A tool to help track the citations of the Western Australian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages from Wikidata and WikiTree.

Marriages in: 1935

Registration year & number Registration district Surname Given names Gender Spouse surname Spouse given names Spouse gender Marriage place Wikidata WikiTree
1936/100001 Perth Lidington George Douglas Male Ashby Florence Elizabeth Female Perth
1936/100001 Perth Ashby Florence Elizabeth Female Lidington George Douglas Male Perth
1936/100002 Perth Richardson Sidney Norman Male Kelly Alice Jean Female Perth
1936/100002 Perth Kelly Alice Jean Female Richardson Sidney Norman Male Perth
1936/100003 Perth Jefferson Kathleen May Ada Female Molloy Aubrey John Male Perth
1936/100003 Perth Molloy Aubrey John Male Jefferson Kathleen May Ada Female Perth
1936/100004 Perth Noble Janet Hendry Hutcheson Female Creighton William Edward Male Perth
1936/100004 Perth Creighton William Edward Male Noble Janet Hendry Hutcheson Female Perth
1936/100005 Perth Vincent Leslie William Male Kyrwood Ethel Doris Female Subiaco
1936/100005 Perth Kyrwood Ethel Doris Female Vincent Leslie William Male Subiaco
1936/100006 Perth Gandy Maisie Gertrude Female Wray Melville Dudley Male Subiaco
1936/100006 Perth Wray Melville Dudley Male Gandy Maisie Gertrude Female Subiaco
1936/100007 Perth Hackford Dora Female Coope Ernest Edward Male Cottesloe
1936/100007 Perth Coope Ernest Edward Male Hackford Dora Female Cottesloe
1936/100008 Perth Thomas Henry George Male Robinson Rosetta Josephine Female West Perth
1936/100008 Perth Robinson Rosetta Josephine Female Thomas Henry George Male West Perth
1936/100009 Perth Millwood James Richard Male Weston Millicent Catherine Ann Female Cottesloe
1936/100009 Perth Weston Millicent Catherine Ann Female Millwood James Richard Male Cottesloe
1935/100011 Perth Pratt Ruby May Female Whittome James Stephen Infield Male Perth
1936/100011 Perth Wade Phyllis Female Rutherford Andrew Bennett Male Perth
1935/100011 Perth Whittome James Stephen Infield Male Pratt Ruby May Female Perth
1936/100011 Perth Rutherford Andrew Bennett Male Wade Phyllis Female Perth
1936/100012 Perth Lyons Frederick Gustave Male Bock Annie Ethel Margaret Female Victoria Park
1936/100012 Perth Bock Annie Ethel Margaret Female Lyons Frederick Gustave Male Victoria Park
1936/100013 Perth Taylor Doris May Female Hanson William Leslie Male Perth
1936/100013 Perth Hanson William Leslie Male Taylor Doris May Female Perth
1936/100014 Perth Fertch Avis Daphne Female Atkinson Frederick Percival Male Perth
1936/100014 Perth Atkinson Frederick Percival Male Fertch Avis Daphne Female Perth
1936/100015 Perth Younger Robertina Female Burn Roy Male Perth
1936/100015 Perth Burn Roy Male Younger Robertina Female Perth
1936/100016 Perth Wardell-Johnson Walter Male Butler Laura Winifred Treleaven Female Mount Lawley
1936/100016 Perth Butler Laura Winifred Treleaven Female Wardell-Johnson Walter Male Mount Lawley
1936/100017 Perth Noble Phyllis Mary Female Barritt Arthur Male North Perth
1936/100017 Perth Barritt Arthur Male Noble Phyllis Mary Female North Perth
1936/100018 Perth Martin Vernon Percival Alexander Male Moon Lorna Isabel Female North Perth
1936/100018 Perth Moon Lorna Isabel Female Martin Vernon Percival Alexander Male North Perth
1936/100019 Perth Clark Alan Kelvin Male Raston Averil Enid Female North Perth
1936/100019 Perth Raston Averil Enid Female Clark Alan Kelvin Male North Perth
1936/100020 Perth Ewart Jessie Irene Female Boyd James Male North Perth
1936/100020 Perth Boyd James Male Ewart Jessie Irene Female North Perth
1936/100021 Perth Plewright Elsie May Female Burgoyne George Erwin Halley Male North Perth
1936/100021 Perth Burgoyne George Erwin Halley Male Plewright Elsie May Female North Perth
1936/100022 Perth Pridmore Kathleen Mary Josephine Female Brooker Joseph Edward Roche Male North Perth
1936/100022 Perth Brooker Joseph Edward Roche Male Pridmore Kathleen Mary Josephine Female North Perth
1936/100023 Perth Gattenhof Mary Amelda Female Bellman Alfred Charles Male North Perth
1936/100023 Perth Bellman Alfred Charles Male Gattenhof Mary Amelda Female North Perth
1936/100024 Perth Toguela Davide Male Pedrolini Teresa Female Victoria Park
1936/100024 Perth Pedrolini Teresa Female Toguela Davide Male Victoria Park
1936/100025 Perth Moate Mavis Josephine Female Crowley John Desmond Male Victoria Park
1936/100025 Perth Crowley John Desmond Male Moate Mavis Josephine Female Victoria Park
1936/100026 Perth Edwards Alice Rhoda Female Harrison Frederick George Male Mount Hawthorn
1936/100026 Perth Harrison Frederick George Male Edwards Alice Rhoda Female Mount Hawthorn
1936/100027 Perth Chambers Elsie Gladys Female Lovett Leslie Charles Longhurst Male Scarborough
1936/100027 Perth Lovett Leslie Charles Longhurst Male Chambers Elsie Gladys Female Scarborough
1936/100028 Perth Kent Gilbert Frederick Male Hall Mavis Ethel Female Maylands
1936/100028 Perth Hall Mavis Ethel Female Kent Gilbert Frederick Male Maylands
1936/100029 Perth Ward Mary Matilda Female Keay Ronald Edward Lomax Male North Perth
1936/100029 Perth Keay Ronald Edward Lomax Male Ward Mary Matilda Female North Perth
1936/100031 Perth Clarke Anthony James Male Bell Theresa Female South Perth
1936/100031 Perth Bell Theresa Female Clarke Anthony James Male South Perth
1936/100032 Perth Humphreys Clara Female Livingstone Newton Charles Male South Perth
1936/100032 Perth Livingstone Newton Charles Male Humphreys Clara Female South Perth
1936/100033 Perth Woinar Mignonette Florence Female Foley Laurence Alexander Male South Perth
1936/100033 Perth Foley Laurence Alexander Male Woinar Mignonette Florence Female South Perth
1936/100034 Perth Guilfoyle Frederick William Male Muir Elsie Muriel Female South Perth
1936/100034 Perth Muir Elsie Muriel Female Guilfoyle Frederick William Male South Perth
1936/100035 Perth Horrocks James Stanley Male Williams Mary Winifred Female South Perth
1935/100035 Perth Scalé James Thomas Male McDonald Gladys Female Perth
1935/100035 Perth McDonald Gladys Female Scalé James Thomas Male Perth
1936/100035 Perth Williams Mary Winifred Female Horrocks James Stanley Male South Perth
1936/100036 Perth Breen Eileen May Female Cox George Robert Male South Perth
1936/100036 Perth Cox George Robert Male Breen Eileen May Female South Perth
1936/100037 Perth Batten Annie Female Dawe Richard Silverton Male Leederville
1936/100037 Perth Dawe Richard Silverton Male Batten Annie Female Leederville
1936/100040 Perth Davies Henry Owen Male Batey Mary Female Bayswater
1936/100040 Perth Batey Mary Female Davies Henry Owen Male Bayswater
1936/100041 Perth Hayes Lilian Alice Maude Female Francis Stanley Gordon Male Perth
1936/100041 Perth Francis Stanley Gordon Male Hayes Lilian Alice Maude Female Perth
1936/100044 Perth Smith Norman Lubbock Male Down Irene Doris Female West Perth
1936/100044 Perth Down Irene Doris Female Smith Norman Lubbock Male West Perth
1936/100045 Perth Marriott Kenneth Malcolm Male Golding Nellie Evelyn Female West Perth
1936/100045 Perth Golding Nellie Evelyn Female Marriott Kenneth Malcolm Male West Perth
1936/100046 Perth Mayman Elizabeth Margaret Mary Female Bright Henry Edward Male West Perth
1936/100046 Perth Bright Henry Edward Male Mayman Elizabeth Margaret Mary Female West Perth
1936/100047 Perth Whittaker Edward James Male Bolger Mavis Lilian Female West Perth
1936/100047 Perth Bolger Mavis Lilian Female Whittaker Edward James Male West Perth
1936/100048 Perth Newman John Stephen Male Madden Priscilla Victoria Female West Perth
1936/100048 Perth Madden Priscilla Victoria Female Newman John Stephen Male West Perth
1936/100049 Perth Benzie William Frank Male Nixon Florence Female West Perth
1936/100049 Perth Nixon Florence Female Benzie William Frank Male West Perth
1936/100050 Perth Lancaster Lorna Cecil Female Elkington Henry Stanley Male West Perth
1936/100050 Perth Elkington Henry Stanley Male Lancaster Lorna Cecil Female West Perth
1936/100051 Perth Hildebrandt Christian George Leopold Male Thomson Henrietta Female West Perth
1936/100051 Perth Thomson Henrietta Female Hildebrandt Christian George Leopold Male West Perth
1936/100052 Perth Gilchrist Maude Female Meek William Ephraim Male West Perth
1936/100052 Perth Meek William Ephraim Male Gilchrist Maude Female West Perth
1936/100053 Perth Vaughan Bertha Ethel Female Drake Lister Male West Perth
1936/100053 Perth Drake Lister Male Vaughan Bertha Ethel Female West Perth
1936/100054 Perth Hainsworth Cecil David Male Leuba Nellie May Female West Perth
1936/100054 Perth Leuba Nellie May Female Hainsworth Cecil David Male West Perth
1936/100055 Perth Gray Thomas Whitlemore Male Palmer Gertrude Female West Perth
1935/100055 Perth Chiplin Amelia Bertha Female Elwin Frederick John Male Perth
1935/100055 Perth Elwin Frederick John Male Chiplin Amelia Bertha Female Perth
1936/100055 Perth Palmer Gertrude Female Gray Thomas Whitlemore Male West Perth
1936/100056 Perth Webb Stanley Lloyd Male Carrick Helen Jessie Female West Perth
1936/100056 Perth Carrick Helen Jessie Female Webb Stanley Lloyd Male West Perth
1936/100057 Perth Rumble Amy Constance Female Hancock Clarence Male West Perth
1936/100057 Perth Hancock Clarence Male Rumble Amy Constance Female West Perth
1936/100058 Perth Forster Herbert Cyril Male Smith Jessie Howie Female West Perth
1936/100058 Perth Smith Jessie Howie Female Forster Herbert Cyril Male West Perth
1935/100059 Perth Eastwood Kathleen Ida Female Browne Gordon Everard Male West Perth
1936/100059 Perth French Cecil Raymond Male Whitfield Grace Iris Female West Perth
1935/100059 Perth Browne Gordon Everard Male Eastwood Kathleen Ida Female West Perth
1936/100059 Perth Whitfield Grace Iris Female French Cecil Raymond Male West Perth
1935/100060 Perth Unmack Frank Geoffrey Male Robinson Leela Veronica Female West Perth
1935/100060 Perth Robinson Leela Veronica Female Unmack Frank Geoffrey Male West Perth
1936/100060 Perth Smith Joyce Miriam Female Burton Herbert William Male West Perth
1936/100060 Perth Burton Herbert William Male Smith Joyce Miriam Female West Perth
1935/100061 Perth McInnes William Douglas Male Coulter Olive Clare Female Perth
1935/100061 Perth Coulter Olive Clare Female McInnes William Douglas Male Perth
1935/100062 Perth Barnsley Freda Kathleen Female Hunter David Henry Male Subiaco
1936/100062 Perth Riley Patrick Augustine Male Nulsen Rosa Dorothy Female Perth
1936/100062 Perth Nulsen Rosa Dorothy Female Riley Patrick Augustine Male Perth
1935/100062 Perth Hunter David Henry Male Barnsley Freda Kathleen Female Subiaco
1936/100068 Perth Burbridge Alfred Henry Male Smith Joyce Elizabeth Lois Violet Female Claremont
1935/100068 Perth Ingham Ada Henrietta Cavell Female Barker James John Male Perth
1936/100068 Perth Smith Joyce Elizabeth Lois Violet Female Burbridge Alfred Henry Male Claremont
1935/100068 Perth Barker James John Male Ingham Ada Henrietta Cavell Female Perth
1935/100069 Perth Aslan Marie Elaine Female Smith Robert Lionel Male Perth
1936/100069 Perth Cooke Edna May Female Waldron Harvey Richard Elmo Male Mt Lawley
1935/100069 Perth Smith Robert Lionel Male Aslan Marie Elaine Female Perth
1936/100069 Perth Waldron Harvey Richard Elmo Male Cooke Edna May Female Mt Lawley
1935/100070 Perth Newman Marie Female McGillivray Robert Male Perth
1935/100070 Perth McGillivray Robert Male Newman Marie Female Perth
1936/100070 Perth Rudland Clifford Campbell Male Hancock Alice Eliza Susan Female Mt Lawley
1936/100070 Perth Hancock Alice Eliza Susan Female Rudland Clifford Campbell Male Mt Lawley
1935/100071 Perth Petticrew Florida Nevada Female Halbert Rex Spiller Male Perth
1936/100071 Perth O'Keeffe Dorothy May Female Rowe George Arthur Edward James Male Perth
1936/100071 Perth Rowe George Arthur Edward James Male O'Keeffe Dorothy May Female Perth
1935/100071 Perth Halbert Rex Spiller Male Petticrew Florida Nevada Female Perth
1936/100072 Perth Coffey Harold William Male Wilkie Doreen Alice Female Perth
1936/100072 Perth Wilkie Doreen Alice Female Coffey Harold William Male Perth
1936/100073 Perth Lummis Violet Female Boffey Robert Male Perth
1936/100073 Perth Boffey Robert Male Lummis Violet Female Perth
1936/100074 Perth Matthews Belinda Female Emerton John Henry Male Perth
1936/100074 Perth Emerton John Henry Male Matthews Belinda Female Perth
1936/100075 Perth Baron Thomas John Male Burr Mary Female Perth
1936/100075 Perth Burr Mary Female Baron Thomas John Male Perth
1936/100076 Perth O'Connell Violet Kathleen Female Payne Arthur Henry Male Perth
1936/100076 Perth Payne Arthur Henry Male O'Connell Violet Kathleen Female Perth
1936/100077 Perth Taylor Hudson Male Whitfield Audrey Goldsmith Female Perth
1935/100077 Perth Easterbrook Elias Frank Male Caldwell Elsie Jean Female Perth
1935/100077 Perth Caldwell Elsie Jean Female Easterbrook Elias Frank Male Perth
1936/100077 Perth Whitfield Audrey Goldsmith Female Taylor Hudson Male Perth
1936/100078 Perth Hills Ida Amelia Female Atherton Thomas Richard Male Perth
1936/100078 Perth Atherton Thomas Richard Male Hills Ida Amelia Female Perth
1935/100078 Perth Holland Reginald Norman Male Morton Margaret Ritchie Female Perth
1935/100078 Perth Morton Margaret Ritchie Female Holland Reginald Norman Male Perth
1936/100079 Perth Bailey Dorothy Naomi Dean Female Addis Reginald John Male Perth
1936/100079 Perth Addis Reginald John Male Bailey Dorothy Naomi Dean Female Perth
1936/100080 Perth Dugmore Edna Female Clay Frank Healey Male Perth
1936/100080 Perth Clay Frank Healey Male Dugmore Edna Female Perth
1936/100081 Perth Smith Florence Mary Female Coombes Raymond Victor Male Perth
1936/100081 Perth Coombes Raymond Victor Male Smith Florence Mary Female Perth
1935/100081 Perth Higgs Ernest Male Grant Dorothy Female Perth
1935/100081 Perth Grant Dorothy Female Higgs Ernest Male Perth
1935/100082 Perth Clarke Gwendoline Marjory Female Mitchell David Male Perth
1935/100082 Perth Mitchell David Male Clarke Gwendoline Marjory Female Perth
1936/100082 Perth Boston Reginald Frederick Male Davies Margaret Elizabeth Hannah Female Perth
1936/100082 Perth Davies Margaret Elizabeth Hannah Female Boston Reginald Frederick Male Perth
1936/100083 Perth Sanders Ernest Male Collins Sylvia Jean Female Perth
1936/100083 Perth Collins Sylvia Jean Female Sanders Ernest Male Perth
1935/100083 Perth Clark Jane Female Barclay Alexander Male Perth
1935/100083 Perth Barclay Alexander Male Clark Jane Female Perth
1936/100084 Perth Bedwell Eunice Margaret Female Brinkworth Maxwell Edwin Male Perth
1936/100084 Perth Brinkworth Maxwell Edwin Male Bedwell Eunice Margaret Female Perth
1935/100085 Perth Martin John Mungo Male Glasson May Elizabeth Female Maylands
1936/100085 Perth Symons James Arthur Male Wareham Kate Female Perth
1935/100085 Perth Glasson May Elizabeth Female Martin John Mungo Male Maylands
1936/100085 Perth Wareham Kate Female Symons James Arthur Male Perth
1935/100086 Perth Craig Adrian Ernest Male Tuxford Jessie Female Maylands
1935/100086 Perth Tuxford Jessie Female Craig Adrian Ernest Male Maylands
1936/100086 Perth Kelly Roy John Male McLeod Mavis Adelaide Female Perth
1936/100086 Perth McLeod Mavis Adelaide Female Kelly Roy John Male Perth
1936/100089 Perth Millen Andrew Lloyd Male Hopkins Ellen Martha Female Perth
1935/100089 Perth Ross Hugh McKenzie Male Bramley Edna May Female West Perth
1936/100089 Perth Hopkins Ellen Martha Female Millen Andrew Lloyd Male Perth
1935/100089 Perth Bramley Edna May Female Ross Hugh McKenzie Male West Perth
1936/100090 Perth Begley John Male Brown Grace Doris Frances Female Perth
1935/100090 Perth McLachlan Eric Wallace Male Walker May Agnes Female Subiaco
1936/100090 Perth Brown Grace Doris Frances Female Begley John Male Perth
1935/100090 Perth Walker May Agnes Female McLachlan Eric Wallace Male Subiaco
1935/100091 Perth Anderson Samuel Male MacKenzie Dorothy Female Cottesloe
1936/100091 Perth Maddern Walter Nathalia Male Sullivan Meda Female Perth
1936/100091 Perth Sullivan Meda Female Maddern Walter Nathalia Male Perth
1935/100091 Perth MacKenzie Dorothy Female Anderson Samuel Male Cottesloe
1936/100092 Perth Martin Marjorie Jean Female Dawson William George Victor Male Perth
1936/100092 Perth Dawson William George Victor Male Martin Marjorie Jean Female Perth
1936/100093 Perth Corse Leonard David Male Dubber Alma Euphemia Female Perth
1936/100093 Perth Dubber Alma Euphemia Female Corse Leonard David Male Perth
1936/100094 Perth Green Wilfred Tennyson Male Devonshire Eileen Helen Female Perth
1936/100094 Perth Devonshire Eileen Helen Female Green Wilfred Tennyson Male Perth
1936/100096 Perth Cameron Alan Bruce Male Wasley Christina Myrtle Female Perth
1936/100096 Perth Wasley Christina Myrtle Female Cameron Alan Bruce Male Perth
1935/100098 Perth Nuttall Harry George Male Moore Marjorie Mabel Female North Perth
1936/100098 Perth Little Eliza Female Crosson Hugh Thomas Male Subiaco
1935/100098 Perth Moore Marjorie Mabel Female Nuttall Harry George Male North Perth
1936/100098 Perth Crosson Hugh Thomas Male Little Eliza Female Subiaco
1936/100099 Perth Munro Norman Male Griffin Edith Frances Female Subiaco
1936/100099 Perth Griffin Edith Frances Female Munro Norman Male Subiaco
1936/100100 Perth Yates Ivy May Female Howe Reginald Albert Male Subiaco
1936/100100 Perth Howe Reginald Albert Male Yates Ivy May Female Subiaco
1935/100102 Perth Campbell Jeanie Female Truran Joseph Male Perth
1936/100102 Perth Littlewood Walter Male Alford Agnes Carrie Female West Perth
1936/100102 Perth Alford Agnes Carrie Female Littlewood Walter Male West Perth
1935/100102 Perth Truran Joseph Male Campbell Jeanie Female Perth
1935/100104 Perth Porter Margaret Gerrans Female Bland John Walton Male Claremont
1935/100104 Perth Bland John Walton Male Porter Margaret Gerrans Female Claremont
1935/100105 Perth Hutchins Leo Charles Stewart Male Boys Linda Olga Female Claremont
1935/100105 Perth Boys Linda Olga Female Hutchins Leo Charles Stewart Male Claremont
1935/100106 Perth Dixon Leslie Alfred Male Hoare Violet Margery Female Claremont
1935/100106 Perth Hoare Violet Margery Female Dixon Leslie Alfred Male Claremont
1935/100111 Perth Dalton William Henry Male Bourne Florence Elizabeth Lititia Female Victoria Park
1935/100111 Perth Bourne Florence Elizabeth Lititia Female Dalton William Henry Male Victoria Park
1935/100112 Perth Kensitt Lilian Emily Female Armstrong Herwin Othol Male Perth
1935/100112 Perth Armstrong Herwin Othol Male Kensitt Lilian Emily Female Perth
1935/100113 Perth Gibbons Frederick William Male Thomas Marjorie Grace Female Perth
1935/100113 Perth Thomas Marjorie Grace Female Gibbons Frederick William Male Perth
1936/100114 Perth Wardell-Johnson Jessie Constance Female Doust Keith Sydney Cyril Male Mt Lawley
1936/100114 Perth Doust Keith Sydney Cyril Male Wardell-Johnson Jessie Constance Female Mt Lawley
1935/100114 Perth Thorpe Wilfred Male Rodsted Mavis Jensene Female Nedlands
1935/100114 Perth Rodsted Mavis Jensene Female Thorpe Wilfred Male Nedlands
1935/100115 Perth Lingard Martha Jane Female Burke John Male Perth
1935/100115 Perth Burke John Male Lingard Martha Jane Female Perth
1935/100116 Perth Menhennett Minnie Erena Female Warner Thomas Edmund Goodship Male Subiaco
1935/100116 Perth Warner Thomas Edmund Goodship Male Menhennett Minnie Erena Female Subiaco
1935/100117 Perth Broderick John Gibbon Male Archer Doris Female Perth
1935/100117 Perth Archer Doris Female Broderick John Gibbon Male Perth
1935/100118 Perth Carbon Dorothy Christina Female Wright Reginald Grosvenor Male Perth
1935/100118 Perth Wright Reginald Grosvenor Male Carbon Dorothy Christina Female Perth
1936/100119 Perth Gaynor Edward Martin Male Mortimore Elsie Ella Female Perth
1935/100119 Perth Holl Alice Myrie Female Hillier Albert Male Perth
1936/100119 Perth Mortimore Elsie Ella Female Gaynor Edward Martin Male Perth
1935/100119 Perth Hillier Albert Male Holl Alice Myrie Female Perth
1935/100120 Perth Rogers Jessie Edith Female Zagami Vincenzo Male Perth
1935/100120 Perth Zagami Vincenzo Male Rogers Jessie Edith Female Perth
1935/100121 Perth McWhinney Margaret Female Clements David Male Perth
1935/100121 Perth Clements David Male McWhinney Margaret Female Perth
1935/100122 Perth Whately Alfred Francis Male Penter Henrietta Kate Female Subiaco
1935/100122 Perth Penter Henrietta Kate Female Whately Alfred Francis Male Subiaco
1935/100123 Perth Hollier Frederick William Male Guest Joyce Edwyna Hope Female Perth
1935/100123 Perth Guest Joyce Edwyna Hope Female Hollier Frederick William Male Perth
1935/100124 Perth Koutsoukis Helen Female Doulis Christopher Male Perth
1935/100124 Perth Doulis Christopher Male Koutsoukis Helen Female Perth
1935/100125 Perth Rompotis Spiros Male Jakomis Irene Female Perth
1935/100125 Perth Jakomis Irene Female Rompotis Spiros Male Perth
1935/100126 Perth Donovan Edith May Female Carter Frederick Thomas Male Mount Hawthorn
1935/100126 Perth Carter Frederick Thomas Male Donovan Edith May Female Mount Hawthorn
1935/100127 Perth Carlyle Rosalea Female Nichol George William Male West Perth
1935/100127 Perth McGillicuddy Rosalea Female Nichol George William Male West Perth
1935/100127 Perth Nichol George William Male Carlyle Rosalea Female West Perth
1935/100127 Perth Nichol George William Male McGillicuddy Rosalea Female West Perth
1936/100127 Perth Beer Lillian Noreen Female Cribb Henry Victor Male Subiaco
1936/100127 Perth Cribb Henry Victor Male Beer Lillian Noreen Female Subiaco
1936/100128 Perth Maynard Dorothy Female Edmondson William Male Subiaco
1935/100128 Perth Caine Christopher Male Simmons Mavis Margaret Mary Female Perth
1936/100128 Perth Edmondson William Male Maynard Dorothy Female Subiaco
1935/100128 Perth Simmons Mavis Margaret Mary Female Caine Christopher Male Perth
1935/100129 Perth Ward Rita May Female Collins James Thornborrow Male Perth
1936/100129 Perth Boyle Florence Cecilia Isabel Female Reid Matthew Brandon Male Subiaco
1936/100129 Perth Reid Matthew Brandon Male Boyle Florence Cecilia Isabel Female Subiaco
1935/100129 Perth Collins James Thornborrow Male Ward Rita May Female Perth
1935/100130 Perth Kendle Ethel Ruby Female Smith Thomas William Lawley Male North Perth
1935/100130 Perth Smith Thomas William Lawley Male Kendle Ethel Ruby Female North Perth
1935/100131 Perth Webb Keith Crerar Male Huitson Iolanthe Ella Female West Perth
1935/100131 Perth Huitson Iolanthe Ella Female Webb Keith Crerar Male West Perth
1935/100132 Perth Collinson Walter Leslie Male Percival Esperance Mabel Female West Perth
1935/100132 Perth Percival Esperance Mabel Female Collinson Walter Leslie Male West Perth
1935/100133 Perth Stevens Ada Female O'Malley Edward James Male Perth
1935/100133 Perth O'Malley Edward James Male Stevens Ada Female Perth
1936/100135 Perth Guest Phillip Sefton Male Lewis Beatrice Leola Female Perth
1936/100135 Perth Lewis Beatrice Leola Female Guest Phillip Sefton Male Perth
1935/100136 Perth Kinninmont James Allan Male Whitehorn Lorna Florence May Female Subiaco
1935/100136 Perth Whitehorn Lorna Florence May Female Kinninmont James Allan Male Subiaco
1935/100137 Perth Blechynden Nicholas Edwin Male Tulip Mollie Female Mt Lawley
1935/100137 Perth Tulip Mollie Female Blechynden Nicholas Edwin Male Mt Lawley
1935/100138 Perth Cowan Edward William James Male Edwards Doris Lucy Female Mt Lawley
1935/100138 Perth Edwards Doris Lucy Female Cowan Edward William James Male Mt Lawley
1935/100139 Perth Stack Aubrey Jack Male Marks Dorothea Eleanor Female Subiaco
1935/100139 Perth Marks Dorothea Eleanor Female Stack Aubrey Jack Male Subiaco
1935/100140 Perth Browning Dorothy Estelle Female Tassell Norton Lewis Male Maylands
1935/100140 Perth Tassell Norton Lewis Male Browning Dorothy Estelle Female Maylands
1935/100141 Perth Steward Emma Female Osborne William Oliver Male Perth
1935/100141 Perth Osborne William Oliver Male Steward Emma Female Perth
1935/100142 Perth Jenkins Imelda Ignatius Female Day Merton Hamilton George Male Perth
1935/100142 Perth Day Merton Hamilton George Male Jenkins Imelda Ignatius Female Perth
1935/100143 Perth Potter Percival George Charles Male Forcus Mary Jane Female Perth
1935/100143 Perth Forcus Mary Jane Female Potter Percival George Charles Male Perth
1935/100144 Perth Groves Ellen Mary Female Gladwell Walter Joseph Male Maylands
1935/100144 Perth Gladwell Walter Joseph Male Groves Ellen Mary Female Maylands
1935/100145 Perth Fitzgerald Patrick Joseph Male Kalmund Mavis Female Perth
1935/100145 Perth Kalmund Mavis Female Fitzgerald Patrick Joseph Male Perth
1935/100146 Perth Mettam Reginald Arthur Wellesley Male Lovelock Minnie Blanche Female Perth
1935/100146 Perth Lovelock Minnie Blanche Female Mettam Reginald Arthur Wellesley Male Perth
1935/100148 Perth Armstrong Freda Mary Female Plaisted Alan Hopkins Male Leederville
1935/100148 Perth Plaisted Alan Hopkins Male Armstrong Freda Mary Female Leederville
1935/100149 Perth Laing George Menzies Male Dunn Constance Eva Wathen Female West Leederville
1935/100149 Perth Dunn Constance Eva Wathen Female Laing George Menzies Male West Leederville
1936/100150 Perth Keogh Keith Philip Male Burke Nora Josephine Female West Perth
1936/100150 Perth Burke Nora Josephine Female Keogh Keith Philip Male West Perth
1935/100150 Perth Dearle Arnold Charles Male Lapham Eunice Gertrude Female Leederville
1935/100150 Perth Lapham Eunice Gertrude Female Dearle Arnold Charles Male Leederville
1936/100151 Perth Dunphy Edward Arthur Male Nunn Ethel Marshall Female Perth
1936/100151 Perth Nunn Ethel Marshall Female Dunphy Edward Arthur Male Perth
1935/100158 Perth Bartlett Norma Amy Female Morrison Noel Arthur Francis Male Perth
1936/100158 Perth Ashworth Louisa Mary Female Carter Harold Roy Lewis Male West Perth
1936/100158 Perth Carter Harold Roy Lewis Male Ashworth Louisa Mary Female West Perth
1935/100158 Perth Morrison Noel Arthur Francis Male Bartlett Norma Amy Female Perth
1935/100159 Perth Frazer Gladys Mary Female Court Walter Male Perth
1935/100159 Perth Court Walter Male Frazer Gladys Mary Female Perth
1935/100160 Perth Warrilow John Henry Male Rutherford Elizabeth May Female Perth
1935/100160 Perth Rutherford Elizabeth May Female Warrilow John Henry Male Perth
1935/100161 Perth Sampson Mabel Female Ladhams Albert Male Perth
1935/100161 Perth Ladhams Albert Male Sampson Mabel Female Perth
1935/100162 Perth Hughes Frank Cecil Male Milner Minnie Jane Alexandra Female Perth
1935/100162 Perth Milner Minnie Jane Alexandra Female Hughes Frank Cecil Male Perth
1935/100163 Perth Gratwick Arthur Septimus Male Vickers Lillian Emma Female Perth
1935/100163 Perth Vickers Lillian Emma Female Gratwick Arthur Septimus Male Perth
1935/100164 Perth Shepherd Jessie Irene Female Pearse-Pryor Francis Charles Male Perth
1935/100164 Perth Pearse-Pryor Francis Charles Male Shepherd Jessie Irene Female Perth
1935/100165 Perth Thompson Annie Margaret Female Harris William Herbert Male Perth
1935/100165 Perth Harris William Herbert Male Thompson Annie Margaret Female Perth
1935/100166 Perth Parker Roland Male Robertson Adelene Catherine Alice Female Perth
1935/100166 Perth Robertson Adelene Catherine Alice Female Parker Roland Male Perth
1935/100167 Perth Hilson Charles William Male McLennan Ellen May Female Perth
1935/100167 Perth McLennan Ellen May Female Hilson Charles William Male Perth
1935/100168 Perth Gordon Frederick Male Walker Margaret Female Perth
1935/100168 Perth Walker Margaret Female Gordon Frederick Male Perth
1935/100169 Perth Wenn Edna Pearl Female Powell Thomas Geoffrey Britnall Male Rosalie
1935/100169 Perth Powell Thomas Geoffrey Britnall Male Wenn Edna Pearl Female Rosalie
1935/100170 Perth Heatly Charles Gilbert Male Vaughan Edna May Female Perth
1935/100170 Perth Vaughan Edna May Female Heatly Charles Gilbert Male Perth
1935/100171 Perth Taylor Daisy Rosina Female Bisset Douglas Maitland Male Perth
1935/100171 Perth Bisset Douglas Maitland Male Taylor Daisy Rosina Female Perth
1935/100172 Perth Geddes Winifred Sarah Female Armstrong Leonard Harry Male West Perth
1935/100172 Perth Armstrong Leonard Harry Male Geddes Winifred Sarah Female West Perth
1935/100173 Perth Gosden John William Male Molloy Clarice Margaret Female West Perth
1935/100173 Perth Molloy Clarice Margaret Female Gosden John William Male West Perth
1935/100174 Perth Wells Christine Nancy Female McMahon Clarence Gregory Male West Perth
1935/100174 Perth McMahon Clarence Gregory Male Wells Christine Nancy Female West Perth
1935/100175 Perth Bomford Isabel Irene Female Shields Raymond Thomas Male West Perth
1935/100175 Perth Shields Raymond Thomas Male Bomford Isabel Irene Female West Perth
1935/100182 Perth Wright Lilian Maud Bertha Female Balding Albert George Male Perth
1935/100182 Perth Balding Albert George Male Wright Lilian Maud Bertha Female Perth
1935/100183 Perth Dixon Sarah Alice Female Sylvester Arthur Henry Male Perth
1935/100183 Perth Sylvester Arthur Henry Male Dixon Sarah Alice Female Perth
1935/100184 Perth Brown Ronald Blakeley Male Halpin Beryl Ethel Hope Female Perth
1935/100184 Perth Halpin Beryl Ethel Hope Female Brown Ronald Blakeley Male Perth
1935/100185 Perth McDonnell Madoline Lilian Female Hill Harold George Male Perth
1935/100185 Perth Hill Harold George Male McDonnell Madoline Lilian Female Perth
1935/100186 Perth Strang George Male Carrott Kathleen Female West Subiaco
1935/100186 Perth Carrott Kathleen Female Strang George Male West Subiaco
1936/100187 Perth Rich Jean Deborah Female Dunne Hugh Lyne Roylands Morgan Male Claremont
1936/100187 Perth Dunne Hugh Lyne Roylands Morgan Male Rich Jean Deborah Female Claremont
1935/100187 Perth Fleer Sylvia Gertrude Female Lambert Lawrence Male West Perth
1935/100187 Perth Lambert Lawrence Male Fleer Sylvia Gertrude Female West Perth
1936/100188 Perth Lund John Frederick Male Cowley Queen Elizabeth Female Claremont
1936/100188 Perth Cowley Queen Elizabeth Female Lund John Frederick Male Claremont
1935/100188 Perth Mathews Lucy Alma Female Gordon Robert Male Perth
1935/100188 Perth Gordon Robert Male Mathews Lucy Alma Female Perth
1935/100189 Perth Bennett Mervyn Patrick Male Elsdon Laura Female Perth
1935/100189 Perth Elsdon Laura Female Bennett Mervyn Patrick Male Perth
1935/100190 Perth Harms Hervey Alan Male Angell Florence Dorothy Female Perth
1935/100190 Perth Angell Florence Dorothy Female Harms Hervey Alan Male Perth
1935/100191 Perth Kneller George William Male Marchant Violet Carrie Elsie Female Perth
1935/100191 Perth Marchant Violet Carrie Elsie Female Kneller George William Male Perth
1935/100192 Perth Bamford Charles Everard Male Hollingworth Irene Doris Female Subiaco
1935/100192 Perth Hollingworth Irene Doris Female Bamford Charles Everard Male Subiaco
1935/100193 Perth McCormack Bridget Mary Female Devane Daniel Joseph Male Perth
1935/100193 Perth Devane Daniel Joseph Male McCormack Bridget Mary Female Perth
1935/100194 Perth Biermann Johanna Vera Doris Female Tulip Herbert Henry Male Mt Lawley
1936/100194 Perth Gould Molly Female Quinn John Joseph Male Perth
1936/100194 Perth Quinn John Joseph Male Gould Molly Female Perth
1935/100194 Perth Tulip Herbert Henry Male Biermann Johanna Vera Doris Female Mt Lawley
1936/100195 Perth Lewis Edward Goodwyn Male Lee Rose Mary Female Perth
1935/100195 Perth Dyer Mary Female Arnott Joseph Male Perth
1936/100195 Perth Lee Rose Mary Female Lewis Edward Goodwyn Male Perth
1935/100195 Perth Arnott Joseph Male Dyer Mary Female Perth
1935/100196 Perth Reid Alice Melba Female Perrie Robert Routley Male Mt Lawley
1935/100196 Perth Perrie Robert Routley Male Reid Alice Melba Female Mt Lawley
1935/100197 Perth Kailis Chrissie Female Paspalis Michael Male Perth
1935/100197 Perth Paspalis Michael Male Kailis Chrissie Female Perth
1935/100198 Perth Brackenridge Andrew Male Bryant Ethel Female West Perth
1935/100198 Perth Bryant Ethel Female Brackenridge Andrew Male West Perth
1935/100203 Perth Collins Robert John Male Matthews Olive Marie Female Maylands
1935/100203 Perth Matthews Olive Marie Female Collins Robert John Male Maylands
1935/100204 Perth Glatz Frank Herbert Male Leishman Alison Forbes Female Rivervale
1935/100204 Perth Leishman Alison Forbes Female Glatz Frank Herbert Male Rivervale
1935/100205 Perth Magona Olive May Female Bremner John Claremont Male North Perth
1935/100205 Perth Bremner John Claremont Male Magona Olive May Female North Perth
1935/100206 Perth Wise Sylvia Female Smith Kenneth Adams Male Perth
1935/100206 Perth Smith Kenneth Adams Male Wise Sylvia Female Perth
1935/100207 Perth Edwards Beryl Constance Female Lord Alban Chester Male Mt Lawley
1935/100207 Perth Lord Alban Chester Male Edwards Beryl Constance Female Mt Lawley
1935/100208 Perth Godfree Gilbert Male Ford Blanche Emily Female Mt Lawley
1935/100208 Perth Ford Blanche Emily Female Godfree Gilbert Male Mt Lawley
1935/100209 Perth Mitchell Charles Male Simpson Edna Victoria Female Subiaco
1935/100209 Perth Simpson Edna Victoria Female Mitchell Charles Male Subiaco
1935/100210 Perth Graham Freda Marguerita Female Newman Charles William Male Perth
1935/100210 Perth Newman Charles William Male Graham Freda Marguerita Female Perth
1935/100211 Perth Braack Mary Elizabeth Catherine Female Haddleton Horace Clifford Male South Perth
1935/100211 Perth Haddleton Horace Clifford Male Braack Mary Elizabeth Catherine Female South Perth
1935/100212 Perth Norman Arthur Graham Male Tombs Jessie Sybil Female South Perth
1935/100212 Perth Tombs Jessie Sybil Female Norman Arthur Graham Male South Perth
1935/100213 Perth Moulton Hilda Ethel Female Smith Harry Leslie Male Perth
1935/100213 Perth Smith Harry Leslie Male Moulton Hilda Ethel Female Perth
1935/100215 Perth Belam Ronald Frank Male Smith Margaret Ellen Female Perth
1935/100215 Perth Smith Margaret Ellen Female Belam Ronald Frank Male Perth
1935/100216 Perth Purcell Joseph Victor Male Foley Alice Agnes Female Perth
1935/100216 Perth Foley Alice Agnes Female Purcell Joseph Victor Male Perth
1935/100217 Perth Caddy Daniel Charles Male Davey Margaret Mary Female Perth
1935/100217 Perth Davey Margaret Mary Female Caddy Daniel Charles Male Perth
1935/100218 Perth Read Margaret Female Hamilton Jack Craig Male West Perth
1935/100218 Perth Hamilton Jack Craig Male Read Margaret Female West Perth
1935/100219 Perth Sholl Leslie William Male Watts Kathleen Amy Female West Perth
1935/100219 Perth Watts Kathleen Amy Female Sholl Leslie William Male West Perth
1935/100220 Perth Noble Lena Female Howes Edward Herbert Male Perth
1935/100220 Perth Howes Edward Herbert Male Noble Lena Female Perth
1935/100221 Perth Werndly Doreen Isabel Female Gibb Stanley Raey Holman Male Perth
1935/100221 Perth Gibb Stanley Raey Holman Male Werndly Doreen Isabel Female Perth
1935/100222 Perth Johnson George Ernest Male Duncan Adeline Victoria Female Perth
1935/100222 Perth Duncan Adeline Victoria Female Johnson George Ernest Male Perth
1935/100223 Perth Wigzell Thomas Smithson Male Daniel Annie Female Perth
1935/100223 Perth Daniel Annie Female Wigzell Thomas Smithson Male Perth
1935/100224 Perth Elliott Jessie Roberta Weir Female Power Roland Frederick Male North Perth
1935/100224 Perth Power Roland Frederick Male Elliott Jessie Roberta Weir Female North Perth
1935/100225 Perth Rafferty Francis Male Miller Kathleen Agnes Female West Perth
1935/100225 Perth Miller Kathleen Agnes Female Rafferty Francis Male West Perth
1935/100226 Perth Howell Cecilia Elizabeth Female Duffy Bernard James Male West Perth
1935/100226 Perth Duffy Bernard James Male Howell Cecilia Elizabeth Female West Perth
1935/100227 Perth Walsh Edward Male Dorizzi Ada Mary Female West Perth
1935/100227 Perth Dorizzi Ada Mary Female Walsh Edward Male West Perth
1935/100228 Perth Dunsire Agnes Female McLaughlin Paul Male West Perth
1935/100228 Perth McLaughlin Paul Male Dunsire Agnes Female West Perth
1935/100229 Perth Alcock Eric Roy Male Beissel Freda Dorothea Theresa Female West Perth
1935/100229 Perth Beissel Freda Dorothea Theresa Female Alcock Eric Roy Male West Perth
1935/100230 Perth Smith John Male Parker Marjory Maria Female Perth
1935/100230 Perth Parker Marjory Maria Female Smith John Male Perth
1935/100231 Perth Howson Dorothy Gertrude Eliza Female Flohm Lionel Wilfred Male Perth
1935/100231 Perth Flohm Lionel Wilfred Male Howson Dorothy Gertrude Eliza Female Perth
1935/100232 Perth Pope Charles William Male White Daisy Sophia Female Perth
1935/100232 Perth White Daisy Sophia Female Pope Charles William Male Perth
1935/100233 Perth Gallagher Mary Anna Female Sargeant George Stirling Male Perth
1935/100233 Perth Sargeant George Stirling Male Gallagher Mary Anna Female Perth
1935/100234 Perth Edwards Olive May Female Clifford Edward Guerin Male Perth
1935/100234 Perth Clifford Edward Guerin Male Edwards Olive May Female Perth
1935/100235 Perth MacDonald Murdoch Male Clements Jessie Female Perth
1935/100235 Perth Clements Jessie Female MacDonald Murdoch Male Perth
1935/100236 Perth Brown Amelia Susannah Female Burdon Harry Male Perth
1935/100236 Perth Burdon Harry Male Brown Amelia Susannah Female Perth
1935/100237 Perth Campbell Mary Female Glen George Alexander Male Perth
1935/100237 Perth Glen George Alexander Male Campbell Mary Female Perth
1935/100238 Perth Cutler Leonard George Joseph Male Mason Ethel Jane Elizabeth Female Perth
1935/100238 Perth Mason Ethel Jane Elizabeth Female Cutler Leonard George Joseph Male Perth
1935/100239 Perth Watson Frederick William Male Stivey Gladys Agnes Female Perth
1935/100239 Perth Stivey Gladys Agnes Female Watson Frederick William Male Perth
1935/100240 Perth Kell Lionel John Robert Male Shackleton Mavis Female Perth
1935/100240 Perth Shackleton Mavis Female Kell Lionel John Robert Male Perth
1935/100241 Perth Turner Ellen Mary May Female Young Frederick Wilhelm Male Perth
1935/100241 Perth Young Frederick Wilhelm Male Turner Ellen Mary May Female Perth
1935/100242 Perth Elliot William Alexander Male Sanderson Olive Sabina Female Perth
1935/100242 Perth Sanderson Olive Sabina Female Elliot William Alexander Male Perth
1935/100243 Perth Farrant Florence Winfred Female Latimer Leonard Walter Male Leederville
1935/100243 Perth Latimer Leonard Walter Male Farrant Florence Winfred Female Leederville
1935/100244 Perth Bath Hazel Rosalind Female Hancock Leonard Male Perth
1935/100244 Perth Hancock Leonard Male Bath Hazel Rosalind Female Perth
1935/100245 Perth Ericson Anthony Male Buckingham Rose Edna Female Perth
1935/100245 Perth Buckingham Rose Edna Female Ericson Anthony Male Perth
1935/100246 Perth Bedford Arthur Roland Male Brogan Eva Mary Female Perth
1935/100246 Perth Brogan Eva Mary Female Bedford Arthur Roland Male Perth
1935/100247 Perth Salter James Male Holt Marjorie Female Perth
1935/100247 Perth Holt Marjorie Female Salter James Male Perth
1935/100248 Perth Evans Grace Mary Female Chilvers David Hubert Alford Male Perth
1935/100248 Perth Chilvers David Hubert Alford Male Evans Grace Mary Female Perth
1935/100249 Perth Leslie Wilfrid Alexander Male Saunders Mabel Female Perth
1935/100249 Perth Saunders Mabel Female Leslie Wilfrid Alexander Male Perth
1935/100250 Perth Mitchell Jemima Female Braschey Ronald Arthur Male Perth
1935/100250 Perth Braschey Ronald Arthur Male Mitchell Jemima Female Perth
1935/100251 Perth Hautke Oscar Kingham Male Ayre Marjorie Louise Female Perth
1935/100251 Perth Ayre Marjorie Louise Female Hautke Oscar Kingham Male Perth
1935/100252 Perth Reid Janet Wotherspoon Davie Female Arnup Allen Myles Male West Perth
1935/100252 Perth Arnup Allen Myles Male Reid Janet Wotherspoon Davie Female West Perth
1935/100253 Perth Woolhouse Wesley Male Crawford Joyce Celia Female West Perth
1935/100253 Perth Crawford Joyce Celia Female Woolhouse Wesley Male West Perth
1935/100254 Perth McDonald Hector Charles Male Jackson Elsie May Female West Subiaco
1935/100254 Perth Jackson Elsie May Female McDonald Hector Charles Male West Subiaco
1935/100255 Perth Smith Margaret Ann Female Thompson John Male Maylands
1935/100255 Perth Thompson John Male Smith Margaret Ann Female Maylands
1935/100256 Perth Howard Norman Male Stone Barbara Joan Female Maylands
1935/100256 Perth Stone Barbara Joan Female Howard Norman Male Maylands
1935/100257 Perth Hinkley Alvin John Male Buckingham Stella May Female Perth
1935/100257 Perth Buckingham Stella May Female Hinkley Alvin John Male Perth
1935/100258 Perth Wilson Evelyn Margaret Female Sutton Phillip Male Perth
1935/100258 Perth Sutton Phillip Male Wilson Evelyn Margaret Female Perth
1935/100259 Perth Bettany Freda Mary Female Bennett Henry James Male Subiaco
1936/100259 Perth Anderson Elsie Ivy Anmie Female Olver Herbert Dunstan Male Victoria Park
1936/100259 Perth Olver Herbert Dunstan Male Anderson Elsie Ivy Anmie Female Victoria Park
1935/100259 Perth Bennett Henry James Male Bettany Freda Mary Female Subiaco
1935/100260 Perth Willis Leeta Isabel Female Scott Thomas Cleghorn Male Subiaco
1935/100260 Perth Scott Thomas Cleghorn Male Willis Leeta Isabel Female Subiaco
1935/100261 Perth Dalley Mabel Olive Edna Female Goodin Cyril Albert Male Subiaco
1935/100261 Perth Goodin Cyril Albert Male Dalley Mabel Olive Edna Female Subiaco
1935/100262 Perth Hammond George Male Renouf Gwyneth Ida Female Subiaco
1935/100262 Perth Renouf Gwyneth Ida Female Hammond George Male Subiaco
1935/100263 Perth Broster Eva Isabel Female Muncey Robert Edward Male Perth
1935/100263 Perth Muncey Robert Edward Male Broster Eva Isabel Female Perth
1935/100264 Perth Hathway Claude Male Sims Gladys Winifred Female Perth
1935/100264 Perth Sims Gladys Winifred Female Hathway Claude Male Perth
1935/100265 Perth Jones Avon George Male Carter Ida Frances Female Perth
1935/100265 Perth Carter Ida Frances Female Jones Avon George Male Perth
1935/100266 Perth Jorgensen Richard Charles Male Denehey Marie Evelyn Female Perth
1935/100266 Perth Denehey Marie Evelyn Female Jorgensen Richard Charles Male Perth
1935/100267 Perth Williams Raymond Tony Male Hawkes Gwendoline Marjory Female Perth
1935/100267 Perth Hawkes Gwendoline Marjory Female Williams Raymond Tony Male Perth
1935/100268 Perth Brown Helen Female Smith Joseph Male Perth
1935/100268 Perth Smith Joseph Male Brown Helen Female Perth
1935/100269 Perth O'Connor Eleanor Mary Female Robertson Edward Alexander Male Perth
1935/100269 Perth Robertson Edward Alexander Male O'Connor Eleanor Mary Female Perth
1935/100270 Perth Gracie Mary McRae Female Miller Joseph Albert Male Perth
1935/100270 Perth Miller Joseph Albert Male Gracie Mary McRae Female Perth
1935/100271 Perth Rojo Vera Lilea Female Smith William Leonard Male Highgate Hill
1935/100271 Perth Smith William Leonard Male Rojo Vera Lilea Female Highgate Hill
1935/100272 Perth Gough Hazel Mguire Female Stevens Samuel Joseph George Male Perth
1935/100272 Perth Stevens Samuel Joseph George Male Gough Hazel Mguire Female Perth
1935/100273 Perth Parker Allan Isles Male Haley Mary Rebecca Female Perth
1935/100273 Perth Haley Mary Rebecca Female Parker Allan Isles Male Perth
1935/100274 Perth Day Beryl Aileen Edith Female Hamling Harry Edward Male Perth
1935/100274 Perth Hamling Harry Edward Male Day Beryl Aileen Edith Female Perth
1935/100275 Perth Hansen Victor Hans Male Basley Olive Mary Female Perth
1935/100275 Perth Basley Olive Mary Female Hansen Victor Hans Male Perth
1935/100276 Perth Fitzgerald Patrick William Male Bryan Patricia May Female Cottesloe
1935/100276 Perth Bryan Patricia May Female Fitzgerald Patrick William Male Cottesloe
1935/100277 Perth Evans Charles Henry Male Rhodes Constance Eileen Female Perth
1935/100277 Perth Rhodes Constance Eileen Female Evans Charles Henry Male Perth
1935/100278 Perth Crack Margaret Vivian Female Peggs Ernest Ebenezer Male West Perth
1935/100278 Perth Peggs Ernest Ebenezer Male Crack Margaret Vivian Female West Perth
1935/100279 Perth Hodgson Henry John Male Stoneman Marjorie May Female West Perth
1935/100279 Perth Stoneman Marjorie May Female Hodgson Henry John Male West Perth
1935/100280 Perth McLeod Athol James Munro Male Marshall Florrie Female West Perth
1935/100280 Perth Marshall Florrie Female McLeod Athol James Munro Male West Perth
1935/100281 Perth Young Allan Edmund Male Giblin Melba Miffawayn Female Perth
1935/100281 Perth Giblin Melba Miffawayn Female Young Allan Edmund Male Perth
1935/100282 Perth Burns Lillian May Female Barnett George Alfred Male Perth
1935/100282 Perth Barnett George Alfred Male Burns Lillian May Female Perth
1935/100283 Perth Yarnold Daisy Emily Female Bailey Leslie Herbert Male Cottesloe
1935/100283 Perth Bailey Leslie Herbert Male Yarnold Daisy Emily Female Cottesloe
1935/100284 Perth Bryant Ethel May Female Wathen-Dunn Arthur Male Cottesloe
1935/100284 Perth Wathen-Dunn Arthur Male Bryant Ethel May Female Cottesloe
1935/100285 Perth Lewers Lucy Nora Female Haylock William Robert Male Cottesloe
1935/100285 Perth Haylock William Robert Male Lewers Lucy Nora Female Cottesloe
1935/100286 Perth Black Robert Montague Male Manford Ellen Mary Female Cottesloe
1935/100286 Perth Manford Ellen Mary Female Black Robert Montague Male Cottesloe
1935/100287 Perth Gibson Harold Francis Male Halls Violet Daisy Female Perth
1935/100287 Perth Halls Violet Daisy Female Gibson Harold Francis Male Perth
1935/100288 Perth Kennedy David Male Lawrence Johanna May Female Perth
1935/100288 Perth Lawrence Johanna May Female Kennedy David Male Perth
1935/100289 Perth Bradshaw John Male Brenkley Jessie Thurston Female Maylands
1935/100289 Perth Brenkley Jessie Thurston Female Bradshaw John Male Maylands
1935/100290 Perth Barlow Ava Alberta Female Browne Walter Theodore Male North Perth
1935/100290 Perth Browne Walter Theodore Male Barlow Ava Alberta Female North Perth
1935/100291 Perth Chamberlain Doris May Female Robins David Leo Male West Perth
1935/100291 Perth Robins David Leo Male Chamberlain Doris May Female West Perth
1935/100292 Perth Bailey Amy Victoria Female Brook Mervin Gerald Lofton Male Perth
1935/100292 Perth Brook Mervin Gerald Lofton Male Bailey Amy Victoria Female Perth
1935/100293 Perth Niven Alexander Thomas Male Bordas Juanita Female Highgate
1935/100293 Perth Bordas Juanita Female Niven Alexander Thomas Male Highgate
1935/100294 Perth Cornish Ethel May Female Reynolds Ronald Francis Male Perth
1935/100294 Perth Reynolds Ronald Francis Male Cornish Ethel May Female Perth
1935/100295 Perth Green Lilian Maud Female Feast William Henry Male Perth
1935/100295 Perth Feast William Henry Male Green Lilian Maud Female Perth
1935/100296 Perth Cowan Arthur Morrison Male Speak Lillian Gladys Female Perth
1935/100296 Perth Speak Lillian Gladys Female Cowan Arthur Morrison Male Perth
1935/100297 Perth Matthews Sallie Female Burgen James Male Perth
1935/100297 Perth Burgen James Male Matthews Sallie Female Perth
1935/100298 Perth O'Neil Leslie James Male Bendon Mary Agnes Female Perth
1935/100298 Perth Bendon Mary Agnes Female O'Neil Leslie James Male Perth
1935/100299 Perth McDonnell Kathleen Elizabeth Female Price Neville William Male Perth
1935/100299 Perth Price Neville William Male McDonnell Kathleen Elizabeth Female Perth
1935/100300 Perth Selway Doric John Male Brennan Ellen Female Perth
1935/100300 Perth Brennan Ellen Female Selway Doric John Male Perth
1935/100301 Perth Leithhead Margot Female O'Neill Laurence Edward Male Perth
1935/100301 Perth O'Neill Laurence Edward Male Leithhead Margot Female Perth
1935/100302 Perth Buck Maurice Arthur Male Burton Mary Cecilia Female Perth
1935/100302 Perth Burton Mary Cecilia Female Buck Maurice Arthur Male Perth
1935/100303 Perth Davies Arthur John Male Smith Jennie Female Cottesloe
1935/100303 Perth Smith Jennie Female Davies Arthur John Male Cottesloe
1935/100304 Perth Sparrow William Alexander Male Henson Doris Female Perth
1935/100304 Perth Henson Doris Female Sparrow William Alexander Male Perth
1935/100305 Perth Armstrong Eva Violet Female Spooner Percy George Male South Perth
1935/100305 Perth Spooner Percy George Male Armstrong Eva Violet Female South Perth
1935/100306 Perth McCrea Donald Pollock Male Callaghan Margaret Ellen Mary Female Perth
1935/100306 Perth Callaghan Margaret Ellen Mary Female McCrea Donald Pollock Male Perth
1935/100307 Perth Kinsella Monica Mary Female Reilly John Patrick Male Perth
1935/100307 Perth Reilly John Patrick Male Kinsella Monica Mary Female Perth
1935/100308 Perth Horton William Robert Male Henderson Irene Catherine Female Perth
1935/100308 Perth Henderson Irene Catherine Female Horton William Robert Male Perth
1935/100309 Perth Lang Eric James Male Whalen Doris Margaret Female Perth
1935/100309 Perth Whalen Doris Margaret Female Lang Eric James Male Perth
1935/100310 Perth McLintock Heather Maude Female Temby Douglas Oswald Male Perth
1935/100310 Perth Temby Douglas Oswald Male McLintock Heather Maude Female Perth
1935/100311 Perth Lawn Lily Female Dobson Albert Male Subiaco
1935/100311 Perth Dobson Albert Male Lawn Lily Female Subiaco
1935/100312 Perth Logan Annie Isabel Female Taylor Edward Male Claremont
1935/100312 Perth Taylor Edward Male Logan Annie Isabel Female Claremont
1935/100313 Perth Sandwell Sydney Charles Male Knight Constance May Female Perth
1935/100313 Perth Knight Constance May Female Sandwell Sydney Charles Male Perth
1935/100314 Perth MacNeill William Johnston Fleming Male Nevin Kathleen Margaret Female Maylands
1935/100314 Perth Nevin Kathleen Margaret Female MacNeill William Johnston Fleming Male Maylands
1935/100315 Perth Kopke Allan Frederick Herman Male Henn Mary Holcroft Female Cottesloe
1935/100315 Perth Henn Mary Holcroft Female Kopke Allan Frederick Herman Male Cottesloe
1935/100316 Perth Carlyle Nance Muriel Female Crosbie Lawrence Bruce Male West Perth
1935/100316 Perth McGillicuddy Nance Muriel Female Crosbie Lawrence Bruce Male West Perth
1935/100316 Perth Crosbie Lawrence Bruce Male Carlyle Nance Muriel Female West Perth
1935/100316 Perth Crosbie Lawrence Bruce Male McGillicuddy Nance Muriel Female West Perth
1935/100317 Perth Sexton Maxwell Ronald Male Kent Marjorie Elaine Female Leederville
1935/100317 Perth Kent Marjorie Elaine Female Sexton Maxwell Ronald Male Leederville
1935/100318 Perth Margaria Dominic Peter Male Kennedy Eileen Alice Female Osborne Park
1935/100318 Perth Kennedy Eileen Alice Female Margaria Dominic Peter Male Osborne Park
1935/100319 Perth Davey Albert Maurice Male Higgins Pauline Mary Female Leederville
1935/100319 Perth Higgins Pauline Mary Female Davey Albert Maurice Male Leederville
1935/100320 Perth McIntyre John Male Leddin Monica Laurentia Female Leederville
1935/100320 Perth Leddin Monica Laurentia Female McIntyre John Male Leederville
1935/100321 Perth Kent Carmel Mary Female Giles Philip Edward Male Leederville
1935/100321 Perth Giles Philip Edward Male Kent Carmel Mary Female Leederville
1935/100322 Perth Pratt Ethel Hilda May Female Stevens Sidney Lewis Male Perth
1935/100322 Perth Stevens Sidney Lewis Male Pratt Ethel Hilda May Female Perth
1935/100323 Perth Dawson Clarenda Kathleen Female Driver William Albert Male Leederville
1935/100323 Perth Driver William Albert Male Dawson Clarenda Kathleen Female Leederville
1935/100324 Perth Hill Olive Female Whyte James Male Perth
1935/100324 Perth Whyte James Male Hill Olive Female Perth
1935/100325 Perth Grimster Venour Charles Augustus Male Chappell Mary Marion Female Subiaco
1936/100325 Perth Harper Florence Hope Female Norman Cyril James Male Claremont
1936/100325 Perth Norman Cyril James Male Harper Florence Hope Female Claremont
1935/100325 Perth Chappell Mary Marion Female Grimster Venour Charles Augustus Male Subiaco
1935/100326 Perth Munyard Phyllis Lorna Female Smith Leslie Brian Male West Perth
1935/100326 Perth Smith Leslie Brian Male Munyard Phyllis Lorna Female West Perth
1935/100327 Perth Day James Male Lander Trixie Female West Perth
1935/100327 Perth Lander Trixie Female Day James Male West Perth
1935/100328 Perth Salter Margaret Female Maslen Edward Robert Male Perth
1935/100328 Perth Maslen Edward Robert Male Salter Margaret Female Perth
1935/100329 Perth Kinsella Hector Thomas Male Lewis Alice Mary Female Perth
1935/100329 Perth Lewis Alice Mary Female Kinsella Hector Thomas Male Perth
1935/100330 Perth Copley Angus Burnside Male Cameron Jean Winifred Female Cottesloe
1935/100330 Perth Cameron Jean Winifred Female Copley Angus Burnside Male Cottesloe
1935/100331 Perth Edwards Thomas Claude Male Cook Mary Naomi Female Cottesloe
1935/100331 Perth Cook Mary Naomi Female Edwards Thomas Claude Male Cottesloe
1935/100332 Perth Tate Grace Louise Sarah Female Bresland Hugh Edward Male Perth
1935/100332 Perth Bresland Hugh Edward Male Tate Grace Louise Sarah Female Perth
1935/100333 Perth Hazle Hettie Female Markham Henry Herbert Male Perth
1935/100333 Perth Markham Henry Herbert Male Hazle Hettie Female Perth
1935/100334 Perth Tapping Frederick John Male Gillett Mary Ann Bertha Female Perth
1935/100334 Perth Gillett Mary Ann Bertha Female Tapping Frederick John Male Perth
1935/100335 Perth Casson Edna Isobel Female Honey Horace William Male West Perth
1935/100335 Perth Honey Horace William Male Casson Edna Isobel Female West Perth
1935/100336 Perth Nelson Stella Amanda Female Palmer William Ord-Hume Frederick Male West Perth
1935/100336 Perth Palmer William Ord-Hume Frederick Male Nelson Stella Amanda Female West Perth
1935/100337 Perth Hutton Percy William Male Williams Mona Louisa Female East Claremont
1935/100337 Perth Williams Mona Louisa Female Hutton Percy William Male East Claremont
1935/100338 Perth Spark Jenny Female Liersch Arthur Clemence Male South Perth
1935/100338 Perth Liersch Arthur Clemence Male Spark Jenny Female South Perth
1936/100338 Perth Fraser Dulcie Elizabeth Female Basile Frank Basil Male Subiaco
1936/100338 Perth Basile Frank Basil Male Fraser Dulcie Elizabeth Female Subiaco
1935/100339 Perth Hughes William Thomas Male Roose Clarice Muriel Female Perth
1935/100339 Perth Roose Clarice Muriel Female Hughes William Thomas Male Perth
1935/100340 Perth Berry Olive Female Turner Charles George Male Perth
1935/100340 Perth Turner Charles George Male Berry Olive Female Perth
1935/100341 Perth Membery Ernest Arthur Male Cooper Angela Mary Female Perth
1935/100341 Perth Cooper Angela Mary Female Membery Ernest Arthur Male Perth
1935/100342 Perth Swindell Ethel Maud Female Appleyard Phillip Frederick Male Mt Lawley
1935/100342 Perth Appleyard Phillip Frederick Male Swindell Ethel Maud Female Mt Lawley
1935/100343 Perth Treacy John Denis Male Brown Dorothy Mary Female Maylands
1935/100343 Perth Brown Dorothy Mary Female Treacy John Denis Male Maylands
1935/100344 Perth Huntington Harry Male Cruikshank Helen Female West Perth
1935/100344 Perth Cruikshank Helen Female Huntington Harry Male West Perth
1935/100345 Perth McKenzie Keith Male Cooper Patricia Mary Female Perth
1935/100345 Perth Cooper Patricia Mary Female McKenzie Keith Male Perth
1935/100346 Perth Farr Frederick Charles Male Stevenson Margaret Patterson Female Perth
1935/100346 Perth Stevenson Margaret Patterson Female Farr Frederick Charles Male Perth
1935/100347 Perth Cousins Bessie Gordon Alexandra Female Hulse Albert Nicholas Male Perth
1935/100347 Perth Hulse Albert Nicholas Male Cousins Bessie Gordon Alexandra Female Perth
1935/100348 Perth Longmuir Jean Rashleigh Female Thackrah John Howard Male Perth
1935/100348 Perth Thackrah John Howard Male Longmuir Jean Rashleigh Female Perth
1935/100349 Perth Closter Joyce Adeline Female Flegg Harold Noel Male Perth
1935/100349 Perth Flegg Harold Noel Male Closter Joyce Adeline Female Perth
1935/100350 Perth Browning Eileen Jean Female Argyle William Male Perth
1935/100350 Perth Argyle William Male Browning Eileen Jean Female Perth
1935/100351 Perth Combley Brian James Male Harris Alice Mabel Lilian Female Perth
1935/100351 Perth Harris Alice Mabel Lilian Female Combley Brian James Male Perth
1935/100352 Perth Moseley Cecil Leonard Edward Male Good Eleanor Lucy Female Perth
1935/100352 Perth Good Eleanor Lucy Female Moseley Cecil Leonard Edward Male Perth
1935/100353 Perth Cooke Marion Jean Female Walsh Justin Richard Male West Perth
1935/100353 Perth Walsh Justin Richard Male Cooke Marion Jean Female West Perth
1935/100354 Perth Williams Nellie May Female Douglas Samuel Male Buckland Hill
1935/100354 Perth Douglas Samuel Male Williams Nellie May Female Buckland Hill
1935/100355 Perth Atkinson Olive Isabel Female Stringfellow George Male Perth
1935/100355 Perth Stringfellow George Male Atkinson Olive Isabel Female Perth
1935/100356 Perth Gundill Frank Rowland Male Rooney Winifred Female Perth
1935/100356 Perth Rooney Winifred Female Gundill Frank Rowland Male Perth
1935/100357 Perth McShane Alice Williamina Female Exell Allan Cyril Male Perth
1935/100357 Perth Exell Allan Cyril Male McShane Alice Williamina Female Perth
1935/100358 Perth Tsopanis Despina Komninos Female Kounis George John Male Perth
1935/100358 Perth Kounis George John Male Tsopanis Despina Komninos Female Perth
1935/100361 Perth Jolly Grace Gwendoline Female Gordon Arthur Vernon Male Perth
1935/100361 Perth Gordon Arthur Vernon Male Jolly Grace Gwendoline Female Perth
1935/100362 Perth Weston Richard Male Grint Ivy Rosina Female Perth
1935/100362 Perth Grint Ivy Rosina Female Weston Richard Male Perth
1935/100363 Perth Dorman Stanley Stuart Male McLillan Nancy Female Perth
1935/100363 Perth McLillan Nancy Female Dorman Stanley Stuart Male Perth
1935/100364 Perth Collett Sylvia Elizabeth Female Martin Mervyn Basil Male Perth
1935/100364 Perth Martin Mervyn Basil Male Collett Sylvia Elizabeth Female Perth
1935/100365 Perth Sleith Malcolm Graham Male Lowe Olive Jane Female Perth
1935/100365 Perth Lowe Olive Jane Female Sleith Malcolm Graham Male Perth
1935/100366 Perth Reid Daniel Male Higgins Margaret Constance Female Perth
1935/100366 Perth Higgins Margaret Constance Female Reid Daniel Male Perth
1935/100367 Perth Hale Ellen Laura Female Foote Herbert Edward Male Perth
1935/100367 Perth Foote Herbert Edward Male Hale Ellen Laura Female Perth
1935/100368 Perth Batten Julie Lillian Female Vance John David Male Perth
1935/100368 Perth Vance John David Male Batten Julie Lillian Female Perth
1935/100369 Perth Hatfield Jean Avis Female Wilson Harry Charles Male Perth
1935/100369 Perth Wilson Harry Charles Male Hatfield Jean Avis Female Perth
1935/100370 Perth Nicoll Arthur Male Rogers Sadie Female Perth
1935/100370 Perth Rogers Sadie Female Nicoll Arthur Male Perth
1935/100371 Perth Mueller Jean Gertrude Female Morey Clarence Lloyd George Male Perth
1935/100371 Perth Morey Clarence Lloyd George Male Mueller Jean Gertrude Female Perth
1935/100371 Perth Mueller Jean Gertrude Female Packard Clarence Lloyd George Male Perth
1935/100371 Perth Packard Clarence Lloyd George Male Mueller Jean Gertrude Female Perth
1935/100372 Perth Smith Ann Law Female Cox Albert Edward Male Perth
1935/100372 Perth Cox Albert Edward Male Smith Ann Law Female Perth
1935/100373 Perth McKenzie Kathleen Grace Female Moher Gilbert James Male Perth
1935/100373 Perth Moher Gilbert James Male McKenzie Kathleen Grace Female Perth
1935/100374 Perth Hicks Russell Albert Male Power Mary Eliza Female Subiaco
1935/100374 Perth Power Mary Eliza Female Hicks Russell Albert Male Subiaco
1935/100375 Perth Biggs Frederick Kempton Male Martin Muriel Mercia Female North Perth
1935/100375 Perth Martin Muriel Mercia Female Biggs Frederick Kempton Male North Perth
1935/100376 Perth Brocklehurst Allan Male Selley Beatrice May Female North Perth
1935/100376 Perth Selley Beatrice May Female Brocklehurst Allan Male North Perth
1935/100377 Perth Clifton Tita Marie Oldenbourg Female Hassell John Clifton Male South Perth
1935/100377 Perth Hassell John Clifton Male Clifton Tita Marie Oldenbourg Female South Perth
1935/100378 Perth Lanigan Andrew Benedict Male Wynne Hazel Edna Female Perth
1935/100378 Perth Wynne Hazel Edna Female Lanigan Andrew Benedict Male Perth
1935/100379 Perth Noonan James William Male O'Sullivan Eileen Josephine Female Perth
1935/100379 Perth O'Sullivan Eileen Josephine Female Noonan James William Male Perth
1935/100380 Perth Kelly Eugene Francis Male Nurse-McIntosh Sylvia Myrtle Female Perth
1935/100380 Perth Nurse-McIntosh Sylvia Myrtle Female Kelly Eugene Francis Male Perth
1935/100381 Perth Middleton Catherine Josephine Female Horton Thomas Edward Male Perth
1935/100381 Perth Horton Thomas Edward Male Middleton Catherine Josephine Female Perth
1935/100383 Perth Halliday Eva Arnold Rowna Female Mills Griffith John Male West Perth
1935/100383 Perth Mills Griffith John Male Halliday Eva Arnold Rowna Female West Perth
1935/100384 Perth Reading Dulcie May Female Menzel Roy William Male Perth
1935/100384 Perth Menzel Roy William Male Reading Dulcie May Female Perth
1935/100385 Perth McCallum Donald Ferres Male Coleman Lyla Grace Female Perth
1935/100385 Perth Coleman Lyla Grace Female McCallum Donald Ferres Male Perth
1935/100386 Perth Ashton Eric Reginald Frances Sandys Male Warne Grace Female Perth
1935/100386 Perth Warne Grace Female Ashton Eric Reginald Frances Sandys Male Perth
1935/100387 Perth Wilson Isabella Female Collas John Edward Male Perth
1935/100387 Perth Collas John Edward Male Wilson Isabella Female Perth
1935/100388 Perth Rodgers Edward Samuel Male Palmer Evelyn Isabel Female Perth
1935/100388 Perth Palmer Evelyn Isabel Female Rodgers Edward Samuel Male Perth
1935/100389 Perth Gibsone Winifred Joyce Female Borrett George Leonard Male Perth
1935/100389 Perth Borrett George Leonard Male Gibsone Winifred Joyce Female Perth
1935/100390 Perth Doust Ernest Oswald Male Clarke Margaret Ann Female Perth
1935/100390 Perth Clarke Margaret Ann Female Doust Ernest Oswald Male Perth
1935/100391 Perth Kensitt Walter John Male Dearden Ivy Female Perth
1935/100391 Perth Dearden Ivy Female Kensitt Walter John Male Perth
1935/100392 Perth Howard Eileen Gladys Mary Female Nock Eric Mervyn Male Perth
1935/100392 Perth Nock Eric Mervyn Male Howard Eileen Gladys Mary Female Perth
1935/100393 Perth Hartley Iva Vera Female Bilton Duncan Henry Kenneth Male Perth
1935/100393 Perth Bilton Duncan Henry Kenneth Male Hartley Iva Vera Female Perth
1935/100394 Perth Brown Alfred John Male Hooper Annie Jane Female Perth
1935/100394 Perth Hooper Annie Jane Female Brown Alfred John Male Perth
1935/100396 Perth Robertson John Edward Male Tasker Ethel Female Perth
1935/100396 Perth Tasker Ethel Female Robertson John Edward Male Perth
1935/100397 Perth Stapledon Gordon Lewis Male Sewell Kathleen Frances Keating Female Perth
1935/100397 Perth Sewell Kathleen Frances Keating Female Stapledon Gordon Lewis Male Perth
1935/100398 Perth Macey Elsie May Female Bloor Robert Male Perth
1935/100398 Perth Bloor Robert Male Macey Elsie May Female Perth
1935/100399 Perth Peterson Roy Male Marsh Daphne Irene Female Perth
1935/100399 Perth Marsh Daphne Irene Female Peterson Roy Male Perth
1935/100400 Perth Haub Kathrine Margaret Female Sewell Leonard Joseph Male Perth
1935/100400 Perth Sewell Leonard Joseph Male Haub Kathrine Margaret Female Perth
1935/100401 Perth Cope Athol William Male Brown Ethel Mary Beatrice Female Perth
1935/100401 Perth Brown Ethel Mary Beatrice Female Cope Athol William Male Perth
1935/100402 Perth Thomas Walter John Male Skipper Gladys Rose Female Perth
1935/100402 Perth Skipper Gladys Rose Female Thomas Walter John Male Perth
1935/100403 Perth Ashworth Maurice Francis Male Young Olive May Female Perth
1935/100403 Perth Young Olive May Female Ashworth Maurice Francis Male Perth
1935/100404 Perth Tucker Lucy Alexandra Female Seymour Francis James Male Perth
1935/100404 Perth Seymour Francis James Male Tucker Lucy Alexandra Female Perth
1935/100405 Perth Heagney Benjamin Seddon Male Smith Constance Morley Female Victoria Park
1935/100405 Perth Smith Constance Morley Female Heagney Benjamin Seddon Male Victoria Park
1935/100406 Perth Davis Edna May Female McMaster Allan Male Victoria Park
1935/100406 Perth McMaster Allan Male Davis Edna May Female Victoria Park
1935/100407 Perth Powell Henry Male Snoxhill Ada Eliza Female Perth
1935/100407 Perth Snoxhill Ada Eliza Female Powell Henry Male Perth
1935/100408 Perth Chalk Elizabeth Annie Female Clarke Robert Arthur Male Highgate
1935/100408 Perth Clarke Robert Arthur Male Chalk Elizabeth Annie Female Highgate
1935/100409 Perth McDowall Emily Maud Female Davies Caradoc Male Perth
1935/100409 Perth Davies Caradoc Male McDowall Emily Maud Female Perth
1935/100410 Perth Mann Ethel Alice Female Taylor Henry Arthur Male Perth
1935/100410 Perth Taylor Henry Arthur Male Mann Ethel Alice Female Perth
1935/100411 Perth Fowler Edward Male Haywood Joan Mitford Female Perth
1935/100411 Perth Haywood Joan Mitford Female Fowler Edward Male Perth
1935/100412 Perth McIvor Nellie Female Matthews Ronald James Male Mt Lawley
1935/100412 Perth Matthews Ronald James Male McIvor Nellie Female Mt Lawley
1935/100413 Perth Cousins Thomas George Male Dashwood Gladys Evelyn Tyson Female West Perth
1935/100413 Perth Dashwood Gladys Evelyn Tyson Female Cousins Thomas George Male West Perth
1935/100414 Perth Cooney Walter John Male Logan Thelma Violet Female West Perth
1935/100414 Perth Logan Thelma Violet Female Cooney Walter John Male West Perth
1935/100415 Perth Bickford William George Male Smith Mary Catherine Butement Female West Perth
1935/100415 Perth Smith Mary Catherine Butement Female Bickford William George Male West Perth
1935/100416 Perth Lowe Bernard George Male Williams Constance Sophia Female West Perth
1935/100416 Perth Williams Constance Sophia Female Lowe Bernard George Male West Perth
1935/100417 Perth Bourke Roy Vincent Male Durrant Annie Mavis Ashton Female West Perth
1935/100417 Perth Durrant Annie Mavis Ashton Female Bourke Roy Vincent Male West Perth
1935/100418 Perth Verschner Paul Bygrove Male Orr Doris Margaret Female Mt Lawley
1935/100418 Perth Orr Doris Margaret Female Verschner Paul Bygrove Male Mt Lawley
1935/100419 Perth Falconer Charles Male Ostle Violet Rose Alma Female Leederville
1935/100419 Perth Ostle Violet Rose Alma Female Falconer Charles Male Leederville
1935/100420 Perth Niven Flora Female Barrett Ronald Victor Male Leederville
1935/100420 Perth Barrett Ronald Victor Male Niven Flora Female Leederville
1935/100421 Perth Henderson Annie Maud Christina Female Jones Leslie Male Leederville
1935/100421 Perth Jones Leslie Male Henderson Annie Maud Christina Female Leederville
1935/100422 Perth Burgess Clarence William Male Lindan Mavis Irene Elsie Female Leederville
1935/100422 Perth Lindan Mavis Irene Elsie Female Burgess Clarence William Male Leederville
1935/100423 Perth Tulloch Geoffry Joseph Male McLaughlan Lois Ioala Female Maylands
1935/100423 Perth McLaughlan Lois Ioala Female Tulloch Geoffry Joseph Male Maylands
1935/100424 Perth Michael Agapitos Male Zaphiris Panagiota Female Perth
1935/100424 Perth Zaphiris Panagiota Female Michael Agapitos Male Perth
1935/100425 Perth Barrett Daphne Jeanette Female Hipper Lancelot Clarence Allen Male Perth
1935/100425 Perth Hipper Lancelot Clarence Allen Male Barrett Daphne Jeanette Female Perth
1935/100426 Perth Moore Florence Marjorie Female Stanley Ronald Charles Male Perth
1935/100426 Perth Stanley Ronald Charles Male Moore Florence Marjorie Female Perth
1935/100427 Perth Rose Albert Cecil Male Hackford Myra Female West Perth
1935/100427 Perth Hackford Myra Female Rose Albert Cecil Male West Perth
1935/100428 Perth Landells Isobel Ruth Female Shackel William George Male West Perth
1935/100428 Perth Shackel William George Male Landells Isobel Ruth Female West Perth
1935/100429 Perth Mead Clara May Female Ribbins Harry Roy Male West Perth
1935/100429 Perth Ribbins Harry Roy Male Mead Clara May Female West Perth
1935/100430 Perth Lyons Hilda May Female Halliday Richard Joseph Male West Subiaco
1935/100430 Perth Halliday Richard Joseph Male Lyons Hilda May Female West Subiaco
1935/100431 Perth Faulkner Bridie Female O'Meagher Gerald Joseph Male Claremont
1935/100431 Perth O'Meagher Gerald Joseph Male Faulkner Bridie Female Claremont
1935/100432 Perth Day Eileen Florence Female Hackfath Lennan Charles William Male Perth
1935/100432 Perth Hackfath Lennan Charles William Male Day Eileen Florence Female Perth
1935/100433 Perth Ritchie Charles Edward Hamilton Male Linton Helen Pace Female West Perth
1935/100433 Perth Linton Helen Pace Female Ritchie Charles Edward Hamilton Male West Perth
1935/100434 Perth West Elsie Florence Female Terrell Thomas Male Bayswater
1935/100434 Perth Terrell Thomas Male West Elsie Florence Female Bayswater
1935/100435 Perth Smith Dorothy Female Phillips Herbert Birkett Male Perth
1935/100435 Perth Phillips Herbert Birkett Male Smith Dorothy Female Perth
1935/100436 Perth Goddard Albert Henry Male Clare Eva Female Perth
1935/100436 Perth Clare Eva Female Goddard Albert Henry Male Perth
1935/100437 Perth Black Monica Ivy Female Naylor Victor Frederick Male Perth
1935/100437 Perth Naylor Victor Frederick Male Black Monica Ivy Female Perth
1935/100438 Perth Main John Male Young Agnes Blackie Female Perth
1935/100438 Perth Young Agnes Blackie Female Main John Male Perth
1935/100439 Perth Allan Andrew Male Hammond Lorraine Pearl Female Perth
1935/100439 Perth Hammond Lorraine Pearl Female Allan Andrew Male Perth
1935/100440 Perth Saker Jack Male Trobe Aileen Female Perth
1935/100440 Perth Trobe Aileen Female Saker Jack Male Perth
1935/100441 Perth Cohen George Male Rich Ruby Evelyn Female Perth
1935/100441 Perth Rich Ruby Evelyn Female Cohen George Male Perth
1935/100442 Perth Rublinsky Fanny Zipira Female Kritsevsky Morris Male Perth
1935/100442 Perth Kritsevsky Morris Male Rublinsky Fanny Zipira Female Perth
1935/100443 Perth Preitz Mary Ruth Female Dowdall Arthur Edwin Male Perth
1935/100443 Perth Dowdall Arthur Edwin Male Preitz Mary Ruth Female Perth
1935/100444 Perth Wedlick Irene May Female Gennoe Walter Male Perth
1935/100444 Perth Gennoe Walter Male Wedlick Irene May Female Perth
1935/100445 Perth Guy Elsie Jean Female Read Leonard Morley Male North Maylands
1935/100445 Perth Read Leonard Morley Male Guy Elsie Jean Female North Maylands
1935/100446 Perth Andrew Wallis William Male White Annie Hilda Female Perth
1935/100446 Perth White Annie Hilda Female Andrew Wallis William Male Perth
1935/100447 Perth Heaton Talbot Charles Male Williams Lilian Mary Female Rosalie
1935/100447 Perth Williams Lilian Mary Female Heaton Talbot Charles Male Rosalie
1935/100448 Perth McKenna James Patrick Male Grennell Julia Female Perth
1935/100448 Perth Grennell Julia Female McKenna James Patrick Male Perth
1935/100449 Perth Davies Elizabeth Nancey Female Everitt Walter Seymour Male Victoria Park
1935/100449 Perth Everitt Walter Seymour Male Davies Elizabeth Nancey Female Victoria Park
1935/100450 Perth Sartori Bert Male Meloncelli Gladys Olive May Female Victoria Park
1935/100450 Perth Meloncelli Gladys Olive May Female Sartori Bert Male Victoria Park
1935/100451 Perth Willison Sylvia May Female Slack Jesse Male South Perth
1935/100451 Perth Slack Jesse Male Willison Sylvia May Female South Perth
1935/100452 Perth Hird Aquillia George Male Armitage Agnes Female Perth
1935/100452 Perth Armitage Agnes Female Hird Aquillia George Male Perth
1935/100453 Perth Platell Sidney Ann Female Smith David Male Subiaco
1935/100453 Perth Smith David Male Platell Sidney Ann Female Subiaco
1935/100454 Perth Gifford William Male Francis Ivy Ellen Female Subiaco
1935/100454 Perth Francis Ivy Ellen Female Gifford William Male Subiaco
1935/100455 Perth Bawden Edwin George Male Odgaard Gertrude Female Subiaco
1935/100455 Perth Odgaard Gertrude Female Bawden Edwin George Male Subiaco
1935/100456 Perth Stubbs Margaret Female Hood William John Male Subiaco
1935/100456 Perth Hood William John Male Stubbs Margaret Female Subiaco
1935/100457 Perth John Daphne Celia Female Hall Charles Frederick Male Maylands
1935/100457 Perth Hall Charles Frederick Male John Daphne Celia Female Maylands
1935/100458 Perth Bousfield Robert Alfred Male Meaton Vyra May Female Maylands
1935/100458 Perth Meaton Vyra May Female Bousfield Robert Alfred Male Maylands
1935/100459 Perth Motteram Arthur Male McGhee Anne Elizabeth Female Claremont
1935/100459 Perth McGhee Anne Elizabeth Female Motteram Arthur Male Claremont
1935/100460 Perth Press Thomas Hedley Irvine Male Williams Isla Elizabeth May Female Claremont
1935/100460 Perth Williams Isla Elizabeth May Female Press Thomas Hedley Irvine Male Claremont
1935/100461 Perth Villiers Charles George Male Bond Jessie Isobel Female Claremont
1935/100461 Perth Bond Jessie Isobel Female Villiers Charles George Male Claremont
1935/100462 Perth Newbey Harold Samuel Male Gerke Dalveen Augusta Female Claremont
1935/100462 Perth Gerke Dalveen Augusta Female Newbey Harold Samuel Male Claremont
1935/100463 Perth Hobbs Jean Stodart Female Gmeiner Maxwell Victor Male Perth
1935/100463 Perth Gmeiner Maxwell Victor Male Hobbs Jean Stodart Female Perth
1935/100464 Perth Wardle Lilian May Female Dixon John Male Bayswater
1935/100464 Perth Dixon John Male Wardle Lilian May Female Bayswater
1935/100465 Perth Murray Alice Isabella Elloner Female Bordoni Natale Male Perth
1935/100465 Perth Bordoni Natale Male Murray Alice Isabella Elloner Female Perth
1935/100466 Perth Naphtali Lillian Maud Female Killen Andrew John Male Perth
1935/100466 Perth Killen Andrew John Male Naphtali Lillian Maud Female Perth
1935/100467 Perth Lukey Dulcie Emmaline Frances Female Chitty Albert Henry Male Perth
1935/100467 Perth Chitty Albert Henry Male Lukey Dulcie Emmaline Frances Female Perth
1935/100468 Perth Smith Elsie Elizabeth Female Greer Norman Campbell Male Claremont
1935/100468 Perth Greer Norman Campbell Male Smith Elsie Elizabeth Female Claremont
1936/100469 Perth James Charles Stanley Male Smith Jessie Nelson Female South Perth
1935/100469 Perth Rowe Arthur Male Maslin Mabel Gladys Lavinia Female Highgate Hill
1936/100469 Perth Smith Jessie Nelson Female James Charles Stanley Male South Perth
1935/100469 Perth Maslin Mabel Gladys Lavinia Female Rowe Arthur Male Highgate Hill
1935/100470 Perth Brooks Joan Florence Clare Female Ebert Peter Gordon Male Highgate Hill
1935/100470 Perth Ebert Peter Gordon Male Brooks Joan Florence Clare Female Highgate Hill
1935/100471 Perth Allday Charles William Male Grant Elsie Lillian Female Perth
1935/100471 Perth Grant Elsie Lillian Female Allday Charles William Male Perth
1935/100472 Perth Arbuckle Rita Female Rennie Robert George Male Perth
1935/100472 Perth Rennie Robert George Male Arbuckle Rita Female Perth
1935/100473 Perth Lindop Ella Winifred Female Gilmore George Edward Male East Perth
1935/100473 Perth Gilmore George Edward Male Lindop Ella Winifred Female East Perth
1935/100474 Perth O'Brien Ottolie Anne Female Briggs Leslie Thomas Male West Perth
1935/100474 Perth Briggs Leslie Thomas Male O'Brien Ottolie Anne Female West Perth
1935/100475 Perth Laidler Gwenyth Lesley Female Hatswell Herbert George Male West Perth
1935/100475 Perth Hatswell Herbert George Male Laidler Gwenyth Lesley Female West Perth
1935/100476 Perth Wild Frederick Mileham Male Gillies Doris Female West Perth
1935/100476 Perth Gillies Doris Female Wild Frederick Mileham Male West Perth
1935/100477 Perth Romei Lydia Female Primo Tucci Male West Perth
1935/100477 Perth Primo Tucci Male Romei Lydia Female West Perth
1935/100478 Perth Clarke Edith Emma Female McCreery George Male Subiaco
1935/100478 Perth McCreery George Male Clarke Edith Emma Female Subiaco
1935/100479 Perth Henderson Alexander Murray Male Darley Emma Christina Female Canning Bridge
1935/100479 Perth Darley Emma Christina Female Henderson Alexander Murray Male Canning Bridge
1935/100480 Perth Jones Robert Edmund Male McClintock Ruby Gertrude Female Perth
1935/100480 Perth McClintock Ruby Gertrude Female Jones Robert Edmund Male Perth
1935/100481 Perth Miller May Ellanor Female Price Francis Thomas Edward Male Perth
1935/100481 Perth Price Francis Thomas Edward Male Miller May Ellanor Female Perth
1935/100482 Perth Green Margaret Mary Female Payne Albert Edward Male Mount Lawley
1935/100482 Perth Payne Albert Edward Male Green Margaret Mary Female Mount Lawley
1935/100483 Perth Meakins Olive Pearl Female Hames Lionel Edward Male Claremont
1935/100483 Perth Hames Lionel Edward Male Meakins Olive Pearl Female Claremont
1935/100484 Perth Woodhouse Helena Brayshay Female Pearce Leslie Male Claremont
1935/100484 Perth Pearce Leslie Male Woodhouse Helena Brayshay Female Claremont
1935/100485 Perth Schaffer Grace Beatrice Female Gardiner George Male Perth
1935/100485 Perth Gardiner George Male Schaffer Grace Beatrice Female Perth
1935/100486 Perth Culley Jean Estelle Female Rumble Harry William Matthew Male Perth
1935/100486 Perth Rumble Harry William Matthew Male Culley Jean Estelle Female Perth
1935/100487 Perth Marsh Mary Alice Female Andrews James Male Leederville
1935/100487 Perth Andrews James Male Marsh Mary Alice Female Leederville
1935/100488 Perth Jost Leo Justus Male Casserly Marian Agatha Female Leederville
1935/100488 Perth Casserly Marian Agatha Female Jost Leo Justus Male Leederville
1935/100489 Perth Boyce Patrick Male Kelly Dorothy Iris Female Leederville
1935/100489 Perth Kelly Dorothy Iris Female Boyce Patrick Male Leederville
1935/100490 Perth Allan Archibald Niven Male Mansom Olive Isabel Mary Female North Perth
1935/100490 Perth Mansom Olive Isabel Mary Female Allan Archibald Niven Male North Perth
1935/100491 Perth Hampton Herbert Horace Male Wager Lavina Jane Female West Perth
1935/100491 Perth Wager Lavina Jane Female Hampton Herbert Horace Male West Perth
1935/100492 Perth Couper Jean Douglas Female Collins George William Male Perth
1935/100492 Perth Collins George William Male Couper Jean Douglas Female Perth
1935/100493 Perth Stewart Thomas Male Menzies Jean Female Perth
1935/100493 Perth Menzies Jean Female Stewart Thomas Male Perth
1935/100494 Perth Richmond Doris Edna Female Mitter Frederick Josiah Male Subiaco
1935/100494 Perth Mitter Frederick Josiah Male Richmond Doris Edna Female Subiaco
1935/100495 Perth Brigatti Murray William Male Cloutt Myrtle Gwendoline Female Perth
1935/100495 Perth Cloutt Myrtle Gwendoline Female Brigatti Murray William Male Perth
1935/100496 Perth Wilbrey Edith Normah Female Weston Alfred Male Perth
1935/100496 Perth Weston Alfred Male Wilbrey Edith Normah Female Perth
1935/100497 Perth Bowen Peter Robert Male Lamont Martha Female Perth
1935/100497 Perth Lamont Martha Female Bowen Peter Robert Male Perth
1935/100498 Perth Leist Harry Male Wharton Ethel Female Perth
1935/100498 Perth Wharton Ethel Female Leist Harry Male Perth
1935/100499 Perth Passey Irene Constance Female Halse Edward Charles Male Perth
1935/100499 Perth Halse Edward Charles Male Passey Irene Constance Female Perth
1935/100500 Perth Hughes Walter Lindsay Male Pletts Marjorie Adelaide Female Perth
1935/100500 Perth Pletts Marjorie Adelaide Female Hughes Walter Lindsay Male Perth
1935/100501 Perth Turner Albert Douglas Male Morrison Olga Beryl Female Perth
1935/100501 Perth Morrison Olga Beryl Female Turner Albert Douglas Male Perth
1935/100502 Perth Batterham Elsie Eva Gwendoline Female Pollard Henry Neilson Male Perth
1935/100502 Perth Pollard Henry Neilson Male Batterham Elsie Eva Gwendoline Female Perth
1935/100503 Perth Taylor William Ernest Male Whyte Margaret Cooper Female Subiaco
1935/100503 Perth Whyte Margaret Cooper Female Taylor William Ernest Male Subiaco
1935/100504 Perth Fibbins Mary Isobel Female Dean Fazaal David Male Subiaco
1935/100504 Perth Dean Fazaal David Male Fibbins Mary Isobel Female Subiaco
1935/100505 Perth Savell Ernest James Male Gadenne Elsie Freda Female Perth
1935/100505 Perth Gadenne Elsie Freda Female Savell Ernest James Male Perth
1935/100506 Perth Smith John Philip Male Moorfield Ethel Louise Myrtle Female Mt Hawthorn
1935/100506 Perth Moorfield Ethel Louise Myrtle Female Smith John Philip Male Mt Hawthorn
1935/100507 Perth Johnson Alison Maude Female Goss Frederick Arthur Male South Perth
1935/100507 Perth Goss Frederick Arthur Male Johnson Alison Maude Female South Perth
1935/100509 Perth Wright Bernard Male Leedam Annie Female Perth
1935/100509 Perth Leedam Annie Female Wright Bernard Male Perth
1935/100510 Perth Dodd Percival Alexander Male Caird Jean Margaret Female Perth
1935/100510 Perth Caird Jean Margaret Female Dodd Percival Alexander Male Perth
1935/100511 Perth Peachey Maurice Bruton Male Simmons Emily Maud Female Perth
1935/100511 Perth Simmons Emily Maud Female Peachey Maurice Bruton Male Perth
1935/100512 Perth Watkins Frederick Thomas Male Heslop Clare Alice Female Perth
1935/100512 Perth Heslop Clare Alice Female Watkins Frederick Thomas Male Perth
1935/100513 Perth Erickson Eric John Male Hannay Frances Ellen Female Perth
1935/100513 Perth Hannay Frances Ellen Female Erickson Eric John Male Perth
1935/100514 Perth Chipper Edith Mary Veronica Female Brown Harry Ernest Male Perth
1935/100514 Perth Brown Harry Ernest Male Chipper Edith Mary Veronica Female Perth
1935/100515 Perth Margetic John Male Connolly Ruth Female Perth
1935/100515 Perth Connolly Ruth Female Margetic John Male Perth
1935/100516 Perth Cunningham Leslie George William Male Shurman Maud Margaret Female Perth
1935/100516 Perth Shurman Maud Margaret Female Cunningham Leslie George William Male Perth
1935/100517 Perth Rodgers Herbert Hanley Male Anstey Myrtle Annie Female Perth
1935/100517 Perth Anstey Myrtle Annie Female Rodgers Herbert Hanley Male Perth
1935/100518 Perth Osborne Stephen Male Hicks Mary Female Perth
1935/100518 Perth Hicks Mary Female Osborne Stephen Male Perth
1935/100519 Perth McIntosh Myrtle Harriott Female Connell Thomas Francis Male Perth
1935/100519 Perth Connell Thomas Francis Male McIntosh Myrtle Harriott Female Perth
1935/100520 Perth Fraser Jean May Female McNamara Robert Alexander Leslie Male Perth
1935/100520 Perth McNamara Robert Alexander Leslie Male Fraser Jean May Female Perth
1935/100521 Perth Sanderson Elfrida Margaret Female Drummond James Rutherford Male Cottesloe
1935/100521 Perth Drummond James Rutherford Male Sanderson Elfrida Margaret Female Cottesloe
1935/100522 Perth Hill Hazel Joy Female Moss Edmund Carew Male Cottesloe
1935/100522 Perth Moss Edmund Carew Male Hill Hazel Joy Female Cottesloe
1935/100524 Perth Groom Norman Male Friend Mary Amelia Female Victoria Park
1935/100524 Perth Friend Mary Amelia Female Groom Norman Male Victoria Park
1935/100525 Perth Kane Ellen Female Sullivan Bert Male Subiaco
1935/100525 Perth Sullivan Bert Male Kane Ellen Female Subiaco
1935/100526 Perth Irwin William Gordon Male Bickerton Mabel Evelyn Female Perth
1935/100526 Perth Bickerton Mabel Evelyn Female Irwin William Gordon Male Perth
1935/100527 Perth Kerr Donald Coulter Male Burton Evelyn Maud Female Perth
1935/100527 Perth Burton Evelyn Maud Female Kerr Donald Coulter Male Perth
1935/100528 Perth Ellis Mabel Female Ginbey Frank Male Perth
1935/100528 Perth Ginbey Frank Male Ellis Mabel Female Perth
1935/100529 Perth Jamieson Rex Graham Male Oerman Irene Female Perth
1935/100529 Perth Oerman Irene Female Jamieson Rex Graham Male Perth
1935/100530 Perth Passant Thorord Arthur Male Meadmore Ellen Victoria May Female Perth
1935/100530 Perth Meadmore Ellen Victoria May Female Passant Thorord Arthur Male Perth
1935/100531 Perth Coulthard Mytle Fances Female Sweeny John Francis Male Perth
1935/100531 Perth Sweeny John Francis Male Coulthard Mytle Fances Female Perth
1935/100532 Perth Haynes Leura May Female Miles Gordon William Male Highgate Hill
1935/100532 Perth Miles Gordon William Male Haynes Leura May Female Highgate Hill
1935/100533 Perth Patterson Constance Helena Female Wiltshire Lionel David Burrows Male Perth
1935/100533 Perth Wiltshire Lionel David Burrows Male Patterson Constance Helena Female Perth
1935/100534 Perth Gosney Hazel Isabel Female Luscombe Jack Gordon Male Perth
1935/100534 Perth Luscombe Jack Gordon Male Gosney Hazel Isabel Female Perth
1935/100535 Perth Martin Vera Gertrude Female McPherson Alexander George Male Perth
1935/100535 Perth McPherson Alexander George Male Martin Vera Gertrude Female Perth
1935/100536 Perth Lammonby Frederick William Male Redhead Clara Livinia Female Maylands
1935/100536 Perth Redhead Clara Livinia Female Lammonby Frederick William Male Maylands
1935/100537 Perth Bell David Male Morgan Edna Lily Female Perth
1935/100537 Perth Morgan Edna Lily Female Bell David Male Perth
1935/100538 Perth Green Linda Lucy Female Kelly William Stanley Male Perth
1935/100538 Perth Kelly William Stanley Male Green Linda Lucy Female Perth
1935/100540 Perth Rand Richard Alexander John Male Anderson Margaret Davida Female Perth
1935/100540 Perth Anderson Margaret Davida Female Rand Richard Alexander John Male Perth
1935/100541 Perth Mackesey Frederick Henry Male Baumberger Edith Lucy Female Perth
1935/100541 Perth Baumberger Edith Lucy Female Mackesey Frederick Henry Male Perth
1935/100542 Perth Davey Alan Gordon Male Foster Doree Female Perth
1935/100542 Perth Foster Doree Female Davey Alan Gordon Male Perth
1935/100543 Perth Bates Bruno Male Barker Vera Female Perth
1935/100543 Perth Barker Vera Female Bates Bruno Male Perth
1935/100544 Perth Costello Marguerite Eileen Female Hawkins Henry Albert Osborne Male Maylands
1935/100544 Perth Hawkins Henry Albert Osborne Male Costello Marguerite Eileen Female Maylands
1935/100545 Perth Richards Eileen Ethel Female Drury Stanley Male Mount Lawley
1935/100545 Perth Drury Stanley Male Richards Eileen Ethel Female Mount Lawley
1935/100546 Perth Bell Ronald Temple Male Saunders Elsie Florence Female West Leederville
1935/100546 Perth Saunders Elsie Florence Female Bell Ronald Temple Male West Leederville
1935/100547 Perth Millbery Daisy Renee Female Brown John William Male Perth
1935/100547 Perth Brown John William Male Millbery Daisy Renee Female Perth
1935/100548 Perth Grant Doreen Mary Female Shackleton Ernest Male Perth
1935/100548 Perth Shackleton Ernest Male Grant Doreen Mary Female Perth
1935/100549 Perth Giles Alice Mary Female Lyneham Edward David Male Perth
1935/100549 Perth Lyneham Edward David Male Giles Alice Mary Female Perth
1935/100550 Perth Bellis Audrey Ella Female Lane George Henry Male Perth
1935/100550 Perth Lane George Henry Male Bellis Audrey Ella Female Perth
1935/100551 Perth Budden Marjorie Female Brown Claude Samuel Male Perth
1935/100551 Perth Brown Claude Samuel Male Budden Marjorie Female Perth
1935/100552 Perth Heitman Jessie Douglas Female Boyd John Male Perth
1935/100552 Perth Boyd John Male Heitman Jessie Douglas Female Perth
1935/100553 Perth Kidd Ivy Mae Female Hill Leslie Francis Male Perth
1935/100553 Perth Hill Leslie Francis Male Kidd Ivy Mae Female Perth
1935/100554 Perth Johnson Constance Gladys Female Bell Hugh Alan Male Perth
1935/100554 Perth Bell Hugh Alan Male Johnson Constance Gladys Female Perth
1935/100555 Perth Campbell Nelson Francis Male Burgess Isabella Love Female Perth
1935/100555 Perth Burgess Isabella Love Female Campbell Nelson Francis Male Perth
1935/100556 Perth Watson Roy Wadsworth Male Bell Mary Female Perth
1935/100556 Perth Bell Mary Female Watson Roy Wadsworth Male Perth
1935/100557 Perth Peters Leila Ruth Female Balding Alan Frank Male Perth
1935/100557 Perth Balding Alan Frank Male Peters Leila Ruth Female Perth
1935/100558 Perth Platton Everet Auld Male Groucott Marion Ella Female Perth
1935/100558 Perth Groucott Marion Ella Female Platton Everet Auld Male Perth
1935/100559 Perth Nickisson Reginald Male Colpitts Minnie Female Perth
1935/100559 Perth Colpitts Minnie Female Nickisson Reginald Male Perth
1935/100560 Perth Campbell Sylva May Female Henley Edgar Keith Male Perth
1935/100560 Perth Henley Edgar Keith Male Campbell Sylva May Female Perth
1935/100561 Perth Goddard Marguerite Winnifred Female Jones Norman Edward Male Perth
1935/100561 Perth Jones Norman Edward Male Goddard Marguerite Winnifred Female Perth
1935/100562 Perth Coles Ellis Linton Male Marshall Olive Myrtle Female Perth
1935/100562 Perth Marshall Olive Myrtle Female Coles Ellis Linton Male Perth
1935/100563 Perth Scott Gwendoline Maud Female Arnall Edwin Ernest Male Perth
1935/100563 Perth Arnall Edwin Ernest Male Scott Gwendoline Maud Female Perth
1935/100564 Perth Scott James Alexander Male Bignell Ann Black Female Perth
1935/100564 Perth Bignell Ann Black Female Scott James Alexander Male Perth
1935/100565 Perth Cheeseman Philip Male Haythornthwaite Daisy Female Perth
1935/100565 Perth Haythornthwaite Daisy Female Cheeseman Philip Male Perth
1935/100566 Perth Mackesey Lawrence Daniel Male Cavey Margaret Dardanella Female West Perth
1935/100566 Perth Cavey Margaret Dardanella Female Mackesey Lawrence Daniel Male West Perth
1935/100567 Perth Baird Estelle Emily Female Watt George Male West Perth
1935/100567 Perth Watt George Male Baird Estelle Emily Female West Perth
1935/100568 Perth Jones Robert Hugh Westcott Male Angel Phylis May Female Perth
1935/100568 Perth Angel Phylis May Female Jones Robert Hugh Westcott Male Perth
1935/100569 Perth Williams Edward Male Randell Dorothy Beryl Female Perth
1935/100569 Perth Randell Dorothy Beryl Female Williams Edward Male Perth
1935/100570 Perth Burge Philippa Kathleen Emily Female Patterson William James Male Claremont
1935/100570 Perth Patterson William James Male Burge Philippa Kathleen Emily Female Claremont
1935/100571 Perth Davis Norman Male Howson Ivy Lillian Dalkin Female Cottesloe
1935/100571 Perth Howson Ivy Lillian Dalkin Female Davis Norman Male Cottesloe
1935/100572 Perth Anderton John Bernard Male Buhrer Doris Elizabeth Female Cottesloe
1935/100572 Perth Buhrer Doris Elizabeth Female Anderton John Bernard Male Cottesloe
1935/100573 Perth Ellis Harold Albert Male Cameron Evangeline Agnes Female Cottesloe
1935/100573 Perth Cameron Evangeline Agnes Female Ellis Harold Albert Male Cottesloe
1935/100574 Perth Simons Iris Kathleen Female Mercer Eric Frank Male Victoria Park
1935/100574 Perth Mercer Eric Frank Male Simons Iris Kathleen Female Victoria Park
1935/100575 Perth Nelson Robert John Male Evans Doris Female West Perth
1935/100575 Perth Evans Doris Female Nelson Robert John Male West Perth
1935/100576 Perth Briggs Evelyn Jane Female Wark Charles Leonard James Male Cottesloe
1935/100576 Perth Wark Charles Leonard James Male Briggs Evelyn Jane Female Cottesloe
1935/100577 Perth Thornhill Grace Annie Female Wortley Alfred George Male Subiaco
1935/100577 Perth Wortley Alfred George Male Thornhill Grace Annie Female Subiaco
1935/100578 Perth Cressie David Alxeander Raymond Male Cunningham Annie Isobella Female Subiaco
1935/100578 Perth Cunningham Annie Isobella Female Cressie David Alxeander Raymond Male Subiaco
1935/100579 Perth Johnston Dorothea Female Walker Keith Edmund Male Maylands
1935/100579 Perth Walker Keith Edmund Male Johnston Dorothea Female Maylands
1935/100580 Perth Nisbet Marjorie Maria Female Manger Theodore Philip Male Perth
1935/100580 Perth Manger Theodore Philip Male Nisbet Marjorie Maria Female Perth
1935/100581 Perth Tate Shelah Louise Female Watson John William Male Perth
1935/100581 Perth Watson John William Male Tate Shelah Louise Female Perth
1935/100582 Perth Askew Wilfrid Ackroyd Male Wilkinson Constance Annie Female Subiaco
1935/100582 Perth Wilkinson Constance Annie Female Askew Wilfrid Ackroyd Male Subiaco
1935/100583 Perth Harper Florence Female Cochrane John Forrester Male Subiaco
1935/100583 Perth Cochrane John Forrester Male Harper Florence Female Subiaco
1935/100584 Perth Paddison Mary Elizabeth Female Beagley George Albert Male Subiaco
1935/100584 Perth Beagley George Albert Male Paddison Mary Elizabeth Female Subiaco
1935/100585 Perth McNair David Male Stubbs Bessie Wilkins Female Subiaco
1935/100585 Perth Stubbs Bessie Wilkins Female McNair David Male Subiaco
1935/100586 Perth Roe John Henry Male Gurr Florence Rosalind Female Subiaco
1935/100586 Perth Gurr Florence Rosalind Female Roe John Henry Male Subiaco
1935/100587 Perth Fyfe John Alexander Male Burton Barbara May Female Perth
1935/100587 Perth Burton Barbara May Female Fyfe John Alexander Male Perth
1935/100588 Perth Ings Stanley James Male Gregan Norah Josephine Female Victoria Park
1935/100588 Perth Gregan Norah Josephine Female Ings Stanley James Male Victoria Park
1935/100589 Perth Dickinson Ina Female Stewart James Colin Male Wembley
1935/100589 Perth Stewart James Colin Male Dickinson Ina Female Wembley
1935/100590 Perth Stewart James Francis Male Evans Jessie Female Perth
1935/100590 Perth Evans Jessie Female Stewart James Francis Male Perth
1935/100591 Perth Carmelo Toppolo Male Guelfi Ruby Winifred Female Leederville
1935/100591 Perth Guelfi Ruby Winifred Female Carmelo Toppolo Male Leederville
1935/100592 Perth Payne Ernest Frank Male Finney Violet Maude Female Perth
1935/100592 Perth Finney Violet Maude Female Payne Ernest Frank Male Perth
1935/100593 Perth Shiel Phyllis Grace Female Downing Edward Frank Male Perth
1935/100593 Perth Downing Edward Frank Male Shiel Phyllis Grace Female Perth
1935/100594 Perth Mills Robert Edward Male Martin Myrtle Elizabeth Female Perth
1935/100594 Perth Martin Myrtle Elizabeth Female Mills Robert Edward Male Perth
1935/100595 Perth Brown Alfred Louis Male Robertson Ada Isobel Female Perth
1935/100595 Perth Robertson Ada Isobel Female Brown Alfred Louis Male Perth
1935/100596 Perth Uglow Beryl Constance Female Middleton Eric Male Claremont
1935/100596 Perth Middleton Eric Male Uglow Beryl Constance Female Claremont
1935/100597 Perth Evans Thomas John Male Barker Eva May Female Mt Lawley
1935/100597 Perth Barker Eva May Female Evans Thomas John Male Mt Lawley
1935/100598 Perth Ulsteen Maxwell James Henderson Male Brown Clarice Hilda Female Mt Lawley
1935/100598 Perth Brown Clarice Hilda Female Ulsteen Maxwell James Henderson Male Mt Lawley
1935/100599 Perth Wright William Raymond Male Martin Thelma Jeans Female Perth
1935/100599 Perth Martin Thelma Jeans Female Wright William Raymond Male Perth
1935/100600 Perth Pearce David Thomas Male Lane Mignon Dorothy Female Perth
1935/100600 Perth Lane Mignon Dorothy Female Pearce David Thomas Male Perth
1935/100601 Perth Driscoll Joan Agnes Female Hutchinson Reginald George Male West Perth
1935/100601 Perth Hutchinson Reginald George Male Driscoll Joan Agnes Female West Perth
1935/100602 Perth Crofts Mons Carruthers Female Seale Walter Douglas Male West Perth
1935/100602 Perth Seale Walter Douglas Male Crofts Mons Carruthers Female West Perth
1935/100603 Perth Johnston Frederick Austin Male Dethridge Nance Jessie Female West Perth
1935/100603 Perth Dethridge Nance Jessie Female Johnston Frederick Austin Male West Perth
1935/100604 Perth Hardie Frank Thomas Male Haly Rosa Barbara de Winton Female West Perth
1935/100604 Perth Haly Rosa Barbara de Winton Female Hardie Frank Thomas Male West Perth
1935/100605 Perth Symonds Ethel Muriel Female Blee Leonard James Male Victoria Park
1935/100605 Perth Blee Leonard James Male Symonds Ethel Muriel Female Victoria Park
1935/100606 Perth Tucker Mary Eileen Female McClure Christopher Graham Male Perth
1935/100606 Perth McClure Christopher Graham Male Tucker Mary Eileen Female Perth
1935/100607 Perth Breen Letitia Rankin Female Gray George William Male Perth
1935/100607 Perth Gray George William Male Breen Letitia Rankin Female Perth
1935/100608 Perth Slarke Bert Male Packwood Winifred Elizabeth Female Perth
1935/100608 Perth Packwood Winifred Elizabeth Female Slarke Bert Male Perth
1935/100609 Perth Paterson Charles Alfred Male Buckingham Beryl Female Perth
1935/100609 Perth Buckingham Beryl Female Paterson Charles Alfred Male Perth
1935/100610 Perth Lewis Margaret Lillian Female Aitkenhead George Male Perth
1935/100610 Perth Aitkenhead George Male Lewis Margaret Lillian Female Perth
1935/100611 Perth Allen James Gordon Male Watts Edna May Female Perth
1935/100611 Perth Watts Edna May Female Allen James Gordon Male Perth
1935/100612 Perth Malloch Dorothy Beatrice Female Bagshaw William Stanford Male Perth
1935/100612 Perth Bagshaw William Stanford Male Malloch Dorothy Beatrice Female Perth
1935/100613 Perth White Dorothy Muriel Female Davies Donald James Male West Perth
1935/100613 Perth Davies Donald James Male White Dorothy Muriel Female West Perth
1935/100614 Perth Billington Mary Blanche Female Bird Edward Victor Noel Male West Perth
1935/100614 Perth Bird Edward Victor Noel Male Billington Mary Blanche Female West Perth
1935/100615 Perth Rutherford John Male Marshall Rachel Female West Perth
1935/100615 Perth Marshall Rachel Female Rutherford John Male West Perth
1935/100616 Perth Meldrum David Robert Male Stewart Mary Roseberry Female North Perth
1935/100616 Perth Stewart Mary Roseberry Female Meldrum David Robert Male North Perth
1935/100617 Perth Munro Allan Keith Male Waghorne Iris Ida Female Victoria Park
1935/100617 Perth Waghorne Iris Ida Female Munro Allan Keith Male Victoria Park
1935/100618 Perth Casas Luis Male Hedley Jean McKenzie Female Perth
1935/100618 Perth Hedley Jean McKenzie Female Casas Luis Male Perth
1935/100619 Perth Dods Agnes May Female Kerley Robert Joseph Male Cottesloe
1935/100619 Perth Kerley Robert Joseph Male Dods Agnes May Female Cottesloe
1935/100620 Perth Hamlin Edward William Male Hansen Marcella Sherlock Female Cottesloe
1935/100620 Perth Hansen Marcella Sherlock Female Hamlin Edward William Male Cottesloe
1935/100621 Perth O'Driscoll James Vincent Male Langan Sheila Female Maylands
1935/100621 Perth Langan Sheila Female O'Driscoll James Vincent Male Maylands
1935/100622 Perth Chugg John William Male Filby Eva Hilary Female Maylands
1935/100622 Perth Filby Eva Hilary Female Chugg John William Male Maylands
1935/100623 Perth Scott Ida Louise Frederike Female Morris William Ernest Male Perth
1935/100623 Perth Morris William Ernest Male Scott Ida Louise Frederike Female Perth
1935/100624 Perth Hedley Raymond Male Hedley Marjorie Ann Female Perth
1935/100624 Perth Hedley Marjorie Ann Female Hedley Raymond Male Perth
1935/100625 Perth Jordison Roland Male Barrass Bettina Elizabeth Female Maylands
1935/100625 Perth Barrass Bettina Elizabeth Female Jordison Roland Male Maylands
1935/100626 Perth Robson Maggie Female Chitty Maitland Henry Male Maylands
1935/100626 Perth Chitty Maitland Henry Male Robson Maggie Female Maylands
1935/100627 Perth Eggert Herbert Male Game Gladys Grace Female Perth
1935/100627 Perth Game Gladys Grace Female Eggert Herbert Male Perth
1935/100628 Perth Riley Olive Maude Female Sherwood Herbert Ross Male Perth
1935/100628 Perth Sherwood Herbert Ross Male Riley Olive Maude Female Perth
1935/100629 Perth Bomford James Gordon Male Woolidge Maisie Doreen Female West Perth
1935/100629 Perth Woolidge Maisie Doreen Female Bomford James Gordon Male West Perth
1935/100631 Perth Boniface Robert Jack Male Sheehy Cecilia Moore Female Perth
1935/100631 Perth Sheehy Cecilia Moore Female Boniface Robert Jack Male Perth
1935/100632 Perth Davis Rosetta Flora Female Samuell Frederick Anderson Male Perth
1935/100632 Perth Samuell Frederick Anderson Male Davis Rosetta Flora Female Perth
1935/100633 Perth Cohen Olga Female Stone Wolff Davis Coleman Male Perth
1935/100633 Perth Stone Wolff Davis Coleman Male Cohen Olga Female Perth
1935/100634 Perth Coad Rita Ethel Female Lindsay John Emery Male Subiaco
1935/100634 Perth Lindsay John Emery Male Coad Rita Ethel Female Subiaco
1935/100635 Perth Nash Leonard Male Weaver Florence May Female Perth
1935/100635 Perth Weaver Florence May Female Nash Leonard Male Perth
1935/100636 Perth Hollis Leah Female Audsley Henry Arthur Male Perth
1935/100636 Perth Audsley Henry Arthur Male Hollis Leah Female Perth
1935/100637 Perth Wood Beryl Miriam Female Hamilton Percy Edward Dorey Male Perth
1935/100637 Perth Hamilton Percy Edward Dorey Male Wood Beryl Miriam Female Perth
1935/100638 Perth Thurman Richard Charles Male Holland Kathleen Marjorie Female Perth
1935/100638 Perth Holland Kathleen Marjorie Female Thurman Richard Charles Male Perth
1935/100639 Perth Sallur Leslie Male Barden Josephine Mary Female Perth
1935/100639 Perth Barden Josephine Mary Female Sallur Leslie Male Perth
1935/100640 Perth Whitney Helena May Female Bow Arthur John Male Perth
1935/100640 Perth Bow Arthur John Male Whitney Helena May Female Perth
1935/100641 Perth Garden George McLean Male Humphry Mena Elizabeth Female Perth
1935/100641 Perth Humphry Mena Elizabeth Female Garden George McLean Male Perth
1935/100642 Perth Scott Irene Winifred Female Martin Colin Lisinea Male Perth
1935/100642 Perth Martin Colin Lisinea Male Scott Irene Winifred Female Perth
1935/100643 Perth Thompson Richard Theodore Peel Male Gansberg Margaret Lucy Kingston Female Perth
1935/100643 Perth Gansberg Margaret Lucy Kingston Female Thompson Richard Theodore Peel Male Perth
1935/100644 Perth Cavey Dorothy Rose Ellen Female Masters Jack Henry Nelson Male Bayswater
1935/100644 Perth Masters Jack Henry Nelson Male Cavey Dorothy Rose Ellen Female Bayswater
1935/100645 Perth Hadley Alfred John Male Winton Flora Isobel Female Shenton Park
1935/100645 Perth Winton Flora Isobel Female Hadley Alfred John Male Shenton Park
1935/100646 Perth Ward Florence Ellen Female Cooper William Arthur Male Perth
1935/100646 Perth Cooper William Arthur Male Ward Florence Ellen Female Perth
1935/100647 Perth Worboys Eric Arthur Male Lasscock Violet Elaine Female West Perth
1935/100647 Perth Lasscock Violet Elaine Female Worboys Eric Arthur Male West Perth
1935/100648 Perth Baker Doris Victoria Female Clark James Pringle Male Mt Lawley
1935/100648 Perth Clark James Pringle Male Baker Doris Victoria Female Mt Lawley
1935/100649 Perth Holt Jessie Female Mannix Stanley Walter Male Claremont
1935/100649 Perth Mannix Stanley Walter Male Holt Jessie Female Claremont
1935/100650 Perth Johnston Margaret McKendrick Female Watt William Watson Male Carlisle
1935/100650 Perth Watt William Watson Male Johnston Margaret McKendrick Female Carlisle
1935/100651 Perth Lyall Nellie Lilian Female Knipe Eric Owen Male Victoria Park
1935/100651 Perth Knipe Eric Owen Male Lyall Nellie Lilian Female Victoria Park
1935/100652 Perth McManus Ellen May Female Burge Bertie Allen Male Subiaco
1935/100652 Perth Burge Bertie Allen Male McManus Ellen May Female Subiaco
1935/100653 Perth McGrath Mary Lilian Female Stonehouse Ronald Reginald Male Subiaco
1935/100653 Perth Stonehouse Ronald Reginald Male McGrath Mary Lilian Female Subiaco
1935/100654 Perth McDonald George Alister Male Bick Dorothy Priscilla Female Perth
1935/100654 Perth Bick Dorothy Priscilla Female McDonald George Alister Male Perth
1935/100655 Perth Gold Lily Thelma Female Blackwell John Edward Male Cottesloe
1935/100655 Perth Blackwell John Edward Male Gold Lily Thelma Female Cottesloe
1935/100656 Perth Stearman Gladys Margaret Female Willmer Charles Roy Male Perth
1935/100656 Perth Willmer Charles Roy Male Stearman Gladys Margaret Female Perth
1935/100657 Perth Dyson Jack Hilton Male Wright Adeline Evelina Female Rosalie
1935/100657 Perth Wright Adeline Evelina Female Dyson Jack Hilton Male Rosalie
1935/100658 Perth Beckett Nora Margaret Female Harveson William Male Perth
1935/100658 Perth Harveson William Male Beckett Nora Margaret Female Perth
1935/100659 Perth Ratcliffe Patrick Arthur Male Scally Flora Female Perth
1935/100659 Perth Scally Flora Female Ratcliffe Patrick Arthur Male Perth
1935/100660 Perth O'Keefe Eileen Margaret Female Moses Frederick Henry Male Perth
1935/100660 Perth Moses Frederick Henry Male O'Keefe Eileen Margaret Female Perth
1935/100661 Perth Atkinson Violet May Female Branch Henry James Male Perth
1935/100661 Perth Branch Henry James Male Atkinson Violet May Female Perth
1935/100662 Perth Harding John Horace Male Hampel Vera May Female Perth
1935/100662 Perth Hampel Vera May Female Harding John Horace Male Perth
1935/100663 Perth Round Lena Lydia Female Roberts William Lawson Male Perth
1935/100663 Perth Roberts William Lawson Male Round Lena Lydia Female Perth
1935/100664 Perth Randall Phyllis Eileen Female McLaughlin Joseph Henry Male Perth
1935/100664 Perth McLaughlin Joseph Henry Male Randall Phyllis Eileen Female Perth
1935/100665 Perth Durack Frederick Lance Male Cotton Harriott Eleanor Female Perth
1935/100665 Perth Cotton Harriott Eleanor Female Durack Frederick Lance Male Perth
1935/100666 Perth Luke Eileen Jean Female Humphries Reginald Frederick Male Perth
1935/100666 Perth Humphries Reginald Frederick Male Luke Eileen Jean Female Perth
1935/100667 Perth Maslin John Murray Male Beggs Beatrice Female Perth
1935/100667 Perth Beggs Beatrice Female Maslin John Murray Male Perth
1935/100668 Perth Arbuary Clifford Male Keady Margaret Female Perth
1935/100668 Perth Keady Margaret Female Arbuary Clifford Male Perth
1935/100669 Perth Salter Elsie Maynard Female Parker Francis Cecil Male Perth
1935/100669 Perth Parker Francis Cecil Male Salter Elsie Maynard Female Perth
1935/100670 Perth Kelly Mary Magdalen Female Kerrigan John Edward Male Perth
1935/100670 Perth Kerrigan John Edward Male Kelly Mary Magdalen Female Perth
1935/100671 Perth Stephen Edith Annie Female Murphy Spencer Male East Perth
1935/100671 Perth Murphy Spencer Male Stephen Edith Annie Female East Perth
1935/100672 Perth Jones Gwendaline Lillias Female Maughan George Sydney Male Perth
1935/100672 Perth Maughan George Sydney Male Jones Gwendaline Lillias Female Perth
1935/100673 Perth Wood Dorothy Jean Female Ivimey Alfred Brian George Male Perth
1935/100673 Perth Ivimey Alfred Brian George Male Wood Dorothy Jean Female Perth
1935/100674 Perth Yeates Gladys Ivy May Female Cracknell Ronald Frederick William Male Perth
1935/100674 Perth Cracknell Ronald Frederick William Male Yeates Gladys Ivy May Female Perth
1935/100675 Perth Reid Alexander Robert Male Bartlett Edith Dulcie Female Perth
1935/100675 Perth Bartlett Edith Dulcie Female Reid Alexander Robert Male Perth
1935/100676 Perth Budden Arthur Ronald Male Harding Alma Rosalind Female North Perth
1935/100676 Perth Harding Alma Rosalind Female Budden Arthur Ronald Male North Perth
1935/100677 Perth Milsom Lillian May Female Gerrick Edward Ernest Male North Perth
1935/100677 Perth Gerrick Edward Ernest Male Milsom Lillian May Female North Perth
1935/100678 Perth Coupar Walter James Male Griffin Beryl Daisy Female Perth
1935/100678 Perth Griffin Beryl Daisy Female Coupar Walter James Male Perth
1935/100679 Perth Wilson Beryl Rosalie Female Harman James Male Claremont
1935/100679 Perth Harman James Male Wilson Beryl Rosalie Female Claremont
1935/100680 Perth Girdlestone Lilian May Female Cheriton Percy Richard Bourchier Male Maylands
1935/100680 Perth Cheriton Percy Richard Bourchier Male Girdlestone Lilian May Female Maylands
1935/100681 Perth Corteen Evelyn Mary Female Brown Leslie St John Male Claremont
1935/100681 Perth Brown Leslie St John Male Corteen Evelyn Mary Female Claremont
1935/100682 Perth Gardner Miriam Mary Female Gow Gilbert Albany Male Claremont
1935/100682 Perth Gow Gilbert Albany Male Gardner Miriam Mary Female Claremont
1935/100683 Perth Adams Hannah Elizabeth Female Bulloch Kelvin McGregor Male Claremont
1935/100683 Perth Bulloch Kelvin McGregor Male Adams Hannah Elizabeth Female Claremont
1935/100684 Perth Cavey Walter Edward Jones Male Angell Lily Irene Female Swanbourne
1935/100684 Perth Angell Lily Irene Female Cavey Walter Edward Jones Male Swanbourne
1935/100685 Perth Mayo Kate Female Mantell Arthur David Charles Male Claremont
1935/100685 Perth Mantell Arthur David Charles Male Mayo Kate Female Claremont
1935/100686 Perth Genoni Matilda Ernestine Female Sofield Bertie James Boyd Male Claremont
1935/100686 Perth Sofield Bertie James Boyd Male Genoni Matilda Ernestine Female Claremont
1935/100687 Perth Laurence Robert Clive Male Dougherty Molly Florence Female Claremont
1935/100687 Perth Dougherty Molly Florence Female Laurence Robert Clive Male Claremont
1935/100688 Perth Beckwith Kenneth James Male Adams Auriel Joyce Female Claremont
1935/100688 Perth Adams Auriel Joyce Female Beckwith Kenneth James Male Claremont
1935/100689 Perth Currall Muriel Josephine Female Smith Clarence Victor Male Swanbourne
1935/100689 Perth Smith Clarence Victor Male Currall Muriel Josephine Female Swanbourne
1935/100690 Perth Lotz Marcus Cunningham Male Hudspeth Blanche Myrtle Female Perth
1935/100690 Perth Hudspeth Blanche Myrtle Female Lotz Marcus Cunningham Male Perth
1935/100691 Perth Sandwell Ruth Estelle Female Wood Thornton James Male Perth
1935/100691 Perth Wood Thornton James Male Sandwell Ruth Estelle Female Perth
1935/100692 Perth Scanlan Thomas James Male Mahlstedt Phyllis Ayleen Female Perth
1935/100692 Perth Mahlstedt Phyllis Ayleen Female Scanlan Thomas James Male Perth
1935/100693 Perth Bardwell Eileen Everett Female Jacobs Herbert Frank William Male Perth
1935/100693 Perth Jacobs Herbert Frank William Male Bardwell Eileen Everett Female Perth
1935/100694 Perth Dearl Brian Ormsby Male Scurry Agnes Jean Female Perth
1935/100694 Perth Scurry Agnes Jean Female Dearl Brian Ormsby Male Perth
1935/100695 Perth Bride George Frederick Male Tomlinson Alice Female Perth
1935/100695 Perth Tomlinson Alice Female Bride George Frederick Male Perth
1935/100696 Perth O'Neil Silda Mary Female Walsh Alex Male Perth
1935/100696 Perth Walsh Alex Male O'Neil Silda Mary Female Perth
1935/100697 Perth Sullivan Mervyn Robert Male Nattrass Jessie Female Victoria Park
1935/100697 Perth Nattrass Jessie Female Sullivan Mervyn Robert Male Victoria Park
1935/100698 Perth Arnold Christina Mary Female Harber Leonard Gordon Male North Perth
1935/100698 Perth Harber Leonard Gordon Male Arnold Christina Mary Female North Perth
1935/100699 Perth McPhee Elinor Jean Female Marshall Harold Norwood Male West Perth
1935/100699 Perth Marshall Harold Norwood Male McPhee Elinor Jean Female West Perth
1935/100700 Perth Mumby Sidney Male Dwight Catherine Josephine Female Maylands
1935/100700 Perth Dwight Catherine Josephine Female Mumby Sidney Male Maylands
1935/100701 Perth Hodgson Marjorie Edith Alice Female Haines Nigel Ernest Male Perth
1935/100701 Perth Haines Nigel Ernest Male Hodgson Marjorie Edith Alice Female Perth
1935/100702 Perth Whinnen Gladys Darenth Female Swaffer John William Male Maylands
1935/100702 Perth Swaffer John William Male Whinnen Gladys Darenth Female Maylands
1935/100703 Perth Tarabochia Annie Female Juracich John Male West Perth
1935/100703 Perth Juracich John Male Tarabochia Annie Female West Perth
1935/100704 Perth Tobin Eva Jean Female Richards Frederick Basil Male West Perth
1935/100704 Perth Richards Frederick Basil Male Tobin Eva Jean Female West Perth
1935/100705 Perth Chapman George Male Scully Kathleen Teresa Female West Perth
1935/100705 Perth Scully Kathleen Teresa Female Chapman George Male West Perth
1935/100706 Perth Marlowe Daphne Isobel Female Campbell Clifford Corel Male North Perth
1935/100706 Perth Campbell Clifford Corel Male Marlowe Daphne Isobel Female North Perth
1935/100707 Perth Gale William Clive Male Shaw Mary Alexandra May Female North Perth
1935/100707 Perth Shaw Mary Alexandra May Female Gale William Clive Male North Perth
1935/100708 Perth Morey Roy Osmond Male Hurley Phyllis Mary Margaret Female North Perth
1935/100708 Perth Hurley Phyllis Mary Margaret Female Morey Roy Osmond Male North Perth
1935/100709 Perth Vance Phyllis Annaliza Female Burton Frank Male North Perth
1935/100709 Perth Burton Frank Male Vance Phyllis Annaliza Female North Perth
1935/100710 Perth Turnor Marjorie Eileen Female Browne John Martin Male North Perth
1935/100710 Perth Browne John Martin Male Turnor Marjorie Eileen Female North Perth
1935/100711 Perth Evening Vivian Howard Male Haseldine Rose Rena Female North Perth
1935/100711 Perth Haseldine Rose Rena Female Evening Vivian Howard Male North Perth
1935/100712 Perth Tomlinson Gertrude Female Trim Albert Frank Male Perth
1935/100712 Perth Trim Albert Frank Male Tomlinson Gertrude Female Perth
1935/100713 Perth Walker Sophia Anna Margaret Female Sellick Robert Victor Male Perth
1935/100713 Perth Sellick Robert Victor Male Walker Sophia Anna Margaret Female Perth
1935/100714 Perth Kilpatrick Roma Frances Female Crossman Frank Maunder Male Perth
1935/100714 Perth Crossman Frank Maunder Male Kilpatrick Roma Frances Female Perth
1935/100715 Perth Torrance Andrew Davenport Male Gorringe Marjorie Emily Louise Female Perth
1935/100715 Perth Gorringe Marjorie Emily Louise Female Torrance Andrew Davenport Male Perth
1935/100716 Perth Reed Harold James Male Brown Eileen Female Perth
1935/100716 Perth Brown Eileen Female Reed Harold James Male Perth
1935/100717 Perth Hull Ethel May Female Barker George Male Perth
1935/100717 Perth Barker George Male Hull Ethel May Female Perth
1935/100718 Perth Forbes Ernest Jack Male Grave Alma Louisa Female Perth
1935/100718 Perth Grave Alma Louisa Female Forbes Ernest Jack Male Perth
1935/100719 Perth Tobin Cedric William Male Wilkin Lilian Zoe Female Perth
1935/100719 Perth Wilkin Lilian Zoe Female Tobin Cedric William Male Perth
1935/100720 Perth Costello Francis Henry Male Stagbouer Bona Adela Female Perth
1935/100720 Perth Stagbouer Bona Adela Female Costello Francis Henry Male Perth
1935/100721 Perth McDermott Roma Female Godfrey Walter George Male Perth
1935/100721 Perth Godfrey Walter George Male McDermott Roma Female Perth
1935/100722 Perth Dixon Harold Clifford St Clair Male Hartnell Ruby Irene Female Perth
1935/100722 Perth Hartnell Ruby Irene Female Dixon Harold Clifford St Clair Male Perth
1935/100723 Perth Homer Leonard Charles Male Irving Eleanor Margaret Female Perth
1935/100723 Perth Irving Eleanor Margaret Female Homer Leonard Charles Male Perth
1935/100724 Perth Smith Bernard Edward Stephen Male Jennings Mary Veronica Female Victoria Park
1935/100724 Perth Jennings Mary Veronica Female Smith Bernard Edward Stephen Male Victoria Park
1935/100725 Perth Outridge Kathleen Hannah Female Heagney Albert Ernest Male Victoria Park
1935/100725 Perth Heagney Albert Ernest Male Outridge Kathleen Hannah Female Victoria Park
1935/100726 Perth Douglas Queenie Margaret Female James Herbert William Male South Perth
1935/100726 Perth James Herbert William Male Douglas Queenie Margaret Female South Perth
1935/100727 Perth Sharp Leslie William Male Wood Vera Isobel Female West Subiaco
1935/100727 Perth Wood Vera Isobel Female Sharp Leslie William Male West Subiaco
1935/100728 Perth Hall Mavis Mary Female Armstrong Angus Arcourt Male Perth