A tool to help track the citations of the Western Australian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages from Wikidata and WikiTree.

Marriages in: 1936

Registration year & number Registration district Surname Given names Gender Spouse surname Spouse given names Spouse gender Marriage place Wikidata WikiTree
1937/100003 Perth Green Harold Edward Male Harley Margaret Female Perth
1937/100003 Perth Harley Margaret Female Green Harold Edward Male Perth
1937/100004 Perth Campbell Hazelene Ellen Female Sykes Robert Norman Male Perth
1937/100004 Perth Sykes Robert Norman Male Campbell Hazelene Ellen Female Perth
1937/100005 Perth Jackson Katherine Minnie Female Walker Hugh Male Perth
1937/100005 Perth Walker Hugh Male Jackson Katherine Minnie Female Perth
1937/100006 Perth Cowden Doreen Agnes Ypres Female Fitch Ronald John Male Perth
1937/100006 Perth Fitch Ronald John Male Cowden Doreen Agnes Ypres Female Perth
1937/100007 Perth Ratcliffe James Thompson Male Loynel Raymonde Female Perth
1937/100007 Perth Loynel Raymonde Female Ratcliffe James Thompson Male Perth
1937/100008 Perth Stephen Alexander Male King Jean Alpha Female Perth
1937/100008 Perth King Jean Alpha Female Stephen Alexander Male Perth
1937/100009 Perth Stone Patrick James Laurence Male Fraser Margaret Jean Female West Perth
1937/100009 Perth Fraser Margaret Jean Female Stone Patrick James Laurence Male West Perth
1936/100010 Perth Pierinami Sante Male Franchi Maria Female Leederville
1936/100010 Perth Franchi Maria Female Pierinami Sante Male Leederville
1937/100010 Perth Rogers Francis Wilson Male McKenzie Jean Female West Perth
1937/100010 Perth McKenzie Jean Female Rogers Francis Wilson Male West Perth
1937/100011 Perth Hamilton Edna Mascot Female Foster Norman Douglas Male West Perth
1937/100011 Perth Foster Norman Douglas Male Hamilton Edna Mascot Female West Perth
1937/100012 Perth Brown David Addison McNair Male Mackenzie Marjory Kidd Female West Perth
1937/100012 Perth Mackenzie Marjory Kidd Female Brown David Addison McNair Male West Perth
1937/100013 Perth Ward-Dickson Beryl Edith Female McKay Stanley Ivor Male Perth
1937/100013 Perth McKay Stanley Ivor Male Ward-Dickson Beryl Edith Female Perth
1937/100014 Perth Weall Dorothy Eunice Female Jordan Frank Ernest Henry Male Perth
1937/100014 Perth Jordan Frank Ernest Henry Male Weall Dorothy Eunice Female Perth
1937/100015 Perth Hick Dorothy Ronald Female Marris Richard Barrington Male Perth
1937/100015 Perth Marris Richard Barrington Male Hick Dorothy Ronald Female Perth
1937/100016 Perth Forward Gwendoline Edith Female Birtwistle Gordon Sieber Male Perth
1937/100016 Perth Birtwistle Gordon Sieber Male Forward Gwendoline Edith Female Perth
1937/100017 Perth Dewhurst Gwendoline Ellen Female Greenhalgh Clarence Llewellyn Male Perth
1937/100017 Perth Greenhalgh Clarence Llewellyn Male Dewhurst Gwendoline Ellen Female Perth
1937/100021 Perth Hayes Mona Josephine Female Hawke William Thomas Male Cottesloe
1937/100021 Perth Hawke William Thomas Male Hayes Mona Josephine Female Cottesloe
1937/100022 Perth Vaughan James White Male Butler Millicent Eileen Female Perth
1937/100022 Perth Butler Millicent Eileen Female Vaughan James White Male Perth
1937/100023 Perth Billing Ethel Maud Female Richards Wesley Stephen Male Perth
1937/100023 Perth Richards Wesley Stephen Male Billing Ethel Maud Female Perth
1937/100024 Perth Kendall Evelyn Female Clisby Wilfred Bradbury Male Perth
1937/100024 Perth Clisby Wilfred Bradbury Male Kendall Evelyn Female Perth
1937/100025 Perth Cornish Charles Alfred Male Anderson Mary Female Perth
1937/100025 Perth Anderson Mary Female Cornish Charles Alfred Male Perth
1937/100026 Perth Ottaway Marjorie Ellen Female Hallman Carl Gustav Male Perth
1937/100026 Perth Hallman Carl Gustav Male Ottaway Marjorie Ellen Female Perth
1937/100027 Perth Atkinson Edward Wesley Male Cross Eva Grace Female Perth
1937/100027 Perth Cross Eva Grace Female Atkinson Edward Wesley Male Perth
1937/100028 Perth Brehaut Mavis Female Hampton George Harold Male Perth
1937/100028 Perth Hampton George Harold Male Brehaut Mavis Female Perth
1937/100029 Perth Allen James Francis Male Barker Florence Maud Female Perth
1937/100029 Perth Barker Florence Maud Female Allen James Francis Male Perth
1937/100030 Perth Woodman Cedric Arthur Male Lawrence Rose Female Perth
1936/100030 Perth Lee Elsie Female Coomer Harry Edward Male Perth
1936/100030 Perth Coomer Harry Edward Male Lee Elsie Female Perth
1937/100030 Perth Lawrence Rose Female Woodman Cedric Arthur Male Perth
1937/100031 Perth Wasley Rosina Alice Female Brealey Stanley James Male Perth
1937/100031 Perth Brealey Stanley James Male Wasley Rosina Alice Female Perth
1937/100033 Perth Keenan Lilyan Myrtle Female Hawthorn Walter Bevan Male Mt Lawley
1937/100033 Perth Hawthorn Walter Bevan Male Keenan Lilyan Myrtle Female Mt Lawley
1937/100034 Perth Tozer Lora Louisa Female Graybrook George Hersal Male South Perth
1937/100034 Perth Graybrook George Hersal Male Tozer Lora Louisa Female South Perth
1937/100037 Perth Brown Kathleen Female Tillotson Charles Curtis Male Subiaco
1937/100037 Perth Tillotson Charles Curtis Male Brown Kathleen Female Subiaco
1936/100038 Perth Hanson Ronald George Vane Male Cronenburg Roma Ashielia Female Leederville
1936/100038 Perth Cronenburg Roma Ashielia Female Hanson Ronald George Vane Male Leederville
1937/100039 Perth McGregor Hugh Male Wotzko Olive Grace Female Bayswater
1937/100039 Perth Wotzko Olive Grace Female McGregor Hugh Male Bayswater
1936/100039 Perth Tolg Ivan Male Anderson Linda Sofia Female Perth
1936/100039 Perth Anderson Linda Sofia Female Tolg Ivan Male Perth
1937/100041 Perth Stockton Isabella May Female Hoyne Patrick James Male Victoria Park
1937/100041 Perth Hoyne Patrick James Male Stockton Isabella May Female Victoria Park
1936/100042 Perth Meakins John Mortimer Male Wilde Myrtle Doris Female West Perth
1936/100042 Perth Wilde Myrtle Doris Female Meakins John Mortimer Male West Perth
1937/100042 Perth Shaw Lilian Patricia Female Hollingsworth William Valentine Male Victoria Park
1937/100042 Perth Hollingsworth William Valentine Male Shaw Lilian Patricia Female Victoria Park
1937/100043 Perth Smith Louis Bernard Male Holly Mignonnette Elizabeth Female West Perth
1936/100043 Perth Clough John Fleming Male Maxwell Mabel Eva Elizabeth Female West Perth
1936/100043 Perth Maxwell Mabel Eva Elizabeth Female Clough John Fleming Male West Perth
1937/100043 Perth Holly Mignonnette Elizabeth Female Smith Louis Bernard Male West Perth
1937/100044 Perth Woods James Thomas Male Bown Caroline Harriet Female West Perth
1937/100044 Perth Bown Caroline Harriet Female Woods James Thomas Male West Perth
1937/100045 Perth Smith Albert Edward Norman Male McNamara Mary Veronica Female West Perth
1937/100045 Perth McNamara Mary Veronica Female Smith Albert Edward Norman Male West Perth
1937/100046 Perth Sheilds Leonard Ernest Male Callaghan Mary McIntyre Female West Perth
1937/100046 Perth Callaghan Mary McIntyre Female Sheilds Leonard Ernest Male West Perth
1937/100047 Perth Nolan George Robert Male McCarthy Helena Elizabeth Female West Perth
1937/100047 Perth McCarthy Helena Elizabeth Female Nolan George Robert Male West Perth
1937/100050 Perth McLean Muriel Sarah Female Dinning Stanley Male Bayswater
1937/100050 Perth Dinning Stanley Male McLean Muriel Sarah Female Bayswater
1937/100051 Perth Lawson Lavinia Myrtle Minnie Female Smith William John Male Bayswater
1937/100051 Perth Smith William John Male Lawson Lavinia Myrtle Minnie Female Bayswater
1937/100053 Perth Nelson Mollie Harriett Female Scott Arthur Henry Male Claremont
1937/100053 Perth Scott Arthur Henry Male Nelson Mollie Harriett Female Claremont
1937/100054 Perth Cox Josephine Agnes Female Chandler Charles Joseph Male Perth
1937/100054 Perth Chandler Charles Joseph Male Cox Josephine Agnes Female Perth
1937/100057 Perth Gibbs Rosalie Mary Female Brown Austin Seymour Male Perth
1937/100057 Perth Brown Austin Seymour Male Gibbs Rosalie Mary Female Perth
1937/100058 Perth Cox Peter Joseph Male Wenn Frances Mary Female Perth
1937/100058 Perth Wenn Frances Mary Female Cox Peter Joseph Male Perth
1937/100060 Perth Stone Herbert Keith Male Rogers Florence Helen Female Perth
1937/100060 Perth Rogers Florence Helen Female Stone Herbert Keith Male Perth
1936/100061 Perth Lloyd Charles Sydney Ronald Male Tolerton Mary Bell Female West Perth
1937/100061 Perth Church Gwynette Sholl Female Pottinger George Wilfred Male Perth
1936/100061 Perth Tolerton Mary Bell Female Lloyd Charles Sydney Ronald Male West Perth
1937/100061 Perth Pottinger George Wilfred Male Church Gwynette Sholl Female Perth
1937/100062 Perth Angus Clarice Mary Teresa Female Buggy John Patrick Ignatius Male Perth
1937/100062 Perth Buggy John Patrick Ignatius Male Angus Clarice Mary Teresa Female Perth
1936/100063 Perth Armstrong Edith Mabel Female Eastough Laurence Male Perth
1937/100063 Perth Pascoe Dorothy May Female Wynne Leslie Arthur Male Claremont
1937/100063 Perth Wynne Leslie Arthur Male Pascoe Dorothy May Female Claremont
1936/100063 Perth Eastough Laurence Male Armstrong Edith Mabel Female Perth
1936/100064 Perth Yovich Ivan Male Richards Mary Annie Female Perth
1936/100064 Perth Richards Mary Annie Female Yovich Ivan Male Perth
1936/100065 Perth Howard Lily Female Kinnane Francis Dudley Male Victoria Park
1937/100065 Perth Liddell Robert George Male Hynes Una Margaret Female Perth
1936/100065 Perth Kinnane Francis Dudley Male Howard Lily Female Victoria Park
1937/100065 Perth Hynes Una Margaret Female Liddell Robert George Male Perth
1936/100066 Perth Laudehr Henry Gergon Male Robinson Evelyn Marjorie Female Subiaco
1937/100066 Perth Thompson James Chambers Male Sloss Myrl Female Perth
1936/100066 Perth Robinson Evelyn Marjorie Female Laudehr Henry Gergon Male Subiaco
1937/100066 Perth Sloss Myrl Female Thompson James Chambers Male Perth
1936/100067 Perth Mitchell Iris Elaine Female Wood Herbert Christian De May Male Perth
1936/100067 Perth Wood Herbert Christian De May Male Mitchell Iris Elaine Female Perth
1937/100070 Perth Granville Roland Milton Pangburn Male Gilders Pearl Catherine Ellen Female North Perth
1937/100070 Perth Gilders Pearl Catherine Ellen Female Granville Roland Milton Pangburn Male North Perth
1937/100073 Perth Hudson William Russell Male Clarke Joyce Elizabeth Female Crawley
1937/100073 Perth Clarke Joyce Elizabeth Female Hudson William Russell Male Crawley
1937/100074 Perth Reeves Keith Drummond Male Jones Myra Hilda Female Subiaco
1937/100074 Perth Jones Myra Hilda Female Reeves Keith Drummond Male Subiaco
1936/100087 Perth McDonald Donald Hector Male Forrest Nellie Campbell Female Perth
1936/100087 Perth Forrest Nellie Campbell Female McDonald Donald Hector Male Perth
1936/100088 Perth Willows Norman Frederick Male Delmenico Dorothy Angelina Female Perth
1936/100088 Perth Delmenico Dorothy Angelina Female Willows Norman Frederick Male Perth
1937/100088 Perth Mason Richard Joseph Male Storey Nancy Female East Victoria Park
1937/100088 Perth Storey Nancy Female Mason Richard Joseph Male East Victoria Park
1937/100090 Perth Pallot Phoebe Mary Female Smith Edmund Colin Male Claremont
1937/100090 Perth Smith Edmund Colin Male Pallot Phoebe Mary Female Claremont
1936/100095 Perth Inglis David James Male Bowen Allison May Female Perth
1936/100095 Perth Bowen Allison May Female Inglis David James Male Perth
1936/100097 Perth Bodé Thora Ruth Female Douglas Charles Godfrey Male Cottesloe
1936/100097 Perth Douglas Charles Godfrey Male Bodé Thora Ruth Female Cottesloe
1937/100099 Perth Murtha Aelrid Female Essex Kempston Male Leederville
1937/100099 Perth Essex Kempston Male Murtha Aelrid Female Leederville
1937/100100 Perth Vlahov Milka Female Vlahov Victorio Male Leederville
1937/100100 Perth Vlahov Victorio Male Vlahov Milka Female Leederville
1936/100101 Perth Eastland Thelma Christina Female Winter Francis Edward Male Victoria Park
1936/100101 Perth Winter Francis Edward Male Eastland Thelma Christina Female Victoria Park
1936/100103 Perth Pugh Edward Bernard Male Gough Gwendoline Hyder Female Perth
1936/100103 Perth Gough Gwendoline Hyder Female Pugh Edward Bernard Male Perth
1936/100104 Perth Lawrence Phillip Bruce Male Geddes Myrtle Henrietta Female Perth
1936/100104 Perth Geddes Myrtle Henrietta Female Lawrence Phillip Bruce Male Perth
1936/100105 Perth Kell Albert George Male Kelly Mavis Female Perth
1936/100105 Perth Kelly Mavis Female Kell Albert George Male Perth
1937/100106 Perth Meredith Alma Roda Female Barlow Walter Ernest Male Perth
1936/100106 Perth Murray Mavis Isobel Female Rann George William Male Perth
1936/100106 Perth Rann George William Male Murray Mavis Isobel Female Perth
1937/100106 Perth Barlow Walter Ernest Male Meredith Alma Roda Female Perth
1936/100107 Perth Penberthy Ernest James Male Hanley Ivy Florence Female Perth
1936/100107 Perth Hanley Ivy Florence Female Penberthy Ernest James Male Perth
1936/100108 Perth Freer Donald Male Tucker Bertha May Female Perth
1936/100108 Perth Tucker Bertha May Female Freer Donald Male Perth
1936/100109 Perth Brodie Martha Emily Female Properjohn Redvers Roberts Male West Perth
1936/100109 Perth Properjohn Redvers Roberts Male Brodie Martha Emily Female West Perth
1936/100110 Perth Solomon Dorothy Esther Elizabeth Female Rowlands William Trevor Male West Perth
1936/100110 Perth Rowlands William Trevor Male Solomon Dorothy Esther Elizabeth Female West Perth
1936/100111 Perth Merritt Ina Agnes Female Olvey Andrew George Male West Perth
1936/100111 Perth Olvey Andrew George Male Merritt Ina Agnes Female West Perth
1936/100112 Perth Shotter Harold Walter Male Bradshaw Margaret Howard Female Perth
1936/100112 Perth Bradshaw Margaret Howard Female Shotter Harold Walter Male Perth
1936/100113 Perth Jones Ceimven Theresa Female Clare Jack Male Cottesloe
1936/100113 Perth Clare Jack Male Jones Ceimven Theresa Female Cottesloe
1936/100115 Perth Carter Olive Louisa Female McDonald John James Male Perth
1936/100115 Perth McDonald John James Male Carter Olive Louisa Female Perth
1936/100116 Perth Lockwood Myrtle Female Harris Alick Harold Male Perth
1936/100116 Perth Harris Alick Harold Male Lockwood Myrtle Female Perth
1936/100117 Perth O'Neil Kathleen Veronica Female Elliott George Oswald Male Perth
1936/100117 Perth Elliott George Oswald Male O'Neil Kathleen Veronica Female Perth
1936/100118 Perth Gook Elizabeth Marian Female Fitz-Henry James Male Perth
1936/100118 Perth Fitz-Henry James Male Gook Elizabeth Marian Female Perth
1936/100121 Perth Gheza Bortolo Male Fiorini Giovanna Female Perth
1936/100121 Perth Fiorini Giovanna Female Gheza Bortolo Male Perth
1936/100122 Perth Boxshall Gladys May Female Palandri John Dominic Male Perth
1936/100122 Perth Palandri John Dominic Male Boxshall Gladys May Female Perth
1936/100123 Perth Speed Walter Arney Male Lane Gwendolyn Charlotte Female Perth
1936/100123 Perth Lane Gwendolyn Charlotte Female Speed Walter Arney Male Perth
1936/100124 Perth Hosie Charlotte Elizabeth Female McGuire John Bernard Male Perth
1936/100124 Perth McGuire John Bernard Male Hosie Charlotte Elizabeth Female Perth
1936/100130 Perth Scott Doris Female Hawkins Arthur Christopher Robert Male Maylands
1936/100130 Perth Hawkins Arthur Christopher Robert Male Scott Doris Female Maylands
1936/100131 Perth Skipworth Royal Charles Male Carver Dorothy Audrey Alice Female Perth
1936/100131 Perth Carver Dorothy Audrey Alice Female Skipworth Royal Charles Male Perth
1936/100132 Perth Hayes Michael John Male Simmons Madge Spencer Female Leederville
1936/100132 Perth Simmons Madge Spencer Female Hayes Michael John Male Leederville
1936/100133 Perth Troy Rita Winifred Monger Female Sullivan Maurice Male Leederville
1936/100133 Perth Sullivan Maurice Male Troy Rita Winifred Monger Female Leederville
1936/100134 Perth Kelly Winifred Constance Female Chambers Edward Joseph Male Leederville
1936/100134 Perth Chambers Edward Joseph Male Kelly Winifred Constance Female Leederville
1936/100136 Perth Piper Doris Bessie Pearl Female Atkinson Ronald Maitland Male Perth
1936/100136 Perth Atkinson Ronald Maitland Male Piper Doris Bessie Pearl Female Perth
1936/100137 Perth Bresland Anne Female Wilson William Alwyn Male Perth
1936/100137 Perth Wilson William Alwyn Male Bresland Anne Female Perth
1936/100138 Perth Broad Wilfred Harold Male Smith Doris Edith Female Maylands
1936/100138 Perth Smith Doris Edith Female Broad Wilfred Harold Male Maylands
1936/100139 Perth Carter Godfrey Male Phelps Kylie Female South Perth
1936/100139 Perth Phelps Kylie Female Carter Godfrey Male South Perth
1936/100140 Perth Buckton Anne Female Davis Harold Julian Male Perth
1936/100140 Perth Davis Harold Julian Male Buckton Anne Female Perth
1937/100141 Perth Yates Daisy Mary Female Crisp Frank William Male Subiaco
1936/100141 Perth Wilkerson Verna Claudina Female Lee Edward Roland Male Perth
1936/100141 Perth Lee Edward Roland Male Wilkerson Verna Claudina Female Perth
1937/100141 Perth Crisp Frank William Male Yates Daisy Mary Female Subiaco
1936/100142 Perth Skinner Mark Male Butler Elsie Winsome Female Perth
1936/100142 Perth Butler Elsie Winsome Female Skinner Mark Male Perth
1936/100143 Perth Beaton Charles Male Peachey Mary Female Claremont
1936/100143 Perth Peachey Mary Female Beaton Charles Male Claremont
1936/100144 Perth Graham Eileen Agnes Female Richter Cyril Lawrence Male Perth
1936/100144 Perth Richter Cyril Lawrence Male Graham Eileen Agnes Female Perth
1936/100145 Perth Kortlang Henry Fredrick Lorenz Male Cleary Robina Female Perth
1936/100145 Perth Cleary Robina Female Kortlang Henry Fredrick Lorenz Male Perth
1936/100146 Perth Low Harold Victor Male Crawford Marion L Female West Perth
1936/100146 Perth Crawford Marion L Female Low Harold Victor Male West Perth
1936/100147 Perth Ashton Daphne Elaine Female Herring Cornelius William Henry Male Perth
1936/100147 Perth Herring Cornelius William Henry Male Ashton Daphne Elaine Female Perth
1936/100148 Perth Aslan Archie Constantine Male Waldock Phyllis Avonia Female Highgate Hill
1936/100148 Perth Waldock Phyllis Avonia Female Aslan Archie Constantine Male Highgate Hill
1936/100149 Perth Johnson Allison Littlewood Male Guy Edith Madge Female Mt Lawley
1936/100149 Perth Guy Edith Madge Female Johnson Allison Littlewood Male Mt Lawley
1936/100152 Perth Mulcahy Hannah Elizabeth Female Stephens Hartley William Male Perth
1936/100152 Perth Stephens Hartley William Male Mulcahy Hannah Elizabeth Female Perth
1936/100153 Perth MacLennan Margaret Female Ransome Eric Herbert Wickwarth Male North Perth
1936/100153 Perth Ransome Eric Herbert Wickwarth Male MacLennan Margaret Female North Perth
1936/100154 Perth Bull Mavis Elizabeth Female Scott Alan Thorne Male Perth
1936/100154 Perth Scott Alan Thorne Male Bull Mavis Elizabeth Female Perth
1936/100155 Perth Hood William Arthur Joseph Male Nancarrow Ruth Female Perth
1936/100155 Perth Nancarrow Ruth Female Hood William Arthur Joseph Male Perth
1936/100156 Perth Bowman Helen Tait Female Parker John Male Perth
1936/100156 Perth Parker John Male Bowman Helen Tait Female Perth
1936/100157 Perth Campbell Kathleen Mary Elsie Female Long Edgar Robert Male Perth
1936/100157 Perth Long Edgar Robert Male Campbell Kathleen Mary Elsie Female Perth
1936/100159 Perth Corkery Daniel Male Glennon Julia Ann Female Leederville
1936/100159 Perth Glennon Julia Ann Female Corkery Daniel Male Leederville
1936/100160 Perth Elliot Percy Keith Male Crowley Elva Mary Female Victoria Park
1936/100160 Perth Crowley Elva Mary Female Elliot Percy Keith Male Victoria Park
1936/100161 Perth Allday Christopher Samuel Coplord Male Lucy Avis Beryl Female Maylands
1936/100161 Perth Lucy Avis Beryl Female Allday Christopher Samuel Coplord Male Maylands
1936/100162 Perth Hassard Annie Burns Female Chadwick Charles Ferguson Male Perth
1936/100162 Perth Chadwick Charles Ferguson Male Hassard Annie Burns Female Perth
1936/100163 Perth McFarlane Stanley Male Baxter Violet Evelyn Female Perth
1936/100163 Perth Baxter Violet Evelyn Female McFarlane Stanley Male Perth
1936/100164 Perth Nicholls Arthur William Male Zis Rosa Mary Female Perth
1936/100165 Perth Cousins Albert Mesbon Male Connolly Ruby Maud Female Perth
1936/100165 Perth Connolly Ruby Maud Female Cousins Albert Mesbon Male Perth
1936/100166 Perth Brooker Charles Headley Male Cross Henrietta Female Perth
1936/100166 Perth Cross Henrietta Female Brooker Charles Headley Male Perth
1937/100166 Perth Routledge Walter Martindale Male Hounsell Dorothy Alberta Female Claremont
1937/100166 Perth Hounsell Dorothy Alberta Female Routledge Walter Martindale Male Claremont
1936/100167 Perth Rayner Alan Richard Male Coultas Daisy Lillian Female Perth
1936/100167 Perth Coultas Daisy Lillian Female Rayner Alan Richard Male Perth
1936/100168 Perth McAlister Eileen Olga Female Markham Walter Sydney Male Perth
1936/100168 Perth Markham Walter Sydney Male McAlister Eileen Olga Female Perth
1936/100169 Perth Smith Alice Emily Female Phillips John Lloyd Male Perth
1936/100169 Perth Phillips John Lloyd Male Smith Alice Emily Female Perth
1936/100170 Perth Chambers Hector James Male Reynolds Marjorie Gertrude Female Perth
1936/100170 Perth Reynolds Marjorie Gertrude Female Chambers Hector James Male Perth
1936/100171 Perth Ross Bernard Male Gray Rosetta Eva Female Jolimont
1936/100171 Perth Gray Rosetta Eva Female Ross Bernard Male Jolimont
1937/100172 Perth Gibson Frederick Male Dressler Agathe Brunhilde Luise Female Maylands
1937/100172 Perth Dressler Agathe Brunhilde Luise Female Gibson Frederick Male Maylands
1936/100172 Perth Werrey Nellie Clare Female Fagg Alfred Steven Male Rosalie
1936/100172 Perth Fagg Alfred Steven Male Werrey Nellie Clare Female Rosalie
1936/100173 Perth Carlton Phyllis Melba Female Bowra Geoffrey Frederick Male Highgate Hill
1936/100173 Perth Bowra Geoffrey Frederick Male Carlton Phyllis Melba Female Highgate Hill
1936/100174 Perth Magee Keith Charles Thomas Male O'Farrell Olive Jean Female Highgate Hill
1936/100174 Perth O'Farrell Olive Jean Female Magee Keith Charles Thomas Male Highgate Hill
1936/100175 Perth Lloyd Daphne Ann Female Henderson Sydney Alexander Male Perth
1936/100175 Perth Henderson Sydney Alexander Male Lloyd Daphne Ann Female Perth
1936/100176 Perth Masters Adelaide Ruby Female Maley Arthur Thomas Male Perth
1936/100176 Perth Maley Arthur Thomas Male Masters Adelaide Ruby Female Perth
1936/100177 Perth Hancock Leslie John Male Bourke Melba May Female Perth
1936/100177 Perth Bourke Melba May Female Hancock Leslie John Male Perth
1936/100178 Perth Ammon Charles Male Naylor Jessie Elizabeth Female Perth
1936/100178 Perth Naylor Jessie Elizabeth Female Ammon Charles Male Perth
1936/100179 Perth McGlew Charles Robert Male Mahood Frances Mildred Female Perth
1936/100179 Perth Mahood Frances Mildred Female McGlew Charles Robert Male Perth
1936/100180 Perth Barrett Eileen Alice Female Burridge Charles Thomas Male Perth
1936/100180 Perth Burridge Charles Thomas Male Barrett Eileen Alice Female Perth
1936/100181 Perth Grove-Jones Cora Mabel Female Russell Walter Alfred Male Perth
1936/100181 Perth Russell Walter Alfred Male Grove-Jones Cora Mabel Female Perth
1936/100182 Perth Moss John Henry Male Phillp Helen Mary Female Perth
1936/100182 Perth Phillp Helen Mary Female Moss John Henry Male Perth
1936/100183 Perth Drury Marjorie Margret Fanny Female Stock Harold Herbert Male Perth
1936/100183 Perth Stock Harold Herbert Male Drury Marjorie Margret Fanny Female Perth
1936/100184 Perth Irwin William John Gordon Male Wedgewood Dorothy Evelyn Irene Female Perth
1936/100184 Perth Wedgewood Dorothy Evelyn Irene Female Irwin William John Gordon Male Perth
1936/100185 Perth Street Madge Female Moffat James Pringle Male Perth
1936/100185 Perth Moffat James Pringle Male Street Madge Female Perth
1936/100186 Perth Jenkins Cathrine Margaret Female Holland James Allen Male Perth
1936/100186 Perth Holland James Allen Male Jenkins Cathrine Margaret Female Perth
1936/100189 Perth Golightly Dorothy Frances Female Carr Lester Male Claremont
1936/100189 Perth Carr Lester Male Golightly Dorothy Frances Female Claremont
1936/100190 Perth Ternan Beatrice Grace Female Martin Robert Thomas Frederick Male Claremont
1936/100190 Perth Martin Robert Thomas Frederick Male Ternan Beatrice Grace Female Claremont
1936/100191 Perth White Phyllis Christina Female Claybrook Alexander George Male Claremont
1936/100191 Perth Claybrook Alexander George Male White Phyllis Christina Female Claremont
1936/100192 Perth Trueman Ernest John Male Boatwright Dorothy Alberta Female Claremont
1936/100192 Perth Boatwright Dorothy Alberta Female Trueman Ernest John Male Claremont
1936/100193 Perth Hanlon May Lousia Female Inglis Sydney Male Perth
1936/100193 Perth Inglis Sydney Male Hanlon May Lousia Female Perth
1936/100196 Perth Kelly Margaret Female Hannagan Andrew Male Perth
1936/100196 Perth Hannagan Andrew Male Kelly Margaret Female Perth
1936/100197 Perth Dance Harry Thomas Male Bonola Mary Ellen Female Perth
1936/100197 Perth Bonola Mary Ellen Female Dance Harry Thomas Male Perth
1936/100198 Perth Cherry Mary McCulloch Female Brown Francis William John Male West Perth
1936/100198 Perth Brown Francis William John Male Cherry Mary McCulloch Female West Perth
1936/100199 Perth Stone Harold Boyne Male Patrick Vera Florence Female Cottesloe
1936/100199 Perth Patrick Vera Florence Female Stone Harold Boyne Male Cottesloe
1936/100200 Perth Broadhurst Marjorie Female Darling Ronald Ferguson Male South Perth
1936/100200 Perth Darling Ronald Ferguson Male Broadhurst Marjorie Female South Perth
1936/100201 Perth Smith Margaret Edwards Female Cole Alan Joseph Male Victoria Park
1936/100201 Perth Cole Alan Joseph Male Smith Margaret Edwards Female Victoria Park
1936/100202 Perth Elfgren Alfred August Male Sprunt Marjorie Female South Perth
1936/100202 Perth Sprunt Marjorie Female Elfgren Alfred August Male South Perth
1936/100203 Perth Painter Margaret Jane Female Lawless Reginald Cedric John Male South Perth
1936/100203 Perth Lawless Reginald Cedric John Male Painter Margaret Jane Female South Perth
1936/100204 Perth Badger Norman Clyde Male Williams Violet Ada Marie Female Perth
1936/100204 Perth Williams Violet Ada Marie Female Badger Norman Clyde Male Perth
1936/100205 Perth Jones Frederica Elizabeth Oke Female Jackson Vidal Fitzgerald Male Cottesloe
1936/100205 Perth Jackson Vidal Fitzgerald Male Jones Frederica Elizabeth Oke Female Cottesloe
1936/100206 Perth Dover Mary Ann Female Taylor Alfred Suthern Male Cottesloe
1936/100206 Perth Taylor Alfred Suthern Male Dover Mary Ann Female Cottesloe
1936/100207 Perth Turnbull Robert Edwin Male Fuller Myra Female Mt Lawley
1936/100207 Perth Fuller Myra Female Turnbull Robert Edwin Male Mt Lawley
1936/100208 Perth Braack Henry Charles Frederick Male Doel Nance Josephine Female Mt Lawley
1936/100208 Perth Doel Nance Josephine Female Braack Henry Charles Frederick Male Mt Lawley
1936/100209 Perth Cocking Esmay Female Pryce Griffith Lloyd Male Mt Lawley
1936/100209 Perth Pryce Griffith Lloyd Male Cocking Esmay Female Mt Lawley
1936/100210 Perth Harcourt Gweneth Emily Female Anderson Thomas Hedley Male Mt Lawley
1936/100210 Perth Anderson Thomas Hedley Male Harcourt Gweneth Emily Female Mt Lawley
1936/100211 Perth Cowain William Ernest Male Timewell Dorothy Rose Female West Perth
1936/100211 Perth Timewell Dorothy Rose Female Cowain William Ernest Male West Perth
1936/100212 Perth Miller George Frederick Male Prosser Elsie May Female West Perth
1936/100212 Perth Prosser Elsie May Female Miller George Frederick Male West Perth
1936/100213 Perth Ridgwell Elsie May Female Hall Colin Cole Male West Perth
1936/100213 Perth Hall Colin Cole Male Ridgwell Elsie May Female West Perth
1936/100214 Perth Phelps Daisy Ellen Female McDonald David Sandeman Male West Perth
1936/100214 Perth McDonald David Sandeman Male Phelps Daisy Ellen Female West Perth
1936/100215 Perth Hagan Norman Godfrey Male Jarvis Mary Ellen Dorothy Female West Perth
1936/100215 Perth Jarvis Mary Ellen Dorothy Female Hagan Norman Godfrey Male West Perth
1936/100216 Perth Amsberg Shirley Mabel Female Adnams Walter Shearle Male West Perth
1937/100216 Perth Nichols Irene Maud Female Russell-Brown Alexander Alfred Male Leederville
1937/100216 Perth Russell-Brown Alexander Alfred Male Nichols Irene Maud Female Leederville
1936/100216 Perth Adnams Walter Shearle Male Amsberg Shirley Mabel Female West Perth
1936/100217 Perth McFarlane William Male Tapper Lilian Valder Female Perth
1937/100217 Perth Sharpe Robert Malcolm Male Orr Eileen May Female Leederville
1937/100217 Perth Orr Eileen May Female Sharpe Robert Malcolm Male Leederville
1936/100217 Perth Tapper Lilian Valder Female McFarlane William Male Perth
1936/100218 Perth Brown Walter Male Johnson Mary Margaret Female Perth
1936/100218 Perth Johnson Mary Margaret Female Brown Walter Male Perth
1936/100219 Perth Arthur Frances Caroline Thelma Female Cannon Leslie Robert Male Perth
1936/100219 Perth Cannon Leslie Robert Male Arthur Frances Caroline Thelma Female Perth
1936/100220 Perth Temby Walter Male Wilson Winifred Bessie Female Perth
1936/100220 Perth Wilson Winifred Bessie Female Temby Walter Male Perth
1936/100221 Perth Davey Gordon Stevens Male McCarlie Beatrice Maude Female Highgate Hill
1936/100221 Perth McCarlie Beatrice Maude Female Davey Gordon Stevens Male Highgate Hill
1936/100222 Perth Tearle Leslie George Male Wood Florence Leila Ballantyne Female Highgate Hill
1936/100222 Perth Wood Florence Leila Ballantyne Female Tearle Leslie George Male Highgate Hill
1936/100223 Perth Rebonds Stanley Raymond Male Emby Annie Amelia Female Perth
1936/100223 Perth Emby Annie Amelia Female Rebonds Stanley Raymond Male Perth
1936/100224 Perth Hewitt Allan Male McKennay Mary Female Perth
1936/100224 Perth McKennay Mary Female Hewitt Allan Male Perth
1936/100225 Perth Flynn Arthur Patrick Male Cheesewright Edith Margaret Female Perth
1936/100225 Perth Cheesewright Edith Margaret Female Flynn Arthur Patrick Male Perth
1936/100226 Perth Turner George Benjamin Male Gerloff Beryl Jean Female Perth
1936/100226 Perth Gerloff Beryl Jean Female Turner George Benjamin Male Perth
1936/100227 Perth Refeld Constance Patricia Female Williams Cornelius Harry Male Perth
1936/100227 Perth Williams Cornelius Harry Male Refeld Constance Patricia Female Perth
1936/100228 Perth Morrison Elizabeth Emily Female Hancock Phillip George Male Perth
1936/100228 Perth Hancock Phillip George Male Morrison Elizabeth Emily Female Perth
1936/100229 Perth Evans George Oliver Male Hickey Edna Theresa Belle Female Perth
1936/100229 Perth Hickey Edna Theresa Belle Female Evans George Oliver Male Perth
1936/100230 Perth McGilvray Muriel Ellen Female Rupe Albert Lochart Male Perth
1936/100230 Perth Rupe Albert Lochart Male McGilvray Muriel Ellen Female Perth
1936/100231 Perth Strano Carmela Female Luisini Ezio Male West Perth
1936/100231 Perth Luisini Ezio Male Strano Carmela Female West Perth
1936/100232 Perth Bryson Nora Evelyn Female Caplin Jack Martin Male West Perth
1936/100232 Perth Caplin Jack Martin Male Bryson Nora Evelyn Female West Perth
1936/100233 Perth George Elizabeth Louisa Female Knight Andrew James Male Subiaco
1936/100233 Perth Knight Andrew James Male George Elizabeth Louisa Female Subiaco
1936/100234 Perth Lenane Thomas Octave Male Glynn Gladys Elsie Female Subiaco
1936/100234 Perth Glynn Gladys Elsie Female Lenane Thomas Octave Male Subiaco
1936/100235 Perth Parry Ellen Mary Female Phillips Alan Male Perth
1936/100235 Perth Phillips Alan Male Parry Ellen Mary Female Perth
1936/100236 Perth Grover Vivian Muriel Female Derby Colin Gerald James Male Perth
1936/100236 Perth Derby Colin Gerald James Male Grover Vivian Muriel Female Perth
1936/100237 Perth Calder Margaret Female Conway Thomas Michael Male Perth
1936/100237 Perth Conway Thomas Michael Male Calder Margaret Female Perth
1936/100238 Perth Wilson Albert Edmund Male Bishop Essie Mary Female Perth
1936/100238 Perth Bishop Essie Mary Female Wilson Albert Edmund Male Perth
1936/100239 Perth Trenorden Eleanor Margaret Female Anderson Nesbit Lawrence Male Perth
1936/100239 Perth Anderson Nesbit Lawrence Male Trenorden Eleanor Margaret Female Perth
1936/100240 Perth Warren Arthur James Allan Male Crowd Dulcie Female Perth
1936/100240 Perth Crowd Dulcie Female Warren Arthur James Allan Male Perth
1936/100241 Perth Ackland Margaret Grace Female Masters Frank Lancelot Male Perth
1936/100241 Perth Masters Frank Lancelot Male Ackland Margaret Grace Female Perth
1936/100242 Perth Thompson Alexander Joseph Male McGavin Alsace Lorraine Female Perth
1936/100242 Perth McGavin Alsace Lorraine Female Thompson Alexander Joseph Male Perth
1936/100243 Perth Fomiatti Ines Ida Female Hewitt Albert Stirling Arthur Male Perth
1936/100243 Perth Hewitt Albert Stirling Arthur Male Fomiatti Ines Ida Female Perth
1936/100244 Perth Breed Thomas Henry Male Sullivan Kathleen Mary Female Perth
1936/100244 Perth Sullivan Kathleen Mary Female Breed Thomas Henry Male Perth
1936/100245 Perth McVee Clarence Hiran Male Glover Marjorie Kathleen Female Perth
1936/100245 Perth Glover Marjorie Kathleen Female McVee Clarence Hiran Male Perth
1936/100246 Perth Spence Dorothy Margaret Female Radford Horace Oscar Male East Claremont
1936/100246 Perth Radford Horace Oscar Male Spence Dorothy Margaret Female East Claremont
1936/100247 Perth Green Kevin Charles Male Smith Avice May Female North Perth
1936/100247 Perth Smith Avice May Female Green Kevin Charles Male North Perth
1936/100248 Perth Rees William Male Howie Gladys Mary Female Claremont
1936/100248 Perth Howie Gladys Mary Female Rees William Male Claremont
1936/100249 Perth Mellor Constance Nora Female Eastaugh Aubrey Bernard Male Perth
1936/100249 Perth Eastaugh Aubrey Bernard Male Mellor Constance Nora Female Perth
1936/100250 Perth Overhen Freda Constance Female James Hector Thomas Austin Male Crawley
1936/100250 Perth James Hector Thomas Austin Male Overhen Freda Constance Female Crawley
1936/100251 Perth Cockram Hazel Gilgan Female Pearce Francis Harry Arthur Male Mount Hawthorn
1936/100251 Perth Pearce Francis Harry Arthur Male Cockram Hazel Gilgan Female Mount Hawthorn
1936/100252 Perth Sturcke Olive Emily Female Barker Sydney Walter Male Perth
1936/100252 Perth Barker Sydney Walter Male Sturcke Olive Emily Female Perth
1936/100253 Perth Pearson Henry Robert Male Smith Thelma Hephzibah Female Rosalie
1936/100253 Perth Smith Thelma Hephzibah Female Pearson Henry Robert Male Rosalie
1936/100254 Perth Clarke Agnes Josephine Female McNamara Thomas David George Male Perth
1936/100254 Perth McNamara Thomas David George Male Clarke Agnes Josephine Female Perth
1936/100255 Perth Ingram Kenneth Edward Male Annesley Verna Olive Female Perth
1936/100255 Perth Annesley Verna Olive Female Ingram Kenneth Edward Male Perth
1936/100256 Perth Green Horace Clement Male Plunkett Violet Alexandra Female Perth
1936/100256 Perth Plunkett Violet Alexandra Female Green Horace Clement Male Perth
1936/100257 Perth Rowland Harry Mark Godfrey Male Steele Eunice Maude Female Perth
1936/100257 Perth Steele Eunice Maude Female Rowland Harry Mark Godfrey Male Perth
1936/100258 Perth Budrovich Elie Female Stipaniceo Yakov Male Leederville
1936/100258 Perth Stipaniceo Yakov Male Budrovich Elie Female Leederville
1936/100260 Perth Prastidis Charalampos Male Panegyres Despina Female Perth
1936/100260 Perth Panegyres Despina Female Prastidis Charalampos Male Perth
1936/100261 Perth Cooper Sidney Charles Male Pritchard Margaret Frances Female Perth
1936/100261 Perth Pritchard Margaret Frances Female Cooper Sidney Charles Male Perth
1936/100262 Perth Eversden Ernest Male Watson Agnes Ann Female Perth
1936/100262 Perth Watson Agnes Ann Female Eversden Ernest Male Perth
1936/100263 Perth Dally Frederick Male Clairs Doris Female Perth
1936/100263 Perth Clairs Doris Female Dally Frederick Male Perth
1936/100264 Perth Chaney Mavis Rose Female King Wallace Edmond Male Perth
1936/100264 Perth King Wallace Edmond Male Chaney Mavis Rose Female Perth
1936/100265 Perth Wilson Norma Eileen Female Graham Herbert Ernst Male Perth
1936/100265 Perth Graham Herbert Ernst Male Wilson Norma Eileen Female Perth
1936/100266 Perth John Melville Woodland Male McKenney Veronica Mary Female Cottesloe
1936/100266 Perth McKenney Veronica Mary Female John Melville Woodland Male Cottesloe
1936/100267 Perth Cox Benjamin Thomas Male Phillips Violet May Female Highgate Hill
1936/100267 Perth Phillips Violet May Female Cox Benjamin Thomas Male Highgate Hill
1936/100268 Perth Dare Frederick Jack Male Boyd Molly Cleone Female Highgate Hill
1936/100268 Perth Boyd Molly Cleone Female Dare Frederick Jack Male Highgate Hill
1936/100269 Perth Bridges Irwin Richard Male Healy Maisie Female Highgate Hill
1936/100269 Perth Healy Maisie Female Bridges Irwin Richard Male Highgate Hill
1936/100270 Perth Kelly Ethel May Female Thomas Harold Francis Male Highgate Hill
1936/100270 Perth Thomas Harold Francis Male Kelly Ethel May Female Highgate Hill
1936/100271 Perth Chester Leslie George Sidney Male Nurse Zoe Helen Female North Perth
1936/100271 Perth Nurse Zoe Helen Female Chester Leslie George Sidney Male North Perth
1936/100272 Perth Kennewell Nellie Jean Female Joyce Denis Tobias Male North Perth
1936/100272 Perth Joyce Denis Tobias Male Kennewell Nellie Jean Female North Perth
1936/100273 Perth Symonds Dudley Male Lovejoy Elsie Margaret Female North Perth
1936/100273 Perth Lovejoy Elsie Margaret Female Symonds Dudley Male North Perth
1936/100274 Perth Davies Alan Walter Male Smith Grace Mary Female North Perth
1936/100274 Perth Smith Grace Mary Female Davies Alan Walter Male North Perth
1936/100275 Perth Reith Ronald Alexander Kay Male Richards Irene Miriam Female Perth
1936/100275 Perth Richards Irene Miriam Female Reith Ronald Alexander Kay Male Perth
1936/100276 Perth Cooper Constance Ireland Female Saleeba Alexander Male Claremont
1936/100276 Perth Saleeba Alexander Male Cooper Constance Ireland Female Claremont
1936/100277 Perth Harms Mildred Dorothea Female Terry Alan James Male Claremont
1936/100277 Perth Terry Alan James Male Harms Mildred Dorothea Female Claremont
1936/100278 Perth Gooden Norman Effield Male Campbell Barbara Gladys Female Claremont
1936/100278 Perth Campbell Barbara Gladys Female Gooden Norman Effield Male Claremont
1936/100279 Perth Wright Andrew Maxwell Male Steel Elizabeth Marshall Female Claremont
1936/100279 Perth Steel Elizabeth Marshall Female Wright Andrew Maxwell Male Claremont
1936/100280 Perth Cameron Harold Murdoch Male Pilgrim Rene Female Perth
1936/100280 Perth Pilgrim Rene Female Cameron Harold Murdoch Male Perth
1936/100281 Perth Venn Robert Harry Whittall Male Malloch Joyce Female Perth
1936/100281 Perth Malloch Joyce Female Venn Robert Harry Whittall Male Perth
1936/100282 Perth Lemon Charles William Male Davey Elsie Violet Female Perth
1936/100282 Perth Davey Elsie Violet Female Lemon Charles William Male Perth
1936/100283 Perth Richardson William Norman Male Adams Dorothy Jean Female Perth
1936/100283 Perth Adams Dorothy Jean Female Richardson William Norman Male Perth
1936/100284 Perth Walsh Anne Mary Female Skinner Wesley Male Perth
1936/100284 Perth Skinner Wesley Male Walsh Anne Mary Female Perth
1936/100285 Perth Christie Gladys Amelia Female Humble Joseph Male Perth
1936/100285 Perth Humble Joseph Male Christie Gladys Amelia Female Perth
1936/100286 Perth Robson Herbert George Male Hanson Joyce Eleanor Female Nedlands
1936/100286 Perth Hanson Joyce Eleanor Female Robson Herbert George Male Nedlands
1936/100287 Perth Paterson Jean Patience Female Taggart John William Male Cottesloe
1936/100287 Perth Taggart John William Male Paterson Jean Patience Female Cottesloe
1936/100288 Perth Cugley Albert Roy Male Crease Hazel Gertrude Female Cottesloe Beach
1936/100288 Perth Crease Hazel Gertrude Female Cugley Albert Roy Male Cottesloe Beach
1936/100289 Perth Balston Mary Female House Hirzel Edward Male Cottesloe
1936/100289 Perth House Hirzel Edward Male Balston Mary Female Cottesloe
1936/100290 Perth Giles Frances Mary Female Terry Lennox Margrave Male Mt Lawley
1936/100290 Perth Terry Lennox Margrave Male Giles Frances Mary Female Mt Lawley
1936/100291 Perth Hart Lorna Adelaide Female Spark Robert Stephen James Male West Leederville
1936/100291 Perth Spark Robert Stephen James Male Hart Lorna Adelaide Female West Leederville
1936/100292 Perth Denham Ivy Harriett Stewart Female Elsegood Ronald Leslie Male North Perth
1936/100292 Perth Elsegood Ronald Leslie Male Denham Ivy Harriett Stewart Female North Perth
1936/100293 Perth Bickerton Jessie Elizabeth Female Kennedy Eric Keith Male Nedlands
1936/100293 Perth Kennedy Eric Keith Male Bickerton Jessie Elizabeth Female Nedlands
1936/100294 Perth Wilson Frank Matheson Male Wynne Veronica Mary Female Leederville
1936/100294 Perth Wynne Veronica Mary Female Wilson Frank Matheson Male Leederville
1936/100295 Perth Cracknell John Male Gillies Lesley Female Leederville
1936/100295 Perth Gillies Lesley Female Cracknell John Male Leederville
1936/100296 Perth Egan Kathleen Ursula Female Brooks Edward Charles Grimley Male Perth
1936/100296 Perth Brooks Edward Charles Grimley Male Egan Kathleen Ursula Female Perth
1936/100297 Perth Valmadre Leslie Male Elliott Irene Catherine Female Perth
1936/100297 Perth Elliott Irene Catherine Female Valmadre Leslie Male Perth
1936/100298 Perth Fagan Patrick Joseph Male O'Toole Clarice Shelley Female Perth
1936/100298 Perth O'Toole Clarice Shelley Female Fagan Patrick Joseph Male Perth
1936/100299 Perth O'Neill Angela Eileen Female Sage Gwilym Thomas Male Perth
1936/100299 Perth Sage Gwilym Thomas Male O'Neill Angela Eileen Female Perth
1936/100300 Perth Douglas Nancy Female Murphy Patrick Joseph Male Perth
1936/100300 Perth Murphy Patrick Joseph Male Douglas Nancy Female Perth
1936/100301 Perth Armstrong Joseph Ivan Male Hurst Irene Millicent Female Perth
1936/100301 Perth Hurst Irene Millicent Female Armstrong Joseph Ivan Male Perth
1936/100302 Perth Thaxter Barbara Elsie Female Wilson Thomas Stanley Male West Subiaco
1936/100302 Perth Wilson Thomas Stanley Male Thaxter Barbara Elsie Female West Subiaco
1936/100303 Perth Stoffregen Caroline Herman Female Haydon William George Kershaw Male Hollywood
1936/100303 Perth Haydon William George Kershaw Male Stoffregen Caroline Herman Female Hollywood
1936/100304 Perth Colgan Byron Healy Male Boorman Dorothy May Beeching Bettridge Female Perth
1936/100304 Perth Boorman Dorothy May Beeching Bettridge Female Colgan Byron Healy Male Perth
1936/100307 Perth Tatham Rose Female McMahon John Francis Male Perth
1936/100307 Perth McMahon John Francis Male Tatham Rose Female Perth
1936/100308 Perth Dukes Millicent Gertrude Female Holbrook John Swindel Male Cottesloe
1936/100308 Perth Holbrook John Swindel Male Dukes Millicent Gertrude Female Cottesloe
1936/100309 Perth Smith John Frederick Male Wilkie Marie Cecilia Female Cottesloe
1936/100309 Perth Wilkie Marie Cecilia Female Smith John Frederick Male Cottesloe
1936/100310 Perth Brighton Alfred Reynolds Clements Male Holly Iris Female Cottesloe
1936/100310 Perth Holly Iris Female Brighton Alfred Reynolds Clements Male Cottesloe
1936/100311 Perth Temperley Josephine Mary Female Hayes Edward Daniel Patrick Male Cottesloe
1936/100311 Perth Hayes Edward Daniel Patrick Male Temperley Josephine Mary Female Cottesloe
1936/100312 Perth Mansfield Jack Rolling Male Heal Doris May Female Highgate Hill
1936/100312 Perth Heal Doris May Female Mansfield Jack Rolling Male Highgate Hill
1936/100313 Perth Spurling Enid Grace Female Humphry Arthur Durnville Male Perth
1936/100313 Perth Humphry Arthur Durnville Male Spurling Enid Grace Female Perth
1936/100314 Perth Scott Mervyn Foster Male Johnson Florence Hannah Female Highgate Hill
1936/100314 Perth Johnson Florence Hannah Female Scott Mervyn Foster Male Highgate Hill
1936/100315 Perth Johnson George Victor Male Marshall Mildred Enid Luxmoore Female Perth
1936/100315 Perth Marshall Mildred Enid Luxmoore Female Johnson George Victor Male Perth
1936/100316 Perth Freind Norman Henry Male Kyrwood Ivy Pearl Female Leederville
1936/100316 Perth Kyrwood Ivy Pearl Female Freind Norman Henry Male Leederville
1936/100317 Perth Mondello Santo Male Fanesi Mary Female West Perth
1936/100317 Perth Fanesi Mary Female Mondello Santo Male West Perth
1936/100318 Perth Quill John Ward Male Smith Violet May Female West Perth
1936/100318 Perth Smith Violet May Female Quill John Ward Male West Perth
1936/100319 Perth Wright Hillary May Female Tuckfield Lionel Bertie Male Victoria Park
1936/100319 Perth Tuckfield Lionel Bertie Male Wright Hillary May Female Victoria Park
1936/100320 Perth Billing Gladys Maisie Female Evans John Richard Male Victoria Park
1936/100320 Perth Evans John Richard Male Billing Gladys Maisie Female Victoria Park
1936/100321 Perth Pilmer Lorimer George Male Elston Alice Eva Female Victoria Park
1936/100321 Perth Elston Alice Eva Female Pilmer Lorimer George Male Victoria Park
1936/100322 Perth Randall Phyllis Georgina Female Wallis Lindsay John Male Victoria Park
1936/100322 Perth Wallis Lindsay John Male Randall Phyllis Georgina Female Victoria Park
1936/100323 Perth Hockey Reginald Charles Male Cobb Catherine Annie Female Victoria Park
1936/100323 Perth Cobb Catherine Annie Female Hockey Reginald Charles Male Victoria Park
1936/100324 Perth Hill Reginald Arthur Male Warner Pearl Ethel Female Rosalie
1936/100324 Perth Warner Pearl Ethel Female Hill Reginald Arthur Male Rosalie
1936/100326 Perth Watson Hilda May Female Hyde Rupert Sydney Male Claremont
1936/100326 Perth Hyde Rupert Sydney Male Watson Hilda May Female Claremont
1936/100327 Perth Adkins Bertha Ruby Female Black David Valentine Male Claremont
1936/100327 Perth Black David Valentine Male Adkins Bertha Ruby Female Claremont
1936/100328 Perth Lee Annabell Female Durrant Robert Male Mt Lawley
1936/100328 Perth Durrant Robert Male Lee Annabell Female Mt Lawley
1937/100329 Perth O'Keefe Alice Josephine Female O'Callaghan Thomas Michael Male Maylands
1937/100329 Perth O'Callaghan Thomas Michael Male O'Keefe Alice Josephine Female Maylands
1936/100329 Perth Trost Myrtle Muriel Julien Female Kohler Walther August Male Perth
1936/100329 Perth Kohler Walther August Male Trost Myrtle Muriel Julien Female Perth
1936/100330 Perth Watson Helen Nairn Female Salvage Arthur Stanley Male Perth
1936/100330 Perth Salvage Arthur Stanley Male Watson Helen Nairn Female Perth
1936/100331 Perth Flynn Alwyn James Male Mills Violet Elsie Female Perth
1936/100331 Perth Mills Violet Elsie Female Flynn Alwyn James Male Perth
1936/100332 Perth Bonwick Cyril George Male Ogilvie-O'Neil Clare Female Perth
1936/100332 Perth Ogilvie-O'Neil Clare Female Bonwick Cyril George Male Perth
1936/100333 Perth Powell John Kenneth Male Schilling Avis Lilian Female Perth
1936/100333 Perth Schilling Avis Lilian Female Powell John Kenneth Male Perth
1936/100334 Perth Leslie Esther Evangeline Female Johnson Harold Alexander Male Perth
1936/100334 Perth Johnson Harold Alexander Male Leslie Esther Evangeline Female Perth
1936/100335 Perth Hulls Charles William Male Cunningham Ellen Female South Perth
1936/100335 Perth Cunningham Ellen Female Hulls Charles William Male South Perth
1936/100336 Perth Miles Sylvia Female Vallentine Oswald Robert Male South Perth
1936/100336 Perth Vallentine Oswald Robert Male Miles Sylvia Female South Perth
1936/100337 Perth Wallace John Lambert Maxwell Male Livingstone Alice Mary Female Perth
1936/100337 Perth Livingstone Alice Mary Female Wallace John Lambert Maxwell Male Perth
1936/100339 Perth Erickson John William Male May Dorothy Kathleen Female Perth
1936/100339 Perth May Dorothy Kathleen Female Erickson John William Male Perth
1936/100340 Perth Dickins Leslie William Thomas Male Smith Ethel Female Maylands
1936/100340 Perth Smith Ethel Female Dickins Leslie William Thomas Male Maylands
1936/100341 Perth Timperley Cecil Ford Male Hepple-Brown Dulcie Female Mt Lawley
1936/100341 Perth Hepple-Brown Dulcie Female Timperley Cecil Ford Male Mt Lawley
1936/100342 Perth Hodgson Thomas Male Smith Kathleen Elizabeth Jean Female Nedlands
1936/100342 Perth Smith Kathleen Elizabeth Jean Female Hodgson Thomas Male Nedlands
1936/100343 Perth Thomas George Henry Male Barratt Olwen Doreen Female West Perth
1936/100343 Perth Barratt Olwen Doreen Female Thomas George Henry Male West Perth
1936/100344 Perth Cornish Gwenith Louisa Female Williams Sydney Maurice Male Perth
1936/100344 Perth Williams Sydney Maurice Male Cornish Gwenith Louisa Female Perth
1936/100345 Perth Simcock Clara Female Pilmer Anthony Claymore Male South Perth
1936/100345 Perth Pilmer Anthony Claymore Male Simcock Clara Female South Perth
1936/100346 Perth Jeffery Ruby Annie Female Reddin Austin Francis Male North Perth
1936/100346 Perth Reddin Austin Francis Male Jeffery Ruby Annie Female North Perth
1936/100347 Perth White Hazel Doreen Lovegrove Female Bishop George Douglas Male North Perth
1936/100347 Perth Bishop George Douglas Male White Hazel Doreen Lovegrove Female North Perth
1936/100348 Perth McCardey Clara Elizabeth Female Winduss Alan Leslie Male North Perth
1936/100348 Perth Winduss Alan Leslie Male McCardey Clara Elizabeth Female North Perth
1936/100349 Perth Fuller Olive Florence Female Clare Arnold William Male North Perth
1936/100349 Perth Clare Arnold William Male Fuller Olive Florence Female North Perth
1936/100350 Perth Ivey Archibald Heugh Male Hampton Olive Emily Female Victoria Park
1936/100350 Perth Hampton Olive Emily Female Ivey Archibald Heugh Male Victoria Park
1936/100351 Perth Dunkling Freda Ethel Female Tapper Arthur Francis Male Claremont
1936/100351 Perth Tapper Arthur Francis Male Dunkling Freda Ethel Female Claremont
1936/100352 Perth Moore Thelma May Female Coward Cornelius Eric John Male Claremont
1936/100352 Perth Coward Cornelius Eric John Male Moore Thelma May Female Claremont
1936/100353 Perth Tyler James Edward Male Edsall Ruby Alice Female Swanbourne
1936/100353 Perth Edsall Ruby Alice Female Tyler James Edward Male Swanbourne
1936/100354 Perth Bruce Robert Athol Male Ritter Elsie Female Perth
1936/100354 Perth Ritter Elsie Female Bruce Robert Athol Male Perth
1936/100355 Perth McDonald Edith Florence Female Maitland John Fyfe Male Perth
1936/100355 Perth Maitland John Fyfe Male McDonald Edith Florence Female Perth
1936/100356 Perth Le Mesurier John Ross Male Rauson Sheila May Female Perth
1936/100356 Perth Rauson Sheila May Female Le Mesurier John Ross Male Perth
1936/100357 Perth Seabrook Ena Female Dennis Kenneth Morgan Male Perth
1936/100357 Perth Dennis Kenneth Morgan Male Seabrook Ena Female Perth
1936/100358 Perth Helliwell Leonard Male Fielder Yvonne Adrienne Female Perth
1936/100358 Perth Fielder Yvonne Adrienne Female Helliwell Leonard Male Perth
1936/100359 Perth Price James Alvan Male Brookes Ivy May Female Perth
1936/100359 Perth Brookes Ivy May Female Price James Alvan Male Perth
1936/100360 Perth Evans Hurmer Florence Female Spear Morrison Winton Male Perth
1936/100360 Perth Spear Morrison Winton Male Evans Hurmer Florence Female Perth
1936/100361 Perth Cole Doris Ellen Female Bolton Keith Burlington Male Perth
1936/100361 Perth Bolton Keith Burlington Male Cole Doris Ellen Female Perth
1936/100362 Perth Cowan Alan Jesse Male Walton Isla Beatrice Thelma Female Perth
1936/100362 Perth Walton Isla Beatrice Thelma Female Cowan Alan Jesse Male Perth
1936/100363 Perth Bennett Nellie May Female Randell Harold Archibald Male Perth
1936/100363 Perth Randell Harold Archibald Male Bennett Nellie May Female Perth
1936/100364 Perth Gillespie Peggy Eleanor Female Gray Joseph Strong Male Perth
1936/100364 Perth Gray Joseph Strong Male Gillespie Peggy Eleanor Female Perth
1936/100365 Perth Brown George Graham Male Nelson Gloria Elizabeth Female Perth
1936/100365 Perth Nelson Gloria Elizabeth Female Brown George Graham Male Perth
1936/100366 Perth Smith Gladys Irene Female Edwards Ronald Male Perth
1936/100366 Perth Edwards Ronald Male Smith Gladys Irene Female Perth
1936/100367 Perth Woods Alfred Edward Male Oliphant Lynda Jean Female Perth
1936/100367 Perth Oliphant Lynda Jean Female Woods Alfred Edward Male Perth
1936/100368 Perth Parker George Joseph Harold Male Priesthouse Elsie Mary Geraldine Female West Perth
1936/100368 Perth Priesthouse Elsie Mary Geraldine Female Parker George Joseph Harold Male West Perth
1936/100369 Perth Jasper Edgar Raymond Male Jacob Verna Jessica Female West Perth
1936/100369 Perth Jacob Verna Jessica Female Jasper Edgar Raymond Male West Perth
1936/100370 Perth Turnbull Jacob John Male Foy Rosalie Alice Female Victoria Park
1936/100370 Perth Foy Rosalie Alice Female Turnbull Jacob John Male Victoria Park
1936/100371 Perth Stratton Elsie Clare Female Harwood Rupert George Male Perth
1936/100371 Perth Harwood Rupert George Male Stratton Elsie Clare Female Perth
1936/100372 Perth Ivey Eric Douglas Male Jarvis Edna Maude Female Perth
1936/100372 Perth Jarvis Edna Maude Female Ivey Eric Douglas Male Perth
1936/100373 Perth Martin Roy Stewart Male Martin Freda Female West Leederville
1936/100373 Perth Martin Freda Female Martin Roy Stewart Male West Leederville
1936/100374 Perth Jones Ann Elizabeth Female Thomas Thomas John Male West Leederville
1936/100374 Perth Thomas Thomas John Male Jones Ann Elizabeth Female West Leederville
1936/100375 Perth Crosland Jean Elizabeth Female Robinson John Male Subiaco
1936/100375 Perth Robinson John Male Crosland Jean Elizabeth Female Subiaco
1936/100376 Perth Tierney Lindsay Vincent Male Joyce Stella Mary Female Perth
1936/100376 Perth Joyce Stella Mary Female Tierney Lindsay Vincent Male Perth
1936/100377 Perth Andrews Edward Thomas Male Bloor Beatrice Female Perth
1936/100377 Perth Bloor Beatrice Female Andrews Edward Thomas Male Perth
1936/100378 Perth Collard Valorie Clarette Female King William Cameron Male Nedlands
1936/100378 Perth King William Cameron Male Collard Valorie Clarette Female Nedlands
1936/100379 Perth Taylor Kathleen Female McGeown Patrick Male Nedlands
1936/100379 Perth McGeown Patrick Male Taylor Kathleen Female Nedlands
1936/100380 Perth Dodd Lavinia Elizabeth Female Powell Henry Keith Male Claremont
1936/100380 Perth Powell Henry Keith Male Dodd Lavinia Elizabeth Female Claremont
1936/100381 Perth Gibbs Theophilus Frederick Male Adair Clare Lilian Female Claremont
1936/100381 Perth Adair Clare Lilian Female Gibbs Theophilus Frederick Male Claremont
1936/100382 Perth Pidgeon Reginald Louis Male Hoult Bidellia Estelle Emily Female Perth
1936/100382 Perth Hoult Bidellia Estelle Emily Female Pidgeon Reginald Louis Male Perth
1936/100383 Perth Williams Joyce Mavis Female Olds William George Male Subiaco
1936/100383 Perth Olds William George Male Williams Joyce Mavis Female Subiaco
1936/100384 Perth Moffat Annie Law Female Tester Sydney James Male Subiaco
1936/100384 Perth Tester Sydney James Male Moffat Annie Law Female Subiaco
1936/100385 Perth Youngman Cecil James Hugh Male Paterson May Female Perth
1936/100385 Perth Youngman Claude Male Paterson May Female Perth
1936/100385 Perth Clifton Claude Male Paterson May Female Perth
1936/100385 Perth Paterson May Female Clifton Cecil James Hugh Male Perth
1936/100385 Perth Paterson May Female Clifton Claude Male Perth
1936/100385 Perth Paterson May Female Youngman Cecil James Hugh Male Perth
1936/100385 Perth Paterson May Female Youngman Claude Male Perth
1936/100385 Perth Clifton Cecil James Hugh Male Paterson May Female Perth
1936/100386 Perth Miller John Male Tolchard Mabel Ella Female West Perth
1936/100386 Perth Tolchard Mabel Ella Female Miller John Male West Perth
1936/100387 Perth Wright David Graham Male Begg Catherine Watson Female Maylands
1936/100387 Perth Begg Catherine Watson Female Wright David Graham Male Maylands
1936/100388 Perth Dandie Daphne Margaret Female McKenzie Aristide John Male Maylands
1936/100388 Perth McKenzie Aristide John Male Dandie Daphne Margaret Female Maylands
1936/100389 Perth Martin Lincoln William Male Ayres Jessie Harriett Female Perth
1937/100389 Perth Samuels Maevis Irene Female Gibson Albert George Male Leederville
1936/100389 Perth Ayres Jessie Harriett Female Martin Lincoln William Male Perth
1937/100389 Perth Gibson Albert George Male Samuels Maevis Irene Female Leederville
1936/100390 Perth Foulds Clifford Male Lukies Lillie Female West Perth
1936/100390 Perth Lukies Lillie Female Foulds Clifford Male West Perth
1936/100391 Perth Ingram Joyce Irene Female Massey Edward Hamilton Male West Perth
1936/100391 Perth Massey Edward Hamilton Male Ingram Joyce Irene Female West Perth
1936/100392 Perth Bevan William Herbert John Male Morris Edna Eva Female West Perth
1936/100392 Perth Morris Edna Eva Female Bevan William Herbert John Male West Perth
1936/100393 Perth Ross Vilma Phyllis Female Higgins Frederick Henry Male West Perth
1936/100393 Perth Higgins Frederick Henry Male Ross Vilma Phyllis Female West Perth
1936/100394 Perth Arthur John Wilford Male Darvall Irene Maud Female West Perth
1936/100394 Perth Darvall Irene Maud Female Arthur John Wilford Male West Perth
1936/100395 Perth Richards Edna May Female Holdman Harry Hugh Male West Perth
1936/100395 Perth Holdman Harry Hugh Male Richards Edna May Female West Perth
1936/100396 Perth Cridge Rhoda Female Vernon William Mendle Male Maylands
1936/100396 Perth Vernon William Mendle Male Cridge Rhoda Female Maylands
1936/100397 Perth Cahill Mary Female Hunter George William Male Perth
1936/100397 Perth Hunter George William Male Cahill Mary Female Perth
1936/100398 Perth Farley Edmund Charles Male Kelly Julie Helena Female West Leederville
1936/100398 Perth Kelly Julie Helena Female Farley Edmund Charles Male West Leederville
1936/100399 Perth McLean Ronald John Male MacDonald Ada Florence Female Mount Lawley
1936/100399 Perth MacDonald Ada Florence Female McLean Ronald John Male Mount Lawley
1936/100400 Perth George Nicholas Male Picketts Dorothy Female Leederville
1936/100400 Perth Picketts Dorothy Female George Nicholas Male Leederville
1936/100401 Perth Wilson Winifred Female Makin James Male Perth
1936/100401 Perth Makin James Male Wilson Winifred Female Perth
1936/100402 Perth Higgins Walter Hugh Male Wrigley Edna May Female Perth
1936/100402 Perth Wrigley Edna May Female Higgins Walter Hugh Male Perth
1936/100403 Perth Weir Zoe Marjory Female Venn Frank Evans Male Perth
1936/100403 Perth Venn Frank Evans Male Weir Zoe Marjory Female Perth
1936/100404 Perth McCracken Mary Norine Female Ness William Eric Male Perth
1936/100404 Perth Ness William Eric Male McCracken Mary Norine Female Perth
1936/100405 Perth McDonald Jean Mildred Female Letts Albert Royce Male Perth
1936/100405 Perth Letts Albert Royce Male McDonald Jean Mildred Female Perth
1936/100406 Perth Gath James Holden Male Tressider Beatrice Ester Female Perth
1936/100406 Perth Tressider Beatrice Ester Female Gath James Holden Male Perth
1936/100407 Perth Kay Harold William Male Davies Ellen Female Perth
1937/100407 Perth Frost Robert Francis Male Maisey Enid Emily Female South Perth
1937/100407 Perth Maisey Enid Emily Female Frost Robert Francis Male South Perth
1936/100407 Perth Davies Ellen Female Kay Harold William Male Perth
1936/100408 Perth Smith Percy Adams Male Vigar Alice Mary Female Buckland Hill
1936/100408 Perth Vigar Alice Mary Female Smith Percy Adams Male Buckland Hill
1936/100409 Perth White Grace Mona Female Buscumb William Francis Male Perth
1936/100409 Perth Buscumb William Francis Male White Grace Mona Female Perth
1936/100410 Perth Hillary Melva Josephine Female Groves Arthur Henry Male Perth
1936/100410 Perth Groves Arthur Henry Male Hillary Melva Josephine Female Perth
1936/100411 Perth Orton Dorothy Hilda Female Forbes John William Male Subiaco
1936/100411 Perth Forbes John William Male Orton Dorothy Hilda Female Subiaco
1936/100412 Perth Hassett Dorothy Elizabeth Female Harvey Sydney Maurice Male Subiaco
1936/100412 Perth Harvey Sydney Maurice Male Hassett Dorothy Elizabeth Female Subiaco
1936/100413 Perth Rattray Elizabeth Walker Stenhouse Female Samuel Windsor Male Subiaco
1936/100413 Perth Samuel Windsor Male Rattray Elizabeth Walker Stenhouse Female Subiaco
1936/100414 Perth Backhouse Ivy Evelyn Female Pidgeon Thomas Robert Male West Perth
1936/100414 Perth Pidgeon Thomas Robert Male Backhouse Ivy Evelyn Female West Perth
1936/100415 Perth Taggart Thomas Persse Male Mansfield Marjorie Ellen Female West Perth
1936/100415 Perth Mansfield Marjorie Ellen Female Taggart Thomas Persse Male West Perth
1936/100416 Perth Moore Cerisa Edvina Female Jaentsch Hermann Carl Male West Perth
1936/100416 Perth Jaentsch Hermann Carl Male Moore Cerisa Edvina Female West Perth
1936/100417 Perth Sweeting Hazel Female Pidgeon Terence Knight Male West Perth
1936/100417 Perth Pidgeon Terence Knight Male Sweeting Hazel Female West Perth
1936/100418 Perth Utley Charles Male Pearce Ivy Winifred Female West Perth
1936/100418 Perth Pearce Ivy Winifred Female Utley Charles Male West Perth
1936/100419 Perth Temby Roy Arnold Male Niven Audrey Anne Margaret Female West Perth
1936/100419 Perth Niven Audrey Anne Margaret Female Temby Roy Arnold Male West Perth
1936/100420 Perth Stubberfield Richard William Male Thompson Ruby May Female Cottesloe
1936/100420 Perth Thompson Ruby May Female Stubberfield Richard William Male Cottesloe
1936/100421 Perth Burns Walter Peter Male Park Alice Maude Female Perth
1936/100421 Perth Park Alice Maude Female Burns Walter Peter Male Perth
1936/100422 Perth Doney Frederick Male MacKenzie Sarah Ann Female Perth
1936/100422 Perth MacKenzie Sarah Ann Female Doney Frederick Male Perth
1936/100423 Perth Allengame Leslie Alfred Charles Male Coupland Freda Female Maylands
1936/100423 Perth Coupland Freda Female Allengame Leslie Alfred Charles Male Maylands
1936/100424 Perth Mantell Louisa Alice Female Langley Ellis Dean Male Cottesloe
1936/100424 Perth Langley Ellis Dean Male Mantell Louisa Alice Female Cottesloe
1936/100425 Perth Smart Isaac Stanford Male Neille Constance Rachel Female Highgate Hill
1936/100425 Perth Neille Constance Rachel Female Smart Isaac Stanford Male Highgate Hill
1936/100426 Perth Green Herbert Collings Male Morrison Mary Fanny de Burgh Female Perth
1936/100426 Perth Morrison Mary Fanny de Burgh Female Green Herbert Collings Male Perth
1936/100427 Perth Mann Doris Irene Female Pascoe Richard Male Claremont
1936/100427 Perth Pascoe Richard Male Mann Doris Irene Female Claremont
1936/100428 Perth Royce Elizabeth Brenda Female Brookes William Ogilvy Male Claremont
1936/100428 Perth Brookes William Ogilvy Male Royce Elizabeth Brenda Female Claremont
1936/100429 Perth Blackwell Francis George Male Fieldgate Dorothy May Female Perth
1936/100429 Perth Fieldgate Dorothy May Female Blackwell Francis George Male Perth
1936/100430 Perth Davies Cecil James Male Davies Ida Jean Female Perth
1936/100430 Perth Davies Ida Jean Female Davies Cecil James Male Perth
1936/100431 Perth Lynch Margaret Alice Female Bermingham Francis William Male West Perth
1936/100431 Perth Bermingham Francis William Male Lynch Margaret Alice Female West Perth
1936/100432 Perth White Gordon Bruce Male Preisig Ruby Rose Female West Perth
1936/100432 Perth Preisig Ruby Rose Female White Gordon Bruce Male West Perth
1936/100433 Perth McCarthy John Joseph Male McCarthy Elsie May Female West Perth
1936/100433 Perth McCarthy Elsie May Female McCarthy John Joseph Male West Perth
1936/100434 Perth Drysdale Clare Alexandra Female Rollings Alan George Male Perth
1936/100434 Perth Rollings Alan George Male Drysdale Clare Alexandra Female Perth
1936/100435 Perth Moore Edna May Female Adams Alexander Male Perth
1936/100435 Perth Adams Alexander Male Moore Edna May Female Perth
1936/100436 Perth Saffar Freda Female Wilner Harry Male Perth
1936/100436 Perth Wilner Harry Male Saffar Freda Female Perth
1936/100437 Perth Prater Charles Roy John Male Townsing Vera Louise Female Perth
1936/100437 Perth Townsing Vera Louise Female Prater Charles Roy John Male Perth
1936/100438 Perth Thaxter Arthur Ralph Male Ralph Louisa Christina Female Perth
1936/100438 Perth Ralph Louisa Christina Female Thaxter Arthur Ralph Male Perth
1936/100439 Perth McDonald Frederick George Male Hargrave Violet Adelaide Female Perth
1936/100439 Perth Hargrave Violet Adelaide Female McDonald Frederick George Male Perth
1936/100440 Perth Murray Hilda Florence Female Wallace Ernest John Male Subiaco
1936/100440 Perth Wallace Ernest John Male Murray Hilda Florence Female Subiaco
1936/100441 Perth Craike William David Male Archer Ellalaine Female Highgate Hill
1936/100441 Perth Archer Ellalaine Female Craike William David Male Highgate Hill
1936/100442 Perth Wilson Herbert Victor Male Smith Olive May Female Victoria Park
1936/100442 Perth Smith Olive May Female Wilson Herbert Victor Male Victoria Park
1936/100443 Perth Urquhart Edith May Female Pearce Frank Male West Perth
1936/100443 Perth Pearce Frank Male Urquhart Edith May Female West Perth
1936/100444 Perth Bennett Augusta Clare Female Harris Charles Russell Male Mount Lawley
1936/100444 Perth Harris Charles Russell Male Bennett Augusta Clare Female Mount Lawley
1936/100445 Perth Lee John Chester Male Veale Audrey Grattan Female Claremont
1936/100445 Perth Veale Audrey Grattan Female Lee John Chester Male Claremont
1936/100446 Perth Tomlinson Vera Alma Female Coker John Alfred Male Claremont
1936/100446 Perth Coker John Alfred Male Tomlinson Vera Alma Female Claremont
1936/100447 Perth Karamina Evridiki Female Kalafatas Constantine Nicholas Male Perth
1936/100447 Perth Kalafatas Constantine Nicholas Male Karamina Evridiki Female Perth
1936/100448 Perth Pemberton Gladys Serena Female Gliddon Oscar Leslie Howard Male Subiaco
1936/100448 Perth Gliddon Oscar Leslie Howard Male Pemberton Gladys Serena Female Subiaco
1936/100449 Perth White Charles Edward Male Hopper Grace Elizabeth Female North Perth
1936/100449 Perth Hopper Grace Elizabeth Female White Charles Edward Male North Perth
1936/100450 Perth Bentley Gussie Adeline Female Burnett Sydney Young Male Osborne Park
1936/100450 Perth Burnett Sydney Young Male Bentley Gussie Adeline Female Osborne Park
1936/100451 Perth McCreery Alice Gwendoline Female Hollingsworth Reginald Richard Male Subiaco
1936/100451 Perth Hollingsworth Reginald Richard Male McCreery Alice Gwendoline Female Subiaco
1936/100452 Perth Evanes Nicolas George Stoités Male Griffiths Gladys Miriam Female Mt Lawley
1936/100452 Perth Griffiths Gladys Miriam Female Evanes Nicolas George Stoités Male Mt Lawley
1936/100453 Perth Tapscott Henrietta May Female Giblett John Philip Male Mt Lawley
1936/100453 Perth Giblett John Philip Male Tapscott Henrietta May Female Mt Lawley
1936/100454 Perth Stone Harvey Brainerd Male Atkins Eileen Edith Female Mt Lawley
1936/100454 Perth Atkins Eileen Edith Female Stone Harvey Brainerd Male Mt Lawley
1936/100455 Perth McCrae Ola Mina Female Easton Walter Nelthorpe Male Mt Lawley
1936/100455 Perth Easton Walter Nelthorpe Male McCrae Ola Mina Female Mt Lawley
1936/100456 Perth Pascarl James Henry Male McParnell Kathleen Female Perth
1936/100456 Perth McParnell Kathleen Female Pascarl James Henry Male Perth
1936/100457 Perth Trezise Lily Female Davenport Fredrick William Male Perth
1936/100457 Perth Davenport Fredrick William Male Trezise Lily Female Perth
1936/100458 Perth King Herbert Victor Male Cooke Marjorie Female South Perth
1936/100458 Perth Cooke Marjorie Female King Herbert Victor Male South Perth
1936/100459 Perth Merivale Rose Female Dentry Alfred Herbert Male Perth
1936/100459 Perth Dentry Alfred Herbert Male Merivale Rose Female Perth
1936/100460 Perth Monteath William Male Thobaven Elizabeth Rintoul Female Perth
1936/100460 Perth Thobaven Elizabeth Rintoul Female Monteath William Male Perth
1936/100461 Perth Guthrie Jack Edmund Male Wilkes Jessie Female Leederville
1936/100461 Perth Wilkes Jessie Female Guthrie Jack Edmund Male Leederville
1936/100462 Perth Arnold Elizabeth Agnes Female O'Dwyer John Francis Male Leederville
1936/100462 Perth O'Dwyer John Francis Male Arnold Elizabeth Agnes Female Leederville
1936/100463 Perth Wilson Frederick Male Spring Daphne Hope Female Leederville
1936/100463 Perth Spring Daphne Hope Female Wilson Frederick Male Leederville
1936/100464 Perth Abbott Norman Sydney Male Haseldine Mona Greay Female Leederville
1936/100464 Perth Haseldine Mona Greay Female Abbott Norman Sydney Male Leederville
1936/100465 Perth Gray John Edward Male Browne Jessie Edith Female Leederville
1936/100465 Perth Browne Jessie Edith Female Gray John Edward Male Leederville
1936/100466 Perth Anderson John Thomas Male Shackleton Evelyn Maud Female Leederville
1936/100466 Perth Shackleton Evelyn Maud Female Anderson John Thomas Male Leederville
1936/100467 Perth Bland Charles Neil Male Robson Maida Ellen Female North Leederville
1936/100467 Perth Robson Maida Ellen Female Bland Charles Neil Male North Leederville
1936/100468 Perth McCosh Charles Henry Male Howard Vera Elizabeth Female Perth
1936/100468 Perth Howard Vera Elizabeth Female McCosh Charles Henry Male Perth
1936/100470 Perth Rowe Alice de la Trobe Female Reynolds Charles Prinsep Male South Perth
1936/100470 Perth Reynolds Charles Prinsep Male Rowe Alice de la Trobe Female South Perth
1936/100471 Perth Agostino Elena Female Belcastro Pasquale Male Leederville
1936/100471 Perth Belcastro Pasquale Male Agostino Elena Female Leederville
1936/100472 Perth Butler Hazel May Female Devaney John Thomas Male Leederville
1936/100472 Perth Devaney John Thomas Male Butler Hazel May Female Leederville
1936/100473 Perth Leswell Esme Ivy Female Higgins Clarence Richard Male Perth
1936/100473 Perth Higgins Clarence Richard Male Leswell Esme Ivy Female Perth
1936/100474 Perth McKinnon Kate St Clare Female Troy Ivan Peter Male Perth
1936/100474 Perth Troy Ivan Peter Male McKinnon Kate St Clare Female Perth
1936/100475 Perth Trekardo Annie Josephine Female Clementson Francis Joseph Male Perth
1936/100475 Perth Clementson Francis Joseph Male Trekardo Annie Josephine Female Perth
1936/100476 Perth Bray Richard Gilbert Male Murphy Kathleen Teresa Female Perth
1936/100476 Perth Murphy Kathleen Teresa Female Bray Richard Gilbert Male Perth
1936/100477 Perth Weston Winifred Joan Female Deaner Eric Thomas Male Perth
1936/100477 Perth Deaner Eric Thomas Male Weston Winifred Joan Female Perth
1936/100478 Perth Leuba Eileen Yvonne Female Sharrett Richard Eric Male Perth
1936/100478 Perth Sharrett Richard Eric Male Leuba Eileen Yvonne Female Perth
1937/100479 Perth Burns Alexandra McKinnon Female Vandersluys Gerbrand Hendrik Johannes Male Perth
1936/100479 Perth McKenzie Jessie Heather Female Roberts Leonard Charles Male Perth
1937/100479 Perth Vandersluys Gerbrand Hendrik Johannes Male Burns Alexandra McKinnon Female Perth
1936/100479 Perth Roberts Leonard Charles Male McKenzie Jessie Heather Female Perth
1936/100480 Perth Corry Violet Jean Female Darragh Gerald Raymond Male Perth
1936/100480 Perth Darragh Gerald Raymond Male Corry Violet Jean Female Perth
1936/100481 Perth Swankie Margaret Female Boyd David Male Perth
1936/100481 Perth Boyd David Male Swankie Margaret Female Perth
1936/100482 Perth Johnston Alice Louise Female Stone George Keith Male Leederville
1936/100482 Perth Stone George Keith Male Johnston Alice Louise Female Leederville
1936/100483 Perth Minson Ivy May Female Best George Edward Stephen Male Leederville
1936/100483 Perth Best George Edward Stephen Male Minson Ivy May Female Leederville
1936/100484 Perth Coad Doreen Mavis Female Mullins Frederick Male Perth
1936/100484 Perth Mullins Frederick Male Coad Doreen Mavis Female Perth
1936/100485 Perth Bryant Bernice Female Singleton Ronald James Male Perth
1936/100485 Perth Singleton Ronald James Male Bryant Bernice Female Perth
1936/100486 Perth Carman Norman Fletcher Male Metcalf Phyllis Fleming Female Victoria Park
1936/100486 Perth Metcalf Phyllis Fleming Female Carman Norman Fletcher Male Victoria Park
1936/100487 Perth Moss Eleanor Vera Female Bell David Male North Perth
1936/100487 Perth Bell David Male Moss Eleanor Vera Female North Perth
1936/100488 Perth Nankivell Irene Thelma Female Yelverton Claude Noel Male North Perth
1936/100488 Perth Yelverton Claude Noel Male Nankivell Irene Thelma Female North Perth
1936/100489 Perth Smith Kenneth Leo Male Robinson Grace Samuel Female North Perth
1936/100489 Perth Robinson Grace Samuel Female Smith Kenneth Leo Male North Perth
1936/100490 Perth Adams Nicholas Male Mauroidi Phigenia Female Perth
1936/100490 Perth Mauroidi Phigenia Female Adams Nicholas Male Perth
1936/100491 Perth House Florence Elizabeth Female Bell Robert Male Bayswater
1936/100491 Perth Bell Robert Male House Florence Elizabeth Female Bayswater
1936/100492 Perth Chinnery Mary Doreen Female Clark Fredrick Albert Male Bayswater
1936/100492 Perth Clark Fredrick Albert Male Chinnery Mary Doreen Female Bayswater
1936/100493 Perth Woods William Male Cruse Marian Winifred Female Subiaco
1936/100493 Perth Cruse Marian Winifred Female Woods William Male Subiaco
1936/100494 Perth Leahy Patrick Male Bell Doreen Female Subiaco
1936/100494 Perth Bell Doreen Female Leahy Patrick Male Subiaco
1936/100495 Perth Grant Jean Female Symons John Andrew Male Perth
1936/100495 Perth Symons John Andrew Male Grant Jean Female Perth
1936/100496 Perth Knight Arthur Male Foley Lilian Dora Female North Perth
1936/100496 Perth Foley Lilian Dora Female Knight Arthur Male North Perth
1936/100497 Perth Steele Amy May Female Whitfield Eric Robert Male Perth
1936/100497 Perth Whitfield Eric Robert Male Steele Amy May Female Perth
1936/100498 Perth Hennings Frederick James Gotham Male Osborn Muriel Lilian Female Perth
1936/100498 Perth Osborn Muriel Lilian Female Hennings Frederick James Gotham Male Perth
1936/100499 Perth Batterham Cyril Ralph Male Porter Roma Violet Eileen Female Perth
1936/100499 Perth Porter Roma Violet Eileen Female Batterham Cyril Ralph Male Perth
1936/100500 Perth Thompson Lionel Francis Seymour Male King Patricia Mary Catherine Female Perth
1936/100500 Perth King Patricia Mary Catherine Female Thompson Lionel Francis Seymour Male Perth
1936/100501 Perth Birch Doreen Elizabeth Female Green Albert Roy Male Perth
1936/100501 Perth Green Albert Roy Male Birch Doreen Elizabeth Female Perth
1936/100502 Perth Coupar Dulcie Grace Female Nunn Thomas Charles Male Perth
1936/100502 Perth Nunn Thomas Charles Male Coupar Dulcie Grace Female Perth
1936/100503 Perth Norris Arthur Gerald Male Holland Dorothy Lillian Clarice Female Perth
1936/100503 Perth Holland Dorothy Lillian Clarice Female Norris Arthur Gerald Male Perth
1936/100504 Perth Ridgwell Grace Female MacPherson Claude Nelson Male Perth
1936/100504 Perth MacPherson Claude Nelson Male Ridgwell Grace Female Perth
1936/100505 Perth Thomas Cecil Mervyn Male Butcher Alice Elizabeth Joan Female Perth
1936/100505 Perth Butcher Alice Elizabeth Joan Female Thomas Cecil Mervyn Male Perth
1936/100506 Perth Boulton Albert Henry Male Smith Geneva Albertha Female Perth
1936/100506 Perth Smith Geneva Albertha Female Boulton Albert Henry Male Perth
1936/100507 Perth O'Hern Alma Hope Female Riches Lloyd George Male Perth
1936/100507 Perth Riches Lloyd George Male O'Hern Alma Hope Female Perth
1936/100508 Perth Puddy John Walter Male Beatty Gladys Arlene Female Perth
1936/100508 Perth Beatty Gladys Arlene Female Puddy John Walter Male Perth
1936/100509 Perth Bell Lucy Annie Female Webb William John Male Perth
1936/100509 Perth Webb William John Male Bell Lucy Annie Female Perth
1936/100510 Perth Terry Bernard Murtough Male Scott Mary Grace Female Perth
1936/100510 Perth Scott Mary Grace Female Terry Bernard Murtough Male Perth
1936/100511 Perth Delaney Monica Hanorah Female Brown Basil Mervin Male Perth
1936/100511 Perth Brown Basil Mervin Male Delaney Monica Hanorah Female Perth
1936/100512 Perth Rose William Male Blake Thelma Female Perth
1936/100512 Perth Blake Thelma Female Rose William Male Perth
1936/100513 Perth Hutton Jack Colin Male Longman Ena Teresa Female Perth
1936/100513 Perth Longman Ena Teresa Female Hutton Jack Colin Male Perth
1936/100514 Perth McGrath Doris Female Gillett Clifton Arthur Male West Perth
1936/100514 Perth Gillett Clifton Arthur Male McGrath Doris Female West Perth
1936/100515 Perth Claffey Dulcie May Female Marks Leslie Edward Male North Perth
1936/100515 Perth Marks Leslie Edward Male Claffey Dulcie May Female North Perth
1936/100516 Perth Bresland Jean Female Thatcher Frederick Charles Male North Perth
1936/100516 Perth Thatcher Frederick Charles Male Bresland Jean Female North Perth
1936/100517 Perth Wilson Norman Male Swinhoe Mary Female Highgate
1936/100517 Perth Swinhoe Mary Female Wilson Norman Male Highgate
1936/100518 Perth Charlton Margaret Anne Female Redgrave George Alfred James Male Perth
1936/100518 Perth Redgrave George Alfred James Male Charlton Margaret Anne Female Perth
1936/100519 Perth Marshall Robert James Percival Male Robertson Jane Dingwall Female Bayswater
1936/100519 Perth Robertson Jane Dingwall Female Marshall Robert James Percival Male Bayswater
1936/100520 Perth Cooper James Male Macpherson Joyce Adelaide Female North Maylands
1936/100520 Perth Macpherson Joyce Adelaide Female Cooper James Male North Maylands
1936/100521 Perth Staniforth Rose Mary Female Faulkner Reginald James Male West Perth
1936/100521 Perth Faulkner Reginald James Male Staniforth Rose Mary Female West Perth
1936/100522 Perth Gilligan Dorothy Female Cowley Kennith Male West Perth
1936/100522 Perth Cowley Kennith Male Gilligan Dorothy Female West Perth
1936/100523 Perth Kelly Lily Female Smith Henry Male Subiaco
1936/100523 Perth Smith Henry Male Kelly Lily Female Subiaco
1936/100524 Perth Wright Alfred William Male Brown Mavis Emma Female Cottesloe
1936/100524 Perth Brown Mavis Emma Female Wright Alfred William Male Cottesloe
1936/100525 Perth McCormack Kenneth Kevin Male Dowling Sheila Female Victoria Park
1936/100525 Perth Dowling Sheila Female McCormack Kenneth Kevin Male Victoria Park
1936/100526 Perth Flynn Eileen Mary Female Hughes John Aloysius Male Victoria Park
1936/100526 Perth Hughes John Aloysius Male Flynn Eileen Mary Female Victoria Park
1936/100527 Perth Ireland Agnes Doreen Female Kyle Alan Norman Male East Victoria Park
1936/100527 Perth Kyle Alan Norman Male Ireland Agnes Doreen Female East Victoria Park
1936/100528 Perth McKinney Walter Male McCarrey Stella Margaret Female Cottesloe
1936/100528 Perth McCarrey Stella Margaret Female McKinney Walter Male Cottesloe
1936/100529 Perth Taylor Edmund Coles Male Eagar Beatrice Maud Doreen Female Perth
1936/100529 Perth Eagar Beatrice Maud Doreen Female Taylor Edmund Coles Male Perth
1936/100530 Perth Thornhill Dorothy Ethel Female Sanderson Reginald Leonard Male Subiaco
1936/100530 Perth Sanderson Reginald Leonard Male Thornhill Dorothy Ethel Female Subiaco
1936/100531 Perth Argust Edith Maud Female Johnstone Alexander Male Victoria Park
1936/100531 Perth Johnstone Alexander Male Argust Edith Maud Female Victoria Park
1936/100532 Perth Tancock Roy Male Webb Jessie Female Victoria Park
1936/100532 Perth Webb Jessie Female Tancock Roy Male Victoria Park
1936/100533 Perth French William Werrett Male Ridley Jean Female Victoria Park
1936/100533 Perth Ridley Jean Female French William Werrett Male Victoria Park
1936/100534 Perth Rodgers Edwin Alexander Male Holmes Gladys Irene Female Victoria Park
1936/100534 Perth Holmes Gladys Irene Female Rodgers Edwin Alexander Male Victoria Park
1936/100535 Perth Smith Samuel William Francis Male Reeks Rita Lily Louisa Female Victoria Park
1936/100535 Perth Reeks Rita Lily Louisa Female Smith Samuel William Francis Male Victoria Park
1936/100536 Perth Winch Nellie Mary Emily Female Palmer William Edward Male Victoria Park
1936/100536 Perth Palmer William Edward Male Winch Nellie Mary Emily Female Victoria Park
1936/100537 Perth Tangney Kathleen Lily Female Smith Alfred Oliver Male Victoria Park
1936/100537 Perth Smith Alfred Oliver Male Tangney Kathleen Lily Female Victoria Park
1936/100538 Perth Gibson Eileen Mary Female White Herbert Male Perth
1936/100538 Perth White Herbert Male Gibson Eileen Mary Female Perth
1936/100539 Perth Freshwater Kathleen Elizabeth Female Tomlinson Bert William Male South Perth
1936/100539 Perth Tomlinson Bert William Male Freshwater Kathleen Elizabeth Female South Perth
1936/100540 Perth Venables Florence Olga Female Lehmann Ernest Robert Male Leederville
1936/100540 Perth Lehmann Ernest Robert Male Venables Florence Olga Female Leederville
1936/100541 Perth Ryan Victoria Female Scott Thomas Male Perth
1936/100541 Perth Scott Thomas Male Ryan Victoria Female Perth
1936/100542 Perth Fox Ruby Ethel Female Abbott Henry George James Male Subiaco
1936/100542 Perth Abbott Henry George James Male Fox Ruby Ethel Female Subiaco
1936/100543 Perth Morgan Patricia Female Johnson Harry Edward Male Perth
1936/100543 Perth Johnson Harry Edward Male Morgan Patricia Female Perth
1936/100544 Perth Goy Emily Myrtle Victoria Female Hay William Arthur Male Claremont
1936/100544 Perth Hay William Arthur Male Goy Emily Myrtle Victoria Female Claremont
1936/100545 Perth Sachman Leslie Ernest Male Chivers Violet Evelyn Elizabeth Female Perth
1936/100545 Perth Chivers Violet Evelyn Elizabeth Female Sachman Leslie Ernest Male Perth
1936/100546 Perth Moorhead Winefred Martha Female Downer William Samuel Cecil Male Perth
1936/100546 Perth Downer William Samuel Cecil Male Moorhead Winefred Martha Female Perth
1936/100547 Perth Moffat Catherine Ferguson Law Female Gummow Lindsay Edwin Male Perth
1936/100547 Perth Gummow Lindsay Edwin Male Moffat Catherine Ferguson Law Female Perth
1936/100548 Perth Porter William Alan Male Blythe Betty Winifred Female West Perth
1936/100548 Perth Blythe Betty Winifred Female Porter William Alan Male West Perth
1936/100549 Perth Mayman William George Male Evans Catherine Margaret Female West Perth
1936/100549 Perth Evans Catherine Margaret Female Mayman William George Male West Perth
1936/100550 Perth Taylor Harry Male McPherson Isabella Female West Perth
1936/100550 Perth McPherson Isabella Female Taylor Harry Male West Perth
1936/100551 Perth Spencer James Alfred Male Cole Edna Jessie Female West Perth
1936/100551 Perth Cole Edna Jessie Female Spencer James Alfred Male West Perth
1936/100552 Perth Winton Mavis Hazel Female Newton Jesse Male Subiaco
1936/100552 Perth Newton Jesse Male Winton Mavis Hazel Female Subiaco
1936/100553 Perth Rowell Cyril Albert Engelhard Male Piercy Enid Agnes Female Subiaco
1936/100553 Perth Piercy Enid Agnes Female Rowell Cyril Albert Engelhard Male Subiaco
1936/100554 Perth Thornhill Leslie Rowland Male Fishwick Mavis Ethel Female Subiaco
1936/100554 Perth Fishwick Mavis Ethel Female Thornhill Leslie Rowland Male Subiaco
1936/100555 Perth Morgan Florence Jean Female Harris Lennard Oswald Male Subiaco
1936/100555 Perth Harris Lennard Oswald Male Morgan Florence Jean Female Subiaco
1936/100556 Perth Mogridge Norman Thorpe Male Blakemore Alice Emily Female Subiaco
1936/100556 Perth Blakemore Alice Emily Female Mogridge Norman Thorpe Male Subiaco
1936/100557 Perth Huxtable Roger Sydney Cecil Male Hymus Phyllis Elsie Emily Female West Leederville
1936/100557 Perth Hymus Phyllis Elsie Emily Female Huxtable Roger Sydney Cecil Male West Leederville
1936/100558 Perth Rhodes Phillis Female Begent Alfred Joseph Oliver Male Cottesloe Beach
1936/100558 Perth Begent Alfred Joseph Oliver Male Rhodes Phillis Female Cottesloe Beach
1936/100559 Perth Brown Doris May Female Cousins John Male Perth
1936/100559 Perth Cousins John Male Brown Doris May Female Perth
1936/100560 Perth Eaton Mervyn John Male Leonard Lucy Eileen Female Perth
1936/100560 Perth Leonard Lucy Eileen Female Eaton Mervyn John Male Perth
1936/100561 Perth Bourne George Albert Male Slatova Marie Female Perth
1936/100561 Perth Slatova Marie Female Bourne George Albert Male Perth
1936/100562 Perth Fenton George Arthur Male Devonshire Ursula Jean Female Perth
1936/100562 Perth Devonshire Ursula Jean Female Fenton George Arthur Male Perth
1936/100563 Perth Bellett Aubrey Cedric Male Odgers Daphne Maureen Female Perth
1936/100563 Perth Odgers Daphne Maureen Female Bellett Aubrey Cedric Male Perth
1936/100564 Perth Dunkling Stanley Eric Male Fulker Gladys Minnie Female Claremont
1936/100564 Perth Fulker Gladys Minnie Female Dunkling Stanley Eric Male Claremont
1936/100565 Perth Aitken Charlotte Anne Female Fredericks Arthur Charles Male Perth
1936/100565 Perth Fredericks Arthur Charles Male Aitken Charlotte Anne Female Perth
1936/100566 Perth Trevena Edward George Male Funnel Violet Margaret Female Perth
1936/100566 Perth Funnel Violet Margaret Female Trevena Edward George Male Perth
1936/100567 Perth Brown Arnold Clement Male Foord Mifanwy Gwendolwyn Female Perth
1936/100567 Perth Foord Mifanwy Gwendolwyn Female Brown Arnold Clement Male Perth
1936/100568 Perth Poletti Walter George Male Tasker Grace Margaret Female West Perth
1936/100568 Perth Tasker Grace Margaret Female Poletti Walter George Male West Perth
1936/100569 Perth Day George Stanley Male Rayner Alice Elizabeth Female West Perth
1936/100569 Perth Rayner Alice Elizabeth Female Day George Stanley Male West Perth
1936/100570 Perth Benson Olive Mabel Female Bowra Charles James Stanley Male West Perth
1936/100570 Perth Bowra Charles James Stanley Male Benson Olive Mabel Female West Perth
1936/100571 Perth Bell Patty Female Armstrong Charles William Male West Perth
1936/100571 Perth Armstrong Charles William Male Bell Patty Female West Perth
1936/100572 Perth Markwell Frank Gordon Male Gillzan Alice Louisa Female West Perth
1936/100572 Perth Gillzan Alice Louisa Female Markwell Frank Gordon Male West Perth
1936/100573 Perth Howatson Anne Weir Female White Norman Graham Male West Perth
1936/100573 Perth White Norman Graham Male Howatson Anne Weir Female West Perth
1936/100574 Perth Klein Rosella Elsie Female Pearson Charles Gordon Male West Perth
1936/100574 Perth Pearson Charles Gordon Male Klein Rosella Elsie Female West Perth
1936/100575 Perth Lullfity Bernhard Julius Male Ligman Gertrude Linda Female West Perth
1936/100575 Perth Ligman Gertrude Linda Female Lullfity Bernhard Julius Male West Perth
1936/100576 Perth Peers Marjory Sarah Ellen Female Pethick Leonard Male West Perth
1936/100576 Perth Pethick Leonard Male Peers Marjory Sarah Ellen Female West Perth
1936/100577 Perth Read Dorothy Ellen Female Phillips Leonard Male West Perth
1936/100577 Perth Phillips Leonard Male Read Dorothy Ellen Female West Perth
1936/100578 Perth Wear Nellie Victoria Mary Female Mayo Thomas Edward Male Claremont
1936/100578 Perth Mayo Thomas Edward Male Wear Nellie Victoria Mary Female Claremont
1936/100579 Perth Harmer John Leslie Male Craig Gladys Maud Female Claremont
1936/100579 Perth Craig Gladys Maud Female Harmer John Leslie Male Claremont
1936/100580 Perth Gilbert Gordon Errol Male Fowler Elsie May Female West Leederville
1936/100580 Perth Fowler Elsie May Female Gilbert Gordon Errol Male West Leederville
1936/100581 Perth Whisler Daisy Female Smith Keith Henry Patrick Male Subiaco
1936/100581 Perth Smith Keith Henry Patrick Male Whisler Daisy Female Subiaco
1936/100582 Perth May Leonard Walter Male Palmer Isla Alice Margaret Female Subiaco
1936/100582 Perth Palmer Isla Alice Margaret Female May Leonard Walter Male Subiaco
1936/100583 Perth Meakins Clerence Hayden Washington Male Warr Florence Ethel Annie Female Subiaco
1936/100583 Perth Warr Florence Ethel Annie Female Meakins Clerence Hayden Washington Male Subiaco
1936/100584 Perth Chadwick Gladys Female Long Joseph Alexander Male Subiaco
1936/100584 Perth Long Joseph Alexander Male Chadwick Gladys Female Subiaco
1936/100585 Perth Priest Frances Violet Female Oberman Edward Henry Male Subiaco
1936/100585 Perth Oberman Edward Henry Male Priest Frances Violet Female Subiaco
1936/100586 Perth Page Henry Edgar Male Whittle Stella Lavina Female Mt Lawley
1936/100586 Perth Whittle Stella Lavina Female Page Henry Edgar Male Mt Lawley
1936/100587 Perth Hughes Gordon Robert Male Williams Rose Trevenia Female Leederville
1936/100587 Perth Williams Rose Trevenia Female Hughes Gordon Robert Male Leederville
1936/100588 Perth Howitt Elsie Florence Female Miller Augustus Woldama Male Perth
1936/100588 Perth Miller Augustus Woldama Male Howitt Elsie Florence Female Perth
1936/100589 Perth Sullivan Veronica Mary Female Gilkison Samuel Male West Perth
1936/100589 Perth Gilkison Samuel Male Sullivan Veronica Mary Female West Perth
1936/100590 Perth Emmett Francis Patrick Male Payne Viola Elizabeth Female West Perth
1936/100590 Perth Payne Viola Elizabeth Female Emmett Francis Patrick Male West Perth
1936/100591 Perth Forbes Dorothy Edwina Female Yeo Sydney Francis Male Cottesloe
1936/100591 Perth Yeo Sydney Francis Male Forbes Dorothy Edwina Female Cottesloe
1936/100592 Perth Meadowcroft Eileen Mary Female Stringfellow James Male Cottesloe
1936/100592 Perth Stringfellow James Male Meadowcroft Eileen Mary Female Cottesloe
1936/100593 Perth Weston Leila Florence Female Taylor Samuel Male Cottesloe
1936/100593 Perth Taylor Samuel Male Weston Leila Florence Female Cottesloe
1936/100594 Perth Pugh John Gadd Male McKinley Gladys Ethel Jane Female North Perth
1936/100594 Perth McKinley Gladys Ethel Jane Female Pugh John Gadd Male North Perth
1936/100595 Perth Wilson John Albert Male Hayes Catherine Female North Perth
1936/100595 Perth Hayes Catherine Female Wilson John Albert Male North Perth
1936/100596 Perth Humphreys Thelma Doris Female Johnston Cecil John Grindle Male Perth
1936/100596 Perth Johnston Cecil John Grindle Male Humphreys Thelma Doris Female Perth
1936/100597 Perth Green Elva May Female McKeig Cecil Daniel Male West Perth
1936/100597 Perth McKeig Cecil Daniel Male Green Elva May Female West Perth
1936/100598 Perth Bottrell Roy Male Gilchrist Doris Female Perth
1936/100598 Perth Gilchrist Doris Female Bottrell Roy Male Perth
1936/100599 Perth Bray Jack Male Stewart Alice Lillian Female Mt Lawley
1936/100599 Perth Stewart Alice Lillian Female Bray Jack Male Mt Lawley
1936/100600 Perth Bell Douglas Charles Male Temple Kathleen Hannah Female Perth
1936/100600 Perth Temple Kathleen Hannah Female Bell Douglas Charles Male Perth
1936/100601 Perth Stone Leila Althea Female White Andrew Francis Male South Perth
1936/100601 Perth White Andrew Francis Male Stone Leila Althea Female South Perth
1936/100602 Perth Pumphrey William Joseph Male Wadeisha Olga May Female Perth
1936/100602 Perth Wadeisha Olga May Female Pumphrey William Joseph Male Perth
1936/100603 Perth Everett Hazel Lilian Female Armstrong Allen Edward Male Perth
1936/100603 Perth Armstrong Allen Edward Male Everett Hazel Lilian Female Perth
1936/100604 Perth Bowden John Male McLellan Elsie Female Perth
1936/100604 Perth McLellan Elsie Female Bowden John Male Perth
1936/100605 Perth Owen Charles Lawrence Male Hallyburton Jessie Isobel Female Perth
1936/100605 Perth Hallyburton Jessie Isobel Female Owen Charles Lawrence Male Perth
1936/100606 Perth Beauchamp Alfred John Male Halliday Gertrude Female Mt Lawley
1936/100606 Perth Halliday Gertrude Female Beauchamp Alfred John Male Mt Lawley
1936/100607 Perth Mason Charles Arthur Male Birch Phyllis Ethel Female Mt Lawley
1936/100607 Perth Birch Phyllis Ethel Female Mason Charles Arthur Male Mt Lawley
1936/100608 Perth Martin Ruth Winifred Female O'Connell William Male Subiaco
1936/100608 Perth O'Connell William Male Martin Ruth Winifred Female Subiaco
1936/100609 Perth Melbourne Ada Ivy Female Bannear Norman Walter Male Subiaco
1936/100609 Perth Bannear Norman Walter Male Melbourne Ada Ivy Female Subiaco
1936/100610 Perth Wright Thomas Edwin Male Armanasco Hester May Female Victoria Park
1936/100610 Perth Armanasco Hester May Female Wright Thomas Edwin Male Victoria Park
1936/100611 Perth Brockwell James George Male Fielding Jean Female Victoria Park
1936/100611 Perth Fielding Jean Female Brockwell James George Male Victoria Park
1936/100612 Perth Meredith Gwendoline Florence Female Brindley Charles Henry Male Victoria Park
1936/100612 Perth Brindley Charles Henry Male Meredith Gwendoline Florence Female Victoria Park
1936/100613 Perth Telper Innes Vivian Male Dolling Grace Hilda Female Victoria Park
1936/100613 Perth Dolling Grace Hilda Female Telper Innes Vivian Male Victoria Park
1936/100614 Perth Lockhart Hilda May Female Maffescioni Jack Lawence Male Victoria Park
1936/100614 Perth Maffescioni Jack Lawence Male Lockhart Hilda May Female Victoria Park
1936/100615 Perth Swinbank William James Male Whittle Winifred Joyce Female Perth
1936/100615 Perth Whittle Winifred Joyce Female Swinbank William James Male Perth
1936/100616 Perth Follick Vida Kathleen Female Dempsey John Bernard Male Perth
1936/100616 Perth Dempsey John Bernard Male Follick Vida Kathleen Female Perth
1936/100617 Perth Jeffery Ida Female Sinclair David Male Perth
1936/100617 Perth Sinclair David Male Jeffery Ida Female Perth
1936/100618 Perth Leithhead Darcy William Male Uren Millie Goyne Female Perth
1936/100618 Perth Uren Millie Goyne Female Leithhead Darcy William Male Perth
1936/100619 Perth Marshall Walter Ernest Male Paisley Ivy Margaret Female Perth
1936/100619 Perth Paisley Ivy Margaret Female Marshall Walter Ernest Male Perth
1936/100620 Perth Waltho James William Male McKenna Dorothy May Female Perth
1936/100620 Perth McKenna Dorothy May Female Waltho James William Male Perth
1936/100621 Perth Jaques Edith Fanny Female Bruce Gifford George Male Mt Lawley
1936/100621 Perth Bruce Gifford George Male Jaques Edith Fanny Female Mt Lawley
1936/100622 Perth Robertson William Male Andrews Catherine Female Perth
1936/100622 Perth Andrews Catherine Female Robertson William Male Perth
1936/100623 Perth Hutchinson Joy Mavis Female Woodland Leonard Arthur Male Cottesloe
1936/100623 Perth Woodland Leonard Arthur Male Hutchinson Joy Mavis Female Cottesloe
1936/100624 Perth Viol Frederick Oscar Male Earp Ruth Pauline Female Subiaco
1936/100624 Perth Earp Ruth Pauline Female Viol Frederick Oscar Male Subiaco
1936/100625 Perth Barnes Thomas Bedford Male Butler Annie Female Victoria Park
1936/100625 Perth Butler Annie Female Barnes Thomas Bedford Male Victoria Park
1936/100626 Perth Harding Jessie Francis Female Carruthers Ray Vivian Male Victoria Park
1937/100626 Perth Connors Elsie May Female FitzGerald Cyril John Male Perth
1936/100626 Perth Carruthers Ray Vivian Male Harding Jessie Francis Female Victoria Park
1937/100626 Perth FitzGerald Cyril John Male Connors Elsie May Female Perth
1936/100627 Perth Lingwood Lawrence Bertie William Male Riley Nancy Female Victoria Park
1937/100627 Perth Blume Rona Olga Female Smullen James Joseph Male Perth
1936/100627 Perth Riley Nancy Female Lingwood Lawrence Bertie William Male Victoria Park
1937/100627 Perth Smullen James Joseph Male Blume Rona Olga Female Perth
1936/100628 Perth Bucci Evelyn Rebecca Female Fitzpatrick Thomas James Male Victoria Park
1936/100628 Perth Fitzpatrick Thomas James Male Bucci Evelyn Rebecca Female Victoria Park
1936/100629 Perth Mengler Nancy Elsa Female Eddington William Samuel Thomas Male Claremont
1936/100629 Perth Eddington William Samuel Thomas Male Mengler Nancy Elsa Female Claremont
1936/100630 Perth Pitman Constance Nellie Female Peacock Ralph John Male Claremont
1936/100630 Perth Peacock Ralph John Male Pitman Constance Nellie Female Claremont
1936/100631 Perth Pallier Harold Robert Male Longman Ethel Winifred Female Perth
1936/100631 Perth Longman Ethel Winifred Female Pallier Harold Robert Male Perth
1936/100632 Perth Lyall William Kenneth McKenzie Male McRae Monica Rose Female Perth
1936/100632 Perth McRae Monica Rose Female Lyall William Kenneth McKenzie Male Perth
1936/100633 Perth Barnden Horace Walter Male Johnson Ivy Myrtle Female Perth
1936/100633 Perth Johnson Ivy Myrtle Female Barnden Horace Walter Male Perth
1936/100634 Perth Edwards Thelma Ralton Veronica Female Bartley Ronald Victor Male Perth
1936/100634 Perth Bartley Ronald Victor Male Edwards Thelma Ralton Veronica Female Perth
1936/100635 Perth Christie Alexander Gonlen Steele Male Smith Phyllis Mabel Foster Female Perth
1936/100635 Perth Smith Phyllis Mabel Foster Female Christie Alexander Gonlen Steele Male Perth
1936/100636 Perth Vine Keith Henry James Male Greene Hanoria Mary Female Perth
1936/100636 Perth Greene Hanoria Mary Female Vine Keith Henry James Male Perth
1936/100637 Perth Buddee Charlotte Henrietta Female McKenzie Alexander John Male Perth
1936/100637 Perth McKenzie Alexander John Male Buddee Charlotte Henrietta Female Perth
1936/100638 Perth Hiron Millicent Elizabeth Female Rogers William John Harold Male Perth
1936/100638 Perth Rogers William John Harold Male Hiron Millicent Elizabeth Female Perth
1936/100639 Perth Brabazon Phyllis Edith Beatrice Female Taylor Stanley Joseph Male Highgate Hill
1936/100639 Perth Taylor Stanley Joseph Male Brabazon Phyllis Edith Beatrice Female Highgate Hill
1936/100640 Perth Sams Mary Olive Female Logan William Edwin Male Mt Lawley
1936/100640 Perth Logan William Edwin Male Sams Mary Olive Female Mt Lawley
1936/100641 Perth Phillips Thomas James Male Carmichael Ann Female Perth
1936/100641 Perth Carmichael Ann Female Phillips Thomas James Male Perth
1936/100642 Perth Parker Gwendoline Margaret Female Geilman George John Male Mt Lawley
1936/100642 Perth Geilman George John Male Parker Gwendoline Margaret Female Mt Lawley
1936/100643 Perth Eke Marjory Edith Female Westergaard Edwin Wilfred James Male Mt Lawley
1936/100643 Perth Westergaard Edwin Wilfred James Male Eke Marjory Edith Female Mt Lawley
1936/100644 Perth Green John Walter Steven Male Nickisson Mona Evelyn Female Mt Lawley
1936/100644 Perth Nickisson Mona Evelyn Female Green John Walter Steven Male Mt Lawley
1936/100645 Perth Cooper Keith Leo Male Bernard Miriam Female Perth
1936/100645 Perth Bernard Miriam Female Cooper Keith Leo Male Perth
1936/100646 Perth Humphreys Harold Edward Male Stephenson Grace Muriel Female Highgate Hill
1936/100646 Perth Stephenson Grace Muriel Female Humphreys Harold Edward Male Highgate Hill
1936/100647 Perth Blake Thomas Gordon Male Broad Mary Alexandra Female Mt Lawley
1936/100647 Perth Broad Mary Alexandra Female Blake Thomas Gordon Male Mt Lawley
1936/100648 Perth Hyde Henry Edson Male Cooper Isabel Ruth Female Highgate Hill
1936/100648 Perth Cooper Isabel Ruth Female Hyde Henry Edson Male Highgate Hill
1936/100649 Perth Davey Samuel James Male Green Millicent Edna Female Perth
1936/100649 Perth Green Millicent Edna Female Davey Samuel James Male Perth
1936/100650 Perth Carr Kathleen Murray Female Ingram Stanley Ronald Male Mount Hawthorn
1936/100650 Perth Ingram Stanley Ronald Male Carr Kathleen Murray Female Mount Hawthorn
1936/100651 Perth Errington Alexander Clifford Male Sanderson Marjorie Female West Perth
1936/100651 Perth Sanderson Marjorie Female Errington Alexander Clifford Male West Perth
1936/100652 Perth Williamson Joyce Female Budgen Jack Male West Perth
1936/100652 Perth Budgen Jack Male Williamson Joyce Female West Perth
1936/100653 Perth Mills Elsie Elizabeth Female Hughes Albert James Male West Perth
1936/100653 Perth Hughes Albert James Male Mills Elsie Elizabeth Female West Perth
1936/100654 Perth Leslie Lancelot Male Turbet Dorothy Female Subiaco
1936/100654 Perth Turbet Dorothy Female Leslie Lancelot Male Subiaco
1936/100655 Perth Bates Harold Eric Male Hesford Maie Female Subiaco
1936/100655 Perth Hesford Maie Female Bates Harold Eric Male Subiaco
1936/100656 Perth Keane Michael Joseph Male Thornton Alice Frances Female Subiaco
1936/100656 Perth Thornton Alice Frances Female Keane Michael Joseph Male Subiaco
1936/100657 Perth Bodenham Robert Male Golding Edna Female Subiaco
1936/100657 Perth Golding Edna Female Bodenham Robert Male Subiaco
1936/100658 Perth Astbury John Male Sibbald Ethel Christina Female Cottesloe Beach
1936/100658 Perth Sibbald Ethel Christina Female Astbury John Male Cottesloe Beach
1936/100659 Perth Smith Frederick George Charles Male Smith Norma Erica Female Cottesloe
1936/100659 Perth Smith Norma Erica Female Smith Frederick George Charles Male Cottesloe
1936/100660 Perth Williams William Donald Tudor Male Parker Eva Rose Female Cottesloe
1936/100660 Perth Parker Eva Rose Female Williams William Donald Tudor Male Cottesloe
1936/100661 Perth Watson Edward Male Franklin Sarah Edith Ellen Female Leederville
1936/100661 Perth Franklin Sarah Edith Ellen Female Watson Edward Male Leederville
1936/100662 Perth Bishop Stanley Gordon Male Andrew Jessie Violet Female Nedlands
1936/100662 Perth Andrew Jessie Violet Female Bishop Stanley Gordon Male Nedlands
1936/100663 Perth Barnett Dorothy Susan Female Parnell Reginald Thomas Fuller Male Nedlands
1936/100663 Perth Parnell Reginald Thomas Fuller Male Barnett Dorothy Susan Female Nedlands
1936/100664 Perth Nagle Florence Gertrude Female Argus Robert James Male Perth
1936/100664 Perth Argus Robert James Male Nagle Florence Gertrude Female Perth
1936/100665 Perth Ireland James Male Adams Kathleen Ellen Female Perth
1936/100665 Perth Adams Kathleen Ellen Female Ireland James Male Perth
1936/100666 Perth Twaddle Thomas Male Galbraith Ruby Female Perth
1936/100666 Perth Galbraith Ruby Female Twaddle Thomas Male Perth
1936/100667 Perth Arcus Edward Arthur Male Richards Norma Alma Female Cottesloe
1936/100667 Perth Richards Norma Alma Female Arcus Edward Arthur Male Cottesloe
1936/100668 Perth Smith Emma Frances Female Harris Reginald Arthur Male Cottesloe
1936/100668 Perth Harris Reginald Arthur Male Smith Emma Frances Female Cottesloe
1936/100669 Perth Hill Catherine Amelia Female Prendergast Joseph Charles Male Perth
1936/100669 Perth Prendergast Joseph Charles Male Hill Catherine Amelia Female Perth
1936/100670 Perth Dixon Lilian Doreen Female Gardner Henry Male Perth
1936/100670 Perth Gardner Henry Male Dixon Lilian Doreen Female Perth
1936/100671 Perth Keating Marial Patricia Female Watson Norman Sydney Male Perth
1936/100671 Perth Watson Norman Sydney Male Keating Marial Patricia Female Perth
1936/100672 Perth Henning Robert Noel Eric Male Nyal Anna Madeline Female Perth
1936/100672 Perth Nyal Anna Madeline Female Henning Robert Noel Eric Male Perth
1936/100673 Perth Berson Charles Anthony Male Featherstone Ellen Theresa Female Perth
1936/100673 Perth Featherstone Ellen Theresa Female Berson Charles Anthony Male Perth
1936/100674 Perth Wright Freda Mary Female Lockyer Lionel Joseph Male Perth
1936/100674 Perth Lockyer Lionel Joseph Male Wright Freda Mary Female Perth
1936/100675 Perth Della-Vedova Emilia Female Hawkins Robert Russell Osborne Male West Perth
1936/100675 Perth Hawkins Robert Russell Osborne Male Della-Vedova Emilia Female West Perth
1936/100676 Perth Gorman Carmel Mary Female Bell Robert Edwin Male Perth
1936/100676 Perth Bell Robert Edwin Male Gorman Carmel Mary Female Perth
1936/100677 Perth Brosnan Julia Kathleen Female Perry Francis Michael Male Perth
1936/100677 Perth Perry Francis Michael Male Brosnan Julia Kathleen Female Perth
1936/100678 Perth Christie Alfred William Vernon Male Taylor Annie Mary Female Perth
1936/100678 Perth Taylor Annie Mary Female Christie Alfred William Vernon Male Perth
1936/100679 Perth O'Connor John Matthew Male Tunney Margaret Mary Female Perth
1936/100679 Perth Tunney Margaret Mary Female O'Connor John Matthew Male Perth
1936/100680 Perth Wilson Ellen Grace Female Chapman James Male Mt Lawley
1936/100680 Perth Chapman James Male Wilson Ellen Grace Female Mt Lawley
1936/100681 Perth Jones Dorothy Mary Female Campbell Denis James Male Victoria Park
1936/100681 Perth Campbell Denis James Male Jones Dorothy Mary Female Victoria Park
1936/100682 Perth Griffiths Alice Evelyn Female Barnard Edward Charles Male Perth
1936/100682 Perth Barnard Edward Charles Male Griffiths Alice Evelyn Female Perth
1936/100683 Perth Richards George Male Hart Gladys Female South Perth
1936/100683 Perth Hart Gladys Female Richards George Male South Perth
1936/100684 Perth Fraser Alexander Harvy Male Karlovsky Myrtle Elizabeth Female South Perth
1936/100684 Perth Karlovsky Myrtle Elizabeth Female Fraser Alexander Harvy Male South Perth
1936/100685 Perth Audas Dorothy Louise Female Fotheringham Guy Septimus Male Perth
1936/100685 Perth Fotheringham Guy Septimus Male Audas Dorothy Louise Female Perth
1936/100686 Perth Smith Albert Roger Richard Male Wilding Ida Grace Ellen Female Perth
1936/100686 Perth Wilding Ida Grace Ellen Female Smith Albert Roger Richard Male Perth
1936/100687 Perth Stubber Hilda Jane Female O'Keefe Thomas James Male West Perth
1936/100687 Perth O'Keefe Thomas James Male Stubber Hilda Jane Female West Perth
1936/100688 Perth Griffin John Bernard Male Clements Myrtle Florence Female West Perth
1936/100688 Perth Clements Myrtle Florence Female Griffin John Bernard Male West Perth
1936/100689 Perth Clarke Cynthia Marian Female Furniss Jack Alfred Anthony Male West Perth
1936/100689 Perth Furniss Jack Alfred Anthony Male Clarke Cynthia Marian Female West Perth
1936/100690 Perth Bishop Doris Female Cruite Jeremiah Daniel Male Highgate Hill
1936/100690 Perth Cruite Jeremiah Daniel Male Bishop Doris Female Highgate Hill
1936/100691 Perth Gray Edward Male Beetson Carmel Margaret Grace Female Perth
1936/100691 Perth Beetson Carmel Margaret Grace Female Gray Edward Male Perth
1936/100692 Perth Manning Eustace Ross Male Spencer Ivy Female Maylands
1936/100692 Perth Spencer Ivy Female Manning Eustace Ross Male Maylands
1936/100693 Perth John Gwyneth Bertha Female Jones William Davies Male Maylands
1936/100693 Perth Jones William Davies Male John Gwyneth Bertha Female Maylands
1936/100694 Perth Hooton Evelyn Janet Sibbella Female Daffen Harold Arthur Charles Male Maylands
1936/100694 Perth Daffen Harold Arthur Charles Male Hooton Evelyn Janet Sibbella Female Maylands
1936/100695 Perth Jensen Winifred Anna Female Mowday Robert Henry Dudley Male Maylands
1936/100695 Perth Mowday Robert Henry Dudley Male Jensen Winifred Anna Female Maylands
1936/100696 Perth McGuckin Ernest Arthur Male Herbert Audrey May Female Maylands
1936/100696 Perth Herbert Audrey May Female McGuckin Ernest Arthur Male Maylands
1936/100697 Perth Carrington Victor James Male Kelly Daisy Violet Female Perth
1936/100697 Perth Kelly Daisy Violet Female Carrington Victor James Male Perth
1936/100698 Perth Smith Fredrick Victor Male Wallace Dorothy May Female Perth
1936/100698 Perth Wallace Dorothy May Female Smith Fredrick Victor Male Perth
1936/100699 Perth Vladich Albert Malio Male Mewburn Eileen Esther Female Leederville
1936/100699 Perth Mewburn Eileen Esther Female Vladich Albert Malio Male Leederville
1936/100700 Perth Hart Alma Constance Female Schmettau Henry William Male Leederville
1936/100700 Perth Schmettau Henry William Male Hart Alma Constance Female Leederville
1936/100701 Perth Ballantyne Doris Josephine Female Hoey John Joseph Male Leederville
1936/100701 Perth Hoey John Joseph Male Ballantyne Doris Josephine Female Leederville
1936/100702 Perth Boyd Violet Ivy Female Simons Henry William Male Leederville
1936/100702 Perth Simons Henry William Male Boyd Violet Ivy Female Leederville
1936/100703 Perth Dorrington William John Male Adkins Jessie May Female Perth
1936/100703 Perth Adkins Jessie May Female Dorrington William John Male Perth
1936/100704 Perth O'Mahony John Joseph Male Hickmott Dorothy Jean Female Perth
1936/100704 Perth Hickmott Dorothy Jean Female O'Mahony John Joseph Male Perth
1936/100705 Perth Allen Thomas Francis Male Scarff Winifred May Female Perth
1936/100705 Perth Scarff Winifred May Female Allen Thomas Francis Male Perth
1936/100706 Perth Williams Phyllis Letitia Female Evans Arthur Robert Male Perth
1936/100706 Perth Evans Arthur Robert Male Williams Phyllis Letitia Female Perth
1936/100707 Perth Taggart William George Male Kay Nora Female Perth
1936/100707 Perth Kay Nora Female Taggart William George Male Perth
1936/100708 Perth Ryan Donald William Michael Male Albert Thelma Audrey Doreen Female Perth
1936/100708 Perth Albert Thelma Audrey Doreen Female Ryan Donald William Michael Male Perth
1936/100709 Perth Hudson Frederica Female Massey Wilfred Male North Perth
1936/100709 Perth Massey Wilfred Male Hudson Frederica Female North Perth
1936/100710 Perth Curo Irene Florence Female Bradley William James Male North Perth
1936/100710 Perth Bradley William James Male Curo Irene Florence Female North Perth
1936/100711 Perth Taylor Millie Rita Female Moyses Robert Kenneth Male North Perth
1936/100711 Perth Moyses Robert Kenneth Male Taylor Millie Rita Female North Perth
1936/100712 Perth Laird William Lawson Male Weaver Grace Carlisle Female North Perth
1936/100712 Perth Weaver Grace Carlisle Female Laird William Lawson Male North Perth
1936/100713 Perth Wheeler Freda Jacobs Female Hickson Horace Bamford Male Victoria Park
1936/100713 Perth Hickson Horace Bamford Male Wheeler Freda Jacobs Female Victoria Park
1936/100714 Perth Phillips Cyril Francis Male Daniel Mabel Female Victoria Park
1936/100714 Perth Daniel Mabel Female Phillips Cyril Francis Male Victoria Park
1936/100715 Perth Ingram Gladys Wilhelmina Female Hart Esmond William Male Mt Lawley
1936/100715 Perth Hart Esmond William Male Ingram Gladys Wilhelmina Female Mt Lawley
1936/100716 Perth Sorensen Sylvia Rosalia Female Smith Alan Herbert Male Perth
1936/100716 Perth Smith Alan Herbert Male Sorensen Sylvia Rosalia Female Perth
1936/100717 Perth Swan Gordon Alexander Male Carmody Amelia Veronica Female Perth
1936/100717 Perth Carmody Amelia Veronica Female Swan Gordon Alexander Male Perth
1936/100718 Perth Belcher Louisa Jean Female Cahill Wally Charles Male Perth
1936/100718 Perth Cahill Wally Charles Male Belcher Louisa Jean Female Perth
1936/100719 Perth White Mary Rita Female Doubikin William Bradbury Male Perth
1936/100719 Perth Doubikin William Bradbury Male White Mary Rita Female Perth
1936/100720 Perth Campbell Gilbert Arthur Hay Male Crampton Cicely Maud Female Perth
1936/100720 Perth Crampton Cicely Maud Female Campbell Gilbert Arthur Hay Male Perth
1936/100721 Perth Ray Ray Douglas Male Tate Eva Georgina Female Perth
1936/100721 Perth Tate Eva Georgina Female Ray Ray Douglas Male Perth
1936/100722 Perth Fitzgerald Francis Eugene Patrick Male Thomas Dorothy Irene Female Perth
1936/100722 Perth Thomas Dorothy Irene Female Fitzgerald Francis Eugene Patrick Male Perth
1936/100723 Perth Payne Ellen Olive Female Flatman Lawrence Male Perth
1936/100723 Perth Flatman Lawrence Male Payne Ellen Olive Female Perth
1936/100724 Perth Counter Beryl Cole Female Johnston Maxwell Glen Male Perth
1936/100724 Perth Johnston Maxwell Glen Male Counter Beryl Cole Female Perth
1936/100725 Perth Wilkinson Robert Henry Male McMeekin Stella Vera Female Mount Hawthorn
1936/100725 Perth McMeekin Stella Vera Female Wilkinson Robert Henry Male Mount Hawthorn
1936/100726 Perth Hogben Edward Percy Male Willmott Clarice Myrtle Female North Perth
1936/100726 Perth Willmott Clarice Myrtle Female Hogben Edward Percy Male North Perth
1936/100727 Perth Thomas Leslie George Male Vale Grace Ellen Female Perth
1936/100727 Perth Vale Grace Ellen Female Thomas Leslie George Male Perth
1936/100728 Perth Gibb Laurance Jack Male Colmer Jessie Edith Female Perth
1936/100728 Perth Colmer Jessie Edith Female Gibb Laurance Jack Male Perth
1936/100729 Perth Mason Muriel Edith Female Bensky Barnett Male Perth
1936/100729 Perth Bensky Barnett Male Mason Muriel Edith Female Perth
1936/100730 Perth McLeod Betty Verona Maud Female McLauchlan Robert McKirdy Male Perth
1936/100730 Perth McLauchlan Robert McKirdy Male McLeod Betty Verona Maud Female Perth
1936/100731 Perth Lawrence James Victor Male Griffin Margaret Female Maylands
1936/100731 Perth Griffin Margaret Female Lawrence James Victor Male Maylands
1936/100732 Perth Kane Patrick Hugh Male Daily Kathleen Cecelia Female Maylands
1936/100732 Perth Daily Kathleen Cecelia Female Kane Patrick Hugh Male Maylands
1936/100733 Perth Preston Thomas Joseph Male O'Dea Dolores Female Perth
1936/100733 Perth O'Dea Dolores Female Preston Thomas Joseph Male Perth
1936/100734 Perth Robinson Alice Mary Female Tory Charles Edward Male Bayswater
1936/100734 Perth Tory Charles Edward Male Robinson Alice Mary Female Bayswater
1936/100735 Perth Croker May Blossom Female Connolly Raymond Patrick Male Maylands
1936/100735 Perth Connolly Raymond Patrick Male Croker May Blossom Female Maylands
1936/100736 Perth Dudley Mary Doreen Female Clarke John Henry Male Maylands
1936/100736 Perth Clarke John Henry Male Dudley Mary Doreen Female Maylands
1936/100737 Perth Osborne Gertrude Mary Female Lalor John Andrew Bernard Male Maylands
1936/100737 Perth Lalor John Andrew Bernard Male Osborne Gertrude Mary Female Maylands
1936/100738 Perth McKay May Female Kitcher Arthur Henry Male Subiaco
1936/100738 Perth Kitcher Arthur Henry Male McKay May Female Subiaco
1936/100739 Perth Reilly William Joseph Male Steele Olewyn Jean Female West Perth
1936/100739 Perth Steele Olewyn Jean Female Reilly William Joseph Male West Perth
1936/100740 Perth Arthur Edith Sidwell Female Hartley Arthur Ernest Male West Perth
1936/100740 Perth Hartley Arthur Ernest Male Arthur Edith Sidwell Female West Perth
1936/100741 Perth Wilson Olive Adèle Female Lang James William Male West Perth
1936/100741 Perth Lang James William Male Wilson Olive Adèle Female West Perth
1936/100742 Perth Foote Frances Elizabeth Female Corpe George Henry Male Subiaco
1936/100742 Perth Corpe George Henry Male Foote Frances Elizabeth Female Subiaco
1936/100743 Perth Helffenstein Elsie Julie Female Warner Frederick Keith Male Claremont
1936/100743 Perth Warner Frederick Keith Male Helffenstein Elsie Julie Female Claremont
1936/100744 Perth Cherry Betsy McCulloch Female Poor William Cuthbert Male West Subiaco
1936/100744 Perth Poor William Cuthbert Male Cherry Betsy McCulloch Female West Subiaco
1936/100745 Perth Yeates Keitha Barrett Female McKee Robert Reginald Male Claremont
1936/100745 Perth McKee Robert Reginald Male Yeates Keitha Barrett Female Claremont
1936/100746 Perth Burley Murle Ethel Female Lever John Male North Perth
1936/100746 Perth Lever John Male Burley Murle Ethel Female North Perth
1936/100747 Perth Erskine Elsie Evelyn Female Fordham Bernard Arthur Male Perth
1936/100747 Perth Fordham Bernard Arthur Male Erskine Elsie Evelyn Female Perth
1936/100748 Perth Kluth Harry Adolf Male Hoskins Nellie Louise Female Perth
1936/100748 Perth Hoskins Nellie Louise Female Kluth Harry Adolf Male Perth
1936/100749 Perth Lucas Jessie Irene Female Lindsey Frank Male Perth
1936/100749 Perth Lindsey Frank Male Lucas Jessie Irene Female Perth
1936/100750 Perth Kurts Ruby Mavis Adeline Female Watson Keith Courtney Male Perth
1936/100750 Perth Watson Keith Courtney Male Kurts Ruby Mavis Adeline Female Perth
1936/100751 Perth McCracken Robert Male Wolfe Karolina Female Perth
1936/100751 Perth Wolfe Karolina Female McCracken Robert Male Perth
1936/100752 Perth Pole Alan Chartens Male Stenhouse Ann Greenhill Female Perth
1936/100752 Perth Stenhouse Ann Greenhill Female Pole Alan Chartens Male Perth
1936/100753 Perth Rumford Godfrey Alexander Male Fawkes Phyllis Joy Female Rosalie
1936/100753 Perth Fawkes Phyllis Joy Female Rumford Godfrey Alexander Male Rosalie
1936/100754 Perth Abraham Eric Norman Male Grant Gladys May Female South Perth
1936/100754 Perth Grant Gladys May Female Abraham Eric Norman Male South Perth
1936/100755 Perth Young Hazel Mary Female Strauch Edward Henry Male South Perth
1936/100755 Perth Strauch Edward Henry Male Young Hazel Mary Female South Perth
1936/100756 Perth Graham Jean Lee Female King Athur Eric Male South Perth
1936/100756 Perth King Athur Eric Male Graham Jean Lee Female South Perth
1936/100757 Perth Whittle Eileen May Female Hammond Leslie Vernon Male Subiaco
1936/100757 Perth Hammond Leslie Vernon Male Whittle Eileen May Female Subiaco
1936/100758 Perth Philmore Doreen Thelma Female Tomlin Douglas Frank Male Subiaco
1936/100758 Perth Tomlin Douglas Frank Male Philmore Doreen Thelma Female Subiaco
1936/100759 Perth Page William John Male Cook Florence Emma Jane Female Subiaco
1936/100759 Perth Cook Florence Emma Jane Female Page William John Male Subiaco
1936/100760 Perth Roper Amy Female Lippiatt Ashley Glazebrook Male Subiaco
1936/100760 Perth Lippiatt Ashley Glazebrook Male Roper Amy Female Subiaco
1936/100761 Perth Heerey Frederick Leslie Male Nilsson Lily Marion Female Subiaco
1936/100761 Perth Nilsson Lily Marion Female Heerey Frederick Leslie Male Subiaco
1936/100762 Perth Osborn Olive Beatrice Female Williamson Jack Stanley Male Subiaco
1936/100762 Perth Williamson Jack Stanley Male Osborn Olive Beatrice Female Subiaco
1936/100763 Perth Tooes William Herbert Male Wainwright Ella Adelaide Female Subiaco
1936/100763 Perth Wainwright Ella Adelaide Female Tooes William Herbert Male Subiaco
1936/100764 Perth Kersley Fred Male Davies Edna Mary Female Perth
1936/100764 Perth Davies Edna Mary Female Kersley Fred Male Perth
1936/100765 Perth John David Edward Male McCartney Margaret Female Leederville
1936/100765 Perth McCartney Margaret Female John David Edward Male Leederville
1936/100766 Perth Wakelaw George Richard Male Pargeter Thelma Ethel Female Perth
1936/100766 Perth Pargeter Thelma Ethel Female Wakelaw George Richard Male Perth
1936/100767 Perth Morgan Winifred Eva Female Murray George Lawrence Male Cottesloe
1936/100767 Perth Murray George Lawrence Male Morgan Winifred Eva Female Cottesloe
1936/100768 Perth Simcock Peter Male Thompson Daisy Kathleen Female Perth
1936/100768 Perth Thompson Daisy Kathleen Female Simcock Peter Male Perth
1936/100769 Perth Waldeck Isabel Wilhelmina Female Carrington Ody Jack Male Perth
1936/100769 Perth Carrington Ody Jack Male Waldeck Isabel Wilhelmina Female Perth
1936/100770 Perth Leggoe Eveline Joan Female Johnston Andrew Colin Male Perth
1936/100770 Perth Johnston Andrew Colin Male Leggoe Eveline Joan Female Perth
1936/100771 Perth Sergeant Kenneth Stanley Male Davey Elsie Isobel Female West Leederville
1936/100771 Perth Davey Elsie Isobel Female Sergeant Kenneth Stanley Male West Leederville
1936/100772 Perth Long Minnie Robina Female Clark Samuel Male West Leederville
1936/100772 Perth Clark Samuel Male Long Minnie Robina Female West Leederville
1936/100773 Perth Bentley Daniel Patrick Male McDonald Laura Augusta Female Perth
1936/100773 Perth McDonald Laura Augusta Female Bentley Daniel Patrick Male Perth
1936/100774 Perth Burke Bernard Male Regan Patricia Catherine Female Perth
1936/100774 Perth Regan Patricia Catherine Female Burke Bernard Male Perth
1936/100775 Perth Oswald Alexander Thomson Male Lalor Mary Kathleen Caecilia Female Perth
1936/100775 Perth Lalor Mary Kathleen Caecilia Female Oswald Alexander Thomson Male Perth
1936/100776 Perth Humphreys Frederick William Male Ward Evelyn Mildred Female West Perth
1936/100776 Perth Ward Evelyn Mildred Female Humphreys Frederick William Male West Perth
1936/100777 Perth Anderson William Robert Male Watts Irene Monteth Female West Perth
1936/100777 Perth Watts Irene Monteth Female Anderson William Robert Male West Perth
1936/100778 Perth Sharp Alexander Male Wilson Maise Moyes Female West Perth
1936/100778 Perth Wilson Maise Moyes Female Sharp Alexander Male West Perth
1936/100779 Perth Hall Charles Norman Male Johns Lorna Winifred Female West Perth
1936/100779 Perth Johns Lorna Winifred Female Hall Charles Norman Male West Perth
1936/100780 Perth Woods Lavinia May Cordelia Female Warner George William Ralph Male West Perth
1936/100780 Perth Warner George William Ralph Male Woods Lavinia May Cordelia Female West Perth
1936/100781 Perth Martin Alicia Olive Female Cornwall John Wesley Male West Perth
1936/100781 Perth Cornwall John Wesley Male Martin Alicia Olive Female West Perth
1936/100782 Perth Janney Edward Joseph Male Scriven Ivy May Female West Perth
1936/100782 Perth Scriven Ivy May Female Janney Edward Joseph Male West Perth
1936/100783 Perth Watts Thelma Grace Female Greenacre Leslie Male West Perth
1936/100783 Perth Greenacre Leslie Male Watts Thelma Grace Female West Perth
1936/100784 Perth Morris Olive Josephine Female Kelly Herbert William Male West Perth
1936/100784 Perth Kelly Herbert William Male Morris Olive Josephine Female West Perth
1936/100785 Perth Searles John Clifford Male Carley Alma Estelle Female West Perth
1936/100785 Perth Carley Alma Estelle Female Searles John Clifford Male West Perth
1936/100786 Perth Eddy Allan Millsteed Male Munyard Alice Female West Perth
1936/100786 Perth Munyard Alice Female Eddy Allan Millsteed Male West Perth
1936/100787 Perth McKay Ruby Female Lee William Mervyn Stanley Male West Perth
1936/100787 Perth Lee William Mervyn Stanley Male McKay Ruby Female West Perth
1936/100788 Perth Alexander Elsie Lorely Female Enright William Male West Perth
1936/100788 Perth Enright William Male Alexander Elsie Lorely Female West Perth
1936/100789 Perth Birmingham Frederick Edwin Male Green Phyllis Dorothy Mabel Female West Perth
1936/100789 Perth Green Phyllis Dorothy Mabel Female Birmingham Frederick Edwin Male West Perth
1936/100790 Perth Bailey Clifford Reginald Jardine Male Hall Jenny Female West Perth
1936/100790 Perth Hall Jenny Female Bailey Clifford Reginald Jardine Male West Perth
1936/100791 Perth Hubble Valmai Marjorie Female Donaldson Claude Male West Perth
1936/100791 Perth Donaldson Claude Male Hubble Valmai Marjorie Female West Perth
1936/100792 Perth Hosking Jack Sargent Male Dalton Bessie Edith Female West Perth
1936/100792 Perth Dalton Bessie Edith Female Hosking Jack Sargent Male West Perth
1936/100793 Perth Officer James Male Campbell Jean Mary Female West Perth
1936/100793 Perth Campbell Jean Mary Female Officer James Male West Perth
1936/100794 Perth Cumpston Catherine Marguerite Female McGregor Robert Henry Male West Perth
1936/100794 Perth McGregor Robert Henry Male Cumpston Catherine Marguerite Female West Perth
1936/100795 Perth Winrow Charles Gerard Male Smith Norah Jane Female Perth
1936/100795 Perth Smith Norah Jane Female Winrow Charles Gerard Male Perth
1936/100796 Perth Roberts Florence Grace Female Harvey Robert Henry Male Leederville
1936/100796 Perth Harvey Robert Henry Male Roberts Florence Grace Female Leederville
1936/100797 Perth Barr John Leonard Male Smith Edith Patricia Grace Female Leederville
1936/100797 Perth Smith Edith Patricia Grace Female Barr John Leonard Male Leederville
1936/100798 Perth Paterson William Smith Male Hollingsworth Nancy Female Perth
1936/100798 Perth Hollingsworth Nancy Female Paterson William Smith Male Perth
1936/100799 Perth Bath Albert Edward Male Wood Ellen Elizabeth Female Leederville
1936/100799 Perth Wood Ellen Elizabeth Female Bath Albert Edward Male Leederville
1936/100800 Perth Maxwell Alma Rose Female Hardman Colin Evan Atlee Male Perth
1936/100800 Perth Hardman Colin Evan Atlee Male Maxwell Alma Rose Female Perth
1936/100801 Perth Davey Irene Annie Female Stevenson Charles Male Perth
1936/100801 Perth Stevenson Charles Male Davey Irene Annie Female Perth
1936/100802 Perth Altinier Battista Male Webber Rosalie Knight Seldon Female Perth
1936/100802 Perth Webber Rosalie Knight Seldon Female Altinier Battista Male Perth
1936/100803 Perth Faul Evelyn Rose Female Lehman Kenneth Male Perth
1936/100803 Perth Lehman Kenneth Male Faul Evelyn Rose Female Perth
1936/100804 Perth Hunter Gordon Charles Male Ford Rhoda May Female Mt Lawley
1936/100804 Perth Ford Rhoda May Female Hunter Gordon Charles Male Mt Lawley
1936/100805 Perth Spalding George Henry Male Markham Adeline Clarinda Sunbeam Female Subiaco
1936/100805 Perth Markham Adeline Clarinda Sunbeam Female Spalding George Henry Male Subiaco
1936/100806 Perth Lavery James Male York Jean May Female North Perth
1936/100806 Perth York Jean May Female Lavery James Male North Perth
1936/100807 Perth Clare Alice Female Odgaard Ove Benedict Male Mt Lawley
1936/100807 Perth Odgaard Ove Benedict Male Clare Alice Female Mt Lawley
1936/100808 Perth Browne Andrew James Male Edwards Alice Veronica Female Mt Lawley
1936/100808 Perth Edwards Alice Veronica Female Browne Andrew James Male Mt Lawley
1936/100809 Perth Roberts Lillian May Female Stott Alec Edgar Male Maylands
1936/100809 Perth Stott Alec Edgar Male Roberts Lillian May Female Maylands
1936/100811 Perth Sansom Ivy Dorothy Female Howson Henry John Male Cottesloe
1936/100811 Perth Howson Henry John Male Sansom Ivy Dorothy Female Cottesloe
1936/100812 Perth Ratcliff Patricia Lilian Female Prosser Norman Ross Male Cottesloe
1936/100812 Perth Prosser Norman Ross Male Ratcliff Patricia Lilian Female Cottesloe
1936/100813 Perth Harwood William George Male Thompson Kathleen Female Perth
1936/100813 Perth Thompson Kathleen Female Harwood William George Male Perth
1936/100814 Perth Castiglioni Lunda Mary Female Eyles William Edgar Male Victoria Park
1936/100814 Perth Eyles William Edgar Male Castiglioni Lunda Mary Female Victoria Park
1936/100815 Perth Hatcher Frederick George Male Simpson Roma Margaret Female Perth
1936/100815 Perth Simpson Roma Margaret Female Hatcher Frederick George Male Perth
1936/100816 Perth Hahn Olive Pearl Female Richards Kenneth Douglas Male Perth
1936/100816 Perth Richards Kenneth Douglas Male Hahn Olive Pearl Female Perth
1936/100817 Perth Bailey Eric Thomas Male Vantelle May Francis Female West Perth
1936/100817 Perth Vantelle May Francis Female Bailey Eric Thomas Male West Perth
1936/100818 Perth Forrest John Male Gregory Sylvia May Female Perth
1936/100818 Perth Gregory Sylvia May Female Forrest John Male Perth
1936/100819 Perth Pallier Thelma Dorothy Jean Female Sloane Walter Keith Male South Perth
1936/100819 Perth Sloane Walter Keith Male Pallier Thelma Dorothy Jean Female South Perth
1936/100820 Perth Martin Mae Female Kenney Allan Denis Male West Perth
1936/100820 Perth Kenney Allan Denis Male Martin Mae Female West Perth
1936/100821 Perth Behan Clement Ambrose Male Harris Cissie Patricia Female Highgate Hill
1936/100821 Perth Harris Cissie Patricia Female Behan Clement Ambrose Male Highgate Hill
1936/100822 Perth Corner John Henry Male Haisman Roma May Female Highgate Hill
1936/100822 Perth Haisman Roma May Female Corner John Henry Male Highgate Hill
1936/100823 Perth Cameron Francis Vivian Daniel Male O'Connor Constance Female Highgate Hill
1936/100823 Perth O'Connor Constance Female Cameron Francis Vivian Daniel Male Highgate Hill
1936/100824 Perth Jones Margaret Veronice Female Mason Lyndon Thomas Male Perth
1936/100824 Perth Mason Lyndon Thomas Male Jones Margaret Veronice Female Perth
1936/100825 Perth Quinlan Patrick Male Cole Nell Marian Female Leederville
1936/100825 Perth Cole Nell Marian Female Quinlan Patrick Male Leederville
1936/100826 Perth Taylor Minnie Rose Female Bettes Ronald William Male Perth
1936/100826 Perth Bettes Ronald William Male Taylor Minnie Rose Female Perth
1936/100827 Perth Wishart Joyce Female Steele Wilfred Male Perth
1936/100827 Perth Steele Wilfred Male Wishart Joyce Female Perth
1936/100828 Perth Le Dan John Cropley Male Bottle Edna May Female Perth
1936/100828 Perth Bottle Edna May Female Le Dan John Cropley Male Perth
1936/100829 Perth Morrison Jean Noel Ward Female Simmons George James Lewis Male Perth
1936/100829 Perth Simmons George James Lewis Male Morrison Jean Noel Ward Female Perth
1936/100830 Perth Stewart Gordon Westfield Male Saw Gwennyth Ruth Female Perth
1936/100830 Perth Saw Gwennyth Ruth Female Stewart Gordon Westfield Male Perth
1936/100831 Perth Atkinson Sydney Harold Male Vickers Gladys Isabella Female Perth
1936/100831 Perth Vickers Gladys Isabella Female Atkinson Sydney Harold Male Perth
1936/100832 Perth Dent Laura Gwendoline Annie Female Coffen Stanley Eric Howard Male Perth
1936/100832 Perth Coffen Stanley Eric Howard Male Dent Laura Gwendoline Annie Female Perth
1936/100833 Perth Grove Winifred Evelyn Female Rodda Henry Raymond Male Perth
1936/100833 Perth Rodda Henry Raymond Male Grove Winifred Evelyn Female Perth
1936/100834 Perth Liddelow Horace Walter Male Barker Ivy May Female Perth
1936/100834 Perth Barker Ivy May Female Liddelow Horace Walter Male Perth
1936/100835 Perth Lauder Lucinda Maud Female Parsonage Thomas Male Perth
1936/100835 Perth Parsonage Thomas Male Lauder Lucinda Maud Female Perth
1936/100836 Perth Henderson Frank Charles Male Ryles Pauline Elizabeth Female Perth
1936/100836 Perth Ryles Pauline Elizabeth Female Henderson Frank Charles Male Perth
1936/100837 Perth Hughes Lloyd Ryder Male Grounds-Weston Violet Beryl Female Perth
1936/100837 Perth Grounds-Weston Violet Beryl Female Hughes Lloyd Ryder Male Perth
1936/100838 Perth Davis Olive Elizabeth Female Schupp Arthur Ambrose Male Perth
1936/100838 Perth Schupp Arthur Ambrose Male Davis Olive Elizabeth Female Perth
1936/100839 Perth Horan Norah Carwell Female Spencer Edwin George Male Victoria Park
1936/100839 Perth Spencer Edwin George Male Horan Norah Carwell Female Victoria Park
1936/100840 Perth Snook Reginald William Male Hamilton Gladys Maude Female Subiaco
1936/100840 Perth Hamilton Gladys Maude Female Snook Reginald William Male Subiaco
1936/100841 Perth Heffernan Eileen Mary Female Best Aubrey Jack Male Perth
1936/100841 Perth Best Aubrey Jack Male Heffernan Eileen Mary Female Perth
1936/100842 Perth Fotiades Terpsithea Female Koroveshi Ligor Thimi Male Perth
1936/100842 Perth Koroveshi Ligor Thimi Male Fotiades Terpsithea Female Perth
1936/100843 Perth Petrou Michael Male Koutalianou Ekaterine Female Perth
1936/100843 Perth Koutalianou Ekaterine Female Petrou Michael Male Perth
1936/100844 Perth Minchin Alice Maud Florence Female Galliott Reginald Walter James Male Perth
1936/100844 Perth Galliott Reginald Walter James Male Minchin Alice Maud Florence Female Perth
1936/100845 Perth Hodder Mavis Female Maskiell Clarence Male Perth
1936/100845 Perth Maskiell Clarence Male Hodder Mavis Female Perth
1936/100846 Perth Penaluna Laura May Female Smith Frederick Lois McKenzie Male Perth
1936/100846 Perth Smith Frederick Lois McKenzie Male Penaluna Laura May Female Perth
1936/100847 Perth O'Neill Doreen Marie Female Dawson James Francis Male Perth
1936/100847 Perth Dawson James Francis Male O'Neill Doreen Marie Female Perth
1936/100848 Perth Jorgensen Norman Male Jordan Joan Lydia Female Perth
1936/100848 Perth Jordan Joan Lydia Female Jorgensen Norman Male Perth
1936/100849 Perth Roach Henry George Male Maslin Edna May Female Perth
1936/100849 Perth Maslin Edna May Female Roach Henry George Male Perth
1936/100850 Perth Patience Geoffrey Hanley Male Healy Phyllis Mai Female West Perth
1936/100850 Perth Healy Phyllis Mai Female Patience Geoffrey Hanley Male West Perth
1936/100851 Perth Jackson James Male Dennehy Lucy Nora Female Perth
1936/100851 Perth Dennehy Lucy Nora Female Jackson James Male Perth
1936/100852 Perth Harris Doris Enzie Female Scott Stephen Walter Male Perth
1936/100852 Perth Scott Stephen Walter Male Harris Doris Enzie Female Perth
1936/100853 Perth Dyson William Henry Male Clune Agnes Elizabeth Female Perth
1936/100853 Perth Clune Agnes Elizabeth Female Dyson William Henry Male Perth
1936/100854 Perth Taylor John Raymond Male Daniels Frances Elizabeth Joan Female Buckland Hill
1936/100854 Perth Daniels Frances Elizabeth Joan Female Taylor John Raymond Male Buckland Hill
1936/100855 Perth Todhunter Joan Marion Female MacLennan William Christopher Mackenzie Male Perth
1936/100855 Perth MacLennan William Christopher Mackenzie Male Todhunter Joan Marion Female Perth
1936/100856 Perth May George Weller Male Black Robina Adeline Female Perth
1936/100856 Perth Black Robina Adeline Female May George Weller Male Perth
1936/100857 Perth Cruickshank Raymond Scott Male Stewart Nellie Aria Female Perth
1936/100857 Perth Stewart Nellie Aria Female Cruickshank Raymond Scott Male Perth
1936/100858 Perth Kidson Ernest Alfred Morris Male Gibson Lorna Female Perth
1936/100858 Perth Gibson Lorna Female Kidson Ernest Alfred Morris Male Perth
1936/100859 Perth Cowley Olive Edith Female Kelly Charles David Male Perth
1936/100859 Perth Kelly Charles David Male Cowley Olive Edith Female Perth
1936/100860 Perth Doust Doris Melva Female Clemesha Donald Chapman Male South Perth
1936/100860 Perth Clemesha Donald Chapman Male Doust Doris Melva Female South Perth
1936/100861 Perth Banks John Henry Male Herbert Enid May Female Victoria Park
1936/100861 Perth Herbert Enid May Female Banks John Henry Male Victoria Park
1936/100862 Perth White Alice Jean Female Tuffin Reginald George Male Victoria Park
1936/100862 Perth Tuffin Reginald George Male White Alice Jean Female Victoria Park
1936/100863 Perth Meldrum Ivy Linda Female Vickers Geoffrey Bousfield Male Victoria Park
1936/100863 Perth Vickers Geoffrey Bousfield Male Meldrum Ivy Linda Female Victoria Park
1936/100864 Perth Arnold Donald Stanley Sewell Male Webb Evelyn May Female Perth
1936/100864 Perth Webb Evelyn May Female Arnold Donald Stanley Sewell Male Perth
1936/100865 Perth Craig Viola Minnie Female George Victor Alan Male Perth
1936/100865 Perth George Victor Alan Male Craig Viola Minnie Female Perth
1936/100866 Perth Dickinson Thomas Male Angel Myrtle Evelyn May Female Perth
1936/100866 Perth Angel Myrtle Evelyn May Female Dickinson Thomas Male Perth
1936/100867 Perth Simmonds Leonard Wilfred Seymour Male Grimshaw Dorothy Female Claremont
1936/100867 Perth Grimshaw Dorothy Female Simmonds Leonard Wilfred Seymour Male Claremont
1936/100868 Perth Bown Rita Gwenneth Female Bailey Leslie Robert Richard Male Claremont
1936/100868 Perth Bailey Leslie Robert Richard Male Bown Rita Gwenneth Female Claremont
1936/100869 Perth Leggoe John Male McBride Eveline Female Claremont
1936/100869 Perth McBride Eveline Female Leggoe John Male Claremont
1936/100870 Perth Mazzucchelli Edwin Albert Male Bennett Kathleen Lillian Female Claremont
1936/100870 Perth Bennett Kathleen Lillian Female Mazzucchelli Edwin Albert Male Claremont
1936/100871 Perth Buss Irene Ada Female Hughes Austin Male Leederville
1936/100871 Perth Hughes Austin Male Buss Irene Ada Female Leederville
1936/100872 Perth Inall Thelma Female Francis Thomas William Male Perth
1936/100872 Perth Francis Thomas William Male Inall Thelma Female Perth
1936/100873 Perth Younghusband Florence Adeline Female Harman Stuart George Male West Perth
1936/100873 Perth Harman Stuart George Male Younghusband Florence Adeline Female West Perth
1936/100874 Perth Cleverley Allan Bernard Male Lister Edith Female West Perth
1936/100874 Perth Lister Edith Female Cleverley Allan Bernard Male West Perth
1936/100875 Perth Fennell Aubrey James Male Johnstone Minnie Ayr Noble Female Victoria Park
1936/100875 Perth Johnstone Minnie Ayr Noble Female Fennell Aubrey James Male Victoria Park
1936/100876 Perth Hackshaw Nancy Margaret Female Gordon Corneilius McAlpine Male South Perth
1936/100876 Perth Gordon Corneilius McAlpine Male Hackshaw Nancy Margaret Female South Perth
1936/100877 Perth Lomax Doris Female Grey Albert Johnston Male Perth
1936/100877 Perth Grey Albert Johnston Male Lomax Doris Female Perth
1936/100878 Perth Rodda Arthur William Male Newman Maisie Eileen Female Perth
1936/100878 Perth Newman Maisie Eileen Female Rodda Arthur William Male Perth
1936/100879 Perth Jones John William Morris Male Cooper Faith Juanita Female Subiaco
1936/100879 Perth Cooper Faith Juanita Female Jones John William Morris Male Subiaco
1936/100880 Perth Arundale Nena Persse Female Peden Alexander Gordon Male Perth
1936/100880 Perth Peden Alexander Gordon Male Arundale Nena Persse Female Perth
1936/100881 Perth Puddey Thomas William Male Maclean Dorothy Gordon Female North Perth
1936/100881 Perth Maclean Dorothy Gordon Female Puddey Thomas William Male North Perth
1936/100882 Perth Smith Raymond Richard Charles Male Burroughs Helen Female North Perth
1936/100882 Perth Burroughs Helen Female Smith Raymond Richard Charles Male North Perth
1936/100883 Perth Baker Francis Harry Male Speed Jean Female North Perth
1936/100883 Perth Speed Jean Female Baker Francis Harry Male North Perth
1936/100884 Perth Rourke Florence Elizabeth Caroline Female Lindsey Barton William Arnold Male Victoria Park
1936/100884 Perth Lindsey Barton William Arnold Male Rourke Florence Elizabeth Caroline Female Victoria Park
1936/100885 Perth Wilson Muriel Sarah Isobel Female Jones Stanley Gordon Male Perth
1936/100885 Perth Jones Stanley Gordon Male Jocey Muriel Sarah Isobel Female Perth
1936/100885 Perth Jones Stanley Gordon Male Wilson Muriel Sarah Isobel Female Perth
1936/100885 Perth Jocey Muriel Sarah Isobel Female Jones Stanley Gordon Male Perth
1936/100886 Perth Backshall Myrtle Ada Female Salmon Francis Xavier Richard Male Perth
1936/100886 Perth Salmon Francis Xavier Richard Male Backshall Myrtle Ada Female Perth
1936/100887 Perth Wiley Joan Kathleen Female Redfern Henry Male Perth
1936/100887 Perth Redfern Henry Male Wiley Joan Kathleen Female Perth
1936/100888 Perth Chambers Eric Ellis Male Sunter Elsie May Female Perth
1936/100888 Perth Sunter Elsie May Female Chambers Eric Ellis Male Perth
1936/100889 Perth Martin Ivan Rhodesia Alexander Male Richardson Alice Emma Female Maylands
1936/100889 Perth Richardson Alice Emma Female Martin Ivan Rhodesia Alexander Male Maylands
1936/100890 Perth Evans Melville Male Kretzschmar Ellen Henriette Flora Female Perth
1936/100890 Perth Kretzschmar Ellen Henriette Flora Female Evans Melville Male Perth
1936/100891 Perth Johnson Leslie Charles Male Buchanan Agnes Nancy Female Leederville
1936/100891 Perth Buchanan Agnes Nancy Female Johnson Leslie Charles Male Leederville
1936/100892 Perth Anderson Gordon Samuel Male Nangle Violet Pearl Female Claremont
1936/100892 Perth Nangle Violet Pearl Female Anderson Gordon Samuel Male Claremont
1936/100893 Perth Matthews Elsie May Female McKenzie Fred Evan Male East Perth
1936/100893 Perth McKenzie Fred Evan Male Matthews Elsie May Female East Perth
1936/100894 Perth Sale Jessie Christine Female Dalgleish George Male Perth
1936/100894 Perth Dalgleish George Male Sale Jessie Christine Female Perth
1936/100895 Perth Warwick Annie Elizabeth Female Macgregor Ronald Bernard Male Victoria Park
1936/100895 Perth Macgregor Ronald Bernard Male Warwick Annie Elizabeth Female Victoria Park
1936/100896 Perth Lynch Jean Sylvia Female Bartley Charles Henry Male Perth
1936/100896 Perth Bartley Charles Henry Male Lynch Jean Sylvia Female Perth
1936/100897 Perth Bergin Edna May Female Turner James Henry Male Perth
1936/100897 Perth Turner James Henry Male Bergin Edna May Female Perth
1936/100898 Perth Young John Grahame Male McGinniss Dorothy Joyce Female Victoria Park
1936/100898 Perth McGinniss Dorothy Joyce Female Young John Grahame Male Victoria Park
1936/100899 Perth Esler Irene Elizabeth Female McMorrow Gerald Male Perth
1936/100899 Perth McMorrow Gerald Male Esler Irene Elizabeth Female Perth
1936/100900 Perth Corse William Ernest Male Pearson Doris Myrtle Female Perth
1936/100900 Perth Pearson Doris Myrtle Female Corse William Ernest Male Perth
1936/100901 Perth Fisher Frederick William Male Stratton Ida May Female Perth
1936/100901 Perth Stratton Ida May Female Fisher Frederick William Male Perth
1936/100902 Perth Dunlop William Male Masters Frances Mary Female Perth
1936/100902 Perth Masters Frances Mary Female Dunlop William Male Perth
1936/100903 Perth Gibson Mary Female Foster Gilbert Male Perth
1936/100903 Perth Foster Gilbert Male Gibson Mary Female Perth
1936/100904 Perth Mulvale Winifred Margaret Female Mitchell Edwin Joseph Male Perth
1936/100904 Perth Mitchell Edwin Joseph Male McKenzie Winifred Margaret Female Perth
1936/100904 Perth Mitchell Edwin Joseph Male Mulvale Winifred Margaret Female Perth
1936/100904 Perth McKenzie Winifred Margaret Female Mitchell Edwin Joseph Male Perth
1936/100905 Perth Quinn Elsie Veronica Female Markey George Joseph Male Perth
1936/100905 Perth Markey George Joseph Male Quinn Elsie Veronica Female Perth
1936/100906 Perth Watkins Daniel Glyn Male McCormick Helen Female Perth
1936/100906 Perth McCormick Helen Female Watkins Daniel Glyn Male Perth
1936/100907 Perth Bailley Jean Olive Female McClennan Ivan Gladstone Male Perth
1936/100907 Perth McClennan Ivan Gladstone Male Bailley Jean Olive Female Perth
1936/100908 Perth Mackie David Hartnell Male Rider Conalie Mary Female Perth
1936/100908 Perth Rider Conalie Mary Female Mackie David Hartnell Male Perth
1936/100909 Perth Salt Annie Female Smith Oriel Male Perth
1936/100909 Perth Smith Oriel Male Salt Annie Female Perth
1936/100910 Perth Drew John Howard Male Smith Victoria Jean Female Perth
1936/100910 Perth Smith Victoria Jean Female Drew John Howard Male Perth
1936/100911 Perth Herrick Walter Daniel Male Jolley Martha Alice Female Perth
1936/100911 Perth Jolley Martha Alice Female Herrick Walter Daniel Male Perth
1936/100912 Perth Nagle John William Male McPherson Jessie Female Perth
1936/100912 Perth McPherson Jessie Female Nagle John William Male Perth
1936/100913 Perth Chandler George William Male Puls Beryl Freda Female Highgate Hill
1936/100913 Perth Puls Beryl Freda Female Chandler George William Male Highgate Hill
1936/100914 Perth Bull Stanley Patrick Francis Male Bennett Winifred Doreen Female Subiaco
1936/100914 Perth Bennett Winifred Doreen Female Bull Stanley Patrick Francis Male Subiaco
1936/100915 Perth Hambleton John Male Arcus Etna May Female Subiaco
1936/100915 Perth Arcus Etna May Female Hambleton John Male Subiaco
1936/100916 Perth Dearle Doris Winifred Female Roby Clarence Frederick Male Subiaco
1936/100916 Perth Roby Clarence Frederick Male Dearle Doris Winifred Female Subiaco
1936/100917 Perth Gregory Stanley Thomas Male Dimond Hazel Beatrice Female Perth
1936/100917 Perth Dimond Hazel Beatrice Female Gregory Stanley Thomas Male Perth
1936/100918 Perth Meehan George Edward Male Cummings Eveleen Female Perth
1936/100918 Perth Cummings Eveleen Female Meehan George Edward Male Perth
1936/100919 Perth Borushek Mojhesh Male Shufman Julia Female Perth
1936/100919 Perth Shufman Julia Female Borushek Mojhesh Male Perth
1936/100920 Perth Battley Mecia Imelda Female McCormick Melville Male Maylands
1936/100920 Perth McCormick Melville Male Battley Mecia Imelda Female Maylands
1936/100921 Perth McGriskin Veronica Agnes Female Mayes William Male Maylands
1936/100921 Perth Mayes William Male McGriskin Veronica Agnes Female Maylands
1936/100922 Perth Reynolds Mary Female Greaves William Arnold Male Bayswater
1936/100922 Perth Greaves William Arnold Male Reynolds Mary Female Bayswater
1936/100923 Perth O'Connor Francis Patrick Male Webster Sybil Helen Female Maylands
1936/100923 Perth Webster Sybil Helen Female O'Connor Francis Patrick Male Maylands
1936/100924 Perth Henson Arthur William Albert Male Robinson Norah Kathleen Female Bayswater
1936/100924 Perth Robinson Norah Kathleen Female Henson Arthur William Albert Male Bayswater
1936/100925 Perth Mazuranis Vasilios Male Zardis Evaggelia Female Perth
1936/100925 Perth Zardis Evaggelia Female Mazuranis Vasilios Male Perth
1936/100926 Perth Brown Dorothy Eunice Female Hawkesford John Alfred Male West Perth
1936/100926 Perth Hawkesford John Alfred Male Brown Dorothy Eunice Female West Perth
1936/100927 Perth Hallo Robert Thomas Male Dean Mabel Lilian Female West Perth
1936/100927 Perth Dean Mabel Lilian Female Hallo Robert Thomas Male West Perth
1936/100928 Perth Winterton Harold Joseph Aaron Male Willis Edna Ruth Female West Perth
1936/100928 Perth Willis Edna Ruth Female Winterton Harold Joseph Aaron Male West Perth
1936/100929 Perth Barrington Gladys Alexandra Female Mann Frederick Charles Male West Perth
1936/100929 Perth Mann Frederick Charles Male Barrington Gladys Alexandra Female West Perth
1936/100930 Perth Atwell Walter Charles Male Dodd Elsie Frances May Female West Perth
1936/100930 Perth Dodd Elsie Frances May Female Atwell Walter Charles Male West Perth
1936/100931 Perth Bowley Laurence Male Lee Dorothy May Female West Perth
1936/100931 Perth Lee Dorothy May Female Bowley Laurence Male West Perth
1936/100932 Perth Hardy Ada Stirling Female Porter Bertie Male West Perth
1936/100932 Perth Porter Bertie Male Hardy Ada Stirling Female West Perth
1936/100933 Perth Cardell Flora Rosalind Female Clark John Robert Male Perth
1936/100933 Perth Clark John Robert Male Cardell Flora Rosalind Female Perth
1936/100934 Perth Howe Harold Cuthbert Male Gordon Stella Female Subiaco
1936/100934 Perth Gordon Stella Female Howe Harold Cuthbert Male Subiaco
1936/100935 Perth Gaze Archdall Owen Male Speed Dorothy Charlotte Lucy Female Perth
1936/100935 Perth Speed Dorothy Charlotte Lucy Female Gaze Archdall Owen Male Perth
1936/100936 Perth May James Griffith Male Prince Daisy Esther Dean Female Perth
1936/100936 Perth Prince Daisy Esther Dean Female May James Griffith Male Perth
1936/100937 Perth Moss Phillip Lloyd Male Swan Muriel Female Perth
1936/100937 Perth Swan Muriel Female Moss Phillip Lloyd Male Perth
1936/100938 Perth Chandler John Harold Male Couzens Dorothy Heathcote Female Perth
1936/100938 Perth Couzens Dorothy Heathcote Female Chandler John Harold Male Perth
1936/100939 Perth Nelson Dorothy Jeane Female Cartwright Jeffory Male Perth
1936/100939 Perth Cartwright Jeffory Male Nelson Dorothy Jeane Female Perth
1936/100940 Perth Payne Marjorie Mary Female Cook John Milne Male Perth
1936/100940 Perth Cook John Milne Male Payne Marjorie Mary Female Perth
1936/100941 Perth Butler Phyllis Female Carrigg Austin Male Subiaco
1936/100941 Perth Carrigg Austin Male Butler Phyllis Female Subiaco
1936/100942 Perth Waters Henry Fredrick Male Green Patricia Maud Female South Perth
1936/100942 Perth Green Patricia Maud Female Waters Henry Fredrick Male South Perth
1936/100943 Perth Loder Robert Cecil Male Johnston Clover Female South Perth
1936/100943 Perth Johnston Clover Female Loder Robert Cecil Male South Perth
1936/100944 Perth Forden Clifford Male Rowan Florence Elliott Female Mt Lawley
1936/100944 Perth Rowan Florence Elliott Female Forden Clifford Male Mt Lawley
1936/100945 Perth Feild Alma Louise Female Rice James Joseph Male Perth
1936/100945 Perth Rice James Joseph Male Feild Alma Louise Female Perth
1936/100946 Perth Dhu Dorothy Joyce Female Trembath William John Male Perth
1936/100946 Perth Trembath William John Male Dhu Dorothy Joyce Female Perth
1936/100947 Perth Ewing Charles Alfred Male Gray Regina May Female Perth
1936/100947 Perth Gray Regina May Female Ewing Charles Alfred Male Perth
1936/100948 Perth MacKenzie Donald George Male Humble Annie May Female Perth
1936/100948 Perth Humble Annie May Female MacKenzie Donald George Male Perth
1936/100949 Perth White Lillian Blanche Female Hawkins Alfred John Male Perth
1936/100949 Perth Hawkins Alfred John Male White Lillian Blanche Female Perth
1936/100950 Perth Haines Marjory Alice Female Sinclair Eric Harry Male Perth
1936/100950 Perth Sinclair Eric Harry Male Haines Marjory Alice Female Perth
1936/100951 Perth Rudrum Graham Ernest Male Salt Lilian May Female Perth
1936/100951 Perth Salt Lilian May Female Rudrum Graham Ernest Male Perth
1936/100952 Perth McGowan George Alexander Male Smith Myrtle Marion Female Perth
1936/100952 Perth Smith Myrtle Marion Female McGowan George Alexander Male Perth
1936/100953 Perth Steffanoni Rita Maud Female Court Charles Walter Michael Male Perth
1936/100953 Perth Court Charles Walter Michael Male Steffanoni Rita Maud Female Perth
1936/100954 Perth Fairchild Victoria Female Trevena Thomas Male Perth
1936/100954 Perth Trevena Thomas Male Fairchild Victoria Female Perth
1936/100955 Perth Mitchell Elizabeth Pauline Female Stapley George Terence Male Perth
1936/100955 Perth Stapley George Terence Male Mitchell Elizabeth Pauline Female Perth
1936/100956 Perth Hinds Arthur Patrick Male McKimmie Mavis Mary Gould Female Maylands
1936/100956 Perth McKimmie Mavis Mary Gould Female Hinds Arthur Patrick Male Maylands
1936/100957 Perth Franklin Agnes Monica Female Neille Harry Elvis Male Maylands
1936/100957 Perth Neille Harry Elvis Male Franklin Agnes Monica Female Maylands
1936/100958 Perth Mitchell Edward Duval Male Simms Gwendoline Ivy Female Cottesloe
1936/100958 Perth Simms Gwendoline Ivy Female Mitchell Edward Duval Male Cottesloe
1936/100959 Perth Hinnrichsen John Lorenz Male Hurst Beryl Lillian Female Cottesloe
1936/100959 Perth Hurst Beryl Lillian Female Hinnrichsen John Lorenz Male Cottesloe
1936/100960 Perth Russ Frederick James Male Sharp Elsie Maud Female Maylands
1936/100960 Perth Sharp Elsie Maud Female Russ Frederick James Male Maylands
1936/100961 Perth Allsop John James Male Keseling Caroline Annie Female Maylands
1936/100961 Perth Keseling Caroline Annie Female Allsop John James Male Maylands
1936/100962 Perth Magowan Rachel Jane Female Dempster Edward Alexander Male Perth
1936/100962 Perth Dempster Edward Alexander Male Magowan Rachel Jane Female Perth
1936/100963 Perth Bishop John Victor Male Biles Isobel Muriel Female Perth
1936/100963 Perth Biles Isobel Muriel Female Bishop John Victor Male Perth
1936/100964 Perth Waddell Robert Hall Male Smith Mabel Thelma Female Victoria Park
1936/100964 Perth Smith Mabel Thelma Female Waddell Robert Hall Male Victoria Park
1936/100965 Perth Thompson William Henry Male Nolan Gladys Hannah Female Perth
1936/100965 Perth Nolan Gladys Hannah Female Thompson William Henry Male Perth
1936/100966 Perth Tait John Male Hoops Ethel Mildred Female Perth
1936/100966 Perth Hoops Ethel Mildred Female Tait John Male Perth
1936/100967 Perth Kay Alfred Male Greay Ruby Ellen Female Perth
1936/100967 Perth Greay Ruby Ellen Female Kay Alfred Male Perth
1936/100968 Perth Sawyer Florence May Female Strawbridge Alan Dexter Male Perth
1936/100968 Perth Strawbridge Alan Dexter Male Sawyer Florence May Female Perth
1936/100969 Perth White Bernice Gwendolyne Female Denney Ivan Graham Male Perth
1936/100969 Perth Denney Ivan Graham Male White Bernice Gwendolyne Female Perth
1936/100970 Perth Beard Mary Priscilla Female Lloyd Kelvin Philip Male Victoria Park
1937/100970 Perth Deering Effie May Female Muir Victor James Male Osborne Park
1936/100970 Perth Lloyd Kelvin Philip Male Beard Mary Priscilla Female Victoria Park
1937/100970 Perth Muir Victor James Male Deering Effie May Female Osborne Park
1937/100971 Perth Davidson Thomas Male Hammond Lucy Maude Female Osborne Park
1936/100971 Perth Morrison Jessie Victoria Female Hancock John Male Perth
1936/100971 Perth Hancock John Male Morrison Jessie Victoria Female Perth
1937/100971 Perth Hammond Lucy Maude Female Davidson Thomas Male Osborne Park
1936/100972 Perth Ireland Dorothy Rita Female Worth Sydney Ernest Male West Perth
1936/100972 Perth Worth Sydney Ernest Male Ireland Dorothy Rita Female West Perth
1936/100973 Perth Gillett Edna May Lyall Female Rubie Howard Earle Male West Perth
1936/100973 Perth Rubie Howard Earle Male Gillett Edna May Lyall Female West Perth
1936/100974 Perth Greig Dorothy Neta Female Ziesler Edward Charles Male West Perth
1936/100974 Perth Ziesler Edward Charles Male Greig Dorothy Neta Female West Perth
1936/100975 Perth Gardiner Sydney Arthur Male Smith Mabel Susanna Female West Perth
1936/100975 Perth Smith Mabel Susanna Female Gardiner Sydney Arthur Male West Perth
1936/100976 Perth Cantrell Louise Alice Female Orr Louis Andrew Male West Perth
1936/100976 Perth Orr Louis Andrew Male Cantrell Louise Alice Female West Perth
1936/100977 Perth Barker Ernest Male Marshall Elsie Female North Perth
1936/100977 Perth Marshall Elsie Female Barker Ernest Male North Perth
1936/100978 Perth Paterson Margaret Female Cavanagh Andrew Duncan Male Perth
1936/100978 Perth Cavanagh Andrew Duncan Male Paterson Margaret Female Perth
1936/100979 Perth Carman Frank Percival Male Wood Adelaide Blanche Female Perth
1936/100979 Perth Wood Adelaide Blanche Female Carman Frank Percival Male Perth
1936/100980 Perth Thatcher Alfred George Male Jones Catherine Ann Female Perth
1936/100980 Perth Jones Catherine Ann Female Thatcher Alfred George Male Perth
1936/100981 Perth Brittain Ruby Ada Female McNeil Hugh Taylor Male Perth
1936/100981 Perth McNeil Hugh Taylor Male Brittain Ruby Ada Female Perth
1936/100982 Perth Greenwood Hazle Female Best Roy Clement Male Perth
1936/100982 Perth Best Roy Clement Male Greenwood Hazle Female Perth
1936/100983 Perth Field Colin Male Sims Ethel Adeline Female Perth
1936/100983 Perth Sims Ethel Adeline Female Field Colin Male Perth
1936/100984 Perth Hallo William Louis Male Lilly Sylvia Grace Female Perth
1936/100984 Perth Lilly Sylvia Grace Female Hallo William Louis Male Perth
1936/100985 Perth Stevenson James George Male McNeill Mary Female West Perth
1936/100985 Perth McNeill Mary Female Stevenson James George Male West Perth
1936/100986 Perth Dukes Benjamin Clifford Male Fitch Jean Ellen Female West Perth
1936/100986 Perth Fitch Jean Ellen Female Dukes Benjamin Clifford Male West Perth
1936/100987 Perth Parry Albert Estill Male McInerney Kathleen Nora Female Mount Lawley
1936/100987 Perth McInerney Kathleen Nora Female Parry Albert Estill Male Mount Lawley
1936/100988 Perth Rutherford Thomas Millar Male Hooper Jessie Olive Florence Female Mount Lawley
1936/100988 Perth Hooper Jessie Olive Florence Female Rutherford Thomas Millar Male Mount Lawley
1936/100989 Perth Fergusson Ailsa Mary Female Edwards Kenneth Lloyd Male Perth
1936/100989 Perth Edwards Kenneth Lloyd Male Fergusson Ailsa Mary Female Perth
1936/100990 Perth Dalton Robert Thomas Joseph Male Butler Aileen Pearl Female Perth
1936/100990 Perth Butler Aileen Pearl Female Dalton Robert Thomas Joseph Male Perth
1936/100991 Perth Charlton Matthew Male Corless Winifred Female Carlisle
1936/100991 Perth Corless Winifred Female Charlton Matthew Male Carlisle
1936/100992 Perth Porter Eileen May Female Bain Richard Male Victoria Park
1936/100992 Perth Bain Richard Male Porter Eileen May Female Victoria Park
1936/100993 Perth Linthorne Keith Henry Male Tucker Dulcie Roma Female North Perth
1936/100993 Perth Tucker Dulcie Roma Female Linthorne Keith Henry Male North Perth
1936/100994 Perth Parker Alfred Edward Male Hurman Nina May Female Perth
1936/100994 Perth Hurman Nina May Female Parker Alfred Edward Male Perth
1936/100995 Perth Evenis Blanche Louvain Female Lee Stanley George Male Mt Hawthorn
1936/100995 Perth Lee Stanley George Male Evenis Blanche Louvain Female Mt Hawthorn
1936/100996 Perth Carruthers Charles William Male Payne Iris Pearl Female Mount Hawthorn
1936/100996 Perth Payne Iris Pearl Female Carruthers Charles William Male Mount Hawthorn
1936/100997 Perth Boucant Penn Parkin Paterson Male Rutherford Phyllis Rosemary Female Mount Lawley
1936/100997 Perth Rutherford Phyllis Rosemary Female Boucant Penn Parkin Paterson Male Mount Lawley
1936/100998 Perth McGillivray Anne Female Williams Reginald Leonard Male Perth
1936/100998 Perth Williams Reginald Leonard Male McGillivray Anne Female Perth
1936/100999 Perth Dusting Robert Adam Male Braunsdorf Anna Female Perth
1936/100999 Perth Braunsdorf Anna Female Dusting Robert Adam Male Perth
1936/101000 Perth Spreadbrow Jeanné Female Robinson Robert Archelaus Male Claremont
1936/101000 Perth Robinson Robert Archelaus Male Spreadbrow Jeanné Female Claremont
1936/101001 Perth Brophy Iris De Sales Female Howson Arthur Donald Male Perth
1936/101001 Perth Howson Arthur Donald Male Brophy Iris De Sales Female Perth
1936/101002 Perth McCrae Thomas Noble Male Green Marjorie Josephine Female Perth
1936/101002 Perth Green Marjorie Josephine Female McCrae Thomas Noble Male Perth
1936/101003 Perth Diffen Alma Julia Dora Imogen Female Travis Leo Patrick Male Perth
1936/101003 Perth Travis Leo Patrick Male Diffen Alma Julia Dora Imogen Female Perth
1936/101004 Perth Walker Evelyn Female D'Arcy Raymond Michael Male Perth
1936/101004 Perth D'Arcy Raymond Michael Male Walker Evelyn Female Perth
1936/101005 Perth Kirwan John Patrick Male Roberts Valda Female Perth
1936/101005 Perth Roberts Valda Female Kirwan John Patrick Male Perth
1936/101006 Perth Weeks Edward Arthur Male Turner Alice Mary Female Subiaco
1936/101006 Perth Turner Alice Mary Female Weeks Edward Arthur Male Subiaco
1936/101007 Perth Atkins Wilfred Henry Male Whitby Eveleen Ann Female Perth
1936/101007 Perth Whitby Eveleen Ann Female Atkins Wilfred Henry Male Perth
1936/101008 Perth Meredith Alfred James Male Traeger Kathleen Mary Female Perth
1936/101008 Perth Traeger Kathleen Mary Female Meredith Alfred James Male Perth
1936/101009 Perth Fynmore Hugh Male Jennings Claudia Margaret Female Victoria Park
1936/101009 Perth Jennings Claudia Margaret Female Fynmore Hugh Male Victoria Park
1936/101010 Perth Black Russell Orance Male Huggett Betty Doris Female Perth
1936/101010 Perth Huggett Betty Doris Female Black Russell Orance Male Perth
1936/101011 Perth Bubb Henry Male Combs Margaret Eileen Ferguson Female Victoria Park
1936/101011 Perth Combs Margaret Eileen Ferguson Female Bubb Henry Male Victoria Park
1936/101012 Perth Munday Adeline Mary Female McCarthy Charles Thomas Male Perth
1936/101012 Perth McCarthy Charles Thomas Male Munday Adeline Mary Female Perth
1936/101013 Perth Harris Stanley Gordon Male Bursey Pearl Gloria Female Perth
1936/101013 Perth Bursey Pearl Gloria Female Harris Stanley Gordon Male Perth
1936/101014 Perth Chivers Stanley Octavus Male Parlor Gertrude Agnes Female Perth
1936/101014 Perth Parlor Gertrude Agnes Female Chivers Stanley Octavus Male Perth
1936/101015 Perth Dicker Elsie Elaine Mairs Female Adams John Male Perth
1936/101015 Perth Adams John Male Dicker Elsie Elaine Mairs Female Perth
1936/101016 Perth North Ernest George Male Thomas Mavis Amelia Female Perth
1936/101016 Perth Thomas Mavis Amelia Female North Ernest George Male Perth
1936/101017 Perth Mouritz Harry Melville Male Catchpole Florence Grace Female Perth
1936/101017 Perth Catchpole Florence Grace Female Mouritz Harry Melville Male Perth
1936/101018 Perth Rawson Marjorie Elaine Female MacKenzie Robert Male Perth
1936/101018 Perth MacKenzie Robert Male Rawson Marjorie Elaine Female Perth
1936/101019 Perth Day Beatrice Ethel Female Taylor Ben Llewellyn Male Perth
1936/101019 Perth Taylor Ben Llewellyn Male Day Beatrice Ethel Female Perth
1936/101020 Perth Prosser Charles Isaac Male Rollings Maude Female North Perth
1936/101020 Perth Rollings Maude Female Prosser Charles Isaac Male North Perth
1936/101021 Perth Alexander Morton Macdonald Male Hooper Madeline Stuart Female Perth
1936/101021 Perth Hooper Madeline Stuart Female Alexander Morton Macdonald Male Perth
1936/101022 Perth Lee John Hamley Male Sharpe Juanita Female Cottesloe
1936/101022 Perth Sharpe Juanita Female Lee John Hamley Male Cottesloe
1936/101023 Perth Durack Cecil Francis Male Baker Dorothy Mary Female Perth
1936/101023 Perth Baker Dorothy Mary Female Durack Cecil Francis Male Perth
1936/101024 Perth Soullier Eileen Olive Female Bruce Alan Robert Male Perth
1936/101024 Perth Bruce Alan Robert Male Soullier Eileen Olive Female Perth
1936/101025 Perth Jones Mavis Veronica Female Stewart James Male Victoria Park
1936/101025 Perth Stewart James Male Jones Mavis Veronica Female Victoria Park
1936/101026 Perth Dobbin Brian Playfair Male Lyons Daisie Jane Female Mt Lawley
1936/101026 Perth Lyons Daisie Jane Female Dobbin Brian Playfair Male Mt Lawley
1936/101027 Perth Keegan Jean Elizabeth Female Sellen Francis Imre Male Perth
1936/101027 Perth Sellen Francis Imre Male Keegan Jean Elizabeth Female Perth
1936/101028 Perth George Edna Female Prosser Walter Male Perth
1936/101028 Perth Prosser Walter Male George Edna Female Perth
1936/101029 Perth Robinson Alick William Male O'Reilly Patricia Theresa Female Perth
1936/101029 Perth O'Reilly Patricia Theresa Female Robinson Alick William Male Perth
1936/101030 Perth Gillett Thelma May Female Prime Percy George Alfred Male Perth
1936/101030 Perth Prime Percy George Alfred Male Gillett Thelma May Female Perth
1936/101031 Perth Carson Carlyal Charles Male Chappell Edith May Female Perth
1936/101031 Perth Chappell Edith May Female Carson Carlyal Charles Male Perth
1936/101032 Perth Holgate Bessie Kathleen Female Carmichael Edmund Alexander Male North Perth
1936/101032 Perth Carmichael Edmund Alexander Male Holgate Bessie Kathleen Female North Perth
1936/101033 Perth Bailey Beryl Elizabeth Louisa Female Armstrong John Robert Male Perth
1936/101033 Perth Armstrong John Robert Male Bailey Beryl Elizabeth Louisa Female Perth
1936/101034 Perth Chester Albion Francis Male Jones Bessie Female Shenton Park
1936/101034 Perth Jones Bessie Female Chester Albion Francis Male Shenton Park
1936/101035 Perth Ryan Valerie Myra Female Bourke John Patrick Male Perth
1936/101035 Perth Bourke John Patrick Male Ryan Valerie Myra Female Perth
1936/101036 Perth Mansell Annie Rebecca Female White Lionel Jellicoe Male Perth
1936/101036 Perth White Lionel Jellicoe Male Mansell Annie Rebecca Female Perth
1936/101037 Perth Arnold Barbara May Female Howard William Male Cottesloe
1936/101037 Perth Howard William Male Arnold Barbara May Female Cottesloe
1936/101038 Perth Green Clifford James Patrick Male Quelch Veronica Martha Female Cottesloe
1936/101038 Perth Quelch Veronica Martha Female Green Clifford James Patrick Male Cottesloe
1936/101039 Perth Wholley Eileen Elizabeth Female Hernan John Joseph Male Cottesloe
1936/101039 Perth Hernan John Joseph Male Wholley Eileen Elizabeth Female Cottesloe
1936/101040 Perth Foley Thelma Evelyn Female Lowth William Eric Male Victoria Park
1936/101040 Perth Lowth William Eric Male Foley Thelma Evelyn Female Victoria Park
1936/101041 Perth Roper David Male Simpson Hylda Blanche Female Perth
1936/101041 Perth Simpson Hylda Blanche Female Roper David Male Perth
1936/101042 Perth Campbell Fraser MacLaughlan Male Hurley Patricia Iris Female North Perth
1936/101042 Perth Hurley Patricia Iris Female Campbell Fraser MacLaughlan Male North Perth
1936/101043 Perth Hobba Eva Irene Female Beilley Charles Stephen Courtney Male South Perth
1936/101043 Perth Beilley Charles Stephen Courtney Male Hobba Eva Irene Female South Perth
1936/101044 Perth Forrest Donald Alexander Male Wilson Tessa Margaret Female Cottesloe
1936/101044 Perth Wilson Tessa Margaret Female Forrest Donald Alexander Male Cottesloe
1936/101045 Perth Anderson Hugh Ronald Male Wigg Mary Alfreda Female North Perth
1936/101045 Perth Wigg Mary Alfreda Female Anderson Hugh Ronald Male North Perth
1936/101046 Perth Donley Leslie Herbert Male Hoffman Dorothy Ada Female North Perth
1936/101046 Perth Hoffman Dorothy Ada Female Donley Leslie Herbert Male North Perth
1936/101047 Perth Trigwell Leila Belle Female Mitchell Charles Bremer Male North Perth
1936/101047 Perth Mitchell Charles Bremer Male Trigwell Leila Belle Female North Perth
1936/101048 Perth Barlow Ivy Ada Female Gordon Charles David Male West Perth
1936/101048 Perth Gordon Charles David Male Barlow Ivy Ada Female West Perth
1936/101049 Perth Phillips Thelma Millicent Female Worth Reginald Harold Male West Perth
1936/101049 Perth Worth Reginald Harold Male Phillips Thelma Millicent Female West Perth
1936/101050 Perth Williams Edwin John Male Glenister Elsie Louisa Female West Perth
1936/101050 Perth Glenister Elsie Louisa Female Williams Edwin John Male West Perth
1936/101051 Perth Morris Harry Campbell Male Page Mabel Gladys Female Mt Lawley
1936/101051 Perth Page Mabel Gladys Female Morris Harry Campbell Male Mt Lawley
1936/101052 Perth Leitch Dora Female Saville William John Male Mt Lawley
1936/101052 Perth Saville William John Male Leitch Dora Female Mt Lawley
1936/101053 Perth Doney Raymond Frederick Male Bury Jean Ellen Female Victoria Park
1936/101053 Perth Bury Jean Ellen Female Doney Raymond Frederick Male Victoria Park
1936/101054 Perth Chisnall Frank Male Burrows Hilda Frances Female Victoria Park
1936/101054 Perth Burrows Hilda Frances Female Chisnall Frank Male Victoria Park
1936/101055 Perth Annetts Walter Myerson Male Champion Margaret Blanche Female Victoria Park
1936/101055 Perth Champion Margaret Blanche Female Annetts Walter Myerson Male Victoria Park
1936/101056 Perth Tringas Anthony Male Gourdis Sunday Female Perth
1936/101056 Perth Gourdis Sunday Female Tringas Anthony Male Perth
1936/101057 Perth Chidgzey Alice Mary Female Skewes William Hicks Male Perth
1936/101057 Perth Skewes William Hicks Male Chidgzey Alice Mary Female Perth
1936/101058 Perth Keenan John Joseph Male Underdown Joan Female Subiaco
1936/101058 Perth Underdown Joan Female Keenan John Joseph Male Subiaco
1936/101059 Perth Cody Mena Female Cross George Male Subiaco
1936/101059 Perth Cross George Male Cody Mena Female Subiaco
1936/101060 Perth Day Joyce Eileen Female McPherson Mervin Lewin William Male Perth
1936/101060 Perth McPherson Mervin Lewin William Male Day Joyce Eileen Female Perth
1936/101061 Perth Cooper Leslie Charles Male Barrett Marie Louise Female Cottesloe
1936/101061 Perth Barrett Marie Louise Female Cooper Leslie Charles Male Cottesloe
1936/101062 Perth Castledine Phyllis Emily Female Bolton James Arthur Male Cottesloe
1936/101062 Perth Bolton James Arthur Male Castledine Phyllis Emily Female Cottesloe
1936/101063 Perth West William Male McGregor Lorna Margaret Female North Perth
1936/101063 Perth McGregor Lorna Margaret Female West William Male North Perth
1936/101064 Perth Francis Duncan George Male Collopy Marie Cecelia Female Perth
1936/101064 Perth Collopy Marie Cecelia Female Francis Duncan George Male Perth
1936/101065 Perth Magher James Male White Violet Hilda Female South Perth
1936/101065 Perth White Violet Hilda Female Magher James Male South Perth
1936/101066 Perth Miller Marion Stewart Female Rabey Thomas Archibald Male North Leederville
1936/101066 Perth Rabey Thomas Archibald Male Miller Marion Stewart Female North Leederville
1936/101067 Perth Connolly Eileen Olga Female Dempster Dallas Athol Dick Male Perth
1936/101067 Perth Dempster Dallas Athol Dick Male Connolly Eileen Olga Female Perth
1936/101068 Perth Filipec Zita Jelena Female Masanovich Petar Male Perth
1936/101068 Perth Masanovich Petar Male Filipec Zita Jelena Female Perth
1936/101069 Perth Grace Olive Margaret Female Lamphee Herbert Male Perth
1936/101069 Perth Lamphee Herbert Male Grace Olive Margaret Female Perth
1936/101070 Perth Peirce Frank Murray Male Thomas Grace Myrtle Female Perth
1936/101070 Perth Thomas Grace Myrtle Female Peirce Frank Murray Male Perth
1936/101071 Perth Elliot Jessie Female Hunter Alexander Aitken Male Perth
1936/101071 Perth Hunter Alexander Aitken Male Elliot Jessie Female Perth
1936/101072 Perth Jenkins John Male Stevenson Gladys May Female Perth
1936/101072 Perth Stevenson Gladys May Female Jenkins John Male Perth
1936/101073 Perth Flower Phyllis Burnett Female Kelly Harold Edward Male Perth
1936/101073 Perth Kelly Harold Edward Male Flower Phyllis Burnett Female Perth
1936/101074 Perth McNabb Donald Kenneth Male Baxter Laura Maria Female Perth
1936/101074 Perth Baxter Laura Maria Female McNabb Donald Kenneth Male Perth
1936/101075 Perth Wise Ellen Francis Female McMurtry Edwin Male Perth
1936/101075 Perth McMurtry Edwin Male Wise Ellen Francis Female Perth
1936/101076 Perth Stamp Edwin James Male Cavanagh Alma Irene Female Claremont
1936/101076 Perth Cavanagh Alma Irene Female Stamp Edwin James Male Claremont
1936/101077 Perth Spicer Winifred Dilys Female Smith Norman Allan Lindsay Male Claremont
1936/101077 Perth Smith Norman Allan Lindsay Male Spicer Winifred Dilys Female Claremont
1936/101078 Perth Bosence Francis Male Shackleton Thelma Violet Female Perth
1936/101078 Perth Shackleton Thelma Violet Female Bosence Francis Male Perth
1936/101079 Perth Francisco Edward Coleman Male Thompson-Smith Fanny Josephine Female Perth
1936/101079 Perth Thompson-Smith Fanny Josephine Female Francisco Edward Coleman Male Perth
1936/101080 Perth Piper Evelyn Alice Female Walton Leopold Biram Male Perth
1936/101080 Perth Walton Leopold Biram Male Piper Evelyn Alice Female Perth
1936/101081 Perth Hawks Ernest Victor Male Baird Winifred Female Perth
1936/101081 Perth Baird Winifred Female Hawks Ernest Victor Male Perth
1936/101082 Perth Major Horace Walter Harris Male Huggins Marion Lottie Female Perth
1936/101082 Perth Huggins Marion Lottie Female Major Horace Walter Harris Male Perth
1936/101083 Perth Robinson Margurite Grace Female Jordan John Wesley Norman Dewar Male Subiaco
1936/101083 Perth Jordan John Wesley Norman Dewar Male Robinson Margurite Grace Female Subiaco
1936/101084 Perth Stanisi Evdozia Female Vanopulos Athanasios Male Perth
1936/101084 Perth Vanopulos Athanasios Male Stanisi Evdozia Female Perth
1936/101085 Perth Poli Giuseppina Female Marchioro Ernesto Male West Perth
1936/101085 Perth Marchioro Ernesto Male Poli Giuseppina Female West Perth
1936/101086 Perth Walmsley John Male Cole Louisa Gertrude Female West Perth
1936/101086 Perth Cole Louisa Gertrude Female Walmsley John Male West Perth
1936/101087 Perth Haley Mona Josephine Female Hayter Albert Victor Male West Perth
1936/101087 Perth Hayter Albert Victor Male Haley Mona Josephine Female West Perth
1936/101088 Perth Fannon Gladys Irene Female Stevenson John Malcolm Male West Perth
1936/101088 Perth Stevenson John Malcolm Male Fannon Gladys Irene Female West Perth
1936/101089 Perth French Kathleen Female Anderton Stanley William Male West Perth
1936/101089 Perth Anderton Stanley William Male French Kathleen Female West Perth
1936/101090 Perth Leaversuch Bert William Male Marsh Helen Female Perth
1936/101090 Perth Marsh Helen Female Leaversuch Bert William Male Perth
1936/101091 Perth Chesson Ada Agnes Female Geddes Francis Keith Male North Leederville
1936/101091 Perth Geddes Francis Keith Male Chesson Ada Agnes Female North Leederville
1936/101092 Perth Proctor Frederick Hutchinson Male Hales Thelma Elizabeth Female Cottesloe
1936/101092 Perth Hales Thelma Elizabeth Female Proctor Frederick Hutchinson Male Cottesloe
1936/101093 Perth Dalgleish Edward Male White Florence Elizabeth May Female West Leederville
1936/101093 Perth White Florence Elizabeth May Female Dalgleish Edward Male West Leederville
1936/101094 Perth Best John Martin Male Ness Grace Elizabeth Female West Leederville
1936/101094 Perth Ness Grace Elizabeth Female Best John Martin Male West Leederville
1936/101095 Perth Low Douglas Leonard Roy Male Rosell Dorothy May Female West Leederville
1936/101095 Perth Rosell Dorothy May Female Low Douglas Leonard Roy Male West Leederville
1936/101096 Perth McCarthy Justin Francis Male Seery Margaret Ellen Female Perth
1936/101096 Perth Seery Margaret Ellen Female McCarthy Justin Francis Male Perth
1936/101097 Perth Ennis Eric Victor Male Studman Jessie Agnes Female Perth
1936/101097 Perth Studman Jessie Agnes Female Ennis Eric Victor Male Perth
1936/101098 Perth Shaw Herbert Clayton Male Burton Jessie Doreen Female Perth
1936/101098 Perth Burton Jessie Doreen Female Shaw Herbert Clayton Male Perth
1936/101099 Perth Altham Elizabeth Female Jones Ernest Clifford Male Perth
1936/101099 Perth Jones Ernest Clifford Male Altham Elizabeth Female Perth
1936/101100 Perth Briggs Leslie Redvers Male Stewart Marion Female Cottesloe
1936/101100 Perth Stewart Marion Female Briggs Leslie Redvers Male Cottesloe
1936/101101 Perth Newman Morris Male Middleton Hilda May Female Perth
1936/101101 Perth Middleton Hilda May Female Newman Morris Male Perth
1936/101102 Perth Stenberg Violet Elizabeth Female Boyce Samuel Hinshaw Male Perth
1936/101102 Perth Boyce Samuel Hinshaw Male Stenberg Violet Elizabeth Female Perth
1936/101103 Perth Holt Hazel Irene Female McKenzie John Male Perth
1936/101103 Perth McKenzie John Male Holt Hazel Irene Female Perth
1936/101104 Perth Gilbride Kathleen Female McVeigh Norman Harold Male Perth
1936/101104 Perth McVeigh Norman Harold Male Gilbride Kathleen Female Perth
1936/101105 Perth Bartlett Isabella Anne Female Gibbs Hilton Bernard Male Perth
1936/101105 Perth Gibbs Hilton Bernard Male Bartlett Isabella Anne Female Perth
1936/101106 Perth Holt Waynie Phyllis Roberta Female Hurst Philip Holborn Male Perth
1936/101106 Perth Hurst Philip Holborn Male Holt Waynie Phyllis Roberta Female Perth
1936/101107 Perth Rance May Ellen Female Shorter Alfred Henry Male Perth
1936/101107 Perth Shorter Alfred Henry Male Rance May Ellen Female Perth
1936/101108 Perth Cranfield Doris May Female Lemmone William George Male Perth
1936/101108 Perth Lemmone William George Male Cranfield Doris May Female Perth
1936/101109 Perth Hawkins Jack Alexander Osborne Male Game Florence Myrtle Female Perth
1936/101109 Perth Game Florence Myrtle Female Hawkins Jack Alexander Osborne Male Perth
1936/101110 Perth Ewers John Keith Male McIntyre Jean Grant Female Perth
1936/101110 Perth McIntyre Jean Grant Female Ewers John Keith Male Perth
1936/101111 Perth Wright Walter Edward Male French Ada Doreen Female Perth
1936/101111 Perth French Ada Doreen Female Wright Walter Edward Male Perth
1936/101112 Perth Powe Lyda Lulu Female Maunder Frederick George Male Perth
1936/101112 Perth Maunder Frederick George Male Powe Lyda Lulu Female Perth
1936/101113 Perth Smith Mary Magdalene Female Maidment George Harris Male Perth
1936/101113 Perth Maidment George Harris Male Smith Mary Magdalene Female Perth
1936/101114 Perth Fitzhardinge Theodore Berkeley Male Crosthwaite Rosalie McLeod Female Perth
1936/101114 Perth Crosthwaite Rosalie McLeod Female Fitzhardinge Theodore Berkeley Male Perth
1936/101115 Perth Makin Leslie James Male Rusconi Ellen Rose Female Perth
1936/101115 Perth Rusconi Ellen Rose Female Makin Leslie James Male Perth
1936/101116 Perth English Lilian Adelaide Female Shepherd Victor Joseph Male Perth
1936/101116 Perth Shepherd Victor Joseph Male English Lilian Adelaide Female Perth
1936/101117 Perth Bennett Marjorie Coral Female Fuller Clarence Otto Male Perth
1936/101117 Perth Fuller Clarence Otto Male Bennett Marjorie Coral Female Perth
1936/101118 Perth King George Hally Male Bergin Phyllis Ena Female Perth
1936/101118 Perth Bergin Phyllis Ena Female King George Hally Male Perth
1936/101119 Perth Benson Caroline Gertrude Female Gould John Keith Male Perth
1936/101119 Perth Gould John Keith Male Benson Caroline Gertrude Female Perth
1936/101120 Perth Barrett Edgar Lancelot Male Teather Mabel Mary Female Perth
1936/101120 Perth Teather Mabel Mary Female Barrett Edgar Lancelot Male Perth
1936/101121 Perth Forrester Lorimer Richard Male Cardilini Mavis Norma Female Perth
1936/101121 Perth Cardilini Mavis Norma Female Forrester Lorimer Richard Male Perth
1936/101122 Perth Wood Dorothy Female Kingman Charles Robert Male Perth
1936/101122 Perth Kingman Charles Robert Male Wood Dorothy Female Perth
1936/101123 Perth Clark Vida Edna Thelma Female Joyce Ernest William Herbert Male Perth
1936/101123 Perth Joyce Ernest William Herbert Male Clark Vida Edna Thelma Female Perth
1936/101124 Perth Johnson Beatrice Lillian Female Samworth William Henry Male Perth
1936/101124 Perth Samworth William Henry Male Johnson Beatrice Lillian Female Perth
1936/101125 Perth Lewis Henry William Male Clucas Louisa Selena Female Victoria Park
1936/101125 Perth Clucas Louisa Selena Female Lewis Henry William Male Victoria Park
1936/101126 Perth Porter Elsie May Female Dunneman Jack Frederick Male Victoria Park
1936/101126 Perth Dunneman Jack Frederick Male Porter Elsie May Female Victoria Park
1936/101127 Perth Dalton Kathleen Mary Female Stewart Norman St Clair Male Victoria Park
1936/101127 Perth Stewart Norman St Clair Male Dalton Kathleen Mary Female Victoria Park
1936/101128 Perth Cochran John Male Murdock Winifred May Female Buckland Hill
1936/101128 Perth Murdock Winifred May Female Cochran John Male Buckland Hill
1936/101129 Perth McGuire Peter Male Corry Margaret Mary Female Perth
1936/101129 Perth Corry Margaret Mary Female McGuire Peter Male Perth
1936/101130 Perth Elford Ailsa Evelyn Female Tighe James Thomas Male Perth
1936/101130 Perth Tighe James Thomas Male Elford Ailsa Evelyn Female Perth
1936/101131 Perth Ball Barbara Alice Female Green Frederick Arthur Patrick Male West Perth
1936/101131 Perth Green Frederick Arthur Patrick Male Ball Barbara Alice Female West Perth
1936/101132 Perth Hodge John Alfred Male Dashwood May Female West Perth
1936/101132 Perth Dashwood May Female Hodge John Alfred Male West Perth
1936/101133 Perth Wynne Arthur John Male Walker Mary Alma Jean Female West Perth
1936/101133 Perth Walker Mary Alma Jean Female Wynne Arthur John Male West Perth
1936/101134 Perth Koivisto Toivo Waldenar Male Northridge Gwendoline Maude Female West Perth
1936/101134 Perth Northridge Gwendoline Maude Female Koivisto Toivo Waldenar Male West Perth
1936/101135 Perth Zabuka Sreska Female Markovich Tony Male Leederville
1936/101135 Perth Markovich Tony Male Zabuka Sreska Female Leederville
1936/101136 Perth West Esther May Female Cowen Ronald William Male East Perth
1936/101136 Perth Cowen Ronald William Male West Esther May Female East Perth
1936/101137 Perth Roberts May Female Hardie Keith James Male Mt Lawley
1936/101137 Perth Hardie Keith James Male Roberts May Female Mt Lawley
1936/101138 Perth Tilbury Arthur Charles Male Maddren Olga Evelyn Female Mt Lawley
1936/101138 Perth Maddren Olga Evelyn Female Tilbury Arthur Charles Male Mt Lawley
1936/101139 Perth Lehmann Emma Lavinia Female Barker Howard Lionel Male Perth
1936/101139 Perth Barker Howard Lionel Male Lehmann Emma Lavinia Female Perth
1936/101140 Perth Lee Frank Male Lund Phyllis Hope Female Perth
1936/101140 Perth Lund Phyllis Hope Female Lee Frank Male Perth
1936/101141 Perth Davies Maxwell Lionel Male Clark Esther Louise Female Perth
1936/101141 Perth Clark Esther Louise Female Davies Maxwell Lionel Male Perth
1936/101142 Perth McKenna Walter Joseph Male Harris Emily Desdemona Female Perth
1936/101142 Perth Harris Emily Desdemona Female McKenna Walter Joseph Male Perth
1936/101143 Perth Dennis Henry Wallace Male Dow Christina Female Claremont
1936/101143 Perth Dow Christina Female Dennis Henry Wallace Male Claremont
1936/101144 Perth Redhead Edward Male Spark Florence Emily Female Perth
1936/101144 Perth Spark Florence Emily Female Redhead Edward Male Perth
1936/101145 Perth Thompson Harold Ferguson Male Collier Ethel Mary Female Highgate Hill
1936/101145 Perth Collier Ethel Mary Female Thompson Harold Ferguson Male Highgate Hill
1936/101146 Perth Bell Bert Adams Male Harris Hazel Priscilla Female West Perth
1936/101146 Perth Harris Hazel Priscilla Female Bell Bert Adams Male West Perth
1936/101147 Perth Stade Eric Patrick Male Baker Rachel Alice Female Perth
1936/101147 Perth Baker Rachel Alice Female Stade Eric Patrick Male Perth
1936/101148 Perth Hall Douglas Mowbray Male Pengelly Irene Marjorie Ethel Female West Perth
1936/101148 Perth Pengelly Irene Marjorie Ethel Female Hall Douglas Mowbray Male West Perth
1936/101149 Perth Lee Fredrick George Denham Male Atkinson Doris Elizabeth Female Perth
1936/101149 Perth Atkinson Doris Elizabeth Female Lee Fredrick George Denham Male Perth
1936/101150 Perth Quinlan Doris Ursula Female Casas Philip Esteban Male Perth
1936/101150 Perth Casas Philip Esteban Male Quinlan Doris Ursula Female Perth
1936/101151 Perth Brown Zuzanna Female Clements John Murray Male Victoria Park
1936/101151 Perth Clements John Murray Male Brown Zuzanna Female Victoria Park
1936/101152 Perth Seaman Alfred John Male Hodgkinson Ethel Maude Female Mt Lawley
1936/101152 Perth Hodgkinson Ethel Maude Female Seaman Alfred John Male Mt Lawley
1936/101153 Perth Power Eloise Alice Female Smith Lawrence Raymond Male Jolimont
1936/101153 Perth Smith Lawrence Raymond Male Power Eloise Alice Female Jolimont
1936/101154 Perth McIntosh Alice Laurell Female de Mamiel Oswald Gerald Male Nedlands
1936/101154 Perth de Mamiel Oswald Gerald Male McIntosh Alice Laurell Female Nedlands
1936/101155 Perth Frost Basil Melville Male Shadgett Vera Mavis Female Victoria Park
1936/101155 Perth Shadgett Vera Mavis Female Frost Basil Melville Male Victoria Park
1936/101156 Perth Brown Denis Verrill Male Stiles Vera Florence Female Victoria Park
1936/101156 Perth Stiles Vera Florence Female Brown Denis Verrill Male Victoria Park
1936/101157 Perth Macgill Joseph Francis Male McGregor Elizabeth Naismith Female Cottesloe
1936/101157 Perth McGregor Elizabeth Naismith Female Macgill Joseph Francis Male Cottesloe
1936/101158 Perth Butler James Harold Male Folland Phyllis Roma Female North Perth
1936/101158 Perth Folland Phyllis Roma Female Butler James Harold Male North Perth
1936/101159 Perth Lambert Theodore James Male Harris Ruby Elizabeth Female Victoria Park
1936/101159 Perth Harris Ruby Elizabeth Female Lambert Theodore James Male Victoria Park
1936/101160 Perth Watson Sylvia Ada Female Martin Edward Francis Male Maylands
1936/101160 Perth Martin Edward Francis Male Watson Sylvia Ada Female Maylands
1936/101161 Perth Langenbach Joseph Terry Male Davidson Olivia Mary Female Maylands
1936/101161 Perth Davidson Olivia Mary Female Langenbach Joseph Terry Male Maylands
1936/101162 Perth King Albert Frederick Male McGrath Mollie Female Perth
1936/101162 Perth McGrath Mollie Female King Albert Frederick Male Perth
1936/101163 Perth Finkelstein Rachel Female Same Samuel Male Perth
1936/101163 Perth Same Samuel Male Finkelstein Rachel Female Perth
1936/101164 Perth Mossenson Sarah Female Crewe Gerald Male Perth
1936/101164 Perth Crewe Gerald Male Mossenson Sarah Female Perth
1936/101165 Perth Keenan Dorothy Jean Female Richards Francis Hunter Male Subiaco
1936/101165 Perth Richards Francis Hunter Male Keenan Dorothy Jean Female Subiaco
1936/101166 Perth Gunn Lillian Rose Female Mossman Francis Victor Male Victoria Park
1936/101166 Perth Mossman Francis Victor Male Gunn Lillian Rose Female Victoria Park
1936/101167 Perth Harvey Edwin Male Musa Khan Emma Leah Miriam Victoria Female Perth
1936/101167 Perth Musa Khan Emma Leah Miriam Victoria Female Harvey Edwin Male Perth
1936/101168 Perth Sowerby Robert Male Rosser Grace Female Claremont
1936/101168 Perth Rosser Grace Female Sowerby Robert Male Claremont
1936/101169 Perth James Selby Ronald Male Hume Janetta Miller Female Mt Lawley
1936/101169 Perth Hume Janetta Miller Female James Selby Ronald Male Mt Lawley
1936/101170 Perth Hann Ada Rhoda Female Link Charles Nicholas Male Bayswater
1936/101170 Perth Link Charles Nicholas Male Hann Ada Rhoda Female Bayswater
1936/101171 Perth Sadler Frank Henry Male Pether Elizabeth Cecelia Nock Female Perth
1936/101171 Perth Pether Elizabeth Cecelia Nock Female Sadler Frank Henry Male Perth
1936/101172 Perth McKimm Florence Female Dymock Sydney Francis Male Perth
1936/101172 Perth Dymock Sydney Francis Male McKimm Florence Female Perth
1936/101173 Perth Hayward Betty Margaret Female Gallasch Frank Edward Male Perth
1936/101173 Perth Gallasch Frank Edward Male Hayward Betty Margaret Female Perth
1936/101174 Perth Burchell Oscar Leonard Male Mack Annie Bonnie Female Perth
1936/101174 Perth Mack Annie Bonnie Female Burchell Oscar Leonard Male Perth
1936/101175 Perth Dunn Elsie Charlotte Female Rowland Avon Roy Mitchell Male Perth
1936/101175 Perth Rowland Avon Roy Mitchell Male Dunn Elsie Charlotte Female Perth
1936/101176 Perth Pomfrey Annie Marion Female Langley James William Male Perth
1936/101176 Perth Langley James William Male Pomfrey Annie Marion Female Perth
1936/101177 Perth Semini Alfred Edward Male Reeve-Talbot Phyllis Irene Female Perth
1936/101177 Perth Reeve-Talbot Phyllis Irene Female Semini Alfred Edward Male Perth
1936/101178 Perth Isaac Myrtle Adeline Female Reichardt Paul Ferdinand Male Cottesloe
1936/101178 Perth Reichardt Paul Ferdinand Male Isaac Myrtle Adeline Female Cottesloe
1936/101179 Perth Lowry Alice Martha Female O'Leary Harold Edwin Male Perth
1936/101179 Perth O'Leary Harold Edwin Male Lowry Alice Martha Female Perth
1936/101180 Perth Wilkins Harrie John Male Phillips Miriam Female West Perth
1936/101180 Perth Phillips Miriam Female Wilkins Harrie John Male West Perth
1936/101181 Perth Wilson Nellie Victoria Female Hesford George Frederick Male West Perth
1936/101181 Perth Hesford George Frederick Male Wilson Nellie Victoria Female West Perth
1936/101182 Perth Cutten James Leonard Beachworth Male Armstrong Jean Dorothea Female West Perth
1936/101182 Perth Armstrong Jean Dorothea Female Cutten James Leonard Beachworth Male West Perth
1936/101183 Perth Macfarlane Alan William Male O'Connor Mary Josephine Female Perth
1936/101183 Perth O'Connor Mary Josephine Female Macfarlane Alan William Male Perth
1936/101184 Perth Norton Jasper Patrick Male Frew Sarah Gibson Macleary Cook Female Perth
1936/101184 Perth Frew Sarah Gibson Macleary Cook Female Norton Jasper Patrick Male Perth
1936/101185 Perth Wade Stephen James Male O'Connor Julia Female Perth
1936/101185 Perth O'Connor Julia Female Wade Stephen James Male Perth
1936/101186 Perth Mackie Kathleen Female Butler Colin Sydney Male Perth
1936/101186 Perth Butler Colin Sydney Male Mackie Kathleen Female Perth
1936/101187 Perth Russell Margaret Mary Isobel Female Boyd Albert Ernest Male Perth
1936/101187 Perth Boyd Albert Ernest Male Russell Margaret Mary Isobel Female Perth
1936/101188 Perth Higbid George Henry Male McCallum Jean Eloise Female Perth
1936/101188 Perth Hawes George Henry Male McCallum Jean Eloise Female Perth
1936/101188 Perth McCallum Jean Eloise Female Hawes George Henry Male Perth
1936/101188 Perth McCallum Jean Eloise Female Higbid George Henry Male Perth
1936/101189 Perth Thomas Donald Edwin Male Lambert Margaret Minnie Female Perth
1936/101189 Perth Lambert Margaret Minnie Female Thomas Donald Edwin Male Perth
1936/101190 Perth Dowley Narr Mary Female Martin Herbert Frederick Male Perth
1936/101190 Perth Martin Herbert Frederick Male Dowley Narr Mary Female Perth
1936/101191 Perth Hanson Beryl Enid Female Dunstan Harry Talbot Male Perth
1936/101191 Perth Dunstan Harry Talbot Male Hanson Beryl Enid Female Perth
1936/101192 Perth Richardson Jasper Bede Male Gibson Ida Lillian Female Claremont
1936/101192 Perth Gibson Ida Lillian Female Richardson Jasper Bede Male Claremont
1936/101193 Perth Morrison Alice Jean Female Lightfoot Leonard Charles Male Claremont
1936/101193 Perth Lightfoot Leonard Charles Male Morrison Alice Jean Female Claremont
1936/101194 Perth Berry Margaret Elizabeth Female Beard Edwin Noel Male Inglewood
1936/101194 Perth Beard Edwin Noel Male Berry Margaret Elizabeth Female Inglewood
1936/101195 Perth Chamberlain John Wesley Male Latty Elsie Eliza Female Perth
1936/101195 Perth Latty Elsie Eliza Female Chamberlain John Wesley Male Perth
1936/101196 Perth Hammond Elsie Ada Female Kempin Frank Male Victoria Park
1936/101196 Perth Kempin Frank Male Hammond Elsie Ada Female Victoria Park
1936/101197 Perth Morgan Ella May Female Smith Eric David Keith Male Perth
1936/101197 Perth Smith Eric David Keith Male Morgan Ella May Female Perth
1936/101198 Perth Salvaire Peter Male Gibbons Edna Gladys Female Perth
1936/101198 Perth Gibbons Edna Gladys Female Salvaire Peter Male Perth
1936/101199 Perth Wostear William George Male Neville Agnes Hazel Female Claremont
1936/101199 Perth Neville Agnes Hazel Female Wostear William George Male Claremont
1936/101200 Perth Richmond Alan Cecil Male Plenkovich Margaret Female Nedlands
1936/101200 Perth Plenkovich Margaret Female Richmond Alan Cecil Male Nedlands
1936/101201 Perth Lyons Bernard Male Hayes Marjorie Ann Female Subiaco
1936/101201 Perth Hayes Marjorie Ann Female Lyons Bernard Male Subiaco
1936/101202 Perth Lowen Mavis Rosa Female Pallier John Eric Male South Perth
1936/101202 Perth Pallier John Eric Male Lowen Mavis Rosa Female South Perth
1936/101203 Perth Shand Elizabeth Smith Female Arnold Vickery Norman Male Perth
1936/101203 Perth Arnold Vickery Norman Male Shand Elizabeth Smith Female Perth
1936/101204 Perth Rhoades William Smith Male Richardson Norah May Female Osborne Park
1936/101204 Perth Richardson Norah May Female Rhoades William Smith Male Osborne Park
1936/101205 Perth Reid Alfred Gilbert Male Hooper Ruby Kathleen Female Mount Hawthorn
1936/101205 Perth Hooper Ruby Kathleen Female Reid Alfred Gilbert Male Mount Hawthorn
1936/101206 Perth Ardill Dora Davey Female Tout Frank Robert Male South Perth
1936/101206 Perth Tout Frank Robert Male Ardill Dora Davey Female South Perth
1936/101207 Perth Knox Kate Graham Female Greedy Edward Stanley Male Cottesloe
1936/101207 Perth Greedy Edward Stanley Male Knox Kate Graham Female Cottesloe
1936/101208 Perth Scott Reginald Grant Male Hodge Bessie Eileen Female Maylands
1936/101208 Perth Hodge Bessie Eileen Female Scott Reginald Grant Male Maylands
1936/101209 Perth Birt Genevieve Joan Howard Female Burkett John Francis Male Claremont
1936/101209 Perth Burkett John Francis Male Birt Genevieve Joan Howard Female Claremont
1936/101210 Perth Forbes Madeline Frances Female Turvey Herbert George Male Perth
1936/101210 Perth Turvey Herbert George Male Forbes Madeline Frances Female Perth
1936/101211 Perth Buttel Herman Albert Male Hoad Ellen Doris Female Perth
1936/101211 Perth Hoad Ellen Doris Female Buttel Herman Albert Male Perth
1936/101212 Perth Robinson Leslie Gordon Male Timms Dorothy Dorn Female Perth
1936/101212 Perth Timms Dorothy Dorn Female Robinson Leslie Gordon Male Perth
1936/101213 Perth Hillier Allan Herbert Male Spry Adela Grace Female Perth
1936/101213 Perth Spry Adela Grace Female Hillier Allan Herbert Male Perth
1936/101214 Perth Carlyon Susannah Female Whittles Stanley Male Perth
1936/101214 Perth Whittles Stanley Male Carlyon Susannah Female Perth
1936/101215 Perth Fitzgerald Clarence John Male Walton Dora Female Maylands
1936/101215 Perth Walton Dora Female Fitzgerald Clarence John Male Maylands
1936/101216 Perth Underwood Alice Thelma Female Kenny Cyril Thomas Male Perth
1936/101216 Perth Kenny Cyril Thomas Male Underwood Alice Thelma Female Perth
1936/101217 Perth Hennings Winifred Mary Female Kent Steven Henry Male Perth
1936/101217 Perth Kent Steven Henry Male Hennings Winifred Mary Female Perth
1936/101218 Perth Howell Edward James Male Robson Cicely Female Perth
1936/101218 Perth Robson Cicely Female Howell Edward James Male Perth
1936/101219 Perth Wilkinson Harold George Male Nield Winifred Female Victoria Park
1936/101219 Perth Nield Winifred Female Wilkinson Harold George Male Victoria Park
1936/101220 Perth Seaward St John Noble Male Canham Challis Edith Female Perth
1936/101220 Perth Canham Challis Edith Female Seaward St John Noble Male Perth
1936/101221 Perth Scruby Henry Francis Male McMartin Florence Caroline Female West Perth
1936/101221 Perth McMartin Florence Caroline Female Scruby Henry Francis Male West Perth
1936/101222 Perth Marshall Dorothea Female Reardon David Michael Male Perth
1936/101222 Perth Reardon David Michael Male Marshall Dorothea Female Perth
1936/101223 Perth Browning Robert William Male Strickland Adria Marielle Joyce Female Subiaco
1936/101223 Perth Strickland Adria Marielle Joyce Female Browning Robert William Male Subiaco
1936/101224 Perth Birch Raymond Lincoln Male Thomas Pauline May Female Leederville
1936/101224 Perth Thomas Pauline May Female Birch Raymond Lincoln Male Leederville
1936/101225 Perth Thompson Olga Louisa Female Cornock Francis Henry Male Perth
1936/101225 Perth Cornock Francis Henry Male Thompson Olga Louisa Female Perth
1936/101226 Perth Williams John Paul Male Huggett Adah Joyce Female Highgate Hill
1936/101226 Perth Huggett Adah Joyce Female Williams John Paul Male Highgate Hill
1936/101227 Perth White Doris Evelyn Female Dinning Leslie Thornborrow Male Bayswater
1936/101227 Perth Dinning Leslie Thornborrow Male White Doris Evelyn Female Bayswater
1936/101228 Perth Curtis Margery Victoria Female Oates Alfred Aldridge Male Bayswater
1936/101228 Perth Oates Alfred Aldridge Male Curtis Margery Victoria Female Bayswater
1936/101229 Perth Englund Keith Stanley Male Harker Evelyn Female Subiaco
1936/101229 Perth Harker Evelyn Female Englund Keith Stanley Male Subiaco
1936/101230 Perth Roach Arthur Male Cronin Emily Female Perth
1936/101230 Perth Cronin Emily Female Roach Arthur Male Perth
1936/101231 Perth Grant William Lewis Male Gammage Lila Female Perth
1936/101231 Perth Gammage Lila Female Grant William Lewis Male Perth
1936/101232 Perth Cook Thomas Shearer Male Lindsay Jessie Female Subiaco
1936/101232 Perth Lindsay Jessie Female Cook Thomas Shearer Male Subiaco
1936/101233 Perth Smart Alice Edith Female Sadlier Clifford William King Male Subiaco
1936/101233 Perth Sadlier Clifford William King Male Smart Alice Edith Female Subiaco
1936/101234 Perth Hamilton Jean Nettie Nancye Female Twomey Othello Joseph Male West Perth
1936/101234 Perth Twomey Othello Joseph Male Hamilton Jean Nettie Nancye Female West Perth
1936/101235 Perth Evans William Holliday Male Potter Kathleen May Female West Perth
1936/101235 Perth Potter Kathleen May Female Evans William Holliday Male West Perth
1936/101236 Perth Ball Ruby Luscombe Female Logie Norman Macintosh Male West Perth
1936/101236 Perth Logie Norman Macintosh Male Ball Ruby Luscombe Female West Perth
1936/101237 Perth Hitchcock Regina May Female Ryan William Martin Male Perth
1936/101237 Perth Ryan William Martin Male Hitchcock Regina May Female Perth
1936/101238 Perth Buchanan William Male Worthington Ann Female Perth
1936/101238 Perth Worthington Ann Female Buchanan William Male Perth
1936/101239 Perth Young Francis Donald Male Syred Alma May Female Perth
1936/101239 Perth Syred Alma May Female Young Francis Donald Male Perth
1936/101240 Perth Sullivan Olive Catherine Female Hodgkinson Herbert William Male West Perth
1936/101240 Perth Hodgkinson Herbert William Male Sullivan Olive Catherine Female West Perth
1936/101241 Perth Ferguson Thelma May Female Dorizzi Arthur Anthony Male West Perth
1936/101241 Perth Dorizzi Arthur Anthony Male Ferguson Thelma May Female West Perth
1936/101242 Perth Webb Thomas Arthur Rae Male Hall Thelma May Female Highgate
1936/101242 Perth Hall Thelma May Female Webb Thomas Arthur Rae Male Highgate
1936/101243 Perth Anderson Mary Ellen Female Barber Phillip George Male Cottesloe
1936/101243 Perth Barber Phillip George Male Anderson Mary Ellen Female Cottesloe
1936/101244 Perth Paterson William James McKillop Male Dodd Dorothy Mavis Female Perth
1936/101244 Perth Dodd Dorothy Mavis Female Paterson William James McKillop Male Perth
1936/101245 Perth Burn Charles Brazier Male Chapman Ellen Winifred Female Leederville
1936/101245 Perth Chapman Ellen Winifred Female Burn Charles Brazier Male Leederville
1936/101246 Perth Otway Ernest Male Wood Florence Lucy Female Leederville
1936/101246 Perth Wood Florence Lucy Female Otway Ernest Male Leederville
1936/101247 Perth Betjeman William George Male Power Freda Lillian Female Leederville
1936/101247 Perth Power Freda Lillian Female Betjeman William George Male Leederville
1936/101248 Perth Knight Cyril Edward Male Larner May Louisa Female Leederville
1936/101248 Perth Larner May Louisa Female Knight Cyril Edward Male Leederville
1936/101249 Perth Church Mary Sholl Female Tanner Oriel George Afric Male Cottesloe
1936/101249 Perth Tanner Oriel George Afric Male Church Mary Sholl Female Cottesloe
1936/101250 Perth Thompson Daisy Eileen Female South Murray Male East Claremont
1936/101250 Perth South Murray Male Thompson Daisy Eileen Female East Claremont
1936/101251 Perth Cookson Harry Male Cox Myrtle Female Perth
1936/101251 Perth Cox Myrtle Female Cookson Harry Male Perth
1936/101252 Perth Muir Allan James Male Plush Sylvia Female Perth
1936/101252 Perth Plush Sylvia Female Muir Allan James Male Perth
1936/101253 Perth Hill Roy Male Kruger Gladys Edith Female Subiaco
1936/101253 Perth Kruger Gladys Edith Female Hill Roy Male Subiaco
1936/101254 Perth Harmer Grace Lucy Female Lockley John Newman Male Victoria Park
1936/101254 Perth Lockley John Newman Male Harmer Grace Lucy Female Victoria Park
1936/101255 Perth Ballantine Douglas Sinclair Male Robins Hazel Elizabeth Female Victoria Park
1936/101255 Perth Robins Hazel Elizabeth Female Ballantine Douglas Sinclair Male Victoria Park
1936/101256 Perth Hill Violet Florence Female Crockett Stephen Collison Male Victoria Park
1936/101256 Perth Crockett Stephen Collison Male Hill Violet Florence Female Victoria Park
1936/101257 Perth Jacobson Emily Florence Female Wilmot Arthur Parry Eardley Male Perth
1936/101257 Perth Wilmot Arthur Parry Eardley Male Jacobson Emily Florence Female Perth
1936/101258 Perth Turnock Helen Female Bishop Arthur Male Perth
1936/101258 Perth Bishop Arthur Male Turnock Helen Female Perth
1936/101259 Perth Dearle George John Edward Male Humfrey Marjorie Clare Female Perth
1936/101259 Perth Humfrey Marjorie Clare Female Dearle George John Edward Male Perth
1936/101260 Perth Beecroft Frederick Rowland Male Rosen Bertha Female Perth
1936/101260 Perth Rosen Bertha Female Beecroft Frederick Rowland Male Perth
1936/101261 Perth Burton Richard Edwin Male Darcy Annie Margurite Female Claremont
1936/101261 Perth Darcy Annie Margurite Female Burton Richard Edwin Male Claremont
1936/101262 Perth Mackay Ernest John Frederick Male Davies Marjorie Winifred Female Claremont
1936/101262 Perth Davies Marjorie Winifred Female Mackay Ernest John Frederick Male Claremont
1936/101263 Perth Nind Ellen Eliza Female Benporath Keith Edwin Male Claremont
1936/101263 Perth Benporath Keith Edwin Male Nind Ellen Eliza Female Claremont
1936/101264 Perth O'Callaghan Edmund Male Dearle Kathleen Female Subiaco
1936/101264 Perth Dearle Kathleen Female O'Callaghan Edmund Male Subiaco
1936/101265 Perth Moffatt Winifred Beatrice Female Pinnell Edward George Male North Perth
1936/101265 Perth Pinnell Edward George Male Moffatt Winifred Beatrice Female North Perth
1936/101266 Perth Pearse Gertrude Iris Taunton Female Nelson George James Smyley Male North Perth
1936/101266 Perth Nelson George James Smyley Male Pearse Gertrude Iris Taunton Female North Perth
1936/101267 Perth Cleary Gerard Cornelius Male Bridges Margaret Madaline Female East Victoria Park
1936/101267 Perth Bridges Margaret Madaline Female Cleary Gerard Cornelius Male East Victoria Park
1936/101268 Perth Cox Eugenie Female Collyer Herbert Marwood Male Perth
1936/101268 Perth Collyer Herbert Marwood Male Cox Eugenie Female Perth
1936/101269 Perth Hagan Robert Peter Male Richards Phyllis Azena Female Perth
1936/101269 Perth Richards Phyllis Azena Female Hagan Robert Peter Male Perth
1936/101270 Perth Ashworth James Leslie Male Hoare Rose Alice Female Claremont
1936/101270 Perth Hoare Rose Alice Female Ashworth James Leslie Male Claremont
1936/101271 Perth Ross Ian White Male Norman May Christina Female Nedlands
1936/101271 Perth Norman May Christina Female Ross Ian White Male Nedlands
1936/101272 Perth Kelso Phillip Keith Charles Bernard Male Sharland Jessie Agnes Female Perth
1936/101272 Perth Sharland Jessie Agnes Female Kelso Phillip Keith Charles Bernard Male Perth
1936/101273 Perth Latham Alice Mary Female Lindau Lorraine Walter John Male Perth
1936/101273 Perth Lindau Lorraine Walter John Male Latham Alice Mary Female Perth
1936/101274 Perth Sussmilch Leslie William Male Woodhead Nellie Female Perth
1936/101274 Perth Woodhead Nellie Female Sussmilch Leslie William Male Perth
1936/101275 Perth Savage Winifred Beryl Female Wernert James William Male Perth
1936/101275 Perth Wernert James William Male Savage Winifred Beryl Female Perth
1936/101276 Perth Hunt George Nelson Male Edwards Violet Female Perth
1936/101276 Perth Edwards Violet Female Hunt George Nelson Male Perth
1936/101277 Perth Barry Enid Lizette Julia Female Snell William Henry Male Perth
1936/101277 Perth Snell William Henry Male Barry Enid Lizette Julia Female Perth
1936/101278 Perth Conlon Leslie Norman Male Day Joyce Clare Female Perth
1936/101278 Perth Day Joyce Clare Female Conlon Leslie Norman Male Perth
1936/101279 Perth Togni Lucie Kay Female Kirk George Albert Male Claremont
1936/101279 Perth Kirk George Albert Male Togni Lucie Kay Female Claremont
1936/101280 Perth Jenkinson William John Male Hart Dorothy Elizabeth Female Perth
1936/101280 Perth Hart Dorothy Elizabeth Female Jenkinson William John Male Perth
1936/101281 Perth Keegan Eileen Blanche Female Dempsey George Patrick Male Perth
1936/101281 Perth Dempsey George Patrick Male Keegan Eileen Blanche Female Perth
1936/101282 Perth Taylor Ernest MacGill Male Corbett Phyllis Muriel Female Perth
1936/101282 Perth Corbett Phyllis Muriel Female Taylor Ernest MacGill Male Perth
1936/101283 Perth Hart Stanley Mornington Male Head Olga Female Perth
1936/101283 Perth Head Olga Female Hart Stanley Mornington Male Perth
1936/101284 Perth Strang Nellie Mavis Female Brehaut George Alfred Male Perth
1936/101284 Perth Brehaut George Alfred Male Strang Nellie Mavis Female Perth
1936/101285 Perth Lockley Rachel Female Riseley Charles Frederick Lawrance Male Perth
1936/101285 Perth Riseley Charles Frederick Lawrance Male Lockley Rachel Female Perth
1936/101286 Perth Leslie Evelyn May Female Walker Eric Reginald Chard Male Perth
1936/101286 Perth Walker Eric Reginald Chard Male Leslie Evelyn May Female Perth
1936/101287 Perth Tournay Arthur Wilkinson Male Prosser Margaret Ellen Female Perth
1936/101287 Perth Prosser Margaret Ellen Female Tournay Arthur Wilkinson Male Perth
1936/101288 Perth Smith Lucy Irene Female Pavlovic Petar Nedjelito Male Perth
1936/101288 Perth Pavlovic Petar Nedjelito Male Smith Lucy Irene Female Perth
1936/101289 Perth Saunders Francis Augustine Male Norton Eileen Ruth Female Perth
1936/101289 Perth Norton Eileen Ruth Female Saunders Francis Augustine Male Perth
1936/101290 Perth Petrie Roy Mackinnon Male Owen Grace Cecelia Female Leederville
1936/101290 Perth Owen Grace Cecelia Female Petrie Roy Mackinnon Male Leederville
1936/101291 Perth Fowler Ethel Female Keast Joseph Henry Male Mount Hawthorn
1936/101291 Perth Keast Joseph Henry Male Fowler Ethel Female Mount Hawthorn
1936/101292 Perth Hudson Doris Irene Female Fahey John Patrick Male Perth
1936/101292 Perth Fahey John Patrick Male Hudson Doris Irene Female Perth
1936/101293 Perth Parkin Gilbert Edward Male Webb Lillian Emma Female Perth
1936/101293 Perth Webb Lillian Emma Female Parkin Gilbert Edward Male Perth
1936/101294 Perth Newling Oswald Kitchener Male Williams Kathleen Mary Female Perth
1936/101294 Perth Williams Kathleen Mary Female Newling Oswald Kitchener Male Perth
1936/101295 Perth Marriott Sheila Margaret Female Barron Norman Gordon Male Perth
1936/101295 Perth Barron Norman Gordon Male Marriott Sheila Margaret Female Perth
1936/101296 Perth Cox William Eric Male Wells Annabella Margaret Female Perth
1936/101296 Perth Wells Annabella Margaret Female Cox William Eric Male Perth
1936/101297 Perth Smith Joseph Male Daniell Nellie Female West Leederville
1936/101297 Perth Daniell Nellie Female Smith Joseph Male West Leederville
1936/101298 Perth Lilleyman Horace Raymond Male O'Dea Patricia Mary Female Perth
1936/101298 Perth O'Dea Patricia Mary Female Lilleyman Horace Raymond Male Perth
1936/101299 Perth Hadley Ellen Female Searcy Cyril Alfred George Male Perth
1936/101299 Perth Searcy Cyril Alfred George Male Hadley Ellen Female Perth
1936/101300 Perth Kelly Nellie Ethel Female Longhurst Sydney Charles Male Perth
1936/101300 Perth Longhurst Sydney Charles Male Kelly Nellie Ethel Female Perth
1936/101301 Perth Diamond Dudley Fothergill Male Clairs Winifred Mollie Female West Perth
1936/101301 Perth Clairs Winifred Mollie Female Diamond Dudley Fothergill Male West Perth
1936/101302 Perth Driver Arthur Robert Male Kelly Hazel Freda Female West Perth
1936/101302 Perth Kelly Hazel Freda Female Driver Arthur Robert Male West Perth
1936/101303 Perth Ball Jack Male Cooper Mabel Blanche Female West Perth
1936/101303 Perth Cooper Mabel Blanche Female Ball Jack Male West Perth
1936/101304 Perth Chegwidden Harmon Male Hart Eileen Margaret Female Leederville
1936/101304 Perth Hart Eileen Margaret Female Chegwidden Harmon Male Leederville
1936/101305 Perth Hicks Francis Alexander Male Slater Louise Alice Antonie Female Mount Hawthorne
1936/101305 Perth Slater Louise Alice Antonie Female Hicks Francis Alexander Male Mount Hawthorne
1936/101306 Perth Garner Ronald Alfred Male Hall Enid Jessie Milton Female Subiaco
1936/101306 Perth Hall Enid Jessie Milton Female Garner Ronald Alfred Male Subiaco
1936/101307 Perth Legge Joyce Eleanor Owsley Female Peet Percy Thomas Male Perth
1936/101307 Perth Peet Percy Thomas Male Legge Joyce Eleanor Owsley Female Perth
1936/101308 Perth Cook Allan Francis Male Saunders Bessie Vaughan Female Perth
1936/101308 Perth Saunders Bessie Vaughan Female Cook Allan Francis Male Perth
1936/101309 Perth Elshaw Ernest Male Horwood Ethel May Female Victoria Park
1936/101309 Perth Horwood Ethel May Female Elshaw Ernest Male Victoria Park
1936/101310 Perth Baker Olive May Female Norman Maurice Cyril Male Perth
1936/101310 Perth Norman Maurice Cyril Male Baker Olive May Female Perth
1936/101311 Perth Dutton-Smith Decima Bertha Mills Female Howe Edward George Male Nedlands
1936/101311 Perth Howe Edward George Male Dutton-Smith Decima Bertha Mills Female Nedlands
1936/101312 Perth Coleman Amy Elizabeth Female Kirkness William George Halley Male Perth
1936/101312 Perth Kirkness William George Halley Male Coleman Amy Elizabeth Female Perth
1936/101313 Perth Selves Minnie Rose Female Engledow Robert Anson Male Perth
1936/101313 Perth Engledow Robert Anson Male Selves Minnie Rose Female Perth
1936/101314 Perth Sloan Ethel May Female Zuchetti John Thomas Male Leederville
1936/101315 Perth Burns Agnes Teresa Female Swales Ernest Beckwith Male Leederville
1936/101315 Perth Swales Ernest Beckwith Male Burns Agnes Teresa Female Leederville
1936/101316 Perth Thompson Francis Roy Male Godden Kate Winifred Female Perth
1936/101316 Perth Godden Kate Winifred Female Thompson Francis Roy Male Perth
1936/101318 Perth Breed Anne Margaret Female Grant Joseph Gilbert Male Perth
1936/101318 Perth Grant Joseph Gilbert Male Breed Anne Margaret Female Perth
1936/101319 Perth Reynolds Elizabeth Female Harrison Leonard Edgar Male Perth
1936/101319 Perth Harrison Leonard Edgar Male Reynolds Elizabeth Female Perth
1936/101320 Perth Russ Sylvia Alice Female Wilde Alan Trevor Male Perth
1936/101320 Perth Wilde Alan Trevor Male Russ Sylvia Alice Female Perth
1936/101321 Perth Kendall Mary Eliza Female Myers Noel Alexander Male Perth
1936/101321 Perth Myers Noel Alexander Male Kendall Mary Eliza Female Perth
1936/101322 Perth Roberts Mavis Evelyn Female Hodgson John Charles Askew Male Perth
1936/101322 Perth Hodgson John Charles Askew Male Roberts Mavis Evelyn Female Perth
1936/101323 Perth Vigus John Giles Male Vincent Mavis Female Maylands
1936/101323 Perth Vincent Mavis Female Vigus John Giles Male Maylands
1936/101324 Perth Kirrane Irene Veronica Female Hyde Stephen Stanley Male Claremont
1936/101324 Perth Hyde Stephen Stanley Male Kirrane Irene Veronica Female Claremont
1936/101325 Perth Griffiths Brindley Male Wilson Hazel Female Perth
1936/101325 Perth Wilson Hazel Female Griffiths Brindley Male Perth
1936/101326 Perth Moore Alfred Sylvester Male Cookson Dorothy Katherine Female Subiaco
1936/101326 Perth Cookson Dorothy Katherine Female Moore Alfred Sylvester Male Subiaco
1936/101327 Perth Picknoll Robert George Male Cookson Clara Female Subiaco
1936/101327 Perth Cookson Clara Female Picknoll Robert George Male Subiaco
1936/101328 Perth Clarke Gerald Male D'Arcy Mary Teresa Female Perth
1936/101328 Perth D'Arcy Mary Teresa Female Clarke Gerald Male Perth
1936/101329 Perth Pezzanite Enrico Cosmo Male De Piazzi Evelyn Female Perth
1936/101329 Perth De Piazzi Evelyn Female Pezzanite Enrico Cosmo Male Perth
1936/101330 Perth McKnoe James Henry Male Lilley Rosa Elizabeth Female Leederville
1936/101330 Perth Lilley Rosa Elizabeth Female McKnoe James Henry Male Leederville
1936/101331 Perth McKenzie William Male Brennan Lillian Female West Perth
1936/101331 Perth Brennan Lillian Female McKenzie William Male West Perth
1936/101332 Perth Danzi Antonio Male Tomei Tea Female West Perth
1936/101332 Perth Tomei Tea Female Danzi Antonio Male West Perth
1936/101333 Perth Lee Marion Sylvia Female Pearce Francis Sigbert Adams Male Perth
1936/101333 Perth Pearce Francis Sigbert Adams Male Lee Marion Sylvia Female Perth
1936/101334 Perth O'Loughlin Anthony Male Johanson Pansy Violet Pearl Female Subiaco
1936/101334 Perth Johanson Pansy Violet Pearl Female O'Loughlin Anthony Male Subiaco
1936/101335 Perth Cochrane John Male Potter Violet Female Subiaco
1936/101335 Perth Potter Violet Female Cochrane John Male Subiaco
1936/101336 Perth Robinson William Male McKay Winifred Female Subiaco
1936/101336 Perth McKay Winifred Female Robinson William Male Subiaco
1936/101337 Perth Roach Henry Lancelot Bradley Male Manders Jean Caroline Female Perth
1936/101337 Perth Manders Jean Caroline Female Roach Henry Lancelot Bradley Male Perth
1936/101338 Perth McAdam Roma Gwenda Female Robinson Donald Peter Male Perth
1936/101338 Perth Robinson Donald Peter Male McAdam Roma Gwenda Female Perth
1936/101339 Perth Nenjhan Mollie Female Knights George Male Perth
1936/101339 Perth Knights George Male Nenjhan Mollie Female Perth
1936/101340 Perth Rhone Violet Female Cavanagh Robert Male Perth
1936/101340 Perth Cavanagh Robert Male Rhone Violet Female Perth
1936/101341 Perth Medcraft Joseph Lindfield Male Champion Jean Mary Female Perth
1936/101341 Perth Champion Jean Mary Female Medcraft Joseph Lindfield Male Perth
1936/101342 Perth Chinnery Rosa Marcella Anne Female Vale John Francis Male Perth
1936/101342 Perth Vale John Francis Male Chinnery Rosa Marcella Anne Female Perth
1936/101343 Perth Clarkson Annie Elizabeth Female Hancock Ernest Alfred Male Perth
1936/101343 Perth Hancock Ernest Alfred Male Clarkson Annie Elizabeth Female Perth
1936/101344 Perth Rowlands Ruby Magdalene Female Ashton Albert John Male Perth
1936/101344 Perth Ashton Albert John Male Rowlands Ruby Magdalene Female Perth
1936/101345 Perth Hall Ivy Olive Rose Female White Edward Sinclair Male Perth
1936/101345 Perth White Edward Sinclair Male Hall Ivy Olive Rose Female Perth
1936/101346 Perth Cale Audrey May Female Woolley Howard Warburton Male Perth
1936/101346 Perth Woolley Howard Warburton Male Cale Audrey May Female Perth
1936/101347 Perth Turner Ethel Alice Female Morley Arthur Frederick Male Perth
1936/101347 Perth Morley Arthur Frederick Male Turner Ethel Alice Female Perth
1936/101348 Perth Gargett Frederick Keith Dunelm Male Haywood Pamela Edith Female Perth
1936/101348 Perth Haywood Pamela Edith Female Gargett Frederick Keith Dunelm Male Perth
1936/101349 Perth McManus Alice Mabel Female Azariadis Leo Male Perth
1936/101349 Perth Azariadis Leo Male McManus Alice Mabel Female Perth
1936/101350 Perth Bird Dorothy Pearl Violetta Female Wiseman Harry James Male Perth
1936/101350 Perth Wiseman Harry James Male Bird Dorothy Pearl Violetta Female Perth
1936/101351 Perth Chave James Chadwell Male Armstrong Irene May Female Perth
1936/101351 Perth Armstrong Irene May Female Chave James Chadwell Male Perth
1936/101352 Perth Williams Robert Male Haythornthwaite Lilian May Female Perth
1936/101352 Perth Haythornthwaite Lilian May Female Williams Robert Male Perth
1936/101353 Perth Reid Thomas Edward Male Hayes Kathleen Jean Female Perth
1936/101353 Perth Hayes Kathleen Jean Female Reid Thomas Edward Male Perth
1936/101354 Perth Ware Florence May Female Oliver Thomas Male East Claremont
1936/101354 Perth Oliver Thomas Male Ware Florence May Female East Claremont
1936/101355 Perth Ketteringham Irene Female Candy Leslie Edgar Stuart Male West Perth
1936/101355 Perth Candy Leslie Edgar Stuart Male Ketteringham Irene Female West Perth
1936/101356 Perth Gunnell Kathleen Female Bowman Roland James Male Mount Hawthorn
1936/101356 Perth Bowman Roland James Male Gunnell Kathleen Female Mount Hawthorn
1936/101357 Perth Fox Ellen Mary Female Smith Ronald Rubin Male Subiaco
1936/101357 Perth Smith Ronald Rubin Male Fox Ellen Mary Female Subiaco
1936/101358 Perth O'Neill Mary Ann Elizabeth Female Ryniker Leslie George Male Subiaco
1936/101358 Perth Ryniker Leslie George Male O'Neill Mary Ann Elizabeth Female Subiaco
1936/101359 Perth Main Andrew Robert Male Watson Dora Winifred Female Subiaco
1936/101359 Perth Watson Dora Winifred Female Main Andrew Robert Male Subiaco
1936/101360 Perth Besch Alexander John Male Tindall Amy Jane Female Subiaco
1936/101360 Perth Tindall Amy Jane Female Besch Alexander John Male Subiaco
1936/101361 Perth Dale Percival George Male Sallur Sylvie Female Subiaco
1936/101361 Perth Sallur Sylvie Female Dale Percival George Male Subiaco
1936/101362 Perth Merritt Magdaline Joyce Female Briggs Henry Thomas Male Subiaco
1936/101362 Perth Briggs Henry Thomas Male Merritt Magdaline Joyce Female Subiaco
1936/101363 Perth Lawson William Lyon Male Fuhrmann Jessie Female Subiaco
1936/101363 Perth Fuhrmann Jessie Female Lawson William Lyon Male Subiaco
1936/101364 Perth Warnock Charles Clifford Male Stevens Margaret May Female Subiaco
1936/101364 Perth Stevens Margaret May Female Warnock Charles Clifford Male Subiaco
1936/101365 Perth Fitzsimmons Walter Joseph Male Grieve Phyllis Myrtle Female Subiaco
1936/101365 Perth Grieve Phyllis Myrtle Female Fitzsimmons Walter Joseph Male Subiaco
1936/101366 Perth Bennet Isla May Female Stannard Frederick Clyde Male Subiaco
1936/101366 Perth Stannard Frederick Clyde Male Bennet Isla May Female Subiaco
1936/101367 Perth Cochrane George Arthur Male Cashmore Emily Elizabeth Female Subiaco
1936/101367 Perth Cashmore Emily Elizabeth Female Cochrane George Arthur Male Subiaco
1936/101368 Perth Cole Harold Edgar Male Dalgleish Irene Female Perth
1936/101368 Perth Dalgleish Irene Female Cole Harold Edgar Male Perth
1936/101369 Perth White Geoffrey Duckett Male Sparowe Feo Clinton Female West Perth
1936/101369 Perth Sparowe Feo Clinton Female White Geoffrey Duckett Male West Perth
1936/101370 Perth Boan Frank Thomas Male Blackman Betty Mary Female West Perth
1936/101370 Perth Blackman Betty Mary Female Boan Frank Thomas Male West Perth
1936/101371 Perth Warren Marjorie Irene Female Stansfield Charles Joseph Gordon Male West Perth
1936/101371 Perth Stansfield Charles Joseph Gordon Male Warren Marjorie Irene Female West Perth
1936/101372 Perth Legge Keith Stanley Male Bardsley Evelyn Female West Perth
1936/101372 Perth Bardsley Evelyn Female Legge Keith Stanley Male West Perth
1936/101373 Perth Prider Rex Tregilgas Male Walton Catherine Esther Female West Perth
1936/101373 Perth Walton Catherine Esther Female Prider Rex Tregilgas Male West Perth
1936/101374 Perth Kinrade Robert Harry Male Gardiner Marjorie Olive Annie Female West Perth
1936/101374 Perth Gardiner Marjorie Olive Annie Female Kinrade Robert Harry Male West Perth
1936/101375 Perth Doyle Bridie Teresa Female Roche John Male Perth
1936/101375 Perth Roche John Male Doyle Bridie Teresa Female Perth
1936/101376 Perth Spencer Clarice Irene Female Moore Herbert Arthur Male Perth
1936/101376 Perth Moore Herbert Arthur Male Spencer Clarice Irene Female Perth
1936/101377 Perth Ford Henry William Male Frederick Mary Julia Female Perth
1936/101377 Perth Frederick Mary Julia Female Ford Henry William Male Perth
1936/101378 Perth Ende Herbert Charles Male Hill Berenice Rose Female Perth
1936/101378 Perth Hill Berenice Rose Female Ende Herbert Charles Male Perth
1936/101379 Perth Wakelam Wilfred Giles Male Smith Nita Linda Female Perth
1936/101379 Perth Smith Nita Linda Female Wakelam Wilfred Giles Male Perth
1936/101380 Perth Caldwell Vida Blanche Robina Female Downing Harold Leslie Male Cottesloe Beach
1936/101380 Perth Downing Harold Leslie Male Caldwell Vida Blanche Robina Female Cottesloe Beach
1936/101381 Perth Rowston Norma Bessie Leonore Female Mansfield Frederick William Male Perth
1936/101381 Perth Mansfield Frederick William Male Rowston Norma Bessie Leonore Female Perth
1936/101382 Perth Willock Kenneth Male Dick Doris Elizabeth Female Perth
1936/101382 Perth Dick Doris Elizabeth Female Willock Kenneth Male Perth
1936/101383 Perth Kelly Patrick Roy Male Hutchinson Phyllis Elizabeth Female Perth
1936/101383 Perth Hutchinson Phyllis Elizabeth Female Kelly Patrick Roy Male Perth
1936/101384 Perth Johnson Phyllis Female Smith Joseph Charles Male Perth
1936/101384 Perth Smith Joseph Charles Male Johnson Phyllis Female Perth
1936/101385 Perth O'Brien Nora Female Wyllie Alfred Leonard Male Inglewood
1936/101385 Perth Wyllie Alfred Leonard Male O'Brien Nora Female Inglewood
1936/101386 Perth Phillips Herbert Richard Henry Male Wiffen Annie Marjory Female North Leederville
1936/101386 Perth Wiffen Annie Marjory Female Phillips Herbert Richard Henry Male North Leederville
1936/101387 Perth Shelley Dorothy Ethel Female Gibson Peter Male Cottesloe
1936/101387 Perth Gibson Peter Male Shelley Dorothy Ethel Female Cottesloe
1936/101388 Perth White Rita Catherine Female Bolton Charles Aubrey Male Perth
1936/101388 Perth Bolton Charles Aubrey Male White Rita Catherine Female Perth
1936/101389 Perth Brooke Elsie Mavis Female Halls Ernest Joseph Male Perth
1936/101389 Perth Halls Ernest Joseph Male Brooke Elsie Mavis Female Perth
1936/101390 Perth Moss Ronald Rupert Male Smith Frances Female Perth
1936/101390 Perth Smith Frances Female Moss Ronald Rupert Male Perth
1936/101391 Perth McLerie Henry William Robert Male Smart Winifred Gertrude Female Subiaco
1936/101391 Perth Smart Winifred Gertrude Female McLerie Henry William Robert Male Subiaco
1936/101392 Perth Finnegan Mary Katharine Female Mangini John Mansueto Male Perth
1936/101392 Perth Mangini John Mansueto Male Finnegan Mary Katharine Female Perth
1936/101393 Perth Hewlett George John Male Dodge Violet Florence Female Perth
1936/101393 Perth Dodge Violet Florence Female Hewlett George John Male Perth
1936/101394 Perth Flinn Laurence Marchant Male Hoffman Beatrice Amelia Female Perth
1936/101394 Perth Hoffman Beatrice Amelia Female Flinn Laurence Marchant Male Perth
1936/101395 Perth Watson Doreen Catherine Female Fry John Edward Male Perth
1936/101395 Perth Fry John Edward Male Watson Doreen Catherine Female Perth
1936/101396 Perth Johnson Walter Herman Male Pritchard Anne Female Perth
1936/101396 Perth Pritchard Anne Female Johnson Walter Herman Male Perth
1936/101397 Perth Christie Henry Lewis Male Godley Jessie Female Perth
1936/101397 Perth Godley Jessie Female Christie Henry Lewis Male Perth
1936/101398 Perth Grover Christina Clifford Female Walsh Thomas Donald Male Perth
1936/101398 Perth Walsh Thomas Donald Male Grover Christina Clifford Female Perth
1936/101399 Perth Pedersen Jane Karolina Female Wilson Arthur James Male Perth
1936/101399 Perth Wilson Arthur James Male Pedersen Jane Karolina Female Perth
1936/101400 Perth Brown Mary Ann Black Female Buck Leonard Harold Male West Perth
1936/101400 Perth Buck Leonard Harold Male Brown Mary Ann Black Female West Perth
1936/101401 Perth Bridger Edna Constance Female Graham Bruce Howard Male West Perth
1936/101401 Perth Graham Bruce Howard Male Bridger Edna Constance Female West Perth
1936/101402 Perth Madorsky Ruth Annie Female Sainken Solomon Male Perth
1936/101402 Perth Sainken Solomon Male Madorsky Ruth Annie Female Perth
1936/101403 Perth Reubins Hyman Male Lewis Ada Female Perth
1936/101403 Perth Lewis Ada Female Reubins Hyman Male Perth
1936/101404 Perth Spargo Eva Mary Female Wiggin Ray Male Mt Lawley
1936/101404 Perth Wiggin Ray Male Spargo Eva Mary Female Mt Lawley
1936/101405 Perth Wilby Doris Elma Female Stone Alfred Francis Male Perth
1936/101405 Perth Stone Alfred Francis Male Wilby Doris Elma Female Perth
1936/101406 Perth Oakes Amy Eleanor Female Spooner Herbert Edward Male Claremont
1936/101406 Perth Spooner Herbert Edward Male Oakes Amy Eleanor Female Claremont
1936/101407 Perth Tomlinson Peggy Constance Female Basham Geoffrey Byfield Male Claremont
1936/101407 Perth Basham Geoffrey Byfield Male Tomlinson Peggy Constance Female Claremont
1936/101408 Perth John Geoffrey Griffith Male Musgrove Marjory Ada Female Claremont
1936/101408 Perth Musgrove Marjory Ada Female John Geoffrey Griffith Male Claremont
1936/101409 Perth Warner Ruby Kate Female Wasley Arthur Tregonning Male Mt Lawley
1936/101409 Perth Wasley Arthur Tregonning Male Warner Ruby Kate Female Mt Lawley
1936/101410 Perth Brook Nonie Wilhelmina Female Lavater George Theodore Gilbert Male Perth
1936/101410 Perth Lavater George Theodore Gilbert Male Brook Nonie Wilhelmina Female Perth
1936/101411 Perth Osborne Harold Male McMahon Margaret Mary Female Perth
1936/101411 Perth McMahon Margaret Mary Female Osborne Harold Male Perth
1936/101412 Perth Allen Kenneth Armstrong Male Hickford Fay Female Perth
1936/101412 Perth Hickford Fay Female Allen Kenneth Armstrong Male Perth
1936/101413 Perth Lytherleigh Elsie Female Wintle Frederick Phillips Male West Perth
1936/101413 Perth Wintle Frederick Phillips Male Lytherleigh Elsie Female West Perth
1936/101414 Perth Girando Antonio Male Poland Marie Ethel Female West Perth
1936/101414 Perth Poland Marie Ethel Female Girando Antonio Male West Perth
1936/101415 Perth Hawkins Helena Mary Female Smith Douglas John Edmund Male West Perth
1936/101415 Perth Smith Douglas John Edmund Male Hawkins Helena Mary Female West Perth
1936/101416 Perth Ivulich Perika Female Bojanich Ivan Male West Perth
1936/101416 Perth Bojanich Ivan Male Ivulich Perika Female West Perth
1936/101417 Perth Phillips Ellen Rose Female Curtis Geoffrey Robert Male Leederville
1936/101417 Perth Curtis Geoffrey Robert Male Phillips Ellen Rose Female Leederville
1936/101418 Perth Dolan Carmel Ellen Female Anderson Leonard Henry Male Leederville
1936/101418 Perth Anderson Leonard Henry Male Dolan Carmel Ellen Female Leederville
1936/101419 Perth Burrows Frank William Male Matthews Alice Roberta Female Claremont
1936/101419 Perth Matthews Alice Roberta Female Burrows Frank William Male Claremont
1936/101420 Perth Abercromby Ruby Edna Female Hibble Leonard George McDonald Male Claremont
1936/101420 Perth Hibble Leonard George McDonald Male Abercromby Ruby Edna Female Claremont
1936/101421 Perth Hardwick Henry Richard Male Burke Mary Female Mount Lawley
1936/101421 Perth Burke Mary Female Hardwick Henry Richard Male Mount Lawley
1936/101422 Perth Ockerby Allan Male Williamson Cecilia Edna Female East Victoria Park
1936/101422 Perth Williamson Cecilia Edna Female Ockerby Allan Male East Victoria Park
1936/101423 Perth Bardwell Iris Everett Female Caldwell Arnold Walter Male Victoria Park
1936/101423 Perth Caldwell Arnold Walter Male Bardwell Iris Everett Female Victoria Park
1936/101424 Perth Hawkins Robert Alfred Male Bird Rita May Female Victoria Park
1936/101424 Perth Bird Rita May Female Hawkins Robert Alfred Male Victoria Park
1936/101425 Perth Cox Dorothy May Female Young Jack Male Perth
1936/101425 Perth Young Jack Male Cox Dorothy May Female Perth
1936/101426 Perth Brinkworth Neville Charles Male Pike Dulcie Eileen Female Perth
1936/101426 Perth Pike Dulcie Eileen Female Brinkworth Neville Charles Male Perth
1936/101427 Perth Hamilton Jean Female Green Arthur John Male Perth
1936/101427 Perth Green Arthur John Male Hamilton Jean Female Perth
1936/101428 Perth Gillman Florrie Lester Female Billington Robert Male Victoria Park
1936/101428 Perth Billington Robert Male Gillman Florrie Lester Female Victoria Park
1936/101429 Perth Cocking Mary Elizabeth May Female Murtha John Gerard Joseph Male Perth
1936/101429 Perth Murtha John Gerard Joseph Male Cocking Mary Elizabeth May Female Perth
1936/101430 Perth Bath Ethel May Female Darch Roy Gerald Male Bayswater
1936/101430 Perth Darch Roy Gerald Male Bath Ethel May Female Bayswater
1936/101431 Perth Nairn Bertram William Male Weir Freda Lois Female Perth
1936/101431 Perth Weir Freda Lois Female Nairn Bertram William Male Perth
1936/101432 Perth Dance Maude Female Nicholls Thomas Charles Male Perth
1936/101432 Perth Nicholls Thomas Charles Male Dance Maude Female Perth
1936/101433 Perth Fimmel James Thomas Male Pearce Nell Female Perth
1936/101433 Perth Pearce Nell Female Fimmel James Thomas Male Perth
1936/101434 Perth Molloy Sylvia Muriel Female Calder Edward John Male Perth
1936/101434 Perth Calder Edward John Male Molloy Sylvia Muriel Female Perth
1936/101435 Perth Harris Elizabeth Maud May Female Pratt Alfred Henry Neville Male Perth
1936/101435 Perth Pratt Alfred Henry Neville Male Harris Elizabeth Maud May Female Perth
1936/101436 Perth Oakes Ruby Female Mitchell Alexander Male Perth
1936/101436 Perth Mitchell Alexander Male Oakes Ruby Female Perth
1936/101437 Perth Plummer Lillian Rose May Female Cook John Francis Male West Perth
1936/101437 Perth Cook John Francis Male Plummer Lillian Rose May Female West Perth
1936/101438 Perth Lovering Phillip Male Attiwell Valarie Milva Female Buckland Hill
1936/101438 Perth Attiwell Valarie Milva Female Lovering Phillip Male Buckland Hill
1936/101439 Perth Condous John Male Manolas Anne Female Perth
1936/101439 Perth Manolas Anne Female Condous John Male Perth
1936/101440 Perth Stanton Arthur James Male Winch Eileen Female Leederville
1936/101440 Perth Winch Eileen Female Stanton Arthur James Male Leederville
1936/101441 Perth Bodinnar Alfred Roy Male Scott Marjorie Youle Female Mt Lawley
1936/101441 Perth Scott Marjorie Youle Female Bodinnar Alfred Roy Male Mt Lawley
1936/101442 Perth Klemm Ada Eliza Female Hancock Henry Male Perth
1936/101442 Perth Hancock Henry Male Klemm Ada Eliza Female Perth
1936/101443 Perth Green Ernest Phillip John Male Stewart Hilda Female Perth
1936/101443 Perth Stewart Hilda Female Green Ernest Phillip John Male Perth
1936/101444 Perth McClemans Dorothy Lucy Female Sanders Colsell Smurthwaite Male Mt Lawley
1936/101444 Perth Sanders Colsell Smurthwaite Male McClemans Dorothy Lucy Female Mt Lawley
1936/101445 Perth Bell Edna May Female Jacques Walter Edward Male Perth
1936/101445 Perth Jacques Walter Edward Male Bell Edna May Female Perth
1936/101446 Perth Sansom John Male Smithers Doris May Female Perth
1936/101446 Perth Smithers Doris May Female Sansom John Male Perth
1936/101447 Perth Capon Edgar John Male Caporn Nellie Margaret Female Perth
1936/101447 Perth Caporn Nellie Margaret Female Capon Edgar John Male Perth
1936/101448 Perth Tapscott Ernest Charles Male Giblett Jean Ida May Female Maylands
1936/101448 Perth Giblett Jean Ida May Female Tapscott Ernest Charles Male Maylands
1936/101449 Perth Waldeck Louisa Isabella Female Little Joseph Ernest Male Maylands
1936/101449 Perth Little Joseph Ernest Male Waldeck Louisa Isabella Female Maylands
1936/101450 Perth Boulden Arthur Leonard Male Petherick Mildred Doreen Female Claremont
1936/101450 Perth Petherick Mildred Doreen Female Boulden Arthur Leonard Male Claremont
1936/101451 Perth James Harold John Male Cann Clara Nellie Female Perth
1936/101451 Perth Cann Clara Nellie Female James Harold John Male Perth
1936/101452 Perth Cowan George Robert Male Kilgallon Dorothy Esther Female Perth
1936/101452 Perth Kilgallon Dorothy Esther Female Cowan George Robert Male Perth
1936/101453 Perth Hawkins Philip John Male Egan Ellen Maria Female Highgate Hill
1936/101453 Perth Egan Ellen Maria Female Hawkins Philip John Male Highgate Hill
1936/101454 Perth Moncrieff Hazel Female Dixon Thomas John Male Highgate Hill
1936/101454 Perth Dixon Thomas John Male Moncrieff Hazel Female Highgate Hill
1936/101455 Perth Ruthven Edward George Male Strack Mona Florence Female Shenton Park
1936/101455 Perth Strack Mona Florence Female Ruthven Edward George Male Shenton Park
1936/101456 Perth Stewart Alfred Male Congdon Alice Mary Female Perth
1936/101456 Perth Congdon Alice Mary Female Stewart Alfred Male Perth
1936/101457 Perth Bell Thomas Male Pickup Annie Mary Female Perth
1936/101457 Perth Pickup Annie Mary Female Bell Thomas Male Perth
1936/101458 Perth Saxby William Edward Male McAllister Joyce Katherine Female Claremont
1936/101458 Perth McAllister Joyce Katherine Female Saxby William Edward Male Claremont
1936/101459 Perth Howard Beatrice Catherine Female Okamoto Henry John Male South Como
1936/101459 Perth Okamoto Henry John Male Howard Beatrice Catherine Female South Como
1936/101460 Perth Powell Alfred John Male Wilson Margaret Female Osborne Park
1936/101460 Perth Wilson Margaret Female Powell Alfred John Male Osborne Park
1936/101461 Perth Tyler Herbert George Male Wilson Hannah Female Osborne Park
1936/101461 Perth Wilson Hannah Female Tyler Herbert George Male Osborne Park
1936/101462 Perth Woodgate Charles Edward Male Milner Dorothy Lena May Female Osborne Park
1936/101462 Perth Milner Dorothy Lena May Female Woodgate Charles Edward Male Osborne Park
1936/101463 Perth Treasure Clarence Gould Male Ledger Phyllis Mary Female Claremont
1936/101463 Perth Ledger Phyllis Mary Female Treasure Clarence Gould Male Claremont
1936/101464 Perth McQueen Ann Christina Female Anderson Mervyn Roy Male West Perth
1936/101464 Perth Anderson Mervyn Roy Male McQueen Ann Christina Female West Perth
1936/101465 Perth Hawkins Ernest Edward Male Muirhead Dorothy Myrtle Warren Female Maylands
1936/101465 Perth Muirhead Dorothy Myrtle Warren Female Hawkins Ernest Edward Male Maylands
1936/101466 Perth Sinclair Robert Collins Male Hardie Edna Ewing Female Perth
1936/101466 Perth Hardie Edna Ewing Female Sinclair Robert Collins Male Perth
1936/101467 Perth Eddy Lila Female Rooke Robert Male Subiaco
1936/101467 Perth Rooke Robert Male Eddy Lila Female Subiaco
1936/101468 Perth Vaughan Arthur Langdon Male Mackay Hilda Ellen Female Perth
1936/101468 Perth Mackay Hilda Ellen Female Vaughan Arthur Langdon Male Perth
1936/101469 Perth Owen Elvira Florence Female Macquarie Ian Male West Perth
1936/101469 Perth Macquarie Ian Male Owen Elvira Florence Female West Perth
1936/101470 Perth McGhie Mona Worrall Female Ward Norman Frederick Male West Perth
1936/101470 Perth Ward Norman Frederick Male McGhie Mona Worrall Female West Perth
1936/101471 Perth Ludlow Richard Thomas Male Dwyer Vivien Eleanor Female West Perth
1936/101471 Perth Dwyer Vivien Eleanor Female Ludlow Richard Thomas Male West Perth
1936/101472 Perth Hall Helen Margaret Female Donegan Peter Innes Male West Perth
1936/101472 Perth Donegan Peter Innes Male Hall Helen Margaret Female West Perth
1936/101473 Perth Nicholls Walter Alexander Male Beavis Doris Female West Perth
1936/101473 Perth Beavis Doris Female Nicholls Walter Alexander Male West Perth
1936/101474 Perth Rae Nellie Female Grant John Neil Male Perth
1936/101474 Perth Grant John Neil Male Rae Nellie Female Perth
1936/101475 Perth Ellis Juanita Amelia Mayo Female Bateman Clarence Benningfield Male Perth
1936/101475 Perth Bateman Clarence Benningfield Male Ellis Juanita Amelia Mayo Female Perth
1936/101476 Perth Carter Rita May Female Winning George Dall Kidd Male Perth
1936/101476 Perth Winning George Dall Kidd Male Carter Rita May Female Perth
1936/101477 Perth Jones Elsie Elizabeth Female Wallace Arthur Nicholas Mark Male Perth
1936/101477 Perth Wallace Arthur Nicholas Mark Male Jones Elsie Elizabeth Female Perth
1936/101478 Perth Hunter Lilly May Female Embury John Charles Male Perth
1936/101478 Perth Embury John Charles Male Hunter Lilly May Female Perth
1936/101479 Perth Foster Dulcie Frances Muriel Female Green Leo Vincent Male West Leederville
1936/101479 Perth Green Leo Vincent Male Foster Dulcie Frances Muriel Female West Leederville
1936/101480 Perth Achimovich Spiro Noel Male Devlin Eva Mary Female Perth
1936/101480 Perth Devlin Eva Mary Female Achimovich Spiro Noel Male Perth
1936/101481 Perth Beament Anne Female Cini Chris Male Perth
1936/101481 Perth Cini Chris Male Beament Anne Female Perth
1936/101482 Perth Rogers Wilfrid Male O'Connor Carmel Jospehine Female Perth
1936/101482 Perth O'Connor Carmel Jospehine Female Rogers Wilfrid Male Perth
1936/101483 Perth Herrick Arnold Ferguson Male Rogers Ethel Amy Female Perth
1936/101483 Perth Rogers Ethel Amy Female Herrick Arnold Ferguson Male Perth
1936/101484 Perth Mitchell Norman Arnold Male Shatenstien Jean Female Perth
1936/101484 Perth Shatenstien Jean Female Mitchell Norman Arnold Male Perth
1936/101485 Perth Naftel Edith Female Pallas Rudolf Karl Frederick Male Perth
1936/101485 Perth Pallas Rudolf Karl Frederick Male Naftel Edith Female Perth
1936/101486 Perth McCrae Lalla Merle Female Brandenburg Mervin Sidney Male Perth
1936/101486 Perth Brandenburg Mervin Sidney Male McCrae Lalla Merle Female Perth
1936/101487 Perth MacGregor Lucy Theresa Frances Female Banfield Ernest Alan Male Perth
1936/101487 Perth Banfield Ernest Alan Male MacGregor Lucy Theresa Frances Female Perth
1936/101488 Perth Gordon Jean Frances Female Dalziell Robert John Male Perth
1936/101488 Perth Dalziell Robert John Male Gordon Jean Frances Female Perth
1936/101489 Perth Morley Hilda Margaret Female Brimson Albert Male Perth
1936/101489 Perth Brimson Albert Male Morley Hilda Margaret Female Perth
1936/101490 Perth Page Claude Male Mandible Dorothy Josephine Female Perth
1936/101490 Perth Mandible Dorothy Josephine Female Page Claude Male Perth
1936/101491 Perth Forbes Leslie Bertram Male Stewart Emily Drummond Female Perth
1936/101491 Perth Stewart Emily Drummond Female Forbes Leslie Bertram Male Perth
1936/101492 Perth Grieve Frederick George Male Charles Freda Isabel Female Perth
1936/101492 Perth Charles Freda Isabel Female Grieve Frederick George Male Perth
1936/101493 Perth Karasava Maria Female Anastasakis Pavlos Male Perth
1936/101493 Perth Anastasakis Pavlos Male Karasava Maria Female Perth
1936/101494 Perth Wyndham Francis Male Green Phyllis Lillian Female Leederville
1936/101494 Perth Green Phyllis Lillian Female Wyndham Francis Male Leederville
1936/101495 Perth Tomlinson Esme Paula Female Bird John Barton Male Highgate Hill
1936/101495 Perth Bird John Barton Male Tomlinson Esme Paula Female Highgate Hill
1936/101496 Perth Carnochan Jeanie McKay Female Westover George Thomas Male Perth
1936/101496 Perth Westover George Thomas Male Carnochan Jeanie McKay Female Perth
1936/101497 Perth Olsen John Agathon Male Neville Patricia Mary Female Perth
1936/101497 Perth Neville Patricia Mary Female Olsen John Agathon Male Perth
1936/101498 Perth Biram Margaret Frances Female Shusen Manus James Male Perth
1936/101498 Perth Shusen Manus James Male Biram Margaret Frances Female Perth
1936/101499 Perth Burke Eileen Mary Female Pitter Arthur James Male Perth
1936/101499 Perth Pitter Arthur James Male Burke Eileen Mary Female Perth
1936/101500 Perth Collins Mary Irene Female Grassman Clarence James Male Perth
1936/101500 Perth Grassman Clarence James Male Collins Mary Irene Female Perth
1936/101501 Perth Munro-Crocker Frances Female Jones Leonard Thomas Fleming Male Subiaco
1936/101501 Perth Jones Leonard Thomas Fleming Male Munro-Crocker Frances Female Subiaco
1936/101502 Perth Illingworth Phyllis Ena Female Johnson Stanley Walter Male Mt Lawley
1936/101502 Perth Johnson Stanley Walter Male Illingworth Phyllis Ena Female Mt Lawley
1936/101503 Perth James Frederick Charles Male Whiteside Amy Patricia Female Mt Lawley
1936/101503 Perth Whiteside Amy Patricia Female James Frederick Charles Male Mt Lawley
1936/101504 Perth Warnock George Colvin Male Truscott Ivy Pearl Female Maylands
1936/101504 Perth Truscott Ivy Pearl Female Warnock George Colvin Male Maylands
1936/101505 Perth Walsby Jack Henry Male Rand Grace Emma Female West Perth
1936/101505 Perth Rand Grace Emma Female Walsby Jack Henry Male West Perth
1936/101506 Perth Jackson Dorothy Lilian Female Winterbottom Keith Male West Perth
1936/101506 Perth Winterbottom Keith Male Jackson Dorothy Lilian Female West Perth
1936/101507 Perth Whiskin Muriel Jessie Female Culmsee George Frederick Male West Perth
1936/101507 Perth Culmsee George Frederick Male Whiskin Muriel Jessie Female West Perth
1936/101508 Perth Gardiner Mary Josephine Female Melville Victor James Male West Perth
1936/101508 Perth Melville Victor James Male Gardiner Mary Josephine Female West Perth
1936/101509 Perth Phin Alexander Male Hill Ethel Adelma Female West Perth
1936/101509 Perth Hill Ethel Adelma Female Phin Alexander Male West Perth
1936/101510 Perth Kemp Elsie Gertrude Female Clairs John James Male West Perth
1936/101510 Perth Clairs John James Male Kemp Elsie Gertrude Female West Perth
1936/101511 Perth Turner Ronald Escort Male Jose Doris Amelia Female North Perth
1936/101511 Perth Jose Doris Amelia Female Turner Ronald Escort Male North Perth
1936/101512 Perth Brown Thomas Edward Male Maxwell Patricia Female Perth
1936/101512 Perth Maxwell Patricia Female Brown Thomas Edward Male Perth
1936/101513 Perth Hunt Violet Edith Female Jeffrey Albert Edward Male Leederville
1936/101513 Perth Jeffrey Albert Edward Male Hunt Violet Edith Female Leederville
1936/101514 Perth Sewell Albert Edward Stanhope Male Staines Queenie Margaret Female South Perth
1936/101514 Perth Staines Queenie Margaret Female Sewell Albert Edward Stanhope Male South Perth
1936/101515 Perth Simpson Edward Sydney Male Alcock Ruth Blanche Female South Perth
1936/101515 Perth Alcock Ruth Blanche Female Simpson Edward Sydney Male South Perth
1936/101516 Perth Buchan Jean Margaret Morcom Female Scott Colin Purdom Male Perth
1936/101516 Perth Scott Colin Purdom Male Buchan Jean Margaret Morcom Female Perth
1936/101517 Perth Campbell Edna Beryl Female Redmond George Lisle Simpson Male Perth
1936/101517 Perth Redmond George Lisle Simpson Male Campbell Edna Beryl Female Perth
1936/101518 Perth Butler Ruby Esther Female Robertson Angus Gordon Male Perth
1936/101518 Perth Robertson Angus Gordon Male Butler Ruby Esther Female Perth
1936/101519 Perth Power William Reginald Male Jones Florence Amelia Female Maylands
1936/101519 Perth Jones Florence Amelia Female Power William Reginald Male Maylands
1936/101520 Perth Fitzpatrick Florence Rita Female Mayrhofer Oscar George Male Claremont
1936/101520 Perth Mayrhofer Oscar George Male Fitzpatrick Florence Rita Female Claremont
1936/101521 Perth Wauchope Edna Jean Female Cooper Peter Ian Male Claremont
1936/101521 Perth Cooper Peter Ian Male Wauchope Edna Jean Female Claremont
1936/101522 Perth Doheny William Male Glynn Mary Anne Female Perth
1936/101522 Perth Glynn Mary Anne Female Doheny William Male Perth
1936/101523 Perth Hudson Ida May Female Roberts Jack Pinnock Male West Perth
1936/101523 Perth Roberts Jack Pinnock Male Hudson Ida May Female West Perth
1936/101524 Perth Elliss Walter Adolf Male Robinson Hazel May Female West Perth
1936/101524 Perth Robinson Hazel May Female Elliss Walter Adolf Male West Perth
1936/101525 Perth Andersen Frederick Male Ellis Winifred Female Perth
1936/101525 Perth Ellis Winifred Female Andersen Frederick Male Perth
1936/101526 Perth Smyth William Male Whittington Eileen Female Subiaco
1936/101526 Perth Whittington Eileen Female Smyth William Male Subiaco
1936/101527 Perth Nyman Rolfe Jocelyn Male Needham Helene Elizabeth Female West Perth
1936/101527 Perth Needham Helene Elizabeth Female Nyman Rolfe Jocelyn Male West Perth
1936/101528 Perth Broadhurst Florence Isabel Female Male Thomas Male West Perth
1936/101528 Perth Male Thomas Male Broadhurst Florence Isabel Female West Perth
1936/101529 Perth Savage William John Male Whitby Jean Constance Female West Perth
1936/101529 Perth Whitby Jean Constance Female Savage William John Male West Perth
1936/101530 Perth Kent John Leslie Male Limpus Jean Margaret Female Cottesloe
1936/101530 Perth Limpus Jean Margaret Female Kent John Leslie Male Cottesloe
1936/101531 Perth Cox Eric William Male Weston Mavis Kathleen Female Cottesloe
1936/101531 Perth Weston Mavis Kathleen Female Cox Eric William Male Cottesloe
1936/101532 Perth McEwan Arthur Male Bridgman Mary Eileen Female Perth
1936/101532 Perth Bridgman Mary Eileen Female McEwan Arthur Male Perth
1936/101533 Perth Sanguinetti Florence Emily Female Corbett Cyril Edward Male Victoria Park
1936/101533 Perth Corbett Cyril Edward Male Sanguinetti Florence Emily Female Victoria Park
1936/101534 Perth Jones Rollin Headley Male Heitmann Glenice Emily Female Cottesloe Beach
1936/101534 Perth Heitmann Glenice Emily Female Jones Rollin Headley Male Cottesloe Beach
1936/101535 Perth Piggott Thomas Leslie Male Borgward Hilda Edith Female Perth
1936/101535 Perth Borgward Hilda Edith Female Piggott Thomas Leslie Male Perth
1936/101536 Perth Chilcott Josephine Female Turton Vernon Lancelot Male Nedlands
1936/101536 Perth Turton Vernon Lancelot Male Chilcott Josephine Female Nedlands
1936/101537 Perth Foote Florence May Female Dubber Alfred Rothwell Male Victoria Park
1936/101537 Perth Dubber Alfred Rothwell Male Foote Florence May Female Victoria Park
1936/101538 Perth Eayrs William James Male Hudson Lilian Fanny Female Perth
1936/101538 Perth Hudson Lilian Fanny Female Eayrs William James Male Perth
1936/101539 Perth Simpson Florence May Female Bilton Terrance William Male Subiaco
1936/101539 Perth Bilton Terrance William Male Simpson Florence May Female Subiaco
1936/101540 Perth Butler Marjorie Murdoch Female Foster Morris Hyndman Male Claremont
1936/101540 Perth Foster Morris Hyndman Male Butler Marjorie Murdoch Female Claremont
1936/101541 Perth Walker William David Anthony Male Reynolds Vera Mavis Female Perth
1936/101541 Perth Reynolds Vera Mavis Female Walker William David Anthony Male Perth
1936/101542 Perth Whitehead Joseph Henry Male Pegram Violet Emily Female Subiaco
1936/101542 Perth Pegram Violet Emily Female Whitehead Joseph Henry Male Subiaco
1936/101543 Perth Percival-Jones William Henry Male O'Neill Lydia Isabel Female Perth
1936/101543 Perth O'Neill Lydia Isabel Female Percival-Jones William Henry Male Perth
1936/101544 Perth Evans Hilda Kathleen Female Gilgallon John Male Perth
1936/101544 Perth Gilgallon John Male Evans Hilda Kathleen Female Perth
1936/101545 Perth Boyhan Catherine Eileen Female MacAnley Robert Male Perth
1936/101545 Perth MacAnley Robert Male Boyhan Catherine Eileen Female Perth
1936/101546 Perth Pillar Clarice Annie Female Heyward Anton Bernard Lambell Male Perth
1936/101546 Perth Heyward Anton Bernard Lambell Male Pillar Clarice Annie Female Perth
1936/101547 Perth McGarrigal Constance Barbara Female Scott Eric Keith Norman Male Perth
1936/101547 Perth Scott Eric Keith Norman Male McGarrigal Constance Barbara Female Perth
1936/101548 Perth Norton Marion Grace Murton Female Riley Arthur Richard James Male Perth
1936/101548 Perth Riley Arthur Richard James Male Norton Marion Grace Murton Female Perth
1936/101549 Perth Ellard Rose Emma Female Clements Leonard Charles Male Perth
1936/101549 Perth Clements Leonard Charles Male Ellard Rose Emma Female Perth
1936/101550 Perth Ilich Margaret Female Wilmot Samuel Male Perth
1936/101550 Perth Wilmot Samuel Male Ilich Margaret Female Perth
1936/101551 Perth Thompson George Henry Male Carter Margaret Laurie Female Perth
1936/101551 Perth Carter Margaret Laurie Female Thompson George Henry Male Perth
1936/101552 Perth Steele-Perkins Estella Eva Female Quicke Arthur Cunningham Male Perth
1936/101552 Perth Quicke Arthur Cunningham Male Steele-Perkins Estella Eva Female Perth
1936/101553 Perth Ford Olive Dorothy Female Monk Richard Read Male Perth
1936/101553 Perth Monk Richard Read Male Ford Olive Dorothy Female Perth
1936/101554 Perth Rowden Robert Charles Male Harris Florence May Female West Leederville
1936/101554 Perth Harris Florence May Female Rowden Robert Charles Male West Leederville
1936/101555 Perth Cook Arthur Egerton Graeme Male Harris Phyllis May Female Mt Lawley
1936/101555 Perth Harris Phyllis May Female Cook Arthur Egerton Graeme Male Mt Lawley
1936/101556 Perth Thomson Lillian Catherine Female Edwards Keith William Male Claremont
1936/101556 Perth Edwards Keith William Male Thomson Lillian Catherine Female Claremont
1936/101557 Perth Foxwell John Stephen Male Duffy Kathleen Female South Perth
1936/101557 Perth Duffy Kathleen Female Foxwell John Stephen Male South Perth
1936/101558 Perth Mitchell James Male Bowra Thelma May Female Perth
1936/101558 Perth Bowra Thelma May Female Mitchell James Male Perth
1936/101559 Perth Anderson Irene Alice Female Ross John James Joseph Male Perth
1936/101559 Perth Ross John James Joseph Male Anderson Irene Alice Female Perth
1936/101560 Perth McNally Charles James Male Bartlett Violet Amy Female Perth
1936/101560 Perth Bartlett Violet Amy Female McNally Charles James Male Perth
1936/101561 Perth Preston Charles Robert Male Reeve Ivy Amelia Female Perth
1936/101561 Perth Reeve Ivy Amelia Female Preston Charles Robert Male Perth
1936/101562 Perth Ball George Henry Male Findlay Margaret Mary Female Perth
1936/101562 Perth Findlay Margaret Mary Female Ball George Henry Male Perth
1936/101563 Perth Jones Mavis Margaret Female Bowra John William Male Perth
1936/101563 Perth Bowra John William Male Jones Mavis Margaret Female Perth
1936/101564 Perth McQueen Kenneth Wallace Male Morris Winifred Alice Female Perth
1936/101564 Perth Morris Winifred Alice Female McQueen Kenneth Wallace Male Perth
1936/101565 Perth Gilham Ernest Walter Male Sutherland Vida Jane Female South Perth
1936/101565 Perth Sutherland Vida Jane Female Gilham Ernest Walter Male South Perth
1936/101566 Perth Harvey John Male Tantanini Natalie Mary Female Subiaco
1936/101566 Perth Tantanini Natalie Mary Female Harvey John Male Subiaco
1936/101567 Perth Peach Joseph Male Pratt Agnes Mary Female Perth
1936/101567 Perth Pratt Agnes Mary Female Peach Joseph Male Perth
1936/101568 Perth Beilby John Harold Male Hughes Elfreda Female Claremont
1936/101568 Perth Hughes Elfreda Female Beilby John Harold Male Claremont
1936/101569 Perth Stenning Alec Ambrose Male Grigg Doris Levenia Female Claremont
1936/101569 Perth Grigg Doris Levenia Female Stenning Alec Ambrose Male Claremont
1936/101570 Perth Hammond Reginald John Greatorex Male Withnell Eileen Gertrude Female Jolimont
1936/101570 Perth Withnell Eileen Gertrude Female Hammond Reginald John Greatorex Male Jolimont
1936/101571 Perth Ellis Pamela Elizabeth Meredith Female Rule Joseph Hugh Male Victoria Park
1936/101571 Perth Rule Joseph Hugh Male Ellis Pamela Elizabeth Meredith Female Victoria Park
1936/101572 Perth Blacker Gladys Louise Female Walker Leslie Archibald Male Shenton Park
1936/101572 Perth Walker Leslie Archibald Male Blacker Gladys Louise Female Shenton Park
1936/101573 Perth Morris Dorothy Edith Female Boyd William James Male Perth
1936/101573 Perth Boyd William James Male Morris Dorothy Edith Female Perth
1936/101574 Perth Gore Maxwell Male Smith Edith Female Perth
1936/101574 Perth Smith Edith Female Gore Maxwell Male Perth
1936/101575 Perth Hey Adelaide Jane Female Kirkness Raymond Leonard Male Perth
1936/101575 Perth Kirkness Raymond Leonard Male Hey Adelaide Jane Female Perth
1936/101576 Perth Cohen Mendal Bersehoff Male Tait Jenny Maude Female Perth
1936/101576 Perth Tait Jenny Maude Female Cohen Mendal Bersehoff Male Perth
1936/101577 Perth Squire Albert Norman Male Forbes Lucy Female West Leederville
1936/101577 Perth Forbes Lucy Female Squire Albert Norman Male West Leederville
1936/101578 Perth Thomas Ella Female Ball Thomas William Male West Perth
1936/101578 Perth Ball Thomas William Male Thomas Ella Female West Perth
1936/101579 Perth Hine Elayne Agnes Female Phelan David Beattie Male West Perth
1936/101579 Perth Phelan David Beattie Male Hine Elayne Agnes Female West Perth
1936/101580 Perth Donaldson Donald John Male Yabsley Beryl Valentine Female West Perth
1936/101580 Perth Yabsley Beryl Valentine Female Donaldson Donald John Male West Perth
1936/101581 Perth Carran Cyril Herbert Male Gover Marjory Female Perth
1936/101581 Perth Gover Marjory Female Carran Cyril Herbert Male Perth
1936/101582 Perth Walmsley Catherine Dingwall Female Quin Charles Male West Leederville
1936/101582 Perth Quin Charles Male Walmsley Catherine Dingwall Female West Leederville
1936/101583 Perth Anderson James Stewart Male Bell Charlotte Stirling Female Buckland Hill
1936/101583 Perth Bell Charlotte Stirling Female Anderson James Stewart Male Buckland Hill
1936/101584 Perth Graham Cecil Male Greenhalgh Doris Female Victoria Park
1936/101584 Perth Greenhalgh Doris Female Graham Cecil Male Victoria Park
1936/101585 Perth Pedgeon Arthur John Male Beer Frances Lilian Female Claremont
1936/101585 Perth Beer Frances Lilian Female Pedgeon Arthur John Male Claremont
1936/101586 Perth Nicholson Margaret Mary Female Peach Joseph Francis Male Perth
1936/101586 Perth Peach Joseph Francis Male Nicholson Margaret Mary Female Perth
1936/101587 Perth Snedden Alan Male Humphreys Verdun Alice Female West Perth
1936/101587 Perth Humphreys Verdun Alice Female Snedden Alan Male West Perth
1936/101588 Perth Brazier Richard Gordon Murray Male Burt Mary Female Perth
1936/101588 Perth Burt Mary Female Brazier Richard Gordon Murray Male Perth
1936/101589 Perth Connaughton Ellen Ann Female O'Halloran Joseph Gregory Male Highgate Hill
1936/101589 Perth O'Halloran Joseph Gregory Male Connaughton Ellen Ann Female Highgate Hill
1936/101590 Perth McDonagh Eileen Veronica Female Rhatigan John Joseph Male Perth
1936/101590 Perth Rhatigan John Joseph Male McDonagh Eileen Veronica Female Perth
1936/101591 Perth Johnston Ursula Female Keating Leonard James Male Perth
1936/101591 Perth Keating Leonard James Male Johnston Ursula Female Perth
1936/101592 Perth Spring Mary Francis Female Saggers Joseph Thomas Male Perth
1936/101592 Perth Saggers Joseph Thomas Male Spring Mary Francis Female Perth
1936/101593 Perth Antunovich Ivan Male Bobic Milico Female Perth
1936/101593 Perth Bobic Milico Female Antunovich Ivan Male Perth
1936/101594 Perth Stow Olive Maria Female Peel Sydney Roberson Male Perth
1936/101594 Perth Peel Sydney Roberson Male Stow Olive Maria Female Perth
1936/101595 Perth Ferres Gretta Female Cassan Anthony Gregory Male Perth
1936/101595 Perth Cassan Anthony Gregory Male Ferres Gretta Female Perth
1936/101596 Perth Ryan Cyril Briand Male Woods Eileen May Female Perth
1936/101596 Perth Woods Eileen May Female Ryan Cyril Briand Male Perth
1936/101597 Perth Rowston Mervyn Henry Male Johnston Jean Maine Female Perth
1936/101597 Perth Johnston Jean Maine Female Rowston Mervyn Henry Male Perth
1936/101598 Perth Batt Thelma Mary Female Owens William John Male Perth
1936/101598 Perth Owens William John Male Batt Thelma Mary Female Perth
1936/101599 Perth Robb Jean Evelyn Female Sutherland James Male Perth
1936/101599 Perth Sutherland James Male Robb Jean Evelyn Female Perth
1936/101600 Perth Mann George Henry Male Buchanan Emily Female Perth
1936/101600 Perth Buchanan Emily Female Mann George Henry Male Perth
1936/101601 Perth Green Charles Alfred Male Fraser Annie Stuart Female Perth
1936/101601 Perth Fraser Annie Stuart Female Green Charles Alfred Male Perth
1936/101602 Perth Eakin Hugh Eric Male Small Flora Cameron Female Perth
1936/101602 Perth Small Flora Cameron Female Eakin Hugh Eric Male Perth
1936/101603 Perth Turner John Walter Male Buhl Wilhemena Ida Female Victoria Park
1936/101603 Perth Buhl Wilhemena Ida Female Turner John Walter Male Victoria Park
1936/101604 Perth Rea James Male Thomas Caroline Mary Female Perth
1936/101604 Perth Thomas Caroline Mary Female Rea James Male Perth
1936/101605 Perth Hobbs Lily Female Smylie William John Male Perth
1936/101605 Perth Smylie William John Male Hobbs Lily Female Perth
1936/101606 Perth Olsen Alice Martha Female Stone Harry Male Perth
1936/101606 Perth Stone Harry Male Olsen Alice Martha Female Perth
1936/101607 Perth Sarte Alice Maude Female Russell David Male Perth
1936/101607 Perth Russell David Male Sarte Alice Maude Female Perth
1936/101608 Perth Utting-Wigg Claude Male Burns Naomi Ray Female Perth
1936/101608 Perth Burns Naomi Ray Female Utting-Wigg Claude Male Perth
1936/101609 Perth Williams Elva Eva Female Angell Frank James Male Swanbourne
1936/101609 Perth Angell Frank James Male Williams Elva Eva Female Swanbourne
1936/101610 Perth Brown Glenister Robert Male Waldron Grace Jane Female Claremont
1936/101610 Perth Waldron Grace Jane Female Brown Glenister Robert Male Claremont
1936/101611 Perth Allen Beatrice May Female Crack Bernard Joseph Male Leederville
1936/101611 Perth Crack Bernard Joseph Male Allen Beatrice May Female Leederville
1936/101612 Perth Clarke Stanley Maurice Male Cust Lucy Elma Female Leederville
1936/101612 Perth Cust Lucy Elma Female Clarke Stanley Maurice Male Leederville
1936/101613 Perth Barnsley Arthur Edward Male Andrew Norah Marion Female Leederville
1936/101613 Perth Andrew Norah Marion Female Barnsley Arthur Edward Male Leederville
1936/101614 Perth Walsh Hazel Irene Female Chatel Felix Male Perth
1936/101614 Perth Chatel Felix Male Walsh Hazel Irene Female Perth
1936/101615 Perth Brodie Norman Victor David Male Beaumont May Female Perth
1936/101615 Perth Beaumont May Female Brodie Norman Victor David Male Perth
1936/101616 Perth Graney Sheila Doreen Female Hill Eric Edward Male Perth
1936/101616 Perth Hill Eric Edward Male Graney Sheila Doreen Female Perth
1936/101617 Perth Atkinson Cyril Austin Male Watts Kathleen Winifred Female Perth
1936/101617 Perth Watts Kathleen Winifred Female Atkinson Cyril Austin Male Perth
1936/101618 Perth Archer Ruby Female McCrossen Sydney John Male Perth
1936/101618 Perth McCrossen Sydney John Male Archer Ruby Female Perth
1936/101619 Perth Reilly Patrick Francis Male Silver Sheila Female Perth
1936/101619 Perth Silver Sheila Female Reilly Patrick Francis Male Perth
1936/101620 Perth Ashway Ann Margaret Female Roberts John Joseph Male Bayswater
1936/101620 Perth Roberts John Joseph Male Ashway Ann Margaret Female Bayswater
1936/101621 Perth Johnston Hazel Larbiet Female Jones William Male Subiaco
1936/101621 Perth Jones William Male Johnston Hazel Larbiet Female Subiaco
1936/101622 Perth Punch Stanley Male Vale Gwennyth Florence Female Perth
1936/101622 Perth Vale Gwennyth Florence Female Punch Stanley Male Perth
1936/101623 Perth Ferrie James Male Harris Alice Bertha Female Perth
1936/101623 Perth Harris Alice Bertha Female Ferrie James Male Perth
1936/101624 Perth Spark David Gordon Male Smith Beryl Clayton Female Perth
1936/101624 Perth Smith Beryl Clayton Female Spark David Gordon Male Perth
1936/101625 Perth Sugg Verna Blanche Female Evans James Male Perth
1936/101625 Perth Evans James Male Sugg Verna Blanche Female Perth
1936/101626 Perth Hastings Margaret Ann Female Maynard Thomas Adam Male Perth
1936/101626 Perth Hastings Margaret Ann Female Stenhouse Thomas Adam Male Perth
1936/101626 Perth Stenhouse Thomas Adam Male Hastings Margaret Ann Female Perth
1936/101626 Perth Maynard Thomas Adam Male Hastings Margaret Ann Female Perth
1936/101627 Perth Devine Douglas Desmond Male Angel Alice McKenna Female Perth
1936/101627 Perth Angel Alice McKenna Female Devine Douglas Desmond Male Perth
1936/101628 Perth Richardson Frederick Keith Cyril Male Sandow Edna Eileen Female Cottesloe
1936/101628 Perth Sandow Edna Eileen Female Richardson Frederick Keith Cyril Male Cottesloe
1936/101629 Perth Wood Margaret Female Murphy Edward Patrick Male Buckland-Hill
1936/101629 Perth Murphy Edward Patrick Male Wood Margaret Female Buckland-Hill
1936/101630 Perth Jaggard Alfred William Male Henryon Irma Blanche Female Cottesloe
1936/101630 Perth Henryon Irma Blanche Female Jaggard Alfred William Male Cottesloe
1936/101631 Perth Briggs Lila Gertrude Female Keast Norman Douglas Male Cottesloe
1936/101631 Perth Keast Norman Douglas Male Briggs Lila Gertrude Female Cottesloe
1936/101632 Perth Howitt John Bakewell Male Robertson Muriel de Vere Female Perth
1936/101632 Perth Robertson Muriel de Vere Female Howitt John Bakewell Male Perth
1936/101633 Perth Taylor Mollie Louise Female Day John Leonard Male Perth
1936/101633 Perth Day John Leonard Male Taylor Mollie Louise Female Perth
1936/101634 Perth Thornton Alfred Male Hutchinson Winifred Female Subiaco
1936/101634 Perth Hutchinson Winifred Female Thornton Alfred Male Subiaco
1936/101635 Perth Lynn Patrick Male Burke Elizabeth Isabella Female Subiaco
1936/101635 Perth Burke Elizabeth Isabella Female Lynn Patrick Male Subiaco
1936/101636 Perth Steven Helena Female Newman Henry Male Subiaco
1936/101636 Perth Newman Henry Male Steven Helena Female Subiaco
1936/101637 Perth Pilkington Margaret Female Carstairs John Male Subiaco
1936/101637 Perth Carstairs John Male Pilkington Margaret Female Subiaco
1936/101638 Perth Orr Thomas Henry Male Wigmore Catherine Female Subiaco
1936/101638 Perth Wigmore Catherine Female Orr Thomas Henry Male Subiaco
1936/101639 Perth Hardwick Mary Margaret Female Ferguson William Gerard Male West Perth
1936/101639 Perth Ferguson William Gerard Male Hardwick Mary Margaret Female West Perth
1936/101640 Perth Bryson Winifred Female Rampant Leo Bernard Male West Perth
1936/101640 Perth Rampant Leo Bernard Male Bryson Winifred Female West Perth
1936/101641 Perth Nicholls Thelma Julia Female Smith Ernest John Male West Perth
1936/101641 Perth Smith Ernest John Male Nicholls Thelma Julia Female West Perth
1936/101642 Perth Condren Brigid Female Christensen William Paul Male West Perth
1936/101642 Perth Christensen William Paul Male Condren Brigid Female West Perth
1936/101643 Perth Coulter John McCrea Male Azzoline Rose Emily Female Perth
1936/101643 Perth Azzoline Rose Emily Female Coulter John McCrea Male Perth
1936/101644 Perth Weger Ernest Carl Male Lonsdale Georgina Female Mt Lawley
1936/101644 Perth Lonsdale Georgina Female Weger Ernest Carl Male Mt Lawley
1936/101645 Perth Miskelly Robert Malcolm Male Rodda Eileen Bridget Female Perth
1936/101645 Perth Rodda Eileen Bridget Female Miskelly Robert Malcolm Male Perth
1936/101646 Perth Davidson George McBain Male Smith Henrietta Female Perth
1936/101646 Perth Smith Henrietta Female Davidson George McBain Male Perth
1936/101647 Perth Wearn Leonard Albert Male Williamson Ethel Louise Female West Perth
1936/101647 Perth Williamson Ethel Louise Female Wearn Leonard Albert Male West Perth
1936/101648 Perth Bridal Mary Constance Female Miller Alg William Henry Male South Perth
1936/101648 Perth Miller Alg William Henry Male Bridal Mary Constance Female South Perth
1936/101649 Perth Walsh Leonard Vincent Male Davey Linda May Female Perth
1936/101649 Perth Davey Linda May Female Walsh Leonard Vincent Male Perth
1936/101650 Perth Clarke Rupert Eric John Male Botica Annie Mary Female South Perth
1936/101650 Perth Botica Annie Mary Female Clarke Rupert Eric John Male South Perth
1936/101651 Perth Bussanich John Nicholas Male Rossi Maria Gugliemina Barbera Female Perth
1936/101651 Perth Rossi Maria Gugliemina Barbera Female Bussanich John Nicholas Male Perth
1936/101652 Perth Coad Violet May Female Mutch Donald Male Perth
1936/101652 Perth Mutch Donald Male Coad Violet May Female Perth
1936/101653 Perth Fogarty Annie Adelaide Female Wootton William Thomas Male Perth
1936/101653 Perth Wootton William Thomas Male Fogarty Annie Adelaide Female Perth
1936/101654 Perth Marshall Eric William Male Snook Eva Female Perth
1936/101654 Perth Snook Eva Female Marshall Eric William Male Perth
1936/101655 Perth Armstrong Frederick Henry Montgomery Male Nichols Dora Millicent Female Victoria Park
1936/101655 Perth Nichols Dora Millicent Female Armstrong Frederick Henry Montgomery Male Victoria Park
1936/101656 Perth Mayes Charles Walter James Male Mayes Doris Female Leederville
1936/101656 Perth Mayes Doris Female Mayes Charles Walter James Male Leederville
1936/101657 Perth Bath Ruth Ivy Female Henderson Francis John Male Bayswater
1936/101657 Perth Henderson Francis John Male Bath Ruth Ivy Female Bayswater
1936/101658 Perth Ritson Roma Octavia Female Gibson Robert Edward Male Cottesloe Beach
1936/101658 Perth Gibson Robert Edward Male Ritson Roma Octavia Female Cottesloe Beach
1936/101659 Perth Armstrong Daphne Ellen Female Dunstan Lawrence Stephen Male Perth
1936/101659 Perth Dunstan Lawrence Stephen Male Armstrong Daphne Ellen Female Perth
1936/101660 Perth Laversen Patricia Joan Female Wailye Bramwell Mervyn Male Mt Lawley
1936/101660 Perth Wailye Bramwell Mervyn Male Laversen Patricia Joan Female Mt Lawley
1936/101661 Perth Napier Margaret May Female Dunstan Ronald Tressillian Male Mt Lawley
1936/101661 Perth Dunstan Ronald Tressillian Male Napier Margaret May Female Mt Lawley
1936/101662 Perth Rice Joseph Gerard Male Thomas Irene Kathleen Female North Perth
1936/101662 Perth Thomas Irene Kathleen Female Rice Joseph Gerard Male North Perth
1936/101663 Perth Anderson Poppy Marie Female Dawson Francis Patrick Male North Perth
1936/101663 Perth Dawson Francis Patrick Male Anderson Poppy Marie Female North Perth
1936/101664 Perth Burns Amy Eileen Beryl Female Kneale Norman Male Perth
1936/101664 Perth Kneale Norman Male Burns Amy Eileen Beryl Female Perth
1936/101665 Perth Blight Lucy Female Crouch Ethelbert Arthur Male Perth
1936/101665 Perth Crouch Ethelbert Arthur Male Blight Lucy Female Perth
1936/101666 Perth Churm Frank Noël Male Franklin Jane Ann Female Perth
1936/101666 Perth Franklin Jane Ann Female Churm Frank Noël Male Perth
1936/101667 Perth Rose Hector Claude Male Bromilow Nina Irene Female West Perth
1936/101667 Perth Bromilow Nina Irene Female Rose Hector Claude Male West Perth
1936/101668 Perth Sewell Alice Josephine Female Secombe Wesley Evan Male West Perth
1936/101668 Perth Secombe Wesley Evan Male Sewell Alice Josephine Female West Perth
1936/101669 Perth Hart Elizabeth Stephen Female Grove Frank Fairbairn Male West Perth
1936/101669 Perth Grove Frank Fairbairn Male Hart Elizabeth Stephen Female West Perth
1936/101670 Perth Ison Edward Charles Male Duffell Gladys Mary Female West Perth
1936/101670 Perth Duffell Gladys Mary Female Ison Edward Charles Male West Perth
1936/101671 Perth Wilson Eric Male Buckingham Sylvia Rose Female West Perth
1936/101671 Perth Buckingham Sylvia Rose Female Wilson Eric Male West Perth
1936/101672 Perth Foster Olive Doreen Female Gray David Robb Male Perth
1936/101672 Perth Gray David Robb Male Foster Olive Doreen Female Perth
1936/101673 Perth Moyle Marcia Female Whittome Cecil Elexis Enfield Male Perth
1936/101673 Perth Whittome Cecil Elexis Enfield Male Moyle Marcia Female Perth
1936/101674 Perth Witty Marjorie Lenore Female Moss Francis Henry Yilgarn Male Claremont
1936/101674 Perth Moss Francis Henry Yilgarn Male Witty Marjorie Lenore Female Claremont
1936/101675 Perth Harrop Leonard Bernard Male Simon Elsa Suzanne Female Claremont
1936/101675 Perth Simon Elsa Suzanne Female Harrop Leonard Bernard Male Claremont
1936/101676 Perth Scott Charles Edwin Male Sargant Winsome Mignon Female Perth
1936/101676 Perth Sargant Winsome Mignon Female Scott Charles Edwin Male Perth
1936/101677 Perth Coles Thomas Henry Male Mayor Phyllis Female Perth
1936/101677 Perth Mayor Phyllis Female Coles Thomas Henry Male Perth
1936/101678 Perth McQuillan Edmond Henry Male Flanagan Eva Evelyn Female Perth
1936/101678 Perth Flanagan Eva Evelyn Female McQuillan Edmond Henry Male Perth
1936/101680 Perth Wimbridge Joan Lola Melva Female Rayner William Male Perth
1936/101680 Perth Rayner William Male Wimbridge Joan Lola Melva Female Perth
1936/101681 Perth Unsworth Mavis Margaret Female McBurney James Male Cottesloe
1936/101681 Perth McBurney James Male Unsworth Mavis Margaret Female Cottesloe
1936/101682 Perth Salt William Leslie Male Claffey Olive Edith Female Perth
1936/101682 Perth Claffey Olive Edith Female Salt William Leslie Male Perth
1936/101683 Perth McAra James Bertie Male Evershed Beatrice Egeston Female Cottesloe
1936/101683 Perth Evershed Beatrice Egeston Female McAra James Bertie Male Cottesloe
1936/101684 Perth Gorman Ann Ellen Female Samuel Henry Harris Male Perth
1936/101684 Perth Samuel Henry Harris Male Gorman Ann Ellen Female Perth
1936/101685 Perth Marinkovich George Male Bowra Olive Mabel Female Perth
1936/101685 Perth Bowra Olive Mabel Female Marinkovich George Male Perth
1936/101686 Perth Harding Rose Evelyn Female Lewis Frederick James Male Perth
1936/101686 Perth Lewis Frederick James Male Harding Rose Evelyn Female Perth
1936/101687 Perth Flanagan Evelyn May Female Matters Alfred Ernest Male Perth
1936/101687 Perth Matters Alfred Ernest Male Flanagan Evelyn May Female Perth
1936/101688 Perth Marland Clarice Isobel Female Simpson Herbert Francis Male South Perth
1936/101688 Perth Simpson Herbert Francis Male Marland Clarice Isobel Female South Perth
1936/101689 Perth Weekley Clover Sarah Elizabeth Female Gray Kenneth Clarence John Male South Perth
1936/101689 Perth Gray Kenneth Clarence John Male Weekley Clover Sarah Elizabeth Female South Perth
1936/101690 Perth Heatly John James Male Holmes Mary Elizabeth Female Perth
1936/101690 Perth Holmes Mary Elizabeth Female Heatly John James Male Perth
1936/101691 Perth West Leslie Male Lawrence Dorothy Mary Female Victoria Park
1936/101691 Perth Lawrence Dorothy Mary Female West Leslie Male Victoria Park
1936/101692 Perth Tilbury Charles Henry Male Cockman Dorothy Alice Female Victoria Park
1936/101692 Perth Cockman Dorothy Alice Female Tilbury Charles Henry Male Victoria Park
1936/101693 Perth Gray Norman Henry Male Waghorn Daisy Amy Female Claremont
1936/101693 Perth Waghorn Daisy Amy Female Gray Norman Henry Male Claremont
1936/101694 Perth Lilywhite Bertha Female Warren Charles Clifford Male Perth
1936/101694 Perth Warren Charles Clifford Male Lilywhite Bertha Female Perth
1936/101695 Perth Pennycuick Eric Culpen Male Crook Ella Deborah Female Perth
1936/101695 Perth Crook Ella Deborah Female Pennycuick Eric Culpen Male Perth
1936/101696 Perth Groom Nancy Mary Female Messenger George Edward Male Victoria Park
1936/101696 Perth Messenger George Edward Male Groom Nancy Mary Female Victoria Park
1936/101697 Perth Bennett Oswald Leslie Male Reid Jean Niven Female Perth
1936/101697 Perth Reid Jean Niven Female Bennett Oswald Leslie Male Perth
1936/101698 Perth Staltari Carmela Female Menchetti Pietro Male Maylands
1936/101698 Perth Menchetti Pietro Male Staltari Carmela Female Maylands
1936/101699 Perth Dalton Maud Ellen Female McPhee Alexander Hamilton Male Maylands
1936/101699 Perth McPhee Alexander Hamilton Male Dalton Maud Ellen Female Maylands
1936/101700 Perth Coles Ethel May Female Nairn William Percival Male Perth
1936/101700 Perth Nairn William Percival Male Coles Ethel May Female Perth
1936/101701 Perth Pittaway Ernest George Male Wilkinson Sarah Female North Perth
1936/101701 Perth Wilkinson Sarah Female Pittaway Ernest George Male North Perth
1936/101702 Perth Bartlett Albert Lannington Male Mitchell Margaret Elizabeth Female Perth
1936/101702 Perth Mitchell Margaret Elizabeth Female Bartlett Albert Lannington Male Perth
1936/101703 Perth Crake Aubrey Charles Male Ogg Jamesina Female Perth
1936/101703 Perth Ogg Jamesina Female Crake Aubrey Charles Male Perth
1936/101704 Perth Millard Nancy May Female Rigby James Male Perth
1936/101704 Perth Rigby James Male Millard Nancy May Female Perth
1936/101705 Perth Adams Jessie Female Turton Leonard Noel Lyle Male Perth
1936/101705 Perth Turton Leonard Noel Lyle Male Adams Jessie Female Perth
1936/101706 Perth Moncrieff Emily Female Mercer Geoffrey Fredrick Male Mount Lawley
1936/101706 Perth Mercer Geoffrey Fredrick Male Moncrieff Emily Female Mount Lawley
1936/101707 Perth Ross Claude Alexander Male Long Audrey Naomi Female Perth
1936/101707 Perth Long Audrey Naomi Female Ross Claude Alexander Male Perth
1936/101708 Perth Davies Griffith Ivor Male Brookes Dulcie Alice Louisa Female Perth
1936/101708 Perth Brookes Dulcie Alice Louisa Female Davies Griffith Ivor Male Perth
1936/101709 Perth Smith Amy Violet Female Kingston Oswald Allen Male Perth
1936/101709 Perth Kingston Oswald Allen Male Smith Amy Violet Female Perth
1936/101710 Perth Currie John Henry Male Morgan Sarah Muriel Female Perth
1936/101710 Perth Morgan Sarah Muriel Female Currie John Henry Male Perth
1936/101711 Perth Seale Gordon Frederick Male Adams Eva Vera Female Perth
1936/101711 Perth Adams Eva Vera Female Seale Gordon Frederick Male Perth
1936/101712 Perth Barton Dorothy Ellen Female Beurteaux Arthur Charles Male Perth
1936/101712 Perth Beurteaux Arthur Charles Male Barton Dorothy Ellen Female Perth
1936/101713 Perth Stanton Irene Ellen Rose Female Hannan Edward Albert Charles Male Perth
1936/101713 Perth Hannan Edward Albert Charles Male Stanton Irene Ellen Rose Female Perth
1936/101714 Perth Wilson Lincoln Edward Male Connell Elsie Female Perth
1936/101714 Perth Connell Elsie Female Wilson Lincoln Edward Male Perth
1936/101715 Perth Shaw Alfred James Male Fenwick Fanny Isabel Female Perth
1936/101715 Perth Fenwick Fanny Isabel Female Shaw Alfred James Male Perth
1936/101716 Perth Meyers Eveline Myrtle Female Glew Benjamin Cecil Male North Perth
1936/101716 Perth Glew Benjamin Cecil Male Meyers Eveline Myrtle Female North Perth
1936/101717 Perth Hickey Kathleen Anne Female Hawkins Ronald James Male Highgate Hill
1936/101717 Perth Hawkins Ronald James Male Hickey Kathleen Anne Female Highgate Hill
1936/101718 Perth Ward Dudley Norman Male Pickering Amy Jean Female Perth
1936/101718 Perth Pickering Amy Jean Female Ward Dudley Norman Male Perth
1936/101719 Perth Brookes Basil Alfred Male Robins Millicent Ruby Female Victoria Park
1936/101719 Perth Robins Millicent Ruby Female Brookes Basil Alfred Male Victoria Park
1936/101720 Perth Tindale George Rouse Male Orsmond Ethel Margaret Female Shenton Park
1936/101720 Perth Orsmond Ethel Margaret Female Tindale George Rouse Male Shenton Park
1936/101721 Perth Thompson William Langley Male Batten Irene Pearl Female Maylands
1936/101721 Perth Batten Irene Pearl Female Thompson William Langley Male Maylands
1936/101722 Perth Walls Keith Ian Male Evans Heather Maxwell Female Perth
1936/101722 Perth Evans Heather Maxwell Female Walls Keith Ian Male Perth
1936/101723 Perth Wood Claire Louisa Female Nelson Norman Alexander Male North Perth
1936/101723 Perth Nelson Norman Alexander Male Wood Claire Louisa Female North Perth
1936/101724 Perth Robinson William Chambers Male Brown Emma Louisa Female East Perth
1936/101724 Perth Brown Emma Louisa Female Robinson William Chambers Male East Perth
1936/101725 Perth Rutter James Alfred Male Ffarrington Rose Alice Female West Perth
1936/101725 Perth Ffarrington Rose Alice Female Rutter James Alfred Male West Perth
1936/101726 Perth Hall Bertram Male Nelson Kathryn Isobel Female Perth
1936/101726 Perth Nelson Kathryn Isobel Female Hall Bertram Male Perth
1936/101727 Perth Moorman Lionel Albert Male Anderson Dorothy May Fletcher Female Perth
1936/101727 Perth Anderson Dorothy May Fletcher Female Moorman Lionel Albert Male Perth
1936/101728 Perth Fountain Gerard Aubrey Male Cribb Alma Gwenda Female Perth
1936/101728 Perth Cribb Alma Gwenda Female Fountain Gerard Aubrey Male Perth
1936/101729 Perth Hyman Olive Eileen Female Bale Richard Male Perth
1936/101729 Perth Bale Richard Male Hyman Olive Eileen Female Perth
1936/101730 Perth Buckland Agnes Wilson Female Hahn George Male West Perth
1936/101730 Perth Hahn George Male Buckland Agnes Wilson Female West Perth
1936/101731 Perth Smith Gwendoline Mary Female Smith William James Male West Perth
1936/101731 Perth Smith William James Male Smith Gwendoline Mary Female West Perth
1936/101732 Perth Armstrong Florence Irene Female Townsend Frederick Male Mt Lawley
1936/101732 Perth Townsend Frederick Male Armstrong Florence Irene Female Mt Lawley
1936/101733 Perth Dewar Keith Edward Male Toy Jessie Marjorie Female Perth
1936/101733 Perth Toy Jessie Marjorie Female Dewar Keith Edward Male Perth
1936/101734 Perth Rutledge Norman Male Alday Ellise Margaret Female Perth
1936/101734 Perth Alday Ellise Margaret Female Rutledge Norman Male Perth
1936/101735 Perth Worsfold Henry Edward Male Walker Sarah Alice May Female Perth
1936/101735 Perth Walker Sarah Alice May Female Worsfold Henry Edward Male Perth
1936/101736 Perth Smithers Ernest Wardell Male Mack Edna May Female Perth
1936/101736 Perth Mack Edna May Female Smithers Ernest Wardell Male Perth
1936/101737 Perth Eyres John Hubert Male Scotson Alma Edith Female Highgate
1936/101737 Perth Scotson Alma Edith Female Eyres John Hubert Male Highgate
1936/101738 Perth Ivison George Leathes Male Bicknell Bessie Neve Female Perth
1936/101738 Perth Bicknell Bessie Neve Female Ivison George Leathes Male Perth
1936/101739 Perth Gibson Doris Isabella Female Gibberd George Lloyd Male Perth
1936/101739 Perth Gibberd George Lloyd Male Gibson Doris Isabella Female Perth
1936/101740 Perth Stockwell Edward Boardman Male Watson Dorothy Female Cottesloe
1936/101740 Perth Watson Dorothy Female Stockwell Edward Boardman Male Cottesloe
1936/101741 Perth Prosser Alexander Male Fraser Lucy Margaret Female Perth
1936/101741 Perth Fraser Lucy Margaret Female Prosser Alexander Male Perth
1936/101742 Perth Crane William George Male Salmon Lillian Hilda Female Perth
1936/101742 Perth Salmon Lillian Hilda Female Crane William George Male Perth
1936/101743 Perth Waugh Norman Male Thorne Jessie Female Perth
1936/101743 Perth Thorne Jessie Female Waugh Norman Male Perth
1936/101744 Perth Brown William Ronald Male Sheer Gwendoline Harriett Female North Perth
1936/101744 Perth Sheer Gwendoline Harriett Female Brown William Ronald Male North Perth
1936/101745 Perth Gordon George Leighton Male Waddell Marion Allison Female Perth
1936/101745 Perth Waddell Marion Allison Female Gordon George Leighton Male Perth
1936/101746 Perth Greaves Sarah Ellen Female Campbell Walter Matthew Male Subiaco
1936/101746 Perth Campbell Walter Matthew Male Greaves Sarah Ellen Female Subiaco
1936/101747 Perth McCormick Alice Mary Female Brown Alfred Edward Male Perth
1936/101747 Perth Brown Alfred Edward Male McCormick Alice Mary Female Perth
1936/101748 Perth Dixon Alec Vernon Male McKenzie Doris Isobel Female Perth
1936/101748 Perth McKenzie Doris Isobel Female Dixon Alec Vernon Male Perth
1936/101749 Perth Hiddlestone Edwin Walton Male Simmonds Alice Amelia Female West Perth
1936/101749 Perth Simmonds Alice Amelia Female Hiddlestone Edwin Walton Male West Perth
1936/101750 Perth Rumbold Eileen Grace Female Brownfield Edward John Male West Perth
1936/101750 Perth Brownfield Edward John Male Rumbold Eileen Grace Female West Perth
1936/101751 Perth Craig Arthur Brooke Male McCready Margaret Eleanor Female West Perth
1936/101751 Perth McCready Margaret Eleanor Female Craig Arthur Brooke Male West Perth
1936/101752 Perth Repacholi Una Female Logie Gordon Miller Male West Perth
1936/101752 Perth Logie Gordon Miller Male Repacholi Una Female West Perth
1936/101753 Perth Farrant Lancelot Carswell Male Tullett Kate Elizabeth Female West Perth
1936/101753 Perth Tullett Kate Elizabeth Female Farrant Lancelot Carswell Male West Perth
1936/101754 Perth Konigsberg Julia Female Olbourne Fred Male Perth
1936/101754 Perth Olbourne Fred Male Konigsberg Julia Female Perth
1936/101755 Perth Schrugin Hyman Male Glance Rose Female Perth
1936/101755 Perth Glance Rose Female Schrugin Hyman Male Perth
1936/101756 Perth Forsyth William Lawrence Bruce Male Thomas Jessie Charlotte Female Perth
1936/101756 Perth Thomas Jessie Charlotte Female Forsyth William Lawrence Bruce Male Perth
1936/101757 Perth Bradley Eric John Male Reymond Norma Bessie Female Perth
1936/101757 Perth Reymond Norma Bessie Female Bradley Eric John Male Perth
1936/101758 Perth Pearson Francis James Male Wackett Marjorie Winifred Female Perth
1936/101758 Perth Wackett Marjorie Winifred Female Pearson Francis James Male Perth
1936/101759 Perth Jones Athol Wallace Male Swan Gwynyth Gwendoline Curtis Female Perth
1936/101759 Perth Swan Gwynyth Gwendoline Curtis Female Jones Athol Wallace Male Perth
1936/101760 Perth Lee Jacob Male Abbs Alice Female Perth
1936/101760 Perth Abbs Alice Female Lee Jacob Male Perth
1936/101761 Perth Lutz Vernon Henry Male Howard Gladys Lorraine Female Victoria Park
1936/101761 Perth Howard Gladys Lorraine Female Lutz Vernon Henry Male Victoria Park
1936/101762 Perth Clapp Alexander Frederick Male Hopkins Errol Pearce Female Victoria Park
1936/101762 Perth Hopkins Errol Pearce Female Clapp Alexander Frederick Male Victoria Park
1936/101763 Perth Andrew Herbert Ross Male Hall Mary Venables Female Mount Lawley
1936/101763 Perth Hall Mary Venables Female Andrew Herbert Ross Male Mount Lawley
1936/101764 Perth McCann Myra Gray Female Morton Reginald Herbert Male Perth
1936/101764 Perth Morton Reginald Herbert Male McCann Myra Gray Female Perth
1936/101765 Perth Hodgson Betty Hughes Female McKiggan Kenneth John Male Cottesloe
1936/101765 Perth McKiggan Kenneth John Male Hodgson Betty Hughes Female Cottesloe
1936/101766 Perth Miller Rosetta Female Gilbert David Male Perth
1936/101766 Perth Gilbert David Male Miller Rosetta Female Perth
1936/101767 Perth Philpot William Robert Male Kinnersly Audrey Female Victoria Park
1936/101767 Perth Kinnersly Audrey Female Philpot William Robert Male Victoria Park
1936/101768 Perth Reele Mavis Jane Female Limbourn Reginald John Male West Perth
1936/101768 Perth Limbourn Reginald John Male Reele Mavis Jane Female West Perth
1936/101769 Perth Birch Charles Albert Perkins Male Robertson Barbara Gold Nairn Female West Perth
1936/101769 Perth Robertson Barbara Gold Nairn Female Birch Charles Albert Perkins Male West Perth
1936/101770 Perth Holmes James Mitchell Male Annson Lily May Female Bayswater
1936/101770 Perth Annson Lily May Female Holmes James Mitchell Male Bayswater
1936/101771 Perth Thomas Lincoln Franklin Male Craig Mary Frances Female Subiaco
1936/101771 Perth Craig Mary Frances Female Thomas Lincoln Franklin Male Subiaco
1936/101772 Perth Apps John Cuthbert Male Long Frances Ellen Female Subiaco
1936/101772 Perth Long Frances Ellen Female Apps John Cuthbert Male Subiaco
1936/101773 Perth Stagoll Eva Doreen Female Matthews Vivian Jack Male Perth
1936/101773 Perth Matthews Vivian Jack Male Stagoll Eva Doreen Female Perth
1936/101774 Perth Pilgrim Eileen Female Moore Frederick James Male Perth
1936/101774 Perth Moore Frederick James Male Pilgrim Eileen Female Perth
1936/101775 Perth Davies Frederick Harold Male Muir Phoebe Female Perth
1936/101775 Perth Muir Phoebe Female Davies Frederick Harold Male Perth
1936/101776 Perth Scott Herbert Whytlaw Male Carson Robina Jane Female Perth
1936/101776 Perth Carson Robina Jane Female Scott Herbert Whytlaw Male Perth
1936/101777 Perth Jackson John William Male Gardiner Elizabeth Maud Female Perth
1936/101777 Perth Gardiner Elizabeth Maud Female Jackson John William Male Perth
1936/101778 Perth Smalpage Alexander Charles Male Collins Ruby Frances Female Perth
1936/101778 Perth Collins Ruby Frances Female Smalpage Alexander Charles Male Perth
1936/101779 Perth Morris Pearl May Female Murphy Maurice Blaney Male West Perth
1936/101779 Perth Murphy Maurice Blaney Male Morris Pearl May Female West Perth
1936/101780 Perth Lee Kenneth George Male Larsen Eileen Barbara Female Perth
1936/101780 Perth Larsen Eileen Barbara Female Lee Kenneth George Male Perth
1936/101781 Perth Spencer Ivy May Female Jackson Harry Male Perth
1936/101781 Perth Jackson Harry Male Spencer Ivy May Female Perth
1936/101782 Perth Dwyer Helen Dalton Female Corbett Albert Male Maylands
1936/101782 Perth Corbett Albert Male Dwyer Helen Dalton Female Maylands
1936/101783 Perth Gentry Edward John Male McCafferty Kathleen Alice Female Maylands
1936/101783 Perth McCafferty Kathleen Alice Female Gentry Edward John Male Maylands
1936/101784 Perth Gardiner Stephen Hollis Male Brady Margaret Lorna Female Maylands
1936/101784 Perth Brady Margaret Lorna Female Gardiner Stephen Hollis Male Maylands
1936/101785 Perth Johnson Wallace Gordon Male McKernan Mavis Eversley Female Perth
1936/101785 Perth McKernan Mavis Eversley Female Johnson Wallace Gordon Male Perth
1936/101786 Perth Hardwick Marjorie Padbury Female Scholefield Clifford Arthur Male Perth
1936/101786 Perth Scholefield Clifford Arthur Male Hardwick Marjorie Padbury Female Perth
1936/101787 Perth Thomson William Male O'Brien Muriel Barge Female West Perth
1936/101787 Perth O'Brien Muriel Barge Female Thomson William Male West Perth
1936/101788 Perth Woods Herbert Roland Male Bond Edith Violet Doreen Female West Perth
1936/101788 Perth Bond Edith Violet Doreen Female Woods Herbert Roland Male West Perth
1936/101789 Perth Fitzgerald Azalea Mary Female Daebritz Paul William Henry Male West Perth
1936/101789 Perth Daebritz Paul William Henry Male Fitzgerald Azalea Mary Female West Perth
1936/101790 Perth Nye Clare Mary Female Lovelock James Male West Perth
1936/101790 Perth Lovelock James Male Nye Clare Mary Female West Perth
1936/101791 Perth Matthews Hilda Gwendoline Female Fraser Roderick Male West Perth
1936/101791 Perth Fraser Roderick Male Matthews Hilda Gwendoline Female West Perth
1936/101792 Perth Edmonds Amy Emmeline Female O'Hara John Joseph Male South Perth
1936/101792 Perth O'Hara John Joseph Male Edmonds Amy Emmeline Female South Perth
1936/101793 Perth Smith Edith Joan Female King Reginald Sandford Male Perth
1936/101793 Perth King Reginald Sandford Male Smith Edith Joan Female Perth
1936/101794 Perth Fuller Walter George Male Nichols Ellen Female Perth
1936/101794 Perth Nichols Ellen Female Fuller Walter George Male Perth
1936/101795 Perth White Douglas Edward Male Frame Jessie Alice Female Victoria Park
1936/101795 Perth Frame Jessie Alice Female White Douglas Edward Male Victoria Park
1936/101796 Perth Baker Mabel Jean Female Graham Thomas Kenneth Male Perth
1936/101796 Perth Graham Thomas Kenneth Male Baker Mabel Jean Female Perth
1936/101797 Perth Nelson Frederick Alfred Male Polland Elsie Female Maylands
1936/101797 Perth Polland Elsie Female Nelson Frederick Alfred Male Maylands
1936/101798 Perth Lange Clara Agnes Female Langley Raymond Charles Male North Perth
1936/101798 Perth Langley Raymond Charles Male Lange Clara Agnes Female North Perth
1936/101799 Perth Tindale Archibald Kenneth Male Ram Margaret Jennie Female Subiaco
1936/101799 Perth Ram Margaret Jennie Female Tindale Archibald Kenneth Male Subiaco
1936/101800 Perth Heritage Ethel Blanche Female Pollitt William Smith Hepworth Male Subiaco
1936/101800 Perth Pollitt William Smith Hepworth Male Heritage Ethel Blanche Female Subiaco
1936/101801 Perth Edwards Violet Gladys Female Turner Leslie Ernest Male Subiaco
1936/101801 Perth Turner Leslie Ernest Male Edwards Violet Gladys Female Subiaco
1936/101802 Perth Gurr Robert Ward Male Gatley Ada Female Subiaco
1936/101802 Perth Gatley Ada Female Gurr Robert Ward Male Subiaco
1936/101803 Perth George Jessie Olive Eileen Female Muir Ernest Thomas Male Subiaco
1936/101803 Perth Muir Ernest Thomas Male George Jessie Olive Eileen Female Subiaco
1936/101804 Perth McKay Hilda Constance Female Madin Francis Henry Male Subiaco
1936/101804 Perth Madin Francis Henry Male McKay Hilda Constance Female Subiaco
1936/101805 Perth Winch Nellie Ruthan Female Carter Edward Ernest Robert Male Subiaco
1936/101805 Perth Carter Edward Ernest Robert Male Winch Nellie Ruthan Female Subiaco
1936/101806 Perth Main Doris Evelyn Female Farrant Francis Wallis Male Perth
1936/101806 Perth Farrant Francis Wallis Male Main Doris Evelyn Female Perth
1936/101807 Perth Sandercock James Lampent Male Brearley Irene Mary Female West Perth
1936/101807 Perth Brearley Irene Mary Female Sandercock James Lampent Male West Perth
1936/101808 Perth Davidson Mary Allen Turnball Female Brearley John Roy Male West Perth
1936/101808 Perth Brearley John Roy Male Davidson Mary Allen Turnball Female West Perth
1936/101809 Perth Pitt Frank Kermode Male Denny Irene Alexandria Female West Perth
1936/101809 Perth Denny Irene Alexandria Female Pitt Frank Kermode Male West Perth
1936/101810 Perth Shirley Gwyneth Florence Female White Albert Newton Male Claremont
1936/101810 Perth White Albert Newton Male Shirley Gwyneth Florence Female Claremont
1936/101811 Perth Faulkner Harry Walton Male Adams Gwendoline Lucy Female Claremont
1936/101811 Perth Adams Gwendoline Lucy Female Faulkner Harry Walton Male Claremont
1936/101812 Perth Lee Joan Mary Female Farrell Gordon George Male Claremont
1936/101812 Perth Farrell Gordon George Male Lee Joan Mary Female Claremont
1936/101813 Perth Truarn William Norman Male Turner Helen Female Perth
1936/101813 Perth Turner Helen Female Truarn William Norman Male Perth
1936/101814 Perth Lincoln-Lacy Hubert Male Barrymore Cora Edith Female South Perth
1936/101814 Perth Barrymore Cora Edith Female Lincoln-Lacy Hubert Male South Perth
1936/101815 Perth Palmer Eileen Elizabeth Female Withnell Noel Ernest Male Perth
1936/101815 Perth Withnell Noel Ernest Male Palmer Eileen Elizabeth Female Perth
1936/101816 Perth Harding Mary Eleanor Female Taylor Edgar Ernest Male Jolimont
1936/101816 Perth Taylor Edgar Ernest Male Harding Mary Eleanor Female Jolimont
1936/101817 Perth Carpenter Caroline Female Hadley John Edward Male Perth
1936/101817 Perth Hadley John Edward Male Carpenter Caroline Female Perth
1936/101818 Perth West Jessica Lily Female Hodson Owen Charles Male Leederville
1936/101818 Perth Hodson Owen Charles Male West Jessica Lily Female Leederville
1936/101819 Perth Green John Edward Male Harris Irene Female Leederville
1936/101819 Perth Harris Irene Female Green John Edward Male Leederville
1936/101820 Perth Morfitt Nellie Grace Female Dawe Reginald Louis Male Leederville
1936/101820 Perth Dawe Reginald Louis Male Morfitt Nellie Grace Female Leederville
1936/101821 Perth Slater John Alison Male McCafferty Eileen Margaret Female Leederville
1936/101821 Perth McCafferty Eileen Margaret Female Slater John Alison Male Leederville
1936/101822 Perth Sloss Bruce Othel Male Nelson Molly Agnes Female Leederville
1936/101822 Perth Nelson Molly Agnes Female Sloss Bruce Othel Male Leederville
1936/101823 Perth Eastman Edwin Claude Chisholm Male Bourne Una Aldyth Female Mt Lawley
1936/101823 Perth Bourne Una Aldyth Female Eastman Edwin Claude Chisholm Male Mt Lawley
1936/101824 Perth Watson Bethwyn Female Algar James Alick Male Perth
1936/101824 Perth Algar James Alick Male Watson Bethwyn Female Perth
1936/101825 Perth Wagner William James Male Fowlie Joan Barbara Female Perth
1936/101825 Perth Fowlie Joan Barbara Female Wagner William James Male Perth
1936/101826 Perth Cartledge Mervyn Garth Maxwell Male Ridley Marjorie Female South Perth
1936/101826 Perth Ridley Marjorie Female Cartledge Mervyn Garth Maxwell Male South Perth
1936/101827 Perth Binney Francis Robert Hesleden Male Playle Jeanne Stella Female Perth
1936/101827 Perth Playle Jeanne Stella Female Binney Francis Robert Hesleden Male Perth
1936/101828 Perth Thomas Rhoda Thelma Female Davies James Oliver Male Victoria Park
1936/101828 Perth Davies James Oliver Male Thomas Rhoda Thelma Female Victoria Park
1936/101829 Perth Harris Victor Raymond Male Jones Florence Gladys Female Victoria Park
1936/101829 Perth Jones Florence Gladys Female Harris Victor Raymond Male Victoria Park
1936/101830 Perth Harding Dorothy Female McLaren Donald Cameron Male Perth
1936/101830 Perth McLaren Donald Cameron Male Harding Dorothy Female Perth
1936/101831 Perth Watson Wilfred Samuel Male Finlayson Catherine Walker Female Perth
1936/101831 Perth Finlayson Catherine Walker Female Watson Wilfred Samuel Male Perth
1936/101832 Perth Getty Jean Provan Female Newman Ernest John Stephen Male Perth
1936/101832 Perth Newman Ernest John Stephen Male Getty Jean Provan Female Perth
1936/101833 Perth Williamson Ernest Male Sloan Annie Kathleen Female Subiaco
1936/101833 Perth Sloan Annie Kathleen Female Williamson Ernest Male Subiaco
1936/101834 Perth Ogg Douglas Graham Male Jenyns Jean Female Perth
1936/101834 Perth Jenyns Jean Female Ogg Douglas Graham Male Perth
1936/101835 Perth Rosell Victor Edmund Male Hitchins Margaret Lillian Female Perth
1936/101835 Perth Hitchins Margaret Lillian Female Rosell Victor Edmund Male Perth
1936/101836 Perth Scott Helen Female Callow John Male Perth
1936/101836 Perth Callow John Male Scott Helen Female Perth
1936/101837 Perth Hayes Mary Helene Female Nevison James Male Perth
1936/101837 Perth Nevison James Male Hayes Mary Helene Female Perth
1936/101838 Perth Clarke Hazel Iris Female Williams Walter Rolland Male Perth
1936/101838 Perth Williams Walter Rolland Male Clarke Hazel Iris Female Perth
1936/101839 Perth Ritter Lilian Female Eastman Thomas Henry Male North Perth
1936/101839 Perth Eastman Thomas Henry Male Ritter Lilian Female North Perth
1936/101840 Perth Miller David Arnold Male Kennedy Elizabeth Helen Female Cottesloe
1936/101840 Perth Kennedy Elizabeth Helen Female Miller David Arnold Male Cottesloe
1936/101841 Perth Muhleisen William John Garfield Male Humble Lily Female Perth
1936/101841 Perth Humble Lily Female Muhleisen William John Garfield Male Perth
1936/101842 Perth Bader Kelvin Gordon Male Richards Elsie Jocelyn Female Perth
1936/101842 Perth Richards Elsie Jocelyn Female Bader Kelvin Gordon Male Perth
1936/101843 Perth Glover Charles Murray Stewart Male Pickering Enid Adeline Female Perth
1936/101843 Perth Pickering Enid Adeline Female Glover Charles Murray Stewart Male Perth
1936/101844 Perth Younger Mary Elizebeth Ellen Female Askew Norman Ackroyd Male Perth
1936/101844 Perth Askew Norman Ackroyd Male Younger Mary Elizebeth Ellen Female Perth
1936/101845 Perth Firth Hazel Freda Female Brewer John Male Mt Lawley
1936/101845 Perth Brewer John Male Firth Hazel Freda Female Mt Lawley
1936/101846 Perth Bowra Gwendoline Joyce Female Connor Edward William Male Maylands
1936/101846 Perth Connor Edward William Male Bowra Gwendoline Joyce Female Maylands
1936/101847 Perth Kirkby David Douglas Male Hall Margaret Daisy Female Maylands
1936/101847 Perth Hall Margaret Daisy Female Kirkby David Douglas Male Maylands
1936/101848 Perth Moore Jean Ross Female Regan Roger John Male Perth
1936/101848 Perth Regan Roger John Male Moore Jean Ross Female Perth
1936/101849 Perth Elligette Margaret Catherine Female Dow Robert Stenhouse Male Perth
1936/101849 Perth Dow Robert Stenhouse Male Elligette Margaret Catherine Female Perth
1936/101850 Perth Allwood John Male Silvester Rose Female Perth
1936/101850 Perth Silvester Rose Female Allwood John Male Perth
1936/101851 Perth Ross Lorna Daphne Female Hamilton Alexander Robert Male West Perth
1936/101851 Perth Hamilton Alexander Robert Male Ross Lorna Daphne Female West Perth
1936/101852 Perth Groves John Burgess Male Cross Grace Thelma Marie Female West Perth
1936/101852 Perth Cross Grace Thelma Marie Female Groves John Burgess Male West Perth
1936/101853 Perth Trigg Ethel Austin Female Bird Eric Percival Male West Perth
1936/101853 Perth Bird Eric Percival Male Trigg Ethel Austin Female West Perth
1936/101854 Perth Rowe Alicia Emily Female Sims Ernest William Male Perth
1936/101854 Perth Sims Ernest William Male Rowe Alicia Emily Female Perth
1936/101855 Perth Galatis Elene Female Stamoulas Nicholas Male Perth
1936/101855 Perth Stamoulas Nicholas Male Galatis Elene Female Perth
1936/101856 Perth Squires Jack Male Flood Florence May Female Victoria Park
1936/101856 Perth Flood Florence May Female Squires Jack Male Victoria Park
1936/101857 Perth King Irene Cecilia Female Ward Leslie Gordon Male West Perth
1936/101857 Perth Ward Leslie Gordon Male King Irene Cecilia Female West Perth
1936/101858 Perth Goodridge Hughie Ernest Male Fyfe Lucille Margaret Female West Perth
1936/101858 Perth Fyfe Lucille Margaret Female Goodridge Hughie Ernest Male West Perth
1936/101859 Perth Elezovich Slavka Female Garbin Marin Male West Perth
1936/101859 Perth Garbin Marin Male Elezovich Slavka Female West Perth
1936/101860 Perth Wright Alfred George Male Egan Dulcie Alma Sheila Female Leederville
1936/101860 Perth Egan Dulcie Alma Sheila Female Wright Alfred George Male Leederville
1936/101861 Perth King Elizabeth Alice Female O'Neill Thomas Male Leederville
1936/101861 Perth O'Neill Thomas Male King Elizabeth Alice Female Leederville
1936/101862 Perth Shore John Male Tunstead Mary Female Leederville
1936/101862 Perth Tunstead Mary Female Shore John Male Leederville
1936/101863 Perth Oakes John Ernest Humphrey Male Lightfoot Enid Emily Female Cottesloe
1936/101863 Perth Lightfoot Enid Emily Female Oakes John Ernest Humphrey Male Cottesloe
1936/101864 Perth Chinnery Olivia Alice May Female Fernihough William Alfred Male Subiaco
1936/101864 Perth Fernihough William Alfred Male Chinnery Olivia Alice May Female Subiaco
1936/101865 Perth Brackenridge Veronica May Female Buffham Reuben Leslie Male Buckland Hill
1936/101865 Perth Buffham Reuben Leslie Male Brackenridge Veronica May Female Buckland Hill
1936/101866 Perth Francis Flora Elizabeth Female Hawke George Albert Male West Perth
1936/101866 Perth Hawke George Albert Male Francis Flora Elizabeth Female West Perth
1936/101867 Perth Jenkinson John Rawson Male Courtenay Evelyn Female West Perth
1936/101867 Perth Courtenay Evelyn Female Jenkinson John Rawson Male West Perth
1936/101868 Perth Alexander Norman Brenner Male Gerrard Dorothea Margaret Female West Perth
1936/101868 Perth Gerrard Dorothea Margaret Female Alexander Norman Brenner Male West Perth
1936/101869 Perth Cole Helen Trevenen Female Cohn Charles Reginald Stephen Male Perth
1936/101869 Perth Cohn Charles Reginald Stephen Male Cole Helen Trevenen Female Perth
1936/101870 Perth Bergin Irene Winifred Female Allen Norman Frederick Male Perth
1936/101870 Perth Allen Norman Frederick Male Bergin Irene Winifred Female Perth
1936/101871 Perth Casson Matilda Adelaide Female Gard Richard Thomas Male Perth
1936/101871 Perth Gard Richard Thomas Male Casson Matilda Adelaide Female Perth
1936/101872 Perth Parker Edith Mary Female Leary Eric Warren Male Perth
1936/101872 Perth Leary Eric Warren Male Parker Edith Mary Female Perth
1936/101873 Perth John Max Wilfred Male James Violet Female Perth
1936/101873 Perth James Violet Female John Max Wilfred Male Perth
1936/101874 Perth Gadenne William Herbert Male McKinney Margaret Ethel Female Perth
1936/101874 Perth McKinney Margaret Ethel Female Gadenne William Herbert Male Perth
1936/101875 Perth Everett Arthur Frederick Male Creenaune Maud Female Perth
1936/101875 Perth Creenaune Maud Female Everett Arthur Frederick Male Perth
1936/101876 Perth Newnham Nellie Tayler Female Baker Dudley Charles Male West Perth
1936/101876 Perth Baker Dudley Charles Male Newnham Nellie Tayler Female West Perth
1936/101877 Perth Hyman Isabelle Margaret Female Hille Victor Male Perth
1936/101877 Perth Hille Victor Male Hyman Isabelle Margaret Female Perth
1936/101878 Perth Quigley Leonard Hoyle Male Stanley Jean Female Perth
1936/101878 Perth Stanley Jean Female Quigley Leonard Hoyle Male Perth
1936/101879 Perth Mijat Roko Male Skroza Angelina Female Perth
1936/101879 Perth Skroza Angelina Female Mijat Roko Male Perth
1936/101880 Perth Le May John Edmund Male Richardson Marie Thelma Female Perth
1936/101880 Perth Richardson Marie Thelma Female Le May John Edmund Male Perth
1936/101881 Perth Tanner Edna Charity May Female Barker Gordon William Male Maylands
1936/101881 Perth Barker Gordon William Male Tanner Edna Charity May Female Maylands
1936/101882 Perth Gregory Elsie Mary Female Turner Arthur Henry Male Perth
1936/101882 Perth Turner Arthur Henry Male Gregory Elsie Mary Female Perth
1936/101883 Perth Maynard Frank Stewart Male Hamill Mona Amy Female Perth
1936/101883 Perth Hamill Mona Amy Female Maynard Frank Stewart Male Perth
1936/101884 Perth Opie Marjorie May Female Clinton Norman Alfred Male West Perth
1936/101884 Perth Clinton Norman Alfred Male Opie Marjorie May Female West Perth
1936/101885 Perth Martyn Rita Female Winter George Henry Theodore Male Victoria Park
1936/101885 Perth Winter George Henry Theodore Male Martyn Rita Female Victoria Park
1936/101886 Perth Teague Phyllis Agnes Female Campbell Sydney Douglas Crawford Male Victoria Park
1936/101886 Perth Campbell Sydney Douglas Crawford Male Teague Phyllis Agnes Female Victoria Park
1936/101887 Perth Hill Francis Robert Male Abercromby Rosina Leighton Female Claremont
1936/101887 Perth Abercromby Rosina Leighton Female Hill Francis Robert Male Claremont
1936/101888 Perth Kipps George Frederick Male Williams Marjory Ellen Margaret Female Subiaco
1936/101888 Perth Williams Marjory Ellen Margaret Female Kipps George Frederick Male Subiaco
1936/101889 Perth Marshall Edward George Male Peters Winifred May Female Subiaco
1936/101889 Perth Peters Winifred May Female Marshall Edward George Male Subiaco
1936/101890 Perth Sivyer Gordon William Male Strack Dulcie Evelyn Female Shenton Park
1936/101890 Perth Strack Dulcie Evelyn Female Sivyer Gordon William Male Shenton Park
1936/101891 Perth Passey Robert William Male Skinner Lavinia Annie Female Perth
1936/101891 Perth Skinner Lavinia Annie Female Passey Robert William Male Perth
1936/101892 Perth McNair Myrtle Female Power George Male Perth
1936/101892 Perth Power George Male McNair Myrtle Female Perth
1936/101893 Perth Williams Nellie Gwendoline Female Howe Walter James Male Perth
1936/101893 Perth Howe Walter James Male Williams Nellie Gwendoline Female Perth
1936/101894 Perth Barns Mary Leonard Female Graham Norman Cyril Male Perth
1936/101894 Perth Graham Norman Cyril Male Barns Mary Leonard Female Perth
1936/101895 Perth McCusker James Alexander Male While Mary Martindale Female Perth
1936/101895 Perth While Mary Martindale Female McCusker James Alexander Male Perth
1936/101896 Perth Heberle Elsie Gwendolyn Female Derrick Cedric Oswald Male Victoria Park
1936/101896 Perth Derrick Cedric Oswald Male Heberle Elsie Gwendolyn Female Victoria Park
1936/101897 Perth Kenrick Florence Muriel Female Price James Hume Male Claremont
1936/101897 Perth Price James Hume Male Kenrick Florence Muriel Female Claremont
1936/101898 Perth Lyons Alma Female Mews Reginald Male West Perth
1936/101898 Perth Mews Reginald Male Lyons Alma Female West Perth
1936/101899 Perth Tostevin Keith Rendall Male Rooke Marjorie Alice Female Mt Lawley
1936/101899 Perth Rooke Marjorie Alice Female Tostevin Keith Rendall Male Mt Lawley
1936/101900 Perth Dyer Clement Stanley Male Davidson Zoe Clare Female South Perth
1936/101900 Perth Davidson Zoe Clare Female Dyer Clement Stanley Male South Perth
1936/101901 Perth Cooper Cecil William Male Mason Mavis Alwin Female Perth
1936/101901 Perth Mason Mavis Alwin Female Cooper Cecil William Male Perth
1936/101902 Perth Greenhalgh James Stanley Male Foster Phyliss Female Perth
1936/101902 Perth Foster Phyliss Female Greenhalgh James Stanley Male Perth
1936/101903 Perth Chapman Leonard James Male Taylor Molly Mavis Female Perth
1936/101903 Perth Taylor Molly Mavis Female Chapman Leonard James Male Perth
1936/101904 Perth Lawrie Robert Male Lawrence Julia Emily Female Perth
1936/101904 Perth Lawrence Julia Emily Female Lawrie Robert Male Perth
1936/101905 Perth Delaney Beatrice Della Female Burgess Frederick Thomas Male Perth
1936/101905 Perth Burgess Frederick Thomas Male Delaney Beatrice Della Female Perth
1936/101906 Perth Weaire Olive Maud Female North Albert Arthur Male Perth
1936/101906 Perth North Albert Arthur Male Weaire Olive Maud Female Perth
1936/101907 Perth Lyons Kathleen Female Edwards James Joseph Male Highgate Hill
1936/101907 Perth Edwards James Joseph Male Lyons Kathleen Female Highgate Hill
1936/101908 Perth Wilkinson Dorothy Maude Female Dean Mirza Fatteh Mohamad Male Perth
1936/101908 Perth Dean Mirza Fatteh Mohamad Male Wilkinson Dorothy Maude Female Perth
1936/101909 Perth Kevan Olive Mabel Female Hammond John Horace Male Perth
1936/101909 Perth Hammond John Horace Male Kevan Olive Mabel Female Perth
1936/101910 Perth Ward Beatrice Alice Kirwan Female Elliott Jack William Weir Male Perth
1936/101910 Perth Elliott Jack William Weir Male Ward Beatrice Alice Kirwan Female Perth
1936/101911 Perth Wood Queen Elizabeth Female Burnett Alexander Male Perth
1936/101911 Perth Burnett Alexander Male Wood Queen Elizabeth Female Perth
1936/101912 Perth Burford Lillian Joy Female Statham Alfred Male Perth
1936/101912 Perth Statham Alfred Male Burford Lillian Joy Female Perth
1936/101913 Perth Whitehead Ilma Ellen Colina Female Blakely John Noble Male Perth
1936/101913 Perth Blakely John Noble Male Whitehead Ilma Ellen Colina Female Perth
1936/101914 Perth Green Sophie Female Cohen Alec Male Perth
1936/101914 Perth Cohen Alec Male Green Sophie Female Perth
1936/101915 Perth Brown Henry Male Holzman Ethel Female Perth
1936/101915 Perth Holzman Ethel Female Brown Henry Male Perth
1936/101916 Perth de Castilla Frederick Slade Male Burnett Marjorie Evelyn Female West Perth
1936/101916 Perth Burnett Marjorie Evelyn Female de Castilla Frederick Slade Male West Perth
1936/101917 Perth Lowndes Leonard William Male Robson Winifred Iris Female West Perth
1936/101917 Perth Robson Winifred Iris Female Lowndes Leonard William Male West Perth
1936/101918 Perth Lacerda Nellye Female Hope Malcolm Thomas Male West Perth
1936/101918 Perth Hope Malcolm Thomas Male Lacerda Nellye Female West Perth
1936/101919 Perth Muhling Sydney Hamel Male French Alice Winifred Female West Perth
1936/101919 Perth French Alice Winifred Female Muhling Sydney Hamel Male West Perth
1936/101920 Perth Bell Robert Harman Male Jack Mabel Frances Female West Perth
1936/101920 Perth Jack Mabel Frances Female Bell Robert Harman Male West Perth
1936/101921 Perth Lee Margaret Female Wedd Athol Logan Moore Male Maylands
1936/101921 Perth Wedd Athol Logan Moore Male Lee Margaret Female Maylands
1936/101922 Perth James Ella Kathleen Female Barnett Geoffrey Hawthorne Male West Perth
1936/101922 Perth Barnett Geoffrey Hawthorne Male James Ella Kathleen Female West Perth
1936/101923 Perth Goodridge Laurence Raymond Male Reymond Daphne Wantha Female West Perth
1936/101923 Perth Reymond Daphne Wantha Female Goodridge Laurence Raymond Male West Perth
1936/101924 Perth Finlay Oliver Affleck Male Wickens Elizabeth Luiskill Female West Perth
1936/101924 Perth Wickens Elizabeth Luiskill Female Finlay Oliver Affleck Male West Perth
1936/101925 Perth Liggins Charles Stewart Male Teede Evie Mary Female West Perth
1936/101925 Perth Teede Evie Mary Female Liggins Charles Stewart Male West Perth
1936/101926 Perth Black Hilda May Female Prosser Noel Trigg Male West Perth
1936/101926 Perth Prosser Noel Trigg Male Black Hilda May Female West Perth
1936/101927 Perth Carter Mary Marguerite Female Bradfield Henry Hudson Male West Perth
1936/101927 Perth Bradfield Henry Hudson Male Carter Mary Marguerite Female West Perth
1936/101928 Perth Fouracres Kenneth Royston Male Sheridan Lilian Emily Female Victoria Park
1936/101928 Perth Sheridan Lilian Emily Female Fouracres Kenneth Royston Male Victoria Park
1936/101929 Perth Fowlie Jean Mary Female Coleman William Charles Male Perth
1936/101929 Perth Coleman William Charles Male Fowlie Jean Mary Female Perth
1936/101930 Perth Moss Dorothy Female Prout Lawrence Edward Male Perth
1936/101930 Perth Prout Lawrence Edward Male Moss Dorothy Female Perth
1936/101931 Perth Jeffery Doreen Evelyn Female Gemmill George Boyd Male Cottesloe
1936/101931 Perth Gemmill George Boyd Male Jeffery Doreen Evelyn Female Cottesloe
1936/101932 Perth Ross Donald Mandurah Male Brodribb Dorothy McQuie Female South Perth
1936/101932 Perth Brodribb Dorothy McQuie Female Ross Donald Mandurah Male South Perth
1936/101933 Perth Dalwood Harold James Male Keene Elsie May Female South Perth
1936/101933 Perth Keene Elsie May Female Dalwood Harold James Male South Perth
1936/101934 Perth Smith Jean Female Nash James Charles Male South Perth
1936/101934 Perth Nash James Charles Male Smith Jean Female South Perth
1936/101935 Perth Long Thelma Female Walker George Alfred Male Perth
1936/101935 Perth Walker George Alfred Male Long Thelma Female Perth
1936/101936 Perth Jones William Talbot Male Still Gladys Stanford Lloyd Female Perth
1936/101936 Perth Still Gladys Stanford Lloyd Female Jones William Talbot Male Perth
1936/101937 Perth Parker Gordon Somerville Male Lefroy Gwendoline May Female North Perth
1936/101937 Perth Lefroy Gwendoline May Female Parker Gordon Somerville Male North Perth
1936/101938 Perth McLean Edna May Female Wilkes Harold Male North Perth
1936/101938 Perth Wilkes Harold Male McLean Edna May Female North Perth
1936/101939 Perth Brown Eileen Helen Female Reay Aubrey Victor Male Perth
1936/101939 Perth Reay Aubrey Victor Male Brown Eileen Helen Female Perth
1936/101940 Perth Shephard Olive Amy May Female Wieck Frederick Steele Male Mt Lawley
1936/101940 Perth Wieck Frederick Steele Male Shephard Olive Amy May Female Mt Lawley
1936/101941 Perth Russell Mary Sylvia Reva Female Crabtree Jim Male Mt Lawley
1936/101941 Perth Crabtree Jim Male Russell Mary Sylvia Reva Female Mt Lawley
1936/101942 Perth Draggett Daphne Oonah Female Ovens Herbert Garland Male Perth
1936/101942 Perth Ovens Herbert Garland Male Draggett Daphne Oonah Female Perth
1936/101943 Perth Livie James Male Sherwood Beryl Female North Perth
1936/101943 Perth Sherwood Beryl Female Livie James Male North Perth
1936/101944 Perth Anderson Eliza Female Raine John Charles Duncan Male Perth
1936/101944 Perth Raine John Charles Duncan Male Anderson Eliza Female Perth
1936/101945 Perth Clarke Philip Henry Male Hatton Elsie Nellie Female Subiaco
1936/101945 Perth Hatton Elsie Nellie Female Clarke Philip Henry Male Subiaco
1936/101946 Perth McLean William Charles Male Hayman Eileen Ruth Female Subiaco
1936/101946 Perth Hayman Eileen Ruth Female McLean William Charles Male Subiaco
1936/101947 Perth Daines Sylvia Beatrice Female Evans John Male Bayswater
1936/101947 Perth Evans John Male Daines Sylvia Beatrice Female Bayswater
1936/101948 Perth Brindal Elaine Nelle Female Cocks Mervyn Alfred Russell Male Mt Lawley
1936/101948 Perth Cocks Mervyn Alfred Russell Male Brindal Elaine Nelle Female Mt Lawley
1936/101949 Perth O'Brien Grace Mary Female Martin Raymond Francis Male Leederville
1936/101949 Perth Martin Raymond Francis Male O'Brien Grace Mary Female Leederville
1936/101950 Perth Manolas George Kyriakos Male Paspalis Nellie Female Perth
1936/101950 Perth Paspalis Nellie Female Manolas George Kyriakos Male Perth
1936/101951 Perth Freestone George Male Kimberley Ethel Joyce Anne Female Subiaco
1936/101951 Perth Kimberley Ethel Joyce Anne Female Freestone George Male Subiaco
1936/101952 Perth Hollands Albert Harold Male Houston Mary Kathleen Female Claremont
1936/101952 Perth Houston Mary Kathleen Female Hollands Albert Harold Male Claremont
1936/101953 Perth Seinor Eileen Ethel Female Gardner Albert James Male Claremont
1936/101953 Perth Gardner Albert James Male Seinor Eileen Ethel Female Claremont
1936/101954 Perth Dodd Mavis Muriel Female Preedy Eric Lincoln Male Swanbourne
1936/101954 Perth Preedy Eric Lincoln Male Dodd Mavis Muriel Female Swanbourne
1936/101955 Perth Hills William Wallace Male MacKenzie Catherine Marion Langwell Female Claremont
1936/101955 Perth MacKenzie Catherine Marion Langwell Female Hills William Wallace Male Claremont
1936/101956 Perth Lillecrapp Ernest Wansbrough Male Wishart Evelyn Vera Female Claremont
1936/101956 Perth Wishart Evelyn Vera Female Lillecrapp Ernest Wansbrough Male Claremont
1936/101957 Perth Clarke Marjorie Sylvia Female Anderson Alan Percival Male Claremont
1936/101957 Perth Anderson Alan Percival Male Clarke Marjorie Sylvia Female Claremont
1936/101958 Perth Donovan Robert John Male Wincey Alice Ellen Female Claremont
1936/101958 Perth Wincey Alice Ellen Female Donovan Robert John Male Claremont
1936/101959 Perth Legge Jean Mary Female Lilleyman Hugh James Male Claremont
1936/101959 Perth Lilleyman Hugh James Male Legge Jean Mary Female Claremont
1936/101960 Perth Greene John Arthur Male Sherwood Christina Monica Female Perth
1936/101960 Perth Sherwood Christina Monica Female Greene John Arthur Male Perth
1936/101961 Perth Guscott Richard Frederick Male Marven Dorothy Clara Female Perth
1936/101961 Perth Marven Dorothy Clara Female Guscott Richard Frederick Male Perth
1936/101962 Perth Readhead Kathleen Female Comiskey Henry Male Perth
1936/101962 Perth Comiskey Henry Male Readhead Kathleen Female Perth
1936/101963 Perth Bevan Marjorie Veronica Female Hester Stanley Benjamin Male Perth
1936/101963 Perth Hester Stanley Benjamin Male Bevan Marjorie Veronica Female Perth
1936/101964 Perth Pratt Linda Georgina Female Graham George Peter John Male Perth
1936/101964 Perth Graham George Peter John Male Pratt Linda Georgina Female Perth
1936/101965 Perth Saunders Colin Michael Male Jones Doris May Female Perth
1936/101965 Perth Jones Doris May Female Saunders Colin Michael Male Perth
1936/101966 Perth Bottomley Muriel Edith Female Watson William Horace Male West Perth
1936/101966 Perth Watson William Horace Male Bottomley Muriel Edith Female West Perth
1936/101967 Perth Blenkhorn William Reginald Bernard Male Clare Rita Edeline Female West Perth
1936/101967 Perth Clare Rita Edeline Female Blenkhorn William Reginald Bernard Male West Perth
1936/101968 Perth Jorgensen Rena Clares Female Glass Philip Maurice Aldworth Male West Perth
1936/101968 Perth Glass Philip Maurice Aldworth Male Jorgensen Rena Clares Female West Perth
1936/101969 Perth Cresswell Chris Charles Male Hedges Beryl Edith Female West Perth
1936/101969 Perth Hedges Beryl Edith Female Cresswell Chris Charles Male West Perth
1936/101970 Perth Wilson Eileen Myrtle Female Gathercole Robert Male Victoria Park
1936/101970 Perth Gathercole Robert Male Wilson Eileen Myrtle Female Victoria Park
1936/101971 Perth Moulton Harold Robert Male Leach Eliza Female North Perth
1936/101971 Perth Leach Eliza Female Moulton Harold Robert Male North Perth
1936/101972 Perth Thurkle Elizabeth Amelia Female Taylor Frederick Male Perth
1936/101972 Perth Taylor Frederick Male Thurkle Elizabeth Amelia Female Perth
1936/101973 Perth Hayward Arthur Samson Male Thomas Myrtle May Female Perth
1936/101973 Perth Thomas Myrtle May Female Hayward Arthur Samson Male Perth
1936/101974 Perth Faulkner Annie Margaret Female Cribb Reginald Aubrey Male Perth
1936/101974 Perth Cribb Reginald Aubrey Male Faulkner Annie Margaret Female Perth
1936/101975 Perth Lyons William Thomas Benjamin Male Paynter Audrey Joyce Female Victoria Park
1936/101975 Perth Paynter Audrey Joyce Female Lyons William Thomas Benjamin Male Victoria Park
1936/101976 Perth Rogers Albert Edward Male Bladon Edna Jessie May Female Claremont
1936/101976 Perth Bladon Edna Jessie May Female Rogers Albert Edward Male Claremont
1936/101977 Perth Dalziell Beryl Female Walker William Thomas Male Mt Lawley
1936/101977 Perth Walker William Thomas Male Dalziell Beryl Female Mt Lawley
1936/101978 Perth Davis Ernest Frederick William Male Whitcombe Thelma Maude Female Rosalie
1936/101978 Perth Whitcombe Thelma Maude Female Davis Ernest Frederick William Male Rosalie
1936/101979 Perth Liddell Jean McGregor Female Quinlan Alfred Richard James Male Mount Hawthorn
1936/101979 Perth Quinlan Alfred Richard James Male Liddell Jean McGregor Female Mount Hawthorn
1936/101980 Perth Jeffery James Male Moorfield Annie Elizabeth Female Mount Hawthorn
1936/101980 Perth Moorfield Annie Elizabeth Female Jeffery James Male Mount Hawthorn
1936/101981 Perth Lund Myrtle Ellen Female Moon William Keith Male West Leederville
1936/101981 Perth Moon William Keith Male Lund Myrtle Ellen Female West Leederville
1936/101982 Perth Devitt John Edward Male Owen Maisie Alwyn Female Perth
1936/101982 Perth Owen Maisie Alwyn Female Devitt John Edward Male Perth
1936/101983 Perth Saunders Alfred Brownlie Male Humphry Amy Alice Female Perth
1936/101983 Perth Humphry Amy Alice Female Saunders Alfred Brownlie Male Perth
1936/101984 Perth Gouteva Svetana Female Chernoff George Male Perth
1936/101984 Perth Chernoff George Male Gouteva Svetana Female Perth
1936/101985 Perth Meikle John Robert Male Hart Winifred Sarah Female Perth
1936/101985 Perth Hart Winifred Sarah Female Meikle John Robert Male Perth
1936/101986 Perth Bolitho Mary Elizabeth Annette Female Guelfi Alfred John Joseph Male West Perth
1936/101986 Perth Guelfi Alfred John Joseph Male Bolitho Mary Elizabeth Annette Female West Perth
1936/101987 Perth Simpson George Duncan Male McAlister Elva Ronda Female West Leederville
1936/101987 Perth McAlister Elva Ronda Female Simpson George Duncan Male West Leederville
1936/101988 Perth Thomson Ellen Kathleen Female Ansell Theodore Male Cottesloe
1936/101988 Perth Ansell Theodore Male Thomson Ellen Kathleen Female Cottesloe
1936/101989 Perth Cuzens Lexie Grace Female Awde John Arthur Male Perth
1936/101989 Perth Awde John Arthur Male Cuzens Lexie Grace Female Perth
1936/101990 Perth Smith Francis Leo Male Jones Kathleen Elizabeth Female West Perth
1936/101990 Perth Jones Kathleen Elizabeth Female Smith Francis Leo Male West Perth
1936/101991 Perth Pearson Kathleen Female McCarthy Francis Male West Perth
1936/101991 Perth McCarthy Francis Male Pearson Kathleen Female West Perth
1936/101992 Perth Prowse John McNielence Male McLennan Norma Edith Female West Perth
1936/101992 Perth McLennan Norma Edith Female Prowse John McNielence Male West Perth
1936/101993 Perth White Reginald Male Bennetts Ruby Female Perth
1936/101993 Perth Bennetts Ruby Female White Reginald Male Perth
1936/101994 Perth Arcari Antonnette Female Laver George Charles Male Perth
1936/101994 Perth Laver George Charles Male Arcari Antonnette Female Perth
1936/101995 Perth Walsh Sidney Patrick Male Podmore Mabel Florence Female Perth
1936/101995 Perth Podmore Mabel Florence Female Walsh Sidney Patrick Male Perth
1936/101996 Perth Nock Dorothy Evelyn Eunice Female Parsons Victor Harold Male Perth
1936/101996 Perth Parsons Victor Harold Male Nock Dorothy Evelyn Eunice Female Perth
1936/101997 Perth Lanham Edward Alan Male Gamble Doreen Female Perth
1936/101997 Perth Gamble Doreen Female Lanham Edward Alan Male Perth
1936/101998 Perth Rust Grace Evelyn Female Hall Harold Thomas Barnes Male Perth
1936/101998 Perth Hall Harold Thomas Barnes Male Rust Grace Evelyn Female Perth
1936/101999 Perth Rosebery Julian Hyam Male Burdett Gertrude Ethel Female West Perth
1936/101999 Perth Burdett Gertrude Ethel Female Rosebery Julian Hyam Male West Perth
1936/102000 Perth Wright Walter James Male Homewood Annie May Female West Perth
1936/102000 Perth Homewood Annie May Female Wright Walter James Male West Perth
1936/102001 Perth Dawe Gwendoline Rose Female Crisp Nelson Aubrey Male West Perth
1936/102001 Perth Crisp Nelson Aubrey Male Dawe Gwendoline Rose Female West Perth
1936/102002 Perth Dethridge Frank Kipling Male Kevan Florence Agnes Jean Female West Perth
1936/102002 Perth Kevan Florence Agnes Jean Female Dethridge Frank Kipling Male West Perth
1936/102003 Perth Tuke John Peatfield David Male Mackenzie Madge Female Cottesloe
1936/102003 Perth Mackenzie Madge Female Tuke John Peatfield David Male Cottesloe
1936/102004 Perth Martin George Victor Male Spencer Thelma Female Perth
1936/102004 Perth Spencer Thelma Female Martin George Victor Male Perth
1936/102005 Perth Prowse Benjamin Wylie Male Pidgeon Esme May Female Perth
1936/102005 Perth Pidgeon Esme May Female Prowse Benjamin Wylie Male Perth
1936/102006 Perth Crellin Walter Harold Matthew Male Hughes Estella Rose Female West Leederville
1936/102006 Perth Hughes Estella Rose Female Crellin Walter Harold Matthew Male West Leederville
1936/102007 Perth Siggins Mavis Annie Female Winzer Clifford Coulter Male Mt Lawley
1936/102007 Perth Winzer Clifford Coulter Male Siggins Mavis Annie Female Mt Lawley
1936/102008 Perth Redfearn William Gregson Male MacLauchlin Margaret Crawford Female Mt Lawley
1936/102008 Perth MacLauchlin Margaret Crawford Female Redfearn William Gregson Male Mt Lawley
1936/102009 Perth Luyer Marjorie Phyllis Female Stewart Edmund Robert Fergusson Male Claremont
1936/102009 Perth Stewart Edmund Robert Fergusson Male Luyer Marjorie Phyllis Female Claremont
1936/102010 Perth Cardinal Phyllis May Female Wilshusen Leslie Male Swanbourne
1936/102010 Perth Wilshusen Leslie Male Cardinal Phyllis May Female Swanbourne
1936/102011 Perth Robinson Jane Sylvia Female Brownrigg Norman Male North Perth
1936/102011 Perth Brownrigg Norman Male Robinson Jane Sylvia Female North Perth
1936/102012 Perth Hopkins Edward Male Henderson Jean Florence Female Highgate Hill
1936/102012 Perth Henderson Jean Florence Female Hopkins Edward Male Highgate Hill
1936/102013 Perth McKay Edith Female Peterson George Male Perth
1936/102013 Perth Peterson George Male McKay Edith Female Perth
1936/102014 Perth Johnson Edna Mary Female Jeffery Philip Frederick Male South Perth
1936/102014 Perth Jeffery Philip Frederick Male Johnson Edna Mary Female South Perth
1936/102015 Perth Spicer Edith Irene Female Robinson Lancelot Thomas Gladstone Male South Perth
1936/102015 Perth Robinson Lancelot Thomas Gladstone Male Spicer Edith Irene Female South Perth
1936/102016 Perth Gordon Ethel Dorothy Female Peet Cyril Ernest Male Perth
1936/102016 Perth Peet Cyril Ernest Male Gordon Ethel Dorothy Female Perth
1936/102017 Perth Marriott William Jack Male Andrew Ethel Mildred Female Subiaco
1936/102017 Perth Andrew Ethel Mildred Female Marriott William Jack Male Subiaco
1936/102018 Perth Swindlehurst Lilian Female Brotherson Graham Jenkins Male Subiaco
1936/102018 Perth Brotherson Graham Jenkins Male Swindlehurst Lilian Female Subiaco
1936/102019 Perth Alanskas Anthony Joseph Male Fenn Jean Martha Female Subiaco
1936/102019 Perth Fenn Jean Martha Female Alanskas Anthony Joseph Male Subiaco
1936/102020 Perth Aldom Alice Jean Female Van Fredig Valter Russell Male Subiaco
1936/102020 Perth Van Fredig Valter Russell Male Aldom Alice Jean Female Subiaco
1936/102021 Perth Williams Patricia Mary Female Parkes Peter James Male Subiaco
1936/102021 Perth Parkes Peter James Male Williams Patricia Mary Female Subiaco
1936/102022 Perth McKenzie Joyce Eileen Female Bant William Horace Male Subiaco
1936/102022 Perth Bant William Horace Male McKenzie Joyce Eileen Female Subiaco
1936/102023 Perth Dale Phyllis May Female Loftus Noel Percival Male Subiaco
1936/102023 Perth Loftus Noel Percival Male Dale Phyllis May Female Subiaco
1936/102024 Perth Hogg Stanley Male Richmond Edna Haslett Female Perth
1936/102024 Perth Richmond Edna Haslett Female Hogg Stanley Male Perth
1936/102025 Perth Harris Stanley Lyall Male Morris Rita Margaret Female Leederville
1936/102025 Perth Morris Rita Margaret Female Harris Stanley Lyall Male Leederville
1936/102026 Perth Rowland Mary Female Santwyk Herbert Alexander Male Cottesloe
1936/102026 Perth Santwyk Herbert Alexander Male Rowland Mary Female Cottesloe
1936/102027 Perth Mack Henrietta Female Sweeney Claude Male Cottesloe
1936/102027 Perth Sweeney Claude Male Mack Henrietta Female Cottesloe
1936/102028 Perth Hutchings John Frazer Male Hutchings Dorothy Female Perth
1936/102028 Perth Hutchings Dorothy Female Hutchings John Frazer Male Perth
1936/102029 Perth Kilderry Catherine Agnes Female Wark Arthur Robert John Male Perth
1936/102029 Perth Wark Arthur Robert John Male Kilderry Catherine Agnes Female Perth
1936/102030 Perth O'Dea Veronica Cecilia Female Fenton Lawrence Bernard Male Perth
1936/102030 Perth Fenton Lawrence Bernard Male O'Dea Veronica Cecilia Female Perth
1936/102031 Perth Nimmo William David Male Francis Irene Richard Female Perth
1936/102031 Perth Francis Irene Richard Female Nimmo William David Male Perth
1936/102032 Perth Atkins Kathleen Female Ilich Joseph Male Perth
1936/102032 Perth Ilich Joseph Male Atkins Kathleen Female Perth
1936/102033 Perth Foley William Arthur Male Moorehead Doris Alma Female West Perth
1936/102033 Perth Moorehead Doris Alma Female Foley William Arthur Male West Perth
1936/102034 Perth Franklin Leslie William Male Akehurst Winifred Hazel Female West Perth
1936/102034 Perth Akehurst Winifred Hazel Female Franklin Leslie William Male West Perth
1936/102035 Perth Carrick Leonard Earl Male Datchens Lillian Maud Female West Perth
1936/102035 Perth Datchens Lillian Maud Female Carrick Leonard Earl Male West Perth
1936/102036 Perth Cain Francis Joseph Male Myers Phyllis Elsie Female West Perth
1936/102036 Perth Myers Phyllis Elsie Female Cain Francis Joseph Male West Perth
1936/102037 Perth Turvey Helen Female Brown Jack Beresford Male West Perth
1936/102037 Perth Brown Jack Beresford Male Turvey Helen Female West Perth
1936/102038 Perth Ghent William Hubert Male Hammond Melba Clauriene Female West Perth
1936/102038 Perth Hammond Melba Clauriene Female Ghent William Hubert Male West Perth
1936/102039 Perth Kennedy Frederick Norman Male Till Enid Ivy Female West Perth
1936/102039 Perth Till Enid Ivy Female Kennedy Frederick Norman Male West Perth
1936/102040 Perth Sabine Irene Florence Lilian Female Green John Edward Heeson Male Leederville
1936/102040 Perth Green John Edward Heeson Male Sabine Irene Florence Lilian Female Leederville
1936/102041 Perth Clayton Grace Female Burgess John Liston Male Mt Lawley
1936/102041 Perth Burgess John Liston Male Clayton Grace Female Mt Lawley
1936/102042 Perth Sutcliffe Winston Walter Male Gill Laretta Florence May Female Mt Lawley
1936/102042 Perth Gill Laretta Florence May Female Sutcliffe Winston Walter Male Mt Lawley
1936/102043 Perth Webster James William Male Packwood Clarice Muriel Female Perth
1936/102043 Perth Packwood Clarice Muriel Female Webster James William Male Perth
1936/102044 Perth Bolwell Ellen Lucy Marion Female Errington Reginald Ralph Male Perth
1936/102044 Perth Errington Reginald Ralph Male Bolwell Ellen Lucy Marion Female Perth
1936/102045 Perth Farquharson Lucy Isabella Female Keenan John Male Perth
1936/102045 Perth Keenan John Male Farquharson Lucy Isabella Female Perth
1936/102046 Perth Moyes Richard Lewis Male Jenkins Barbara Kathleen Female Victoria Park
1936/102046 Perth Jenkins Barbara Kathleen Female Moyes Richard Lewis Male Victoria Park
1936/102047 Perth Sawyer Arthur Henry Male Jenkins Florence Amelia Female Perth
1936/102047 Perth Jenkins Florence Amelia Female Sawyer Arthur Henry Male Perth
1936/102048 Perth Fane Eva Dorothy Female Fisher William Edwin Male Perth
1936/102048 Perth Fisher William Edwin Male Fane Eva Dorothy Female Perth
1936/102049 Perth Jones Eric Male Venters Rae Female Perth
1936/102049 Perth Venters Rae Female Jones Eric Male Perth
1936/102050 Perth Keighley Herbert Blanchard Male Evans Harriet Female Perth
1936/102050 Perth Evans Harriet Female Keighley Herbert Blanchard Male Perth
1936/102051 Perth Annetts Ethel Ruth Female Birch Stanley Vernon Male Perth
1936/102051 Perth Birch Stanley Vernon Male Annetts Ethel Ruth Female Perth
1936/102052 Perth Tilley Charles Thomas Male Wilson Jean Female Perth
1936/102052 Perth Wilson Jean Female Tilley Charles Thomas Male Perth
1936/102053 Perth Wilson Stella Elsie Female Wood Oliver Jubilee Male Perth
1936/102053 Perth Wood Oliver Jubilee Male Wilson Stella Elsie Female Perth
1936/102054 Perth Hall Maisie Female Adams Victor John Male Victoria Park
1936/102054 Perth Adams Victor John Male Hall Maisie Female Victoria Park
1936/102055 Perth Murray Louisa Jane Female Leighton William Frederick Male Victoria Park
1936/102055 Perth Leighton William Frederick Male Murray Louisa Jane Female Victoria Park
1936/102056 Perth Fowles David Graham Male Rayner Edith Emily Female West Perth
1936/102056 Perth Rayner Edith Emily Female Fowles David Graham Male West Perth
1936/102057 Perth Brackenreg Phyllis Marguerite Female Hunt Joseph Alexander Male Perth
1936/102057 Perth Hunt Joseph Alexander Male Brackenreg Phyllis Marguerite Female Perth
1936/102058 Perth Young Lucy Female Eddy Bevan Lathlain Male Perth
1936/102058 Perth Eddy Bevan Lathlain Male Young Lucy Female Perth
1936/102059 Perth Whalley William Reeder Male Watts Ellen Margaret Female Perth
1936/102059 Perth Watts Ellen Margaret Female Whalley William Reeder Male Perth
1936/102060 Perth Doyle Albert Edward Male Hudson Adelaide Mary Female Perth
1936/102060 Perth Hudson Adelaide Mary Female Doyle Albert Edward Male Perth
1936/102061 Perth Craig William John Male Bewick May Eliza Martha Female Perth
1936/102061 Perth Bewick May Eliza Martha Female Craig William John Male Perth
1936/102062 Perth Crispin John Male Doré Margaretta Marion Glanville Female Perth
1936/102062 Perth Doré Margaretta Marion Glanville Female Crispin John Male Perth
1936/102063 Perth Stott Edna Marion Female Mattinson John Alan Male Perth
1936/102063 Perth Mattinson John Alan Male Stott Edna Marion Female Perth
1936/102064 Perth Eyres Thomas Ernest Male Kirkwood Roberta Willette Female Perth
1936/102064 Perth Kirkwood Roberta Willette Female Eyres Thomas Ernest Male Perth
1936/102065 Perth Hassen Margaret Louise McCully Female Sedgman Hugh Male Perth
1936/102065 Perth Sedgman Hugh Male Hassen Margaret Louise McCully Female Perth
1936/102066 Perth Evans Alfred John Male Dott Dulcie Elizabeth Female Perth
1936/102066 Perth Dott Dulcie Elizabeth Female Evans Alfred John Male Perth
1936/102067 Perth Jacques Gordon Stanley Male Murphy Nellie Ethel Female Perth
1936/102067 Perth Murphy Nellie Ethel Female Jacques Gordon Stanley Male Perth
1936/102068 Perth Dann Vernon Claude Male Paterson Gladys Lydia Female Perth
1936/102068 Perth Paterson Gladys Lydia Female Dann Vernon Claude Male Perth
1936/102069 Perth Jackson Edna Female Norman George Male Victoria Park
1936/102069 Perth Norman George Male Jackson Edna Female Victoria Park
1936/102070 Perth Ball Vera Adala Female Mills Edward James Male Maylands
1936/102070 Perth Mills Edward James Male Ball Vera Adala Female Maylands
1936/102071 Perth Fabry George Norman Male Garrigan Ethel Maud Female Maylands
1936/102071 Perth Garrigan Ethel Maud Female Fabry George Norman Male Maylands
1936/102072 Perth Fuhrmann Franklyn Charles Male Michell Leslie Alice May Female Perth
1936/102072 Perth Michell Leslie Alice May Female Fuhrmann Franklyn Charles Male Perth
1936/102073 Perth Bennett Bertha May Female Hitches Harry Edward Male Perth
1936/102073 Perth Hitches Harry Edward Male Bennett Bertha May Female Perth
1936/102074 Perth Drabble Beryl Female Cox Edward Bernard Male Perth
1936/102074 Perth Cox Edward Bernard Male Drabble Beryl Female Perth
1936/102075 Perth Cruickshank Gladys Female Stevens John Francis Male Perth
1936/102075 Perth Stevens John Francis Male Cruickshank Gladys Female Perth
1936/102076 Perth de Garis Nicholas Kelvin Male Hamilton Mary Female Perth
1936/102076 Perth Hamilton Mary Female de Garis Nicholas Kelvin Male Perth
1936/102077 Perth Deshon Shirley Ethel Dysart Female Dalley Donald Male Perth
1936/102077 Perth Dalley Donald Male Deshon Shirley Ethel Dysart Female Perth
1936/102078 Perth Riley John Wallace Alex Male Day Gwenda May Female Perth
1936/102078 Perth Day Gwenda May Female Riley John Wallace Alex Male Perth
1936/102079 Perth McCall Elsie Elizabeth Female Wright Reginald Claude Male Perth
1936/102079 Perth Wright Reginald Claude Male McCall Elsie Elizabeth Female Perth
1936/102080 Perth Davies Arthur Robert Male Stafford Vida Maud Female Perth
1936/102080 Perth Stafford Vida Maud Female Davies Arthur Robert Male Perth
1936/102081 Perth Pond Myrtle Jean Robertson Female Utteridge Leonard Garret Male West Perth
1936/102081 Perth Utteridge Leonard Garret Male Pond Myrtle Jean Robertson Female West Perth
1936/102082 Perth Wilson Alan Keith Male Brewer Evelyn Jean Female Perth
1936/102082 Perth Brewer Evelyn Jean Female Wilson Alan Keith Male Perth
1936/102083 Perth Thomas Dorothy Wilson Female Cooper Alan Ashley Male Claremont
1936/102083 Perth Cooper Alan Ashley Male Thomas Dorothy Wilson Female Claremont
1936/102084 Perth Finlay John Steel Male Thompson Jean Patricia Female North Perth
1936/102084 Perth Thompson Jean Patricia Female Finlay John Steel Male North Perth
1936/102085 Perth McKeown James Nolan Male Andrew May Female North Perth
1936/102085 Perth Andrew May Female McKeown James Nolan Male North Perth
1936/102086 Perth Ottewell John Ruddick Male Royce Dorothy Lydia Female Claremont
1936/102086 Perth Royce Dorothy Lydia Female Ottewell John Ruddick Male Claremont
1936/102087 Perth Arnold Robert Arthur Male Legg Dorothy Female Claremont
1936/102087 Perth Legg Dorothy Female Arnold Robert Arthur Male Claremont
1936/102088 Perth Englund Laurentius Andrew Ferdinand Male Burgess Irene Leila Female Subiaco
1936/102088 Perth Burgess Irene Leila Female Englund Laurentius Andrew Ferdinand Male Subiaco
1936/102089 Perth Hancock Jessie Grace Female McLennan Roy Stanley Male North Perth
1936/102089 Perth McLennan Roy Stanley Male Hancock Jessie Grace Female North Perth
1936/102090 Perth Langley Geoffery Harry Male Anderson Annie Violet Female Victoria Park
1936/102090 Perth Anderson Annie Violet Female Langley Geoffery Harry Male Victoria Park
1936/102091 Perth Budge Albert Henry Thomas Male Marlow Kate Irene Female Victoria Park
1936/102091 Perth Marlow Kate Irene Female Budge Albert Henry Thomas Male Victoria Park
1936/102092 Perth Moyle William Albert Henry Male Hawkins Ada Dorothy Female Victoria Park
1936/102092 Perth Hawkins Ada Dorothy Female Moyle William Albert Henry Male Victoria Park
1936/102093 Perth Richardson Ernest John Male Keals Doris Nancy Female Victoria Park
1936/102093 Perth Keals Doris Nancy Female Richardson Ernest John Male Victoria Park
1936/102094 Perth Langmead Arnold Theodore Male Prosser Gwendoline May Female Cottesloe
1936/102094 Perth Prosser Gwendoline May Female Langmead Arnold Theodore Male Cottesloe
1936/102095 Perth Greaves Archibald Wilian Male Hegarty Helen Louise Female South Perth
1936/102095 Perth Hegarty Helen Louise Female Greaves Archibald Wilian Male South Perth
1936/102096 Perth Sparks John Thomas Male Warner Marian Joan Female North Perth
1936/102096 Perth Warner Marian Joan Female Sparks John Thomas Male North Perth
1936/102097 Perth Hailstone May Female Dunleavy Mervyn Gordon Male Perth
1936/102097 Perth Dunleavy Mervyn Gordon Male Hailstone May Female Perth
1936/102098 Perth O'Connor Kevin Male Allen Gladys Female Subiaco
1936/102098 Perth Allen Gladys Female O'Connor Kevin Male Subiaco
1936/102099 Perth Shreeve Sarah Elizabeth Female Willis William John Male Subiaco
1936/102099 Perth Willis William John Male Shreeve Sarah Elizabeth Female Subiaco
1936/102100 Perth Hayward Constance Female Hayes Joseph Austin Male Subiaco
1936/102100 Perth Hayes Joseph Austin Male Hayward Constance Female Subiaco
1936/102101 Perth Hawks Margaret Constance Female Tenger George Albert Male Subiaco
1936/102101 Perth Tenger George Albert Male Hawks Margaret Constance Female Subiaco
1936/102102 Perth Lennon Margaret Female Lee Arthur Clifford Male Subiaco
1936/102102 Perth Lee Arthur Clifford Male Lennon Margaret Female Subiaco
1936/102103 Perth Ronan Catherine Female Macknay Arthur Male Subiaco
1936/102103 Perth Macknay Arthur Male Ronan Catherine Female Subiaco
1936/102104 Perth Worth Gordon Edward Male Ayton Eva May Female Maylands
1936/102104 Perth Ayton Eva May Female Worth Gordon Edward Male Maylands
1936/102105 Perth McGregor Donald Male Phillips Nellie Alma Female Perth
1936/102105 Perth Phillips Nellie Alma Female McGregor Donald Male Perth
1936/102106 Perth Henderson John Speedie Male Larter Kathleen Marjorie Female Victoria Park
1936/102106 Perth Larter Kathleen Marjorie Female Henderson John Speedie Male Victoria Park
1936/102107 Perth Pinder Aidan Joseph Male Drock Eva Noreen Female Victoria Park
1936/102107 Perth Drock Eva Noreen Female Pinder Aidan Joseph Male Victoria Park
1936/102108 Perth Macey Norman William Male Jeffery Myrtle May Female Victoria Park
1936/102108 Perth Jeffery Myrtle May Female Macey Norman William Male Victoria Park
1936/102109 Perth Poland Edwin Allen Male Farr Daphne Lucille Female Perth
1936/102109 Perth Farr Daphne Lucille Female Poland Edwin Allen Male Perth
1936/102110 Perth Tilley Blanche Evelyn Female Fletcher Edward Walter Male Mt Lawley
1936/102110 Perth Fletcher Edward Walter Male Tilley Blanche Evelyn Female Mt Lawley
1936/102111 Perth Stephens Walter Richard Hutton Male Handricks Mary Silvia Emma Female Mount Lawley
1936/102111 Perth Handricks Mary Silvia Emma Female Stephens Walter Richard Hutton Male Mount Lawley
1936/102112 Perth Harris Clifford Nathan Male McPherson Rae Amelia Female Perth
1936/102112 Perth McPherson Rae Amelia Female Harris Clifford Nathan Male Perth
1936/102113 Perth Taylor Herbert John Male Knight Frances Victoria Female West Leederville
1936/102113 Perth Knight Frances Victoria Female Taylor Herbert John Male West Leederville
1936/102114 Perth Robinson Vera May Female Poole William Edward Male Osborne Park
1936/102114 Perth Poole William Edward Male Robinson Vera May Female Osborne Park
1936/102115 Perth Browne Dorothy Alice Female Johns James Leslie Male North Maylands
1936/102115 Perth Johns James Leslie Male Browne Dorothy Alice Female North Maylands
1936/102116 Perth Jones Walter Henry Male Watts Myrtle Thelma Female North Maylands
1936/102116 Perth Watts Myrtle Thelma Female Jones Walter Henry Male North Maylands
1936/102117 Perth Thomas Bertram Trevetha Male Murfin Linda May Female West Perth
1936/102117 Perth Murfin Linda May Female Thomas Bertram Trevetha Male West Perth
1936/102118 Perth Perkins Robert Male Halbert Ruby Rose Female West Perth
1936/102118 Perth Halbert Ruby Rose Female Perkins Robert Male West Perth
1936/102119 Perth Ingram Constance Elizabeth Peace Female Burton John William Male West Perth
1936/102119 Perth Burton John William Male Ingram Constance Elizabeth Peace Female West Perth
1936/102120 Perth Smith Nora Ellen Female Layman Leslie Leigh Male West Perth
1936/102120 Perth Layman Leslie Leigh Male Smith Nora Ellen Female West Perth
1936/102121 Perth Cooper Lottie Dorothy Female Vagg John Reginald Male West Perth
1936/102121 Perth Vagg John Reginald Male Cooper Lottie Dorothy Female West Perth
1936/102122 Perth Lance George Kingsbury Male Fordham Victoria Female West Perth
1936/102122 Perth Fordham Victoria Female Lance George Kingsbury Male West Perth
1936/102123 Perth Williams Arthur Samuel Male Popham Elsie Jessie Female West Perth
1936/102123 Perth Popham Elsie Jessie Female Williams Arthur Samuel Male West Perth
1936/102124 Perth Malmberg Annie Female Kitto James Warren Male West Perth
1936/102124 Perth Kitto James Warren Male Malmberg Annie Female West Perth
1936/102125 Perth Cumpston Mary Blanche Female Lord Douglas Stafford Male West Perth
1936/102125 Perth Lord Douglas Stafford Male Cumpston Mary Blanche Female West Perth
1936/102126 Perth Clowes Viola Jessie Jean Female Walker Raymond Wyrill Male West Perth
1936/102126 Perth Walker Raymond Wyrill Male Clowes Viola Jessie Jean Female West Perth
1936/102127 Perth Wardrop John Vernon Male Hay Heather Bernice Female Subiaco
1936/102127 Perth Hay Heather Bernice Female Wardrop John Vernon Male Subiaco
1936/102128 Perth Johnston Hugh Wyllie Male Pitcher Phyllis Davey Female Subiaco
1936/102128 Perth Pitcher Phyllis Davey Female Johnston Hugh Wyllie Male Subiaco
1936/102129 Perth Walker Grace Victoria Female McKenna Matthew Joseph Male Mt Lawley
1936/102129 Perth McKenna Matthew Joseph Male Walker Grace Victoria Female Mt Lawley
1936/102130 Perth Chapman Olive Rose Female Butler Ronald Frederick Robert Male Perth
1936/102130 Perth Butler Ronald Frederick Robert Male Chapman Olive Rose Female Perth
1936/102131 Perth Grundy Phyllis May Female Mitchell Richard Eric Male Perth
1936/102131 Perth Mitchell Richard Eric Male Grundy Phyllis May Female Perth
1936/102132 Perth Alday Mary Innott Female Paull David Horace Male Perth
1936/102132 Perth Paull David Horace Male Alday Mary Innott Female Perth
1936/102133 Perth Meakins George Edgar Male Townsend Florence Female Perth
1936/102133 Perth Townsend Florence Female Meakins George Edgar Male Perth
1936/102134 Perth Magini Bruno Aldo Male Juett Stella Caroline Constancy Female Perth
1936/102134 Perth Juett Stella Caroline Constancy Female Magini Bruno Aldo Male Perth
1936/102135 Perth Ford Henry James Ashley Male Haywood Mary Frances Female Perth
1936/102135 Perth Haywood Mary Frances Female Ford Henry James Ashley Male Perth
1936/300001 Ashburton Stidwell Robert John Male Williams Dorothy Mary Female Onslow
1936/300001 Ashburton Williams Dorothy Mary Female Stidwell Robert John Male Onslow
1936/400004 Beverley Spencer Charlie Male Hayman Dorothy Frances Female Pingelly
1936/400004 Beverley Hayman Dorothy Frances Female Spencer Charlie Male Pingelly
1936/400005 Beverley Hale Edwin John Male Page Dorothy Ann Female Pingelly
1936/400005 Beverley Page Dorothy Ann Female Hale Edwin John Male Pingelly
1937/400006 Beverley Schmidt Violet Olive Female Davis Henry Lenard Male Brookton
1936/400006 Beverley Bishop Alice Female Jackson Leslie Male Beverley
1936/400006 Beverley Jackson Leslie Male Bishop Alice Female Beverley
1937/400006 Beverley Davis Henry Lenard Male Schmidt Violet Olive Female Brookton
1936/400007 Beverley Ryan Mary Female Sims Ernest Anthony Male Beverley
1936/400007 Beverley Sims Ernest Anthony Male Ryan Mary Female Beverley
1936/400008 Beverley Brand David Roy Male Corby Lilian Rose Female Pingelly
1936/400008 Beverley Corby Lilian Rose Female Brand David Roy Male Pingelly
1936/400009 Beverley Morrison Alexander Male McCloy Agnes Rose Female Pingelly
1936/400009 Beverley McCloy Agnes Rose Female Morrison Alexander Male Pingelly
1936/400010 Beverley Chambers Mercy Female Sibley Albert James Male Brookton
1936/400010 Beverley Sibley Albert James Male Chambers Mercy Female Brookton
1936/400011 Beverley Ward Paul Richard Male Buckingham Grace Doreen Female Beverley
1936/400011 Beverley Buckingham Grace Doreen Female Ward Paul Richard Male Beverley
1936/400012 Beverley Brown Alma Dorothea Female Morcombe Frank Keith Male Pingelly
1936/400012 Beverley Morcombe Frank Keith Male Brown Alma Dorothea Female Pingelly
1936/400013 Beverley Brown Constance Female Darby Kenneth Goddard Male East Pingelly
1936/400013 Beverley Darby Kenneth Goddard Male Brown Constance Female East Pingelly
1936/400014 Beverley Barber Reginald Walter Male Johnson Elsie May Female Wamenusking
1936/400014 Beverley Johnson Elsie May Female Barber Reginald Walter Male Wamenusking
1936/400015 Beverley Davis Rhoda May Female Parker John Male Pingelly
1936/400015 Beverley Parker John Male Davis Rhoda May Female Pingelly
1936/400016 Beverley McQuade Mervyn Robert Male Carter Agnes Ann Female Quairading
1936/400016 Beverley Carter Agnes Ann Female McQuade Mervyn Robert Male Quairading
1936/400017 Beverley Brown Gweneth Female Kerr Henry Leslie Male Pingelly
1936/400017 Beverley Kerr Henry Leslie Male Brown Gweneth Female Pingelly
1936/400018 Beverley Roper William Male Williams Ivy Anne Female Pingelly
1936/400018 Beverley Williams Ivy Anne Female Roper William Male Pingelly
1936/400019 Beverley Gilchrist Jessie Barbara Sinclair Female White Norman Frank Male Pingelly
1936/400019 Beverley White Norman Frank Male Gilchrist Jessie Barbara Sinclair Female Pingelly
1936/400020 Beverley Squiers Clem Appleton Male Watts Myrtle Everal Ann Female Pingelly
1936/400020 Beverley Watts Myrtle Everal Ann Female Squiers Clem Appleton Male Pingelly
1936/400021 Beverley Wood Margaret Agnes Female Hewett Alfred Raymond Male Kunjin
1936/400021 Beverley Hewett Alfred Raymond Male Wood Margaret Agnes Female Kunjin
1936/400022 Beverley Smith Florence Beryl Female Marsden Edwin Male Pingelly
1936/400022 Beverley Marsden Edwin Male Smith Florence Beryl Female Pingelly
1936/400023 Beverley Sims Stanley Gilbert Male Harris Rosetta Female Pingelly
1936/400023 Beverley Harris Rosetta Female Sims Stanley Gilbert Male Pingelly
1936/400024 Beverley Smith Alice Edeline Female Robertson David Gordon Male Pingelly
1936/400024 Beverley Robertson David Gordon Male Smith Alice Edeline Female Pingelly
1936/400025 Beverley Oliver Florence Maud Female McWaters Keith Malcolm Male Pingelly
1936/400025 Beverley McWaters Keith Malcolm Male Oliver Florence Maud Female Pingelly
1936/400027 Beverley Quinn Ernest John Male Sutherland Irene Mary Female Beverley
1936/400027 Beverley Sutherland Irene Mary Female Quinn Ernest John Male Beverley
1936/400028 Beverley Rogers Ivy Rose Female Swarbrick Frederick Hodge Male Brookton
1936/400028 Beverley Swarbrick Frederick Hodge Male Rogers Ivy Rose Female Brookton
1936/400029 Beverley Prochownick Joan Peggy Female Treloar Clement Frank Male Dangin
1936/400029 Beverley Treloar Clement Frank Male Prochownick Joan Peggy Female Dangin
1936/400030 Beverley Handscombe William George Male Haythornthwaite Mary Eliza Female Quairading
1936/400030 Beverley Haythornthwaite Mary Eliza Female Handscombe William George Male Quairading
1936/400031 Beverley Gard John Henry Male Ahrens Annie Paulina Female Pingelly
1936/400031 Beverley Ahrens Annie Paulina Female Gard John Henry Male Pingelly
1936/400032 Beverley MacDougall William Male Box Amy Dorothy Jean Female Popanyinning
1936/400032 Beverley Box Amy Dorothy Jean Female MacDougall William Male Popanyinning
1936/400033 Beverley Sutherland Leslie Robert Male Ferguson Nellie May Female Beverley
1936/400033 Beverley Ferguson Nellie May Female Sutherland Leslie Robert Male Beverley
1936/400034 Beverley Blechynden John Martin Male Fleay Lorna Female Beverley
1936/400034 Beverley Fleay Lorna Female Blechynden John Martin Male Beverley
1936/400035 Beverley Hodgson Margaret Mary Female Weaver James Charles Walton Male Beverley
1936/400035 Beverley Weaver James Charles Walton Male Hodgson Margaret Mary Female Beverley
1936/400036 Beverley Neylan Mary Female Schulz Adolf Klages Male Yealering
1936/400036 Beverley Schulz Adolf Klages Male Neylan Mary Female Yealering
1936/400037 Beverley O'Dea Josephine Female Treloar Douglas Male Quairading
1936/400037 Beverley Treloar Douglas Male O'Dea Josephine Female Quairading
1936/400038 Beverley Beswick Horace Stanley Male Taylor Geraldine Zoe Female Pingelly
1936/400038 Beverley Taylor Geraldine Zoe Female Beswick Horace Stanley Male Pingelly
1936/400039 Beverley Barr Helen Lee Female Cole George Male Beverley
1936/400039 Beverley Cole George Male Barr Helen Lee Female Beverley
1936/400040 Beverley Blechynden Frank Rabus Male Wansbrough Ella May Female Beverley
1936/400040 Beverley Wansbrough Ella May Female Blechynden Frank Rabus Male Beverley
1936/400041 Beverley Ware Hannah Female Edwards Ernest Donald Male Beverley
1936/400041 Beverley Edwards Ernest Donald Male Ware Hannah Female Beverley
1936/400042 Beverley Chandler Annie May Female Sharrett Alfred George Male Wamenusking
1936/400042 Beverley Sharrett Alfred George Male Chandler Annie May Female Wamenusking
1936/400043 Beverley Lohoar William Charles Male O'Shea Edeline Female Beverley
1936/400043 Beverley O'Shea Edeline Female Lohoar William Charles Male Beverley
1936/400044 Beverley Kent Francis Arvi Male Mildwaters Eva Phyllis Female Pingelly
1936/400044 Beverley Mildwaters Eva Phyllis Female Kent Francis Arvi Male Pingelly
1936/400045 Beverley Bennier Mavis Helen Female Pech Carl Ernst Heinrich Male Brookton
1936/400045 Beverley Pech Carl Ernst Heinrich Male Bennier Mavis Helen Female Brookton
1936/400046 Beverley Price Jack Dixon Male Watts Anath Mary Female West Pingelly
1936/400046 Beverley Watts Anath Mary Female Price Jack Dixon Male West Pingelly
1936/400047 Beverley Jones Ruby Doris Female Kehoe Frank Male Beverley
1936/400047 Beverley Kehoe Frank Male Jones Ruby Doris Female Beverley
1936/400048 Beverley Cavanagh Kathleen Female Cova Felice Guilio Male Corrigin
1936/400048 Beverley Cova Felice Guilio Male Cavanagh Kathleen Female Corrigin
1936/400049 Beverley Poultney Eirleen Charlotte Female Dhu Norman Clarence Male Pingelly
1936/400049 Beverley Dhu Norman Clarence Male Poultney Eirleen Charlotte Female Pingelly
1936/400050 Beverley Brown Arthur Male Willey Elsie Female Beverley
1936/400050 Beverley Willey Elsie Female Brown Arthur Male Beverley
1936/400051 Beverley Kearney Lilian Female Greay Norman Alfred Male Beverley
1936/400051 Beverley Greay Norman Alfred Male Kearney Lilian Female Beverley
1936/400052 Beverley Walters Beryl Margaret Female Littlely John Leslie Male Brookton
1936/400052 Beverley Littlely John Leslie Male Walters Beryl Margaret Female Brookton
1936/400053 Beverley Free Elsie Eunice Female Wade Francis Robert Male Beverley
1936/400053 Beverley Wade Francis Robert Male Free Elsie Eunice Female Beverley
1936/400054 Beverley Duffield Phyllis May Female Woods Charles Anthony Male Beverley
1936/400054 Beverley Woods Charles Anthony Male Duffield Phyllis May Female Beverley
1937/500001 Blackwood McDonald William Henry Colston Male Mays Dorothy Thelma Female Greenbushes
1937/500001 Blackwood Mays Dorothy Thelma Female McDonald William Henry Colston Male Greenbushes
1937/500002 Blackwood Higgins Edward James Male Kosonen Rauka Dagmar Female Manjimup
1937/500002 Blackwood Kosonen Rauka Dagmar Female Higgins Edward James Male Manjimup
1936/500003 Blackwood Ford Elsie Jean Female Sinnott Victor Hillray Male Bridgetown
1937/500003 Blackwood Churchill Ronald William Male Jarvis Alma Jean Female Greenbushes
1937/500003 Blackwood Jarvis Alma Jean Female Churchill Ronald William Male Greenbushes
1936/500003 Blackwood Sinnott Victor Hillray Male Ford Elsie Jean Female Bridgetown
1936/500004 Blackwood Gilchrist Grace Edeline Female Kelman John Eric Male Bridgetown
1936/500004 Blackwood Kelman John Eric Male Gilchrist Grace Edeline Female Bridgetown
1936/500005 Blackwood Roberts Edwin Allan Male Gifford Elsie Maud Female Bridgetown
1936/500005 Blackwood Gifford Elsie Maud Female Roberts Edwin Allan Male Bridgetown
1936/500006 Blackwood Edwards William Ernest Male Zis Mary Ellen Female Greenbushes
1936/500007 Blackwood Worthington Eva Female Piper Frederick Male Bridgetown
1936/500007 Blackwood Piper Frederick Male Worthington Eva Female Bridgetown
1936/500008 Blackwood Pickersgill Arthur Male Fitzpatrick Dorothy Female Bridgetown
1936/500008 Blackwood Fitzpatrick Dorothy Female Pickersgill Arthur Male Bridgetown
1936/500009 Blackwood Gibbs Patricia Victoria Female Kennerly Thomas Vincent Male Bridgetown
1936/500009 Blackwood Kennerly Thomas Vincent Male Gibbs Patricia Victoria Female Bridgetown
1936/500010 Blackwood Hunter Lawrence Robert Male Piggott Annie Mary Female Manjimup
1936/500010 Blackwood Piggott Annie Mary Female Hunter Lawrence Robert Male Manjimup
1936/500011 Blackwood Martin Evelyn Gladys Female Ryalls John Arthur Male Bridgetown
1936/500011 Blackwood Ryalls John Arthur Male Martin Evelyn Gladys Female Bridgetown
1936/500012 Blackwood Price Muriel Annie Female Speer Thomas Henry Male Bridgetown
1936/500012 Blackwood Speer Thomas Henry Male Price Muriel Annie Female Bridgetown
1936/500013 Blackwood Bock Edwin John Male Evans Lyla Grace Female Bridgetown
1936/500013 Blackwood Evans Lyla Grace Female Bock Edwin John Male Bridgetown
1936/500014 Blackwood Proctor Evelyn Female Manoni John Peter Male Bridgetown
1936/500014 Blackwood Manoni John Peter Male Proctor Evelyn Female Bridgetown
1936/500015 Blackwood Gorman Bernice Adelaide Floris Eorial Female Ball Harry Edward Male Bridgetown
1936/500015 Blackwood Ball Harry Edward Male Gorman Bernice Adelaide Floris Eorial Female Bridgetown
1936/500016 Blackwood Shankley William Daniel Male Young Mavis Ivy Female Manjimup
1936/500016 Blackwood Young Mavis Ivy Female Shankley William Daniel Male Manjimup
1936/500017 Blackwood Yates Annie Mary Female Rubcic Ivan Nickola Male Manjimup
1936/500017 Blackwood Rubcic Ivan Nickola Male Yates Annie Mary Female Manjimup
1936/500018 Blackwood Sugars Lily Irene Female Sellick Francis Bruce Male Manjimup
1936/500018 Blackwood Sellick Francis Bruce Male Sugars Lily Irene Female Manjimup
1936/500019 Blackwood Lennen Charles John Male Lawrence Myrtle Ellen Female Manjimup
1936/500019 Blackwood Lawrence Myrtle Ellen Female Lennen Charles John Male Manjimup
1936/500020 Blackwood Kingswood Grace Elizabeth Joy Female Stanley-Smith William Edward Male East Kirup
1936/500020 Blackwood Stanley-Smith William Edward Male Kingswood Grace Elizabeth Joy Female East Kirup
1936/500021 Blackwood Sullivan Arthur William Male Eggington Betsy Honor Female Manjimup
1936/500021 Blackwood Eggington Betsy Honor Female Sullivan Arthur William Male Manjimup
1936/500022 Blackwood Whitfield William Morton Male Muir Alice Rheta Female Bridgetown
1936/500022 Blackwood Muir Alice Rheta Female Whitfield William Morton Male Bridgetown
1936/500023 Blackwood Fuge Gwendoline Edith Female Osboine Thomas Edward Male Pemberton
1936/500023 Blackwood Osboine Thomas Edward Male Fuge Gwendoline Edith Female Pemberton
1936/500024 Blackwood Torrisi Angelina Grazia Female Zito Giuseppe Male Bridgetown
1936/500025 Blackwood Murray Dorothy Vera Female Muir Mervyn Leslie Male Manjimup
1936/500025 Blackwood Muir Mervyn Leslie Male Murray Dorothy Vera Female Manjimup
1936/500026 Blackwood Grime Josephine Ruth Female Antolini Ferdinando Male Balingup
1936/500026 Blackwood Antolini Ferdinando Male Grime Josephine Ruth Female Balingup
1936/500027 Blackwood Russell Roy Alfred Male Jarvis Daphne May Female Balingup
1936/500027 Blackwood Jarvis Daphne May Female Russell Roy Alfred Male Balingup
1936/500028 Blackwood George David Joseph Male White Sylvia Jessie Female Manjimup
1936/500028 Blackwood White Sylvia Jessie Female George David Joseph Male Manjimup
1936/500029 Blackwood Rennie James Male Stewart Mary Female Bridgetown
1936/500029 Blackwood Stewart Mary Female Rennie James Male Bridgetown
1936/500030 Blackwood Stokes Lilly Female Turner George William Male Bridgetown
1936/500030 Blackwood Turner George William Male Stokes Lilly Female Bridgetown
1936/500031 Blackwood Scott Jean Felix Purdom Female Thomson Frederick James Male Bridgetown
1936/500031 Blackwood Thomson Frederick James Male Scott Jean Felix Purdom Female Bridgetown
1936/500032 Blackwood Lintott Frederick Thomas Male Gedge Winifred May Female Manjimup
1936/500032 Blackwood Gedge Winifred May Female Lintott Frederick Thomas Male Manjimup
1936/500033 Blackwood Sheffield Aubrey Edgar William Male Perry Jessie Martha Female Bridgetown
1936/500033 Blackwood Perry Jessie Martha Female Sheffield Aubrey Edgar William Male Bridgetown
1936/500034 Blackwood Hughes Herbert Joseph Male Rowe Eveline Ruby Female Pemberton
1936/500034 Blackwood Rowe Eveline Ruby Female Hughes Herbert Joseph Male Pemberton
1936/500035 Blackwood Stockins Edward George Stanley Male Zinnecker Hazel Doreen Female Bridgetown
1936/500036 Blackwood Collins Laurance Eli Male Muir Ella Edith Female Dingup
1936/500036 Blackwood Muir Ella Edith Female Collins Laurance Eli Male Dingup
1936/500037 Blackwood Rising Nellie Female Wren Victor Thomas Male Manjimup
1936/500037 Blackwood Wren Victor Thomas Male Rising Nellie Female Manjimup
1936/500038 Blackwood Mackay Clara Marion Female Harris Frederick Male Bridgetown
1936/500038 Blackwood Harris Frederick Male Mackay Clara Marion Female Bridgetown
1936/500039 Blackwood Gordon Helen Lorena Female Draper Johnson William Cholmondeley Male Bridgetown
1936/500039 Blackwood Draper Johnson William Cholmondeley Male Gordon Helen Lorena Female Bridgetown
1936/500040 Blackwood Bell Grace Evelyn Female Archer James Male Balingup
1936/500040 Blackwood Archer James Male Bell Grace Evelyn Female Balingup
1936/500041 Blackwood Jones Elsie Martineau Female White Arthur Luke Male Greenbushes
1936/500041 Blackwood White Arthur Luke Male Jones Elsie Martineau Female Greenbushes
1936/500042 Blackwood Wheeler Ethel Female Shadbolt Albert Lawrence Male Manjimup
1936/500042 Blackwood Shadbolt Albert Lawrence Male Wheeler Ethel Female Manjimup
1936/500044 Blackwood Kearney James Male Pickles Emily Sarah Female Bridgetown
1936/500044 Blackwood Pickles Emily Sarah Female Kearney James Male Bridgetown
1936/500045 Blackwood McAlinden Dudley Stephen Male Hogg Margaret Female Bridgetown
1936/500045 Blackwood Hogg Margaret Female McAlinden Dudley Stephen Male Bridgetown
1936/500046 Blackwood Doherty Susan May Josephine Female Wilkes Henry Thomas Male Greenbushes
1936/500046 Blackwood Wilkes Henry Thomas Male Doherty Susan May Josephine Female Greenbushes
1936/500047 Blackwood Gunn Clarice Ruth Female Bartlett Edward George Male Bridgetown
1936/500047 Blackwood Bartlett Edward George Male Gunn Clarice Ruth Female Bridgetown
1936/500048 Blackwood Wight Mary Elizabeth Female Golding Leonard Edward Male Pemberton
1936/500048 Blackwood Golding Leonard Edward Male Wight Mary Elizabeth Female Pemberton
1936/500049 Blackwood Collins Charles Patrick Male Kammann Rose Florence Female Manjimup
1936/500049 Blackwood Kammann Rose Florence Female Collins Charles Patrick Male Manjimup
1936/500050 Blackwood Sabine Mary Alice Female Perkins Ernest Albert Male Manjimup
1936/500050 Blackwood Perkins Ernest Albert Male Sabine Mary Alice Female Manjimup
1936/500051 Blackwood Hart William Patrick Male Helyar Florence May Female Nannup
1936/500051 Blackwood Helyar Florence May Female Hart William Patrick Male Nannup
1936/500052 Blackwood Newton Ivy Maude Female Jamieson John Hall Male Chowerup
1936/500052 Blackwood Jamieson John Hall Male Newton Ivy Maude Female Chowerup
1936/500053 Blackwood Rowe Dorothy Annie Female Vivian Edward Albert Male Pemberton
1936/500053 Blackwood Vivian Edward Albert Male Rowe Dorothy Annie Female Pemberton
1936/500054 Blackwood Murray Edith Audrey Female Muir Norman Melville Male Manjimup
1936/500054 Blackwood Muir Norman Melville Male Murray Edith Audrey Female Manjimup
1936/500055 Blackwood Lintott Ernest Richard Male Kirwan Annie Patricia Female Bridgetown
1936/500055 Blackwood Kirwan Annie Patricia Female Lintott Ernest Richard Male Bridgetown
1936/500056 Blackwood Wheeler Reginald Male Gary Eileen Elsie Female Manjimup
1936/500056 Blackwood Gary Eileen Elsie Female Wheeler Reginald Male Manjimup
1936/500057 Blackwood Todd Gwendoline Mabel Female Johnson Isaiah Thomas Henry Verdon Male Bridgetown
1936/500057 Blackwood Johnson Isaiah Thomas Henry Verdon Male Todd Gwendoline Mabel Female Bridgetown
1936/500058 Blackwood Burch Edith May Female Tunstall John Thomas Male Manjimup
1936/500058 Blackwood Tunstall John Thomas Male Burch Edith May Female Manjimup
1936/500059 Blackwood Coan Margaret Alice Louise Female Jay John William Reginald Male Manjimup
1936/500059 Blackwood Jay John William Reginald Male Coan Margaret Alice Louise Female Manjimup
1936/500060 Blackwood Drummond James Henderson Male Welsh Winifred Catherine May Female Bridgetown
1936/500060 Blackwood Welsh Winifred Catherine May Female Drummond James Henderson Male Bridgetown
1936/500061 Blackwood Bussell Herbert Benbow Male Caporn Olga Mavis Female Bridgetown
1936/500061 Blackwood Caporn Olga Mavis Female Bussell Herbert Benbow Male Bridgetown
1936/500062 Blackwood Brailey Samuel Walters Male Gibellini Elvie Female Manjimup
1936/500062 Blackwood Gibellini Elvie Female Brailey Samuel Walters Male Manjimup
1936/500063 Blackwood Hicks Queenie Female Edwards Percival Walter Male Manjimup
1936/500063 Blackwood Edwards Percival Walter Male Hicks Queenie Female Manjimup
1936/500064 Blackwood Higgins Eric Hinchcliffe Male Barnes Hazel Eleanor Joan Female Bridgetown
1936/500064 Blackwood Barnes Hazel Eleanor Joan Female Higgins Eric Hinchcliffe Male Bridgetown
1936/500065 Blackwood Ford Estelle May Female Pennifold Alan Alfred Male Bridgetown
1936/500065 Blackwood Pennifold Alan Alfred Male Ford Estelle May Female Bridgetown
1936/500066 Blackwood Weston Sybil Doris Female Sheehan Henry Patrick Male Manjimup
1936/500066 Blackwood Sheehan Henry Patrick Male Weston Sybil Doris Female Manjimup
1936/500067 Blackwood Fisher Bernard Alwin Male Paice Vera Elizabeth Female Bridgetown
1936/500067 Blackwood Paice Vera Elizabeth Female Fisher Bernard Alwin Male Bridgetown
1936/500068 Blackwood Davis Ernest Laurence Male Cunneen Alma Gladys Female Pemberton
1936/500068 Blackwood Cunneen Alma Gladys Female Davis Ernest Laurence Male Pemberton
1936/500069 Blackwood Crombie John Pirrie Male Kennedy Minnie Olivia Female Bridgetown
1936/500069 Blackwood Kennedy Minnie Olivia Female Crombie John Pirrie Male Bridgetown
1936/500070 Blackwood Longbottom Jessie Maud Female Rodda Henry Walter Male Bridgetown
1936/500070 Blackwood Rodda Henry Walter Male Longbottom Jessie Maud Female Bridgetown
1936/500071 Blackwood Maxwell Doris Evelyn Female Evans John Goulbourne Male Bridgetown
1936/500071 Blackwood Evans John Goulbourne Male Maxwell Doris Evelyn Female Bridgetown
1936/500072 Blackwood McGrath Sheila Magdalene Female Liddelow Edward Roy Male Manjimup
1936/500072 Blackwood Liddelow Edward Roy Male McGrath Sheila Magdalene Female Manjimup
1936/500073 Blackwood Morrison John Cyril Male McGrath Alice Mary Female Manjimup
1936/500073 Blackwood McGrath Alice Mary Female Morrison John Cyril Male Manjimup
1936/500074 Blackwood Hill Clarice Emma Female Hurst Charles Herbert Male Bridgetown
1936/500074 Blackwood Hurst Charles Herbert Male Hill Clarice Emma Female Bridgetown
1936/500075 Blackwood Sharman Elsie Chivers Female Peterkin Alexander Roy Male Manjimup
1936/500075 Blackwood Peterkin Alexander Roy Male Sharman Elsie Chivers Female Manjimup
1936/500076 Blackwood Spasova Petrana Evan Female Milentis Vasilios Dimitry Male Manjimup
1936/500076 Blackwood Milentis Vasilios Dimitry Male Spasova Petrana Evan Female Manjimup
1936/500077 Blackwood Perkins Jeanette Female Smith Ernest Male Pemberton
1936/500077 Blackwood Smith Ernest Male Perkins Jeanette Female Pemberton
1936/500078 Blackwood Gunn Lilia May Female Payne Albert Guy Male Bridgetown
1936/500078 Blackwood Payne Albert Guy Male Gunn Lilia May Female Bridgetown
1936/500079 Blackwood Gardiner Victor Robert Male Smith Hilda Alice Female Bridgetown
1936/500079 Blackwood Smith Hilda Alice Female Gardiner Victor Robert Male Bridgetown
1936/500080 Blackwood Mudford Francis Henry Male Leighton Eva Barker Female Bridgetown
1936/500080 Blackwood Leighton Eva Barker Female Mudford Francis Henry Male Bridgetown
1936/500081 Blackwood Ozanne Nancy Elizabeth Female Scott Malcolm Fox Male Bridgetown
1936/500081 Blackwood Scott Malcolm Fox Male Ozanne Nancy Elizabeth Female Bridgetown
1936/500082 Blackwood Reimers George Paul Male Carter Amy Isobel Female Manjimup
1936/500082 Blackwood Carter Amy Isobel Female Reimers George Paul Male Manjimup
1936/500083 Blackwood Carter Donald Clarke Ross Male Bunn Jean Marjory Female Manjimup
1936/500083 Blackwood Bunn Jean Marjory Female Carter Donald Clarke Ross Male Manjimup
1936/500084 Blackwood Tuckett Philip De Bill Male Furniss Winifred May Female Chowerup
1936/500084 Blackwood Furniss Winifred May Female Tuckett Philip De Bill Male Chowerup
1936/500085 Blackwood Blechynden Ethel Maude Female Bax Joseph Thomas Male Bridgetown
1936/500085 Blackwood Bax Joseph Thomas Male Blechynden Ethel Maude Female Bridgetown
1936/500086 Blackwood Jarvis Mary Evelyn Female Aitken Norman Charles Male Manjimup
1936/500086 Blackwood Aitken Norman Charles Male Jarvis Mary Evelyn Female Manjimup
1936/500087 Blackwood Rising Brenda Joyce Female Bastian William Edwin Thomas Male Manjimup
1936/500087 Blackwood Bastian William Edwin Thomas Male Rising Brenda Joyce Female Manjimup
1936/500088 Blackwood Stirling Jean Malcolm Female Phillips John Lindsay Male Pemberton
1936/500088 Blackwood Phillips John Lindsay Male Stirling Jean Malcolm Female Pemberton
1936/500089 Blackwood Asher Ellen Female Taylor Leonard Edward Albert Male Bridgetown
1936/500089 Blackwood Taylor Leonard Edward Albert Male Asher Ellen Female Bridgetown
1936/500090 Blackwood Helyar Reginald Percy Male Lindsay Sadie Female Bridgetown
1936/500090 Blackwood Lindsay Sadie Female Helyar Reginald Percy Male Bridgetown
1936/500091 Blackwood Gibbs Thomas Frederick Male Henderson Gwendoline Nellie Female Bridgetown
1936/500091 Blackwood Henderson Gwendoline Nellie Female Gibbs Thomas Frederick Male Bridgetown
1936/500092 Blackwood Schorer Patricia Beryl Female Oldfield Edward James Male Bridgetown
1936/500092 Blackwood Oldfield Edward James Male Schorer Patricia Beryl Female Bridgetown
1936/500093 Blackwood Bailey Pauline Blain Female Samek Richard Gustave Male Bridgetown
1936/500093 Blackwood Samek Richard Gustave Male Bailey Pauline Blain Female Bridgetown
1936/500094 Blackwood Fowles Francis William Crichton Male Minchin Ella Female Boyup Brook
1936/500094 Blackwood Minchin Ella Female Fowles Francis William Crichton Male Boyup Brook
1936/600001 Black Range Vass Thomas King Male Auger Flora Annbel Female Black Range
1936/600001 Black Range Auger Flora Annbel Female Vass Thomas King Male Black Range
1936/600002 Black Range Bradshaw May Vivian Female Snell Ernest John Male Black Range
1936/600002 Black Range Snell Ernest John Male Bradshaw May Vivian Female Black Range
1936/600003 Black Range White George Mitchell Male Shay Mary Kathleen Female Black Range
1936/600003 Black Range Shay Mary Kathleen Female White George Mitchell Male Black Range
1936/600004 Black Range Eiffler Matilda Female Martain Joseph Male Youanmi
1936/600004 Black Range Martain Joseph Male Eiffler Matilda Female Youanmi
1936/700001 Boulder Reid William Herbert Male Andrews Elizabeth Catherine Female Boulder
1936/700001 Boulder Andrews Elizabeth Catherine Female Reid William Herbert Male Boulder
1936/700005 Boulder Burton Norah Constance Female Barnard Alan George Male Boulder
1937/700005 Boulder Slater Doris Pansy Female Watson Frank Edward Male Boulder
1936/700005 Boulder Barnard Alan George Male Burton Norah Constance Female Boulder
1937/700005 Boulder Watson Frank Edward Male Slater Doris Pansy Female Boulder
1936/700006 Boulder Robertson Olive Grace Female Lyndon John Charles Male Boulder
1936/700006 Boulder Lyndon John Charles Male Robertson Olive Grace Female Boulder
1936/700007 Boulder Hill Ailsa May Female Day Idris Grenig Male Boulder
1936/700007 Boulder Day Idris Grenig Male Hill Ailsa May Female Boulder
1936/700008 Boulder Pollard Violet Winifred Margaret Female Ball Sidney Male Boulder
1936/700008 Boulder Ball Sidney Male Pollard Violet Winifred Margaret Female Boulder
1936/700009 Boulder Manning Albert Edward Male Buchanan Quonnett Jane Female Boulder
1936/700009 Boulder Buchanan Quonnett Jane Female Manning Albert Edward Male Boulder
1936/700010 Boulder Tredinnick Alice Beatrice Female Altham Adam Male Boulder
1936/700010 Boulder Altham Adam Male Tredinnick Alice Beatrice Female Boulder
1936/700011 Boulder Butler Mercia Dolores Female Douglas Bruce Wallace Male Boulder
1936/700011 Boulder Douglas Bruce Wallace Male Butler Mercia Dolores Female Boulder
1936/700012 Boulder Darmody Margaret Teresa Female Johns William Clarence Male Boulder
1936/700012 Boulder Johns William Clarence Male Darmody Margaret Teresa Female Boulder
1936/700013 Boulder Tregillas Mercia Charlotte Female Sly William Alfonso Male Boulder
1936/700013 Boulder Sly William Alfonso Male Tregillas Mercia Charlotte Female Boulder
1936/700014 Boulder Tagliaferri Giovanni Male Graziadelli Louisa Female Boulder
1936/700014 Boulder Graziadelli Louisa Female Tagliaferri Giovanni Male Boulder
1936/700015 Boulder Newnham Kenneth Arthur Male Prince Thelma Female Boulder
1936/700015 Boulder Prince Thelma Female Newnham Kenneth Arthur Male Boulder
1936/700016 Boulder Richards Bertha Female Lister-Lawrenz William Albert Frederick Male Boulder
1936/700016 Boulder Lister-Lawrenz William Albert Frederick Male Richards Bertha Female Boulder
1936/700017 Boulder Hunter Kenneth Mortlock Male Moloney Veronica Ellen Female Boulder
1936/700017 Boulder Moloney Veronica Ellen Female Hunter Kenneth Mortlock Male Boulder
1936/700018 Boulder Hingston Hilary Grace Female Allanson Frederic Rex Male Boulder
1936/700018 Boulder Allanson Frederic Rex Male Hingston Hilary Grace Female Boulder
1936/700019 Boulder Mawby William George Male Haynes Irene Margaret Pearl Female Boulder
1936/700019 Boulder Haynes Irene Margaret Pearl Female Mawby William George Male Boulder
1936/700020 Boulder Rotenberg Dora Female Cameron Ian Douglas Male Boulder
1936/700020 Boulder Cameron Ian Douglas Male Rotenberg Dora Female Boulder
1936/700021 Boulder Kimpton Esther Elizabeth Female Adams Robert Male Boulder
1936/700021 Boulder Adams Robert Male Kimpton Esther Elizabeth Female Boulder
1936/700022 Boulder Miles William Alfred Male Ruddick Esma Lynene Female Boulder
1936/700022 Boulder Ruddick Esma Lynene Female Miles William Alfred Male Boulder
1936/700023 Boulder Colmer Ethel Maud Female Short Walter Reid Male Boulder
1936/700023 Boulder Short Walter Reid Male Colmer Ethel Maud Female Boulder
1936/700024 Boulder Yates Olive Beatrice Female Andrew Leslie Harold Male Boulder
1936/700024 Boulder Andrew Leslie Harold Male Yates Olive Beatrice Female Boulder
1936/700025 Boulder Larson Ronald Leslie Male Boardley Dulcie Muriel Female Boulder
1936/700025 Boulder Boardley Dulcie Muriel Female Larson Ronald Leslie Male Boulder
1936/700026 Boulder Paterson William Steel Male Colmer Marjorie Eileen Female Boulder
1936/700026 Boulder Colmer Marjorie Eileen Female Paterson William Steel Male Boulder
1936/700027 Boulder Montgomery Baden Joseph Kennedy Male Hill Elsie Jean Female Boulder
1936/700027 Boulder Hill Elsie Jean Female Montgomery Baden Joseph Kennedy Male Boulder
1936/700028 Boulder Allin Laura Mary Reeves Female Black William Joseph Male Boulder
1936/700028 Boulder Black William Joseph Male Allin Laura Mary Reeves Female Boulder
1936/700029 Boulder Sestich Juan Male Mijacika Marija Female Boulder
1936/700029 Boulder Mijacika Marija Female Sestich Juan Male Boulder
1936/700030 Boulder Bumbak Giuseppe Male Lakos Olga Female Boulder
1936/700030 Boulder Bumbak Josip Male Lakos Olga Female Boulder
1936/700030 Boulder Lakos Olga Female Bumbak Giuseppe Male Boulder
1936/700030 Boulder Lakos Olga Female Bumbak Josip Male Boulder
1936/700031 Boulder Sachse Pearl Female Sharrett Enoch Hazelgrove Male Boulder
1936/700031 Boulder Sharrett Enoch Hazelgrove Male Sachse Pearl Female Boulder
1936/700032 Boulder Hatton Richard Alfred Male Brown Sylvia Amelia Female Boulder
1936/700032 Boulder Brown Sylvia Amelia Female Hatton Richard Alfred Male Boulder
1936/700033 Boulder Yates Dorothy May Branch Female McRobert Nichol Male Boulder
1936/700033 Boulder McRobert Nichol Male Yates Dorothy May Branch Female Boulder
1936/700034 Boulder Forward Beth Junetta Female Sharpe Ernest George Male Boulder
1936/700034 Boulder Sharpe Ernest George Male Forward Beth Junetta Female Boulder
1936/700035 Boulder Curtis Laura May Female Harding Lancelot Henry Male Boulder
1936/700035 Boulder Harding Lancelot Henry Male Curtis Laura May Female Boulder
1936/700036 Boulder Bulog Mara Female Ravelich Jure Male Boulder
1936/700036 Boulder Ravelich Jure Male Bulog Mara Female Boulder
1936/700037 Boulder Cox William Walter Wallace Male Delaney Sylvia Pearl Female Boulder
1936/700037 Boulder Delaney Sylvia Pearl Female Cox William Walter Wallace Male Boulder
1936/700038 Boulder Petrie Elvie Ethel Female Alexander Lionel Male Boulder
1936/700038 Boulder Alexander Lionel Male Petrie Elvie Ethel Female Boulder
1936/700039 Boulder Vranješ Andrija Male Zec Ljubica Female Boulder
1936/700039 Boulder Zec Ljubica Female Vranješ Andrija Male Boulder
1936/700040 Boulder Covich Simun Male Sumich Vjekoslava Female Boulder
1936/700040 Boulder Sumich Vjekoslava Female Covich Simun Male Boulder
1936/700041 Boulder Owens Marion Female Archer Leonard Arthur Male Boulder
1936/700041 Boulder Archer Leonard Arthur Male Owens Marion Female Boulder
1936/700042 Boulder Wheatley Frederick James Male Hoare Elizabeth Edna Female Boulder
1936/700042 Boulder Hoare Elizabeth Edna Female Wheatley Frederick James Male Boulder
1936/700043 Boulder Clegg Mavis Doreen Female Charles Gordon Leslie Male Boulder
1936/700043 Boulder Charles Gordon Leslie Male Clegg Mavis Doreen Female Boulder
1936/700044 Boulder Williams Doreen Frances Female Ayton Donald Frederick Male Boulder
1936/700044 Boulder Ayton Donald Frederick Male Williams Doreen Frances Female Boulder
1936/700045 Boulder Roberts Lilian Joan Female Herbert Rees Thomas James Male Boulder
1936/700045 Boulder Herbert Rees Thomas James Male Roberts Lilian Joan Female Boulder
1936/700046 Boulder Needs Benjamin Male Casselton Mary Elizabeth Female Boulder
1936/700046 Boulder Casselton Mary Elizabeth Female Needs Benjamin Male Boulder
1936/700047 Boulder Tolj Ivan Male Nikolich Mila Female Boulder
1936/700047 Boulder Nikolich Mila Female Tolj Ivan Male Boulder
1936/700048 Boulder Kosovich Milka Female Gericevich Tode Male Boulder
1936/700048 Boulder Gericevich Tode Male Kosovich Milka Female Boulder
1936/700049 Boulder Thomas Herbert Walter Male McMurtry Evelyn Florence Catherine Female Boulder
1936/700049 Boulder McMurtry Evelyn Florence Catherine Female Thomas Herbert Walter Male Boulder
1936/700050 Boulder Evans Veronica Margaret Female Plant Charles George Michael Male Boulder
1936/700050 Boulder Plant Charles George Michael Male Evans Veronica Margaret Female Boulder
1936/700051 Boulder Terry George William Male Nevill Marie Female Boulder
1936/700051 Boulder Nevill Marie Female Terry George William Male Boulder
1936/700052 Boulder Dorter Alice Amelia Female Robertson William Crawford Male Boulder
1936/700052 Boulder Robertson William Crawford Male Dorter Alice Amelia Female Boulder
1936/700053 Boulder McNamara Frank Vincent Male Towers Elizabeth Jessie Female Boulder
1936/700053 Boulder Towers Elizabeth Jessie Female McNamara Frank Vincent Male Boulder
1936/700054 Boulder Sclanders Edith Female Thompson Arthur Fredrick Male Boulder
1936/700054 Boulder Thompson Arthur Fredrick Male Sclanders Edith Female Boulder
1936/700055 Boulder Mitchell Bernice Elizabeth Female Matthews Charles James Male Boulder
1936/700055 Boulder Matthews Charles James Male Mitchell Bernice Elizabeth Female Boulder
1936/700056 Boulder Mitchell Hazel Elva Female Etherington Ernest William Male Boulder
1936/700056 Boulder Etherington Ernest William Male Mitchell Hazel Elva Female Boulder
1936/700057 Boulder Unkovich Marija Female Ravlich Ante Male Boulder
1936/700057 Boulder Ravlich Ante Male Unkovich Marija Female Boulder
1936/700058 Boulder Miller Eileen Mary Female Martin Donald Douglas Male Boulder
1936/700058 Boulder Martin Donald Douglas Male Miller Eileen Mary Female Boulder
1936/700059 Boulder Mitchell Elizabeth Female James Edwin Thomas Male Boulder
1936/700059 Boulder James Edwin Thomas Male Mitchell Elizabeth Female Boulder
1936/700060 Boulder Browne Doris Irene Female Hatfield Sydney Henry Spencer Male Boulder
1936/700060 Boulder Hatfield Sydney Henry Spencer Male Browne Doris Irene Female Boulder
1936/700061 Boulder Hansen George Edward Male Cottingham Joy Female Boulder
1936/700061 Boulder Cottingham Joy Female Hansen George Edward Male Boulder
1936/700062 Boulder Arnold Alice Female Pettit William Henry Male Boulder
1936/700062 Boulder Pettit William Henry Male Arnold Alice Female Boulder
1936/700063 Boulder Beck Gladys Eva Female Ridley Stanley Claude William Male Boulder
1936/700063 Boulder Ridley Stanley Claude William Male Beck Gladys Eva Female Boulder
1936/700064 Boulder Keeble Eileen Mary Female Casselton Richard John Male Boulder
1936/700064 Boulder Casselton Richard John Male Keeble Eileen Mary Female Boulder
1936/700065 Boulder Deany Dulcie Zola Female Holden Stanley David Male Boulder
1936/700065 Boulder Holden Stanley David Male Deany Dulcie Zola Female Boulder
1936/700066 Boulder Cockram Ann Margarett Female Dawson William Ernest Male Boulder
1936/700066 Boulder Dawson William Ernest Male Cockram Ann Margarett Female Boulder
1936/700067 Boulder Williams Edna Doreen Female Rogers William Henry Male Boulder
1936/700067 Boulder Rogers William Henry Male Williams Edna Doreen Female Boulder
1936/700068 Boulder Wilson William Male Brown Lillian Mabel Female Boulder
1936/700068 Boulder Brown Lillian Mabel Female Wilson William Male Boulder
1936/700069 Boulder Willis James Thomas Male Dearlove Ella Maude Female Boulder
1936/700069 Boulder Dearlove Ella Maude Female Willis James Thomas Male Boulder
1936/700070 Boulder McRae Ivy Myrtle Female Woods Ronald William Male Boulder
1936/700070 Boulder Woods Ronald William Male McRae Ivy Myrtle Female Boulder
1936/700071 Boulder Naylor Louisa Evelyn Female Smith Alex Male Boulder
1936/700071 Boulder Smith Alex Male Naylor Louisa Evelyn Female Boulder
1936/700072 Boulder Andrich Marija Female Erceg Ivan Male Boulder
1936/700072 Boulder Erceg Ivan Male Andrich Marija Female Boulder
1936/700073 Boulder Dighton Alma Maud Female Gleeson Joseph Leo Male Boulder
1936/700073 Boulder Gleeson Joseph Leo Male Dighton Alma Maud Female Boulder
1936/700074 Boulder Gooch Jeanie Female Taylor Frank Male Boulder
1936/700074 Boulder Taylor Frank Male Gooch Jeanie Female Boulder
1936/700075 Boulder Crannage Ethel May Female Rancland William Charles Male Boulder
1936/700075 Boulder Rancland William Charles Male Crannage Ethel May Female Boulder
1936/700076 Boulder Antunovich Nidjelka Female Kosovich Franc Male Boulder
1936/700076 Boulder Kosovich Franc Male Antunovich Nidjelka Female Boulder
1936/700077 Boulder Robertson George Henry Male Franson Kathleen Mary Female Boulder
1936/700077 Boulder Franson Kathleen Mary Female Robertson George Henry Male Boulder
1936/700078 Boulder Hoyer Martin Henry Male McCrae Jean Margaret Female Boulder
1936/700078 Boulder McCrae Jean Margaret Female Hoyer Martin Henry Male Boulder
1936/700079 Boulder James Edna May Female Gonsal Robert Amos Male Boulder
1936/700079 Boulder Gonsal Robert Amos Male James Edna May Female Boulder
1936/700080 Boulder Armstrong Jean May Female Johns Norman Henry Male Boulder
1936/700080 Boulder Johns Norman Henry Male Armstrong Jean May Female Boulder
1936/700081 Boulder Kelly William John Male Stacey Jean Agnes Female Boulder
1936/700081 Boulder Stacey Jean Agnes Female Kelly William John Male Boulder
1936/700082 Boulder Sala Kate Female Covich Ivo Male Boulder
1936/700082 Boulder Covich Ivo Male Sala Kate Female Boulder
1936/700083 Boulder Joyce Joan Margaret Female Nelson Frederick Albert Male Boulder
1936/700083 Boulder Nelson Frederick Albert Male Joyce Joan Margaret Female Boulder
1936/1100001 Broome Matthews Elsie Caroline Female Davey Aubrey Gordon Lindsey Male Broome
1936/1100001 Broome Davey Aubrey Gordon Lindsey Male Matthews Elsie Caroline Female Broome
1936/1100002 Broome Button Wilhelmena Female Mathews Bernardine Male Broome
1936/1100002 Broome Mathews Bernardine Male Button Wilhelmena Female Broome
1936/1100003 Broome Thompson Falcon Heardly George Male Tomsett Laura Elvira Female Broome
1936/1100003 Broome Tomsett Laura Elvira Female Thompson Falcon Heardly George Male Broome
1936/1100004 Broome Davis Ettie Florence Female Naughton Jack Male Broome
1936/1100004 Broome Naughton Jack Male Davis Ettie Florence Female Broome
1936/1100005 Broome Spreadbury Mavis Myrtle Female Martin Michael Male Broome
1936/1100005 Broome Martin Michael Male Spreadbury Mavis Myrtle Female Broome
1936/1100006 Broome Butcher Thelma Mary Jean Female Rooney John Patrick Joseph Male Broome
1936/1100006 Broome Rooney John Patrick Joseph Male Butcher Thelma Mary Jean Female Broome
1936/1100007 Broome Fukuda Toshio Male Tshii Rita Mitsue Female Broome
1936/1100007 Broome Tshii Rita Mitsue Female Fukuda Toshio Male Broome
1936/1200002 Bruce Rock Yarran Eva Female Hansen Morton Hendrick Male Badjaling
1936/1200002 Bruce Rock Hansen Morton Hendrick Male Yarran Eva Female Badjaling
1936/1200003 Bruce Rock McCormick Isabelle Patrick Female Bacon Alexander William Male Ardath
1936/1200003 Bruce Rock Bacon Alexander William Male McCormick Isabelle Patrick Female Ardath
1936/1200004 Bruce Rock Arnold Hazel Maud Female Latham Arthur William Male Narembeen
1936/1200004 Bruce Rock Latham Arthur William Male Arnold Hazel Maud Female Narembeen
1937/1200004 Bruce Rock Reynolds Beryl Doreen Elaine Female Rogers George French Male Narembeen
1937/1200004 Bruce Rock Rogers George French Male Reynolds Beryl Doreen Elaine Female Narembeen
1936/1200005 Bruce Rock Smith James Mackie Cattanach Male Johns Sylvia Minna Female Bruce Rock
1936/1200005 Bruce Rock Johns Sylvia Minna Female Smith James Mackie Cattanach Male Bruce Rock
1936/1200006 Bruce Rock Middleton Nellie Female Rendell William Albert Male Kondinin
1936/1200006 Bruce Rock Rendell William Albert Male Middleton Nellie Female Kondinin
1936/1200007 Bruce Rock Steber Ludwig Male Fuchsbichler Amelia Theresa Female Bruce Rock
1936/1200007 Bruce Rock Fuchsbichler Amelia Theresa Female Steber Ludwig Male Bruce Rock
1936/1200008 Bruce Rock Sorensen Phyllis Jean Female Uren Albert Charles Male Bataki
1936/1200008 Bruce Rock Uren Albert Charles Male Sorensen Phyllis Jean Female Bataki
1936/1200009 Bruce Rock Scholz William Gerard Male Ainsworth Amy Phyllis Female Corrigin
1936/1200009 Bruce Rock Ainsworth Amy Phyllis Female Scholz William Gerard Male Corrigin
1936/1200010 Bruce Rock Richards Violet Evelyn Female Middleton Norman Male Kondinin
1936/1200010 Bruce Rock Middleton Norman Male Richards Violet Evelyn Female Kondinin
1936/1200011 Bruce Rock Buck Arthur Edgar Male Fisher Violet Zelinda Female Corrigin
1936/1200011 Bruce Rock Fisher Violet Zelinda Female Buck Arthur Edgar Male Corrigin
1936/1200012 Bruce Rock Fare James Male Milburn Annie Isabella Female Bendering
1936/1200012 Bruce Rock Milburn Annie Isabella Female Fare James Male Bendering
1936/1200013 Bruce Rock Smallshaw William Male Holmes Dorothy Female Kondinin
1936/1200013 Bruce Rock Holmes Dorothy Female Smallshaw William Male Kondinin
1936/1200014 Bruce Rock Ainsworth Marjorie Female Lunt Joseph Edward Male Corrigin
1936/1200014 Bruce Rock Lunt Joseph Edward Male Ainsworth Marjorie Female Corrigin
1936/1200015 Bruce Rock Barnard Rosamund Joan Female Oldham Albert Henry Male Kondinin
1936/1200015 Bruce Rock Oldham Albert Henry Male Barnard Rosamund Joan Female Kondinin
1936/1200016 Bruce Rock Handley Basil James Male Elliot Irene Ruby Female Bruce Rock
1936/1200016 Bruce Rock Elliot Irene Ruby Female Handley Basil James Male Bruce Rock
1936/1200017 Bruce Rock Potts Mildred Mary Female Churchward Cyril John Male Bendering
1936/1200017 Bruce Rock Churchward Cyril John Male Potts Mildred Mary Female Bendering
1936/1200018 Bruce Rock Stubbs Eleanor May Bowe Female Hawkins Arthur Newton Male Kondinin
1936/1200018 Bruce Rock Hawkins Arthur Newton Male Stubbs Eleanor May Bowe Female Kondinin
1936/1200019 Bruce Rock Mitchell Isabella Female Clark William McWhirter Male Bruce Rock
1936/1200019 Bruce Rock Clark William McWhirter Male Mitchell Isabella Female Bruce Rock
1936/1200020 Bruce Rock Wardell-Johnson Ronald Male Gillard Dorothy May Female Bruce Rock
1936/1200020 Bruce Rock Gillard Dorothy May Female Wardell-Johnson Ronald Male Bruce Rock
1936/1200021 Bruce Rock Rudd Eric Male Lalor Bessie Dorinda Female Kondinin
1936/1200021 Bruce Rock Lalor Bessie Dorinda Female Rudd Eric Male Kondinin
1936/1200022 Bruce Rock Bradshaw Alice Irene Female Sullivan William Henry Male Bruce Rock
1936/1200022 Bruce Rock Sullivan William Henry Male Bradshaw Alice Irene Female Bruce Rock
1936/1200023 Bruce Rock Pascoe Campbell Keith Male Brown Moira Jeonne Female Bruce Rock
1936/1200023 Bruce Rock Brown Moira Jeonne Female Pascoe Campbell Keith Male Bruce Rock
1936/1200024 Bruce Rock Smith Frank William Male Faulkner Lucy Female Bruce Rock
1936/1200024 Bruce Rock Faulkner Lucy Female Smith Frank William Male Bruce Rock
1936/1200025 Bruce Rock Fleming Edward Allan Male Jacob Marjory Female Bruce Rock
1936/1200025 Bruce Rock Jacob Marjory Female Fleming Edward Allan Male Bruce Rock
1936/1200026 Bruce Rock Thompson Harold Lytton Male Shawyer Dorothy Ellen Female Kondinin
1936/1200026 Bruce Rock Shawyer Dorothy Ellen Female Thompson Harold Lytton Male Kondinin
1936/1200027 Bruce Rock Stevens Jessie Roughton Female Munty Josh Baird Male Bruce Rock
1936/1200027 Bruce Rock Munty Josh Baird Male Stevens Jessie Roughton Female Bruce Rock
1936/1200028 Bruce Rock McDonald Jessie Rose Elsie Female Hams Frederick George Male Kondinin
1936/1200028 Bruce Rock Hams Frederick George Male McDonald Jessie Rose Elsie Female Kondinin
1936/1200029 Bruce Rock Bennett Thomas Roberts Male Smith Hazel Alice Female Bruce Rock
1936/1200029 Bruce Rock Smith Hazel Alice Female Bennett Thomas Roberts Male Bruce Rock
1936/1200030 Bruce Rock Chitty Hazel Female Day Philip James Male Corrigin
1936/1200030 Bruce Rock Day Philip James Male Chitty Hazel Female Corrigin
1936/1400001 Canning Hicks Leslie James Male Herdigan Emily Mary Female Armadale
1936/1400001 Canning Herdigan Emily Mary Female Hicks Leslie James Male Armadale
1936/1400002 Canning Beckwith Decima Angela Olive Female Hilton John Henry Male Armadale
1936/1400002 Canning Hilton John Henry Male Beckwith Decima Angela Olive Female Armadale
1936/1400003 Canning Penney Cyril Michael Male Mason Hilda Pearson Female Gosnells
1936/1400003 Canning Mason Hilda Pearson Female Penney Cyril Michael Male Gosnells
1936/1400004 Canning Pilbeam Louie Female Denton Charles Alexander Male Cannington
1936/1400004 Canning Denton Charles Alexander Male Pilbeam Louie Female Cannington
1936/1400005 Canning Thatcher Alice Pryor Female Jolly Albert Ernest Male Armadale
1936/1400005 Canning Jolly Albert Ernest Male Thatcher Alice Pryor Female Armadale
1936/1400006 Canning Bealing Claude Cecil Male Saw Gladys Female Armadale
1936/1400006 Canning Saw Gladys Female Bealing Claude Cecil Male Armadale
1936/1400007 Canning Porter George Henry Male Mills Joyce Female Wongong
1936/1400007 Canning Mills Joyce Female Porter George Henry Male Wongong
1936/1400008 Canning Chedzey Henry Thomas Male Cull Ivy Edna Female Armadale
1936/1400008 Canning Cull Ivy Edna Female Chedzey Henry Thomas Male Armadale
1936/1400009 Canning Alderson Thomas Richard Male Jennings Kathleen Agnes Female Cannington
1936/1400009 Canning Jennings Kathleen Agnes Female Alderson Thomas Richard Male Cannington
1936/1400010 Canning Hand William James Male Bourne Queenie Female Bickley
1936/1400010 Canning Bourne Queenie Female Hand William James Male Bickley
1936/1400011 Canning Russell Ellen Gertrude Female Perry William Stanley Male Queen's Park
1936/1400011 Canning Perry William Stanley Male Russell Ellen Gertrude Female Queen's Park
1936/1400012 Canning Farrell Lucy Agnes Female Lumbus John Joseph Male Queen's Park
1936/1400012 Canning Lumbus John Joseph Male Farrell Lucy Agnes Female Queen's Park
1936/1400013 Canning Brooks George Arnold Male Downey Enid Ivy Female Queens Park
1936/1400013 Canning Downey Enid Ivy Female Brooks George Arnold Male Queens Park
1936/1400014 Canning Wallis Grace Frances Female Earp Neil Foxe Male Kalamunda
1936/1400014 Canning Earp Neil Foxe Male Wallis Grace Frances Female Kalamunda
1936/1400015 Canning Dalgleish Eva Doreen Female Harris Frederick Sydney Male Maddington
1936/1400015 Canning Harris Frederick Sydney Male Dalgleish Eva Doreen Female Maddington
1936/1400016 Canning Granberg Lillian Constance Female Barrett Richard Male Armadale
1936/1400016 Canning Barrett Richard Male Granberg Lillian Constance Female Armadale
1936/1400017 Canning James Keith Stuart Male Goodall Alice Irene Female Gosnells
1936/1400017 Canning Goodall Alice Irene Female James Keith Stuart Male Gosnells
1936/1400018 Canning Barron Thomas Martin Male Clune Charlotte Cecilia Female Queen's Park
1936/1400018 Canning Clune Charlotte Cecilia Female Barron Thomas Martin Male Queen's Park
1936/1400019 Canning Abbott Phyllis Gertrude Female Sandover John Oswald Alan Male Bickley
1936/1400019 Canning Sandover John Oswald Alan Male Abbott Phyllis Gertrude Female Bickley
1936/1400020 Canning Stubbings George Roland Reginald Male Bowden Amelia Rose Female Queen's Park
1936/1400020 Canning Bowden Amelia Rose Female Stubbings George Roland Reginald Male Queen's Park
1936/1400021 Canning Winsor Frederick Stephen Male Checksfield Florence Rose Patience Female Queens Park
1936/1400021 Canning Checksfield Florence Rose Patience Female Winsor Frederick Stephen Male Queens Park
1936/1400022 Canning Lucadakis Calliope Female Patiniotis Peter Male Perth
1936/1400022 Canning Patiniotis Peter Male Lucadakis Calliope Female Perth
1936/1400023 Canning Hodgson Barbara Female Watson James Lennox Male Gosnells
1936/1400023 Canning Watson James Lennox Male Hodgson Barbara Female Gosnells
1936/1400024 Canning Kessey Gwyneth Getta Female Francis John Male Kalamunda
1936/1400024 Canning Francis John Male Kessey Gwyneth Getta Female Kalamunda
1936/1400025 Canning Lawson Jessie Female Hillman Clifford Weston Male Armadale
1936/1400025 Canning Hillman Clifford Weston Male Lawson Jessie Female Armadale
1936/1400026 Canning Morison Bernard Seton Male Roberts Lilian Florence Female Kalamunda
1936/1400026 Canning Roberts Lilian Florence Female Morison Bernard Seton Male Kalamunda
1936/1400027 Canning Bettesworth Nellie Hilda Female Lowe Victor Charles Male Cannington
1936/1400027 Canning Lowe Victor Charles Male Bettesworth Nellie Hilda Female Cannington
1936/1400028 Canning Sanderson Margaret Rotha Female Fearne George Male Kalamunda
1936/1400028 Canning Fearne George Male Sanderson Margaret Rotha Female Kalamunda
1936/1400029 Canning Phillips William Charles Rowland Male Howard Mabel Edith Female Queens Park
1936/1400029 Canning Howard Mabel Edith Female Phillips William Charles Rowland Male Queens Park
1936/1400030 Canning Giles Agnes Alberta Female Winton Henry Alfred Male Queen's Park
1936/1400030 Canning Winton Henry Alfred Male Giles Agnes Alberta Female Queen's Park
1936/1400031 Canning McLauchlan Irene Jessie Female Warren William Frederick Male Armadale
1936/1400031 Canning Warren William Frederick Male McLauchlan Irene Jessie Female Armadale
1936/1400032 Canning Stalker Rita Alvena Female Hickey William John Male Gosnells
1936/1400032 Canning Hickey William John Male Stalker Rita Alvena Female Gosnells
1936/1400033 Canning Tippett John Male Anderson Lily Beryl Female Cannington
1936/1400033 Canning Anderson Lily Beryl Female Tippett John Male Cannington
1936/1400034 Canning Buckingham Ronald William Male Treeby Vera Female Armadale
1936/1400034 Canning Treeby Vera Female Buckingham Ronald William Male Armadale
1936/1400035 Canning Murphy Irene Female Fisher Albert Reginald Male Armadale
1936/1400035 Canning Fisher Albert Reginald Male Murphy Irene Female Armadale
1936/1400036 Canning Banyard John Arthur Male Pascoe Burnice Felicia Beryl Female Kelmscott
1936/1400036 Canning Pascoe Burnice Felicia Beryl Female Banyard John Arthur Male Kelmscott
1936/1400037 Canning Coopes Henry Male Griffiths Margaret Mary Female Gosnells
1936/1400037 Canning Griffiths Margaret Mary Female Coopes Henry Male Gosnells
1936/1400038 Canning Penfold William Alexander Male Myers Doris Female Cannington
1936/1400038 Canning Myers Doris Female Penfold William Alexander Male Cannington
1936/1400039 Canning Leach Gwendoline Audrey Female Smith Victor Henry Charles Male Queens Park
1936/1400039 Canning Smith Victor Henry Charles Male Leach Gwendoline Audrey Female Queens Park
1936/1400040 Canning Riekie Cuthbert James Male Curtis Kathleen Female Armadale
1936/1400040 Canning Curtis Kathleen Female Riekie Cuthbert James Male Armadale
1936/1400041 Canning Wittber Carl August Male Richardson Bernice Marjorie Female Maddington
1936/1400041 Canning Richardson Bernice Marjorie Female Wittber Carl August Male Maddington
1936/1400042 Canning Davey John Leslie Male Staples Della Mavis Female Armadale
1936/1400042 Canning Staples Della Mavis Female Davey John Leslie Male Armadale
1936/1400043 Canning Davies Cyril Edgar Male Martin Edith Lillian Female Armadale
1936/1400043 Canning Martin Edith Lillian Female Davies Cyril Edgar Male Armadale
1936/1400044 Canning Shaw Ronald Adrian Male McVeigh Eileen Female Armadale
1936/1400044 Canning McVeigh Eileen Female Shaw Ronald Adrian Male Armadale
1937/1800002 East Coolgardie Cheverton Leslie Richard Male Bennetts Laurel Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1937/1800002 East Coolgardie Bennetts Laurel Mary Female Cheverton Leslie Richard Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800003 East Coolgardie Simunovich Jure Male Singe Florence Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800003 East Coolgardie Singe Florence Mary Female Simunovich Jure Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800004 East Coolgardie Smith Thomas Male Liesfield Gladys May Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800004 East Coolgardie Liesfield Gladys May Female Smith Thomas Male Kalgoorlie
1937/1800005 East Coolgardie Wuillemin Athol John Male Hahn Winifred Beatrice Female Kalgoorlie
1937/1800005 East Coolgardie Hahn Winifred Beatrice Female Wuillemin Athol John Male Kalgoorlie
1937/1800006 East Coolgardie Cubley Edna Mary Female Saddington Ernest Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1937/1800006 East Coolgardie Saddington Ernest Henry Male Cubley Edna Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800008 East Coolgardie Wilkins Irene May Female Oates Ernest James Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800008 East Coolgardie Oates Ernest James Male Wilkins Irene May Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800009 East Coolgardie Warnock Thomas Raymond Male Reynolds Mary Ann Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800009 East Coolgardie Reynolds Mary Ann Female Warnock Thomas Raymond Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800010 East Coolgardie Darcey Ivy Isabel Female Jenkins Thomas Henry Male Boulder
1936/1800010 East Coolgardie Jenkins Thomas Henry Male Darcey Ivy Isabel Female Boulder
1936/1800011 East Coolgardie Jameson Daphne Mary Lucy Female Hanley Herbert William Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800011 East Coolgardie Hanley Herbert William Male Jameson Daphne Mary Lucy Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800012 East Coolgardie Gandy Norman William Male Aiken Evelyn Female Kalgoorlie
1937/1800012 East Coolgardie Leslie Bernard Heriot Patrick Male Jago Phyllis Bernice Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800012 East Coolgardie Aiken Evelyn Female Gandy Norman William Male Kalgoorlie
1937/1800012 East Coolgardie Jago Phyllis Bernice Female Leslie Bernard Heriot Patrick Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800013 East Coolgardie Janes Albert George Male Pelling Lillian Louisa Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800013 East Coolgardie Pelling Lillian Louisa Mary Female Janes Albert George Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800014 East Coolgardie Brien William Peter Male Collins Norma Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800014 East Coolgardie Collins Norma Mary Female Brien William Peter Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800015 East Coolgardie James Leila Carmel Female Winter Alan Kearney Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800015 East Coolgardie Winter Alan Kearney Male James Leila Carmel Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800016 East Coolgardie Jenkin Valda Female Fyfe Leonard Charles Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800016 East Coolgardie Fyfe Leonard Charles Male Jenkin Valda Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800017 East Coolgardie Doig Alexander Bruce Male Evans Eva May Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800017 East Coolgardie Evans Eva May Female Doig Alexander Bruce Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800018 East Coolgardie Davison Hazel Laura Female Pettit Robert Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800018 East Coolgardie Pettit Robert Male Davison Hazel Laura Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800019 East Coolgardie Brown Elizabeth Melville Female Wright Ernest Ronald Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800019 East Coolgardie Wright Ernest Ronald Male Brown Elizabeth Melville Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800020 East Coolgardie Leggo Hilda Female Drynan Charles Nelson Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800020 East Coolgardie Drynan Charles Nelson Male Leggo Hilda Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800021 East Coolgardie Parks Florence Cecilia Female Dwyer John Westley Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800021 East Coolgardie Dwyer John Westley Male Parks Florence Cecilia Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800022 East Coolgardie Halls Darcey Laughton Male King Bertha May Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800022 East Coolgardie King Bertha May Female Halls Darcey Laughton Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800024 East Coolgardie Quinn Jean Frances Female Fleay William James Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800024 East Coolgardie Fleay William James Male Quinn Jean Frances Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800025 East Coolgardie Senteneller Thalma Isobel Lorraine Female Strauss Charles Frederick Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800025 East Coolgardie Strauss Charles Frederick Male Senteneller Thalma Isobel Lorraine Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800026 East Coolgardie Murphy Annie Female Stokes Jesse Reuben Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800026 East Coolgardie Stokes Jesse Reuben Male Murphy Annie Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800027 East Coolgardie Livie David Brown Kintore Male Lally Mary Patricia Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800027 East Coolgardie Lally Mary Patricia Female Livie David Brown Kintore Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800028 East Coolgardie Fardell Robert Leslie Male Smith Evelyn Margaret Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800028 East Coolgardie Smith Evelyn Margaret Female Fardell Robert Leslie Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800029 East Coolgardie Braysher Jeanette Louisa Female Stein Jack Paul Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800029 East Coolgardie Stein Jack Paul Male Braysher Jeanette Louisa Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800030 East Coolgardie Walker Joyce Alison Female Jenkins Edward Gomer Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800030 East Coolgardie Jenkins Edward Gomer Male Walker Joyce Alison Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800031 East Coolgardie Jessop Lionel Freeman Male Davies Bertha Patricia Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800031 East Coolgardie Davies Bertha Patricia Female Jessop Lionel Freeman Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800032 East Coolgardie Abbot Clifford Lawrence Male Henderson Jessie Gladys Annie Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800032 East Coolgardie Henderson Jessie Gladys Annie Female Abbot Clifford Lawrence Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800033 East Coolgardie Sanders Ruth Oroya Female Jenkins Norman David Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800033 East Coolgardie Jenkins Norman David Male Sanders Ruth Oroya Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800034 East Coolgardie Martin Joyce Female Crossley Frederick Roland Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800034 East Coolgardie Crossley Frederick Roland Male Martin Joyce Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800035 East Coolgardie Flavel Walter Shelley Male Aiken Margaret Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800035 East Coolgardie Aiken Margaret Female Flavel Walter Shelley Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800036 East Coolgardie Donovan Phyllis Female Ramsden Wilfred George Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800036 East Coolgardie Ramsden Wilfred George Male Donovan Phyllis Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800037 East Coolgardie Bucci Victor Male Whyte Dorothy Margaret Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800037 East Coolgardie Whyte Dorothy Margaret Female Bucci Victor Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800038 East Coolgardie Wall Leta Rosemary Female Miller Kenneth Howard Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800038 East Coolgardie Miller Kenneth Howard Male Wall Leta Rosemary Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800039 East Coolgardie Thomas Joyce Adelaide Female McNally Peter Claude Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800039 East Coolgardie McNally Peter Claude Male Thomas Joyce Adelaide Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800040 East Coolgardie Johnson Agnes Francis Female Jones George Winsall Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800040 East Coolgardie Jones George Winsall Male Johnson Agnes Francis Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800041 East Coolgardie Smith Florence Female Hyde Alfred Roy Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800041 East Coolgardie Hyde Alfred Roy Male Smith Florence Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800042 East Coolgardie Brealey Arthur Oliver Male Harvey Thelma Jane Female Ora Banda
1936/1800042 East Coolgardie Harvey Thelma Jane Female Brealey Arthur Oliver Male Ora Banda
1936/1800043 East Coolgardie Franetovich Vinka Female Burkett George Francis Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800043 East Coolgardie Burkett George Francis Male Franetovich Vinka Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800044 East Coolgardie Rear John Male Sara Doris Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800044 East Coolgardie Sara Doris Female Rear John Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800045 East Coolgardie Reilly Frank Wilson Male Campbell Enid Lochnell Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800045 East Coolgardie Campbell Enid Lochnell Female Reilly Frank Wilson Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800046 East Coolgardie Treacy Nicholas James Male Field Rita May Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800046 East Coolgardie Field Rita May Female Treacy Nicholas James Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800047 East Coolgardie Castle Evelyn Rose Female Bennetts Reginald George Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800047 East Coolgardie Bennetts Reginald George Male Castle Evelyn Rose Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800048 East Coolgardie Jones Arnold Arthur Male England Bertha Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800048 East Coolgardie England Bertha Mary Female Jones Arnold Arthur Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800049 East Coolgardie Clarkson Joseph James Male Frampton Esme Margaret Female Zanthus
1936/1800049 East Coolgardie Frampton Esme Margaret Female Clarkson Joseph James Male Zanthus
1936/1800050 East Coolgardie Veale William Samuel Male Adamson Annie Maude Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800050 East Coolgardie Adamson Annie Maude Female Veale William Samuel Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800051 East Coolgardie Richards Doris Female Worthington Alfred Ernest Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800051 East Coolgardie Worthington Alfred Ernest Male Richards Doris Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800052 East Coolgardie Willis Stanley John Male Bates May Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800052 East Coolgardie Bates May Female Willis Stanley John Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800053 East Coolgardie Quinn Agnes May Female Keene Edwin Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800053 East Coolgardie Keene Edwin Male Quinn Agnes May Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800054 East Coolgardie Zadow Reinhold Conrad Male Wooding Una Albertina Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800054 East Coolgardie Wooding Una Albertina Female Zadow Reinhold Conrad Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800055 East Coolgardie Lecky William Stuart Male Harvey Lucy Kate Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800055 East Coolgardie Harvey Lucy Kate Female Lecky William Stuart Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800056 East Coolgardie Roach Ernest Male Ashworth Gladys Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800056 East Coolgardie Ashworth Gladys Female Roach Ernest Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800057 East Coolgardie Close Harold Royce Male Earle Alice Hilda Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800057 East Coolgardie Earle Alice Hilda Female Close Harold Royce Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800058 East Coolgardie Simpson Raydon Charles Male Pritchard Joan Oliver Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800058 East Coolgardie Pritchard Joan Oliver Female Simpson Raydon Charles Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800059 East Coolgardie Stacey Doreen Female McKay Angus Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800059 East Coolgardie McKay Angus Male Stacey Doreen Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800060 East Coolgardie Fitzsimmons Norma Cooper Female Green Henry Ivan Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800060 East Coolgardie Green Henry Ivan Male Fitzsimmons Norma Cooper Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800061 East Coolgardie Brindley Hannah Josephine Female Bosustow Mervin Francis Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800061 East Coolgardie Bosustow Mervin Francis Male Brindley Hannah Josephine Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800062 East Coolgardie Willox Frederick Charles Male Pavlinovich Mary Philomena Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800062 East Coolgardie Pavlinovich Mary Philomena Female Willox Frederick Charles Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800063 East Coolgardie Corcoran Lucy Mary Female Douglas Keith Dunbar Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800063 East Coolgardie Douglas Keith Dunbar Male Corcoran Lucy Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800064 East Coolgardie Castle Ruby May Female Mills Clarence Alfred Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800064 East Coolgardie Mills Clarence Alfred Male Castle Ruby May Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800065 East Coolgardie Fleming Harold John Male Wanke Edna Ray Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800065 East Coolgardie Wanke Edna Ray Female Fleming Harold John Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800066 East Coolgardie Butcher John Hubert Male Purdy Thelma Jane Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800066 East Coolgardie Purdy Thelma Jane Female Butcher John Hubert Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800067 East Coolgardie Moore Doreen Mary Female Delaney Royston Charles Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800067 East Coolgardie Delaney Royston Charles Male Moore Doreen Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800068 East Coolgardie Brand Edith Alice Female Campbell John Alfred Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800068 East Coolgardie Campbell John Alfred Male Brand Edith Alice Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800069 East Coolgardie Shaw Thomas Carlyle Male Hayward Merle Lorraine Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800069 East Coolgardie Hayward Merle Lorraine Female Shaw Thomas Carlyle Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800070 East Coolgardie Osborne Percival Alexander Male Nielsen Kristine May Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800070 East Coolgardie Nielsen Kristine May Female Osborne Percival Alexander Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800071 East Coolgardie Brimson Ida Beatrice Female McMahon Roderick Kennedy Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800071 East Coolgardie McMahon Roderick Kennedy Male Brimson Ida Beatrice Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800072 East Coolgardie Percy Robert Edwin Male Neill Nellie Hogue Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800072 East Coolgardie Neill Nellie Hogue Female Percy Robert Edwin Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800073 East Coolgardie Craigie David Rankin Male Wilkins Dorothy Jean Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800073 East Coolgardie Wilkins Dorothy Jean Female Craigie David Rankin Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800074 East Coolgardie Mackay Margaret Vera Female Gould Albert Roy Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800074 East Coolgardie Gould Albert Roy Male Mackay Margaret Vera Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800075 East Coolgardie Buckett Reginald Clement Male Stanley Olive Melba Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800075 East Coolgardie Stanley Olive Melba Female Buckett Reginald Clement Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800076 East Coolgardie McCrae Ivy Constance Female Kelsey Walter Keyte Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800076 East Coolgardie Kelsey Walter Keyte Male McCrae Ivy Constance Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800077 East Coolgardie Henderson Mary Florence Female Williams Basil Mervyn Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800077 East Coolgardie Williams Basil Mervyn Male Henderson Mary Florence Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800078 East Coolgardie Kimpton George Alfred Male Miller Myra Anne Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800078 East Coolgardie Miller Myra Anne Female Kimpton George Alfred Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800079 East Coolgardie Selig Werner Alfred Louis Male Wright Olga Ethel Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800079 East Coolgardie Wright Olga Ethel Female Selig Werner Alfred Louis Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800080 East Coolgardie Browner Victoria Gertrude Nora Lillian Female Pervan George Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800080 East Coolgardie Pervan George Male Browner Victoria Gertrude Nora Lillian Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800081 East Coolgardie Francis Victor Herbert Male Whitney Zelpha Olivette Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800081 East Coolgardie Whitney Zelpha Olivette Female Francis Victor Herbert Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800082 East Coolgardie Foulkes Ellen Campbell Female Pilkerton George Benjamin Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800082 East Coolgardie Pilkerton George Benjamin Male Foulkes Ellen Campbell Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800083 East Coolgardie O'Neill Eileen Phyllis Female Rowland Cecil William Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800083 East Coolgardie Rowland Cecil William Henry Male O'Neill Eileen Phyllis Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800084 East Coolgardie Silva Marjory Female Bott Aubrey Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800084 East Coolgardie Bott Aubrey Male Silva Marjory Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800085 East Coolgardie Evans Bertha Hilton Female Edwards Alexander Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800085 East Coolgardie Edwards Alexander Male Evans Bertha Hilton Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800086 East Coolgardie Bosustow Dorothy May Female Smith Aubrey Bernhard Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800086 East Coolgardie Smith Aubrey Bernhard Male Bosustow Dorothy May Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800087 East Coolgardie Harper Edith Alma Matilda Minnie Female Franklin Thomas Montague Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800087 East Coolgardie Franklin Thomas Montague Male Harper Edith Alma Matilda Minnie Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800088 East Coolgardie Coad Mildred Martha Female Baguley Frederick William Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800088 East Coolgardie Baguley Frederick William Male Coad Mildred Martha Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800089 East Coolgardie Luton Evelyn May Female Colmer Edgar George Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800089 East Coolgardie Colmer Edgar George Male Luton Evelyn May Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800090 East Coolgardie Mavromatis Apvodik Female Doucas Michael Derlouzos Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800090 East Coolgardie Black Apvodik Female Doucas Michael Derlouzos Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800090 East Coolgardie Doucas Michael Derlouzos Male Black Apvodik Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800090 East Coolgardie Doucas Michael Derlouzos Male Mavromatis Apvodik Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800091 East Coolgardie Francis Edith Jane Female Norris Cedric Thomas Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800091 East Coolgardie Norris Cedric Thomas Edward Male Francis Edith Jane Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800092 East Coolgardie Newman Edward Vernon Male Nutchey Beatrice May Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800092 East Coolgardie Nutchey Beatrice May Female Newman Edward Vernon Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800093 East Coolgardie Gasmier Annie Dorothy Female Cairnduff Alexander John Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800093 East Coolgardie Cairnduff Alexander John Male Gasmier Annie Dorothy Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800094 East Coolgardie Faichney Edith Jean Female Rourke Gerald Alan Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800094 East Coolgardie Rourke Gerald Alan Male Faichney Edith Jean Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800095 East Coolgardie Graham Hazel Alma Female Garrett John Thomas Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800095 East Coolgardie Garrett John Thomas Male Graham Hazel Alma Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800096 East Coolgardie McCaig Neil Alexander Male Pavy Evelyn Chattie Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800096 East Coolgardie Pavy Evelyn Chattie Female McCaig Neil Alexander Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800097 East Coolgardie Cooper Philomena May Female Wildy Cyril Bernard Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800097 East Coolgardie Wildy Cyril Bernard Male Cooper Philomena May Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800098 East Coolgardie Cray Thomas Joseph Male Glover Myrtle Eileen Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800098 East Coolgardie Glover Myrtle Eileen Female Cray Thomas Joseph Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800099 East Coolgardie Moss Nancy Sophie Female Keleher Francis Xavier Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800099 East Coolgardie Keleher Francis Xavier Male Moss Nancy Sophie Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800100 East Coolgardie Rodgers Annie Rose Female Sly Edward Domonic Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800100 East Coolgardie Sly Edward Domonic Male Rodgers Annie Rose Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800101 East Coolgardie Bowman Alice Gwendoline Female Barber John Frederick Roy Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800101 East Coolgardie Barber John Frederick Roy Male Bowman Alice Gwendoline Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800102 East Coolgardie Reilly Kathleen Phyllis Female Henderson Arthur John Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800102 East Coolgardie Henderson Arthur John Male Reilly Kathleen Phyllis Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800103 East Coolgardie Neil James Henry Male Smith Helena Ruby Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800103 East Coolgardie Smith Helena Ruby Female Neil James Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800104 East Coolgardie Hebbard Augustus Thomas Male Solway Nellie Margaret Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800104 East Coolgardie Solway Nellie Margaret Female Hebbard Augustus Thomas Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800105 East Coolgardie Conlon Thomas Bede Male Bawden Nellie Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800105 East Coolgardie Bawden Nellie Female Conlon Thomas Bede Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800106 East Coolgardie Bostelman Everard John Male Sumpter Gladys Myra Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800106 East Coolgardie Sumpter Gladys Myra Female Bostelman Everard John Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800107 East Coolgardie Palmer Lilian Esther Female Booker Thomas Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800107 East Coolgardie Booker Thomas Male Palmer Lilian Esther Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800108 East Coolgardie Murray Elsie Irene Female Hall Matthew Sydney Charles Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800108 East Coolgardie Hall Matthew Sydney Charles Male Murray Elsie Irene Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800109 East Coolgardie Page Ellen Florence Female Jones Herbert Leslie Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800109 East Coolgardie Jones Herbert Leslie Male Page Ellen Florence Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800110 East Coolgardie Jones Robert Lloyd Male Bisdee Mavis Ellen Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800110 East Coolgardie Bisdee Mavis Ellen Female Jones Robert Lloyd Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800111 East Coolgardie Dickson Charles Ernest Male Silvester Ruby Rose Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800111 East Coolgardie Silvester Ruby Rose Female Dickson Charles Ernest Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800112 East Coolgardie Smallman May Clara Knight Female Newell Maurice Frederick Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800112 East Coolgardie Newell Maurice Frederick Male Smallman May Clara Knight Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800113 East Coolgardie Cockburn Doris Maude Female Schoppe Norman George Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800113 East Coolgardie Schoppe Norman George Male Cockburn Doris Maude Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800114 East Coolgardie Lucas Avice Sunya Female Morley Maurice Maitland Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800114 East Coolgardie Morley Maurice Maitland Male Lucas Avice Sunya Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800115 East Coolgardie Grace Leonard Stephen Male Mitchell Minnie Ellen Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800115 East Coolgardie Mitchell Minnie Ellen Female Grace Leonard Stephen Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800116 East Coolgardie Richards Elsie Edith Female Corey Joseph John Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800116 East Coolgardie Corey Joseph John Male Richards Elsie Edith Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800117 East Coolgardie Geddes Mapleton Belinda Livina Female Nicholls Edwin John Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800117 East Coolgardie Nicholls Edwin John Male Geddes Mapleton Belinda Livina Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800118 East Coolgardie English Leonard Frederick Male Gould Emily Laura Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800118 East Coolgardie Gould Emily Laura Female English Leonard Frederick Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800119 East Coolgardie Ware Mavis Elizabeth Female Harris George James Wellstead Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800119 East Coolgardie Harris George James Wellstead Male Ware Mavis Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800120 East Coolgardie Slade Edith Jane Female Bayly Gordon Ware Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800120 East Coolgardie Bayly Gordon Ware Male Slade Edith Jane Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800121 East Coolgardie Daws Charles Pearson Male Mitchell Olga Edith Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800121 East Coolgardie Mitchell Olga Edith Female Daws Charles Pearson Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800122 East Coolgardie Woods Iris Theresa Female Heagney Frank Davin Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800122 East Coolgardie Heagney Frank Davin Male Woods Iris Theresa Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800123 East Coolgardie Herriman Thomas Arthur Male Easton Noreen Theresa Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800123 East Coolgardie Easton Noreen Theresa Female Herriman Thomas Arthur Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800124 East Coolgardie Kearns George Francis Male Fitch Florence Helen Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800124 East Coolgardie Fitch Florence Helen Female Kearns George Francis Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800125 East Coolgardie Lee Jane Female Sadleir John William Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800125 East Coolgardie Sadleir John William Male Lee Jane Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800126 East Coolgardie Williamson Veronica Anne Female Hollins Charles John Costley Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800126 East Coolgardie Hollins Charles John Costley Male Williamson Veronica Anne Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800127 East Coolgardie Thompson Mary Alfreda Female Hardy Godfrey Congdon Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800127 East Coolgardie Hardy Godfrey Congdon Male Thompson Mary Alfreda Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800128 East Coolgardie Sullivan Thomas Daniel Male Fudge Mary Agnes Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800128 East Coolgardie Fudge Mary Agnes Female Sullivan Thomas Daniel Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800129 East Coolgardie Sutcliffe Irene Emily Female Loan Charles Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800129 East Coolgardie Loan Charles Male Sutcliffe Irene Emily Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800130 East Coolgardie Gericevich Winifred Female Markotich Lynbo Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800130 East Coolgardie Markotich Lynbo Male Gericevich Winifred Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800131 East Coolgardie Plant Trillis Violet Female Hillier Stanley Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800131 East Coolgardie Hillier Stanley Male Plant Trillis Violet Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800132 East Coolgardie Carwardine Lewis Bou Male Fagence Rita Cornelia Lucy Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800132 East Coolgardie Fagence Rita Cornelia Lucy Female Carwardine Lewis Bou Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800133 East Coolgardie Swain Walter Douglas Male Glenn Elder Jessie Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800133 East Coolgardie Glenn Elder Jessie Female Swain Walter Douglas Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800134 East Coolgardie Flynn Gloria Jean Female Mundy Harry William Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800134 East Coolgardie Mundy Harry William Male Flynn Gloria Jean Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800135 East Coolgardie Wilson John Alexander Male Wyatt Gladys May Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800135 East Coolgardie Wyatt Gladys May Female Wilson John Alexander Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800136 East Coolgardie Walsh George Lovell Male Epps Gladys Mabel Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800136 East Coolgardie Epps Gladys Mabel Female Walsh George Lovell Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800137 East Coolgardie Ellis Thelma Kathleen Female Worthington Walter John Male Menzies
1936/1800137 East Coolgardie Worthington Walter John Male Ellis Thelma Kathleen Female Menzies
1936/1800138 East Coolgardie Hahn Frank Leopold Male Eades Iola Nesta Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800138 East Coolgardie Eades Iola Nesta Female Hahn Frank Leopold Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800139 East Coolgardie Neil Audrey Phyllis Female Elliott John Herbert Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800139 East Coolgardie Elliott John Herbert Male Neil Audrey Phyllis Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800140 East Coolgardie Neil Henry Erwin Male Parks Hannah May Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800140 East Coolgardie Parks Hannah May Female Neil Henry Erwin Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800141 East Coolgardie Glover Walter Edwin Male Greep Jane Alice Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800141 East Coolgardie Greep Jane Alice Female Glover Walter Edwin Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800142 East Coolgardie Erdman Theodore Arthur Male Curtis Thelma Frances Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800142 East Coolgardie Curtis Thelma Frances Female Erdman Theodore Arthur Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800143 East Coolgardie Laurance Christopher William Male Berry Henrietta Ruby Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800143 East Coolgardie Berry Henrietta Ruby Female Laurance Christopher William Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800144 East Coolgardie Aldus Rita Female Richards James Daniel Albert Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800144 East Coolgardie Richards James Daniel Albert Male Aldus Rita Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800145 East Coolgardie Carbon William Leslie Male Bourke Doris Alicia Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800145 East Coolgardie Bourke Doris Alicia Female Carbon William Leslie Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800146 East Coolgardie Gilmore Gordon Roy Male O'Donovan Frances Effie Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800146 East Coolgardie O'Donovan Frances Effie Female Gilmore Gordon Roy Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800147 East Coolgardie Boult Herbert John Male Pateman Phyllis Annie Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800147 East Coolgardie Pateman Phyllis Annie Female Boult Herbert John Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800148 East Coolgardie Capp Johnson Male Curtin Catherine Gabriel Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800148 East Coolgardie Curtin Catherine Gabriel Female Capp Johnson Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800149 East Coolgardie Hammer Arthur Stanley Male Maisey Emily Victoria Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800149 East Coolgardie Maisey Emily Victoria Female Hammer Arthur Stanley Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800150 East Coolgardie Weston Freda Maud Female King Albert John Reginald Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800150 East Coolgardie King Albert John Reginald Male Weston Freda Maud Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800151 East Coolgardie Bextrum Violet Grace Female Leahy John Patrick Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800151 East Coolgardie Leahy John Patrick Male Bextrum Violet Grace Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800152 East Coolgardie Banfield Frank Victor Male Lambe Lily Ada Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800152 East Coolgardie Lambe Lily Ada Female Banfield Frank Victor Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800153 East Coolgardie Pigdon David Roy Male Clarke Ena May Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800153 East Coolgardie Clarke Ena May Female Pigdon David Roy Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800154 East Coolgardie Radosevich Pauline Female Beattie James Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800154 East Coolgardie Beattie James Male Radosevich Pauline Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800155 East Coolgardie Tomich Katherine Female Kastropil Frank Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800155 East Coolgardie Kastropil Frank Male Tomich Katherine Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800156 East Coolgardie Moore William Archibald Male Larkin Margaret Carmel Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800156 East Coolgardie Larkin Margaret Carmel Female Moore William Archibald Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800157 East Coolgardie Richards William Eric Male Sinfield Lilian Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800157 East Coolgardie Sinfield Lilian Mary Female Richards William Eric Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800158 East Coolgardie Flanagan Bridget Mary Patricia Female Northwood Kenneth John Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800158 East Coolgardie Northwood Kenneth John Male Flanagan Bridget Mary Patricia Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800159 East Coolgardie Saggers Albert James Male Underwood Winifred Doris Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800159 East Coolgardie Underwood Winifred Doris Female Saggers Albert James Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800160 East Coolgardie Whitby Linda Joyce Female Louis Percival Paulin Jean Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800160 East Coolgardie Louis Percival Paulin Jean Male Whitby Linda Joyce Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800161 East Coolgardie Merritt George Edward Male Molineaux Gloria Christina Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800161 East Coolgardie Molineaux Gloria Christina Female Merritt George Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800162 East Coolgardie Main Eric William Stanbrough Male Hocking Alfreda Jean Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800162 East Coolgardie Hocking Alfreda Jean Female Main Eric William Stanbrough Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800163 East Coolgardie Trethewey Clifford Samuel Male Brian Stella Rosalie Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800163 East Coolgardie Brian Stella Rosalie Female Trethewey Clifford Samuel Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800164 East Coolgardie Lynch John Joseph Male Fuller Hazel May Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800164 East Coolgardie Fuller Hazel May Female Lynch John Joseph Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800165 East Coolgardie McNair Oliver Male Stove Jean May Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800165 East Coolgardie Stove Jean May Female McNair Oliver Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800166 East Coolgardie Dagnall Alice Myrah Female Graffin Frederick Thomas Keith Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800166 East Coolgardie Graffin Frederick Thomas Keith Male Dagnall Alice Myrah Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800167 East Coolgardie Faahan Margaret Cicelia Mary Agnes Female Smith Herbert John Male Coolgardie
1936/1800167 East Coolgardie Smith Herbert John Male Faahan Margaret Cicelia Mary Agnes Female Coolgardie
1936/1800168 East Coolgardie Morgan Davida Female Leonard Eric George Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800168 East Coolgardie Leonard Eric George Male Morgan Davida Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800169 East Coolgardie Parker Horace Joseph Male Brooks Eleanor Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800169 East Coolgardie Brooks Eleanor Female Parker Horace Joseph Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800170 East Coolgardie Cale Emily Marjory Female Mohr Sydney Harold Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800170 East Coolgardie Mohr Sydney Harold Male Cale Emily Marjory Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800171 East Coolgardie Lockhart Eric John Male Clark Ivy Dorothy Franklin Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800171 East Coolgardie Clark Ivy Dorothy Franklin Female Lockhart Eric John Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800172 East Coolgardie Clarke Terence Aloyisius Male Clatworthy Thelma Lurline Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800172 East Coolgardie Clatworthy Thelma Lurline Female Clarke Terence Aloyisius Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800173 East Coolgardie Reed Reginald Male Ford Alice Maude Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800173 East Coolgardie Ford Alice Maude Female Reed Reginald Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800174 East Coolgardie Anderson Doris Amelia Female Fox Horace William Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800174 East Coolgardie Fox Horace William Male Anderson Doris Amelia Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800175 East Coolgardie Nazzari Enrico Male Brealey Irene Jean Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800175 East Coolgardie Nazzari Harry Male Brealey Irene Jean Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800175 East Coolgardie Brealey Irene Jean Female Nazzari Enrico Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800175 East Coolgardie Brealey Irene Jean Female Nazzari Harry Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800176 East Coolgardie Jarvis Albert Shaw Male Schonberg Marjorie Amelia Magdalene Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800176 East Coolgardie Schonberg Marjorie Amelia Magdalene Female Jarvis Albert Shaw Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800177 East Coolgardie Lawson Victor George Male Seagrim Perpis Lurline Cabot Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800177 East Coolgardie Seagrim Perpis Lurline Cabot Female Lawson Victor George Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800178 East Coolgardie Ismay Anthony Arnold Markham Male Campbell Lillian Ivy Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800178 East Coolgardie Campbell Lillian Ivy Female Ismay Anthony Arnold Markham Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800179 East Coolgardie Doust Henry George Male Graffin Roma Whitaker Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800179 East Coolgardie Graffin Roma Whitaker Female Doust Henry George Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800180 East Coolgardie Tully Bridget Mary Theresa Female Metcalf Jack Campbell Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800180 East Coolgardie Metcalf Jack Campbell Male Tully Bridget Mary Theresa Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800181 East Coolgardie Thomson Thomas William Male Davies Ceridwen Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800181 East Coolgardie Davies Ceridwen Female Thomson Thomas William Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800182 East Coolgardie Dellavanzo Enna Female Corbellini James Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800182 East Coolgardie Corbellini James Male Dellavanzo Enna Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800183 East Coolgardie Pidgeon William Owen Male Walters Agnes Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800183 East Coolgardie Walters Agnes Female Pidgeon William Owen Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800184 East Coolgardie Seal Hazel Daphne Female Johnson Edward Reginald Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800184 East Coolgardie Johnson Edward Reginald Male Seal Hazel Daphne Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800185 East Coolgardie Eccles Alicia Dora Female Russell Harry Ralph Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800185 East Coolgardie Russell Harry Ralph Male Eccles Alicia Dora Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800186 East Coolgardie Annert Enid Lauretta Female Lanich Louis Bernard Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800186 East Coolgardie Lanich Louis Bernard Male Annert Enid Lauretta Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800187 East Coolgardie Barton William Alfred Male McGeoch Flora Adelaide Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800187 East Coolgardie McGeoch Flora Adelaide Female Barton William Alfred Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800188 East Coolgardie Hawkes Ethel Doris Female McRae Raymond Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800188 East Coolgardie McRae Raymond Male Hawkes Ethel Doris Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800189 East Coolgardie Williams Olive Evelyn Female Kingswood Jack Arnold Clifford Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800189 East Coolgardie Kingswood Jack Arnold Clifford Male Williams Olive Evelyn Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800190 East Coolgardie Hogg Myrtle Florence Female Williams John Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800190 East Coolgardie Williams John Male Hogg Myrtle Florence Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800191 East Coolgardie Bulfield John Frederick Male Bishop Yvonne Clare Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800191 East Coolgardie Bishop Yvonne Clare Female Bulfield John Frederick Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800192 East Coolgardie Wills-Johnson Alistair Male Brewis Dorothy May Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800192 East Coolgardie Brewis Dorothy May Female Wills-Johnson Alistair Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800193 East Coolgardie Smith Ronald Michael Male Bailey Mavis Concanen Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800193 East Coolgardie Bailey Mavis Concanen Female Smith Ronald Michael Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800194 East Coolgardie Ford Georgina Frances May Female Bateman Charles Aubrey Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800194 East Coolgardie Bateman Charles Aubrey Male Ford Georgina Frances May Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800195 East Coolgardie Allan Constance Emily Female Williams Herbert Stephen Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800195 East Coolgardie Williams Herbert Stephen Male Allan Constance Emily Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800196 East Coolgardie Hill Ann Eileen Female Wildy Albert Joseph Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800196 East Coolgardie Wildy Albert Joseph Male Hill Ann Eileen Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800197 East Coolgardie Padley William Male Campbell Daisy Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800197 East Coolgardie Campbell Daisy Female Padley William Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800198 East Coolgardie Hogg Thomas Male Williams Ivy Ellen Jane Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800198 East Coolgardie Williams Ivy Ellen Jane Female Hogg Thomas Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800199 East Coolgardie Shearer Whilemena Agnes Female Browne William Thompson Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800199 East Coolgardie Browne William Thompson Male Shearer Whilemena Agnes Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800200 East Coolgardie Stewart Mary Edna Maud Female Washer William Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800200 East Coolgardie Washer William Henry Male Stewart Mary Edna Maud Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800201 East Coolgardie Bartlett Muriel Patricia Female Woods Robert Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800201 East Coolgardie Woods Robert Edward Male Bartlett Muriel Patricia Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800202 East Coolgardie Watts Cecilia Cavell Female Smith Colin Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800202 East Coolgardie Smith Colin Male Watts Cecilia Cavell Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800203 East Coolgardie Moss Leslie Male McNally Margaret Jean Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800203 East Coolgardie McNally Margaret Jean Female Moss Leslie Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800204 East Coolgardie Ray Hilda Mary Female Dufall Robert James Sydney Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800204 East Coolgardie Dufall Robert James Sydney Male Ray Hilda Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800205 East Coolgardie Peirce Doris Lilian Female Miller Richard James Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800205 East Coolgardie Miller Richard James Male Peirce Doris Lilian Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800206 East Coolgardie Tait George William Male Douglas Aileen Margaret Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800206 East Coolgardie Douglas Aileen Margaret Female Tait George William Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800207 East Coolgardie Edwards Francis William Male Embleton Eva Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800207 East Coolgardie Embleton Eva Elizabeth Female Edwards Francis William Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800208 East Coolgardie Scroop John Herbert Male Hunt Muriel Annie Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800208 East Coolgardie Hunt Muriel Annie Female Scroop John Herbert Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800209 East Coolgardie Silverlock Edna Clarice Female Smith Donald Leonard Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800209 East Coolgardie Smith Donald Leonard Male Silverlock Edna Clarice Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800210 East Coolgardie Masonovich George Male Baldock Veronica Daisy Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800210 East Coolgardie Baldock Veronica Daisy Female Masonovich George Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800211 East Coolgardie Woodfin Edna Myrtle Brown Female O'Brien Sidney James Wright Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800211 East Coolgardie O'Brien Sidney James Wright Male Woodfin Edna Myrtle Brown Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800212 East Coolgardie Mincham Peter Stephen Male Vonthien Eileen Annie Lorraine Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800212 East Coolgardie Vonthien Eileen Annie Lorraine Female Mincham Peter Stephen Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800213 East Coolgardie Ewans Jack Joseph Male Morgan Margaret Cecilia Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800213 East Coolgardie Morgan Margaret Cecilia Female Ewans Jack Joseph Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800214 East Coolgardie Hahn Gwendoline Joyce Female Healy Robert John Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800214 East Coolgardie Healy Robert John Male Hahn Gwendoline Joyce Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800215 East Coolgardie Bennet Dorothy Ida Female Brady Robert John Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800215 East Coolgardie Brady Robert John Male Bennet Dorothy Ida Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800216 East Coolgardie Fletcher Allen James Male Tenni Millie Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800216 East Coolgardie Tenni Millie Mary Female Fletcher Allen James Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800217 East Coolgardie Hair Jean Euphemia Female Kyle Alfred Dunsmore Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800217 East Coolgardie Kyle Alfred Dunsmore Male Hair Jean Euphemia Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800218 East Coolgardie Thomas Alice Elizabeth Female Mapstone Ernest John Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800218 East Coolgardie Mapstone Ernest John Male Thomas Alice Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800219 East Coolgardie Brown Charles Edmund Male Bowen Helen May Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800219 East Coolgardie Bowen Helen May Female Brown Charles Edmund Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800220 East Coolgardie Kirwan Frank Greer Male McLeod Alice Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800220 East Coolgardie McLeod Alice Elizabeth Female Kirwan Frank Greer Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800221 East Coolgardie Facey Eric George Male Flanagan Kathleen Margaret Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800221 East Coolgardie Flanagan Kathleen Margaret Mary Female Facey Eric George Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800222 East Coolgardie Gibbs Dulcie Mary Female Kemp William Rawling Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800222 East Coolgardie Kemp William Rawling Male Gibbs Dulcie Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800223 East Coolgardie O'Neil Arthur Finlay Male Johnson Valda Mary Evelyn Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800223 East Coolgardie Johnson Valda Mary Evelyn Female O'Neil Arthur Finlay Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800224 East Coolgardie Blakeway Colin Gower Male Blacker Mona Parfitt Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800224 East Coolgardie Blacker Mona Parfitt Female Blakeway Colin Gower Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800225 East Coolgardie Heatley Norman Thomas Male Krause Constance Emily Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800225 East Coolgardie Krause Constance Emily Female Heatley Norman Thomas Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800226 East Coolgardie Williams Mary Emma Female Bowler Norman Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800226 East Coolgardie Bowler Norman Henry Male Williams Mary Emma Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800227 East Coolgardie Thompson Richard St George Male Guppy Elsie Maud Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800227 East Coolgardie Guppy Elsie Maud Female Thompson Richard St George Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800228 East Coolgardie Hollingsworth Ernest Alwyne Male Cavanagh Paddy Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800228 East Coolgardie Cavanagh Paddy Female Hollingsworth Ernest Alwyne Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800229 East Coolgardie Martin Mary Margaret Female Morrow Owen Michael Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800229 East Coolgardie Morrow Owen Michael Male Martin Mary Margaret Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800230 East Coolgardie Marshall William Edward Male Hartnett Irene Doreen Lilian Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800230 East Coolgardie Hartnett Irene Doreen Lilian Female Marshall William Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800231 East Coolgardie Frost Donald William Male Brodie Veronique Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800231 East Coolgardie Brodie Veronique Female Frost Donald William Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800232 East Coolgardie Davidson Elizabeth Ann Female Campbell Victor Frederick Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800232 East Coolgardie Campbell Victor Frederick Male Davidson Elizabeth Ann Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800233 East Coolgardie Hunt Ruby Estelle Rose Female Ovens James Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800233 East Coolgardie Ovens James Henry Male Hunt Ruby Estelle Rose Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800234 East Coolgardie McLellan Alfred John Male Smith Delia Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800234 East Coolgardie Smith Delia Mary Female McLellan Alfred John Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800235 East Coolgardie Godfrey Mary Imelda Female Mackin Laurence Joseph Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800235 East Coolgardie Mackin Laurence Joseph Male Godfrey Mary Imelda Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800236 East Coolgardie Peel John Male Hillier Violet Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800236 East Coolgardie Hillier Violet Female Peel John Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800237 East Coolgardie Robinson Hilda Elizabeth Female Pike Donald Edwin Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800237 East Coolgardie Pike Donald Edwin Male Robinson Hilda Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800238 East Coolgardie Gordon Leonard Charles Male Wildman Helen Nancy Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800238 East Coolgardie Wildman Helen Nancy Female Gordon Leonard Charles Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800239 East Coolgardie Bateman Stanley Thomas Male Edgell Rose Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800239 East Coolgardie Edgell Rose Female Bateman Stanley Thomas Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800240 East Coolgardie Lapsley Ada Agnes Female Zani Anthony Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800240 East Coolgardie Zani Anthony Male Lapsley Ada Agnes Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800241 East Coolgardie Virgo Elsie Edith Female Whitehorn Kenneth Livingstone Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800241 East Coolgardie Whitehorn Kenneth Livingstone Male Virgo Elsie Edith Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800242 East Coolgardie Starr Alan Francis Male Bocksette Ethel May Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800242 East Coolgardie Bocksette Ethel May Female Starr Alan Francis Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800243 East Coolgardie Giri Marjorie Female Dewson Rance Carr Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800243 East Coolgardie Dewson Rance Carr Male Giri Marjorie Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800244 East Coolgardie Normington Adeline Female Kean Arthur Adolphus Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800244 East Coolgardie Kean Arthur Adolphus Male Normington Adeline Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800245 East Coolgardie Coombe Phyllis Doreen Female Sampson Ronald Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800245 East Coolgardie Sampson Ronald Male Coombe Phyllis Doreen Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800246 East Coolgardie Feeney Irene Mary Female Hernaman William Thomas Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800246 East Coolgardie Hernaman William Thomas Male Feeney Irene Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800247 East Coolgardie Threlkeld Douglas Male Scroop Mabel Caroline Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800247 East Coolgardie Scroop Mabel Caroline Mary Female Threlkeld Douglas Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800248 East Coolgardie Stone Herbert Forrest Male Dally Emma Irene Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800248 East Coolgardie Dally Emma Irene Female Stone Herbert Forrest Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800249 East Coolgardie Walker Janet Female Baudains John Albert Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800249 East Coolgardie Baudains John Albert Male Walker Janet Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800250 East Coolgardie Wood Donald Thomas Male Lonsdale Harriet Harris Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800250 East Coolgardie Lonsdale Harriet Harris Female Wood Donald Thomas Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800251 East Coolgardie Clack George Raymond Male Schlemaker Gertrude Ivy Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800251 East Coolgardie Schlemaker Gertrude Ivy Female Clack George Raymond Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800252 East Coolgardie Bedford Olive Emily Female Sawyer George Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800252 East Coolgardie Sawyer George Male Bedford Olive Emily Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800253 East Coolgardie Sawyer Patrick Francis Male Coates Margaret Esther Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800253 East Coolgardie Coates Margaret Esther Female Sawyer Patrick Francis Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800254 East Coolgardie Thomas Leslie James Male Cockerill Mavis Alice Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800254 East Coolgardie Cockerill Mavis Alice Female Thomas Leslie James Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800255 East Coolgardie Louder Hilda Olive Female King Roy Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800255 East Coolgardie King Roy Male Louder Hilda Olive Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800256 East Coolgardie Kavanagh John Frederick Male Oates Millicent Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800256 East Coolgardie Oates Millicent Mary Female Kavanagh John Frederick Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800257 East Coolgardie Brooks John Cecil Male Polkinghorne Hazel Jeanette Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800257 East Coolgardie Polkinghorne Hazel Jeanette Female Brooks John Cecil Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800258 East Coolgardie Ryan Norma Lesley Female McKell Harold Grenville Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800258 East Coolgardie McKell Harold Grenville Male Ryan Norma Lesley Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800259 East Coolgardie Dellaca John Maurice Male Dellar Alice Dorothy Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800259 East Coolgardie Dellar Alice Dorothy Female Dellaca John Maurice Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800260 East Coolgardie Moon Dolores Helen Female Cunningham Aubrey Augustus Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800260 East Coolgardie Cunningham Aubrey Augustus Male Moon Dolores Helen Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800261 East Coolgardie Scoble Gweneth Jean Female Zanotti Joseph Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800261 East Coolgardie Zanotti Joseph Male Scoble Gweneth Jean Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800262 East Coolgardie Grierson Coral Daphne Female Collins Thomas Opie Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800262 East Coolgardie Collins Thomas Opie Male Grierson Coral Daphne Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800263 East Coolgardie Taylor Beatrice Ann Female Edwards Lancelot Pearce Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800263 East Coolgardie Edwards Lancelot Pearce Male Taylor Beatrice Ann Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800264 East Coolgardie Doyle Doris May Female Sheehan Arthur James Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800264 East Coolgardie Sheehan Arthur James Male Doyle Doris May Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800265 East Coolgardie McLaughlan Lillian Female Bungate Roy Francis Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800265 East Coolgardie Bungate Roy Francis Male McLaughlan Lillian Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800266 East Coolgardie Kirwan Mabel Female Bell Roland Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800266 East Coolgardie Bell Roland Male Kirwan Mabel Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800267 East Coolgardie Ives Harold Stewart Male Sargent Nellie Doris May Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800267 East Coolgardie Sargent Nellie Doris May Female Ives Harold Stewart Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800268 East Coolgardie Crabb Esme Elizabeth Female Rowe James Ronald Jack Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800268 East Coolgardie Rowe James Ronald Jack Male Crabb Esme Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800269 East Coolgardie Carlsson Lawrence John Male Fuller Myrtle Mary Louisa Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800269 East Coolgardie Fuller Myrtle Mary Louisa Female Carlsson Lawrence John Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800270 East Coolgardie Nigro Mary Camelia Female Lavender Arthur Male Kalgoorlie
1936/1800270 East Coolgardie Lavender Arthur Male Nigro Mary Camelia Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800271 East Coolgardie Macphail John Male D'Arcy Frances Beatrice Female Kalgoorlie
1936/1800271 East Coolgardie D'Arcy Frances Beatrice Female Macphail John Male Kalgoorlie
1936/2400001 Dundas Rafferty Hugh Stanley Male Waters Leila Merne Female Norseman
1936/2400001 Dundas Waters Leila Merne Female Rafferty Hugh Stanley Male Norseman
1936/2400002 Dundas Coleman Mary Rose Female Bagworth Bernard Olive Male Norseman
1936/2400002 Dundas Bagworth Bernard Olive Male Coleman Mary Rose Female Norseman
1936/2400003 Dundas Light Edgar Rodney Ward Male Swann Bessie Margaret Naomi Female Salmon Gums
1936/2400003 Dundas Swann Bessie Margaret Naomi Female Light Edgar Rodney Ward Male Salmon Gums
1936/2400004 Dundas Steddy Sydney Theadore John Male Lymn Joyce Esther Female Norseman
1936/2400004 Dundas Lymn Joyce Esther Female Steddy Sydney Theadore John Male Norseman
1936/2400005 Dundas Fuller Mena Elizabeth Female King Percy Edward Male Norseman
1936/2400005 Dundas King Percy Edward Male Fuller Mena Elizabeth Female Norseman
1936/2400006 Dundas Dawson William Male Minson Olive Female Norseman
1936/2400006 Dundas Minson Olive Female Dawson William Male Norseman
1936/2400007 Dundas Bordoni Geoffrey Wilfred Male Clatworthy Rose Margory Female Norseman
1936/2400007 Dundas Clatworthy Rose Margory Female Bordoni Geoffrey Wilfred Male Norseman
1936/2400008 Dundas Wooding Elva Irene Female May Clarence Cecil Male Norseman
1936/2400008 Dundas May Clarence Cecil Male Wooding Elva Irene Female Norseman
1936/2400009 Dundas Richards Wilmott Ray Female Hook Frank Henry Male Norseman
1936/2400009 Dundas Hook Frank Henry Male Richards Wilmott Ray Female Norseman
1936/2400010 Dundas Atkinson Roy Douglas Male Campbell Marion Violet Female Norseman
1936/2400010 Dundas Campbell Marion Violet Female Atkinson Roy Douglas Male Norseman
1936/2500001 Esperance Devlin Thomas Male Robinson Ada Lightfoot Female Esperance
1936/2500001 Esperance Robinson Ada Lightfoot Female Devlin Thomas Male Esperance
1936/2500002 Esperance Shaw Ruby Maisie Female Spedding-Smith Burton Leys Male Esperance
1936/2500002 Esperance Spedding-Smith Burton Leys Male Shaw Ruby Maisie Female Esperance
1936/2700001 Fremantle Hall Winifred Alice Female Stein Eric Male Fremantle
1936/2700001 Fremantle Stein Eric Male Hall Winifred Alice Female Fremantle
1937/2700002 Fremantle Nicholls Percival Leonard Male Hardouin Frances Ellen Pulcherie Female East Fremantle
1937/2700002 Fremantle Hardouin Frances Ellen Pulcherie Female Nicholls Percival Leonard Male East Fremantle
1936/2700002 Fremantle Cogdell Frederick William Male Hollingworth Amy Beatrice Female Fremantle
1936/2700002 Fremantle Hollingworth Amy Beatrice Female Cogdell Frederick William Male Fremantle
1937/2700003 Fremantle Baker Kathleen Victoria Female Brooks Thomas William Male Beaconsfield
1937/2700003 Fremantle Brooks Thomas William Male Baker Kathleen Victoria Female Beaconsfield
1936/2700003 Fremantle Deeble Agnes Veronica Female Anderson Alexander John Male Fremantle
1936/2700003 Fremantle Anderson Alexander John Male Deeble Agnes Veronica Female Fremantle
1937/2700008 Fremantle Boland Jessie Laurine Female Bryan Cyril Noel Male Fremantle
1936/2700008 Fremantle Frank John Cyril Hoskin Male Newman Wilhelmina Gladys Female Fremantle
1937/2700008 Fremantle Bryan Cyril Noel Male Boland Jessie Laurine Female Fremantle
1936/2700008 Fremantle Newman Wilhelmina Gladys Female Frank John Cyril Hoskin Male Fremantle
1936/2700009 Fremantle Sampson Vera Female Fraser William Male Fremantle
1936/2700009 Fremantle Fraser William Male Sampson Vera Female Fremantle
1936/2700010 Fremantle Newing William Leonard Male Thorpe Annie Irene Female Fremantle
1936/2700010 Fremantle Thorpe Annie Irene Female Newing William Leonard Male Fremantle
1936/2700011 Fremantle White May Isabel Female Castledine Thomas Male Fremantle
1936/2700011 Fremantle Castledine Thomas Male White May Isabel Female Fremantle
1936/2700012 Fremantle Taylor Albert Sydney Male Finn Kathleen May Female Fremantle
1936/2700012 Fremantle Finn Kathleen May Female Taylor Albert Sydney Male Fremantle
1936/2700014 Fremantle Williams Reginald George Male Duggan Veronica Norah Female Fremantle
1936/2700014 Fremantle Duggan Veronica Norah Female Williams Reginald George Male Fremantle
1936/2700016 Fremantle Glover Howard Edmond Male Congdon Olive May Female Fremantle
1936/2700016 Fremantle Congdon Olive May Female Glover Howard Edmond Male Fremantle
1936/2700017 Fremantle Carroll Jean MacKenzie Female Purdie James Clyde Bothwell Male East Fremantle
1936/2700017 Fremantle Purdie James Clyde Bothwell Male Carroll Jean MacKenzie Female East Fremantle
1936/2700018 Fremantle Howatson Janet Sim Female Abercrombie Alan John Male Fremantle
1936/2700018 Fremantle Abercrombie Alan John Male Howatson Janet Sim Female Fremantle
1936/2700019 Fremantle Folland Florence Female Richardson John Albert Male Fremantle
1936/2700019 Fremantle Richardson John Albert Male Folland Florence Female Fremantle
1936/2700020 Fremantle Porter Eileen May Female Cross Frank Male Fremantle
1936/2700020 Fremantle Cross Frank Male Porter Eileen May Female Fremantle
1936/2700021 Fremantle Edgar Reginald Findtner Male Trotter Margaret Mary Female Fremantle
1936/2700021 Fremantle Trotter Margaret Mary Female Edgar Reginald Findtner Male Fremantle
1936/2700022 Fremantle Venn William Kennith Male Halliday Phyllis Fairfax Female East Fremantle
1936/2700022 Fremantle Halliday Phyllis Fairfax Female Venn William Kennith Male East Fremantle
1936/2700023 Fremantle Raw Alice Female Regan Wilfred Ray Male Fremantle
1936/2700023 Fremantle Regan Wilfred Ray Male Raw Alice Female Fremantle
1936/2700024 Fremantle Williams Elizabeth Female Griffith Richard Male Fremantle
1936/2700024 Fremantle Griffith Richard Male Williams Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1936/2700025 Fremantle Truscott Maude Edna Female Stammers Jack Garbutt Male Fremantle
1936/2700025 Fremantle Stammers Jack Garbutt Male Truscott Maude Edna Female Fremantle
1936/2700029 Fremantle Stanwix Edwin Male Hitchin Louie Morgan Female Fremantle
1936/2700029 Fremantle Hitchin Louie Morgan Female Stanwix Edwin Male Fremantle
1936/2700030 Fremantle McDonald Ivy Mary Female Butler John Male Fremantle
1936/2700030 Fremantle Butler John Male McDonald Ivy Mary Female Fremantle
1936/2700031 Fremantle Hamilton Ernest Howard Male Christensen Doreen Jessie Female Fremantle
1936/2700031 Fremantle Christensen Doreen Jessie Female Hamilton Ernest Howard Male Fremantle
1936/2700032 Fremantle Haines Francis Harold Male Matheson Florence Female Fremantle
1936/2700032 Fremantle Matheson Florence Female Haines Francis Harold Male Fremantle
1936/2700033 Fremantle Iverson William Theodore Gerard Male Duffy Ann Mabel Female Fremantle
1936/2700033 Fremantle Duffy Ann Mabel Female Iverson William Theodore Gerard Male Fremantle
1936/2700034 Fremantle Petterson Vera Alice Female Lewis Thomas Dennis Male Fremantle
1936/2700034 Fremantle Lewis Thomas Dennis Male Petterson Vera Alice Female Fremantle
1936/2700036 Fremantle Biocich Mate Male Alfirevich Marie Female Spearwood
1936/2700036 Fremantle Alfirevich Marie Female Biocich Mate Male Spearwood
1936/2700037 Fremantle Franich Joka Female Radonich Jozef Male Spearwood
1936/2700037 Fremantle Radonich Jozef Male Franich Joka Female Spearwood
1936/2700038 Fremantle Anderson Isabella Margaret Female Nevin Vincent Male East Fremantle
1936/2700038 Fremantle Nevin Vincent Male Anderson Isabella Margaret Female East Fremantle
1936/2700039 Fremantle Lazenby Alfred Lawrence Male Isted Mary Cecilia Jane Female Fremantle
1936/2700039 Fremantle Isted Mary Cecilia Jane Female Lazenby Alfred Lawrence Male Fremantle
1936/2700040 Fremantle Jewell Eleanor May Female Darch Lennard James Male Fremantle
1936/2700040 Fremantle Darch Lennard James Male Jewell Eleanor May Female Fremantle
1936/2700041 Fremantle Greif Charles Male Brown Myra Ethel Female Fremantle
1936/2700041 Fremantle Brown Myra Ethel Female Greif Charles Male Fremantle
1936/2700042 Fremantle Seale Ivy Female McRae Percy Male Bicton
1936/2700042 Fremantle McRae Percy Male Seale Ivy Female Bicton
1936/2700043 Fremantle Shepherd Hope Monica Female Calhoun Arthur Edward Male Fremantle
1936/2700043 Fremantle Calhoun Arthur Edward Male Shepherd Hope Monica Female Fremantle
1936/2700044 Fremantle Galbraith George Male Richardson Mary Jane Female Fremantle
1936/2700044 Fremantle Richardson Mary Jane Female Galbraith George Male Fremantle
1936/2700045 Fremantle Weeks Eileen Elsie Female Mottram Wilfred Male Fremantle
1936/2700045 Fremantle Mottram Wilfred Male Weeks Eileen Elsie Female Fremantle
1936/2700046 Fremantle Allerton Harry Markes Male Bovell Anastasia Ethel Female Fremantle
1936/2700046 Fremantle Bovell Anastasia Ethel Female Allerton Harry Markes Male Fremantle
1936/2700047 Fremantle Shearer William Joseph Male Reynolds Dulcie Mary Female Fremantle
1936/2700047 Fremantle Reynolds Dulcie Mary Female Shearer William Joseph Male Fremantle
1936/2700048 Fremantle Every Helen Veronica Female Shanks William Male Fremantle
1936/2700048 Fremantle Shanks William Male Every Helen Veronica Female Fremantle
1936/2700049 Fremantle Lawn Edwin Charles Male Crellin Myrtle Lilian Female Fremantle
1936/2700049 Fremantle Crellin Myrtle Lilian Female Lawn Edwin Charles Male Fremantle
1936/2700050 Fremantle Prosser Grace Elizabeth Female Single James Wentworth Male Fremantle
1936/2700050 Fremantle Single James Wentworth Male Prosser Grace Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1936/2700051 Fremantle Chetwynd Dorothy Marchant Female Garrett David Charles Male Fremantle
1936/2700051 Fremantle Garrett David Charles Male Chetwynd Dorothy Marchant Female Fremantle
1936/2700052 Fremantle Lee Montague Reginald Male O'Connell Jean Female Fremantle
1936/2700052 Fremantle O'Connell Jean Female Lee Montague Reginald Male Fremantle
1936/2700053 Fremantle Stone Violet Ruby Female Gurney John Raphael Male Fremantle
1936/2700053 Fremantle Gurney John Raphael Male Stone Violet Ruby Female Fremantle
1936/2700054 Fremantle Milne Elsie May Female Watson Colin John Male South Fremantle
1936/2700054 Fremantle Watson Colin John Male Milne Elsie May Female South Fremantle
1936/2700055 Fremantle Chapman Viney Margaret Female Cooper George Raymond Male North Fremantle
1936/2700055 Fremantle Cooper George Raymond Male Chapman Viney Margaret Female North Fremantle
1936/2700056 Fremantle Wauhop Isabel May Female Soltoggio Ugo Male Fremantle
1936/2700056 Fremantle Soltoggio Ugo Male Wauhop Isabel May Female Fremantle
1936/2700057 Fremantle Wolf Winifred Claire Female Keating Leslie Walter Male Fremantle
1936/2700057 Fremantle Keating Leslie Walter Male Wolf Winifred Claire Female Fremantle
1936/2700058 Fremantle Wills Veronica Kathleen Female Rumble Percy Robert Male Fremantle
1936/2700058 Fremantle Rumble Percy Robert Male Wills Veronica Kathleen Female Fremantle
1936/2700059 Fremantle Dyson Eric Charles Male Kennedy Marjorie Ailsa Female Fremantle
1936/2700059 Fremantle Kennedy Marjorie Ailsa Female Dyson Eric Charles Male Fremantle
1936/2700060 Fremantle Doherty Alice Emily Female Seeber Reginald Vernon Male Fremantle
1936/2700060 Fremantle Seeber Reginald Vernon Male Doherty Alice Emily Female Fremantle
1936/2700061 Fremantle Hammer Beryl Elizabeth Female Brown Leslie Gaffney Male Fremantle
1936/2700061 Fremantle Brown Leslie Gaffney Male Hammer Beryl Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1936/2700062 Fremantle Stammers Rita Emma Mary Female Piercy Richard Robert Male Fremantle
1936/2700062 Fremantle Piercy Richard Robert Male Stammers Rita Emma Mary Female Fremantle
1936/2700063 Fremantle Stirling Ivy May Female Dugmore Albert Edward Male Fremantle
1936/2700063 Fremantle Dugmore Albert Edward Male Stirling Ivy May Female Fremantle
1936/2700064 Fremantle Quinlan John William Male Gerrard Freda May Female Beaconsfield
1936/2700064 Fremantle Gerrard Freda May Female Quinlan John William Male Beaconsfield
1936/2700065 Fremantle Fitzgerald Gerard Richard Joseph Male Snell Vera Florence Female Beaconsfield
1936/2700065 Fremantle Snell Vera Florence Female Fitzgerald Gerard Richard Joseph Male Beaconsfield
1936/2700066 Fremantle McLeod Margaret Morris Female Jones Ernest James Male East Fremantle
1936/2700066 Fremantle Jones Ernest James Male McLeod Margaret Morris Female East Fremantle
1936/2700067 Fremantle Carlson Kathleen Female Holland Norman Henry Male Fremantle
1936/2700067 Fremantle Holland Norman Henry Male Carlson Kathleen Female Fremantle
1936/2700068 Fremantle Hendrie Annie Female Anderson William Male Fremantle
1936/2700068 Fremantle Anderson William Male Hendrie Annie Female Fremantle
1936/2700069 Fremantle Coghlan Mary Priscilla Female McLennan William Alexander Male North Fremantle
1936/2700069 Fremantle McLennan William Alexander Male Coghlan Mary Priscilla Female North Fremantle
1936/2700070 Fremantle McKenzie Evelyn Alice Maud Female Wulff Bernhardt Lindsay Male Fremantle
1936/2700070 Fremantle Wulff Bernhardt Lindsay Male McKenzie Evelyn Alice Maud Female Fremantle
1936/2700071 Fremantle MacKay Sunday Zira Female Leonard James McVicor Male Fremantle
1936/2700071 Fremantle Leonard James McVicor Male MacKay Sunday Zira Female Fremantle
1936/2700072 Fremantle Hussey Bertram Frank Male McCue Hilda Female Rottnest Island
1936/2700072 Fremantle McCue Hilda Female Hussey Bertram Frank Male Rottnest Island
1936/2700073 Fremantle Hicks Francis Thomas John Male Robinson Jessie Ada Ann Female Fremantle
1936/2700073 Fremantle Robinson Jessie Ada Ann Female Hicks Francis Thomas John Male Fremantle
1936/2700074 Fremantle Masters Adeline May Female Irving Harry Edward Male Fremantle
1936/2700074 Fremantle Irving Harry Edward Male Masters Adeline May Female Fremantle
1936/2700075 Fremantle Pink David Frederick Male Savell Elbertha Nellie Female Fremantle
1936/2700075 Fremantle Savell Elbertha Nellie Female Pink David Frederick Male Fremantle
1936/2700076 Fremantle Clough Isabella Ivy Alice Female Thomas Ronald Male Fremantle
1936/2700076 Fremantle Thomas Ronald Male Clough Isabella Ivy Alice Female Fremantle
1936/2700077 Fremantle Gibson William Clarence Peers Male Beacham Phyllis May Female Fremantle
1936/2700077 Fremantle Beacham Phyllis May Female Gibson William Clarence Peers Male Fremantle
1936/2700078 Fremantle Cardwell Ernest Male MacKinnon Rose Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1936/2700078 Fremantle MacKinnon Rose Elizabeth Female Cardwell Ernest Male Fremantle
1936/2700079 Fremantle Gordon Elsie May Female Miller Alfred Wallace Male East Fremantle
1936/2700079 Fremantle Miller Alfred Wallace Male Gordon Elsie May Female East Fremantle
1936/2700080 Fremantle Tapper Leslie Male Hollingsworth Dorothea Hope Mewburn Female Fremantle
1936/2700080 Fremantle Hollingsworth Dorothea Hope Mewburn Female Tapper Leslie Male Fremantle
1936/2700081 Fremantle Nelson Dora Elizabeth Female Treloar William Male East Fremantle
1936/2700081 Fremantle Treloar William Male Nelson Dora Elizabeth Female East Fremantle
1936/2700082 Fremantle Wilson Frank Male Hopkins Hazel Dawn Female Fremantle
1936/2700082 Fremantle Hopkins Hazel Dawn Female Wilson Frank Male Fremantle
1936/2700083 Fremantle Bowyer Rose Mary Female Raftery Michael Male Fremantle
1936/2700083 Fremantle Raftery Michael Male Bowyer Rose Mary Female Fremantle
1936/2700084 Fremantle Beckwith Lillian Mowbray Female Trembath Stanley Ross James Male Fremantle
1936/2700084 Fremantle Trembath Stanley Ross James Male Beckwith Lillian Mowbray Female Fremantle
1936/2700085 Fremantle Lyon Jessie Henrietta Female Fawcett George Albert Victor Male Fremantle
1936/2700085 Fremantle Fawcett George Albert Victor Male Lyon Jessie Henrietta Female Fremantle
1936/2700086 Fremantle Marshall Walter Zetland Montgomery Male Calley Winifred Madeline Female Fremantle
1936/2700086 Fremantle Calley Winifred Madeline Female Marshall Walter Zetland Montgomery Male Fremantle
1936/2700087 Fremantle Bransby Leslie Norman Male Cuffe Doreen Madge Female Fremantle
1936/2700087 Fremantle Cuffe Doreen Madge Female Bransby Leslie Norman Male Fremantle
1936/2700088 Fremantle Raftos Arthur Stanley Male Ridley Isabell Female Fremantle
1936/2700088 Fremantle Ridley Isabell Female Raftos Arthur Stanley Male Fremantle
1936/2700089 Fremantle Hogan John Stanley Male Prince Phyllis May Female Fremantle
1936/2700089 Fremantle Prince Phyllis May Female Hogan John Stanley Male Fremantle
1936/2700090 Fremantle Walton Edythe Alice Female Smithers Leonard James Male Fremantle
1936/2700090 Fremantle Smithers Leonard James Male Walton Edythe Alice Female Fremantle
1936/2700091 Fremantle Smellie Nita Female Mann Frederick John Male Fremantle
1936/2700091 Fremantle Mann Frederick John Male Smellie Nita Female Fremantle
1936/2700092 Fremantle Grime Francis Robert Male Wardle Jean Ruth Female Fremantle
1936/2700092 Fremantle Wardle Jean Ruth Female Grime Francis Robert Male Fremantle
1936/2700093 Fremantle Anderson Irene Elizabeth Female Ward James Alexander Male Fremantle
1936/2700093 Fremantle Ward James Alexander Male Anderson Irene Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1936/2700094 Fremantle Durbridge William Leslie Male Thacker Irene Bertha Female Fremantle
1936/2700094 Fremantle Thacker Irene Bertha Female Durbridge William Leslie Male Fremantle
1936/2700095 Fremantle Oliver Emile Cardell Male Millar Pauline Female Fremantle
1936/2700095 Fremantle Millar Pauline Female Oliver Emile Cardell Male Fremantle
1936/2700096 Fremantle Fisher William Male Harris Lillian Mavis Female Fremantle
1936/2700096 Fremantle Harris Lillian Mavis Female Fisher William Male Fremantle
1936/2700097 Fremantle Baker Lorna Katherine Female Tetley Maxwell Joseph Male Fremantle
1936/2700097 Fremantle Tetley Maxwell Joseph Male Baker Lorna Katherine Female Fremantle
1936/2700098 Fremantle Struck Marjorie Annie Female Baguley Richard Male Fremantle
1936/2700098 Fremantle Baguley Richard Male Struck Marjorie Annie Female Fremantle
1936/2700099 Fremantle August Dorothy Jean Female Holtham Godfery George Male North Fremantle
1936/2700099 Fremantle Holtham Godfery George Male August Dorothy Jean Female North Fremantle
1936/2700100 Fremantle Cubitt Arthur Charles Graham Male Pegg Daisy Female Beaconsfield
1936/2700100 Fremantle Pegg Daisy Female Cubitt Arthur Charles Graham Male Beaconsfield
1936/2700101 Fremantle Waddell Hazel Dorene Female Booy Henry Male Fremantle
1936/2700101 Fremantle Booy Henry Male Waddell Hazel Dorene Female Fremantle
1936/2700102 Fremantle Wallace James Edward Male Shields Ellen Female Fremantle
1936/2700102 Fremantle Shields Ellen Female Wallace James Edward Male Fremantle
1936/2700103 Fremantle Mellows Jean Florence Female Quick Robert Leslie Male Fremantle
1936/2700103 Fremantle Quick Robert Leslie Male Mellows Jean Florence Female Fremantle
1936/2700104 Fremantle Little Madeleine Female Rogan James Mark Male Fremantle
1936/2700104 Fremantle Rogan James Mark Male Little Madeleine Female Fremantle
1936/2700105 Fremantle McAuley Dolly May Female Forbes Leslie James Male Fremantle
1936/2700105 Fremantle Forbes Leslie James Male McAuley Dolly May Female Fremantle
1936/2700106 Fremantle Devine James Male Horricks Mary Jane Female Fremantle
1936/2700106 Fremantle Horricks Mary Jane Female Devine James Male Fremantle
1936/2700107 Fremantle Bell Ethel Maud Female Crombie Alexander Male Fremantle
1936/2700107 Fremantle Crombie Alexander Male Bell Ethel Maud Female Fremantle
1936/2700108 Fremantle Marshall Eva Bessie Female Bosustow Clifford Royal Male Fremantle
1936/2700108 Fremantle Bosustow Clifford Royal Male Marshall Eva Bessie Female Fremantle
1936/2700109 Fremantle Robinson Thomas Stewart Male Ralston Gladys May Female Fremantle
1936/2700109 Fremantle Ralston Gladys May Female Robinson Thomas Stewart Male Fremantle
1936/2700110 Fremantle Copley Dorothy Marjorie Female Bannerman Reginald David Male Fremantle
1936/2700110 Fremantle Bannerman Reginald David Male Copley Dorothy Marjorie Female Fremantle
1936/2700111 Fremantle Snelson Beryl Female Wilson Raymond Male Fremantle
1936/2700111 Fremantle Wilson Raymond Male Snelson Beryl Female Fremantle
1936/2700112 Fremantle Cox Donald Robert Male Russell Frances Mary Female Fremantle
1936/2700112 Fremantle Russell Frances Mary Female Cox Donald Robert Male Fremantle
1936/2700113 Fremantle Hutchinson Henry Francisco Male Fitzsimmons Eva Lilian Female Fremantle
1936/2700113 Fremantle Fitzsimmons Eva Lilian Female Hutchinson Henry Francisco Male Fremantle
1936/2700114 Fremantle Gunton William James Male Andrews Eva Female Fremantle
1936/2700114 Fremantle Andrews Eva Female Gunton William James Male Fremantle
1936/2700115 Fremantle Burns Aeneas Hartley Male Buckingham Eileen Gladys Female Fremantle
1936/2700115 Fremantle Buckingham Eileen Gladys Female Burns Aeneas Hartley Male Fremantle
1936/2700116 Fremantle Hosking John Male Knight Henrietta May Ellice Female Fremantle
1936/2700116 Fremantle Knight Henrietta May Ellice Female Hosking John Male Fremantle
1936/2700117 Fremantle Milbourne Joyce Carnation Female Flintoff Clarence John Male Fremantle
1936/2700117 Fremantle Flintoff Clarence John Male Milbourne Joyce Carnation Female Fremantle
1936/2700118 Fremantle Corkhill Winifred Female Bowker Ronald Harry Charles Male Fremantle
1936/2700118 Fremantle Bowker Ronald Harry Charles Male Corkhill Winifred Female Fremantle
1936/2700119 Fremantle Percival Ernest Male Lamperd Violet Anetta Female Fremantle
1936/2700119 Fremantle Lamperd Violet Anetta Female Percival Ernest Male Fremantle
1936/2700120 Fremantle Wright Albert Frank Male Polglase Phyllis Ivy Female Fremantle
1936/2700120 Fremantle Polglase Phyllis Ivy Female Wright Albert Frank Male Fremantle
1936/2700121 Fremantle Snook Leslie Male Greenham Dorothy Elsie Eva Female Fremantle
1936/2700121 Fremantle Greenham Dorothy Elsie Eva Female Snook Leslie Male Fremantle
1936/2700122 Fremantle Sloan Ronald Steele Male Carr Elsie May Female Fremantle
1936/2700122 Fremantle Carr Elsie May Female Sloan Ronald Steele Male Fremantle
1936/2700123 Fremantle Moore John Hugh Male Scutchings Patricia Rosemary Female Fremantle
1936/2700123 Fremantle Scutchings Patricia Rosemary Female Moore John Hugh Male Fremantle
1936/2700124 Fremantle Drennan Lilac Rebecca Female Hugill James Eric Male Fremantle
1936/2700124 Fremantle Hugill James Eric Male Drennan Lilac Rebecca Female Fremantle
1936/2700125 Fremantle Fuller Adele May Female Mann John Male Fremantle
1936/2700125 Fremantle Mann John Male Fuller Adele May Female Fremantle
1936/2700126 Fremantle Pascho Alfred Colin Samuel George Male Triplett Eileen Lucy Jean Female Fremantle
1936/2700126 Fremantle Triplett Eileen Lucy Jean Female Pascho Alfred Colin Samuel George Male Fremantle
1936/2700127 Fremantle Phillips Mildred Amy Female Richards William Thomas Trezise Male Fremantle
1936/2700127 Fremantle Richards William Thomas Trezise Male Phillips Mildred Amy Female Fremantle
1936/2700128 Fremantle Hyam Margaret Jane Female Schofield Sydney Male Fremantle
1936/2700128 Fremantle Schofield Sydney Male Hyam Margaret Jane Female Fremantle
1936/2700129 Fremantle Stock Evelyn Amy Female Woods Ernest William Male Beaconsfield
1936/2700129 Fremantle Woods Ernest William Male Stock Evelyn Amy Female Beaconsfield
1936/2700130 Fremantle Brennan Mark Male Garside Irene Female Beaconsfield
1936/2700130 Fremantle Garside Irene Female Brennan Mark Male Beaconsfield
1936/2700131 Fremantle Pescud Edna Alice Female Douglas Norman Male Beaconsfield
1936/2700131 Fremantle Douglas Norman Male Pescud Edna Alice Female Beaconsfield
1936/2700132 Fremantle Furlong Cecil William Patrick Male O'Loughlin Johanna Margaret Female North Fremantle
1936/2700132 Fremantle O'Loughlin Johanna Margaret Female Furlong Cecil William Patrick Male North Fremantle
1936/2700133 Fremantle Bavich Jean Female Jakovich Tony Male North Fremantle
1936/2700133 Fremantle Jakovich Tony Male Bavich Jean Female North Fremantle
1936/2700134 Fremantle Horton Iris Eleanor Female Anderson Archie Bradshaw Male Fremantle
1936/2700134 Fremantle Anderson Archie Bradshaw Male Horton Iris Eleanor Female Fremantle
1936/2700135 Fremantle Anderson Emma Christina Female Mitchell Stanley Robert Male Fremantle
1936/2700135 Fremantle Mitchell Stanley Robert Male Anderson Emma Christina Female Fremantle
1936/2700136 Fremantle Locke Kathleen Female Anson Harry Herbert Male Fremantle
1936/2700136 Fremantle Anson Harry Herbert Male Locke Kathleen Female Fremantle
1936/2700137 Fremantle Smith Phillip Arthur Male Matthews Rose McKernan Female Fremantle
1936/2700137 Fremantle Matthews Rose McKernan Female Smith Phillip Arthur Male Fremantle
1936/2700138 Fremantle Pike Isabel Ethel Female Hines Arthur William Male Fremantle
1936/2700138 Fremantle Hines Arthur William Male Pike Isabel Ethel Female Fremantle
1936/2700139 Fremantle Shearer Lionel Male Miller Gladys Elizabeth Mary Female Fremantle
1936/2700139 Fremantle Miller Gladys Elizabeth Mary Female Shearer Lionel Male Fremantle
1936/2700140 Fremantle Shanahan Kathleen Isadore Female Cronin Alfred Basil Male Fremantle
1936/2700140 Fremantle Cronin Alfred Basil Male Shanahan Kathleen Isadore Female Fremantle
1936/2700141 Fremantle Pass Ernest Edward Male Briant Lilian Female Bicton
1936/2700141 Fremantle Briant Lilian Female Pass Ernest Edward Male Bicton
1936/2700142 Fremantle McMahon Anne Female Collins William Alfred Male Bicton
1936/2700142 Fremantle Collins William Alfred Male McMahon Anne Female Bicton
1936/2700143 Fremantle Wenn Mervyn Bailey Male Rose Elizabeth Lawrie Female Fremantle
1936/2700143 Fremantle Rose Elizabeth Lawrie Female Wenn Mervyn Bailey Male Fremantle
1936/2700144 Fremantle Matthews Reginald Alfred Male Branch Cathleen Gladys Female Fremantle
1936/2700144 Fremantle Branch Cathleen Gladys Female Matthews Reginald Alfred Male Fremantle
1936/2700145 Fremantle Simmons Thomas Male Brown Mary Steven Female Fremantle
1936/2700145 Fremantle Brown Mary Steven Female Simmons Thomas Male Fremantle
1936/2700146 Fremantle Matsen Clarence Englebert Male Clarke Ethel Eileen Emma Female East Fremantle
1936/2700146 Fremantle Clarke Ethel Eileen Emma Female Matsen Clarence Englebert Male East Fremantle
1936/2700147 Fremantle Avery Charles Ernest Male Hill Kathleen Vina Female Fremantle
1936/2700147 Fremantle Hill Kathleen Vina Female Avery Charles Ernest Male Fremantle
1936/2700148 Fremantle Marshall Robert Johnston Male Petterson Blanche Margaret Female Fremantle
1936/2700148 Fremantle Petterson Blanche Margaret Female Marshall Robert Johnston Male Fremantle
1936/2700149 Fremantle Hindle Olive Lillian Female Lang Leonard Halley Steele Male Palmyra
1936/2700149 Fremantle Lang Leonard Halley Steele Male Hindle Olive Lillian Female Palmyra
1936/2700150 Fremantle Ashton Walter Thomas Male Richmond Elsie Mavis Female East Fremantle
1936/2700150 Fremantle Richmond Elsie Mavis Female Ashton Walter Thomas Male East Fremantle
1936/2700151 Fremantle Butler Norma Lila Female Doig William Wallace Male Fremantle
1936/2700151 Fremantle Doig William Wallace Male Butler Norma Lila Female Fremantle
1936/2700152 Fremantle Pesich Grgo Male Elezavich Darinka Female Spearwood
1936/2700152 Fremantle Elezavich Darinka Female Pesich Grgo Male Spearwood
1936/2700153 Fremantle Van Raalte Henry Stuart Male Fisher Mary Ellen Female Fremantle
1936/2700153 Fremantle Fisher Mary Ellen Female Van Raalte Henry Stuart Male Fremantle
1936/2700154 Fremantle Johnson Arthur Albert Male Long Alice Louise Female Fremantle
1936/2700154 Fremantle Long Alice Louise Female Johnson Arthur Albert Male Fremantle
1936/2700155 Fremantle Flinn Norah Eileen Female Mews Lennard George Male Fremantle
1936/2700155 Fremantle Mews Lennard George Male Flinn Norah Eileen Female Fremantle
1936/2700156 Fremantle Forrester James Charles Male Bolton May Louise Female Fremantle
1936/2700156 Fremantle Bolton May Louise Female Forrester James Charles Male Fremantle
1936/2700157 Fremantle Clarke Kathleen Hilda Female Urquhard Colin Victor Male Fremantle
1936/2700157 Fremantle Urquhard Colin Victor Male Clarke Kathleen Hilda Female Fremantle
1936/2700158 Fremantle Walsh Barbara Violet Ellen Female Pianta Albert Geoffrey Male Fremantle
1936/2700158 Fremantle Pianta Albert Geoffrey Male Walsh Barbara Violet Ellen Female Fremantle
1936/2700159 Fremantle Stock Patricia Moyra Female Cameron Kenneth Male Fremantle
1936/2700159 Fremantle Cameron Kenneth Male Stock Patricia Moyra Female Fremantle
1936/2700160 Fremantle Banks Robert Charles Male Jones Alma Lorraine Female Fremantle
1936/2700160 Fremantle Jones Alma Lorraine Female Banks Robert Charles Male Fremantle
1936/2700161 Fremantle Varischetti Abele Male Carnemolla Antonina Female Fremantle
1936/2700161 Fremantle Carnemolla Antonina Female Varischetti Abele Male Fremantle
1936/2700162 Fremantle Hillbrick Edith Jane Female Lee Edward Tudor Male Fremantle
1936/2700162 Fremantle Lee Edward Tudor Male Hillbrick Edith Jane Female Fremantle
1936/2700163 Fremantle Liddell Reuben Wilson Male Williams Lily Female Fremantle
1936/2700163 Fremantle Williams Lily Female Liddell Reuben Wilson Male Fremantle
1936/2700164 Fremantle Brokenshire Hedley Bennett Male Pearson Dorothy Ira Female Fremantle
1936/2700164 Fremantle Pearson Dorothy Ira Female Brokenshire Hedley Bennett Male Fremantle
1936/2700165 Fremantle Harrison Arthur Male Cockerill Eileen Mary Rose Female Fremantle
1936/2700165 Fremantle Cockerill Eileen Mary Rose Female Harrison Arthur Male Fremantle
1936/2700166 Fremantle Whitbread Alma May Female Day Lawrence Raymond Male Fremantle
1936/2700166 Fremantle Day Lawrence Raymond Male Whitbread Alma May Female Fremantle
1936/2700167 Fremantle Sheldrake Clarence James Male Harris Alice Zelica Isabel Female Fremantle
1936/2700167 Fremantle Harris Alice Zelica Isabel Female Sheldrake Clarence James Male Fremantle
1936/2700168 Fremantle Kiernan Thomas Patrick Male Sullivan Christina Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1936/2700168 Fremantle Sullivan Christina Elizabeth Female Kiernan Thomas Patrick Male Fremantle
1936/2700169 Fremantle Cross Ruby Anne Catherine Female Birch Vernon Henry Male Fremantle
1936/2700169 Fremantle Birch Vernon Henry Male Cross Ruby Anne Catherine Female Fremantle
1936/2700170 Fremantle Parry Matilda Female Reynolds Stanley Leonard Male Fremantle
1936/2700170 Fremantle Reynolds Stanley Leonard Male Parry Matilda Female Fremantle
1936/2700171 Fremantle Bowker Daphne Pauline Female Simpson Stephen Walter Male Fremantle
1936/2700171 Fremantle Simpson Stephen Walter Male Bowker Daphne Pauline Female Fremantle
1936/2700172 Fremantle Hillberg Leslie Walter Male Staples Eileen Myrtle Female East Fremantle
1936/2700172 Fremantle Staples Eileen Myrtle Female Hillberg Leslie Walter Male East Fremantle
1936/2700173 Fremantle Tasker Evelyn Grace Female Doran Leslie Desmond Male East Fremantle
1936/2700173 Fremantle Doran Leslie Desmond Male Tasker Evelyn Grace Female East Fremantle
1936/2700174 Fremantle Heedes Percy Henry Male Thomson Grace Lillian Female Fremantle
1936/2700174 Fremantle Thomson Grace Lillian Female Heedes Percy Henry Male Fremantle
1936/2700175 Fremantle Carbon Evelyn Beatrice Female Watkins Ronald Clifford Male Fremantle
1936/2700175 Fremantle Watkins Ronald Clifford Male Carbon Evelyn Beatrice Female Fremantle
1936/2700176 Fremantle Kolby May Craig Female Bolger Patrick Sherlock Male Fremantle
1936/2700176 Fremantle Bolger Patrick Sherlock Male Kolby May Craig Female Fremantle
1936/2700177 Fremantle Widdicombe Henry Joseph Male Castlemain Ivy Thelma Female North Fremantle
1936/2700177 Fremantle Castlemain Ivy Thelma Female Widdicombe Henry Joseph Male North Fremantle
1936/2700178 Fremantle Rowe Charity Female Swift Albert Gerard Male Fremantle
1936/2700178 Fremantle Swift Albert Gerard Male Rowe Charity Female Fremantle
1936/2700179 Fremantle Langridge Olive Jessie May Female Seeber George Raymond Male Fremantle
1936/2700179 Fremantle Seeber George Raymond Male Langridge Olive Jessie May Female Fremantle
1936/2700180 Fremantle Garbutt Harold Horace Male Davis Marlin Esther Maynard Female Fremantle
1936/2700180 Fremantle Davis Marlin Esther Maynard Female Garbutt Harold Horace Male Fremantle
1936/2700181 Fremantle Murray Olive Jean Female Taylor Henry John Male Fremantle
1936/2700181 Fremantle Taylor Henry John Male Murray Olive Jean Female Fremantle
1936/2700182 Fremantle Bateman Marquarie Gwendoline Jane Female Ward Geoffrey James Male Fremantle
1936/2700182 Fremantle Ward Geoffrey James Male Bateman Marquarie Gwendoline Jane Female Fremantle
1936/2700183 Fremantle Gent Doris May Female Humphreys Henry Ben Male Fremantle
1936/2700183 Fremantle Humphreys Henry Ben Male Gent Doris May Female Fremantle
1936/2700184 Fremantle Caesar Evelyn Maud Female Mullins William George Male Fremantle
1936/2700184 Fremantle Mullins William George Male Caesar Evelyn Maud Female Fremantle
1936/2700185 Fremantle Scally John Michael Male Mayne Annis Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1936/2700185 Fremantle Mayne Annis Elizabeth Female Scally John Michael Male Fremantle
1936/2700186 Fremantle Jessop Phyllis May Female Daly Bartholomew Patrick Male Fremantle
1936/2700186 Fremantle Daly Bartholomew Patrick Male Jessop Phyllis May Female Fremantle
1936/2700187 Fremantle Mellowship Amelia Veronica Female Smith William James Male Fremantle
1936/2700187 Fremantle Smith William James Male Mellowship Amelia Veronica Female Fremantle
1936/2700188 Fremantle Barac Ursula Female Katnich Ivan Male Fremantle
1936/2700188 Fremantle Katnich Ivan Male Barac Ursula Female Fremantle
1936/2700189 Fremantle Keenan William Henry Male Williams Elsie Caroline Female Fremantle
1936/2700189 Fremantle Williams Elsie Caroline Female Keenan William Henry Male Fremantle
1936/2700190 Fremantle Anicich George Male Lukatelich Elsie Female Fremantle
1936/2700190 Fremantle Lukatelich Elsie Female Anicich George Male Fremantle
1936/2700191 Fremantle Ban Sorka Female Gojanovich Frank Male Fremantle
1936/2700191 Fremantle Gojanovich Frank Male Ban Sorka Female Fremantle
1936/2700192 Fremantle Storry Vernon Male Holmes Jean Female Beaconsfield
1936/2700192 Fremantle Holmes Jean Female Storry Vernon Male Beaconsfield
1936/2700193 Fremantle Gregory Eileen May Female Cole Herbert Henry Male Beaconsfield
1936/2700193 Fremantle Cole Herbert Henry Male Gregory Eileen May Female Beaconsfield
1936/2700193 Fremantle Cole Herbert Henry Male Gregory Irene Female Beaconsfield
1936/2700193 Fremantle Cole Herbert Henry Male Harrison Eileen May Female Beaconsfield
1936/2700193 Fremantle Cole Herbert Henry Male Harrison Irene Female Beaconsfield
1936/2700193 Fremantle Harrison Eileen May Female Cole Herbert Henry Male Beaconsfield
1936/2700193 Fremantle Gregory Irene Female Cole Herbert Henry Male Beaconsfield
1936/2700193 Fremantle Harrison Irene Female Cole Herbert Henry Male Beaconsfield
1936/2700194 Fremantle Holmes Mary Female McClumpha Frank Reginald Male Beaconsfield
1936/2700194 Fremantle McClumpha Frank Reginald Male Holmes Mary Female Beaconsfield
1936/2700195 Fremantle Robson Alfred George Male Foley Mabel Gertrude Female Fremantle
1936/2700195 Fremantle Foley Mabel Gertrude Female Robson Alfred George Male Fremantle
1936/2700196 Fremantle Fenner Audrey Female Johnson Hiriam George Male Fremantle
1936/2700196 Fremantle Johnson Hiriam George Male Fenner Audrey Female Fremantle
1936/2700197 Fremantle Mader Henry Clifford Francis Male Foster Doris Alma Female Fremantle
1936/2700197 Fremantle Foster Doris Alma Female Mader Henry Clifford Francis Male Fremantle
1936/2700198 Fremantle Simper Edwin Claude Male Smith Hilda May Female Fremantle
1936/2700198 Fremantle Smith Hilda May Female Simper Edwin Claude Male Fremantle
1936/2700199 Fremantle Sweet Eleanor Ann Elizabeth Female Smith Frederick William Male Fremantle
1936/2700199 Fremantle Smith Frederick William Male Sweet Eleanor Ann Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1936/2700200 Fremantle Goddard Emily Mary Female Chapman Walter Sterry Male Fremantle
1936/2700200 Fremantle Chapman Walter Sterry Male Goddard Emily Mary Female Fremantle
1936/2700201 Fremantle Jones Gordon Gwillim Male Riseley Gwladys Jean Cavel Female Fremantle
1936/2700201 Fremantle Riseley Gwladys Jean Cavel Female Jones Gordon Gwillim Male Fremantle
1936/2700202 Fremantle Calder Elfreda Margaret Female Scally Cedric Charles Male Fremantle
1936/2700202 Fremantle Scally Cedric Charles Male Calder Elfreda Margaret Female Fremantle
1936/2700203 Fremantle Atkinson Mavis Female Cramp Arthur John Male Fremantle
1936/2700203 Fremantle Cramp Arthur John Male Atkinson Mavis Female Fremantle
1936/2700204 Fremantle Spry Clement Male Mongan Jean Female Fremantle
1936/2700204 Fremantle Mongan Jean Female Spry Clement Male Fremantle
1936/2700205 Fremantle Ball Florence Ethel Female Heaperman Royston Frank Male Fremantle
1936/2700205 Fremantle Heaperman Royston Frank Male Ball Florence Ethel Female Fremantle
1936/2700206 Fremantle Smith Pierre Male Bastin Grace Female Fremantle
1936/2700206 Fremantle Bastin Grace Female Smith Pierre Male Fremantle
1936/2700207 Fremantle Nelson Thelma Olive Female Ross James Albert Male Fremantle
1936/2700207 Fremantle Ross James Albert Male Nelson Thelma Olive Female Fremantle
1936/2700208 Fremantle Robinson Archibald Male Edgley Violet Female Fremantle
1936/2700208 Fremantle Edgley Violet Female Robinson Archibald Male Fremantle
1936/2700209 Fremantle Pink Marion Joyce Female Sorrell Francis James Male Fremantle
1936/2700209 Fremantle Sorrell Francis James Male Pink Marion Joyce Female Fremantle
1936/2700210 Fremantle McNeill Gladys Margaretta Female Dimond Frederick Martyn Male Fremantle
1936/2700210 Fremantle Dimond Frederick Martyn Male McNeill Gladys Margaretta Female Fremantle
1936/2700211 Fremantle Evans Horace Victor Male Riggs Hazel Olive Margaret Female Fremantle
1936/2700211 Fremantle Riggs Hazel Olive Margaret Female Evans Horace Victor Male Fremantle
1936/2700212 Fremantle Wilson Jack West Male Snell Florence Female Fremantle
1936/2700212 Fremantle Snell Florence Female Wilson Jack West Male Fremantle
1936/2700213 Fremantle Opie Ernest George Male Barrow Elsie Gertrude Female Fremantle
1936/2700213 Fremantle Barrow Elsie Gertrude Female Opie Ernest George Male Fremantle
1936/2700214 Fremantle Lyon Marjorie Gladys Female Allan Robert Dixon Male Fremantle
1936/2700214 Fremantle Allan Robert Dixon Male Lyon Marjorie Gladys Female Fremantle
1936/2700215 Fremantle Chapman Jack Holmes Wordsworth Male Woods Marjorie Eileen Mavis Female Fremantle
1936/2700215 Fremantle Woods Marjorie Eileen Mavis Female Chapman Jack Holmes Wordsworth Male Fremantle
1936/2700216 Fremantle Howard Jim Mycroft William Male Rawes Nellie Female Fremantle
1936/2700216 Fremantle Rawes Nellie Female Howard Jim Mycroft William Male Fremantle
1936/2700217 Fremantle Hollamby Ronald Henry Male Chester Bessie Female Beaconsfield
1936/2700217 Fremantle Chester Bessie Female Hollamby Ronald Henry Male Beaconsfield
1936/2700218 Fremantle Gates William Male Hedland Melba May Female Beaconsfield
1936/2700218 Fremantle Hedland Melba May Female Gates William Male Beaconsfield
1936/2700219 Fremantle Parkinson Elizabeth Amelia Female Bell George William Male Beaconsfield
1936/2700219 Fremantle Bell George William Male Parkinson Elizabeth Amelia Female Beaconsfield
1936/2700220 Fremantle Doig Mary Fraser Female Bowe John Male Fremantle
1936/2700220 Fremantle Bowe John Male Doig Mary Fraser Female Fremantle
1936/2700221 Fremantle Brown Arthur Joseph Male Ringwood Constance Laurel Huxtable Female North Fremantle
1936/2700221 Fremantle Ringwood Constance Laurel Huxtable Female Brown Arthur Joseph Male North Fremantle
1936/2700222 Fremantle James Gower Francis Knight Male Spark Eva Margaret Female Bicton
1936/2700222 Fremantle Spark Eva Margaret Female James Gower Francis Knight Male Bicton
1936/2700223 Fremantle Smart David Male Madalena Maria Della Female North Fremantle
1936/2700223 Fremantle Madalena Maria Della Female Smart David Male North Fremantle
1936/2700224 Fremantle Garland Edna May Female Placanica Anthony Male Bicton
1936/2700224 Fremantle Placanica Anthony Male Garland Edna May Female Bicton
1936/2700225 Fremantle Spargo Jean Magdeline Female Colleran John Thomas Male Bicton
1936/2700225 Fremantle Colleran John Thomas Male Spargo Jean Magdeline Female Bicton
1936/2700226 Fremantle Lancaster Ada Female Leahy Leslie William Male Fremantle
1936/2700226 Fremantle Leahy Leslie William Male Lancaster Ada Female Fremantle
1936/2700227 Fremantle Jones John Raymond Male Thornett Gladys Maud Female Fremantle
1936/2700227 Fremantle Thornett Gladys Maud Female Jones John Raymond Male Fremantle
1936/2700228 Fremantle Kearsley Edith Elinor Female Stanswood Cyril Ernest Male Fremantle
1936/2700228 Fremantle Stanswood Cyril Ernest Male Kearsley Edith Elinor Female Fremantle
1936/2700229 Fremantle Parkinson Albert Edward Male Inkster Grace Barbara Female Fremantle
1936/2700229 Fremantle Inkster Grace Barbara Female Parkinson Albert Edward Male Fremantle
1936/2700230 Fremantle Reckner Florence Victoria Female Moore Kerry Stockdale Male Fremantle
1936/2700230 Fremantle Moore Kerry Stockdale Male Reckner Florence Victoria Female Fremantle
1936/2700231 Fremantle Wake Leslie Emanuel Male Chinnery Frances Grace Female Fremantle
1936/2700231 Fremantle Chinnery Frances Grace Female Wake Leslie Emanuel Male Fremantle
1936/2700232 Fremantle Vivian Percival Raymond Male Hart Ivy Muriel Catherine Female North Fremantle
1936/2700232 Fremantle Hart Ivy Muriel Catherine Female Vivian Percival Raymond Male North Fremantle
1936/2700233 Fremantle Lawrence Phoebe Eunice Female Frost Charles Leonard Victor Male North Fremantle
1936/2700233 Fremantle Frost Charles Leonard Victor Male Lawrence Phoebe Eunice Female North Fremantle
1936/2700234 Fremantle Simic Danica Female Covich Niclas Male Fremantle
1936/2700234 Fremantle Covich Niclas Male Simic Danica Female Fremantle
1936/2700235 Fremantle Laudehr Doris Alita Female Rodgers Arthur Henry Male Fremantle
1936/2700235 Fremantle Rodgers Arthur Henry Male Laudehr Doris Alita Female Fremantle
1936/2700236 Fremantle Brindley Kathleen Mary Female Porteous James Frederick Male Fremantle
1936/2700236 Fremantle Porteous James Frederick Male Brindley Kathleen Mary Female Fremantle
1936/2700237 Fremantle Sanderson Dorothy Mary Female Lewis Hugh Cecil Male Fremantle
1936/2700237 Fremantle Lewis Hugh Cecil Male Sanderson Dorothy Mary Female Fremantle
1936/2700238 Fremantle Bourne Cecil Kenneth Male Hunter Olive May Female Fremantle
1936/2700238 Fremantle Hunter Olive May Female Bourne Cecil Kenneth Male Fremantle
1936/2700239 Fremantle Bellion Caroline Elizabeth Female Richards Bertram John Male Fremantle
1936/2700239 Fremantle Richards Bertram John Male Bellion Caroline Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1936/2700240 Fremantle Erickson Sydney Uden Male Sandilands Frederica Lucy Female Fremantle
1936/2700240 Fremantle Sandilands Frederica Lucy Female Erickson Sydney Uden Male Fremantle
1936/2700241 Fremantle Lewis Maria Grace Evelyn Female Exley Ernest Gilyard Male Fremantle
1936/2700241 Fremantle Exley Ernest Gilyard Male Lewis Maria Grace Evelyn Female Fremantle
1936/2700242 Fremantle Abbott Ernest Male Bishop Doris Mary Female Fremantle
1936/2700242 Fremantle Bishop Doris Mary Female Abbott Ernest Male Fremantle
1936/2700243 Fremantle Bushby Lilly Perkins Female Kaigg Reuben Male Fremantle
1936/2700243 Fremantle Kaigg Reuben Male Bushby Lilly Perkins Female Fremantle
1936/2700244 Fremantle Alexander Albert William Male Sander Elsa Paula Female Fremantle
1936/2700244 Fremantle Sander Elsa Paula Female Alexander Albert William Male Fremantle
1936/2700245 Fremantle Nettleton Milly Elizabeth Female Utting Ronald Arthur Edward Male Fremantle
1936/2700245 Fremantle Utting Ronald Arthur Edward Male Nettleton Milly Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1936/2700246 Fremantle Lewis Mavis Kathleen Female Badham Stanley Charles Male Fremantle
1936/2700246 Fremantle Badham Stanley Charles Male Lewis Mavis Kathleen Female Fremantle
1936/2700247 Fremantle McIntosh Jessie May Female Coombs William Bradshaw Male Fremantle
1936/2700247 Fremantle Coombs William Bradshaw Male McIntosh Jessie May Female Fremantle
1936/2700248 Fremantle Murray Malcolm Male MacLeod Peggy Female Fremantle
1936/2700248 Fremantle MacLeod Peggy Female Murray Malcolm Male Fremantle
1936/2700249 Fremantle Laming John Edward Male Pankhurst Alice Maud Mary Female Fremantle
1936/2700249 Fremantle Pankhurst Alice Maud Mary Female Laming John Edward Male Fremantle
1936/2700250 Fremantle Smith Lily Robson Female Culley Laurence Frank Male Fremantle
1936/2700250 Fremantle Culley Laurence Frank Male Smith Lily Robson Female Fremantle
1936/2700251 Fremantle Hislop Agnes Bayne Female Lydon Laurence Male Fremantle
1936/2700251 Fremantle Lydon Laurence Male Hislop Agnes Bayne Female Fremantle
1936/2700252 Fremantle Boult Beryl Frances Female McDonald Keith Luke Male Fremantle
1936/2700252 Fremantle McDonald Keith Luke Male Boult Beryl Frances Female Fremantle
1936/2700253 Fremantle Taylor Thelma Olive Female Luff Ronald John Male Fremantle
1936/2700253 Fremantle Luff Ronald John Male Taylor Thelma Olive Female Fremantle
1936/2700254 Fremantle Wraight Ira Gladys Female Whelan Eric Alfred Male Fremantle
1936/2700254 Fremantle Whelan Eric Alfred Male Wraight Ira Gladys Female Fremantle
1936/2700255 Fremantle Franklin Donald Edward Male Bowe Mary Rita Female Fremantle
1936/2700255 Fremantle Bowe Mary Rita Female Franklin Donald Edward Male Fremantle
1936/2700256 Fremantle Dobra Mary Female Rendell Walter Ronald Male Spearwood
1936/2700256 Fremantle Rendell Walter Ronald Male Dobra Mary Female Spearwood
1936/2700257 Fremantle Killick Olive Grace Female Feltham Walter Rodrick Male Fremantle
1936/2700257 Fremantle Feltham Walter Rodrick Male Killick Olive Grace Female Fremantle
1936/2700258 Fremantle Plummer Norman William Gordon Male Bush Doris May Female Beaconsfield
1936/2700258 Fremantle Bush Doris May Female Plummer Norman William Gordon Male Beaconsfield
1936/2700259 Fremantle Marshall Winifred Agnes Female Aston Nicholas Bruce Colwell Male Fremantle
1936/2700259 Fremantle Aston Nicholas Bruce Colwell Male Marshall Winifred Agnes Female Fremantle
1936/2700260 Fremantle Hitchin Gwyn Roy Judd Male D'Arcy-Evans Thora Sylvia Female Fremantle
1936/2700260 Fremantle D'Arcy-Evans Thora Sylvia Female Hitchin Gwyn Roy Judd Male Fremantle
1936/2700261 Fremantle Earnshaw Frederick Norman Coombs Male Adshead Doris May Lavinia Female East Fremantle
1936/2700261 Fremantle Adshead Doris May Lavinia Female Earnshaw Frederick Norman Coombs Male East Fremantle
1936/2700262 Fremantle Leen John Patrick Male Gabbedy Helen Veronica Female Fremantle
1936/2700262 Fremantle Gabbedy Helen Veronica Female Leen John Patrick Male Fremantle
1936/2700263 Fremantle Stack Edward Gerald Male Hanafan Mary Female Fremantle
1936/2700263 Fremantle Hanafan Mary Female Stack Edward Gerald Male Fremantle
1936/2700264 Fremantle Bone Dorothy Female Cant Albert Ronald Male Fremantle
1936/2700264 Fremantle Cant Albert Ronald Male Bone Dorothy Female Fremantle
1936/2700265 Fremantle Busson Herbert Charles Male Whiteaker Mary Female Fremantle
1936/2700265 Fremantle Whiteaker Mary Female Busson Herbert Charles Male Fremantle
1936/2700266 Fremantle Pescud Grace Elizabeth Female Wenn Cyril Hugh Male Fremantle
1936/2700266 Fremantle Wenn Cyril Hugh Male Pescud Grace Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1936/2700267 Fremantle Heedes Mavis Lois Female Whiteford Sydney William Male Fremantle
1936/2700267 Fremantle Whiteford Sydney William Male Heedes Mavis Lois Female Fremantle
1936/2700268 Fremantle Caesar Bert William Male Baudains Thelma Mary Female Beaconsfield
1936/2700268 Fremantle Baudains Thelma Mary Female Caesar Bert William Male Beaconsfield
1936/2700269 Fremantle MacMillan John Male Curtis Adaline Female East Fremantle
1936/2700269 Fremantle Curtis Adaline Female MacMillan John Male East Fremantle
1936/2700270 Fremantle Hudson Mary Elizabeth Female Walters Charles William Male Beaconsfield
1936/2700270 Fremantle Walters Charles William Male Hudson Mary Elizabeth Female Beaconsfield
1936/2700271 Fremantle Monaghan Enid Female McLeod Eric Male Fremantle
1936/2700271 Fremantle McLeod Eric Male Monaghan Enid Female Fremantle
1936/2700272 Fremantle Andrew Lillian Myrtle Female Wright George Edward Male Fremantle
1936/2700272 Fremantle Wright George Edward Male Andrew Lillian Myrtle Female Fremantle
1936/2700273 Fremantle Evans William Edward Male O'Brien Gladys Female Fremantle
1936/2700273 Fremantle O'Brien Gladys Female Evans William Edward Male Fremantle
1936/2700274 Fremantle Pink Nora Eileen Female Nunn Earnest George Male North Fremantle
1936/2700274 Fremantle Nunn Earnest George Male Pink Nora Eileen Female North Fremantle
1936/2700275 Fremantle Smith Annie Frances Female Hughes Alan Edward Claud Male Fremantle
1936/2700275 Fremantle Hughes Alan Edward Claud Male Smith Annie Frances Female Fremantle
1936/2700276 Fremantle Lennen Avie Jessie Female Johnson Ernest Gordon Male Fremantle
1936/2700276 Fremantle Johnson Ernest Gordon Male Lennen Avie Jessie Female Fremantle
1936/2700277 Fremantle Currie Neil Robert Male Corry Mary Female Fremantle
1936/2700277 Fremantle Corry Mary Female Currie Neil Robert Male Fremantle
1936/2700278 Fremantle O'Keefe Herbert Ronald Male Spark Juanita Adaline Winifred Female Fremantle
1936/2700278 Fremantle Spark Juanita Adaline Winifred Female O'Keefe Herbert Ronald Male Fremantle
1936/2700279 Fremantle McCaw Mavis Olive Joyce Female Thurloe Arthur Ernest Male Fremantle
1936/2700279 Fremantle Thurloe Arthur Ernest Male McCaw Mavis Olive Joyce Female Fremantle
1936/2700280 Fremantle Wray Mary Female Woolcock John Leslie Male Fremantle
1936/2700280 Fremantle Woolcock John Leslie Male Wray Mary Female Fremantle
1936/2700281 Fremantle Ellis Herbert Clifford Male Andrews Vera Female Fremantle
1936/2700281 Fremantle Andrews Vera Female Ellis Herbert Clifford Male Fremantle
1936/2700282 Fremantle Holzberger Winifred Ethel Female Burford Harold Male Fremantle
1936/2700282 Fremantle Burford Harold Male Holzberger Winifred Ethel Female Fremantle
1936/2700283 Fremantle Milbourne Ronald Ivanhoe Male Talbot Ivy Violet Female Fremantle
1936/2700283 Fremantle Talbot Ivy Violet Female Milbourne Ronald Ivanhoe Male Fremantle
1936/2700284 Fremantle Foley Patrick Owen William Male Martin Althea Ada Sylvia Female Fremantle
1936/2700284 Fremantle Martin Althea Ada Sylvia Female Foley Patrick Owen William Male Fremantle
1936/2700285 Fremantle Bruce Edith Female Thomas Clifton Alfred Male Fremantle
1936/2700285 Fremantle Thomas Clifton Alfred Male Bruce Edith Female Fremantle
1936/2700286 Fremantle Waller Lillian Female Stokes Ronald Clifford Male Fremantle
1936/2700286 Fremantle Stokes Ronald Clifford Male Waller Lillian Female Fremantle
1936/2700287 Fremantle Downs Blanche Queenie Female West Jack Male Fremantle
1936/2700287 Fremantle West Jack Male Downs Blanche Queenie Female Fremantle
1936/2700288 Fremantle Nugent Hilda Mary Female Miner Charles Henry Male Fremantle
1936/2700288 Fremantle Miner Charles Henry Male Nugent Hilda Mary Female Fremantle
1936/2700289 Fremantle House Leslie George Male Vanstan Daphne Maud Female Fremantle
1936/2700289 Fremantle Vanstan Daphne Maud Female House Leslie George Male Fremantle
1936/2700290 Fremantle Kleesh Victoria Charlotte Female Gimblett Gerard Male Fremantle
1936/2700290 Fremantle Gimblett Gerard Male Kleesh Victoria Charlotte Female Fremantle
1936/2700291 Fremantle Daniels Gladys Joyce Female Durtnall William George Male Fremantle
1936/2700291 Fremantle Durtnall William George Male Daniels Gladys Joyce Female Fremantle
1936/2700292 Fremantle Bindley Alma Female Curran Henry Male Fremantle
1936/2700292 Fremantle Curran Henry Male Bindley Alma Female Fremantle
1936/2700293 Fremantle Eaton Dulcie Irene Female Ulrich Bernard Richard Alfred Male Fremantle
1936/2700293 Fremantle Ulrich Bernard Richard Alfred Male Eaton Dulcie Irene Female Fremantle
1936/2700294 Fremantle Bird Gwendoline Sarah Female Waters Joseph Francis Ryan Male Fremantle
1936/2700294 Fremantle Waters Joseph Francis Ryan Male Bird Gwendoline Sarah Female Fremantle
1936/2700295 Fremantle Campbell Olive Doreen Female Caesar Edward James Male Fremantle
1936/2700295 Fremantle Caesar Edward James Male Campbell Olive Doreen Female Fremantle
1936/2700296 Fremantle Heterick Norah Adelaide Female Purdie Earnest Melville MacMillan Male East Fremantle
1936/2700296 Fremantle Purdie Earnest Melville MacMillan Male Heterick Norah Adelaide Female East Fremantle
1936/2700297 Fremantle Kelly Eva Mildred Female Eatt Wilfred Lyman Male Fremantle
1936/2700297 Fremantle Eatt Wilfred Lyman Male Kelly Eva Mildred Female Fremantle
1936/2700298 Fremantle Rudland Maude Olive Female McNess William Henry Male North Fremantle
1936/2700298 Fremantle McNess William Henry Male Rudland Maude Olive Female North Fremantle
1936/2700299 Fremantle Taylor Duncan Silvan Male Wallis Lurlyne Edith Female Fremantle
1936/2700299 Fremantle Wallis Lurlyne Edith Female Taylor Duncan Silvan Male Fremantle
1936/2700300 Fremantle Caple Roy Rowland Male Whyte Eileen Ursula Female Palmyra
1936/2700300 Fremantle Whyte Eileen Ursula Female Caple Roy Rowland Male Palmyra
1936/2700301 Fremantle Finnigan Thomas James Male Cocks Amelia Tomasena Female Bicton
1936/2700301 Fremantle Cocks Amelia Tomasena Female Finnigan Thomas James Male Bicton
1936/2700302 Fremantle McGrath Lorna Josephine Female Biesiot Leslie Hendrick Male Fremantle
1936/2700302 Fremantle Biesiot Leslie Hendrick Male McGrath Lorna Josephine Female Fremantle
1936/2700303 Fremantle Griffith Edmund Male Paini Emily Female Fremantle
1936/2700303 Fremantle Paini Emily Female Griffith Edmund Male Fremantle
1936/2700304 Fremantle Walter Myrtle Ruth Female Forbes Arthur John Male Fremantle
1936/2700304 Fremantle Forbes Arthur John Male Walter Myrtle Ruth Female Fremantle
1936/2700305 Fremantle Fimister Jack Arthur Male Johnson Ruth Mary Female Fremantle
1936/2700305 Fremantle Johnson Ruth Mary Female Fimister Jack Arthur Male Fremantle
1936/2700306 Fremantle Mackay Vera Jean Female Chamberlain Reginald Allan Male Fremantle
1936/2700306 Fremantle Chamberlain Reginald Allan Male Mackay Vera Jean Female Fremantle
1936/2700307 Fremantle Ward Saadie Elizabeth Female Pickering Fred Male Fremantle
1936/2700307 Fremantle Pickering Fred Male Ward Saadie Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1936/2700308 Fremantle Reynolds Eileen Louise Female Roberts Everard William Male Fremantle
1936/2700308 Fremantle Roberts Everard William Male Reynolds Eileen Louise Female Fremantle
1936/2700309 Fremantle Bailey Robert Mervyn Male Holland Lila Mary Female Fremantle
1936/2700309 Fremantle Holland Lila Mary Female Bailey Robert Mervyn Male Fremantle
1936/2700310 Fremantle Love Ruby Gloria Haligan Female Guy Lorraine Bernard Male Fremantle
1936/2700310 Fremantle Guy Lorraine Bernard Male Love Ruby Gloria Haligan Female Fremantle
1936/2700311 Fremantle Morgan Herbert Harold Male Nunn Alma Dora Female Fremantle
1936/2700311 Fremantle Nunn Alma Dora Female Morgan Herbert Harold Male Fremantle
1936/2700312 Fremantle Warner Kathleen Patricia Female Warner William Alexandra Male Fremantle
1936/2700312 Fremantle Warner William Alexandra Male Warner Kathleen Patricia Female Fremantle
1936/2700313 Fremantle Powell Lilian Elizabeth Female Swain Cyril Percy Male Fremantle
1936/2700313 Fremantle Swain Cyril Percy Male Powell Lilian Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1936/2700314 Fremantle Penton John William Male Chambers Isabella Female East Fremantle
1936/2700314 Fremantle Chambers Isabella Female Penton John William Male East Fremantle
1936/2700315 Fremantle Day Thomas Edward Male Spoor Lottie Female Fremantle
1936/2700315 Fremantle Spoor Lottie Female Day Thomas Edward Male Fremantle
1936/2700316 Fremantle Morrissey Arthur William Male Caine Margaret Kissack Female Fremantle
1936/2700316 Fremantle Caine Margaret Kissack Female Morrissey Arthur William Male Fremantle
1936/2700317 Fremantle Watts Henry George Male Lilley Mabel Lillias Female Fremantle
1936/2700317 Fremantle Lilley Mabel Lillias Female Watts Henry George Male Fremantle
1936/2700318 Fremantle Hunter James Allen Male Pescud Evelyn Olive Female Beaconsfield
1936/2700318 Fremantle Pescud Evelyn Olive Female Hunter James Allen Male Beaconsfield
1936/2700319 Fremantle Hodgson Leslie Stephen Male Fergusson Winifred Alice Female Fremantle
1936/2700319 Fremantle Fergusson Winifred Alice Female Hodgson Leslie Stephen Male Fremantle
1936/2700320 Fremantle Herley Mary Frances Female Dennis George Freeman Male Fremantle
1936/2700320 Fremantle Dennis George Freeman Male Herley Mary Frances Female Fremantle
1936/2700321 Fremantle Harris Jack Maclaren Male Molyneux Dorothy Lillian Maud Female Fremantle
1936/2700321 Fremantle Molyneux Dorothy Lillian Maud Female Harris Jack Maclaren Male Fremantle
1936/2700322 Fremantle Daly Ellen Bridget Female Walsh John Kevin Male Fremantle
1936/2700322 Fremantle Walsh John Kevin Male Daly Ellen Bridget Female Fremantle
1936/2700323 Fremantle Jeffery Victor John Male Bell Emmalene May Female Fremantle
1936/2700323 Fremantle Bell Emmalene May Female Jeffery Victor John Male Fremantle
1936/2700324 Fremantle Caple Walter Leonard Male Hampton Beryl Elaine Nellie Female Fremantle
1936/2700324 Fremantle Hampton Beryl Elaine Nellie Female Caple Walter Leonard Male Fremantle
1936/2700325 Fremantle Parnell Walter Martin Male Taylor Jean Clare Female Fremantle
1936/2700325 Fremantle Taylor Jean Clare Female Parnell Walter Martin Male Fremantle
1936/2700326 Fremantle Munro Christine Alice Female Greive Charles Leslie Male Fremantle
1936/2700326 Fremantle Greive Charles Leslie Male Munro Christine Alice Female Fremantle
1936/2700327 Fremantle Blowes Albert Decinous Male Sullivan Dorothy Ursula Female Fremantle
1936/2700327 Fremantle Sullivan Dorothy Ursula Female Blowes Albert Decinous Male Fremantle
1936/2700328 Fremantle Fagerberg Elizabeth Ellen Female Watterson Donald Male Fremantle
1936/2700328 Fremantle Watterson Donald Male Fagerberg Elizabeth Ellen Female Fremantle
1936/2700329 Fremantle Cole Dorothy Louisa Female Bain Duncan Gordon Kenneth Male Fremantle
1936/2700329 Fremantle Bain Duncan Gordon Kenneth Male Cole Dorothy Louisa Female Fremantle
1936/2700330 Fremantle Edgar Marjorie Female Cormack George Frederick Male Fremantle
1936/2700330 Fremantle Cormack George Frederick Male Edgar Marjorie Female Fremantle
1936/2700331 Fremantle Paull Iris Irene Female Rowney Hugh Male Fremantle
1936/2700331 Fremantle Rowney Hugh Male Paull Iris Irene Female Fremantle
1936/2700332 Fremantle O'Donnell Francis Male Inkster Dorothy Alice Female Fremantle
1936/2700332 Fremantle Inkster Dorothy Alice Female O'Donnell Francis Male Fremantle
1936/2700333 Fremantle Birt Robert Evan Hocking Male Poat Ivy Amy Female Fremantle
1936/2700333 Fremantle Poat Ivy Amy Female Birt Robert Evan Hocking Male Fremantle
1936/2700334 Fremantle Plummer Reginald Joseph Male O'Brien Doris Eileen Female Fremantle
1936/2700334 Fremantle O'Brien Doris Eileen Female Plummer Reginald Joseph Male Fremantle
1936/2700335 Fremantle Kennedy Gertrude Alice Mary Female King Stanley Vernon Male Fremantle
1936/2700335 Fremantle King Stanley Vernon Male Kennedy Gertrude Alice Mary Female Fremantle
1936/2700336 Fremantle Reader Annie Female Briand Leon Jean Louis Male Fremantle
1936/2700336 Fremantle Briand Leon Jean Louis Male Reader Annie Female Fremantle
1936/2700337 Fremantle Follington Audrey Doreen Female Mansel Jack Male Fremantle
1936/2700337 Fremantle Mansel Jack Male Follington Audrey Doreen Female Fremantle
1936/2700338 Fremantle Golding Evelyn Louisa Female Jones John James Male North Fremantle
1936/2700338 Fremantle Jones John James Male Golding Evelyn Louisa Female North Fremantle
1936/2700339 Fremantle Skroza Antica Female Grubelich Antonio Krijan Male Spearwood
1936/2700339 Fremantle Grubelich Antonio Krijan Male Skroza Antica Female Spearwood
1936/2700340 Fremantle Stedman Frederick George Male Ranford Zoe Female Beaconsfield
1936/2700340 Fremantle Ranford Zoe Female Stedman Frederick George Male Beaconsfield
1936/2700341 Fremantle Bull Harold Boyer Male Cantelo Elsie Gladys Female Fremantle
1936/2700341 Fremantle Cantelo Elsie Gladys Female Bull Harold Boyer Male Fremantle
1936/2700342 Fremantle Veza Ljubica Female Katich Mate Male Fremantle
1936/2700342 Fremantle Katich Mate Male Veza Ljubica Female Fremantle
1936/2700343 Fremantle Casserly Olive Mary Female Flanagan John Richard Male Fremantle
1936/2700343 Fremantle Flanagan John Richard Male Casserly Olive Mary Female Fremantle
1936/2700344 Fremantle Patterson James Male Ellard Doreen May Female Fremantle
1936/2700344 Fremantle Ellard Doreen May Female Patterson James Male Fremantle
1936/2700345 Fremantle Salter Caroline Maud Female Houghton William George Male Fremantle
1936/2700345 Fremantle Houghton William George Male Salter Caroline Maud Female Fremantle
1936/2700346 Fremantle Secombe Jean Eva Female Williams Howard Thomson Male East Fremantle
1936/2700346 Fremantle Williams Howard Thomson Male Secombe Jean Eva Female East Fremantle
1936/2700347 Fremantle Tonkin Edwin William Male Allison Myrtle Doreen Female Fremantle
1936/2700347 Fremantle Allison Myrtle Doreen Female Tonkin Edwin William Male Fremantle
1936/2700348 Fremantle Smith Lillian Female Saunders Albert Edward Male Fremantle
1936/2700348 Fremantle Saunders Albert Edward Male Smith Lillian Female Fremantle
1936/2700349 Fremantle McBeth Jonathan Male Daniels Lillian Rose Female Beaconsfield
1936/2700349 Fremantle Daniels Lillian Rose Female McBeth Jonathan Male Beaconsfield
1936/2700350 Fremantle Watson Charles Male Rosser Dorothy Female Fremantle
1936/2700350 Fremantle Rosser Dorothy Female Watson Charles Male Fremantle
1936/2700351 Fremantle Meyers Mary Frances Josephine Female Craig William John Male Fremantle
1936/2700351 Fremantle Craig William John Male Meyers Mary Frances Josephine Female Fremantle
1936/2700352 Fremantle Winter Lucelle Blanche Female Horton Leslie William Male Fremantle
1936/2700352 Fremantle Horton Leslie William Male Winter Lucelle Blanche Female Fremantle
1936/2700353 Fremantle Starr Clarence Ray Male Donnelly Layla Watson Female Fremantle
1936/2700353 Fremantle Donnelly Layla Watson Female Starr Clarence Ray Male Fremantle
1936/2700354 Fremantle Kingsley Phyllis Myrtle Female Everette Lauder James Male Beaconsfield
1936/2700354 Fremantle Everette Lauder James Male Kingsley Phyllis Myrtle Female Beaconsfield
1936/2700355 Fremantle Pike Freda Christina Female Litster Robert Kenneth Male Fremantle
1936/2700355 Fremantle Litster Robert Kenneth Male Pike Freda Christina Female Fremantle
1936/2700356 Fremantle Anscombe William Leonard Male Taylor Marguerite Alexander Female Fremantle
1936/2700356 Fremantle Taylor Marguerite Alexander Female Anscombe William Leonard Male Fremantle
1936/2700357 Fremantle Stitt Andrew Duncan Male Taylor Lucy Mary Female Fremantle
1936/2700357 Fremantle Taylor Lucy Mary Female Stitt Andrew Duncan Male Fremantle
1936/2700358 Fremantle Snow Marjorie Lucy Female Murray Walter William Male Fremantle
1936/2700358 Fremantle Murray Walter William Male Snow Marjorie Lucy Female Fremantle
1936/2700359 Fremantle Taylor Herbert Leslie Male Doble Laura Ellen Female Fremantle
1936/2700359 Fremantle Doble Laura Ellen Female Taylor Herbert Leslie Male Fremantle
1936/2700360 Fremantle Casson John Male Brown Edith May Female North Fremantle
1936/2700360 Fremantle Brown Edith May Female Casson John Male North Fremantle
1936/2700361 Fremantle Hall Hazel Ellen Loraine Female Manners William Henry George Male Fremantle
1936/2700361 Fremantle Manners William Henry George Male Hall Hazel Ellen Loraine Female Fremantle
1936/2700362 Fremantle McDonald Hector George Male Dixon Pearl Hope Female Fremantle
1936/2700362 Fremantle Dixon Pearl Hope Female McDonald Hector George Male Fremantle
1936/2700363 Fremantle Gibson Edna May Female Peatling David Male Fremantle
1936/2700363 Fremantle Peatling David Male Gibson Edna May Female Fremantle
1936/2700364 Fremantle Walker William Herbert Lee Male Fimister Roma Florence Female Fremantle
1936/2700364 Fremantle Fimister Roma Florence Female Walker William Herbert Lee Male Fremantle
1936/2700365 Fremantle Tatton Frank Male Toop Edna Jessie Female Fremantle
1936/2700365 Fremantle Toop Edna Jessie Female Tatton Frank Male Fremantle
1936/2700366 Fremantle Scott Dulcie Eileen Female Collier Athol Harrison Curven Male Fremantle
1936/2700366 Fremantle Collier Athol Harrison Curven Male Scott Dulcie Eileen Female Fremantle
1936/2700367 Fremantle Saunders Elsie Female Haskell Leslie Noel Male Fremantle
1936/2700367 Fremantle Haskell Leslie Noel Male Saunders Elsie Female Fremantle
1936/2700368 Fremantle White Freda Irene Female McCosker Arthur Allan Male Fremantle
1936/2700368 Fremantle McCosker Arthur Allan Male White Freda Irene Female Fremantle
1936/2700369 Fremantle Scott Sydney Robert Male Roby Grace Female Fremantle
1936/2700369 Fremantle Roby Grace Female Scott Sydney Robert Male Fremantle
1936/2700370 Fremantle Edwards Sarah Jane Female Kent William John Male Fremantle
1936/2700370 Fremantle Kent William John Male Edwards Sarah Jane Female Fremantle
1936/2700371 Fremantle Jones William Louis Male Love Phyllis Agnes Female Fremantle
1936/2700371 Fremantle Love Phyllis Agnes Female Dunstone William Louis Male Fremantle
1936/2700371 Fremantle Love Phyllis Agnes Female Jones William Louis Male Fremantle
1936/2700371 Fremantle Dunstone William Louis Male Love Phyllis Agnes Female Fremantle
1936/2700372 Fremantle Hicks Francis George Male Mathews Edna May Female Fremantle
1936/2700372 Fremantle Mathews Edna May Female Hicks Francis George Male Fremantle
1936/2700373 Fremantle Hogan Frederick Peter Male Johnston Lorna Mary Female Fremantle
1936/2700373 Fremantle Johnston Lorna Mary Female Hogan Frederick Peter Male Fremantle
1936/2700374 Fremantle McInerney Christina Female Sanders Charles Stewart Male East Fremantle
1936/2700374 Fremantle Sanders Charles Stewart Male McInerney Christina Female East Fremantle
1936/2700375 Fremantle Reisenauer Mavis Female Beaver Norman Leonard Male Fremantle
1936/2700375 Fremantle Beaver Norman Leonard Male Reisenauer Mavis Female Fremantle
1936/2700376 Fremantle Stapleton Violet Winifred Female Forrest Robert Victor Male Fremantle
1936/2700376 Fremantle Forrest Robert Victor Male Stapleton Violet Winifred Female Fremantle
1936/2800001 Gascoyne Butler Stephen Male Freeman Lottie Rubina Female Carnarvon
1936/2800001 Gascoyne Freeman Lottie Rubina Female Butler Stephen Male Carnarvon
1936/2800002 Gascoyne McKenna Cecil Baden Cameron Male Paterson Edith Berenice Female Carnarvon
1936/2800002 Gascoyne Paterson Edith Berenice Female McKenna Cecil Baden Cameron Male Carnarvon
1936/2800003 Gascoyne Iles Annie Beryl Female Higgs Albert George Male Carnarvon
1936/2800003 Gascoyne Higgs Albert George Male Iles Annie Beryl Female Carnarvon
1936/2800004 Gascoyne Dillon Rawson Marbrook Male Hicks Doris May Female Carnarvon
1936/2800004 Gascoyne Hicks Doris May Female Dillon Rawson Marbrook Male Carnarvon
1936/2800005 Gascoyne Collyer Laura Louise Female Brown Charles Keith Male Carnarvon
1936/2800005 Gascoyne Brown Charles Keith Male Collyer Laura Louise Female Carnarvon
1936/2800006 Gascoyne Sheahan Norah Veronica Female Knuckey John Aloysius Male Carnarvon
1936/2800006 Gascoyne Knuckey John Aloysius Male Sheahan Norah Veronica Female Carnarvon
1936/2800007 Gascoyne Ledger John Male Buckingham Doris May Amelia Female Carnarvon
1936/2800007 Gascoyne Buckingham Doris May Amelia Female Ledger John Male Carnarvon
1936/2800008 Gascoyne Leahy Nora Madeline Female Baron Edgar Lionel Male Carnarvon
1936/2800008 Gascoyne Baron Edgar Lionel Male Leahy Nora Madeline Female Carnarvon
1936/2800009 Gascoyne Chant Ada May Female Wells Thomas Frank Male Carnarvon
1936/2800009 Gascoyne Wells Thomas Frank Male Chant Ada May Female Carnarvon
1936/2800010 Gascoyne Campbell Hazel Francis Female Steele Edwin Male Carnarvon
1936/2800010 Gascoyne Steele Edwin Male Campbell Hazel Francis Female Carnarvon
1936/2800011 Gascoyne Godfrey Percival William Male Mulcahy Annie Josephine Female Carnarvon
1936/2800011 Gascoyne Mulcahy Annie Josephine Female Godfrey Percival William Male Carnarvon
1936/2800012 Gascoyne Willesee William Francis Male Pope Sadie Catherine Female Carnarvon
1936/2800012 Gascoyne Pope Sadie Catherine Female Willesee William Francis Male Carnarvon
1936/2800013 Gascoyne Le Nepven Jr Francis William Male Hutton Clarice Jean Female Carnarvon
1936/2800013 Gascoyne Hutton Clarice Jean Female Le Nepven Jr Francis William Male Carnarvon
1936/2800014 Gascoyne Gilbert Charles William Male Marsh Lorna Female Carnarvon
1936/2800014 Gascoyne Marsh Lorna Female Gilbert Charles William Male Carnarvon
1936/2900001 Geraldton Stenning Edgar Albert Male Troy Mary Gertrude Female Geraldton
1937/2900001 Geraldton Russell Roy Johnson Male Brockwell Dulcie Edna Female Mullewa
1937/2900001 Geraldton Brockwell Dulcie Edna Female Russell Roy Johnson Male Mullewa
1936/2900001 Geraldton Troy Mary Gertrude Female Stenning Edgar Albert Male Geraldton
1937/2900002 Geraldton Pill Albert Edmund Male Clarke Gertrude Elizabeth Female Geraldton
1937/2900002 Geraldton Clarke Gertrude Elizabeth Female Pill Albert Edmund Male Geraldton
1936/2900003 Geraldton Pepper Nancy Elizabeth Female Keep Frederick Ernest Male Moonyoonooka
1936/2900003 Geraldton Keep Frederick Ernest Male Pepper Nancy Elizabeth Female Moonyoonooka
1936/2900004 Geraldton Elliott Annie Daphne Female Smith William Rowland Male Geraldton
1936/2900004 Geraldton Smith William Rowland Male Elliott Annie Daphne Female Geraldton
1936/2900007 Geraldton Spencer Stella Ray Female Moran John Male Geraldton
1936/2900007 Geraldton Moran John Male Spencer Stella Ray Female Geraldton
1936/2900008 Geraldton Criddle George Alan Male Buckland Jean Margaret Female Geraldton
1936/2900008 Geraldton Buckland Jean Margaret Female Criddle George Alan Male Geraldton
1936/2900009 Geraldton Walton Norman Hugh Male Twomey Violet May Female Geraldton
1936/2900009 Geraldton Twomey Violet May Female Walton Norman Hugh Male Geraldton
1936/2900010 Geraldton Ariti Ross Male Congemi Mary Female Geraldton
1936/2900010 Geraldton Congemi Mary Female Ariti Ross Male Geraldton
1936/2900011 Geraldton Wight William Henry Male Murray Jeannie Fergie Female Geraldton
1936/2900011 Geraldton Murray Jeannie Fergie Female Wight William Henry Male Geraldton
1936/2900012 Geraldton Rowe Adna Female Johnstone James Buchanan Male Geraldton
1936/2900012 Geraldton Johnstone James Buchanan Male Rowe Adna Female Geraldton
1936/2900013 Geraldton Wilton Clarence Mervon Male Criddle Irene Female Geraldton
1936/2900013 Geraldton Criddle Irene Female Wilton Clarence Mervon Male Geraldton
1936/2900014 Geraldton Valentine Elizabeth Female Grigsby Clarence Male Geraldton
1936/2900014 Geraldton Grigsby Clarence Male Valentine Elizabeth Female Geraldton
1936/2900015 Geraldton Smith Edna May Female O'Meara Cecil Roderick Male Geraldton
1936/2900015 Geraldton O'Meara Cecil Roderick Male Smith Edna May Female Geraldton
1936/2900016 Geraldton Griffin Thomas James Male Hughes Mary Jane Female Geraldton
1936/2900016 Geraldton Hughes Mary Jane Female Griffin Thomas James Male Geraldton
1936/2900017 Geraldton Wilton Alfred Septimus Male Beaver Myrtle Ann Female Geraldton
1936/2900017 Geraldton Beaver Myrtle Ann Female Wilton Alfred Septimus Male Geraldton
1936/2900018 Geraldton Wells Myrtle May Female Culloton Brendin Francis Male Kojarena
1936/2900018 Geraldton Culloton Brendin Francis Male Wells Myrtle May Female Kojarena
1936/2900019 Geraldton Cavin Mary Elizabeth Female Morgan Ronald Samuel Male Geraldton
1936/2900019 Geraldton Morgan Ronald Samuel Male Cavin Mary Elizabeth Female Geraldton
1936/2900020 Geraldton Gibson Harold Gordon Male Tetlow Gwendoline Rose Female Geraldton
1936/2900020 Geraldton Tetlow Gwendoline Rose Female Gibson Harold Gordon Male Geraldton
1936/2900021 Geraldton Steadman William Male Puddy Hope May Female Geraldton
1936/2900021 Geraldton Puddy Hope May Female Steadman William Male Geraldton
1936/2900022 Geraldton Stokes Wantha Fuller Female Smith Harry Male Geraldton
1936/2900022 Geraldton Smith Harry Male Stokes Wantha Fuller Female Geraldton
1936/2900023 Geraldton Chant Leslie Richard Male Sheehan Florence Mabel Female Geraldton
1936/2900023 Geraldton Sheehan Florence Mabel Female Chant Leslie Richard Male Geraldton
1936/2900024 Geraldton Miller Laura Matilda Female Spencer Francis Thomas Edward Male Geraldton
1936/2900024 Geraldton Spencer Francis Thomas Edward Male Miller Laura Matilda Female Geraldton
1936/2900025 Geraldton Mosel Lillian Alice Female Grant Stanley Maxwell Male Geraldton
1936/2900025 Geraldton Grant Stanley Maxwell Male Mosel Lillian Alice Female Geraldton
1936/2900026 Geraldton Vince Alec Leigh Male Pell Mona Ann Female Geraldton
1936/2900026 Geraldton Pell Mona Ann Female Vince Alec Leigh Male Geraldton
1936/2900027 Geraldton Cobley William Norman Male Sewell Margaret Noel Vernon Female Geraldton
1936/2900027 Geraldton Sewell Margaret Noel Vernon Female Cobley William Norman Male Geraldton
1936/2900028 Geraldton Challinger Arthur James Male Wallace Phyllis Veronica Female Geraldton
1936/2900028 Geraldton Wallace Phyllis Veronica Female Challinger Arthur James Male Geraldton
1936/2900029 Geraldton Scott Ivy Joan Female Doubtfire William Charles Male Mullewa
1936/2900029 Geraldton Doubtfire William Charles Male Scott Ivy Joan Female Mullewa
1936/2900030 Geraldton Sweet Charles Angus Male Giles Vera Katherine Female Mullewa
1936/2900030 Geraldton Giles Vera Katherine Female Sweet Charles Angus Male Mullewa
1936/2900031 Geraldton Walker Emily May Irene Female Ivarsen-Seljesat Peter Arthur Male Geraldton
1936/2900031 Geraldton Ivarsen-Seljesat Peter Arthur Male Walker Emily May Irene Female Geraldton
1936/2900032 Geraldton Lofthouse Alice Jane Female George Robert Charles Male Geraldton
1936/2900032 Geraldton George Robert Charles Male Lofthouse Alice Jane Female Geraldton
1936/2900033 Geraldton Reece Pearl Female Hollins Edward John Male Mullewa
1936/2900033 Geraldton Hollins Edward John Male Reece Pearl Female Mullewa
1936/2900034 Geraldton Webb Clarence Male Raftopulos Alicia Female Geraldton
1936/2900034 Geraldton Raftopulos Alicia Female Webb Clarence Male Geraldton
1936/2900035 Geraldton Strickland Rose Female Hewitt James Edward Male Geraldton
1936/2900035 Geraldton Hewitt James Edward Male Strickland Rose Female Geraldton
1936/2900036 Geraldton Forrester Frank James Male Murphy Mabel Emma Female Geraldton
1936/2900036 Geraldton Murphy Mabel Emma Female Forrester Frank James Male Geraldton
1936/2900037 Geraldton Patience Thomas Raymond Male Morrissey Marjory Female Geraldton
1936/2900037 Geraldton Morrissey Marjory Female Patience Thomas Raymond Male Geraldton
1936/2900038 Geraldton Barnden Mary Frances Female Starling Ronald George Male Geraldton
1936/2900038 Geraldton Starling Ronald George Male Barnden Mary Frances Female Geraldton
1936/2900039 Geraldton Elliott Edward Jack Male Western Jessie Walker Female Geraldton
1936/2900039 Geraldton Western Jessie Walker Female Elliott Edward Jack Male Geraldton
1936/2900040 Geraldton Jenkin John Alexander Male Thomson Evelyn May Female Geraldton
1936/2900040 Geraldton Thomson Evelyn May Female Jenkin John Alexander Male Geraldton
1936/2900041 Geraldton Kane Elsie Doreen Female Currell Leslie Herman Male Geraldton
1936/2900041 Geraldton Currell Leslie Herman Male Kane Elsie Doreen Female Geraldton
1936/2900042 Geraldton Hilton Jessie May Female Lamb Thomas Male Geraldton
1936/2900042 Geraldton Lamb Thomas Male Hilton Jessie May Female Geraldton
1936/2900043 Geraldton Kupsch Frederick James Male Bunter Christina Nora Female Geraldton
1936/2900043 Geraldton Bunter Christina Nora Female Kupsch Frederick James Male Geraldton
1936/2900044 Geraldton MacLeod John Male Dillon Gwendoline May Female Geraldton
1936/2900044 Geraldton Dillon Gwendoline May Female MacLeod John Male Geraldton
1936/2900045 Geraldton Roberts George Harry Male Burns Marjorie Olive Female Geraldton
1936/2900045 Geraldton Burns Marjorie Olive Female Roberts George Harry Male Geraldton
1936/2900046 Geraldton Carpenter Albert Lawrence Male Fishwick Kathleen Hannah Female Geraldton
1936/2900046 Geraldton Fishwick Kathleen Hannah Female Carpenter Albert Lawrence Male Geraldton
1936/2900047 Geraldton Ramsay John Charles Male Hammond Grace Mary Female Geraldton
1936/2900047 Geraldton Hammond Grace Mary Female Ramsay John Charles Male Geraldton
1936/2900048 Geraldton McLoughlin Albert George Male Mildwaters Ivy Clorene Female Geraldton
1936/2900048 Geraldton Mildwaters Ivy Clorene Female McLoughlin Albert George Male Geraldton
1936/2900049 Geraldton Gardiner Edna May Female McDavitt Norman Male Geraldton
1936/2900049 Geraldton McDavitt Norman Male Gardiner Edna May Female Geraldton
1936/2900050 Geraldton Ward Marjorie Edeline Female Jorgensen Hedley James Male Geraldton
1936/2900050 Geraldton Jorgensen Hedley James Male Ward Marjorie Edeline Female Geraldton
1936/2900051 Geraldton Marsh Roderick George Male Perry Phyllis Madge Female Geraldton
1936/2900051 Geraldton Perry Phyllis Madge Female Marsh Roderick George Male Geraldton
1936/2900052 Geraldton McDonnell Rose Marie Patricia Female Jeffery John Forrest Male Geraldton
1936/2900052 Geraldton Jeffery John Forrest Male McDonnell Rose Marie Patricia Female Geraldton
1936/2900053 Geraldton Groessler John Edward Male Cooper Jean Eileen Female Geraldton
1936/2900053 Geraldton Cooper Jean Eileen Female Groessler John Edward Male Geraldton
1936/2900054 Geraldton Huxtable Ernest William Harry Male Bryden Eleanor Female Geraldton
1936/2900054 Geraldton Bryden Eleanor Female Huxtable Ernest William Harry Male Geraldton
1936/2900055 Geraldton Kane Rose Evelyn Female Renwick Thomas Male Geraldton
1936/2900055 Geraldton Renwick Thomas Male Kane Rose Evelyn Female Geraldton
1936/2900056 Geraldton Reece William Walter Male Fabry Ida Evelyn Female Geraldton
1936/2900056 Geraldton Fabry Ida Evelyn Female Reece William Walter Male Geraldton
1936/2900057 Geraldton Leeds Judy May Female Cooper Charles Helian Male Mullewa
1936/2900057 Geraldton Cooper Charles Helian Male Leeds Judy May Female Mullewa
1936/2900058 Geraldton Sach Edna May Female Rutherford Allan Male Geraldton
1936/2900058 Geraldton Rutherford Allan Male Sach Edna May Female Geraldton
1936/2900059 Geraldton Eaton Percy George Male Joseph Frances Mary Female Geraldton
1936/2900059 Geraldton Joseph Frances Mary Female Eaton Percy George Male Geraldton
1936/2900060 Geraldton Churches Ellen Walker Female Trigg William George Male Geraldton
1936/2900060 Geraldton Trigg William George Male Churches Ellen Walker Female Geraldton
1936/2900061 Geraldton Shaw Thomas Herbert Male Roberts Gladys Edna Female Geraldton
1936/2900061 Geraldton Roberts Gladys Edna Female Shaw Thomas Herbert Male Geraldton
1936/2900062 Geraldton O'Malley Ada May Female Cowan Walter William Male Geraldton
1936/2900062 Geraldton Cowan Walter William Male O'Malley Ada May Female Geraldton
1936/2900063 Geraldton Udell Herbert William Thomas Male Prendergast Margaret Mary Female Geraldton
1936/2900063 Geraldton Prendergast Margaret Mary Female Udell Herbert William Thomas Male Geraldton
1936/2900064 Geraldton Bone Henrietta Alma Brenda Female Giles Keith Theodore Male Geraldton
1936/2900064 Geraldton Giles Keith Theodore Male Bone Henrietta Alma Brenda Female Geraldton
1936/2900065 Geraldton Diggins Leslie Male Combe Frances Mary Female Geraldton
1936/2900065 Geraldton Combe Frances Mary Female Diggins Leslie Male Geraldton
1936/3000001 Gingin Cousins Clarence Edward James Male Bayliss Harriett Ann Female Gingin brook
1936/3000001 Gingin Bayliss Harriett Ann Female Cousins Clarence Edward James Male Gingin brook
1936/3000002 Gingin Glasfurd Divie Colin Peter Male Wedge Betty Female Gingin
1936/3000002 Gingin Wedge Betty Female Glasfurd Divie Colin Peter Male Gingin
1936/3000003 Gingin Troy Leonard Male Collett Marjory Female Gingin
1936/3000003 Gingin Collett Marjory Female Troy Leonard Male Gingin
1936/3100001 Greenough McCarley Arthur Vernon Male Wilton Emma Zella Myrtle Female South Greenough
1936/3100001 Greenough Wilton Emma Zella Myrtle Female McCarley Arthur Vernon Male South Greenough
1936/3100002 Greenough Criddle George Allen Humphrey Male Connolly Gweneth Joyce Female South Greenough
1936/3100002 Greenough Connolly Gweneth Joyce Female Criddle George Allen Humphrey Male South Greenough
1936/3100003 Greenough McNaught Margaret Emily Female Hymus William Frederick John Male Walkaway
1936/3100003 Greenough Hymus William Frederick John Male McNaught Margaret Emily Female Walkaway
1937/3300001 Irwin Murray Lizzie Therese Female Connaughton Fergus Male Morawa
1937/3300001 Irwin Connaughton Fergus Male Murray Lizzie Therese Female Morawa
1936/3300002 Irwin Brockman Emmily Female Cameron Joseph Male Mingenew
1936/3300002 Irwin Cameron Joseph Male Brockman Emmily Female Mingenew
1936/3300003 Irwin Brockman Robert Male Pilkington Hilda Maud Female Mingenew
1936/3300003 Irwin Pilkington Hilda Maud Female Brockman Robert Male Mingenew
1936/3300004 Irwin Ford William Stuart Male Rocchi Maria Female Carnamah
1936/3300004 Irwin Rocchi Maria Female Ford William Stuart Male Carnamah
1936/3300005 Irwin Pewsey Isabella Scott Female Cridge Walter Male Dongarra
1936/3300005 Irwin Cridge Walter Male Pewsey Isabella Scott Female Dongarra
1936/3300006 Irwin Lewis William George Male Phillips Janie Margaret Female Morawa
1936/3300006 Irwin Phillips Janie Margaret Female Lewis William George Male Morawa
1936/3300007 Irwin Fickling George Henry Male Pettit Norma Anne Female Mingenew
1936/3300007 Irwin Pettit Norma Anne Female Fickling George Henry Male Mingenew
1936/3300008 Irwin Beresford James Murray Male Budge Daisy May Female Maya
1936/3300008 Irwin Budge Daisy May Female Beresford James Murray Male Maya
1936/3300009 Irwin Dwyer Joseph Leonard Male Motzel Myrtle Mavis Female Morawa
1936/3300009 Irwin Motzel Myrtle Mavis Female Dwyer Joseph Leonard Male Morawa
1936/3300010 Irwin Gronow Ruby Isabel Female Bell Noel Male Morawa
1936/3300010 Irwin Bell Noel Male Gronow Ruby Isabel Female Morawa
1936/3300011 Irwin Bygrave Leonard Robert Male Connolly Alma Ethel Female Three Springs
1936/3300011 Irwin Connolly Alma Ethel Female Bygrave Leonard Robert Male Three Springs
1936/3300012 Irwin Downes Vida Charlotte Female Healy Vernon Male Yandanooka
1936/3300012 Irwin Healy Vernon Male Downes Vida Charlotte Female Yandanooka
1936/3300013 Irwin Wroth Muriel Eleanor Elizabeth Female Wager Harold James Male Latham
1936/3300013 Irwin Wager Harold James Male Wroth Muriel Eleanor Elizabeth Female Latham
1936/3300014 Irwin Augustin Frida Helena Female Christie Wilfrid Male Buntine
1936/3300014 Irwin Christie Wilfrid Male Augustin Frida Helena Female Buntine
1936/3300015 Irwin Richards Robert John Leslie Male Coubrough Helen Joyce Female Morawa
1936/3300015 Irwin Coubrough Helen Joyce Female Richards Robert John Leslie Male Morawa
1936/3300016 Irwin Gersch Gladys May Female Griffith Ernest Llewellyn Male Caron
1936/3300016 Irwin Griffith Ernest Llewellyn Male Gersch Gladys May Female Caron
1936/3300017 Irwin Vince Priscilla Hill Female Gooch Sydney Cornelius Male Three Springs
1936/3300017 Irwin Gooch Sydney Cornelius Male Vince Priscilla Hill Female Three Springs
1936/3300018 Irwin Palfrey Frederick Charles Male Crombie Beatrice Florence Female Maya
1936/3300018 Irwin Crombie Beatrice Florence Female Palfrey Frederick Charles Male Maya
1936/3300019 Irwin Baxter Lucy Female Wilkinson Valentine Male Perenjori
1936/3300019 Irwin Wilkinson Valentine Male Baxter Lucy Female Perenjori
1936/3300020 Irwin Low Findlay Male Payne Charlotte Mary Female Bowgada
1936/3300020 Irwin Payne Charlotte Mary Female Low Findlay Male Bowgada
1936/3300021 Irwin Bolton Doris Female Forrester James King Male Carnamah
1936/3300021 Irwin Forrester James King Male Bolton Doris Female Carnamah
1936/3300022 Irwin Raffan George Archibald Male Pethick Mavis Sarah Female Carnamah
1936/3300022 Irwin Pethick Mavis Sarah Female Raffan George Archibald Male Carnamah
1936/3300023 Irwin Naughton Elizabeth Lillian Patricia Female Campbell William John Male Morawa
1936/3300023 Irwin Campbell William John Male Naughton Elizabeth Lillian Patricia Female Morawa
1936/3300024 Irwin Jones Muriel Florence Female Watson Charles Arnold William Male Mingenew
1936/3300024 Irwin Watson Charles Arnold William Male Jones Muriel Florence Female Mingenew
1936/3300025 Irwin Duthie David George Male Chomley Effey Constance Kate Female Bowgada
1936/3300025 Irwin Chomley Effey Constance Kate Female Duthie David George Male Bowgada
1936/3400002 Jarrahdale Buckland Florence Mary Female Jones Thomas Hopkin Llewelyn Male Serpentine
1936/3400002 Jarrahdale Jones Thomas Hopkin Llewelyn Male Buckland Florence Mary Female Serpentine
1936/3400003 Jarrahdale Senior Marjorie Female Baskerville Albert Charles Male Mundijong
1936/3400003 Jarrahdale Baskerville Albert Charles Male Senior Marjorie Female Mundijong
1936/3400004 Jarrahdale McCormick Leslie Rutherford Male Watkins Mary Elizabeth Glyn Female Jarrahdale
1936/3400004 Jarrahdale Watkins Mary Elizabeth Glyn Female McCormick Leslie Rutherford Male Jarrahdale
1936/3400005 Jarrahdale Free Eleanor Isabel Female Dale Arnold Albert Joseph Male Mundijong
1936/3400005 Jarrahdale Dale Arnold Albert Joseph Male Free Eleanor Isabel Female Mundijong
1936/3400006 Jarrahdale Morup Mette Kirstine Female Tonge George Edward Male Rockingham
1936/3400006 Jarrahdale Tonge George Edward Male Morup Mette Kirstine Female Rockingham
1936/3400007 Jarrahdale Thomas Cecil Langlois Male Anderson Edna Ethel Female Rockingham
1936/3400007 Jarrahdale Anderson Edna Ethel Female Thomas Cecil Langlois Male Rockingham Anderson-91500
1936/3400008 Jarrahdale Day Donald Alexander Male McAlister Hilda Ruby Female Mundijong
1936/3400008 Jarrahdale McAlister Hilda Ruby Female Day Donald Alexander Male Mundijong
1936/3500002 Katanning Meldrum Elizabeth Female Coxon Gerald Stanley Male Katanning
1936/3500002 Katanning Coxon Gerald Stanley Male Meldrum Elizabeth Female Katanning
1936/3500004 Katanning Box Rose Ellen Female Quinn Francis Phillip Edmond Male Wagin
1936/3500004 Katanning Quinn Francis Phillip Edmond Male Box Rose Ellen Female Wagin
1936/3500005 Katanning Coventry Robert Alexander Male Flugge Maude Amelia Female Katanning
1936/3500005 Katanning Flugge Maude Amelia Female Coventry Robert Alexander Male Katanning
1936/3500006 Katanning Greaves Victor Male Earnshaw Pearl Annie Female Bokal
1936/3500006 Katanning Earnshaw Pearl Annie Female Greaves Victor Male Bokal
1936/3500007 Katanning Leabeter William Irwin Male Moran Esme Edith Female Katanning
1936/3500007 Katanning Moran Esme Edith Female Leabeter William Irwin Male Katanning
1936/3500008 Katanning Ireland Victor Cecil Male Bungey Margaret Bell Female Gnowangerup
1936/3500008 Katanning Bungey Margaret Bell Female Ireland Victor Cecil Male Gnowangerup
1936/3500009 Katanning Haddleton Ivan Job Male Page Ruby Ethel Female Katanning
1936/3500009 Katanning Page Ruby Ethel Female Haddleton Ivan Job Male Katanning
1936/3500010 Katanning Greay Gordon Rosswell Male Batt Ethel Gertrude Female Katanning
1936/3500010 Katanning Batt Ethel Gertrude Female Greay Gordon Rosswell Male Katanning
1936/3500011 Katanning Bailey Aubrey John Male Bailey Muriel Rosa Female Katanning
1936/3500011 Katanning Bailey Muriel Rosa Female Bailey Aubrey John Male Katanning
1936/3500012 Katanning Benn Raymond Male Flanagan Sylvia Mary Female Katanning
1936/3500012 Katanning Flanagan Sylvia Mary Female Benn Raymond Male Katanning
1936/3500013 Katanning West Marie Edeline Female Nalder Alexander Weston Male Wagin
1936/3500013 Katanning Nalder Alexander Weston Male West Marie Edeline Female Wagin
1936/3500014 Katanning Woods Laura Female Penny Walter George Male Gnowangerup
1936/3500014 Katanning Penny Walter George Male Woods Laura Female Gnowangerup
1936/3500015 Katanning Matthews Lilian Female Sererin Reginald Wilcox Male Katanning
1936/3500015 Katanning Sererin Reginald Wilcox Male Matthews Lilian Female Katanning
1936/3500016 Katanning Adams Elias Male Adie Gertrude Female Moulyinning
1936/3500016 Katanning Adie Gertrude Female Adams Elias Male Moulyinning
1936/3500017 Katanning Fidock John Henwood Male Thorne Annie Clara Female Wagin
1936/3500017 Katanning Thorne Annie Clara Female Fidock John Henwood Male Wagin
1936/3500018 Katanning Denton Isabella Female Norman Ernest Cyril Male Wagin
1936/3500018 Katanning Norman Ernest Cyril Male Denton Isabella Female Wagin
1936/3500019 Katanning Stallwood Ethel Gertrude Female Barclay Sydney Clark Male Katanning
1936/3500019 Katanning Barclay Sydney Clark Male Stallwood Ethel Gertrude Female Katanning
1936/3500020 Katanning Fairbrass Jessie Female Bock Roy Dunstan Male Kojonup
1936/3500020 Katanning Bock Roy Dunstan Male Fairbrass Jessie Female Kojonup
1936/3500021 Katanning Lukins Arthur Joseph Male Grant Robertha Gilchrist Duffner Female Kukerin
1936/3500021 Katanning Grant Robertha Gilchrist Duffner Female Lukins Arthur Joseph Male Kukerin
1936/3500022 Katanning Bell Elsie Martha Female Dinwoodie James Male Katanning
1936/3500022 Katanning Dinwoodie James Male Bell Elsie Martha Female Katanning
1936/3500023 Katanning Haddleton Arnold Edward Male James Lorna Sylvia Female Katanning
1936/3500023 Katanning James Lorna Sylvia Female Haddleton Arnold Edward Male Katanning
1936/3500024 Katanning Fitzgerald Kathleen Mary Female Mouritz Hugh John William Male Katanning
1936/3500024 Katanning Mouritz Hugh John William Male Fitzgerald Kathleen Mary Female Katanning
1936/3500025 Katanning Head Constance Evlyn Female McDonald John Vincent Male Gnowangerup
1936/3500025 Katanning McDonald John Vincent Male Head Constance Evlyn Female Gnowangerup
1936/3500026 Katanning Bransby Phyllis Elsie Female Marshall William Mathew Male Katanning
1936/3500026 Katanning Marshall William Mathew Male Bransby Phyllis Elsie Female Katanning
1936/3500027 Katanning Longmire Mollie Dawson Female Piesse Edmund Stephen Roper Male Katanning
1936/3500027 Katanning Piesse Edmund Stephen Roper Male Longmire Mollie Dawson Female Katanning
1936/3500028 Katanning Lawrence Edith Emily Female Bush Frederick George Male Kojonup
1936/3500028 Katanning Bush Frederick George Male Lawrence Edith Emily Female Kojonup
1936/3500029 Katanning King Mary Ellen Female Lee David Edward Male Wagin
1936/3500029 Katanning Lee David Edward Male King Mary Ellen Female Wagin
1936/3500030 Katanning Lydeamore Gwendoline Sarah Female Bradbury William John Male Katanning
1936/3500030 Katanning Bradbury William John Male Lydeamore Gwendoline Sarah Female Katanning
1936/3500031 Katanning Whyne Rupert Male Talgot Cissie Female Gnowangerup
1936/3500031 Katanning Whyne Rupert Male Underwood Cissie Female Gnowangerup
1936/3500031 Katanning Talgot Cissie Female Whyne Rupert Male Gnowangerup
1936/3500031 Katanning Underwood Cissie Female Whyne Rupert Male Gnowangerup
1936/3500032 Katanning Richmond Elsie May Female Eatt Kenneth Charles Male Katanning
1936/3500032 Katanning Eatt Kenneth Charles Male Richmond Elsie May Female Katanning
1936/3500033 Katanning Palmer Augustus Charles Male Wallis Gladys Estelle Female Katanning
1936/3500033 Katanning Wallis Gladys Estelle Female Palmer Augustus Charles Male Katanning
1936/3500034 Katanning Reader Jesse William Reginald Male Brooker Laura Emily Female Katanning
1936/3500034 Katanning Brooker Laura Emily Female Reader Jesse William Reginald Male Katanning
1936/3500035 Katanning Anderson Donald Walter Male McLean Doreen Agnes Female Wagin
1936/3500035 Katanning McLean Doreen Agnes Female Anderson Donald Walter Male Wagin
1936/3500036 Katanning Gwynne Mary Teresa Female Becker Alfred Ernest Fredrich Male Woodanilling
1936/3500036 Katanning Becker Alfred Ernest Fredrich Male Gwynne Mary Teresa Female Woodanilling
1936/3500037 Katanning Davis William Robert Male Webb Joan Isabella Female Katanning
1936/3500037 Katanning Webb Joan Isabella Female Davis William Robert Male Katanning
1936/3500038 Katanning Crouch Daisy Helen Female Woollett Charles William Male Katanning
1936/3500038 Katanning Woollett Charles William Male Crouch Daisy Helen Female Katanning
1936/3500039 Katanning Roberts Emily Isobel Female Morris James Alexander Male Katanning
1936/3500039 Katanning Morris James Alexander Male Roberts Emily Isobel Female Katanning
1936/3500040 Katanning Easther Wihelimina Blanche Female Ryan Clement Edward Male Katanning
1936/3500040 Katanning Ryan Clement Edward Male Easther Wihelimina Blanche Female Katanning
1936/3500041 Katanning Garnett North Freeman Male Barnes Eileen May Female Kukerin
1936/3500041 Katanning Barnes Eileen May Female Garnett North Freeman Male Kukerin
1936/3500042 Katanning Coles Harriett Louisa Female Davies Lloyd George Male Katanning
1936/3500042 Katanning Davies Lloyd George Male Coles Harriett Louisa Female Katanning
1936/3500043 Katanning Overington Reginald Douglas Male Elverd Laura May Female Kojonup
1936/3500043 Katanning Elverd Laura May Female Overington Reginald Douglas Male Kojonup
1936/3500044 Katanning Roberts Eunice Dacre Female Biggs William Charles Male Wagin
1936/3500044 Katanning Biggs William Charles Male Roberts Dacre Eunice Female Wagin
1936/3500044 Katanning Biggs William Charles Male Roberts Eunice Dacre Female Wagin
1936/3500044 Katanning Roberts Dacre Eunice Female Biggs William Charles Male Wagin
1936/3500045 Katanning Douglas Lewis Robert Male Thompson Beryl Nita Female Woodanilling
1936/3500045 Katanning Thompson Beryl Nita Female Douglas Lewis Robert Male Woodanilling
1936/3500046 Katanning Boundy Lloyd Henry Male Chester Irene Maud Female Wagin
1936/3500046 Katanning Chester Irene Maud Female Boundy Lloyd Henry Male Wagin
1936/3500047 Katanning Davies Charles Robert Male Rayner Annie Lydia Female Kojonup
1936/3500047 Katanning Rayner Annie Lydia Female Davies Charles Robert Male Kojonup
1936/3500048 Katanning Norrish William Thomas Male Murray Freda May Female Kojonup
1936/3500048 Katanning Murray Freda May Female Norrish William Thomas Male Kojonup
1936/3500049 Katanning Deacon Grace Eileen Female Martin William Male Katanning
1936/3500049 Katanning Martin William Male Deacon Grace Eileen Female Katanning
1936/3500050 Katanning Divall Kathleen Helen Female Popham Edward Charles Stephen Male Gnowangerup
1936/3500050 Katanning Popham Edward Charles Stephen Male Divall Kathleen Helen Female Gnowangerup
1936/3500051 Katanning Paterson James Male Collins Elizabeth Jane Female Katanning
1936/3500051 Katanning Collins Elizabeth Jane Female Paterson James Male Katanning
1936/3500052 Katanning Piesse Doris Irene Female Busch Walter Claremont Male Wagin
1936/3500052 Katanning Busch Walter Claremont Male Piesse Doris Irene Female Wagin
1936/3500053 Katanning Dodd Madge Female Tunney Kevin Norrish Male Katanning
1936/3500053 Katanning Tunney Kevin Norrish Male Dodd Madge Female Katanning
1936/3500054 Katanning Woollett Walter James Male Abbott Caroline Roberta May Female Katanning
1936/3500054 Katanning Abbott Caroline Roberta May Female Woollett Walter James Male Katanning
1936/3500055 Katanning Robertson George Male Leigh Ruth Nancy Female Katanning
1936/3500055 Katanning Leigh Ruth Nancy Female Robertson George Male Katanning
1936/3500056 Katanning Sparkes Barbara Female Hadlow Eric Robert Male Kojonup
1936/3500056 Katanning Hadlow Eric Robert Male Sparkes Barbara Female Kojonup
1936/3500057 Katanning Wilson Kathleen Elizabeth Female Stayt Thomas Claude Male Katanning
1936/3500057 Katanning Stayt Thomas Claude Male Wilson Kathleen Elizabeth Female Katanning
1936/3500058 Katanning Moncaster Alice Female Edwards Lennard George Male Katanning
1936/3500058 Katanning Edwards Lennard George Male Moncaster Alice Female Katanning
1936/3500059 Katanning Ninyett Teed Male Fleay Ethel Maud Female Wagin
1936/3500059 Katanning Fleay Ethel Maud Female Ninyett Teed Male Wagin
1936/3500060 Katanning Woods Sam Male Penny Agnes Mary Female Gnowangerup
1936/3500060 Katanning Penny Agnes Mary Female Woods Sam Male Gnowangerup
1936/3500061 Katanning Benbow Henry William Richard Male Brandenburg Victoria Female Wagin
1936/3500061 Katanning Brandenburg Victoria Female Benbow Henry William Richard Male Wagin
1936/3500062 Katanning Griffiths Francis Henry Male Cornelius Mildred Louisa Female Katanning
1936/3500062 Katanning Cornelius Mildred Louisa Female Griffiths Francis Henry Male Katanning
1936/3500063 Katanning Gell Cecil Erick Male Ward Kathleen Sowden Female Wagin
1936/3500063 Katanning Ward Kathleen Sowden Female Gell Cecil Erick Male Wagin
1936/3500064 Katanning Elverd Ellen Ruth Female Forrest James Dendle Male Katanning
1936/3500064 Katanning Forrest James Dendle Male Elverd Ellen Ruth Female Katanning
1936/3500065 Katanning West Clifford James Male Murdoch Kathleen Lillian Female Wagin
1936/3500065 Katanning Murdoch Kathleen Lillian Female West Clifford James Male Wagin
1936/3500066 Katanning Harrold Edmond Joseph Male Boulter Phyllis Kathleen Female Katanning
1936/3500066 Katanning Boulter Phyllis Kathleen Female Harrold Edmond Joseph Male Katanning
1936/3500067 Katanning Bonnage Frederick Thomas Male Donaldson Nellie Frances Female Wagin
1936/3500067 Katanning Donaldson Nellie Frances Female Bonnage Frederick Thomas Male Wagin
1936/3500068 Katanning Watson Gladys Emilie Female Sprigg Walter James Male Woodanilling
1936/3500068 Katanning Sprigg Walter James Male Watson Gladys Emilie Female Woodanilling
1936/3500069 Katanning Brooks Frederick Arthur Male Page Thelma Grace Female Katanning
1936/3500069 Katanning Page Thelma Grace Female Brooks Frederick Arthur Male Katanning
1936/3500070 Katanning Ahern Horace Arthur Male Gillam Mary Minnie Female Katanning
1936/3500070 Katanning Gillam Mary Minnie Female Ahern Horace Arthur Male Katanning
1936/3500071 Katanning Stephens Oliver Luke Male Smith Amy Ellen Female Katanning
1936/3500071 Katanning Smith Amy Ellen Female Stephens Oliver Luke Male Katanning
1936/3500072 Katanning Lavis Myrtle Lydia Female Pember Leonard Victor Male Katanning
1936/3500072 Katanning Pember Leonard Victor Male Lavis Myrtle Lydia Female Katanning
1936/3500073 Katanning Grant Eric Albert Edward Male Bairstow Hazel Lily Female Dumbleyung
1936/3500073 Katanning Bairstow Hazel Lily Female Grant Eric Albert Edward Male Dumbleyung
1936/3500074 Katanning Anderson George John Male Peak Elizabeth Jean Female Wagin
1936/3500074 Katanning Peak Elizabeth Jean Female Anderson George John Male Wagin
1936/3500075 Katanning Martin Laurence Frederick Male Wilson Gladys Ellen Female Katanning
1936/3500075 Katanning Wilson Gladys Ellen Female Martin Laurence Frederick Male Katanning
1936/3500076 Katanning Sclater Phyllis Joan Mary Female Flanagan Frederick Levi Male Katanning
1936/3500076 Katanning Flanagan Frederick Levi Male Sclater Phyllis Joan Mary Female Katanning
1936/3500077 Katanning Young Eunice Elizabeth Female Anderson Frederick William Male Kojonup
1936/3500077 Katanning Anderson Frederick William Male Young Eunice Elizabeth Female Kojonup
1936/3500078 Katanning Hodgson Christopher Robert Male Fitzgerald Mary Cecelia Female Katanning
1936/3500078 Katanning Fitzgerald Mary Cecelia Female Hodgson Christopher Robert Male Katanning
1936/3500079 Katanning Coyne Nancy Female Miller William Male Gnowangerup
1936/3500079 Katanning Miller William Male Coyne Nancy Female Gnowangerup
1936/3500080 Katanning Miniter Roy George Alexander Male Woods Esther Female Gnowangerup
1936/3500080 Katanning Woods Esther Female Miniter Roy George Alexander Male Gnowangerup
1936/3500081 Katanning Sibly Hamilton John George Male Watson Edith Grace Female Woodanilling
1936/3500081 Katanning Watson Edith Grace Female Sibly Hamilton John George Male Woodanilling
1936/3500082 Katanning Butler Mabel Doreen Female Johnston John Young Male Dumbleyung
1936/3500082 Katanning Johnston John Young Male Butler Mabel Doreen Female Dumbleyung
1936/3500083 Katanning Kowald Adolf Wallace Male Butler Bonnie Clara Female Katanning
1936/3500083 Katanning Butler Bonnie Clara Female Kowald Adolf Wallace Male Katanning
1936/3500084 Katanning York Hilda Female Webse Peter Henry Male Katanning
1936/3500084 Katanning Webse Peter Henry Male York Hilda Female Katanning
1936/3500085 Katanning Stabler Harold Norman Male Griffiths Madeline Annie Female Wagin
1936/3500085 Katanning Griffiths Madeline Annie Female Stabler Harold Norman Male Wagin
1936/3500086 Katanning Prosser Violet Winifred Female Ray Robert Tait Male Marracoonda
1936/3500086 Katanning Ray Robert Tait Male Prosser Violet Winifred Female Marracoonda
1936/3500087 Katanning Harris Stanley Robert Male Taylor Linda May Female Woodanilling
1936/3500087 Katanning Taylor Linda May Female Harris Stanley Robert Male Woodanilling
1936/3500088 Katanning Sturges Donald Gilbert Male Balloch Florence Margaret Female Muradup
1936/3500088 Katanning Balloch Florence Margaret Female Sturges Donald Gilbert Male Muradup
1936/3500089 Katanning Marris Doris Ivy Female Mullineux Walter Frederick Male Katanning
1936/3500089 Katanning Mullineux Walter Frederick Male Marris Doris Ivy Female Katanning
1936/3600001 East Kimberley Harvey Agnes Mary Female O'Brien George William Male Wyndham
1936/3600001 East Kimberley O'Brien George William Male Harvey Agnes Mary Female Wyndham
1936/3700001 West Kimberley McKeand Eileen Ellie Anne Agnes Mary Female Kelly Cecil James Male Derby
1936/3700001 West Kimberley Kelly Cecil James Male McKeand Eileen Ellie Anne Agnes Mary Female Derby
1936/3700002 West Kimberley Ah Chee Nellie Female Anderson Walter James Male Derby
1936/3700002 West Kimberley Anderson Walter James Male Ah Chee Nellie Female Derby
1936/3700003 West Kimberley Ah Chee Jessie Female Coleman Llewellyn James Male Derby
1936/3700003 West Kimberley Coleman Llewellyn James Male Ah Chee Jessie Female Derby
1936/3700004 West Kimberley Faulkner Ernest Male Cole Alice Isabel Female Derby
1936/3700004 West Kimberley Cole Alice Isabel Female Faulkner Ernest Male Derby
1936/3800001 Kimberley Goldfields Cullen Julia Female Macale John Paul Male Hall's Creek
1936/3800001 Kimberley Goldfields Macale John Paul Male Cullen Julia Female Hall's Creek
1937/4200001 Moora Fox Maurice Male Rahaley Myrtle Barbara Female Dalwallinu
1937/4200001 Moora Rahaley Myrtle Barbara Female Fox Maurice Male Dalwallinu
1936/4200002 Moora Ginn William Edward Male Annetts Muriel Iza Maud Female North Dalwallinu
1936/4200002 Moora Annetts Muriel Iza Maud Female Ginn William Edward Male North Dalwallinu
1936/4200004 Moora Day Robert George Male Vedova Nora Frances D Female Miling
1936/4200004 Moora Vedova Nora Frances D Female Day Robert George Male Miling
1936/4200005 Moora Moffat Margaret Pringle Female Booth Robert James Male Kokardine
1936/4200005 Moora Booth Robert James Male Moffat Margaret Pringle Female Kokardine
1936/4200006 Moora Calynn Albert Male Narrier Myrtle Female Moora
1936/4200006 Moora Narrier Myrtle Female Calynn Albert Male Moora
1936/4200007 Moora McKenzie Mary Arran Female Burnett Westley John Male Moora
1936/4200007 Moora Burnett Westley John Male McKenzie Mary Arran Female Moora
1936/4200008 Moora Flower Tilda Female Woodley Lionel Male Moore River Native Settlement
1936/4200008 Moora Woodley Lionel Male Flower Tilda Female Moore River Native Settlement
1936/4200009 Moora Woodley Andrew Male Morries Rose Female Moore River Native Settlement
1936/4200009 Moora Morries Rose Female Woodley Andrew Male Moore River Native Settlement
1936/4200010 Moora Loo Joan Female Jones Murray Male Moore River Native Settlement
1936/4200010 Moora Jones Murray Male Loo Joan Female Moore River Native Settlement
1936/4200011 Moora Halligan Louisa Female Rowles Joseph William Male Waddington
1936/4200011 Moora Rowles Joseph William Male Halligan Louisa Female Waddington
1936/4200012 Moora Freestone Emily Jean Female Whyte David Adam Male Kondut
1936/4200012 Moora Whyte David Adam Male Freestone Emily Jean Female Kondut
1936/4200013 Moora Kimberley Kitty Female Jackson Peter Male Moore River Native Settlement
1936/4200013 Moora Jackson Peter Male Kimberley Kitty Female Moore River Native Settlement
1936/4200014 Moora Vince Florence Mary Elizabeth Female Edwards Edward Wilkson Male Dalwallinu
1936/4200014 Moora Edwards Edward Wilkson Male Vince Florence Mary Elizabeth Female Dalwallinu
1936/4200015 Moora Crocker James Joseph Male Longman Dorothy Mary Female Moora
1936/4200015 Moora Longman Dorothy Mary Female Crocker James Joseph Male Moora
1936/4200016 Moora Miller Emma Female Dinah Albert Robert Male Moora
1936/4200016 Moora Dinah Albert Robert Male Miller Emma Female Moora
1936/4200017 Moora Martin Wilhelmina Margaret Jane Female Wright Malcolm George Male Moora
1936/4200017 Moora Wright Malcolm George Male Martin Wilhelmina Margaret Jane Female Moora
1936/4200018 Moora Maher Leslie Patrick Male Gillespie Alice Female Moore River Native Settlement
1936/4200018 Moora Gillespie Alice Female Maher Leslie Patrick Male Moore River Native Settlement
1936/4200019 Moora Davidson Isobelle Kate Female McPherson Stanley Male Lake Brown
1936/4200019 Moora McPherson Stanley Male Davidson Isobelle Kate Female Lake Brown
1936/4200020 Moora Yappo Walter Male Stack Gertie Female Moore River Native Settlement
1936/4200020 Moora Stack Gertie Female Yappo Walter Male Moore River Native Settlement
1936/4200021 Moora Melrose Marea Esther S Helen Female Favas Douglas Kenneth Male Moora
1936/4200021 Moora Favas Douglas Kenneth Male Melrose Marea Esther S Helen Female Moora
1936/4200022 Moora Campbell William Robert Male Sampey Kathleen Thelma Female Dalwallinu
1936/4200022 Moora Sampey Kathleen Thelma Female Campbell William Robert Male Dalwallinu
1936/4200023 Moora McMahon Herman Gerald Male Paulett Enid Mary Female Dalwallinu
1936/4200023 Moora Paulett Enid Mary Female McMahon Herman Gerald Male Dalwallinu
1936/4200024 Moora Lind James Male Pipe Marjorie Lillian Female Dalwallinu
1936/4200024 Moora Pipe Marjorie Lillian Female Lind James Male Dalwallinu
1936/4200025 Moora Lewis William Male Wiluna Rosie Female Mogumber
1936/4200025 Moora Wiluna Rosie Female Lewis William Male Mogumber
1936/4200026 Moora Brickhouse Topsy Female Parks Edward Male Mogumber
1936/4200026 Moora Parks Edward Male Brickhouse Topsy Female Mogumber
1936/4200027 Moora Yarram Thomas Male Williams Ivy Female Mogumber
1936/4200027 Moora Williams Ivy Female Yarram Thomas Male Mogumber
1936/4200028 Moora Morden Johnson Male Kearing Jean Female Mogumber
1936/4200028 Moora Kearing Jean Female Morden Johnson Male Mogumber
1936/4200029 Moora Gygup Norman Male Nipper Doris Female Mogumber
1936/4200029 Moora Nipper Doris Female Gygup Norman Male Mogumber
1936/4200030 Moora Stanley William Lockhart Male Wright Phyllis Female Moora
1936/4200030 Moora Wright Phyllis Female Stanley William Lockhart Male Moora
1936/4300002 Mount Margaret McDonnell Frederick Stewart Male Seymour Catherine Elizabeth Florence Female Gwalia
1936/4300002 Mount Margaret Seymour Catherine Elizabeth Florence Female McDonnell Frederick Stewart Male Gwalia
1936/4300003 Mount Margaret Braithwaite Ida Female Cairnes Harry Montgomery Male Leonora
1936/4300003 Mount Margaret Cairnes Harry Montgomery Male Braithwaite Ida Female Leonora
1936/4300004 Mount Margaret Alcock Phyllis Lilian Dorothy Female Canet Ronald Male Leonora
1936/4300004 Mount Margaret Canet Ronald Male Alcock Phyllis Lilian Dorothy Female Leonora
1936/4300005 Mount Margaret Blair Elsie Female Cox George Worters Male Leonora
1936/4300005 Mount Margaret Cox George Worters Male Blair Elsie Female Leonora
1936/4300006 Mount Margaret O'Meara Gerald Walter Patrick Male Pegler Beryl Jane Female Leonora
1936/4300006 Mount Margaret Pegler Beryl Jane Female Lynn Gerald Walter Patrick Male Leonora
1936/4300006 Mount Margaret Pegler Beryl Jane Female O'Meara Gerald Walter Patrick Male Leonora
1936/4300006 Mount Margaret Lynn Gerald Walter Patrick Male Pegler Beryl Jane Female Leonora
1936/4300007 Mount Margaret Gardiner Alan Robert Male Leahy Eileen Florence Female Gwalia
1936/4300007 Mount Margaret Leahy Eileen Florence Female Gardiner Alan Robert Male Gwalia
1936/4300008 Mount Margaret Sartori Adele Theresa Female Belingheri Giovanni Male Leonora
1936/4300008 Mount Margaret Belingheri Giovanni Male Sartori Adele Theresa Female Leonora
1936/4300009 Mount Margaret Werndly Thelma Kathleen Female Stellamans Otto Bernard Male Leonora
1936/4300009 Mount Margaret Stellamans Otto Bernard Male Werndly Thelma Kathleen Female Leonora
1936/4300010 Mount Margaret Nelson Francis Alexander Male Jones Truda Vivian Female Leonora
1936/4300010 Mount Margaret Jones Truda Vivian Female Nelson Francis Alexander Male Leonora
1936/4300011 Mount Margaret Linane Margaret Mary Eileen Female McMeeken William Henry Male Leonora
1936/4300011 Mount Margaret McMeeken William Henry Male Linane Margaret Mary Eileen Female Leonora
1936/4300012 Mount Margaret Jones Cyril George Male White Alice Ruby Female Laverton
1936/4300012 Mount Margaret White Alice Ruby Female Jones Cyril George Male Laverton
1936/4300013 Mount Margaret Weston Florence Female Hansen Lindsay Gordon Male Leonora
1936/4300013 Mount Margaret Hansen Lindsay Gordon Male Weston Florence Female Leonora
1936/4300014 Mount Margaret Lily - Female Anderson Jacky Male Morgans
1936/4300014 Mount Margaret Anderson Jacky Male Gooroon - Female Morgans
1936/4300014 Mount Margaret Anderson Jacky Male Lily - Female Morgans
1936/4300014 Mount Margaret Gooroon - Female Anderson Jacky Male Morgans
1936/4300015 Mount Margaret Budd Harry Male Byrne Mary Elizabeth Female Beria
1936/4300015 Mount Margaret Byrne Mary Elizabeth Female Budd Harry Male Beria
1936/4300016 Mount Margaret Queenie - Female Graham Paddy Male Morgans
1936/4300016 Mount Margaret Queenie - Female Yenken Paddy Male Morgans
1936/4300016 Mount Margaret Graham Paddy Male Gneengoo - Female Morgans
1936/4300016 Mount Margaret Graham Paddy Male Queenie - Female Morgans
1936/4300016 Mount Margaret Yenken Paddy Male Gneengoo - Female Morgans
1936/4300016 Mount Margaret Yenken Paddy Male Queenie - Female Morgans
1936/4300016 Mount Margaret Gneengoo - Female Graham Paddy Male Morgans
1936/4300016 Mount Margaret Gneengoo - Female Yenken Paddy Male Morgans
1936/4300017 Mount Margaret Wallingarra - Female Earle Archibald Male Morgans
1936/4300017 Mount Margaret Wallingarra - Female Moongiddie Archibald Male Morgans
1936/4300017 Mount Margaret Earle Archibald Male Katie - Female Morgans
1936/4300017 Mount Margaret Earle Archibald Male Wallingarra - Female Morgans
1936/4300017 Mount Margaret Katie - Female Earle Archibald Male Morgans
1936/4300017 Mount Margaret Katie - Female Moongiddie Archibald Male Morgans
1936/4300017 Mount Margaret Moongiddie Archibald Male Katie - Female Morgans
1936/4300017 Mount Margaret Moongiddie Archibald Male Wallingarra - Female Morgans
1936/4300018 Mount Margaret Davies Alfred Charles Male Isted Phyllis Emmeline Female Gwalia
1936/4300018 Mount Margaret Isted Phyllis Emmeline Female Davies Alfred Charles Male Gwalia
1936/4300019 Mount Margaret Kunjel Mickey Male Noondaw - Female Morgans
1936/4300019 Mount Margaret Kunjel Mickey Male Ruth - Female Morgans
1936/4300019 Mount Margaret Keysop Mickey Male Noondaw - Female Morgans
1936/4300019 Mount Margaret Keysop Mickey Male Ruth - Female Morgans
1936/4300019 Mount Margaret Noondaw - Female Keysop Mickey Male Morgans
1936/4300019 Mount Margaret Noondaw - Female Kunjel Mickey Male Morgans
1936/4300019 Mount Margaret Ruth - Female Keysop Mickey Male Morgans
1936/4300019 Mount Margaret Ruth - Female Kunjel Mickey Male Morgans
1936/4300020 Mount Margaret O'Loughlin Frank Male Doreen - Female Morgans
1936/4300020 Mount Margaret O'Loughlin Frank Male Nung-oo - Female Morgans
1936/4300020 Mount Margaret Nung-oo - Female O'Loughlin Frank Male Morgans
1936/4300020 Mount Margaret Doreen - Female O'Loughlin Frank Male Morgans
1936/4300021 Mount Margaret Willey George Albert Male Gibb Jean Gertrude Female Leonora
1936/4300021 Mount Margaret Gibb Jean Gertrude Female Willey George Albert Male Leonora
1936/4400003 Murchison Davies Riter Maud Female Sinclair James Alexander Clark Male Meekatharra
1936/4400003 Murchison Sinclair James Alexander Clark Male Davies Riter Maud Female Meekatharra
1936/4400004 Murchison McDonald Horace Alexander Male Jackson Vera Marcella Evelyn Female Cue
1936/4400004 Murchison Jackson Vera Marcella Evelyn Female McDonald Horace Alexander Male Cue
1936/4400005 Murchison Ottrey Hilda Female Munn Walter Cecil Male Meekatharra
1936/4400005 Murchison Munn Walter Cecil Male Ottrey Hilda Female Meekatharra
1936/4400006 Murchison Mellowship Gertrude Alice Female Morrow Thornton Male Meekatharra
1936/4400006 Murchison Morrow Thornton Male Mellowship Gertrude Alice Female Meekatharra
1936/4400007 Murchison Edwards Patrick Ralph Male Campbell Ida Female Cue
1936/4400007 Murchison Campbell Ida Female Edwards Patrick Ralph Male Cue
1936/4400008 Murchison Pascoe Albert Joseph Male Patterson Mavis Genevieve Elsie Female Cue
1936/4400008 Murchison Patterson Mavis Genevieve Elsie Female Pascoe Albert Joseph Male Cue
1936/4400009 Murchison Dalziell Albert Male Hanlon Hazel Amelia Female Mt Magnet
1936/4400009 Murchison Hanlon Hazel Amelia Female Dalziell Albert Male Mt Magnet
1936/4400010 Murchison Lee Raymond Victor Male Lockyer Mabel Magdalene Female Mount Magnet
1936/4400010 Murchison Lockyer Mabel Magdalene Female Lee Raymond Victor Male Mount Magnet
1936/4400011 Murchison Young John Edward Male Wilson Catherine McLacklan Female Meekatharra
1936/4400011 Murchison Wilson Catherine McLacklan Female Young John Edward Male Meekatharra
1936/4400012 Murchison O'Loughlin James Male Leinster Margaret Female Mt Magnet
1936/4400012 Murchison Leinster Margaret Female O'Loughlin James Male Mt Magnet
1936/4400013 Murchison Salt Norma Florence Female Bell Joseph Kennedy Male Cue
1936/4400013 Murchison Bell Joseph Kennedy Male Salt Norma Florence Female Cue
1936/4400014 Murchison Myers Charles Victor Male Walker Molly Jean Margaratta Female Meekatharra
1936/4400014 Murchison Walker Molly Jean Margaratta Female Myers Charles Victor Male Meekatharra
1936/4400015 Murchison Leahy Patrick William Roland Male Blake Janet Female Cue
1936/4400015 Murchison Blake Janet Female Leahy Patrick William Roland Male Cue
1936/4400016 Murchison Wellington Catherine Susanah Female Cross Robert Stanley Male Mount Magnet
1936/4400016 Murchison Cross Robert Stanley Male Wellington Catherine Susanah Female Mount Magnet
1936/4400017 Murchison Stodart Minnie Hughes Female Clift Thomas Gerald Male Mt Magnet
1936/4400017 Murchison Clift Thomas Gerald Male Stodart Minnie Hughes Female Mt Magnet
1936/4400018 Murchison Jolley Cyril Charles Male Davis Dorothy Amelia Female Cue
1936/4400018 Murchison Davis Dorothy Amelia Female Jolley Cyril Charles Male Cue
1936/4400019 Murchison Hayley Eleanor Female Sims Henry James Male Meekatharra
1936/4400019 Murchison Sims Henry James Male Hayley Eleanor Female Meekatharra
1936/4400020 Murchison Gittos Dorothy Female Rinaldi Louigi Male Meekatharra
1936/4400020 Murchison Rinaldi Louigi Male Gittos Dorothy Female Meekatharra
1936/4400021 Murchison Moore James Bernard Male Barnes Phyllis Gwendoline Joan Female Cue
1936/4400021 Murchison Barnes Phyllis Gwendoline Joan Female Moore James Bernard Male Cue
1936/4400022 Murchison Robinson Walter Male McDonald Iris Female Cue
1936/4400022 Murchison McDonald Iris Female Robinson Walter Male Cue
1936/4400023 Murchison Sutton Eva Gilbertson Female Males Lindsay John Male Mount Magnet
1936/4400023 Murchison Males Lindsay John Male Sutton Eva Gilbertson Female Mount Magnet
1936/4400024 Murchison Dewar Henry Alfred Male Allen Elsie Irene Female Mount Magnet
1936/4400024 Murchison Allen Elsie Irene Female Dewar Henry Alfred Male Mount Magnet
1936/4400025 Murchison Shaw Eugene James Male Beaver Doris Maude Female Meekatharra
1936/4400025 Murchison Beaver Doris Maude Female Shaw Eugene James Male Meekatharra
1936/4400026 Murchison Johnson Muriel Grace Female Penrose Edward Kenneth Male Meekatharra
1936/4400026 Murchison Penrose Edward Kenneth Male Johnson Muriel Grace Female Meekatharra
1936/4400027 Murchison Barnett Margaret Sarah Female Bennett Henry Male Mount Magnet
1936/4400027 Murchison Bennett Henry Male Barnett Margaret Sarah Female Mount Magnet
1936/4400028 Murchison Murtha Daisy Alice Female O'Connor Patrick Cameron Male Mount Magnet
1936/4400028 Murchison O'Connor Patrick Cameron Male Murtha Daisy Alice Female Mount Magnet
1936/4400029 Murchison Rowden Beatrice Female Jones John Male Mount Magnet
1936/4400029 Murchison Jones John Male Rowden Beatrice Female Mount Magnet
1936/4400030 Murchison Brooker Thomas Scott Male Campbell Evelina Female Meekatharra
1936/4400030 Murchison Campbell Evelina Female Brooker Thomas Scott Male Meekatharra
1936/4400031 Murchison Myers Stanley Rueban Male Mountjoy Helen Kathleen Female Mount Magnet
1936/4400031 Murchison Mountjoy Helen Kathleen Female Myers Stanley Rueban Male Mount Magnet
1936/4400032 Murchison Oversby Walter Male Rodda Lola May Female Reedy
1936/4400032 Murchison Rodda Lola May Female Oversby Walter Male Reedy
1936/4400033 Murchison Dorman Ernest Robert Male O'Brien Caroline Mary Female Meekatharra
1936/4400033 Murchison O'Brien Caroline Mary Female Dorman Ernest Robert Male Meekatharra
1936/4400034 Murchison Eiffler Ernest Albert Male Crawford Winifred Isabel Female Mount Magnet
1936/4400034 Murchison Crawford Winifred Isabel Female Eiffler Ernest Albert Male Mount Magnet
1936/4400035 Murchison Reece Ethel Female Scott Captain Male Meekatharra
1936/4400035 Murchison Scott Captain Male Reece Ethel Female Meekatharra
1936/4400036 Murchison Cooney John Male Ryan Mary Frances Female Meekatharra
1936/4400036 Murchison Ryan Mary Frances Female Cooney John Male Meekatharra
1936/4400037 Murchison Carroll William Michael Male Oates Olive Eva Female Mount Magnet
1936/4400037 Murchison Oates Olive Eva Female Carroll William Michael Male Mount Magnet
1936/4400038 Murchison Pridmore Olive May Female Oates Arthur Wentworth Albert Male Cue
1936/4400038 Murchison Oates Arthur Wentworth Albert Male Pridmore Olive May Female Cue
1936/4400039 Murchison Toohey Magdalene Female Mellor Christopher Herwood Male Meekatharra
1936/4400039 Murchison Mellor Christopher Herwood Male Toohey Magdalene Female Meekatharra
1936/4400040 Murchison Sullivan James Patrick Male Batson Eva Female Cue
1936/4400040 Murchison Batson Eva Female Sullivan James Patrick Male Cue
1936/4400041 Murchison Banting Allan Charles Male Haigh Martha May Female Youanmi
1936/4400041 Murchison Haigh Martha May Female Banting Allan Charles Male Youanmi
1936/4400042 Murchison Jane Maisie Doreen Female Halstrom John Leonard Male Cue
1936/4400042 Murchison Halstrom John Leonard Male Jane Maisie Doreen Female Cue
1936/4400043 Murchison Smith William Roy Male Sinclair Jean Emma Margaret Female Mount Magnet
1936/4400043 Murchison Sinclair Jean Emma Margaret Female Smith William Roy Male Mount Magnet
1936/4400044 Murchison Cameron Walter John Julius Male Watson Esther May Female Cue
1936/4400044 Murchison Watson Esther May Female Cameron Walter John Julius Male Cue
1936/4400045 Murchison Nicholas George Ralph Male Smith Leslie Helen Female Cue
1936/4400045 Murchison Smith Leslie Helen Female Nicholas George Ralph Male Cue
1936/4400046 Murchison Murphy Catherine Female Meehan James Arthur Male Meekatharra
1936/4400046 Murchison Meehan James Arthur Male Murphy Catherine Female Meekatharra
1936/4400047 Murchison Baker Elsie Elizabeth Female Newhill William Edward Male Mt Magnet
1936/4400047 Murchison Newhill William Edward Male Baker Elsie Elizabeth Female Mt Magnet
1936/4400048 Murchison Sangalli Giacomo Male Gaddini Lena Female Cue
1936/4400048 Murchison Gaddini Lena Female Sangalli Giacomo Male Cue
1936/4400049 Murchison Augenendt John Male Binder Maria Female Cue
1936/4400049 Murchison Binder Maria Female Augenendt John Male Cue
1936/4400050 Murchison Evons Richard Male Parker Polly Female Cue
1936/4400050 Murchison Parker Polly Female Evons Richard Male Cue
1936/4400051 Murchison Wilkins Elizabeth May Female Cousens Victor Marshall Male Cue
1936/4400051 Murchison Cousens Victor Marshall Male Wilkins Elizabeth May Female Cue
1936/4400052 Murchison Lockwood Walter Edward Male Ellison Margery Jean Female Cue
1936/4400052 Murchison Ellison Margery Jean Female Lockwood Walter Edward Male Cue
1936/4400053 Murchison Lefroy Herbert Kitchener Male Jones Alice Evelyn Female Youanmi
1936/4400053 Murchison Jones Alice Evelyn Female Lefroy Herbert Kitchener Male Youanmi
1936/4400054 Murchison McDonnell Gerard James Male Moore Lorna Mavis Female Meekatharra
1936/4400054 Murchison Moore Lorna Mavis Female McDonnell Gerard James Male Meekatharra
1936/4400055 Murchison Chesson Thomas Male Dougall Beatrice Inglis Female Mount Magnet
1936/4400055 Murchison Dougall Beatrice Inglis Female Chesson Thomas Male Mount Magnet
1936/4400056 Murchison James Caleb Jennings Male Simmonds Jessie Female Cue
1936/4400056 Murchison Simmonds Jessie Female James Caleb Jennings Male Cue
1936/4500004 East Murchison Wharton Eileen Thersa Female Johnston James Henry Male Wiluna
1936/4500004 East Murchison Johnston James Henry Male Wharton Eileen Thersa Female Wiluna
1936/4500005 East Murchison Morel Louis Albert Male Mayger Irene Maude Female Wiluna
1936/4500005 East Murchison Mayger Irene Maude Female Morel Louis Albert Male Wiluna
1936/4500006 East Murchison Denham Phyllis Catherine Stewart Female Illingworth James Cedric Male Wiluna
1936/4500006 East Murchison Illingworth James Cedric Male Denham Phyllis Catherine Stewart Female Wiluna
1936/4500007 East Murchison Winsor Daisy Irene Female Bettineschi Ambrogio Male Wiluna
1936/4500007 East Murchison Bettineschi Ambrogio Male Winsor Daisy Irene Female Wiluna
1936/4500008 East Murchison Devlin Frances Mary Female Dawson Cecil Hector Male Wiluna
1936/4500008 East Murchison Dawson Cecil Hector Male Devlin Frances Mary Female Wiluna
1936/4500009 East Murchison Smith Mary Eunice Female Martin James Houston Male Wiluna
1936/4500009 East Murchison Martin James Houston Male Smith Mary Eunice Female Wiluna
1936/4500010 East Murchison Carr Louise Miriam Female Oliver Robert Angus Male Wiluna
1936/4500010 East Murchison Oliver Robert Angus Male Carr Louise Miriam Female Wiluna
1936/4500010 East Murchison Oliver Robert Angus Male Philips Louise Miriam Female Wiluna
1936/4500010 East Murchison Philips Louise Miriam Female Oliver Robert Angus Male Wiluna
1936/4500012 East Murchison Gill Thelma Female Liddelow Arthur Roy Male Wiluna
1936/4500012 East Murchison Liddelow Arthur Roy Male Gill Thelma Female Wiluna
1936/4500013 East Murchison Major Maud Ellen Female Egan Ritchie Longueville Male Wiluna
1936/4500013 East Murchison Egan Ritchie Longueville Male Major Maud Ellen Female Wiluna
1936/4500014 East Murchison Smith Kenneth Drysdale Male Cassidy Josephine Alison Female Wiluna
1936/4500014 East Murchison Cassidy Josephine Alison Female Smith Kenneth Drysdale Male Wiluna
1936/4500015 East Murchison Brennan Myles Eugene Male Tanner Nellie Teresa Female Wiluna
1936/4500015 East Murchison Tanner Nellie Teresa Female Brennan Myles Eugene Male Wiluna
1936/4500016 East Murchison Reed Albert John Male Lee Doris Calphernia Female Wiluna
1936/4500016 East Murchison Lee Doris Calphernia Female Reed Albert John Male Wiluna
1936/4500017 East Murchison Bridge Rosa Ada Thompson Female Smart William Harry Male Wiluna
1936/4500017 East Murchison Smart William Harry Male Bridge Rosa Ada Thompson Female Wiluna
1936/4500018 East Murchison Hartley Margaret Noble Female Boase James Male Wiluna
1936/4500018 East Murchison Boase James Male Hartley Margaret Noble Female Wiluna
1936/4500019 East Murchison Walker Alexander Pool Male Gilbert Yvonne Phyllis Female Wiluna
1936/4500019 East Murchison Gilbert Yvonne Phyllis Female Walker Alexander Pool Male Wiluna
1936/4500020 East Murchison Worthington Leslie Male Worley Annie Elizabeth Jean Female Wiluna
1936/4500020 East Murchison Worley Annie Elizabeth Jean Female Worthington Leslie Male Wiluna
1936/4500021 East Murchison McGaffin Robert Alexander Male Pearce Yvonne Date Female Wiluna
1936/4500021 East Murchison Pearce Yvonne Date Female McGaffin Robert Alexander Male Wiluna
1936/4500022 East Murchison Clamp Reginald James Male Marris Patricia Female Wiluna
1936/4500022 East Murchison Marris Patricia Female Clamp Reginald James Male Wiluna
1936/4500023 East Murchison Bradborn Frank Stafford Male Gillham Flora Lillian Female Wiluna
1936/4500023 East Murchison Gillham Flora Lillian Female Bradborn Frank Stafford Male Wiluna
1936/4500024 East Murchison Harris Lydia Georgina Female Traine Richard Arthur Male Wiluna
1936/4500024 East Murchison Traine Richard Arthur Male Harris Lydia Georgina Female Wiluna
1936/4500025 East Murchison Perejuan Gertrude Francis Female D'Orsogna Giuseppe Male Wiluna
1936/4500025 East Murchison D'Orsogna Giuseppe Male Perejuan Gertrude Francis Female Wiluna
1936/4500026 East Murchison Walton Victor Male Candlish Dorothy May Female Wiluna
1936/4500026 East Murchison Candlish Dorothy May Female Walton Victor Male Wiluna
1936/4500027 East Murchison Stanton Robert James Male Ewert Dorothy May Female Wiluna
1936/4500027 East Murchison Ewert Dorothy May Female Stanton Robert James Male Wiluna
1936/4500028 East Murchison Hill Henrietta Jean Female Hawtin Victor Edward Male Wiluna
1936/4500028 East Murchison Hawtin Victor Edward Male Hill Henrietta Jean Female Wiluna
1936/4500029 East Murchison Hatton Edgar Male Harvey Rosina May Female Wiluna
1936/4500029 East Murchison Harvey Rosina May Female Hatton Edgar Male Wiluna
1936/4500030 East Murchison Scott Matthew Edward John Male Humphries Florence Evelyn Female Wiluna
1936/4500030 East Murchison Humphries Florence Evelyn Female Scott Matthew Edward John Male Wiluna
1936/4500031 East Murchison Briggs Albert Edward Male Magowan Rita Female Wiluna
1936/4500031 East Murchison Magowan Rita Female Briggs Albert Edward Male Wiluna
1936/4500032 East Murchison Radge Arthur Seymour Male Olden Doris Clara Female Wiluna
1936/4500032 East Murchison Olden Doris Clara Female Radge Arthur Seymour Male Wiluna
1936/4500033 East Murchison Davis Robert Walter Male Gray Maude Alice Female Wiluna
1936/4500033 East Murchison Gray Maude Alice Female Davis Robert Walter Male Wiluna
1936/4500034 East Murchison Chong Gertrude Victoria Female McCormack William Male Wiluna
1936/4500034 East Murchison McCormack William Male Chong Gertrude Victoria Female Wiluna
1936/4500035 East Murchison Rutherford Janet Stark Female Chamberlain Arthur Male Wiluna
1936/4500035 East Murchison Chamberlain Arthur Male Rutherford Janet Stark Female Wiluna
1936/4500036 East Murchison Shields Evangeline Grace Female Green Walter William Male Wiluna
1936/4500036 East Murchison Green Walter William Male Shields Evangeline Grace Female Wiluna
1936/4500037 East Murchison Satchell Elsie Annie Female Ovens George John Male Wiluna
1936/4500037 East Murchison Ovens George John Male Satchell Elsie Annie Female Wiluna
1936/4500038 East Murchison Pepper Daphne Maude Female Pierce John Christopher Male Wiluna
1936/4500038 East Murchison Pierce John Christopher Male Pepper Daphne Maude Female Wiluna
1936/4500039 East Murchison Keenan Olga Amilda Female North Thomas Beatty Male Wiluna
1936/4500039 East Murchison North Thomas Beatty Male Keenan Olga Amilda Female Wiluna
1936/4500040 East Murchison Mulcahy Eileen Carmel Female Brown Eric Mather Male Wiluna
1936/4500040 East Murchison Brown Eric Mather Male Mulcahy Eileen Carmel Female Wiluna
1936/4500041 East Murchison Harvey Edna May Female Rivett Clifton Oswald Theodore Male Wiluna
1936/4500041 East Murchison Rivett Clifton Oswald Theodore Male Harvey Edna May Female Wiluna
1936/4500042 East Murchison Bridson Beryl Maude Female Dixon John Male Wiluna
1936/4500042 East Murchison Dixon John Male Bridson Beryl Maude Female Wiluna
1936/4500043 East Murchison Stewart Helen Munro Female Omodei Remo Male Wiluna
1936/4500043 East Murchison Omodei Remo Male Stewart Helen Munro Female Wiluna
1936/4500044 East Murchison Churcher Rosa Winnifred Mary Female Farrands Bruce Male Wiluna
1936/4500044 East Murchison Farrands Bruce Male Churcher Rosa Winnifred Mary Female Wiluna
1936/4500045 East Murchison Woodhams Mabel Sarah Female McKimm Henry Edward Male Wiluna
1936/4500045 East Murchison McKimm Henry Edward Male Woodhams Mabel Sarah Female Wiluna
1936/4500046 East Murchison Tonkin Clarence Glyn Male Tuffley Edith May Female Wiluna
1936/4500046 East Murchison Tuffley Edith May Female Tonkin Clarence Glyn Male Wiluna
1936/4500047 East Murchison Phelps Ronald Arthur Male Johnson Doris June Female Wiluna
1936/4500047 East Murchison Johnson Doris June Female Phelps Ronald Arthur Male Wiluna
1936/4500048 East Murchison Weir Leslie Harold Male Homewood Kathleen Female Wiluna
1936/4500048 East Murchison Homewood Kathleen Female Weir Leslie Harold Male Wiluna
1936/4500049 East Murchison Bray Vera Female Hill Harry Male Wiluna
1936/4500049 East Murchison Hill Harry Male Bray Vera Female Wiluna
1936/4500050 East Murchison O'Neil Patrick Leo Male Finch Violet Amelia Female Wiluna
1936/4500050 East Murchison Finch Violet Amelia Female O'Neil Patrick Leo Male Wiluna
1936/4500051 East Murchison Carter May Female Phelps Horace Samuel Male Wiluna
1936/4500051 East Murchison Phelps Horace Samuel Male Carter May Female Wiluna
1936/4500052 East Murchison Curtis Inez Irene Female Williams Frederick Charles Male Wiluna
1936/4500052 East Murchison Williams Frederick Charles Male Curtis Inez Irene Female Wiluna
1936/4500053 East Murchison Venters Frederick Cuthbert Male Betty Rita Marion Female Wiluna
1936/4500053 East Murchison Betty Rita Marion Female Venters Frederick Cuthbert Male Wiluna
1936/4500054 East Murchison Mulligan Doreen Mary Female Armour Eric Magnus McLennen Male Wiluna
1936/4500054 East Murchison Armour Eric Magnus McLennen Male Mulligan Doreen Mary Female Wiluna
1936/4500055 East Murchison Miller Elsie Vera Female Mifflin Hector Noel Male Wiluna
1936/4500055 East Murchison Mifflin Hector Noel Male Miller Elsie Vera Female Wiluna
1936/4500056 East Murchison Sims Muriel Jessie Female Campbell Robert Male Wiluna
1936/4500056 East Murchison Campbell Robert Male Sims Muriel Jessie Female Wiluna
1936/4500057 East Murchison Strain Robert Joseph Keith Male Latto Joy Female Wiluna
1936/4500057 East Murchison Latto Joy Female Strain Robert Joseph Keith Male Wiluna
1936/4500058 East Murchison Treais Kathleen Mary Female Rayner Harry Male Wiluna
1936/4500058 East Murchison Rayner Harry Male Treais Kathleen Mary Female Wiluna
1936/4500059 East Murchison Hardy Percy Male Howse Olive Female Wiluna
1936/4500059 East Murchison Howse Olive Female Hardy Percy Male Wiluna
1936/4500060 East Murchison Wass Irwin James Male Evans Sophy Joyce Female Wiluna
1936/4500060 East Murchison Evans Sophy Joyce Female Wass Irwin James Male Wiluna
1936/4500061 East Murchison Loaring Kevin Denis Male Hutchings Doris Mary Female Wiluna
1936/4500061 East Murchison Hutchings Doris Mary Female Loaring Kevin Denis Male Wiluna
1936/4500062 East Murchison Brown Ross Graeme McConnell Male Human Rita Mary Female Wiluna
1936/4500062 East Murchison Human Rita Mary Female Brown Ross Graeme McConnell Male Wiluna
1936/4500063 East Murchison Crosby John Albert Male Wheelock Irene Veronica Alby Priscilla Female Wiluna
1936/4500063 East Murchison Wheelock Irene Veronica Alby Priscilla Female Crosby John Albert Male Wiluna
1936/4700001 Murray West Daphne Beryl Female Widdeson William Arnold Male Pinjarra
1937/4700001 Murray Wood John Seymour Male Burns Mary Female Pinjarra
1936/4700001 Murray Widdeson William Arnold Male West Daphne Beryl Female Pinjarra
1937/4700001 Murray Burns Mary Female Wood John Seymour Male Pinjarra
1937/4700002 Murray Greenacre Joseph Frederick Male Spalding Thelma Irene Female Pinjarra
1936/4700002 Murray Astbury Donald McLean Male Steffann Elise Johanna Augusta Female Mandurah
1936/4700002 Murray Steffann Elise Johanna Augusta Female Astbury Donald McLean Male Mandurah
1937/4700002 Murray Spalding Thelma Irene Female Greenacre Joseph Frederick Male Pinjarra
1936/4700003 Murray Matthews Gladys Norma Female Bonser Gordon Derwent Mansfield Male Pinjarra
1936/4700003 Murray Bonser Gordon Derwent Mansfield Male Matthews Gladys Norma Female Pinjarra
1936/4700004 Murray Fields Rita Eileen Female Birch Vernon Clarence Male Pinjarra
1937/4700004 Murray Walley Jack Lawrence Male Nannup Dorinda Female Pinjarra
1937/4700004 Murray Nannup Dorinda Female Walley Jack Lawrence Male Pinjarra
1936/4700004 Murray Birch Vernon Clarence Male Fields Rita Eileen Female Pinjarra
1936/4700005 Murray Devine John Male McDonald Nancy Isobelle Female Yarloop
1936/4700005 Murray McDonald Nancy Isobelle Female Devine John Male Yarloop
1936/4700006 Murray Boyd Jean Margaret Female McDonough John Brian Male Harvey
1936/4700006 Murray McDonough John Brian Male Boyd Jean Margaret Female Harvey
1936/4700007 Murray Salter William John Male Christmas May Female Pinjarra
1936/4700007 Murray Christmas May Female Salter William John Male Pinjarra
1936/4700008 Murray Jenkins Annie Ellen Female Alexander Vincent Edgecombe Male Pinjarra
1936/4700008 Murray Alexander Vincent Edgecombe Male Jenkins Annie Ellen Female Pinjarra
1936/4700009 Murray Torr Ralph McKaine Male Stewart Jean Female Pinjarra
1936/4700009 Murray Stewart Jean Female Torr Ralph McKaine Male Pinjarra
1936/4700010 Murray Melville George Alexander Male Clarke Elizabeth May Female Pinjarra
1936/4700010 Murray Clarke Elizabeth May Female Melville George Alexander Male Pinjarra
1936/4700011 Murray Bassett Milton Edison Male Pollard Dorothy Jean Earl Female Pinjarra
1936/4700011 Murray Pollard Dorothy Jean Earl Female Bassett Milton Edison Male Pinjarra
1936/4700012 Murray Reeve Edna Mary Ann Female White Arthur Douglas Male Pinjarra
1936/4700012 Murray White Arthur Douglas Male Reeve Edna Mary Ann Female Pinjarra
1936/4700013 Murray Warne Althea Irene Female Johnston Edward George Male Pinjarra
1936/4700013 Murray Johnston Edward George Male Warne Althea Irene Female Pinjarra
1936/4700014 Murray Buck Leslie George Male Barraclough Kathleen Mavis Female Yarloop
1936/4700014 Murray Barraclough Kathleen Mavis Female Buck Leslie George Male Yarloop
1936/4700015 Murray Mitting Joseph Male McGuire Ivy Female North Dandalup
1936/4700015 Murray McGuire Ivy Female Mitting Joseph Male North Dandalup
1936/4700016 Murray Dalton Kathleen Mary Female Gedling George Alex Male Nanga Brook
1936/4700016 Murray Gedling George Alex Male Dalton Kathleen Mary Female Nanga Brook
1936/4700017 Murray Pegrum Ronald Ernest Male Vaughan Marjorie Alice Female Holyoake
1936/4700017 Murray Vaughan Marjorie Alice Female Pegrum Ronald Ernest Male Holyoake
1936/4700018 Murray Leach Cecil George Male Morfitt Hazel Glydas Female Pinjarra
1936/4700018 Murray Morfitt Hazel Glydas Female Leach Cecil George Male Pinjarra
1936/4700019 Murray Thomson Arthur Claude Male Andrews Olive Elizabeth Female Holyoake
1936/4700019 Murray Andrews Olive Elizabeth Female Thomson Arthur Claude Male Holyoake
1936/4700020 Murray McSweeney Juanita Agnes Female Gedling Percival Clarance Male Pinjarra
1936/4700020 Murray Gedling Percival Clarance Male McSweeney Juanita Agnes Female Pinjarra
1936/4700021 Murray Johnson Mary Agnes Female Browne Eric Joseph Male Pinjarra
1936/4700021 Murray Browne Eric Joseph Male Johnson Mary Agnes Female Pinjarra
1936/4700022 Murray Warrilow Ernest Edward Male Evans Christina Ferguson Female Nanga Brook
1936/4700022 Murray Evans Christina Ferguson Female Warrilow Ernest Edward Male Nanga Brook
1936/4700023 Murray Richards Barbara Elsie Female Phillips-Jones Athole Thomas Male Waroona
1936/4700023 Murray Phillips-Jones Athole Thomas Male Richards Barbara Elsie Female Waroona
1936/4700024 Murray Oliver Keith Mathew Male Gill Bessie Lothian Female North Dandalup
1936/4700024 Murray Gill Bessie Lothian Female Oliver Keith Mathew Male North Dandalup
1936/4700025 Murray Charles Robert Male Johansson Esther Female Pinjarra
1936/4700025 Murray Johansson Esther Female Charles Robert Male Pinjarra
1936/4700026 Murray Reynolds Herbert James Male Mitting Linda Frances Female Pinjarra
1936/4700026 Murray Mitting Linda Frances Female Reynolds Herbert James Male Pinjarra
1936/4700027 Murray Playle Richard Charles Beaton Male Fraser Margaret Hume Female Waroona
1936/4700027 Murray Fraser Margaret Hume Female Playle Richard Charles Beaton Male Waroona
1936/4700028 Murray Delahaunty Marie Beatrice Female MacKenzie Roderick James Male Pinjarra
1936/4700028 Murray MacKenzie Roderick James Male Delahaunty Marie Beatrice Female Pinjarra
1936/4700029 Murray Marnham Arthur Male French Sadie Gertrude Female Pinjarra
1936/4700029 Murray French Sadie Gertrude Female Marnham Arthur Male Pinjarra
1936/4700030 Murray Lilly Edward Arthur Charlesworth Male McInerney Olive Joyce Female Pinjarra
1936/4700030 Murray McInerney Olive Joyce Female Lilly Edward Arthur Charlesworth Male Pinjarra
1936/4700031 Murray Cole Edward John Male Styles Margaret Female Holyoake
1936/4700031 Murray Styles Margaret Female Cole Edward John Male Holyoake
1936/4700032 Murray Rutherford Norman Edgar Evenlyn Male Appleby Jean Maud Female Waroona
1936/4700032 Murray Appleby Jean Maud Female Rutherford Norman Edgar Evenlyn Male Waroona
1936/4700033 Murray Berry Elizabeth Mary Female McAuliffe William Male Waroona
1936/4700033 Murray McAuliffe William Male Berry Elizabeth Mary Female Waroona
1937/4900001 Northam Mann Francis James Male Randolph Lilian Female Merredin
1937/4900001 Northam Randolph Lilian Female Mann Francis James Male Merredin
1937/4900002 Northam Powell Evelyn Female Ferguson Geoffrey Allan Male Goomalling
1937/4900002 Northam Ferguson Geoffrey Allan Male Powell Evelyn Female Goomalling
1937/4900003 Northam Eamus Joseph Male Barnes Dollie Catherine Female Bencubbin
1937/4900003 Northam Barnes Dollie Catherine Female Eamus Joseph Male Bencubbin
1937/4900004 Northam Parnham Hazel Female Kelly William Male Northam
1936/4900004 Northam Morrison Winifred Amy Female Pacey George James Male Northam
1936/4900004 Northam Pacey George James Male Morrison Winifred Amy Female Northam
1937/4900004 Northam Kelly William Male Parnham Hazel Female Northam
1937/4900005 Northam Levett Winifred Phyllis Female Gerrard David Alexander Male Merredin
1937/4900005 Northam Gerrard David Alexander Male Levett Winifred Phyllis Female Merredin
1936/4900006 Northam Hanson Florence Elsie Female Stubley John James Male Northam
1936/4900006 Northam Stubley John James Male Hanson Florence Elsie Female Northam
1937/4900007 Northam Biffin William Clarence Male Evans Jean Winifred Female Merredin
1937/4900007 Northam Evans Jean Winifred Female Biffin William Clarence Male Merredin
1936/4900007 Northam Raphael Essie Eileen Female Eley Harry Othello Male Merredin
1936/4900007 Northam Eley Harry Othello Male Raphael Essie Eileen Female Merredin
1936/4900008 Northam Boon Elsie Winnifred Female Langdon Edward Richard Male Northam
1937/4900008 Northam Lawrence Charles Henry Male Gibson Hazel Esther Mary Female Northam
1937/4900008 Northam Gibson Hazel Esther Mary Female Lawrence Charles Henry Male Northam
1936/4900008 Northam Langdon Edward Richard Male Boon Elsie Winnifred Female Northam
1936/4900009 Northam Griffin Dennis Daniel Male Bradley Elizabeth Female Northam
1937/4900009 Northam Gordon Violet Nellie Female Moore Frank Valentine Male Northam
1937/4900009 Northam Moore Frank Valentine Male Gordon Violet Nellie Female Northam
1936/4900009 Northam Bradley Elizabeth Female Griffin Dennis Daniel Male Northam
1936/4900010 Northam Maisey Herbert Charles Male Learson Enid Gladys Female Wyalkatchem
1936/4900010 Northam Learson Enid Gladys Female Maisey Herbert Charles Male Wyalkatchem
1937/4900011 Northam Pager Douglas Edmund Male Priestly Kathleen Matilda Female Merredin
1937/4900011 Northam Priestly Kathleen Matilda Female Pager Douglas Edmund Male Merredin
1936/4900011 Northam Mitchell Albert Edward Male Tetlaw Edith Hilda Female Northam
1936/4900011 Northam Tetlaw Edith Hilda Female Mitchell Albert Edward Male Northam
1936/4900012 Northam Carrott Mary Female Sales Herbert John Male Kellerberrin
1936/4900012 Northam Sales Herbert John Male Carrott Mary Female Kellerberrin
1936/4900013 Northam Mitson Arthur Male Jones Doreen Wolfenden Female Northam
1936/4900013 Northam Jones Doreen Wolfenden Female Mitson Arthur Male Northam
1936/4900014 Northam Cummings Phyllis Grace Female Simmons Gordon Percy Male Northam
1936/4900014 Northam Simmons Gordon Percy Male Cummings Phyllis Grace Female Northam
1936/4900015 Northam Butler Leo Edward Male Boyle Laura May Female Merredin
1936/4900015 Northam Boyle Laura May Female Butler Leo Edward Male Merredin
1936/4900016 Northam Gangell Lucy Mina Female Catchpole James Doyle Male Goomalling
1936/4900016 Northam Catchpole James Doyle Male Gangell Lucy Mina Female Goomalling
1936/4900017 Northam Sawyer Mary Florence Female Haywood Arthur William Male Goomalling
1936/4900017 Northam Haywood Arthur William Male Sawyer Mary Florence Female Goomalling
1936/4900018 Northam Kong William Lee Male Avins Edith Doreen Hazel Female Northam
1936/4900018 Northam Avins Edith Doreen Hazel Female Kong William Lee Male Northam
1936/4900019 Northam Hitchcock Evelyn Sylvia Female Schloithe Frederick Herman August Male Northam
1936/4900019 Northam Schloithe Frederick Herman August Male Hitchcock Evelyn Sylvia Female Northam
1936/4900020 Northam Turner Mary Catherine Female Hooper Richard John Male Northam
1936/4900020 Northam Hooper Richard John Male Turner Mary Catherine Female Northam
1936/4900021 Northam Erhardt Elma Agnes Female Williams Frederick Gustav Male Dowerin
1936/4900021 Northam Williams Frederick Gustav Male Erhardt Elma Agnes Female Dowerin
1936/4900022 Northam Lord Clarice Elizabeth Ann Female Glatz Victor Lawrence Male Goomalling
1936/4900022 Northam Glatz Victor Lawrence Male Lord Clarice Elizabeth Ann Female Goomalling
1936/4900023 Northam Deacon Norma Female Ladhams William Henry Male Northam
1936/4900023 Northam Ladhams William Henry Male Deacon Norma Female Northam
1936/4900025 Northam Dyer Elsie Jean Female Bonser Gerald Francis Male Northam
1936/4900025 Northam Bonser Gerald Francis Male Dyer Elsie Jean Female Northam
1936/4900027 Northam Orchard Henry James Male Boor Lavinia Constance Female Toodyay
1936/4900027 Northam Boor Lavinia Constance Female Orchard Henry James Male Toodyay
1936/4900028 Northam Watson Sylvia Constance Female Curley Willie Anthoney Male Goomalling
1936/4900028 Northam Curley Willie Anthoney Male Watson Sylvia Constance Female Goomalling
1936/4900029 Northam Curley Leo Michael John Male Woods Amy Valentine Female Northam
1936/4900029 Northam Woods Amy Valentine Female Curley Leo Michael John Male Northam
1937/4900030 Northam Sinfield Dorothy Margaret Female Wadsworth Reuben Walter Male Merredin
1937/4900030 Northam Wadsworth Reuben Walter Male Sinfield Dorothy Margaret Female Merredin
1936/4900030 Northam Hammond John Edward Male Howard Blanche Female Wyalkatchem
1936/4900030 Northam Howard Blanche Female Hammond John Edward Male Wyalkatchem
1936/4900031 Northam Ronan Patrick Francis Male Cook Gertrude Jean Female Bolgart
1936/4900031 Northam Cook Gertrude Jean Female Ronan Patrick Francis Male Bolgart
1936/4900032 Northam Farrell Doreen Female Brown George William Edson Male Nungarin
1936/4900032 Northam Brown George William Edson Male Farrell Doreen Female Nungarin
1936/4900033 Northam Dempster Hellen Nora Marsden Female Buhler Ivan Frederick Male Northam
1936/4900033 Northam Buhler Ivan Frederick Male Dempster Hellen Nora Marsden Female Northam
1936/4900034 Northam Lower Elsa Lilian Female Morley Alfred William Male Kellerberrin
1936/4900034 Northam Morley Alfred William Male Lower Elsa Lilian Female Kellerberrin
1936/4900035 Northam Haines Dorothy Rose Female Quick Herbert Edward Male Merredin
1936/4900035 Northam Quick Herbert Edward Male Haines Dorothy Rose Female Merredin
1936/4900036 Northam Pittaway William Hubert Male Enright Kathleen Alice Patrica Female Northam
1936/4900036 Northam Enright Kathleen Alice Patrica Female Pittaway William Hubert Male Northam
1936/4900037 Northam Freestone Alfred Wesley Male Fischer Sylvia Vida Matilda Female Kondut
1936/4900037 Northam Fischer Sylvia Vida Matilda Female Freestone Alfred Wesley Male Kondut
1936/4900038 Northam Hubbard Beatrice Jean Female Wild Warwick Male Meckering
1936/4900038 Northam Wild Warwick Male Hubbard Beatrice Jean Female Meckering
1936/4900039 Northam Large Agnes Susie Female Chown Alfred Rowland Male Northam
1936/4900039 Northam Chown Alfred Rowland Male Large Agnes Susie Female Northam
1936/4900040 Northam Messenger Edith Female Avery Richard Leslie Male Toodyay
1936/4900040 Northam Avery Richard Leslie Male Messenger Edith Female Toodyay
1936/4900041 Northam Trewren Hilda May Female Hitchcock Alfred John Male Meckering
1936/4900041 Northam Hitchcock Alfred John Male Trewren Hilda May Female Meckering
1936/4900042 Northam Ashurst Mary Davidson Female Cresswell Charles Male Merredin
1936/4900042 Northam Cresswell Charles Male Ashurst Mary Davidson Female Merredin
1936/4900043 Northam Mackie Frank Male Manson Freda Coralena Female Koorda
1936/4900043 Northam Manson Freda Coralena Female Mackie Frank Male Koorda
1936/4900044 Northam Gollan Joseph Patrick Male Metcalf Phyllis May Female Dowerin
1936/4900044 Northam Metcalf Phyllis May Female Gollan Joseph Patrick Male Dowerin
1936/4900045 Northam Eaton Elsie Laureen Female Smith Jack Ivan Male Goomalling
1936/4900045 Northam Smith Jack Ivan Male Eaton Elsie Laureen Female Goomalling
1936/4900046 Northam Coulthard George Thomas Male Lord Dulcie Irene Female Goomalling
1936/4900046 Northam Lord Dulcie Irene Female Coulthard George Thomas Male Goomalling
1936/4900047 Northam Tiller Violet Minetta Female Foy Frederick William Male Kellerberrin
1936/4900047 Northam Foy Frederick William Male Tiller Violet Minetta Female Kellerberrin
1936/4900048 Northam Lee Amy Maud Female Haywood Walter Reginald Male Culham
1936/4900048 Northam Haywood Walter Reginald Male Lee Amy Maud Female Culham
1936/4900049 Northam Anderson Douglas Male Miller Winifred Edith Female Merredin
1936/4900049 Northam Miller Winifred Edith Female Anderson Douglas Male Merredin
1936/4900050 Northam Scanlon Thomas Michael Male Barnaby Nella Nancy Mary Female Merredin
1936/4900050 Northam Barnaby Nella Nancy Mary Female Scanlon Thomas Michael Male Merredin
1936/4900052 Northam Hansen Ella Female McGrechan Michael Male Northam
1936/4900052 Northam McGrechan Michael Male Hansen Ella Female Northam
1936/4900053 Northam Drake-Brockman Mary Isobel Female Wiesner Lloyd Milton Male Northam
1936/4900053 Northam Wiesner Lloyd Milton Male Drake-Brockman Mary Isobel Female Northam
1936/4900054 Northam Bradshaw Gerald Foster Male Perry Doris Frances Female Northam
1936/4900054 Northam Perry Doris Frances Female Bradshaw Gerald Foster Male Northam
1936/4900055 Northam Jessup Herbert Frederick Male Hooper Helen Josephine Female Northam
1936/4900055 Northam Hooper Helen Josephine Female Jessup Herbert Frederick Male Northam
1936/4900056 Northam Freind Fredrick George Male Dawson Ada Victoria Female Northam
1936/4900056 Northam Dawson Ada Victoria Female Freind Fredrick George Male Northam
1936/4900057 Northam Hendry Doris Vida Female Starr Cleveland West Male Northam
1936/4900057 Northam Starr Cleveland West Male Hendry Doris Vida Female Northam
1936/4900058 Northam Hyde John Thomas Male McCourt Marjory Monica Female Northam
1936/4900058 Northam McCourt Marjory Monica Female Hyde John Thomas Male Northam
1936/4900059 Northam Ventres Raymond Harvey Bert Male Carey Veronica Jessie Female Merredin
1936/4900059 Northam Carey Veronica Jessie Female Ventres Raymond Harvey Bert Male Merredin
1936/4900060 Northam Cutts Alan Josland Male Tetlaw Florence May Female Northam
1936/4900060 Northam Tetlaw Florence May Female Cutts Alan Josland Male Northam
1936/4900061 Northam Brown Robert Male Moody Doris Amelia Female Goomalling
1936/4900061 Northam Moody Doris Amelia Female Brown Robert Male Goomalling
1936/4900062 Northam Robins Albert Stewart Male Gurney Dorothy May Female Northam
1936/4900062 Northam Gurney Dorothy May Female Robins Albert Stewart Male Northam
1936/4900063 Northam Millard Marjory Jean Female Jeffries Leonard Bertram Male Kununoppin
1936/4900063 Northam Jeffries Leonard Bertram Male Millard Marjory Jean Female Kununoppin
1936/4900064 Northam Carr Wilfred Dennis Male Carter Theresa Female Konnongorring
1936/4900064 Northam Carter Theresa Female Carr Wilfred Dennis Male Konnongorring
1936/4900065 Northam Thompson James John Male Perrin May Margaret Female Northam
1936/4900065 Northam Perrin May Margaret Female Thompson James John Male Northam
1936/4900066 Northam Arnold John Peters Goddard Male Broomhall Noel Maud Jane Female Mukinbudin
1936/4900066 Northam Broomhall Noel Maud Jane Female Arnold John Peters Goddard Male Mukinbudin
1936/4900067 Northam Treasure Oliver James Male Eaton Mary Jane Female Cunderdin
1936/4900067 Northam Eaton Mary Jane Female Treasure Oliver James Male Cunderdin
1936/4900068 Northam Wallace William Barbour Male Grocke Dorothea Marie Female Northam
1936/4900068 Northam Grocke Dorothea Marie Female Wallace William Barbour Male Northam
1936/4900069 Northam Thamm John Strongman Male Schell Molly Gladys Female Goomalling
1936/4900069 Northam Schell Molly Gladys Female Thamm John Strongman Male Goomalling
1936/4900070 Northam Screech Ivy May Female Allardyce James Duncan Male Northam
1937/4900070 Northam Jackson John Kingsley Male Bickham Winifred Francis Augustus Female Northam
1937/4900070 Northam Bickham Winifred Francis Augustus Female Jackson John Kingsley Male Northam
1936/4900070 Northam Allardyce James Duncan Male Screech Ivy May Female Northam
1936/4900071 Northam Ellson Iris Mary Female Struthers William Male Merredin
1936/4900071 Northam Struthers William Male Ellson Iris Mary Female Merredin
1936/4900072 Northam Hooper Josephine Florence Maria Female Ashman Avon Gilbert Male Northam
1936/4900072 Northam Ashman Avon Gilbert Male Hooper Josephine Florence Maria Female Northam
1936/4900073 Northam Lloyd Clarice Elsie Millicent Female Carpenter William Joseph Male Toodyay
1936/4900073 Northam Carpenter William Joseph Male Lloyd Clarice Elsie Millicent Female Toodyay
1936/4900074 Northam Powell Percy Male Maisey Cecilia Ellen Lorna Female Dowerin
1936/4900074 Northam Maisey Cecilia Ellen Lorna Female Powell Percy Male Dowerin
1936/4900075 Northam Ward Sylvia Bertha Maud Female Risdon William Newton Male Merredin
1936/4900075 Northam Risdon William Newton Male Ward Sylvia Bertha Maud Female Merredin
1936/4900076 Northam McPharlin Francis Leslie Male Gadsdon Kathleen Franklin Female Near Toodyay
1936/4900076 Northam Gadsdon Kathleen Franklin Female McPharlin Francis Leslie Male Near Toodyay
1936/4900077 Northam Bodey Norman Matthew Male Povah Lillian Rose Female Nungarin
1936/4900077 Northam Povah Lillian Rose Female Bodey Norman Matthew Male Nungarin
1936/4900078 Northam Lemon James Male Cormack Essie Maria Female Kununoppin
1936/4900078 Northam Cormack Essie Maria Female Lemon James Male Kununoppin
1936/4900079 Northam Walker Edna Jean Female Sides Stanley Langford Male Wongan Hills
1936/4900079 Northam Sides Stanley Langford Male Walker Edna Jean Female Wongan Hills
1936/4900080 Northam Hine May Alice Female Beard Douglas Raymond Male Northam
1936/4900080 Northam Beard Douglas Raymond Male Hine May Alice Female Northam
1936/4900081 Northam Stewart Marjory Agnes Female French John Richard Male Goomalling
1936/4900081 Northam French John Richard Male Stewart Marjory Agnes Female Goomalling
1936/4900082 Northam Williams Emily Mable Female Matthews Roy Robert Male Meckering
1936/4900082 Northam Matthews Roy Robert Male Williams Emily Mable Female Meckering
1938/4900083 Northam Hayden Alen Male Collard Pearl Female Kellerberrin
1936/4900083 Northam Couper Bessie Iris Female Prince Saul Male Old Dowerin
1938/4900083 Northam Collard Pearl Female Hayden Alen Male Kellerberrin
1936/4900083 Northam Prince Saul Male Couper Bessie Iris Female Old Dowerin
1936/4900084 Northam Taggart William Male Jones Havis Mary Zilla Female Dowerin
1936/4900084 Northam Jones Havis Mary Zilla Female Taggart William Male Dowerin
1936/4900085 Northam Winzar John Henry Male Ottey Elsie Hilda Pearl Female Northam
1936/4900085 Northam Ottey Elsie Hilda Pearl Female Winzar John Henry Male Northam
1936/4900086 Northam Millard Evelyn Ann Female Jeffries William Edward Male Kununoppin
1936/4900086 Northam Jeffries William Edward Male Millard Evelyn Ann Female Kununoppin
1936/4900087 Northam Harrison Natalie Hunter Female Tindall Frederick Arthur Male Wyalkatchem
1936/4900087 Northam Tindall Frederick Arthur Male Harrison Natalie Hunter Female Wyalkatchem
1936/4900088 Northam Herrod Lesley Phyllis Female Martin Henry James Male Toodyay
1936/4900088 Northam Martin Henry James Male Herrod Lesley Phyllis Female Toodyay
1936/4900089 Northam Parnham Mary Margaret Female Purser Leslie Gordon Male Northam
1936/4900089 Northam Purser Leslie Gordon Male Parnham Mary Margaret Female Northam
1936/4900090 Northam Bywaters Ada Edna Female Hamming Laurence Charles Leonard Male Northam
1936/4900090 Northam Hamming Laurence Charles Leonard Male Bywaters Ada Edna Female Northam
1936/4900091 Northam Tyndall Eileen May Female Donnelly Arthur Thomas Male Northam
1936/4900091 Northam Donnelly Arthur Thomas Male Tyndall Eileen May Female Northam
1936/4900092 Northam Richardson William Thomas James Male Leighton Mavis Elizabeth Mary Female Koorda
1936/4900092 Northam Leighton Mavis Elizabeth Mary Female Richardson William Thomas James Male Koorda
1936/4900093 Northam Cummings Edna Mavis Laura Female Pickering John William Male Goomalling
1936/4900093 Northam Pickering John William Male Cummings Edna Mavis Laura Female Goomalling
1936/4900094 Northam Bonser Raleigh Horatio Male Taylor Muriel Patty Female Northam
1936/4900094 Northam Taylor Muriel Patty Female Bonser Raleigh Horatio Male Northam
1936/4900095 Northam Craig Francis Albert Male Clausen Thelma Annie Female Kununoppin
1936/4900095 Northam Clausen Thelma Annie Female Craig Francis Albert Male Kununoppin
1936/4900096 Northam Delmage James Leslie Male Bickley Patricia Hope Female Northam
1936/4900096 Northam Bickley Patricia Hope Female Delmage James Leslie Male Northam
1936/4900097 Northam Browning Patty May Female Bail Robert McLean Male Northam
1936/4900097 Northam Bail Robert McLean Male Browning Patty May Female Northam
1936/4900098 Northam Dennis Janet Lucilla Female Beazley Ivan Lance Male Northam
1936/4900098 Northam Beazley Ivan Lance Male Dennis Janet Lucilla Female Northam
1936/4900099 Northam Litchfield Dorothy Maud Female Retallack Vivian Ronald Male Northam
1936/4900099 Northam Retallack Vivian Ronald Male Litchfield Dorothy Maud Female Northam
1936/4900100 Northam Trinidad Robert Male Casey Eileen Eunice Mabel Female Northam
1936/4900100 Northam Casey Eileen Eunice Mabel Female Trinidad Robert Male Northam
1936/4900101 Northam Giblett Leila Lucy Female Nicol Aubrey William Male Northam
1936/4900101 Northam Nicol Aubrey William Male Giblett Leila Lucy Female Northam
1936/4900102 Northam Carr Bindon John Male Chatfield Catherine Elizabeth Gladys Female Tammin
1936/4900102 Northam Chatfield Catherine Elizabeth Gladys Female Carr Bindon John Male Tammin
1936/4900103 Northam Springman Doris Female Mitchell Charles William Alexander Male Northam
1936/4900103 Northam Mitchell Charles William Alexander Male Springman Doris Female Northam
1936/4900104 Northam Eaton James Edward Male Gale Dorothy Evelyn Female Goomalling
1936/4900104 Northam Gale Dorothy Evelyn Female Eaton James Edward Male Goomalling
1936/4900105 Northam Bevan Annabel May Female Bird Melville Frederick Male Northam
1936/4900105 Northam Bird Melville Frederick Male Bevan Annabel May Female Northam
1936/4900106 Northam Beard Madeline May Female Martin Bevan Alfred Male Northam
1936/4900106 Northam Martin Bevan Alfred Male Beard Madeline May Female Northam
1936/4900107 Northam O'Connor Eileen Mary Female Thomas Lloyd Howard Male Merredin
1936/4900107 Northam Thomas Lloyd Howard Male O'Connor Eileen Mary Female Merredin
1936/4900108 Northam Morrell Beth Female Reynolds Jack Preston Male Meckering
1936/4900108 Northam Reynolds Jack Preston Male Morrell Beth Female Meckering
1936/4900109 Northam Morgan Evan Rupert Male Dixon Margaret Jane Female Kellerberrin
1936/4900109 Northam Dixon Margaret Jane Female Morgan Evan Rupert Male Kellerberrin
1936/4900110 Northam Meredith Irene Jessie Female Watson Basil Henry Male Toodyay
1936/4900110 Northam Watson Basil Henry Male Meredith Irene Jessie Female Toodyay
1936/4900111 Northam Lockyer Hazel Josephine Female Flower Glen Gaydon Male Northam
1936/4900111 Northam Flower Glen Gaydon Male Lockyer Hazel Josephine Female Northam
1936/4900112 Northam Gartner George William Male Coles Gladys Female Northam
1936/4900112 Northam Coles Gladys Female Gartner George William Male Northam
1936/4900113 Northam Davidson Alexander Male Bates Dorothy Elizabeth Female Merredin
1936/4900113 Northam Bates Dorothy Elizabeth Female Davidson Alexander Male Merredin
1936/4900114 Northam Knight Rupert Charles Male Felgate Ruth Female Trayning
1936/4900114 Northam Felgate Ruth Female Knight Rupert Charles Male Trayning
1936/4900115 Northam Clapp William Henry Male Lockyer Doris Female Northam
1936/4900115 Northam Lockyer Doris Female Clapp William Henry Male Northam
1936/4900116 Northam Rogers Audrey Francoise May Female Clairs William John Gordon Male Northam
1936/4900116 Northam Clairs William John Gordon Male Rogers Audrey Francoise May Female Northam
1936/4900117 Northam Strudwick Clement Harold Male Northcott Alice Eileen Female Northam
1936/4900117 Northam Northcott Alice Eileen Female Strudwick Clement Harold Male Northam
1936/4900118 Northam Campbell Isobel Osbourne Female Hansen John William Male Kununoppin
1936/4900118 Northam Hansen John William Male Campbell Isobel Osbourne Female Kununoppin
1936/4900119 Northam Sharman Olive Ruby Female Emmott John Leslie Male Dowerin District
1936/4900119 Northam Emmott John Leslie Male Sharman Olive Ruby Female Dowerin District
1936/4900120 Northam Stewart Jack Leslie Male Melville Phyllis Jessie Female Northam
1936/4900120 Northam Melville Phyllis Jessie Female Stewart Jack Leslie Male Northam
1936/4900121 Northam Creed Linda Alice Female O'Brien James Augustine Male Kellerberrin
1936/4900121 Northam O'Brien James Augustine Male Creed Linda Alice Female Kellerberrin
1936/4900122 Northam Mulhall Ellen Mary Female Mulhall Joseph Patrick Male Northam
1936/4900122 Northam Mulhall Joseph Patrick Male Mulhall Ellen Mary Female Northam
1936/4900123 Northam Atkins Hazel Louisa Female McDowall Kevin James Male Meckering
1936/4900123 Northam McDowall Kevin James Male Atkins Hazel Louisa Female Meckering
1936/4900124 Northam Hitchcock Roy Andrew Male Enright Sylvia May Female Northam
1936/4900124 Northam Enright Sylvia May Female Hitchcock Roy Andrew Male Northam
1936/4900125 Northam Smith Ida May Female Markey John Thomas Male Toodyay
1936/4900125 Northam Markey John Thomas Male Smith Ida May Female Toodyay
1936/4900126 Northam Neil Mavis Jean Female Giles Robert Male Northam
1936/4900126 Northam Giles Robert Male Neil Mavis Jean Female Northam
1936/4900127 Northam Gamble Dorothy May Female Hall Peter Leslie Male Wyalkatchem
1936/4900127 Northam Hall Peter Leslie Male Gamble Dorothy May Female Wyalkatchem
1936/4900128 Northam Jolly Sydney Thomas Male Coulson Gladys Lillian Female Nungarin
1936/4900128 Northam Coulson Gladys Lillian Female Jolly Sydney Thomas Male Nungarin
1936/4900129 Northam Connell Kathleen Female Hovey George Male Northam
1936/4900129 Northam Hovey George Male Connell Kathleen Female Northam
1936/4900130 Northam Wally Lily Gladys Female Ponton Patrick Leslie Male Goomalling
1936/4900130 Northam Ponton Patrick Leslie Male Wally Lily Gladys Female Goomalling
1936/4900131 Northam Jackson Albert Ernest Male Turner Ivy Valda Female Wyalkatchem
1936/4900131 Northam Turner Ivy Valda Female Jackson Albert Ernest Male Wyalkatchem
1936/4900132 Northam O'Brien Rose Elizabeth May Female Novak John Newman Male Kellerberrin
1936/4900132 Northam Novak John Newman Male O'Brien Rose Elizabeth May Female Kellerberrin
1936/4900133 Northam Wilson Andrew Male Harder Elizabeth Female Kellerberrin
1936/4900133 Northam Harder Elizabeth Female Wilson Andrew Male Kellerberrin
1936/4900134 Northam Hicks John Clarence Male Johnston Daisy Pearl Female Northam
1936/4900134 Northam Johnston Daisy Pearl Female Hicks John Clarence Male Northam
1936/4900135 Northam Pearson Donald David Male Hewitt Edna Grace Female Goomalling
1936/4900135 Northam Hewitt Edna Grace Female Pearson Donald David Male Goomalling
1936/4900136 Northam Hodges Millicent Loveday Female Thomson Stanley Edward Male Wyalkatchem
1936/4900136 Northam Thomson Stanley Edward Male Hodges Millicent Loveday Female Wyalkatchem
1936/4900137 Northam Blake James Male Martin Edna May Female Northam
1936/4900137 Northam Martin Edna May Female Blake James Male Northam
1936/4900138 Northam Weston Mary Beatrice Female Sunderland Aubrey John Male Northam
1936/4900138 Northam Sunderland Aubrey John Male Weston Mary Beatrice Female Northam
1936/4900139 Northam Sofield Mavis Ena Female Cahill John Thomas Male Merredin
1936/4900139 Northam Cahill John Thomas Male Sofield Mavis Ena Female Merredin
1936/5000001 Northampton Gregory Emily Hale Female Cahill Daniel Joseph Male Northampton
1936/5000001 Northampton Cahill Daniel Joseph Male Gregory Emily Hale Female Northampton
1936/5000002 Northampton Johnson Arthur Charles Leonard Male Paterson Constance Eileen Female Northampton
1936/5000002 Northampton Paterson Constance Eileen Female Johnson Arthur Charles Leonard Male Northampton
1936/5000003 Northampton Bean Sydney Male Henville Edna Ivy Female Northampton
1936/5000003 Northampton Henville Edna Ivy Female Bean Sydney Male Northampton
1936/5000004 Northampton Oxenham Frederick Male Hilton Doris Female Northampton
1936/5000004 Northampton Hilton Doris Female Oxenham Frederick Male Northampton
1936/5000005 Northampton Husbands Alfred Thomas Male Bridgeman Ethel Rose Female Northampton
1936/5000005 Northampton Bridgeman Ethel Rose Female Husbands Alfred Thomas Male Northampton
1936/5000006 Northampton Penn Sarah Elizabeth Female Smith David Robert Male Nabawa
1936/5000006 Northampton Smith David Robert Male Penn Sarah Elizabeth Female Nabawa
1936/5000007 Northampton Hazlitt Samuel Charles Male Williams Jessie Mary Female Northampton
1936/5000007 Northampton Williams Jessie Mary Female Hazlitt Samuel Charles Male Northampton
1936/5000008 Northampton Knowles Eileen Beatrice Female Clifton Athol Gervase Male Northampton
1936/5000008 Northampton Clifton Athol Gervase Male Knowles Eileen Beatrice Female Northampton
1936/5000009 Northampton Forrester Hilda Fay Female Criddle Neil Bufton Male Northampton
1936/5000009 Northampton Criddle Neil Bufton Male Forrester Hilda Fay Female Northampton
1936/5000010 Northampton Kennedy Ethel Mary Female Pollett Philip Lawrence Male Northampton
1936/5000010 Northampton Pollett Philip Lawrence Male Kennedy Ethel Mary Female Northampton
1936/5000011 Northampton Brennan John Male Harrison Mary Female Northampton
1936/5000011 Northampton Harrison Mary Female Brennan John Male Northampton
1936/5000012 Northampton Robson Ann Elizabeth Female Salter Joseph Male Northampton
1936/5000012 Northampton Salter Joseph Male Robson Ann Elizabeth Female Northampton
1936/5000013 Northampton Teakle Edith Clarissa Female Selden Richard Sydney John Male Northampton
1936/5000013 Northampton Selden Richard Sydney John Male Teakle Edith Clarissa Female Northampton
1936/5000014 Northampton Criddle Douglas Roy Male Cahill Alice Female Nabawa
1936/5000014 Northampton Cahill Alice Female Criddle Douglas Roy Male Nabawa
1936/5000015 Northampton Kember Ronald Francis Male O'Donnell Katherine Elizabeth Female Northampton
1936/5000015 Northampton O'Donnell Katherine Elizabeth Female Kember Ronald Francis Male Northampton
1936/5000016 Northampton Ronan Arnold Male Callaghan Johanna Margaret Female Nabawa
1936/5000016 Northampton Callaghan Johanna Margaret Female Ronan Arnold Male Nabawa
1936/5000017 Northampton Drage Edna Constance Female Cuneo Frederick Anthony Male Northampton
1936/5000017 Northampton Cuneo Frederick Anthony Male Drage Edna Constance Female Northampton
1936/5100001 Peak Hill Hayward Edna Mary Female Reynolds Alfred Phillip Male Peak Hill
1936/5100001 Peak Hill Reynolds Alfred Phillip Male Hayward Edna Mary Female Peak Hill
1937/5400001 Plantagenet Potter Catherine Hunter Terris Female Butler Charles Male Group 92
1937/5400001 Plantagenet Butler Charles Male Potter Catherine Hunter Terris Female Group 92
1937/5400002 Plantagenet Thornton Kathleen Winifred Female Pearce George Edward Male Denmark
1937/5400002 Plantagenet Pearce George Edward Male Thornton Kathleen Winifred Female Denmark
1936/5400004 Plantagenet O'Neill Thelma Jean Female Thompson Newton Lionel Male Albany
1936/5400004 Plantagenet Thompson Newton Lionel Male O'Neill Thelma Jean Female Albany
1937/5400004 Plantagenet Basilico Flora Mary Female Marshall Richard John Male Albany
1937/5400004 Plantagenet Marshall Richard John Male Basilico Flora Mary Female Albany
1936/5400005 Plantagenet Barr David Male Smith Elsie Female Albany
1937/5400005 Plantagenet Knaggs Kathleen Female Douglas Charles Owen Male Albany
1936/5400005 Plantagenet Smith Elsie Female Barr David Male Albany
1937/5400005 Plantagenet Douglas Charles Owen Male Knaggs Kathleen Female Albany
1936/5400006 Plantagenet Ward Elsie Female Young Edward Gordon Male Mt Barker
1936/5400006 Plantagenet Young Edward Gordon Male Ward Elsie Female Mt Barker
1936/5400010 Plantagenet Moir Edward George Male Lelford Claribel May Female Albany
1936/5400010 Plantagenet Lelford Claribel May Female Moir Edward George Male Albany
1936/5400011 Plantagenet Webster John Geoffrey Male Martin Holly Ann Female Albany
1936/5400011 Plantagenet Martin Holly Ann Female Webster John Geoffrey Male Albany
1936/5400012 Plantagenet Watson Henry Storrar Male Robertson Agnes Shaw Female Albany
1936/5400012 Plantagenet Robertson Agnes Shaw Female Watson Henry Storrar Male Albany
1936/5400013 Plantagenet Stent Annie Louisa Female Groves Robert Hamilton Male Tambellup
1936/5400013 Plantagenet Groves Robert Hamilton Male Stent Annie Louisa Female Tambellup
1936/5400014 Plantagenet Potter Dorothy Gladys Female Woodhall Edward James Male Albany
1936/5400014 Plantagenet Woodhall Edward James Male Potter Dorothy Gladys Female Albany
1936/5400015 Plantagenet Organ Margaret Josephine Female Hawkins Wybourn Parker Male Mt Barker
1936/5400015 Plantagenet Hawkins Wybourn Parker Male Organ Margaret Josephine Female Mt Barker
1936/5400016 Plantagenet Scott Norman Anderson Male Warner Florence Emma Female Denmark
1936/5400016 Plantagenet Warner Florence Emma Female Scott Norman Anderson Male Denmark
1936/5400017 Plantagenet Jackson Myrtle Elaine Margaret Female Edwards John Alderson Male Albany
1936/5400017 Plantagenet Edwards John Alderson Male Jackson Myrtle Elaine Margaret Female Albany
1936/5400018 Plantagenet Togno Mary Female Bassi Jack Amabile Male Albany
1936/5400018 Plantagenet Bassi Jack Amabile Male Togno Mary Female Albany
1936/5400019 Plantagenet Jennings Robert Basil Male Rahaley Violet May Female Albany
1936/5400019 Plantagenet Rahaley Violet May Female Jennings Robert Basil Male Albany
1936/5400020 Plantagenet Sambell Clarence James Male Sinnott Rita May Female Albany
1936/5400020 Plantagenet Sinnott Rita May Female Sambell Clarence James Male Albany
1936/5400021 Plantagenet Cordery Marjorie Minnie Female Ralph Arthur Male Albany
1936/5400021 Plantagenet Ralph Arthur Male Cordery Marjorie Minnie Female Albany
1936/5400022 Plantagenet Holmes Rhoda Alexandria Female McDougall Glen Male Albany
1936/5400022 Plantagenet McDougall Glen Male Holmes Rhoda Alexandria Female Albany
1936/5400023 Plantagenet Day Donald Pepler Male Whiteford Dorothy Blodwen Blake Female Albany
1936/5400023 Plantagenet Whiteford Dorothy Blodwen Blake Female Day Donald Pepler Male Albany
1936/5400024 Plantagenet Watt Dorothy Ida Female Flynn Francis Albert Male Albany
1936/5400024 Plantagenet Flynn Francis Albert Male Watt Dorothy Ida Female Albany
1936/5400025 Plantagenet Barnsley Marjorie Female Stockins Walter Arthur Male Albany
1936/5400025 Plantagenet Stockins Walter Arthur Male Barnsley Marjorie Female Albany
1936/5400026 Plantagenet Pedersen Elsie Hilda Carter Female Gee George Richard Male Albany
1936/5400026 Plantagenet Gee George Richard Male Pedersen Elsie Hilda Carter Female Albany
1936/5400027 Plantagenet Webber John Henry Male Myers Nora Female Denmark
1936/5400027 Plantagenet Myers Nora Female Webber John Henry Male Denmark
1936/5400028 Plantagenet McBride Robert Charles Male Fox Fanny Selina Bowley Female Albany
1936/5400028 Plantagenet Fox Fanny Selina Bowley Female McBride Robert Charles Male Albany
1936/5400029 Plantagenet Thomas Margery Edna Female Pomery Havelyn Harold Male Carmarthen
1936/5400029 Plantagenet Pomery Havelyn Harold Male Thomas Margery Edna Female Carmarthen
1936/5400030 Plantagenet Beilby Patricia Elizabeth Courtney Female Tunney John Norrish Male Tambellup
1936/5400030 Plantagenet Tunney John Norrish Male Beilby Patricia Elizabeth Courtney Female Tambellup
1936/5400031 Plantagenet Hambley Rose Jane Female Brooks Thomas Male Mount Barker
1936/5400031 Plantagenet Brooks Thomas Male Hambley Rose Jane Female Mount Barker
1936/5400032 Plantagenet Kell Katherine Hope Borrett Female Mackintosh Ian Francis Male Albany
1936/5400032 Plantagenet Mackintosh Ian Francis Male Kell Katherine Hope Borrett Female Albany
1936/5400033 Plantagenet Tanner Queenie Mavis Female Heath John Henry Male Albany
1936/5400033 Plantagenet Heath John Henry Male Tanner Queenie Mavis Female Albany
1936/5400034 Plantagenet Robins Ethel May Female Strike Charles Henry Male Albany
1936/5400034 Plantagenet Strike Charles Henry Male Robins Ethel May Female Albany
1936/5400035 Plantagenet Procter Edna Mary Female Smith Leslie Hector Male Denmark
1936/5400035 Plantagenet Smith Leslie Hector Male Procter Edna Mary Female Denmark
1936/5400036 Plantagenet Cooper Edith Marguerite May Female Hawthorn John Thomas Male Mortigallup
1936/5400036 Plantagenet Hawthorn John Thomas Male Cooper Edith Marguerite May Female Mortigallup
1936/5400037 Plantagenet Forward Eva Jane Female Felton Charles Francis Male Albany
1936/5400037 Plantagenet Felton Charles Francis Male Forward Eva Jane Female Albany
1936/5400038 Plantagenet Procter Hilda Female Sing Frederick Gorman Male Denmark
1936/5400038 Plantagenet Sing Frederick Gorman Male Procter Hilda Female Denmark
1936/5400039 Plantagenet Riches Robin Barringer Male Clemesha Florence Jessie Female Albany
1936/5400039 Plantagenet Clemesha Florence Jessie Female Riches Robin Barringer Male Albany
1936/5400040 Plantagenet Stilborn Florence May Female Doggett William John Male Albany
1936/5400040 Plantagenet Doggett William John Male Stilborn Florence May Female Albany
1936/5400041 Plantagenet Etheridge Alan Richard Price Male Potts Ellen Margaret Female Mount Barker
1936/5400041 Plantagenet Potts Ellen Margaret Female Etheridge Alan Richard Price Male Mount Barker
1936/5400042 Plantagenet Vigus Barbara Mary Female Burnett Bertram Christopher Male Denmark
1936/5400042 Plantagenet Burnett Bertram Christopher Male Vigus Barbara Mary Female Denmark
1936/5400043 Plantagenet Hamilton Lorna Florence Female Redman Harold Stott Male Denmark
1936/5400043 Plantagenet Redman Harold Stott Male Hamilton Lorna Florence Female Denmark
1936/5400044 Plantagenet Piggott Eric Joseph Male Mitchell Vera Ella Female Torbay
1936/5400044 Plantagenet Mitchell Vera Ella Female Piggott Eric Joseph Male Torbay
1936/5400045 Plantagenet Toovey Kathleen Florence Female Armstrong Alfred Lester Gordon Male Mount Barker
1936/5400045 Plantagenet Armstrong Alfred Lester Gordon Male Toovey Kathleen Florence Female Mount Barker
1936/5400046 Plantagenet Moore Silas James Male Black Alma Adeline Female Mount Barker
1936/5400046 Plantagenet Black Alma Adeline Female Moore Silas James Male Mount Barker
1936/5400047 Plantagenet Green Edith Amelia Female Nash Arthur William Male Albany
1936/5400047 Plantagenet Nash Arthur William Male Green Edith Amelia Female Albany
1936/5400048 Plantagenet Madgen Robert Hubert Male Gale Dora Female Albany
1936/5400048 Plantagenet Gale Dora Female Madgen Robert Hubert Male Albany
1936/5400049 Plantagenet Johnson Clare Female Cronin Michael Roy Male Albany
1936/5400049 Plantagenet Cronin Michael Roy Male Johnson Clare Female Albany
1936/5400050 Plantagenet Wood Abner David Male Bail Eileen Alma Female Narrikup
1936/5400050 Plantagenet Bail Eileen Alma Female Wood Abner David Male Narrikup
1936/5400051 Plantagenet Inge William Thomas Henry Male Sounness Ethel Emily Female Mt Barker
1936/5400051 Plantagenet Sounness Ethel Emily Female Inge William Thomas Henry Male Mt Barker
1936/5400052 Plantagenet Brotherton Olga Glave Female Board Philip Male Mount Barker
1936/5400052 Plantagenet Board Philip Male Brotherton Olga Glave Female Mount Barker
1936/5400053 Plantagenet Nicol Walter Male Love Irene Female Albany
1936/5400053 Plantagenet Love Irene Female Nicol Walter Male Albany
1936/5400054 Plantagenet Milne Lucille Charlotte Female Croxford Harold Male Albany
1936/5400054 Plantagenet Croxford Harold Male Milne Lucille Charlotte Female Albany
1936/5400055 Plantagenet Fitzgerald Charles John Male Hodgson Margaret Female Tambellup
1936/5400055 Plantagenet Hodgson Margaret Female Fitzgerald Charles John Male Tambellup
1936/5400056 Plantagenet Wilson Dora Female Hay Alexander Hector Male Albany
1936/5400056 Plantagenet Hay Alexander Hector Male Wilson Dora Female Albany
1936/5400057 Plantagenet Craib Thomas Andrew Male Turner Iris Wright Female Albany
1936/5400057 Plantagenet Turner Iris Wright Female Craib Thomas Andrew Male Albany
1936/5400058 Plantagenet Watkins Frank Longworth Male Adams Janet Amy Jean Female Mt Barker
1936/5400058 Plantagenet Adams Janet Amy Jean Female Watkins Frank Longworth Male Mt Barker
1936/5400059 Plantagenet Coleman Frederick Henry Male Dale Margaret Agnes Female Albany
1936/5400059 Plantagenet Dale Margaret Agnes Female Coleman Frederick Henry Male Albany
1936/5400060 Plantagenet Ferguson Annie Fraser Female Sutherland William Male Mount Barker
1936/5400060 Plantagenet Sutherland William Male Ferguson Annie Fraser Female Mount Barker
1936/5400061 Plantagenet Tomney Eugene Edward Male Saggers Constance Elsie Gwendoline Female Tambellup
1936/5400061 Plantagenet Saggers Constance Elsie Gwendoline Female Tomney Eugene Edward Male Tambellup
1936/5400062 Plantagenet Faulkner Robin Austin Male Foster Constance Florence May Female Porongorups
1936/5400062 Plantagenet Foster Constance Florence May Female Faulkner Robin Austin Male Porongorups
1936/5400063 Plantagenet Dunn Irene Alice Female Pearson George Chessell Male Albany
1936/5400063 Plantagenet Pearson George Chessell Male Dunn Irene Alice Female Albany
1936/5400064 Plantagenet Pedler Eva Lillian Sarah Female Newby Joseph Male Albany
1936/5400064 Plantagenet Newby Joseph Male Pedler Eva Lillian Sarah Female Albany
1936/5400065 Plantagenet Lamb Edith Beryl Female Collins Frederick Thomas Male Mt Barker
1936/5400065 Plantagenet Collins Frederick Thomas Male Lamb Edith Beryl Female Mt Barker
1936/5400066 Plantagenet Donohoe Florence May Female Willcocks Sydney Hilton Male Mt Barker
1936/5400066 Plantagenet Willcocks Sydney Hilton Male Donohoe Florence May Female Mt Barker
1936/5400067 Plantagenet Groves Clara Emmeline Female Cantwell Roland Daniel Male Albany
1936/5400067 Plantagenet Cantwell Roland Daniel Male Groves Clara Emmeline Female Albany
1936/5400068 Plantagenet Ricketts Elsie Marion Female Williams Ernest Alfred Male Albany
1936/5400068 Plantagenet Williams Ernest Alfred Male Ricketts Elsie Marion Female Albany
1936/5400069 Plantagenet Rae Georgina Female Waite Alfred Leslie Male Porongorups
1936/5400069 Plantagenet Waite Alfred Leslie Male Rae Georgina Female Porongorups
1936/5400070 Plantagenet Collins Francis Patrick Male Sounness Marion Lorna Female Mount Barker
1936/5400070 Plantagenet Sounness Marion Lorna Female Collins Francis Patrick Male Mount Barker
1936/5400071 Plantagenet Trezise Althea Female Vaughan Francis Charles Midford Male Albany
1936/5400071 Plantagenet Vaughan Francis Charles Midford Male Trezise Althea Female Albany
1936/5400072 Plantagenet Jessop Ida Mary Female Hambley Alonza John Male Albany
1936/5400072 Plantagenet Hambley Alonza John Male Jessop Ida Mary Female Albany
1936/5400073 Plantagenet Moir Freda Madge Female Smith Ernest George Male Albany
1936/5400073 Plantagenet Smith Ernest George Male Moir Freda Madge Female Albany
1936/5400074 Plantagenet Halliday Edith Mary Female Hutchings Roy Male Albany
1936/5400074 Plantagenet Hutchings Roy Male Halliday Edith Mary Female Albany
1936/5400075 Plantagenet Jackson Mary Therese Female Hill Hugh James Male Albany
1936/5400075 Plantagenet Hill Hugh James Male Jackson Mary Therese Female Albany
1936/5400076 Plantagenet Andrews Frederick Henry Male Green Kathleen Ruth Female Albany
1936/5400076 Plantagenet Green Kathleen Ruth Female Andrews Frederick Henry Male Albany
1936/5400077 Plantagenet Northcott Eunice Ethel Pascho Female Franklin Ronald Stanley Male Albany
1936/5400077 Plantagenet Franklin Ronald Stanley Male Northcott Eunice Ethel Pascho Female Albany
1936/5400078 Plantagenet Hambley Irene Doris Female North Stanley Francis Male Mt Barker
1936/5400078 Plantagenet North Stanley Francis Male Hambley Irene Doris Female Mt Barker
1936/5400079 Plantagenet O'Neill Alexander Thomas Male Clark Irene Veronica Female Albany
1936/5400079 Plantagenet Clark Irene Veronica Female O'Neill Alexander Thomas Male Albany
1936/5400080 Plantagenet Dennhardt Ruth Annie Female Herbert David James Male Mount Barker
1936/5400080 Plantagenet Herbert David James Male Dennhardt Ruth Annie Female Mount Barker
1936/5500001 Port Hedland Jarvis Rachel May Female Russell Alexander Male Port Hedland
1936/5500001 Port Hedland Russell Alexander Male Jarvis Rachel May Female Port Hedland
1936/5500002 Port Hedland Nipper - Male Nullagine Flossie Female Port Hedland
1936/5500002 Port Hedland Nullagine Flossie Female Nipper - Male Port Hedland
1936/5500003 Port Hedland Clarke Sussanna Philomena Female Lockyer Arnold Alexander Male Port Hedland
1936/5500003 Port Hedland Lockyer Arnold Alexander Male Clarke Sussanna Philomena Female Port Hedland
1936/5500004 Port Hedland Eldridge Mervyn Male Gregory Phylis Female Port Hedland
1936/5500004 Port Hedland Gregory Phylis Female Eldridge Mervyn Male Port Hedland
1936/5500005 Port Hedland Smart David Edgar Male Bignell Dolly Margaret Female Port Hedland
1936/5500005 Port Hedland Bignell Dolly Margaret Female Smart David Edgar Male Port Hedland
1936/5500006 Port Hedland James Norman Henry Male Parker Eileen Iles Female Port Hedland
1936/5500006 Port Hedland Parker Eileen Iles Female James Norman Henry Male Port Hedland
1936/5500007 Port Hedland Lockyer George Male Gregory Mary Female Port Hedland
1936/5500007 Port Hedland Gregory Mary Female Lockyer George Male Port Hedland
1936/5500008 Port Hedland Lawson Henry Cuthbert Male Gilbert Eunicia Female Port Hedland
1936/5500008 Port Hedland Gilbert Eunicia Female Lawson Henry Cuthbert Male Port Hedland
1936/5500009 Port Hedland Gray Allen Male Porter Agnes Female Port Hedland
1936/5500009 Port Hedland Porter Agnes Female Gray Allen Male Port Hedland
1936/5500010 Port Hedland McDonald Agnes Mary Female Baird Campbell John Male Port Hedland
1936/5500010 Port Hedland Baird Campbell John Male McDonald Agnes Mary Female Port Hedland
1936/5500011 Port Hedland McPherson Mable Ada Female Blight Claude Arthur Male Port Hedland
1936/5500011 Port Hedland Blight Claude Arthur Male McPherson Mable Ada Female Port Hedland
1936/5600001 Roebourne De Vaurno Bernard Carter Male Burke Mary Margaret Female Roebourne
1936/5600001 Roebourne Burke Mary Margaret Female De Vaurno Bernard Carter Male Roebourne
1936/5600002 Roebourne Hetherington Mary Lettitia Female Naughton Alexander David Male Roebourne
1936/5600002 Roebourne Naughton Alexander David Male Hetherington Mary Lettitia Female Roebourne
1936/5600003 Roebourne White Clare Female May David Oswald Male Roebourne
1936/5600003 Roebourne May David Oswald Male White Clare Female Roebourne
1936/5600004 Roebourne McCamey Margaret Stella Female Ingram Edward Walter George Male Roebourne
1936/5600004 Roebourne Ingram Edward Walter George Male McCamey Margaret Stella Female Roebourne
1937/6000001 Sussex Stallard Irene Fanny Female Longbottom Henry Stephen Male Busselton
1937/6000001 Sussex Longbottom Henry Stephen Male Stallard Irene Fanny Female Busselton
1936/6000002 Sussex Barrett Dorothy Isabel Female Dowell Richard Henry James Male Busselton
1936/6000002 Sussex Dowell Richard Henry James Male Barrett Dorothy Isabel Female Busselton
1937/6000002 Sussex Starling May Female Smith Joseph Patrick Male Busselton
1937/6000002 Sussex Smith Joseph Patrick Male Starling May Female Busselton
1936/6000003 Sussex Oversby George William Male Soulsby Millicent Mary Female Karridale
1936/6000003 Sussex Soulsby Millicent Mary Female Oversby George William Male Karridale
1936/6000004 Sussex Hollands Joan Evelyn Female Parry Benjamin David Male Margaret River
1936/6000004 Sussex Parry Benjamin David Male Hollands Joan Evelyn Female Margaret River
1936/6000005 Sussex Payne Isabelle Grace Female Hally Luke Edward Male Busselton
1936/6000005 Sussex Hally Luke Edward Male Payne Isabelle Grace Female Busselton
1936/6000006 Sussex Meleri Maria Jean Female Puzey Frederick Richard Male Yallingup
1936/6000006 Sussex Puzey Frederick Richard Male Meleri Maria Jean Female Yallingup
1936/6000007 Sussex Klaehn Frederick Ebenezer Charles Male Lindsay Kathleen Helen Female Busselton
1936/6000007 Sussex Lindsay Kathleen Helen Female Klaehn Frederick Ebenezer Charles Male Busselton
1936/6000008 Sussex Klaehn Kathleen Female Boyle Reginald Ernest Male Busselton
1936/6000008 Sussex Boyle Reginald Ernest Male Klaehn Kathleen Female Busselton
1936/6000009 Sussex Bruce Sylvia Irene Female Ellis John Edward Male Nannup
1936/6000009 Sussex Ellis John Edward Male Bruce Sylvia Irene Female Nannup
1936/6000010 Sussex Lowrie Vincent James Male Hart Beatrice Joan Female Metricup
1936/6000010 Sussex Hart Beatrice Joan Female Lowrie Vincent James Male Metricup
1936/6000011 Sussex Bennett Doris Rhoda Female Reilly Frederick Stanfield Llewellyn Male Busselton
1936/6000011 Sussex Reilly Frederick Stanfield Llewellyn Male Bennett Doris Rhoda Female Busselton
1936/6000012 Sussex Richardson Marjorie Florence Female Ewing Mortimer Gerald Male Witchcliffe
1936/6000012 Sussex Ewing Mortimer Gerald Male Richardson Marjorie Florence Female Witchcliffe
1936/6000013 Sussex Franks Melvin Male Oversby Helen Female Karridale
1936/6000013 Sussex Oversby Helen Female Franks Melvin Male Karridale
1936/6000014 Sussex Powell Frances May Female Bussell Lionel Wilfred Male Busselton
1936/6000014 Sussex Bussell Lionel Wilfred Male Powell Frances May Female Busselton
1936/6000015 Sussex Stallard Percival George Male Spitz Millie Hermine Female Busselton
1936/6000015 Sussex Spitz Millie Hermine Female Stallard Percival George Male Busselton
1936/6000016 Sussex Collett Frederick William Male O'Reilly Magdalyn Gladys Ryan Female Busselton
1936/6000016 Sussex O'Reilly Magdalyn Gladys Ryan Female Collett Frederick William Male Busselton
1936/6000017 Sussex Evenson Thelma Female Burton Arthur Reginald Winston Male Busselton
1936/6000017 Sussex Burton Arthur Reginald Winston Male Evenson Thelma Female Busselton
1936/6000018 Sussex Abbott Margaret Female Prince James William Male Margaret River
1936/6000018 Sussex Prince James William Male Abbott Margaret Female Margaret River
1936/6000019 Sussex Kinsella Thomas Edward Male Bell Ruby Irene Female Busselton
1936/6000019 Sussex Bell Ruby Irene Female Kinsella Thomas Edward Male Busselton
1936/6000020 Sussex Hollis Alwyn Alfred Logan Male Walsh Ivy Janet Female Busselton
1936/6000020 Sussex Walsh Ivy Janet Female Hollis Alwyn Alfred Logan Male Busselton
1936/6000021 Sussex Oversby George William Male Meads Kathleen May Female Karridale
1936/6000021 Sussex Meads Kathleen May Female Oversby George William Male Karridale
1936/6000022 Sussex Allum Clarice Sarah Female Tester Frederick Charles Male Margaret River
1936/6000022 Sussex Tester Frederick Charles Male Allum Clarice Sarah Female Margaret River
1936/6000023 Sussex Smith Ernest George Thurkle Male Putland Maisie Lilian Female Busselton
1936/6000023 Sussex Putland Maisie Lilian Female Smith Ernest George Thurkle Male Busselton
1936/6000024 Sussex Henderson Faith Jessica Female Adamson Colin Gilbrandson Male Busselton
1936/6000024 Sussex Adamson Colin Gilbrandson Male Henderson Faith Jessica Female Busselton
1936/6000025 Sussex Cowley Pearl Mary Agnes Female Bruce Arthur James Male Busselton
1936/6000025 Sussex Bruce Arthur James Male Cowley Pearl Mary Agnes Female Busselton
1936/6000026 Sussex Gregory Dorothy Annie Female Coley William Albert Male Busselton
1936/6000026 Sussex Coley William Albert Male Gregory Dorothy Annie Female Busselton
1936/6000027 Sussex Bradburn Edward Male Dahlberg Mildred Elvera Female Augusta
1936/6000027 Sussex Dahlberg Mildred Elvera Female Bradburn Edward Male Augusta
1936/6000028 Sussex Guthrie George Male Blain Ethel Hutchens Female Witchcliffe
1936/6000028 Sussex Blain Ethel Hutchens Female Guthrie George Male Witchcliffe
1936/6000029 Sussex Meleri Femia Eva Female Puzey Sidney Male Yallingup
1936/6000029 Sussex Puzey Sidney Male Meleri Femia Eva Female Yallingup
1936/6000030 Sussex Davis George Albert Male Taylor Olive Muriel Female Busselton
1936/6000030 Sussex Taylor Olive Muriel Female Davis George Albert Male Busselton
1936/6000031 Sussex Lee George Henry Male Bradfield Olive May Female Margaret River
1936/6000031 Sussex Bradfield Olive May Female Lee George Henry Male Margaret River
1936/6000032 Sussex Hopes William Ernest Male Percy Mary Eileen Female Cowaramup
1936/6000032 Sussex Percy Mary Eileen Female Hopes William Ernest Male Cowaramup
1936/6000033 Sussex Rutherford Pearl Edith Female Driver Alan Male Busselton
1936/6000033 Sussex Driver Alan Male Rutherford Pearl Edith Female Busselton
1937/6100001 Swan Knowles George William Male Tilbrook Silvia Doreen Adelaide Female Mundaring
1937/6100001 Swan Tilbrook Silvia Doreen Adelaide Female Knowles George William Male Mundaring
1937/6100003 Swan Hanser Walter Male Dempsey Emma Maria Female Guildford
1937/6100003 Swan Dempsey Emma Maria Female Hanser Walter Male Guildford
1937/6100004 Swan McGovern Michael John Male Calnon Eileen Mary Female Midland Junction
1937/6100004 Swan Calnon Eileen Mary Female McGovern Michael John Male Midland Junction
1937/6100005 Swan Farcich Mara Female Bacich Tony Male Midland Junction
1937/6100005 Swan Bacich Tony Male Farcich Mara Female Midland Junction
1936/6100005 Swan Johnson Mary Mona Female Ewing Robert John Male Midland Junction
1936/6100005 Swan Ewing Robert John Male Johnson Mary Mona Female Midland Junction
1936/6100006 Swan Howard Frank Albert Male Hampson Vera Female Guildford
1936/6100006 Swan Hampson Vera Female Howard Frank Albert Male Guildford
1937/6100006 Swan Pratley Francis William Male McGregor Hilda May Female Midland Junction
1937/6100006 Swan McGregor Hilda May Female Pratley Francis William Male Midland Junction
1936/6100007 Swan Ladhams Walter Male Worth Ilma Olive Female Guildford
1937/6100007 Swan Prosperi Virginia Female Marchetti Dominic Male Midland Junction
1936/6100007 Swan Worth Ilma Olive Female Ladhams Walter Male Guildford
1937/6100007 Swan Marchetti Dominic Male Prosperi Virginia Female Midland Junction
1936/6100008 Swan Huggett George Edward Male Giddons Violet Female Guildford
1936/6100008 Swan Giddons Violet Female Huggett George Edward Male Guildford
1936/6100009 Swan Smith George Baden Barker Male Mackenzie Kathleen May Female Bassendean
1936/6100009 Swan Mackenzie Kathleen May Female Smith George Baden Barker Male Bassendean
1936/6100010 Swan Bradford Frederick Edgar Male Mildwaters Joyce Franklin Female Guildford
1936/6100010 Swan Mildwaters Joyce Franklin Female Bradford Frederick Edgar Male Guildford
1936/6100011 Swan Gouldson Edith May Female Emery Clarence Allan Male Guildford
1936/6100011 Swan Emery Clarence Allan Male Gouldson Edith May Female Guildford
1936/6100012 Swan Field John Charles Male Pengilly Olive Millicent Female Guildford
1936/6100012 Swan Pengilly Olive Millicent Female Field John Charles Male Guildford
1936/6100013 Swan Wilson Robert Samuel Male Emms Marjorie Female Guildford
1936/6100013 Swan Emms Marjorie Female Wilson Robert Samuel Male Guildford
1936/6100014 Swan Stribley Albert William Male Cox Irene May Female Guildford
1936/6100014 Swan Cox Irene May Female Stribley Albert William Male Guildford
1936/6100015 Swan May Iris Female Murphy Patrick Joseph Male Midland Junction
1936/6100015 Swan Murphy Patrick Joseph Male May Iris Female Midland Junction
1936/6100016 Swan Sivyer Kenneth John Male Catto Edna Florence Female Midland Junction
1936/6100016 Swan Catto Edna Florence Female Sivyer Kenneth John Male Midland Junction
1936/6100017 Swan Ryan Edward Vincin Male Stevenson Elizabeth Bridges Female Guildford
1936/6100017 Swan Stevenson Elizabeth Bridges Female Ryan Edward Vincin Male Guildford
1936/6100018 Swan Watson Ada Jean Female Moyle William Wilson Male Mundaring
1936/6100018 Swan Moyle William Wilson Male Watson Ada Jean Female Mundaring
1936/6100019 Swan Ford Sydney Charles Male Sleight Melinda Evelyn Female Bassendean
1936/6100019 Swan Sleight Melinda Evelyn Female Ford Sydney Charles Male Bassendean
1936/6100020 Swan Roberts Ina Winifred Female Hunt Leonard William Male Bassendean
1936/6100020 Swan Hunt Leonard William Male Roberts Ina Winifred Female Bassendean
1936/6100021 Swan Jones Leonard Wesley Male Sargeant Gladys Female Midland Junction
1936/6100021 Swan Sargeant Gladys Female Jones Leonard Wesley Male Midland Junction
1936/6100022 Swan Besch Bertie Francis Male Ewing Doris Mabel Female Guildford
1936/6100022 Swan Ewing Doris Mabel Female Besch Bertie Francis Male Guildford
1936/6100023 Swan Paddick Donald Angus Male Hillman Phyllis Beryl Female Midland Junction
1936/6100023 Swan Hillman Phyllis Beryl Female Paddick Donald Angus Male Midland Junction
1936/6100024 Swan Buxton James Joseph Male Stokes Alma Jean Patricia Female Midland Junction
1936/6100024 Swan Stokes Alma Jean Patricia Female Buxton James Joseph Male Midland Junction
1936/6100025 Swan Cavey Percy Kitchener Male Rogers Vera May Female Bassendean
1936/6100025 Swan Rogers Vera May Female Cavey Percy Kitchener Male Bassendean
1936/6100026 Swan Hitchcock Lola Margaret Female Ellery Andrew Maxwell Male Middle Swan
1936/6100026 Swan Ellery Andrew Maxwell Male Hitchcock Lola Margaret Female Middle Swan
1936/6100027 Swan Rae Eleanor Female Pease Herbert Male Middle Swan
1936/6100027 Swan Pease Herbert Male Rae Eleanor Female Middle Swan
1936/6100028 Swan Connell Wilfrid Owen McGlew Male Hemming Eileen Marjorie Female Parkerville
1936/6100028 Swan Hemming Eileen Marjorie Female Connell Wilfrid Owen McGlew Male Parkerville
1936/6100029 Swan Godfrey Leslie Male Robinson Marjorie May Female Midland Junction
1936/6100029 Swan Robinson Marjorie May Female Godfrey Leslie Male Midland Junction
1936/6100030 Swan Billing Amy Emilee Female Potter Bartholomew Charles Hamilton Male Guildford
1936/6100030 Swan Potter Bartholomew Charles Hamilton Male Billing Amy Emilee Female Guildford
1936/6100031 Swan Iredale Herbert Male Fox Mabel Female Guildford
1936/6100031 Swan Fox Mabel Female Iredale Herbert Male Guildford
1936/6100032 Swan Allbeury Norman John Goding Male Hood Maida Hope Female Guildford
1936/6100032 Swan Hood Maida Hope Female Allbeury Norman John Goding Male Guildford
1936/6100033 Swan Ferguson Doreen Female Clements Reginald Percy Male Midland Junction
1936/6100033 Swan Clements Reginald Percy Male Ferguson Doreen Female Midland Junction
1936/6100034 Swan Thorley David Leonard Male Happ Rosalind Louise Female Guildford
1936/6100034 Swan Happ Rosalind Louise Female Thorley David Leonard Male Guildford
1936/6100035 Swan Smith Richard Male Crowe Muriel Edith Female Bellevue
1936/6100035 Swan Crowe Muriel Edith Female Smith Richard Male Bellevue
1936/6100036 Swan Davies Olive Agnes Female Wilson Percy Douglas Humphrey Male Guildford
1936/6100036 Swan Wilson Percy Douglas Humphrey Male Davies Olive Agnes Female Guildford
1936/6100037 Swan Barry Madeline Alice Female Pellow William John Ivan Male Guildford
1936/6100037 Swan Pellow William John Ivan Male Barry Madeline Alice Female Guildford
1936/6100038 Swan Jones Ellis Alfred Male Cook Mavis Janet Female Guildford
1936/6100038 Swan Cook Mavis Janet Female Jones Ellis Alfred Male Guildford
1936/6100039 Swan Freer James Male Hunter Mabel Blanche Female Midland Junction
1936/6100039 Swan Hunter Mabel Blanche Female Freer James Male Midland Junction
1936/6100040 Swan Butt Mavis Eva Female Smith Neil Backshall Male Midland Junction
1936/6100040 Swan Smith Neil Backshall Male Butt Mavis Eva Female Midland Junction
1936/6100041 Swan Anderson Beryl Mavis Female Montagu Leonard William Male Guildford
1936/6100041 Swan Montagu Leonard William Male Anderson Beryl Mavis Female Guildford
1936/6100042 Swan Griffiths Phyllis Gertrude Female Willis Stanley John Male Bassendean
1936/6100042 Swan Willis Stanley John Male Griffiths Phyllis Gertrude Female Bassendean
1936/6100043 Swan Marshall Edward Brownlie Male Macaulay Ada Louisa Maud Female Guildford
1936/6100043 Swan Macaulay Ada Louisa Maud Female Marshall Edward Brownlie Male Guildford
1936/6100044 Swan Burrows Allan Jack Britton Male Male Lorna Mary Female Guildford
1936/6100044 Swan Male Lorna Mary Female Burrows Allan Jack Britton Male Guildford
1936/6100045 Swan Gordon Lesley Frances Female O'Mara William George Male Guildford
1936/6100045 Swan O'Mara William George Male Gordon Lesley Frances Female Guildford
1936/6100046 Swan Cavey Sylvia Irene Female Haines Lindsay Thorpe Male Bassendean
1936/6100046 Swan Haines Lindsay Thorpe Male Cavey Sylvia Irene Female Bassendean
1936/6100047 Swan Pascoe Doris Mary Female de Morton Edward David Male Midland Junction
1936/6100047 Swan de Morton Edward David Male Pascoe Doris Mary Female Midland Junction
1936/6100048 Swan Thorburn Ian Oriel Male May Patricia Margaret Lilian Female Guildford
1936/6100048 Swan May Patricia Margaret Lilian Female Thorburn Ian Oriel Male Guildford
1936/6100049 Swan Martyn Arthur Richard Male Foster Doris Jean Female Midland Junction
1936/6100049 Swan Foster Doris Jean Female Martyn Arthur Richard Male Midland Junction
1936/6100050 Swan Gill James Henry Male Laurie Winifred Edwards Female Midland Junction
1936/6100050 Swan Laurie Winifred Edwards Female Gill James Henry Male Midland Junction
1936/6100051 Swan Craig James Frederick Male Haynes Marie Rhoda Female Midland Junction
1936/6100051 Swan Haynes Marie Rhoda Female Craig James Frederick Male Midland Junction
1936/6100052 Swan Winch Kathleen Female Wedd Noel Colin Campbell Male Bassendean
1936/6100052 Swan Wedd Noel Colin Campbell Male Winch Kathleen Female Bassendean
1936/6100053 Swan Clements Clarence Ronald Male Ferguson Olive Cecilia Female Midland Junction
1936/6100053 Swan Ferguson Olive Cecilia Female Clements Clarence Ronald Male Midland Junction
1936/6100054 Swan Creighton Margaret Irene Female Priest Andrew Louis Male Midland Junction
1936/6100054 Swan Priest Andrew Louis Male Creighton Margaret Irene Female Midland Junction
1936/6100055 Swan Lennon Mary Female Hogg William Thomas Male Midland Junction
1936/6100055 Swan Hogg William Thomas Male Lennon Mary Female Midland Junction
1936/6100056 Swan Carter Dorris Thelma Female Edgeloe Stuart Alwyn Male Darlington
1936/6100056 Swan Edgeloe Stuart Alwyn Male Carter Dorris Thelma Female Darlington
1936/6100057 Swan Smith Williahmena Rose Female Higgins James Joseph Male Mundaring
1936/6100057 Swan Higgins James Joseph Male Smith Williahmena Rose Female Mundaring
1936/6100058 Swan Goodsell William Henry Male Harvey Flora May Female Bellevue
1936/6100058 Swan Harvey Flora May Female Goodsell William Henry Male Bellevue
1936/6100059 Swan Corti Josephine Female Offenburg Maurice William Male Midland Junction
1936/6100059 Swan Offenburg Maurice William Male Corti Josephine Female Midland Junction
1936/6100060 Swan Sutcliffe Albert George Male Laurissen Ruby Agnes Female Midland Junction
1936/6100060 Swan Laurissen Ruby Agnes Female Sutcliffe Albert George Male Midland Junction
1936/6100061 Swan Crotty Thomas Joseph Male Bubb Amy Rosalind Female Midland Junction
1936/6100061 Swan Bubb Amy Rosalind Female Crotty Thomas Joseph Male Midland Junction
1936/6100062 Swan Consolaro Phil Male Svilicich Winnie Female Midland Junction
1936/6100062 Swan Svilicich Winnie Female Consolaro Phil Male Midland Junction
1936/6100063 Swan Doherty Eileen Female Schurmann John Heinrich Male Midland Junction
1936/6100063 Swan Schurmann John Heinrich Male Doherty Eileen Female Midland Junction
1936/6100064 Swan Burdon Horace John Male Knapp Doreen Female Midland Junction
1936/6100064 Swan Knapp Doreen Female Burdon Horace John Male Midland Junction
1936/6100065 Swan Lonnie Stanley Male Bell Janet Stuart Female Midland Junction
1936/6100065 Swan Bell Janet Stuart Female Lonnie Stanley Male Midland Junction
1936/6100066 Swan Pell Mary Grace Kestell Female Mitchell James Henry Bremer Male Darlington
1936/6100066 Swan Mitchell James Henry Bremer Male Pell Mary Grace Kestell Female Darlington
1936/6100067 Swan Manning Harry Archer Male Partington Kathleen May Female Guildford
1936/6100067 Swan Partington Kathleen May Female Manning Harry Archer Male Guildford
1936/6100068 Swan Maplesden Ella Female Kyrwood William Stephen Male Guildford
1936/6100068 Swan Kyrwood William Stephen Male Maplesden Ella Female Guildford
1936/6100069 Swan Roe Patricia Female Hall James Warren Male Guildford
1936/6100069 Swan Hall James Warren Male Roe Patricia Female Guildford
1936/6100070 Swan Watson Margaret Female Watters Glanville Bertie Male Bassendean
1936/6100070 Swan Watters Glanville Bertie Male Watson Margaret Female Bassendean
1936/6100071 Swan Bacic Franica Female Andrijich Frank Male Midland
1936/6100071 Swan Andrijich Frank Male Bacic Franica Female Midland
1936/6100072 Swan Mippy Alfred James Male Worral Doreen Female Guildford
1936/6100072 Swan Worral Doreen Female Mippy Alfred James Male Guildford
1936/6100073 Swan Humphreys Ivy Elizabeth Louisa Female Madew Jack Male Guildford
1936/6100073 Swan Madew Jack Male Humphreys Ivy Elizabeth Louisa Female Guildford
1936/6100074 Swan Deslandes George William Male Russell Jessie Clara Eleanor Female Guildford
1936/6100074 Swan Russell Jessie Clara Eleanor Female Deslandes George William Male Guildford
1936/6100075 Swan Parrant Margaret Joan Female Treleaven John Russell Cole Male Guildford
1936/6100075 Swan Treleaven John Russell Cole Male Parrant Margaret Joan Female Guildford
1936/6100076 Swan Roberts Nellie Georgina Female Bradshaw Richard Harold Male Midland Junction
1936/6100076 Swan Bradshaw Richard Harold Male Roberts Nellie Georgina Female Midland Junction
1936/6100077 Swan Redfern George Male Pegler Evelyn May Female Mundaring
1936/6100077 Swan Pegler Evelyn May Female Redfern George Male Mundaring
1936/6100078 Swan Chilcott Mercia Olwyn Female Dyke George Henry Male Midland Junction
1936/6100078 Swan Dyke George Henry Male Chilcott Mercia Olwyn Female Midland Junction
1936/6100079 Swan Honner Francis John Male Strickland Laura Jessie Female Guildford
1936/6100079 Swan Strickland Laura Jessie Female Honner Francis John Male Guildford
1936/6100080 Swan Pepper Kelvin Frederick Male Monger Betty Lee Female Darlington
1936/6100080 Swan Monger Betty Lee Female Pepper Kelvin Frederick Male Darlington
1936/6100081 Swan Kennedy Theresa Maisie Female Laurisson Bernard Francis Male Guildford
1936/6100081 Swan Laurisson Bernard Francis Male Kennedy Theresa Maisie Female Guildford
1936/6100082 Swan Rakich Mate Male Erceg Hilda Female Midland Junction
1936/6100082 Swan Erceg Hilda Female Rakich Mate Male Midland Junction
1936/6100083 Swan Napier Barbara Female Todd Harold Frederick Male Bassendean
1936/6100083 Swan Todd Harold Frederick Male Napier Barbara Female Bassendean
1936/6100084 Swan Ford Ernest Francis Male Frederick Thelma Female Bassendean
1936/6100084 Swan Frederick Thelma Female Ford Ernest Francis Male Bassendean
1936/6100085 Swan Goodwin Richard William Male Counsel Pearl Female Bassendean
1936/6100085 Swan Counsel Pearl Female Goodwin Richard William Male Bassendean
1936/6100086 Swan Haddrill Christine Female Rosich Matthew Male Upper Swan
1936/6100086 Swan Rosich Matthew Male Haddrill Christine Female Upper Swan
1936/6100087 Swan Murphy Irene Frances Female Fontaine Francois Ernest Male Greenmount
1936/6100087 Swan Fontaine Francois Ernest Male Murphy Irene Frances Female Greenmount
1936/6100088 Swan Keen Winifred Female Giles William James Male Guildford
1936/6100088 Swan Giles William James Male Keen Winifred Female Guildford
1936/6100089 Swan Elliott Albert Davison Male Heald Mary Ellen Female Guildford
1936/6100089 Swan Heald Mary Ellen Female Elliott Albert Davison Male Guildford
1936/6100090 Swan Hardwick Francis John Male Quin Elsie Vera Female Midland Junction
1936/6100090 Swan Quin Elsie Vera Female Hardwick Francis John Male Midland Junction
1936/6100091 Swan O’Shaughnessy Thomas Male Gawned Lillian Female Midland Junction
1936/6100091 Swan Gawned Lillian Female O’Shaughnessy Thomas Male Midland Junction
1936/6100092 Swan Morley Henry Frederick Male Lucas Edna Berenice Female Midland Junction
1936/6100092 Swan Lucas Edna Berenice Female Morley Henry Frederick Male Midland Junction
1936/6100093 Swan Sutherland Francis Robbie Male Adie Ethel Kate Female Bassendean
1936/6100093 Swan Adie Ethel Kate Female Sutherland Francis Robbie Male Bassendean
1936/6100094 Swan Rendell David Morey Male Baxter Frances Female Guildford
1936/6100094 Swan Baxter Frances Female Rendell David Morey Male Guildford
1936/6100095 Swan Upton Hilda Grace Female Blake Frederick Charles Male Upper Swan
1936/6100095 Swan Blake Frederick Charles Male Upton Hilda Grace Female Upper Swan
1936/6100096 Swan Brook Garth Elliott Male Mann Valerie Ronayne Female Middle Swan
1936/6100096 Swan Mann Valerie Ronayne Female Brook Garth Elliott Male Middle Swan
1936/6100097 Swan Armstrong Henry Charles Male Wilson Constance Frederica Female Guildford
1936/6100097 Swan Wilson Constance Frederica Female Armstrong Henry Charles Male Guildford
1936/6100098 Swan Cox Hazel Annie Female O'Connell John Alexander Thomas Male Guildford
1936/6100098 Swan O'Connell John Alexander Thomas Male Cox Hazel Annie Female Guildford
1936/6100099 Swan Wansbrough Rosa Frances Female Payne Walter Charles Male Guildford
1936/6100099 Swan Payne Walter Charles Male Wansbrough Rosa Frances Female Guildford
1936/6100100 Swan Skipworth Ethel Female Newhouse James Auguest Male Bassendean
1936/6100100 Swan Newhouse James Auguest Male Skipworth Ethel Female Bassendean
1936/6100101 Swan Vekich Ivy Female Katich Bill Male Guildford
1936/6100101 Swan Katich Bill Male Vekich Ivy Female Guildford
1936/6100102 Swan Hyatt Thelma Doris Female Chapman Irwin James Eli Male Midland Junction
1936/6100102 Swan Chapman Irwin James Eli Male Hyatt Thelma Doris Female Midland Junction
1936/6100103 Swan King John Albert Male McCashney Eileen Ada Female Guildford
1936/6100103 Swan McCashney Eileen Ada Female King John Albert Male Guildford
1936/6100104 Swan Gard Bernice Alberto Female Woolcock Frederick Arthur John Male Guildford
1936/6100104 Swan Woolcock Frederick Arthur John Male Gard Bernice Alberto Female Guildford
1936/6100105 Swan Mincham Albert Charles Male Brady Gladys May Female Midland Junction
1936/6100105 Swan Brady Gladys May Female Mincham Albert Charles Male Midland Junction
1936/6100106 Swan Summers Lawrence John Male Goold Doris Eveline Female Guildford
1936/6100106 Swan Goold Doris Eveline Female Summers Lawrence John Male Guildford
1936/6100107 Swan Hicks Lillian May Female Watkins Jack Humphrey Male Guildford
1936/6100107 Swan Watkins Jack Humphrey Male Hicks Lillian May Female Guildford
1936/6100108 Swan Giles Richard John Male Whitham Lola Grace Female Bassendean
1936/6100108 Swan Whitham Lola Grace Female Giles Richard John Male Bassendean
1936/6100109 Swan Reeley Lillian Margaret Female Moyle Wesley John Male Midland Junction
1936/6100109 Swan Moyle Wesley John Male Reeley Lillian Margaret Female Midland Junction
1936/6100110 Swan Bennett Cecily Maud Female Goold Clarence Male Midland Junction
1936/6100110 Swan Goold Clarence Male Bennett Cecily Maud Female Midland Junction
1936/6100111 Swan Cousins Daisy Clara Female Witten Frederick Hampton Male Mt Helena
1936/6100111 Swan Witten Frederick Hampton Male Cousins Daisy Clara Female Mt Helena
1936/6100112 Swan Dowding Walter Male Eaton Mabel Frances Female Mt Helena
1936/6100112 Swan Eaton Mabel Frances Female Dowding Walter Male Mt Helena
1936/6100113 Swan Huxham Alfred Vavasour Lyne Male Russell Betty Irene Female Mt Helena
1936/6100113 Swan Russell Betty Irene Female Huxham Alfred Vavasour Lyne Male Mt Helena
1936/6100114 Swan Groves Clark William Male Balinski Bessie Female Midland Junction
1936/6100114 Swan Balinski Bessie Female Groves Clark William Male Midland Junction
1936/6100115 Swan King Pearl Elva Female May Charles Reginald Male Bellevue
1936/6100115 Swan May Charles Reginald Male King Pearl Elva Female Bellevue
1936/6100116 Swan Rychen Cora Evelyn Female Fearns Roy Thomas Male Midland Junction
1936/6100116 Swan Fearns Roy Thomas Male Rychen Cora Evelyn Female Midland Junction
1936/6100117 Swan Tite George Arthur Mansey Male Jennings Gwendoline Winifred Violet Female Midland Junction
1936/6100117 Swan Jennings Gwendoline Winifred Violet Female Tite George Arthur Mansey Male Midland Junction
1936/6100118 Swan Sinclair Godfrey Gilbert Male Hayles Florence May Female Midland Junction
1936/6100118 Swan Hayles Florence May Female Sinclair Godfrey Gilbert Male Midland Junction
1936/6100119 Swan Waldeck Elizabeth Jean Female Tomich Jakoo Andrew Male Midland
1936/6100119 Swan Tomich Jakoo Andrew Male Waldeck Elizabeth Jean Female Midland
1936/6100120 Swan Bridge Percy Charles Male McCarter Nancy Wilhelmina Female Guildford
1936/6100120 Swan McCarter Nancy Wilhelmina Female Bridge Percy Charles Male Guildford
1936/6100121 Swan Cubbage Leonard William Male Pollard Dulcie Jane Female Guildford
1936/6100121 Swan Pollard Dulcie Jane Female Cubbage Leonard William Male Guildford
1936/6100122 Swan Russell Ethel Frances Female Foster Archibald Whiteman Male Guildford
1936/6100122 Swan Foster Archibald Whiteman Male Russell Ethel Frances Female Guildford
1936/6100123 Swan Gipson Herbert Chater Rand Male Johnson Georgina Mary Female Guildford
1936/6100123 Swan Johnson Georgina Mary Female Gipson Herbert Chater Rand Male Guildford
1936/6100124 Swan Hicks Amelia Minnie Eileen Female Brown George Male Guildford
1936/6100124 Swan Brown George Male Hicks Amelia Minnie Eileen Female Guildford
1936/6100125 Swan Sandys Mabel Miriam Female Marshall Norman Male Guildford
1936/6100125 Swan Marshall Norman Male Sandys Mabel Miriam Female Guildford
1936/6100126 Swan Whybourne John Male Buckley Ann Female Midland
1936/6100126 Swan Buckley Ann Female Whybourne John Male Midland
1936/6100127 Swan Hird Hellen Dora Female Mayger Arthur Edwin Male Midland Junction
1936/6100127 Swan Mayger Arthur Edwin Male Hird Hellen Dora Female Midland Junction
1936/6100128 Swan Cruttenden Leonard Male Lewis Mary Female Guildford
1936/6100128 Swan Lewis Mary Female Cruttenden Leonard Male Guildford
1936/6100129 Swan Yates Verna Dempsey Female Tipping Kenneth Jones Male Guildford
1936/6100129 Swan Tipping Kenneth Jones Male Yates Verna Dempsey Female Guildford
1936/6100130 Swan Carson Alfred Stewart Male Preitz Phyllis Cavel Female Guildford
1936/6100130 Swan Preitz Phyllis Cavel Female Carson Alfred Stewart Male Guildford
1936/6100131 Swan Wedd Kenneth Thomas Lawson Male Winch Edith Minnie Female Bassendean
1936/6100131 Swan Winch Edith Minnie Female Wedd Kenneth Thomas Lawson Male Bassendean
1936/6100132 Swan Rothnie James Male Mercer Doris Norma Female Midland Junction
1936/6100132 Swan Mercer Doris Norma Female Rothnie James Male Midland Junction
1936/6100133 Swan Menzies Gwendoline Welsby Deakin Female Mann Dudley Male Midland Junction
1936/6100133 Swan Mann Dudley Male Menzies Gwendoline Welsby Deakin Female Midland Junction
1936/6100134 Swan Campey John Raymond Male Smith Margaret Warwick Female Bassendean
1936/6100134 Swan Smith Margaret Warwick Female Campey John Raymond Male Bassendean
1936/6100135 Swan Murray Gladys Muriel Female Clements Walter Frederick Male Midland Junction
1936/6100135 Swan Clements Walter Frederick Male Murray Gladys Muriel Female Midland Junction
1936/6100136 Swan Pinker Thomas Male Knapp Thelma Helena Female Midland
1936/6100136 Swan Knapp Thelma Helena Female Pinker Thomas Male Midland
1936/6100137 Swan Fay Winifred Percival Female Smith Roy Hedley Male Midland Junction
1936/6100137 Swan Smith Roy Hedley Male Fay Winifred Percival Female Midland Junction
1936/6100138 Swan Payne Violet Female Davies Aubrey William Male Bassendean
1936/6100138 Swan Davies Aubrey William Male Payne Violet Female Bassendean
1936/6100139 Swan Watkins Mona Female Williams Norman Male Bassendean
1936/6100139 Swan Williams Norman Male Watkins Mona Female Bassendean
1936/6100140 Swan Mildern Edward Joseph Male Evans Florence Dorothy Female Midland Junction
1936/6100140 Swan Evans Florence Dorothy Female Mildern Edward Joseph Male Midland Junction
1936/6100141 Swan Blades Betty Katrina Female Lovelock Jack Ernest Male Guildford
1936/6100141 Swan Lovelock Jack Ernest Male Blades Betty Katrina Female Guildford
1936/6100142 Swan Canning William Henry Male Soulsby Winifred Verdun Female Guildford
1936/6100142 Swan Soulsby Winifred Verdun Female Canning William Henry Male Guildford
1936/6100143 Swan Nolan Honora Mary Patricia Female Pride William Alfred Male Guildford
1936/6100143 Swan Pride William Alfred Male Nolan Honora Mary Patricia Female Guildford
1936/6500001 Victoria Plains Morris Constance Olive Glanville Female Blight Ralph Hope Male Wongan Hills
1936/6500001 Victoria Plains Blight Ralph Hope Male Morris Constance Olive Glanville Female Wongan Hills
1936/6500002 Victoria Plains Clune Vincent Thomas Male Maunsell Nuala Theckla Female New Norcia
1936/6500002 Victoria Plains Maunsell Nuala Theckla Female Clune Vincent Thomas Male New Norcia
1936/6500003 Victoria Plains Jones Wilfred Male Goudge Elizabeth Sophia Female Calingiri
1936/6500003 Victoria Plains Goudge Elizabeth Sophia Female Jones Wilfred Male Calingiri
1936/6500004 Victoria Plains Mincherton Alice Female Brown James Groundsell Male Cadoux
1936/6500004 Victoria Plains Brown James Groundsell Male Mincherton Alice Female Cadoux
1936/6500005 Victoria Plains Powell Edward Valentine Male Bailey Dorothy Evelyn Female Wongan
1936/6500005 Victoria Plains Bailey Dorothy Evelyn Female Powell Edward Valentine Male Wongan
1936/6500006 Victoria Plains Marshall Charles Male Gorman Ethel Ellen Female Wongan Hills
1936/6500006 Victoria Plains Gorman Ethel Ellen Female Marshall Charles Male Wongan Hills
1936/6500007 Victoria Plains Taylor Mary Consuelo Female Drayton Robert Joseph Male New Norcia
1936/6500007 Victoria Plains Drayton Robert Joseph Male Taylor Mary Consuelo Female New Norcia
1936/6500008 Victoria Plains Bogle Charles Herman Male Maunsell Leonorah Female New Norcia
1936/6500008 Victoria Plains Maunsell Leonorah Female Bogle Charles Herman Male New Norcia
1936/6500009 Victoria Plains Ford Stanley Elliot Male Lambert Eileen Mary Female Calingiri
1936/6500009 Victoria Plains Lambert Eileen Mary Female Ford Stanley Elliot Male Calingiri
1936/6500010 Victoria Plains O'Dea Elisabeth Ann Female Nicol Leonard James Male Calingiri
1936/6500010 Victoria Plains Nicol Leonard James Male O'Dea Elisabeth Ann Female Calingiri
1936/6500011 Victoria Plains Harrington Kenneth Martin Male McDonald Rita Augustine Female New Norcia
1936/6500011 Victoria Plains McDonald Rita Augustine Female Harrington Kenneth Martin Male New Norcia
1936/6500012 Victoria Plains Thornton Sydney Leopold Male Black Annie Female Wongan Hills
1936/6500012 Victoria Plains Black Annie Female Thornton Sydney Leopold Male Wongan Hills
1936/6500013 Victoria Plains Lanigan Agnes Mary Female McCarroll William Henry Joseph Male New Norcia
1936/6500013 Victoria Plains McCarroll William Henry Joseph Male Lanigan Agnes Mary Female New Norcia
1936/6500014 Victoria Plains Lambert Annie May Female King Robert Newton Male Calingiri
1936/6500014 Victoria Plains King Robert Newton Male Lambert Annie May Female Calingiri
1937/6600001 Wellington Fowles Nellie Judith Bailey Female Trevenen Peter Male Cookernup
1937/6600001 Wellington Trevenen Peter Male Fowles Nellie Judith Bailey Female Cookernup
1937/6600002 Wellington Cattach Olive Hazel Female Jordan Ernest Henry John Male Yarloop
1937/6600002 Wellington Jordan Ernest Henry John Male Cattach Olive Hazel Female Yarloop
1937/6600003 Wellington Davies May Female Oxley Leslie Male Collie
1937/6600003 Wellington Oxley Leslie Male Davies May Female Collie
1936/6600003 Wellington Beauglehole Robert Male Prosser Myrtle Ruth Female Collie
1936/6600003 Wellington Prosser Myrtle Ruth Female Beauglehole Robert Male Collie
1937/6600004 Wellington Bonser Victor Edward Male Beer Greta Marie Female Bunbury
1937/6600004 Wellington Beer Greta Marie Female Bonser Victor Edward Male Bunbury
1937/6600005 Wellington Warburton Major Ernest Male Howe Mary Female Bunbury
1937/6600005 Wellington Howe Mary Female Warburton Major Ernest Male Bunbury
1937/6600006 Wellington Collins Mary Constance Female Wilson Frank Birss Male Collie
1937/6600006 Wellington Wilson Frank Birss Male Collins Mary Constance Female Collie
1936/6600006 Wellington Coopes Ethel Marion Female Strom Karl Ernest Male Bunbury
1936/6600006 Wellington Strom Karl Ernest Male Coopes Ethel Marion Female Bunbury
1937/6600007 Wellington Earl Lila Edna May Female Gastaldo Aldo John Male Collie
1937/6600007 Wellington Gastaldo Aldo John Male Earl Lila Edna May Female Collie
1937/6600008 Wellington Bell Mavis Victoria Female Scott Robert Male Collie
1937/6600008 Wellington Scott Robert Male Bell Mavis Victoria Female Collie
1936/6600009 Wellington Kasten Charles John Male Piggott Leila Louisa Female Brunswick Junction
1936/6600009 Wellington Piggott Leila Louisa Female Kasten Charles John Male Brunswick Junction
1937/6600010 Wellington Armanasco Joseph Hargrave Male Foster Sylvia May Female Bunbury
1937/6600010 Wellington Foster Sylvia May Female Armanasco Joseph Hargrave Male Bunbury
1936/6600010 Wellington Dickins Margaret Female Wright Frederick John Edward Kavanah Male Collie
1936/6600010 Wellington Wright Frederick John Edward Kavanah Male Dickins Margaret Female Collie
1937/6600011 Wellington Hulm George Brownell Male Mcleod Jean Susan Female Bunbury
1937/6600011 Wellington Mcleod Jean Susan Female Hulm George Brownell Male Bunbury
1936/6600012 Wellington Alcorn Leslie Ernest Male McLaren Elizabeth Jane Female Collie
1936/6600012 Wellington McLaren Elizabeth Jane Female Alcorn Leslie Ernest Male Collie
1936/6600013 Wellington Goodrum Albert Male Carton Gertrude May Female Donnybrook
1936/6600013 Wellington Carton Gertrude May Female Goodrum Albert Male Donnybrook
1936/6600014 Wellington Bartlett Gwendoline Julia Female Newman Frederick James Male South Bunbury
1936/6600014 Wellington Newman Frederick James Male Bartlett Gwendoline Julia Female South Bunbury
1936/6600015 Wellington Proctor Thora Female Langley William John Male Donnybrook
1936/6600015 Wellington Langley William John Male Proctor Thora Female Donnybrook
1936/6600016 Wellington Mitchell Pearl Kathleen Female Sounness Geoffrey Gerald Male Donnybrook
1936/6600016 Wellington Sounness Geoffrey Gerald Male Mitchell Pearl Kathleen Female Donnybrook
1936/6600017 Wellington Everatt Gladys Female Whitmore Frank Male Brunswick Junction
1936/6600017 Wellington Whitmore Frank Male Everatt Gladys Female Brunswick Junction
1937/6600018 Wellington Rodgers Alma May Female Henryon Albert Gabriel Male Harvey
1936/6600018 Wellington Forwood Dorothy Helen Female Bignell Ernest Alfred Male Collie
1937/6600018 Wellington Henryon Albert Gabriel Male Rodgers Alma May Female Harvey
1936/6600018 Wellington Bignell Ernest Alfred Male Forwood Dorothy Helen Female Collie
1936/6600019 Wellington Williams Isabel Stretton Female Joel Bernard Newton Male Bunbury
1936/6600019 Wellington Joel Bernard Newton Male Williams Isabel Stretton Female Bunbury
1936/6600020 Wellington Jones Valma Edna Female Kirkpatrick William Bowden Male Bunbury
1936/6600020 Wellington Kirkpatrick William Bowden Male Jones Valma Edna Female Bunbury
1936/6600021 Wellington Munro Alic Keith Male Bostock Sylvia Maude Female South Bunbury
1936/6600021 Wellington Bostock Sylvia Maude Female Munro Alic Keith Male South Bunbury
1936/6600022 Wellington Morgan Phillip Rees Male Peden Jeanne Eleanor Female Brunswick Juntion
1936/6600022 Wellington Peden Jeanne Eleanor Female Morgan Phillip Rees Male Brunswick Juntion
1936/6600023 Wellington Brennan Gerald Joseph Male Pianta Lorna Leslie Female Bunbury
1936/6600023 Wellington Pianta Lorna Leslie Female Brennan Gerald Joseph Male Bunbury
1936/6600024 Wellington Annandale John Williamson Male Dickson Rita Female Collie
1936/6600024 Wellington Dickson Rita Female Annandale John Williamson Male Collie
1936/6600025 Wellington Venn Helen Charlotte Female Finlayson Allan Harvey Male Dardanup
1936/6600025 Wellington Finlayson Allan Harvey Male Venn Helen Charlotte Female Dardanup
1936/6600026 Wellington Sweeney Phyllis Veronica Female Walker Leslie Victor Male Collie
1936/6600026 Wellington Walker Leslie Victor Male Sweeney Phyllis Veronica Female Collie
1936/6600027 Wellington Royce Clifford Hambrook Male Grist Mary Ruth Female Donnybrook
1936/6600027 Wellington Grist Mary Ruth Female Royce Clifford Hambrook Male Donnybrook
1936/6600028 Wellington Butler Joseph Charles Male Hogan Edna Jean Female Bunbury
1936/6600028 Wellington Hogan Edna Jean Female Butler Joseph Charles Male Bunbury
1936/6600029 Wellington Boyce Edith Elsie Female Smith Leslie Edmund Male Bunbury
1936/6600029 Wellington Smith Leslie Edmund Male Boyce Edith Elsie Female Bunbury
1936/6600030 Wellington Mead Clifton Ernest Male Rose Blanche Ellen Forrest Female Bunbury
1936/6600030 Wellington Rose Blanche Ellen Forrest Female Mead Clifton Ernest Male Bunbury
1936/6600031 Wellington McGregor Duncan Male Walton Ivy Dorothy Ambrosine Female Collie
1936/6600031 Wellington Walton Ivy Dorothy Ambrosine Female McGregor Duncan Male Collie
1936/6600032 Wellington Nelson George Male Marney Eunice Female Bunbury
1936/6600032 Wellington Marney Eunice Female Nelson George Male Bunbury
1936/6600033 Wellington McCaffrey John Daniel Male Bonser May Adelaide Female Bunbury
1936/6600033 Wellington Bonser May Adelaide Female McCaffrey John Daniel Male Bunbury
1936/6600034 Wellington Ocherby John Featherstone Male Inkpen Freda Female Bunbury
1936/6600034 Wellington Inkpen Freda Female Ocherby John Featherstone Male Bunbury
1936/6600035 Wellington Leitch John Auld Male Appleford Margery Nancy Female Collie
1936/6600035 Wellington Appleford Margery Nancy Female Leitch John Auld Male Collie
1936/6600036 Wellington Mills Florence Gertrude Female Varis Charles Paul Male Bowelling
1936/6600036 Wellington Varis Charles Paul Male Mills Florence Gertrude Female Bowelling
1936/6600037 Wellington Strachan Lilias Frew Female Morgan Edward Thomas Male Bunbury
1936/6600037 Wellington Morgan Edward Thomas Male Strachan Lilias Frew Female Bunbury
1936/6600038 Wellington Hague Niobe Viola Female Orr John Robert Male Bunbury
1936/6600038 Wellington Orr John Robert Male Hague Niobe Viola Female Bunbury
1936/6600039 Wellington Page Victor Ronald Ernest Male Fox Naomi Esma Female Boyanup
1936/6600039 Wellington Fox Naomi Esma Female Page Victor Ronald Ernest Male Boyanup
1936/6600040 Wellington Edwards Ralph Rowland Male Boundy Minna Elizabeth Female Bunbury
1936/6600040 Wellington Boundy Minna Elizabeth Female Edwards Ralph Rowland Male Bunbury
1936/6600041 Wellington Hughes Frances Elizabeth Grace Female Fitch Charles John Male Bunbury
1936/6600041 Wellington Fitch Charles John Male Hughes Frances Elizabeth Grace Female Bunbury
1936/6600042 Wellington Allen John Lindsay Okely Male Moignard Grace Edith Female Bunbury
1936/6600042 Wellington Moignard Grace Edith Female Allen John Lindsay Okely Male Bunbury
1936/6600043 Wellington Kane Leonard Thomas Male Prosser Ruby Alice Female Bunbury
1936/6600043 Wellington Prosser Ruby Alice Female Kane Leonard Thomas Male Bunbury
1936/6600044 Wellington Spowart Frieda Ellen Female Auscombe Albert Smith Male Bunbury
1936/6600044 Wellington Auscombe Albert Smith Male Spowart Frieda Ellen Female Bunbury
1936/6600045 Wellington Spowart Elizabeth Lesley Female Ingles John David Male Bunbury
1936/6600045 Wellington Ingles John David Male Spowart Elizabeth Lesley Female Bunbury
1936/6600046 Wellington Scott Phyllis May Female Kutzer Hermann Ernest Male Bunbury
1936/6600046 Wellington Kutzer Hermann Ernest Male Scott Phyllis May Female Bunbury
1936/6600047 Wellington Barnes Arthur Colin Male Childs Irene Alice Female Mornington Mills
1936/6600047 Wellington Childs Irene Alice Female Barnes Arthur Colin Male Mornington Mills
1936/6600048 Wellington Cooley Jean Towers Female Gulvin Alfred Thomas Male Collie
1936/6600048 Wellington Gulvin Alfred Thomas Male Cooley Jean Towers Female Collie
1936/6600049 Wellington Beacham Doris Alma Female Thorpe Alfred Henry Male Bunbury
1936/6600049 Wellington Thorpe Alfred Henry Male Beacham Doris Alma Female Bunbury
1936/6600050 Wellington Nelson Alma Emiline Female Reith William Male Bunbury
1936/6600050 Wellington Reith William Male Nelson Alma Emiline Female Bunbury
1936/6600051 Wellington Bartlett Edwin John Male Gibbs Molly Christabel Higgins Female Rathmines
1936/6600051 Wellington Gibbs Molly Christabel Higgins Female Bartlett Edwin John Male Rathmines
1936/6600052 Wellington Klaebe Winifred Mary Female Bignell James Raymond Male Brunswick Junction
1936/6600052 Wellington Bignell James Raymond Male Klaebe Winifred Mary Female Brunswick Junction
1936/6600053 Wellington Lloyd Rhoda Female Mitchell Ernest Roy Male Bunbury
1936/6600053 Wellington Mitchell Ernest Roy Male Lloyd Rhoda Female Bunbury
1936/6600054 Wellington Bedlington Hannah Jean Female Fenwick Thomas Male Collie
1936/6600054 Wellington Fenwick Thomas Male Bedlington Hannah Jean Female Collie
1936/6600055 Wellington Lyon Doreen Charlton Female Woodcock Samuel Male Bunbury
1936/6600055 Wellington Woodcock Samuel Male Lyon Doreen Charlton Female Bunbury
1936/6600056 Wellington Nazzari Matilda Female Leverence Edward William David Male Bunbury
1936/6600056 Wellington Leverence Edward William David Male Nazzari Matilda Female Bunbury
1936/6600057 Wellington Davies Patricia Gwendoline Female Martin Peter James Male Capel
1936/6600057 Wellington Martin Peter James Male Davies Patricia Gwendoline Female Capel
1936/6600058 Wellington Wittfoht Alwina Theresa Female Sharpe David Male Capel
1936/6600058 Wellington Sharpe David Male Wittfoht Alwina Theresa Female Capel
1936/6600059 Wellington Poller Vincent James Male Gibbs Nita Maud Female Bunbury
1936/6600059 Wellington Gibbs Nita Maud Female Poller Vincent James Male Bunbury
1936/6600060 Wellington Currie Donald Hugh Male Peters Violet Female Bunbury
1936/6600060 Wellington Peters Violet Female Currie Donald Hugh Male Bunbury
1936/6600061 Wellington Lewis Walter Lloyd Male McDonald Jean Female Darkan
1936/6600061 Wellington McDonald Jean Female Lewis Walter Lloyd Male Darkan
1936/6600062 Wellington Beckett Eileen Brenda Female Jackson Gordon Douglas Male Donnybrook
1936/6600062 Wellington Jackson Gordon Douglas Male Beckett Eileen Brenda Female Donnybrook
1936/6600063 Wellington Riley Leslie Clarance Male Martin Gertrude Doreen Female Collie
1936/6600063 Wellington Martin Gertrude Doreen Female Riley Leslie Clarance Male Collie
1936/6600064 Wellington Harris Vera Maud Female Fisher Matthias Jolly Male Capel
1936/6600064 Wellington Fisher Matthias Jolly Male Harris Vera Maud Female Capel
1936/6600065 Wellington Tussler Caroline Margaret Female Simmons Harry Bruce Male Bunbury
1936/6600065 Wellington Simmons Harry Bruce Male Tussler Caroline Margaret Female Bunbury
1936/6600066 Wellington Evans Francis Roy Male Piggott Mavis Olive Female Bunbury
1936/6600066 Wellington Piggott Mavis Olive Female Evans Francis Roy Male Bunbury
1936/6600067 Wellington Wilson Walter Male Redfearne Edith Female Bunbury
1936/6600067 Wellington Redfearne Edith Female Wilson Walter Male Bunbury
1936/6600068 Wellington Squance Evelyn May Female Hay Kennedy Scott Male Collie
1936/6600068 Wellington Hay Kennedy Scott Male Squance Evelyn May Female Collie
1936/6600069 Wellington Watts Leslie George Male Vernon Winnifred May Female Collie
1936/6600069 Wellington Vernon Winnifred May Female Watts Leslie George Male Collie
1936/6600070 Wellington Tylor Constance Grace Female George Leonard Alfred Edwin Male Noggerup
1936/6600070 Wellington George Leonard Alfred Edwin Male Tylor Constance Grace Female Noggerup
1936/6600071 Wellington Delaporte Frederick Male Jarvis Doris Constance Female South Bunbury
1936/6600071 Wellington Jarvis Doris Constance Female Delaporte Frederick Male South Bunbury
1936/6600072 Wellington Dzubiel Emil Offo Male O'Callaghan Mary Bridget Female Collie
1936/6600072 Wellington O'Callaghan Mary Bridget Female Dzubiel Emil Offo Male Collie
1936/6600073 Wellington Smith Benjamin Male Cunneen Winifred Clara Female Collie
1936/6600073 Wellington Cunneen Winifred Clara Female Smith Benjamin Male Collie
1936/6600074 Wellington Mammolite Maria Female Italiano Giuseppe Male Brunswick Junction
1936/6600074 Wellington Italiano Giuseppe Male Mammolite Maria Female Brunswick Junction
1936/6600075 Wellington Morellini Natale Male Garbelini Mary Theresa Female Dardanup
1936/6600075 Wellington Garbelini Mary Theresa Female Morellini Natale Male Dardanup
1936/6600076 Wellington Smith Matilda Marion Female Gale Thomas William Henry Male Collie
1936/6600076 Wellington Gale Thomas William Henry Male Smith Matilda Marion Female Collie
1936/6600077 Wellington Dix Charles Stanley Male Chilcott Eunice May Female Bunbury
1936/6600077 Wellington Chilcott Eunice May Female Dix Charles Stanley Male Bunbury
1936/6600078 Wellington Webster Elsie Mary Female Turner Maxwell Lionel Male Bunbury
1936/6600078 Wellington Turner Maxwell Lionel Male Webster Elsie Mary Female Bunbury
1936/6600079 Wellington Gooderson William James Alfred Male Hall Gladys Female Harvey
1936/6600079 Wellington Hall Gladys Female Gooderson William James Alfred Male Harvey
1936/6600080 Wellington Wringe Grace Amelia Female Harris Walter James Male Dardanup
1936/6600080 Wellington Harris Walter James Male Wringe Grace Amelia Female Dardanup
1936/6600081 Wellington Smith May Marion Female Lilley James Walter Thomas Male Bunbury
1936/6600081 Wellington Lilley James Walter Thomas Male Smith May Marion Female Bunbury
1936/6600082 Wellington Bridger Mary Ernestine Female Van Graan Peter Arnold Male Bunbury
1936/6600082 Wellington Van Graan Peter Arnold Male Bridger Mary Ernestine Female Bunbury
1936/6600083 Wellington Page Douglas Woodly Male Forrest Leta Marjorie Female Bunbury
1936/6600083 Wellington Forrest Leta Marjorie Female Page Douglas Woodly Male Bunbury
1936/6600084 Wellington Jones Dorothy Lila May Female Kirkpatrick Robert Henry Coulter Male Donnybrook
1936/6600084 Wellington Kirkpatrick Robert Henry Coulter Male Jones Dorothy Lila May Female Donnybrook
1936/6600085 Wellington Fortescue Elizabeth Female Gobey William Henry Male Bunbury
1936/6600085 Wellington Gobey William Henry Male Fortescue Elizabeth Female Bunbury
1936/6600086 Wellington Field Albert Edward Male Rodway Dora Minnie Female Harvey
1936/6600086 Wellington Rodway Dora Minnie Female Field Albert Edward Male Harvey
1936/6600087 Wellington Corfield Margaret Elizabeth Rose Female Tonkin Edward Edwin Male Collie
1936/6600087 Wellington Tonkin Edward Edwin Male Corfield Margaret Elizabeth Rose Female Collie
1936/6600088 Wellington McKenzie Gilbert John Male Cox Millicent Rose Female Bunbury
1936/6600088 Wellington Cox Millicent Rose Female McKenzie Gilbert John Male Bunbury
1936/6600089 Wellington Lombardo Vincenzo Male Lankester Nelma Olive Female Bunbury
1943/6600089 Wellington Saturno Peter Male Conner Jean Female Harvey
1936/6600089 Wellington Lankester Nelma Olive Female Lombardo Vincenzo Male Bunbury
1943/6600089 Wellington Conner Jean Female Saturno Peter Male Harvey
1936/6600090 Wellington Payne Irene Ada Female Gibsone Hugh John Kenneth Male Harvey
1936/6600090 Wellington Gibsone Hugh John Kenneth Male Payne Irene Ada Female Harvey
1936/6600091 Wellington Davie Norman Cyril Male Forster Dorothy Female Collie
1936/6600091 Wellington Forster Dorothy Female Davie Norman Cyril Male Collie
1936/6600092 Wellington O'Callaghan Ellen Jane Female Depiazzi Thomas Joseph Male Collie
1936/6600092 Wellington Depiazzi Thomas Joseph Male O'Callaghan Ellen Jane Female Collie
1936/6600093 Wellington Henderson Patrick Male Scott Bessie Female Collie
1936/6600093 Wellington Scott Bessie Female Henderson Patrick Male Collie
1936/6600094 Wellington Dawson Margaret Florence Female McKelvie Robert Edward Male Bunbury
1936/6600094 Wellington McKelvie Robert Edward Male Dawson Margaret Florence Female Bunbury
1936/6600095 Wellington Close Lillian Bertha Female Phease James William Male Collie
1936/6600095 Wellington Phease James William Male Close Lillian Bertha Female Collie
1936/6600096 Wellington Rodgers Ena Mary Female Hall Alan Maxwell Male Bunbury
1936/6600096 Wellington Hall Alan Maxwell Male Rodgers Ena Mary Female Bunbury
1936/6600097 Wellington Wood Leslie Clifton Male Kingswood Freda Beryl Jean Female Bunbury
1936/6600097 Wellington Kingswood Freda Beryl Jean Female Wood Leslie Clifton Male Bunbury
1936/6600098 Wellington Jarvie Janet Carmicheal Female Shepherdson Kenneth Graeme Male Bunbury
1936/6600098 Wellington Shepherdson Kenneth Graeme Male Jarvie Janet Carmicheal Female Bunbury
1936/6600099 Wellington Fisher Dorothy Hilda Vera Female White James Wilson Male Bunbury
1936/6600099 Wellington White James Wilson Male Fisher Dorothy Hilda Vera Female Bunbury
1936/6600100 Wellington Bodicoat Alfred Murby Male Wadson Edna Lydia Female Harvey
1936/6600100 Wellington Wadson Edna Lydia Female Bodicoat Alfred Murby Male Harvey
1936/6600101 Wellington Barraclough Athol Ernest Male Thackrah Molly Alberta Female Bunbury
1936/6600101 Wellington Thackrah Molly Alberta Female Barraclough Athol Ernest Male Bunbury
1936/6600102 Wellington Turner James Henry Male Vickery Lily Female Stratham
1936/6600102 Wellington Vickery Lily Female Turner James Henry Male Stratham
1936/6600103 Wellington Karpouzis Stella Female Barboutis Angelo Male Bunbury
1936/6600103 Wellington Barboutis Angelo Male Karpouzis Stella Female Bunbury
1936/6600104 Wellington Wright William Robert Male Waugh Minnie Kathleen Female Bunbury
1936/6600104 Wellington Waugh Minnie Kathleen Female Wright William Robert Male Bunbury
1936/6600105 Wellington Watts Annette Vera Female Hay Eldred Bert Male Picton
1936/6600105 Wellington Hay Eldred Bert Male Watts Annette Vera Female Picton
1936/6600106 Wellington Jeisman Victoria Grace May Female Green John Male Collie
1936/6600106 Wellington Green John Male Jeisman Victoria Grace May Female Collie
1936/6600107 Wellington Harnett Maurice Leonard Male Pitts Rachael Female Collie
1936/6600107 Wellington Pitts Rachael Female Harnett Maurice Leonard Male Collie
1936/6600108 Wellington Fowles Theodora Maria Female Ritchie David Queen Male Cookernup
1936/6600108 Wellington Ritchie David Queen Male Fowles Theodora Maria Female Cookernup
1936/6600109 Wellington Smith Catherine May Female Duncan Ernest Leslie Male Collie
1936/6600109 Wellington Duncan Ernest Leslie Male Smith Catherine May Female Collie
1936/6600110 Wellington Leitch Christina Millicent Female Neill William James Male Boyanup
1936/6600110 Wellington Neill William James Male Leitch Christina Millicent Female Boyanup
1936/6600111 Wellington Jones Dorothy Female Robertson William James Male Harvey
1936/6600111 Wellington Robertson William James Male Jones Dorothy Female Harvey
1936/6600112 Wellington Russell Edward Arthur Clifford Male Sinclair Elizabeth Hewison Female Bunbury
1936/6600112 Wellington Sinclair Elizabeth Hewison Female Russell Edward Arthur Clifford Male Bunbury
1936/6600113 Wellington Bickford Una May Female Lyons Phillip Peter Male Bunbury
1936/6600113 Wellington Lyons Phillip Peter Male Bickford Una May Female Bunbury
1936/6600114 Wellington White Winifred Nellie Female Travers William Roy Male Donnybrook
1936/6600114 Wellington Travers William Roy Male White Winifred Nellie Female Donnybrook
1936/6600115 Wellington Beer Lorna May Female Prout William John Male Bunbury
1936/6600115 Wellington Prout William John Male Beer Lorna May Female Bunbury
1936/6600116 Wellington Dawson Marie Elizabeth Female Hope Norman Gerald Male Collie
1936/6600116 Wellington Hope Norman Gerald Male Dawson Marie Elizabeth Female Collie
1936/6600117 Wellington Harries Thomas Male Maidment Eileen Rayston Female Capel
1936/6600117 Wellington Maidment Eileen Rayston Female Harries Thomas Male Capel
1936/6600118 Wellington Henson Graham Male Davis Dorothy Eileen Female Bunbury
1936/6600118 Wellington Davis Dorothy Eileen Female Henson Graham Male Bunbury
1936/6600119 Wellington Moore Beryl Davede Power Female Temple Robert Male Bunbury
1936/6600119 Wellington Temple Robert Male Moore Beryl Davede Power Female Bunbury
1936/6600120 Wellington Ramsell Thomas William Male Newell Dorothy Charlott May Female Roelands
1936/6600120 Wellington Newell Dorothy Charlott May Female Ramsell Thomas William Male Roelands
1936/6600121 Wellington Curnow Lilian Mary Female Lynch Albert Biard Male Bulading
1936/6600121 Wellington Lynch Albert Biard Male Curnow Lilian Mary Female Bulading
1936/6600122 Wellington Kongras Peter Male Lankester Elsie Florence Female Bunbury
1936/6600122 Wellington Lankester Elsie Florence Female Kongras Peter Male Bunbury
1936/6600123 Wellington Jones Rupert Male Bell Bella Female Collie
1936/6600123 Wellington Bell Bella Female Jones Rupert Male Collie
1936/6600124 Wellington O'Malley John William Male Donovan Elsie Brenda Female Bunbury
1936/6600124 Wellington Donovan Elsie Brenda Female O'Malley John William Male Bunbury
1936/6600125 Wellington Scott Mavis Gwen Female Kirkham Raymond John Male Picton
1936/6600125 Wellington Kirkham Raymond John Male Scott Mavis Gwen Female Picton
1936/6600126 Wellington Rankin Robert Male Dickson Flora Female Bunbury
1936/6600126 Wellington Dickson Flora Female Rankin Robert Male Bunbury
1936/6600127 Wellington Loveridge Jnr Ralph Male Moignard Hazel Vena Female Bunbury
1936/6600127 Wellington Moignard Hazel Vena Female Loveridge Jnr Ralph Male Bunbury
1936/6600128 Wellington Kay Florence Kathleen Female Loftus Stanley Reid Male Bunbury
1936/6600128 Wellington Loftus Stanley Reid Male Kay Florence Kathleen Female Bunbury
1936/6600129 Wellington Lyons Nancy Female Wallace William Male Bunbury
1936/6600129 Wellington Wallace William Male Lyons Nancy Female Bunbury
1936/6600130 Wellington Byrnes William Henry Male Henshaw Beryl Caldwell Female Bunbury
1936/6600130 Wellington Henshaw Beryl Caldwell Female Byrnes William Henry Male Bunbury
1936/6600131 Wellington Thew Mary Female Hayward Roy Oglethorpe Male Harvey
1936/6600131 Wellington Hayward Roy Oglethorpe Male Thew Mary Female Harvey
1936/6600132 Wellington Wenn Ellen Female Williams Jack Male Bunbury
1936/6600132 Wellington Williams Jack Male Wenn Ellen Female Bunbury
1936/6600133 Wellington Meechan Margaret Female McGowan Martin Male Bunbury
1936/6600133 Wellington McGowan Martin Male Meechan Margaret Female Bunbury
1936/6600134 Wellington Hutton Lilian May Female McVee Robert Male Bunbury
1936/6600134 Wellington McVee Robert Male Hutton Lilian May Female Bunbury
1936/6600135 Wellington Wright Jack Twigg Male Mitchell Elizabeth Macqueen Female Collie
1936/6600135 Wellington Mitchell Elizabeth Macqueen Female Wright Jack Twigg Male Collie
1936/6600136 Wellington Reid Colin Barclay Male Borrett Paula Female Bunbury
1936/6600136 Wellington Borrett Paula Female Reid Colin Barclay Male Bunbury
1936/6600137 Wellington Smith Mavis Kathleen Female McVee Henry Walter Male Collie
1936/6600137 Wellington McVee Henry Walter Male Smith Mavis Kathleen Female Collie
1936/6600138 Wellington Pedretti Angelo Emillio Male Atkins Catherine Hannah Oxley Female Bunbury
1936/6600138 Wellington Atkins Catherine Hannah Oxley Female Pedretti Angelo Emillio Male Bunbury
1936/6600139 Wellington Curnow Eva Annie Female Everett Frederick Hayden Maxwell Male Darkan
1936/6600139 Wellington Everett Frederick Hayden Maxwell Male Curnow Eva Annie Female Darkan
1936/6600140 Wellington Squires Lionel John Male Watkins Mary Elizabeth Female Collie
1936/6600140 Wellington Watkins Mary Elizabeth Female Squires Lionel John Male Collie
1936/6600141 Wellington McCall Esther Female Offer Frank Thomas Male Picton
1936/6600141 Wellington Offer Frank Thomas Male McCall Esther Female Picton
1936/6600142 Wellington Muir Jean Female Williamson William Henry Male Bunbury
1936/6600142 Wellington Williamson William Henry Male Muir Jean Female Bunbury
1936/6600143 Wellington Pollock Alexander Male Jones Vera Amelia Female Harvey
1936/6600143 Wellington Jones Vera Amelia Female Pollock Alexander Male Harvey
1936/6600144 Wellington Grover Reginald Walter Male Anderson Stella Winifred Female Bunbury
1936/6600144 Wellington Anderson Stella Winifred Female Grover Reginald Walter Male Bunbury
1936/6600145 Wellington Iles Elizabeth Kate Female Pelusey Serafino Guilio Male Bunbury
1936/6600145 Wellington Iles Elizabeth Kate Female Pelusi Serafino Guilio Male Bunbury
1936/6600145 Wellington Pelusey Serafino Guilio Male Iles Elizabeth Kate Female Bunbury
1936/6600145 Wellington Pelusi Serafino Guilio Male Iles Elizabeth Kate Female Bunbury
1936/6600146 Wellington Whitehurst Hannah Doreen Female McIntosh John Herbert Male Collie
1936/6600146 Wellington McIntosh John Herbert Male Whitehurst Hannah Doreen Female Collie
1936/6600147 Wellington Mort Gladys Female Hutton William John Ronald Male Bunbury
1936/6600147 Wellington Hutton William John Ronald Male Mort Gladys Female Bunbury
1936/6600148 Wellington Hague Rona Ann Female Johnson Ray Willmott Male Picton
1936/6600148 Wellington Johnson Ray Willmott Male Hague Rona Ann Female Picton
1936/6600149 Wellington Clifton Robert Lorraine Male Jenkins Eunice Joy Female Harvey
1936/6600149 Wellington Jenkins Eunice Joy Female Clifton Robert Lorraine Male Harvey
1936/6600150 Wellington Richards Jeanetta Joy Female Dawes Charles Henry George Male Collie
1936/6600150 Wellington Dawes Charles Henry George Male Richards Jeanetta Joy Female Collie
1936/6600151 Wellington Linehan Thomas William Victor Male Hepple Jessie Estella Female Mornington Mills
1936/6600151 Wellington Hepple Jessie Estella Female Linehan Thomas William Victor Male Mornington Mills
1936/6600152 Wellington Harrison Edna Connie Female Wyatt Frederick William Male Bunbury
1936/6600152 Wellington Wyatt Frederick William Male Harrison Edna Connie Female Bunbury
1936/6600153 Wellington Milne George Noble Male Smith Annie Elizabeth Female Harvey
1936/6600153 Wellington Smith Annie Elizabeth Female Milne George Noble Male Harvey
1936/6600154 Wellington Rose Samuel John Male Lamming Marguerite Zoe Female Capel
1936/6600154 Wellington Lamming Marguerite Zoe Female Rose Samuel John Male Capel
1936/6600155 Wellington Jensen Jean Ellis Female Hunter Frederich Stephen Male Bunbury
1936/6600155 Wellington Hunter Frederich Stephen Male Jensen Jean Ellis Female Bunbury
1936/6600156 Wellington Farley Una Lauretta Female Attwood Joseph Archibald Male Bunbury
1936/6600156 Wellington Attwood Joseph Archibald Male Farley Una Lauretta Female Bunbury
1936/6600157 Wellington Oldham Reginald Maurice Male Tyrrell Florence Annie Female Bunbury
1936/6600157 Wellington Tyrrell Florence Annie Female Oldham Reginald Maurice Male Bunbury
1936/6600158 Wellington Wenn Frances Mary Female Hogan Walter Ernest Male Bunbury
1936/6600158 Wellington Hogan Walter Ernest Male Wenn Frances Mary Female Bunbury
1936/6600159 Wellington Lefroy Robert Bruce Male Clarke Nancy Female Bunbury
1936/6600159 Wellington Clarke Nancy Female Lefroy Robert Bruce Male Bunbury
1936/6600160 Wellington Sears Nell Fairylie Female Farley David Vincent Cecil Male Donnybrook
1936/6600160 Wellington Farley David Vincent Cecil Male Sears Nell Fairylie Female Donnybrook
1936/6600161 Wellington Still Ada May Female Gibsone Percy Vernon Male Harvey
1936/6600161 Wellington Gibsone Percy Vernon Male Still Ada May Female Harvey
1936/6600162 Wellington Walker Olive Lilian Female Lyons John Patrick Male Bunbury
1936/6600162 Wellington Lyons John Patrick Male Walker Olive Lilian Female Bunbury
1936/6600163 Wellington Inkpen Marjory Eleanor Frances Female Lovegrove Frederic Thomas Baile Male Bunbury
1936/6600163 Wellington Lovegrove Frederic Thomas Baile Male Inkpen Marjory Eleanor Frances Female Bunbury
1936/6600164 Wellington Pittard Henry Archibald Male Smith Iris May Female Harvey
1936/6600164 Wellington Smith Iris May Female Pittard Henry Archibald Male Harvey
1936/6600165 Wellington Smith Stanley Mervyn Male Williams Gwendoline Female Bunbury
1936/6600165 Wellington Williams Gwendoline Female Smith Stanley Mervyn Male Bunbury
1936/6600166 Wellington Berry Charles Bernard Male Platts Thelma Miriam Female Bunbury
1936/6600166 Wellington Platts Thelma Miriam Female Berry Charles Bernard Male Bunbury
1936/6600167 Wellington Scott Albert Edward Male Cunnold Jean Patricia Female Bunbury
1936/6600167 Wellington Cunnold Jean Patricia Female Scott Albert Edward Male Bunbury
1936/6600168 Wellington Smith Clifford Walter Male Atkins Esther Laura Female Collie
1936/6600168 Wellington Atkins Esther Laura Female Smith Clifford Walter Male Collie
1936/6600169 Wellington Harris Sydney Clements Male Buck Eunice Lucy Female Bunbury
1936/6600169 Wellington Buck Eunice Lucy Female Harris Sydney Clements Male Bunbury
1936/6600170 Wellington Ross Alexander Neil Male Donaldson Jean Mary Female Bunbury
1936/6600170 Wellington Donaldson Jean Mary Female Ross Alexander Neil Male Bunbury
1936/6600171 Wellington Keenan May Anderson Female Davis Sydney George Male Collie
1936/6600171 Wellington Davis Sydney George Male Keenan May Anderson Female Collie
1936/6600172 Wellington Scott Norma May Female Wood Horace Basil Male Collie
1936/6600172 Wellington Wood Horace Basil Male Scott Norma May Female Collie
1936/6600173 Wellington Curnow Thomas Male Lynch Edith Georgina Female Darkan
1936/6600173 Wellington Lynch Edith Georgina Female Curnow Thomas Male Darkan
1936/6600174 Wellington Pittard Ruby Doreen Female Hanson Frank Harold Male Bunbury
1936/6600174 Wellington Hanson Frank Harold Male Pittard Ruby Doreen Female Bunbury
1936/6600175 Wellington Donovan Joan Llewelyn Female Cook Leonard James Male Bunbury
1936/6600175 Wellington Cook Leonard James Male Donovan Joan Llewelyn Female Bunbury
1936/6600176 Wellington Pool Arthur John Male Rose Kathleen Camille Female Bunbury
1936/6600176 Wellington Rose Kathleen Camille Female Pool Arthur John Male Bunbury
1936/6600177 Wellington Mort Ethel Female Williams Colin Lindsay Gordon Male Bunbury
1936/6600177 Wellington Williams Colin Lindsay Gordon Male Mort Ethel Female Bunbury
1936/6600178 Wellington Sullivan Sylvia Rose Female Huitson Frank William Male Donnybrook
1936/6600178 Wellington Huitson Frank William Male Sullivan Sylvia Rose Female Donnybrook
1936/6600179 Wellington Filsell Frances Jean Female Moore Richard George Male Collie
1936/6600179 Wellington Moore Richard George Male Filsell Frances Jean Female Collie
1936/6600180 Wellington Brockman Eric Male Scott Gladys Janet Female Donnybrook
1936/6600180 Wellington Scott Gladys Janet Female Brockman Eric Male Donnybrook
1936/6600181 Wellington Merritt John William Male Negri Florrie Janet Female Donnybrook
1936/6600181 Wellington Negri Florrie Janet Female Merritt John William Male Donnybrook
1936/6600182 Wellington Anthony Henry Male Johnstone Ruby Joyce Female Brunswick Junction
1936/6600182 Wellington Johnstone Ruby Joyce Female Anthony Henry Male Brunswick Junction
1936/6600183 Wellington Tylor Gladys Mary Female Neil Arthur Wesson Male Bunbury
1936/6600183 Wellington Neil Arthur Wesson Male Tylor Gladys Mary Female Bunbury
1936/6600184 Wellington Littlefair William Gibson Male McCaffrey Phyllis Sarah Female Picton
1936/6600184 Wellington McCaffrey Phyllis Sarah Female Littlefair William Gibson Male Picton
1936/6600185 Wellington Keddie Alec Thomas Male Bridson Olive May Female Rathmines
1936/6600185 Wellington Bridson Olive May Female Keddie Alec Thomas Male Rathmines
1937/6700001 Williams Argent Mary Jane Female Hutchinson Charles Male Jilakin
1937/6700001 Williams Hutchinson Charles Male Argent Mary Jane Female Jilakin
1936/6700002 Williams Watts Violet Dorothy Maud Female Bailey George Eric Male Narrogin
1936/6700002 Williams Bailey George Eric Male Watts Violet Dorothy Maud Female Narrogin
1936/6700003 Williams Jones Gladys Annie Female Butler Jan Male Narrogin
1936/6700003 Williams Butler Jan Male Jones Gladys Annie Female Narrogin
1936/6700005 Williams Phillips Matilda May Female Weston Harry Male Narrogin
1936/6700005 Williams Weston Harry Male Phillips Matilda May Female Narrogin
1936/6700006 Williams Stevens Adelaide Eleanor Female Richardson Albert Edward Male Narrogin
1936/6700006 Williams Richardson Albert Edward Male Stevens Adelaide Eleanor Female Narrogin
1936/6700007 Williams Beattie Florence May Female Tresidder Ernest Albert Amond Male Narrogin
1936/6700007 Williams Tresidder Ernest Albert Amond Male Beattie Florence May Female Narrogin
1936/6700008 Williams Lee Helen Adelaide Female Firth Arthur David James Male Nomans Lake
1936/6700008 Williams Firth Arthur David James Male Lee Helen Adelaide Female Nomans Lake
1936/6700009 Williams Lewis Daniel Thomas Male McCabe Ada Female Wickepin
1936/6700009 Williams McCabe Ada Female Lewis Daniel Thomas Male Wickepin
1936/6700010 Williams Wuttke Phyllis Mona Female Vawser Harold Bentley Male Narrogin
1936/6700010 Williams Vawser Harold Bentley Male Wuttke Phyllis Mona Female Narrogin
1936/6700011 Williams McKeaig George Daniel Male Turner Beryl Jane Female Wickepin
1936/6700011 Williams Turner Beryl Jane Female McKeaig George Daniel Male Wickepin
1936/6700012 Williams Lavater Theodore Clifton Male Taylor Hazel Lynam Female Narrogin
1936/6700012 Williams Taylor Hazel Lynam Female Lavater Theodore Clifton Male Narrogin
1936/6700013 Williams Sheppard Thomas George Burton Male Atkins Alma Merle Female Narrogin
1936/6700013 Williams Atkins Alma Merle Female Sheppard Thomas George Burton Male Narrogin
1936/6700014 Williams Geall James Joseph Male Holdaway Muriel Female Narrogin
1936/6700014 Williams Holdaway Muriel Female Geall James Joseph Male Narrogin
1936/6700015 Williams Mead Violet Female Lyne Robert Edward Male Lake Grace
1936/6700015 Williams Lyne Robert Edward Male Mead Violet Female Lake Grace
1936/6700016 Williams Kealley Millicent Female Palmer Keith Patrick Goderich Male Narrogin
1936/6700016 Williams Palmer Keith Patrick Goderich Male Kealley Millicent Female Narrogin
1936/6700017 Williams Randall Rhoda Dorothy Female Giles Isaac Reginald Male Narrogin
1936/6700017 Williams Giles Isaac Reginald Male Randall Rhoda Dorothy Female Narrogin
1936/6700018 Williams Smythe Kathleen Female Sargeant Eric Leslie Male Narrogin
1936/6700018 Williams Sargeant Eric Leslie Male Smythe Kathleen Female Narrogin
1936/6700019 Williams Patten Herbert Benjamin Male Haynes Daphne Beryl Female Williams
1936/6700019 Williams Haynes Daphne Beryl Female Patten Herbert Benjamin Male Williams
1936/6700020 Williams Francis Elsie Phyllis Female Garlick Stanley Ernest Male Narrogin
1936/6700020 Williams Garlick Stanley Ernest Male Francis Elsie Phyllis Female Narrogin
1936/6700021 Williams Plumb Alice Female Milner Colin Hendy Male Narrogin
1936/6700021 Williams Milner Colin Hendy Male Plumb Alice Female Narrogin
1936/6700022 Williams Weinert Maxwell Lovel Male Hall Gwenda Adelaide Female Narrogin
1936/6700022 Williams Hall Gwenda Adelaide Female Weinert Maxwell Lovel Male Narrogin
1936/6700023 Williams Ninyett Ethel Female Thompson Thomas Herbert Male Narrogin
1936/6700023 Williams Thompson Thomas Herbert Male Ninyett Ethel Female Narrogin
1936/6700024 Williams Waddingham Thelma Female Tebbit Ronald Hugh Male Narrogin
1936/6700024 Williams Tebbit Ronald Hugh Male Waddingham Thelma Female Narrogin
1936/6700025 Williams Seddon Gladys Winifred Female Tetley Leslie Liddington Male Lake Grace
1936/6700025 Williams Tetley Leslie Liddington Male Seddon Gladys Winifred Female Lake Grace
1936/6700026 Williams Clarke Heather Elizabeth Female Simpson David Male Narrogin
1936/6700026 Williams Simpson David Male Clarke Heather Elizabeth Female Narrogin
1936/6700027 Williams Brooks Kathleen Edith Female Kilpatrick Robert Wilson Male Narrogin
1936/6700027 Williams Kilpatrick Robert Wilson Male Brooks Kathleen Edith Female Narrogin
1936/6700028 Williams Marshall Sylvia Cora Female Warren Archie Keith Male Narrogin
1936/6700028 Williams Warren Archie Keith Male Marshall Sylvia Cora Female Narrogin
1936/6700029 Williams Mackay Robina Glenny Female Dyke Keith Francis Male Williams
1936/6700029 Williams Dyke Keith Francis Male Mackay Robina Glenny Female Williams
1936/6700030 Williams Lange William Price Male McNamara Jean Bryan Female Narrogin
1936/6700030 Williams McNamara Jean Bryan Female Lange William Price Male Narrogin
1936/6700031 Williams Meredith Clifford William Henry Male Schultze Myrtle Rose Female Narrogin
1936/6700031 Williams Schultze Myrtle Rose Female Meredith Clifford William Henry Male Narrogin
1936/6700032 Williams Borthwick Christina Horsburgh Female Sim Edward Davidson Male Narrogin
1936/6700032 Williams Sim Edward Davidson Male Borthwick Christina Horsburgh Female Narrogin
1936/6700033 Williams Fay John Ernest Male Fairfull Dorothy May Female Narrogin
1936/6700033 Williams Fairfull Dorothy May Female Fay John Ernest Male Narrogin
1936/6700034 Williams Scott Dorothy Female Manning Eric Douglas Male Narrogin
1936/6700034 Williams Manning Eric Douglas Male Scott Dorothy Female Narrogin
1936/6700035 Williams O'Connor Clarence Andrew Male Monaghan Norah Mary Female Narrogin
1936/6700035 Williams Monaghan Norah Mary Female O'Connor Clarence Andrew Male Narrogin
1936/6700036 Williams Coutts George Male Batt Muriel Olive Pearl Female Narrogin
1936/6700036 Williams Batt Muriel Olive Pearl Female Coutts George Male Narrogin
1936/6700037 Williams Gray Norman Henry Male Sims Jessie Margaret Female Dorakin
1936/6700037 Williams Sims Jessie Margaret Female Gray Norman Henry Male Dorakin
1936/6700038 Williams Trestrail Freda Alice Female Biglin Donald Arthur Male Narrogin
1936/6700038 Williams Biglin Donald Arthur Male Trestrail Freda Alice Female Narrogin
1936/6700039 Williams Schnaars Lily Female Phillips Hartley Norman Male Narrogin
1936/6700039 Williams Phillips Hartley Norman Male Schnaars Lily Female Narrogin
1936/6700040 Williams Clifton Charles James Male Kelly Lilian Esther Veronica Female Lake Grace
1936/6700040 Williams Kelly Lilian Esther Veronica Female Clifton Charles James Male Lake Grace
1936/6700041 Williams Fitzgerald Edward Phillip Male Morrish Iris Florrie Gwendoline Female Narrogin
1936/6700041 Williams Morrish Iris Florrie Gwendoline Female Fitzgerald Edward Phillip Male Narrogin
1936/6700042 Williams Moncrieff Phyllis Anne Female Rose Charles Thomas William Male Wickepin
1936/6700042 Williams Rose Charles Thomas William Male Moncrieff Phyllis Anne Female Wickepin
1936/6700043 Williams Franks Sydney Ness Male Edwards Dorothy Byne Female Narrogin
1936/6700043 Williams Edwards Dorothy Byne Female Franks Sydney Ness Male Narrogin
1936/6700044 Williams Dalton Leslie John Male Hemley Rose Irene Female Wickepin
1936/6700044 Williams Hemley Rose Irene Female Dalton Leslie John Male Wickepin
1936/6700045 Williams Pattinson Jackson Male Binge Annie Leila Female Narrogin
1936/6700045 Williams Binge Annie Leila Female Pattinson Jackson Male Narrogin
1936/6700046 Williams Rowe Mary Female Edwards Leslie Seymour Male Narrogin
1936/6700046 Williams Edwards Leslie Seymour Male Rowe Mary Female Narrogin
1936/6700047 Williams Tindale Ernest Male White Holly May Female Narrogin
1936/6700047 Williams White Holly May Female Tindale Ernest Male Narrogin
1936/6700048 Williams Dick Elsie Lilian Female Drown William Forrest Male Narrogin
1936/6700048 Williams Drown William Forrest Male Dick Elsie Lilian Female Narrogin
1936/6700049 Williams Walter John Charles Male Christensen Mary Christene Female Cuballing
1936/6700049 Williams Christensen Mary Christene Female Walter John Charles Male Cuballing
1936/6700050 Williams Parnell Dorothea Mary Female Granger John Edward Male Narrogin
1936/6700050 Williams Granger John Edward Male Parnell Dorothea Mary Female Narrogin
1936/6700051 Williams Waldron-Brown John William Arthur Male Skewes Annie Gwendoline Mavis Female Narrogin
1936/6700051 Williams Skewes Annie Gwendoline Mavis Female Waldron-Brown John William Arthur Male Narrogin
1936/6700052 Williams Fleming John Rae Male Parry Helen Mary Female Narrogin
1936/6700052 Williams Parry Helen Mary Female Fleming John Rae Male Narrogin
1936/6700053 Williams Pearce William Roderick Male McKenzie Adelaide Beatrice Female Williams
1936/6700053 Williams McKenzie Adelaide Beatrice Female Pearce William Roderick Male Williams
1936/6700054 Williams Saunders Mavis Lilian Female Quinn Frederick Charles Male Lake Grace
1936/6700054 Williams Quinn Frederick Charles Male Saunders Mavis Lilian Female Lake Grace
1936/6700055 Williams McDonald Grant Male Shannon Bettina Mary Female Narrogin
1936/6700055 Williams Shannon Bettina Mary Female McDonald Grant Male Narrogin
1936/6900001 Yalgoo Smith Alice Crouch Female Deane Alfred James Male Yalgoo
1936/6900001 Yalgoo Deane Alfred James Male Smith Alice Crouch Female Yalgoo
1936/6900002 Yalgoo Gordon John Charles Male O'Connor Bridget Mary Female Yalgoo
1936/6900002 Yalgoo O'Connor Bridget Mary Female Gordon John Charles Male Yalgoo
1936/7000001 Yilgarn Hollow Frederick James Male McIntyre Clare Female Southern Cross
1936/7000001 Yilgarn McIntyre Clare Female Hollow Frederick James Male Southern Cross
1936/7000002 Yilgarn Matthews Francis Clement Male Busholdt Maud Caroline Female Southern Cross
1936/7000002 Yilgarn Busholdt Maud Caroline Female Matthews Francis Clement Male Southern Cross
1936/7000003 Yilgarn Butcher Phyllis Eveleen Female Dittmer Ernest Mario Male Southern Cross
1936/7000003 Yilgarn Dittmer Ernest Mario Male Butcher Phyllis Eveleen Female Southern Cross
1936/7000004 Yilgarn Joynes Dorothy Gladys Jean Mayo Female Johnson William Albert Male Southern Cross
1936/7000004 Yilgarn Johnson William Albert Male Joynes Dorothy Gladys Jean Mayo Female Southern Cross
1936/7000005 Yilgarn Davies Griffith George Male Bail Olive Campbell Female Southern Cross
1936/7000005 Yilgarn Bail Olive Campbell Female Davies Griffith George Male Southern Cross
1936/7000006 Yilgarn Paull Joan Female Sara Lionel George Male Southern Cross
1936/7000006 Yilgarn Sara Lionel George Male Paull Joan Female Southern Cross
1936/7000007 Yilgarn Reynolds Bertram Male Cooke Joyce Hilda Female Bullfinch
1936/7000007 Yilgarn Cooke Joyce Hilda Female Reynolds Bertram Male Bullfinch
1936/7000008 Yilgarn Birkett Philip Lee Male Hill Dorothy Female Southern Cross
1936/7000008 Yilgarn Hill Dorothy Female Birkett Philip Lee Male Southern Cross
1936/7000009 Yilgarn Henderson Elsie Female Robinson Ray Raymond Male Southern Cross
1936/7000009 Yilgarn Robinson Ray Raymond Male Henderson Elsie Female Southern Cross
1936/7000010 Yilgarn Chant Reginald Whiteley Male McNeil Emily Dorothy Female Southern Cross
1936/7000010 Yilgarn McNeil Emily Dorothy Female Chant Reginald Whiteley Male Southern Cross
1936/7000011 Yilgarn Shephard Colin Allen Male Jones Gwendoline Gladys Female Southern Cross
1936/7000011 Yilgarn Jones Gwendoline Gladys Female Shephard Colin Allen Male Southern Cross
1936/7000012 Yilgarn Trinidad Queenie Rita Female Barrass William Patrick Male Southern Cross
1936/7000012 Yilgarn Barrass William Patrick Male Trinidad Queenie Rita Female Southern Cross
1936/7000013 Yilgarn Canning Annie Louise Female Crook Percival Octavius Male Mt Palmer
1936/7000013 Yilgarn Crook Percival Octavius Male Canning Annie Louise Female Mt Palmer
1936/7000014 Yilgarn Donovan Edward Alfred Male Driver Ethel Lillian Female Southern Cross
1936/7000014 Yilgarn Driver Ethel Lillian Female Donovan Edward Alfred Male Southern Cross
1936/7000015 Yilgarn Taylor Ernest Victor Male Stacey Mavis Olive Female Southern Cross
1936/7000015 Yilgarn Stacey Mavis Olive Female Taylor Ernest Victor Male Southern Cross
1936/7000016 Yilgarn Robb John McHardy Male Watson Gertrude Mary Ellen Female Southern Cross
1936/7000016 Yilgarn Watson Gertrude Mary Ellen Female Robb John McHardy Male Southern Cross
1936/7000017 Yilgarn Clarkson Ruth Ellen Female Clark Hector Male Southern Cross
1936/7000017 Yilgarn Clark Hector Male Clarkson Ruth Ellen Female Southern Cross
1936/7000018 Yilgarn Rajander Magda Regina Female Williamson Walter Cyril Male Southern Cross
1936/7000018 Yilgarn Williamson Walter Cyril Male Rajander Magda Regina Female Southern Cross
1936/7000019 Yilgarn Doohan Herbert Allen Male Saunders Ruth Female Southern Cross
1936/7000019 Yilgarn Saunders Ruth Female Doohan Herbert Allen Male Southern Cross
1936/7000020 Yilgarn Badle Mena Ivy Female Sherar Robert Male Southern Cross
1936/7000020 Yilgarn Sherar Robert Male Badle Mena Ivy Female Southern Cross
1936/7000021 Yilgarn Argust Florence Elizabeth Female Moir Robert McAlister Male Southern Cross
1936/7000021 Yilgarn Moir Robert McAlister Male Argust Florence Elizabeth Female Southern Cross
1936/7000022 Yilgarn Gregory Eric Oswald Male Noble Ann Shand Female Southern Cross
1936/7000022 Yilgarn Noble Ann Shand Female Gregory Eric Oswald Male Southern Cross
1936/7000023 Yilgarn Harris Leonard Samuel Male Reynolds Dorothy Florence Female Southern Cross
1936/7000023 Yilgarn Reynolds Dorothy Florence Female Harris Leonard Samuel Male Southern Cross
1936/7000024 Yilgarn Jackson John William Male Hayward Iris Eileen Female Southern Cross
1936/7000024 Yilgarn Hayward Iris Eileen Female Jackson John William Male Southern Cross
1936/7000025 Yilgarn Heinricks Mary Evelyn Female Francis John Richard Male Southern Cross
1936/7000025 Yilgarn Francis John Richard Male Heinricks Mary Evelyn Female Southern Cross
1936/7000026 Yilgarn Odgers Harold Athol Clarence Male Kimberley Phyllis Joyce Female Southern Cross
1936/7000026 Yilgarn Kimberley Phyllis Joyce Female Odgers Harold Athol Clarence Male Southern Cross
1936/7000027 Yilgarn Hoffmann Arthur Male Pettite Darriel Mae Renate Female Bullfinch
1936/7000027 Yilgarn Pettite Darriel Mae Renate Female Hoffmann Arthur Male Bullfinch
1936/7000028 Yilgarn Green Horace Leonard Male Brown Rose Female Southern Cross
1936/7000028 Yilgarn Green Horace Leonard Male Wood Rose Female Southern Cross
1936/7000028 Yilgarn Wood Rose Female Green Horace Leonard Male Southern Cross
1936/7000028 Yilgarn Brown Rose Female Green Horace Leonard Male Southern Cross
1936/7000029 Yilgarn Godridee George Reginald Male Onn Almedia Mary Female Westonia
1936/7000029 Yilgarn Onn Almedia Mary Female Godridee George Reginald Male Westonia
1936/7000030 Yilgarn Gatley Nellie Female Sodeman Lloyd Hilton Male Southern Cross
1936/7000030 Yilgarn Sodeman Lloyd Hilton Male Gatley Nellie Female Southern Cross
1936/7000031 Yilgarn Pollard Edwin Male Halstead Lucy Female Southern Cross
1936/7000031 Yilgarn Halstead Lucy Female Pollard Edwin Male Southern Cross
1936/7000032 Yilgarn West George Charles Male Moodie Alice Irene Female Westonia
1936/7000032 Yilgarn Moodie Alice Irene Female West George Charles Male Westonia
1936/7000033 Yilgarn Robinson Frederick Allan Male Sodeman Glen Catherine Female Southern Cross
1936/7000033 Yilgarn Sodeman Glen Catherine Female Robinson Frederick Allan Male Southern Cross
1936/7100002 York Flood Iris Pearl Female Walker Richard Male York
1936/7100002 York Walker Richard Male Flood Iris Pearl Female York
1936/7100003 York Gurney Joseph James Male Shaw Myrtle May Female York
1936/7100003 York Shaw Myrtle May Female Gurney Joseph James Male York
1936/7100004 York MacLoughlin Dorothy Female Pitcher Noel Vance Male York
1936/7100004 York Pitcher Noel Vance Male MacLoughlin Dorothy Female York
1936/7100005 York Dickens Hilda Ellen Female Woods Raymond George Male York
1936/7100005 York Woods Raymond George Male Dickens Hilda Ellen Female York
1936/7100006 York Kong John Lee Male Tomkinson Marjorie Ada Female York
1936/7100006 York Tomkinson Marjorie Ada Female Kong John Lee Male York
1936/7100007 York Hunt Dolly Georgina Female Carr Francis Lionel Male York
1936/7100007 York Carr Francis Lionel Male Hunt Dolly Georgina Female York
1936/7100008 York Heran Percy William Male Ovens Julia Roma Female Gilgering
1936/7100008 York Ovens Julia Roma Female Heran Percy William Male Gilgering
1936/7100009 York Harris Charles Victor Male Wansbrough Leta Female York
1936/7100009 York Wansbrough Leta Female Harris Charles Victor Male York
1936/7100010 York Sparke Betty Musgrove Female Dickson Alistair de Courcy Male York
1936/7100010 York Dickson Alistair de Courcy Male Sparke Betty Musgrove Female York
1936/7100011 York Munday Ethel Lillian Female Burrow Stanislaus Male York
1936/7100011 York Burrow Stanislaus Male Munday Ethel Lillian Female York
1936/7100012 York Hawksley Clarice May Female Napier Albert George Fulton Male York
1936/7100012 York Napier Albert George Fulton Male Hawksley Clarice May Female York
1936/7100013 York Miller Norman Thomas Male Stone Margaret Elizabeth Female York
1936/7100013 York Stone Margaret Elizabeth Female Miller Norman Thomas Male York
1936/7100014 York Youngman Elsie Female Reid Robert Male York
1936/7100014 York Reid Robert Male Youngman Elsie Female York
1936/7100015 York Chinnery Doris Female Sutherland Louis Male York
1936/7100015 York Sutherland Louis Male Chinnery Doris Female York