A tool to help track the citations of the Western Australian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages from Wikidata and WikiTree.

Marriages in: 1938

Registration year & number Registration district Surname Given names Gender Spouse surname Spouse given names Spouse gender Marriage place Wikidata WikiTree
1939/100001 Perth Daines Phillis Lena Female Robertson Thomas Percival Male Bayswater
1939/100001 Perth Robertson Thomas Percival Male Daines Phillis Lena Female Bayswater
1938/100003 Perth Ball Vernon Arthur Male Brookes Mona Emily Female Leederville
1938/100003 Perth Brookes Mona Emily Female Ball Vernon Arthur Male Leederville
1939/100004 Perth Lewis Doreen Mary Female Smith Thomas Anthony Male West Perth
1939/100004 Perth Smith Thomas Anthony Male Lewis Doreen Mary Female West Perth
1938/100004 Perth Lowry Irene May Female Herbert Leonard Barker Male Maylands
1938/100004 Perth Herbert Leonard Barker Male Lowry Irene May Female Maylands
1939/100005 Perth Geekie Mary Braden Female Sorfleet Charles Male West Perth
1939/100005 Perth Sorfleet Charles Male Geekie Mary Braden Female West Perth
1939/100006 Perth Vitale Rosa Grazia Female Crisafulli Santo Joseph Male West Perth
1939/100006 Perth Crisafulli Santo Joseph Male Vitale Rosa Grazia Female West Perth
1939/100007 Perth Moffatt Harry Baldwin Male Fabry Elsie Glen Female Maylands
1939/100007 Perth Fabry Elsie Glen Female Moffatt Harry Baldwin Male Maylands
1938/100008 Perth Waterston Veronica Constance Female Gilbert Charles Male Perth
1939/100008 Perth Davy Richard Edward Male Graham Alda Mildred Female Claremont
1939/100008 Perth Graham Alda Mildred Female Davy Richard Edward Male Claremont
1938/100008 Perth Gilbert Charles Male Waterston Veronica Constance Female Perth
1939/100009 Perth Pitt Eunice Emma Female Thomson George Edward Male West Perth
1938/100009 Perth Burrows George Fancis Davies Male Bowen Maudie Ruby Pearl Female Leederville
1939/100009 Perth Thomson George Edward Male Pitt Eunice Emma Female West Perth
1938/100009 Perth Bowen Maudie Ruby Pearl Female Burrows George Fancis Davies Male Leederville
1939/100010 Perth Elphick Phyllis Rose Female Redfearne Charles Hughey Male Victoria Park
1939/100010 Perth Redfearne Charles Hughey Male Elphick Phyllis Rose Female Victoria Park
1938/100010 Perth Keiley John Male Bennett Ivy Female Leederville
1938/100010 Perth Bennett Ivy Female Keiley John Male Leederville
1939/100012 Perth Jennings Robert Michael Male Martin Francis Josephine Female Perth
1939/100012 Perth Martin Francis Josephine Female Jennings Robert Michael Male Perth
1939/100013 Perth Willis Joseph Digby Male Dillon Mary Female West Perth
1939/100013 Perth Dillon Mary Female Willis Joseph Digby Male West Perth
1939/100014 Perth Collins John Male Morrison Mary Isabella Female West Perth
1939/100014 Perth Morrison Mary Isabella Female Collins John Male West Perth
1939/100015 Perth Mailer Marie Jean Female Froome John Scotford Male West Perth
1939/100015 Perth Froome John Scotford Male Mailer Marie Jean Female West Perth
1939/100016 Perth Brown Hugh Walter Edward Male Mackenzie Sheila Margaret Stuart Female Ross Memorial Church
1939/100016 Perth Mackenzie Sheila Margaret Stuart Female Brown Hugh Walter Edward Male Ross Memorial Church
1939/100017 Perth Jones John Daniel Male Miller Isobel Cameron Female West Perth
1939/100017 Perth Miller Isobel Cameron Female Jones John Daniel Male West Perth
1938/100018 Perth Curtis Isabel Edna Female Langley Alexander Keith Male West Perth
1939/100018 Perth Cutten Herbert Walter Male McKay Jean Mavis Female West Perth
1939/100018 Perth McKay Jean Mavis Female Cutten Herbert Walter Male West Perth
1938/100018 Perth Langley Alexander Keith Male Curtis Isabel Edna Female West Perth
1938/100019 Perth Oreo Violet Maude Female Henville Stanley James Male Perth
1939/100019 Perth Sapiatzer William Leonard Male Drummond Elspeth Alison Female West Perth
1939/100019 Perth Drummond Elspeth Alison Female Sapiatzer William Leonard Male West Perth
1938/100019 Perth Henville Stanley James Male Oreo Violet Maude Female Perth
1939/100020 Perth Jones Robert Miller Male Stubbs Daphne Lorraine Female Claremont
1939/100020 Perth Stubbs Daphne Lorraine Female Jones Robert Miller Male Claremont
1939/100021 Perth Lee Margaret Ann Female Nunn Walley Marshall Male Claremont
1939/100021 Perth Nunn Walley Marshall Male Lee Margaret Ann Female Claremont
1939/100022 Perth Hope Gordon Kenneth Male Attrill Muriel Sheila Female Subiaco
1939/100022 Perth Attrill Muriel Sheila Female Hope Gordon Kenneth Male Subiaco
1939/100023 Perth Chinnery Roy Victor Male Burns Muriel Female Subiaco
1939/100023 Perth Burns Muriel Female Chinnery Roy Victor Male Subiaco
1939/100024 Perth Job Robert Cawthorne Male Avins Saide Ellen Lenora Female Subiaco
1939/100024 Perth Avins Saide Ellen Lenora Female Job Robert Cawthorne Male Subiaco
1939/100025 Perth Liddelow Alice Vera Female Dodd Arthur Handley Male Subiaco
1939/100025 Perth Dodd Arthur Handley Male Liddelow Alice Vera Female Subiaco
1938/100027 Perth Darrell Amy Frances Maude Female Hards Julius Rokeby Male Perth
1938/100027 Perth Hards Julius Rokeby Male Darrell Amy Frances Maude Female Perth
1939/100028 Perth Bartle Philip Male Vasnier Helene Madeleine Female Perth
1939/100028 Perth Vasnier Helene Madeleine Female Bartle Philip Male Perth
1939/100029 Perth Connor Patrick Ronald Male Oates Kathleen Annie Female Perth
1939/100029 Perth Oates Kathleen Annie Female Connor Patrick Ronald Male Perth
1939/100030 Perth Smith Edna Marjorie Female Crews Dudley Albert Male Perth
1939/100030 Perth Crews Dudley Albert Male Smith Edna Marjorie Female Perth
1939/100031 Perth Parkinson Edmund Lindsay Male Gamble Margaret Kathleen Female Perth
1938/100031 Perth Elvey Lewis Edgar Male Regan Mary Female Nedlands
1939/100031 Perth Gamble Margaret Kathleen Female Parkinson Edmund Lindsay Male Perth
1938/100031 Perth Regan Mary Female Elvey Lewis Edgar Male Nedlands
1939/100032 Perth Hayward Kenneth Peter Male Guy Dorothy Bernadette Female Perth
1939/100032 Perth Guy Dorothy Bernadette Female Hayward Kenneth Peter Male Perth
1938/100033 Perth Stanton Evelyn May Female Ruscoe Reginald Male West Perth
1939/100033 Perth Gellie-Munro Francis Male Leaver Joy Female Perth
1938/100033 Perth Ruscoe Reginald Male Stanton Evelyn May Female West Perth
1939/100033 Perth Leaver Joy Female Gellie-Munro Francis Male Perth
1939/100034 Perth Drakeford Frank Higgs Male Berry Thelma Eva Allen Female Perth
1939/100034 Perth Berry Thelma Eva Allen Female Drakeford Frank Higgs Male Perth
1939/100035 Perth Ward-Dickson Audrey Nona Female Lodge Robert William Male Perth
1939/100035 Perth Lodge Robert William Male Ward-Dickson Audrey Nona Female Perth
1939/100036 Perth Loverock Ethel Hazel Female Hawkes John Daniel Male Perth
1938/100036 Perth Jardine Beryl Female Phoenix Cyril Raymond Male Perth
1938/100036 Perth Phoenix Cyril Raymond Male Jardine Beryl Female Perth
1939/100036 Perth Hawkes John Daniel Male Loverock Ethel Hazel Female Perth
1938/100037 Perth Browning Edna Jean Female Carter Sydney Male Perth
1938/100037 Perth Carter Sydney Male Browning Edna Jean Female Perth
1939/100039 Perth Black John Kenneth Male Cook Helen Fraser Female Nedlands
1938/100039 Perth Guthrie Robert Edmund Male Flegg Irene Victoria Female Claremont
1939/100039 Perth Cook Helen Fraser Female Black John Kenneth Male Nedlands
1938/100039 Perth Flegg Irene Victoria Female Guthrie Robert Edmund Male Claremont
1939/100040 Perth Allan Bruce Andrew Male Hockley Frances Elizabeth Female Subiaco
1939/100040 Perth Hockley Frances Elizabeth Female Allan Bruce Andrew Male Subiaco
1939/100041 Perth Lecreare Walter Henry Male Burchell Ethel Anne Female East Claremont
1939/100041 Perth Burchell Ethel Anne Female Lecreare Walter Henry Male East Claremont
1939/100042 Perth Moate Roma Alice Female Mannock Hugh Michael Male Subiaco
1939/100042 Perth Mannock Hugh Michael Male Moate Roma Alice Female Subiaco
1939/100043 Perth Moore Veronica May Female Harman Patrick Male Subiaco
1939/100043 Perth Harman Patrick Male Moore Veronica May Female Subiaco
1938/100044 Perth Sloane Arthur Henry Male Davies Margaret May Female East Victoria Park
1939/100044 Perth White Doreen Mary Female Clark William Ernest Male Subiaco
1939/100044 Perth Clark William Ernest Male White Doreen Mary Female Subiaco
1938/100044 Perth Davies Margaret May Female Sloane Arthur Henry Male East Victoria Park
1938/100045 Perth Depiazz Gino Male Coulson Marguerite Colquhoun Female Perth
1938/100045 Perth Coulson Marguerite Colquhoun Female Depiazz Gino Male Perth
1939/100046 Perth Holland Doris Maud Female Swepstone Lewis Ellis Male Maylands
1939/100046 Perth Swepstone Lewis Ellis Male Holland Doris Maud Female Maylands
1938/100047 Perth Thomas Thelma Edna May Female Fewster Joseph Maurice Male Perth
1939/100047 Perth Markland Nance Ruth Female Bromilow Herbert Francis Murray Male Nedlands
1938/100047 Perth Fewster Joseph Maurice Male Thomas Thelma Edna May Female Perth
1939/100047 Perth Bromilow Herbert Francis Murray Male Markland Nance Ruth Female Nedlands
1938/100048 Perth Hardwick William Burdon Male Gallop Ethel Mary Female Claremont
1938/100048 Perth Gallop Ethel Mary Female Hardwick William Burdon Male Claremont
1939/100049 Perth Watson Archibald James Male Perry Ivy Edith Female West Perth
1939/100049 Perth Perry Ivy Edith Female Watson Archibald James Male West Perth
1939/100050 Perth Zimmer Edward Daniel Male Niven Margaret Marion Female Mt Lawley
1939/100050 Perth Niven Margaret Marion Female Zimmer Edward Daniel Male Mt Lawley
1939/100051 Perth Harford Joyce Gladys Female Winch Clifford Henry Male Mt Lawley
1939/100051 Perth Winch Clifford Henry Male Harford Joyce Gladys Female Mt Lawley
1939/100052 Perth Huggett Iris Jean Female Harford John William Male Mt Lawley
1938/100052 Perth Wolinski Jacob Male Sazanov Sarah Female Perth
1939/100052 Perth Harford John William Male Huggett Iris Jean Female Mt Lawley
1938/100052 Perth Sazanov Sarah Female Wolinski Jacob Male Perth
1938/100053 Perth Jefferies Daphne Mavis Female Gurney Douglas Bruce Male Perth
1939/100053 Perth Williams Jean Female Blick Reginald Henry Male Subiaco
1939/100053 Perth Blick Reginald Henry Male Williams Jean Female Subiaco
1938/100053 Perth Gurney Douglas Bruce Male Jefferies Daphne Mavis Female Perth
1938/100054 Perth Izett Eric Charles Male McGuire Sarah Jean Female Mt Lawley
1938/100054 Perth McGuire Sarah Jean Female Izett Eric Charles Male Mt Lawley
1938/100055 Perth Richards Roseana Female Hodgkinson Jack Alexander Male Perth
1938/100055 Perth Hodgkinson Jack Alexander Male Richards Roseana Female Perth
1939/100056 Perth MacKay Laura Olive Emily Female Dunne Horace Stephen Male Perth
1939/100056 Perth Dunne Horace Stephen Male MacKay Laura Olive Emily Female Perth
1938/100057 Perth Walmsley Cuthbert Archibald Male Williams Bertha Ellen Victoria Female Perth
1938/100057 Perth Williams Bertha Ellen Victoria Female Walmsley Cuthbert Archibald Male Perth
1939/100057 Perth Corry Mary Eileen Female Jennings John Joseph Male Victoria Park
1939/100057 Perth Jennings John Joseph Male Corry Mary Eileen Female Victoria Park
1938/100058 Perth Marshall Henry John Male Williams Ethel May Female Perth
1938/100058 Perth Williams Ethel May Female Marshall Henry John Male Perth
1938/100059 Perth Risbridger Beatrice Nellie Female Mulligan James Stanley Male Perth
1938/100059 Perth Mulligan James Stanley Male Risbridger Beatrice Nellie Female Perth
1939/100059 Perth Lundy Hector Cyril Male Hardisty Rebecca Elsie Female Victoria Park
1939/100059 Perth Hardisty Rebecca Elsie Female Lundy Hector Cyril Male Victoria Park
1939/100060 Perth Letchford Gladys Annie Female Guelfi Frederick Giovanni Male Osborne Park
1938/100060 Perth Cornish Corrie Hay-MacKenzie Female Barker Keith Austin Male Claremont
1939/100060 Perth Guelfi Frederick Giovanni Male Letchford Gladys Annie Female Osborne Park
1938/100060 Perth Barker Keith Austin Male Cornish Corrie Hay-MacKenzie Female Claremont
1938/100061 Perth Lymbery May Elizabeth Female Belovedt Arthur Male Perth
1938/100061 Perth Belovedt Arthur Male Lymbery May Elizabeth Female Perth
1938/100063 Perth Castle Guildford Ernest Male Somerville Grace Yule Female Nedlands
1938/100063 Perth Somerville Grace Yule Female Castle Guildford Ernest Male Nedlands
1939/100065 Perth Albones Arthur Frederick Male Williams Dorothy Isabel Female Maylands
1938/100065 Perth Cutler Alexander Bertram Male O'Neill Mary Female Perth
1938/100065 Perth O'Neill Mary Female Cutler Alexander Bertram Male Perth
1939/100065 Perth Williams Dorothy Isabel Female Albones Arthur Frederick Male Maylands
1938/100067 Perth Peirl Harold Francis Male Harvey Amy Ruth Female Perth
1938/100067 Perth Harvey Amy Ruth Female Peirl Harold Francis Male Perth
1939/100069 Perth Wilson Sam Male Hertz Lena Female Perth
1939/100069 Perth Hertz Lena Female Wilson Sam Male Perth
1939/100070 Perth Saker Harry Male Feldman Anne Female Perth
1939/100070 Perth Feldman Anne Female Saker Harry Male Perth
1938/100071 Perth Matthews Margery Lawn Female Markham Percival Wynyard Male Perth
1938/100071 Perth Markham Percival Wynyard Male Matthews Margery Lawn Female Perth
1938/100072 Perth Crawford William Hunter Dexter Male Halliday Viola Winifred Female Perth
1938/100072 Perth Halliday Viola Winifred Female Crawford William Hunter Dexter Male Perth
1938/100073 Perth McCoy Joseph Male Craig Margaret Olive Female Perth
1938/100073 Perth Craig Margaret Olive Female McCoy Joseph Male Perth
1938/100074 Perth Robertson George Male Walton Irene Ivy Female Perth
1938/100074 Perth Walton Irene Ivy Female Robertson George Male Perth
1939/100075 Perth Griffiths Myrtle Grace Female Webb Leonard Alfred Male Mt Lawley
1938/100075 Perth Nelson Myiora Female Glenn William Edgar Male Perth
1938/100075 Perth Glenn William Edgar Male Nelson Myiora Female Perth
1939/100075 Perth Webb Leonard Alfred Male Griffiths Myrtle Grace Female Mt Lawley
1939/100076 Perth Rogers Nancy Gwendoline Female Stevenson Robert James Male West Perth
1939/100076 Perth Stevenson Robert James Male Rogers Nancy Gwendoline Female West Perth
1938/100077 Perth Sofield Ernest George Male Dods Mabel Doris Female North Perth
1938/100077 Perth Dods Mabel Doris Female Sofield Ernest George Male North Perth
1938/100078 Perth Bremner John Andrew Male Hunt Gwendoline Florence Female Claremont
1938/100078 Perth Hunt Gwendoline Florence Female Bremner John Andrew Male Claremont
1939/100079 Perth Carr John Murray Male Hough Emily Maud Female Perth
1938/100079 Perth Simpson Alfred Male Hoft Muriel Ingram Carmen Female Perth
1939/100079 Perth Hough Emily Maud Female Carr John Murray Male Perth
1938/100079 Perth Hoft Muriel Ingram Carmen Female Simpson Alfred Male Perth
1938/100080 Perth Ruland Laurance Gay Wykes Male Whittock Joyce Female Bayswater
1939/100080 Perth Johns Edith Annette Female Booth Ronald Rodney Male Perth
1938/100080 Perth Pollock Laurance Gay Wykes Male Whittock Joyce Female Bayswater
1938/100080 Perth Whittock Joyce Female Pollock Laurance Gay Wykes Male Bayswater
1938/100080 Perth Whittock Joyce Female Ruland Laurance Gay Wykes Male Bayswater
1939/100080 Perth Booth Ronald Rodney Male Johns Edith Annette Female Perth
1938/100081 Perth Summers John Stephen Male Cerini Ella Florence Female Perth
1939/100081 Perth Feakes George Male Crews Florence Louise Female Perth
1938/100081 Perth Cerini Ella Florence Female Summers John Stephen Male Perth
1939/100081 Perth Crews Florence Louise Female Feakes George Male Perth
1938/100082 Perth Thompson Leonard Drury Male Bolitho Doris Philomena Female Subiaco
1938/100082 Perth Bolitho Doris Philomena Female Thompson Leonard Drury Male Subiaco
1939/100082 Perth Ranford Albert Bristow Male Ash Olive Millicent Female Perth
1939/100082 Perth Ash Olive Millicent Female Ranford Albert Bristow Male Perth
1938/100083 Perth Robertson George Alexander Male Hawkins Gwyneth Alice Florence Female Subiaco
1939/100083 Perth Bayley Ellen Annie Female Davies Herbert Anthony Male Perth
1938/100083 Perth Hawkins Gwyneth Alice Florence Female Robertson George Alexander Male Subiaco
1939/100083 Perth Davies Herbert Anthony Male Bayley Ellen Annie Female Perth
1939/100084 Perth Carmichael Jessie Female Hopkins Frank Charles Male Perth
1939/100084 Perth Hopkins Frank Charles Male Carmichael Jessie Female Perth
1938/100084 Perth Miller Bernard James Robert Male Prosser Rosina Joyce Female Subiaco
1938/100084 Perth Prosser Rosina Joyce Female Miller Bernard James Robert Male Subiaco
1939/100089 Perth Gibbs Beryl Nerissa Female McLeod John Male Osborne Park
1939/100089 Perth McLeod John Male Gibbs Beryl Nerissa Female Osborne Park
1939/100090 Perth McKeever Ethel Madeline Mayes Female Scott Thomas Male Mt Hawthorn
1939/100090 Perth Scott Thomas Male McKeever Ethel Madeline Mayes Female Mt Hawthorn
1939/100091 Perth Westover Frederick Male Belicke Hilda Adelaide Female Mt Hawthorn
1939/100091 Perth Belicke Hilda Adelaide Female Westover Frederick Male Mt Hawthorn
1939/100092 Perth Halligan Hugh William Male Booth Edna Eileen Female Claremont
1939/100092 Perth Booth Edna Eileen Female Halligan Hugh William Male Claremont
1939/100093 Perth Bone Jeanne Margaret Female Arthur Stanley Spencer Male North Perth
1939/100093 Perth Arthur Stanley Spencer Male Bone Jeanne Margaret Female North Perth
1938/100096 Perth Easton Walter Male Haskett Winifred Helena Female Perth
1938/100096 Perth Haskett Winifred Helena Female Easton Walter Male Perth
1938/100097 Perth Long Augustine Female Gregory Charles Male Perth
1938/100097 Perth Gregory Charles Male Long Augustine Female Perth
1938/100098 Perth Maskiell Ernest Arthur Male McLaren Kathleen Thelma Female Perth
1938/100098 Perth McLaren Kathleen Thelma Female Maskiell Ernest Arthur Male Perth
1938/100099 Perth Harris Laura May Female Rowlands George Thomas Male Belmont
1938/100099 Perth Rowlands George Thomas Male Harris Laura May Female Belmont
1938/100100 Perth Meldrum Lorna Female Wakefield Robert James Male Victoria Park
1938/100100 Perth Wakefield Robert James Male Meldrum Lorna Female Victoria Park
1938/100101 Perth Hanscomb George William Male Thompson Sarah Jane Female Cottesloe
1938/100101 Perth Thompson Sarah Jane Female Hanscomb George William Male Cottesloe
1938/100102 Perth McDonagh Norah Patricia Female O'Loughlin Francis Joseph Male Perth
1938/100102 Perth O'Loughlin Francis Joseph Male McDonagh Norah Patricia Female Perth
1938/100103 Perth Mends-Stone Stuart Male Sullivan Margaret Mary Female Perth
1938/100103 Perth Sullivan Margaret Mary Female Mends-Stone Stuart Male Perth
1938/100104 Perth Della Bosca Cesarina Maria Female Della Vedova William Laurence Male Perth
1938/100104 Perth Della Vedova William Laurence Male Della Bosca Cesarina Maria Female Perth
1938/100105 Perth Minson Dorothy Jean Female Andrews Charles Geoffrey Male Perth
1939/100105 Perth Symmans Alfred Horace Male Hookway Rita Female Mosman Park
1938/100105 Perth Andrews Charles Geoffrey Male Minson Dorothy Jean Female Perth
1939/100105 Perth Hookway Rita Female Symmans Alfred Horace Male Mosman Park
1938/100106 Perth Povah Florrence Violet Female Essex Charles William Male Perth
1938/100106 Perth Essex Charles William Male Povah Florrence Violet Female Perth
1938/100107 Perth Gordon Henry James Male Bates Eileen Frances Female Perth
1938/100107 Perth Bates Eileen Frances Female Gordon Henry James Male Perth
1938/100108 Perth Flaherty Leo James Male Speering Edna Maud Female Subiaco
1938/100108 Perth Speering Edna Maud Female Flaherty Leo James Male Subiaco
1938/100109 Perth Knight Allan Lewis Male Munns Hilda Grace Female Claremont
1938/100109 Perth Munns Hilda Grace Female Knight Allan Lewis Male Claremont
1938/100110 Perth Savage Patricia Female Rose Kimberley Clarke Male Claremont
1938/100110 Perth Rose Kimberley Clarke Male Savage Patricia Female Claremont
1938/100111 Perth Tucker Bernard Clifton Male Jones Alice Beatrice Female Claremont
1938/100111 Perth Jones Alice Beatrice Female Tucker Bernard Clifton Male Claremont
1938/100112 Perth Endersbee Beryl Davidson Female Harrison William Charles Victor Male Claremont
1938/100112 Perth Harrison William Charles Victor Male Endersbee Beryl Davidson Female Claremont
1938/100113 Perth Smith Ellen Female McGeough William George Patrick Male Victoria Park
1938/100113 Perth McGeough William George Patrick Male Smith Ellen Female Victoria Park
1939/100115 Perth Moore Joyce Gwendoline Female Halliday Walter Alexander Male Victoria Park
1939/100115 Perth Halliday Walter Alexander Male Moore Joyce Gwendoline Female Victoria Park
1938/100116 Perth Bray Violet Beatrice Female Congdon Henry James Male North Perth
1938/100116 Perth Congdon Henry James Male Bray Violet Beatrice Female North Perth
1938/100117 Perth Woodward Aster Jean Female Taylor Lloyd Duncan Male Cottesloe
1938/100117 Perth Taylor Lloyd Duncan Male Woodward Aster Jean Female Cottesloe
1938/100118 Perth Sach Rebecca Kate Female Thompson Archibald Male Perth
1938/100118 Perth Thompson Archibald Male Sach Rebecca Kate Female Perth
1938/100119 Perth Holmes Vera Female Walker James Henry Male Perth
1938/100119 Perth Walker James Henry Male Holmes Vera Female Perth
1938/100120 Perth Tindale Edna May Female Attwell Ernest William Male Victoria Park
1938/100120 Perth Attwell Ernest William Male Tindale Edna May Female Victoria Park
1938/100121 Perth Reid Mary Female Rose Neil Henry Male West Perth
1938/100121 Perth Rose Neil Henry Male Reid Mary Female West Perth
1938/100122 Perth Bradshaw Margaret Mary Female Simmonds George Lewis Male West Perth
1938/100122 Perth Simmonds George Lewis Male Bradshaw Margaret Mary Female West Perth
1938/100123 Perth Paterson Robert Belshaw Male Game Kathleen Mavis Female West Perth
1938/100123 Perth Game Kathleen Mavis Female Paterson Robert Belshaw Male West Perth
1938/100124 Perth Ranieri Maria Gina Female Guidici William Male West Perth
1938/100124 Perth Guidici William Male Ranieri Maria Gina Female West Perth
1938/100125 Perth Betti Pietro Male Imberti Angelina Female West Perth
1938/100125 Perth Imberti Angelina Female Betti Pietro Male West Perth
1938/100126 Perth Winrow Thomas Male Johnson Hilda Agnes Female West Perth
1938/100126 Perth Johnson Hilda Agnes Female Winrow Thomas Male West Perth
1938/100127 Perth Dorsa Ferdinando Male Rispoli Rosa Female West Perth
1938/100127 Perth Rispoli Rosa Female Dorsa Ferdinando Male West Perth
1938/100128 Perth McConnell Annie May Female Hudson Charles William John Male West Perth
1938/100128 Perth Hudson Charles William John Male McConnell Annie May Female West Perth
1938/100130 Perth O'Brien Joseph Davenport Male McNicol Elsie May Female Highgate Hill
1938/100130 Perth McNicol Elsie May Female O'Brien Joseph Davenport Male Highgate Hill
1938/100131 Perth McGann Emmett Patrick Michael Male Foley Frances Maud Therese Female Highgate Hill
1938/100131 Perth Foley Frances Maud Therese Female McGann Emmett Patrick Michael Male Highgate Hill
1938/100132 Perth Bryant Richard John Male D'Arcy Doreen Ellen Female Perth
1938/100132 Perth D'Arcy Doreen Ellen Female Bryant Richard John Male Perth
1938/100133 Perth Martin Lily Florence Female Berry William Henry Male Victoria Park
1938/100133 Perth Berry William Henry Male Martin Lily Florence Female Victoria Park
1938/100134 Perth Dodd Violet Clarice Female Blanckensee William Brisbane Eugene Male Perth
1938/100134 Perth Blanckensee William Brisbane Eugene Male Dodd Violet Clarice Female Perth
1938/100137 Perth Blechynden Ellen Daisy Female Millson Harry Male Perth
1938/100137 Perth Millson Harry Male Blechynden Ellen Daisy Female Perth
1938/100138 Perth Hopkins Leah Agnes Female Strecker William Charles Male North Perth
1938/100138 Perth Strecker William Charles Male Hopkins Leah Agnes Female North Perth
1938/100139 Perth Moir Esther Mary Female Ryan James Alfred Male Perth
1938/100139 Perth Ryan James Alfred Male Moir Esther Mary Female Perth
1938/100140 Perth Cozins Charles Frederick Male Gross Adolene Daphne Female North Perth
1938/100140 Perth Gross Adolene Daphne Female Cozins Charles Frederick Male North Perth
1938/100141 Perth Smith Marion Elizabeth Female Lewis Harold Male North Perth
1938/100141 Perth Lewis Harold Male Smith Marion Elizabeth Female North Perth
1938/100142 Perth Finkelstein Ernest Isaac Male Snader Sadie Female Perth
1938/100142 Perth Snader Sadie Female Finkelstein Ernest Isaac Male Perth
1938/100143 Perth Penaluna Alexander Alfred Male Wenban Beryl Ruth Female Subiaco
1938/100143 Perth Wenban Beryl Ruth Female Penaluna Alexander Alfred Male Subiaco
1938/100144 Perth Farquharson William George Smeaton Craigie Male Willis Eileen May Female Subiaco
1938/100144 Perth Willis Eileen May Female Farquharson William George Smeaton Craigie Male Subiaco
1938/100145 Perth Hartley William Richard Male White Myrtle Female Mt Lawley
1938/100145 Perth White Myrtle Female Hartley William Richard Male Mt Lawley
1938/100146 Perth Whitworth Clara Annie Female Howie Kenneth Richmond Male Perth
1938/100146 Perth Howie Kenneth Richmond Male Whitworth Clara Annie Female Perth
1938/100147 Perth Hassack Albert Male Simons Bertha Jean Prior Female Perth
1938/100147 Perth Simons Bertha Jean Prior Female Hassack Albert Male Perth
1938/100148 Perth Shields Charlotte Female Galbraith William Galliers Male Perth
1938/100148 Perth Galbraith William Galliers Male Shields Charlotte Female Perth
1938/100149 Perth Robertson Hilda Isabel Jean Female Schilling Walter Leslie Male South Perth
1938/100149 Perth Schilling Walter Leslie Male Robertson Hilda Isabel Jean Female South Perth
1938/100150 Perth Stewart James Frederick Male McLaughlin Ellen Margaret Elizabeth Female Perth
1938/100150 Perth McLaughlin Ellen Margaret Elizabeth Female Stewart James Frederick Male Perth
1938/100151 Perth Franklin Arthur James Male Martin Fanny Female Perth
1938/100151 Perth Martin Fanny Female Franklin Arthur James Male Perth
1938/100152 Perth Mills Helen Gertrude Female Walker Sydney Edward Male Perth
1938/100152 Perth Walker Sydney Edward Male Mills Helen Gertrude Female Perth
1938/100153 Perth Hudson Lionel Ernest Male Hoffmann Miriam Joy Female Perth
1938/100153 Perth Hoffmann Miriam Joy Female Hudson Lionel Ernest Male Perth
1938/100154 Perth Passey Leonard James Male Hume Helen Urquhart Female Perth
1938/100154 Perth Hume Helen Urquhart Female Passey Leonard James Male Perth
1938/100155 Perth Macpherson Jenny Hendry MacAndrew Female Style Percy Male Perth
1938/100155 Perth Style Percy Male Macpherson Jenny Hendry MacAndrew Female Perth
1938/100156 Perth Calderwood Egerton Charles Male Kearns Lucy Cecilia Female West Perth
1938/100156 Perth Kearns Lucy Cecilia Female Calderwood Egerton Charles Male West Perth
1938/100157 Perth Saunders Kimball Vaughan Female McCulloch David William Male Perth
1938/100157 Perth McCulloch David William Male Saunders Kimball Vaughan Female Perth
1938/100158 Perth Bourne Henry Frank Male Evans Dora Female West Perth
1938/100158 Perth Evans Dora Female Bourne Henry Frank Male West Perth
1938/100159 Perth Hatch Francis Herbert Male Edwards Joan Iris Female Cottesloe
1938/100159 Perth Edwards Joan Iris Female Hatch Francis Herbert Male Cottesloe
1938/100160 Perth Yeldon Maisie Bertha Female Yendall Albert Edgar Male North Perth
1938/100160 Perth Yendall Albert Edgar Male Yeldon Maisie Bertha Female North Perth
1938/100161 Perth McCall Ada Female Nairn Robert Male Perth
1938/100161 Perth Nairn Robert Male McCall Ada Female Perth
1938/100162 Perth Eaton John William Male Fitch Hilda May Female Perth
1938/100162 Perth Fitch Hilda May Female Eaton John William Male Perth
1938/100163 Perth Threlfall Florence Maude Female Mullins Herbert John Male Perth
1938/100163 Perth Mullins Herbert John Male Threlfall Florence Maude Female Perth
1938/100164 Perth Buck William Edward Alexis Male Laurance Helen May Female Perth
1938/100164 Perth Laurance Helen May Female Buck William Edward Alexis Male Perth
1938/100165 Perth Tollemache John Adrian Male McKenzie Una Florence Female Perth
1938/100165 Perth McKenzie Una Florence Female Tollemache John Adrian Male Perth
1938/100166 Perth Maisey Gwendoline May Female Metcalf Walter David Male Perth
1938/100166 Perth Metcalf Walter David Male Maisey Gwendoline May Female Perth
1938/100167 Perth Johns Mavis Ada Female Power Harry Male Osborne Park
1938/100167 Perth Power Harry Male Johns Mavis Ada Female Osborne Park
1938/100168 Perth Bruse Melba More Female Kennedy Alexander Lorimer Male Perth
1938/100168 Perth Kennedy Alexander Lorimer Male Bruse Melba More Female Perth
1938/100169 Perth McGaffin Lorna Jean Female Hyman Alexander James Male Mt Lawley
1938/100169 Perth Hyman Alexander James Male McGaffin Lorna Jean Female Mt Lawley
1938/100170 Perth Hayward Mavis Christina Female Morgan Russell Glen Male Mt Lawley
1938/100170 Perth Morgan Russell Glen Male Hayward Mavis Christina Female Mt Lawley
1938/100171 Perth Tregoweth Keith Cater Male Hogan Florence May Female Mt Lawley
1938/100171 Perth Hogan Florence May Female Tregoweth Keith Cater Male Mt Lawley
1938/100172 Perth Pascoe Phyllis Mary Female Lyons Robert Leslie Male Perth
1938/100172 Perth Lyons Robert Leslie Male Pascoe Phyllis Mary Female Perth
1938/100175 Perth Boyes Ronald Thomas Male Henderson Olive Marguerite Female Subiaco
1938/100175 Perth Henderson Olive Marguerite Female Boyes Ronald Thomas Male Subiaco
1938/100176 Perth Fitzgerald Edward Richard Male Greaves Mavis Eileen Female Perth
1938/100176 Perth Greaves Mavis Eileen Female Fitzgerald Edward Richard Male Perth
1938/100177 Perth Denslow Edith Emily Female Gerrard William James Male Perth
1938/100177 Perth Gerrard William James Male Denslow Edith Emily Female Perth
1938/100178 Perth Burgess James Donald Male Hames Lesley Winifred Female Perth
1938/100178 Perth Hames Lesley Winifred Female Burgess James Donald Male Perth
1938/100179 Perth Winsor Norma Hilda Female Stonehouse John William Turnbull Male Perth
1938/100179 Perth Stonehouse John William Turnbull Male Winsor Norma Hilda Female Perth
1938/100180 Perth Hall Arthur John Male Sartori Elma Alvena Female Perth
1938/100180 Perth Sartori Elma Alvena Female Hall Arthur John Male Perth
1938/100181 Perth Rome Amy May Female Smith John Linton Vernon Male Perth
1938/100181 Perth Smith John Linton Vernon Male Rome Amy May Female Perth
1938/100182 Perth Wilson Olive Isabel Female Main George Alan Male Perth
1938/100182 Perth Main George Alan Male Wilson Olive Isabel Female Perth
1938/100183 Perth McCann Harold James Male Pattenden Lily Frances Mabel Female Perth
1938/100183 Perth Pattenden Lily Frances Mabel Female McCann Harold James Male Perth
1938/100184 Perth Nolan Nellie Female Haigh John Edward Male Perth
1938/100184 Perth Haigh John Edward Male Nolan Nellie Female Perth
1938/100185 Perth Rogers Donald William Male Gale Thelma Irene Female Claremont
1938/100185 Perth Gale Thelma Irene Female Rogers Donald William Male Claremont
1938/100186 Perth Stewart John Alexander Male Godwin Violet Myrtle Mary Female Cottesloe
1938/100186 Perth Godwin Violet Myrtle Mary Female Stewart John Alexander Male Cottesloe
1938/100187 Perth Kiesey Frieda Edna Female Illidge George Verner Male Claremont
1938/100187 Perth Illidge George Verner Male Kiesey Frieda Edna Female Claremont
1938/100188 Perth Wood Jean Waddell Female McNicol Archibald Ian Male Perth
1938/100188 Perth McNicol Archibald Ian Male Wood Jean Waddell Female Perth
1938/100189 Perth Wicksey Thomas Male McPhie Vera Edith Female Perth
1938/100189 Perth McPhie Vera Edith Female Wicksey Thomas Male Perth
1938/100190 Perth Forslun Amelia Alice Female Magowan Leslie Male Perth
1938/100190 Perth Magowan Leslie Male Forslun Amelia Alice Female Perth
1938/100191 Perth Newman Walter Ernest Male Jones Olive Female Shenton Park
1938/100191 Perth Jones Olive Female Newman Walter Ernest Male Shenton Park
1938/100192 Perth Grant Kathleen Jean Female Goddard Jack Male Shenton Park
1938/100192 Perth Goddard Jack Male Grant Kathleen Jean Female Shenton Park
1938/100193 Perth Davis James Alfred Male Sherwood Mary Elizabeth Female Claremont
1938/100193 Perth Sherwood Mary Elizabeth Female Davis James Alfred Male Claremont
1938/100194 Perth Newman Ethel Mary Female Auger Harry Male Claremont
1938/100194 Perth Auger Harry Male Newman Ethel Mary Female Claremont
1938/100195 Perth Anderson Lilian Female Apps William George Male Claremont
1938/100195 Perth Apps William George Male Anderson Lilian Female Claremont
1938/100196 Perth McNamara Alma May Female Simmonds John Male West Perth
1938/100196 Perth Simmonds John Male McNamara Alma May Female West Perth
1938/100197 Perth Appleby Bruce George Valentine Male Harley Olive May Female West Perth
1938/100197 Perth Harley Olive May Female Appleby Bruce George Valentine Male West Perth
1938/100198 Perth Savage Dorothy May Female Lavery William John Male West Perth
1938/100198 Perth Lavery William John Male Savage Dorothy May Female West Perth
1938/100199 Perth Hocking Herbert Ryder Male Foreman Mabel Female West Perth
1938/100199 Perth Foreman Mabel Female Hocking Herbert Ryder Male West Perth
1938/100200 Perth Woodroffe Pauline Elizabeth Female Ruse Robert Frank Haydn Male West Perth
1938/100200 Perth Ruse Robert Frank Haydn Male Woodroffe Pauline Elizabeth Female West Perth
1938/100201 Perth Hodgson Edith Esme Female Fimister Norman Robert Male West Perth
1938/100201 Perth Fimister Norman Robert Male Hodgson Edith Esme Female West Perth
1938/100202 Perth Kerr George Merton Male Stanes Shirley Kyffin Female West Perth
1938/100202 Perth Stanes Shirley Kyffin Female Kerr George Merton Male West Perth
1938/100203 Perth Robinson Mary Female Bowers Robert Male Perth
1938/100203 Perth Bowers Robert Male Robinson Mary Female Perth
1938/100204 Perth Walkerden Jean Ivy Female Parsons William Keith Male Perth
1938/100204 Perth Parsons William Keith Male Walkerden Jean Ivy Female Perth
1938/100205 Perth McNeilly Blair Hugh Male Stacey Ada Dorothy Female South Perth
1938/100205 Perth Stacey Ada Dorothy Female McNeilly Blair Hugh Male South Perth
1938/100206 Perth Sudell John William Male Smith Elizabeth Glover Female Perth
1938/100206 Perth Smith Elizabeth Glover Female Sudell John William Male Perth
1938/100207 Perth Burghall Sylvia Margaret Female Grigo William Herbert Male Perth
1938/100207 Perth Grigo William Herbert Male Burghall Sylvia Margaret Female Perth
1938/100208 Perth Ruthven Keith Malcolm Male Lane Alice Margaret Mary Female Perth
1938/100208 Perth Lane Alice Margaret Mary Female Ruthven Keith Malcolm Male Perth
1938/100209 Perth Twine Vernon Hubert Male Pitman Margaret Angela Female Perth
1938/100209 Perth Pitman Margaret Angela Female Twine Vernon Hubert Male Perth
1938/100211 Perth Puddey Essie Margaret Female Lowe Douglas David Male South Perth
1938/100211 Perth Lowe Douglas David Male Puddey Essie Margaret Female South Perth
1938/100212 Perth Gellie William Henry Male Harvey Meryl Audley Charlotte Female Perth
1938/100212 Perth Harvey Meryl Audley Charlotte Female Gellie William Henry Male Perth
1938/100213 Perth Hofmann Joan Maud Female Bartlett Reginald Pickburn Male Claremont
1938/100213 Perth Bartlett Reginald Pickburn Male Hofmann Joan Maud Female Claremont
1938/100214 Perth Bredal Dorris May Female Cail George Male Maylands
1938/100214 Perth Cail George Male Bredal Dorris May Female Maylands
1938/100215 Perth Moy John Male Jeffree Olga Doreen Female Perth
1938/100215 Perth Jeffree Olga Doreen Female Moy John Male Perth
1938/100216 Perth Galvin Leonard Martin Male Wise Patricia Miriam Female Perth
1938/100216 Perth Wise Patricia Miriam Female Galvin Leonard Martin Male Perth
1938/100217 Perth McEntyre Joyce Female Clarke Ewen John Male Perth
1938/100217 Perth Clarke Ewen John Male McEntyre Joyce Female Perth
1938/100218 Perth Price Thyra Emma Female Somers Eric Sigurd Male Perth
1938/100218 Perth Somers Eric Sigurd Male Price Thyra Emma Female Perth
1938/100219 Perth Jennings Walter James Male Bowen Doris Elizabeth Female Perth
1938/100219 Perth Bowen Doris Elizabeth Female Jennings Walter James Male Perth
1938/100220 Perth Lazenby John William Male Fair Eleanor Elizabeth Female Perth
1938/100220 Perth Fair Eleanor Elizabeth Female Lazenby John William Male Perth
1938/100221 Perth Watts Daphne Ruth Female Tamblyn Norman Edwin Tonkin Male Perth
1938/100221 Perth Tamblyn Norman Edwin Tonkin Male Watts Daphne Ruth Female Perth
1938/100222 Perth Reeves Frederick James Male Doherty Ivy Kathleen Female Perth
1938/100222 Perth Doherty Ivy Kathleen Female Reeves Frederick James Male Perth
1938/100223 Perth Bruce Mavis Edna Female Tindale Robert Edward Gilbertson Male West Perth
1938/100223 Perth Tindale Robert Edward Gilbertson Male Bruce Mavis Edna Female West Perth
1938/100224 Perth Stacey William Henry Male Wheeler Dolly Female Perth
1938/100224 Perth Wheeler Dolly Female Stacey William Henry Male Perth
1938/100225 Perth Baker Katherine Sarah Elizabeth Female Mackley Edward Henry Male Perth
1938/100225 Perth Mackley Edward Henry Male Baker Katherine Sarah Elizabeth Female Perth
1938/100226 Perth Morrison Robert James Male Evans Mary Alice Provost Female Perth
1938/100226 Perth Evans Mary Alice Provost Female Morrison Robert James Male Perth
1938/100227 Perth Spackman Ethel Female Blatch Bertram George Male Perth
1938/100227 Perth Blatch Bertram George Male Spackman Ethel Female Perth
1938/100228 Perth Hambleton Daniel Male Howard Olive Dardanella Female Perth
1938/100228 Perth Howard Olive Dardanella Female Hambleton Daniel Male Perth
1938/100229 Perth Bishop Dorothy Eunice Female Thomas Bernard Male Perth
1938/100229 Perth Thomas Bernard Male Bishop Dorothy Eunice Female Perth
1938/100230 Perth Taylor Ethel Mary Female Beagle Harry Male Perth
1938/100230 Perth Beagle Harry Male Taylor Ethel Mary Female Perth
1938/100231 Perth Bartlett Anthony Esca Male Fuhrmann Mavis Rose Female Subiaco
1938/100231 Perth Fuhrmann Mavis Rose Female Bartlett Anthony Esca Male Subiaco
1938/100232 Perth Cowley Henry William Male Anderson Louisa May Female Subiaco
1938/100232 Perth Anderson Louisa May Female Cowley Henry William Male Subiaco
1938/100233 Perth Jane Jack Male Simcock Alice Female Maylands
1938/100233 Perth Simcock Alice Female Jane Jack Male Maylands
1938/100234 Perth Owen Grace Murray Female Kornweibel Charles Lindner Male West Perth
1938/100234 Perth Owen Grace Murray Female Woodhouse Charles Lindner Male West Perth
1938/100234 Perth Kornweibel Charles Lindner Male Owen Grace Murray Female West Perth
1938/100234 Perth Woodhouse Charles Lindner Male Owen Grace Murray Female West Perth
1938/100235 Perth Cleaver Ernest James Male Ness Madge Dalton Female Claremont
1938/100235 Perth Ness Madge Dalton Female Cleaver Ernest James Male Claremont
1938/100236 Perth Cumming John Francis Male Helson Doreen Edna Female Victoria Park
1938/100236 Perth Helson Doreen Edna Female Cumming John Francis Male Victoria Park
1938/100237 Perth Robson Anna Elizabeth Moorhead Female Short Sidney Alfred Male Bayswater
1938/100237 Perth Short Sidney Alfred Male Robson Anna Elizabeth Moorhead Female Bayswater
1938/100238 Perth Venn William Joseph James Male Knight Irene Laura Female Bayswater
1938/100238 Perth Knight Irene Laura Female Venn William Joseph James Male Bayswater
1938/100239 Perth Wilson Amy Adelaide Female Power Albert Reginald Male Mt Lawley
1938/100239 Perth Power Albert Reginald Male Wilson Amy Adelaide Female Mt Lawley
1938/100240 Perth Levitzke Jean Margaret Female Barlow James Henry Male Perth
1938/100240 Perth Barlow James Henry Male Levitzke Jean Margaret Female Perth
1938/100241 Perth Lilleyman Paul Edgar Male Heslop Edith Eileen Female Perth
1938/100241 Perth Heslop Edith Eileen Female Lilleyman Paul Edgar Male Perth
1939/100242 Perth Imison Arthur Neville Male Price Molly Louise Isobel Female South Perth
1938/100242 Perth Anderson Shirley Female O'Neil Ronald Frederick Male Perth
1938/100242 Perth O'Neil Ronald Frederick Male Anderson Shirley Female Perth
1939/100242 Perth Price Molly Louise Isobel Female Imison Arthur Neville Male South Perth
1939/100243 Perth Pittman George Alfred Male Kyle Elizabeth Alma Female South Perth
1938/100243 Perth Robins Emily May Female Sheehan John Henry Male East Victoria Park
1939/100243 Perth Kyle Elizabeth Alma Female Pittman George Alfred Male South Perth
1938/100243 Perth Sheehan John Henry Male Robins Emily May Female East Victoria Park
1938/100244 Perth Fullwood William Henry Charles Male McCarthy Jean Mary Female East Victoria Park
1938/100244 Perth McCarthy Jean Mary Female Fullwood William Henry Charles Male East Victoria Park
1938/100245 Perth Barry James Male Newill Ivy Louisa Female Leederville
1938/100245 Perth Newill Ivy Louisa Female Barry James Male Leederville
1938/100246 Perth Smith Leslie William Male Davis Gladys Ethel Female Perth
1938/100246 Perth Davis Gladys Ethel Female Smith Leslie William Male Perth
1938/100247 Perth Lambert Dorothy Heather Female Backshall Reginald Kitchener Male North Perth
1938/100247 Perth Backshall Reginald Kitchener Male Lambert Dorothy Heather Female North Perth
1938/100248 Perth Thomson Charles James Male Hannah Patricia Rose Female Perth
1938/100248 Perth Hannah Patricia Rose Female Thomson Charles James Male Perth
1938/100249 Perth Bolwell John Francis Male Dawson Thelma Doreen Female Perth
1938/100249 Perth Dawson Thelma Doreen Female Bolwell John Francis Male Perth
1938/100250 Perth Virtue John Evenden Male Lloyd Mary Joan Female West Perth
1938/100250 Perth Lloyd Mary Joan Female Virtue John Evenden Male West Perth
1938/100251 Perth Simpson George Reginald Male Chipper Verna Denise Female Mt Lawley
1938/100251 Perth Chipper Verna Denise Female Simpson George Reginald Male Mt Lawley
1938/100252 Perth Edmonds Bernard Joseph Male West Amy Roberta Female Perth
1938/100252 Perth West Amy Roberta Female Edmonds Bernard Joseph Male Perth
1938/100253 Perth Elphick Edna Mabel Female Vost Leslie Male Perth
1938/100253 Perth Vost Leslie Male Elphick Edna Mabel Female Perth
1938/100254 Perth Casey Aidan Mauriel Male Coffey Norah Agnes Female Cottesloe
1938/100254 Perth Coffey Norah Agnes Female Casey Aidan Mauriel Male Cottesloe
1938/100255 Perth Shepherd Ethel May Female Doddy John Male Rosalie
1938/100255 Perth Doddy John Male Shepherd Ethel May Female Rosalie
1938/100256 Perth Rossell Gwendoline Helen Female Darby Stanley Maurice Male West Perth
1938/100256 Perth Darby Stanley Maurice Male Rossell Gwendoline Helen Female West Perth
1938/100257 Perth Boom Dora Isobel Female Baker Maxwell Hicks Male Perth
1938/100257 Perth Baker Maxwell Hicks Male Boom Dora Isobel Female Perth
1938/100258 Perth Warren Olive Female Middleton Walter Dingle Male Perth
1938/100258 Perth Middleton Walter Dingle Male Warren Olive Female Perth
1938/100259 Perth Whyte Elsie Female Johnson Stanly White Male Perth
1938/100259 Perth Johnson Stanly White Male Whyte Elsie Female Perth
1938/100260 Perth Parker William Robert Male Nevard Elsie Doris Female Perth
1938/100260 Perth Nevard Elsie Doris Female Parker William Robert Male Perth
1938/100261 Perth Smith Thelma Ivy Female Adams Godfrey Henry Male Perth
1938/100261 Perth Adams Godfrey Henry Male Smith Thelma Ivy Female Perth
1938/100262 Perth Taylor John Roy Male Cuiss Myrtle Maud Female Perth
1938/100262 Perth Cuiss Myrtle Maud Female Taylor John Roy Male Perth
1938/100263 Perth Collard Colburn Neville Male Jeapes Elizabeth Charlotte Female Perth
1938/100263 Perth Jeapes Elizabeth Charlotte Female Collard Colburn Neville Male Perth
1938/100264 Perth Reed Gertrude May Victoria Female Dickinson Charles William Male Perth
1938/100264 Perth Dickinson Charles William Male Reed Gertrude May Victoria Female Perth
1938/100265 Perth Della-Franca Ersilia Female Breda Eugenio Male Bayswater
1938/100265 Perth Breda Eugenio Male Della-Franca Ersilia Female Bayswater
1938/100266 Perth Mengler George Otto Male de Courtenay Esther Female Cottesloe
1938/100266 Perth de Courtenay Esther Female Mengler George Otto Male Cottesloe
1938/100267 Perth Craig Albert James Male Watson Jean Lorraine Female Perth
1938/100267 Perth Watson Jean Lorraine Female Craig Albert James Male Perth
1938/100268 Perth Turner Reginald Percival Male Cowley Rita Female Claremont
1938/100268 Perth Cowley Rita Female Turner Reginald Percival Male Claremont
1938/100269 Perth Muller Beryl May Vilo Female Hamilton John Thomas Male Claremont
1938/100269 Perth Hamilton John Thomas Male Muller Beryl May Vilo Female Claremont
1938/100270 Perth Maslin Frederick Male Ellis Thelma Female Nedlands
1938/100270 Perth Ellis Thelma Female Maslin Frederick Male Nedlands
1938/100271 Perth Rodway Charles Laurence Male Peters Radiance Maud Female Perth
1938/100271 Perth Peters Radiance Maud Female Rodway Charles Laurence Male Perth
1938/100273 Perth Mathlin Leslie John Male Clark Winifred Ellen Female Perth
1938/100273 Perth Clark Winifred Ellen Female Mathlin Leslie John Male Perth
1938/100274 Perth Thorne Vera Agnes Female Mayger Leonard Frank Male Perth
1938/100274 Perth Mayger Leonard Frank Male Thorne Vera Agnes Female Perth
1938/100275 Perth Miller Herbert Male Main Violet Hardy Female Perth
1938/100275 Perth Main Violet Hardy Female Miller Herbert Male Perth
1938/100276 Perth Deans Myra Elizabeth Female Fletcher Cecil Telfourd Male South Perth
1938/100276 Perth Fletcher Cecil Telfourd Male Deans Myra Elizabeth Female South Perth
1938/100277 Perth Nicolay Rita Cecilia Rose Female Branson Harry Desmond Male South Perth
1938/100277 Perth Branson Harry Desmond Male Nicolay Rita Cecilia Rose Female South Perth
1938/100278 Perth McIntosh Harry Reginald Male Crabb Florence Evelyn Female Subiaco
1938/100278 Perth Crabb Florence Evelyn Female McIntosh Harry Reginald Male Subiaco
1938/100279 Perth Drabble Ray Female Ford Douglas Clifford Male Perth
1938/100279 Perth Ford Douglas Clifford Male Drabble Ray Female Perth
1938/100280 Perth Broadley Leslie Somerville Male Illman Marjorie Emily Garvey Female Perth
1938/100280 Perth Illman Marjorie Emily Garvey Female Broadley Leslie Somerville Male Perth
1938/100281 Perth Thatcher Elsie Grace Female Sibly Victor Ronald Male Perth
1938/100281 Perth Sibly Victor Ronald Male Thatcher Elsie Grace Female Perth
1938/100282 Perth Honner Mary Sadie Female Jeffs George Henry Male Perth
1938/100282 Perth Jeffs George Henry Male Honner Mary Sadie Female Perth
1938/100283 Perth Hall Hilda Victoria May Female Snowdon James Arthur Male Perth
1938/100283 Perth Snowdon James Arthur Male Hall Hilda Victoria May Female Perth
1938/100284 Perth Passmore Dorothy Annie May Female Littlefair Albert Francis Male Perth
1938/100284 Perth Littlefair Albert Francis Male Passmore Dorothy Annie May Female Perth
1938/100285 Perth Lodge Sydney Walker Male Powell Myrtle Female Leederville
1938/100285 Perth Powell Myrtle Female Lodge Sydney Walker Male Leederville
1938/100286 Perth Wegner Henry John Male Parker Thelma Ann Female Leederville
1938/100286 Perth Parker Thelma Ann Female Wegner Henry John Male Leederville
1938/100287 Perth Bailey Walter John Male Lynch Veronica Margot Female Claremont
1938/100287 Perth Lynch Veronica Margot Female Bailey Walter John Male Claremont
1938/100288 Perth Egan Ivy Jean Female Eastland Francis Joseph Male Perth
1938/100288 Perth Eastland Francis Joseph Male Egan Ivy Jean Female Perth
1938/100289 Perth Fowler Adeline Blanche Female Moran James Loxley Male West Perth
1938/100289 Perth Moran James Loxley Male Fowler Adeline Blanche Female West Perth
1938/100290 Perth Cove Alice Rosina Female Urquhart Frederick Lewis Male West Perth
1938/100290 Perth Urquhart Frederick Lewis Male Cove Alice Rosina Female West Perth
1938/100291 Perth Dark Phyllis Olive Female Stooke Walter Male West Perth
1938/100291 Perth Stooke Walter Male Dark Phyllis Olive Female West Perth
1938/100292 Perth Cooper Kathleen Astley Female Rigg Raymond Archdall Male West Perth
1938/100292 Perth Rigg Raymond Archdall Male Cooper Kathleen Astley Female West Perth
1938/100293 Perth Blake Marjorie Edith Female Stone Gordon Felix Male West Perth
1938/100293 Perth Stone Gordon Felix Male Blake Marjorie Edith Female West Perth
1938/100294 Perth Earnshaw Jack Hynes Male Broom Dorothy May Female West Perth
1938/100294 Perth Broom Dorothy May Female Earnshaw Jack Hynes Male West Perth
1938/100295 Perth Floyd Cyril Male Bickford Dorothy Muriel Female West Perth
1938/100295 Perth Bickford Dorothy Muriel Female Floyd Cyril Male West Perth
1938/100296 Perth Lording John Woodruff Male Thurloe Ruby Freda Female West Perth
1938/100296 Perth Thurloe Ruby Freda Female Lording John Woodruff Male West Perth
1938/100297 Perth Reilly Sydney Miles Male Barber Molly May Phyllis Female West Perth
1938/100297 Perth Barber Molly May Phyllis Female Reilly Sydney Miles Male West Perth
1938/100298 Perth Holmes Margaret Female Cooper Edward Male Perth
1938/100298 Perth Cooper Edward Male Holmes Margaret Female Perth
1938/100299 Perth Edmiston Arthur William Male Winsor Marjorie Female Perth
1938/100299 Perth Winsor Marjorie Female Edmiston Arthur William Male Perth
1938/100300 Perth Blowes Leslie Ronald Male Kershaw Marguerite Alma Female Perth
1938/100300 Perth Kershaw Marguerite Alma Female Blowes Leslie Ronald Male Perth
1938/100301 Perth Pepper Mavis Claire Female Humfrey Robert William Male Perth
1938/100301 Perth Humfrey Robert William Male Pepper Mavis Claire Female Perth
1938/100302 Perth Shearer Robert Donald Male Dee Bessie Evelyn Female Perth
1938/100302 Perth Dee Bessie Evelyn Female Shearer Robert Donald Male Perth
1938/100303 Perth Duncan Stanley Reginald Male Andrews Jean Josephine Female Perth
1938/100303 Perth Andrews Jean Josephine Female Duncan Stanley Reginald Male Perth
1938/100304 Perth Rosental Rebecca Ada Female Wolinski Abraham Male Perth
1938/100304 Perth Wolinski Abraham Male Rosental Rebecca Ada Female Perth
1939/100305 Perth Sheahan Mary Ellen Female Willett Joseph Stephen Male Subiaco
1938/100305 Perth Salmonow Walter Jona Male Nathan Hazel Alice Saltiel Female Perth
1938/100305 Perth Nathan Hazel Alice Saltiel Female Masel Walter Jona Male Perth
1938/100305 Perth Nathan Hazel Alice Saltiel Female Salmonow Walter Jona Male Perth
1939/100305 Perth Willett Joseph Stephen Male Sheahan Mary Ellen Female Subiaco
1938/100305 Perth Masel Walter Jona Male Nathan Hazel Alice Saltiel Female Perth
1938/100306 Perth Macdonald Barbara Heather Female Price Edward Rex Male Perth
1938/100306 Perth Price Edward Rex Male Macdonald Barbara Heather Female Perth
1938/100307 Perth Dunstan Gloria Laurele Female Clifton Edward Adderley Male Claremont
1938/100307 Perth Clifton Edward Adderley Male Dunstan Gloria Laurele Female Claremont
1938/100308 Perth Gozenton Ellen Minnie Female Guelfi Natale Joseph Male West Perth
1938/100308 Perth Guelfi Natale Joseph Male Gozenton Ellen Minnie Female West Perth
1938/100309 Perth Webb Venetta May Female Jones Eric Henry Male Perth
1938/100309 Perth Jones Eric Henry Male Webb Venetta May Female Perth
1938/100310 Perth Jones Dorothy May Female Egerton James Edward Male Perth
1938/100310 Perth Egerton James Edward Male Jones Dorothy May Female Perth
1938/100312 Perth Lang Eric James Male Kidd Gwendoline Ruth Female Subiaco
1938/100312 Perth Kidd Gwendoline Ruth Female Lang Eric James Male Subiaco
1938/100313 Perth Pearson Robert Francis Henry Male Sharman Roma Maud Female Subiaco
1938/100313 Perth Sharman Roma Maud Female Pearson Robert Francis Henry Male Subiaco
1938/100314 Perth Osborne Mavis Jean Female McCombie Charles Alexander Male Subiaco
1938/100314 Perth McCombie Charles Alexander Male Osborne Mavis Jean Female Subiaco
1938/100315 Perth Hill Hazel Dawn Female Sargent Leslie Eric Male Perth
1938/100315 Perth Sargent Leslie Eric Male Hill Hazel Dawn Female Perth
1939/100316 Perth Breen Elsie Edna Violet Female Davies Edward Male Perth
1938/100316 Perth Shepherd Lionel Robert Keith Male Snoxhill Marjorie Phyllis Female Perth
1938/100316 Perth Snoxhill Marjorie Phyllis Female Shepherd Lionel Robert Keith Male Perth
1939/100316 Perth Davies Edward Male Breen Elsie Edna Violet Female Perth
1938/100317 Perth Sabine Gwen Elizabeth Female Walton Kenneth James Male Perth
1938/100317 Perth Walton Kenneth James Male Sabine Gwen Elizabeth Female Perth
1938/100318 Perth Martin Sydney Alfred Male Glanfield Marjorie Joy Female Perth
1938/100318 Perth Glanfield Marjorie Joy Female Martin Sydney Alfred Male Perth
1938/100319 Perth Robins Jean Elizabeth Female Wood Roland Royce Male Perth
1938/100319 Perth Wood Roland Royce Male Robins Jean Elizabeth Female Perth
1938/100320 Perth Curtis Ronald Francis Male Head Irene Meryl Female Perth
1938/100320 Perth Head Irene Meryl Female Curtis Ronald Francis Male Perth
1938/100321 Perth Vickers Frederick Bert Male Moyle Louie Rachael Female Perth
1938/100321 Perth Moyle Louie Rachael Female Vickers Frederick Bert Male Perth
1938/100322 Perth Carthew Ernest Renfry Male Stewart Dorothy Christina Dodd Female Perth
1938/100322 Perth Stewart Dorothy Christina Dodd Female Carthew Ernest Renfry Male Perth
1938/100323 Perth Cornish Albert Male Brookes Lena May Female Perth
1938/100323 Perth Brookes Lena May Female Cornish Albert Male Perth
1938/100324 Perth Laidler Elma Victoria Female Armstrong George Ernest Male Perth
1938/100324 Perth Armstrong George Ernest Male Laidler Elma Victoria Female Perth
1938/100325 Perth Alone Robert Male Wyatt Louisa Alice Female Perth
1938/100325 Perth Wyatt Louisa Alice Female Alone Robert Male Perth
1938/100326 Perth Epes Juanita Rose Mary Female Brady John Cyril Male Leederville
1938/100326 Perth Brady John Cyril Male Epes Juanita Rose Mary Female Leederville
1938/100327 Perth Triat Irene Jean Ellen Female Munro William Eric Male Leederville
1938/100327 Perth Munro William Eric Male Triat Irene Jean Ellen Female Leederville
1938/100328 Perth Downey Margret Mary Female Aeford Bernard James Male Leederville
1938/100328 Perth Aeford Bernard James Male Downey Margret Mary Female Leederville
1938/100329 Perth Zaferopoulos Andrew Male Kavadia Anastasia Female Perth
1938/100329 Perth Kavadia Anastasia Female Zaferopoulos Andrew Male Perth
1938/100330 Perth Pratten Enid Female Nicol Louis Arthur Male Victoria Park
1938/100330 Perth Nicol Louis Arthur Male Pratten Enid Female Victoria Park
1938/100331 Perth Maddison Patricia Gibson Female Peart John Morcon Male Victoria Park
1938/100331 Perth Peart John Morcon Male Maddison Patricia Gibson Female Victoria Park
1938/100332 Perth Lauder David Male Humpbley Elsie Blickkert Female Perth
1938/100332 Perth Humpbley Elsie Blickkert Female Lauder David Male Perth
1938/100333 Perth Doherty Henry James Male Donovan Gwendoline May Female Perth
1938/100333 Perth Donovan Gwendoline May Female Doherty Henry James Male Perth
1938/100334 Perth Higgins Kathleen Margaret Rose Female Smeed Arthur Lacey Male Perth
1938/100334 Perth Smeed Arthur Lacey Male Higgins Kathleen Margaret Rose Female Perth
1938/100335 Perth Thompson George Pruett Male Savage Chalice Athalie Female Perth
1938/100335 Perth Savage Chalice Athalie Female Thompson George Pruett Male Perth
1938/100336 Perth Butcher Horace Rae Male Friedlander Alice Kathleen Female Perth
1938/100336 Perth Friedlander Alice Kathleen Female Butcher Horace Rae Male Perth
1938/100337 Perth Clune Therese Estelle Female Grigg Allan Joseph Male South Perth
1938/100337 Perth Grigg Allan Joseph Male Clune Therese Estelle Female South Perth
1938/100338 Perth Knox George Robert Male Cousins Marguerite Ellen Female Perth
1938/100338 Perth Cousins Marguerite Ellen Female Knox George Robert Male Perth
1938/100339 Perth McIntyre George Male Pittman Marguerite Audree Female Mt Lawley
1938/100339 Perth Pittman Marguerite Audree Female McIntyre George Male Mt Lawley
1938/100340 Perth Young William Clifford Male Burnett Jean Winsome Graham Female West Perth
1938/100340 Perth Burnett Jean Winsome Graham Female Young William Clifford Male West Perth
1938/100341 Perth Walkerden Joseph Henry Male Broadwood Olive May Female West Perth
1938/100341 Perth Broadwood Olive May Female Walkerden Joseph Henry Male West Perth
1938/100342 Perth Maher Thomas Albert Male Jones Uraitta Ilewella Female Perth
1938/100342 Perth Jones Uraitta Ilewella Female Maher Thomas Albert Male Perth
1938/100343 Perth Wegner Bernice Marie Female Ryan Michael James Male Claremont
1938/100343 Perth Ryan Michael James Male Wegner Bernice Marie Female Claremont
1938/100344 Perth Scutter Muriel Female Anderson Francis Joseph Male Perth
1938/100344 Perth Anderson Francis Joseph Male Scutter Muriel Female Perth
1938/100345 Perth Paterson Mavis Betty Female Stephens John Herbert Male Perth
1938/100345 Perth Stephens John Herbert Male Paterson Mavis Betty Female Perth
1938/100346 Perth McRae Duncan James Male Williams Maisie Ellen Female West Perth
1938/100346 Perth Williams Maisie Ellen Female McRae Duncan James Male West Perth
1938/100347 Perth Evans Rochford Harold Male Carter Millicent Female West Perth
1938/100347 Perth Carter Millicent Female Evans Rochford Harold Male West Perth
1938/100348 Perth Brooks Mark Charles Male Bush Theresa Constance Female Perth
1938/100348 Perth Bush Theresa Constance Female Brooks Mark Charles Male Perth
1938/100349 Perth McGillivray David Alexander Hossack Male Smith Monica Cecilia Female Highgate Hill
1938/100349 Perth Smith Monica Cecilia Female McGillivray David Alexander Hossack Male Highgate Hill
1938/100350 Perth Rowe Maurice Harrison Male Jacka Irene Female Nedlands
1938/100350 Perth Jacka Irene Female Rowe Maurice Harrison Male Nedlands
1938/100351 Perth Fitzpatrick Irene Margaret Female Hodgkinson James Edward Male Nedlands
1938/100351 Perth Hodgkinson James Edward Male Fitzpatrick Irene Margaret Female Nedlands
1938/100352 Perth Lock Edith Dorothea Female Roach Stanley John Male Cottesloe
1938/100352 Perth Roach Stanley John Male Lock Edith Dorothea Female Cottesloe
1938/100353 Perth Cuffe Jean Ella Downey Theresa Female Lupton John Edward Steen Male Cottesloe
1938/100353 Perth Lupton John Edward Steen Male Cuffe Jean Ella Downey Theresa Female Cottesloe
1938/100354 Perth Graham Harry Male Cowie Helen Michie Female Cottesloe
1938/100354 Perth Cowie Helen Michie Female Graham Harry Male Cottesloe
1938/100356 Perth Dodge Dorothy Louisa Female Yates Jack Male Perth
1938/100356 Perth Yates Jack Male Dodge Dorothy Louisa Female Perth
1938/100357 Perth Tognolini Rieno Phillip Male Silsbury Cherie Kelvin Female Perth
1938/100357 Perth Silsbury Cherie Kelvin Female Tognolini Rieno Phillip Male Perth
1938/100358 Perth Whittaker Arthur George Ronald Male Carruthers Dorothy Female Guilford
1938/100358 Perth Carruthers Dorothy Female Whittaker Arthur George Ronald Male Guilford
1938/100359 Perth Morley Florence Female Gray Cyrol Louis Eric Male Subiaco
1938/100359 Perth Gray Cyrol Louis Eric Male Morley Florence Female Subiaco
1938/100360 Perth Torrisi Anthony Male Jewell Alice Eileen Female Subiaco
1938/100360 Perth Jewell Alice Eileen Female Torrisi Anthony Male Subiaco
1938/100361 Perth Lane Vincent Hoult Frankis Male Howard Ella Hannah Female Claremont
1938/100361 Perth Howard Ella Hannah Female Lane Vincent Hoult Frankis Male Claremont
1938/100362 Perth Jeffery Edith May Female Jones Leicester St John Male Claremont
1938/100362 Perth Jones Leicester St John Male Jeffery Edith May Female Claremont
1938/100363 Perth Hicks Wallace James Male Ryan May Agnes Female Victoria Park
1938/100363 Perth Ryan May Agnes Female Hicks Wallace James Male Victoria Park
1938/100364 Perth Collins Irene Rebecca Female White Joseph Robinson Male West Perth
1938/100364 Perth White Joseph Robinson Male Collins Irene Rebecca Female West Perth
1938/100365 Perth Knight Lorna Edith Female Hinds Frederick Male West Perth
1938/100365 Perth Hinds Frederick Male Knight Lorna Edith Female West Perth
1938/100366 Perth O'Brien Anne Elizabeth Female Moore Patrick Dalgety Male Subiaco
1938/100366 Perth Moore Patrick Dalgety Male O'Brien Anne Elizabeth Female Subiaco
1938/100367 Perth Schorer Ruth Female Hammond Frederick Wilson Male Subiaco
1938/100367 Perth Hammond Frederick Wilson Male Schorer Ruth Female Subiaco
1938/100368 Perth O'Reilly Daniel Joseph Male Flynn Mollie Elizabeth Female Subiaco
1938/100368 Perth Flynn Mollie Elizabeth Female O'Reilly Daniel Joseph Male Subiaco
1938/100369 Perth Gray Nathaniel Male Bruce Beryl Ann Yeadon Female Perth
1938/100369 Perth Bruce Beryl Ann Yeadon Female Gray Nathaniel Male Perth
1938/100370 Perth Wood Dorothy Mary Female Mitchell Clarence Roy Male Perth
1938/100370 Perth Mitchell Clarence Roy Male Wood Dorothy Mary Female Perth
1938/100371 Perth Bache Edith Margaret Female Parrick Alfred Male Wembley Park
1938/100371 Perth Parrick Alfred Male Bache Edith Margaret Female Wembley Park
1939/100371 Perth Sparrow Beatrice Margaret Female Edmunds William Laban Male Leederville
1939/100371 Perth Edmunds William Laban Male Sparrow Beatrice Margaret Female Leederville
1938/100372 Perth Bird Batty Dorothy Eliza Female Miniken Horace George Male Claremont
1938/100372 Perth Miniken Horace George Male Bird Batty Dorothy Eliza Female Claremont
1938/100373 Perth Spencer Ethel Female Keane John Edward Male Perth
1938/100373 Perth Keane John Edward Male Spencer Ethel Female Perth
1938/100374 Perth Solomons Suzanne Frances Female Riddett Henry Thomas Male Perth
1938/100374 Perth Riddett Henry Thomas Male Solomons Suzanne Frances Female Perth
1938/100375 Perth Collins Mavis Evelyn Female Honey Alfred George Male Perth
1938/100375 Perth Honey Alfred George Male Collins Mavis Evelyn Female Perth
1938/100376 Perth Laughton Cyril Male Aitken Audrey Georgia Female Nedlands
1938/100376 Perth Aitken Audrey Georgia Female Laughton Cyril Male Nedlands
1938/100377 Perth O'Driscoll Teresa Catherine Female Shortill John James Male Highgate Hill
1938/100377 Perth Shortill John James Male O'Driscoll Teresa Catherine Female Highgate Hill
1938/100378 Perth Teague Edwin James Male Cable Lorna Muriel Female Victoria Park
1938/100378 Perth Cable Lorna Muriel Female Teague Edwin James Male Victoria Park
1938/100379 Perth Leopold Vivian Mae Female Smith Charles David Male Victoria Park
1938/100379 Perth Smith Charles David Male Leopold Vivian Mae Female Victoria Park
1938/100380 Perth Mawley Ethel Female Beaton Duncan McIntosh Male South Perth
1938/100380 Perth Beaton Duncan McIntosh Male Mawley Ethel Female South Perth
1938/100381 Perth Kopke Beryl Edith Female Sellenger Leslie Joseph Male South Perth
1938/100381 Perth Sellenger Leslie Joseph Male Kopke Beryl Edith Female South Perth
1938/100382 Perth Ing Grace Emily Female Terry Ernest William Male Claremont
1938/100382 Perth Terry Ernest William Male Ing Grace Emily Female Claremont
1938/100383 Perth Sharp Arthur Allan Male Hardie Ruth Cecilia Female Claremont
1938/100383 Perth Hardie Ruth Cecilia Female Sharp Arthur Allan Male Claremont
1938/100384 Perth Woods Jean Katherine Nolan Female Gough William Ernest Myrie Male West Perth
1938/100384 Perth Gough William Ernest Myrie Male Woods Jean Katherine Nolan Female West Perth
1938/100385 Perth Dodson Dorothy Mary Female Morrison Neil Gordon Male West Perth
1938/100385 Perth Morrison Neil Gordon Male Dodson Dorothy Mary Female West Perth
1938/100386 Perth Moullin George Alfred Male Simpson Jean Mavis Female West Perth
1938/100386 Perth Simpson Jean Mavis Female Moullin George Alfred Male West Perth
1938/100387 Perth Spark Arthur Male Woodward Dora May Female Maylands
1938/100387 Perth Woodward Dora May Female Spark Arthur Male Maylands
1938/100388 Perth Eastwood Albert Male Motzel Marjorie May Female Victoria Park
1938/100388 Perth Motzel Marjorie May Female Eastwood Albert Male Victoria Park
1938/100389 Perth Payne Harold Male Ferguson Lilian Joan Female Carlisle
1938/100389 Perth Ferguson Lilian Joan Female Payne Harold Male Carlisle
1938/100390 Perth Dare Ronald Wilfrid Kenneth Male Rogers Eunice Doreen Female Perth
1938/100390 Perth Rogers Eunice Doreen Female Dare Ronald Wilfrid Kenneth Male Perth
1938/100391 Perth Prendergast Enid Pearl Female Piercy Joseph Eric Male Perth
1938/100391 Perth Piercy Joseph Eric Male Prendergast Enid Pearl Female Perth
1938/100392 Perth Kelly Mary Bruce Female Woodward Martin Bolingbroke Male Perth
1938/100392 Perth Woodward Martin Bolingbroke Male Kelly Mary Bruce Female Perth
1938/100393 Perth Delaporte Leslie Ernest Male Graham Nellie Evelyn Mary Female Perth
1938/100393 Perth Graham Nellie Evelyn Mary Female Delaporte Leslie Ernest Male Perth
1938/100394 Perth Brown George Edward Male Bartlett Joy Female Perth
1938/100394 Perth Bartlett Joy Female Brown George Edward Male Perth
1938/100395 Perth Marriott Deborah Female Bradshaw William Charles Male Perth
1938/100395 Perth Bradshaw William Charles Male Marriott Deborah Female Perth
1938/100396 Perth Giese Irene Rose Female Bendall Charles William Alfred Male Perth
1938/100396 Perth Bendall Charles William Alfred Male Giese Irene Rose Female Perth
1938/100397 Perth Williams Harry Joseph Male Knox Winifred Mary Female Perth
1938/100397 Perth Knox Winifred Mary Female Williams Harry Joseph Male Perth
1938/100398 Perth Stevenson Richard Lionel Male Posford Constance Edith Female Perth
1938/100398 Perth Posford Constance Edith Female Stevenson Richard Lionel Male Perth
1938/100404 Perth Hardie Roy Lionel Male Hazell Evelyn Crissie Female West Perth
1938/100404 Perth Hazell Evelyn Crissie Female Hardie Roy Lionel Male West Perth
1938/100405 Perth Seymour Isabel Ada Female Avery Herbert Errol Male Mt Lawley
1938/100405 Perth Avery Herbert Errol Male Seymour Isabel Ada Female Mt Lawley
1938/100406 Perth Anderson Patricia Mary Female Buchholz Leonard Paul Male Perth
1938/100406 Perth Buchholz Leonard Paul Male Anderson Patricia Mary Female Perth
1938/100407 Perth Battley Elizabeth Mary Veronica Female Maslen Phillip Francis Patrick Male East Perth
1938/100407 Perth Maslen Phillip Francis Patrick Male Battley Elizabeth Mary Veronica Female East Perth
1938/100408 Perth Suiter Isabelle Female Payne Cyril Thomas Male Perth
1938/100408 Perth Payne Cyril Thomas Male Suiter Isabelle Female Perth
1938/100409 Perth Fuller Joyce Beryl Female Jackson Phillip Robert Male Perth
1938/100409 Perth Jackson Phillip Robert Male Fuller Joyce Beryl Female Perth
1938/100410 Perth Meehan William Patrick Male Ward Gwendoline Mary Female Perth
1938/100410 Perth Ward Gwendoline Mary Female Meehan William Patrick Male Perth
1938/100411 Perth Russell Albert Cooper Male Marshall Doris Female West Perth
1938/100411 Perth Marshall Doris Female Russell Albert Cooper Male West Perth
1938/100412 Perth Holmes Mavis Lurline Female Baxter Harry Male Crawley
1938/100412 Perth Baxter Harry Male Holmes Mavis Lurline Female Crawley
1938/100413 Perth Modra Edward John Male Barrett Violet Female West Perth
1938/100413 Perth Barrett Violet Female Modra Edward John Male West Perth
1938/100414 Perth Wirth Mina Celia Dorothy Female Lee Arthur William Male West Perth
1938/100414 Perth Lee Arthur William Male Wirth Mina Celia Dorothy Female West Perth
1938/100415 Perth Notley Ruth Helen Female Millar Samuel Male Mt Hawthorn
1938/100415 Perth Millar Samuel Male Notley Ruth Helen Female Mt Hawthorn
1938/100416 Perth Treby Rita Marion Female Nilsen William Male Perth
1938/100416 Perth Nilsen William Male Treby Rita Marion Female Perth
1938/100417 Perth Pearce Katherine Ivy Female Fleming James Male Perth
1938/100417 Perth Fleming James Male Pearce Katherine Ivy Female Perth
1938/100418 Perth Payne Pearl Alice Female Thompson Samuel Joseph Male Perth
1938/100418 Perth Thompson Samuel Joseph Male Payne Pearl Alice Female Perth
1938/100419 Perth Watt Elliott Alfred Male Preedy Eileen Howard Banks Female Rosalie
1938/100419 Perth Preedy Eileen Howard Banks Female Watt Elliott Alfred Male Rosalie
1938/100420 Perth Millen Rennie Ashley Male Worth Edith Ellen Louise Female Perth
1938/100420 Perth Worth Edith Ellen Louise Female Millen Rennie Ashley Male Perth
1938/100421 Perth Johnston Helen Marian Female Dempster Lennox Vernon Male Perth
1938/100421 Perth Dempster Lennox Vernon Male Johnston Helen Marian Female Perth
1938/100422 Perth Hill Reginald Francis Male Arnold Ethel Maud Female Perth
1938/100422 Perth Arnold Ethel Maud Female Hill Reginald Francis Male Perth
1938/100423 Perth Taylor John Hector Male Kitching Margaret Josephine Female Perth
1938/100423 Perth Kitching Margaret Josephine Female Taylor John Hector Male Perth
1938/100424 Perth Banfield John Alexander Male Gorst Dorothy Mary Greta Female Perth
1938/100424 Perth Gorst Dorothy Mary Greta Female Banfield John Alexander Male Perth
1938/100425 Perth Bell Lily Female Brown Harold Wallace Male Victoria Park
1938/100425 Perth Brown Harold Wallace Male Bell Lily Female Victoria Park
1938/100426 Perth Kinsella Alice Veronica Female Doust Edwin Clarence Male West Perth
1938/100426 Perth Doust Edwin Clarence Male Kinsella Alice Veronica Female West Perth
1938/100427 Perth Whittaker Dorothy Female Murray Victor Josh Male West Perth
1938/100427 Perth Murray Victor Josh Male Whittaker Dorothy Female West Perth
1938/100428 Perth Mellor George Thomas Male Dooley Wilga Catherine Female Perth
1938/100428 Perth Dooley Wilga Catherine Female Mellor George Thomas Male Perth
1938/100429 Perth Martens Thomas William Male Wuillemin Myra Jane Female West Perth
1938/100429 Perth Wuillemin Myra Jane Female Martens Thomas William Male West Perth
1938/100430 Perth Taylor Arthur Joseph Male Collins Lorna Mavis Female North Perth
1938/100430 Perth Collins Lorna Mavis Female Taylor Arthur Joseph Male North Perth
1938/100431 Perth Turnbull George Athol Male Mercer Janet Fremlin Female North Perth
1938/100431 Perth Mercer Janet Fremlin Female Turnbull George Athol Male North Perth
1938/100432 Perth Gardner Edward Male Hassell Sophy Female Perth
1938/100432 Perth Hassell Sophy Female Gardner Edward Male Perth
1938/100433 Perth Witcomb Phyllis Amelia Female Morgan Charles Albert Male Cottesloe
1938/100433 Perth Morgan Charles Albert Male Witcomb Phyllis Amelia Female Cottesloe
1938/100434 Perth Webster Harry Male Ashley Lucy Evelyn Female Mt Lawley
1938/100434 Perth Ashley Lucy Evelyn Female Webster Harry Male Mt Lawley
1938/100435 Perth Byrne Mary Agnes Female Davis John Murray Male Victoria Park
1938/100435 Perth Davis John Murray Male Byrne Mary Agnes Female Victoria Park
1938/100436 Perth Letcher John Anthony Male Bolt Gladys Florence Female Rosalie
1938/100436 Perth Bolt Gladys Florence Female Letcher John Anthony Male Rosalie
1938/100437 Perth Petterson Alfred George Male Ryan Mary Gabrielle Female Rosalie
1938/100437 Perth Ryan Mary Gabrielle Female Petterson Alfred George Male Rosalie
1938/100438 Perth Martin Ellice Adele Female Coxon William Ewart Gladstone Male Subiaco
1938/100438 Perth Coxon William Ewart Gladstone Male Martin Ellice Adele Female Subiaco
1938/100439 Perth Miovetsis Konstantinos Male Tolcon Demetrula Female Perth
1938/100439 Perth Tolcon Demetrula Female Miovetsis Konstantinos Male Perth
1938/100440 Perth Fitzgerald Doris Angela Female Scott Donald John Richard de Wit Male West Perth
1938/100440 Perth Scott Donald John Richard de Wit Male Fitzgerald Doris Angela Female West Perth
1938/100441 Perth Westaway Aubrey Edward Male Wreford Alma Female Perth
1938/100441 Perth Wreford Alma Female Westaway Aubrey Edward Male Perth
1938/100442 Perth Turner William Francis Male Jenzen Vera Olive Mabel Female Perth
1938/100442 Perth Jenzen Vera Olive Mabel Female Turner William Francis Male Perth
1938/100443 Perth Elliott William Frank James Male Leaver Winifred Rose Female Perth
1938/100443 Perth Leaver Winifred Rose Female Elliott William Frank James Male Perth
1938/100444 Perth Atkinson Robert Wallis Janes Male Rigby Hazel Victoria Female Perth
1938/100444 Perth Rigby Hazel Victoria Female Atkinson Robert Wallis Janes Male Perth
1938/100445 Perth Van Zuilecom Marjorie Austace Joan Female Bulloch John Henry Male Mount Lawley
1938/100445 Perth Bulloch John Henry Male Van Zuilecom Marjorie Austace Joan Female Mount Lawley
1938/100446 Perth Potter Muriel May Female Mahony John Sands Male West Perth
1938/100446 Perth Mahony John Sands Male Potter Muriel May Female West Perth
1938/100447 Perth Robertson Mary Linda Female Gillard David Michael Male Maylands
1938/100447 Perth Gillard David Michael Male Robertson Mary Linda Female Maylands
1938/100448 Perth Johnston Phyllis Barron Female Jamieson Thomas Male Maylands
1938/100448 Perth Jamieson Thomas Male Johnston Phyllis Barron Female Maylands
1938/100449 Perth Kenney Laura Mildred Female Moffet Thomas William Duncan Male Perth
1938/100449 Perth Moffet Thomas William Duncan Male Kenney Laura Mildred Female Perth
1938/100450 Perth Moir Robert McAllister Male Mill Elizabeth Female Perth
1938/100450 Perth Mill Elizabeth Female Moir Robert McAllister Male Perth
1938/100451 Perth Berry James Freeman Male Patrick Vite Wheeler Female Perth
1938/100451 Perth Patrick Vite Wheeler Female Berry James Freeman Male Perth
1938/100452 Perth Nichols Allan James Male Owens Mavis Myrtle Female Perth
1938/100452 Perth Owens Mavis Myrtle Female Nichols Allan James Male Perth
1938/100453 Perth Watt Douglas Alan Male Sibbald Leta Molly Female Perth
1938/100453 Perth Sibbald Leta Molly Female Watt Douglas Alan Male Perth
1938/100454 Perth Nicholson Paula Ray Female Payne Edward Male Perth
1938/100454 Perth Payne Edward Male Nicholson Paula Ray Female Perth
1938/100455 Perth Gray William Blair Christie Male Sweeting Dorothy Deane Female Perth
1938/100455 Perth Sweeting Dorothy Deane Female Gray William Blair Christie Male Perth
1938/100456 Perth Chadwick Reginald Frank Male Myles Marian Saunders Female Perth
1938/100456 Perth Myles Marian Saunders Female Chadwick Reginald Frank Male Perth
1938/100457 Perth Shaw Marjorie Female Rudd Edward Male Perth
1938/100457 Perth Rudd Edward Male Shaw Marjorie Female Perth
1938/100458 Perth Thomas Dorothy Female Randell Roy Francis Male Perth
1938/100458 Perth Randell Roy Francis Male Thomas Dorothy Female Perth
1938/100459 Perth Allen Ruby Moore Female Reynolds Allan Neil Male Perth
1938/100459 Perth Reynolds Allan Neil Male Allen Ruby Moore Female Perth
1938/100460 Perth Harris Walter Edward Male Juett Ida Margaret Female Perth
1938/100460 Perth Juett Ida Margaret Female Harris Walter Edward Male Perth
1938/100461 Perth Kirk Robert Wingate Male Gibson Elizabeth Jean Female Perth
1938/100461 Perth Gibson Elizabeth Jean Female Kirk Robert Wingate Male Perth
1938/100462 Perth Cook May Rose Female Johnson Percy George Male Perth
1938/100462 Perth Johnson Percy George Male Cook May Rose Female Perth
1938/100463 Perth Williams Muriel Marie Female Clark Alwyn Leslie McKenzie Male West Perth
1938/100463 Perth Clark Alwyn Leslie McKenzie Male Williams Muriel Marie Female West Perth
1938/100464 Perth Flanagan Mary Cecelia Female Sullivan James Jonathan Male West Perth
1938/100464 Perth Sullivan James Jonathan Male Flanagan Mary Cecelia Female West Perth
1938/100465 Perth Arbuckle Beresford Trevor Male Falconer Catherine McIntosh Female West Perth
1938/100465 Perth Falconer Catherine McIntosh Female Arbuckle Beresford Trevor Male West Perth
1938/100468 Perth Griffiths Reginald Male Watters Elizabeth McLatchie Female Mt Lawley
1938/100468 Perth Watters Elizabeth McLatchie Female Griffiths Reginald Male Mt Lawley
1938/100469 Perth Hare Georgiana Frances Female McKinlay William Bruce Male North Perth
1938/100469 Perth McKinlay William Bruce Male Hare Georgiana Frances Female North Perth
1938/100470 Perth Budd Lucy Mabel Female Ryan William Marty Male Claremont
1938/100470 Perth Ryan William Marty Male Budd Lucy Mabel Female Claremont
1938/100471 Perth Bromley Eileen Female Burt Thomas Male Perth
1938/100471 Perth Burt Thomas Male Bromley Eileen Female Perth
1938/100472 Perth Wilhelm Helton Herman Male Colhoun Ethel Matilda Female Perth
1938/100472 Perth Colhoun Ethel Matilda Female Wilhelm Helton Herman Male Perth
1938/100473 Perth Hall Flora Lillian Female Smith Ronald Percy Male Perth
1938/100473 Perth Smith Ronald Percy Male Hall Flora Lillian Female Perth
1938/100474 Perth Watson Blanche Edith Female Baird William Male Perth
1938/100474 Perth Baird William Male Watson Blanche Edith Female Perth
1938/100475 Perth Hill Reginald Withall Male Knight Rose Female Cottesloe
1938/100475 Perth Knight Rose Female Hill Reginald Withall Male Cottesloe
1938/100476 Perth Dolton John Edward Male Lister Phyllis Female Cottesloe
1938/100476 Perth Lister Phyllis Female Dolton John Edward Male Cottesloe
1938/100477 Perth Perham Albert Clive Male Diston Winifred Female Perth
1938/100477 Perth Diston Winifred Female Perham Albert Clive Male Perth
1938/100478 Perth Cohen Sadie Ruth Female Leech Robert Male Perth
1938/100478 Perth Leech Robert Male Cohen Sadie Ruth Female Perth
1938/100479 Perth Allbutt Alice Ellen Female Thompson William John Male Perth
1938/100479 Perth Thompson William John Male Allbutt Alice Ellen Female Perth
1938/100480 Perth Clark Claude Robert Male Peacock Enid Margaret Female Claremont
1938/100480 Perth Peacock Enid Margaret Female Clark Claude Robert Male Claremont
1938/100481 Perth Oliver Francis William Male Horrocks Alice Ann Female Claremont
1938/100481 Perth Horrocks Alice Ann Female Oliver Francis William Male Claremont
1938/100482 Perth Bowron James William Male Magher Violet Hilda Female Perth
1938/100482 Perth Magher Violet Hilda Female Bowron James William Male Perth
1938/100483 Perth Byrne Frederick Joseph Male Fry Avis Linda Female West Perth
1938/100483 Perth Fry Avis Linda Female Byrne Frederick Joseph Male West Perth
1938/100484 Perth Munckton Eileen Margaret Female King Douglas Thomas Henry Male West Perth
1938/100484 Perth King Douglas Thomas Henry Male Munckton Eileen Margaret Female West Perth
1938/100485 Perth Birenbaum Kathleen Cordelia Beryl Female Jenal Hans Male West Leederville
1938/100485 Perth Jenal Hans Male Birenbaum Kathleen Cordelia Beryl Female West Leederville
1938/100486 Perth Watkins Bargrave Male Riggs Gladys Female Maylands
1938/100486 Perth Riggs Gladys Female Watkins Bargrave Male Maylands
1938/100487 Perth Smith Albert James Male Stone Evelyn Amelia Female Perth
1938/100487 Perth Stone Evelyn Amelia Female Smith Albert James Male Perth
1938/100488 Perth Suter Thomas Frederick Walter Male Povah Isabel Mary Female Perth
1938/100488 Perth Povah Isabel Mary Female Suter Thomas Frederick Walter Male Perth
1938/100489 Perth Brook Bethel Mabel Female Crosse James Henry Male Perth
1938/100489 Perth Crosse James Henry Male Brook Bethel Mabel Female Perth
1938/100490 Perth Williams Thelma Muriel Female Atkins Sydney Ivan Male Perth
1938/100490 Perth Atkins Sydney Ivan Male Williams Thelma Muriel Female Perth
1938/100491 Perth Carthew Eric Samuel Male Strecker Ada Louise Female Leederville
1938/100491 Perth Strecker Ada Louise Female Carthew Eric Samuel Male Leederville
1938/100492 Perth Bickerdike Dorothy Beatrice Female Mayor Clarence Male Leederville
1938/100492 Perth Mayor Clarence Male Bickerdike Dorothy Beatrice Female Leederville
1938/100493 Perth Kinkella Mary Female Urlich August Male West Perth
1938/100493 Perth Urlich August Male Kinkella Mary Female West Perth
1938/100494 Perth Stanley Frederick Robert Male Lefroy Frances Dorothea Female Claremont
1938/100494 Perth Lefroy Frances Dorothea Female Stanley Frederick Robert Male Claremont
1938/100495 Perth Moss Mary Female Hawkes Robert William Charles Male Perth
1938/100495 Perth Hawkes Robert William Charles Male Moss Mary Female Perth
1938/100496 Perth Dean William John Male Young Mabel Female Perth
1938/100496 Perth Young Mabel Female Dean William John Male Perth
1938/100497 Perth Sparnon Gwendoline Nellie Female Pinker Albert George Male Victoria Park
1938/100497 Perth Pinker Albert George Male Sparnon Gwendoline Nellie Female Victoria Park
1938/100498 Perth Hughes Stanley Lee Male Kneebone Elfrida Catrina Female Perth
1938/100498 Perth Kneebone Elfrida Catrina Female Hughes Stanley Lee Male Perth
1938/100499 Perth Pitcher James Cunningham Male Bristowe Mabel Evelyn Female Subiaco
1938/100499 Perth Bristowe Mabel Evelyn Female Pitcher James Cunningham Male Subiaco
1938/100500 Perth Samuel Lilian Beatrice Female McMullan John Male Perth
1938/100500 Perth McMullan John Male Samuel Lilian Beatrice Female Perth
1938/100501 Perth Turpin Sydney John Richard Male Warner Amy Female Perth
1938/100501 Perth Warner Amy Female Turpin Sydney John Richard Male Perth
1938/100502 Perth Davis Frances Theresa Female Cassidy Daniel Anselm Male Highgate Hill
1938/100502 Perth Cassidy Daniel Anselm Male Davis Frances Theresa Female Highgate Hill
1938/100503 Perth Chaney Frederick Charles Male Bond Mavis Mary Female Highgate Hill
1938/100503 Perth Bond Mavis Mary Female Chaney Frederick Charles Male Highgate Hill
1938/100505 Perth Anderson James Laurance Norman Male Vautin Beryl May Female West Perth
1938/100505 Perth Vautin Beryl May Female Anderson James Laurance Norman Male West Perth
1938/100506 Perth Whitbread Hilda Joyce Female Tomlinson Francis Desmond Male Perth
1938/100506 Perth Tomlinson Francis Desmond Male Whitbread Hilda Joyce Female Perth
1938/100507 Perth Thomas Daphne Olive Female Hancock Ronald John Male Perth
1938/100507 Perth Hancock Ronald John Male Thomas Daphne Olive Female Perth
1938/100508 Perth Simpson Thelma Female Dove Arthur George Male Maylands
1938/100508 Perth Dove Arthur George Male Simpson Thelma Female Maylands
1938/100509 Perth Smith Arthur George Male Hawkesford Doreen Female Subiaco
1938/100509 Perth Hawkesford Doreen Female Smith Arthur George Male Subiaco
1938/100510 Perth Mazzoletti Elsie Female Piper Albert Claud Male Subiaco
1938/100510 Perth Piper Albert Claud Male Mazzoletti Elsie Female Subiaco
1938/100511 Perth Venn Hazel Hilda Female McDonald Cyril Roderick Male Perth
1938/100511 Perth McDonald Cyril Roderick Male Venn Hazel Hilda Female Perth
1938/100512 Perth Castledine Dorothy Helen Blanche Female Ayres Alexander George Male Leederville
1938/100512 Perth Ayres Alexander George Male Castledine Dorothy Helen Blanche Female Leederville
1938/100513 Perth Greene Barbara Female Duggan John Joseph Male Perth
1938/100513 Perth Duggan John Joseph Male Greene Barbara Female Perth
1938/100514 Perth Judicis Gwendoline Dorothea Female Kinnane John Brian Male Perth
1938/100514 Perth Kinnane John Brian Male Judicis Gwendoline Dorothea Female Perth
1938/100515 Perth Keeling Neville Stanley Basil Male McGuire Melville Margaret Joyce Female Perth
1938/100515 Perth McGuire Melville Margaret Joyce Female Keeling Neville Stanley Basil Male Perth
1938/100516 Perth Costello Reginald Joseph Male Wheaton Zena Coral Female Perth
1938/100516 Perth Wheaton Zena Coral Female Costello Reginald Joseph Male Perth
1938/100517 Perth Moran Charlotte Olive Female Cleale Charles Noel Male Subiaco
1938/100517 Perth Cleale Charles Noel Male Moran Charlotte Olive Female Subiaco
1938/100518 Perth McDonald Elizabeth Alma Female Hoult Henry Owen Male West Perth
1938/100518 Perth Hoult Henry Owen Male McDonald Elizabeth Alma Female West Perth
1938/100519 Perth Simpson George Cecil Male Sharples Agnes Collins Female Perth
1938/100519 Perth Sharples Agnes Collins Female Simpson George Cecil Male Perth
1938/100520 Perth Anderson David Male Maldon Sylvia Myrtle Female South Perth
1938/100520 Perth Maldon Sylvia Myrtle Female Anderson David Male South Perth
1938/100521 Perth Davies Ralph John Male Gellie Hannah Myrle Female Perth
1938/100521 Perth Gellie Hannah Myrle Female Davies Ralph John Male Perth
1938/100522 Perth Caskey Ellen Kennedy Female Pyett George Male Subiaco
1938/100522 Perth Pyett George Male Caskey Ellen Kennedy Female Subiaco
1938/100523 Perth McInnes Peter John Male Gallop Esther Marguerite Female West Perth
1938/100523 Perth Gallop Esther Marguerite Female McInnes Peter John Male West Perth
1938/100524 Perth York Hazel Glenronnie Female Ferber Edwin Henry Male North Perth
1938/100524 Perth Ferber Edwin Henry Male York Hazel Glenronnie Female North Perth
1938/100525 Perth Morrison Ruby Margaret Female Gwynne Leslie Frank Harrison Male Mt Lawley
1938/100525 Perth Gwynne Leslie Frank Harrison Male Morrison Ruby Margaret Female Mt Lawley
1938/100526 Perth Forbes Maude Lillian Female Bailey Henry Joseph Clarence Male North Perth
1938/100526 Perth Bailey Henry Joseph Clarence Male Forbes Maude Lillian Female North Perth
1938/100527 Perth Manning Ilma Elsie Female Burnett James Peter Male Perth
1938/100527 Perth Burnett James Peter Male Manning Ilma Elsie Female Perth
1938/100528 Perth Dilley Elsie Female Blake Bertie John Male Perth
1938/100528 Perth Blake Bertie John Male Dilley Elsie Female Perth
1938/100529 Perth Gadenne Ronald Fredrick Male Basley Ilean May Female West Perth
1938/100529 Perth Basley Ilean May Female Gadenne Ronald Fredrick Male West Perth
1938/100530 Perth Carter Olive Jean Female Richards Lowell Ashbourne Wheare Male North Leederville
1938/100530 Perth Richards Lowell Ashbourne Wheare Male Carter Olive Jean Female North Leederville
1938/100531 Perth Mitchell George White Male Underhill Elizabeth Maud Female Perth
1938/100531 Perth Underhill Elizabeth Maud Female Mitchell George White Male Perth
1938/100532 Perth Stevenson Kenneth James Orr Male Wood Valmai Haswell Female Claremont
1938/100532 Perth Wood Valmai Haswell Female Stevenson Kenneth James Orr Male Claremont
1938/100533 Perth Mengler Betty Anna Bertha Female Chittleborough Edgar Male Claremont
1938/100533 Perth Chittleborough Edgar Male Mengler Betty Anna Bertha Female Claremont
1938/100534 Perth Preston Derek Harold Male Sadleir Patricia Clare Female Claremont
1938/100534 Perth Sadleir Patricia Clare Female Preston Derek Harold Male Claremont
1938/100535 Perth James Mavis Violet Female Beaton Robert John William Male Claremont
1938/100535 Perth Beaton Robert John William Male James Mavis Violet Female Claremont
1938/100536 Perth Morrison Edith Laura Female Sudlow Kenneth Henry Male Claremont
1938/100536 Perth Sudlow Kenneth Henry Male Morrison Edith Laura Female Claremont
1938/100537 Perth McCaskill Jean McDonald Female Coker William Francis Male Perth
1938/100537 Perth Coker William Francis Male McCaskill Jean McDonald Female Perth
1938/100538 Perth Guyatt David Francis William Male Vernon Mary Elizabeth Female Cottesloe
1938/100538 Perth Vernon Mary Elizabeth Female Guyatt David Francis William Male Cottesloe
1938/100539 Perth Gilbert Helen Female Simpson William Thomas Male Perth
1938/100539 Perth Simpson William Thomas Male Gilbert Helen Female Perth
1938/100540 Perth James Margaret Veronica Female Richards Frank Male Perth
1938/100540 Perth Richards Frank Male James Margaret Veronica Female Perth
1938/100541 Perth Hofmann Eugenie Olive Female Schubert Albert Theodore Emil Male Perth
1938/100541 Perth Schubert Albert Theodore Emil Male Hofmann Eugenie Olive Female Perth
1938/100542 Perth North Richard Gerard Male Yabsley Daphne Mary Female Perth
1938/100542 Perth Yabsley Daphne Mary Female North Richard Gerard Male Perth
1938/100543 Perth French Frederick Thomas Male Dean Margaret Annie Female Victoria Park
1938/100543 Perth Dean Margaret Annie Female French Frederick Thomas Male Victoria Park
1938/100544 Perth Hopkins Jeanne Elsbeth Murray Female Flanigan Thomas Hepburn Male Leederville
1938/100544 Perth Flanigan Thomas Hepburn Male Hopkins Jeanne Elsbeth Murray Female Leederville
1938/100545 Perth Cary Irene Kate Female Millett John Robert Male Leederville
1938/100545 Perth Millett John Robert Male Cary Irene Kate Female Leederville
1938/100546 Perth McGuire Joyce Winifred Female Dalziell Edgar Ernest Male Leederville
1938/100546 Perth Dalziell Edgar Ernest Male McGuire Joyce Winifred Female Leederville
1938/100547 Perth Mahlberg Gloria Joyce Female Smith Alfred John Male Perth
1938/100547 Perth Smith Alfred John Male Mahlberg Gloria Joyce Female Perth
1938/100548 Perth Howells Amelia Ware Female Easton Frank Male Claremont
1938/100548 Perth Easton Frank Male Howells Amelia Ware Female Claremont
1938/100549 Perth Husband John Nunnington Male Ware Mabel Sophie Female Subiaco
1938/100549 Perth Ware Mabel Sophie Female Husband John Nunnington Male Subiaco
1938/100550 Perth Edwards Allen Gordon Male Nathan Deborah Hannah Saltiel Female Perth
1938/100550 Perth Nathan Deborah Hannah Saltiel Female Edwards Allen Gordon Male Perth
1938/100551 Perth Barrington Arthur Victor Royal Male Needham Myra Evelyn Female Perth
1938/100551 Perth Needham Myra Evelyn Female Barrington Arthur Victor Royal Male Perth
1938/100552 Perth Casson Fred Male Frew Jeannie Female Maylands
1938/100552 Perth Frew Jeannie Female Casson Fred Male Maylands
1938/100553 Perth Cooper Ernest Arthur Male Leopard Theresa Ethel Female Perth
1938/100553 Perth Leopard Theresa Ethel Female Cooper Ernest Arthur Male Perth
1938/100554 Perth Thomas Harold Arnold Spencer Male Stewart Rene Viola Female East Claremont
1938/100554 Perth Stewart Rene Viola Female Thomas Harold Arnold Spencer Male East Claremont
1938/100555 Perth Fyfe Alice Mary Female Campbell Thomas Alexander Male Cottesloe
1938/100555 Perth Campbell Thomas Alexander Male Fyfe Alice Mary Female Cottesloe
1938/100556 Perth Manwaring Margaret Joyce Female Turner Donald Joseph Male Subiaco
1938/100556 Perth Turner Donald Joseph Male Manwaring Margaret Joyce Female Subiaco
1938/100557 Perth Stott Gwendoline Ogilvie Female Harvey Ernest Keith Male Subiaco
1938/100557 Perth Harvey Ernest Keith Male Stott Gwendoline Ogilvie Female Subiaco
1938/100558 Perth Barrett-Lennard Victor Male Lukin Jane Harper Female Subiaco
1938/100558 Perth Lukin Jane Harper Female Barrett-Lennard Victor Male Subiaco
1938/100559 Perth Davenport Rita Mavis Female Patrick John Frederick Male Subiaco
1938/100559 Perth Patrick John Frederick Male Davenport Rita Mavis Female Subiaco
1938/100560 Perth Diprose Lillian Mildred Female Ambrosius Richard George Male Subiaco
1938/100560 Perth Ambrosius Richard George Male Diprose Lillian Mildred Female Subiaco
1938/100561 Perth Manning Selwyn John Male Woodard Rose Bessie Female Perth
1938/100561 Perth Woodard Rose Bessie Female Manning Selwyn John Male Perth
1938/100562 Perth Wall Francis Larter Neville Male Williams Alice Christina Female Mount Hawthorn
1938/100562 Perth Williams Alice Christina Female Wall Francis Larter Neville Male Mount Hawthorn
1938/100563 Perth Parker Francis Ernest Male O'Farrell Emily May Female Highgate Hill
1938/100563 Perth O'Farrell Emily May Female Parker Francis Ernest Male Highgate Hill
1938/100564 Perth Rogers Margaret Mary Female Allnutt John Nicholl Male Highgate Hill
1938/100564 Perth Allnutt John Nicholl Male Rogers Margaret Mary Female Highgate Hill
1938/100566 Perth Richards Sylvia May Female Spinks Henry George Male Perth
1938/100566 Perth Spinks Henry George Male Richards Sylvia May Female Perth
1938/100567 Perth Bagot Arthur Gerald Male Harris Noel Irene Female West Perth
1938/100567 Perth Harris Noel Irene Female Bagot Arthur Gerald Male West Perth
1938/100568 Perth Dennison John Male Idle Zillah Marie Louise Female West Perth
1938/100568 Perth Idle Zillah Marie Louise Female Dennison John Male West Perth
1938/100569 Perth Kennedy Patrick Clive George Male Morrison Joy Elizabeth Female West Perth
1938/100569 Perth Morrison Joy Elizabeth Female Kennedy Patrick Clive George Male West Perth
1938/100570 Perth Western Albert Daniel Male Rule Mildred Female Perth
1938/100570 Perth Rule Mildred Female Western Albert Daniel Male Perth
1938/100571 Perth Bredemeyer Harold Ernest Male Farley Jean Ames Female Perth
1938/100571 Perth Farley Jean Ames Female Bredemeyer Harold Ernest Male Perth
1938/100572 Perth Pearce Amelia Edith Female Kerr Ronald John Male Perth
1938/100572 Perth Kerr Ronald John Male Pearce Amelia Edith Female Perth
1938/100573 Perth Baker Gladys Rosina Female Stewart Norman Henry Male Maylands
1938/100573 Perth Stewart Norman Henry Male Baker Gladys Rosina Female Maylands
1938/100574 Perth Ward Ronald Augustus Anzac Male Rance Jean Gladys Vivienne Female West Perth
1938/100574 Perth Rance Jean Gladys Vivienne Female Ward Ronald Augustus Anzac Male West Perth
1938/100575 Perth Brown Isabella Martin Female McRobert Harry Male West Perth
1938/100575 Perth McRobert Harry Male Brown Isabella Martin Female West Perth
1938/100576 Perth Wood Norman Ignatius Male Lloyd Mary Lucy Female West Perth
1938/100576 Perth Lloyd Mary Lucy Female Wood Norman Ignatius Male West Perth
1938/100577 Perth Jenkinson Harold Leyton Male McGillivray Isabella Female North Perth
1938/100577 Perth McGillivray Isabella Female Jenkinson Harold Leyton Male North Perth
1938/100578 Perth Tudor Olive Reay Female Alliss Cecil Frederick Mitchell Male Perth
1938/100578 Perth Alliss Cecil Frederick Mitchell Male Tudor Olive Reay Female Perth
1938/100579 Perth Bayliss Eva Danella Female Hall Robert Stanley Male Perth
1938/100579 Perth Hall Robert Stanley Male Bayliss Eva Danella Female Perth
1938/100580 Perth Hill Grace Lydia Female Grainger Thomas Alexander Male Perth
1938/100580 Perth Grainger Thomas Alexander Male Hill Grace Lydia Female Perth
1938/100581 Perth Ding Norman Kenneth Male Howe Beatrice Winifred Female Perth
1938/100581 Perth Howe Beatrice Winifred Female Ding Norman Kenneth Male Perth
1938/100582 Perth Miller Laurel Female Johnson Richard Feneley Male Perth
1938/100582 Perth Johnson Richard Feneley Male Miller Laurel Female Perth
1938/100583 Perth Smith Gordon Eric Male Kerr Jean Ormsby Female Perth
1938/100583 Perth Kerr Jean Ormsby Female Smith Gordon Eric Male Perth
1938/100584 Perth Leggo Gertrude Female Dawson Hubert Edward Male Perth
1938/100584 Perth Dawson Hubert Edward Male Leggo Gertrude Female Perth
1938/100585 Perth Fry Muriel Female Loudon George Male Perth
1938/100585 Perth Loudon George Male Fry Muriel Female Perth
1938/100586 Perth Regan Ilene Gertrude Female Gibbs Joseph Dagley Male Perth
1938/100586 Perth Gibbs Joseph Dagley Male Regan Ilene Gertrude Female Perth
1938/100587 Perth Armanasco Norma Harriet May Female Nutt Horace Basil Male Perth
1938/100587 Perth Nutt Horace Basil Male Armanasco Norma Harriet May Female Perth
1938/100588 Perth Shaw Mary Eileen Female Raison Cyril John Male Highgate Hill
1938/100588 Perth Raison Cyril John Male Shaw Mary Eileen Female Highgate Hill
1938/100590 Perth Rowe Albert Edward Male Ardagh Veronica Rose Female Perth
1938/100590 Perth Ardagh Veronica Rose Female Rowe Albert Edward Male Perth
1938/100591 Perth Bennett Helen Margaret Female Constantine Neil David Lockhart Male Perth
1938/100591 Perth Constantine Neil David Lockhart Male Bennett Helen Margaret Female Perth
1938/100592 Perth Cutler Howard Male Blick Margaret Phyllis Female Perth
1938/100592 Perth Blick Margaret Phyllis Female Cutler Howard Male Perth
1938/100593 Perth Jennings Vera Emily Female Wheatland Donald Stanley Male Perth
1938/100593 Perth Wheatland Donald Stanley Male Jennings Vera Emily Female Perth
1938/100594 Perth Drury Dorothy Constance Mary Female Hiron Gordon Arthur Leslie Male Perth
1938/100594 Perth Hiron Gordon Arthur Leslie Male Drury Dorothy Constance Mary Female Perth
1938/100595 Perth Lipman Dudley Victor Male Clarke Phyllis Mary Female Perth
1938/100595 Perth Clarke Phyllis Mary Female Lipman Dudley Victor Male Perth
1938/100596 Perth Birchley Beryl Elizabeth Female Wansbrough Hubert Richard Campbell Male Perth
1938/100596 Perth Wansbrough Hubert Richard Campbell Male Birchley Beryl Elizabeth Female Perth
1938/100597 Perth Hewes Dorothy Caroline Female Cartwright Kenneth Henry Male Perth
1938/100597 Perth Cartwright Kenneth Henry Male Hewes Dorothy Caroline Female Perth
1938/100598 Perth Opie Ruth Veronica Female Martin William James Male Perth
1938/100598 Perth Martin William James Male Opie Ruth Veronica Female Perth
1938/100599 Perth Struck Vera May Female Duggan Charles Henry Male Perth
1938/100599 Perth Duggan Charles Henry Male Struck Vera May Female Perth
1938/100600 Perth McGill Robert Bell Male Halse Agnes Mary Female Perth
1938/100600 Perth Halse Agnes Mary Female McGill Robert Bell Male Perth
1938/100601 Perth Hodgson Ellen Female Gray Samuel Arthur Male Bayswater
1938/100601 Perth Gray Samuel Arthur Male Hodgson Ellen Female Bayswater
1938/100602 Perth Challinger Mary Evylen Female Clements Albert John Male Subiaco
1938/100602 Perth Clements Albert John Male Challinger Mary Evylen Female Subiaco
1938/100603 Perth Birenbaum Carl Male Gibson Jessie Female Perth
1938/100603 Perth Gibson Jessie Female Birenbaum Carl Male Perth
1938/100604 Perth Domandzic Pera Female Glamuzina Drago Male West Perth
1938/100604 Perth Glamuzina Drago Male Domandzic Pera Female West Perth
1938/100605 Perth Gianatti Enrico Male Flematti Ida Female West Perth
1938/100605 Perth Flematti Ida Female Gianatti Enrico Male West Perth
1938/100606 Perth Coyle Caroline Female Deimel Herbert Walter Male Cottesloe
1938/100606 Perth Deimel Herbert Walter Male Coyle Caroline Female Cottesloe
1938/100607 Perth Eastlake Francis Pelerin Male Kearney Ellen Female West Perth
1938/100607 Perth Kearney Ellen Female Eastlake Francis Pelerin Male West Perth
1938/100608 Perth Board Olive Emily Female Samuel George Male Perth
1938/100608 Perth Samuel George Male Board Olive Emily Female Perth
1938/100609 Perth Clark Edgar Albert Male Whitehead Hilda Victoria Laurie Female West Leederville
1938/100609 Perth Whitehead Hilda Victoria Laurie Female Clark Edgar Albert Male West Leederville
1938/100610 Perth Pryer Frederick William Male Horton Thelma Rose Female Maylands
1938/100610 Perth Horton Thelma Rose Female Pryer Frederick William Male Maylands
1938/100611 Perth Hammer Marjorie Jean Female Cameron Walter Duncan Male Maylands
1938/100611 Perth Cameron Walter Duncan Male Hammer Marjorie Jean Female Maylands
1938/100612 Perth Singe Leslie Norman Male Chitty Lila Grace Female Perth
1938/100612 Perth Chitty Lila Grace Female Singe Leslie Norman Male Perth
1938/100613 Perth Lee Phyllis May Female Godfrey David Norman Male Perth
1938/100613 Perth Godfrey David Norman Male Lee Phyllis May Female Perth
1938/100614 Perth Horak Leopold Male McCorry Violet Mary Madge Female Perth
1938/100614 Perth McCorry Violet Mary Madge Female Horak Leopold Male Perth
1938/100615 Perth Perks Merle Dulcie Female Etherington Joseph Foster Male Perth
1938/100615 Perth Etherington Joseph Foster Male Perks Merle Dulcie Female Perth
1938/100616 Perth Farrell Teresa Evelyn Female Bell Allan James Male Mt Lawley
1938/100616 Perth Bell Allan James Male Farrell Teresa Evelyn Female Mt Lawley
1938/100617 Perth Palmer Tom Harold Male Dove Annie Martha Female Mt Lawley
1938/100617 Perth Dove Annie Martha Female Palmer Tom Harold Male Mt Lawley
1938/100618 Perth Crockenberg Frederick Herbert Male Allison Lila Ethel Female West Perth
1938/100618 Perth Allison Lila Ethel Female Crockenberg Frederick Herbert Male West Perth
1938/100619 Perth Crisp John Henry Male Gregson Florence Nightingale Female West Perth
1938/100619 Perth Gregson Florence Nightingale Female Crisp John Henry Male West Perth
1938/100620 Perth Oliver Ivy Grace Female Simson Hubert Martin Male West Perth
1938/100620 Perth Simson Hubert Martin Male Oliver Ivy Grace Female West Perth
1938/100621 Perth Marshall Ivy Doris Female Parkes Harry Ronald John Male Perth
1938/100621 Perth Parkes Harry Ronald John Male Marshall Ivy Doris Female Perth
1938/100622 Perth Jenkinson Daisy Edna Female Cerini Victor Paull Male Perth
1938/100622 Perth Cerini Victor Paull Male Jenkinson Daisy Edna Female Perth
1938/100623 Perth Curtis Phyllis May Female Craig John Hugh Frederick Male Perth
1938/100623 Perth Craig John Hugh Frederick Male Curtis Phyllis May Female Perth
1938/100624 Perth Logue Jessie Clarra Female Lilburne Hughan Lawrence Male Perth
1938/100624 Perth Lilburne Hughan Lawrence Male Logue Jessie Clarra Female Perth
1938/100625 Perth Keddie Ernest Victor Male Hanna Agnes Sylvia Female Highgate Hill
1938/100625 Perth Hanna Agnes Sylvia Female Keddie Ernest Victor Male Highgate Hill
1938/100626 Perth Weaver Ruth Female Simpson Thomas Male Perth
1938/100626 Perth Simpson Thomas Male Weaver Ruth Female Perth
1938/100627 Perth Walker Graham Montgomery Male Drake Margaret Eileen Female Perth
1938/100627 Perth Drake Margaret Eileen Female Walker Graham Montgomery Male Perth
1938/100628 Perth Ismay Cyril Howard Markham Male Fittes Charlotte Rosebella Female Perth
1938/100628 Perth Fittes Charlotte Rosebella Female Ismay Cyril Howard Markham Male Perth
1938/100629 Perth Horne Charles Edwin Male Bickford Winifred Lilian Female Perth
1938/100629 Perth Bickford Winifred Lilian Female Horne Charles Edwin Male Perth
1938/100630 Perth Dix Ethel Kathleen Female Wilde Charles Jeffrey Male Perth
1938/100630 Perth Wilde Charles Jeffrey Male Dix Ethel Kathleen Female Perth
1938/100631 Perth Mills Eileen Lilian Female Brown Charles Henry Male Victoria Park
1938/100631 Perth Brown Charles Henry Male Mills Eileen Lilian Female Victoria Park
1938/100632 Perth Gillespie Adam Male Cheeseman Ethel Gertrude Ermine Female Mount Hawthorn
1938/100632 Perth Cheeseman Ethel Gertrude Ermine Female Gillespie Adam Male Mount Hawthorn
1938/100633 Perth Elliott Raymond Arthur Male Fist Faith Amelia Female Perth
1938/100633 Perth Fist Faith Amelia Female Elliott Raymond Arthur Male Perth
1938/100634 Perth Weir Thomas Smith Male Parncutt Elsie Mavis Female Perth
1938/100634 Perth Parncutt Elsie Mavis Female Weir Thomas Smith Male Perth
1938/100635 Perth Mezger Frank Gordon Male Berry Roberta Female Perth
1938/100635 Perth Berry Roberta Female Mezger Frank Gordon Male Perth
1938/100636 Perth Rose Violet Anna Female Pegler Leslie James Male Perth
1938/100636 Perth Pegler Leslie James Male Rose Violet Anna Female Perth
1938/100637 Perth Gilmore Jean Evelyn Female Johnstone Leslie Charles Male Victoria Park
1938/100637 Perth Johnstone Leslie Charles Male Gilmore Jean Evelyn Female Victoria Park
1938/100638 Perth Bolden Lawrence Harry Male King Gladys Evelyne Female Perth
1938/100638 Perth King Gladys Evelyne Female Bolden Lawrence Harry Male Perth
1938/100639 Perth Osterberg Albert Edward Male Keiller Irene Mary Female Perth
1938/100639 Perth Keiller Irene Mary Female Osterberg Albert Edward Male Perth
1938/100640 Perth Jeffery Alice May Female Russell Thomas Male Cottesloe
1938/100640 Perth Russell Thomas Male Jeffery Alice May Female Cottesloe
1938/100641 Perth Napier George Ponsonby Male Buckman Burnette Female Mt Lawley
1938/100641 Perth Buckman Burnette Female Napier George Ponsonby Male Mt Lawley
1938/100642 Perth Fenemore Ronald William George Male Fleming Barbara Lydia Female Perth
1938/100642 Perth Fleming Barbara Lydia Female Fenemore Ronald William George Male Perth
1938/100643 Perth Golden Percy Male Blum Doris Eileen Female Perth
1938/100643 Perth Blum Doris Eileen Female Golden Percy Male Perth
1938/100644 Perth O'Neill Nance Paskin Female Chappell William Male Mt Lawley
1938/100644 Perth Chappell William Male O'Neill Nance Paskin Female Mt Lawley
1938/100645 Perth Watkins Lucy May Female Bloore Alan Frederick Male Perth
1938/100645 Perth Bloore Alan Frederick Male Watkins Lucy May Female Perth
1938/100646 Perth Hamersley Preston Maitland Male Drummond Margaret Rose Female Perth
1938/100646 Perth Drummond Margaret Rose Female Hamersley Preston Maitland Male Perth
1938/100647 Perth Sinclair Sydney Sperling Male Davenport Sheila Female Perth
1938/100647 Perth Davenport Sheila Female Sinclair Sydney Sperling Male Perth
1938/100648 Perth Wyatt Doris Elsie Female Nicol Charles Drummond Male Victoria Park
1938/100648 Perth Nicol Charles Drummond Male Wyatt Doris Elsie Female Victoria Park
1938/100649 Perth Clifton Victor Male Castlehow Jean Female Victoria Park
1938/100649 Perth Castlehow Jean Female Clifton Victor Male Victoria Park
1938/100650 Perth Meyer Ellen Ada Female Wall George John Male Victoria Park
1938/100650 Perth Wall George John Male Meyer Ellen Ada Female Victoria Park
1938/100651 Perth Martin Martha Female Edmunds Thomas Llewellyn Male Bayswater
1938/100651 Perth Edmunds Thomas Llewellyn Male Martin Martha Female Bayswater
1938/100652 Perth Peirce Leslie Fisher Scaddan Male Barnes Lilian Joyce Female Bayswater
1938/100652 Perth Barnes Lilian Joyce Female Peirce Leslie Fisher Scaddan Male Bayswater
1938/100653 Perth MacAndrew Alice Blakeney Female Beecham Edward Kennett Male Cottesloe
1938/100653 Perth Beecham Edward Kennett Male MacAndrew Alice Blakeney Female Cottesloe
1938/100654 Perth Linklater Florence Jean Female Wilson Harold Charles Talbot Male Rosalie
1938/100654 Perth Wilson Harold Charles Talbot Male Linklater Florence Jean Female Rosalie
1938/100655 Perth Tyler Ernest Male Burkett May Elizabeth Female Maylands
1938/100655 Perth Burkett May Elizabeth Female Tyler Ernest Male Maylands
1938/100656 Perth Drummond Norman Andrê Male Urquhart Patricia Evelyn Female Perth
1938/100656 Perth Urquhart Patricia Evelyn Female Drummond Norman Andrê Male Perth
1938/100657 Perth McCaffery Andrew Hamilton Male Manners Margaret Jean Female Mount Lawley
1938/100657 Perth Manners Margaret Jean Female McCaffery Andrew Hamilton Male Mount Lawley
1938/100658 Perth Johnson Doris Emily Female Bromley Frederick Reginald Male Maylands
1938/100658 Perth Bromley Frederick Reginald Male Johnson Doris Emily Female Maylands
1938/100659 Perth Freight Edward Stanley Male Techow Evelyn Louisa Female Claremont
1938/100659 Perth Techow Evelyn Louisa Female Freight Edward Stanley Male Claremont
1938/100660 Perth Farrant Leonard George Male Cook Jean Female Perth
1938/100660 Perth Cook Jean Female Farrant Leonard George Male Perth
1938/100661 Perth Bruechle Conrad Alois Male Manners Leila Birtley Female Perth
1938/100661 Perth Manners Leila Birtley Female Bruechle Conrad Alois Male Perth
1938/100662 Perth Clarke Mary Female Gerring Charles Morgan Male Leederville
1938/100662 Perth Gerring Charles Morgan Male Clarke Mary Female Leederville
1938/100663 Perth Wilson John Alfred Male Plunkett Patricia Mary Female Leederville
1938/100663 Perth Plunkett Patricia Mary Female Wilson John Alfred Male Leederville
1938/100664 Perth Christie Doris Female Preisig Allan Edward Foster Male Leederville
1938/100664 Perth Preisig Allan Edward Foster Male Christie Doris Female Leederville
1938/100665 Perth McManus Hazel Margaret Female Weir James Henry Male Perth
1938/100665 Perth Weir James Henry Male McManus Hazel Margaret Female Perth
1938/100666 Perth Wittmer Andrena Winifred Female Sutherland Allen Herbert Male Perth
1938/100666 Perth Sutherland Allen Herbert Male Wittmer Andrena Winifred Female Perth
1938/100667 Perth Hartnell Beatrice Dorothy Female Coughlan Patrick Martin Male Perth
1938/100667 Perth Coughlan Patrick Martin Male Hartnell Beatrice Dorothy Female Perth
1938/100668 Perth Bentley Jessie Isabella Female Mitter Thomas Leonard Male Victoria Park
1938/100668 Perth Mitter Thomas Leonard Male Bentley Jessie Isabella Female Victoria Park
1938/100669 Perth Poor John Walter Male White Thelma Female Perth
1938/100669 Perth White Thelma Female Poor John Walter Male Perth
1938/100670 Perth Wuillemin Lillian Ethel Female Strahan Stephen Monger Male Perth
1938/100670 Perth Strahan Stephen Monger Male Wuillemin Lillian Ethel Female Perth
1938/100671 Perth Connaughton Albert James Male West Millie May Female Perth
1938/100671 Perth West Millie May Female Connaughton Albert James Male Perth
1938/100672 Perth Wilson Agnes Marion Elizabeth Female Pearson Rupert Henry Male Perth
1938/100672 Perth Pearson Rupert Henry Male Wilson Agnes Marion Elizabeth Female Perth
1938/100673 Perth Walkerden Norman Male Jones Jean Coral Female Perth
1938/100673 Perth Jones Jean Coral Female Walkerden Norman Male Perth
1938/100674 Perth Short Ernest Frederick Male Thomson Jessie Female Perth
1938/100674 Perth Thomson Jessie Female Short Ernest Frederick Male Perth
1938/100675 Perth Higgins Edward Henry James Male Lindan Sylvie Isabella Amelia Female Mt Hawthorn
1938/100675 Perth Lindan Sylvie Isabella Amelia Female Higgins Edward Henry James Male Mt Hawthorn
1938/100676 Perth Davison Francis Raby Male Marshall Olive May Female Nedlands
1938/100676 Perth Marshall Olive May Female Davison Francis Raby Male Nedlands
1938/100677 Perth Brown Geoffrey Miller Male Henderson Margaret Female Nedlands
1938/100677 Perth Henderson Margaret Female Brown Geoffrey Miller Male Nedlands
1938/100678 Perth Linard Erminie May Female Catchlove David Glendower Male Nedlands
1938/100678 Perth Catchlove David Glendower Male Linard Erminie May Female Nedlands
1938/100679 Perth Limb John Clement Male Scott Margaret Agnes Female Perth
1938/100679 Perth Scott Margaret Agnes Female Limb John Clement Male Perth
1938/100680 Perth Tremain Phyllis Marjorie Female Orr Joseph Ferguson Male North Perth
1938/100680 Perth Orr Joseph Ferguson Male Tremain Phyllis Marjorie Female North Perth
1938/100681 Perth Powley Eric Trevor Male Kemsley Jean Female West Perth
1938/100681 Perth Kemsley Jean Female Powley Eric Trevor Male West Perth
1938/100682 Perth Bevan Ruby May Female MacKenzie William Charles Male West Perth
1938/100682 Perth MacKenzie William Charles Male Bevan Ruby May Female West Perth
1938/100683 Perth Fawkes Enid Maxine Female Porter Carl Howard Male West Perth
1938/100683 Perth Porter Carl Howard Male Fawkes Enid Maxine Female West Perth
1938/100684 Perth Banks Edson Neil Joseph Male Rogers Constance May Female West Perth
1938/100684 Perth Rogers Constance May Female Banks Edson Neil Joseph Male West Perth
1938/100685 Perth Spain Beryl Ada Female Bateman Laurence James Thorold Male West Perth
1938/100685 Perth Bateman Laurence James Thorold Male Spain Beryl Ada Female West Perth
1938/100686 Perth Mackintosh Jean Mary Female Gadsdon Paul Ashdown Male West Perth
1938/100686 Perth Gadsdon Paul Ashdown Male Mackintosh Jean Mary Female West Perth
1938/100687 Perth McCulloch Margaret Mary Female Gallaher John George Male Perth
1938/100687 Perth Gallaher John George Male McCulloch Margaret Mary Female Perth
1938/100688 Perth Miller Vivian Muriel Agnes Female Burnett Percy Clinton Male Subiaco
1938/100688 Perth Burnett Percy Clinton Male Miller Vivian Muriel Agnes Female Subiaco
1938/100689 Perth Reading Eric Nelson Male Chester Doris Maude Female Maylands
1938/100689 Perth Chester Doris Maude Female Reading Eric Nelson Male Maylands
1938/100690 Perth Clarson Albert Patrick Dudley Male Perham Jean Woodburn Female Perth
1938/100690 Perth Perham Jean Woodburn Female Clarson Albert Patrick Dudley Male Perth
1938/100691 Perth Turnbull Cherrie Orient Female Matson William Male Claremont
1938/100691 Perth Matson William Male Turnbull Cherrie Orient Female Claremont
1938/100692 Perth Lovegrove Ernest Alfred Male Willis Edith Alice Female Perth
1938/100692 Perth Willis Edith Alice Female Lovegrove Ernest Alfred Male Perth
1938/100693 Perth Clifton Jean Female Oliver Norman Gregory Male Claremont
1938/100693 Perth Oliver Norman Gregory Male Clifton Jean Female Claremont
1938/100694 Perth Burton Robert Edwin Male Huck Margery Female Claremont
1938/100694 Perth Huck Margery Female Burton Robert Edwin Male Claremont
1938/100695 Perth Dobson Helen Muriel Female Steele Kenneth William Male South Perth
1938/100695 Perth Steele Kenneth William Male Dobson Helen Muriel Female South Perth
1938/100696 Perth Evershed Ivy Doreen Female Peter Selbie Smith Male Claremont
1938/100696 Perth Peter Selbie Smith Male Evershed Ivy Doreen Female Claremont
1938/100697 Perth Kern William George Male Wilson Mary Strachan Female Claremont
1938/100697 Perth Wilson Mary Strachan Female Kern William George Male Claremont
1938/100698 Perth Morris Constance Laura Female Burns James Male Claremont
1938/100698 Perth Burns James Male Morris Constance Laura Female Claremont
1938/100699 Perth Lane Robert Male Stokes Dorothea Catherine Female Perth
1938/100699 Perth Stokes Dorothea Catherine Female Lane Robert Male Perth
1938/100700 Perth Karmelich Thomas Male Dirpich Kathleen Female Osborne Park
1938/100700 Perth Dirpich Kathleen Female Karmelich Thomas Male Osborne Park
1938/100701 Perth Arnold Arthur Lloyd Male McFarlane Dora Emily Female Perth
1938/100701 Perth McFarlane Dora Emily Female Arnold Arthur Lloyd Male Perth
1938/100702 Perth Gray Neil Michael Male Chamberlain Mabel Female Perth
1938/100702 Perth Chamberlain Mabel Female Gray Neil Michael Male Perth
1938/100703 Perth Smith Maud Cecilia Female Sheridan James Cecil Male West Perth
1938/100703 Perth Sheridan James Cecil Male Smith Maud Cecilia Female West Perth
1938/100704 Perth Docherty Teresa Gertrude Female Bradly Joseph Male West Perth
1938/100704 Perth Bradly Joseph Male Docherty Teresa Gertrude Female West Perth
1938/100705 Perth Peterson Leslie Herbert Male Ryan Mary Eileen Female West Perth
1938/100705 Perth Ryan Mary Eileen Female Peterson Leslie Herbert Male West Perth
1938/100706 Perth Boganovic Andreja Ivon Male Katic Maude Female West Perth
1938/100706 Perth Katic Maude Female Boganovic Andreja Ivon Male West Perth
1938/100707 Perth Basile Gwendoline Female Sheridan Patrick Leslie Male Perth
1938/100707 Perth Sheridan Patrick Leslie Male Basile Gwendoline Female Perth
1938/100708 Perth Pratt Joseph Ernest Frederick Male Harrison Elsie Alice Female Perth
1938/100708 Perth Harrison Elsie Alice Female Pratt Joseph Ernest Frederick Male Perth
1938/100709 Perth Menmuir David Meekison Male Klix Violet Roselie Female Perth
1938/100709 Perth Klix Violet Roselie Female Menmuir David Meekison Male Perth
1938/100710 Perth O'Mara Herbert Clarence Male Cook Jean McArthur Liddell Female West Leederville
1938/100710 Perth Cook Jean McArthur Liddell Female O'Mara Herbert Clarence Male West Leederville
1938/100711 Perth McDiarmid Norman Archibald Male Allan Margaret McAlpine Female West Leederville
1938/100711 Perth Allan Margaret McAlpine Female McDiarmid Norman Archibald Male West Leederville
1938/100712 Perth Eyre Gladys Female King James Reuben Male North Perth
1938/100712 Perth King James Reuben Male Eyre Gladys Female North Perth
1938/100713 Perth Bailey Phyllis Edna Female Matton Eric Male West Perth
1938/100713 Perth Matton Eric Male Bailey Phyllis Edna Female West Perth
1938/100714 Perth Jewell Marjorie Female Hoad Thomas Henry Male Subiaco
1938/100714 Perth Hoad Thomas Henry Male Jewell Marjorie Female Subiaco
1938/100715 Perth Serventy Thomas Frank Male Adams Ena Naomi Female Rosalie
1938/100715 Perth Adams Ena Naomi Female Serventy Thomas Frank Male Rosalie
1938/100716 Perth Esplan Charlotte Craig Female Hunter James Male Maylands
1938/100716 Perth Hunter James Male Esplan Charlotte Craig Female Maylands
1938/100717 Perth Fewster Joyce Female Hywood Edgar Cyril Roel Male Mt Lawley
1938/100717 Perth Hywood Edgar Cyril Roel Male Fewster Joyce Female Mt Lawley
1938/100718 Perth Hughes William James Male Winter Venus Beard Female Cottesloe
1938/100718 Perth Winter Venus Beard Female Hughes William James Male Cottesloe
1938/100719 Perth Murray Pearl Roberta Female Crawford Edgar Ambrose Male Perth
1938/100719 Perth Crawford Edgar Ambrose Male Murray Pearl Roberta Female Perth
1938/100720 Perth Newbey Molly Female Thompson Norman Frederick Male West Perth
1938/100720 Perth Thompson Norman Frederick Male Newbey Molly Female West Perth
1938/100721 Perth Toal Emily Elsie Female Clark Andrew Male Ross Memorial Presbyterian Church
1938/100721 Perth Clark Andrew Male Toal Emily Elsie Female Ross Memorial Presbyterian Church
1938/100722 Perth Watts Jack Neil Sydney Male Harrison Ethel Mary Female West Perth
1938/100722 Perth Harrison Ethel Mary Female Watts Jack Neil Sydney Male West Perth
1938/100723 Perth Arnold Edward Phillip Male Morris Nancy Emily Female Ross Memorial Church
1938/100723 Perth Morris Nancy Emily Female Arnold Edward Phillip Male Ross Memorial Church
1938/100724 Perth Gordon Agnes Mitchell Currie Female O'Donnell Gerard Alphincis Male West Perth
1938/100724 Perth O'Donnell Gerard Alphincis Male Gordon Agnes Mitchell Currie Female West Perth
1938/100725 Perth Crawford Winona Mabel Female Cocks Albert Baden Male West Perth
1938/100725 Perth Cocks Albert Baden Male Crawford Winona Mabel Female West Perth
1938/100726 Perth Jacobsen Sigmund Male Johnstone Mavis Lilian Female West Perth
1938/100726 Perth Johnstone Mavis Lilian Female Jacobsen Sigmund Male West Perth
1938/100727 Perth Lloyd Barbara June Jessie Female Arnold Victor Henry Male West Perth
1938/100727 Perth Arnold Victor Henry Male Lloyd Barbara June Jessie Female West Perth
1938/100728 Perth Cowain Grace Lillian Female Yates Donald Male West Perth
1938/100728 Perth Yates Donald Male Cowain Grace Lillian Female West Perth
1938/100729 Perth Tannock Augustus Austin Male D'Arcy Nora Mary Female Perth
1938/100729 Perth D'Arcy Nora Mary Female Tannock Augustus Austin Male Perth
1938/100730 Perth Garth Hazel Myra Drew Female Jones Owen Despointes Male Perth
1938/100730 Perth Jones Owen Despointes Male Garth Hazel Myra Drew Female Perth
1938/100731 Perth Hudson Margaret Winifred Female Howes Leslie Charles Male Mt Lawley
1938/100731 Perth Howes Leslie Charles Male Hudson Margaret Winifred Female Mt Lawley
1938/100732 Perth Quinlan Bernard Leo Male O'Neill Molly Gertrude Female Perth
1938/100732 Perth O'Neill Molly Gertrude Female Quinlan Bernard Leo Male Perth
1938/100733 Perth Garvey Thomas Joseph Male Cahill Isobel Florence Female Perth
1938/100733 Perth Cahill Isobel Florence Female Garvey Thomas Joseph Male Perth
1938/100734 Perth Symmons Wilfrid Cecil Male Gregory Edna Constance Female West Perth
1938/100734 Perth Gregory Edna Constance Female Symmons Wilfrid Cecil Male West Perth
1938/100735 Perth Wells Phyllis Maud Female Lyttleton Denis William Male Perth
1938/100735 Perth Lyttleton Denis William Male Wells Phyllis Maud Female Perth
1938/100736 Perth Parker Pauline Mary Female Burgin Godfrey Spencer Male Perth
1938/100736 Perth Burgin Godfrey Spencer Male Parker Pauline Mary Female Perth
1938/100737 Perth Cameron Kathleen Mary Teresa Female Brammer Bertram Ernest Male Perth
1938/100737 Perth Brammer Bertram Ernest Male Cameron Kathleen Mary Teresa Female Perth
1938/100738 Perth Quinn William Valentine Male White Eunice Maud Carrell Female Perth
1938/100738 Perth White Eunice Maud Carrell Female Quinn William Valentine Male Perth
1938/100739 Perth Crofts Herbert Stanley Male Stone Mary Kathleen Female Perth
1938/100739 Perth Stone Mary Kathleen Female Crofts Herbert Stanley Male Perth
1938/100740 Perth Tomich Vincent Male Lavelle Alice Female Perth
1938/100740 Perth Lavelle Alice Female Tomich Vincent Male Perth
1938/100741 Perth Williamson Kenneth George Male Davis Ivy Lorraine Female Mt Lawley
1938/100741 Perth Davis Ivy Lorraine Female Williamson Kenneth George Male Mt Lawley
1938/100742 Perth Collett Laurie Milburn Brayley Male Thom Edna Mary Female Mt Lawley
1938/100742 Perth Thom Edna Mary Female Collett Laurie Milburn Brayley Male Mt Lawley
1938/100743 Perth Cocker Henry Charles Joseph Male Toy Beatrice May Female Leederville
1938/100743 Perth Toy Beatrice May Female Cocker Henry Charles Joseph Male Leederville
1938/100744 Perth Thompson Lionel Colin Keith Male Sutherland Constance Hallie Female Leederville
1938/100744 Perth Sutherland Constance Hallie Female Thompson Lionel Colin Keith Male Leederville
1938/100745 Perth Johnson Ellen Female Harris George Male Leederville
1938/100745 Perth Harris George Male Johnson Ellen Female Leederville
1938/100746 Perth Hale Frances Amy Tree Female Fulton Jack Wallace Male Mt Lawley
1938/100746 Perth Fulton Jack Wallace Male Hale Frances Amy Tree Female Mt Lawley
1938/100747 Perth Martin Beatrice May Female Mallis Michael Male Leederville
1938/100747 Perth Mallis Michael Male Martin Beatrice May Female Leederville
1938/100748 Perth Wood Rita Female Deary David Alexander Male Leederville
1938/100748 Perth Deary David Alexander Male Wood Rita Female Leederville
1938/100749 Perth York Annie Esther Female Bond Arthur James Male Leederville
1938/100749 Perth Bond Arthur James Male York Annie Esther Female Leederville
1938/100750 Perth Cody Dora Moana Female Pearson William Male Perth
1938/100750 Perth Pearson William Male Cody Dora Moana Female Perth
1938/100751 Perth Tripp Wilhelmina Edna Female Power Edmond Male Perth
1938/100751 Perth Power Edmond Male Tripp Wilhelmina Edna Female Perth
1938/100752 Perth Lawrence Andrew James Male McLeod Jessie Euphemia Female Perth
1938/100752 Perth McLeod Jessie Euphemia Female Lawrence Andrew James Male Perth
1938/100753 Perth Lutz Carl Thornton Male Ormiston Phyllis Irene Female Perth
1938/100753 Perth Ormiston Phyllis Irene Female Lutz Carl Thornton Male Perth
1938/100754 Perth Lodge Harold Newton Male Marsh Marjory Beatrice Female West Perth
1938/100754 Perth Marsh Marjory Beatrice Female Lodge Harold Newton Male West Perth
1938/100755 Perth Turner Roy Leslie Male Brown Olive Female Perth
1938/100755 Perth Brown Olive Female Turner Roy Leslie Male Perth
1938/100756 Perth Hodgson William James Male Anderson Flora Gordon Female Claremont
1938/100756 Perth Anderson Flora Gordon Female Hodgson William James Male Claremont
1938/100757 Perth Densley Leslie Frederick Male Harris Pearl Hazel Female Victoria Park
1938/100757 Perth Harris Pearl Hazel Female Densley Leslie Frederick Male Victoria Park
1938/100758 Perth Walker Walter Charles Male Benness Bethel Female Perth
1938/100758 Perth Benness Bethel Female Walker Walter Charles Male Perth
1938/100759 Perth Smith-Ryan Mina Romanis Female Hadden Arthur Campbell Male Mt Lawley
1938/100759 Perth Hadden Arthur Campbell Male Smith-Ryan Mina Romanis Female Mt Lawley
1938/100760 Perth Wylie Reata Jessie Female Pearson Frank Butler Male Maylands
1938/100760 Perth Pearson Frank Butler Male Wylie Reata Jessie Female Maylands
1938/100761 Perth Winter Florence Gertrude Nina Female Martin William John Henry Male South Perth
1938/100761 Perth Martin William John Henry Male Winter Florence Gertrude Nina Female South Perth
1938/100762 Perth Baird Keith Hugh Male Clarke Grace Female Crawley
1938/100762 Perth Clarke Grace Female Baird Keith Hugh Male Crawley
1938/100763 Perth Valli Rosie Female Zuchetti Gaetano Male West Perth
1938/100764 Perth Wood Maxwell Arthur Male Gardiner Doreen Peace Female Perth
1938/100764 Perth Gardiner Doreen Peace Female Wood Maxwell Arthur Male Perth
1938/100765 Perth Rebell Paul Ernest Male Burton Catherine Stella Female Perth
1938/100765 Perth Burton Catherine Stella Female Rebell Paul Ernest Male Perth
1938/100766 Perth Marshall Gertrude Mercy Female Barlow Joseph Gregory Male Victoria Park
1938/100766 Perth Barlow Joseph Gregory Male Marshall Gertrude Mercy Female Victoria Park
1938/100767 Perth Leitch Sydney John Denis Male Coleman Rita Female Victoria Park
1938/100767 Perth Coleman Rita Female Leitch Sydney John Denis Male Victoria Park
1938/100768 Perth Keogh George Geoffrey Male Flanagan Philomena Female Victoria Park
1938/100768 Perth Flanagan Philomena Female Keogh George Geoffrey Male Victoria Park
1938/100769 Perth Moylan Thomas Charles Male O'Rourke Doris Josephine Female Perth
1938/100769 Perth O'Rourke Doris Josephine Female Moylan Thomas Charles Male Perth
1938/100770 Perth Bostock George John Male Phillipps Pauline Tarlton Female West Perth
1938/100770 Perth Phillipps Pauline Tarlton Female Bostock George John Male West Perth
1938/100771 Perth Wheatland Frederick Jack Male Taylor Eileen Kathleen Female West Perth
1938/100771 Perth Taylor Eileen Kathleen Female Wheatland Frederick Jack Male West Perth
1938/100772 Perth Doherty Beatrice Elizabeth Female Watson Norman Edward Male West Perth
1938/100772 Perth Watson Norman Edward Male Doherty Beatrice Elizabeth Female West Perth
1938/100773 Perth Curtis Nellie Victoria Female Nice John William Male West Perth
1938/100773 Perth Nice John William Male Curtis Nellie Victoria Female West Perth
1938/100774 Perth Ashbolt Clifton John Male Edwards Kathleen Alberta Female South Perth
1938/100774 Perth Edwards Kathleen Alberta Female Ashbolt Clifton John Male South Perth
1938/100775 Perth Walmsley James Bernard Male Garbutt Jessie Elizabeth Female South Perth
1938/100775 Perth Garbutt Jessie Elizabeth Female Walmsley James Bernard Male South Perth
1938/100776 Perth Pankhurst Francis Edward Male Haffner Jean Mary Female South Perth
1938/100776 Perth Haffner Jean Mary Female Pankhurst Francis Edward Male South Perth
1938/100777 Perth Palmer Roger Howard Geoffrey Male Lovely Edna Doreen Female Maylands
1938/100777 Perth Lovely Edna Doreen Female Palmer Roger Howard Geoffrey Male Maylands
1938/100778 Perth Hollett Leonard Ernest Hyde Male Robinson Lorna Mary Female Maylands
1938/100778 Perth Robinson Lorna Mary Female Hollett Leonard Ernest Hyde Male Maylands
1938/100779 Perth Anoictomatis Lamprene Female Kanaris Paul Male Perth
1938/100779 Perth Kanaris Paul Male Anoictomatis Lamprene Female Perth
1938/100780 Perth Conduit Rennie Norman Male Pethick Jessie May Female Victoria Park
1938/100780 Perth Pethick Jessie May Female Conduit Rennie Norman Male Victoria Park
1938/100781 Perth West Florence May Female Gill Albert Laurence Male Perth
1938/100781 Perth Gill Albert Laurence Male West Florence May Female Perth
1938/100782 Perth Sims Ronald Henry Male Dean Minnie Evelyn Female West Perth
1938/100782 Perth Dean Minnie Evelyn Female Sims Ronald Henry Male West Perth
1938/100783 Perth Mather Frank Duncan Male Ulrich Constance Mary Female West Perth
1938/100783 Perth Ulrich Constance Mary Female Mather Frank Duncan Male West Perth
1938/100784 Perth Norrish Josiah Male Cooper Elizabeth Female Perth
1938/100784 Perth Cooper Elizabeth Female Norrish Josiah Male Perth
1938/100785 Perth Benson Clarice Evelyn Female Mansell Albert Male Subiaco
1938/100785 Perth Mansell Albert Male Benson Clarice Evelyn Female Subiaco
1938/100786 Perth Ross Edna Isabelle Female Scrivener Leonard Augustus Male Perth
1938/100786 Perth Scrivener Leonard Augustus Male Ross Edna Isabelle Female Perth
1938/100787 Perth McKay Thora Female Simpson Victor John Male Perth
1938/100787 Perth Simpson Victor John Male McKay Thora Female Perth
1938/100788 Perth McKay Jane Female Ingram William McWilliam Male South Perth
1938/100788 Perth Ingram William McWilliam Male McKay Jane Female South Perth
1938/100789 Perth Evans Albert Hilton Male Halliday Edna Joy Female Perth
1938/100789 Perth Halliday Edna Joy Female Evans Albert Hilton Male Perth
1938/100790 Perth Phillips Eunice Pearl Female Milligan Stephen George Male Perth
1938/100790 Perth Milligan Stephen George Male Phillips Eunice Pearl Female Perth
1938/100791 Perth Robinson Holly Female Sim William Edmund Male Osborne Park
1938/100791 Perth Sim William Edmund Male Robinson Holly Female Osborne Park
1938/100792 Perth Henderson Lorna Mary Female Matthews Robert Douglas Warren Male Mt Hawthorn
1938/100792 Perth Matthews Robert Douglas Warren Male Henderson Lorna Mary Female Mt Hawthorn
1938/100793 Perth Moss Percy Arthur Male Gairen Lilian Thora Female Mt Hawthorn
1938/100793 Perth Gairen Lilian Thora Female Moss Percy Arthur Male Mt Hawthorn
1938/100794 Perth Russ Evelyn Rose Female James Crescens Edward Male Victoria Park
1938/100794 Perth James Crescens Edward Male Russ Evelyn Rose Female Victoria Park
1938/100795 Perth Downey Ronald Henry James Male Williams Dorothea Emily Female Cottesloe
1938/100795 Perth Williams Dorothea Emily Female Downey Ronald Henry James Male Cottesloe
1938/100796 Perth Masarei Louis Male Molyneux Kathleen Matilda Female Perth
1938/100796 Perth Molyneux Kathleen Matilda Female Masarei Louis Male Perth
1938/100797 Perth Budd Robert John Male Stadward Georgina Emily Elizabeth Female Perth
1938/100797 Perth Stadward Georgina Emily Elizabeth Female Budd Robert John Male Perth
1938/100798 Perth Healy May Female Hiatt George Male Claremont
1938/100798 Perth Hiatt George Male Healy May Female Claremont
1938/100799 Perth Lemmon Ethel Rose Female Harrison Francis Cuthbert Male Claremont
1938/100799 Perth Harrison Francis Cuthbert Male Lemmon Ethel Rose Female Claremont
1938/100800 Perth Smith Mary Kathleen Female Smart Francis Leonard Male Claremont
1938/100800 Perth Smart Francis Leonard Male Smith Mary Kathleen Female Claremont
1938/100801 Perth Bailey Rose Mary Female Kenna Patrick Male Perth
1938/100801 Perth Kenna Patrick Male Bailey Rose Mary Female Perth
1938/100802 Perth O'Mahony Mary Agnes Female Prindiville Bernard Francis Male Leederville
1938/100802 Perth Prindiville Bernard Francis Male O'Mahony Mary Agnes Female Leederville
1938/100803 Perth Phillis Doreen May Female Johnson Stanley Edward George Male Leederville
1938/100803 Perth Johnson Stanley Edward George Male Phillis Doreen May Female Leederville
1938/100804 Perth Philp Catherine Female Jamieson Andrew Stevenson Male Perth
1938/100804 Perth Jamieson Andrew Stevenson Male Philp Catherine Female Perth
1938/100805 Perth Callcott Melva Pearl Female Collier Francis Male West Perth
1938/100805 Perth Collier Francis Male Callcott Melva Pearl Female West Perth
1938/100806 Perth Burnett Eileen Mary Female White Leslie Walter Male West Perth
1938/100806 Perth White Leslie Walter Male Burnett Eileen Mary Female West Perth
1938/100807 Perth Peacock Melville Thomas Male Urquhart Joy Margaret Female Cottesloe
1938/100807 Perth Urquhart Joy Margaret Female Peacock Melville Thomas Male Cottesloe
1938/100808 Perth Franklin Albert Charles Male Wilson Mary Edith Female West Perth
1938/100808 Perth Wilson Mary Edith Female Franklin Albert Charles Male West Perth
1938/100809 Perth Edwards Myrtle Etna Jane Female Lawrence Albert William Male Perth
1938/100809 Perth Lawrence Albert William Male Edwards Myrtle Etna Jane Female Perth
1938/100810 Perth Holmes Sydney William Male Tapper Mavis Ethel Female Perth
1938/100810 Perth Tapper Mavis Ethel Female Holmes Sydney William Male Perth
1938/100811 Perth Gaston Sylvia Rose Female Beckett Harold Male Perth
1938/100811 Perth Beckett Harold Male Gaston Sylvia Rose Female Perth
1938/100812 Perth Wright George Edward Albert Male McLeod Marie Female Perth
1938/100812 Perth McLeod Marie Female Wright George Edward Albert Male Perth
1938/100813 Perth Luttrell Ina Isabelle Female Minors John Wray Male Perth
1938/100813 Perth Minors John Wray Male Luttrell Ina Isabelle Female Perth
1938/100814 Perth Robinson Charles Thomas Male Edwards Thelma Mary Female Perth
1938/100814 Perth Edwards Thelma Mary Female Robinson Charles Thomas Male Perth
1938/100815 Perth Foweraker Freda Amy Noreen Female Taylor George Arthur Male Perth
1938/100815 Perth Taylor George Arthur Male Foweraker Freda Amy Noreen Female Perth
1938/100816 Perth Byrd Constance Adelaide Female Hanks Cecil John Male Perth
1938/100816 Perth Hanks Cecil John Male Byrd Constance Adelaide Female Perth
1938/100817 Perth Budden Phyllis Gloria Female Stone Colin Male Perth
1938/100817 Perth Stone Colin Male Budden Phyllis Gloria Female Perth
1938/100818 Perth West Lionel Clive Male Vincent Gweneth Kathleen Female Victoria Park
1938/100818 Perth Vincent Gweneth Kathleen Female West Lionel Clive Male Victoria Park
1938/100819 Perth Lindsay Ethel Lillian Female Pearson William Male Perth
1938/100819 Perth Pearson William Male Lindsay Ethel Lillian Female Perth
1938/100820 Perth Payne Glyn Ifor Margets Male Topham Marjorie Alice Female Mosman Park
1938/100820 Perth Topham Marjorie Alice Female Payne Glyn Ifor Margets Male Mosman Park
1938/100821 Perth Farcich Ivan Male Martinovich Kathleen Female Osborne Park
1938/100821 Perth Martinovich Kathleen Female Farcich Ivan Male Osborne Park
1938/100822 Perth Kennedy Ronald William Male Richardson Alicia Annie Female Osborne Park
1938/100822 Perth Richardson Alicia Annie Female Kennedy Ronald William Male Osborne Park
1938/100823 Perth Bennett Edna May Female Bovell Aubrey Alexander Male Perth
1938/100823 Perth Bovell Aubrey Alexander Male Bennett Edna May Female Perth
1938/100824 Perth Jarick Walter James Male Cahill Jessie Frey Female Perth
1938/100824 Perth Cahill Jessie Frey Female Jarick Walter James Male Perth
1938/100825 Perth Mather Mary Female Middleton William Frank Male Perth
1938/100825 Perth Middleton William Frank Male Mather Mary Female Perth
1938/100826 Perth Ashdown Marjorie Ruth Female Miller Samuel Marshal Male Perth
1938/100826 Perth Miller Samuel Marshal Male Ashdown Marjorie Ruth Female Perth
1938/100827 Perth Glossop Vincent Leo Male Heslop Nancy Lorraine Female Perth
1938/100827 Perth Heslop Nancy Lorraine Female Glossop Vincent Leo Male Perth
1938/100828 Perth Sharpe Winifred Frances Female Abbott Albert Frederick Male Perth
1938/100828 Perth Abbott Albert Frederick Male Sharpe Winifred Frances Female Perth
1938/100829 Perth Bovell Annie Lorraine Female Wilson John Male Perth
1938/100829 Perth Wilson John Male Bovell Annie Lorraine Female Perth
1938/100830 Perth Walker Alice Maud Female Hood Herbert John Male Perth
1938/100830 Perth Hood Herbert John Male Walker Alice Maud Female Perth
1938/100831 Perth Shaw Thomas Crawford Male Dettman Irene Elizabeth Female Perth
1938/100831 Perth Dettman Irene Elizabeth Female Shaw Thomas Crawford Male Perth
1938/100832 Perth Kleeman Conrad Eric Male Ford Geraldine Gertrude Female Perth
1938/100832 Perth Ford Geraldine Gertrude Female Kleeman Conrad Eric Male Perth
1938/100833 Perth Gordon Phyllis Daisy Female Teede Keith Victor Male Perth
1938/100833 Perth Teede Keith Victor Male Gordon Phyllis Daisy Female Perth
1938/100834 Perth Foreman Ernest Francis Stanley Male Hudson Iris Female Perth
1938/100834 Perth Hudson Iris Female Foreman Ernest Francis Stanley Male Perth
1938/100835 Perth Ovenden William Herbert Male Hall Jean Female Perth
1938/100835 Perth Hall Jean Female Ovenden William Herbert Male Perth
1938/100836 Perth Brown Jack Edwin Male Jackson Winifred Rose Female Perth
1938/100836 Perth Jackson Winifred Rose Female Brown Jack Edwin Male Perth
1938/100837 Perth Dower Ethel May Female Preshaw Cecil Stanley Male Perth
1938/100837 Perth Preshaw Cecil Stanley Male Dower Ethel May Female Perth
1938/100838 Perth Peterson Len Male Smith Beryl Elizabeth Female Perth
1938/100838 Perth Smith Beryl Elizabeth Female Peterson Len Male Perth
1938/100839 Perth Parsons Edgecumbe Wheatley Male Bradshaw Jean Female Perth
1938/100839 Perth Bradshaw Jean Female Parsons Edgecumbe Wheatley Male Perth
1938/100840 Perth Henfry Nita Audrey Female Outtrim Eric Kingston Male Perth
1938/100840 Perth Outtrim Eric Kingston Male Henfry Nita Audrey Female Perth
1938/100841 Perth Wright Ernest Ronald Male Wilmot Nellie Eunice Female Perth
1938/100841 Perth Wilmot Nellie Eunice Female Wright Ernest Ronald Male Perth
1938/100842 Perth Prosser Cecil Henry Male Campbell Catherine Female Perth
1938/100842 Perth Campbell Catherine Female Prosser Cecil Henry Male Perth
1938/100843 Perth Shenton Rosey Female Knott Ernest Edwin Male Perth
1938/100843 Perth Knott Ernest Edwin Male Shenton Rosey Female Perth
1938/100844 Perth Watt Ernest Jack Male Johnsen Rosa Lilian Female Perth
1938/100844 Perth Johnsen Rosa Lilian Female Watt Ernest Jack Male Perth
1938/100845 Perth Bryant Francis Joseph Male Boyle Bernadette Mary Female Perth
1938/100845 Perth Boyle Bernadette Mary Female Bryant Francis Joseph Male Perth
1938/100846 Perth Glover Christina Louisa Munoz Female Switsur George John Kerrin Male Perth
1938/100846 Perth Switsur George John Kerrin Male Glover Christina Louisa Munoz Female Perth
1938/100847 Perth Fitzhardinge Roger Male Brogan Dorothy Shelagh Female Perth
1938/100847 Perth Brogan Dorothy Shelagh Female Fitzhardinge Roger Male Perth
1938/100848 Perth Bowman Hedley George Male Worthington Elizabeth Female Perth
1938/100848 Perth Worthington Elizabeth Female Bowman Hedley George Male Perth
1938/100849 Perth Duncan Vivian Hargraves Male Pilkington Agnes Teresa Female Perth
1938/100849 Perth Pilkington Agnes Teresa Female Duncan Vivian Hargraves Male Perth
1938/100850 Perth Burns Alfred George Male Clinton Ellen Mary Female East Perth
1938/100850 Perth Clinton Ellen Mary Female Burns Alfred George Male East Perth
1938/100851 Perth Ross Colin Campbell Male Baker Marjory Anne Female Perth
1938/100851 Perth Baker Marjory Anne Female Ross Colin Campbell Male Perth
1938/100852 Perth Smith Ivy Elizabeth Female Bickham Reginald Percival Male Perth
1938/100852 Perth Bickham Reginald Percival Male Smith Ivy Elizabeth Female Perth
1938/100853 Perth MacIntosh Alexander Male Wennstrom May Female Perth
1938/100853 Perth Wennstrom May Female MacIntosh Alexander Male Perth
1938/100854 Perth Mills Mona Florice Female Edwards John Frederick Male Nedlands
1938/100854 Perth Edwards John Frederick Male Mills Mona Florice Female Nedlands
1938/100855 Perth Dondas Manuel Male Paspalis Katina Female Perth
1938/100855 Perth Paspalis Katina Female Dondas Manuel Male Perth
1938/100856 Perth Robinson Edward Charles Male Walters Kathleen Female Claremont
1938/100856 Perth Walters Kathleen Female Robinson Edward Charles Male Claremont
1938/100857 Perth Robertson John More Hunter Male Christoe Lorna Rua Female Claremont
1938/100857 Perth Christoe Lorna Rua Female Robertson John More Hunter Male Claremont
1938/100858 Perth Duncan Violet May Female Burrows George Alfred Male Claremont
1938/100858 Perth Burrows George Alfred Male Duncan Violet May Female Claremont
1938/100859 Perth Gregson Elsie Female Rowe Sydney William Lawrence Male Claremont
1938/100859 Perth Rowe Sydney William Lawrence Male Gregson Elsie Female Claremont
1938/100860 Perth West Sidney Male Whitchurch Jessie Loch Female Claremont
1938/100860 Perth Whitchurch Jessie Loch Female West Sidney Male Claremont
1938/100861 Perth Rosenberg Olga Female Shilony Jack Male Perth
1938/100861 Perth Shilony Jack Male Rosenberg Olga Female Perth
1938/100862 Perth Harrington Winifred Caroline Female Bond Reginald John Male Nedlands
1938/100862 Perth Bond Reginald John Male Harrington Winifred Caroline Female Nedlands
1938/100863 Perth Tames Reginald Charles Male Smith Louisa Emily Female Perth
1938/100863 Perth Smith Louisa Emily Female Tames Reginald Charles Male Perth
1938/100864 Perth John Doreen Ida Female Meehan Richard Michael Male Victoria Park
1938/100864 Perth Meehan Richard Michael Male John Doreen Ida Female Victoria Park
1938/100865 Perth Schule Walter William Male Plush Thelma Audrey Female Perth
1938/100865 Perth Plush Thelma Audrey Female Schule Walter William Male Perth
1938/100866 Perth Keegan Amelia Mabel Female Larner Alfred John Male Perth
1938/100866 Perth Larner Alfred John Male Keegan Amelia Mabel Female Perth
1938/100867 Perth Lönnquist Alice Mabel Female Ishöy Thorlai Balsleo Male Perth
1938/100867 Perth Ishöy Thorlai Balsleo Male Lönnquist Alice Mabel Female Perth
1938/100868 Perth Knell Alan Kingsley Male Murphy Eileen Christina Female Perth
1938/100868 Perth Murphy Eileen Christina Female Knell Alan Kingsley Male Perth
1938/100869 Perth Grace Annie Ellen Female Poile Noel Henry Male Cottesloe
1938/100869 Perth Poile Noel Henry Male Grace Annie Ellen Female Cottesloe
1938/100870 Perth Boyle Dulcie Grace Female Brooker Henry George Male Perth
1938/100870 Perth Brooker Henry George Male Boyle Dulcie Grace Female Perth
1938/100871 Perth Brown Daphné Female Knuckey Francis Hugh Male Perth
1938/100871 Perth Knuckey Francis Hugh Male Brown Daphné Female Perth
1938/100872 Perth Wright William George Male Gianni Mary Rosa Female Perth
1938/100872 Perth Gianni Mary Rosa Female Wright William George Male Perth
1938/100873 Perth O'Donohoe Bernard Male Hardiman Delia Josephine Female Perth
1938/100873 Perth Hardiman Delia Josephine Female O'Donohoe Bernard Male Perth
1938/100874 Perth Jaques Lucille Elizabeth Female Spark James Gordon Male Mount Lawley
1938/100874 Perth Spark James Gordon Male Jaques Lucille Elizabeth Female Mount Lawley
1938/100875 Perth Brain Jack Male Ring Ethel Mary Female Perth
1938/100875 Perth Ring Ethel Mary Female Brain Jack Male Perth
1938/100876 Perth Gale Edgar John Male Higham Sybil May Female Maylands
1938/100876 Perth Higham Sybil May Female Gale Edgar John Male Maylands
1938/100877 Perth Mann Eileen Winifred Female Clifton Basil Gervase Male Claremont
1938/100877 Perth Clifton Basil Gervase Male Mann Eileen Winifred Female Claremont
1938/100878 Perth Mahony Ann Harriet Female Hall Ralph Henry Male South Perth
1938/100878 Perth Hall Ralph Henry Male Mahony Ann Harriet Female South Perth
1938/100879 Perth Moylan Mary Female Collopy Terence Anthony Male South Perth
1938/100879 Perth Collopy Terence Anthony Male Moylan Mary Female South Perth
1938/100880 Perth Coleman Bernice Mary Female Tomlinson Ernest Edwin Male South Perth
1938/100880 Perth Tomlinson Ernest Edwin Male Coleman Bernice Mary Female South Perth
1938/100881 Perth Stallard Harold Denis Male Anderson Amabel Francis Female Nedlands
1938/100881 Perth Anderson Amabel Francis Female Stallard Harold Denis Male Nedlands
1938/100882 Perth Peene Gertrude McLean Female Halvorsen Harrie Blaxell Male West Perth
1938/100882 Perth Halvorsen Harrie Blaxell Male Peene Gertrude McLean Female West Perth
1938/100883 Perth Wardle Thelma Female Berryman Charles Aubrey Mark Male West Perth
1938/100883 Perth Berryman Charles Aubrey Mark Male Wardle Thelma Female West Perth
1938/100885 Perth Nugent William James Male Wood Violet Maud Female Mt Hawthorn
1938/100885 Perth Wood Violet Maud Female Nugent William James Male Mt Hawthorn
1938/100886 Perth Oatey Samuel Kenneth Male Newman Marjorie Frances Female Cottesloe
1938/100886 Perth Newman Marjorie Frances Female Oatey Samuel Kenneth Male Cottesloe
1938/100887 Perth Baletich Mande Female Lucev Dusan Male Osborne Park
1938/100887 Perth Lucev Dusan Male Baletich Mande Female Osborne Park
1938/100888 Perth Kemshall George Alfred Valesco Male Watt Beryl Elliott Ross Female Subiaco
1938/100888 Perth Watt Beryl Elliott Ross Female Kemshall George Alfred Valesco Male Subiaco
1938/100889 Perth Jones Fredrick William Male Adams Annie Female West Perth
1938/100889 Perth Adams Annie Female Jones Fredrick William Male West Perth
1938/100890 Perth Tomic Marin Male Juranovic Rezika Female West Perth
1938/100890 Perth Juranovic Rezika Female Tomic Marin Male West Perth
1938/100891 Perth Stadward Grace Evelyn Female Plewright John Mellor Male Perth
1938/100891 Perth Plewright John Mellor Male Stadward Grace Evelyn Female Perth
1938/100892 Perth Herrington Mabel Nora Female Lenton Leslie Ernest Male Nedlands
1938/100892 Perth Lenton Leslie Ernest Male Herrington Mabel Nora Female Nedlands
1938/100893 Perth Hatch Dorothy Hilary Female Bolton Herbert Morris Male Cottesloe
1938/100893 Perth Bolton Herbert Morris Male Hatch Dorothy Hilary Female Cottesloe
1938/100894 Perth Dupuy Ellen Jean Female Hollett Walter Thomas Male Perth
1938/100894 Perth Hollett Walter Thomas Male Dupuy Ellen Jean Female Perth
1938/100895 Perth Cairns Patrick James Kingston Male Hughan Jean Blanche Female Subiaco
1938/100895 Perth Hughan Jean Blanche Female Cairns Patrick James Kingston Male Subiaco
1939/100896 Perth Bader Doris Hilda Female Robertson Gilbert William Male South Perth
1939/100896 Perth Robertson Gilbert William Male Bader Doris Hilda Female South Perth
1938/100896 Perth Friend Richard Percival Male Anderson Frances Jean Female Subiaco
1938/100896 Perth Anderson Frances Jean Female Friend Richard Percival Male Subiaco
1938/100897 Perth Brennan Scipia Frances Female de Gruchy Cyril Raymond Male Subiaco
1938/100897 Perth de Gruchy Cyril Raymond Male Brennan Scipia Frances Female Subiaco
1938/100898 Perth Curtis Vivienne Dora Maude Female Towers Lionel Eric Male Subiaco
1938/100898 Perth Towers Lionel Eric Male Curtis Vivienne Dora Maude Female Subiaco
1938/100899 Perth Balmer William Holgate Male Moncrieff Elvie Irene Female Perth
1938/100899 Perth Moncrieff Elvie Irene Female Balmer William Holgate Male Perth
1938/100900 Perth Brown Jessie Jean Female Kinley William Thompson Male Perth
1938/100900 Perth Kinley William Thompson Male Brown Jessie Jean Female Perth
1938/100901 Perth Smith Jessie May Female Harbison James Male Highgate Hill
1938/100901 Perth Harbison James Male Smith Jessie May Female Highgate Hill
1938/100902 Perth Green Charles Edward Male Gilholme Mavis Doreen Female Highgate Hill
1938/100902 Perth Gilholme Mavis Doreen Female Green Charles Edward Male Highgate Hill
1938/100903 Perth Lawrence Robert Warren Male Lawrence Eleanor Female Perth
1938/100903 Perth Lawrence Eleanor Female Lawrence Robert Warren Male Perth
1938/100904 Perth Duffield Eric Allan Roy Male Matthews Edna Jean Female Claremont
1938/100904 Perth Matthews Edna Jean Female Duffield Eric Allan Roy Male Claremont
1938/100905 Perth Self Arthur Male Hampton Veronica Laura Female Perth
1938/100905 Perth Hampton Veronica Laura Female Self Arthur Male Perth
1938/100906 Perth John Minna Nora Female Brown Henry Richard Hobbs Male Perth
1938/100906 Perth Brown Henry Richard Hobbs Male John Minna Nora Female Perth
1938/100907 Perth Spackman Joan Female Collopy Lachlan Joseph Male Nedlands
1938/100907 Perth Collopy Lachlan Joseph Male Spackman Joan Female Nedlands
1938/100908 Perth Thomas Arthur Noel Male Cope Mavis Gwendoline Female Victoria Park
1938/100908 Perth Cope Mavis Gwendoline Female Thomas Arthur Noel Male Victoria Park
1938/100909 Perth Kidby Frederick Denis Male Cockett Alice Female Victoria Park
1938/100909 Perth Cockett Alice Female Kidby Frederick Denis Male Victoria Park
1938/100910 Perth Moss Dorothy Female Reid Edward Marshall Carew Male Mt Lawley
1938/100910 Perth Reid Edward Marshall Carew Male Moss Dorothy Female Mt Lawley
1938/100911 Perth Drinkwater John Henry Male Lennox Elizabeth Rose Female Perth
1938/100911 Perth Lennox Elizabeth Rose Female Drinkwater John Henry Male Perth
1938/100912 Perth Worthington Bernice Isabel Female Currell Ernest Frederick Male Perth
1938/100912 Perth Currell Ernest Frederick Male Worthington Bernice Isabel Female Perth
1938/100913 Perth Hale Frank Ernest Corbyn Male McLauchlan Maud Elizabeth Female Perth
1938/100913 Perth McLauchlan Maud Elizabeth Female Hale Frank Ernest Corbyn Male Perth
1938/100914 Perth Chawner Llewellyn Henry Male Worth Doris Female Perth
1938/100914 Perth Worth Doris Female Chawner Llewellyn Henry Male Perth
1938/100915 Perth Kretchmar Kathleen Maisie Female Leonard Edward Lynel Boulton Male Perth
1938/100915 Perth Leonard Edward Lynel Boulton Male Kretchmar Kathleen Maisie Female Perth
1938/100916 Perth Gamble Phyllis Elsie Female Wansbrough Roland Murray Male Perth
1938/100916 Perth Wansbrough Roland Murray Male Gamble Phyllis Elsie Female Perth
1938/100917 Perth Kilmurray Bernard Augustas Male Williams Frances Gwyneth Female Perth
1938/100917 Perth Williams Frances Gwyneth Female Kilmurray Bernard Augustas Male Perth
1938/100918 Perth Smith Robert Male Bartley Lyall Hazel Female Cottesloe
1938/100918 Perth Bartley Lyall Hazel Female Smith Robert Male Cottesloe
1938/100919 Perth Sharp Bessie Female Krug Israel Male Perth
1938/100919 Perth Krug Israel Male Sharp Bessie Female Perth
1938/100920 Perth Middleton Albert William Male Mills Edith Alice Female Perth
1938/100920 Perth Mills Edith Alice Female Middleton Albert William Male Perth
1938/100921 Perth Cooper Roma Violet Female Hargrave Arthur Frank Male Perth
1938/100921 Perth Hargrave Arthur Frank Male Cooper Roma Violet Female Perth
1938/100922 Perth Wem Sallie Female Southall Herbert Charles Male Perth
1938/100922 Perth Southall Herbert Charles Male Wem Sallie Female Perth
1938/100923 Perth Patterson Albert Harold Male Tottman Mavis Jean Female Perth
1938/100923 Perth Tottman Mavis Jean Female Patterson Albert Harold Male Perth
1938/100924 Perth Wolfe Edward Male Price Evelyn Monica Female Perth
1938/100924 Perth Price Evelyn Monica Female Wolfe Edward Male Perth
1938/100925 Perth Anderson Albert Reuben Male Creed Marjorie Olgivey Female Perth
1938/100925 Perth Creed Marjorie Olgivey Female Anderson Albert Reuben Male Perth
1938/100926 Perth Carroll Peter Male Cameron Rhona Female Perth
1938/100926 Perth Cameron Rhona Female Carroll Peter Male Perth
1938/100927 Perth Whitaker Sarah Jane Female Dryden Alexander Male Perth
1938/100927 Perth Dryden Alexander Male Whitaker Sarah Jane Female Perth
1938/100928 Perth McKinnon Keith Male Murray Ida Kathleen Female Victoria Park
1938/100928 Perth Murray Ida Kathleen Female McKinnon Keith Male Victoria Park
1938/100929 Perth Neümann Vera May Female Day Francis Joseph Male Perth
1938/100929 Perth Day Francis Joseph Male Neümann Vera May Female Perth
1938/100930 Perth Hepworth Allan Clive Male Kruger Lenore Mary Female Claremont
1938/100930 Perth Kruger Lenore Mary Female Hepworth Allan Clive Male Claremont
1938/100931 Perth Duncan Robinson Male Stanley Lucy Sarah Female Claremont
1938/100931 Perth Stanley Lucy Sarah Female Duncan Robinson Male Claremont
1938/100932 Perth Ricketts Joseph Male Butters Florence Emily Female Perth
1938/100932 Perth Butters Florence Emily Female Ricketts Joseph Male Perth
1938/100933 Perth Mairs Alfred Alexander Male King Janet Lilian Florence Female Perth
1938/100933 Perth King Janet Lilian Florence Female Mairs Alfred Alexander Male Perth
1938/100934 Perth Williams Gertrude Julia Female Wright George Male Leederville
1938/100934 Perth Wright George Male Williams Gertrude Julia Female Leederville
1938/100935 Perth Smallacombe Herbert Allan Male Murrie Edith Blanche Female West Perth
1938/100935 Perth Murrie Edith Blanche Female Smallacombe Herbert Allan Male West Perth
1938/100936 Perth Plumb Cecil Male Sundston Stella Jane Female Mt Lawley
1938/100936 Perth Sundston Stella Jane Female Plumb Cecil Male Mt Lawley
1938/100937 Perth Waugh Jessie Forsyth Isabel Female Burgess Thomas Holmes Male Perth
1938/100937 Perth Burgess Thomas Holmes Male Waugh Jessie Forsyth Isabel Female Perth
1938/100938 Perth Evans Iris Edna Female Gillies Charles Alfred Cyril Male Subiaco
1938/100938 Perth Gillies Charles Alfred Cyril Male Evans Iris Edna Female Subiaco
1938/100939 Perth Abbott Henry Francis Male Barber Mona Constance Female Perth
1938/100939 Perth Barber Mona Constance Female Abbott Henry Francis Male Perth
1938/100940 Perth Carruthers Frederick Arthur Male Brehaut Gladys Female Perth
1938/100940 Perth Brehaut Gladys Female Carruthers Frederick Arthur Male Perth
1938/100941 Perth Poor Joseph Francis Male Spark Cathleen Mary Female Perth
1938/100941 Perth Spark Cathleen Mary Female Poor Joseph Francis Male Perth
1938/100942 Perth Green Marjorie Alma Jane Female Hammond George Henry Male Perth
1938/100942 Perth Hammond George Henry Male Green Marjorie Alma Jane Female Perth
1938/100943 Perth Merson Frank Alexander Male Heberle Phyllis May Female West Perth
1938/100943 Perth Heberle Phyllis May Female Merson Frank Alexander Male West Perth
1938/100944 Perth Reay Marjorie Female Pilgrim Mervyn Harvard Male West Perth
1938/100944 Perth Pilgrim Mervyn Harvard Male Reay Marjorie Female West Perth
1938/100945 Perth Nash Jean Evelyn Female Wright George William Male West Perth
1938/100945 Perth Wright George William Male Nash Jean Evelyn Female West Perth
1938/100946 Perth Cleverley Mena Thelma Female Tatham Cyril Reginald Thomas Male West Perth
1938/100946 Perth Tatham Cyril Reginald Thomas Male Cleverley Mena Thelma Female West Perth
1938/100947 Perth Smith Gem Female Goodall Wilfred Charles Male West Perth
1938/100947 Perth Goodall Wilfred Charles Male Smith Gem Female West Perth
1938/100948 Perth Simmonds Mary Hill Female Grange Laurence Mayne Male Perth
1938/100948 Perth Grange Laurence Mayne Male Simmonds Mary Hill Female Perth
1938/100949 Perth McLear Eileen May Female Oates Richard George Neil Male Bayswater
1938/100949 Perth Oates Richard George Neil Male McLear Eileen May Female Bayswater
1938/100950 Perth Canute Mervyn Henry Male Stevenson Valda Muriel Female Nedlands
1938/100950 Perth Stevenson Valda Muriel Female Canute Mervyn Henry Male Nedlands
1938/100951 Perth Turner Patrick John Male Anderson Anna Thelma Female Perth
1938/100951 Perth Anderson Anna Thelma Female Turner Patrick John Male Perth
1938/100952 Perth Smith Howard Preston Male Fergie Enid Mary Female North Perth
1938/100952 Perth Fergie Enid Mary Female Smith Howard Preston Male North Perth
1938/100953 Perth Leaman Henry Charles Male Elsegood Coralie Lorraine Female North Perth
1938/100953 Perth Elsegood Coralie Lorraine Female Leaman Henry Charles Male North Perth
1938/100954 Perth Rankin Beatrice Female Roberts Trevor Jeffrey Male North Perth
1938/100954 Perth Roberts Trevor Jeffrey Male Rankin Beatrice Female North Perth
1938/100955 Perth North Allan Edward Male Harrop Stella Fisher Female South Perth
1938/100955 Perth Harrop Stella Fisher Female North Allan Edward Male South Perth
1938/100956 Perth Tapping Marjorie Rose Female Barratt Alfred Dudley Male Perth
1938/100956 Perth Barratt Alfred Dudley Male Tapping Marjorie Rose Female Perth
1938/100957 Perth Humphreys David John Male Butler Iris Female Perth
1938/100957 Perth Butler Iris Female Humphreys David John Male Perth
1938/100958 Perth Freeman-Smith Gerald Male Macleay Cècile Alice Billot Female Claremont
1938/100958 Perth Macleay Cècile Alice Billot Female Freeman-Smith Gerald Male Claremont
1938/100959 Perth Kell Vera Female Day George Hubert Bartlett Male Claremont
1938/100959 Perth Day George Hubert Bartlett Male Brainsby Vera Female Claremont
1938/100959 Perth Day George Hubert Bartlett Male Kell Vera Female Claremont
1938/100959 Perth Brainsby Vera Female Day George Hubert Bartlett Male Claremont
1938/100960 Perth Rayner Leonard Robert Male Craddom Eileen Female Perth
1938/100960 Perth Craddom Eileen Female Rayner Leonard Robert Male Perth
1938/100961 Perth Wigzell Doris Agnes Female Thompson Bryce Allen Male Perth
1938/100961 Perth Thompson Bryce Allen Male Wigzell Doris Agnes Female Perth
1938/100962 Perth Whiteley Harry Gordon Male Brodie Teresa Margaret Female Perth
1938/100962 Perth Brodie Teresa Margaret Female Whiteley Harry Gordon Male Perth
1938/100963 Perth O'Donnell Bridget Elsie Female Drain William Male Perth
1938/100963 Perth Drain William Male O'Donnell Bridget Elsie Female Perth
1938/100964 Perth Peterson Martin Male Keirle Flora Jean Female Perth
1938/100964 Perth Keirle Flora Jean Female Peterson Martin Male Perth
1938/100965 Perth Mackey Myrtle Florence Female Counsel Cyril Gordon Albert Male Perth
1938/100965 Perth Counsel Cyril Gordon Albert Male Mackey Myrtle Florence Female Perth
1938/100966 Perth Watson Isabel Alice Female Collier Donald Charles Male Perth
1938/100966 Perth Collier Donald Charles Male Watson Isabel Alice Female Perth
1938/100967 Perth Boyd Francis Dolphin Male Johnson Hilda Fielding Female Perth
1938/100967 Perth Johnson Hilda Fielding Female Boyd Francis Dolphin Male Perth
1938/100968 Perth Branson Fredore Layton Female Pearson Frank Male Perth
1938/100968 Perth Pearson Frank Male Branson Fredore Layton Female Perth
1938/100969 Perth Thorpe Dorothy Female Leeder Allan William Male Perth
1938/100969 Perth Leeder Allan William Male Thorpe Dorothy Female Perth
1938/100970 Perth Bishop Muriel Jane Female Fenner Horace Vivian Male Perth
1938/100970 Perth Fenner Horace Vivian Male Bishop Muriel Jane Female Perth
1938/100971 Perth Pinkus Harold Male Sampey Lillian Ethel Female Victoria Park
1938/100971 Perth Sampey Lillian Ethel Female Pinkus Harold Male Victoria Park
1938/100972 Perth Sherwood Cecil George Frederick Male Gibbon Anna Augusta Female Victoria Park
1938/100972 Perth Gibbon Anna Augusta Female Sherwood Cecil George Frederick Male Victoria Park
1938/100973 Perth Sherlock Kathleen Alice May Female Parry Lionel Walpole Male Mt Lawley
1938/100973 Perth Parry Lionel Walpole Male Sherlock Kathleen Alice May Female Mt Lawley
1938/100974 Perth Whitby Clarence George Male Marchesi Miranda Tecla Female Victoria Park
1938/100974 Perth Marchesi Miranda Tecla Female Whitby Clarence George Male Victoria Park
1938/100975 Perth Cala Antonio Male Leopard Violet Amy Female Perth
1938/100975 Perth Leopard Violet Amy Female Cala Antonio Male Perth
1938/100976 Perth Greaves Norman Darrell Male Evans Joyce Female Perth
1938/100976 Perth Evans Joyce Female Greaves Norman Darrell Male Perth
1938/100977 Perth Watts Vera Constance Female Birch Percy Vincent Male Perth
1938/100977 Perth Birch Percy Vincent Male Watts Vera Constance Female Perth
1938/100978 Perth Davis Rina Maria Female Adam John Henry Male Mt Hawthorn
1938/100978 Perth Adam John Henry Male Davis Rina Maria Female Mt Hawthorn
1938/100979 Perth Ridley Albert Bert Male Oxley Dorothy May Female South Perth
1938/100979 Perth Oxley Dorothy May Female Ridley Albert Bert Male South Perth
1938/100980 Perth Herreen Kathleen Margaret Female Markham Oliver Tom Male Perth
1938/100980 Perth Markham Oliver Tom Male Herreen Kathleen Margaret Female Perth
1938/100981 Perth Howes Dorothy Gladys Female Pratt Edward Clarence Male Bayswater
1938/100981 Perth Pratt Edward Clarence Male Howes Dorothy Gladys Female Bayswater
1938/100982 Perth Rolfe Marjorie Cordelia Female Gugeri Noel Denis Male Perth
1938/100982 Perth Gugeri Noel Denis Male Rolfe Marjorie Cordelia Female Perth
1938/100983 Perth Huxley Daisy Martin Female Henson Thomas Male Perth
1938/100983 Perth Henson Thomas Male Huxley Daisy Martin Female Perth
1938/100984 Perth Oliver Hilda Edna Female Taylor Frederick James Male Perth
1938/100984 Perth Taylor Frederick James Male Oliver Hilda Edna Female Perth
1938/100985 Perth Richardson Mary Elizabeth Female Smith David Corkhill Male Perth
1938/100985 Perth Smith David Corkhill Male Richardson Mary Elizabeth Female Perth
1938/100986 Perth Roe Max Male Leithhead Queenie Josephine Female Perth
1938/100986 Perth Leithhead Queenie Josephine Female Roe Max Male Perth
1938/100987 Perth Woods Eileen Heather Female Jessett Francis Leonard Male Perth
1938/100987 Perth Jessett Francis Leonard Male Woods Eileen Heather Female Perth
1938/100988 Perth Mellet Eric Joseph Male Currie Annie Elizebeth Female Perth
1938/100988 Perth Currie Annie Elizebeth Female Mellet Eric Joseph Male Perth
1938/100989 Perth Nathan Arthur David Male Simpson Phyllis Heather Female West Leederville
1938/100989 Perth Simpson Phyllis Heather Female Nathan Arthur David Male West Leederville
1938/100990 Perth Perry Doris May Female Andrews Herbert George Male Perth
1938/100990 Perth Andrews Herbert George Male Perry Doris May Female Perth
1938/100991 Perth Belicke Gordon Stanley Male Turton Enid Ernestine Female Perth
1938/100991 Perth Turton Enid Ernestine Female Belicke Gordon Stanley Male Perth
1938/100992 Perth Dennison Joan Female Mitchell John James Male North Perth
1938/100992 Perth Mitchell John James Male Dennison Joan Female North Perth
1938/100993 Perth O'Reilly Mary Agnes Female McAloon John James Male Subiaco
1938/100993 Perth McAloon John James Male O'Reilly Mary Agnes Female Subiaco
1938/100994 Perth Cunningham Leo Gerald Male Leeson Veronica Hannah Female Subiaco
1938/100994 Perth Leeson Veronica Hannah Female Cunningham Leo Gerald Male Subiaco
1938/100995 Perth Toll Reginald Clifton Male Brookes Eileen Mary Female Subiaco
1938/100995 Perth Brookes Eileen Mary Female Toll Reginald Clifton Male Subiaco
1938/100996 Perth Murray Cecil Arthur Male Spencer Frances Monica Female Subiaco
1938/100996 Perth Spencer Frances Monica Female Murray Cecil Arthur Male Subiaco
1938/100997 Perth Harris Edward Alexander Male Stokes Emily Edith Female Subiaco
1938/100997 Perth Stokes Emily Edith Female Harris Edward Alexander Male Subiaco
1938/100998 Perth Sanders John Richard Male Berry Kathleen Florence Female Maylands
1938/100998 Perth Berry Kathleen Florence Female Sanders John Richard Male Maylands
1938/100999 Perth Napolitano Inez Alba Female Scarlett William Percy Male Maylands
1938/100999 Perth Scarlett William Percy Male Napolitano Inez Alba Female Maylands
1938/101000 Perth Groom Charles Henry Male Burkett Helen Harriett Female Maylands
1938/101000 Perth Burkett Helen Harriett Female Groom Charles Henry Male Maylands
1938/101001 Perth Boyle Alfred James Male Coonan Mary Veronica Female Maylands
1938/101001 Perth Coonan Mary Veronica Female Boyle Alfred James Male Maylands
1938/101002 Perth Gilby Dorothy Alice Female Carlsen Emil Karelius Male Subiaco
1938/101002 Perth Carlsen Emil Karelius Male Gilby Dorothy Alice Female Subiaco
1938/101003 Perth Wilson Lionel Leslie Charles Male Walsh Hazel Kathleen Female Perth
1938/101003 Perth Walsh Hazel Kathleen Female Wilson Lionel Leslie Charles Male Perth
1938/101004 Perth Rooney Clement Keith Male Brown Enid Emily Female Perth
1938/101004 Perth Brown Enid Emily Female Rooney Clement Keith Male Perth
1938/101005 Perth Hannah Marjorie Female McGhee Ernest Edward Male Perth
1938/101005 Perth McGhee Ernest Edward Male Hannah Marjorie Female Perth
1938/101006 Perth Jones Ruby Elsie Winifred Female Williams William Walter Male Perth
1938/101006 Perth Williams William Walter Male Jones Ruby Elsie Winifred Female Perth
1938/101007 Perth Whisson Herbert Edwin Male Rickert Katherine Elizabeth May Female Subiaco
1938/101007 Perth Rickert Katherine Elizabeth May Female Whisson Herbert Edwin Male Subiaco
1938/101008 Perth Birkhead Eric Male Marr Alice Caroline Female North Perth
1938/101008 Perth Marr Alice Caroline Female Birkhead Eric Male North Perth
1938/101009 Perth Simmons Mary Georgina Female Anderson George Andrew Male Perth
1938/101009 Perth Anderson George Andrew Male Simmons Mary Georgina Female Perth
1938/101010 Perth Matthews Frederick Roy Male Saggers Rosa Maude Female Perth
1938/101010 Perth Saggers Rosa Maude Female Matthews Frederick Roy Male Perth
1938/101011 Perth Wiles William Male Camp Hannah Female Nedlands
1938/101011 Perth Camp Hannah Female Wiles William Male Nedlands
1938/101012 Perth Weston Daisy Burdett Female Coe William James Minion Male West Perth
1938/101012 Perth Coe William James Minion Male Weston Daisy Burdett Female West Perth
1938/101013 Perth Ward Arthur Victor Male Davidson Elizabeth Kirkwood Female Perth
1938/101013 Perth Davidson Elizabeth Kirkwood Female Ward Arthur Victor Male Perth
1938/101014 Perth Watts Mervyn Arthur Male Walker Gertrude Lorraine Female North Perth
1938/101014 Perth Walker Gertrude Lorraine Female Watts Mervyn Arthur Male North Perth
1938/101015 Perth Simmons Keith Male Barron Elizabeth Female Perth
1938/101015 Perth Barron Elizabeth Female Simmons Keith Male Perth
1938/101016 Perth Schenk Ena Clarice Female Kroenert Reginald Albert Male Perth
1938/101016 Perth Kroenert Reginald Albert Male Schenk Ena Clarice Female Perth
1938/101017 Perth Trezise Ernest Derrick Male Trezise Ethel May Female Claremont
1938/101017 Perth Trezise Ethel May Female Trezise Ernest Derrick Male Claremont
1938/101018 Perth Green Thomas William Male Ritchie Hilda Ann Female Perth
1938/101018 Perth Ritchie Hilda Ann Female Green Thomas William Male Perth
1938/101019 Perth Shepherd Philip Ronald Male Johns Marjory Isobel Female Perth
1938/101019 Perth Johns Marjory Isobel Female Shepherd Philip Ronald Male Perth
1938/101020 Perth Nadebaum Thomas Hartley Male Hodge Marjorie Female Perth
1938/101020 Perth Hodge Marjorie Female Nadebaum Thomas Hartley Male Perth
1938/101021 Perth Cody Noreen Lilian Female Standen Cecil Ernest Male Perth
1938/101021 Perth Standen Cecil Ernest Male Cody Noreen Lilian Female Perth
1938/101022 Perth Stirling Kenneth McLean Male Alexander Jane Stewart Female Perth
1938/101022 Perth Alexander Jane Stewart Female Stirling Kenneth McLean Male Perth
1938/101023 Perth Douglas Henry Ronald Neil Male Pickering Emily Margaret Female Claremont
1938/101023 Perth Pickering Emily Margaret Female Douglas Henry Ronald Neil Male Claremont
1938/101024 Perth Campbell-Brown Dorothy Amelia Female Morrison John Eric Male Claremont
1938/101024 Perth Morrison John Eric Male Campbell-Brown Dorothy Amelia Female Claremont
1938/101025 Perth Batten Henry Thomas Male Edwards Hilda Maud Female Perth
1938/101025 Perth Edwards Hilda Maud Female Batten Henry Thomas Male Perth
1938/101026 Perth Savell Elsie Grace Female Spencer Frank Charles Nelson Male Perth
1938/101026 Perth Spencer Frank Charles Nelson Male Savell Elsie Grace Female Perth
1938/101027 Perth Barnes Ernest Male Cornock Dorothy Grace Female Perth
1938/101027 Perth Cornock Dorothy Grace Female Barnes Ernest Male Perth
1938/101028 Perth O'Brien Arthur William Male Hanks Dorothy Jean Female Perth
1938/101028 Perth Hanks Dorothy Jean Female O'Brien Arthur William Male Perth
1938/101029 Perth Walker Amy Elizabeth Female Aylmore Milton Vincent Male East Perth
1938/101029 Perth Aylmore Milton Vincent Male Walker Amy Elizabeth Female East Perth
1938/101030 Perth Hill Marjorie Female Alcock Maurice Charles Male Perth
1938/101030 Perth Alcock Maurice Charles Male Hill Marjorie Female Perth
1938/101031 Perth Enright Catherine Brigid Female Paul Robert Alexander Male Perth
1938/101031 Perth Paul Robert Alexander Male Enright Catherine Brigid Female Perth
1938/101032 Perth Hayes William Alfred Male Casserly Carmel Patricia Female Perth
1938/101032 Perth Casserly Carmel Patricia Female Hayes William Alfred Male Perth
1938/101033 Perth Fowles Edward Male Featherstone Iris Female Perth
1938/101033 Perth Featherstone Iris Female Fowles Edward Male Perth
1938/101034 Perth Connolly Phyllis Rose Female Williams John Allan Male Perth
1938/101034 Perth Williams John Allan Male Connolly Phyllis Rose Female Perth
1938/101035 Perth Reid William Charles Francis Male Burgess Marjorie Female Perth
1938/101035 Perth Burgess Marjorie Female Reid William Charles Francis Male Perth
1938/101036 Perth Bates Rosina Barbara Female Andrews Leslie Howard Male North Perth
1938/101036 Perth Andrews Leslie Howard Male Bates Rosina Barbara Female North Perth
1938/101037 Perth Tregilles Beryl Ella Female Stanley John Bernard Male North Perth
1938/101037 Perth Stanley John Bernard Male Tregilles Beryl Ella Female North Perth
1938/101038 Perth Mayer Elizabeth Catherine Female Nelson Frederick Frank Male North Perth
1938/101038 Perth Nelson Frederick Frank Male Mayer Elizabeth Catherine Female North Perth
1938/101039 Perth Scott Jane Kerr Female Vincent Ivan Leonard Ray Male Subiaco
1938/101039 Perth Scott Jean Kerr Female Vincent Ivan Leonard Ray Male Subiaco
1938/101039 Perth Vincent Ivan Leonard Ray Male Scott Jane Kerr Female Subiaco
1938/101039 Perth Vincent Ivan Leonard Ray Male Scott Jean Kerr Female Subiaco
1938/101040 Perth Brennan John Joseph Male Butterworth Mary Alice Female Perth
1938/101040 Perth Butterworth Mary Alice Female Brennan John Joseph Male Perth
1938/101041 Perth Wallace Austin Michael Male Kerrigan Alice Mary Female Perth
1938/101041 Perth Kerrigan Alice Mary Female Wallace Austin Michael Male Perth
1938/101042 Perth Sherlock Violet Emily Female Moulton Frederick Robert Male Perth
1938/101042 Perth Moulton Frederick Robert Male Sherlock Violet Emily Female Perth
1938/101043 Perth Buttel Patrick Mills Male Rhodes Hazel Avriel Mary Female Perth
1938/101043 Perth Rhodes Hazel Avriel Mary Female Buttel Patrick Mills Male Perth
1938/101044 Perth Trezise Ronald Francis Male Burt Cora Leslie Female Perth
1938/101044 Perth Burt Cora Leslie Female Trezise Ronald Francis Male Perth
1938/101045 Perth Webb Isabella Jane Female Cann James Herman Male Perth
1938/101045 Perth Cann James Herman Male Webb Isabella Jane Female Perth
1938/101046 Perth O'Brien Edmund Patrick Male Thomas Alvy Female Perth
1938/101046 Perth Thomas Alvy Female O'Brien Edmund Patrick Male Perth
1938/101047 Perth Dixon Sarah Edith Female Firkins Harry John Male Perth
1938/101047 Perth Firkins Harry John Male Dixon Sarah Edith Female Perth
1938/101048 Perth Buckwell Dorothy Grace Female Michael Ronald Manning Male Cottesloe
1938/101048 Perth Michael Ronald Manning Male Buckwell Dorothy Grace Female Cottesloe
1938/101049 Perth Carter Robert Maxwell Male West Winifred Eva Female Cottesloe
1938/101049 Perth West Winifred Eva Female Carter Robert Maxwell Male Cottesloe
1938/101050 Perth Bolton Maud Female Dyson Walter Cecil Ernest Male Perth
1938/101050 Perth Dyson Walter Cecil Ernest Male Bolton Maud Female Perth
1938/101051 Perth Marshall Evelyn Lily Female Dyson Sydney Owen Male West Perth
1938/101051 Perth Dyson Sydney Owen Male Marshall Evelyn Lily Female West Perth
1938/101052 Perth Lowdon Lorna Nellie Female Pitman Stanley Edwin Male West Perth
1938/101052 Perth Pitman Stanley Edwin Male Lowdon Lorna Nellie Female West Perth
1938/101053 Perth Whitman Alfred George Martin Male Schonell Rhaeda Mary Female West Perth
1938/101053 Perth Schonell Rhaeda Mary Female Whitman Alfred George Martin Male West Perth
1938/101054 Perth Commons Rita Florence Female Davies William Aubrey Milhurne Male West Perth
1938/101054 Perth Davies William Aubrey Milhurne Male Commons Rita Florence Female West Perth
1938/101055 Perth Bollard Mabel Elsie Ray Female Berry William George Male West Perth
1938/101055 Perth Berry William George Male Bollard Mabel Elsie Ray Female West Perth
1938/101056 Perth Thatcher Ethel Maude Female Wilson Alfred William Male West Perth
1938/101056 Perth Wilson Alfred William Male Thatcher Ethel Maude Female West Perth
1938/101057 Perth O'Halloran Arthur William Male Mullineux Constance Irene Female West Perth
1938/101057 Perth Mullineux Constance Irene Female O'Halloran Arthur William Male West Perth
1938/101058 Perth Gargett Reginald Stanley Male Haywood Nancye Beatrice Female West Perth
1938/101058 Perth Haywood Nancye Beatrice Female Gargett Reginald Stanley Male West Perth
1938/101059 Perth Clayton Dulcie Winifred Female Horlin Arthur John Male Perth
1938/101059 Perth Horlin Arthur John Male Clayton Dulcie Winifred Female Perth
1938/101060 Perth Watson Jack Wadsworth Male Ryder Constance Mary Female Leederville
1938/101060 Perth Ryder Constance Mary Female Watson Jack Wadsworth Male Leederville
1938/101061 Perth Anderton Harold James Male Mercer Lillian May Female North Perth
1938/101061 Perth Mercer Lillian May Female Anderton Harold James Male North Perth
1938/101062 Perth Stiles Norman Ferdinand Male Radford Elsie Jean Female Victoria Park
1938/101062 Perth Radford Elsie Jean Female Stiles Norman Ferdinand Male Victoria Park
1938/101063 Perth Thorley Lalla Female Williams Mervyn Matheson Male Victoria Park
1938/101063 Perth Williams Mervyn Matheson Male Thorley Lalla Female Victoria Park
1938/101064 Perth Samuels John Edward Male Baker Venie May Female Perth
1938/101064 Perth Baker Venie May Female Samuels John Edward Male Perth
1938/101065 Perth Hale William Alfred Male Foster Annie Rankin Female Perth
1938/101065 Perth Foster Annie Rankin Female Hale William Alfred Male Perth
1938/101066 Perth Hornibrook Jack Male Johnston Nellie Nicoll Female Maylands
1938/101066 Perth Johnston Nellie Nicoll Female Hornibrook Jack Male Maylands
1938/101067 Perth Canny Brian Denis Male Anderson Antonia Vans Female Claremont
1938/101067 Perth Anderson Antonia Vans Female Canny Brian Denis Male Claremont
1938/101068 Perth Hughes Edward Male Rosser Clara Evelyn Female Perth
1938/101068 Perth Rosser Clara Evelyn Female Hughes Edward Male Perth
1938/101069 Perth Neümann Oswald Baden Male Pilgrim Edith Violet Female Perth
1938/101069 Perth Pilgrim Edith Violet Female Neümann Oswald Baden Male Perth
1938/101070 Perth Liddle Mavis Queen Female Bennett Albert James Male Perth
1938/101070 Perth Bennett Albert James Male Liddle Mavis Queen Female Perth
1938/101071 Perth Atkinson Victor Angus Raymond Male Corley Doris Nellie Female Perth
1938/101071 Perth Corley Doris Nellie Female Atkinson Victor Angus Raymond Male Perth
1938/101072 Perth Woodward Jessica Vivienne Female Bee Edgar Athelstan Male Perth
1938/101072 Perth Bee Edgar Athelstan Male Woodward Jessica Vivienne Female Perth
1938/101073 Perth Payne Edwin Price Male Morton Marjorie Asquith Female Perth
1938/101073 Perth Morton Marjorie Asquith Female Payne Edwin Price Male Perth
1938/101074 Perth Lyon Iris Winifred Female Walton Philip Martinus Male Perth
1938/101074 Perth Walton Philip Martinus Male Lyon Iris Winifred Female Perth
1938/101075 Perth Crispin Clara Evelyn Female Bartley Wesley Robert Male Perth
1938/101075 Perth Bartley Wesley Robert Male Crispin Clara Evelyn Female Perth
1938/101076 Perth Foulks William Thomas Male Hamerton Grace Alberta Female Perth
1938/101076 Perth Hamerton Grace Alberta Female Foulks William Thomas Male Perth
1938/101077 Perth Maddigan Francis Michael Male Sarti Ivy Lillian Female Perth
1938/101077 Perth Sarti Ivy Lillian Female Maddigan Francis Michael Male Perth
1938/101078 Perth Nash Violet May Female Hardy Michael Male Perth
1938/101078 Perth Hardy Michael Male Nash Violet May Female Perth
1938/101079 Perth Cartier Emile Jacques Male MacArthur Norah Female Perth
1938/101079 Perth MacArthur Norah Female Cartier Emile Jacques Male Perth
1938/101080 Perth Bishop Michael Alfred Male Bell Marie Female Perth
1938/101080 Perth Bell Marie Female Bishop Michael Alfred Male Perth
1938/101081 Perth Hume Ella Jessie Female Orr Charles James Male Perth
1938/101081 Perth Orr Charles James Male Hume Ella Jessie Female Perth
1938/101082 Perth Migliori Benjamin Male Jameson Maisie Female Mt Lawley
1938/101082 Perth Jameson Maisie Female Migliori Benjamin Male Mt Lawley
1938/101083 Perth McCreery Rita Norma Female Willis Alistair Herbert Edward Male Subiaco
1938/101083 Perth Willis Alistair Herbert Edward Male McCreery Rita Norma Female Subiaco
1938/101084 Perth Williams Arnold Hilton Male Mellows Dorothy May Female Subiaco
1938/101084 Perth Mellows Dorothy May Female Williams Arnold Hilton Male Subiaco
1938/101085 Perth Bryant Albert George Male King Margaret Hardie Abernethy Female Perth
1938/101085 Perth King Margaret Hardie Abernethy Female Bryant Albert George Male Perth
1938/101086 Perth Baldwin Gladys Muriel Female Mills Hartley Mason Male Cottesloe
1938/101086 Perth Mills Hartley Mason Male Baldwin Gladys Muriel Female Cottesloe
1938/101087 Perth Grayson Evelyn Elizabeth Female Orr Leonard Wilfred Male Perth
1938/101087 Perth Orr Leonard Wilfred Male Grayson Evelyn Elizabeth Female Perth
1938/101088 Perth Gardner Ivy Joyce Female Collins Fredrick Clifford Male Claremont
1938/101088 Perth Collins Fredrick Clifford Male Gardner Ivy Joyce Female Claremont
1938/101089 Perth Choate Roger Sidney Male Mansbridge Patricia Iris Female Claremont
1938/101089 Perth Mansbridge Patricia Iris Female Choate Roger Sidney Male Claremont
1938/101090 Perth Dimax Margaret Edith Female Raynor Harold Eugene Male Swanbourne
1938/101090 Perth Raynor Harold Eugene Male Dimax Margaret Edith Female Swanbourne
1938/101091 Perth Nixon Daphne May Female Andrews Thomas Henry Ernest Male Claremont
1938/101091 Perth Andrews Thomas Henry Ernest Male Nixon Daphne May Female Claremont
1938/101092 Perth Mengler Gladys Evelyn Female Todman Frederick Thomas Male Claremont
1938/101092 Perth Todman Frederick Thomas Male Mengler Gladys Evelyn Female Claremont
1938/101093 Perth Waddell James White Male Perkins Edna May Female Claremont
1938/101093 Perth Perkins Edna May Female Waddell James White Male Claremont
1938/101094 Perth Sims Rex Henry Male O'Keefe Jessie Phyllis Female Claremont
1938/101094 Perth O'Keefe Jessie Phyllis Female Sims Rex Henry Male Claremont
1938/101095 Perth McDonald Andrew Thomas Male Lindsay Jean Iris Female Claremont
1938/101095 Perth Lindsay Jean Iris Female McDonald Andrew Thomas Male Claremont
1938/101096 Perth Gibson Thelma Ivy Female Larcombe Harry William Male Perth
1938/101096 Perth Larcombe Harry William Male Gibson Thelma Ivy Female Perth
1938/101097 Perth Blackburn Erla Female Anstey Roy William Albert Male Subiaco
1938/101097 Perth Anstey Roy William Albert Male Blackburn Erla Female Subiaco
1938/101098 Perth Holdsworth Iris Joy Female Gray Roy George Male North Perth
1938/101098 Perth Gray Roy George Male Holdsworth Iris Joy Female North Perth
1938/101099 Perth Taylor Leonard Kevin Male Hudman Thora Eileen Female Victoria Park
1938/101099 Perth Hudman Thora Eileen Female Taylor Leonard Kevin Male Victoria Park
1938/101100 Perth Barrey Doris Female Worthington George Athol Male Victoria Park
1938/101100 Perth Worthington George Athol Male Barrey Doris Female Victoria Park
1938/101101 Perth Parker Bertram Male Bethune-Beaton Jeanne Marie Female Victoria Park
1938/101101 Perth Bethune-Beaton Jeanne Marie Female Parker Bertram Male Victoria Park
1938/101102 Perth Kaye Phyllis Mary Female Reid John Kellor Male Victoria Park
1938/101102 Perth Reid John Kellor Male Kaye Phyllis Mary Female Victoria Park
1938/101103 Perth Hill Thomas William Male McLeod Rosa Bainbrigge Female Mt Lawley
1938/101103 Perth McLeod Rosa Bainbrigge Female Hill Thomas William Male Mt Lawley
1938/101104 Perth Bourn Mary Amy Female McMahon Ivon James William Male Mt Lawley
1938/101104 Perth McMahon Ivon James William Male Bourn Mary Amy Female Mt Lawley
1938/101105 Perth Bodman Thomas Frank Male Brown Barbara Margaret Female Mt Lawley
1938/101105 Perth Brown Barbara Margaret Female Bodman Thomas Frank Male Mt Lawley
1938/101106 Perth Beveridge Beatrice Amy Female Vincent William Ivan Male Mt Lawley
1938/101106 Perth Vincent William Ivan Male Beveridge Beatrice Amy Female Mt Lawley
1938/101107 Perth Berry Pearl Cathrine Myrl Female Dunstan James Male Mt Lawley
1938/101107 Perth Dunstan James Male Berry Pearl Cathrine Myrl Female Mt Lawley
1938/101108 Perth Glover William Fredrick Male Buik Gladys Emily Female Perth
1938/101108 Perth Buik Gladys Emily Female Glover William Fredrick Male Perth
1938/101109 Perth Guelfi Thelma Joyce Female Fogliani Charles Peter Male Osborne Park
1938/101109 Perth Fogliani Charles Peter Male Guelfi Thelma Joyce Female Osborne Park
1938/101110 Perth Brennan Maurice John Male Scott Agnes Smart Female Perth
1938/101110 Perth Scott Agnes Smart Female Brennan Maurice John Male Perth
1938/101111 Perth Semple Constance Mary Female Collopy Herbert John Male Cottesloe
1938/101111 Perth Collopy Herbert John Male Semple Constance Mary Female Cottesloe
1938/101112 Perth Pendleton Joseph Frederick Male Bromfield Olive May Female West Perth
1938/101112 Perth Bromfield Olive May Female Pendleton Joseph Frederick Male West Perth
1938/101113 Perth Murphy Mary Agnes Female Strack Albert Lloyd Male Perth
1938/101113 Perth Strack Albert Lloyd Male Murphy Mary Agnes Female Perth
1938/101114 Perth Kelly Walter Thompson Male Donaldson Lorna Female Perth
1938/101114 Perth Donaldson Lorna Female Kelly Walter Thompson Male Perth
1938/101115 Perth von Blanckensee Alice Katherine Mary Wilhelmina Female Ainslie Robert Inglis Male Mt Lawley
1938/101115 Perth Ainslie Robert Inglis Male von Blanckensee Alice Katherine Mary Wilhelmina Female Mt Lawley
1938/101116 Perth Hill Felicity Altson Female Joel Neville Crownson Male Perth
1938/101116 Perth Joel Neville Crownson Male Hill Felicity Altson Female Perth
1938/101117 Perth Fullarton Raymond Keith Male Koefod Pearl Estell Female Rosalie
1938/101117 Perth Koefod Pearl Estell Female Fullarton Raymond Keith Male Rosalie
1938/101118 Perth Johns Marion Doreen Female Mills Harold Arthur Male Claremont
1938/101118 Perth Mills Harold Arthur Male Johns Marion Doreen Female Claremont
1938/101119 Perth Murray Kathleen Annabelle Female McGregor John William Male Perth
1938/101119 Perth McGregor John William Male Murray Kathleen Annabelle Female Perth
1938/101120 Perth Smillie Mabel Lillias Female Gill Alfred Henry Male Mt Lawley
1938/101120 Perth Gill Alfred Henry Male Smillie Mabel Lillias Female Mt Lawley
1938/101121 Perth McKinnon Doris Mary Female McLoughlin James Timothy Male Perth
1938/101121 Perth McLoughlin James Timothy Male McKinnon Doris Mary Female Perth
1938/101122 Perth Lawn Enid Mary Female Hutchison Irvine Thomas Taylor Male Victoria Park
1938/101122 Perth Hutchison Irvine Thomas Taylor Male Lawn Enid Mary Female Victoria Park
1938/101123 Perth Bray Donald Male Welch Vesta Olive Female Victoria Park
1938/101123 Perth Welch Vesta Olive Female Bray Donald Male Victoria Park
1938/101124 Perth Hunt Beatrice Nellie Female Boyd Joseph Butler Male Victoria Park
1938/101124 Perth Boyd Joseph Butler Male Hunt Beatrice Nellie Female Victoria Park
1938/101125 Perth Crapps Hazel Dora Female Caldwell Royston Charles Male West Perth
1938/101125 Perth Caldwell Royston Charles Male Crapps Hazel Dora Female West Perth
1938/101126 Perth Cox James Herbert Male Davidson Roxana Dorothy Female West Perth
1938/101126 Perth Davidson Roxana Dorothy Female Cox James Herbert Male West Perth
1938/101127 Perth Armstrong Clement Joseph Male Roberts Joycelyn Mabel Female West Perth
1938/101127 Perth Roberts Joycelyn Mabel Female Armstrong Clement Joseph Male West Perth
1938/101128 Perth Wauchope Douglas Male Fry Laura May Female West Perth
1938/101128 Perth Fry Laura May Female Wauchope Douglas Male West Perth
1938/101129 Perth Brockman Reginald Thomas Dawson Male Mitchell Minna Kate Bremer Female West Perth
1938/101129 Perth Mitchell Minna Kate Bremer Female Brockman Reginald Thomas Dawson Male West Perth
1938/101130 Perth Daley Kenneth Henry Male Evenis Lucy Evelyn Female West Perth
1938/101130 Perth Evenis Lucy Evelyn Female Daley Kenneth Henry Male West Perth
1938/101131 Perth Hardie Thomas Patrick Male Cook Kathleen Beatrice Female Cottesloe
1938/101131 Perth Cook Kathleen Beatrice Female Hardie Thomas Patrick Male Cottesloe
1938/101132 Perth Irons Lille Female Hepburn Charles David Male Perth
1938/101132 Perth Hepburn Charles David Male Irons Lille Female Perth
1938/101133 Perth Ing Bertha Gladys Female Jeanes Ronald George Male Perth
1938/101133 Perth Jeanes Ronald George Male Ing Bertha Gladys Female Perth
1938/101134 Perth Williams Olwen Mary Female Smart Gordon Edward Male Perth
1938/101134 Perth Smart Gordon Edward Male Williams Olwen Mary Female Perth
1938/101135 Perth Stoffregen Victor Hermann Male Howard Grace Leah Female Nedlands
1938/101135 Perth Howard Grace Leah Female Stoffregen Victor Hermann Male Nedlands
1938/101136 Perth Wright Elizabeth Ann Female Napper William Male Perth
1938/101136 Perth Napper William Male Wright Elizabeth Ann Female Perth
1938/101137 Perth Browne-Cooper Pauline Muriel Female Scott John Garratt Male Claremont
1938/101137 Perth Scott John Garratt Male Browne-Cooper Pauline Muriel Female Claremont
1938/101138 Perth Steele Thomas Male Daniels Elsie May Female Perth
1938/101138 Perth Daniels Elsie May Female Steele Thomas Male Perth
1938/101139 Perth Richards Eileen Bessie Female Witton Cyril Edgar Male Victoria Park
1938/101139 Perth Witton Cyril Edgar Male Richards Eileen Bessie Female Victoria Park
1938/101140 Perth Coughlan Gladys Hilda Female Greer Percival Thomas Male Perth
1938/101140 Perth Greer Percival Thomas Male Coughlan Gladys Hilda Female Perth
1938/101141 Perth Herbert Elsie Adelaide Winstanley Female Smith Edwin Murray Male Perth
1938/101141 Perth Smith Edwin Murray Male Herbert Elsie Adelaide Winstanley Female Perth
1938/101142 Perth Miller Frederick Daniel Male Collier Annie Female Perth
1938/101142 Perth Collier Annie Female Miller Frederick Daniel Male Perth
1938/101143 Perth Ward Raymond Male Glover Agnes Female West Perth
1938/101143 Perth Glover Agnes Female Ward Raymond Male West Perth
1938/101144 Perth O'Hagan Patrick Male Wyatt Doreen Winifred Female West Perth
1938/101144 Perth Wyatt Doreen Winifred Female O'Hagan Patrick Male West Perth
1938/101145 Perth Regan Spencer Napier Male Styling Gwendoline Female Cottesloe
1938/101145 Perth Styling Gwendoline Female Regan Spencer Napier Male Cottesloe
1938/101146 Perth Evans Mary Female Ritson Frank Male Cottesloe
1938/101146 Perth Ritson Frank Male Evans Mary Female Cottesloe
1938/101147 Perth Battista Francesco Male Panaia Genoveffa Female West Perth
1938/101147 Perth Panaia Genoveffa Female Battista Francesco Male West Perth
1938/101149 Perth Sweetman Keith Franklin Drysdale Male Reynolds Amy Nelmore Moulton Female Perth
1938/101149 Perth Reynolds Amy Nelmore Moulton Female Sweetman Keith Franklin Drysdale Male Perth
1938/101150 Perth Cooper Charles Albert Male Tyrer Melita Maud Female Perth
1938/101150 Perth Tyrer Melita Maud Female Cooper Charles Albert Male Perth
1938/101151 Perth Morrell Edith Barbara Female Paisley Cyril John Male Perth
1938/101151 Perth Paisley Cyril John Male Morrell Edith Barbara Female Perth
1938/101152 Perth Bourke Mary Ethel Female Verrall William Amos Male Perth
1938/101152 Perth Verrall William Amos Male Bourke Mary Ethel Female Perth
1938/101153 Perth McAllan Frank Male Bell Christina Ellen May Female Perth
1938/101153 Perth Bell Christina Ellen May Female McAllan Frank Male Perth
1938/101154 Perth Caterer Doris Lorraine Female Moir Ernest Thomas Male Perth
1938/101154 Perth Moir Ernest Thomas Male Caterer Doris Lorraine Female Perth
1938/101155 Perth Pougnault Edgard Amedé Male Cosham Jessie Ethel May Female Perth
1938/101155 Perth Cosham Jessie Ethel May Female Pougnault Edgard Amedé Male Perth
1938/101156 Perth Benjamin Doris Irene Female Mussared Reginald Thomas Male Perth
1938/101156 Perth Mussared Reginald Thomas Male Benjamin Doris Irene Female Perth
1938/101157 Perth Dickie Hugh Moffat Male Smith Bertha Dorothy Female Rivervale
1938/101157 Perth Smith Bertha Dorothy Female Dickie Hugh Moffat Male Rivervale
1938/101158 Perth Raven Merle Violet Female Bandy Rex William George Male West Perth
1938/101158 Perth Bandy Rex William George Male Raven Merle Violet Female West Perth
1938/101159 Perth Edmiston Margaret Eliza Female Webster Herbert Male West Perth
1938/101159 Perth Webster Herbert Male Edmiston Margaret Eliza Female West Perth
1938/101160 Perth Curedale Mary Ellen Eileen Female Kopp Frederick William Arthur Male West Perth
1938/101160 Perth Kopp Frederick William Arthur Male Curedale Mary Ellen Eileen Female West Perth
1938/101161 Perth Hotchin Clarence Mayne Male Legge Donella Owsley Female Leederville
1938/101161 Perth Legge Donella Owsley Female Hotchin Clarence Mayne Male Leederville
1938/101162 Perth McLean Margaret Female Nash Kenneth David Male Perth
1938/101162 Perth Nash Kenneth David Male McLean Margaret Female Perth
1938/101163 Perth Harris Thelma Ray Female Butterworth Richard John Lawrence Male Perth
1938/101163 Perth Butterworth Richard John Lawrence Male Harris Thelma Ray Female Perth
1938/101164 Perth Anderson Sydney Male Pettit Kathleen Female Perth
1938/101164 Perth Pettit Kathleen Female Anderson Sydney Male Perth
1938/101165 Perth McCoy James Male Lovick Doreen Lavinia Female Perth
1938/101165 Perth Lovick Doreen Lavinia Female McCoy James Male Perth
1938/101166 Perth Page Jack McGovern Male Kirchner Gladys Irene Female Perth
1938/101166 Perth Kirchner Gladys Irene Female Page Jack McGovern Male Perth
1938/101167 Perth Ray Olive Hope Female Prideaux Francis Walter Male Perth
1938/101167 Perth Prideaux Francis Walter Male Ray Olive Hope Female Perth
1938/101168 Perth Symmons Madge Myrtle Victoria May Female Holben Francis James Male Perth
1938/101168 Perth Holben Francis James Male Symmons Madge Myrtle Victoria May Female Perth
1938/101169 Perth Elston Charles Robert Male Ward Phyllis Female South Perth
1938/101169 Perth Ward Phyllis Female Elston Charles Robert Male South Perth
1938/101170 Perth Tollis May Female Kenny Michael Terence Male Perth
1938/101170 Perth Kenny Michael Terence Male Tollis May Female Perth
1938/101171 Perth Spark Sophia Female Hewitson Alfred Stewart Male Perth
1938/101171 Perth Hewitson Alfred Stewart Male Spark Sophia Female Perth
1938/101172 Perth Attanasoff Thanas Ivanoff Male Baillie Nancye Norah Johnstone Female Perth
1938/101172 Perth Baillie Nancye Norah Johnstone Female Attanasoff Thanas Ivanoff Male Perth
1938/101173 Perth Brown John Herrick Male Wood Thelma Doreen Female Perth
1938/101173 Perth Wood Thelma Doreen Female Brown John Herrick Male Perth
1938/101174 Perth Wightman Ida Mary Female Goode Eli Male Perth
1938/101174 Perth Goode Eli Male Wightman Ida Mary Female Perth
1938/101175 Perth Brough Audrey Joyce Female Brooker Norman William Male West Perth
1938/101175 Perth Brooker Norman William Male Brough Audrey Joyce Female West Perth
1938/101176 Perth Booth Arthur Male Stokes Hilva Millicent Female Claremont
1938/101176 Perth Stokes Hilva Millicent Female Booth Arthur Male Claremont
1938/101177 Perth Padreny Dolores Violet Female Dennis Clarence Cedric Male Claremont
1938/101177 Perth Dennis Clarence Cedric Male Padreny Dolores Violet Female Claremont
1938/101178 Perth Lazarus John William Male Wood Evelyn Alice Female Claremont
1938/101178 Perth Wood Evelyn Alice Female Lazarus John William Male Claremont
1938/101179 Perth Hunter Enid Hilda Female Wackett Philip Crawford Male Claremont
1938/101179 Perth Wackett Philip Crawford Male Hunter Enid Hilda Female Claremont
1938/101180 Perth Halliday Dorothy May Row Female Koutsouvelis Denis George Male Perth
1938/101180 Perth Koutsouvelis Denis George Male Halliday Dorothy May Row Female Perth
1938/101181 Perth Harris Kathleen Mary Female Morrison Edgar Henry Male Perth
1938/101181 Perth Morrison Edgar Henry Male Harris Kathleen Mary Female Perth
1938/101182 Perth Mitchell William Curtis Male Hazeldine Lilian Grace Female Perth
1938/101182 Perth Hazeldine Lilian Grace Female Mitchell William Curtis Male Perth
1938/101183 Perth Wright Isobel Margaret Female Taylor Frank William Male Perth
1938/101183 Perth Taylor Frank William Male Wright Isobel Margaret Female Perth
1938/101184 Perth Beeli Margaret Constance Female Bluett Leslie Roy Male West Perth
1938/101184 Perth Bluett Leslie Roy Male Beeli Margaret Constance Female West Perth
1938/101185 Perth Wilcox Kathleen Female Long Christopher Raymond Male Perth
1938/101185 Perth Long Christopher Raymond Male Wilcox Kathleen Female Perth
1938/101186 Perth Gustafson Evelyn Iris Female Fyfe Donald Male Perth
1938/101186 Perth Fyfe Donald Male Gustafson Evelyn Iris Female Perth
1938/101187 Perth Miller Hobart Theodore Male Gillam Jean Joy Female Perth
1938/101187 Perth Gillam Jean Joy Female Miller Hobart Theodore Male Perth
1938/101188 Perth Gresele Umberto Male Beckett Enid Mary Female Perth
1938/101188 Perth Beckett Enid Mary Female Gresele Umberto Male Perth
1938/101189 Perth Maller Mervyn Edward Male Logan Kathleen Agnes Female Subiaco
1938/101189 Perth Logan Kathleen Agnes Female Maller Mervyn Edward Male Subiaco
1938/101190 Perth Switsur Georgina Margaret Mary Female Palmer Roy Male Subiaco
1938/101190 Perth Palmer Roy Male Switsur Georgina Margaret Mary Female Subiaco
1938/101191 Perth Hartnett Grace Female Rogers Ernest Albert Male Perth
1938/101191 Perth Rogers Ernest Albert Male Hartnett Grace Female Perth
1938/101192 Perth Denton Gwendolen Isabel Female Walton Robert Bligh Male Perth
1938/101192 Perth Walton Robert Bligh Male Denton Gwendolen Isabel Female Perth
1938/101193 Perth Valentine Ettie Female Simpson Alan Norman Male Perth
1938/101193 Perth Simpson Alan Norman Male Valentine Ettie Female Perth
1938/101194 Perth Semmens Alma Jean Female Boulton Ernest Charles Male Perth
1938/101194 Perth Boulton Ernest Charles Male Semmens Alma Jean Female Perth
1938/101195 Perth Webb Lucy Elizabeth Female Lanyon Albert Henry Leggo Male West Perth
1938/101195 Perth Lanyon Albert Henry Leggo Male Webb Lucy Elizabeth Female West Perth
1938/101196 Perth Baxter Ruth Female Rudkin Arthur William Male Perth
1938/101196 Perth Rudkin Arthur William Male Baxter Ruth Female Perth
1938/101197 Perth Green Joan Violet Female Powell Philip Male North Perth
1938/101197 Perth Powell Philip Male Green Joan Violet Female North Perth
1938/101198 Perth Eatwell Ethel Magdalene Female Weller Ronald Male Perth
1938/101198 Perth Weller Ronald Male Eatwell Ethel Magdalene Female Perth
1938/101199 Perth Dook Maitland David Lawson Male Totolos Thelma May Female North Perth
1938/101199 Perth Totolos Thelma May Female Dook Maitland David Lawson Male North Perth
1938/101200 Perth Wilson Margeurita Alvena Female Mitting Charles Frederick Male Perth
1938/101200 Perth Mitting Charles Frederick Male Wilson Margeurita Alvena Female Perth
1938/101201 Perth Hodges Patricia Elizabeth Female McInnes Archibald Evender Male South Perth
1938/101201 Perth McInnes Archibald Evender Male Hodges Patricia Elizabeth Female South Perth
1938/101202 Perth Shier Leslie James Male Shier Rona Female South Perth
1938/101202 Perth Shier Rona Female Shier Leslie James Male South Perth
1938/101203 Perth Stewart Mary Female Wilson Harold Keith Male South Perth
1938/101203 Perth Wilson Harold Keith Male Stewart Mary Female South Perth
1938/101204 Perth Crew Gertrude Selina Female Saggers Joseph John Male South Perth
1938/101204 Perth Saggers Joseph John Male Crew Gertrude Selina Female South Perth
1938/101205 Perth Yeo Eva Doris Female Dunham John Francis Male Perth
1938/101205 Perth Dunham John Francis Male Yeo Eva Doris Female Perth
1938/101206 Perth Fitz-Gerald Eric Frank Male Smith Elsie Female Perth
1938/101206 Perth Smith Elsie Female Fitz-Gerald Eric Frank Male Perth
1938/101207 Perth Bartlett Charles Dorman Male Cole Dulcie Ruth Female Perth
1938/101207 Perth Cole Dulcie Ruth Female Bartlett Charles Dorman Male Perth
1938/101208 Perth Jacobsen Carl Clarence Male Hunt Pauline Martha Female Perth
1938/101208 Perth Hunt Pauline Martha Female Jacobsen Carl Clarence Male Perth
1938/101209 Perth Vlahov Vera Female Jakovich Robert Male Osborne Park
1938/101209 Perth Jakovich Robert Male Vlahov Vera Female Osborne Park
1938/101210 Perth Stanton Walter Male Robinson Harriet Female Perth
1938/101210 Perth Robinson Harriet Female Stanton Walter Male Perth
1938/101211 Perth Hutchinson Garry Arthur Male Robson Phyllis Female Perth
1938/101211 Perth Robson Phyllis Female Hutchinson Garry Arthur Male Perth
1938/101212 Perth Smith Patience Betty Female Copeland Thomas Theodore Male West Perth
1938/101212 Perth Copeland Thomas Theodore Male Smith Patience Betty Female West Perth
1938/101213 Perth Burnell Arthur Colin Male Earle Lilian Frances Female West Perth
1938/101213 Perth Earle Lilian Frances Female Burnell Arthur Colin Male West Perth
1938/101214 Perth Downing Florence Ellen Female Roddy Bernard James Male West Perth
1938/101214 Perth Roddy Bernard James Male Downing Florence Ellen Female West Perth
1938/101215 Perth Ransom John Wilson Male Bingham Ivy Lilian Female West Perth
1938/101215 Perth Bingham Ivy Lilian Female Ransom John Wilson Male West Perth
1938/101216 Perth Tanner Constance Eileen Female Goold John Frederick Leonard Male West Perth
1938/101216 Perth Goold John Frederick Leonard Male Tanner Constance Eileen Female West Perth
1938/101217 Perth Allen Maxwell Clifton Male Owen Mona Female Perth
1938/101217 Perth Owen Mona Female Allen Maxwell Clifton Male Perth
1938/101218 Perth Baber Arthur Male Treasure Mildred Harriet Elizabeth Female Perth
1938/101218 Perth Treasure Mildred Harriet Elizabeth Female Baber Arthur Male Perth
1938/101219 Perth Craig Betty Velita Female Sambell Wesley Allan Male Perth
1938/101219 Perth Sambell Wesley Allan Male Craig Betty Velita Female Perth
1938/101220 Perth Weeks Albert Edmond Male Moorehouse Alice Mary Female Perth
1938/101220 Perth Moorehouse Alice Mary Female Weeks Albert Edmond Male Perth
1938/101221 Perth Gittins Ronald George Male Giddings Ruby Elizabeth Female West Perth
1938/101221 Perth Giddings Ruby Elizabeth Female Gittins Ronald George Male West Perth
1938/101222 Perth Pearce Doris Elizabeth Female Monk Alan Henry Male Maylands
1938/101222 Perth Monk Alan Henry Male Pearce Doris Elizabeth Female Maylands
1938/101223 Perth Mummery Howard Browning Male Peel Frances Beatrice Female Cottesloe
1938/101223 Perth Peel Frances Beatrice Female Mummery Howard Browning Male Cottesloe
1938/101224 Perth Hoyle Bernard Male Luker Margaret Amy Female Victoria Pk
1938/101224 Perth Luker Margaret Amy Female Hoyle Bernard Male Victoria Pk
1938/101225 Perth Gray Horace Whittemore Male Jackson Gwendoline Violet Female North Perth
1938/101225 Perth Jackson Gwendoline Violet Female Gray Horace Whittemore Male North Perth
1938/101226 Perth Ayres Thelma Maud Female Clay Walter Manson Male Perth
1938/101226 Perth Clay Walter Manson Male Ayres Thelma Maud Female Perth
1938/101227 Perth Adams Frederick James Male Shannon Mary Irene Female Perth
1938/101227 Perth Shannon Mary Irene Female Adams Frederick James Male Perth
1938/101228 Perth Hardcastle George Thomas Male Elder Veda Isobel Female Perth
1938/101228 Perth Elder Veda Isobel Female Hardcastle George Thomas Male Perth
1938/101229 Perth Bryson Margretta Mount Female Cheffins John Escrett Male Perth
1938/101229 Perth Cheffins John Escrett Male Bryson Margretta Mount Female Perth
1938/101230 Perth Parr Gladys Crozier Female Kurth Carl Julius Male Perth
1938/101230 Perth Kurth Carl Julius Male Parr Gladys Crozier Female Perth
1938/101231 Perth Stone Henry Edward Male Parks Muriel Victoria Female Claremont
1938/101231 Perth Parks Muriel Victoria Female Stone Henry Edward Male Claremont
1938/101232 Perth Meredith Frederick John Male Bohan Edna Ella Female North Perth
1938/101232 Perth Bohan Edna Ella Female Meredith Frederick John Male North Perth
1938/101233 Perth Jones Maxine Dulcie Female Wedmore Eric Luard Male North Perth
1938/101233 Perth Wedmore Eric Luard Male Jones Maxine Dulcie Female North Perth
1938/101234 Perth Moore Kenneth Clark Male Peters Tamar May Female Perth
1938/101234 Perth Peters Tamar May Female Moore Kenneth Clark Male Perth
1938/101235 Perth Sams Charlie Male Wakeham Ivy Elizabeth Female Perth
1938/101235 Perth Wakeham Ivy Elizabeth Female Sams Charlie Male Perth
1938/101236 Perth Ryan Alfred Douglas Male Beard Hazel Madeline Female Perth
1938/101236 Perth Beard Hazel Madeline Female Ryan Alfred Douglas Male Perth
1938/101237 Perth Oag John McKenzie Male Davies Florence Joy Female Perth
1938/101237 Perth Davies Florence Joy Female Oag John McKenzie Male Perth
1938/101238 Perth Austin Kathleen Female McWhinney Harold Arthur George Male North Perth
1938/101238 Perth McWhinney Harold Arthur George Male Austin Kathleen Female North Perth
1938/101239 Perth Lytton Philip Male Smith Daphne Isobelle Female Perth
1938/101239 Perth Smith Daphne Isobelle Female Lytton Philip Male Perth
1938/101240 Perth Poulton James Cyril Male Power Iris May Female Claremont
1938/101240 Perth Power Iris May Female Poulton James Cyril Male Claremont
1938/101241 Perth Williams Gladys Maude Female Gardiner George Horley Male Shenton Park
1938/101241 Perth Gardiner George Horley Male Williams Gladys Maude Female Shenton Park
1938/101242 Perth Richardson William Henry Male Urquhart Isabel May Female Cottesloe
1938/101242 Perth Urquhart Isabel May Female Richardson William Henry Male Cottesloe
1938/101243 Perth Dillon James Michael Male Brooks Dorothy Winifred Female West Perth
1938/101243 Perth Brooks Dorothy Winifred Female Dillon James Michael Male West Perth
1938/101244 Perth Ronchi Tullio Male Polinelli Anita Maria Female West Perth
1938/101244 Perth Polinelli Anita Maria Female Ronchi Tullio Male West Perth
1938/101245 Perth Garner Benjamin Male Whiteside Eva Female Perth
1938/101245 Perth Whiteside Eva Female Garner Benjamin Male Perth
1938/101246 Perth Trygonis Evlalia Female Adams James Male Perth
1938/101246 Perth Adams James Male Trygonis Evlalia Female Perth
1938/101247 Perth Newnham Annette Lamont Female Watson Alexander Thurston Male Perth
1938/101247 Perth Watson Alexander Thurston Male Newnham Annette Lamont Female Perth
1938/101248 Perth Williams Hazel Daphne Female Bennett Allan Male Perth
1938/101248 Perth Bennett Allan Male Williams Hazel Daphne Female Perth
1938/101249 Perth McLeod Malcolm Frederick Male Neilson Muriel Mary Female Perth
1938/101249 Perth Neilson Muriel Mary Female McLeod Malcolm Frederick Male Perth
1938/101250 Perth Brown Jean Patricia Female Gibson Kerswell Alpha Male Perth
1938/101250 Perth Gibson Kerswell Alpha Male Brown Jean Patricia Female Perth
1938/101251 Perth Butt Marjorie Alice Edith Female Holman Charles William Russel Male Victoria Park
1938/101251 Perth Holman Charles William Russel Male Butt Marjorie Alice Edith Female Victoria Park
1938/101252 Perth Lepper Arthur Sidney Male Stephens Ruth Female West Leederville
1938/101252 Perth Stephens Ruth Female Lepper Arthur Sidney Male West Leederville
1938/101253 Perth Jennings Edward Male Jacob Maud Female West Perth
1938/101253 Perth Jacob Maud Female Jennings Edward Male West Perth
1938/101254 Perth Killey Lillian Clare Alice Female Holman William Thomas Male Perth
1938/101254 Perth Holman William Thomas Male Killey Lillian Clare Alice Female Perth
1938/101255 Perth Jackson Donald Stewart Male Cairns Marjorie Wilkie Female Claremont
1938/101255 Perth Cairns Marjorie Wilkie Female Jackson Donald Stewart Male Claremont
1938/101256 Perth Bux Doreen Female Hayes Richard Charles Male Perth
1938/101256 Perth Hayes Richard Charles Male Bux Doreen Female Perth
1938/101257 Perth Miniken Mavis Amelia Female White Leslie Reginold Male Perth
1938/101257 Perth White Leslie Reginold Male Miniken Mavis Amelia Female Perth
1938/101258 Perth Rudrum Stanley Theodore Male Dennis Ruby Myrtle Female Perth
1938/101258 Perth Dennis Ruby Myrtle Female Rudrum Stanley Theodore Male Perth
1938/101259 Perth Sinclair-Gardiner Eileen Monica Female Hampton Edgar Joseph Male Perth
1938/101259 Perth Hampton Edgar Joseph Male Sinclair-Gardiner Eileen Monica Female Perth
1938/101260 Perth Ridgwell Alfred George Male Seeber Ethel Edna Amelia Female Perth
1938/101260 Perth Seeber Ethel Edna Amelia Female Ridgwell Alfred George Male Perth
1938/101261 Perth Scanlon Marie Mary Female Mork Stan Male Perth
1938/101261 Perth Mork Stan Male Scanlon Marie Mary Female Perth
1938/101262 Perth Wright Charles Sydney Male Wilson Bonita Grace Female South Perth
1938/101262 Perth Wilson Bonita Grace Female Wright Charles Sydney Male South Perth
1938/101263 Perth Hay Maeve Female Kreitling Arthur Joseph Male South Perth
1938/101263 Perth Kreitling Arthur Joseph Male Hay Maeve Female South Perth
1938/101264 Perth Moss Reginald Norman Male Krakouer Nancy Rachael Female North Perth
1938/101264 Perth Krakouer Nancy Rachael Female Moss Reginald Norman Male North Perth
1938/101265 Perth Hinchliffe Robert George Male Richards May Estelle Female Perth
1938/101265 Perth Richards May Estelle Female Hinchliffe Robert George Male Perth
1938/101266 Perth Milner George Samuel Male Woodall Joyce Reita Female Perth
1938/101266 Perth Woodall Joyce Reita Female Milner George Samuel Male Perth
1938/101267 Perth McLean Kenneth Robert Male Fairfoul Elspeth Gladys Female Mt Lawley
1938/101267 Perth Fairfoul Elspeth Gladys Female McLean Kenneth Robert Male Mt Lawley
1938/101268 Perth Collas Muriel Christina Female Dorigo Giovanni Luigi Male Perth
1938/101268 Perth Dorigo Giovanni Luigi Male Collas Muriel Christina Female Perth
1938/101269 Perth Hack Nevil St John Dorton Male Maclaren Isla May Female Perth
1938/101269 Perth Maclaren Isla May Female Hack Nevil St John Dorton Male Perth
1938/101270 Perth Crawley Emily Henrietta Female Carr John Male Perth
1938/101270 Perth Carr John Male Crawley Emily Henrietta Female Perth
1938/101271 Perth Green Rubina Elizabeth Female Burkett John Keith Male Perth
1938/101271 Perth Burkett John Keith Male Green Rubina Elizabeth Female Perth
1938/101272 Perth Haines Kathleen Female Drysdale George Male Perth
1938/101272 Perth Drysdale George Male Haines Kathleen Female Perth
1938/101273 Perth Avery Bettie Clarissa Female Smyth John McDonald Male Perth
1938/101273 Perth Smyth John McDonald Male Avery Bettie Clarissa Female Perth
1938/101274 Perth Perry George Frederick Male Graham Valmae Female Subiaco
1938/101274 Perth Graham Valmae Female Perry George Frederick Male Subiaco
1938/101275 Perth Shipton Gwendoline Maud Female Johnson James Stanley Male Subiaco
1938/101275 Perth Johnson James Stanley Male Shipton Gwendoline Maud Female Subiaco
1938/101276 Perth Turton Brian Male Anderson Annie Jean Female Subiaco
1938/101276 Perth Anderson Annie Jean Female Turton Brian Male Subiaco
1938/101277 Perth Quinlan Irene Female Onley William Henry Male Subiaco
1938/101277 Perth Onley William Henry Male Quinlan Irene Female Subiaco
1938/101278 Perth Nettleton Edward Male Foster Valmai Female Claremont
1938/101278 Perth Foster Valmai Female Nettleton Edward Male Claremont
1938/101279 Perth Reing John Male Jenkins Elaine Florence Female Perth
1938/101279 Perth Jenkins Elaine Florence Female Reing John Male Perth
1938/101280 Perth Kavanagh Elsie May Female O'Halloran Martin Male Cottesloe
1938/101280 Perth O'Halloran Martin Male Kavanagh Elsie May Female Cottesloe
1938/101281 Perth Pougnault William Desire Lusien Male Strack Grace Frances Female Subiaco
1938/101281 Perth Strack Grace Frances Female Pougnault William Desire Lusien Male Subiaco
1938/101282 Perth Hayward Clifford Benjamin Male Hollingworth Dorothea Minnie Female Victoria Park
1938/101282 Perth Hollingworth Dorothea Minnie Female Hayward Clifford Benjamin Male Victoria Park
1938/101283 Perth Feakes Betty Female Mollison George Joshua Male Perth
1938/101283 Perth Mollison George Joshua Male Feakes Betty Female Perth
1938/101284 Perth Stent Ellen Mary Female Hawke Hector Richard Male West Perth
1938/101284 Perth Hawke Hector Richard Male Stent Ellen Mary Female West Perth
1938/101285 Perth Davies Richard Llewelyn Male Elias Blanche Alice Female West Perth
1938/101285 Perth Elias Blanche Alice Female Davies Richard Llewelyn Male West Perth
1938/101286 Perth Marie Charles Norman Male Chittleborough Maude Millicent Female West Perth
1938/101286 Perth Chittleborough Maude Millicent Female Marie Charles Norman Male West Perth
1938/101287 Perth Burch John Edward Male Truslove Muriel Woodrow Female West Perth
1938/101287 Perth Truslove Muriel Woodrow Female Burch John Edward Male West Perth
1938/101288 Perth Douglas Robert William Male Keevers Enid May Female Perth
1938/101288 Perth Keevers Enid May Female Douglas Robert William Male Perth
1938/101289 Perth Morgan Ann Female Lambert Stanley Patrick Male Victoria Park
1938/101289 Perth Lambert Stanley Patrick Male Morgan Ann Female Victoria Park
1938/101290 Perth Stone Nora Matilda Female McMaster Andrew Male Victoria Park
1938/101290 Perth McMaster Andrew Male Stone Nora Matilda Female Victoria Park
1938/101291 Perth Williamson Sarah Constance Hayden Female Craske Frank Holtoum Male North Maylands
1938/101291 Perth Craske Frank Holtoum Male Williamson Sarah Constance Hayden Female North Maylands
1938/101292 Perth Wood Isobel Joyce Female Wright Hugh Brown Male Perth
1938/101292 Perth Wright Hugh Brown Male Wood Isobel Joyce Female Perth
1938/101293 Perth Laughlin Mary Gertrude Female Rae James Male Perth
1938/101293 Perth Rae James Male Laughlin Mary Gertrude Female Perth
1938/101294 Perth Keays Selina Miriam Female Hughes Leo Vincent Male Perth
1938/101294 Perth Hughes Leo Vincent Male Keays Selina Miriam Female Perth
1938/101295 Perth Watts Walter Patrick Male Hickey Janet Irene Female Perth
1938/101295 Perth Hickey Janet Irene Female Watts Walter Patrick Male Perth
1938/101296 Perth Gregory Frederick James Male Curry Margurite Rose Female Perth
1938/101296 Perth Curry Margurite Rose Female Gregory Frederick James Male Perth
1938/101297 Perth Hodgins William Male McDermott Frances Rose Female Perth
1938/101297 Perth McDermott Frances Rose Female Hodgins William Male Perth
1938/101298 Perth Pratley Thomas Mervyn Male Robertson Elsie Neilson Female Perth
1938/101298 Perth Robertson Elsie Neilson Female Pratley Thomas Mervyn Male Perth
1938/101299 Perth Fisher Katherine Ellen Female Lane Eric Wilfred Male Mt Lawley
1938/101299 Perth Lane Eric Wilfred Male Fisher Katherine Ellen Female Mt Lawley
1938/101300 Perth Smith Alice Mavis Female Hawkins Frank Penrhyn Male Perth
1938/101300 Perth Hawkins Frank Penrhyn Male Smith Alice Mavis Female Perth
1938/101301 Perth Currie Ronald John Clark Male Jones Florance Hilda May Female South Perth
1938/101301 Perth Jones Florance Hilda May Female Currie Ronald John Clark Male South Perth
1938/101302 Perth McDiarmid Ronald William Conway Male Miller Jean Female West Perth
1938/101302 Perth Miller Jean Female McDiarmid Ronald William Conway Male West Perth
1938/101303 Perth Shanks Margaret Female Ferguson Nestor Duncan Male Perth
1938/101303 Perth Ferguson Nestor Duncan Male Shanks Margaret Female Perth
1938/101304 Perth Robinson Dorothy Amy Female Radley Cecil Male Perth
1938/101304 Perth Radley Cecil Male Robinson Dorothy Amy Female Perth
1938/101305 Perth Kemp Frank Walter Philip Male Fraser Sylvia Valentina Violet Female Perth
1938/101305 Perth Fraser Sylvia Valentina Violet Female Kemp Frank Walter Philip Male Perth
1938/101306 Perth Williams John Kevin Male Clapshew Mollie Highet Female Perth
1938/101306 Perth Clapshew Mollie Highet Female Williams John Kevin Male Perth
1938/101307 Perth Curtis Thomas Peter Edward Male Rose Myrtle Elizabeth Female Perth
1938/101307 Perth Rose Myrtle Elizabeth Female Curtis Thomas Peter Edward Male Perth
1938/101308 Perth Blaney-Murphy Nellie Female Kinghorn Walter James Male Perth
1938/101308 Perth Kinghorn Walter James Male Blaney-Murphy Nellie Female Perth
1938/101309 Perth Singleton Elma Dorothea Helsin Female Kenworthy Frank Wilton Male Mosman Park
1938/101309 Perth Kenworthy Frank Wilton Male Singleton Elma Dorothea Helsin Female Mosman Park
1938/101310 Perth McFarlane Isabel Female Grundy Alfred Male Perth
1938/101310 Perth Grundy Alfred Male McFarlane Isabel Female Perth
1938/101311 Perth Edward Gwenyth May Female Newman-Martin Herbert Frederick Male Perth
1938/101311 Perth Newman-Martin Herbert Frederick Male Edward Gwenyth May Female Perth
1938/101312 Perth Bunce Edward William Henry Male Young Doreen Annie Female Claremont
1938/101312 Perth Young Doreen Annie Female Bunce Edward William Henry Male Claremont
1938/101313 Perth Painter Wilfred George Patrick Douglas Male Hook Eileen Gertrude Rose Female Perth
1938/101313 Perth Hook Eileen Gertrude Rose Female Painter Wilfred George Patrick Douglas Male Perth
1938/101314 Perth Morrison Alice Agnes Female Della Cecil George Male Perth
1938/101314 Perth Della Cecil George Male Morrison Alice Agnes Female Perth
1938/101315 Perth Bradshaw Lawrence William Male Shaw Gladys May Female Perth
1938/101315 Perth Shaw Gladys May Female Bradshaw Lawrence William Male Perth
1938/101316 Perth Iek Mary Noël Female Campbell William Rich Male Perth
1938/101316 Perth Campbell William Rich Male Iek Mary Noël Female Perth
1938/101317 Perth Martin Stephen Caylyle Male Dunn Helen Isabel Female Perth
1938/101317 Perth Dunn Helen Isabel Female Martin Stephen Caylyle Male Perth
1938/101318 Perth Hicks Roy James Male Stone Edith May Female Perth
1938/101318 Perth Stone Edith May Female Hicks Roy James Male Perth
1938/101319 Perth Gardiner Barbara Joan Female Yakovina Anthony Male Perth
1938/101319 Perth Yakovina Anthony Male Gardiner Barbara Joan Female Perth
1938/101320 Perth Dickson Alister Macmillan Male Macoboy Florence Patricia Female Mt Lawley
1938/101320 Perth Macoboy Florence Patricia Female Dickson Alister Macmillan Male Mt Lawley
1938/101321 Perth Bishop Alice Jean Female Combley Jack Male Mt Lawley
1938/101321 Perth Combley Jack Male Bishop Alice Jean Female Mt Lawley
1938/101322 Perth Manning Arthur Charles Male Trott Patricia Mary Female Perth
1938/101322 Perth Trott Patricia Mary Female Manning Arthur Charles Male Perth
1938/101323 Perth Jarvis Thomas Roy Male Layland Dora Female Cottesloe
1938/101323 Perth Layland Dora Female Jarvis Thomas Roy Male Cottesloe
1938/101324 Perth Lyon Thelma Olive Female Mayne Leonard Elisha Male Perth
1938/101324 Perth Mayne Leonard Elisha Male Lyon Thelma Olive Female Perth
1938/101325 Perth Lloyd Elizabeth Ann Bowmer Female Owen Trevor Edward Male East Perth
1938/101325 Perth Owen Trevor Edward Male Lloyd Elizabeth Ann Bowmer Female East Perth
1938/101326 Perth Hunter Veronica Ellen Female Martyn Alfred Thomas Male Perth
1938/101326 Perth Martyn Alfred Thomas Male Hunter Veronica Ellen Female Perth
1938/101327 Perth McAvoy Kathleen Ena Female Marshall Alfred Wright Male Perth
1938/101327 Perth Marshall Alfred Wright Male McAvoy Kathleen Ena Female Perth
1938/101328 Perth McBride Kathleen Maude Female Millar William Brown Male Perth
1938/101328 Perth Millar William Brown Male McBride Kathleen Maude Female Perth
1938/101329 Perth Dean Sadie Alice Female Spencer Cyril Gordon Male Cottesloe
1938/101329 Perth Spencer Cyril Gordon Male Dean Sadie Alice Female Cottesloe
1938/101330 Perth Leeds Linda Female Jager Jan Paul Male Perth
1938/101330 Perth Jager Jan Paul Male Leeds Linda Female Perth
1938/101331 Perth Randall Marjorie Lucy Female Macgregor Donald Roderick James Male Nedlands
1938/101331 Perth Macgregor Donald Roderick James Male Randall Marjorie Lucy Female Nedlands
1938/101332 Perth Boyd Desmond Alexander Male Cordingley Mavis Anne Female Cottesloe
1938/101332 Perth Cordingley Mavis Anne Female Boyd Desmond Alexander Male Cottesloe
1938/101333 Perth Wright Florence Evelyn Female Fenchel William Adrian Male Perth
1938/101333 Perth Fenchel William Adrian Male Wright Florence Evelyn Female Perth
1938/101334 Perth Kitson Leo Robin Male Dhu Murial May Female Maylands
1938/101334 Perth Dhu Murial May Female Kitson Leo Robin Male Maylands
1938/101335 Perth Haggerty Raymond Leslie Male Tolmie Eva Dolores Female West Perth
1938/101335 Perth Tolmie Eva Dolores Female Haggerty Raymond Leslie Male West Perth
1938/101336 Perth Thompson Bessie Allan Female Stockford John Edward Male West Perth
1938/101336 Perth Stockford John Edward Male Thompson Bessie Allan Female West Perth
1938/101337 Perth Nelson Thelma May Female Condren James Patrick Male West Perth
1938/101337 Perth Condren James Patrick Male Nelson Thelma May Female West Perth
1938/101338 Perth Matthews Eric Hamilton Male Spitty Freda Francis Female West Perth
1938/101338 Perth Spitty Freda Francis Female Matthews Eric Hamilton Male West Perth
1938/101339 Perth Hodgson James Alfred George Male Zinkler Dorothy Grace Female West Perth
1938/101339 Perth Zinkler Dorothy Grace Female Hodgson James Alfred George Male West Perth
1938/101340 Perth Hopkins Alice Beatrice Female Fernihough Thomas George Male Subiaco
1938/101340 Perth Fernihough Thomas George Male Hopkins Alice Beatrice Female Subiaco
1938/101341 Perth Sanders James Stewart Male Ford Edna Mary Female South Perth
1938/101341 Perth Ford Edna Mary Female Sanders James Stewart Male South Perth
1938/101342 Perth Walton Alan Hanesworth Male Smith Dorothy Esma Female Perth
1938/101342 Perth Smith Dorothy Esma Female Walton Alan Hanesworth Male Perth
1938/101343 Perth Kelleher William Henry Charles Male Greene Nora Female Perth
1938/101343 Perth Greene Nora Female Kelleher William Henry Charles Male Perth
1938/101344 Perth Foster George Frederick Male Powell Cecilia Ann Female Carlisle
1938/101344 Perth Powell Cecilia Ann Female Foster George Frederick Male Carlisle
1938/101345 Perth Blackman Stephen Colin Male Johnson Ivy Beatrice Female Perth
1938/101345 Perth Johnson Ivy Beatrice Female Blackman Stephen Colin Male Perth
1938/101346 Perth Meyer Ivy Maud Female Maltman Albert Victor Male Subiaco
1938/101346 Perth Maltman Albert Victor Male Meyer Ivy Maud Female Subiaco
1938/101347 Perth Jackson Edith Mary Female Innes Leonard William George Male Victoria Park
1938/101347 Perth Innes Leonard William George Male Jackson Edith Mary Female Victoria Park
1938/101348 Perth Bridger William Hugh Glanville Male Livingstone Enid Jean Female Perth
1938/101348 Perth Livingstone Enid Jean Female Bridger William Hugh Glanville Male Perth
1938/101349 Perth Elliott Albert Cecil Male Clark Edith Alice Female Perth
1938/101349 Perth Clark Edith Alice Female Elliott Albert Cecil Male Perth
1938/101350 Perth Gray Eric John Male White Evelyn Isabella Female Perth
1938/101350 Perth White Evelyn Isabella Female Gray Eric John Male Perth
1938/101351 Perth Evans Ernest Charles Male Lawson Dorothy Mary Female Perth
1938/101351 Perth Lawson Dorothy Mary Female Evans Ernest Charles Male Perth
1938/101352 Perth Myers Edith Annie Female Jones Thomas William Male Perth
1938/101352 Perth Jones Thomas William Male Myers Edith Annie Female Perth
1938/101353 Perth Lines Gwladys Thirza Female Murphy Herbert Wilfred Male Perth
1938/101353 Perth Murphy Herbert Wilfred Male Lines Gwladys Thirza Female Perth
1938/101354 Perth Else Donald Hugh Male Payne Marjorie Irene Butt Female Perth
1938/101354 Perth Payne Marjorie Irene Butt Female Else Donald Hugh Male Perth
1938/101355 Perth Giblett Ivan Male Ward Lily Leonne Female South Perth
1938/101355 Perth Ward Lily Leonne Female Giblett Ivan Male South Perth
1938/101356 Perth Semmens Edgar George Male Cooper Ivy Vere Female North Perth
1938/101356 Perth Cooper Ivy Vere Female Semmens Edgar George Male North Perth
1938/101357 Perth Scott Rosalind Ada Female Ruttle Ernest Edward Male North Perth
1938/101357 Perth Ruttle Ernest Edward Male Scott Rosalind Ada Female North Perth
1938/101358 Perth Helffenstein Leslie Withers Male Hemmant Elizabeth Female Claremont
1938/101358 Perth Hemmant Elizabeth Female Helffenstein Leslie Withers Male Claremont
1938/101359 Perth Ker Muriel Speechly Hamilton Female Blight George Elmo Male Claremont
1938/101359 Perth Blight George Elmo Male Ker Muriel Speechly Hamilton Female Claremont
1938/101360 Perth Doust Hilda Frances Female Jarvis Norman Henry Male Cottesloe
1938/101360 Perth Jarvis Norman Henry Male Doust Hilda Frances Female Cottesloe
1938/101361 Perth Johnston Allen Male Turner Joyce Mavis Female Perth
1938/101361 Perth Turner Joyce Mavis Female Johnston Allen Male Perth
1938/101362 Perth Glencross Olive Joyce Female Bremmell Dudley Mervyn Male Perth
1938/101362 Perth Bremmell Dudley Mervyn Male Glencross Olive Joyce Female Perth
1938/101363 Perth Barker Beatrice Female Jahn Claude Conrad Male Claremont
1938/101363 Perth Jahn Claude Conrad Male Barker Beatrice Female Claremont
1938/101364 Perth Byrne John James Male Reynolds Mavis Elizabeth Female Claremont
1938/101364 Perth Reynolds Mavis Elizabeth Female Byrne John James Male Claremont
1938/101365 Perth Rowles Evelyn Bridget Female Knipe Stephen William Male Inglewood
1938/101365 Perth Knipe Stephen William Male Rowles Evelyn Bridget Female Inglewood
1938/101366 Perth Kidd Laurence William Male Cahill Rita Mary Female Maylands
1938/101366 Perth Cahill Rita Mary Female Kidd Laurence William Male Maylands
1938/101367 Perth Olden Samuel Roy Male Klopper Doris Mary May Female Maylands
1938/101367 Perth Klopper Doris Mary May Female Olden Samuel Roy Male Maylands
1938/101368 Perth Overington Percy Arthur Male Emery Margaret Irene Female Perth
1938/101368 Perth Emery Margaret Irene Female Overington Percy Arthur Male Perth
1938/101369 Perth Openshaw Ethel Miranda Female Burrows Ernest Tom Male Subiaco
1938/101369 Perth Burrows Ernest Tom Male Openshaw Ethel Miranda Female Subiaco
1938/101370 Perth Bond Lily Emily Female Baker Trevor Thomas James Male Mt Hawthorn
1938/101370 Perth Baker Trevor Thomas James Male Bond Lily Emily Female Mt Hawthorn
1938/101371 Perth Schmidt William Male Laws Louisa Lillian Wathen Female Perth
1938/101371 Perth Laws Louisa Lillian Wathen Female Schmidt William Male Perth
1938/101372 Perth Marwick Clennell Joseph Male Fraser Lily Female Perth
1938/101372 Perth Fraser Lily Female Marwick Clennell Joseph Male Perth
1938/101373 Perth Goldberg Deborah Female Routman Jacques Male Perth
1938/101373 Perth Routman Jacques Male Goldberg Deborah Female Perth
1938/101374 Perth Greenberg Abraham Oscar Male Zines Hannah Female Perth
1938/101374 Perth Zines Hannah Female Greenberg Abraham Oscar Male Perth
1938/101375 Perth Jack David Male France Ellen Female Perth
1938/101375 Perth France Ellen Female Jack David Male Perth
1938/101376 Perth Beeli Constantin Male Morrison Brigid Ellen Female Highgate Hill
1938/101376 Perth Morrison Brigid Ellen Female Beeli Constantin Male Highgate Hill
1938/101377 Perth Sullivan Robert John Male Waters Catherine Mary Female North Perth
1938/101377 Perth Waters Catherine Mary Female Sullivan Robert John Male North Perth
1938/101378 Perth Brennan Robert Leslie Male Read Gladys Lawson Female Perth
1938/101378 Perth Read Gladys Lawson Female Brennan Robert Leslie Male Perth
1938/101379 Perth Smith Ian Hamilton Male Faull Hilda Isabel Female Maylands
1938/101379 Perth Faull Hilda Isabel Female Smith Ian Hamilton Male Maylands
1938/101380 Perth Watson George Alfred Male Newcombe Lilian Elsie Female Perth
1938/101380 Perth Newcombe Lilian Elsie Female Watson George Alfred Male Perth
1938/101381 Perth Sutherland Eric Archibald Male Marshall Mary Allen Female Perth
1938/101381 Perth Marshall Mary Allen Female Sutherland Eric Archibald Male Perth
1938/101382 Perth Perkins Charles Collier Male Laffet Kathleen Jennings Female Perth
1938/101382 Perth Laffet Kathleen Jennings Female Perkins Charles Collier Male Perth
1938/101383 Perth Cox Edward Ernest Male Bell Annie Female Perth
1938/101383 Perth Bell Annie Female Cox Edward Ernest Male Perth
1938/101384 Perth Wilby Beryl Mildrum Female Keightley Cyril Male Perth
1938/101384 Perth Keightley Cyril Male Wilby Beryl Mildrum Female Perth
1938/101385 Perth Brown Edward Ernest Male Taylor Annie Female Perth
1938/101385 Perth Taylor Annie Female Brown Edward Ernest Male Perth
1938/101386 Perth Coleman Cyril Robert Male Nilsson Dorothy Catherine Female Perth
1938/101386 Perth Nilsson Dorothy Catherine Female Coleman Cyril Robert Male Perth
1938/101387 Perth Scott Hazel Martin Female Bryant Benjamin Wasson Male Cottesloe
1938/101387 Perth Bryant Benjamin Wasson Male Scott Hazel Martin Female Cottesloe
1938/101388 Perth Brealey Herbert Campbell Male Flegg Ailsa Inez Female Claremont
1938/101388 Perth Flegg Ailsa Inez Female Brealey Herbert Campbell Male Claremont
1938/101389 Perth Spain Joyce Valentine Female Read Thomas Henry Male Perth
1938/101389 Perth Read Thomas Henry Male Spain Joyce Valentine Female Perth
1938/101390 Perth Macey May Female Rance Reginald Ernest Male Perth
1938/101390 Perth Rance Reginald Ernest Male Macey May Female Perth
1938/101391 Perth Simpson Phoebe Louise Female Lee Ernest Eric Male Mt Lawley
1938/101391 Perth Lee Ernest Eric Male Simpson Phoebe Louise Female Mt Lawley
1938/101392 Perth Barton Julius Henry Male Scott Isabella Elizabeth Female West Perth
1938/101392 Perth Scott Isabella Elizabeth Female Barton Julius Henry Male West Perth
1938/101393 Perth Hawkins Jeannette Eleen Sherard Female Mills Douglas Checkley Male West Perth
1938/101393 Perth Mills Douglas Checkley Male Hawkins Jeannette Eleen Sherard Female West Perth
1938/101394 Perth McLaughlin Frances Rita Lorraine Female Cooper Eric Roland Male West Perth
1938/101394 Perth Cooper Eric Roland Male McLaughlin Frances Rita Lorraine Female West Perth
1938/101395 Perth Gordon Merle Doreê Female Taylor Alfred Henry Edward Male West Perth
1938/101395 Perth Taylor Alfred Henry Edward Male Gordon Merle Doreê Female West Perth
1938/101396 Perth Guthrie George Stirling Male Wilkes Doreen Ethel May Female Leederville
1938/101396 Perth Wilkes Doreen Ethel May Female Guthrie George Stirling Male Leederville
1938/101397 Perth McGillvray Robert Govenor Male Newton Mary Olive Female Leederville
1938/101397 Perth Newton Mary Olive Female McGillvray Robert Govenor Male Leederville
1938/101398 Perth Lothian Francis Richard Alexander Male Walton Maisie Mary Female Leederville
1938/101398 Perth Walton Maisie Mary Female Lothian Francis Richard Alexander Male Leederville
1938/101399 Perth O'Donnell Ellen May Female Rayner William George Male Leederville
1938/101399 Perth Rayner William George Male O'Donnell Ellen May Female Leederville
1938/101400 Perth Rice Alice Irene Female Wilson Thomas Henry Male Leederville
1938/101400 Perth Wilson Thomas Henry Male Rice Alice Irene Female Leederville
1938/101401 Perth Lange Myrtle Hilda Female Kilmartin James Male Perth
1938/101401 Perth Kilmartin James Male Lange Myrtle Hilda Female Perth
1938/101402 Perth Rowcroft Violet May Female Cowan Hugh Gilroy Male Perth
1938/101402 Perth Cowan Hugh Gilroy Male Rowcroft Violet May Female Perth
1938/101403 Perth Walcroft Reginald Male O'Hagan Beatrice Winifred Female Perth
1938/101403 Perth O'Hagan Beatrice Winifred Female Walcroft Reginald Male Perth
1938/101404 Perth Kennedy Katrina Female Irwin Christopher Joseph Male Victoria Park
1938/101404 Perth Irwin Christopher Joseph Male Kennedy Katrina Female Victoria Park
1938/101405 Perth Stockton Katherine Margaret Female Stickman Thomas William Male Victoria Park
1938/101405 Perth Stickman Thomas William Male Stockton Katherine Margaret Female Victoria Park
1938/101406 Perth Bennetts Thomas Arthur Male Martin Freda Beatrice Female Mt Lawley
1938/101406 Perth Martin Freda Beatrice Female Bennetts Thomas Arthur Male Mt Lawley
1938/101407 Perth Hilford Pearl Theresa Female Greenhalgh William Male Maylands
1938/101407 Perth Greenhalgh William Male Hilford Pearl Theresa Female Maylands
1938/101408 Perth Devenish Arthur James Trigg Male Gurney Beatrice Maud Female Perth
1938/101408 Perth Gurney Beatrice Maud Female Devenish Arthur James Trigg Male Perth
1938/101409 Perth Dunne Elizabeth Lilian Female Rutter Edward Male Maylands
1938/101409 Perth Rutter Edward Male Dunne Elizabeth Lilian Female Maylands
1938/101410 Perth Grace Dorothy May Female Pocklington Leon Hugh Male Perth
1938/101410 Perth Pocklington Leon Hugh Male Grace Dorothy May Female Perth
1938/101411 Perth Russell James Male Loudon Helen Logan Female Perth
1938/101411 Perth Loudon Helen Logan Female Russell James Male Perth
1938/101412 Perth Williams Ethel Mary Stockwell Female Hogan Thomas Kevin Male Nedlands
1938/101412 Perth Hogan Thomas Kevin Male Williams Ethel Mary Stockwell Female Nedlands
1938/101413 Perth Smith Percival Victor Male Ferguson Lily Female Mt Lawley
1938/101413 Perth Ferguson Lily Female Smith Percival Victor Male Mt Lawley
1938/101414 Perth Butcher Victor Nicholas Male Fleming Alma Catherine Female Maylands
1938/101414 Perth Fleming Alma Catherine Female Butcher Victor Nicholas Male Maylands
1938/101415 Perth Bain Janet Hazel Female Buchanan Herbert Francis Male Claremont
1938/101415 Perth Buchanan Herbert Francis Male Bain Janet Hazel Female Claremont
1938/101416 Perth Lawn Richard Thomas Male Mettam Gwynneth Female Perth
1938/101416 Perth Mettam Gwynneth Female Lawn Richard Thomas Male Perth
1938/101417 Perth Foy Margaret Ellen Female Featherstone Ralph Harrison Male Perth
1938/101417 Perth Featherstone Ralph Harrison Male Foy Margaret Ellen Female Perth
1938/101418 Perth Cook Robert Male Bartlett Mavis Jean Female Victoria Park
1938/101418 Perth Bartlett Mavis Jean Female Cook Robert Male Victoria Park
1938/101419 Perth Hird Lucy Female McKay Frank William Male Victoria Park
1938/101419 Perth McKay Frank William Male Hird Lucy Female Victoria Park
1938/101420 Perth Collins Michael Male Hair Christina Marion Female South Perth
1938/101420 Perth Hair Christina Marion Female Collins Michael Male South Perth
1938/101421 Perth Gratwick Grace Alexandra Female Chadd Harold Francis Male South Perth
1938/101421 Perth Chadd Harold Francis Male Gratwick Grace Alexandra Female South Perth
1938/101422 Perth Morgan Sheila Columba Female Sharrett James Sefton Male South Perth
1938/101422 Perth Sharrett James Sefton Male Morgan Sheila Columba Female South Perth
1938/101423 Perth Sanders William John Male Pash Irene Dorothy Female Perth
1938/101423 Perth Pash Irene Dorothy Female Sanders William John Male Perth
1938/101424 Perth West Olive Sylvia Female Gordon William Male Perth
1938/101424 Perth Gordon William Male West Olive Sylvia Female Perth
1938/101425 Perth Holdaway Alfred Edward Male Ryan Mary Agnes Female Perth
1938/101425 Perth Ryan Mary Agnes Female Holdaway Alfred Edward Male Perth
1938/101426 Perth Seels Josephine Barbara Female Aspinall Frederick Charles Male West Perth
1938/101426 Perth Aspinall Frederick Charles Male Seels Josephine Barbara Female West Perth
1938/101427 Perth Toy Mona Female Odgers Edgar Patrick Male Perth
1938/101427 Perth Odgers Edgar Patrick Male Toy Mona Female Perth
1938/101428 Perth James Leslie Cunningham Male Ross Joan Mary Female West Leederville
1938/101428 Perth Ross Joan Mary Female James Leslie Cunningham Male West Leederville
1938/101429 Perth Brearley Emily Ada Female Hunter Frank Alexander Male Perth
1938/101429 Perth Hunter Frank Alexander Male Brearley Emily Ada Female Perth
1938/101430 Perth Hardwick John Edward Thomas Richard Male Miller Rita Rebecca Female Highgate Hill
1938/101430 Perth Miller Rita Rebecca Female Hardwick John Edward Thomas Richard Male Highgate Hill
1938/101431 Perth McMullan John Redmond Male Willey Vera Beatrice Female Highgate Hill
1938/101431 Perth Willey Vera Beatrice Female McMullan John Redmond Male Highgate Hill
1938/101432 Perth Anderson John James Male Underwood Irene May Female Perth
1938/101432 Perth Underwood Irene May Female Anderson John James Male Perth
1938/101433 Perth McDougall Christina Ross Female Overell Joseph James Male Perth
1938/101433 Perth Overell Joseph James Male McDougall Christina Ross Female Perth
1938/101434 Perth Roberts Elsie Female Turner Esmond Alleard Male Perth
1938/101434 Perth Turner Esmond Alleard Male Roberts Elsie Female Perth
1938/101435 Perth Willis Mary Emma Female Fellows William Benjamin Male Perth
1938/101435 Perth Fellows William Benjamin Male Willis Mary Emma Female Perth
1938/101436 Perth Richards Kenneth Maxwell Keith Male Etherton Dulcie Adelaide Female Perth
1938/101436 Perth Etherton Dulcie Adelaide Female Richards Kenneth Maxwell Keith Male Perth
1938/101437 Perth Crosse Richard Male Smith Vera Sylvia Female Perth
1938/101437 Perth Smith Vera Sylvia Female Crosse Richard Male Perth
1938/101438 Perth Pope Hazel Louisa Female Glasson Norman Waldo Male Perth
1938/101438 Perth Glasson Norman Waldo Male Pope Hazel Louisa Female Perth
1938/101439 Perth Richards Dorothy May Female Hendry Robert Clarence Male Maylands
1938/101439 Perth Hendry Robert Clarence Male Richards Dorothy May Female Maylands
1938/101440 Perth McCorkill Arthur Gordon Male Cherry Nell Female Perth
1938/101440 Perth Cherry Nell Female McCorkill Arthur Gordon Male Perth
1938/101441 Perth Pepper William Ernest Male Smith Violet Beatrice Female Perth
1938/101441 Perth Smith Violet Beatrice Female Pepper William Ernest Male Perth
1938/101442 Perth Jones William Charles Male Giri Lavina Pearl Female Perth
1938/101442 Perth Giri Lavina Pearl Female Jones William Charles Male Perth
1938/101443 Perth Moody Thomas Male Gedling Betty Female Perth
1938/101443 Perth Gedling Betty Female Moody Thomas Male Perth
1938/101444 Perth Bucktin John Oliver Male Merrick Clara Elizabeth Female Nedlands
1938/101444 Perth Merrick Clara Elizabeth Female Bucktin John Oliver Male Nedlands
1938/101445 Perth McQueen Vera May Female Hayles Edson Alfred Male North Perth
1938/101445 Perth Hayles Edson Alfred Male McQueen Vera May Female North Perth
1938/101446 Perth West Mabel Lillian Violet Female Ringvall Lincoln Charles Aubrey Male Cottesloe
1938/101446 Perth Ringvall Lincoln Charles Aubrey Male West Mabel Lillian Violet Female Cottesloe
1938/101447 Perth Rumbold Eric Cecil Male Vaughan Mabel Anne Matheson Female North Perth
1938/101447 Perth Vaughan Mabel Anne Matheson Female Rumbold Eric Cecil Male North Perth
1938/101448 Perth Hart John Leo Male Patterson Elizabeth Battye Female Leederville
1938/101448 Perth Patterson Elizabeth Battye Female Hart John Leo Male Leederville
1938/101449 Perth Mitchell Barbara Marie Female Mundy Theodore Philip Aldersey Male Bayswater
1938/101449 Perth Mundy Theodore Philip Aldersey Male Mitchell Barbara Marie Female Bayswater
1938/101450 Perth Lawrence Walter Male Potts Ellen Isabel Female Rosalie
1938/101450 Perth Potts Ellen Isabel Female Lawrence Walter Male Rosalie
1938/101451 Perth Hall Thomas Charles Male Hutt Frances Evelyn Female Subiaco
1938/101451 Perth Hutt Frances Evelyn Female Hall Thomas Charles Male Subiaco
1938/101452 Perth Pearson William Male Smith Olive Elsie Mata Female Perth
1938/101452 Perth Smith Olive Elsie Mata Female Pearson William Male Perth
1938/101453 Perth Wardle Jean Mary Female Kruger Albert William Male West Perth
1938/101453 Perth Kruger Albert William Male Wardle Jean Mary Female West Perth
1938/101454 Perth Tindale John Milford Male Nickoll Margaret Sutherland Female West Perth
1938/101454 Perth Nickoll Margaret Sutherland Female Tindale John Milford Male West Perth
1938/101455 Perth Lake Lorna Vaughan Female Leeder Jack Wordley Male West Perth
1938/101455 Perth Leeder Jack Wordley Male Lake Lorna Vaughan Female West Perth
1938/101456 Perth Howitt Marjorie May Female Hamilton Robert Male West Perth
1938/101456 Perth Hamilton Robert Male Howitt Marjorie May Female West Perth
1938/101457 Perth Guilfoyle Ena Mary Female Pugh Harvey Male West Perth
1938/101457 Perth Pugh Harvey Male Guilfoyle Ena Mary Female West Perth
1938/101458 Perth Martin Keith Mason Male Coussens Winifred Mabel Female West Perth
1938/101458 Perth Coussens Winifred Mabel Female Martin Keith Mason Male West Perth
1938/101459 Perth Cunningham Margaret Elsie Alice Female Foyster Alan Robert Male West Perth
1938/101459 Perth Foyster Alan Robert Male Cunningham Margaret Elsie Alice Female West Perth
1938/101460 Perth McDonald John Oswald Male Boston Lillian Maud Female Mt Lawley
1938/101460 Perth Boston Lillian Maud Female McDonald John Oswald Male Mt Lawley
1938/101461 Perth Elari Frederick Kitchener Male Gladden Roma Nancy Female North Perth
1938/101461 Perth Gladden Roma Nancy Female Elari Frederick Kitchener Male North Perth
1938/101462 Perth MacIntosh Alexander Evan Male Fraser Lily Female Perth
1938/101462 Perth Fraser Lily Female MacIntosh Alexander Evan Male Perth
1938/101463 Perth Dearden Pearl Mary Female Flynn Michael John Male East Victoria Pk
1938/101463 Perth Flynn Michael John Male Dearden Pearl Mary Female East Victoria Pk
1938/101464 Perth Smith Ellen Violet Female Froyland Charles Bowman Male North Perth
1938/101464 Perth Froyland Charles Bowman Male Smith Ellen Violet Female North Perth
1938/101465 Perth Sturrock Josephine Jeanne Female Gilmour William Arthur Male Perth
1938/101465 Perth Gilmour William Arthur Male Sturrock Josephine Jeanne Female Perth
1938/101466 Perth Sansom Richard Henry Male Green Lillian Bertha Female Cottesloe
1938/101466 Perth Green Lillian Bertha Female Sansom Richard Henry Male Cottesloe
1938/101467 Perth Richards Beryl Female Jamieson Charles Cameron Male Cottesloe
1938/101467 Perth Jamieson Charles Cameron Male Richards Beryl Female Cottesloe
1938/101468 Perth Young Evelyn Anne Mena Female Sinclair Lionel Raymond Carlisle Male Cottesloe
1938/101468 Perth Sinclair Lionel Raymond Carlisle Male Young Evelyn Anne Mena Female Cottesloe
1938/101469 Perth Dunstan Olive Jane Female Hindes Rolon Male Perth
1938/101469 Perth Hindes Rolon Male Dunstan Olive Jane Female Perth
1938/101471 Perth Le Cornu Dorothy Female Thompson Sydney James Male Perth
1938/101471 Perth Thompson Sydney James Male Le Cornu Dorothy Female Perth
1938/101472 Perth Killmier Frances Ellen Female Sedgman Thomas Joseph James Male Perth
1938/101472 Perth Sedgman Thomas Joseph James Male Killmier Frances Ellen Female Perth
1938/101473 Perth Sinclair Yvonne Joy Female Zech Walter Arthur Male Perth
1938/101473 Perth Zech Walter Arthur Male Sinclair Yvonne Joy Female Perth
1938/101474 Perth McKay Jessie Female Mayberry Kenneth Joseph Male North Perth
1938/101474 Perth Mayberry Kenneth Joseph Male McKay Jessie Female North Perth
1938/101475 Perth Morris Patricia Ellen Faith Female Beck Sidney Parker Male Perth
1938/101475 Perth Beck Sidney Parker Male Morris Patricia Ellen Faith Female Perth
1938/101476 Perth Thompson Reginald Male Donoghue Veronica Female Perth
1938/101476 Perth Donoghue Veronica Female Thompson Reginald Male Perth
1938/101477 Perth Liddiard Donald Ernest Male Hosking Ann Elizabeth Female Perth
1938/101477 Perth Hosking Ann Elizabeth Female Liddiard Donald Ernest Male Perth
1938/101478 Perth Peterkin Jean Beverley Female Dennis Frederic Ronald Male Perth
1938/101478 Perth Dennis Frederic Ronald Male Peterkin Jean Beverley Female Perth
1938/101479 Perth Blinco Daphne Josephine Hanna Lucy Female Owen Ralph Raymond Male Perth
1938/101479 Perth Owen Ralph Raymond Male Blinco Daphne Josephine Hanna Lucy Female Perth
1938/101480 Perth Mallett Frederick John Male Dalby Eileen Female Perth
1938/101480 Perth Dalby Eileen Female Mallett Frederick John Male Perth
1938/101481 Perth Boyd Kathleen Vera Female Sumner William Warren Male Perth
1938/101481 Perth Sumner William Warren Male Boyd Kathleen Vera Female Perth
1938/101482 Perth Johnson Francis Earic Male Burns Mary Elizabeth Female Perth
1938/101482 Perth Burns Mary Elizabeth Female Johnson Francis Earic Male Perth
1938/101483 Perth Carroll Myrtle Annie Female Rowe James Henry Male West Leederville
1938/101483 Perth Rowe James Henry Male Carroll Myrtle Annie Female West Leederville
1938/101484 Perth Plumb Florence Mavis Female Coulson Ernest Bruce Male Perth
1938/101484 Perth Coulson Ernest Bruce Male Plumb Florence Mavis Female Perth
1938/101485 Perth Palmer Jean Isobel Female Rynor Harry Male Perth
1938/101485 Perth Rynor Harry Male Palmer Jean Isobel Female Perth
1938/101486 Perth McDowall Albert William Leonard Male Parncutt Jean Female Perth
1938/101486 Perth Parncutt Jean Female McDowall Albert William Leonard Male Perth
1938/101487 Perth Young Ellen Female Laurie Robert Male Perth
1938/101487 Perth Laurie Robert Male Young Ellen Female Perth
1938/101488 Perth Bradshaw May Esther Female Greer John Francis Male Perth
1938/101488 Perth Greer John Francis Male Bradshaw May Esther Female Perth
1938/101489 Perth Reading George Eagleton Alfred Male Illsley Joy Margaret Female Perth
1938/101489 Perth Illsley Joy Margaret Female Reading George Eagleton Alfred Male Perth
1938/101490 Perth Longtoft Ellen Female Letchford Rossmore Hunt Male Perth
1938/101490 Perth Letchford Rossmore Hunt Male Longtoft Ellen Female Perth
1938/101491 Perth Harrison Milton Alfred Male Pope Hazel Female Perth
1938/101491 Perth Pope Hazel Female Harrison Milton Alfred Male Perth
1938/101492 Perth Black George Edward Male Lancaster Doris Female Perth
1938/101492 Perth Lancaster Doris Female Black George Edward Male Perth
1938/101493 Perth Atkinson Harold Coleson Male Sewell Doreen Female Perth
1938/101493 Perth Sewell Doreen Female Atkinson Harold Coleson Male Perth
1938/101494 Perth Caddy John Male Halnan Edna Annie Female West Leederville
1938/101494 Perth Halnan Edna Annie Female Caddy John Male West Leederville
1938/101495 Perth Kramer Thomas Pavier Male Singh Minnie May Female Perth
1938/101495 Perth Singh Minnie May Female Kramer Thomas Pavier Male Perth
1938/101496 Perth Crowne Martin Alphonsus Male Cox Mabel Ada Alice Female Perth
1938/101496 Perth Cox Mabel Ada Alice Female Crowne Martin Alphonsus Male Perth
1938/101497 Perth Hughes Laurie Male Turner Doris Mary Female Victoria Park
1938/101497 Perth Turner Doris Mary Female Hughes Laurie Male Victoria Park
1938/101498 Perth Woolner James William Male McKay Nancy Elizabeth Female Victoria Park
1938/101498 Perth McKay Nancy Elizabeth Female Woolner James William Male Victoria Park
1938/101499 Perth Dunne Alfred Albert Male Sibbald Emily Grace Female Perth
1938/101499 Perth Sibbald Emily Grace Female Dunne Alfred Albert Male Perth
1938/101500 Perth Robinson Marjorie Caroline Female Thrum John Watsford Male West Leederville
1938/101500 Perth Thrum John Watsford Male Robinson Marjorie Caroline Female West Leederville
1938/101501 Perth Jones Eric Lindsay Howell Male Aitken Veronica Muir Female Mosman Park
1938/101501 Perth Aitken Veronica Muir Female Jones Eric Lindsay Howell Male Mosman Park
1938/101502 Perth Clark Mavis Lillian Female Booth Roy Male Mt Lawley
1938/101502 Perth Booth Roy Male Clark Mavis Lillian Female Mt Lawley
1938/101503 Perth Bushby Jonathan Lionel Male Creighton Mary Winifred Female Perth
1938/101503 Perth Creighton Mary Winifred Female Bushby Jonathan Lionel Male Perth
1938/101504 Perth McGarrigal Kathleen Margaret Female Miles Douglas Owen Male Perth
1938/101504 Perth Miles Douglas Owen Male McGarrigal Kathleen Margaret Female Perth
1938/101505 Perth Cadman Archibald William Walter Male Mansbridge Violet Ida Female Claremont
1938/101505 Perth Mansbridge Violet Ida Female Cadman Archibald William Walter Male Claremont
1938/101506 Perth Holmes Elsie Mavis Female Arnold Stanley Roy Male Claremont
1938/101506 Perth Arnold Stanley Roy Male Holmes Elsie Mavis Female Claremont
1938/101507 Perth Nind Dorothy Jean Female Gallop Leslie Henry Male Claremont
1938/101507 Perth Gallop Leslie Henry Male Nind Dorothy Jean Female Claremont
1938/101508 Perth McNee Mary Female Pearce Archie Bert Male Perth
1938/101508 Perth Pearce Archie Bert Male McNee Mary Female Perth
1938/101509 Perth Cornell Preston Palmer Male Baird Jean Female West Perth
1938/101509 Perth Baird Jean Female Cornell Preston Palmer Male West Perth
1938/101510 Perth Willis Ronald Frederick Male Wohlstrand Dorothy Gwendoline Female West Perth
1938/101510 Perth Wohlstrand Dorothy Gwendoline Female Willis Ronald Frederick Male West Perth
1938/101511 Perth Boyd Joyce Lorraine Female McQuillan Howard James Nader Male West Perth
1938/101511 Perth McQuillan Howard James Nader Male Boyd Joyce Lorraine Female West Perth
1938/101512 Perth Simmonds Annie Pearl Female Whyte Robert Quintin Male West Perth
1938/101512 Perth Whyte Robert Quintin Male Simmonds Annie Pearl Female West Perth
1938/101513 Perth Hollamby Keith Male Maher Doreen Ethel Female West Perth
1938/101513 Perth Maher Doreen Ethel Female Hollamby Keith Male West Perth
1938/101514 Perth Miller Esther Female Gardner Percy Cecil Male Claremont
1938/101514 Perth Gardner Percy Cecil Male Miller Esther Female Claremont
1938/101515 Perth Harken William Harvey Male Gale Dorothy Joy Female Perth
1938/101515 Perth Gale Dorothy Joy Female Harken William Harvey Male Perth
1938/101516 Perth Hooks Nellie Female Beaton Thomas Alfred Male Victoria Park
1938/101516 Perth Beaton Thomas Alfred Male Hooks Nellie Female Victoria Park
1938/101517 Perth Papatriandafillu Evangelos Georgiou Male Lemoni Georgia Female Perth
1938/101517 Perth Lemoni Georgia Female Papatriandafillu Evangelos Georgiou Male Perth
1938/101518 Perth Antoine Charles Michel Male Mansom Eunice Filsell Female Cottesloe
1938/101518 Perth Mansom Eunice Filsell Female Antoine Charles Michel Male Cottesloe
1938/101519 Perth Rankine Otway Leonard Male Milway Gladys Ruth Female Victoria Park
1938/101519 Perth Milway Gladys Ruth Female Rankine Otway Leonard Male Victoria Park
1938/101520 Perth Guild Etta May Female Field William Jeff Male Perth
1938/101520 Perth Field William Jeff Male Guild Etta May Female Perth
1938/101521 Perth Bradbury Eva Catherine Female O'Brien Jack Male Perth
1938/101521 Perth O'Brien Jack Male Bradbury Eva Catherine Female Perth
1938/101522 Perth Taylor Nellie May Female Reeve Charles Valentine George Male Perth
1938/101522 Perth Reeve Charles Valentine George Male Taylor Nellie May Female Perth
1938/101523 Perth Boag Violet Grace Female Snaden George Reason Male Rosalie
1938/101523 Perth Snaden George Reason Male Boag Violet Grace Female Rosalie
1938/101524 Perth Busher Richard John Male Holly Edna Muriel Female Perth
1938/101524 Perth Holly Edna Muriel Female Busher Richard John Male Perth
1938/101525 Perth Fairbanks Dorothy Maud Female Scudder Robert William Male West Perth
1938/101525 Perth Scudder Robert William Male Fairbanks Dorothy Maud Female West Perth
1938/101526 Perth Marsh Hyacinth Evalina Female Beckitt Tom Cedric Male West Perth
1938/101526 Perth Beckitt Tom Cedric Male Marsh Hyacinth Evalina Female West Perth
1938/101527 Perth Watkins Annie Jean Female Lafferty Frederick John Male West Perth
1938/101527 Perth Lafferty Frederick John Male Watkins Annie Jean Female West Perth
1938/101528 Perth Haworth Amy Leah Female Ginbey Arthur Howard Male West Perth
1938/101528 Perth Ginbey Arthur Howard Male Haworth Amy Leah Female West Perth
1938/101529 Perth Culley Edward Ernest Toynbee Male Porter Kathleen Female Perth
1938/101529 Perth Porter Kathleen Female Culley Edward Ernest Toynbee Male Perth
1938/101530 Perth Farquhar Stuart Paterson Male Heath Edith Emma Female Perth
1938/101530 Perth Heath Edith Emma Female Farquhar Stuart Paterson Male Perth
1938/101531 Perth Toy Harold Male Hudson Laurel Dorothy Female Highgate Hill
1938/101531 Perth Hudson Laurel Dorothy Female Toy Harold Male Highgate Hill
1938/101532 Perth Ward Maurice Lionel Male Chalker Edith Mina Female Perth
1938/101532 Perth Chalker Edith Mina Female Ward Maurice Lionel Male Perth
1938/101533 Perth Crowle Katheen Joan Female Ranson Max Sutherland Male Perth
1938/101533 Perth Ranson Max Sutherland Male Crowle Katheen Joan Female Perth
1938/101534 Perth Dennis Edith Ivy Female Batty John Henry Male Perth
1938/101534 Perth Batty John Henry Male Dennis Edith Ivy Female Perth
1938/101535 Perth Nash William Noel Male Lockyer Enid Elizabeth May Female Perth
1938/101535 Perth Lockyer Enid Elizabeth May Female Nash William Noel Male Perth
1938/101536 Perth Richardson Eric Clarence Male Ashdown Amy Grace Female Perth
1938/101536 Perth Ashdown Amy Grace Female Richardson Eric Clarence Male Perth
1938/101537 Perth Whitton John Male McWhinney Beryl Violet Female Cottesloe
1938/101537 Perth McWhinney Beryl Violet Female Whitton John Male Cottesloe
1938/101538 Perth White Gwendolyn Eversden Female Gallon Osmund James Male Cottesloe
1938/101538 Perth Gallon Osmund James Male White Gwendolyn Eversden Female Cottesloe
1938/101539 Perth Dalessio Carmelo Male Parsons Mary Thresia Female West Perth
1938/101539 Perth Parsons Mary Thresia Female Dalessio Carmelo Male West Perth
1938/101540 Perth Perry Frederick George Male Pickering Marion Louise Female Perth
1938/101540 Perth Pickering Marion Louise Female Perry Frederick George Male Perth
1938/101541 Perth Ramsay Eunice Evelyn Female Mosel Oscar Elliott Male Mt Lawley
1938/101541 Perth Mosel Oscar Elliott Male Ramsay Eunice Evelyn Female Mt Lawley
1938/101542 Perth Nunn Dolly Frances Female Dennis Charles Edward Male Perth
1938/101542 Perth Dennis Charles Edward Male Nunn Dolly Frances Female Perth
1938/101543 Perth Leabeter Annie Mary Female St Jack James Graham Male Perth
1938/101543 Perth St Jack James Graham Male Leabeter Annie Mary Female Perth
1938/101544 Perth Wallace John Scott Male Winning Isabella Edith Female Perth
1938/101544 Perth Winning Isabella Edith Female Wallace John Scott Male Perth
1938/101545 Perth Walker Thomas Male Fielding Rita Jean Female Mt Lawley
1938/101545 Perth Fielding Rita Jean Female Walker Thomas Male Mt Lawley
1938/101546 Perth Bass Alma Gladys Female Walkden Harold Edgar Male West Leederville
1938/101546 Perth Walkden Harold Edgar Male Bass Alma Gladys Female West Leederville
1938/101547 Perth Brooker John Edward Male Baker Emma Lorraine Female Mt Lawley
1938/101547 Perth Baker Emma Lorraine Female Brooker John Edward Male Mt Lawley
1938/101548 Perth Fry Philip John Henry Male Harvey Beatrice Maude Female North Perth
1938/101548 Perth Harvey Beatrice Maude Female Fry Philip John Henry Male North Perth
1938/101549 Perth Church Albert Allen Gordon Male White Doris Joyce Female West Perth
1938/101549 Perth White Doris Joyce Female Church Albert Allen Gordon Male West Perth
1938/101550 Perth Sigley Jack Male Puls Sybil Doreen Female Perth
1938/101550 Perth Puls Sybil Doreen Female Sigley Jack Male Perth
1938/101551 Perth Flockhart John Male Ditchburn Edith Female Perth
1938/101551 Perth Ditchburn Edith Female Flockhart John Male Perth
1938/101552 Perth Seymour Joyce Muriel Female Orton Philip John Male South Perth
1938/101552 Perth Orton Philip John Male Seymour Joyce Muriel Female South Perth
1938/101553 Perth Seery David Clarence Male Crichton Jessie Gertrude Female South Perth
1938/101553 Perth Crichton Jessie Gertrude Female Seery David Clarence Male South Perth
1938/101554 Perth Daniels Alfred Keith Male Eggert Rose Helena Female Perth
1938/101554 Perth Eggert Rose Helena Female Daniels Alfred Keith Male Perth
1938/101555 Perth Young Hazel Female Candy Christopher Douglas Harold Male Bayswater
1938/101555 Perth Candy Christopher Douglas Harold Male Young Hazel Female Bayswater
1938/101556 Perth Greenwood Ernest Pope Male Paterson Edna May Female Subiaco
1938/101556 Perth Paterson Edna May Female Greenwood Ernest Pope Male Subiaco
1938/101557 Perth Booth Arthur Christopher Male O'Reilly Phoebe Teresa Female Subiaco
1938/101557 Perth O'Reilly Phoebe Teresa Female Booth Arthur Christopher Male Subiaco
1938/101558 Perth Lawson Fred Male Smith Olive Female Perth
1938/101558 Perth Smith Olive Female Lawson Fred Male Perth
1938/101559 Perth Latham Annie Elizabeth Female Wilson Gerard Joseph Male Subiaco
1938/101559 Perth Wilson Gerard Joseph Male Latham Annie Elizabeth Female Subiaco
1938/101560 Perth Sheahan Mary Ellen Female Willett Joseph Stephen Male Subiaco
1938/101560 Perth Willett Joseph Stephen Male Sheahan Mary Ellen Female Subiaco
1938/101561 Perth Dewar Grace Clarice Female Cooper Reuben James Male Perth
1938/101561 Perth Cooper Reuben James Male Dewar Grace Clarice Female Perth
1938/101562 Perth Budge Thomas Henry Male Brown Norah Jane Dixon Female Perth
1938/101562 Perth Brown Norah Jane Dixon Female Budge Thomas Henry Male Perth
1938/101563 Perth Tillotson Eva Isabel Female Blennerhassett John Colin Male Shenton Park
1938/101563 Perth Blennerhassett John Colin Male Tillotson Eva Isabel Female Shenton Park
1938/101564 Perth Martin John Herbert Male Spencer Hilda Kathleen Female Shenton Park
1938/101564 Perth Spencer Hilda Kathleen Female Martin John Herbert Male Shenton Park
1938/101565 Perth Ashman Mavis Olive Female Jacobs Morris Samuel Male Shenton Park
1938/101565 Perth Jacobs Morris Samuel Male Ashman Mavis Olive Female Shenton Park
1938/101566 Perth Miles Ethel Emily Female Painter George Henry Male Perth
1938/101566 Perth Painter George Henry Male Miles Ethel Emily Female Perth
1938/101567 Perth Lemmone Thelma Annie Female Lock James Henry Charles Male Perth
1938/101567 Perth Lock James Henry Charles Male Lemmone Thelma Annie Female Perth
1938/101568 Perth Evans Alwynne Verona Female Drummond John Cawood Male Perth
1938/101568 Perth Drummond John Cawood Male Evans Alwynne Verona Female Perth
1938/101569 Perth Sprague Kathlyn Female Lillystone Horace William Male Perth
1938/101569 Perth Lillystone Horace William Male Sprague Kathlyn Female Perth
1938/101570 Perth Pender Joseph William Male Walton Kathleen May Female Perth
1938/101570 Perth Walton Kathleen May Female Pender Joseph William Male Perth
1938/101571 Perth Minson George Lorraine Male Wholagan Dorothy Jean Female Victoria Park
1938/101571 Perth Wholagan Dorothy Jean Female Minson George Lorraine Male Victoria Park
1938/101572 Perth James Margaret Helen Horsey Female Crosthwaite Henry Benjamin Stirling Male South Perth
1938/101572 Perth Crosthwaite Henry Benjamin Stirling Male James Margaret Helen Horsey Female South Perth
1938/101573 Perth Pell Doreen Alice Female Roberts Samuel James Male Perth
1938/101573 Perth Roberts Samuel James Male Pell Doreen Alice Female Perth
1938/101574 Perth Bolland George David Male Campbell Jessie Maud Female West Perth
1938/101574 Perth Campbell Jessie Maud Female Bolland George David Male West Perth
1938/101575 Perth Knight Hector Male Allen Ethel Gladys Female Claremont
1938/101575 Perth Allen Ethel Gladys Female Knight Hector Male Claremont
1938/101576 Perth Sinclair Robert William Male Fenwick Irene Female Claremont
1938/101576 Perth Fenwick Irene Female Sinclair Robert William Male Claremont
1938/101577 Perth Adair Robin Harry William Male Robinson Helen Rose Female Claremont
1938/101577 Perth Robinson Helen Rose Female Adair Robin Harry William Male Claremont
1938/101578 Perth Rose Daisy May Female Kidd Thomas Celsus Male Claremont
1938/101578 Perth Kidd Thomas Celsus Male Rose Daisy May Female Claremont
1938/101579 Perth Walsh Norah Female Cook Herbert Male Claremont
1938/101579 Perth Cook Herbert Male Walsh Norah Female Claremont
1938/101580 Perth Turner Eric Wilfred Male Halls Edith Phyllis Female Claremont
1938/101580 Perth Halls Edith Phyllis Female Turner Eric Wilfred Male Claremont
1938/101581 Perth Brand Frederick Howard Male Thomson Haidee Merle Female North Perth
1938/101581 Perth Thomson Haidee Merle Female Brand Frederick Howard Male North Perth
1938/101582 Perth Evans Ruby May Female Wakeham James Henry Male Rosalie
1938/101582 Perth Wakeham James Henry Male Evans Ruby May Female Rosalie
1938/101583 Perth Davis William Male Simmonds Elsie Female Perth
1938/101583 Perth Simmonds Elsie Female Davis William Male Perth
1938/101584 Perth Wilberforce Robert James Male Bandy Gwendoline Constance Female North Perth
1938/101584 Perth Bandy Gwendoline Constance Female Wilberforce Robert James Male North Perth
1938/101585 Perth Woolley May Annie Female McGrath Alan Francis Male Victoria Park
1938/101585 Perth McGrath Alan Francis Male Woolley May Annie Female Victoria Park
1938/101586 Perth Duff Jean Margaret Female Sutherland Nelson Laud Male Victoria Park
1938/101586 Perth Sutherland Nelson Laud Male Duff Jean Margaret Female Victoria Park
1938/101587 Perth Gleeson Norman Leonard Male Green Eileen Florence Female Leederville
1938/101587 Perth Green Eileen Florence Female Gleeson Norman Leonard Male Leederville
1938/101588 Perth Pola Carmela Female Omodei Guiseppe Male Leederville
1938/101588 Perth Omodei Guiseppe Male Pola Carmela Female Leederville
1938/101589 Perth Slopes Merlyn Alice Vera Female Paul Harold Langford Male Victoria Park
1938/101589 Perth Paul Harold Langford Male Slopes Merlyn Alice Vera Female Victoria Park
1938/101590 Perth Downing Eric Stanley Male Fullarton Jessie Elsie Isabel Belcher Female Victoria Park
1938/101590 Perth Fullarton Jessie Elsie Isabel Belcher Female Downing Eric Stanley Male Victoria Park
1938/101591 Perth Flint Ernest Edward Male Leighton Doris Eva Female Subiaco
1938/101591 Perth Leighton Doris Eva Female Flint Ernest Edward Male Subiaco
1938/101592 Perth Skane Edith Bessie Female White Aubrey Raymond Male Victoria Park
1938/101592 Perth White Aubrey Raymond Male Skane Edith Bessie Female Victoria Park
1938/101593 Perth Smith Ellen Stella Female Geckie William Male Mt Hawthorn
1938/101593 Perth Geckie William Male Smith Ellen Stella Female Mt Hawthorn
1938/101594 Perth Montague Edward Thomas Male Fraser Elsie Maud Female Perth
1938/101594 Perth Fraser Elsie Maud Female Montague Edward Thomas Male Perth
1938/101595 Perth Burgess Edna May Female Utterson James Male Perth
1938/101595 Perth Utterson James Male Burgess Edna May Female Perth
1938/101596 Perth Krasnostein Ada Female Berinson Aaron Male Perth
1938/101596 Perth Berinson Aaron Male Krasnostein Ada Female Perth
1938/101597 Perth Searle Margaret Mary Female Anderson William John Male Perth
1938/101597 Perth Anderson William John Male Searle Margaret Mary Female Perth
1938/101598 Perth Poland Marion Female Craig Thomas Richard Male East Perth
1938/101598 Perth Craig Thomas Richard Male Poland Marion Female East Perth
1938/101599 Perth Quinlan Mary Ellen Female Harrington Edward William Male Perth
1938/101599 Perth Harrington Edward William Male Quinlan Mary Ellen Female Perth
1938/101600 Perth Bedder Mary Louise Female McAlwey Thomas Bennett John Male Perth
1938/101600 Perth McAlwey Thomas Bennett John Male Bedder Mary Louise Female Perth
1938/101601 Perth Durbridge Harold Leslie Male Horton Elsie Barbara Female Perth
1938/101601 Perth Horton Elsie Barbara Female Durbridge Harold Leslie Male Perth
1938/101602 Perth Chisholm Betty Female Williams Stanley Claude Male Perth
1938/101602 Perth Williams Stanley Claude Male Chisholm Betty Female Perth
1938/101603 Perth Counihan Elizabeth Female Burns Francis Male Perth
1938/101603 Perth Burns Francis Male Counihan Elizabeth Female Perth
1938/101604 Perth Butler May Female Maynard Charles James Male West Perth
1938/101604 Perth Maynard Charles James Male Butler May Female West Perth
1938/101605 Perth Bolton Winifred Female Motteram Harry Lawrence Male West Perth
1938/101605 Perth Motteram Harry Lawrence Male Bolton Winifred Female West Perth
1938/101606 Perth James Norma Amy Female Miller Henry Lex Male West Perth
1938/101606 Perth Miller Henry Lex Male James Norma Amy Female West Perth
1938/101607 Perth Walsh Paul Henry Male D'Alton Ivy Rose Clair Female Perth
1938/101607 Perth D'Alton Ivy Rose Clair Female Walsh Paul Henry Male Perth
1938/101608 Perth Young Ronald Walter Male Mullins Lorna Female Perth
1938/101608 Perth Mullins Lorna Female Young Ronald Walter Male Perth
1938/101609 Perth Marks Harry Male Dodge Freda May Female Perth
1938/101609 Perth Dodge Freda May Female Marks Harry Male Perth
1938/101610 Perth Eagleton Henry Stephen Male Warwicker Lily Female Perth
1938/101610 Perth Warwicker Lily Female Eagleton Henry Stephen Male Perth
1938/101611 Perth Millsteed Gwendoline Claire Female Sharp Keith Robert Male Perth
1938/101611 Perth Sharp Keith Robert Male Millsteed Gwendoline Claire Female Perth
1938/101612 Perth Brown Marjorie Eileen Female Spear Kenneth Robert Male Perth
1938/101612 Perth Spear Kenneth Robert Male Brown Marjorie Eileen Female Perth
1938/101613 Perth Ridley Keith Conute Male Reardon Geraldine Mary Female Maylands
1938/101613 Perth Reardon Geraldine Mary Female Ridley Keith Conute Male Maylands
1938/101614 Perth Gore Iris Ethel Female Kelly Gordon Patrick Male Maylands
1938/101614 Perth Kelly Gordon Patrick Male Gore Iris Ethel Female Maylands
1938/101615 Perth Bastow Henry Male Bestwick Edna Isabel Female Maylands
1938/101615 Perth Bestwick Edna Isabel Female Bastow Henry Male Maylands
1938/101616 Perth Rascanin Stanica Female Bojanich Milos Male Perth
1938/101616 Perth Bojanich Milos Male Rascanin Stanica Female Perth
1938/101617 Perth Djurisich Mileva Female Bojanich Dusan Male Perth
1938/101617 Perth Bojanich Dusan Male Djurisich Mileva Female Perth
1938/101618 Perth Tiller Glee Female Day Thomas Sidney Male Perth
1938/101618 Perth Day Thomas Sidney Male Tiller Glee Female Perth
1938/101619 Perth Perejuan Iris Mary Female Leone Antonio Male Perth
1938/101619 Perth Leone Antonio Male Perejuan Iris Mary Female Perth
1938/101620 Perth Hanson Frank Champion Male Raynor Elizabeth Rebecca Female Perth
1938/101620 Perth Raynor Elizabeth Rebecca Female Hanson Frank Champion Male Perth
1938/101621 Perth Tainsh John Male Thomas Irene Mary Female Perth
1938/101621 Perth Thomas Irene Mary Female Tainsh John Male Perth
1938/101622 Perth Swan Archie Campbell Male Johnson Edith Olive Female Leederville
1938/101622 Perth Johnson Edith Olive Female Swan Archie Campbell Male Leederville
1938/101623 Perth Harvey Adeline Pearl Female Carlson Helge Waldemar Male Perth
1938/101623 Perth Carlson Helge Waldemar Male Harvey Adeline Pearl Female Perth
1938/101624 Perth Sinclair Minnie Marion Female Balding Frank Male Perth
1938/101624 Perth Balding Frank Male Sinclair Minnie Marion Female Perth
1938/101625 Perth Rundell Robert Leslie Male Baird Olga Marie Female Victoria Park
1938/101625 Perth Baird Olga Marie Female Rundell Robert Leslie Male Victoria Park
1938/101626 Perth Irving George Watts Male Hall Gladys May Female Perth
1938/101626 Perth Hall Gladys May Female Irving George Watts Male Perth
1938/101627 Perth Comerford Richard John Male Rushton Winifred Jean Kathleen Female Perth
1938/101627 Perth Rushton Winifred Jean Kathleen Female Comerford Richard John Male Perth
1938/101628 Perth Tuckey Kelvin Charles Howell Male Ralston Irene Daphne Female North Perth
1938/101628 Perth Ralston Irene Daphne Female Tuckey Kelvin Charles Howell Male North Perth
1938/101629 Perth Muller Ruby May Claurine Female Fletcher Angelo De Maria Male North Perth
1938/101629 Perth Fletcher Angelo De Maria Male Muller Ruby May Claurine Female North Perth
1938/101630 Perth Niblett Edith Victoria Female Elder Thomas Henry Male Perth
1938/101630 Perth Elder Thomas Henry Male Niblett Edith Victoria Female Perth
1938/101631 Perth Stewart David George Male Rowe Kathleen Marjorie Female Claremont
1938/101631 Perth Rowe Kathleen Marjorie Female Stewart David George Male Claremont
1938/101632 Perth Keeping Joan Patricia Female Vowles Robert Henry James Male Claremont
1938/101632 Perth Vowles Robert Henry James Male Keeping Joan Patricia Female Claremont
1938/101633 Perth Lennon George Clifford Male Elmslie Phyllis Gwendolen Female Claremont
1938/101633 Perth Elmslie Phyllis Gwendolen Female Lennon George Clifford Male Claremont
1938/101634 Perth Eyres Margaret Argyle Female Clements Harold Godric Male Claremont
1938/101634 Perth Clements Harold Godric Male Eyres Margaret Argyle Female Claremont
1938/101635 Perth Brooks Robert Thomas Male Littlejohn Clare Beatrice Female Claremont
1938/101635 Perth Littlejohn Clare Beatrice Female Brooks Robert Thomas Male Claremont
1938/101636 Perth Stowe Robert Henry Male Cotterell Patricia Beryl Female Claremont
1938/101636 Perth Cotterell Patricia Beryl Female Stowe Robert Henry Male Claremont
1938/101637 Perth Cooper Hazel Elizabeth Female Symes Ernest Charles Milton Male West Perth
1938/101637 Perth Symes Ernest Charles Milton Male Cooper Hazel Elizabeth Female West Perth
1938/101638 Perth Weedon Irene May Female Clarke Alfred William Male West Perth
1938/101638 Perth Clarke Alfred William Male Weedon Irene May Female West Perth
1938/101639 Perth Pedley Ivy Catherine Female Morris Harold Edgar Male Subiaco
1938/101639 Perth Morris Harold Edgar Male Pedley Ivy Catherine Female Subiaco
1938/101640 Perth Cutt Clive Egbert Male Flakelar Cora Mary Female Subiaco
1938/101640 Perth Flakelar Cora Mary Female Cutt Clive Egbert Male Subiaco
1938/101641 Perth Kilminster Robert William Male Pitman Doris Enid Ethel Female Crawley
1938/101641 Perth Pitman Doris Enid Ethel Female Kilminster Robert William Male Crawley
1938/101642 Perth Doust Pansy Rosa Female Endersby Francis Henry Male Perth
1938/101642 Perth Endersby Francis Henry Male Doust Pansy Rosa Female Perth
1938/101643 Perth Gordon John Male Sievers Christina Female Subiaco
1938/101643 Perth Sievers Christina Female Gordon John Male Subiaco
1938/101644 Perth Clark Harriet Emily Female Pericles Gifford Male Perth
1938/101644 Perth Pericles Gifford Male Clark Harriet Emily Female Perth
1938/101645 Perth Cox Evelyn Olive Female Wells Frederick James Male Perth
1938/101645 Perth Wells Frederick James Male Cox Evelyn Olive Female Perth
1938/101646 Perth Kenneally Kathleen Agnes Female Rowe John Michael Male Highgate
1938/101646 Perth Rowe John Michael Male Kenneally Kathleen Agnes Female Highgate
1938/101647 Perth Perkins Eleanor Margaret Female Smith Charles William Victor Male Perth
1938/101647 Perth Smith Charles William Victor Male Perkins Eleanor Margaret Female Perth
1938/101648 Perth Lawrence Eileen Mary Female Gilbert Thomas Henry Male Perth
1938/101648 Perth Gilbert Thomas Henry Male Lawrence Eileen Mary Female Perth
1938/101649 Perth Speechley Kathleen Magdalene Female Power Patrick David Male Perth
1938/101649 Perth Power Patrick David Male Speechley Kathleen Magdalene Female Perth
1938/101650 Perth McArthur Nathaniel Edwin Male Thompson Ellen Mary Female Bayswater
1938/101650 Perth Thompson Ellen Mary Female McArthur Nathaniel Edwin Male Bayswater
1938/101651 Perth Gorringe Leslie Albert Victor Male Bush Florence Female Victoria Park
1938/101651 Perth Bush Florence Female Gorringe Leslie Albert Victor Male Victoria Park
1938/101652 Perth Rainford Charles Ernest Male Cullen Elizabeth Eileen Female Perth
1938/101652 Perth Cullen Elizabeth Eileen Female Rainford Charles Ernest Male Perth
1938/101653 Perth Keenan Patrick Joseph Male Burt Mary Female Nedlands
1938/101653 Perth Burt Mary Female Keenan Patrick Joseph Male Nedlands
1938/101654 Perth Michelsen Jack Ronald Male Clark Sylvia Female Leederville
1938/101654 Perth Clark Sylvia Female Michelsen Jack Ronald Male Leederville
1938/101655 Perth Mattiuzzi William Seymour Male Rook Hollie May Female Leederville
1938/101655 Perth Rook Hollie May Female Mattiuzzi William Seymour Male Leederville
1938/101656 Perth Lloyd John Male Fell Marjorie Jean Thompson Female Leederville
1938/101656 Perth Fell Marjorie Jean Thompson Female Lloyd John Male Leederville
1938/101657 Perth Power Alice Mary Female McGrath Francis James Male Leederville
1938/101657 Perth McGrath Francis James Male Power Alice Mary Female Leederville
1938/101658 Perth Mead Malcolm William Dobson Male Bristow Lottie Female Leederville
1938/101658 Perth Bristow Lottie Female Mead Malcolm William Dobson Male Leederville
1938/101659 Perth Ross Roderick Male Guyatt Grace Mary Female Perth
1938/101659 Perth Guyatt Grace Mary Female Ross Roderick Male Perth
1938/101660 Perth Hunter Richard Thomas Male Nuttall Elsie Catherine Female Mt Lawley
1938/101660 Perth Nuttall Elsie Catherine Female Hunter Richard Thomas Male Mt Lawley
1938/101661 Perth Wilson Mavis Female Kennedy Quentin Male Mt Lawley
1938/101661 Perth Kennedy Quentin Male Wilson Mavis Female Mt Lawley
1938/101662 Perth Murray Mollie Clare Female Patterson Frederick Cowan Male Perth
1938/101662 Perth Patterson Frederick Cowan Male Murray Mollie Clare Female Perth
1938/101663 Perth North Reginald Halse Male Lukies Marjorie May Female Mount Lawley
1938/101663 Perth Lukies Marjorie May Female North Reginald Halse Male Mount Lawley
1938/101664 Perth Jameson Reginald Henry Male Taylor Elizabeth Helen Isobel Female Perth
1938/101664 Perth Taylor Elizabeth Helen Isobel Female Jameson Reginald Henry Male Perth
1938/101665 Perth Gray Ellen Ivy Female Lulham William Jesse Male Perth
1938/101665 Perth Lulham William Jesse Male Gray Ellen Ivy Female Perth
1938/101666 Perth Hutchings Reuben Fred Male Oliver Jessie Female Perth
1938/101666 Perth Oliver Jessie Female Hutchings Reuben Fred Male Perth
1938/101667 Perth Thompson Gladys May Female Whyte Peter Male Perth
1938/101667 Perth Whyte Peter Male Thompson Gladys May Female Perth
1938/101668 Perth Armstrong George Harold Male Thomson Divina Stewart Female Perth
1938/101668 Perth Thomson Divina Stewart Female Armstrong George Harold Male Perth
1938/101669 Perth Ashton Florence Dorothy Female Garden James Male Perth
1938/101669 Perth Garden James Male Ashton Florence Dorothy Female Perth
1938/101670 Perth Simpson Winifred Lillian Female Winterton William Alfred Avann Male West Leederville
1938/101670 Perth Winterton William Alfred Avann Male Simpson Winifred Lillian Female West Leederville
1938/101671 Perth Sevelj Ivan Male Salecich Marija Female Perth
1938/101671 Perth Salecich Marija Female Sevelj Ivan Male Perth
1938/101672 Perth Lethridge James Edward Male Lyons Theresa Vincent Female Highgate
1938/101672 Perth Lyons Theresa Vincent Female Lethridge James Edward Male Highgate
1938/101673 Perth Dudley Dorean Mary Female Harrigan William James Male Highgate Hill
1938/101673 Perth Harrigan William James Male Dudley Dorean Mary Female Highgate Hill
1938/101674 Perth Tognela Alphonso Male Ferrari Adele Female Highgate
1938/101674 Perth Ferrari Adele Female Tognela Alphonso Male Highgate
1938/101675 Perth Hefferman Anita Female Pinnell Edward George Male West Perth
1938/101675 Perth Pinnell Edward George Male Hefferman Anita Female West Perth
1938/101676 Perth Frediani Dante Male Sgrow Nancy Female West Perth
1938/101676 Perth Sgrow Nancy Female Frediani Dante Male West Perth
1938/101677 Perth Dewar Hubert Harold Male Trinder Nellie Maude Female Perth
1938/101677 Perth Trinder Nellie Maude Female Dewar Hubert Harold Male Perth
1938/101678 Perth Littlecott Violet Edith Female Morgan John Charles Male Perth
1938/101678 Perth Morgan John Charles Male Littlecott Violet Edith Female Perth
1938/101679 Perth Pilbeam Madeleine Mabel Female Higgins Eugene D'Arcy Male Maylands
1938/101679 Perth Higgins Eugene D'Arcy Male Pilbeam Madeleine Mabel Female Maylands
1938/101680 Perth Kenyon Joyce Hannah Florence Female Buckingham Clarence Pavett Male West Perth
1938/101680 Perth Buckingham Clarence Pavett Male Kenyon Joyce Hannah Florence Female West Perth
1938/101681 Perth Woodman William Francis Arthur Male Brandt Ina Roma Female West Perth
1938/101681 Perth Brandt Ina Roma Female Woodman William Francis Arthur Male West Perth
1938/101682 Perth Eves Isobel Mary Female Wills Maurice Bignell Male West Perth
1938/101682 Perth Wills Maurice Bignell Male Eves Isobel Mary Female West Perth
1938/101683 Perth Longden Arnold Male Worthington Alice Vera Lucy Female West Perth
1938/101683 Perth Worthington Alice Vera Lucy Female Longden Arnold Male West Perth
1938/101684 Perth McIntosh Freda May Female Jennings John Alfred Male West Perth
1938/101684 Perth Jennings John Alfred Male McIntosh Freda May Female West Perth
1938/101685 Perth Watt Alfred James Male Style Constance Mabel Female West Perth
1938/101685 Perth Style Constance Mabel Female Watt Alfred James Male West Perth
1938/101686 Perth Clarke Mollie May Female Eastough Norman John Male Perth
1938/101686 Perth Eastough Norman John Male Clarke Mollie May Female Perth
1938/101687 Perth Treasure Eva Elizabeth Female Briant Richard Male Perth
1938/101687 Perth Briant Richard Male Treasure Eva Elizabeth Female Perth
1938/101688 Perth Stubberfield Minnie Female Potter Thomas George Male Perth
1938/101688 Perth Potter Thomas George Male Stubberfield Minnie Female Perth
1938/101689 Perth Wohlstrand Suzannah Bertha Female Madgen Henry Thomas Male Perth
1938/101689 Perth Madgen Henry Thomas Male Wohlstrand Suzannah Bertha Female Perth
1938/101690 Perth Backshall Colin Keith Dent Male Cunningham Alice Mary Female Perth
1938/101690 Perth Cunningham Alice Mary Female Backshall Colin Keith Dent Male Perth
1938/101691 Perth Barry Meta Mavis June Female Bastian Stanley Gordon Male Perth
1938/101691 Perth Bastian Stanley Gordon Male Barry Meta Mavis June Female Perth
1938/101692 Perth Robeson Edna Jean Female Roberts John Nicholas Male Perth
1938/101692 Perth Roberts John Nicholas Male Robeson Edna Jean Female Perth
1938/101693 Perth Alston Thomas Andrew Male de Pledge Maude Fenwick Female Perth
1938/101693 Perth de Pledge Maude Fenwick Female Alston Thomas Andrew Male Perth
1938/101694 Perth Gordon Jefferson Weyburn Male McLean Dora May Female North Perth
1938/101694 Perth McLean Dora May Female Gordon Jefferson Weyburn Male North Perth
1938/101695 Perth Farrell George Henry Male Sutherland Mabel Female North Perth
1938/101695 Perth Sutherland Mabel Female Farrell George Henry Male North Perth
1938/101696 Perth O'Neill Felix Jack Male McInnes Blanche Olive Female Perth
1938/101696 Perth McInnes Blanche Olive Female O'Neill Felix Jack Male Perth
1938/101697 Perth Axford Sylvia Elizabeth Female Wegener Allan Robert Male West Perth
1938/101697 Perth Wegener Allan Robert Male Axford Sylvia Elizabeth Female West Perth
1938/101698 Perth Hollett Phyllis Edna Female Matthews Keith James Male Maylands
1938/101698 Perth Matthews Keith James Male Hollett Phyllis Edna Female Maylands
1938/101699 Perth McLean Norma Winifred Milne Female Thrum James Guthrie Male West Leederville
1938/101699 Perth Thrum James Guthrie Male McLean Norma Winifred Milne Female West Leederville
1938/101700 Perth Shaw Arthur Robert Male Meyn Emily Vera Female Perth
1938/101700 Perth Meyn Emily Vera Female Shaw Arthur Robert Male Perth
1938/101701 Perth Fletcher George William Male Pritchard Violet Lepper Female Perth
1938/101701 Perth Pritchard Violet Lepper Female Fletcher George William Male Perth
1938/101702 Perth Bell Philip James Male Crane Alma Francis Female South Perth
1938/101702 Perth Crane Alma Francis Female Bell Philip James Male South Perth
1938/101703 Perth Needle Thomas William Male Simpson Grace Female South Perth
1938/101703 Perth Simpson Grace Female Needle Thomas William Male South Perth
1938/101704 Perth Shean Beryl Bailey Female Nevard Edward Ernest Male Mt Lawley
1938/101704 Perth Nevard Edward Ernest Male Shean Beryl Bailey Female Mt Lawley
1938/101705 Perth Manning Bertram Strickland Male Davidson Lilian Maude Seller Female Perth
1938/101705 Perth Davidson Lilian Maude Seller Female Manning Bertram Strickland Male Perth
1938/101706 Perth Kosky Ronald Albert Male Watkins Joan Elizabeth Female Perth
1938/101706 Perth Watkins Joan Elizabeth Female Kosky Ronald Albert Male Perth
1938/101707 Perth O'Connell Glaven Patrick Male Ware Ruby Female Perth
1938/101707 Perth Ware Ruby Female O'Connell Glaven Patrick Male Perth
1938/101708 Perth Elsdon Arthur Samuel Thomas Male Hollingworth Florence May Female Cottesloe
1938/101708 Perth Hollingworth Florence May Female Elsdon Arthur Samuel Thomas Male Cottesloe
1938/101709 Perth Mahony Elizabeth Female Ferguson Patrick Joseph Male South Perth
1938/101709 Perth Ferguson Patrick Joseph Male Mahony Elizabeth Female South Perth
1938/101710 Perth Cochrane Stanley Reginald Male Marsland Bessie Edwina Female Wembley
1938/101710 Perth Marsland Bessie Edwina Female Cochrane Stanley Reginald Male Wembley
1938/101711 Perth Woods Gladys Helen Female Brown Frederick Oliver Male Perth
1938/101711 Perth Brown Frederick Oliver Male Woods Gladys Helen Female Perth
1938/101712 Perth Hunt Beatrice Sarah Georgina Female Farr Lawrence Vivian Alfred Male Perth
1938/101712 Perth Farr Lawrence Vivian Alfred Male Hunt Beatrice Sarah Georgina Female Perth
1938/101713 Perth Jackson Laurence Floyed Male Kirkwood Constance Daphne Female Perth
1938/101713 Perth Kirkwood Constance Daphne Female Jackson Laurence Floyed Male Perth
1938/101714 Perth Gregory Edward Lloyd Male Shenstone Lucy Christina Female North Perth
1938/101714 Perth Shenstone Lucy Christina Female Gregory Edward Lloyd Male North Perth
1938/101715 Perth Rigby Edward Keith Male Cousins Doris Jean Edberg Female Perth
1938/101715 Perth Cousins Doris Jean Edberg Female Rigby Edward Keith Male Perth
1938/101716 Perth Meara George Fearnside Male Davies Elizabeth Lesley Gosney Female Bayswater
1938/101716 Perth Davies Elizabeth Lesley Gosney Female Meara George Fearnside Male Bayswater
1938/101717 Perth Rimmer Olwen Female Campbell Gavan Male Perth
1938/101717 Perth Campbell Gavan Male Rimmer Olwen Female Perth
1938/101718 Perth Johnson Albert Edward Male Freeman Kathleen Rosemary Female Perth
1938/101718 Perth Johnson Albert Edward Male Smith Kathleen Rosemary Female Perth
1938/101718 Perth Freeman Kathleen Rosemary Female Johnson Albert Edward Male Perth
1938/101718 Perth Smith Kathleen Rosemary Female Johnson Albert Edward Male Perth
1938/101719 Perth Bowden Grace Elsie Female Clarke Robert Christie Male Perth
1938/101719 Perth Clarke Robert Christie Male Bowden Grace Elsie Female Perth
1938/101720 Perth Smith Pearl Lillian Female Gillham William Francis Male Perth
1938/101720 Perth Gillham William Francis Male Smith Pearl Lillian Female Perth
1938/101721 Perth Scott Phyllis Female Gillard Wilfred Male Perth
1938/101721 Perth Gillard Wilfred Male Scott Phyllis Female Perth
1938/101722 Perth Jackson James Edward Male Jenkinson Rose Catherine Female Perth
1938/101722 Perth Jenkinson Rose Catherine Female Jackson James Edward Male Perth
1938/101723 Perth Punch Roma Molyneaux Female Stewart George Male Perth
1938/101723 Perth Stewart George Male Punch Roma Molyneaux Female Perth
1938/101724 Perth Le Cornu Mavis Female Christensen Ronald Kitchener Male Perth
1938/101724 Perth Christensen Ronald Kitchener Male Le Cornu Mavis Female Perth
1938/101725 Perth Smith William Ernest Male Taylor Fay Female Perth
1938/101725 Perth Taylor Fay Female Smith William Ernest Male Perth
1938/101726 Perth Carpenter Alwyne May Female Walker Tasman Frederick Male Subiaco
1938/101726 Perth Walker Tasman Frederick Male Carpenter Alwyne May Female Subiaco
1938/101727 Perth McCurry Lindsey Henry John Male Wilkin Ada Louisa Female Subiaco
1938/101727 Perth Wilkin Ada Louisa Female McCurry Lindsey Henry John Male Subiaco
1938/101728 Perth Monck Clifford Uberta Male Wallace Winifred Gwendolen Female Subiaco
1938/101728 Perth Wallace Winifred Gwendolen Female Monck Clifford Uberta Male Subiaco
1938/101729 Perth Little Evelyn Female Isard Keith Norman Male Subiaco
1938/101729 Perth Isard Keith Norman Male Little Evelyn Female Subiaco
1938/101730 Perth Johnston Hazel May Female McDonald Alan Norman Male Subiaco
1938/101730 Perth McDonald Alan Norman Male Johnston Hazel May Female Subiaco
1938/101731 Perth Mansfield Alathea Beatrice Female Lucas Raymond Munro Male Subiaco
1938/101731 Perth Lucas Raymond Munro Male Mansfield Alathea Beatrice Female Subiaco
1938/101732 Perth McManus Evelyn May Female Harwood Maurice Male Nedlands
1938/101732 Perth Harwood Maurice Male McManus Evelyn May Female Nedlands
1938/101733 Perth Foley Anne Emmett Veronica Female Williams Alexander Murray Boswall Male Perth
1938/101733 Perth Williams Alexander Murray Boswall Male Foley Anne Emmett Veronica Female Perth
1938/101734 Perth John Nora Margaret Female Stoddart Ralph James Hooper Male Mt Lawley
1938/101734 Perth Stoddart Ralph James Hooper Male John Nora Margaret Female Mt Lawley
1938/101735 Perth Croxon Sidney John Male Blight Gwendoline May Female Perth
1938/101735 Perth Blight Gwendoline May Female Croxon Sidney John Male Perth
1938/101736 Perth Larcombe Bessie May Female Miles Arthur Edward Male Perth
1938/101736 Perth Miles Arthur Edward Male Larcombe Bessie May Female Perth
1938/101737 Perth Baker Mavis Joan Female Armstrong Ian Hamilton Male Perth
1938/101737 Perth Armstrong Ian Hamilton Male Baker Mavis Joan Female Perth
1938/101738 Perth Baker Ethel Millicent Mary Female Beaglehole Colin Hugh Edwin Male Perth
1938/101738 Perth Beaglehole Colin Hugh Edwin Male Baker Ethel Millicent Mary Female Perth
1938/101739 Perth Brunning Walter James Male Magann Frances Amelia Female Perth
1938/101739 Perth Magann Frances Amelia Female Brunning Walter James Male Perth
1938/101740 Perth Oliver Harry Richard Male Rissanen Lea Female Perth
1938/101740 Perth Rissanen Lea Female Oliver Harry Richard Male Perth
1938/101741 Perth Braban Alfred Charles Male Burfoot Edith Female Perth
1938/101741 Perth Burfoot Edith Female Braban Alfred Charles Male Perth
1938/101742 Perth Nicholson George Staghouse Bates Male Urquhart Heather Jean Female North Perth
1938/101742 Perth Urquhart Heather Jean Female Nicholson George Staghouse Bates Male North Perth
1938/101743 Perth Dyson Beryl Madge Female Wilson Daniel Christian Male Claremont
1938/101743 Perth Wilson Daniel Christian Male Dyson Beryl Madge Female Claremont
1938/101744 Perth Kennedy Hugh Quentin Male Cordin Myrtle May Female Claremont
1938/101744 Perth Cordin Myrtle May Female Kennedy Hugh Quentin Male Claremont
1938/101745 Perth Davies Annie Female Woods Frank Male Claremont
1938/101745 Perth Woods Frank Male Davies Annie Female Claremont
1938/101746 Perth Woods Irene Elizabeth Female North Herbert Lionel Male Perth
1938/101746 Perth North Herbert Lionel Male Woods Irene Elizabeth Female Perth
1938/101747 Perth Ridley Evelyne May Female Ware Harold Charles Male Victoria Park
1938/101747 Perth Ware Harold Charles Male Ridley Evelyne May Female Victoria Park
1938/101748 Perth Fogg Merwyn Ethel Female Carter Victor Gorden Male Leederville
1938/101748 Perth Carter Victor Gorden Male Fogg Merwyn Ethel Female Leederville
1938/101749 Perth Taylor Robert George Male Whelan Bridget Female Perth
1938/101749 Perth Whelan Bridget Female Taylor Robert George Male Perth
1938/101750 Perth McCann Eileen Gertrude Female McMaster Herbert Charles Male Perth
1938/101750 Perth McMaster Herbert Charles Male McCann Eileen Gertrude Female Perth
1938/101751 Perth Monck Phyllis Mary Female Mitchell Thomas Burdette Male Perth
1938/101751 Perth Mitchell Thomas Burdette Male Monck Phyllis Mary Female Perth
1938/101752 Perth Hanney Lily Lavinia Female Ingham Sidney Male West Perth
1938/101752 Perth Ingham Sidney Male Hanney Lily Lavinia Female West Perth
1938/101753 Perth Kennedy Keith Vernon Michael Male Woodhouse Olive Mary Cecilia Female West Perth
1938/101753 Perth Woodhouse Olive Mary Cecilia Female Kennedy Keith Vernon Michael Male West Perth
1938/101754 Perth Willcock Elaine Mary Ellen Female Moylan William Francis Male Perth
1938/101754 Perth Moylan William Francis Male Willcock Elaine Mary Ellen Female Perth
1938/101755 Perth Pimley Francis John Male McCreery Katherine Isabel Female Perth
1938/101755 Perth McCreery Katherine Isabel Female Pimley Francis John Male Perth
1938/101756 Perth Gatley Leslie Vernon Male Carrick Eileen Margaret Female Perth
1938/101756 Perth Carrick Eileen Margaret Female Gatley Leslie Vernon Male Perth
1938/101757 Perth de Banks Jean Isabel Female Ferguson Alexander John Malcolm Male Rosalie
1938/101757 Perth Ferguson Alexander John Malcolm Male de Banks Jean Isabel Female Rosalie
1938/101758 Perth Ziesler Margaret Mary Female Tuckfield Gilbart Olof Male Cottesloe
1938/101758 Perth Tuckfield Gilbart Olof Male Ziesler Margaret Mary Female Cottesloe
1938/101759 Perth Hirst John Robert Allen Male Rayner Wilma Female Cottesloe
1938/101759 Perth Rayner Wilma Female Hirst John Robert Allen Male Cottesloe
1938/101760 Perth Carr Joseph Daniel Male Manson Gladys May Female Perth
1938/101760 Perth Manson Gladys May Female Carr Joseph Daniel Male Perth
1938/101761 Perth Hearne Thomas Edward Male Heathcote Violet Winifred Mary Female Perth
1938/101761 Perth Heathcote Violet Winifred Mary Female Hearne Thomas Edward Male Perth
1938/101762 Perth Murdoch Kenneth Harding Male Cutter Edith Margaret Female Perth
1938/101762 Perth Cutter Edith Margaret Female Murdoch Kenneth Harding Male Perth
1938/101763 Perth Ferguson Christina Margaret Female Jones Richard Cecil Male Perth
1938/101763 Perth Jones Richard Cecil Male Ferguson Christina Margaret Female Perth
1938/101764 Perth Norton Leslie William Ebdon Male Baker Violet Aileen Female Perth
1938/101764 Perth Baker Violet Aileen Female Norton Leslie William Ebdon Male Perth
1938/101765 Perth Owens Richard Male Flack Johanna Female Perth
1938/101765 Perth Flack Johanna Female Owens Richard Male Perth
1938/101766 Perth Tregear William Edgar Male Pearce Eileen Florence Maud Female Perth
1938/101766 Perth Pearce Eileen Florence Maud Female Tregear William Edgar Male Perth
1938/101767 Perth Smith James Henry Male Hopkins Nellie Gwendoline Female West Perth
1938/101767 Perth Hopkins Nellie Gwendoline Female Smith James Henry Male West Perth
1938/101768 Perth Duncan George Male Marshall Mary Female Victoria Park
1938/101768 Perth Marshall Mary Female Duncan George Male Victoria Park
1938/101769 Perth Hughes Horace James Male Longman Jane Catherine Female Nedlands
1938/101769 Perth Longman Jane Catherine Female Hughes Horace James Male Nedlands
1938/101770 Perth Halse Herbert Clement Male Wilks Muriel Female Mt Hawthorn
1938/101770 Perth Wilks Muriel Female Halse Herbert Clement Male Mt Hawthorn
1938/101771 Perth Farnham Lynda Female Letch Lynn Arthur Clairs Male Mt Lawley
1938/101771 Perth Letch Lynn Arthur Clairs Male Farnham Lynda Female Mt Lawley
1938/101772 Perth Hollis Dorothy Florence Female Firmin Charles Herbert Male Mt Lawley
1938/101772 Perth Firmin Charles Herbert Male Hollis Dorothy Florence Female Mt Lawley
1938/101773 Perth Cockman Marie Jean Female Cook James Desmond Connolly Male Perth
1938/101773 Perth Cook James Desmond Connolly Male Cockman Marie Jean Female Perth
1938/101774 Perth Caddy Virginia Rose Female McGill William Charles Male Perth
1938/101774 Perth McGill William Charles Male Caddy Virginia Rose Female Perth
1938/101775 Perth Mitchell Lily Rosewall Female Forbes Hugh Male Mount Hawthorn
1938/101775 Perth Forbes Hugh Male Mitchell Lily Rosewall Female Mount Hawthorn
1938/101776 Perth Sherwood Augustus Charles Male Roberts Bessie Alice Female Claremont
1938/101776 Perth Roberts Bessie Alice Female Sherwood Augustus Charles Male Claremont
1938/101777 Perth Collinson Ivy Ellen Female Parker Charles Henry Milton Male West Perth
1938/101777 Perth Parker Charles Henry Milton Male Collinson Ivy Ellen Female West Perth
1938/101778 Perth Beaumont Alan Joshua Male Trotman Gladys Adele Female West Perth
1938/101778 Perth Trotman Gladys Adele Female Beaumont Alan Joshua Male West Perth
1938/101779 Perth Stone Eileen May Female Cunnold Edward Charles Male West Perth
1938/101779 Perth Cunnold Edward Charles Male Stone Eileen May Female West Perth
1938/101780 Perth Barnett Victor George Male McIntyre Irene Bernice Female West Perth
1938/101780 Perth McIntyre Irene Bernice Female Barnett Victor George Male West Perth
1938/101781 Perth Boom Ethel Irene Female Allen Henry Ernest Male West Perth
1938/101781 Perth Allen Henry Ernest Male Boom Ethel Irene Female West Perth
1938/101782 Perth Murn Frederick Kent Male Oakley Marjorie Frances Female West Perth
1938/101782 Perth Oakley Marjorie Frances Female Murn Frederick Kent Male West Perth
1938/101783 Perth Williams Frank Thomas Male Kitto Martha Hilma Female Perth
1938/101783 Perth Kitto Martha Hilma Female Williams Frank Thomas Male Perth
1938/101784 Perth Atkinson Charles William Male Fostevin Gwendoline Ina Female Perth
1938/101784 Perth Fostevin Gwendoline Ina Female Atkinson Charles William Male Perth
1938/101785 Perth Ammon Albert Male Andrews Ethel May Female Perth
1938/101785 Perth Andrews Ethel May Female Ammon Albert Male Perth
1938/101786 Perth Osborne Joseph Francis Stanley Male Dewar Elizabeth May Female Perth
1938/101786 Perth Dewar Elizabeth May Female Osborne Joseph Francis Stanley Male Perth
1938/101787 Perth Morgan Jack Male Hill Mary Kathleen Female Perth
1938/101787 Perth Hill Mary Kathleen Female Morgan Jack Male Perth
1938/101788 Perth O'Shannessy Constance Evelyn Female Haynes Leonard Douglas Male Perth
1938/101788 Perth Haynes Leonard Douglas Male O'Shannessy Constance Evelyn Female Perth
1938/101789 Perth Buckley Ruby Florence Female Hutchison Alexander Male Perth
1938/101789 Perth Hutchison Alexander Male Buckley Ruby Florence Female Perth
1938/101790 Perth Fyfe Gwendoline Mary Female Macey Edward Henry Male Leederville
1938/101790 Perth Macey Edward Henry Male Fyfe Gwendoline Mary Female Leederville
1938/101791 Perth Williams Janet Joan Kathleen Female Harris Robert Samuel Male Leederville
1938/101791 Perth Harris Robert Samuel Male Williams Janet Joan Kathleen Female Leederville
1938/101792 Perth Rourke Wilfred Niel Male Ockleshaw Gladys Female Leederville
1938/101792 Perth Ockleshaw Gladys Female Rourke Wilfred Niel Male Leederville
1938/101793 Perth Bradstreet Alfred Ernest Male McAllister Margaret Female Leederville
1938/101793 Perth McAllister Margaret Female Bradstreet Alfred Ernest Male Leederville
1938/101794 Perth Kirk Joyce Veronica Female Goodridge William James Male Leederville
1938/101794 Perth Goodridge William James Male Kirk Joyce Veronica Female Leederville
1938/101795 Perth Netting Mary Edith Female Doherty John Edward Male Subiaco
1938/101795 Perth Doherty John Edward Male Netting Mary Edith Female Subiaco
1938/101796 Perth Lightfoot Darak John Male Hannagan Jessie Leeson Female Subiaco
1938/101796 Perth Hannagan Jessie Leeson Female Lightfoot Darak John Male Subiaco
1938/101797 Perth Oliff Harold Frederick Male McCarthy Elsie Margaret Female Claremont
1938/101797 Perth McCarthy Elsie Margaret Female Oliff Harold Frederick Male Claremont
1938/101798 Perth George William Henry Male Ingham Doreen Vera Female Victoria Park
1938/101798 Perth Ingham Doreen Vera Female George William Henry Male Victoria Park
1938/101799 Perth Goldsworthy Florence Kathleen May Female Cox Friend Edwin Male Victoria Park
1938/101799 Perth Cox Friend Edwin Male Goldsworthy Florence Kathleen May Female Victoria Park
1938/101800 Perth Willimott Phyllis Maud Female Staines Leslie John Male West Perth
1938/101800 Perth Staines Leslie John Male Willimott Phyllis Maud Female West Perth
1938/101801 Perth Anderson Dorothy Rose Bechtel Female Logan John Inglis Male North Perth
1938/101801 Perth Logan John Inglis Male Anderson Dorothy Rose Bechtel Female North Perth
1938/101802 Perth Wood Anthony William Arthur Male Birch Barbara Mary Female Perth
1938/101802 Perth Birch Barbara Mary Female Wood Anthony William Arthur Male Perth
1938/101803 Perth Betschartt Belle Female Gibson Robert Cuthbert Male Perth
1938/101803 Perth Gibson Robert Cuthbert Male Betschartt Belle Female Perth
1938/101804 Perth Benison Frederick James Male McLeod Ethel Female Perth
1938/101804 Perth McLeod Ethel Female Benison Frederick James Male Perth
1938/101805 Perth Pringle Charles Robert Male Cross Alice Susan Bygrave Female Perth
1938/101805 Perth Cross Alice Susan Bygrave Female Pringle Charles Robert Male Perth
1938/101806 Perth Jones Roy Male Morrison Hazel Winifred Female Perth
1938/101806 Perth Morrison Hazel Winifred Female Jones Roy Male Perth
1938/101807 Perth Cummings John Campbell Male Sice Joyce Irene Female West Leederville
1938/101807 Perth Sice Joyce Irene Female Cummings John Campbell Male West Leederville
1938/101808 Perth Goodman Kathleen Ellen Female Keay Vivian Albert Male Perth
1938/101808 Perth Keay Vivian Albert Male Goodman Kathleen Ellen Female Perth
1938/101809 Perth Davey Maisie Ellen Female Fleay Mervyn Walter Male Perth
1938/101809 Perth Fleay Mervyn Walter Male Davey Maisie Ellen Female Perth
1938/101810 Perth Collins Phyllis Louise Female Burton John MacDonald Male Perth
1938/101810 Perth Burton John MacDonald Male Collins Phyllis Louise Female Perth
1938/101811 Perth Cummins Ambrose Hamilton Male Thiel Hermaine Grace Female Cottesloe
1938/101811 Perth Thiel Hermaine Grace Female Cummins Ambrose Hamilton Male Cottesloe
1938/101812 Perth Cheek Cyril Osbourne Male Murphy Margaret Rachel Female Perth
1938/101812 Perth Murphy Margaret Rachel Female Cheek Cyril Osbourne Male Perth
1938/101813 Perth Goldsworthy Veronica May Female Fahey Allan Francis Male Leederville
1938/101813 Perth Fahey Allan Francis Male Goldsworthy Veronica May Female Leederville
1938/101814 Perth Davey Henry Richard Male Castiglioni Amelia William Female Perth
1938/101814 Perth Castiglioni Amelia William Female Davey Henry Richard Male Perth
1938/101815 Perth Spencer Mavis Mary Female Gilbert Herbert Richmond Male West Perth
1938/101815 Perth Gilbert Herbert Richmond Male Spencer Mavis Mary Female West Perth
1938/101816 Perth Kirwan-Ward Edward Bernard Male Inkpen Helen Curtis Female Perth
1938/101816 Perth Inkpen Helen Curtis Female Kirwan-Ward Edward Bernard Male Perth
1938/101817 Perth Lee Phyllis Constance Female Perry Robert George Male West Leederville
1938/101817 Perth Perry Robert George Male Lee Phyllis Constance Female West Leederville
1938/101818 Perth Sales Victor Richard Male Ridley Evelyn Female Victoria Park
1938/101818 Perth Ridley Evelyn Female Sales Victor Richard Male Victoria Park
1938/101819 Perth Ritchie Clifton Thomas Runic Male Henderson Jean Margaret Female Victoria Park
1938/101819 Perth Henderson Jean Margaret Female Ritchie Clifton Thomas Runic Male Victoria Park
1938/101820 Perth Hutchison Devina Nellie Female Craig Wallace Gordon Male Perth
1938/101820 Perth Craig Wallace Gordon Male Hutchison Devina Nellie Female Perth
1938/101821 Perth McKirdy Catherine Gilmour Female Lomman Samuel Allan Male Cottesloe
1938/101821 Perth Lomman Samuel Allan Male McKirdy Catherine Gilmour Female Cottesloe
1938/101822 Perth Schofield Joyce Avis Female Paull Clem McKenzie Male Leederville
1938/101822 Perth Paull Clem McKenzie Male Schofield Joyce Avis Female Leederville
1938/101823 Perth Bedford Edith Alice Female Jones Joseph Male East Victoria Pk
1938/101823 Perth Jones Joseph Male Bedford Edith Alice Female East Victoria Pk
1938/101824 Perth Jilina Polini Female Agapoff Sergei Male Perth
1938/101824 Perth Agapoff Sergei Male Jilina Polini Female Perth
1938/101825 Perth Gray Wilfred Sidney Male White Phyllis Beryl Female Perth
1938/101825 Perth White Phyllis Beryl Female Gray Wilfred Sidney Male Perth
1938/101826 Perth Lorraine Dorothy Louise Female Dodd George Richard Henry Male Perth
1938/101826 Perth Dodd George Richard Henry Male Lorraine Dorothy Louise Female Perth
1938/101827 Perth Leach Percival Unsworth Leopold Male Mitchell Anita Lennard Female Perth
1938/101827 Perth Mitchell Anita Lennard Female Leach Percival Unsworth Leopold Male Perth
1938/101828 Perth Stevens Ernest Morrison Male O'Doughty Phyllis May Female Perth
1938/101828 Perth O'Doughty Phyllis May Female Stevens Ernest Morrison Male Perth
1938/101829 Perth Cantini Senafè Female Olivieri Alessandro Ernesto Ugo Male Perth
1938/101829 Perth Olivieri Alessandro Ernesto Ugo Male Cantini Senafè Female Perth
1938/101830 Perth Hobbs Aubry Allan Male Staples Mary Alice Female Subiaco
1938/101830 Perth Staples Mary Alice Female Hobbs Aubry Allan Male Subiaco
1938/101831 Perth Bryant Betty Ellen Davies Female George Colin Bert Male Cottesloe
1938/101831 Perth George Colin Bert Male Bryant Betty Ellen Davies Female Cottesloe
1938/101832 Perth Leach Raymond George Male Darch Sylvia Rose Female Leederville
1938/101832 Perth Darch Sylvia Rose Female Leach Raymond George Male Leederville
1938/101833 Perth Langridge Frank Norman Male Black Mabel Jean Female Mt Lawley
1938/101833 Perth Black Mabel Jean Female Langridge Frank Norman Male Mt Lawley
1938/101834 Perth Ridley Dulcie Lorraine Female Henderson Gordon Thomas Male Maylands
1938/101834 Perth Henderson Gordon Thomas Male Ridley Dulcie Lorraine Female Maylands
1938/101835 Perth Preston Ruth Editha Beatrice Female Bleakley Ronald Male Maylands
1938/101835 Perth Bleakley Ronald Male Preston Ruth Editha Beatrice Female Maylands
1938/101836 Perth Thompson Henry William Male Edwards Roma Ruby Female Perth
1938/101836 Perth Edwards Roma Ruby Female Thompson Henry William Male Perth
1938/101837 Perth Nicholson Robert Keith Male Basile Dulcie Elizabeth Female Perth
1938/101837 Perth Basile Dulcie Elizabeth Female Nicholson Robert Keith Male Perth
1938/101838 Perth Hunt Edgar Frederick Dunning Male Muhling Millicent Annie Female Claremont
1938/101838 Perth Muhling Millicent Annie Female Hunt Edgar Frederick Dunning Male Claremont
1938/101839 Perth Carrick Reginald Garth Male Datchens Ethel Minnie Female Claremont
1938/101839 Perth Datchens Ethel Minnie Female Carrick Reginald Garth Male Claremont
1938/101840 Perth Kirkham Elizabeth Audrey Female Storen Frederick John Male Claremont
1938/101840 Perth Storen Frederick John Male Kirkham Elizabeth Audrey Female Claremont
1938/101841 Perth Langsford Lorraine Female Smailes John Herbert Male Claremont
1938/101841 Perth Smailes John Herbert Male Langsford Lorraine Female Claremont
1938/101842 Perth Thornber Herbert Russell Male Johnsen Bertha May Female Nedlands
1938/101842 Perth Johnsen Bertha May Female Thornber Herbert Russell Male Nedlands
1938/101843 Perth Rann Nancy Edith Female Sweeting George Geoffrey Male Nedlands
1938/101843 Perth Sweeting George Geoffrey Male Rann Nancy Edith Female Nedlands
1938/101844 Perth Oliver Glen Thomas Male Lobb Elvie Grace Female Perth
1938/101844 Perth Lobb Elvie Grace Female Oliver Glen Thomas Male Perth
1938/101845 Perth Quinn John Frederick Male Hemming Ethel Jane Female Maylands
1938/101845 Perth Hemming Ethel Jane Female Quinn John Frederick Male Maylands
1938/101846 Perth Mann Lilian Faith Female Davis Alan Raymond Male Claremont
1938/101846 Perth Davis Alan Raymond Male Mann Lilian Faith Female Claremont
1938/101847 Perth Smart Harriett Ada Maud Female Gallaher Charles Canning Male Cottesloe
1938/101847 Perth Gallaher Charles Canning Male Smart Harriett Ada Maud Female Cottesloe
1938/101848 Perth Leishman Grace Edith Female Nicholls Owen Lee Male Perth
1938/101848 Perth Nicholls Owen Lee Male Leishman Grace Edith Female Perth
1938/101849 Perth Pitter Annie Margaret Female Smit Peter Adrian William Male Osborne Park
1938/101849 Perth Smit Peter Adrian William Male Pitter Annie Margaret Female Osborne Park
1938/101850 Perth Power Arthur George David Male Snudden Eileen Alberta Female Perth
1938/101850 Perth Snudden Eileen Alberta Female Power Arthur George David Male Perth
1938/101851 Perth Coombs Henry Male Greay Rosina Grace Female North Perth
1938/101851 Perth Greay Rosina Grace Female Coombs Henry Male North Perth
1938/101852 Perth Noble Elleanor Adelaide Female Hull Raymond Alfred Male North Perth
1938/101852 Perth Hull Raymond Alfred Male Noble Elleanor Adelaide Female North Perth
1938/101853 Perth Dobson May Edith Female Douglas Alexander James Male North Perth
1938/101853 Perth Douglas Alexander James Male Dobson May Edith Female North Perth
1938/101854 Perth Taylor Peggie Elaine Female Du Feu Maurice Albert James Male West Perth
1938/101854 Perth Du Feu Maurice Albert James Male Taylor Peggie Elaine Female West Perth
1938/101855 Perth Reeves Roy William Male Robson Mabel Mavis Female West Perth
1938/101855 Perth Robson Mabel Mavis Female Reeves Roy William Male West Perth
1938/101856 Perth Bailey Robert Alfred Male Hancock Phyllis Margaret Female West Perth
1938/101856 Perth Hancock Phyllis Margaret Female Bailey Robert Alfred Male West Perth
1938/101857 Perth Anderson Herman James Male McKee Thelma Female West Perth
1938/101857 Perth McKee Thelma Female Anderson Herman James Male West Perth
1938/101858 Perth Reid George Male Meyers Amy Rebecca Female West Perth
1938/101858 Perth Meyers Amy Rebecca Female Reid George Male West Perth
1938/101859 Perth Smith Dorothy May Female Pearse Francis Leslie Male West Perth
1938/101859 Perth Pearse Francis Leslie Male Smith Dorothy May Female West Perth
1938/101860 Perth Dean Edward Leslie Male Lloyd Una Patricia Lindsey Female West Perth
1938/101860 Perth Lloyd Una Patricia Lindsey Female Dean Edward Leslie Male West Perth
1938/101861 Perth Willox William Charles Male Higgs Stella Joyce Female West Perth
1938/101861 Perth Higgs Stella Joyce Female Willox William Charles Male West Perth
1938/101862 Perth Sines Maurice William Male Mandy Ivy Kathleen Female West Perth
1938/101862 Perth Mandy Ivy Kathleen Female Sines Maurice William Male West Perth
1938/101863 Perth Tozer Kenneth Richard Male Lochhead Iza Paterson Female Perth
1938/101863 Perth Lochhead Iza Paterson Female Tozer Kenneth Richard Male Perth
1938/101864 Perth Long Reginald Alexander Male Johnson Doris Female Perth
1938/101864 Perth Johnson Doris Female Long Reginald Alexander Male Perth
1938/101865 Perth Hungerford Mary Lorna Female Archdeacon Geoffrey Mandeville Male Perth
1938/101865 Perth Archdeacon Geoffrey Mandeville Male Hungerford Mary Lorna Female Perth
1938/101866 Perth Becker Henry Adolph Male East Mollie Evrald Female Perth
1938/101866 Perth East Mollie Evrald Female Becker Henry Adolph Male Perth
1938/101867 Perth Foss William George Male Harford Gloria Ella Female Perth
1938/101867 Perth Harford Gloria Ella Female Foss William George Male Perth
1938/101868 Perth James Ruth Female Gimm Regs Fred Male Perth
1938/101868 Perth Gimm Regs Fred Male James Ruth Female Perth
1938/101869 Perth Neindorff Lawrence Vivian Male Chambers Alma Rose Female Perth
1938/101869 Perth Chambers Alma Rose Female Neindorff Lawrence Vivian Male Perth
1938/101870 Perth Tribbick Clare May Female O'Connor William James Male Perth
1938/101870 Perth O'Connor William James Male Tribbick Clare May Female Perth
1938/101871 Perth Massey Dorothy Jean Female Kimberley John Hughes Male Victoria Park
1938/101871 Perth Kimberley John Hughes Male Massey Dorothy Jean Female Victoria Park
1938/101872 Perth Starkey Marjorie Female McMullen Henry John Male Highgate Hill
1938/101872 Perth McMullen Henry John Male Starkey Marjorie Female Highgate Hill
1938/101873 Perth Connor Peter Noel St Barbe Male McCarthy Dorothy Elizabeth Female Perth
1938/101873 Perth McCarthy Dorothy Elizabeth Female Connor Peter Noel St Barbe Male Perth
1938/101874 Perth Bennett Ruby Mary Female Gilders William Henry Male Victoria Park
1938/101874 Perth Gilders William Henry Male Bennett Ruby Mary Female Victoria Park
1938/101875 Perth Walsh Margaret Mary Female Rice Thomas Eric Male Perth
1938/101875 Perth Rice Thomas Eric Male Walsh Margaret Mary Female Perth
1938/101876 Perth Gannon Clarice Nellie Female Holland Walter Donald Male Cottesloe
1938/101876 Perth Holland Walter Donald Male Gannon Clarice Nellie Female Cottesloe
1938/101877 Perth Olds Irene Joy Female Millar Russell Joseph James Male Subiaco
1938/101877 Perth Millar Russell Joseph James Male Olds Irene Joy Female Subiaco
1938/101878 Perth Boswell Leslie William Male Flanagan Phyllis Female Perth
1938/101878 Perth Flanagan Phyllis Female Boswell Leslie William Male Perth
1938/101879 Perth Clarke Victor Rueben Male Barton-Fulcher Winifred Veronica Female Perth
1938/101879 Perth Barton-Fulcher Winifred Veronica Female Clarke Victor Rueben Male Perth
1938/101880 Perth Ballagh Florence Female Kimberley Percival Christopher Male Perth
1938/101880 Perth Kimberley Percival Christopher Male Ballagh Florence Female Perth
1938/101881 Perth Brennan Grace Victoria Female Ryan Michael Male East Perth
1938/101881 Perth Ryan Michael Male Brennan Grace Victoria Female East Perth
1938/101882 Perth Kelly Eunice Irene Female Knapp Edward John Male Perth
1938/101882 Perth Knapp Edward John Male Kelly Eunice Irene Female Perth
1938/101883 Perth Rowsell Harold Lionel Male Wright Doris Mabel Female West Perth
1938/101883 Perth Wright Doris Mabel Female Rowsell Harold Lionel Male West Perth
1938/101884 Perth Harris Joan Alfreda Female Janney Frederick Otto Male West Perth
1938/101884 Perth Janney Frederick Otto Male Harris Joan Alfreda Female West Perth
1938/101885 Perth Loader Andrew Joseph Male Phillip Helen Pole Female West Perth
1938/101885 Perth Phillip Helen Pole Female Loader Andrew Joseph Male West Perth
1938/101886 Perth Woodly Page Percy Bertie Male Malpass Mabelle Letitia Female West Perth
1938/101886 Perth Malpass Mabelle Letitia Female Woodly Page Percy Bertie Male West Perth
1938/101887 Perth Jones Theodore Kenneth Allan Male Mercer Ivy Lillian Female West Perth
1938/101887 Perth Mercer Ivy Lillian Female Jones Theodore Kenneth Allan Male West Perth
1938/101888 Perth Dennis Albert John Leslie Male Parker Dorothy Jean Maude Female West Perth
1938/101888 Perth Parker Dorothy Jean Maude Female Dennis Albert John Leslie Male West Perth
1938/101889 Perth Smith Rose Maud Female Johnson Sidney Clifton Male West Perth
1938/101889 Perth Johnson Sidney Clifton Male Smith Rose Maud Female West Perth
1938/101890 Perth Chapman John Henry Male Myers Melva Elizabeth Female West Perth
1938/101890 Perth Myers Melva Elizabeth Female Chapman John Henry Male West Perth
1938/101891 Perth Murray Linda Meron Female Morrison George William Male West Perth
1938/101891 Perth Morrison George William Male Murray Linda Meron Female West Perth
1938/101892 Perth Ewart Florence Ruth Female Chisnall Albert Male Mt Lawley
1938/101892 Perth Chisnall Albert Male Ewart Florence Ruth Female Mt Lawley
1938/101893 Perth Whitehead Geoffrey Male Kiddy Edna Female Mt Lawley
1938/101893 Perth Kiddy Edna Female Whitehead Geoffrey Male Mt Lawley
1938/101894 Perth Wilson John Brian Male Jones Hilda Female Perth
1938/101894 Perth Jones Hilda Female Wilson John Brian Male Perth
1938/101895 Perth Millard Henry Stephen Male Sergeant Ethel Mary Female Maylands
1938/101895 Perth Sergeant Ethel Mary Female Millard Henry Stephen Male Maylands
1938/101896 Perth Jenkins Violet Female Marsden James Male Leederville
1938/101896 Perth Marsden James Male Jenkins Violet Female Leederville
1938/101897 Perth Harvey Mavis Irene Female Cruikshank Andrew Walter Male South Perth
1938/101897 Perth Cruikshank Andrew Walter Male Harvey Mavis Irene Female South Perth
1938/101898 Perth Phillips Merton Thomas Male Fairbairn Doris Female Perth
1938/101898 Perth Fairbairn Doris Female Phillips Merton Thomas Male Perth
1938/101899 Perth Abey Cyril Male McDermott Kathleen Female Perth
1938/101899 Perth McDermott Kathleen Female Abey Cyril Male Perth
1938/101900 Perth Law Margaret Dorothy Female Bunning Gavin MacRae Male Perth
1938/101900 Perth Bunning Gavin MacRae Male Law Margaret Dorothy Female Perth
1938/101901 Perth George Cyril Erle Male Tuckey Eunice Patricia Female Perth
1938/101901 Perth Tuckey Eunice Patricia Female George Cyril Erle Male Perth
1938/101902 Perth Milne Charles Orion Male Shepherd Eileen Muriel Female Perth
1938/101902 Perth Shepherd Eileen Muriel Female Milne Charles Orion Male Perth
1938/101903 Perth Harrison Dorothy Female Mullins Thomas Male Perth
1938/101903 Perth Mullins Thomas Male Harrison Dorothy Female Perth
1938/101904 Perth Littlecott Bertram Sylvester Gordon Male Fulker Alma Lillian Female Perth
1938/101904 Perth Fulker Alma Lillian Female Littlecott Bertram Sylvester Gordon Male Perth
1938/101905 Perth Penberthy Nancy Female McGinley Dominick Male Perth
1938/101905 Perth McGinley Dominick Male Penberthy Nancy Female Perth
1938/101906 Perth Gatiss Robert Male Story Kathleen Esme Female Perth
1938/101906 Perth Story Kathleen Esme Female Gatiss Robert Male Perth
1938/101907 Perth Lorenz Eaneas Mathias Male Browne Gladys Female Perth
1938/101907 Perth Browne Gladys Female Lorenz Eaneas Mathias Male Perth
1938/101908 Perth Brogan Molly Female Steele Roderick Nason Male Perth
1938/101908 Perth Steele Roderick Nason Male Brogan Molly Female Perth
1938/101909 Perth Ingram Millicent Flora Female Ingram William Henry Male Mosman Park
1938/101909 Perth Ingram William Henry Male Ingram Millicent Flora Female Mosman Park
1938/101910 Perth Hindle Edgar Clifford Male Lowrie Violet Female Perth
1938/101910 Perth Lowrie Violet Female Hindle Edgar Clifford Male Perth
1938/101911 Perth Clifford Eric Read Male Flynn Frances Josephine Female Cottesloe
1938/101911 Perth Flynn Frances Josephine Female Clifford Eric Read Male Cottesloe
1938/101912 Perth Gunn Donald William Male Nicolson Christina Mary Female Subiaco
1938/101912 Perth Nicolson Christina Mary Female Gunn Donald William Male Subiaco
1938/101913 Perth Hay William Plenderleith Male Hudson Eliza Jane Female Subiaco
1938/101913 Perth Hudson Eliza Jane Female Hay William Plenderleith Male Subiaco
1938/101914 Perth Horswill Thyra Isabelle Female Robertson Ronald Ernest Male Perth
1938/101914 Perth Robertson Ronald Ernest Male Horswill Thyra Isabelle Female Perth
1938/101915 Perth Halliday Roma Augusta Female Higham Stanley Sylvester Male West Perth
1938/101915 Perth Higham Stanley Sylvester Male Halliday Roma Augusta Female West Perth
1938/101916 Perth Hicks Joan Ellen Female Macaulay Frederick Charles Male West Perth
1938/101916 Perth Macaulay Frederick Charles Male Hicks Joan Ellen Female West Perth
1938/101917 Perth Baker Leonard Male Werndly Madge Irene Female West Perth
1938/101917 Perth Werndly Madge Irene Female Baker Leonard Male West Perth
1938/101918 Perth Clarke Sheila May Female Strongman Roland James Male Subiaco
1938/101918 Perth Strongman Roland James Male Clarke Sheila May Female Subiaco
1938/101919 Perth Turnbull Edmund Lawson Male Dye Jean May Female Subiaco
1938/101919 Perth Dye Jean May Female Turnbull Edmund Lawson Male Subiaco
1938/101920 Perth Douglas Dorothy Jean Female Hatton Harry George Male Subiaco
1938/101920 Perth Hatton Harry George Male Douglas Dorothy Jean Female Subiaco
1938/101921 Perth Thalbourn-Boxer Naomi Angela Female Murphy William Ronald Male Perth
1938/101921 Perth Murphy William Ronald Male Thalbourn-Boxer Naomi Angela Female Perth
1938/101922 Perth Battaglia Louis Charles Male Seubert Edna May Female Perth
1938/101922 Perth Seubert Edna May Female Battaglia Louis Charles Male Perth
1938/101923 Perth Marshall David Albert Male Parker Celia Female East Victoria Park
1938/101923 Perth Parker Celia Female Marshall David Albert Male East Victoria Park
1938/101924 Perth Woodford John Sydney Male McDonald Mary Irene Female Leederville
1938/101924 Perth McDonald Mary Irene Female Woodford John Sydney Male Leederville
1938/101925 Perth McLeod Dorothy Frances Female Burton Charles Male Bayswater
1938/101925 Perth Burton Charles Male McLeod Dorothy Frances Female Bayswater
1938/101926 Perth Lancaster Stanley Frederick Male Hill Irene Millicent Female North Perth
1938/101926 Perth Hill Irene Millicent Female Lancaster Stanley Frederick Male North Perth
1938/101927 Perth Bray Myrtle Gladys Female Davey Charles Joseph Male Perth
1938/101927 Perth Davey Charles Joseph Male Bray Myrtle Gladys Female Perth
1938/101928 Perth Franks Dorothy May Female Applegate Sydney Thomas Male Maylands
1938/101928 Perth Applegate Sydney Thomas Male Franks Dorothy May Female Maylands
1938/101929 Perth Devereux Theodore Edward Male Burley Pearl Lillian Female Mosman Park
1938/101929 Perth Burley Pearl Lillian Female Devereux Theodore Edward Male Mosman Park
1938/101930 Perth Slape Sylvia Myrtle Female Wilson John Clarence Male Victoria Park
1938/101930 Perth Wilson John Clarence Male Slape Sylvia Myrtle Female Victoria Park
1938/101931 Perth Carter Francis Ronald Male Bell Barbara Jessie Peace Female Victoria Park
1938/101931 Perth Bell Barbara Jessie Peace Female Carter Francis Ronald Male Victoria Park
1938/101932 Perth Young Freda Harriet Female Miller Christian Griffen Male Victoria Park
1938/101932 Perth Miller Christian Griffen Male Young Freda Harriet Female Victoria Park
1938/101933 Perth Enright Robert Clarence Male Charlton Norah Female Victoria Park
1938/101933 Perth Charlton Norah Female Enright Robert Clarence Male Victoria Park
1938/101934 Perth Harvey Gladys Isobel Female Adamson Arthur Charles Stanley Male Perth
1938/101934 Perth Adamson Arthur Charles Stanley Male Harvey Gladys Isobel Female Perth
1938/101935 Perth Prior Marjorie Elsa Female Bonser Arthur Oswald Male Perth
1938/101935 Perth Bonser Arthur Oswald Male Prior Marjorie Elsa Female Perth
1938/101936 Perth Roberts Jack Male Moran Lilian Female Mt Lawley
1938/101936 Perth Moran Lilian Female Roberts Jack Male Mt Lawley
1938/101937 Perth Tough Ann Baxter Female Mitchell Stephen Clement Male Subiaco
1938/101937 Perth Mitchell Stephen Clement Male Tough Ann Baxter Female Subiaco
1938/101938 Perth Gleadell Alice Maude Female Buck William Francis George Male Subiaco
1938/101938 Perth Buck William Francis George Male Gleadell Alice Maude Female Subiaco
1938/101939 Perth Vickery Linda Alice Female Mouritz Maxwell Male West Perth
1938/101939 Perth Mouritz Maxwell Male Vickery Linda Alice Female West Perth
1938/101940 Perth Power Nellie Female Howson William Thomas Male West Leederville
1938/101940 Perth Howson William Thomas Male Power Nellie Female West Leederville
1938/101941 Perth Hicks Isabel Constance Female Bright Douglas Charles Male Perth
1938/101941 Perth Bright Douglas Charles Male Hicks Isabel Constance Female Perth
1938/101942 Perth Triantopoulos Nicola Male Sekuloff Olga Female Perth
1938/101942 Perth Sekuloff Olga Female Triantopoulos Nicola Male Perth
1938/101943 Perth Markwell Anna Catrinda Female Prince Reginald Male Perth
1938/101943 Perth Prince Reginald Male Markwell Anna Catrinda Female Perth
1938/101944 Perth Pratley John Raymond Male Brown Nancye Female Perth
1938/101944 Perth Brown Nancye Female Pratley John Raymond Male Perth
1938/101945 Perth McKinlay David Samuel Clark Male Plint Thelma Constance Female Perth
1938/101945 Perth Plint Thelma Constance Female McKinlay David Samuel Clark Male Perth
1938/101946 Perth Fisher Doris Jean Female Fisher Howard Male Perth
1938/101946 Perth Fisher Howard Male Fisher Doris Jean Female Perth
1938/101947 Perth Morris Robert Male James Madge Ivy Female Perth
1938/101947 Perth James Madge Ivy Female Morris Robert Male Perth
1938/101948 Perth Crofts Nellie Violet Female Sarson Leslie William Male Mt Lawley
1938/101948 Perth Sarson Leslie William Male Crofts Nellie Violet Female Mt Lawley
1938/101949 Perth Innes Agnes Joy Female Pether Wilfred Leo Male Mt Lawley
1938/101949 Perth Pether Wilfred Leo Male Innes Agnes Joy Female Mt Lawley
1938/101950 Perth Hicks Thomas Hector Male Neville Catherine Clare Female Highgate Hill
1938/101950 Perth Neville Catherine Clare Female Hicks Thomas Hector Male Highgate Hill
1938/101951 Perth Pead Patricia Joan Female Whittaker Vernon Robert Male West Perth
1938/101951 Perth Whittaker Vernon Robert Male Pead Patricia Joan Female West Perth
1938/101952 Perth Davies Albert Tudor Male Mansfield Gladys Muriel Female West Perth
1938/101952 Perth Mansfield Gladys Muriel Female Davies Albert Tudor Male West Perth
1938/101953 Perth Barker Elizabeth Maud Female Ostle Thomas Sykes Male West Perth
1938/101953 Perth Ostle Thomas Sykes Male Barker Elizabeth Maud Female West Perth
1938/101954 Perth Waldby Douglas Male Jewell Winifred Muriel Female West Perth
1938/101954 Perth Jewell Winifred Muriel Female Waldby Douglas Male West Perth
1938/101955 Perth Walsh Phillip James Male Syme Gladys Olga Female Victoria Park
1938/101955 Perth Syme Gladys Olga Female Walsh Phillip James Male Victoria Park
1938/101956 Perth Evans Eileen Gwendoline May Female Hitch Tressilian Lambert Laurance Male Perth
1938/101956 Perth Hitch Tressilian Lambert Laurance Male Evans Eileen Gwendoline May Female Perth
1938/101957 Perth Finlay Joyce Kathleen Female Scott Ernest Edward Male Perth
1938/101957 Perth Scott Ernest Edward Male Finlay Joyce Kathleen Female Perth
1938/101958 Perth Hyde Doris Female Lander Raymond Malcolm Male Perth
1938/101958 Perth Lander Raymond Malcolm Male Hyde Doris Female Perth
1938/101959 Perth Kelly Mavis Mary Female Turner George Leslie Male Perth
1938/101959 Perth Turner George Leslie Male Kelly Mavis Mary Female Perth
1938/101960 Perth Blechynden Helen Farris Female Bowra Douglas Samuel Male Perth
1938/101960 Perth Bowra Douglas Samuel Male Blechynden Helen Farris Female Perth
1938/101961 Perth Coombs Jenny Female Gerrans Albert Ernest Male Perth
1938/101961 Perth Gerrans Albert Ernest Male Coombs Jenny Female Perth
1938/101962 Perth Hammond Robert Meath Male Gell Laurel Edith Female Perth
1938/101962 Perth Gell Laurel Edith Female Hammond Robert Meath Male Perth
1938/101963 Perth Moullin Charles Douglas Male Disher Roma May Female Claremont
1938/101963 Perth Disher Roma May Female Moullin Charles Douglas Male Claremont
1938/101964 Perth Marsh Kathleen Irene Female Adams William Thomas Male Swanbourne
1938/101964 Perth Adams William Thomas Male Marsh Kathleen Irene Female Swanbourne
1938/101965 Perth Bailey Anita Lydia Female Main Ronald Frederick Male Claremont
1938/101965 Perth Main Ronald Frederick Male Bailey Anita Lydia Female Claremont
1938/101966 Perth Gibbs Cedric George Male Howse Florence Winifred Female Claremont
1938/101966 Perth Howse Florence Winifred Female Gibbs Cedric George Male Claremont
1938/101967 Perth Sharkman Margaret Lee Female Bird George William Male Claremont
1938/101967 Perth Bird George William Male Sharkman Margaret Lee Female Claremont
1938/101968 Perth Morrison Constance Winifred Female Jackson Albert Male Perth
1938/101968 Perth Jackson Albert Male Morrison Constance Winifred Female Perth
1938/101969 Perth Waters Isabel Female Carter Frederick George Male Mt Lawley
1938/101969 Perth Carter Frederick George Male Waters Isabel Female Mt Lawley
1938/101970 Perth Elder Eric William Male O'Rourke Thelma May Female Victoria Park
1938/101970 Perth O'Rourke Thelma May Female Elder Eric William Male Victoria Park
1938/101971 Perth Tupper William George Male Teede Marjorie Female Nedlands
1938/101971 Perth Teede Marjorie Female Tupper William George Male Nedlands
1938/101972 Perth Fuhrmann Victor Henry Male McDonald Elsie May Female Nedlands
1938/101972 Perth McDonald Elsie May Female Fuhrmann Victor Henry Male Nedlands
1938/101973 Perth Buckingham Frances Teague Female Johnson Richard John Worthy Male West Leederville
1938/101973 Perth Johnson Richard John Worthy Male Buckingham Frances Teague Female West Leederville
1938/101974 Perth Craig George Charles Male Buscumb Gladys Emma Female Mt Lawley
1938/101974 Perth Buscumb Gladys Emma Female Craig George Charles Male Mt Lawley
1938/101975 Perth Baumgarten Doreen Frances Female Brown Thomas Fletcher Male Perth
1938/101975 Perth Brown Thomas Fletcher Male Baumgarten Doreen Frances Female Perth
1938/101976 Perth Dray Edward Sydney Male Chamberlain Mabel Amelia Female Perth
1938/101976 Perth Chamberlain Mabel Amelia Female Dray Edward Sydney Male Perth
1938/101977 Perth Rawcliffe James Male Brearley Betty Constance Female Claremont
1938/101977 Perth Brearley Betty Constance Female Rawcliffe James Male Claremont
1938/101978 Perth Bowley Charles Henry Male Morley Lilian Doreen Female Victoria Park
1938/101978 Perth Morley Lilian Doreen Female Bowley Charles Henry Male Victoria Park
1938/101979 Perth Tyson William John Male Garnaut Jean Female North Perth
1938/101979 Perth Garnaut Jean Female Tyson William John Male North Perth
1938/101980 Perth Barrey Elsie Joyce Female Peterson George Thomas Male Perth
1938/101980 Perth Peterson George Thomas Male Barrey Elsie Joyce Female Perth
1938/101981 Perth Leeman Leslie Robert Male Parsons Beryl Lorraine Female Leederville
1938/101981 Perth Parsons Beryl Lorraine Female Leeman Leslie Robert Male Leederville
1938/101982 Perth Griffin Arthur Alfred Male Ryding Rona Joyce Female Mt Hawthorn
1938/101982 Perth Ryding Rona Joyce Female Griffin Arthur Alfred Male Mt Hawthorn
1938/101983 Perth Malpass Beryl Female Roberts Alfred Samuel Ball Male Perth
1938/101983 Perth Roberts Alfred Samuel Ball Male Malpass Beryl Female Perth
1938/101984 Perth Daulby Thelma Irene Female Hammond Cecil Rex Male Perth
1938/101984 Perth Hammond Cecil Rex Male Daulby Thelma Irene Female Perth
1938/101985 Perth Campbell Irene Ethel Female Stradwick Arthur Vernon Male South Perth
1938/101985 Perth Stradwick Arthur Vernon Male Campbell Irene Ethel Female South Perth
1938/101986 Perth Craik Gladys Steele Female Trethowan John Stanley Male Mt Lawley
1938/101986 Perth Trethowan John Stanley Male Craik Gladys Steele Female Mt Lawley
1938/101987 Perth Lawler Mary Gertrude Female Henwood Ralph Franklin Male Claremont
1938/101987 Perth Henwood Ralph Franklin Male Lawler Mary Gertrude Female Claremont
1938/101988 Perth Winthrop Arthur Francis Male Epstein Rose Female Perth
1938/101988 Perth Epstein Rose Female Winthrop Arthur Francis Male Perth
1938/101989 Perth Matthewson George Male Young Adelaide Lillian Norma Female Cottesloe
1938/101989 Perth Young Adelaide Lillian Norma Female Matthewson George Male Cottesloe
1938/101990 Perth Mayes Ada Lily Female Barratt Lionel James Male Leederville
1938/101990 Perth Barratt Lionel James Male Mayes Ada Lily Female Leederville
1938/101991 Perth Downey Bridget Mary Female McCartney Thomas Male Leederville
1938/101991 Perth McCartney Thomas Male Downey Bridget Mary Female Leederville
1938/101992 Perth Acton Robert George Male Hayes Florence Sylvia Female Leederville
1938/101992 Perth Hayes Florence Sylvia Female Acton Robert George Male Leederville
1938/101993 Perth West Daisy Irene Female Shrigley Lawrence Terry Male Bayswater
1938/101993 Perth Shrigley Lawrence Terry Male West Daisy Irene Female Bayswater
1938/101994 Perth Howell Albert Nicholas Male Mellows Elsie Gladys Female West Perth
1938/101994 Perth Mellows Elsie Gladys Female Howell Albert Nicholas Male West Perth
1938/101995 Perth Reid Dorothy Ada Phyllis Female Martin William Joseph Alexander Male West Perth
1938/101995 Perth Martin William Joseph Alexander Male Reid Dorothy Ada Phyllis Female West Perth
1938/101996 Perth Winzer Abbie Ray Female O'Loughlin Allen William Male Mt Lawley
1938/101996 Perth O'Loughlin Allen William Male Winzer Abbie Ray Female Mt Lawley
1938/101997 Perth Colley Francis William Male Lynch Gertrude Female Perth
1938/101997 Perth Lynch Gertrude Female Colley Francis William Male Perth
1938/101998 Perth Lees Grace McQueen Female Hegarty David John Male Perth
1938/101998 Perth Hegarty David John Male Lees Grace McQueen Female Perth
1938/101999 Perth Horner Albert Mapperson Male Creenaune Rose Ceilia Female Perth
1938/101999 Perth Creenaune Rose Ceilia Female Horner Albert Mapperson Male Perth
1938/102000 Perth Easther Nynette Gwen Female Lightfoot Albert Joseph Male Mount Hawthorn
1938/102000 Perth Lightfoot Albert Joseph Male Easther Nynette Gwen Female Mount Hawthorn
1938/102001 Perth Robinson Jean Isabel Female Shakespear Victor Male Mt Lawley
1938/102001 Perth Shakespear Victor Male Robinson Jean Isabel Female Mt Lawley
1938/102002 Perth Paddick Mavis Jean Female Dickenson Eldred George Male Perth
1938/102002 Perth Dickenson Eldred George Male Paddick Mavis Jean Female Perth
1938/102003 Perth Airy Muriel Elizabeth May Female Mark Alexander Wilson Male Perth
1938/102003 Perth Mark Alexander Wilson Male Airy Muriel Elizabeth May Female Perth
1938/102004 Perth Haynes William McGregor Male Barnes Joyce Lilian Female Perth
1938/102004 Perth Barnes Joyce Lilian Female Haynes William McGregor Male Perth
1938/102005 Perth Delavale-Wickens Mervyn Brice Male Gadenne Ivy Emily Female Perth
1938/102005 Perth Gadenne Ivy Emily Female Delavale-Wickens Mervyn Brice Male Perth
1938/102006 Perth Von Geyer George Hunter Male Barnes Edna Lily Female Perth
1938/102006 Perth Barnes Edna Lily Female Von Geyer George Hunter Male Perth
1938/102007 Perth Hayes Amy Isabel Female King John Samuel Young Miller Male Perth
1938/102007 Perth King John Samuel Young Miller Male Hayes Amy Isabel Female Perth
1938/102008 Perth McCulloch John Dickson Male Bennett Elizabeth Mary Female Perth
1938/102008 Perth Bennett Elizabeth Mary Female McCulloch John Dickson Male Perth
1938/102009 Perth Williamson Lois Averil Female Hunt James Linham Male Perth
1938/102009 Perth Hunt James Linham Male Williamson Lois Averil Female Perth
1938/102011 Perth Screen Alice Maud Agnes Female Richards Felix Horace Male Perth
1938/102011 Perth Richards Felix Horace Male Screen Alice Maud Agnes Female Perth
1938/102012 Perth Rice James Michael Male Mullins Thelma Paulina Female North Perth
1938/102012 Perth Mullins Thelma Paulina Female Rice James Michael Male North Perth
1938/102013 Perth Brigatti Louis Andrew Male Stewart Mabel Evelyn Female North Perth
1938/102013 Perth Stewart Mabel Evelyn Female Brigatti Louis Andrew Male North Perth
1938/102014 Perth Lancaster Myrtle Female Upham Stanley Male Perth
1938/102014 Perth Upham Stanley Male Lancaster Myrtle Female Perth
1938/102015 Perth Bull Jean Frances Female Roberts Rowland George Male Perth
1938/102015 Perth Roberts Rowland George Male Bull Jean Frances Female Perth
1938/102016 Perth Thompson Daphne Maud Female Chappell Herbert Trevor Male Bayswater
1938/102016 Perth Chappell Herbert Trevor Male Thompson Daphne Maud Female Bayswater
1938/102017 Perth Tassell Harry Woodrow Male Ewings Deborah Carmel Veronica Female Bayswater
1938/102017 Perth Ewings Deborah Carmel Veronica Female Tassell Harry Woodrow Male Bayswater
1938/102018 Perth Groom Walter Michael Male Roberts Winifred Jean Female Claremont
1938/102018 Perth Roberts Winifred Jean Female Groom Walter Michael Male Claremont
1938/102019 Perth Gibson Thomas Jack Male Freeman Ivy Pearline Female South Perth
1938/102019 Perth Freeman Ivy Pearline Female Gibson Thomas Jack Male South Perth
1938/102020 Perth Curtis Marjorie Adeline Matilda Female Grayson Reginald Male Perth
1938/102020 Perth Grayson Reginald Male Curtis Marjorie Adeline Matilda Female Perth
1938/102021 Perth Paull Percy Victor Roy Male Ellis Dorothy Ethel Female Perth
1938/102021 Perth Ellis Dorothy Ethel Female Paull Percy Victor Roy Male Perth
1938/102022 Perth McDonald Sydney Chadwick Male MacKrill Lilian Godfrey Female Perth
1938/102022 Perth MacKrill Lilian Godfrey Female McDonald Sydney Chadwick Male Perth
1938/102023 Perth Goudge Winifred Mabel Female Dunning Arthur Samuel John Male Victoria Park
1938/102023 Perth Dunning Arthur Samuel John Male Goudge Winifred Mabel Female Victoria Park
1938/102024 Perth Gray Joseph Anthony Male Crane Daphne Antionette Female Perth
1938/102024 Perth Crane Daphne Antionette Female Gray Joseph Anthony Male Perth
1938/102025 Perth Taylor Jessie Female Harris David Male Perth
1938/102025 Perth Harris David Male Taylor Jessie Female Perth
1938/102026 Perth Cuthbert Robert Victor Male Winchester Evelyn Rose Female Perth
1938/102026 Perth Winchester Evelyn Rose Female Cuthbert Robert Victor Male Perth
1938/102027 Perth Hyland Francis Ettienne Male Rourke Eileen Alma Female Perth
1938/102027 Perth Rourke Eileen Alma Female Hyland Francis Ettienne Male Perth
1938/102028 Perth McGuigan Harry Lester Male Davidson Veronica Rose Female Perth
1938/102028 Perth Davidson Veronica Rose Female McGuigan Harry Lester Male Perth
1938/102029 Perth Bibby Emily Teresa Female Austin Leslie John Male Perth
1938/102029 Perth Austin Leslie John Male Bibby Emily Teresa Female Perth
1938/102030 Perth Walker Bernard Thomas Hall Male Crabb Bonnie Viola Female Claremont
1938/102030 Perth Crabb Bonnie Viola Female Walker Bernard Thomas Hall Male Claremont
1938/102031 Perth Jackson James Arthur Male Allwinton Dorothy Grace Female Claremont
1938/102031 Perth Allwinton Dorothy Grace Female Jackson James Arthur Male Claremont
1938/102032 Perth Copley Beryl Joyce Female Campbell Kenneth John Male Claremont
1938/102032 Perth Campbell Kenneth John Male Copley Beryl Joyce Female Claremont
1938/102033 Perth Edwards Harold Maxwell Male Dunn Kathleen Julia Female Perth
1938/102033 Perth Dunn Kathleen Julia Female Edwards Harold Maxwell Male Perth
1938/102034 Perth Hopkins Herbert Richard Edward Male Rolleston Mavis Eileen Female Perth
1938/102034 Perth Rolleston Mavis Eileen Female Hopkins Herbert Richard Edward Male Perth
1938/102035 Perth Sadler Gladys Jane Female McGowan Kenneth James Male Perth
1938/102035 Perth McGowan Kenneth James Male Sadler Gladys Jane Female Perth
1938/102036 Perth Quinlivan John Robert Male McIntosh Linda Estelle Female Perth
1938/102036 Perth McIntosh Linda Estelle Female Quinlivan John Robert Male Perth
1938/102037 Perth Grimes-Harvey Rex Male Birch Vera Mavis Female Perth
1938/102037 Perth Birch Vera Mavis Female Grimes-Harvey Rex Male Perth
1938/102038 Perth Thackrah Wilfred Kevin Male Howat Margaret May Female Perth
1938/102038 Perth Howat Margaret May Female Thackrah Wilfred Kevin Male Perth
1938/102039 Perth Gardner Marie Adelle Female Paterson Harold George Male Perth
1938/102039 Perth Paterson Harold George Male Gardner Marie Adelle Female Perth
1938/102040 Perth Atkinson Una Jean Isobelle Female Rowley Colin Bruce Male Perth
1938/102040 Perth Rowley Colin Bruce Male Atkinson Una Jean Isobelle Female Perth
1938/102041 Perth Green Dorothy May Female Coulthard Albert William Male Perth
1938/102041 Perth Coulthard Albert William Male Green Dorothy May Female Perth
1938/102042 Perth Whinnen Edward James Male Ross Clara Mary Female Perth
1938/102042 Perth Ross Clara Mary Female Whinnen Edward James Male Perth
1938/102043 Perth Sonnemann Walter James Male Gossage Jean Female Perth
1938/102043 Perth Gossage Jean Female Sonnemann Walter James Male Perth
1938/102044 Perth Glenister Clifford Catterson Male Kelm Leta Ethel Pauline Female Perth
1938/102044 Perth Kelm Leta Ethel Pauline Female Glenister Clifford Catterson Male Perth
1938/102045 Perth Deschamps Audrey Olive Female Andrews Charles Gordon Male Maylands
1938/102045 Perth Andrews Charles Gordon Male Deschamps Audrey Olive Female Maylands
1938/102046 Perth Bown Marjorie Edith Cavil Female Swain Keith Roy Male Perth
1938/102046 Perth Swain Keith Roy Male Bown Marjorie Edith Cavil Female Perth
1938/102047 Perth Carvell Adelaide Ellen Female Wilks Morris Edgar Male Perth
1938/102047 Perth Wilks Morris Edgar Male Carvell Adelaide Ellen Female Perth
1938/102048 Perth Butcher Frieda Agnes Female Long John William Robert Male Perth
1938/102048 Perth Long John William Robert Male Butcher Frieda Agnes Female Perth
1938/102049 Perth Massey Olive Lillian Female Jose Alfred Reid Male Claremont
1938/102049 Perth Jose Alfred Reid Male Massey Olive Lillian Female Claremont
1938/102050 Perth Pattison Zeta Mary Female Gurney Herbert Stanley Male Perth
1938/102050 Perth Gurney Herbert Stanley Male Pattison Zeta Mary Female Perth
1938/102051 Perth Baldwin Daniel Bernard Male Parker Dorothy Mary Female Highgate Hill
1938/102051 Perth Parker Dorothy Mary Female Baldwin Daniel Bernard Male Highgate Hill
1938/102052 Perth Murray Mary Jessie Female Graham Robert Andrew Male Osborne Park
1938/102052 Perth Graham Robert Andrew Male Murray Mary Jessie Female Osborne Park
1938/102053 Perth Megarrity John Male Cooper Winifred Ann Female Maylands
1938/102053 Perth Cooper Winifred Ann Female Megarrity John Male Maylands
1938/102054 Perth Cooper Ernest George Male Goold Veronica Hilda Female Maylands
1938/102054 Perth Goold Veronica Hilda Female Cooper Ernest George Male Maylands
1938/102055 Perth Walker Cecil Sydney Male Green Florence Clare Female Perth
1938/102055 Perth Green Florence Clare Female Walker Cecil Sydney Male Perth
1938/102056 Perth Gibbon Bernard Male Fletcher Freda Mabel Female West Perth
1938/102056 Perth Fletcher Freda Mabel Female Gibbon Bernard Male West Perth
1938/102057 Perth Ware Thomas Webb Male Wigglesworth Lois Female Claremont
1938/102057 Perth Wigglesworth Lois Female Ware Thomas Webb Male Claremont
1938/102058 Perth Williamson Olive Irene Female Wintle Edward Algernon Male Perth
1938/102058 Perth Wintle Edward Algernon Male Williamson Olive Irene Female Perth
1938/102059 Perth Phillips William John Male Paterson Evalyn Alice Josephine Female Perth
1938/102059 Perth Paterson Evalyn Alice Josephine Female Phillips William John Male Perth
1938/102060 Perth Parnell Sylvia Female Ward William Victor Male Mosman Park
1938/102060 Perth Ward William Victor Male Parnell Sylvia Female Mosman Park
1938/102061 Perth Annesley Sydney Kenneth Male Withnell Gwendoline Female Subiaco
1938/102061 Perth Withnell Gwendoline Female Annesley Sydney Kenneth Male Subiaco
1938/102062 Perth Harmer Owen Edwin Male Cleasby Phyllis Adeline Female Subiaco
1938/102062 Perth Cleasby Phyllis Adeline Female Harmer Owen Edwin Male Subiaco
1938/102063 Perth Maiklem Kathleen Female Cossens Charles Male Subiaco
1938/102063 Perth Cossens Charles Male Maiklem Kathleen Female Subiaco
1938/102064 Perth Curtis Wilhelmina Theresa Female Jahn Harry Frederick Male Subiaco
1938/102064 Perth Jahn Harry Frederick Male Curtis Wilhelmina Theresa Female Subiaco
1938/102065 Perth Rawle Howard Gordon Male Best Hilda Dorothy Winifred Female Subiaco
1938/102065 Perth Best Hilda Dorothy Winifred Female Rawle Howard Gordon Male Subiaco
1938/102066 Perth Harrison Leslie William Male Cutten Freda Melvena Female Subiaco
1938/102066 Perth Cutten Freda Melvena Female Harrison Leslie William Male Subiaco
1938/102067 Perth Brennan Mary Victoria Female Gardiner James Sydney Male Subiaco
1938/102067 Perth Gardiner James Sydney Male Brennan Mary Victoria Female Subiaco
1938/102068 Perth Burns Cyril Sydney Male Hall Alice Ruth Female Subiaco
1938/102068 Perth Hall Alice Ruth Female Burns Cyril Sydney Male Subiaco
1938/102069 Perth Wood Jack Frederick Male Cox Gertrude Ellen Female Subiaco
1938/102069 Perth Cox Gertrude Ellen Female Wood Jack Frederick Male Subiaco
1938/102070 Perth Tapping William Thomas Male Clark May Female West Perth
1938/102070 Perth Clark May Female Tapping William Thomas Male West Perth
1938/102071 Perth Magennis Jean Female Edwards Stephen Harrison Male North Perth
1938/102071 Perth Edwards Stephen Harrison Male Magennis Jean Female North Perth
1938/102072 Perth Kroll Gweneth Muriel Female Rusha Richard Palmer Male North Perth
1938/102072 Perth Rusha Richard Palmer Male Kroll Gweneth Muriel Female North Perth
1938/102073 Perth Brooker Ethel Beatrice Female Robertson Thomas Victor Male North Perth
1938/102073 Perth Robertson Thomas Victor Male Brooker Ethel Beatrice Female North Perth
1938/102074 Perth McAtee Edna May Female Smith Alexander Thomas Male West Perth
1938/102074 Perth Smith Alexander Thomas Male McAtee Edna May Female West Perth
1938/102075 Perth McCombe Allan George Male Turner Elizabeth Female West Perth
1938/102075 Perth Turner Elizabeth Female McCombe Allan George Male West Perth
1938/102076 Perth Johnson Emil Francis Male Coady Dorothy Margaret Female West Perth
1938/102076 Perth Coady Dorothy Margaret Female Johnson Emil Francis Male West Perth
1939/102076 Perth Harvey Joyce Lillian Female Wachtel William Felix Male Subiaco
1939/102076 Perth Wachtel William Felix Male Harvey Joyce Lillian Female Subiaco
1938/102077 Perth Harwood Douglas Owen Male Williams Ida Elinor Female West Perth
1938/102077 Perth Williams Ida Elinor Female Harwood Douglas Owen Male West Perth
1938/102078 Perth Hardy Evan Lovell Male Crampton Esther Mary Female West Perth
1938/102078 Perth Crampton Esther Mary Female Hardy Evan Lovell Male West Perth
1938/102079 Perth Stewart Aileen Mary Female Walker Frederick Charles Male West Perth
1938/102079 Perth Walker Frederick Charles Male Stewart Aileen Mary Female West Perth
1938/102080 Perth Collins David William Male O'Neill Edith May Female West Perth
1938/102080 Perth O'Neill Edith May Female Collins David William Male West Perth
1938/102081 Perth Armour Myrtle Constance Female Gibson William Male West Perth
1938/102081 Perth Gibson William Male Armour Myrtle Constance Female West Perth
1938/102082 Perth Dewar Reg Male Gates Ettel Barbara Female West Perth
1938/102082 Perth Gates Ettel Barbara Female Dewar Reg Male West Perth
1938/102083 Perth Smith James Gowans Male Cormack Jessie Lorraine Female South Perth
1938/102083 Perth Cormack Jessie Lorraine Female Smith James Gowans Male South Perth
1938/102084 Perth Allan Josephine Marjory Female Horne Moffatt James Edward Male Cottesloe
1938/102084 Perth Horne Moffatt James Edward Male Allan Josephine Marjory Female Cottesloe
1938/102085 Perth Pollock Maria Skeldock Female McNicol William Paterson Male Mt Lawley
1938/102085 Perth McNicol William Paterson Male Pollock Maria Skeldock Female Mt Lawley
1938/102086 Perth Pusey Bertha Olga Female Barrett Leslie George Male Perth
1938/102086 Perth Barrett Leslie George Male Pusey Bertha Olga Female Perth
1938/102087 Perth Jolliffe Albert Ernest Male Staines Constance Iris Ethel Female Victoria Park
1938/102087 Perth Staines Constance Iris Ethel Female Jolliffe Albert Ernest Male Victoria Park
1938/102088 Perth Moore Aubrey John Male Meyer Edith Mona Female Victoria Park
1938/102088 Perth Meyer Edith Mona Female Moore Aubrey John Male Victoria Park
1938/102089 Perth Wilson Annie Elizabeth Female Anderton John Male Victoria Park
1938/102089 Perth Anderton John Male Wilson Annie Elizabeth Female Victoria Park
1938/102090 Perth Draper Bernice Maude Female McCormick Ian Rutherford Male Perth
1938/102090 Perth McCormick Ian Rutherford Male Draper Bernice Maude Female Perth
1938/102091 Perth Lowrie Beatrice Female McCabe John Heslop Male Highgate Hill
1938/102091 Perth McCabe John Heslop Male Lowrie Beatrice Female Highgate Hill
1938/102092 Perth Burns Colin McKeen Male Stubbs Nita Florence Female Perth
1938/102092 Perth Stubbs Nita Florence Female Burns Colin McKeen Male Perth
1938/102093 Perth Trigwell Eileen Dorris Female Dalton John Gerard Anthony Male East Victoria Pk
1938/102093 Perth Dalton John Gerard Anthony Male Trigwell Eileen Dorris Female East Victoria Pk
1938/102094 Perth Campbell George William Male Dean Gwen Female Nedlands
1938/102094 Perth Dean Gwen Female Campbell George William Male Nedlands
1938/102095 Perth Tweedie Phyllis Elizabeth Dorrington Female Montefiore Lyle Aubrey Male Nedlands
1938/102095 Perth Montefiore Lyle Aubrey Male Tweedie Phyllis Elizabeth Dorrington Female Nedlands
1938/102096 Perth Hill Alice Edith Female Darlington Harold Male Mt Lawley
1938/102096 Perth Darlington Harold Male Hill Alice Edith Female Mt Lawley
1938/102097 Perth Collopy George Bernard Male Turriff Constance Female Perth
1938/102097 Perth Turriff Constance Female Collopy George Bernard Male Perth
1938/102098 Perth Wells Irene Winifred Female May Edwin Charles Male Subiaco
1938/102098 Perth May Edwin Charles Male Wells Irene Winifred Female Subiaco
1938/102099 Perth Wheildon Harry Marshall Male Marola Christina Theresa Female Perth
1938/102099 Perth Marola Christina Theresa Female Wheildon Harry Marshall Male Perth
1938/102100 Perth Pond Lloyd Edwin Male Gunson Kate Murray Female Perth
1938/102100 Perth Gunson Kate Murray Female Pond Lloyd Edwin Male Perth
1938/102101 Perth Wansbrough Helen Lindley Female Lang William Rawson Male Perth
1938/102101 Perth Lang William Rawson Male Wansbrough Helen Lindley Female Perth
1938/102102 Perth Moyle Bessie Gertrude Jane Female Cugley Leslie William Male Perth
1938/102102 Perth Cugley Leslie William Male Moyle Bessie Gertrude Jane Female Perth
1938/102103 Perth Donaldson Thomas Rawson Male Butler Florence Cushney Female Claremont
1938/102103 Perth Butler Florence Cushney Female Donaldson Thomas Rawson Male Claremont
1938/102104 Perth Parsons Agatha Female Cole Frank Male West Perth
1938/102104 Perth Cole Frank Male Parsons Agatha Female West Perth
1938/102105 Perth Le Lievre Ivy Winifred Madeline Female Smith Stanley Charles Male Perth
1938/102105 Perth Smith Stanley Charles Male Le Lievre Ivy Winifred Madeline Female Perth
1938/102106 Perth Slee Rosalind Edna Female Norman John Leslie Male Perth
1938/102106 Perth Norman John Leslie Male Slee Rosalind Edna Female Perth
1938/102107 Perth McDonald Keith Maxwell Male Muir Ella Jessie Female Perth
1938/102107 Perth Muir Ella Jessie Female McDonald Keith Maxwell Male Perth
1938/102108 Perth Gough Arthur Victor Male Nilsson Rachel Female Perth
1938/102108 Perth Nilsson Rachel Female Gough Arthur Victor Male Perth
1938/102109 Perth Beaton William Reginald Male Nankivell Lorna Blanche Winifred Female Perth
1938/102109 Perth Nankivell Lorna Blanche Winifred Female Beaton William Reginald Male Perth
1938/102110 Perth Price Norman William Male Lobb Nellie Female Perth
1938/102110 Perth Lobb Nellie Female Price Norman William Male Perth
1938/102111 Perth Alexander John Male Sandeman Aileen May Female Inglewood
1938/102111 Perth Sandeman Aileen May Female Alexander John Male Inglewood
1938/102112 Perth Moore Clare Margaret Female Forbes George Edward Male Maylands
1938/102112 Perth Forbes George Edward Male Moore Clare Margaret Female Maylands
1938/102113 Perth Hinds Mary Catherine Female Grieve Russell Raymond Male Maylands
1938/102113 Perth Grieve Russell Raymond Male Hinds Mary Catherine Female Maylands
1938/102114 Perth Connery Pearl Ellen Female Little Arthur Thomas Carlyle Male Havelock St
1938/102114 Perth Little Arthur Thomas Carlyle Male Connery Pearl Ellen Female Havelock St
1938/102115 Perth McGuire Kathleen Anna Female Calcutt Cyril James Male Perth
1938/102115 Perth Calcutt Cyril James Male McGuire Kathleen Anna Female Perth
1938/102116 Perth Brodie Lionel Herbert Male Creenaune Ruth Agnes Female Perth
1938/102116 Perth Creenaune Ruth Agnes Female Brodie Lionel Herbert Male Perth
1938/102117 Perth Monkhouse Reginald Male Sanders Oonagh Therese Female Perth
1938/102117 Perth Sanders Oonagh Therese Female Monkhouse Reginald Male Perth
1938/102118 Perth Tancock Mary Female Cunnold John William Male Perth
1938/102118 Perth Cunnold John William Male Tancock Mary Female Perth
1938/102119 Perth O'Donohoe Patricia Mary Josephine Female Hanlon Allan Douglas Male Perth
1938/102119 Perth Hanlon Allan Douglas Male O'Donohoe Patricia Mary Josephine Female Perth
1938/102120 Perth Cahill Rhoda Adelaide Female O'Hara John Joseph Male Perth
1938/102120 Perth O'Hara John Joseph Male Cahill Rhoda Adelaide Female Perth
1938/102121 Perth McCormack James Aitken Male Shattock Betty Female Perth
1938/102121 Perth Shattock Betty Female McCormack James Aitken Male Perth
1938/102122 Perth McColl Ian Fowler Stuart Male McLennan Elsie Joyce Female North Perth
1938/102122 Perth McLennan Elsie Joyce Female McColl Ian Fowler Stuart Male North Perth
1938/102123 Perth Creevey Jean Elinor Female Wright Robert Gerrard Male Subiaco
1938/102123 Perth Wright Robert Gerrard Male Creevey Jean Elinor Female Subiaco
1938/300001 Ashburton Francis Maisie Female Stuart John Male Onslow
1938/300001 Ashburton Stuart John Male Francis Maisie Female Onslow
1938/300002 Ashburton Doust Gwennie Frances Female Clifford Trevellyn St Clare Male Onslow
1938/300002 Ashburton Clifford Trevellyn St Clare Male Doust Gwennie Frances Female Onslow
1938/400001 Beverley Davis Ethel Edna Female Bennell Alick Male Brookton
1938/400001 Beverley Bennell Alick Male Davis Ethel Edna Female Brookton
1938/400002 Beverley Barrett-Lennard Edmond Thomas Keith Male Clark Margaret Joan Female Beverley
1938/400002 Beverley Clark Margaret Joan Female Barrett-Lennard Edmond Thomas Keith Male Beverley
1938/400003 Beverley Bell Marjorie Ellen Female Rendell James Edward Male Bullaring
1938/400003 Beverley Rendell James Edward Male Bell Marjorie Ellen Female Bullaring
1938/400004 Beverley Poyser Louisa Maud Female Goodfield Frank Male Beverley
1938/400004 Beverley Goodfield Frank Male Poyser Louisa Maud Female Beverley
1938/400005 Beverley Poyser Lilian Rose Female Holman Percy Felix Male Beverley
1938/400005 Beverley Holman Percy Felix Male Poyser Lilian Rose Female Beverley
1938/400006 Beverley McGrath Norma Alice Female Oats Joseph Leslie Male Brookton
1938/400006 Beverley Oats Joseph Leslie Male McGrath Norma Alice Female Brookton
1938/400007 Beverley Chittleborough Beryl Arbon Female Clarke Norman Vernon Male Brookton
1938/400007 Beverley Clarke Norman Vernon Male Chittleborough Beryl Arbon Female Brookton
1938/400008 Beverley Broun Frank Marmion Tyndall Male McKellar Doreen Fay Female Beverley
1938/400008 Beverley McKellar Doreen Fay Female Broun Frank Marmion Tyndall Male Beverley
1938/400009 Beverley Lange Rosebud Elizabeth Lucy Female Poultney James Male Popanyinning
1938/400009 Beverley Poultney James Male Lange Rosebud Elizabeth Lucy Female Popanyinning
1938/400010 Beverley McGuire Lottie Female Collard Wilfred George Male Brookton
1938/400010 Beverley Bennell Lottie Female Collard Wilfred George Male Brookton
1938/400010 Beverley Collard Wilfred George Male Bennell Lottie Female Brookton
1938/400010 Beverley Collard Wilfred George Male McGuire Lottie Female Brookton
1938/400011 Beverley Ferguson Joyce Female Kilpatrick David Robert Fraser Male Beverley
1938/400011 Beverley Kilpatrick David Robert Fraser Male Ferguson Joyce Female Beverley
1938/400012 Beverley Ugle Wilfred Male Nipper Kathleen Female Beverley
1938/400012 Beverley Nipper Kathleen Female Ugle Wilfred Male Beverley
1938/400013 Beverley Gittins John Male Williams Maud Emma Female Pingelly
1938/400013 Beverley Williams Maud Emma Female Gittins John Male Pingelly
1938/400014 Beverley Poultney Henry Male Mansom Lorna Female Pingelly
1938/400014 Beverley Mansom Lorna Female Poultney Henry Male Pingelly
1938/400015 Beverley Oliver Ethel May Female Townsend William Thomas Male Pingelly
1938/400015 Beverley Townsend William Thomas Male Oliver Ethel May Female Pingelly
1938/400016 Beverley Holmes Edith Margaret Female Oldridge Edward John Male Beverley
1938/400016 Beverley Oldridge Edward John Male Holmes Edith Margaret Female Beverley
1938/400017 Beverley Ford Herbert John Norman Male Stevenson Agnes Female Brookton
1938/400017 Beverley Stevenson Agnes Female Ford Herbert John Norman Male Brookton
1938/400018 Beverley Eaton Eileen Joan Female Haythornthwaite William Henry Male Beverley
1938/400018 Beverley Haythornthwaite William Henry Male Eaton Eileen Joan Female Beverley
1938/400019 Beverley Broun Charles Vare St Clair Williams Male Cunningham Daphne May Female Pingelly
1938/400019 Beverley Cunningham Daphne May Female Broun Charles Vare St Clair Williams Male Pingelly
1938/400020 Beverley Carr Alice Eugene Female Price George Edward Male Beverley
1938/400020 Beverley Price George Edward Male Carr Alice Eugene Female Beverley
1938/400021 Beverley Marshall Alfred George Male Page Maisie Amelia Female Pingelly
1938/400021 Beverley Page Maisie Amelia Female Marshall Alfred George Male Pingelly
1938/400022 Beverley Woods John William Male Cooper Nancy Mary Female Beverley
1938/400022 Beverley Cooper Nancy Mary Female Woods John William Male Beverley
1938/400023 Beverley Ferguson Ida Hazel Female Edwards Keith Harrison Male Beverley
1938/400023 Beverley Edwards Keith Harrison Male Ferguson Ida Hazel Female Beverley
1938/400024 Beverley Tanner Roland Ivor Male Thomas Edith Alice Female Pingelly
1938/400024 Beverley Thomas Edith Alice Female Tanner Roland Ivor Male Pingelly
1938/400025 Beverley Humphres Cliff Male Abraham Letie Female Pingelly
1938/400025 Beverley Abraham Letie Female Humphres Cliff Male Pingelly
1938/400026 Beverley West Sidney Victor Male Clulow Linda Marian Female Dangin
1938/400026 Beverley Clulow Linda Marian Female West Sidney Victor Male Dangin
1938/400027 Beverley Langley Caroline Eva Female White Lancelot Mawsan Male Brookton
1938/400027 Beverley White Lancelot Mawsan Male Langley Caroline Eva Female Brookton
1938/400028 Beverley Barr Edith Sarah Jane Female Powell Neil Fraser Magnus Male Quairading
1938/400028 Beverley Powell Neil Fraser Magnus Male Barr Edith Sarah Jane Female Quairading
1938/400029 Beverley House Kenneth George Thomas Male Clulow Lorna Lillian May Female Beverley
1938/400029 Beverley Clulow Lorna Lillian May Female House Kenneth George Thomas Male Beverley
1938/400030 Beverley Bell Eunice Female Harvey William Joseph Male Bullaring Hall
1938/400030 Beverley Harvey William Joseph Male Bell Eunice Female Bullaring Hall
1938/400031 Beverley Draper Clarence Edwin Male Sutherland Jessie Winifred Evans Female Beverley
1938/400031 Beverley Sutherland Jessie Winifred Evans Female Draper Clarence Edwin Male Beverley
1938/400032 Beverley Davies Frederick Robert Male Lukin Hilda Jean Female Beverley
1938/400032 Beverley Lukin Hilda Jean Female Davies Frederick Robert Male Beverley
1938/400033 Beverley Compston Robert Male Penny Elsie Muriel Female Pingelly
1938/400033 Beverley Penny Elsie Muriel Female Compston Robert Male Pingelly
1938/400034 Beverley Bell Edith May Female Kent Richard Sydney Male Pingelly
1938/400034 Beverley Kent Richard Sydney Male Bell Edith May Female Pingelly
1938/400035 Beverley Abraham Eunice Female Kelly Simon Male Pingelly
1938/400035 Beverley Kelly Simon Male Abraham Eunice Female Pingelly
1938/400036 Beverley Anderson Guy Samuel Charles Male Johnson Phyllis Myrtle Female Beverley
1938/400036 Beverley Johnson Phyllis Myrtle Female Anderson Guy Samuel Charles Male Beverley
1938/400037 Beverley Breaker Mary Michell Female Chittleborough Campbell Walter Male Brookton
1938/400037 Beverley Chittleborough Campbell Walter Male Breaker Mary Michell Female Brookton
1938/400038 Beverley Chester Stanley Flay Male McLean Isobel Grace Female Beverley
1938/400038 Beverley McLean Isobel Grace Female Chester Stanley Flay Male Beverley
1938/400039 Beverley Aldridge Sydney Ernest Male Box Myrtle Ellen Louisa Female Popanyinning
1938/400039 Beverley Box Myrtle Ellen Louisa Female Aldridge Sydney Ernest Male Popanyinning
1938/400040 Beverley Richards Eva Iris Female Lange Stanley George Male Brookton
1938/400040 Beverley Lange Stanley George Male Richards Eva Iris Female Brookton
1938/400041 Beverley Tregenza Fanny Doris Female Hennessey Harold Pane Male South Caroling
1938/400041 Beverley Hennessey Harold Pane Male Tregenza Fanny Doris Female South Caroling
1938/400042 Beverley Cheeseman William Charles Male Ayoub Ethel Peace Female Beverley
1938/400042 Beverley Ayoub Ethel Peace Female Cheeseman William Charles Male Beverley
1938/400043 Beverley McMullen Adeline Doris Female Bloom Frederick George Male Quairading
1938/400043 Beverley Bloom Frederick George Male McMullen Adeline Doris Female Quairading
1938/400044 Beverley Bowron Bertie James Male Hathaway Emily May Female Beverley
1938/400044 Beverley Hathaway Emily May Female Bowron Bertie James Male Beverley
1938/400045 Beverley Townsend Jean Alfreda Female Hill Clement Corley Male Pingelly
1938/400045 Beverley Hill Clement Corley Male Townsend Jean Alfreda Female Pingelly
1938/400046 Beverley Gilchrist Leonard William Sinclair Male Howard Joan Phyllis Female Pingelly
1938/400046 Beverley Howard Joan Phyllis Female Gilchrist Leonard William Sinclair Male Pingelly
1938/400047 Beverley Kickett Lynda Female Garlett Harry Male Dangin
1938/400047 Beverley Garlett Harry Male Kickett Lynda Female Dangin
1938/400048 Beverley Beard Muirace Charles Male Fairhead Ruth Female Brookton
1938/400048 Beverley Fairhead Ruth Female Beard Muirace Charles Male Brookton
1939/500001 Blackwood Eyden Kathleen Female Bradbury James Robert Male Pemberton
1938/500001 Blackwood Kelly George Greenshields Male Bingham Lily Mabel Female Bridgetown
1939/500001 Blackwood Bradbury James Robert Male Eyden Kathleen Female Pemberton
1938/500001 Blackwood Bingham Lily Mabel Female Kelly George Greenshields Male Bridgetown
1939/500002 Blackwood Suiter Helen Ester Female Luck Arthur Charles Ernest Male Pemberton
1938/500002 Blackwood Foster Molly Maurneen Female Browne John Andrew Male Pemberton
1938/500002 Blackwood Browne John Andrew Male Foster Molly Maurneen Female Pemberton
1939/500002 Blackwood Luck Arthur Charles Ernest Male Suiter Helen Ester Female Pemberton
1938/500003 Blackwood Waters Michael Male Muir Agnes Elizabeth Female Manjimup
1938/500003 Blackwood Muir Agnes Elizabeth Female Waters Michael Male Manjimup
1939/500003 Blackwood Gibellini Marcellina Female Goldring Clifford MacClaren Male Manjimup
1939/500003 Blackwood Goldring Clifford MacClaren Male Gibellini Marcellina Female Manjimup
1938/500004 Blackwood Stirling Jessie Mary Female Hatto William Edward Male Bridgetown
1939/500004 Blackwood O'Connor Nora Anne Female Adams Leonard Edward Male Pemberton
1938/500004 Blackwood Burnett Jessie Mary Female Hatto William Edward Male Bridgetown
1938/500004 Blackwood Hatto William Edward Male Burnett Jessie Mary Female Bridgetown
1938/500004 Blackwood Hatto William Edward Male Stirling Jessie Mary Female Bridgetown
1939/500004 Blackwood Adams Leonard Edward Male O'Connor Nora Anne Female Pemberton
1938/500005 Blackwood Lucas Gwendoline Freda Female Ramage James Charles Male Bridgetown
1939/500005 Blackwood Dent Marian Ivy Female Sambell Frederick Robert Male Boyup Brook
1939/500005 Blackwood Sambell Frederick Robert Male Dent Marian Ivy Female Boyup Brook
1938/500005 Blackwood Ramage James Charles Male Lucas Gwendoline Freda Female Bridgetown
1938/500006 Blackwood Prosser Walter Herbert Male Barrey Joan Female Dingup
1939/500006 Blackwood Quirk William Thomas Male Perks Ivy Edna Mary Female Nannup
1938/500006 Blackwood Barrey Joan Female Prosser Walter Herbert Male Dingup
1939/500006 Blackwood Perks Ivy Edna Mary Female Quirk William Thomas Male Nannup
1938/500007 Blackwood Bovell Joseph Albert Male Smith Jean Female Mullalyup
1938/500007 Blackwood Smith Jean Female Bovell Joseph Albert Male Mullalyup
1938/500008 Blackwood Gibellini Italo Male Goldring Clementina Mildred Female Manjimup
1938/500008 Blackwood Goldring Clementina Mildred Female Gibellini Italo Male Manjimup
1938/500009 Blackwood Henson Hilda Mary Female Truscott Dudley Kenneth Trevor Male Greenbushes
1938/500009 Blackwood Truscott Dudley Kenneth Trevor Male Henson Hilda Mary Female Greenbushes
1939/500010 Blackwood Lintott Florence Margaret Female Hitchings Frederick Alexander Male Manjimup
1938/500010 Blackwood Fairall William Charles Male Scott Kathleen Emma Female Nannup
1939/500010 Blackwood Hitchings Frederick Alexander Male Lintott Florence Margaret Female Manjimup
1938/500010 Blackwood Scott Kathleen Emma Female Fairall William Charles Male Nannup
1938/500011 Blackwood Kendall Harold James Male Blunsdon Ruth Edith Female Bridgetown
1938/500011 Blackwood Blunsdon Ruth Edith Female Kendall Harold James Male Bridgetown
1938/500012 Blackwood White Ada Female Crowd Barton George Male Bridgetown
1938/500012 Blackwood Crowd Barton George Male White Ada Female Bridgetown
1938/500013 Blackwood McLeod Iris Lillian Female Fuge William Roy Male Pemberton
1938/500013 Blackwood Fuge William Roy Male McLeod Iris Lillian Female Pemberton
1938/500014 Blackwood Cornell William Frederick Male Poole Sarah Ellen Female Bridgetown
1938/500014 Blackwood Poole Sarah Ellen Female Cornell William Frederick Male Bridgetown
1938/500015 Blackwood Langford Thomas James Male Richardson Amelia Alice Female Bridgetown
1938/500015 Blackwood Richardson Amelia Alice Female Langford Thomas James Male Bridgetown
1938/500016 Blackwood Hill William Finch Male McDermid Ellen Doris Female Bridgetown
1938/500016 Blackwood McDermid Ellen Doris Female Hill William Finch Male Bridgetown
1938/500017 Blackwood Cant William Andrew Wilson Male Teede Elvie Grace Female Manjimup
1938/500017 Blackwood Teede Elvie Grace Female Cant William Andrew Wilson Male Manjimup
1938/500018 Blackwood Dunn Alexander George Male Leo Emily Verna Female Bridgetown
1938/500018 Blackwood Leo Emily Verna Female Dunn Alexander George Male Bridgetown
1938/500019 Blackwood Chiplin Edwin Charles Male Saunders Dorothy Annie Female Manjimup
1938/500019 Blackwood Saunders Dorothy Annie Female Chiplin Edwin Charles Male Manjimup
1938/500020 Blackwood Bryce Arthur William Male Bryce Ethel Maud Female Manjimup
1938/500020 Blackwood Bryce Ethel Maud Female Bryce Arthur William Male Manjimup
1938/500021 Blackwood Newton George Albert Male Prosser Stella Alice Female Bridgetown
1938/500021 Blackwood Prosser Stella Alice Female Newton George Albert Male Bridgetown
1938/500022 Blackwood McNess Archibald Edmund James Male Green Myra Junita Millicent Female Nannup
1938/500022 Blackwood Green Myra Junita Millicent Female McNess Archibald Edmund James Male Nannup
1938/500023 Blackwood Fairbrass William Male Ballantyne Ivy Female Boyup Brook
1938/500023 Blackwood Ballantyne Ivy Female Fairbrass William Male Boyup Brook
1938/500024 Blackwood Hague Albert Male May Alma Madeline Female Bridgetown
1938/500024 Blackwood May Alma Madeline Female Hague Albert Male Bridgetown
1938/500025 Blackwood Butterfield Annie Female Forrest Mervyn Claude Male Greenbushes
1938/500025 Blackwood Forrest Mervyn Claude Male Butterfield Annie Female Greenbushes
1938/500026 Blackwood Hall William Alfred Henry Male Lillee Elizabeth Jane Female Bridgetown
1938/500026 Blackwood Lillee Elizabeth Jane Female Hall William Alfred Henry Male Bridgetown
1938/500027 Blackwood Collins Mavis Vera Female Edwards Victor Mizen Male Greenbushes
1938/500027 Blackwood Edwards Victor Mizen Male Collins Mavis Vera Female Greenbushes
1938/500028 Blackwood Browne Dorothy Mary Female Jones Stephen Treharne Rhys Male Bridgetown
1938/500028 Blackwood Jones Stephen Treharne Rhys Male Browne Dorothy Mary Female Bridgetown
1938/500029 Blackwood Gisborne Francis Alfred Male Withers Frances Comfort Dorcas Female Bridgetown
1938/500029 Blackwood Withers Frances Comfort Dorcas Female Gisborne Francis Alfred Male Bridgetown
1938/500030 Blackwood Hastings Elizabeth Female Brnovich John Male Bridgetown
1938/500030 Blackwood Brnovich John Male Hastings Elizabeth Female Bridgetown
1938/500031 Blackwood Beebe William George Male Smeathers Edith Grace Female Manjimup
1938/500031 Blackwood Smeathers Edith Grace Female Beebe William George Male Manjimup
1938/500032 Blackwood Wright Hamilton Twigg Male Ladhams Violet Helen Female Bridgetown
1938/500032 Blackwood Ladhams Violet Helen Female Wright Hamilton Twigg Male Bridgetown
1938/500033 Blackwood Flett James Male Hazelgrove Lillie Alberta Female Manjimup
1938/500033 Blackwood Hazelgrove Lillie Alberta Female Flett James Male Manjimup
1938/500034 Blackwood Anastasa Maria Kyriakou Female Nikolaou George John Male Manjimup
1938/500034 Blackwood Nikolaou George John Male Anastasa Maria Kyriakou Female Manjimup
1938/500035 Blackwood O'Byrne Francis John Male Braund Norma Beryl Female Bridgetown
1938/500035 Blackwood Braund Norma Beryl Female O'Byrne Francis John Male Bridgetown
1938/500036 Blackwood Jones Joseph Elliott Male Akehurst Lillian Female Manjimup
1938/500036 Blackwood Akehurst Lillian Female Jones Joseph Elliott Male Manjimup
1938/500037 Blackwood Cunneen Rita Mary Female Rosman David Burns Male Pemberton
1938/500037 Blackwood Rosman David Burns Male Cunneen Rita Mary Female Pemberton
1938/500038 Blackwood Palmer Sidney Charles Male Evans Mona Theresa Female Bridgetown
1938/500038 Blackwood Evans Mona Theresa Female Palmer Sidney Charles Male Bridgetown
1938/500039 Blackwood Collins Allan Francis Male Gore Violet Female Bridgetown
1938/500039 Blackwood Gore Violet Female Collins Allan Francis Male Bridgetown
1938/500040 Blackwood Ellyard Ronald Victor Male Green Muriel Bertha Female Greenbushes
1938/500040 Blackwood Green Muriel Bertha Female Ellyard Ronald Victor Male Greenbushes
1938/500041 Blackwood Thomson David Lindsay Male Henniball Alice Elizabeth Female Pemberton
1938/500041 Blackwood Henniball Alice Elizabeth Female Thomson David Lindsay Male Pemberton
1938/500042 Blackwood Tuck Elsie Olive Female Sutherland Allan Male Bridgetown
1938/500042 Blackwood Sutherland Allan Male Tuck Elsie Olive Female Bridgetown
1938/500043 Blackwood Walter Octavia Winifred Female Browne Robert Moslin Male Bridgetown
1938/500043 Blackwood Browne Robert Moslin Male Walter Octavia Winifred Female Bridgetown
1938/500044 Blackwood Bryant Shirley Louisa Female Archer Leslie Male Bridgetown
1938/500044 Blackwood Archer Leslie Male Bryant Shirley Louisa Female Bridgetown
1938/500045 Blackwood Treloar Ivy Jean Female Waters Mervyn Gregory Male Bridgetown
1938/500045 Blackwood Waters Mervyn Gregory Male Treloar Ivy Jean Female Bridgetown
1938/500046 Blackwood Loder Mabel Louisa Florence Female Lindsay William James Male Bridgetown
1938/500046 Blackwood Lindsay William James Male Loder Mabel Louisa Florence Female Bridgetown
1938/500047 Blackwood Elphick Walter Arthur Frederick Male Ladhams Joyce Alma Female Bridgetown
1938/500047 Blackwood Ladhams Joyce Alma Female Elphick Walter Arthur Frederick Male Bridgetown
1938/500048 Blackwood Chatley Arthur Owen Male Trudgeon Edith Nancy Female Manjimup
1938/500048 Blackwood Trudgeon Edith Nancy Female Chatley Arthur Owen Male Manjimup
1938/500049 Blackwood Corker Constance Rosina Female Wallbank Joseph Male Mayanup Hall
1938/500049 Blackwood Wallbank Joseph Male Corker Constance Rosina Female Mayanup Hall
1938/500050 Blackwood Henderson Winifred Isabell Female Crawford Francis Edmund Male Nannup
1938/500050 Blackwood Crawford Francis Edmund Male Henderson Winifred Isabell Female Nannup
1938/500051 Blackwood Kazich Bob Male Eggington Nancy Female Bridgetown
1938/500051 Blackwood Eggington Nancy Female Kazich Bob Male Bridgetown
1938/500052 Blackwood Carroll Arthur Henry Male Feazey Thelma Maude Female Bridgetown
1938/500052 Blackwood Feazey Thelma Maude Female Carroll Arthur Henry Male Bridgetown
1938/500053 Blackwood Armstrong Hazel Frances Female Drummond James Herbert Male Bridgetown
1938/500053 Blackwood Drummond James Herbert Male Armstrong Hazel Frances Female Bridgetown
1938/500054 Blackwood Lillee Percy Male Pearce May Female Boyup Brook
1938/500054 Blackwood Pearce May Female Lillee Percy Male Boyup Brook
1938/500055 Blackwood Mickle Kenneth Campbell Male Smith Gladys Female Bridgetown
1938/500055 Blackwood Smith Gladys Female Mickle Kenneth Campbell Male Bridgetown
1938/500056 Blackwood Wheatley Ione Ereka Alexandra Female Hester Godfrey Harold August Sweeting Male Bridgetown
1938/500056 Blackwood Hester Godfrey Harold August Sweeting Male Wheatley Ione Ereka Alexandra Female Bridgetown
1938/500057 Blackwood Jeffree Albert Norman Male Nicol Jeanie Whitelaw Female Manjimup
1938/500057 Blackwood Nicol Jeanie Whitelaw Female Jeffree Albert Norman Male Manjimup
1938/500058 Blackwood Murphy James Michael Male Cavanagh Mary Veronica Female Bridgetown
1938/500058 Blackwood Cavanagh Mary Veronica Female Murphy James Michael Male Bridgetown
1938/500059 Blackwood Williams Thomas Hedley Male Sheridan Marie Margaret Female Bridgetown
1938/500059 Blackwood Sheridan Marie Margaret Female Williams Thomas Hedley Male Bridgetown
1938/500060 Blackwood Palmer Violet Kathleen Female May Bazil Cyril Alfred Male Northcliffe
1938/500060 Blackwood May Bazil Cyril Alfred Male Palmer Violet Kathleen Female Northcliffe
1938/500061 Blackwood Kerr Ethel Elizabeth Female Mitchell Charles Frederick Thomas Male Greenbushes
1938/500061 Blackwood Mitchell Charles Frederick Thomas Male Kerr Ethel Elizabeth Female Greenbushes
1938/500062 Blackwood Draper Rose Elizabeth Female Smith Lawrence Mathew Male Chowerup
1938/500062 Blackwood Smith Lawrence Mathew Male Draper Rose Elizabeth Female Chowerup
1938/500063 Blackwood Cousens Vivian James Male Gooding Myrtle Adelaide Female Bridgetown
1938/500063 Blackwood Gooding Myrtle Adelaide Female Cousens Vivian James Male Bridgetown
1938/500064 Blackwood Chrisp Thomas Edward Male Murphy Theresa Mary Female Bridgetown
1938/500064 Blackwood Murphy Theresa Mary Female Chrisp Thomas Edward Male Bridgetown
1938/500065 Blackwood Green Charles David Male Shipley Phyllis Evelyn Female Greenbushes
1938/500065 Blackwood Shipley Phyllis Evelyn Female Green Charles David Male Greenbushes
1938/500066 Blackwood Duxbury Nancye Mary Female Marshall Arthur Eric Male Bridgetown
1938/500066 Blackwood Marshall Arthur Eric Male Duxbury Nancye Mary Female Bridgetown
1938/500067 Blackwood McKittrick Gordon Alfred Henry Male Marlow Nancy Female Bridgetown
1938/500067 Blackwood Marlow Nancy Female McKittrick Gordon Alfred Henry Male Bridgetown
1938/500068 Blackwood Sugars Emma Ellen Female Johnston George Male Manjimup
1938/500068 Blackwood Johnston George Male Sugars Emma Ellen Female Manjimup
1938/500069 Blackwood Thomson Jean Alwyn Female Guppy Jack Walter Male Pemberton
1938/500069 Blackwood Guppy Jack Walter Male Thomson Jean Alwyn Female Pemberton
1938/500070 Blackwood Murphy Roma Marie Female Shipley Charles Elijah Male Manjimup
1938/500070 Blackwood Shipley Charles Elijah Male Murphy Roma Marie Female Manjimup
1938/500071 Blackwood Gravett Richard Isaac Male Rooney Shelia Frances Female Manjimup
1938/500071 Blackwood Rooney Shelia Frances Female Gravett Richard Isaac Male Manjimup
1938/500072 Blackwood Gibson Thomas Male Glennie Isabella Gay Female Bridgetown
1938/500072 Blackwood Glennie Isabella Gay Female Gibson Thomas Male Bridgetown
1938/500073 Blackwood Cluning Antonia Eileen Female Wells Frederick Male Greenbushes
1938/500073 Blackwood Wells Frederick Male Cluning Antonia Eileen Female Greenbushes
1938/500074 Blackwood Ennis Edward William Male Fox Ada Mary Female Pemberton
1938/500074 Blackwood Fox Ada Mary Female Ennis Edward William Male Pemberton
1938/500075 Blackwood Murphy Michael Aloysius Male Lintott Boronia May Female Manjimup
1938/500075 Blackwood Lintott Boronia May Female Murphy Michael Aloysius Male Manjimup
1938/500076 Blackwood Rowe Phyllis Louisa Female Brown Alexander Mcintyre Male Pemberton
1938/500076 Blackwood Brown Alexander Mcintyre Male Rowe Phyllis Louisa Female Pemberton
1938/500077 Blackwood Johnson Melba Female Henderson Albert Edward Male Bridgetown
1938/500077 Blackwood Henderson Albert Edward Male Johnson Melba Female Bridgetown
1938/500078 Blackwood Murdock Vera May Female Logan Keith Lawrence Male Manjimup
1938/500078 Blackwood Logan Keith Lawrence Male Murdock Vera May Female Manjimup
1938/500079 Blackwood Woodcock Doris Mary Female Nelson Charles Albert Male Manjimup
1938/500079 Blackwood Nelson Charles Albert Male Woodcock Doris Mary Female Manjimup
1938/500080 Blackwood Bloxsome Catherine Flora Jean Female Smith Kenneth Thomas Male Bridgetown
1938/500080 Blackwood Smith Kenneth Thomas Male Bloxsome Catherine Flora Jean Female Bridgetown
1938/500081 Blackwood Roberts Robert Edward Male Forrest Olga Beryl Female Bridgetown
1938/500081 Blackwood Forrest Olga Beryl Female Roberts Robert Edward Male Bridgetown
1938/500082 Blackwood Alexander William John Male Cowley Dennis Female Bridgetown
1938/500082 Blackwood Cowley Dennis Female Alexander William John Male Bridgetown
1938/500083 Blackwood Sullivan Roy Wallace Male Brooks Doreen Female Greenbushes
1938/500083 Blackwood Brooks Doreen Female Sullivan Roy Wallace Male Greenbushes
1938/500084 Blackwood Berry Dorothy Margaret Female Scott Llewellyn Novelle Male Bridgetown
1938/500084 Blackwood Scott Llewellyn Novelle Male Berry Dorothy Margaret Female Bridgetown
1938/500085 Blackwood Duxbury Keith Albert Male Bartlett Thelma Jean Female Bridgetown
1938/500085 Blackwood Bartlett Thelma Jean Female Duxbury Keith Albert Male Bridgetown
1938/600001 Black Range Ward Nicholas Henry Male Boase Dorothy Female Sandstone
1938/600001 Black Range Boase Dorothy Female Ward Nicholas Henry Male Sandstone
1938/600002 Black Range Davis Rose Isabelle Female Johnson William Holbert Male Youanmi
1938/600002 Black Range Johnson William Holbert Male Davis Rose Isabelle Female Youanmi
1938/600003 Black Range Morey Stanley Gordon Male Simpson Cecily Ivy Female Youanmi
1938/600003 Black Range Simpson Cecily Ivy Female Morey Stanley Gordon Male Youanmi
1938/600004 Black Range Birrell John Patrick Male McCarthy Helena Margaret Female Sandstone
1938/600004 Black Range McCarthy Helena Margaret Female Birrell John Patrick Male Sandstone
1938/600005 Black Range Wallace Inathy Valarie Female Andrews Ronald John Male Youanmi
1938/600005 Black Range Andrews Ronald John Male Wallace Inathy Valarie Female Youanmi
1938/600006 Black Range Wholagan Herbert Vernon Male Young Nolia Lorraine Female Youanmi
1938/600006 Black Range Young Nolia Lorraine Female Wholagan Herbert Vernon Male Youanmi
1938/600007 Black Range Webster Miles Clifton Male Morrissey Frances Letitia Female Youanmi
1938/600007 Black Range Morrissey Frances Letitia Female Webster Miles Clifton Male Youanmi
1938/700001 Boulder Smith John Leslie Male McAlister Robina Winifred Female Boulder
1938/700001 Boulder McAlister Robina Winifred Female Smith John Leslie Male Boulder
1939/700001 Boulder Davey Viola Pearl Female Barnicott Edward Male Boulder
1939/700001 Boulder Barnicott Edward Male Davey Viola Pearl Female Boulder
1939/700002 Boulder Brown Ivy Jean Female Weary Alfred Male Boulder
1938/700002 Boulder Warmington Muriel Dardanella Female Wilyman Daniel Male Boulder
1939/700002 Boulder Weary Alfred Male Brown Ivy Jean Female Boulder
1938/700002 Boulder Wilyman Daniel Male Warmington Muriel Dardanella Female Boulder
1938/700003 Boulder Wallace Robert Henry Male Wood Mary Ethelwyn Female Boulder
1938/700003 Boulder Wood Mary Ethelwyn Female Wallace Robert Henry Male Boulder
1938/700004 Boulder Yates Ethel Jean Female McRobert James Male Boulder
1938/700004 Boulder McRobert James Male Yates Ethel Jean Female Boulder
1938/700005 Boulder Conway Francis Joseph Male Huxtable Margaret Edith Female Boulder
1938/700005 Boulder Huxtable Margaret Edith Female Conway Francis Joseph Male Boulder
1938/700006 Boulder McCullock Alice Jean Female Laffin Andrew Fisher Male Boulder
1938/700006 Boulder Laffin Andrew Fisher Male McCullock Alice Jean Female Boulder
1938/700007 Boulder Hughes Eva Maude Female Banks William Henry Male Boulder
1938/700007 Boulder Banks William Henry Male Hughes Eva Maude Female Boulder
1938/700008 Boulder Bain Bertram Male Adams Maude Female Boulder
1938/700008 Boulder Adams Maude Female Bain Bertram Male Boulder
1938/700009 Boulder Stevens Frederick Alfred Male Gundry Dorothy Female Boulder
1938/700009 Boulder Gundry Dorothy Female Stevens Frederick Alfred Male Boulder
1938/700010 Boulder Wilson Ellen Agnes Female Shaddick Claude Clifford Male Boulder
1938/700010 Boulder Shaddick Claude Clifford Male Wilson Ellen Agnes Female Boulder
1938/700011 Boulder Beccarelli Francis Male Calneggia Nerina Female Boulder
1938/700011 Boulder Calneggia Nerina Female Beccarelli Francis Male Boulder
1938/700012 Boulder Rourke Eileen Frances Female Nestler George Male Boulder City
1938/700012 Boulder Nestler George Male Rourke Eileen Frances Female Boulder City
1938/700013 Boulder Matthews Florence Kathleen Female Joyce Reginald Anthony Male Boulder
1938/700013 Boulder Joyce Reginald Anthony Male Matthews Florence Kathleen Female Boulder
1938/700014 Boulder Berson Egbert Jules Male Crawford Leila Victoria Female Boulder
1938/700014 Boulder Crawford Leila Victoria Female Berson Egbert Jules Male Boulder
1938/700015 Boulder Salecic Zlatica Female Sumich Lovie Male Boulder
1938/700015 Boulder Sumich Lovie Male Salecic Zlatica Female Boulder
1938/700016 Boulder Begovich Antoni Male Vujcich Iva Female Boulder
1938/700016 Boulder Vujcich Iva Female Begovich Antoni Male Boulder
1938/700017 Boulder Rowe Gladys Jean Female Cornelius Raymond Francis Male Boulder
1938/700017 Boulder Cornelius Raymond Francis Male Rowe Gladys Jean Female Boulder
1938/700018 Boulder Grenfell Muriel Alva Female Woosnam William Hugh Male Boulder
1938/700018 Boulder Woosnam William Hugh Male Grenfell Muriel Alva Female Boulder
1938/700019 Boulder Goss Ruth Female Wiese Richie Male Boulder
1938/700019 Boulder Wiese Richie Male Goss Ruth Female Boulder
1938/700020 Boulder Jackson Augustus Ernest Male Bruce Gwendoline Sarah Female Boulder
1938/700020 Boulder Bruce Gwendoline Sarah Female Jackson Augustus Ernest Male Boulder
1938/700021 Boulder Best Roma Grace Female Armstrong Lionel Henry Benjamin Male Boulder
1938/700021 Boulder Armstrong Lionel Henry Benjamin Male Best Roma Grace Female Boulder
1938/700022 Boulder Corey Ellen Jane Campbell Female Jones David Male Boulder
1938/700022 Boulder Jones David Male Corey Ellen Jane Campbell Female Boulder
1938/700023 Boulder Harrild Eleanor Mary Female Radisich Thomas Male Boulder
1938/700023 Boulder Radisich Thomas Male Harrild Eleanor Mary Female Boulder
1938/700024 Boulder Piper Cyril Dalziel Lucieus Meacher Male Kent Muriel Ellen Female Boulder
1938/700024 Boulder Kent Muriel Ellen Female Piper Cyril Dalziel Lucieus Meacher Male Boulder
1938/700025 Boulder Eustice Mabel Norma Female Adams William Horace Male Boulder
1938/700025 Boulder Adams William Horace Male Eustice Mabel Norma Female Boulder
1938/700026 Boulder Pringle William George Male Glasson Edna May Female Boulder
1938/700026 Boulder Glasson Edna May Female Pringle William George Male Boulder
1938/700027 Boulder Nyberg George Harry Male Dorrington Hilda May Female Boulder
1938/700027 Boulder Dorrington Hilda May Female Nyberg George Harry Male Boulder
1938/700028 Boulder O'Grady Ellen Female Buigley William Lindsay Mason Male Boulder
1938/700028 Boulder Buigley William Lindsay Mason Male O'Grady Ellen Female Boulder
1938/700029 Boulder Leusciatti Antonio Male O'Brien Eva Rose Female Boulder
1938/700029 Boulder O'Brien Eva Rose Female Leusciatti Antonio Male Boulder
1938/700030 Boulder McVicar Annie May Female Bazzica Victor Joseph Male Boulder
1938/700030 Boulder Bazzica Victor Joseph Male McVicar Annie May Female Boulder
1938/700031 Boulder McCulloch Margaret May Female Bodinner Ronald Charles Male Boulder
1938/700031 Boulder Bodinner Ronald Charles Male McCulloch Margaret May Female Boulder
1938/700032 Boulder Coleman Aleathea Wilfred Female Malacari George Roland Male Boulder
1938/700032 Boulder Malacari George Roland Male Coleman Aleathea Wilfred Female Boulder
1938/700033 Boulder Bizzaca Josipe Male Lozberger Perina Female Boulder
1938/700033 Boulder Lozberger Perina Female Bizzaca Josipe Male Boulder
1938/700034 Boulder Moyle Amy Myrtle Female Stephens Colin Kenneth Male Boulder
1938/700034 Boulder Stephens Colin Kenneth Male Moyle Amy Myrtle Female Boulder
1938/700035 Boulder Walker Walter Laing Male Reid Beryl Deséree Cecelia Female Boulder
1938/700035 Boulder Reid Beryl Deséree Cecelia Female Walker Walter Laing Male Boulder
1938/700036 Boulder Evans Arthur Samuel Male Smith Rosamond Annie Female Boulder
1938/700036 Boulder Smith Rosamond Annie Female Evans Arthur Samuel Male Boulder
1938/700037 Boulder Evans Gladys Jean Female Padgett Edwin Male Boulder
1938/700037 Boulder Padgett Edwin Male Evans Gladys Jean Female Boulder
1938/700038 Boulder Alcock Elisa May Female Cunningham John Michael Adrenne Male Boulder
1938/700038 Boulder Cunningham John Michael Adrenne Male Alcock Elisa May Female Boulder
1938/700039 Boulder Fraser Duncan Male Huxtable Thelma Female Boulder
1938/700039 Boulder Huxtable Thelma Female Fraser Duncan Male Boulder
1938/700040 Boulder Hick Cecil Morcombe Arney Male Fyfe Gwendoline Mary Female Boulder
1938/700040 Boulder Fyfe Gwendoline Mary Female Hick Cecil Morcombe Arney Male Boulder
1938/700041 Boulder Caple Stanley Fredrick Male Cousins Doris Female Boulder
1938/700041 Boulder Cousins Doris Female Caple Stanley Fredrick Male Boulder
1938/700042 Boulder Godley Olivia Mary Female Condon Thomas William Male Boulder
1938/700042 Boulder Condon Thomas William Male Godley Olivia Mary Female Boulder
1938/700043 Boulder Langdon George Thomas Male Torpy Thelma Female Boulder
1938/700043 Boulder Torpy Thelma Female Langdon George Thomas Male Boulder
1938/700044 Boulder Hobba Annie Jane Female Gilbert Lewis Lockyer Male Boulder
1938/700044 Boulder Gilbert Lewis Lockyer Male Hobba Annie Jane Female Boulder
1938/700045 Boulder Cassin Pearl Female Buckingham James Ronald Male Boulder
1938/700045 Boulder Buckingham James Ronald Male Cassin Pearl Female Boulder
1938/700046 Boulder Donohoe Lionel Cedric Carlton Male Riedy-Crofts Joan Letitia Female Boulder
1938/700046 Boulder Riedy-Crofts Joan Letitia Female Donohoe Lionel Cedric Carlton Male Boulder
1938/700047 Boulder Ruddick Isabel Jean Female Gundry Mervyn George Male Boulder
1938/700047 Boulder Gundry Mervyn George Male Ruddick Isabel Jean Female Boulder
1938/700048 Boulder Spinks Ernest Male Riley Florence Adeline Female Boulder
1938/700048 Boulder Riley Florence Adeline Female Spinks Ernest Male Boulder
1938/700049 Boulder Larson Severen John Male Sommers Inez Female Boulder
1938/700049 Boulder Sommers Inez Female Larson Severen John Male Boulder
1938/700050 Boulder Seaborn Eunice Jean Female Eynon Lynn John Male Boulder
1938/700050 Boulder Eynon Lynn John Male Seaborn Eunice Jean Female Boulder
1938/700051 Boulder Dyer Annabell Female Lewis John William Male Boulder
1938/700051 Boulder Lewis John William Male Dyer Annabell Female Boulder
1938/700052 Boulder Smith Gertrude Annie Female Burns John Kevin Male Boulder
1938/700052 Boulder Burns John Kevin Male Smith Gertrude Annie Female Boulder
1938/700053 Boulder Stacey Venece Female Castle Stanley Edward Male Boulder
1938/700053 Boulder Castle Stanley Edward Male Stacey Venece Female Boulder
1938/700054 Boulder Ward Samuel Joseph Male Olds Joyce Evelyn Female Boulder
1938/700054 Boulder Olds Joyce Evelyn Female Ward Samuel Joseph Male Boulder
1938/700055 Boulder Mettam Eileen Olive Female Leeder John Male Boulder
1938/700055 Boulder Leeder John Male Mettam Eileen Olive Female Boulder
1938/700056 Boulder Yelavich Steve Male Yakich Maria Female Boulder
1938/700056 Boulder Yakich Maria Female Yelavich Steve Male Boulder
1938/700057 Boulder Bottegal Guerrino Male Miotti Rene Female Boulder
1938/700057 Boulder Miotti Rene Female Bottegal Guerrino Male Boulder
1938/700058 Boulder Forth Eileen Ellen Female Craggs Harold Leo Male Boulder
1938/700058 Boulder Craggs Harold Leo Male Forth Eileen Ellen Female Boulder
1938/700059 Boulder Gazevich Velika Female Marovich George Male Boulder
1938/700059 Boulder Marovich George Male Gazevich Velika Female Boulder
1938/700060 Boulder Hobba Thelma Female Mann Benjamin Thomas Male Boulder
1938/700060 Boulder Mann Benjamin Thomas Male Hobba Thelma Female Boulder
1938/700061 Boulder Tuckwell Margaret Caroline Female Campbell Keith Mitchell Male Boulder
1938/700061 Boulder Campbell Keith Mitchell Male Tuckwell Margaret Caroline Female Boulder
1938/700062 Boulder Mills Reginald Clifton Male Bird Doris Isabell Female Boulder
1938/700062 Boulder Bird Doris Isabell Female Mills Reginald Clifton Male Boulder
1938/700063 Boulder Murray Elizabeth Annie Female Naughton Patrick Male Boulder
1938/700063 Boulder Naughton Patrick Male Murray Elizabeth Annie Female Boulder
1938/700064 Boulder Rowe Enid Christina May Female Naylor Arthur James Male Boulder
1938/700064 Boulder Naylor Arthur James Male Rowe Enid Christina May Female Boulder
1938/700065 Boulder Bruechle Walter Norbart Male Judge Mavis Ruth Brownell Female Boulder
1938/700065 Boulder Judge Mavis Ruth Brownell Female Bruechle Walter Norbart Male Boulder
1938/700066 Boulder Judge Ada May Victoria Female Thorp Richard Male Boulder
1938/700066 Boulder Thorp Richard Male Judge Ada May Victoria Female Boulder
1938/700067 Boulder Cooke Albert Leonard Male Beer Ivy Florence Female Boulder
1938/700067 Boulder Beer Ivy Florence Female Cooke Albert Leonard Male Boulder
1938/700068 Boulder Tuia Giovanni Male Donati Lucia Female Boulder
1938/700068 Boulder Donati Lucia Female Tuia Giovanni Male Boulder
1938/700069 Boulder Donnison William John Male Fitzgerald Teresa Martha Female Boulder
1938/700069 Boulder Fitzgerald Teresa Martha Female Donnison William John Male Boulder
1938/700070 Boulder Menhennett Hazel Joyce Female Cunningham James Owen Ernest Male Boulder
1938/700070 Boulder Cunningham James Owen Ernest Male Menhennett Hazel Joyce Female Boulder
1938/700071 Boulder Ujcich Vincent Male Rijavec Milka Female Boulder
1938/700071 Boulder Rijavec Milka Female Ujcich Vincent Male Boulder
1938/700072 Boulder Mateljan Ante Male Mikovich Patricia Female Boulder
1938/700072 Boulder Mikovich Patricia Female Mateljan Ante Male Boulder
1938/700073 Boulder Ziebold George Frederick Male Coleman Shirley Lowell Female Boulder
1938/700073 Boulder Coleman Shirley Lowell Female Ziebold George Frederick Male Boulder
1938/700074 Boulder Pelham Eunice Elaine Female Schultz Herman Cedric Male Boulder
1938/700074 Boulder Schultz Herman Cedric Male Pelham Eunice Elaine Female Boulder
1938/700075 Boulder Adams Sydney Vivian Male Prince Betty Taylor Female Boulder
1938/700075 Boulder Prince Betty Taylor Female Adams Sydney Vivian Male Boulder
1938/700076 Boulder Gibson Ernest Kitchener Male McMahon May Madeline Female Boulder
1938/700076 Boulder McMahon May Madeline Female Gibson Ernest Kitchener Male Boulder
1938/700077 Boulder Terrell Richard Male Neil Ethel May Female Boulder
1938/700077 Boulder Neil Ethel May Female Terrell Richard Male Boulder
1938/700078 Boulder Ali Gordon Kingsley Male Scott Elizabeth Emily Female Boulder
1938/700078 Boulder Scott Elizabeth Emily Female Ali Gordon Kingsley Male Boulder
1938/700079 Boulder Clements Dorothy Lucy Female Mitchell Jack Alfred Male Boulder
1938/700079 Boulder Mitchell Jack Alfred Male Clements Dorothy Lucy Female Boulder
1938/700080 Boulder Piacun Toma Male Woods Blanche Dulcie Female Boulder
1938/700080 Boulder Woods Blanche Dulcie Female Piacun Toma Male Boulder
1938/700081 Boulder Hogg George Male Brown Norma Elizabeth Female Boulder
1938/700081 Boulder Brown Norma Elizabeth Female Hogg George Male Boulder
1938/700082 Boulder Panzich Danica Female Pecotich Ante Male Boulder
1938/700082 Boulder Pecotich Ante Male Panzich Danica Female Boulder
1938/700083 Boulder Challis George Joseph Alexander Male Coe Rosina Mary Female Boulder
1938/700083 Boulder Coe Rosina Mary Female Challis George Joseph Alexander Male Boulder
1938/700084 Boulder Goldsworthy Ruby May Female Barton Philip George Male Boulder
1938/700084 Boulder Barton Philip George Male Goldsworthy Ruby May Female Boulder
1938/700085 Boulder Duplex Stanley Allen Male Lathrope Violet Eva Ford Female Boulder
1938/700085 Boulder Lathrope Violet Eva Ford Female Duplex Stanley Allen Male Boulder
1938/700086 Boulder Hudson Gwendoline Violet Female Godley Richard Francis Male Boulder
1938/700086 Boulder Godley Richard Francis Male Hudson Gwendoline Violet Female Boulder
1938/700087 Boulder Bennett Daphne Doris May Female Boss Kenneth John Male Boulder
1938/700087 Boulder Boss Kenneth John Male Bennett Daphne Doris May Female Boulder
1938/700088 Boulder Hudson James Ronald Male Bowler Eva Josephine Female Boulder
1938/700088 Boulder Bowler Eva Josephine Female Hudson James Ronald Male Boulder
1938/700089 Boulder Saunders Lillian Irene Female Horton Cyril Thomas Male Boulder
1938/700089 Boulder Horton Cyril Thomas Male Saunders Lillian Irene Female Boulder
1938/700090 Boulder Renton Robert Cecil Male Marendoli Ellaine Margret Female Boulder
1938/700090 Boulder Marendoli Ellaine Margret Female Renton Robert Cecil Male Boulder
1938/700091 Boulder Wood William Edward Male Cottingham Vera Beryl Female Boulder
1938/700091 Boulder Cottingham Vera Beryl Female Wood William Edward Male Boulder
1938/1100001 Broome Torres Josephine Female Hunter John Robert Male Lombadina
1938/1100001 Broome Hunter John Robert Male Torres Josephine Female Lombadina
1938/1100002 Broome Widji Patrick Billy Male Ynleged Elizabeth Female Beagle Bay Mission
1938/1100002 Broome Ynleged Elizabeth Female Widji Patrick Billy Male Beagle Bay Mission
1938/1100003 Broome Sleader Jack Male Redfearn Jessie Evelyn Female Broome
1938/1100003 Broome Redfearn Jessie Evelyn Female Sleader Jack Male Broome
1938/1100004 Broome Mander Esther Female Paul John Male Beagle Bay
1938/1100004 Broome Paul John Male Mander Esther Female Beagle Bay
1938/1100005 Broome Fabian - Male William Philomena Female Beagle Bay Mission
1938/1100005 Broome William Philomena Female Fabian - Male Beagle Bay Mission
1938/1100005 Broome William Philomena Female Woodi - Male Beagle Bay Mission
1938/1100005 Broome Woodi - Male William Philomena Female Beagle Bay Mission
1938/1100006 Broome Bickley Lucy Female Bromby Herbert Campbell Male Broome
1938/1100006 Broome Bromby Herbert Campbell Male Bickley Lucy Female Broome
1938/1100007 Broome Quartermaine Olga Jane Female Duperouzel Hubert Quine Male Broome
1938/1100007 Broome Duperouzel Hubert Quine Male Quartermaine Olga Jane Female Broome
1938/1100008 Broome Rocke Phyllis Hazel Female Burns James William Male Broome
1938/1100008 Broome Burns James William Male Rocke Phyllis Hazel Female Broome
1938/1100009 Broome Ladje Anna Female Bugin Andrew Male Broome
1938/1100009 Broome Bugin Andrew Male Ladje Anna Female Broome
1939/1200001 Bruce Rock McCarley Albinia Rose Female Moroney Jason Stevens Male Ardath
1938/1200001 Bruce Rock Stoodley Robert Allen James Male Websdale Maisie Doreen Female Bruce Rock
1939/1200001 Bruce Rock Moroney Jason Stevens Male McCarley Albinia Rose Female Ardath
1938/1200001 Bruce Rock Websdale Maisie Doreen Female Stoodley Robert Allen James Male Bruce Rock
1938/1200002 Bruce Rock Ayles Amelia Norma Female Toovey Lomas Henery Male Narambeen
1938/1200002 Bruce Rock Toovey Lomas Henery Male Ayles Amelia Norma Female Narambeen
1938/1200004 Bruce Rock Spencer Herbert James Male Russell Ivy Muriel Olive Female Bruce Rock
1938/1200004 Bruce Rock Russell Ivy Muriel Olive Female Spencer Herbert James Male Bruce Rock
1938/1200005 Bruce Rock Blackman Mary Baird Female Harland Cecil Male Corrigin
1938/1200005 Bruce Rock Harland Cecil Male Blackman Mary Baird Female Corrigin
1938/1200006 Bruce Rock Clapp Reginald Robert Male Walton Evelyn Female Corrigin
1938/1200006 Bruce Rock Walton Evelyn Female Clapp Reginald Robert Male Corrigin
1938/1200007 Bruce Rock Clapp Charlotte Female Busch Conrad Edgar Male Corrigin
1938/1200007 Bruce Rock Busch Conrad Edgar Male Clapp Charlotte Female Corrigin
1938/1200008 Bruce Rock Smith Dorothy Noel Female Hobbs Verdun Male Bruce Rock
1938/1200008 Bruce Rock Hobbs Verdun Male Smith Dorothy Noel Female Bruce Rock
1938/1200009 Bruce Rock Fidge Roy William Reginald Male Escott Ruby Phyllis Female Narembeen
1938/1200009 Bruce Rock Escott Ruby Phyllis Female Fidge Roy William Reginald Male Narembeen
1938/1200010 Bruce Rock Elder George Male Cox Kathleen Mary Female Narembeen
1938/1200010 Bruce Rock Cox Kathleen Mary Female Elder George Male Narembeen
1938/1200011 Bruce Rock Hislop Frederick Ronald Male White Joyce Doreen Female Kondinin
1938/1200011 Bruce Rock White Joyce Doreen Female Hislop Frederick Ronald Male Kondinin
1938/1200012 Bruce Rock Bainbridge Matthew Male Spiller Florence Adelaide Female Erikin
1938/1200012 Bruce Rock Spiller Florence Adelaide Female Bainbridge Matthew Male Erikin
1938/1200013 Bruce Rock Milhinch Jessie Evelyn Female Fuchsbichler Anton Michael Male Bruce Rock
1938/1200013 Bruce Rock Fuchsbichler Anton Michael Male Milhinch Jessie Evelyn Female Bruce Rock
1938/1200014 Bruce Rock Morgan Audrey Marion Female Smith Robert Male Kondinin
1938/1200014 Bruce Rock Smith Robert Male Morgan Audrey Marion Female Kondinin
1938/1200015 Bruce Rock Holmes Fredrick Walter Male Smith Helen Allardice Female Kondinin
1938/1200015 Bruce Rock Smith Helen Allardice Female Holmes Fredrick Walter Male Kondinin
1938/1200016 Bruce Rock Hawkins Edna Dorothy Female Pond Stanley George Male Kondinin
1938/1200016 Bruce Rock Pond Stanley George Male Hawkins Edna Dorothy Female Kondinin
1938/1200017 Bruce Rock Aggiss Mary Female James Stephano Walker Male Kondinin
1938/1200017 Bruce Rock James Stephano Walker Male Aggiss Mary Female Kondinin
1938/1200018 Bruce Rock Edwards Raymond Alexander Male Farrall Madge Female Bruce Rock
1938/1200018 Bruce Rock Farrall Madge Female Edwards Raymond Alexander Male Bruce Rock
1938/1200019 Bruce Rock Woods Frederick George Male Rigoll Patricia Mary Female Kondinin
1938/1200019 Bruce Rock Rigoll Patricia Mary Female Woods Frederick George Male Kondinin
1938/1200020 Bruce Rock Butler Ronald Lloyd Male Starcevich Rose Veronica Female Bruce Rock
1938/1200020 Bruce Rock Starcevich Rose Veronica Female Butler Ronald Lloyd Male Bruce Rock
1938/1200021 Bruce Rock McBeath Jeanne Veronica Female Ding Ralph Edward Male Corrigin
1938/1200021 Bruce Rock Ding Ralph Edward Male McBeath Jeanne Veronica Female Corrigin
1938/1200022 Bruce Rock Davies Hugh Male Jacob Winifred Mary Female Bruce Rock
1938/1200022 Bruce Rock Jacob Winifred Mary Female Davies Hugh Male Bruce Rock
1938/1200023 Bruce Rock Jarvis Mildred Elina Female Wells Francis Henry Arthur Male Bruce Rock
1938/1200023 Bruce Rock Taylor Mildred Elina Female Wells Francis Henry Arthur Male Bruce Rock
1938/1200023 Bruce Rock Wells Francis Henry Arthur Male Jarvis Mildred Elina Female Bruce Rock
1938/1200023 Bruce Rock Wells Francis Henry Arthur Male Taylor Mildred Elina Female Bruce Rock
1938/1200024 Bruce Rock Kent Clarence Nevin Male Rendell Alice Kaziah Female Bruce Rock
1938/1200024 Bruce Rock Rendell Alice Kaziah Female Kent Clarence Nevin Male Bruce Rock
1938/1200025 Bruce Rock French Bernice Female Clair Harry Anzac Male Narembeen
1938/1200025 Bruce Rock Clair Harry Anzac Male French Bernice Female Narembeen
1938/1200026 Bruce Rock Nicol John Angus Male Patrick Agnes Rowan Female Bruce Rock
1938/1200026 Bruce Rock Patrick Agnes Rowan Female Nicol John Angus Male Bruce Rock
1939/1400001 Canning Steineck Stanley Charles Male Coultas Myrtle Edna Female Queens Park
1939/1400001 Canning Coultas Myrtle Edna Female Steineck Stanley Charles Male Queens Park
1939/1400002 Canning Ross Cyril Francis Male Shearer Marion Mulmine Female Maddington
1939/1400002 Canning Shearer Marion Mulmine Female Ross Cyril Francis Male Maddington
1938/1400003 Canning Kensit Charles Male Ball Beatrice Anne Female Cannington
1939/1400003 Canning Freestone Frederick Male Mullane Helen Caroline Female Queen's Park
1938/1400003 Canning Ball Beatrice Anne Female Kensit Charles Male Cannington
1939/1400003 Canning Mullane Helen Caroline Female Freestone Frederick Male Queen's Park
1939/1400004 Canning Crameri John Dominic Male Andrews Hilda Female Queens Park
1938/1400004 Canning Shaw Irene Beatrice Female Lilgenquist Carl Herman Male Cannington
1938/1400004 Canning Lilgenquist Carl Herman Male Shaw Irene Beatrice Female Cannington
1939/1400004 Canning Andrews Hilda Female Crameri John Dominic Male Queens Park
1938/1400005 Canning Billingham Lilian Gertrude Female Smith Samuel Charles Clifford Male Wongong
1938/1400005 Canning Smith Samuel Charles Clifford Male Billingham Lilian Gertrude Female Wongong
1938/1400006 Canning Nicholls Herbert Alfred Male Carthew Ethel Mavis Female Armadale
1938/1400006 Canning Carthew Ethel Mavis Female Nicholls Herbert Alfred Male Armadale
1938/1400007 Canning Lilleyman Clarence James Male Smith Robina Davidson Female Cannington
1938/1400007 Canning Smith Robina Davidson Female Lilleyman Clarence James Male Cannington
1938/1400008 Canning Nannup Edward Male Brown Rosie Female Kalamunda
1938/1400008 Canning Brown Rosie Female Nannup Edward Male Kalamunda
1938/1400009 Canning Delaney Thomas Henry Male Wren Ellen Audrey Female Cannington
1938/1400009 Canning Wren Ellen Audrey Female Delaney Thomas Henry Male Cannington
1938/1400010 Canning Wallace Vera Isobel Female Rodway William Pitt Male Gosnells
1938/1400010 Canning Rodway William Pitt Male Wallace Vera Isobel Female Gosnells
1938/1400012 Canning Robeson Thelma Esther Female O'Neill Joseph Augustine Male Queen's Park
1938/1400012 Canning O'Neill Joseph Augustine Male Robeson Thelma Esther Female Queen's Park
1938/1400013 Canning O'Meagher Blanche Grace Female Scari Thomas Male Queen's Park
1938/1400013 Canning Scari Thomas Male O'Meagher Blanche Grace Female Queen's Park
1938/1400014 Canning Fisher Frederick Cowley Male Cox Gwendoline Gladys May Female Queen's Park
1938/1400014 Canning Cox Gwendoline Gladys May Female Fisher Frederick Cowley Male Queen's Park
1938/1400015 Canning Riley Elizabeth Female Turner George Alfred Male Armadale
1938/1400015 Canning Turner George Alfred Male Riley Elizabeth Female Armadale
1938/1400016 Canning Fairclough Edith Mary Female Sage Denis George Male Cannington
1938/1400016 Canning Sage Denis George Male Fairclough Edith Mary Female Cannington
1938/1400017 Canning Conway Margaret Female Barrington Tresselyn Stephen Male Gosnells
1938/1400017 Canning Barrington Tresselyn Stephen Male Conway Margaret Female Gosnells
1938/1400018 Canning Gallagher Helen Dowds Female Coombs Charles Ronald Male Queens Park
1938/1400018 Canning Coombs Charles Ronald Male Gallagher Helen Dowds Female Queens Park
1938/1400019 Canning Pollard Marian Ada Female Stagg Arthur Eric Male Gosnells
1938/1400019 Canning Stagg Arthur Eric Male Pollard Marian Ada Female Gosnells
1938/1400020 Canning Lancaster Mollie Frances Female Neave Edgar Leslie Male Cannington
1938/1400020 Canning Neave Edgar Leslie Male Lancaster Mollie Frances Female Cannington
1938/1400021 Canning Butcher George Douglas Male Squires Verna Ellen Female Cannington
1938/1400021 Canning Squires Verna Ellen Female Butcher George Douglas Male Cannington
1938/1400022 Canning Buckland Vincent Gerald Male Draper Ellen May Female Queen's Park
1938/1400022 Canning Draper Ellen May Female Buckland Vincent Gerald Male Queen's Park
1938/1400023 Canning Simpson Edna Mary Female Brennan Edward Roy Male Cannington
1938/1400023 Canning Brennan Edward Roy Male Simpson Edna Mary Female Cannington
1938/1400024 Canning Candeloro Donato Antonio Male Catalano Maria Female Queen's Park
1938/1400024 Canning Catalano Maria Female Candeloro Donato Antonio Male Queen's Park
1938/1400025 Canning Bullen Mavis Janette Female Dennis Robert Kenilworth Male Cannington
1938/1400025 Canning Dennis Robert Kenilworth Male Bullen Mavis Janette Female Cannington
1938/1400026 Canning Bennett Thelma Jean Female Hunter Harry Male Gosnells
1938/1400026 Canning Hunter Harry Male Bennett Thelma Jean Female Gosnells
1938/1400027 Canning Hicks Grace Agnes Female Meldrum Ronald Stewart Male Cannington
1938/1400027 Canning Meldrum Ronald Stewart Male Hicks Grace Agnes Female Cannington
1938/1400028 Canning Treasure Lilian Martha Female Kelly Rupert Stanley Roberts Male Cannington
1938/1400028 Canning Kelly Rupert Stanley Roberts Male Treasure Lilian Martha Female Cannington
1938/1400029 Canning Blamire Annie Jean Female Waite David Edward Male Kalamunda
1938/1400029 Canning Waite David Edward Male Blamire Annie Jean Female Kalamunda
1938/1400030 Canning McIntosh George Sturrock Male Ross Florence Gwenyth Female Queens Park
1938/1400030 Canning Ross Florence Gwenyth Female McIntosh George Sturrock Male Queens Park
1938/1400031 Canning Gray Helen Doris Female Catchpole Henry James Male Cannington
1938/1400031 Canning Catchpole Henry James Male Gray Helen Doris Female Cannington
1938/1400032 Canning Roberts Mavis Irene Female Taman Ronald Henry Male Carmel
1938/1400032 Canning Taman Ronald Henry Male Roberts Mavis Irene Female Carmel
1938/1400033 Canning Rose Irene Alice Female Coulthard Arthur Phillip Male Maddington
1938/1400033 Canning Coulthard Arthur Phillip Male Rose Irene Alice Female Maddington
1938/1400034 Canning Kell Olive May Female Shepherd Joseph Edward John Male Maddington
1938/1400034 Canning Shepherd Joseph Edward John Male Kell Olive May Female Maddington
1938/1400035 Canning Mort Ronald Hubert Male Johnston Violet Nellie Female Cannington
1938/1400035 Canning Johnston Violet Nellie Female Mort Ronald Hubert Male Cannington
1938/1400036 Canning Thompson Grace Minnie Female Millsteed Cecil Edric Male Armadale
1938/1400036 Canning Millsteed Cecil Edric Male Thompson Grace Minnie Female Armadale
1938/1400037 Canning Barr James Millar Male Stone Elsie Frances Female East Cannington
1938/1400037 Canning Stone Elsie Frances Female Barr James Millar Male East Cannington
1938/1400038 Canning Gheza Emma Female McWilliams Robert Albert Male Cannington
1938/1400038 Canning McWilliams Robert Albert Male Gheza Emma Female Cannington
1938/1400039 Canning Beales Philip Bruce Male Anderson Olga Jane Female Kelmscott
1938/1400039 Canning Anderson Olga Jane Female Beales Philip Bruce Male Kelmscott Anderson-91476
1938/1400040 Canning Lee Arthur Joseph Male Leonard Evelyn Mary Female Queen's Park
1938/1400040 Canning Leonard Evelyn Mary Female Lee Arthur Joseph Male Queen's Park
1938/1400041 Canning McRobert Walter Male O'Neill Mary Cavell Female Cannington
1938/1400041 Canning O'Neill Mary Cavell Female McRobert Walter Male Cannington
1938/1400042 Canning Heslop Anthony Male McNamara Mary Scholastica Female Gosnells
1938/1400042 Canning McNamara Mary Scholastica Female Heslop Anthony Male Gosnells
1938/1400043 Canning Bourman Ellen Evelyn Female Thompson Jack Male Armadale
1938/1400043 Canning Thompson Jack Male Bourman Ellen Evelyn Female Armadale
1938/1400044 Canning Roberts Marjorie May Female Smith John Percival Howe Male East Cannington
1938/1400044 Canning Smith John Percival Howe Male Roberts Marjorie May Female East Cannington
1938/1400045 Canning Crooks James Bruce Male Fiddes Dorothea Louisa Annie Female Queen's Park
1938/1400045 Canning Fiddes Dorothea Louisa Annie Female Crooks James Bruce Male Queen's Park
1938/1400046 Canning Lander John George Male Thomas Ivy Mary Compton Female Cannington
1938/1400046 Canning Thomas Ivy Mary Compton Female Lander John George Male Cannington
1938/1400047 Canning Matthews William Charles Jesse Male Ward Ada Maude Female Kalamunda
1938/1400047 Canning Ward Ada Maude Female Matthews William Charles Jesse Male Kalamunda
1938/1400048 Canning Steer George Francis Male Wadson Violet Eva Female Gosnells
1938/1400048 Canning Wadson Violet Eva Female Steer George Francis Male Gosnells
1938/1400049 Canning Millen John Male Hook Lorna Doris Female Gosnells
1938/1400049 Canning Hook Lorna Doris Female Millen John Male Gosnells
1939/1800001 East Coolgardie Nicolson George Male Hockley Edith May Female Kalgoorlie
1939/1800001 East Coolgardie Hockley Edith May Female Nicolson George Male Kalgoorlie
1939/1800002 East Coolgardie Brusaschi Peter Paul Male Rinder Olga Wilhelmena Female Kalgoorlie
1939/1800002 East Coolgardie Rinder Olga Wilhelmena Female Brusaschi Peter Paul Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800003 East Coolgardie Ekholm John Frederick Male Pember Gwendoline Rose Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800003 East Coolgardie Pember Gwendoline Rose Female Ekholm John Frederick Male Kalgoorlie
1939/1800004 East Coolgardie Creighton Veronica Mary Female Davidson Walter Rowland Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800004 East Coolgardie Coverley Thelma Grace Female Keenan James Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800004 East Coolgardie Keenan James Male Coverley Thelma Grace Female Kalgoorlie
1939/1800004 East Coolgardie Davidson Walter Rowland Male Creighton Veronica Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1939/1800005 East Coolgardie Hill Victor James Male Smith Marjorie May Female Kalgoorlie
1939/1800005 East Coolgardie Smith Marjorie May Female Hill Victor James Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800006 East Coolgardie Lomasney Edna Frances Female Dee Edward Maurice Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800006 East Coolgardie Dee Edward Maurice Male Lomasney Edna Frances Female Kalgoorlie
1939/1800006 East Coolgardie Andrews Horace Andrews Male Wilson Lily May Female Kalgoorlie
1939/1800006 East Coolgardie Wilson Lily May Female Andrews Horace Andrews Male Kalgoorlie
1939/1800006 East Coolgardie Wilson Lily May Female Andrews Horace Male Kalgoorlie
1939/1800006 East Coolgardie Wilson Lily May Female Maitland Horace Andrews Male Kalgoorlie
1939/1800006 East Coolgardie Wilson Lily May Female Maitland Horace Male Kalgoorlie
1939/1800006 East Coolgardie Maitland Horace Andrews Male Wilson Lily May Female Kalgoorlie
1939/1800006 East Coolgardie Maitland Horace Male Wilson Lily May Female Kalgoorlie
1939/1800006 East Coolgardie Andrews Horace Male Wilson Lily May Female Kalgoorlie
1939/1800007 East Coolgardie Smith Cecil Raymond Male Lucas Linda Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1939/1800007 East Coolgardie Lucas Linda Mary Female Smith Cecil Raymond Male Kalgoorlie
1939/1800008 East Coolgardie Adamini Emilio Male Derich Lillian Veronica Female Kalgoorlie
1939/1800008 East Coolgardie Derich Lillian Veronica Female Adamini Emilio Male Kalgoorlie
1939/1800009 East Coolgardie Moran Patrick Andrew Male Crawford Norma Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1939/1800009 East Coolgardie Crawford Norma Mary Female Moran Patrick Andrew Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800010 East Coolgardie Mudford Thelma Ivy Female Kosovich Mate Marin Male Kalgoorlie
1939/1800010 East Coolgardie Bailey Walter James Male Champion Catherine Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1939/1800010 East Coolgardie Champion Catherine Mary Female Bailey Walter James Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800010 East Coolgardie Kosovich Mate Marin Male Mudford Thelma Ivy Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800011 East Coolgardie Vitosovich Nulka Female Vuycich Lubomir Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800011 East Coolgardie Vuycich Lubomir Male Vitosovich Nulka Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800012 East Coolgardie Willis Dorothy Female Tipping Francis Patrick Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800012 East Coolgardie Tipping Francis Patrick Male Willis Dorothy Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800013 East Coolgardie Sullivan Thady Laurence Male Kilderry Georgina Agnes Female Kalgoorlie
1939/1800013 East Coolgardie Williamson William Robert Stewart Male Adams Mabel Elsie Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800013 East Coolgardie Kilderry Georgina Agnes Female Sullivan Thady Laurence Male Kalgoorlie
1939/1800013 East Coolgardie Adams Mabel Elsie Female Williamson William Robert Stewart Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800014 East Coolgardie Kelly Roland Andrew Male Pickering Beatrice Maud Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800014 East Coolgardie Pickering Beatrice Maud Female Kelly Roland Andrew Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800015 East Coolgardie Allan Robert Crawford Male Zeeb Jessie Aurora Maud Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800015 East Coolgardie Zeeb Jessie Aurora Maud Female Allan Robert Crawford Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800016 East Coolgardie Stiles Ernest James Male Whitney Mary Alice Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800016 East Coolgardie Whitney Mary Alice Female Stiles Ernest James Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800017 East Coolgardie Starr Bertram Male Buckman Millicent Rose Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800017 East Coolgardie Buckman Millicent Rose Female Starr Bertram Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800018 East Coolgardie Morrison Thomas Male Keightley Patricia Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800018 East Coolgardie Keightley Patricia Female Morrison Thomas Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800021 East Coolgardie Sheed Ellen Female Wilson Gordon Imray Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800021 East Coolgardie Wilson Gordon Imray Male Sheed Ellen Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800022 East Coolgardie Warrington John Musgrave Male Brewis Marion Ruth Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800022 East Coolgardie Brewis Marion Ruth Female Warrington John Musgrave Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800023 East Coolgardie Leyland George Male Baldwin Thelma Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800023 East Coolgardie Baldwin Thelma Female Leyland George Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800024 East Coolgardie Carter Olga Winifred Female Roberts Hone Anderson Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800024 East Coolgardie Roberts Hone Anderson Male Carter Olga Winifred Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800025 East Coolgardie Wilkerson Leonard John Male Jones Kathleen Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800025 East Coolgardie Jones Kathleen Female Wilkerson Leonard John Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800026 East Coolgardie McNeil William George Male Walsh Elizabeth Alice Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800026 East Coolgardie Walsh Elizabeth Alice Female McNeil William George Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800027 East Coolgardie Boyd James Edward Male Beames May Dorothy Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800027 East Coolgardie Beames May Dorothy Female Boyd James Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800028 East Coolgardie Frost Barbara Joan Female Campbell James Victor Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800028 East Coolgardie Campbell James Victor Male Frost Barbara Joan Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800029 East Coolgardie Armanasco Margaret Grace Female Allen Hurtle Clifford Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800029 East Coolgardie Allen Hurtle Clifford Male Armanasco Margaret Grace Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800030 East Coolgardie Potter Harold Roy Male Blythe Doris Lily Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800030 East Coolgardie Blythe Doris Lily Female Potter Harold Roy Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800031 East Coolgardie Galloway Gavin Eric Stafford Male Grayson Dorothy Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800031 East Coolgardie Grayson Dorothy Female Galloway Gavin Eric Stafford Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800032 East Coolgardie Cook Greden Arthur Jacka Male Bowen Clara Winifred Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800032 East Coolgardie Bowen Clara Winifred Female Cook Greden Arthur Jacka Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800033 East Coolgardie Smith Thelma Edna Female Shillinglaw Jack Eldon Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800033 East Coolgardie Shillinglaw Jack Eldon Male Smith Thelma Edna Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800034 East Coolgardie Hamilton Ernest Ronald Male Lloyd Ethel May Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800034 East Coolgardie Lloyd Ethel May Female Hamilton Ernest Ronald Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800035 East Coolgardie Hall James Budd Male Macpherson Dorothy May Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800035 East Coolgardie Macpherson Dorothy May Female Hall James Budd Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800036 East Coolgardie McDonald Henry Sutherland Male Wills Dorothy May Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800036 East Coolgardie Wills Dorothy May Female McDonald Henry Sutherland Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800037 East Coolgardie Castignola Lauretta Female Odgers John Thomas Male Coolgardie
1938/1800037 East Coolgardie Odgers John Thomas Male Castignola Lauretta Female Coolgardie
1938/1800038 East Coolgardie Dutch Lillian May Female Field Douglas Charles Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800038 East Coolgardie Field Douglas Charles Male Dutch Lillian May Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800039 East Coolgardie Paterson Jessie Irene Female Alexander William Thomas Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800039 East Coolgardie Alexander William Thomas Male Paterson Jessie Irene Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800040 East Coolgardie Rowe Otto Paul Bernard Male Simpson Margaret Gillbanks Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800040 East Coolgardie Simpson Margaret Gillbanks Female Rowe Otto Paul Bernard Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800041 East Coolgardie Turvey Harry Male Pink Gladys Emma Jane Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800041 East Coolgardie Pink Gladys Emma Jane Female Turvey Harry Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800042 East Coolgardie Paull Cyril Male Coffey Kathleen Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800042 East Coolgardie Coffey Kathleen Female Paull Cyril Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800043 East Coolgardie Munckton Charles Male Wilson Marie Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800043 East Coolgardie Wilson Marie Female Munckton Charles Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800044 East Coolgardie Stewart George Alfred Male Cahill Beth Irene Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800044 East Coolgardie Cahill Beth Irene Female Stewart George Alfred Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800045 East Coolgardie Runge Albert Victor Male Wildy Carmel Therese Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800045 East Coolgardie Wildy Carmel Therese Female Runge Albert Victor Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800046 East Coolgardie Mumme Joseph Maurice Male Kelly Violet May Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800046 East Coolgardie Kelly Violet May Female Mumme Joseph Maurice Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800047 East Coolgardie Mullins Eileen Angela Female Tisdall Terence Frank Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800047 East Coolgardie Tisdall Terence Frank Male Mullins Eileen Angela Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800048 East Coolgardie Ferguson Alice Ellen Female Jarvis Joseph Benjamin Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800048 East Coolgardie Jarvis Joseph Benjamin Male Ferguson Alice Ellen Female Kalgoorlie
1939/1800048 East Coolgardie Smith Charles Francis Kitchener Male Kelly Frances Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1939/1800048 East Coolgardie Kelly Frances Mary Female Smith Charles Francis Kitchener Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800049 East Coolgardie Nelson Valma Myrtle Female Donnelly Hugh Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800049 East Coolgardie Donnelly Hugh Male Nelson Valma Myrtle Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800050 East Coolgardie Hocking Molly Shore Female Currie Blair Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800050 East Coolgardie Currie Blair Male Hocking Molly Shore Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800051 East Coolgardie Stewart Alice Grace Female Beckett Ralph William Alfred Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800051 East Coolgardie Beckett Ralph William Alfred Male Stewart Alice Grace Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800052 East Coolgardie McGuinness Ella Frances Female Hamilton Andrew Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800052 East Coolgardie Hamilton Andrew Male McGuinness Ella Frances Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800053 East Coolgardie Byrnes Arthur William Male Brooks Freda Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800053 East Coolgardie Brooks Freda Female Byrnes Arthur William Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800054 East Coolgardie Walker Harley Jersey Male Banks Jean Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800054 East Coolgardie Banks Jean Female Walker Harley Jersey Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800055 East Coolgardie Gomm Catherine May Female Stein Karl Frederick Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800055 East Coolgardie Stein Karl Frederick Male Gomm Catherine May Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800056 East Coolgardie Adams Alan John Male Gomm Doreen Margaret Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800056 East Coolgardie Gomm Doreen Margaret Female Adams Alan John Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800057 East Coolgardie Martin Louis Ernest Male Stewart Pearl Violet Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800057 East Coolgardie Stewart Pearl Violet Female Martin Louis Ernest Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800058 East Coolgardie Kelly Ernest Male Blakiston Irene Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800058 East Coolgardie Blakiston Irene Elizabeth Female Kelly Ernest Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800059 East Coolgardie Patroni Italo Male Seabrooke Pearl Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800059 East Coolgardie Seabrooke Pearl Female Patroni Italo Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800061 East Coolgardie Richards Elsie Maude Female Murphy Patrick Vincent Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800061 East Coolgardie Murphy Patrick Vincent Male Richards Elsie Maude Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800062 East Coolgardie Thornton Francis Hearly Male Harris Ruby Ellen Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800062 East Coolgardie Harris Ruby Ellen Female Thornton Francis Hearly Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800063 East Coolgardie Wood Edith May Female Drummond Ralph John Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800063 East Coolgardie Drummond Ralph John Male Wood Edith May Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800064 East Coolgardie Watt Herbert Keith Male Crighton Pansy May Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800064 East Coolgardie Crighton Pansy May Female Watt Herbert Keith Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800065 East Coolgardie Neil Loyal Marian Female de Lacy William Edward Sydney Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800065 East Coolgardie de Lacy William Edward Sydney Male Neil Loyal Marian Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800066 East Coolgardie Clark Ophelia Emma Female Richards William John Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800066 East Coolgardie Richards William John Male Clark Ophelia Emma Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800067 East Coolgardie Graham Eileen Therese Female Jamieson Philip Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800067 East Coolgardie Jamieson Philip Henry Male Graham Eileen Therese Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800068 East Coolgardie Francis Eva Agnes Female Philippe Bertrand Philip Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800068 East Coolgardie Philippe Bertrand Philip Male Francis Eva Agnes Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800069 East Coolgardie Timms Nancy Female Woods Samuel Martin Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800069 East Coolgardie Woods Samuel Martin Male Timms Nancy Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800070 East Coolgardie Parks Edna Augusta Female Beaton Norman Hugh Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800070 East Coolgardie Beaton Norman Hugh Male Parks Edna Augusta Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800071 East Coolgardie Davey George Alfred Male Thorn Olive Emma Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800071 East Coolgardie Thorn Olive Emma Female Davey George Alfred Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800072 East Coolgardie Arthur Edith Mary Female Ashley Moyle Mervyn Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800072 East Coolgardie Ashley Moyle Mervyn Male Arthur Edith Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800073 East Coolgardie Sawyer Dorothy Mary Female Woodman Charles Richard Male Menzies
1938/1800073 East Coolgardie Woodman Charles Richard Male Sawyer Dorothy Mary Female Menzies
1938/1800074 East Coolgardie Jenkin Maisie Irene Female Burton Cecil Charles Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800074 East Coolgardie Burton Cecil Charles Male Jenkin Maisie Irene Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800075 East Coolgardie Webster William Arthur Male Polkinghorne Lois Evelyn Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800075 East Coolgardie Polkinghorne Lois Evelyn Female Webster William Arthur Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800076 East Coolgardie Bosustow Beryl Annie Female Dyer Kenyon Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800076 East Coolgardie Dyer Kenyon Male Bosustow Beryl Annie Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800077 East Coolgardie Williams Betty Female Ford David Samuel Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800077 East Coolgardie Ford David Samuel Male Williams Betty Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800078 East Coolgardie Higgs Norman Male Ryan Agnes Theresa Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800078 East Coolgardie Ryan Agnes Theresa Female Higgs Norman Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800079 East Coolgardie Cowan Thomas McGinn Male Collier Marion Ethel Florence Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800079 East Coolgardie Collier Marion Ethel Florence Female Cowan Thomas McGinn Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800080 East Coolgardie Stewart Theodore Thomas Male Hood Phyllis Doreen Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800080 East Coolgardie Hood Phyllis Doreen Female Stewart Theodore Thomas Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800081 East Coolgardie Morris Beatrice Elizabeth Female Flood Patrick Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800081 East Coolgardie Flood Patrick Male Morris Beatrice Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800082 East Coolgardie Thompson Reginald Joseph Male Derich Ellen Teresa Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800082 East Coolgardie Derich Ellen Teresa Female Thompson Reginald Joseph Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800083 East Coolgardie Picen Lorenzo Male Hillier May Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800083 East Coolgardie Hillier May Female Picen Lorenzo Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800084 East Coolgardie Pavlinovich Iva Female Ozich Jim Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800084 East Coolgardie Ozich Jim Male Pavlinovich Iva Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800085 East Coolgardie Easton Rosalie May Female O'Rourke Michael William Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800085 East Coolgardie O'Rourke Michael William Male Easton Rosalie May Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800086 East Coolgardie Leggo William Male Williams Bridget Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800086 East Coolgardie Williams Bridget Female Leggo William Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800087 East Coolgardie Cobb John Francis Male Maguire Ethel Gwendolen Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800087 East Coolgardie Maguire Ethel Gwendolen Female Cobb John Francis Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800088 East Coolgardie Pressick Margaret Rose Female Lee Arthur Donald Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800088 East Coolgardie Lee Arthur Donald Male Pressick Margaret Rose Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800089 East Coolgardie Levis Katie Female Rulyancich George Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800089 East Coolgardie Rulyancich George Male Levis Katie Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800090 East Coolgardie Beccaria Alexander Male Smith Victoria Cynthia Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800090 East Coolgardie Smith Victoria Cynthia Female Beccaria Alexander Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800091 East Coolgardie Summerville Edward Male De Passey Una Erica Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800091 East Coolgardie De Passey Una Erica Female Summerville Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800092 East Coolgardie Strang Alexander Male Prue Marion Florence Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800092 East Coolgardie Prue Marion Florence Female Strang Alexander Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800093 East Coolgardie Hardingham Roderick Charles Male Newland Dorothy Florence Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800093 East Coolgardie Newland Dorothy Florence Female Hardingham Roderick Charles Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800094 East Coolgardie Dahlburg Rose Adeline Female Grant Dalmohy Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800094 East Coolgardie Grant Dalmohy Male Dahlburg Rose Adeline Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800095 East Coolgardie Duncan James Male Pereira Thelma Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800095 East Coolgardie Pereira Thelma Female Duncan James Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800096 East Coolgardie Howard Verna Female Major Fergus Stevenson Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800096 East Coolgardie Major Fergus Stevenson Male Howard Verna Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800097 East Coolgardie Bisdee Enid Lilian Female Patterson Sydney Harold Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800097 East Coolgardie Patterson Sydney Harold Male Bisdee Enid Lilian Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800098 East Coolgardie Walton Charles Thomas Male Adamson Edith Florence Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800098 East Coolgardie Adamson Edith Florence Female Walton Charles Thomas Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800099 East Coolgardie Harps Mary Female Jensen Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800099 East Coolgardie Jensen Edward Male Harps Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800100 East Coolgardie Velas Nicholas Male Derich Lilian Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800100 East Coolgardie Derich Lilian Female Velas Nicholas Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800101 East Coolgardie Lodding Donella May Female Greenwell Charles Bennett Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800101 East Coolgardie Greenwell Charles Bennett Male Lodding Donella May Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800102 East Coolgardie Howard Berkley Albert Male Buckland Alice Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800102 East Coolgardie Buckland Alice Female Howard Berkley Albert Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800103 East Coolgardie Foster Lawrence Armstrong Male Fisher Adelaide Irene Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800103 East Coolgardie Fisher Adelaide Irene Female Foster Lawrence Armstrong Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800104 East Coolgardie Bailey Kenneth Carl Male Beaton Mary Josephine Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800104 East Coolgardie Beaton Mary Josephine Female Bailey Kenneth Carl Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800105 East Coolgardie Duffy Ernest Bernard Male Bridges Winifred Emily Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800105 East Coolgardie Bridges Winifred Emily Female Duffy Ernest Bernard Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800106 East Coolgardie Barnett Jessie Elizabeth Female Mathews Frank Raymond Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800106 East Coolgardie Mathews Frank Raymond Male Barnett Jessie Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800107 East Coolgardie Maher Jean Ann Female Wilhelm Paul Max Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800107 East Coolgardie Wilhelm Paul Max Male Maher Jean Ann Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800108 East Coolgardie Robartson John Male Strachan Elsie Anne Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800108 East Coolgardie Strachan Elsie Anne Female Robartson John Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800109 East Coolgardie Erceg James Male Truran Stella Joan Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800109 East Coolgardie Truran Stella Joan Female Erceg James Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800110 East Coolgardie Starr Thomas John Male McDermott Theresa Gertrude Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800110 East Coolgardie McDermott Theresa Gertrude Female Starr Thomas John Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800111 East Coolgardie Hunter William Robert Male Strain Lucie Emily Beatrice Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800111 East Coolgardie Strain Lucie Emily Beatrice Female Hunter William Robert Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800112 East Coolgardie Woods Eileen May Female Creelman Claude Arnold Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800112 East Coolgardie Creelman Claude Arnold Male Woods Eileen May Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800113 East Coolgardie Aitken Catherine Jane Female Crawford Charles Flynn Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800113 East Coolgardie Crawford Charles Flynn Male Aitken Catherine Jane Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800114 East Coolgardie Bowden Veronica Louisa Female Beard Gordon Reginald Anthony Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800114 East Coolgardie Beard Gordon Reginald Anthony Male Bowden Veronica Louisa Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800115 East Coolgardie Oakes Vincent Maynard Male Robertson Pansy Elsie Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800115 East Coolgardie Robertson Pansy Elsie Female Oakes Vincent Maynard Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800116 East Coolgardie Miller Walter Francis Andrew Male Gould Beatrice Jane Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800116 East Coolgardie Gould Beatrice Jane Female Miller Walter Francis Andrew Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800117 East Coolgardie Foulds Murial May Female Figgins Noel James Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800117 East Coolgardie Figgins Noel James Male Foulds Murial May Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800118 East Coolgardie Peters Brenda May Female Mitchell William James Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800118 East Coolgardie Mitchell William James Male Peters Brenda May Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800119 East Coolgardie Scott Beryl Rose Female Williams Thomas Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800119 East Coolgardie Williams Thomas Male Scott Beryl Rose Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800120 East Coolgardie Ellis John Edward Male Cullen Edna Edith Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800120 East Coolgardie Cullen Edna Edith Female Ellis John Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800121 East Coolgardie Hoffman Benjamin Male Cook Hannah Elsie Irene Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800121 East Coolgardie Cook Hannah Elsie Irene Female Hoffman Benjamin Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800122 East Coolgardie Kingston Cyril Charles Male Glass Olive Maud Veronica Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800122 East Coolgardie Glass Olive Maud Veronica Female Kingston Cyril Charles Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800123 East Coolgardie Lepper Ivy Blanche Female McKay John Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800123 East Coolgardie McKay John Male Lepper Ivy Blanche Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800124 East Coolgardie Bawden John Henry Male Carlson Hilda Ivy Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800124 East Coolgardie Carlson Hilda Ivy Female Bawden John Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800125 East Coolgardie Osborne George Henry Male Trethewey Jessie Esperance Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800125 East Coolgardie Trethewey Jessie Esperance Female Osborne George Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800126 East Coolgardie Childs Arthur John Male Harris Gwendoline Winifred Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800126 East Coolgardie Harris Gwendoline Winifred Female Childs Arthur John Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800127 East Coolgardie Hill Audrey Maie Female Beeche John Noel Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800127 East Coolgardie Beeche John Noel Male Hill Audrey Maie Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800128 East Coolgardie Preston Clifford Male Howie Gwendoline May Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800128 East Coolgardie Howie Gwendoline May Female Preston Clifford Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800129 East Coolgardie Sawyer Edna Florence Female Epis James Philip Male Menzies
1938/1800129 East Coolgardie Epis James Philip Male Sawyer Edna Florence Female Menzies
1938/1800130 East Coolgardie McFarling Joseph Mitchell Male Mitchell Jean May Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800130 East Coolgardie Mitchell Jean May Female McFarling Joseph Mitchell Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800131 East Coolgardie Thompson Audrey Pruett Female Rooke Francis Charles Scott Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800131 East Coolgardie Rooke Francis Charles Scott Male Thompson Audrey Pruett Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800132 East Coolgardie Collett Annie Evelyn Female Sandercock Charles Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800132 East Coolgardie Sandercock Charles Male Collett Annie Evelyn Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800133 East Coolgardie Plant William Thorncroft Harold Male Papadimitriou Peggy Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800133 East Coolgardie Papadimitriou Peggy Female Plant William Thorncroft Harold Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800134 East Coolgardie Hunt Rona Audry Female Piper John Andrew Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800134 East Coolgardie Piper John Andrew Male Hunt Rona Audry Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800135 East Coolgardie Franks Phyllis Female Kilgallon Leo Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800135 East Coolgardie Kilgallon Leo Edward Male Franks Phyllis Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800136 East Coolgardie Thompson Kathleen Female Pinnock John Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800136 East Coolgardie Pinnock John Henry Male Thompson Kathleen Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800137 East Coolgardie Frank Rosabel Alice Female Nicholson William Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800137 East Coolgardie Nicholson William Male Frank Rosabel Alice Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800138 East Coolgardie Sloan William George Male Rogers Una Jean Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800138 East Coolgardie Rogers Una Jean Female Sloan William George Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800139 East Coolgardie Brown Samuel Donald Male Rowe Beatrice Lavinia Connie Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800139 East Coolgardie Rowe Beatrice Lavinia Connie Female Brown Samuel Donald Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800140 East Coolgardie Grljusich Nivoka Angela Female Turich Mit Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800140 East Coolgardie Turich Mit Male Grljusich Nivoka Angela Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800141 East Coolgardie McGill Henrietta Ruth Female Sheridan Cornelius Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800141 East Coolgardie Sheridan Cornelius Male McGill Henrietta Ruth Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800142 East Coolgardie Oldfield Robert Harold Male Lord Nellie Beattie Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800142 East Coolgardie Lord Nellie Beattie Female Oldfield Robert Harold Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800143 East Coolgardie Batson Annie Louise Female Jamieson Bert Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800143 East Coolgardie Jamieson Bert Male Batson Annie Louise Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800144 East Coolgardie Bailey Stanley Roy Male Davey Kathleen Ella Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800144 East Coolgardie Davey Kathleen Ella Female Bailey Stanley Roy Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800145 East Coolgardie Lea Ernest Frederick Male Mills Jean Isobel Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800145 East Coolgardie Mills Jean Isobel Female Lea Ernest Frederick Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800146 East Coolgardie Russell Agatha Patricia Female Hardiman Hugh Patrick Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800146 East Coolgardie Hardiman Hugh Patrick Male Russell Agatha Patricia Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800147 East Coolgardie Stow Laura Adelaide Female McAllister Clarence Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800147 East Coolgardie McAllister Clarence Male Stow Laura Adelaide Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800148 East Coolgardie Pivac Ante Male Grljusich Ljubica Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800148 East Coolgardie Grljusich Ljubica Female Pivac Ante Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800149 East Coolgardie Bowron Nora Female Ford Leonard Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800149 East Coolgardie Ford Leonard Male Bowron Nora Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800150 East Coolgardie Flannagan Rose Ethel Female Brown Charles Percy Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800150 East Coolgardie Brown Charles Percy Male Flannagan Rose Ethel Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800151 East Coolgardie Massey Gloria Josephine Female Daff John Hayward Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800151 East Coolgardie Daff John Hayward Male Massey Gloria Josephine Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800152 East Coolgardie Smith Gertrude Female Northey Alexander Clyde Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800152 East Coolgardie Northey Alexander Clyde Male Smith Gertrude Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800153 East Coolgardie Bowron Ellen Elsie Muirrie Female Walls John Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800153 East Coolgardie Walls John Male Bowron Ellen Elsie Muirrie Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800154 East Coolgardie Watts Augustus Willis Claude Male Hillier Vera Margaret Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800154 East Coolgardie Hillier Vera Margaret Female Watts Augustus Willis Claude Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800155 East Coolgardie Meharry Charles Hawthorne Scott Male Friend Edna May Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800155 East Coolgardie Friend Edna May Female Meharry Charles Hawthorne Scott Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800156 East Coolgardie Mitchell Doris Kathleen Female Larter James Arthur Glyn Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800156 East Coolgardie Larter James Arthur Glyn Male Mitchell Doris Kathleen Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800157 East Coolgardie Morris Reginald Joseph Male Harman Doris Joy Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800157 East Coolgardie Harman Doris Joy Female Morris Reginald Joseph Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800158 East Coolgardie Keogh Lillian Violet Female Urquhart Arthur Donald Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800158 East Coolgardie Urquhart Arthur Donald Male Keogh Lillian Violet Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800159 East Coolgardie Purcell James Edward Male Hiscock Joan Lillian Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800159 East Coolgardie Hiscock Joan Lillian Female Purcell James Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800160 East Coolgardie Harris Christopher Reginald Male Willis Thelma Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800160 East Coolgardie Willis Thelma Female Harris Christopher Reginald Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800161 East Coolgardie Williams Louis Francis Male Watson Mavis Doreen Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800161 East Coolgardie Watson Mavis Doreen Female Williams Louis Francis Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800162 East Coolgardie Webb Phyllis Female Virgo Clifford Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800162 East Coolgardie Virgo Clifford Male Webb Phyllis Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800163 East Coolgardie Lawson Kathleen Veronica Female Quinlivan Leonard Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800163 East Coolgardie Quinlivan Leonard Male Lawson Kathleen Veronica Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800164 East Coolgardie Rick Cecil Harry Male Bailey Florence Emily Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800164 East Coolgardie Bailey Florence Emily Female Rick Cecil Harry Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800165 East Coolgardie Kane William Barry Male Buchanan Sylvia Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800165 East Coolgardie Buchanan Sylvia Female Kane William Barry Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800166 East Coolgardie Watts Doreen Ivy Female Holt Will Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800166 East Coolgardie Holt Will Male Watts Doreen Ivy Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800167 East Coolgardie Orchard Ellen Jane Female Pearce William Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800167 East Coolgardie Pearce William Henry Male Orchard Ellen Jane Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800168 East Coolgardie Jackson Clara Maude Female Doulis Peter Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800168 East Coolgardie Doulis Peter Male Jackson Clara Maude Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800169 East Coolgardie Williams Norman Genders Male White Evelyn Cecelia Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800169 East Coolgardie White Evelyn Cecelia Female Williams Norman Genders Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800170 East Coolgardie Kelly James Joseph Male McMullen Kathleen Bassett Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800170 East Coolgardie McMullen Kathleen Bassett Female Kelly James Joseph Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800171 East Coolgardie Owley Dorothy Female Humphrey William Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800171 East Coolgardie Humphrey William Male Owley Dorothy Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800172 East Coolgardie Grierson Charles Edward Male Stevenson Annie Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800172 East Coolgardie Stevenson Annie Female Grierson Charles Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800173 East Coolgardie Chatfield William Alfred Male Buckman Lilian Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800173 East Coolgardie Buckman Lilian Female Chatfield William Alfred Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800174 East Coolgardie Mason George Henry Male Ferguson Jean Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800174 East Coolgardie Ferguson Jean Female Mason George Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800175 East Coolgardie Gloede Roy John Male Hunter Rose Helen Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800175 East Coolgardie Hunter Rose Helen Female Gloede Roy John Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800176 East Coolgardie Bennett William Thomas Male Dunham Edith Maud Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800176 East Coolgardie Dunham Edith Maud Female Bennett William Thomas Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800177 East Coolgardie Maley William Leslie Male Gray Maisie Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800177 East Coolgardie Gray Maisie Female Maley William Leslie Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800178 East Coolgardie Healy Robert Delmage Male Beaton Ellen Agnes Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800178 East Coolgardie Beaton Ellen Agnes Female Healy Robert Delmage Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800179 East Coolgardie McCudden Kathleen Theresa Female Jermyn William Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800179 East Coolgardie Jermyn William Male McCudden Kathleen Theresa Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800180 East Coolgardie Harry Isabel May Female Couper Desmond Cameron Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800180 East Coolgardie Couper Desmond Cameron Male Harry Isabel May Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800181 East Coolgardie Doxey Doris Elizabeth Female Hodgkinson Ernest George Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800181 East Coolgardie Hodgkinson Ernest George Male Doxey Doris Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800182 East Coolgardie Carlisle Gladys May Female Kilgallon Richard Francis Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800182 East Coolgardie Kilgallon Richard Francis Male Carlisle Gladys May Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800183 East Coolgardie Colfer Albert Male Wilkins Olive May Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800183 East Coolgardie Wilkins Olive May Female Colfer Albert Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800184 East Coolgardie Lowes William Charles Male Atkins Ethel Jane Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800184 East Coolgardie Atkins Ethel Jane Female Lowes William Charles Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800185 East Coolgardie Annear Florence Cecelia Female Harrington Mervyn Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800185 East Coolgardie Harrington Mervyn Male Annear Florence Cecelia Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800186 East Coolgardie Robeson Joseph George Male O'Neill Amy Victoria Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800186 East Coolgardie O'Neill Amy Victoria Female Robeson Joseph George Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800187 East Coolgardie Perkins Gwendoline Evelyn Female Scott Russell Kieth Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800187 East Coolgardie Scott Russell Kieth Male Perkins Gwendoline Evelyn Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800188 East Coolgardie Lally Alma Josephine Female Sullivan John Lawrence Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800188 East Coolgardie Sullivan John Lawrence Male Lally Alma Josephine Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800189 East Coolgardie Feast Patricia Mary Female Schuts Aubrey Vincent Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800189 East Coolgardie Schuts Aubrey Vincent Male Feast Patricia Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800190 East Coolgardie McCullough John Male Jones Merle Irene Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800190 East Coolgardie Jones Merle Irene Female McCullough John Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800191 East Coolgardie Shreeve Agnes Thora Female Parks Thomas France Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800191 East Coolgardie Parks Thomas France Male Shreeve Agnes Thora Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800192 East Coolgardie Campbell John George Male Docherty Christabel Agnes Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800192 East Coolgardie Docherty Christabel Agnes Female Campbell John George Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800193 East Coolgardie Hunt Phyllis Merle Female Tibbits Charles Joseph Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800193 East Coolgardie Tibbits Charles Joseph Male Hunt Phyllis Merle Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800194 East Coolgardie Finkelstein William Male Alman Phoebe Violet Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800194 East Coolgardie Alman Phoebe Violet Female Finkelstein William Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800195 East Coolgardie Crago Allan George Male Monaghan Zeda Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800195 East Coolgardie Monaghan Zeda Female Crago Allan George Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800196 East Coolgardie Green Isabella Annie Female Shields Victor Stewart Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800196 East Coolgardie Shields Victor Stewart Male Green Isabella Annie Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800197 East Coolgardie Landon Bertha Elizabeth Female Price Eric Raymond Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800197 East Coolgardie Price Eric Raymond Male Landon Bertha Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800198 East Coolgardie Newman Mary Masefield Female Kirk David Wilson Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800198 East Coolgardie Kirk David Wilson Male Newman Mary Masefield Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800199 East Coolgardie Beardsley Paul Edward Male Clausen Edyth Marie Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800199 East Coolgardie Clausen Edyth Marie Female Beardsley Paul Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800200 East Coolgardie Davidson George Male Howie Hazel Jean Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800200 East Coolgardie Howie Hazel Jean Female Davidson George Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800201 East Coolgardie Tooth Audrey Jean Female Banton William John Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800201 East Coolgardie Banton William John Male Tooth Audrey Jean Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800202 East Coolgardie Fleming Helen Carleton Female Milne Stanley George Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800202 East Coolgardie Milne Stanley George Male Fleming Helen Carleton Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800203 East Coolgardie Gibson Glenard Francis Male Adair Margaret Jean Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800203 East Coolgardie Adair Margaret Jean Female Gibson Glenard Francis Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800204 East Coolgardie Campbell Annie Teresa Female Russell John Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800204 East Coolgardie Russell John Male Campbell Annie Teresa Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800205 East Coolgardie Godenzi Enid Jean Female Baker Herbert Henry George Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800205 East Coolgardie Baker Herbert Henry George Male Godenzi Enid Jean Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800206 East Coolgardie Kilpin Lillian Maud Female Duggan Frederick Alfred Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800206 East Coolgardie Duggan Frederick Alfred Male Kilpin Lillian Maud Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800207 East Coolgardie Powell Dudley Male Sheppard Edith Irene Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800207 East Coolgardie Sheppard Edith Irene Female Powell Dudley Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800208 East Coolgardie Rochester Allan Male Chick Sybil Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800208 East Coolgardie Chick Sybil Mary Female Rochester Allan Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800209 East Coolgardie Lindner Ruth Female Collyer Clement Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800209 East Coolgardie Lindner Ruth Female Collyer Jack Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800209 East Coolgardie Collyer Clement Male Lindner Ruth Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800209 East Coolgardie Collyer Jack Male Lindner Ruth Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800210 East Coolgardie Rice Alice Veronica Female Cain Thomas William Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800210 East Coolgardie Cain Thomas William Male Rice Alice Veronica Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800211 East Coolgardie Gull Patricia Female Yates Colin Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800211 East Coolgardie Yates Colin Male Gull Patricia Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800212 East Coolgardie Carlsson Catherine Alice Ducrow Female Butcher Hugh John Carrington Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800212 East Coolgardie Butcher Hugh John Carrington Male Carlsson Catherine Alice Ducrow Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800213 East Coolgardie Sonsee John Alfred Male Baker Dorothy Ada Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800213 East Coolgardie Baker Dorothy Ada Female Sonsee John Alfred Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800214 East Coolgardie Wilson Catherine Female Evans Thomas Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800214 East Coolgardie Evans Thomas Male Wilson Catherine Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800215 East Coolgardie Thomson Lilian Dorcas Female Williams William John Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800215 East Coolgardie Williams William John Male Thomson Lilian Dorcas Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800216 East Coolgardie Payne George Herbert Male Cribb Roma Inez Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800216 East Coolgardie Cribb Roma Inez Female Payne George Herbert Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800217 East Coolgardie Fletcher Roy George Stanford Male Scott Amy Katherine Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800217 East Coolgardie Scott Amy Katherine Female Fletcher Roy George Stanford Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800218 East Coolgardie Brown Isabella Ramage Female Cowin Cecil Thomas Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800218 East Coolgardie Cowin Cecil Thomas Male Brown Isabella Ramage Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800219 East Coolgardie Horsfall Roma Female Pocock Charles Robert Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800219 East Coolgardie Pocock Charles Robert Male Horsfall Roma Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800220 East Coolgardie Lawson Monica Mary Female Hunter Alexander Hamilton Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800220 East Coolgardie Hunter Alexander Hamilton Male Lawson Monica Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800221 East Coolgardie Jarvis George Male Jones Hilda Beatrice Cecil Female Bulong
1938/1800221 East Coolgardie Jones Hilda Beatrice Cecil Female Jarvis George Male Bulong
1938/1800222 East Coolgardie Waters Walter Thomas Male Howe Dorothy May Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800222 East Coolgardie Howe Dorothy May Female Waters Walter Thomas Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800223 East Coolgardie Brown Muriel Avis Female Richards Percy James Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800223 East Coolgardie Richards Percy James Male Brown Muriel Avis Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800224 East Coolgardie Giles Amy Ruth Gilbert Female Taylor Harold Benjamin Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800224 East Coolgardie Taylor Harold Benjamin Male Giles Amy Ruth Gilbert Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800225 East Coolgardie Meharry Edgar Male Burwash Edna May Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800225 East Coolgardie Burwash Edna May Female Meharry Edgar Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800226 East Coolgardie Maxwell Beryl Veronica Female Whelan William Robert Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800226 East Coolgardie Whelan William Robert Male Maxwell Beryl Veronica Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800227 East Coolgardie Yeing Vera Constance Female Gillham Frank Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800227 East Coolgardie Gillham Frank Male Yeing Vera Constance Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800228 East Coolgardie Wood Daphne Enid Female Coffey Samuel James Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800228 East Coolgardie Coffey Samuel James Male Wood Daphne Enid Female Kalgoorlie
1938/1800229 East Coolgardie Pember Elsie Georgina Female Munyard Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1938/1800229 East Coolgardie Munyard Edward Male Pember Elsie Georgina Female Kalgoorlie
1938/2400001 Dundas Baker Albert George Male Mader Eileen Doris Female Norseman
1938/2400001 Dundas Mader Eileen Doris Female Baker Albert George Male Norseman
1938/2400002 Dundas Crudace Clara Hazel Female Johnson John Frederick Male Norseman
1938/2400002 Dundas Johnson John Frederick Male Crudace Clara Hazel Female Norseman
1938/2400003 Dundas Cullen Agnes Female Swinnerton Donald Moxwell Male Norseman
1938/2400003 Dundas Swinnerton Donald Moxwell Male Cullen Agnes Female Norseman
1938/2400004 Dundas Coumbe Henry Keith Male Monaghan Eileen Mary Female Norseman
1938/2400004 Dundas Monaghan Eileen Mary Female Coumbe Henry Keith Male Norseman
1938/2400005 Dundas Martin Audrey Lina Female Gray Cyril James Male Norseman
1938/2400005 Dundas Gray Cyril James Male Martin Audrey Lina Female Norseman
1938/2400006 Dundas Stevens Violet May Female Franklin Charles Abraham Mosely Male Norseman
1938/2400006 Dundas Franklin Charles Abraham Mosely Male Stevens Violet May Female Norseman
1938/2400007 Dundas Holford Phyllis May Female Matthews Clifford Gerald Male Norseman
1938/2400007 Dundas Matthews Clifford Gerald Male Holford Phyllis May Female Norseman
1938/2400008 Dundas Randell Gwendoline Annie Female Harding Charles Male Norseman
1938/2400008 Dundas Harding Charles Male Randell Gwendoline Annie Female Norseman
1938/2400009 Dundas Tominey Patrick Michael Male Burgoyne Miriam Evelyne Female Norseman
1938/2400009 Dundas Burgoyne Miriam Evelyne Female Tominey Patrick Michael Male Norseman
1938/2400010 Dundas Suggett Harry Male Long Anne Bernice Female Norseman
1938/2400010 Dundas Long Anne Bernice Female Suggett Harry Male Norseman
1938/2400011 Dundas Gray Vera Ruth Female Armstrong Edmond John Male Norseman
1938/2400011 Dundas Armstrong Edmond John Male Gray Vera Ruth Female Norseman
1938/2400012 Dundas Usher Richard Edward Male Page Marjorie Irene Female Norseman
1938/2400012 Dundas Page Marjorie Irene Female Usher Richard Edward Male Norseman
1938/2400013 Dundas Baker Ronald Edward Male Whitney Peace Cymbeline Female Norseman
1938/2400013 Dundas Whitney Peace Cymbeline Female Baker Ronald Edward Male Norseman
1938/2400014 Dundas Daw Austin Keith Male Morton Minna Isabel Laura Female Norseman
1938/2400014 Dundas Morton Minna Isabel Laura Female Daw Austin Keith Male Norseman
1938/2400015 Dundas Barnett Edward Thomas Male Kieth Magee Grace Female Norseman
1938/2400015 Dundas Kieth Magee Grace Female Barnett Edward Thomas Male Norseman
1938/2400016 Dundas Butler Iris May Female Gill Thomas Chisholm Male Norseman
1938/2400016 Dundas Gill Thomas Chisholm Male Butler Iris May Female Norseman
1938/2400017 Dundas McCrae Donald Male Waters Lois Dorcas Female Norseman
1938/2400017 Dundas Waters Lois Dorcas Female McCrae Donald Male Norseman
1938/2400018 Dundas Hayes Sidney Harold Male Jarrett Ivy Elizabeth Female Norseman
1938/2400018 Dundas Jarrett Ivy Elizabeth Female Hayes Sidney Harold Male Norseman
1938/2400019 Dundas Moloney Lillian Alice Female Thompson Thomas Frederick Male Norseman
1938/2400019 Dundas Thompson Thomas Frederick Male Moloney Lillian Alice Female Norseman
1938/2400020 Dundas Moir Olive Muriel Female Morton Norman Roger Male Norseman
1938/2400020 Dundas Morton Norman Roger Male Moir Olive Muriel Female Norseman
1938/2400021 Dundas Scanlan Arthur James Peter Male Edwards Marion Female Norseman
1938/2400021 Dundas Edwards Marion Female Scanlan Arthur James Peter Male Norseman
1938/2400022 Dundas Coyle Vera Female McGinty John Male Norseman
1938/2400022 Dundas McGinty John Male Coyle Vera Female Norseman
1938/2500001 Esperance Flynn John Male Bennett Phyllis Edith Female Esperance
1938/2500001 Esperance Bennett Phyllis Edith Female Flynn John Male Esperance
1938/2500002 Esperance Dunn Charlie Denis Male Gurney Gracie Agnes Female Esperance
1938/2500002 Esperance Gurney Gracie Agnes Female Dunn Charlie Denis Male Esperance
1938/2500003 Esperance Jones Thelma Doreen Female Daw Leonard Theodore Male Esperance
1938/2500003 Esperance Daw Leonard Theodore Male Jones Thelma Doreen Female Esperance
1938/2500004 Esperance Cox Ivy Langley Female Oliphant George Ganson Male Esperance
1938/2500004 Esperance Oliphant George Ganson Male Cox Ivy Langley Female Esperance
1939/2700001 Fremantle Watkins Reginald Herman Male de San Miguel Doris Edna Female Beaconsfield
1939/2700001 Fremantle de San Miguel Doris Edna Female Watkins Reginald Herman Male Beaconsfield
1938/2700002 Fremantle Beer Mary Helen Female Bennett Joseph Charles Male Fremantle
1939/2700002 Fremantle Maule Thomas Male Chate Ellen Alice McKay Female East Fremantle
1939/2700002 Fremantle Chate Ellen Alice McKay Female Maule Thomas Male East Fremantle
1938/2700002 Fremantle Bennett Joseph Charles Male Beer Mary Helen Female Fremantle
1938/2700003 Fremantle Barron Jack Stanley Male Howson Phyllis Emily Female Fremantle
1938/2700003 Fremantle Howson Phyllis Emily Female Barron Jack Stanley Male Fremantle
1938/2700004 Fremantle Huljich Peter Male Stella Yugo Slavia Female Fremantle
1939/2700004 Fremantle Ingarfield Elsie Winifred Female Miner Roy David Male Fremantle
1939/2700004 Fremantle Miner Roy David Male Ingarfield Elsie Winifred Female Fremantle
1938/2700004 Fremantle Stella Yugo Slavia Female Huljich Peter Male Fremantle
1938/2700005 Fremantle Rummer Arnot Wilfred Male Wasley Enid Mavis Female South Fremantle
1938/2700005 Fremantle Wasley Enid Mavis Female Rummer Arnot Wilfred Male South Fremantle
1938/2700006 Fremantle Hendry Mary Hilda Muriel Female Smith Sydney Charles Male Fremantle
1938/2700006 Fremantle Smith Sydney Charles Male Hendry Mary Hilda Muriel Female Fremantle
1939/2700006 Fremantle Willis Arthur Gifan Male Grigo Christina Agnes Female Fremantle
1939/2700006 Fremantle Grigo Christina Agnes Female Willis Arthur Gifan Male Fremantle
1938/2700007 Fremantle Crow Charles Archibald Male Skinner Gwendoline Female Fremantle
1938/2700007 Fremantle Skinner Gwendoline Female Crow Charles Archibald Male Fremantle
1938/2700008 Fremantle Parker Veronica Florence May Female Hepworth Reginald Charles Male Bicton
1938/2700008 Fremantle Hepworth Reginald Charles Male Parker Veronica Florence May Female Bicton
1939/2700010 Fremantle Bond David Henry Male Richardson Mary May Female Fremantle
1939/2700010 Fremantle Richardson Mary May Female Bond David Henry Male Fremantle
1938/2700011 Fremantle Smallacombe David George Male Peel Agnes Eleanor Female East Fremantle
1939/2700011 Fremantle Martin Thelma Mary Female Bray Frederick Walter Male Fremantle
1938/2700011 Fremantle Peel Agnes Eleanor Female Smallacombe David George Male East Fremantle
1939/2700011 Fremantle Bray Frederick Walter Male Martin Thelma Mary Female Fremantle
1938/2700012 Fremantle Armstrong Thomas Rhonald Voltaire Male Keseling Annie Marie Female Fremantle
1938/2700012 Fremantle Keseling Annie Marie Female Armstrong Thomas Rhonald Voltaire Male Fremantle
1938/2700013 Fremantle Ivicevich Katherine Female Miyat Ivan Stepan Male Fremantle
1938/2700013 Fremantle Miyat Ivan Stepan Male Ivicevich Katherine Female Fremantle
1938/2700014 Fremantle Whatman Esther Hannah Female Davies Thomas Lewis Male Fremantle
1938/2700014 Fremantle Davies Thomas Lewis Male Whatman Esther Hannah Female Fremantle
1938/2700015 Fremantle Leggate Jeanie Prentice Female Hayman Michael Halbert Male Fremantle
1938/2700015 Fremantle Hayman Michael Halbert Male Leggate Jeanie Prentice Female Fremantle
1938/2700016 Fremantle Stanley Ernest Robert Male Hewison Rachel Female Fremantle
1938/2700016 Fremantle Hewison Rachel Female Stanley Ernest Robert Male Fremantle
1938/2700017 Fremantle Allen Dorothy Gwen Female Ingraham George Henry Male Fremantle
1938/2700017 Fremantle Ingraham George Henry Male Allen Dorothy Gwen Female Fremantle
1938/2700018 Fremantle Jones Francis William Male Guy Ardrossia Mary Female Bicton
1938/2700018 Fremantle Guy Ardrossia Mary Female Jones Francis William Male Bicton
1938/2700020 Fremantle O'Connor Ethel Katherine Rose Female Campbell Ivan Harold Male Fremantle
1938/2700020 Fremantle Campbell Ivan Harold Male O'Connor Ethel Katherine Rose Female Fremantle
1938/2700021 Fremantle Webb William Thomas Male Pollard Bertha Amelia Female Fremantle
1938/2700021 Fremantle Pollard Bertha Amelia Female Webb William Thomas Male Fremantle
1938/2700022 Fremantle Lewis-Driver Walter James Edgar Male Sargent Dorothy Kathleen Female Fremantle
1938/2700022 Fremantle Sargent Dorothy Kathleen Female Lewis-Driver Walter James Edgar Male Fremantle
1938/2700023 Fremantle Oliver Johanna Female Ryan Charles Nepean Mortimer Male Fremantle
1938/2700023 Fremantle Ryan Charles Nepean Mortimer Male Oliver Johanna Female Fremantle
1938/2700024 Fremantle Conway Lorna Kathleen Female Ryan Sydney Wentworth Barton Male Fremantle
1938/2700024 Fremantle Ryan Sydney Wentworth Barton Male Conway Lorna Kathleen Female Fremantle
1938/2700025 Fremantle Aitken Edward John Male Best Elsie Gwenneth Female Fremantle
1938/2700025 Fremantle Best Elsie Gwenneth Female Aitken Edward John Male Fremantle
1938/2700026 Fremantle Rhoades Cecil William Male Burton Irene Gwendoline Female Fremantle
1938/2700026 Fremantle Burton Irene Gwendoline Female Rhoades Cecil William Male Fremantle
1938/2700027 Fremantle Woodgate William George Male English Ellen Margaret Female Fremantle
1938/2700027 Fremantle English Ellen Margaret Female Woodgate William George Male Fremantle
1938/2700028 Fremantle Ferrier Alexander Taylor Lear Male Graham Irene Gladys Female Fremantle
1938/2700028 Fremantle Graham Irene Gladys Female Ferrier Alexander Taylor Lear Male Fremantle
1938/2700029 Fremantle Wood Charles Henry Male Tressider Josie Mary Female Fremantle
1938/2700029 Fremantle Tressider Josie Mary Female Wood Charles Henry Male Fremantle
1938/2700030 Fremantle Hahn Albert Robert Male Bickley Thelma May Female Fremantle
1938/2700030 Fremantle Bickley Thelma May Female Hahn Albert Robert Male Fremantle
1938/2700031 Fremantle Lyon Phyllis Hazel Female Gough Alan Sherwood Male Fremantle
1938/2700031 Fremantle Gough Alan Sherwood Male Lyon Phyllis Hazel Female Fremantle
1938/2700032 Fremantle Alexander Brenda Lesley Female Massey-Crosse Clement Male Fremantle
1938/2700032 Fremantle Massey-Crosse Clement Male Alexander Brenda Lesley Female Fremantle
1938/2700033 Fremantle Anderson Luke Male Pyke Ruby Francis Female Fremantle
1938/2700033 Fremantle Pyke Ruby Francis Female Anderson Luke Male Fremantle
1938/2700034 Fremantle Smith Edward Halley Male Vickridge Joan Alice Willot Female North Fremantle
1938/2700034 Fremantle Vickridge Joan Alice Willot Female Smith Edward Halley Male North Fremantle
1938/2700035 Fremantle Saunders Jessie Olive Female Moysey George Male Fremantle
1938/2700035 Fremantle Moysey George Male Saunders Jessie Olive Female Fremantle
1938/2700036 Fremantle Milbourne Pansy Boronia Female Fielding Geoffrey Arundale Male Fremantle
1938/2700036 Fremantle Fielding Geoffrey Arundale Male Milbourne Pansy Boronia Female Fremantle
1938/2700037 Fremantle Elms Kathleen Annie Female Lyford Roy Clarence Male Fremantle
1938/2700037 Fremantle Lyford Roy Clarence Male Elms Kathleen Annie Female Fremantle
1938/2700038 Fremantle Grant Daphne Lillian Female Evans William Robert Thomas Male Fremantle
1938/2700038 Fremantle Evans William Robert Thomas Male Grant Daphne Lillian Female Fremantle
1938/2700039 Fremantle Smith Florence Vera Female Ashton Eric Male Fremantle
1938/2700039 Fremantle Ashton Eric Male Smith Florence Vera Female Fremantle
1938/2700040 Fremantle Laudehr Lilian Maude Female Norriss Wilfred Lawless Male Bicton
1938/2700040 Fremantle Norriss Wilfred Lawless Male Laudehr Lilian Maude Female Bicton
1938/2700041 Fremantle O'Flaherty John Male Mileham Edith Female Fremantle
1938/2700041 Fremantle Mileham Edith Female O'Flaherty John Male Fremantle
1938/2700042 Fremantle Williams Alexander Theodore Male Wares Elizabeth Harper Female East Fremantle
1938/2700042 Fremantle Wares Elizabeth Harper Female Williams Alexander Theodore Male East Fremantle
1938/2700043 Fremantle Patterson Robert John Male Wrightson Dorothy Mary Female East Fremantle
1938/2700043 Fremantle Wrightson Dorothy Mary Female Patterson Robert John Male East Fremantle
1938/2700044 Fremantle Pike Joseph Male Jose Jessie Female Fremantle
1938/2700044 Fremantle Jose Jessie Female Pike Joseph Male Fremantle
1938/2700045 Fremantle Campbell Stella Louisa Female Haskell Ronald Eric Male Fremantle
1938/2700045 Fremantle Haskell Ronald Eric Male Campbell Stella Louisa Female Fremantle
1938/2700046 Fremantle Landon Donald Jack Male Lenanton Edna Nell Female Fremantle
1938/2700046 Fremantle Lenanton Edna Nell Female Landon Donald Jack Male Fremantle
1938/2700047 Fremantle Norris Henry Wills Male Chamberlain Una Margaret Ellen Female Fremantle
1938/2700047 Fremantle Chamberlain Una Margaret Ellen Female Norris Henry Wills Male Fremantle
1938/2700048 Fremantle Williams John Edward Male Lacey Clarice Margaret Female Fremantle
1938/2700048 Fremantle Lacey Clarice Margaret Female Williams John Edward Male Fremantle
1938/2700049 Fremantle Sayers Francis Henry Male Coleman Mary Female Fremantle
1938/2700049 Fremantle Coleman Mary Female Sayers Francis Henry Male Fremantle
1938/2700050 Fremantle Munday Rose Ada Female Wayman Frederick Walter Male Fremantle
1938/2700050 Fremantle Wayman Frederick Walter Male Munday Rose Ada Female Fremantle
1938/2700051 Fremantle Healy Irene Ruby Female James Stanley Norman Male Fremantle
1938/2700051 Fremantle James Stanley Norman Male Healy Irene Ruby Female Fremantle
1938/2700052 Fremantle Mason William Male Matison Alma Female Beaconsfield
1938/2700052 Fremantle Matison Alma Female Mason William Male Beaconsfield
1938/2700053 Fremantle Abell Alfred Charles Male Hume Mary Joseph Female Fremantle
1938/2700053 Fremantle Hume Mary Joseph Female Abell Alfred Charles Male Fremantle
1938/2700054 Fremantle Matison Phyllis May Female Prosser James Hanham Male Beaconsfield
1938/2700054 Fremantle Prosser James Hanham Male Matison Phyllis May Female Beaconsfield
1938/2700055 Fremantle Pollard Violet Mary Female Allen Donald Charles Male Fremantle
1938/2700055 Fremantle Allen Donald Charles Male Pollard Violet Mary Female Fremantle
1938/2700056 Fremantle Macdonald Sadie Sarah Female Wright Arthur Percy Male Palmyra
1938/2700056 Fremantle Wright Arthur Percy Male Macdonald Sadie Sarah Female Palmyra
1938/2700057 Fremantle Collins Mervyn Alfred Male Moore Mary Emma Female Fremantle
1938/2700057 Fremantle Moore Mary Emma Female Collins Mervyn Alfred Male Fremantle
1938/2700058 Fremantle Edgar Joyce May Female Richardson Ronald Edward Male Fremantle
1938/2700058 Fremantle Richardson Ronald Edward Male Edgar Joyce May Female Fremantle
1938/2700059 Fremantle Cooper Arthur Walsh Male McKell Gwendoline Female Fremantle
1938/2700059 Fremantle McKell Gwendoline Female Cooper Arthur Walsh Male Fremantle
1938/2700060 Fremantle Marshall Dorothy Violet Female Osborne Thomas Male Fremantle
1938/2700060 Fremantle Osborne Thomas Male Marshall Dorothy Violet Female Fremantle
1938/2700061 Fremantle Corbett Morva Ellen Female Cogan Joseph Leonard Male Fremantle
1938/2700061 Fremantle Cogan Joseph Leonard Male Corbett Morva Ellen Female Fremantle
1938/2700062 Fremantle Sheedy John Patrick Male Knight Eunice Agnes Female Fremantle
1938/2700062 Fremantle Knight Eunice Agnes Female Sheedy John Patrick Male Fremantle
1938/2700063 Fremantle Irvine Maxwell Archie Male Stone Edna May Female Fremantle
1938/2700063 Fremantle Stone Edna May Female Irvine Maxwell Archie Male Fremantle
1938/2700064 Fremantle Sutton Joan Cooper Female Gallop Keith Harold Charles Male Fremantle
1938/2700064 Fremantle Gallop Keith Harold Charles Male Sutton Joan Cooper Female Fremantle
1938/2700065 Fremantle Tomlinson Alfred George Male Tippins Margaret Mary Female Fremantle
1938/2700065 Fremantle Tippins Margaret Mary Female Tomlinson Alfred George Male Fremantle
1938/2700066 Fremantle Sale Edna Mary Female Dagg Ronald Charles Male Fremantle
1938/2700066 Fremantle Dagg Ronald Charles Male Sale Edna Mary Female Fremantle
1938/2700067 Fremantle Flindell George Owen Male Wilson Doris Female Fremantle
1938/2700067 Fremantle Wilson Doris Female Flindell George Owen Male Fremantle
1939/2700068 Fremantle Brittain Willam Ephriam Male Soulsby Alice May Female Beaconsfield
1938/2700068 Fremantle Spiers Ellen Elizabeth Female Craggs Frederick William Male Fremantle
1939/2700068 Fremantle Soulsby Alice May Female Brittain Willam Ephriam Male Beaconsfield
1938/2700068 Fremantle Craggs Frederick William Male Spiers Ellen Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1938/2700069 Fremantle Williams Lois Elizabeth Female Dickhart Arthur James Male Fremantle
1938/2700069 Fremantle Dickhart Arthur James Male Williams Lois Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1938/2700070 Fremantle Pearce Ernest Frederick Male Trimble Lilly Gertrude Female Fremantle
1938/2700070 Fremantle Trimble Lilly Gertrude Female Pearce Ernest Frederick Male Fremantle
1938/2700071 Fremantle Walters Kenneth Roy Male Anderson Alma Lillian Female Fremantle
1938/2700071 Fremantle Anderson Alma Lillian Female Walters Kenneth Roy Male Fremantle
1938/2700072 Fremantle Miragliotta Mary Female Micale Carlogero Male Fremantle
1938/2700072 Fremantle Micale Carlogero Male Miragliotta Mary Female Fremantle
1938/2700073 Fremantle Dattola Gerardo Petrizio Male Loschiavo Rose Female Fremantle
1938/2700073 Fremantle Loschiavo Rose Female Dattola Gerardo Petrizio Male Fremantle
1938/2700074 Fremantle Faulds Ronald Male Preitz Winifred Maude Female Fremantle
1938/2700074 Fremantle Preitz Winifred Maude Female Faulds Ronald Male Fremantle
1938/2700075 Fremantle Whyte Brendan Paul Male Young Doris Annie Female Fremantle
1938/2700075 Fremantle Young Doris Annie Female Whyte Brendan Paul Male Fremantle
1938/2700076 Fremantle Reidy Laura Marguerite Female Dwyer Richard Joseph Male Fremantle
1938/2700076 Fremantle Dwyer Richard Joseph Male Reidy Laura Marguerite Female Fremantle
1938/2700077 Fremantle Renfrey Nita Victoria Female Pearson Robert Henry Male Fremantle
1938/2700077 Fremantle Pearson Robert Henry Male Renfrey Nita Victoria Female Fremantle
1938/2700078 Fremantle McKinley Muriel Clarice Female Beard Francis Leslie Male Fremantle
1938/2700078 Fremantle Beard Francis Leslie Male McKinley Muriel Clarice Female Fremantle
1938/2700079 Fremantle Smith Jack Male Hancock Winifred Mollie Female Fremantle
1938/2700079 Fremantle Hancock Winifred Mollie Female Smith Jack Male Fremantle
1938/2700080 Fremantle Tuxford Sylvie Jeanne Female Marshall George Watson Male Fremantle
1938/2700080 Fremantle Marshall George Watson Male Roberts Sylvie Jeanne Female Fremantle
1938/2700080 Fremantle Marshall George Watson Male Tuxford Sylvie Jeanne Female Fremantle
1938/2700080 Fremantle Roberts Sylvie Jeanne Female Marshall George Watson Male Fremantle
1938/2700081 Fremantle Vaughan John Joseph Male Chalk Sylvia Isabel Female Fremantle
1938/2700081 Fremantle Chalk Sylvia Isabel Female Vaughan John Joseph Male Fremantle
1938/2700082 Fremantle Manning William Maxwell Male Turner Daphne Hester Female Fremantle
1938/2700082 Fremantle Turner Daphne Hester Female Manning William Maxwell Male Fremantle
1938/2700083 Fremantle Adderley Percy Norman Male Dunn Doris Margaret Matty Female Fremantle
1938/2700083 Fremantle Dunn Doris Margaret Matty Female Adderley Percy Norman Male Fremantle
1938/2700084 Fremantle Lucich Stephen Peter Male Pokorny Ilse Female Fremantle
1938/2700084 Fremantle Pokorny Ilse Female Lucich Stephen Peter Male Fremantle
1938/2700085 Fremantle Vine George Thomas Male Meldrum Eileen Annie Female Fremantle
1938/2700085 Fremantle Meldrum Eileen Annie Female Vine George Thomas Male Fremantle
1938/2700086 Fremantle Bührer Catherine Female Dear Alan Howard Male Beaconsfield
1938/2700086 Fremantle Dear Alan Howard Male Bührer Catherine Female Beaconsfield
1938/2700087 Fremantle Constantine Harold Foster Male Harben Ann Mildred Female Fremantle
1938/2700087 Fremantle Harben Ann Mildred Female Constantine Harold Foster Male Fremantle
1938/2700088 Fremantle Daly Ellen Female Joslin Daniel Keith Male Fremantle
1938/2700088 Fremantle Joslin Daniel Keith Male Daly Ellen Female Fremantle
1938/2700089 Fremantle Ward Morine Geraldine Female Quinn John Stephen Male Fremantle
1938/2700089 Fremantle Quinn John Stephen Male Ward Morine Geraldine Female Fremantle
1938/2700090 Fremantle Wright Greta Alice Female Sullivan David Edward Male Fremantle
1938/2700090 Fremantle Barber Greta Alice Female Sullivan David Edward Male Fremantle
1938/2700090 Fremantle Sullivan David Edward Male Barber Greta Alice Female Fremantle
1938/2700090 Fremantle Sullivan David Edward Male Wright Greta Alice Female Fremantle
1938/2700091 Fremantle Macleod Marion Female Sharman Albert Jack Male Fremantle
1938/2700091 Fremantle Sharman Albert Jack Male Macleod Marion Female Fremantle
1938/2700092 Fremantle Edgar Harold John Male Lambert Jeanetta Jessie Maud Female Fremantle
1938/2700092 Fremantle Lambert Jeanetta Jessie Maud Female Edgar Harold John Male Fremantle
1938/2700093 Fremantle Huxtable Howard Forrest Perrin Male Eagles Nell Female North Fremantle
1938/2700093 Fremantle Eagles Nell Female Huxtable Howard Forrest Perrin Male North Fremantle
1938/2700094 Fremantle Vinten Margaret Rose Emily Female Cole Wilfred Archibald Stephen Male Fremantle
1938/2700094 Fremantle Cole Wilfred Archibald Stephen Male Vinten Margaret Rose Emily Female Fremantle
1938/2700095 Fremantle Martin Hazel Female Woodall Harold Male Fremantle
1938/2700095 Fremantle Woodall Harold Male Martin Hazel Female Fremantle
1938/2700096 Fremantle Robins Margaret Edna Female Hammond Frederick David Male Beaconsfield
1938/2700096 Fremantle Hammond Frederick David Male Robins Margaret Edna Female Beaconsfield
1938/2700097 Fremantle Williams Grosvenor Morris Male Humphries Jean Female Beaconsfield
1938/2700097 Fremantle Humphries Jean Female Williams Grosvenor Morris Male Beaconsfield
1938/2700098 Fremantle Patterson Daisy Jean Female Johns Harry Eric Male Fremantle
1938/2700098 Fremantle Johns Harry Eric Male Patterson Daisy Jean Female Fremantle
1938/2700099 Fremantle Bolas William Henry Male Russell-Davison Joyce Kittie Female Fremantle
1938/2700099 Fremantle Russell-Davison Joyce Kittie Female Bolas William Henry Male Fremantle
1938/2700100 Fremantle Jones Harold Male Betts Ivy Female East Fremantle
1938/2700100 Fremantle Betts Ivy Female Jones Harold Male East Fremantle
1938/2700101 Fremantle Gray James John Male Hewison Sarah Veronica Female Fremantle
1938/2700101 Fremantle Hewison Sarah Veronica Female Gray James John Male Fremantle
1938/2700102 Fremantle Cox Charles William Harry Male Foley Julia Veronica Female Fremantle
1938/2700102 Fremantle Foley Julia Veronica Female Cox Charles William Harry Male Fremantle
1938/2700103 Fremantle Brown Louisa Irene Female Morris Alfred George Male Fremantle
1938/2700103 Fremantle Morris Alfred George Male Brown Louisa Irene Female Fremantle
1938/2700104 Fremantle Woodcock Alice Isabel Female Stemp Percy Gilbert Male Fremantle
1938/2700104 Fremantle Stemp Percy Gilbert Male Woodcock Alice Isabel Female Fremantle
1938/2700105 Fremantle Earnshaw John Robert Male Welsh Ruth Thelma Joyce Female Fremantle
1938/2700105 Fremantle Welsh Ruth Thelma Joyce Female Earnshaw John Robert Male Fremantle
1938/2700106 Fremantle Eatts Nancy May Female Brown Robert Henry Hatwell Male Fremantle
1938/2700106 Fremantle Brown Robert Henry Hatwell Male Eatts Nancy May Female Fremantle
1938/2700107 Fremantle Colbourne Ernie John James Male Dawes Mercy Celena Female Fremantle
1938/2700107 Fremantle Dawes Mercy Celena Female Colbourne Ernie John James Male Fremantle
1938/2700108 Fremantle Woollams Mary Jane Female Hogue Robert Bruce Male Fremantle
1938/2700108 Fremantle Hogue Robert Bruce Male Woollams Mary Jane Female Fremantle
1938/2700109 Fremantle Crofts Rose Female Boot George Henry Male Beaconsfield
1938/2700109 Fremantle Boot George Henry Male Crofts Rose Female Beaconsfield
1938/2700110 Fremantle Pick Nora Elieen Female Hopkins Francis George Male Fremantle
1938/2700110 Fremantle Hopkins Francis George Male Pick Nora Elieen Female Fremantle
1938/2700111 Fremantle Cook Gladys Beatrice Female Gordon Jonathan Adam Smith Male Palmyra
1938/2700111 Fremantle Gordon Jonathan Adam Smith Male Cook Gladys Beatrice Female Palmyra
1938/2700112 Fremantle Taylor Florence Emily Female Guelpa Matthew Alexander Male Fremantle
1938/2700112 Fremantle Guelpa Matthew Alexander Male Taylor Florence Emily Female Fremantle
1938/2700113 Fremantle Brooks Gladys May Female Wright George Edward Male Fremantle
1938/2700113 Fremantle Wright George Edward Male Brooks Gladys May Female Fremantle
1938/2700114 Fremantle McIver Catherine Agnes Female Molony Eugene John Male Fremantle
1938/2700114 Fremantle Molony Eugene John Male McIver Catherine Agnes Female Fremantle
1938/2700115 Fremantle Drummond Dorothy Annie Female Sim John Ross Male Fremantle
1938/2700115 Fremantle Sim John Ross Male Drummond Dorothy Annie Female Fremantle
1938/2700116 Fremantle Smith Kenneth Gregory Male Standen Joyce Ivy Female Fremantle
1938/2700116 Fremantle Standen Joyce Ivy Female Smith Kenneth Gregory Male Fremantle
1938/2700117 Fremantle Harrison Ruby Clarice Female Percival Roy Male Fremantle
1938/2700117 Fremantle Percival Roy Male Harrison Ruby Clarice Female Fremantle
1938/2700118 Fremantle Gray William James Male Turner Violet Maxwell Female Fremantle
1938/2700118 Fremantle Turner Violet Maxwell Female Gray William James Male Fremantle
1938/2700119 Fremantle Day Eric William James Male Parsons Jean Mary Female Fremantle
1938/2700119 Fremantle Parsons Jean Mary Female Day Eric William James Male Fremantle
1938/2700120 Fremantle Gooch Eva Mary Female Withnell Gregory John Male Fremantle
1938/2700120 Fremantle Withnell Gregory John Male Gooch Eva Mary Female Fremantle
1938/2700121 Fremantle Whitford John Stanley Male Holmes Doris Female Fremantle
1938/2700121 Fremantle Holmes Doris Female Whitford John Stanley Male Fremantle
1938/2700122 Fremantle Charles Beryl May Female Blackall John William Male Fremantle
1938/2700122 Fremantle Blackall John William Male Charles Beryl May Female Fremantle
1938/2700123 Fremantle Robinson John Henry Stuart Male Myers Gladys Laura Female Fremantle
1938/2700123 Fremantle Myers Gladys Laura Female Robinson John Henry Stuart Male Fremantle
1938/2700124 Fremantle Strauss Carl Joseph Male Culver Olive Pearl Female Beaconsfield
1938/2700124 Fremantle Culver Olive Pearl Female Strauss Carl Joseph Male Beaconsfield
1938/2700125 Fremantle Fisher Joy Veronica Female Grady Cecil Male Fremantle
1938/2700125 Fremantle Grady Cecil Male Fisher Joy Veronica Female Fremantle
1938/2700126 Fremantle Stewart Vera Mabel Female Wilcox Walter Thomas Male Fremantle
1938/2700126 Fremantle Wilcox Walter Thomas Male Stewart Vera Mabel Female Fremantle
1938/2700127 Fremantle Evans Stephen Charles Male Beck Rhoda Female Fremantle
1938/2700127 Fremantle Beck Rhoda Female Evans Stephen Charles Male Fremantle
1938/2700128 Fremantle Sue James Albert Male King Marjorie Joyce Female Fremantle
1938/2700128 Fremantle King Marjorie Joyce Female Sue James Albert Male Fremantle
1938/2700129 Fremantle Gustafson Delores Veronica Female Fowlie George Edward Baxter Male Fremantle
1938/2700129 Fremantle Fowlie George Edward Baxter Male Gustafson Delores Veronica Female Fremantle
1938/2700130 Fremantle White Olive Female Durant Robert John Male Fremantle
1938/2700130 Fremantle Durant Robert John Male White Olive Female Fremantle
1938/2700131 Fremantle Exley Alan Bruce Male Nicoll Myrtle Ann Female Fremantle
1938/2700131 Fremantle Nicoll Myrtle Ann Female Exley Alan Bruce Male Fremantle
1938/2700132 Fremantle Hobart Herbert Cobden Male Cooper Ivy Emma Winifred Female Fremantle
1938/2700132 Fremantle Cooper Ivy Emma Winifred Female Hobart Herbert Cobden Male Fremantle
1938/2700133 Fremantle Bourne Percy James Male Nicol Flora Flemming Female Fremantle
1938/2700133 Fremantle Nicol Flora Flemming Female Bourne Percy James Male Fremantle
1938/2700134 Fremantle Smirk Basil Clifton Male Walker Thelma Gertrude Female Fremantle
1938/2700134 Fremantle Walker Thelma Gertrude Female Smirk Basil Clifton Male Fremantle
1938/2700135 Fremantle McCormick Dorothy Henrietta Female Smith Ronald Gregg Male Fremantle
1938/2700135 Fremantle Smith Ronald Gregg Male McCormick Dorothy Henrietta Female Fremantle
1938/2700136 Fremantle Smith Harold Male Sharp Ethel May Female Fremantle
1938/2700136 Fremantle Sharp Ethel May Female Smith Harold Male Fremantle
1938/2700137 Fremantle Abbott William Lewis Male McDonald Dorothy Isabel Rebecca Female Fremantle
1938/2700137 Fremantle McDonald Dorothy Isabel Rebecca Female Abbott William Lewis Male Fremantle
1938/2700138 Fremantle James Alfred Arthur Male Love Mary Philomena Female East Fremantle
1938/2700138 Fremantle Love Mary Philomena Female James Alfred Arthur Male East Fremantle
1938/2700139 Fremantle Abbott Eileen Minnie Female Bolton Jack Don Male Fremantle
1938/2700139 Fremantle Bolton Jack Don Male Abbott Eileen Minnie Female Fremantle
1938/2700140 Fremantle Johnston Harold Male Reeves Adelaide Marian Female East Fremantle
1938/2700140 Fremantle Reeves Adelaide Marian Female Johnston Harold Male East Fremantle
1938/2700141 Fremantle Triplett Ruth Agnes Female Zimmer Charles Herbert Male Fremantle
1938/2700141 Fremantle Zimmer Charles Herbert Male Triplett Ruth Agnes Female Fremantle
1938/2700142 Fremantle Wearne Joyance Emilye Hope Female Fowlie Gavin Catts Male Fremantle
1938/2700142 Fremantle Fowlie Gavin Catts Male Wearne Joyance Emilye Hope Female Fremantle
1938/2700143 Fremantle Aubrey Winifred Mary Female Harper Harold Forrest Male Fremantle
1938/2700143 Fremantle Harper Harold Forrest Male Aubrey Winifred Mary Female Fremantle
1938/2700144 Fremantle Calder Raymond Lysle Male Corry Joan Hannah Female Beaconsfield
1938/2700144 Fremantle Corry Joan Hannah Female Calder Raymond Lysle Male Beaconsfield
1938/2700145 Fremantle Shepherd Minnie Eleanor Female Pearson George Edward William Male Fremantle
1938/2700145 Fremantle Pearson George Edward William Male Shepherd Minnie Eleanor Female Fremantle
1938/2700146 Fremantle Hicks Jean Margaret Female Wilcox Ernest Frank Male Fremantle
1938/2700146 Fremantle Wilcox Ernest Frank Male Hicks Jean Margaret Female Fremantle
1938/2700147 Fremantle Bates Amy Olive Female Hall John Male Fremantle
1938/2700147 Fremantle Hall John Male Bates Amy Olive Female Fremantle
1938/2700148 Fremantle Eborall Adeline Ethel Female Russell-Davison Douglas Henry George Male Fremantle
1938/2700148 Fremantle Russell-Davison Douglas Henry George Male Eborall Adeline Ethel Female Fremantle
1938/2700149 Fremantle Haynes Elizabeth Female Burnett Raymond Gilbert Male Bicton
1938/2700149 Fremantle Burnett Raymond Gilbert Male Haynes Elizabeth Female Bicton
1938/2700150 Fremantle Quelch Lawrence Fredrick Male Cocks Winifred Laura Female North Fremantle
1938/2700150 Fremantle Cocks Winifred Laura Female Quelch Lawrence Fredrick Male North Fremantle
1938/2700151 Fremantle Bateman Gladys May Female Ladner Norman Warren Male Beaconsfield
1938/2700151 Fremantle Ladner Norman Warren Male Bateman Gladys May Female Beaconsfield
1938/2700152 Fremantle Edinger George Frederick Male Denny Joan Frances Female Beaconsfield
1938/2700152 Fremantle Denny Joan Frances Female Edinger George Frederick Male Beaconsfield
1938/2700153 Fremantle Read Arthur Edwin Male Virgin Nora Parker Ford Female Beaconsfield
1938/2700153 Fremantle Virgin Nora Parker Ford Female Read Arthur Edwin Male Beaconsfield
1938/2700154 Fremantle Ebbs Jean Edith Female Hunt Jack Male Fremantle
1938/2700154 Fremantle Hunt Jack Male Ebbs Jean Edith Female Fremantle
1938/2700155 Fremantle Bozin Mila Female Kovac Anton Male Fremantle
1938/2700155 Fremantle Kovac Anton Male Bozin Mila Female Fremantle
1938/2700156 Fremantle Rodgers Eileen Teresa Female Hall William Norman Male Fremantle
1938/2700156 Fremantle Hall William Norman Male Rodgers Eileen Teresa Female Fremantle
1938/2700157 Fremantle Deveson Edward Oliver Male Winstone Eileen Jean Female North Fremantle
1938/2700157 Fremantle Winstone Eileen Jean Female Deveson Edward Oliver Male North Fremantle
1938/2700158 Fremantle Boschetti Enrico Male Bombara Filippa Female Fremantle
1938/2700158 Fremantle Bombara Filippa Female Boschetti Enrico Male Fremantle
1938/2700159 Fremantle Myers Selina Clara Female Williams Francis Albert Male Fremantle
1938/2700159 Fremantle Williams Francis Albert Male Myers Selina Clara Female Fremantle
1938/2700160 Fremantle McGowan Mona Mary Female Pilon Alfred Male Fremantle
1938/2700160 Fremantle Pilon Alfred Male McGowan Mona Mary Female Fremantle
1938/2700161 Fremantle Goodchild Phyllis Maud Female Ochtman Frederick Jacobus Alexander Male Fremantle
1938/2700161 Fremantle Ochtman Frederick Jacobus Alexander Male Goodchild Phyllis Maud Female Fremantle
1938/2700162 Fremantle Hankinson Doris May Female Wright Frank Blair Male Fremantle
1938/2700162 Fremantle Wright Frank Blair Male Hankinson Doris May Female Fremantle
1938/2700163 Fremantle Poole Stanley Male Hebbard Joan Female Fremantle
1938/2700163 Fremantle Hebbard Joan Female Poole Stanley Male Fremantle
1938/2700164 Fremantle Comben Victor Harold Male Harte Stella Louisa Female Fremantle
1938/2700164 Fremantle Harte Stella Louisa Female Comben Victor Harold Male Fremantle
1938/2700165 Fremantle Spiers Cyril Albert Male Kiesey Phyllis Violet Female Fremantle
1938/2700165 Fremantle Kiesey Phyllis Violet Female Spiers Cyril Albert Male Fremantle
1938/2700166 Fremantle Gibbons William Austin Male Bourke Aileen Olive May Female Fremantle
1938/2700166 Fremantle Bourke Aileen Olive May Female Gibbons William Austin Male Fremantle
1938/2700167 Fremantle Armstrong Sydney William Male Brown Audrey Ellen Female Fremantle
1938/2700167 Fremantle Brown Audrey Ellen Female Armstrong Sydney William Male Fremantle
1938/2700168 Fremantle Faulds Jessie Alma Female Davies John Cameron Male Fremantle
1938/2700168 Fremantle Davies John Cameron Male Faulds Jessie Alma Female Fremantle
1938/2700169 Fremantle Anderson Hilmar William Male Webb Kathleen Joyce Female Fremantle
1938/2700169 Fremantle Webb Kathleen Joyce Female Anderson Hilmar William Male Fremantle
1938/2700170 Fremantle Cross Herbert Male Backhouse Rose Anna Female Beaconsfield
1938/2700170 Fremantle Backhouse Rose Anna Female Cross Herbert Male Beaconsfield
1938/2700171 Fremantle Bergin Clara Constance Female Ellery William Dent Male Beaconsfield
1938/2700171 Fremantle Ellery William Dent Male Bergin Clara Constance Female Beaconsfield
1938/2700172 Fremantle Revill George William Male Bracks Louisa Female Fremantle
1938/2700172 Fremantle Bracks Louisa Female Revill George William Male Fremantle
1938/2700173 Fremantle Laurence Edith Ann Female Wilson James Male Fremantle
1938/2700173 Fremantle Wilson James Male Laurence Edith Ann Female Fremantle
1938/2700174 Fremantle Williams Robert James Male Greenwood Kate Female Fremantle
1938/2700174 Fremantle Greenwood Kate Female Williams Robert James Male Fremantle
1938/2700175 Fremantle Thompson Howard Sterling Male Gough Doris Irene Female East Fremantle
1938/2700175 Fremantle Gough Doris Irene Female Thompson Howard Sterling Male East Fremantle
1938/2700176 Fremantle Vivian Clarence Thomas Male Wylde Thelma Pearl Female Fremantle
1938/2700176 Fremantle Wylde Thelma Pearl Female Vivian Clarence Thomas Male Fremantle
1938/2700177 Fremantle Moody Annie Female Edwards Brendon Robert James Male North Fremantle
1938/2700177 Fremantle Edwards Brendon Robert James Male Moody Annie Female North Fremantle
1938/2700178 Fremantle Richardson Charles Kitchener Male Holgate Edith May Female Fremantle
1938/2700178 Fremantle Holgate Edith May Female Richardson Charles Kitchener Male Fremantle
1938/2700179 Fremantle Durant Lucy May Female Morgan William George Male Beaconsfield
1938/2700179 Fremantle Morgan William George Male Durant Lucy May Female Beaconsfield
1938/2700180 Fremantle Melling William Joseph Male Collins Kathleen Alice Norah Female Fremantle
1938/2700180 Fremantle Collins Kathleen Alice Norah Female Melling William Joseph Male Fremantle
1938/2700181 Fremantle Wright Maria Female Azanga Francisco Male Fremantle
1938/2700181 Fremantle Azanga Francisco Male Wright Maria Female Fremantle
1938/2700182 Fremantle Despot Mato Male Franklin May Maria Female Spearwood
1938/2700182 Fremantle Franklin May Maria Female Despot Mato Male Spearwood
1938/2700183 Fremantle Sinclair Helen Female McKie James Male Fremantle
1938/2700183 Fremantle McKie James Male Sinclair Helen Female Fremantle
1938/2700184 Fremantle Gray William James Male Biddle Mary Florence Female Fremantle
1938/2700184 Fremantle Biddle Mary Florence Female Gray William James Male Fremantle
1938/2700185 Fremantle Read Cathleen May Female Middleton Leslie Harold Male Fremantle
1938/2700185 Fremantle Middleton Leslie Harold Male Read Cathleen May Female Fremantle
1938/2700186 Fremantle Hawes Violet Phyllis Female McIntyre Colin Joseph Male Fremantle
1938/2700186 Fremantle McIntyre Colin Joseph Male Hawes Violet Phyllis Female Fremantle
1938/2700187 Fremantle Ryan Dorothy Mona Female Johnson Ernest Male Fremantle
1938/2700187 Fremantle Johnson Ernest Male Ryan Dorothy Mona Female Fremantle
1938/2700188 Fremantle Watkinson Minnie Female Ould Joseph Thomas Male Fremantle
1938/2700188 Fremantle Ould Joseph Thomas Male Watkinson Minnie Female Fremantle
1938/2700189 Fremantle Lewis Marie Denese Female Paddon Robert Male Fremantle
1938/2700189 Fremantle Paddon Robert Male Lewis Marie Denese Female Fremantle
1938/2700190 Fremantle Russell George Alfred Male Greenmount Olive Jean Female Fremantle
1938/2700190 Fremantle Greenmount Olive Jean Female Russell George Alfred Male Fremantle
1938/2700191 Fremantle Campbell Harold William Male Speedie Jessie Hurn Female Fremantle
1938/2700191 Fremantle Speedie Jessie Hurn Female Campbell Harold William Male Fremantle
1938/2700192 Fremantle Sorrell Marjorie Rose Female Nelson Edward Henry Male Fremantle
1938/2700192 Fremantle Nelson Edward Henry Male Sorrell Marjorie Rose Female Fremantle
1938/2700193 Fremantle Marshall Alfred Male McCallum Jean Meadley Female Fremantle
1938/2700193 Fremantle McCallum Jean Meadley Female Marshall Alfred Male Fremantle
1938/2700194 Fremantle Wilson Florence Amelia Vera Windsor Female Stewart Alexander Male Fremantle
1938/2700194 Fremantle Stewart Alexander Male Stewart Florence Amelia Vera Windsor Female Fremantle
1938/2700194 Fremantle Stewart Alexander Male Wilson Florence Amelia Vera Windsor Female Fremantle
1938/2700194 Fremantle Stewart Florence Amelia Vera Windsor Female Stewart Alexander Male Fremantle
1938/2700195 Fremantle Cuckson Bessie Mabel Female Hyde Perth Henry Male Fremantle
1938/2700195 Fremantle Hyde Perth Henry Male Cuckson Bessie Mabel Female Fremantle
1938/2700196 Fremantle Davern Doreen Elizabeth Female Devereux Frederick Earnest William Male Fremantle
1938/2700196 Fremantle Devereux Frederick Earnest William Male Davern Doreen Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1938/2700197 Fremantle Martin Margaret Female Allen David Male Fremantle
1938/2700197 Fremantle Allen David Male Martin Margaret Female Fremantle
1938/2700198 Fremantle Bassett Ellen Female King Victor George Male East Fremantle
1938/2700198 Fremantle King Victor George Male Bassett Ellen Female East Fremantle
1938/2700199 Fremantle Donnell Minnie Louise Female Adair James Male Fremantle
1938/2700199 Fremantle Adair James Male Donnell Minnie Louise Female Fremantle
1938/2700200 Fremantle Denness Flora Rankin Female Crawford Norman Cyril Male Bicton
1938/2700200 Fremantle Crawford Norman Cyril Male Denness Flora Rankin Female Bicton
1938/2700201 Fremantle McLeod Daniel Campbell Male Richardson Nancy Female North Fremantle
1938/2700201 Fremantle Richardson Nancy Female McLeod Daniel Campbell Male North Fremantle
1938/2700202 Fremantle Baker Edith May Female Power William Thomas Male Fremantle
1938/2700202 Fremantle Power William Thomas Male Baker Edith May Female Fremantle
1938/2700203 Fremantle Dudley Verna Female Gummow Bert Male Beaconsfield
1938/2700203 Fremantle Gummow Bert Male Dudley Verna Female Beaconsfield
1938/2700204 Fremantle Farrell William Francis Male Tippett Joice Gertrude Female Fremantle
1938/2700204 Fremantle Tippett Joice Gertrude Female Farrell William Francis Male Fremantle
1938/2700205 Fremantle Hipperson Mary Eugenie Female O'Donovan Martin Joseph Male Fremantle
1938/2700205 Fremantle O'Donovan Martin Joseph Male Hipperson Mary Eugenie Female Fremantle
1938/2700206 Fremantle Wortley John Edward Male Field Doreen Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1938/2700206 Fremantle Field Doreen Elizabeth Female Wortley John Edward Male Fremantle
1938/2700207 Fremantle Johnston Llewellyn James Male Lenke Kitty Rose Female Fremantle
1938/2700207 Fremantle Lenke Kitty Rose Female Johnston Llewellyn James Male Fremantle
1938/2700208 Fremantle Bodé Ethel May Female Clarke Lewis Burrows Male East Fremantle
1938/2700208 Fremantle Clarke Lewis Burrows Male Bodé Ethel May Female East Fremantle
1938/2700209 Fremantle McGrath Jean Elizabeth Female Ryan Thomas John Male Fremantle
1938/2700209 Fremantle Ryan Thomas John Male McGrath Jean Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1938/2700210 Fremantle Davis Edna May Female Flanagan Martin Francis Male Fremantle
1938/2700210 Fremantle Flanagan Martin Francis Male Davis Edna May Female Fremantle
1938/2700211 Fremantle Ross Edward William Male Armstrong Hazel Charlotte Adelaine Female Fremantle
1938/2700211 Fremantle Armstrong Hazel Charlotte Adelaine Female Ross Edward William Male Fremantle
1938/2700212 Fremantle Butler Bertha Hilda Female Garbutt William Henry Male Fremantle
1938/2700212 Fremantle Garbutt William Henry Male Butler Bertha Hilda Female Fremantle
1938/2700213 Fremantle Dwyer Francis John Joseph Male Hansen Mary Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1938/2700213 Fremantle Hansen Mary Elizabeth Female Dwyer Francis John Joseph Male Fremantle
1938/2700214 Fremantle Thomas Cyril Berte Male Davis Doris May Female Fremantle
1938/2700214 Fremantle Davis Doris May Female Thomas Cyril Berte Male Fremantle
1938/2700215 Fremantle Harrington Thelma Maud Female Hoult Warren Frederick Male Fremantle
1938/2700215 Fremantle Hoult Warren Frederick Male Harrington Thelma Maud Female Fremantle
1938/2700216 Fremantle Williams Arthur James Male Trelfer Eliza Louisa Female Fremantle
1938/2700216 Fremantle Trelfer Eliza Louisa Female Williams Arthur James Male Fremantle
1938/2700217 Fremantle Lavis Amelia Frances Female Marshall George Auston Male Fremantle
1938/2700217 Fremantle Marshall George Auston Male Lavis Amelia Frances Female Fremantle
1938/2700218 Fremantle Costello Rupert Henry Male Duggan Catherine Mary Female North Fremantle
1938/2700218 Fremantle Duggan Catherine Mary Female Costello Rupert Henry Male North Fremantle
1938/2700219 Fremantle Copley Joyce Olwen Female Gorton Charles Male Beaconsfield
1938/2700219 Fremantle Gorton Charles Male Copley Joyce Olwen Female Beaconsfield
1938/2700220 Fremantle Haasy Ivy Maud Female Richardson Leonard Clarence Male Beaconsfield
1938/2700220 Fremantle Richardson Leonard Clarence Male Haasy Ivy Maud Female Beaconsfield
1938/2700221 Fremantle Ingram James Male Armstrong Alexondra Mary Female Beaconsfield
1938/2700221 Fremantle Armstrong Alexondra Mary Female Ingram James Male Beaconsfield
1938/2700222 Fremantle Bosich Maria Female Bilcicih Ivan Male Fremantle
1938/2700222 Fremantle Bilcicih Ivan Male Bosich Maria Female Fremantle
1938/2700223 Fremantle Biber Mary Dorothy Female Groves Eric William Male Fremantle
1938/2700223 Fremantle Biber Mary Dorothy Female Wood Eric William Male Fremantle
1938/2700223 Fremantle Groves Eric William Male Biber Mary Dorothy Female Fremantle
1938/2700223 Fremantle Wood Eric William Male Biber Mary Dorothy Female Fremantle
1938/2700225 Fremantle Herlihy Philip Patrick James Male Jenkins Lorna Murley Female Bicton
1938/2700225 Fremantle Jenkins Lorna Murley Female Herlihy Philip Patrick James Male Bicton
1938/2700226 Fremantle Hatton Winifred Gladys Female Snashall Austin George Male Fremantle
1938/2700226 Fremantle Snashall Austin George Male Hatton Winifred Gladys Female Fremantle
1938/2700227 Fremantle Williams George Thomas Male Hillberg Nora Jean Female Palmyra
1938/2700227 Fremantle Hillberg Nora Jean Female Williams George Thomas Male Palmyra
1938/2700228 Fremantle Santich Myrtle Irene Female Toppi Daniele Male Fremantle
1938/2700228 Fremantle Toppi Daniele Male Santich Myrtle Irene Female Fremantle
1938/2700229 Fremantle Glanville Henry Charles Male Nelson Margith Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1938/2700229 Fremantle Nelson Margith Elizabeth Female Glanville Henry Charles Male Fremantle
1938/2700230 Fremantle Fry Victor Eric Male Sellenger Ellen May Female Fremantle
1938/2700230 Fremantle Sellenger Ellen May Female Fry Victor Eric Male Fremantle
1938/2700231 Fremantle Lindsay Thomas Male White Joyce Royle Female Fremantle
1938/2700231 Fremantle White Joyce Royle Female Lindsay Thomas Male Fremantle
1938/2700232 Fremantle Pitt John William Thomas Male Dixon Winifred Clarice Female Fremantle
1938/2700232 Fremantle Dixon Winifred Clarice Female Pitt John William Thomas Male Fremantle
1938/2700233 Fremantle Stewart George Walter Male Gregory Mabel Grace Female Fremantle
1938/2700233 Fremantle Gregory Mabel Grace Female Stewart George Walter Male Fremantle
1938/2700234 Fremantle Johnson Phyllis Female Siddons Benjamin Male East Fremantle
1938/2700234 Fremantle Siddons Benjamin Male Johnson Phyllis Female East Fremantle
1938/2700235 Fremantle Harris Stanley Joseph Male Nelson Florence Josephine Female Fremantle
1938/2700235 Fremantle Nelson Florence Josephine Female Harris Stanley Joseph Male Fremantle
1938/2700236 Fremantle Barry Percy Male Franklyn Edna Louisa Female Beaconsfield
1938/2700236 Fremantle Franklyn Edna Louisa Female Barry Percy Male Beaconsfield
1938/2700237 Fremantle Brown Audrey Ethel Female Armstrong James Owen Male Beaconsfield
1938/2700237 Fremantle Armstrong James Owen Male Brown Audrey Ethel Female Beaconsfield
1938/2700238 Fremantle Henry Norman Alexander Male Lally Iris Female East Fremantle
1938/2700238 Fremantle Lally Iris Female Henry Norman Alexander Male East Fremantle
1938/2700239 Fremantle Ross Elizabeth Dorrien Female Saunders Arthur John Male Fremantle
1938/2700239 Fremantle Saunders Arthur John Male Ross Elizabeth Dorrien Female Fremantle
1938/2700240 Fremantle Day Doreen May Female Gilbert Vivian Llewellyn Male East Fremantle
1938/2700240 Fremantle Gilbert Vivian Llewellyn Male Day Doreen May Female East Fremantle
1938/2700241 Fremantle Damjanovich-Napoleon Marija Female Berkovich Anton Male Fremantle
1938/2700241 Fremantle Berkovich Anton Male Damjanovich-Napoleon Marija Female Fremantle
1938/2700242 Fremantle Brenstedt Evelyna Female Ballingall Thomas Clifton Male Fremantle
1938/2700242 Fremantle Ballingall Thomas Clifton Male Brenstedt Evelyna Female Fremantle
1938/2700243 Fremantle MacNeill Mary Alexandra Female Yeing Lawrence Roy Male Fremantle
1938/2700243 Fremantle Yeing Lawrence Roy Male MacNeill Mary Alexandra Female Fremantle
1938/2700244 Fremantle Anderson Robert Stanley Male Shelley Maxime's Lillian Female Fremantle
1938/2700244 Fremantle Shelley Maxime's Lillian Female Anderson Robert Stanley Male Fremantle
1938/2700245 Fremantle Hunt Alfred Male Renton Elsie Florrence Female Fremantle
1938/2700245 Fremantle Renton Elsie Florrence Female Hunt Alfred Male Fremantle
1938/2700246 Fremantle Back Alice Evelyn Female Hall Cecil Henry George Male Fremantle
1938/2700246 Fremantle Hall Cecil Henry George Male Back Alice Evelyn Female Fremantle
1938/2700247 Fremantle Petkovic Franica Female Bosnich Marko Male Fremantle
1938/2700247 Fremantle Bosnich Marko Male Petkovic Franica Female Fremantle
1938/2700248 Fremantle Miller Eileen Ellen Female Morrisey Arthur Lloyd Male Fremantle
1938/2700248 Fremantle Morrisey Arthur Lloyd Male Miller Eileen Ellen Female Fremantle
1938/2700249 Fremantle Peterson Ivy Hanna Beatrice Female Black Alfred Fred Male East Fremantle
1938/2700249 Fremantle Black Alfred Fred Male Peterson Ivy Hanna Beatrice Female East Fremantle
1938/2700250 Fremantle Ingrilli Juiseppina Female Mollica Antonino Male Fremantle
1938/2700250 Fremantle Mollica Antonino Male Ingrilli Juiseppina Female Fremantle
1938/2700251 Fremantle Roberts Rosanna Female Nelson Cecil Thomas Male Fremantle
1938/2700251 Fremantle Nelson Cecil Thomas Male Roberts Rosanna Female Fremantle
1938/2700252 Fremantle Murphy Jean Bowlyn Female Paton Charles Duncan Male Fremantle
1938/2700252 Fremantle Paton Charles Duncan Male Murphy Jean Bowlyn Female Fremantle
1938/2700253 Fremantle Tomlinson John Male McDonald Nora Jane Female Fremantle
1938/2700253 Fremantle McDonald Nora Jane Female Tomlinson John Male Fremantle
1938/2700254 Fremantle Challis Ida Female Thurgood Tom Male Fremantle
1938/2700254 Fremantle Thurgood Tom Male Challis Ida Female Fremantle
1938/2700255 Fremantle Watson Robert George Male Gennoe Mavis Irene Female East Fremantle
1938/2700255 Fremantle Gennoe Mavis Irene Female Watson Robert George Male East Fremantle
1938/2700256 Fremantle Gustafson Clarence Ernest Male Tyler Rosette Enid Female Fremantle
1938/2700256 Fremantle Tyler Rosette Enid Female Gustafson Clarence Ernest Male Fremantle
1938/2700257 Fremantle Williams Dorothy Female Cooper Harold Arthur Male Fremantle
1938/2700257 Fremantle Cooper Harold Arthur Male Williams Dorothy Female Fremantle
1938/2700258 Fremantle Bowering Frederick Charles Redmond Male Marlow Ellen Female Fremantle
1938/2700258 Fremantle Marlow Ellen Female Bowering Frederick Charles Redmond Male Fremantle
1938/2700259 Fremantle Pittman Eileen Beatrice Female McCallum Eric Albert Male Fremantle
1938/2700259 Fremantle McCallum Eric Albert Male Pittman Eileen Beatrice Female Fremantle
1938/2700260 Fremantle Berry Inez Anne Female Aberle Francis Roughton Male Fremantle
1938/2700260 Fremantle Aberle Francis Roughton Male Berry Inez Anne Female Fremantle
1938/2700261 Fremantle Wennstrom Violet Maud Female Corish Walter Andrew Male Fremantle
1938/2700261 Fremantle Corish Walter Andrew Male Wennstrom Violet Maud Female Fremantle
1938/2700262 Fremantle Hennessy James Timothy Male Myssonske Rose Olivia Female Fremantle
1938/2700262 Fremantle Myssonske Rose Olivia Female Hennessy James Timothy Male Fremantle
1938/2700263 Fremantle Hall William Male Reid Nellie Female Fremantle
1938/2700263 Fremantle Reid Nellie Female Hall William Male Fremantle
1938/2700264 Fremantle Thompson Andrew Henry Male Whetters Ellen Female Fremantle
1938/2700264 Fremantle Whetters Ellen Female Thompson Andrew Henry Male Fremantle
1938/2700265 Fremantle Jones William Christopher Male Parish Eileen Female Fremantle
1938/2700265 Fremantle Parish Eileen Female Jones William Christopher Male Fremantle
1938/2700266 Fremantle Sorensen Alfred Andrew Male Hewett Myrtle Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1938/2700266 Fremantle Hewett Myrtle Elizabeth Female Sorensen Alfred Andrew Male Fremantle
1938/2700267 Fremantle Williams Charles Henry Male Bennett Elvira Female Palmyra
1938/2700267 Fremantle Bennett Elvira Female Williams Charles Henry Male Palmyra
1938/2700268 Fremantle Grieves Henry Hunter Male Wauhop Grace Nevin Female Fremantle
1938/2700268 Fremantle Wauhop Grace Nevin Female Grieves Henry Hunter Male Fremantle
1938/2700269 Fremantle Bleakley Joseph George Male McAlpine Mona Female East Fremantle
1938/2700269 Fremantle McAlpine Mona Female Bleakley Joseph George Male East Fremantle
1938/2700270 Fremantle Briggs Samuel Edwin Male Cox Lilian Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1938/2700270 Fremantle Cox Lilian Elizabeth Female Briggs Samuel Edwin Male Fremantle
1938/2700271 Fremantle Plummer Bernard Laurence Male Wray Helen Margaret Female Fremantle
1938/2700271 Fremantle Wray Helen Margaret Female Plummer Bernard Laurence Male Fremantle
1938/2700272 Fremantle Craig Irene Grace Female Booth Leslie William Male Fremantle
1938/2700272 Fremantle Booth Leslie William Male Craig Irene Grace Female Fremantle
1938/2700273 Fremantle Burt Betty Female Cole Philip Henry Male Fremantle
1938/2700273 Fremantle Cole Philip Henry Male Burt Betty Female Fremantle
1938/2700274 Fremantle Bozanich Junior John Male McAlpine Jean Alice Female Fremantle
1938/2700274 Fremantle McAlpine Jean Alice Female Bozanich Junior John Male Fremantle
1938/2700275 Fremantle Whitfield Bessie Female Johnson Charles Frederic Henrich Male Fremantle
1938/2700275 Fremantle Johnson Charles Frederic Henrich Male Whitfield Bessie Female Fremantle
1938/2700276 Fremantle Dodds Lancelot Male Cooper Vera Lillian Female Fremantle
1938/2700276 Fremantle Cooper Vera Lillian Female Dodds Lancelot Male Fremantle
1938/2700277 Fremantle Chetwynd Ellaline Hilda Female Allerton William Thomas Edward Male Fremantle
1938/2700277 Fremantle Allerton William Thomas Edward Male Chetwynd Ellaline Hilda Female Fremantle
1938/2700278 Fremantle Budge Raymond William Male Gale Roma Bertha Female North Fremantle
1938/2700278 Fremantle Gale Roma Bertha Female Budge Raymond William Male North Fremantle
1938/2700279 Fremantle Maher Francis Male Taylor Margaret Veronica Female Fremantle
1938/2700279 Fremantle Taylor Margaret Veronica Female Maher Francis Male Fremantle
1938/2700280 Fremantle Miles Beatrice Eileen Female Munn Desmond William Male Beaconsfield
1938/2700280 Fremantle Munn Desmond William Male Miles Beatrice Eileen Female Beaconsfield
1938/2700281 Fremantle Howell Harold Percy Male Rendell Rosalie Martha Grace Female Beaconsfield
1938/2700281 Fremantle Rendell Rosalie Martha Grace Female Howell Harold Percy Male Beaconsfield
1938/2700282 Fremantle Tasker Dorothy Winifred Female Hutton Allan Francis Male Fremantle
1938/2700282 Fremantle Hutton Allan Francis Male Tasker Dorothy Winifred Female Fremantle
1938/2700283 Fremantle Busholt Eric Lawrence Male Manuel Winifred Molly Newland Female Palmyra
1938/2700283 Fremantle Manuel Winifred Molly Newland Female Busholt Eric Lawrence Male Palmyra
1938/2700284 Fremantle Oxwell Helena Minnie Female Holman Leslie George Male Fremantle
1938/2700284 Fremantle Holman Leslie George Male Oxwell Helena Minnie Female Fremantle
1938/2700285 Fremantle Renfrey Lionel Elliot Male McCaskie Adelaide Jane Female Fremantle
1938/2700285 Fremantle McCaskie Adelaide Jane Female Renfrey Lionel Elliot Male Fremantle
1938/2700286 Fremantle Murphy Ethel Elizabeth Female Fote Christian Male Fremantle
1938/2700286 Fremantle Fote Christian Male Murphy Ethel Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1938/2700287 Fremantle Rowe Emily Sarah Female Bennett Frederick George Male Palmyra
1938/2700287 Fremantle Bennett Frederick George Male Rowe Emily Sarah Female Palmyra
1938/2700288 Fremantle Cook May Ann Female Clark Henry Edward Male Fremantle
1938/2700288 Fremantle Clark Henry Edward Male Cook May Ann Female Fremantle
1938/2700289 Fremantle Fletcher Thomas Alexander Male Anderson Marjorie Female Fremantle
1938/2700289 Fremantle Anderson Marjorie Female Fletcher Thomas Alexander Male Fremantle
1938/2700290 Fremantle Calder Marion Female Sheppard Robert Male Fremantle
1938/2700290 Fremantle Sheppard Robert Male Calder Marion Female Fremantle
1938/2700291 Fremantle Taylor George Henry Male Stapley Hazel Irene Female Fremantle
1938/2700291 Fremantle Stapley Hazel Irene Female Taylor George Henry Male Fremantle
1938/2700292 Fremantle Yeoman Arthur Francis Male Foord Ethel Marjorie Female East Fremantle
1938/2700292 Fremantle Foord Ethel Marjorie Female Yeoman Arthur Francis Male East Fremantle
1938/2700293 Fremantle Redmond Kathleen Myra Female Sloan John Patrick Male Fremantle
1938/2700293 Fremantle Sloan John Patrick Male Redmond Kathleen Myra Female Fremantle
1938/2700294 Fremantle Mackay Jessie Margaret Female Wilson Robin Leonard Male Fremantle
1938/2700294 Fremantle Wilson Robin Leonard Male Mackay Jessie Margaret Female Fremantle
1938/2700295 Fremantle Forrester Mary Elizabeth Female Ewart John Henry Male Fremantle
1938/2700295 Fremantle Ewart John Henry Male Forrester Mary Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1938/2700296 Fremantle Hedley Alice Female Dixon Alfred Almore Male Fremantle
1938/2700296 Fremantle Dixon Alfred Almore Male Hedley Alice Female Fremantle
1938/2700297 Fremantle Smith Gwendelyn Royal Female Oakley Gordon Hunter Male Fremantle
1938/2700297 Fremantle Oakley Gordon Hunter Male Smith Gwendelyn Royal Female Fremantle
1938/2700298 Fremantle Hall Constance Eva Female McCarthy Thomas Male Fremantle
1938/2700298 Fremantle McCarthy Thomas Male Hall Constance Eva Female Fremantle
1938/2700299 Fremantle Warren William Jack Male Eatt Hazel Miriam Female Fremantle
1938/2700299 Fremantle Eatt Hazel Miriam Female Warren William Jack Male Fremantle
1938/2700300 Fremantle Newton Penninah Ada Female Cross James Sidney Male Fremantle
1938/2700300 Fremantle Cross James Sidney Male Newton Penninah Ada Female Fremantle
1938/2700301 Fremantle Schnaars Stephen Frederick Male Lindsay Isabella Munro Female East Fremantle
1938/2700301 Fremantle Lindsay Isabella Munro Female Schnaars Stephen Frederick Male East Fremantle
1938/2700302 Fremantle Williams Amy Doreen Female Hockey Vivian Edward Male Fremantle
1938/2700302 Fremantle Hockey Vivian Edward Male Williams Amy Doreen Female Fremantle
1938/2700303 Fremantle Abbott Leslie Kintore Male Utterson Beatrice Evelyn Female Fremantle
1938/2700303 Fremantle Utterson Beatrice Evelyn Female Abbott Leslie Kintore Male Fremantle
1938/2700304 Fremantle Outram William Male Dennis Elsie Edith Female Fremantle
1938/2700304 Fremantle Dennis Elsie Edith Female Outram William Male Fremantle
1938/2700305 Fremantle Delahunt George Thomas Male Beagley Lizzie Female Fremantle
1938/2700305 Fremantle Beagley Lizzie Female Delahunt George Thomas Male Fremantle
1938/2700306 Fremantle Outram Beryl Mavis Female Hunt Herbert Edward Male Fremantle
1938/2700306 Fremantle Hunt Herbert Edward Male Outram Beryl Mavis Female Fremantle
1938/2700307 Fremantle Dunn Sarah Female Noake Henry Stuart Male Fremantle
1938/2700307 Fremantle Noake Henry Stuart Male Dunn Sarah Female Fremantle
1938/2700308 Fremantle Coates Rita Caroline Female Hunter Herbert Male Beaconsfield
1938/2700308 Fremantle Hunter Herbert Male Coates Rita Caroline Female Beaconsfield
1938/2700309 Fremantle Triplett George Thomas Male Sayers Margaret Mary Female Fremantle
1938/2700309 Fremantle Sayers Margaret Mary Female Triplett George Thomas Male Fremantle
1938/2700310 Fremantle Turner Richard Martin Male Egerton Mary Ellen Female East Fremantle
1938/2700310 Fremantle Egerton Mary Ellen Female Turner Richard Martin Male East Fremantle
1938/2700311 Fremantle Tuxford Leslie Doran Male Cromwell Ellora May Female Fremantle
1938/2700311 Fremantle Cromwell Ellora May Female Tuxford Leslie Doran Male Fremantle
1938/2700312 Fremantle Gardner Ruby Emily Female Armstrong Leonard Robert Male Fremantle
1938/2700312 Fremantle Armstrong Leonard Robert Male Gardner Ruby Emily Female Fremantle
1938/2700313 Fremantle Strauss Thelma Veronica Female Jackman Frederick Male Fremantle
1938/2700313 Fremantle Jackman Frederick Male Strauss Thelma Veronica Female Fremantle
1938/2700314 Fremantle Cressie Phyllis Rosamond Female Edgar David James Male East Fremantle
1938/2700314 Fremantle Edgar David James Male Cressie Phyllis Rosamond Female East Fremantle
1938/2700315 Fremantle Green Joan Female Webb Robert George Male Fremantle
1938/2700315 Fremantle Webb Robert George Male Green Joan Female Fremantle
1938/2700316 Fremantle Price Arthur Male Guidera Margaret May Female Beaconsfield
1938/2700316 Fremantle Guidera Margaret May Female Price Arthur Male Beaconsfield
1938/2700317 Fremantle Cook Robert Bruce Male Diederich Clorine Cecilia Female Beaconsfield
1938/2700317 Fremantle Diederich Clorine Cecilia Female Cook Robert Bruce Male Beaconsfield
1938/2700318 Fremantle O'Malley Elsie Brenda May Female Marney Walter James Male Fremantle
1938/2700318 Fremantle Marney Walter James Male O'Malley Elsie Brenda May Female Fremantle
1938/2700319 Fremantle Leavy Mervyn Francis Male Coleman Edna Clare Female Fremantle
1938/2700319 Fremantle Coleman Edna Clare Female Leavy Mervyn Francis Male Fremantle
1938/2700320 Fremantle Critch Henry Edward Male Krogh Vibeke Agnete Female Fremantle
1938/2700320 Fremantle Krogh Vibeke Agnete Female Critch Henry Edward Male Fremantle
1938/2700321 Fremantle Shaw Conrad Edward Male Goudge Olive Myrtle Female Fremantle
1938/2700321 Fremantle Goudge Olive Myrtle Female Shaw Conrad Edward Male Fremantle
1938/2700322 Fremantle Higgs Harry Male Miller Dorothy Jean Female Fremantle
1938/2700322 Fremantle Miller Dorothy Jean Female Higgs Harry Male Fremantle
1938/2700323 Fremantle Collis Fredrick Ernest Male O'Sullivan Eileen Female Fremantle
1938/2700323 Fremantle O'Sullivan Eileen Female Collis Fredrick Ernest Male Fremantle
1938/2700324 Fremantle Johnson Nitta Veronica Female Ashman Harold John Male Fremantle
1938/2700324 Fremantle Ashman Harold John Male Johnson Nitta Veronica Female Fremantle
1938/2700325 Fremantle King Adeline Alice Female Grant Robert John Male Fremantle
1938/2700325 Fremantle Grant Robert John Male King Adeline Alice Female Fremantle
1938/2700326 Fremantle Bruhn Ethel May Female Wells Allen Victor George Male Fremantle
1938/2700326 Fremantle Wells Allen Victor George Male Bruhn Ethel May Female Fremantle
1938/2700327 Fremantle Lilly Emily Female McEwan Joseph Male Fremantle
1938/2700327 Fremantle McEwan Joseph Male Lilly Emily Female Fremantle
1938/2700328 Fremantle Attwood William Hamilton Male Jenkins Edith Annie Female Fremantle
1938/2700328 Fremantle Jenkins Edith Annie Female Attwood William Hamilton Male Fremantle
1938/2700329 Fremantle Ebbs William Male Bell Florence Eva Female Fremantle
1938/2700329 Fremantle Bell Florence Eva Female Ebbs William Male Fremantle
1938/2700330 Fremantle McClure Violet May Female Williams Walter Huxley Male Fremantle
1938/2700330 Fremantle Williams Walter Huxley Male McClure Violet May Female Fremantle
1938/2700331 Fremantle Hall Harry Kemp Male Smirk Hazel Mary Female Fremantle
1938/2700331 Fremantle Smirk Hazel Mary Female Hall Harry Kemp Male Fremantle
1938/2700332 Fremantle Norris Evelyn Elva Female Stuart Wallace Keith Male Fremantle
1938/2700332 Fremantle Stuart Wallace Keith Male Norris Evelyn Elva Female Fremantle
1938/2700333 Fremantle Rixom Selina May Female Humphreys Richard William Male Fremantle
1938/2700333 Fremantle Humphreys Richard William Male Rixom Selina May Female Fremantle
1938/2700334 Fremantle Bishop Marjorie Louise Female Craig James Thomas Male Fremantle
1938/2700334 Fremantle Craig James Thomas Male Bishop Marjorie Louise Female Fremantle
1938/2700335 Fremantle Galloway Alexander Thomas Male Brooks Gwendoline Louisa Grace Female Fremantle
1938/2700335 Fremantle Brooks Gwendoline Louisa Grace Female Galloway Alexander Thomas Male Fremantle
1938/2700336 Fremantle Wood Phyllis Edna Female De San Miguel Frederick Charles Male Fremantle
1938/2700336 Fremantle De San Miguel Frederick Charles Male Wood Phyllis Edna Female Fremantle
1938/2700337 Fremantle Baird William Langdon Male Ross Lucy Alma McKenzie Female East Fremantle
1938/2700337 Fremantle Ross Lucy Alma McKenzie Female Baird William Langdon Male East Fremantle
1938/2700338 Fremantle Wynn Amy Roseanna Nancy Female Woods Eric John Male Fremantle
1938/2700338 Fremantle Woods Eric John Male Wynn Amy Roseanna Nancy Female Fremantle
1938/2700339 Fremantle Fletcher Jean Marie Female Moloney Robert Emmett Male Fremantle
1938/2700339 Fremantle Moloney Robert Emmett Male Fletcher Jean Marie Female Fremantle
1938/2700340 Fremantle Williams Dulcie Patricia Female Fitzsimmons John Edward Male Fremantle
1938/2700340 Fremantle Fitzsimmons John Edward Male Williams Dulcie Patricia Female Fremantle
1938/2700341 Fremantle Hunt Eileen Elizabeth Female Dean Kenneth Vernon Male Fremantle
1938/2700341 Fremantle Dean Kenneth Vernon Male Hunt Eileen Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1938/2700342 Fremantle Walker Charles Christopher Male Mortimer Ruth Olivia Female Beaconsfield
1938/2700342 Fremantle Mortimer Ruth Olivia Female Walker Charles Christopher Male Beaconsfield
1938/2700343 Fremantle Triplett Robert Male Withnell Jessie Margaret Female Beaconsfield
1938/2700343 Fremantle Withnell Jessie Margaret Female Triplett Robert Male Beaconsfield
1938/2700344 Fremantle Blackwood Elizabeth Johnstone Female Saunders Ernest Sydney Male Fremantle
1938/2700344 Fremantle Saunders Ernest Sydney Male Blackwood Elizabeth Johnstone Female Fremantle
1938/2700345 Fremantle Anderton Dorothy May Female Jones Norman Herbert Male Fremantle
1938/2700345 Fremantle Jones Norman Herbert Male Anderton Dorothy May Female Fremantle
1938/2700346 Fremantle Martin Dora Alvina Female Harris Frederick Bartholomew Male Fremantle
1938/2700346 Fremantle Harris Frederick Bartholomew Male Martin Dora Alvina Female Fremantle
1938/2700347 Fremantle McKenzie Reginald Cyril Male Vagg Sylvia Pearl Female Fremantle
1938/2700347 Fremantle Vagg Sylvia Pearl Female McKenzie Reginald Cyril Male Fremantle
1938/2700348 Fremantle Goy Matthew Cartledge Male Perry Selina Isabella Female Fremantle
1938/2700348 Fremantle Perry Selina Isabella Female Goy Matthew Cartledge Male Fremantle
1938/2700349 Fremantle Coughlan Mary Estelle Female Healy Patrick Burselum Male Fremantle
1938/2700349 Fremantle Healy Patrick Burselum Male Coughlan Mary Estelle Female Fremantle
1938/2700350 Fremantle Barrett Frank Edward Male Sweetman Doris May Female Fremantle
1938/2700350 Fremantle Sweetman Doris May Female Barrett Frank Edward Male Fremantle
1938/2700351 Fremantle Willis Jean Female Rowley Walter Douglas Male Fremantle
1938/2700351 Fremantle Rowley Walter Douglas Male Willis Jean Female Fremantle
1938/2700352 Fremantle Boothroyd Robert Male Clark Jessie Mary Female Fremantle
1938/2700352 Fremantle Clark Jessie Mary Female Boothroyd Robert Male Fremantle
1938/2700353 Fremantle Clarke Wilhelmina Albertha Female Fordham Reginald James Male Fremantle
1938/2700353 Fremantle Fordham Reginald James Male Clarke Wilhelmina Albertha Female Fremantle
1938/2700354 Fremantle Nelson Annie Female Daly David Edward Male Fremantle
1938/2700354 Fremantle Daly David Edward Male Nelson Annie Female Fremantle
1938/2700355 Fremantle Hoepner Benno Theodor Male Schwab Margaret May Female Fremantle
1938/2700355 Fremantle Schwab Margaret May Female Hoepner Benno Theodor Male Fremantle
1938/2700356 Fremantle Danielson Alvor Norman Male Northrop Beatrice Evelyn Female Fremantle
1938/2700356 Fremantle Northrop Beatrice Evelyn Female Danielson Alvor Norman Male Fremantle
1938/2700357 Fremantle Jackson Ivy Violet Female Morton John William Male Fremantle
1938/2700357 Fremantle Morton John William Male Jackson Ivy Violet Female Fremantle
1938/2700358 Fremantle Bell Harold James Male Neville Dorothy Rose Female Fremantle
1938/2700358 Fremantle Neville Dorothy Rose Female Bell Harold James Male Fremantle
1938/2700359 Fremantle Thomas Sidney William Male Mitchell Janet Cowan Neill Female Fremantle
1938/2700359 Fremantle Mitchell Janet Cowan Neill Female Thomas Sidney William Male Fremantle
1938/2700360 Fremantle Black Ida May Female Sutton Edward Anthony Male Beaconsfield
1938/2700360 Fremantle Sutton Edward Anthony Male Black Ida May Female Beaconsfield
1938/2700361 Fremantle Robertson Lance George Male McNamara Mary Rita Female Beaconsfield
1938/2700361 Fremantle McNamara Mary Rita Female Robertson Lance George Male Beaconsfield
1938/2700362 Fremantle Spence Joy Napier Female Barron Edward Raymond Male Fremantle
1938/2700362 Fremantle Barron Edward Raymond Male Spence Joy Napier Female Fremantle
1938/2700363 Fremantle Smith Vincent Male Coffey Mary Patrica Female Fremantle
1938/2700363 Fremantle Coffey Mary Patrica Female Smith Vincent Male Fremantle
1938/2700364 Fremantle McCosker Charles Alexander Male Moore Lillian Female Fremantle
1938/2700364 Fremantle Moore Lillian Female McCosker Charles Alexander Male Fremantle
1938/2700365 Fremantle Whitby Elsie Edna Female Buck Clive Albert Male Fremantle
1938/2700365 Fremantle Buck Clive Albert Male Whitby Elsie Edna Female Fremantle
1938/2700366 Fremantle Hopkins Phyllis Sylvia Female Rowan John Stewart Male Fremantle
1938/2700366 Fremantle Rowan John Stewart Male Hopkins Phyllis Sylvia Female Fremantle
1938/2700367 Fremantle Lewis Ethel Mavis Female Pink William Edward Male Fremantle
1938/2700367 Fremantle Pink William Edward Male Lewis Ethel Mavis Female Fremantle
1938/2700368 Fremantle Philpott George Edgecombe Male Braddock Clare Lillian Female Fremantle
1938/2700368 Fremantle Braddock Clare Lillian Female Philpott George Edgecombe Male Fremantle
1938/2700369 Fremantle Geggie Clifford Ernest Male Harlock Elsie May Female Beaconsfield
1938/2700369 Fremantle Harlock Elsie May Female Geggie Clifford Ernest Male Beaconsfield
1938/2700370 Fremantle MacLeod John Male Bird Edith Adelaide Female Fremantle
1938/2700370 Fremantle Bird Edith Adelaide Female MacLeod John Male Fremantle
1938/2700371 Fremantle Reid Charles Emil Male Sims Alice Eileen Female Fremantle
1938/2700371 Fremantle Sims Alice Eileen Female Reid Charles Emil Male Fremantle
1938/2700372 Fremantle Milbourne Albert Edward Henry Male Anderton Thelma Mabel Female Fremantle
1938/2700372 Fremantle Anderton Thelma Mabel Female Milbourne Albert Edward Henry Male Fremantle
1938/2700373 Fremantle Slee Laurence Ballyman Male Hillery Lillian May Female Fremantle
1938/2700373 Fremantle Hillery Lillian May Female Slee Laurence Ballyman Male Fremantle
1938/2700374 Fremantle Ryan Enid Winifred Female Cook Edwin Benjamin Male Fremantle
1938/2700374 Fremantle Cook Edwin Benjamin Male Ryan Enid Winifred Female Fremantle
1938/2700375 Fremantle Whitford Ruth Lorraine Female Backshell Herbert George Kitchener Male Fremantle
1938/2700375 Fremantle Backshell Herbert George Kitchener Male Whitford Ruth Lorraine Female Fremantle
1938/2700376 Fremantle Wade May Female Melling James Albert Male Fremantle
1938/2700376 Fremantle Melling James Albert Male Wade May Female Fremantle
1938/2700377 Fremantle Munro Elsie Female Roveta Philip Male Fremantle
1938/2700377 Fremantle Roveta Philip Male Munro Elsie Female Fremantle
1938/2700378 Fremantle Zemunik Rocka Male Collova Carmela Female Spearwood
1938/2700378 Fremantle Collova Carmela Female Zemunik Rocka Male Spearwood
1938/2700379 Fremantle Cockle Arthur Leslie Male Genoni Ester Mary Female East Fremantle
1938/2700379 Fremantle Genoni Ester Mary Female Cockle Arthur Leslie Male East Fremantle
1938/2700380 Fremantle McGinn Edward Male Allen Grace Mona Female East Fremantle
1938/2700380 Fremantle Allen Grace Mona Female McGinn Edward Male East Fremantle
1938/2700381 Fremantle Fullston William Arthur Male Jeffery Marion Eva Female Fremantle
1938/2700381 Fremantle Jeffery Marion Eva Female Fullston William Arthur Male Fremantle
1938/2700382 Fremantle Acton Frank Robert Hurcles Male Acton Lily Female Fremantle
1938/2700382 Fremantle Acton Lily Female Acton Frank Robert Hurcles Male Fremantle
1938/2700383 Fremantle Oram Minnie Naylor Female Beer Ronald Thomas Male Fremantle
1938/2700383 Fremantle Beer Ronald Thomas Male Oram Minnie Naylor Female Fremantle
1938/2700384 Fremantle Holdsworth Sarah Anne Female Connors James Arthur Male Fremantle
1938/2700384 Fremantle Connors James Arthur Male Holdsworth Sarah Anne Female Fremantle
1938/2700385 Fremantle Johnston Herbert Male McAlpine Annie Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1938/2700385 Fremantle McAlpine Annie Elizabeth Female Johnston Herbert Male Fremantle
1938/2700386 Fremantle Tanner Edna Jane Female Johnstone Archibald Male Fremantle
1938/2700386 Fremantle Johnstone Archibald Male Tanner Edna Jane Female Fremantle
1938/2700387 Fremantle Campbell Herbert Richard Male Fordham Ethel May Female Fremantle
1938/2700387 Fremantle Fordham Ethel May Female Campbell Herbert Richard Male Fremantle
1938/2700388 Fremantle Migro Catherine Patricia Female Holmes Kenneth Claude Male North Fremantle
1938/2700388 Fremantle Holmes Kenneth Claude Male Migro Catherine Patricia Female North Fremantle
1938/2700389 Fremantle Valle Alma Female Marle Eric Male Fremantle
1938/2700389 Fremantle Marle Eric Male Valle Alma Female Fremantle
1938/2700390 Fremantle Murray Nancy Jean Female McLeod Malcolm Thomas Male Fremantle
1938/2700390 Fremantle McLeod Malcolm Thomas Male Murray Nancy Jean Female Fremantle
1938/2700391 Fremantle Smith John Lenard Male Jones Stella Margaret Female North Fremantle
1938/2700391 Fremantle Jones Stella Margaret Female Smith John Lenard Male North Fremantle
1938/2700392 Fremantle Yarrick Edna Joyce Female Flynn Robert Leslie Male Fremantle
1938/2700392 Fremantle Flynn Robert Leslie Male Yarrick Edna Joyce Female Fremantle
1938/2700393 Fremantle Bumback Peter Male Sprljan Marica Vajsava Female Fremantle
1938/2700393 Fremantle Sprljan Marica Vajsava Female Bumback Peter Male Fremantle
1938/2800001 Gascoyne Kimberley George Male Kane Mary Ann Female Carnarvon
1938/2800001 Gascoyne Kane Mary Ann Female Kimberley George Male Carnarvon
1938/2800002 Gascoyne Keens Dorothy Evelyn Eliza Female Quince Charles Male Carnarvon
1938/2800002 Gascoyne Quince Charles Male Keens Dorothy Evelyn Eliza Female Carnarvon
1938/2800003 Gascoyne Talbot Augustina Helena Female Roe Augustine Patrick Male Carnarvon
1938/2800003 Gascoyne Roe Augustine Patrick Male Talbot Augustina Helena Female Carnarvon
1938/2800004 Gascoyne Burrow Arthur Male Evans Florence Amelia Female Carnarvon
1938/2800004 Gascoyne Evans Florence Amelia Female Burrow Arthur Male Carnarvon
1938/2800005 Gascoyne Burns Evelyn Jess Female Bickley Clarence Alexander Male Carnarvon
1938/2800005 Gascoyne Bickley Clarence Alexander Male Burns Evelyn Jess Female Carnarvon
1938/2800006 Gascoyne Bird Ann May Female Campbell Jack Male Carnarvon
1938/2800006 Gascoyne Campbell Jack Male Bird Ann May Female Carnarvon
1938/2800007 Gascoyne Wilson Robert Male Scroop Olive Powell Female Carnarvon
1938/2800007 Gascoyne Warmington Robert Male Scroop Olive Powell Female Carnarvon
1938/2800007 Gascoyne Scroop Olive Powell Female Warmington Robert Male Carnarvon
1938/2800007 Gascoyne Scroop Olive Powell Female Wilson Robert Male Carnarvon
1938/2900001 Geraldton Hanlon Edith Beryl Female David Oliver Lloyd Male Geraldton
1938/2900001 Geraldton David Oliver Lloyd Male Hanlon Edith Beryl Female Geraldton
1938/2900002 Geraldton Thomas Margareta Joyce Female Ovens Robert Male Geraldton
1938/2900002 Geraldton Ovens Robert Male Thomas Margareta Joyce Female Geraldton
1938/2900003 Geraldton Barndon Pearl Florance Female Kupsch William Roy Male Kojarena
1938/2900003 Geraldton Kupsch William Roy Male Barndon Pearl Florance Female Kojarena
1938/2900004 Geraldton Herriman George Lawrance Male Rutley Winifred Dorothy Female Geraldton
1938/2900004 Geraldton Rutley Winifred Dorothy Female Herriman George Lawrance Male Geraldton
1938/2900005 Geraldton Fitzgerald Cecily Anastasia Female Whitehurst Walter Earnest David Male Geraldton
1938/2900005 Geraldton Whitehurst Walter Earnest David Male Fitzgerald Cecily Anastasia Female Geraldton
1939/2900005 Geraldton Alday Frederick Harry Keith Male Jones Thelma Florence Female Mullewa
1939/2900005 Geraldton Jones Thelma Florence Female Alday Frederick Harry Keith Male Mullewa
1938/2900006 Geraldton Angel Mary Female Ruddaway Herbert Herman Male Geraldton
1938/2900006 Geraldton Ruddaway Herbert Herman Male Angel Mary Female Geraldton
1938/2900007 Geraldton Lake Gordon Henry Male Young Constance Norma Female Geraldton
1938/2900007 Geraldton Young Constance Norma Female Lake Gordon Henry Male Geraldton
1938/2900008 Geraldton Stafford Esme Isobel Knowlton Female Williams David Gwyn Male Geraldton
1938/2900008 Geraldton Williams David Gwyn Male Stafford Esme Isobel Knowlton Female Geraldton
1938/2900009 Geraldton Wellington John Arthur Male Gibson Ida Irene Female Geraldton
1938/2900009 Geraldton Gibson Ida Irene Female Wellington John Arthur Male Geraldton
1938/2900010 Geraldton Partlon William Patrick Male Murphy Eileen Mary Female Geraldton
1938/2900010 Geraldton Murphy Eileen Mary Female Partlon William Patrick Male Geraldton
1938/2900011 Geraldton Curtin Margaret Mary Female Marsden Joseph Male Geraldton
1938/2900011 Geraldton Marsden Joseph Male Curtin Margaret Mary Female Geraldton
1938/2900012 Geraldton Merritt Eny Female Jones Duncan Male Mullewa
1938/2900012 Geraldton Jones Duncan Male Merritt Eny Female Mullewa
1938/2900013 Geraldton Walker Lillian Rose Female Dunn Edward William Male Geraldton
1938/2900013 Geraldton Dunn Edward William Male Walker Lillian Rose Female Geraldton
1938/2900014 Geraldton Costantino Joseph Male Miragliotta Anita Gladys Female Geraldton
1938/2900014 Geraldton Miragliotta Anita Gladys Female Costantino Joseph Male Geraldton
1938/2900015 Geraldton Jupp Leslie Gould Male Reynolds Dorothy Jean Female Geraldton
1938/2900015 Geraldton Reynolds Dorothy Jean Female Jupp Leslie Gould Male Geraldton
1938/2900016 Geraldton McCagh John Joseph Male Mitchell Laura Margaret Female Geraldton
1938/2900016 Geraldton Mitchell Laura Margaret Female McCagh John Joseph Male Geraldton
1938/2900017 Geraldton Stokes Veronica Lillian Female McClellan Leslie John Male Geraldton
1938/2900017 Geraldton McClellan Leslie John Male Stokes Veronica Lillian Female Geraldton
1938/2900018 Geraldton Leeds Nessy Elizabeth Female Steele William Lamb Male Mullewa
1938/2900018 Geraldton Steele William Lamb Male Leeds Nessy Elizabeth Female Mullewa
1938/2900019 Geraldton Schneider Arthur Male Marsden Charlotte Alma Female Geraldton
1938/2900019 Geraldton Marsden Charlotte Alma Female Schneider Arthur Male Geraldton
1938/2900020 Geraldton Frizzell Arthur John Male Farrell Gladys Mary Female Geraldton
1938/2900020 Geraldton Farrell Gladys Mary Female Frizzell Arthur John Male Geraldton
1938/2900021 Geraldton Gibson Joan Female Morrison Gordon Cyril Tucker Male Geraldton
1938/2900021 Geraldton Morrison Gordon Cyril Tucker Male Gibson Joan Female Geraldton
1938/2900022 Geraldton Norris Leonard Henry George Male Gray Ruth Female Geraldton
1938/2900022 Geraldton Gray Ruth Female Norris Leonard Henry George Male Geraldton
1938/2900023 Geraldton O'Grady Francis Burfoot Male Lock Hilda Sophia Female Geraldton
1938/2900023 Geraldton Lock Hilda Sophia Female O'Grady Francis Burfoot Male Geraldton
1938/2900024 Geraldton Lindon Elsie Irene Female Phillips Charles Barnett Male Geraldton
1938/2900024 Geraldton Phillips Charles Barnett Male Lindon Elsie Irene Female Geraldton
1938/2900025 Geraldton Bunter Jane Female Bennetts John Francis Male Geraldton
1938/2900025 Geraldton Bennetts John Francis Male Bunter Jane Female Geraldton
1938/2900026 Geraldton McGuinness Enid Mary Female Reynolds Theodore John Male Geraldton
1938/2900026 Geraldton Reynolds Theodore John Male McGuinness Enid Mary Female Geraldton
1938/2900027 Geraldton Reynolds George Martin Lawrence Male Miller Georgina Maud Female Geraldton
1938/2900027 Geraldton Miller Georgina Maud Female Reynolds George Martin Lawrence Male Geraldton
1938/2900028 Geraldton Cant Stanley Thomas Male Green Kathleen Female Geraldton
1938/2900028 Geraldton Green Kathleen Female Cant Stanley Thomas Male Geraldton
1938/2900029 Geraldton Glass Lucy Emily Female Gibson Frederick Francis Male Geraldton
1938/2900029 Geraldton Gibson Frederick Francis Male Glass Lucy Emily Female Geraldton
1938/2900030 Geraldton Bradshaw Nancy Alice Female Scott Walter Dawson Male Mullewa
1938/2900030 Geraldton Scott Walter Dawson Male Bradshaw Nancy Alice Female Mullewa
1938/2900031 Geraldton Curtis Linda May Female Oates Martin Joseph Male Geraldton
1938/2900031 Geraldton Oates Martin Joseph Male Curtis Linda May Female Geraldton
1938/2900032 Geraldton Reynolds Henry Francis Patrick Male Criddle Vera Emma Female Geraldton
1938/2900032 Geraldton Criddle Vera Emma Female Reynolds Henry Francis Patrick Male Geraldton
1938/2900033 Geraldton Challinger David Albert Male Butler Dorothy Lorraine Female Geraldton
1938/2900033 Geraldton Butler Dorothy Lorraine Female Challinger David Albert Male Geraldton
1938/2900034 Geraldton Merritt Francis Male Jones Grace Female Mullewa
1938/2900034 Geraldton Jones Grace Female Merritt Francis Male Mullewa
1938/2900035 Geraldton Cousins Josephine Irene Maud Female Fitzgerald Arthur Male Geraldton
1938/2900035 Geraldton Fitzgerald Arthur Male Cousins Josephine Irene Maud Female Geraldton
1938/2900036 Geraldton Nilen John Hugh Male Cook Joan Female Geraldton
1938/2900036 Geraldton Cook Joan Female Nilen John Hugh Male Geraldton
1938/2900037 Geraldton Brockwell Herman Robert Male Nairn Beulah Jane Female Geraldton
1938/2900037 Geraldton Nairn Beulah Jane Female Brockwell Herman Robert Male Geraldton
1938/2900038 Geraldton Martin Vernon Arthur Male Buchanan Eva Olive Female Geraldton
1938/2900038 Geraldton Buchanan Eva Olive Female Martin Vernon Arthur Male Geraldton
1938/2900039 Geraldton McAuliffe John Male Kernan Sheila Jean Female Mullewa
1938/2900039 Geraldton Kernan Sheila Jean Female McAuliffe John Male Mullewa
1938/2900040 Geraldton Morfitt Elsie Joyce Female Endersby Herbert Andrew Male Geraldton
1938/2900040 Geraldton Endersby Herbert Andrew Male Morfitt Elsie Joyce Female Geraldton
1938/2900041 Geraldton Grigsby Winifred Female Collins Frank Male Geraldton
1938/2900041 Geraldton Collins Frank Male Grigsby Winifred Female Geraldton
1938/2900042 Geraldton Kelly Phyllis Thelma Female Toy Douglas William Male Geraldton
1938/2900042 Geraldton Toy Douglas William Male Kelly Phyllis Thelma Female Geraldton
1938/2900043 Geraldton Foott Celia Mary Lumsden Female Taylor William George Male Geraldton
1938/2900043 Geraldton Taylor William George Male Foott Celia Mary Lumsden Female Geraldton
1938/2900044 Geraldton Parkinson Eva Elizabeth Female Stokes Frank Raymond Male Geraldton
1938/2900044 Geraldton Stokes Frank Raymond Male Parkinson Eva Elizabeth Female Geraldton
1938/2900045 Geraldton Cook Frederick George Male Bennier Roma Female Geraldton
1938/2900045 Geraldton Bennier Roma Female Cook Frederick George Male Geraldton
1938/2900046 Geraldton Connor Wallace George Male Davidson Irene May Female Geraldton
1938/2900046 Geraldton Davidson Irene May Female Connor Wallace George Male Geraldton
1938/2900047 Geraldton Matthees Milly Rose Female Pearce George Male Geraldton
1938/2900047 Geraldton Pearce George Male Matthees Milly Rose Female Geraldton
1938/2900048 Geraldton Rowe Myrtle Adelaide Female Gibbons Reginald Neil Male Geraldton
1938/2900048 Geraldton Gibbons Reginald Neil Male Rowe Myrtle Adelaide Female Geraldton
1938/2900049 Geraldton Evans Horace George Male Criddle Thelma Female Geraldton
1938/2900049 Geraldton Criddle Thelma Female Evans Horace George Male Geraldton
1938/2900050 Geraldton Scaife Helen Elizabeth Female Akerstrom Henry Berger Male Geraldton
1938/2900050 Geraldton Akerstrom Henry Berger Male Scaife Helen Elizabeth Female Geraldton
1938/2900051 Geraldton Snow Ellen Rose Female Haley William John Male Mullewa
1938/2900051 Geraldton Haley William John Male Snow Ellen Rose Female Mullewa
1938/2900052 Geraldton Gould Eva Mary Female Clampett Frederick George Male Geraldton
1938/2900052 Geraldton Clampett Frederick George Male Gould Eva Mary Female Geraldton
1938/2900053 Geraldton Bartlett Shirley Female Horgan Bruce Male Geraldton
1938/2900053 Geraldton Horgan Bruce Male Bartlett Shirley Female Geraldton
1938/2900054 Geraldton Davey John Hodges Male Chorlton Florence Female Geraldton
1938/2900054 Geraldton Chorlton Florence Female Davey John Hodges Male Geraldton
1938/2900055 Geraldton Kupsch Herbert Edward Albert Male Johnson Elizabeth Ellen Female Geraldton
1938/2900055 Geraldton Johnson Elizabeth Ellen Female Kupsch Herbert Edward Albert Male Geraldton
1938/2900056 Geraldton Martin Derek Harold Male Stokes Jean Astles Female Geraldton
1938/2900056 Geraldton Stokes Jean Astles Female Martin Derek Harold Male Geraldton
1938/2900057 Geraldton Gould Joseph Roy Male Carr Gwendoline Mary Female Geraldton
1938/2900057 Geraldton Carr Gwendoline Mary Female Gould Joseph Roy Male Geraldton
1938/2900058 Geraldton Brand Daphne Maud Female Ullrich Leslie Arthur Male Mullewa
1938/2900058 Geraldton Ullrich Leslie Arthur Male Brand Daphne Maud Female Mullewa
1938/2900059 Geraldton Watson Allan Boyd Male Clarke Jean Female Geraldton
1938/2900059 Geraldton Clarke Jean Female Watson Allan Boyd Male Geraldton
1938/2900060 Geraldton Roberts William Joseph Male Drew Sheelah Marie Female Geraldton
1938/2900060 Geraldton Drew Sheelah Marie Female Roberts William Joseph Male Geraldton
1938/2900061 Geraldton Watkins Violet May Female Baldock Archie Joseph Male Mullewa
1938/2900061 Geraldton Baldock Archie Joseph Male Watkins Violet May Female Mullewa
1938/2900062 Geraldton Radford Simeon John Male Minney Mavis Pearl Female Geraldton
1938/2900062 Geraldton Minney Mavis Pearl Female Radford Simeon John Male Geraldton
1938/2900063 Geraldton Barwise Mary Elizabeth Female Burnett Harry Male Geraldton
1938/2900063 Geraldton Burnett Harry Male Barwise Mary Elizabeth Female Geraldton
1938/2900064 Geraldton Elliott Bertram Frederick Male Waun Alice May Female Geraldton
1938/2900064 Geraldton Waun Alice May Female Elliott Bertram Frederick Male Geraldton
1938/2900065 Geraldton O'Malley Myrtle Ellen Female Houston Robert William George Male Geraldton
1938/2900065 Geraldton Houston Robert William George Male O'Malley Myrtle Ellen Female Geraldton
1938/2900066 Geraldton Richards Davina Brodie Female Davies Emryss Joachimn Male Geraldton
1938/2900066 Geraldton Davies Emryss Joachimn Male Richards Davina Brodie Female Geraldton
1938/2900067 Geraldton Byrne Brigid Gabriel Female Van Abra Stanley George Male Mullewa
1938/2900067 Geraldton Van Abra Stanley George Male Byrne Brigid Gabriel Female Mullewa
1938/2900068 Geraldton Jones Jessie Female Perejuan John Gordon Male Geraldton
1938/2900068 Geraldton Perejuan John Gordon Male Jones Jessie Female Geraldton
1938/2900069 Geraldton Hanlon Constance Jean Female Edgar Gordon Scott Male Geraldton
1938/2900069 Geraldton Edgar Gordon Scott Male Hanlon Constance Jean Female Geraldton
1938/2900070 Geraldton Bell Fred Male Kendrick Isabel Female Geraldton
1938/2900070 Geraldton Kendrick Isabel Female Bell Fred Male Geraldton
1938/3000002 Gingin Bedells Charles Ebeneezer Male King Thelma Lily Female Gingin
1938/3000002 Gingin King Thelma Lily Female Bedells Charles Ebeneezer Male Gingin
1938/3000003 Gingin Gilligan Gladys Female Prosser Arthur Male Gin Gin
1938/3000003 Gingin Prosser Arthur Male Gilligan Gladys Female Gin Gin
1938/3000004 Gingin Collett Jessie Eileen Female Douglas William Charles Male Gingin
1938/3000004 Gingin Douglas William Charles Male Collett Jessie Eileen Female Gingin
1938/3000005 Gingin Dewar Horace Oscar Male King Deliah Enid Female Gingin
1938/3000005 Gingin King Deliah Enid Female Dewar Horace Oscar Male Gingin
1938/3000006 Gingin Cowell Victor Horace Male Bandy Betty Female Gingin
1938/3000006 Gingin Bandy Betty Female Cowell Victor Horace Male Gingin
1938/3000007 Gingin Darch Frances Cleve Male Jones Lila Mavis Female Gingin
1938/3000007 Gingin Jones Lila Mavis Female Darch Frances Cleve Male Gingin
1938/3000008 Gingin Ronan Mary Female Narrier Thomas Male Gin Gin
1938/3000008 Gingin Narrier Thomas Male Ronan Mary Female Gin Gin
1938/3000009 Gingin Collett Edward Male Christian Beatrice Olive Female Gingin
1938/3000009 Gingin Christian Beatrice Olive Female Collett Edward Male Gingin
1938/3000010 Gingin Darch Annie Gardener Female Nolan Michael Edward Male Gin-Gin
1938/3000010 Gingin Nolan Michael Edward Male Darch Annie Gardener Female Gin-Gin
1938/3100001 Greenough Eves Dorothy Marion Female Waugh William Edward Male Greenough
1938/3100001 Greenough Waugh William Edward Male Eves Dorothy Marion Female Greenough
1938/3100002 Greenough Logue Annie Elizabeth Female Oliver Edward Frederick Daniel Male Walkaway
1938/3100002 Greenough Oliver Edward Frederick Daniel Male Logue Annie Elizabeth Female Walkaway
1938/3300002 Irwin Williams Ethel Roma Female Rumble George Maitland Male Dongarra
1938/3300002 Irwin Rumble George Maitland Male Williams Ethel Roma Female Dongarra
1938/3300003 Irwin O'Connor Eileen Patricia Female Lanagan George Male Clontarf
1938/3300003 Irwin Lanagan George Male O'Connor Eileen Patricia Female Clontarf
1938/3300005 Irwin Hanstrum Vera May Female Booth John Henry Male Three Springs
1938/3300005 Irwin Booth John Henry Male Hanstrum Vera May Female Three Springs
1938/3300006 Irwin Downes Marion Esther Emily Female Murray Hugh Male Dongarra
1938/3300006 Irwin Murray Hugh Male Downes Marion Esther Emily Female Dongarra
1938/3300007 Irwin Perry Eileen Ruby Female Aunger Cyril George Male Carnamah
1938/3300007 Irwin Aunger Cyril George Male Perry Eileen Ruby Female Carnamah
1938/3300008 Irwin Calder Neil Donald Male Gordon May Female Dongarra
1938/3300008 Irwin Gordon May Female Calder Neil Donald Male Dongarra
1938/3300009 Irwin Malcolm Archibald Douglas Male McLaren Linda Maud Beatrice Female Morawa
1938/3300009 Irwin McLaren Linda Maud Beatrice Female Malcolm Archibald Douglas Male Morawa
1938/3300010 Irwin Broad Charles Male Page Nellie Ellen Female Dongarra
1938/3300010 Irwin Page Nellie Ellen Female Broad Charles Male Dongarra
1938/3300011 Irwin Bentley Coral Beatrice Female Pearce Edward John Male Carnamah
1938/3300011 Irwin Pearce Edward John Male Bentley Coral Beatrice Female Carnamah
1938/3300012 Irwin Cheek Teresa May Female Casey Robert Charles Merle Male Morawa
1938/3300012 Irwin Casey Robert Charles Merle Male Cheek Teresa May Female Morawa
1938/3300013 Irwin Tanders John James Male McNeece Kathleen Elizabeth Female Perenjori
1938/3300013 Irwin McNeece Kathleen Elizabeth Female Tanders John James Male Perenjori
1938/3300014 Irwin Stokes Gladys Eileen Female Mutter Wilfred Kenneth Male Three Springs
1938/3300014 Irwin Mutter Wilfred Kenneth Male Stokes Gladys Eileen Female Three Springs
1938/3300015 Irwin Croot Keith Male Carslake Selina Faith Female Gutha
1938/3300015 Irwin Carslake Selina Faith Female Croot Keith Male Gutha
1938/3300016 Irwin Skeyhill Mary Josephine Female Baldwin Edward Christensen Male Dongarra
1938/3300016 Irwin Baldwin Edward Christensen Male Skeyhill Mary Josephine Female Dongarra
1938/3300017 Irwin Bickford Robert Freer Male Harley Muriel Hannah Female Morawa
1938/3300017 Irwin Harley Muriel Hannah Female Bickford Robert Freer Male Morawa
1938/3300018 Irwin Smallwood Oswald Wilfred Male Williamson Jean Effie Female Morawa
1938/3300018 Irwin Williamson Jean Effie Female Smallwood Oswald Wilfred Male Morawa
1938/3300019 Irwin Jones Dulcie Glennine Female Weeden Frank Warwick Male Maya
1938/3300019 Irwin Weeden Frank Warwick Male Jones Dulcie Glennine Female Maya
1938/3300020 Irwin Casey Elizabeth Alice Female Watkins Everard Donald Male Morawa
1938/3300020 Irwin Watkins Everard Donald Male Casey Elizabeth Alice Female Morawa
1938/3300021 Irwin Miller Herbert Alfred Stawell Male Brady Georgina May Female Carnamah
1938/3300021 Irwin Brady Georgina May Female Miller Herbert Alfred Stawell Male Carnamah
1938/3400001 Jarrahdale York Neil Vernon Male Archibald Doris Elizabeth Female Mundijong
1939/3400001 Jarrahdale Foster Mary Lillian Female Rogers Frank Male Jarrahdale
1938/3400001 Jarrahdale Archibald Doris Elizabeth Female York Neil Vernon Male Mundijong
1939/3400001 Jarrahdale Rogers Frank Male Foster Mary Lillian Female Jarrahdale
1938/3400002 Jarrahdale Pollard Keith Alfred Samuel Male Day Florence Evelyn Female East Rockingham
1938/3400002 Jarrahdale Day Florence Evelyn Female Pollard Keith Alfred Samuel Male East Rockingham
1938/3400003 Jarrahdale Clark Frank Victor Male Mathews Betty Irene Female Mundijong
1938/3400003 Jarrahdale Mathews Betty Irene Female Clark Frank Victor Male Mundijong
1938/3400004 Jarrahdale Sparkman Owen Frears Male Dalton Constance Ida Female Mundijong
1938/3400004 Jarrahdale Dalton Constance Ida Female Sparkman Owen Frears Male Mundijong
1938/3400005 Jarrahdale Rhodes Geoffrey Richard Male Lillee Violet Lillian Female Mundijong
1938/3400005 Jarrahdale Lillee Violet Lillian Female Rhodes Geoffrey Richard Male Mundijong
1938/3400006 Jarrahdale Murray Alister James Thomas Male Walker Dorothy Vera Female Jarrahdale
1938/3400006 Jarrahdale Walker Dorothy Vera Female Murray Alister James Thomas Male Jarrahdale
1938/3400007 Jarrahdale Henderson Wilfred Henry Male Basley Erminie Tonkin Female Serpentine
1938/3400007 Jarrahdale Basley Erminie Tonkin Female Henderson Wilfred Henry Male Serpentine
1938/3400008 Jarrahdale Jarvis Joan Mary Female Powell Alfred Male Peel Estate
1938/3400008 Jarrahdale Powell Alfred Male Jarvis Joan Mary Female Peel Estate
1939/3500001 Katanning Brooks Stanley Alfred Male Wise Elsie Blanche Female Katanning
1939/3500001 Katanning Wise Elsie Blanche Female Brooks Stanley Alfred Male Katanning
1939/3500002 Katanning Douglas Isabella Maud Female Dinwoodie Charles Philip Male Woodanilling
1938/3500002 Katanning Bilston Frederick Reuben Male Mader Ida Elizabeth Female Katanning
1938/3500002 Katanning Mader Ida Elizabeth Female Bilston Frederick Reuben Male Katanning
1939/3500002 Katanning Dinwoodie Charles Philip Male Douglas Isabella Maud Female Woodanilling
1938/3500003 Katanning Dusting Elizabeth Ivy Female Roberts Mark Elias Male Woodanilling
1938/3500003 Katanning Roberts Mark Elias Male Dusting Elizabeth Ivy Female Woodanilling
1939/3500003 Katanning Fitzgerald Catherine Iris Female Gerrans Leslie George Male Katanning
1939/3500003 Katanning Gerrans Leslie George Male Fitzgerald Catherine Iris Female Katanning
1938/3500004 Katanning Piesse Lubin Henry Male Bilston Eva Victoria Female Wagin
1938/3500004 Katanning Bilston Eva Victoria Female Piesse Lubin Henry Male Wagin
1938/3500005 Katanning Tapping Raymond Thomas Male Martin Jean Ethelwyn Female Wagin
1938/3500005 Katanning Martin Jean Ethelwyn Female Tapping Raymond Thomas Male Wagin
1938/3500006 Katanning Wolfe Alice Mary Female Nicholas Kenneth Ernest Male Gnowangerup
1938/3500006 Katanning Nicholas Kenneth Ernest Male Wolfe Alice Mary Female Gnowangerup
1938/3500007 Katanning Doig Lilian Grace Female Masters Cecil Robert John Male Wagin
1938/3500007 Katanning Masters Cecil Robert John Male Doig Lilian Grace Female Wagin
1938/3500008 Katanning Trappitt John James Male Ginder Joan Elizabeth Female Gnowangerup
1938/3500008 Katanning Ginder Joan Elizabeth Female Trappitt John James Male Gnowangerup
1938/3500009 Katanning Formby Henry Lonsdale Male Timms Marian Joyce Oliphant Female Gnowangerup
1938/3500009 Katanning Timms Marian Joyce Oliphant Female Formby Henry Lonsdale Male Gnowangerup
1938/3500010 Katanning Lawrance Stuart Lorden Male Stone Eugenê Olivia Female Borden
1938/3500010 Katanning Stone Eugenê Olivia Female Lawrance Stuart Lorden Male Borden
1939/3500011 Katanning Patterson Frank Male Beeck Beryl Audrey Female Katanning
1938/3500011 Katanning Pick Jean Elizabeth Female Jones Albert John Richard Male Katanning
1938/3500011 Katanning Jones Albert John Richard Male Pick Jean Elizabeth Female Katanning
1939/3500011 Katanning Beeck Beryl Audrey Female Patterson Frank Male Katanning
1938/3500012 Katanning Hassett Lorna Violet Female Brass Percy Douglas Male Gnowangerup
1938/3500012 Katanning Brass Percy Douglas Male Hassett Lorna Violet Female Gnowangerup
1938/3500013 Katanning Wise Elva Muriel Female Shackley Frank Maurice Male Cartmeticup
1939/3500013 Katanning Grist Florence Ivy Eucla Female Butler Wilfred Charles Male Wagin
1939/3500013 Katanning Butler Wilfred Charles Male Grist Florence Ivy Eucla Female Wagin
1938/3500013 Katanning Shackley Frank Maurice Male Wise Elva Muriel Female Cartmeticup
1938/3500014 Katanning Temby Christopher Henry Male Potter Lyla May Female Katanning
1938/3500014 Katanning Potter Lyla May Female Temby Christopher Henry Male Katanning
1938/3500015 Katanning Bouchier Mamie Female Jones Leslie Hubert Male Katanning
1938/3500015 Katanning Jones Leslie Hubert Male Bouchier Mamie Female Katanning
1938/3500016 Katanning Armstrong George Ferguson Male Smith Aileen Monica Female Wagin
1938/3500016 Katanning Smith Aileen Monica Female Armstrong George Ferguson Male Wagin
1938/3500017 Katanning Hofmann Marion Emily Female Morris Phillip Hodsell Male Katanning
1938/3500017 Katanning Morris Phillip Hodsell Male Hofmann Marion Emily Female Katanning
1938/3500018 Katanning Robinson John David Ranlagh Male Anderson Shirley Ross Female Katanning
1938/3500018 Katanning Anderson Shirley Ross Female Robinson John David Ranlagh Male Katanning
1938/3500019 Katanning Cregan John Joseph Male Richter Clarice Lilian Maud Female Katanning
1938/3500019 Katanning Richter Clarice Lilian Maud Female Cregan John Joseph Male Katanning
1938/3500020 Katanning Wheatley Ina Isabell Female Watson Lloyd George Male Wagin
1938/3500020 Katanning Watson Lloyd George Male Wheatley Ina Isabell Female Wagin
1938/3500021 Katanning Mudge Clifford George Male Harvey Margaret Emily Ann Female Arthur River
1938/3500021 Katanning Harvey Margaret Emily Ann Female Mudge Clifford George Male Arthur River
1938/3500022 Katanning Mitchell Ethel Rita Female Leathard Alfred Male Dumbleyung
1938/3500022 Katanning Leathard Alfred Male Mitchell Ethel Rita Female Dumbleyung
1938/3500023 Katanning Wood Florence Emily Female Ditchburn George Harold Male Wagin
1938/3500023 Katanning Ditchburn George Harold Male Wood Florence Emily Female Wagin
1938/3500024 Katanning Anderson Erl Ross Male Wingrove Lorraine Jean Female Katanning
1938/3500024 Katanning Wingrove Lorraine Jean Female Anderson Erl Ross Male Katanning
1938/3500025 Katanning Kirkpatrick Michael Ross Male Leahy Margaret Josephine Female Wagin
1938/3500025 Katanning Leahy Margaret Josephine Female Kirkpatrick Michael Ross Male Wagin
1938/3500026 Katanning Applin Priscilla Female Daniels Ernest Arthur Male Katanning
1938/3500026 Katanning Daniels Ernest Arthur Male Applin Priscilla Female Katanning
1938/3500027 Katanning Asplin Florence Ivy Female Robertson Thomas Shaw Male Katanning
1938/3500027 Katanning Robertson Thomas Shaw Male Asplin Florence Ivy Female Katanning
1938/3500028 Katanning McLennan Kitty Female Padley Valentine Jack Woolf Male Dumbleyung
1938/3500028 Katanning Padley Valentine Jack Woolf Male McLennan Kitty Female Dumbleyung
1938/3500029 Katanning Quartermaine Lloyd Frederick William Male Williams Mavis Dorothy Female Katanning
1938/3500029 Katanning Williams Mavis Dorothy Female Quartermaine Lloyd Frederick William Male Katanning
1938/3500030 Katanning Bowden Ethel Jean Female Gale Edwin William Henry Male Katanning
1938/3500030 Katanning Gale Edwin William Henry Male Bowden Ethel Jean Female Katanning
1938/3500031 Katanning Kirk Mavis Mary Lois Female Jackson Thomas George Male Duranillin
1938/3500031 Katanning Jackson Thomas George Male Kirk Mavis Mary Lois Female Duranillin
1938/3500032 Katanning Usher Donald Gilbert Male Lawes Phyllis Female Katanning
1938/3500032 Katanning Lawes Phyllis Female Usher Donald Gilbert Male Katanning
1938/3500033 Katanning Jenkins Allan Clifford Male Radford Myra Kathleen Female Katanning
1938/3500033 Katanning Radford Myra Kathleen Female Jenkins Allan Clifford Male Katanning
1938/3500034 Katanning Rogers Irene Winifred Joan Female Cook Thomas Vincent Male Katanning
1938/3500034 Katanning Cook Thomas Vincent Male Rogers Irene Winifred Joan Female Katanning
1938/3500035 Katanning Folland Tycho Male De Hoghton Eileen Female Katanning
1938/3500035 Katanning De Hoghton Eileen Female Folland Tycho Male Katanning
1938/3500036 Katanning Sangster Robert James Male Bairstow Elsie May Female Dumbleyung
1938/3500036 Katanning Bairstow Elsie May Female Sangster Robert James Male Dumbleyung
1938/3500037 Katanning Corringham Emily Female Hoare Leonard Edward Patrick Male Wagin
1938/3500037 Katanning Hoare Leonard Edward Patrick Male Corringham Emily Female Wagin
1938/3500038 Katanning Gibbs Freda Margaret Female Ryan Gordon Male Katanning
1938/3500038 Katanning Ryan Gordon Male Gibbs Freda Margaret Female Katanning
1938/3500039 Katanning Renfrey Richard George Male Broadwith Sarah Mary Vasliti Female Wagin
1938/3500039 Katanning Broadwith Sarah Mary Vasliti Female Renfrey Richard George Male Wagin
1938/3500040 Katanning Grist Rita Beryl Female Watson Oscar Norman Male Wagin
1938/3500040 Katanning Watson Oscar Norman Male Grist Rita Beryl Female Wagin
1938/3500041 Katanning Pelham Myrtle Bertha Elizabeth Female Coleman Joseph Male Wagin
1938/3500041 Katanning Coleman Joseph Male Pelham Myrtle Bertha Elizabeth Female Wagin
1938/3500042 Katanning Turnor Nellie Kathleen Female Game Charles Calvin Male Wagin
1938/3500042 Katanning Game Charles Calvin Male Turnor Nellie Kathleen Female Wagin
1938/3500043 Katanning Butler Frederick Thomas Male Peden Annie McCorkindale Female Wagin
1938/3500043 Katanning Peden Annie McCorkindale Female Butler Frederick Thomas Male Wagin
1938/3500044 Katanning Tallents Robert John Male Lloyd Winifred Mary Anna Female Gnowangerup
1938/3500044 Katanning Lloyd Winifred Mary Anna Female Tallents Robert John Male Gnowangerup
1938/3500045 Katanning Whittingham Frederick Francis Male Nenke Grace Female Katanning
1938/3500045 Katanning Nenke Grace Female Whittingham Frederick Francis Male Katanning
1938/3500046 Katanning Smith Elsie May Female Skewes Douglas William Male Wagin
1938/3500046 Katanning Skewes Douglas William Male Smith Elsie May Female Wagin
1938/3500047 Katanning Reid William Alfred Male Watson Lorna May Female North Nippering
1938/3500047 Katanning Watson Lorna May Female Reid William Alfred Male North Nippering
1938/3500048 Katanning Taylor Gladys Ethel Female Dunham Charles Ernest Male Wagin
1938/3500048 Katanning Dunham Charles Ernest Male Taylor Gladys Ethel Female Wagin
1938/3500049 Katanning Rourke Joseph Patrick Male Palmer Kathleen Elise Female Kojonup
1938/3500049 Katanning Palmer Kathleen Elise Female Rourke Joseph Patrick Male Kojonup
1938/3500050 Katanning Colohan Alfred Joseph Male Larsen Elsie Mary Female Katanning
1938/3500050 Katanning Larsen Elsie Mary Female Colohan Alfred Joseph Male Katanning
1938/3500051 Katanning Hastie Anne Rita Female Harris Hugh Sydney Male Katanning
1938/3500051 Katanning Harris Hugh Sydney Male Hastie Anne Rita Female Katanning
1938/3500052 Katanning Morris Elizabeth Thomina Female Dilworth Carl Forbes Jason Male Katanning
1938/3500052 Katanning Dilworth Carl Forbes Jason Male Morris Elizabeth Thomina Female Katanning
1938/3500053 Katanning Bainbridge Egbert Procter Male Goldsmith Joyce Irene Female Wagin
1938/3500053 Katanning Goldsmith Joyce Irene Female Bainbridge Egbert Procter Male Wagin
1938/3500054 Katanning Mothershaw Muriel Mary Female Butler Collyn Walker Male Katanning
1938/3500054 Katanning Butler Collyn Walker Male Mothershaw Muriel Mary Female Katanning
1938/3500055 Katanning Spowart Vera May Female Allen Brian John Aidan Male Katanning
1938/3500055 Katanning Allen Brian John Aidan Male Spowart Vera May Female Katanning
1938/3500056 Katanning Golding Pansy Irene Female Fletcher Harry Male Katanning
1938/3500056 Katanning Fletcher Harry Male Golding Pansy Irene Female Katanning
1938/3500057 Katanning Rodwell Levina Female Hawkins Harvey Male Katanning
1938/3500057 Katanning Hawkins Harvey Male Rodwell Levina Female Katanning
1938/3500058 Katanning Chopping Charles William Male Kealley Lorna Joyce Female Wagin
1938/3500058 Katanning Kealley Lorna Joyce Female Chopping Charles William Male Wagin
1938/3500059 Katanning Wells Vaughan Kitchener Male Gwynne Dorothy Eileen Female Katanning
1938/3500059 Katanning Gwynne Dorothy Eileen Female Wells Vaughan Kitchener Male Katanning
1938/3500060 Katanning Patterson Holly Elizabeth Female Steel Luke Male Katanning
1938/3500060 Katanning Steel Luke Male Patterson Holly Elizabeth Female Katanning
1938/3500061 Katanning Bario Edith Christina Female Nalli Lodovico Nicholas Male Katanning
1938/3500061 Katanning Nalli Lodovico Nicholas Male Bario Edith Christina Female Katanning
1938/3500062 Katanning Davidson Janet Wilson Female Bristol Francis Edward Male Wagin
1938/3500062 Katanning Bristol Francis Edward Male Davidson Janet Wilson Female Wagin
1938/3500063 Katanning Peden Ronald McCorkindale Male Stanley Hilda Olive Female Wagin
1938/3500063 Katanning Stanley Hilda Olive Female Peden Ronald McCorkindale Male Wagin
1938/3500064 Katanning Kingdon Arthur Alban Male Norman Olga Muir Female Katanning
1938/3500064 Katanning Norman Olga Muir Female Kingdon Arthur Alban Male Katanning
1938/3500065 Katanning Folley Lyall Alfred Male Quartermaine Noel Joyce Female Katanning
1938/3500065 Katanning Quartermaine Noel Joyce Female Folley Lyall Alfred Male Katanning
1938/3500066 Katanning Atkin Alexander Arthur Male Webb Louisa Merle Female Katanning
1938/3500066 Katanning Webb Louisa Merle Female Atkin Alexander Arthur Male Katanning
1938/3500067 Katanning Booker William Lloyd Male Mauger Bell Dorothy Female Wagin
1938/3500067 Katanning Mauger Bell Dorothy Female Booker William Lloyd Male Wagin
1938/3500068 Katanning Griffiths Amy Dora Female Bell Esmond Luke Male Wagin
1938/3500068 Katanning Bell Esmond Luke Male Griffiths Amy Dora Female Wagin
1938/3500069 Katanning Wann Elsie May Female Graham William Male Dumbleyung
1938/3500069 Katanning Graham William Male Wann Elsie May Female Dumbleyung
1938/3500070 Katanning Gettingby Hettie Female Bridge Jack Male Kukerin
1938/3500070 Katanning Bridge Jack Male Gettingby Hettie Female Kukerin
1938/3500071 Katanning Graffin Daniel Joseph Male Watson Margaret Gwenda Female Wagin
1938/3500071 Katanning Watson Margaret Gwenda Female Graffin Daniel Joseph Male Wagin
1938/3500072 Katanning Quinn Emanuel James Male Crossman Ruby Annie Female Wagin
1938/3500072 Katanning Crossman Ruby Annie Female Quinn Emanuel James Male Wagin
1938/3500073 Katanning Aylmore William George Male Whitt Beatrice Annie Female Katanning
1938/3500073 Katanning Whitt Beatrice Annie Female Aylmore William George Male Katanning
1938/3500074 Katanning Stevens Jean Mesimes Female Gordon George Male Wagin
1938/3500074 Katanning Gordon George Male Stevens Jean Mesimes Female Wagin
1938/3500075 Katanning Cooke Jack Trivett Male Simper Georgette May Female Katanning
1938/3500075 Katanning Simper Georgette May Female Cooke Jack Trivett Male Katanning
1938/3500076 Katanning Jarvis Hope Female Wilson George Henery Male Katanning
1938/3500076 Katanning Wilson George Henery Male Jarvis Hope Female Katanning
1938/3500077 Katanning Liddington Hilda Maud Female Garlick Lloyd Arthur Male Katanning
1938/3500077 Katanning Garlick Lloyd Arthur Male Liddington Hilda Maud Female Katanning
1938/3600001 East Kimberley Menmuir Alexander Male Elsie - Female Forrest River Mission
1938/3600001 East Kimberley Elsie - Female Menmuir Alexander Male Forrest River Mission
1938/3700001 West Kimberley Collie Elizabeth Annette Female Lowe Frank Cyril Male Derby
1938/3700001 West Kimberley Lowe Frank Cyril Male Collie Elizabeth Annette Female Derby
1938/3700002 West Kimberley Ah Chee Edith Female Le Lievre Lindsay Gordon Male Derby
1938/3700002 West Kimberley Le Lievre Lindsay Gordon Male Ah Chee Edith Female Derby
1938/3700003 West Kimberley Ah Chee Patricia Agnes Female Leonard Alfred Joseph Male Derby
1938/3700003 West Kimberley Leonard Alfred Joseph Male Ah Chee Patricia Agnes Female Derby
1938/3800001 Kimberley Goldfields Smith William Male Bradshaw Doris Female Halls Creek
1938/3800001 Kimberley Goldfields Bradshaw Doris Female Smith William Male Halls Creek
1938/4200001 Moora Parker Evelyn Mary Female Austin Alan Edward Male Dalwallinu
1938/4200001 Moora Austin Alan Edward Male Parker Evelyn Mary Female Dalwallinu
1938/4200002 Moora Lines Eric Wilfred Male Dorizzi Dorothy Jean Female Dalwallinu
1939/4200002 Moora Bryant Sylvia May Female Dean Charles Edward Male Dalwallinu
1939/4200002 Moora Dean Charles Edward Male Bryant Sylvia May Female Dalwallinu
1938/4200002 Moora Dorizzi Dorothy Jean Female Lines Eric Wilfred Male Dalwallinu
1938/4200003 Moora Harrison Leonard Ralph Male Lewis Hazel Smith Female Lyons Camp
1938/4200003 Moora Lewis Hazel Smith Female Harrison Leonard Ralph Male Lyons Camp
1938/4200004 Moora Jackamarra Mona Female Kelly Bert Male Mogumber
1938/4200004 Moora Kelly Bert Male Jackamarra Mona Female Mogumber
1938/4200005 Moora Passamani Giuseppe Male Della Vedova Elena Margaret Female Moora
1938/4200005 Moora Della Vedova Elena Margaret Female Passamani Giuseppe Male Moora
1938/4200007 Moora Knapp Robert Male Pipe Dorothy Winifred May Female Ballidu
1938/4200007 Moora Pipe Dorothy Winifred May Female Knapp Robert Male Ballidu
1938/4200008 Moora Anderson Ellen Female Kelly Leo Male Mogumber
1938/4200008 Moora Kelly Leo Male Anderson Ellen Female Mogumber
1938/4200009 Moora Walton Gerard Joseph Male Sampey Dorothy Amy Female Dalwallinu
1938/4200009 Moora Sampey Dorothy Amy Female Walton Gerard Joseph Male Dalwallinu
1938/4200010 Moora Stack Abraham Joseph Male Kearing Linda Barbara Female Moora
1938/4200010 Moora Kearing Linda Barbara Female Stack Abraham Joseph Male Moora
1938/4200011 Moora Dix Peter Gerald Male McNamara Thelma Mary Female Moora
1938/4200011 Moora McNamara Thelma Mary Female Dix Peter Gerald Male Moora
1938/4200012 Moora Shaddick John William James Male Knapp Lily May Female Ballidu
1938/4200012 Moora Knapp Lily May Female Shaddick John William James Male Ballidu
1938/4200013 Moora Billabong Ethel Female Phillips John Male Moore River Native Settlement
1938/4200013 Moora Phillips John Male Billabong Ethel Female Moore River Native Settlement
1938/4200014 Moora Payne John Male Hartree Elsie May Female Dalwallinu
1938/4200014 Moora Hartree Elsie May Female Payne John Male Dalwallinu
1938/4200015 Moora Wittomarra Stanley Male Ryder Daisy Female Moore River Native Settlement
1938/4200015 Moora Ryder Daisy Female Wittomarra Stanley Male Moore River Native Settlement
1938/4200016 Moora Downing Eric George Murdoch Male Rowley Irene Free Female Dalwallinu
1938/4200016 Moora Rowley Irene Free Female Downing Eric George Murdoch Male Dalwallinu
1938/4200017 Moora Indich Eric Male Mia Dora Female Moore River Native Settlement
1938/4200017 Moora Mia Dora Female Indich Eric Male Moore River Native Settlement
1938/4200018 Moora Cader Rosie Female Maher Charlie Male Moore River Native Settlement
1938/4200018 Moora Maher Charlie Male Cader Rosie Female Moore River Native Settlement
1938/4200019 Moora Nettle Charles Male Alone Mary Female Moore River Native Settlement
1938/4200019 Moora Alone Mary Female Nettle Charles Male Moore River Native Settlement
1938/4200020 Moora Offer Dulcie Bernice Female White Vincent Maurice Joseph Male Moora
1938/4200020 Moora White Vincent Maurice Joseph Male Offer Dulcie Bernice Female Moora
1938/4200021 Moora Arbuckle Jack Beresford Male Fimmell Emily Edna Female Dalwallinu
1938/4200021 Moora Fimmell Emily Edna Female Arbuckle Jack Beresford Male Dalwallinu
1938/4200022 Moora Kowald Beta Loma Female Paulett Alfred John Male Dalwallinu
1938/4200022 Moora Paulett Alfred John Male Kowald Beta Loma Female Dalwallinu
1938/4200023 Moora Coleman Edith Rachel Female Ramsey Roland Jack Male Moora
1938/4200023 Moora Ramsey Roland Jack Male Coleman Edith Rachel Female Moora
1938/4200024 Moora Parsons Dolores Female Purser Andrew Alexander Male Moora
1938/4200024 Moora Purser Andrew Alexander Male Parsons Dolores Female Moora
1938/4200025 Moora Alp Beryl May Female Griffiths Ivor John Male Moora
1938/4200025 Moora Griffiths Ivor John Male Alp Beryl May Female Moora
1938/4200026 Moora Simmons Elsie Female Rendavey Alan Charles Male Dalwallinu
1938/4200026 Moora Rendavey Alan Charles Male Simmons Elsie Female Dalwallinu
1938/4300001 Mount Margaret Hepburn Neil James Male Gorton Carmen Female Leonora
1939/4300001 Mount Margaret O'Loughlin Bessie Female Tucker John Male Morgans
1939/4300001 Mount Margaret Tucker John Male O'Loughlin Bessie Female Morgans
1938/4300001 Mount Margaret Gorton Carmen Female Hepburn Neil James Male Leonora
1938/4300002 Mount Margaret Stephenson Cornelius Male Smith Honora Mary Frederica Female Leonora
1938/4300002 Mount Margaret Smith Honora Mary Frederica Female Stephenson Cornelius Male Leonora
1938/4300003 Mount Margaret Yovich George Male Turich Mila Female Leonora
1938/4300003 Mount Margaret Turich Mila Female Yovich George Male Leonora
1938/4300004 Mount Margaret Workman Helen Florence Female Webber Richard Joseph Male Gwalia
1938/4300004 Mount Margaret Webber Richard Joseph Male Workman Helen Florence Female Gwalia
1938/4300005 Mount Margaret Southern Eric Stanley Male Steer Annie Vera Female Leonora
1938/4300005 Mount Margaret Steer Annie Vera Female Southern Eric Stanley Male Leonora
1938/4300006 Mount Margaret Cullinane Francis Leonard Male Scott Alma Doris Lena Female Leonora
1938/4300006 Mount Margaret Scott Alma Doris Lena Female Cullinane Francis Leonard Male Leonora
1938/4300007 Mount Margaret Williams Edith Melba Female Ellson William Henry Male Leonora
1938/4300007 Mount Margaret Ellson William Henry Male Williams Edith Melba Female Leonora
1938/4300008 Mount Margaret Shaddick Iris Irene Female Griffiths Robert Henry Male Leonora
1938/4300008 Mount Margaret Griffiths Robert Henry Male Shaddick Iris Irene Female Leonora
1938/4300009 Mount Margaret de Gray Hedley Thomas Male Gibb Jessie Bennett Female Leonora
1938/4300009 Mount Margaret Gibb Jessie Bennett Female de Gray Hedley Thomas Male Leonora
1938/4300010 Mount Margaret Brunsgard Henry Albert Male Pierce Dulcie Valerie Female Leonora
1938/4300010 Mount Margaret Pierce Dulcie Valerie Female Brunsgard Henry Albert Male Leonora
1938/4300011 Mount Margaret Hooper Frank Walter Male Collins Ella Lillian Female Gwalia
1938/4300011 Mount Margaret Collins Ella Lillian Female Hooper Frank Walter Male Gwalia
1938/4300012 Mount Margaret Robinson Sydney Bernard Male Brown Mabel Annie Female Leonora
1938/4300012 Mount Margaret Brown Mabel Annie Female Robinson Sydney Bernard Male Leonora
1938/4300013 Mount Margaret McLean Kenneth Robert Male Treloar Setalier May Female Leonora
1938/4300013 Mount Margaret Treloar Setalier May Female McLean Kenneth Robert Male Leonora
1938/4300014 Mount Margaret Hackett Aubery Alfred Male Yates Roseiltha Jane Female Leonora
1938/4300014 Mount Margaret Yates Roseiltha Jane Female Hackett Aubery Alfred Male Leonora
1938/4300015 Mount Margaret Flarty Margaret Florence Female Palmer Arthur Joseph Male Leonora
1938/4300015 Mount Margaret Palmer Arthur Joseph Male Flarty Margaret Florence Female Leonora
1938/4300016 Mount Margaret Gath Gladys Mary Female Carver Jack Male Erlistoun
1938/4300016 Mount Margaret Carver Jack Male Gath Gladys Mary Female Erlistoun
1938/4300017 Mount Margaret McLean John Male Howes Hilma Isabel Female Leonora
1938/4300017 Mount Margaret Howes Hilma Isabel Female McLean John Male Leonora
1938/4300018 Mount Margaret Harwood Ethel May Female Brown Cecil Henry Male Leonora
1938/4300018 Mount Margaret Brown Cecil Henry Male Harwood Ethel May Female Leonora
1938/4400001 Murchison Little Victor Male Kelly Thelma Female Meekatharra
1938/4400001 Murchison Kelly Thelma Female Little Victor Male Meekatharra
1938/4400003 Murchison Ryan Edward Joseph Male Taylor Sylvia Female Cue
1938/4400003 Murchison Taylor Sylvia Female Ryan Edward Joseph Male Cue
1938/4400004 Murchison Gibson Robert Hugh Male Casas Dolores Evelyn Female Cue
1938/4400004 Murchison Casas Dolores Evelyn Female Gibson Robert Hugh Male Cue
1938/4400005 Murchison Baker Alberta Female McDonald Norman Male Meekatharra
1938/4400005 Murchison McDonald Norman Male Baker Alberta Female Meekatharra
1938/4400006 Murchison Smith Gladys Ann Female Yoos Albert Male Cue
1938/4400006 Murchison Yoos Albert Male Smith Gladys Ann Female Cue
1938/4400007 Murchison Trezise Francis William Male Blechynden Dora Zephyr Elisabeth Female Mt Magnet
1938/4400007 Murchison Blechynden Dora Zephyr Elisabeth Female Trezise Francis William Male Mt Magnet
1938/4400008 Murchison Cornish Anthony Mackenzie Male Cole Violet Daphney May Female Mt Magnet
1938/4400008 Murchison Cole Violet Daphney May Female Cornish Anthony Mackenzie Male Mt Magnet
1938/4400009 Murchison Grace Eileen Veronica Female Johns Herbert Lucas Male Meekatharra
1938/4400009 Murchison Johns Herbert Lucas Male Grace Eileen Veronica Female Meekatharra
1938/4400012 Murchison Bastian Alice May Female Burnham Reginald Horace Male Mt Magnet
1938/4400012 Murchison Burnham Reginald Horace Male Bastian Alice May Female Mt Magnet
1938/4400013 Murchison Farquharson Edward Male Omond Alice Female Meekatharra
1938/4400013 Murchison Omond Alice Female Farquharson Edward Male Meekatharra
1938/4400014 Murchison Trezise Loris Edna Female Jones Hector Arthur Male Mt Magnet
1938/4400014 Murchison Jones Hector Arthur Male Trezise Loris Edna Female Mt Magnet
1938/4400015 Murchison Henrick Gustave Bernard Male Gray Marjorie Female Cue
1938/4400015 Murchison Gray Marjorie Female Henrick Gustave Bernard Male Cue
1938/4400016 Murchison Ritchie Stanley Walter Male Singe Dorothy Mavis Female Cue
1938/4400016 Murchison Singe Dorothy Mavis Female Ritchie Stanley Walter Male Cue
1938/4400017 Murchison Jones Sylvia Mildred Female McGee Francis Male Cue
1938/4400017 Murchison McGee Francis Male Jones Sylvia Mildred Female Cue
1938/4400018 Murchison Herbert Francis Male Bone Doreen Female Cue
1938/4400018 Murchison Bone Doreen Female Herbert Francis Male Cue
1938/4400019 Murchison Dornan Gladys Mary Female Daniels Arthur Henry Male Meekatharra
1938/4400019 Murchison Daniels Arthur Henry Male Dornan Gladys Mary Female Meekatharra
1938/4400020 Murchison MacDonald Marion Female Boesch Jacques Male Cue
1938/4400020 Murchison Boesch Jacques Male MacDonald Marion Female Cue
1938/4400021 Murchison Quake James Harold Male Buckley Jean Mary Female Mt Magnet
1938/4400021 Murchison Buckley Jean Mary Female Quake James Harold Male Mt Magnet
1938/4400022 Murchison Cantwell Daniel Aloysius Male Spark Amy Harriet Female Mt Magnet
1938/4400022 Murchison Spark Amy Harriet Female Cantwell Daniel Aloysius Male Mt Magnet
1938/4400023 Murchison Grose Alice Rachel Female Gregory William Lewis Male Mt Magnet
1938/4400023 Murchison Gregory William Lewis Male Grose Alice Rachel Female Mt Magnet
1938/4400024 Murchison Forrest Thomas Alexander Male Ager Mary Anne Malcolm Female Mt Magnet
1938/4400024 Murchison Ager Mary Anne Malcolm Female Forrest Thomas Alexander Male Mt Magnet
1938/4400025 Murchison Watts Elizabeth Cecilia Female Kohler Conrad David Male Cue
1938/4400025 Murchison Kohler Conrad David Male Watts Elizabeth Cecilia Female Cue
1938/4400026 Murchison Begovich Marko Male Baker Daphne Melvin Louise Female Meekatharra
1938/4400026 Murchison Baker Daphne Melvin Louise Female Begovich Marko Male Meekatharra
1938/4400027 Murchison Crogan Daniel O'Connell Male Cunningham Ita Eileen Female Mt Magnet
1938/4400027 Murchison Cunningham Ita Eileen Female Crogan Daniel O'Connell Male Mt Magnet
1938/4400028 Murchison Black George Earlton Male Carroll Phyllis Emily Female Cue
1938/4400028 Murchison Carroll Phyllis Emily Female Black George Earlton Male Cue
1938/4400029 Murchison Wilkerson Charles Neville Male Vagg Ellen Maud Female Mt Magnet
1938/4400029 Murchison Vagg Ellen Maud Female Wilkerson Charles Neville Male Mt Magnet
1938/4400030 Murchison Garland Ethel Kate Female Simpson William Henry Male Bilyuin Pool
1938/4400030 Murchison Simpson William Henry Male Garland Ethel Kate Female Bilyuin Pool
1938/4400031 Murchison Piesse Francis Harold Male Ward Joan Robertta Female Cue
1938/4400031 Murchison Ward Joan Robertta Female Piesse Francis Harold Male Cue
1938/4400032 Murchison Dodds Ernest Gordon Male Carlsen Dorothy Hazel Female Reedy
1938/4400032 Murchison Carlsen Dorothy Hazel Female Dodds Ernest Gordon Male Reedy
1938/4400033 Murchison Ladhams Dorothy Jean Female Spring Arthur John Linfred Male Cue
1938/4400033 Murchison Spring Arthur John Linfred Male Ladhams Dorothy Jean Female Cue
1938/4400034 Murchison McCall William John Male Rodda Violet Jane Female Reedy
1938/4400034 Murchison Rodda Violet Jane Female McCall William John Male Reedy
1938/4400035 Murchison Cornelly Edward John Male Beattie Mary Jamieson Female Meekatharra
1938/4400035 Murchison Beattie Mary Jamieson Female Cornelly Edward John Male Meekatharra
1938/4400036 Murchison McGowan Kathleen Doreen Female King Edmund Thomas Male Reedy
1938/4400036 Murchison King Edmund Thomas Male McGowan Kathleen Doreen Female Reedy
1938/4400037 Murchison Reeson Roland Male Kelly Jean Mavis Female Cue
1938/4400037 Murchison Kelly Jean Mavis Female Reeson Roland Male Cue
1938/4400038 Murchison Sheldon George William Male Jones Vera May Female Mt Magnet
1938/4400038 Murchison Jones Vera May Female Sheldon George William Male Mt Magnet
1938/4400039 Murchison Hildyard Beryl Jean Female Farrell Charles Male Meekatharra
1938/4400039 Murchison Farrell Charles Male Hildyard Beryl Jean Female Meekatharra
1938/4400040 Murchison Murray Robert William Male Taylor Daisy Mildred Female Mt Magnet
1938/4400040 Murchison Taylor Daisy Mildred Female Murray Robert William Male Mt Magnet
1938/4400041 Murchison Jones Christine Elizabeth Female Johnson David Hugh Male Cue
1938/4400041 Murchison Johnson David Hugh Male Jones Christine Elizabeth Female Cue
1938/4400042 Murchison Motter Giovanni Male Merrick Jean Female Meekatharra
1938/4400042 Murchison Merrick Jean Female Motter Giovanni Male Meekatharra
1938/4400043 Murchison Parsons Melba Doreen Female Clarke Robert George Male Meekatharra
1938/4400043 Murchison Clarke Robert George Male Parsons Melba Doreen Female Meekatharra
1938/4400044 Murchison Yeates Edith Margaret Female Hollow Stanley Henry Male Cue
1938/4400044 Murchison Hollow Stanley Henry Male Yeates Edith Margaret Female Cue
1938/4400045 Murchison Roberts Charles George Male Thurgood Margaret Female Meekatharra
1938/4400045 Murchison Thurgood Margaret Female Roberts Charles George Male Meekatharra
1938/4400046 Murchison Macfarlane George Male Palmer Margaret Female Mount Magnet
1938/4400046 Murchison Palmer Margaret Female Macfarlane George Male Mount Magnet
1938/4400047 Murchison Ward Nicholas Rauert Male Boag Theresa Maud Josephine Female Meekatharra
1938/4400047 Murchison Boag Theresa Maud Josephine Female Ward Nicholas Rauert Male Meekatharra
1938/4400048 Murchison Thornhill Philip Male Devitt Mary Ellen Female Mt Magnet
1938/4400048 Murchison Devitt Mary Ellen Female Thornhill Philip Male Mt Magnet
1938/4400049 Murchison Hanson Vincent Charles Male Diffen Elsa Josephine Female Cue
1938/4400049 Murchison Diffen Elsa Josephine Female Hanson Vincent Charles Male Cue
1938/4500001 East Murchison Bluck Harry Male Braund Annie Iris May Female Wiluna
1939/4500001 East Murchison Haworth Grace Mary Female Hooper James Leslie Harold Male Wiluna
1939/4500001 East Murchison Hooper James Leslie Harold Male Haworth Grace Mary Female Wiluna
1938/4500001 East Murchison Braund Annie Iris May Female Bluck Harry Male Wiluna
1938/4500002 East Murchison Harris Albert Male Pearson Dorothy Madaline Female Wiluna
1938/4500002 East Murchison Pearson Dorothy Madaline Female Harris Albert Male Wiluna
1938/4500003 East Murchison Simms Emma Female Mazza Frederick Antony Male Wiluna
1938/4500003 East Murchison Mazza Frederick Antony Male Simms Emma Female Wiluna
1938/4500004 East Murchison Campbell Agnes May Female Downing Jack David Male Wiluna
1938/4500004 East Murchison Downing Jack David Male Campbell Agnes May Female Wiluna
1938/4500005 East Murchison Date Roma Olive Willis Female Oliver Arthur Philip Male Wiluna
1938/4500005 East Murchison Oliver Arthur Philip Male Date Roma Olive Willis Female Wiluna
1938/4500006 East Murchison Hanrahan Walter Drummond Carol Male Hill Ida Eva Female Wiluna
1938/4500006 East Murchison Hill Ida Eva Female Hanrahan Walter Drummond Carol Male Wiluna
1938/4500007 East Murchison Hamilton Emily Maud Female Chandler Robert Theodore Male Wiluna
1938/4500007 East Murchison Chandler Robert Theodore Male Hamilton Emily Maud Female Wiluna
1938/4500008 East Murchison Phillips Robert Arthur Male Bennetts Emma Female Wiluna
1938/4500008 East Murchison Bennetts Emma Female Phillips Robert Arthur Male Wiluna
1938/4500009 East Murchison Pickford Tom Wallace Male Fielder Helen Winifred Female Agnew
1938/4500009 East Murchison Fielder Helen Winifred Female Pickford Tom Wallace Male Agnew
1938/4500010 East Murchison Weston Frederick Bernard Male Sproge Rheta Margaret Female Wiluna
1938/4500010 East Murchison Sproge Rheta Margaret Female Weston Frederick Bernard Male Wiluna
1938/4500011 East Murchison O'Donnell Avis Loreen Female Fairhead Claude Methwyn Male Wiluna
1938/4500011 East Murchison Fairhead Claude Methwyn Male O'Donnell Avis Loreen Female Wiluna
1938/4500012 East Murchison Hubbard Mary Jean Burgess Female Harris William James Male Wiluna
1938/4500012 East Murchison Harris William James Male Hubbard Mary Jean Burgess Female Wiluna
1938/4500013 East Murchison Phillips Norma Trinette Female Wellard Lewis Male Wiluna
1938/4500013 East Murchison Wellard Lewis Male Phillips Norma Trinette Female Wiluna
1938/4500014 East Murchison Siggins Beryl Graham Female Brown George Male Wiluna
1938/4500014 East Murchison Brown George Male Siggins Beryl Graham Female Wiluna
1938/4500015 East Murchison Bell Hedley Victor Male Garbutt Nancy Female Wiluna
1938/4500015 East Murchison Garbutt Nancy Female Bell Hedley Victor Male Wiluna
1938/4500016 East Murchison Roberts Harold Edward Male Leaver Patricia Female Wiluna
1938/4500016 East Murchison Leaver Patricia Female Roberts Harold Edward Male Wiluna
1938/4500017 East Murchison Agnew Frances Female Hackshaw Charles James Male Wiluna
1938/4500017 East Murchison Hackshaw Charles James Male Agnew Frances Female Wiluna
1938/4500018 East Murchison Wright Alfred Charles Male Fort Florence Female Wiluna
1938/4500018 East Murchison Fort Florence Female Wright Alfred Charles Male Wiluna
1938/4500019 East Murchison McDonald Audrey Isabel Female Teede George Binfield Male Wiluna
1938/4500019 East Murchison Teede George Binfield Male McDonald Audrey Isabel Female Wiluna
1938/4500020 East Murchison King Evelyn Annie Female Allen William Male Wiluna
1938/4500020 East Murchison Allen William Male King Evelyn Annie Female Wiluna
1938/4500021 East Murchison Fimister Florence Meg Female Johnson Cyril Male Wiluna
1938/4500021 East Murchison Johnson Cyril Male Fimister Florence Meg Female Wiluna
1938/4500022 East Murchison Marshall Jack Male Johnson Jean Muriel Female Wiluna
1938/4500022 East Murchison Johnson Jean Muriel Female Marshall Jack Male Wiluna
1938/4500023 East Murchison Goodrem Ruby Eileen Female Harrison Onslow Stephen Male Wiluna
1938/4500023 East Murchison Harrison Onslow Stephen Male Goodrem Ruby Eileen Female Wiluna
1938/4500024 East Murchison Swan Jessie Eleanor Female Morrissey Ernest Victor Male Wiluna
1938/4500024 East Murchison Morrissey Ernest Victor Male Swan Jessie Eleanor Female Wiluna
1938/4500025 East Murchison Casserly Mary Female O'Donnell Ernest Alfred Male Wiluna
1938/4500025 East Murchison O'Donnell Ernest Alfred Male Casserly Mary Female Wiluna
1938/4500026 East Murchison Clapp Hilda May Female Donkin Frederick Walton Male Wiluna
1938/4500026 East Murchison Donkin Frederick Walton Male Clapp Hilda May Female Wiluna
1938/4500027 East Murchison Connett Alexander Male Richardson Flora McKenzie Female Wiluna
1938/4500027 East Murchison Richardson Flora McKenzie Female Connett Alexander Male Wiluna
1938/4500028 East Murchison Marshall Mabel Jean Female Edwards Wilfred Broughton Male Wiluna
1938/4500028 East Murchison Edwards Wilfred Broughton Male Marshall Mabel Jean Female Wiluna
1938/4500029 East Murchison Campbell Jean Female Hodder James William Male Wiluna
1938/4500029 East Murchison Hodder James William Male Campbell Jean Female Wiluna
1938/4500030 East Murchison Browner Desmond Rock Male Curtis Roma Imelda Female Wiluna
1938/4500030 East Murchison Curtis Roma Imelda Female Browner Desmond Rock Male Wiluna
1938/4500031 East Murchison Marsh Thomas Richard Male Fallon Amy Female Wiluna
1938/4500031 East Murchison Fallon Amy Female Marsh Thomas Richard Male Wiluna
1938/4500032 East Murchison Cannon Lionel James Male Castlemain Doris Female Wiluna
1938/4500032 East Murchison Castlemain Doris Female Cannon Lionel James Male Wiluna
1938/4500033 East Murchison Rankin Herbert Joseph Male Major Lois Mary Female Wiluna
1938/4500033 East Murchison Major Lois Mary Female Rankin Herbert Joseph Male Wiluna
1938/4500034 East Murchison George Edward James Male Barron Rose Marie Female Wiluna
1938/4500034 East Murchison Barron Rose Marie Female George Edward James Male Wiluna
1938/4500035 East Murchison Stephen Dorothy Helen Female Adams Colin Francis Male Wiluna
1938/4500035 East Murchison Adams Colin Francis Male Stephen Dorothy Helen Female Wiluna
1938/4500036 East Murchison Kiely Dorothea Lila Female Masters Cyril Henry Male Wiluna
1938/4500036 East Murchison Masters Cyril Henry Male Kiely Dorothea Lila Female Wiluna
1938/4500037 East Murchison Norriss Patrick James Male Bowden Doris Female Wiluna
1938/4500037 East Murchison Bowden Doris Female Norriss Patrick James Male Wiluna
1938/4500038 East Murchison Simpson Irene Gertrude Female Hill Ernest Stanley Thurhman Male Wiluna
1938/4500038 East Murchison Hill Ernest Stanley Thurhman Male Simpson Irene Gertrude Female Wiluna
1938/4500039 East Murchison Wilkins John Elder Male Walsh Annie Ellen Female Wiluna
1938/4500039 East Murchison Walsh Annie Ellen Female Wilkins John Elder Male Wiluna
1938/4500040 East Murchison George Andrew William Male Barron Mary Female Wiluna
1938/4500040 East Murchison Barron Mary Female George Andrew William Male Wiluna
1938/4500041 East Murchison Goodrick James Sydney Male Betts Ruth Elizabeth Female Wiluna
1938/4500041 East Murchison Betts Ruth Elizabeth Female Goodrick James Sydney Male Wiluna
1938/4500042 East Murchison Flanagan Bernard Joseph Male Casserly Elizabeth Anne Female Wiluna
1938/4500042 East Murchison Casserly Elizabeth Anne Female Flanagan Bernard Joseph Male Wiluna
1938/4500043 East Murchison Lynch Jack Collie Male Major Elva Ruth Female Wiluna
1938/4500043 East Murchison Major Elva Ruth Female Lynch Jack Collie Male Wiluna
1938/4500044 East Murchison Burnett Jean Mary Female Milling Oliver John Male Wiluna
1938/4500044 East Murchison Milling Oliver John Male Burnett Jean Mary Female Wiluna
1938/4500045 East Murchison Aubrey Minnie Millicent Female Robinson William Henry Male Wiluna
1938/4500045 East Murchison Robinson William Henry Male Aubrey Minnie Millicent Female Wiluna
1938/4500046 East Murchison Brickhill Natalie Ruth Female Wardell-Johnson Hubert Male Wiluna
1938/4500046 East Murchison Wardell-Johnson Hubert Male Brickhill Natalie Ruth Female Wiluna
1938/4500047 East Murchison O'Hare Andrew Charles Male McDonagh Annie Norah Female Wiluna
1938/4500047 East Murchison McDonagh Annie Norah Female O'Hare Andrew Charles Male Wiluna
1938/4500048 East Murchison Plush Fredrick Headley Male Foster Violet May Female Wiluna
1938/4500048 East Murchison Foster Violet May Female Plush Fredrick Headley Male Wiluna
1938/4500049 East Murchison Rowlands Violet Agnes Female Heron Timothy Male Wiluna
1938/4500049 East Murchison Heron Timothy Male Rowlands Violet Agnes Female Wiluna
1938/4500050 East Murchison Mosely Florence Female Stott Alexander Davidson Male Wiluna
1938/4500050 East Murchison Stott Alexander Davidson Male Mosely Florence Female Wiluna
1938/4500051 East Murchison Muhleisen Mern Christine Female Dunn Cyril Charles Male Wiluna
1938/4500051 East Murchison Dunn Cyril Charles Male Muhleisen Mern Christine Female Wiluna
1938/4700002 Murray Osborne Ethel Iris Female Toussaint Arthur Wilson Male Pinjarra
1938/4700002 Murray Toussaint Arthur Wilson Male Osborne Ethel Iris Female Pinjarra
1938/4700003 Murray Pryor Janie Female Broomfield Sidney Frederick Male Pinjarra
1938/4700003 Murray Broomfield Sidney Frederick Male Pryor Janie Female Pinjarra
1938/4700004 Murray Parker Elizabeth Female Prince Sidney Charles Male Waroona
1938/4700004 Murray Prince Sidney Charles Male Parker Elizabeth Female Waroona
1938/4700005 Murray Pennimest Ethel Female Egan Daniel Joseph Male Pinjarra
1938/4700005 Murray Egan Daniel Joseph Male Pennimest Ethel Female Pinjarra
1938/4700006 Murray Hidderley William Henry Male Brooks Olive Female Pinjarra
1938/4700006 Murray Brooks Olive Female Hidderley William Henry Male Pinjarra
1938/4700007 Murray Green Victor Male Eacott Charlotte Thelma Female Mandurah
1938/4700007 Murray Eacott Charlotte Thelma Female Green Victor Male Mandurah
1938/4700008 Murray Coleman John Eugene Male Anderson Jessie Myra Female Dwellingup
1938/4700008 Murray Anderson Jessie Myra Female Coleman John Eugene Male Dwellingup
1938/4700009 Murray Hill Alice Ada Rose Female Smith Thomas John Male Waroona
1938/4700009 Murray Smith Thomas John Male Hill Alice Ada Rose Female Waroona
1938/4700010 Murray Smith William Male Steffann Johanna Augusta Female Pinjarra
1938/4700010 Murray Steffann Johanna Augusta Female Smith William Male Pinjarra
1938/4700011 Murray Tatkovich Mara Female Cetinich Francis Male Waroona
1938/4700011 Murray Cetinich Francis Male Tatkovich Mara Female Waroona
1938/4700012 Murray Biggs Dorothy Ellen Female May Wilfred Male Nanga Brook
1938/4700012 Murray May Wilfred Male Biggs Dorothy Ellen Female Nanga Brook
1938/4700013 Murray Lindley Ethel Joan Female Clark Francis Denis Male Pinjarra
1938/4700013 Murray Lindley Ethel Joan Female Stevens Francis Denis Male Pinjarra
1938/4700013 Murray Clark Francis Denis Male Lindley Ethel Joan Female Pinjarra
1938/4700013 Murray Stevens Francis Denis Male Lindley Ethel Joan Female Pinjarra
1938/4700014 Murray Willmott John Henry Male French Mona Marie Female Dwellingup
1938/4700014 Murray French Mona Marie Female Willmott John Henry Male Dwellingup
1938/4700015 Murray King Elsie Theresa Female Glidden Arthur Male Dwellingup
1938/4700015 Murray Glidden Arthur Male King Elsie Theresa Female Dwellingup
1938/4700016 Murray Wood Colin Campbell Male Smith Ethel Daisy Female Pinjarra
1938/4700016 Murray Smith Ethel Daisy Female Wood Colin Campbell Male Pinjarra
1938/4700017 Murray McLarty Margaret Susanna Female Sewell George Dudley Lee Male Pinjarra
1938/4700017 Murray Sewell George Dudley Lee Male McLarty Margaret Susanna Female Pinjarra
1938/4700018 Murray Divich Anne Female Glamuzina George Male Pinjarra
1938/4700018 Murray Glamuzina George Male Divich Anne Female Pinjarra
1938/4700019 Murray Thomas Charles Leslie Wyman Male Harry Stella Milicent Female Dwellingup
1938/4700019 Murray Harry Stella Milicent Female Thomas Charles Leslie Wyman Male Dwellingup
1938/4700020 Murray Gadsdon Thomas Joseph Male Batt Mary Gladys Female Pinjarra
1938/4700020 Murray Batt Mary Gladys Female Gadsdon Thomas Joseph Male Pinjarra
1938/4700021 Murray Williams Phyllis Adeline Female Salter Robert Ernest Male Pinjarra
1938/4700021 Murray Salter Robert Ernest Male Williams Phyllis Adeline Female Pinjarra
1938/4700022 Murray Bond Edward Ramsden Priestley Male Cox Mary Eva Female Pinjarra
1938/4700022 Murray Cox Mary Eva Female Bond Edward Ramsden Priestley Male Pinjarra
1938/4700023 Murray Taylor Norma Female Johnston Charles Francis Male Holyoake
1938/4700023 Murray Johnston Charles Francis Male Taylor Norma Female Holyoake
1938/4700024 Murray Scott Neil Edward Male Eacott Sybella Elveen Female Mandurah
1938/4700024 Murray Eacott Sybella Elveen Female Scott Neil Edward Male Mandurah
1938/4700025 Murray Clues Marjory Helene Female Johnson Harry Male Nanga Brook
1938/4700025 Murray Johnson Harry Male Clues Marjory Helene Female Nanga Brook
1938/4700026 Murray Kuring Janice Norma Female Broomhall Leonard Keith Male Pinjarra
1938/4700026 Murray Broomhall Leonard Keith Male Kuring Janice Norma Female Pinjarra
1938/4700027 Murray Watts John Bailey Male Birch Phyllis Daphne Female Pinjarra
1938/4700027 Murray Birch Phyllis Daphne Female Watts John Bailey Male Pinjarra
1938/4700028 Murray Craigie William Francis Male Smith Ethel Cecilia May Female Mandurah
1938/4700028 Murray Smith Ethel Cecilia May Female Craigie William Francis Male Mandurah
1938/4700029 Murray Joynson Heather Grace Beard Female Devlin John James Male Holyoake
1938/4700029 Murray Devlin John James Male Joynson Heather Grace Beard Female Holyoake
1938/4700030 Murray Morton Doreen Female Coleman Edward Francis Vincent Male Pinjarra
1938/4700030 Murray Coleman Edward Francis Vincent Male Morton Doreen Female Pinjarra
1939/4900001 Northam Cunningham Fanny May Female Thackrah Henry Louis Male Northam
1939/4900001 Northam Thackrah Henry Louis Male Cunningham Fanny May Female Northam
1939/4900002 Northam Jones Iris Mavis Female Gannon John Francis Male Dowerin
1939/4900002 Northam Gannon John Francis Male Jones Iris Mavis Female Dowerin
1938/4900002 Northam Sinclair Clifford Alan Ardagh Male Phillips Marjorie Female Northam
1938/4900002 Northam Phillips Marjorie Female Sinclair Clifford Alan Ardagh Male Northam
1938/4900005 Northam Chambers Nellie Sybil Female Simons Herbert Henry James Male Kellerberrin
1938/4900005 Northam Simons Herbert Henry James Male Chambers Nellie Sybil Female Kellerberrin
1938/4900006 Northam Murphy Veronica Frances Female Powell Herbert Reginald Nelson Male Goomalling
1938/4900006 Northam Powell Herbert Reginald Nelson Male Murphy Veronica Frances Female Goomalling
1938/4900007 Northam Buchan Grace Alice Female Eatts Charles Henry Male Northam
1938/4900007 Northam Eatts Charles Henry Male Buchan Grace Alice Female Northam
1938/4900010 Northam Foulds Edna Mavis Female Head William George Male Northam
1938/4900010 Northam Head William George Male Foulds Edna Mavis Female Northam
1938/4900011 Northam Nagel Enid Hilda Female McMullan James Male Kununoppin
1938/4900011 Northam McMullan James Male Nagel Enid Hilda Female Kununoppin
1938/4900012 Northam Fitzgerald Edward James Male Bairstow Edna May Female Northam
1938/4900012 Northam Bairstow Edna May Female Fitzgerald Edward James Male Northam
1938/4900013 Northam Jessup Walter Alan Male Moore Mary Eileen Female Northam
1938/4900013 Northam Moore Mary Eileen Female Jessup Walter Alan Male Northam
1938/4900014 Northam Stevens Annie May Female Raston Ross Padman Male Kellerberrin
1938/4900014 Northam Raston Ross Padman Male Stevens Annie May Female Kellerberrin
1938/4900015 Northam Turner Bessie Female Junk William Male Merredin
1938/4900015 Northam Junk William Male Turner Bessie Female Merredin
1938/4900016 Northam Dunstan Reginald Lowther Male Hyde Dulcie Georgina Female Northam
1938/4900016 Northam Hyde Dulcie Georgina Female Dunstan Reginald Lowther Male Northam
1938/4900017 Northam Lowndes Clifford Thomas Male Metcalf Lina Frances Female Dowerin
1938/4900017 Northam Metcalf Lina Frances Female Lowndes Clifford Thomas Male Dowerin
1938/4900018 Northam Smith Florence Female Jones Kenneth Thomas Male Doodlakine
1938/4900018 Northam Jones Kenneth Thomas Male Smith Florence Female Doodlakine
1938/4900019 Northam Gardiner Thomas Hugh Male Biggers Kathleen Mary Female Merredin
1938/4900019 Northam Biggers Kathleen Mary Female Gardiner Thomas Hugh Male Merredin
1938/4900020 Northam Minson Ivy Irena Female Gray Edward Victor Male Northam
1938/4900020 Northam Gray Edward Victor Male Minson Ivy Irena Female Northam
1938/4900021 Northam Mills Joseph Dennis Male Garrity Sylvia Frances Female Kellerberrin
1938/4900021 Northam Garrity Sylvia Frances Female Mills Joseph Dennis Male Kellerberrin
1938/4900022 Northam Lloyd George Male Ellery Ethel Jean Female Toodyay
1938/4900022 Northam Ellery Ethel Jean Female Lloyd George Male Toodyay
1938/4900023 Northam Pasco Thresa Agnes Female Taylor Albert Hormond Male Toodyay
1938/4900023 Northam Taylor Albert Hormond Male Pasco Thresa Agnes Female Toodyay
1938/4900024 Northam Roberts Violet Marion Female Barnes John James Maurice Male Trayning
1938/4900024 Northam Barnes John James Maurice Male Roberts Violet Marion Female Trayning
1938/4900025 Northam Style Rodney Male O'Sullivan Aileen Female Northam
1938/4900025 Northam O'Sullivan Aileen Female Style Rodney Male Northam
1938/4900026 Northam Hitchcock Frederick Halley Male Lawrence Annie Elizabeth Female Northam
1938/4900026 Northam Lawrence Annie Elizabeth Female Hitchcock Frederick Halley Male Northam
1938/4900027 Northam Brooks William Walter Male Thornett Eileen Stella Female Cunderdin
1938/4900027 Northam Thornett Eileen Stella Female Brooks William Walter Male Cunderdin
1938/4900028 Northam McCann Frank Thomas Male Duncan Lorna Female Northam
1938/4900028 Northam Duncan Lorna Female McCann Frank Thomas Male Northam
1938/4900029 Northam Turner Nancy Jean Female Shore Charles Henry Male Kellerberrin
1938/4900029 Northam Shore Charles Henry Male Turner Nancy Jean Female Kellerberrin
1938/4900030 Northam Budd Agnes Stewart Female Nagy John Edward Male Kellerberrin
1938/4900030 Northam Nagy John Edward Male Budd Agnes Stewart Female Kellerberrin
1938/4900031 Northam Ward Patricia May Female Watson Valentine Henry Male Northam
1938/4900031 Northam Watson Valentine Henry Male Ward Patricia May Female Northam
1938/4900032 Northam Butler Francis Allan Male Beard Agnes Mary Female Northam
1938/4900032 Northam Beard Agnes Mary Female Butler Francis Allan Male Northam
1938/4900033 Northam Cottrell Dorathy Annie Female O'Loghlen John Patrick Male Northam
1938/4900033 Northam O'Loghlen John Patrick Male Cottrell Dorathy Annie Female Northam
1938/4900034 Northam Thorley Clive Charles Male Müeller Ellen Female Northam
1938/4900034 Northam Müeller Ellen Female Thorley Clive Charles Male Northam
1938/4900035 Northam Rogers Margaret Annie Female Bell Belgium Alfred Male Merredin
1938/4900035 Northam Bell Belgium Alfred Male Rogers Margaret Annie Female Merredin
1938/4900036 Northam Carlton Edward George Male Miguel Hazel Doreen Female Wialki
1938/4900036 Northam Miguel Hazel Doreen Female Carlton Edward George Male Wialki
1938/4900037 Northam Ladhams Charles Male Benzie Ethel Elizabeth Female Northam
1938/4900037 Northam Benzie Ethel Elizabeth Female Ladhams Charles Male Northam
1938/4900038 Northam Saunders George Frederick Male Armstrong Elsie Veronica Female Koorda
1938/4900038 Northam Armstrong Elsie Veronica Female Saunders George Frederick Male Koorda
1938/4900039 Northam Richards Walter Longmire Male McMorran Mary London Condi Female Dowerin
1938/4900039 Northam McMorran Mary London Condi Female Richards Walter Longmire Male Dowerin
1938/4900040 Northam Donegan Beryl Cicely Female Donegan Reginald Gavin Male Toodyay
1938/4900040 Northam Donegan Reginald Gavin Male Donegan Beryl Cicely Female Toodyay
1938/4900041 Northam Carter Eva Female Haywood Francis Male Konnongorring
1938/4900041 Northam Haywood Francis Male Carter Eva Female Konnongorring
1938/4900042 Northam Gangell Joyce Female Langdon Jack Male Dowerin
1938/4900042 Northam Langdon Jack Male Gangell Joyce Female Dowerin
1938/4900043 Northam Smith Reginald Vaughan Male Saggers Eileen Isobel Female Kellerberrin
1938/4900043 Northam Saggers Eileen Isobel Female Smith Reginald Vaughan Male Kellerberrin
1938/4900044 Northam Speed James Stewart Male Wickens Alice May Female Kellerberrin
1938/4900044 Northam Wickens Alice May Female Speed James Stewart Male Kellerberrin
1938/4900045 Northam McPharlin Edgar Bruce Male Ashurst Winifred Female Merredin
1938/4900045 Northam Ashurst Winifred Female McPharlin Edgar Bruce Male Merredin
1938/4900046 Northam Turner Gwendoline Annie Female Atkinson Joseph William Male Merredin
1938/4900046 Northam Atkinson Joseph William Male Turner Gwendoline Annie Female Merredin
1938/4900047 Northam Lonsdale Berenice May Female Cahill Stephen Joseph Male Merredin
1938/4900047 Northam Cahill Stephen Joseph Male Lonsdale Berenice May Female Merredin
1938/4900048 Northam Cockram Dorothy May Female Lewis Leopold Jack Male Merredin
1938/4900048 Northam Lewis Leopold Jack Male Cockram Dorothy May Female Merredin
1938/4900049 Northam Shields Doris Isabel Female Couper Lloyd George Male Trayning
1938/4900049 Northam Couper Lloyd George Male Shields Doris Isabel Female Trayning
1938/4900050 Northam Shields Ivy Joan Female Couper Christian Victor Male Trayning
1938/4900050 Northam Couper Christian Victor Male Shields Ivy Joan Female Trayning
1938/4900051 Northam Millington Robert Simon Male Smith Myrtle Blanche Female Northam
1938/4900051 Northam Smith Myrtle Blanche Female Millington Robert Simon Male Northam
1938/4900052 Northam Stacey Adrian Fitzgerald Male Pritchard Merle Rose Female Northam
1938/4900052 Northam Pritchard Merle Rose Female Stacey Adrian Fitzgerald Male Northam
1938/4900053 Northam Fazey Violet Dot Female Dobrigh John Percival Male Northam
1938/4900053 Northam Dobrigh John Percival Male Fazey Violet Dot Female Northam
1938/4900054 Northam McKay George Cruickshank Male Devereux Caroline Daphne Agnes Female Merredin
1938/4900054 Northam Devereux Caroline Daphne Agnes Female McKay George Cruickshank Male Merredin
1938/4900055 Northam Parker Joycelyn Mary Female Ohde Frederick Herbert John Male Toodyay
1938/4900055 Northam Ohde Frederick Herbert John Male Parker Joycelyn Mary Female Toodyay
1938/4900056 Northam Chatfield Greta Doreen Female Jones Stanley Male Northam
1938/4900056 Northam Jones Stanley Male Chatfield Greta Doreen Female Northam
1938/4900057 Northam Torr Vivienne Female Kennedy Robert James Male Northam
1938/4900057 Northam Kennedy Robert James Male Torr Vivienne Female Northam
1938/4900058 Northam Bloomfield Thelma Pendal Female Bradfield Hugo Benjamin Male Northam
1938/4900058 Northam Bradfield Hugo Benjamin Male Bloomfield Thelma Pendal Female Northam
1938/4900059 Northam Williams Anne Loveday Female Teakle Reginald Sydney Male Northam
1938/4900059 Northam Teakle Reginald Sydney Male Williams Anne Loveday Female Northam
1938/4900060 Northam White Raymond Laurance Male Kowald Leonora Ella Female Northam
1938/4900060 Northam Kowald Leonora Ella Female White Raymond Laurance Male Northam
1938/4900061 Northam Hughes Robert William Male Parnham Sylvia Edna Female Northam
1938/4900061 Northam Parnham Sylvia Edna Female Hughes Robert William Male Northam
1938/4900062 Northam Bryant Florence Eleanor Female Hall George Kitchener Male Northam
1938/4900062 Northam Hall George Kitchener Male Bryant Florence Eleanor Female Northam
1938/4900063 Northam Pearman Catherine Florence Female Gardiner Victor Howard Male Koorda
1938/4900063 Northam Gardiner Victor Howard Male Pearman Catherine Florence Female Koorda
1938/4900064 Northam Erickson Albert Male Haines Linda Ruby Female Toodyay
1938/4900064 Northam Haines Linda Ruby Female Erickson Albert Male Toodyay
1938/4900065 Northam Benzie James Alexander Male Lockyer Pauline Lydia Female Northam
1938/4900065 Northam Lockyer Pauline Lydia Female Benzie James Alexander Male Northam
1938/4900066 Northam Currie Duncan Male Litchfield Ella Alice Mary Female Northam
1938/4900066 Northam Litchfield Ella Alice Mary Female Currie Duncan Male Northam
1938/4900067 Northam Keegan Albin Joseph Male O'Meara Gertrude Mary Female Doodlakine
1938/4900067 Northam O'Meara Gertrude Mary Female Keegan Albin Joseph Male Doodlakine
1938/4900068 Northam Rodgers Kenneth Joseph Male Hannagan Hope Female Northam
1938/4900068 Northam Hannagan Hope Female Rodgers Kenneth Joseph Male Northam
1938/4900069 Northam Hyde Gladys Dorothy Jean Female Irwin Clarence Reginald Male Northam
1938/4900069 Northam Irwin Clarence Reginald Male Hyde Gladys Dorothy Jean Female Northam
1938/4900070 Northam Joyce Veronica Doreen Female Burges John Richard Ardagh Male Northam
1938/4900070 Northam Burges John Richard Ardagh Male Joyce Veronica Doreen Female Northam
1938/4900071 Northam Watson Stella Lila Rose Female Chidlow Kenneth Hubert Leo Male Northam
1938/4900071 Northam Chidlow Kenneth Hubert Leo Male Watson Stella Lila Rose Female Northam
1938/4900072 Northam Pavy Margaret Female Tyers James Aslen Male Northam
1938/4900072 Northam Tyers James Aslen Male Pavy Margaret Female Northam
1938/4900073 Northam Wood Clifford Chamberlain Male Lloyd Imelda Maude Female Toodyay
1938/4900073 Northam Lloyd Imelda Maude Female Wood Clifford Chamberlain Male Toodyay
1938/4900074 Northam Chatfield Rose Female Jones David Garfield Male Meckering
1938/4900074 Northam Jones David Garfield Male Chatfield Rose Female Meckering
1938/4900075 Northam Little Elinor Female Doohan Noel Stephen Arthur Male Northam
1938/4900075 Northam Doohan Noel Stephen Arthur Male Little Elinor Female Northam
1938/4900076 Northam Bailey Sybil Ina Female Hollett Clifford Charles Male Northam
1938/4900076 Northam Hollett Clifford Charles Male Bailey Sybil Ina Female Northam
1938/4900077 Northam Whear Elsie May Female Large James Alfred John Male Northam
1938/4900077 Northam Large James Alfred John Male Whear Elsie May Female Northam
1938/4900078 Northam Hanlon Irene Maud Female McMillan Roy Thomas Male Kellerberrin
1938/4900078 Northam McMillan Roy Thomas Male Hanlon Irene Maud Female Kellerberrin
1938/4900079 Northam Hassett William John Male Munday Mary Female Northam
1938/4900079 Northam Munday Mary Female Hassett William John Male Northam
1938/4900080 Northam Bidstrup Stella Olive Female Campbell Matthew Charles Male Northam
1938/4900080 Northam Campbell Matthew Charles Male Bidstrup Stella Olive Female Northam
1938/4900081 Northam Cummings Alma Mirriam Female Hawkins Edward Male Northam
1938/4900081 Northam Hawkins Edward Male Cummings Alma Mirriam Female Northam
1938/4900082 Northam Jefferys Gerard George Male Wroth Mavis Mena Florenda Female Toodyay
1938/4900082 Northam Wroth Mavis Mena Florenda Female Jefferys Gerard George Male Toodyay
1938/4900084 Northam Burman Vera Rose Female Woods Patrick Harold Male Merredin
1938/4900084 Northam Woods Patrick Harold Male Burman Vera Rose Female Merredin
1938/4900085 Northam Turner Sidney John Male Discombe Maud Mary Female Merredin
1938/4900085 Northam Discombe Maud Mary Female Turner Sidney John Male Merredin
1938/4900086 Northam Miller Bernice Ethel Janet Female Blight Geoffrey Ivan Male Merredin
1938/4900086 Northam Blight Geoffrey Ivan Male Miller Bernice Ethel Janet Female Merredin
1938/4900087 Northam Horsley Ernest Victor Male Plaisted Gwendoline Margaret Female Goomalling
1938/4900087 Northam Plaisted Gwendoline Margaret Female Horsley Ernest Victor Male Goomalling
1938/4900088 Northam Pearman Margaret Helen Female McWha William Male Koorda
1938/4900088 Northam McWha William Male Pearman Margaret Helen Female Koorda
1938/4900089 Northam Watson Ivy Mary Female Murray Edward Peter Male Toodyay
1938/4900089 Northam Murray Edward Peter Male Watson Ivy Mary Female Toodyay
1938/4900090 Northam French Phyllis Female Carr Harold Brian Male Merredin
1938/4900090 Northam Carr Harold Brian Male French Phyllis Female Merredin
1938/4900091 Northam Donegan Sybil Blanche Female Williams John Anthony Male Toodyay
1938/4900091 Northam Williams John Anthony Male Donegan Sybil Blanche Female Toodyay
1938/4900092 Northam Forward Jean Female Christmass Ronald Spencer Coy Male Northam
1938/4900092 Northam Christmass Ronald Spencer Coy Male Forward Jean Female Northam
1938/4900093 Northam Coulthard Lance William Male Turnock Elsie Thomson Female Northam
1938/4900093 Northam Turnock Elsie Thomson Female Coulthard Lance William Male Northam
1938/4900094 Northam Davie Jessie Stewart Female Monger-Solomon Lawrence Male Meckering
1938/4900094 Northam Monger-Solomon Lawrence Male Davie Jessie Stewart Female Meckering
1938/4900095 Northam Henderson Evelyn May Female Gregory Leonard Male Northam
1938/4900095 Northam Gregory Leonard Male Henderson Evelyn May Female Northam
1938/4900096 Northam Thomson Margaret Shearer Female Barrington Kenneth Victor Male Northam
1938/4900096 Northam Barrington Kenneth Victor Male Thomson Margaret Shearer Female Northam
1938/4900097 Northam Harris John James Male Eaton Patty Elizabeth Female Northam
1938/4900097 Northam Eaton Patty Elizabeth Female Harris John James Male Northam
1938/4900098 Northam Curley Walter Male Rowles Ruby Female Goomalling
1938/4900098 Northam Rowles Ruby Female Curley Walter Male Goomalling
1938/4900099 Northam Enright Mary Female McWhirter George Male Goomalling
1938/4900099 Northam McWhirter George Male Enright Mary Female Goomalling
1938/4900100 Northam Bonser Sherwood Owen Male Hyde Winnifred May Female Northam
1938/4900100 Northam Hyde Winnifred May Female Bonser Sherwood Owen Male Northam
1938/4900101 Northam Morrell Doris Daphne Female Scott George Morrow Male Dowerin
1938/4900101 Northam Scott George Morrow Male Morrell Doris Daphne Female Dowerin
1938/4900102 Northam Watson Alma Female Larkman William Male Merredin
1938/4900102 Northam Larkman William Male Watson Alma Female Merredin
1938/4900103 Northam McCauley Charles Francis Stuart Male Kingston Millicent Jane Female Northam
1938/4900103 Northam Kingston Millicent Jane Female McCauley Charles Francis Stuart Male Northam
1938/4900104 Northam Powell Trevor Male Lindsey Elsie Florence Female Northam
1938/4900104 Northam Lindsey Elsie Florence Female Powell Trevor Male Northam
1938/4900105 Northam Ferguson Frederick James Male Lawler Elsie Anna Female Northam
1938/4900105 Northam Lawler Elsie Anna Female Ferguson Frederick James Male Northam
1938/4900106 Northam Glass Edna Female Nicholls Kevin Male Goomalling
1938/4900106 Northam Nicholls Kevin Male Glass Edna Female Goomalling
1938/4900107 Northam Clayden Frank Henry Male Roberts Lily Edith Female Wooroloo
1938/4900107 Northam Roberts Lily Edith Female Clayden Frank Henry Male Wooroloo
1938/4900108 Northam Wellerd Molly Female McLellan William Arthur Male Kellerberrin North
1938/4900108 Northam McLellan William Arthur Male Wellerd Molly Female Kellerberrin North
1938/4900109 Northam Oinn Cecil Bert Male Hughes Audrey Mavis Female Northam
1938/4900109 Northam Hughes Audrey Mavis Female Oinn Cecil Bert Male Northam
1938/4900110 Northam Moody Walter Samuel Dean Male Myers Myrtle Female Northam
1938/4900110 Northam Myers Myrtle Female Moody Walter Samuel Dean Male Northam
1938/4900111 Northam Brinkworth Allan Nourse Male Coates Mary Frances Female Northam
1938/4900111 Northam Coates Mary Frances Female Brinkworth Allan Nourse Male Northam
1938/4900112 Northam Scally William Henry Male Kahl Valieta Pearl Female Kununoppin
1938/4900112 Northam Kahl Valieta Pearl Female Scally William Henry Male Kununoppin
1938/4900113 Northam Watson Jean Leys Female Barnaby Allan Sylvester Male Merredin
1938/4900113 Northam Barnaby Allan Sylvester Male Watson Jean Leys Female Merredin
1938/4900114 Northam Lee George Richard Udell Male Brown Reenie Alma Female Nungarin
1938/4900114 Northam Brown Reenie Alma Female Lee George Richard Udell Male Nungarin
1938/4900115 Northam Redding Bernard Warne Male Bairstow Vera Christina Female Merredin
1938/4900115 Northam Bairstow Vera Christina Female Redding Bernard Warne Male Merredin
1938/4900116 Northam Carter Molly Female Waters Harold Ablett Male Northam
1938/4900116 Northam Waters Harold Ablett Male Carter Molly Female Northam
1938/4900117 Northam Markey Charlotte Female Manuel Frederick Male Northam
1938/4900117 Northam Manuel Frederick Male Markey Charlotte Female Northam
1938/4900118 Northam Donovan Eileen Alexandra Female Wilson Maynard Campbell Male Cunderdin
1938/4900118 Northam Wilson Maynard Campbell Male Donovan Eileen Alexandra Female Cunderdin
1938/4900119 Northam Geier Mathew William Mervyn Male Priestly Beryl May Female Merredin
1938/4900119 Northam Priestly Beryl May Female Geier Mathew William Mervyn Male Merredin
1938/4900120 Northam Key Clifton Henry Male Devereux Ethel Jean Female Kellerberrin
1938/4900120 Northam Devereux Ethel Jean Female Key Clifton Henry Male Kellerberrin
1938/4900121 Northam Commons Colin William Robert Male Hayward Dorothy May Female Merredin
1938/4900121 Northam Hayward Dorothy May Female Commons Colin William Robert Male Merredin
1938/4900122 Northam Henning Malcolm McCredie Male Dunne Coral Thirza Female Dowerin
1938/4900122 Northam Dunne Coral Thirza Female Henning Malcolm McCredie Male Dowerin
1938/4900123 Northam Underwood Marjorie Edna Nora Female Hocking Alfred Gerhard Male Tammin
1938/4900123 Northam Hocking Alfred Gerhard Male Underwood Marjorie Edna Nora Female Tammin
1938/4900124 Northam Rogers Leila Mavis Female Lee Millen Augustus Male Culham
1938/4900124 Northam Lee Millen Augustus Male Rogers Leila Mavis Female Culham
1938/4900125 Northam Enright Eric Joseph Male Evans Elsie May Female Merredin
1938/4900125 Northam Evans Elsie May Female Enright Eric Joseph Male Merredin
1938/4900126 Northam O'Donnell Charles George Male Jenkins Myra Naomi Female Merredin
1938/4900126 Northam Jenkins Myra Naomi Female O'Donnell Charles George Male Merredin
1938/4900127 Northam Bushby William Raymond Male Thompson Beatrice Maud Female Koorda
1938/4900127 Northam Thompson Beatrice Maud Female Bushby William Raymond Male Koorda
1938/4900128 Northam Taylor Eileen Emma Female Scott George Murray Male Northam
1938/4900128 Northam Scott George Murray Male Taylor Eileen Emma Female Northam
1938/4900129 Northam Fogarty Albert Edgar Male Franklin Edith Female Merredin
1938/4900129 Northam Franklin Edith Female Fogarty Albert Edgar Male Merredin
1938/4900130 Northam Kong James Albert Lee Male Harrington Joan Margaret Female Northam
1938/4900130 Northam Harrington Joan Margaret Female Kong James Albert Lee Male Northam
1938/4900131 Northam Price Roland Male Beard Desma Rose Female Cunderdin
1938/4900131 Northam Beard Desma Rose Female Price Roland Male Cunderdin
1938/4900132 Northam Worts Bertha Victoria Female Chapman Ernest Rhodes Male Northam
1938/4900132 Northam Chapman Ernest Rhodes Male Worts Bertha Victoria Female Northam
1938/4900133 Northam Kelly Elizabeth Ann Female Ensor John Henry Male Northam
1938/4900133 Northam Ensor John Henry Male Kelly Elizabeth Ann Female Northam
1938/4900134 Northam Massam William Edward Male Simmonds Roberta Gladys Female Kellerberrin
1938/4900134 Northam Simmonds Roberta Gladys Female Massam William Edward Male Kellerberrin
1938/4900135 Northam Jones Sydney Gordon Male Leonard Alma Kathleen Female Merredin
1938/4900135 Northam Leonard Alma Kathleen Female Jones Sydney Gordon Male Merredin
1938/4900136 Northam Thomson Jean Mary Female Bonser Edward Stewart Male Northam
1938/4900136 Northam Bonser Edward Stewart Male Thomson Jean Mary Female Northam
1938/4900137 Northam Peirce Lillian Female Clayton Harold Male Northam
1938/4900137 Northam Clayton Harold Male Peirce Lillian Female Northam
1938/4900138 Northam Richards Elva Isabel Female Brown John Leslie Male Northam
1938/4900138 Northam Brown John Leslie Male Richards Elva Isabel Female Northam
1938/4900139 Northam Pearman Frank Himsworth Male Nixon Hilda Female Koorda
1938/4900139 Northam Nixon Hilda Female Pearman Frank Himsworth Male Koorda
1938/4900140 Northam Thompson Amy Adeline Female Brown James Forsythe Male Toodyay
1938/4900140 Northam Brown James Forsythe Male Thompson Amy Adeline Female Toodyay
1938/4900141 Northam Simmons Harold Male Biddle Olive Mabel Female Northam
1938/4900141 Northam Biddle Olive Mabel Female Simmons Harold Male Northam
1938/4900142 Northam Chatfield Margaret Mary Female McDonald Thomas Male Tammin
1938/4900142 Northam McDonald Thomas Male Chatfield Margaret Mary Female Tammin
1938/4900143 Northam Goodwill Olive Jane Female McCann William Male Northam
1938/4900143 Northam McCann William Male Goodwill Olive Jane Female Northam
1938/5000001 Northampton Reynolds Francis James Christopher Male Donaldson Mary Agnes Female Northampton
1938/5000001 Northampton Donaldson Mary Agnes Female Reynolds Francis James Christopher Male Northampton
1938/5000002 Northampton Gishubl Francis Charles Frederick Male Gould Ada Gabrielle Female Nabawa
1938/5000002 Northampton Gould Ada Gabrielle Female Gishubl Francis Charles Frederick Male Nabawa
1938/5000003 Northampton Tetlow Phoebe Thelma Female Criddle Alfred Kelvin Beresford Male Nabawa
1938/5000003 Northampton Criddle Alfred Kelvin Beresford Male Tetlow Phoebe Thelma Female Nabawa
1938/5000004 Northampton Sharp Dorothy Alma Female Penn Hugh William Male Northampton
1938/5000004 Northampton Penn Hugh William Male Sharp Dorothy Alma Female Northampton
1938/5000005 Northampton Wilton Frederick John Marklove Male Jupp Eileen Mary Winifred Female Nabawa
1938/5000005 Northampton Jupp Eileen Mary Winifred Female Wilton Frederick John Marklove Male Nabawa
1938/5000006 Northampton Cooper Lucella Mary Female Murphy Norman Ray Male Nabawa
1938/5000006 Northampton Murphy Norman Ray Male Cooper Lucella Mary Female Nabawa
1938/5000007 Northampton Baston Eileen Barbara Female Jupp Cyril Frank Male Nabawa
1938/5000007 Northampton Jupp Cyril Frank Male Baston Eileen Barbara Female Nabawa
1938/5000008 Northampton Glass Cyril Alan Male Backshall Ursula May Female Northampton
1938/5000008 Northampton Backshall Ursula May Female Glass Cyril Alan Male Northampton
1938/5000009 Northampton Simkin Joseph William Enderby Male Ralph Jessie Louvain Female Northampton
1938/5000009 Northampton Ralph Jessie Louvain Female Simkin Joseph William Enderby Male Northampton
1938/5000010 Northampton Cooper Mollie Kathleen Female Murphy Clarence Henry John Male Nabawa
1938/5000010 Northampton Murphy Clarence Henry John Male Cooper Mollie Kathleen Female Nabawa
1938/5000011 Northampton Barndon Norman Richard Male Reynolds Margaret Mary Veronica Female Northampton
1938/5000011 Northampton Reynolds Margaret Mary Veronica Female Barndon Norman Richard Male Northampton
1938/5000012 Northampton Shires Arthur Leonard Male Barnden Hazel Joyce Female Northampton
1938/5000012 Northampton Barnden Hazel Joyce Female Shires Arthur Leonard Male Northampton
1938/5000013 Northampton Penn Trelie Henry Male Lucas Elsie May Female Northampton
1938/5000013 Northampton Lucas Elsie May Female Penn Trelie Henry Male Northampton
1938/5000014 Northampton Woodcock Hazel Amelia Female Ford George Oswald Male Northampton
1938/5000014 Northampton Ford George Oswald Male Woodcock Hazel Amelia Female Northampton
1938/5000015 Northampton Green Frank Thomas Male Cragan Irene Ellen Female Northampton
1938/5000015 Northampton Cragan Irene Ellen Female Green Frank Thomas Male Northampton
1938/5000016 Northampton Utley Elsie Lilian Female Turner Frederick George Male Northampton
1938/5000016 Northampton Turner Frederick George Male Utley Elsie Lilian Female Northampton
1938/5000017 Northampton Robeson Jack George Macready Male Evans Laura Margaret Ellen Female Northampton
1938/5000017 Northampton Evans Laura Margaret Ellen Female Robeson Jack George Macready Male Northampton
1938/5200001 Phillips River McPhee Hector Henry Male Coleman Elsie Edith Female Ravensthorpe
1938/5200001 Phillips River Coleman Elsie Edith Female McPhee Hector Henry Male Ravensthorpe
1939/5400001 Plantagenet Vigus William Harry Male Edmonds Mary Marjorie Jane Female Tingledale
1938/5400001 Plantagenet Smith Glanville John Stanhope Male McNamara Sheila Bernice Female Albany
1939/5400001 Plantagenet Edmonds Mary Marjorie Jane Female Vigus William Harry Male Tingledale
1938/5400001 Plantagenet McNamara Sheila Bernice Female Smith Glanville John Stanhope Male Albany
1939/5400002 Plantagenet O'Connor Richard Male Deal Emily Ethel Female Denmark
1939/5400002 Plantagenet Deal Emily Ethel Female O'Connor Richard Male Denmark
1938/5400004 Plantagenet Mitchell Lorna Irene Ellen Female Inwood Robert Male Mt Barker
1938/5400004 Plantagenet Inwood Robert Male Mitchell Lorna Irene Ellen Female Mt Barker
1938/5400006 Plantagenet Hay Ethel Maud Annie Female Attwell Thomas Albert Male Albany
1938/5400006 Plantagenet Attwell Thomas Albert Male Hay Ethel Maud Annie Female Albany
1938/5400007 Plantagenet Bessen Frank Edward Male Schlueter Gerda Elizabeth Emmy Female Tambellup
1938/5400007 Plantagenet Schlueter Gerda Elizabeth Emmy Female Bessen Frank Edward Male Tambellup
1938/5400008 Plantagenet Collins Kathleen Mary Amelia Female Falconer Charles Male Mount Barker
1938/5400008 Plantagenet Falconer Charles Male Collins Kathleen Mary Amelia Female Mount Barker
1938/5400009 Plantagenet Griffiths Harry Male Morgan Rachael Leah Female Albany
1938/5400009 Plantagenet Morgan Rachael Leah Female Griffiths Harry Male Albany
1938/5400010 Plantagenet Shirley Albert Arthur Chapman Male Basilico Eva Female Albany
1938/5400010 Plantagenet Basilico Eva Female Shirley Albert Arthur Chapman Male Albany
1938/5400011 Plantagenet Kirwan Agnes Mary Female Winscom Frank Male Albany
1938/5400011 Plantagenet Winscom Frank Male Kirwan Agnes Mary Female Albany
1938/5400012 Plantagenet Atkin Gethin William Male Hawkes Winifred Gertrude Female Albany
1938/5400012 Plantagenet Hawkes Winifred Gertrude Female Atkin Gethin William Male Albany
1938/5400013 Plantagenet Iddles Mavis Jean Female Meek Stanley Earle Male Albany
1938/5400013 Plantagenet Meek Stanley Earle Male Iddles Mavis Jean Female Albany
1938/5400014 Plantagenet Ward Maisie Braimbridge Female Shiner Jack Marawa Male Albany
1938/5400014 Plantagenet Shiner Jack Marawa Male Ward Maisie Braimbridge Female Albany
1938/5400015 Plantagenet Bassanelli Enea Male Smith Annie Margaret Female Albany
1938/5400015 Plantagenet Smith Annie Margaret Female Bassanelli Enea Male Albany
1938/5400016 Plantagenet Crisp Gladys Lorraine Female Pannett Norman Male Albany
1938/5400016 Plantagenet Pannett Norman Male Crisp Gladys Lorraine Female Albany
1938/5400017 Plantagenet Plozza Claude William Golden Male Williams Gwenyth Pauline Female Albany
1938/5400017 Plantagenet Williams Gwenyth Pauline Female Plozza Claude William Golden Male Albany
1938/5400018 Plantagenet Byrne John Frederick Male Baskerville Olive Mary Female Albany
1938/5400018 Plantagenet Baskerville Olive Mary Female Byrne John Frederick Male Albany
1938/5400019 Plantagenet Summers George Male Tomlinson Beatrice Female Albany
1938/5400019 Plantagenet Tomlinson Beatrice Female Summers George Male Albany
1938/5400020 Plantagenet Stuart Douglas Hardie Male Buggenthin Esther Wilhelmina Female Albany
1938/5400020 Plantagenet Buggenthin Esther Wilhelmina Female Stuart Douglas Hardie Male Albany
1938/5400021 Plantagenet Ferrell Frederick Kenneth Male Gray Ida Elizabeth Female Mount Barker
1938/5400021 Plantagenet Gray Ida Elizabeth Female Ferrell Frederick Kenneth Male Mount Barker
1938/5400022 Plantagenet McClure William Male Gableish Gladys Lucy Female Albany
1938/5400022 Plantagenet Gableish Gladys Lucy Female McClure William Male Albany
1938/5400023 Plantagenet Garnett Verdun Leonard Walter Male Diprose Winifred Annie Female Tambellup
1938/5400023 Plantagenet Diprose Winifred Annie Female Garnett Verdun Leonard Walter Male Tambellup
1938/5400024 Plantagenet Morgan Leila Julia Female Hay Leslie John Male Albany
1938/5400024 Plantagenet Hay Leslie John Male Morgan Leila Julia Female Albany
1938/5400025 Plantagenet Steere Arthur William Lee Male Forrest Dorothy Joan Female Albany
1938/5400025 Plantagenet Forrest Dorothy Joan Female Steere Arthur William Lee Male Albany
1938/5400026 Plantagenet Carter Doreen Phylis Female Kenworthy Eric Barham Male Albany
1938/5400026 Plantagenet Kenworthy Eric Barham Male Carter Doreen Phylis Female Albany
1938/5400027 Plantagenet Simpson George Frederick Male Holmes Doris Female Albany
1938/5400027 Plantagenet Holmes Doris Female Simpson George Frederick Male Albany
1938/5400028 Plantagenet McCann Kathleen Teresa Female McDougall John Nicol Male Albany
1938/5400028 Plantagenet McDougall John Nicol Male McCann Kathleen Teresa Female Albany
1938/5400029 Plantagenet Haworth Ralph Male Pearson Jean Female Albany
1938/5400029 Plantagenet Pearson Jean Female Haworth Ralph Male Albany
1938/5400030 Plantagenet Barrow Samuel James Male O'Connor Catherine Female Albany
1938/5400030 Plantagenet O'Connor Catherine Female Barrow Samuel James Male Albany
1938/5400031 Plantagenet Brown Carmel Mavis Female Purkiss Alfred Peter Male Albany
1938/5400031 Plantagenet Purkiss Alfred Peter Male Brown Carmel Mavis Female Albany
1938/5400032 Plantagenet Quartermaine Estelle Frances Female Parker Ronald James Male Albany
1938/5400032 Plantagenet Parker Ronald James Male Quartermaine Estelle Frances Female Albany
1938/5400033 Plantagenet Webb Mary Female Stratton John Peter Male Albany
1938/5400033 Plantagenet Stratton John Peter Male Webb Mary Female Albany
1938/5400034 Plantagenet Riseborough Ivy Female Shanheen Arthur Henry Male Albany
1938/5400034 Plantagenet Shanheen Arthur Henry Male Riseborough Ivy Female Albany
1938/5400035 Plantagenet Brown Jessie Susanne Female Brown John William Male Albany
1938/5400035 Plantagenet Brown John William Male Brown Jessie Susanne Female Albany
1938/5400036 Plantagenet Dix Elsie May Female Frost William Thomas Stephen Male Mt Barker
1938/5400036 Plantagenet Frost William Thomas Stephen Male Dix Elsie May Female Mt Barker
1938/5400037 Plantagenet Butland Charlotte Caroline Female Mayfield Ernest Robert Townsend Male Albany
1938/5400037 Plantagenet Mayfield Ernest Robert Townsend Male Butland Charlotte Caroline Female Albany
1938/5400038 Plantagenet Bennett Ernest William Male Brockman Hester Sophia Female Albany
1938/5400038 Plantagenet Brockman Hester Sophia Female Bennett Ernest William Male Albany
1938/5400039 Plantagenet Martin Margaret Mary Female Cake Leslie Ernest George Male Albany
1938/5400039 Plantagenet Cake Leslie Ernest George Male Martin Margaret Mary Female Albany
1938/5400040 Plantagenet McLeod Berenice Caroline Female Mouchmore Victor Male Albany
1938/5400040 Plantagenet Mouchmore Victor Male McLeod Berenice Caroline Female Albany
1938/5400041 Plantagenet Greatrex Bernard Cephas Male Penn Jean Evelyn Female Albany
1938/5400041 Plantagenet Penn Jean Evelyn Female Greatrex Bernard Cephas Male Albany
1938/5400042 Plantagenet Cusack Matthew Thomas Male Ward Irene Female Denmark
1938/5400042 Plantagenet Ward Irene Female Cusack Matthew Thomas Male Denmark
1938/5400043 Plantagenet Drage Albert Roy Male Munday Alice Janette Female Albany
1938/5400043 Plantagenet Munday Alice Janette Female Drage Albert Roy Male Albany
1938/5400044 Plantagenet Evans Edith Female Miller William Henry Male Albany
1938/5400044 Plantagenet Miller William Henry Male Evans Edith Female Albany
1938/5400045 Plantagenet Brophy Coral Magdeline Female Bannister Frederick Ernest Male Albany
1938/5400045 Plantagenet Bannister Frederick Ernest Male Brophy Coral Magdeline Female Albany
1938/5400046 Plantagenet Davies Keith Lavington France Male Stephens Gladys Edith Female Albany
1938/5400046 Plantagenet Stephens Gladys Edith Female Davies Keith Lavington France Male Albany
1938/5400047 Plantagenet Douglas Rita Ethel Margaret Female Pearson Charles Alfred Male Albany
1938/5400047 Plantagenet Pearson Charles Alfred Male Douglas Rita Ethel Margaret Female Albany
1938/5400048 Plantagenet Dunstan Beatrice May Female Duncan Alfred Wallace Male Albany
1938/5400048 Plantagenet Duncan Alfred Wallace Male Dunstan Beatrice May Female Albany
1938/5400049 Plantagenet Moody William Thomas Arkin Male Moir Vera Merle Elizabeth Female Albany
1938/5400049 Plantagenet Moir Vera Merle Elizabeth Female Moody William Thomas Arkin Male Albany
1938/5400050 Plantagenet Tanner Harry Rupert Male Gableish Mary Ellen Female Albany
1938/5400050 Plantagenet Gableish Mary Ellen Female Tanner Harry Rupert Male Albany
1938/5400051 Plantagenet Swann Francis William Male McClellan Annie Henderson Graham Female Albany
1938/5400051 Plantagenet McClellan Annie Henderson Graham Female Swann Francis William Male Albany
1938/5400052 Plantagenet Sunderland Harry Vivian Male Oates Doris May Female Mt Barker
1938/5400052 Plantagenet Oates Doris May Female Sunderland Harry Vivian Male Mt Barker
1938/5400053 Plantagenet Lemin George Henry Male Knapp Pearl Sarah Female Albany
1938/5400053 Plantagenet Knapp Pearl Sarah Female Lemin George Henry Male Albany
1938/5400054 Plantagenet Sutton George Edward Male Mitchell Iris Noreen Female Albany
1938/5400054 Plantagenet Mitchell Iris Noreen Female Sutton George Edward Male Albany
1938/5400055 Plantagenet McConchie Angus Albert Male Knaggs Joan Mary Female Albany
1938/5400055 Plantagenet Knaggs Joan Mary Female McConchie Angus Albert Male Albany
1938/5400056 Plantagenet McInnis Malcolm John Male Jarvis Margaret Annie Female Albany
1938/5400056 Plantagenet Jarvis Margaret Annie Female McInnis Malcolm John Male Albany
1938/5400057 Plantagenet Brown Norman Alfred Male Furness Dulcie Imelda Female Albany
1938/5400057 Plantagenet Furness Dulcie Imelda Female Brown Norman Alfred Male Albany
1938/5400058 Plantagenet West Edward Norman Male Scott Ruth Patricia Female Denmark
1938/5400058 Plantagenet Scott Ruth Patricia Female West Edward Norman Male Denmark
1938/5400059 Plantagenet Armstrong William Alexander Male Jackman Beatrice Margery Female Albany
1938/5400059 Plantagenet Jackman Beatrice Margery Female Armstrong William Alexander Male Albany
1938/5400060 Plantagenet Dunn Violet Kathleen Madeline Female Dickinson James Percival Male Albany
1938/5400060 Plantagenet Dickinson James Percival Male Dunn Violet Kathleen Madeline Female Albany
1938/5400061 Plantagenet Stokes William Thomas Male Jackson Eileen Grace Female Albany
1938/5400061 Plantagenet Jackson Eileen Grace Female Stokes William Thomas Male Albany
1938/5400062 Plantagenet Mutzig Charles Male Ebbett Edith Emmeline Female Albany
1938/5400062 Plantagenet Ebbett Edith Emmeline Female Mutzig Charles Male Albany
1938/5400063 Plantagenet Eskett Dorothy Female Barrett Stanley Male Denmark
1938/5400063 Plantagenet Barrett Stanley Male Eskett Dorothy Female Denmark
1938/5400064 Plantagenet Kilminster Norman Stanley Male McGellin Jean Female Albany
1938/5400064 Plantagenet McGellin Jean Female Kilminster Norman Stanley Male Albany
1938/5400065 Plantagenet Brennan Robert Peebles Male Maslin Elma May Female Albany
1938/5400065 Plantagenet Maslin Elma May Female Brennan Robert Peebles Male Albany
1938/5400066 Plantagenet Hagg Beatrice Veronica Female Turner Alexander Alfred Male Albany
1938/5400066 Plantagenet Turner Alexander Alfred Male Hagg Beatrice Veronica Female Albany
1938/5400067 Plantagenet Hodgson Edward Askew Male Ahern Dulcie Veronica Female Albany
1938/5400067 Plantagenet Ahern Dulcie Veronica Female Hodgson Edward Askew Male Albany
1938/5400068 Plantagenet Carpenter Andrew Norman Male Bradley Ruby May Female Cranbrook
1938/5400068 Plantagenet Bradley Ruby May Female Carpenter Andrew Norman Male Cranbrook
1938/5400069 Plantagenet Robinson Albert Edward Male Truslove Jean Elizabeth Female Albany
1939/5400069 Plantagenet Chapple Albert James Peter Male Haese Ellis Vera Female Mount Barker
1938/5400069 Plantagenet Truslove Jean Elizabeth Female Robinson Albert Edward Male Albany
1939/5400069 Plantagenet Haese Ellis Vera Female Chapple Albert James Peter Male Mount Barker
1938/5400070 Plantagenet Pettitt Mercia Lillian Female Higgins Frederick James Male Albany
1938/5400070 Plantagenet Higgins Frederick James Male Pettitt Mercia Lillian Female Albany
1938/5400071 Plantagenet Keyser Gavin Douglas Male Playford Frances Bessie Female Albany
1938/5400071 Plantagenet Playford Frances Bessie Female Keyser Gavin Douglas Male Albany
1938/5400072 Plantagenet Martin Dorothy Joyce Female Crook Alexander Robertson Male Albany
1938/5400072 Plantagenet Crook Alexander Robertson Male Martin Dorothy Joyce Female Albany
1938/5400073 Plantagenet Dalton Vernon Richard Male Hillbrick Claris Evelyn Female Albany
1938/5400073 Plantagenet Hillbrick Claris Evelyn Female Dalton Vernon Richard Male Albany
1938/5400074 Plantagenet Bennett George Charles Male Booth Mabel Alma Female Albany
1938/5400074 Plantagenet Booth Mabel Alma Female Bennett George Charles Male Albany
1938/5500001 Port Hedland Lowe Sydney Harold Male Milward Mavis Female Port Hedland
1938/5500001 Port Hedland Milward Mavis Female Lowe Sydney Harold Male Port Hedland
1938/5500002 Port Hedland Edgar Charles Placido Male Tighe Ottillia Pinda Female Port Hedland
1938/5500002 Port Hedland Tighe Ottillia Pinda Female Edgar Charles Placido Male Port Hedland
1938/5500003 Port Hedland Clarke Vincent Fredrick Male Lockyer Ivy Chrissteener Female Port Hedland
1938/5500003 Port Hedland Lockyer Ivy Chrissteener Female Clarke Vincent Fredrick Male Port Hedland
1938/5500004 Port Hedland Hill Leonard Butland Male Higgins Patricia Merri Female Port Hedland
1938/5500004 Port Hedland Higgins Patricia Merri Female Hill Leonard Butland Male Port Hedland
1938/5500005 Port Hedland Gillingwater Joan Mary Female Bell Donald Male Port Hedland
1938/5500005 Port Hedland Bell Donald Male Gillingwater Joan Mary Female Port Hedland
1938/5500006 Port Hedland Negus Herbert Christopher Male Rawlings Ronda Edith Female Port Hedland
1938/5500006 Port Hedland Rawlings Ronda Edith Female Negus Herbert Christopher Male Port Hedland
1938/5600001 Roebourne Ingram William Gordon Male McCamey Winifred Mary Julia Female Roebourne
1938/5600001 Roebourne McCamey Winifred Mary Julia Female Ingram William Gordon Male Roebourne
1938/5600002 Roebourne Fairgrieve Anne Dorson Female Larsen Alf Henry Male Roebourne
1938/5600002 Roebourne Larsen Alf Henry Male Fairgrieve Anne Dorson Female Roebourne
1939/6000001 Sussex Holgate Ivy Pearl Female Mosina Frank Stephen Male Busselton
1939/6000001 Sussex Mosina Frank Stephen Male Holgate Ivy Pearl Female Busselton
1938/6000001 Sussex Hart Barbara Amanda Female Cooper Thomas Claude Male Busselton
1938/6000001 Sussex Cooper Thomas Claude Male Hart Barbara Amanda Female Busselton
1938/6000002 Sussex Hansen Dorothy Joan Female Nunn Cyril Male Busselton
1938/6000002 Sussex Nunn Cyril Male Hansen Dorothy Joan Female Busselton
1938/6000003 Sussex Gilleney Margaret Female Whysall Thomas Male Busselton
1938/6000003 Sussex Whysall Thomas Male Gilleney Margaret Female Busselton
1938/6000004 Sussex Smith Francis James Male McKelvie Jessie Emmerline Female Busselton
1938/6000004 Sussex McKelvie Jessie Emmerline Female Smith Francis James Male Busselton
1938/6000005 Sussex Smith Agnes Elizabeth Female Berryman Arthur Albert William Male Busselton
1938/6000005 Sussex Berryman Arthur Albert William Male Smith Agnes Elizabeth Female Busselton
1938/6000006 Sussex Waterhouse Walter Henry James Male Bruce Beatrice Ellen Female Busselton
1938/6000006 Sussex Bruce Beatrice Ellen Female Waterhouse Walter Henry James Male Busselton
1938/6000007 Sussex Chinnery Raymond Herbert Male Spring Constance May Female Busselton
1938/6000007 Sussex Spring Constance May Female Chinnery Raymond Herbert Male Busselton
1938/6000008 Sussex Marsh Millicent Mary Female Dimmick Norman Walter Male Busselton
1938/6000008 Sussex Dimmick Norman Walter Male Marsh Millicent Mary Female Busselton
1938/6000009 Sussex Teale William George Male Chadwick Clarice Female Busselton
1938/6000009 Sussex Chadwick Clarice Female Teale William George Male Busselton
1938/6000010 Sussex Evans Edith Matilda Kathleen Female Puzey Amos Male Busselton
1938/6000010 Sussex Puzey Amos Male Evans Edith Matilda Kathleen Female Busselton
1938/6000011 Sussex Cowell Arthur Male Stadward Annie Laura Female Busselton
1938/6000011 Sussex Stadward Annie Laura Female Cowell Arthur Male Busselton
1938/6000012 Sussex Foden Hazel Elizabeth Female Burkett George Hector Male Busselton
1938/6000012 Sussex Burkett George Hector Male Foden Hazel Elizabeth Female Busselton
1938/6000013 Sussex Butt Dorothy Nancy Female Carter Thomas Male Busselton
1938/6000013 Sussex Carter Thomas Male Butt Dorothy Nancy Female Busselton
1938/6000014 Sussex Hopes Mary Eileen Female Smith Leslie John Male Cowaramup
1938/6000014 Sussex Smith Leslie John Male Hopes Mary Eileen Female Cowaramup
1938/6000015 Sussex Jackson Fanny Female Lee Ernest Rudolph Male Busselton
1938/6000015 Sussex Lee Ernest Rudolph Male Jackson Fanny Female Busselton
1938/6000016 Sussex Plackett Minnie Female Donaldson William Male Coweramup
1938/6000016 Sussex Donaldson William Male Plackett Minnie Female Coweramup
1938/6000017 Sussex Boyd Stephen Joseph Male Kemp Mary Female Cowaramup
1938/6000017 Sussex Kemp Mary Female Boyd Stephen Joseph Male Cowaramup
1938/6000018 Sussex Kenney Evelyn Mary Female Abbey Harold Nathaniel Male Busselton
1938/6000018 Sussex Abbey Harold Nathaniel Male Kenney Evelyn Mary Female Busselton
1938/6000019 Sussex Russell Robert Ivor Male Gardiner Gwenda Hamilton Female Busselton
1938/6000019 Sussex Gardiner Gwenda Hamilton Female Russell Robert Ivor Male Busselton
1938/6000020 Sussex Terrell Isabel Reneria Female Watson Walter Ernest Male Busselton
1938/6000020 Sussex Watson Walter Ernest Male Terrell Isabel Reneria Female Busselton
1938/6000021 Sussex Shanks David Calder Male Gale Winifred Ellen Female Karridale
1938/6000021 Sussex Gale Winifred Ellen Female Shanks David Calder Male Karridale
1938/6000022 Sussex Golding George Frederick Male Palmer Mary Female Busselton
1938/6000022 Sussex Palmer Mary Female Golding George Frederick Male Busselton
1938/6000023 Sussex O'Reilly Daniel Male Hooper Rose Evelyn Female Busselton
1938/6000023 Sussex Hooper Rose Evelyn Female O'Reilly Daniel Male Busselton
1938/6000024 Sussex Bushby Margery Jane Female Hitchmough John Male Karridale
1938/6000024 Sussex Hitchmough John Male Bushby Margery Jane Female Karridale
1938/6000025 Sussex Lynn Dorothy Female Wise Robert Male Busselton
1938/6000025 Sussex Wise Robert Male Lynn Dorothy Female Busselton
1938/6000026 Sussex Staples Gwendoline Hilda Female Fogarty Joseph Patrick Male Busselton
1938/6000026 Sussex Fogarty Joseph Patrick Male Staples Gwendoline Hilda Female Busselton
1938/6000027 Sussex Johnston Richard Male Armstrong Hazel June Female Witchcliffe
1938/6000027 Sussex Armstrong Hazel June Female Johnston Richard Male Witchcliffe
1938/6000028 Sussex Harwood Myrtle Agnes Female Taylor Kenneth Arthur Male Busselton
1938/6000028 Sussex Taylor Kenneth Arthur Male Harwood Myrtle Agnes Female Busselton
1938/6000029 Sussex Anderson George Thomas Male Johnson Elsie Joyce Female Busselton
1938/6000029 Sussex Johnson Elsie Joyce Female Anderson George Thomas Male Busselton
1938/6000030 Sussex Johnston George Edward Male Fieldgate Florence Mary Female Busselton
1938/6000030 Sussex Fieldgate Florence Mary Female Johnston George Edward Male Busselton
1938/6000031 Sussex Maclean Robert Hector Male Woodbrook Barbara Female Busselton
1938/6000031 Sussex Woodbrook Barbara Female Maclean Robert Hector Male Busselton
1938/6000032 Sussex Thurkle May Love Dorothy Female Dawson John Benjamin Vidgen Male Busselton
1938/6000032 Sussex Dawson John Benjamin Vidgen Male Thurkle May Love Dorothy Female Busselton
1938/6000033 Sussex Williams John Henry David Male Stone Mavis Female Busselton
1938/6000033 Sussex Stone Mavis Female Williams John Henry David Male Busselton
1938/6000034 Sussex Ashton Edward Nicholas Male Cooper Ruth Freeman Female Osmington
1938/6000034 Sussex Cooper Ruth Freeman Female Ashton Edward Nicholas Male Osmington
1938/6000035 Sussex Gorman Cecil Claude Male Gibson Joan Irene Female Busselton
1938/6000035 Sussex Gibson Joan Irene Female Gorman Cecil Claude Male Busselton
1938/6000036 Sussex Williams Herbert Milton Male Armstrong Iris Rachael Female Busselton
1938/6000036 Sussex Armstrong Iris Rachael Female Williams Herbert Milton Male Busselton
1938/6000037 Sussex Baird Dulcie Margaret Cathrine Rachael Female McCarthy Bernard Henry Male Busselton
1938/6000037 Sussex McCarthy Bernard Henry Male Baird Dulcie Margaret Cathrine Rachael Female Busselton
1938/6000038 Sussex Taylor Francis Maurice Male Stone Olive Helen Margaret Female Busselton
1938/6000038 Sussex Stone Olive Helen Margaret Female Taylor Francis Maurice Male Busselton
1938/6000039 Sussex Rose Forrest Male Darroch Catherine Elizabeth Female Busselton
1938/6000039 Sussex Darroch Catherine Elizabeth Female Rose Forrest Male Busselton
1938/6000040 Sussex McLeod Marjorie Victoria Female Maher James Patrick Male Busselton
1938/6000040 Sussex Maher James Patrick Male McLeod Marjorie Victoria Female Busselton
1939/6100001 Swan Lean Ivy Catherine Female Parker Samuel William Male Bassendean
1939/6100001 Swan Parker Samuel William Male Lean Ivy Catherine Female Bassendean
1939/6100002 Swan Bamford Marjorie Jane Female Gregory Thomas Arthur Male Bassendean
1939/6100002 Swan Gregory Thomas Arthur Male Bamford Marjorie Jane Female Bassendean
1939/6100003 Swan Budden Janet Female Cresswell Herbert Keith Male Guildford
1939/6100003 Swan Cresswell Herbert Keith Male Budden Janet Female Guildford
1939/6100004 Swan Beus Mauda Elena Female Zilko Mick Male Herne Hill
1939/6100004 Swan Zilko Mick Male Beus Mauda Elena Female Herne Hill
1939/6100005 Swan Fragall Kathleen Mary Female Little Henry George Male Midland Junction
1939/6100005 Swan Little Henry George Male Fragall Kathleen Mary Female Midland Junction
1938/6100005 Swan Mardon Wilfred Maxwell Male Clemesha Jessie Female Guildford
1938/6100005 Swan Clemesha Jessie Female Mardon Wilfred Maxwell Male Guildford
1938/6100006 Swan Williamson Harriet Female Clements Charles William Male Guildford
1939/6100006 Swan Buzzard John Millar Male Glover Jean Female Midland
1938/6100006 Swan Clements Charles William Male Williamson Harriet Female Guildford
1939/6100006 Swan Glover Jean Female Buzzard John Millar Male Midland
1939/6100007 Swan Bebich Mick Male Tolich Matilda Female Midland
1938/6100007 Swan Carter Lilian Ada Female Jones Henry Robert Charles Male Guildford
1939/6100007 Swan Tolich Matilda Female Bebich Mick Male Midland
1938/6100007 Swan Jones Henry Robert Charles Male Carter Lilian Ada Female Guildford
1939/6100008 Swan Emms Frederick Kitchener Male Pierce Gwendoline Mary Female Guildford
1938/6100008 Swan Malcolm Marie Margaret Female Bell Clifton David Male Guildford Grammar School
1939/6100008 Swan Pierce Gwendoline Mary Female Emms Frederick Kitchener Male Guildford
1938/6100008 Swan Bell Clifton David Male Malcolm Marie Margaret Female Guildford Grammar School
1938/6100009 Swan Dorman Elva Female Krepp John Charles Male Midland Junction
1938/6100009 Swan Krepp John Charles Male Dorman Elva Female Midland Junction
1939/6100009 Swan Carver Charles Male Morley Caroline Ruby Female Guildford
1939/6100009 Swan Morley Caroline Ruby Female Carver Charles Male Guildford
1938/6100011 Swan Fogarty William Harford Male Bowles Adelaide Nell Female Midland Junction
1938/6100011 Swan Bowles Adelaide Nell Female Fogarty William Harford Male Midland Junction
1938/6100012 Swan Evans Graham John Male Patterson Mary Elizebeth Female Bassendean
1938/6100012 Swan Patterson Mary Elizebeth Female Evans Graham John Male Bassendean
1938/6100013 Swan Aymer Dorothy Mae Female Jackson Godfrey Basil Male Midland Junction
1938/6100013 Swan Jackson Godfrey Basil Male Aymer Dorothy Mae Female Midland Junction
1938/6100014 Swan Armitage Harold George Male Stewart Lillian Marjorie Female Midland Junction
1938/6100014 Swan Stewart Lillian Marjorie Female Armitage Harold George Male Midland Junction
1938/6100015 Swan Nielsen Doreen Kathleen Female Pinker Eric Reginald Male Bassendean
1938/6100015 Swan Pinker Eric Reginald Male Nielsen Doreen Kathleen Female Bassendean
1939/6100015 Swan Nockolds Walter Estic Male Hardman Patrica Li Female Guildford
1939/6100015 Swan Hardman Patrica Li Female Nockolds Walter Estic Male Guildford
1938/6100016 Swan Brewer Theodore Anthony Male Lucy Betty Mary Olive Female Bassendean
1938/6100016 Swan Lucy Betty Mary Olive Female Brewer Theodore Anthony Male Bassendean
1938/6100017 Swan Brizich Mary Female Martinich Joe Male Guildford
1938/6100017 Swan Martinich Joe Male Brizich Mary Female Guildford
1938/6100018 Swan Davis Moira Ellen Female Whitely Bernard Male Guildford
1938/6100018 Swan Whitely Bernard Male Davis Moira Ellen Female Guildford
1938/6100019 Swan Coles Cecil Raymond Male Bishop Evelyn Ruby Female Midland Junction
1938/6100019 Swan Bishop Evelyn Ruby Female Coles Cecil Raymond Male Midland Junction
1938/6100020 Swan Hawks Doris Female Montgomery Rowland Douglas Male Bassendean
1938/6100020 Swan Montgomery Rowland Douglas Male Hawks Doris Female Bassendean
1938/6100021 Swan Brown Annie Addison Female Hopkins David Walters Male Bassendean
1938/6100021 Swan Hopkins David Walters Male Brown Annie Addison Female Bassendean
1938/6100022 Swan Murphy Cecilia Female Marshall Roy Male Midland Junction
1938/6100022 Swan Marshall Roy Male Murphy Cecilia Female Midland Junction
1938/6100023 Swan Carman Frederick Raymond Male Liddelow Beatrice Doreen Female Midland Junction
1938/6100023 Swan Liddelow Beatrice Doreen Female Carman Frederick Raymond Male Midland Junction
1938/6100024 Swan Clarke Lena Female Mazal Adolphus Frank Male Midland Junction
1938/6100024 Swan Mazal Adolphus Frank Male Clarke Lena Female Midland Junction
1938/6100025 Swan Pusey Irene Verdun Female Dennis Alfred Oglesby Male Midland Junction
1938/6100025 Swan Dennis Alfred Oglesby Male Pusey Irene Verdun Female Midland Junction
1938/6100026 Swan Herbert Thelma Grace Female Heath Ernest Clarence Male Upper Swan
1938/6100026 Swan Heath Ernest Clarence Male Herbert Thelma Grace Female Upper Swan
1938/6100027 Swan Jones Emil Alfred Thomas Male Houghton Mary Joan Female Bellevue
1938/6100027 Swan Houghton Mary Joan Female Jones Emil Alfred Thomas Male Bellevue
1938/6100028 Swan Shaw James Male Pow Daphne Jane Female Guildford
1938/6100028 Swan Pow Daphne Jane Female Shaw James Male Guildford
1938/6100029 Swan Morris Beryl Enid Female Young Arthur Laurence Male Guildford
1938/6100029 Swan Young Arthur Laurence Male Morris Beryl Enid Female Guildford
1938/6100030 Swan Withnell Albert Graham Male Wakeham Mona Margaret Female Guildford
1938/6100030 Swan Wakeham Mona Margaret Female Withnell Albert Graham Male Guildford
1938/6100031 Swan Kitson William Male Baty Dorothy Jean Female Guildford
1938/6100031 Swan Baty Dorothy Jean Female Kitson William Male Guildford
1938/6100032 Swan Kostanich Anko Female Kostanich Ante Male Midland Junction
1938/6100032 Swan Kostanich Ante Male Kostanich Anko Female Midland Junction
1938/6100033 Swan Lilford Hilda Jean Female Turner Charles Henry Male Midland Junction
1938/6100033 Swan Turner Charles Henry Male Lilford Hilda Jean Female Midland Junction
1938/6100034 Swan Ferres Lionel William Male Bingham Margaret Jean Female Guildford
1938/6100034 Swan Bingham Margaret Jean Female Ferres Lionel William Male Guildford
1938/6100035 Swan Deykin Dean Clement Male Prince Iris Hope Female Guildford Grammar School
1938/6100035 Swan Prince Iris Hope Female Deykin Dean Clement Male Guildford Grammar School
1938/6100036 Swan Hunt Alma Alethea Allison Beck Female Walton Leopold Henry Male Guildford Grammar School
1938/6100036 Swan Walton Leopold Henry Male Hunt Alma Alethea Allison Beck Female Guildford Grammar School
1938/6100037 Swan Adie Maud Elizabeth Female Nixon-Davis Leo Male Guildford
1938/6100037 Swan Nixon-Davis Leo Male Adie Maud Elizabeth Female Guildford
1938/6100038 Swan Adams Frank Leslie Male Norling Victoria Harriet Female Midland Junction
1938/6100038 Swan Norling Victoria Harriet Female Adams Frank Leslie Male Midland Junction
1938/6100039 Swan Chivers Hilda Goodwill Female Crake Mervyn Dewar Male Midland Junction
1938/6100039 Swan Crake Mervyn Dewar Male Chivers Hilda Goodwill Female Midland Junction
1938/6100040 Swan Lander William Joseph Male Pauly Ethel Mavis Female Midland Junction
1938/6100040 Swan Pauly Ethel Mavis Female Lander William Joseph Male Midland Junction
1938/6100041 Swan Patterson Ella Jane Female Young Leslie Norman Male Bassendean
1938/6100041 Swan Young Leslie Norman Male Patterson Ella Jane Female Bassendean
1938/6100042 Swan James Joseph William Arnold Male Woolcock Millicent Evelyn Female Guildford
1938/6100042 Swan Woolcock Millicent Evelyn Female James Joseph William Arnold Male Guildford
1938/6100043 Swan Batina Ivan Male Alfirevich Marija Female Guildford
1938/6100043 Swan Alfirevich Marija Female Batina Ivan Male Guildford
1938/6100044 Swan O'Connor Gwendoline Agnes Female Lake Thomas Male Bassendean
1938/6100044 Swan Lake Thomas Male O'Connor Gwendoline Agnes Female Bassendean
1938/6100045 Swan Buckland Evelyn Joyce Female Stove Francis Milton Tom Male Guildford Grammar School
1938/6100045 Swan Stove Francis Milton Tom Male Buckland Evelyn Joyce Female Guildford Grammar School
1938/6100046 Swan Wilson John George Male Lean Myrtle Ivy Victoria Violet Female Bassendean
1938/6100046 Swan Lean Myrtle Ivy Victoria Violet Female Wilson John George Male Bassendean
1938/6100047 Swan Grace Doris Female Chapman Bernard Albert Male Midland Junction
1938/6100047 Swan Chapman Bernard Albert Male Grace Doris Female Midland Junction
1938/6100048 Swan Alerich Fay Female Matijasevich Peter Male Midland
1938/6100048 Swan Matijasevich Peter Male Alerich Fay Female Midland
1938/6100049 Swan Warren Agnes Ellen Female Trew George Henry Male Midland Junction
1938/6100049 Swan Trew George Henry Male Warren Agnes Ellen Female Midland Junction
1938/6100050 Swan Cousins Cyril Leslie Male Durnin Margaret Ann Female Midland Junction
1938/6100050 Swan Durnin Margaret Ann Female Cousins Cyril Leslie Male Midland Junction
1938/6100051 Swan Goold Gwendoline Female Bennett Walter George Male Midland Junction
1938/6100051 Swan Bennett Walter George Male Goold Gwendoline Female Midland Junction
1938/6100052 Swan Curlewis Kathleen Burnham Female Maslin Leith Garfield Male Darlington
1938/6100052 Swan Maslin Leith Garfield Male Curlewis Kathleen Burnham Female Darlington
1938/6100053 Swan Johnston Kenneth Richard Male Powell Olive Grace Female Guildford
1938/6100053 Swan Powell Olive Grace Female Johnston Kenneth Richard Male Guildford
1938/6100054 Swan Younger Evelyn Female Grenfell Milton Male Midland Junction
1938/6100054 Swan Grenfell Milton Male Younger Evelyn Female Midland Junction
1938/6100055 Swan Zilko Vera Female Rodda Herbert Male Midland Junction
1938/6100055 Swan Rodda Herbert Male Zilko Vera Female Midland Junction
1938/6100056 Swan Martin Gladys Sarah Female Williams Francis Garfield Male Guildford
1938/6100056 Swan Williams Francis Garfield Male Martin Gladys Sarah Female Guildford
1938/6100057 Swan Tresidder Lilias Sarah Female Stribley Norman Leslie Male Midland Junction
1938/6100057 Swan Stribley Norman Leslie Male Tresidder Lilias Sarah Female Midland Junction
1938/6100058 Swan Bilston Leonard Hamilton Male Weldon Hilary Mona Female Guildford
1938/6100058 Swan Weldon Hilary Mona Female Bilston Leonard Hamilton Male Guildford
1938/6100059 Swan Pimm Thelma Rose Female Pead Allan Day Male Bassendean
1938/6100059 Swan Pead Allan Day Male Pimm Thelma Rose Female Bassendean
1938/6100060 Swan Dodd Thomas Mervyn Male Motteram Joyce Evelyne Female Midland Junction
1938/6100060 Swan Motteram Joyce Evelyne Female Dodd Thomas Mervyn Male Midland Junction
1938/6100061 Swan Pasalich George Male Grubišich Ivka Female Guildford
1938/6100061 Swan Grubišich Ivka Female Pasalich George Male Guildford
1938/6100062 Swan Grljusich Yoka Female Vuleta Ante Male Guildford
1938/6100062 Swan Vuleta Ante Male Grljusich Yoka Female Guildford
1938/6100063 Swan Freestone Betty Female Wilson Henry Alfred George Male Guildford
1938/6100063 Swan Wilson Henry Alfred George Male Freestone Betty Female Guildford
1938/6100064 Swan Kelly Desmond Ronald Male Hicks Louisa Myrtle Female Guildford
1938/6100064 Swan Hicks Louisa Myrtle Female Kelly Desmond Ronald Male Guildford
1938/6100065 Swan McWaters Ronald Gordon Male Lovelock Thelma Eva Female Bassendean
1938/6100065 Swan Lovelock Thelma Eva Female McWaters Ronald Gordon Male Bassendean
1938/6100066 Swan Doolette Angela Navera Female Mann Jack Male Middle Swan
1938/6100066 Swan Mann Jack Male Doolette Angela Navera Female Middle Swan
1938/6100067 Swan Makin Anne Jane Female Zilko Andrew Male Middle Swan
1938/6100067 Swan Zilko Andrew Male Makin Anne Jane Female Middle Swan
1938/6100068 Swan Rowe Catherine Susan May Female Foskett William James Male Midland Junction
1938/6100068 Swan Foskett William James Male Rowe Catherine Susan May Female Midland Junction
1938/6100069 Swan Robins Edith Female Broad Ronald Eric Male Bassendean
1938/6100069 Swan Broad Ronald Eric Male Robins Edith Female Bassendean
1938/6100070 Swan Evans David Male Stephenson Hilda Louisa Female Midland Junction
1938/6100070 Swan Stephenson Hilda Louisa Female Evans David Male Midland Junction
1938/6100071 Swan Birch-Griffiths Edmund Male Hood Alma Female Guildford
1938/6100071 Swan Hood Alma Female Birch-Griffiths Edmund Male Guildford
1938/6100072 Swan Hepburn Dorothy Lillian Female Dixon William Thomas Male Guildford
1938/6100072 Swan Dixon William Thomas Male Hepburn Dorothy Lillian Female Guildford
1938/6100073 Swan Park Charlie Male Jones Olive Lillian Female Midland Junction
1938/6100073 Swan Jones Olive Lillian Female Park Charlie Male Midland Junction
1938/6100074 Swan Marum Alice Teresa Female Starky Charles Lewis Male Midland
1938/6100074 Swan Starky Charles Lewis Male Marum Alice Teresa Female Midland
1938/6100075 Swan Lennon William Male Sloan Hazel Doreen Female Midland Junction
1938/6100075 Swan Sloan Hazel Doreen Female Lennon William Male Midland Junction
1938/6100076 Swan Lefroy Clement Charles Maxwell Male King Jean Dorothy Female Guildford
1938/6100076 Swan King Jean Dorothy Female Lefroy Clement Charles Maxwell Male Guildford
1938/6100077 Swan Demasson Bayly Gordon Male Holman Iris Monica Female Bassendean
1938/6100077 Swan Holman Iris Monica Female Demasson Bayly Gordon Male Bassendean
1938/6100079 Swan Strugnell Elsie Female Bates Colin Campbell Male Guildford Grammar School
1938/6100079 Swan Bates Colin Campbell Male Strugnell Elsie Female Guildford Grammar School
1938/6100080 Swan Boyd James McFetridge Male Jackson Hazel Juanita Ellen Female Bassendean
1938/6100080 Swan Jackson Hazel Juanita Ellen Female Boyd James McFetridge Male Bassendean
1938/6100081 Swan Stokes Tottie Verna Female Houghton Philip Roland Male Midland Junction
1938/6100081 Swan Houghton Philip Roland Male Stokes Tottie Verna Female Midland Junction
1938/6100082 Swan Wray Olva Jean Female Morrison John Alexander Male Greenmount
1938/6100082 Swan Morrison John Alexander Male Wray Olva Jean Female Greenmount
1938/6100083 Swan Sharp Emily Female Eldridge Harold Christopher Male Glen Forrest
1938/6100083 Swan Eldridge Harold Christopher Male Sharp Emily Female Glen Forrest
1938/6100084 Swan Urquhart George Male Webb Iris Laurel Olive Female Darlington
1938/6100084 Swan Webb Iris Laurel Olive Female Urquhart George Male Darlington
1938/6100085 Swan Cable Ivy Victoria Female Kenny Albert Henry Male Bassendean
1938/6100085 Swan Kenny Albert Henry Male Cable Ivy Victoria Female Bassendean
1938/6100086 Swan Jones Geoffrey Walter Male Cockman Edna May Female Upper Swan
1938/6100086 Swan Cockman Edna May Female Jones Geoffrey Walter Male Upper Swan
1938/6100087 Swan Lorimer Jean Female Downie Harold Brocklehurst Male Guildford
1938/6100087 Swan Downie Harold Brocklehurst Male Lorimer Jean Female Guildford
1938/6100088 Swan Richards Evelyne Grace Female Blower Reginald Alfred Male Guildford
1938/6100088 Swan Blower Reginald Alfred Male Richards Evelyne Grace Female Guildford
1938/6100089 Swan Nicholls William Albert Male Whitford Nancy Eileen Female Guildford
1938/6100089 Swan Whitford Nancy Eileen Female Nicholls William Albert Male Guildford
1938/6100090 Swan Hart Walter John Male Harrison Eleanor Meryl Female Guildford
1938/6100090 Swan Harrison Eleanor Meryl Female Hart Walter John Male Guildford
1938/6100091 Swan Majstrovich Jozo Male Vucak Danica Female Midland Junction
1938/6100091 Swan Vucak Danica Female Majstrovich Jozo Male Midland Junction
1938/6100092 Swan Dillon Allan Acton Male Farrell Florence Elizabeth Female Midland Junction
1938/6100092 Swan Farrell Florence Elizabeth Female Dillon Allan Acton Male Midland Junction
1938/6100093 Swan Foster Sabina Helen Gertrude Female Skipper William Arthur Male Midland Junction
1938/6100093 Swan Skipper William Arthur Male Foster Sabina Helen Gertrude Female Midland Junction
1938/6100094 Swan Higgins Winifred Mary Female Harrison George Male Bellevue
1938/6100094 Swan Harrison George Male Higgins Winifred Mary Female Bellevue
1938/6100095 Swan Waghorn Jean Edith Female Bawden Donald Hugh Male Guildford
1938/6100095 Swan Bawden Donald Hugh Male Waghorn Jean Edith Female Guildford
1938/6100096 Swan Bayley Lily Rose Female Johnston Richard Male Midland Junction
1938/6100096 Swan Johnston Richard Male Bayley Lily Rose Female Midland Junction
1938/6100097 Swan Thorson Norman Thore Male Lowther Doreen Isabel Female Bassendean
1938/6100097 Swan Lowther Doreen Isabel Female Thorson Norman Thore Male Bassendean
1938/6100098 Swan Ford Helen Mary Female McNamara Darcy Lawrence Male Bassendean
1938/6100098 Swan McNamara Darcy Lawrence Male Ford Helen Mary Female Bassendean
1938/6100099 Swan Mavrick John Male Lennon Agnes Winifred Female Midland Junction
1938/6100099 Swan Lennon Agnes Winifred Female Mavrick John Male Midland Junction
1938/6100100 Swan Hawton Gladys Maisie Female Duncan Albert George Male Bellevue
1938/6100100 Swan Duncan Albert George Male Hawton Gladys Maisie Female Bellevue
1938/6100101 Swan Clements Daphne Elizabeth Female Templeman Bruce Gordon Male Midland Junction
1938/6100101 Swan Templeman Bruce Gordon Male Clements Daphne Elizabeth Female Midland Junction
1938/6100102 Swan Hill Horace Hewson Male Todd Melinda Emily Jane Female Guildford
1938/6100102 Swan Todd Melinda Emily Jane Female Hill Horace Hewson Male Guildford
1938/6100103 Swan Hutchinson John Archibald Hardy Male Stone Muriel Beryl Female Guildford
1938/6100103 Swan Stone Muriel Beryl Female Hutchinson John Archibald Hardy Male Guildford
1938/6100104 Swan Wheeler Leslie William Kitchener Male Warn Gwendoline Mavis Female Guildford
1938/6100104 Swan Warn Gwendoline Mavis Female Wheeler Leslie William Kitchener Male Guildford
1938/6100105 Swan Langer Thomas Harold Edwin Male Dickson Joyce Elen Maley Female Guildford
1938/6100105 Swan Dickson Joyce Elen Maley Female Langer Thomas Harold Edwin Male Guildford
1938/6100106 Swan Colquhown William Francis Male Mawdesley Lillian Vera Female Mundaring
1938/6100106 Swan Mawdesley Lillian Vera Female Colquhown William Francis Male Mundaring
1938/6100107 Swan Hicks Joyce Gloria Female Bitmead Herbert Leslie Male Midland Junction
1938/6100107 Swan Bitmead Herbert Leslie Male Hicks Joyce Gloria Female Midland Junction
1938/6100108 Swan Criddle Ida Jean Female Taylor George Henry Male Midland Junction
1938/6100108 Swan Taylor George Henry Male Criddle Ida Jean Female Midland Junction
1938/6100109 Swan Turner Ruby Joyce Female Baxter Arthur Henry Male Midland Junction
1938/6100109 Swan Baxter Arthur Henry Male Turner Ruby Joyce Female Midland Junction
1938/6100110 Swan Jefferies Owen Percival Male Kelman Margery Lewis Female Bassendean
1938/6100110 Swan Kelman Margery Lewis Female Jefferies Owen Percival Male Bassendean
1938/6100111 Swan James Myrtle Margaret Female Isles Harry Frederick Male Guildford
1938/6100111 Swan Isles Harry Frederick Male James Myrtle Margaret Female Guildford
1938/6100112 Swan Wheelwright Iris Beryl Female Smith Herbert James Male Guildford
1938/6100112 Swan Smith Herbert James Male Wheelwright Iris Beryl Female Guildford
1938/6100113 Swan Newbey Ronald Albert Male McDonald Ada May Female Bassendean
1938/6100113 Swan McDonald Ada May Female Newbey Ronald Albert Male Bassendean
1938/6100114 Swan Cox Dorothy Female Green George Male Bassendean
1938/6100114 Swan Green George Male Cox Dorothy Female Bassendean
1938/6100115 Swan Jones Veronica Female Levitzke Ernest Male Midland Junction
1938/6100115 Swan Levitzke Ernest Male Jones Veronica Female Midland Junction
1938/6100116 Swan Bartlett Annie Eileen Female Slater William Frederick Male Bassendean
1938/6100116 Swan Slater William Frederick Male Bartlett Annie Eileen Female Bassendean
1938/6100117 Swan Cox Petra Margaret Campbell Female Barbour Andrew Male Midland Junction
1938/6100117 Swan Barbour Andrew Male Cox Petra Margaret Campbell Female Midland Junction
1938/6100118 Swan Smith John Robert Male Ford Ruby Mary Female Bassendean
1938/6100118 Swan Ford Ruby Mary Female Smith John Robert Male Bassendean
1938/6100119 Swan Mott Margoret Lorraine Female Ryan Edward Male Guildford
1938/6100119 Swan Ryan Edward Male Mott Margoret Lorraine Female Guildford
1938/6100120 Swan August Gordon Victor Russell Male Burrows Jessie May Female Guildford
1938/6100120 Swan Burrows Jessie May Female August Gordon Victor Russell Male Guildford
1938/6100121 Swan May George Richard Male Gray Hilda Lilly Female Midland Junction
1938/6100121 Swan Gray Hilda Lilly Female May George Richard Male Midland Junction
1938/6100122 Swan Symington John Richard Male Gallagher Margaret Alexandra Female Midland Junction
1938/6100122 Swan Gallagher Margaret Alexandra Female Symington John Richard Male Midland Junction
1938/6100123 Swan Newman Kathleen Female Pickett Harry Male Guildford
1938/6100123 Swan Pickett Harry Male Newman Kathleen Female Guildford
1938/6100124 Swan Nielsen Hetty Maureen Female Gibbs Harold William Male Bassendean
1938/6100124 Swan Gibbs Harold William Male Nielsen Hetty Maureen Female Bassendean
1938/6100125 Swan Parrett Alma Everilda Female Wakeham Ben Larter Male Bassendean
1938/6100125 Swan Wakeham Ben Larter Male Parrett Alma Everilda Female Bassendean
1938/6100126 Swan Davis Edgar Donald Male Lohoar Doris Howard Female Guildford
1938/6100126 Swan Lohoar Doris Howard Female Davis Edgar Donald Male Guildford
1938/6100127 Swan Spiers Herbert George Male Wilson Meryl May Female Midland Junction
1938/6100127 Swan Wilson Meryl May Female Spiers Herbert George Male Midland Junction
1938/6100128 Swan Casey Cyril James Male Masters Amy May Female Bellevue
1938/6100128 Swan Masters Amy May Female Casey Cyril James Male Bellevue
1938/6100129 Swan Swinbourn May Louise Female Cruttenden Edward Ernest Male Bassendean
1938/6100129 Swan Cruttenden Edward Ernest Male Swinbourn May Louise Female Bassendean
1938/6100130 Swan Gregg Sydney Malcolm Male Clarke Jessie Mary Female Guildford Grammar School Chapel of SS Mary and Geo
1938/6100130 Swan Clarke Jessie Mary Female Gregg Sydney Malcolm Male Guildford Grammar School Chapel of SS Mary and Geo
1938/6100131 Swan McKinnon James Kenneth Male Organ Bernice Emily Female Bassendean
1938/6100131 Swan Organ Bernice Emily Female McKinnon James Kenneth Male Bassendean
1938/6100132 Swan Callow Kathleen Theresa Female Harffey Henry Frederick Male Guildford
1938/6100132 Swan Harffey Henry Frederick Male Callow Kathleen Theresa Female Guildford
1938/6100133 Swan Demasson Kathleen Adina Female Langlands Roy Hollis Male Guildford
1938/6100133 Swan Langlands Roy Hollis Male Demasson Kathleen Adina Female Guildford
1938/6100134 Swan Roach Walter John Male Speedy Elizabeth Sarah Female Midland Junction
1938/6100134 Swan Speedy Elizabeth Sarah Female Roach Walter John Male Midland Junction
1938/6100135 Swan Gladstone Jane Eliza Female Hardman William Male Midland Junction
1938/6100135 Swan Hardman William Male Byfield Jane Eliza Female Midland Junction
1938/6100135 Swan Hardman William Male Gladstone Jane Eliza Female Midland Junction
1938/6100135 Swan Byfield Jane Eliza Female Hardman William Male Midland Junction
1938/6100136 Swan Bullen Dorothy Eileen Female Bowra Allan Thomas Male Midland Junction
1938/6100136 Swan Bowra Allan Thomas Male Bullen Dorothy Eileen Female Midland Junction
1938/6100137 Swan Balinski Cyril Male Burns Audrey Female Midland Junction
1938/6100137 Swan Burns Audrey Female Balinski Cyril Male Midland Junction
1938/6100138 Swan Martin Alma Myrtle Female Edwards Harold Lloyd Male Upper Swan
1938/6100138 Swan Edwards Harold Lloyd Male Martin Alma Myrtle Female Upper Swan
1938/6100139 Swan Bonwick Ronald Richard Male Willison Dorothy Lillian Female Guildford
1938/6100139 Swan Willison Dorothy Lillian Female Bonwick Ronald Richard Male Guildford
1938/6100140 Swan Slade Albert Thomas Male Warren Henrietta Mabel Female Midland Junction
1938/6100140 Swan Warren Henrietta Mabel Female Slade Albert Thomas Male Midland Junction
1938/6100141 Swan McDonald Alexander George Male Partington Sylvia Female Bassendean
1938/6100141 Swan Partington Sylvia Female McDonald Alexander George Male Bassendean
1938/6100142 Swan Timms Thelma Female Parkinson James Male Midland Junction
1938/6100142 Swan Parkinson James Male Timms Thelma Female Midland Junction
1938/6100143 Swan Greenwell Elsie Female Morgan John Richard Male Midland Junction
1938/6100143 Swan Morgan John Richard Male Greenwell Elsie Female Midland Junction
1938/6100144 Swan Du Bois Irene Female Smart William Herbert Male Midland Junction
1938/6100144 Swan Smart William Herbert Male Du Bois Irene Female Midland Junction
1938/6100145 Swan Noon Alfred Male Hare Thelma Female Midland Junction
1938/6100145 Swan Hare Thelma Female Noon Alfred Male Midland Junction
1938/6100146 Swan Langenbach Heinrich Albert Male Chapman Dulcie Rose Female Midland Junction
1938/6100146 Swan Chapman Dulcie Rose Female Langenbach Heinrich Albert Male Midland Junction
1938/6100147 Swan Carr Thelma Patricia Female Greenlaw George Alexander Male Parkerville
1938/6100147 Swan Greenlaw George Alexander Male Carr Thelma Patricia Female Parkerville
1938/6100148 Swan Dobson Ellen Kathleen Female Johnson John Watson Male Guildford
1938/6100148 Swan Johnson John Watson Male Dobson Ellen Kathleen Female Guildford
1938/6100149 Swan Pond John William Ambrose Male Chandler Myrtle Marian Female Guildford
1938/6100149 Swan Chandler Myrtle Marian Female Pond John William Ambrose Male Guildford
1938/6100150 Swan Fraser Archibald Edmund Male Brammall Joyce Female Midland Junction
1938/6100150 Swan Brammall Joyce Female Fraser Archibald Edmund Male Midland Junction
1938/6100151 Swan Sivyer Elsie Ina Female Oldfield William John Male Midland Junction
1938/6100151 Swan Oldfield William John Male Sivyer Elsie Ina Female Midland Junction
1938/6100152 Swan Schibler Cyril Richard Male Foot Rona Margaret Catherine Female Midland Junction
1938/6100152 Swan Foot Rona Margaret Catherine Female Schibler Cyril Richard Male Midland Junction
1938/6100153 Swan Marris Kenneth Brockman Male Price Alexandria Sutherland Female Darlington
1938/6100153 Swan Price Alexandria Sutherland Female Marris Kenneth Brockman Male Darlington
1938/6500002 Victoria Plains Seymour Annie Maud Female Harrington James Bernard Male New Norcia
1938/6500002 Victoria Plains Harrington James Bernard Male Seymour Annie Maud Female New Norcia
1938/6500003 Victoria Plains Quain Patrick Brigid Female Quilty Gerard Mario Male New Norcia
1938/6500003 Victoria Plains Quilty Gerard Mario Male Quain Patrick Brigid Female New Norcia
1938/6500004 Victoria Plains Gorman Cora Martha Female Wedgwood John Male Wongan Hills
1938/6500004 Victoria Plains Wedgwood John Male Gorman Cora Martha Female Wongan Hills
1938/6500005 Victoria Plains Head Constance Eleanor Female Shepherd John Cott Male Wongan Hills
1938/6500005 Victoria Plains Shepherd John Cott Male Head Constance Eleanor Female Wongan Hills
1938/6500006 Victoria Plains Joyce Reuben Langles Male Longman Doris Ellan Female New Norcia
1938/6500006 Victoria Plains Longman Doris Ellan Female Joyce Reuben Langles Male New Norcia
1938/6500007 Victoria Plains O'Dea Margaret Female Coates William Alfred Male Calingiri
1938/6500007 Victoria Plains Coates William Alfred Male O'Dea Margaret Female Calingiri
1938/6500008 Victoria Plains McGibbon Walter Stewart Male Brooks Marion Gladys Female Wongan Hills
1938/6500008 Victoria Plains Brooks Marion Gladys Female McGibbon Walter Stewart Male Wongan Hills
1939/6600001 Wellington Ainsworth John Male Pritchard Ellen May Female Collie
1938/6600001 Wellington Clifton Neil McDonald Male Kilgallon Hazel Margaret Veronica Female Bunbury
1939/6600001 Wellington Pritchard Ellen May Female Ainsworth John Male Collie
1938/6600001 Wellington Kilgallon Hazel Margaret Veronica Female Clifton Neil McDonald Male Bunbury
1939/6600002 Wellington Wood Alfred Male Lobban Ellen May Female Collie
1939/6600002 Wellington Lobban Ellen May Female Wood Alfred Male Collie
1939/6600003 Wellington McCluskey Myrtle Female Graham Kenneth Bruce Male Collie
1939/6600003 Wellington Graham Kenneth Bruce Male McCluskey Myrtle Female Collie
1939/6600004 Wellington Gibbs Beryl Dulcie Judith Female Marton John David Male Collie
1939/6600004 Wellington Marton John David Male Gibbs Beryl Dulcie Judith Female Collie
1939/6600005 Wellington Nicholls Henry Everard Male Hutchins Helen Female Bunbury
1939/6600005 Wellington Hutchins Helen Female Nicholls Henry Everard Male Bunbury
1938/6600006 Wellington Greive Florence Elaine Female Lathwell Kenneth Fred Male Bunbury
1938/6600006 Wellington Lathwell Kenneth Fred Male Greive Florence Elaine Female Bunbury
1938/6600008 Wellington Stacey Reginald Theodore Male Slater Letitia Genevieve Female Bunbury
1938/6600008 Wellington Slater Letitia Genevieve Female Stacey Reginald Theodore Male Bunbury
1938/6600009 Wellington Grahame John Edward Ernest Male Smith Margery Rose Female Bunbury
1938/6600009 Wellington Smith Margery Rose Female Grahame John Edward Ernest Male Bunbury
1938/6600010 Wellington Fisher Enid Mary Female Scott Verner Alan Male Bunbury
1938/6600010 Wellington Scott Verner Alan Male Fisher Enid Mary Female Bunbury
1938/6600011 Wellington Clifton Loftus Ernest Male Miller Lilian Emily Female Picton
1938/6600011 Wellington Miller Lilian Emily Female Clifton Loftus Ernest Male Picton
1938/6600012 Wellington Turner Fanny Henrietta Female Taylor Hedley Fyfe Male Capel
1938/6600012 Wellington Taylor Hedley Fyfe Male Turner Fanny Henrietta Female Capel
1938/6600013 Wellington Leach Myrtle Asta Female Griffin Gerald Thomas Male Boyanup
1938/6600013 Wellington Griffin Gerald Thomas Male Leach Myrtle Asta Female Boyanup
1938/6600014 Wellington Turley Mary Kathleen Female Newall Samuel Male Collie
1938/6600014 Wellington Newall Samuel Male Turley Mary Kathleen Female Collie
1938/6600015 Wellington Wright Edward Elijah Male Smith Edna Elizabeth Female Bunbury
1938/6600015 Wellington Smith Edna Elizabeth Female Wright Edward Elijah Male Bunbury
1938/6600016 Wellington Sturm Winifred Emily Female Milward Albert Raymond Male Collie
1938/6600016 Wellington Milward Albert Raymond Male Sturm Winifred Emily Female Collie
1938/6600017 Wellington Compton Samuel Glyn Male Mitchell Amy Veronica Female Bunbury
1938/6600017 Wellington Mitchell Amy Veronica Female Compton Samuel Glyn Male Bunbury
1938/6600018 Wellington Moriarty Estella Helena Female Rowe Harold Mayo Noyes Male Bunbury
1938/6600018 Wellington Rowe Harold Mayo Noyes Male Moriarty Estella Helena Female Bunbury
1938/6600019 Wellington Davidson Thomas Male Rushforth Marjorie Jean Female Collie
1938/6600019 Wellington Rushforth Marjorie Jean Female Davidson Thomas Male Collie
1938/6600020 Wellington Scolari Joseph Male Mannucci Rose Female Collie
1938/6600020 Wellington Mannucci Rose Female Scolari Joseph Male Collie
1938/6600021 Wellington Telfer Iris May Female Cullen Thomas Harold Male Collie
1938/6600021 Wellington Cullen Thomas Harold Male Telfer Iris May Female Collie
1938/6600022 Wellington Ganfield Olive Emily Female Augustson Herbert Thomas Male South Bunbury
1938/6600022 Wellington Augustson Herbert Thomas Male Ganfield Olive Emily Female South Bunbury
1938/6600023 Wellington Biggins Jesse Florence Female Bryce Lemuel Frank Male South Bunbury
1938/6600023 Wellington Bryce Lemuel Frank Male Biggins Jesse Florence Female South Bunbury
1938/6600024 Wellington Windsor Doreen Phebe Mary Female Fraser Raymond Maurice Male South Bunbury
1938/6600024 Wellington Fraser Raymond Maurice Male Windsor Doreen Phebe Mary Female South Bunbury
1938/6600025 Wellington Pollock Constance Margaret Female Barlow Marcus Thomas Male Bunbury
1938/6600025 Wellington Barlow Marcus Thomas Male Pollock Constance Margaret Female Bunbury
1938/6600026 Wellington Inkpen Constance Grace Female Clarke Leslie George Male Bunbury
1938/6600026 Wellington Clarke Leslie George Male Inkpen Constance Grace Female Bunbury
1938/6600027 Wellington Howie Stanley Stuart Male Withers Hazel Esther Female Bunbury
1938/6600027 Wellington Withers Hazel Esther Female Howie Stanley Stuart Male Bunbury
1938/6600028 Wellington McEvoy Edward James Male Gill Edith Gwen Female Bunbury
1938/6600028 Wellington McEvoy Edward James Male Monkhouse Edith Gwen Female Bunbury
1938/6600028 Wellington Monkhouse Edith Gwen Female McEvoy Edward James Male Bunbury
1938/6600028 Wellington Gill Edith Gwen Female McEvoy Edward James Male Bunbury
1938/6600029 Wellington Harris Dorothy May Female Mitchell Gordon Andrew Walker Male Bunbury
1938/6600029 Wellington Mitchell Gordon Andrew Walker Male Harris Dorothy May Female Bunbury
1938/6600030 Wellington Piggott Doris Doreen Mary Female Resta Attilio Male Bunbury
1938/6600030 Wellington Resta Attilio Male Piggott Doris Doreen Mary Female Bunbury
1938/6600031 Wellington Lewin Lexy Victoria Female Edwards Leonard Albert Male Bunbury
1938/6600031 Wellington Edwards Leonard Albert Male Lewin Lexy Victoria Female Bunbury
1938/6600032 Wellington Del Fante Attilio Male Rusconi Marta Female Collie
1938/6600032 Wellington Rusconi Marta Female Del Fante Attilio Male Collie
1938/6600033 Wellington Player Ivy Florence Female Chamberlain Cyril Nichols Male Bunbury
1938/6600033 Wellington Chamberlain Cyril Nichols Male Player Ivy Florence Female Bunbury
1938/6600034 Wellington Burnsyde Ellen Isabel Female Huxley William Joseph Martin Male Donnybrook
1938/6600034 Wellington Huxley William Joseph Martin Male Burnsyde Ellen Isabel Female Donnybrook
1938/6600035 Wellington English Joan Female Hastie Mervyn Fredrick Male Bunbury
1938/6600035 Wellington Hastie Mervyn Fredrick Male English Joan Female Bunbury
1938/6600036 Wellington Hayward Florence Daphne Louise Female Brett Bernard William Hyde Male Dardanup
1938/6600036 Wellington Brett Bernard William Hyde Male Hayward Florence Daphne Louise Female Dardanup
1938/6600037 Wellington Barbiere Rocco Male Manoni Rosie Veronica Female Harvey
1938/6600037 Wellington Manoni Rosie Veronica Female Barbiere Rocco Male Harvey
1938/6600038 Wellington Bates Sarah Jane Female Smith William Arthur Male Bunbury
1938/6600038 Wellington Smith William Arthur Male Bates Sarah Jane Female Bunbury
1938/6600039 Wellington Hunter Alexander Male Daniels Margaret Emily Female Bunbury
1938/6600039 Wellington Daniels Margaret Emily Female Hunter Alexander Male Bunbury
1938/6600040 Wellington Healy Elsie Amelia Female Tuohy Kelvin Frank Male Bunbury
1938/6600040 Wellington Tuohy Kelvin Frank Male Healy Elsie Amelia Female Bunbury
1938/6600041 Wellington Allen Ronald Keith Male McKelvie Daisy Nellie Female Bunbury
1938/6600041 Wellington McKelvie Daisy Nellie Female Allen Ronald Keith Male Bunbury
1938/6600042 Wellington Westlake Clement James Male Johansson Hilda Female Bunbury
1938/6600042 Wellington Johansson Hilda Female Westlake Clement James Male Bunbury
1938/6600043 Wellington Donnelly Cecelia Doreen Female Wallis John Male Bunbury
1938/6600043 Wellington Wallis John Male Donnelly Cecelia Doreen Female Bunbury
1938/6600044 Wellington O'Leary Arthur Denis Male Prosser Nora Eileen Female Bunbury
1938/6600044 Wellington Prosser Nora Eileen Female O'Leary Arthur Denis Male Bunbury
1938/6600045 Wellington Rendell Dorothy Frances Female Towler Mervyn Roy Male Bunbury
1938/6600045 Wellington Towler Mervyn Roy Male Rendell Dorothy Frances Female Bunbury
1938/6600046 Wellington Neve Helen Gladys Female Adams William Male Collie
1938/6600046 Wellington Adams William Male Neve Helen Gladys Female Collie
1938/6600047 Wellington Power John Leslie Male Ramage Mond Maude Female Donnybrook
1938/6600047 Wellington Ramage Mond Maude Female Power John Leslie Male Donnybrook
1938/6600048 Wellington Ireland Jessie Female Peters Henry William Male Donnybrook
1938/6600048 Wellington Peters Henry William Male Ireland Jessie Female Donnybrook
1939/6600049 Wellington House Dulcie Jean Female Harewood Robert Arthur Male Bunbury
1938/6600049 Wellington Boneham Robert George Male Hales Alice Shirley Female Bunbury
1938/6600049 Wellington Hales Alice Shirley Female Boneham Robert George Male Bunbury
1938/6600049 Wellington Hales Alice Shirley Female Daniel Robert George Male Bunbury
1938/6600049 Wellington Daniel Robert George Male Hales Alice Shirley Female Bunbury
1939/6600049 Wellington Harewood Robert Arthur Male House Dulcie Jean Female Bunbury
1938/6600050 Wellington Watt Rita Irene Female Kelly Andrew James Male Brunswick Junction
1938/6600050 Wellington Kelly Andrew James Male Watt Rita Irene Female Brunswick Junction
1938/6600051 Wellington Turton Harry Trevor Male Jones May Female Picton
1938/6600051 Wellington Jones May Female Turton Harry Trevor Male Picton
1938/6600052 Wellington Wallrodt Leo Ronald Frederick Male Littlefair Florence May Female South Bunbury
1938/6600052 Wellington Littlefair Florence May Female Wallrodt Leo Ronald Frederick Male South Bunbury
1938/6600053 Wellington Pike Jessie May Female Henderson James Male Collie
1938/6600053 Wellington Henderson James Male Pike Jessie May Female Collie
1938/6600054 Wellington McElroy George Alfred Sorrel Male Green Edith May Female Collie
1938/6600054 Wellington Green Edith May Female McElroy George Alfred Sorrel Male Collie
1938/6600055 Wellington Binnington Berenice Ethel Female Heil Victor George Male Collie
1938/6600055 Wellington Heil Victor George Male Binnington Berenice Ethel Female Collie
1938/6600056 Wellington Pache Lenard Harold Male Martin Eileen Jean Female Collie
1938/6600056 Wellington Martin Eileen Jean Female Pache Lenard Harold Male Collie
1938/6600057 Wellington McVee Agnes Pearl Female Poller Athol John Male Collie
1938/6600057 Wellington Poller Athol John Male McVee Agnes Pearl Female Collie
1938/6600058 Wellington Price David John Male Bucktin Constance Jean Estabrooke Female Collie
1938/6600058 Wellington Bucktin Constance Jean Estabrooke Female Price David John Male Collie
1938/6600059 Wellington Stephens Mary Female Reilly Clement Matthew Male Bunbury
1938/6600059 Wellington Reilly Clement Matthew Male Stephens Mary Female Bunbury
1938/6600060 Wellington Hewson Margaret Lens Female Weyman Robert Edward Male Bunbury
1938/6600060 Wellington Weyman Robert Edward Male Hewson Margaret Lens Female Bunbury
1938/6600061 Wellington Milligan Ivy Elizabeth Dolores Female Taylor Stanley Dowd Male Bunbury
1938/6600061 Wellington Taylor Stanley Dowd Male Milligan Ivy Elizabeth Dolores Female Bunbury
1938/6600062 Wellington Foster Fredrick James Male Pinner Marjory Female Harvey
1938/6600062 Wellington Pinner Marjory Female Foster Fredrick James Male Harvey
1938/6600063 Wellington Mitchell Margaret Matilda Berima Female Ecclestone William Thomas James Male Bunbury
1938/6600063 Wellington Ecclestone William Thomas James Male Mitchell Margaret Matilda Berima Female Bunbury
1938/6600064 Wellington Sears Naomi Jane Female Field Laurence Cecil Elwes Male Donnybrook
1938/6600064 Wellington Field Laurence Cecil Elwes Male Sears Naomi Jane Female Donnybrook
1938/6600065 Wellington Matthews Bill Male Hale Beryl Female Collie
1938/6600065 Wellington Hale Beryl Female Matthews Bill Male Collie
1938/6600066 Wellington Fry William John Male Wallace Mary Whitla Female Bunbury
1938/6600066 Wellington Wallace Mary Whitla Female Fry William John Male Bunbury
1938/6600067 Wellington Eyre Olive Myrtle Female Leonhardt Rex Telford Male Harvey
1938/6600067 Wellington Leonhardt Rex Telford Male Eyre Olive Myrtle Female Harvey
1938/6600068 Wellington Shanahan John Critchley Male Scott Mary Caecilia Female Collie
1938/6600068 Wellington Scott Mary Caecilia Female Shanahan John Critchley Male Collie
1938/6600069 Wellington White Maude Female Hannagan Cecil James Thomas Male Collie
1938/6600069 Wellington Hannagan Cecil James Thomas Male White Maude Female Collie
1938/6600070 Wellington Richards Dorothy May Female Rowe Darcy Lee Male Bunbury
1938/6600070 Wellington Rowe Darcy Lee Male Richards Dorothy May Female Bunbury
1938/6600071 Wellington James Cuthbert Frank Timms Male Bourne Amelia Female Bunbury
1938/6600071 Wellington Bourne Amelia Female James Cuthbert Frank Timms Male Bunbury
1938/6600072 Wellington Buckland Charlotte Louise Female McCamish Norman Male Collie
1938/6600072 Wellington McCamish Norman Male Buckland Charlotte Louise Female Collie
1938/6600073 Wellington Bourke Francis Patrick Joseph Male Gliddon Hilda Female Collie
1938/6600073 Wellington Gliddon Hilda Female Bourke Francis Patrick Joseph Male Collie
1938/6600074 Wellington Gartside Harold Male Jilley Grace Female Stratham
1938/6600074 Wellington Jilley Grace Female Gartside Harold Male Stratham
1938/6600075 Wellington Chick Sydney Alfred Male Donaldson Joy Emmie Female Bunbury
1938/6600075 Wellington Donaldson Joy Emmie Female Chick Sydney Alfred Male Bunbury
1938/6600076 Wellington McGregor Doreen Mary Female Trotter Francis John Male Bunbury
1938/6600076 Wellington Trotter Francis John Male McGregor Doreen Mary Female Bunbury
1938/6600077 Wellington Clarke Maisie Janette Female Donaldson Vincent Allen Male Bunbury
1938/6600077 Wellington Donaldson Vincent Allen Male Clarke Maisie Janette Female Bunbury
1938/6600078 Wellington Seymour Christopher George Male Trigwell Phyllis Iris Female Donnybrook
1938/6600078 Wellington Trigwell Phyllis Iris Female Seymour Christopher George Male Donnybrook
1938/6600079 Wellington Hooton William Charles Male Pallamountagne Lilian May Female Bunbury
1938/6600079 Wellington Pallamountagne Lilian May Female Hooton William Charles Male Bunbury
1938/6600080 Wellington Wood Leonard George Male Butcher Nellie Female Bunbury
1938/6600080 Wellington Butcher Nellie Female Wood Leonard George Male Bunbury
1938/6600081 Wellington Wood Flora Female Hitchcock David Edward Male Bunbury
1938/6600081 Wellington Hitchcock David Edward Male Wood Flora Female Bunbury
1938/6600082 Wellington Pernic Matthew Male Streckfuss Jane Vivienne Female Bunbury
1938/6600082 Wellington Streckfuss Jane Vivienne Female Pernic Matthew Male Bunbury
1938/6600083 Wellington Clayton Marion Elizabeth Female Middleton Albert Williams Male Collie
1938/6600083 Wellington Middleton Albert Williams Male Clayton Marion Elizabeth Female Collie
1938/6600084 Wellington Penniment Albert Wilton Male Scott Florence May Female Collie
1938/6600084 Wellington Scott Florence May Female Penniment Albert Wilton Male Collie
1938/6600085 Wellington Symonds Elsie Kathleen Female White John Male Bunbury
1938/6600085 Wellington White John Male Symonds Elsie Kathleen Female Bunbury
1938/6600086 Wellington Edward William Edwin Dempster Male Benjamin Elsie Female Collie
1938/6600086 Wellington Benjamin Elsie Female Edward William Edwin Dempster Male Collie
1938/6600087 Wellington Fee Dorothy Elizabeth Female Mudford Victor Albert Cannon Male Dardanup
1938/6600087 Wellington Mudford Victor Albert Cannon Male Fee Dorothy Elizabeth Female Dardanup
1938/6600088 Wellington Gibbs Arthur Keith Male Hansen Leila Georgina Female Collie
1938/6600088 Wellington Hansen Leila Georgina Female Gibbs Arthur Keith Male Collie
1938/6600089 Wellington Bastow Edith Female Richardson Leslie Alfred Male Collie
1938/6600089 Wellington Richardson Leslie Alfred Male Bastow Edith Female Collie
1938/6600090 Wellington Evans Dulcie Elizabeth Female Newman Ronald Ernest Male Bunbury
1938/6600090 Wellington Newman Ronald Ernest Male Evans Dulcie Elizabeth Female Bunbury
1938/6600091 Wellington Newman Edith Rose Female Fryer Lewis Male Bunbury
1938/6600091 Wellington Fryer Lewis Male Newman Edith Rose Female Bunbury
1938/6600092 Wellington Devlin Arnold Phillips Male Hardisty Evelyn Irene Female Bunbury
1938/6600092 Wellington Hardisty Evelyn Irene Female Devlin Arnold Phillips Male Bunbury
1938/6600093 Wellington Hogg Eric Alexander Male Scott Marjorie Beryl Female Bunbury
1938/6600093 Wellington Scott Marjorie Beryl Female Hogg Eric Alexander Male Bunbury
1938/6600094 Wellington Mitchell Glen Valentine Male Clay Teresa Female Donnybrook
1938/6600094 Wellington Clay Teresa Female Mitchell Glen Valentine Male Donnybrook
1938/6600095 Wellington Barnard John Ernest Male Lewin Vera Violet Female Picton
1938/6600095 Wellington Lewin Vera Violet Female Barnard John Ernest Male Picton
1938/6600096 Wellington Weller Walter John Male McEwin Bathia Amy Female Yarloop
1938/6600096 Wellington McEwin Bathia Amy Female Weller Walter John Male Yarloop
1938/6600097 Wellington Southwood Clamour William Male Ferris Edna Rose Female South Bunbury
1938/6600097 Wellington Ferris Edna Rose Female Southwood Clamour William Male South Bunbury
1938/6600098 Wellington Gorman Sylvie De Marchi Female Burton Alexander Brown Male Bunbury
1938/6600098 Wellington Burton Alexander Brown Male Gorman Sylvie De Marchi Female Bunbury
1938/6600099 Wellington Hood Winifred May Female Pearce George William Foster Male Bunbury
1938/6600099 Wellington Pearce George William Foster Male Hood Winifred May Female Bunbury
1938/6600100 Wellington Brown Phoebe Hazel Female Boyce William James Male Brunswick Junction
1938/6600100 Wellington Boyce William James Male Brown Phoebe Hazel Female Brunswick Junction
1938/6600101 Wellington Archer Robert Augustine Male Williams Coral Bessie Female Bunbury
1938/6600101 Wellington Williams Coral Bessie Female Archer Robert Augustine Male Bunbury
1938/6600102 Wellington Clifton Ronald William Male Galbraith Mary May Female Bunbury
1938/6600102 Wellington Galbraith Mary May Female Clifton Ronald William Male Bunbury
1938/6600103 Wellington Gaines Muriel Joy Female Thomas Norman James Male Boyanup
1938/6600103 Wellington Thomas Norman James Male Gaines Muriel Joy Female Boyanup
1938/6600104 Wellington Richards Eva Hannah Female Godfrey Charles Arthur Male Collie
1938/6600104 Wellington Godfrey Charles Arthur Male Richards Eva Hannah Female Collie
1938/6600105 Wellington Stephens Richard Lawrence Male Hill Kathleen Lydia Mitchell Female Yarloop
1938/6600105 Wellington Hill Kathleen Lydia Mitchell Female Stephens Richard Lawrence Male Yarloop
1938/6600106 Wellington Bradfield John Ernest Alfred Male Sloan Florence Eva Female Bunbury
1938/6600106 Wellington Sloan Florence Eva Female Bradfield John Ernest Alfred Male Bunbury
1938/6600107 Wellington Cain Violet Muriel Female Heathcote Charles Anthony Howard Male Donnybrook
1938/6600107 Wellington Heathcote Charles Anthony Howard Male Cain Violet Muriel Female Donnybrook
1938/6600108 Wellington Walch Fred Henry Male Blackford Mary Female Collie
1938/6600108 Wellington Blackford Mary Female Walch Fred Henry Male Collie
1938/6600109 Wellington Nulsen George William Male Hume Alma Grace Female Bunbury
1938/6600109 Wellington Hume Alma Grace Female Nulsen George William Male Bunbury
1938/6600110 Wellington Gibson Voa William Male Knapp Rose Amelia Female Bunbury
1938/6600110 Wellington Knapp Rose Amelia Female Gibson Voa William Male Bunbury
1938/6600111 Wellington Appelbee Dorothy May Female Connell Raymond Richard Male Collie
1938/6600111 Wellington Connell Raymond Richard Male Appelbee Dorothy May Female Collie
1938/6600112 Wellington Thompson Edith Female Reid Ronald James Male Picton
1938/6600112 Wellington Reid Ronald James Male Thompson Edith Female Picton
1938/6600113 Wellington Langlands Jean Female Surrage Roy Male Bunbury
1938/6600113 Wellington Surrage Roy Male Langlands Jean Female Bunbury
1938/6600114 Wellington Craven Montague Crawford Male Peat Jean Doreen Female Bunbury
1938/6600114 Wellington Peat Jean Doreen Female Craven Montague Crawford Male Bunbury
1938/6600115 Wellington Jurily Danica Female Pivac Paul Male Bunbury
1938/6600115 Wellington Pivac Paul Male Jurily Danica Female Bunbury
1938/6600116 Wellington Cox Pearl Amelia Female Atkinson Clifford Alfred Male Bunbury
1938/6600116 Wellington Atkinson Clifford Alfred Male Cox Pearl Amelia Female Bunbury
1938/6600117 Wellington Benson Marie Margaret Female Jones Lawrence Male Harvey
1938/6600117 Wellington Jones Lawrence Male Benson Marie Margaret Female Harvey
1938/6600118 Wellington Cain Iris Evelyn Female Buckle William Crawford Male Bunbury
1938/6600118 Wellington Buckle William Crawford Male Cain Iris Evelyn Female Bunbury
1938/6600119 Wellington Trigwell Patricia Margaret Female Harewood Frederick Vivian Male Boyanup
1938/6600119 Wellington Harewood Frederick Vivian Male Trigwell Patricia Margaret Female Boyanup
1938/6600120 Wellington Davies Septimus Morgan Male Scrivener Marjorie Joan Female Bunbury
1938/6600120 Wellington Scrivener Marjorie Joan Female Davies Septimus Morgan Male Bunbury
1938/6600121 Wellington Trott William Bertram Male Cleeland Ruby Madge Female Rathmines
1938/6600121 Wellington Cleeland Ruby Madge Female Trott William Bertram Male Rathmines
1938/6600122 Wellington Lofthouse Marjorie Female Hanks Henry Robert Male St Paul's Harvey Church
1938/6600122 Wellington Hanks Henry Robert Male Lofthouse Marjorie Female St Paul's Harvey Church
1938/6600123 Wellington Lloyd Henry Edward Male Waylen Elsie Patricia Female Bunbury
1938/6600123 Wellington Waylen Elsie Patricia Female Lloyd Henry Edward Male Bunbury
1938/6600124 Wellington Tucker Samuel James William Male Marney Dorothea May Female Bunbury
1938/6600124 Wellington Marney Dorothea May Female Tucker Samuel James William Male Bunbury
1938/6600125 Wellington Luff Ernest Roy Male Hovey Mary Female Collie
1938/6600125 Wellington Hovey Mary Female Luff Ernest Roy Male Collie
1938/6600126 Wellington Gillmore Ann Female Willimott John Edward Male Collie
1938/6600126 Wellington Willimott John Edward Male Gillmore Ann Female Collie
1938/6600127 Wellington McCutcheon Edith Anna Female Fowler George Keith Male Bunbury
1938/6600127 Wellington Fowler George Keith Male McCutcheon Edith Anna Female Bunbury
1938/6600128 Wellington Ratcliffe William Henry Male Taylor Gwendoline May Female Bunbury
1938/6600128 Wellington Taylor Gwendoline May Female Ratcliffe William Henry Male Bunbury
1938/6600129 Wellington Paull Walter Alfred Male Prosser Eileen Mary Female Rathmines
1938/6600129 Wellington Prosser Eileen Mary Female Paull Walter Alfred Male Rathmines
1938/6600130 Wellington Neal Arthur Cecil Francis Male Brown Hannah Marie Female Picton
1938/6600130 Wellington Brown Hannah Marie Female Neal Arthur Cecil Francis Male Picton
1938/6600131 Wellington Collins Alfred David Male Kitchen Dorothy Louise Female Bunbury
1938/6600131 Wellington Kitchen Dorothy Louise Female Collins Alfred David Male Bunbury
1938/6600132 Wellington Sheppard Roy Archmond Male Tissott Vera Lesley Female Collie
1938/6600132 Wellington Tissott Vera Lesley Female Sheppard Roy Archmond Male Collie
1938/6600133 Wellington Sanders Keith Henry Frederick Male Wise Isobel Agnes Female Collie
1938/6600133 Wellington Wise Isobel Agnes Female Sanders Keith Henry Frederick Male Collie
1938/6600134 Wellington Frost William Romeo Male Brokenshire Viola May Female Collie
1938/6600134 Wellington Brokenshire Viola May Female Frost William Romeo Male Collie
1938/6600135 Wellington Baker Edna Eileen Female Murray James Kenneth Keith Male Collie
1938/6600135 Wellington Murray James Kenneth Keith Male Baker Edna Eileen Female Collie
1938/6600136 Wellington Hoddell Lilian Mary Female Gilfillan John Male Collie
1938/6600136 Wellington Gilfillan John Male Hoddell Lilian Mary Female Collie
1938/6600137 Wellington Stanford Kenneth Charles Male Owen Thelma Myfanwy Amy Female Bunbury
1938/6600137 Wellington Owen Thelma Myfanwy Amy Female Stanford Kenneth Charles Male Bunbury
1938/6600138 Wellington Hutton Edna Jean Female Scott James Forrest Male Capel
1938/6600138 Wellington Scott James Forrest Male Hutton Edna Jean Female Capel
1938/6600139 Wellington Bell Frances Annie Female Scott Albert Arthur Male Bunbury
1938/6600139 Wellington Scott Albert Arthur Male Bell Frances Annie Female Bunbury
1938/6600140 Wellington Gloe Hans Lorus Male Runciman Margaret Stella Female Bunbury
1938/6600140 Wellington Runciman Margaret Stella Female Gloe Hans Lorus Male Bunbury
1938/6600141 Wellington Ward Reginald William Male Dalton Dorothy Maude Female Bunbury
1938/6600141 Wellington Dalton Dorothy Maude Female Ward Reginald William Male Bunbury
1938/6600142 Wellington Pallamountagne Elsie May Female Brljevich Ante Male Collie
1938/6600142 Wellington Brljevich Ante Male Pallamountagne Elsie May Female Collie
1938/6600143 Wellington Crute Joyce Mabel Female Field Geoffrey Mostyn Male Donnybrook
1938/6600143 Wellington Field Geoffrey Mostyn Male Crute Joyce Mabel Female Donnybrook
1938/6600144 Wellington Bell Ethel Olive Female Nelson Eric John Ronald Male Collie
1938/6600144 Wellington Nelson Eric John Ronald Male Bell Ethel Olive Female Collie
1938/6600145 Wellington Cusmano Joseph Male Watson Euphamia Cunningham Female Harvey
1938/6600145 Wellington Watson Euphamia Cunningham Female Cusmano Joseph Male Harvey
1938/6600146 Wellington Hummerston Harry Vernon Male Piggott Irene Miriam Female Picton
1938/6600146 Wellington Piggott Irene Miriam Female Hummerston Harry Vernon Male Picton
1938/6600147 Wellington Page Alice Clare Female Stephens Alfred Reginald Male Boyanup
1938/6600147 Wellington Stephens Alfred Reginald Male Page Alice Clare Female Boyanup
1938/6600148 Wellington Pears Percy Cyril Male Hastie Veronica Ellen Female Bunbury
1938/6600148 Wellington Hastie Veronica Ellen Female Pears Percy Cyril Male Bunbury
1938/6600149 Wellington Brajkovich Ivan Male Vitasovic Joza Bepa Female Harvey
1938/6600149 Wellington Vitasovic Joza Bepa Female Brajkovich Ivan Male Harvey
1938/6600150 Wellington House Ronald George Male Simmonds Evelyn Female Collie
1938/6600150 Wellington Simmonds Evelyn Female House Ronald George Male Collie
1938/6600151 Wellington Graham John Kennett White Male Dawes Annie Irene Female Bunbury
1938/6600151 Wellington Dawes Annie Irene Female Graham John Kennett White Male Bunbury
1938/6600152 Wellington Guilfoyle Edith Mary Female Dryden Robert George Male Collie
1938/6600152 Wellington Dryden Robert George Male Guilfoyle Edith Mary Female Collie
1938/6600153 Wellington Stanton Muriel Marie Female Potter Elster Val Male Bunbury
1938/6600153 Wellington Potter Elster Val Male Stanton Muriel Marie Female Bunbury
1938/6600154 Wellington Brodie Sidney Male Johns Emily Female Bunbury
1938/6600154 Wellington Johns Emily Female Brodie Sidney Male Bunbury
1938/6600155 Wellington Ennis George Robert Male Parham Blanche Viola Female Bunbury
1938/6600155 Wellington Parham Blanche Viola Female Ennis George Robert Male Bunbury
1938/6600156 Wellington Harding Hugh Crawford Male Piggott Olga Freda Female Harvey
1938/6600156 Wellington Piggott Olga Freda Female Harding Hugh Crawford Male Harvey
1938/6600157 Wellington Sears Rowena Gertrude Female Richardson Francis John Male Donnybrook
1938/6600157 Wellington Richardson Francis John Male Sears Rowena Gertrude Female Donnybrook
1938/6600158 Wellington Beer Alex Joseph Male Yates Margaret Jean Female Bunbury
1938/6600158 Wellington Yates Margaret Jean Female Beer Alex Joseph Male Bunbury
1938/6600159 Wellington Knott Claude Male Harris Ellen Bertha Female Bunbury
1938/6600159 Wellington Harris Ellen Bertha Female Knott Claude Male Bunbury
1938/6600160 Wellington Hitchcock Pauline May Female Olsen Peter Francis Male Collie
1938/6600160 Wellington Olsen Peter Francis Male Hitchcock Pauline May Female Collie
1938/6600161 Wellington Papalia Rosina Female D'Agostino Domenico Male Brunswick Junction
1938/6600161 Wellington D'Agostino Domenico Male Papalia Rosina Female Brunswick Junction
1938/6600162 Wellington Elston Thora Madeline Female Scott William George Male Bunbury
1938/6600162 Wellington Scott William George Male Elston Thora Madeline Female Bunbury
1938/6600163 Wellington Irvine Eila Iseabella Female Lawrence John Stanley Male Bunbury
1938/6600163 Wellington Lawrence John Stanley Male Irvine Eila Iseabella Female Bunbury
1938/6600164 Wellington Wood James Bryan Male Ferguson Rosa Jean Female Rathmines
1938/6600164 Wellington Ferguson Rosa Jean Female Wood James Bryan Male Rathmines
1938/6600165 Wellington Kane Joseph William Male Harris Teresa Mary Female Bunbury
1938/6600165 Wellington Harris Teresa Mary Female Kane Joseph William Male Bunbury
1938/6600166 Wellington MacLeod Ella Munro Female Rodda Frederick Joseph Arthur Male Bunbury
1938/6600166 Wellington Rodda Frederick Joseph Arthur Male MacLeod Ella Munro Female Bunbury
1938/6600167 Wellington Crute Ethel Maude Female Sears Francis Stanford Male Donnybrook
1938/6600167 Wellington Sears Francis Stanford Male Crute Ethel Maude Female Donnybrook
1938/6600168 Wellington Sharpe Percival Malcolm Male Britza Linda Ellen Female Brunswick
1938/6600168 Wellington Britza Linda Ellen Female Sharpe Percival Malcolm Male Brunswick
1939/6700001 Williams Smith Norma Mary Female Christenson Jens Viggo Male Narrogin
1939/6700001 Williams Christenson Jens Viggo Male Smith Norma Mary Female Narrogin
1938/6700002 Williams Nairn Sarah Georgina Female Garlick Claude Henry Male Narrogin
1938/6700002 Williams Garlick Claude Henry Male Nairn Sarah Georgina Female Narrogin
1938/6700003 Williams Mears Violet Elizabeth Anne Female Boyce Harry Adam Male Narrogin
1938/6700003 Williams Boyce Harry Adam Male Mears Violet Elizabeth Anne Female Narrogin
1938/6700004 Williams Gillett Elsie Elizabeth Catherine Female Selkirk Reginald Cecil Male Williams
1938/6700004 Williams Selkirk Reginald Cecil Male Gillett Elsie Elizabeth Catherine Female Williams
1938/6700005 Williams Gooding Thelma May Female Gray Colin Field Male Narrogin
1938/6700005 Williams Gray Colin Field Male Gooding Thelma May Female Narrogin
1938/6700006 Williams Reymond Thelma Jean Female Trefort Henry August Male Narrogin
1938/6700006 Williams Trefort Henry August Male Reymond Thelma Jean Female Narrogin
1938/6700007 Williams French Irene Mary Jessica Female Pauley Thomas Ginton Male Narrogin
1938/6700007 Williams Pauley Thomas Ginton Male French Irene Mary Jessica Female Narrogin
1938/6700008 Williams Argent Annie Rubena Female Murray Charles Stewart Male Narrogin
1938/6700008 Williams Murray Charles Stewart Male Argent Annie Rubena Female Narrogin
1938/6700009 Williams Chuck Olga Elizabeth Henrietta Female Dovey Joseph Fredrick Male Narrogin
1938/6700009 Williams Dovey Joseph Fredrick Male Chuck Olga Elizabeth Henrietta Female Narrogin
1938/6700010 Williams Parsons Ruby Maud Female Candy Cyril Gillingham Male Cuballing
1938/6700010 Williams Candy Cyril Gillingham Male Parsons Ruby Maud Female Cuballing
1938/6700011 Williams Draper Gertrude Alma Female Cook Benjamin Male Narrogin
1938/6700011 Williams Cook Benjamin Male Draper Gertrude Alma Female Narrogin
1938/6700012 Williams Kemp Gladys May Female Topper Herbert Male Narrogin
1938/6700012 Williams Topper Herbert Male Kemp Gladys May Female Narrogin
1938/6700013 Williams Lange Ella Doreen Female Nairn William John Male Narrogin
1938/6700013 Williams Nairn William John Male Lange Ella Doreen Female Narrogin
1938/6700014 Williams McAullay Stella Female Curtis Alan Lindsay Male Narrogin
1938/6700014 Williams Curtis Alan Lindsay Male McAullay Stella Female Narrogin
1938/6700015 Williams Dyson Leslie Louis Male Brown Mollie Female Narrogin
1938/6700015 Williams Brown Mollie Female Dyson Leslie Louis Male Narrogin
1938/6700016 Williams Walker John Hector Male Linke Hanna Female Williams
1938/6700016 Williams Linke Hanna Female Walker John Hector Male Williams
1938/6700017 Williams Hawksley Winifred Clara Female Mallinson Tom Male Narrogin
1938/6700017 Williams Mallinson Tom Male Hawksley Winifred Clara Female Narrogin
1938/6700018 Williams Dowsett Katie Bernadette Female White Mervyn Leonard Male Narrogin
1938/6700018 Williams White Mervyn Leonard Male Dowsett Katie Bernadette Female Narrogin
1938/6700019 Williams Bull Faith Verdon Female Bell William Male Kulin
1938/6700019 Williams Bell William Male Bull Faith Verdon Female Kulin
1938/6700020 Williams Bushby Lionel Male Jensen Vida Valentine Female Narrogin
1938/6700020 Williams Jensen Vida Valentine Female Bushby Lionel Male Narrogin
1938/6700021 Williams Gibson Alison Jean Female Blight Roy Frederick Male Narrogin
1938/6700021 Williams Blight Roy Frederick Male Gibson Alison Jean Female Narrogin
1938/6700022 Williams MacKinlay Archibald Male Gould Dorothy Gracieuse Female Narrogin
1938/6700022 Williams Gould Dorothy Gracieuse Female MacKinlay Archibald Male Narrogin
1938/6700023 Williams Poulsen Holger Peter Haulund Male King Doris Eileen Female Lake King
1938/6700023 Williams King Doris Eileen Female Poulsen Holger Peter Haulund Male Lake King
1938/6700024 Williams Harris Dorothy Beatrice Female Sounness William Ernest Male Narrogin
1938/6700024 Williams Sounness William Ernest Male Harris Dorothy Beatrice Female Narrogin
1938/6700025 Williams Bain Mimie Lucy Elizabeth Female Manning Arthur Edward Richard Male Narrogin
1938/6700025 Williams Manning Arthur Edward Richard Male Bain Mimie Lucy Elizabeth Female Narrogin
1938/6700026 Williams Armit Mary Jane Dowie Female McGay Alan Harvey Male Narrogin
1938/6700026 Williams McGay Alan Harvey Male Armit Mary Jane Dowie Female Narrogin
1938/6700027 Williams Thackrah Joan Female Witham William Roy Male Lake Biddy
1938/6700027 Williams Witham William Roy Male Thackrah Joan Female Lake Biddy
1938/6700028 Williams White Matilda Anne Female Gedling Francis Victor Male Narrogin
1938/6700028 Williams Gedling Francis Victor Male White Matilda Anne Female Narrogin
1938/6700029 Williams John Lance Stanley Male Hunt Marjorie Isabel Female Narrogin
1938/6700029 Williams Hunt Marjorie Isabel Female John Lance Stanley Male Narrogin
1938/6700030 Williams Gill Howard James Male Harvey Vivienne Esther Female Lake Grace
1938/6700030 Williams Harvey Vivienne Esther Female Gill Howard James Male Lake Grace
1938/6700031 Williams Harris Norman Albert Male Southall Muriel Gwendoline Female Narrogin
1938/6700031 Williams Southall Muriel Gwendoline Female Harris Norman Albert Male Narrogin
1938/6700032 Williams Robinson William Charles Male Fleay Gweneth Ellard Female Williams
1938/6700032 Williams Fleay Gweneth Ellard Female Robinson William Charles Male Williams
1938/6700033 Williams Drury Alfred Thomas Male Ellis Lilian Frances Female Narrogin
1938/6700033 Williams Ellis Lilian Frances Female Drury Alfred Thomas Male Narrogin
1938/6700034 Williams Lee Jean Victoria Female Lock Walter Arthur Male Narrogin
1938/6700034 Williams Lock Walter Arthur Male Lee Jean Victoria Female Narrogin
1938/6700035 Williams Scadding William Walter Murray Male Lingard Edna Mary Female Kulin
1938/6700035 Williams Lingard Edna Mary Female Scadding William Walter Murray Male Kulin
1938/6700036 Williams Plumb James Male Everatt Jane Hobbs Female Narrogin
1938/6700036 Williams Everatt Jane Hobbs Female Plumb James Male Narrogin
1938/6700037 Williams Mattfield Frank Sydney Male Dearlove Blanche Rita Female Narrogin
1938/6700037 Williams Dearlove Blanche Rita Female Mattfield Frank Sydney Male Narrogin
1938/6700038 Williams Dower Dorothy Mary Female Johnson George Ernest Male Kulin
1938/6700038 Williams Johnson George Ernest Male Dower Dorothy Mary Female Kulin
1938/6700039 Williams Hilder Allan Norman Male Brooks Phyllis Ruth Female Narrogin
1938/6700039 Williams Brooks Phyllis Ruth Female Hilder Allan Norman Male Narrogin
1938/6700040 Williams Box George William Male Krüger Jean Rose Female Cuballing
1938/6700040 Williams Krüger Jean Rose Female Box George William Male Cuballing
1938/6700041 Williams Bell Matthew Forster Male Shanhun Kathleen Louisa Female Narrogin
1938/6700041 Williams Shanhun Kathleen Louisa Female Bell Matthew Forster Male Narrogin
1938/6700042 Williams Holly Florence Ella May Female Mason Vivian Henry Male Narrogin
1938/6700042 Williams Mason Vivian Henry Male Holly Florence Ella May Female Narrogin
1938/6700043 Williams Doncon Bessie Jean Female Shannon Lachlan Pulteney Male Wickepin
1938/6700043 Williams Shannon Lachlan Pulteney Male Doncon Bessie Jean Female Wickepin
1938/6700044 Williams Nairn Dulcima Joyce Female Beynon Robert Male Narrogin
1938/6700044 Williams Beynon Robert Male Nairn Dulcima Joyce Female Narrogin
1938/6700045 Williams Rae Herbert Gifford Male Spurr Eileen Agnes Female Narrogin
1938/6700045 Williams Spurr Eileen Agnes Female Rae Herbert Gifford Male Narrogin
1938/6700046 Williams Harrold Stanley Gordon Male Smith Mavis Edna Female Narrogin
1938/6700046 Williams Smith Mavis Edna Female Harrold Stanley Gordon Male Narrogin
1938/6700047 Williams Betteley Kathleen Annie Female Wiese Ernest William Jack Male Narrogin
1938/6700047 Williams Wiese Ernest William Jack Male Betteley Kathleen Annie Female Narrogin
1938/6700048 Williams Robinson Salona Female Harris George Daniel Male Lake Grace
1938/6700048 Williams Harris George Daniel Male Robinson Salona Female Lake Grace
1938/6700049 Williams Scally Ina May Female Lynch Peter Joseph Male Narrogin
1938/6700049 Williams Lynch Peter Joseph Male Scally Ina May Female Narrogin
1938/6700050 Williams McMillan George Albert Edward Male Ballard Joyce Francis Female Tinkurrin
1938/6700050 Williams Ballard Joyce Francis Female McMillan George Albert Edward Male Tinkurrin
1938/6700051 Williams Dick Nellie Esther Female Sproule Graham Carlton Male Narrogin
1938/6700051 Williams Sproule Graham Carlton Male Dick Nellie Esther Female Narrogin
1938/6700052 Williams Tizard Alan Cleve Male Adcock Ruby Montague Female South East Kulin
1938/6700052 Williams Adcock Ruby Montague Female Tizard Alan Cleve Male South East Kulin
1938/6700053 Williams Mills Joseph Stephenson Male Johnson Isabella Female Lake Biddy
1938/6700053 Williams Johnson Isabella Female Mills Joseph Stephenson Male Lake Biddy
1938/6700054 Williams Jose Ernest David Male Guttrey Bessie Female Boddington
1938/6700054 Williams Guttrey Bessie Female Jose Ernest David Male Boddington
1938/6700055 Williams Trestrail Florence Edith Female Hopson William Allan Male Narrogin
1938/6700055 Williams Hopson William Allan Male Trestrail Florence Edith Female Narrogin
1938/6700056 Williams Ugle Ida Female Kickett Joseph Male Geeralying
1938/6700056 Williams Kickett Joseph Male Ugle Ida Female Geeralying
1938/6700057 Williams Bowden John Mills Male Graham Rita Pauline Female Narrogin
1938/6700057 Williams Graham Rita Pauline Female Bowden John Mills Male Narrogin
1938/7000001 Yilgarn Maloney Ellen Eileen Female Long Frank Hugh Male Southern Cross
1938/7000001 Yilgarn Long Frank Hugh Male Maloney Ellen Eileen Female Southern Cross
1938/7000002 Yilgarn Hayes Mildred Murial Female Wyatt Hilton Clifford Male Westonia
1938/7000002 Yilgarn Wyatt Hilton Clifford Male Hayes Mildred Murial Female Westonia
1938/7000003 Yilgarn Brand Merville George Male Clough Mary Jean Female Southern Cross
1938/7000003 Yilgarn Clough Mary Jean Female Brand Merville George Male Southern Cross
1938/7000004 Yilgarn Pryer Lilian Marie Female Ross Donald Walter Male Southern Cross
1938/7000004 Yilgarn Ross Donald Walter Male Pryer Lilian Marie Female Southern Cross
1938/7000005 Yilgarn Danagher Ellen Female Anderton Herbert Male Southern Cross
1938/7000005 Yilgarn Anderton Herbert Male Danagher Ellen Female Southern Cross
1938/7000006 Yilgarn Armanasco Agostino Male Reghenzani Maria Female Southern Cross
1938/7000006 Yilgarn Reghenzani Maria Female Armanasco Agostino Male Southern Cross
1938/7000007 Yilgarn Willcocks Archie Roy Male Allanson Jean Frances Female Southern Cross
1938/7000007 Yilgarn Allanson Jean Frances Female Willcocks Archie Roy Male Southern Cross
1938/7000008 Yilgarn Walker David Richard Male Atkins Dorothy Everal Female Southern Cross
1938/7000008 Yilgarn Atkins Dorothy Everal Female Walker David Richard Male Southern Cross
1938/7000009 Yilgarn Perkins Arthur Frederick Male Castle Follie Venice Female Mount Palmer
1938/7000009 Yilgarn Castle Follie Venice Female Perkins Arthur Frederick Male Mount Palmer
1938/7000010 Yilgarn Pryer Frederick Thomas Male Cregan Irene May Female Southern Cross
1938/7000010 Yilgarn Cregan Irene May Female Pryer Frederick Thomas Male Southern Cross
1938/7000011 Yilgarn Corbitt Donald William Frederick Male Tipler Elsie May Female Southern Cross
1938/7000011 Yilgarn Tipler Elsie May Female Corbitt Donald William Frederick Male Southern Cross
1938/7000012 Yilgarn Pettit Jacqueline Ann Female Eaglestone Eric Palmer Male Southern Cross
1938/7000012 Yilgarn Eaglestone Eric Palmer Male Pettit Jacqueline Ann Female Southern Cross
1938/7000013 Yilgarn Scheer Ernest Male Mugridge Alice Ada Female Southern Cross
1938/7000013 Yilgarn Mugridge Alice Ada Female Scheer Ernest Male Southern Cross
1938/7000014 Yilgarn Davies Keith Herbert Wearing Male Birch Lillian Linda Female Southern Cross
1938/7000014 Yilgarn Birch Lillian Linda Female Davies Keith Herbert Wearing Male Southern Cross
1938/7000015 Yilgarn Grace John Sylvester Male Metzke Faith Constance Female Southern Cross
1938/7000015 Yilgarn Metzke Faith Constance Female Grace John Sylvester Male Southern Cross
1938/7000016 Yilgarn Hale Eileen Mary Female Sherar William Male Southern Cross
1938/7000016 Yilgarn Sherar William Male Hale Eileen Mary Female Southern Cross
1938/7000017 Yilgarn Maddern Frank Ivor Male Sullivan Enid Mary Female Marvel Loch
1938/7000017 Yilgarn Sullivan Enid Mary Female Maddern Frank Ivor Male Marvel Loch
1939/7100001 York Reynolds Leonard John Male Ashworth Joy Female York
1938/7100001 York Maxwell Kenneth Douglas Male Mayes Edna Female York
1938/7100001 York Mayes Edna Female Maxwell Kenneth Douglas Male York
1939/7100001 York Ashworth Joy Female Reynolds Leonard John Male York
1938/7100002 York Pyke William George Male Beacham Gladys May Female York
1939/7100002 York Baker Bruce Peter Male Pugh Elizabeth Ray Female York
1939/7100002 York Pugh Elizabeth Ray Female Baker Bruce Peter Male York
1938/7100002 York Beacham Gladys May Female Pyke William George Male York
1938/7100003 York Hitchcock Mary Lavina Female Sims Arthur Henry Male York
1938/7100003 York Sims Arthur Henry Male Hitchcock Mary Lavina Female York
1938/7100004 York Gault Victor James Male Morgan Dulcie Audrey Female York
1938/7100004 York Morgan Dulcie Audrey Female Gault Victor James Male York
1938/7100005 York Harris Cedric Vernon Male Ashbolt Inthe Jane Female York
1938/7100005 York Ashbolt Inthe Jane Female Harris Cedric Vernon Male York
1938/7100006 York Dunn Willian John Male Batty Doreen Margaret Female York
1938/7100006 York Batty Doreen Margaret Female Dunn Willian John Male York
1938/7100007 York Fleay Amy Florence Female Young William Marshall Male York
1938/7100007 York Young William Marshall Male Fleay Amy Florence Female York
1938/7100008 York Butcher Norma Lilian Female Eddy Ernest James Male York
1938/7100008 York Eddy Ernest James Male Butcher Norma Lilian Female York
1938/7100009 York Roberts Ruby Alva Female Endersby Leslie Cyril Male York
1938/7100009 York Endersby Leslie Cyril Male Roberts Ruby Alva Female York
1938/7100010 York Holmes Geoffrey Rankine Male Hayman Mary Kathleen Marjorie Female York
1938/7100010 York Hayman Mary Kathleen Marjorie Female Holmes Geoffrey Rankine Male York
1938/7100011 York Thorn Leslie George Male Ovens Lillian Female York
1938/7100011 York Ovens Lillian Female Thorn Leslie George Male York
1938/7100012 York Gault Dorothy Rosina Female Fairhead Norman Male York
1938/7100012 York Fairhead Norman Male Gault Dorothy Rosina Female York