A tool to help track the citations of the Western Australian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages from Wikidata and WikiTree.

Marriages in: 1936

Registration year & number Registration district Surname Given names Gender Spouse surname Spouse given names Spouse gender Marriage place Wikidata WikiTree
1937/100003 Perth Green Harold Edward Male Harley Margaret Female Perth
1937/100003 Perth Harley Margaret Female Green Harold Edward Male Perth
1937/100004 Perth Campbell Hazelene Ellen Female Sykes Robert Norman Male Perth
1937/100004 Perth Sykes Robert Norman Male Campbell Hazelene Ellen Female Perth
1937/100005 Perth Jackson Katherine Minnie Female Walker Hugh Male Perth
1937/100005 Perth Walker Hugh Male Jackson Katherine Minnie Female Perth
1937/100006 Perth Cowden Doreen Agnes Ypres Female Fitch Ronald John Male Perth
1937/100006 Perth Fitch Ronald John Male Cowden Doreen Agnes Ypres Female Perth
1937/100007 Perth Ratcliffe James Thompson Male Loynel Raymonde Female Perth
1937/100007 Perth Loynel Raymonde Female Ratcliffe James Thompson Male Perth
1937/100008 Perth Stephen Alexander Male King Jean Alpha Female Perth
1937/100008 Perth King Jean Alpha Female Stephen Alexander Male Perth
1937/100009 Perth Stone Patrick James Laurence Male Fraser Margaret Jean Female West Perth
1937/100009 Perth Fraser Margaret Jean Female Stone Patrick James Laurence Male West Perth
1936/100010 Perth Pierinami Sante Male Franchi Maria Female Leederville
1936/100010 Perth Franchi Maria Female Pierinami Sante Male Leederville
1937/100010 Perth Rogers Francis Wilson Male McKenzie Jean Female West Perth
1937/100010 Perth McKenzie Jean Female Rogers Francis Wilson Male West Perth
1937/100011 Perth Hamilton Edna Mascot Female Foster Norman Douglas Male West Perth
1937/100011 Perth Foster Norman Douglas Male Hamilton Edna Mascot Female West Perth
1937/100012 Perth Brown David Addison McNair Male Mackenzie Marjory Kidd Female West Perth
1937/100012 Perth Mackenzie Marjory Kidd Female Brown David Addison McNair Male West Perth
1937/100013 Perth Ward-Dickson Beryl Edith Female McKay Stanley Ivor Male Perth
1937/100013 Perth McKay Stanley Ivor Male Ward-Dickson Beryl Edith Female Perth
1937/100014 Perth Weall Dorothy Eunice Female Jordan Frank Ernest Henry Male Perth
1937/100014 Perth Jordan Frank Ernest Henry Male Weall Dorothy Eunice Female Perth
1937/100015 Perth Hick Dorothy Ronald Female Marris Richard Barrington Male Perth
1937/100015 Perth Marris Richard Barrington Male Hick Dorothy Ronald Female Perth
1937/100016 Perth Forward Gwendoline Edith Female Birtwistle Gordon Sieber Male Perth
1937/100016 Perth Birtwistle Gordon Sieber Male Forward Gwendoline Edith Female Perth
1937/100017 Perth Dewhurst Gwendoline Ellen Female Greenhalgh Clarence Llewellyn Male Perth
1937/100017 Perth Greenhalgh Clarence Llewellyn Male Dewhurst Gwendoline Ellen Female Perth
1937/100021 Perth Hayes Mona Josephine Female Hawke William Thomas Male Cottesloe
1937/100021 Perth Hawke William Thomas Male Hayes Mona Josephine Female Cottesloe
1937/100022 Perth Vaughan James White Male Butler Millicent Eileen Female Perth
1937/100022 Perth Butler Millicent Eileen Female Vaughan James White Male Perth
1937/100023 Perth Billing Ethel Maud Female Richards Wesley Stephen Male Perth
1937/100023 Perth Richards Wesley Stephen Male Billing Ethel Maud Female Perth
1937/100024 Perth Kendall Evelyn Female Clisby Wilfred Bradbury Male Perth
1937/100024 Perth Clisby Wilfred Bradbury Male Kendall Evelyn Female Perth
1937/100025 Perth Cornish Charles Alfred Male Anderson Mary Female Perth
1937/100025 Perth Anderson Mary Female Cornish Charles Alfred Male Perth
1937/100026 Perth Ottaway Marjorie Ellen Female Hallman Carl Gustav Male Perth
1937/100026 Perth Hallman Carl Gustav Male Ottaway Marjorie Ellen Female Perth
1937/100027 Perth Atkinson Edward Wesley Male Cross Eva Grace Female Perth
1937/100027 Perth Cross Eva Grace Female Atkinson Edward Wesley Male Perth
1937/100028 Perth Brehaut Mavis Female Hampton George Harold Male Perth
1937/100028 Perth Hampton George Harold Male Brehaut Mavis Female Perth
1937/100029 Perth Allen James Francis Male Barker Florence Maud Female Perth
1937/100029 Perth Barker Florence Maud Female Allen James Francis Male Perth
1937/100030 Perth Woodman Cedric Arthur Male Lawrence Rose Female Perth
1936/100030 Perth Lee Elsie Female Coomer Harry Edward Male Perth
1936/100030 Perth Coomer Harry Edward Male Lee Elsie Female Perth
1937/100030 Perth Lawrence Rose Female Woodman Cedric Arthur Male Perth
1937/100031 Perth Wasley Rosina Alice Female Brealey Stanley James Male Perth
1937/100031 Perth Brealey Stanley James Male Wasley Rosina Alice Female Perth
1937/100033 Perth Keenan Lilyan Myrtle Female Hawthorn Walter Bevan Male Mt Lawley
1937/100033 Perth Hawthorn Walter Bevan Male Keenan Lilyan Myrtle Female Mt Lawley
1937/100034 Perth Tozer Lora Louisa Female Graybrook George Hersal Male South Perth
1937/100034 Perth Graybrook George Hersal Male Tozer Lora Louisa Female South Perth
1937/100037 Perth Brown Kathleen Female Tillotson Charles Curtis Male Subiaco
1937/100037 Perth Tillotson Charles Curtis Male Brown Kathleen Female Subiaco
1936/100038 Perth Hanson Ronald George Vane Male Cronenburg Roma Ashielia Female Leederville
1936/100038 Perth Cronenburg Roma Ashielia Female Hanson Ronald George Vane Male Leederville
1937/100039 Perth McGregor Hugh Male Wotzko Olive Grace Female Bayswater
1937/100039 Perth Wotzko Olive Grace Female McGregor Hugh Male Bayswater
1936/100039 Perth Tolg Ivan Male Anderson Linda Sofia Female Perth
1936/100039 Perth Anderson Linda Sofia Female Tolg Ivan Male Perth
1937/100041 Perth Stockton Isabella May Female Hoyne Patrick James Male Victoria Park
1937/100041 Perth Hoyne Patrick James Male Stockton Isabella May Female Victoria Park
1936/100042 Perth Meakins John Mortimer Male Wilde Myrtle Doris Female West Perth
1936/100042 Perth Wilde Myrtle Doris Female Meakins John Mortimer Male West Perth
1937/100042 Perth Shaw Lilian Patricia Female Hollingsworth William Valentine Male Victoria Park
1937/100042 Perth Hollingsworth William Valentine Male Shaw Lilian Patricia Female Victoria Park
1937/100043 Perth Smith Louis Bernard Male Holly Mignonnette Elizabeth Female West Perth
1936/100043 Perth Clough John Fleming Male Maxwell Mabel Eva Elizabeth Female West Perth
1936/100043 Perth Maxwell Mabel Eva Elizabeth Female Clough John Fleming Male West Perth
1937/100043 Perth Holly Mignonnette Elizabeth Female Smith Louis Bernard Male West Perth
1937/100044 Perth Woods James Thomas Male Bown Caroline Harriet Female West Perth
1937/100044 Perth Bown Caroline Harriet Female Woods James Thomas Male West Perth
1937/100045 Perth Smith Albert Edward Norman Male McNamara Mary Veronica Female West Perth
1937/100045 Perth McNamara Mary Veronica Female Smith Albert Edward Norman Male West Perth
1937/100046 Perth Sheilds Leonard Ernest Male Callaghan Mary McIntyre Female West Perth
1937/100046 Perth Callaghan Mary McIntyre Female Sheilds Leonard Ernest Male West Perth
1937/100047 Perth Nolan George Robert Male McCarthy Helena Elizabeth Female West Perth
1937/100047 Perth McCarthy Helena Elizabeth Female Nolan George Robert Male West Perth
1937/100050 Perth McLean Muriel Sarah Female Dinning Stanley Male Bayswater
1937/100050 Perth Dinning Stanley Male McLean Muriel Sarah Female Bayswater
1937/100051 Perth Lawson Lavinia Myrtle Minnie Female Smith William John Male Bayswater
1937/100051 Perth Smith William John Male Lawson Lavinia Myrtle Minnie Female Bayswater
1937/100053 Perth Nelson Mollie Harriett Female Scott Arthur Henry Male Claremont
1937/100053 Perth Scott Arthur Henry Male Nelson Mollie Harriett Female Claremont
1937/100054 Perth Cox Josephine Agnes Female Chandler Charles Joseph Male Perth
1937/100054 Perth Chandler Charles Joseph Male Cox Josephine Agnes Female Perth
1937/100057 Perth Gibbs Rosalie Mary Female Brown Austin Seymour Male Perth
1937/100057 Perth Brown Austin Seymour Male Gibbs Rosalie Mary Female Perth
1937/100058 Perth Cox Peter Joseph Male Wenn Frances Mary Female Perth
1937/100058 Perth Wenn Frances Mary Female Cox Peter Joseph Male Perth
1937/100060 Perth Stone Herbert Keith Male Rogers Florence Helen Female Perth
1937/100060 Perth Rogers Florence Helen Female Stone Herbert Keith Male Perth
1936/100061 Perth Lloyd Charles Sydney Ronald Male Tolerton Mary Bell Female West Perth
1937/100061 Perth Church Gwynette Sholl Female Pottinger George Wilfred Male Perth
1936/100061 Perth Tolerton Mary Bell Female Lloyd Charles Sydney Ronald Male West Perth
1937/100061 Perth Pottinger George Wilfred Male Church Gwynette Sholl Female Perth
1937/100062 Perth Angus Clarice Mary Teresa Female Buggy John Patrick Ignatius Male Perth
1937/100062 Perth Buggy John Patrick Ignatius Male Angus Clarice Mary Teresa Female Perth
1936/100063 Perth Armstrong Edith Mabel Female Eastough Laurence Male Perth
1937/100063 Perth Pascoe Dorothy May Female Wynne Leslie Arthur Male Claremont
1937/100063 Perth Wynne Leslie Arthur Male Pascoe Dorothy May Female Claremont
1936/100063 Perth Eastough Laurence Male Armstrong Edith Mabel Female Perth
1936/100064 Perth Yovich Ivan Male Richards Mary Annie Female Perth
1936/100064 Perth Richards Mary Annie Female Yovich Ivan Male Perth
1936/100065 Perth Howard Lily Female Kinnane Francis Dudley Male Victoria Park
1937/100065 Perth Liddell Robert George Male Hynes Una Margaret Female Perth
1936/100065 Perth Kinnane Francis Dudley Male Howard Lily Female Victoria Park
1937/100065 Perth Hynes Una Margaret Female Liddell Robert George Male Perth
1936/100066 Perth Laudehr Henry Gergon Male Robinson Evelyn Marjorie Female Subiaco
1937/100066 Perth Thompson James Chambers Male Sloss Myrl Female Perth
1936/100066 Perth Robinson Evelyn Marjorie Female Laudehr Henry Gergon Male Subiaco
1937/100066 Perth Sloss Myrl Female Thompson James Chambers Male Perth
1936/100067 Perth Mitchell Iris Elaine Female Wood Herbert Christian De May Male Perth
1936/100067 Perth Wood Herbert Christian De May Male Mitchell Iris Elaine Female Perth
1937/100070 Perth Granville Roland Milton Pangburn Male Gilders Pearl Catherine Ellen Female North Perth
1937/100070 Perth Gilders Pearl Catherine Ellen Female Granville Roland Milton Pangburn Male North Perth
1937/100073 Perth Hudson William Russell Male Clarke Joyce Elizabeth Female Crawley
1937/100073 Perth Clarke Joyce Elizabeth Female Hudson William Russell Male Crawley
1937/100074 Perth Reeves Keith Drummond Male Jones Myra Hilda Female Subiaco
1937/100074 Perth Jones Myra Hilda Female Reeves Keith Drummond Male Subiaco
1936/100087 Perth McDonald Donald Hector Male Forrest Nellie Campbell Female Perth
1936/100087 Perth Forrest Nellie Campbell Female McDonald Donald Hector Male Perth
1936/100088 Perth Willows Norman Frederick Male Delmenico Dorothy Angelina Female Perth
1936/100088 Perth Delmenico Dorothy Angelina Female Willows Norman Frederick Male Perth
1937/100088 Perth Mason Richard Joseph Male Storey Nancy Female East Victoria Park
1937/100088 Perth Storey Nancy Female Mason Richard Joseph Male East Victoria Park
1937/100090 Perth Pallot Phoebe Mary Female Smith Edmund Colin Male Claremont
1937/100090 Perth Smith Edmund Colin Male Pallot Phoebe Mary Female Claremont
1936/100095 Perth Inglis David James Male Bowen Allison May Female Perth
1936/100095 Perth Bowen Allison May Female Inglis David James Male Perth
1936/100097 Perth Bodé Thora Ruth Female Douglas Charles Godfrey Male Cottesloe
1936/100097 Perth Douglas Charles Godfrey Male Bodé Thora Ruth Female Cottesloe
1937/100099 Perth Murtha Aelrid Female Essex Kempston Male Leederville
1937/100099 Perth Essex Kempston Male Murtha Aelrid Female Leederville
1937/100100 Perth Vlahov Milka Female Vlahov Victorio Male Leederville
1937/100100 Perth Vlahov Victorio Male Vlahov Milka Female Leederville
1936/100101 Perth Eastland Thelma Christina Female Winter Francis Edward Male Victoria Park
1936/100101 Perth Winter Francis Edward Male Eastland Thelma Christina Female Victoria Park
1936/100103 Perth Pugh Edward Bernard Male Gough Gwendoline Hyder Female Perth
1936/100103 Perth Gough Gwendoline Hyder Female Pugh Edward Bernard Male Perth
1936/100104 Perth Lawrence Phillip Bruce Male Geddes Myrtle Henrietta Female Perth
1936/100104 Perth Geddes Myrtle Henrietta Female Lawrence Phillip Bruce Male Perth
1936/100105 Perth Kell Albert George Male Kelly Mavis Female Perth
1936/100105 Perth Kelly Mavis Female Kell Albert George Male Perth
1937/100106 Perth Meredith Alma Roda Female Barlow Walter Ernest Male Perth
1936/100106 Perth Murray Mavis Isobel Female Rann George William Male Perth
1936/100106 Perth Rann George William Male Murray Mavis Isobel Female Perth
1937/100106 Perth Barlow Walter Ernest Male Meredith Alma Roda Female Perth
1936/100107 Perth Penberthy Ernest James Male Hanley Ivy Florence Female Perth
1936/100107 Perth Hanley Ivy Florence Female Penberthy Ernest James Male Perth
1936/100108 Perth Freer Donald Male Tucker Bertha May Female Perth
1936/100108 Perth Tucker Bertha May Female Freer Donald Male Perth
1936/100109 Perth Brodie Martha Emily Female Properjohn Redvers Roberts Male West Perth
1936/100109 Perth Properjohn Redvers Roberts Male Brodie Martha Emily Female West Perth
1936/100110 Perth Solomon Dorothy Esther Elizabeth Female Rowlands William Trevor Male West Perth
1936/100110 Perth Rowlands William Trevor Male Solomon Dorothy Esther Elizabeth Female West Perth
1936/100111 Perth Merritt Ina Agnes Female Olvey Andrew George Male West Perth
1936/100111 Perth Olvey Andrew George Male Merritt Ina Agnes Female West Perth
1936/100112 Perth Shotter Harold Walter Male Bradshaw Margaret Howard Female Perth
1936/100112 Perth Bradshaw Margaret Howard Female Shotter Harold Walter Male Perth
1936/100113 Perth Jones Ceimven Theresa Female Clare Jack Male Cottesloe
1936/100113 Perth Clare Jack Male Jones Ceimven Theresa Female Cottesloe
1936/100115 Perth Carter Olive Louisa Female McDonald John James Male Perth
1936/100115 Perth McDonald John James Male Carter Olive Louisa Female Perth
1936/100116 Perth Lockwood Myrtle Female Harris Alick Harold Male Perth
1936/100116 Perth Harris Alick Harold Male Lockwood Myrtle Female Perth
1936/100117 Perth O'Neil Kathleen Veronica Female Elliott George Oswald Male Perth
1936/100117 Perth Elliott George Oswald Male O'Neil Kathleen Veronica Female Perth
1936/100118 Perth Gook Elizabeth Marian Female Fitz-Henry James Male Perth
1936/100118 Perth Fitz-Henry James Male Gook Elizabeth Marian Female Perth
1936/100121 Perth Gheza Bortolo Male Fiorini Giovanna Female Perth
1936/100121 Perth Fiorini Giovanna Female Gheza Bortolo Male Perth
1936/100122 Perth Boxshall Gladys May Female Palandri John Dominic Male Perth
1936/100122 Perth Palandri John Dominic Male Boxshall Gladys May Female Perth
1936/100123 Perth Speed Walter Arney Male Lane Gwendolyn Charlotte Female Perth
1936/100123 Perth Lane Gwendolyn Charlotte Female Speed Walter Arney Male Perth
1936/100124 Perth Hosie Charlotte Elizabeth Female McGuire John Bernard Male Perth
1936/100124 Perth McGuire John Bernard Male Hosie Charlotte Elizabeth Female Perth
1936/100130 Perth Scott Doris Female Hawkins Arthur Christopher Robert Male Maylands
1936/100130 Perth Hawkins Arthur Christopher Robert Male Scott Doris Female Maylands
1936/100131 Perth Skipworth Royal Charles Male Carver Dorothy Audrey Alice Female Perth
1936/100131 Perth Carver Dorothy Audrey Alice Female Skipworth Royal Charles Male Perth
1936/100132 Perth Hayes Michael John Male Simmons Madge Spencer Female Leederville
1936/100132 Perth Simmons Madge Spencer Female Hayes Michael John Male Leederville
1936/100133 Perth Troy Rita Winifred Monger Female Sullivan Maurice Male Leederville
1936/100133 Perth Sullivan Maurice Male Troy Rita Winifred Monger Female Leederville
1936/100134 Perth Kelly Winifred Constance Female Chambers Edward Joseph Male Leederville
1936/100134 Perth Chambers Edward Joseph Male Kelly Winifred Constance Female Leederville
1936/100136 Perth Piper Doris Bessie Pearl Female Atkinson Ronald Maitland Male Perth
1936/100136 Perth Atkinson Ronald Maitland Male Piper Doris Bessie Pearl Female Perth
1936/100137 Perth Bresland Anne Female Wilson William Alwyn Male Perth
1936/100137 Perth Wilson William Alwyn Male Bresland Anne Female Perth
1936/100138 Perth Broad Wilfred Harold Male Smith Doris Edith Female Maylands
1936/100138 Perth Smith Doris Edith Female Broad Wilfred Harold Male Maylands
1936/100139 Perth Carter Godfrey Male Phelps Kylie Female South Perth
1936/100139 Perth Phelps Kylie Female Carter Godfrey Male South Perth
1936/100140 Perth Buckton Anne Female Davis Harold Julian Male Perth
1936/100140 Perth Davis Harold Julian Male Buckton Anne Female Perth
1937/100141 Perth Yates Daisy Mary Female Crisp Frank William Male Subiaco
1936/100141 Perth Wilkerson Verna Claudina Female Lee Edward Roland Male Perth
1936/100141 Perth Lee Edward Roland Male Wilkerson Verna Claudina Female Perth
1937/100141 Perth Crisp Frank William Male Yates Daisy Mary Female Subiaco
1936/100142 Perth Skinner Mark Male Butler Elsie Winsome Female Perth
1936/100142 Perth Butler Elsie Winsome Female Skinner Mark Male Perth
1936/100143 Perth Beaton Charles Male Peachey Mary Female Claremont
1936/100143 Perth Peachey Mary Female Beaton Charles Male Claremont
1936/100144 Perth Graham Eileen Agnes Female Richter Cyril Lawrence Male Perth
1936/100144 Perth Richter Cyril Lawrence Male Graham Eileen Agnes Female Perth
1936/100145 Perth Kortlang Henry Fredrick Lorenz Male Cleary Robina Female Perth
1936/100145 Perth Cleary Robina Female Kortlang Henry Fredrick Lorenz Male Perth
1936/100146 Perth Low Harold Victor Male Crawford Marion L Female West Perth
1936/100146 Perth Crawford Marion L Female Low Harold Victor Male West Perth
1936/100147 Perth Ashton Daphne Elaine Female Herring Cornelius William Henry Male Perth
1936/100147 Perth Herring Cornelius William Henry Male Ashton Daphne Elaine Female Perth
1936/100148 Perth Aslan Archie Constantine Male Waldock Phyllis Avonia Female Highgate Hill
1936/100148 Perth Waldock Phyllis Avonia Female Aslan Archie Constantine Male Highgate Hill
1936/100149 Perth Johnson Allison Littlewood Male Guy Edith Madge Female Mt Lawley
1936/100149 Perth Guy Edith Madge Female Johnson Allison Littlewood Male Mt Lawley
1936/100152 Perth Mulcahy Hannah Elizabeth Female Stephens Hartley William Male Perth
1936/100152 Perth Stephens Hartley William Male Mulcahy Hannah Elizabeth Female Perth
1936/100153 Perth MacLennan Margaret Female Ransome Eric Herbert Wickwarth Male North Perth
1936/100153 Perth Ransome Eric Herbert Wickwarth Male MacLennan Margaret Female North Perth
1936/100154 Perth Bull Mavis Elizabeth Female Scott Alan Thorne Male Perth
1936/100154 Perth Scott Alan Thorne Male Bull Mavis Elizabeth Female Perth
1936/100155 Perth Hood William Arthur Joseph Male Nancarrow Ruth Female Perth
1936/100155 Perth Nancarrow Ruth Female Hood William Arthur Joseph Male Perth
1936/100156 Perth Bowman Helen Tait Female Parker John Male Perth
1936/100156 Perth Parker John Male Bowman Helen Tait Female Perth
1936/100157 Perth Campbell Kathleen Mary Elsie Female Long Edgar Robert Male Perth
1936/100157 Perth Long Edgar Robert Male Campbell Kathleen Mary Elsie Female Perth
1936/100159 Perth Corkery Daniel Male Glennon Julia Ann Female Leederville
1936/100159 Perth Glennon Julia Ann Female Corkery Daniel Male Leederville
1936/100160 Perth Elliot Percy Keith Male Crowley Elva Mary Female Victoria Park
1936/100160 Perth Crowley Elva Mary Female Elliot Percy Keith Male Victoria Park
1936/100161 Perth Allday Christopher Samuel Coplord Male Lucy Avis Beryl Female Maylands
1936/100161 Perth Lucy Avis Beryl Female Allday Christopher Samuel Coplord Male Maylands
1936/100162 Perth Hassard Annie Burns Female Chadwick Charles Ferguson Male Perth
1936/100162 Perth Chadwick Charles Ferguson Male Hassard Annie Burns Female Perth
1936/100163 Perth McFarlane Stanley Male Baxter Violet Evelyn Female Perth
1936/100163 Perth Baxter Violet Evelyn Female McFarlane Stanley Male Perth
1936/100164 Perth Nicholls Arthur William Male Zis Rosa Mary Female Perth
1936/100165 Perth Cousins Albert Mesbon Male Connolly Ruby Maud Female Perth
1936/100165 Perth Connolly Ruby Maud Female Cousins Albert Mesbon Male Perth
1936/100166 Perth Brooker Charles Headley Male Cross Henrietta Female Perth
1936/100166 Perth Cross Henrietta Female Brooker Charles Headley Male Perth
1937/100166 Perth Routledge Walter Martindale Male Hounsell Dorothy Alberta Female Claremont
1937/100166 Perth Hounsell Dorothy Alberta Female Routledge Walter Martindale Male Claremont
1936/100167 Perth Rayner Alan Richard Male Coultas Daisy Lillian Female Perth
1936/100167 Perth Coultas Daisy Lillian Female Rayner Alan Richard Male Perth
1936/100168 Perth McAlister Eileen Olga Female Markham Walter Sydney Male Perth
1936/100168 Perth Markham Walter Sydney Male McAlister Eileen Olga Female Perth
1936/100169 Perth Smith Alice Emily Female Phillips John Lloyd Male Perth
1936/100169 Perth Phillips John Lloyd Male Smith Alice Emily Female Perth
1936/100170 Perth Chambers Hector James Male Reynolds Marjorie Gertrude Female Perth
1936/100170 Perth Reynolds Marjorie Gertrude Female Chambers Hector James Male Perth
1936/100171 Perth Ross Bernard Male Gray Rosetta Eva Female Jolimont
1936/100171 Perth Gray Rosetta Eva Female Ross Bernard Male Jolimont
1937/100172 Perth Gibson Frederick Male Dressler Agathe Brunhilde Luise Female Maylands
1937/100172 Perth Dressler Agathe Brunhilde Luise Female Gibson Frederick Male Maylands
1936/100172 Perth Werrey Nellie Clare Female Fagg Alfred Steven Male Rosalie
1936/100172 Perth Fagg Alfred Steven Male Werrey Nellie Clare Female Rosalie
1936/100173 Perth Carlton Phyllis Melba Female Bowra Geoffrey Frederick Male Highgate Hill
1936/100173 Perth Bowra Geoffrey Frederick Male Carlton Phyllis Melba Female Highgate Hill
1936/100174 Perth Magee Keith Charles Thomas Male O'Farrell Olive Jean Female Highgate Hill
1936/100174 Perth O'Farrell Olive Jean Female Magee Keith Charles Thomas Male Highgate Hill
1936/100175 Perth Lloyd Daphne Ann Female Henderson Sydney Alexander Male Perth
1936/100175 Perth Henderson Sydney Alexander Male Lloyd Daphne Ann Female Perth
1936/100176 Perth Masters Adelaide Ruby Female Maley Arthur Thomas Male Perth
1936/100176 Perth Maley Arthur Thomas Male Masters Adelaide Ruby Female Perth
1936/100177 Perth Hancock Leslie John Male Bourke Melba May Female Perth
1936/100177 Perth Bourke Melba May Female Hancock Leslie John Male Perth
1936/100178 Perth Ammon Charles Male Naylor Jessie Elizabeth Female Perth
1936/100178 Perth Naylor Jessie Elizabeth Female Ammon Charles Male Perth
1936/100179 Perth McGlew Charles Robert Male Mahood Frances Mildred Female Perth
1936/100179 Perth Mahood Frances Mildred Female McGlew Charles Robert Male Perth
1936/100180 Perth Barrett Eileen Alice Female Burridge Charles Thomas Male Perth
1936/100180 Perth Burridge Charles Thomas Male Barrett Eileen Alice Female Perth
1936/100181 Perth Grove-Jones Cora Mabel Female Russell Walter Alfred Male Perth
1936/100181 Perth Russell Walter Alfred Male Grove-Jones Cora Mabel Female Perth
1936/100182 Perth Moss John Henry Male Phillp Helen Mary Female Perth
1936/100182 Perth Phillp Helen Mary Female Moss John Henry Male Perth
1936/100183 Perth Drury Marjorie Margret Fanny Female Stock Harold Herbert Male Perth
1936/100183 Perth Stock Harold Herbert Male Drury Marjorie Margret Fanny Female Perth
1936/100184 Perth Irwin William John Gordon Male Wedgewood Dorothy Evelyn Irene Female Perth
1936/100184 Perth Wedgewood Dorothy Evelyn Irene Female Irwin William John Gordon Male Perth
1936/100185 Perth Street Madge Female Moffat James Pringle Male Perth
1936/100185 Perth Moffat James Pringle Male Street Madge Female Perth
1936/100186 Perth Jenkins Cathrine Margaret Female Holland James Allen Male Perth
1936/100186 Perth Holland James Allen Male Jenkins Cathrine Margaret Female Perth
1936/100189 Perth Golightly Dorothy Frances Female Carr Lester Male Claremont
1936/100189 Perth Carr Lester Male Golightly Dorothy Frances Female Claremont
1936/100190 Perth Ternan Beatrice Grace Female Martin Robert Thomas Frederick Male Claremont
1936/100190 Perth Martin Robert Thomas Frederick Male Ternan Beatrice Grace Female Claremont
1936/100191 Perth White Phyllis Christina Female Claybrook Alexander George Male Claremont
1936/100191 Perth Claybrook Alexander George Male White Phyllis Christina Female Claremont
1936/100192 Perth Trueman Ernest John Male Boatwright Dorothy Alberta Female Claremont
1936/100192 Perth Boatwright Dorothy Alberta Female Trueman Ernest John Male Claremont
1936/100193 Perth Hanlon May Lousia Female Inglis Sydney Male Perth
1936/100193 Perth Inglis Sydney Male Hanlon May Lousia Female Perth
1936/100196 Perth Kelly Margaret Female Hannagan Andrew Male Perth
1936/100196 Perth Hannagan Andrew Male Kelly Margaret Female Perth
1936/100197 Perth Dance Harry Thomas Male Bonola Mary Ellen Female Perth
1936/100197 Perth Bonola Mary Ellen Female Dance Harry Thomas Male Perth
1936/100198 Perth Cherry Mary McCulloch Female Brown Francis William John Male West Perth
1936/100198 Perth Brown Francis William John Male Cherry Mary McCulloch Female West Perth
1936/100199 Perth Stone Harold Boyne Male Patrick Vera Florence Female Cottesloe
1936/100199 Perth Patrick Vera Florence Female Stone Harold Boyne Male Cottesloe
1936/100200 Perth Broadhurst Marjorie Female Darling Ronald Ferguson Male South Perth
1936/100200 Perth Darling Ronald Ferguson Male Broadhurst Marjorie Female South Perth
1936/100201 Perth Smith Margaret Edwards Female Cole Alan Joseph Male Victoria Park
1936/100201 Perth Cole Alan Joseph Male Smith Margaret Edwards Female Victoria Park
1936/100202 Perth Elfgren Alfred August Male Sprunt Marjorie Female South Perth
1936/100202 Perth Sprunt Marjorie Female Elfgren Alfred August Male South Perth
1936/100203 Perth Painter Margaret Jane Female Lawless Reginald Cedric John Male South Perth
1936/100203 Perth Lawless Reginald Cedric John Male Painter Margaret Jane Female South Perth
1936/100204 Perth Badger Norman Clyde Male Williams Violet Ada Marie Female Perth
1936/100204 Perth Williams Violet Ada Marie Female Badger Norman Clyde Male Perth
1936/100205 Perth Jones Frederica Elizabeth Oke Female Jackson Vidal Fitzgerald Male Cottesloe
1936/100205 Perth Jackson Vidal Fitzgerald Male Jones Frederica Elizabeth Oke Female Cottesloe
1936/100206 Perth Dover Mary Ann Female Taylor Alfred Suthern Male Cottesloe
1936/100206 Perth Taylor Alfred Suthern Male Dover Mary Ann Female Cottesloe
1936/100207 Perth Turnbull Robert Edwin Male Fuller Myra Female Mt Lawley
1936/100207 Perth Fuller Myra Female Turnbull Robert Edwin Male Mt Lawley
1936/100208 Perth Braack Henry Charles Frederick Male Doel Nance Josephine Female Mt Lawley
1936/100208 Perth Doel Nance Josephine Female Braack Henry Charles Frederick Male Mt Lawley
1936/100209 Perth Cocking Esmay Female Pryce Griffith Lloyd Male Mt Lawley
1936/100209 Perth Pryce Griffith Lloyd Male Cocking Esmay Female Mt Lawley
1936/100210 Perth Harcourt Gweneth Emily Female Anderson Thomas Hedley Male Mt Lawley
1936/100210 Perth Anderson Thomas Hedley Male Harcourt Gweneth Emily Female Mt Lawley
1936/100211 Perth Cowain William Ernest Male Timewell Dorothy Rose Female West Perth
1936/100211 Perth Timewell Dorothy Rose Female Cowain William Ernest Male West Perth
1936/100212 Perth Miller George Frederick Male Prosser Elsie May Female West Perth
1936/100212 Perth Prosser Elsie May Female Miller George Frederick Male West Perth
1936/100213 Perth Ridgwell Elsie May Female Hall Colin Cole Male West Perth
1936/100213 Perth Hall Colin Cole Male Ridgwell Elsie May Female West Perth
1936/100214 Perth Phelps Daisy Ellen Female McDonald David Sandeman Male West Perth
1936/100214 Perth McDonald David Sandeman Male Phelps Daisy Ellen Female West Perth
1936/100215 Perth Hagan Norman Godfrey Male Jarvis Mary Ellen Dorothy Female West Perth
1936/100215 Perth Jarvis Mary Ellen Dorothy Female Hagan Norman Godfrey Male West Perth
1936/100216 Perth Amsberg Shirley Mabel Female Adnams Walter Shearle Male West Perth
1937/100216 Perth Nichols Irene Maud Female Russell-Brown Alexander Alfred Male Leederville
1937/100216 Perth Russell-Brown Alexander Alfred Male Nichols Irene Maud Female Leederville
1936/100216 Perth Adnams Walter Shearle Male Amsberg Shirley Mabel Female West Perth
1936/100217 Perth McFarlane William Male Tapper Lilian Valder Female Perth
1937/100217 Perth Sharpe Robert Malcolm Male Orr Eileen May Female Leederville
1937/100217 Perth Orr Eileen May Female Sharpe Robert Malcolm Male Leederville
1936/100217 Perth Tapper Lilian Valder Female McFarlane William Male Perth
1936/100218 Perth Brown Walter Male Johnson Mary Margaret Female Perth
1936/100218 Perth Johnson Mary Margaret Female Brown Walter Male Perth
1936/100219 Perth Arthur Frances Caroline Thelma Female Cannon Leslie Robert Male Perth
1936/100219 Perth Cannon Leslie Robert Male Arthur Frances Caroline Thelma Female Perth
1936/100220 Perth Temby Walter Male Wilson Winifred Bessie Female Perth
1936/100220 Perth Wilson Winifred Bessie Female Temby Walter Male Perth
1936/100221 Perth Davey Gordon Stevens Male McCarlie Beatrice Maude Female Highgate Hill
1936/100221 Perth McCarlie Beatrice Maude Female Davey Gordon Stevens Male Highgate Hill
1936/100222 Perth Tearle Leslie George Male Wood Florence Leila Ballantyne Female Highgate Hill
1936/100222 Perth Wood Florence Leila Ballantyne Female Tearle Leslie George Male Highgate Hill
1936/100223 Perth Rebonds Stanley Raymond Male Emby Annie Amelia Female Perth
1936/100223 Perth Emby Annie Amelia Female Rebonds Stanley Raymond Male Perth
1936/100224 Perth Hewitt Allan Male McKennay Mary Female Perth
1936/100224 Perth McKennay Mary Female Hewitt Allan Male Perth
1936/100225 Perth Flynn Arthur Patrick Male Cheesewright Edith Margaret Female Perth
1936/100225 Perth Cheesewright Edith Margaret Female Flynn Arthur Patrick Male Perth
1936/100226 Perth Turner George Benjamin Male Gerloff Beryl Jean Female Perth
1936/100226 Perth Gerloff Beryl Jean Female Turner George Benjamin Male Perth
1936/100227 Perth Refeld Constance Patricia Female Williams Cornelius Harry Male Perth
1936/100227 Perth Williams Cornelius Harry Male Refeld Constance Patricia Female Perth
1936/100228 Perth Morrison Elizabeth Emily Female Hancock Phillip George Male Perth
1936/100228 Perth Hancock Phillip George Male Morrison Elizabeth Emily Female Perth
1936/100229 Perth Evans George Oliver Male Hickey Edna Theresa Belle Female Perth
1936/100229 Perth Hickey Edna Theresa Belle Female Evans George Oliver Male Perth
1936/100230 Perth McGilvray Muriel Ellen Female Rupe Albert Lochart Male Perth
1936/100230 Perth Rupe Albert Lochart Male McGilvray Muriel Ellen Female Perth
1936/100231 Perth Strano Carmela Female Luisini Ezio Male West Perth
1936/100231 Perth Luisini Ezio Male Strano Carmela Female West Perth
1936/100232 Perth Bryson Nora Evelyn Female Caplin Jack Martin Male West Perth
1936/100232 Perth Caplin Jack Martin Male Bryson Nora Evelyn Female West Perth
1936/100233 Perth George Elizabeth Louisa Female Knight Andrew James Male Subiaco
1936/100233 Perth Knight Andrew James Male George Elizabeth Louisa Female Subiaco
1936/100234 Perth Lenane Thomas Octave Male Glynn Gladys Elsie Female Subiaco
1936/100234 Perth Glynn Gladys Elsie Female Lenane Thomas Octave Male Subiaco
1936/100235 Perth Parry Ellen Mary Female Phillips Alan Male Perth
1936/100235 Perth Phillips Alan Male Parry Ellen Mary Female Perth
1936/100236 Perth Grover Vivian Muriel Female Derby Colin Gerald James Male Perth
1936/100236 Perth Derby Colin Gerald James Male Grover Vivian Muriel Female Perth
1936/100237 Perth Calder Margaret Female Conway Thomas Michael Male Perth
1936/100237 Perth Conway Thomas Michael Male Calder Margaret Female Perth
1936/100238 Perth Wilson Albert Edmund Male Bishop Essie Mary Female Perth
1936/100238 Perth Bishop Essie Mary Female Wilson Albert Edmund Male Perth
1936/100239 Perth Trenorden Eleanor Margaret Female Anderson Nesbit Lawrence Male Perth
1936/100239 Perth Anderson Nesbit Lawrence Male Trenorden Eleanor Margaret Female Perth
1936/100240 Perth Warren Arthur James Allan Male Crowd Dulcie Female Perth
1936/100240 Perth Crowd Dulcie Female Warren Arthur James Allan Male Perth
1936/100241 Perth Ackland Margaret Grace Female Masters Frank Lancelot Male Perth
1936/100241 Perth Masters Frank Lancelot Male Ackland Margaret Grace Female Perth
1936/100242 Perth Thompson Alexander Joseph Male McGavin Alsace Lorraine Female Perth
1936/100242 Perth McGavin Alsace Lorraine Female Thompson Alexander Joseph Male Perth
1936/100243 Perth Fomiatti Ines Ida Female Hewitt Albert Stirling Arthur Male Perth
1936/100243 Perth Hewitt Albert Stirling Arthur Male Fomiatti Ines Ida Female Perth
1936/100244 Perth Breed Thomas Henry Male Sullivan Kathleen Mary Female Perth
1936/100244 Perth Sullivan Kathleen Mary Female Breed Thomas Henry Male Perth
1936/100245 Perth McVee Clarence Hiran Male Glover Marjorie Kathleen Female Perth
1936/100245 Perth Glover Marjorie Kathleen Female McVee Clarence Hiran Male Perth
1936/100246 Perth Spence Dorothy Margaret Female Radford Horace Oscar Male East Claremont
1936/100246 Perth Radford Horace Oscar Male Spence Dorothy Margaret Female East Claremont
1936/100247 Perth Green Kevin Charles Male Smith Avice May Female North Perth
1936/100247 Perth Smith Avice May Female Green Kevin Charles Male North Perth
1936/100248 Perth Rees William Male Howie Gladys Mary Female Claremont
1936/100248 Perth Howie Gladys Mary Female Rees William Male Claremont
1936/100249 Perth Mellor Constance Nora Female Eastaugh Aubrey Bernard Male Perth
1936/100249 Perth Eastaugh Aubrey Bernard Male Mellor Constance Nora Female Perth
1936/100250 Perth Overhen Freda Constance Female James Hector Thomas Austin Male Crawley
1936/100250 Perth James Hector Thomas Austin Male Overhen Freda Constance Female Crawley
1936/100251 Perth Cockram Hazel Gilgan Female Pearce Francis Harry Arthur Male Mount Hawthorn
1936/100251 Perth Pearce Francis Harry Arthur Male Cockram Hazel Gilgan Female Mount Hawthorn
1936/100252 Perth Sturcke Olive Emily Female Barker Sydney Walter Male Perth
1936/100252 Perth Barker Sydney Walter Male Sturcke Olive Emily Female Perth
1936/100253 Perth Pearson Henry Robert Male Smith Thelma Hephzibah Female Rosalie
1936/100253 Perth Smith Thelma Hephzibah Female Pearson Henry Robert Male Rosalie
1936/100254 Perth Clarke Agnes Josephine Female McNamara Thomas David George Male Perth
1936/100254 Perth McNamara Thomas David George Male Clarke Agnes Josephine Female Perth
1936/100255 Perth Ingram Kenneth Edward Male Annesley Verna Olive Female Perth
1936/100255 Perth Annesley Verna Olive Female Ingram Kenneth Edward Male Perth
1936/100256 Perth Green Horace Clement Male Plunkett Violet Alexandra Female Perth
1936/100256 Perth Plunkett Violet Alexandra Female Green Horace Clement Male Perth
1936/100257 Perth Rowland Harry Mark Godfrey Male Steele Eunice Maude Female Perth
1936/100257 Perth Steele Eunice Maude Female Rowland Harry Mark Godfrey Male Perth
1936/100258 Perth Budrovich Elie Female Stipaniceo Yakov Male Leederville
1936/100258 Perth Stipaniceo Yakov Male Budrovich Elie Female Leederville
1936/100260 Perth Prastidis Charalampos Male Panegyres Despina Female Perth
1936/100260 Perth Panegyres Despina Female Prastidis Charalampos Male Perth
1936/100261 Perth Cooper Sidney Charles Male Pritchard Margaret Frances Female Perth
1936/100261 Perth Pritchard Margaret Frances Female Cooper Sidney Charles Male Perth
1936/100262 Perth Eversden Ernest Male Watson Agnes Ann Female Perth
1936/100262 Perth Watson Agnes Ann Female Eversden Ernest Male Perth
1936/100263 Perth Dally Frederick Male Clairs Doris Female Perth
1936/100263 Perth Clairs Doris Female Dally Frederick Male Perth
1936/100264 Perth Chaney Mavis Rose Female King Wallace Edmond Male Perth
1936/100264 Perth King Wallace Edmond Male Chaney Mavis Rose Female Perth
1936/100265 Perth Wilson Norma Eileen Female Graham Herbert Ernst Male Perth
1936/100265 Perth Graham Herbert Ernst Male Wilson Norma Eileen Female Perth
1936/100266 Perth John Melville Woodland Male McKenney Veronica Mary Female Cottesloe
1936/100266 Perth McKenney Veronica Mary Female John Melville Woodland Male Cottesloe
1936/100267 Perth Cox Benjamin Thomas Male Phillips Violet May Female Highgate Hill
1936/100267 Perth Phillips Violet May Female Cox Benjamin Thomas Male Highgate Hill
1936/100268 Perth Dare Frederick Jack Male Boyd Molly Cleone Female Highgate Hill
1936/100268 Perth Boyd Molly Cleone Female Dare Frederick Jack Male Highgate Hill
1936/100269 Perth Bridges Irwin Richard Male Healy Maisie Female Highgate Hill
1936/100269 Perth Healy Maisie Female Bridges Irwin Richard Male Highgate Hill
1936/100270 Perth Kelly Ethel May Female Thomas Harold Francis Male Highgate Hill
1936/100270 Perth Thomas Harold Francis Male Kelly Ethel May Female Highgate Hill
1936/100271 Perth Chester Leslie George Sidney Male Nurse Zoe Helen Female North Perth
1936/100271 Perth Nurse Zoe Helen Female Chester Leslie George Sidney Male North Perth
1936/100272 Perth Kennewell Nellie Jean Female Joyce Denis Tobias Male North Perth
1936/100272 Perth Joyce Denis Tobias Male Kennewell Nellie Jean Female North Perth
1936/100273 Perth Symonds Dudley Male Lovejoy Elsie Margaret Female North Perth
1936/100273 Perth Lovejoy Elsie Margaret Female Symonds Dudley Male North Perth
1936/100274 Perth Davies Alan Walter Male Smith Grace Mary Female North Perth
1936/100274 Perth Smith Grace Mary Female Davies Alan Walter Male North Perth
1936/100275 Perth Reith Ronald Alexander Kay Male Richards Irene Miriam Female Perth
1936/100275 Perth Richards Irene Miriam Female Reith Ronald Alexander Kay Male Perth
1936/100276 Perth Cooper Constance Ireland Female Saleeba Alexander Male Claremont
1936/100276 Perth Saleeba Alexander Male Cooper Constance Ireland Female Claremont
1936/100277 Perth Harms Mildred Dorothea Female Terry Alan James Male Claremont
1936/100277 Perth Terry Alan James Male Harms Mildred Dorothea Female Claremont
1936/100278 Perth Gooden Norman Effield Male Campbell Barbara Gladys Female Claremont
1936/100278 Perth Campbell Barbara Gladys Female Gooden Norman Effield Male Claremont
1936/100279 Perth Wright Andrew Maxwell Male Steel Elizabeth Marshall Female Claremont
1936/100279 Perth Steel Elizabeth Marshall Female Wright Andrew Maxwell Male Claremont
1936/100280 Perth Cameron Harold Murdoch Male Pilgrim Rene Female Perth
1936/100280 Perth Pilgrim Rene Female Cameron Harold Murdoch Male Perth
1936/100281 Perth Venn Robert Harry Whittall Male Malloch Joyce Female Perth
1936/100281 Perth Malloch Joyce Female Venn Robert Harry Whittall Male Perth
1936/100282 Perth Lemon Charles William Male Davey Elsie Violet Female Perth
1936/100282 Perth Davey Elsie Violet Female Lemon Charles William Male Perth
1936/100283 Perth Richardson William Norman Male Adams Dorothy Jean Female Perth
1936/100283 Perth Adams Dorothy Jean Female Richardson William Norman Male Perth
1936/100284 Perth Walsh Anne Mary Female Skinner Wesley Male Perth
1936/100284 Perth Skinner Wesley Male Walsh Anne Mary Female Perth
1936/100285 Perth Christie Gladys Amelia Female Humble Joseph Male Perth
1936/100285 Perth Humble Joseph Male Christie Gladys Amelia Female Perth
1936/100286 Perth Robson Herbert George Male Hanson Joyce Eleanor Female Nedlands
1936/100286 Perth Hanson Joyce Eleanor Female Robson Herbert George Male Nedlands
1936/100287 Perth Paterson Jean Patience Female Taggart John William Male Cottesloe
1936/100287 Perth Taggart John William Male Paterson Jean Patience Female Cottesloe
1936/100288 Perth Cugley Albert Roy Male Crease Hazel Gertrude Female Cottesloe Beach
1936/100288 Perth Crease Hazel Gertrude Female Cugley Albert Roy Male Cottesloe Beach
1936/100289 Perth Balston Mary Female House Hirzel Edward Male Cottesloe
1936/100289 Perth House Hirzel Edward Male Balston Mary Female Cottesloe
1936/100290 Perth Giles Frances Mary Female Terry Lennox Margrave Male Mt Lawley
1936/100290 Perth Terry Lennox Margrave Male Giles Frances Mary Female Mt Lawley
1936/100291 Perth Hart Lorna Adelaide Female Spark Robert Stephen James Male West Leederville
1936/100291 Perth Spark Robert Stephen James Male Hart Lorna Adelaide Female West Leederville
1936/100292 Perth Denham Ivy Harriett Stewart Female Elsegood Ronald Leslie Male North Perth
1936/100292 Perth Elsegood Ronald Leslie Male Denham Ivy Harriett Stewart Female North Perth
1936/100293 Perth Bickerton Jessie Elizabeth Female Kennedy Eric Keith Male Nedlands
1936/100293 Perth Kennedy Eric Keith Male Bickerton Jessie Elizabeth Female Nedlands
1936/100294 Perth Wilson Frank Matheson Male Wynne Veronica Mary Female Leederville
1936/100294 Perth Wynne Veronica Mary Female Wilson Frank Matheson Male Leederville
1936/100295 Perth Cracknell John Male Gillies Lesley Female Leederville
1936/100295 Perth Gillies Lesley Female Cracknell John Male Leederville
1936/100296 Perth Egan Kathleen Ursula Female Brooks Edward Charles Grimley Male Perth
1936/100296 Perth Brooks Edward Charles Grimley Male Egan Kathleen Ursula Female Perth
1936/100297 Perth Valmadre Leslie Male Elliott Irene Catherine Female Perth
1936/100297 Perth Elliott Irene Catherine Female Valmadre Leslie Male Perth
1936/100298 Perth Fagan Patrick Joseph Male O'Toole Clarice Shelley Female Perth
1936/100298 Perth O'Toole Clarice Shelley Female Fagan Patrick Joseph Male Perth
1936/100299 Perth O'Neill Angela Eileen Female Sage Gwilym Thomas Male Perth
1936/100299 Perth Sage Gwilym Thomas Male O'Neill Angela Eileen Female Perth
1936/100300 Perth Douglas Nancy Female Murphy Patrick Joseph Male Perth
1936/100300 Perth Murphy Patrick Joseph Male Douglas Nancy Female Perth
1936/100301 Perth Armstrong Joseph Ivan Male Hurst Irene Millicent Female Perth
1936/100301 Perth Hurst Irene Millicent Female Armstrong Joseph Ivan Male Perth
1936/100302 Perth Thaxter Barbara Elsie Female Wilson Thomas Stanley Male West Subiaco
1936/100302 Perth Wilson Thomas Stanley Male Thaxter Barbara Elsie Female West Subiaco
1936/100303 Perth Stoffregen Caroline Herman Female Haydon William George Kershaw Male Hollywood
1936/100303 Perth Haydon William George Kershaw Male Stoffregen Caroline Herman Female Hollywood
1936/100304 Perth Colgan Byron Healy Male Boorman Dorothy May Beeching Bettridge Female Perth
1936/100304 Perth Boorman Dorothy May Beeching Bettridge Female Colgan Byron Healy Male Perth
1936/100307 Perth Tatham Rose Female McMahon John Francis Male Perth
1936/100307 Perth McMahon John Francis Male Tatham Rose Female Perth
1936/100308 Perth Dukes Millicent Gertrude Female Holbrook John Swindel Male Cottesloe
1936/100308 Perth Holbrook John Swindel Male Dukes Millicent Gertrude Female Cottesloe
1936/100309 Perth Smith John Frederick Male Wilkie Marie Cecilia Female Cottesloe
1936/100309 Perth Wilkie Marie Cecilia Female Smith John Frederick Male Cottesloe
1936/100310 Perth Brighton Alfred Reynolds Clements Male Holly Iris Female Cottesloe
1936/100310 Perth Holly Iris Female Brighton Alfred Reynolds Clements Male Cottesloe
1936/100311 Perth Temperley Josephine Mary Female Hayes Edward Daniel Patrick Male Cottesloe
1936/100311 Perth Hayes Edward Daniel Patrick Male Temperley Josephine Mary Female Cottesloe
1936/100312 Perth Mansfield Jack Rolling Male Heal Doris May Female Highgate Hill
1936/100312 Perth Heal Doris May Female Mansfield Jack Rolling Male Highgate Hill
1936/100313 Perth Spurling Enid Grace Female Humphry Arthur Durnville Male Perth
1936/100313 Perth Humphry Arthur Durnville Male Spurling Enid Grace Female Perth
1936/100314 Perth Scott Mervyn Foster Male Johnson Florence Hannah Female Highgate Hill
1936/100314 Perth Johnson Florence Hannah Female Scott Mervyn Foster Male Highgate Hill
1936/100315 Perth Johnson George Victor Male Marshall Mildred Enid Luxmoore Female Perth
1936/100315 Perth Marshall Mildred Enid Luxmoore Female Johnson George Victor Male Perth
1936/100316 Perth Freind Norman Henry Male Kyrwood Ivy Pearl Female Leederville
1936/100316 Perth Kyrwood Ivy Pearl Female Freind Norman Henry Male Leederville
1936/100317 Perth Mondello Santo Male Fanesi Mary Female West Perth
1936/100317 Perth Fanesi Mary Female Mondello Santo Male West Perth
1936/100318 Perth Quill John Ward Male Smith Violet May Female West Perth
1936/100318 Perth Smith Violet May Female Quill John Ward Male West Perth
1936/100319 Perth Wright Hillary May Female Tuckfield Lionel Bertie Male Victoria Park
1936/100319 Perth Tuckfield Lionel Bertie Male Wright Hillary May Female Victoria Park
1936/100320 Perth Billing Gladys Maisie Female Evans John Richard Male Victoria Park
1936/100320 Perth Evans John Richard Male Billing Gladys Maisie Female Victoria Park
1936/100321 Perth Pilmer Lorimer George Male Elston Alice Eva Female Victoria Park
1936/100321 Perth Elston Alice Eva Female Pilmer Lorimer George Male Victoria Park
1936/100322 Perth Randall Phyllis Georgina Female Wallis Lindsay John Male Victoria Park
1936/100322 Perth Wallis Lindsay John Male Randall Phyllis Georgina Female Victoria Park
1936/100323 Perth Hockey Reginald Charles Male Cobb Catherine Annie Female Victoria Park
1936/100323 Perth Cobb Catherine Annie Female Hockey Reginald Charles Male Victoria Park
1936/100324 Perth Hill Reginald Arthur Male Warner Pearl Ethel Female Rosalie
1936/100324 Perth Warner Pearl Ethel Female Hill Reginald Arthur Male Rosalie
1936/100326 Perth Watson Hilda May Female Hyde Rupert Sydney Male Claremont
1936/100326 Perth Hyde Rupert Sydney Male Watson Hilda May Female Claremont
1936/100327 Perth Adkins Bertha Ruby Female Black David Valentine Male Claremont
1936/100327 Perth Black David Valentine Male Adkins Bertha Ruby Female Claremont
1936/100328 Perth Lee Annabell Female Durrant Robert Male Mt Lawley
1936/100328 Perth Durrant Robert Male Lee Annabell Female Mt Lawley
1937/100329 Perth O'Keefe Alice Josephine Female O'Callaghan Thomas Michael Male Maylands
1937/100329 Perth O'Callaghan Thomas Michael Male O'Keefe Alice Josephine Female Maylands
1936/100329 Perth Trost Myrtle Muriel Julien Female Kohler Walther August Male Perth
1936/100329 Perth Kohler Walther August Male Trost Myrtle Muriel Julien Female Perth
1936/100330 Perth Watson Helen Nairn Female Salvage Arthur Stanley Male Perth
1936/100330 Perth Salvage Arthur Stanley Male Watson Helen Nairn Female Perth
1936/100331 Perth Flynn Alwyn James Male Mills Violet Elsie Female Perth
1936/100331 Perth Mills Violet Elsie Female Flynn Alwyn James Male Perth
1936/100332 Perth Bonwick Cyril George Male Ogilvie-O'Neil Clare Female Perth
1936/100332 Perth Ogilvie-O'Neil Clare Female Bonwick Cyril George Male Perth
1936/100333 Perth Powell John Kenneth Male Schilling Avis Lilian Female Perth
1936/100333 Perth Schilling Avis Lilian Female Powell John Kenneth Male Perth
1936/100334 Perth Leslie Esther Evangeline Female Johnson Harold Alexander Male Perth
1936/100334 Perth Johnson Harold Alexander Male Leslie Esther Evangeline Female Perth
1936/100335 Perth Hulls Charles William Male Cunningham Ellen Female South Perth
1936/100335 Perth Cunningham Ellen Female Hulls Charles William Male South Perth
1936/100336 Perth Miles Sylvia Female Vallentine Oswald Robert Male South Perth
1936/100336 Perth Vallentine Oswald Robert Male Miles Sylvia Female South Perth
1936/100337 Perth Wallace John Lambert Maxwell Male Livingstone Alice Mary Female Perth
1936/100337 Perth Livingstone Alice Mary Female Wallace John Lambert Maxwell Male Perth
1936/100339 Perth Erickson John William Male May Dorothy Kathleen Female Perth
1936/100339 Perth May Dorothy Kathleen Female Erickson John William Male Perth
1936/100340 Perth Dickins Leslie William Thomas Male Smith Ethel Female Maylands
1936/100340 Perth Smith Ethel Female Dickins Leslie William Thomas Male Maylands
1936/100341 Perth Timperley Cecil Ford Male Hepple-Brown Dulcie Female Mt Lawley
1936/100341 Perth Hepple-Brown Dulcie Female Timperley Cecil Ford Male Mt Lawley
1936/100342 Perth Hodgson Thomas Male Smith Kathleen Elizabeth Jean Female Nedlands
1936/100342 Perth Smith Kathleen Elizabeth Jean Female Hodgson Thomas Male Nedlands
1936/100343 Perth Thomas George Henry Male Barratt Olwen Doreen Female West Perth
1936/100343 Perth Barratt Olwen Doreen Female Thomas George Henry Male West Perth
1936/100344 Perth Cornish Gwenith Louisa Female Williams Sydney Maurice Male Perth
1936/100344 Perth Williams Sydney Maurice Male Cornish Gwenith Louisa Female Perth
1936/100345 Perth Simcock Clara Female Pilmer Anthony Claymore Male South Perth
1936/100345 Perth Pilmer Anthony Claymore Male Simcock Clara Female South Perth
1936/100346 Perth Jeffery Ruby Annie Female Reddin Austin Francis Male North Perth
1936/100346 Perth Reddin Austin Francis Male Jeffery Ruby Annie Female North Perth
1936/100347 Perth White Hazel Doreen Lovegrove Female Bishop George Douglas Male North Perth
1936/100347 Perth Bishop George Douglas Male White Hazel Doreen Lovegrove Female North Perth
1936/100348 Perth McCardey Clara Elizabeth Female Winduss Alan Leslie Male North Perth
1936/100348 Perth Winduss Alan Leslie Male McCardey Clara Elizabeth Female North Perth
1936/100349 Perth Fuller Olive Florence Female Clare Arnold William Male North Perth
1936/100349 Perth Clare Arnold William Male Fuller Olive Florence Female North Perth
1936/100350 Perth Ivey Archibald Heugh Male Hampton Olive Emily Female Victoria Park
1936/100350 Perth Hampton Olive Emily Female Ivey Archibald Heugh Male Victoria Park
1936/100351 Perth Dunkling Freda Ethel Female Tapper Arthur Francis Male Claremont
1936/100351 Perth Tapper Arthur Francis Male Dunkling Freda Ethel Female Claremont
1936/100352 Perth Moore Thelma May Female Coward Cornelius Eric John Male Claremont
1936/100352 Perth Coward Cornelius Eric John Male Moore Thelma May Female Claremont
1936/100353 Perth Tyler James Edward Male Edsall Ruby Alice Female Swanbourne
1936/100353 Perth Edsall Ruby Alice Female Tyler James Edward Male Swanbourne
1936/100354 Perth Bruce Robert Athol Male Ritter Elsie Female Perth
1936/100354 Perth Ritter Elsie Female Bruce Robert Athol Male Perth
1936/100355 Perth McDonald Edith Florence Female Maitland John Fyfe Male Perth
1936/100355 Perth Maitland John Fyfe Male McDonald Edith Florence Female Perth
1936/100356 Perth Le Mesurier John Ross Male Rauson Sheila May Female Perth
1936/100356 Perth Rauson Sheila May Female Le Mesurier John Ross Male Perth
1936/100357 Perth Seabrook Ena Female Dennis Kenneth Morgan Male Perth
1936/100357 Perth Dennis Kenneth Morgan Male Seabrook Ena Female Perth
1936/100358 Perth Helliwell Leonard Male Fielder Yvonne Adrienne Female Perth
1936/100358 Perth Fielder Yvonne Adrienne Female Helliwell Leonard Male Perth
1936/100359 Perth Price James Alvan Male Brookes Ivy May Female Perth
1936/100359 Perth Brookes Ivy May Female Price James Alvan Male Perth
1936/100360 Perth Evans Hurmer Florence Female Spear Morrison Winton Male Perth
1936/100360 Perth Spear Morrison Winton Male Evans Hurmer Florence Female Perth
1936/100361 Perth Cole Doris Ellen Female Bolton Keith Burlington Male Perth
1936/100361 Perth Bolton Keith Burlington Male Cole Doris Ellen Female Perth
1936/100362 Perth Cowan Alan Jesse Male Walton Isla Beatrice Thelma Female Perth
1936/100362 Perth Walton Isla Beatrice Thelma Female Cowan Alan Jesse Male Perth
1936/100363 Perth Bennett Nellie May Female Randell Harold Archibald Male Perth
1936/100363 Perth Randell Harold Archibald Male Bennett Nellie May Female Perth
1936/100364 Perth Gillespie Peggy Eleanor Female Gray Joseph Strong Male Perth
1936/100364 Perth Gray Joseph Strong Male Gillespie Peggy Eleanor Female Perth
1936/100365 Perth Brown George Graham Male Nelson Gloria Elizabeth Female Perth
1936/100365 Perth Nelson Gloria Elizabeth Female Brown George Graham Male Perth
1936/100366 Perth Smith Gladys Irene Female Edwards Ronald Male Perth
1936/100366 Perth Edwards Ronald Male Smith Gladys Irene Female Perth
1936/100367 Perth Woods Alfred Edward Male Oliphant Lynda Jean Female Perth
1936/100367 Perth Oliphant Lynda Jean Female Woods Alfred Edward Male Perth
1936/100368 Perth Parker George Joseph Harold Male Priesthouse Elsie Mary Geraldine Female West Perth
1936/100368 Perth Priesthouse Elsie Mary Geraldine Female Parker George Joseph Harold Male West Perth
1936/100369 Perth Jasper Edgar Raymond Male Jacob Verna Jessica Female West Perth
1936/100369 Perth Jacob Verna Jessica Female Jasper Edgar Raymond Male West Perth
1936/100370 Perth Turnbull Jacob John Male Foy Rosalie Alice Female Victoria Park
1936/100370 Perth Foy Rosalie Alice Female Turnbull Jacob John Male Victoria Park
1936/100371 Perth Stratton Elsie Clare Female Harwood Rupert George Male Perth
1936/100371 Perth Harwood Rupert George Male Stratton Elsie Clare Female Perth
1936/100372 Perth Ivey Eric Douglas Male Jarvis Edna Maude Female Perth
1936/100372 Perth Jarvis Edna Maude Female Ivey Eric Douglas Male Perth
1936/100373 Perth Martin Roy Stewart Male Martin Freda Female West Leederville
1936/100373 Perth Martin Freda Female Martin Roy Stewart Male West Leederville
1936/100374 Perth Jones Ann Elizabeth Female Thomas Thomas John Male West Leederville
1936/100374 Perth Thomas Thomas John Male Jones Ann Elizabeth Female West Leederville
1936/100375 Perth Crosland Jean Elizabeth Female Robinson John Male Subiaco
1936/100375 Perth Robinson John Male Crosland Jean Elizabeth Female Subiaco
1936/100376 Perth Tierney Lindsay Vincent Male Joyce Stella Mary Female Perth
1936/100376 Perth Joyce Stella Mary Female Tierney Lindsay Vincent Male Perth
1936/100377 Perth Andrews Edward Thomas Male Bloor Beatrice Female Perth
1936/100377 Perth Bloor Beatrice Female Andrews Edward Thomas Male Perth
1936/100378 Perth Collard Valorie Clarette Female King William Cameron Male Nedlands
1936/100378 Perth King William Cameron Male Collard Valorie Clarette Female Nedlands
1936/100379 Perth Taylor Kathleen Female McGeown Patrick Male Nedlands
1936/100379 Perth McGeown Patrick Male Taylor Kathleen Female Nedlands
1936/100380 Perth Dodd Lavinia Elizabeth Female Powell Henry Keith Male Claremont
1936/100380 Perth Powell Henry Keith Male Dodd Lavinia Elizabeth Female Claremont
1936/100381 Perth Gibbs Theophilus Frederick Male Adair Clare Lilian Female Claremont
1936/100381 Perth Adair Clare Lilian Female Gibbs Theophilus Frederick Male Claremont
1936/100382 Perth Pidgeon Reginald Louis Male Hoult Bidellia Estelle Emily Female Perth
1936/100382 Perth Hoult Bidellia Estelle Emily Female Pidgeon Reginald Louis Male Perth
1936/100383 Perth Williams Joyce Mavis Female Olds William George Male Subiaco
1936/100383 Perth Olds William George Male Williams Joyce Mavis Female Subiaco
1936/100384 Perth Moffat Annie Law Female Tester Sydney James Male Subiaco
1936/100384 Perth Tester Sydney James Male Moffat Annie Law Female Subiaco
1936/100385 Perth Youngman Cecil James Hugh Male Paterson May Female Perth
1936/100385 Perth Youngman Claude Male Paterson May Female Perth
1936/100385 Perth Clifton Claude Male Paterson May Female Perth
1936/100385 Perth Paterson May Female Clifton Cecil James Hugh Male Perth
1936/100385 Perth Paterson May Female Clifton Claude Male Perth
1936/100385 Perth Paterson May Female Youngman Cecil James Hugh Male Perth
1936/100385 Perth Paterson May Female Youngman Claude Male Perth
1936/100385 Perth Clifton Cecil James Hugh Male Paterson May Female Perth
1936/100386 Perth Miller John Male Tolchard Mabel Ella Female West Perth
1936/100386 Perth Tolchard Mabel Ella Female Miller John Male West Perth
1936/100387 Perth Wright David Graham Male Begg Catherine Watson Female Maylands
1936/100387 Perth Begg Catherine Watson Female Wright David Graham Male Maylands
1936/100388 Perth Dandie Daphne Margaret Female McKenzie Aristide John Male Maylands
1936/100388 Perth McKenzie Aristide John Male Dandie Daphne Margaret Female Maylands
1936/100389 Perth Martin Lincoln William Male Ayres Jessie Harriett Female Perth
1937/100389 Perth Samuels Maevis Irene Female Gibson Albert George Male Leederville
1936/100389 Perth Ayres Jessie Harriett Female Martin Lincoln William Male Perth
1937/100389 Perth Gibson Albert George Male Samuels Maevis Irene Female Leederville
1936/100390 Perth Foulds Clifford Male Lukies Lillie Female West Perth
1936/100390 Perth Lukies Lillie Female Foulds Clifford Male West Perth
1936/100391 Perth Ingram Joyce Irene Female Massey Edward Hamilton Male West Perth
1936/100391 Perth Massey Edward Hamilton Male Ingram Joyce Irene Female West Perth
1936/100392 Perth Bevan William Herbert John Male Morris Edna Eva Female West Perth
1936/100392 Perth Morris Edna Eva Female Bevan William Herbert John Male West Perth
1936/100393 Perth Ross Vilma Phyllis Female Higgins Frederick Henry Male West Perth
1936/100393 Perth Higgins Frederick Henry Male Ross Vilma Phyllis Female West Perth
1936/100394 Perth Arthur John Wilford Male Darvall Irene Maud Female West Perth
1936/100394 Perth Darvall Irene Maud Female Arthur John Wilford Male West Perth
1936/100395 Perth Richards Edna May Female Holdman Harry Hugh Male West Perth
1936/100395 Perth Holdman Harry Hugh Male Richards Edna May Female West Perth
1936/100396 Perth Cridge Rhoda Female Vernon William Mendle Male Maylands
1936/100396 Perth Vernon William Mendle Male Cridge Rhoda Female Maylands
1936/100397 Perth Cahill Mary Female Hunter George William Male Perth
1936/100397 Perth Hunter George William Male Cahill Mary Female Perth
1936/100398 Perth Farley Edmund Charles Male Kelly Julie Helena Female West Leederville
1936/100398 Perth Kelly Julie Helena Female Farley Edmund Charles Male West Leederville
1936/100399 Perth McLean Ronald John Male MacDonald Ada Florence Female Mount Lawley
1936/100399 Perth MacDonald Ada Florence Female McLean Ronald John Male Mount Lawley
1936/100400 Perth George Nicholas Male Picketts Dorothy Female Leederville
1936/100400 Perth Picketts Dorothy Female George Nicholas Male Leederville
1936/100401 Perth Wilson Winifred Female Makin James Male Perth
1936/100401 Perth Makin James Male Wilson Winifred Female Perth
1936/100402 Perth Higgins Walter Hugh Male Wrigley Edna May Female Perth
1936/100402 Perth Wrigley Edna May Female Higgins Walter Hugh Male Perth
1936/100403 Perth Weir Zoe Marjory Female Venn Frank Evans Male Perth
1936/100403 Perth Venn Frank Evans Male Weir Zoe Marjory Female Perth
1936/100404 Perth McCracken Mary Norine Female Ness William Eric Male Perth
1936/100404 Perth Ness William Eric Male McCracken Mary Norine Female Perth
1936/100405 Perth McDonald Jean Mildred Female Letts Albert Royce Male Perth
1936/100405 Perth Letts Albert Royce Male McDonald Jean Mildred Female Perth
1936/100406 Perth Gath James Holden Male Tressider Beatrice Ester Female Perth
1936/100406 Perth Tressider Beatrice Ester Female Gath James Holden Male Perth
1936/100407 Perth Kay Harold William Male Davies Ellen Female Perth
1937/100407 Perth Frost Robert Francis Male Maisey Enid Emily Female South Perth
1937/100407 Perth Maisey Enid Emily Female Frost Robert Francis Male South Perth
1936/100407 Perth Davies Ellen Female Kay Harold William Male Perth
1936/100408 Perth Smith Percy Adams Male Vigar Alice Mary Female Buckland Hill
1936/100408 Perth Vigar Alice Mary Female Smith Percy Adams Male Buckland Hill
1936/100409 Perth White Grace Mona Female Buscumb William Francis Male Perth
1936/100409 Perth Buscumb William Francis Male White Grace Mona Female Perth
1936/100410 Perth Hillary Melva Josephine Female Groves Arthur Henry Male Perth
1936/100410 Perth Groves Arthur Henry Male Hillary Melva Josephine Female Perth
1936/100411 Perth Orton Dorothy Hilda Female Forbes John William Male Subiaco
1936/100411 Perth Forbes John William Male Orton Dorothy Hilda Female Subiaco
1936/100412 Perth Hassett Dorothy Elizabeth Female Harvey Sydney Maurice Male Subiaco
1936/100412 Perth Harvey Sydney Maurice Male Hassett Dorothy Elizabeth Female Subiaco
1936/100413 Perth Rattray Elizabeth Walker Stenhouse Female Samuel Windsor Male Subiaco
1936/100413 Perth Samuel Windsor Male Rattray Elizabeth Walker Stenhouse Female Subiaco
1936/100414 Perth Backhouse Ivy Evelyn Female Pidgeon Thomas Robert Male West Perth
1936/100414 Perth Pidgeon Thomas Robert Male Backhouse Ivy Evelyn Female West Perth
1936/100415 Perth Taggart Thomas Persse Male Mansfield Marjorie Ellen Female West Perth
1936/100415 Perth Mansfield Marjorie Ellen Female Taggart Thomas Persse Male West Perth
1936/100416 Perth Moore Cerisa Edvina Female Jaentsch Hermann Carl Male West Perth
1936/100416 Perth Jaentsch Hermann Carl Male Moore Cerisa Edvina Female West Perth
1936/100417 Perth Sweeting Hazel Female Pidgeon Terence Knight Male West Perth
1936/100417 Perth Pidgeon Terence Knight Male Sweeting Hazel Female West Perth
1936/100418 Perth Utley Charles Male Pearce Ivy Winifred Female West Perth
1936/100418 Perth Pearce Ivy Winifred Female Utley Charles Male West Perth
1936/100419 Perth Temby Roy Arnold Male Niven Audrey Anne Margaret Female West Perth
1936/100419 Perth Niven Audrey Anne Margaret Female Temby Roy Arnold Male West Perth
1936/100420 Perth Stubberfield Richard William Male Thompson Ruby May Female Cottesloe
1936/100420 Perth Thompson Ruby May Female Stubberfield Richard William Male Cottesloe
1936/100421 Perth Burns Walter Peter Male Park Alice Maude Female Perth
1936/100421 Perth Park Alice Maude Female Burns Walter Peter Male Perth
1936/100422 Perth Doney Frederick Male MacKenzie Sarah Ann Female Perth
1936/100422 Perth MacKenzie Sarah Ann Female Doney Frederick Male Perth
1936/100423 Perth Allengame Leslie Alfred Charles Male Coupland Freda Female Maylands
1936/100423 Perth Coupland Freda Female Allengame Leslie Alfred Charles Male Maylands
1936/100424 Perth Mantell Louisa Alice Female Langley Ellis Dean Male Cottesloe
1936/100424 Perth Langley Ellis Dean Male Mantell Louisa Alice Female Cottesloe
1936/100425 Perth Smart Isaac Stanford Male Neille Constance Rachel Female Highgate Hill
1936/100425 Perth Neille Constance Rachel Female Smart Isaac Stanford Male Highgate Hill
1936/100426 Perth Green Herbert Collings Male Morrison Mary Fanny de Burgh Female Perth
1936/100426 Perth Morrison Mary Fanny de Burgh Female Green Herbert Collings Male Perth
1936/100427 Perth Mann Doris Irene Female Pascoe Richard Male Claremont
1936/100427 Perth Pascoe Richard Male Mann Doris Irene Female Claremont
1936/100428 Perth Royce Elizabeth Brenda Female Brookes William Ogilvy Male Claremont
1936/100428 Perth Brookes William Ogilvy Male Royce Elizabeth Brenda Female Claremont
1936/100429 Perth Blackwell Francis George Male Fieldgate Dorothy May Female Perth
1936/100429 Perth Fieldgate Dorothy May Female Blackwell Francis George Male Perth
1936/100430 Perth Davies Cecil James Male Davies Ida Jean Female Perth
1936/100430 Perth Davies Ida Jean Female Davies Cecil James Male Perth
1936/100431 Perth Lynch Margaret Alice Female Bermingham Francis William Male West Perth
1936/100431 Perth Bermingham Francis William Male Lynch Margaret Alice Female West Perth
1936/100432 Perth White Gordon Bruce Male Preisig Ruby Rose Female West Perth
1936/100432 Perth Preisig Ruby Rose Female White Gordon Bruce Male West Perth
1936/100433 Perth McCarthy John Joseph Male McCarthy Elsie May Female West Perth
1936/100433 Perth McCarthy Elsie May Female McCarthy John Joseph Male West Perth
1936/100434 Perth Drysdale Clare Alexandra Female Rollings Alan George Male Perth
1936/100434 Perth Rollings Alan George Male Drysdale Clare Alexandra Female Perth
1936/100435 Perth Moore Edna May Female Adams Alexander Male Perth
1936/100435 Perth Adams Alexander Male Moore Edna May Female Perth
1936/100436 Perth Saffar Freda Female Wilner Harry Male Perth
1936/100436 Perth Wilner Harry Male Saffar Freda Female Perth
1936/100437 Perth Prater Charles Roy John Male Townsing Vera Louise Female Perth
1936/100437 Perth Townsing Vera Louise Female Prater Charles Roy John Male Perth
1936/100438 Perth Thaxter Arthur Ralph Male Ralph Louisa Christina Female Perth
1936/100438 Perth Ralph Louisa Christina Female Thaxter Arthur Ralph Male Perth
1936/100439 Perth McDonald Frederick George Male Hargrave Violet Adelaide Female Perth
1936/100439 Perth Hargrave Violet Adelaide Female McDonald Frederick George Male Perth
1936/100440 Perth Murray Hilda Florence Female Wallace Ernest John Male Subiaco
1936/100440 Perth Wallace Ernest John Male Murray Hilda Florence Female Subiaco
1936/100441 Perth Craike William David Male Archer Ellalaine Female Highgate Hill
1936/100441 Perth Archer Ellalaine Female Craike William David Male Highgate Hill
1936/100442 Perth Wilson Herbert Victor Male Smith Olive May Female Victoria Park
1936/100442 Perth Smith Olive May Female Wilson Herbert Victor Male Victoria Park
1936/100443 Perth Urquhart Edith May Female Pearce Frank Male West Perth
1936/100443 Perth Pearce Frank Male Urquhart Edith May Female West Perth
1936/100444 Perth Bennett Augusta Clare Female Harris Charles Russell Male Mount Lawley
1936/100444 Perth Harris Charles Russell Male Bennett Augusta Clare Female Mount Lawley
1936/100445 Perth Lee John Chester Male Veale Audrey Grattan Female Claremont
1936/100445 Perth Veale Audrey Grattan Female Lee John Chester Male Claremont
1936/100446 Perth Tomlinson Vera Alma Female Coker John Alfred Male Claremont
1936/100446 Perth Coker John Alfred Male Tomlinson Vera Alma Female Claremont
1936/100447 Perth Karamina Evridiki Female Kalafatas Constantine Nicholas Male Perth
1936/100447 Perth Kalafatas Constantine Nicholas Male Karamina Evridiki Female Perth
1936/100448 Perth Pemberton Gladys Serena Female Gliddon Oscar Leslie Howard Male Subiaco
1936/100448 Perth Gliddon Oscar Leslie Howard Male Pemberton Gladys Serena Female Subiaco
1936/100449 Perth White Charles Edward Male Hopper Grace Elizabeth Female North Perth
1936/100449 Perth Hopper Grace Elizabeth Female White Charles Edward Male North Perth
1936/100450 Perth Bentley Gussie Adeline Female Burnett Sydney Young Male Osborne Park
1936/100450 Perth Burnett Sydney Young Male Bentley Gussie Adeline Female Osborne Park
1936/100451 Perth McCreery Alice Gwendoline Female Hollingsworth Reginald Richard Male Subiaco
1936/100451 Perth Hollingsworth Reginald Richard Male McCreery Alice Gwendoline Female Subiaco
1936/100452 Perth Evanes Nicolas George Stoités Male Griffiths Gladys Miriam Female Mt Lawley
1936/100452 Perth Griffiths Gladys Miriam Female Evanes Nicolas George Stoités Male Mt Lawley
1936/100453 Perth Tapscott Henrietta May Female Giblett John Philip Male Mt Lawley
1936/100453 Perth Giblett John Philip Male Tapscott Henrietta May Female Mt Lawley
1936/100454 Perth Stone Harvey Brainerd Male Atkins Eileen Edith Female Mt Lawley
1936/100454 Perth Atkins Eileen Edith Female Stone Harvey Brainerd Male Mt Lawley
1936/100455 Perth McCrae Ola Mina Female Easton Walter Nelthorpe Male Mt Lawley
1936/100455 Perth Easton Walter Nelthorpe Male McCrae Ola Mina Female Mt Lawley
1936/100456 Perth Pascarl James Henry Male McParnell Kathleen Female Perth
1936/100456 Perth McParnell Kathleen Female Pascarl James Henry Male Perth
1936/100457 Perth Trezise Lily Female Davenport Fredrick William Male Perth
1936/100457 Perth Davenport Fredrick William Male Trezise Lily Female Perth
1936/100458 Perth King Herbert Victor Male Cooke Marjorie Female South Perth
1936/100458 Perth Cooke Marjorie Female King Herbert Victor Male South Perth
1936/100459 Perth Merivale Rose Female Dentry Alfred Herbert Male Perth
1936/100459 Perth Dentry Alfred Herbert Male Merivale Rose Female Perth
1936/100460 Perth Monteath William Male Thobaven Elizabeth Rintoul Female Perth
1936/100460 Perth Thobaven Elizabeth Rintoul Female Monteath William Male Perth
1936/100461 Perth Guthrie Jack Edmund Male Wilkes Jessie Female Leederville
1936/100461 Perth Wilkes Jessie Female Guthrie Jack Edmund Male Leederville
1936/100462 Perth Arnold Elizabeth Agnes Female O'Dwyer John Francis Male Leederville
1936/100462 Perth O'Dwyer John Francis Male Arnold Elizabeth Agnes Female Leederville
1936/100463 Perth Wilson Frederick Male Spring Daphne Hope Female Leederville
1936/100463 Perth Spring Daphne Hope Female Wilson Frederick Male Leederville
1936/100464 Perth Abbott Norman Sydney Male Haseldine Mona Greay Female Leederville
1936/100464 Perth Haseldine Mona Greay Female Abbott Norman Sydney Male Leederville
1936/100465 Perth Gray John Edward Male Browne Jessie Edith Female Leederville
1936/100465 Perth Browne Jessie Edith Female Gray John Edward Male Leederville
1936/100466 Perth Anderson John Thomas Male Shackleton Evelyn Maud Female Leederville
1936/100466 Perth Shackleton Evelyn Maud Female Anderson John Thomas Male Leederville
1936/100467 Perth Bland Charles Neil Male Robson Maida Ellen Female North Leederville
1936/100467 Perth Robson Maida Ellen Female Bland Charles Neil Male North Leederville
1936/100468 Perth McCosh Charles Henry Male Howard Vera Elizabeth Female Perth
1936/100468 Perth Howard Vera Elizabeth Female McCosh Charles Henry Male Perth
1936/100470 Perth Rowe Alice de la Trobe Female Reynolds Charles Prinsep Male South Perth
1936/100470 Perth Reynolds Charles Prinsep Male Rowe Alice de la Trobe Female South Perth
1936/100471 Perth Agostino Elena Female Belcastro Pasquale Male Leederville
1936/100471 Perth Belcastro Pasquale Male Agostino Elena Female Leederville
1936/100472 Perth Butler Hazel May Female Devaney John Thomas Male Leederville
1936/100472 Perth Devaney John Thomas Male Butler Hazel May Female Leederville
1936/100473 Perth Leswell Esme Ivy Female Higgins Clarence Richard Male Perth
1936/100473 Perth Higgins Clarence Richard Male Leswell Esme Ivy Female Perth
1936/100474 Perth McKinnon Kate St Clare Female Troy Ivan Peter Male Perth
1936/100474 Perth Troy Ivan Peter Male McKinnon Kate St Clare Female Perth
1936/100475 Perth Trekardo Annie Josephine Female Clementson Francis Joseph Male Perth
1936/100475 Perth Clementson Francis Joseph Male Trekardo Annie Josephine Female Perth
1936/100476 Perth Bray Richard Gilbert Male Murphy Kathleen Teresa Female Perth
1936/100476 Perth Murphy Kathleen Teresa Female Bray Richard Gilbert Male Perth
1936/100477 Perth Weston Winifred Joan Female Deaner Eric Thomas Male Perth
1936/100477 Perth Deaner Eric Thomas Male Weston Winifred Joan Female Perth
1936/100478 Perth Leuba Eileen Yvonne Female Sharrett Richard Eric Male Perth
1936/100478 Perth Sharrett Richard Eric Male Leuba Eileen Yvonne Female Perth
1937/100479 Perth Burns Alexandra McKinnon Female Vandersluys Gerbrand Hendrik Johannes Male Perth
1936/100479 Perth McKenzie Jessie Heather Female Roberts Leonard Charles Male Perth
1937/100479 Perth Vandersluys Gerbrand Hendrik Johannes Male Burns Alexandra McKinnon Female Perth
1936/100479 Perth Roberts Leonard Charles Male McKenzie Jessie Heather Female Perth
1936/100480 Perth Corry Violet Jean Female Darragh Gerald Raymond Male Perth
1936/100480 Perth Darragh Gerald Raymond Male Corry Violet Jean Female Perth
1936/100481 Perth Swankie Margaret Female Boyd David Male Perth
1936/100481 Perth Boyd David Male Swankie Margaret Female Perth
1936/100482 Perth Johnston Alice Louise Female Stone George Keith Male Leederville
1936/100482 Perth Stone George Keith Male Johnston Alice Louise Female Leederville
1936/100483 Perth Minson Ivy May Female Best George Edward Stephen Male Leederville
1936/100483 Perth Best George Edward Stephen Male Minson Ivy May Female Leederville
1936/100484 Perth Coad Doreen Mavis Female Mullins Frederick Male Perth
1936/100484 Perth Mullins Frederick Male Coad Doreen Mavis Female Perth
1936/100485 Perth Bryant Bernice Female Singleton Ronald James Male Perth
1936/100485 Perth Singleton Ronald James Male Bryant Bernice Female Perth
1936/100486 Perth Carman Norman Fletcher Male Metcalf Phyllis Fleming Female Victoria Park
1936/100486 Perth Metcalf Phyllis Fleming Female Carman Norman Fletcher Male Victoria Park
1936/100487 Perth Moss Eleanor Vera Female Bell David Male North Perth
1936/100487 Perth Bell David Male Moss Eleanor Vera Female North Perth
1936/100488 Perth Nankivell Irene Thelma Female Yelverton Claude Noel Male North Perth
1936/100488 Perth Yelverton Claude Noel Male Nankivell Irene Thelma Female North Perth
1936/100489 Perth Smith Kenneth Leo Male Robinson Grace Samuel Female North Perth
1936/100489 Perth Robinson Grace Samuel Female Smith Kenneth Leo Male North Perth
1936/100490 Perth Adams Nicholas Male Mauroidi Phigenia Female Perth
1936/100490 Perth Mauroidi Phigenia Female Adams Nicholas Male Perth
1936/100491 Perth House Florence Elizabeth Female Bell Robert Male Bayswater
1936/100491 Perth Bell Robert Male House Florence Elizabeth Female Bayswater
1936/100492 Perth Chinnery Mary Doreen Female Clark Fredrick Albert Male Bayswater
1936/100492 Perth Clark Fredrick Albert Male Chinnery Mary Doreen Female Bayswater
1936/100493 Perth Woods William Male Cruse Marian Winifred Female Subiaco
1936/100493 Perth Cruse Marian Winifred Female Woods William Male Subiaco
1936/100494 Perth Leahy Patrick Male Bell Doreen Female Subiaco
1936/100494 Perth Bell Doreen Female Leahy Patrick Male Subiaco
1936/100495 Perth Grant Jean Female Symons John Andrew Male Perth
1936/100495 Perth Symons John Andrew Male Grant Jean Female Perth
1936/100496 Perth Knight Arthur Male Foley Lilian Dora Female North Perth
1936/100496 Perth Foley Lilian Dora Female Knight Arthur Male North Perth
1936/100497 Perth Steele Amy May Female Whitfield Eric Robert Male Perth
1936/100497 Perth Whitfield Eric Robert Male Steele Amy May Female Perth
1936/100498 Perth Hennings Frederick James Gotham Male Osborn Muriel Lilian Female Perth
1936/100498 Perth Osborn Muriel Lilian Female Hennings Frederick James Gotham Male Perth
1936/100499 Perth Batterham Cyril Ralph Male Porter Roma Violet Eileen Female Perth
1936/100499 Perth Porter Roma Violet Eileen Female Batterham Cyril Ralph Male Perth
1936/100500 Perth Thompson Lionel Francis Seymour Male King Patricia Mary Catherine Female Perth
1936/100500 Perth King Patricia Mary Catherine Female Thompson Lionel Francis Seymour Male Perth
1936/100501 Perth Birch Doreen Elizabeth Female Green Albert Roy Male Perth
1936/100501 Perth Green Albert Roy Male Birch Doreen Elizabeth Female Perth
1936/100502 Perth Coupar Dulcie Grace Female Nunn Thomas Charles Male Perth
1936/100502 Perth Nunn Thomas Charles Male Coupar Dulcie Grace Female Perth
1936/100503 Perth Norris Arthur Gerald Male Holland Dorothy Lillian Clarice Female Perth
1936/100503 Perth Holland Dorothy Lillian Clarice Female Norris Arthur Gerald Male Perth
1936/100504 Perth Ridgwell Grace Female MacPherson Claude Nelson Male Perth
1936/100504 Perth MacPherson Claude Nelson Male Ridgwell Grace Female Perth
1936/100505 Perth Thomas Cecil Mervyn Male Butcher Alice Elizabeth Joan Female Perth
1936/100505 Perth Butcher Alice Elizabeth Joan Female Thomas Cecil Mervyn Male Perth
1936/100506 Perth Boulton Albert Henry Male Smith Geneva Albertha Female Perth
1936/100506 Perth Smith Geneva Albertha Female Boulton Albert Henry Male Perth
1936/100507 Perth O'Hern Alma Hope Female Riches Lloyd George Male Perth
1936/100507 Perth Riches Lloyd George Male O'Hern Alma Hope Female Perth
1936/100508 Perth Puddy John Walter Male Beatty Gladys Arlene Female Perth
1936/100508 Perth Beatty Gladys Arlene Female Puddy John Walter Male Perth
1936/100509 Perth Bell Lucy Annie Female Webb William John Male Perth
1936/100509 Perth Webb William John Male Bell Lucy Annie Female Perth
1936/100510 Perth Terry Bernard Murtough Male Scott Mary Grace Female Perth
1936/100510 Perth Scott Mary Grace Female Terry Bernard Murtough Male Perth
1936/100511 Perth Delaney Monica Hanorah Female Brown Basil Mervin Male Perth
1936/100511 Perth Brown Basil Mervin Male Delaney Monica Hanorah Female Perth
1936/100512 Perth Rose William Male Blake Thelma Female Perth
1936/100512 Perth Blake Thelma Female Rose William Male Perth
1936/100513 Perth Hutton Jack Colin Male Longman Ena Teresa Female Perth
1936/100513 Perth Longman Ena Teresa Female Hutton Jack Colin Male Perth
1936/100514 Perth McGrath Doris Female Gillett Clifton Arthur Male West Perth
1936/100514 Perth Gillett Clifton Arthur Male McGrath Doris Female West Perth
1936/100515 Perth Claffey Dulcie May Female Marks Leslie Edward Male North Perth
1936/100515 Perth Marks Leslie Edward Male Claffey Dulcie May Female North Perth
1936/100516 Perth Bresland Jean Female Thatcher Frederick Charles Male North Perth
1936/100516 Perth Thatcher Frederick Charles Male Bresland Jean Female North Perth
1936/100517 Perth Wilson Norman Male Swinhoe Mary Female Highgate
1936/100517 Perth Swinhoe Mary Female Wilson Norman Male Highgate
1936/100518 Perth Charlton Margaret Anne Female Redgrave George Alfred James Male Perth
1936/100518 Perth Redgrave George Alfred James Male Charlton Margaret Anne Female Perth
1936/100519 Perth Marshall Robert James Percival Male Robertson Jane Dingwall Female Bayswater
1936/100519 Perth Robertson Jane Dingwall Female Marshall Robert James Percival Male Bayswater
1936/100520 Perth Cooper James Male Macpherson Joyce Adelaide Female North Maylands
1936/100520 Perth Macpherson Joyce Adelaide Female Cooper James Male North Maylands
1936/100521 Perth Staniforth Rose Mary Female Faulkner Reginald James Male West Perth
1936/100521 Perth Faulkner Reginald James Male Staniforth Rose Mary Female West Perth
1936/100522 Perth Gilligan Dorothy Female Cowley Kennith Male West Perth
1936/100522 Perth Cowley Kennith Male Gilligan Dorothy Female West Perth
1936/100523 Perth Kelly Lily Female Smith Henry Male Subiaco
1936/100523 Perth Smith Henry Male Kelly Lily Female Subiaco
1936/100524 Perth Wright Alfred William Male Brown Mavis Emma Female Cottesloe
1936/100524 Perth Brown Mavis Emma Female Wright Alfred William Male Cottesloe
1936/100525 Perth McCormack Kenneth Kevin Male Dowling Sheila Female Victoria Park
1936/100525 Perth Dowling Sheila Female McCormack Kenneth Kevin Male Victoria Park
1936/100526 Perth Flynn Eileen Mary Female Hughes John Aloysius Male Victoria Park
1936/100526 Perth Hughes John Aloysius Male Flynn Eileen Mary Female Victoria Park
1936/100527 Perth Ireland Agnes Doreen Female Kyle Alan Norman Male East Victoria Park
1936/100527 Perth Kyle Alan Norman Male Ireland Agnes Doreen Female East Victoria Park
1936/100528 Perth McKinney Walter Male McCarrey Stella Margaret Female Cottesloe
1936/100528 Perth McCarrey Stella Margaret Female McKinney Walter Male Cottesloe
1936/100529 Perth Taylor Edmund Coles Male Eagar Beatrice Maud Doreen Female Perth
1936/100529 Perth Eagar Beatrice Maud Doreen Female Taylor Edmund Coles Male Perth
1936/100530 Perth Thornhill Dorothy Ethel Female Sanderson Reginald Leonard Male Subiaco
1936/100530 Perth Sanderson Reginald Leonard Male Thornhill Dorothy Ethel Female Subiaco
1936/100531 Perth Argust Edith Maud Female Johnstone Alexander Male Victoria Park
1936/100531 Perth Johnstone Alexander Male Argust Edith Maud Female Victoria Park
1936/100532 Perth Tancock Roy Male Webb Jessie Female Victoria Park
1936/100532 Perth Webb Jessie Female Tancock Roy Male Victoria Park
1936/100533 Perth French William Werrett Male Ridley Jean Female Victoria Park
1936/100533 Perth Ridley Jean Female French William Werrett Male Victoria Park
1936/100534 Perth Rodgers Edwin Alexander Male Holmes Gladys Irene Female Victoria Park
1936/100534 Perth Holmes Gladys Irene Female Rodgers Edwin Alexander Male Victoria Park
1936/100535 Perth Smith Samuel William Francis Male Reeks Rita Lily Louisa Female Victoria Park
1936/100535 Perth Reeks Rita Lily Louisa Female Smith Samuel William Francis Male Victoria Park
1936/100536 Perth Winch Nellie Mary Emily Female Palmer William Edward Male Victoria Park
1936/100536 Perth Palmer William Edward Male Winch Nellie Mary Emily Female Victoria Park
1936/100537 Perth Tangney Kathleen Lily Female Smith Alfred Oliver Male Victoria Park
1936/100537 Perth Smith Alfred Oliver Male Tangney Kathleen Lily Female Victoria Park
1936/100538 Perth Gibson Eileen Mary Female White Herbert Male Perth
1936/100538 Perth White Herbert Male Gibson Eileen Mary Female Perth
1936/100539 Perth Freshwater Kathleen Elizabeth Female Tomlinson Bert William Male South Perth
1936/100539 Perth Tomlinson Bert William Male Freshwater Kathleen Elizabeth Female South Perth
1936/100540 Perth Venables Florence Olga Female Lehmann Ernest Robert Male Leederville
1936/100540 Perth Lehmann Ernest Robert Male Venables Florence Olga Female Leederville
1936/100541 Perth Ryan Victoria Female Scott Thomas Male Perth
1936/100541 Perth Scott Thomas Male Ryan Victoria Female Perth
1936/100542 Perth Fox Ruby Ethel Female Abbott Henry George James Male Subiaco
1936/100542 Perth Abbott Henry George James Male Fox Ruby Ethel Female Subiaco
1936/100543 Perth Morgan Patricia Female Johnson Harry Edward Male Perth
1936/100543 Perth Johnson Harry Edward Male Morgan Patricia Female Perth
1936/100544 Perth Goy Emily Myrtle Victoria Female Hay William Arthur Male Claremont
1936/100544 Perth Hay William Arthur Male Goy Emily Myrtle Victoria Female Claremont
1936/100545 Perth Sachman Leslie Ernest Male Chivers Violet Evelyn Elizabeth Female Perth
1936/100545 Perth Chivers Violet Evelyn Elizabeth Female Sachman Leslie Ernest Male Perth
1936/100546 Perth Moorhead Winefred Martha Female Downer William Samuel Cecil Male Perth
1936/100546 Perth Downer William Samuel Cecil Male Moorhead Winefred Martha Female Perth
1936/100547 Perth Moffat Catherine Ferguson Law Female Gummow Lindsay Edwin Male Perth
1936/100547 Perth Gummow Lindsay Edwin Male Moffat Catherine Ferguson Law Female Perth
1936/100548 Perth Porter William Alan Male Blythe Betty Winifred Female West Perth
1936/100548 Perth Blythe Betty Winifred Female Porter William Alan Male West Perth
1936/100549 Perth Mayman William George Male Evans Catherine Margaret Female West Perth
1936/100549 Perth Evans Catherine Margaret Female Mayman William George Male West Perth
1936/100550 Perth Taylor Harry Male McPherson Isabella Female West Perth
1936/100550 Perth McPherson Isabella Female Taylor Harry Male West Perth
1936/100551 Perth Spencer James Alfred Male Cole Edna Jessie Female West Perth
1936/100551 Perth Cole Edna Jessie Female Spencer James Alfred Male West Perth
1936/100552 Perth Winton Mavis Hazel Female Newton Jesse Male Subiaco
1936/100552 Perth Newton Jesse Male Winton Mavis Hazel Female Subiaco
1936/100553 Perth Rowell Cyril Albert Engelhard Male Piercy Enid Agnes Female Subiaco
1936/100553 Perth Piercy Enid Agnes Female Rowell Cyril Albert Engelhard Male Subiaco
1936/100554 Perth Thornhill Leslie Rowland Male Fishwick Mavis Ethel Female Subiaco
1936/100554 Perth Fishwick Mavis Ethel Female Thornhill Leslie Rowland Male Subiaco
1936/100555 Perth Morgan Florence Jean Female Harris Lennard Oswald Male Subiaco
1936/100555 Perth Harris Lennard Oswald Male Morgan Florence Jean Female Subiaco
1936/100556 Perth Mogridge Norman Thorpe Male Blakemore Alice Emily Female Subiaco
1936/100556 Perth Blakemore Alice Emily Female Mogridge Norman Thorpe Male Subiaco
1936/100557 Perth Huxtable Roger Sydney Cecil Male Hymus Phyllis Elsie Emily Female West Leederville
1936/100557 Perth Hymus Phyllis Elsie Emily Female Huxtable Roger Sydney Cecil Male West Leederville
1936/100558 Perth Rhodes Phillis Female Begent Alfred Joseph Oliver Male Cottesloe Beach
1936/100558 Perth Begent Alfred Joseph Oliver Male Rhodes Phillis Female Cottesloe Beach
1936/100559 Perth Brown Doris May Female Cousins John Male Perth
1936/100559 Perth Cousins John Male Brown Doris May Female Perth
1936/100560 Perth Eaton Mervyn John Male Leonard Lucy Eileen Female Perth
1936/100560 Perth Leonard Lucy Eileen Female Eaton Mervyn John Male Perth
1936/100561 Perth Bourne George Albert Male Slatova Marie Female Perth
1936/100561 Perth Slatova Marie Female Bourne George Albert Male Perth
1936/100562 Perth Fenton George Arthur Male Devonshire Ursula Jean Female Perth
1936/100562 Perth Devonshire Ursula Jean Female Fenton George Arthur Male Perth
1936/100563 Perth Bellett Aubrey Cedric Male Odgers Daphne Maureen Female Perth
1936/100563 Perth Odgers Daphne Maureen Female Bellett Aubrey Cedric Male Perth
1936/100564 Perth Dunkling Stanley Eric Male Fulker Gladys Minnie Female Claremont
1936/100564 Perth Fulker Gladys Minnie Female Dunkling Stanley Eric Male Claremont
1936/100565 Perth Aitken Charlotte Anne Female Fredericks Arthur Charles Male Perth
1936/100565 Perth Fredericks Arthur Charles Male Aitken Charlotte Anne Female Perth
1936/100566 Perth Trevena Edward George Male Funnel Violet Margaret Female Perth
1936/100566 Perth Funnel Violet Margaret Female Trevena Edward George Male Perth
1936/100567 Perth Brown Arnold Clement Male Foord Mifanwy Gwendolwyn Female Perth
1936/100567 Perth Foord Mifanwy Gwendolwyn Female Brown Arnold Clement Male Perth
1936/100568 Perth Poletti Walter George Male Tasker Grace Margaret Female West Perth
1936/100568 Perth Tasker Grace Margaret Female Poletti Walter George Male West Perth
1936/100569 Perth Day George Stanley Male Rayner Alice Elizabeth Female West Perth
1936/100569 Perth Rayner Alice Elizabeth Female Day George Stanley Male West Perth
1936/100570 Perth Benson Olive Mabel Female Bowra Charles James Stanley Male West Perth
1936/100570 Perth Bowra Charles James Stanley Male Benson Olive Mabel Female West Perth
1936/100571 Perth Bell Patty Female Armstrong Charles William Male West Perth
1936/100571 Perth Armstrong Charles William Male Bell Patty Female West Perth
1936/100572 Perth Markwell Frank Gordon Male Gillzan Alice Louisa Female West Perth
1936/100572 Perth Gillzan Alice Louisa Female Markwell Frank Gordon Male West Perth
1936/100573 Perth Howatson Anne Weir Female White Norman Graham Male West Perth
1936/100573 Perth White Norman Graham Male Howatson Anne Weir Female West Perth
1936/100574 Perth Klein Rosella Elsie Female Pearson Charles Gordon Male West Perth
1936/100574 Perth Pearson Charles Gordon Male Klein Rosella Elsie Female West Perth
1936/100575 Perth Lullfity Bernhard Julius Male Ligman Gertrude Linda Female West Perth
1936/100575 Perth Ligman Gertrude Linda Female Lullfity Bernhard Julius Male West Perth
1936/100576 Perth Peers Marjory Sarah Ellen Female Pethick Leonard Male West Perth
1936/100576 Perth Pethick Leonard Male Peers Marjory Sarah Ellen Female West Perth
1936/100577 Perth Read Dorothy Ellen Female Phillips Leonard Male West Perth
1936/100577 Perth Phillips Leonard Male Read Dorothy Ellen Female West Perth
1936/100578 Perth Wear Nellie Victoria Mary Female Mayo Thomas Edward Male Claremont
1936/100578 Perth Mayo Thomas Edward Male Wear Nellie Victoria Mary Female Claremont
1936/100579 Perth Harmer John Leslie Male Craig Gladys Maud Female Claremont
1936/100579 Perth Craig Gladys Maud Female Harmer John Leslie Male Claremont
1936/100580 Perth Gilbert Gordon Errol Male Fowler Elsie May Female West Leederville
1936/100580 Perth Fowler Elsie May Female Gilbert Gordon Errol Male West Leederville
1936/100581 Perth Whisler Daisy Female Smith Keith Henry Patrick Male Subiaco
1936/100581 Perth Smith Keith Henry Patrick Male Whisler Daisy Female Subiaco
1936/100582 Perth May Leonard Walter Male Palmer Isla Alice Margaret Female Subiaco
1936/100582 Perth Palmer Isla Alice Margaret Female May Leonard Walter Male Subiaco
1936/100583 Perth Meakins Clerence Hayden Washington Male Warr Florence Ethel Annie Female Subiaco
1936/100583 Perth Warr Florence Ethel Annie Female Meakins Clerence Hayden Washington Male Subiaco
1936/100584 Perth Chadwick Gladys Female Long Joseph Alexander Male Subiaco
1936/100584 Perth Long Joseph Alexander Male Chadwick Gladys Female Subiaco
1936/100585 Perth Priest Frances Violet Female Oberman Edward Henry Male Subiaco
1936/100585 Perth Oberman Edward Henry Male Priest Frances Violet Female Subiaco
1936/100586 Perth Page Henry Edgar Male Whittle Stella Lavina Female Mt Lawley
1936/100586 Perth Whittle Stella Lavina Female Page Henry Edgar Male Mt Lawley
1936/100587 Perth Hughes Gordon Robert Male Williams Rose Trevenia Female Leederville
1936/100587 Perth Williams Rose Trevenia Female Hughes Gordon Robert Male Leederville
1936/100588 Perth Howitt Elsie Florence Female Miller Augustus Woldama Male Perth
1936/100588 Perth Miller Augustus Woldama Male Howitt Elsie Florence Female Perth
1936/100589 Perth Sullivan Veronica Mary Female Gilkison Samuel Male West Perth
1936/100589 Perth Gilkison Samuel Male Sullivan Veronica Mary Female West Perth
1936/100590 Perth Emmett Francis Patrick Male Payne Viola Elizabeth Female West Perth
1936/100590 Perth Payne Viola Elizabeth Female Emmett Francis Patrick Male West Perth
1936/100591 Perth Forbes Dorothy Edwina Female Yeo Sydney Francis Male Cottesloe
1936/100591 Perth Yeo Sydney Francis Male Forbes Dorothy Edwina Female Cottesloe
1936/100592 Perth Meadowcroft Eileen Mary Female Stringfellow James Male Cottesloe
1936/100592 Perth Stringfellow James Male Meadowcroft Eileen Mary Female Cottesloe
1936/100593 Perth Weston Leila Florence Female Taylor Samuel Male Cottesloe
1936/100593 Perth Taylor Samuel Male Weston Leila Florence Female Cottesloe
1936/100594 Perth Pugh John Gadd Male McKinley Gladys Ethel Jane Female North Perth
1936/100594 Perth McKinley Gladys Ethel Jane Female Pugh John Gadd Male North Perth
1936/100595 Perth Wilson John Albert Male Hayes Catherine Female North Perth
1936/100595 Perth Hayes Catherine Female Wilson John Albert Male North Perth
1936/100596 Perth Humphreys Thelma Doris Female Johnston Cecil John Grindle Male Perth
1936/100596 Perth Johnston Cecil John Grindle Male Humphreys Thelma Doris Female Perth
1936/100597 Perth Green Elva May Female McKeig Cecil Daniel Male West Perth
1936/100597 Perth McKeig Cecil Daniel Male Green Elva May Female West Perth
1936/100598 Perth Bottrell Roy Male Gilchrist Doris Female Perth
1936/100598 Perth Gilchrist Doris Female Bottrell Roy Male Perth
1936/100599 Perth Bray Jack Male Stewart Alice Lillian Female Mt Lawley
1936/100599 Perth Stewart Alice Lillian Female Bray Jack Male Mt Lawley
1936/100600 Perth Bell Douglas Charles Male Temple Kathleen Hannah Female Perth
1936/100600 Perth Temple Kathleen Hannah Female Bell Douglas Charles Male Perth
1936/100601 Perth Stone Leila Althea Female White Andrew Francis Male South Perth
1936/100601 Perth White Andrew Francis Male Stone Leila Althea Female South Perth
1936/100602 Perth Pumphrey William Joseph Male Wadeisha Olga May Female Perth
1936/100602 Perth Wadeisha Olga May Female Pumphrey William Joseph Male Perth
1936/100603 Perth Everett Hazel Lilian Female Armstrong Allen Edward Male Perth
1936/100603 Perth Armstrong Allen Edward Male Everett Hazel Lilian Female Perth
1936/100604 Perth Bowden John Male McLellan Elsie Female Perth
1936/100604 Perth McLellan Elsie Female Bowden John Male Perth
1936/100605 Perth Owen Charles Lawrence Male Hallyburton Jessie Isobel Female Perth
1936/100605 Perth Hallyburton Jessie Isobel Female Owen Charles Lawrence Male Perth
1936/100606 Perth Beauchamp Alfred John Male Halliday Gertrude Female Mt Lawley
1936/100606 Perth Halliday Gertrude Female Beauchamp Alfred John Male Mt Lawley
1936/100607 Perth Mason Charles Arthur Male Birch Phyllis Ethel Female Mt Lawley
1936/100607 Perth Birch Phyllis Ethel Female Mason Charles Arthur Male Mt Lawley
1936/100608 Perth Martin Ruth Winifred Female O'Connell William Male Subiaco
1936/100608 Perth O'Connell William Male Martin Ruth Winifred Female Subiaco
1936/100609 Perth Melbourne Ada Ivy Female Bannear Norman Walter Male Subiaco
1936/100609 Perth Bannear Norman Walter Male Melbourne Ada Ivy Female Subiaco
1936/100610 Perth Wright Thomas Edwin Male Armanasco Hester May Female Victoria Park
1936/100610 Perth Armanasco Hester May Female Wright Thomas Edwin Male Victoria Park
1936/100611 Perth Brockwell James George Male Fielding Jean Female Victoria Park
1936/100611 Perth Fielding Jean Female Brockwell James George Male Victoria Park
1936/100612 Perth Meredith Gwendoline Florence Female Brindley Charles Henry Male Victoria Park
1936/100612 Perth Brindley Charles Henry Male Meredith Gwendoline Florence Female Victoria Park
1936/100613 Perth Telper Innes Vivian Male Dolling Grace Hilda Female Victoria Park
1936/100613 Perth Dolling Grace Hilda Female Telper Innes Vivian Male Victoria Park
1936/100614 Perth Lockhart Hilda May Female Maffescioni Jack Lawence Male Victoria Park
1936/100614 Perth Maffescioni Jack Lawence Male Lockhart Hilda May Female Victoria Park
1936/100615 Perth Swinbank William James Male Whittle Winifred Joyce Female Perth
1936/100615 Perth Whittle Winifred Joyce Female Swinbank William James Male Perth
1936/100616 Perth Follick Vida Kathleen Female Dempsey John Bernard Male Perth
1936/100616 Perth Dempsey John Bernard Male Follick Vida Kathleen Female Perth
1936/100617 Perth Jeffery Ida Female Sinclair David Male Perth
1936/100617 Perth Sinclair David Male Jeffery Ida Female Perth
1936/100618 Perth Leithhead Darcy William Male Uren Millie Goyne Female Perth
1936/100618 Perth Uren Millie Goyne Female Leithhead Darcy William Male Perth
1936/100619 Perth Marshall Walter Ernest Male Paisley Ivy Margaret Female Perth
1936/100619 Perth Paisley Ivy Margaret Female Marshall Walter Ernest Male Perth
1936/100620 Perth Waltho James William Male McKenna Dorothy May Female Perth
1936/100620 Perth McKenna Dorothy May Female Waltho James William Male Perth
1936/100621 Perth Jaques Edith Fanny Female Bruce Gifford George Male Mt Lawley
1936/100621 Perth Bruce Gifford George Male Jaques Edith Fanny Female Mt Lawley
1936/100622 Perth Robertson William Male Andrews Catherine Female Perth
1936/100622 Perth Andrews Catherine Female Robertson William Male Perth
1936/100623 Perth Hutchinson Joy Mavis Female Woodland Leonard Arthur Male Cottesloe
1936/100623 Perth Woodland Leonard Arthur Male Hutchinson Joy Mavis Female Cottesloe
1936/100624 Perth Viol Frederick Oscar Male Earp Ruth Pauline Female Subiaco
1936/100624 Perth Earp Ruth Pauline Female Viol Frederick Oscar Male Subiaco
1936/100625 Perth Barnes Thomas Bedford Male Butler Annie Female Victoria Park
1936/100625 Perth Butler Annie Female Barnes Thomas Bedford Male Victoria Park
1936/100626 Perth Harding Jessie Francis Female Carruthers Ray Vivian Male Victoria Park
1937/100626 Perth Connors Elsie May Female FitzGerald Cyril John Male Perth
1936/100626 Perth Carruthers Ray Vivian Male Harding Jessie Francis Female Victoria Park
1937/100626 Perth FitzGerald Cyril John Male Connors Elsie May Female Perth
1936/100627 Perth Lingwood Lawrence Bertie William Male Riley Nancy Female Victoria Park
1937/100627 Perth Blume Rona Olga Female Smullen James Joseph Male Perth
1936/100627 Perth Riley Nancy Female Lingwood Lawrence Bertie William Male Victoria Park
1937/100627 Perth Smullen James Joseph Male Blume Rona Olga Female Perth
1936/100628 Perth Bucci Evelyn Rebecca Female Fitzpatrick Thomas James Male Victoria Park
1936/100628 Perth Fitzpatrick Thomas James Male Bucci Evelyn Rebecca Female Victoria Park
1936/100629 Perth Mengler Nancy Elsa Female Eddington William Samuel Thomas Male Claremont
1936/100629 Perth Eddington William Samuel Thomas Male Mengler Nancy Elsa Female Claremont
1936/100630 Perth Pitman Constance Nellie Female Peacock Ralph John Male Claremont
1936/100630 Perth Peacock Ralph John Male Pitman Constance Nellie Female Claremont
1936/100631 Perth Pallier Harold Robert Male Longman Ethel Winifred Female Perth
1936/100631 Perth Longman Ethel Winifred Female Pallier Harold Robert Male Perth
1936/100632 Perth Lyall William Kenneth McKenzie Male McRae Monica Rose Female Perth
1936/100632 Perth McRae Monica Rose Female Lyall William Kenneth McKenzie Male Perth
1936/100633 Perth Barnden Horace Walter Male Johnson Ivy Myrtle Female Perth
1936/100633 Perth Johnson Ivy Myrtle Female Barnden Horace Walter Male Perth
1936/100634 Perth Edwards Thelma Ralton Veronica Female Bartley Ronald Victor Male Perth
1936/100634 Perth Bartley Ronald Victor Male Edwards Thelma Ralton Veronica Female Perth
1936/100635 Perth Christie Alexander Gonlen Steele Male Smith Phyllis Mabel Foster Female Perth
1936/100635 Perth Smith Phyllis Mabel Foster Female Christie Alexander Gonlen Steele Male Perth
1936/100636 Perth Vine Keith Henry James Male Greene Hanoria Mary Female Perth
1936/100636 Perth Greene Hanoria Mary Female Vine Keith Henry James Male Perth
1936/100637 Perth Buddee Charlotte Henrietta Female McKenzie Alexander John Male Perth
1936/100637 Perth McKenzie Alexander John Male Buddee Charlotte Henrietta Female Perth
1936/100638 Perth Hiron Millicent Elizabeth Female Rogers William John Harold Male Perth
1936/100638 Perth Rogers William John Harold Male Hiron Millicent Elizabeth Female Perth
1936/100639 Perth Brabazon Phyllis Edith Beatrice Female Taylor Stanley Joseph Male Highgate Hill
1936/100639 Perth Taylor Stanley Joseph Male Brabazon Phyllis Edith Beatrice Female Highgate Hill
1936/100640 Perth Sams Mary Olive Female Logan William Edwin Male Mt Lawley
1936/100640 Perth Logan William Edwin Male Sams Mary Olive Female Mt Lawley
1936/100641 Perth Phillips Thomas James Male Carmichael Ann Female Perth
1936/100641 Perth Carmichael Ann Female Phillips Thomas James Male Perth
1936/100642 Perth Parker Gwendoline Margaret Female Geilman George John Male Mt Lawley
1936/100642 Perth Geilman George John Male Parker Gwendoline Margaret Female Mt Lawley
1936/100643 Perth Eke Marjory Edith Female Westergaard Edwin Wilfred James Male Mt Lawley
1936/100643 Perth Westergaard Edwin Wilfred James Male Eke Marjory Edith Female Mt Lawley
1936/100644 Perth Green John Walter Steven Male Nickisson Mona Evelyn Female Mt Lawley
1936/100644 Perth Nickisson Mona Evelyn Female Green John Walter Steven Male Mt Lawley
1936/100645 Perth Cooper Keith Leo Male Bernard Miriam Female Perth
1936/100645 Perth Bernard Miriam Female Cooper Keith Leo Male Perth
1936/100646 Perth Humphreys Harold Edward Male Stephenson Grace Muriel Female Highgate Hill
1936/100646 Perth Stephenson Grace Muriel Female Humphreys Harold Edward Male Highgate Hill
1936/100647 Perth Blake Thomas Gordon Male Broad Mary Alexandra Female Mt Lawley
1936/100647 Perth Broad Mary Alexandra Female Blake Thomas Gordon Male Mt Lawley
1936/100648 Perth Hyde Henry Edson Male Cooper Isabel Ruth Female Highgate Hill
1936/100648 Perth Cooper Isabel Ruth Female Hyde Henry Edson Male Highgate Hill
1936/100649 Perth Davey Samuel James Male Green Millicent Edna Female Perth
1936/100649 Perth Green Millicent Edna Female Davey Samuel James Male Perth
1936/100650 Perth Carr Kathleen Murray Female Ingram Stanley Ronald Male Mount Hawthorn
1936/100650 Perth Ingram Stanley Ronald Male Carr Kathleen Murray Female Mount Hawthorn
1936/100651 Perth Errington Alexander Clifford Male Sanderson Marjorie Female West Perth
1936/100651 Perth Sanderson Marjorie Female Errington Alexander Clifford Male West Perth
1936/100652 Perth Williamson Joyce Female Budgen Jack Male West Perth
1936/100652 Perth Budgen Jack Male Williamson Joyce Female West Perth
1936/100653 Perth Mills Elsie Elizabeth Female Hughes Albert James Male West Perth
1936/100653 Perth Hughes Albert James Male Mills Elsie Elizabeth Female West Perth
1936/100654 Perth Leslie Lancelot Male Turbet Dorothy Female Subiaco
1936/100654 Perth Turbet Dorothy Female Leslie Lancelot Male Subiaco
1936/100655 Perth Bates Harold Eric Male Hesford Maie Female Subiaco
1936/100655 Perth Hesford Maie Female Bates Harold Eric Male Subiaco
1936/100656 Perth Keane Michael Joseph Male Thornton Alice Frances Female Subiaco
1936/100656 Perth Thornton Alice Frances Female Keane Michael Joseph Male Subiaco
1936/100657 Perth Bodenham Robert Male Golding Edna Female Subiaco
1936/100657 Perth Golding Edna Female Bodenham Robert Male Subiaco
1936/100658 Perth Astbury John Male Sibbald Ethel Christina Female Cottesloe Beach
1936/100658 Perth Sibbald Ethel Christina Female Astbury John Male Cottesloe Beach
1936/100659 Perth Smith Frederick George Charles Male Smith Norma Erica Female Cottesloe
1936/100659 Perth Smith Norma Erica Female Smith Frederick George Charles Male Cottesloe
1936/100660 Perth Williams William Donald Tudor Male Parker Eva Rose Female Cottesloe
1936/100660 Perth Parker Eva Rose Female Williams William Donald Tudor Male Cottesloe
1936/100661 Perth Watson Edward Male Franklin Sarah Edith Ellen Female Leederville
1936/100661 Perth Franklin Sarah Edith Ellen Female Watson Edward Male Leederville
1936/100662 Perth Bishop Stanley Gordon Male Andrew Jessie Violet Female Nedlands
1936/100662 Perth Andrew Jessie Violet Female Bishop Stanley Gordon Male Nedlands
1936/100663 Perth Barnett Dorothy Susan Female Parnell Reginald Thomas Fuller Male Nedlands
1936/100663 Perth Parnell Reginald Thomas Fuller Male Barnett Dorothy Susan Female Nedlands
1936/100664 Perth Nagle Florence Gertrude Female Argus Robert James Male Perth
1936/100664 Perth Argus Robert James Male Nagle Florence Gertrude Female Perth
1936/100665 Perth Ireland James Male Adams Kathleen Ellen Female Perth
1936/100665 Perth Adams Kathleen Ellen Female Ireland James Male Perth
1936/100666 Perth Twaddle Thomas Male Galbraith Ruby Female Perth
1936/100666 Perth Galbraith Ruby Female Twaddle Thomas Male Perth
1936/100667 Perth Arcus Edward Arthur Male Richards Norma Alma Female Cottesloe
1936/100667 Perth Richards Norma Alma Female Arcus Edward Arthur Male Cottesloe
1936/100668 Perth Smith Emma Frances Female Harris Reginald Arthur Male Cottesloe
1936/100668 Perth Harris Reginald Arthur Male Smith Emma Frances Female Cottesloe
1936/100669 Perth Hill Catherine Amelia Female Prendergast Joseph Charles Male Perth
1936/100669 Perth Prendergast Joseph Charles Male Hill Catherine Amelia Female Perth
1936/100670 Perth Dixon Lilian Doreen Female Gardner Henry Male Perth
1936/100670 Perth Gardner Henry Male Dixon Lilian Doreen Female Perth
1936/100671 Perth Keating Marial Patricia Female Watson Norman Sydney Male Perth
1936/100671 Perth Watson Norman Sydney Male Keating Marial Patricia Female Perth
1936/100672 Perth Henning Robert Noel Eric Male Nyal Anna Madeline Female Perth
1936/100672 Perth Nyal Anna Madeline Female Henning Robert Noel Eric Male Perth
1936/100673 Perth Berson Charles Anthony Male Featherstone Ellen Theresa Female Perth
1936/100673 Perth Featherstone Ellen Theresa Female Berson Charles Anthony Male Perth
1936/100674 Perth Wright Freda Mary Female Lockyer Lionel Joseph Male Perth
1936/100674 Perth Lockyer Lionel Joseph Male Wright Freda Mary Female Perth
1936/100675 Perth Della-Vedova Emilia Female Hawkins Robert Russell Osborne Male West Perth
1936/100675 Perth Hawkins Robert Russell Osborne Male Della-Vedova Emilia Female West Perth
1936/100676 Perth Gorman Carmel Mary Female Bell Robert Edwin Male Perth
1936/100676 Perth Bell Robert Edwin Male Gorman Carmel Mary Female Perth
1936/100677 Perth Brosnan Julia Kathleen Female Perry Francis Michael Male Perth
1936/100677 Perth Perry Francis Michael Male Brosnan Julia Kathleen Female Perth
1936/100678 Perth Christie Alfred William Vernon Male Taylor Annie Mary Female Perth
1936/100678 Perth Taylor Annie Mary Female Christie Alfred William Vernon Male Perth
1936/100679 Perth O'Connor John Matthew Male Tunney Margaret Mary Female Perth
1936/100679 Perth Tunney Margaret Mary Female O'Connor John Matthew Male Perth
1936/100680 Perth Wilson Ellen Grace Female Chapman James Male Mt Lawley
1936/100680 Perth Chapman James Male Wilson Ellen Grace Female Mt Lawley
1936/100681 Perth Jones Dorothy Mary Female Campbell Denis James Male Victoria Park
1936/100681 Perth Campbell Denis James Male Jones Dorothy Mary Female Victoria Park
1936/100682 Perth Griffiths Alice Evelyn Female Barnard Edward Charles Male Perth
1936/100682 Perth Barnard Edward Charles Male Griffiths Alice Evelyn Female Perth
1936/100683 Perth Richards George Male Hart Gladys Female South Perth
1936/100683 Perth Hart Gladys Female Richards George Male South Perth
1936/100684 Perth Fraser Alexander Harvy Male Karlovsky Myrtle Elizabeth Female South Perth
1936/100684 Perth Karlovsky Myrtle Elizabeth Female Fraser Alexander Harvy Male South Perth
1936/100685 Perth Audas Dorothy Louise Female Fotheringham Guy Septimus Male Perth
1936/100685 Perth Fotheringham Guy Septimus Male Audas Dorothy Louise Female Perth
1936/100686 Perth Smith Albert Roger Richard Male Wilding Ida Grace Ellen Female Perth
1936/100686 Perth Wilding Ida Grace Ellen Female Smith Albert Roger Richard Male Perth
1936/100687 Perth Stubber Hilda Jane Female O'Keefe Thomas James Male West Perth
1936/100687 Perth O'Keefe Thomas James Male Stubber Hilda Jane Female West Perth
1936/100688 Perth Griffin John Bernard Male Clements Myrtle Florence Female West Perth
1936/100688 Perth Clements Myrtle Florence Female Griffin John Bernard Male West Perth
1936/100689 Perth Clarke Cynthia Marian Female Furniss Jack Alfred Anthony Male West Perth
1936/100689 Perth Furniss Jack Alfred Anthony Male Clarke Cynthia Marian Female West Perth
1936/100690 Perth Bishop Doris Female Cruite Jeremiah Daniel Male Highgate Hill
1936/100690 Perth Cruite Jeremiah Daniel Male Bishop Doris Female Highgate Hill
1936/100691 Perth Gray Edward Male Beetson Carmel Margaret Grace Female Perth
1936/100691 Perth Beetson Carmel Margaret Grace Female Gray Edward Male Perth
1936/100692 Perth Manning Eustace Ross Male Spencer Ivy Female Maylands
1936/100692 Perth Spencer Ivy Female Manning Eustace Ross Male Maylands
1936/100693 Perth John Gwyneth Bertha Female Jones William Davies Male Maylands
1936/100693 Perth Jones William Davies Male John Gwyneth Bertha Female Maylands
1936/100694 Perth Hooton Evelyn Janet Sibbella Female Daffen Harold Arthur Charles Male Maylands
1936/100694 Perth Daffen Harold Arthur Charles Male Hooton Evelyn Janet Sibbella Female Maylands
1936/100695 Perth Jensen Winifred Anna Female Mowday Robert Henry Dudley Male Maylands
1936/100695 Perth Mowday Robert Henry Dudley Male Jensen Winifred Anna Female Maylands
1936/100696 Perth McGuckin Ernest Arthur Male Herbert Audrey May Female Maylands
1936/100696 Perth Herbert Audrey May Female McGuckin Ernest Arthur Male Maylands
1936/100697 Perth Carrington Victor James Male Kelly Daisy Violet Female Perth
1936/100697 Perth Kelly Daisy Violet Female Carrington Victor James Male Perth
1936/100698 Perth Smith Fredrick Victor Male Wallace Dorothy May Female Perth
1936/100698 Perth Wallace Dorothy May Female Smith Fredrick Victor Male Perth
1936/100699 Perth Vladich Albert Malio Male Mewburn Eileen Esther Female Leederville
1936/100699 Perth Mewburn Eileen Esther Female Vladich Albert Malio Male Leederville
1936/100700 Perth Hart Alma Constance Female Schmettau Henry William Male Leederville
1936/100700 Perth Schmettau Henry William Male Hart Alma Constance Female Leederville
1936/100701 Perth Ballantyne Doris Josephine Female Hoey John Joseph Male Leederville
1936/100701 Perth Hoey John Joseph Male Ballantyne Doris Josephine Female Leederville
1936/100702 Perth Boyd Violet Ivy Female Simons Henry William Male Leederville
1936/100702 Perth Simons Henry William Male Boyd Violet Ivy Female Leederville
1936/100703 Perth Dorrington William John Male Adkins Jessie May Female Perth
1936/100703 Perth Adkins Jessie May Female Dorrington William John Male Perth
1936/100704 Perth O'Mahony John Joseph Male Hickmott Dorothy Jean Female Perth
1936/100704 Perth Hickmott Dorothy Jean Female O'Mahony John Joseph Male Perth
1936/100705 Perth Allen Thomas Francis Male Scarff Winifred May Female Perth
1936/100705 Perth Scarff Winifred May Female Allen Thomas Francis Male Perth
1936/100706 Perth Williams Phyllis Letitia Female Evans Arthur Robert Male Perth
1936/100706 Perth Evans Arthur Robert Male Williams Phyllis Letitia Female Perth
1936/100707 Perth Taggart William George Male Kay Nora Female Perth
1936/100707 Perth Kay Nora Female Taggart William George Male Perth
1936/100708 Perth Ryan Donald William Michael Male Albert Thelma Audrey Doreen Female Perth
1936/100708 Perth Albert Thelma Audrey Doreen Female Ryan Donald William Michael Male Perth
1936/100709 Perth Hudson Frederica Female Massey Wilfred Male North Perth
1936/100709 Perth Massey Wilfred Male Hudson Frederica Female North Perth
1936/100710 Perth Curo Irene Florence Female Bradley William James Male North Perth
1936/100710 Perth Bradley William James Male Curo Irene Florence Female North Perth
1936/100711 Perth Taylor Millie Rita Female Moyses Robert Kenneth Male North Perth
1936/100711 Perth Moyses Robert Kenneth Male Taylor Millie Rita Female North Perth
1936/100712 Perth Laird William Lawson Male Weaver Grace Carlisle Female North Perth
1936/100712 Perth Weaver Grace Carlisle Female Laird William Lawson Male North Perth
1936/100713 Perth Wheeler Freda Jacobs Female Hickson Horace Bamford Male Victoria Park
1936/100713 Perth Hickson Horace Bamford Male Wheeler Freda Jacobs Female Victoria Park
1936/100714 Perth Phillips Cyril Francis Male Daniel Mabel Female Victoria Park
1936/100714 Perth Daniel Mabel Female Phillips Cyril Francis Male Victoria Park
1936/100715 Perth Ingram Gladys Wilhelmina Female Hart Esmond William Male Mt Lawley
1936/100715 Perth Hart Esmond William Male Ingram Gladys Wilhelmina Female Mt Lawley
1936/100716 Perth Sorensen Sylvia Rosalia Female Smith Alan Herbert Male Perth
1936/100716 Perth Smith Alan Herbert Male Sorensen Sylvia Rosalia Female Perth
1936/100717 Perth Swan Gordon Alexander Male Carmody Amelia Veronica Female Perth
1936/100717 Perth Carmody Amelia Veronica Female Swan Gordon Alexander Male Perth
1936/100718 Perth Belcher Louisa Jean Female Cahill Wally Charles Male Perth
1936/100718 Perth Cahill Wally Charles Male Belcher Louisa Jean Female Perth
1936/100719 Perth White Mary Rita Female Doubikin William Bradbury Male Perth
1936/100719 Perth Doubikin William Bradbury Male White Mary Rita Female Perth
1936/100720 Perth Campbell Gilbert Arthur Hay Male Crampton Cicely Maud Female Perth
1936/100720 Perth Crampton Cicely Maud Female Campbell Gilbert Arthur Hay Male Perth
1936/100721 Perth Ray Ray Douglas Male Tate Eva Georgina Female Perth
1936/100721 Perth Tate Eva Georgina Female Ray Ray Douglas Male Perth
1936/100722 Perth Fitzgerald Francis Eugene Patrick Male Thomas Dorothy Irene Female Perth
1936/100722 Perth Thomas Dorothy Irene Female Fitzgerald Francis Eugene Patrick Male Perth
1936/100723 Perth Payne Ellen Olive Female Flatman Lawrence Male Perth
1936/100723 Perth Flatman Lawrence Male Payne Ellen Olive Female Perth
1936/100724 Perth Counter Beryl Cole Female Johnston Maxwell Glen Male Perth
1936/100724 Perth Johnston Maxwell Glen Male Counter Beryl Cole Female Perth
1936/100725 Perth Wilkinson Robert Henry Male McMeekin Stella Vera Female Mount Hawthorn
1936/100725 Perth McMeekin Stella Vera Female Wilkinson Robert Henry Male Mount Hawthorn
1936/100726 Perth Hogben Edward Percy Male Willmott Clarice Myrtle Female North Perth
1936/100726 Perth Willmott Clarice Myrtle Female Hogben Edward Percy Male North Perth
1936/100727 Perth Thomas Leslie George Male Vale Grace Ellen Female Perth
1936/100727 Perth Vale Grace Ellen Female Thomas Leslie George Male Perth
1936/100728 Perth Gibb Laurance Jack Male Colmer Jessie Edith Female Perth
1936/100728 Perth Colmer Jessie Edith Female Gibb Laurance Jack Male Perth
1936/100729 Perth Mason Muriel Edith Female Bensky Barnett Male Perth
1936/100729 Perth Bensky Barnett Male Mason Muriel Edith Female Perth
1936/100730 Perth McLeod Betty Verona Maud Female McLauchlan Robert McKirdy Male Perth
1936/100730 Perth McLauchlan Robert McKirdy Male McLeod Betty Verona Maud Female Perth
1936/100731 Perth Lawrence James Victor Male Griffin Margaret Female Maylands
1936/100731 Perth Griffin Margaret Female Lawrence James Victor Male Maylands
1936/100732 Perth Kane Patrick Hugh Male Daily Kathleen Cecelia Female Maylands
1936/100732 Perth Daily Kathleen Cecelia Female Kane Patrick Hugh Male Maylands
1936/100733 Perth Preston Thomas Joseph Male O'Dea Dolores Female Perth
1936/100733 Perth O'Dea Dolores Female Preston Thomas Joseph Male Perth
1936/100734 Perth Robinson Alice Mary Female Tory Charles Edward Male Bayswater
1936/100734 Perth Tory Charles Edward Male Robinson Alice Mary Female Bayswater
1936/100735 Perth Croker May Blossom Female Connolly Raymond Patrick Male Maylands
1936/100735 Perth Connolly Raymond Patrick Male Croker May Blossom Female Maylands
1936/100736 Perth Dudley Mary Doreen Female Clarke John Henry Male Maylands
1936/100736 Perth Clarke John Henry Male Dudley Mary Doreen Female Maylands
1936/100737 Perth Osborne Gertrude Mary Female Lalor John Andrew Bernard Male Maylands
1936/100737 Perth Lalor John Andrew Bernard Male Osborne Gertrude Mary Female Maylands
1936/100738 Perth McKay May Female Kitcher Arthur Henry Male Subiaco
1936/100738 Perth Kitcher Arthur Henry Male McKay May Female Subiaco
1936/100739 Perth Reilly William Joseph Male Steele Olewyn Jean Female West Perth
1936/100739 Perth Steele Olewyn Jean Female Reilly William Joseph Male West Perth
1936/100740 Perth Arthur Edith Sidwell Female Hartley Arthur Ernest Male West Perth
1936/100740 Perth Hartley Arthur Ernest Male Arthur Edith Sidwell Female West Perth
1936/100741 Perth Wilson Olive Adèle Female Lang James William Male West Perth
1936/100741 Perth Lang James William Male Wilson Olive Adèle Female West Perth
1936/100742 Perth Foote Frances Elizabeth Female Corpe George Henry Male Subiaco
1936/100742 Perth Corpe George Henry Male Foote Frances Elizabeth Female Subiaco
1936/100743 Perth Helffenstein Elsie Julie Female Warner Frederick Keith Male Claremont
1936/100743 Perth Warner Frederick Keith Male Helffenstein Elsie Julie Female Claremont
1936/100744 Perth Cherry Betsy McCulloch Female Poor William Cuthbert Male West Subiaco
1936/100744 Perth Poor William Cuthbert Male Cherry Betsy McCulloch Female West Subiaco
1936/100745 Perth Yeates Keitha Barrett Female McKee Robert Reginald Male Claremont
1936/100745 Perth McKee Robert Reginald Male Yeates Keitha Barrett Female Claremont
1936/100746 Perth Burley Murle Ethel Female Lever John Male North Perth
1936/100746 Perth Lever John Male Burley Murle Ethel Female North Perth
1936/100747 Perth Erskine Elsie Evelyn Female Fordham Bernard Arthur Male Perth
1936/100747 Perth Fordham Bernard Arthur Male Erskine Elsie Evelyn Female Perth
1936/100748 Perth Kluth Harry Adolf Male Hoskins Nellie Louise Female Perth
1936/100748 Perth Hoskins Nellie Louise Female Kluth Harry Adolf Male Perth
1936/100749 Perth Lucas Jessie Irene Female Lindsey Frank Male Perth
1936/100749 Perth Lindsey Frank Male Lucas Jessie Irene Female Perth
1936/100750 Perth Kurts Ruby Mavis Adeline Female Watson Keith Courtney Male Perth
1936/100750 Perth Watson Keith Courtney Male Kurts Ruby Mavis Adeline Female Perth
1936/100751 Perth McCracken Robert Male Wolfe Karolina Female Perth
1936/100751 Perth Wolfe Karolina Female McCracken Robert Male Perth
1936/100752 Perth Pole Alan Chartens Male Stenhouse Ann Greenhill Female Perth
1936/100752 Perth Stenhouse Ann Greenhill Female Pole Alan Chartens Male Perth
1936/100753 Perth Rumford Godfrey Alexander Male Fawkes Phyllis Joy Female Rosalie
1936/100753 Perth Fawkes Phyllis Joy Female Rumford Godfrey Alexander Male Rosalie
1936/100754 Perth Abraham Eric Norman Male Grant Gladys May Female South Perth
1936/100754 Perth Grant Gladys May Female Abraham Eric Norman Male South Perth
1936/100755 Perth Young Hazel Mary Female Strauch Edward Henry Male South Perth
1936/100755 Perth Strauch Edward Henry Male Young Hazel Mary Female Sou