coolgardie Fenn Ronald John Male Cooper Doris May Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800059 East Coolgardie Black George Barnes Male King Jean Eileen Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800059 East Coolgardie King Jean Eileen Female Black George Barnes Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800060 East Coolgardie Kennedy Kathleen Ellen Female Rose George Frederick Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800060 East Coolgardie Rose George Frederick Male Kennedy Kathleen Ellen Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800061 East Coolgardie Coe William Leonard Male Hill Fanny Elsie Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800061 East Coolgardie Hill Fanny Elsie Female Coe William Leonard Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800062 East Coolgardie Brown John Ernest Male Counsel Adeline Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800062 East Coolgardie Counsel Adeline Mary Female Brown John Ernest Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800063 East Coolgardie Daws Arthur Henry Male Torrent Maria Aurora Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800063 East Coolgardie Torrent Maria Aurora Female Daws Arthur Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800064 East Coolgardie Riggs Lilian May Female Woodward Fredrick Arthur Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800064 East Coolgardie Woodward Fredrick Arthur Male Riggs Lilian May Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800065 East Coolgardie Coleman Lily May Female Rangecroft Harold Quincey Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800065 East Coolgardie Rangecroft Harold Quincey Male Coleman Lily May Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800066 East Coolgardie Hall Mabel Olga Female Smith Thomas Wyatt Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800066 East Coolgardie Smith Thomas Wyatt Male Hall Mabel Olga Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800067 East Coolgardie Henderson Stanley George Male Plummer Norma Annie Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800067 East Coolgardie Plummer Norma Annie Female Henderson Stanley George Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800068 East Coolgardie Hall John Richard Male Kerr Evelyn May Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800068 East Coolgardie Kerr Evelyn May Female Hall John Richard Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800069 East Coolgardie Berrigan Thomas Francis Male May Edna Lillian Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800069 East Coolgardie May Edna Lillian Female Berrigan Thomas Francis Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800070 East Coolgardie Sawyer Hector Alphonsus Male Westley Eila May Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800070 East Coolgardie Westley Eila May Female Sawyer Hector Alphonsus Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800071 East Coolgardie Bunyan James Alfred Male Langlands Jessie Irene Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800071 East Coolgardie Langlands Jessie Irene Female Bunyan James Alfred Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800072 East Coolgardie Finch Christopher Male Tailford Constance Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800072 East Coolgardie Tailford Constance Female Finch Christopher Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800073 East Coolgardie Boyes George Atkins Male Sinclair Janet Margaret Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800073 East Coolgardie Sinclair Janet Margaret Female Boyes George Atkins Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800074 East Coolgardie Allen Benjamin John Male Bowman Maie Nelson Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800074 East Coolgardie Bowman Maie Nelson Female Allen Benjamin John Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800075 East Coolgardie Barbarich George Male Parentich Tonka Maria Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800075 East Coolgardie Parentich Tonka Maria Female Barbarich George Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800076 East Coolgardie Adcock Lenora Female Johnson Donald Francis Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800076 East Coolgardie Johnson Donald Francis Male Adcock Lenora Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800077 East Coolgardie Commins Cecily May Female Lavery John David Godfrey Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800077 East Coolgardie Lavery John David Godfrey Male Commins Cecily May Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800078 East Coolgardie Fletcher Charles Henry Male Solomon Elizabeth Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800078 East Coolgardie Solomon Elizabeth Mary Female Fletcher Charles Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800079 East Coolgardie Curyer Phyllis Alfreda Rose Female Monaghan Ernest Henry Julian Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800079 East Coolgardie Monaghan Ernest Henry Julian Male Curyer Phyllis Alfreda Rose Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800080 East Coolgardie Green Eric Edward Male McRostie Ida May Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800080 East Coolgardie McRostie Ida May Female Green Eric Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800081 East Coolgardie Tatham Eleanor Walton Female Weston Henry Manuka Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800081 East Coolgardie Weston Henry Manuka Male Tatham Eleanor Walton Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800082 East Coolgardie Dimer Sydney Badon Male Grantham Norma Edith Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800082 East Coolgardie Grantham Norma Edith Female Dimer Sydney Badon Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800083 East Coolgardie Buxton Elsie May Female Ronchi Tobia Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800083 East Coolgardie Ronchi Tobia Male Buxton Elsie May Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800084 East Coolgardie Denham Dorothy Zoe Female Drabble Howard Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800084 East Coolgardie Drabble Howard Male Denham Dorothy Zoe Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800085 East Coolgardie Tolhurst Henry Victor Male Truarm Ida Esther Margaret Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800085 East Coolgardie Truarm Ida Esther Margaret Female Tolhurst Henry Victor Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800086 East Coolgardie Bray Leslie Howard Male Sartori Jean Agnes Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800086 East Coolgardie Sartori Jean Agnes Female Bray Leslie Howard Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800087 East Coolgardie Bateman Leslie John Male Thomas Gladys Olive Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800087 East Coolgardie Thomas Gladys Olive Female Bateman Leslie John Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800088 East Coolgardie Farrell John James Male Wilson Irene Joyce Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800088 East Coolgardie Wilson Irene Joyce Female Farrell John James Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800089 East Coolgardie Hornhardt Roy Herbert Male Virgo Euphemia Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800089 East Coolgardie Virgo Euphemia Female Hornhardt Roy Herbert Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800090 East Coolgardie Everett Marjorie Anne May Female Ewers David Robert Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800090 East Coolgardie Ewers David Robert Male Everett Marjorie Anne May Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800091 East Coolgardie Campbell Margaret Kathleen Female Weller Albert John Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800091 East Coolgardie Weller Albert John Male Campbell Margaret Kathleen Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800092 East Coolgardie Fraser Henry Stewart Male O'Shea Kathleen Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800092 East Coolgardie O'Shea Kathleen Mary Female Fraser Henry Stewart Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800093 East Coolgardie Benbow George James Male Reed Kathleen Grace Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800093 East Coolgardie Reed Kathleen Grace Female Benbow George James Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800094 East Coolgardie Bozich Jack Male Nizich Iva Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800094 East Coolgardie Nizich Iva Female Bozich Jack Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800095 East Coolgardie Bavin George Edward Male Chinnery Eileen Myrtle Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800095 East Coolgardie Chinnery Eileen Myrtle Female Bavin George Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800096 East Coolgardie Peck Arthur Henry Male Stephens Lorna Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800096 East Coolgardie Stephens Lorna Female Peck Arthur Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800097 East Coolgardie Drust Arthur Male Jackson Grace Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800097 East Coolgardie Jackson Grace Female Drust Arthur Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800098 East Coolgardie Denholm Elizabeth Female Kelly Francis Ronald Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800098 East Coolgardie Kelly Francis Ronald Male Denholm Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800099 East Coolgardie Evans George William Cecil Male Tait Florence Ida Hosking Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800099 East Coolgardie Tait Florence Ida Hosking Female Evans George William Cecil Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800100 East Coolgardie Addison Desmar Molly Female Jordan Norman Francis Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800100 East Coolgardie Jordan Norman Francis Male Addison Desmar Molly Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800101 East Coolgardie Ford Ruby Florence Female Hughes Kenneth Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800101 East Coolgardie Hughes Kenneth Male Ford Ruby Florence Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800102 East Coolgardie Lamond Elizabeth Jean Female Nissen Albert Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800102 East Coolgardie Nissen Albert Edward Male Lamond Elizabeth Jean Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800103 East Coolgardie Cluland Francis More Male Monaghan Dorothy May Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800103 East Coolgardie Monaghan Dorothy May Female Cluland Francis More Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800104 East Coolgardie Kiddie Ernest Lionel Male Turton Irene Rose Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800104 East Coolgardie Turton Irene Rose Female Kiddie Ernest Lionel Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800105 East Coolgardie Landwehr George Hurst Male Reynolds Lorna May Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800105 East Coolgardie Reynolds Lorna May Female Landwehr George Hurst Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800106 East Coolgardie Carrick Edna Female Flood Gordon Leslie Arnold Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800106 East Coolgardie Flood Gordon Leslie Arnold Male Carrick Edna Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800107 East Coolgardie Cook Lionel Hylton Male Smith Phillis Kathleen Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800107 East Coolgardie Smith Phillis Kathleen Female Cook Lionel Hylton Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800108 East Coolgardie Reade Ruby Female Roberts John Edward Fulbrook Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800108 East Coolgardie Roberts John Edward Fulbrook Male Reade Ruby Female Kalgoorlie
1941/1800109 East Coolgardie Hollands Ena Veronica Female Triat Thomas Lucian John Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800109 East Coolgardie Lesque Grenville Noel Male Wilson Florence Helen Female Kalgoorlie
1941/1800109 East Coolgardie Triat Thomas Lucian John Male Hollands Ena Veronica Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800109 East Coolgardie Wilson Florence Helen Female Lesque Grenville Noel Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800110 East Coolgardie Hayes Ellen Patricia Female O'Connor Edward Thomas James Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800110 East Coolgardie O'Connor Edward Thomas James Male Hayes Ellen Patricia Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800111 East Coolgardie Hollins Charles John Costley Male O'Brien Anne Teresa Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800111 East Coolgardie O'Brien Anne Teresa Female Hollins Charles John Costley Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800112 East Coolgardie Elliot Peggy Female Hilzinger William Campbell Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800112 East Coolgardie Hilzinger William Campbell Male Elliot Peggy Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800113 East Coolgardie Stallard Thelma Maud Female Wightman Alan Neil Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800113 East Coolgardie Wightman Alan Neil Male Stallard Thelma Maud Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800114 East Coolgardie Ryan Kevin George Male Shah Patricia Nessie Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800114 East Coolgardie Shah Patricia Nessie Female Ryan Kevin George Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800115 East Coolgardie Bird Alice May Female Sawyer Francis George Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800115 East Coolgardie Sawyer Francis George Male Bird Alice May Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800116 East Coolgardie Burdon Rita Female Ramm George Wilfred Hubert Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800116 East Coolgardie Ramm George Wilfred Hubert Male Burdon Rita Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800117 East Coolgardie Pitt Harold Herbert Male Thomas Marjorie Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800117 East Coolgardie Thomas Marjorie Mary Female Pitt Harold Herbert Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800118 East Coolgardie Grist Leonard Leslie Male McCluskey Edith Edna Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800118 East Coolgardie McCluskey Edith Edna Female Grist Leonard Leslie Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800119 East Coolgardie Allen George Alexander Male Glenn Cherry Rebecca Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800119 East Coolgardie Glenn Cherry Rebecca Female Allen George Alexander Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800120 East Coolgardie Dawson Marjorie Doreen Female Steel Thomas Daniel Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800120 East Coolgardie Steel Thomas Daniel Male Dawson Marjorie Doreen Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800121 East Coolgardie Ettridge Arthur Walter Male Hubon Roma Agnes Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800121 East Coolgardie Hubon Roma Agnes Female Ettridge Arthur Walter Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800122 East Coolgardie Barber Edwin George Male Delaney Margaret Flewellen Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800122 East Coolgardie Delaney Margaret Flewellen Female Barber Edwin George Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800123 East Coolgardie Douglas William John Male Francis Rose Pearl Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800123 East Coolgardie Francis Rose Pearl Female Douglas William John Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800124 East Coolgardie Chirgwin Harry Male Dunstan Dorothy Sybil Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800124 East Coolgardie Dunstan Dorothy Sybil Female Chirgwin Harry Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800125 East Coolgardie Hollow Violet Jean Female Kelly John Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800125 East Coolgardie Kelly John Male Hollow Violet Jean Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800126 East Coolgardie Blee Eric Hartley Male Cole Vera Almoral Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800126 East Coolgardie Cole Vera Almoral Female Blee Eric Hartley Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800127 East Coolgardie Gilbert Suzanah Mary Female Hovey John Romily Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800127 East Coolgardie Hovey John Romily Male Gilbert Suzanah Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800128 East Coolgardie Benoit Arthur Alexander Male Ford Myrtle May Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800128 East Coolgardie Ford Myrtle May Female Benoit Arthur Alexander Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800129 East Coolgardie Aikman Reginald Male Warner Ida Lavinia Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800129 East Coolgardie Warner Ida Lavinia Female Aikman Reginald Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800130 East Coolgardie Jackson Constance Winifred Female Smedley John Leonard Cecil Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800130 East Coolgardie Smedley John Leonard Cecil Male Jackson Constance Winifred Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800131 East Coolgardie Martin Ernest Allan Male Pascoe Mary Elsie Jean Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800131 East Coolgardie Pascoe Mary Elsie Jean Female Martin Ernest Allan Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800132 East Coolgardie Deschamps Mary Anne Harriet Female Robartson Joseph Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800132 East Coolgardie Robartson Joseph Edward Male Deschamps Mary Anne Harriet Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800133 East Coolgardie Elford Ida Female Parlinovich Louis Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800133 East Coolgardie Parlinovich Louis Male Elford Ida Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800134 East Coolgardie Golding Eunice May Female Hawke John Warneford Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800134 East Coolgardie Gordon Eunice May Female Hawke John Warneford Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800134 East Coolgardie Hawke John Warneford Male Golding Eunice May Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800134 East Coolgardie Hawke John Warneford Male Gordon Eunice May Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800135 East Coolgardie Brown Walter Male Worrall Marian Pauline Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800135 East Coolgardie Worrall Marian Pauline Female Brown Walter Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800136 East Coolgardie Edwards Melba Ellen Female Gordon George Neil Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800136 East Coolgardie Gordon George Neil Male Edwards Melba Ellen Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800137 East Coolgardie Frewen William Allen Male Munro Jessie Evelyn Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800137 East Coolgardie Munro Jessie Evelyn Female Frewen William Allen Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800138 East Coolgardie McAuley Annie Rose Female Neil Rupert John Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800138 East Coolgardie Neil Rupert John Male McAuley Annie Rose Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800139 East Coolgardie Burke Ella Margaret Female Byrne William John Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800139 East Coolgardie Byrne William John Male Burke Ella Margaret Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800140 East Coolgardie Connell Lillian Ruth Mary Female Pettit Stanley Roy Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800140 East Coolgardie Pettit Stanley Roy Male Connell Lillian Ruth Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800141 East Coolgardie Bowron Doreen Mable Female Pritchard Frank Kenneth Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800141 East Coolgardie Pritchard Frank Kenneth Male Bowron Doreen Mable Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800142 East Coolgardie Marinich Boyden Edward Male Sprlyan Kathleen Philomina Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800142 East Coolgardie Sprlyan Kathleen Philomina Mary Female Marinich Boyden Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800143 East Coolgardie Clohesy Edna Mary Female Gibb James William Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800143 East Coolgardie Gibb James William Male Clohesy Edna Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800144 East Coolgardie Humphrey Frances Mabel Female Smith Bernard George Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800144 East Coolgardie Smith Bernard George Male Humphrey Frances Mabel Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800145 East Coolgardie Edmunds John Edmund Male Fletcher Leila Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800145 East Coolgardie Fletcher Leila Mary Female Edmunds John Edmund Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800146 East Coolgardie Collins Roy William Male Turner Jean Kathleen Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800146 East Coolgardie Turner Jean Kathleen Female Collins Roy William Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800147 East Coolgardie Grant Norman Herbert Male Whait Patricia Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800147 East Coolgardie Whait Patricia Mary Female Grant Norman Herbert Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800148 East Coolgardie Haddow Jack Forsythe Male Mee Edith Isobel Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800148 East Coolgardie Mee Edith Isobel Female Haddow Jack Forsythe Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800149 East Coolgardie Munyard Olive Mavis Female Wharton Arthur Gordon Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800149 East Coolgardie Wharton Arthur Gordon Male Munyard Olive Mavis Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800150 East Coolgardie Gillis Henry Male Lees Elsie Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800150 East Coolgardie Lees Elsie Female Gillis Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800151 East Coolgardie Minson Dorothy Joan Female Strange Richard Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800151 East Coolgardie Strange Richard Edward Male Minson Dorothy Joan Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800152 East Coolgardie Miners Jack Male Sellin Lola Maude Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800152 East Coolgardie Sellin Lola Maude Female Miners Jack Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800153 East Coolgardie O'Brien Emily Catherine Female O'Brien Harold Francis Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800153 East Coolgardie O'Brien Harold Francis Male O'Brien Emily Catherine Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800154 East Coolgardie Brooke Jack Gordon Male Murray Kaylene Ann Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800154 East Coolgardie Murray Kaylene Ann Female Brooke Jack Gordon Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800155 East Coolgardie Hall Florence May Female Hobson William Francis Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800155 East Coolgardie Hobson William Francis Male Hall Florence May Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800156 East Coolgardie O'Dea Margaret Mary Female Pendlebury Robert Kelland Male Coolgardie
1940/1800156 East Coolgardie Pendlebury Robert Kelland Male O'Dea Margaret Mary Female Coolgardie
1940/1800157 East Coolgardie McCulloch George Darling Male Winning Dorothy Barr Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800157 East Coolgardie Winning Dorothy Barr Female McCulloch George Darling Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800158 East Coolgardie Titcombe Rona Bessie Female Williams Gordon Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800158 East Coolgardie Williams Gordon Male Titcombe Rona Bessie Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800159 East Coolgardie Mackenzie Myrtle Female Philpott Leonard Davies Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800159 East Coolgardie Philpott Leonard Davies Male Mackenzie Myrtle Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800160 East Coolgardie Gynn Phyllis Female Kelly Claude Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800160 East Coolgardie Kelly Claude Male Gynn Phyllis Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800161 East Coolgardie Kelly Oswyn Ernest Male Oates Beryl May Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800161 East Coolgardie Oates Beryl May Female Kelly Oswyn Ernest Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800162 East Coolgardie Marshall George Denistown Male Smith Joyce Grace Eleanor Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800162 East Coolgardie Smith Joyce Grace Eleanor Female Marshall George Denistown Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800163 East Coolgardie Hoppner Doreen Pearl Female Whitehead Robert Stanley Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800163 East Coolgardie Whitehead Robert Stanley Male Hoppner Doreen Pearl Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800164 East Coolgardie Gleeson Emma Mary Female Martin Harold David Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800164 East Coolgardie Martin Harold David Male Gleeson Emma Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800165 East Coolgardie Polich Annie Patricia Female Tomich John Felix Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800165 East Coolgardie Tomich John Felix Male Polich Annie Patricia Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800166 East Coolgardie Brown Anthea Elizabeth Female Leckie Peter Roddam Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800166 East Coolgardie Leckie Peter Roddam Male Brown Anthea Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800167 East Coolgardie Graham Reginald George Male Hughes Lillian Helene Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800167 East Coolgardie Hughes Lillian Helene Female Graham Reginald George Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800168 East Coolgardie Desmond Thelma Agnes Female Doherty Ernest James Male West Australia
1940/1800168 East Coolgardie Doherty Ernest James Male Desmond Thelma Agnes Female West Australia
1940/1800169 East Coolgardie Hart Leslie Alfred Male Myers Coralie Edna Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800169 East Coolgardie Myers Coralie Edna Female Hart Leslie Alfred Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800170 East Coolgardie Koetsveld Neltga Female Plant Walter Allan Franklin Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800170 East Coolgardie Plant Walter Allan Franklin Male Koetsveld Neltga Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800171 East Coolgardie Beer Robert Kenneth Mason Male Zappelli Eileen Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800171 East Coolgardie Zappelli Eileen Mary Female Beer Robert Kenneth Mason Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800172 East Coolgardie McNally Evelyn May Female Sauer John Herman Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800172 East Coolgardie Sauer John Herman Male McNally Evelyn May Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800173 East Coolgardie Carson Albert Roy Male Wilson Heath Olive Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800173 East Coolgardie Wilson Heath Olive Female Carson Albert Roy Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800174 East Coolgardie Passmore Louisa Mary Female Taylor Thomas Ridley Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800174 East Coolgardie Taylor Thomas Ridley Male Passmore Louisa Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800175 East Coolgardie Machen Charles William Male Richardson Haidee Evelyn Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800175 East Coolgardie Richardson Haidee Evelyn Female Machen Charles William Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800176 East Coolgardie Gunnell Gladwyn Tamsin Female Jordan Richard Walter Samuel Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800176 East Coolgardie Jordan Richard Walter Samuel Male Gunnell Gladwyn Tamsin Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800177 East Coolgardie Cammilleri Frederick Charles Male Embleton Lilian Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800177 East Coolgardie Embleton Lilian Female Cammilleri Frederick Charles Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800178 East Coolgardie Cornford Ronald Male Lawer Hazel Evelyn Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800178 East Coolgardie Lawer Hazel Evelyn Female Cornford Ronald Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800179 East Coolgardie Cuthbert Thelma Grace Female Tie Stanley Gordon Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800179 East Coolgardie Tie Stanley Gordon Male Cuthbert Thelma Grace Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800180 East Coolgardie Carlile Kenneth John Male Downing Grace Keiller Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800180 East Coolgardie Downing Grace Keiller Female Carlile Kenneth John Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800181 East Coolgardie Beard Mabel Elizabeth Female Roberts John Charles Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800181 East Coolgardie Roberts John Charles Male Beard Mabel Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800182 East Coolgardie Day Norman Sydney Male Tatham Alice May Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800182 East Coolgardie Tatham Alice May Female Day Norman Sydney Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800183 East Coolgardie Bennett Douglas Armitage Male McCrae Joan Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800183 East Coolgardie McCrae Joan Female Bennett Douglas Armitage Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800184 East Coolgardie Atkinson Phyllis Ainsley Female King Norman William Cameron Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800184 East Coolgardie King Norman William Cameron Male Atkinson Phyllis Ainsley Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800185 East Coolgardie Monaghan Dora Aileen Female Piggott Alfred Owen Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800185 East Coolgardie Piggott Alfred Owen Male Monaghan Dora Aileen Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800186 East Coolgardie Basley Alfred William Male Golding Dorothy Germaine Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800186 East Coolgardie Golding Dorothy Germaine Female Basley Alfred William Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800187 East Coolgardie Cousins Catherine Winson Female Thomson John Leo Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800187 East Coolgardie Thomson John Leo Male Cousins Catherine Winson Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800188 East Coolgardie Flood Elsie Florence Frances Female Macdougall Colin William Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800188 East Coolgardie Macdougall Colin William Male Flood Elsie Florence Frances Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800189 East Coolgardie Cole John Oliver Male Denman Joy Eileen Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800189 East Coolgardie Denman Joy Eileen Female Cole John Oliver Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800190 East Coolgardie McKeaig Glenise Lola Female Spinks Herbert Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800190 East Coolgardie Spinks Herbert Male McKeaig Glenise Lola Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800191 East Coolgardie Christensen William Male Till Maude Annie Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800191 East Coolgardie Till Maude Annie Female Christensen William Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800192 East Coolgardie Hogan Margaret May Female Peden Hugh Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800192 East Coolgardie Peden Hugh Male Hogan Margaret May Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800193 East Coolgardie Cooke John Charles Male Isbister Anne Elizabeth Female West Australia
1940/1800193 East Coolgardie Isbister Anne Elizabeth Female Cooke John Charles Male West Australia
1940/1800194 East Coolgardie Dodd Betty Mona Clarence Female Turnor John Stephen Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800194 East Coolgardie Turnor John Stephen Male Dodd Betty Mona Clarence Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800195 East Coolgardie Chandler Cyril Stanley Male Watt Lillian Margaret Jane Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800195 East Coolgardie Watt Lillian Margaret Jane Female Chandler Cyril Stanley Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800196 East Coolgardie Treasure Una Elizabeth Female Wilhelm Reinhold Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800196 East Coolgardie Wilhelm Reinhold Henry Male Treasure Una Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800197 East Coolgardie Carlile Eileen Mary Female O'Meagher Bernie Kempton Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800197 East Coolgardie O'Meagher Bernie Kempton Male Carlile Eileen Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800198 East Coolgardie Byworth Arthur John Male Young Rhoda Emily Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800198 East Coolgardie Young Rhoda Emily Female Byworth Arthur John Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800199 East Coolgardie Osborne Frances May Female Solberg Erling Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800199 East Coolgardie Solberg Erling Male Osborne Frances May Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800200 East Coolgardie Sumich Mare Female Yakich Morris Steve Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800200 East Coolgardie Yakich Morris Steve Male Sumich Mare Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800201 East Coolgardie Heenan Mary Pauline Female Lewis Edgar Alfred Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800201 East Coolgardie Lewis Edgar Alfred Male Heenan Mary Pauline Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800202 East Coolgardie Gummow Ronald Ernest Male Webster Daphne May Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800202 East Coolgardie Webster Daphne May Female Gummow Ronald Ernest Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800203 East Coolgardie Cream Ivy Violet Female Hall Eric Brayshaw Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800203 East Coolgardie Hall Eric Brayshaw Male Cream Ivy Violet Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800204 East Coolgardie Ruddick Joseph John Male Snowdon Estella Julia Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800204 East Coolgardie Snowdon Estella Julia Female Ruddick Joseph John Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800205 East Coolgardie Fraser Donald McKenna Male White Gladys Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800205 East Coolgardie White Gladys Mary Female Fraser Donald McKenna Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800206 East Coolgardie Brooks Alice Victoria Female Watson Duncan Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800206 East Coolgardie Watson Duncan Male Brooks Alice Victoria Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800207 East Coolgardie Richards Ellen Elizabeth Female Southcott Charles Leonard Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800207 East Coolgardie Southcott Charles Leonard Male Richards Ellen Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800208 East Coolgardie Hill Ronald Male Tavernini Stella Venice Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800208 East Coolgardie Tavernini Stella Venice Female Hill Ronald Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800209 East Coolgardie Vujcich Slavka Female Yukich Mirko Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800209 East Coolgardie Yukich Mirko Male Vujcich Slavka Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800210 East Coolgardie Maher Nora Rita Female Thomas Angus McRae Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800210 East Coolgardie Thomas Angus McRae Male Maher Nora Rita Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800211 East Coolgardie Johnston Shirley Margaret Female Suffield Wilfred William Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800211 East Coolgardie Suffield Wilfred William Male Johnston Shirley Margaret Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800212 East Coolgardie Musk Arthur Thomas Male Scott Jean Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800212 East Coolgardie Scott Jean Mary Female Musk Arthur Thomas Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800213 East Coolgardie Amos Jack Brian Male Ridley Mary Margaret Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800213 East Coolgardie Ridley Mary Margaret Female Amos Jack Brian Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800214 East Coolgardie Campbell Florence May Female Langdon Edward John Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800214 East Coolgardie Langdon Edward John Male Campbell Florence May Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800215 East Coolgardie Ford Doris Mary Agnes Ellen Female Hamilton Robert Tolmie Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800215 East Coolgardie Hamilton Robert Tolmie Male Ford Doris Mary Agnes Ellen Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800216 East Coolgardie Ambrose Ethel Catherine Thana Female Swann Rupert Llewellyn Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800216 East Coolgardie Swann Rupert Llewellyn Male Ambrose Ethel Catherine Thana Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800217 East Coolgardie Minson Alice Female Pridmore Norman Corby Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800217 East Coolgardie Pridmore Norman Corby Male Minson Alice Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800218 East Coolgardie Taylor William Male Wells Evelyn Maude Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800218 East Coolgardie Wells Evelyn Maude Female Taylor William Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800219 East Coolgardie Hartley Anne Eleanor Female Sutton William Joseph Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800219 East Coolgardie Sutton William Joseph Male Hartley Anne Eleanor Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800220 East Coolgardie Tibbits Doris Mary Female Yirrell Leo Mervyn Atherton Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800220 East Coolgardie Yirrell Leo Mervyn Atherton Male Tibbits Doris Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800221 East Coolgardie Burridge Grace Amelia Female Graffin Alan Belmont Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800221 East Coolgardie Graffin Alan Belmont Male Burridge Grace Amelia Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800222 East Coolgardie Haddow George James Male Richards Alice Ellen Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800222 East Coolgardie Richards Alice Ellen Female Haddow George James Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800223 East Coolgardie Archer Robert Edward Male Metcalfe Phyllis Barbara Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800223 East Coolgardie Metcalfe Phyllis Barbara Female Archer Robert Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800224 East Coolgardie Bousfield Kathleen Frances Female Kennedy John Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800224 East Coolgardie Kennedy John Male Bousfield Kathleen Frances Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800225 East Coolgardie Adair Ellen Ivy Female Turner Leslie Alfred Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800225 East Coolgardie Turner Leslie Alfred Male Adair Ellen Ivy Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800226 East Coolgardie Gaby Gladys May Female Russell Herbert Alexander Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800226 East Coolgardie Russell Herbert Alexander Male Gaby Gladys May Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800227 East Coolgardie Montgomery John Joseph Alexander Male Ransome Catherine Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800227 East Coolgardie Ransome Catherine Mary Female Montgomery John Joseph Alexander Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800228 East Coolgardie Jennings Mollie Agnes Female Woodcock Hamilton Anthony Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800228 East Coolgardie Woodcock Hamilton Anthony Male Jennings Mollie Agnes Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800229 East Coolgardie Gartrell Norah Katherine Female Hill Albert Charles Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800229 East Coolgardie Hill Albert Charles Male Gartrell Norah Katherine Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800230 East Coolgardie Hicks Harry Crandon Male Richards Gladys Ethel Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800230 East Coolgardie Richards Gladys Ethel Female Hicks Harry Crandon Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800231 East Coolgardie Baseden Ivy Lorraine Female Taylor Ernest Alfred Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800231 East Coolgardie Taylor Ernest Alfred Male Baseden Ivy Lorraine Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800232 East Coolgardie Giles George Edward Male Pratt Phyllis Maude Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800232 East Coolgardie Pratt Phyllis Maude Female Giles George Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800233 East Coolgardie Purdy Evelyn May Female Scully Joseph Patrick Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800233 East Coolgardie Scully Joseph Patrick Male Purdy Evelyn May Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800234 East Coolgardie Kerr Winifred Ellen Amelia Female Taggart Roderick Gilbert Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800234 East Coolgardie Taggart Roderick Gilbert Male Kerr Winifred Ellen Amelia Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800235 East Coolgardie Lee Clifford Male Woods Frances Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800235 East Coolgardie Woods Frances Female Lee Clifford Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800236 East Coolgardie Hodgetts Walter Male Nash Dorothy Maud Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800236 East Coolgardie Nash Dorothy Maud Female Hodgetts Walter Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800237 East Coolgardie McNally Leonard Lodding Male Rumbold Patricia Eileen Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800237 East Coolgardie Rumbold Patricia Eileen Female McNally Leonard Lodding Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800238 East Coolgardie Black Edward Ernest Male Toms Patricia Margaret Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800238 East Coolgardie Toms Patricia Margaret Female Black Edward Ernest Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800239 East Coolgardie Cullen Mona Evelyn Female Hannah Andrew Roy Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800239 East Coolgardie Hannah Andrew Roy Male Cullen Mona Evelyn Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800240 East Coolgardie Lyttleton Kathleen Female Peters Edward James Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800240 East Coolgardie Peters Edward James Male Lyttleton Kathleen Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800241 East Coolgardie Bruce Ethel Veronica Female Martinovich John Thomas Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800241 East Coolgardie Martinovich John Thomas Male Bruce Ethel Veronica Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800242 East Coolgardie Gertrzel Robert Stephen Stanley Male Strika Sylvia Violet Gwendoline Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800242 East Coolgardie Strika Sylvia Violet Gwendoline Female Gertrzel Robert Stephen Stanley Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800243 East Coolgardie Allison Wilma Janet Drew Female Wallace Allan Charles Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800243 East Coolgardie Wallace Allan Charles Male Allison Wilma Janet Drew Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800244 East Coolgardie Griffiths Rebecca Female Moir Vivian John Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800244 East Coolgardie Moir Vivian John Male Griffiths Rebecca Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800245 East Coolgardie Gunn Richard John Alexander Male Young Verna Lillian Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800245 East Coolgardie Young Verna Lillian Female Gunn Richard John Alexander Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800246 East Coolgardie Crook Mary Valerie Murtagh Female Lord Herbert Edmund Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800246 East Coolgardie Lord Herbert Edmund Male Crook Mary Valerie Murtagh Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800247 East Coolgardie Fontanella Arthur Frank Male Nankiville Bernice Ailsa Gwendoline Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800247 East Coolgardie Nankiville Bernice Ailsa Gwendoline Female Fontanella Arthur Frank Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800248 East Coolgardie Bass Ruby Rae Female Cooper Cecil Frederick Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800248 East Coolgardie Cooper Cecil Frederick Male Bass Ruby Rae Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800249 East Coolgardie Freind John Herbert Male Jones Enid Alice Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800249 East Coolgardie Jones Enid Alice Female Freind John Herbert Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800250 East Coolgardie Ellison Barbara Female Taylor Frederick Milton Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800250 East Coolgardie Taylor Frederick Milton Male Ellison Barbara Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800251 East Coolgardie Bowen Frederick John Male Leggett Violet Maude Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800251 East Coolgardie Leggett Violet Maude Female Bowen Frederick John Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800252 East Coolgardie Robinson Florence Agnes Female Rodgers James Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800252 East Coolgardie Rodgers James Male Robinson Florence Agnes Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800253 East Coolgardie Auger Alice Female White Clifford Selwyn Moss Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800253 East Coolgardie White Clifford Selwyn Moss Male Auger Alice Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800254 East Coolgardie Davey Lloyd George Male Thompson Joyce Albena Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800254 East Coolgardie Thompson Joyce Albena Female Davey Lloyd George Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800255 East Coolgardie Adams Mary Beedie Female Martin Charles Arthur Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800255 East Coolgardie Martin Charles Arthur Male Adams Mary Beedie Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800256 East Coolgardie Foster Marjorie Mary Female Thompson William Eric Groves Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800256 East Coolgardie Rasmussen Marjorie Mary Female Thompson William Eric Groves Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800256 East Coolgardie Thompson William Eric Groves Male Foster Marjorie Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800256 East Coolgardie Thompson William Eric Groves Male Rasmussen Marjorie Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800257 East Coolgardie James Thomas Edwin Male Trew Muriel Rosaline Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800257 East Coolgardie Trew Muriel Rosaline Female James Thomas Edwin Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800258 East Coolgardie Lansdown Harold Edwin Male Talham Ivy Kathleen Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800258 East Coolgardie Talham Ivy Kathleen Female Lansdown Harold Edwin Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800259 East Coolgardie Reynolds Percival Joseph Male Woods Sheila Mavis Female West Australia
1940/1800259 East Coolgardie Woods Sheila Mavis Female Reynolds Percival Joseph Male West Australia
1940/1800260 East Coolgardie Hagley Doreen May Female Traynor Michael Male West Australia
1940/1800260 East Coolgardie Traynor Michael Male Hagley Doreen May Female West Australia
1940/1800261 East Coolgardie Parker Allan Thomas Cutting Male Wright Jean Mazie Caroline Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800261 East Coolgardie Wright Jean Mazie Caroline Female Parker Allan Thomas Cutting Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800262 East Coolgardie Bailey Ferederick Verdun Male Bosustow Florence Amy Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800262 East Coolgardie Bosustow Florence Amy Female Bailey Ferederick Verdun Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800263 East Coolgardie Aitken Robert Henry Male Brown Lilian Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800263 East Coolgardie Brown Lilian Mary Female Aitken Robert Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800264 East Coolgardie Coyle Nancy Margaret Female Evans Arthur Charles Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800264 East Coolgardie Evans Arthur Charles Male Coyle Nancy Margaret Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800265 East Coolgardie Morgan Colin Male Potter Adelaide Verna Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800265 East Coolgardie Potter Adelaide Verna Female Morgan Colin Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800266 East Coolgardie Baker Richard Owen Male Wills Bernice Lillian Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800266 East Coolgardie Wills Bernice Lillian Female Baker Richard Owen Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800267 East Coolgardie Johnson Kathleen Mavoreen Female Wells David William Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800267 East Coolgardie Wells David William Male Johnson Kathleen Mavoreen Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800268 East Coolgardie Longhi Joseph Male Riseberry Thelma Dorothy Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800268 East Coolgardie Riseberry Thelma Dorothy Female Longhi Joseph Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800269 East Coolgardie Kenny Leonard George Male Rowe Irene Mavis Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800269 East Coolgardie Rowe Irene Mavis Female Kenny Leonard George Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800270 East Coolgardie Briggs Alfred Milton Male McRae Ivy Margaret Ellen Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800270 East Coolgardie McRae Ivy Margaret Ellen Female Briggs Alfred Milton Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800271 East Coolgardie Moir Alexander Daniel Male Prideaux Laura Jane Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800271 East Coolgardie Prideaux Laura Jane Female Moir Alexander Daniel Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800272 East Coolgardie Hudson Dulcie Female Wilson William James Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800272 East Coolgardie Wilson William James Male Hudson Dulcie Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800273 East Coolgardie Hall Sydney William Male Tanner Mary Winifred Josephine Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800273 East Coolgardie Tanner Mary Winifred Josephine Female Hall Sydney William Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800274 East Coolgardie Maloney Grace Barbara Female Turner Lloyd Lindsay Gordon Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800274 East Coolgardie Turner Lloyd Lindsay Gordon Male Maloney Grace Barbara Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800275 East Coolgardie Johnson Muriel Pearl Female Kingston Clarence Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800275 East Coolgardie Kingston Clarence Male Johnson Muriel Pearl Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800276 East Coolgardie Jamieson Isabel Anderson Female McLean Douglas Wakeford Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800276 East Coolgardie McLean Douglas Wakeford Male Jamieson Isabel Anderson Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800277 East Coolgardie Kirwan Frances Mildred Female Smith Urwin Theodore Male Kalgoorlie
1940/1800277 East Coolgardie Smith Urwin Theodore Male Kirwan Frances Mildred Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800278 East Coolgardie Gurney Clarence Martin Leslie Male Simpson May Veronica Female Kalgoorlie
1940/1800278 East Coolgardie Simpson May Veronica Female Gurney Clarence Martin Leslie Male Kalgoorlie
1940/2400001 Dundas Dibb Kate Female Shillinglaw Jack Male Norseman
1940/2400001 Dundas Shillinglaw Jack Male Dibb Kate Female Norseman
1940/2400003 Dundas Roberts Alexander Thadius Male Thompson Jeanette Catherine Female Norseman
1940/2400003 Dundas Thompson Jeanette Catherine Female Roberts Alexander Thadius Male Norseman
1940/2400004 Dundas Montgomerie Adelaide May Female Whelton William Male Norseman
1940/2400004 Dundas Whelton William Male Montgomerie Adelaide May Female Norseman
1941/2400005 Dundas Iles Veronica Ellen Female Johansen Thomas Jethro Male Norseman
1941/2400005 Dundas Johansen Thomas Jethro Male Iles Veronica Ellen Female Norseman
1940/2400006 Dundas Pope Marjorie Phillis Female Waters Jack Victor Male Norseman
1940/2400006 Dundas Waters Jack Victor Male Pope Marjorie Phillis Female Norseman
1940/2400007 Dundas Howard Jessie Thelma Female Richter Percival William Male Norseman
1940/2400007 Dundas Richter Percival William Male Howard Jessie Thelma Female Norseman
1940/2400008 Dundas Crawford Norah Marcella Female Kenny Edward Paul Male Norseman
1940/2400008 Dundas Kenny Edward Paul Male Crawford Norah Marcella Female Norseman
1940/2400009 Dundas Keane Francis Patrick Male Stevens Doris Carmen Female Norseman
1940/2400009 Dundas Stevens Doris Carmen Female Keane Francis Patrick Male Norseman
1940/2400010 Dundas Dimer Barney Donald Male Francis Zelpha Olivette Female Norseman
1940/2400010 Dundas Francis Zelpha Olivette Female Dimer Barney Donald Male Norseman
1940/2400011 Dundas Burrows Annie May Female Dehring Richard Eric Male Norseman
1940/2400011 Dundas Dehring Richard Eric Male Burrows Annie May Female Norseman
1940/2400012 Dundas Allan Joan May Female Dow Claude John Male Norseman
1940/2400012 Dundas Dow Claude John Male Allan Joan May Female Norseman
1940/2400013 Dundas Bates Gladys Eileen Female Eaton Percey Vile Male Norseman
1940/2400013 Dundas Eaton Percey Vile Male Bates Gladys Eileen Female Norseman
1940/2400014 Dundas Neill Mavis Ellen Female Pearce William James Male Norseman
1940/2400014 Dundas Pearce William James Male Neill Mavis Ellen Female Norseman
1940/2400015 Dundas Chapman Gladys Irene Female Tilbrook William John Male Norseman
1940/2400015 Dundas Tilbrook William John Male Chapman Gladys Irene Female Norseman
1940/2400016 Dundas Remnant Ivy Olive Female Tyas Thomas Richmond Male Norseman
1940/2400016 Dundas Tyas Thomas Richmond Male Remnant Ivy Olive Female Norseman
1940/2400017 Dundas McMahon Eileen Female Zanocco Paul Male Norseman
1940/2400017 Dundas Zanocco Paul Male McMahon Eileen Female Norseman
1940/2400018 Dundas Thomas Gordon Davis Male Webster Emmie Jean Female West Australia
1940/2400018 Dundas Webster Emmie Jean Female Thomas Gordon Davis Male West Australia
1940/2400019 Dundas Orr William Male Robinson Beryl May Female Norseman
1940/2400019 Dundas Robinson Beryl May Female Orr William Male Norseman
1940/2400020 Dundas Harkin Violet May Female Shachley Ralph Melville Male Norseman
1940/2400020 Dundas Shachley Ralph Melville Male Harkin Violet May Female Norseman
1940/2400021 Dundas Brookes George Male Wilinson Ivy Kathleen Female Norseman
1940/2400021 Dundas Wilinson Ivy Kathleen Female Brookes George Male Norseman
1940/2400022 Dundas Stewart Samuel Joseph Male Webster Helen Irene Female Norseman
1940/2400022 Dundas Webster Helen Irene Female Stewart Samuel Joseph Male Norseman
1940/2400023 Dundas Bishop Margery Lillian Female Wright Ernest Edward Male Norseman
1940/2400023 Dundas Wright Ernest Edward Male Bishop Margery Lillian Female Norseman
1940/2400024 Dundas Gare Molly Noreen Female Kerr Gordon Willis Male Norseman
1940/2400024 Dundas Kerr Gordon Willis Male Gare Molly Noreen Female Norseman
1940/2400025 Dundas Freeman Violet Female Pyke Joseph Vivian John Male West Aust
1940/2400025 Dundas Pyke Joseph Vivian John Male Freeman Violet Female West Aust
1940/2400026 Dundas Dunwoodie Winifred Mary Female Jones Albert Norman Male Norseman
1940/2400026 Dundas Jones Albert Norman Male Dunwoodie Winifred Mary Female Norseman
1940/2400027 Dundas Clemesha Ernest Lawrence Male Della Alice Agnes Female Norseman
1940/2400027 Dundas Della Alice Agnes Female Clemesha Ernest Lawrence Male Norseman
1940/2400028 Dundas Chester Neil Charles Male Hall Kate Evelyn Female Norseman
1940/2400028 Dundas Hall Kate Evelyn Female Chester Neil Charles Male Norseman
1940/2400029 Dundas Green Henry Robert Joseph Male Grover Vera Anna Maud Female West Aust
1940/2400029 Dundas Grover Vera Anna Maud Female Green Henry Robert Joseph Male West Aust
1940/2400030 Dundas Galbraith Walter Duncan Male Kennington Edna May Female Norseman
1940/2400030 Dundas Kennington Edna May Female Galbraith Walter Duncan Male Norseman
1940/2400031 Dundas Hufton William Henry Male Wheatley Madeline Female Norseman
1940/2400031 Dundas Wheatley Madeline Female Hufton William Henry Male Norseman
1940/2400032 Dundas Gatti Eric Francis Male Power Mary Margaret Female Norseman
1940/2400032 Dundas Power Mary Margaret Female Gatti Eric Francis Male Norseman
1940/2400033 Dundas Bidstrup Edna May Female Cook Ronald Watson Male Norseman
1940/2400033 Dundas Cook Ronald Watson Male Bidstrup Edna May Female Norseman
1940/2400034 Dundas King Arthur Raymond Male King Mary Ann Lydia Female Norseman
1940/2400034 Dundas King Mary Ann Lydia Female King Arthur Raymond Male Norseman
1940/2400035 Dundas Wilkin Edith Maude Female Young Joseph Ronald Male Norseman
1940/2400035 Dundas Young Joseph Ronald Male Wilkin Edith Maude Female Norseman
1940/2400036 Dundas McDonald Elsie Amelia Female Plint Arthur Henwood Male Norseman
1940/2400036 Dundas Plint Arthur Henwood Male McDonald Elsie Amelia Female Norseman
1940/2400037 Dundas Day Violet Maud Female Gammage James Reginald Male Norseman
1940/2400037 Dundas Gammage James Reginald Male Day Violet Maud Female Norseman
1940/2400038 Dundas Crowe Natal Cecilia Female Tagliaferri Bernard Male Norseman
1940/2400038 Dundas Tagliaferri Bernard Male Crowe Natal Cecilia Female Norseman
1940/2400039 Dundas Matthiessen Dorrien George Male Pilfoot Lily Grace Female Norseman
1940/2400039 Dundas Pilfoot Lily Grace Female Matthiessen Dorrien George Male Norseman
1940/2400040 Dundas Fuller Francis Charles Male Slayford Hilda Female Norseman
1940/2400040 Dundas Slayford Hilda Female Fuller Francis Charles Male Norseman
1940/2400041 Dundas Bullen Eric Henry Male Harrison Iris Margaret Female Norseman
1940/2400041 Dundas Harrison Iris Margaret Female Bullen Eric Henry Male Norseman
1940/2400042 Dundas Davis Edmund William Male Nash Selina Elizabeth Female Norseman
1940/2400042 Dundas Nash Selina Elizabeth Female Davis Edmund William Male Norseman
1940/2400043 Dundas Doherty Eileen Rose Female Smith Leslie Thomas Male Norseman
1940/2400043 Dundas Smith Leslie Thomas Male Doherty Eileen Rose Female Norseman
1940/2400044 Dundas Gray Phyllis Lillian Female Watson Bryan Andrew Male Norseman
1940/2400044 Dundas Watson Bryan Andrew Male Gray Phyllis Lillian Female Norseman
1940/2400045 Dundas Mews Mary Adelaide Female Surman Hugo Male Norseman
1940/2400045 Dundas Surman Hugo Male Mews Mary Adelaide Female Norseman
1940/2400046 Dundas Anderson Mary Emily Female Quinlivan Lawrence Male Norseman
1940/2400046 Dundas Quinlivan Lawrence Male Anderson Mary Emily Female Norseman
1940/2400047 Dundas Brookes James Male Renton Georgine Female Norseman
1940/2400047 Dundas Renton Georgine Female Brookes James Male Norseman
1940/2400048 Dundas Duncan Arnold Maxwell Seymour Male Glazebrook Joan Millicent Female Norseman
1940/2400048 Dundas Glazebrook Joan Millicent Female Duncan Arnold Maxwell Seymour Male Norseman
1940/2400049 Dundas Smith Jessie Amelia Female Windt Frank Clyde Male Norseman
1940/2400049 Dundas Windt Frank Clyde Male Smith Jessie Amelia Female Norseman
1940/2500001 Esperance Jones Dorothy May Female Wegner Walter Albert Male Esperance
1940/2500001 Esperance Wegner Walter Albert Male Jones Dorothy May Female Esperance
1940/2500002 Esperance Chopin Amanda Nell Female Thomas Vernon Robert Male Esperance
1940/2500002 Esperance Thomas Vernon Robert Male Chopin Amanda Nell Female Esperance
1940/2500003 Esperance Bow Charles Leonard Sunter Male Chopin Elsie May Female West Aust
1940/2500003 Esperance Chopin Elsie May Female Bow Charles Leonard Sunter Male West Aust
1940/2500004 Esperance Cahill Jack Male Dolling Hazel Marjorie Female West Aust
1940/2500004 Esperance Dolling Hazel Marjorie Female Cahill Jack Male West Aust
1940/2500005 Esperance Allen Robert Victor Male Gurney Ester Jessie Female Esperance
1940/2500005 Esperance Gurney Ester Jessie Female Allen Robert Victor Male Esperance
1940/2500006 Esperance Daw Helen Ruth Female McConville Percy Whitford Male West Aust
1940/2500006 Esperance McConville Percy Whitford Male Daw Helen Ruth Female West Aust
1941/2700001 Fremantle Baines William Edmund Male Naylor Vera Mavis Female Fremantle
1941/2700001 Fremantle Naylor Vera Mavis Female Baines William Edmund Male Fremantle
1941/2700002 Fremantle Rhodes Melvin Female Shaw Leslie Cecil Male West Australia
1941/2700002 Fremantle Shaw Leslie Cecil Male Rhodes Melvin Female West Australia
1941/2700006 Fremantle Cusworth Martin Male Ryan Mollie Female Fremantle
1941/2700006 Fremantle Ryan Mollie Female Cusworth Martin Male Fremantle
1940/2700008 Fremantle Grigo William Frederick Male Smith Gwyneth Marjorie Female Fremantle
1940/2700008 Fremantle Smith Gwyneth Marjorie Female Grigo William Frederick Male Fremantle
1940/2700009 Fremantle Monaghan Nancy Margaret Female Reading Percival John Male Fremantle
1940/2700009 Fremantle Reading Percival John Male Monaghan Nancy Margaret Female Fremantle
1940/2700010 Fremantle Doggett John Thomas Male McLachlan Catherine Muir Female Fremantle
1941/2700010 Fremantle Killeen Veronica Sarah Female Shanahan Richard Thomas Male East Fremantle
1940/2700010 Fremantle McLachlan Catherine Muir Female Doggett John Thomas Male Fremantle
1941/2700010 Fremantle Shanahan Richard Thomas Male Killeen Veronica Sarah Female East Fremantle
1940/2700011 Fremantle Vagne Miriam Rita Female Wrightson Gordon Alfred Male Fremantle
1940/2700011 Fremantle Wrightson Gordon Alfred Male Vagne Miriam Rita Female Fremantle
1940/2700012 Fremantle Bailey Fairlie Female Snell Kenneth George Male Fremantle
1940/2700012 Fremantle Snell Kenneth George Male Bailey Fairlie Female Fremantle
1940/2700013 Fremantle Brooks Gwenith Evelyn Female Stewart Philip Charles Male East Fremantle
1940/2700013 Fremantle Stewart Philip Charles Male Brooks Gwenith Evelyn Female East Fremantle
1940/2700014 Fremantle Dearle John Male Wortley Mary Katherine Female Nth Fremantle
1940/2700014 Fremantle Wortley Mary Katherine Female Dearle John Male Nth Fremantle
1940/2700015 Fremantle Connell Harold Male Easton Anne Emily May Female Bicton
1940/2700015 Fremantle Easton Anne Emily May Female Connell Harold Male Bicton
1940/2700016 Fremantle Clay Ernest Edward Male Graham Margaret Female Fremantle
1940/2700016 Fremantle Graham Margaret Female Clay Ernest Edward Male Fremantle
1940/2700017 Fremantle Hanlon George Augustus Male Lowe Annie Agnes Female Fremantle
1940/2700017 Fremantle Lowe Annie Agnes Female Hanlon George Augustus Male Fremantle
1940/2700018 Fremantle Ablett Irene Mildred Female Humphreys Alfred Henry Male Fremantle
1940/2700018 Fremantle Humphreys Alfred Henry Male Ablett Irene Mildred Female Fremantle
1940/2700019 Fremantle de San Miguel Alan Alfonso Male Bell Violet Helena Female Fremantle
1940/2700019 Fremantle Bell Violet Helena Female de San Miguel Alan Alfonso Male Fremantle
1940/2700020 Fremantle Shute Margaret Frances Emily Muriel Fluffy Female Tonge George Albert Male Fremantle
1940/2700020 Fremantle Tonge George Albert Male Shute Margaret Frances Emily Muriel Fluffy Female Fremantle
1940/2700021 Fremantle Mann Peggie Strangways Female Staddon Edwin Frederick Male Fremantle
1940/2700021 Fremantle Staddon Edwin Frederick Male Mann Peggie Strangways Female Fremantle
1940/2700022 Fremantle Porter Thelma Jean Female Williamson Ernest Anthony Male Fremantle
1940/2700022 Fremantle Williamson Ernest Anthony Male Porter Thelma Jean Female Fremantle
1940/2700023 Fremantle Dalton Margaret Marion Female O'Loughlin George Patrick Male Fremantle
1940/2700023 Fremantle O'Loughlin George Patrick Male Dalton Margaret Marion Female Fremantle
1940/2700024 Fremantle Akesson Aage Male Williamson Vivienne Jessemia Female Fremantle
1940/2700024 Fremantle Williamson Vivienne Jessemia Female Akesson Aage Male Fremantle
1940/2700025 Fremantle Geddes Alfred Charles Borole Male Munyard Daphne Phyllis Female Fremantle
1940/2700025 Fremantle Munyard Daphne Phyllis Female Geddes Alfred Charles Borole Male Fremantle
1940/2700026 Fremantle Allen Gordon Harley Male Flindell Greta Frances Female Fremantle
1940/2700026 Fremantle Flindell Greta Frances Female Allen Gordon Harley Male Fremantle
1940/2700027 Fremantle Miller Beatrice Ruth Female Mills William Henry Male Fremantle
1940/2700027 Fremantle Mills William Henry Male Miller Beatrice Ruth Female Fremantle
1940/2700028 Fremantle Hawkins Noreen Female Robinson Solomon Turner Male Fremantle
1940/2700028 Fremantle Robinson Solomon Turner Male Hawkins Noreen Female Fremantle
1940/2700029 Fremantle Leighton Jack Eric Male Newman Cecily Vivienne Female Fremantle
1940/2700029 Fremantle Newman Cecily Vivienne Female Leighton Jack Eric Male Fremantle
1940/2700030 Fremantle Field Alex George Male Moynaham Jean May Female Fremantle
1940/2700030 Fremantle Moynaham Jean May Female Field Alex George Male Fremantle
1940/2700031 Fremantle Durnin Naumy Anne Female Hawke Alfred John Owen Male Fremantle
1940/2700031 Fremantle Hawke Alfred John Owen Male Durnin Naumy Anne Female Fremantle
1940/2700032 Fremantle Catchpole William George Male Dalton Phyllis May Female Fremantle
1940/2700032 Fremantle Dalton Phyllis May Female Catchpole William George Male Fremantle
1940/2700033 Fremantle Godd Sidney George Male Pendergast Joyce Female Fremantle
1940/2700033 Fremantle Pendergast Joyce Female Godd Sidney George Male Fremantle
1940/2700034 Fremantle Arblaster Lawra May Female Faulds Cecil Andrew Male Beaconsfield
1940/2700034 Fremantle Faulds Cecil Andrew Male Arblaster Lawra May Female Beaconsfield
1940/2700035 Fremantle Lancaster Gloria Minnetta Female Pearse John James Male Fremantle
1940/2700035 Fremantle Pearse John James Male Lancaster Gloria Minnetta Female Fremantle
1940/2700036 Fremantle Cooper Georgina Female Smith Albert John Esperance Male Beaconsfield
1940/2700036 Fremantle Smith Albert John Esperance Male Cooper Georgina Female Beaconsfield
1940/2700037 Fremantle Marriott Glenice Caval Female Peirl Archibald Francis Male Palmyra
1940/2700037 Fremantle Peirl Archibald Francis Male Marriott Glenice Caval Female Palmyra
1940/2700038 Fremantle Casserly William Joseph Male Long Phyllis Joan Female Fremantle
1940/2700038 Fremantle Long Phyllis Joan Female Casserly William Joseph Male Fremantle
1940/2700039 Fremantle Kennington Sydney Alfred Male Martinelli Rose Female Fremantle
1940/2700039 Fremantle Martinelli Rose Female Kennington Sydney Alfred Male Fremantle
1940/2700040 Fremantle Fitzgerald Herbert Dominic Male Gallagher Eileen May Female Fremantle
1940/2700040 Fremantle Gallagher Eileen May Female Fitzgerald Herbert Dominic Male Fremantle
1940/2700041 Fremantle Crutchett John Paul Male Miller Hazel Female East Fremantle
1940/2700041 Fremantle Miller Hazel Female Crutchett John Paul Male East Fremantle
1940/2700042 Fremantle Bestie Roma Olive Female Kidd Jack Edmund Male Fremantle
1940/2700042 Fremantle Kidd Jack Edmund Male Bestie Roma Olive Female Fremantle
1940/2700043 Fremantle Fuller James Ephraim Kenneth Male McCarthy Marjory Jean Female Fremantle
1940/2700043 Fremantle McCarthy Marjory Jean Female Fuller James Ephraim Kenneth Male Fremantle
1940/2700044 Fremantle Anderson William Leslie Male Owen Florence Female Fremantle
1940/2700044 Fremantle Owen Florence Female Anderson William Leslie Male Fremantle
1940/2700045 Fremantle Harris Thomas Patrick Male McGlashan Ethel Maud Female Fremantle
1940/2700045 Fremantle McGlashan Ethel Maud Female Harris Thomas Patrick Male Fremantle
1940/2700046 Fremantle Gates Kathleen May Female Humphries William Arthur Male Beaconsfield
1940/2700046 Fremantle Humphries William Arthur Male Gates Kathleen May Female Beaconsfield
1940/2700047 Fremantle Dymock Harold George Male Howrie Aileen Mary Female Fremantle
1940/2700047 Fremantle Howrie Aileen Mary Female Dymock Harold George Male Fremantle
1940/2700048 Fremantle O'Brien Enid Josephine Female Ullrich Henry Male Fremantle
1940/2700048 Fremantle Ullrich Henry Male O'Brien Enid Josephine Female Fremantle
1940/2700049 Fremantle Martin Ross Edgar Male Trezise Lilian May Female Fremantle
1940/2700049 Fremantle Trezise Lilian May Female Martin Ross Edgar Male Fremantle
1940/2700050 Fremantle Tooth Sydney Morton Male Wares Elizabeth Alice Augustia Female Fremantle
1940/2700050 Fremantle Wares Elizabeth Alice Augustia Female Tooth Sydney Morton Male Fremantle
1940/2700051 Fremantle Fewster Dorothy Joyce Female Weston Joseph William Male Fremantle
1940/2700051 Fremantle Weston Joseph William Male Fewster Dorothy Joyce Female Fremantle
1940/2700052 Fremantle Larson Neil Daniel Male Stock Edna Imelda May Female Fremantle
1940/2700052 Fremantle Stock Edna Imelda May Female Larson Neil Daniel Male Fremantle
1940/2700053 Fremantle Potter Doreen Female Stoddart George Alexander Male Fremantle
1940/2700053 Fremantle Stoddart George Alexander Male Potter Doreen Female Fremantle
1940/2700054 Fremantle Casey Thelma Edna Female Graves Jack Donaldson Male Fremantle
1940/2700054 Fremantle Graves Jack Donaldson Male Casey Thelma Edna Female Fremantle
1940/2700055 Fremantle Hankinson Alan George Male Martin Mavis Jane Female Fremantle
1940/2700055 Fremantle Martin Mavis Jane Female Hankinson Alan George Male Fremantle
1940/2700056 Fremantle Boyland Arthur Vance Male Wright Dulcie Muriel Hicks Female Fremantle
1940/2700056 Fremantle Wright Dulcie Muriel Hicks Female Boyland Arthur Vance Male Fremantle
1940/2700057 Fremantle Polinelli Alexander Graham Male Wright Olive Isbell Female Fremantle
1940/2700057 Fremantle Wright Olive Isbell Female Polinelli Alexander Graham Male Fremantle
1940/2700058 Fremantle Bovell Elizabeth Female Lohman Alexander Male Fremantle
1940/2700058 Fremantle Lohman Alexander Male Bovell Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1940/2700059 Fremantle Francis Ruth Mary Female Levis John Wheeler Male Fremantle
1940/2700059 Fremantle Levis John Wheeler Male Francis Ruth Mary Female Fremantle
1940/2700060 Fremantle Bovell Queenie Elizabeth Margaret Female Powell George Edwin Male Fremantle
1940/2700060 Fremantle Powell George Edwin Male Bovell Queenie Elizabeth Margaret Female Fremantle
1940/2700061 Fremantle Cameron Gweneth Mary Female Mills James Albert Male Fremantle
1940/2700061 Fremantle Mills James Albert Male Cameron Gweneth Mary Female Fremantle
1940/2700062 Fremantle Gibson Jack Dunford Caldwell Male Widdicombe Myra Alice Female Fremantle
1940/2700062 Fremantle Widdicombe Myra Alice Female Gibson Jack Dunford Caldwell Male Fremantle
1940/2700063 Fremantle Baker Thomas William Male Ralston Ellen Female Fremantle
1940/2700063 Fremantle Ralston Ellen Female Baker Thomas William Male Fremantle
1940/2700064 Fremantle Cordingley Mervyn Austin Male Tanner Elizabeth Lillian Grace Female North Fremantle
1940/2700064 Fremantle Tanner Elizabeth Lillian Grace Female Cordingley Mervyn Austin Male North Fremantle
1940/2700065 Fremantle Shephard Marjorie Jean Female Trewenack George Male Fremantle
1940/2700065 Fremantle Trewenack George Male Shephard Marjorie Jean Female Fremantle
1940/2700066 Fremantle Manns Joyce Patricia Female Wray Thomas Frederick James Male Fremantle
1940/2700066 Fremantle Wray Thomas Frederick James Male Manns Joyce Patricia Female Fremantle
1940/2700067 Fremantle McCaskie Stella Teresa Female Tuttlebee Victor Harold Male Fremantle
1940/2700067 Fremantle Tuttlebee Victor Harold Male McCaskie Stella Teresa Female Fremantle
1940/2700068 Fremantle Bitton William Edward Male Pollett Rhoda Daphne Female Fremantle
1940/2700068 Fremantle Pollett Rhoda Daphne Female Bitton William Edward Male Fremantle
1940/2700069 Fremantle Jones Annie Phyllis Female Sutton Dennis O'Reilly Male Fremantle
1940/2700069 Fremantle Sutton Dennis O'Reilly Male Jones Annie Phyllis Female Fremantle
1940/2700070 Fremantle Rodder William Bernard Male Thompson Myrtle May Female Fremantle
1940/2700070 Fremantle Thompson Myrtle May Female Rodder William Bernard Male Fremantle
1940/2700071 Fremantle Dixon Wilhelmina Beatrice Female Robson Thomas Edwin Male Fremantle
1940/2700071 Fremantle Robson Thomas Edwin Male Dixon Wilhelmina Beatrice Female Fremantle
1940/2700072 Fremantle Notley Frederick Male Schynaars Martha Harriett Female South Fremantle
1940/2700072 Fremantle Schynaars Martha Harriett Female Notley Frederick Male South Fremantle
1940/2700073 Fremantle McGuire John Male Smith Elizabeth Female Palmyra
1940/2700073 Fremantle Smith Elizabeth Female McGuire John Male Palmyra
1940/2700074 Fremantle Congdon Roy Male Simpson Alice May Female Fremantle
1940/2700074 Fremantle Simpson Alice May Female Congdon Roy Male Fremantle
1940/2700075 Fremantle Enright Kathleen Grace Female Foxton John Tindall Male Fremantle
1940/2700075 Fremantle Foxton John Tindall Male Enright Kathleen Grace Female Fremantle
1940/2700076 Fremantle Metherell Archibald Edward Male Tilley Lillian Gertrude Female Fremantle
1940/2700076 Fremantle Tilley Lillian Gertrude Female Metherell Archibald Edward Male Fremantle
1940/2700077 Fremantle Doig David Alexander Male Wennstrom Catherine Ruth Female Fremantle
1940/2700077 Fremantle Wennstrom Catherine Ruth Female Doig David Alexander Male Fremantle
1940/2700078 Fremantle Hume John James Olivier Male Smith Gwendoline Sarah Female West Australia
1940/2700078 Fremantle Smith Gwendoline Sarah Female Hume John James Olivier Male West Australia
1940/2700079 Fremantle Campbell Ruth Barbrie Female Ellis Leonard Roy Male West Australia
1940/2700079 Fremantle Ellis Leonard Roy Male Campbell Ruth Barbrie Female West Australia
1940/2700080 Fremantle Rowe John Male Waghorn Minnie Eva Female Fremantle
1940/2700080 Fremantle Waghorn Minnie Eva Female Rowe John Male Fremantle
1940/2700081 Fremantle Itzstein Hilda Myrtle Female Warren John Richards Male Fremantle
1940/2700081 Fremantle Warren John Richards Male Itzstein Hilda Myrtle Female Fremantle
1940/2700082 Fremantle Gauld Wilhelmenia McCartney Female Isbister Thomas Frederick Male Fremantle
1940/2700082 Fremantle Isbister Thomas Frederick Male Gauld Wilhelmenia McCartney Female Fremantle
1940/2700083 Fremantle Black Eileen Maud Female OBrien James Murray Male Beaconsfield
1940/2700083 Fremantle OBrien James Murray Male Black Eileen Maud Female Beaconsfield
1940/2700084 Fremantle Fraser Doreen Stella Female Sullivan John Bernard Male Beaconsfield
1940/2700084 Fremantle Sullivan John Bernard Male Fraser Doreen Stella Female Beaconsfield
1940/2700085 Fremantle Henderson Alfred Bennett Male Smith Joan Emma Mary Female Fremantle
1940/2700085 Fremantle Smith Joan Emma Mary Female Henderson Alfred Bennett Male Fremantle
1940/2700086 Fremantle Armstrong Aileen Olive Female Scorer Harold Francis Male Fremantle
1940/2700086 Fremantle Scorer Harold Francis Male Armstrong Aileen Olive Female Fremantle
1940/2700087 Fremantle Marshall Kenneth William Dundas Male Sumpton Olga Rebecca Female Fremantle
1940/2700087 Fremantle Sumpton Olga Rebecca Female Marshall Kenneth William Dundas Male Fremantle
1940/2700088 Fremantle Armstrong Lorna Lillian Female Berry John William Male Fremantle
1940/2700088 Fremantle Berry John William Male Armstrong Lorna Lillian Female Fremantle
1940/2700089 Fremantle Girling Iris Isabella Female Williamson James Manson Male Fremantle
1940/2700089 Fremantle Williamson James Manson Male Girling Iris Isabella Female Fremantle
1940/2700090 Fremantle Carbelt Christopher David Male Carmichael Susan Macfarlane Female East Fremantle
1940/2700090 Fremantle Carmichael Susan Macfarlane Female Carbelt Christopher David Male East Fremantle
1940/2700091 Fremantle Anderson Gladys Alma Female Heedes Edwin Lionel Male East Fremantle
1940/2700091 Fremantle Heedes Edwin Lionel Male Anderson Gladys Alma Female East Fremantle
1940/2700092 Fremantle Russell Eric Albert Hugh Male Thomas Harriet Olwyn Female Fremantle
1940/2700092 Fremantle Thomas Harriet Olwyn Female Russell Eric Albert Hugh Male Fremantle
1940/2700093 Fremantle Boult Barbara Josephine Ruth Female Stevenson Leslie James Male Fremantle
1940/2700093 Fremantle Stevenson Leslie James Male Boult Barbara Josephine Ruth Female Fremantle
1940/2700094 Fremantle Binns Frederick Leslie Male Onley Dorothy Ada Female Fremantle
1940/2700094 Fremantle Onley Dorothy Ada Female Binns Frederick Leslie Male Fremantle
1940/2700095 Fremantle Dadson Sydney Male Nelson May Female Fremantle
1940/2700095 Fremantle Nelson May Female Dadson Sydney Male Fremantle
1940/2700096 Fremantle Leitch Robert Duncan Male McDonald Eileen Emerald Female Fremantle
1940/2700096 Fremantle McDonald Eileen Emerald Female Leitch Robert Duncan Male Fremantle
1940/2700097 Fremantle Fuller Jessie Edna Doris Female King Truxton Tom Male Fremantle
1940/2700097 Fremantle King Truxton Tom Male Fuller Jessie Edna Doris Female Fremantle
1940/2700098 Fremantle Cockroft Edna Olive Female Grimshaw John Alexander Male Fremantle
1940/2700098 Fremantle Grimshaw John Alexander Male Cockroft Edna Olive Female Fremantle
1940/2700099 Fremantle Lee Marjorie Florence Female Studholme Matthew Male Fremantle
1940/2700099 Fremantle Studholme Matthew Male Lee Marjorie Florence Female Fremantle
1940/2700100 Fremantle Dunn Agnes Female Williams Robert Napier Male Fremantle
1940/2700100 Fremantle Williams Robert Napier Male Dunn Agnes Female Fremantle
1940/2700101 Fremantle Carter Leonard Leslie Male Miller Mary Irene Emma Female Fremantle
1940/2700101 Fremantle Miller Mary Irene Emma Female Carter Leonard Leslie Male Fremantle
1940/2700102 Fremantle Cherry Keith Raymond Male Pearse Jessie Edith Female Fremantle
1940/2700102 Fremantle Pearse Jessie Edith Female Cherry Keith Raymond Male Fremantle
1940/2700103 Fremantle Cole Margery Isabel Rita Female Garrett Herbert Henry Male Fremantle
1940/2700103 Fremantle Garrett Herbert Henry Male Cole Margery Isabel Rita Female Fremantle
1940/2700104 Fremantle Devereux Winifred Maude May Female Rooney Robert William Male East Fremantle Presbyterian Church
1940/2700104 Fremantle Rooney Robert William Male Devereux Winifred Maude May Female East Fremantle Presbyterian Church
1940/2700105 Fremantle Angwin Richard Allan Male Kent Alma Female Fremantle
1940/2700105 Fremantle Kent Alma Female Angwin Richard Allan Male Fremantle
1940/2700106 Fremantle Clark Frank Helman Male Woodhams Gwendoline Dorothy Laura Female Fremantle
1940/2700106 Fremantle Woodhams Gwendoline Dorothy Laura Female Clark Frank Helman Male Fremantle
1940/2700107 Fremantle Doyle Stephen Male Wright Florance Lillian Female Fremantle
1940/2700107 Fremantle Wright Florance Lillian Female Doyle Stephen Male Fremantle
1940/2700108 Fremantle Hammond Olive May Female Soltoggio Vittorio Giovanni Male Fremantle
1940/2700108 Fremantle Soltoggio Vittorio Giovanni Male Hammond Olive May Female Fremantle
1940/2700109 Fremantle Cole Edna Jean Female Cromwell Charles Albert Male Fremantle
1940/2700109 Fremantle Cromwell Charles Albert Male Cole Edna Jean Female Fremantle
1940/2700110 Fremantle Kenworthy Victor George Male O'Loughlin Florence Alice May Female Fremantle
1940/2700110 Fremantle O'Loughlin Florence Alice May Female Kenworthy Victor George Male Fremantle
1940/2700111 Fremantle Angove Thomas Henry Male Stobbs Margaret Anne Jean Female Fremantle
1940/2700111 Fremantle Stobbs Margaret Anne Jean Female Angove Thomas Henry Male Fremantle
1940/2700112 Fremantle Coombes Gladys May Female Hall Jack Gordon Male Beaconsfield
1940/2700112 Fremantle Hall Jack Gordon Male Coombes Gladys May Female Beaconsfield
1940/2700113 Fremantle Carnazzola Agostino Male Smith Phyllis Irene Female Fremantle
1940/2700113 Fremantle Smith Phyllis Irene Female Carnazzola Agostino Male Fremantle
1940/2700114 Fremantle Slater William Charles Male Sorrell Violet Female Fremantle
1940/2700114 Fremantle Sorrell Violet Female Slater William Charles Male Fremantle
1940/2700115 Fremantle Iannello Antonina Female Orifici Carmelo Male Fremantle
1940/2700115 Fremantle Orifici Carmelo Male Iannello Antonina Female Fremantle
1940/2700116 Fremantle Paparone Pasquale Male Vinci Maria Female Fremantle
1940/2700116 Fremantle Vinci Maria Female Paparone Pasquale Male Fremantle
1940/2700117 Fremantle Bitton Dorothy Marie Female Merrick Reginald Victor Male Fremantle
1940/2700117 Fremantle Merrick Reginald Victor Male Bitton Dorothy Marie Female Fremantle
1940/2700118 Fremantle Bond Nyora Ethel Female Nankivell John Edgar Male Fremantle
1940/2700118 Fremantle Nankivell John Edgar Male Bond Nyora Ethel Female Fremantle
1940/2700119 Fremantle Lindsay Alexander Dougan Male White Esme Jean Female Fremantle
1940/2700119 Fremantle White Esme Jean Female Lindsay Alexander Dougan Male Fremantle
1940/2700120 Fremantle Groessler Norma Stella Female Harmsworth Irwin Male Fremantle
1940/2700120 Fremantle Harmsworth Irwin Male Groessler Norma Stella Female Fremantle
1940/2700121 Fremantle Fitzgerald Eileen Alanna Frances Female Vickridge John Henry Willot Male Fremantle
1940/2700121 Fremantle Vickridge John Henry Willot Male Fitzgerald Eileen Alanna Frances Female Fremantle
1940/2700122 Fremantle Bell Olive Amy Female Fuller Thomas Stewart Male Fremantle
1940/2700122 Fremantle Fuller Thomas Stewart Male Bell Olive Amy Female Fremantle
1940/2700123 Fremantle Joynes George William Male Manning Violet Gladys Female East Fremantle
1940/2700123 Fremantle Manning Violet Gladys Female Joynes George William Male East Fremantle
1940/2700124 Fremantle Scott Joyce Emily Female Sharpe Stuart Leslie Male East Fremantle
1940/2700124 Fremantle Sharpe Stuart Leslie Male Scott Joyce Emily Female East Fremantle
1940/2700125 Fremantle Burke William Baden Male Hammond Ethel Female Beaconsfield
1940/2700125 Fremantle Hammond Ethel Female Burke William Baden Male Beaconsfield
1940/2700126 Fremantle Lee Eleanor Mavis Female Williams Albert Gerald Male Beaconsfield
1940/2700126 Fremantle Williams Albert Gerald Male Lee Eleanor Mavis Female Beaconsfield
1940/2700127 Fremantle Pead Maggie Female Thomas Allan Ernest Male Fremantle
1940/2700127 Fremantle Thomas Allan Ernest Male Pead Maggie Female Fremantle
1940/2700128 Fremantle Hutchens William James Male Thomas Vina Emily Female Fremantle
1940/2700128 Fremantle Thomas Vina Emily Female Hutchens William James Male Fremantle
1940/2700129 Fremantle Beswick Charles Edward Male Donnelly Eileen Sarah Female Fremantle
1940/2700129 Fremantle Donnelly Eileen Sarah Female Beswick Charles Edward Male Fremantle
1940/2700130 Fremantle McCarthy Eleanor Susan Female Stammers Kenneth Robinson Male Beaconsfield
1940/2700130 Fremantle Stammers Kenneth Robinson Male McCarthy Eleanor Susan Female Beaconsfield
1940/2700131 Fremantle Felton George Robert Charles Male Haigh-Howden Lilias Joyce Female Fremantle
1940/2700131 Fremantle Haigh-Howden Lilias Joyce Female Felton George Robert Charles Male Fremantle
1940/2700132 Fremantle Delaney Alice Female Leggett Charles Male Fremantle
1940/2700132 Fremantle Leggett Charles Male Delaney Alice Female Fremantle
1940/2700133 Fremantle Beesley Bertha Female Holmes Clarence Herbert Male Fremantle
1940/2700133 Fremantle Holmes Clarence Herbert Male Beesley Bertha Female Fremantle
1940/2700134 Fremantle Dixon Jean Mary Female Fowler Tom Osprey George Male Fremantle
1940/2700134 Fremantle Fowler Tom Osprey George Male Dixon Jean Mary Female Fremantle
1940/2700135 Fremantle Lemke Norman Allan Male White Margaret Fay Female East Fremantle
1940/2700135 Fremantle White Margaret Fay Female Lemke Norman Allan Male East Fremantle
1940/2700136 Fremantle Ramsay Beryl Robina Female Watson Bruce Male Fremantle
1940/2700136 Fremantle Watson Bruce Male Ramsay Beryl Robina Female Fremantle
1940/2700137 Fremantle Caporn Edith Elaine Female Wyllie Frederick John Male Fremantle
1940/2700137 Fremantle Wyllie Frederick John Male Caporn Edith Elaine Female Fremantle
1940/2700138 Fremantle Bowen Alice Ruth Female Bowen Leslie William Male Fremantle
1940/2700138 Fremantle Bowen Leslie William Male Bowen Alice Ruth Female Fremantle
1940/2700139 Fremantle Hines Freda Mary Female Hyam Leslie Frederick Male Fremantle
1940/2700139 Fremantle Hyam Leslie Frederick Male Hines Freda Mary Female Fremantle
1940/2700140 Fremantle Sargent Arthur Cyril Male Stewart Sarah Isobella Female Fremantle
1940/2700140 Fremantle Stewart Sarah Isobella Female Sargent Arthur Cyril Male Fremantle
1940/2700141 Fremantle Green Gladys May Female Higham William Arthur Male Fremantle
1940/2700141 Fremantle Higham William Arthur Male Green Gladys May Female Fremantle
1941/2700142 Fremantle Malseed Mary Edith Female Mellor Joseph Alexander Male North Fremantle
1941/2700142 Fremantle Mellor Joseph Alexander Male Malseed Mary Edith Female North Fremantle
1940/2700142 Fremantle Ryan Anne Rose Female Taupin Leonard Douglas Male Fremantle
1940/2700142 Fremantle Taupin Leonard Douglas Male Ryan Anne Rose Female Fremantle
1940/2700143 Fremantle Bleakley Jean Gertrude Female Lester George John Edward Male Fremantle
1940/2700143 Fremantle Lester George John Edward Male Bleakley Jean Gertrude Female Fremantle
1940/2700144 Fremantle Edwards Margaret Isabel Female O'Brien Herbert Male Fremantle
1940/2700144 Fremantle O'Brien Herbert Male Edwards Margaret Isabel Female Fremantle
1940/2700145 Fremantle Hendrie Millicent Irene Female Nielsen Arthur Wilhelm Alfred Warren Male Fremantle
1940/2700145 Fremantle Nielsen Arthur Wilhelm Alfred Warren Male Hendrie Millicent Irene Female Fremantle
1940/2700146 Fremantle Hawkins Hazel Madge Female Kenny James Mason Male Fremantle
1940/2700146 Fremantle Kenny James Mason Male Hawkins Hazel Madge Female Fremantle
1940/2700147 Fremantle Armstrong Thomas William Male Rue Gladys Female Fremantle
1940/2700147 Fremantle Rue Gladys Female Armstrong Thomas William Male Fremantle
1940/2700148 Fremantle Doyle James Stanley Male Mills Rose Daphne Female Fremantle
1940/2700148 Fremantle Mills Rose Daphne Female Doyle James Stanley Male Fremantle
1940/2700149 Fremantle Hipperson Florence Eugenie Female Vaisbitt Charles Francis Male Fremantle
1940/2700149 Fremantle Vaisbitt Charles Francis Male Hipperson Florence Eugenie Female Fremantle
1940/2700150 Fremantle Cronin Hazel Olive Mary Female Tognolini John Stephen Male Fremantle
1940/2700150 Fremantle Tognolini John Stephen Male Cronin Hazel Olive Mary Female Fremantle
1940/2700151 Fremantle Harris Lillian Bertha Female James Angus Sherwood Male Fremantle
1940/2700151 Fremantle James Angus Sherwood Male Harris Lillian Bertha Female Fremantle
1940/2700152 Fremantle Lukatelich Ettie Ann Female Serventi Dinko Male Fremantle
1940/2700152 Fremantle Serventi Dinko Male Lukatelich Ettie Ann Female Fremantle
1940/2700153 Fremantle Maiolo Ilario Antonio Male Vinci Prudence Female Fremantle
1940/2700153 Fremantle Vinci Prudence Female Maiolo Ilario Antonio Male Fremantle
1940/2700154 Fremantle Grljnsich Anthony Male Katnich Mary Female Fremantle
1940/2700154 Fremantle Katnich Mary Female Grljnsich Anthony Male Fremantle
1940/2700155 Fremantle Calder Kathleen Beatrice Female Sweeting George Palmer Male Fremantle
1940/2700155 Fremantle Sweeting George Palmer Male Calder Kathleen Beatrice Female Fremantle
1940/2700156 Fremantle Harbort Hector Reginald Male Robertson Alberta Charlotte Female Fremantle
1940/2700156 Fremantle Robertson Alberta Charlotte Female Harbort Hector Reginald Male Fremantle
1940/2700157 Fremantle Borgward Frederick Charles Male Pearson Elizabeth Doris Female Fremantle
1940/2700157 Fremantle Pearson Elizabeth Doris Female Borgward Frederick Charles Male Fremantle
1940/2700158 Fremantle Jones Cyril Redmond Male Toombs Sarah Ellen Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1940/2700158 Fremantle Toombs Sarah Ellen Elizabeth Female Jones Cyril Redmond Male Fremantle
1940/2700159 Fremantle Paterson Lenore Margaret Female Rogers William Alexander Male Fremantle
1940/2700159 Fremantle Rogers William Alexander Male Paterson Lenore Margaret Female Fremantle
1940/2700160 Fremantle Andrews Dorothy Female D'vorak Leo Stuart Male Fremantle
1940/2700160 Fremantle D'vorak Leo Stuart Male Andrews Dorothy Female Fremantle
1940/2700161 Fremantle Smith Leslie William Male Westergaard Vera Mary Female Fremantle
1940/2700161 Fremantle Westergaard Vera Mary Female Smith Leslie William Male Fremantle
1940/2700162 Fremantle Lynch Clifton Gordon Horace Male Oaklands Juanita Haidee Carlyle Female Fremantle
1940/2700162 Fremantle Oaklands Juanita Haidee Carlyle Female Lynch Clifton Gordon Horace Male Fremantle
1940/2700163 Fremantle Seubert Holly Charlotte Leonora Female Shearer William John Douglas Male Fremantle
1940/2700163 Fremantle Shearer William John Douglas Male Seubert Holly Charlotte Leonora Female Fremantle
1940/2700164 Fremantle Congdon Stanley William Male Murray Minnie Jean Female Fremantle
1940/2700164 Fremantle Murray Minnie Jean Female Congdon Stanley William Male Fremantle
1940/2700165 Fremantle Darwent Joyce Female Edstrom George Male Fremantle
1940/2700165 Fremantle Edstrom George Male Darwent Joyce Female Fremantle
1940/2700166 Fremantle McIntyre John Ferguson Male Ralston Mary Owenia Female Fremantle
1940/2700166 Fremantle Ralston Mary Owenia Female McIntyre John Ferguson Male Fremantle
1940/2700167 Fremantle Cornell Francis William Charles Male Pullan Marriatt Isabel Female Fremantle
1940/2700167 Fremantle Pullan Marriatt Isabel Female Cornell Francis William Charles Male Fremantle
1940/2700168 Fremantle Dillon Margaret Female Moore Edward Patrick Male East Fremantle
1940/2700168 Fremantle Moore Edward Patrick Male Dillon Margaret Female East Fremantle
1940/2700169 Fremantle Flynn Shirley Doreen Female Louthean Donald Male Fremantle
1940/2700169 Fremantle Louthean Donald Male Flynn Shirley Doreen Female Fremantle
1940/2700170 Fremantle Cowley Joseph Charles Male Vanstan Stella Jean Female Fremantle
1940/2700170 Fremantle Vanstan Stella Jean Female Cowley Joseph Charles Male Fremantle
1940/2700171 Fremantle Gale Queen Victoria Maude Female Scanlon Claude Leslie Male Fremantle
1940/2700171 Fremantle Scanlon Claude Leslie Male Gale Queen Victoria Maude Female Fremantle
1940/2700172 Fremantle Bond Jack William Male Johnson Violet Female Fremantle
1940/2700172 Fremantle Johnson Violet Female Bond Jack William Male Fremantle
1940/2700173 Fremantle Beale Gene Faith Female Richardson Eric Clive Male Fremantle
1940/2700173 Fremantle Richardson Eric Clive Male Beale Gene Faith Female Fremantle
1940/2700174 Fremantle Flaherty Jean Margaret Female Gates Hilton Clarence Male Fremantle
1940/2700174 Fremantle Gates Hilton Clarence Male Flaherty Jean Margaret Female Fremantle
1940/2700175 Fremantle Hitchcock Lucy Female Strother Percival Male Fremantle
1940/2700175 Fremantle Strother Percival Male Hitchcock Lucy Female Fremantle
1940/2700176 Fremantle Back Kathleen Grace Female Scott Allan Woods Male Fremantle
1940/2700176 Fremantle Scott Allan Woods Male Back Kathleen Grace Female Fremantle
1940/2700177 Fremantle Harrison Irene Female Mortimer George James Male Fremantle
1940/2700177 Fremantle Mortimer George James Male Harrison Irene Female Fremantle
1940/2700178 Fremantle Brice William Myles Male Young Freda Amy Strangways Female Fremantle
1940/2700178 Fremantle Young Freda Amy Strangways Female Brice William Myles Male Fremantle
1940/2700179 Fremantle Armstrong Reginald William Male Taylor Lillian Rose Female Fremantle
1940/2700179 Fremantle Taylor Lillian Rose Female Armstrong Reginald William Male Fremantle
1940/2700180 Fremantle Lanza Valentina Female Price Richard Male Fremantle
1940/2700180 Fremantle Price Richard Male Lanza Valentina Female Fremantle
1940/2700181 Fremantle Boult Stella Grace Female Wakefield George Wilfred Male Fremantle
1940/2700181 Fremantle Wakefield George Wilfred Male Boult Stella Grace Female Fremantle
1940/2700182 Fremantle Baker Clarence Patrick Male Fricker Nancy Patricia Female Fremantle
1940/2700182 Fremantle Fricker Nancy Patricia Female Baker Clarence Patrick Male Fremantle
1940/2700183 Fremantle Black Christina Female Brown Edgar Robert Male Fremantle
1940/2700183 Fremantle Brown Edgar Robert Male Black Christina Female Fremantle
1940/2700184 Fremantle McAllister James Male Petterson Sylvia Jean Female Fremantle
1940/2700184 Fremantle Petterson Sylvia Jean Female McAllister James Male Fremantle
1940/2700185 Fremantle Brown Allison Forfar Female Dunbar Harold Stewart Male Fremantle
1940/2700185 Fremantle Dunbar Harold Stewart Male Brown Allison Forfar Female Fremantle
1940/2700186 Fremantle Day Clara Emma Female Rigg Hugh Male Fremantle
1940/2700186 Fremantle Rigg Hugh Male Day Clara Emma Female Fremantle
1940/2700187 Fremantle Kelly Ellen Female Law Ernest Ashford Male Fremantle
1940/2700187 Fremantle Law Ernest Ashford Male Kelly Ellen Female Fremantle
1940/2700188 Fremantle Hales Robert Charles Male Harrison Myrtle Gwendoline May Female Fremantle
1940/2700188 Fremantle Harrison Myrtle Gwendoline May Female Hales Robert Charles Male Fremantle
1940/2700189 Fremantle Beale Stanley Charles Male Smith Stella Maud Female Beaconsfield
1940/2700189 Fremantle Smith Stella Maud Female Beale Stanley Charles Male Beaconsfield
1940/2700190 Fremantle Quinn Gordon Edward Male Restieaux Ina Laurel Female Fremantle
1940/2700190 Fremantle Restieaux Ina Laurel Female Quinn Gordon Edward Male Fremantle
1940/2700191 Fremantle Love Eileen Female Steer James Henry Male Fremantle
1940/2700191 Fremantle Steer James Henry Male Love Eileen Female Fremantle
1940/2700192 Fremantle Pulham Elsie Grace Female Stewart Donald McLean Male Fremantle
1940/2700192 Fremantle Stewart Donald McLean Male Pulham Elsie Grace Female Fremantle
1940/2700193 Fremantle Cameron Ailsa Jessie Female Tanner John Nelson Male Fremantle
1940/2700193 Fremantle Tanner John Nelson Male Cameron Ailsa Jessie Female Fremantle
1940/2700194 Fremantle Beswick George Graham Male Hay Yvonne Dawn Female Fremantle
1940/2700194 Fremantle Hay Yvonne Dawn Female Beswick George Graham Male Fremantle
1940/2700195 Fremantle Green Constance Mary Female Potts Thomas Henry Male Fremantle
1940/2700195 Fremantle Potts Thomas Henry Male Green Constance Mary Female Fremantle
1940/2700196 Fremantle Chaisty Josephine Female Kenney Wallace George Bruce Male Fremantle
1940/2700196 Fremantle Kenney Wallace George Bruce Male Chaisty Josephine Female Fremantle
1940/2700197 Fremantle Noonan Gertrude Charlotte Female Onley Arthur Edward Male Fremantle
1940/2700197 Fremantle Onley Arthur Edward Male Noonan Gertrude Charlotte Female Fremantle
1940/2700198 Fremantle Eakins Bernard Gordon Male Hepworth Mary Dorothy Female Fremantle
1940/2700198 Fremantle Hepworth Mary Dorothy Female Eakins Bernard Gordon Male Fremantle
1940/2700199 Fremantle Lloyd John William Male Wilson Valerie Ivy Female Fremantle
1940/2700199 Fremantle Wilson Valerie Ivy Female Lloyd John William Male Fremantle
1940/2700200 Fremantle Butchart Ronald Maitland Male Harman Ella Mary Female Fremantle
1940/2700200 Fremantle Harman Ella Mary Female Butchart Ronald Maitland Male Fremantle
1940/2700201 Fremantle Adkins Margaret Lucy Female Rex Henry John Trewin Male Fremantle
1940/2700201 Fremantle Rex Henry John Trewin Male Adkins Margaret Lucy Female Fremantle
1940/2700202 Fremantle Murphy Eve Mary Female Wight James David Male Fremantle
1940/2700202 Fremantle Wight James David Male Murphy Eve Mary Female Fremantle
1940/2700203 Fremantle Laraia Rose Aurelia Female Letchford William Raymond Male Fremantle
1940/2700203 Fremantle Letchford William Raymond Male Laraia Rose Aurelia Female Fremantle
1940/2700204 Fremantle Mustard John Charles Nelson Male Spencer Eunice Evelyn Female Fremantle
1940/2700204 Fremantle Spencer Eunice Evelyn Female Mustard John Charles Nelson Male Fremantle
1940/2700205 Fremantle Rimmington Freda Emma Wright Female Smirk Leslie Thomas Male Fremantle
1940/2700205 Fremantle Smirk Leslie Thomas Male Rimmington Freda Emma Wright Female Fremantle
1940/2700206 Fremantle Finch Nellie Pauline Female Higgins James William Male Fremantle
1940/2700206 Fremantle Higgins James William Male Finch Nellie Pauline Female Fremantle
1940/2700207 Fremantle Beccaria Bruno Male Woodgate Beryl Anne Female Fremantle
1940/2700207 Fremantle Woodgate Beryl Anne Female Beccaria Bruno Male Fremantle
1940/2700208 Fremantle Bousfield Elsie Female Deveson Robert Eunest Male East Fremantle
1940/2700208 Fremantle Deveson Robert Eunest Male Bousfield Elsie Female East Fremantle
1940/2700209 Fremantle Barzel Rose Female Toll Alfred Charles Male Fremantle
1940/2700209 Fremantle Toll Alfred Charles Male Barzel Rose Female Fremantle
1940/2700210 Fremantle Hosking William Male Young Robina Female Fremantle
1940/2700210 Fremantle Young Robina Female Hosking William Male Fremantle
1940/2700211 Fremantle Buswell Douglas Cole Male Farrington Frances Eileen Female Fremantle
1940/2700211 Fremantle Farrington Frances Eileen Female Buswell Douglas Cole Male Fremantle
1940/2700212 Fremantle Smith Kenneth John Male Thorpe Winifred Myrtle Mary Female Fremantle
1940/2700212 Fremantle Thorpe Winifred Myrtle Mary Female Smith Kenneth John Male Fremantle
1940/2700213 Fremantle Talbot Muriel Hilda Female Watkins Leslie Graham Male Fremantle
1940/2700213 Fremantle Watkins Leslie Graham Male Talbot Muriel Hilda Female Fremantle
1940/2700214 Fremantle Crow Mavis Female Herbert Leslie Claude Male Fremantle
1940/2700214 Fremantle Herbert Leslie Claude Male Crow Mavis Female Fremantle
1940/2700215 Fremantle Gazeley Thomas Male Gore Jean Female Fremantle
1940/2700215 Fremantle Gore Jean Female Gazeley Thomas Male Fremantle
1940/2700216 Fremantle Keighley Frederick James Male Roveta Zita Mary Female Fremantle
1940/2700216 Fremantle Roveta Zita Mary Female Keighley Frederick James Male Fremantle
1940/2700217 Fremantle Bicker Norman Bertram Male Koch Minna Florence Female Fremantle
1940/2700217 Fremantle Koch Minna Florence Female Bicker Norman Bertram Male Fremantle
1940/2700218 Fremantle Coen Joseph Albert Male Stone Kathleen Ghita Female Fremantle
1940/2700218 Fremantle Stone Kathleen Ghita Female Coen Joseph Albert Male Fremantle
1940/2700219 Fremantle Jackman Thomas Male Robinson Margret Female Fremantle
1940/2700219 Fremantle Robinson Margret Female Jackman Thomas Male Fremantle
1940/2700220 Fremantle Birchmore Nellie Sophia Female McKenzie Norman Alexander Male Fremantle
1940/2700220 Fremantle McKenzie Norman Alexander Male Birchmore Nellie Sophia Female Fremantle
1940/2700221 Fremantle Augustin Franz Joseph Male Hill Helen Ruth Female Fremantle
1940/2700221 Fremantle Hill Helen Ruth Female Augustin Franz Joseph Male Fremantle
1940/2700222 Fremantle Bolitho Florence Greta Female Ellett Kenneth Raymond Male Fremantle
1940/2700222 Fremantle Ellett Kenneth Raymond Male Bolitho Florence Greta Female Fremantle
1940/2700223 Fremantle Sutherland Imelda Ruth Female Yeates Sydney Arthur Male Fremantle
1940/2700223 Fremantle Yeates Sydney Arthur Male Sutherland Imelda Ruth Female Fremantle
1940/2700224 Fremantle Heal Thomas James Male Wood Dulcie Mabel Female Fremantle
1940/2700224 Fremantle Wood Dulcie Mabel Female Heal Thomas James Male Fremantle
1940/2700225 Fremantle Henderson James Stanley Male Hogue Olive Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1940/2700225 Fremantle Hogue Olive Elizabeth Female Henderson James Stanley Male Fremantle
1940/2700226 Fremantle Campbell Ronald Peter Male Stockden Eileen Agnes Female Fremantle
1940/2700226 Fremantle Stockden Eileen Agnes Female Campbell Ronald Peter Male Fremantle
1940/2700227 Fremantle Andinach Dolores Monserrat Teresa Female Green Kingsley George Male Fremantle
1940/2700227 Fremantle Green Kingsley George Male Andinach Dolores Monserrat Teresa Female Fremantle
1940/2700228 Fremantle Caple Cyril Lorquon Hill Male Shaw Kathleen Mary Female Beaconsfield
1940/2700228 Fremantle Shaw Kathleen Mary Female Caple Cyril Lorquon Hill Male Beaconsfield
1940/2700229 Fremantle Moore Dorothy Blanche Female Rickards Valentine Albert Male Fremantle
1940/2700229 Fremantle Rickards Valentine Albert Male Moore Dorothy Blanche Female Fremantle
1940/2700230 Fremantle Cook Rowland William Joseph Male Neal Ethel Grace Female Fremantle
1940/2700230 Fremantle Neal Ethel Grace Female Cook Rowland William Joseph Male Fremantle
1940/2700231 Fremantle Craven Alfred Male Hyde Rose Hannah Female Fremantle
1940/2700231 Fremantle Hyde Rose Hannah Female Craven Alfred Male Fremantle
1940/2700232 Fremantle Rate William George Male Shearer Marion Jean Female Fremantle
1940/2700232 Fremantle Shearer Marion Jean Female Rate William George Male Fremantle
1940/2700233 Fremantle Parsons George Lawrence Male Trewhella Helen Audry Female Fremantle
1940/2700233 Fremantle Trewhella Helen Audry Female Parsons George Lawrence Male Fremantle
1940/2700234 Fremantle Baker Walter John Male Bell Hilda Mary Female Fremantle
1940/2700234 Fremantle Bell Hilda Mary Female Baker Walter John Male Fremantle
1940/2700235 Fremantle McNally Annette Atholaviel Female Timbrell Richard Tom Male East Fremantle
1940/2700235 Fremantle Timbrell Richard Tom Male McNally Annette Atholaviel Female East Fremantle
1940/2700236 Fremantle Collier Morice Joseph Male Tapping Gladys Female Fremantle
1940/2700236 Fremantle Tapping Gladys Female Collier Morice Joseph Male Fremantle
1940/2700237 Fremantle Cikarela Ivan Male Cotter Nellie Female Fremantle
1940/2700237 Fremantle Cotter Nellie Female Cikarela Ivan Male Fremantle
1940/2700238 Fremantle Gertzel Helen Annie Female Holmes Alan Ralph Male Fremantle
1940/2700238 Fremantle Holmes Alan Ralph Male Gertzel Helen Annie Female Fremantle
1940/2700239 Fremantle Jakas Filip Male Lendich Josephine Female Fremantle
1940/2700239 Fremantle Lendich Josephine Female Jakas Filip Male Fremantle
1940/2700240 Fremantle Edwards Phyllis May Female Strachan Donald John Male Fremantle
1940/2700240 Fremantle Strachan Donald John Male Edwards Phyllis May Female Fremantle
1940/2700241 Fremantle Herrod Marie Arbuthnot Female Hillbrick Osborne Dunstan Male Fremantle
1940/2700241 Fremantle Hillbrick Osborne Dunstan Male Herrod Marie Arbuthnot Female Fremantle
1940/2700242 Fremantle Flynn John Joseph Male Hawkes Kathleen Amelia Female Fremantle
1940/2700242 Fremantle Hawkes Kathleen Amelia Female Flynn John Joseph Male Fremantle
1940/2700243 Fremantle McColl Neil Richard Male Watson Phyllis May Female Fremantle
1940/2700243 Fremantle Watson Phyllis May Female McColl Neil Richard Male Fremantle
1940/2700244 Fremantle Anderson Kitchener Crawford Male Bradbury Gwendoline Eleanor Coverdale Female Fremantle
1940/2700244 Fremantle Bradbury Gwendoline Eleanor Coverdale Female Anderson Kitchener Crawford Male Fremantle
1940/2700245 Fremantle Heal Arthur James Male Watkins Helen Torie Female Fremantle
1940/2700245 Fremantle Watkins Helen Torie Female Heal Arthur James Male Fremantle
1940/2700246 Fremantle Butler Neil Ormond Male Lewis Gwendolyn Gladys Female Fremantle
1940/2700246 Fremantle Lewis Gwendolyn Gladys Female Butler Neil Ormond Male Fremantle
1940/2700247 Fremantle Bosustow Phyllis Hazel Female Dawson Walter Lawrence Male Fremantle
1940/2700247 Fremantle Dawson Walter Lawrence Male Bosustow Phyllis Hazel Female Fremantle
1940/2700248 Fremantle Hall Harold Edward Male Waghorn Eva Lillian Female Fremantle
1940/2700248 Fremantle Waghorn Eva Lillian Female Hall Harold Edward Male Fremantle
1940/2700249 Fremantle Chadwick Charles Howard Male Grimshaw Dorothy Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1940/2700249 Fremantle Grimshaw Dorothy Elizabeth Female Chadwick Charles Howard Male Fremantle
1940/2700250 Fremantle Brockwell George Albert Male James Doris Margaret Female Fremantle
1940/2700250 Fremantle James Doris Margaret Female Brockwell George Albert Male Fremantle
1940/2700251 Fremantle Sheen George Edward Male Tchan Alicem Ivy Myrtle Female Fremantle
1940/2700251 Fremantle Tchan Alicem Ivy Myrtle Female Sheen George Edward Male Fremantle
1940/2700252 Fremantle Churches Frederick Edward Male Lyon Mary Ann Charlotte Female Fremantle
1940/2700252 Fremantle Lyon Mary Ann Charlotte Female Churches Frederick Edward Male Fremantle
1940/2700253 Fremantle Riley Ernest James Male Tye Ida Joyce Female Fremantle
1940/2700253 Fremantle Tye Ida Joyce Female Riley Ernest James Male Fremantle
1940/2700254 Fremantle Bosworth Edward James Male Lewington Amy Dulce Female Fremantle
1940/2700254 Fremantle Lewington Amy Dulce Female Bosworth Edward James Male Fremantle
1940/2700255 Fremantle Hall Arthur Vincent Male Hicks Gwenneth Grace Female Fremantle
1940/2700255 Fremantle Hicks Gwenneth Grace Female Hall Arthur Vincent Male Fremantle
1940/2700256 Fremantle Cooper Allen Walter Edisan Male Walker Margery May Female East Fremantle
1940/2700256 Fremantle Walker Margery May Female Cooper Allen Walter Edisan Male East Fremantle
1940/2700257 Fremantle McNicol Vera May Female Sloss Donald Male East Fremantle
1940/2700257 Fremantle Sloss Donald Male McNicol Vera May Female East Fremantle
1940/2700258 Fremantle Busholt Winifred Molly Newland Female Holmes Herbert Harold Male Fremantle
1940/2700258 Fremantle Holmes Herbert Harold Male Busholt Winifred Molly Newland Female Fremantle
1940/2700259 Fremantle Bailey Melva Mary Female Smith Arthur Male Fremantle
1940/2700259 Fremantle Smith Arthur Male Bailey Melva Mary Female Fremantle
1940/2700260 Fremantle Charleson Alfred George Male Nesbitt Joan Audrey Female Fremantle
1940/2700260 Fremantle Nesbitt Joan Audrey Female Charleson Alfred George Male Fremantle
1940/2700261 Fremantle East Gwenyth Mary Female Nicholas Henry Frederick Male Fremantle
1940/2700261 Fremantle Nicholas Henry Frederick Male East Gwenyth Mary Female Fremantle
1940/2700262 Fremantle Hanna Thomas Henry Keith Male Paddon Marjorie Lavinia Female Fremantle
1940/2700262 Fremantle Paddon Marjorie Lavinia Female Hanna Thomas Henry Keith Male Fremantle
1940/2700263 Fremantle Hopkins Alma Jessie Female Hunter Leonard Alfred Male Fremantle
1940/2700263 Fremantle Hunter Leonard Alfred Male Hopkins Alma Jessie Female Fremantle
1940/2700263 Fremantle Hunter Leonard Alfred Male Roder Alma Jessie Female Fremantle
1940/2700263 Fremantle Roder Alma Jessie Female Hunter Leonard Alfred Male Fremantle
1940/2700264 Fremantle Clark Irene Mavis Female Jarvis Eugene Ivan Harold Male Fremantle
1940/2700264 Fremantle Jarvis Eugene Ivan Harold Male Clark Irene Mavis Female Fremantle
1940/2700265 Fremantle Grant Flora Female Mills William Leonard Male Fremantle
1940/2700265 Fremantle Mills William Leonard Male Grant Flora Female Fremantle
1940/2700266 Fremantle Marchese Stefanina Female Versace Luigi Male Fremantle
1940/2700266 Fremantle Versace Luigi Male Marchese Stefanina Female Fremantle
1940/2700267 Fremantle Hall Jack Egan Male Johnston Iris Evelyn Female East Fremantle
1940/2700267 Fremantle Johnston Iris Evelyn Female Hall Jack Egan Male East Fremantle
1940/2700268 Fremantle Longson Daisy Female Stockden Stanley Felix Male Fremantle
1940/2700268 Fremantle Stockden Stanley Felix Male Longson Daisy Female Fremantle
1940/2700269 Fremantle Baudains Bruce Edward Male Hymus Dulcie Lorraine Female Beaconsfield
1940/2700269 Fremantle Hymus Dulcie Lorraine Female Baudains Bruce Edward Male Beaconsfield
1940/2700270 Fremantle Biddles Fergus Frank Male Viles Judith Frances Marjory Female Fremantle
1940/2700270 Fremantle Viles Judith Frances Marjory Female Biddles Fergus Frank Male Fremantle
1940/2700271 Fremantle Whittle Florence Alice Jemima Female Williams Leopold Male Fremantle
1940/2700271 Fremantle Williams Leopold Male Whittle Florence Alice Jemima Female Fremantle
1940/2700272 Fremantle Allan Audrey Female Lee Claude Colin Male Fremantle
1940/2700272 Fremantle Lee Claude Colin Male Allan Audrey Female Fremantle
1940/2700273 Fremantle Manning Molly Xanthorina Female Wickens Charles Stuart Collingwood Male Fremantle
1940/2700273 Fremantle Wickens Charles Stuart Collingwood Male Manning Molly Xanthorina Female Fremantle
1940/2700274 Fremantle Hewitt John Male Kerr Thelma Tomizine Female Fremantle
1940/2700274 Fremantle Kerr Thelma Tomizine Female Hewitt John Male Fremantle
1940/2700275 Fremantle Meade Mavis Rita Female Solly Andrew William Male Fremantle
1940/2700275 Fremantle Solly Andrew William Male Meade Mavis Rita Female Fremantle
1940/2700276 Fremantle Stewart Williamina Fairlie Female Thomson James Simpson Male Fremantle
1940/2700276 Fremantle Thomson James Simpson Male Stewart Williamina Fairlie Female Fremantle
1940/2700277 Fremantle Rogers Patrick Male Thornton Irene Florence Female Fremantle
1940/2700277 Fremantle Thornton Irene Florence Female Rogers Patrick Male Fremantle
1940/2700278 Fremantle Armstrong Doris Pearleen Florence Female Trott Alan Owen Male Fremantle
1940/2700278 Fremantle Trott Alan Owen Male Armstrong Doris Pearleen Florence Female Fremantle
1940/2700279 Fremantle Clark Harry John Male Prince Marjorie Velma Female Fremantle
1940/2700279 Fremantle Prince Marjorie Velma Female Clark Harry John Male Fremantle
1940/2700280 Fremantle Baughen Harry Hubert Male Webb Edna Hawthorn Female Fremantle
1940/2700280 Fremantle Webb Edna Hawthorn Female Baughen Harry Hubert Male Fremantle
1940/2700281 Fremantle Coleman Ivy Gwen Female Lennon William Robert Male Fremantle
1940/2700281 Fremantle Lennon William Robert Male Coleman Ivy Gwen Female Fremantle
1940/2700282 Fremantle Beasy George Henry Male Potts Hylda Edith Female Fremantle
1940/2700282 Fremantle Potts Hylda Edith Female Beasy George Henry Male Fremantle
1940/2700283 Fremantle Berry Dulcie Female Pinnock Keith Malcolm Warburton Male Fremantle
1940/2700283 Fremantle Pinnock Keith Malcolm Warburton Male Berry Dulcie Female Fremantle
1940/2700284 Fremantle Boyce Alma May Female Hughes Francis Roy Male Fremantle
1940/2700284 Fremantle Hughes Francis Roy Male Boyce Alma May Female Fremantle
1940/2700285 Fremantle Foley Doreen Isobel Female Lang Harold Male Fremantle
1940/2700285 Fremantle Lang Harold Male Foley Doreen Isobel Female Fremantle
1940/2700286 Fremantle Connolly Jean Female Petersen Charles Theodore Male Fremantle
1940/2700286 Fremantle Petersen Charles Theodore Male Connolly Jean Female Fremantle
1940/2700287 Fremantle Cain Nellie Female Pannell Frederick Robert Male Fremantle
1940/2700287 Fremantle Pannell Frederick Robert Male Cain Nellie Female Fremantle
1940/2700288 Fremantle Cottrell Florence May Female Henly Ronald Arthur Edwin Male East Fremantle
1940/2700288 Fremantle Henly Ronald Arthur Edwin Male Cottrell Florence May Female East Fremantle
1940/2700289 Fremantle Melvin Elizabeth Female Thomson Walter Andrew Male Fremantle
1940/2700289 Fremantle Thomson Walter Andrew Male Melvin Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1940/2700290 Fremantle Cornish Ronald Hamilton Male Tice Aldwyn May Female Fremantle
1940/2700290 Fremantle Tice Aldwyn May Female Cornish Ronald Hamilton Male Fremantle
1940/2700291 Fremantle Curry John Patrick Male Wood Dorothy May Female Fremantle
1940/2700291 Fremantle Wood Dorothy May Female Curry John Patrick Male Fremantle
1940/2700292 Fremantle Collins Edna May Female McLaughlin William Charles Male Fremantle
1940/2700292 Fremantle McLaughlin William Charles Male Collins Edna May Female Fremantle
1940/2700293 Fremantle Higbid Myrtle Pearl Female Stead Henry William Male Fremantle
1940/2700293 Fremantle Stead Henry William Male Higbid Myrtle Pearl Female Fremantle
1940/2700294 Fremantle Colleran Sheila Patricia Female Grant Christopher Male Palmyra
1940/2700294 Fremantle Grant Christopher Male Colleran Sheila Patricia Female Palmyra
1940/2700295 Fremantle Bingham Ronald Henry Male Yates Ivy Margaret Female North Fremantle
1940/2700295 Fremantle Yates Ivy Margaret Female Bingham Ronald Henry Male North Fremantle
1940/2700296 Fremantle Chapman Theresè Mary Female Thompson Francis James Male North Fremantle
1940/2700296 Fremantle Thompson Francis James Male Chapman Theresè Mary Female North Fremantle
1940/2700297 Fremantle Hodgkinson William Edwin Male Smith Mary Wood Female Fremantle
1940/2700297 Fremantle Smith Mary Wood Female Hodgkinson William Edwin Male Fremantle
1940/2700298 Fremantle McKay Eileen Rose Female Sommerville Andrew Smail Male North Fremantle
1940/2700298 Fremantle Sommerville Andrew Smail Male McKay Eileen Rose Female North Fremantle
1940/2700299 Fremantle Hewer Thomas Male Holtham Hazel Mavis Female North Fremantle
1940/2700299 Fremantle Holtham Hazel Mavis Female Hewer Thomas Male North Fremantle
1940/2700300 Fremantle Newbey Frank William Male Sheridan Cordelia Female Fremantle
1940/2700300 Fremantle Sheridan Cordelia Female Newbey Frank William Male Fremantle
1940/2700301 Fremantle Gibbs Alfred Charles Male Powell Myrtle Jean Female Fremantle
1940/2700301 Fremantle Powell Myrtle Jean Female Gibbs Alfred Charles Male Fremantle
1940/2700302 Fremantle Bull Walter James Male Copley Kathleen Joan Female Fremantle
1940/2700302 Fremantle Copley Kathleen Joan Female Bull Walter James Male Fremantle
1940/2700303 Fremantle Bedford Frances Helen Female Clay John William Male East Fremantle Presbyterian Church
1940/2700303 Fremantle Clay John William Male Bedford Frances Helen Female East Fremantle Presbyterian Church
1940/2700304 Fremantle Costelloe James Male Mancell Elsie May Female Fremantle
1940/2700304 Fremantle Mancell Elsie May Female Costelloe James Male Fremantle
1940/2700305 Fremantle Paini Dina Female Pianta Angelo Male Rottnest
1940/2700305 Fremantle Pianta Angelo Male Paini Dina Female Rottnest
1940/2700306 Fremantle Dunne Cornelius William Male English Patricia Mary Female Fremantle
1940/2700306 Fremantle English Patricia Mary Female Dunne Cornelius William Male Fremantle
1940/2700307 Fremantle Milne David George Male Sawyer Margaret Ellen Female Fremantle
1940/2700307 Fremantle Sawyer Margaret Ellen Female Milne David George Male Fremantle
1940/2700308 Fremantle Harman Doreen Frances Female Heaperman Raymond Allan Male Fremantle
1940/2700308 Fremantle Heaperman Raymond Allan Male Harman Doreen Frances Female Fremantle
1940/2700309 Fremantle Day Kathleen May Female Slater Harold Charles Male Fremantle
1940/2700309 Fremantle Slater Harold Charles Male Day Kathleen May Female Fremantle
1940/2700310 Fremantle Colleran Mark Francis Male Samson Mona Ellen Female Fremantle
1940/2700310 Fremantle Samson Mona Ellen Female Colleran Mark Francis Male Fremantle
1940/2700311 Fremantle Dyson Dudley Harnett Male Raina Linda Margaret Female Fremantle
1940/2700311 Fremantle Raina Linda Margaret Female Dyson Dudley Harnett Male Fremantle
1940/2700312 Fremantle Saxbee Harold James Male Sumpton Irene Russell Female Fremantle
1940/2700312 Fremantle Sumpton Irene Russell Female Saxbee Harold James Male Fremantle
1940/2700313 Fremantle Hayden Evelyn May Victoria Female Smith James Jesse Male Fremantle
1940/2700313 Fremantle Smith James Jesse Male Hayden Evelyn May Victoria Female Fremantle
1940/2700314 Fremantle Kenney Irene Florence Walker Female Underdown Alexander Campbell Male Fremantle
1940/2700314 Fremantle Underdown Alexander Campbell Male Kenney Irene Florence Walker Female Fremantle
1940/2700315 Fremantle Bitton Thomas George Male Jarvis Helen Iris Female Fremantle
1940/2700315 Fremantle Jarvis Helen Iris Female Bitton Thomas George Male Fremantle
1940/2700316 Fremantle Gaugh James Male Mooney Doris Kathleen Female Fremantle
1940/2700316 Fremantle Mooney Doris Kathleen Female Gaugh James Male Fremantle
1940/2700317 Fremantle Kain William Thomas Male McDonald Flora Eileen Female Fremantle
1940/2700317 Fremantle McDonald Flora Eileen Female Kain William Thomas Male Fremantle
1940/2700318 Fremantle Griffiths Alice May Female Parkinson Edwin Male Beaconsfield
1940/2700318 Fremantle Parkinson Edwin Male Griffiths Alice May Female Beaconsfield
1940/2700319 Fremantle Dungey Una Gertrude Female Stewart Athol Male Fremantle
1940/2700319 Fremantle Stewart Athol Male Dungey Una Gertrude Female Fremantle
1940/2700320 Fremantle Fletcher Iris Gladys Female West Alfred George Male Fremantle
1940/2700320 Fremantle West Alfred George Male Fletcher Iris Gladys Female Fremantle
1940/2700321 Fremantle Gill Molly Isabel Female Hardingham Robert Henry Male Fremantle
1940/2700321 Fremantle Hardingham Robert Henry Male Gill Molly Isabel Female Fremantle
1940/2700322 Fremantle Galante Peter Male Reid Margaret Female Fremantle
1940/2700322 Fremantle Reid Margaret Female Galante Peter Male Fremantle
1940/2700323 Fremantle Letchford Jack Rossmore Percival Male Turner Winifred Marie Female Fremantle
1940/2700323 Fremantle Turner Winifred Marie Female Letchford Jack Rossmore Percival Male Fremantle
1940/2700324 Fremantle Bruhn Elsie Olive Female Gilbert Douglas Sydney Male Fremantle
1940/2700324 Fremantle Gilbert Douglas Sydney Male Bruhn Elsie Olive Female Fremantle
1940/2700325 Fremantle Andrews-Baxter William Arthur Male Lewis Cecelia Mary Female Fremantle
1940/2700325 Fremantle Lewis Cecelia Mary Female Andrews-Baxter William Arthur Male Fremantle
1940/2700326 Fremantle Bunn John Linden Male Page Jean Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1940/2700326 Fremantle Page Jean Elizabeth Female Bunn John Linden Male Fremantle
1940/2700327 Fremantle Lewington Neil Male Williamson Nellie Florence Female Fremantle
1940/2700327 Fremantle Williamson Nellie Florence Female Lewington Neil Male Fremantle
1940/2700328 Fremantle Paul Elizabeth Female Reed Arthur William Charles Male Fremantle
1940/2700328 Fremantle Reed Arthur William Charles Male Paul Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1940/2700329 Fremantle Burrows Stanley Roy Male Mills Lina Louisa Female Fremantle
1940/2700329 Fremantle Mills Lina Louisa Female Burrows Stanley Roy Male Fremantle
1940/2700330 Fremantle Reynolds Dellys May Female Thomas Arthur John Male Fremantle
1940/2700330 Fremantle Thomas Arthur John Male Reynolds Dellys May Female Fremantle
1940/2700331 Fremantle Field Lila Grace Female Miller Fredrick John Male Fremantle
1940/2700331 Fremantle Miller Fredrick John Male Field Lila Grace Female Fremantle
1940/2700332 Fremantle Loxton Phyllis May Female Seubert Earle Kitchener Male Fremantle
1940/2700332 Fremantle Seubert Earle Kitchener Male Loxton Phyllis May Female Fremantle
1940/2700333 Fremantle Blacker Joseph Male Shearer Florence Ida Female Fremantle
1940/2700333 Fremantle Shearer Florence Ida Female Blacker Joseph Male Fremantle
1940/2700334 Fremantle McCauley Catherine Female Robartson Joseph Stanley Male East Fremantle Presbyterian Church
1940/2700334 Fremantle Robartson Joseph Stanley Male McCauley Catherine Female East Fremantle Presbyterian Church
1940/2700335 Fremantle Garner Francis Arthur Male Oxman Patricia Helen Female Fremantle
1940/2700335 Fremantle Oxman Patricia Helen Female Garner Francis Arthur Male Fremantle
1940/2700336 Fremantle Flynn Rita Alice Female Walsh Thomas Harold Male Fremantle
1940/2700336 Fremantle Walsh Thomas Harold Male Flynn Rita Alice Female Fremantle
1940/2700337 Fremantle Harrison Doris Ethel Female Sewell Herbert Emanuel Male Fremantle
1940/2700337 Fremantle Sewell Herbert Emanuel Male Harrison Doris Ethel Female Fremantle
1940/2700338 Fremantle Nicol Jessie Haig Female Pollitt Wilfred Hepworth Male Fremantle
1940/2700338 Fremantle Pollitt Wilfred Hepworth Male Nicol Jessie Haig Female Fremantle
1940/2700339 Fremantle Cope Leonard Wilfred Male Dittmer Hilda Mabel Female Fremantle
1940/2700339 Fremantle Dittmer Hilda Mabel Female Cope Leonard Wilfred Male Fremantle
1940/2700340 Fremantle Smith Rex Male Thomson Jean Annie Female Fremantle
1940/2700340 Fremantle Thomson Jean Annie Female Smith Rex Male Fremantle
1940/2700341 Fremantle Bell Dorriss Mabel Female Cuffe Ernest Mathew Male Fremantle
1940/2700341 Fremantle Cuffe Ernest Mathew Male Bell Dorriss Mabel Female Fremantle
1940/2700342 Fremantle Carr George Vincent Male Morrow Mary Female Palmyra
1940/2700342 Fremantle Morrow Mary Female Carr George Vincent Male Palmyra
1940/2700343 Fremantle McIntosh Robert John Male Nicoll Mabel Female Fremantle
1940/2700343 Fremantle Nicoll Mabel Female McIntosh Robert John Male Fremantle
1940/2700344 Fremantle Fletcher Douglas Morrison Joseph Male Mills Adeline Lorraine Female Fremantle
1940/2700344 Fremantle Mills Adeline Lorraine Female Fletcher Douglas Morrison Joseph Male Fremantle
1940/2700345 Fremantle Brown Ethel Theresa Female Sharp Royland James George Male Fremantle
1940/2700345 Fremantle Sharp Royland James George Male Brown Ethel Theresa Female Fremantle
1940/2700346 Fremantle Cook Ormond Edwin Male Hancock Olive May Female Fremantle
1940/2700346 Fremantle Hancock Olive May Female Cook Ormond Edwin Male Fremantle
1940/2700347 Fremantle Barber Ralph Evan Male Moraday Evelyn Maude Female Fremantle
1940/2700347 Fremantle Moraday Evelyn Maude Female Barber Ralph Evan Male Fremantle
1940/2700348 Fremantle Norman Ivan Athol George Male Staton Lilian Violet Female East Fremantle
1940/2700348 Fremantle Staton Lilian Violet Female Norman Ivan Athol George Male East Fremantle
1940/2700349 Fremantle Newton Matilda Eva Female Peters William Male Fremantle
1940/2700349 Fremantle Peters William Male Newton Matilda Eva Female Fremantle
1940/2700350 Fremantle Streat Lyle Eric Lloyd Male Whyte Isabella Female East Fremantle Presbyterian Church
1940/2700350 Fremantle Whyte Isabella Female Streat Lyle Eric Lloyd Male East Fremantle Presbyterian Church
1940/2700351 Fremantle Dingle Ida May Female Groves James Stanley Male Fremantle
1940/2700351 Fremantle Groves James Stanley Male Dingle Ida May Female Fremantle
1940/2700352 Fremantle Calder Gladys Female Fuller William Walter Male Fremantle
1940/2700352 Fremantle Fuller William Walter Male Calder Gladys Female Fremantle
1940/2700353 Fremantle Duggan John Male Woolley Carmen Irma Female Fremantle
1940/2700353 Fremantle Woolley Carmen Irma Female Duggan John Male Fremantle
1940/2700354 Fremantle James Raymond Pearse Male Titterton Gwendoline Susie Female Beaconsfield Congregational Church
1940/2700354 Fremantle Titterton Gwendoline Susie Female James Raymond Pearse Male Beaconsfield Congregational Church
1940/2700355 Fremantle Bassett Ethel Jean Female Donovan Joseph Eustace Male Fremantle
1940/2700355 Fremantle Donovan Joseph Eustace Male Bassett Ethel Jean Female Fremantle
1940/2700356 Fremantle Humphrey George Shaun Male Thorp Joyce Grace Female East Fremantle
1940/2700356 Fremantle Thorp Joyce Grace Female Humphrey George Shaun Male East Fremantle
1940/2700357 Fremantle Brown Albert Ernest Male Deller Gladys Joan Female Fremantle
1940/2700357 Fremantle Deller Gladys Joan Female Brown Albert Ernest Male Fremantle
1940/2700358 Fremantle Roach William Alexander Male Winch Mignon Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1940/2700358 Fremantle Winch Mignon Elizabeth Female Roach William Alexander Male Fremantle
1940/2700359 Fremantle Roberts Lillian Laura Edith Female Tugby Sidney John Male Fremantle
1940/2700359 Fremantle Tugby Sidney John Male Roberts Lillian Laura Edith Female Fremantle
1940/2700360 Fremantle Meller Violet Dorothy Female Roberts Reginald James Male Fremantle
1940/2700360 Fremantle Roberts Reginald James Male Meller Violet Dorothy Female Fremantle
1940/2700361 Fremantle Bradshaw Ivy May Female Maw Samuel Bagge Male Fremantle
1940/2700361 Fremantle Maw Samuel Bagge Male Bradshaw Ivy May Female Fremantle
1940/2700362 Fremantle Cicerello Antonio Male Hart Irene Female Fremantle
1940/2700362 Fremantle Hart Irene Female Cicerello Antonio Male Fremantle
1940/2700363 Fremantle Flindell Shenstone Male Matson Madge Doreen Female Beaconsfield
1940/2700363 Fremantle Matson Madge Doreen Female Flindell Shenstone Male Beaconsfield
1940/2700364 Fremantle Carpenter Verna Laurel Female Haskell Mervyn Stephen Male Fremantle
1940/2700364 Fremantle Haskell Mervyn Stephen Male Carpenter Verna Laurel Female Fremantle
1940/2700365 Fremantle Robson Dudley Male Wynn Olive Ellen Victoria Female Fremantle
1940/2700365 Fremantle Wynn Olive Ellen Victoria Female Robson Dudley Male Fremantle
1940/2700366 Fremantle Behsman Hilda May Female Oberman Louis Male Fremantle
1940/2700366 Fremantle Oberman Louis Male Behsman Hilda May Female Fremantle
1940/2700367 Fremantle Love Arthur Leonard Male Richmond Dorothy Winifred Jean Female Fremantle
1940/2700367 Fremantle Richmond Dorothy Winifred Jean Female Love Arthur Leonard Male Fremantle
1940/2700368 Fremantle Brown Gwenyth Mary Female Chappell Alfred Hart Male Fremantle
1940/2700368 Fremantle Chappell Alfred Hart Male Brown Gwenyth Mary Female Fremantle
1940/2700369 Fremantle Callity Nora Female Kavanagh John Male Palmyra
1940/2700369 Fremantle Kavanagh John Male Callity Nora Female Palmyra
1940/2700370 Fremantle MacNeill Charlotte Hutton Female Woodgate John Raymond Male Fremantle
1940/2700370 Fremantle Woodgate John Raymond Male MacNeill Charlotte Hutton Female Fremantle
1940/2700371 Fremantle McDonald Gwendoline Florence Female Newham William Henry Male Fremantle
1940/2700371 Fremantle Newham William Henry Male McDonald Gwendoline Florence Female Fremantle
1940/2700372 Fremantle Clarke Allenby George Male Davey Olive Dorothea Female Fremantle
1940/2700372 Fremantle Davey Olive Dorothea Female Clarke Allenby George Male Fremantle
1940/2700373 Fremantle Bond Edward Roy Male Heath Lilian Mavis Female Fremantle
1940/2700373 Fremantle Heath Lilian Mavis Female Bond Edward Roy Male Fremantle
1940/2700374 Fremantle Outram Jean Joy Female Willis George Stanley Male Fremantle
1940/2700374 Fremantle Willis George Stanley Male Outram Jean Joy Female Fremantle
1940/2700375 Fremantle Hall Donald Jarvis Male Johnson Kathleen Female Fremantle
1940/2700375 Fremantle Johnson Kathleen Female Hall Donald Jarvis Male Fremantle
1940/2700376 Fremantle Hunt Frederick Peterken Male Melrose Beatrice Joy Female Fremantle
1940/2700376 Fremantle Melrose Beatrice Joy Female Hunt Frederick Peterken Male Fremantle
1940/2700377 Fremantle Bolton Mabel Agnes Female Lancaster Frederick George Male Fremantle
1940/2700377 Fremantle Lancaster Frederick George Male Bolton Mabel Agnes Female Fremantle
1940/2700378 Fremantle Goodhill George Edward Male Perkins Elsie Ellen Female Palmyra
1940/2700378 Fremantle Perkins Elsie Ellen Female Goodhill George Edward Male Palmyra
1940/2700379 Fremantle Cheetham Jessie Mary Female Sandwell Albert James Male Fremantle
1940/2700379 Fremantle Sandwell Albert James Male Cheetham Jessie Mary Female Fremantle
1940/2700380 Fremantle Edstrom Edward Charles Male Potter Clara Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1940/2700380 Fremantle Potter Clara Elizabeth Female Edstrom Edward Charles Male Fremantle
1940/2700381 Fremantle Marron Margaret Marjorie Female McIntyre William James Male Fremantle
1940/2700381 Fremantle McIntyre William James Male Marron Margaret Marjorie Female Fremantle
1940/2700382 Fremantle Katnic Franjo Male Sokolic Marija Female Fremantle
1940/2700382 Fremantle Sokolic Marija Female Katnic Franjo Male Fremantle
1940/2700383 Fremantle Henderson Nora Veronica Female Pickett William Alfred Male Fremantle
1940/2700383 Fremantle Pickett William Alfred Male Henderson Nora Veronica Female Fremantle
1940/2700384 Fremantle Bickley Leonard George Male Cowlishaw Nellie Female Fremantle
1940/2700384 Fremantle Cowlishaw Nellie Female Bickley Leonard George Male Fremantle
1940/2700385 Fremantle Dodd William Standingford Male Freeman Alice Maude Female Fremantle
1940/2700385 Fremantle Freeman Alice Maude Female Dodd William Standingford Male Fremantle
1940/2700386 Fremantle Evans Thomas Lloyd Male Hunter Beryl May Female Fremantle
1940/2700386 Fremantle Hunter Beryl May Female Evans Thomas Lloyd Male Fremantle
1940/2700387 Fremantle Leslie Janet Female Williams Albert Henry Male Fremantle
1940/2700387 Fremantle Williams Albert Henry Male Leslie Janet Female Fremantle
1940/2700388 Fremantle Cook Norma Dorothy Female Uttley Fred Male Fremantle
1940/2700388 Fremantle Uttley Fred Male Cook Norma Dorothy Female Fremantle
1940/2700389 Fremantle Giles Edith Morrison Female Mackay Charles Hugh Male Fremantle
1940/2700389 Fremantle Mackay Charles Hugh Male Giles Edith Morrison Female Fremantle
1940/2700390 Fremantle Brissenden Joy Ada Female Jarvis William Thomas Charles Male Fremantle
1940/2700390 Fremantle Jarvis William Thomas Charles Male Brissenden Joy Ada Female Fremantle
1940/2700391 Fremantle Lockwood William George Male Reynolds Annie Margaret Female Fremantle
1940/2700391 Fremantle Reynolds Annie Margaret Female Lockwood William George Male Fremantle
1940/2700392 Fremantle Barnetson Gladys Margaret Female Cunningham Patrick Henry Male Fremantle
1940/2700392 Fremantle Cunningham Patrick Henry Male Barnetson Gladys Margaret Female Fremantle
1940/2700393 Fremantle Jarvis Mavis Eleanor Female Munro William Hector Male Fremantle
1940/2700393 Fremantle Munro William Hector Male Jarvis Mavis Eleanor Female Fremantle
1940/2700394 Fremantle Joslin Ena Theresa Female Musty Joseph Male Beaconsfield
1940/2700394 Fremantle Musty Joseph Male Joslin Ena Theresa Female Beaconsfield
1940/2700395 Fremantle Case Alice May Female Webb Samuel Richard Male East Fremantle Presbyterian Church
1940/2700395 Fremantle Webb Samuel Richard Male Case Alice May Female East Fremantle Presbyterian Church
1940/2700396 Fremantle Cull Ida Leonie Female Turner Herbert Bennet Male Fremantle
1940/2700396 Fremantle Turner Herbert Bennet Male Cull Ida Leonie Female Fremantle
1940/2700397 Fremantle Hallam Leslie James Male Spoor Lillian Female Fremantle
1940/2700397 Fremantle Spoor Lillian Female Hallam Leslie James Male Fremantle
1940/2700398 Fremantle Dixon Levi Ormond Male Mathews Jean Lillian Female Fremantle
1940/2700398 Fremantle Mathews Jean Lillian Female Dixon Levi Ormond Male Fremantle
1940/2700399 Fremantle Curedale Mary Agnes Cole Female Strother Stuart Sydney Male Fremantle
1940/2700399 Fremantle Strother Stuart Sydney Male Curedale Mary Agnes Cole Female Fremantle
1940/2700400 Fremantle Bolton Peggy Hilda Female Young Robert Alfred Henry Male Fremantle
1940/2700400 Fremantle Young Robert Alfred Henry Male Bolton Peggy Hilda Female Fremantle
1940/2700401 Fremantle Bewick Eric John Male McDonald Violet Blanche Female Fremantle
1940/2700401 Fremantle McDonald Violet Blanche Female Bewick Eric John Male Fremantle
1940/2700402 Fremantle Lawson Florence Female Newman Alfred David Male Fremantle
1940/2700402 Fremantle Newman Alfred David Male Lawson Florence Female Fremantle
1940/2700403 Fremantle Berridge Edith Elizabeth Female Williams Charles Besley Male Fremantle
1940/2700403 Fremantle Williams Charles Besley Male Berridge Edith Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1940/2700404 Fremantle Greig James Gardiner Male Lawson Thelma Barbara Female Fremantle
1940/2700404 Fremantle Lawson Thelma Barbara Female Greig James Gardiner Male Fremantle
1940/2700405 Fremantle Capper Lillian Margaret Female Smith Frederick Russell Male Fremantle
1940/2700405 Fremantle Smith Frederick Russell Male Capper Lillian Margaret Female Fremantle
1940/2700406 Fremantle Cameron Neil Alexander Male Doohan May Victoria Female Palmyra
1940/2700406 Fremantle Doohan May Victoria Female Cameron Neil Alexander Male Palmyra
1940/2700407 Fremantle Nelson Thelma Female Tapper Leslie Roy Male East Fremantle
1940/2700407 Fremantle Tapper Leslie Roy Male Nelson Thelma Female East Fremantle
1940/2700408 Fremantle Allen Janet Elliott Buntine Female Wilson Melville Victor Male East Fremantle Presbyterian Church
1940/2700408 Fremantle Wilson Melville Victor Male Allen Janet Elliott Buntine Female East Fremantle Presbyterian Church
1940/2700409 Fremantle Haydinger Minnie Female Mileham Henry Frederick Male East Fremantle
1940/2700409 Fremantle Mileham Henry Frederick Male Haydinger Minnie Female East Fremantle
1940/2700410 Fremantle Dermer Joan Margaret Female Hanna Edward Geoffrey Male Fremantle
1940/2700410 Fremantle Hanna Edward Geoffrey Male Dermer Joan Margaret Female Fremantle
1940/2700411 Fremantle Anderson Eunice Stella McInnes Female Bradshaw Malcolm Male Fremantle
1940/2700411 Fremantle Bradshaw Malcolm Male Anderson Eunice Stella McInnes Female Fremantle
1940/2700412 Fremantle Bertram Beatrice Mary Female Ewing Walter Percival Male Fremantle
1940/2700412 Fremantle Ewing Walter Percival Male Bertram Beatrice Mary Female Fremantle
1940/2700413 Fremantle Bickley Dorothy Neen Female Burgoyne Eric George Male Fremantle
1940/2700413 Fremantle Burgoyne Eric George Male Bickley Dorothy Neen Female Fremantle
1940/2700414 Fremantle Bousfield Reginald Herbert Male Ellis Doris Beatrice Female Fremantle
1940/2700414 Fremantle Ellis Doris Beatrice Female Bousfield Reginald Herbert Male Fremantle
1940/2700415 Fremantle McFadyen Agnes Kate Female Skinner James Joseph Male Fremantle
1940/2700415 Fremantle Skinner James Joseph Male McFadyen Agnes Kate Female Fremantle
1940/2700416 Fremantle Cockroft Vera Henrietta Female Hearn Ronald Leslie Male Fremantle
1940/2700416 Fremantle Hearn Ronald Leslie Male Cockroft Vera Henrietta Female Fremantle
1940/2700417 Fremantle Halls Frederick Maynard Male McKay Mary Female Fremantle
1940/2700417 Fremantle McKay Mary Female Halls Frederick Maynard Male Fremantle
1940/2700418 Fremantle Creaney Hazel Julia Female Goodchild Leonard George Male Fremantle
1940/2700418 Fremantle Goodchild Leonard George Male Creaney Hazel Julia Female Fremantle
1940/2700419 Fremantle Lead Dorothy Alice Female Munn Gordon Ryan Male Beaconsfield
1940/2700419 Fremantle Munn Gordon Ryan Male Lead Dorothy Alice Female Beaconsfield
1940/2700420 Fremantle Martin Roy Harold Male Stewart Elvie Mary Female Fremantle
1940/2700420 Fremantle Stewart Elvie Mary Female Martin Roy Harold Male Fremantle
1940/2700421 Fremantle Gherardi Celso Male Paganoni Florence Female Fremantle
1940/2700421 Fremantle Paganoni Florence Female Gherardi Celso Male Fremantle
1940/2700422 Fremantle Butler Laurence Mortimer Male Tyers Lilian May Female Palmyra
1940/2700422 Fremantle Tyers Lilian May Female Butler Laurence Mortimer Male Palmyra
1940/2700423 Fremantle Adams Evelyn Esther Female Quann Walter Bertram Male Fremantle
1940/2700423 Fremantle Quann Walter Bertram Male Adams Evelyn Esther Female Fremantle
1940/2700424 Fremantle Leest Christine Elizabeth Female Mears Arthur Harold John Male Fremantle
1940/2700424 Fremantle Mears Arthur Harold John Male Leest Christine Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1940/2700425 Fremantle Glover Denzel Charles Male Glover Elizabeth Harriett Annie Female Fremantle
1940/2700425 Fremantle Glover Elizabeth Harriett Annie Female Glover Denzel Charles Male Fremantle
1940/2700426 Fremantle Barr Arthur John Male O'Brien Joan Female Fremantle
1940/2700426 Fremantle O'Brien Joan Female Barr Arthur John Male Fremantle
1940/2700427 Fremantle McDermott Elizabeth Female Pearson Walter Scott Male Palmyra
1940/2700427 Fremantle Pearson Walter Scott Male McDermott Elizabeth Female Palmyra
1940/2700428 Fremantle Forsyth Elsie Eleanor Jessie Female Johnson Leonard Hugh Male Fremantle
1940/2700428 Fremantle Johnson Leonard Hugh Male Forsyth Elsie Eleanor Jessie Female Fremantle
1940/2700429 Fremantle Maroney Alfred Martin Male Mortimer Hannah Frances Female Beaconsfield
1940/2700429 Fremantle Mortimer Hannah Frances Female Maroney Alfred Martin Male Beaconsfield
1940/2700430 Fremantle Byrne Mary Female Knowles Herbert Ernest Male Fremantle
1940/2700430 Fremantle Knowles Herbert Ernest Male Byrne Mary Female Fremantle
1940/2700431 Fremantle Laming Marion Barbara Female Miller Charles Henry Male Fremantle
1940/2700431 Fremantle Miller Charles Henry Male Laming Marion Barbara Female Fremantle
1940/2700432 Fremantle McNess Mary Female Smith Francis Joseph Noel Male Fremantle
1940/2700432 Fremantle Smith Francis Joseph Noel Male McNess Mary Female Fremantle
1940/2700433 Fremantle Adams William Alexander Male Cook Elizabeth Jean Female Fremantle
1940/2700433 Fremantle Cook Elizabeth Jean Female Adams William Alexander Male Fremantle
1940/2700434 Fremantle Bennett George Henry Male Dunn Kathleen Cecelia Female Fremantle
1940/2700434 Fremantle Dunn Kathleen Cecelia Female Bennett George Henry Male Fremantle
1940/2700435 Fremantle Duffield John Hole Male Trewhella Sylvia Merle Female Fremantle
1940/2700435 Fremantle Trewhella Sylvia Merle Female Duffield John Hole Male Fremantle
1940/2700436 Fremantle Monaghan Eileen May Female Townsend Cyril John Male Fremantle
1940/2700436 Fremantle Townsend Cyril John Male Monaghan Eileen May Female Fremantle
1940/2700437 Fremantle Watt Reginald Sidney Male Wirth May Female Fremantle
1940/2700437 Fremantle Wirth May Female Watt Reginald Sidney Male Fremantle
1940/2700438 Fremantle Millward Arthur Milton Male Taylor Jean Isabel Female Fremantle
1940/2700438 Fremantle Taylor Jean Isabel Female Millward Arthur Milton Male Fremantle
1940/2700439 Fremantle Baker Valmai Gladys Female Parkes John Frederick Male Fremantle
1940/2700439 Fremantle Parkes John Frederick Male Baker Valmai Gladys Female Fremantle
1940/2700440 Fremantle Gobbee Fredrick Blakeman Male Lee Mary Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1940/2700440 Fremantle Lee Mary Elizabeth Female Gobbee Fredrick Blakeman Male Fremantle
1940/2700441 Fremantle Holloway Joan Female Montague Bert William Male Fremantle
1940/2700441 Fremantle Montague Bert William Male Holloway Joan Female Fremantle
1940/2700442 Fremantle Hutchings Francis James Male Kennedy Alice Doreen Female Fremantle
1940/2700442 Fremantle Kennedy Alice Doreen Female Hutchings Francis James Male Fremantle
1940/2700443 Fremantle Honey Phillip Griffin Male Mitchell Olga Margaret Female Fremantle
1940/2700443 Fremantle Mitchell Olga Margaret Female Honey Phillip Griffin Male Fremantle
1940/2700444 Fremantle Burns Clara Edith Female Walker Ernest George Male Fremantle
1940/2700444 Fremantle Walker Ernest George Male Burns Clara Edith Female Fremantle
1940/2700445 Fremantle Bateman Rachel Olive Female Gillett Lionel Edward Male Fremantle
1940/2700445 Fremantle Gillett Lionel Edward Male Bateman Rachel Olive Female Fremantle
1940/2700446 Fremantle Back Philip James Male Kirk Olive May Female Fremantle
1940/2700446 Fremantle Kirk Olive May Female Back Philip James Male Fremantle
1940/2700447 Fremantle Bovell Doris Thelma Female Giles Leslie Phillip Male Fremantle
1940/2700447 Fremantle Giles Leslie Phillip Male Bovell Doris Thelma Female Fremantle
1940/2700448 Fremantle Marchant Fredrick Stanley Male Skelton Phyllis May Female Fremantle
1940/2700448 Fremantle Skelton Phyllis May Female Marchant Fredrick Stanley Male Fremantle
1940/2700449 Fremantle Kirk Bernice Matilda Harriet Female Sunman Hillary Malcolm Male Fremantle
1940/2700449 Fremantle Sunman Hillary Malcolm Male Kirk Bernice Matilda Harriet Female Fremantle
1940/2700450 Fremantle Chalwell Herbert Hector Male Stevenson Margaret Kerr Female Fremantle
1940/2700450 Fremantle Stevenson Margaret Kerr Female Chalwell Herbert Hector Male Fremantle
1940/2700451 Fremantle Billingham Harry Ernest Male Packham Nora Marjorie Female Fremantle
1940/2700451 Fremantle Packham Nora Marjorie Female Billingham Harry Ernest Male Fremantle
1940/2700452 Fremantle Hancock Joyce Veronica Female Haughton William Mitchell Male Fremantle
1940/2700452 Fremantle Haughton William Mitchell Male Hancock Joyce Veronica Female Fremantle
1940/2700453 Fremantle Jarman Mary Elizabeth Female Wake William Male Fremantle
1940/2700453 Fremantle Wake William Male Jarman Mary Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1940/2700454 Fremantle Reid Mary Mills Female Thomas Alan Robert Male Fremantle
1940/2700454 Fremantle Thomas Alan Robert Male Reid Mary Mills Female Fremantle
1940/2700455 Fremantle Ebbs Gweneth Josephine Female Nind Arthur Laurence Octavius Pitt Male Fremantle
1940/2700455 Fremantle Nind Arthur Laurence Octavius Pitt Male Ebbs Gweneth Josephine Female Fremantle
1940/2700456 Fremantle Ditchburn Thomas William Male Keogh Enid Elizabeth Helena Female Fremantle
1940/2700456 Fremantle Keogh Enid Elizabeth Helena Female Ditchburn Thomas William Male Fremantle
1940/2700457 Fremantle Lucas Ivy Rose Female Scott Robert Henry Male South Fremantle
1940/2700457 Fremantle Scott Robert Henry Male Lucas Ivy Rose Female South Fremantle
1940/2700458 Fremantle Lopes Guiseppe Male Richardson Emma Evelyn Female Fremantle
1940/2700458 Fremantle Richardson Emma Evelyn Female Lopes Guiseppe Male Fremantle
1940/2700459 Fremantle Shea Keith Sylvester Male Tuke Linda Female Fremantle
1940/2700459 Fremantle Tuke Linda Female Shea Keith Sylvester Male Fremantle
1940/2700460 Fremantle Cicerello Mary Female Iannello Giacomo Male Fremantle
1940/2700460 Fremantle Iannello Giacomo Male Cicerello Mary Female Fremantle
1940/2700461 Fremantle Fraser Myra Isobel Female Kilminster Edward George Male Fremantle
1940/2700461 Fremantle Kilminster Edward George Male Fraser Myra Isobel Female Fremantle
1940/2700462 Fremantle Kelly John Male Maloney Winifred Cora Female Fremantle
1940/2700462 Fremantle Maloney Winifred Cora Female Kelly John Male Fremantle
1940/2700463 Fremantle Askevold Edward Male Miner Violet Eleanor Female Fremantle
1940/2700463 Fremantle Miner Violet Eleanor Female Askevold Edward Male Fremantle
1940/2700464 Fremantle Harper Leslie Male Tuckey Eva Peggy Female Fremantle
1940/2700464 Fremantle Tuckey Eva Peggy Female Harper Leslie Male Fremantle
1940/2700465 Fremantle Bitton Phyllis Ellen May Female Hubble Harry Elsmore Male Fremantle
1940/2700465 Fremantle Hubble Harry Elsmore Male Bitton Phyllis Ellen May Female Fremantle
1940/2700466 Fremantle Goold Leonard Bowman Male Keane Lorna Rosabelle Female Fremantle
1940/2700466 Fremantle Keane Lorna Rosabelle Female Goold Leonard Bowman Male Fremantle
1940/2700467 Fremantle Noble Doris Lewin Female Thompson William Frederick Elms Male Fremantle
1940/2700467 Fremantle Thompson William Frederick Elms Male Noble Doris Lewin Female Fremantle
1940/2700468 Fremantle Denic Thelma Jean Female Whiting Charles William Male Fremantle
1940/2700468 Fremantle Whiting Charles William Male Denic Thelma Jean Female Fremantle
1940/2700469 Fremantle Anderson Clement Cecil Male Loxton Ivy Olive Female Fremantle
1940/2700469 Fremantle Loxton Ivy Olive Female Anderson Clement Cecil Male Fremantle
1940/2700470 Fremantle Baker Walter Francis Male Coutts Norah Jane Female Fremantle
1940/2700470 Fremantle Coutts Norah Jane Female Baker Walter Francis Male Fremantle
1940/2700471 Fremantle Beard Violet Amelia Female Gill Laurence George Male Fremantle
1940/2700471 Fremantle Gill Laurence George Male Beard Violet Amelia Female Fremantle
1940/2700472 Fremantle Main Sydney Ernest Male Staton Joyce Emmie Female Fremantle
1940/2700472 Fremantle Staton Joyce Emmie Female Main Sydney Ernest Male Fremantle
1940/2700473 Fremantle Fry Jean Lilian Female Jeffreys John Eric Male Fremantle
1940/2700473 Fremantle Jeffreys John Eric Male Fry Jean Lilian Female Fremantle
1940/2700474 Fremantle Jenkins Ronald Percival Male Mitchell Alice Female Fremantle
1940/2700474 Fremantle Mitchell Alice Female Jenkins Ronald Percival Male Fremantle
1940/2700475 Fremantle Dyer Thelma May Female Hall Hubert Male East Fremantle
1940/2700475 Fremantle Hall Hubert Male Dyer Thelma May Female East Fremantle
1940/2700476 Fremantle Bennetts Russell Male King Nellie Ada Female Fremantle
1940/2700476 Fremantle King Nellie Ada Female Bennetts Russell Male Fremantle
1940/2700477 Fremantle Davies William Howard Male MacLeod Christina Female Fremantle
1940/2700477 Fremantle MacLeod Christina Female Davies William Howard Male Fremantle
1940/2700478 Fremantle Keenin Matilda Female Thomson Norman Male Fremantle
1940/2700478 Fremantle Thomson Norman Male Keenin Matilda Female Fremantle
1940/2700479 Fremantle Brennan James Male Goddard Susie Annette Female Fremantle
1940/2700479 Fremantle Goddard Susie Annette Female Brennan James Male Fremantle
1940/2700480 Fremantle Dutch Agnes May Female Ritson William Male Fremantle
1940/2700480 Fremantle Ritson William Male Dutch Agnes May Female Fremantle
1940/2700481 Fremantle Daly Michael John Male Lewington Mavis Lorraine Female Fremantle
1940/2700481 Fremantle Lewington Mavis Lorraine Female Daly Michael John Male Fremantle
1940/2700482 Fremantle Coates Mary Female Courtney Alfred Lloyd Male Fremantle
1940/2700482 Fremantle Courtney Alfred Lloyd Male Coates Mary Female Fremantle
1940/2700483 Fremantle Miller Betty Female Vickridge Leonard Frederick Willot Male Fremantle
1940/2700483 Fremantle Vickridge Leonard Frederick Willot Male Miller Betty Female Fremantle
1940/2700484 Fremantle Butterworth Isabella Female McLarty Victor James Male Fremantle
1940/2700484 Fremantle McLarty Victor James Male Butterworth Isabella Female Fremantle
1940/2700485 Fremantle Collins William Alexander Male Samuel Cordelia Female Fremantle
1940/2700485 Fremantle Samuel Cordelia Female Collins William Alexander Male Fremantle
1940/2700486 Fremantle Skelton Frederick George Male Westergaard Jean Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1940/2700486 Fremantle Westergaard Jean Elizabeth Female Skelton Frederick George Male Fremantle
1940/2700487 Fremantle Row Alfred Stephen Male Whiting Gertrude Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1940/2700487 Fremantle Whiting Gertrude Elizabeth Female Row Alfred Stephen Male Fremantle
1940/2700488 Fremantle Bosworth George Male Munro Thora May Female Fremantle
1940/2700488 Fremantle Munro Thora May Female Bosworth George Male Fremantle
1940/2700489 Fremantle Hiscock Sylvia Bessie Female McLean Kenneth George Male Fremantle
1940/2700489 Fremantle McLean Kenneth George Male Hiscock Sylvia Bessie Female Fremantle
1940/2700490 Fremantle Connolly Cecil James Male Sanders Coral Doreen Female Fremantle
1940/2700490 Fremantle Sanders Coral Doreen Female Connolly Cecil James Male Fremantle
1940/2700491 Fremantle Ford Kenneth George Male Morris Maisie Agnes Female Fremantle
1940/2700491 Fremantle Morris Maisie Agnes Female Ford Kenneth George Male Fremantle
1940/2700492 Fremantle Long Hugh Thomas Male Weston Joan Emily Female Fremantle
1940/2700492 Fremantle Weston Joan Emily Female Long Hugh Thomas Male Fremantle
1940/2700493 Fremantle Hamilton Alan Male Marett Everenia Phyllis Female Fremantle
1940/2700493 Fremantle Marett Everenia Phyllis Female Hamilton Alan Male Fremantle
1940/2700494 Fremantle Daniell Robert John Male Moir Jean Grassic Female East Fremantle Presbyterian Church
1940/2700494 Fremantle Moir Jean Grassic Female Daniell Robert John Male East Fremantle Presbyterian Church
1940/2700495 Fremantle Brennan Martha Juenetta Isabella Female Deakin Joseph Alfred Male Fremantle
1940/2700495 Fremantle Deakin Joseph Alfred Male Brennan Martha Juenetta Isabella Female Fremantle
1940/2700496 Fremantle Bromilow Arthur Male Thorn Mavis Gertrude Female Fremantle
1940/2700496 Fremantle Thorn Mavis Gertrude Female Bromilow Arthur Male Fremantle
1940/2700497 Fremantle Graham Bertram Male Saunders Margaret Flora Female Fremantle
1940/2700497 Fremantle Saunders Margaret Flora Female Graham Bertram Male Fremantle
1940/2700498 Fremantle O'Dowd Ruby Kathleen Female Ward Sidney Clarence Male Fremantle
1940/2700498 Fremantle Ward Sidney Clarence Male O'Dowd Ruby Kathleen Female Fremantle
1940/2700499 Fremantle Jewell Alfred Harold Male Soall Dorothy May Female Fremantle
1940/2700499 Fremantle Soall Dorothy May Female Jewell Alfred Harold Male Fremantle
1940/2700500 Fremantle Lyons Elvira Adelpha Female Moe Arne Sigurd Male Fremantle
1940/2700500 Fremantle Moe Arne Sigurd Male Lyons Elvira Adelpha Female Fremantle
1940/2700501 Fremantle Hosking Raymond Peter Male Tanner Olga Doreen Female Fremantle
1940/2700501 Fremantle Tanner Olga Doreen Female Hosking Raymond Peter Male Fremantle
1940/2700502 Fremantle McNab Edna Jessie Female Thomson James Stewart Male Fremantle
1940/2700502 Fremantle Thomson James Stewart Male McNab Edna Jessie Female Fremantle
1940/2700503 Fremantle Gerrard Doris Female Rogers Percival Orchard Male Fremantle
1940/2700503 Fremantle Rogers Percival Orchard Male Gerrard Doris Female Fremantle
1940/2700504 Fremantle Dearle Dorothy Female Iversen Alfred John Male East Fremantle
1940/2700504 Fremantle Iversen Alfred John Male Dearle Dorothy Female East Fremantle
1940/2700505 Fremantle Anderson Emma Rotha McInnes Female Lenanton Charles Arthur John Male Fremantle
1940/2700505 Fremantle Lenanton Charles Arthur John Male Anderson Emma Rotha McInnes Female Fremantle
1940/2800001 Gascoyne Nailard Reginald Charles Male Smith Rita Gladys Female Carnarvon
1940/2800001 Gascoyne Smith Rita Gladys Female Nailard Reginald Charles Male Carnarvon
1940/2800002 Gascoyne Balding Constance Mary Female Glass William John Male Carnarvon
1940/2800002 Gascoyne Glass William John Male Balding Constance Mary Female Carnarvon
1940/2800003 Gascoyne Dawson Edith Mary Mailey Female Smith Norman John Male Carnarvon
1940/2800003 Gascoyne Smith Norman John Male Dawson Edith Mary Mailey Female Carnarvon
1940/2800004 Gascoyne Owen Joseph Edward Male Walker Georgina May Female Carnarvon
1940/2800004 Gascoyne Walker Georgina May Female Owen Joseph Edward Male Carnarvon
1941/2900001 Geraldton Robertson Olive Ivy Female Strickland Henry James Male Geraldton
1941/2900001 Geraldton Strickland Henry James Male Robertson Olive Ivy Female Geraldton
1941/2900002 Geraldton Capewell Priscilla Maud Female Oakley Henry William Male Geraldton
1940/2900002 Geraldton Fraser John Gilchrist Male Houston Madeline Grace Female Geraldton
1940/2900002 Geraldton Houston Madeline Grace Female Fraser John Gilchrist Male Geraldton
1941/2900002 Geraldton Oakley Henry William Male Capewell Priscilla Maud Female Geraldton
1940/2900004 Geraldton Best William Noel Male Sharples Amy Female Bluff Point
1940/2900004 Geraldton Sharples Amy Female Best William Noel Male Bluff Point
1940/2900005 Geraldton Fogliani Vittoria Female Gerarchi Primo Male Mullewa
1940/2900005 Geraldton Gerarchi Primo Male Fogliani Vittoria Female Mullewa
1940/2900006 Geraldton Baker Mary Kathleen Female Graham James William Male Geraldton
1940/2900006 Geraldton Graham James William Male Baker Mary Kathleen Female Geraldton
1940/2900007 Geraldton Fisher Llewellyn Allen Male McGuiness Veronica Carmel Female Geraldton
1940/2900007 Geraldton McGuiness Veronica Carmel Female Fisher Llewellyn Allen Male Geraldton
1940/2900008 Geraldton Grigsby Leighton Male Patman Vera Female Geraldton
1940/2900008 Geraldton Patman Vera Female Grigsby Leighton Male Geraldton
1940/2900009 Geraldton Cross Charles Phillip Male Morris Mavis Kathleen Female Geraldton
1940/2900009 Geraldton Morris Mavis Kathleen Female Cross Charles Phillip Male Geraldton
1940/2900010 Geraldton Holbrook George Norris Male Joyce Jane Female Geraldton
1940/2900010 Geraldton Joyce Jane Female Holbrook George Norris Male Geraldton
1940/2900011 Geraldton Hutchinson John Raymond Male Stafford Elsie May Knowlton Female Geraldton
1940/2900011 Geraldton Stafford Elsie May Knowlton Female Hutchinson John Raymond Male Geraldton
1940/2900012 Geraldton Maher Mary Female Waller Athol Granville Male Geraldton
1940/2900012 Geraldton Waller Athol Granville Male Maher Mary Female Geraldton
1940/2900013 Geraldton Mazzuchelli Imelda Margaret Female Ryan James Stanislaus Male Geraldton
1940/2900013 Geraldton Ryan James Stanislaus Male Mazzuchelli Imelda Margaret Female Geraldton
1940/2900014 Geraldton Askew Victor Stanley Male Lock Beatrix Eva Female Geraldton
1940/2900014 Geraldton Lock Beatrix Eva Female Askew Victor Stanley Male Geraldton
1940/2900015 Geraldton Pell Joyce Amelia Female Spencer Allen Reginald Male Geraldton
1940/2900015 Geraldton Spencer Allen Reginald Male Pell Joyce Amelia Female Geraldton
1940/2900016 Geraldton Cairn Norman Francis Male Carpenter Edna May Female Geraldton
1940/2900016 Geraldton Carpenter Edna May Female Cairn Norman Francis Male Geraldton
1940/2900017 Geraldton Mildwaters Bessie Female Truscott Richard Donald Male Geraldton
1940/2900017 Geraldton Truscott Richard Donald Male Mildwaters Bessie Female Geraldton
1940/2900018 Geraldton Anderson Mervyn George Male Fripp Winifred Margaret Female Geraldton
1940/2900018 Geraldton Fripp Winifred Margaret Female Anderson Mervyn George Male Geraldton
1940/2900019 Geraldton Alderson Ruth Female Stewart Cecil Francis Male Geraldton
1940/2900019 Geraldton Stewart Cecil Francis Male Alderson Ruth Female Geraldton
1940/2900020 Geraldton Bickford Clayton Manners Male Kempton Elaine Bell Female Geraldton
1940/2900020 Geraldton Kempton Elaine Bell Female Bickford Clayton Manners Male Geraldton
1940/2900021 Geraldton Crane Rose Mavis Female Smith Leslie Male Geraldton
1940/2900021 Geraldton Smith Leslie Male Crane Rose Mavis Female Geraldton
1940/2900022 Geraldton Burmester Edmund Field Male Christie Catherine Elizabeth Female Geraldton
1940/2900022 Geraldton Christie Catherine Elizabeth Female Burmester Edmund Field Male Geraldton
1940/2900023 Geraldton Davidson Catherine Jean Female Nancarrow Thomas Oliver Male Geraldton
1940/2900023 Geraldton Nancarrow Thomas Oliver Male Davidson Catherine Jean Female Geraldton
1940/2900024 Geraldton McNaught Thomas Hugh Male Rowe Ivy Margaret Female Geraldton
1940/2900024 Geraldton Rowe Ivy Margaret Female McNaught Thomas Hugh Male Geraldton
1940/2900025 Geraldton Grant Walter McKenzie Male Mitchell Gertrude Kathleen Rossiter Female Geraldton
1940/2900025 Geraldton Mitchell Gertrude Kathleen Rossiter Female Grant Walter McKenzie Male Geraldton
1940/2900026 Geraldton Jones Robert Allan Male Rackshall Julia Ann Female Geraldton
1940/2900026 Geraldton Rackshall Julia Ann Female Jones Robert Allan Male Geraldton
1940/2900027 Geraldton Merchant Albert Henry Male Smith Frances Jean Female Geraldton
1940/2900027 Geraldton Smith Frances Jean Female Merchant Albert Henry Male Geraldton
1940/2900028 Geraldton Joseph Alice Miriam Female Millar Leslie Hunter Male Geraldton
1940/2900028 Geraldton Millar Leslie Hunter Male Joseph Alice Miriam Female Geraldton
1940/2900029 Geraldton Burton William Francis Male Reynolds Eunice Isobel Female Geraldton
1940/2900029 Geraldton Reynolds Eunice Isobel Female Burton William Francis Male Geraldton
1940/2900030 Geraldton OMalley Leslie William Male Reynolds Catherine Mary Female Geraldton
1940/2900030 Geraldton Reynolds Catherine Mary Female OMalley Leslie William Male Geraldton
1940/2900031 Geraldton Crothers Alfred Edward Male Trezise Vera Dorothy Female Geraldton
1940/2900031 Geraldton Trezise Vera Dorothy Female Crothers Alfred Edward Male Geraldton
1940/2900032 Geraldton Saunders Ethel Doreen Female Teakle Charlton Kitchener Male Geraldton
1940/2900032 Geraldton Teakle Charlton Kitchener Male Saunders Ethel Doreen Female Geraldton
1940/2900033 Geraldton OMalley Mavis Christina Female Shaw Lawrence Henry Male Geraldton
1940/2900033 Geraldton Shaw Lawrence Henry Male OMalley Mavis Christina Female Geraldton
1940/2900034 Geraldton Bignell Amy Millicent Female Hales John Franklin Male Mullewa
1940/2900034 Geraldton Hales John Franklin Male Bignell Amy Millicent Female Mullewa
1940/2900035 Geraldton Cruse Ada Margaret Female Vecchia Leo Dominic Anthony Male Geraldton
1940/2900035 Geraldton Vecchia Leo Dominic Anthony Male Cruse Ada Margaret Female Geraldton
1940/2900036 Geraldton Criddle Norman Auldis Male O'Malley Kathleen Mary Female Geraldton
1940/2900036 Geraldton O'Malley Kathleen Mary Female Criddle Norman Auldis Male Geraldton
1940/2900037 Geraldton Clarkson Evelyn Winifred Female Pearson Douglas Haig Male Geraldton
1940/2900037 Geraldton Pearson Douglas Haig Male Clarkson Evelyn Winifred Female Geraldton
1940/2900038 Geraldton Edwards Alfred Male Richman Mary Teresa Female Geraldton
1940/2900038 Geraldton Richman Mary Teresa Female Edwards Alfred Male Geraldton
1940/2900039 Geraldton Bagley Mary Cecilia Female Farrell Matthew Charles Male Geraldton
1940/2900039 Geraldton Farrell Matthew Charles Male Bagley Mary Cecilia Female Geraldton
1940/2900040 Geraldton Clarke Mavis Female Preston David Haynes Male Bluff Point
1940/2900040 Geraldton Preston David Haynes Male Clarke Mavis Female Bluff Point
1940/2900041 Geraldton Brady Frances May Female Northover Richrad Richbell Male Geraldton
1940/2900041 Geraldton Northover Richrad Richbell Male Brady Frances May Female Geraldton
1940/2900042 Geraldton Atkinson Harry Leonard Male Peden Jessie Female Geraldton
1940/2900042 Geraldton Peden Jessie Female Atkinson Harry Leonard Male Geraldton
1940/2900043 Geraldton Baker Leslie Stevens Male Whitworth Joyce Margaret Female Geraldton
1940/2900043 Geraldton Whitworth Joyce Margaret Female Baker Leslie Stevens Male Geraldton
1940/2900044 Geraldton Pond Sydney Male Wisbey Jessie May Female Geraldton
1940/2900044 Geraldton Wisbey Jessie May Female Pond Sydney Male Geraldton
1940/2900045 Geraldton Sewell Frances Edna Female Testaferrata-Olivier Robert Pembroke Male Geraldton
1940/2900045 Geraldton Testaferrata-Olivier Robert Pembroke Male Sewell Frances Edna Female Geraldton
1940/2900047 Geraldton Lamont Wallace Gerald Eugene Male Wansbrough Olive Jean Female Geraldton
1940/2900047 Geraldton Wansbrough Olive Jean Female Lamont Wallace Gerald Eugene Male Geraldton
1940/2900048 Geraldton Gatsos George Male Kostantenos Jordana Female Bluff Point
1940/2900048 Geraldton Kostantenos Jordana Female Gatsos George Male Bluff Point
1940/2900049 Geraldton Kidd James Donald Male Stout Dorothy Ethel Female Geraldton
1940/2900049 Geraldton Stout Dorothy Ethel Female Kidd James Donald Male Geraldton
1940/2900050 Geraldton Nulsen Albert Franz Male Rowland Sylvia Edith Female Geraldton
1940/2900050 Geraldton Rowland Sylvia Edith Female Nulsen Albert Franz Male Geraldton
1940/2900051 Geraldton Bohan Fanny Mary Female Lofthouse William Ronald Male Geraldton
1940/2900051 Geraldton Lofthouse William Ronald Male Bohan Fanny Mary Female Geraldton
1940/2900052 Geraldton Phillips David Ernest Male Wilton Catherine Louisa Female Geraldton
1940/2900052 Geraldton Wilton Catherine Louisa Female Phillips David Ernest Male Geraldton
1940/2900053 Geraldton Dawson Gwendoline Sarah Anne Female Perham Stanley Krempin Male Geraldton
1940/2900053 Geraldton Perham Stanley Krempin Male Dawson Gwendoline Sarah Anne Female Geraldton
1940/2900054 Geraldton Hale Arthur Male Marsh Jean Female Geraldton
1940/2900054 Geraldton Marsh Jean Female Hale Arthur Male Geraldton
1940/2900055 Geraldton Buckley Gerald Male Bunter Kathleen Female Kojarena
1940/2900055 Geraldton Bunter Kathleen Female Buckley Gerald Male Kojarena
1940/2900056 Geraldton Hawkins Arthur Clive Male Ovenden Roma Lillian Female Geraldton
1940/2900056 Geraldton Ovenden Roma Lillian Female Hawkins Arthur Clive Male Geraldton
1940/2900057 Geraldton Armstrong Margaret Mary Female Atkinson James Clement Male Geraldton
1940/2900057 Geraldton Atkinson James Clement Male Armstrong Margaret Mary Female Geraldton
1940/2900058 Geraldton Eves Osra Marjorie Female Wisbey John Ernest Male Geraldton
1940/2900058 Geraldton Wisbey John Ernest Male Eves Osra Marjorie Female Geraldton
1940/2900059 Geraldton Farrell Mary Rose Female Whitby Edward Ernest Male Geraldton
1940/2900059 Geraldton Whitby Edward Ernest Male Farrell Mary Rose Female Geraldton
1940/2900060 Geraldton Hurley Frank McNeave Male Saunders Sarah Female Geraldton
1940/2900060 Geraldton Saunders Sarah Female Hurley Frank McNeave Male Geraldton
1940/2900061 Geraldton Bellottie Mack Male Brand May Elizabeth Female Geraldton
1940/2900061 Geraldton Brand May Elizabeth Female Bellottie Mack Male Geraldton
1940/2900062 Geraldton Berbatis George Male Skarlatou Despena Female Geraldton
1940/2900062 Geraldton Skarlatou Despena Female Berbatis George Male Geraldton
1940/2900063 Geraldton Ash Constance Alice Female Hipper Lloyd James Male Geraldton
1940/2900063 Geraldton Hipper Lloyd James Male Ash Constance Alice Female Geraldton
1940/2900064 Geraldton Freeman Frank Richard Male Thomas Marjorie Evelyn Josephine Female Geraldton
1940/2900064 Geraldton Thomas Marjorie Evelyn Josephine Female Freeman Frank Richard Male Geraldton
1940/2900065 Geraldton Cross James Fabian Male Graham Pearl Female Geraldton
1940/2900065 Geraldton Graham Pearl Female Cross James Fabian Male Geraldton
1940/2900066 Geraldton Bagshaw Wilfred Male Guscott Muriel Louisa Female Geraldton
1940/2900066 Geraldton Guscott Muriel Louisa Female Bagshaw Wilfred Male Geraldton
1940/2900067 Geraldton Batten Walter John Male Smith Florence Evelyn Female Geraldton
1940/2900067 Geraldton Smith Florence Evelyn Female Batten Walter John Male Geraldton
1940/2900068 Geraldton Cairn Donald Joseph Male Clohessy Cloreen Norma Female Geraldton
1940/2900068 Geraldton Clohessy Cloreen Norma Female Cairn Donald Joseph Male Geraldton
1940/2900069 Geraldton Dunkley Ira Clifford Male Pell Muriel Isobel Female Geraldton
1940/2900069 Geraldton Pell Muriel Isobel Female Dunkley Ira Clifford Male Geraldton
1940/2900070 Geraldton Davies Olive Mary Female Evans Harold Geoffrey Male Geraldton
1940/2900070 Geraldton Evans Harold Geoffrey Male Davies Olive Mary Female Geraldton
1940/2900071 Geraldton Anders Walter George Male Gibbings Beatrice Winifred Female Geraldton
1940/2900071 Geraldton Gibbings Beatrice Winifred Female Anders Walter George Male Geraldton
1940/2900072 Geraldton Cream Timothy Sidney Male Cream Gertrude Female Geraldton
1940/2900072 Geraldton Cream Gertrude Female Cream Timothy Sidney Male Geraldton
1940/2900073 Geraldton Dwyer Francis Joseph Male McCagh Ann Female Geraldton
1940/2900073 Geraldton McCagh Ann Female Dwyer Francis Joseph Male Geraldton
1940/2900074 Geraldton O'Brien Joseph Keith Male Silcock Teresa Elizabeth Female Geraldton
1940/2900074 Geraldton Silcock Teresa Elizabeth Female O'Brien Joseph Keith Male Geraldton
1940/2900075 Geraldton Pollard Ruby Verna Female Turley Frederick Charles Male Geraldton
1940/2900075 Geraldton Turley Frederick Charles Male Pollard Ruby Verna Female Geraldton
1940/2900076 Geraldton Burleigh Moss Micheal Male Fraser Mary Emma Maud Female Geraldton
1940/2900076 Geraldton Fraser Mary Emma Maud Female Burleigh Moss Micheal Male Geraldton
1940/2900077 Geraldton Davis Sidney William Male Mellows Elsie Madge Female Geraldton
1940/2900077 Geraldton Mellows Elsie Madge Female Davis Sidney William Male Geraldton
1940/2900078 Geraldton Shea Margaret Female Wyndham Alward Male Geraldton
1940/2900078 Geraldton Wyndham Alward Male Shea Margaret Female Geraldton
1940/3000001 Gingin Fewster Arthur Lawrence Male Riley Gweneth Female West Australia
1940/3000001 Gingin Riley Gweneth Female Fewster Arthur Lawrence Male West Australia
1940/3000002 Gingin Anderson Daphne Olive Female Ferguson Patrick Matthew Male Chittering
1940/3000002 Gingin Ferguson Patrick Matthew Male Anderson Daphne Olive Female Chittering
1940/3000003 Gingin Hatch Edith Cavell Female Hucker Charles James Male Gingin
1940/3000003 Gingin Hucker Charles James Male Hatch Edith Cavell Female Gingin
1940/3000004 Gingin Lewis Albert Joseph Male Steer Eva Grace Female West Australia
1940/3000004 Gingin Steer Eva Grace Female Lewis Albert Joseph Male West Australia
1940/3000005 Gingin Coles Ronald Charles Male Shaw Sylvia Anne Female Gingin
1940/3000005 Gingin Shaw Sylvia Anne Female Coles Ronald Charles Male Gingin
1940/3100001 Greenough Brennan Eileen Mary Carmel Female Logue Roland Hill Male Walkaway
1940/3100001 Greenough Logue Roland Hill Male Brennan Eileen Mary Carmel Female Walkaway
1940/3100002 Greenough Bagley Grace Virginia Female McCarley John Richard Male Greenough
1940/3100002 Greenough McCarley John Richard Male Bagley Grace Virginia Female Greenough
1940/3100003 Greenough Duncan Lionel Robert Male Haddy Lorna Jessie Female Greenough
1940/3100003 Greenough Haddy Lorna Jessie Female Duncan Lionel Robert Male Greenough
1940/3100004 Greenough Bagley Olive Patricia Female Reynolds Lawrence James Male Greenough
1940/3100004 Greenough Reynolds Lawrence James Male Bagley Olive Patricia Female Greenough
1941/3300001 Irwin Davis John Henry Male Hogan Elizabeth Jean Female Morawa
1941/3300001 Irwin Hogan Elizabeth Jean Female Davis John Henry Male Morawa
1940/3300002 Irwin Hallinan Fergus Donald Male Pascoe Alma Louise Female Mingenew
1940/3300002 Irwin Pascoe Alma Louise Female Hallinan Fergus Donald Male Mingenew
1940/3300003 Irwin Barnes Lillian Ethel Female Eiffler Francis John Male Morawa
1940/3300003 Irwin Eiffler Francis John Male Barnes Lillian Ethel Female Morawa
1940/3300004 Irwin Clarkson Beryl Edith Female Money Sydney Allan Male Dongara
1940/3300004 Irwin Money Sydney Allan Male Clarkson Beryl Edith Female Dongara
1940/3300005 Irwin Clarkson Joseph William Male Plester Doreen Emma Female Dongarra
1940/3300005 Irwin Plester Doreen Emma Female Clarkson Joseph William Male Dongarra
1940/3300006 Irwin Bignell Wilfred Glen Male Pettit Ella May Female Mingenew
1940/3300006 Irwin Pettit Ella May Female Bignell Wilfred Glen Male Mingenew
1940/3300007 Irwin Bernard David Gabriel Male Sugrue Sylvia Margaret Female Dongarra
1940/3300007 Irwin Sugrue Sylvia Margaret Female Bernard David Gabriel Male Dongarra
1940/3300008 Irwin Fitzgerald Brian Reginald Male Powell Gertrude Mary Female Morawa
1940/3300008 Irwin Powell Gertrude Mary Female Fitzgerald Brian Reginald Male Morawa
1940/3300009 Irwin Healy Roy Cecil Male Williams Ella Dodd Female Dongarra
1940/3300009 Irwin Williams Ella Dodd Female Healy Roy Cecil Male Dongarra
1940/3300010 Irwin Micke Concordia Gertrude Female Offszanka Carl Bernard Male Canna
1940/3300010 Irwin Offszanka Carl Bernard Male Micke Concordia Gertrude Female Canna
1940/3300011 Irwin Beeson Vera Agnes Female Durbridge Harry Male W Australia
1940/3300011 Irwin Durbridge Harry Male Beeson Vera Agnes Female W Australia
1940/3300012 Irwin Joynes Frank Stanley Male Russell Mary Ellen Jane Female W Australia
1940/3300012 Irwin Russell Mary Ellen Jane Female Joynes Frank Stanley Male W Australia
1940/3300013 Irwin Rowland Ruben Johnson Male Vincent Gertrude Rose Female Dongarra
1940/3300013 Irwin Vincent Gertrude Rose Female Rowland Ruben Johnson Male Dongarra
1940/3300014 Irwin Maher Cyril Male Powell Ida Grace Female Morawa
1940/3300014 Irwin Powell Ida Grace Female Maher Cyril Male Morawa
1940/3300015 Irwin Bowman Ruth Isabella Female Thomson Peter Welsh Male Carnamah
1940/3300015 Irwin Thomson Peter Welsh Male Bowman Ruth Isabella Female Carnamah
1940/3300016 Irwin Brennand Eva Female McDonald Jack Male Dongarra
1940/3300016 Irwin McDonald Jack Male Brennand Eva Female Dongarra
1940/3300017 Irwin Carmody Philip Maurice Male Morton Jean Irene Female Mingenew
1940/3300017 Irwin Morton Jean Irene Female Carmody Philip Maurice Male Mingenew
1940/3300018 Irwin Beeson Alfred Henry Male O'Donnell Annie Elsie Female Dongarra
1940/3300018 Irwin O'Donnell Annie Elsie Female Beeson Alfred Henry Male Dongarra
1940/3300019 Irwin Barr Eva Jean Florence Female Harris Alfred John Male West Australia
1940/3300019 Irwin Harris Alfred John Male Barr Eva Jean Florence Female West Australia
1940/3300020 Irwin Little Robert Arthur Male Saggers Jean McGregor Female Mingenew
1940/3300020 Irwin Saggers Jean McGregor Female Little Robert Arthur Male Mingenew
1940/3300021 Irwin Benjamin Gertrude Female Joseph Leo Male Perenjori
1940/3300021 Irwin Joseph Leo Male Benjamin Gertrude Female Perenjori
1940/3300022 Irwin Healy Phyllis Harriet Female Keown Stanley Kitchener Male Morawa
1940/3300022 Irwin Keown Stanley Kitchener Male Healy Phyllis Harriet Female Morawa
1940/3300023 Irwin Harrison George William Male Wells Dorothy Ellen Female Mingenew
1940/3300023 Irwin Wells Dorothy Ellen Female Harrison George William Male Mingenew
1940/3300024 Irwin Barlow Florence Beatrice Female Hinkley William Roy Male Dalwallinu
1940/3300024 Irwin Hinkley William Roy Male Barlow Florence Beatrice Female Dalwallinu
1940/3300025 Irwin Phillips Jean Female Walley Tomas Clarey Male Perenjori
1940/3300025 Irwin Walley Tomas Clarey Male Phillips Jean Female Perenjori
1940/3400001 Jarrahdale Anderson Yvonne Joan Female Donald Alexander Robert Male Mundijong
1940/3400001 Jarrahdale Donald Alexander Robert Male Anderson Yvonne Joan Female Mundijong
1940/3400002 Jarrahdale Pierce Mary Rose Winifred Female Watson Benjamin Ray Male Mundijong
1940/3400002 Jarrahdale Watson Benjamin Ray Male Pierce Mary Rose Winifred Female Mundijong
1940/3400003 Jarrahdale Leipold Jessie Female Richardson Martin Male Mundijong
1940/3400003 Jarrahdale Richardson Martin Male Leipold Jessie Female Mundijong
1940/3400004 Jarrahdale Dusenberg Alice Elsie Female Hitchcock Eric James Male Mundijong
1940/3400004 Jarrahdale Hitchcock Eric James Male Dusenberg Alice Elsie Female Mundijong
1940/3400005 Jarrahdale Alford Ada Alice Female Lewington Clarence Male Mundijong
1940/3400005 Jarrahdale Lewington Clarence Male Alford Ada Alice Female Mundijong
1940/3400006 Jarrahdale Briggs Betty Bernice Female Maitland William David Male Byford
1940/3400006 Jarrahdale Maitland William David Male Briggs Betty Bernice Female Byford
1940/3400007 Jarrahdale Lockhead Joyce Muriel Female O'Brien Cornelius Patrick Male Jarrahdale
1940/3400007 Jarrahdale O'Brien Cornelius Patrick Male Lockhead Joyce Muriel Female Jarrahdale
1940/3400008 Jarrahdale Buckland Harry Thomas Male Coles Joan Gwendolyne Female Byford
1940/3400008 Jarrahdale Coles Joan Gwendolyne Female Buckland Harry Thomas Male Byford
1940/3400009 Jarrahdale Coleman Edwin William Alfred Male Currie Rona Gladys Female Mundijong
1940/3400009 Jarrahdale Currie Rona Gladys Female Coleman Edwin William Alfred Male Mundijong
1940/3400010 Jarrahdale Dusenberg Alberta Elizabeth Female Nicholas Jessi Williams Male Mundijong
1940/3400010 Jarrahdale Nicholas Jessi Williams Male Dusenberg Alberta Elizabeth Female Mundijong
1940/3400011 Jarrahdale Browne Harry anderson Male McEvoy Mary Louisa Female Jarrahdale
1940/3400011 Jarrahdale McEvoy Mary Louisa Female Browne Harry anderson Male Jarrahdale
1940/3400012 Jarrahdale Read Jack Walter Male Tait Alice Anna Female Mundijong
1940/3400012 Jarrahdale Tait Alice Anna Female Read Jack Walter Male Mundijong
1941/3500004 Katanning Hunt Harry James Male Tarco Norma Ausilia Female Wagin
1941/3500004 Katanning Tarco Norma Ausilia Female Hunt Harry James Male Wagin
1940/3500007 Katanning Palmer Joan Female Philmore Howard Keith Male Kojonup
1940/3500007 Katanning Philmore Howard Keith Male Palmer Joan Female Kojonup
1941/3500008 Katanning Grimes William Henry Alfred Male Todd Margaret Money Female Kojonup
1941/3500008 Katanning Todd Margaret Money Female Grimes William Henry Alfred Male Kojonup
1940/3500012 Katanning Elsworth Albert Henry Male Williams Mavis Elizabeth Female Dumbleyung
1940/3500012 Katanning Williams Mavis Elizabeth Female Elsworth Albert Henry Male Dumbleyung
1940/3500013 Katanning Beeck Hilda Beatrice Female Whyatt Joseph Francis Male Gnowangerup
1940/3500013 Katanning Whyatt Joseph Francis Male Beeck Hilda Beatrice Female Gnowangerup
1940/3500014 Katanning Hewson Ethel Female Jago Albert Edward George Male Kojonup Methodist Church
1940/3500014 Katanning Jago Albert Edward George Male Hewson Ethel Female Kojonup Methodist Church
1940/3500015 Katanning Turner Jean Female Wilson Fredrick James Male Katanning
1940/3500015 Katanning Wilson Fredrick James Male Turner Jean Female Katanning
1940/3500016 Katanning Fleay Jean Isabel Female Nolan Lloyd Gerald Male Katanning
1940/3500016 Katanning Nolan Lloyd Gerald Male Fleay Jean Isabel Female Katanning
1940/3500017 Katanning Haltermann Doris Isobel Female Jenkinson Harvard Kitchener Male Katanning
1940/3500017 Katanning Jenkinson Harvard Kitchener Male Haltermann Doris Isobel Female Katanning
1940/3500019 Katanning Huggett Ruth Barbara Female Walker Ronald William Male Broomehill
1940/3500019 Katanning Walker Ronald William Male Huggett Ruth Barbara Female Broomehill
1940/3500020 Katanning Poett Arthur William Male Winnecke Edna Isabel Female Katanning
1940/3500020 Katanning Winnecke Edna Isabel Female Poett Arthur William Male Katanning
1940/3500021 Katanning Broadhead Oliver Male Smallacombe Linda Irene Female Nyabing
1940/3500021 Katanning Smallacombe Linda Irene Female Broadhead Oliver Male Nyabing
1940/3500022 Katanning Green Michael Male Moncaster Emily Female Katanning
1940/3500022 Katanning Moncaster Emily Female Green Michael Male Katanning
1940/3500023 Katanning Barnard Hilda May Female Beeck Leslie Robert Male Katanning
1940/3500023 Katanning Beeck Leslie Robert Male Barnard Hilda May Female Katanning
1940/3500024 Katanning Murdoch Thomas Raymond Male Taylor Betty Alice Female Wagin
1940/3500024 Katanning Taylor Betty Alice Female Murdoch Thomas Raymond Male Wagin
1940/3500025 Katanning Green Thomas William Male King Sylvia Madeline Female Katanning
1940/3500025 Katanning King Sylvia Madeline Female Green Thomas William Male Katanning
1940/3500026 Katanning Beeck Ella Gertrude Female Franklin Thomas Edward Male Marracoonda
1940/3500026 Katanning Franklin Thomas Edward Male Beeck Ella Gertrude Female Marracoonda
1940/3500027 Katanning Hawley John Dudley Male Lange Adeline Gertrude Female West Australia
1940/3500027 Katanning Lange Adeline Gertrude Female Hawley John Dudley Male West Australia
1940/3500028 Katanning Bahlinger Joyce Female Knight Roy Latimer Male Katanning
1940/3500028 Katanning Knight Roy Latimer Male Bahlinger Joyce Female Katanning
1940/3500029 Katanning Bulloch Kelvin McGregor Male Wanke Thora Lorraine Female Katanning
1940/3500029 Katanning Wanke Thora Lorraine Female Bulloch Kelvin McGregor Male Katanning
1940/3500030 Katanning Anderson Ernest Thomas William Male Fletcher Ida Female Katanning
1940/3500030 Katanning Fletcher Ida Female Anderson Ernest Thomas William Male Katanning
1940/3500031 Katanning Gill Frank Wallis Male Radford Norma Alice Female Katanning
1940/3500031 Katanning Radford Norma Alice Female Gill Frank Wallis Male Katanning
1940/3500032 Katanning O'Donnell Nora Female Schultz Paul Herbert Male West Australia
1940/3500032 Katanning Schultz Paul Herbert Male O'Donnell Nora Female West Australia
1940/3500033 Katanning Henderson Mary Cecelia Female Rothnie Ronald Male Wagin
1940/3500033 Katanning Rothnie Ronald Male Henderson Mary Cecelia Female Wagin
1940/3500034 Katanning Needham George Herbert Male Rowe Viola Maude Female Dumbleyung
1940/3500034 Katanning Rowe Viola Maude Female Needham George Herbert Male Dumbleyung
1940/3500035 Katanning Bradley John Male Mills Bertha Female Katanning
1940/3500035 Katanning Mills Bertha Female Bradley John Male Katanning
1940/3500036 Katanning Francis Eli George Male Smith Ida Lily Female Kojonup Methodist Church
1940/3500036 Katanning Smith Ida Lily Female Francis Eli George Male Kojonup Methodist Church
1940/3500037 Katanning Deacon John Male Sampson Bertha Clarence Female Katanning Methodist Church
1940/3500037 Katanning Sampson Bertha Clarence Female Deacon John Male Katanning Methodist Church
1940/3500038 Katanning Taylor Francis Alwynne Male Weise Verna Hope Female Katanning
1940/3500038 Katanning Weise Verna Hope Female Taylor Francis Alwynne Male Katanning
1940/3500039 Katanning Carr Colin Murray Male Garnett Hazel Clare Female Gnowangerup
1940/3500039 Katanning Garnett Hazel Clare Female Carr Colin Murray Male Gnowangerup
1940/3500040 Katanning Waddell Beatrice Dorothea Female Watson Norman Male Wagin
1940/3500040 Katanning Watson Norman Male Waddell Beatrice Dorothea Female Wagin
1940/3500041 Katanning Annice Mary Matilda Female Toovey Henry Weir Male Katanning
1940/3500041 Katanning Toovey Henry Weir Male Annice Mary Matilda Female Katanning
1940/3500042 Katanning Arthur Jessie Donald Female Powell Jess Vernon Male Lake Grace
1940/3500042 Katanning Powell Jess Vernon Male Arthur Jessie Donald Female Lake Grace
1940/3500043 Katanning Chantler Frank Charles Male Palmer Eugenie Sinclair Murray Female Katanning
1940/3500043 Katanning Palmer Eugenie Sinclair Murray Female Chantler Frank Charles Male Katanning
1940/3500044 Katanning Gunther Alice Nita Female Heath John Sidney Male Gnowangerup
1940/3500044 Katanning Heath John Sidney Male Gunther Alice Nita Female Gnowangerup
1940/3500045 Katanning Mader Marjory Frances Female Vesperman Arthur Male Katanning
1940/3500045 Katanning Vesperman Arthur Male Mader Marjory Frances Female Katanning
1940/3500046 Katanning Richardson Flora Campbell Female Rischbieth Arthur Newman Male Broome Hill
1940/3500046 Katanning Rischbieth Arthur Newman Male Richardson Flora Campbell Female Broome Hill
1940/3500047 Katanning Hulland Rodney Frederick Male Spitty Maisie Patterson Female Katanning
1940/3500047 Katanning Spitty Maisie Patterson Female Hulland Rodney Frederick Male Katanning
1940/3500048 Katanning Carter Wilfrid Grafton Male Griffiths Evelyn Emily May Female Gnowangerup
1940/3500048 Katanning Griffiths Evelyn Emily May Female Carter Wilfrid Grafton Male Gnowangerup
1940/3500049 Katanning Fisher Erica Bernice Female Pope William Wallington John Male Katanning
1940/3500049 Katanning Pope William Wallington John Male Fisher Erica Bernice Female Katanning
1940/3500050 Katanning Ladyman Philip Male Maitland-Webb Phyllis Egerton Female Kojonup
1940/3500050 Katanning Maitland-Webb Phyllis Egerton Female Ladyman Philip Male Kojonup
1940/3500051 Katanning Forsyth Lillian Miriam Female Smith Frederick William Male Katanning
1940/3500051 Katanning Smith Frederick William Male Forsyth Lillian Miriam Female Katanning
1940/3500052 Katanning Chester Ethel May Female Mann Harry William Male Wagin
1940/3500052 Katanning Mann Harry William Male Chester Ethel May Female Wagin
1940/3500053 Katanning Elverd Ethel Female Horley John Frederick Male Kojonup
1940/3500053 Katanning Horley John Frederick Male Elverd Ethel Female Kojonup
1940/3500054 Katanning Hofmann Ernest Temple Male Rice Daphne Georgina Female Katanning
1940/3500054 Katanning Rice Daphne Georgina Female Hofmann Ernest Temple Male Katanning
1940/3500055 Katanning Mills Alice Mabel Female Vagg Vernon William Male Katanning
1940/3500055 Katanning Vagg Vernon William Male Mills Alice Mabel Female Katanning
1940/3500056 Katanning Lamp Walter Thomas Marcus Male Wanke Thelma Florence Female Wagin
1940/3500056 Katanning Wanke Thelma Florence Female Lamp Walter Thomas Marcus Male Wagin
1940/3500057 Katanning Black Ruby Emily Female Maxwell William Ferguson Male Wagin Methodist Church
1940/3500057 Katanning Maxwell William Ferguson Male Black Ruby Emily Female Wagin Methodist Church
1940/3500058 Katanning Farrow Allan Ross Male Walter Freda Nellie Female Wagin
1940/3500058 Katanning Walter Freda Nellie Female Farrow Allan Ross Male Wagin
1940/3500059 Katanning Cornwall Archibald Male Wallam Phoebe Female Wagin
1940/3500059 Katanning Jones Archibald Male Wallam Phoebe Female Wagin
1940/3500059 Katanning Wallam Phoebe Female Cornwall Archibald Male Wagin
1940/3500059 Katanning Wallam Phoebe Female Jones Archibald Male Wagin
1940/3500060 Katanning Godfrey Agnes Jessie Female Hounsham Harold Male Katanning
1940/3500060 Katanning Hounsham Harold Male Godfrey Agnes Jessie Female Katanning
1940/3500061 Katanning Haggerty Effie Amy Female Muir Ronald Male Katanning
1940/3500061 Katanning Muir Ronald Male Haggerty Effie Amy Female Katanning
1940/3500062 Katanning Hale Elverd William Male Lawson Gertie Bella Female Katanning
1940/3500062 Katanning Lawson Gertie Bella Female Hale Elverd William Male Katanning
1940/3500063 Katanning Aylmore Honor Caroline Female Venning Herbert Brice Male Katanning
1940/3500063 Katanning Venning Herbert Brice Male Aylmore Honor Caroline Female Katanning
1940/3500064 Katanning Kellow Verna Doreen Female O'Donnell Patrick Eli Male Dumbleyung
1940/3500064 Katanning O'Donnell Patrick Eli Male Kellow Verna Doreen Female Dumbleyung
1940/3500065 Katanning Matthews Thomas Henry Male Norman Edna May Female Katanning
1940/3500065 Katanning Norman Edna May Female Matthews Thomas Henry Male Katanning
1940/3500066 Katanning Absolon Austin de Mansfield Male Skewes Olive Gytha Female Wagin
1940/3500066 Katanning Skewes Olive Gytha Female Absolon Austin de Mansfield Male Wagin
1940/3500067 Katanning Johns William Albert Male Williams Daphne May Female Katanning
1940/3500067 Katanning Williams Daphne May Female Johns William Albert Male Katanning
1940/3500068 Katanning Copeland Daniel Male Tussler Hilda Female Katanning
1940/3500068 Katanning Tussler Hilda Female Copeland Daniel Male Katanning
1940/3500069 Katanning Dawson Robert Davidson Male Sowden Bertha Ann Female Katanning
1940/3500069 Katanning Sowden Bertha Ann Female Dawson Robert Davidson Male Katanning
1940/3500070 Katanning Robinson Edith Merle Female Sparks Owen John Ellerton Male Kojonup
1940/3500070 Katanning Sparks Owen John Ellerton Male Robinson Edith Merle Female Kojonup
1940/3500071 Katanning Barrot Louisa Female Hill Arthur Ronald Male Katanning
1940/3500071 Katanning Hill Arthur Ronald Male Barrot Louisa Female Katanning
1940/3500072 Katanning Platt William Henry Male Wise Olive Muriel Female Katanning
1940/3500072 Katanning Wise Olive Muriel Female Platt William Henry Male Katanning
1940/3500073 Katanning Collins Walter Michael Male Joyce Mary Violet Female Wagin
1940/3500073 Katanning Joyce Mary Violet Female Collins Walter Michael Male Wagin
1940/3500074 Katanning Ball Lorna Jocelyn Female McDonald Ernest Vivian Male Gnowangerup
1940/3500074 Katanning McDonald Ernest Vivian Male Ball Lorna Jocelyn Female Gnowangerup
1940/3500075 Katanning Elverd Albert Arthur Male Underdown Florence Lily Female Katanning
1940/3500075 Katanning Underdown Florence Lily Female Elverd Albert Arthur Male Katanning
1940/3500076 Katanning Bungey Betty Winifred Female Moir Ross Newland Male Katanning
1940/3500076 Katanning Moir Ross Newland Male Bungey Betty Winifred Female Katanning
1940/3500077 Katanning Robinson Margaret Forbes Female Webb Geoffrey Maitland Male Kojonup
1940/3500077 Katanning Webb Geoffrey Maitland Male Robinson Margaret Forbes Female Kojonup
1940/3500078 Katanning Holland Stanley William Hanson Male Reschke Clarise May Female Wagin
1940/3500078 Katanning Reschke Clarise May Female Holland Stanley William Hanson Male Wagin
1940/3500079 Katanning Pearce Blanche Louisa Female West Noel Francis Male Dumbleyung
1940/3500079 Katanning West Noel Francis Male Pearce Blanche Louisa Female Dumbleyung
1940/3500080 Katanning Marquis Thomas Henry Male Slater Dorothy Jean Female Katanning
1940/3500080 Katanning Slater Dorothy Jean Female Marquis Thomas Henry Male Katanning
1940/3500081 Katanning Ball Phyllis Joyce Female Cook James Arthur Male Wagin
1940/3500081 Katanning Cook James Arthur Male Ball Phyllis Joyce Female Wagin
1940/3500082 Katanning Kissane Arrabella Mary Female Stanford Laurence James Male Wagin
1940/3500082 Katanning Stanford Laurence James Male Kissane Arrabella Mary Female Wagin
1940/3500083 Katanning OBrien Arthur Henry Male Sprigg Jean Millicent Female Wagin
1940/3500083 Katanning Sprigg Jean Millicent Female OBrien Arthur Henry Male Wagin
1940/3500084 Katanning Bonato Valentini Male Dell'Aversana Filomena Female Katanning
1940/3500084 Katanning Dell'Aversana Filomena Female Bonato Valentini Male Katanning
1940/3500085 Katanning Cameron Bruce McDonald Male Rea Pearl May Joyce Female Wagin
1940/3500085 Katanning Rea Pearl May Joyce Female Cameron Bruce McDonald Male Wagin
1940/3500086 Katanning Cousins John Charles Edward Winson Male Roberts Mona May Female Katanning
1940/3500086 Katanning Roberts Mona May Female Cousins John Charles Edward Winson Male Katanning
1940/3500087 Katanning Kiddie Leslie Charles Male Ramm Dulcie May Female Katanning
1940/3500087 Katanning Ramm Dulcie May Female Kiddie Leslie Charles Male Katanning
1940/3500088 Katanning Baxter William Male Davis Rose Mary Female Katanning
1940/3500088 Katanning Baxter William Male Jefferys Rose Mary Female Katanning
1940/3500088 Katanning Davis Rose Mary Female Baxter William Male Katanning
1940/3500088 Katanning Jefferys Rose Mary Female Baxter William Male Katanning
1940/3500089 Katanning Hadlow Gwendoline Daisy Female Swalling Leigh Ross Male Kojonup
1940/3500089 Katanning Swalling Leigh Ross Male Hadlow Gwendoline Daisy Female Kojonup
1940/3500090 Katanning Essex Mary Jane Female White Francis Timothy Male Katanning
1940/3500090 Katanning White Francis Timothy Male Essex Mary Jane Female Katanning
1940/3500091 Katanning Stack Douglas James Male Wallam Verna Doreen Female Carrolup
1940/3500091 Katanning Wallam Verna Doreen Female Stack Douglas James Male Carrolup
1940/3500092 Katanning Hinkley Doris Female Murray Francis Alexander Male Katanning
1940/3500092 Katanning Murray Francis Alexander Male Hinkley Doris Female Katanning
1940/3500093 Katanning Kershaw Albert Edwin Male Reid Georgina Female Katanning
1940/3500093 Katanning Reid Georgina Female Kershaw Albert Edwin Male Katanning
1940/3500094 Katanning Atkinson Sarah Ann Female Hoglin Stanley Hampton Male Katanning
1940/3500094 Katanning Hoglin Stanley Hampton Male Atkinson Sarah Ann Female Katanning
1940/3500095 Katanning Lawton Ivan Minerva Female Walker William Percival Lionel Male Katanning
1940/3500095 Katanning Walker William Percival Lionel Male Lawton Ivan Minerva Female Katanning
1940/3500096 Katanning Synnott Francis Inglis Male Temby Shanno Female Katanning
1940/3500096 Katanning Temby Shanno Female Synnott Francis Inglis Male Katanning
1940/3500097 Katanning Jones Dorothy Valentine Female Ninyette John Edward Male Wagin
1940/3500097 Katanning Ninyette John Edward Male Jones Dorothy Valentine Female Wagin
1940/3500098 Katanning Frost Mervyn James William Male Hough Marjorie Female Wagin
1940/3500098 Katanning Hough Marjorie Female Frost Mervyn James William Male Wagin
1940/3500099 Katanning Becker Emmaline May Female Marlowe Basil Male Wagin
1940/3500099 Katanning Marlowe Basil Male Becker Emmaline May Female Wagin
1940/3500100 Katanning Bridgeman Marian Eileen Female Mills Albert Henry Male Gnowangerup
1940/3500100 Katanning Mills Albert Henry Male Bridgeman Marian Eileen Female Gnowangerup
1940/3500101 Katanning de Hoghton Mildred Edna Female Kennedy Keith Earl Male Katanning
1940/3500101 Katanning Kennedy Keith Earl Male de Hoghton Mildred Edna Female Katanning
1940/3500102 Katanning Hansen Felix Male Wallam Marjory Female Carrolup Native Settlement
1940/3500102 Katanning Wallam Marjory Female Hansen Felix Male Carrolup Native Settlement
1940/3600001 East Kimberley McDonald Patrick Joseph Male Williamson Janet Merle Female Wyndham
1940/3600001 East Kimberley Williamson Janet Merle Female McDonald Patrick Joseph Male Wyndham
1940/3600002 East Kimberley Ah Won Johnnie Male Mena - Female Forrest River Mission
1940/3600002 East Kimberley Mena - Female Ah Won Johnnie Male Forrest River Mission
1940/3600003 East Kimberley Matthiessen Edward James Male Young Ida May Female Wyndham
1940/3600003 East Kimberley Young Ida May Female Matthiessen Edward James Male Wyndham
1940/3700001 West Kimberley Harper Sylvia Lalage Female McDonald George Male West Australia
1940/3700001 West Kimberley McDonald George Male Harper Sylvia Lalage Female West Australia
1940/3700002 West Kimberley Cashin James John Bradley Male Kenney Minnie Matilda Female Derby
1940/3700002 West Kimberley Kenney Minnie Matilda Female Cashin James John Bradley Male Derby
1940/3700003 West Kimberley Larter Henrietta Alice Female Owen Arthur Tudor Male Derby
1940/3700003 West Kimberley Owen Arthur Tudor Male Larter Henrietta Alice Female Derby
1940/3700004 West Kimberley Amy - Female Benning Frank Male Derby
1940/3700004 West Kimberley Benning Frank Male Amy - Female Derby
1940/3700005 West Kimberley Blythe Lily Female Miller Tom Male Derby
1940/3700005 West Kimberley Miller Tom Male Blythe Lily Female Derby
1940/3700006 West Kimberley Buckle Elsie Female Evans Hector Jocelyn Male Derby
1940/3700006 West Kimberley Evans Hector Jocelyn Male Buckle Elsie Female Derby
1940/3700007 West Kimberley Coate Howard Herbert Jethro Male Duncan Kathleen Hazel Female Derby
1940/3700007 West Kimberley Duncan Kathleen Hazel Female Coate Howard Herbert Jethro Male Derby
1940/3800001 Kimberley Goldfields Green John Male Skeen Mona Female Moola Bulla Native Station
1940/3800001 Kimberley Goldfields Skeen Mona Female Green John Male Moola Bulla Native Station
1940/4200001 Moora Cox William Male Nelson Lucy Mabel De-Voy Female Dalwallinu
1940/4200001 Moora Nelson Lucy Mabel De-Voy Female Cox William Male Dalwallinu
1940/4200002 Moora Coomber Linda Female Jackson Donald Male Mogumber
1940/4200002 Moora Jackson Donald Male Coomber Linda Female Mogumber
1940/4200003 Moora Hudson Joyous Ruby Ellen Female Pollard William Allen Male Dalwallinu
1940/4200003 Moora Pollard William Allen Male Hudson Joyous Ruby Ellen Female Dalwallinu
1940/4200004 Moora Alexander William Watson Male Miles Barbara Mary Winifred Female Moora
1940/4200004 Moora Miles Barbara Mary Winifred Female Alexander William Watson Male Moora
1940/4200005 Moora Ronan Dorothy Female Warrell William Male Mogumber
1940/4200005 Moora Warrell William Male Ronan Dorothy Female Mogumber
1940/4200006 Moora Crane Arthur Samuel Male Longman Veronica Conception Female Moora
1940/4200006 Moora Longman Veronica Conception Female Crane Arthur Samuel Male Moora
1940/4200007 Moora Groves Alice Margaret Female Hagg Arthur Male Moora
1940/4200007 Moora Hagg Arthur Male Groves Alice Margaret Female Moora
1940/4200008 Moora Anderson Kathleen May Female Gamble Keith Herbert Male Dalwallinu
1940/4200008 Moora Gamble Keith Herbert Male Anderson Kathleen May Female Dalwallinu
1940/4200009 Moora Smith Arthur Horace Male Williams Ivy Lilian Female Dalwallinu
1940/4200009 Moora Williams Ivy Lilian Female Smith Arthur Horace Male Dalwallinu
1940/4200010 Moora Cook Aubrey Edwin Male Douglas Kathleen Vivienne Female Moora
1940/4200010 Moora Douglas Kathleen Vivienne Female Cook Aubrey Edwin Male Moora
1940/4200011 Moora Murray Thelma Mary Female Strudwick Edward Elliot Male Moora
1940/4200011 Moora Strudwick Edward Elliot Male Murray Thelma Mary Female Moora
1940/4200012 Moora Morrison Barclay Male Woods Bonnie Jean Female Moora
1940/4200012 Moora Woods Bonnie Jean Female Morrison Barclay Male Moora
1940/4200013 Moora Burney Dorothy Mary Nason Female Dix Patrick James Male Moora
1940/4200013 Moora Dix Patrick James Male Burney Dorothy Mary Nason Female Moora
1940/4200014 Moora Brockman Susie Female Farrell James Paul Male Mogumber
1940/4200014 Moora Farrell James Paul Male Brockman Susie Female Mogumber
1940/4200015 Moora Cameron Rita Helen Female Jackamarra Patrick Male Mogumber
1940/4200015 Moora Jackamarra Patrick Male Cameron Rita Helen Female Mogumber
1940/4200016 Moora Clark Frederick James Male Harris Edith Beryl Joyce Female Dalwallinu
1940/4200016 Moora Harris Edith Beryl Joyce Female Clark Frederick James Male Dalwallinu
1940/4200017 Moora Biggs Doreen Female Spratt Jack Male Mogumber
1940/4200017 Moora Spratt Jack Male Biggs Doreen Female Mogumber
1940/4200018 Moora Cockman Vyvyenne Iola Female Martin Hurtle William Male Moora
1940/4200018 Moora Martin Hurtle William Male Cockman Vyvyenne Iola Female Moora
1940/4200019 Moora Hart Wesley Male Morden Kitty Female Moore River Native Settlement
1940/4200019 Moora Morden Kitty Female Hart Wesley Male Moore River Native Settlement
1940/4200020 Moora Stack Jack Male Thompson Nellie Female Moore River Native Settlement
1940/4200020 Moora Thompson Nellie Female Stack Jack Male Moore River Native Settlement
1940/4200021 Moora Colbung Maitland Male Jackamarra Jean Female Moore River Native Settlement
1940/4200021 Moora Jackamarra Jean Female Colbung Maitland Male Moore River Native Settlement
1940/4200022 Moora Brian Kathleen Ina Female Dennis Leonard Murray Male Bindi Bindi
1940/4200022 Moora Dennis Leonard Murray Male Brian Kathleen Ina Female Bindi Bindi
1940/4200023 Moora Freestone Alfred Wesley Male Williams Eileen Ursula Female Dalwallinu
1940/4200023 Moora Williams Eileen Ursula Female Freestone Alfred Wesley Male Dalwallinu
1941/4200026 Moora Ashwin Bella Female Yappo Joseph Male Moora
1941/4200026 Moora Yappo Joseph Male Ashwin Bella Female Moora
1940/4300001 Mount Margaret Bennetts Harold George Male Johnson Dorothy Female Leonora
1940/4300001 Mount Margaret Johnson Dorothy Female Bennetts Harold George Male Leonora
1940/4300002 Mount Margaret Gravestock Kathleen Florence Female Wallis George Male Leonora
1940/4300002 Mount Margaret Wallis George Male Gravestock Kathleen Florence Female Leonora
1940/4300003 Mount Margaret Bird Alma Madeline Female Crook William George Male Leonora
1940/4300003 Mount Margaret Crook William George Male Bird Alma Madeline Female Leonora
1940/4300004 Mount Margaret Kelly Irene Female Moody John Male Leonora
1940/4300004 Mount Margaret Moody John Male Kelly Irene Female Leonora
1940/4300005 Mount Margaret Bowden Tom Edward Grey Male Hansen Betty Louise Female Leonora
1940/4300005 Mount Margaret Hansen Betty Louise Female Bowden Tom Edward Grey Male Leonora
1940/4300006 Mount Margaret Brooks George Edward Male Smith Kathleen Glorance Fanny Female Leonora
1940/4300006 Mount Margaret Smith Kathleen Glorance Fanny Female Brooks George Edward Male Leonora
1940/4300007 Mount Margaret McDonald Allan Roy Male Zappa Angeline Mary Female Leonora
1940/4300007 Mount Margaret Zappa Angeline Mary Female McDonald Allan Roy Male Leonora
1940/4300008 Mount Margaret Lennell Edward John Male Truscott Ruby Victoria Female Leonora
1940/4300008 Mount Margaret Truscott Ruby Victoria Female Lennell Edward John Male Leonora
1940/4300009 Mount Margaret Bailey Arthur Frank Male Jones Alice May Female Gwalia
1940/4300009 Mount Margaret Jones Alice May Female Bailey Arthur Frank Male Gwalia
1940/4300010 Mount Margaret Edmonds Neil Male Tedge Phyllis Edna Female Gwalia
1940/4300010 Mount Margaret Tedge Phyllis Edna Female Edmonds Neil Male Gwalia
1940/4300011 Mount Margaret Reynolds Henry Frederick Male Tucker Mary Female Morgans
1940/4300011 Mount Margaret Tucker Mary Female Reynolds Henry Frederick Male Morgans
1940/4300012 Mount Margaret Buttsworth Francis Roy Male Clapton Reavie Selma Female Leonora
1940/4300012 Mount Margaret Clapton Reavie Selma Female Buttsworth Francis Roy Male Leonora
1940/4300013 Mount Margaret Kidd Imelda Philomena Female Toy John Male Leonora
1940/4300013 Mount Margaret Toy John Male Kidd Imelda Philomena Female Leonora
1940/4300014 Mount Margaret Patroni Italio Erminio Male Shaw Elsie Daisy Female Leonora
1940/4300014 Mount Margaret Shaw Elsie Daisy Female Patroni Italio Erminio Male Leonora
1940/4300015 Mount Margaret Garbellini Enrico Male Lamond Olive Iris Female Leonora
1940/4300015 Mount Margaret Lamond Olive Iris Female Garbellini Enrico Male Leonora
1940/4300016 Mount Margaret Hayward William Samuel Male Reynolds Margaret Ruth Female Leonora
1940/4300016 Mount Margaret Reynolds Margaret Ruth Female Hayward William Samuel Male Leonora
1940/4300017 Mount Margaret Billing Elizabeth Rose Female Wingate Ivor Churchill Male Leonora
1940/4300017 Mount Margaret Wingate Ivor Churchill Male Billing Elizabeth Rose Female Leonora
1940/4300018 Mount Margaret Reid Jean Female Tucker Charles Edward Male Morgans
1940/4300018 Mount Margaret Tucker Charles Edward Male Reid Jean Female Morgans
1940/4300019 Mount Margaret Sullivan Roy Male Suther Dimple Female Mt Margaret
1940/4300019 Mount Margaret Suther Dimple Female Sullivan Roy Male Mt Margaret
1940/4300020 Mount Margaret Carter James Henry Male Poletti Elsie Veronica Female Leonora
1940/4300020 Mount Margaret Poletti Elsie Veronica Female Carter James Henry Male Leonora
1940/4300021 Mount Margaret Nelson Millicent Daisy Bell Female Smythe Ernest Archibald Male Leonora
1940/4300021 Mount Margaret Smythe Ernest Archibald Male Nelson Millicent Daisy Bell Female Leonora
1940/4300022 Mount Margaret Burrows Norman Frederick Male Nichols Mary Ursula Female Leonora
1940/4300022 Mount Margaret Nichols Mary Ursula Female Burrows Norman Frederick Male Leonora
1940/4300023 Mount Margaret Anderson David Male Milbumbie Edna Female Mt Margaret
1940/4300023 Mount Margaret Milbumbie Edna Female Anderson David Male Mt Margaret
1940/4300024 Mount Margaret Grenville Thelma May Female Parker Allen George Male Leonora
1940/4300024 Mount Margaret Parker Allen George Male Grenville Thelma May Female Leonora
1940/4300025 Mount Margaret Byrne Gerald Leo Hall Male Hosbach Edna Christina Female Leonora
1940/4300025 Mount Margaret Hosbach Edna Christina Female Byrne Gerald Leo Hall Male Leonora
1940/4300026 Mount Margaret Chisholm Edna Beryl Female Swarbrick Phillip Male Leonora
1940/4300026 Mount Margaret Swarbrick Phillip Male Chisholm Edna Beryl Female Leonora
1940/4300027 Mount Margaret Hill Irene Kathleen Female Webb Jack Henry Male Leonora
1940/4300027 Mount Margaret Webb Jack Henry Male Hill Irene Kathleen Female Leonora
1940/4300028 Mount Margaret Muciacciaro Emilio Male Paolini Villa Female Leonora
1940/4300028 Mount Margaret Paolini Villa Female Muciacciaro Emilio Male Leonora
1940/4300029 Mount Margaret Millar Dulcie Elizabeth Roy Female Robinson Frederick Leslie Male Leonora
1940/4300029 Mount Margaret Robinson Frederick Leslie Male Millar Dulcie Elizabeth Roy Female Leonora
1940/4300031 Mount Margaret Pavlovich Annie Female Vukcevich Nikola Male Leonora
1940/4300031 Mount Margaret Vukcevich Nikola Male Pavlovich Annie Female Leonora
1940/4300032 Mount Margaret Bokan Milo Male Markovich Janica Female Leonora
1940/4300032 Mount Margaret Markovich Janica Female Bokan Milo Male Leonora
1940/4300033 Mount Margaret Greig Isabel Katharine Female Looney Paul Male Gwalia
1940/4300033 Mount Margaret Looney Paul Male Greig Isabel Katharine Female Gwalia
1940/4300034 Mount Margaret Mulligan Leslie John Male Smith Marjorie Lorraine Female Erlistoun
1940/4300034 Mount Margaret Smith Marjorie Lorraine Female Mulligan Leslie John Male Erlistoun
1940/4300035 Mount Margaret Noble Doris Emily Female Pearce Harold Male Leonora
1940/4300035 Mount Margaret Pearce Harold Male Noble Doris Emily Female Leonora
1941/4400001 Murchison Burkenhagen Herbert Male Reece Pansy Female Meekatharra
1941/4400001 Murchison Reece Pansy Female Burkenhagen Herbert Male Meekatharra
1940/4400002 Murchison Bonham Robert Ernest Male Dorigo Doris Vera Female Cue
1940/4400002 Murchison Dorigo Doris Vera Female Bonham Robert Ernest Male Cue
1940/4400003 Murchison Ball Henry Alfred George Male Calder Beatrice Victoria Female Cue
1940/4400003 Murchison Calder Beatrice Victoria Female Ball Henry Alfred George Male Cue
1940/4400004 Murchison Burnett Harry Male Chisholm Ailie Selina Female Cue
1940/4400004 Murchison Chisholm Ailie Selina Female Burnett Harry Male Cue
1940/4400005 Murchison Deery Christina Grant Female Powell Austin Male Cue Methodist Church
1940/4400005 Murchison Powell Austin Male Deery Christina Grant Female Cue Methodist Church
1940/4400006 Murchison Denner Dina Female Mowday Frederick Moses Henry Male Cue
1940/4400006 Murchison Mowday Frederick Moses Henry Male Denner Dina Female Cue
1940/4400007 Murchison Jones Francis Henry Male Morrissey Kathleen Florence Female Cue
1940/4400007 Murchison Morrissey Kathleen Florence Female Jones Francis Henry Male Cue
1940/4400008 Murchison Dell'Agostino Renzo Male Magini Angelo Female Cue
1940/4400008 Murchison Magini Angelo Female Dell'Agostino Renzo Male Cue
1940/4400009 Murchison Green John Arthur Male O'Dea Bernice Teresa Female Cue
1940/4400009 Murchison O'Dea Bernice Teresa Female Green John Arthur Male Cue
1940/4400010 Murchison Robertson Kenneth Argyle Male Watson Ruby Olive Female Cue
1940/4400010 Murchison Watson Ruby Olive Female Robertson Kenneth Argyle Male Cue
1940/4400012 Murchison Hayles Edwin Kenneth Male McGinty Patricia Margaret Female Meekatharra Hayles-197
1940/4400012 Murchison McGinty Patricia Margaret Female Hayles Edwin Kenneth Male Meekatharra
1940/4400013 Murchison Hooper Victor Allan Male Sedgman Olive May Female Mt Magnet
1940/4400013 Murchison Sedgman Olive May Female Hooper Victor Allan Male Mt Magnet
1940/4400014 Murchison Moss Carmel Rose Female Tozer Geoffrey Edgar Male Mt Magnet
1940/4400014 Murchison Tozer Geoffrey Edgar Male Moss Carmel Rose Female Mt Magnet
1940/4400015 Murchison Hogan Bessie Ellen Female Williamson George Leonard Male Meekatharra
1940/4400015 Murchison Williamson George Leonard Male Hogan Bessie Ellen Female Meekatharra
1940/4400016 Murchison Burnett Martha Isabel Female Harper George Allen Male Cue
1940/4400016 Murchison Harper George Allen Male Burnett Martha Isabel Female Cue
1940/4400017 Murchison Edwards Nina Clare Female Whitehurst Emanuel William Male Cue
1940/4400017 Murchison Whitehurst Emanuel William Male Edwards Nina Clare Female Cue
1940/4400018 Murchison Heelan Stanislaus Anthony Male White Nancy Eleanor Female Reedy
1940/4400018 Murchison White Nancy Eleanor Female Heelan Stanislaus Anthony Male Reedy
1940/4400019 Murchison Dalgetty Iris Female Reece John Male Meekatharra
1940/4400019 Murchison Reece John Male Dalgetty Iris Female Meekatharra
1940/4400020 Murchison Cousins Daphne Doreen Female Marquand Phillip Harry Male Mount Magnet
1940/4400020 Murchison Marquand Phillip Harry Male Cousins Daphne Doreen Female Mount Magnet
1940/4400021 Murchison Broadbent Lucy Female Stanton George Male Cue
1940/4400021 Murchison Stanton George Male Broadbent Lucy Female Cue
1940/4400022 Murchison Del Castrio Carmine Female Dodd Lewis John Male Cue
1940/4400022 Murchison Dodd Lewis John Male Del Castrio Carmine Female Cue
1940/4400023 Murchison Connelly Esther Jane Female Jones George James Male Mt Magnet
1940/4400023 Murchison Jones George James Male Connelly Esther Jane Female Mt Magnet
1940/4400024 Murchison Rooke Roderick Bruce Male Woolcock Thelma Mary Female Mount Magnet
1940/4400024 Murchison Woolcock Thelma Mary Female Rooke Roderick Bruce Male Mount Magnet
1940/4400025 Murchison Boucaut Ian Penn Male Watson Sadie Mary Julia Female Cue
1940/4400025 Murchison Watson Sadie Mary Julia Female Boucaut Ian Penn Male Cue
1940/4400026 Murchison McDonald Catherine Mary Female Young James Francis Male Meekatharra
1940/4400026 Murchison Young James Francis Male McDonald Catherine Mary Female Meekatharra
1940/4400027 Murchison Head Dorothy Jean Female Shortland David William Haigh Male Meekatharra
1940/4400027 Murchison Shortland David William Haigh Male Head Dorothy Jean Female Meekatharra
1940/4400028 Murchison Moloney Amelia Kathleen Female Sheldon Charles Albert Male Mt Magnet
1940/4400028 Murchison Sheldon Charles Albert Male Moloney Amelia Kathleen Female Mt Magnet
1940/4400029 Murchison Cabassi Felice Carlo Male Savoldelli Mary Female Meekatharra
1940/4400029 Murchison Savoldelli Mary Female Cabassi Felice Carlo Male Meekatharra
1940/4400030 Murchison Monger Constance Jane Female Mountstephen Arthur Vincent Male Cue
1940/4400030 Murchison Mountstephen Arthur Vincent Male Monger Constance Jane Female Cue
1940/4400031 Murchison Dorizzi Mariea Margarita Female Duggan William Mongaven Male Cue
1940/4400031 Murchison Duggan William Mongaven Male Dorizzi Mariea Margarita Female Cue
1940/4400032 Murchison Hall Alexander Frederick Broad Male Timbrell Cecily Eva Female Cue
1940/4400032 Murchison Timbrell Cecily Eva Female Hall Alexander Frederick Broad Male Cue
1940/4400033 Murchison Hince William Albert Male Sullivan Margaret Blanche Female Mt Magnet
1940/4400033 Murchison Sullivan Margaret Blanche Female Hince William Albert Male Mt Magnet
1940/4400034 Murchison Chilvers John Frederick Male Sherrell Loveday Norma Female Reedy
1940/4400034 Murchison Sherrell Loveday Norma Female Chilvers John Frederick Male Reedy
1940/4400035 Murchison Adams Rosemary Female Hodder Cecil Male Cue
1940/4400035 Murchison Hodder Cecil Male Adams Rosemary Female Cue
1940/4400036 Murchison Evans Walter George Male Owens Catherine Ann Female Cue
1940/4400036 Murchison Owens Catherine Ann Female Evans Walter George Male Cue
1940/4400037 Murchison Kelly Norma Hellen Female Quigley Hugh Terrence Male Cue
1940/4400037 Murchison Quigley Hugh Terrence Male Kelly Norma Hellen Female Cue
1940/4400038 Murchison O'Reilly Gertrude Ena Female Winston Albert John Herman Male Cue
1940/4400038 Murchison Winston Albert John Herman Male O'Reilly Gertrude Ena Female Cue
1940/4400039 Murchison Herbert Hilda Maud Female Shields Norman Stewart Male Meekatharra
1940/4400039 Murchison Shields Norman Stewart Male Herbert Hilda Maud Female Meekatharra
1940/4400040 Murchison Elphick William Humphrey James Male Jarvis Nora Ivy Female Reedy
1940/4400040 Murchison Jarvis Nora Ivy Female Elphick William Humphrey James Male Reedy
1940/4400041 Murchison Coles Edward Thomas Male Nicholson Nancy Josephine Female Big Bell
1940/4400041 Murchison Nicholson Nancy Josephine Female Coles Edward Thomas Male Big Bell
1940/4400042 Murchison Sclanders Pearl Isabelle Female Stewart Donald Angus Male Big Bell
1940/4400042 Murchison Stewart Donald Angus Male Sclanders Pearl Isabelle Female Big Bell
1940/4400043 Murchison Bird Robert John Male Kendrick Ellen Female Reedy
1940/4400043 Murchison Kendrick Ellen Female Bird Robert John Male Reedy
1940/4400044 Murchison Newman William John Male Standen Amy Female Mt Magnet
1940/4400044 Murchison Standen Amy Female Newman William John Male Mt Magnet
1940/4400045 Murchison McLeod Heather Edith Female Semmens Francis Leslie Male Mt Magnet
1940/4400045 Murchison Semmens Francis Leslie Male McLeod Heather Edith Female Mt Magnet
1940/4400046 Murchison Dalrymple Jean Female Palandri Luigi Male Cue
1940/4400046 Murchison Palandri Luigi Male Dalrymple Jean Female Cue
1940/4400047 Murchison Kent Reginald John Male Weaver Kate Mahlah Female Cue
1940/4400047 Murchison Weaver Kate Mahlah Female Kent Reginald John Male Cue
1940/4400048 Murchison Drew Mona Victoria Female Richter William Linus Male Cue
1940/4400048 Murchison Richter William Linus Male Drew Mona Victoria Female Cue
1940/4400049 Murchison Brand Joan Shapley Female Giles Harold John Male Cue
1940/4400049 Murchison Giles Harold John Male Brand Joan Shapley Female Cue
1940/4400050 Murchison Cook Laurence Lockyer Male Nichols Rose Elsie Female Meekatharra
1940/4400050 Murchison Nichols Rose Elsie Female Cook Laurence Lockyer Male Meekatharra
1940/4400051 Murchison Dorrizzie Frank McNie Male Evons Daisy Mary Female Meekatharra
1940/4400051 Murchison Evons Daisy Mary Female Dorrizzie Frank McNie Male Meekatharra
1940/4400052 Murchison Burton Thomas Male Wallace Frances Mary Catherine Female Meekatharra
1940/4400052 Murchison Wallace Frances Mary Catherine Female Burton Thomas Male Meekatharra
1940/4400053 Murchison Bowen Verna Phyllis Female Smyth Francis Keith Male Meekatharra
1940/4400053 Murchison Smyth Francis Keith Male Bowen Verna Phyllis Female Meekatharra
1940/4500001 East Murchison Budiselic Charles Peter Male Pincetich Annie Female Wiluna
1940/4500001 East Murchison Pincetich Annie Female Budiselic Charles Peter Male Wiluna
1940/4500002 East Murchison Bremner Gretta Female Ranson Alfred Alan Male Wiluna
1940/4500002 East Murchison Ranson Alfred Alan Male Bremner Gretta Female Wiluna
1940/4500003 East Murchison Glucina David Male Sulenta Milena Ljnbica Female Wiluna
1940/4500003 East Murchison Sulenta Milena Ljnbica Female Glucina David Male Wiluna
1940/4500004 East Murchison Browne John Crichton Male Lasscock Margaret Bennett Female Wiluna
1940/4500004 East Murchison Lasscock Margaret Bennett Female Browne John Crichton Male Wiluna
1940/4500005 East Murchison Rutherford Kenneth Athol Male Ryan Brigid Katherine Female Wiluna
1940/4500005 East Murchison Ryan Brigid Katherine Female Rutherford Kenneth Athol Male Wiluna
1940/4500006 East Murchison Fowler Reginald Laurence Male Leaner Gladys May Female Wiluna
1940/4500006 East Murchison Leaner Gladys May Female Fowler Reginald Laurence Male Wiluna
1940/4500007 East Murchison Collins Dorothy Mary Female Hood Robin Henry Male Wiluna
1940/4500007 East Murchison Hood Robin Henry Male Collins Dorothy Mary Female Wiluna
1940/4500008 East Murchison Mayer Eva Myrtle Female Mitchell William Hubert Male Wiluna
1940/4500008 East Murchison Mitchell William Hubert Male Mayer Eva Myrtle Female Wiluna
1940/4500009 East Murchison Gill Alexander Male Kiely Betty Florence Female Wiluna
1940/4500009 East Murchison Kiely Betty Florence Female Gill Alexander Male Wiluna
1940/4500010 East Murchison Batchelor Thelma Lorraine Female O'Hara John Male Wiluna
1940/4500010 East Murchison O'Hara John Male Batchelor Thelma Lorraine Female Wiluna
1940/4500011 East Murchison Masters George James Henry Male Murphy Grace Irene Antonette Female Wiluna
1940/4500011 East Murchison Murphy Grace Irene Antonette Female Masters George James Henry Male Wiluna
1940/4500012 East Murchison Screen Ellen Margaret Female Smith Albert Alfred Male Wiluna
1940/4500012 East Murchison Smith Albert Alfred Male Screen Ellen Margaret Female Wiluna
1940/4500013 East Murchison Howson Ivy Grace Doris Female Reynolds Eric Bernard Esmond Male Wiluna
1940/4500013 East Murchison Reynolds Eric Bernard Esmond Male Howson Ivy Grace Doris Female Wiluna
1940/4500014 East Murchison Cooper Catherine Mary Female Jack Edgar John Male Wiluna
1940/4500014 East Murchison Jack Edgar John Male Cooper Catherine Mary Female Wiluna
1940/4500015 East Murchison Fowkes Elsie Evelyn Female Thompson Walter George Male Wiluna
1940/4500015 East Murchison Thompson Walter George Male Fowkes Elsie Evelyn Female Wiluna
1940/4500016 East Murchison Bandy Amos Charles Allan Male Beckett Nellie Female Wiluna
1940/4500016 East Murchison Beckett Nellie Female Bandy Amos Charles Allan Male Wiluna
1940/4500017 East Murchison Campbell George Robert Male Dixon Maxine Female Wiluna
1940/4500017 East Murchison Dixon Maxine Female Campbell George Robert Male Wiluna
1940/4500018 East Murchison O'Reilly Evelyn Rachael Female Snell Cyril Leonard Male Wiluna
1940/4500018 East Murchison Snell Cyril Leonard Male O'Reilly Evelyn Rachael Female Wiluna
1940/4500019 East Murchison Hayward Dorothy Female Lewis Alfred James Male Wiluna
1940/4500019 East Murchison Lewis Alfred James Male Hayward Dorothy Female Wiluna
1940/4500020 East Murchison Hutchins Mary Patricia Female Kaye Joseph Maxwell Male Wiluna
1940/4500020 East Murchison Kaye Joseph Maxwell Male Hutchins Mary Patricia Female Wiluna
1940/4500021 East Murchison Kershaw Evalyn Carlotta Female Vernon Victor Thomas Male Wiluna
1940/4500021 East Murchison Vernon Victor Thomas Male Kershaw Evalyn Carlotta Female Wiluna
1940/4500022 East Murchison McKenna Sheila Betsy Female Rymer George Henry Male Wiluna
1940/4500022 East Murchison Rymer George Henry Male McKenna Sheila Betsy Female Wiluna
1940/4500023 East Murchison Bigetti Antonio Male Boord Olga Veronica Female Wiluna
1940/4500023 East Murchison Boord Olga Veronica Female Bigetti Antonio Male Wiluna
1940/4500024 East Murchison Fimister Winifred Jean Female Wake Raymond Stanley Male Wiluna
1940/4500024 East Murchison Wake Raymond Stanley Male Fimister Winifred Jean Female Wiluna
1940/4500025 East Murchison Cooper Joan Margurite Female McCormick Hugh Male Wiluna
1940/4500025 East Murchison McCormick Hugh Male Cooper Joan Margurite Female Wiluna
1940/4500026 East Murchison Kalinowsky Joseph Emil Male Webber Dorothy Veronica Female Wiluna
1940/4500026 East Murchison Webber Dorothy Veronica Female Kalinowsky Joseph Emil Male Wiluna
1940/4500027 East Murchison Massie Elsie Jane Margaret Isabella Female Simmonds Leslie Donald MacPherson Male Wiluna
1940/4500027 East Murchison Simmonds Leslie Donald MacPherson Male Massie Elsie Jane Margaret Isabella Female Wiluna
1940/4500028 East Murchison Chapman George Graham Male McCrossen Eva Iris Female Wiluna
1940/4500028 East Murchison McCrossen Eva Iris Female Chapman George Graham Male Wiluna
1940/4500029 East Murchison Bunker Hazel Noble Female Paul Garnet Edward Male Wiluna
1940/4500029 East Murchison Paul Garnet Edward Male Bunker Hazel Noble Female Wiluna
1940/4500030 East Murchison Davidson John Swanson Male McCarthy Mary Joyce Female Wiluna
1940/4500030 East Murchison McCarthy Mary Joyce Female Davidson John Swanson Male Wiluna
1940/4500031 East Murchison Flynn Albert Henry Male Freeman Mavis Doreen Female Agnew
1940/4500031 East Murchison Freeman Mavis Doreen Female Flynn Albert Henry Male Agnew
1940/4500032 East Murchison Amaglio Sperandio Battista Male Vassallo Olga Cleglia Female Wiluna
1940/4500032 East Murchison Vassallo Olga Cleglia Female Amaglio Sperandio Battista Male Wiluna
1940/4500033 East Murchison Letts Mona Beryl Female Sims Alfred John Thomas Male Wiluna
1940/4500033 East Murchison Sims Alfred John Thomas Male Letts Mona Beryl Female Wiluna
1940/4700002 Murray McGill Helena Female Powell Frederick Ralph Male Pinjarra
1940/4700002 Murray Powell Frederick Ralph Male McGill Helena Female Pinjarra
1940/4700003 Murray Day Agnes Female Veza Ante Male Pinjarra
1940/4700003 Murray Veza Ante Male Day Agnes Female Pinjarra
1940/4700004 Murray Hansen Peter Broder Male Nash Mary Rebecca Female Mandurah
1940/4700004 Murray Nash Mary Rebecca Female Hansen Peter Broder Male Mandurah
1940/4700005 Murray Kirkham Harry Richard Male Moore Vera Gwendoline Amelia Female Coolup
1940/4700005 Murray Moore Vera Gwendoline Amelia Female Kirkham Harry Richard Male Coolup
1940/4700006 Murray Edgecombe Charles Edwin Eyre Male McLarty Elizabeth Mildred Female Pinjarra
1940/4700006 Murray McLarty Elizabeth Mildred Female Edgecombe Charles Edwin Eyre Male Pinjarra
1940/4700007 Murray Brooks Nellie Female Ree Edward George Male Pinjarra
1940/4700007 Murray Ree Edward George Male Brooks Nellie Female Pinjarra
1940/4700008 Murray Gordon Jiddyarra o/w Long Jack Male Kennedy Eileen Connie Female Pinjarra
1940/4700008 Murray Gordon Jiddyarra o/w Long Jack Male Rowlands Eileen Connie Female Pinjarra
1940/4700008 Murray Gordon John Male Kennedy Eileen Connie Female Pinjarra
1940/4700008 Murray Gordon John Male Rowlands Eileen Connie Female Pinjarra
1940/4700008 Murray Jack Jiddyarra o/w Long Jack Male Kennedy Eileen Connie Female Pinjarra
1940/4700008 Murray Jack Jiddyarra o/w Long Jack Male Rowlands Eileen Connie Female Pinjarra
1940/4700008 Murray Jack John Male Kennedy Eileen Connie Female Pinjarra
1940/4700008 Murray Jack John Male Rowlands Eileen Connie Female Pinjarra
1940/4700008 Murray Kennedy Eileen Connie Female Gordon Jiddyarra o/w Long Jack Male Pinjarra
1940/4700008 Murray Kennedy Eileen Connie Female Gordon John Male Pinjarra
1940/4700008 Murray Kennedy Eileen Connie Female Jack Jiddyarra o/w Long Jack Male Pinjarra
1940/4700008 Murray Kennedy Eileen Connie Female Jack John Male Pinjarra
1940/4700008 Murray Rowlands Eileen Connie Female Gordon Jiddyarra o/w Long Jack Male Pinjarra
1940/4700008 Murray Rowlands Eileen Connie Female Gordon John Male Pinjarra
1940/4700008 Murray Rowlands Eileen Connie Female Jack Jiddyarra o/w Long Jack Male Pinjarra
1940/4700008 Murray Rowlands Eileen Connie Female Jack John Male Pinjarra
1940/4700009 Murray Moran Edith Joyce Female Willmott Joseph William Male Holyoake
1940/4700009 Murray Willmott Joseph William Male Moran Edith Joyce Female Holyoake
1940/4700010 Murray Emmerson John Howard Male Lund Ruth Cordon Female Pinjarra
1940/4700010 Murray Lund Ruth Cordon Female Emmerson John Howard Male Pinjarra
1940/4700011 Murray Dickson Valda Alice Female Wallace Alexander Male Waroona
1940/4700011 Murray Wallace Alexander Male Dickson Valda Alice Female Waroona
1940/4700012 Murray Taylor William Male Trinidad Mary Ellen Female Pinjarra
1940/4700012 Murray Trinidad Mary Ellen Female Taylor William Male Pinjarra
1940/4700013 Murray Kentish Esther Bell Female Uren Allan Cole Male Serpentine
1940/4700013 Murray Uren Allan Cole Male Kentish Esther Bell Female Serpentine
1940/4700014 Murray Eastcott Florence Josephine Female Hainge Percival Frederick Male Pinjarra
1940/4700014 Murray Hainge Percival Frederick Male Eastcott Florence Josephine Female Pinjarra
1940/4700015 Murray Burley Isabel Amanda Female Smith James Edward Male Pinjarra
1940/4700015 Murray Smith James Edward Male Burley Isabel Amanda Female Pinjarra
1940/4700016 Murray Brooks Edwin Ernest Male Elliott Bonny Joyce Female Waroona
1940/4700016 Murray Elliott Bonny Joyce Female Brooks Edwin Ernest Male Waroona
1940/4700017 Murray Bailey Mildred Edith Female Clarke Milton Ian Hamilton Male Pinjarra
1940/4700017 Murray Clarke Milton Ian Hamilton Male Bailey Mildred Edith Female Pinjarra
1940/4700018 Murray Breeze Charles Sidney Male Readhead Nellie Frances Female Pinjarra
1940/4700018 Murray Readhead Nellie Frances Female Breeze Charles Sidney Male Pinjarra
1940/4700019 Murray Harry Joan Iris Female McRae Robert Allen Male Dwellingup
1940/4700019 Murray McRae Robert Allen Male Harry Joan Iris Female Dwellingup
1940/4700020 Murray Crockett Thomas Male Godfrey Lilian Doris Female Pinjarra
1940/4700020 Murray Godfrey Lilian Doris Female Crockett Thomas Male Pinjarra
1940/4700021 Murray Kelly Sidney Fredrick Male Worden Lillian May Female Pinjarra
1940/4700021 Murray Worden Lillian May Female Kelly Sidney Fredrick Male Pinjarra
1940/4700022 Murray Bennett Eric Roland Hubert Male Watson Eunice Silvia Female Pinjarra
1940/4700022 Murray Watson Eunice Silvia Female Bennett Eric Roland Hubert Male Pinjarra
1940/4700023 Murray Kynock Alice Mary Female Rowland Vivian George Male Pinjarra
1940/4700023 Murray Rowland Vivian George Male Kynock Alice Mary Female Pinjarra
1940/4700024 Murray Johnson Mervyn Ben Male Salter Alice Ethel Female Pinjarra
1940/4700024 Murray Salter Alice Ethel Female Johnson Mervyn Ben Male Pinjarra
1940/4700025 Murray Rinder George Edward Male Willmott Helen Isobel Female Holyoake
1940/4700025 Murray Willmott Helen Isobel Female Rinder George Edward Male Holyoake
1941/4900001 Northam Neale Hannah Jemina Nora Female Rouse George Robert Male Northam
1941/4900001 Northam Rouse George Robert Male Neale Hannah Jemina Nora Female Northam
1940/4900002 Northam Francis Edna Maie Female Worton Jeffrey Male Merredin
1941/4900002 Northam Hutchison Thomas Male Peters Phyllis Female Wyalkatchem
1941/4900002 Northam Peters Phyllis Female Hutchison Thomas Male Wyalkatchem
1940/4900002 Northam Worton Jeffrey Male Francis Edna Maie Female Merredin
1941/4900003 Northam Perry Daphne Mavis Female Richardson Ernest Hartley Male Bencubbin
1941/4900003 Northam Richardson Ernest Hartley Male Perry Daphne Mavis Female Bencubbin
1941/4900004 Northam Hinge Dorothy Grace Female Hodges John Leslie Male Nungarin
1941/4900004 Northam Hodges John Leslie Male Hinge Dorothy Grace Female Nungarin
1941/4900005 Northam Bullock Thomas Male McArthur Evelyn Belle Female Merredin
1941/4900005 Northam McArthur Evelyn Belle Female Bullock Thomas Male Merredin
1940/4900007 Northam Hughes Olive Jean Female Weir David Clarkson Beattie Male Northam
1940/4900007 Northam Weir David Clarkson Beattie Male Hughes Olive Jean Female Northam
1940/4900008 Northam Cook Walter Algernon Raymond Male Dight Dora Olwyn Female Northam
1940/4900008 Northam Dight Dora Olwyn Female Cook Walter Algernon Raymond Male Northam
1941/4900009 Northam Enright Florance Amy Female Hollett Ian Male Northam
1941/4900009 Northam Hollett Ian Male Enright Florance Amy Female Northam
1940/4900009 Northam Nicholson John Edward Male Royal Lola Meryl Female Goomalling Methodist Church
1940/4900009 Northam Royal Lola Meryl Female Nicholson John Edward Male Goomalling Methodist Church
1940/4900010 Northam Lardi Charles Francis Male Thornett Alma Veronica Female Cunderdin
1940/4900010 Northam Thornett Alma Veronica Female Lardi Charles Francis Male Cunderdin
1940/4900011 Northam Litchfield William Ernest Male Wynne Laura Female Northam
1940/4900011 Northam Wynne Laura Female Litchfield William Ernest Male Northam
1940/4900012 Northam Carroll Sybil Vera Female Hoggarth William Roy Male Kellerberrin
1940/4900012 Northam Hoggarth William Roy Male Carroll Sybil Vera Female Kellerberrin
1940/4900013 Northam Davies Cyril Vivian Male Johnston Pansy Annie Female Merredin
1940/4900013 Northam Johnston Pansy Annie Female Davies Cyril Vivian Male Merredin
1940/4900014 Northam Rutherford Mary Eleanor Female Waller Juno Vincent Herling Male Wyalkatchem
1940/4900014 Northam Waller Juno Vincent Herling Male Rutherford Mary Eleanor Female Wyalkatchem
1940/4900015 Northam Dewsnap Doreen Wilma Female Melbin Cedric William Male W Australia
1940/4900015 Northam Melbin Cedric William Male Dewsnap Doreen Wilma Female W Australia
1940/4900016 Northam Hitchings Edward Thomas Male Murphy Dulcie May Female Northam
1940/4900016 Northam Murphy Dulcie May Female Hitchings Edward Thomas Male Northam
1940/4900017 Northam Blakiston Ina Isabella Female Harris William Maxwell Male Kellerberrin Methodist Church
1940/4900017 Northam Harris William Maxwell Male Blakiston Ina Isabella Female Kellerberrin Methodist Church
1940/4900018 Northam Beard Jean Female Wells George Alexander Male Northam
1940/4900018 Northam Wells George Alexander Male Beard Jean Female Northam
1940/4900019 Northam Adams Marguerite Helene Elizabeth Female Bruse Frederick Barton Male Northam
1940/4900019 Northam Bruse Frederick Barton Male Adams Marguerite Helene Elizabeth Female Northam
1940/4900020 Northam Blurton Dorothy Eileen Female Walley Froilan Male Goomalling
1940/4900020 Northam Walley Froilan Male Blurton Dorothy Eileen Female Goomalling
1940/4900021 Northam Armstrong Allan Male Stubbs Molly Female Mukinbudin
1940/4900021 Northam Stubbs Molly Female Armstrong Allan Male Mukinbudin
1940/4900022 Northam Farrell Michael Alphonsus Lignori Male Windsor Muriel Rose Female Dowerin Lakes
1940/4900022 Northam Windsor Muriel Rose Female Farrell Michael Alphonsus Lignori Male Dowerin Lakes
1940/4900023 Northam Watt Josephine Barbara Female Wheatley Donald Gordon Male Kellerberrin
1940/4900023 Northam Wheatley Donald Gordon Male Watt Josephine Barbara Female Kellerberrin
1940/4900024 Northam Carter Ivy Jane Elizabeth Female Podd Ernest William Male Meckering
1940/4900024 Northam Podd Ernest William Male Carter Ivy Jane Elizabeth Female Meckering
1940/4900025 Northam Gale Thora Mabel Female Masters Donald Edwin Male Northam
1940/4900025 Northam Masters Donald Edwin Male Gale Thora Mabel Female Northam
1940/4900026 Northam Gamble Albert Francis Male Phipps Catherine Eva Female Northam
1940/4900026 Northam Phipps Catherine Eva Female Gamble Albert Francis Male Northam
1940/4900028 Northam Beard Doreen Alice Female Johnson Eric Grant Male Toodyay
1940/4900028 Northam Johnson Eric Grant Male Beard Doreen Alice Female Toodyay
1940/4900029 Northam Chapman Donald Alexander Male Hodgkinson Mena Louvain Female Toodyay
1940/4900029 Northam Hodgkinson Mena Louvain Female Chapman Donald Alexander Male Toodyay
1940/4900030 Northam Peters Charles William George Male Vivian Elsie Beatrice Female Northam
1940/4900030 Northam Vivian Elsie Beatrice Female Peters Charles William George Male Northam
1940/4900031 Northam Ekert Sarah Doreen Female Smith John William Male Northam
1940/4900031 Northam Smith John William Male Ekert Sarah Doreen Female Northam
1940/4900032 Northam Couper Stephen James Male Jones Emily Belle Female Dowerin
1940/4900032 Northam Jones Emily Belle Female Couper Stephen James Male Dowerin
1940/4900033 Northam Dewar Eric Stanley Male Sing Daphne May Female Goomalling
1940/4900033 Northam Sing Daphne May Female Dewar Eric Stanley Male Goomalling
1940/4900034 Northam Kelly Doris May Female Kirby Lionel Arthur Male Meckering
1940/4900034 Northam Kirby Lionel Arthur Male Kelly Doris May Female Meckering
1940/4900035 Northam Mahood Ruth Laurel Female Snooke Robert Joe Male Meckering
1940/4900035 Northam Snooke Robert Joe Male Mahood Ruth Laurel Female Meckering
1940/4900036 Northam Leeder Kathleen Mavis Female Sinclair Stewart Ferguson Male Toodyay
1940/4900036 Northam Sinclair Stewart Ferguson Male Leeder Kathleen Mavis Female Toodyay
1940/4900037 Northam Jones Keith Stafford Male McKay Kathleen Female Merredin
1940/4900037 Northam McKay Kathleen Female Jones Keith Stafford Male Merredin
1940/4900038 Northam Brown Mercia Iris Female Winkworth Colin Roy Male Northam
1940/4900038 Northam Winkworth Colin Roy Male Brown Mercia Iris Female Northam
1940/4900039 Northam Groom Claude Male Thompson Caroline Ruth Female Doodlakine
1940/4900039 Northam Thompson Caroline Ruth Female Groom Claude Male Doodlakine
1940/4900040 Northam Barber Arthur Charles Male Fitzgerald Florence Female Merredin
1940/4900040 Northam Fitzgerald Florence Female Barber Arthur Charles Male Merredin
1940/4900041 Northam Johnson Dorothy May Female Richards Malcolm Gordon Lindo Male Dowerin Methodist Church
1940/4900041 Northam Richards Malcolm Gordon Lindo Male Johnson Dorothy May Female Dowerin Methodist Church
1940/4900042 Northam Evans Hilda Joyce Female Onn John Robert Male Merredin
1940/4900042 Northam Onn John Robert Male Evans Hilda Joyce Female Merredin
1940/4900043 Northam Eastoe Frank Burton Male Smallacombe Hazel Vera Female Merredin
1940/4900043 Northam Smallacombe Hazel Vera Female Eastoe Frank Burton Male Merredin
1940/4900044 Northam Curley Bernard Richard Joseph Male Stewart Alice Margaret Female Goomalling
1940/4900044 Northam Stewart Alice Margaret Female Curley Bernard Richard Joseph Male Goomalling
1940/4900045 Northam Empson Hilda May Female Thomas George Alex Male Northam
1940/4900045 Northam Thomas George Alex Male Empson Hilda May Female Northam
1940/4900046 Northam Lord Norma Mary Female Miller Frederick Bruce Male Northam
1940/4900046 Northam Miller Frederick Bruce Male Lord Norma Mary Female Northam
1940/4900047 Northam Chapman Dorothy Thora Female King Richard George Male Mollerin
1940/4900047 Northam King Richard George Male Chapman Dorothy Thora Female Mollerin
1940/4900048 Northam Casey Joyce Evelyn Maud Female Pound Glen Henry Male Northam
1940/4900048 Northam Pound Glen Henry Male Casey Joyce Evelyn Maud Female Northam
1940/4900049 Northam Barnes Doreen Agnes Female Taylor William Henry Male Kellerberrin Methodist Church
1940/4900049 Northam Taylor William Henry Male Barnes Doreen Agnes Female Kellerberrin Methodist Church
1940/4900050 Northam King Stanley Victor Male Mills Patricia Female Northam
1940/4900050 Northam Mills Patricia Female King Stanley Victor Male Northam
1940/4900051 Northam Stewart Ellen Dorothy Ruby Female Sudholz Albert Buxton Male Northam
1940/4900051 Northam Sudholz Albert Buxton Male Stewart Ellen Dorothy Ruby Female Northam
1940/4900052 Northam Dunlop William Robertson Male Woods Edith Gladys Female Merredin
1940/4900052 Northam Woods Edith Gladys Female Dunlop William Robertson Male Merredin
1940/4900053 Northam Duffield Hazel Clair Female Shreeve Ronald Clarence Male Merredin Methodist Church
1940/4900053 Northam Shreeve Ronald Clarence Male Duffield Hazel Clair Female Merredin Methodist Church
1940/4900054 Northam Christmass Esme Naci Flora Female Richter Rex Henley Male Northam
1940/4900054 Northam Richter Rex Henley Male Christmass Esme Naci Flora Female Northam
1940/4900055 Northam Hitchcock Beryl Ida May Female Richter Kenneth Harold Male Northam
1940/4900055 Northam Richter Kenneth Harold Male Hitchcock Beryl Ida May Female Northam
1940/4900056 Northam Jost Irene Mary Female McKenzie Eric Ernest Jack Male Northam
1940/4900056 Northam McKenzie Eric Ernest Jack Male Jost Irene Mary Female Northam
1940/4900057 Northam Haddrill Norman James Male Hancock Hazel Alice Mary Female Northam
1940/4900057 Northam Hancock Hazel Alice Mary Female Haddrill Norman James Male Northam
1940/4900058 Northam Williams Stella May Female Yates James Male Northam
1940/4900058 Northam Yates James Male Williams Stella May Female Northam
1940/4900059 Northam Williamson Lorna Female Yeoman Malcolm Theodore Male Merredin
1940/4900059 Northam Yeoman Malcolm Theodore Male Williamson Lorna Female Merredin
1940/4900060 Northam Christison Charles Roth Male Eyre Florence Ethel Female Merredin
1940/4900060 Northam Eyre Florence Ethel Female Christison Charles Roth Male Merredin
1940/4900061 Northam Dixon Lily Female Raston Thomas Noel Ryder Male Kellerberrin
1940/4900061 Northam Raston Thomas Noel Ryder Male Dixon Lily Female Kellerberrin
1940/4900062 Northam Borgward Jack Henry Male McTavish Lily Female Wyalkatchem
1940/4900062 Northam McTavish Lily Female Borgward Jack Henry Male Wyalkatchem
1940/4900063 Northam Cowie Alexander James Male Hopson Nancy Jean Female Northam
1940/4900063 Northam Hopson Nancy Jean Female Cowie Alexander James Male Northam
1940/4900064 Northam Meeres Walter Augustus Male Playle Bertha Rebecca Female Northam
1940/4900064 Northam Playle Bertha Rebecca Female Meeres Walter Augustus Male Northam
1940/4900065 Northam Beck Gertrude Ester Female Enright Patrick John Martin Male Kellerberrin
1940/4900065 Northam Enright Patrick John Martin Male Beck Gertrude Ester Female Kellerberrin
1940/4900066 Northam Johnson Cyril Henry Male Wadsworth Elizabeth Georgina Female Trayning
1940/4900066 Northam Wadsworth Elizabeth Georgina Female Johnson Cyril Henry Male Trayning
1940/4900067 Northam Adamson Annie Evelyn Mary Female Adamson Francis Edward Male Merredin
1940/4900067 Northam Adamson Francis Edward Male Adamson Annie Evelyn Mary Female Merredin
1940/4900068 Northam Chown Ruth Adelaide Female Kimberley Donald Bruce Male Northam
1940/4900068 Northam Kimberley Donald Bruce Male Chown Ruth Adelaide Female Northam
1940/4900069 Northam Broomhall Ethel Alberta McFarlane Female Davies Richard Roskelly Male Northam
1940/4900069 Northam Davies Richard Roskelly Male Broomhall Ethel Alberta McFarlane Female Northam
1940/4900070 Northam Hooper Robert Lloyd Male Worton Merle Female Northam
1940/4900070 Northam Worton Merle Female Hooper Robert Lloyd Male Northam
1940/4900071 Northam Fleay Henry Elijah Male Geary Irene Maud Female Toodyay
1940/4900071 Northam Geary Irene Maud Female Fleay Henry Elijah Male Toodyay
1940/4900072 Northam Hassett Frederick Charles Male Hitchcock Marjorie Jean Female Northam
1940/4900072 Northam Hitchcock Marjorie Jean Female Hassett Frederick Charles Male Northam
1940/4900073 Northam Abdullah Stephen Male Gillespie Eileen Female Toodyay
1940/4900073 Northam Gillespie Eileen Female Abdullah Stephen Male Toodyay
1940/4900074 Northam de Lacy Thomas Corbett Male Brown Evelyn Mary Female Nukarni
1940/4900074 Northam Brown Evelyn Mary Female de Lacy Thomas Corbett Male Nukarni
1940/4900075 Northam Altham Beulah Female Evans Leonard John Male Kellerberrin
1940/4900075 Northam Evans Leonard John Male Altham Beulah Female Kellerberrin
1940/4900076 Northam Browning John Henry Male Leeder Thelma Bernice Female Northam
1940/4900076 Northam Leeder Thelma Bernice Female Browning John Henry Male Northam
1940/4900077 Northam Jeanes Hazel Maud Female Munday John William Male Northam
1940/4900077 Northam Munday John William Male Jeanes Hazel Maud Female Northam
1940/4900078 Northam Lockyer Kenneth Francis Male Picone Mary Alice Jean Female Northam
1940/4900078 Northam Picone Mary Alice Jean Female Lockyer Kenneth Francis Male Northam
1940/4900079 Northam Jolly Richard Henry Male Williams Ida Mavis Female Nungarin
1940/4900079 Northam Williams Ida Mavis Female Jolly Richard Henry Male Nungarin
1940/4900080 Northam Kilderry Daniel Joseph Male Waltham Ella May Female Toodyay
1940/4900080 Northam Waltham Ella May Female Kilderry Daniel Joseph Male Toodyay
1940/4900081 Northam Frearson Helen Millicent Female Hale Bernard Cecil Male Dowerin Methodist Church
1940/4900081 Northam Hale Bernard Cecil Male Frearson Helen Millicent Female Dowerin Methodist Church
1940/4900082 Northam MacLeod Ernest Male Mulcahy Lucy Veronica Female Kellerberrin
1940/4900082 Northam Mulcahy Lucy Veronica Female MacLeod Ernest Male Kellerberrin
1940/4900085 Northam Mosel Helen Norma Female Rance James Arthur Male Wyalkatchem
1940/4900085 Northam Rance James Arthur Male Mosel Helen Norma Female Wyalkatchem
1940/4900086 Northam Burton William John Male Tolley Barbara Florence Female Northam
1940/4900086 Northam Tolley Barbara Florence Female Burton William John Male Northam
1940/4900087 Northam Clark Ruby Mary Carmel Female Henwood John Remfry Mason Male Kellerberrin
1940/4900087 Northam Henwood John Remfry Mason Male Clark Ruby Mary Carmel Female Kellerberrin
1940/4900088 Northam Getling George Wilbur Male White Marion Maybelle Female Goomalling Methodist Church
1940/4900088 Northam White Marion Maybelle Female Getling George Wilbur Male Goomalling Methodist Church
1940/4900089 Northam Giles Frank Kenneth Gibbs Male Harrison Florence Beth Female Kellerberrin
1940/4900089 Northam Harrison Florence Beth Female Giles Frank Kenneth Gibbs Male Kellerberrin
1940/4900090 Northam Atkinson William Mervyn Male Warne Vivien May Female Merredin
1940/4900090 Northam Warne Vivien May Female Atkinson William Mervyn Male Merredin
1940/4900091 Northam Bowen Ellinor Carmel Female Savage Desmond William Male Northam
1940/4900091 Northam Savage Desmond William Male Bowen Ellinor Carmel Female Northam
1940/4900092 Northam Watson Charlotte Martha Female Wellington William Henry Male Northam
1940/4900092 Northam Wellington William Henry Male Watson Charlotte Martha Female Northam
1940/4900093 Northam Brownley Linda Edith Female Gordon Alexander William Male Northam
1940/4900093 Northam Gordon Alexander William Male Brownley Linda Edith Female Northam
1940/4900094 Northam Anderson Vernon George Male Brockhurst Annie Norris Female Jennacubbine
1940/4900094 Northam Brockhurst Annie Norris Female Anderson Vernon George Male Jennacubbine
1940/4900095 Northam Moore Doris Mary Female Smith Samuel John Male Northam
1940/4900095 Northam Smith Samuel John Male Moore Doris Mary Female Northam
1940/4900096 Northam Clamp Lucy Adelaide Female Harford William James Harold Male Mukinbudin
1940/4900096 Northam Harford William James Harold Male Clamp Lucy Adelaide Female Mukinbudin
1940/4900097 Northam Forward Victor Dardanallen Male Reid Irene Mavis Female Northam
1940/4900097 Northam Reid Irene Mavis Female Forward Victor Dardanallen Male Northam
1940/4900098 Northam Butterly Gladys Mona Female Litchfield Ronald Percy Male Northam
1940/4900098 Northam Litchfield Ronald Percy Male Butterly Gladys Mona Female Northam
1940/4900099 Northam Cockram Alice Muriel Female Reid Thomas Male Tammin
1940/4900099 Northam Reid Thomas Male Cockram Alice Muriel Female Tammin
1940/4900100 Northam Power Edward Francis Male Twigg Betty Victoria Marjorie Female Northam
1940/4900100 Northam Twigg Betty Victoria Marjorie Female Power Edward Francis Male Northam
1940/4900101 Northam Dawson Barry William Male Roberts Winnice Irene Female Northam
1940/4900101 Northam Roberts Winnice Irene Female Dawson Barry William Male Northam
1940/4900102 Northam McLean Jean Mary Female Russell William Ernest Male Northam
1940/4900102 Northam Russell William Ernest Male McLean Jean Mary Female Northam
1940/4900103 Northam Grace Gwendoline Female Trenorden Henry James Male Wyalkatchem
1940/4900103 Northam Trenorden Henry James Male Grace Gwendoline Female Wyalkatchem
1940/4900104 Northam Carter Alma Mollie Hope Female Peake Cyril Archibald Male Meckering
1940/4900104 Northam Peake Cyril Archibald Male Carter Alma Mollie Hope Female Meckering
1940/4900105 Northam Dargie Doreen Isma Female Duncan Herbert Newman Male Kellerberrin
1940/4900105 Northam Duncan Herbert Newman Male Dargie Doreen Isma Female Kellerberrin
1940/4900106 Northam Kullack Irene Bertha Female Pearce James Wallace Male Northam
1940/4900106 Northam Pearce James Wallace Male Kullack Irene Bertha Female Northam
1940/4900107 Northam O'Neill Margaret Catherine Female Richardson Arthur Kenneth Male Northam
1940/4900107 Northam Richardson Arthur Kenneth Male O'Neill Margaret Catherine Female Northam
1940/4900108 Northam Finnegan John Gerard Male Mulcahy Catherine Mary Female Trayning
1940/4900108 Northam Mulcahy Catherine Mary Female Finnegan John Gerard Male Trayning
1940/4900109 Northam Chilvers Eileen Daphne Female Jones Alick Desmond Male Northam
1940/4900109 Northam Jones Alick Desmond Male Chilvers Eileen Daphne Female Northam
1940/4900110 Northam Griffin George Isidore Male Preston Elsie Alice Female West Australia
1940/4900110 Northam Preston Elsie Alice Female Griffin George Isidore Male West Australia
1940/4900111 Northam Hooper Melva Trevilyan Female Manson Neil John Male Northam
1940/4900111 Northam Manson Neil John Male Hooper Melva Trevilyan Female Northam
1940/4900112 Northam Kelly Eileen Martha Female King Robert Milton Male Northam
1940/4900112 Northam King Robert Milton Male Kelly Eileen Martha Female Northam
1940/4900113 Northam McDonald John Alexander Male Smith Ruth Irene Female Northam
1940/4900113 Northam Smith Ruth Irene Female McDonald John Alexander Male Northam
1940/4900114 Northam Holmes Alfred Ernest Male Janeczek Hilda Vera Female Northam
1940/4900114 Northam Janeczek Hilda Vera Female Holmes Alfred Ernest Male Northam
1940/4900115 Northam Sudholz Vera Bertha Female Wilson Alfred Male Northam
1940/4900115 Northam Wilson Alfred Male Sudholz Vera Bertha Female Northam
1940/4900116 Northam Dawson Violet Thelma Female Rutley Stanley George Male Northam
1940/4900116 Northam Rutley Stanley George Male Dawson Violet Thelma Female Northam
1940/4900117 Northam Forster Edith Mary Female Thornton Bernard Blackwell Clement Male Kellerberrin
1940/4900117 Northam Thornton Bernard Blackwell Clement Male Forster Edith Mary Female Kellerberrin
1940/4900118 Northam Standley George David Male Thomas Catherine Iris Doreen Female Wyalkatchem
1940/4900118 Northam Thomas Catherine Iris Doreen Female Standley George David Male Wyalkatchem
1940/4900119 Northam Enright Iola Mary Female Kirby Michael George Male Northam
1940/4900119 Northam Kirby Michael George Male Enright Iola Mary Female Northam
1940/4900120 Northam Edwards William Hugh Male Venables Bertha Female Northam
1940/4900120 Northam Venables Bertha Female Edwards William Hugh Male Northam
1940/4900121 Northam Gillam Mollie Elizabeth Female White Arthur James Male Northam
1940/4900121 Northam White Arthur James Male Gillam Mollie Elizabeth Female Northam
1940/4900122 Northam Chandler Charles Frederick Male Chandler Hilda Irene Female Merredin
1940/4900122 Northam Chandler Hilda Irene Female Chandler Charles Frederick Male Merredin
1940/4900123 Northam Hanley Jack Raynor Male Rickey Winifred Mary Female Northam
1940/4900123 Northam Rickey Winifred Mary Female Hanley Jack Raynor Male Northam
1940/4900124 Northam Cooper Cyril Fredrick Male Lockhart Elsie Mary Female Northam
1940/4900124 Northam Lockhart Elsie Mary Female Cooper Cyril Fredrick Male Northam
1940/4900125 Northam Cusack Francis Allen Male Enright Mary Clare Female Goomalling
1940/4900125 Northam Enright Mary Clare Female Cusack Francis Allen Male Goomalling
1940/4900126 Northam Moore Iris Edlyn Neville Female Veal Guthrie Hocking Male Goomalling
1940/4900126 Northam Veal Guthrie Hocking Male Moore Iris Edlyn Neville Female Goomalling
1940/4900127 Northam Harris Ivor Leslie Male Martin Margaret Mary Female Northam
1940/4900127 Northam Martin Margaret Mary Female Harris Ivor Leslie Male Northam
1940/4900128 Northam Campbell Gordon Cameron Male Newman Joyce Doreen Female Northam
1940/4900128 Northam Newman Joyce Doreen Female Campbell Gordon Cameron Male Northam
1940/4900129 Northam Bywaters Olive Ida Female McKay Alan John Septimus Male Northam Methodist Church
1940/4900129 Northam McKay Alan John Septimus Male Bywaters Olive Ida Female Northam Methodist Church
1940/4900130 Northam Fletcher Florence Female Ward Edward Francis Male Northam
1940/4900130 Northam Ward Edward Francis Male Fletcher Florence Female Northam
1940/4900131 Northam Ettridge John Joseph Male Ramsay Jane Gertrude Female Northam
1940/4900131 Northam Ramsay Jane Gertrude Female Ettridge John Joseph Male Northam
1940/4900132 Northam Dunston Muriel Female Horan William John Male Merredin
1940/4900132 Northam Horan William John Male Dunston Muriel Female Merredin
1940/4900133 Northam Dempster Harold Peter Male Dempster Muriel West Female Northam
1940/4900133 Northam Dempster Muriel West Female Dempster Harold Peter Male Northam
1940/4900134 Northam Martin Joan Female Ralph George William Male Bolgart
1940/4900134 Northam Ralph George William Male Martin Joan Female Bolgart
1940/4900135 Northam Moody Hester Naomi Female Sing Stanley Norman Male Goomalling
1940/4900135 Northam Sing Stanley Norman Male Moody Hester Naomi Female Goomalling
1940/4900136 Northam Davies Ena Jessie Female Hanbury John Alfred Vernon Male Toodyay
1940/4900136 Northam Hanbury John Alfred Vernon Male Davies Ena Jessie Female Toodyay
1940/4900137 Northam Andrijich Marija Female Bakranich Ante Male Toodyay
1940/4900137 Northam Bakranich Ante Male Andrijich Marija Female Toodyay
1940/4900138 Northam Illman Matilda Female Shoosmith Hartley Male Northam
1940/4900138 Northam Shoosmith Hartley Male Illman Matilda Female Northam
1940/4900139 Northam Morphew Francis Weston Male Smith Gwenneth Female Northam
1940/4900139 Northam Smith Gwenneth Female Morphew Francis Weston Male Northam
1940/4900140 Northam Douglas Lorna May Female Moloney Brian William Male Northam
1940/4900140 Northam Moloney Brian William Male Douglas Lorna May Female Northam
1940/4900141 Northam Harris David Edward Male Kelly Thelma Doreen Female Northam
1940/4900141 Northam Kelly Thelma Doreen Female Harris David Edward Male Northam
1940/4900142 Northam McGrath John Edward Male Sherry Carmel Cecilia Female Northam
1940/4900142 Northam Sherry Carmel Cecilia Female McGrath John Edward Male Northam
1940/4900143 Northam Martin Patricia Marie Female Worner Reginald Bernard Male Northam
1940/4900143 Northam Worner Reginald Bernard Male Martin Patricia Marie Female Northam
1940/4900144 Northam Edgington Edward John Male Morgan Ruby Annie Female Kellerberrin Methodist Church
1940/4900144 Northam Morgan Ruby Annie Female Edgington Edward John Male Kellerberrin Methodist Church
1940/4900145 Northam Anastasakis Alex Dimitri Male Levisianon Maria Female Northam
1940/4900145 Northam Levisianon Maria Female Anastasakis Alex Dimitri Male Northam
1940/4900146 Northam Hillberg Norman Sidney Male Staples Cynthia Martha Ernestine Female Northam
1940/4900146 Northam Staples Cynthia Martha Ernestine Female Hillberg Norman Sidney Male Northam
1940/4900147 Northam Cooke Walter Charles Male Walker Edith Mary Female Northam
1940/4900147 Northam Walker Edith Mary Female Cooke Walter Charles Male Northam
1940/4900148 Northam Dowell Winifred Female Larkman Harold Allen Male Northam
1940/4900148 Northam Larkman Harold Allen Male Dowell Winifred Female Northam
1940/4900149 Northam Neil Gladys Emily Female Zeeb Arthur Male Northam
1940/4900149 Northam Zeeb Arthur Male Neil Gladys Emily Female Northam
1940/4900150 Northam Corbett John Male Jarvis Frances Ivy Female Northam
1940/4900150 Northam Jarvis Frances Ivy Female Corbett John Male Northam
1940/4900151 Northam Blight Percival John William Male Hannah Edna Edith Female Northam
1940/4900151 Northam Hannah Edna Edith Female Blight Percival John William Male Northam
1940/4900152 Northam Martin Ada Caroline Female Sparrowhawk Stanley Ernest Male Northam
1940/4900152 Northam Sparrowhawk Stanley Ernest Male Martin Ada Caroline Female Northam
1940/4900153 Northam Rouse Norman Henry Male Taylor Elizabeth Corney Nelson Female Kellerberrin
1940/4900153 Northam Taylor Elizabeth Corney Nelson Female Rouse Norman Henry Male Kellerberrin
1940/4900154 Northam Grenfell Norman Stanley Male Thompson Patricia Mary Beatrice Female Toodyay
1940/4900154 Northam Thompson Patricia Mary Beatrice Female Grenfell Norman Stanley Male Toodyay
1940/4900155 Northam Boyd Charles Martin Male Richardson Elizabeth Rebecca Female Merredin
1940/4900155 Northam Richardson Elizabeth Rebecca Female Boyd Charles Martin Male Merredin
1940/4900156 Northam Martin Dorothy Joan Female Sherwood John Aubrey Male Northam
1940/4900156 Northam Sherwood John Aubrey Male Martin Dorothy Joan Female Northam
1940/4900157 Northam Dalton Eileen Female Dowie Donald Malcolm Male Northam
1940/4900157 Northam Dowie Donald Malcolm Male Dalton Eileen Female Northam
1940/4900158 Northam Due Winifred Kathleen Female Woodruff Edward Sidney Male Northam
1940/4900158 Northam Woodruff Edward Sidney Male Due Winifred Kathleen Female Northam
1940/4900159 Northam Gullefer John Male Tapscott Irene Phyllis Female Northam
1940/4900159 Northam Tapscott Irene Phyllis Female Gullefer John Male Northam
1940/4900160 Northam Angelinovich Carmel Nelly Female Caridi Rocco Antonio Male Merredin
1940/4900160 Northam Caridi Rocco Antonio Male Angelinovich Carmel Nelly Female Merredin
1940/4900161 Northam Callow Dorothy May Female Thomson Robert John Male Koorda
1940/4900161 Northam Thomson Robert John Male Callow Dorothy May Female Koorda
1940/4900162 Northam Atkins Gladys Female Christmass Leslie Norman Male Northam
1940/4900162 Northam Christmass Leslie Norman Male Atkins Gladys Female Northam
1940/4900163 Northam Holland Raymond Male Lockyer Audrey Lorna Female Northam
1940/4900163 Northam Lockyer Audrey Lorna Female Holland Raymond Male Northam
1940/4900164 Northam Dorizzi Thomas Henry Male Smith Harriett Ellen Maude Female Northam
1940/4900164 Northam Smith Harriett Ellen Maude Female Dorizzi Thomas Henry Male Northam
1940/4900165 Northam Jacques Anne Clara Lillian Female Jeanes Ernest Edward Male Northam
1940/4900165 Northam Jeanes Ernest Edward Male Jacques Anne Clara Lillian Female Northam
1940/4900166 Northam Clarke Leonard William Male Moody Mary Elizabeth Female W Northam
1940/4900166 Northam Moody Mary Elizabeth Female Clarke Leonard William Male W Northam
1940/4900167 Northam Haines Phyllis Emily Female Retallack Ernest Edgar Male Toodyay
1940/4900167 Northam Retallack Ernest Edgar Male Haines Phyllis Emily Female Toodyay
1940/5000001 Northampton Gould Norman Alfred Male Teakle Jean Marjorie Female Northampton
1940/5000001 Northampton Teakle Jean Marjorie Female Gould Norman Alfred Male Northampton
1940/5000002 Northampton Douglas Beryl Adeline Female Rob Robert Franklin Male Northampton
1940/5000002 Northampton Rob Robert Franklin Male Douglas Beryl Adeline Female Northampton
1940/5000003 Northampton Brand Gordon Andrew Male Reynolds Ada Dorothy Female Northampton
1940/5000003 Northampton Reynolds Ada Dorothy Female Brand Gordon Andrew Male Northampton
1940/5000004 Northampton Plant Horace Chesworth Male Simkin Gladys Mary Female Northampton
1940/5000004 Northampton Simkin Gladys Mary Female Plant Horace Chesworth Male Northampton
1940/5000005 Northampton Reynolds John Richard Male Williams Freda Josephine Female Northampton
1940/5000005 Northampton Williams Freda Josephine Female Reynolds John Richard Male Northampton
1940/5000006 Northampton Carroll Hazel Maria Female Reynolds Aloysius Anthony Male Nabawa
1940/5000006 Northampton Reynolds Aloysius Anthony Male Carroll Hazel Maria Female Nabawa
1940/5000007 Northampton Crothers Mary Lilian Female Veal Kenneth Stewart Male Northampton
1940/5000007 Northampton Veal Kenneth Stewart Male Crothers Mary Lilian Female Northampton
1940/5000008 Northampton Jefferies John James Male Williams Dora Female Northampton
1940/5000008 Northampton Williams Dora Female Jefferies John James Male Northampton
1940/5000009 Northampton Oxenham Jessie Female Randall Ernest Edward Male Northampton
1940/5000009 Northampton Randall Ernest Edward Male Oxenham Jessie Female Northampton
1940/5000010 Northampton Barnden Frederick George Nicholas Male Eastough Harriet Stella Female Nabawa
1940/5000010 Northampton Eastough Harriet Stella Female Barnden Frederick George Nicholas Male Nabawa
1940/5000011 Northampton Maver Isabella Jean Female Thornton Alexander Male Northampton
1940/5000011 Northampton Thornton Alexander Male Maver Isabella Jean Female Northampton
1940/5200001 Phillips River Hunt John Thomas Male Selleck Dorothy Frances Alice Female Ravensthorpe
1940/5200001 Phillips River Selleck Dorothy Frances Alice Female Hunt John Thomas Male Ravensthorpe
1940/5200002 Phillips River Daniels Bridget Muir Female Harris William Leckie McFarlane Male Hopetoun Hall
1940/5200002 Phillips River Harris William Leckie McFarlane Male Daniels Bridget Muir Female Hopetoun Hall
1940/5200003 Phillips River Fulton William White Male Milford Veronica Female Ravenstorpe
1940/5200003 Phillips River Milford Veronica Female Fulton William White Male Ravenstorpe
1940/5200004 Phillips River Edwards Kathleen Elsie Female Jones Arthur Edward Male Lake King
1940/5200004 Phillips River Jones Arthur Edward Male Edwards Kathleen Elsie Female Lake King
1940/5300001 Pilbara Flegg Reginald Vincent Male Leslie Kathleen Daphne Female Marble Bar
1940/5300001 Pilbara Leslie Kathleen Daphne Female Flegg Reginald Vincent Male Marble Bar
1940/5300002 Pilbara Barton William James Male Ovenden Mavis Alma Female Marble Bar
1940/5300002 Pilbara Ovenden Mavis Alma Female Barton William James Male Marble Bar
1940/5300003 Pilbara O'Brien Arthur Lawson Male Sullivan Roberta Marjorie Female Marble Bar
1940/5300003 Pilbara Sullivan Roberta Marjorie Female O'Brien Arthur Lawson Male Marble Bar
1940/5300004 Pilbara Leslie Grace Irene Mary Female Phillips Walter Male Marble Bar
1940/5300004 Pilbara Phillips Walter Male Leslie Grace Irene Mary Female Marble Bar
1940/5300005 Pilbara Concanen Barrymore Cranston Male Purser Joan Audrey Ingram Female Marble Bar
1940/5300005 Pilbara Purser Joan Audrey Ingram Female Concanen Barrymore Cranston Male Marble Bar
1940/5300006 Pilbara Lloyd Nellie Lillian Colley Female Thompson Thomas James Male Marble Bar
1940/5300006 Pilbara Thompson Thomas James Male Lloyd Nellie Lillian Colley Female Marble Bar
1941/5400001 Plantagenet Beauchamp Annie Beatrice Female Gale Arnold Male Albany
1941/5400001 Plantagenet Gale Arnold Male Beauchamp Annie Beatrice Female Albany
1941/5400003 Plantagenet Male William Edwin Barnes Male Smith Jessie Peace Female Albany
1941/5400003 Plantagenet Smith Jessie Peace Female Male William Edwin Barnes Male Albany
1940/5400006 Plantagenet Pope Marjorie Elizabeth Female Weir Stanley Male Albany
1940/5400006 Plantagenet Weir Stanley Male Pope Marjorie Elizabeth Female Albany
1940/5400007 Plantagenet Collard Frederick Walter Male Jackson Irene Female Albany
1940/5400007 Plantagenet Jackson Irene Female Collard Frederick Walter Male Albany
1940/5400008 Plantagenet Kerley Kathleen Edith Female Male Jack Reader Male Albany
1940/5400008 Plantagenet Male Jack Reader Male Kerley Kathleen Edith Female Albany
1940/5400009 Plantagenet Jackson Olive May Female Nockolds John Thomas Male Denmark
1940/5400009 Plantagenet Nockolds John Thomas Male Jackson Olive May Female Denmark
1941/5400010 Plantagenet Chopping Roy Alexander Male Colgate Betty Eileen Female Albany
1941/5400010 Plantagenet Colgate Betty Eileen Female Chopping Roy Alexander Male Albany
1940/5400010 Plantagenet Hockley Edward James Male Thomas Dorothy Hannah Female Albany
1940/5400010 Plantagenet Thomas Dorothy Hannah Female Hockley Edward James Male Albany
1940/5400011 Plantagenet Venn Bertha Mary Female Warburton Douglas Edgar Male Mt Barker
1940/5400011 Plantagenet Warburton Douglas Edgar Male Venn Bertha Mary Female Mt Barker
1940/5400012 Plantagenet Johnson Charles Eric Male Linnell Gladys Elizabeth Alice Female Albany
1940/5400012 Plantagenet Linnell Gladys Elizabeth Alice Female Johnson Charles Eric Male Albany
1940/5400013 Plantagenet Bairstow Daphne Rose Female Pittick Arnold Patrick Male Albany
1940/5400013 Plantagenet Pittick Arnold Patrick Male Bairstow Daphne Rose Female Albany
1940/5400014 Plantagenet Hartshorn Thurza Female Morgan Frederick Male Albany
1940/5400014 Plantagenet Morgan Frederick Male Hartshorn Thurza Female Albany
1940/5400015 Plantagenet Pike Mary Gladys Female Thornton Ira James Male Albany
1940/5400015 Plantagenet Thornton Ira James Male Pike Mary Gladys Female Albany
1940/5400016 Plantagenet Keyser Ruby Jean Female Northcott Thomas Francis James Male Albany
1940/5400016 Plantagenet Northcott Thomas Francis James Male Keyser Ruby Jean Female Albany
1940/5400017 Plantagenet Johnson Irene Female Tomlinson John Male Albany
1940/5400017 Plantagenet Tomlinson John Male Johnson Irene Female Albany
1940/5400018 Plantagenet Donaldson John Redverse Male O'Keefe Patricia Olive Female Albany
1940/5400018 Plantagenet O'Keefe Patricia Olive Female Donaldson John Redverse Male Albany
1940/5400019 Plantagenet Campbell Rose Female Newdick Bertie Male Denmark Methodist Church
1940/5400019 Plantagenet Newdick Bertie Male Campbell Rose Female Denmark Methodist Church
1940/5400020 Plantagenet Jackson Edna Frances Female Moir Clarance John Victor Male Albany
1940/5400020 Plantagenet Moir Clarance John Victor Male Jackson Edna Frances Female Albany
1940/5400021 Plantagenet Bunker Harriett Grace Female Hudson Horace Charles Thomas Male Albany Methodist Church
1940/5400021 Plantagenet Hudson Horace Charles Thomas Male Bunker Harriett Grace Female Albany Methodist Church
1940/5400022 Plantagenet Grayson Daphne Female Miller Arthur Sydney Male Albany
1940/5400022 Plantagenet Miller Arthur Sydney Male Grayson Daphne Female Albany
1940/5400023 Plantagenet Medway Albert Edward Male Muir Dorothy Jean Female Albany
1940/5400023 Plantagenet Muir Dorothy Jean Female Medway Albert Edward Male Albany
1940/5400024 Plantagenet Archibald William James Male O'Dea Peggy Backshall Female Albany
1940/5400024 Plantagenet O'Dea Peggy Backshall Female Archibald William James Male Albany
1940/5400025 Plantagenet Hamilton William Kingston Male Payne Olga Maud Female Albany
1940/5400025 Plantagenet Payne Olga Maud Female Hamilton William Kingston Male Albany
1940/5400026 Plantagenet Lewer Mavis Bethora Female Madew Mervyn Thomas Male Albany
1940/5400026 Plantagenet Madew Mervyn Thomas Male Lewer Mavis Bethora Female Albany
1940/5400027 Plantagenet Curran Bernard Male Mouchemore Vera Female Albany
1940/5400027 Plantagenet Mouchemore Vera Female Curran Bernard Male Albany
1940/5400028 Plantagenet Coles Eric George Male Parsloe Edith Mabel Female Albany
1940/5400028 Plantagenet Parsloe Edith Mabel Female Coles Eric George Male Albany
1940/5400029 Plantagenet Blackburn Jean Female Henson Leonard Charles Male Albany
1940/5400029 Plantagenet Henson Leonard Charles Male Blackburn Jean Female Albany
1940/5400030 Plantagenet Dalby Barbara Doris Female Ebbett Reginald George Male Denmark
1940/5400030 Plantagenet Ebbett Reginald George Male Dalby Barbara Doris Female Denmark
1940/5400031 Plantagenet Shannon Beth Newbould Female Whittem Roger Corbett Male Denmark
1940/5400031 Plantagenet Whittem Roger Corbett Male Shannon Beth Newbould Female Denmark
1940/5400032 Plantagenet Hollings Betty Isabel Female Mumford Richard William Male Denmark
1940/5400032 Plantagenet Mumford Richard William Male Hollings Betty Isabel Female Denmark
1940/5400033 Plantagenet Allender John Donald Male Bruce Dorothy Mary Female Albany
1940/5400033 Plantagenet Bruce Dorothy Mary Female Allender John Donald Male Albany
1940/5400034 Plantagenet Crofts Jean Myrna Female Shepherd Harold John Male Mt Barker
1940/5400034 Plantagenet Shepherd Harold John Male Crofts Jean Myrna Female Mt Barker
1940/5400035 Plantagenet Gillam Alfred Llewellyn Male Pope Kathleen Bentley Miller Female Cranbrook
1940/5400035 Plantagenet Pope Kathleen Bentley Miller Female Gillam Alfred Llewellyn Male Cranbrook
1940/5400036 Plantagenet Jackel Ernest Francis Male Schumann Jean Constance Female Albany
1940/5400036 Plantagenet Schumann Jean Constance Female Jackel Ernest Francis Male Albany
1940/5400037 Plantagenet Flintoft Lawrence John Male Wheatland Marjorie Florence Female Denmark
1940/5400037 Plantagenet Wheatland Marjorie Florence Female Flintoft Lawrence John Male Denmark
1940/5400038 Plantagenet Green Victor Edwin Male Webb Audrey Mary Female Albany
1940/5400038 Plantagenet Webb Audrey Mary Female Green Victor Edwin Male Albany
1940/5400039 Plantagenet Berry Charles William Male Norman Hazel Marie Female Albany
1940/5400039 Plantagenet Norman Hazel Marie Female Berry Charles William Male Albany
1940/5400040 Plantagenet Anning Arthur Francis Male Wilkinson Muriel Alice Female Denmark
1940/5400040 Plantagenet Wilkinson Muriel Alice Female Anning Arthur Francis Male Denmark
1940/5400041 Plantagenet Mills Muriel Beauchamp Female Monck Leslie Frederick Male Albany
1940/5400041 Plantagenet Monck Leslie Frederick Male Mills Muriel Beauchamp Female Albany
1940/5400042 Plantagenet Baker Edna May Female Toovey Roy Herbert Male Albany
1940/5400042 Plantagenet Toovey Roy Herbert Male Baker Edna May Female Albany
1940/5400043 Plantagenet Connor William Male Taylor Lillian Enid Female Tambellup
1940/5400043 Plantagenet Taylor Lillian Enid Female Connor William Male Tambellup
1940/5400044 Plantagenet Middleton William Male Mohr Kathleen Anna Female Denmark
1940/5400044 Plantagenet Mohr Kathleen Anna Female Middleton William Male Denmark
1940/5400045 Plantagenet Elverd Hilda Emily Female Purves Robert Arthur Male Albany
1940/5400045 Plantagenet Purves Robert Arthur Male Elverd Hilda Emily Female Albany
1940/5400046 Plantagenet Molinent Gladys Female Waites Allan Male Albany
1940/5400046 Plantagenet Waites Allan Male Molinent Gladys Female Albany
1940/5400047 Plantagenet Harding Herbert Stanley Male McCreath Rosina Campbell Female Albany
1940/5400047 Plantagenet McCreath Rosina Campbell Female Harding Herbert Stanley Male Albany
1940/5400048 Plantagenet Berryman Lionel Arthur Male Colbenson Phyllis Female Albany
1940/5400048 Plantagenet Colbenson Phyllis Female Berryman Lionel Arthur Male Albany
1940/5400049 Plantagenet Carpenter Charles Raymund Male Warnock Evelyn Magdalen Female Mt Barker
1940/5400049 Plantagenet Warnock Evelyn Magdalen Female Carpenter Charles Raymund Male Mt Barker
1940/5400050 Plantagenet McDonald Irene Constance Female Reade Kenneth Chandos Male Mount Barker
1940/5400050 Plantagenet Reade Kenneth Chandos Male McDonald Irene Constance Female Mount Barker
1940/5400051 Plantagenet Pomery Morrice Hamilton Male Potter Elizabeth Liddle Macauley Female Albany
1940/5400051 Plantagenet Potter Elizabeth Liddle Macauley Female Pomery Morrice Hamilton Male Albany
1940/5400052 Plantagenet Bennett Joseph Alexander Male Warthwyke Hilda Margaret Female Albany
1940/5400052 Plantagenet Warthwyke Hilda Margaret Female Bennett Joseph Alexander Male Albany
1940/5400053 Plantagenet Bevilaqua Vernon Frank Male Jackson Elsie Female Albany
1940/5400053 Plantagenet Jackson Elsie Female Bevilaqua Vernon Frank Male Albany
1940/5400054 Plantagenet McLennan William Todd Male Rogers Nora Female Mt Barker
1940/5400054 Plantagenet Rogers Nora Female McLennan William Todd Male Mt Barker
1940/5400055 Plantagenet Bath Caroline Female Riggs Harry Aubrey Male Albany
1940/5400055 Plantagenet Riggs Harry Aubrey Male Bath Caroline Female Albany
1940/5400056 Plantagenet Avins Frederick Ronald Male Dhu Agnes Elvera Female Albany
1940/5400056 Plantagenet Dhu Agnes Elvera Female Avins Frederick Ronald Male Albany
1940/5400057 Plantagenet Fogarty Cyril Alban Male Ward Cora Elizabeth Female Mt Barker
1940/5400057 Plantagenet Ward Cora Elizabeth Female Fogarty Cyril Alban Male Mt Barker
1940/5400058 Plantagenet Goldsmith Dorothy Female Minchin Donald Henry Male Albany
1940/5400058 Plantagenet Minchin Donald Henry Male Goldsmith Dorothy Female Albany
1940/5400059 Plantagenet Homer Eleanor Margaret Female Parsons Osmond Ross Male Albany
1940/5400059 Plantagenet Parsons Osmond Ross Male Homer Eleanor Margaret Female Albany
1940/5400060 Plantagenet Barrett Charles John Male Pascoe Olga Valmay Female Denmark Methodist Church
1940/5400060 Plantagenet Pascoe Olga Valmay Female Barrett Charles John Male Denmark Methodist Church
1940/5400061 Plantagenet Herbert Kathleen Rose Female May William James Male Mt Barker
1940/5400061 Plantagenet May William James Male Herbert Kathleen Rose Female Mt Barker
1940/5400062 Plantagenet Beckett Eric John Thomas Male Parker Olive Lucy Female Albany
1940/5400062 Plantagenet Parker Olive Lucy Female Beckett Eric John Thomas Male Albany
1940/5400063 Plantagenet Bunker Ada Annie Female Ross Donald Male Albany
1940/5400063 Plantagenet Ross Donald Male Bunker Ada Annie Female Albany
1940/5400064 Plantagenet Keeley Francis O'Donnell Male Laing Ruby Female Denmark
1940/5400064 Plantagenet Laing Ruby Female Keeley Francis O'Donnell Male Denmark
1940/5400065 Plantagenet Cowin Leslie Mervyn Male Ford Anne Veronica Female Albany
1940/5400065 Plantagenet Ford Anne Veronica Female Cowin Leslie Mervyn Male Albany
1940/5400066 Plantagenet Beeck Lloyd Robert Male Stanford Doreen Female Albany
1940/5400066 Plantagenet Stanford Doreen Female Beeck Lloyd Robert Male Albany
1940/5400067 Plantagenet Brown William Norman Waldron Male Schumann Frances Gertrude Female Albany
1940/5400067 Plantagenet Schumann Frances Gertrude Female Brown William Norman Waldron Male Albany
1940/5400068 Plantagenet McLaren William Guild Male Webb Ivy Jean Female Albany
1940/5400068 Plantagenet Webb Ivy Jean Female McLaren William Guild Male Albany
1940/5400069 Plantagenet Climie Margaret Female Swiney John Richard Male Cranbrook
1940/5400069 Plantagenet Swiney John Richard Male Climie Margaret Female Cranbrook
1940/5400070 Plantagenet Gannaway Mabel Ethel Female Joyce Percy Leonard Male Albany
1940/5400070 Plantagenet Joyce Percy Leonard Male Gannaway Mabel Ethel Female Albany
1940/5400071 Plantagenet Doyle Mary Doreen Female Wilson Geoffrey Beith Male Albany
1940/5400071 Plantagenet Wilson Geoffrey Beith Male Doyle Mary Doreen Female Albany
1940/5400072 Plantagenet Grimes Arthur George Male Packer Violet Marjory Female Albany
1940/5400072 Plantagenet Packer Violet Marjory Female Grimes Arthur George Male Albany
1940/5400073 Plantagenet Green Kathleen Muriel Female Webb Phillip Albert Male Albany
1940/5400073 Plantagenet Webb Phillip Albert Male Green Kathleen Muriel Female Albany
1940/5400074 Plantagenet Full Marjorie Iris Female Monck Edmund William Ashley Male Albany
1940/5400074 Plantagenet Monck Edmund William Ashley Male Full Marjorie Iris Female Albany
1940/5400075 Plantagenet Blechynden Hubert John Male Swiney Beatrice Clare Female Frankland River
1940/5400075 Plantagenet Swiney Beatrice Clare Female Blechynden Hubert John Male Frankland River
1940/5400076 Plantagenet Bell Richard George Male Endean Mildred Female Albany
1940/5400076 Plantagenet Endean Mildred Female Bell Richard George Male Albany
1940/5400077 Plantagenet Bailey Elsie Female Shanhun Alfred Edward Male Porongorups Hall
1940/5400077 Plantagenet Shanhun Alfred Edward Male Bailey Elsie Female Porongorups Hall
1940/5400078 Plantagenet McConchie Robert John Male Turner Enid Marjorie Female Albany
1940/5400078 Plantagenet Turner Enid Marjorie Female McConchie Robert John Male Albany
1940/5400079 Plantagenet Hill Alan Alfred Male Ironside Margaret Female Albany
1940/5400079 Plantagenet Ironside Margaret Female Hill Alan Alfred Male Albany
1940/5400080 Plantagenet Hall Ellen Maud Female Sinclair Thomas Street Male Albany
1940/5400080 Plantagenet Sinclair Thomas Street Male Hall Ellen Maud Female Albany
1940/5400081 Plantagenet Nesbitt Ray Male Puls Myrtle Noreen Female Albany
1940/5400081 Plantagenet Puls Myrtle Noreen Female Nesbitt Ray Male Albany
1940/5400082 Plantagenet Higgins Sydney Marshall Male Toovey Florence Gladys Female Mt Barker
1940/5400082 Plantagenet Toovey Florence Gladys Female Higgins Sydney Marshall Male Mt Barker
1940/5400083 Plantagenet Hansen Hannah Female Palmer Stanley Lyle Male Albany
1940/5400083 Plantagenet Palmer Stanley Lyle Male Hansen Hannah Female Albany
1940/5400084 Plantagenet Bell Ronald Thomas Male James Pansy Alma Myrtle Female Albany
1940/5400084 Plantagenet James Pansy Alma Myrtle Female Bell Ronald Thomas Male Albany
1940/5400085 Plantagenet Murphy James Lionel Male Sheldon Rita Barbara Mary Female Albany
1940/5400085 Plantagenet Sheldon Rita Barbara Mary Female Murphy James Lionel Male Albany
1940/5400086 Plantagenet Turner Patricia Edith Female Walker William Longmire Graham Male Albany
1940/5400086 Plantagenet Walker William Longmire Graham Male Turner Patricia Edith Female Albany
1940/5400087 Plantagenet Benson-Lidholm Charles Magnus Male Collis Margaret Mary Female Denmark
1940/5400087 Plantagenet Collis Margaret Mary Female Benson-Lidholm Charles Magnus Male Denmark
1940/5400088 Plantagenet Bennett Albert John Male Copeland Sadie Sharp Female Albany
1940/5400088 Plantagenet Copeland Sadie Sharp Female Bennett Albert John Male Albany
1940/5400089 Plantagenet Green Ethel Daphne Female Stone Robert John Male Albany
1940/5400089 Plantagenet Stone Robert John Male Green Ethel Daphne Female Albany
1940/5400090 Plantagenet Cross Emma Patricia Female Martin Charles Herbert Male Albany
1940/5400090 Plantagenet Martin Charles Herbert Male Cross Emma Patricia Female Albany
1940/5400091 Plantagenet Manton Grace Josephine Female Penn William Henry Male Albany
1940/5400091 Plantagenet Penn William Henry Male Manton Grace Josephine Female Albany
1940/5400092 Plantagenet Box Kyra Maud Female Simpson Edward John Male Albany
1940/5400092 Plantagenet Simpson Edward John Male Box Kyra Maud Female Albany
1940/5400093 Plantagenet McCusker Ada Olive Female Pascoe Sidney Richard Male Albany
1940/5400093 Plantagenet Pascoe Sidney Richard Male McCusker Ada Olive Female Albany
1940/5400094 Plantagenet Herbert Douglas Godfrey Male Symmans Winifred Ethel Female Albany
1940/5400094 Plantagenet Symmans Winifred Ethel Female Herbert Douglas Godfrey Male Albany
1940/5400095 Plantagenet Bairstow Mary Dean Female Seymour William Henry Male Albany
1940/5400095 Plantagenet Seymour William Henry Male Bairstow Mary Dean Female Albany
1940/5400096 Plantagenet Evans Gwyn Emlyn Male Poole Honor Lyth Female Lower Kalgan
1940/5400096 Plantagenet Poole Honor Lyth Female Evans Gwyn Emlyn Male Lower Kalgan
1940/5400097 Plantagenet Poland Florence Mabel Eleanor Female Stuchbury Leonard Thomas Viney Male Denmark
1940/5400097 Plantagenet Stuchbury Leonard Thomas Viney Male Poland Florence Mabel Eleanor Female Denmark
1940/5400098 Plantagenet Coombe Ernest Alvin Male Wolfe Muriel Emily Female Albany
1940/5400098 Plantagenet Wolfe Muriel Emily Female Coombe Ernest Alvin Male Albany
1940/5400099 Plantagenet Bartlett Nellie May Female Crispe Ronald Roy Male Albany
1940/5400099 Plantagenet Crispe Ronald Roy Male Bartlett Nellie May Female Albany
1940/5400100 Plantagenet Bunker Harold Thomas Male Spears Doris Female Albany
1940/5400100 Plantagenet Spears Doris Female Bunker Harold Thomas Male Albany
1940/5500001 Port Hedland Alder Grace Lavinia Female Thompson Harold James Male Port Hedland
1940/5500001 Port Hedland Thompson Harold James Male Alder Grace Lavinia Female Port Hedland
1940/5500002 Port Hedland Campbell Alexander Cuthbert Male Walker Gwenydd Ella Female Port Hedland
1940/5500002 Port Hedland Walker Gwenydd Ella Female Campbell Alexander Cuthbert Male Port Hedland
1940/5500003 Port Hedland Carr Harold Albert Male Harrison Nadia Female Port Hedland
1940/5500003 Port Hedland Harrison Nadia Female Carr Harold Albert Male Port Hedland
1940/5500004 Port Hedland Pedler Ernest Lovell Male Sheehan Mary Helen Female Port Hedland
1940/5500004 Port Hedland Sheehan Mary Helen Female Pedler Ernest Lovell Male Port Hedland
1940/5500005 Port Hedland Briden Harry Clark Male Maher Eileen Olive Female Port Hedland
1940/5500005 Port Hedland Maher Eileen Olive Female Briden Harry Clark Male Port Hedland
1940/5500006 Port Hedland Jacoby Frederick Maurice Male Montgomerie Anne May Female Port Hedland
1940/5500006 Port Hedland Montgomerie Anne May Female Jacoby Frederick Maurice Male Port Hedland
1940/5500007 Port Hedland Grant Constance Mary McKenzie Female Hall Heaty Hastings Male Port Hedland
1940/5500007 Port Hedland Hall Heaty Hastings Male Grant Constance Mary McKenzie Female Port Hedland
1940/5500008 Port Hedland Murphy John Edward Male Rogers Hilda Emily Female Port Hedland
1940/5500008 Port Hedland Rogers Hilda Emily Female Murphy John Edward Male Port Hedland
1940/5500009 Port Hedland Bowen Dorothy Mary Female Ironside James Male Port Hedland
1940/5500009 Port Hedland Ironside James Male Bowen Dorothy Mary Female Port Hedland
1940/5500010 Port Hedland Carr Joyce Mabel Elizabeth Female Glass St John Merton Male Port Hedland
1940/5500010 Port Hedland Glass St John Merton Male Carr Joyce Mabel Elizabeth Female Port Hedland
1940/5600001 Roebourne Bisby Elsie Vera Female Lyons Douglas Eric Male Roebourne
1940/5600001 Roebourne Lyons Douglas Eric Male Bisby Elsie Vera Female Roebourne
1940/5600002 Roebourne Ball Stanley Cuthbert Male Stove Jean Female Roebourne
1940/5600002 Roebourne Stove Jean Female Ball Stanley Cuthbert Male Roebourne
1940/5600003 Roebourne Anderson Henry Cecil Male Stone Emily Jean Female Roebourne
1940/5600003 Roebourne Stone Emily Jean Female Anderson Henry Cecil Male Roebourne
1941/6000001 Sussex Rowe Greta Mary Female Staples Stanley Jabez Male Margaret River
1941/6000001 Sussex Staples Stanley Jabez Male Rowe Greta Mary Female Margaret River
1940/6000003 Sussex Cuthbert Walter Thomas Male McDermott Beatrice Helen Female Busselton
1940/6000003 Sussex McDermott Beatrice Helen Female Cuthbert Walter Thomas Male Busselton
1940/6000004 Sussex Staples Gladys Emily Female White John Male Margaret River
1940/6000004 Sussex White John Male Staples Gladys Emily Female Margaret River
1940/6000005 Sussex Briggs Henry Joseph Male Hayes Dulce Doris Female Busselton
1940/6000005 Sussex Hayes Dulce Doris Female Briggs Henry Joseph Male Busselton
1940/6000006 Sussex Forrest Mary Sylvia Female Tucker Allan David Male Busselton
1940/6000006 Sussex Tucker Allan David Male Forrest Mary Sylvia Female Busselton
1940/6000008 Sussex Blythe Olga Mary Female Jackson Ernest Walter Male Busselton
1940/6000008 Sussex Jackson Ernest Walter Male Blythe Olga Mary Female Busselton
1940/6000009 Sussex Capewell Gladyus Vivian Female Semmens Gordon Francis Male Busselton
1940/6000009 Sussex Semmens Gordon Francis Male Capewell Gladyus Vivian Female Busselton
1940/6000010 Sussex King Oswald Longstreth Male Williams Jean Sylvia Female Busselton
1940/6000010 Sussex Williams Jean Sylvia Female King Oswald Longstreth Male Busselton
1940/6000011 Sussex Bywaters Myrtle Dora Isabel Female Fennell Percy Edward Male Busselton
1940/6000011 Sussex Fennell Percy Edward Male Bywaters Myrtle Dora Isabel Female Busselton
1940/6000012 Sussex Brockman Dorothy Emilie Female Johnston Wilfred Gordon Male Busselton
1940/6000012 Sussex Johnston Wilfred Gordon Male Brockman Dorothy Emilie Female Busselton
1940/6000013 Sussex House Edward Kenneth Male Jolliffe Molly May Female Busselton
1940/6000013 Sussex Jolliffe Molly May Female House Edward Kenneth Male Busselton
1940/6000014 Sussex Lynes Myrtle Rose Female Moran Harold Patrick Male Augusta
1940/6000014 Sussex Moran Harold Patrick Male Lynes Myrtle Rose Female Augusta
1940/6000015 Sussex Brumby Laura Vivian Female Longbottom Edward George Male Busselton
1940/6000015 Sussex Longbottom Edward George Male Brumby Laura Vivian Female Busselton
1940/6000016 Sussex Stiles Gordon Charles Male Stratton Kathleen Louisa Female Busselton
1940/6000016 Sussex Stratton Kathleen Louisa Female Stiles Gordon Charles Male Busselton
1940/6000017 Sussex Andersson John Konrad Male Crouchley Gladys Female Busselton
1940/6000017 Sussex Crouchley Gladys Female Andersson John Konrad Male Busselton
1940/6000018 Sussex Hobson Joan Wilma Female White John Male Rosa Brook
1940/6000018 Sussex White John Male Hobson Joan Wilma Female Rosa Brook
1940/6000019 Sussex Busquets Lorenzo Joseph Male Espinos Mary Female Busselton
1940/6000019 Sussex Espinos Mary Female Busquets Lorenzo Joseph Male Busselton
1940/6000020 Sussex Abbey Davies Female McGregor Roy Male Busselton
1940/6000020 Sussex McGregor Roy Male Abbey Davies Female Busselton
1940/6000021 Sussex Chitty Mary Brigit Female Curley Martin Thomas Male Busselton
1940/6000021 Sussex Curley Martin Thomas Male Chitty Mary Brigit Female Busselton
1940/6000022 Sussex Larsen Mavis Amelia Female McCann Anthony Gerard Male Busselton
1940/6000022 Sussex McCann Anthony Gerard Male Larsen Mavis Amelia Female Busselton
1940/6000023 Sussex Malcolm Norman William Male Richardson-Bunbury Marjorie Vida Female Busselton
1940/6000023 Sussex Richardson-Bunbury Marjorie Vida Female Malcolm Norman William Male Busselton
1940/6000024 Sussex Oldham Doris Female Peaker Ronald Male Busselton
1940/6000024 Sussex Peaker Ronald Male Oldham Doris Female Busselton
1940/6000025 Sussex House Lionel Charles Male Walton Joan May Female Cowaramup
1940/6000025 Sussex Walton Joan May Female House Lionel Charles Male Cowaramup
1940/6000026 Sussex Culhane John William Male McArthur Marian Louisa Female Margaret River
1940/6000026 Sussex McArthur Marian Louisa Female Culhane John William Male Margaret River
1940/6000027 Sussex Barrett Thomas Patrick Male Tonkin Bertha Daphne Female Busselton
1940/6000027 Sussex Tonkin Bertha Daphne Female Barrett Thomas Patrick Male Busselton
1940/6000028 Sussex Clark Lexie Catherine Female Ralfe Kenneth Male Karridale
1940/6000028 Sussex Ralfe Kenneth Male Clark Lexie Catherine Female Karridale
1940/6000029 Sussex Cooper Olive Female Saxey Frederick Thomas Male Busselton
1940/6000029 Sussex Saxey Frederick Thomas Male Cooper Olive Female Busselton
1940/6000030 Sussex Lilly William Thomas Male Vincent Kathleen Betty Female Busselton
1940/6000030 Sussex Vincent Kathleen Betty Female Lilly William Thomas Male Busselton
1940/6000031 Sussex Hatton Arthur Gordon Male Wallis Constance Isobel Female Busselton
1940/6000031 Sussex Wallis Constance Isobel Female Hatton Arthur Gordon Male Busselton
1940/6000032 Sussex Boulter Bruce Clifton Male Craig Mabel Beatrice Mary Female Margaret River
1940/6000032 Sussex Craig Mabel Beatrice Mary Female Boulter Bruce Clifton Male Margaret River
1940/6000033 Sussex Allen Leslie Charles Male Penfold Linda Elizabeth Female Cowaramup
1940/6000033 Sussex Penfold Linda Elizabeth Female Allen Leslie Charles Male Cowaramup
1940/6000034 Sussex Ryan William Henry Male Woodvine Kathleen May Female Busselton
1940/6000034 Sussex Woodvine Kathleen May Female Ryan William Henry Male Busselton
1940/6000035 Sussex Harris Mary Female Pool Clarence Edgar Male Busselton
1940/6000035 Sussex Pool Clarence Edgar Male Harris Mary Female Busselton
1940/6000036 Sussex O'Meara Mavis Ellen Female Penberthy Jack Thomas Male Busselton
1940/6000036 Sussex Penberthy Jack Thomas Male O'Meara Mavis Ellen Female Busselton
1940/6000037 Sussex Beacham Leslie James Male Mewett Molly Female Busselton
1940/6000037 Sussex Mewett Molly Female Beacham Leslie James Male Busselton
1940/6000038 Sussex Kealy Gerald Patrick Male Mohan Elizabeth Female Busselton
1940/6000038 Sussex Mohan Elizabeth Female Kealy Gerald Patrick Male Busselton
1940/6000039 Sussex Hutchins Olive Mary Female Morris Eric Hamilton Male Busselton
1940/6000039 Sussex Morris Eric Hamilton Male Hutchins Olive Mary Female Busselton
1940/6000040 Sussex Muir Lucy Female Rose Norman Gale Male Busselton
1940/6000040 Sussex Rose Norman Gale Male Muir Lucy Female Busselton
1940/6000041 Sussex Irons John Buxton Male Wood Olive Joy Female Busselton
1940/6000041 Sussex Wood Olive Joy Female Irons John Buxton Male Busselton
1940/6000042 Sussex Muir William Norman Male Vinall Dorothy Marshall Female Margaret River
1940/6000042 Sussex Vinall Dorothy Marshall Female Muir William Norman Male Margaret River
1940/6000043 Sussex Duggan Irene Gladys Female Earl Ronald Henry Male Cowaramup
1940/6000043 Sussex Earl Ronald Henry Male Duggan Irene Gladys Female Cowaramup
1940/6000044 Sussex Dauglas Stewart Male Yelverton Laura Verna Female Busselton Congregational Church
1940/6000044 Sussex Yelverton Laura Verna Female Dauglas Stewart Male Busselton Congregational Church
1940/6000045 Sussex Ellis Vivian Patricia Female Hart Robert Samuel Male Busselton
1940/6000045 Sussex Hart Robert Samuel Male Ellis Vivian Patricia Female Busselton
1940/6000046 Sussex Peake Wilma Dorothea Female Taylor Lancelot Johnston Male Busselton
1940/6000046 Sussex Taylor Lancelot Johnston Male Peake Wilma Dorothea Female Busselton
1940/6000047 Sussex Armour Lily Violet Female Tompsett John Henry Male Busselton
1940/6000047 Sussex Tompsett John Henry Male Armour Lily Violet Female Busselton
1940/6000048 Sussex Kinsella Claire Beatrice Female Lynn Jeremiah Male Margaret River
1940/6000048 Sussex Lynn Jeremiah Male Kinsella Claire Beatrice Female Margaret River
1940/6000049 Sussex Foster Gordon Alfred Male Johnson Olive Beverley Female Margaret River
1940/6000049 Sussex Johnson Olive Beverley Female Foster Gordon Alfred Male Margaret River
1940/6000050 Sussex Corker Ernest Maitland Male Latter Alma Maude Female Carbanup Hall
1940/6000050 Sussex Latter Alma Maude Female Corker Ernest Maitland Male Carbanup Hall
1940/6100001 Swan Bingham Selina Dorothy Female Blechynden Gordon Frederick Male Guildford
1940/6100001 Swan Blechynden Gordon Frederick Male Bingham Selina Dorothy Female Guildford
1941/6100001 Swan Jefferies Ronald Winston Male Knight Chrystal Mae Female West Aus
1941/6100001 Swan Knight Chrystal Mae Female Jefferies Ronald Winston Male West Aus
1941/6100002 Swan Stead John Male Swinbourn Iris Thyrza Female Bassendean
1941/6100002 Swan Swinbourn Iris Thyrza Female Stead John Male Bassendean
1941/6100003 Swan Hunt Roberta Louise Female McGlew Eric Waverley Male Bassendean
1941/6100003 Swan McGlew Eric Waverley Male Hunt Roberta Louise Female Bassendean
1941/6100004 Swan Lear Harold Bernard Male Roberts Veronica Mae Female Bassendean
1941/6100004 Swan Roberts Veronica Mae Female Lear Harold Bernard Male Bassendean
1941/6100009 Swan Barry Rosa Female Maloney Leonard Clive Male Guildford
1941/6100009 Swan Maloney Leonard Clive Male Barry Rosa Female Guildford
1940/6100010 Swan Allen Samuel Male Body Annie Female Midland Junction
1940/6100010 Swan Body Annie Female Allen Samuel Male Midland Junction
1940/6100012 Swan McGill Dorothy Catherine Blanche Female Perks Charles John Male Midland Junction
1940/6100012 Swan Perks Charles John Male McGill Dorothy Catherine Blanche Female Midland Junction
1940/6100013 Swan Jenkin Bessie Waldis Female Stanley Edward George Geoffrey Male Darlington
1940/6100013 Swan Stanley Edward George Geoffrey Male Jenkin Bessie Waldis Female Darlington
1940/6100014 Swan Foulkes Hazel Doreen Female Trew Albert Maurice Male Murdong
1940/6100014 Swan Trew Albert Maurice Male Foulkes Hazel Doreen Female Murdong
1940/6100015 Swan Dewar Thelma May Female MacDonald Gordon Allan Male Midland Junction
1940/6100015 Swan MacDonald Gordon Allan Male Dewar Thelma May Female Midland Junction
1940/6100016 Swan Doncon Edna Margaret Female Strange Allan Richard Male Bassendean
1940/6100016 Swan Strange Allan Richard Male Doncon Edna Margaret Female Bassendean
1941/6100016 Swan Tanner Leonard James Male Wills Edna May Female Guildford
1941/6100016 Swan Wills Edna May Female Tanner Leonard James Male Guildford
1940/6100017 Swan Buckland Ernest Male Noack Margarethe Anna Josephine Female Upper Swan
1940/6100017 Swan Noack Margarethe Anna Josephine Female Buckland Ernest Male Upper Swan
1940/6100018 Swan Blatherwick Dorothy Maude Female Negus Henry Edward Male Bassendean
1940/6100018 Swan Negus Henry Edward Male Blatherwick Dorothy Maude Female Bassendean
1940/6100020 Swan Herbert George Stanley Male Meaker Irene Female Guildford
1940/6100020 Swan Meaker Irene Female Herbert George Stanley Male Guildford
1940/6100021 Swan Campbell Donald Barbric Male Waldeck Ruth Allison Female Guildford
1940/6100021 Swan Waldeck Ruth Allison Female Campbell Donald Barbric Male Guildford
1940/6100022 Swan Jackson Thelma Patricia Female Rattray Walter Whitelaw Male Guildford
1940/6100022 Swan Rattray Walter Whitelaw Male Jackson Thelma Patricia Female Guildford
1940/6100023 Swan Douglas Mary May Female Green Charles William Male Guildford
1940/6100023 Swan Green Charles William Male Douglas Mary May Female Guildford
1940/6100024 Swan Denison Raymond Lodge Male Horne Phyllis Leta Female Guildford
1940/6100024 Swan Horne Phyllis Leta Female Denison Raymond Lodge Male Guildford
1940/6100026 Swan Humphreys Dorothy Blanche Female Simpson William Charles Male Bassendean
1940/6100026 Swan Simpson William Charles Male Humphreys Dorothy Blanche Female Bassendean
1940/6100027 Swan Anderson John Harry Male Lawson Isabella Ovens Female Bassendean
1940/6100027 Swan Lawson Isabella Ovens Female Anderson John Harry Male Bassendean
1940/6100028 Swan Caruso Maria Nicola Female Mucciarone Armando Male Midland Junction
1940/6100028 Swan Mucciarone Armando Male Caruso Maria Nicola Female Midland Junction
1940/6100029 Swan Harris Clara Blanche Female Mounsher Kenneth Gore Male Bassendean
1940/6100029 Swan Mounsher Kenneth Gore Male Harris Clara Blanche Female Bassendean
1940/6100030 Swan Byrne Wilfred Ellis John Male Molloy Patricia Hope Female Greenmount
1940/6100030 Swan Molloy Patricia Hope Female Byrne Wilfred Ellis John Male Greenmount
1940/6100031 Swan Mullins Lilian May Female Wharton Hubert Male Midland Junction
1940/6100031 Swan Wharton Hubert Male Mullins Lilian May Female Midland Junction
1940/6100032 Swan Moyle Zillah Helen Female Thomas Ivan Douglas Male Midland Junction
1940/6100032 Swan Thomas Ivan Douglas Male Moyle Zillah Helen Female Midland Junction
1940/6100033 Swan Madew Eileen Thelma Female Smith Clifford Thomas Albert Male Guildford
1940/6100033 Swan Smith Clifford Thomas Albert Male Madew Eileen Thelma Female Guildford
1940/6100034 Swan Cosgrave Jean May Female Cutler George Alfred Bruce Male Parkerville
1940/6100034 Swan Cutler George Alfred Bruce Male Cosgrave Jean May Female Parkerville
1940/6100035 Swan Lane Franklyn Male Ryan Millicent Mary Female Guildford
1940/6100035 Swan Ryan Millicent Mary Female Lane Franklyn Male Guildford
1940/6100036 Swan Todd Andrew Male Wheatcroft Flora Rose Female Guildford
1940/6100036 Swan Wheatcroft Flora Rose Female Todd Andrew Male Guildford
1940/6100037 Swan Heald Alfred Andrew Male Stephenson Carrie Ellen Female Guildford
1940/6100037 Swan Stephenson Carrie Ellen Female Heald Alfred Andrew Male Guildford
1940/6100038 Swan Hillman Helene Bercley Female Huelin John Raymond Male Guildford
1940/6100038 Swan Huelin John Raymond Male Hillman Helene Bercley Female Guildford
1940/6100039 Swan Boan Robert Hilton Male Snowball Pauline Barr Female Guildford
1940/6100039 Swan Snowball Pauline Barr Female Boan Robert Hilton Male Guildford
1940/6100040 Swan Hoare Doris Esther Female Pearce Alan Edward McLennan Male Guildford
1940/6100040 Swan Pearce Alan Edward McLennan Male Hoare Doris Esther Female Guildford
1940/6100041 Swan Marsh Harriet Olive Female Murray Edward Kennedy Male Midland Junction
1940/6100041 Swan Murray Edward Kennedy Male Marsh Harriet Olive Female Midland Junction
1940/6100042 Swan Balinski Bertha Female Griffin George William Male Midland Junction
1940/6100042 Swan Griffin George William Male Balinski Bertha Female Midland Junction
1940/6100043 Swan Bullen Marcus Henry Male Gray Winifred Female Midland Junction
1940/6100043 Swan Gray Winifred Female Bullen Marcus Henry Male Midland Junction
1940/6100044 Swan De Atta Atlee James Male Orchard Patricia Female Midland Junction
1940/6100044 Swan Orchard Patricia Female De Atta Atlee James Male Midland Junction
1940/6100045 Swan Eagles Eugene Edwin Male Gill Margaret Female Midland Junction
1940/6100045 Swan Gill Margaret Female Eagles Eugene Edwin Male Midland Junction
1940/6100046 Swan Payne Donald Silas James Male Pinner Ruby Peace Female Midland Junction
1940/6100046 Swan Pinner Ruby Peace Female Payne Donald Silas James Male Midland Junction
1940/6100047 Swan Cook Agnes Patricia Female James Clyde Francis Male Midland Junction
1940/6100047 Swan James Clyde Francis Male Cook Agnes Patricia Female Midland Junction
1940/6100048 Swan Harrison Ella May Female Henderson Alexander Male Bassendean
1940/6100048 Swan Henderson Alexander Male Harrison Ella May Female Bassendean
1940/6100049 Swan Lee Steere Frederick John Male Whitfield Ida May Lucy Female Guildford
1940/6100049 Swan Whitfield Ida May Lucy Female Lee Steere Frederick John Male Guildford
1940/6100050 Swan Knight Edith Helen Female Saunders Lindley Earl Male Midland Junction
1940/6100050 Swan Saunders Lindley Earl Male Knight Edith Helen Female Midland Junction
1940/6100051 Swan Lovelock Mavis Amie Female Morey Frank Herbert Male Bassendean
1940/6100051 Swan Morey Frank Herbert Male Lovelock Mavis Amie Female Bassendean
1940/6100052 Swan Roberts Olive Iris Sarah Female Robinson Jack Male Mundaring
1940/6100052 Swan Robinson Jack Male Roberts Olive Iris Sarah Female Mundaring
1940/6100053 Swan Cockram Rena Winifred Female Emms Jack Robert Male Guildford
1940/6100053 Swan Emms Jack Robert Male Cockram Rena Winifred Female Guildford
1940/6100054 Swan Sherrard Evelyn Maud Female Williams Charles Alfred Male Guildford
1940/6100054 Swan Williams Charles Alfred Male Sherrard Evelyn Maud Female Guildford
1940/6100055 Swan Hamer Maurice Edgar Male Jones Leta Watson Female Guildford
1940/6100055 Swan Jones Leta Watson Female Hamer Maurice Edgar Male Guildford
1940/6100056 Swan Morley Alys Mae Winson Female Petty Eric Raymond Male Guildford
1940/6100056 Swan Petty Eric Raymond Male Morley Alys Mae Winson Female Guildford
1940/6100057 Swan Higgins Olive May Female Jones John Wesley Male Bassendean
1940/6100057 Swan Jones John Wesley Male Higgins Olive May Female Bassendean
1940/6100058 Swan Bardi Yuna Joyce Female Evans Allan Wallace Male Guildford
1940/6100058 Swan Evans Allan Wallace Male Bardi Yuna Joyce Female Guildford
1940/6100059 Swan Atkinson Lorna Adelaide Female Utting Leslie Hubert Male Middle Swan
1940/6100059 Swan Utting Leslie Hubert Male Atkinson Lorna Adelaide Female Middle Swan
1940/6100060 Swan Close William John Male Willoughby Dorothy Jean Female Midland Junction
1940/6100060 Swan Willoughby Dorothy Jean Female Close William John Male Midland Junction
1940/6100061 Swan Kimber Edna Ray Female Philiphoff Jack Male Bassendean
1940/6100061 Swan Philiphoff Jack Male Kimber Edna Ray Female Bassendean
1940/6100062 Swan Eyres Judith Nancy Female Lamb Lennox Male Guildford
1940/6100062 Swan Lamb Lennox Male Eyres Judith Nancy Female Guildford
1940/6100063 Swan Rankin Cecily Mary Isobel Female Rendell Lloyd Morey Male Guildford
1940/6100063 Swan Rendell Lloyd Morey Male Rankin Cecily Mary Isobel Female Guildford
1940/6100064 Swan Darmody Thomas Patrick Male Eades Doris Marion Female Middle Swan
1940/6100064 Swan Eades Doris Marion Female Darmody Thomas Patrick Male Middle Swan
1940/6100065 Swan Bradanovich Tony Male Zanich Bonnie Female Midland Junction
1940/6100065 Swan Zanich Bonnie Female Bradanovich Tony Male Midland Junction
1940/6100066 Swan Carty John Male Light Laura Marian Lennard Female East Guildford
1940/6100066 Swan Light Laura Marian Lennard Female Carty John Male East Guildford
1940/6100067 Swan Garbett Daphne Edwina Female Lamont Clarence William Charles Male Midland Junction
1940/6100067 Swan Lamont Clarence William Charles Male Garbett Daphne Edwina Female Midland Junction
1940/6100068 Swan Aymer Muriel Jessie Female Hewitt John Chamberlain Male Midland Junction
1940/6100068 Swan Hewitt John Chamberlain Male Aymer Muriel Jessie Female Midland Junction
1940/6100069 Swan Maplesden Ivan Alexander Male O'Neil Daisy Female Midland Junction
1940/6100069 Swan O'Neil Daisy Female Maplesden Ivan Alexander Male Midland Junction
1940/6100070 Swan Gale May Doris Female Munro Robert Mervyn Male Midland Junction
1940/6100070 Swan Munro Robert Mervyn Male Gale May Doris Female Midland Junction
1940/6100071 Swan Hastie Joyce Ethel Female Reid Reginald James Carew Male Guildford
1940/6100071 Swan Reid Reginald James Carew Male Hastie Joyce Ethel Female Guildford
1940/6100072 Swan Brown James Stanley Male Davies Frances Elizabeth Mary Female Upper Swan
1940/6100072 Swan Davies Frances Elizabeth Mary Female Brown James Stanley Male Upper Swan
1940/6100073 Swan Makin Walter Ernest Male Randle Bertha Doreen Patricia Female Middle Swan
1940/6100073 Swan Randle Bertha Doreen Patricia Female Makin Walter Ernest Male Middle Swan
1940/6100074 Swan Marshall Raymond Male Ramsden Susannah Ivy Female Bassendean
1940/6100074 Swan Ramsden Susannah Ivy Female Marshall Raymond Male Bassendean
1940/6100075 Swan Brown Gertrude Female Miller Archibald George Male Darlington
1940/6100075 Swan Miller Archibald George Male Brown Gertrude Female Darlington
1940/6100076 Swan Pusey Desmond Stewart Male Roberts Reta Mabel Isobel Female Mundaring
1940/6100076 Swan Roberts Reta Mabel Isobel Female Pusey Desmond Stewart Male Mundaring
1940/6100077 Swan Butler Edna Joyce Female Warnock James Lloyd Male Midland Junction
1940/6100077 Swan Warnock James Lloyd Male Butler Edna Joyce Female Midland Junction
1940/6100078 Swan Bullock Stanley Allen Male Stephens Anastasia Louise Female Guildford Grammar School
1940/6100078 Swan Stephens Anastasia Louise Female Bullock Stanley Allen Male Guildford Grammar School
1940/6100079 Swan Gorley Edith Adelaide Female Roberts George William Male Upper Swan
1940/6100079 Swan Roberts George William Male Gorley Edith Adelaide Female Upper Swan
1940/6100080 Swan Johnson Fanny Rosina Female Redford Richard Male Midland Junction
1940/6100080 Swan Redford Richard Male Johnson Fanny Rosina Female Midland Junction
1940/6100081 Swan May Arthur Albert Male Pengilly Amy Eileen Female Bassendean
1940/6100081 Swan Pengilly Amy Eileen Female May Arthur Albert Male Bassendean
1940/6100082 Swan Knight Reginald James Male Wood Roma Mary Female Guildford
1940/6100082 Swan Wood Roma Mary Female Knight Reginald James Male Guildford
1940/6100083 Swan Kersley Mavis Benalla Female Phillips Austin Frederick Male Guildford
1940/6100083 Swan Phillips Austin Frederick Male Kersley Mavis Benalla Female Guildford
1940/6100084 Swan Edmondson Kenrid Edwin Male Hyne Alice May Female Guildford
1940/6100084 Swan Hyne Alice May Female Edmondson Kenrid Edwin Male Guildford
1940/6100085 Swan Jackson Grace Vera Female Leckie John Male Guildford
1940/6100085 Swan Leckie John Male Jackson Grace Vera Female Guildford
1940/6100086 Swan Enright Ada Josephine Female Hansen Norman Ronald Gustav Male Midland Junction
1940/6100086 Swan Hansen Norman Ronald Gustav Male Enright Ada Josephine Female Midland Junction
1940/6100087 Swan Brack Daphne Mavis Female Willison Kenneth William Male Guildford
1940/6100087 Swan Willison Kenneth William Male Brack Daphne Mavis Female Guildford
1940/6100088 Swan Davies John Richard Male Smith Elsie Frances Female Midland Junction
1940/6100088 Swan Smith Elsie Frances Female Davies John Richard Male Midland Junction
1940/6100089 Swan Kimber Kathleen Rita Female Simmonds Michael Male Bassendean
1940/6100089 Swan Simmonds Michael Male Kimber Kathleen Rita Female Bassendean
1940/6100090 Swan Glen Catherine Jessie Female Stevens Norman Albert Male Bassendean
1940/6100090 Swan Stevens Norman Albert Male Glen Catherine Jessie Female Bassendean
1940/6100091 Swan Hampson Dorothy Female Hope John Male Midland Junction
1940/6100091 Swan Hope John Male Hampson Dorothy Female Midland Junction
1940/6100092 Swan Barrett Jean Constance Female Carew-Reid Desmond MacKennah Male Guildford Grammar School
1940/6100092 Swan Carew-Reid Desmond MacKennah Male Barrett Jean Constance Female Guildford Grammar School
1940/6100093 Swan Henley Raymond Frederick Male Kelly Olive Ina Female Midland Junction
1940/6100093 Swan Kelly Olive Ina Female Henley Raymond Frederick Male Midland Junction
1940/6100094 Swan Burns Sarah Jane Female Thistleton Thomas Male Midland Junction
1940/6100094 Swan Thistleton Thomas Male Burns Sarah Jane Female Midland Junction
1940/6100095 Swan Charles Annie Evelyn Female Taylor John Ernest Male Guildford
1940/6100095 Swan Taylor John Ernest Male Charles Annie Evelyn Female Guildford
1940/6100096 Swan Bridson Ruby Agnes Female Summerville Ernest Laurensen Male Bassendean
1940/6100096 Swan Summerville Ernest Laurensen Male Bridson Ruby Agnes Female Bassendean
1940/6100097 Swan Bennett Norma Marion Female Byers Edwin Frederick Male Bassendean Presbyterian Church
1940/6100097 Swan Byers Edwin Frederick Male Bennett Norma Marion Female Bassendean Presbyterian Church
1940/6100098 Swan Freeman Alwyn John Male Strickland Amy Ellen Female Bassendean
1940/6100098 Swan Strickland Amy Ellen Female Freeman Alwyn John Male Bassendean
1940/6100099 Swan Lancaster Geoffrey Bentley Male Pollard Hazel Jane Female Guildford Grammar School
1940/6100099 Swan Pollard Hazel Jane Female Lancaster Geoffrey Bentley Male Guildford Grammar School
1940/6100100 Swan MacKenzie Eva Lucy Female Penaluna Robert Munro Male Bassendean
1940/6100100 Swan Penaluna Robert Munro Male MacKenzie Eva Lucy Female Bassendean
1940/6100101 Swan Beer William Stanley Male Eamer Lucy Female Midland Junction
1940/6100101 Swan Eamer Lucy Female Beer William Stanley Male Midland Junction
1940/6100102 Swan van Zuilecom Helen Jean Female Coppin Owen Christopher Male Guildford Grammar School
1940/6100102 Swan Coppin Owen Christopher Male van Zuilecom Helen Jean Female Guildford Grammar School
1940/6100103 Swan Haines Edmund Thomson Male Jones Audrey Female Guildford Grammar School
1940/6100103 Swan Jones Audrey Female Haines Edmund Thomson Male Guildford Grammar School
1940/6100104 Swan Keevers Dorothy Female McDonough Rolf John Male Midland Junction
1940/6100104 Swan McDonough Rolf John Male Keevers Dorothy Female Midland Junction
1940/6100105 Swan Cook Arthur John Male Turner Dorothy Norma Female Midland Junction
1940/6100105 Swan Turner Dorothy Norma Female Cook Arthur John Male Midland Junction
1940/6100106 Swan Gill Elsie Eliza Female Hope Marryat Gordon Male Midland Junction
1940/6100106 Swan Hope Marryat Gordon Male Gill Elsie Eliza Female Midland Junction
1940/6100107 Swan McKinley Norman Paul Male Pusey Gladys Edith Female Midland Junction
1940/6100107 Swan Pusey Gladys Edith Female McKinley Norman Paul Male Midland Junction
1940/6100108 Swan Loveridge Peter Michael Male McMurtrie Jean Iris Female Midland Junction
1940/6100108 Swan McMurtrie Jean Iris Female Loveridge Peter Michael Male Midland Junction
1940/6100109 Swan Georgy Jessie Caroline Helene Female Jemerson George Reginald Male Bassendean
1940/6100109 Swan Jemerson George Reginald Male Georgy Jessie Caroline Helene Female Bassendean
1940/6100110 Swan Toomey Dorothy Isobel Female Whitsed John Avon Male Bassendean
1940/6100110 Swan Whitsed John Avon Male Toomey Dorothy Isobel Female Bassendean
1940/6100111 Swan Gawned Frank Louis Male Tuohy Elsie May Female Guildford
1940/6100111 Swan Tuohy Elsie May Female Gawned Frank Louis Male Guildford
1940/6100112 Swan Beggs Amelia Cherita Female Dowling John Male Guildford
1940/6100112 Swan Dowling John Male Beggs Amelia Cherita Female Guildford
1940/6100113 Swan Clark Sylvia Elsie Female Shepherd Leslie Ernest Male Midland Junction
1940/6100113 Swan Shepherd Leslie Ernest Male Clark Sylvia Elsie Female Midland Junction
1940/6100114 Swan Malpas Margaret Female Moss Gerald Carew Male Guildford
1940/6100114 Swan Moss Gerald Carew Male Malpas Margaret Female Guildford
1940/6100115 Swan Goldspink Derick Jack Male Jamieson Lilian Jessica Female Midland Junction
1940/6100115 Swan Jamieson Lilian Jessica Female Goldspink Derick Jack Male Midland Junction
1940/6100116 Swan Corteen Johnstone Herbert Ramsey Male Dickins Joy Arundel Female Guildford Grammar School
1940/6100116 Swan Dickins Joy Arundel Female Corteen Johnstone Herbert Ramsey Male Guildford Grammar School
1940/6100117 Swan Johanesen Victor Reginald Male Taylor Hilda Maud Female Midland Junction
1940/6100117 Swan Taylor Hilda Maud Female Johanesen Victor Reginald Male Midland Junction
1940/6100118 Swan Fay Evelyn May Female Ingham Harold Male Midland Junction
1940/6100118 Swan Ingham Harold Male Fay Evelyn May Female Midland Junction
1940/6100119 Swan Dell'Agostino Leo Male Mackenzie Emma Christina Female Guildford
1940/6100119 Swan Mackenzie Emma Christina Female Dell'Agostino Leo Male Guildford
1940/6100119 Swan Mackenzie Emma Christina Female Valent Leo Male Guildford
1940/6100119 Swan Valent Leo Male Mackenzie Emma Christina Female Guildford
1940/6100120 Swan Boord Ernest James Male Willoughby Sheila Susanna Female Midland Junction
1940/6100120 Swan Willoughby Sheila Susanna Female Boord Ernest James Male Midland Junction
1940/6100121 Swan Gillmore Dorothy Alice Female Sherratt Frank Male Midland Junction
1940/6100121 Swan Sherratt Frank Male Gillmore Dorothy Alice Female Midland Junction
1940/6100122 Swan Durrant Harold William Charles Male Penno Ruth Lurline Female Midland Junction
1940/6100122 Swan Penno Ruth Lurline Female Durrant Harold William Charles Male Midland Junction
1940/6100123 Swan Smoker Robert Horace Male Taylor Ruby Laurel Female Midland Junction
1940/6100123 Swan Taylor Ruby Laurel Female Smoker Robert Horace Male Midland Junction
1940/6100124 Swan Coe Isabel Female Martin John Leslie Male Guildford
1940/6100124 Swan Martin John Leslie Male Coe Isabel Female Guildford
1940/6100125 Swan Campbell Charles Keith Male Campbell Evelyn Dorothy Female Guildford
1940/6100125 Swan Campbell Evelyn Dorothy Female Campbell Charles Keith Male Guildford
1940/6100126 Swan Jones Thomas Charles Male Swinn Doreen Mary Female Guildford
1940/6100126 Swan Swinn Doreen Mary Female Jones Thomas Charles Male Guildford
1940/6100127 Swan Horne Jessie Nellie Female Lowndes Stanley Douglas Male Guildford
1940/6100127 Swan Lowndes Stanley Douglas Male Horne Jessie Nellie Female Guildford
1940/6100128 Swan Fitz Simmons Kathleen May Female Bodkin Jack William Male Guildford
1940/6100128 Swan Bodkin Jack William Male Fitz Simmons Kathleen May Female Guildford
1940/6100129 Swan Favas Victor Aleck Male O'Neill Joyce Lorraine Female Guildford
1940/6100129 Swan O'Neill Joyce Lorraine Female Favas Victor Aleck Male Guildford
1940/6100130 Swan Cash Cecil Everett Male Hoad Mavis Ann Female Midland Junction
1940/6100130 Swan Hoad Mavis Ann Female Cash Cecil Everett Male Midland Junction
1940/6100131 Swan Godfrey Peggy Female Marr John Neville Male Bassendean
1940/6100131 Swan Marr John Neville Male Godfrey Peggy Female Bassendean
1940/6100132 Swan Downey Leslie Stewart Male Patton Irene Elizabeth Maude Female Midland Junction
1940/6100132 Swan Patton Irene Elizabeth Maude Female Downey Leslie Stewart Male Midland Junction
1940/6100133 Swan MacKay Allan Male Place Nora Female Midland Junction
1940/6100133 Swan Place Nora Female MacKay Allan Male Midland Junction
1940/6100134 Swan Bicknell Gerald Maxwell Male McCallum Winifred Female Bassendean
1940/6100134 Swan McCallum Winifred Female Bicknell Gerald Maxwell Male Bassendean
1940/6100135 Swan Hawthorne Percy Harold Male Pollard Thelma Haddrill Female Guildford
1940/6100135 Swan Pollard Thelma Haddrill Female Hawthorne Percy Harold Male Guildford
1940/6100136 Swan McCutcheon Isabella Margaret Female Stewart Sydney Hugh Male Guildford
1940/6100136 Swan Stewart Sydney Hugh Male McCutcheon Isabella Margaret Female Guildford
1940/6100137 Swan Kerr Iris Female Mann Thomas Duncombe Male Guildford
1940/6100137 Swan Mann Thomas Duncombe Male Kerr Iris Female Guildford
1940/6100138 Swan Brindle Dora May Female Keightley Jim Benjamin Male Guildford
1940/6100138 Swan Keightley Jim Benjamin Male Brindle Dora May Female Guildford
1940/6100139 Swan Barnes Vernon Stewart Male Hallatt Hilda Female Upper Swan
1940/6100139 Swan Hallatt Hilda Female Barnes Vernon Stewart Male Upper Swan
1940/6100140 Swan Bradshaw Robert Hilton Male Braithwaite Doris Female Midland Junction
1940/6100140 Swan Braithwaite Doris Female Bradshaw Robert Hilton Male Midland Junction
1940/6100141 Swan Elliott Jack Percival Male Williams Adelaide Female Midland Junction
1940/6100141 Swan Williams Adelaide Female Elliott Jack Percival Male Midland Junction
1940/6100142 Swan Griggs Margaret Josephine Female Taylor William John Male Midland Junction
1940/6100142 Swan Taylor William John Male Griggs Margaret Josephine Female Midland Junction
1940/6100143 Swan King Percival Charles Male Taylor Sadie Marion Female Guildford
1940/6100143 Swan Taylor Sadie Marion Female King Percival Charles Male Guildford
1940/6100144 Swan Schlichting Norma Christina Female Schruth Fredrick Male Guildford Grammar School
1940/6100144 Swan Schruth Fredrick Male Schlichting Norma Christina Female Guildford Grammar School
1940/6100145 Swan Coops Phyllis Agnes Jean Female Willmott Walter Fredrick Male Guildford
1940/6100145 Swan Willmott Walter Fredrick Male Coops Phyllis Agnes Jean Female Guildford
1940/6100146 Swan Freeth Elizabeth Oakes Female Mitchell Frank Wyndham Male Guildford Grammar School
1940/6100146 Swan Mitchell Frank Wyndham Male Freeth Elizabeth Oakes Female Guildford Grammar School
1940/6100147 Swan Grant Isabella Kathleen Female Smith Walter John Male Midland Junction
1940/6100147 Swan Smith Walter John Male Grant Isabella Kathleen Female Midland Junction
1940/6100148 Swan Dewar Mavis Kathleen Female Jones Leonard Leslie Morley Male Midland Junction
1940/6100148 Swan Jones Leonard Leslie Morley Male Dewar Mavis Kathleen Female Midland Junction
1940/6100149 Swan Forbes Donald Male Moulton Sigrid Althea Female Midland Junction
1940/6100149 Swan Moulton Sigrid Althea Female Forbes Donald Male Midland Junction
1940/6100150 Swan Sarich Annie Female Sucich Tony Male Midland Junction
1940/6100150 Swan Sucich Tony Male Sarich Annie Female Midland Junction
1940/6100151 Swan Gannaway Irene Nell Female Hebiton John Simpson Male Guildford
1940/6100151 Swan Hebiton John Simpson Male Gannaway Irene Nell Female Guildford
1940/6100152 Swan Tregear Mavis Jean Female Williamson Richard Arnold Male Bassendean
1940/6100152 Swan Williamson Richard Arnold Male Tregear Mavis Jean Female Bassendean
1940/6100153 Swan Newling Mina Phyllis Female Popham Edwin Ernest Male Guildford
1940/6100153 Swan Popham Edwin Ernest Male Newling Mina Phyllis Female Guildford
1940/6100154 Swan Bonwick Edward Thomas Male Robins Margaret Joyce Female Bassendean
1940/6100154 Swan Robins Margaret Joyce Female Bonwick Edward Thomas Male Bassendean
1940/6100155 Swan Hipper Zena Audrey Female Kendrick Leonard James Male Midland Junction
1940/6100155 Swan Kendrick Leonard James Male Hipper Zena Audrey Female Midland Junction
1940/6500001 Victoria Plains Hill Samuel Male Wallo Mary Conception Female New Norcia
1940/6500001 Victoria Plains Wallo Mary Conception Female Hill Samuel Male New Norcia
1940/6500002 Victoria Plains Bradshaw Stanley Albert Male Vince Agnes Mary Female Wongan Hills
1940/6500002 Victoria Plains Vince Agnes Mary Female Bradshaw Stanley Albert Male Wongan Hills
1940/6500003 Victoria Plains Ryder Florentina Female Willyway Henry Male New Norcia
1940/6500003 Victoria Plains Willyway Henry Male Ryder Florentina Female New Norcia
1940/6500004 Victoria Plains Carter Jean Female Stickland Gerald James Male Wongan Hills
1940/6500004 Victoria Plains Stickland Gerald James Male Carter Jean Female Wongan Hills
1940/6500005 Victoria Plains Haynes Eva Josephine Female Leeder Leo Louis Male Calingiri
1940/6500005 Victoria Plains Leeder Leo Louis Male Haynes Eva Josephine Female Calingiri
1940/6500006 Victoria Plains Dix Mary Catherine Female Kay Alfred Andrew Male New Norcia
1940/6500006 Victoria Plains Kay Alfred Andrew Male Dix Mary Catherine Female New Norcia
1940/6500007 Victoria Plains Booth William George Male Norwood Morah Female Wongan Hills
1940/6500007 Victoria Plains Norwood Morah Female Booth William George Male Wongan Hills
1940/6500008 Victoria Plains Kelly Patrick Martin Male Lanigan Dolores May Female New Norcia
1940/6500008 Victoria Plains Lanigan Dolores May Female Kelly Patrick Martin Male New Norcia
1941/6600001 Wellington Dahlstrom Gwendoline Grace Female Malone Leslie Herbert Male Collie
1941/6600001 Wellington Malone Leslie Herbert Male Dahlstrom Gwendoline Grace Female Collie
1941/6600002 Wellington Briggs Lawrence Male Sturm Dorothy Joyce Female Collie
1941/6600002 Wellington Sturm Dorothy Joyce Female Briggs Lawrence Male Collie
1941/6600003 Wellington Cernik John Male Giblett Alpha Lois Female Harvey
1941/6600003 Wellington Giblett Alpha Lois Female Cernik John Male Harvey
1941/6600004 Wellington Bell Ronald Herbert Male Biesiot Stella Irene Female South Bunbury
1941/6600004 Wellington Biesiot Stella Irene Female Bell Ronald Herbert Male South Bunbury
1940/6600004 Wellington McLean Alan Clive Male White Muriel Gwendoline Marnie Female Bunbury
1940/6600004 Wellington White Muriel Gwendoline Marnie Female McLean Alan Clive Male Bunbury
1941/6600005 Wellington Hamilton Anne Female OMara Douglas Patrick John Lawrence Male Bunbury
1940/6600005 Wellington Newman John Thomas Male Robinson Norrie Elsie Mable Female Bunbury
1941/6600005 Wellington OMara Douglas Patrick John Lawrence Male Hamilton Anne Female Bunbury
1940/6600005 Wellington Robinson Norrie Elsie Mable Female Newman John Thomas Male Bunbury
1941/6600006 Wellington Davis Alexander Walter Male Gilbert Ada Female Collie
1941/6600006 Wellington Gilbert Ada Female Davis Alexander Walter Male Collie
1941/6600007 Wellington Di Blasi Vincenzo Male Raccuia Antonia Female Harvey
1941/6600007 Wellington Raccuia Antonia Female Di Blasi Vincenzo Male Harvey
1940/6600009 Wellington Marriott Raymond Harley Male Offer Bessie Gregson Female Harvey
1940/6600009 Wellington Offer Bessie Gregson Female Marriott Raymond Harley Male Harvey
1940/6600013 Wellington Baxter Allan George Male Piggott Edith Matilda Female Bunbury
1940/6600013 Wellington Piggott Edith Matilda Female Baxter Allan George Male Bunbury
1940/6600014 Wellington Coles John Worrell Male Ryall Winifred Annie Female Donnybrook
1940/6600014 Wellington Ryall Winifred Annie Female Coles John Worrell Male Donnybrook
1940/6600015 Wellington Haskett Dorothy May Female Solomon Kenneth Oswald Male Bunbury
1940/6600015 Wellington Solomon Kenneth Oswald Male Haskett Dorothy May Female Bunbury
1941/6600016 Wellington Green Frederick William Darrington Male Porter Minnie Kate Female Bunbury
1940/6600016 Wellington Hann Leslie Roy Male Williams Gwendoline Patricia Female Collie
1941/6600016 Wellington Porter Minnie Kate Female Green Frederick William Darrington Male Bunbury
1940/6600016 Wellington Williams Gwendoline Patricia Female Hann Leslie Roy Male Collie
1941/6600017 Wellington Brothers Lynetta Dorothea Female Gillespie Robert Alexander Male Bunbury
1940/6600017 Wellington Gibbs Arnold Cleve Male Rickson Jennie Female Dardanup
1941/6600017 Wellington Gillespie Robert Alexander Male Brothers Lynetta Dorothea Female Bunbury
1940/6600017 Wellington Rickson Jennie Female Gibbs Arnold Cleve Male Dardanup
1940/6600018 Wellington Smith Daphne May Female Strang Archibald Charles Male Yarloop
1940/6600018 Wellington Strang Archibald Charles Male Smith Daphne May Female Yarloop
1940/6600019 Wellington Hodgson Ernest Ubank Male McNally Evelyn Mary Female Bunbury
1940/6600019 Wellington McNally Evelyn Mary Female Hodgson Ernest Ubank Male Bunbury
1940/6600020 Wellington Owen-Tucker Eustace Arden Male Wickham Eileen May Female Bunbury
1940/6600020 Wellington Wickham Eileen May Female Owen-Tucker Eustace Arden Male Bunbury
1940/6600021 Wellington Cecconi Andrea Luigi Domenico Male Pedretti Eileen Mary Marcellina Female Bunbury
1940/6600021 Wellington Pedretti Eileen Mary Marcellina Female Cecconi Andrea Luigi Domenico Male Bunbury
1940/6600022 Wellington Marron Francis Patrick Male White Elaine Therese Female Bunbury
1940/6600022 Wellington White Elaine Therese Female Marron Francis Patrick Male Bunbury
1940/6600023 Wellington McKelvie Earnest Alexander Male Wood Adda Constance Agatha Female Donnybrook
1940/6600023 Wellington Wood Adda Constance Agatha Female McKelvie Earnest Alexander Male Donnybrook
1940/6600024 Wellington Denholm Robert Burnett Male Rankin Jean Burnside Female Bunbury
1940/6600024 Wellington Rankin Jean Burnside Female Denholm Robert Burnett Male Bunbury
1940/6600025 Wellington Martin Phyllis Joyce Female Moulsdale Maurice William Glancy Male Collie
1940/6600025 Wellington Moulsdale Maurice William Glancy Male Martin Phyllis Joyce Female Collie
1940/6600026 Wellington Fee Edith May Female McAlinden Glen Arthur Male Dardanup
1940/6600026 Wellington McAlinden Glen Arthur Male Fee Edith May Female Dardanup
1940/6600027 Wellington Gibson Elvie May Female Thomas Victoria Hugh Male South Bunbury
1940/6600027 Wellington Thomas Victoria Hugh Male Gibson Elvie May Female South Bunbury
1940/6600028 Wellington Crute Dorothy May Female Hales Walter Verdun Male Donnybrook Methodist Church
1940/6600028 Wellington Hales Walter Verdun Male Crute Dorothy May Female Donnybrook Methodist Church
1940/6600029 Wellington Boucaut William Hilary Male Gardiner Olive Audrey Female W Aus
1940/6600029 Wellington Gardiner Olive Audrey Female Boucaut William Hilary Male W Aus
1940/6600030 Wellington Gardiner Marjorie Female Wilson William Frank Male Bunbury
1940/6600030 Wellington Wilson William Frank Male Gardiner Marjorie Female Bunbury
1940/6600031 Wellington Della Patrona Alma Female Gasperi Angelo Male Collie
1940/6600031 Wellington Gasperi Angelo Male Della Patrona Alma Female Collie
1940/6600033 Wellington Durbin Joyce Kathrine Female Sadler Allen Herbert Male Donnybrook
1940/6600033 Wellington Sadler Allen Herbert Male Durbin Joyce Kathrine Female Donnybrook
1940/6600034 Wellington Madeo Andrea Male Neville Kathleen Female Collie
1940/6600034 Wellington Neville Kathleen Female Madeo Andrea Male Collie
1940/6600035 Wellington Bussell John Desmond Male McDonald Dorothy Jean Female Bunbury
1940/6600035 Wellington McDonald Dorothy Jean Female Bussell John Desmond Male Bunbury
1940/6600036 Wellington Cunningham Marion Gwendoline Female Smith Stanley Gordon Male Bunbury
1940/6600036 Wellington Smith Stanley Gordon Male Cunningham Marion Gwendoline Female Bunbury
1940/6600037 Wellington Evenson Roma Joy Female Vincent Ronald Joseph Male Collie
1940/6600037 Wellington Vincent Ronald Joseph Male Evenson Roma Joy Female Collie
1940/6600038 Wellington Dawson Owen Wilfred Male Otter Evelyn Female Bunbury
1940/6600038 Wellington Otter Evelyn Female Dawson Owen Wilfred Male Bunbury
1940/6600039 Wellington Gani Sefedin Male Murat Kike Female Donnybrook Methodist Church
1940/6600039 Wellington Murat Kike Female Gani Sefedin Male Donnybrook Methodist Church
1940/6600040 Wellington Steer Ethel Maud Female Woods Leo George Male Bunbury
1940/6600040 Wellington Woods Leo George Male Steer Ethel Maud Female Bunbury
1940/6600041 Wellington Hansen Phyllis Hannah Female Ransome Frederick Arthur Harold Male Collie
1940/6600041 Wellington Ransome Frederick Arthur Harold Male Hansen Phyllis Hannah Female Collie
1940/6600042 Wellington Blakemore Kathleen Priscilla May Female McGurk Peter Bernard Male Collie
1940/6600042 Wellington McGurk Peter Bernard Male Blakemore Kathleen Priscilla May Female Collie
1940/6600043 Wellington King Henry William Male Wilshusen Margaret Female Harvey
1940/6600043 Wellington Wilshusen Margaret Female King Henry William Male Harvey
1940/6600044 Wellington Ley Ienan Chaswin Morgan Male Wickham Kathleen Margaret Female Harvey
1940/6600044 Wellington Wickham Kathleen Margaret Female Ley Ienan Chaswin Morgan Male Harvey
1940/6600045 Wellington Carter Percy Male Forrest Annie Campbell Female Bunbury
1940/6600045 Wellington Forrest Annie Campbell Female Carter Percy Male Bunbury
1940/6600046 Wellington Powell Irene Female Thompson Ernest Male Bunbury
1940/6600046 Wellington Thompson Ernest Male Powell Irene Female Bunbury
1940/6600047 Wellington Forrest Christina Madge Female Palmer Roland Clive Male Donnybrook
1940/6600047 Wellington Palmer Roland Clive Male Forrest Christina Madge Female Donnybrook
1940/6600048 Wellington Flynn Linda Isabel Female Strachan Alexander Maxwell Male Bunbury
1940/6600048 Wellington Strachan Alexander Maxwell Male Flynn Linda Isabel Female Bunbury
1940/6600049 Wellington Thompson John Percy Male Tyrrell Lily Amelia Female Bunbury
1940/6600049 Wellington Tyrrell Lily Amelia Female Thompson John Percy Male Bunbury
1940/6600050 Wellington Bostock Irene Pearl Female Rodwell Gordon James Male South Bunbury
1940/6600050 Wellington Rodwell Gordon James Male Bostock Irene Pearl Female South Bunbury
1940/6600051 Wellington Hough Enid Female Pougnault Henry Alexandra Male South Bunbury
1940/6600051 Wellington Pougnault Henry Alexandra Male Hough Enid Female South Bunbury
1940/6600052 Wellington Creeper Herbert Male Morley Beatrice Maud Female Collie
1940/6600052 Wellington Morley Beatrice Maud Female Creeper Herbert Male Collie
1940/6600053 Wellington Caldwell Constance Irene Female Page Eric Jack Male Bunbury
1940/6600053 Wellington Page Eric Jack Male Caldwell Constance Irene Female Bunbury
1940/6600054 Wellington Berg Horace John Male Uren Ivy May Female Allanson
1940/6600054 Wellington Uren Ivy May Female Berg Horace John Male Allanson
1940/6600055 Wellington Lowie Hector Gordon Male Moir Agnes Mary Female Collie
1940/6600055 Wellington Moir Agnes Mary Female Lowie Hector Gordon Male Collie
1940/6600056 Wellington Della Bella Gilardino Male Rusconi Maria Marcellina Female Collie
1940/6600056 Wellington Rusconi Maria Marcellina Female Della Bella Gilardino Male Collie
1940/6600057 Wellington Murphy John Patrick Male Williams Mavis Lillian Female Bunbury
1940/6600057 Wellington Williams Mavis Lillian Female Murphy John Patrick Male Bunbury
1940/6600058 Wellington Elston Marjory Ellen Female Platts Walter Charles Kitchener Male Bunbury
1940/6600058 Wellington Platts Walter Charles Kitchener Male Elston Marjory Ellen Female Bunbury
1940/6600059 Wellington Divic Marija Female Tomich Anton Todor Male Bunbury
1940/6600059 Wellington Tomich Anton Todor Male Divic Marija Female Bunbury
1940/6600060 Wellington Howson Frederick William Male Peat Olga Female Bunbury
1940/6600060 Wellington Peat Olga Female Howson Frederick William Male Bunbury
1940/6600061 Wellington Johnston Lydia Louise Denroche Female Read Reginald John Male Bunbury
1940/6600061 Wellington Read Reginald John Male Johnston Lydia Louise Denroche Female Bunbury
1940/6600062 Wellington Newby David Male Robinson Sheila Lorraine Female Harvey
1940/6600062 Wellington Robinson Sheila Lorraine Female Newby David Male Harvey
1940/6600063 Wellington Davies Ethel Dorinda Female Ozanne Brian Henry Male Brunswick
1940/6600063 Wellington Ozanne Brian Henry Male Davies Ethel Dorinda Female Brunswick
1940/6600064 Wellington Klaebe Elsie Eileen Female Percy Sydney Herbert Male Brunswick Junction
1940/6600064 Wellington Percy Sydney Herbert Male Klaebe Elsie Eileen Female Brunswick Junction
1940/6600065 Wellington Watt Thomas Norman Male Williams Veronica Lydia Female Bunbury
1940/6600065 Wellington Williams Veronica Lydia Female Watt Thomas Norman Male Bunbury
1940/6600066 Wellington Jarvis Joan Minnie Female Simmonds Alfred Charles Male Collie
1940/6600066 Wellington Simmonds Alfred Charles Male Jarvis Joan Minnie Female Collie
1940/6600067 Wellington Cronshaw Ida Amy Female Griffin Desmond George Male Bunbury
1940/6600067 Wellington Griffin Desmond George Male Cronshaw Ida Amy Female Bunbury
1940/6600068 Wellington Condello Giuseppi Male Resta Mary Female Dardanup
1940/6600068 Wellington Resta Mary Female Condello Giuseppi Male Dardanup
1940/6600069 Wellington Hymus Isobel Maude Female Sears Ernest Male Donnybrook
1940/6600069 Wellington Sears Ernest Male Hymus Isobel Maude Female Donnybrook
1940/6600070 Wellington Littlefair Joseph James Male Sharp Mary Doreen Female Donnybrook
1940/6600070 Wellington Sharp Mary Doreen Female Littlefair Joseph James Male Donnybrook
1940/6600071 Wellington Bartlett Albert Ringwood Male McGibbon Alice Agnes Female Bunbury
1940/6600071 Wellington McGibbon Alice Agnes Female Bartlett Albert Ringwood Male Bunbury
1940/6600072 Wellington Davies Ronald Edwin Male Sharpe Gwendoline May Female Bunbury
1940/6600072 Wellington Sharpe Gwendoline May Female Davies Ronald Edwin Male Bunbury
1940/6600073 Wellington Compton Rachel Charlotte Female Hillard Ernest Male Bunbury
1940/6600073 Wellington Hillard Ernest Male Compton Rachel Charlotte Female Bunbury
1940/6600074 Wellington Egan James Male Weston Maud Elizabeth Female Bunbury
1940/6600074 Wellington Weston Maud Elizabeth Female Egan James Male Bunbury
1940/6600075 Wellington Ashworth Charles William Male Howard Evelyn Ellen Female Bunbury
1940/6600075 Wellington Howard Evelyn Ellen Female Ashworth Charles William Male Bunbury
1940/6600076 Wellington McGurk Thomas Patrick Male Squance Beatrice Annie Female Collie
1940/6600076 Wellington Squance Beatrice Annie Female McGurk Thomas Patrick Male Collie
1940/6600077 Wellington Forrest Martha Mitchell Female Sheppard Keith Moore Male Collie
1940/6600077 Wellington Sheppard Keith Moore Male Forrest Martha Mitchell Female Collie
1940/6600078 Wellington Maslin John Henry Male Park Olive Ellen Female Bunbury
1940/6600078 Wellington Park Olive Ellen Female Maslin John Henry Male Bunbury
1940/6600079 Wellington Hargreaves Ernest Male Nettleton Iris Ellen Female Collie
1940/6600079 Wellington Nettleton Iris Ellen Female Hargreaves Ernest Male Collie
1940/6600080 Wellington Griffiths Thomas Bowen Male Hall Elsie May Female Bunbury
1940/6600080 Wellington Hall Elsie May Female Griffiths Thomas Bowen Male Bunbury
1940/6600081 Wellington Buck Harold George Male Davis Hannah Lois Female Bunbury
1940/6600081 Wellington Davis Hannah Lois Female Buck Harold George Male Bunbury
1940/6600082 Wellington Chiera Lauro Vincenzo Male Rando Giuseppa Female Harvey
1940/6600082 Wellington Rando Giuseppa Female Chiera Lauro Vincenzo Male Harvey
1940/6600083 Wellington Clark Sydney Albert Male Myers Kathleen Gladys Female Bunbury
1940/6600083 Wellington Myers Kathleen Gladys Female Clark Sydney Albert Male Bunbury
1940/6600084 Wellington Clarke Freda Muriel Female Duce John Kendrick Male Bunbury
1940/6600084 Wellington Duce John Kendrick Male Clarke Freda Muriel Female Bunbury
1940/6600085 Wellington Headley Arthur John Male Tooke Gladys Ellen Female Bunbury
1940/6600085 Wellington Tooke Gladys Ellen Female Headley Arthur John Male Bunbury
1940/6600086 Wellington Dodd Rita May Female Meredith Walter Edward Male Bunbury
1940/6600086 Wellington Meredith Walter Edward Male Dodd Rita May Female Bunbury
1940/6600087 Wellington Marchetti Lina Female Salle Joseph Della Male Dardanup
1940/6600087 Wellington Salle Joseph Della Male Marchetti Lina Female Dardanup
1940/6600088 Wellington Buswell Roma Florence Female Ferrier Wilfred Lovell Male Bunbury
1940/6600088 Wellington Ferrier Wilfred Lovell Male Buswell Roma Florence Female Bunbury
1940/6600089 Wellington Leitch Norman Colin Campbell Male McGhie Isabella Currie Female W Aus
1940/6600089 Wellington McGhie Isabella Currie Female Leitch Norman Colin Campbell Male W Aus
1940/6600090 Wellington Clifton Christina May Female Ganfield Ronald Edward Male South Bunbury
1940/6600090 Wellington Ganfield Ronald Edward Male Clifton Christina May Female South Bunbury
1940/6600091 Wellington Banyard Victor John Male Wunnenberg Myra Jean Female Darkan
1940/6600091 Wellington Wunnenberg Myra Jean Female Banyard Victor John Male Darkan
1940/6600092 Wellington Fowler Alfred Calvert Male Payne Amy Ethel Female W Aus
1940/6600092 Wellington Payne Amy Ethel Female Fowler Alfred Calvert Male W Aus
1940/6600093 Wellington Pinner Roy Albert Male Venables Gwendoline Alice Female South Bunbury
1940/6600093 Wellington Venables Gwendoline Alice Female Pinner Roy Albert Male South Bunbury
1940/6600094 Wellington Brett Elizabeth Helen Female Gardiner Ronald Christian Male W Aus
1940/6600094 Wellington Gardiner Ronald Christian Male Brett Elizabeth Helen Female W Aus
1940/6600095 Wellington Chilcott Violet Jean Female Tomasini Lawrence Male Bunbury
1940/6600095 Wellington Tomasini Lawrence Male Chilcott Violet Jean Female Bunbury
1940/6600096 Wellington Fowler Frank Male Vaughan Lucy Eileen Female Bunbury
1940/6600096 Wellington Vaughan Lucy Eileen Female Fowler Frank Male Bunbury
1940/6600097 Wellington Bolton Edmund Furley Male Isaac Dorothy Female Bunbury
1940/6600097 Wellington Isaac Dorothy Female Bolton Edmund Furley Male Bunbury
1940/6600098 Wellington Crowle Dorothy Amy Female Kelly Desmond Michael Male Bunbury
1940/6600098 Wellington Kelly Desmond Michael Male Crowle Dorothy Amy Female Bunbury
1940/6600099 Wellington Sciuto Alfina Female Torrisi Alfred Male Donnybrook
1940/6600099 Wellington Torrisi Alfred Male Sciuto Alfina Female Donnybrook
1940/6600100 Wellington Comeso Rafela Female Nuciforo Elario Male Donnybrook
1940/6600100 Wellington Nuciforo Elario Male Comeso Rafela Female Donnybrook
1940/6600101 Wellington Merritt Hurtle Hubert Male Scott Cecilie Rose Female W Aus
1940/6600101 Wellington Scott Cecilie Rose Female Merritt Hurtle Hubert Male W Aus
1940/6600102 Wellington Cox Dorothy Female Newman Clarence William Male Bunbury
1940/6600102 Wellington Newman Clarence William Male Cox Dorothy Female Bunbury
1940/6600103 Wellington Nadebaum Dorothea Jean Female Simmonds Josiah William Henry Male Collie
1940/6600103 Wellington Simmonds Josiah William Henry Male Nadebaum Dorothea Jean Female Collie
1940/6600104 Wellington Carter Sydney Victor Male Hackett Philomena May Female Donnybrook
1940/6600104 Wellington Hackett Philomena May Female Carter Sydney Victor Male Donnybrook
1940/6600105 Wellington Humphrey Esther Evelyn Female Johnson William Rhoderick Male Bunbury
1940/6600105 Wellington Johnson William Rhoderick Male Humphrey Esther Evelyn Female Bunbury
1940/6600106 Wellington Bradley Eileen Mary Female Moor Reginald Crezel Male Bunbury
1940/6600106 Wellington Moor Reginald Crezel Male Bradley Eileen Mary Female Bunbury
1940/6600107 Wellington Spartalis Asimina Savas Female Stamadiadis Nicholas Pitsias Male Bunbury
1940/6600107 Wellington Stamadiadis Nicholas Pitsias Male Spartalis Asimina Savas Female Bunbury
1940/6600108 Wellington Meechan Margaret Boyle Female Miller James Robert Male Collie
1940/6600108 Wellington Miller James Robert Male Meechan Margaret Boyle Female Collie
1940/6600109 Wellington Meechan Mary Ann Female Stock Cyril Thomas Male Collie
1940/6600109 Wellington Stock Cyril Thomas Male Meechan Mary Ann Female Collie
1940/6600110 Wellington Norris Leslie Gilbert Male Tatam Edna Anne Female Bunbury
1940/6600110 Wellington Tatam Edna Anne Female Norris Leslie Gilbert Male Bunbury
1940/6600111 Wellington Attwood Ivor Edwin Male Bentley Mary Rose Female Bunbury
1940/6600111 Wellington Bentley Mary Rose Female Attwood Ivor Edwin Male Bunbury
1940/6600112 Wellington Godley Wilfred Male Mossop Ellma Violet Female Bunbury
1940/6600112 Wellington Mossop Ellma Violet Female Godley Wilfred Male Bunbury
1940/6600113 Wellington Annandale David Male Woodward Margaret Lavinia Female Collie
1940/6600113 Wellington Woodward Margaret Lavinia Female Annandale David Male Collie
1940/6600114 Wellington Black Blanche Mary Female Wilson Charles Male Bunbury
1940/6600114 Wellington Wilson Charles Male Black Blanche Mary Female Bunbury
1940/6600115 Wellington Parsons Leslie Edwin Male Wade Irene Joan Female Donnybrook
1940/6600115 Wellington Wade Irene Joan Female Parsons Leslie Edwin Male Donnybrook
1940/6600116 Wellington Burnsyde Sophia Adelia Female Jeffery James Albert Male Donnybrook
1940/6600116 Wellington Jeffery James Albert Male Burnsyde Sophia Adelia Female Donnybrook
1940/6600117 Wellington Bell Frank Male Rinder Edna Edith Female Collie
1940/6600117 Wellington Rinder Edna Edith Female Bell Frank Male Collie
1940/6600118 Wellington Longden Marie Female Vlasich Nikola Male Collie
1940/6600118 Wellington Vlasich Nikola Male Longden Marie Female Collie
1940/6600119 Wellington Pitman Edna May Female Robinson Arthur Male Wagerup Public Hall
1940/6600119 Wellington Robinson Arthur Male Pitman Edna May Female Wagerup Public Hall
1940/6600120 Wellington Clarke Dorothy Zoe Female Inkpen Frank Maxwell Bruce Male Bunbury
1940/6600120 Wellington Inkpen Frank Maxwell Bruce Male Clarke Dorothy Zoe Female Bunbury
1940/6600121 Wellington Beckett Sylvia Madeline Female Murdoch Norman Leonara Male Bunbury
1940/6600121 Wellington Murdoch Norman Leonara Male Beckett Sylvia Madeline Female Bunbury
1940/6600122 Wellington Atherton Vincent De Paul Male Milligan Frances Mary Josephine Female Bunbury
1940/6600122 Wellington Milligan Frances Mary Josephine Female Atherton Vincent De Paul Male Bunbury
1940/6600123 Wellington Baxter Giulvia Imlay Female White Harold Arthur Male Bunbury
1940/6600123 Wellington White Harold Arthur Male Baxter Giulvia Imlay Female Bunbury
1940/6600124 Wellington OMeava Cornelius Male Ratcliffe Harriet Female Dardanup
1940/6600124 Wellington Ratcliffe Harriet Female OMeava Cornelius Male Dardanup
1940/6600125 Wellington Browne Joseph Edward Male Roberts Maisie Elvira Female Bunbury
1940/6600125 Wellington Roberts Maisie Elvira Female Browne Joseph Edward Male Bunbury
1940/6600126 Wellington Gedge Mabel Elsie Female Prosser William Walter Male Rathmines
1940/6600126 Wellington Prosser William Walter Male Gedge Mabel Elsie Female Rathmines
1940/6600127 Wellington MacKay William Lockart Male Pitts Lena Rose Female Collie
1940/6600127 Wellington Pitts Lena Rose Female MacKay William Lockart Male Collie
1940/6600128 Wellington Ausden Alwyn Madge Female Bennewith Donald Talbar Male Bunbury
1940/6600128 Wellington Bennewith Donald Talbar Male Ausden Alwyn Madge Female Bunbury
1940/6600129 Wellington Clarke Alice Elizabeth Female Westlake Harry Edwin Male Bunbury
1940/6600129 Wellington Westlake Harry Edwin Male Clarke Alice Elizabeth Female Bunbury
1940/6600130 Wellington Barnes George Male Mathers Louisa Adeline Female Collie
1940/6600130 Wellington Mathers Louisa Adeline Female Barnes George Male Collie
1940/6600130 Wellington Mathers Louisa Adeline Female Peel George Male Collie
1940/6600130 Wellington Peel George Male Mathers Louisa Adeline Female Collie
1940/6600131 Wellington Hastie Bertram Stephen Male Yates Alice Annie Female Bunbury
1940/6600131 Wellington Yates Alice Annie Female Hastie Bertram Stephen Male Bunbury
1940/6600132 Wellington Sharp Hilda Victoria Female Teede Leonard Princep Male Bunbury
1940/6600132 Wellington Teede Leonard Princep Male Sharp Hilda Victoria Female Bunbury
1940/6600133 Wellington Davis Phyllis Eliza Female Smith William John Male W Aus
1940/6600133 Wellington Smith William John Male Davis Phyllis Eliza Female W Aus
1940/6600134 Wellington Darroch John McNeill Male Rowe Thelma Mary Female Bunbury
1940/6600134 Wellington Rowe Thelma Mary Female Darroch John McNeill Male Bunbury
1940/6600135 Wellington Currie Jessie Florence Female Taylor Cyril Victor Male Bunbury
1940/6600135 Wellington Taylor Cyril Victor Male Currie Jessie Florence Female Bunbury
1940/6600136 Wellington Hitchcock John Male Roberts Leila Female Bunbury
1940/6600136 Wellington Roberts Leila Female Hitchcock John Male Bunbury
1940/6600137 Wellington Stafford George Servier Male Sutcliffe Ila Mona Female Bunbury
1940/6600137 Wellington Sutcliffe Ila Mona Female Stafford George Servier Male Bunbury
1940/6600138 Wellington Barron Gordon Wesley Male Elvy Joyce Winifred Female Bunbury
1940/6600138 Wellington Elvy Joyce Winifred Female Barron Gordon Wesley Male Bunbury
1940/6600139 Wellington Moffet Arthur Herbert Male Watts Dorothy May Female Bunbury
1940/6600139 Wellington Watts Dorothy May Female Moffet Arthur Herbert Male Bunbury
1940/6600140 Wellington Bell Gwendoline Female Oakes Cecil Hartley Male Collie
1940/6600140 Wellington Oakes Cecil Hartley Male Bell Gwendoline Female Collie
1940/6600141 Wellington O'Neil Percy Gardiner Male Rodgers Margaret Carlotta Female South Bunbury
1940/6600141 Wellington Rodgers Margaret Carlotta Female O'Neil Percy Gardiner Male South Bunbury
1940/6600142 Wellington Cahill Beryl Una Female Medlen Frank Ronald Male South Bunbury
1940/6600142 Wellington Medlen Frank Ronald Male Cahill Beryl Una Female South Bunbury
1940/6600143 Wellington Cooke William Robert Ernest Male Craigie Dorothy Emma Female Bunbury
1940/6600143 Wellington Craigie Dorothy Emma Female Cooke William Robert Ernest Male Bunbury
1940/6600144 Wellington McCarthy Eric Harvey Male Teager Elsie Joyce Female Bunbury
1940/6600144 Wellington Teager Elsie Joyce Female McCarthy Eric Harvey Male Bunbury
1940/6600145 Wellington Ireland Kathleen Maud Female Vernon Gordon Thomas Male Collie
1940/6600145 Wellington Vernon Gordon Thomas Male Ireland Kathleen Maud Female Collie
1940/6600146 Wellington Bryant Thomas Park Male Delaporte Cecilia Constance Female Bunbury
1940/6600146 Wellington Delaporte Cecilia Constance Female Bryant Thomas Park Male Bunbury
1940/6600147 Wellington Buckenara Peter Graydon Male House Yvonne Rita Female W Aus
1940/6600147 Wellington House Yvonne Rita Female Buckenara Peter Graydon Male W Aus
1940/6600148 Wellington Coutts Robert Percy Male Rogers Alice Marie Female Bunbury
1940/6600148 Wellington Rogers Alice Marie Female Coutts Robert Percy Male Bunbury
1940/6600149 Wellington Chapman Sydney Cuthbert Male McDonald Olive Sarah Mavis Female South Bunbury
1940/6600149 Wellington McDonald Olive Sarah Mavis Female Chapman Sydney Cuthbert Male South Bunbury
1940/6600150 Wellington Leaney Charles Leonard Male Retzlaff Dora Elizabeth Lorraine Female Harvey Methodist Church
1940/6600150 Wellington Retzlaff Dora Elizabeth Lorraine Female Leaney Charles Leonard Male Harvey Methodist Church
1940/6600151 Wellington English Stanley Male Roney Olive Cecilia Female Collie
1940/6600151 Wellington Roney Olive Cecilia Female English Stanley Male Collie
1940/6600152 Wellington Campbell Bertha May Female Hammond Henry Robert Male Bunbury
1940/6600152 Wellington Hammond Henry Robert Male Campbell Bertha May Female Bunbury
1940/6600153 Wellington Palmer Phyllis May Female Wood Tom Male Bunbury
1940/6600153 Wellington Wood Tom Male Palmer Phyllis May Female Bunbury
1940/6600154 Wellington Gellé Louis Cyril Male McCarthy Mollie Veronica Female Bunbury
1940/6600154 Wellington McCarthy Mollie Veronica Female Gellé Louis Cyril Male Bunbury
1940/6600155 Wellington Gardiner Christopher Samuel Male Greive Joyce May Female Bunbury
1940/6600155 Wellington Greive Joyce May Female Gardiner Christopher Samuel Male Bunbury
1940/6600156 Wellington Sutton Horace Male Taylor Joan Margaret Lilian Female Bunbury
1940/6600156 Wellington Taylor Joan Margaret Lilian Female Sutton Horace Male Bunbury
1940/6600157 Wellington Baskerville Elizabeth Agnes Victoria Female Mitting Richard Henry Male Harvey
1940/6600157 Wellington Mitting Richard Henry Male Baskerville Elizabeth Agnes Victoria Female Harvey
1940/6600158 Wellington Johnston Ruby Margaret Female Maidment Robert George Male Harvey
1940/6600158 Wellington Maidment Robert George Male Johnston Ruby Margaret Female Harvey
1940/6600159 Wellington Augustson Eileen Evelyn Female Rodgers Bernard William Male Bunbury
1940/6600159 Wellington Rodgers Bernard William Male Augustson Eileen Evelyn Female Bunbury
1940/6600160 Wellington Brockman James Phillip Male Thomson Ethel Louisa Female Picton
1940/6600160 Wellington Thomson Ethel Louisa Female Brockman James Phillip Male Picton
1940/6600161 Wellington Eastman Harry Austin Chisholm Male Rose Erminie Female Bunbury
1940/6600161 Wellington Rose Erminie Female Eastman Harry Austin Chisholm Male Bunbury
1940/6600162 Wellington Adams Jessie Female Leach Albert Edward Male Yarloop
1940/6600162 Wellington Leach Albert Edward Male Adams Jessie Female Yarloop
1940/6600163 Wellington Palmer Richard Male White Beatrice Female Collie
1940/6600163 Wellington White Beatrice Female Palmer Richard Male Collie
1940/6600164 Wellington Howara Kathleen Jean Female Prior Ronald Arthur Male Bunbury
1940/6600164 Wellington Prior Ronald Arthur Male Howara Kathleen Jean Female Bunbury
1940/6600165 Wellington Eastcott Una Elizabeth Mary Female Morrissey Kenneth John Male Bunbury
1940/6600165 Wellington Morrissey Kenneth John Male Eastcott Una Elizabeth Mary Female Bunbury
1940/6600166 Wellington Farrell Marion Veronica Female Hammond John Kitchener Male Collie
1940/6600166 Wellington Hammond John Kitchener Male Farrell Marion Veronica Female Collie
1940/6600167 Wellington Hewins Arthur Edward Male Sloan Dorothy Female Bunbury
1940/6600167 Wellington Sloan Dorothy Female Hewins Arthur Edward Male Bunbury
1940/6600168 Wellington Aitken Mary Isabella Female Partridge Benjiman Male Collie
1940/6600168 Wellington Partridge Benjiman Male Aitken Mary Isabella Female Collie
1940/6600169 Wellington Hansen Albert George Male Karlsen Vida May Female Rathmines
1940/6600169 Wellington Hansen Albert George Male Plunkett Vida May Female Rathmines
1940/6600169 Wellington Karlsen Vida May Female Hansen Albert George Male Rathmines
1940/6600169 Wellington Plunkett Vida May Female Hansen Albert George Male Rathmines
1940/6600170 Wellington Fearn Norman Frank Male Parnaby Ruth Female Collie
1940/6600170 Wellington Parnaby Ruth Female Fearn Norman Frank Male Collie
1940/6600171 Wellington Mudge Netta Jean Female Piggott Raymond Godfrey Male Bunbury
1940/6600171 Wellington Piggott Raymond Godfrey Male Mudge Netta Jean Female Bunbury
1940/6600172 Wellington Bloxsome Jack Landles Male White Nellie May Female Bunbury
1940/6600172 Wellington White Nellie May Female Bloxsome Jack Landles Male Bunbury
1940/6600173 Wellington Horn Audrey Beatrice Ida Female Norton Charles Frank Prees Male Bunbury
1940/6600173 Wellington Norton Charles Frank Prees Male Horn Audrey Beatrice Ida Female Bunbury
1940/6600174 Wellington Curnow Eric Beaumont Male Wunnenberg Cora Victoria Female Langora
1940/6600174 Wellington Wunnenberg Cora Victoria Female Curnow Eric Beaumont Male Langora
1940/6600175 Wellington Hicks Daphne Hall Female Jones Harold Male Bunbury
1940/6600175 Wellington Jones Harold Male Hicks Daphne Hall Female Bunbury
1940/6600176 Wellington Greaves Leonard Male Hughes Emily Irene Female Duranillin Hall
1940/6600176 Wellington Hughes Emily Irene Female Greaves Leonard Male Duranillin Hall
1940/6600177 Wellington Annesley Fredrick John Male Boyle Madge Margaret Female Collie
1940/6600177 Wellington Boyle Madge Margaret Female Annesley Fredrick John Male Collie
1940/6600178 Wellington Redden Lilian Margaret Female Taylor William Roy Male South Bunbury
1940/6600178 Wellington Taylor William Roy Male Redden Lilian Margaret Female South Bunbury
1940/6600179 Wellington Corfield Lillian Emily Female McDonald Albert Donald Male Collie
1940/6600179 Wellington McDonald Albert Donald Male Corfield Lillian Emily Female Collie
1940/6600180 Wellington McDonald Alexander Male McIntyre June Rosabella Female Collie
1940/6600180 Wellington McIntyre June Rosabella Female McDonald Alexander Male Collie
1940/6600181 Wellington Augustson Victor William Male Reid Ellen Freda Female Picton
1940/6600181 Wellington Reid Ellen Freda Female Augustson Victor William Male Picton
1940/6600182 Wellington Allen George Keyworth Male Johnston Nellie Gordon Female Harvey
1940/6600182 Wellington Johnston Nellie Gordon Female Allen George Keyworth Male Harvey
1940/6600183 Wellington Fuller Edward Thomas Robert Alexandra Male Wells Evelyn Female Donnybrook
1940/6600183 Wellington Wells Evelyn Female Fuller Edward Thomas Robert Alexandra Male Donnybrook
1940/6600184 Wellington Delaporte Ruth Stella Female Elson Thomas Joseph Male Bunbury
1940/6600184 Wellington Elson Thomas Joseph Male Delaporte Ruth Stella Female Bunbury
1940/6600185 Wellington Hodgson Frank Male Nielsen Doreen Carrie Female Bunbury
1940/6600185 Wellington Nielsen Doreen Carrie Female Hodgson Frank Male Bunbury
1940/6600186 Wellington Catt George Clifford Male Hastie Evelyn Maud Female Bunbury
1940/6600186 Wellington Hastie Evelyn Maud Female Catt George Clifford Male Bunbury
1940/6600187 Wellington Lorkin Daniel Patrick Male OConnor Olive Iris Female Bunbury
1940/6600187 Wellington OConnor Olive Iris Female Lorkin Daniel Patrick Male Bunbury
1940/6600188 Wellington Gardiner Ronald John Male Wilshusen Georgina Female Harvey Methodist Church
1940/6600188 Wellington Wilshusen Georgina Female Gardiner Ronald John Male Harvey Methodist Church
1940/6600189 Wellington Evans Euphemia Rose Female Read Horace Gordon Robert Male Mornington Mills
1940/6600189 Wellington Read Horace Gordon Robert Male Evans Euphemia Rose Female Mornington Mills
1940/6700001 Williams Boothey Fredrick Roy Clem Male Harrold Alice May Female Narrogin
1940/6700001 Williams Harrold Alice May Female Boothey Fredrick Roy Clem Male Narrogin
1941/6700001 Williams Searle Phillip Joseph Male Weatherhead Hope Female Narrogin
1941/6700001 Williams Weatherhead Hope Female Searle Phillip Joseph Male Narrogin
1941/6700002 Williams Forsyth Hilda Grace Female McDonald Gordon Stanley John Male Narrogin
1941/6700002 Williams McDonald Gordon Stanley John Male Forsyth Hilda Grace Female Narrogin
1940/6700002 Williams Weatherhead Daphne Female Wiles Alec Henry Male Narrogin
1940/6700002 Williams Wiles Alec Henry Male Weatherhead Daphne Female Narrogin
1940/6700003 Williams Lange Sydney Maxwell Male McCall Ivy Evelyn Female Narrogin
1940/6700003 Williams McCall Ivy Evelyn Female Lange Sydney Maxwell Male Narrogin
1940/6700004 Williams Mountain William Male Rumbold Gladys Ellen Female Narrogin
1940/6700004 Williams Rumbold Gladys Ellen Female Mountain William Male Narrogin
1940/6700005 Williams Doney Thomas Bruce Male Gray Lucy Victoria Female Harrismith
1940/6700005 Williams Gray Lucy Victoria Female Doney Thomas Bruce Male Harrismith
1940/6700006 Williams Brusaschi Alice Mary Female Manning Robert Alexander Male Narrogin
1940/6700006 Williams Manning Robert Alexander Male Brusaschi Alice Mary Female Narrogin
1940/6700007 Williams McGowan Harriet Maud Guthrie Female Penny Cecil Horace Male Popanyinning
1940/6700007 Williams Penny Cecil Horace Male McGowan Harriet Maud Guthrie Female Popanyinning
1940/6700008 Williams Craig Victoria Female Little Harold Edward Male Narrogin
1940/6700008 Williams Little Harold Edward Male Craig Victoria Female Narrogin
1940/6700009 Williams Hoyle Minnie Frances Female Mutton Arthur Henry Nute Male Narrogin
1940/6700009 Williams Mutton Arthur Henry Nute Male Hoyle Minnie Frances Female Narrogin
1940/6700010 Williams Anning David Edward Charles Male Pomery Hermione Female Narrogin
1940/6700010 Williams Pomery Hermione Female Anning David Edward Charles Male Narrogin
1940/6700011 Williams Armstrong John Kenneth Male Mills Helene Muriel Female Narrogin
1940/6700011 Williams Mills Helene Muriel Female Armstrong John Kenneth Male Narrogin
1940/6700012 Williams Fitt Phyllis Clarance Female Wiese Louis Male Narrogin
1940/6700012 Williams Wiese Louis Male Fitt Phyllis Clarance Female Narrogin
1940/6700013 Williams Giles Murial Martha Female Pearson Ronald Hymus Male Narrogin
1940/6700013 Williams Pearson Ronald Hymus Male Giles Murial Martha Female Narrogin
1940/6700014 Williams Bowey Phyllis May Female Clayton Maurice Male Kulin
1940/6700014 Williams Clayton Maurice Male Bowey Phyllis May Female Kulin
1940/6700015 Williams Fox George Male Walliss Violet Thelma Female Narrogin
1940/6700015 Williams Walliss Violet Thelma Female Fox George Male Narrogin
1940/6700016 Williams Fleay Enid Margaret Female Plant Ronald William Leonard Male Narrogin
1940/6700016 Williams Plant Ronald William Leonard Male Fleay Enid Margaret Female Narrogin
1940/6700017 Williams Batchelor Zoe Alice Female Johnson Fredrick Charles Male Narrogin
1940/6700017 Williams Johnson Fredrick Charles Male Batchelor Zoe Alice Female Narrogin
1940/6700018 Williams Blight Archibald Lloyd Male Wiese Alice Mary Female Narrogin
1940/6700018 Williams Wiese Alice Mary Female Blight Archibald Lloyd Male Narrogin
1940/6700019 Williams Evans Olive Female Flanagan John Patrick Male Narrogin
1940/6700019 Williams Flanagan John Patrick Male Evans Olive Female Narrogin
1940/6700020 Williams Chipper Audrey Ada Female Turner Leonard James Male Narrogin
1940/6700020 Williams Turner Leonard James Male Chipper Audrey Ada Female Narrogin
1940/6700021 Williams Barr William Stafford Male Standley Dulcie Jean Female Narrogin
1940/6700021 Williams Standley Dulcie Jean Female Barr William Stafford Male Narrogin
1940/6700022 Williams McDonald Alexander Duncan Male Shannon Beryl Daphne Female Narrogin
1940/6700022 Williams Shannon Beryl Daphne Female McDonald Alexander Duncan Male Narrogin
1940/6700023 Williams Mead George Richard Thomas Male Shearer Ethel May Female Narrogin
1940/6700023 Williams Shearer Ethel May Female Mead George Richard Thomas Male Narrogin
1940/6700024 Williams Drage Dorothy Doreen Female Lloyd James Harold Male Lake Biddy Hall
1940/6700024 Williams Lloyd James Harold Male Drage Dorothy Doreen Female Lake Biddy Hall
1940/6700025 Williams Blythe Charles Albert Male James Selma Mary Alma Female Narrogin
1940/6700025 Williams James Selma Mary Alma Female Blythe Charles Albert Male Narrogin
1940/6700026 Williams Pool Vailima Margaret Mary Female Randall Rupert Buckley Male Narrogin
1940/6700026 Williams Randall Rupert Buckley Male Pool Vailima Margaret Mary Female Narrogin
1940/6700027 Williams Marshall Mary Elizabeth Female Stevens Edgar James Male Narrogin
1940/6700027 Williams Stevens Edgar James Male Marshall Mary Elizabeth Female Narrogin
1940/6700028 Williams Price Norma June Female Sewell Clarence Roy Male Narrogin
1940/6700028 Williams Sewell Clarence Roy Male Price Norma June Female Narrogin
1940/6700029 Williams Armitage Cyril Male Calyun Joyce Female Narrogin
1940/6700029 Williams Calyun Joyce Female Armitage Cyril Male Narrogin
1940/6700030 Williams Dick Esme Elizabeth Female Thompson Robert Learmouth Male Narrogin
1940/6700030 Williams Thompson Robert Learmouth Male Dick Esme Elizabeth Female Narrogin
1940/6700031 Williams Bozin Kalliope Argere Female Christou Georgios Gregoviou Male Lake Grace
1940/6700031 Williams Christou Georgios Gregoviou Male Bozin Kalliope Argere Female Lake Grace
1940/6700032 Williams Culbong Bella Female Kelly Henry Male Narrogin
1940/6700032 Williams Kelly Henry Male Culbong Bella Female Narrogin
1940/6700033 Williams Henrickson Alan Lewis Male Taylor Edna Lorraine Female Williams
1940/6700033 Williams Taylor Edna Lorraine Female Henrickson Alan Lewis Male Williams
1940/6700034 Williams Bell Ady Joan Female Farmer Leonard Arthur Male Williams
1940/6700034 Williams Farmer Leonard Arthur Male Bell Ady Joan Female Williams
1940/6700035 Williams Butcher Clarice Esther Female Longyear William George Male Popanyinning
1940/6700035 Williams Longyear William George Male Butcher Clarice Esther Female Popanyinning
1940/6700036 Williams Barr Murray Clifford Male George Elizabeth Winifred Female Narrogin
1940/6700036 Williams George Elizabeth Winifred Female Barr Murray Clifford Male Narrogin
1940/6700037 Williams McIntyre John Nicholas Male Scadding Ida Millicent Female Kulin
1940/6700037 Williams Scadding Ida Millicent Female McIntyre John Nicholas Male Kulin
1940/6700038 Williams Ryall Frank Elijah Male Smith Joan Margaret Female Narrogin
1940/6700038 Williams Smith Joan Margaret Female Ryall Frank Elijah Male Narrogin
1940/6700039 Williams Boyd James Edwin Male Haynes Alma Beatrice Cebra Female Williams
1940/6700039 Williams Haynes Alma Beatrice Cebra Female Boyd James Edwin Male Williams
1940/6700040 Williams Bell Herbert John Male Spouse Elsa May Female Narrogin
1940/6700040 Williams Spouse Elsa May Female Bell Herbert John Male Narrogin
1940/6700041 Williams Dearlove Harold Leslie Male Healey Mary Kathleen Female Narrogin
1940/6700041 Williams Healey Mary Kathleen Female Dearlove Harold Leslie Male Narrogin
1940/6700042 Williams Chipper Catherine Female Hall George Thomas Male Narrogin
1940/6700042 Williams Hall George Thomas Male Chipper Catherine Female Narrogin
1940/6700043 Williams McConville Doreen Elizabeth Female Taylor William Edward Male Narrogin
1940/6700043 Williams Taylor William Edward Male McConville Doreen Elizabeth Female Narrogin
1940/6700044 Williams Dewar William Male McMahon Agnes Female Lake Grace
1940/6700044 Williams McMahon Agnes Female Dewar William Male Lake Grace
1940/6700045 Williams Lee Henry Walter Male Price Clarice Sheila Female Narrogin
1940/6700045 Williams Price Clarice Sheila Female Lee Henry Walter Male Narrogin
1940/6700046 Williams Scrivens Henry Frederick Male Swain Violet May Female Narrogin
1940/6700046 Williams Swain Violet May Female Scrivens Henry Frederick Male Narrogin
1940/6700047 Williams Gray Flora Dulcie Female Johnson Leslie Wilson Male Narrogin
1940/6700047 Williams Johnson Leslie Wilson Male Gray Flora Dulcie Female Narrogin
1940/6700048 Williams Aldridge Frank Alfred Male White Sheila Maud Female Narrogin
1940/6700048 Williams White Sheila Maud Female Aldridge Frank Alfred Male Narrogin
1940/6700049 Williams Nicholls Cecil Frederick Male O'Connor Doris Mary Female St Matthew's Church
1940/6700049 Williams O'Connor Doris Mary Female Nicholls Cecil Frederick Male St Matthew's Church
1940/6700050 Williams Hubble Arthur David Male Spencer Phyllis Muriel Female Narrogin
1940/6700050 Williams Spencer Phyllis Muriel Female Hubble Arthur David Male Narrogin
1940/6700051 Williams Matheson Donald Frederick Male Virgin Phyllis Edna Female Narrogin
1940/6700051 Williams Virgin Phyllis Edna Female Matheson Donald Frederick Male Narrogin
1940/6700052 Williams Fawcett Theodore Allen Male Rutherford Elizabeth Montgomery Female Marradong
1940/6700052 Williams Rutherford Elizabeth Montgomery Female Fawcett Theodore Allen Male Marradong
1940/6700053 Williams Allen Mavis Eleanor Female Graham Keith Paul Male Narrogin
1940/6700053 Williams Graham Keith Paul Male Allen Mavis Eleanor Female Narrogin
1940/6700054 Williams Dowsett Betty Mary Female Meagher Thomas Francis Male Narrogin
1940/6700054 Williams Meagher Thomas Francis Male Dowsett Betty Mary Female Narrogin
1940/6700055 Williams Betteley Ernest Harry Laban Male Howting Nancy Joyce Female Narrogin
1940/6700055 Williams Howting Nancy Joyce Female Betteley Ernest Harry Laban Male Narrogin
1940/6700056 Williams Butcher Elsie May Female McGowan James Male Popanyinning
1940/6700056 Williams McGowan James Male Butcher Elsie May Female Popanyinning
1940/6700057 Williams Bamess Patricia Gregson Female Meston Stuart Ronald Gordon Male Lake Grace
1940/6700057 Williams Meston Stuart Ronald Gordon Male Bamess Patricia Gregson Female Lake Grace
1940/6700058 Williams Ligertwood William Leith Male McDougall Barbara Female Narrogin
1940/6700058 Williams McDougall Barbara Female Ligertwood William Leith Male Narrogin
1940/6700059 Williams Mickle Lola Mary Female Watts Harold Archibald Male Narrogin
1940/6700059 Williams Watts Harold Archibald Male Mickle Lola Mary Female Narrogin
1940/6700060 Williams McMahon John Male Stone Jean Marshall Female Narrogin
1940/6700060 Williams Stone Jean Marshall Female McMahon John Male Narrogin
1940/6700061 Williams Alcock Albert Edward Male Bell Ivy Dorothy Female Narrogin
1940/6700061 Williams Bell Ivy Dorothy Female Alcock Albert Edward Male Narrogin
1940/6700062 Williams Flint Daisy May Female Sharpe Charles Edgar Male Narrogin
1940/6700062 Williams Sharpe Charles Edgar Male Flint Daisy May Female Narrogin
1940/6700063 Williams Brown Margaret Hilda Eliza Female Stevens William Dobson Male Narrogin
1940/6700063 Williams Stevens William Dobson Male Brown Margaret Hilda Eliza Female Narrogin
1940/6700064 Williams Dart Eileen Mary Female Quartermaine Mervyn Edmund Male Cuballing
1940/6700064 Williams Quartermaine Mervyn Edmund Male Dart Eileen Mary Female Cuballing
1940/6900001 Yalgoo Clarke Gwendoline Female Willesee Donald Robert Male Yalgoo
1940/6900001 Yalgoo Willesee Donald Robert Male Clarke Gwendoline Female Yalgoo
1940/6900002 Yalgoo Harris Leonard Male Merritt Edith Female Yalgoo
1940/6900002 Yalgoo Merritt Edith Female Harris Leonard Male Yalgoo
1940/6900003 Yalgoo Callow Alfred John Male Pearse Gladys Mary Female Payne's Find
1940/6900003 Yalgoo Pearse Gladys Mary Female Callow Alfred John Male Payne's Find
1940/6900004 Yalgoo Little Lily Female Martin Fred Male Yalgoo
1940/6900004 Yalgoo Martin Fred Male Little Lily Female Yalgoo
1940/6900005 Yalgoo Elliott Walter John Male Morrissey Vera Female Yalgoo
1940/6900005 Yalgoo Morrissey Vera Female Elliott Walter John Male Yalgoo
1940/7000001 Yilgarn Bombardieri Maria Female Patroni Domenico Male Southern Cross
1940/7000001 Yilgarn Patroni Domenico Male Bombardieri Maria Female Southern Cross
1940/7000002 Yilgarn Burns Donald Robert Charles Male Knapp Jean Lois Female Westonia
1940/7000002 Yilgarn Knapp Jean Lois Female Burns Donald Robert Charles Male Westonia
1940/7000004 Yilgarn Orr Thomas Anderson Male Skidmore Barbara Mona Female West Aust
1940/7000004 Yilgarn Skidmore Barbara Mona Female Orr Thomas Anderson Male West Aust
1940/7000005 Yilgarn May Frederick William Male Parke Jean Ellen Female Southern Cross
1940/7000005 Yilgarn Parke Jean Ellen Female May Frederick William Male Southern Cross
1940/7000006 Yilgarn O'Connor Phyllis Katheleen Female Sturk Alfred John Male Southern Cross
1940/7000006 Yilgarn Sturk Alfred John Male O'Connor Phyllis Katheleen Female Southern Cross
1940/7000007 Yilgarn Hackett Margaret Louise Female Parker Leslie Arthur Male West Aust
1940/7000007 Yilgarn Parker Leslie Arthur Male Hackett Margaret Louise Female West Aust
1940/7000008 Yilgarn Buegge Christian Gustav Male Maddock Millicent Irene Female Southern Cross
1940/7000008 Yilgarn Maddock Millicent Irene Female Buegge Christian Gustav Male Southern Cross
1940/7000009 Yilgarn Gethin Matthew Henry Male Neville Alice Winifred Female Southern Cross
1940/7000009 Yilgarn Neville Alice Winifred Female Gethin Matthew Henry Male Southern Cross
1940/7000010 Yilgarn Clough Ada Deborah Female Davies James Phillip Harris Male Marvel Loch
1940/7000010 Yilgarn Clough Ada Deborah Female Davies Harry Male Marvel Loch
1940/7000010 Yilgarn Clough Ada Deborah Female Hubie James Phillip Harris Male Marvel Loch
1940/7000010 Yilgarn Clough Ada Deborah Female Hubie Harry Male Marvel Loch
1940/7000010 Yilgarn Davies James Phillip Harris Male Clough Ada Deborah Female Marvel Loch
1940/7000010 Yilgarn Davies Harry Male Clough Ada Deborah Female Marvel Loch
1940/7000010 Yilgarn Hubie James Phillip Harris Male Clough Ada Deborah Female Marvel Loch
1940/7000010 Yilgarn Hubie Harry Male Clough Ada Deborah Female Marvel Loch
1940/7000011 Yilgarn Nunn Alfreda Mary Female Warne Headley Evans Male West Australia
1940/7000011 Yilgarn Warne Headley Evans Male Nunn Alfreda Mary Female West Australia
1940/7000012 Yilgarn Argent Edna May Female Brown James Henry Alexander Male Southern Cross
1940/7000012 Yilgarn Brown James Henry Alexander Male Argent Edna May Female Southern Cross
1940/7000013 Yilgarn Gordon James Male Musty Phyllis Female West Aust
1940/7000013 Yilgarn Musty Phyllis Female Gordon James Male West Aust
1940/7000014 Yilgarn Grainger Maxwell Frank Male Jones Aileen Augusta Female Mt Palmer
1940/7000014 Yilgarn Jones Aileen Augusta Female Grainger Maxwell Frank Male Mt Palmer
1940/7000015 Yilgarn Boyes Hannah Eliza Female Clarke Herbert Nelson Male Southern Cross
1940/7000015 Yilgarn Clarke Herbert Nelson Male Boyes Hannah Eliza Female Southern Cross
1940/7000016 Yilgarn Thick Leslie George Male Warner Winifred Emily Female Southern Cross
1940/7000016 Yilgarn Warner Winifred Emily Female Thick Leslie George Male Southern Cross
1940/7000017 Yilgarn Coward William Male Mitchell Gwendoline Edith Female West Australia
1940/7000017 Yilgarn Mitchell Gwendoline Edith Female Coward William Male West Australia
1940/7000018 Yilgarn Humphries Alfred John Male Ruthven Leila Female West Aust
1940/7000018 Yilgarn Ruthven Leila Female Humphries Alfred John Male West Aust
1940/7000019 Yilgarn Boothey Irene Beryl Female Love Kenneth Martin Male South Karlgarin
1940/7000019 Yilgarn Love Kenneth Martin Male Boothey Irene Beryl Female South Karlgarin
1940/7000020 Yilgarn Stevens Theresa Florence Female Walton Donald Thomas Male Southern Cross
1940/7000020 Yilgarn Walton Donald Thomas Male Stevens Theresa Florence Female Southern Cross
1940/7000021 Yilgarn Jones Laura Ethel Lilian Female Macknay Arthur Male Southern Cross
1940/7000021 Yilgarn Macknay Arthur Male Jones Laura Ethel Lilian Female Southern Cross
1940/7000022 Yilgarn MacLachlan Colin Campbell Male Manning Margaret Louisa Female West Australia
1940/7000022 Yilgarn Manning Margaret Louisa Female MacLachlan Colin Campbell Male West Australia
1940/7000023 Yilgarn Burden Norman John Male Rainbird Edna Olive May Female Southern Cross
1940/7000023 Yilgarn Rainbird Edna Olive May Female Burden Norman John Male Southern Cross
1940/7000024 Yilgarn Fraser Dorothea Female Gardiner Henry Male Southern Cross
1940/7000024 Yilgarn Gardiner Henry Male Fraser Dorothea Female Southern Cross
1940/7000025 Yilgarn Jones Percival James Male Miller Betty Lillian Female Southern Cross
1940/7000025 Yilgarn Miller Betty Lillian Female Jones Percival James Male Southern Cross
1940/7000026 Yilgarn Shearer Lucy Evelyn Margaret Female Stanley Charles Trevicka Male Southern Cross
1940/7000026 Yilgarn Stanley Charles Trevicka Male Shearer Lucy Evelyn Margaret Female Southern Cross
1940/7000027 Yilgarn Hutch Kathleen Sarah Female Troy Daniel Frederick Male Southern Cross
1940/7000027 Yilgarn Troy Daniel Frederick Male Hutch Kathleen Sarah Female Southern Cross
1940/7000028 Yilgarn Coward Sydney Roy Male Donohue Leila May Female West Aust
1940/7000028 Yilgarn Donohue Leila May Female Coward Sydney Roy Male West Aust
1940/7000029 Yilgarn Madigan Norman James Male Sprunt Margaret Gwendoline Female Southern Cross
1940/7000029 Yilgarn Sprunt Margaret Gwendoline Female Madigan Norman James Male Southern Cross
1940/7000030 Yilgarn Embleton Molly Female English Francis Gregory Male Southern Cross
1940/7000030 Yilgarn English Francis Gregory Male Embleton Molly Female Southern Cross
1940/7100001 York Cosh Norman Stanley Male Waghorn Doris Evelyn Female York
1940/7100001 York Waghorn Doris Evelyn Female Cosh Norman Stanley Male York
1940/7100002 York Randell Herbert Samuel Male Stephens Barbara Kathleen Female York
1940/7100002 York Stephens Barbara Kathleen Female Randell Herbert Samuel Male York
1940/7100003 York Perry Alfred Edwin Charles Male Sims Iris Rose Female York
1940/7100003 York Sims Iris Rose Female Perry Alfred Edwin Charles Male York
1940/7100004 York Ayoub David Male Batty Ella Gertrude Female York
1940/7100004 York Batty Ella Gertrude Female Ayoub David Male York
1940/7100005 York Locke Mina Josephine Female Mitchell Charles Male York
1940/7100005 York Mitchell Charles Male Locke Mina Josephine Female York
1940/7100006 York Boyle Olive Victoria Female Cross Peter Joseph William Male York
1940/7100006 York Cross Peter Joseph William Male Boyle Olive Victoria Female York
1940/7100007 York Collins Ivy Muriel Female Gentle Mark William Male York
1940/7100007 York Gentle Mark William Male Collins Ivy Muriel Female York
1940/7100008 York Reynolds Joseph Ian Hamilton Male Sims Ethel Edna Female York
1940/7100008 York Sims Ethel Edna Female Reynolds Joseph Ian Hamilton Male York
1940/7100009 York Collins Reginald Harry Male Endersby Rebecca Amelia Female York
1940/7100009 York Endersby Rebecca Amelia Female Collins Reginald Harry Male York
1940/7100010 York Collins Marjorie Olive Female Peacock Mark Satchell Male York
1940/7100010 York Peacock Mark Satchell Male Collins Marjorie Olive Female York
1940/7100011 York Battle Thelma Mavis Female Morcombe Gerald John Male York
1940/7100011 York Morcombe Gerald John Male Battle Thelma Mavis Female York
1940/7100012 York Fleay Eileen Ann Female McKenzie Jack Allen Male York
1940/7100012 York McKenzie Jack Allen Male Fleay Eileen Ann Female York
1940/7100013 York Barnes Joyce Marian Female Robinson Thomas Frederick Male York
1940/7100013 York Robinson Thomas Frederick Male Barnes Joyce Marian Female York
1940/7100014 York Edwards Myra Florence Female Mayes Richard John Male York
1940/7100014 York Mayes Richard John Male Edwards Myra Florence Female York
1940/7100015 York Coen Clair Ellen Female Walker Stewart Kenneth George Male York
1940/7100015 York Walker Stewart Kenneth George Male Coen Clair Ellen Female York