A tool to help track the citations of the Western Australian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages from Wikidata and WikiTree.

Marriages in: 1934

Registration year & number Registration district Surname Given names Gender Spouse surname Spouse given names Spouse gender Marriage place Wikidata WikiTree
1935/100001 Perth McAllister William Prater Male Sherwood Violet Female Leederville
1935/100001 Perth Sherwood Violet Female McAllister William Prater Male Leederville
1935/100002 Perth Morgan James Rupert Male Redfern Mary Kathleen Female Maylands
1935/100002 Perth Redfern Mary Kathleen Female Morgan James Rupert Male Maylands
1935/100003 Perth Hinds Thomas Arthur Male Game Lilian Rose Female Maylands
1935/100003 Perth Game Lilian Rose Female Hinds Thomas Arthur Male Maylands
1935/100004 Perth Chetkovich Louis Milan Male Toia Dorothy Female Bayswater
1934/100004 Perth Lockhart Bertha Florence Female Box Leslie Kenny Male Maylands
1935/100004 Perth Toia Dorothy Female Chetkovich Louis Milan Male Bayswater
1934/100004 Perth Box Leslie Kenny Male Lockhart Bertha Florence Female Maylands
1935/100005 Perth Weall Harry Male Tottman Linda May Female West Perth
1935/100005 Perth Tottman Linda May Female Weall Harry Male West Perth
1935/100006 Perth Leonard Dorothy Una Female Cairns Samuel Boag Male Rosalie
1935/100006 Perth Cairns Samuel Boag Male Leonard Dorothy Una Female Rosalie
1935/100007 Perth Robinson Laura Victoria Louise Female Henderson Robert Male Rosalie
1935/100007 Perth Henderson Robert Male Robinson Laura Victoria Louise Female Rosalie
1935/100008 Perth McKeown Avis Marion Female Topham John Bielby Lake Male South Perth
1935/100008 Perth Topham John Bielby Lake Male McKeown Avis Marion Female South Perth
1935/100009 Perth Smith Sydney Thomas Male Wiltshire Lilian Beatrice Female Cottesloe
1935/100009 Perth Wiltshire Lilian Beatrice Female Smith Sydney Thomas Male Cottesloe
1934/100010 Perth George James Male Toy Mary Ruby Pearl Female Perth
1935/100010 Perth Wilcox Winifred May Female Rowley George Male Maylands
1935/100010 Perth Rowley George Male Wilcox Winifred May Female Maylands
1934/100010 Perth Toy Mary Ruby Pearl Female George James Male Perth
1935/100012 Perth Brown John Edgar Male Chalkley Edna Dora May Female North Perth
1935/100012 Perth Chalkley Edna Dora May Female Brown John Edgar Male North Perth
1935/100013 Perth Walkington Thurley Margaret Female Goodall Alexander Edward Keith Male West Perth
1935/100013 Perth Goodall Alexander Edward Keith Male Walkington Thurley Margaret Female West Perth
1935/100014 Perth Hart Lawrence Walter Male Burgess Constance Mary Female West Perth
1935/100014 Perth Burgess Constance Mary Female Hart Lawrence Walter Male West Perth
1935/100015 Perth Stone Mary Gladys Female Green Norman Henry Male Perth
1935/100015 Perth Green Norman Henry Male Stone Mary Gladys Female Perth
1935/100016 Perth Olney Florence Female Boas Lionel Tobias Male Perth
1935/100016 Perth Boas Lionel Tobias Male Olney Florence Female Perth
1935/100017 Perth Dougall William Hamilton Male McInerney Frances Female Perth
1935/100017 Perth McInerney Frances Female Dougall William Hamilton Male Perth
1935/100018 Perth Hanson Clara May Female Emery Harold Leitch Male Perth
1935/100018 Perth Emery Harold Leitch Male Hanson Clara May Female Perth
1935/100019 Perth Daniel Elsie Mona Female Hanlon Arthur Reginald Male Perth
1935/100019 Perth Hanlon Arthur Reginald Male Daniel Elsie Mona Female Perth
1935/100020 Perth Ingram Henry Clarence Male Clarson Coral May Female Perth
1935/100020 Perth Clarson Coral May Female Ingram Henry Clarence Male Perth
1935/100021 Perth Wallace Henry Hector McDonald Male Eastman Isabella Sophia Female Perth
1935/100021 Perth Eastman Isabella Sophia Female Wallace Henry Hector McDonald Male Perth
1935/100022 Perth Nash Stanley George Male Dawes Myrtle Isabel Female Perth
1935/100022 Perth Dawes Myrtle Isabel Female Nash Stanley George Male Perth
1935/100023 Perth Gillies Lena Maude Female Meager Harry Edward Male Perth
1935/100023 Perth Meager Harry Edward Male Gillies Lena Maude Female Perth
1935/100024 Perth Allsop Grace Edith Bertha Female Fell Joseph Male Perth
1935/100024 Perth Fell Joseph Male Allsop Grace Edith Bertha Female Perth
1935/100025 Perth Jones Eric Gordon Male Hall Mildred Decimus Female Perth
1935/100025 Perth Hall Mildred Decimus Female Jones Eric Gordon Male Perth
1935/100026 Perth Spalding Mona Anne Female Herbert Ernest Arthur Male Perth
1935/100026 Perth Herbert Ernest Arthur Male Spalding Mona Anne Female Perth
1935/100027 Perth Brehaut Elsie Ethel Female Baseden Frederick George Male Perth
1935/100027 Perth Baseden Frederick George Male Brehaut Elsie Ethel Female Perth
1935/100028 Perth Cardwell Violet Gladys Female McKimm Arthur William Male Perth
1935/100028 Perth McKimm Arthur William Male Cardwell Violet Gladys Female Perth
1935/100029 Perth Walther Reinhold Herman Male Morgan Sarah Gertrude Isobel Female Perth
1935/100029 Perth Morgan Sarah Gertrude Isobel Female Walther Reinhold Herman Male Perth
1935/100030 Perth Whetters Frederick Samuel Male Scully Louis Female Perth
1935/100030 Perth Scully Louis Female Whetters Frederick Samuel Male Perth
1935/100031 Perth Chisholm Janet Vina Female East John Vincent Male Perth
1935/100031 Perth East John Vincent Male Chisholm Janet Vina Female Perth
1935/100032 Perth Braysher Dorothy Eugene Female Allan Norman Graham Male Perth
1935/100032 Perth Allan Norman Graham Male Braysher Dorothy Eugene Female Perth
1935/100033 Perth Asher Frederick Stanley Male Truscott Clarice May Female Perth
1935/100033 Perth Truscott Clarice May Female Asher Frederick Stanley Male Perth
1935/100034 Perth Griffiths Amy Female Attwater Frederick Male Perth
1935/100034 Perth Attwater Frederick Male Griffiths Amy Female Perth
1935/100036 Perth Exley Walter Vincent Male Austin Rose Katharine Female Perth
1935/100036 Perth Austin Rose Katharine Female Exley Walter Vincent Male Perth
1935/100037 Perth Passaris Joy Female Carandonis Anthony Male Perth
1935/100037 Perth Carandonis Anthony Male Passaris Joy Female Perth
1935/100038 Perth Thompson Mary Alice Female Bush Alfred James Male Mt Lawley
1935/100038 Perth Bush Alfred James Male Thompson Mary Alice Female Mt Lawley
1935/100039 Perth Maloney Doris Mary Female Orgill George Male West Perth
1935/100039 Perth Orgill George Male Maloney Doris Mary Female West Perth
1935/100040 Perth Robinson Elizabeth Female Geddes Norman Male West Perth
1935/100040 Perth Geddes Norman Male Robinson Elizabeth Female West Perth
1935/100041 Perth Bowen Vivienne Phyllis Female Moss Arthur Watson Male Mount Lawley
1935/100041 Perth Moss Arthur Watson Male Bowen Vivienne Phyllis Female Mount Lawley
1935/100042 Perth Lamont William Male Lansdell Ivy Florence Female Perth
1935/100042 Perth Lansdell Ivy Florence Female Lamont William Male Perth
1934/100043 Perth Vinicombe Cyril James Male Cartledge Nina Pearl Female Perth
1934/100043 Perth Cartledge Nina Pearl Female Vinicombe Cyril James Male Perth
1935/100043 Perth O'Hara Florence Elizabeth Female Horlin Albert William Male Perth
1935/100043 Perth Horlin Albert William Male O'Hara Florence Elizabeth Female Perth
1934/100044 Perth Mitchell Lilian May Female Bromley Henry George Male Perth
1935/100044 Perth Kennewell Mavis Elizabeth Female Warburton Ernest Elijah Male Perth
1935/100044 Perth Warburton Ernest Elijah Male Kennewell Mavis Elizabeth Female Perth
1934/100044 Perth Bromley Henry George Male Mitchell Lilian May Female Perth
1935/100045 Perth Scott Roma Lillian Female Ovenden John Henry Male Perth
1935/100045 Perth Ovenden John Henry Male Scott Roma Lillian Female Perth
1935/100046 Perth White Eileen Albany Female Jones Harold Pryce Male Perth
1935/100046 Perth Jones Harold Pryce Male White Eileen Albany Female Perth
1935/100047 Perth Merchant Hilda Jessie Female Howard Alfred Percival Male Perth
1935/100047 Perth Howard Alfred Percival Male Merchant Hilda Jessie Female Perth
1935/100048 Perth Cooper Grace Harriet Emmaline Female Leggatt Cecil Richard Male Perth
1935/100048 Perth Leggatt Cecil Richard Male Cooper Grace Harriet Emmaline Female Perth
1935/100049 Perth Gattenhof Howard Male Vincent Evelyne Louise Female Perth
1935/100049 Perth Vincent Evelyne Louise Female Gattenhof Howard Male Perth
1935/100050 Perth Cook George Thomas Male Haywood Ida Female Perth
1934/100050 Perth Blockley John Griffiths Male Glover Susan Rennie Stephen Female Maylands
1934/100050 Perth Glover Susan Rennie Stephen Female Blockley John Griffiths Male Maylands
1935/100050 Perth Haywood Ida Female Cook George Thomas Male Perth
1934/100051 Perth Veitch Dora Catarina Canuli Female Patterson Robert Andrew Male Perth
1935/100051 Perth Blair George Scott Male Petrie Christina Female Perth
1935/100051 Perth Petrie Christina Female Blair George Scott Male Perth
1934/100051 Perth Patterson Robert Andrew Male Veitch Dora Catarina Canuli Female Perth
1935/100052 Perth Turner Alfred James Male Manton Bernice May Female Perth
1934/100052 Perth Reed Frederick Christopher Male Bennett Irene Alice May Female Perth
1935/100052 Perth Manton Bernice May Female Turner Alfred James Male Perth
1934/100052 Perth Bennett Irene Alice May Female Reed Frederick Christopher Male Perth
1935/100053 Perth Smith Doreen Ruby Female Weber Edward James Male Perth
1935/100053 Perth Weber Edward James Male Smith Doreen Ruby Female Perth
1934/100054 Perth Purcell John Thomas Male Surridge Barbara Eleanor Female Perth
1935/100054 Perth Miller Robert Harold Male Cosgriff Margaret Mary Female West Perth
1935/100054 Perth Cosgriff Margaret Mary Female Miller Robert Harold Male West Perth
1934/100054 Perth Surridge Barbara Eleanor Female Purcell John Thomas Male Perth
1934/100055 Perth Cherry Kathleen Laura Female Pardoe Sidney Male West Perth
1934/100055 Perth Pardoe Sidney Male Cherry Kathleen Laura Female West Perth
1935/100056 Perth Kings Marjorie Lillian Female Bell James Arthur Male South Perth
1935/100056 Perth Bell James Arthur Male Kings Marjorie Lillian Female South Perth
1934/100057 Perth Beisley Lorna Wilhamine Female McKenzie Lambert Anderson Male West Perth
1934/100057 Perth McKenzie Lambert Anderson Male Beisley Lorna Wilhamine Female West Perth
1935/100057 Perth Dean Arthur Clement Male Griffiths Jessie May Female South Perth
1935/100057 Perth Griffiths Jessie May Female Dean Arthur Clement Male South Perth
1935/100058 Perth Long Verna May Female Hook Alfred Herman Male Subiaco
1934/100058 Perth Ross Cyril Humphries Male Andrews Muriel Lena Female West Perth
1934/100058 Perth Andrews Muriel Lena Female Ross Cyril Humphries Male West Perth
1935/100058 Perth Hook Alfred Herman Male Long Verna May Female Subiaco
1934/100060 Perth Bond Alice May Female Thomson Richard Frederick Arthur Male Perth
1934/100060 Perth Thomson Richard Frederick Arthur Male Bond Alice May Female Perth
1934/100062 Perth Meehan Patrick James Male Sutherland Valere Hilda Female Perth
1934/100062 Perth Sutherland Valere Hilda Female Meehan Patrick James Male Perth
1934/100063 Perth Drysdale Gwyn Robertson Female Rooke Harry Northcote Male Perth
1934/100063 Perth Rooke Harry Northcote Male Drysdale Gwyn Robertson Female Perth
1935/100063 Perth Thompson John Llewellyn Male Cahill Nita Kathleen Female West Perth
1935/100063 Perth Cahill Nita Kathleen Female Thompson John Llewellyn Male West Perth
1935/100064 Perth Campbell Jessie Female Trevenen John Birt Male West Perth
1935/100064 Perth Trevenen John Birt Male Campbell Jessie Female West Perth
1934/100065 Perth Snelling Sylvia May Female Flood Frederick Walter Male Cottesloe
1935/100065 Perth Villa John Richard Male Wishart Dorothy Lena Female West Perth
1934/100065 Perth Flood Frederick Walter Male Snelling Sylvia May Female Cottesloe
1935/100065 Perth Wishart Dorothy Lena Female Villa John Richard Male West Perth
1935/100066 Perth Turner William Male Davis Violet Selina Female Perth
1934/100066 Perth Dettman Henry William Male Dolling Dorothy Female Perth
1935/100066 Perth Davis Violet Selina Female Turner William Male Perth
1934/100066 Perth Dolling Dorothy Female Dettman Henry William Male Perth
1935/100067 Perth Dooley Hazel Alice May Female Westley Victor Ord Hume Male Perth
1935/100067 Perth Westley Victor Ord Hume Male Dooley Hazel Alice May Female Perth
1934/100071 Perth Townsend William Graves Male Hall Bonté Female Mt Lawley
1934/100071 Perth Hall Bonté Female Townsend William Graves Male Mt Lawley
1934/100072 Perth Davidson Edwin Newton Male Carnelly Doris Victoria Catherine Female Mt Lawley
1935/100072 Perth Stanisoff Stan Male Owen Agnes Female Leederville
1935/100072 Perth Owen Agnes Female Stanisoff Stan Male Leederville
1934/100072 Perth Carnelly Doris Victoria Catherine Female Davidson Edwin Newton Male Mt Lawley
1934/100073 Perth Sutton Olive Everington Female Hughes Arthur Edward Male Mt Lawley
1935/100073 Perth Bevilacqua Luigi Male Barry Linda Female Leederville
1935/100073 Perth Barry Linda Female Bevilacqua Luigi Male Leederville
1934/100073 Perth Hughes Arthur Edward Male Sutton Olive Everington Female Mt Lawley
1935/100074 Perth Rettig Edith Rose Female Champion James Anthony Male Leederville
1934/100074 Perth Nastas Rosy Male Matthews Drucilla Alma Female Perth
1935/100074 Perth Champion James Anthony Male Rettig Edith Rose Female Leederville
1934/100074 Perth Matthews Drucilla Alma Female Nastas Rosy Male Perth
1934/100075 Perth Kleeman Clifford Male Bartlett Gladys Female Perth
1935/100075 Perth Barber Thomas Male Griffin May Veronica Female Leederville
1934/100075 Perth Bartlett Gladys Female Kleeman Clifford Male Perth
1935/100075 Perth Griffin May Veronica Female Barber Thomas Male Leederville
1934/100076 Perth Wilby Edna Rosa Female Martin Edward Victor Male Victoria Park
1935/100076 Perth Cripps Francis George Charles Male Lloyd Winifred Ena Female Leederville
1934/100076 Perth Martin Edward Victor Male Wilby Edna Rosa Female Victoria Park
1935/100076 Perth Lloyd Winifred Ena Female Cripps Francis George Charles Male Leederville
1934/100077 Perth Mullins Hilda Kate Female Ward John Cunningham Male Bayswater
1934/100077 Perth Ward John Cunningham Male Mullins Hilda Kate Female Bayswater
1935/100079 Perth Stanley Ethel May Female Clements Frank Clifford Male Perth
1935/100079 Perth Clements Frank Clifford Male Stanley Ethel May Female Perth
1935/100080 Perth White Reginald James Male Jones Phyllis Irene Female Perth
1935/100080 Perth Jones Phyllis Irene Female White Reginald James Male Perth
1935/100084 Perth Harrower Mary Lennox Female Kerr Reginald Leslie Male Maylands
1935/100084 Perth Kerr Reginald Leslie Male Harrower Mary Lennox Female Maylands
1934/100086 Perth Colley Stanley Male Kinnane Philomena Isabella Female Perth
1934/100086 Perth Kinnane Philomena Isabella Female Colley Stanley Male Perth
1934/100087 Perth Ham Margaret Ann Female Byron Elwood Walter Male Perth
1934/100087 Perth Byron Elwood Walter Male Ham Margaret Ann Female Perth
1935/100087 Perth Cook Jean Isabel Female Stanbury Percy Harold Male West Subiaco
1935/100087 Perth Stanbury Percy Harold Male Cook Jean Isabel Female West Subiaco
1934/100088 Perth Morse Gordon Henry Male Cressey Lillian Mary Female Perth
1934/100088 Perth Cressey Lillian Mary Female Morse Gordon Henry Male Perth
1935/100088 Perth Mitchell Ralph Senior Male Strack Edna May Female West Subiaco
1935/100088 Perth Strack Edna May Female Mitchell Ralph Senior Male West Subiaco
1934/100089 Perth Reynolds Lawrence Male Greenhough Gladys Lena Female Perth
1934/100089 Perth Greenhough Gladys Lena Female Reynolds Lawrence Male Perth
1935/100092 Perth Chapple Thomas Dampier Male Sadleir Dorothy Georgina Female Cottesloe
1935/100092 Perth Sadleir Dorothy Georgina Female Chapple Thomas Dampier Male Cottesloe
1935/100093 Perth Eaton Mary Theresa Female Brown Clive Sinn Male Cottesloe
1935/100093 Perth Brown Clive Sinn Male Eaton Mary Theresa Female Cottesloe
1935/100094 Perth Browner John Male King Phyllis Mary Female Cottesloe
1935/100094 Perth King Phyllis Mary Female Browner John Male Cottesloe
1935/100095 Perth Stubbs Dulcie Alma Female Paul John Patrick Male South Perth
1934/100095 Perth Sutton Michael Kenneth Male Neave Lilian Evelyn Female Victoria Park
1935/100095 Perth Paul John Patrick Male Stubbs Dulcie Alma Female South Perth
1934/100095 Perth Neave Lilian Evelyn Female Sutton Michael Kenneth Male Victoria Park
1935/100096 Perth Sutcliffe Dorothy Margaret Female Heads Edward Robert Male Victoria Park
1934/100096 Perth Walton James Henry Male Wade Daisy Female Perth
1935/100096 Perth Heads Edward Robert Male Sutcliffe Dorothy Margaret Female Victoria Park
1934/100096 Perth Wade Daisy Female Walton James Henry Male Perth
1935/100097 Perth Williams Ruby Irene Female Butler John Male Victoria Park
1935/100097 Perth Butler John Male Williams Ruby Irene Female Victoria Park
1934/100098 Perth Moffat Norman Ferguson Law Male Grint Daisy Constance Female Perth
1934/100098 Perth Grint Daisy Constance Female Moffat Norman Ferguson Law Male Perth
1934/100099 Perth Campbell Robert Male Melville Mary Wishart Female Perth
1934/100099 Perth Melville Mary Wishart Female Campbell Robert Male Perth
1935/100099 Perth Morrison Jane McIntyre Female Thompson John George Male Maylands
1935/100099 Perth Thompson John George Male Morrison Jane McIntyre Female Maylands
1934/100100 Perth Morton Thomas Hailstones Male Siford Lillian Female Perth
1934/100100 Perth Siford Lillian Female Morton Thomas Hailstones Male Perth
1935/100100 Perth Jones Ivy Myrtle Female Walton John Dudley Male Mt Lawley
1935/100100 Perth Walton John Dudley Male Jones Ivy Myrtle Female Mt Lawley
1934/100101 Perth Whitehouse Margaret Victoria Brown Female Scott James McBain Male Perth
1935/100101 Perth Edmiston Margaret Emma Female Oldham Frederic Schell Male Mt Lawley
1934/100101 Perth Scott James McBain Male Whitehouse Margaret Victoria Brown Female Perth
1935/100101 Perth Oldham Frederic Schell Male Edmiston Margaret Emma Female Mt Lawley
1934/100102 Perth Sells Celia Berle Female Knowles Harold Cedric Male Inglewood
1934/100102 Perth Knowles Harold Cedric Male Sells Celia Berle Female Inglewood
1935/100103 Perth Waddingham William Ernest Male Gerke Phoebe Alice Female Claremont
1934/100103 Perth Meaney Kathleen Frances Female Diment William George Male Perth
1935/100103 Perth Gerke Phoebe Alice Female Waddingham William Ernest Male Claremont
1934/100103 Perth Diment William George Male Meaney Kathleen Frances Female Perth
1934/100106 Perth Gibb Elizabeth Thom Female Stuchbury John Henry Seddon Male Perth
1934/100106 Perth Stuchbury John Henry Seddon Male Gibb Elizabeth Thom Female Perth
1935/100107 Perth Kennewell Myrtle Evelyn Female Gresham Dane Elliott Male Victoria Park
1935/100107 Perth Gresham Dane Elliott Male Kennewell Myrtle Evelyn Female Victoria Park
1934/100107 Perth Kidd James Male Jesson Beryl May Female Perth
1934/100107 Perth Jesson Beryl May Female Kidd James Male Perth
1934/100108 Perth Davies Nellie Hannah Female Dinsdale Jack Male Perth
1935/100108 Perth Bryant Milton Gilbert Male Houlding Dorothy Evelina Female Victoria Park
1934/100108 Perth Dinsdale Jack Male Davies Nellie Hannah Female Perth
1935/100108 Perth Houlding Dorothy Evelina Female Bryant Milton Gilbert Male Victoria Park
1935/100109 Perth Kerr Doreen Grace Female Ball Charles Edward Male Victoria Park
1934/100109 Perth Hawson Hannah Female Williamson Arthur Milton Male Perth
1934/100109 Perth Williamson Arthur Milton Male Hawson Hannah Female Perth
1935/100109 Perth Ball Charles Edward Male Kerr Doreen Grace Female Victoria Park
1934/100110 Perth McNaught James Blair Male Nossenheim Caroline Rose Female Perth
1934/100110 Perth Nossenheim Caroline Rose Female McNaught James Blair Male Perth
1935/100110 Perth Worthen Hilda May Female Young Thomas Male Victoria Park
1935/100110 Perth Young Thomas Male Worthen Hilda May Female Victoria Park
1934/100111 Perth Wood Margaret Hilton Female Everett Geoffrey Alan Male Perth
1934/100111 Perth Everett Geoffrey Alan Male Wood Margaret Hilton Female Perth
1934/100112 Perth Stallebrass Ronald Scott Male McFarlane Gladys Ruth Female Maylands
1934/100112 Perth McFarlane Gladys Ruth Female Stallebrass Ronald Scott Male Maylands
1934/100113 Perth King William George Male Quine Mona Mary Martha Female Perth
1934/100113 Perth Quine Mona Mary Martha Female King William George Male Perth
1934/100114 Perth Ridgill Edna Female Owen Harold Verco Male Maylands
1934/100114 Perth Owen Harold Verco Male Ridgill Edna Female Maylands
1934/100116 Perth Diletti Lino Male Della Vedova Lena Female Leederville
1934/100116 Perth Della Vedova Lena Female Diletti Lino Male Leederville
1934/100117 Perth McGuire Herbert George Male Donnelly Agnes Female Leederville
1934/100117 Perth Donnelly Agnes Female McGuire Herbert George Male Leederville
1934/100118 Perth Muhleisen Wesley Edward Male Pember Daphney Freda Female Maylands
1934/100118 Perth Pember Daphney Freda Female Muhleisen Wesley Edward Male Maylands
1934/100119 Perth Pellow Florence Female Francis Thomas Compton Male Maylands
1934/100119 Perth Francis Thomas Compton Male Pellow Florence Female Maylands
1934/100120 Perth Marum Lizzie Verity Female Stevenson Charles Frederick Male Leederville
1934/100120 Perth Stevenson Charles Frederick Male Marum Lizzie Verity Female Leederville
1934/100121 Perth Carr Ethel Murray Female Lupton Henry Coles Evans Male Victoria Park
1934/100121 Perth Lupton Henry Coles Evans Male Carr Ethel Murray Female Victoria Park
1934/100122 Perth MacKinnon Donald de Burgh d'Arcy Male Bunning Marion Adeline Female Cottesloe
1934/100122 Perth Bunning Marion Adeline Female MacKinnon Donald de Burgh d'Arcy Male Cottesloe
1934/100123 Perth McCornish Frederick Male Hanlan Marjorie Female Perth
1934/100123 Perth Hanlan Marjorie Female McCornish Frederick Male Perth
1934/100124 Perth Phemister Janet Napier Female Dawson Hugh Henry MacKay Male Claremont
1934/100124 Perth Dawson Hugh Henry MacKay Male Phemister Janet Napier Female Claremont
1934/100125 Perth Norton Howard William Male Bailey Ethel May Female Perth
1936/100125 Perth Green Thomas Anthony Male Buckingham Teresa Mary Female Subiaco
1934/100125 Perth Bailey Ethel May Female Norton Howard William Male Perth
1936/100125 Perth Buckingham Teresa Mary Female Green Thomas Anthony Male Subiaco
1934/100126 Perth Ramsay Evelyn May Female Hawkins Leonard Francis Male Subiaco
1936/100126 Perth Lawson William Richard Male de Banks Josephine Mary Female Subiaco
1936/100126 Perth de Banks Josephine Mary Female Lawson William Richard Male Subiaco
1934/100126 Perth Hawkins Leonard Francis Male Ramsay Evelyn May Female Subiaco
1934/100126 Perth Hawkins Leonard Francis Male Watson Evelyn May Female Subiaco
1934/100126 Perth Watson Evelyn May Female Hawkins Leonard Francis Male Subiaco
1934/100127 Perth Stuart-Smith Phyllis Female Zeck Charles Male Perth
1934/100127 Perth Zeck Charles Male Stuart-Smith Phyllis Female Perth
1934/100128 Perth Hudson Agnes Female Groves James Male Highgate
1934/100128 Perth Groves James Male Hudson Agnes Female Highgate
1934/100129 Perth Johnson Oliver Ernest Male Dawson Dorothy Mildred Female Perth
1934/100129 Perth Dawson Dorothy Mildred Female Johnson Oliver Ernest Male Perth
1934/100130 Perth Lorraine Harry Robert Male Douglas Phyllis Ruth Female Perth
1934/100130 Perth Douglas Phyllis Ruth Female Lorraine Harry Robert Male Perth
1934/100131 Perth Daley Maud Elizabeth Female Collis Jack Male Perth
1934/100131 Perth Collis Jack Male Daley Maud Elizabeth Female Perth
1934/100132 Perth Bull John Henry Male Lees Dulcie Elizabeth Female Perth
1934/100132 Perth Lees Dulcie Elizabeth Female Bull John Henry Male Perth
1935/100134 Perth O'Brien Patrick Bernard Male Gresty Beatrice Female Subiaco
1935/100134 Perth Gresty Beatrice Female O'Brien Patrick Bernard Male Subiaco
1935/100135 Perth Ritchie Lulla Hawthorne Female Babb Wilfred Jeffry Male Subiaco
1935/100135 Perth Babb Wilfred Jeffry Male Ritchie Lulla Hawthorne Female Subiaco
1934/100139 Perth Norman Sydney John Male Grist Gladys Edna Female Victoria Park
1934/100139 Perth Grist Gladys Edna Female Norman Sydney John Male Victoria Park
1934/100140 Perth Howarth Charles Alexander Male Kemp Dorothy Blanche Female Perth
1934/100140 Perth Kemp Dorothy Blanche Female Howarth Charles Alexander Male Perth
1934/100141 Perth Hamilton Patricia June Female Young John Scott Male Perth
1934/100141 Perth Young John Scott Male Hamilton Patricia June Female Perth
1934/100142 Perth Duke Oliver Stuart Male Hunter Jean Laureenie Alice Female Perth
1934/100142 Perth Hunter Jean Laureenie Alice Female Duke Oliver Stuart Male Perth
1934/100147 Perth Priest Robert Sydney Male Mills Catherine Hilda Female Mt Lawley
1934/100147 Perth Mills Catherine Hilda Female Priest Robert Sydney Male Mt Lawley
1935/100147 Perth Tomlinson Leslie Norman Male Threlkeld Marvis Annie Female Claremont
1935/100147 Perth Threlkeld Marvis Annie Female Tomlinson Leslie Norman Male Claremont
1934/100148 Perth Randell Phyllis Dulcie Female Jones Owen Despointé Male Mt Lawley
1934/100148 Perth Jones Owen Despointé Male Randell Phyllis Dulcie Female Mt Lawley
1934/100149 Perth Willshire Albert Fredrick Male Innes Eileen Frances Female Mt Lawley
1934/100149 Perth Innes Eileen Frances Female Willshire Albert Fredrick Male Mt Lawley
1934/100150 Perth Moyle Alberta Emily Female Neille Francis Charles Male Perth
1934/100150 Perth Neille Francis Charles Male Moyle Alberta Emily Female Perth
1935/100151 Perth Haddow John Gordon Male Kell Joan Mary Female Leederville
1935/100151 Perth Kell Joan Mary Female Haddow John Gordon Male Leederville
1934/100151 Perth Walters Doris May Female Meade Trevor Joshua Male Perth
1934/100151 Perth Meade Trevor Joshua Male Walters Doris May Female Perth
1934/100152 Perth Eather Malcolm Alexander Male Taylor Margaret Elizabeth Female Perth
1935/100152 Perth Rogers Iris Eileen Female Taylor Norman Male Leederville
1935/100152 Perth Taylor Norman Male Rogers Iris Eileen Female Leederville
1934/100152 Perth Taylor Margaret Elizabeth Female Eather Malcolm Alexander Male Perth
1934/100153 Perth Crispin Arthur Male Symonds Jean Marcia Female Perth
1934/100153 Perth Symonds Jean Marcia Female Crispin Arthur Male Perth
1935/100153 Perth Logan John Victor Male Bruce Gwendoline Gladys Female Leederville
1935/100153 Perth Bruce Gwendoline Gladys Female Logan John Victor Male Leederville
1935/100154 Perth Quinn John Robert Male Larsen Annie Ada Female West Perth
1934/100154 Perth Bye Drusilla Letitia Uridge Female Riedel Carl Robert Alfred Male Perth
1935/100154 Perth Larsen Annie Ada Female Quinn John Robert Male West Perth
1934/100154 Perth Riedel Carl Robert Alfred Male Bye Drusilla Letitia Uridge Female Perth
1935/100155 Perth Amiott Alice Margaret Female Palmer Alfred William Male West Perth
1935/100155 Perth Palmer Alfred William Male Amiott Alice Margaret Female West Perth
1934/100155 Perth Chapman Clarence Wilfred Male Newlands Alma Connie Female Leederville
1934/100155 Perth Newlands Alma Connie Female Chapman Clarence Wilfred Male Leederville
1934/100156 Perth Marshall Sonia Matilda Elizabeth Female Watson Kenneth Wilfred Male Leederville
1934/100156 Perth Watson Kenneth Wilfred Male Marshall Sonia Matilda Elizabeth Female Leederville
1935/100156 Perth Sharp Isabella Blythe Female McMartin Richard Clyde Male West Perth
1935/100156 Perth McMartin Richard Clyde Male Sharp Isabella Blythe Female West Perth
1934/100157 Perth Jones Leslie Albert Male Johnson Selby Grace Margaret Female Leederville
1935/100157 Perth Wilkinson Arthur Henry Male Bates Ethel Gertrude Female West Perth
1935/100157 Perth Bates Ethel Gertrude Female Wilkinson Arthur Henry Male West Perth
1934/100157 Perth Johnson Selby Grace Margaret Female Jones Leslie Albert Male Leederville
1934/100158 Perth Perkins Hilda May Female Schurmann Clamor Male Leederville
1934/100158 Perth Schurmann Clamor Male Perkins Hilda May Female Leederville
1934/100160 Perth Kingsbury Maude Ivy Female Kimberley Alan Male North Perth
1934/100160 Perth Kimberley Alan Male Kingsbury Maude Ivy Female North Perth
1934/100161 Perth Heseltine Kathleen Nyreh Female De Cean Robert Thomas Male North Perth
1934/100161 Perth De Cean Robert Thomas Male Heseltine Kathleen Nyreh Female North Perth
1934/100162 Perth Dease Marjorie Millicent Female Preshaw Jack Bremner Male North Perth
1934/100162 Perth Preshaw Jack Bremner Male Dease Marjorie Millicent Female North Perth
1934/100163 Perth Munro Annie Cochrane Female Miller John Scott Male Victoria Park
1934/100163 Perth Miller John Scott Male Munro Annie Cochrane Female Victoria Park
1934/100164 Perth Lewis Fredreik Victor James Male Patterson Jean Isobel Female Perth
1934/100164 Perth Patterson Jean Isobel Female Lewis Fredreik Victor James Male Perth
1934/100165 Perth Elsegood Cecil Roy Male Martin Olive Irene Female West Perth
1934/100165 Perth Martin Olive Irene Female Elsegood Cecil Roy Male West Perth
1934/100166 Perth Smith Annie Clausen Female Hancock William Neilson Male West Perth
1934/100166 Perth Hancock William Neilson Male Smith Annie Clausen Female West Perth
1934/100167 Perth Beck Edith Margaret Female Hicks Robert Rivers Male Perth
1934/100167 Perth Hicks Robert Rivers Male Beck Edith Margaret Female Perth
1934/100168 Perth Petersen Mary Victoria Female Menner Reginald Harry Male East Perth
1934/100168 Perth Menner Reginald Harry Male Petersen Mary Victoria Female East Perth
1934/100169 Perth Addicoat Alma Ivy Female Elder John Male Maylands
1934/100169 Perth Elder John Male Addicoat Alma Ivy Female Maylands
1934/100170 Perth Robinson Thelma Jane Female Higgs Joseph Willard Male Claremont
1934/100170 Perth Higgs Joseph Willard Male Robinson Thelma Jane Female Claremont
1934/100171 Perth Blades Geoffrey Haggar Male d'Arcy Eloise Mary Female Subiaco
1934/100172 Perth Overton John Henry Male Wright Ethel Sarah Female Subiaco
1934/100172 Perth Wright Ethel Sarah Female Overton John Henry Male Subiaco
1934/100173 Perth Stokes Arthur John Male Bancroft Mavis Irene Female Subiaco
1934/100173 Perth Bancroft Mavis Irene Female Stokes Arthur John Male Subiaco
1934/100174 Perth Isherwood William Male Holden Rosalind Maud Female Subiaco
1934/100174 Perth Holden Rosalind Maud Female Isherwood William Male Subiaco
1934/100175 Perth Jones Ivy Millicent Female Austin Thomas Alfred Henry Male Perth
1934/100175 Perth Austin Thomas Alfred Henry Male Jones Ivy Millicent Female Perth
1935/100176 Perth Elliott Clarissa Eleanor Weir Female Edmonds Percy Vernon Male Perth
1934/100176 Perth Collins Phillip John Male Brown Margaret Female Perth
1935/100176 Perth Edmonds Percy Vernon Male Elliott Clarissa Eleanor Weir Female Perth
1934/100176 Perth Brown Margaret Female Collins Phillip John Male Perth
1934/100177 Perth Morse Enid May Female Veryard Vernon Callcott Male Perth
1934/100177 Perth Veryard Vernon Callcott Male Morse Enid May Female Perth
1935/100177 Perth Sheridan John Joseph Male Henson Ivy Pearl Female Perth
1935/100177 Perth Henson Ivy Pearl Female Sheridan John Joseph Male Perth
1934/100178 Perth Sturgeon Samuel Atcheson Male Cassidy Christina Ruth Female Perth
1935/100178 Perth Croke Mary Agnes Female Murphy Bernard Male Perth
1935/100178 Perth Murphy Bernard Male Croke Mary Agnes Female Perth
1934/100178 Perth Cassidy Christina Ruth Female Sturgeon Samuel Atcheson Male Perth
1935/100179 Perth Costain Irene May Female Allan David John Male Perth
1934/100179 Perth Binning Cartney Arthur Male Bastian Ethel May Female Perth
1935/100179 Perth Allan David John Male Costain Irene May Female Perth
1934/100179 Perth Bastian Ethel May Female Binning Cartney Arthur Male Perth
1934/100180 Perth Shivers John Thomas Male Higgs Dulcie May Female Perth
1935/100180 Perth Deane Thomas Male Hutchinson Rona Nance Female Perth
1935/100180 Perth Hutchinson Rona Nance Female Deane Thomas Male Perth
1934/100180 Perth Higgs Dulcie May Female Shivers John Thomas Male Perth
1935/100181 Perth Stott Sydney Aloysius Male Baxter Gwendoline Ogilvie Female Perth
1934/100181 Perth McKinnon Lachlan Male McLeod Margaret Female Perth
1935/100181 Perth Baxter Gwendoline Ogilvie Female Stott Sydney Aloysius Male Perth
1934/100181 Perth McLeod Margaret Female McKinnon Lachlan Male Perth
1934/100183 Perth Tucker Ronald George Male Booth Hilda Gladys Female Claremont
1934/100183 Perth Booth Hilda Gladys Female Tucker Ronald George Male Claremont
1934/100184 Perth Rowe Beatrice Edwina Pearl Female Brown John Alban Viveash Male Claremont
1934/100184 Perth Brown John Alban Viveash Male Rowe Beatrice Edwina Pearl Female Claremont
1934/100185 Perth Gwyther Meta Alexandra Female Minchin Ralph Male Claremont
1934/100185 Perth Minchin Ralph Male Gwyther Meta Alexandra Female Claremont
1934/100186 Perth Newton John Male Laycock Annie Female Claremont
1934/100186 Perth Laycock Annie Female Newton John Male Claremont
1934/100187 Perth Williams Edward Harold Male Brown Ann Burns Female Claremont
1934/100187 Perth Brown Ann Burns Female Williams Edward Harold Male Claremont
1934/100188 Perth Goss Jack William Male Johnson Doreen Ethel Female South Perth
1934/100188 Perth Johnson Doreen Ethel Female Goss Jack William Male South Perth
1934/100189 Perth Hartrick William Male Underwood Dorothy Female Perth
1934/100189 Perth Underwood Dorothy Female Hartrick William Male Perth
1934/100190 Perth Hayward Lloyda Marjorie Female Pettit Edward Thomas Male Mt Lawley
1934/100190 Perth Pettit Edward Thomas Male Hayward Lloyda Marjorie Female Mt Lawley
1934/100194 Perth Burt Aubrey Philip Male Dobson Irene Agnes Female Perth
1934/100194 Perth Dobson Irene Agnes Female Burt Aubrey Philip Male Perth
1934/100195 Perth Murton Jim Henry Male Saville Laura Ada Female Perth
1934/100195 Perth Saville Laura Ada Female Murton Jim Henry Male Perth
1934/100196 Perth Miller Beatrice Arnold Female Bunney Frank Male Victoria Park
1934/100196 Perth Bunney Frank Male Miller Beatrice Arnold Female Victoria Park
1934/100197 Perth George Gladys Female Kerr William Woolfenden Male North Perth
1934/100197 Perth Kerr William Woolfenden Male George Gladys Female North Perth
1934/100198 Perth Ward Edgar Charles Male Nissen Doreen Muriel Daphne Female Subiaco
1934/100198 Perth Nissen Doreen Muriel Daphne Female Ward Edgar Charles Male Subiaco
1934/100199 Perth Hamling Hazel Josephine Female Boss Reginald Walter Male Perth
1935/100199 Perth Lardi Francis Peter Male Davy Ethel Minnie Female Perth
1934/100199 Perth Boss Reginald Walter Male Hamling Hazel Josephine Female Perth
1935/100199 Perth Davy Ethel Minnie Female Lardi Francis Peter Male Perth
1934/100200 Perth Lee Ina Thelma Female Schwartz Theodore Hermann Male Perth
1935/100200 Perth Jensen Robert Henry Male Cream Ethel Maud Female Perth
1935/100200 Perth Cream Ethel Maud Female Jensen Robert Henry Male Perth
1934/100200 Perth Schwartz Theodore Hermann Male Lee Ina Thelma Female Perth
1934/100201 Perth Agostinali Rosalba Female Lee John James Male Perth
1934/100201 Perth Lee John James Male Agostinali Rosalba Female Perth
1935/100201 Perth Harper Edward Alfred Male White Florence Margaret Female Perth
1935/100201 Perth White Florence Margaret Female Harper Edward Alfred Male Perth
1934/100202 Perth Jones Inon Howell Male Sutherland Margreta Kennedy Female West Perth
1934/100202 Perth Sutherland Margreta Kennedy Female Jones Inon Howell Male West Perth
1935/100202 Perth Riatti Rita Ada Female Grazia Alberto Male Perth
1935/100202 Perth Grazia Alberto Male Riatti Rita Ada Female Perth
1934/100203 Perth Batten Eva Florence Female Acott Charles Frederick Male Maylands
1934/100203 Perth Acott Charles Frederick Male Batten Eva Florence Female Maylands
1934/100204 Perth Simmonds Ray Female Ison William John Stanley Male Maylands
1934/100204 Perth Ison William John Stanley Male Simmonds Ray Female Maylands
1934/100205 Perth Ellis Dora Female Taplin Neil Reginald Male Highgate Hill
1934/100205 Perth Taplin Neil Reginald Male Ellis Dora Female Highgate Hill
1934/100206 Perth Webb Edward Stanley Male McNamara Johanna Imelda Female South Perth
1934/100206 Perth McNamara Johanna Imelda Female Webb Edward Stanley Male South Perth
1934/100207 Perth Cleland William Robert Male Fletcher Patricia Margaret Female Perth
1934/100207 Perth Fletcher Patricia Margaret Female Cleland William Robert Male Perth
1934/100208 Perth Finlay William Bernard Male Innes Ella Pretoria Female Perth
1934/100208 Perth Innes Ella Pretoria Female Finlay William Bernard Male Perth
1934/100209 Perth Sykes Matilda Rose Female Rosser Sydney Male Perth
1934/100209 Perth Rosser Sydney Male Sykes Matilda Rose Female Perth
1934/100210 Perth Opie Herbert Henry Male Remfrey Doreen Elizabeth Aleathea Female Perth
1934/100210 Perth Remfrey Doreen Elizabeth Aleathea Female Opie Herbert Henry Male Perth
1934/100211 Perth Lewis Ethel Female Dean Gerald Joseph Male Victoria Park
1934/100211 Perth Dean Gerald Joseph Male Lewis Ethel Female Victoria Park
1934/100212 Perth Rice Edward Thomas Male Wilcox Alice Female Perth
1934/100212 Perth Wilcox Alice Female Rice Edward Thomas Male Perth
1934/100213 Perth Mills Vera Lillian Female O'Rourke Augustine Bernard Male Perth
1934/100213 Perth O'Rourke Augustine Bernard Male Mills Vera Lillian Female Perth
1935/100214 Perth Anthony Winifred Alice Female Byrne Thomas Patrick Male Perth
1934/100214 Perth Johnston Ernest Male Roy Stella May Female Carlisle
1934/100214 Perth Roy Stella May Female Johnston Ernest Male Carlisle
1935/100214 Perth Byrne Thomas Patrick Male Anthony Winifred Alice Female Perth
1934/100215 Perth Farnham Hilda Female Cameron Robert Andrew Male Perth
1934/100215 Perth Cameron Robert Andrew Male Farnham Hilda Female Perth
1934/100216 Perth Potter Cecil Redfers Male Donovan Gladys Esther Female West Perth
1934/100216 Perth Donovan Gladys Esther Female Potter Cecil Redfers Male West Perth
1934/100217 Perth Stephens Daphne Alberta Female Rooke Francis Male West Perth
1934/100217 Perth Rooke Francis Male Stephens Daphne Alberta Female West Perth
1934/100218 Perth Cleland Elsie Winifred Female Newton Richard Alwynn Male Victoria Park
1934/100218 Perth Newton Richard Alwynn Male Cleland Elsie Winifred Female Victoria Park
1934/100220 Perth Haworth Thomas Lear Male Everett Mary Ann Female Cottesloe
1934/100220 Perth Everett Mary Ann Female Haworth Thomas Lear Male Cottesloe
1934/100221 Perth Flay Grace Ethel Female Suckling Frederick Male Carlisle
1934/100221 Perth Suckling Frederick Male Flay Grace Ethel Female Carlisle
1934/100222 Perth Douglas George William Male Larkin Gladys Mary Female Perth
1934/100222 Perth Larkin Gladys Mary Female Douglas George William Male Perth
1934/100223 Perth Rose Albert Victor Male Martin Hazel Noreen Female Maylands
1934/100223 Perth Martin Hazel Noreen Female Rose Albert Victor Male Maylands
1934/100224 Perth Kuhn Ethel Emilie Susie Female Bail William Isaac Male Claremont
1934/100224 Perth Bail William Isaac Male Kuhn Ethel Emilie Susie Female Claremont
1934/100225 Perth Pennifold Darrell Kelleway Stredwick Male Towler Lillian Victoria Lucy Female Maylands
1934/100225 Perth Towler Lillian Victoria Lucy Female Pennifold Darrell Kelleway Stredwick Male Maylands
1934/100226 Perth Parker Victor Gordon Male Fennell Jean Female West Perth
1934/100226 Perth Fennell Jean Female Parker Victor Gordon Male West Perth
1934/100227 Perth Middleton Ruth Beatrice Marjorie Female Oswald Andrew Chalmers Male West Perth
1934/100227 Perth Oswald Andrew Chalmers Male Middleton Ruth Beatrice Marjorie Female West Perth
1934/100228 Perth Jameson Daniel James Male Cavanagh Elizabeth Jane Female Perth
1934/100228 Perth Cavanagh Elizabeth Jane Female Jameson Daniel James Male Perth
1934/100229 Perth Alexander Francis Charles Herbert Male Birt Laura Rachel Female Maylands
1934/100229 Perth Birt Laura Rachel Female Alexander Francis Charles Herbert Male Maylands
1934/100230 Perth Castiglioni Eric Male Matthews Amelia William Female Perth
1934/100230 Perth Matthews Amelia William Female Castiglioni Eric Male Perth
1934/100231 Perth Armstrong Eric Hopetoun Male Anderson Jessie Mary Female South Perth
1934/100231 Perth Anderson Jessie Mary Female Armstrong Eric Hopetoun Male South Perth
1934/100232 Perth Johnson Phyllis May Elizabeth Female Nayler Charles William Male Subiaco
1934/100232 Perth Nayler Charles William Male Johnson Phyllis May Elizabeth Female Subiaco
1934/100233 Perth James John Charles Horsey Male Brown Gladys Emily Female Cottesloe
1934/100233 Perth Brown Gladys Emily Female James John Charles Horsey Male Cottesloe
1934/100234 Perth Warren John Male Sampey Sylvie Female Perth
1934/100234 Perth Sampey Sylvie Female Warren John Male Perth
1934/100235 Perth Clapé Richard James Male Wilkinson Maria Female Perth
1934/100235 Perth Wilkinson Maria Female Clapé Richard James Male Perth
1934/100236 Perth English John Cyril Male Elliott Margaret Evelyn Female Perth
1934/100236 Perth Elliott Margaret Evelyn Female English John Cyril Male Perth
1934/100237 Perth Lathlain Joy Maisie Female Male Kimberley Male Perth
1934/100237 Perth Male Kimberley Male Lathlain Joy Maisie Female Perth
1934/100238 Perth Clements Thomas Godfrey Male Wright Evelyn Ann Female Perth
1934/100238 Perth Wright Evelyn Ann Female Clements Thomas Godfrey Male Perth
1934/100239 Perth Strang Jack Andrew Male Ferguson Marjory Lorraine Female Perth
1934/100239 Perth Ferguson Marjory Lorraine Female Strang Jack Andrew Male Perth
1934/100240 Perth List Reginald Charles Male Flower Alma Marion Female Perth
1934/100240 Perth Flower Alma Marion Female List Reginald Charles Male Perth
1934/100241 Perth Lyall Mary Duthie Female Allan James Male Perth
1934/100241 Perth Allan James Male Lyall Mary Duthie Female Perth
1934/100242 Perth Sinclair Ronald McKay Male Sandford Winifred Muriel Female Perth
1934/100242 Perth Sandford Winifred Muriel Female Sinclair Ronald McKay Male Perth
1934/100243 Perth Sparkes Marion Elizabeth Female Sims Frederick Fry Male Perth
1934/100243 Perth Sims Frederick Fry Male Sparkes Marion Elizabeth Female Perth
1934/100244 Perth Walter Alice Lydia Female Graham Matthew Alexander Male Perth
1934/100244 Perth Graham Matthew Alexander Male Walter Alice Lydia Female Perth
1934/100245 Perth Arthur Annie Female Sewell Frederick John Male Perth
1934/100245 Perth Sewell Frederick John Male Arthur Annie Female Perth
1934/100246 Perth Hinkley Cecil Ray Male O'Halloran Margaret Mary Female Perth
1934/100246 Perth O'Halloran Margaret Mary Female Hinkley Cecil Ray Male Perth
1934/100247 Perth Moore Wesley George Male Walters Jessie Grace Female Perth
1934/100247 Perth Walters Jessie Grace Female Moore Wesley George Male Perth
1934/100248 Perth Sellman Cyril Thomas Male Launder Gladys Isabelle Female West Perth
1934/100248 Perth Launder Gladys Isabelle Female Sellman Cyril Thomas Male West Perth
1934/100249 Perth Bogue Florence Ada Mary Female Haysom Edward Louis Male Perth
1934/100249 Perth Haysom Edward Louis Male Bogue Florence Ada Mary Female Perth
1934/100250 Perth Mosca Clara Charlottee Female Gray Roy Fredrick Male Perth
1934/100250 Perth Gray Roy Fredrick Male Mosca Clara Charlottee Female Perth
1934/100251 Perth Uttley Stuart Male Lyndon Cora Female Perth
1934/100251 Perth Lyndon Cora Female Uttley Stuart Male Perth
1934/100252 Perth Calder Henry Male Drummond Muriel Joan Female South Perth
1934/100252 Perth Drummond Muriel Joan Female Calder Henry Male South Perth
1934/100253 Perth Humphrys Robert Zincroft Jesse Male McCabe Louisa Alice Female Highgate Hill
1934/100253 Perth McCabe Louisa Alice Female Humphrys Robert Zincroft Jesse Male Highgate Hill
1934/100254 Perth Ross Annie Hay Johnstone Female Davidson James David Male Perth
1934/100254 Perth Davidson James David Male Ross Annie Hay Johnstone Female Perth
1934/100255 Perth Millard Ebenezer Edward Male Cashin Clara Regal Jane Female Perth
1934/100255 Perth Cashin Clara Regal Jane Female Millard Ebenezer Edward Male Perth
1934/100256 Perth McGowan Denis James Male O'Connell Eileen Female Claremont
1934/100256 Perth O'Connell Eileen Female McGowan Denis James Male Claremont
1934/100257 Perth Flügge Norman Charles Male Moloney Julia Marie Female Claremont
1934/100257 Perth Moloney Julia Marie Female Flügge Norman Charles Male Claremont
1934/100258 Perth Hogbin Kathleen Alelyth Female Daws Lawrence Male West Perth
1934/100258 Perth Daws Lawrence Male Hogbin Kathleen Alelyth Female West Perth
1934/100259 Perth von Wolff Sonia Female Conti Francesco Male Perth
1934/100259 Perth Conti Francesco Male von Wolff Sonia Female Perth
1934/100260 Perth Chamberlain Aubrey Ernest Male Leader Elizabeth Joyce Female Claremont
1934/100260 Perth Leader Elizabeth Joyce Female Chamberlain Aubrey Ernest Male Claremont
1934/100261 Perth Gibbs Selma Rebecca Narroway Female Turner William Waldo Male Perth
1934/100261 Perth Turner William Waldo Male Gibbs Selma Rebecca Narroway Female Perth
1934/100262 Perth Kay Roeland George Male Usher Christina Isabel Female Perth
1934/100262 Perth Usher Christina Isabel Female Kay Roeland George Male Perth
1934/100263 Perth Tchan Constance Mary Female Worland Norman Arthur Male Perth
1934/100263 Perth Worland Norman Arthur Male Tchan Constance Mary Female Perth
1934/100264 Perth Bradley Hilda Helena Female Finch Frederick William Male Perth
1934/100264 Perth Finch Frederick William Male Bradley Hilda Helena Female Perth
1934/100265 Perth Marflitt Lily Female Benson Walter Frederick Male Highgate Hill
1934/100265 Perth Benson Walter Frederick Male Marflitt Lily Female Highgate Hill
1934/100266 Perth Schulz Lancelot Murray Male Nelson Kate Louisa Female Highgate Hill
1934/100266 Perth Nelson Kate Louisa Female Schulz Lancelot Murray Male Highgate Hill
1934/100267 Perth Hodges George Carrington Male King Heather Josephine Lethbridge Female Perth
1934/100267 Perth King Heather Josephine Lethbridge Female Hodges George Carrington Male Perth
1934/100268 Perth Hindle Doris Female Campbell Angus Cameron Male West Perth
1934/100268 Perth Campbell Angus Cameron Male Hindle Doris Female West Perth
1934/100269 Perth Edmeades Madge Kathleen Female Clairs James Percival Male West Perth
1934/100269 Perth Clairs James Percival Male Edmeades Madge Kathleen Female West Perth
1934/100270 Perth Bohlman Henry George Male Gaylor Sarah Anne Female West Perth
1934/100270 Perth Gaylor Sarah Anne Female Bohlman Henry George Male West Perth
1934/100271 Perth Neal Alice Ellen Female Lang Andrew Rowe Male Subiaco
1934/100271 Perth Lang Andrew Rowe Male Neal Alice Ellen Female Subiaco
1934/100272 Perth Barclay Marjorie Female Bailey Neville Ford Male Perth
1934/100272 Perth Bailey Neville Ford Male Barclay Marjorie Female Perth
1934/100274 Perth Russell Wilfrid Male Street Dolores Daphne Female Subiaco
1934/100274 Perth Street Dolores Daphne Female Russell Wilfrid Male Subiaco
1934/100275 Perth Leen Eileen Mary Female McVittie Robert Young Male Subiaco
1934/100275 Perth McVittie Robert Young Male Leen Eileen Mary Female Subiaco
1934/100276 Perth Washing Kathleen Ellen Female Turner Charles Vivian Male Perth
1934/100276 Perth Turner Charles Vivian Male Washing Kathleen Ellen Female Perth
1934/100277 Perth Downes Frederick Casilton Male Hallengren Myrtle Lillian Female Perth
1934/100277 Perth Hallengren Myrtle Lillian Female Downes Frederick Casilton Male Perth
1934/100278 Perth Phillips Frederick Lawrence Male Roberts Dorothy May Wearne Female Bayswater
1934/100278 Perth Roberts Dorothy May Wearne Female Phillips Frederick Lawrence Male Bayswater
1934/100279 Perth Walton Dorothy Clara Female Evans Clyde Lancelot Male Perth
1934/100279 Perth Evans Clyde Lancelot Male Walton Dorothy Clara Female Perth
1934/100280 Perth Guthrie Sadie Maud Female Retallack Claude Melville John Male Swanbourne
1934/100280 Perth Retallack Claude Melville John Male Guthrie Sadie Maud Female Swanbourne
1934/100281 Perth Nankivell Irene Lucia Chadwick Female Nielsen George Male North Perth
1934/100281 Perth Nankivell Irene Lucia Chadwick Female Pind George Male North Perth
1934/100281 Perth Pind George Male Nankivell Irene Lucia Chadwick Female North Perth
1934/100281 Perth Nielsen George Male Nankivell Irene Lucia Chadwick Female North Perth
1934/100282 Perth Annert Eda Sophia Female Stone William Edward Male Perth
1934/100282 Perth Stone William Edward Male Annert Eda Sophia Female Perth
1934/100283 Perth Bastian Edna May Rogers Female Keamy Thomas Leslie Male Perth
1934/100283 Perth Keamy Thomas Leslie Male Bastian Edna May Rogers Female Perth
1934/100284 Perth Caporn Clarence Wilfred William Male Foley Dorothy May Female Perth
1934/100284 Perth Foley Dorothy May Female Caporn Clarence Wilfred William Male Perth
1934/100285 Perth Lewis William Charles Male Boulter Gwendoline May Female Perth
1934/100285 Perth Boulter Gwendoline May Female Lewis William Charles Male Perth
1934/100286 Perth Slape Ruby May Female Batten Norman Harry Male Perth
1934/100286 Perth Batten Norman Harry Male Slape Ruby May Female Perth
1934/100287 Perth Hibbottson Audrey Vera Madeline Female Landells Franchesco Andria Male Perth
1934/100287 Perth Landells Franchesco Andria Male Hibbottson Audrey Vera Madeline Female Perth
1934/100288 Perth Hiscox Beatrice Female Haythornthwaite John Proctor Male Perth
1934/100288 Perth Haythornthwaite John Proctor Male Hiscox Beatrice Female Perth
1934/100289 Perth Healy Michael Joseph Male Roach Ellen Female Leederville
1934/100289 Perth Roach Ellen Female Healy Michael Joseph Male Leederville
1934/100290 Perth Brindley Thomas Hamilton Male Wilson Lily Violet Female Perth
1934/100290 Perth Wilson Lily Violet Female Brindley Thomas Hamilton Male Perth
1934/100291 Perth Hayes Myras Female Shaw William Male Maylands
1934/100291 Perth Shaw William Male Hayes Myras Female Maylands
1934/100292 Perth Arnold Eugene Edith Female Bull Joseph Francis Male Perth
1934/100292 Perth Bull Joseph Francis Male Arnold Eugene Edith Female Perth
1934/100293 Perth Crago Ethel Maud Female Goldsworthy William Stephen Male Perth
1934/100293 Perth Goldsworthy William Stephen Male Crago Ethel Maud Female Perth
1934/100294 Perth Thompson George Alan Jack Male Christie Elizabeth Sturrock Female Perth
1934/100294 Perth Christie Elizabeth Sturrock Female Thompson George Alan Jack Male Perth
1934/100295 Perth Randell Bessie Ernestine Female Broadhurst John Heslop Male Perth
1934/100295 Perth Broadhurst John Heslop Male Randell Bessie Ernestine Female Perth
1934/100296 Perth Byatt Henry Male Abbott Phyllis Female Perth
1934/100296 Perth Abbott Phyllis Female Byatt Henry Male Perth
1934/100297 Perth Nicholls Irma Gurr Female Barrett Norman Edwin Male Perth
1934/100297 Perth Barrett Norman Edwin Male Nicholls Irma Gurr Female Perth
1934/100298 Perth Quirk Christopher John Male Sumner Olive May Female Perth
1934/100298 Perth Sumner Olive May Female Quirk Christopher John Male Perth
1934/100299 Perth Weston William Wood Male Coppin Gladys Sophia Female West Perth
1934/100299 Perth Coppin Gladys Sophia Female Weston William Wood Male West Perth
1934/100300 Perth Toy Violet Female Turner Roy Edward Male West Perth
1934/100300 Perth Turner Roy Edward Male Toy Violet Female West Perth
1934/100301 Perth Edinger George Frederick Male Jacoby Frances Lucy Female West Perth
1934/100301 Perth Jacoby Frances Lucy Female Edinger George Frederick Male West Perth
1934/100302 Perth Hogg Thomas Alexander Male Mitchell Charlotte Elizabeth Female West Perth
1934/100302 Perth Mitchell Charlotte Elizabeth Female Hogg Thomas Alexander Male West Perth
1934/100303 Perth Edwards Margaret Sarah Female Thompson Sydney Clement Male West Perth
1934/100303 Perth Thompson Sydney Clement Male Edwards Margaret Sarah Female West Perth
1934/100304 Perth Hilfers Robert George Male Barbour Catherine Morton Female Leederville
1934/100304 Perth Barbour Catherine Morton Female Hilfers Robert George Male Leederville
1936/100305 Perth Jennings Walter James Male Urquhart Alma Mary Female Subiaco
1934/100305 Perth Knifton Samuel Male Herdman Mary Anne Female Leederville
1934/100305 Perth Herdman Mary Anne Female Knifton Samuel Male Leederville
1936/100305 Perth Urquhart Alma Mary Female Jennings Walter James Male Subiaco
1936/100306 Perth Holbery Marie Elizabeth Female Stokes George William John Male Subiaco
1934/100306 Perth Newman Llewllyn Joseph Hawthorn Male Smailes Marjorie Gita Female Leederville
1936/100306 Perth Stokes George William John Male Holbery Marie Elizabeth Female Subiaco
1934/100306 Perth Smailes Marjorie Gita Female Newman Llewllyn Joseph Hawthorn Male Leederville
1934/100307 Perth Greenway Bertha Mavis Female Hough Keith Alan Male Perth
1934/100307 Perth Hough Keith Alan Male Greenway Bertha Mavis Female Perth
1934/100308 Perth McDonald Margaret Mary Female Moodie Charles Thomas Male Leederville
1934/100308 Perth Moodie Charles Thomas Male McDonald Margaret Mary Female Leederville
1934/100309 Perth Nelson Sylvina Ellen Female Mckinnon George Male Victoria Park
1934/100309 Perth Mckinnon George Male Nelson Sylvina Ellen Female Victoria Park
1934/100310 Perth Smith Horace George Male Evans Margery Alice Female Victoria Park
1934/100310 Perth Evans Margery Alice Female Smith Horace George Male Victoria Park
1934/100311 Perth Johnson Lucy Eveline Female Johnson Joseph Francis Male Claremont
1934/100311 Perth Johnson Joseph Francis Male Johnson Lucy Eveline Female Claremont
1934/100312 Perth Brindley Michael Henry Male Blackwell Bridget Josephine Female Cottesloe
1934/100312 Perth Blackwell Bridget Josephine Female Brindley Michael Henry Male Cottesloe
1934/100313 Perth Searles Rhoda May Female Curtis Robert James Male Perth
1934/100313 Perth Curtis Robert James Male Searles Rhoda May Female Perth
1934/100314 Perth White Daphne Emily Martha Female Allvar Alexander James Male Perth
1934/100314 Perth Allvar Alexander James Male White Daphne Emily Martha Female Perth
1934/100315 Perth Pereira James Robert Male Todd Gwen Female Perth
1934/100315 Perth Todd Gwen Female Pereira James Robert Male Perth
1934/100316 Perth Hunter Edwin Gilbert Male Howe Marjorie Evelyn Female Perth
1934/100316 Perth Howe Marjorie Evelyn Female Hunter Edwin Gilbert Male Perth
1934/100317 Perth McCracken Charles Male Chance Ida Female Perth
1934/100317 Perth Chance Ida Female McCracken Charles Male Perth
1934/100318 Perth Rickard Janet Craig Female Goodlet William Male Nedlands
1934/100318 Perth Goodlet William Male Rickard Janet Craig Female Nedlands
1934/100319 Perth Braithwaite Lydia Christina Female Marshall Robert Male Perth
1934/100319 Perth Marshall Robert Male Braithwaite Lydia Christina Female Perth
1934/100320 Perth Goldman Samuel Male Kirkpatrick Clare Marion Female Perth
1934/100320 Perth Kirkpatrick Clare Marion Female Goldman Samuel Male Perth
1934/100321 Perth Halliday Lola May Female Ambler Clement Male West Perth
1934/100321 Perth Ambler Clement Male Halliday Lola May Female West Perth
1934/100322 Perth Carter Eva Female Alberts William Thomas Male West Perth
1934/100322 Perth Alberts William Thomas Male Carter Eva Female West Perth
1934/100323 Perth Hiscock Henry Fredrick Male Burridge Margaret Grace Female North Perth
1934/100323 Perth Burridge Margaret Grace Female Hiscock Henry Fredrick Male North Perth
1934/100324 Perth McDermott Peter Male Bradley Ethel Female Perth
1934/100324 Perth Bradley Ethel Female McDermott Peter Male Perth
1934/100325 Perth O'Callaghan Patrick Joseph Male Barnes Mary Phillis Josephine Female Perth
1934/100325 Perth Barnes Mary Phillis Josephine Female O'Callaghan Patrick Joseph Male Perth
1934/100326 Perth Oakley Theodosia Valerie Female Arculus Frank Herbert Male Perth
1934/100326 Perth Arculus Frank Herbert Male Oakley Theodosia Valerie Female Perth
1934/100327 Perth Cockram Selina Ena Constance Female Cameron Alexander Kenneth Male Perth
1934/100327 Perth Cameron Alexander Kenneth Male Cockram Selina Ena Constance Female Perth
1934/100328 Perth Edwards Richard Male Loxton Eva Maud Female Perth
1934/100328 Perth Loxton Eva Maud Female Edwards Richard Male Perth
1934/100329 Perth Glasson Arthur James Male England Mary Frances Female Perth
1934/100329 Perth England Mary Frances Female Glasson Arthur James Male Perth
1934/100330 Perth Corbet John Arthur Male Sherwood Freda Marian Female Perth
1934/100330 Perth Sherwood Freda Marian Female Corbet John Arthur Male Perth
1934/100331 Perth Stirling Jean Christmas Female Norman Marcus Lorenzo Male Claremont
1934/100331 Perth Norman Marcus Lorenzo Male Stirling Jean Christmas Female Claremont
1934/100340 Perth Wilson Reginald Vincent Male Cartwright Vera Carmel Female West Perth
1934/100340 Perth Cartwright Vera Carmel Female Wilson Reginald Vincent Male West Perth
1934/100341 Perth Duffy Rose Teresa Female Burns Owen Male West Perth
1934/100341 Perth Burns Owen Male Duffy Rose Teresa Female West Perth
1934/100342 Perth King Mary Brenda Teresa Female Nabbs James Walker Male West Perth
1934/100342 Perth Nabbs James Walker Male King Mary Brenda Teresa Female West Perth
1934/100343 Perth Fogarty Catherine Josephine Female Earnshaw Jack Male West Perth
1934/100343 Perth Earnshaw Jack Male Fogarty Catherine Josephine Female West Perth
1934/100344 Perth Whittingham William David Male Martin Clare Female West Perth
1934/100344 Perth Martin Clare Female Whittingham William David Male West Perth
1934/100345 Perth Johnson Violet Agnes Female Delany Robert Male West Perth
1934/100345 Perth Delany Robert Male Johnson Violet Agnes Female West Perth
1934/100346 Perth Carren Eileen Mary Female Hart Arthur Robert Male West Perth
1934/100346 Perth Hart Arthur Robert Male Carren Eileen Mary Female West Perth
1934/100347 Perth Curley Mary Ellen Female Place Kenneth Alfred Male West Perth
1934/100347 Perth Place Kenneth Alfred Male Curley Mary Ellen Female West Perth
1934/100348 Perth Scott Iris Melville Female Elliott Ernest Lee Male West Perth
1934/100348 Perth Elliott Ernest Lee Male Scott Iris Melville Female West Perth
1934/100349 Perth Vodanovich Luke David Male Tomich Kathleen Veronica Female West Perth
1934/100349 Perth Tomich Kathleen Veronica Female Vodanovich Luke David Male West Perth
1934/100350 Perth McGaffin Joseph Male Driver Amelia Jessie Female Perth
1934/100350 Perth Driver Amelia Jessie Female McGaffin Joseph Male Perth
1934/100351 Perth Moyle Frederick John Male Flanigan Myrtle Doreen Female Perth
1934/100351 Perth Flanigan Myrtle Doreen Female Moyle Frederick John Male Perth
1934/100352 Perth Scott Agnes Shanks Christie Female Brown Christopher Frank Male Perth
1934/100352 Perth Brown Christopher Frank Male Scott Agnes Shanks Christie Female Perth
1934/100353 Perth Donnan William Ralph Bancroft Male Barnes Marjorie Isa Female Perth
1934/100353 Perth Barnes Marjorie Isa Female Donnan William Ralph Bancroft Male Perth
1934/100354 Perth Cowden Jessie Female Fartch Hector Lyall Male Perth
1934/100354 Perth Fartch Hector Lyall Male Cowden Jessie Female Perth
1934/100355 Perth Macdonald Allan Male Brown Kate Amelia Female Perth
1934/100355 Perth Brown Kate Amelia Female Macdonald Allan Male Perth
1934/100356 Perth Brown Jack Alexander Male Hicks Mary Maud Female Perth
1934/100356 Perth Hicks Mary Maud Female Brown Jack Alexander Male Perth
1934/100357 Perth Weir Delce Lambeth Female Whitton Henry Male Perth
1934/100357 Perth Whitton Henry Male Weir Delce Lambeth Female Perth
1934/100358 Perth McEwan Margaret Dorothy Female Leslie Mervyn Male Perth
1934/100358 Perth Leslie Mervyn Male McEwan Margaret Dorothy Female Perth
1934/100359 Perth Page Dorothy Jean Hazell Female Dods Archibald Frederick Male Perth
1935/100359 Perth Shilkin Philip Male Orloff Lily Female Perth
1934/100359 Perth Dods Archibald Frederick Male Page Dorothy Jean Hazell Female Perth
1935/100359 Perth Orloff Lily Female Shilkin Philip Male Perth
1935/100360 Perth Sharp Alex Male Samelowitz Ethel Female Perth
1934/100360 Perth Browne-Cooper Phyllis Mary Female Haug Torstein Male West Perth
1934/100360 Perth Haug Torstein Male Browne-Cooper Phyllis Mary Female West Perth
1935/100360 Perth Samelowitz Ethel Female Sharp Alex Male Perth
1934/100361 Perth Piggott Hazel Doreen Female Kennedy Reginald Robert Male Nedlands
1934/100361 Perth Kennedy Reginald Robert Male Piggott Hazel Doreen Female Nedlands
1934/100362 Perth Harris Roy Male Elliott Thelma Willis Female Leederville
1934/100362 Perth Elliott Thelma Willis Female Harris Roy Male Leederville
1934/100363 Perth MacGregor Leonard Charles Male Begbie Janetta Crawford Female Leederville
1934/100363 Perth Begbie Janetta Crawford Female MacGregor Leonard Charles Male Leederville
1934/100364 Perth Crofts Bertha Frances Female Holyoak Horace Herbert Male Leederville
1934/100364 Perth Holyoak Horace Herbert Male Crofts Bertha Frances Female Leederville
1934/100365 Perth Corbitt Katherine Mary Female Whyborn Edward Stewart Male Claremont
1934/100365 Perth Whyborn Edward Stewart Male Corbitt Katherine Mary Female Claremont
1934/100366 Perth Hobbs Daisy May Female Mangini Stephen Dalton Male Bayswater
1934/100366 Perth Mangini Stephen Dalton Male Hobbs Daisy May Female Bayswater
1934/100367 Perth Smallman Dora Daphne Leah Female Cain Charles William Male Perth
1934/100367 Perth Cain Charles William Male Smallman Dora Daphne Leah Female Perth
1934/100368 Perth Armanasco Harriet Female Genoni Achille Male Perth
1934/100368 Perth Genoni Achille Male Armanasco Harriet Female Perth
1934/100369 Perth Forsyth Irene Myrtle Female McMurdo Hector Percival Male Subiaco
1934/100369 Perth McMurdo Hector Percival Male Forsyth Irene Myrtle Female Subiaco
1934/100370 Perth Bonnar Elizabeth Frances Female Ball Alec Edwin Male Subiaco
1934/100370 Perth Ball Alec Edwin Male Bonnar Elizabeth Frances Female Subiaco
1934/100371 Perth Walters Alfred Ernest Male Collins Florence Edith Female Subiaco
1934/100371 Perth Collins Florence Edith Female Walters Alfred Ernest Male Subiaco
1934/100372 Perth Lush Olive Winifred Female O'Hara William Alfred Moore Male Victoria Park
1934/100372 Perth O'Hara William Alfred Moore Male Lush Olive Winifred Female Victoria Park
1934/100373 Perth Broadhurst Walter Leslie Male Broadway Alice Mable Female Victoria Park
1934/100373 Perth Broadway Alice Mable Female Broadhurst Walter Leslie Male Victoria Park
1934/100374 Perth Lukis Robert Fellowes Male Baldwin Florence May Female Mt Lawley
1934/100374 Perth Baldwin Florence May Female Lukis Robert Fellowes Male Mt Lawley
1934/100375 Perth Townley Mary Nora Female Lyon Ian Donald Male Mt Lawley
1934/100375 Perth Lyon Ian Donald Male Townley Mary Nora Female Mt Lawley
1934/100376 Perth Johnson William Alfred Male Straw Mary Sushanna Female Perth
1934/100376 Perth Straw Mary Sushanna Female Johnson William Alfred Male Perth
1934/100377 Perth McInerney Ellen Mary Female Russell Harold Johnstone Male Leederville
1934/100377 Perth Russell Harold Johnstone Male McInerney Ellen Mary Female Leederville
1934/100378 Perth Bombardieri Luigi Male Ruggero Mary Laura Female Leederville
1934/100378 Perth Ruggero Mary Laura Female Bombardieri Luigi Male Leederville
1934/100379 Perth Robertson Jean Emma Female Stacy Charles Adrian Keith Male Cottesloe
1934/100379 Perth Stacy Charles Adrian Keith Male Robertson Jean Emma Female Cottesloe
1934/100380 Perth Dix Reginald George Stanley Male Dodds Gwenaford Inez May Female Mt Hawthorn
1934/100380 Perth Dodds Gwenaford Inez May Female Dix Reginald George Stanley Male Mt Hawthorn
1934/100381 Perth Willis William Lloyd Male Ashton Doris Female Subiaco
1934/100381 Perth Ashton Doris Female Willis William Lloyd Male Subiaco
1934/100382 Perth Chamberlain William Stanley Male Locke Annie Florence Female Victoria Park
1934/100382 Perth Locke Annie Florence Female Chamberlain William Stanley Male Victoria Park
1934/100383 Perth Lack Robert John Spinks Male Edwards Selina Female North Perth
1934/100383 Perth Edwards Selina Female Lack Robert John Spinks Male North Perth
1934/100384 Perth Foster Hazel Mary Female Green William Male West Leederville
1934/100384 Perth Green William Male Foster Hazel Mary Female West Leederville
1934/100385 Perth Stewart Samuel Joseph Male Woods Elizabeth Female Perth
1934/100385 Perth Woods Elizabeth Female Stewart Samuel Joseph Male Perth
1934/100386 Perth Carter Hope Elizabeth Female Gribble Jack Marcus Male Cottesloe
1934/100386 Perth Gribble Jack Marcus Male Carter Hope Elizabeth Female Cottesloe
1934/100387 Perth Oliver Thomas Harold Male Mitchell Ada Female Perth
1934/100387 Perth Mitchell Ada Female Oliver Thomas Harold Male Perth
1934/100388 Perth McKirdy Mary Miller Female Coutts John Male Cottesloe
1934/100388 Perth Coutts John Male McKirdy Mary Miller Female Cottesloe
1934/100389 Perth Cross Coniston Glen Female Campbell Lachlan Turton Male Perth
1934/100389 Perth Campbell Lachlan Turton Male Cross Coniston Glen Female Perth
1934/100390 Perth Lambert Austin Edmund Male Horgan Agnes Lilian Helena Female Perth
1934/100390 Perth Horgan Agnes Lilian Helena Female Lambert Austin Edmund Male Perth
1934/100391 Perth Casellas Manuel Male Benporath Jean Female Perth
1934/100391 Perth Benporath Jean Female Casellas Manuel Male Perth
1934/100393 Perth Buck Roy Stanley Male Warman Nellie Gwendoline Female Subiaco
1934/100393 Perth Warman Nellie Gwendoline Female Buck Roy Stanley Male Subiaco
1934/100394 Perth Adams Ronald Hubert Male Glover Lilian Female Perth
1934/100394 Perth Glover Lilian Female Adams Ronald Hubert Male Perth
1934/100395 Perth Jenner Arthur Cyril Male Hughes Hilda Rose Female Highgate
1935/100395 Perth Flanagan Constance May Female Sayers Gilbert Brendon Male Nedlands
1934/100395 Perth Hughes Hilda Rose Female Jenner Arthur Cyril Male Highgate
1935/100395 Perth Sayers Gilbert Brendon Male Flanagan Constance May Female Nedlands
1934/100396 Perth Job Percy Frederick Male Bray Alice Amy Female Highgate
1934/100396 Perth Bray Alice Amy Female Job Percy Frederick Male Highgate
1934/100397 Perth Noblet Mervyn Frank Male Walker Edna May Female Highgate
1934/100397 Perth Walker Edna May Female Noblet Mervyn Frank Male Highgate
1934/100398 Perth Weaire Isabela Female Wright Ernest Joseph Male Perth
1934/100398 Perth Wright Ernest Joseph Male Weaire Isabela Female Perth
1934/100399 Perth Mitchell Edward Male Porter Edith May Female Perth
1934/100399 Perth Porter Edith May Female Mitchell Edward Male Perth
1934/100400 Perth Hills Cosetta Female Cram Fred Norris Male Perth
1934/100400 Perth Cram Fred Norris Male Hills Cosetta Female Perth
1934/100401 Perth Smith Walter Robert Male Marshall Florence Hamilton Female Perth
1934/100401 Perth Marshall Florence Hamilton Female Smith Walter Robert Male Perth
1934/100402 Perth James Bernard Horace Male Coatham Ethel Joan Female Perth
1934/100402 Perth Coatham Ethel Joan Female James Bernard Horace Male Perth
1934/100403 Perth Hurley Nora Winifred Female Mills William John Male Perth
1934/100403 Perth Mills William John Male Hurley Nora Winifred Female Perth
1934/100404 Perth Ritchie Muriel Verna Margaret Female Gardiner William Murray Male Perth
1934/100404 Perth Gardiner William Murray Male Ritchie Muriel Verna Margaret Female Perth
1934/100405 Perth Jane Linda Female Gray Ronald Arthur Male Perth
1934/100405 Perth Gray Ronald Arthur Male Jane Linda Female Perth
1934/100406 Perth Prior-Pitt Jean Ellen Female Rogers William Charles Male Perth
1934/100406 Perth Rogers William Charles Male Prior-Pitt Jean Ellen Female Perth
1934/100407 Perth Wainwright John Robert Male Philips Constance Marjorie Female West Perth
1934/100407 Perth Philips Constance Marjorie Female Wainwright John Robert Male West Perth
1934/100408 Perth Brindle Jessie Female Thomson Thomas Henry Male West Perth
1934/100408 Perth Thomson Thomas Henry Male Brindle Jessie Female West Perth
1934/100409 Perth Trindall Horace Alfred Reginald Male Coates Olive Mary Female West Perth
1934/100409 Perth Coates Olive Mary Female Trindall Horace Alfred Reginald Male West Perth
1934/100410 Perth Donohoe Mabel Justina Female Bolin Donald William Male North Perth
1934/100410 Perth Bolin Donald William Male Donohoe Mabel Justina Female North Perth
1934/100411 Perth Blechynden Grace Female Worner Claude James Male North Perth
1934/100411 Perth Worner Claude James Male Blechynden Grace Female North Perth
1934/100412 Perth Robinson Thomas Male Millard Gertrude Female North Perth
1934/100412 Perth Millard Gertrude Female Robinson Thomas Male North Perth
1934/100413 Perth Sissons Catherine Female Hughes David Charles Male North Perth
1934/100413 Perth Hughes David Charles Male Sissons Catherine Female North Perth
1934/100414 Perth Cranston John Male Jordan Sylvia Hannah Elizabeth Female North Perth
1934/100414 Perth Jordan Sylvia Hannah Elizabeth Female Cranston John Male North Perth
1934/100415 Perth Klein Minnafred Bertha Female Hannah Richard Robinson Male North Perth
1934/100415 Perth Hannah Richard Robinson Male Klein Minnafred Bertha Female North Perth
1934/100416 Perth Blue Bona Female Bell George William Male North Perth
1934/100416 Perth Bell George William Male Blue Bona Female North Perth
1934/100417 Perth Higgon Dulcie Lucy Female Trompp Reginald Ernest Male North Perth
1934/100417 Perth Trompp Reginald Ernest Male Higgon Dulcie Lucy Female North Perth
1934/100418 Perth Egan Horace John Male Gardner Ethel May Winifred Female North Perth
1934/100418 Perth Gardner Ethel May Winifred Female Egan Horace John Male North Perth
1934/100419 Perth McGibbon Kenneth Sinclair James Male Oakley May Isobel Female Cottesloe
1934/100419 Perth Oakley May Isobel Female McGibbon Kenneth Sinclair James Male Cottesloe
1934/100420 Perth Bonser Cecil Male Matthews Ellen Nelma Female Bayswater
1934/100420 Perth Matthews Ellen Nelma Female Bonser Cecil Male Bayswater
1934/100421 Perth Beilby Arthur Courtney Male Ballantyne Esma Gladys Female North Perth
1934/100421 Perth Ballantyne Esma Gladys Female Beilby Arthur Courtney Male North Perth
1934/100422 Perth Wright William Henry Male Morrissey Gladys Ivy Female Victoria Park
1934/100422 Perth Morrissey Gladys Ivy Female Wright William Henry Male Victoria Park
1934/100423 Perth Warr Edward Ralph Robert Male Gibson Mary Emelene Female Victoria Park
1934/100423 Perth Gibson Mary Emelene Female Warr Edward Ralph Robert Male Victoria Park
1934/100424 Perth Mullin Frederick Griffiths Male Fox Jean Claudia Female North Perth
1934/100424 Perth Fox Jean Claudia Female Mullin Frederick Griffiths Male North Perth
1934/100425 Perth Folland Gilbert Ridgway Male Nicholls Faith Reta Female Perth
1934/100425 Perth Nicholls Faith Reta Female Folland Gilbert Ridgway Male Perth
1934/100426 Perth Young Hilda May Female Pead Ernest John Male Perth
1934/100426 Perth Pead Ernest John Male Young Hilda May Female Perth
1934/100427 Perth Syme Hazel Margaret Female Chatfield David Anos Male Carlisle
1934/100427 Perth Chatfield David Anos Male Syme Hazel Margaret Female Carlisle
1934/100428 Perth Forrester William Percival Male McCrea Erna Lindsay Female South Perth
1934/100428 Perth McCrea Erna Lindsay Female Forrester William Percival Male South Perth
1934/100429 Perth Cooper John Harry Male Sheppard Amy Eva Female Maylands
1934/100429 Perth Sheppard Amy Eva Female Cooper John Harry Male Maylands
1934/100430 Perth MacDougall Allan Male Allday Mabel Female Maylands
1934/100430 Perth Allday Mabel Female MacDougall Allan Male Maylands
1934/100431 Perth Dancer Elsie Sarah Female Mullins Edward Frank Male Mount Hawthorn
1934/100431 Perth Mullins Edward Frank Male Dancer Elsie Sarah Female Mount Hawthorn
1934/100432 Perth Kohn Gwyneva Helene Myrle Female Riddles Federal James Male Claremont
1934/100432 Perth Riddles Federal James Male Kohn Gwyneva Helene Myrle Female Claremont
1934/100433 Perth Blee Olive Myrtle Female Douglas Percy Male Victoria Park
1934/100433 Perth Douglas Percy Male Blee Olive Myrtle Female Victoria Park
1934/100434 Perth Long Roy Arthur Male Johnstone Jeane Elizabeth Female Mt Lawley
1934/100434 Perth Johnstone Jeane Elizabeth Female Long Roy Arthur Male Mt Lawley
1934/100435 Perth Reynolds Kenneth Thomas Male Martin Phyllis May Female Bayswater
1934/100435 Perth Martin Phyllis May Female Reynolds Kenneth Thomas Male Bayswater
1934/100436 Perth Dickinson William Male Wooff Elizabeth Mary Female Perth
1934/100436 Perth Wooff Elizabeth Mary Female Dickinson William Male Perth
1934/100437 Perth Harvey Christopher Male Hutchinson Linda Dale Female Perth
1934/100437 Perth Hutchinson Linda Dale Female Harvey Christopher Male Perth
1934/100438 Perth Troup Alexander Male Hillary Emily Female Perth
1934/100438 Perth Hillary Emily Female Troup Alexander Male Perth
1934/100439 Perth James Lawrence Stanley Donald Male Kealley Iris Female Perth
1934/100439 Perth Kealley Iris Female James Lawrence Stanley Donald Male Perth
1934/100440 Perth Linthorne Clorine Mabelle Female Finlayson Ronald Douglas Male Perth
1934/100440 Perth Finlayson Ronald Douglas Male Linthorne Clorine Mabelle Female Perth
1934/100441 Perth Gibson Harry Male Thompson Elsie Evelyn Maud Female Perth
1934/100441 Perth Thompson Elsie Evelyn Maud Female Gibson Harry Male Perth
1934/100442 Perth Gorey Thelma Muriel Female Allan John Male Perth
1934/100442 Perth Allan John Male Gorey Thelma Muriel Female Perth
1934/100443 Perth Ramsay Florence Clement Female Stannard William Edgar Male Perth
1934/100443 Perth Stannard William Edgar Male Ramsay Florence Clement Female Perth
1934/100444 Perth Brittain Frances Jessamine Female Paterson Percy Male Perth
1934/100444 Perth Paterson Percy Male Brittain Frances Jessamine Female Perth
1934/100445 Perth Alexander Violet May Female Adams Hector Percival Male Perth
1934/100445 Perth Adams Hector Percival Male Alexander Violet May Female Perth
1934/100446 Perth Noble Charles Grant Male Bonny Caroline Louise Female Perth
1934/100446 Perth Bonny Caroline Louise Female Noble Charles Grant Male Perth
1934/100447 Perth Ring David Harold Male Pegram Olive Female Perth
1934/100447 Perth Pegram Olive Female Ring David Harold Male Perth
1934/100448 Perth Truslove Edith Florence Female Bell Arthur Lionel Male Perth
1934/100448 Perth Bell Arthur Lionel Male Truslove Edith Florence Female Perth
1934/100449 Perth Kroschel Emily Marie Kathleen Female Cavanagh Douglas Thomas Male Perth
1934/100449 Perth Dods Emily Marie Kathleen Female Cavanagh Douglas Thomas Male Perth
1934/100449 Perth Cavanagh Douglas Thomas Male Dods Emily Marie Kathleen Female Perth
1934/100449 Perth Cavanagh Douglas Thomas Male Kroschel Emily Marie Kathleen Female Perth
1934/100450 Perth Thomson Margaret Reid Female Willers Thomas Walter Male Perth
1934/100450 Perth Willers Thomas Walter Male Thomson Margaret Reid Female Perth
1934/100451 Perth Burgess Gertrude Lillian Female Osborne Albert Edward Male Maylands
1934/100451 Perth Osborne Albert Edward Male Burgess Gertrude Lillian Female Maylands
1934/100452 Perth Cavey Florence Thelma Female Leader Wilfrid John Male Claremont
1934/100452 Perth Leader Wilfrid John Male Cavey Florence Thelma Female Claremont
1934/100453 Perth Baker Alfred Sydney Male Coles Elsie Valda Female Highgate
1934/100453 Perth Coles Elsie Valda Female Baker Alfred Sydney Male Highgate
1934/100454 Perth Coombe Cyril Male Ginbey Doris Ellen Female Perth
1934/100454 Perth Ginbey Doris Ellen Female Coombe Cyril Male Perth
1934/100455 Perth Dix Eileen Gertrude Female Haynes Gordon Male Perth
1934/100455 Perth Haynes Gordon Male Dix Eileen Gertrude Female Perth
1934/100456 Perth Palmer Evelyn Violet Female McGuire Arthur James Male Perth
1934/100456 Perth McGuire Arthur James Male Palmer Evelyn Violet Female Perth
1934/100457 Perth Balme Gwynette Pearl Female Bradshaw Howard Sydney Wollrey Male Perth
1934/100457 Perth Bradshaw Howard Sydney Wollrey Male Balme Gwynette Pearl Female Perth
1934/100458 Perth Anderson Clair Arthur Male Bray Ella Doreen Female Perth
1934/100458 Perth Bray Ella Doreen Female Anderson Clair Arthur Male Perth
1934/100459 Perth Baker Jean Ada Female Dunlop Bruce Frederick Percy Male Perth
1934/100459 Perth Dunlop Bruce Frederick Percy Male Baker Jean Ada Female Perth
1934/100460 Perth Dyer Milton Charles Male Barclay Caroline Ravenhill Female West Leederville
1934/100460 Perth Barclay Caroline Ravenhill Female Dyer Milton Charles Male West Leederville
1934/100462 Perth Buckley Leo Male Ingram Daisy Elizabeth Female Victoria Park
1934/100462 Perth Ingram Daisy Elizabeth Female Buckley Leo Male Victoria Park
1934/100463 Perth Lucas Valmar James Male Topliss Bertha Margaret Female Victoria Park
1934/100463 Perth Topliss Bertha Margaret Female Lucas Valmar James Male Victoria Park
1934/100464 Perth Christison Mary Josephine Female Stables Henry Male Victoria Park
1934/100464 Perth Stables Henry Male Christison Mary Josephine Female Victoria Park
1934/100465 Perth Cooke Dorothy Jean Female Griffiths Eric George Male North Perth
1934/100465 Perth Griffiths Eric George Male Cooke Dorothy Jean Female North Perth
1934/100466 Perth Abbott Olive Judith Female Abbott Arthur Valentine Rutherford Male Perth
1934/100466 Perth Abbott Arthur Valentine Rutherford Male Abbott Olive Judith Female Perth
1934/100467 Perth Symington Jean Female Hodges Kenneth Henry Male Perth
1934/100467 Perth Hodges Kenneth Henry Male Symington Jean Female Perth
1934/100468 Perth Harding Doreen Clarice Female Jones Percival Henry Harold Male North Perth
1934/100468 Perth Jones Percival Henry Harold Male Harding Doreen Clarice Female North Perth
1934/100469 Perth Thompson Alice Irene Female Dryden William Dudley Male Perth
1934/100469 Perth Dryden William Dudley Male Thompson Alice Irene Female Perth
1934/100470 Perth Allen Mary Winifred Female Tetlow John Male Perth
1934/100470 Perth Tetlow John Male Allen Mary Winifred Female Perth
1934/100471 Perth Marshall Irene Beatrice Female Nicholson William Male Perth
1934/100471 Perth Nicholson William Male Marshall Irene Beatrice Female Perth
1934/100472 Perth McLean Madge Keating Female West Harry Male Perth
1934/100472 Perth West Harry Male McLean Madge Keating Female Perth
1934/100473 Perth Sainsbury Clive Victor Male Kearns Phyllis Barbara Female Perth
1934/100473 Perth Kearns Phyllis Barbara Female Sainsbury Clive Victor Male Perth
1934/100474 Perth McLeod Annie Anderson Female Evans Arthur Male Perth
1934/100474 Perth Evans Arthur Male McLeod Annie Anderson Female Perth
1934/100475 Perth Henry Mavis Edna Charlotte Female Fettes Gilbert Allan Male Perth
1934/100475 Perth Fettes Gilbert Allan Male Henry Mavis Edna Charlotte Female Perth
1934/100476 Perth Stewart Alma Isobel Lloyd Female Fletcher Robert William Male Perth
1934/100476 Perth Fletcher Robert William Male Stewart Alma Isobel Lloyd Female Perth
1934/100477 Perth Hopkins William Evan Male Sharpe Jean Gertrude Female Perth
1934/100477 Perth Sharpe Jean Gertrude Female Hopkins William Evan Male Perth
1934/100478 Perth Rothwell Gladys Knowles Female Walsh Henry Albert Male Cottesloe
1934/100478 Perth Walsh Henry Albert Male Rothwell Gladys Knowles Female Cottesloe
1934/100479 Perth Tulloh Cordelia Irena Female Cresswell Leonard Norman Male Swanbourne
1934/100479 Perth Cresswell Leonard Norman Male Tulloh Cordelia Irena Female Swanbourne
1934/100480 Perth Crawford Sydney George Francis Male Payne Audrey Constance Female Perth
1934/100480 Perth Payne Audrey Constance Female Crawford Sydney George Francis Male Perth
1934/100481 Perth Buzza Alfred John Male White Ivy Doris Female Subiaco
1934/100481 Perth White Ivy Doris Female Buzza Alfred John Male Subiaco
1934/100482 Perth King Grace Gladys Female Howe Wilfred Arthur Male Perth
1934/100482 Perth Howe Wilfred Arthur Male King Grace Gladys Female Perth
1934/100483 Perth Platts Gladys Irene Female Craig John Male South Perth
1934/100483 Perth Craig John Male Platts Gladys Irene Female South Perth
1934/100484 Perth Martin Hector George Male Pearson Doris Mavis Female Maylands
1934/100484 Perth Pearson Doris Mavis Female Martin Hector George Male Maylands
1934/100485 Perth Knight Digby Lionel Cable Male Fitz-Simmons Eileen Ellen Female Cottesloe
1934/100485 Perth Fitz-Simmons Eileen Ellen Female Knight Digby Lionel Cable Male Cottesloe
1934/100486 Perth Potter Herbert Male Williams Thelma Doreen Female Victoria Park
1934/100486 Perth Williams Thelma Doreen Female Potter Herbert Male Victoria Park
1934/100487 Perth York Olive Myrtle Female Lindsay Godfrey Douglas Male Mt Lawley
1934/100487 Perth Lindsay Godfrey Douglas Male York Olive Myrtle Female Mt Lawley
1934/100488 Perth Gardiner Ruby Edith Female Draffen George Francis Male Mt Lawley
1934/100488 Perth Draffen George Francis Male Gardiner Ruby Edith Female Mt Lawley
1934/100489 Perth Erskine Isabell Female Reid James Charles John Male Mt Lawley
1934/100489 Perth Reid James Charles John Male Erskine Isabell Female Mt Lawley
1934/100490 Perth Spinks Sydney George Male Daniels Edith Elizabeth Female Perth
1934/100490 Perth Daniels Edith Elizabeth Female Spinks Sydney George Male Perth
1934/100491 Perth McPherson Ann Coullie Female Edwards Thomas Charles Male Perth
1934/100491 Perth Edwards Thomas Charles Male McPherson Ann Coullie Female Perth
1934/100492 Perth Elsegood Edward Robert Male Coyle Constance Maria Female Maylands
1934/100492 Perth Coyle Constance Maria Female Elsegood Edward Robert Male Maylands
1934/100493 Perth Whitaker Dorothy Female Davies Stanley Male Leederville
1934/100493 Perth Davies Stanley Male Whitaker Dorothy Female Leederville
1934/100494 Perth Beatty Elizabeth Female Penn Allen Reginald Male Claremont
1934/100494 Perth Penn Allen Reginald Male Beatty Elizabeth Female Claremont
1934/100495 Perth Sartori Max George Male Dowling Elizabeth Jean Female Perth
1934/100495 Perth Dowling Elizabeth Jean Female Sartori Max George Male Perth
1934/100496 Perth Buck Muriel Grace Female Pizzini Aniceto Male Perth
1934/100496 Perth Pizzini Aniceto Male Buck Muriel Grace Female Perth
1934/100497 Perth Hunt Irene Evelina Female McLaren Walter James Raymond Male Inglewood
1934/100497 Perth McLaren Walter James Raymond Male Hunt Irene Evelina Female Inglewood
1934/100498 Perth Mellows Kenneth Joseph Male Butchart Violet Doreen Female Cottesloe
1934/100498 Perth Butchart Violet Doreen Female Mellows Kenneth Joseph Male Cottesloe
1934/100499 Perth Miller Frederick Walter Male Edwards Thelma Merle Female Cottesloe
1934/100499 Perth Edwards Thelma Merle Female Miller Frederick Walter Male Cottesloe
1934/100500 Perth Schock Clarence David Male Kennedy Winifred Mavis Female Perth
1934/100500 Perth Kennedy Winifred Mavis Female Schock Clarence David Male Perth
1934/100501 Perth Rogers Alice Jean Female Rigoll David Male Osborne Park
1934/100501 Perth Rigoll David Male Rogers Alice Jean Female Osborne Park
1934/100502 Perth Morris Martha McNeill Female Duff David Henderson Male Nedlands
1934/100502 Perth Duff David Henderson Male Morris Martha McNeill Female Nedlands
1934/100503 Perth Sheen Florence Violet Female Davidson Robert McBlain Male Perth
1934/100503 Perth Davidson Robert McBlain Male McGrath Florence Violet Female Perth
1934/100503 Perth Davidson Robert McBlain Male Sheen Florence Violet Female Perth
1934/100503 Perth McGrath Florence Violet Female Davidson Robert McBlain Male Perth
1934/100504 Perth Laurance John Wallace Male Millar Jessie Edna Female Perth
1934/100504 Perth Millar Jessie Edna Female Laurance John Wallace Male Perth
1934/100505 Perth Bowden Edith Augusta Ray Female Buzza Alfred William Male Perth
1934/100505 Perth Buzza Alfred William Male Bowden Edith Augusta Ray Female Perth
1934/100506 Perth Gethin Richard Edward Male Branson Nella Jane Female Perth
1934/100506 Perth Branson Nella Jane Female Gethin Richard Edward Male Perth
1934/100507 Perth Smith Isabel Emma Female Battye Osland Kenyon Male Perth
1934/100507 Perth Battye Osland Kenyon Male Smith Isabel Emma Female Perth
1935/100508 Perth Nicholls John William Male Gilbert Phyllis Dora Female Claremont
1934/100508 Perth Montague Charles Robert Male Foss Eileen Alice Female Perth
1934/100508 Perth Foss Eileen Alice Female Montague Charles Robert Male Perth
1935/100508 Perth Gilbert Phyllis Dora Female Nicholls John William Male Claremont
1934/100509 Perth Morgan James Allen Male Smith Nellie Mabel Female Perth
1934/100509 Perth Smith Nellie Mabel Female Morgan James Allen Male Perth
1934/100510 Perth Gardiner Herbert Edward Joseph Male McKay Ruby Theophile Female Perth
1934/100510 Perth McKay Ruby Theophile Female Gardiner Herbert Edward Joseph Male Perth
1934/100511 Perth Hartnell Violet Female Barnett William Alfred Male Perth
1934/100511 Perth Barnett William Alfred Male Hartnell Violet Female Perth
1934/100512 Perth Warwicker Charles Frederick Male Cooper Alice May Female Perth
1934/100512 Perth Cooper Alice May Female Warwicker Charles Frederick Male Perth
1934/100513 Perth Neeson Olive Mary Female Shier Ernest Albert Male Perth
1934/100513 Perth Shier Ernest Albert Male Neeson Olive Mary Female Perth
1934/100515 Perth Mullett Hilda May Female Watson Norman Sydney Male Claremont
1934/100515 Perth Watson Norman Sydney Male Mullett Hilda May Female Claremont
1934/100516 Perth Lunt John Norman Male Bird Lorna Blackmore Female Claremont
1934/100516 Perth Bird Lorna Blackmore Female Lunt John Norman Male Claremont
1934/100517 Perth Nicol Allan John Male Gundry Doris Lillian Female Claremont
1934/100517 Perth Gundry Doris Lillian Female Nicol Allan John Male Claremont
1934/100518 Perth Hatch Irene Mary Female Nicholas Dudley Norman Lyle Male Claremont
1934/100518 Perth Nicholas Dudley Norman Lyle Male Hatch Irene Mary Female Claremont
1934/100519 Perth Higgins George Male Bourgaize Ethel Edith Female Claremont
1934/100519 Perth Bourgaize Ethel Edith Female Higgins George Male Claremont
1934/100520 Perth O'Keeffe Eileen Mary Female Jacka William Kenneth Male Mt Lawley
1934/100520 Perth Jacka William Kenneth Male O'Keeffe Eileen Mary Female Mt Lawley
1934/100521 Perth Nettleton Lillian Grace Female Martin Andrew Male Perth
1934/100521 Perth Martin Andrew Male Nettleton Lillian Grace Female Perth
1934/100522 Perth Waghorn Charles Edward Male Watson Jane Female Claremont
1934/100522 Perth Watson Jane Female Waghorn Charles Edward Male Claremont
1935/100523 Perth Norton John William Male Spencer Catherine Olive Female Perth
1935/100523 Perth Spencer Catherine Olive Female Norton John William Male Perth
1934/100523 Perth Patrick Jean Isabel Female Lee Ernest St Clair Male Mt Lawley
1934/100523 Perth Lee Ernest St Clair Male Patrick Jean Isabel Female Mt Lawley
1934/100524 Perth Bond Frank Kenneth Male Stubbs-Mills Caroline Margaret Female Mt Lawley
1934/100524 Perth Stubbs-Mills Caroline Margaret Female Bond Frank Kenneth Male Mt Lawley
1934/100525 Perth Baker Frank Male Washing Gwendoline Violet Female Mt Lawley
1934/100525 Perth Washing Gwendoline Violet Female Baker Frank Male Mt Lawley
1934/100526 Perth Coyle John Kenneth Male Connor Doreen Esther Female Victoria Park
1934/100526 Perth Connor Doreen Esther Female Coyle John Kenneth Male Victoria Park
1934/100527 Perth Heine Doris May Female Thornton Alfred William Male Subiaco
1934/100527 Perth Thornton Alfred William Male Heine Doris May Female Subiaco
1934/100528 Perth Strother Thomas Joseph Fleming Male Baxter Janet Yarwood Female Subiaco
1934/100528 Perth Baxter Janet Yarwood Female Strother Thomas Joseph Fleming Male Subiaco
1934/100529 Perth O'Bryan George Joseph Male Taylor Florence Hilda Female Subiaco
1934/100529 Perth Taylor Florence Hilda Female O'Bryan George Joseph Male Subiaco
1934/100530 Perth Pringle George Henry Norman Male Dear Doris May Female Subiaco
1934/100530 Perth Dear Doris May Female Pringle George Henry Norman Male Subiaco
1934/100531 Perth Cooper Stanley Richards Smirnoff Male Weeden Phyllis Lilian Female Cottesloe
1934/100531 Perth Weeden Phyllis Lilian Female Cooper Stanley Richards Smirnoff Male Cottesloe
1934/100532 Perth Leeman Herbert Frederick Male Jefferson Nellie Female Cottesloe
1934/100532 Perth Jefferson Nellie Female Leeman Herbert Frederick Male Cottesloe
1934/100533 Perth Pollard James Male McBride Barbara Catherine Female Perth
1934/100533 Perth McBride Barbara Catherine Female Pollard James Male Perth
1934/100534 Perth Mercer George Kilgour Barclay Brown Male Moore Alice Mary Josephine Female Perth
1934/100534 Perth Moore Alice Mary Josephine Female Mercer George Kilgour Barclay Brown Male Perth
1934/100535 Perth Thorne Arthur Elliot Male O'Donnell Jessie Laurel Myrtle Female Perth
1934/100535 Perth O'Donnell Jessie Laurel Myrtle Female Thorne Arthur Elliot Male Perth
1934/100536 Perth Howard Kathleen Meriel Female Vernon Harry Male Perth
1934/100536 Perth Vernon Harry Male Howard Kathleen Meriel Female Perth
1934/100537 Perth Polinelli Abele Male Tucker Gladys Muriel Female Perth
1934/100537 Perth Tucker Gladys Muriel Female Polinelli Abele Male Perth
1934/100538 Perth Cowden Stanley John Male Barker Constance Margaret Female Perth
1934/100538 Perth Barker Constance Margaret Female Cowden Stanley John Male Perth
1934/100539 Perth Kelleher Mary Jane Female Clausen Kenneth Male Perth
1934/100539 Perth Clausen Kenneth Male Kelleher Mary Jane Female Perth
1934/100540 Perth Ryan Ellen Mary Sharkey Female Clinton Peter Joseph Male Perth
1934/100540 Perth Clinton Peter Joseph Male Ryan Ellen Mary Sharkey Female Perth
1934/100541 Perth Brasier Frances Alice Female Dean George Harold Male Mount Hawthorn
1934/100541 Perth Dean George Harold Male Brasier Frances Alice Female Mount Hawthorn
1934/100542 Perth Peirce Robert Walter Henry Male Boulter Freda Marguerite Female South Perth
1934/100542 Perth Boulter Freda Marguerite Female Peirce Robert Walter Henry Male South Perth
1934/100543 Perth Kirk Lily Irene Isabella Female Reeves Stanley Richard Burnell Male Perth
1934/100543 Perth Reeves Stanley Richard Burnell Male Kirk Lily Irene Isabella Female Perth
1934/100544 Perth Park John Male Broadwood Amy Gladys Female Perth
1934/100544 Perth Broadwood Amy Gladys Female Park John Male Perth
1934/100545 Perth Prain Gladys Milward Female Welch Ian Cranstoun Male Perth
1934/100545 Perth Welch Ian Cranstoun Male Prain Gladys Milward Female Perth
1934/100546 Perth Major Leslie Gordon Male Letchford Irene Ada Female Nedlands
1934/100546 Perth Letchford Irene Ada Female Major Leslie Gordon Male Nedlands
1934/100547 Perth Peden Robert Male Walsham Doris Female Perth
1934/100547 Perth Walsham Doris Female Peden Robert Male Perth
1934/100548 Perth Mill Rose Female Holmes Raymond William Male Perth
1934/100548 Perth Holmes Raymond William Male Mill Rose Female Perth
1934/100549 Perth Isbel Gilbert Leonard Male Buhrlen Mary Margaret Female Maylands
1934/100549 Perth Buhrlen Mary Margaret Female Isbel Gilbert Leonard Male Maylands
1934/100550 Perth Cowell Ada Gwendoline Female Riches Robert James Male Mount Hawthorn
1934/100550 Perth Riches Robert James Male Cowell Ada Gwendoline Female Mount Hawthorn
1934/100551 Perth Kilgren Eva Jean Female Blaikie George Strachan Male Maylands
1934/100551 Perth Blaikie George Strachan Male Kilgren Eva Jean Female Maylands
1934/100552 Perth Dyson Clara Amelia Female Addicoat James Henry Male West Perth
1934/100552 Perth Addicoat James Henry Male Dyson Clara Amelia Female West Perth
1934/100553 Perth Twomey Bessie Lillian Female Clarke Reginald Greham Male West Perth
1934/100553 Perth Clarke Reginald Greham Male Twomey Bessie Lillian Female West Perth
1934/100554 Perth Bogan Patricia Eveline Female Kennedy Albert John Male West Perth
1934/100554 Perth Kennedy Albert John Male Bogan Patricia Eveline Female West Perth
1934/100555 Perth Hiscox Phillip Barrowcliffe Male Findlay Agnes McClure McIlwraith Female Victoria Park
1934/100555 Perth Findlay Agnes McClure McIlwraith Female Hiscox Phillip Barrowcliffe Male Victoria Park
1934/100556 Perth Hicks Irene Mavis Female Potts David Kerr Male Victoria Park
1934/100556 Perth Potts David Kerr Male Hicks Irene Mavis Female Victoria Park
1934/100557 Perth Cahill Lilian Ena Female Lambert James Male Perth
1934/100557 Perth Lambert James Male Cahill Lilian Ena Female Perth
1934/100558 Perth Clarke Laurence Strickland Male Short Mason Garth Female Perth
1934/100558 Perth Short Mason Garth Female Clarke Laurence Strickland Male Perth
1934/100559 Perth Sanders Sylvia Irene Rosalind Female Stubbs Eric Male Perth
1934/100559 Perth Stubbs Eric Male Sanders Sylvia Irene Rosalind Female Perth
1934/100560 Perth Marie Charles Norman Male Edmonds Isabelle Raphael Female Perth
1934/100560 Perth Edmonds Isabelle Raphael Female Marie Charles Norman Male Perth
1934/100561 Perth Coverley Donald Male Magowan Thora Female Perth
1934/100561 Perth Magowan Thora Female Coverley Donald Male Perth
1934/100562 Perth Taylor Dolce Beryl Bert Female Pritchard Robert Maxwell Male Perth
1934/100562 Perth Pritchard Robert Maxwell Male Taylor Dolce Beryl Bert Female Perth
1934/100563 Perth Pittard Harold Frederick Male Prosser Minnie Frances Female North Perth
1934/100563 Perth Prosser Minnie Frances Female Pittard Harold Frederick Male North Perth
1934/100564 Perth Broadbent Leonard Male Gray Helen Female Maddington
1934/100564 Perth Gray Helen Female Broadbent Leonard Male Maddington
1934/100565 Perth Jennings William Henry Male Bolton Dora Ethelwyn Female West Perth
1934/100565 Perth Bolton Dora Ethelwyn Female Jennings William Henry Male West Perth
1934/100566 Perth Martin Stanley Clarence Male Howard Mollie Bellerby Female West Perth
1934/100566 Perth Howard Mollie Bellerby Female Martin Stanley Clarence Male West Perth
1934/100567 Perth Butter Wilfred Hamilton Male Packard Mary Betty Female West Perth
1934/100567 Perth Packard Mary Betty Female Butter Wilfred Hamilton Male West Perth
1934/100568 Perth Evans Phyllis May Female McCarthy John Male West Perth
1934/100568 Perth McCarthy John Male Evans Phyllis May Female West Perth
1934/100569 Perth Burgess Dorothy Hilda Female Gibbney John Male West Perth
1934/100569 Perth Gibbney John Male Burgess Dorothy Hilda Female West Perth
1934/100570 Perth McKenzie Alexander William Male Clark Marjorie Female West Perth
1934/100570 Perth Clark Marjorie Female McKenzie Alexander William Male West Perth
1934/100571 Perth Stranger Albert John Male Reid Kathleen Muriel Elva Female West Perth
1934/100571 Perth Reid Kathleen Muriel Elva Female Stranger Albert John Male West Perth
1934/100572 Perth Sherwood Gladys Irene Female McCowan Charles Harold Male West Perth
1934/100572 Perth McCowan Charles Harold Male Sherwood Gladys Irene Female West Perth
1934/100573 Perth James Lucy Gwenyfred Senior Female Walsh Frederick William Male West Perth
1934/100573 Perth Walsh Frederick William Male James Lucy Gwenyfred Senior Female West Perth
1934/100574 Perth Stoneham Anna Carolina Female Sales Henry Mitchell Male Perth
1934/100574 Perth Sales Henry Mitchell Male Stoneham Anna Carolina Female Perth
1934/100575 Perth Haines Elsie Maude Female Howse William John Male Perth
1934/100575 Perth Howse William John Male Haines Elsie Maude Female Perth
1934/100576 Perth Drage Cyril Stanley Male Parnell Phyllis Maud Female Perth
1934/100576 Perth Parnell Phyllis Maud Female Drage Cyril Stanley Male Perth
1934/100577 Perth Nockolds Kathrin Constance Female Lee David Maurice Male Highgate
1934/100577 Perth Lee David Maurice Male Nockolds Kathrin Constance Female Highgate
1934/100578 Perth Lewis Frederick Desmond Male Millar Lurline Veronica Female Perth
1934/100578 Perth Millar Lurline Veronica Female Lewis Frederick Desmond Male Perth
1934/100579 Perth Clapp Margaret Ellen Female Hancock William Cyril Male Perth
1934/100579 Perth Hancock William Cyril Male Clapp Margaret Ellen Female Perth
1934/100580 Perth Thompson Marjorie Cayley Female Holmes Herbert William Male Highgate
1934/100580 Perth Holmes Herbert William Male Thompson Marjorie Cayley Female Highgate
1934/100581 Perth Mippie Violet Lucelle Marion Female Moller Harold Postlethwaite Male Perth
1934/100581 Perth Moller Harold Postlethwaite Male Mippie Violet Lucelle Marion Female Perth
1934/100584 Perth Newbury Charles Frederick Male Thompson Ellen Female Perth
1934/100584 Perth Thompson Ellen Female Newbury Charles Frederick Male Perth
1934/100585 Perth Rieusset Clive Royce Male Doherty Kathleen Emelda Female Perth
1934/100585 Perth Doherty Kathleen Emelda Female Rieusset Clive Royce Male Perth
1934/100586 Perth Smith Grace Alma Female McVeigh James Owen Male Perth
1934/100586 Perth McVeigh James Owen Male Smith Grace Alma Female Perth
1934/100587 Perth Cole George Charles Male Egan Annie Carmel Female Perth
1934/100587 Perth Egan Annie Carmel Female Cole George Charles Male Perth
1934/100588 Perth Malcolm Napier Joseph Male Gidley Lillie Josephine Female Cottesloe
1934/100588 Perth Gidley Lillie Josephine Female Malcolm Napier Joseph Male Cottesloe
1934/100589 Perth Watson Charles Alexander Male Lemmon Mary Elizabeth Female Cottesloe
1934/100589 Perth Lemmon Mary Elizabeth Female Watson Charles Alexander Male Cottesloe
1934/100590 Perth Donovan James Jeremiah Male Ryan Catherine Margaret Female Cottesloe
1934/100590 Perth Ryan Catherine Margaret Female Donovan James Jeremiah Male Cottesloe
1934/100591 Perth Wineberg Annie Female Wineberg David Male Perth
1934/100591 Perth Wineberg David Male Wineberg Annie Female Perth
1934/100592 Perth Giles Honoria Cecilia Female Dennis Leslie Raymond Male Perth
1934/100592 Perth Dennis Leslie Raymond Male Giles Honoria Cecilia Female Perth
1934/100593 Perth Roelich Benjamin Male Bryant Lilian May Female Perth
1934/100593 Perth Bryant Lilian May Female Roelich Benjamin Male Perth
1934/100594 Perth Lyons Edwin George Clegg Male Luckley Marjorie Lilian Female Perth
1934/100594 Perth Luckley Marjorie Lilian Female Lyons Edwin George Clegg Male Perth
1934/100595 Perth Wood Ronald Edward Male McCamish Jean Mariam Female Perth
1934/100595 Perth McCamish Jean Mariam Female Wood Ronald Edward Male Perth
1934/100596 Perth Ronan Annabella Female Snell Edgar Male Perth
1934/100596 Perth Snell Edgar Male Ronan Annabella Female Perth
1934/100597 Perth Marsh Winifred May Female Richards William Male Perth
1934/100597 Perth Richards William Male Marsh Winifred May Female Perth
1934/100598 Perth Kerr Frances Evelyne Female Hancock George Male Perth
1934/100598 Perth Hancock George Male Kerr Frances Evelyne Female Perth
1934/100599 Perth Shepherd Walter John Male Butler Dorothy Eleanor Female Perth
1934/100599 Perth Butler Dorothy Eleanor Female Shepherd Walter John Male Perth
1934/100600 Perth Hopkins Hilda Blanche Evelyn Female Swadling Albert Henry George Male Subiaco
1934/100600 Perth Swadling Albert Henry George Male Hopkins Hilda Blanche Evelyn Female Subiaco
1934/100601 Perth Hristodonlou Ekaterine Female Anastasas Markos Male Perth
1934/100601 Perth Anastasas Markos Male Hristodonlou Ekaterine Female Perth
1934/100602 Perth Barron Esther Adelaide Female Hounslow Albert Richard Thornton Male Perth
1934/100602 Perth Hounslow Albert Richard Thornton Male Barron Esther Adelaide Female Perth
1934/100603 Perth Hughes Thomas Male Hammond Mary Frances Alice Female Cottesloe
1934/100603 Perth Hammond Mary Frances Alice Female Hughes Thomas Male Cottesloe
1934/100604 Perth Bartlett George Hill Male Hannay Mary Elizabeth Female Perth
1934/100604 Perth Hannay Mary Elizabeth Female Bartlett George Hill Male Perth
1934/100605 Perth Garrigan Alice Irene Female Mason William Henry Male Perth
1934/100605 Perth Mason William Henry Male Garrigan Alice Irene Female Perth
1934/100606 Perth Southwood Nellie Flower Female Evans William Howel Male Perth
1934/100606 Perth Evans William Howel Male Southwood Nellie Flower Female Perth
1934/100607 Perth Denman Rueben Herbert Male Kemp Pearl Emma Grace Female Perth
1934/100607 Perth Kemp Pearl Emma Grace Female Denman Rueben Herbert Male Perth
1934/100608 Perth Matthews Moroli Valmai Female Ingram Arthur William Male Perth
1934/100608 Perth Ingram Arthur William Male Matthews Moroli Valmai Female Perth
1934/100609 Perth Passmore Allan Male Granberg Alice Mary Female Subiaco
1934/100609 Perth Granberg Alice Mary Female Passmore Allan Male Subiaco
1934/100610 Perth Kutsuros Bassie Female Kotsoglo Basilios Male Perth
1934/100610 Perth Kotsoglo Basilios Male Kutsuros Bassie Female Perth
1934/100611 Perth Sinclair William Edward Male Rowles Ida May Female Perth
1934/100611 Perth Rowles Ida May Female Sinclair William Edward Male Perth
1934/100612 Perth Bailey Georgina Female Strawbridge Ralph Male Victoria Park
1934/100612 Perth Strawbridge Ralph Male Bailey Georgina Female Victoria Park
1934/100613 Perth Anderson Mary Lamb Female Hunter Stanley Norman Male Maylands
1934/100613 Perth Hunter Stanley Norman Male Anderson Mary Lamb Female Maylands
1934/100614 Perth Mount Royston Murray Male McCaw Rosanna Elizabeth Female Maylands
1934/100614 Perth McCaw Rosanna Elizabeth Female Mount Royston Murray Male Maylands
1934/100615 Perth Lane Robert Male Stephens Edna Audrey Female Perth
1934/100615 Perth Stephens Edna Audrey Female Lane Robert Male Perth
1934/100616 Perth Steele Asenath Female Gill Edward James Male Perth
1934/100616 Perth Gill Edward James Male Steele Asenath Female Perth
1934/100617 Perth Spark Edna Female Cannon Gerard Male Perth
1934/100617 Perth Cannon Gerard Male Spark Edna Female Perth
1934/100618 Perth Brennan Francis Gerald Male Bennett Constance Ann Female Perth
1934/100618 Perth Bennett Constance Ann Female Brennan Francis Gerald Male Perth
1934/100619 Perth Egan John Francis Male Grout Annie Laura Female Perth
1934/100619 Perth Grout Annie Laura Female Egan John Francis Male Perth
1934/100620 Perth Lowe Aileen Nairn Female Scott Gerald Louis Harman Male Perth
1934/100620 Perth Scott Gerald Louis Harman Male Lowe Aileen Nairn Female Perth
1934/100621 Perth Spence Olive Melinda Female Broad John Edwin Male Perth
1934/100621 Perth Broad John Edwin Male Spence Olive Melinda Female Perth
1934/100622 Perth Murdock Henry Manister Male White Joyce Annie Female Leederville
1934/100622 Perth White Joyce Annie Female Murdock Henry Manister Male Leederville
1934/100623 Perth Strempel Eileen Marie Female Mullane Cecil Ernest Male Perth
1934/100623 Perth Mullane Cecil Ernest Male Strempel Eileen Marie Female Perth
1934/100624 Perth Ramsden Daphne Maria Driscoll Female Hugo Ronald William Stuart Male Subiaco
1934/100624 Perth Hugo Ronald William Stuart Male Ramsden Daphne Maria Driscoll Female Subiaco
1934/100625 Perth Page David Walter Male Green Monica Frances Female Perth
1934/100625 Perth Green Monica Frances Female Page David Walter Male Perth
1934/100626 Perth Read Dolcie Florence Female Dyer George Herbert Male Victoria Park
1934/100626 Perth Dyer George Herbert Male Read Dolcie Florence Female Victoria Park
1934/100627 Perth Halnan Constance Victoria Female Brown Norman Male West Leederville
1934/100627 Perth Brown Norman Male Halnan Constance Victoria Female West Leederville
1934/100628 Perth Harrison Arthur Charles Male McCaw Phyllis Female Subiaco
1934/100628 Perth McCaw Phyllis Female Harrison Arthur Charles Male Subiaco
1934/100629 Perth Murphy William Thomas Male Kennedy Kathleen Nora Female Perth
1934/100629 Perth Kennedy Kathleen Nora Female Murphy William Thomas Male Perth
1935/100630 Perth Pimlott John Halford Male Jackson Levinia Louisa Female Perth
1935/100630 Perth Jackson Levinia Louisa Female Pimlott John Halford Male Perth
1934/100630 Perth Woods Kathleen Noel Female Butler Ernest Ronald Male South Perth
1934/100630 Perth Butler Ernest Ronald Male Woods Kathleen Noel Female South Perth
1934/100631 Perth Ross George Male Clark Euphemia Logan Female Perth
1934/100631 Perth Clark Euphemia Logan Female Ross George Male Perth
1934/100632 Perth Atley James Vernon Male Kelly Bertha Female Perth
1934/100632 Perth Kelly Bertha Female Atley James Vernon Male Perth
1934/100633 Perth Maxwell William Raymond Joseph Male Bryce Constance May Female North Perth
1934/100633 Perth Bryce Constance May Female Maxwell William Raymond Joseph Male North Perth
1934/100634 Perth Renouf Jack Leopold Male Kennedy Muriel Grace Female East Claremont
1934/100634 Perth Kennedy Muriel Grace Female Renouf Jack Leopold Male East Claremont
1934/100635 Perth Wilson Reginald Mervyn Male Carmody Mabel Blanche Female Subiaco
1934/100635 Perth Carmody Mabel Blanche Female Wilson Reginald Mervyn Male Subiaco
1934/100636 Perth Dick Douglas Walker Male Jordan Annie Lindsay Female Leederville
1934/100636 Perth Jordan Annie Lindsay Female Dick Douglas Walker Male Leederville
1934/100637 Perth Knight Charles Phillip Male Mulhall Rita Veronica Female Perth
1934/100637 Perth Mulhall Rita Veronica Female Knight Charles Phillip Male Perth
1934/100638 Perth Williams Elsie Maud Female Keown William John Male Perth
1934/100638 Perth Keown William John Male Williams Elsie Maud Female Perth
1934/100639 Perth Simpson Margaret Female Kitson Francis Keith Male Perth
1934/100639 Perth Kitson Francis Keith Male Simpson Margaret Female Perth
1934/100640 Perth Kiely Margaret Female Acott Herbert Arthur Male Perth
1934/100640 Perth Acott Herbert Arthur Male Kiely Margaret Female Perth
1934/100641 Perth Barrow Joseph Male Keane Agnes Louise Female Perth
1934/100641 Perth Keane Agnes Louise Female Barrow Joseph Male Perth
1934/100642 Perth Curtin Daniel James Male Rolinson Ida Irene Female West Perth
1934/100642 Perth Rolinson Ida Irene Female Curtin Daniel James Male West Perth
1934/100643 Perth Brown Dorothea Hamilton Female Collopy Francis William Male Perth
1934/100643 Perth Collopy Francis William Male Brown Dorothea Hamilton Female Perth
1934/100645 Perth Nyburg Gladys Mary Female Tyrer Maurice Trigg Male Victoria Park
1934/100645 Perth Tyrer Maurice Trigg Male Nyburg Gladys Mary Female Victoria Park
1934/100646 Perth Martin Jessie Female Carter Alfred Conelius Male Victoria Park
1934/100646 Perth Carter Alfred Conelius Male Martin Jessie Female Victoria Park
1934/100647 Perth Croxford Frank Henery James Male Rowan Jessie Elizabeth Female Victoria Park
1934/100647 Perth Rowan Jessie Elizabeth Female Croxford Frank Henery James Male Victoria Park
1934/100648 Perth Hills Francis Louis Kent Male Schwarer Irene Annie Female Victoria Park
1934/100648 Perth Schwarer Irene Annie Female Hills Francis Louis Kent Male Victoria Park
1934/100649 Perth Hutchinson Arthur Pennington Male Hall Winifred Gwynneth Female Perth
1934/100649 Perth Hall Winifred Gwynneth Female Hutchinson Arthur Pennington Male Perth
1934/100650 Perth Choules Harry William Male McNamara Margaret Jean Female Perth
1934/100650 Perth McNamara Margaret Jean Female Choules Harry William Male Perth
1934/100651 Perth Smalpage Esther Frances Female Daniels Alfred Keith Male Perth
1934/100651 Perth Daniels Alfred Keith Male Smalpage Esther Frances Female Perth
1934/100652 Perth Reynolds George William Male McMeekin Edna Verna Female Mt Hawthorn
1934/100652 Perth McMeekin Edna Verna Female Reynolds George William Male Mt Hawthorn
1934/100653 Perth Palmer Mabel Mary Female Gilbert Thomas Miles Male Perth
1934/100653 Perth Gilbert Thomas Miles Male Palmer Mabel Mary Female Perth
1934/100654 Perth Weaver James Paul Male Mullane Elsie May Female Perth
1934/100654 Perth Mullane Elsie May Female Weaver James Paul Male Perth
1934/100655 Perth Robartson Walter John Male Hunt Marjorie Sarah Francis Female Inglewood
1934/100655 Perth Hunt Marjorie Sarah Francis Female Robartson Walter John Male Inglewood
1934/100656 Perth Ellis John Nelson Male Young Mabel Hilda Louise Female Cottesloe
1934/100656 Perth Young Mabel Hilda Louise Female Ellis John Nelson Male Cottesloe
1934/100657 Perth Haworth Doris Female Oldroyd Harold Male North Perth
1934/100657 Perth Oldroyd Harold Male Haworth Doris Female North Perth
1934/100658 Perth O'Driscoll William Thomas Male Smith Rae Female Victoria Park
1934/100658 Perth Smith Rae Female O'Driscoll William Thomas Male Victoria Park
1934/100659 Perth McGrath Lorna Jean Female Hart Sydney Royston Male Victoria Park
1934/100659 Perth Hart Sydney Royston Male McGrath Lorna Jean Female Victoria Park
1934/100660 Perth Dann Olive Elwyn Grace Female West Frank Male Perth
1934/100660 Perth West Frank Male Dann Olive Elwyn Grace Female Perth
1934/100661 Perth Durack Walter Wyndham Male Garden Williemine Female Perth
1934/100661 Perth Garden Williemine Female Durack Walter Wyndham Male Perth
1934/100662 Perth MacPherson James Male Starr Poppie Female Perth
1934/100662 Perth Starr Poppie Female MacPherson James Male Perth
1934/100663 Perth Hogg Bertram Male Grayden Myrtle Olivet Female Subiaco
1934/100663 Perth Grayden Myrtle Olivet Female Hogg Bertram Male Subiaco
1934/100664 Perth Nicklis Eleanor Female Macrides Arthur George Male Perth
1934/100664 Perth Macrides Arthur George Male Nicklis Eleanor Female Perth
1934/100665 Perth Galatis Denis Male Colevas Evangeleen Female Perth
1934/100665 Perth Colevas Evangeleen Female Galatis Denis Male Perth
1934/100666 Perth Taylor William James Male Wynne Madge Female Leederville
1934/100666 Perth Wynne Madge Female Taylor William James Male Leederville
1934/100667 Perth Green Ernest Keith Male Woosnam Norah Female Leederville
1934/100667 Perth Woosnam Norah Female Green Ernest Keith Male Leederville
1934/100668 Perth Smith Mary Veronica Female Magor Theodore Male Leederville
1934/100668 Perth Magor Theodore Male Smith Mary Veronica Female Leederville
1934/100669 Perth Banducci Vincenzo Male De Piazzi Ruby Catherina Female Leederville
1934/100669 Perth De Piazzi Ruby Catherina Female Banducci Vincenzo Male Leederville
1934/100670 Perth Morse Shirley Gerard Female Neümann Loris Oscar Male Perth
1934/100670 Perth Neümann Loris Oscar Male Morse Shirley Gerard Female Perth
1934/100671 Perth Butcher Gladys Female White Stanley Thomas Male Perth
1934/100671 Perth White Stanley Thomas Male Butcher Gladys Female Perth
1934/100672 Perth Elliot John Male Tracey Linda Mary Female West Perth
1934/100672 Perth Tracey Linda Mary Female Elliot John Male West Perth
1934/100673 Perth Thompson Archibald Male Perman Ethel Female West Perth
1934/100673 Perth Perman Ethel Female Thompson Archibald Male West Perth
1934/100674 Perth Brigatti Herbert Raymond Male Beard Amy Marie Female West Perth
1934/100674 Perth Beard Amy Marie Female Brigatti Herbert Raymond Male West Perth
1934/100675 Perth Leonard Alfred John Male Page Irene Amelia Female Maylands
1934/100675 Perth Page Irene Amelia Female Leonard Alfred John Male Maylands
1934/100676 Perth Dodds Marjorie Lillian Female Pereira Leslie Male Bayswater
1934/100676 Perth Pereira Leslie Male Dodds Marjorie Lillian Female Bayswater
1934/100677 Perth Evans Gladys Victoria May Female Jennings Cyril Thomas Male West Perth
1934/100677 Perth Jennings Cyril Thomas Male Evans Gladys Victoria May Female West Perth
1934/100678 Perth Ranford Doreeen Isobel Female Halcombe Ronald Andrewes Male West Perth
1934/100678 Perth Halcombe Ronald Andrewes Male Ranford Doreeen Isobel Female West Perth
1934/100679 Perth Bowen Robert Stanley Male Tuke Patricia Ellen Female West Perth
1934/100679 Perth Tuke Patricia Ellen Female Bowen Robert Stanley Male West Perth
1934/100680 Perth Leist David Male Simpson Josephine Letitia Female West Perth
1934/100680 Perth Simpson Josephine Letitia Female Leist David Male West Perth
1934/100681 Perth Callow Georgina Deborah Female Dymock Wilfred George Male Highgate
1934/100681 Perth Dymock Wilfred George Male Callow Georgina Deborah Female Highgate
1934/100682 Perth Blenner Nassett John Donald Male Duncan Dorothy Harriet May Female Perth
1934/100682 Perth Duncan Dorothy Harriet May Female Blenner Nassett John Donald Male Perth
1934/100683 Perth Doust Douglas Hugh Male Smale Zoe Helen Female Highgate
1934/100683 Perth Smale Zoe Helen Female Doust Douglas Hugh Male Highgate
1934/100684 Perth Broadley James Kenneth Male Adam Gladys Janet Addison Female Highgate
1934/100684 Perth Adam Gladys Janet Addison Female Broadley James Kenneth Male Highgate
1934/100685 Perth Bell Annie Cicely Female Patterson William Alexander Male Perth
1934/100685 Perth Patterson William Alexander Male Bell Annie Cicely Female Perth
1934/100686 Perth Throssell Constance Helen Female Hopkins Francis Stanley Male Perth
1934/100686 Perth Hopkins Francis Stanley Male Throssell Constance Helen Female Perth
1934/100687 Perth Blanchard Charles William Male Slinger Alice Mavis Theo Female Highgate
1934/100687 Perth Slinger Alice Mavis Theo Female Blanchard Charles William Male Highgate
1934/100688 Perth Worth Arthur Edward Male Fenchel Joyce Melva Female Perth
1934/100688 Perth Fenchel Joyce Melva Female Worth Arthur Edward Male Perth
1934/100689 Perth Lewis Grace Winifred Female Nixon Norman Male West Leederville
1934/100689 Perth Nixon Norman Male Lewis Grace Winifred Female West Leederville
1934/100690 Perth Lock John George Male Cameron Martha Female Subiaco
1934/100690 Perth Cameron Martha Female Lock John George Male Subiaco
1934/100691 Perth Illingworth Edna Ruth Female Knight John Ellis Male Subiaco
1934/100691 Perth Knight John Ellis Male Illingworth Edna Ruth Female Subiaco
1934/100692 Perth Bishop Marjorie Alexa Female Smith Arthur Elliott Ronald Male Subiaco
1934/100692 Perth Smith Arthur Elliott Ronald Male Bishop Marjorie Alexa Female Subiaco
1934/100693 Perth Mitchell Dorothy Female Rodgers Douglas Dermody Male Perth
1934/100693 Perth Rodgers Douglas Dermody Male Mitchell Dorothy Female Perth
1934/100694 Perth Betts Joyce Catherine Female Gliddon Arthur James Male Perth
1934/100694 Perth Gliddon Arthur James Male Betts Joyce Catherine Female Perth
1934/100695 Perth Richards Evelyn Rose Female Singe William Roy Male Perth
1934/100695 Perth Singe William Roy Male Richards Evelyn Rose Female Perth
1934/100696 Perth Wills Ashton John Bignell Male Stagg Evelyn Maud Female Perth
1934/100696 Perth Stagg Evelyn Maud Female Wills Ashton John Bignell Male Perth
1934/100697 Perth Gentle Susannah Female Endersby James Male Perth
1934/100697 Perth Endersby James Male Gentle Susannah Female Perth
1934/100698 Perth Jolly Emily Female Cousins Stanford Leo Male Maylands
1934/100698 Perth Cousins Stanford Leo Male Jolly Emily Female Maylands
1934/100699 Perth Irwin Stewart Male Munro Mary Elizabeth Female Claremont
1934/100699 Perth Munro Mary Elizabeth Female Irwin Stewart Male Claremont
1934/100700 Perth Deschamps Doreen Orpheus Female Wimbridge William John Thomas Male Perth
1934/100700 Perth Wimbridge William John Thomas Male Deschamps Doreen Orpheus Female Perth
1934/100701 Perth Trueman Mervyn Male Tetlow Dorothy May Female Leederville
1934/100701 Perth Tetlow Dorothy May Female Trueman Mervyn Male Leederville
1934/100702 Perth McCullough John Male Manning Gweneth Female North Perth
1934/100702 Perth Manning Gweneth Female McCullough John Male North Perth
1934/100703 Perth Carr Jeanne Female Neumann Arthur Male North Perth
1934/100703 Perth Neumann Arthur Male Carr Jeanne Female North Perth
1934/100704 Perth Eastlake Harold Edward Male Hooper Mavis Tomington Female North Perth
1934/100704 Perth Hooper Mavis Tomington Female Eastlake Harold Edward Male North Perth
1934/100705 Perth Clayton Sadie Albina Female Armstrong Cecil Lawrence Male Perth
1934/100705 Perth Armstrong Cecil Lawrence Male Clayton Sadie Albina Female Perth
1934/100706 Perth Dewar John Henry Male Dunne Beryl Grace Female Perth
1934/100706 Perth Dunne Beryl Grace Female Dewar John Henry Male Perth
1934/100707 Perth Michie Mary Beatrice Female Clarson Dudley Wardley Stanley Male Perth
1934/100707 Perth Clarson Dudley Wardley Stanley Male Michie Mary Beatrice Female Perth
1934/100708 Perth Stivey Edna Edith Female Mell George Edward Male Claremont
1934/100708 Perth Mell George Edward Male Stivey Edna Edith Female Claremont
1934/100709 Perth Sharenberg John Bruce George Male Hogbin Marita Doris Female Perth
1934/100709 Perth Hogbin Marita Doris Female Sharenberg John Bruce George Male Perth
1934/100710 Perth Gibbs Raymond Morgan Lee Male Brown Ivy Stella Female Perth
1934/100710 Perth Brown Ivy Stella Female Gibbs Raymond Morgan Lee Male Perth
1934/100711 Perth Fox Edith Mary Female Darcy James Harte Male Perth
1934/100711 Perth Darcy James Harte Male Fox Edith Mary Female Perth
1934/100712 Perth Dare Francis Robert Male Waugh Honor Female Perth
1934/100712 Perth Waugh Honor Female Dare Francis Robert Male Perth
1934/100713 Perth Painter Olive Mary Female Shipard Jack Male West Perth
1934/100713 Perth Shipard Jack Male Painter Olive Mary Female West Perth
1934/100714 Perth Zimbulis Thomas Nicholas Male Reston Violet Emily Female Maylands
1934/100714 Perth Reston Violet Emily Female Zimbulis Thomas Nicholas Male Maylands
1934/100715 Perth Jackson Arthur Lamb Male Sharples Agnes Collins Female North Perth
1934/100715 Perth Sharples Agnes Collins Female Jackson Arthur Lamb Male North Perth
1934/100716 Perth Mitchell Frank Male McCooke Sara Anne Female Perth
1934/100716 Perth McCooke Sara Anne Female Mitchell Frank Male Perth
1934/100717 Perth Hull Royden Charles Male Pottinger Margaret Elizabeth Female Perth
1934/100717 Perth Pottinger Margaret Elizabeth Female Hull Royden Charles Male Perth
1934/100718 Perth Griffiths Gladys Lillian Female French Stephen George Male Perth
1934/100718 Perth French Stephen George Male Griffiths Gladys Lillian Female Perth
1934/100719 Perth Low Alfred George Melville Male Phillips Vida Faith Female Perth
1934/100719 Perth Phillips Vida Faith Female Low Alfred George Melville Male Perth
1934/100720 Perth Tucker Charles Gerald Male Ritchie Doris Marjorie Female South Perth
1934/100720 Perth Ritchie Doris Marjorie Female Tucker Charles Gerald Male South Perth
1934/100721 Perth Anderson Oltine Jean Female Wilkinson Fred Male South Perth
1934/100721 Perth Wilkinson Fred Male Anderson Oltine Jean Female South Perth
1934/100722 Perth Bowman Eileen Alexandra Female Smith Henry Male Subiaco
1934/100722 Perth Smith Henry Male Bowman Eileen Alexandra Female Subiaco
1934/100723 Perth Stranger Dorothy Grace Female Campbell Colin Thomas Male West Perth
1934/100723 Perth Campbell Colin Thomas Male Stranger Dorothy Grace Female West Perth
1934/100724 Perth Arbuckle Ivy Emma May Female Liebig Frederich Augustus Charles Male Perth
1934/100724 Perth Liebig Frederich Augustus Charles Male Arbuckle Ivy Emma May Female Perth
1934/100725 Perth Bird Cyril Pangbourne Male Thomas Marjorie Isabel Ethelwyn Female West Perth
1934/100725 Perth Thomas Marjorie Isabel Ethelwyn Female Bird Cyril Pangbourne Male West Perth
1934/100726 Perth Smith Gladys Jean Female Austen Lionel Edward Male West Perth
1934/100726 Perth Austen Lionel Edward Male Smith Gladys Jean Female West Perth
1934/100727 Perth Reid Grace Female Rudinger Harold Frederich Male West Perth
1934/100727 Perth Rudinger Harold Frederich Male Reid Grace Female West Perth
1934/100728 Perth Matthews Henry Llewellyn Male Edwards Emily Catherine Female West Perth
1934/100728 Perth Edwards Emily Catherine Female Matthews Henry Llewellyn Male West Perth
1934/100729 Perth Mackay Edward Blyth Male Trueman Grace Victoria Female West Perth
1934/100729 Perth Trueman Grace Victoria Female Mackay Edward Blyth Male West Perth
1934/100730 Perth York Ellen Mary Female Hayes Herbert John Male Bayswater
1934/100730 Perth Hayes Herbert John Male York Ellen Mary Female Bayswater
1934/100731 Perth Turnbull Edward Albert Male McNess Madeline Theresa Female Perth
1934/100731 Perth McNess Madeline Theresa Female Turnbull Edward Albert Male Perth
1934/100732 Perth Bennetts Phillis May Female Elsdon Henry Ernest Albert Male Victoria Park
1934/100732 Perth Elsdon Henry Ernest Albert Male Bennetts Phillis May Female Victoria Park
1934/100733 Perth Winzer Amy Phyllis Female Dans Frank Leonard Male Mt Lawley
1934/100733 Perth Dans Frank Leonard Male Winzer Amy Phyllis Female Mt Lawley
1934/100734 Perth Miller Ellen Leila Female Smith Percy Male Cottesloe
1934/100734 Perth Smith Percy Male Miller Ellen Leila Female Cottesloe
1934/100735 Perth Phillips Stanley Charles Male Lamb Edith Female Perth
1934/100735 Perth Lamb Edith Female Phillips Stanley Charles Male Perth
1934/100736 Perth Patterson Linda May Female Wishart John Walter Male Perth
1934/100736 Perth Wishart John Walter Male Patterson Linda May Female Perth
1934/100737 Perth Somerville Frank Revington Male Smedley Gladys Muriel Female Perth
1934/100737 Perth Smedley Gladys Muriel Female Somerville Frank Revington Male Perth
1934/100738 Perth Potts William Henry Male Smart Margaret May Female Perth
1934/100738 Perth Smart Margaret May Female Potts William Henry Male Perth
1934/100739 Perth O'Neil Irene May Female King George William Male Victoria Park
1934/100739 Perth King George William Male O'Neil Irene May Female Victoria Park
1934/100740 Perth Keady Mary Josephine Female Mullins John Henry Male Victoria Park
1934/100740 Perth Mullins John Henry Male Keady Mary Josephine Female Victoria Park
1934/100741 Perth Eastcott Muriel Ann Female Dundon Thomas Joseph Male Perth
1934/100741 Perth Dundon Thomas Joseph Male Eastcott Muriel Ann Female Perth
1934/100742 Perth Gunn Ethel Ada Female Woolley Thomas Brankin Male Victoria Park
1934/100742 Perth Woolley Thomas Brankin Male Gunn Ethel Ada Female Victoria Park
1934/100743 Perth Riemann Isabel Female Driver Nathan Thomas Male Victoria Park
1934/100743 Perth Driver Nathan Thomas Male Riemann Isabel Female Victoria Park
1934/100744 Perth Marrell Esther May Female Moyle Henry Edward Male South Perth
1934/100744 Perth Moyle Henry Edward Male Marrell Esther May Female South Perth
1934/100745 Perth Fyfield Mavis Irene Female Kerrison Cornelius Harold Male Perth
1934/100745 Perth Kerrison Cornelius Harold Male Fyfield Mavis Irene Female Perth
1934/100746 Perth Henderson Minnie Gertrude Female Leslie Donald Alexander Male Perth
1934/100746 Perth Leslie Donald Alexander Male Henderson Minnie Gertrude Female Perth
1934/100747 Perth Eves Jessie Mitchell Female Kendall Richard Ferguson Male Perth
1934/100747 Perth Kendall Richard Ferguson Male Eves Jessie Mitchell Female Perth
1934/100748 Perth Davies Robert Harry Rhys Male Hanson Gladys Vickery Female Perth
1934/100748 Perth Hanson Gladys Vickery Female Davies Robert Harry Rhys Male Perth
1934/100749 Perth McCall James Arthur Male Purser Amie Gwennyth Female Perth
1934/100749 Perth Purser Amie Gwennyth Female McCall James Arthur Male Perth
1934/100750 Perth Thompson Phyllis Elma Female Stringer Henry Joseph Thimbleby Male Perth
1934/100750 Perth Stringer Henry Joseph Thimbleby Male Thompson Phyllis Elma Female Perth
1934/100751 Perth Meyer Karl Fitz Hienrich Male Smalpage Christine Patricia Female Perth
1934/100751 Perth Smalpage Christine Patricia Female Meyer Karl Fitz Hienrich Male Perth
1934/100752 Perth West Irene Laurel Female Neate John Leslie Male Perth
1934/100752 Perth Neate John Leslie Male West Irene Laurel Female Perth
1934/100753 Perth O'Brien Mary Eileen Female Jago Holmes Gillman Male Perth
1934/100753 Perth Jago Holmes Gillman Male O'Brien Mary Eileen Female Perth
1934/100754 Perth Herlihy Eileen Female Donnelly Alfred Michael Male Perth
1934/100754 Perth Donnelly Alfred Michael Male Herlihy Eileen Female Perth
1934/100755 Perth Maher Christina Female Greenhill John Male Perth
1934/100755 Perth Greenhill John Male Maher Christina Female Perth
1934/100756 Perth Sullivan Charles Bernard Male Kirby Elsie May Female Perth
1934/100756 Perth Kirby Elsie May Female Sullivan Charles Bernard Male Perth
1934/100758 Perth Moss Mary Irene Female Keegan Norman Septimus Male Perth
1934/100758 Perth Keegan Norman Septimus Male Moss Mary Irene Female Perth
1934/100759 Perth Smith Noeleen Female McMahon James Leo Patrick Male Perth
1934/100759 Perth McMahon James Leo Patrick Male Smith Noeleen Female Perth
1934/100760 Perth Kelly Mary Female Dunn Douglas Norman Male Perth
1934/100760 Perth Dunn Douglas Norman Male Kelly Mary Female Perth
1934/100761 Perth Mohr Honora May Female McMurray Majer Alexander Male Perth
1934/100761 Perth McMurray Majer Alexander Male Mohr Honora May Female Perth
1934/100762 Perth Addenbrooke Isabella Mavis Female Hales Frank Harry Goodwin Male Claremont
1934/100762 Perth Hales Frank Harry Goodwin Male Addenbrooke Isabella Mavis Female Claremont
1934/100763 Perth Tate Spencer Albert Male Bond Violet Female Perth
1934/100763 Perth Bond Violet Female Tate Spencer Albert Male Perth
1934/100764 Perth Chesson Annie Female Gamble Arthur John Male West Perth
1934/100764 Perth Gamble Arthur John Male Chesson Annie Female West Perth
1934/100765 Perth Scully James Henry Louis Male Itzsteen Ruby May Elizabeth Female Subiaco
1934/100765 Perth Itzsteen Ruby May Elizabeth Female Scully James Henry Louis Male Subiaco
1934/100766 Perth Cahill Eileen Jessie Female O'Sullivan Michael Male Perth
1934/100766 Perth O'Sullivan Michael Male Cahill Eileen Jessie Female Perth
1934/100767 Perth Campbell Nancy Female Hobson Reginald Allan Male South Perth
1934/100767 Perth Hobson Reginald Allan Male Campbell Nancy Female South Perth
1934/100768 Perth Gardner Myra Violet Edna Female Thompson Dudley Horace Male Claremont
1934/100768 Perth Thompson Dudley Horace Male Gardner Myra Violet Edna Female Claremont
1934/100769 Perth McKenzie Douglas Charles Male Oliver Eileen Leonora Female Claremont
1934/100769 Perth Oliver Eileen Leonora Female McKenzie Douglas Charles Male Claremont
1934/100770 Perth Hummerston Dorothy Elsie Elizabeth Female Boatwright Archibald Gordon Male Claremont
1934/100770 Perth Boatwright Archibald Gordon Male Hummerston Dorothy Elsie Elizabeth Female Claremont
1934/100771 Perth Foster Doris Female Graham Stanley Richard Male Perth
1934/100771 Perth Graham Stanley Richard Male Foster Doris Female Perth
1934/100772 Perth Rowden William Andrew Male Robertson Vera Jean Female Perth
1934/100772 Perth Robertson Vera Jean Female Rowden William Andrew Male Perth
1934/100773 Perth Richardson Gladstone Henry Male Mazzucchelli Lois Olive Female Perth
1934/100773 Perth Mazzucchelli Lois Olive Female Richardson Gladstone Henry Male Perth
1934/100774 Perth Antonakos Emily Jane Female Malaxos Constantine Male Perth
1934/100774 Perth Malaxos Constantine Male Antonakos Emily Jane Female Perth
1934/100775 Perth Robin Jessie Maud Female Foord Harold Walter Male Cottesloe
1934/100775 Perth Foord Harold Walter Male Robin Jessie Maud Female Cottesloe
1934/100776 Perth Campbell Robert Charles Male Close Olive Grace Female Perth
1934/100776 Perth Close Olive Grace Female Campbell Robert Charles Male Perth
1934/100777 Perth Quinn Eileen Mary Female Macpherson John Logie Male Perth
1934/100777 Perth Macpherson John Logie Male Quinn Eileen Mary Female Perth
1934/100778 Perth McMartin Ruby Elizabeth Female Brown Albert Edward Male Perth
1934/100778 Perth Brown Albert Edward Male McMartin Ruby Elizabeth Female Perth
1934/100779 Perth Grant Ronald Robert Male Price Greta Edna Female Perth
1934/100779 Perth Price Greta Edna Female Grant Ronald Robert Male Perth
1934/100780 Perth Gibson Sarah Eleanor Female Silsbury Alan Louis Male Perth
1934/100780 Perth Silsbury Alan Louis Male Gibson Sarah Eleanor Female Perth
1934/100781 Perth Paterson Elizabeth Muirhead Maitland Blair Female Kerr Alexander Alfred Male Perth
1934/100781 Perth Kerr Alexander Alfred Male Paterson Elizabeth Muirhead Maitland Blair Female Perth
1934/100782 Perth Boon Charles Benjamin Male Innes Lila Jean Female Perth
1934/100782 Perth Innes Lila Jean Female Boon Charles Benjamin Male Perth
1934/100783 Perth Lysaght Harry Edward Male Lynch Nina Female Mt Lawley
1934/100783 Perth Lynch Nina Female Lysaght Harry Edward Male Mt Lawley
1934/100784 Perth Hughes William James Male Giddings Elsie Mary Female Perth
1934/100784 Perth Giddings Elsie Mary Female Hughes William James Male Perth
1934/100785 Perth Feeney Eileen Linda Female Warne Leonard William Male Perth
1934/100785 Perth Warne Leonard William Male Feeney Eileen Linda Female Perth
1934/100786 Perth Litchfield Harold Hulbert Male McKay Ivy Jeanette Female Claremont
1934/100786 Perth McKay Ivy Jeanette Female Litchfield Harold Hulbert Male Claremont
1934/100787 Perth Summers Archibald Alfred Male Hart Freda Mary Female Perth
1934/100787 Perth Hart Freda Mary Female Summers Archibald Alfred Male Perth
1934/100788 Perth Reid William Grey Male Kendrick Faith Hope Female Maylands
1934/100788 Perth Kendrick Faith Hope Female Reid William Grey Male Maylands
1934/100789 Perth Harrower Jean Female Plaisted Kenelm Albert Male Maylands
1934/100789 Perth Plaisted Kenelm Albert Male Harrower Jean Female Maylands
1934/100790 Perth Daley Grace Darling Female Smith Richard Kilcar Male Perth
1934/100790 Perth Smith Richard Kilcar Male Daley Grace Darling Female Perth
1934/100791 Perth Birch Adeline May Female Pether Richard Howard Male Perth
1934/100791 Perth Pether Richard Howard Male Birch Adeline May Female Perth
1934/100792 Perth Jenkin Charles Frederick Male Kilian Linda May Female Perth
1934/100792 Perth Kilian Linda May Female Jenkin Charles Frederick Male Perth
1934/100793 Perth Bullock Thelma Jessica Female Dix James Roland Male Highgate
1934/100793 Perth Dix James Roland Male Bullock Thelma Jessica Female Highgate
1934/100794 Perth Hackett William Henry Male Wilshusen Grace Female North Perth
1934/100794 Perth Wilshusen Grace Female Hackett William Henry Male North Perth
1934/100795 Perth Hindmarsh Joseph Bell Male Rowley Hazel May Female Perth
1934/100795 Perth Rowley Hazel May Female Hindmarsh Joseph Bell Male Perth
1934/100796 Perth Philpott Jessie Maude Mary Female Bland John Francis Male Perth
1934/100796 Perth Bland John Francis Male Philpott Jessie Maude Mary Female Perth
1934/100797 Perth Ashton Olive Victoria Female Knighton Cecil Norris Male Perth
1934/100797 Perth Knighton Cecil Norris Male Ashton Olive Victoria Female Perth
1934/100798 Perth Brodie Ellen Maude Female Swansen Gustave Adolph Male West Perth
1934/100798 Perth Swansen Gustave Adolph Male Brodie Ellen Maude Female West Perth
1934/100799 Perth Claybrook Angus Raymond Male Coleman Thelma Female Cottesloe
1934/100799 Perth Coleman Thelma Female Claybrook Angus Raymond Male Cottesloe
1934/100800 Perth Rogers George Lawrie Male Dunn Ethel Edith Female Mt Lawley
1934/100800 Perth Dunn Ethel Edith Female Rogers George Lawrie Male Mt Lawley
1934/100801 Perth Granland Doris Era Jane Female McLean John Thromer Male Cottesloe
1934/100801 Perth McLean John Thromer Male Granland Doris Era Jane Female Cottesloe
1934/100802 Perth Needs Margaret Ilma Female Paterson Henry Somerville Male Perth
1934/100802 Perth Paterson Henry Somerville Male Needs Margaret Ilma Female Perth
1934/100803 Perth Tilly Kathleen Agness Female Allanson Phillip William Male Perth
1934/100803 Perth Allanson Phillip William Male Tilly Kathleen Agness Female Perth
1934/100804 Perth Dyson Jean Bews Female Chapman Sydney Maxwell Male Perth
1934/100804 Perth Chapman Sydney Maxwell Male Dyson Jean Bews Female Perth
1934/100805 Perth Kane James Gillon Male Bennett Sybil Josephine Female Perth
1934/100805 Perth Bennett Sybil Josephine Female Kane James Gillon Male Perth
1934/100806 Perth Briggs William Henry Male Woodall Vera Alice Female Claremont
1934/100806 Perth Woodall Vera Alice Female Briggs William Henry Male Claremont
1934/100807 Perth Hogg Herbert Alexander William Wallace Male Tuckerman Elizabeth Bryda Lurline Female Perth
1934/100807 Perth Tuckerman Elizabeth Bryda Lurline Female Hogg Herbert Alexander William Wallace Male Perth
1934/100808 Perth Bizzaca Catharine Jane Female Yakich Joseph Male Perth
1934/100808 Perth Yakich Joseph Male Bizzaca Catharine Jane Female Perth
1934/100809 Perth Whyborn Leslie William Male O'Reilly Maisie Dolorosa Female Perth
1934/100809 Perth O'Reilly Maisie Dolorosa Female Whyborn Leslie William Male Perth
1934/100810 Perth Daly James Patrick Male Myssonski Mary Margaret Female Perth
1934/100810 Perth Myssonski Mary Margaret Female Daly James Patrick Male Perth
1934/100811 Perth Cooper Lily May Female Brennan Ruri Brendan Joseph Male Perth
1934/100811 Perth Brennan Ruri Brendan Joseph Male Cooper Lily May Female Perth
1934/100812 Perth Pope Louisa Margaret Female Whitcher Robert Male Perth
1934/100812 Perth Whitcher Robert Male Pope Louisa Margaret Female Perth
1934/100813 Perth Pike Henry John Male Roach Minnie Martha Female West Perth
1934/100813 Perth Roach Minnie Martha Female Pike Henry John Male West Perth
1934/100814 Perth Murray Aileen Margaret Stewart Female Phillips David Ferris Male West Perth
1934/100814 Perth Phillips David Ferris Male Murray Aileen Margaret Stewart Female West Perth
1934/100815 Perth Ding Lorna Mary Female Henley Ronald Arthur Male West Perth
1934/100815 Perth Henley Ronald Arthur Male Ding Lorna Mary Female West Perth
1934/100816 Perth Ross Valmai Nan Vernon Female Sibary Herbert Sydney Male West Perth
1934/100816 Perth Sibary Herbert Sydney Male Ross Valmai Nan Vernon Female West Perth
1934/100817 Perth Murphy Dorothy Female Brearley Royden John Male Perth
1934/100817 Perth Brearley Royden John Male Murphy Dorothy Female Perth
1934/100818 Perth Moloney Clarissa Frances Female McEvoy William Joseph Male West Perth
1934/100818 Perth McEvoy William Joseph Male Moloney Clarissa Frances Female West Perth
1934/100819 Perth Marrell Jessie Hilda Female McConnell James Sherlock Male West Perth
1934/100819 Perth McConnell James Sherlock Male Marrell Jessie Hilda Female West Perth
1934/100820 Perth Smith Charles Alexander Hofert Male Taylor Doris Pearl Female West Perth
1934/100820 Perth Taylor Doris Pearl Female Smith Charles Alexander Hofert Male West Perth
1934/100821 Perth Dods Lillian Maud Female Dashwood Ernest Ashley Male West Perth
1934/100821 Perth Dashwood Ernest Ashley Male Dods Lillian Maud Female West Perth
1934/100822 Perth Jones Rose Pricilla Jean Female Watson Ernest Alfred Male Perth
1934/100822 Perth Watson Ernest Alfred Male Jones Rose Pricilla Jean Female Perth
1934/100823 Perth Hughes Edith Rose Female Leach Lancelot Algernon Male Rosalie
1934/100823 Perth Leach Lancelot Algernon Male Hughes Edith Rose Female Rosalie
1934/100824 Perth Deschamp Alice Mary Female Ford Alfred Jack Male Perth
1934/100824 Perth Ford Alfred Jack Male Deschamp Alice Mary Female Perth
1934/100825 Perth Watson Oliver Male Starling Doris May Female Perth
1934/100825 Perth Starling Doris May Female Watson Oliver Male Perth
1934/100826 Perth Bampfield Constance Maud Female Lester Isaac Harold Male Perth
1934/100826 Perth Lester Isaac Harold Male Bampfield Constance Maud Female Perth
1934/100827 Perth Thorpe Clarence Male Milligan Martha Female West Perth
1934/100827 Perth Milligan Martha Female Thorpe Clarence Male West Perth
1934/100828 Perth Howell Isabella May Female Darch Clarence Ernest Male Wanneroo
1934/100828 Perth Darch Clarence Ernest Male Howell Isabella May Female Wanneroo
1934/100829 Perth Williamson Aileen Mary Female Dennis Henry James Male West Perth
1934/100829 Perth Dennis Henry James Male Williamson Aileen Mary Female West Perth
1934/100830 Perth Hopkins Charles Francis Male Middleton Olive Lavina Maud Female West Perth
1934/100830 Perth Middleton Olive Lavina Maud Female Hopkins Charles Francis Male West Perth
1934/100831 Perth Moffat John Male Cook Dorothy Lucy Female Perth
1934/100831 Perth Cook Dorothy Lucy Female Moffat John Male Perth
1934/100832 Perth Mitchell Elizabeth Jeffrey Female Mackay John Male Perth
1934/100832 Perth Mackay John Male Mitchell Elizabeth Jeffrey Female Perth
1934/100833 Perth Mouton Huia Male Bromfield Louisa Lillian Female West Perth
1934/100833 Perth Bromfield Louisa Lillian Female Mouton Huia Male West Perth
1934/100834 Perth Landwehr Arthur Bertram Male Wade Sylvia Adeline Female Maylands
1934/100834 Perth Wade Sylvia Adeline Female Landwehr Arthur Bertram Male Maylands
1934/100835 Perth Cass Leslie Male Braund Valda Doreen Jeanette Female Maylands
1934/100835 Perth Braund Valda Doreen Jeanette Female Cass Leslie Male Maylands
1934/100836 Perth Grimley Edith Lillian Female Watts Reginald Harry Male Maylands
1934/100836 Perth Watts Reginald Harry Male Grimley Edith Lillian Female Maylands
1934/100837 Perth Coe Emmie Cecilia Female Moore Guy Finn Male Perth
1934/100837 Perth Moore Guy Finn Male Coe Emmie Cecilia Female Perth
1934/100838 Perth Greenwood Frederick William Male Mazzucchelli Eve Hey Female Perth
1934/100838 Perth Mazzucchelli Eve Hey Female Greenwood Frederick William Male Perth
1934/100839 Perth Munro Thomas Cochrane Male Hulmston Charlotte Alice Female Perth
1934/100839 Perth Hulmston Charlotte Alice Female Munro Thomas Cochrane Male Perth
1934/100840 Perth Smith Harold Raymond Male Ferry Annie Margaret Agatha Female Perth
1934/100840 Perth Ferry Annie Margaret Agatha Female Smith Harold Raymond Male Perth
1934/100841 Perth Cahill Nancy Female Jones William Percy Male Maylands
1934/100841 Perth Jones William Percy Male Cahill Nancy Female Maylands
1934/100842 Perth Farrell William George Male Russell Louisa Female Perth
1934/100842 Perth Russell Louisa Female Farrell William George Male Perth
1934/100843 Perth Peirce Stanley Male Williamson Barbara Campbell McLean Female Perth
1934/100843 Perth Williamson Barbara Campbell McLean Female Peirce Stanley Male Perth
1934/100844 Perth Thomsett Gwenyth Florence Female Davies Llewellyn Aubrey Male Perth
1934/100844 Perth Davies Llewellyn Aubrey Male Thomsett Gwenyth Florence Female Perth
1934/100845 Perth Campbell Colin Amandus Male Kirkman Ethel Irene Female North Perth
1934/100845 Perth Kirkman Ethel Irene Female Campbell Colin Amandus Male North Perth
1934/100846 Perth Colton George William Male Vardy Minnie Amelia Female Perth
1934/100846 Perth Vardy Minnie Amelia Female Colton George William Male Perth
1934/100847 Perth Dorney Frank Henry Male Edwards Rose Constance Female Perth
1934/100847 Perth Edwards Rose Constance Female Dorney Frank Henry Male Perth
1934/100848 Perth Lavery Stanley James Male Adam Lucy Jane Female Perth
1934/100848 Perth Adam Lucy Jane Female Lavery Stanley James Male Perth
1934/100849 Perth McKay Aurial Ronald Male Clay Edna Female Perth
1934/100849 Perth Clay Edna Female McKay Aurial Ronald Male Perth
1934/100850 Perth Brazier Thomas Sydney Male Moore Jessie Female Perth
1934/100850 Perth Moore Jessie Female Brazier Thomas Sydney Male Perth
1934/100851 Perth Dyson Dorothy Jean Female Campbell Lindsay Bennett Male Perth
1934/100851 Perth Campbell Lindsay Bennett Male Dyson Dorothy Jean Female Perth
1934/100852 Perth Siviour Richard Henry Male Collins Mary Eileen Female Perth
1934/100852 Perth Collins Mary Eileen Female Siviour Richard Henry Male Perth
1934/100853 Perth Blizard Allan Male Coppin Kathleen Eleanor Female Perth
1934/100853 Perth Coppin Kathleen Eleanor Female Blizard Allan Male Perth
1934/100854 Perth Barnett Beryl Gladys Female McCreery William George Male Perth
1934/100854 Perth McCreery William George Male Barnett Beryl Gladys Female Perth
1934/100855 Perth Knight Walter Albert Male Knapp Amelia Julia Female Perth
1934/100855 Perth Knapp Amelia Julia Female Knight Walter Albert Male Perth
1934/100856 Perth Watts Matthew John Male Varley Dora Jean Female Mt Lawley
1934/100856 Perth Varley Dora Jean Female Watts Matthew John Male Mt Lawley
1934/100857 Perth Miller Marion Female Ochiltree Andrew Male Claremont
1934/100857 Perth Ochiltree Andrew Male Miller Marion Female Claremont
1934/100858 Perth McCall James Male Lewis Adeline Leah Female Buckland Hill
1934/100858 Perth Lewis Adeline Leah Female McCall James Male Buckland Hill
1934/100859 Perth Bailey William Lamont Male Duffell Dorothy May Female Cottesloe
1934/100859 Perth Duffell Dorothy May Female Bailey William Lamont Male Cottesloe
1934/100860 Perth Preece Leslie Arnold Male Dixon Gladys May Female Buckland Hill
1934/100860 Perth Dixon Gladys May Female Preece Leslie Arnold Male Buckland Hill
1934/100861 Perth Benjamin Olga Beryl Female Jacobs Harold Leslie Male Perth
1934/100861 Perth Jacobs Harold Leslie Male Benjamin Olga Beryl Female Perth
1934/100862 Perth Shilkin Ettie Female Awritcher Benjamin Male Perth
1934/100862 Perth Awritcher Benjamin Male Shilkin Ettie Female Perth
1934/100863 Perth Hart Jacob Clifford Male Borisoff Dvorah Female Perth
1934/100863 Perth Borisoff Dvorah Female Hart Jacob Clifford Male Perth
1934/100864 Perth Bradley Eva Ellen Female Jewson Edwin Paul Male Perth
1934/100864 Perth Jewson Edwin Paul Male Bradley Eva Ellen Female Perth
1934/100865 Perth Larson Mavis Bertha Female Hislop Harry Male Leederville
1934/100865 Perth Hislop Harry Male Larson Mavis Bertha Female Leederville
1934/100866 Perth Kirkby Kenneth Munro Male Partington Alice Josephine Female Claremont
1934/100866 Perth Partington Alice Josephine Female Kirkby Kenneth Munro Male Claremont
1934/100867 Perth Bird Albert John Male Riddell Nancy Harper Female Perth
1934/100867 Perth Riddell Nancy Harper Female Bird Albert John Male Perth
1934/100868 Perth Davis Beatrice Mary Female Gimm Max Peter Male Perth
1934/100868 Perth Gimm Max Peter Male Davis Beatrice Mary Female Perth
1934/100869 Perth Kipling Albert Male Wake Catherine Mary Female Claremont
1934/100869 Perth Wake Catherine Mary Female Kipling Albert Male Claremont
1934/100870 Perth Bransby Edward Arthur Male de Lacy Pearl Louisa Blodwin Female Perth
1934/100870 Perth de Lacy Pearl Louisa Blodwin Female Bransby Edward Arthur Male Perth
1934/100871 Perth Bruechle Vera Constance Female Gibbs Horace Eldred Male Perth
1934/100871 Perth Gibbs Horace Eldred Male Bruechle Vera Constance Female Perth
1934/100872 Perth Willison Florence Female Geddes William Male Perth
1934/100872 Perth Geddes William Male Willison Florence Female Perth
1934/100873 Perth Thomson Elizabeth Gardner Peill Female Rowbotham Frederick Male Perth
1934/100873 Perth Rowbotham Frederick Male Thomson Elizabeth Gardner Peill Female Perth
1934/100874 Perth Newman Richard Lawrance Henry Male Hadden Florence Carlyle Female Perth
1934/100874 Perth Hadden Florence Carlyle Female Newman Richard Lawrance Henry Male Perth
1934/100875 Perth Kolokanakis Dimitrios Male Moraitis Klementine Female Claremont
1934/100875 Perth Moraitis Klementine Female Kolokanakis Dimitrios Male Claremont
1934/100876 Perth Richardson Alfred Male Skipworth Sylvia Isabelle Female West Perth
1934/100876 Perth Skipworth Sylvia Isabelle Female Richardson Alfred Male West Perth
1934/100877 Perth Harris Molly Ferguson Female Cockburn Robert Clive Male Mt Lawley
1934/100877 Perth Cockburn Robert Clive Male Harris Molly Ferguson Female Mt Lawley
1934/100878 Perth Langridge Thelma Female Meehan William Thomas Male Mt Lawley
1934/100878 Perth Meehan William Thomas Male Langridge Thelma Female Mt Lawley
1934/100879 Perth Ruthven Norman Male Bingham Marjorie Alice Female Perth
1934/100879 Perth Bingham Marjorie Alice Female Ruthven Norman Male Perth
1934/100880 Perth Croker Lionel Edward Male Dale Alice Rosina Female Perth
1934/100880 Perth Dale Alice Rosina Female Croker Lionel Edward Male Perth
1934/100881 Perth Jones Mildred Ormuz Female Borman Jack Male Subiaco
1934/100881 Perth Borman Jack Male Jones Mildred Ormuz Female Subiaco
1934/100882 Perth McLachlan Norman Hugh Male Lawrence Lilian Dorothy Female Mt Lawley
1934/100882 Perth Lawrence Lilian Dorothy Female McLachlan Norman Hugh Male Mt Lawley
1934/100883 Perth Denton Frances Kathleen Female Sayers Thomas Vincent Male Perth
1934/100883 Perth Sayers Thomas Vincent Male Denton Frances Kathleen Female Perth
1934/100884 Perth Piazzola Guiseppe Male Harding Ethel May Female West Perth
1934/100884 Perth Harding Ethel May Female Piazzola Guiseppe Male West Perth
1934/100885 Perth Sinclair Geoffrey Vivian Male Aldrich Audrey Allison Female South Perth
1934/100885 Perth Aldrich Audrey Allison Female Sinclair Geoffrey Vivian Male South Perth
1934/100886 Perth Pickersgill Lionel James Male Braysher Dorothy Isabell Female South Perth
1934/100886 Perth Braysher Dorothy Isabell Female Pickersgill Lionel James Male South Perth
1934/100887 Perth Ward Neville Norman Male Patterson Nena Maud Female Leederville
1934/100887 Perth Patterson Nena Maud Female Ward Neville Norman Male Leederville
1934/100888 Perth Golding Alfred Male Irvine Elizabeth Female Perth
1934/100888 Perth Irvine Elizabeth Female Golding Alfred Male Perth
1934/100889 Perth Gallagher Mary Esther Female Coulehan Anstey Michael Male Subiaco
1934/100889 Perth Coulehan Anstey Michael Male Gallagher Mary Esther Female Subiaco
1934/100890 Perth Wailes Ernest Frank Male Pearce Phyllis Edith Female Perth
1934/100890 Perth Pearce Phyllis Edith Female Wailes Ernest Frank Male Perth
1934/100891 Perth Anderson Daisy Evelyn Mary Female Baker George Allan Male Perth
1934/100891 Perth Baker George Allan Male Anderson Daisy Evelyn Mary Female Perth
1934/100892 Perth Webb Alfred John Charles Male Cotton Audrey Beatrice Mary Female Perth
1934/100892 Perth Cotton Audrey Beatrice Mary Female Webb Alfred John Charles Male Perth
1934/100893 Perth Hagiagapitou Panagiota Female Manifis Nickolas Male Perth
1934/100893 Perth Manifis Nickolas Male Hagiagapitou Panagiota Female Perth
1934/100894 Perth Kalaf Max Male Koutsoukis Mary Female Perth
1934/100894 Perth Koutsoukis Mary Female Kalaf Max Male Perth
1934/100895 Perth Trezise Jean Anne Female Tomlinson John Harold Male Nedlands
1934/100895 Perth Tomlinson John Harold Male Trezise Jean Anne Female Nedlands
1934/100896 Perth Kelly Muriel Female Bridgman Horace Samuel Male Perth
1934/100896 Perth Bridgman Horace Samuel Male Kelly Muriel Female Perth
1934/100897 Perth Harvey Kenneth Charles Male Allanson Marjorie Phyllis Female Perth
1934/100897 Perth Allanson Marjorie Phyllis Female Harvey Kenneth Charles Male Perth
1934/100898 Perth Cullen Neville de Barran Male Sharkey Marie Ray Female Claremont
1934/100898 Perth Sharkey Marie Ray Female Cullen Neville de Barran Male Claremont
1934/100899 Perth Parker William Arthur Male Atkinson Amy Aldam Female Claremont
1934/100899 Perth Atkinson Amy Aldam Female Parker William Arthur Male Claremont
1934/100900 Perth Morrison Doris Evelyn Christina Female Smith John Allen Male Claremont
1934/100900 Perth Smith John Allen Male Morrison Doris Evelyn Christina Female Claremont
1934/100901 Perth Duffy William Edward Male Lawrence Lilian Maud Female Leederville
1934/100901 Perth Lawrence Lilian Maud Female Duffy William Edward Male Leederville
1934/100902 Perth Dixon Jack Male Richards Myrtle Doris Female Leederville
1934/100902 Perth Richards Myrtle Doris Female Dixon Jack Male Leederville
1934/100903 Perth McDonald George Athol Male Henderson Isobel Lambert Female Leederville
1934/100903 Perth Henderson Isobel Lambert Female McDonald George Athol Male Leederville
1934/100904 Perth Lamb Evelyn Florence Female Smith Frank Derwent Male Leederville
1934/100904 Perth Smith Frank Derwent Male Lamb Evelyn Florence Female Leederville
1934/100905 Perth Milton Ella Jane Female Green Ralph Frederick Male West Leederville
1934/100905 Perth Green Ralph Frederick Male Milton Ella Jane Female West Leederville
1934/100906 Perth Birch Gladys Female Regolini Pietro Male Perth
1934/100906 Perth Regolini Pietro Male Birch Gladys Female Perth
1934/100907 Perth Bond Victor John Male Cooper Alice Kathleen Female West Perth
1934/100907 Perth Cooper Alice Kathleen Female Bond Victor John Male West Perth
1934/100908 Perth Pearce Mavis Pearl Female Carden Joseph Leonard Male West Perth
1934/100908 Perth Carden Joseph Leonard Male Pearce Mavis Pearl Female West Perth
1934/100909 Perth Leschen Meda Carlotta Female Clifton Benjamin Luke Cecil Male West Perth
1934/100909 Perth Clifton Benjamin Luke Cecil Male Leschen Meda Carlotta Female West Perth
1934/100910 Perth Hutchinson Alston William Male Mewburn Lona Ruth Female West Perth
1934/100910 Perth Mewburn Lona Ruth Female Hutchinson Alston William Male West Perth
1934/100911 Perth Beal Raymond Arthur Male Ryan Marguerite Female West Perth
1934/100911 Perth Ryan Marguerite Female Beal Raymond Arthur Male West Perth
1934/100912 Perth Monck Lorne Gwynne Female Upson George Henry Male West Perth
1934/100912 Perth Upson George Henry Male Monck Lorne Gwynne Female West Perth
1934/100913 Perth Foy Charles Anthony Male Sadler Nellie Female West Perth
1934/100913 Perth Sadler Nellie Female Foy Charles Anthony Male West Perth
1934/100914 Perth Fullerton Archibald Howard Male Hintson Joyce Evelyn Female West Perth
1934/100914 Perth Hintson Joyce Evelyn Female Fullerton Archibald Howard Male West Perth
1934/100915 Perth Hooper Muriel Phyllis Female Flower Cyril Ernest Male West Perth
1934/100915 Perth Flower Cyril Ernest Male Hooper Muriel Phyllis Female West Perth
1934/100916 Perth Kinsella Elsie Mary Female Allen Christopher Male West Perth
1934/100916 Perth Allen Christopher Male Kinsella Elsie Mary Female West Perth
1934/100917 Perth Ledger George Edward Male Phillips Jean Female Perth
1934/100917 Perth Phillips Jean Female Ledger George Edward Male Perth
1934/100918 Perth Henfry Arthur George Male Lemon Grace Hannah Female Perth
1934/100918 Perth Lemon Grace Hannah Female Henfry Arthur George Male Perth
1934/100919 Perth Stephens Alfred Male Martin Jessica Amelia Female Perth
1934/100919 Perth Martin Jessica Amelia Female Stephens Alfred Male Perth
1934/100920 Perth Nicholas Samuel Leary Male Primrose Isabella Dickie Female Perth
1934/100920 Perth Primrose Isabella Dickie Female Nicholas Samuel Leary Male Perth
1934/100921 Perth Gleeson Violet Jean Female Dawson Frederick Thomas Male Perth
1934/100921 Perth Dawson Frederick Thomas Male Gleeson Violet Jean Female Perth
1934/100922 Perth Molloy Frances Female Wilkins Thomas Male Perth
1934/100922 Perth Wilkins Thomas Male Molloy Frances Female Perth
1934/100923 Perth Gaze Amy Moncrieffe Female Read Rupert George Male Perth
1934/100923 Perth Read Rupert George Male Gaze Amy Moncrieffe Female Perth
1934/100924 Perth Sumner Edith Female Sealey George Male Perth
1934/100924 Perth Sealey George Male Sumner Edith Female Perth
1934/100925 Perth Underwood Eric John Male Chandler Erica Reid Female Perth
1934/100925 Perth Chandler Erica Reid Female Underwood Eric John Male Perth
1934/100926 Perth Teague Walter Rowland Male Morey Edith Evelyn May Female Bayswater
1934/100926 Perth Morey Edith Evelyn May Female Teague Walter Rowland Male Bayswater
1934/100927 Perth Ward Sybil May Female Matthews Leslie Eric Male Victoria Park
1934/100927 Perth Matthews Leslie Eric Male Ward Sybil May Female Victoria Park
1934/100928 Perth Simpson Henry Pierce Samuel Male Jeffery May Naomi Rivers Female Mt Lawley
1934/100928 Perth Jeffery May Naomi Rivers Female Simpson Henry Pierce Samuel Male Mt Lawley
1934/100929 Perth Hansen Harold Male Carmody Ruby May Female Mount Lawley
1934/100929 Perth Carmody Ruby May Female Hansen Harold Male Mount Lawley
1934/100930 Perth Johnston William Temple Male Baird Nancy Robertson Female Mount Lawley
1934/100930 Perth Baird Nancy Robertson Female Johnston William Temple Male Mount Lawley
1934/100931 Perth Kessell Herbert Gordon Male Sprigg Florence Annie Female Claremont
1934/100931 Perth Sprigg Florence Annie Female Kessell Herbert Gordon Male Claremont
1934/100932 Perth Thornett Job Stanley Male Leaver Iris Gertrude Female Perth
1934/100932 Perth Leaver Iris Gertrude Female Thornett Job Stanley Male Perth
1934/100933 Perth Taylor Norman Harold Male Green Lorna May Female Perth
1934/100933 Perth Green Lorna May Female Taylor Norman Harold Male Perth
1934/100934 Perth Robinson Thomas Eldred Male Risdon Vera May Female Perth
1934/100934 Perth Risdon Vera May Female Robinson Thomas Eldred Male Perth
1934/100935 Perth Vickers Phyllis Maud Female Sutton Percy Male Perth
1934/100935 Perth Sutton Percy Male Vickers Phyllis Maud Female Perth
1934/100936 Perth Davies Gladys Elizabeth Female Banfield Eric George Male Mt Lawley
1934/100936 Perth Banfield Eric George Male Davies Gladys Elizabeth Female Mt Lawley
1934/100937 Perth Hutcheson Muir Osterly Male Thomson Dorothy Ellen Alison Female Mt Lawley
1934/100937 Perth Thomson Dorothy Ellen Alison Female Hutcheson Muir Osterly Male Mt Lawley
1934/100938 Perth Etherington Thomas John Male Phillips Sarah Female Perth
1934/100938 Perth Phillips Sarah Female Etherington Thomas John Male Perth
1934/100939 Perth Durham Daphne Female Pascoe Roy Male Claremont
1934/100939 Perth Pascoe Roy Male Durham Daphne Female Claremont
1934/100940 Perth Kingston Jane Female Portwine Edwin George Male Perth
1934/100940 Perth Portwine Edwin George Male Kingston Jane Female Perth
1934/100941 Perth Walser Hans Male Weber Elizabeth Anna Female Perth
1934/100941 Perth Weber Elizabeth Anna Female Walser Hans Male Perth
1934/100942 Perth Lawrence Phillip Stanley Male Bock Ada Caroline Female Perth
1934/100942 Perth Bock Ada Caroline Female Lawrence Phillip Stanley Male Perth
1934/100943 Perth Commons Mary Louisa Galliford Female Dixon John Ransome Male Perth
1934/100943 Perth Dixon John Ransome Male Commons Mary Louisa Galliford Female Perth
1934/100944 Perth Beattie Jack Stanley Forrest Male Mackinnon Joyce Winifred Female Perth
1934/100944 Perth Mackinnon Joyce Winifred Female Beattie Jack Stanley Forrest Male Perth
1934/100945 Perth Vagg Frederick George Male McCreery Violet Rose Female Perth
1934/100945 Perth McCreery Violet Rose Female Vagg Frederick George Male Perth
1934/100946 Perth McAlinden Mac'Kate Female Hamilton Thomas Addison Male Perth
1934/100946 Perth Hamilton Thomas Addison Male McAlinden Mac'Kate Female Perth
1934/100947 Perth Perrie Dorothea Victoria Rita Female Milward Alfred Thomas Charles Male Perth
1934/100947 Perth Milward Alfred Thomas Charles Male Perrie Dorothea Victoria Rita Female Perth
1934/100948 Perth Brewer Maud Elsie Female Cameron Hugh Male Perth
1934/100948 Perth Cameron Hugh Male Brewer Maud Elsie Female Perth
1934/100949 Perth Cooper Lance Albert Male Sherwood Ivy Maud Female Perth
1934/100949 Perth Sherwood Ivy Maud Female Cooper Lance Albert Male Perth
1934/100950 Perth McCaughey William Joseph Male Dagnall Beryl Winifred Female Perth
1934/100950 Perth Dagnall Beryl Winifred Female McCaughey William Joseph Male Perth
1934/100951 Perth Reid James Male Gordon Bertha May Female Perth
1934/100951 Perth Gordon Bertha May Female Reid James Male Perth
1934/100952 Perth Meakins Albert Joseph Male Wedgewood Mavis Della Olive Female Perth
1934/100952 Perth Wedgewood Mavis Della Olive Female Meakins Albert Joseph Male Perth
1934/100953 Perth Delaporte Doris Alma Female Bridger John Male Perth
1934/100953 Perth Bridger John Male Delaporte Doris Alma Female Perth
1934/100954 Perth Elliss Frank William Male Goodall Ada Jane Female Perth
1934/100954 Perth Goodall Ada Jane Female Elliss Frank William Male Perth
1934/100955 Perth Blake Frances Female Goodall Henry William Male Highgate
1934/100955 Perth Goodall Henry William Male Blake Frances Female Highgate
1934/100956 Perth Sinclair Alexander Male Cole Evelyn Maud Female Cottesloe
1934/100956 Perth Cole Evelyn Maud Female Sinclair Alexander Male Cottesloe
1934/100957 Perth Beer Ivy Beatrice Female Gibellini Jack Male Victoria Park
1934/100957 Perth Gibellini Jack Male Beer Ivy Beatrice Female Victoria Park
1934/100958 Perth Miller John Graham Geddes Male Morgan Roma Marjorie Female Cottesloe
1934/100958 Perth Morgan Roma Marjorie Female Miller John Graham Geddes Male Cottesloe
1934/100959 Perth Dale Frederick George Male Black Edith Isabella Female Perth
1934/100959 Perth Black Edith Isabella Female Dale Frederick George Male Perth
1934/100960 Perth Clegg Walter Ernest Male Sykes Edith Eliza Female Perth
1934/100960 Perth Sykes Edith Eliza Female Clegg Walter Ernest Male Perth
1934/100961 Perth Budge Irene Agnes Female West Albert Walter Male Perth
1934/100961 Perth West Albert Walter Male Budge Irene Agnes Female Perth
1934/100962 Perth Gibson William Albert Male Burt Mary Kean Young Female Perth
1934/100962 Perth Burt Mary Kean Young Female Gibson William Albert Male Perth
1934/100963 Perth Goodwin George William Male Alexander Margaret Seaton Brown Female Perth
1934/100963 Perth Alexander Margaret Seaton Brown Female Goodwin George William Male Perth
1934/100964 Perth Le Guier Melville Harcourt Male Spargo Evelyn Hope Female Perth
1934/100964 Perth Spargo Evelyn Hope Female Le Guier Melville Harcourt Male Perth
1934/100965 Perth Barnes Horace Bennett Male Winton Elizabeth Eileen Female Victoria Park
1934/100965 Perth Winton Elizabeth Eileen Female Barnes Horace Bennett Male Victoria Park
1934/100966 Perth Bordas Frank Male Cook Ivy Ruby Eileen Female West Perth
1934/100966 Perth Cook Ivy Ruby Eileen Female Bordas Frank Male West Perth
1934/100967 Perth Alexander Alfred Ernest Male Burnett Ellen Rose Female North Perth
1934/100967 Perth Burnett Ellen Rose Female Alexander Alfred Ernest Male North Perth
1934/100968 Perth Robins Alma Myrtle Female Atkinson Eric Alexander Robert Male Leederville
1934/100968 Perth Atkinson Eric Alexander Robert Male Robins Alma Myrtle Female Leederville
1934/100969 Perth Woodthorpe Sybil Noreen Evelyn Female Hair Robert Alexander Male Victoria Park
1934/100969 Perth Hair Robert Alexander Male Woodthorpe Sybil Noreen Evelyn Female Victoria Park
1934/100970 Perth Quantock Vera Gladys Female Walsh James Patrick Peter Male Maylands
1934/100970 Perth Walsh James Patrick Peter Male Quantock Vera Gladys Female Maylands
1934/100971 Perth Retchford Isobel Doris Female Pink William Lawrence Male Maylands
1934/100971 Perth Pink William Lawrence Male Retchford Isobel Doris Female Maylands
1934/100972 Perth Southorn Gladys Maud Female Lindsay Robert Scott Male Perth
1934/100972 Perth Lindsay Robert Scott Male Southorn Gladys Maud Female Perth
1934/100973 Perth Gerry Ireene Female Duffield Royston Joseph Male Perth
1934/100973 Perth Duffield Royston Joseph Male Gerry Ireene Female Perth
1934/100974 Perth Leach Kathleen Beatrice Female Lewis James Male Perth
1934/100974 Perth Lewis James Male Leach Kathleen Beatrice Female Perth
1934/100975 Perth Stones Edward Charles Hudson Male Bray Grace McLaughlan Female Perth
1934/100975 Perth Bray Grace McLaughlan Female Stones Edward Charles Hudson Male Perth
1934/100976 Perth Oldfield George Male Farringdon Ella Frances Female Perth
1934/100976 Perth Farringdon Ella Frances Female Oldfield George Male Perth
1934/100977 Perth Turner Reta Phyllis Female Lukies Allan Roy Male Perth
1934/100977 Perth Lukies Allan Roy Male Turner Reta Phyllis Female Perth
1934/100978 Perth Ireland Roma Grace Female Read Russell John Male Perth
1934/100978 Perth Read Russell John Male Ireland Roma Grace Female Perth
1934/100979 Perth Moore John Male Drake-Brockman Eileen Nina Margaret Female Perth
1934/100979 Perth Drake-Brockman Eileen Nina Margaret Female Moore John Male Perth
1934/100980 Perth Ferries Annie Female Gray William Male Perth
1934/100980 Perth Gray William Male Ferries Annie Female Perth
1934/100981 Perth Fay Lily Thelma Female Main Robert Brunell Male Perth
1934/100981 Perth Main Robert Brunell Male Fay Lily Thelma Female Perth
1934/100982 Perth Leach Agnes Rotha Female Meadowcroft Clarence Arnold Male Perth
1934/100982 Perth Meadowcroft Clarence Arnold Male Leach Agnes Rotha Female Perth
1934/100983 Perth Williams Charles Besley Male Jago Mignon Hornibrook Female Perth
1934/100983 Perth Jago Mignon Hornibrook Female Williams Charles Besley Male Perth
1934/100984 Perth Taylor Frederick Lionel Male Wimbridge Olive Ermine Female Perth
1934/100984 Perth Wimbridge Olive Ermine Female Taylor Frederick Lionel Male Perth
1934/100985 Perth McCracken Andra Tom Male Drage Ada Ivy Female Perth
1934/100985 Perth Drage Ada Ivy Female McCracken Andra Tom Male Perth
1934/100986 Perth Symmons Wilfrid Cecil Male Newham Madge Myrtle Victoria May Female Maylands
1934/100986 Perth Newham Madge Myrtle Victoria May Female Symmons Wilfrid Cecil Male Maylands
1934/100987 Perth Sims Thelma Marie Female Wheeler Thomas Francis Male Perth
1934/100987 Perth Wheeler Thomas Francis Male Sims Thelma Marie Female Perth
1934/100988 Perth Randell Edwin James Flood Male Randell Ella May Female Perth
1934/100988 Perth Randell Ella May Female Randell Edwin James Flood Male Perth
1934/100989 Perth Howie Ellen Female Jennings William Male Leederville
1934/100989 Perth Jennings William Male Howie Ellen Female Leederville
1934/100990 Perth O'Connor Kathleen Ethel Female Hunter Robert Alexander John Male Leederville
1934/100990 Perth Hunter Robert Alexander John Male O'Connor Kathleen Ethel Female Leederville
1934/100991 Perth Sharp Isadore Male Gilbert Veronica Isabel Female Perth
1934/100991 Perth Gilbert Veronica Isabel Female Sharp Isadore Male Perth
1934/100992 Perth Meloy Margaret Matilda Female Rawlings Henry James Male Perth
1934/100992 Perth Rawlings Henry James Male Meloy Margaret Matilda Female Perth
1934/100993 Perth McCreery William Arthur Male Fomiatti Lucia Rose Female Leederville
1934/100993 Perth Fomiatti Lucia Rose Female McCreery William Arthur Male Leederville
1934/100994 Perth Mulcahy Catherine Female Mewburn Robert Wilkinson Male Leederville
1934/100994 Perth Mewburn Robert Wilkinson Male Mulcahy Catherine Female Leederville
1934/100995 Perth Bodlovich Nicholas Male Carmelich Catherine Female Leederville
1934/100995 Perth Carmelich Catherine Female Bodlovich Nicholas Male Leederville
1934/100996 Perth Mayall Myrtle Beatrice Female O'Meara James Michael Male Leederville
1934/100996 Perth O'Meara James Michael Male Mayall Myrtle Beatrice Female Leederville
1934/100997 Perth Event John Edward Male McCartney Eileen Mary Female West Perth
1934/100997 Perth McCartney Eileen Mary Female Event John Edward Male West Perth
1934/100998 Perth Martin Dorothy Joyce Female Walsh John Patrick Male West Perth
1934/100998 Perth Walsh John Patrick Male Martin Dorothy Joyce Female West Perth
1934/100999 Perth Boase Jean Ada Female Matthews Alexander William Male Maylands
1934/100999 Perth Matthews Alexander William Male Boase Jean Ada Female Maylands
1934/101000 Perth Beckwith Cynthia Violet Female Godwin Edward Harold Male North Perth
1934/101000 Perth Godwin Edward Harold Male Beckwith Cynthia Violet Female North Perth
1934/101001 Perth Johnson Lawrence Frederick Male Newling Cathrine Female Leederville
1934/101001 Perth Newling Cathrine Female Johnson Lawrence Frederick Male Leederville
1934/101002 Perth Lethbridge Molly Doreen Female Posselt Ronald Joseph Male West Perth
1934/101002 Perth Posselt Ronald Joseph Male Lethbridge Molly Doreen Female West Perth
1934/101003 Perth Toomey William Laurence Male Devlin Ella Grace Isobel Female Subiaco
1934/101003 Perth Devlin Ella Grace Isobel Female Toomey William Laurence Male Subiaco
1934/101005 Perth Batty Ruby Violet Female McDonald Richard Ian Male Victoria Park
1934/101005 Perth McDonald Richard Ian Male Batty Ruby Violet Female Victoria Park
1934/101006 Perth Browning Dorothy May Female Cabassi John Ivan Male Victoria Park
1934/101006 Perth Cabassi John Ivan Male Browning Dorothy May Female Victoria Park
1934/101007 Perth Baker Dudley Male Demasson Kathleen May Female Victoria Park
1934/101007 Perth Demasson Kathleen May Female Baker Dudley Male Victoria Park
1934/101008 Perth Hunter Harriet Constance Female Sinclair Charles Norman Male Victoria Park
1934/101008 Perth Sinclair Charles Norman Male Hunter Harriet Constance Female Victoria Park
1934/101009 Perth Chapple George Hubert Male Beckett Alice Annie Female Victoria Park
1934/101009 Perth Beckett Alice Annie Female Chapple George Hubert Male Victoria Park
1934/101010 Perth Leopold William Edward Male Loaring Inez Mary Female Victoria Park
1934/101010 Perth Loaring Inez Mary Female Leopold William Edward Male Victoria Park
1934/101011 Perth Stevens Ernest Henry Alexandra Male Miller Vera Female Victoria Park
1934/101011 Perth Miller Vera Female Stevens Ernest Henry Alexandra Male Victoria Park
1934/101012 Perth Warn Frederick William Alfred Male Carlisle Elizabeth Jean Female Victoria Park
1934/101012 Perth Carlisle Elizabeth Jean Female Warn Frederick William Alfred Male Victoria Park
1934/101013 Perth Meagher John Male Burge Hetty Theresa Female Perth
1934/101013 Perth Burge Hetty Theresa Female Meagher John Male Perth
1934/101014 Perth Sutherland John Malcolm Male King Ruby Violet Female Perth
1934/101014 Perth King Ruby Violet Female Sutherland John Malcolm Male Perth
1934/101015 Perth Crawford William Murray Male Malcolm Margaret Aitken Female Maylands
1934/101015 Perth Malcolm Margaret Aitken Female Crawford William Murray Male Maylands
1934/101016 Perth Black Harold Duncan Male Forbes Eva Wilma May Female Perth
1934/101016 Perth Forbes Eva Wilma May Female Black Harold Duncan Male Perth
1934/101017 Perth McKernan William Charles Male Cream Dorothy Lucy Female West Perth
1934/101017 Perth Cream Dorothy Lucy Female McKernan William Charles Male West Perth
1934/101018 Perth Allan Francis Antony Selby Male Kickbusch Louise Ethel Female Perth
1934/101018 Perth Kickbusch Louise Ethel Female Allan Francis Antony Selby Male Perth
1934/101019 Perth Myers Frank George Male Woods Beatrice May Female Maylands
1934/101019 Perth Woods Beatrice May Female Myers Frank George Male Maylands
1934/101020 Perth Galatis Eleni Female Ventouras Demitrios Male Perth
1934/101020 Perth Ventouras Demitrios Male Galatis Eleni Female Perth
1934/101021 Perth Besier Margaret Ann Female Mitting Frederick George Male Victoria Park
1934/101021 Perth Mitting Frederick George Male Besier Margaret Ann Female Victoria Park
1934/101022 Perth Longbottom Martina Ellen Female Branigan Robin Henry Male Victoria Park
1934/101022 Perth Branigan Robin Henry Male Longbottom Martina Ellen Female Victoria Park
1934/101023 Perth Morgan John Patrick Male Redfearne Violet Ethel Female Victoria Park
1934/101023 Perth Redfearne Violet Ethel Female Morgan John Patrick Male Victoria Park
1934/101024 Perth Ponton Laurence Robert Male Jordan Marguerite Marie Teresa Female Victoria Park
1934/101024 Perth Jordan Marguerite Marie Teresa Female Ponton Laurence Robert Male Victoria Park
1934/101025 Perth Davies Thomas George Male Holly Una Female West Leederville
1934/101025 Perth Holly Una Female Davies Thomas George Male West Leederville
1934/101026 Perth Prowse Freda Lilian Female Fewster John Carrick Male Mt Lawley
1934/101026 Perth Fewster John Carrick Male Prowse Freda Lilian Female Mt Lawley
1934/101027 Perth Bickford Sidney Male Howard Margaret Catherine Female Cottesloe
1934/101027 Perth Howard Margaret Catherine Female Bickford Sidney Male Cottesloe
1934/101028 Perth Bradshaw Roland John Male Smith Beatrice Amelia Female Perth
1934/101028 Perth Smith Beatrice Amelia Female Bradshaw Roland John Male Perth
1934/101029 Perth Solomon Frederick Ivan Male Leaver Gwendoline Mabel Female Perth
1934/101029 Perth Leaver Gwendoline Mabel Female Solomon Frederick Ivan Male Perth
1934/101030 Perth Bailey Leslie George Male Collins Ena Female Perth
1934/101030 Perth Collins Ena Female Bailey Leslie George Male Perth
1934/101031 Perth Bruce Neil Fenwick Male Hill Ethel Helena Gwendoline Female West Perth
1934/101031 Perth Hill Ethel Helena Gwendoline Female Bruce Neil Fenwick Male West Perth
1934/101032 Perth Jones Harry Mottram Male Orr Dorothy Isabel Duncan Female West Perth
1934/101032 Perth Orr Dorothy Isabel Duncan Female Jones Harry Mottram Male West Perth
1934/101033 Perth Saysell Winifred Wheatley Female Thomson Robert Male West Perth
1934/101033 Perth Thomson Robert Male Saysell Winifred Wheatley Female West Perth
1934/101034 Perth Wardlow Wilfred Male Weaver Johanna Ellen Female Perth
1934/101034 Perth Weaver Johanna Ellen Female Wardlow Wilfred Male Perth
1934/101035 Perth Wightman Alice Rebecca Female Wright John Male Perth
1934/101035 Perth Wright John Male Wightman Alice Rebecca Female Perth
1934/101036 Perth Brew Clifford Robert Male Guy Clarice Female Bayswater
1934/101036 Perth Guy Clarice Female Brew Clifford Robert Male Bayswater
1934/101037 Perth O'Donoghue Margaret Mary Alacoque Female Nolan John Montligeon Male Perth
1934/101037 Perth Nolan John Montligeon Male O'Donoghue Margaret Mary Alacoque Female Perth
1934/101038 Perth Bunting Albert Arthur Male Tulloch Margaret Jean Female Perth
1934/101038 Perth Tulloch Margaret Jean Female Bunting Albert Arthur Male Perth
1934/101039 Perth Bath Dorothy Elizabeth Ethel Female Saligari Anthony Joseph Male Perth
1934/101039 Perth Saligari Anthony Joseph Male Bath Dorothy Elizabeth Ethel Female Perth
1934/101040 Perth Dillon Francis Arthur Male Adamson Doris Gwendoline Female Perth
1934/101040 Perth Adamson Doris Gwendoline Female Dillon Francis Arthur Male Perth
1934/101041 Perth Carr John Bergin Male Dudley Byrell Margaret Female Perth
1934/101041 Perth Dudley Byrell Margaret Female Carr John Bergin Male Perth
1934/101042 Perth Salter Annie Female Stansfield William Clarence Male Perth
1934/101042 Perth Stansfield William Clarence Male Salter Annie Female Perth
1934/101043 Perth Ashley Hilda Winifred Female Ducat Jack Lewis Warne Male Rosalie
1934/101043 Perth Ducat Jack Lewis Warne Male Ashley Hilda Winifred Female Rosalie
1934/101044 Perth Venus Ethel Jane Female Gray Lawson Male Perth
1934/101044 Perth Gray Lawson Male Venus Ethel Jane Female Perth
1934/101045 Perth Bennett Margery Blanche Female Mabbs Geoffrey Allen Male West Subiaco
1934/101045 Perth Mabbs Geoffrey Allen Male Bennett Margery Blanche Female West Subiaco
1934/101046 Perth Stanford Edith Sarah Female Tippet Leonard Baden Male Perth
1934/101046 Perth Tippet Leonard Baden Male Stanford Edith Sarah Female Perth
1934/101047 Perth Henderson Margaret Louise Female Mitchell Vivian James Male Perth
1934/101047 Perth Mitchell Vivian James Male Henderson Margaret Louise Female Perth
1934/101048 Perth Honey Robert Henry Male Choyce Margaret Eleanor May Female Maylands
1934/101048 Perth Choyce Margaret Eleanor May Female Honey Robert Henry Male Maylands
1934/101049 Perth Irvine Gladys May Female Coultas Norman Isaac Russell Male Perth
1934/101049 Perth Coultas Norman Isaac Russell Male Irvine Gladys May Female Perth
1934/101050 Perth Powell Eric William Male Watts Rose Female West Perth
1934/101050 Perth Watts Rose Female Powell Eric William Male West Perth
1934/101051 Perth Newman Mary Female Hepburn Alexander Male West Perth
1934/101051 Perth Hepburn Alexander Male Newman Mary Female West Perth
1934/101052 Perth Gibbs Vernon John Male Ward Stella Mary Female West Perth
1934/101052 Perth Ward Stella Mary Female Gibbs Vernon John Male West Perth
1934/101053 Perth Jacques Lydia May Female Comb Thomas Male West Perth
1934/101053 Perth Comb Thomas Male Jacques Lydia May Female West Perth
1934/101054 Perth Neil Harold Hill Male Buckingham Florence Rita Female West Perth
1934/101054 Perth Buckingham Florence Rita Female Neil Harold Hill Male West Perth
1934/101055 Perth Edmeades Joyce Wheatley Female Couper Guy Telfer Male Mount Lawley
1934/101055 Perth Couper Guy Telfer Male Edmeades Joyce Wheatley Female Mount Lawley
1934/101056 Perth Harvey Sydney Male Mark Elizabeth Female Perth
1934/101056 Perth Mark Elizabeth Female Harvey Sydney Male Perth
1934/101057 Perth McPhee Peter Joseph Male Barlow Winifred Alice Female West Perth
1934/101057 Perth Barlow Winifred Alice Female McPhee Peter Joseph Male West Perth
1934/101058 Perth Cannon Elizabeth Female O'Hara Aeneas Male West Perth
1934/101058 Perth O'Hara Aeneas Male Cannon Elizabeth Female West Perth
1934/101059 Perth Evans Elvie Maud Female Scragg Edward Male Perth
1934/101059 Perth Scragg Edward Male Evans Elvie Maud Female Perth
1934/101060 Perth Gregor John Douglas Male Hall Frances Elvina Female Maylands
1934/101060 Perth Hall Frances Elvina Female Gregor John Douglas Male Maylands
1934/101061 Perth Jarvis John William Jarrett Male Nicholas Edna May Female Victoria Park
1934/101061 Perth Nicholas Edna May Female Jarvis John William Jarrett Male Victoria Park
1934/101062 Perth Winzer Adelaide Mary Du Rieu Female Lewis Jack Male Victoria Park
1934/101062 Perth Lewis Jack Male Winzer Adelaide Mary Du Rieu Female Victoria Park
1934/101063 Perth Dobson John Herbert Male Walsh Madge Female South Perth
1934/101063 Perth Walsh Madge Female Dobson John Herbert Male South Perth
1934/101064 Perth Gledhill Norman Eric Male Kinane Elinor Carmel Female South Perth
1934/101064 Perth Kinane Elinor Carmel Female Gledhill Norman Eric Male South Perth
1934/101065 Perth Matthews Ethel Winifred Female Anderson William Male Perth
1934/101065 Perth Anderson William Male Matthews Ethel Winifred Female Perth
1934/101066 Perth Hunter Violet Female Devenish Herbert Edward Male South Perth
1934/101066 Perth Devenish Herbert Edward Male Hunter Violet Female South Perth
1934/101067 Perth Glen Theodora Mary Female Mitchell Charles Walter Male South Perth
1934/101067 Perth Mitchell Charles Walter Male Glen Theodora Mary Female South Perth
1934/101068 Perth Barrett Bernard Maurice Male Edwards Dorothy Marcella Female South Perth
1934/101068 Perth Edwards Dorothy Marcella Female Barrett Bernard Maurice Male South Perth
1934/101069 Perth Melbourne Edward Harry Lewis Male Munns Gwendoline Violet Female Nedlands
1934/101069 Perth Munns Gwendoline Violet Female Melbourne Edward Harry Lewis Male Nedlands
1934/101070 Perth Roscoe Jessie Female Dryden Russell Alexander Male Perth
1934/101070 Perth Dryden Russell Alexander Male Roscoe Jessie Female Perth
1934/101071 Perth Heaney Marjorie Constance Female Moore Robert Joseph Male Perth
1934/101071 Perth Moore Robert Joseph Male Heaney Marjorie Constance Female Perth
1934/101072 Perth Jeffrey Gerard Francis Patrick Male Moriarty Elizabeth Alice Female Perth
1934/101072 Perth Moriarty Elizabeth Alice Female Jeffrey Gerard Francis Patrick Male Perth
1934/101073 Perth Curlewis Elizabeth Jessie Female Tunchon James Patrick Male West Perth
1934/101073 Perth Tunchon James Patrick Male Curlewis Elizabeth Jessie Female West Perth
1934/101074 Perth Gibbons Ernest Altham Male Mitchell Florence May Female Perth
1934/101074 Perth Mitchell Florence May Female Gibbons Ernest Altham Male Perth
1934/101075 Perth Braysher John Norman Hugh Male Coleman Gwendolin Female Perth
1934/101075 Perth Coleman Gwendolin Female Braysher John Norman Hugh Male Perth
1934/101076 Perth Aitken Jeanie Frances Lillian Female Fry Frank Ernest Male Perth
1934/101076 Perth Fry Frank Ernest Male Aitken Jeanie Frances Lillian Female Perth
1934/101077 Perth Leggett Stanley Wilson Male Hare Eileen Margaret Female Maylands
1934/101077 Perth Hare Eileen Margaret Female Leggett Stanley Wilson Male Maylands
1934/101078 Perth Thomas Wifred Edward Male Waters Marjorie Ruth Female Bayswater
1934/101078 Perth Waters Marjorie Ruth Female Thomas Wifred Edward Male Bayswater
1934/101079 Perth Turner Nora Female Cox William George Male Perth
1934/101079 Perth Cox William George Male Turner Nora Female Perth
1934/101080 Perth Welsh Leonard Edward Roy Male Bennett Jean Female Bayswater
1934/101080 Perth Bennett Jean Female Welsh Leonard Edward Roy Male Bayswater
1934/101081 Perth Sloan William James Male Palmer Olive Henrietta Female Perth
1934/101081 Perth Palmer Olive Henrietta Female Sloan William James Male Perth
1934/101082 Perth Seaton Ann Dallow Female Mears Albert Edwin Male Claremont
1934/101082 Perth Mears Albert Edwin Male Seaton Ann Dallow Female Claremont
1934/101083 Perth Uglow Horace Stanley Male Dennis Lilian Gertrude Female Claremont
1934/101083 Perth Dennis Lilian Gertrude Female Uglow Horace Stanley Male Claremont
1934/101084 Perth Auguste George Athanase Male Lemonis Christina Female Perth
1934/101084 Perth Lemonis Christina Female Auguste George Athanase Male Perth
1934/101085 Perth Middlebrook Jessica Female Sharp Noel Harry Male Victoria Park
1934/101085 Perth Sharp Noel Harry Male Middlebrook Jessica Female Victoria Park
1934/101086 Perth Kippin Henry Morton Male Thomas Irene Mary Female Subiaco
1934/101086 Perth Thomas Irene Mary Female Kippin Henry Morton Male Subiaco
1934/101087 Perth Cato Valda Female Halse Maurice James Male Maylands
1934/101087 Perth Halse Maurice James Male Cato Valda Female Maylands
1934/101088 Perth Hindmarsh Beryl Female Skelton George Thomas Male Perth
1934/101088 Perth Skelton George Thomas Male Hindmarsh Beryl Female Perth
1934/101089 Perth Hocking Hazel Female Raymond Mark Sidney Frank Male Perth
1934/101089 Perth Raymond Mark Sidney Frank Male Hocking Hazel Female Perth
1934/101090 Perth Haines George Harold Male Longley Emily Norah Elizabeth Female Highgate
1934/101090 Perth Longley Emily Norah Elizabeth Female Haines George Harold Male Highgate
1934/101091 Perth Siford Alfred Thomas Henry Male Bettesworth May Victoria Female Perth
1934/101091 Perth Bettesworth May Victoria Female Siford Alfred Thomas Henry Male Perth
1934/101092 Perth Ayling Marjory Alice Female Bowman Sidney Frank Male Perth
1934/101092 Perth Bowman Sidney Frank Male Ayling Marjory Alice Female Perth
1934/101093 Perth Spicer Geoffrey Maurice Male Rawlings Frances Irene Female Perth
1934/101093 Perth Rawlings Frances Irene Female Spicer Geoffrey Maurice Male Perth
1934/101094 Perth Black Robert Charles Wayland Male Armstrong Jessie Forbes Female Perth
1934/101094 Perth Armstrong Jessie Forbes Female Black Robert Charles Wayland Male Perth
1934/101095 Perth Hersey John Alexander Male Creasey Elsie Female Cottesloe
1934/101095 Perth Creasey Elsie Female Hersey John Alexander Male Cottesloe
1934/101096 Perth Wakefield Esmaralda May Female Lilley William Arthur Male West Leederville
1934/101096 Perth Lilley William Arthur Male Wakefield Esmaralda May Female West Leederville
1934/101097 Perth Campbell John James Male Scott Alma Florence Female Perth
1934/101097 Perth Scott Alma Florence Female Campbell John James Male Perth
1934/101098 Perth Williams Rita Leonora Mercia Female Holmes Wilfred Martin Male Perth
1934/101098 Perth Holmes Wilfred Martin Male Williams Rita Leonora Mercia Female Perth
1934/101099 Perth Rick Kathleen Allwood Female Letch Geoffrey William Male Perth
1934/101099 Perth Letch Geoffrey William Male Rick Kathleen Allwood Female Perth
1934/101100 Perth Wild Alick Stuart Gardiner Male Blackwell Phyllis Dorothy Female Perth
1934/101100 Perth Blackwell Phyllis Dorothy Female Wild Alick Stuart Gardiner Male Perth
1934/101101 Perth Hughes Sara Helen George Female Thorpe John James Male Perth
1934/101101 Perth Thorpe John James Male Hughes Sara Helen George Female Perth
1934/101102 Perth Lamb George Howard Male Roberts Nellie Female Perth
1934/101102 Perth Roberts Nellie Female Lamb George Howard Male Perth
1934/101103 Perth Bayliff Stella May Female Parker George Henry Male Perth
1934/101103 Perth Parker George Henry Male Bayliff Stella May Female Perth
1934/101104 Perth Ecclestone Lillian May Female Hesse Ernest Anton Male Perth
1934/101104 Perth Hesse Ernest Anton Male Ecclestone Lillian May Female Perth
1934/101105 Perth Williams David Male Walker Helen Lee Female North Perth
1934/101105 Perth Walker Helen Lee Female Williams David Male North Perth
1934/101106 Perth Bolin Jean Barbara Female Rodgers Thomas Male North Perth
1934/101106 Perth Rodgers Thomas Male Bolin Jean Barbara Female North Perth
1934/101107 Perth Allen Albert James Male Somerset Alice Margaret Female North Perth
1934/101107 Perth Somerset Alice Margaret Female Allen Albert James Male North Perth
1934/101108 Perth Burt George Crickmay Male Jones Muriel Nellie Female Perth
1934/101108 Perth Jones Muriel Nellie Female Burt George Crickmay Male Perth
1934/101109 Perth Armstrong Ruby Jean Female Groom John Male Victoria Park
1934/101109 Perth Groom John Male Armstrong Ruby Jean Female Victoria Park
1934/101110 Perth Galliott Edith May Female Kyrwood Frederick Oliver Male Perth
1934/101110 Perth Kyrwood Frederick Oliver Male Galliott Edith May Female Perth
1934/101111 Perth Jacobson Walter Frederick Male Chisolm Ethel Sarah Female Perth
1934/101111 Perth Chisolm Ethel Sarah Female Jacobson Walter Frederick Male Perth
1934/101112 Perth Oldfield Jessie Margaret Female Bassett Alan Keith Male Perth
1934/101112 Perth Bassett Alan Keith Male Oldfield Jessie Margaret Female Perth
1934/101113 Perth Allday Florence Grace Female Epps George Leslie Male Perth
1934/101113 Perth Epps George Leslie Male Allday Florence Grace Female Perth
1934/101114 Perth Spruce Aubrey Charles Male Duckham Jessie Jane Female Perth
1934/101114 Perth Duckham Jessie Jane Female Spruce Aubrey Charles Male Perth
1934/101115 Perth Rouse Mabel Florence Lucy Female Lewis Henry Male Perth
1934/101115 Perth Lewis Henry Male Rouse Mabel Florence Lucy Female Perth
1934/101116 Perth Hornby Francis James Male Clarke Alice Lilian Female Cottesloe
1934/101116 Perth Clarke Alice Lilian Female Hornby Francis James Male Cottesloe
1934/101117 Perth Utting Elna May Female Green Frank Harold Pearce Male West Perth
1934/101117 Perth Green Frank Harold Pearce Male Utting Elna May Female West Perth
1934/101118 Perth Highman Lora May Female Jacoby Harry Daniel Male West Perth
1934/101118 Perth Jacoby Harry Daniel Male Highman Lora May Female West Perth
1934/101119 Perth Johnson Gustav Victor Male Long Lucy Hazel Female West Perth
1934/101119 Perth Long Lucy Hazel Female Johnson Gustav Victor Male West Perth
1934/101120 Perth Neillings Winifred Agnes Female Heiduk Josef Male West Perth
1934/101120 Perth Heiduk Josef Male Neillings Winifred Agnes Female West Perth
1934/101121 Perth Reeves Gerald Thomas Male Ballantine Rubie May Female West Perth
1934/101121 Perth Ballantine Rubie May Female Reeves Gerald Thomas Male West Perth
1934/101122 Perth James Harold Norman Male Kirkwood Elizabeth Margaret Female West Perth
1934/101122 Perth Kirkwood Elizabeth Margaret Female James Harold Norman Male West Perth
1934/101123 Perth Munro John Currie Male Thowless Ivy Emily Female Perth
1934/101123 Perth Thowless Ivy Emily Female Munro John Currie Male Perth
1934/101124 Perth Spigl Dora Female Green Gerald Male Perth
1934/101124 Perth Green Gerald Male Spigl Dora Female Perth
1934/101125 Perth Walton Maude Female Gibbs Frederick George Male Rosalie
1934/101125 Perth Gibbs Frederick George Male Walton Maude Female Rosalie
1934/101126 Perth Waugh Edna Florence Female Nunn Wilfrid John Male Perth
1934/101126 Perth Nunn Wilfrid John Male Waugh Edna Florence Female Perth
1934/101127 Perth Lindsay John Edwin Male Skewes Linda Mary Female Claremont
1934/101127 Perth Skewes Linda Mary Female Lindsay John Edwin Male Claremont
1934/101128 Perth Carter Frederick Male Mackey Mary Josephine Female Victoria Park
1934/101128 Perth Mackey Mary Josephine Female Carter Frederick Male Victoria Park
1934/101129 Perth Mitchell Edna May Female Norlin Andrew Daniel Male Victoria Park
1934/101129 Perth Norlin Andrew Daniel Male Mitchell Edna May Female Victoria Park
1934/101130 Perth Kilmartin Muriel Josephine Female Hardingham Clement Stephen Male Maylands
1934/101130 Perth Hardingham Clement Stephen Male Kilmartin Muriel Josephine Female Maylands
1934/101131 Perth Falkingham Alfred Ernest Male Tyrer Mary Jane Female Subiaco
1934/101131 Perth Tyrer Mary Jane Female Falkingham Alfred Ernest Male Subiaco
1934/101132 Perth Currie John Male Constantine Olive Female Perth
1934/101132 Perth Constantine Olive Female Currie John Male Perth
1934/101133 Perth Cameron William Alexander Male Langdon Elsie Maude Female Perth
1934/101133 Perth Langdon Elsie Maude Female Cameron William Alexander Male Perth
1934/101134 Perth Wozencroft Alfred John Male McAlpine Doreen Lucy Female Cottesloe
1934/101134 Perth McAlpine Doreen Lucy Female Wozencroft Alfred John Male Cottesloe
1934/101135 Perth Norman Charles Reginald Male Pearce Edith Female Cottesloe
1934/101135 Perth Pearce Edith Female Norman Charles Reginald Male Cottesloe
1934/101136 Perth Moir Alfred Male Woodland Clara Annie Female Cottesloe
1934/101136 Perth Woodland Clara Annie Female Moir Alfred Male Cottesloe
1934/101137 Perth Holland Edda May Female Clayden William John Male Cottesloe
1934/101137 Perth Clayden William John Male Holland Edda May Female Cottesloe
1934/101138 Perth Brown Norrie Elsie Mable Female Robinson Herbert Henry Wyer Male Perth
1934/101138 Perth Robinson Herbert Henry Wyer Male Brown Norrie Elsie Mable Female Perth
1934/101139 Perth Myers Hyam David Male Chami Ellen Cecilia Female Perth
1934/101139 Perth Chami Ellen Cecilia Female Myers Hyam David Male Perth
1934/101140 Perth Boulter Robert Male Ward Iris May Female West Subiaco
1934/101140 Perth Ward Iris May Female Boulter Robert Male West Subiaco
1934/101141 Perth Nettle Thelma May Seymour Female Bickford Theodore Nicholas Male Perth
1934/101141 Perth Bickford Theodore Nicholas Male Nettle Thelma May Seymour Female Perth
1934/101142 Perth Brewer Gladys Joyce Female Cole Joseph Leopold Raymond Male Claremont
1934/101142 Perth Cole Joseph Leopold Raymond Male Brewer Gladys Joyce Female Claremont
1934/101143 Perth Thomson George Male Norman Lucy Radie Female Claremont
1934/101143 Perth Norman Lucy Radie Female Thomson George Male Claremont
1934/101144 Perth Weir Kathleen Dulcie Female Golder Alfred Edward Male Claremont
1934/101144 Perth Golder Alfred Edward Male Weir Kathleen Dulcie Female Claremont
1934/101145 Perth Ferrier Jean McGill Female Elder Adrian Francis Male Mt Lawley
1934/101145 Perth Elder Adrian Francis Male Ferrier Jean McGill Female Mt Lawley
1934/101146 Perth Parsons Doris Evelyn Female Jackson Arthur Dudley Male Perth
1934/101146 Perth Jackson Arthur Dudley Male Parsons Doris Evelyn Female Perth
1934/101147 Perth Letch Thomas Alfred Edward Male de Castilla Catriona Female Claremont
1934/101147 Perth de Castilla Catriona Female Letch Thomas Alfred Edward Male Claremont
1934/101148 Perth Rodgers Cecil James Male Smith Nellie Veronica Female Claremont
1934/101148 Perth Smith Nellie Veronica Female Rodgers Cecil James Male Claremont
1934/101149 Perth Simpson Lillian Alice Female Day Reginald Roderick Male Perth
1934/101149 Perth Day Reginald Roderick Male Simpson Lillian Alice Female Perth
1934/101150 Perth Lester Mavis Alice Carlotta Female Miller Andrew John Male Perth
1934/101150 Perth Miller Andrew John Male Lester Mavis Alice Carlotta Female Perth
1934/101151 Perth Donegan Ernest Wilfred Male Mill Muriel Female Perth
1934/101151 Perth Mill Muriel Female Donegan Ernest Wilfred Male Perth
1934/101152 Perth Morey Norman Angus Male Brewer Gwendoline Maude Female Bayswater
1934/101152 Perth Brewer Gwendoline Maude Female Morey Norman Angus Male Bayswater
1934/101153 Perth Fleming Ivy Elizabeth Mary Female Levett Charles Harry Male West Perth
1934/101153 Perth Levett Charles Harry Male Fleming Ivy Elizabeth Mary Female West Perth
1934/101154 Perth Baker John Arthur Alphonso Male Jowett Nelly Statton Female West Subiaco
1934/101154 Perth Jowett Nelly Statton Female Baker John Arthur Alphonso Male West Subiaco
1934/101155 Perth Pennington Joan Female Skitch Mason Robert Male West Subiaco
1934/101155 Perth Skitch Mason Robert Male Pennington Joan Female West Subiaco
1934/101156 Perth Rigg Josephine Archdale Female Stewart Athole Frederick Fergusson Male Cottesloe
1934/101156 Perth Stewart Athole Frederick Fergusson Male Rigg Josephine Archdale Female Cottesloe
1934/101157 Perth Reed Elizabeth Hazel Female Birch Norman Aubrey Male North Perth
1934/101157 Perth Birch Norman Aubrey Male Reed Elizabeth Hazel Female North Perth
1934/101158 Perth Pahl Dorothy Catherine Verna Female Johnson Raymond Kent Male North Perth
1934/101158 Perth Johnson Raymond Kent Male Pahl Dorothy Catherine Verna Female North Perth
1934/101159 Perth Follett Philip Male Maughan Nora Constance Female Perth
1934/101159 Perth Maughan Nora Constance Female Follett Philip Male Perth
1934/101160 Perth Leno Edith Lucy Annie Female Somerset George William Male Perth
1934/101160 Perth Somerset George William Male Leno Edith Lucy Annie Female Perth
1934/101161 Perth Taskar Mary Katherine Female Ware Oswald Male Perth
1934/101161 Perth Ware Oswald Male Taskar Mary Katherine Female Perth
1934/101162 Perth Vallve James Henry Male Joyce Rosalind Elizabeth Female Perth
1934/101162 Perth Joyce Rosalind Elizabeth Female Vallve James Henry Male Perth
1934/101163 Perth Eddy Noel William Male Neave Ethel Doreen Female Perth
1934/101163 Perth Neave Ethel Doreen Female Eddy Noel William Male Perth
1934/101164 Perth Phelps Robert Maynard Male Pearce Dorothy Josephine Female Mt Lawley
1934/101164 Perth Pearce Dorothy Josephine Female Phelps Robert Maynard Male Mt Lawley
1934/101165 Perth Sugars Eva Robina Female Moulder Jack William Keith Male Subiaco
1934/101165 Perth Moulder Jack William Keith Male Sugars Eva Robina Female Subiaco
1934/101166 Perth Smith Dorothy Gwen Female Evans Clifford Cleveland Crisp Male Subiaco
1934/101166 Perth Evans Clifford Cleveland Crisp Male Smith Dorothy Gwen Female Subiaco
1934/101167 Perth Drayton Frederick William Male Timewell Blanche Lillian Female Subiaco
1934/101167 Perth Timewell Blanche Lillian Female Drayton Frederick William Male Subiaco
1934/101168 Perth Truscott Muriel Jean Female Bancroft Harold Edward Male Subiaco
1934/101168 Perth Bancroft Harold Edward Male Truscott Muriel Jean Female Subiaco
1934/101169 Perth Fox Janet Female Christensen Cecil Frances Male Subiaco
1934/101169 Perth Christensen Cecil Frances Male Fox Janet Female Subiaco
1934/101170 Perth Allcock Robert Bertram Male Scrivener Caroline Female Subiaco
1934/101170 Perth Scrivener Caroline Female Allcock Robert Bertram Male Subiaco
1934/101171 Perth Thomas Roy Swalling Male Clarke Eleanor Jane Female Subiaco
1934/101171 Perth Clarke Eleanor Jane Female Thomas Roy Swalling Male Subiaco
1934/101172 Perth Willey Marjory Florence Female Jones Albert Gregson Male Subiaco
1934/101172 Perth Jones Albert Gregson Male Willey Marjory Florence Female Subiaco
1934/101173 Perth Kidson Norman James Male Thomas Florence Drummond Female Subiaco
1934/101173 Perth Thomas Florence Drummond Female Kidson Norman James Male Subiaco
1934/101174 Perth Giles Reginald Thomas Male Johns Martha Ellis Female Subiaco
1934/101174 Perth Johns Martha Ellis Female Giles Reginald Thomas Male Subiaco
1934/101175 Perth Bromley Ella Female Whittle Henry Thomas Male Subiaco
1934/101175 Perth Whittle Henry Thomas Male Bromley Ella Female Subiaco
1934/101176 Perth Plummer Edna Aileen Eunice Female Huntley Sidney George Male Perth
1934/101176 Perth Huntley Sidney George Male Plummer Edna Aileen Eunice Female Perth
1935/101177 Perth Shields Ronald John Male Eaton Eva Frances Female West Perth
1935/101177 Perth Eaton Eva Frances Female Shields Ronald John Male West Perth
1934/101178 Perth Von der Borch Wilma Gertrude Female Macey Edward Henry Male Perth
1934/101178 Perth Macey Edward Henry Male Von der Borch Wilma Gertrude Female Perth
1934/101179 Perth Mitchell Isabell Vera Female Palmer Heneage Charles Male Perth
1934/101179 Perth Palmer Heneage Charles Male Mitchell Isabell Vera Female Perth
1934/101180 Perth Delaney Norah Female Boyd James Male Perth
1934/101180 Perth Boyd James Male Delaney Norah Female Perth
1934/101181 Perth Bennett Marjorie Collier Female Honner Ralph Male Perth
1934/101181 Perth Honner Ralph Male Bennett Marjorie Collier Female Perth
1934/101182 Perth Cumming Frederick Montiere Male Gordon Annie Teresa Female Perth
1934/101182 Perth Gordon Annie Teresa Female Cumming Frederick Montiere Male Perth
1934/101183 Perth Keane Mary Philomena Female Wilkinson Arthur Male Perth
1934/101183 Perth Wilkinson Arthur Male Keane Mary Philomena Female Perth
1934/101184 Perth Collins William Edward Male McGrath Constance Ursula Female Perth
1934/101184 Perth McGrath Constance Ursula Female Collins William Edward Male Perth
1934/101185 Perth John Gwladys Audrey Female Hackett Wilfred Gregory Male Perth
1934/101185 Perth Hackett Wilfred Gregory Male John Gwladys Audrey Female Perth
1934/101186 Perth Ramsay Sylvia Female Davies William Gladstone Male Perth
1934/101186 Perth Davies William Gladstone Male Ramsay Sylvia Female Perth
1934/101187 Perth Bishop Herbert Ryan Male Smalpage Georgina Christabel Female Perth
1934/101187 Perth Smalpage Georgina Christabel Female Bishop Herbert Ryan Male Perth
1934/101188 Perth Cleverly William Gibson Male Brown Veronica May Female Perth
1934/101188 Perth Brown Veronica May Female Cleverly William Gibson Male Perth
1934/101189 Perth Gent Kathleen May Female Beale William James Male Bayswater
1934/101189 Perth Beale William James Male Gent Kathleen May Female Bayswater
1934/101190 Perth Bath Eileen Christina Female Archibald James Curtis Male North Perth
1934/101190 Perth Archibald James Curtis Male Bath Eileen Christina Female North Perth
1934/101191 Perth le Grange Jac Marius Male Bennetts Eva Joan Female Perth
1934/101191 Perth Bennetts Eva Joan Female le Grange Jac Marius Male Perth
1934/101192 Perth Sims Arthur Reginald Male Easton Mary Ethel Female Subiaco
1934/101192 Perth Easton Mary Ethel Female Sims Arthur Reginald Male Subiaco
1934/101193 Perth Daniels Donald Edward Male Marr Amy May Female Subiaco
1934/101193 Perth Marr Amy May Female Daniels Donald Edward Male Subiaco
1934/101194 Perth Hassell Henry Roy Male Webber Honora Jean Female Subiaco
1934/101194 Perth Webber Honora Jean Female Hassell Henry Roy Male Subiaco
1934/101195 Perth Alexander Lionel Lord Cyril Male Mews Valma May Female Como
1934/101195 Perth Mews Valma May Female Alexander Lionel Lord Cyril Male Como
1934/101196 Perth Douglas John George Male Ferguson May Female Perth
1934/101196 Perth Ferguson May Female Douglas John George Male Perth
1934/101197 Perth Laughton William Frederick Bailey Male Fraser Ruby Rebecca Female Inglewood
1934/101197 Perth Fraser Ruby Rebecca Female Laughton William Frederick Bailey Male Inglewood
1934/101198 Perth Johnson Albert Arthur Male Batterham Winifred Norah Female Perth
1934/101198 Perth Batterham Winifred Norah Female Johnson Albert Arthur Male Perth
1934/101199 Perth Walker Charles Henry Richard Male Jarvis Marjorie Female Perth
1934/101199 Perth Jarvis Marjorie Female Walker Charles Henry Richard Male Perth
1934/101200 Perth Sullivan Oriel Alice Nahala Female Jones Eric George Arnold Male Leederville
1934/101200 Perth Jones Eric George Arnold Male Sullivan Oriel Alice Nahala Female Leederville
1934/101201 Perth Cruys Cornelis Male Cruys Gertrud Female Perth
1934/101201 Perth Cruys Gertrud Female Cruys Cornelis Male Perth
1934/101202 Perth Wilkins Malcolm Henry Male Milliken Margaret Elizabeth Female Perth
1934/101202 Perth Milliken Margaret Elizabeth Female Wilkins Malcolm Henry Male Perth
1934/101203 Perth Doherty Edna May Female Macpherson Henry James John Male South Perth
1934/101203 Perth Macpherson Henry James John Male Doherty Edna May Female South Perth
1934/101204 Perth Turner David Herbert Male Saunders Florence May Female Perth
1934/101204 Perth Saunders Florence May Female Turner David Herbert Male Perth
1934/101205 Perth Smith Beryl Kathleen Female Gillard John Joseph Male Perth
1934/101205 Perth Gillard John Joseph Male Smith Beryl Kathleen Female Perth
1934/101206 Perth McCann Mary Female Mahood Arthur Douglas Male West Perth
1934/101206 Perth Mahood Arthur Douglas Male McCann Mary Female West Perth
1934/101207 Perth Hughes Margaret Female Newton Robert Edward Male Leederville
1934/101207 Perth Newton Robert Edward Male Hughes Margaret Female Leederville
1934/101208 Perth Davies Alvera Jesse Female Currell Albert Horace Male Leederville
1934/101208 Perth Currell Albert Horace Male Davies Alvera Jesse Female Leederville
1934/101209 Perth Bebbington John Joynson Male Aspey Esther Francis Female Leederville
1934/101209 Perth Aspey Esther Francis Female Bebbington John Joynson Male Leederville
1934/101210 Perth Davies Harold John Male Whiteley Ida Jean Female Leederville
1934/101210 Perth Whiteley Ida Jean Female Davies Harold John Male Leederville
1934/101211 Perth Graham William Male Wilsdon Phyllis Elsie Female Leederville
1934/101211 Perth Wilsdon Phyllis Elsie Female Graham William Male Leederville
1934/101212 Perth Alcock Charlotte Ellen Chambers Female Gibson Joseph Male Perth
1934/101212 Perth Gibson Joseph Male Alcock Charlotte Ellen Chambers Female Perth
1934/101213 Perth Phillips Ethel Doris Female King Norman Hymus Male Rosalie
1934/101213 Perth King Norman Hymus Male Phillips Ethel Doris Female Rosalie
1934/101214 Perth Newport Caroline Florence Female Machin Norman Male Perth
1934/101214 Perth Machin Norman Male Newport Caroline Florence Female Perth
1934/101215 Perth Anderson Dorothea Isabel Female Duffy James Joseph Male Leederville
1934/101215 Perth Duffy James Joseph Male Anderson Dorothea Isabel Female Leederville
1934/101216 Perth Hitchcock Linda Doreen Female Henning Alan Hamilton Male Leederville
1935/101216 Perth Hubble Roland Victor Male D'Arcy Patricia Ann Female Perth
1935/101216 Perth D'Arcy Patricia Ann Female Hubble Roland Victor Male Perth
1934/101216 Perth Henning Alan Hamilton Male Hitchcock Linda Doreen Female Leederville
1934/101217 Perth Kay Norman Charles Male Webb Maude May Female Leederville
1935/101217 Perth Reynolds Hilary Jenevieve Female Herman Roy Ivan Male Perth
1935/101217 Perth Herman Roy Ivan Male Reynolds Hilary Jenevieve Female Perth
1934/101217 Perth Webb Maude May Female Kay Norman Charles Male Leederville
1934/101218 Perth Kelsall Gladys Catherine Female Duschka Travice Russell Male Leederville
1934/101218 Perth Duschka Travice Russell Male Kelsall Gladys Catherine Female Leederville
1934/101219 Perth Harding Pearl May Female Clune John George Victor Male Perth
1934/101219 Perth Clune John George Victor Male Harding Pearl May Female Perth
1934/101220 Perth Stewart David Male Gallaher May Oliver Female Perth
1934/101220 Perth Gallaher May Oliver Female Stewart David Male Perth
1934/101221 Perth Milner Ruth Priscilla Vivienne Female Clements Ronald Arthur Male Perth
1934/101221 Perth Clements Ronald Arthur Male Milner Ruth Priscilla Vivienne Female Perth
1934/101222 Perth Pett Lilian May Female Drysdale James Blackadder Male Perth
1934/101222 Perth Drysdale James Blackadder Male Pett Lilian May Female Perth
1934/101223 Perth Burns Carmel Jeanne Female Tregonning George Richard Male Perth
1934/101223 Perth Tregonning George Richard Male Burns Carmel Jeanne Female Perth
1934/101224 Perth Scook Jack James Male Watson Dorothy Agnes Female Perth
1934/101224 Perth Watson Dorothy Agnes Female Scook Jack James Male Perth
1934/101225 Perth Glew Reginald Manning Male Price Gladys Jane Female Perth
1934/101225 Perth Price Gladys Jane Female Glew Reginald Manning Male Perth
1934/101226 Perth Sherrell Mandie Theresa Female Weston Thomas Carey Ferguson Male Perth
1934/101226 Perth Weston Thomas Carey Ferguson Male Sherrell Mandie Theresa Female Perth
1934/101227 Perth Marsh Claud Robert Male Marsh Dorothy May Female Highgate
1934/101227 Perth Marsh Dorothy May Female Marsh Claud Robert Male Highgate
1934/101228 Perth Bradbrook Cedric Gordon Male Munn Mabel Eva Female Perth
1934/101228 Perth Munn Mabel Eva Female Bradbrook Cedric Gordon Male Perth
1934/101229 Perth Edwards Arthur Male Walsh Dorothy Mary Female Perth
1934/101229 Perth Walsh Dorothy Mary Female Edwards Arthur Male Perth
1934/101230 Perth Miller Richard Denis Patrick Male Fowler Lilian Gertrude Female Leederville
1934/101230 Perth Kavanagh Richard Denis Patrick Male Fowler Lilian Gertrude Female Leederville
1934/101230 Perth Fowler Lilian Gertrude Female Kavanagh Richard Denis Patrick Male Leederville
1934/101230 Perth Fowler Lilian Gertrude Female Miller Richard Denis Patrick Male Leederville
1934/101231 Perth Wheeler Sylvia Ann Female Mason John McHarg Male Perth
1934/101231 Perth Mason John McHarg Male Wheeler Sylvia Ann Female Perth
1934/101232 Perth King Ada May Female Lush John Elmore Male Mt Lawley
1934/101232 Perth Lush John Elmore Male King Ada May Female Mt Lawley
1934/101233 Perth Ryan Philip Henry Male Lawson Alice Bridget Female Perth
1934/101233 Perth Lawson Alice Bridget Female Ryan Philip Henry Male Perth
1934/101234 Perth McKenna Jean Wilson Female Middleton Sydney Male West Perth
1934/101234 Perth Middleton Sydney Male McKenna Jean Wilson Female West Perth
1934/101235 Perth Walker Evelyn Annie Female Cooper Wilfred George Male Maylands
1934/101235 Perth Cooper Wilfred George Male Walker Evelyn Annie Female Maylands
1934/101236 Perth Day Amy Constance Female Bleakley Leonard Male Maylands
1934/101236 Perth Bleakley Leonard Male Day Amy Constance Female Maylands
1934/101237 Perth van Dok Ruth Female Coates William Rogers Male Maylands
1934/101237 Perth Coates William Rogers Male van Dok Ruth Female Maylands
1934/101238 Perth Cathell George William Male Downs Ina Annie Female Mt Hawthorn
1934/101238 Perth Downs Ina Annie Female Cathell George William Male Mt Hawthorn
1934/101239 Perth Whiting Mervyn Luke Male Johnson Dorothy Mabel Female Subiaco
1934/101239 Perth Johnson Dorothy Mabel Female Whiting Mervyn Luke Male Subiaco
1934/101240 Perth Walsh Michael Richard Male Stanley Eileen Mary Female Subiaco
1934/101240 Perth Stanley Eileen Mary Female Walsh Michael Richard Male Subiaco
1934/101241 Perth Griffin Jane Veronica Female Bloomfield Ernest Owen Male Subiaco
1934/101241 Perth Bloomfield Ernest Owen Male Griffin Jane Veronica Female Subiaco
1934/101242 Perth Michelsen Oscar Herbert Male Buck Dorothy Jean Female Subiaco
1934/101242 Perth Buck Dorothy Jean Female Michelsen Oscar Herbert Male Subiaco
1934/101243 Perth Kay Alice Female Kretchmar Harry Herman Male Perth
1934/101243 Perth Kretchmar Harry Herman Male Kay Alice Female Perth
1934/101244 Perth McPherson Jessie Viotti Female Bonny Leonard Edward Male Perth
1934/101244 Perth Bonny Leonard Edward Male McPherson Jessie Viotti Female Perth
1934/101245 Perth Lee Nancy Female Rawlins Thomas Walter Male Perth
1934/101245 Perth Rawlins Thomas Walter Male Lee Nancy Female Perth
1934/101246 Perth Smith Betty Patricia Female Knapp Karl Male Perth
1934/101246 Perth Knapp Karl Male Smith Betty Patricia Female Perth
1934/101247 Perth Thomas Maurice Male Thompson Eva Agnes Female Perth
1934/101247 Perth Thompson Eva Agnes Female Thomas Maurice Male Perth
1934/101248 Perth Casley Stella Maude Female French Frederick William Male Perth
1934/101248 Perth French Frederick William Male Casley Stella Maude Female Perth
1934/101249 Perth Stewart Bernard Edward John Male Ribbons Dulcie Maud Female Perth
1934/101249 Perth Ribbons Dulcie Maud Female Stewart Bernard Edward John Male Perth
1934/101250 Perth Daly John Joseph Male Wedderburn Thelma Female Perth
1934/101250 Perth Wedderburn Thelma Female Daly John Joseph Male Perth
1934/101251 Perth Scanlan Alfred Male Law Phyllis Female Perth
1934/101251 Perth Law Phyllis Female Scanlan Alfred Male Perth
1934/101252 Perth Smith Sydney Male Abberton Margaret Female Perth
1934/101252 Perth Abberton Margaret Female Smith Sydney Male Perth
1934/101253 Perth Carroll Denis Male Richter Estelle Agnes Female Perth
1934/101253 Perth Richter Estelle Agnes Female Carroll Denis Male Perth
1934/101254 Perth Daly Victor Burns Male Grey Isabel Mary Female Perth
1934/101254 Perth Grey Isabel Mary Female Daly Victor Burns Male Perth
1934/101255 Perth Madderson Elizabeth Female Kalmund Arthur Victor Male Perth
1934/101255 Perth Kalmund Arthur Victor Male Madderson Elizabeth Female Perth
1934/101256 Perth McKrill Alfred Male Robinson Muriel Mary Female Perth
1934/101256 Perth Robinson Muriel Mary Female McKrill Alfred Male Perth
1934/101257 Perth Waldron Laura Delilah Pearl Female Morrison Neil William McLay Male Cottesloe
1934/101257 Perth Morrison Neil William McLay Male Waldron Laura Delilah Pearl Female Cottesloe
1934/101258 Perth Gard Diana Mary Female White William Male South Perth
1934/101258 Perth White William Male Gard Diana Mary Female South Perth
1934/101259 Perth Peden Effie Female Short Edward Ralph Male Perth
1934/101259 Perth Short Edward Ralph Male Peden Effie Female Perth
1934/101260 Perth House Rhoda Gleeson Female Stace Charles William Brignell Male West Perth
1934/101260 Perth Stace Charles William Brignell Male House Rhoda Gleeson Female West Perth
1934/101261 Perth Shelton Honor Millicent Myrle Female Dickinson Hamilton James Male West Perth
1934/101261 Perth Dickinson Hamilton James Male Shelton Honor Millicent Myrle Female West Perth
1934/101262 Perth Eastaugh Norman Stanley Male Timms Hazel Avis Female Mt Lawley
1934/101262 Perth Timms Hazel Avis Female Eastaugh Norman Stanley Male Mt Lawley
1934/101263 Perth Walker Harold Ritchie Male Watkins Jessie Alicia Female West Perth
1934/101263 Perth Watkins Jessie Alicia Female Walker Harold Ritchie Male West Perth
1934/101264 Perth Graves Frederic Neilson Male Vincent Estella Florence Female West Perth
1934/101264 Perth Vincent Estella Florence Female Graves Frederic Neilson Male West Perth
1934/101265 Perth Kerr Joseph Bruce Male Backshall Violet May Female Mount Lawley
1934/101265 Perth Backshall Violet May Female Kerr Joseph Bruce Male Mount Lawley
1934/101266 Perth Hankin George Hiram Male Beaumont Della Maisie Female Perth
1934/101266 Perth Beaumont Della Maisie Female Hankin George Hiram Male Perth
1934/101267 Perth Harley Robert Male Jones Lily Female Nedlands
1934/101267 Perth Jones Lily Female Harley Robert Male Nedlands
1934/101268 Perth Norman Lena Female Skipworth Kenneth Campbell Male Perth
1934/101268 Perth Skipworth Kenneth Campbell Male Norman Lena Female Perth
1934/101269 Perth Gibson Selma Irene Female Carter Frederick Ernest Male Leederville
1934/101269 Perth Carter Frederick Ernest Male Gibson Selma Irene Female Leederville
1934/101270 Perth Olney Ralph Bedford Male McKay Lila Lilly Female Perth
1934/101270 Perth McKay Lila Lilly Female Olney Ralph Bedford Male Perth
1934/101271 Perth Harris Maud Female Robins Percy Charles Male Perth
1934/101271 Perth Robins Percy Charles Male Harris Maud Female Perth
1934/101272 Perth Camp Daphne Gladys Female Butterworth Maxwell Daniel Male Perth
1934/101272 Perth Butterworth Maxwell Daniel Male Camp Daphne Gladys Female Perth
1934/101273 Perth Wieland Joan Female Fellows Wesley Walker Male Perth
1934/101273 Perth Fellows Wesley Walker Male Wieland Joan Female Perth
1934/101274 Perth Benson Bengt Male Thomson Mary Hannah Female East Perth
1934/101274 Perth Thomson Mary Hannah Female Benson Bengt Male East Perth
1934/101275 Perth Wood Cyril Vernon Male Taylor Phyllis Norma Female Perth
1934/101275 Perth Taylor Phyllis Norma Female Wood Cyril Vernon Male Perth
1934/101276 Perth Wilke Eveline Frances Female Dease Edward Francis Male Perth
1934/101276 Perth Dease Edward Francis Male Wilke Eveline Frances Female Perth
1934/101277 Perth Willison Thelma Maud Female Anning Norman Leslie Male North Perth
1934/101277 Perth Anning Norman Leslie Male Willison Thelma Maud Female North Perth
1934/101278 Perth Melrose William Norman Male Heydon Beatrice Joy Female Cottesloe
1934/101278 Perth Heydon Beatrice Joy Female Melrose William Norman Male Cottesloe
1934/101280 Perth Landquist Josephine Female Fox Phillip Edmund Male Nedlands
1934/101280 Perth Fox Phillip Edmund Male Landquist Josephine Female Nedlands
1934/101281 Perth Milne Gordon William Henry Male Chatel Augusta May Female Nedlands
1934/101281 Perth Chatel Augusta May Female Milne Gordon William Henry Male Nedlands
1934/101282 Perth Gray Thelma Mary Female Davis Arthur Norman Male North Perth
1934/101282 Perth Davis Arthur Norman Male Gray Thelma Mary Female North Perth
1934/101283 Perth Ion Isabelle Mary Female Blake Albert Ernest Male Perth
1934/101283 Perth Blake Albert Ernest Male Ion Isabelle Mary Female Perth
1934/101284 Perth Thompson Minnie May Female Adams John Allan Male East Claremont
1934/101284 Perth Adams John Allan Male Thompson Minnie May Female East Claremont
1934/101285 Perth Irvin Olive May Female Nalder Crawford David Male Maylands
1934/101285 Perth Nalder Crawford David Male Irvin Olive May Female Maylands
1934/101286 Perth Lyons Alan James Richard Male Smith Daphne Charlotte Female Perth
1934/101286 Perth Smith Daphne Charlotte Female Lyons Alan James Richard Male Perth
1934/101287 Perth Morris Alfred Leonard Male Corp Dorothy Emily Female North Perth
1934/101287 Perth Corp Dorothy Emily Female Morris Alfred Leonard Male North Perth
1934/101288 Perth Duncan Marion Alice Female Baker Harry William Male Perth
1934/101288 Perth Baker Harry William Male Duncan Marion Alice Female Perth
1934/101289 Perth Haley Doreen Myra Female Horton Edward Leo Male Perth
1934/101289 Perth Horton Edward Leo Male Haley Doreen Myra Female Perth
1934/101290 Perth Cave Elody Inez May Female Hill James Male Perth
1934/101290 Perth Hill James Male Cave Elody Inez May Female Perth
1934/101291 Perth Butler Grace Hazel Female Anderson Archibald Cullen Male Perth
1934/101291 Perth Anderson Archibald Cullen Male Butler Grace Hazel Female Perth
1934/101292 Perth Down Sydney George Edward Male Jarvis Edna May Female Carlisle
1934/101292 Perth Jarvis Edna May Female Down Sydney George Edward Male Carlisle
1934/101293 Perth Biggers Catherine Harriett Female Leighton Frederick William Male Osborne Park
1934/101293 Perth Leighton Frederick William Male Biggers Catherine Harriett Female Osborne Park
1934/101294 Perth Ballantine Delys Hiatt Female Henderson Walter Chalmers Male North Perth
1934/101294 Perth Henderson Walter Chalmers Male Ballantine Delys Hiatt Female North Perth
1934/101295 Perth Williams Edward John Male Curtis Elsie Female Perth
1934/101295 Perth Curtis Elsie Female Williams Edward John Male Perth
1934/101296 Perth Mitter Emma Lilian Female Meadows John George Male Perth
1934/101296 Perth Meadows John George Male Mitter Emma Lilian Female Perth
1934/101297 Perth Barrett Gloria Cordelia Female Linton John Horace Barrow Male Perth
1934/101297 Perth Linton John Horace Barrow Male Barrett Gloria Cordelia Female Perth
1934/101298 Perth McLean William Male Kinninmont Mignonette Female Perth
1934/101298 Perth Kinninmont Mignonette Female McLean William Male Perth
1934/101299 Perth Thompson Audrey Hope Female Rosser Alfred Gra Male Perth
1934/101299 Perth Rosser Alfred Gra Male Thompson Audrey Hope Female Perth
1934/101300 Perth Bennett May Iris Female Elliott Victor Laurence Male Perth
1934/101300 Perth Elliott Victor Laurence Male Bennett May Iris Female Perth
1934/101301 Perth Scudds Irine Perlilda Agnes Maria Female Dawson Herbert Edgar Male Perth
1934/101301 Perth Dawson Herbert Edgar Male Scudds Irine Perlilda Agnes Maria Female Perth
1934/101302 Perth Costin Bertie Abraham Booth Male Beard Alma Blanche Female Perth
1934/101302 Perth Beard Alma Blanche Female Costin Bertie Abraham Booth Male Perth
1934/101303 Perth Heales Robert Reginald Male Dunn Edna Lynne Female Perth
1934/101303 Perth Dunn Edna Lynne Female Heales Robert Reginald Male Perth
1934/101304 Perth Royce Winifred Mary Female Murray Graham Scotland Male Claremont
1934/101304 Perth Murray Graham Scotland Male Royce Winifred Mary Female Claremont
1934/101305 Perth Ryder Norman Henry Male Evans Mary Matilda Genevieve Female Subiaco
1934/101305 Perth Evans Mary Matilda Genevieve Female Ryder Norman Henry Male Subiaco
1934/101306 Perth Doherty Edmund Charles Male Dale Dora Florence Female Subiaco
1934/101306 Perth Dale Dora Florence Female Doherty Edmund Charles Male Subiaco
1934/101307 Perth O'Connor James Philip Male Mooney Winifred Mary Female Subiaco
1934/101307 Perth Mooney Winifred Mary Female O'Connor James Philip Male Subiaco
1934/101308 Perth Read Alice Emily May Female Squire Wilberforce Herbert Male West Perth
1934/101308 Perth Squire Wilberforce Herbert Male Read Alice Emily May Female West Perth
1934/101309 Perth Finkelstein Dora Female Shilkin Nathan Male Perth
1934/101309 Perth Shilkin Nathan Male Finkelstein Dora Female Perth
1934/101310 Perth Hirsch Amnon Male Orloff Sylvia Female Perth
1934/101310 Perth Orloff Sylvia Female Hirsch Amnon Male Perth
1934/101311 Perth Mandelbaum Pola Female Newman Harry Male Perth
1934/101311 Perth Newman Harry Male Mandelbaum Pola Female Perth
1934/101312 Perth Ames Reginald Norman Male Musgrove Jean Rayworth Female Claremont
1934/101312 Perth Musgrove Jean Rayworth Female Ames Reginald Norman Male Claremont
1934/101313 Perth Rowe William George Male Shepherd Ruth Margaret Female Subiaco
1934/101313 Perth Shepherd Ruth Margaret Female Rowe William George Male Subiaco
1934/101314 Perth Barron Clarence James Male Findlay Mary Tait Female Carlisle
1934/101314 Perth Findlay Mary Tait Female Barron Clarence James Male Carlisle
1934/101315 Perth Viner Margaret Female Scaddan John Frederick Male South Perth
1934/101315 Perth Scaddan John Frederick Male Viner Margaret Female South Perth
1934/101316 Perth Paterson Leonard James Male Montgomery Elizabeth Josephine Female Maylands
1934/101316 Perth Montgomery Elizabeth Josephine Female Paterson Leonard James Male Maylands
1934/101317 Perth Williams Gladys Bereniece Female Creek Arthur Leslie Male Subiaco
1934/101317 Perth Creek Arthur Leslie Male Williams Gladys Bereniece Female Subiaco
1934/101318 Perth Cross Benjamen Fancote Male Oliver Thelma Calvert Female Subiaco
1934/101318 Perth Oliver Thelma Calvert Female Cross Benjamen Fancote Male Subiaco
1934/101319 Perth McKirdy Isabella Jane Female Fisher William George Male Cottesloe
1934/101319 Perth Fisher William George Male McKirdy Isabella Jane Female Cottesloe
1934/101320 Perth Dullard Eileen Flora Female Isbister Cecil Robert Male Mt Lawley
1934/101320 Perth Isbister Cecil Robert Male Dullard Eileen Flora Female Mt Lawley
1934/101321 Perth Stones Stanley Hudson Male Wood Alice Jean Female Mt Lawley
1934/101321 Perth Wood Alice Jean Female Stones Stanley Hudson Male Mt Lawley
1934/101322 Perth Swan William Andrew Male Boxall Myrtle Irene Female Perth
1934/101322 Perth Boxall Myrtle Irene Female Swan William Andrew Male Perth
1934/101323 Perth Cumming Raymond Basil Male Wood Dulcie Female Perth
1934/101323 Perth Wood Dulcie Female Cumming Raymond Basil Male Perth
1934/101324 Perth Wardell John Ashton Male Garvie Sadie Martha Female Perth
1934/101324 Perth Garvie Sadie Martha Female Wardell John Ashton Male Perth
1934/101325 Perth Marshall Eileen Alice Female Wall William Henry Male North Perth
1934/101325 Perth Wall William Henry Male Marshall Eileen Alice Female North Perth
1934/101326 Perth O'Brien William Male Buchan Doris Female North Perth
1934/101326 Perth Buchan Doris Female O'Brien William Male North Perth
1934/101327 Perth Sharman Samuel James Male Coombs Mavis Evelyn Female Perth
1934/101327 Perth Coombs Mavis Evelyn Female Sharman Samuel James Male Perth
1934/101328 Perth Osborne Arthur Male Leslie Magdalene Stella Female Perth
1934/101328 Perth Leslie Magdalene Stella Female Osborne Arthur Male Perth
1934/101329 Perth Mavromatis Evthocia Female Milonas Constantine Male Perth
1934/101329 Perth Milonas Constantine Male Mavromatis Evthocia Female Perth
1934/101330 Perth Evans Ida Elsie Female Mair Alexander Smith Male Leederville
1934/101330 Perth Mair Alexander Smith Male Evans Ida Elsie Female Leederville
1934/101331 Perth Kinahan Thomas Male O'Connor Jane Female Victoria Park
1934/101331 Perth O'Connor Jane Female Kinahan Thomas Male Victoria Park
1934/101332 Perth Charlesworth Florence Mary Female Marshall Aubrey Victor Male Victoria Park
1934/101332 Perth Marshall Aubrey Victor Male Charlesworth Florence Mary Female Victoria Park
1934/101333 Perth Smith Mary Naomi Female Williams Percival Clarence Male Victoria Park
1934/101333 Perth Williams Percival Clarence Male Smith Mary Naomi Female Victoria Park
1934/101334 Perth Davies Thomas Owen Victor Male Mason Maud Alice Female Perth
1934/101334 Perth Mason Maud Alice Female Davies Thomas Owen Victor Male Perth
1934/101335 Perth Wigzell Margaret Ewing White Female Morland James Edward Keith Male Perth
1934/101335 Perth Morland James Edward Keith Male Wigzell Margaret Ewing White Female Perth
1934/101336 Perth Davies Ivy Female Wilson Fergus Walter Male Perth
1934/101336 Perth Wilson Fergus Walter Male Davies Ivy Female Perth
1934/101337 Perth Caddy Edwin Canna Male Isern-Hagen Gladys Irene Female Perth
1934/101337 Perth Isern-Hagen Gladys Irene Female Caddy Edwin Canna Male Perth
1934/101338 Perth Broom Lorna Mary Parker Female Fordham Richard Clark Male Perth
1934/101338 Perth Fordham Richard Clark Male Broom Lorna Mary Parker Female Perth
1934/101339 Perth Sebbage Frederick Charles Male McLean Evelyn Doris Elizabeth Female Maylands
1934/101339 Perth McLean Evelyn Doris Elizabeth Female Sebbage Frederick Charles Male Maylands
1934/101340 Perth Wood Marjorie Clare Female Macfarlane Thomas Keith Male Perth
1934/101340 Perth Macfarlane Thomas Keith Male Wood Marjorie Clare Female Perth
1934/101341 Perth Wilson Nancy Viva Female Gamble Allan Allman Male Claremont
1934/101341 Perth Gamble Allan Allman Male Wilson Nancy Viva Female Claremont
1934/101342 Perth Stevens Dorothy Rosalind Colston Female Smith Harold John Male Claremont
1934/101342 Perth Smith Harold John Male Stevens Dorothy Rosalind Colston Female Claremont
1934/101343 Perth Lucas Louise Mary Female Gwilliam John Henry Male Perth
1934/101343 Perth Gwilliam John Henry Male Lucas Louise Mary Female Perth
1934/101344 Perth Vos Hugo Joseph Male Nelson Esther Archer Female Perth
1934/101344 Perth Nelson Esther Archer Female Vos Hugo Joseph Male Perth
1934/101345 Perth Hyde George Male Locke Ethel Clara Female Perth
1934/101345 Perth Locke Ethel Clara Female Hyde George Male Perth
1934/101346 Perth Thomas Jerome Male Davies Lorna Beveridge Female Perth
1934/101346 Perth Davies Lorna Beveridge Female Thomas Jerome Male Perth
1934/101347 Perth Scott Catherine Gladys Female Allen Philip Aufrere Male Perth
1934/101347 Perth Allen Philip Aufrere Male Scott Catherine Gladys Female Perth
1934/101348 Perth Grocke Lily Violet Mable Female McAuliffie Oliver Acchilles Male Perth
1934/101348 Perth McAuliffie Oliver Acchilles Male Grocke Lily Violet Mable Female Perth
1934/101349 Perth Edwards Ruby Clare Female Mitchell Charles Watson Male Subiaco
1934/101349 Perth Mitchell Charles Watson Male Edwards Ruby Clare Female Subiaco
1934/101350 Perth Gurney Ernest Arthur Male Kingman Ada Agnes Maud Female Perth
1934/101350 Perth Kingman Ada Agnes Maud Female Gurney Ernest Arthur Male Perth
1934/101351 Perth Gore Alice Louise Female Day Lewis Edward Male Cottesloe
1934/101351 Perth Day Lewis Edward Male Gore Alice Louise Female Cottesloe
1934/101352 Perth Parkinson Harold Male Wright Millicent Amelia Female West Perth
1934/101352 Perth Wright Millicent Amelia Female Parkinson Harold Male West Perth
1934/101353 Perth Kriskovich Charles Male Morton Agnes Todd Female Perth
1934/101353 Perth Morton Agnes Todd Female Kriskovich Charles Male Perth
1934/101354 Perth Gaull Eric Thomas Male Cox Alice Martha Female Bayswater
1934/101354 Perth Cox Alice Martha Female Gaull Eric Thomas Male Bayswater
1934/101355 Perth Ebsary Wilfred Clarence Male Parsons Ella Female West Perth
1934/101355 Perth Parsons Ella Female Ebsary Wilfred Clarence Male West Perth
1934/101356 Perth Tate Harry Vincent Male Cope Ivy Irene Female West Perth
1934/101356 Perth Cope Ivy Irene Female Tate Harry Vincent Male West Perth
1934/101357 Perth Hopkinson William Male Lathwell Alice Vera Female West Perth
1934/101357 Perth Lathwell Alice Vera Female Hopkinson William Male West Perth
1934/101358 Perth Muller Theodore Frederick Male Nicholas Beryl Beatrice Female West Perth
1934/101358 Perth Nicholas Beryl Beatrice Female Muller Theodore Frederick Male West Perth
1934/101359 Perth Pearson Clarence Hubert Male Harman Ellen Gertrude Female West Perth
1934/101359 Perth Harman Ellen Gertrude Female Pearson Clarence Hubert Male West Perth
1934/101360 Perth Rock Arthur Westlake Male Negus Grace Maude Female West Perth
1934/101360 Perth Negus Grace Maude Female Rock Arthur Westlake Male West Perth
1937/101360 Perth Jackson Thelma Mary Florence Female Reynolds Allan Leon Male Perth
1937/101360 Perth Reynolds Allan Leon Male Jackson Thelma Mary Florence Female Perth
1934/101361 Perth Smily Constance Eileen Female Hollingsworth Gilbert Meredith Male West Perth
1934/101361 Perth Hollingsworth Gilbert Meredith Male Smily Constance Eileen Female West Perth
1934/101362 Perth Brown Frank Thomas Farbar Male Henley Agnes Elizabeth Female West Perth
1934/101362 Perth Henley Agnes Elizabeth Female Brown Frank Thomas Farbar Male West Perth
1934/101363 Perth Vincent Benjamin Wilson Male Young Bertha Isabel Female West Perth
1934/101363 Perth Young Bertha Isabel Female Vincent Benjamin Wilson Male West Perth
1934/101364 Perth Palmer Laurita Gertrude Female Lording Walter Millington Male West Perth
1934/101364 Perth Lording Walter Millington Male Palmer Laurita Gertrude Female West Perth
1934/101365 Perth Strong Dorothy May Female Watkins William Albert Arthur Male West Perth
1934/101365 Perth Watkins William Albert Arthur Male Strong Dorothy May Female West Perth
1934/101366 Perth Leen Thomas Michael Male James Phyllis Amy Female West Perth
1934/101366 Perth James Phyllis Amy Female Leen Thomas Michael Male West Perth
1934/101367 Perth Tomkinson Daphne Edith Harriett Female O'Farrell Sean Dennis Male Perth
1934/101367 Perth O'Farrell Sean Dennis Male Tomkinson Daphne Edith Harriett Female Perth
1934/101368 Perth Hannigan Gertrude Anne Female Criddle Percy Male West Perth
1934/101368 Perth Criddle Percy Male Hannigan Gertrude Anne Female West Perth
1934/101369 Perth Lewis Thomas Ashton Male Fogarty Alma De Pazzie Female West Perth
1934/101369 Perth Fogarty Alma De Pazzie Female Lewis Thomas Ashton Male West Perth
1934/101370 Perth Young James Kean Male Coulson Alma Lavelle Female Perth
1934/101370 Perth Coulson Alma Lavelle Female Young James Kean Male Perth
1934/101371 Perth Hills Elizabeth Lillian Female Jefferson George Ernest Male Perth
1934/101371 Perth Jefferson George Ernest Male Hills Elizabeth Lillian Female Perth
1934/101372 Perth Davenport Jack Male Thompson Laura Annie Female Perth
1934/101372 Perth Thompson Laura Annie Female Davenport Jack Male Perth
1934/101373 Perth Craigie Ralph Thomas Marshall Male Tonkin Grace Stevens Female Perth
1934/101373 Perth Tonkin Grace Stevens Female Craigie Ralph Thomas Marshall Male Perth
1934/101374 Perth Walkington Oriel Ethel Female Hickmott Alfred David Male Perth
1934/101374 Perth Hickmott Alfred David Male Walkington Oriel Ethel Female Perth
1934/101375 Perth Cockram Clarice Margaret Female Langford William Henry James Male Perth
1934/101375 Perth Langford William Henry James Male Cockram Clarice Margaret Female Perth
1934/101376 Perth Ham Kenneth Mitchell Male Moore Ivy Lillian Female Maylands
1934/101376 Perth Moore Ivy Lillian Female Ham Kenneth Mitchell Male Maylands
1934/101377 Perth Williams Allie May Female Oliver James John Male Mt Lawley
1934/101377 Perth Oliver James John Male Williams Allie May Female Mt Lawley
1934/101378 Perth Green William Lyne Male Ward Dulcie Female Mt Lawley
1934/101378 Perth Ward Dulcie Female Green William Lyne Male Mt Lawley
1934/101379 Perth Lloyd Mary Ruby Female Holman Gilbert Male Perth
1934/101379 Perth Holman Gilbert Male Lloyd Mary Ruby Female Perth
1934/101380 Perth Mills William Roy Male Lochlin Constance Hope Female North Perth
1934/101380 Perth Lochlin Constance Hope Female Mills William Roy Male North Perth
1934/101381 Perth Larsson Halvdan Magnus Male Anderson Märta Louise Elisabet Female Perth
1934/101381 Perth Anderson Märta Louise Elisabet Female Larsson Halvdan Magnus Male Perth
1934/101382 Perth Munro Colin Edward Male Stapledon Ethel Maud Female Carlisle
1934/101382 Perth Stapledon Ethel Maud Female Munro Colin Edward Male Carlisle
1934/101383 Perth Allitt Mervyn Ross Tait Male Fleming Alma Agnes Female Perth
1934/101383 Perth Fleming Alma Agnes Female Allitt Mervyn Ross Tait Male Perth
1934/101384 Perth Burt Sybil Mary Female O'Brien Henry Male Perth
1934/101384 Perth O'Brien Henry Male Burt Sybil Mary Female Perth
1934/101385 Perth Forbes William James Male Lawrie Agnes Female Mount Lawley
1934/101385 Perth Lawrie Agnes Female Forbes William James Male Mount Lawley
1934/101386 Perth Pascoe Malcolm Clyde Male Thomas Phyllis Maud Female Victoria Park
1934/101386 Perth Thomas Phyllis Maud Female Pascoe Malcolm Clyde Male Victoria Park
1934/101387 Perth Melrose Aubrey George Leslie Male Boswell Gwynneth Mary Female Perth
1934/101387 Perth Boswell Gwynneth Mary Female Melrose Aubrey George Leslie Male Perth
1934/101388 Perth Stevenson Vere Thomas Graham Male Medbury Lorna Daphne Female Perth
1934/101388 Perth Medbury Lorna Daphne Female Stevenson Vere Thomas Graham Male Perth
1934/101389 Perth Fryer John Edmund Male Clarke Maude Agatha Medlow Female Perth
1934/101389 Perth Clarke Maude Agatha Medlow Female Fryer John Edmund Male Perth
1934/101390 Perth Taylor Doreen Gladys Female Bailey James Noel Male Cottesloe
1934/101390 Perth Bailey James Noel Male Taylor Doreen Gladys Female Cottesloe
1934/101391 Perth Fetherstonhaugh Francis Cuthbert Cholmondeley Male Forbes Madeleine Female Cottesloe
1934/101391 Perth Forbes Madeleine Female Fetherstonhaugh Francis Cuthbert Cholmondeley Male Cottesloe
1934/101392 Perth Kendall Claude William Male Morris Harriet Frances Female West Perth
1934/101392 Perth Morris Harriet Frances Female Kendall Claude William Male West Perth
1934/101393 Perth Wass Lucy Doris Female Lowth Samuel Thomas Male Maylands
1934/101393 Perth Lowth Samuel Thomas Male Wass Lucy Doris Female Maylands
1934/101394 Perth Caporn Gertrude Bessie Muriel Female Taylor Edward Alexander Male North Perth
1934/101394 Perth Taylor Edward Alexander Male Caporn Gertrude Bessie Muriel Female North Perth
1934/101395 Perth Spain Rita Cavell Ruby Female Moroney Edward John Leo Male South Perth
1934/101395 Perth Moroney Edward John Leo Male Spain Rita Cavell Ruby Female South Perth
1934/101396 Perth Skinner Arthur Robert Male Carr Florence Mary Female South Perth
1934/101396 Perth Carr Florence Mary Female Skinner Arthur Robert Male South Perth
1934/101397 Perth Wall Lionel James Male Stowe Joan Constance Female Perth
1934/101397 Perth Stowe Joan Constance Female Wall Lionel James Male Perth
1934/101398 Perth Jones Ida May Female McSwan Daniel Neil Male Perth
1934/101398 Perth McSwan Daniel Neil Male Jones Ida May Female Perth
1934/101399 Perth Preston Dudley Thomas Forde Male Gugeri Eileen Mabel Female Perth
1934/101399 Perth Gugeri Eileen Mabel Female Preston Dudley Thomas Forde Male Perth
1934/101400 Perth Bird Francis William Patrick Male Thompson Derrice Esmie Female Perth
1934/101400 Perth Thompson Derrice Esmie Female Bird Francis William Patrick Male Perth
1934/101401 Perth Stevens Arthur Male Saunders Agnes Female Perth
1934/101401 Perth Saunders Agnes Female Stevens Arthur Male Perth
1934/101402 Perth Jones Ina May Female Thomas William Bernard Male Perth
1934/101402 Perth Thomas William Bernard Male Jones Ina May Female Perth
1934/101403 Perth Jensen Hans Peter Male Pell Mabel Margaret Female Subiaco
1934/101403 Perth Pell Mabel Margaret Female Jensen Hans Peter Male Subiaco
1934/101404 Perth Fair George Stuart Male Cossens Millie Female Subiaco
1934/101404 Perth Cossens Millie Female Fair George Stuart Male Subiaco
1934/101405 Perth Carter Reginald Charles Male Barratt Olive Edith Female Subiaco
1934/101405 Perth Barratt Olive Edith Female Carter Reginald Charles Male Subiaco
1934/101406 Perth Hagan Sadie Female Thornton James Graham Male Subiaco
1934/101406 Perth Thornton James Graham Male Hagan Sadie Female Subiaco
1934/101407 Perth Beard Enid Mary Female Woods Eric Stanley Male Subiaco
1934/101407 Perth Woods Eric Stanley Male Beard Enid Mary Female Subiaco
1934/101408 Perth Lynch James Gerald Male Kennedy Una Alice Female Nedlands
1934/101408 Perth Kennedy Una Alice Female Lynch James Gerald Male Nedlands
1934/101409 Perth Browning Jack Osbourne Male Goedecke Elsie Maud Female Perth
1934/101409 Perth Goedecke Elsie Maud Female Browning Jack Osbourne Male Perth
1934/101410 Perth Rix Frederick William George Male Anderson Minnie Female Maylands
1934/101410 Perth Anderson Minnie Female Rix Frederick William George Male Maylands
1934/101411 Perth Sheppard Fredericka Margaret Female Muir William Male Maylands
1934/101411 Perth Muir William Male Sheppard Fredericka Margaret Female Maylands
1934/101412 Perth Collins Kenneth James Male Miller Olive Lyle Female Maylands
1934/101412 Perth Miller Olive Lyle Female Collins Kenneth James Male Maylands
1934/101413 Perth Scanlan Lucy Magdalen Female McKenna Joseph Male Leederville
1934/101413 Perth McKenna Joseph Male Scanlan Lucy Magdalen Female Leederville
1934/101414 Perth Haddon Reginald Charles Male Doherty Mary Female Leederville
1934/101414 Perth Doherty Mary Female Haddon Reginald Charles Male Leederville
1934/101415 Perth Pratt Ida Mary Female McMahon Denis Michael Male Leederville
1934/101415 Perth McMahon Denis Michael Male Pratt Ida Mary Female Leederville
1934/101416 Perth Gilligan Bernard Ambrose Male Winzer Jean Swanson Female Leederville
1934/101416 Perth Winzer Jean Swanson Female Gilligan Bernard Ambrose Male Leederville
1934/101417 Perth Rothwell Ernest Knowles Male Millsteed Florence Lola Female Perth
1934/101417 Perth Millsteed Florence Lola Female Rothwell Ernest Knowles Male Perth
1934/101418 Perth Kember Anna Martha Female Hinkley David Oscar Male Perth
1934/101418 Perth Hinkley David Oscar Male Kember Anna Martha Female Perth
1934/101419 Perth Linthorne Irene Mary Female Hayes Florance James Male Perth
1934/101419 Perth Hayes Florance James Male Linthorne Irene Mary Female Perth
1934/101420 Perth Inkpen Avon Cyril Male Taylor Sylvia Pearl Female Perth
1934/101420 Perth Taylor Sylvia Pearl Female Inkpen Avon Cyril Male Perth
1934/101421 Perth Kay Cecil Male Pratt Doris Frances Joanna Female Perth
1934/101421 Perth Pratt Doris Frances Joanna Female Kay Cecil Male Perth
1934/101422 Perth Farrant Albert Edward Male Vague Myrtle Jean Female Perth
1934/101422 Perth Vague Myrtle Jean Female Farrant Albert Edward Male Perth
1934/101423 Perth Strahan Eric Forrest Male McInnerney Grace Sweeting Female Perth
1934/101423 Perth McInnerney Grace Sweeting Female Strahan Eric Forrest Male Perth
1934/101424 Perth Serturini Alfredo Male Goldstone Doris Nellie Female Perth
1934/101424 Perth Goldstone Doris Nellie Female Serturini Alfredo Male Perth
1934/101425 Perth Pearson Lilian Chetlain Female Mason Thomas Lloyd Male Perth
1934/101425 Perth Mason Thomas Lloyd Male Pearson Lilian Chetlain Female Perth
1934/101426 Perth Olsen John Alfred Male Powell Mary Louisa Female Perth
1934/101426 Perth Powell Mary Louisa Female Olsen John Alfred Male Perth
1934/101427 Perth Adam John Male Ellice Violet Mabel Female Perth
1934/101427 Perth Ellice Violet Mabel Female Adam John Male Perth
1934/101428 Perth Bowden Leila Noreen Female Harwood James Male Claremont
1934/101428 Perth Harwood James Male Bowden Leila Noreen Female Claremont
1934/101429 Perth Robertson Adie Christina Female Rendavey Francis Edward Male Perth
1934/101429 Perth Rendavey Francis Edward Male Robertson Adie Christina Female Perth
1934/101430 Perth Doyle Evelyn Meredith Female Nicholls Andrew James Male West Perth
1934/101430 Perth Nicholls Andrew James Male Doyle Evelyn Meredith Female West Perth
1934/101431 Perth Marrett Gerard Philip Male Campion Marguerite Mary Female Perth
1934/101431 Perth Campion Marguerite Mary Female Marrett Gerard Philip Male Perth
1934/101432 Perth Barbarich Stojan Male Tyndall Teresa Mary Female West Perth
1934/101432 Perth Tyndall Teresa Mary Female Barbarich Stojan Male West Perth
1934/101433 Perth Owens Eliza Female Dean Herbert Male Perth
1934/101433 Perth Dean Herbert Male Owens Eliza Female Perth
1934/101434 Perth Walker Margaret Mary Female McCarthy Charles Walter Male Perth
1934/101434 Perth McCarthy Charles Walter Male Walker Margaret Mary Female Perth
1934/101435 Perth Campbell Alexander John Male Young Kolenda Mary Female Perth
1934/101435 Perth Young Kolenda Mary Female Campbell Alexander John Male Perth
1934/101436 Perth Payne Dorothy Phoebe Lucy Female Gorn Lance Noel Male Perth
1934/101436 Perth Gorn Lance Noel Male Payne Dorothy Phoebe Lucy Female Perth
1934/101437 Perth Garrett Leonard Gordon Male Crocos Mary Jeanne Female Perth
1934/101437 Perth Crocos Mary Jeanne Female Garrett Leonard Gordon Male Perth
1934/101438 Perth Powell Allen Ethelbert Male Small Lorraine Hattel Female Perth
1934/101438 Perth Small Lorraine Hattel Female Powell Allen Ethelbert Male Perth
1934/101439 Perth Luxton Richard John Male Brunton Ada Jane Female Perth
1934/101439 Perth Brunton Ada Jane Female Luxton Richard John Male Perth
1934/101440 Perth Raven Doreen Female Cavanagh Frederick Francis Male Perth
1934/101440 Perth Cavanagh Frederick Francis Male Raven Doreen Female Perth
1934/101441 Perth Shotter Vernon William Male Moss Johanna Peat Female West Perth
1934/101441 Perth Moss Johanna Peat Female Shotter Vernon William Male West Perth
1934/101442 Perth Minchin Kenneth Henniker Male Gates Audrey Mary Female Highgate
1934/101442 Perth Gates Audrey Mary Female Minchin Kenneth Henniker Male Highgate
1934/101443 Perth Letts Honor Elsie Female Wedgwood Roland Ernest Male Highgate
1934/101443 Perth Wedgwood Roland Ernest Male Letts Honor Elsie Female Highgate
1934/101444 Perth Batchelor William Male Jamieson Ivy Vearel Female Perth
1934/101444 Perth Jamieson Ivy Vearel Female Batchelor William Male Perth
1934/101445 Perth Angel Dulcie Female Ewen Harvey Cyril Male Claremont
1934/101445 Perth Ewen Harvey Cyril Male Angel Dulcie Female Claremont
1934/101446 Perth Kilpatrick David John Rose Male Birch Stella Florence Female Claremont
1934/101446 Perth Birch Stella Florence Female Kilpatrick David John Rose Male Claremont
1934/101447 Perth Ray William George Male Harrison Dorothy Irene Female Claremont
1934/101447 Perth Harrison Dorothy Irene Female Ray William George Male Claremont
1934/101448 Perth Mann Vera Alice Female Fletcher Alfred Edward Male Claremont
1934/101448 Perth Fletcher Alfred Edward Male Mann Vera Alice Female Claremont
1934/101449 Perth McLean Donald Male King Barbara Esther Female Perth
1934/101449 Perth King Barbara Esther Female McLean Donald Male Perth
1934/101450 Perth Kokotovich Milka Female Gledich Simo Male Perth
1934/101450 Perth Gledich Simo Male Kokotovich Milka Female Perth
1934/101451 Perth O'Keefe Alan James Male Galbraith Jean Argyle Female Perth
1934/101451 Perth Galbraith Jean Argyle Female O'Keefe Alan James Male Perth
1934/101452 Perth White William Harold Male Marshall Florence Amy Female West Perth
1934/101452 Perth Marshall Florence Amy Female White William Harold Male West Perth
1934/101453 Perth Bain Lily Everett Female Strauss Theodore Alfred Male West Perth
1934/101453 Perth Strauss Theodore Alfred Male Bain Lily Everett Female West Perth
1934/101454 Perth Gubgub Victor Henry Jack Male Jones Letitia May Female West Perth
1934/101454 Perth Jones Letitia May Female Gubgub Victor Henry Jack Male West Perth
1934/101455 Perth Dickens Eliot Thomson Male Macafee Doris Jean Female West Perth
1934/101455 Perth Macafee Doris Jean Female Dickens Eliot Thomson Male West Perth
1934/101456 Perth Shadforth Donald George McGregor Male Churchward Elsie May Female West Perth
1934/101456 Perth Churchward Elsie May Female Shadforth Donald George McGregor Male West Perth
1934/101457 Perth Burgess Alan Thomas Male Thomas Phyllis Mabel Wynne Female West Perth
1934/101457 Perth Thomas Phyllis Mabel Wynne Female Burgess Alan Thomas Male West Perth
1934/101458 Perth Wright Isabella Norwell Graham Female Richardson Harry Alexander Thomas Male Maylands
1934/101458 Perth Richardson Harry Alexander Thomas Male Wright Isabella Norwell Graham Female Maylands
1934/101459 Perth Arthur Stella Female Payne John Pallot Male Perth
1934/101459 Perth Payne John Pallot Male Arthur Stella Female Perth
1934/101460 Perth Lynch Winifred Annie Female McCabe Austin John Male Maylands
1934/101460 Perth McCabe Austin John Male Lynch Winifred Annie Female Maylands
1934/101461 Perth Hansen Elisa Female Young William Henry Male Maylands
1934/101461 Perth Young William Henry Male Hansen Elisa Female Maylands
1934/101462 Perth Kinross Doris Valentine Female Taylor Leslie William Male Cottesloe
1934/101462 Perth Taylor Leslie William Male Kinross Doris Valentine Female Cottesloe
1934/101463 Perth Lewis Albert Charles Male Donovan Ethel Female Cottesloe
1934/101463 Perth Donovan Ethel Female Lewis Albert Charles Male Cottesloe
1934/101464 Perth Williams Merthyr Female Michelson Eric Male Perth
1934/101464 Perth Michelson Eric Male Williams Merthyr Female Perth
1934/101465 Perth Rowlands William John Humphrey Male Lloyd Irene Gertrude Female Perth
1934/101465 Perth Lloyd Irene Gertrude Female Rowlands William John Humphrey Male Perth
1934/101466 Perth Turnbull Lilian Goldring Female Scaddan Thomas Richard Male Mt Lawley
1934/101466 Perth Scaddan Thomas Richard Male Turnbull Lilian Goldring Female Mt Lawley
1934/101467 Perth Garden Lena Female Goddard Samuel Newman Male Perth
1934/101467 Perth Goddard Samuel Newman Male Garden Lena Female Perth
1934/101468 Perth Mitchell Gertrude Elsie Female Chandler Harry MacNaught Male Perth
1934/101468 Perth Chandler Harry MacNaught Male Mitchell Gertrude Elsie Female Perth
1934/101469 Perth Hogg Reginald Charles Male Jones Ethel May Female Nedlands
1934/101469 Perth Jones Ethel May Female Hogg Reginald Charles Male Nedlands
1934/101470 Perth Harris Ernest Ralph Cooper Male Rayner Jean Alma Female Perth
1934/101470 Perth Rayner Jean Alma Female Harris Ernest Ralph Cooper Male Perth
1934/101471 Perth Merritt William James Male Cummings Edna May Female Perth
1934/101471 Perth Cummings Edna May Female Merritt William James Male Perth
1934/101472 Perth Brash Bessie Female Stanley John Male Victoria Park
1934/101472 Perth Stanley John Male Brash Bessie Female Victoria Park
1934/101473 Perth Crossland Eileen Ismay Female McGee Laurence Loftus Male Subiaco
1934/101473 Perth McGee Laurence Loftus Male Crossland Eileen Ismay Female Subiaco
1934/101474 Perth Bennett Henry Albert Male Bowra Frances May Female Perth
1934/101474 Perth Bowra Frances May Female Bennett Henry Albert Male Perth
1934/101475 Perth Salter William Keith Freeman Male Wilkin Hilda Eileen Female Perth
1934/101475 Perth Wilkin Hilda Eileen Female Salter William Keith Freeman Male Perth
1934/101476 Perth Bird Ronald James Male McKinna Lily Female Perth
1934/101476 Perth McKinna Lily Female Bird Ronald James Male Perth
1934/101477 Perth Wingrove Jean Agnes Female Hyde William Hill Male Perth
1934/101477 Perth Hyde William Hill Male Wingrove Jean Agnes Female Perth
1934/101478 Perth Mainwaring Ivy Vinetta Female Dahlberg Hector Alexander Male Perth
1934/101478 Perth Dahlberg Hector Alexander Male Mainwaring Ivy Vinetta Female Perth
1934/101479 Perth Collyer Phyllis Mary Female Roche Andrew Robert Male Perth
1934/101479 Perth Roche Andrew Robert Male Collyer Phyllis Mary Female Perth
1934/101480 Perth Bowles Mabel Mary Female Johnston Matthew Male Perth
1934/101480 Perth Johnston Matthew Male Bowles Mabel Mary Female Perth
1934/101481 Perth Smart John Bennett Arnott Male Dickie Christina Kirk Female Rivervale
1934/101481 Perth Dickie Christina Kirk Female Smart John Bennett Arnott Male Rivervale
1934/101482 Perth Williams Reginald Thomas Robert Male Johnson Ida Jane Female Subiaco
1934/101482 Perth Johnson Ida Jane Female Williams Reginald Thomas Robert Male Subiaco
1934/101483 Perth Dyball Ernest Frederick William Male Spreadbury Ivy Lilian Ethel Female Cottesloe
1934/101483 Perth Spreadbury Ivy Lilian Ethel Female Dyball Ernest Frederick William Male Cottesloe
1934/101484 Perth Holt Edith Jean Female Fraser Claude Euslin Male Cottesloe
1934/101484 Perth Fraser Claude Euslin Male Holt Edith Jean Female Cottesloe
1934/101485 Perth Bockelberg Bessie Sultana Female Black Edward William Male West Leederville
1934/101485 Perth Black Edward William Male Bockelberg Bessie Sultana Female West Leederville
1934/101486 Perth Graham Walter John Male Loudon Isabel Nellie Female Perth
1934/101486 Perth Loudon Isabel Nellie Female Graham Walter John Male Perth
1934/101487 Perth Jarvis Mavis Gertrude Female Sedgwick John Maxwell Male Leederville
1934/101487 Perth Sedgwick John Maxwell Male Jarvis Mavis Gertrude Female Leederville
1934/101488 Perth Dondas Katherine Female Gunellas Michael George Male Perth
1934/101488 Perth Gunellas Michael George Male Dondas Katherine Female Perth
1934/101489 Perth Farrell Margaret Jean Female Stuckey Leslie Archibald Male Maylands
1934/101489 Perth Stuckey Leslie Archibald Male Farrell Margaret Jean Female Maylands
1934/101490 Perth Taylor Phyllis Angela Female Jackson William Keith Male Maylands
1934/101490 Perth Jackson William Keith Male Taylor Phyllis Angela Female Maylands
1934/101491 Perth Jacobsen Carl Male Wedemeyer Reta Agnes Female North Perth
1934/101491 Perth Wedemeyer Reta Agnes Female Jacobsen Carl Male North Perth
1934/101492 Perth Birmingham Frederick Edwin Male Green Phyllis Dorothy Mabel Female North Perth
1934/101492 Perth Green Phyllis Dorothy Mabel Female Birmingham Frederick Edwin Male North Perth
1934/101493 Perth Gibbons Richard Michael Male Keyser Lorna Catherine Female North Perth
1934/101493 Perth Keyser Lorna Catherine Female Gibbons Richard Michael Male North Perth
1934/101494 Perth Lawrence Ernest John Male Owens Emma Edna May Female North Perth
1934/101494 Perth Owens Emma Edna May Female Lawrence Ernest John Male North Perth
1934/101495 Perth Taylor Ethel May Female Palmer George Francis Male Mt Lawley
1934/101495 Perth Palmer George Francis Male Taylor Ethel May Female Mt Lawley
1934/101496 Perth Potts Thomas Henry Male Wilson Georgina Bertha Female Perth
1934/101496 Perth Wilson Georgina Bertha Female Potts Thomas Henry Male Perth
1934/101497 Perth George Winifred Female Kennon James Harold Male Perth
1934/101497 Perth Kennon James Harold Male George Winifred Female Perth
1934/101498 Perth Loton Morris William Male Kenny Kathleen Anne Female West Perth
1934/101498 Perth Kenny Kathleen Anne Female Loton Morris William Male West Perth
1934/101499 Perth Alger Dermot Male Humphry Edna Jean Female Perth
1934/101499 Perth Humphry Edna Jean Female Alger Dermot Male Perth
1934/101500 Perth Clarke Catherine Mary Female Kilburn William James Male Perth
1934/101500 Perth Kilburn William James Male Clarke Catherine Mary Female Perth
1934/101501 Perth Jones Noel Hector Male Kimberley Violet Mavis Female Mt Lawley
1934/101501 Perth Kimberley Violet Mavis Female Jones Noel Hector Male Mt Lawley
1934/101502 Perth Sherman Annie Helena Female Lacey Reginald Leslie Male South Perth
1934/101502 Perth Lacey Reginald Leslie Male Sherman Annie Helena Female South Perth
1934/101503 Perth Geary Frank Raymond Male Dearden Annie Female Subiaco
1934/101503 Perth Dearden Annie Female Geary Frank Raymond Male Subiaco
1934/101504 Perth Hard Winifred Irene Female White George Henry Male Perth
1934/101504 Perth White George Henry Male Hard Winifred Irene Female Perth
1934/101505 Perth Johnson Betty Cowpe Female Rhodes Joseph Milton Male Perth
1934/101505 Perth Rhodes Joseph Milton Male Johnson Betty Cowpe Female Perth
1934/101506 Perth Blechynden Edith Amy Female Shadbolt Henry James Male South Perth
1934/101506 Perth Shadbolt Henry James Male Blechynden Edith Amy Female South Perth
1934/101507 Perth Colyer Muriel Annie Female Combley Edward James Male Perth
1934/101507 Perth Combley Edward James Male Colyer Muriel Annie Female Perth
1934/101508 Perth Cartwright Allen Joseph Male Minister Edna May Female Perth
1934/101508 Perth Minister Edna May Female Cartwright Allen Joseph Male Perth
1934/101509 Perth Rees John Albert Male Fraser Gladys May Female Perth
1934/101509 Perth Fraser Gladys May Female Rees John Albert Male Perth
1934/101510 Perth Walsh Thelma Sarah Female Neilson Hamish Stoddart Stuart Male Claremont
1934/101510 Perth Neilson Hamish Stoddart Stuart Male Walsh Thelma Sarah Female Claremont
1934/101511 Perth Morris Ellen Mary Female Bunn Walter George Arthur Male Claremont
1934/101511 Perth Bunn Walter George Arthur Male Morris Ellen Mary Female Claremont
1934/101512 Perth Kiss Annie Elizabeth Female Berry John Thomas Male West Leederville
1934/101512 Perth Berry John Thomas Male Kiss Annie Elizabeth Female West Leederville
1934/101513 Perth Bromley Richard Walter Male Young Myrtle Dorothy Eva Female Cottesloe
1934/101513 Perth Young Myrtle Dorothy Eva Female Bromley Richard Walter Male Cottesloe
1934/101514 Perth Griffiths Elizabeth May Female Molloy Arthur William Male Perth
1934/101514 Perth Molloy Arthur William Male Griffiths Elizabeth May Female Perth
1934/101515 Perth Jacques George Edward Male Boxhall Matilda May Female Perth
1934/101515 Perth Boxhall Matilda May Female Jacques George Edward Male Perth
1934/101516 Perth Foster Joseph Harold Male Millett Doris Female Leederville
1934/101516 Perth Millett Doris Female Foster Joseph Harold Male Leederville
1934/101517 Perth Emms Gertrude Edith Female Schorer George Henry Male Perth
1934/101517 Perth Schorer George Henry Male Emms Gertrude Edith Female Perth
1934/101518 Perth North Benjamin Colman Male Porter Eva Harriet Female Perth
1934/101518 Perth Porter Eva Harriet Female North Benjamin Colman Male Perth
1934/101519 Perth Hopkins Fred Male Gossage Phyllis Female Mt Lawley
1934/101519 Perth Gossage Phyllis Female Hopkins Fred Male Mt Lawley
1934/101520 Perth Webb Albert Edward Male Flynn Mary Agnes Female Perth
1934/101520 Perth Flynn Mary Agnes Female Webb Albert Edward Male Perth
1934/101521 Perth Maxwell Winifred Clarice Female Kenworthy Charles Griffith Male Perth
1934/101521 Perth Kenworthy Charles Griffith Male Maxwell Winifred Clarice Female Perth
1934/101522 Perth Bennett May Iris Female Elliott Victor Laurence Male Perth
1934/101522 Perth Elliott Victor Laurence Male Bennett May Iris Female Perth
1934/101523 Perth De Freitas Josephine Lilian Female Birch Thomas Oliver Male Perth
1934/101523 Perth Birch Thomas Oliver Male De Freitas Josephine Lilian Female Perth
1934/101524 Perth Orrell George Edward Male Ingle Mavis Clare Female Perth
1934/101524 Perth Ingle Mavis Clare Female Orrell George Edward Male Perth
1934/101525 Perth Finnerty Stella Gertrude Female Roberts Walter Llewelyn Male Perth
1934/101525 Perth Roberts Walter Llewelyn Male Finnerty Stella Gertrude Female Perth
1934/101526 Perth Whitworth Nell Ethel Female Eacott Ernest William Male Perth
1934/101526 Perth Eacott Ernest William Male Whitworth Nell Ethel Female Perth
1934/101527 Perth Durbridge Mavis Giles Female Silvester Walter William Male Perth
1934/101527 Perth Silvester Walter William Male Durbridge Mavis Giles Female Perth
1934/101528 Perth Gray Susan Jane Female Mitchell George Edward Male Cottesloe
1934/101528 Perth Mitchell George Edward Male Gray Susan Jane Female Cottesloe
1934/101529 Perth Ryan Colin Robert Male Weller Irmgard Elsbeth Female Perth
1934/101529 Perth Weller Irmgard Elsbeth Female Ryan Colin Robert Male Perth
1934/101530 Perth Carter Charles Robert Male Schmitt Violet May Female Perth
1934/101530 Perth Schmitt Violet May Female Carter Charles Robert Male Perth
1934/101531 Perth Brosnan Theresa Lily May Female Taylor John Male Perth
1934/101531 Perth Taylor John Male Brosnan Theresa Lily May Female Perth
1934/101532 Perth Ford Ethel May Female Clark Percival Cameron Douglas Male Mt Lawley
1934/101532 Perth Clark Percival Cameron Douglas Male Ford Ethel May Female Mt Lawley
1934/101533 Perth Dodd William Henry Redvers Male Gunson Hazel May Female Mt Lawley
1934/101533 Perth Gunson Hazel May Female Dodd William Henry Redvers Male Mt Lawley
1934/101534 Perth Wilson Harry Male Morgan Elizabeth Logie Female West Perth
1934/101534 Perth Morgan Elizabeth Logie Female Wilson Harry Male West Perth
1934/101535 Perth Ronan Gladys Female Saraceni Nicola Male West Perth
1934/101535 Perth Saraceni Nicola Male Ronan Gladys Female West Perth
1934/101536 Perth Scully Eileen Mary Female Hackshaw Henry Charles Male West Perth
1934/101536 Perth Hackshaw Henry Charles Male Scully Eileen Mary Female West Perth
1934/101537 Perth Pola Teresa Female Giudice Ernesto Male Perth
1934/101537 Perth Giudice Ernesto Male Pola Teresa Female Perth
1934/101538 Perth Ferridge Gertrude Agness Female Mifflin Charles John Male Perth
1934/101538 Perth Mifflin Charles John Male Ferridge Gertrude Agness Female Perth
1934/101539 Perth Dillon Austin Joseph Male Walker Florence Female Maylands
1934/101539 Perth Walker Florence Female Dillon Austin Joseph Male Maylands
1934/101540 Perth Woods Henry Redver Male Burrell Irene Mary Female West Perth
1934/101540 Perth Burrell Irene Mary Female Woods Henry Redver Male West Perth
1934/101541 Perth Watts Frances Margaret Female Keeley George William Male Victoria Park
1934/101541 Perth Keeley George William Male Watts Frances Margaret Female Victoria Park
1934/101542 Perth Roberts Thelma Mary Female O'Leary John Bernard Francis Male Victoria Park
1934/101542 Perth O'Leary John Bernard Francis Male Roberts Thelma Mary Female Victoria Park
1934/101543 Perth Kent Marie Elizabeth Female Neck Alfred Lloyd Male Victoria Park
1934/101543 Perth Neck Alfred Lloyd Male Kent Marie Elizabeth Female Victoria Park
1934/101544 Perth Wood Flora Daphne Martha Female Mynard Leslie William Male North Perth
1934/101544 Perth Mynard Leslie William Male Wood Flora Daphne Martha Female North Perth
1934/101545 Perth Pond Edith Ada Female Morton Charles Male Leederville
1934/101545 Perth Morton Charles Male Pond Edith Ada Female Leederville
1934/101546 Perth Wheeler Ida Muriel Female Hunt Eric Allum Male Perth
1934/101546 Perth Hunt Eric Allum Male Wheeler Ida Muriel Female Perth
1934/101547 Perth Pether Evelyn Louise Female Perrin John Miller Male South Perth
1934/101547 Perth Perrin John Miller Male Pether Evelyn Louise Female South Perth
1934/101548 Perth Mather Cedric Arthur Male Baxter Laura Edith Female Maylands
1934/101548 Perth Baxter Laura Edith Female Mather Cedric Arthur Male Maylands
1934/101549 Perth Willoughby Alfred Stawell Male Bide Edith Olive Female Cottesloe
1934/101549 Perth Bide Edith Olive Female Willoughby Alfred Stawell Male Cottesloe
1934/101550 Perth Browne Alice Helena Female Eddington Raymond Jack Male Perth
1934/101550 Perth Eddington Raymond Jack Male Browne Alice Helena Female Perth
1934/101551 Perth Grose John Male Turner Elizabeth Female Mt Lawley
1934/101551 Perth Turner Elizabeth Female Grose John Male Mt Lawley
1934/101552 Perth Kilner Nancie Jenkyn Female Rendell Walter Garnet Male Mount Lawley
1934/101552 Perth Rendell Walter Garnet Male Kilner Nancie Jenkyn Female Mount Lawley
1934/101553 Perth Robinson Dorothy Vera Female Fox Patrick Francis Male Perth
1934/101553 Perth Fox Patrick Francis Male Robinson Dorothy Vera Female Perth
1934/101554 Perth Jacobsen Carl Sigfred Male Shanasy Rosalie Mary Female Perth
1934/101554 Perth Shanasy Rosalie Mary Female Jacobsen Carl Sigfred Male Perth
1934/101555 Perth Atkinson Gladys Amy Female Whitsed Norman George Male Perth
1934/101555 Perth Whitsed Norman George Male Atkinson Gladys Amy Female Perth
1934/101556 Perth Dickinson Mabel Female Rogers John Alan Male Perth
1934/101556 Perth Rogers John Alan Male Dickinson Mabel Female Perth
1934/101557 Perth McKenzie Frank Godfrey Male Shepherd Ruth May Female Perth
1934/101557 Perth Shepherd Ruth May Female McKenzie Frank Godfrey Male Perth
1934/101558 Perth Cowcher Ivy Adeline Female Love William Ernest Hamilton Male Perth
1934/101558 Perth Love William Ernest Hamilton Male Cowcher Ivy Adeline Female Perth
1934/101559 Perth Platt Beatrice Isabella Female Moss Leonard Harry Male Cottesloe
1934/101559 Perth Moss Leonard Harry Male Platt Beatrice Isabella Female Cottesloe
1934/101560 Perth Carroll Gwendoline Mavis Female Nottle Richard James John Male Victoria Park
1934/101560 Perth Nottle Richard James John Male Carroll Gwendoline Mavis Female Victoria Park
1934/101561 Perth Loxton Beatrice Margaret Female Trew Robert Walker Male West Perth
1934/101561 Perth Trew Robert Walker Male Loxton Beatrice Margaret Female West Perth
1934/101562 Perth Chappell Arthur Eric Male Stringer May Female West Perth
1934/101562 Perth Stringer May Female Chappell Arthur Eric Male West Perth
1934/101563 Perth Sinclair Phyllis Elaine Female Ellis Arthur Idris Male West Perth
1934/101563 Perth Ellis Arthur Idris Male Sinclair Phyllis Elaine Female West Perth
1934/101564 Perth Schell Phyllis Medley Female Halbert Alexander Robert Male West Perth
1934/101564 Perth Halbert Alexander Robert Male Schell Phyllis Medley Female West Perth
1934/101565 Perth Doust Dorothy Female Rossell Ronald Male West Perth
1934/101565 Perth Rossell Ronald Male Doust Dorothy Female West Perth
1934/101566 Perth Norton Hazel Mary Female Paterson George Crichton Male West Perth
1934/101566 Perth Paterson George Crichton Male Norton Hazel Mary Female West Perth
1934/101567 Perth Douglas Dorothy Jean Female Treen Allan Male West Perth
1934/101567 Perth Treen Allan Male Douglas Dorothy Jean Female West Perth
1934/101568 Perth Langford Herbert Charles Male Martin Millicent Dorothy Female West Perth
1934/101568 Perth Martin Millicent Dorothy Female Langford Herbert Charles Male West Perth
1934/101569 Perth Hanrahan Henry John Chadwick Male Elder Kathleen Mary Female West Perth
1934/101569 Perth Elder Kathleen Mary Female Hanrahan Henry John Chadwick Male West Perth
1934/101570 Perth Vagg Eva May Female Stone William Richard Male West Perth
1934/101570 Perth Stone William Richard Male Vagg Eva May Female West Perth
1934/101571 Perth Virgin George Ernest Male Whittleston Rita Alice Female Perth
1934/101571 Perth Whittleston Rita Alice Female Virgin George Ernest Male Perth
1934/101572 Perth Domney Violet May Female Thomas David Male Perth
1934/101572 Perth Thomas David Male Domney Violet May Female Perth
1934/101573 Perth Butler Joseph Male Waller Florence Female Perth
1934/101573 Perth Waller Florence Female Butler Joseph Male Perth
1934/101574 Perth Turnbull James Macaulay Male Barron Joan Female Perth
1934/101574 Perth Barron Joan Female Turnbull James Macaulay Male Perth
1934/101575 Perth Owen Annie Marguerite Female Knight Albert John Lloyd Male Rosalie
1934/101575 Perth Knight Albert John Lloyd Male Owen Annie Marguerite Female Rosalie
1934/101576 Perth Morrison Elsie Elizabeth Female Caporn William George Male West Perth
1934/101576 Perth Caporn William George Male Morrison Elsie Elizabeth Female West Perth
1934/101577 Perth Agnew Andrew Male McDonald Alice Elizabeth Female Perth
1934/101577 Perth McDonald Alice Elizabeth Female Agnew Andrew Male Perth
1934/101578 Perth Cable Noveen Alwynne Female Foley Arnold Beckett Male Perth
1934/101578 Perth Foley Arnold Beckett Male Cable Noveen Alwynne Female Perth
1934/101579 Perth Wallace John Chapman Male Chamberlain Katherine Rose Female Perth
1934/101579 Perth Chamberlain Katherine Rose Female Wallace John Chapman Male Perth
1934/101580 Perth Shepherd Albert Alan Male Gray Ruby Cresside Female Perth
1934/101580 Perth Gray Ruby Cresside Female Shepherd Albert Alan Male Perth
1934/101581 Perth David Muriel Ann Elizabeth Female Elliot Andrew Webster Male Perth
1934/101581 Perth Elliot Andrew Webster Male David Muriel Ann Elizabeth Female Perth
1934/101582 Perth Elfgren Gustav Adolf Male Elliot Annie Evelyn Female Perth
1934/101582 Perth Elliot Annie Evelyn Female Elfgren Gustav Adolf Male Perth
1934/101583 Perth Bond Ernest Lyle Male Englett Freda May Female Perth
1934/101583 Perth Englett Freda May Female Bond Ernest Lyle Male Perth
1934/101584 Perth Sheridan Eardley John Male Ferguson Lydia May Female Perth
1934/101584 Perth Ferguson Lydia May Female Sheridan Eardley John Male Perth
1934/101585 Perth Shanks Clara Ann Victoria Marian Female Parncutt Arthur Male Mt Lawley
1934/101585 Perth Parncutt Arthur Male Shanks Clara Ann Victoria Marian Female Mt Lawley
1934/101586 Perth McAtee Mabel Dorothy Female Pickering William Henry Male West Subiaco
1934/101586 Perth Pickering William Henry Male McAtee Mabel Dorothy Female West Subiaco
1934/101587 Perth Walter William Laurence Male Randell Sylvia Frances Female Perth
1934/101587 Perth Randell Sylvia Frances Female Walter William Laurence Male Perth
1934/101588 Perth Linney Robert Edward Male Stacey Irene Thelma Female Perth
1934/101588 Perth Stacey Irene Thelma Female Linney Robert Edward Male Perth
1934/101589 Perth Evans Annie Irene Maie Female Matson Philip Glen Male Perth
1934/101589 Perth Matson Philip Glen Male Evans Annie Irene Maie Female Perth
1934/101590 Perth O'Shannessy Olive Maud Female Allison Thomas Robinson Male Perth
1934/101590 Perth Allison Thomas Robinson Male O'Shannessy Olive Maud Female Perth
1934/101591 Perth Stephens Walter Rowley Male Hogan Clara Elizabeth Female Perth
1934/101591 Perth Hogan Clara Elizabeth Female Stephens Walter Rowley Male Perth
1934/101592 Perth Pinker Ethel May Female Latham Alfred Henry Male Perth
1934/101592 Perth Latham Alfred Henry Male Pinker Ethel May Female Perth
1934/101593 Perth Davies Kathleen Susan Female Hannan Albert Male Perth
1934/101593 Perth Hannan Albert Male Davies Kathleen Susan Female Perth
1934/101594 Perth Hopkins Sylvia Elsie May Female Cutts Albert Arthur Male Perth
1934/101594 Perth Cutts Albert Arthur Male Hopkins Sylvia Elsie May Female Perth
1934/101595 Perth Cubbage Eileen Elizabeth Ann Female Coxon Alan Barbour Male Perth
1934/101595 Perth Coxon Alan Barbour Male Cubbage Eileen Elizabeth Ann Female Perth
1934/101596 Perth Alexander Dorothy Alice Female Rolfe William John Male Perth
1934/101596 Perth Rolfe William John Male Alexander Dorothy Alice Female Perth
1934/101597 Perth Matcham Walter Kenneth Male Turrell Grace Female Perth
1934/101597 Perth Turrell Grace Female Matcham Walter Kenneth Male Perth
1934/101598 Perth Baldock Lily McKenzie Female Williams Joseph Eric Male Perth
1934/101598 Perth Williams Joseph Eric Male Baldock Lily McKenzie Female Perth
1934/101599 Perth Le Maistre Albert John Male James Bertha Female Perth
1934/101599 Perth James Bertha Female Le Maistre Albert John Male Perth
1934/101600 Perth Hardie Richard Gordon Male Battye Marjorie Kathleen Female Perth
1934/101600 Perth Battye Marjorie Kathleen Female Hardie Richard Gordon Male Perth
1934/101601 Perth McLaren May Female Peirl Edward Male Perth
1934/101601 Perth Peirl Edward Male McLaren May Female Perth
1934/101602 Perth Wynne Mavis Mary Female Norris Charles Male North Perth
1934/101602 Perth Norris Charles Male Wynne Mavis Mary Female North Perth
1934/101603 Perth Boag Alice Female Bousfield Henry Bellasis Sidney Male Subiaco
1934/101603 Perth Bousfield Henry Bellasis Sidney Male Boag Alice Female Subiaco
1934/101604 Perth Cahill Lilian Victoria Female Howard Neil Kenneth James Male Perth
1934/101604 Perth Howard Neil Kenneth James Male Cahill Lilian Victoria Female Perth
1934/101605 Perth Lockwood Eileen Amelia Female Rowe Harold Henny Male Maylands
1934/101605 Perth Rowe Harold Henny Male Lockwood Eileen Amelia Female Maylands
1934/101606 Perth Wilson Alexander Frederick Male Moyle Edna Jean Female Maylands
1934/101606 Perth Moyle Edna Jean Female Wilson Alexander Frederick Male Maylands
1934/101607 Perth Hawkins John Bearne Male Clarke Mavis Ethel Female Mt Lawley
1934/101607 Perth Clarke Mavis Ethel Female Hawkins John Bearne Male Mt Lawley
1934/101608 Perth Laird Allan John Male Lockyer Gladys Miriam Female Subiaco
1934/101608 Perth Lockyer Gladys Miriam Female Laird Allan John Male Subiaco
1934/101609 Perth Lynch John Thomas Male Lawson Doris Mary Female South Perth
1934/101609 Perth Lawson Doris Mary Female Lynch John Thomas Male South Perth
1934/101610 Perth Treadgold Ethel Margaret Helen Female Dodd Foster Lindsay Gilmore Male Perth
1934/101610 Perth Dodd Foster Lindsay Gilmore Male Treadgold Ethel Margaret Helen Female Perth
1934/101611 Perth Stone Margaret Stewart Female Ryan Cyril Male Perth
1934/101611 Perth Ryan Cyril Male Stone Margaret Stewart Female Perth
1934/101612 Perth Forrestal Joseph Anthony Male Casey Eileen Marguerite Female Leederville
1934/101612 Perth Casey Eileen Marguerite Female Forrestal Joseph Anthony Male Leederville
1934/101613 Perth Troy Ida Ella May Female Lewis John Alfred Male Leederville
1934/101613 Perth Lewis John Alfred Male Troy Ida Ella May Female Leederville
1934/101614 Perth Brown Lily Sarah Jane Female Shaw William Henry Male Leederville
1934/101614 Perth Shaw William Henry Male Brown Lily Sarah Jane Female Leederville
1934/101615 Perth Ewart James John Male Abud Nellie Female Cottesloe
1934/101615 Perth Abud Nellie Female Ewart James John Male Cottesloe
1934/101616 Perth Robertson Margaret Jessie Female Saggers Sydney Harold Samson Male Bayswater
1934/101616 Perth Saggers Sydney Harold Samson Male Robertson Margaret Jessie Female Bayswater
1934/101617 Perth Withers Norman Percy Male Collins Ivy Irene Female Perth
1934/101617 Perth Collins Ivy Irene Female Withers Norman Percy Male Perth
1934/101618 Perth Fletcher George Lincoln Male Martin Kathleen Margaret Female Perth
1934/101618 Perth Martin Kathleen Margaret Female Fletcher George Lincoln Male Perth
1934/101619 Perth Lamb Nellie Elizabeth Female Reason Thomas Raymond Male Maylands
1934/101619 Perth Reason Thomas Raymond Male Lamb Nellie Elizabeth Female Maylands
1934/101620 Perth Harris Donald James Charles Male Baines Zilpah Female Victoria Park
1934/101620 Perth Baines Zilpah Female Harris Donald James Charles Male Victoria Park
1934/101621 Perth Hill Harold William Male Biggs Eunice Female Maylands
1934/101621 Perth Biggs Eunice Female Hill Harold William Male Maylands
1934/101622 Perth Wilson Constance Isabella Female King James Stanley Male Rosalie
1934/101622 Perth King James Stanley Male Wilson Constance Isabella Female Rosalie
1934/101623 Perth House Rhoda Female Fitz Gibbon Gerald Maurice Male Perth
1934/101623 Perth Fitz Gibbon Gerald Maurice Male House Rhoda Female Perth
1934/101624 Perth Hicks Kenneth John Male Tebbutt Gwenyth Female Perth
1934/101624 Perth Tebbutt Gwenyth Female Hicks Kenneth John Male Perth
1934/101625 Perth Walton John Richard Male Gracie Muriel Susie Female Perth
1934/101625 Perth Gracie Muriel Susie Female Walton John Richard Male Perth
1934/101626 Perth Machin James Adderley Male Willis Dulcie Cyprian Female Perth
1934/101626 Perth Willis Dulcie Cyprian Female Machin James Adderley Male Perth
1934/101627 Perth Carman Dulcie Female Boydell John Henry Male Perth
1934/101627 Perth Boydell John Henry Male Carman Dulcie Female Perth
1934/101628 Perth Brockman Aiden Ralph Male Spargo Marguerita Violet Female Perth
1934/101628 Perth Spargo Marguerita Violet Female Brockman Aiden Ralph Male Perth
1934/101629 Perth Woods Robert Male Anderton Ada Maud Female Perth
1934/101629 Perth Anderton Ada Maud Female Woods Robert Male Perth
1934/101630 Perth Pyman Harry Maxwell Male Connell Jeannette Melva Female Perth
1934/101630 Perth Connell Jeannette Melva Female Pyman Harry Maxwell Male Perth
1934/101631 Perth Kinsman Jean Mary Female Morrell Forrest Edwin Male Subiaco
1934/101631 Perth Morrell Forrest Edwin Male Kinsman Jean Mary Female Subiaco
1934/101632 Perth Ross Agnes Gentles Female Glover Gordon Irwin Male Perth
1934/101632 Perth Glover Gordon Irwin Male Ross Agnes Gentles Female Perth
1934/101633 Perth Knight Frederick Male Nesbitt Jean Elizabeth Female Perth
1934/101633 Perth Nesbitt Jean Elizabeth Female Knight Frederick Male Perth
1934/101634 Perth Marland George Male Sendall May Eva Female West Perth
1934/101634 Perth Sendall May Eva Female Marland George Male West Perth
1934/101635 Perth Howard George Male Groves Frances Mary Female Maylands
1934/101635 Perth Groves Frances Mary Female Howard George Male Maylands
1934/101636 Perth Tibbits John Markham Male Oates Mabel Violet Female West Subiaco
1934/101636 Perth Oates Mabel Violet Female Tibbits John Markham Male West Subiaco
1934/101638 Perth Malpass Arthur Harold Male Ingram Stella Female Perth
1934/101638 Perth Ingram Stella Female Malpass Arthur Harold Male Perth
1934/101639 Perth Miller Frederick William Male Fist Annie Jeanne Female Perth
1934/101639 Perth Fist Annie Jeanne Female Miller Frederick William Male Perth
1934/101640 Perth Wright James Weir Male Horley Dorothy Lyle Female Perth
1934/101640 Perth Horley Dorothy Lyle Female Wright James Weir Male Perth
1934/101641 Perth Jenkins Edward Male Collins Margaret Ann Female Perth
1934/101641 Perth Collins Margaret Ann Female Jenkins Edward Male Perth
1934/101642 Perth Morey Catherine Ann Female Harkins Henry Baxter Male Perth
1934/101642 Perth Harkins Henry Baxter Male Morey Catherine Ann Female Perth
1934/101643 Perth Marwood Hector Marcus Male Weir Ada Agnes Female North Perth
1934/101643 Perth Weir Ada Agnes Female Marwood Hector Marcus Male North Perth
1934/101644 Perth Ball Veronica Josephine Female Bryant William James Male Perth
1934/101644 Perth Bryant William James Male Ball Veronica Josephine Female Perth
1934/101645 Perth Jones Ray Male Hill Audrey Charlotte Female Maylands
1934/101645 Perth Hill Audrey Charlotte Female Jones Ray Male Maylands
1934/101646 Perth Blake Gerald O'Malley Irwin Male Sewell Mary Elizabeth Carington Female Perth
1934/101646 Perth Sewell Mary Elizabeth Carington Female Blake Gerald O'Malley Irwin Male Perth
1934/101647 Perth Boland Robert Andrew Male Kirwan Myrtle Daphne Female Perth
1934/101647 Perth Kirwan Myrtle Daphne Female Boland Robert Andrew Male Perth
1934/101648 Perth Terry Brian Walker Male Spargo Susy Lenore Female Mt Lawley
1934/101648 Perth Spargo Susy Lenore Female Terry Brian Walker Male Mt Lawley
1934/101649 Perth Bromley Mavis Female Mitchell Francis William Male Perth
1934/101649 Perth Mitchell Francis William Male Bromley Mavis Female Perth
1934/101650 Perth Thomas Dora Ellen Female Coulter Leonard James Thomas Male Perth
1934/101650 Perth Coulter Leonard James Thomas Male Thomas Dora Ellen Female Perth
1934/101651 Perth Courbary Dorothy Vida Female Glew William John Male Perth
1934/101651 Perth Glew William John Male Courbary Dorothy Vida Female Perth
1934/101652 Perth Dilley Dorothy Eveline Female West Bertram Male Perth
1934/101652 Perth West Bertram Male Dilley Dorothy Eveline Female Perth
1934/101653 Perth de Lacy Alexander Male Young Dulcie Elizabeth Annie Female Perth
1934/101653 Perth Young Dulcie Elizabeth Annie Female de Lacy Alexander Male Perth
1934/101654 Perth Makeham George Eric Male Gearing Eva Melvina Bessie Female Perth
1934/101654 Perth Gearing Eva Melvina Bessie Female Makeham George Eric Male Perth
1934/101655 Perth Birkbeck Ernest William Male Styling Annie Maud Female Cottesloe
1934/101655 Perth Styling Annie Maud Female Birkbeck Ernest William Male Cottesloe
1934/101656 Perth Chapple Thomas Dampier Male Sadleir Dorothy Georgina Female Cottesloe
1934/101656 Perth Sadleir Dorothy Georgina Female Chapple Thomas Dampier Male Cottesloe
1934/101657 Perth Wightman William Hector Male Miller Lillian Mae Female Cottesloe
1934/101657 Perth Miller Lillian Mae Female Wightman William Hector Male Cottesloe
1934/101658 Perth Shoebridge Leslie Arthur Male Foster Mary Annie Female South Perth
1934/101658 Perth Foster Mary Annie Female Shoebridge Leslie Arthur Male South Perth
1934/101659 Perth Howard Charles Robert Male Okamoto Ada May Female South Perth
1934/101659 Perth Okamoto Ada May Female Howard Charles Robert Male South Perth
1934/101660 Perth Warnes Francis Charles Male Carr Edith Female Perth
1934/101660 Perth Carr Edith Female Warnes Francis Charles Male Perth
1934/101661 Perth Wallis Bruce Watson Male Tout Alma Ellen Joyce Female Peppermint Grove
1934/101661 Perth Tout Alma Ellen Joyce Female Wallis Bruce Watson Male Peppermint Grove
1934/101662 Perth Raitt Elizabeth Rose Jessie Female Bricknell Francis James Male Perth
1934/101662 Perth Bricknell Francis James Male Raitt Elizabeth Rose Jessie Female Perth
1934/101663 Perth Jacobs Geoffrey Francis Male Macdonald Jessie Stewart Female Perth
1934/101663 Perth Macdonald Jessie Stewart Female Jacobs Geoffrey Francis Male Perth
1934/101664 Perth O'Keefe Mary Kathleen Female Gilbert William Peter Male Perth
1934/101664 Perth Gilbert William Peter Male O'Keefe Mary Kathleen Female Perth
1934/101665 Perth Dawson Frederick Thomas Male Ferguson Nena May Female Perth
1934/101665 Perth Ferguson Nena May Female Dawson Frederick Thomas Male Perth
1934/101666 Perth Brophy Irene Mary Female McHenry Alex James Male Perth
1934/101666 Perth McHenry Alex James Male Brophy Irene Mary Female Perth
1934/101667 Perth Denmark Doreen Grace Female Foley Cyril James Hubert Male Perth
1934/101667 Perth Foley Cyril James Hubert Male Denmark Doreen Grace Female Perth
1934/101668 Perth Jose Michael Patrick Male Bradshaw Ruby Female Perth
1934/101668 Perth Bradshaw Ruby Female Jose Michael Patrick Male Perth
1934/101669 Perth Tobin Mary Josephine Female Alward Herbert James Male Perth
1934/101669 Perth Alward Herbert James Male Tobin Mary Josephine Female Perth
1934/101670 Perth Chandler Joseph Male Connolly Alma Alice Female Perth
1934/101670 Perth Connolly Alma Alice Female Chandler Joseph Male Perth
1934/101671 Perth Kessell Joan Marie Female Monaghan James Patrick Male Perth
1934/101671 Perth Monaghan James Patrick Male Kessell Joan Marie Female Perth
1934/101672 Perth Lang Patricia Mary Female Kennedy Thomas St John Male Perth
1934/101672 Perth Kennedy Thomas St John Male Lang Patricia Mary Female Perth
1934/101673 Perth Rees Roy Philip Ledger Male Wells Dorothy Emily Female Perth
1934/101673 Perth Wells Dorothy Emily Female Rees Roy Philip Ledger Male Perth
1934/101674 Perth Blinco Norman Robert Eustace Male Harper Thelma Mary Female Cottesloe
1934/101674 Perth Harper Thelma Mary Female Blinco Norman Robert Eustace Male Cottesloe
1934/101675 Perth Sprigg Irene Elizabeth Female Harvey Robert Wesley Male Perth
1934/101675 Perth Harvey Robert Wesley Male Sprigg Irene Elizabeth Female Perth
1934/101676 Perth Dryden Cyril John Male Green Ellen May Female Perth
1934/101676 Perth Green Ellen May Female Dryden Cyril John Male Perth
1934/101677 Perth Geary Evelyn Female Carr James Reginald Male Perth
1934/101677 Perth Carr James Reginald Male Geary Evelyn Female Perth
1934/101678 Perth Carmichael Ronald William Male Rowley Ellen Female North Perth
1934/101678 Perth Rowley Ellen Female Carmichael Ronald William Male North Perth
1934/101679 Perth Wass Albert Frederick Johnson Male Sloper Daisy Female Victoria Park
1934/101679 Perth Sloper Daisy Female Wass Albert Frederick Johnson Male Victoria Park
1934/101680 Perth McHenry Bartley Liston Male Fallon May Female West Perth
1934/101680 Perth Fallon May Female McHenry Bartley Liston Male West Perth
1934/101681 Perth McDiarmid John Male Morris Doris Female West Perth
1934/101681 Perth Morris Doris Female McDiarmid John Male West Perth
1934/101682 Perth Hobbs Hilda Elizabeth Female Ker Eustace de Burgh Male Claremont
1934/101682 Perth Ker Eustace de Burgh Male Hobbs Hilda Elizabeth Female Claremont
1934/101683 Perth Roberts Esme Constance Female Maxwell Thomas William Male Perth
1934/101683 Perth Maxwell Thomas William Male Roberts Esme Constance Female Perth
1934/101684 Perth Matthews John Raymond Male Fry Jessica Dorothy Female Perth
1934/101684 Perth Fry Jessica Dorothy Female Matthews John Raymond Male Perth
1934/101685 Perth MacRae John Male Patterson Viva Annie Female Mount Lawley
1934/101685 Perth Patterson Viva Annie Female MacRae John Male Mount Lawley
1934/101686 Perth Waldon George Alfred James Male Hodgkinson Beryl May Female Perth
1934/101686 Perth Hodgkinson Beryl May Female Waldon George Alfred James Male Perth
1934/101687 Perth Adams Philip Deighton Male Daulby Mildred Gladys Female Subiaco
1934/101687 Perth Daulby Mildred Gladys Female Adams Philip Deighton Male Subiaco
1934/101688 Perth Morgan Joan Eileen Female Bateman John Robert Male North Perth
1934/101688 Perth Bateman John Robert Male Morgan Joan Eileen Female North Perth
1934/101689 Perth McLeod John Sutherland Male Pola Edna Mary Female Perth
1934/101689 Perth Pola Edna Mary Female McLeod John Sutherland Male Perth
1934/101690 Perth Starling Gertrude Emily Female Ranger Robert Henry Male Perth
1934/101690 Perth Ranger Robert Henry Male Starling Gertrude Emily Female Perth
1934/101691 Perth Baumgartin Sylvie Joyce Female Phillips Alfred George Butler Male Victoria Park
1934/101691 Perth Phillips Alfred George Butler Male Baumgartin Sylvie Joyce Female Victoria Park
1934/101692 Perth Sturt Alfred William Charlwood Male Shelley Majorie Doreen Female Victoria Park
1934/101692 Perth Shelley Majorie Doreen Female Sturt Alfred William Charlwood Male Victoria Park
1934/101693 Perth Maddocks Joseph Male Richardson Ruby Isobel Ada Female Victoria Park
1934/101693 Perth Richardson Ruby Isobel Ada Female Maddocks Joseph Male Victoria Park
1934/101694 Perth Shepherd Lennard Arthur Male King Ruby Elizebeth Female Victoria Park
1934/101694 Perth King Ruby Elizebeth Female Shepherd Lennard Arthur Male Victoria Park
1934/101695 Perth Thompson Hazel Sylvia Female Bowers Jack Edward Lawrence Male Victoria Park
1934/101695 Perth Bowers Jack Edward Lawrence Male Thompson Hazel Sylvia Female Victoria Park
1934/101696 Perth Beer Reginald Ray Male Drock Vera Ethel Norma Female Victoria Park
1934/101696 Perth Drock Vera Ethel Norma Female Beer Reginald Ray Male Victoria Park
1934/101697 Perth Martin Elvie Ethel Female Wesson Robert Samuel Male Leederville
1934/101697 Perth Wesson Robert Samuel Male Martin Elvie Ethel Female Leederville
1934/101698 Perth Williams Edward Ernest Rupert Male Murphy Violet Isabella Female Leederville
1934/101698 Perth Murphy Violet Isabella Female Williams Edward Ernest Rupert Male Leederville
1934/101699 Perth Gold Mavis Carry Female Eatt Howard James Male Cottesloe
1934/101699 Perth Eatt Howard James Male Gold Mavis Carry Female Cottesloe
1934/101700 Perth Haselhurst Reginald Maldon Male Rutherford Elsie Phoebe Female West Perth
1934/101700 Perth Rutherford Elsie Phoebe Female Haselhurst Reginald Maldon Male West Perth
1934/101701 Perth Fiander Dorothy Eileen Female Elliott George Albert Male West Perth
1934/101701 Perth Elliott George Albert Male Fiander Dorothy Eileen Female West Perth
1934/101702 Perth Yeates Horatio Thomas Male Collins Florence Blanche Female West Perth
1934/101702 Perth Collins Florence Blanche Female Yeates Horatio Thomas Male West Perth
1934/101703 Perth Parker Frances Amy Female Robertson Dudley William Collins Male West Perth
1934/101703 Perth Robertson Dudley William Collins Male Parker Frances Amy Female West Perth
1934/101704 Perth Trenaman Horace Victor Male Stoneman Lilian Marcella Female West Perth
1934/101704 Perth Stoneman Lilian Marcella Female Trenaman Horace Victor Male West Perth
1934/101705 Perth Baxter Robert Barnes Male Findlay Bertha James Female West Perth
1934/101705 Perth Findlay Bertha James Female Baxter Robert Barnes Male West Perth
1934/101706 Perth Eilbeck Elsie Irene Female Hazlitt Percy Kilner Male West Perth
1934/101706 Perth Hazlitt Percy Kilner Male Eilbeck Elsie Irene Female West Perth
1934/101707 Perth Henderson Charles John Porter Male Northover Phyllis Joan Rose Female West Perth
1934/101707 Perth Northover Phyllis Joan Rose Female Henderson Charles John Porter Male West Perth
1934/101708 Perth Mitchell McKenzie Male Rusha Olive Edith Female West Perth
1934/101708 Perth Rusha Olive Edith Female Mitchell McKenzie Male West Perth
1934/101709 Perth Potter Amy Lily Female Irvine Andrew George Male West Perth
1934/101709 Perth Irvine Andrew George Male Potter Amy Lily Female West Perth
1934/101710 Perth Sloss Mignonette Female Gordon Cornelius Henry Male Perth
1934/101710 Perth Gordon Cornelius Henry Male Sloss Mignonette Female Perth
1934/101711 Perth White Marjorie Female Mathews Douglas Keith Male Perth
1934/101711 Perth Mathews Douglas Keith Male White Marjorie Female Perth
1934/101712 Perth Crawford Lilian Elizabeth Female Kelly Charles Edward Male Perth
1934/101712 Perth Kelly Charles Edward Male Crawford Lilian Elizabeth Female Perth
1934/101713 Perth Crotty Henry Charles Male Cleary Mary Josephine Female Perth
1934/101713 Perth Cleary Mary Josephine Female Crotty Henry Charles Male Perth
1934/101714 Perth Armour Dulcie Eileen Mary Female Baxter Norman Eric Male Perth
1934/101714 Perth Baxter Norman Eric Male Armour Dulcie Eileen Mary Female Perth
1934/101715 Perth Macdougall Alan Male Stallion Rita Female Perth
1934/101715 Perth Stallion Rita Female Macdougall Alan Male Perth
1934/101716 Perth Langoulant Kathleen Female Regan Michael Thomas Male Perth
1934/101716 Perth Regan Michael Thomas Male Langoulant Kathleen Female Perth
1934/101717 Perth Coffey Clifford Felix Male Thomas Irene Agnes Female Perth
1934/101717 Perth Thomas Irene Agnes Female Coffey Clifford Felix Male Perth
1934/101718 Perth Elliott Alice Mary Myrtle Female Lewis Ronald Whitson Male Maylands
1934/101718 Perth Lewis Ronald Whitson Male Elliott Alice Mary Myrtle Female Maylands
1934/101719 Perth Stobie Joyce Mary Female Smith Frederick William Garfield Male Subiaco
1934/101719 Perth Smith Frederick William Garfield Male Stobie Joyce Mary Female Subiaco
1934/101720 Perth Crowley William Henry Male Chambers Edette Marjorie Female Perth
1934/101720 Perth Chambers Edette Marjorie Female Crowley William Henry Male Perth
1934/101721 Perth Northcote Lyle Male McClemans Lily Margaret Female Perth
1934/101721 Perth McClemans Lily Margaret Female Northcote Lyle Male Perth
1934/101722 Perth Paterson Keith Russel Male Feakes Letty Rosemond Female Perth
1934/101722 Perth Feakes Letty Rosemond Female Paterson Keith Russel Male Perth
1934/101723 Perth Von Geyer Lucy Margaret Female Donovan Samuel Timothy Male West Perth
1934/101723 Perth Donovan Samuel Timothy Male Von Geyer Lucy Margaret Female West Perth
1934/101724 Perth Mettam Jean Phyllis Female Day John Trevor Male Perth
1934/101724 Perth Day John Trevor Male Mettam Jean Phyllis Female Perth
1934/101725 Perth Goddard Leslie George Male Ranger Mabel Victoria Female In WA Airways Plane VH-VQJ while flying over City of Perth
1934/101725 Perth Ranger Mabel Victoria Female Goddard Leslie George Male In WA Airways Plane VH-VQJ while flying over City of Perth
1934/101726 Perth Hancock Arthur Ernest Male Harris Ivy Myrtle Female Perth
1934/101726 Perth Harris Ivy Myrtle Female Hancock Arthur Ernest Male Perth
1934/101727 Perth Fleming Norma Mina Female Stuart Ralph Waldo Male Perth
1934/101727 Perth Stuart Ralph Waldo Male Fleming Norma Mina Female Perth
1934/101728 Perth Wallace Mona Winifred Female Massey Ronald Walter John Male Perth
1934/101728 Perth Massey Ronald Walter John Male Wallace Mona Winifred Female Perth
1934/101729 Perth Fealy Harold Vivian Male Watkins Lily Evelyn Female Perth
1934/101729 Perth Watkins Lily Evelyn Female Fealy Harold Vivian Male Perth
1934/101730 Perth Mulcock Doris Female Larner Jack Albert Male Perth
1934/101730 Perth Larner Jack Albert Male Mulcock Doris Female Perth
1934/101731 Perth Fullwood Rosalie Female Weaver Rufus Zealandia Male Perth
1934/101731 Perth Weaver Rufus Zealandia Male Fullwood Rosalie Female Perth
1934/101732 Perth Allsop Henry James Male Sherman Marie Ethel-Dreda Female Perth
1934/101732 Perth Sherman Marie Ethel-Dreda Female Allsop Henry James Male Perth
1934/101733 Perth Serturini Ventura Male Moraschinelli Lily May Female Perth
1934/101733 Perth Moraschinelli Lily May Female Serturini Ventura Male Perth
1934/101734 Perth Poneros Ekatherine Antoniou Female Loucas Diamantis Konstantine Male Perth
1934/101734 Perth Loucas Diamantis Konstantine Male Poneros Ekatherine Antoniou Female Perth
1934/101735 Perth Blair Nora Female Pritchard George Henry Male Subiaco
1934/101735 Perth Pritchard George Henry Male Blair Nora Female Subiaco
1934/101736 Perth Gardner Ellen Female O'Neill John Lawrence Male Perth
1934/101736 Perth O'Neill John Lawrence Male Gardner Ellen Female Perth
1934/101737 Perth Hogbin Randolph Hanscomb Male Bell Wylie Melissa Female Perth
1934/101737 Perth Bell Wylie Melissa Female Hogbin Randolph Hanscomb Male Perth
1934/101738 Perth Gaynor Alice May Female O'Shea Stanley Charles Male Perth
1934/101738 Perth O'Shea Stanley Charles Male Gaynor Alice May Female Perth
1934/101739 Perth Silberman Rose Female Michaels Samuel Nathaniel Male Perth
1934/101739 Perth Michaels Samuel Nathaniel Male Silberman Rose Female Perth
1934/101740 Perth Wain Vera Louise Female Bentley Harry Newton Male Claremont
1934/101740 Perth Bentley Harry Newton Male Wain Vera Louise Female Claremont
1934/101741 Perth Lynch Valerie Mary Female Pitcher Stanley Ronald Male Perth
1934/101741 Perth Pitcher Stanley Ronald Male Lynch Valerie Mary Female Perth
1934/101742 Perth Gorin George William Male Timbrell Unity Avis Female Perth
1934/101742 Perth Timbrell Unity Avis Female Gorin George William Male Perth
1934/101743 Perth McKenzie Rita Dorothy Female Wilkie Laurence Roy Male Perth
1934/101743 Perth Wilkie Laurence Roy Male McKenzie Rita Dorothy Female Perth
1934/101744 Perth Gill John Ballantine Male Kealley Thelma Female Perth
1934/101744 Perth Kealley Thelma Female Gill John Ballantine Male Perth
1934/101745 Perth Ramsay Sylvia Dorothy Female Branigan Frank John Male Perth
1934/101745 Perth Branigan Frank John Male Ramsay Sylvia Dorothy Female Perth
1934/101746 Perth Spence Henry Harley Male McGeorge Isabella Mathieson Female Perth
1934/101746 Perth McGeorge Isabella Mathieson Female Spence Henry Harley Male Perth
1934/101747 Perth Clayton Isla Jean Female Clifton Rupert Worsley Male Perth
1934/101747 Perth Clifton Rupert Worsley Male Clayton Isla Jean Female Perth
1934/101748 Perth Nicholls Leslie Bakewell Male Adams Rosevear Edith Female Perth
1934/101748 Perth Adams Rosevear Edith Female Nicholls Leslie Bakewell Male Perth
1934/101749 Perth Whowell Dorothy May Female Vucak Yakov Male Perth
1934/101749 Perth Vucak Yakov Male Whowell Dorothy May Female Perth
1934/101750 Perth Tolchard Alfred Ross Male Smith Alecia Jessie Female Perth
1934/101750 Perth Smith Alecia Jessie Female Tolchard Alfred Ross Male Perth
1934/101751 Perth Timbury Violet Frances Female Hutchison Ernest Male Leederville
1934/101751 Perth Hutchison Ernest Male Timbury Violet Frances Female Leederville
1934/101752 Perth Bettesworth Winifred Marian Female Booth Archibald Eric Forbes Male Perth
1934/101752 Perth Booth Archibald Eric Forbes Male Bettesworth Winifred Marian Female Perth
1934/101753 Perth Street Fred Male Blakeley Annetta Daisy Female Perth
1934/101753 Perth Blakeley Annetta Daisy Female Street Fred Male Perth
1934/101754 Perth Ronan Esther Elizabeth Female Turner Alfred George Male Mt Lawley
1934/101754 Perth Turner Alfred George Male Ronan Esther Elizabeth Female Mt Lawley
1934/101755 Perth Fisher Cyril Ernest James Male Peart Irene Nelle Female Mt Lawley
1934/101755 Perth Peart Irene Nelle Female Fisher Cyril Ernest James Male Mt Lawley
1934/101756 Perth Hayward Hazel Laura Fuller Female Taylor Frank Male West Perth
1934/101756 Perth Taylor Frank Male Hayward Hazel Laura Fuller Female West Perth
1934/101757 Perth Hope Charles Stewart Male Wicken Alice Hapa Female West Perth
1934/101757 Perth Wicken Alice Hapa Female Hope Charles Stewart Male West Perth
1934/101758 Perth Johnson Arthur Frederick Male Prosser Lorna Isabel Female West Perth
1934/101758 Perth Prosser Lorna Isabel Female Johnson Arthur Frederick Male West Perth
1934/101759 Perth Scanlan Winifreda Agnes Female Merritt Arthur Albert Male West Perth
1934/101759 Perth Merritt Arthur Albert Male Scanlan Winifreda Agnes Female West Perth
1934/101760 Perth Symons Doris Margaret Female Taylor Walter Male West Perth
1934/101760 Perth Taylor Walter Male Symons Doris Margaret Female West Perth
1934/101761 Perth Philp Violet Maple Female Carson James Male West Perth
1934/101761 Perth Carson James Male Philp Violet Maple Female West Perth
1934/101762 Perth Maloney John Thomas Male Shackleton Winifred Elizabeth Female Perth
1934/101762 Perth Shackleton Winifred Elizabeth Female Maloney John Thomas Male Perth
1934/101763 Perth Currie Leslie James Male Summerfield Rona Gladys Female Perth
1934/101763 Perth Summerfield Rona Gladys Female Currie Leslie James Male Perth
1934/101764 Perth Pimm Charles Henry Male Phelan Margaret Mary Female North Perth
1934/101764 Perth Phelan Margaret Mary Female Pimm Charles Henry Male North Perth
1934/101765 Perth Sandwell Arthur George Male Marshall Ethel May Female Subiaco
1934/101765 Perth Marshall Ethel May Female Sandwell Arthur George Male Subiaco
1934/101766 Perth Wilson Charles Henry Weston Male Rayner Gladys Jane Female Subiaco
1934/101766 Perth Rayner Gladys Jane Female Wilson Charles Henry Weston Male Subiaco
1934/101767 Perth Tucker Ivy Agnes Female Pinkerton Robert Andrew Male Subiaco
1934/101767 Perth Pinkerton Robert Andrew Male Tucker Ivy Agnes Female Subiaco
1934/101768 Perth White John Hugh William Male Thomas Jessie Ruth Female Subiaco
1934/101768 Perth Thomas Jessie Ruth Female White John Hugh William Male Subiaco
1934/101769 Perth Claridge Francis Edward Male Foord Alice Blanche Female Subiaco
1934/101769 Perth Foord Alice Blanche Female Claridge Francis Edward Male Subiaco
1934/101770 Perth Donovan Samuel Martin Male Cossens Effie Myrtle Female Perth
1934/101770 Perth Cossens Effie Myrtle Female Donovan Samuel Martin Male Perth
1934/101771 Perth Moore Edgar Allan Male Cormack Muriel Amelia Maude Female Perth
1934/101771 Perth Cormack Muriel Amelia Maude Female Moore Edgar Allan Male Perth
1934/101772 Perth Robinson Hilton William Male Couper Dorothy Female Mount Lawley
1934/101772 Perth Couper Dorothy Female Robinson Hilton William Male Mount Lawley
1934/101773 Perth Richardson Truda Isobel Jean Female Linley Frank Male Perth
1934/101773 Perth Linley Frank Male Richardson Truda Isobel Jean Female Perth
1934/101774 Perth Stubberfield Marguerite Roseline Female Pearsall Charles Frederick Male Perth
1934/101774 Perth Pearsall Charles Frederick Male Stubberfield Marguerite Roseline Female Perth
1934/101775 Perth Bain James Ewan McNeil Male Sheer Lola Mary Female Perth
1934/101775 Perth Sheer Lola Mary Female Bain James Ewan McNeil Male Perth
1934/101776 Perth Henry Lawrence Charles Male Hansen Dorothy Margaret Female Perth
1934/101776 Perth Hansen Dorothy Margaret Female Henry Lawrence Charles Male Perth
1934/101777 Perth Corboy Irene Margaret Female Gilbert Neville Kenneth Male Perth
1934/101777 Perth Gilbert Neville Kenneth Male Corboy Irene Margaret Female Perth
1934/101778 Perth Stacy Alexander Oswald Male Griffiths Marion Wilson Female Cottesloe
1934/101778 Perth Griffiths Marion Wilson Female Stacy Alexander Oswald Male Cottesloe
1934/101779 Perth Martin Margaret Female Edwards David Isaac Male Maylands
1934/101779 Perth Edwards David Isaac Male Martin Margaret Female Maylands
1934/101780 Perth Hurford Vivian George Male Hamilton Winifred Cecelia Female Perth
1934/101780 Perth Hamilton Winifred Cecelia Female Hurford Vivian George Male Perth
1934/101781 Perth Jensen Mary Frances Female Holland Otto Richard Male Perth
1934/101781 Perth Holland Otto Richard Male Jensen Mary Frances Female Perth
1934/101782 Perth Crawford Adela Female Halliday Harold Arnold Male Perth
1934/101782 Perth Halliday Harold Arnold Male Crawford Adela Female Perth
1934/101783 Perth Langridge Shirley Duncan Female Curtis Frederick Henry Male Perth
1934/101783 Perth Curtis Frederick Henry Male Langridge Shirley Duncan Female Perth
1934/101784 Perth Duffield Elsie Mabel Female Southwell James Male Perth
1934/101784 Perth Southwell James Male Duffield Elsie Mabel Female Perth
1934/101785 Perth Roper Marjorie Amy Female Wainwright Ernest James Male West Perth
1934/101785 Perth Wainwright Ernest James Male Roper Marjorie Amy Female West Perth
1934/101786 Perth Griffin Ellen Attridge Female Omiridis Peter Nassil Male West Perth
1934/101786 Perth Omiridis Peter Nassil Male Griffin Ellen Attridge Female West Perth
1934/101787 Perth de Young Jack Robinson Male Martin Ethel Alice Female Perth
1934/101787 Perth Martin Ethel Alice Female de Young Jack Robinson Male Perth
1934/101788 Perth Hall Myra Irene Female Smith Roy Stephen Male Perth
1934/101788 Perth Smith Roy Stephen Male Hall Myra Irene Female Perth
1934/101789 Perth Seaton Gilbert Roland Male Forbes Effie Hill Female Mt Hawthorn
1934/101789 Perth Forbes Effie Hill Female Seaton Gilbert Roland Male Mt Hawthorn
1934/101790 Perth Reader James John Herbert Male Barratt Beatrice Ellen Female Mount Hawthorn
1934/101790 Perth Barratt Beatrice Ellen Female Reader James John Herbert Male Mount Hawthorn
1934/101791 Perth Naughton Francis James Male Baxter Jessie Howie Balfour Female West Perth
1934/101791 Perth Baxter Jessie Howie Balfour Female Naughton Francis James Male West Perth
1934/101792 Perth Egan Roderic Edward Male Carter Dorothy Ethel Milton Female Mount Lawley
1934/101792 Perth Carter Dorothy Ethel Milton Female Egan Roderic Edward Male Mount Lawley
1934/101793 Perth James Clement Preston Male Tredrea Marjorie Lillian Treverhick Female Perth
1934/101793 Perth Tredrea Marjorie Lillian Treverhick Female James Clement Preston Male Perth
1934/101794 Perth Foreman George Thomas Male Lloyd Rachel Rebecca Female Perth
1934/101794 Perth Lloyd Rachel Rebecca Female Foreman George Thomas Male Perth
1934/101795 Perth Bolin Janet Verdun Female Baker Ronald Noel Male West Perth
1934/101795 Perth Baker Ronald Noel Male Bolin Janet Verdun Female West Perth
1934/101796 Perth Waldron Violet Roberta Female Everett Thomas Charles Male Perth
1934/101796 Perth Everett Thomas Charles Male Waldron Violet Roberta Female Perth
1934/101797 Perth Kenna Joseph Male McLeod Sarah Ivy Female Cottesloe
1934/101797 Perth McLeod Sarah Ivy Female Kenna Joseph Male Cottesloe
1934/101798 Perth Bull Violet May Female Williams Alfred James Male Perth
1934/101798 Perth Williams Alfred James Male Bull Violet May Female Perth
1934/101799 Perth Arnetts Dulcie Margaret Female Ahearn Thomas Gerald Male West Perth
1934/101799 Perth Ahearn Thomas Gerald Male Arnetts Dulcie Margaret Female West Perth
1934/101800 Perth Wilkins Ada Lily Female Ducat Leslie Thompson Male Crawley
1934/101800 Perth Ducat Leslie Thompson Male Wilkins Ada Lily Female Crawley
1934/101801 Perth McKay Annie Keith Female Jeffreys John William Male Nedlands
1934/101801 Perth Jeffreys John William Male McKay Annie Keith Female Nedlands
1934/101802 Perth Keir James Neill Male Glance Rebecca Female Perth
1934/101802 Perth Glance Rebecca Female Keir James Neill Male Perth
1934/101803 Perth McCullough Sexton Herbert Male King Jean Martina Female North Perth
1934/101803 Perth King Jean Martina Female McCullough Sexton Herbert Male North Perth
1934/101804 Perth Coles Stella May Female Heard Augustus Edward Male North Perth
1934/101804 Perth Heard Augustus Edward Male Coles Stella May Female North Perth
1934/101805 Perth Trichet Emile William Male Butler Ruby Elizabeth Female North Perth
1934/101805 Perth Butler Ruby Elizabeth Female Trichet Emile William Male North Perth
1934/101806 Perth Webb Schroeder Frances Female Marshall Percy Stewart Male North Perth
1934/101806 Perth Marshall Percy Stewart Male Webb Schroeder Frances Female North Perth
1934/101807 Perth Green Eunice Ada Female Cann Percy Wellington Male North Perth
1934/101807 Perth Cann Percy Wellington Male Green Eunice Ada Female North Perth
1934/101808 Perth Felton Ernest William Male Broom Jean Female Subiaco
1934/101808 Perth Broom Jean Female Felton Ernest William Male Subiaco
1934/101809 Perth Torrance Thomas Male Callan Eileen Mary Female Perth
1934/101809 Perth Callan Eileen Mary Female Torrance Thomas Male Perth
1934/101810 Perth Devlin Grace Lucy Female Hyams Barnett Philip Male Perth
1934/101810 Perth Hyams Barnett Philip Male Devlin Grace Lucy Female Perth
1934/101811 Perth Graham Julia Margaret Catherine Female Byrne Kevin James Male Perth
1934/101811 Perth Byrne Kevin James Male Graham Julia Margaret Catherine Female Perth
1934/101812 Perth Hammond Stephen James Male Kelliher Noreen Female Perth
1934/101812 Perth Kelliher Noreen Female Hammond Stephen James Male Perth
1934/101813 Perth Cox Cathrine Female Dickson Jack Richard Maley Male North Perth
1934/101813 Perth Dickson Jack Richard Maley Male Cox Cathrine Female North Perth
1934/101814 Perth Cropper Mabel Gertrude Female Cracknell Frederick William Male Perth
1934/101814 Perth Cracknell Frederick William Male Cropper Mabel Gertrude Female Perth
1934/101815 Perth Hawkins Hettie Dorothy Female Westlund Carl Reginald Male Mt Lawley
1934/101815 Perth Westlund Carl Reginald Male Hawkins Hettie Dorothy Female Mt Lawley
1934/101816 Perth Eddy Vera Amelia Female Bellion William Washington Male Perth
1934/101816 Perth Bellion William Washington Male Eddy Vera Amelia Female Perth
1934/101817 Perth Weddle Ella Female Chart Eric Masters Male Perth
1934/101817 Perth Chart Eric Masters Male Weddle Ella Female Perth
1934/101818 Perth Jones Merrelder Florence Female Evans David Owen Male Mount Helena
1934/101818 Perth Evans David Owen Male Jones Merrelder Florence Female Mount Helena
1934/101819 Perth Arniett Richard Male Hamdorf Ruby Female Perth
1934/101819 Perth Hamdorf Ruby Female Arniett Richard Male Perth
1934/101820 Perth Kimpton Ethel Lois Female Marshall Alban Corynden Male Perth
1934/101820 Perth Marshall Alban Corynden Male Kimpton Ethel Lois Female Perth
1934/101821 Perth Howard Alma Edith Female Smith George William Male Perth
1934/101821 Perth Smith George William Male Howard Alma Edith Female Perth
1934/101822 Perth Kennedy Eva Annie Female Chappell Frank Male Claremont
1934/101822 Perth Chappell Frank Male Kennedy Eva Annie Female Claremont
1934/101823 Perth Auburn Albert Edward Finchley Male Dedman Hilda Helena May Female Claremont
1934/101823 Perth Dedman Hilda Helena May Female Auburn Albert Edward Finchley Male Claremont
1934/101824 Perth Wilson Eileen Mary Female Willoughby William Edward Male Claremont
1934/101824 Perth Willoughby William Edward Male Wilson Eileen Mary Female Claremont
1934/101825 Perth Herbert Thelma Maud Female McLeod Colin Bruce Male Claremont
1934/101825 Perth McLeod Colin Bruce Male Herbert Thelma Maud Female Claremont
1934/101826 Perth Howse Edith Maud Female Gadsby Leonard Male Claremont
1934/101826 Perth Gadsby Leonard Male Howse Edith Maud Female Claremont
1934/101827 Perth Beer Freda Mary Female Wood Ronald Gordon Male Claremont
1934/101827 Perth Wood Ronald Gordon Male Beer Freda Mary Female Claremont
1934/101828 Perth Riches Edith Frances Female Willmott Francis Drane Male Claremont
1934/101828 Perth Willmott Francis Drane Male Riches Edith Frances Female Claremont
1934/101829 Perth MacLeod Jean Female Godden Harry George Male Claremont
1934/101829 Perth Godden Harry George Male MacLeod Jean Female Claremont
1934/101830 Perth Booth Edward Male Linthorne Daphne Lorna Female Perth
1934/101830 Perth Linthorne Daphne Lorna Female Booth Edward Male Perth
1934/101831 Perth McCormack Samuel Bole Male Millar Winifred Salome Female Perth
1934/101831 Perth Millar Winifred Salome Female McCormack Samuel Bole Male Perth
1934/101832 Perth Redpath George Male Riordan Gladys Marion Female Perth
1934/101832 Perth Riordan Gladys Marion Female Redpath George Male Perth
1934/101833 Perth Cecil Nancy McKay Female Lindsay John William Murray Male Perth
1934/101833 Perth Lindsay John William Murray Male Cecil Nancy McKay Female Perth
1934/101834 Perth Brown Thomas Male Harper Barbara Ellen Female Perth
1934/101834 Perth Harper Barbara Ellen Female Brown Thomas Male Perth
1934/101835 Perth James Cecil Herbert Male Cox Eileen Marjorie Female Perth
1934/101835 Perth Cox Eileen Marjorie Female James Cecil Herbert Male Perth
1934/101836 Perth Williams Myrtle Female Smith James Wilfred Howe Male Mt Lawley
1934/101836 Perth Smith James Wilfred Howe Male Williams Myrtle Female Mt Lawley
1934/101837 Perth Bird John Joseph Male Lee Constance Edna Female West Leederville
1934/101837 Perth Lee Constance Edna Female Bird John Joseph Male West Leederville
1934/101838 Perth Cox George Henry Male Bryant Gwen Female West Leederville
1934/101838 Perth Bryant Gwen Female Cox George Henry Male West Leederville
1934/101839 Perth McCarthy Sydney James Male Jarvis Florence Mary Female West Leederville
1934/101839 Perth Jarvis Florence Mary Female McCarthy Sydney James Male West Leederville
1934/101840 Perth Gold Iris Elizabeth Female Prosser George Male West Leederville
1934/101840 Perth Prosser George Male Gold Iris Elizabeth Female West Leederville
1934/101841 Perth Beck Phyllis Amanda Female Masters Alfred Edward Male West Perth
1934/101841 Perth Masters Alfred Edward Male Beck Phyllis Amanda Female West Perth
1934/101842 Perth Powell Noel Leister Male Paris Nancy Louise Female West Perth
1934/101842 Perth Paris Nancy Louise Female Powell Noel Leister Male West Perth
1934/101843 Perth Darnley Blanche Constance Female Anderson Frank Gregory Male Subiaco
1934/101843 Perth Anderson Frank Gregory Male Darnley Blanche Constance Female Subiaco
1934/101844 Perth Adkins Ernest James Male Dickinson Eleanor Agnes Female West Perth
1934/101844 Perth Dickinson Eleanor Agnes Female Adkins Ernest James Male West Perth
1934/101845 Perth Woolgar Edna Edeline Female Topham Colin Harold Kinnear Male West Perth
1934/101845 Perth Topham Colin Harold Kinnear Male Woolgar Edna Edeline Female West Perth
1934/101846 Perth Ptolomey Andrew Mervyn Male Stringer Violet Female West Perth
1934/101846 Perth Stringer Violet Female Ptolomey Andrew Mervyn Male West Perth
1934/101847 Perth Grace Roy William Sidney Male Jones Amy Hilda Female West Perth
1934/101847 Perth Jones Amy Hilda Female Grace Roy William Sidney Male West Perth
1934/101848 Perth Dowden Gladys Mary Female Woods Ormsby Eddington Male West Perth
1934/101848 Perth Woods Ormsby Eddington Male Dowden Gladys Mary Female West Perth
1934/101849 Perth Tothill Frank John Male Thomas Nellie Clara Mander Female Perth
1934/101849 Perth Thomas Nellie Clara Mander Female Tothill Frank John Male Perth
1934/101850 Perth Camden Winifred Margaret Female James William Rex Male Perth
1934/101850 Perth James William Rex Male Camden Winifred Margaret Female Perth
1934/101851 Perth Hay Christina May Female Liddelow James Augustus Male Perth
1934/101851 Perth Liddelow James Augustus Male Hay Christina May Female Perth
1934/101852 Perth Pead Lord Arthur Male Walker Mary Lilian May Female Perth
1934/101852 Perth Walker Mary Lilian May Female Pead Lord Arthur Male Perth
1934/101853 Perth Le Févre Beryl Desirée Cecelia Female Reid Harold William Male Perth
1934/101853 Perth Reid Harold William Male Le Févre Beryl Desirée Cecelia Female Perth
1934/101854 Perth Grant Jessie Lillian Female Tompsett Charles Owen Male Perth
1934/101854 Perth Tompsett Charles Owen Male Grant Jessie Lillian Female Perth
1934/101855 Perth Spencer Doreen Female Carney Stanley Thomas Male Perth
1934/101855 Perth Carney Stanley Thomas Male Spencer Doreen Female Perth
1934/101856 Perth Marks William August Male Marks Esther Freda Female Perth
1934/101856 Perth Marks Esther Freda Female Marks William August Male Perth
1934/101857 Perth Venville Harry Thomas Male McLaren Georgina Alma Female Perth
1934/101857 Perth McLaren Georgina Alma Female Venville Harry Thomas Male Perth
1934/101858 Perth John Bessie Female Willmott Albert Lyle Male Claremont
1934/101858 Perth Willmott Albert Lyle Male John Bessie Female Claremont
1934/101859 Perth Groves William Drummond Male Macdonald Doris Mary Female Claremont
1934/101859 Perth Macdonald Doris Mary Female Groves William Drummond Male Claremont
1934/101860 Perth Fuller Cecil Warburton Male Watson Florence Irene Female Claremont
1934/101860 Perth Watson Florence Irene Female Fuller Cecil Warburton Male Claremont
1934/101861 Perth Anderson Mary Annie Female Johnson Victor Ives Male Perth
1934/101861 Perth Johnson Victor Ives Male Anderson Mary Annie Female Perth
1934/101862 Perth Pascoe Reginald Arthur Male Buckingham Olive Pearl Female Kelmscott
1934/101862 Perth Buckingham Olive Pearl Female Pascoe Reginald Arthur Male Kelmscott
1934/101863 Perth Bollard James Cecil Male Bridges Marjory Janet Female Leederville
1934/101863 Perth Bridges Marjory Janet Female Bollard James Cecil Male Leederville
1934/101864 Perth Wardle Walter Male McGeachie Sarah Govan Female Leederville
1934/101864 Perth McGeachie Sarah Govan Female Wardle Walter Male Leederville
1934/101865 Perth Davis Eric Male Tierney Rita Edith Female Carlisle
1934/101865 Perth Tierney Rita Edith Female Davis Eric Male Carlisle
1934/101866 Perth Shipton Olive Muriel Female Stanley Douglas Arthur Male Subiaco
1934/101866 Perth Stanley Douglas Arthur Male Shipton Olive Muriel Female Subiaco
1934/101867 Perth Duke Ronald Albert Male Wyndow Gwynneth Alonzo Female Subiaco
1934/101867 Perth Wyndow Gwynneth Alonzo Female Duke Ronald Albert Male Subiaco
1934/101868 Perth Stubbs Marguerite Female Linton James Alexander Barrow Male Subiaco
1934/101868 Perth Linton James Alexander Barrow Male Stubbs Marguerite Female Subiaco
1934/101869 Perth Ewings Eileen Sarah Bridges Female Spruce Clarence Edmund Male Bayswater
1934/101869 Perth Spruce Clarence Edmund Male Ewings Eileen Sarah Bridges Female Bayswater
1934/101870 Perth Burley May Female Martin Walter Dudley Male Bayswater
1934/101870 Perth Martin Walter Dudley Male Burley May Female Bayswater
1934/101871 Perth Edwards Edith Female Wearn Thomas Clifford Male Perth
1934/101871 Perth Wearn Thomas Clifford Male Edwards Edith Female Perth
1934/101872 Perth Woods Amy Evelyn Female Whetters Charles Gilbert Male Subiaco
1934/101872 Perth Whetters Charles Gilbert Male Woods Amy Evelyn Female Subiaco
1934/101873 Perth Rowe Ada Jane Female Durham William Charles Male Subiaco
1934/101873 Perth Durham William Charles Male Rowe Ada Jane Female Subiaco
1934/101874 Perth Faulkner Douglas Raymond Male Grimley Maida Lenore Female Subiaco
1934/101874 Perth Grimley Maida Lenore Female Faulkner Douglas Raymond Male Subiaco
1934/101875 Perth Gray Annie Female Morris Thomas Johnstone Male South Perth
1934/101875 Perth Morris Thomas Johnstone Male Gray Annie Female South Perth
1934/101876 Perth Slater Angus Edward Male James Norma Hellice Female Cottesloe
1934/101876 Perth James Norma Hellice Female Slater Angus Edward Male Cottesloe
1934/101877 Perth Braysher Alfred Francis Male Bell Ivy Muriel Female Perth
1934/101877 Perth Bell Ivy Muriel Female Braysher Alfred Francis Male Perth
1934/101878 Perth Bennett Robert Lindsay Male Oliver Dorothea Beryl Female North Perth
1934/101878 Perth Oliver Dorothea Beryl Female Bennett Robert Lindsay Male North Perth
1934/101879 Perth Hamann Frederick Charles Male Lawrence Joyce Rachel Harriett Female Perth
1934/101879 Perth Lawrence Joyce Rachel Harriett Female Hamann Frederick Charles Male Perth
1934/101880 Perth Carter Ernest Frank Male Butler Alma Ethel Female West Perth
1934/101880 Perth Butler Alma Ethel Female Carter Ernest Frank Male West Perth
1934/101881 Perth Waterfield Thomas Henry Male Glazier Ellen May Female Mt Hawthorn
1934/101881 Perth Glazier Ellen May Female Waterfield Thomas Henry Male Mt Hawthorn
1934/101882 Perth Hart William George Male Baird Leah Fay Lorraine Female Mount Hawthorn
1934/101882 Perth Baird Leah Fay Lorraine Female Hart William George Male Mount Hawthorn
1934/101883 Perth Grace Roy Gordon Male Jones Alice Mary Female Perth
1934/101883 Perth Jones Alice Mary Female Grace Roy Gordon Male Perth
1934/300001 Ashburton King Leslie Theresa Female Young Patrick Male Onslow
1934/300001 Ashburton Young Patrick Male King Leslie Theresa Female Onslow
1934/300002 Ashburton King Eileen Mary Female Fleay Robert Alister Clifford Male Onslow
1934/300002 Ashburton Fleay Robert Alister Clifford Male King Eileen Mary Female Onslow
1934/300003 Ashburton Day Jessie Victoria Female Pascoe Lancelot Male Onslow
1934/300003 Ashburton Pascoe Lancelot Male Day Jessie Victoria Female Onslow
1934/300004 Ashburton Abfalter Anthony Male Lawson Vera Kathleen Female Onslow
1934/300004 Ashburton Lawson Vera Kathleen Female Abfalter Anthony Male Onslow
1934/400002 Beverley Thornton Jean Mary Female Langford Albert John Male Bullaring
1934/400002 Beverley Langford Albert John Male Thornton Jean Mary Female Bullaring
1934/400003 Beverley Green Neta Eileen Female Fisher William Guildford Male Beverley
1934/400003 Beverley Fisher William Guildford Male Green Neta Eileen Female Beverley
1934/400004 Beverley Sims Irene Blanche Female Oliver David Christie Male Beverley
1934/400004 Beverley Oliver David Christie Male Sims Irene Blanche Female Beverley
1934/400005 Beverley Baker John Edward Male Greay Rachel Jane Female Pingelly
1934/400005 Beverley Greay Rachel Jane Female Baker John Edward Male Pingelly
1934/400006 Beverley O'Shea John Male Rohan Ellen Agnes Female Beverley
1934/400006 Beverley Rohan Ellen Agnes Female O'Shea John Male Beverley
1934/400007 Beverley Heithersay Gilbert Percy Male Gallagher Mavis Ethel Female Brookton
1934/400007 Beverley Gallagher Mavis Ethel Female Heithersay Gilbert Percy Male Brookton
1934/400008 Beverley Davis Alice Female Bennell Bert Male Brookton
1934/400008 Beverley Bennell Bert Male Davis Alice Female Brookton
1934/400009 Beverley Mackinlay Margaret Female Lymon Alfred Gordon Male Nyamuttin
1934/400009 Beverley Lymon Alfred Gordon Male Mackinlay Margaret Female Nyamuttin
1934/400010 Beverley Greay Edith May Female Vivian Harry Melville Male Pingelly
1934/400010 Beverley Vivian Harry Melville Male Greay Edith May Female Pingelly
1934/400011 Beverley Murray Ellen Knox Female Dale Leslie Allen Male Pingelly
1934/400011 Beverley Dale Leslie Allen Male Murray Ellen Knox Female Pingelly
1934/400012 Beverley Amos Joseph Brian Male Hicks Millicent Jane Tucker Female Beverley
1934/400012 Beverley Hicks Millicent Jane Tucker Female Amos Joseph Brian Male Beverley
1934/400013 Beverley Higgins Clarence Richard Male Broun Lillian Constance Female Pingelly
1934/400013 Beverley Broun Lillian Constance Female Higgins Clarence Richard Male Pingelly
1934/400014 Beverley Minchin Hazel Female Stone Albert Wilfred Male South Caroling
1934/400014 Beverley Stone Albert Wilfred Male Minchin Hazel Female South Caroling
1934/400015 Beverley Millwood William Male Rouse Harriet Lucy Female Beverley
1934/400015 Beverley Rouse Harriet Lucy Female Millwood William Male Beverley
1934/400016 Beverley Hancock Daisy Lillian Female Bloom Hubert Claud Male Beverley
1934/400016 Beverley Bloom Hubert Claud Male Hancock Daisy Lillian Female Beverley
1934/400017 Beverley Brownley Mervyn Alick Male Forrest Mabel Marion Female Pingelly
1934/400017 Beverley Forrest Mabel Marion Female Brownley Mervyn Alick Male Pingelly
1934/400018 Beverley Lee Ada Mavis Female James Ernest Hilbert Male Kirk's Rock
1934/400018 Beverley James Ernest Hilbert Male Lee Ada Mavis Female Kirk's Rock
1934/400019 Beverley Meares Boyce Vincent Male Fairhead Mary Female Beverley
1934/400019 Beverley Fairhead Mary Female Meares Boyce Vincent Male Beverley
1934/400020 Beverley Argus Alison Isobel Female Kieran John Charles Male Quairading
1934/400020 Beverley Kieran John Charles Male Argus Alison Isobel Female Quairading
1934/400021 Beverley Wildgoose Helen Jane Johnston Female Speed John Mitchell Male Beverley
1934/400021 Beverley Speed John Mitchell Male Wildgoose Helen Jane Johnston Female Beverley
1934/400022 Beverley Wansbrough Phoebe Linda Female Robins William Thomas Male Beverley
1934/400022 Beverley Robins William Thomas Male Wansbrough Phoebe Linda Female Beverley
1934/400023 Beverley Scalé Stanley William Male Armstrong Margaret Arnold Female Brookton
1934/400023 Beverley Armstrong Margaret Arnold Female Scalé Stanley William Male Brookton
1934/400024 Beverley O'Dea Lena Mavis Female van der Hoek Johan Willem Albert Male Pingelly
1934/400024 Beverley van der Hoek Johan Willem Albert Male O'Dea Lena Mavis Female Pingelly
1934/400025 Beverley Boyle Maurice John Male Brown Veronica May Female Beverley
1934/400025 Beverley Brown Veronica May Female Boyle Maurice John Male Beverley
1934/400026 Beverley Conneely John Male Anderson Grace Female Beverley
1934/400026 Beverley Anderson Grace Female Conneely John Male Beverley
1934/400027 Beverley Howard Muriel Lillian Female Sims Harold Arthur Male Pingelly
1934/400027 Beverley Sims Harold Arthur Male Howard Muriel Lillian Female Pingelly
1934/400028 Beverley Beswick Thomas Male Turpin Muriel Eliza Female East Pingelly
1934/400028 Beverley Turpin Muriel Eliza Female Beswick Thomas Male East Pingelly
1934/400029 Beverley Pumphrey Frances May Female Caddy William Henry Male Pingelly
1934/400029 Beverley Caddy William Henry Male Pumphrey Frances May Female Pingelly
1934/400030 Beverley O'Dea June Marie Female Ashenden William Arthur Fry Male Pingelly
1934/400030 Beverley Ashenden William Arthur Fry Male O'Dea June Marie Female Pingelly
1934/400031 Beverley Wood Edna Irene Female Blechynden Bruce Edwin Davies Male Beverley
1934/400031 Beverley Blechynden Bruce Edwin Davies Male Wood Edna Irene Female Beverley
1934/400032 Beverley O'Dea Kathleen Frances Female Murphy Douglas Raymond Male Quairading
1934/400032 Beverley Murphy Douglas Raymond Male O'Dea Kathleen Frances Female Quairading
1934/400033 Beverley Doohan Jessie Ellen Louisa Female Whyatt Gladstone James Clarence Male Beverley
1934/400033 Beverley Whyatt Gladstone James Clarence Male Doohan Jessie Ellen Louisa Female Beverley
1934/400034 Beverley Robinson Marjory Wade Female Jesser-Coope Anthony Bridges Male Pingelly
1934/400034 Beverley Jesser-Coope Anthony Bridges Male Robinson Marjory Wade Female Pingelly
1934/400035 Beverley Hill Vera Gladys Female McCooke Kenneth Walker Male Beverley
1934/400035 Beverley McCooke Kenneth Walker Male Hill Vera Gladys Female Beverley
1934/400036 Beverley Norwell Albert Thomas Male Hayman Olive May Female Pingelly
1934/400036 Beverley Hayman Olive May Female Norwell Albert Thomas Male Pingelly
1934/400037 Beverley Watson Leslie Alec Lawrence Male Campbell Marian Constance Female Pingelly
1934/400037 Beverley Campbell Marian Constance Female Watson Leslie Alec Lawrence Male Pingelly
1934/400038 Beverley Taylor Joseph Norris Male Clark Lorna Charlotte Female Beverley
1934/400038 Beverley Clark Lorna Charlotte Female Taylor Joseph Norris Male Beverley
1934/400039 Beverley Willey Ethel May Female Jones Louis Male Beverley
1934/400039 Beverley Jones Louis Male Willey Ethel May Female Beverley
1934/400040 Beverley James Roland Male Fitzgerald Dorothy Female Dangin
1934/400040 Beverley Fitzgerald Dorothy Female James Roland Male Dangin
1934/400041 Beverley Filmer Alexander Drummond Male Barlow Ellen Sarah Female Beverley
1934/400041 Beverley Barlow Ellen Sarah Female Filmer Alexander Drummond Male Beverley
1934/400042 Beverley Price Thomas Kennedy Male Gaskin Rita Coral Female West Pingelly
1934/400042 Beverley Gaskin Rita Coral Female Price Thomas Kennedy Male West Pingelly
1934/400043 Beverley Watson Gertrude Minnie Female Blackie James Bange Male Pingelly
1934/400043 Beverley Blackie James Bange Male Watson Gertrude Minnie Female Pingelly
1934/400044 Beverley Norwell William James Male Davis Mary Emma Agnes Female Beverley
1934/400044 Beverley Davis Mary Emma Agnes Female Norwell William James Male Beverley
1935/500001 Blackwood Shoobridge Vera Kathleen Female Brown William John Arnott Male Pemberton
1935/500001 Blackwood Brown William John Arnott Male Shoobridge Vera Kathleen Female Pemberton
1935/500002 Blackwood Ward Harry Joseph Male Mowday Agnes Hester Joyce Female Nannup
1935/500002 Blackwood Mowday Agnes Hester Joyce Female Ward Harry Joseph Male Nannup
1935/500003 Blackwood Johnson Sydney Male Taylor Kathleen Olive Hurst Female Northcliffe
1935/500003 Blackwood Taylor Kathleen Olive Hurst Female Johnson Sydney Male Northcliffe
1934/500006 Blackwood Bain Percy James Male Carter Ivy May Female Manjimup
1934/500006 Blackwood Carter Ivy May Female Bain Percy James Male Manjimup
1934/500008 Blackwood Moulton Edward Lea Male Coleman Charlotte Alice Female Greenbushes
1934/500008 Blackwood Coleman Charlotte Alice Female Moulton Edward Lea Male Greenbushes
1934/500009 Blackwood Jones Lucy Marie Female Pepall Mark Male Bridgetown
1934/500009 Blackwood Pepall Mark Male Jones Lucy Marie Female Bridgetown
1934/500010 Blackwood Sugars Amy Nancy Female Robinson Richard Male Manjimup
1934/500010 Blackwood Robinson Richard Male Sugars Amy Nancy Female Manjimup
1935/500010 Blackwood Byrne Kean Thomas Male Deverell Doris Female Northcliffe
1935/500010 Blackwood Deverell Doris Female Byrne Kean Thomas Male Northcliffe
1934/500011 Blackwood Graham Walter Roland Male Hartzer Theresa Mary Female Greenbushes
1934/500011 Blackwood Hartzer Theresa Mary Female Graham Walter Roland Male Greenbushes
1934/500012 Blackwood Box Victor Male Flood Jessica Jean Female Manjimup
1934/500012 Blackwood Flood Jessica Jean Female Box Victor Male Manjimup
1934/500013 Blackwood Holmes Marion Female Coleman John Bretherton Male Greenbushes
1934/500013 Blackwood Coleman John Bretherton Male Holmes Marion Female Greenbushes
1934/500014 Blackwood Coverley Letitia Female Redgrave John Male Manjimup
1934/500014 Blackwood Redgrave John Male Coverley Letitia Female Manjimup
1934/500015 Blackwood Robson Mabel Lucille Female Ryan Kieran Male Bridgetown
1934/500015 Blackwood Ryan Kieran Male Robson Mabel Lucille Female Bridgetown
1934/500016 Blackwood Letchford Henry George Male Powell Phyllis Paulina Female Bridgetown
1934/500016 Blackwood Powell Phyllis Paulina Female Letchford Henry George Male Bridgetown
1934/500017 Blackwood Goddard Harold Thomas Male Perry Grace Muriel Female Pemberton
1934/500017 Blackwood Perry Grace Muriel Female Goddard Harold Thomas Male Pemberton
1934/500018 Blackwood Davis Phyllis Irene Female Yates Stanley Charles Male Greenbushes
1934/500018 Blackwood Yates Stanley Charles Male Davis Phyllis Irene Female Greenbushes
1934/500019 Blackwood Blythe Philip Aubrey Male Longbottom Mary Elizabeth Female Nannup
1934/500019 Blackwood Longbottom Mary Elizabeth Female Blythe Philip Aubrey Male Nannup
1934/500020 Blackwood Licciardello Sarina Female Cusato Salvatore Male Bridgetown
1934/500020 Blackwood Cusato Salvatore Male Licciardello Sarina Female Bridgetown
1934/500021 Blackwood Hansen Sylvia May Florence Female Sawyer Leslie Frank Male Manjimup
1934/500021 Blackwood Sawyer Leslie Frank Male Hansen Sylvia May Florence Female Manjimup
1934/500022 Blackwood Radburn Winifred May Female Blyth John Hall Male Manjimup
1934/500022 Blackwood Blyth John Hall Male Radburn Winifred May Female Manjimup
1934/500023 Blackwood Blechynden Hilda Blanche Female Doust Matthew James Male Manjimup
1934/500023 Blackwood Doust Matthew James Male Blechynden Hilda Blanche Female Manjimup
1934/500024 Blackwood Lloyd Eric Douglas Male Magowan Gladys Clementine Female Greenbushes
1934/500024 Blackwood Magowan Gladys Clementine Female Lloyd Eric Douglas Male Greenbushes
1934/500025 Blackwood Johnston Gladys Lillian Female Wanchope Andrew Archibald Male Bridgetown
1934/500025 Blackwood Wanchope Andrew Archibald Male Johnston Gladys Lillian Female Bridgetown
1934/500026 Blackwood Sussmilch Nellie May Female Foale Walter Hamilton Male Bridgetown
1934/500026 Blackwood Foale Walter Hamilton Male Sussmilch Nellie May Female Bridgetown
1934/500027 Blackwood Fuge Violet Clara Female Wynne William Francis Male Pemberton
1934/500027 Blackwood Wynne William Francis Male Fuge Violet Clara Female Pemberton
1934/500028 Blackwood Jarvis David Gilbert Male Elias Ruby Elizabeth Lucy Female Greenbushes
1934/500028 Blackwood Elias Ruby Elizabeth Lucy Female Jarvis David Gilbert Male Greenbushes
1934/500029 Blackwood Tanner Alice Myrtle Female Selfe David Stanley Male Greenbushes
1934/500029 Blackwood Selfe David Stanley Male Tanner Alice Myrtle Female Greenbushes
1934/500030 Blackwood Chambers Harry Stephen Male Corker Edna Linda Gertrude Female Mayanup
1934/500030 Blackwood Corker Edna Linda Gertrude Female Chambers Harry Stephen Male Mayanup
1934/500031 Blackwood Weeks Violet Lily Female Bell Harold George Male Manjimup
1934/500031 Blackwood Bell Harold George Male Weeks Violet Lily Female Manjimup
1934/500032 Blackwood Barber John Henry Male McDonald Elizabeth Female Manjimup
1934/500032 Blackwood McDonald Elizabeth Female Barber John Henry Male Manjimup
1934/500033 Blackwood Meares Roy James Male Pashent Edith Mary Female Bridgetown
1934/500033 Blackwood Pashent Edith Mary Female Meares Roy James Male Bridgetown
1934/500034 Blackwood Ogborne Frank Kingsley Male Phillips Gwendoline Edith Female Bridgetown
1934/500034 Blackwood Phillips Gwendoline Edith Female Ogborne Frank Kingsley Male Bridgetown
1934/500035 Blackwood Scott Roy Keith Male Perks Ethel Elma Female Greenbushes
1934/500035 Blackwood Perks Ethel Elma Female Scott Roy Keith Male Greenbushes
1934/500036 Blackwood Baxter Louisa Female Andrews Frank Male Bridgetown
1934/500036 Blackwood Andrews Frank Male Baxter Louisa Female Bridgetown
1934/500037 Blackwood Connor Francis John Male Furniss Louisa Ellen Female Chowerup
1934/500037 Blackwood Furniss Louisa Ellen Female Connor Francis John Male Chowerup
1934/500038 Blackwood Field Dulcie Allison Female Green George Dorrington Male Nannup
1934/500038 Blackwood Green George Dorrington Male Field Dulcie Allison Female Nannup
1934/500039 Blackwood Harris Dorothy Gladys Female Dickson Ernest Roy Male Nannup
1934/500039 Blackwood Dickson Ernest Roy Male Harris Dorothy Gladys Female Nannup
1934/500040 Blackwood James George Male Egginton Florence Joyce Female Manjimup
1934/500040 Blackwood Egginton Florence Joyce Female James George Male Manjimup
1934/500041 Blackwood Buckland Wilfred John Male Wetherell Joan Female Manjimup
1934/500041 Blackwood Wetherell Joan Female Buckland Wilfred John Male Manjimup
1934/500042 Blackwood Sims Charles Daniel Male Long Edith Maud Female Manjimup
1934/500042 Blackwood Long Edith Maud Female Sims Charles Daniel Male Manjimup
1934/500043 Blackwood Mayo Lily Female Barker John Stanley Male Manjimup
1934/500043 Blackwood Barker John Stanley Male Mayo Lily Female Manjimup
1934/500044 Blackwood Sharman Lily Gertrude Female Beasland Samuel Edward Male Manjimup
1934/500044 Blackwood Beasland Samuel Edward Male Sharman Lily Gertrude Female Manjimup
1934/500045 Blackwood De Guglielmi Anna Female Tuia Enrico Male Greenbushes
1934/500045 Blackwood Tuia Enrico Male De Guglielmi Anna Female Greenbushes
1934/500046 Blackwood Smith Sydney Harry Male Williams Irene Esther Female Greenbushes
1934/500046 Blackwood Williams Irene Esther Female Smith Sydney Harry Male Greenbushes
1934/500047 Blackwood Jones Jenkyn Male Rooney Margaret Cecilia Female Manjimup
1934/500047 Blackwood Rooney Margaret Cecilia Female Jones Jenkyn Male Manjimup
1934/500048 Blackwood Cox Ronald Charles George Male Giblett Waveny Evelyn Female Dingup
1934/500048 Blackwood Giblett Waveny Evelyn Female Cox Ronald Charles George Male Dingup
1934/500049 Blackwood Lane Septimus Male Smart Esther Female Bridgetown
1934/500049 Blackwood Smart Esther Female Lane Septimus Male Bridgetown
1934/500050 Blackwood Cailes Albena Winifred Female Davidson Arthur Leslie Male Bridgetown
1934/500050 Blackwood Davidson Arthur Leslie Male Cailes Albena Winifred Female Bridgetown
1934/500051 Blackwood Jenkins Edna Female McDonald Bernard Joseph Male Balingup
1934/500051 Blackwood McDonald Bernard Joseph Male Jenkins Edna Female Balingup
1934/500052 Blackwood Palfrey Glady's Millicent Female Percival Neville Male Pemberton
1934/500052 Blackwood Percival Neville Male Palfrey Glady's Millicent Female Pemberton
1934/500053 Blackwood Greenup Maria Ann Female Connelly John James Male Manjimup
1934/500053 Blackwood Connelly John James Male Greenup Maria Ann Female Manjimup
1934/500054 Blackwood Chrisp William George Male Wilkinson Elsie Hilda Female Bridgetown
1934/500054 Blackwood Wilkinson Elsie Hilda Female Chrisp William George Male Bridgetown
1934/500055 Blackwood Williams Sid Male Roberts Doris May Female Greenbushes
1934/500055 Blackwood Roberts Doris May Female Williams Sid Male Greenbushes
1934/500056 Blackwood Combes Norman Henry Male Sleight Isbel Amy Female Manjimup
1934/500056 Blackwood Sleight Isbel Amy Female Combes Norman Henry Male Manjimup
1934/500057 Blackwood Smith Florence Female Harrison Ernest James Male Manjimup
1934/500057 Blackwood Harrison Ernest James Male Smith Florence Female Manjimup
1934/500058 Blackwood Hales Frank William Male Pearce Violet May Female Bridgetown
1934/500058 Blackwood Pearce Violet May Female Hales Frank William Male Bridgetown
1934/500059 Blackwood Suiter William Henry Male Perry Elenor Florence Female Manjimup
1934/500059 Blackwood Perry Elenor Florence Female Suiter William Henry Male Manjimup
1934/500060 Blackwood Cunningham Jeane Elizabeth Ann Female Regan Herbert William Male Bridgetown
1934/500060 Blackwood Regan Herbert William Male Cunningham Jeane Elizabeth Ann Female Bridgetown
1934/500061 Blackwood Stent Sydney Thomas Male Ladhams Jessie Chapman Female Northcliffe
1934/500061 Blackwood Ladhams Jessie Chapman Female Stent Sydney Thomas Male Northcliffe
1934/500062 Blackwood Richards Frank Male Ausden Phyllis Drucilla Female Bridgetown
1934/500062 Blackwood Ausden Phyllis Drucilla Female Richards Frank Male Bridgetown
1935/700001 Boulder Uren Jean Female Craig George Male Boulder
1935/700001 Boulder Craig George Male Uren Jean Female Boulder
1934/700002 Boulder Detez William Croxon Male McDade Kitty Ivy Female Boulder
1934/700002 Boulder McDade Kitty Ivy Female Detez William Croxon Male Boulder
1935/700002 Boulder Richards John Henry Male Rowe Iris May Female Boulder
1935/700002 Boulder Rowe Iris May Female Richards John Henry Male Boulder
1934/700003 Boulder Goss Clifford Alec Male Richards Annie Female Boulder
1935/700003 Boulder Strother Veronica Pearl Female Pini Bruno Elmo Male Boulder City
1935/700003 Boulder Pini Bruno Elmo Male Strother Veronica Pearl Female Boulder City
1934/700003 Boulder Richards Annie Female Goss Clifford Alec Male Boulder
1935/700004 Boulder Shillinglaw Claude William Male Byrne Veronica Mary Female Boulder
1934/700004 Boulder Robinson Geoffrey Male O'Rourke Josephine Dolores Female Boulder
1934/700004 Boulder O'Rourke Josephine Dolores Female Robinson Geoffrey Male Boulder
1935/700004 Boulder Byrne Veronica Mary Female Shillinglaw Claude William Male Boulder
1934/700005 Boulder Spence George Heslop Male Louder Ethel Jane Female Boulder
1935/700005 Boulder Pini Ada Mary Female Messenger Sydney Edward Male Boulder City
1934/700005 Boulder Louder Ethel Jane Female Spence George Heslop Male Boulder
1935/700005 Boulder Messenger Sydney Edward Male Pini Ada Mary Female Boulder City
1934/700006 Boulder Barry Eric William Male Snell Alice Maud Female Boulder
1935/700006 Boulder Calneggia Gino Male Zaninovich Elsie Tomasina Female Boulder
1934/700006 Boulder Snell Alice Maud Female Barry Eric William Male Boulder
1935/700006 Boulder Zaninovich Elsie Tomasina Female Calneggia Gino Male Boulder
1935/700007 Boulder Maynard John Charles Male Cousins Elsie Female Boulder City
1934/700007 Boulder Peart Thelma Agnes Female Grey Ronald Hopetoun Male Boulder
1935/700007 Boulder Cousins Elsie Female Maynard John Charles Male Boulder City
1934/700007 Boulder Grey Ronald Hopetoun Male Peart Thelma Agnes Female Boulder
1934/700008 Boulder Perkins Robert Marshall Male Reed Alice Jean Female Boulder
1934/700008 Boulder Reed Alice Jean Female Perkins Robert Marshall Male Boulder
1935/700008 Boulder Viskovich Marica Female Lalich Marinko Male Boulder
1935/700008 Boulder Lalich Marinko Male Viskovich Marica Female Boulder
1934/700009 Boulder Edwards Burnice Irene Female Dally Norman Fredrick Male Boulder
1934/700009 Boulder Dally Norman Fredrick Male Edwards Burnice Irene Female Boulder
1935/700009 Boulder King Thomas Edward Male Cleasby Dorothy Anne Female Boulder
1935/700009 Boulder Cleasby Dorothy Anne Female King Thomas Edward Male Boulder
1934/700010 Boulder Ashelford James Thomas Male Cox Kitty Emily Female Boulder
1934/700010 Boulder Cox Kitty Emily Female Ashelford James Thomas Male Boulder
1934/700011 Boulder Reddie Zella Mavis Female Spence Leslie Male Boulder
1934/700011 Boulder Spence Leslie Male Reddie Zella Mavis Female Boulder
1934/700012 Boulder Pettit Lily May Female Polkinghorne Jack Male Boulder
1934/700012 Boulder Polkinghorne Jack Male Pettit Lily May Female Boulder
1934/700013 Boulder Tregillas Sheilah May Female Gibson George Alexander Male Boulder
1934/700013 Boulder Gibson George Alexander Male Tregillas Sheilah May Female Boulder
1934/700014 Boulder Scott Philip Male Mardon Beryl Rose Female Boulder
1934/700014 Boulder Mardon Beryl Rose Female Scott Philip Male Boulder
1934/700015 Boulder Drake-Brockman Vernon Selwyn Male Edwards Daisy Elizabeth Female Boulder
1934/700015 Boulder Edwards Daisy Elizabeth Female Drake-Brockman Vernon Selwyn Male Boulder
1934/700016 Boulder Smith James Edward Male Torpy Florence Female Boulder
1934/700016 Boulder Torpy Florence Female Smith James Edward Male Boulder
1934/700017 Boulder Willcocks Dulcie Grace Female Scott Thomas Dearness Male Boulder
1934/700017 Boulder Scott Thomas Dearness Male Willcocks Dulcie Grace Female Boulder
1934/700018 Boulder Smith Samuel James Male Colmer Florence Female Boulder
1934/700018 Boulder Colmer Florence Female Smith Samuel James Male Boulder
1934/700019 Boulder Enokson Marie Amanda Female Davis Adin Thorpe Male Boulder
1934/700019 Boulder Davis Adin Thorpe Male Enokson Marie Amanda Female Boulder
1934/700020 Boulder Dingle William Lewis Male Broom Caroline Female Boulder
1934/700020 Boulder Broom Caroline Female Dingle William Lewis Male Boulder
1934/700021 Boulder McKeown William John Male Hopkins Janet Temperance Castle Female Boulder
1934/700021 Boulder Hopkins Janet Temperance Castle Female McKeown William John Male Boulder
1934/700022 Boulder Pettit Clement William Male Ritchie Edith Clara Female Boulder
1934/700022 Boulder Ritchie Edith Clara Female Pettit Clement William Male Boulder
1934/700023 Boulder Yates Myrtle Irene Female Dean Eric Vernon Male Boulder
1934/700023 Boulder Dean Eric Vernon Male Yates Myrtle Irene Female Boulder
1934/700024 Boulder Danker Doris Ailsa Female Aylward William George Male Boulder
1934/700024 Boulder Aylward William George Male Danker Doris Ailsa Female Boulder
1934/700025 Boulder Peart Lilian May Female Boyes Jack Herbert Male Boulder
1934/700025 Boulder Boyes Jack Herbert Male Peart Lilian May Female Boulder
1934/700026 Boulder Olsson Daphne Doris May Female Bennett William Thomas Male Boulder
1934/700026 Boulder Bennett William Thomas Male Olsson Daphne Doris May Female Boulder
1934/700027 Boulder Benson Jack Frederick Male Colling Hazel Evelyn Female Boulder
1934/700027 Boulder Colling Hazel Evelyn Female Benson Jack Frederick Male Boulder
1934/700028 Boulder Coyte Dorothea May Female Adams Wilfrid Cyril Eugene Male Boulder City
1934/700028 Boulder Adams Wilfrid Cyril Eugene Male Coyte Dorothea May Female Boulder City
1934/700029 Boulder Kramer Rosina Female Miller Christopher John Male Boulder
1934/700029 Boulder Miller Christopher John Male Kramer Rosina Female Boulder
1934/700030 Boulder Smith Ada Hope Female Wallace Alexander James Male Boulder
1934/700030 Boulder Wallace Alexander James Male Smith Ada Hope Female Boulder
1934/700031 Boulder Domney William Fredrick Male Franklin Mary Josephine Female Boulder
1934/700031 Boulder Franklin Mary Josephine Female Domney William Fredrick Male Boulder
1934/700032 Boulder Vukmanovich Pavle Male Radich Doris Female Boulder
1934/700032 Boulder Radich Doris Female Vukmanovich Pavle Male Boulder
1934/700033 Boulder Litchfield Sydney Osborn Male Lawless Eileen Mary Female Boulder
1934/700033 Boulder Lawless Eileen Mary Female Litchfield Sydney Osborn Male Boulder
1934/700034 Boulder Seaborn Constance Lillian Female Hadwiger Gordon David Male Boulder
1934/700034 Boulder Hadwiger Gordon David Male Seaborn Constance Lillian Female Boulder
1934/700035 Boulder Leahy Ethel Female Brown George Male Boulder
1934/700035 Boulder Brown George Male Leahy Ethel Female Boulder
1934/700036 Boulder Casley Reginald James Male Morey Jessie Female Boulder
1934/700036 Boulder Morey Jessie Female Casley Reginald James Male Boulder
1934/700037 Boulder Coleman Arnold William Francis Male Brokenshire Rose Female Boulder
1934/700037 Boulder Brokenshire Rose Female Coleman Arnold William Francis Male Boulder
1934/700038 Boulder Hayes Muriel May Female Seinor Ben Roy Male Boulder
1934/700038 Boulder Seinor Ben Roy Male Hayes Muriel May Female Boulder
1934/700039 Boulder McDonald Gladys Jean Female Dellar David Peter Male Boulder
1934/700039 Boulder Dellar David Peter Male McDonald Gladys Jean Female Boulder
1934/700040 Boulder James Esther Female James Stephen Male Boulder
1934/700040 Boulder James Stephen Male James Esther Female Boulder
1934/700041 Boulder Boyd John Joseph Male Wheatley Myrtle Violet Female Boulder
1934/700041 Boulder Wheatley Myrtle Violet Female Boyd John Joseph Male Boulder
1934/700042 Boulder Meyers Dorothy May Female Crabb Jack Male Boulder
1934/700042 Boulder Crabb Jack Male Meyers Dorothy May Female Boulder
1934/700043 Boulder Larson Allan James Male Gundry Beatrice Olive Female Boulder City
1934/700043 Boulder Gundry Beatrice Olive Female Larson Allan James Male Boulder City
1934/700044 Boulder Fisher Ruby Pearl Female Portch William Male Boulder
1934/700044 Boulder Portch William Male Fisher Ruby Pearl Female Boulder
1934/700045 Boulder Jones Sylvia Irene Female Kirkwood Alexander Male Boulder
1934/700045 Boulder Kirkwood Alexander Male Jones Sylvia Irene Female Boulder
1934/700046 Boulder Kelly Edna Myrtle Female Varischetti Frank Male Boulder
1934/700046 Boulder Varischetti Frank Male Kelly Edna Myrtle Female Boulder
1934/700047 Boulder Stephens Thelma Beatrice Female Nicholson Thomas Armstrong Male Boulder
1934/700047 Boulder Nicholson Thomas Armstrong Male Stephens Thelma Beatrice Female Boulder
1934/700048 Boulder Paul Elma Grace Female Entwistle Ernest Male Boulder
1934/700048 Boulder Entwistle Ernest Male Paul Elma Grace Female Boulder
1934/700049 Boulder Maclure Miriel Olive Female McMorrow Joseph Glen Male Boulder
1934/700049 Boulder McMorrow Joseph Glen Male Maclure Miriel Olive Female Boulder
1934/700050 Boulder Cross Madge Female Guyatt John Whittington Male Boulder
1934/700050 Boulder Guyatt John Whittington Male Cross Madge Female Boulder
1934/700051 Boulder Thomas Thelma May Female Gansberg Neil Kingston Male Boulder
1934/700051 Boulder Gansberg Neil Kingston Male Thomas Thelma May Female Boulder
1934/700052 Boulder Brown Elizabeth Dale Female Godsmark Michael Male Boulder
1934/700052 Boulder Godsmark Michael Male Brown Elizabeth Dale Female Boulder
1934/700053 Boulder Byfield Mollie Female Peel Robinson William Male Boulder
1934/700053 Boulder Peel Robinson William Male Byfield Mollie Female Boulder
1934/700054 Boulder Corney George Rupert Male Rowe Hazel Ethel Pearce Female Boulder
1934/700054 Boulder Rowe Hazel Ethel Pearce Female Corney George Rupert Male Boulder
1934/700055 Boulder McParlin Mary Rose Irene Female Knop Frederick Ernest Male Boulder
1934/700055 Boulder Knop Frederick Ernest Male McParlin Mary Rose Irene Female Boulder
1934/700056 Boulder Leggerini Leo Anthony Male Jackson Florence Beryl Female Boulder
1934/700056 Boulder Jackson Florence Beryl Female Leggerini Leo Anthony Male Boulder
1934/700057 Boulder Roy Jessie Mary Female Cocks Raymond Graham Male Boulder City
1934/700057 Boulder Cocks Raymond Graham Male Roy Jessie Mary Female Boulder City
1934/700058 Boulder Jones Graham Robert Male Moore Phyllis Ruby Female Boulder
1934/700058 Boulder Moore Phyllis Ruby Female Jones Graham Robert Male Boulder
1934/700059 Boulder Brooks Henry Robert Male Kernaghan Lillian May Female Boulder
1934/700059 Boulder Kernaghan Lillian May Female Brooks Henry Robert Male Boulder
1934/700060 Boulder Horton Charles William Male Pavy Jessie Female Boulder
1934/700060 Boulder Pavy Jessie Female Horton Charles William Male Boulder
1934/700061 Boulder Hobba Vera Maude Female Mann Francis William Male Boulder
1934/700061 Boulder Mann Francis William Male Hobba Vera Maude Female Boulder
1934/700062 Boulder Kingston Vivienn Margaret Female Joseph Clarence Leon Male Boulder
1934/700062 Boulder Joseph Clarence Leon Male Kingston Vivienn Margaret Female Boulder
1934/700063 Boulder Dowson Flora May Female Gillett Clarence William Male Boulder
1934/700063 Boulder Gillett Clarence William Male Dowson Flora May Female Boulder
1934/700064 Boulder Sladovich Michail Male Cochrane Thelma Isabella Female Boulder
1934/700064 Boulder Cochrane Thelma Isabella Female Sladovich Michail Male Boulder
1934/700065 Boulder Pavich Joseph Male Juranovich Mandalina Female Boulder
1934/700065 Boulder Juranovich Mandalina Female Pavich Joseph Male Boulder
1934/700066 Boulder Maringoni Erminio Male Baldini Alma Female Boulder
1934/700066 Boulder Baldini Alma Female Maringoni Erminio Male Boulder
1934/700067 Boulder Bellchambers Stanley George Male Torpy Ellen Female Boulder
1934/700067 Boulder Torpy Ellen Female Bellchambers Stanley George Male Boulder
1934/700068 Boulder Hollmann John Frederick Male Richardson Hilda Beatrice Female Boulder
1934/700068 Boulder Richardson Hilda Beatrice Female Hollmann John Frederick Male Boulder
1934/700069 Boulder Thomas Ivan Toplin Male Pike Doris Elsie Female Boulder
1934/700069 Boulder Pike Doris Elsie Female Thomas Ivan Toplin Male Boulder
1934/700070 Boulder Braine Jean Lillian Female Field Mathew Gordon Male Boulder
1934/700070 Boulder Field Mathew Gordon Male Braine Jean Lillian Female Boulder
1934/700071 Boulder Kelly Harry Birkbeck Male Mardon Dorothy Phyllis Female Boulder
1934/700071 Boulder Mardon Dorothy Phyllis Female Kelly Harry Birkbeck Male Boulder
1934/700072 Boulder Foster Robert George Male Caine Patricia Nora Female Boulder
1934/700072 Boulder Caine Patricia Nora Female Foster Robert George Male Boulder
1934/700073 Boulder Bracegirdle Marguerite Female Henderson William Fullerton Male Boulder
1934/700073 Boulder Henderson William Fullerton Male Bracegirdle Marguerite Female Boulder
1934/700074 Boulder Walker Herbert Thomas Male Robertson Iva Irene Female Boulder
1934/700074 Boulder Robertson Iva Irene Female Walker Herbert Thomas Male Boulder
1934/1100001 Broome Angat Mary Philomena Female Francis Joe Male Broome
1934/1100001 Broome Francis Joe Male Angat Mary Philomena Female Broome
1934/1100002 Broome MacDermott John Pearce Male Hemmant Ada Female Broome
1934/1100002 Broome Hemmant Ada Female MacDermott John Pearce Male Broome
1934/1100003 Broome Bell Mary Bernardine Female Puertollano Joseph Male Broome
1934/1100003 Broome Puertollano Joseph Male Bell Mary Bernardine Female Broome
1934/1100004 Broome Lynott Barbara Mary Female Drummond Casimir Joseph Male Broome
1934/1100004 Broome Drummond Casimir Joseph Male Lynott Barbara Mary Female Broome
1934/1100006 Broome Djiagween Mary Bernardine Female Roe Willie Male Broome
1934/1100006 Broome Roe Willie Male Djiagween Mary Bernardine Female Broome
1934/1100007 Broome Hunter Theresa Female Torres Paddy Male Broome
1934/1100007 Broome Torres Paddy Male Hunter Theresa Female Broome
1935/1200001 Bruce Rock Kickett Edna May Female Winmar William Male Quairading
1934/1200001 Bruce Rock Wegner Dorothy Iris Female Clark Harold James Male Bruce Rock
1934/1200001 Bruce Rock Clark Harold James Male Wegner Dorothy Iris Female Bruce Rock
1935/1200001 Bruce Rock Winmar William Male Kickett Edna May Female Quairading
1934/1200002 Bruce Rock Bear Edward Jonathan Male Schilling Ruth Female Bruce Rock
1934/1200002 Bruce Rock Schilling Ruth Female Bear Edward Jonathan Male Bruce Rock
1934/1200003 Bruce Rock Coyle Francis Male Johnston Nancy Female Bruce Rock
1934/1200003 Bruce Rock Johnston Nancy Female Coyle Francis Male Bruce Rock
1934/1200004 Bruce Rock McCracken Huon Rutherford Male Zis Angelena Amelia Female Bruce Rock
1934/1200005 Bruce Rock Bonnett Rose Hazel Female Ellis Frederick Martin John Male Bruce Rock
1934/1200005 Bruce Rock Ellis Frederick Martin John Male Bonnett Rose Hazel Female Bruce Rock
1935/1200006 Bruce Rock Yarran Len Male Garlett Maisie Female Badjaling Mission
1934/1200006 Bruce Rock Spiller Eileen Ethel Female Edwards James George Male Erikin
1934/1200006 Bruce Rock Edwards James George Male Spiller Eileen Ethel Female Erikin
1935/1200006 Bruce Rock Garlett Maisie Female Yarran Len Male Badjaling Mission
1934/1200007 Bruce Rock Abbott Melva Doreen Female Phillips Harry Seth John Male Narembeen
1934/1200007 Bruce Rock Phillips Harry Seth John Male Abbott Melva Doreen Female Narembeen
1935/1200008 Bruce Rock Commons Dulcie Hazel Chapman Female Smith William Norman Male Emu Hill
1934/1200008 Bruce Rock Spurr John Bernard Male Boothey Phyllis Margory Female Karlgarin
1934/1200008 Bruce Rock Boothey Phyllis Margory Female Spurr John Bernard Male Karlgarin
1935/1200008 Bruce Rock Smith William Norman Male Commons Dulcie Hazel Chapman Female Emu Hill
1934/1200009 Bruce Rock Johnston Audrey Mavis Clare Female McLennan Andrew Male Kondinin
1934/1200009 Bruce Rock McLennan Andrew Male Johnston Audrey Mavis Clare Female Kondinin
1934/1200010 Bruce Rock Buktenica Laurie Male Garbin Annie Female Bruce Rock
1934/1200010 Bruce Rock Garbin Annie Female Buktenica Laurie Male Bruce Rock
1934/1200012 Bruce Rock Powell Herbert Edwin Male Andersen Else Lykke Female Bruce Rock
1934/1200012 Bruce Rock Andersen Else Lykke Female Powell Herbert Edwin Male Bruce Rock
1934/1200013 Bruce Rock Loller Stanley Clifford Male Bird Stella Eileen Female Bruce Rock
1934/1200013 Bruce Rock Bird Stella Eileen Female Loller Stanley Clifford Male Bruce Rock
1934/1200014 Bruce Rock Starcevich Mary Agnes Female Starcevich Zeljko Ivan Male Bruce Rock
1934/1200014 Bruce Rock Starcevich Zeljko Ivan Male Starcevich Mary Agnes Female Bruce Rock
1934/1200015 Bruce Rock Blechynden Ernest John Male Branson Ellen May Female Bruce Rock
1934/1200015 Bruce Rock Branson Ellen May Female Blechynden Ernest John Male Bruce Rock
1934/1200016 Bruce Rock Potthoff William Charles Male Wooldridge Annie Female South Karlgarin
1934/1200016 Bruce Rock Wooldridge Annie Female Potthoff William Charles Male South Karlgarin
1934/1200017 Bruce Rock McMeikan James Reginald Male Robins Mary Female Bruce Rock
1934/1200017 Bruce Rock Robins Mary Female McMeikan James Reginald Male Bruce Rock
1934/1200018 Bruce Rock Villa Teresa May Female Putelli Otterio Male Bruce Rock
1934/1200018 Bruce Rock Putelli Otterio Male Villa Teresa May Female Bruce Rock
1935/1400001 Canning Eather Gwendoline Winifred Hope Female Wallis Percy Edward Male Kalamunda
1934/1400001 Canning Dyson Annie Female Quin Graeme Howatt Male Queen's Park
1934/1400001 Canning Quin Graeme Howatt Male Dyson Annie Female Queen's Park
1935/1400001 Canning Wallis Percy Edward Male Eather Gwendoline Winifred Hope Female Kalamunda
1935/1400002 Canning Read Arthur William Male Buller Madge Female Gosnells
1934/1400002 Canning Poole Gwynne Ila Female Clarke Philip Walter Male Cannington
1935/1400002 Canning Buller Madge Female Read Arthur William Male Gosnells
1934/1400002 Canning Clarke Philip Walter Male Poole Gwynne Ila Female Cannington
1934/1400003 Canning Dalziell Evelyn Female Dungey Jefferson Lapthorn Male Maddington
1935/1400003 Canning Watson George McPherson Male Boley Eleanor Martha Female Gosnells
1935/1400003 Canning Boley Eleanor Martha Female Watson George McPherson Male Gosnells
1934/1400003 Canning Dungey Jefferson Lapthorn Male Dalziell Evelyn Female Maddington
1935/1400004 Canning Girling Dorothy Hilda Female Dodge Wilfred Donald Male Kalamunda
1935/1400004 Canning Dodge Wilfred Donald Male Girling Dorothy Hilda Female Kalamunda
1934/1400004 Canning Smith George Spencer Male Melling Winifred Female Queen's Park
1934/1400004 Canning Melling Winifred Female Smith George Spencer Male Queen's Park
1934/1400005 Canning Hemsley Ellen Margaret Female Steele Alexander Male Queen's Park
1934/1400005 Canning Steele Alexander Male Hemsley Ellen Margaret Female Queen's Park
1934/1400006 Canning Southern Ulla Dorothy Female Patching Charles Vincent Male Queen's Park
1934/1400006 Canning Patching Charles Vincent Male Southern Ulla Dorothy Female Queen's Park
1934/1400007 Canning Westlake Nancy May Female Brixey Alfred Thomas Male Armadale
1934/1400007 Canning Brixey Alfred Thomas Male Westlake Nancy May Female Armadale
1934/1400008 Canning McCormack Sarah Townsley Female Bell Thomas Leslie Male East Cannington
1934/1400008 Canning Bell Thomas Leslie Male McCormack Sarah Townsley Female East Cannington
1934/1400009 Canning Taylor Ronald William Male Morris Hilda May Female East Cannington
1934/1400009 Canning Morris Hilda May Female Taylor Ronald William Male East Cannington
1934/1400010 Canning Rowan Amy Jessie Female Trewarn Frederick Alexander Male Cannington
1934/1400010 Canning Trewarn Frederick Alexander Male Rowan Amy Jessie Female Cannington
1934/1400011 Canning Clark William Alfred John Male Urquhart Gladys Ethel Female Maddington
1935/1400011 Canning Dorsa Alma Female Marchesi Ettore Male Queen's Park
1935/1400011 Canning Marchesi Ettore Male Dorsa Alma Female Queen's Park
1934/1400011 Canning Urquhart Gladys Ethel Female Clark William Alfred John Male Maddington
1934/1400012 Canning Maltby Grace Annie Female Jordan Leslie Robert Male Wongong
1934/1400012 Canning Jordan Leslie Robert Male Maltby Grace Annie Female Wongong
1934/1400013 Canning Porteous Peggy Winifred Female Pagês Jose Maria Firmin James Male Queen's Park
1934/1400013 Canning Pagês Jose Maria Firmin James Male Porteous Peggy Winifred Female Queen's Park
1934/1400014 Canning Dorsa Erminia Female Simonetto Peter Male Queen's Park
1934/1400014 Canning Simonetto Peter Male Dorsa Erminia Female Queen's Park
1934/1400015 Canning Bentley Clarence Joseph Male Thorogood Nell Female Kalamunda
1934/1400015 Canning Thorogood Nell Female Bentley Clarence Joseph Male Kalamunda
1934/1400016 Canning Nash Samuel Edward Male James Eileen Sydney Female Maddington
1934/1400016 Canning James Eileen Sydney Female Nash Samuel Edward Male Maddington
1934/1400017 Canning Morley Eileen Edith Female Thomas Griffith Allin Male Armadale
1934/1400017 Canning Thomas Griffith Allin Male Morley Eileen Edith Female Armadale
1934/1400018 Canning Dean Robert Maitland Male Shepherd Lillian May Female Queen's Park
1934/1400018 Canning Shepherd Lillian May Female Dean Robert Maitland Male Queen's Park
1934/1400019 Canning Harden Leslie George Male Canaletich Diana Stephanie Female Armadale
1934/1400019 Canning Canaletich Diana Stephanie Female Harden Leslie George Male Armadale
1934/1400020 Canning Ordner Leonard George Male Senger Laura Olive Female Armadale
1934/1400020 Canning Senger Laura Olive Female Ordner Leonard George Male Armadale
1934/1400021 Canning Jennings Walter Godfrey Male Morris Marie Mackay Female Maddington
1934/1400021 Canning Morris Marie Mackay Female Jennings Walter Godfrey Male Maddington
1934/1400022 Canning Kemp Carl Basil Male Rossi Olive Constance Female Cannington
1934/1400022 Canning Rossi Olive Constance Female Kemp Carl Basil Male Cannington
1934/1400023 Canning McConkey Margaret Augusta Female Boyce Ernest Charles Male Cannington
1934/1400023 Canning Boyce Ernest Charles Male McConkey Margaret Augusta Female Cannington
1934/1400024 Canning Stafford Eva Female Ovens William George Male Maddington
1934/1400024 Canning Ovens William George Male Stafford Eva Female Maddington
1934/1400025 Canning Littlely Harold David Male Hames Elizabeth Essie Female Kalamunda
1934/1400025 Canning Hames Elizabeth Essie Female Littlely Harold David Male Kalamunda
1934/1400026 Canning Gray Elsie Marion Female Giltrap William Charles Male Kalamunda
1934/1400026 Canning Giltrap William Charles Male Gray Elsie Marion Female Kalamunda
1934/1400027 Canning Fairclough Lawrence Male Anderson Violet Edna May Female Cannington
1934/1400027 Canning Anderson Violet Edna May Female Fairclough Lawrence Male Cannington
1934/1400028 Canning Arnold Ruth Lina Female Dickie George Alexander Male Queen's Park
1934/1400028 Canning Dickie George Alexander Male Arnold Ruth Lina Female Queen's Park
1934/1400029 Canning Jennings Annie Louisa Jane Female Feuster Thomas Davis Male Cannington
1934/1400029 Canning Feuster Thomas Davis Male Jennings Annie Louisa Jane Female Cannington
1934/1400030 Canning Ogg George Archibald Male Wilkinson Elizabeth Jean Female Queen's Park
1934/1400030 Canning Wilkinson Elizabeth Jean Female Ogg George Archibald Male Queen's Park
1934/1400031 Canning Gibbs Edna Susannah Female Colpitts George Male East Cannington
1934/1400031 Canning Colpitts George Male Gibbs Edna Susannah Female East Cannington
1934/1400032 Canning Boyd Ivy Annabelle Female Hockley Henry Arthur Male Bickley
1934/1400032 Canning Hockley Henry Arthur Male Boyd Ivy Annabelle Female Bickley
1934/1400033 Canning Gauthern Violet Doris Female Clark Albert Raymond Male Gosnells
1934/1400033 Canning Clark Albert Raymond Male Gauthern Violet Doris Female Gosnells
1934/1400034 Canning Fallon Evelyn Dora Female Clough Raymond Victor Male Armadale
1934/1400034 Canning Clough Raymond Victor Male Fallon Evelyn Dora Female Armadale
1934/1400035 Canning Shepherd Annie Maria Female Mitchell Albert Reginald Male Kalamunda
1934/1400035 Canning Mitchell Albert Reginald Male Shepherd Annie Maria Female Kalamunda
1934/1400036 Canning Cochran Henry Collins Male Murdock Dorothy Irene Female Queens Park
1934/1400036 Canning Murdock Dorothy Irene Female Cochran Henry Collins Male Queens Park
1934/1400037 Canning Lacey Lawrence Boucaut Male Waight Emily Isabel Female East Cannington
1934/1400037 Canning Waight Emily Isabel Female Lacey Lawrence Boucaut Male East Cannington
1934/1400038 Canning Tanian Molly Irene Female Walters David Jones Male Gosnells
1934/1400038 Canning Walters David Jones Male Tanian Molly Irene Female Gosnells
1934/1400039 Canning Dickie Edward Albert Male McFadden Kathleen Female Queen's Park
1934/1400039 Canning McFadden Kathleen Female Dickie Edward Albert Male Queen's Park
1934/1400040 Canning Beales Philip Bruce Male Batley Vera May Female Kelmscott
1934/1400040 Canning Batley Vera May Female Beales Philip Bruce Male Kelmscott
1934/1400041 Canning Warren Edith Female Rolandi Lewis Charles Male Queen's Park
1934/1400041 Canning Rolandi Lewis Charles Male Warren Edith Female Queen's Park
1934/1400042 Canning Jones Margaret Winifred Female Northey John Pierce Male Kelmscott
1934/1400042 Canning Northey John Pierce Male Jones Margaret Winifred Female Kelmscott
1934/1400043 Canning Heitmann Eric Gladstone Male Jones Hilda Litian Female Kelmscott
1934/1400043 Canning Jones Hilda Litian Female Heitmann Eric Gladstone Male Kelmscott
1934/1400044 Canning Jamieson George William Percy Male Rose Mildred Gladys Female Maddington
1934/1400044 Canning Rose Mildred Gladys Female Jamieson George William Percy Male Maddington
1934/1400045 Canning Cornish Frank Lindsay Male Curtis Doris Bessie May Female Armadale
1934/1400045 Canning Curtis Doris Bessie May Female Cornish Frank Lindsay Male Armadale
1934/1400046 Canning Simcox George William Wilks Male Billingham Doris Female Wongong
1934/1400046 Canning Billingham Doris Female Simcox George William Wilks Male Wongong
1934/1400047 Canning Kennedy William John Male Adams Vera Female Queen's Park
1934/1400047 Canning Adams Vera Female Kennedy William John Male Queen's Park
1934/1400048 Canning Lee Harry Leonard James Male Maffescioni Mary Female Queen's Park
1934/1400048 Canning Maffescioni Mary Female Lee Harry Leonard James Male Queen's Park
1934/1400049 Canning Graham James Lamb Male Clarke Dorothy Annie May Female Maddington
1934/1400049 Canning Clarke Dorothy Annie May Female Graham James Lamb Male Maddington
1934/1400050 Canning Curtis Harry Alfred Male Harding Hilda Clara Female Armadale
1934/1400050 Canning Curtis Harry Alfred Male Linnett Hilda Clara Female Armadale
1934/1400050 Canning Harding Hilda Clara Female Curtis Harry Alfred Male Armadale
1934/1400050 Canning Linnett Hilda Clara Female Curtis Harry Alfred Male Armadale
1934/1400051 Canning Skewes Marjory Female Arndt Rudolph Male Armadale
1934/1400051 Canning Arndt Rudolph Male Skewes Marjory Female Armadale
1934/1400052 Canning Walters Emma Female Innes William Roderick Male Armadale
1934/1400052 Canning Innes William Roderick Male Walters Emma Female Armadale
1934/1400053 Canning Fullgrabe Allen Lenard Male Charter Mavis Female Queens Park
1934/1400053 Canning Charter Mavis Female Fullgrabe Allen Lenard Male Queens Park
1934/1400054 Canning Fairall Percy Edwin Male Palmateer Clarice Victoria Female Bickley
1934/1400054 Canning Palmateer Clarice Victoria Female Fairall Percy Edwin Male Bickley
1934/1400055 Canning Paul Vangilier Female Contaratos Mick Male Welshpool
1934/1400055 Canning Contaratos Mick Male Paul Vangilier Female Welshpool
1934/1400056 Canning Michaelides Maria Female Labriola Leone Male Queen's Park
1934/1400056 Canning Labriola Leone Male Michaelides Maria Female Queen's Park
1934/1400057 Canning Anderson Donald James Male Bellas Lucy Swainson Female Kelmscott Anderson-91477
1934/1400057 Canning Bellas Lucy Swainson Female Anderson Donald James Male Kelmscott
1934/1400058 Canning Kelly Charles Male Roads Sylvia Margaret Dorothy Female Cannington
1934/1400058 Canning Roads Sylvia Margaret Dorothy Female Kelly Charles Male Cannington
1934/1400059 Canning Smith Madeline Rose Female McNeill Donald Stewart Male Queens Park
1934/1400059 Canning McNeill Donald Stewart Male Smith Madeline Rose Female Queens Park
1934/1400060 Canning Brown Martha Dickson Female Martin Jesse Edward Male Bickley
1934/1400060 Canning Martin Jesse Edward Male Brown Martha Dickson Female Bickley
1935/1800001 East Coolgardie McLlheney Alexander James Male Havlin Eileen May Female Kalgoorlie
1935/1800001 East Coolgardie Havlin Eileen May Female McLlheney Alexander James Male Kalgoorlie
1935/1800005 East Coolgardie Bennetts Robert Henry Male Pickup Mary Caroline Female Kalgoorlie
1935/1800005 East Coolgardie Pickup Mary Caroline Female Bennetts Robert Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1935/1800006 East Coolgardie Eaton Phyllis Agnes Female Bickley Walter Robert Male Kalgoorlie
1935/1800006 East Coolgardie Bickley Walter Robert Male Eaton Phyllis Agnes Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800007 East Coolgardie Olson Lily Augusta Female Bell Charles Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800007 East Coolgardie Bell Charles Henry Male Olson Lily Augusta Female Kalgoorlie
1935/1800008 East Coolgardie Hazlitt Olaf Prius Male Pritchard Eunice Irene Female Kalgoorlie
1935/1800008 East Coolgardie Pritchard Eunice Irene Female Hazlitt Olaf Prius Male Kalgoorlie
1935/1800009 East Coolgardie Swan Norman Male Bryant Madeline Female Kalgoorlie
1935/1800009 East Coolgardie Bryant Madeline Female Swan Norman Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800010 East Coolgardie Mackey Leonard Francis Male Vincent Mary Florence Female Kalgoorlie
1935/1800010 East Coolgardie Willey Ethel May Female Jones Herbert James Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800010 East Coolgardie Vincent Mary Florence Female Mackey Leonard Francis Male Kalgoorlie
1935/1800010 East Coolgardie Jones Herbert James Male Willey Ethel May Female Kalgoorlie
1935/1800011 East Coolgardie Mincham Victoria Alexandra Female Illig Herbert Max Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800011 East Coolgardie Bungey Denis George Male Leslie Jeanette Anderson Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800011 East Coolgardie Leslie Jeanette Anderson Female Bungey Denis George Male Kalgoorlie
1935/1800011 East Coolgardie Illig Herbert Max Male Mincham Victoria Alexandra Female Kalgoorlie
1935/1800012 East Coolgardie Saligari Elizabeth Magdalene Female Voumard Charles Leslie Male Kalgoorlie
1935/1800012 East Coolgardie Voumard Charles Leslie Male Saligari Elizabeth Magdalene Female Kalgoorlie
1935/1800013 East Coolgardie Green Marjorie Mona Female Macdonald Donald William Male Kalgoorlie
1935/1800013 East Coolgardie Macdonald Donald William Male Green Marjorie Mona Female Kalgoorlie
1935/1800014 East Coolgardie Castledine Charles Henry Male Patterson Grace Evelyn Female Kalgoorlie
1935/1800014 East Coolgardie Patterson Grace Evelyn Female Castledine Charles Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1935/1800015 East Coolgardie Dower Robert Arthur Warwick Male Sharpe Margaret Ellen Jane Female Kalgoorlie
1935/1800015 East Coolgardie Sharpe Margaret Ellen Jane Female Dower Robert Arthur Warwick Male Kalgoorlie
1935/1800016 East Coolgardie Buckley Eva Lilian Female Whait William John Male Kalgoorlie
1935/1800016 East Coolgardie Whait William John Male Buckley Eva Lilian Female Kalgoorlie
1935/1800018 East Coolgardie Aspinall Amy Veronica Female Cruickshank George Garfield Male Kalgoorlie
1935/1800018 East Coolgardie Cruickshank George Garfield Male Aspinall Amy Veronica Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800019 East Coolgardie Rew Annie Alberta Female Lauri George Merrilees Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800019 East Coolgardie Lauri George Merrilees Male Rew Annie Alberta Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800020 East Coolgardie Warnes Jack Male Graves Clara Ellen Female Kalgoorlie
1935/1800020 East Coolgardie Baker John William Male Collins Clarice Josephine Female Kalgoorlie
1935/1800020 East Coolgardie Collins Clarice Josephine Female Baker John William Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800020 East Coolgardie Graves Clara Ellen Female Warnes Jack Male Kalgoorlie
1935/1800021 East Coolgardie Forth Olive Catherine Female Howden George Male Kalgoorlie
1935/1800021 East Coolgardie Howden George Male Forth Olive Catherine Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800021 East Coolgardie Richmond Sydney Arthur Male Elgar Caroline Millicent Joan Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800021 East Coolgardie Elgar Caroline Millicent Joan Female Richmond Sydney Arthur Male Kalgoorlie
1935/1800022 East Coolgardie Cappello Giacomo Male Johnson Vida Lilian Female Kalgoorlie
1935/1800022 East Coolgardie Johnson Vida Lilian Female Cappello Giacomo Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800022 East Coolgardie McCrory Gladys Amy Female Ryles Frederick William Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800022 East Coolgardie Ryles Frederick William Male McCrory Gladys Amy Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800023 East Coolgardie Richards Roderick David Male Halliday Charlotte Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1935/1800023 East Coolgardie Keleher Moya Lucelle Female Paul John Ronald Male Coolgardie
1934/1800023 East Coolgardie Halliday Charlotte Mary Female Richards Roderick David Male Kalgoorlie
1935/1800023 East Coolgardie Paul John Ronald Male Keleher Moya Lucelle Female Coolgardie
1935/1800024 East Coolgardie James Caroline Letitia Female Baker Patrick Male Coolgardie
1934/1800024 East Coolgardie Bruce Vera Female O'Callaghan Henry George Joseph Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800024 East Coolgardie O'Callaghan Henry George Joseph Male Bruce Vera Female Kalgoorlie
1935/1800024 East Coolgardie Baker Patrick Male James Caroline Letitia Female Coolgardie
1934/1800025 East Coolgardie Cullen Percival James Male Hobbs Ivy Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800025 East Coolgardie Hobbs Ivy Female Cullen Percival James Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800026 East Coolgardie Angel Edith Eunice Female Holman Basil Frederick Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800026 East Coolgardie Holman Basil Frederick Male Angel Edith Eunice Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800027 East Coolgardie Bradley James Augustas Male Walters Rose Therese Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800027 East Coolgardie Walters Rose Therese Female Bradley James Augustas Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800029 East Coolgardie Smith Margaret Female Allen Francis Llewellyn Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800029 East Coolgardie Allen Francis Llewellyn Male Smith Margaret Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800030 East Coolgardie Starkie Doris Edna Female Williams Samuel Eric Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800030 East Coolgardie Williams Samuel Eric Male Starkie Doris Edna Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800031 East Coolgardie Boyd Clarissa Kate Female Roberts William Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800031 East Coolgardie Roberts William Male Boyd Clarissa Kate Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800032 East Coolgardie Hall Myrtle Ivey Female Manners Charles Clarke Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800032 East Coolgardie Manners Charles Clarke Male Hall Myrtle Ivey Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800033 East Coolgardie Pearson William Charles Male Okely Caroline Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800033 East Coolgardie Okely Caroline Mary Female Pearson William Charles Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800034 East Coolgardie Stevens Alan James Male Everett Doris Jean Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800034 East Coolgardie Everett Doris Jean Female Stevens Alan James Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800035 East Coolgardie Hall Herbert Henry Male McDermott Alice Catherine Female Kalgoorlie
1943/1800035 East Coolgardie Sarinas Poppy Female Haldoupis John Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800035 East Coolgardie McDermott Alice Catherine Female Hall Herbert Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1943/1800035 East Coolgardie Haldoupis John Male Sarinas Poppy Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800036 East Coolgardie McLaughlin Naomi Elizabeth Female Aylward Thomas James Male Kalgoorlie
1935/1800036 East Coolgardie Jones Elsie May Female Turner Kenneth Rayston Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800036 East Coolgardie Aylward Thomas James Male McLaughlin Naomi Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1935/1800036 East Coolgardie Turner Kenneth Rayston Male Jones Elsie May Female Kalgoorlie
1935/1800037 East Coolgardie Wicks Ellen Elizabeth Female Hayward Thomas Joseph Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800037 East Coolgardie Beames Victor John Male Sansum Hazel Maude Female Kalgoorlie
1935/1800037 East Coolgardie Hayward Thomas Joseph Male Wicks Ellen Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800037 East Coolgardie Sansum Hazel Maude Female Beames Victor John Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800038 East Coolgardie Manson Marjorie Jean Female Gasmier Edward Clarence Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800038 East Coolgardie Gasmier Edward Clarence Male Manson Marjorie Jean Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800039 East Coolgardie Paddick Henry Gordon Male Mitchell Elizabeth Jessie Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800039 East Coolgardie Mitchell Elizabeth Jessie Female Paddick Henry Gordon Male Kalgoorlie
1935/1800040 East Coolgardie Miotti Lily Female Muffatti Felice Male Kalgoorlie
1935/1800040 East Coolgardie Muffatti Felice Male Miotti Lily Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800040 East Coolgardie Lowe Gracie May Female Byrne Frederick Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800040 East Coolgardie Byrne Frederick Male Lowe Gracie May Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800041 East Coolgardie Hamilton Frank Gregory Male Davey Valda Undene Cavell Female Kalgoorlie
1935/1800041 East Coolgardie Gleeson Rita Female Curnow George Male Kalgoorlie
1935/1800041 East Coolgardie Curnow George Male Gleeson Rita Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800041 East Coolgardie Davey Valda Undene Cavell Female Hamilton Frank Gregory Male Kalgoorlie
1935/1800042 East Coolgardie Edwards Grace Dorothea Female Fox Patrick Peter Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800042 East Coolgardie McGuinness Edward John Male Norrish Doreen Wray Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800042 East Coolgardie Norrish Doreen Wray Female McGuinness Edward John Male Kalgoorlie
1935/1800042 East Coolgardie Fox Patrick Peter Male Edwards Grace Dorothea Female Kalgoorlie
1935/1800043 East Coolgardie Bucat Thomas Male Sprlyan Mary Dorothy Female Kalgoorlie
1935/1800043 East Coolgardie Sprlyan Mary Dorothy Female Bucat Thomas Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800043 East Coolgardie Vincent Jack Male Cunningham Bertha Louisa Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800043 East Coolgardie Cunningham Bertha Louisa Female Vincent Jack Male Kalgoorlie
1935/1800044 East Coolgardie Fitzgerald Edna Claire Female Basley Albert James Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800044 East Coolgardie Nielsen Lene Harriett Female Gouge Victor Patrick Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800044 East Coolgardie Gouge Victor Patrick Male Nielsen Lene Harriett Female Kalgoorlie
1935/1800044 East Coolgardie Basley Albert James Male Fitzgerald Edna Claire Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800045 East Coolgardie Morris Charles Henry Male Harvey Thelma Grace Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800045 East Coolgardie Harvey Thelma Grace Female Morris Charles Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800046 East Coolgardie Snelling John Male Dalley Eleanor Florence Female Kalgoorlie
1935/1800046 East Coolgardie Cohen Robert Henry Male McIntosh Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800046 East Coolgardie Dalley Eleanor Florence Female Snelling John Male Kalgoorlie
1935/1800046 East Coolgardie McIntosh Mary Female Cohen Robert Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800047 East Coolgardie Bailey Fay Concanen Female Lush James Arnold Male Kalgoorlie
1935/1800047 East Coolgardie Marelich Viveash Male Redmond Hazel Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800047 East Coolgardie Lush James Arnold Male Bailey Fay Concanen Female Kalgoorlie
1935/1800047 East Coolgardie Redmond Hazel Mary Female Marelich Viveash Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800048 East Coolgardie Staker Cecilia May Female Shervill John McKenzie Male Kalgoorlie
1935/1800048 East Coolgardie Frank Wilfrid Ernest John Male Marshall Alma Annie Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800048 East Coolgardie Shervill John McKenzie Male Staker Cecilia May Female Kalgoorlie
1935/1800048 East Coolgardie Marshall Alma Annie Female Frank Wilfrid Ernest John Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800049 East Coolgardie Higgins Lily Female Morrissey George Male Kalgoorlie
1935/1800049 East Coolgardie Proud Mary Female Hasson Wallace Male Kalgoorlie
1935/1800049 East Coolgardie Hasson Wallace Male Proud Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800049 East Coolgardie Morrissey George Male Higgins Lily Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800050 East Coolgardie Fields James Clifford Male Fitzgerald Agnes Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800050 East Coolgardie Fitzgerald Agnes Female Fields James Clifford Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800051 East Coolgardie Hill Reginald Baddock Male Leahy Mary Dolores Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800051 East Coolgardie Leahy Mary Dolores Female Hill Reginald Baddock Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800052 East Coolgardie Frampton Doris Irene Linda Female Dalton James Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800052 East Coolgardie Dalton James Henry Male Frampton Doris Irene Linda Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800053 East Coolgardie Soloman Alfred Male Shazell Dora Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800053 East Coolgardie Shazell Dora Mary Female Soloman Alfred Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800054 East Coolgardie Macpherson Clifford Royden Male Keady Dorothy May Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800054 East Coolgardie Keady Dorothy May Female Macpherson Clifford Royden Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800055 East Coolgardie Hardingham Ellie May Female Kittyea James Harold Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800055 East Coolgardie Kittyea James Harold Male Hardingham Ellie May Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800056 East Coolgardie Henning Freda Elizabeth Young Female Rohrlack John Bernard Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800056 East Coolgardie Rohrlack John Bernard Male Henning Freda Elizabeth Young Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800057 East Coolgardie Lomas Samuel Male Osborne Amy Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800057 East Coolgardie Osborne Amy Elizabeth Female Lomas Samuel Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800058 East Coolgardie Bravin Doris Female Lambert Leonard Charles Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800058 East Coolgardie Lambert Leonard Charles Male Bravin Doris Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800059 East Coolgardie Christian George Alfred Male Hames Isabella Lavinia Female Kalgoorlie
1935/1800059 East Coolgardie Harrild Robert Arthur Male Deacon Elleanor Kathleen Female Kalgoorlie
1935/1800059 East Coolgardie Deacon Elleanor Kathleen Female Harrild Robert Arthur Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800059 East Coolgardie Hames Isabella Lavinia Female Christian George Alfred Male Kalgoorlie
1935/1800060 East Coolgardie Eddy Violet Gladys Female Ryder Charles Ernest Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800060 East Coolgardie Westcott John Edward Male Thirley Laura Female Kalgoorlie
1935/1800060 East Coolgardie Ryder Charles Ernest Male Eddy Violet Gladys Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800060 East Coolgardie Thirley Laura Female Westcott John Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1935/1800061 East Coolgardie Page Neil Male Saunders Eileen Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800061 East Coolgardie Alsford Ethel May Female Nickels Frederich Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800061 East Coolgardie Nickels Frederich Male Alsford Ethel May Female Kalgoorlie
1935/1800061 East Coolgardie Saunders Eileen Mary Female Page Neil Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800062 East Coolgardie Whitby Irwin Male Mathews Elsie Lilian Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800062 East Coolgardie Mathews Elsie Lilian Female Whitby Irwin Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800063 East Coolgardie Herbert Alma Gladys Female Earle George Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800063 East Coolgardie Earle George Edward Male Herbert Alma Gladys Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800064 East Coolgardie Clohessy Annie Letitia Grace Female August Robert Gillespie Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800064 East Coolgardie August Robert Gillespie Male Clohessy Annie Letitia Grace Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800065 East Coolgardie Williams John Henry Male Austin Grace Evelyn Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800065 East Coolgardie Austin Grace Evelyn Female Williams John Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800066 East Coolgardie Kestle Iris Lorraine Female Hadden Graham Monti Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800066 East Coolgardie Hadden Graham Monti Male Kestle Iris Lorraine Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800067 East Coolgardie Miller Allan Joseph Male Tapper Alma Irene Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800067 East Coolgardie Tapper Alma Irene Female Miller Allan Joseph Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800068 East Coolgardie Lyttleton Eileen Female Schwan Albert Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800068 East Coolgardie Schwan Albert Edward Male Lyttleton Eileen Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800069 East Coolgardie Butcher James Manson Male Breman Elsja Charlotte Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800069 East Coolgardie Breman Elsja Charlotte Female Butcher James Manson Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800070 East Coolgardie Hansen Mona Mary Female Armstrong Willis Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800070 East Coolgardie Armstrong Willis Male Hansen Mona Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800071 East Coolgardie Beard Lancelot Frederick Male Cvianovich Ellen Margaret Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800071 East Coolgardie Cvianovich Ellen Margaret Female Beard Lancelot Frederick Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800072 East Coolgardie Carter George Male Brain Margaret Carmel Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800072 East Coolgardie Brain Margaret Carmel Female Carter George Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800073 East Coolgardie Allen Lloyd Fairfax Male O'Keefe Ivy Camilla Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800073 East Coolgardie O'Keefe Ivy Camilla Female Allen Lloyd Fairfax Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800074 East Coolgardie Robson Margaret Female Standing Arnold George Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800074 East Coolgardie Standing Arnold George Male Robson Margaret Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800075 East Coolgardie Gunn William Male Robartson Ada Florence Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800075 East Coolgardie Robartson Ada Florence Female Gunn William Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800076 East Coolgardie Ryan John Duncan Male Cleasby Irene Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800076 East Coolgardie Cleasby Irene Female Ryan John Duncan Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800077 East Coolgardie Keleher Patricia Joan Female Frank Herbert Anthony Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800077 East Coolgardie Frank Herbert Anthony Male Keleher Patricia Joan Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800078 East Coolgardie Hunter Robert Male Quan Hazel Jean Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800078 East Coolgardie Quan Hazel Jean Female Hunter Robert Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800079 East Coolgardie Wilson George Male Brenton Dorothy Female Carbine
1934/1800079 East Coolgardie Brenton Dorothy Female Wilson George Male Carbine
1934/1800080 East Coolgardie Himing Grace Margaret Florence Female Newton Reuben Leslie Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800080 East Coolgardie Newton Reuben Leslie Male Himing Grace Margaret Florence Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800081 East Coolgardie Gillespie John David Male Fleming Lilly Elizabeth Emily Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800081 East Coolgardie Fleming Lilly Elizabeth Emily Female Gillespie John David Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800082 East Coolgardie Oliver Margaret Robina Female Gamage Guy Howard Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800082 East Coolgardie Gamage Guy Howard Male Oliver Margaret Robina Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800083 East Coolgardie Davey John Cyril Male Kreibig Constance Muriel Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800083 East Coolgardie Kreibig Constance Muriel Female Davey John Cyril Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800084 East Coolgardie Smith William Henry Charles Male Johnstone Agnes Hay Smith Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800084 East Coolgardie Johnstone Agnes Hay Smith Female Smith William Henry Charles Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800085 East Coolgardie Collins Lilly Rose Female Davey William Eric Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800085 East Coolgardie Davey William Eric Male Collins Lilly Rose Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800086 East Coolgardie Seabrook Robert James Male Fox Julie Donna Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800086 East Coolgardie Fox Julie Donna Female Seabrook Robert James Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800087 East Coolgardie Fox Evelyn Monica Female Kozul Ivan Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800087 East Coolgardie Kozul Ivan Male Fox Evelyn Monica Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800088 East Coolgardie Golding Hollis David Male Schwan Bernadine Donnelly Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800088 East Coolgardie Schwan Bernadine Donnelly Female Golding Hollis David Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800089 East Coolgardie Counsel Nancy Pearl Female Downing John Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800089 East Coolgardie Downing John Male Counsel Nancy Pearl Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800090 East Coolgardie Elsbury John Anthony William Rossi Male Avery Lily Amelia Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800090 East Coolgardie Avery Lily Amelia Female Elsbury John Anthony William Rossi Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800091 East Coolgardie Ainsworth Ronald Harold Male Montgomery Miriam Mona Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800091 East Coolgardie Montgomery Miriam Mona Female Ainsworth Ronald Harold Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800092 East Coolgardie Huntley Eileen Marie Female Morey Angus Gordon Maitland Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800092 East Coolgardie Morey Angus Gordon Maitland Male Huntley Eileen Marie Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800093 East Coolgardie Platts William Dawson Male O'Keeffe Lillian Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800093 East Coolgardie O'Keeffe Lillian Female Platts William Dawson Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800094 East Coolgardie Cadlolo Cecil Alan Male McComish Veronica Joan Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800094 East Coolgardie McComish Veronica Joan Female Cadlolo Cecil Alan Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800095 East Coolgardie Boyle Catherine Female Harris Gordon William Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800095 East Coolgardie Harris Gordon William Male Boyle Catherine Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800096 East Coolgardie Murn Margaret Alice Female Thorne Robert Frederick Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800096 East Coolgardie Thorne Robert Frederick Male Murn Margaret Alice Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800097 East Coolgardie Baker James Gordon Male Kett Myrtle May Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800097 East Coolgardie Kett Myrtle May Female Baker James Gordon Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800098 East Coolgardie Graham Jean May Female Andrew Leonard John Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800098 East Coolgardie Andrew Leonard John Male Graham Jean May Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800099 East Coolgardie Smith Gertrude Annie Female Rees Richard Arthur Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800099 East Coolgardie Rees Richard Arthur Male Smith Gertrude Annie Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800100 East Coolgardie Bosetin Jela Female Maras Marko Albert Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800100 East Coolgardie Maras Marko Albert Male Bosetin Jela Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800101 East Coolgardie Rosman Beryl Female Corbett William Albert James Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800101 East Coolgardie Corbett William Albert James Male Rosman Beryl Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800102 East Coolgardie Koops Marjorie Amy Female Johnson Robert Sutherland Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800102 East Coolgardie Johnson Robert Sutherland Male Koops Marjorie Amy Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800103 East Coolgardie Churach Evelyn Eileen Veronica Female Gowdie Bernard John Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800103 East Coolgardie Gowdie Bernard John Male Churach Evelyn Eileen Veronica Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800104 East Coolgardie Cottam James Ernest Male Taylor Doris Ruba Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800104 East Coolgardie Taylor Doris Ruba Female Cottam James Ernest Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800105 East Coolgardie Docker Dorothy Female Rawlings Albert Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800105 East Coolgardie Rawlings Albert Male Docker Dorothy Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800106 East Coolgardie Smallacombe Theresa Joyce Female Turner Walter Harry Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800106 East Coolgardie Turner Walter Harry Male Smallacombe Theresa Joyce Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800107 East Coolgardie Dally Lillian Jean Female Clair Albert Arthur William Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800107 East Coolgardie Clair Albert Arthur William Male Dally Lillian Jean Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800108 East Coolgardie Newton Alan Wallace Male Cumpston Florence Miriam Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800108 East Coolgardie Cumpston Florence Miriam Female Newton Alan Wallace Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800109 East Coolgardie Worcester Francis Salisbury Male Baldwin Minnie Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800109 East Coolgardie Baldwin Minnie Female Worcester Francis Salisbury Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800110 East Coolgardie Bowley Irene Olive Female Forbes Kenneth Colin Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800110 East Coolgardie Forbes Kenneth Colin Male Bowley Irene Olive Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800111 East Coolgardie Sargent Richard Alan Strong Male Watson Sylvia Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800111 East Coolgardie Watson Sylvia Female Sargent Richard Alan Strong Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800112 East Coolgardie Borchet Dorothy Jean Female Wilkins William Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800112 East Coolgardie Wilkins William Male Borchet Dorothy Jean Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800113 East Coolgardie Fox Walter Leslie Male Smith Edna Maud Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800113 East Coolgardie Smith Edna Maud Female Fox Walter Leslie Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800114 East Coolgardie Pope Verna Sylvia Female Smith Harry Sampson Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800114 East Coolgardie Smith Harry Sampson Male Pope Verna Sylvia Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800115 East Coolgardie Sloan Robert Alexander Male Gibson Nora Theresa Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800115 East Coolgardie Gibson Nora Theresa Female Sloan Robert Alexander Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800116 East Coolgardie Ganfield Leonard Oswin Male Crabb Zillah Tabitha Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800116 East Coolgardie Crabb Zillah Tabitha Female Ganfield Leonard Oswin Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800117 East Coolgardie Knowles Leon Noel Male Hocking Effie Fenn Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800117 East Coolgardie Hocking Effie Fenn Female Knowles Leon Noel Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800118 East Coolgardie Dewar Franklin Hector Male Softley Annie Newington Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800118 East Coolgardie Softley Annie Newington Female Dewar Franklin Hector Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800119 East Coolgardie Campbell Florence Jessie Mary Female Sherratt Sydney Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800119 East Coolgardie Sherratt Sydney Male Campbell Florence Jessie Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800120 East Coolgardie Munro Donald Male Allan Ruby Jean Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800120 East Coolgardie Allan Ruby Jean Female Munro Donald Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800121 East Coolgardie Herron William Male Anderson Dulcie Thelma Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800121 East Coolgardie Anderson Dulcie Thelma Female Herron William Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800122 East Coolgardie Robinson John William Male Lamond Margaret Catherine Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800122 East Coolgardie Lamond Margaret Catherine Female Robinson John William Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800123 East Coolgardie Blum Arthur Ronald Male Golding Louise Evelyn Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800123 East Coolgardie Golding Louise Evelyn Female Blum Arthur Ronald Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800124 East Coolgardie Hawkins Eric George Thomas Male Ferguson Margaret Smith Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800124 East Coolgardie Ferguson Margaret Smith Female Hawkins Eric George Thomas Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800125 East Coolgardie Cassin Robert William Male Gableish Rita Stuart Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800125 East Coolgardie Gableish Rita Stuart Female Cassin Robert William Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800126 East Coolgardie Craig George Winsall Male Smith Annie Weibye Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800126 East Coolgardie Smith Annie Weibye Female Craig George Winsall Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800127 East Coolgardie Solly Clifford Ross Male Flanagan Sheila Zilla Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800127 East Coolgardie Flanagan Sheila Zilla Female Solly Clifford Ross Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800128 East Coolgardie Ryan Ellen Irene Female Wilson Robert Leslie Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800128 East Coolgardie Wilson Robert Leslie Male Ryan Ellen Irene Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800129 East Coolgardie Flynn John Frederick Thomas Male Aldrick May Isabell Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800129 East Coolgardie Aldrick May Isabell Female Flynn John Frederick Thomas Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800130 East Coolgardie Scott Albert John Male Leary Doris Rita Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800130 East Coolgardie Leary Doris Rita Female Scott Albert John Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800131 East Coolgardie Smith Stella Isabel Female Turner William Paul Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800131 East Coolgardie Turner William Paul Male Smith Stella Isabel Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800132 East Coolgardie Terrell Richard Percival Male Richards Ivy Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800132 East Coolgardie Richards Ivy Female Terrell Richard Percival Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800133 East Coolgardie Bennett Bernard Alfred Male Sinclair Kathleen Greta Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800133 East Coolgardie Sinclair Kathleen Greta Female Bennett Bernard Alfred Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800134 East Coolgardie Douglas Eileen May Female Fry Harry John Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800134 East Coolgardie Fry Harry John Male Douglas Eileen May Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800135 East Coolgardie Back Wilfred Mercer Male Schultz Eva Margaret Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800135 East Coolgardie Schultz Eva Margaret Female Back Wilfred Mercer Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800136 East Coolgardie Williams Jack Dalton Male Black Beryl Marjorie Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800136 East Coolgardie Black Beryl Marjorie Female Williams Jack Dalton Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800137 East Coolgardie Gosden Jean Sarah Female Roberts Geoffrey William Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800137 East Coolgardie Roberts Geoffrey William Male Gosden Jean Sarah Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800138 East Coolgardie Gerrans Selina Victoria Female Thompson Thomas Henderson Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800138 East Coolgardie Thompson Thomas Henderson Male Gerrans Selina Victoria Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800139 East Coolgardie Beckwith Ada Leola Female Heazlewood Robert Charles Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800139 East Coolgardie Heazlewood Robert Charles Male Beckwith Ada Leola Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800140 East Coolgardie Nicoli Aquilino Male Maffina Margaret Jane Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800140 East Coolgardie Maffina Margaret Jane Female Nicoli Aquilino Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800141 East Coolgardie Wood Arthur Edward Male Connell Myra Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800141 East Coolgardie Connell Myra Female Wood Arthur Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800142 East Coolgardie Back Alberta Mary Mitchell Female Reed William Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800142 East Coolgardie Reed William Edward Male Back Alberta Mary Mitchell Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800143 East Coolgardie Moss Sybil Myra Female Howells Thomas Trevor Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800143 East Coolgardie Howells Thomas Trevor Male Moss Sybil Myra Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800144 East Coolgardie Shaw Kathleen Female Funnell James Thomas Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800144 East Coolgardie Funnell James Thomas Male Shaw Kathleen Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800145 East Coolgardie Spratley Violet Annie Female Johnson Henry Charles Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800145 East Coolgardie Johnson Henry Charles Male Spratley Violet Annie Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800146 East Coolgardie Newnham George Aubrey Male Andriolo Emelda Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800146 East Coolgardie Andriolo Emelda Female Newnham George Aubrey Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800147 East Coolgardie Harris Charles Richard Male Louden Alice Irene Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800147 East Coolgardie Louden Alice Irene Female Harris Charles Richard Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800148 East Coolgardie Lemon Jessie Clarice Female Langdon John Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800148 East Coolgardie Langdon John Henry Male Lemon Jessie Clarice Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800149 East Coolgardie Bennett David Male McMahon Priscilla Harriet Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800149 East Coolgardie McMahon Priscilla Harriet Female Bennett David Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800150 East Coolgardie Tonkin Joan Grace Female Hadwiger Leonard Charles Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800150 East Coolgardie Hadwiger Leonard Charles Male Tonkin Joan Grace Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800151 East Coolgardie Ball Phyllis May Female Cosgrove Michael Joseph Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800151 East Coolgardie Cosgrove Michael Joseph Male Ball Phyllis May Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800152 East Coolgardie Kirby Sylvia May Female Jones Ernest George Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800152 East Coolgardie Jones Ernest George Male Kirby Sylvia May Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800153 East Coolgardie Trezona Joseph Andrew Male Bisdee Ivy Violet May Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800153 East Coolgardie Bisdee Ivy Violet May Female Trezona Joseph Andrew Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800154 East Coolgardie Collier Frank Whitby Male Sandford Phyllis Marguerite Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800154 East Coolgardie Sandford Phyllis Marguerite Female Collier Frank Whitby Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800155 East Coolgardie Polkinghorne Dulcie Mavis Female Bird Harry Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800155 East Coolgardie Bird Harry Male Polkinghorne Dulcie Mavis Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800156 East Coolgardie Allen John Male Walshe Iris Regina Louise Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800156 East Coolgardie Walshe Iris Regina Louise Female Allen John Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800157 East Coolgardie Pierssené Lucy Winifred Female Kelly John Joseph Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800157 East Coolgardie Kelly John Joseph Male Pierssené Lucy Winifred Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800158 East Coolgardie Irwin Minnie May Female Virgo William Richard Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800158 East Coolgardie Virgo William Richard Male Irwin Minnie May Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800159 East Coolgardie Brackenridge Doris Ivy Female Snell Victor Alfred Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800159 East Coolgardie Snell Victor Alfred Male Brackenridge Doris Ivy Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800160 East Coolgardie Martin George Gould Male Walker Lorna Beryl Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800160 East Coolgardie Walker Lorna Beryl Female Martin George Gould Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800161 East Coolgardie Cannon Owen Frederick Male Stahl Melba May Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800161 East Coolgardie Stahl Melba May Female Cannon Owen Frederick Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800162 East Coolgardie Gore Ida May Female Schrader Frederick Mark Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800162 East Coolgardie Schrader Frederick Mark Male Gore Ida May Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800163 East Coolgardie Oddy Reginald William Lionel Male Gillham Dorothea Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800163 East Coolgardie Gillham Dorothea Female Oddy Reginald William Lionel Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800164 East Coolgardie Field Coralie May Female Vukovich Jack Martin Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800164 East Coolgardie Vukovich Jack Martin Male Field Coralie May Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800165 East Coolgardie Kent Elsie Elizabeth Female Pirani Norman Frederick Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800165 East Coolgardie Pirani Norman Frederick Male Kent Elsie Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800166 East Coolgardie Stewart Thelma Emma Female Crocker Harry Munro Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800166 East Coolgardie Crocker Harry Munro Male Stewart Thelma Emma Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800167 East Coolgardie Bell Lorna May Female Mitchell Francis Charles Rex Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800167 East Coolgardie Mitchell Francis Charles Rex Male Bell Lorna May Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800168 East Coolgardie Moran Leo William Male Whait Kathleen Elizabeth Female Kunanalling
1934/1800168 East Coolgardie Whait Kathleen Elizabeth Female Moran Leo William Male Kunanalling
1934/1800169 East Coolgardie De Campi Sylvia Female Spark Arthur John Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800169 East Coolgardie Spark Arthur John Male De Campi Sylvia Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800170 East Coolgardie Robins Stella Rose Female Prosser Leslie Roy Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800170 East Coolgardie Prosser Leslie Roy Male Robins Stella Rose Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800171 East Coolgardie Nankiville Herbert Ernest Male Wynne Bernice Ailsa Gwendoline Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800171 East Coolgardie Wynne Bernice Ailsa Gwendoline Female Nankiville Herbert Ernest Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800172 East Coolgardie Anderson Bridget Catherine Female Auger Stanley John Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800172 East Coolgardie Auger Stanley John Male Anderson Bridget Catherine Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800173 East Coolgardie Simonsen Audrey Mary Female Hunt Percy Campling Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800173 East Coolgardie Hunt Percy Campling Male Simonsen Audrey Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800174 East Coolgardie Horsham Valentine Leonard Male Munyard Daphney Elizebeth Ruby Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800174 East Coolgardie Munyard Daphney Elizebeth Ruby Female Horsham Valentine Leonard Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800175 East Coolgardie Reynolds Rona Female Cowley Jack Franklin Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800175 East Coolgardie Cowley Jack Franklin Male Reynolds Rona Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800176 East Coolgardie Warman Mabel Eileen Female Ferguson Duncan Campbell Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800176 East Coolgardie Ferguson Duncan Campbell Male Warman Mabel Eileen Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800177 East Coolgardie Wilsmore Olga Female Abbott Geoffrey Gilbert Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800177 East Coolgardie Abbott Geoffrey Gilbert Male Wilsmore Olga Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800178 East Coolgardie Binney Ronald Leslie Male Tillotson Ella Marie Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800178 East Coolgardie Tillotson Ella Marie Female Binney Ronald Leslie Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800179 East Coolgardie Alp Winifred Female McKinley Leonard Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800179 East Coolgardie McKinley Leonard Edward Male Alp Winifred Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800180 East Coolgardie Davies Olwyn Hilda Female Sunney James Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800180 East Coolgardie Sunney James Male Davies Olwyn Hilda Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800181 East Coolgardie Calder Florence Beryl Female MacKay Donald Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800181 East Coolgardie MacKay Donald Male Calder Florence Beryl Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800182 East Coolgardie Terrell Ellis White Male Roberts Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800182 East Coolgardie Roberts Mary Female Terrell Ellis White Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800183 East Coolgardie Pearson Ruby Melba Lucy Female Gill Arthur Joseph Stanhope Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800183 East Coolgardie Gill Arthur Joseph Stanhope Male Pearson Ruby Melba Lucy Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800184 East Coolgardie Byfield Mabel Female Thomas David George Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800184 East Coolgardie Thomas David George Male Byfield Mabel Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800185 East Coolgardie Chirgwin Constance Dorreen Female Wenzel Eric Harry Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800185 East Coolgardie Wenzel Eric Harry Male Chirgwin Constance Dorreen Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800186 East Coolgardie Wellington Margaret Isabella Blossom Female Watson Duncan Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800186 East Coolgardie Watson Duncan Male Wellington Margaret Isabella Blossom Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800187 East Coolgardie Morrish Myrtle Edith Female Bickford William Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800187 East Coolgardie Bickford William Male Morrish Myrtle Edith Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800188 East Coolgardie Wilkinson Madeleine Thelma Female McCarthy Roy John Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800188 East Coolgardie McCarthy Roy John Male Wilkinson Madeleine Thelma Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800189 East Coolgardie MacLeod John Male Robertson Mary Margaret Lawrie Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800189 East Coolgardie Robertson Mary Margaret Lawrie Female MacLeod John Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800190 East Coolgardie Hilliard Edward Henry George Male Maslin Olive Maud Avis Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800190 East Coolgardie Maslin Olive Maud Avis Female Hilliard Edward Henry George Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800191 East Coolgardie Bowron Dorothy May Female Walls Thomas Wallace Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800191 East Coolgardie Walls Thomas Wallace Male Bowron Dorothy May Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800192 East Coolgardie Wray Merle Jean Female Budrey Frederick Charles Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800192 East Coolgardie Budrey Frederick Charles Male Wray Merle Jean Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800193 East Coolgardie Ellis Leslie Clifford Male Bradshaw Violet Jane Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800193 East Coolgardie Bradshaw Violet Jane Female Ellis Leslie Clifford Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800194 East Coolgardie Peel Dulcie Dowsett Female Hollingsworth Norman Clem Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800194 East Coolgardie Hollingsworth Norman Clem Male Peel Dulcie Dowsett Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800195 East Coolgardie Bevan Albert William Male Rowe Juanita Maude Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800195 East Coolgardie Rowe Juanita Maude Female Bevan Albert William Male Kalgoorlie
1934/1800196 East Coolgardie Leedman Harry Male Greig Nedra Willoughby Female Kalgoorlie
1934/1800196 East Coolgardie Greig Nedra Willoughby Female Leedman Harry Male Kalgoorlie
1934/2400001 Dundas McDade Edna Mary Female Rear Albert Benjamin Male Norseman
1934/2400001 Dundas Rear Albert Benjamin Male McDade Edna Mary Female Norseman
1934/2400002 Dundas Taylor Verdi George Male Marris Jessica Female Norseman
1934/2400002 Dundas Marris Jessica Female Taylor Verdi George Male Norseman
1934/2400003 Dundas Harslett Mary Eileen Female Hannan William Richard Male Norseman
1934/2400003 Dundas Hannan William Richard Male Harslett Mary Eileen Female Norseman
1934/2400004 Dundas Zecchin Celeste Leorienso Male Curtis Elsie Frances Therisa Female Norseman
1934/2400004 Dundas Curtis Elsie Frances Therisa Female Zecchin Celeste Leorienso Male Norseman
1934/2400005 Dundas Wise Horace Alfred Male Moyle Lillis Mayla Female Norseman
1934/2400005 Dundas Moyle Lillis Mayla Female Wise Horace Alfred Male Norseman
1934/2400006 Dundas Sharpe Charles Thomas Male Jolly Gladys Elizabeth Female Norseman
1934/2400006 Dundas Jolly Gladys Elizabeth Female Sharpe Charles Thomas Male Norseman
1934/2500001 Esperance Jacques Cyril James Male Bowden Caroline Female Esperance
1934/2500001 Esperance Bowden Caroline Female Jacques Cyril James Male Esperance
1934/2500001 Esperance Bowden Caroline Female Sullivan-Jacques Cyril James Male Esperance
1934/2500001 Esperance Sullivan-Jacques Cyril James Male Bowden Caroline Female Esperance
1934/2500002 Esperance Giles Kathleen Esme Female Story Thomas Edward Male Esperance
1934/2500002 Esperance Story Thomas Edward Male Giles Kathleen Esme Female Esperance
1934/2500003 Esperance Spalding Walter David Male Gurney Emma Dorothy Female Esperance
1934/2500003 Esperance Gurney Emma Dorothy Female Spalding Walter David Male Esperance
1935/2700001 Fremantle King Marjorie Elizabeth Female Garbin Milivoy Cirka Male Fremantle
1935/2700001 Fremantle Garbin Milivoy Cirka Male King Marjorie Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1935/2700002 Fremantle Stokes James Francis Charles Male Monaghan Mary Eileen Female Fremantle
1935/2700002 Fremantle Monaghan Mary Eileen Female Stokes James Francis Charles Male Fremantle
1935/2700003 Fremantle Perry Russell Male James Lena Female East Fremantle
1935/2700003 Fremantle James Lena Female Perry Russell Male East Fremantle
1935/2700004 Fremantle Hallissey Victor Vivian Male Harvey Leila Dorothy Female Fremantle
1935/2700004 Fremantle Harvey Leila Dorothy Female Hallissey Victor Vivian Male Fremantle
1935/2700005 Fremantle Jennings Teresa Rosary Female Seubert Frank Andrew Male Fremantle
1935/2700005 Fremantle Seubert Frank Andrew Male Jennings Teresa Rosary Female Fremantle
1935/2700006 Fremantle Lancaster Nancy Ann Female Huxtable Leslie John Perrin Male Fremantle
1935/2700006 Fremantle Huxtable Leslie John Perrin Male Lancaster Nancy Ann Female Fremantle
1935/2700007 Fremantle Placanica Frank Joseph Male Ball Jean Winifred Female Fremantle
1935/2700007 Fremantle Ball Jean Winifred Female Placanica Frank Joseph Male Fremantle
1935/2700008 Fremantle Brown Elsie Myrtle Female Davey Clarence Richard Male Fremantle
1935/2700008 Fremantle Davey Clarence Richard Male Brown Elsie Myrtle Female Fremantle
1935/2700009 Fremantle Cameron Thelma Dorothy Female Dale Francis George Male Fremantle
1935/2700009 Fremantle Dale Francis George Male Cameron Thelma Dorothy Female Fremantle
1935/2700010 Fremantle Willis Leslie Francis Male Cookesley Lima Helen Female Fremantle
1935/2700010 Fremantle Cookesley Lima Helen Female Willis Leslie Francis Male Fremantle
1935/2700011 Fremantle Castelletti Guiseppe Male Smith Madge Female Fremantle
1935/2700011 Fremantle Smith Madge Female Castelletti Guiseppe Male Fremantle
1935/2700012 Fremantle Macdonald Agnes Lidgerton Female Ellis Gordon Frank Howard Male Fremantle
1935/2700012 Fremantle Ellis Gordon Frank Howard Male Macdonald Agnes Lidgerton Female Fremantle
1935/2700013 Fremantle Morris Nora Kathleen Female Perham Roy Trevor Male Fremantle
1935/2700013 Fremantle Perham Roy Trevor Male Morris Nora Kathleen Female Fremantle
1935/2700014 Fremantle Yarrick Iris Melba Female Ryan James Edward Male Fremantle
1935/2700014 Fremantle Ryan James Edward Male Yarrick Iris Melba Female Fremantle
1935/2700015 Fremantle Yarrick Mary Esther Female Neil Henry Arthur Male Fremantle
1935/2700015 Fremantle Neil Henry Arthur Male Yarrick Mary Esther Female Fremantle
1935/2700016 Fremantle Young Daphne Female Hahn Walter Bond Male Fremantle
1935/2700016 Fremantle Hahn Walter Bond Male Young Daphne Female Fremantle
1935/2700018 Fremantle Dixon Walter John Male Holmes Sylvia Harriet Female Fremantle
1935/2700018 Fremantle Holmes Sylvia Harriet Female Dixon Walter John Male Fremantle
1935/2700019 Fremantle Collins Collin Clifford Male Burgess Mabel May Female Fremantle
1935/2700019 Fremantle Burgess Mabel May Female Collins Collin Clifford Male Fremantle
1935/2700020 Fremantle Loveland Edgar Male Moore Annie Josephine Female Fremantle
1935/2700020 Fremantle Moore Annie Josephine Female Loveland Edgar Male Fremantle
1935/2700021 Fremantle Tetley Milton Charles Male Dearle Gladys Lucy Female Fremantle
1935/2700021 Fremantle Dearle Gladys Lucy Female Tetley Milton Charles Male Fremantle
1934/2700022 Fremantle Barnden Emily Louisa Female Wheeler William Aaron Male Fremantle
1934/2700022 Fremantle Wheeler William Aaron Male Barnden Emily Louisa Female Fremantle
1934/2700023 Fremantle Galipo Teresa Female Landro Anthony Male Fremantle
1934/2700023 Fremantle Landro Anthony Male Galipo Teresa Female Fremantle
1934/2700024 Fremantle Edwardes Eugene Lorenzo Male Heath Effie May Female Fremantle
1934/2700024 Fremantle Heath Effie May Female Edwardes Eugene Lorenzo Male Fremantle
1934/2700025 Fremantle Mann Arthur Ernest Male Quealy Catherine Female Fremantle
1934/2700025 Fremantle Quealy Catherine Female Mann Arthur Ernest Male Fremantle
1935/2700025 Fremantle Roberts Reginald Stanley Male Bird Francis Evelyn Patricia Female Fremantle
1935/2700025 Fremantle Bird Francis Evelyn Patricia Female Roberts Reginald Stanley Male Fremantle
1935/2700026 Fremantle Morris John William David Male Weidenback Doris Female East Fremantle
1934/2700026 Fremantle Bonzi Giovanni Male Fiorini Lucy Female Fremantle
1934/2700026 Fremantle Fiorini Lucy Female Bonzi Giovanni Male Fremantle
1935/2700026 Fremantle Weidenback Doris Female Morris John William David Male East Fremantle
1934/2700027 Fremantle Wittke Herman Otto Alfred Male Standen Alice Marjory Female Fremantle
1935/2700027 Fremantle Caple Doris Grace Female Sellick John Male Fremantle
1934/2700027 Fremantle Standen Alice Marjory Female Wittke Herman Otto Alfred Male Fremantle
1935/2700027 Fremantle Sellick John Male Caple Doris Grace Female Fremantle
1934/2700028 Fremantle Gabrielson Robert William Male Hanafan Ellen Female Fremantle
1934/2700028 Fremantle Hanafan Ellen Female Gabrielson Robert William Male Fremantle
1934/2700029 Fremantle Clayton Albert Edward Male Smart Edna Phyllis Joyce Female Fremantle
1934/2700029 Fremantle Smart Edna Phyllis Joyce Female Clayton Albert Edward Male Fremantle
1934/2700032 Fremantle Rice Dorothy Phyllis Eileen Sarah Female Collins Ashley Clifton Male Fremantle
1934/2700032 Fremantle Collins Ashley Clifton Male Rice Dorothy Phyllis Eileen Sarah Female Fremantle
1935/2700033 Fremantle Harry Thelma Female Placanica Luigi Male Fremantle
1935/2700033 Fremantle Placanica Luigi Male Harry Thelma Female Fremantle
1934/2700033 Fremantle Marshall Lila Aileen Female Lewis Benjamin Piercy Male Fremantle
1934/2700033 Fremantle Lewis Benjamin Piercy Male Marshall Lila Aileen Female Fremantle
1934/2700034 Fremantle Gibson William Edward Male Shearer Dorothy Thelma Female North Fremantle
1934/2700034 Fremantle Shearer Dorothy Thelma Female Gibson William Edward Male North Fremantle
1934/2700035 Fremantle Cockman George Albert Male Anderson Jean Irene Female Fremantle
1934/2700035 Fremantle Anderson Jean Irene Female Cockman George Albert Male Fremantle
1934/2700036 Fremantle Willis William John Male Sayers Ethel Lillian Female Fremantle
1934/2700036 Fremantle Sayers Ethel Lillian Female Willis William John Male Fremantle
1934/2700037 Fremantle Seymour Joshua William Male Maingay Mary Robina Annie Female Fremantle
1934/2700037 Fremantle Maingay Mary Robina Annie Female Seymour Joshua William Male Fremantle
1934/2700038 Fremantle Morgan Emily Victoria Mabel Female Winter Joseph Edward Francis Male Fremantle
1934/2700038 Fremantle Winter Joseph Edward Francis Male Morgan Emily Victoria Mabel Female Fremantle
1934/2700039 Fremantle Powell George Watler Edwin Male Bush Eileen Mary Female Fremantle
1934/2700039 Fremantle Bush Eileen Mary Female Powell George Watler Edwin Male Fremantle
1934/2700040 Fremantle Gleadall John Thomas Male Tresidder Violet Annie Female Fremantle
1934/2700040 Fremantle Tresidder Violet Annie Female Gleadall John Thomas Male Fremantle
1934/2700041 Fremantle Eke Douglas William Arthur Male Cahill Kathleen Maude Female Fremantle
1934/2700041 Fremantle Cahill Kathleen Maude Female Eke Douglas William Arthur Male Fremantle
1934/2700042 Fremantle Galloway Christine Douglas Female Healey Thomas Henry Male Fremantle
1934/2700042 Fremantle Healey Thomas Henry Male Galloway Christine Douglas Female Fremantle
1934/2700043 Fremantle Kilsby Hylda Elinor Female Haig Percy Keith Male Fremantle
1934/2700043 Fremantle Haig Percy Keith Male Kilsby Hylda Elinor Female Fremantle
1934/2700044 Fremantle McCarthy Victor Kenneth Male Cattanach Rita May Female Fremantle
1934/2700044 Fremantle Cattanach Rita May Female McCarthy Victor Kenneth Male Fremantle
1934/2700045 Fremantle Davis Albert John Male Sweetman Jessie Female Fremantle
1934/2700045 Fremantle Sweetman Jessie Female Davis Albert John Male Fremantle
1934/2700046 Fremantle Viles Helen Mary Female Symons Frederick Charles Male Fremantle
1934/2700046 Fremantle Symons Frederick Charles Male Viles Helen Mary Female Fremantle
1934/2700047 Fremantle Smyth William Stevens Male Anderson Lilian Florence Female Fremantle
1934/2700047 Fremantle Anderson Lilian Florence Female Smyth William Stevens Male Fremantle
1934/2700051 Fremantle Quinlan Evelyn May Female Caple Charles Albert Male Beaconsfield
1934/2700051 Fremantle Caple Charles Albert Male Quinlan Evelyn May Female Beaconsfield
1935/2700051 Fremantle Bailey Laura Lillian Female Morris Frank Male Palmyra
1935/2700051 Fremantle Morris Frank Male Bailey Laura Lillian Female Palmyra
1934/2700052 Fremantle Munns Oliver Male Ingram Ruth Female Beaconsfield
1934/2700052 Fremantle Ingram Ruth Female Munns Oliver Male Beaconsfield
1934/2700053 Fremantle Kinrade William Edward Male Henry Dorothy Eleanor Female Fremantle
1934/2700053 Fremantle Henry Dorothy Eleanor Female Kinrade William Edward Male Fremantle
1934/2700054 Fremantle Allen Irene Female Sims Clarance Charles Male Fremantle
1934/2700054 Fremantle Sims Clarance Charles Male Allen Irene Female Fremantle
1934/2700055 Fremantle Dunning Rita Doris Female Rooke Frederick James Male Fremantle
1934/2700055 Fremantle Rooke Frederick James Male Dunning Rita Doris Female Fremantle
1934/2700056 Fremantle Branch William Thomas Male Watson Hazel Doreen Female Fremantle
1934/2700056 Fremantle Watson Hazel Doreen Female Branch William Thomas Male Fremantle
1934/2700057 Fremantle Ross Freda Alexandra Female Matthews Cedric James Male Fremantle
1934/2700057 Fremantle Matthews Cedric James Male Ross Freda Alexandra Female Fremantle
1934/2700058 Fremantle Bowman Jessie Isabella Female Keen Robert Casson Male Fremantle
1934/2700058 Fremantle Keen Robert Casson Male Bowman Jessie Isabella Female Fremantle
1934/2700059 Fremantle Taylor Emily Maud Louise Female Hampson Arthur Male Fremantle
1934/2700059 Fremantle Hampson Arthur Male Taylor Emily Maud Louise Female Fremantle
1934/2700060 Fremantle Mann Rose Ethel Female Quin James Male Fremantle
1934/2700060 Fremantle Quin James Male Mann Rose Ethel Female Fremantle
1934/2700061 Fremantle Martin Hilda Female Squibb Frank Thomas Male Fremantle
1934/2700061 Fremantle Squibb Frank Thomas Male Martin Hilda Female Fremantle
1934/2700062 Fremantle Coulton Ernest Doubery Male Jones Daisy Ellen Female Fremantle
1934/2700062 Fremantle Jones Daisy Ellen Female Coulton Ernest Doubery Male Fremantle
1934/2700063 Fremantle Taylor Irene May Female Creighton Harry Male North Fremantle
1934/2700063 Fremantle Creighton Harry Male Taylor Irene May Female North Fremantle
1934/2700064 Fremantle James Charles Male Hall Eileen Female Fremantle
1934/2700064 Fremantle Hall Eileen Female James Charles Male Fremantle
1934/2700065 Fremantle Leyland Maude Female Maitland Thomas Male Fremantle
1934/2700065 Fremantle Maitland Thomas Male Leyland Maude Female Fremantle
1934/2700066 Fremantle Hall Howard William Male Green Marjorie Elaine Female Fremantle
1934/2700066 Fremantle Green Marjorie Elaine Female Hall Howard William Male Fremantle
1934/2700067 Fremantle August Iona Edna Mary Female Walton Joseph Male Fremantle
1934/2700067 Fremantle Walton Joseph Male August Iona Edna Mary Female Fremantle
1934/2700068 Fremantle Kennedy John William Male Dick Thelma Jean Female East Fremantle
1934/2700068 Fremantle Dick Thelma Jean Female Kennedy John William Male East Fremantle
1934/2700069 Fremantle Mooney Robert Gerald Male Hobson Adelaide Mary Female Fremantle
1934/2700069 Fremantle Hobson Adelaide Mary Female Mooney Robert Gerald Male Fremantle
1934/2700070 Fremantle Bulgin William George Male Mumford Glendolyn Louise Female Fremantle
1934/2700070 Fremantle Mumford Glendolyn Louise Female Bulgin William George Male Fremantle
1934/2700071 Fremantle Beale John Allan Male Anderson Norma Jean Female Fremantle
1934/2700071 Fremantle Anderson Norma Jean Female Beale John Allan Male Fremantle
1934/2700072 Fremantle Nelson Keith Male Johnson Ida Evelyn Mary Female Fremantle
1934/2700072 Fremantle Johnson Ida Evelyn Mary Female Nelson Keith Male Fremantle
1934/2700073 Fremantle Ryan Gladys Teresa Female Nicholson John Male Fremantle
1934/2700073 Fremantle Nicholson John Male Ryan Gladys Teresa Female Fremantle
1934/2700074 Fremantle Byrne James William Henry Male McKenzie Olive Jean Female Fremantle
1934/2700074 Fremantle McKenzie Olive Jean Female Byrne James William Henry Male Fremantle
1934/2700075 Fremantle Matson Russell Clifford Male Cull Eleanor May Female Fremantle
1934/2700075 Fremantle Cull Eleanor May Female Matson Russell Clifford Male Fremantle
1934/2700076 Fremantle Dicker-Lee Charles Edward Male Hill Doris Elizabeth May Female Fremantle
1934/2700076 Fremantle Hill Doris Elizabeth May Female Dicker-Lee Charles Edward Male Fremantle
1934/2700077 Fremantle Valle Eric Male Hill Lillian Louisa Female Fremantle
1934/2700077 Fremantle Hill Lillian Louisa Female Valle Eric Male Fremantle
1934/2700078 Fremantle Cross Percival Gogan Hearn Male Walter Evelyn Alice Female Fremantle
1934/2700078 Fremantle Walter Evelyn Alice Female Cross Percival Gogan Hearn Male Fremantle
1934/2700079 Fremantle Argyle Thomas Milner Stanley Male Brinkley Helen Yvonne Female Fremantle
1934/2700079 Fremantle Brinkley Helen Yvonne Female Argyle Thomas Milner Stanley Male Fremantle
1934/2700080 Fremantle Pink George Richard Male Adams Edith Matilda Female Fremantle
1934/2700080 Fremantle Adams Edith Matilda Female Pink George Richard Male Fremantle
1934/2700081 Fremantle Smith Winifred Honorah Female Lewis Alfred Wallis Male Fremantle
1934/2700081 Fremantle Lewis Alfred Wallis Male Smith Winifred Honorah Female Fremantle
1934/2700082 Fremantle Douglas James Andrew Male McKenzie Mary Lila Female Fremantle
1934/2700082 Fremantle McKenzie Mary Lila Female Douglas James Andrew Male Fremantle
1934/2700083 Fremantle Raffaele Robert Male Donovan Kathleen May Female Fremantle
1934/2700083 Fremantle Donovan Kathleen May Female Raffaele Robert Male Fremantle
1934/2700084 Fremantle Brown Edna Clarice Female Friday Robert George Male North Fremantle
1934/2700084 Fremantle Friday Robert George Male Brown Edna Clarice Female North Fremantle
1934/2700085 Fremantle Merritt John Wilfred Male Prew Laura Veronica Female Fremantle
1934/2700085 Fremantle Prew Laura Veronica Female Merritt John Wilfred Male Fremantle
1934/2700086 Fremantle Beisley William Joshua Male Richardson Hilda Gertrude Female Fremantle
1934/2700086 Fremantle Richardson Hilda Gertrude Female Beisley William Joshua Male Fremantle
1935/2700087 Fremantle Bell Edward George Male Brett Emma Female North Fremantle
1934/2700087 Fremantle McClymans Evelyn Susannah Female Russell Joseph Buchanan Male Fremantle
1935/2700087 Fremantle Brett Emma Female Bell Edward George Male North Fremantle
1934/2700087 Fremantle Russell Joseph Buchanan Male McClymans Evelyn Susannah Female Fremantle
1935/2700088 Fremantle Brown John Alfred Male O'Neill Mary Veronica Female North Fremantle
1934/2700088 Fremantle Paine Lillian Elizabeth Female Williams James Colighan Male Fremantle
1934/2700088 Fremantle Williams James Colighan Male Paine Lillian Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1935/2700088 Fremantle O'Neill Mary Veronica Female Brown John Alfred Male North Fremantle
1934/2700089 Fremantle Mann William Wallace Male Heal Rose Alexandra Female Fremantle
1934/2700089 Fremantle Heal Rose Alexandra Female Mann William Wallace Male Fremantle
1934/2700090 Fremantle Pirie William Henry Male Richardson Hazel May Female Fremantle
1934/2700090 Fremantle Richardson Hazel May Female Pirie William Henry Male Fremantle
1934/2700091 Fremantle Bolger Ruth Sherlock Female Kemp Benjamin Thomas Stokoe Male Fremantle
1934/2700091 Fremantle Kemp Benjamin Thomas Stokoe Male Bolger Ruth Sherlock Female Fremantle
1934/2700092 Fremantle Roberts Eva Florence Female Kelly Lionel Francis Male Fremantle
1934/2700092 Fremantle Kelly Lionel Francis Male Roberts Eva Florence Female Fremantle
1934/2700093 Fremantle McKenzie James William Male Harrison Mildred May Female Fremantle
1934/2700093 Fremantle Harrison Mildred May Female McKenzie James William Male Fremantle
1934/2700094 Fremantle Fuller William John Male Hewison Elsie Honoria Female Fremantle
1934/2700094 Fremantle Hewison Elsie Honoria Female Fuller William John Male Fremantle
1934/2700095 Fremantle Blackmore Clarence Hubert Male Oliver Cecily Charlmena Female Fremantle
1934/2700095 Fremantle Oliver Cecily Charlmena Female Blackmore Clarence Hubert Male Fremantle
1934/2700096 Fremantle Coward Leslie Roy Hopetoun Male Rodwell Sheila Lorraine Female Fremantle
1934/2700096 Fremantle Rodwell Sheila Lorraine Female Coward Leslie Roy Hopetoun Male Fremantle
1934/2700097 Fremantle Ross Annie Isebell Female Madden John William Francis Male Fremantle
1934/2700097 Fremantle Madden John William Francis Male Ross Annie Isebell Female Fremantle
1934/2700098 Fremantle Winder James Male Harper Angelina Female Fremantle
1934/2700098 Fremantle Harper Angelina Female Winder James Male Fremantle
1934/2700099 Fremantle Dyke Alfred John Male Langley Cora Geere Female Fremantle
1934/2700099 Fremantle Langley Cora Geere Female Dyke Alfred John Male Fremantle
1934/2700100 Fremantle Lewis Mary Ellen Female Rowe Francis George Male Fremantle
1934/2700100 Fremantle Rowe Francis George Male Lewis Mary Ellen Female Fremantle
1934/2700101 Fremantle Stokes Beatrice Maud Ann Female Grigo Charles James Male Fremantle
1934/2700101 Fremantle Grigo Charles James Male Stokes Beatrice Maud Ann Female Fremantle
1934/2700102 Fremantle Saunders Lilian Constance Fredrica Female Anderson David Alastair Male Fremantle
1934/2700102 Fremantle Anderson David Alastair Male Saunders Lilian Constance Fredrica Female Fremantle
1934/2700103 Fremantle Maple Allan Alfred James Male Davies Amelia Doris Female Fremantle
1934/2700103 Fremantle Davies Amelia Doris Female Maple Allan Alfred James Male Fremantle
1934/2700104 Fremantle Hendry Anne Bruce Female Brown Hugh Male Fremantle
1934/2700104 Fremantle Brown Hugh Male Hendry Anne Bruce Female Fremantle
1934/2700105 Fremantle Shepherd Gerald Cable Male Slater-Festing Eugenie Muriel Female Fremantle
1934/2700105 Fremantle Slater-Festing Eugenie Muriel Female Shepherd Gerald Cable Male Fremantle
1934/2700106 Fremantle Munro Christina Deborah Female Landgren Anders Leonard Male North Fremantle
1934/2700106 Fremantle Landgren Anders Leonard Male Munro Christina Deborah Female North Fremantle
1934/2700107 Fremantle Winstone Louisa May Female Gilpin William George Male North Fremantle
1934/2700107 Fremantle Gilpin William George Male Winstone Louisa May Female North Fremantle
1934/2700108 Fremantle Connor Rupert Lindsay Male Reynolds Doris Ethel Marion Female Fremantle
1934/2700108 Fremantle Reynolds Doris Ethel Marion Female Connor Rupert Lindsay Male Fremantle
1934/2700109 Fremantle Gamble Kathleen Margaret Female Hickmott Richard James Male Fremantle
1934/2700109 Fremantle Hickmott Richard James Male Gamble Kathleen Margaret Female Fremantle
1934/2700110 Fremantle Glover Freda Dell Female McClumpha Ian Albert Whittingham Male Palmyra
1934/2700110 Fremantle McClumpha Ian Albert Whittingham Male Glover Freda Dell Female Palmyra
1934/2700111 Fremantle Bungey Cyril Male Sherborne Frances Violet Female Fremantle
1934/2700111 Fremantle Sherborne Frances Violet Female Bungey Cyril Male Fremantle
1934/2700112 Fremantle Barrett Audrey Cavel Female Scorer Colin Male Fremantle
1934/2700112 Fremantle Scorer Colin Male Barrett Audrey Cavel Female Fremantle
1934/2700113 Fremantle Reed Annie Evelyn Female Williamson Cecil Hopetoun Male Fremantle
1934/2700113 Fremantle Williamson Cecil Hopetoun Male Reed Annie Evelyn Female Fremantle
1934/2700114 Fremantle Hartley John Holmes Male McCaw Lorna Alice Viola Female Fremantle
1934/2700114 Fremantle McCaw Lorna Alice Viola Female Hartley John Holmes Male Fremantle
1934/2700115 Fremantle Forrester John Henry Male Colfer Dulcie May Female Fremantle
1934/2700115 Fremantle Colfer Dulcie May Female Forrester John Henry Male Fremantle
1934/2700116 Fremantle Sciacca Carmela Female Tuccio Guiseppe Male Fremantle
1934/2700116 Fremantle Tuccio Guiseppe Male Sciacca Carmela Female Fremantle
1934/2700117 Fremantle Shields Elsie Adeline Female Marchant Reginald Victor Male Fremantle
1934/2700117 Fremantle Marchant Reginald Victor Male Shields Elsie Adeline Female Fremantle
1934/2700118 Fremantle Patroni Alessio Male Morellini Maria Perina Female Fremantle
1934/2700118 Fremantle Morellini Maria Perina Female Patroni Alessio Male Fremantle
1934/2700119 Fremantle Schwarze Jessica May Female Cusack William Male Fremantle
1934/2700119 Fremantle Cusack William Male Schwarze Jessica May Female Fremantle
1934/2700120 Fremantle Smith Elsie Edith Christiana Female Kyle Harry Bruce Male Fremantle
1934/2700120 Fremantle Smith Elsie Edith Christiana Female Winning Harry Bruce Male Fremantle
1934/2700120 Fremantle Kyle Harry Bruce Male Smith Elsie Edith Christiana Female Fremantle
1934/2700120 Fremantle Winning Harry Bruce Male Smith Elsie Edith Christiana Female Fremantle
1934/2700121 Fremantle Forward Kathleen Mary Female Buchanan Stanley George Male Fremantle
1934/2700121 Fremantle Buchanan Stanley George Male Forward Kathleen Mary Female Fremantle
1934/2700122 Fremantle Henley Gordon Vigeress Male Hugill Winifred Annie Ellis Female Fremantle
1934/2700122 Fremantle Hugill Winifred Annie Ellis Female Henley Gordon Vigeress Male Fremantle
1934/2700123 Fremantle Dixon Elizabeth Emma Female Odman Claude Bertram Male Fremantle
1934/2700123 Fremantle Odman Claude Bertram Male Dixon Elizabeth Emma Female Fremantle
1934/2700124 Fremantle Draper William Joseph Male Jenkin Amelia Myrna Female Fremantle
1934/2700124 Fremantle Jenkin Amelia Myrna Female Draper William Joseph Male Fremantle
1934/2700125 Fremantle Brandis Stanley Keith Male Newall Alice Female Fremantle
1934/2700125 Fremantle Newall Alice Female Brandis Stanley Keith Male Fremantle
1934/2700126 Fremantle Snooks Annie Mae Female Taylor Wyburn Shakespeare Male Fremantle
1934/2700126 Fremantle Taylor Wyburn Shakespeare Male Snooks Annie Mae Female Fremantle
1934/2700127 Fremantle Bell Nellie Jean Female White James Male Fremantle
1934/2700127 Fremantle White James Male Bell Nellie Jean Female Fremantle
1934/2700128 Fremantle Costello Charles Edgar Male Maroney Sylvia Ellen Female Fremantle
1934/2700128 Fremantle Maroney Sylvia Ellen Female Costello Charles Edgar Male Fremantle
1934/2700129 Fremantle Grieves Margaret Leonora Female Winter William Derry Male Fremantle
1934/2700129 Fremantle Winter William Derry Male Grieves Margaret Leonora Female Fremantle
1934/2700130 Fremantle Hall Elva Ruby Female Martin Douglas Harry Male Fremantle
1934/2700130 Fremantle Martin Douglas Harry Male Hall Elva Ruby Female Fremantle
1934/2700131 Fremantle McNeill Marjorie Isobel Female Treloar James Male Fremantle
1934/2700131 Fremantle Treloar James Male McNeill Marjorie Isobel Female Fremantle
1934/2700132 Fremantle Colless Phoebe Muriel Female Missen Robert George Frederick Male Fremantle
1934/2700132 Fremantle Missen Robert George Frederick Male Colless Phoebe Muriel Female Fremantle
1934/2700133 Fremantle Beresford Ivy Selina Female Cattanach Harold Andrew Male Fremantle
1934/2700133 Fremantle Cattanach Harold Andrew Male Beresford Ivy Selina Female Fremantle
1934/2700134 Fremantle Shaw Caroline Female Holt Leslie Male Fremantle
1934/2700134 Fremantle Holt Leslie Male Shaw Caroline Female Fremantle
1934/2700135 Fremantle Brown Walter John Male Gibbs Nellie Louisa Female Fremantle
1934/2700135 Fremantle Gibbs Nellie Louisa Female Brown Walter John Male Fremantle
1934/2700136 Fremantle Gent Frances Charles Male Davies Lottie May Female Fremantle
1934/2700136 Fremantle Davies Lottie May Female Gent Frances Charles Male Fremantle
1934/2700137 Fremantle Caple Leslie Howard Male Sweetman Jean Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1934/2700137 Fremantle Sweetman Jean Elizabeth Female Caple Leslie Howard Male Fremantle
1934/2700138 Fremantle Fitzpatrick Duncan Henry Male Phillips Jean Viola Female Fremantle
1934/2700138 Fremantle Phillips Jean Viola Female Fitzpatrick Duncan Henry Male Fremantle
1934/2700139 Fremantle Jackson Alfred Felix Nettelton Moore Male Forrest Sylvia Irene Female Fremantle
1934/2700139 Fremantle Forrest Sylvia Irene Female Jackson Alfred Felix Nettelton Moore Male Fremantle
1934/2700140 Fremantle Flindell Leonard Martin Male Lewis Elsie May Female Beaconsfield
1934/2700140 Fremantle Lewis Elsie May Female Flindell Leonard Martin Male Beaconsfield
1934/2700141 Fremantle Cook Evelyn Alice Female Pickering James Male Beaconsfield
1934/2700141 Fremantle Pickering James Male Cook Evelyn Alice Female Beaconsfield
1934/2700142 Fremantle Hill Phyllis Alberta Female Caple Arthur Male Beaconsfield
1934/2700142 Fremantle Caple Arthur Male Hill Phyllis Alberta Female Beaconsfield
1934/2700143 Fremantle Woods Alfred Male Sheahan Ivy Pearl Female Beaconsfield
1934/2700143 Fremantle Sheahan Ivy Pearl Female Woods Alfred Male Beaconsfield
1934/2700144 Fremantle Crabtree Emily Female Wright Reginald Edward Male Fremantle
1934/2700144 Fremantle Wright Reginald Edward Male Crabtree Emily Female Fremantle
1934/2700145 Fremantle Meyer Kathleen Louisa Female Hobbs Ivor Melville Male Fremantle
1934/2700145 Fremantle Hobbs Ivor Melville Male Meyer Kathleen Louisa Female Fremantle
1934/2700146 Fremantle Sarich Mate Male Sprljan Fila Cirila Female Fremantle
1934/2700146 Fremantle Sprljan Fila Cirila Female Sarich Mate Male Fremantle
1934/2700147 Fremantle Corbitt Alice Maud Female Ré Luigi Male Fremantle
1934/2700147 Fremantle Ré Luigi Male Corbitt Alice Maud Female Fremantle
1934/2700148 Fremantle Healey Sydney Edward Male Kelly Amy Ernestine Female Fremantle
1934/2700148 Fremantle Kelly Amy Ernestine Female Healey Sydney Edward Male Fremantle
1934/2700149 Fremantle Ronan Louisa Elizabeth Female Attwill Victor Frnacis Male Fremantle
1934/2700149 Fremantle Attwill Victor Frnacis Male Ronan Louisa Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1934/2700150 Fremantle Hall Douglas Marshall Male Gabbedy Mary Marcella Female Fremantle
1934/2700150 Fremantle Gabbedy Mary Marcella Female Hall Douglas Marshall Male Fremantle
1934/2700151 Fremantle Cross Norah Ruby Female Monaghan Michael Cogan Male Fremantle
1934/2700151 Fremantle Monaghan Michael Cogan Male Cross Norah Ruby Female Fremantle
1934/2700152 Fremantle Mackinnon Louis Male Coulter Catherine Female Fremantle
1934/2700152 Fremantle Coulter Catherine Female Mackinnon Louis Male Fremantle
1934/2700153 Fremantle Dickinson Joseph Vincent Male Doohan Marjory Doris Female Fremantle
1934/2700153 Fremantle Doohan Marjory Doris Female Dickinson Joseph Vincent Male Fremantle
1934/2700154 Fremantle Ljuba Jerka Jane Female Doda Marko Zuvela Male Spearwood
1934/2700154 Fremantle Doda Marko Zuvela Male Ljuba Jerka Jane Female Spearwood
1934/2700155 Fremantle Stewart Leslie James Male Woods Edna May Female Fremantle
1934/2700155 Fremantle Woods Edna May Female Stewart Leslie James Male Fremantle
1934/2700156 Fremantle Smith Charlotte Female Boyce Bernard Male Fremantle
1934/2700156 Fremantle Boyce Bernard Male Smith Charlotte Female Fremantle
1934/2700157 Fremantle Wills William Thomas Male Sibbert Gertrude Edith Female Fremantle
1934/2700157 Fremantle Sibbert Gertrude Edith Female Wills William Thomas Male Fremantle
1934/2700158 Fremantle Quine Annie Elizabeth Agnes Female Zinnecker Ernest James Male Fremantle
1934/2700159 Fremantle Coventry Irvine Male Dorham Kathleen Mary Female Fremantle
1934/2700159 Fremantle Dorham Kathleen Mary Female Coventry Irvine Male Fremantle
1934/2700160 Fremantle Murphy Ethel Mary Female Henry Victor Charles Male North Fremantle
1934/2700160 Fremantle Henry Victor Charles Male Murphy Ethel Mary Female North Fremantle
1934/2700161 Fremantle Swain William Male Westall Rosina May Female North Fremantle
1934/2700161 Fremantle Westall Rosina May Female Swain William Male North Fremantle
1934/2700162 Fremantle Rocks Kathleen Monica Female Millikan Samuel Alexander Harold Male North Fremantle
1934/2700162 Fremantle Millikan Samuel Alexander Harold Male Rocks Kathleen Monica Female North Fremantle
1934/2700163 Fremantle Swain Melvie Female Chilcott Frank Male North Fremantle
1934/2700163 Fremantle Chilcott Frank Male Swain Melvie Female North Fremantle
1934/2700164 Fremantle Fay Kathleen Female Vodanovich John Male Palmyra
1934/2700164 Fremantle Vodanovich John Male Fay Kathleen Female Palmyra
1934/2700165 Fremantle Anderson Mary Cashman Female Bartrip Ronald Anthony Male North Fremantle
1934/2700165 Fremantle Bartrip Ronald Anthony Male Anderson Mary Cashman Female North Fremantle
1934/2700166 Fremantle Rummer Leonard George Male Humphrey Violet Ruth Female East Fremantle
1934/2700166 Fremantle Humphrey Violet Ruth Female Rummer Leonard George Male East Fremantle
1934/2700167 Fremantle Stanford William Henry Male Costello Doris Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1934/2700167 Fremantle Costello Doris Elizabeth Female Stanford William Henry Male Fremantle
1934/2700168 Fremantle Foley Kathleen Female Congleton Thomas Bain Male Fremantle
1934/2700168 Fremantle Congleton Thomas Bain Male Foley Kathleen Female Fremantle
1934/2700169 Fremantle Watson Marjorie Female McMahon John Basil Male Fremantle
1934/2700169 Fremantle McMahon John Basil Male Watson Marjorie Female Fremantle
1934/2700170 Fremantle Ahearn Katherine Female Walker Harold Male Fremantle
1934/2700170 Fremantle Walker Harold Male Ahearn Katherine Female Fremantle
1934/2700171 Fremantle Nicholson Mollie Cleone Female Boyd Ronald Reginald Male Fremantle
1934/2700171 Fremantle Boyd Ronald Reginald Male Nicholson Mollie Cleone Female Fremantle
1934/2700172 Fremantle Winder Alexander George Male Lewington Margaret Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1934/2700172 Fremantle Lewington Margaret Elizabeth Female Winder Alexander George Male Fremantle
1934/2700173 Fremantle Newman Charles Frederick Male Eaton Nada Evelyn Female Fremantle
1934/2700173 Fremantle Eaton Nada Evelyn Female Newman Charles Frederick Male Fremantle
1934/2700174 Fremantle Cooper Maxwell Male Garcia Isabel Marie Female Fremantle
1934/2700174 Fremantle Garcia Isabel Marie Female Cooper Maxwell Male Fremantle
1934/2700175 Fremantle Mortimer Amelia May Female Jose Frank Male Fremantle
1934/2700175 Fremantle Jose Frank Male Mortimer Amelia May Female Fremantle
1934/2700176 Fremantle Croll Walter Graham Male Thompson Ethel Rachel Female Fremantle
1934/2700176 Fremantle Thompson Ethel Rachel Female Croll Walter Graham Male Fremantle
1934/2700177 Fremantle Waters William Alfred Male Wade Amy Female Fremantle
1934/2700177 Fremantle Wade Amy Female Waters William Alfred Male Fremantle
1934/2700178 Fremantle Neville Grace Alice Female Taylor Alfred Wallace Male Fremantle
1934/2700178 Fremantle Taylor Alfred Wallace Male Neville Grace Alice Female Fremantle
1934/2700179 Fremantle Ruthren Donald Male Alford Helen May Female Fremantle
1934/2700179 Fremantle Alford Helen May Female Ruthren Donald Male Fremantle
1934/2700180 Fremantle Tracy John Parnell Male Black Catherine Chirnside Female Fremantle
1934/2700180 Fremantle Black Catherine Chirnside Female Tracy John Parnell Male Fremantle
1934/2700181 Fremantle Caddy Frank Harold Male King Sheila Mary Female South Fremantle
1934/2700181 Fremantle King Sheila Mary Female Caddy Frank Harold Male South Fremantle
1934/2700182 Fremantle Scook Mary Female Griffiths John Male Fremantle
1934/2700182 Fremantle Griffiths John Male Scook Mary Female Fremantle
1934/2700183 Fremantle Fergusson Jean Frances Female Manns Francis George Male North Fremantle
1934/2700183 Fremantle Manns Francis George Male Fergusson Jean Frances Female North Fremantle
1934/2700184 Fremantle Gordon Eileen Elizabeth Female Couchman Douglas Charles Frederick Male North Fremantle
1934/2700184 Fremantle Couchman Douglas Charles Frederick Male Gordon Eileen Elizabeth Female North Fremantle
1934/2700185 Fremantle Lucanus Charles William Male McCallum Jessie Isabella Female Fremantle
1934/2700185 Fremantle McCallum Jessie Isabella Female Lucanus Charles William Male Fremantle
1934/2700186 Fremantle Costello Patrick Charles Male O'Connell Patricia Female Fremantle
1934/2700186 Fremantle O'Connell Patricia Female Costello Patrick Charles Male Fremantle
1934/2700187 Fremantle Matson Olga Jean Female Ayres George Rowland Male Fremantle
1934/2700187 Fremantle Ayres George Rowland Male Matson Olga Jean Female Fremantle
1934/2700188 Fremantle Wray Frank Harrison Male Chisholm Christina Female Fremantle
1934/2700188 Fremantle Chisholm Christina Female Wray Frank Harrison Male Fremantle
1934/2700189 Fremantle McAllister Eva Margaret Female Vaisey George Edwin Male Fremantle
1934/2700189 Fremantle Vaisey George Edwin Male McAllister Eva Margaret Female Fremantle
1934/2700190 Fremantle Bowe William Fairgrieve Male Simpson Alice Lorraine Patricia Female Fremantle
1934/2700190 Fremantle Simpson Alice Lorraine Patricia Female Bowe William Fairgrieve Male Fremantle
1934/2700191 Fremantle Moncrieff Lillian May Female Craig William Thomas Male North Fremantle
1934/2700191 Fremantle Craig William Thomas Male Moncrieff Lillian May Female North Fremantle
1934/2700192 Fremantle Hutton Millicent Emily Female Mitchell Edwin Henry Male North Fremantle
1934/2700192 Fremantle Mitchell Edwin Henry Male Hutton Millicent Emily Female North Fremantle
1934/2700193 Fremantle Roberts William Harold Male Gregson Eva May Female Fremantle
1934/2700193 Fremantle Gregson Eva May Female Roberts William Harold Male Fremantle
1934/2700194 Fremantle Brosnan Nora Eileen Female Fisher Walter Henry Male Fremantle
1934/2700194 Fremantle Fisher Walter Henry Male Brosnan Nora Eileen Female Fremantle
1934/2700195 Fremantle Twomey Christopher Male Regan Kathleen Female Fremantle
1934/2700195 Fremantle Regan Kathleen Female Twomey Christopher Male Fremantle
1934/2700196 Fremantle Webb Daisy Female Hansen Oliver James Male Fremantle
1934/2700196 Fremantle Hansen Oliver James Male Webb Daisy Female Fremantle
1934/2700197 Fremantle Bertram William James Male Johnstone Marjorie Winifred Female Peel Estate
1934/2700197 Fremantle Johnstone Marjorie Winifred Female Bertram William James Male Peel Estate
1934/2700198 Fremantle Clare Thomas Male Cavanagh Lucille Alexandra Female Beaconsfield
1934/2700198 Fremantle Cavanagh Lucille Alexandra Female Clare Thomas Male Beaconsfield
1934/2700199 Fremantle Edwards Annie Marie Female Summons James Albert Male Beaconsfield
1934/2700199 Fremantle Summons James Albert Male Edwards Annie Marie Female Beaconsfield
1934/2700200 Fremantle Sage Beatrice May Female Spencer John Male Beaconsfield
1934/2700200 Fremantle Spencer John Male Sage Beatrice May Female Beaconsfield
1934/2700201 Fremantle Walker Ernest Charles William Male Meggitt Ethel Female Fremantle
1934/2700201 Fremantle Meggitt Ethel Female Walker Ernest Charles William Male Fremantle
1934/2700202 Fremantle Robbins Alfred Bernard Charles Male Crocker Gladys Munro Female Fremantle
1934/2700202 Fremantle Crocker Gladys Munro Female Robbins Alfred Bernard Charles Male Fremantle
1934/2700203 Fremantle King George Arthur Male Beckett Rose Courtney Female Fremantle
1934/2700203 Fremantle Beckett Rose Courtney Female King George Arthur Male Fremantle
1934/2700204 Fremantle Hogarth Charlotte Evelyn Female Kingswood Edward James Male Fremantle
1934/2700204 Fremantle Kingswood Edward James Male Hogarth Charlotte Evelyn Female Fremantle
1934/2700205 Fremantle Skeahan Edna Marjorie Female Penman John Niven Male Fremantle
1934/2700205 Fremantle Penman John Niven Male Skeahan Edna Marjorie Female Fremantle
1934/2700206 Fremantle King Eric Roy Male Beesley Edna May Female Fremantle
1934/2700206 Fremantle Beesley Edna May Female King Eric Roy Male Fremantle
1934/2700207 Fremantle Honey Dudley Richard Male Wooding Evelyn Alice Female Fremantle
1934/2700207 Fremantle Wooding Evelyn Alice Female Honey Dudley Richard Male Fremantle
1934/2700208 Fremantle Hocking Raymond Allan Male A'Vard Irene Jessie Female Fremantle
1934/2700208 Fremantle A'Vard Irene Jessie Female Hocking Raymond Allan Male Fremantle
1934/2700209 Fremantle Baldwin Rowland Male Kelly Greta Catherine Female Fremantle
1934/2700209 Fremantle Kelly Greta Catherine Female Baldwin Rowland Male Fremantle
1934/2700210 Fremantle Clark Sadie Elizabeth Female Ellett Ernest Alexander Douglas Male Fremantle
1934/2700210 Fremantle Ellett Ernest Alexander Douglas Male Clark Sadie Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1934/2700211 Fremantle Bilton Edna Gwendoline Nellie Female White Alfred George Elvey Male Fremantle
1934/2700211 Fremantle White Alfred George Elvey Male Bilton Edna Gwendoline Nellie Female Fremantle
1934/2700212 Fremantle Gray Beryl Female Backshell Redvers Thomas Male North Fremantle
1934/2700212 Fremantle Backshell Redvers Thomas Male Gray Beryl Female North Fremantle
1934/2700213 Fremantle Peraldini Daniel Lawrence Male Young Evelyn Female Fremantle
1934/2700213 Fremantle Young Evelyn Female Peraldini Daniel Lawrence Male Fremantle
1934/2700214 Fremantle Anderson Irene Elsie Female Bell James Percy Male Fremantle
1934/2700214 Fremantle Bell James Percy Male Anderson Irene Elsie Female Fremantle
1934/2700215 Fremantle Mihaljevich Ivan Male Vodanovich Lukra Female Spearwood
1934/2700215 Fremantle Vodanovich Lukra Female Mihaljevich Ivan Male Spearwood
1934/2700216 Fremantle Harmer Harry Male Dawson Olivena Alfreda Female Fremantle
1934/2700216 Fremantle Dawson Olivena Alfreda Female Harmer Harry Male Fremantle
1934/2700217 Fremantle Sorrell Dorothy Agnes Female Coyle Allan Cecil Male Fremantle
1934/2700217 Fremantle Coyle Allan Cecil Male Sorrell Dorothy Agnes Female Fremantle
1934/2700218 Fremantle Maher Bessie Margaret Female Thomson Ross Male Fremantle
1934/2700218 Fremantle Thomson Ross Male Maher Bessie Margaret Female Fremantle
1934/2700219 Fremantle Mullaney Winifred Ellen Female Reidy Henry Thomas Male Fremantle
1934/2700219 Fremantle Reidy Henry Thomas Male Mullaney Winifred Ellen Female Fremantle
1934/2700220 Fremantle Marchese Basilia Female Mangano Guiseppe Male Fremantle
1934/2700220 Fremantle Mangano Guiseppe Male Marchese Basilia Female Fremantle
1934/2700221 Fremantle Duerden Elsie Maud Female Fish William John Male Fremantle
1934/2700221 Fremantle Fish William John Male Duerden Elsie Maud Female Fremantle
1934/2700222 Fremantle Todd Arthur Graham Male Schipp Dorothy Merle Female Fremantle
1934/2700222 Fremantle Schipp Dorothy Merle Female Todd Arthur Graham Male Fremantle
1934/2700223 Fremantle Blaney James George Male Barrett Effie Female Fremantle
1934/2700223 Fremantle Barrett Effie Female Blaney James George Male Fremantle
1934/2700224 Fremantle Mitchell Edna Marion Female Kersten Kenneth Irving Male Fremantle
1934/2700224 Fremantle Kersten Kenneth Irving Male Mitchell Edna Marion Female Fremantle
1934/2700225 Fremantle Gibbs Walter Leonard Male Glasson Alice Mary Female Fremantle
1934/2700225 Fremantle Glasson Alice Mary Female Gibbs Walter Leonard Male Fremantle
1934/2700226 Fremantle Willis May Female Onions Stanley Albert Male Fremantle
1934/2700226 Fremantle Onions Stanley Albert Male Willis May Female Fremantle
1934/2700227 Fremantle James Dorothy Female Whisler William Male North Fremantle
1934/2700227 Fremantle Whisler William Male James Dorothy Female North Fremantle
1934/2700228 Fremantle Schwieger Benjamin Male Boehm Ruby Alma May Female Fremantle
1934/2700228 Fremantle Boehm Ruby Alma May Female Schwieger Benjamin Male Fremantle
1934/2700229 Fremantle Vines Mona May Female Read Oswald Fredrick Male Fremantle
1934/2700229 Fremantle Read Oswald Fredrick Male Richards Mona May Female Fremantle
1934/2700229 Fremantle Read Oswald Fredrick Male Vines Mona May Female Fremantle
1934/2700229 Fremantle Richards Mona May Female Read Oswald Fredrick Male Fremantle
1934/2700230 Fremantle Carlyle Wallace Arthur Drury Male Robertson Agnes Blackwood Female Fremantle
1934/2700230 Fremantle Robertson Agnes Blackwood Female Carlyle Wallace Arthur Drury Male Fremantle
1934/2700231 Fremantle Pick Anna Eileen Female Paine John Henry Charles Male Fremantle
1934/2700231 Fremantle Paine John Henry Charles Male Pick Anna Eileen Female Fremantle
1934/2700232 Fremantle Howden Cedric Royce Robert Haigh Male Bindley Grace Female Fremantle
1934/2700232 Fremantle Bindley Grace Female Howden Cedric Royce Robert Haigh Male Fremantle
1934/2700233 Fremantle Kingsbury Jean Annie Female Leeder Leo John Male North Fremantle
1934/2700233 Fremantle Leeder Leo John Male Kingsbury Jean Annie Female North Fremantle
1934/2700234 Fremantle Ihlan Dorothy Teresa Amelia Female Goodwin Harold Male Fremantle
1934/2700234 Fremantle Goodwin Harold Male Ihlan Dorothy Teresa Amelia Female Fremantle
1934/2700235 Fremantle O'Neil Iris Lillian Female Watson Alexander Arthur Male East Fremantle
1934/2700235 Fremantle Watson Alexander Arthur Male O'Neil Iris Lillian Female East Fremantle
1934/2700236 Fremantle Gunson Margaret Ethel Female Wilkinson Charles Allen Male East Fremantle
1934/2700236 Fremantle Wilkinson Charles Allen Male Gunson Margaret Ethel Female East Fremantle
1934/2700237 Fremantle Reid George Male Hoppe Violet May Female East Fremantle
1934/2700237 Fremantle Hoppe Violet May Female Reid George Male East Fremantle
1934/2700238 Fremantle Cox William Eric Male Lukeis Beryl Agnes Susan Female Fremantle
1934/2700238 Fremantle Lukeis Beryl Agnes Susan Female Cox William Eric Male Fremantle
1934/2700239 Fremantle Kaye Wilfred Male Rowe Freda Daisy Female Fremantle
1934/2700239 Fremantle Rowe Freda Daisy Female Kaye Wilfred Male Fremantle
1934/2700240 Fremantle McDonald Harriet May Female Carson Archibald James Male Fremantle
1934/2700240 Fremantle Carson Archibald James Male McDonald Harriet May Female Fremantle
1934/2700241 Fremantle Fowler Alfred Lionel Male Napier Emm Female Fremantle
1934/2700241 Fremantle Napier Emm Female Fowler Alfred Lionel Male Fremantle
1934/2700242 Fremantle McLeod Norman Male Hinde Adeline Female Fremantle
1934/2700242 Fremantle Hinde Adeline Female McLeod Norman Male Fremantle
1934/2700243 Fremantle Woollams Ivy Gladys Female Scorer Eric William Male Fremantle
1934/2700243 Fremantle Scorer Eric William Male Woollams Ivy Gladys Female Fremantle
1934/2700244 Fremantle Kearey Lucy Female Dicton Gordon Gilbert Male Fremantle
1934/2700244 Fremantle Dicton Gordon Gilbert Male Kearey Lucy Female Fremantle
1934/2700245 Fremantle Watkins Hazel Belle Female Hill Edward George Male Fremantle
1934/2700245 Fremantle Hill Edward George Male Watkins Hazel Belle Female Fremantle
1934/2700246 Fremantle Gardner James Andrew Male Truran Gertrude Emily Female Fremantle
1934/2700246 Fremantle Truran Gertrude Emily Female Gardner James Andrew Male Fremantle
1934/2700247 Fremantle Thornton Elizabeth Mary Female Brown Neil Lawson Male Fremantle
1934/2700247 Fremantle Brown Neil Lawson Male Thornton Elizabeth Mary Female Fremantle
1934/2700248 Fremantle Mulligan Nora Annie Female Hurst Arnold Hume Male Fremantle
1934/2700248 Fremantle Hurst Arnold Hume Male Mulligan Nora Annie Female Fremantle
1934/2700249 Fremantle Devlin Percival Male Brown Agnes Ferrier Female Fremantle
1934/2700249 Fremantle Brown Agnes Ferrier Female Devlin Percival Male Fremantle
1934/2700250 Fremantle Hill Richard Male Myers Daphne Joyce Female Fremantle
1934/2700250 Fremantle Myers Daphne Joyce Female Hill Richard Male Fremantle
1934/2700251 Fremantle Clapton Nellie Catherine Thora Female Carr David Charles Male Fremantle
1934/2700251 Fremantle Carr David Charles Male Clapton Nellie Catherine Thora Female Fremantle
1934/2700252 Fremantle Short Kathleen Mary Female Eadie Angus Wilkie Male Fremantle
1934/2700252 Fremantle Eadie Angus Wilkie Male Short Kathleen Mary Female Fremantle
1934/2700253 Fremantle Quinlan Victoria Annie Female Hancock Arthur Male Fremantle
1934/2700253 Fremantle Hancock Arthur Male Quinlan Victoria Annie Female Fremantle
1934/2700254 Fremantle Cooley Frederick George Male Malacari Alice Lillian Female Fremantle
1934/2700254 Fremantle Malacari Alice Lillian Female Cooley Frederick George Male Fremantle
1934/2700255 Fremantle Harrison John William Male Richardson Gwendolyn Constance Female Fremantle
1934/2700255 Fremantle Richardson Gwendolyn Constance Female Harrison John William Male Fremantle
1934/2700256 Fremantle Playle Henry George Male Barnett Myrtle Millbank Female Fremantle
1934/2700256 Fremantle Barnett Myrtle Millbank Female Playle Henry George Male Fremantle
1934/2700257 Fremantle Jeffrey Ronald Edgar Male Hewison Regina Female Fremantle
1934/2700257 Fremantle Hewison Regina Female Jeffrey Ronald Edgar Male Fremantle
1934/2700258 Fremantle Pickersgill Charles Male Hennessy Julia Monica Female Fremantle
1934/2700258 Fremantle Hennessy Julia Monica Female Pickersgill Charles Male Fremantle
1934/2700259 Fremantle Adams Amelia Rosetta Female Wilson Cyril Gladstone Male Fremantle
1934/2700259 Fremantle Wilson Cyril Gladstone Male Adams Amelia Rosetta Female Fremantle
1934/2700260 Fremantle Thompson Winifred Female Mansom Colin Edward James Male Fremantle
1934/2700260 Fremantle Mansom Colin Edward James Male Thompson Winifred Female Fremantle
1934/2700261 Fremantle Luff Alfred Edward Male Webley Ada Florance Female Fremantle
1934/2700261 Fremantle Webley Ada Florance Female Luff Alfred Edward Male Fremantle
1934/2700262 Fremantle Cooper Lenard Ronald Male Jeffs Ida Joan Rita Female Fremantle
1934/2700262 Fremantle Jeffs Ida Joan Rita Female Cooper Lenard Ronald Male Fremantle
1934/2700263 Fremantle Cowden Iris Gwendoline Female Stoddart James Leslie Male Fremantle
1934/2700263 Fremantle Stoddart James Leslie Male Cowden Iris Gwendoline Female Fremantle
1934/2700264 Fremantle Dawson Jessie Female Harris Joseph Male Fremantle
1934/2700264 Fremantle Harris Joseph Male Dawson Jessie Female Fremantle
1934/2700265 Fremantle Graco Amy Florence Female Thacker Frank Walter Norman Male North Fremantle
1934/2700265 Fremantle Thacker Frank Walter Norman Male Graco Amy Florence Female North Fremantle
1934/2700266 Fremantle Bailey Ethel Hazel Female Thomson Samuel Roy Male Fremantle
1934/2700266 Fremantle Thomson Samuel Roy Male Bailey Ethel Hazel Female Fremantle
1934/2700267 Fremantle Graham Christina Female Penno Fredrick James Male Fremantle
1934/2700267 Fremantle Penno Fredrick James Male Graham Christina Female Fremantle
1934/2700268 Fremantle Noone William Male Ward Gladys Female Fremantle
1934/2700268 Fremantle Ward Gladys Female Noone William Male Fremantle
1934/2700269 Fremantle Phillips Wesley Thomas Male Adams Hilda May Female Fremantle
1934/2700269 Fremantle Adams Hilda May Female Phillips Wesley Thomas Male Fremantle
1934/2700270 Fremantle Davy Edward Male Thompson Laura Georgina Female Fremantle
1934/2700270 Fremantle Thompson Laura Georgina Female Davy Edward Male Fremantle
1934/2700271 Fremantle Buckingham Harold Francis Male White Gladys Female Fremantle
1934/2700271 Fremantle White Gladys Female Buckingham Harold Francis Male Fremantle
1934/2700272 Fremantle Golding Leonard Charles Male Row Doreen Mabel Frances Female Fremantle
1934/2700272 Fremantle Row Doreen Mabel Frances Female Golding Leonard Charles Male Fremantle
1934/2700273 Fremantle Mason Dorothy Jean Female Mace Ronald Esme Male Fremantle
1934/2700273 Fremantle Mace Ronald Esme Male Mason Dorothy Jean Female Fremantle
1934/2700274 Fremantle Gould Ethel Christina Hope Female Sheppard Eric Edward Male Fremantle
1934/2700274 Fremantle Sheppard Eric Edward Male Gould Ethel Christina Hope Female Fremantle
1934/2700275 Fremantle Pedersen Alfred Arthur Male Sidebottom Lilian Maud Female Fremantle
1934/2700275 Fremantle Sidebottom Lilian Maud Female Pedersen Alfred Arthur Male Fremantle
1934/2700276 Fremantle Withers William Austin Male Brown Elsie Irene Female Fremantle
1934/2700276 Fremantle Brown Elsie Irene Female Withers William Austin Male Fremantle
1934/2700277 Fremantle Corrie Linda Clement Female Simm Sydney Male Fremantle
1934/2700277 Fremantle Simm Sydney Male Corrie Linda Clement Female Fremantle
1934/2700278 Fremantle Barton Corona Eleanor Female Pearce William John Male Fremantle
1934/2700278 Fremantle Pearce William John Male Barton Corona Eleanor Female Fremantle
1934/2700279 Fremantle Robertson Hughnie Noal Female Gabrielson Cyril Roy Bull Male Fremantle
1934/2700279 Fremantle Gabrielson Cyril Roy Bull Male Robertson Hughnie Noal Female Fremantle
1934/2700280 Fremantle Gibson Eileen May Female West Philip Sidney Male Fremantle
1934/2700280 Fremantle West Philip Sidney Male Gibson Eileen May Female Fremantle
1934/2700281 Fremantle Hall Walter Raymond Male Comber Marjory Helen Charlotte Female Fremantle
1934/2700281 Fremantle Comber Marjory Helen Charlotte Female Hall Walter Raymond Male Fremantle
1934/2700282 Fremantle FitzSimmons Kathleen May Female Sully Frederick Victor Male Fremantle
1934/2700282 Fremantle Sully Frederick Victor Male FitzSimmons Kathleen May Female Fremantle
1934/2700283 Fremantle Houlahan John Thomas Male Goodall Francis May Female Fremantle
1934/2700283 Fremantle Goodall Francis May Female Houlahan John Thomas Male Fremantle
1934/2700284 Fremantle Watts Thomas Alfred Dennis Male White Edith Eva Female Fremantle
1934/2700284 Fremantle White Edith Eva Female Watts Thomas Alfred Dennis Male Fremantle
1934/2700285 Fremantle Davey Stanley Francis Male Mayer Ethel Ivy Female Fremantle
1934/2700285 Fremantle Mayer Ethel Ivy Female Davey Stanley Francis Male Fremantle
1934/2700286 Fremantle Baker Joyce Irene Female McCaw Reginald Roy Male Fremantle
1934/2700286 Fremantle McCaw Reginald Roy Male Baker Joyce Irene Female Fremantle
1934/2700287 Fremantle Ainsworth William Male Klenk Violet Olive Female Fremantle
1934/2700287 Fremantle Klenk Violet Olive Female Ainsworth William Male Fremantle
1934/2700288 Fremantle Cheverton Cyril Herbert Godfrey Male Reed Elsie Ida Female Fremantle
1934/2700288 Fremantle Reed Elsie Ida Female Cheverton Cyril Herbert Godfrey Male Fremantle
1934/2700289 Fremantle Richardson Agnes Female Richards Anthony Yates Male Fremantle
1934/2700289 Fremantle Richards Anthony Yates Male Richardson Agnes Female Fremantle
1934/2700290 Fremantle Car Ana Female Vicic Stanko Male Fremantle
1934/2700290 Fremantle Vicic Stanko Male Car Ana Female Fremantle
1934/2700291 Fremantle Gardner Edith Female Baxter Dallas Jeffrey Male East Fremantle
1934/2700291 Fremantle Baxter Dallas Jeffrey Male Gardner Edith Female East Fremantle
1934/2700292 Fremantle Jardine Ivy May Female Jackson Ernest Alexander Male Fremantle
1934/2700292 Fremantle Jackson Ernest Alexander Male Jardine Ivy May Female Fremantle
1934/2700293 Fremantle Burnside Beatrice Elizabeth Female Saunders Bramwell Frank Bond Male Fremantle
1934/2700293 Fremantle Saunders Bramwell Frank Bond Male Burnside Beatrice Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1934/2700294 Fremantle Playle Alfred William Male Moore Nancy Greenslade Female North Fremantle
1934/2700294 Fremantle Moore Nancy Greenslade Female Playle Alfred William Male North Fremantle
1934/2700295 Fremantle Cuckson Gladys Eileen Female Keevers Percy Harold Male Fremantle
1934/2700295 Fremantle Keevers Percy Harold Male Cuckson Gladys Eileen Female Fremantle
1934/2700296 Fremantle Purvis Francis Arthur Male Oliver Mary Helena Female Fremantle
1934/2700296 Fremantle Oliver Mary Helena Female Purvis Francis Arthur Male Fremantle
1934/2700297 Fremantle Wallin Jack Alfred Male Slayford Amy May Female Fremantle
1934/2700297 Fremantle Slayford Amy May Female Wallin Jack Alfred Male Fremantle
1934/2700298 Fremantle Mooney Charlotte Rebecca Female Wilkie Ulysses Francis Male Fremantle
1934/2700298 Fremantle Wilkie Ulysses Francis Male Mooney Charlotte Rebecca Female Fremantle
1934/2700299 Fremantle Wallington Maurice Herbert Male Drew Clair Female Fremantle
1934/2700299 Fremantle Drew Clair Female Wallington Maurice Herbert Male Fremantle
1934/2700300 Fremantle Beisley Robert John Male Cormack Phyllis Ann Female Fremantle
1934/2700300 Fremantle Cormack Phyllis Ann Female Beisley Robert John Male Fremantle
1934/2700301 Fremantle McNeill Thomas Male Whitfield Clara Bessie Female Fremantle
1934/2700301 Fremantle Whitfield Clara Bessie Female McNeill Thomas Male Fremantle
1934/2700302 Fremantle Rose Maris Mary Female Dymock Norman Leslie Male Fremantle
1934/2700302 Fremantle Dymock Norman Leslie Male Rose Maris Mary Female Fremantle
1934/2700303 Fremantle Francis Edna Jean Female Dillimore Alfred Norton Male Fremantle
1934/2700303 Fremantle Dillimore Alfred Norton Male Francis Edna Jean Female Fremantle
1934/2700304 Fremantle Lippiatt Irene Violet Female Steedman Allan Victor Male Fremantle
1934/2700304 Fremantle Steedman Allan Victor Male Lippiatt Irene Violet Female Fremantle
1934/2700305 Fremantle Billings John Henry Male Smith Iolanthe Female Fremantle
1934/2700305 Fremantle Smith Iolanthe Female Billings John Henry Male Fremantle
1934/2700306 Fremantle Haynes Joseph Charles Male Wallis Elizabeth Female Palmyra
1934/2700306 Fremantle Wallis Elizabeth Female Haynes Joseph Charles Male Palmyra
1934/2700307 Fremantle Howie Mary Burns Female Davison Robert Male Fremantle
1934/2700307 Fremantle Davison Robert Male Howie Mary Burns Female Fremantle
1934/2700308 Fremantle Morris Doris May Female Smith William Nelson Male East Fremantle
1934/2700308 Fremantle Smith William Nelson Male Morris Doris May Female East Fremantle
1934/2700309 Fremantle Brown Edna May Groundsell Female Knight Henry Cecil Male East Fremantle
1934/2700309 Fremantle Knight Henry Cecil Male Brown Edna May Groundsell Female East Fremantle
1934/2700310 Fremantle Schnaars Robert Clarence Male Wrighton Constance Eva Female South Fremantle
1934/2700310 Fremantle Wrighton Constance Eva Female Schnaars Robert Clarence Male South Fremantle
1934/2700311 Fremantle Hoffman Jean Olive Female Gore Albert Earnest Male Fremantle
1934/2700311 Fremantle Gore Albert Earnest Male Hoffman Jean Olive Female Fremantle
1934/2700312 Fremantle Campbell Gladys Elizabeth May Female Miller Thomas William Male Fremantle
1934/2700312 Fremantle Miller Thomas William Male Campbell Gladys Elizabeth May Female Fremantle
1934/2700313 Fremantle Parker Harold John Male Anderson Gwladys Maud Female East Fremantle
1934/2700313 Fremantle Anderson Gwladys Maud Female Parker Harold John Male East Fremantle
1934/2700314 Fremantle Ottey Albert Joseph Male Winfield Ivy Female Fremantle
1934/2700314 Fremantle Winfield Ivy Female Ottey Albert Joseph Male Fremantle
1934/2700315 Fremantle Hewett Gwenyth Jean Female Griffiths Harold Edward Male Fremantle
1934/2700315 Fremantle Griffiths Harold Edward Male Hewett Gwenyth Jean Female Fremantle
1934/2700316 Fremantle Mondy Albert James Male Spaeth Nellie Pauline Female Fremantle
1934/2700316 Fremantle Spaeth Nellie Pauline Female Mondy Albert James Male Fremantle
1934/2700317 Fremantle Hockless Clara Emma Female Sorrell George William Male Fremantle
1934/2700317 Fremantle Sorrell George William Male Hockless Clara Emma Female Fremantle
1934/2700318 Fremantle Anderson James Clifford Male Greenham Alberta Emily Female Fremantle
1934/2700318 Fremantle Greenham Alberta Emily Female Anderson James Clifford Male Fremantle
1934/2700319 Fremantle Merson Thelma Florence Female Goggin William James Male Fremantle
1934/2700319 Fremantle Merson Thelma Florence Female Pearce William James Male Fremantle
1934/2700319 Fremantle Pearce William James Male Merson Thelma Florence Female Fremantle
1934/2700319 Fremantle Goggin William James Male Merson Thelma Florence Female Fremantle
1934/2700320 Fremantle Cullen Stella Female Stamatis Jack Male Fremantle
1934/2700320 Fremantle Stamatis Jack Male Cullen Stella Female Fremantle
1934/2700321 Fremantle Lemon William Male Morgan Rosalie Victoria Female Fremantle
1934/2700321 Fremantle Morgan Rosalie Victoria Female Lemon William Male Fremantle
1934/2700322 Fremantle Slayford Alice Frances Female Sorrell John Tonnes Male Fremantle
1934/2700322 Fremantle Sorrell John Tonnes Male Slayford Alice Frances Female Fremantle
1934/2700323 Fremantle Banks Doris Lucy Female Stoddart Sydney Thomas Male Fremantle
1934/2700323 Fremantle Stoddart Sydney Thomas Male Banks Doris Lucy Female Fremantle
1934/2700324 Fremantle Harrison Samuel Male King Daphne Pearl Female Fremantle
1934/2700324 Fremantle King Daphne Pearl Female Harrison Samuel Male Fremantle
1934/2700325 Fremantle Anderson Ivy May Female Mayes Wilfred Ernest Male Fremantle
1934/2700325 Fremantle Mayes Wilfred Ernest Male Anderson Ivy May Female Fremantle
1934/2700326 Fremantle Ryan Phyllis Loretto Female Bird Reginald Alfred Male Fremantle
1934/2700326 Fremantle Bird Reginald Alfred Male Ryan Phyllis Loretto Female Fremantle
1934/2700327 Fremantle Banham Annie Phyllis Female Werry Stanley Pearse Male Fremantle
1934/2700327 Fremantle Werry Stanley Pearse Male Banham Annie Phyllis Female Fremantle
1934/2700328 Fremantle Ratcliff Leonard Robert Male White Alice Mary Female Fremantle
1934/2700328 Fremantle White Alice Mary Female Ratcliff Leonard Robert Male Fremantle
1934/2700329 Fremantle Johnson Agnes Rose Female Valle Peter Dela Male Fremantle
1934/2700329 Fremantle Valle Peter Dela Male Johnson Agnes Rose Female Fremantle
1934/2700330 Fremantle Wright Harold Armstrong Male Allan Beryl Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1934/2700330 Fremantle Allan Beryl Elizabeth Female Wright Harold Armstrong Male Fremantle
1934/2700331 Fremantle Gallagher Evelyn May Female Evans Norman Clarence Male Fremantle
1934/2700331 Fremantle Evans Norman Clarence Male Gallagher Evelyn May Female Fremantle
1934/2700332 Fremantle Douglas Jean Ross Female Munday John Male Fremantle
1934/2700332 Fremantle Munday John Male Douglas Jean Ross Female Fremantle
1934/2700333 Fremantle Kelly Robert Edward Male Jeffery Daphne Ellen Female Fremantle
1934/2700333 Fremantle Jeffery Daphne Ellen Female Kelly Robert Edward Male Fremantle
1934/2700334 Fremantle Chetwynd Gladys Lockyer Female Holder Edward John Morley Male Fremantle
1934/2700334 Fremantle Holder Edward John Morley Male Chetwynd Gladys Lockyer Female Fremantle
1934/2700335 Fremantle Nicolson Catherine Dingwall Female Bailey Douglas Dean Male Fremantle
1934/2700335 Fremantle Bailey Douglas Dean Male Nicolson Catherine Dingwall Female Fremantle
1934/2700336 Fremantle Hancock Kathleen Anne Female Farrell Joseph Male Fremantle
1934/2700336 Fremantle Farrell Joseph Male Hancock Kathleen Anne Female Fremantle
1934/2700337 Fremantle McSkimming Agnes Rosina Female Windsor Charles Henry Male Fremantle
1934/2700337 Fremantle Windsor Charles Henry Male McSkimming Agnes Rosina Female Fremantle
1934/2700338 Fremantle Del Rosso Stephen Male Miragliotta Domenica Female Fremantle
1934/2700338 Fremantle Miragliotta Domenica Female Del Rosso Stephen Male Fremantle
1934/2700339 Fremantle Yeats Wilfred Rupert Male McCusker Catherine Female Fremantle
1934/2700339 Fremantle McCusker Catherine Female Yeats Wilfred Rupert Male Fremantle
1934/2700340 Fremantle Taylor Alice Violetta Female Reynolds Clarence Edward Male Fremantle
1934/2700340 Fremantle Reynolds Clarence Edward Male Taylor Alice Violetta Female Fremantle
1934/2700341 Fremantle McNeill Jessie Forrest Female Hunt Leslie Ernest Male Fremantle
1934/2700341 Fremantle Hunt Leslie Ernest Male McNeill Jessie Forrest Female Fremantle
1934/2700342 Fremantle Duckworth Richard Male Little Ada Female Fremantle
1934/2700342 Fremantle Little Ada Female Duckworth Richard Male Fremantle
1934/2700343 Fremantle Eacott Albert Edward Male Dewar Daisy Alma Female Fremantle
1934/2700343 Fremantle Dewar Daisy Alma Female Eacott Albert Edward Male Fremantle
1934/2700344 Fremantle Prosser Edward Alfred Male Holder Kathleen Muriel Female East Fremantle
1934/2700344 Fremantle Holder Kathleen Muriel Female Prosser Edward Alfred Male East Fremantle
1934/2700345 Fremantle Dewar Ivy May Female Morfitt Henry Benjamin Male Fremantle
1934/2700345 Fremantle Morfitt Henry Benjamin Male Dewar Ivy May Female Fremantle
1934/2700346 Fremantle Brewer Doris May Female Jane Cedric Wallace Male Fremantle
1934/2700346 Fremantle Jane Cedric Wallace Male Brewer Doris May Female Fremantle
1934/2700347 Fremantle Showell Sidney George Male Pallett Elizabeth May Female Fremantle
1934/2700347 Fremantle Pallett Elizabeth May Female Showell Sidney George Male Fremantle
1934/2700348 Fremantle Walter Richard Charles Male Tolchard Rose Annie Female Fremantle
1934/2700348 Fremantle Tolchard Rose Annie Female Walter Richard Charles Male Fremantle
1934/2700349 Fremantle Ainsworth Phillip Norman Male Byleveld Lily Florence Female Fremantle
1934/2700349 Fremantle Byleveld Lily Florence Female Ainsworth Phillip Norman Male Fremantle
1934/2700350 Fremantle Johnston Madeline Mary Female Neil William Loughlin Male Fremantle
1934/2700350 Fremantle Neil William Loughlin Male Johnston Madeline Mary Female Fremantle
1934/2700351 Fremantle Nicholls Herbert Stanley Male Wilson Elsie Mary Amelia Female Fremantle
1934/2700351 Fremantle Wilson Elsie Mary Amelia Female Nicholls Herbert Stanley Male Fremantle
1934/2700352 Fremantle Short Ernest James Male Lawrence Kathleen Maud Mary Female Fremantle
1934/2700352 Fremantle Lawrence Kathleen Maud Mary Female Short Ernest James Male Fremantle
1934/2700353 Fremantle McAtee Norbert Kimbly Male Edgar Isabel Anne Female Fremantle
1934/2700353 Fremantle Edgar Isabel Anne Female McAtee Norbert Kimbly Male Fremantle
1934/2700354 Fremantle Budd Frances Female Morley John Male Fremantle
1934/2700354 Fremantle Morley John Male Budd Frances Female Fremantle
1934/2700355 Fremantle Stone Kathleen Emma Female Jeffreys Edward George Male Beaconsfield
1934/2700355 Fremantle Jeffreys Edward George Male Stone Kathleen Emma Female Beaconsfield
1934/2700356 Fremantle Ranford Amelda Julian Lillian Female Tyler Albert Henry Male Beaconsfield
1934/2700356 Fremantle Tyler Albert Henry Male Ranford Amelda Julian Lillian Female Beaconsfield
1934/2700357 Fremantle Waddingham Mavis Constance Female Hunt Harold George Male Beaconsfield
1934/2700357 Fremantle Hunt Harold George Male Waddingham Mavis Constance Female Beaconsfield
1934/2800001 Gascoyne King Marjorie May Female Malcolm William Male Carnarvon
1934/2800001 Gascoyne Malcolm William Male King Marjorie May Female Carnarvon
1934/2800002 Gascoyne Russell Nada Ellen Sarah Female Heddle Russell Granville Male Carnarvon
1934/2800002 Gascoyne Heddle Russell Granville Male Russell Nada Ellen Sarah Female Carnarvon
1934/2800003 Gascoyne Fletcher Dorothy May Female Searle John Stewart Male Carnarvon
1934/2800003 Gascoyne Searle John Stewart Male Fletcher Dorothy May Female Carnarvon
1934/2800004 Gascoyne Crane Reginald Horace Male Downes Ethel Isabel Female Carnarvon
1934/2800004 Gascoyne Downes Ethel Isabel Female Crane Reginald Horace Male Carnarvon
1934/2800005 Gascoyne Sorensen Carl Albert Constantine Male Devlin Catherine Patricia Female Carnarvon
1934/2800005 Gascoyne Devlin Catherine Patricia Female Sorensen Carl Albert Constantine Male Carnarvon
1934/2800006 Gascoyne Shewell Francis John Eden Male James Kathleen Margaret Female Carnarvon
1934/2800006 Gascoyne James Kathleen Margaret Female Shewell Francis John Eden Male Carnarvon
1934/2800007 Gascoyne Day Albert Edward Male Morgan Alma Agnes Female Carnarvon
1934/2800007 Gascoyne Morgan Alma Agnes Female Day Albert Edward Male Carnarvon
1934/2800008 Gascoyne Hunter William Male Penfold Ida Ellen Female Carnarvon
1934/2800008 Gascoyne Penfold Ida Ellen Female Hunter William Male Carnarvon
1934/2800009 Gascoyne Winder Nancy Teresa Female Dorey Robert Male Shark Bay
1934/2800009 Gascoyne Dorey Robert Male Winder Nancy Teresa Female Shark Bay
1934/2800010 Gascoyne Rann Thomas Frederick Male Henfry Irene Pearl Female Carnarvon
1934/2800010 Gascoyne Henfry Irene Pearl Female Rann Thomas Frederick Male Carnarvon
1934/2800011 Gascoyne Bird Samuel Male Houghton Hilda Grace Female Carnarvon
1934/2800011 Gascoyne Houghton Hilda Grace Female Bird Samuel Male Carnarvon
1935/2900001 Geraldton Wynne Joseph Male Lewington Ivy Female Geraldton
1935/2900001 Geraldton Lewington Ivy Female Wynne Joseph Male Geraldton
1934/2900002 Geraldton De Ville William Male Ralph Hannah Female Geraldton
1935/2900002 Geraldton Doolan Mary Teresa Female Halliday Richard Alexander Male Geraldton
1934/2900002 Geraldton Ralph Hannah Female De Ville William Male Geraldton
1935/2900002 Geraldton Halliday Richard Alexander Male Doolan Mary Teresa Female Geraldton
1934/2900004 Geraldton Cardace Giuseppe Male Bellantone Maria Female Geraldton
1934/2900004 Geraldton Bellantone Maria Female Cardace Giuseppe Male Geraldton
1934/2900005 Geraldton Smith Walter Male Richmond Daisy Porthenia Myrtle Female Geraldton
1934/2900005 Geraldton Richmond Daisy Porthenia Myrtle Female Smith Walter Male Geraldton
1934/2900006 Geraldton Clarkson Joseph Bertie Male Turner Doris Ena Female Geraldton
1934/2900006 Geraldton Turner Doris Ena Female Clarkson Joseph Bertie Male Geraldton
1934/2900007 Geraldton Loftus Raymond Allan Male Reid Margaret Ferguson Female Geraldton
1934/2900007 Geraldton Reid Margaret Ferguson Female Loftus Raymond Allan Male Geraldton
1934/2900008 Geraldton Doolan Leo Patrick Male O'Malley Vera Female Geraldton
1934/2900008 Geraldton O'Malley Vera Female Doolan Leo Patrick Male Geraldton
1934/2900009 Geraldton Cooper Mavis Kathleen Female Cutting Ronald Albert Male Geraldton
1934/2900009 Geraldton Cutting Ronald Albert Male Cooper Mavis Kathleen Female Geraldton
1934/2900010 Geraldton Jackson John Male Sheehan Elsie May Female Geraldton
1934/2900010 Geraldton Sheehan Elsie May Female Jackson John Male Geraldton
1934/2900011 Geraldton Durant Hazel Clara Grace Female Davies Charles Fredrick James Male Geraldton
1934/2900011 Geraldton Davies Charles Fredrick James Male Durant Hazel Clara Grace Female Geraldton
1934/2900012 Geraldton Wynne Annie May Female Carson Eric Alfred Arthur Male Geraldton
1934/2900012 Geraldton Carson Eric Alfred Arthur Male Wynne Annie May Female Geraldton
1934/2900013 Geraldton Conn Lilyion May Female Tiller Clifford George Male Mullewa
1934/2900013 Geraldton Tiller Clifford George Male Conn Lilyion May Female Mullewa
1934/2900014 Geraldton Anderson Janet Edith Female Davis Charles Barnett Male Geraldton
1934/2900014 Geraldton Davis Charles Barnett Male Anderson Janet Edith Female Geraldton
1934/2900015 Geraldton Smiley Grace Severino Female Ramsay William John Male Mullewa
1934/2900015 Geraldton Ramsay William John Male Smiley Grace Severino Female Mullewa
1934/2900016 Geraldton Dunn Richard John Male Logan Gweneth Alma Female Geraldton
1934/2900016 Geraldton Logan Gweneth Alma Female Dunn Richard John Male Geraldton
1934/2900017 Geraldton Gould Francis William Male Patton Edith Grace Female Geraldton
1934/2900017 Geraldton Patton Edith Grace Female Gould Francis William Male Geraldton
1934/2900018 Geraldton Atkinson Alice Emily Female Meek Roy William Male Geraldton
1934/2900018 Geraldton Meek Roy William Male Atkinson Alice Emily Female Geraldton
1934/2900019 Geraldton Smith John Hogan Male Chapman Rita Constance Female Geraldton
1934/2900019 Geraldton Chapman Rita Constance Female Smith John Hogan Male Geraldton
1934/2900020 Geraldton Webb Florence Jessie Female Lefroy Powell Robert Male Mullewa
1934/2900020 Geraldton Lefroy Powell Robert Male Webb Florence Jessie Female Mullewa
1934/2900021 Geraldton Spice Frederick William Male Cook Jean Margaret Female Geraldton
1934/2900021 Geraldton Cook Jean Margaret Female Spice Frederick William Male Geraldton
1934/2900022 Geraldton Cameron Frederick Male Dodd Alma Myrtle Female Geraldton
1934/2900022 Geraldton Dodd Alma Myrtle Female Cameron Frederick Male Geraldton
1934/2900023 Geraldton Abbott Elizabeth Female Bunney Maurice Ronald Male Geraldton
1934/2900023 Geraldton Bunney Maurice Ronald Male Abbott Elizabeth Female Geraldton
1934/2900024 Geraldton Perry Florence Mabel Female Duff Alexander Male Geraldton
1934/2900024 Geraldton Duff Alexander Male Perry Florence Mabel Female Geraldton
1934/2900025 Geraldton Miller Mary Hannah Female Stafford John Male Geraldton
1934/2900025 Geraldton Stafford John Male Miller Mary Hannah Female Geraldton
1934/2900026 Geraldton Allen John Male Colegate Amy Drucilla Female Mullewa
1934/2900026 Geraldton Colegate Amy Drucilla Female Allen John Male Mullewa
1934/2900027 Geraldton Ingram Josephine Female Pandie Dominic Male Geraldton
1934/2900027 Geraldton Pandie Dominic Male Ingram Josephine Female Geraldton
1934/2900028 Geraldton Taylor Herbert Ernest Kewell Male Adams Minnie Amelia Female Geraldton
1934/2900028 Geraldton Adams Minnie Amelia Female Taylor Herbert Ernest Kewell Male Geraldton
1934/2900029 Geraldton Brown Gwendoline Maude Heathcote Female Brown Ernest Frederick William Male Geraldton
1934/2900029 Geraldton Brown Ernest Frederick William Male Brown Gwendoline Maude Heathcote Female Geraldton
1934/2900030 Geraldton Edwards Evelyn Rose Female Garvin Stephen Alexander Male Geraldton
1934/2900030 Geraldton Garvin Stephen Alexander Male Edwards Evelyn Rose Female Geraldton
1934/2900031 Geraldton Newbey Jr William Alfred Male Knuckey Irene Female Geraldton
1934/2900031 Geraldton Knuckey Irene Female Newbey Jr William Alfred Male Geraldton
1934/2900032 Geraldton Bull Jessie Maude Female Stevenson Francis Luther Male Geraldton
1934/2900032 Geraldton Stevenson Francis Luther Male Bull Jessie Maude Female Geraldton
1934/2900033 Geraldton May Kenneth Alfred George Male Cardilini Margaret Rosalind Female Geraldton
1934/2900033 Geraldton Cardilini Margaret Rosalind Female May Kenneth Alfred George Male Geraldton
1934/2900034 Geraldton Coad William James Male Ward Winifred Hannah Female Geraldton
1934/2900034 Geraldton Ward Winifred Hannah Female Coad William James Male Geraldton
1934/2900037 Geraldton Rowe William Shenton Male Fripp Delis Maud Female Bluff Point
1934/2900037 Geraldton Fripp Delis Maud Female Rowe William Shenton Male Bluff Point
1934/2900038 Geraldton Porter Benetta Mary Female Chick Clarence Watts Male Geraldton
1934/2900038 Geraldton Chick Clarence Watts Male Porter Benetta Mary Female Geraldton
1934/2900039 Geraldton Sivewright Edward Benjamin Male Ward Dorothy Agnetta Female Geraldton
1934/2900039 Geraldton Ward Dorothy Agnetta Female Sivewright Edward Benjamin Male Geraldton
1934/2900040 Geraldton Thomas Raymond Wilfred Male Gibbings Dorothy Robina Female Geraldton
1934/2900040 Geraldton Gibbings Dorothy Robina Female Thomas Raymond Wilfred Male Geraldton
1934/2900041 Geraldton Howell Ruby Edith Female Edmunds Frederick Willshire Male Geraldton
1934/2900041 Geraldton Edmunds Frederick Willshire Male Howell Ruby Edith Female Geraldton
1934/2900042 Geraldton Thomson William John Male Thomas Henrietta Maud Female Geraldton
1934/2900042 Geraldton Thomas Henrietta Maud Female Thomson William John Male Geraldton
1934/2900043 Geraldton Cusack Kathleen Mary Female Dow Robert Stenhouse Male Geraldton
1934/2900043 Geraldton Dow Robert Stenhouse Male Cusack Kathleen Mary Female Geraldton
1934/2900044 Geraldton Beamont Phyllis Lillian Female Garlick William George Male Mullewa
1934/2900044 Geraldton Garlick William George Male Beamont Phyllis Lillian Female Mullewa
1934/2900045 Geraldton Clarkson Bernard Edward Male Stewart Phyllis May Female Geraldton
1934/2900045 Geraldton Stewart Phyllis May Female Clarkson Bernard Edward Male Geraldton
1934/2900046 Geraldton Lynch Leonie Frances Female Steele Russell Edward Male Geraldton
1934/2900046 Geraldton Steele Russell Edward Male Lynch Leonie Frances Female Geraldton
1934/2900047 Geraldton Curtin Laurence James Male Knapp Gladys Ellen Female Geraldton
1934/2900047 Geraldton Knapp Gladys Ellen Female Curtin Laurence James Male Geraldton
1934/2900048 Geraldton Smith John Perman Male Monaghan Thelma Sophia Female Geraldton
1934/2900048 Geraldton Monaghan Thelma Sophia Female Smith John Perman Male Geraldton
1934/2900049 Geraldton Gregg James Male Ramshaw Mary Female Geraldton
1934/2900049 Geraldton Ramshaw Mary Female Gregg James Male Geraldton
1934/2900050 Geraldton Pascoe Angela Maria Female Hague George Male Geraldton
1934/2900050 Geraldton Hague George Male Pascoe Angela Maria Female Geraldton
1934/2900050 Geraldton Hague George Male Scott Angela Maria Female Geraldton
1934/2900050 Geraldton Scott Angela Maria Female Hague George Male Geraldton
1934/2900051 Geraldton Smith George Male McLennan Annie Female Geraldton
1934/2900051 Geraldton McLennan Annie Female Smith George Male Geraldton
1934/2900052 Geraldton Wetherall Bessie Evelyn Female Osborn Percy Arthur Male Mullewa
1934/2900052 Geraldton Osborn Percy Arthur Male Wetherall Bessie Evelyn Female Mullewa
1934/2900053 Geraldton Worthington Lewis Male McDonald Marjorie Maud Female Geraldton
1934/2900053 Geraldton McDonald Marjorie Maud Female Worthington Lewis Male Geraldton
1934/2900054 Geraldton Wearne Myrtle Dora Female McGuiness Reginald Brendan Male Geraldton
1934/2900054 Geraldton McGuiness Reginald Brendan Male Wearne Myrtle Dora Female Geraldton
1934/2900055 Geraldton Secker Henry George Male Chisholm Ethel Rose Female Geraldton
1934/2900055 Geraldton Chisholm Ethel Rose Female Secker Henry George Male Geraldton
1934/2900056 Geraldton Paul Imelda Philomena Female Kidd George Male Geraldton
1934/2900056 Geraldton Kidd George Male Paul Imelda Philomena Female Geraldton
1934/2900057 Geraldton Moore Ivy Gladys Female Doye Achille Peter Paul Male Geraldton
1934/2900057 Geraldton Doye Achille Peter Paul Male Moore Ivy Gladys Female Geraldton
1934/2900058 Geraldton Nelson-Nissen Doris Marea Female Morgan Alfred Chambers Male Geraldton
1934/2900058 Geraldton Morgan Alfred Chambers Male Nelson-Nissen Doris Marea Female Geraldton
1934/2900059 Geraldton Sinclair Neill Murray Male Bone Victoria Lily Female Mullewa
1934/2900059 Geraldton Bone Victoria Lily Female Sinclair Neill Murray Male Mullewa
1934/2900060 Geraldton Wansbrough Aileen Gertrude Female Swaddling Charles Fredrick Male Geraldton
1934/2900060 Geraldton Swaddling Charles Fredrick Male Wansbrough Aileen Gertrude Female Geraldton
1934/2900061 Geraldton Winston Ella Florence Louise Female Valentine Harold Hawthorne Male Geraldton
1934/2900061 Geraldton Valentine Harold Hawthorne Male Winston Ella Florence Louise Female Geraldton
1934/2900062 Geraldton Pearce Charles Male Eastough Lelia Female Geraldton
1934/2900062 Geraldton Eastough Lelia Female Pearce Charles Male Geraldton
1934/2900063 Geraldton Bone Georgina Elizabeth Female O'Malley Mervyn Walter Male Geraldton
1934/2900063 Geraldton O'Malley Mervyn Walter Male Bone Georgina Elizabeth Female Geraldton
1934/2900064 Geraldton Fitzgerald James Lawrence Male Hogan Mary Jane Female Mullewa
1934/2900064 Geraldton Hogan Mary Jane Female Fitzgerald James Lawrence Male Mullewa
1934/2900065 Geraldton Lewis Ellen Mary Female Tunbridge Arthur Hawken Male Geraldton
1934/2900065 Geraldton Tunbridge Arthur Hawken Male Lewis Ellen Mary Female Geraldton
1934/2900066 Geraldton Bray Benjamin Alexander Male Banton Myrtle Jean Female Geraldton
1934/2900066 Geraldton Banton Myrtle Jean Female Bray Benjamin Alexander Male Geraldton
1934/2900067 Geraldton Francis William John Male Herbert Mary Doreen Female Geraldton
1934/2900067 Geraldton Herbert Mary Doreen Female Francis William John Male Geraldton
1934/2900068 Geraldton Eaton Emma Edith Female Dempster Andrew Male Geraldton
1934/2900068 Geraldton Dempster Andrew Male Eaton Emma Edith Female Geraldton
1934/2900069 Geraldton Woodward Albert Ernest Male Dennis Isobel Margaret Female Geraldton
1934/2900069 Geraldton Dennis Isobel Margaret Female Woodward Albert Ernest Male Geraldton
1934/2900070 Geraldton Gane William Robert Male Dixon Beulah Female Geraldton
1934/2900070 Geraldton Dixon Beulah Female Gane William Robert Male Geraldton
1934/2900071 Geraldton Pell Olga Louisa Female Thompson David James Male Geraldton
1934/2900071 Geraldton Thompson David James Male Pell Olga Louisa Female Geraldton
1934/2900072 Geraldton Hansen Alice Maud Female Elsegood Stanley Male Geraldton
1934/2900072 Geraldton Elsegood Stanley Male Hansen Alice Maud Female Geraldton
1934/2900073 Geraldton de Josselin Ada Eileen Female Paterson Angus Roberts Male Geraldton
1934/2900073 Geraldton Paterson Angus Roberts Male de Josselin Ada Eileen Female Geraldton
1934/2900074 Geraldton Kemp Doreen Olive Female Bald John Male Geraldton
1934/2900074 Geraldton Bald John Male Kemp Doreen Olive Female Geraldton
1934/2900075 Geraldton McPherson Albert James Male Stansfield Dorothy Subina Female Geraldton
1934/2900075 Geraldton Stansfield Dorothy Subina Female McPherson Albert James Male Geraldton
1934/2900076 Geraldton Bingley Samuel Male Wood Alice May Female Geraldton
1934/2900076 Geraldton Wood Alice May Female Bingley Samuel Male Geraldton
1934/2900077 Geraldton Shaw Doris Margaret Female Rash David Richard Male Geraldton
1934/2900077 Geraldton Rash David Richard Male Shaw Doris Margaret Female Geraldton
1934/2900078 Geraldton Christensen Amy Doreen Female Mitchell David Francis Male Geraldton
1934/2900078 Geraldton Mitchell David Francis Male Christensen Amy Doreen Female Geraldton
1934/2900079 Geraldton Clarkson Reginald William Male Darroch Jessie Female Geraldton
1934/2900079 Geraldton Darroch Jessie Female Clarkson Reginald William Male Geraldton
1934/2900080 Geraldton Shaw Harold Robert Male Fripp Edith Thelma Female Geraldton
1934/2900080 Geraldton Fripp Edith Thelma Female Shaw Harold Robert Male Geraldton
1934/2900081 Geraldton Klem Carl Throssell Male Stubbs Florence Marjorie Female Geraldton
1934/2900081 Geraldton Stubbs Florence Marjorie Female Klem Carl Throssell Male Geraldton
1934/2900082 Geraldton May Noel Female Sewell Reginald Vernon Male Geraldton
1934/2900082 Geraldton Sewell Reginald Vernon Male May Noel Female Geraldton
1934/2900083 Geraldton Penney Gabriel Male Munro Josephine Female Mullewa
1934/2900083 Geraldton Munro Josephine Female Penney Gabriel Male Mullewa
1934/2900084 Geraldton Wood Annie Hodgson Female McLean George Frederick Male Mullewa
1934/2900084 Geraldton McLean George Frederick Male Wood Annie Hodgson Female Mullewa
1934/2900085 Geraldton Hardwicke Evelyn Emily Female Garland John Stuart Male Geraldton
1934/2900085 Geraldton Garland John Stuart Male Hardwicke Evelyn Emily Female Geraldton
1934/3000001 Gingin Corbett Tom Male Wally Rose Female Gingin
1934/3000001 Gingin Wally Rose Female Corbett Tom Male Gingin
1934/3000002 Gingin Leeson Eva Female Winterton James Henry Male Wannamal
1934/3000002 Gingin Winterton James Henry Male Leeson Eva Female Wannamal
1934/3000003 Gingin Thompson Evelyne Doris Female Clune Francis Borgia Male Bindoon
1934/3000003 Gingin Clune Francis Borgia Male Thompson Evelyne Doris Female Bindoon
1934/3100001 Greenough Criddle Lionel Male Harper Roseletta Irene Female Walkaway
1934/3100001 Greenough Harper Roseletta Irene Female Criddle Lionel Male Walkaway
1934/3100002 Greenough Logue Ellen Mary Female Hamersley Hugh Male Walkaway
1934/3100002 Greenough Hamersley Hugh Male Logue Ellen Mary Female Walkaway
1935/3300001 Irwin Ferguson Cora Jean Female Martyn Cyril James Thomas Male Carnamah
1935/3300001 Irwin Martyn Cyril James Thomas Male Ferguson Cora Jean Female Carnamah
1934/3300002 Irwin Cooper Myra Gwendoline Female Witney Walter James Male Carnamah
1934/3300002 Irwin Witney Walter James Male Cooper Myra Gwendoline Female Carnamah
1934/3300003 Irwin Simpson Margaret Female O'Brien Terence Edward Male Dongarra
1934/3300003 Irwin O'Brien Terence Edward Male Simpson Margaret Female Dongarra
1934/3300004 Irwin Heitman Jack Male Yewers Adela Elizabeth Female Morawa
1934/3300004 Irwin Yewers Adela Elizabeth Female Heitman Jack Male Morawa
1934/3300005 Irwin Jeffery Roy Benjamin Male Veale Violet Louisa Female Dongarra
1934/3300005 Irwin Veale Violet Louisa Female Jeffery Roy Benjamin Male Dongarra
1934/3300006 Irwin McCagh Veronica Agnes Maud Female Forbes Duncan Charles Emanual Male Mingenew
1934/3300006 Irwin Forbes Duncan Charles Emanual Male McCagh Veronica Agnes Maud Female Mingenew
1934/3300007 Irwin Treasure Francis Henry Male Yaxley Jessie Elizabeth Female Dalwallinu
1934/3300007 Irwin Yaxley Jessie Elizabeth Female Treasure Francis Henry Male Dalwallinu
1934/3300008 Irwin Herriman Violet Evelyn Female Scott Sydney Male Morawa
1934/3300008 Irwin Scott Sydney Male Herriman Violet Evelyn Female Morawa
1934/3300009 Irwin Leete Edward Albert Male Chester Margaret Mary Female Morawa
1934/3300009 Irwin Chester Margaret Mary Female Leete Edward Albert Male Morawa
1934/3300010 Irwin Dewar Lilian Edith Female Darragh Robert Comyn Sydney Male Three Springs
1934/3300010 Irwin Darragh Robert Comyn Sydney Male Dewar Lilian Edith Female Three Springs
1934/3300011 Irwin Brockman Ethel Female Jones William Male Dongarra
1934/3300011 Irwin Jones William Male Brockman Ethel Female Dongarra
1934/3300012 Irwin McHarg Hugh Frances McKenzie Male Bastian Irene Gladys Female Three Springs
1934/3300012 Irwin Bastian Irene Gladys Female McHarg Hugh Frances McKenzie Male Three Springs
1934/3300013 Irwin Noble Beryl Female Mauritz Bernhard Bruno Johann Male Morawa
1934/3300013 Irwin Mauritz Bernhard Bruno Johann Male Noble Beryl Female Morawa
1934/3300014 Irwin Byrne Caroline Annie Female Mayrhofer Mario Alberto Male Three Springs
1934/3300014 Irwin Mayrhofer Mario Alberto Male Byrne Caroline Annie Female Three Springs
1934/3300015 Irwin Moorhead Robert William Male Gilmore Alma Female Bowgada
1934/3300015 Irwin Gilmore Alma Female Moorhead Robert William Male Bowgada
1934/3300016 Irwin Bell Dorothy Irene Female Beattie William Wallace Male Morawa
1934/3300016 Irwin Beattie William Wallace Male Bell Dorothy Irene Female Morawa
1934/3300017 Irwin Nairn Ambrose Gregory Rawlingson Male Williams Ruby Adeline Female Dongarra
1934/3300017 Irwin Williams Ruby Adeline Female Nairn Ambrose Gregory Rawlingson Male Dongarra
1934/3400001 Jarrahdale Matthews Grace Nellie Female Martin Ralph Male Serpentine
1934/3400001 Jarrahdale Martin Ralph Male Matthews Grace Nellie Female Serpentine
1935/3400001 Jarrahdale Melville Frank Henry Male Eaglesham Grace Brigden Female Mundijong
1935/3400001 Jarrahdale Eaglesham Grace Brigden Female Melville Frank Henry Male Mundijong
1934/3400002 Jarrahdale Chalmers Phyllis Female McCrory Owen Male Jarrahdale
1934/3400002 Jarrahdale McCrory Owen Male Chalmers Phyllis Female Jarrahdale
1934/3400003 Jarrahdale Clancy Elsie May Female McAlister Arthur Edmund Male Jarrahdale
1934/3400003 Jarrahdale McAlister Arthur Edmund Male Clancy Elsie May Female Jarrahdale
1934/3500003 Katanning Gardner Mary Jane Female Denney William John Male Katanning
1934/3500003 Katanning Denney William John Male Gardner Mary Jane Female Katanning
1934/3500004 Katanning Gromm Edward James Male Tilling Alice Maud Mary Female Katanning
1934/3500004 Katanning Francis Edward James Male Tilling Alice Maud Mary Female Katanning
1934/3500004 Katanning Tilling Alice Maud Mary Female Francis Edward James Male Katanning
1934/3500004 Katanning Tilling Alice Maud Mary Female Gromm Edward James Male Katanning
1934/3500006 Katanning Gibbs Charlotte Harriett Emily Female Jilley Robert Male Katanning
1934/3500006 Katanning Jilley Robert Male Gibbs Charlotte Harriett Emily Female Katanning
1934/3500007 Katanning Fraser Alexander Hardie Male Orr Eva Myrtle Female Wagin
1934/3500007 Katanning Orr Eva Myrtle Female Fraser Alexander Hardie Male Wagin
1934/3500008 Katanning Hall James William Male Thompson Caroline Female Katanning
1934/3500008 Katanning Thompson Caroline Female Hall James William Male Katanning
1934/3500009 Katanning Gorman Ivy Desmond Female Ball Allan Corbett Male Katanning
1934/3500009 Katanning Ball Allan Corbett Male Gorman Ivy Desmond Female Katanning
1934/3500010 Katanning Armstrong Francis Henry Male Barrot Christina Mary Female Katanning
1934/3500010 Katanning Barrot Christina Mary Female Armstrong Francis Henry Male Katanning
1934/3500011 Katanning Stephens Alice Rosalind Morgan Female Thomas Norman Campbell Male Katanning
1934/3500011 Katanning Thomas Norman Campbell Male Stephens Alice Rosalind Morgan Female Katanning
1934/3500012 Katanning Hampton James Alexander Male Tuck Gladys Ellen Female Katanning
1934/3500012 Katanning Tuck Gladys Ellen Female Hampton James Alexander Male Katanning
1934/3500013 Katanning Dale Christopher Male Lee Elsie Frances Female Katanning
1934/3500013 Katanning Lee Elsie Frances Female Dale Christopher Male Katanning
1934/3500014 Katanning Bilston Coral Thelma Female La Mont Clarence Aubrey Male Kojonup
1934/3500014 Katanning La Mont Clarence Aubrey Male Bilston Coral Thelma Female Kojonup
1934/3500015 Katanning Aylmore Ernest George Male Stuart Eileen Alanna Female Katanning
1934/3500015 Katanning Stuart Eileen Alanna Female Aylmore Ernest George Male Katanning
1934/3500016 Katanning Wheeler Stanley St Clair Male Cook Elizabeth Female Katanning
1934/3500016 Katanning Cook Elizabeth Female Wheeler Stanley St Clair Male Katanning
1934/3500017 Katanning Reisenauer Dorothy Irene Female Marshall Raymond Male Katanning
1934/3500017 Katanning Marshall Raymond Male Reisenauer Dorothy Irene Female Katanning
1934/3500018 Katanning Robertson Henrietta Grace Female Crouch Robert Douglas Male Katanning
1934/3500018 Katanning Crouch Robert Douglas Male Robertson Henrietta Grace Female Katanning
1934/3500019 Katanning Kennedy John Male Whyatt Constance Violet Kathleen Female Katanning
1934/3500019 Katanning Whyatt Constance Violet Kathleen Female Kennedy John Male Katanning
1934/3500020 Katanning Knox Marion Allison Hanley Female Pustkuchen Kurt Alexander Male Gnowangerup
1934/3500020 Katanning Pustkuchen Kurt Alexander Male Knox Marion Allison Hanley Female Gnowangerup
1934/3500021 Katanning Edwards Frederick Parkes Male Moyses Eunice Jean Female Wagin
1934/3500021 Katanning Moyses Eunice Jean Female Edwards Frederick Parkes Male Wagin
1934/3500022 Katanning Bradford Hilda Female Cann George William Male Katanning
1934/3500022 Katanning Cann George William Male Bradford Hilda Female Katanning
1934/3500023 Katanning Quartermaine Phyllis Noel Female Marfleet Reginald George Male Katanning
1934/3500023 Katanning Marfleet Reginald George Male Quartermaine Phyllis Noel Female Katanning
1934/3500024 Katanning Brooks Harold Frederick Male MacLennan Jessie Campbell Female Kukerin
1934/3500024 Katanning MacLennan Jessie Campbell Female Brooks Harold Frederick Male Kukerin
1934/3500025 Katanning Hewlett Herbert Edward Male Campbell Kathleen Helen Female Wagin
1934/3500025 Katanning Campbell Kathleen Helen Female Hewlett Herbert Edward Male Wagin
1934/3500026 Katanning Longmire Jean Mathews Female Caldwell Angus Norman Male Katanning
1934/3500026 Katanning Caldwell Angus Norman Male Longmire Jean Mathews Female Katanning
1934/3500027 Katanning Wood William Remnant Male Beeck Rhoda Alvina Female Katanning
1934/3500027 Katanning Beeck Rhoda Alvina Female Wood William Remnant Male Katanning
1934/3500028 Katanning Schubert Gertrude Susanna Female Ralston Gordon Lionel Male Katanning
1934/3500028 Katanning Ralston Gordon Lionel Male Schubert Gertrude Susanna Female Katanning
1934/3500029 Katanning English Ruby Jane Female Scott George MacDonald Male Wagin
1934/3500029 Katanning Scott George MacDonald Male English Ruby Jane Female Wagin
1934/3500030 Katanning Wilhelm Ada Marjorie Female Feist Sidney James Male Woodanilling
1934/3500030 Katanning Feist Sidney James Male Wilhelm Ada Marjorie Female Woodanilling
1934/3500031 Katanning Bilston Diamond Edna Female Martin Irvine Price Male Kojonup
1934/3500031 Katanning Martin Irvine Price Male Bilston Diamond Edna Female Kojonup
1934/3500032 Katanning Gray Henry Harvey Male Wallis Doreen Mary Female Moulyinning
1934/3500032 Katanning Wallis Doreen Mary Female Gray Henry Harvey Male Moulyinning
1934/3500033 Katanning Dodd Josephine Annie Female Harris Robert John Male Kojonup
1934/3500033 Katanning Harris Robert John Male Dodd Josephine Annie Female Kojonup
1934/3500034 Katanning Patterson Sarah Jane Female Whitton Roy Henry Male Broome Hill
1934/3500034 Katanning Whitton Roy Henry Male Patterson Sarah Jane Female Broome Hill
1934/3500035 Katanning Prosser William Kenneth Allan Male Becker Rita Ellen Female Woodanilling
1934/3500035 Katanning Becker Rita Ellen Female Prosser William Kenneth Allan Male Woodanilling
1934/3500036 Katanning Overington Donald Oliver Male Thomas Phoebe Beatrice Female Broome Hill
1934/3500036 Katanning Thomas Phoebe Beatrice Female Overington Donald Oliver Male Broome Hill
1934/3500037 Katanning Nichols Charles Edmund Male Bain Eva Agatha Jane Female Katanning
1934/3500037 Katanning Bain Eva Agatha Jane Female Nichols Charles Edmund Male Katanning
1934/3500038 Katanning Thompson Kelvin Male Barrot Ena Female Katanning
1934/3500038 Katanning Barrot Ena Female Thompson Kelvin Male Katanning
1934/3500039 Katanning Bradshaw George Harry Male McDonald Flora May Female Broome Hill
1934/3500039 Katanning McDonald Flora May Female Bradshaw George Harry Male Broome Hill
1934/3500040 Katanning Flower Teeda Female Jennick Bert Male Gnowangerup
1934/3500040 Katanning Jennick Bert Male Flower Teeda Female Gnowangerup
1934/3500041 Katanning Knight John Walter Male Marquis Eleanor Isabel Female East Katanning
1934/3500041 Katanning Marquis Eleanor Isabel Female Knight John Walter Male East Katanning
1934/3500042 Katanning Cousins Ethel Jean Female Turner Charles William Male Wagin
1934/3500042 Katanning Turner Charles William Male Cousins Ethel Jean Female Wagin
1934/3500043 Katanning Anthony Stanley Joseph Male Pearce Merle Oliven Female Katanning
1934/3500043 Katanning Pearce Merle Oliven Female Anthony Stanley Joseph Male Katanning
1934/3500044 Katanning Thornton Francis Angus Male Tanner Kathleen Mary Female Katanning
1934/3500044 Katanning Tanner Kathleen Mary Female Thornton Francis Angus Male Katanning
1934/3500045 Katanning Lee Agnes May Female Jones Owen Francis Male Katanning
1934/3500045 Katanning Jones Owen Francis Male Lee Agnes May Female Katanning
1934/3500046 Katanning Hill Frederick James Male Haggerty Gladys Annie Female Katanning
1934/3500046 Katanning Haggerty Gladys Annie Female Hill Frederick James Male Katanning
1934/3500047 Katanning Wemm Ursula Violet Female Fellowes Leonard Joseph Male Katanning
1934/3500047 Katanning Fellowes Leonard Joseph Male Wemm Ursula Violet Female Katanning
1934/3500048 Katanning Smith Irene Elizabeth Female Radford Leslie Arthur Male Katanning
1934/3500048 Katanning Radford Leslie Arthur Male Smith Irene Elizabeth Female Katanning
1934/3500049 Katanning Noble Freda Reha Female Cross Charles Austin Frederick Male Wagin
1934/3500049 Katanning Cross Charles Austin Frederick Male Noble Freda Reha Female Wagin
1934/3500050 Katanning Marsh Myrtle Carslaw Female Pamment Alfred Male Katanning
1934/3500050 Katanning Pamment Alfred Male Marsh Myrtle Carslaw Female Katanning
1934/3500051 Katanning Searle Roderick Charles Male Greeve Margarette Jean Female Katanning
1934/3500051 Katanning Greeve Margarette Jean Female Searle Roderick Charles Male Katanning
1934/3500052 Katanning Flint Margaret Mary Female Hall Henry Male Wagin
1934/3500052 Katanning Hall Henry Male Flint Margaret Mary Female Wagin
1934/3500053 Katanning Whitaker Fred Male Robertson Annie Elizabeth Female Katanning
1934/3500053 Katanning Robertson Annie Elizabeth Female Whitaker Fred Male Katanning
1934/3500054 Katanning Becker Clare Emily Female Moyses John William Male Wagin
1934/3500054 Katanning Moyses John William Male Becker Clare Emily Female Wagin
1934/3500055 Katanning Hardingham John Christopher Male Lee Winifred Female Kojonup
1934/3500055 Katanning Lee Winifred Female Hardingham John Christopher Male Kojonup
1934/3500056 Katanning Penny Jessie Eveline May Female Keirle Francis Herbert Male Kojonup
1934/3500056 Katanning Keirle Francis Herbert Male Penny Jessie Eveline May Female Kojonup
1934/3500057 Katanning Woods Ruth Female Hardy Thomas Charles Male Gnowangerup
1934/3500057 Katanning Hardy Thomas Charles Male Woods Ruth Female Gnowangerup
1934/3500058 Katanning Higginson Henry Francis Joseph Male Holly Gwendoline Mary Female Katanning
1934/3500058 Katanning Holly Gwendoline Mary Female Higginson Henry Francis Joseph Male Katanning
1934/3500059 Katanning Wood Gladys Female Beagley Albert Ernest Male Katanning
1934/3500059 Katanning Beagley Albert Ernest Male Wood Gladys Female Katanning
1934/3500060 Katanning Bumstead Henry Randle Male Eyre Evelina Beatrice Female Katanning
1934/3500060 Katanning Eyre Evelina Beatrice Female Bumstead Henry Randle Male Katanning
1934/3500061 Katanning Mauger Ernest Norman Male McIntyre Mary Evelyn Female Dumbleyung
1934/3500061 Katanning McIntyre Mary Evelyn Female Mauger Ernest Norman Male Dumbleyung
1934/3500062 Katanning Dinwoodie Bessie Sinclair Female Armstrong John David Male Woodanilling
1934/3500062 Katanning Armstrong John David Male Dinwoodie Bessie Sinclair Female Woodanilling
1934/3500063 Katanning Jones Annie Alice Stella Female Whitt Percy Leonard Male Katanning
1934/3500063 Katanning Whitt Percy Leonard Male Jones Annie Alice Stella Female Katanning
1934/3500064 Katanning Hansen Ruby Catherine Female Griffiths Robert Male Wagin
1934/3500064 Katanning Griffiths Robert Male Hansen Ruby Catherine Female Wagin
1934/3500065 Katanning Ferrari Ebo Edward Male Wilson Muriel Gladys Female Katanning
1934/3500065 Katanning Wilson Muriel Gladys Female Ferrari Ebo Edward Male Katanning
1934/3500066 Katanning Gardner Jean Alice Female Sullivan Daniel James Male Katanning
1934/3500066 Katanning Sullivan Daniel James Male Gardner Jean Alice Female Katanning
1934/3500067 Katanning Mitchell Edna Fanny Female Stirling Alexander Keith Male Katanning
1934/3500067 Katanning Stirling Alexander Keith Male Mitchell Edna Fanny Female Katanning
1934/3500068 Katanning Stade Lionel Albert Male Wise Lillian May Female Katanning
1934/3500068 Katanning Wise Lillian May Female Stade Lionel Albert Male Katanning
1934/3500069 Katanning Newman Doris Leah Female Bell Robert Hector Male Katanning
1934/3500069 Katanning Bell Robert Hector Male Newman Doris Leah Female Katanning
1934/3500070 Katanning Noble William Male Sutton Dinah Female Kojonup
1934/3500070 Katanning Sutton Dinah Female Noble William Male Kojonup
1934/3500071 Katanning Usher Irene Frances Female Eastwood Fredrick Sampson Male Broome Hill
1934/3500071 Katanning Eastwood Fredrick Sampson Male Usher Irene Frances Female Broome Hill
1934/3500072 Katanning Andrews Maurice Jeffery Male Sounness Thelma Female Katanning
1934/3500072 Katanning Sounness Thelma Female Andrews Maurice Jeffery Male Katanning
1934/3500073 Katanning Ellis Phyllis Winnifred Female Davies William Henry Male Kojonup
1934/3500073 Katanning Davies William Henry Male Ellis Phyllis Winnifred Female Kojonup
1934/3500074 Katanning Edwards Gladys Vera Female Creek John Raymond Male Wagin
1934/3500074 Katanning Creek John Raymond Male Edwards Gladys Vera Female Wagin
1934/3500075 Katanning Doak George Alfred Male Blake Joy Muriel Female Katanning
1934/3500075 Katanning Blake Joy Muriel Female Doak George Alfred Male Katanning
1934/3500076 Katanning Cox William James Male Rodney Eva Female Katanning
1934/3500076 Katanning Rodney Eva Female Cox William James Male Katanning
1934/3500077 Katanning Johnson Thomas Male Squiers Jean Mary Female Katanning
1934/3500077 Katanning Squiers Jean Mary Female Johnson Thomas Male Katanning
1934/3500078 Katanning Mudge Ethel Female Levitt Wilfred Arthur Male Wagin
1934/3500078 Katanning Levitt Wilfred Arthur Male Mudge Ethel Female Wagin
1934/3500079 Katanning O'Halloran Huie Nicholas Male Davis Kathleen Faith Paterson Female Katanning
1934/3500079 Katanning Davis Kathleen Faith Paterson Female O'Halloran Huie Nicholas Male Katanning
1934/3500080 Katanning Stott Matthew John Male Watson Martha Edna Female Wagin
1934/3500080 Katanning Watson Martha Edna Female Stott Matthew John Male Wagin
1934/3500081 Katanning Marinoni Lidia Female Bellotti Giovanni Male Katanning
1934/3500081 Katanning Bellotti Giovanni Male Marinoni Lidia Female Katanning
1934/3500082 Katanning Fildes Alfred Baden Male Chant Ella Marie Louise Female Katanning
1934/3500082 Katanning Chant Ella Marie Louise Female Fildes Alfred Baden Male Katanning
1934/3600001 East Kimberley Sharpe Donald Max Male Cole Vera Mabel Female Wyndham
1934/3600001 East Kimberley Cole Vera Mabel Female Sharpe Donald Max Male Wyndham
1934/3600002 East Kimberley Williams Harold Hector Male Bruton Zena Jean Female Wyndham
1934/3600002 East Kimberley Bruton Zena Jean Female Williams Harold Hector Male Wyndham
1934/3700001 West Kimberley O'Neill Laurence Male Fry Bonnie Inez Female Derby
1934/3700001 West Kimberley Fry Bonnie Inez Female O'Neill Laurence Male Derby
1934/3700002 West Kimberley Philomena Eva Female Monty - Male Sunday Island
1934/3700002 West Kimberley Monty - Male Philomena Eva Female Sunday Island
1934/3700003 West Kimberley Mitchell Gwendoline Christina Female Graham Robert William D'Erinlea Male Derby
1934/3700003 West Kimberley Graham Robert William D'Erinlea Male Mitchell Gwendoline Christina Female Derby
1934/3700004 West Kimberley Ah Chee James Male Winscom Sylvia Female Derby
1934/3700004 West Kimberley Winscom Sylvia Female Ah Chee James Male Derby
1934/3700005 West Kimberley Watkins George Victor Male Liljenqvist Bessie Rose Female Derby
1934/3700005 West Kimberley Liljenqvist Bessie Rose Female Watkins George Victor Male Derby
1934/3700006 West Kimberley Dunstan Rita Florence Female Moss Douglas Cecil Male Derby
1934/3700006 West Kimberley Moss Douglas Cecil Male Dunstan Rita Florence Female Derby
1934/3800001 Kimberley Goldfields Waters Tacey Rosetta Female Haywood Wilfred George Male Hall's Creek
1934/3800001 Kimberley Goldfields Haywood Wilfred George Male Waters Tacey Rosetta Female Hall's Creek
1934/4200001 Moora Grimm Ernest Male Brand Greta Female Moora
1934/4200001 Moora Brand Greta Female Grimm Ernest Male Moora
1934/4200003 Moora Porter Azalia May Female Shepherd John Edward Male Moora
1934/4200003 Moora Shepherd John Edward Male Porter Azalia May Female Moora
1934/4200004 Moora Thompson James Kenneth Male Jones Doreen Mary Female Burakin
1934/4200004 Moora Jones Doreen Mary Female Thompson James Kenneth Male Burakin
1934/4200005 Moora Angel Edith Olive Female Brandis Eric Male Coomberdale
1934/4200005 Moora Brandis Eric Male Angel Edith Olive Female Coomberdale
1934/4200006 Moora Gronow Charles Hyde Male Clinch Lydia Female Moora
1934/4200006 Moora Clinch Lydia Female Gronow Charles Hyde Male Moora
1934/4200007 Moora Mailey John Male Vince Loreina Marie Female Ballidu
1934/4200007 Moora Vince Loreina Marie Female Mailey John Male Ballidu
1934/4200008 Moora Burns Dorothy Gladys Female Scrivener Claude Stanley Male Moora
1934/4200008 Moora Scrivener Claude Stanley Male Burns Dorothy Gladys Female Moora
1934/4200009 Moora Wright Sidney Male Russell Ivy May Female Dalwallinu
1934/4200009 Moora Russell Ivy May Female Wright Sidney Male Dalwallinu
1934/4200010 Moora Piper Helen Female Maher Jack Male Mogumber
1934/4200010 Moora Maher Jack Male Piper Helen Female Mogumber
1934/4200011 Moora Catibut Billy Male Parfit Mary Ann Female Mogumber
1934/4200011 Moora Parfit Mary Ann Female Catibut Billy Male Mogumber
1934/4200012 Moora Catibut Nellie Female Tom Peter Male Mogumber
1934/4200012 Moora Tom Peter Male Catibut Nellie Female Mogumber
1934/4200013 Moora Windie Ruby Female Wallam Ted Male Mogumber
1934/4200013 Moora Wallam Ted Male Windie Ruby Female Mogumber
1934/4200014 Moora Narrier Maitland Male Hester Lucy Female Mogumber
1934/4200014 Moora Hester Lucy Female Narrier Maitland Male Mogumber
1934/4200015 Moora Woods Katie Female Gygup Harold Male Mogumber
1934/4200015 Moora Gygup Harold Male Woods Katie Female Mogumber
1934/4200016 Moora Woods Mabel Female Kearing Peter Male Mogumber
1934/4200016 Moora Kearing Peter Male Woods Mabel Female Mogumber
1934/4200017 Moora Anderson James Male Mingue Bessie Female Moore River Settlement
1934/4200017 Moora Mingue Bessie Female Anderson James Male Moore River Settlement
1934/4200018 Moora Ronan Edna May Female Spratt Clarrie Male Mogumber
1934/4200018 Moora Spratt Clarrie Male Ronan Edna May Female Mogumber
1934/4200019 Moora Little Oscar Male Calgaret Margaret Alberta Vincent Female Mogumber
1934/4200019 Moora Calgaret Margaret Alberta Vincent Female Little Oscar Male Mogumber
1934/4200020 Moora Morrison Arthur Male May Mary Female Mogumber
1934/4200020 Moora May Mary Female Morrison Arthur Male Mogumber
1934/4200021 Moora Darby Minnie Female Jackamarra Felix Male Mogumber
1934/4200021 Moora Jackamarra Felix Male Darby Minnie Female Mogumber
1934/4200022 Moora Macmillan Mattie Macalister Female Saleeba Walter Male Moora
1934/4200022 Moora Saleeba Walter Male Macmillan Mattie Macalister Female Moora
1934/4200023 Moora Holston Jack Johnston Male Gwenneth Kathleen Female Mogumber
1934/4200023 Moora Gwenneth Kathleen Female Holston Jack Johnston Male Mogumber
1934/4200024 Moora Ryder Edward James Male Jackimarra Ethel Female Watheroo
1934/4200024 Moora Jackimarra Ethel Female Ryder Edward James Male Watheroo
1934/4200025 Moora Wish Irene Louisa Female Jackson Fredrick Charles Male Dalwallinu
1934/4200025 Moora Jackson Fredrick Charles Male Wish Irene Louisa Female Dalwallinu
1934/4200026 Moora Kearing Theo Male Pluskie Elsie Female Mogumber
1934/4200026 Moora Pluskie Elsie Female Kearing Theo Male Mogumber
1934/4200027 Moora Narrier Alex Male Riddle Nulla Female Mogumber
1934/4200027 Moora Riddle Nulla Female Narrier Alex Male Mogumber
1934/4200028 Moora Sullivan Edmund Herbert Male Synnot Valentine Olive Female Dalwallinu
1934/4200028 Moora Synnot Valentine Olive Female Sullivan Edmund Herbert Male Dalwallinu
1934/4200029 Moora Hickson Winifred Mary Female Ridsdale John de Satur Male Moora
1934/4200029 Moora Ridsdale John de Satur Male Hickson Winifred Mary Female Moora
1934/4200030 Moora Rendell Alice Maud Female Greenham Reginald Male Dalwallinu
1934/4200030 Moora Greenham Reginald Male Rendell Alice Maud Female Dalwallinu
1935/4300001 Mount Margaret Cockle Eileen Female Wyatt Nungoo Male Mt Margaret
1935/4300001 Mount Margaret Cockle Eileen Female Wyatt Paddy Male Mt Margaret
1935/4300001 Mount Margaret Wyatt Nungoo Male Cockle Eileen Female Mt Margaret
1935/4300001 Mount Margaret Wyatt Paddy Male Cockle Eileen Female Mt Margaret
1935/4300002 Mount Margaret Mackey Mary Nora Female Vause Arthur James Male Leonora
1934/4300002 Mount Margaret Smart Eric Arthur Stanley Male Rudiger Louise Eleonore Female Laverton
1935/4300002 Mount Margaret Vause Arthur James Male Mackey Mary Nora Female Leonora
1934/4300002 Mount Margaret Rudiger Louise Eleonore Female Smart Eric Arthur Stanley Male Laverton
1934/4300003 Mount Margaret Ashwin Ida Female Tucker Archie Frederick Male Morgans
1934/4300003 Mount Margaret Tucker Archie Frederick Male Ashwin Ida Female Morgans
1934/4300004 Mount Margaret Newbon Ernest Arthur Male Keen Bessie Annie Female Leonora
1934/4300004 Mount Margaret Keen Bessie Annie Female Newbon Ernest Arthur Male Leonora
1934/4300005 Mount Margaret Keegan Thomas Charles Male James Edna Elizabeth Female Leonora
1934/4300005 Mount Margaret James Edna Elizabeth Female Keegan Thomas Charles Male Leonora
1934/4300006 Mount Margaret Williams John Thomas Male Seymour Olive Mary Female Leonora
1934/4300006 Mount Margaret Seymour Olive Mary Female Williams John Thomas Male Leonora
1934/4300007 Mount Margaret Gray Richard Male Rowley Louise Female Leonora
1934/4300007 Mount Margaret Rowley Louise Female Gray Richard Male Leonora
1934/4300008 Mount Margaret Hamilton Olive Mary Female Thompson John William Johnson Male Laverton
1934/4300008 Mount Margaret Thompson John William Johnson Male Hamilton Olive Mary Female Laverton
1934/4300009 Mount Margaret Lethlean Lorna Livingstone Female Tate Francis Edward Marshall Male Leonora
1934/4300009 Mount Margaret Tate Francis Edward Marshall Male Lethlean Lorna Livingstone Female Leonora
1934/4300010 Mount Margaret Lamont Grace Linda May Female Hays Finley Ferton Male Leonora
1934/4300010 Mount Margaret Hays Finley Ferton Male Lamont Grace Linda May Female Leonora
1934/4300011 Mount Margaret Southern John David Male Arnold Mavis Claire Female Laverton
1934/4300011 Mount Margaret Arnold Mavis Claire Female Southern John David Male Laverton
1934/4300012 Mount Margaret Hughes Alan Murray Male Rymer Beryl May Female Murrin Murrin
1934/4300012 Mount Margaret Rymer Beryl May Female Hughes Alan Murray Male Murrin Murrin
1934/4300013 Mount Margaret Southern Stephen Charles Male Beaton Antonia Emily Female Laverton
1934/4300013 Mount Margaret Beaton Antonia Emily Female Southern Stephen Charles Male Laverton
1934/4300014 Mount Margaret Park Mary Jean Female Lefroy Jocelyn O'Grady Male Doyles Well
1934/4300014 Mount Margaret Lefroy Jocelyn O'Grady Male Park Mary Jean Female Doyles Well
1934/4300015 Mount Margaret Patroni Ida Avaria Female Gabbedy Timothey Joseph Male Leonora
1934/4300015 Mount Margaret Gabbedy Timothey Joseph Male Patroni Ida Avaria Female Leonora
1934/4300016 Mount Margaret Togni Elizabeth Female Tognali Lorenzo Male Gwalia
1934/4300016 Mount Margaret Tognali Lorenzo Male Togni Elizabeth Female Gwalia
1934/4300017 Mount Margaret Shepherd Edward Lillington Male Irving Alma Alice Female Leonora
1934/4300017 Mount Margaret Irving Alma Alice Female Shepherd Edward Lillington Male Leonora
1934/4300018 Mount Margaret Rakich Anthony Male Rakich Rosie Female Leonora
1934/4300018 Mount Margaret Rakich Rosie Female Rakich Anthony Male Leonora
1934/4300019 Mount Margaret Lovick Lindsay William Paul Male Kristiansen Dorothy Agnes Female Morgans
1934/4300019 Mount Margaret Kristiansen Dorothy Agnes Female Lovick Lindsay William Paul Male Morgans
1934/4300020 Mount Margaret Southern Hector Vivian Male Fry Elizabeth Allison Female Laverton
1934/4300020 Mount Margaret Fry Elizabeth Allison Female Southern Hector Vivian Male Laverton
1934/4400001 Murchison Hallinan Mary Junetta Female Hall Frederick George Male Cue
1934/4400001 Murchison Hall Frederick George Male Hallinan Mary Junetta Female Cue
1934/4400002 Murchison Ihms Walter Martin Male Greyman Lily Ray Female Meekatharra
1934/4400002 Murchison Greyman Lily Ray Female Ihms Walter Martin Male Meekatharra
1934/4400003 Murchison Ward Neil Male Ellis Violet May Female Meekatharra
1934/4400003 Murchison Ellis Violet May Female Ward Neil Male Meekatharra
1934/4400004 Murchison Thomas Harold Greenwood Male Beaton Jean Isobel Female Cue
1934/4400004 Murchison Beaton Jean Isobel Female Thomas Harold Greenwood Male Cue
1934/4400005 Murchison Brockman Alma Female Laylan Jock Male Murchison
1934/4400005 Murchison Laylan Jock Male Brockman Alma Female Murchison
1934/4400006 Murchison McKay John Ross Stuart Male Beaton Margaret Anne Female Cue
1934/4400006 Murchison Beaton Margaret Anne Female McKay John Ross Stuart Male Cue
1934/4400007 Murchison Stewart John William Male Silver Mary Female Meekatharra
1934/4400007 Murchison Silver Mary Female Stewart John William Male Meekatharra
1934/4400008 Murchison Gibson Joseph Male Wallace Elsie Dorothy Female Meekatharra
1934/4400008 Murchison Wallace Elsie Dorothy Female Gibson Joseph Male Meekatharra
1934/4400009 Murchison Campbell William Male Coon Hazel Grace Female Wiluna
1934/4400009 Murchison Coon Hazel Grace Female Campbell William Male Wiluna
1934/4400010 Murchison Rickaby Mabel Christine Female Hinchliffe Frank Male Meekatharra
1934/4400010 Murchison Hinchliffe Frank Male Rickaby Mabel Christine Female Meekatharra
1934/4400011 Murchison Cocking Joseph Male Wingrave Phyllis Ethel Female Cue
1934/4400011 Murchison Wingrave Phyllis Ethel Female Cocking Joseph Male Cue
1934/4400012 Murchison Fraser Thomas Male Johnson Dorothy Mignon Female Mt Magnet
1934/4400012 Murchison Johnson Dorothy Mignon Female Fraser Thomas Male Mt Magnet
1934/4400013 Murchison Booy Lucy Beatrice Female Lee Charles Boucher Male Cue
1934/4400013 Murchison Lee Charles Boucher Male Booy Lucy Beatrice Female Cue
1934/4400014 Murchison Western Joseph Douglas Male Gale Elsie Ada Female Peak Hill
1934/4400014 Murchison Gale Elsie Ada Female Western Joseph Douglas Male Peak Hill
1934/4400015 Murchison Fiorini Albert Male Odgers Clara Female Meekatharra
1934/4400015 Murchison Odgers Clara Female Fiorini Albert Male Meekatharra
1934/4400016 Murchison Cocking Thomas Crawford Male O'Brien Mary Agnes Female Cue
1934/4400016 Murchison O'Brien Mary Agnes Female Cocking Thomas Crawford Male Cue
1934/4400017 Murchison Broadbent Walter Male Perham Elizabeth Ann Female Cue
1934/4400017 Murchison Perham Elizabeth Ann Female Broadbent Walter Male Cue
1934/4400018 Murchison Farrell Michael Joseph Male Chesham Heather Adele Female Meekatharra
1934/4400018 Murchison Chesham Heather Adele Female Farrell Michael Joseph Male Meekatharra
1934/4400019 Murchison Lewis Francis Norman Male Respini Ethel May Female Mt Magnet
1934/4400019 Murchison Respini Ethel May Female Lewis Francis Norman Male Mt Magnet
1934/4400020 Murchison Stanton Elsie Lorraine Female Reynolds Ernest William Male Meekatharra
1934/4400020 Murchison Reynolds Ernest William Male Stanton Elsie Lorraine Female Meekatharra
1934/4400021 Murchison Smith Ena Dulcie Female Merrick James Arthur Male Meekatharra
1934/4400021 Murchison Merrick James Arthur Male Smith Ena Dulcie Female Meekatharra
1934/4400022 Murchison Moylan Dorothy Georgina Female Pascoe Richard James Male Tuckanarra
1934/4400022 Murchison Pascoe Richard James Male Moylan Dorothy Georgina Female Tuckanarra
1934/4400023 Murchison Harris Amy Female Kirby Stanley James Male Meekatharra
1934/4400023 Murchison Kirby Stanley James Male Harris Amy Female Meekatharra
1934/4500001 East Murchison Dorrington Rachael Emily Female Green Joseph Christian Male Wiluna
1934/4500001 East Murchison Green Joseph Christian Male Dorrington Rachael Emily Female Wiluna
1934/4500002 East Murchison Martin Williamina Female Weir Felix Christie Male Wiluna
1934/4500002 East Murchison Weir Felix Christie Male Martin Williamina Female Wiluna
1934/4500003 East Murchison Paterson George Laidlaw Male Collingwood Dorothy Female Wiluna
1934/4500003 East Murchison Collingwood Dorothy Female Paterson George Laidlaw Male Wiluna
1934/4500004 East Murchison Smillie Gladys Jean Female Severin Harry Ross Male Wiluna
1934/4500004 East Murchison Severin Harry Ross Male Smillie Gladys Jean Female Wiluna
1934/4500005 East Murchison Frandsen Ernest William Male Louden Olga Mary Female Wiluna
1934/4500005 East Murchison Louden Olga Mary Female Frandsen Ernest William Male Wiluna
1934/4500006 East Murchison Eyles Evelyn Sadie Female Harper Cecil Samuel Male Wiluna
1934/4500006 East Murchison Harper Cecil Samuel Male Eyles Evelyn Sadie Female Wiluna
1934/4500007 East Murchison Charsley Philip Algernon Male Lyons Violet Genevieve Female Wiluna
1934/4500007 East Murchison Lyons Violet Genevieve Female Charsley Philip Algernon Male Wiluna
1934/4500008 East Murchison Robinson William Arnold Male Williams Elizabeth Lillian Female Wiluna
1934/4500008 East Murchison Williams Elizabeth Lillian Female Robinson William Arnold Male Wiluna
1934/4500009 East Murchison Criddle Pearl Ida Female Giles Eric Geoffrey Male Wiluna
1934/4500009 East Murchison Giles Eric Geoffrey Male Criddle Pearl Ida Female Wiluna
1934/4500010 East Murchison Trenfield John Samuel Male Wethered Edith Marie Female Wiluna
1934/4500010 East Murchison Wethered Edith Marie Female Trenfield John Samuel Male Wiluna
1934/4500011 East Murchison Trenfield Julie Female Spencer Clifford Alexander Male Wiluna
1934/4500011 East Murchison Spencer Clifford Alexander Male Trenfield Julie Female Wiluna
1934/4500012 East Murchison Walkerden Florence Elsie Female Clinch Frank Frederick Alfred Male Wiluna
1934/4500012 East Murchison Clinch Frank Frederick Alfred Male Walkerden Florence Elsie Female Wiluna
1934/4500013 East Murchison Eyles Hilda May Female Wren Albert John Male Wiluna
1934/4500013 East Murchison Wren Albert John Male Eyles Hilda May Female Wiluna
1934/4500014 East Murchison Lyall Harry Male Armson Ellen Female Wiluna
1934/4500014 East Murchison Armson Ellen Female Lyall Harry Male Wiluna
1934/4500015 East Murchison Yaksich Tomislava Female Alac Mate Male Wiluna
1934/4500015 East Murchison Alac Mate Male Yaksich Tomislava Female Wiluna
1934/4500016 East Murchison Irvine Ivy Myrtle Female Thompson Herbert Male Wiluna
1934/4500016 East Murchison Thompson Herbert Male Irvine Ivy Myrtle Female Wiluna
1934/4500017 East Murchison Eastwood Cyril Male Adams Barbara Pauline Female Wiluna
1934/4500017 East Murchison Adams Barbara Pauline Female Eastwood Cyril Male Wiluna
1934/4500018 East Murchison Peake Violet May Female Kilpatrick Thomas Stewart Male Wiluna
1934/4500018 East Murchison Kilpatrick Thomas Stewart Male Peake Violet May Female Wiluna
1934/4500019 East Murchison Lipsett Lewis Melbourne Male Hedditch Kathleen Mary Female Wiluna
1934/4500019 East Murchison Hedditch Kathleen Mary Female Lipsett Lewis Melbourne Male Wiluna
1934/4500020 East Murchison Kendle Lydia Rea Female Jarvis Cecil James Male Wiluna
1934/4500020 East Murchison Jarvis Cecil James Male Kendle Lydia Rea Female Wiluna
1934/4500021 East Murchison Andrews Gordon Arthur Male Fahey Irene Olive Female Wiluna
1934/4500021 East Murchison Fahey Irene Olive Female Andrews Gordon Arthur Male Wiluna
1934/4500022 East Murchison Kendle Thomas Hannah Male Murphy Anna Mary Female Wiluna
1934/4500022 East Murchison Murphy Anna Mary Female Kendle Thomas Hannah Male Wiluna
1934/4500023 East Murchison Gray Ida Female Tink Guy Male Wiluna
1934/4500023 East Murchison Tink Guy Male Gray Ida Female Wiluna
1934/4500024 East Murchison Alexander Florance Abigal Female Webb Eric John Male Wiluna
1934/4500024 East Murchison Webb Eric John Male Alexander Florance Abigal Female Wiluna
1934/4500025 East Murchison Dudley Francis Verdun Female Croker Searle Samuel Male Wiluna
1934/4500025 East Murchison Croker Searle Samuel Male Dudley Francis Verdun Female Wiluna
1934/4500026 East Murchison Foster Robert Henry Male Hobson Ursula Female Wiluna
1934/4500026 East Murchison Hobson Ursula Female Foster Robert Henry Male Wiluna
1934/4500027 East Murchison Basarch Ljubica Female Jelaca Svetozar Male Wiluna
1934/4500027 East Murchison Jelaca Svetozar Male Basarch Ljubica Female Wiluna
1934/4500028 East Murchison Kinsella Joseph Male Quain Catharine Mary Female Wiluna
1934/4500028 East Murchison Quain Catharine Mary Female Kinsella Joseph Male Wiluna
1934/4500029 East Murchison Horsfall Edward James Male White Leah Mary Female Wiluna
1934/4500029 East Murchison White Leah Mary Female Horsfall Edward James Male Wiluna
1934/4500030 East Murchison Toomey Muriel Female Wertheimer Arthur Harcourt Male Wiluna
1934/4500030 East Murchison Wertheimer Arthur Harcourt Male Toomey Muriel Female Wiluna
1934/4500031 East Murchison Denison Catherine Dorothy Female Ogilvie David Male Wiluna
1934/4500031 East Murchison Ogilvie David Male Denison Catherine Dorothy Female Wiluna
1934/4500032 East Murchison Hasler Dorothea Gwendolyn Female Devereaux Reginald Gordon Male Wiluna
1934/4500032 East Murchison Devereaux Reginald Gordon Male Hasler Dorothea Gwendolyn Female Wiluna
1934/4500033 East Murchison Delmenico Stella Anne Female Hughes Frank William Male Wiluna
1934/4500033 East Murchison Hughes Frank William Male Delmenico Stella Anne Female Wiluna
1934/4500034 East Murchison Hetherington Esther Female Morrison Alexander Male Wiluna
1934/4500034 East Murchison Morrison Alexander Male Hetherington Esther Female Wiluna
1934/4500035 East Murchison Bailey George Holway Male Robinson Evelyn Margaret Female Wiluna
1934/4500035 East Murchison Robinson Evelyn Margaret Female Bailey George Holway Male Wiluna
1934/4500036 East Murchison Foynes John James Male Parker Florence May Female Wiluna
1934/4500036 East Murchison Parker Florence May Female Foynes John James Male Wiluna
1935/4700001 Murray Bell Dorothy Mary Female MacNicol Hugh Male Pinjarra
1935/4700001 Murray MacNicol Hugh Male Bell Dorothy Mary Female Pinjarra
1934/4700002 Murray Gall Margaret Mellis Female Walmsley George Osmond Male Waroona
1934/4700002 Murray Walmsley George Osmond Male Gall Margaret Mellis Female Waroona
1934/4700002 Murray Walmsley George Osmond Male Watson Margaret Mellis Female Waroona
1934/4700002 Murray Watson Margaret Mellis Female Walmsley George Osmond Male Waroona
1934/4700003 Murray Mezger Thomas John Charles Male France Marie Doreen Female Mandurah
1934/4700003 Murray France Marie Doreen Female Mezger Thomas John Charles Male Mandurah
1934/4700004 Murray Johnson Frank Richard Male Beacham Minnie Louisa Female North Dandalup
1934/4700004 Murray Beacham Minnie Louisa Female Johnson Frank Richard Male North Dandalup
1934/4700005 Murray Trapp Thomas Robert Henry Male Willmott Florence Elizabeth Female Holyoake
1934/4700005 Murray Willmott Florence Elizabeth Female Trapp Thomas Robert Henry Male Holyoake
1934/4700006 Murray Forbes Helena Margaret Female Allan Joseph Male Pinjarra
1934/4700006 Murray Allan Joseph Male Forbes Helena Margaret Female Pinjarra
1934/4700007 Murray Gates Reginald Male Mitting Nellie Eliza Female Pinjarra
1934/4700007 Murray Mitting Nellie Eliza Female Gates Reginald Male Pinjarra
1934/4700008 Murray Grantham Fred Male Nancarrow Margaret Mabel Female Coolup
1934/4700008 Murray Nancarrow Margaret Mabel Female Grantham Fred Male Coolup
1934/4700009 Murray Mappin John Henry Male Tucker Gladys Irene Female North Dandalup
1934/4700009 Murray Tucker Gladys Irene Female Mappin John Henry Male North Dandalup
1934/4700010 Murray Semmens Elfreda Joan Female Twaddle Alastair George Male Pinjarra
1934/4700010 Murray Twaddle Alastair George Male Semmens Elfreda Joan Female Pinjarra
1934/4700011 Murray Spalding Vera Isabella Ellen Female Robson Thomas William Male Pinjarra
1934/4700011 Murray Robson Thomas William Male Spalding Vera Isabella Ellen Female Pinjarra
1934/4700012 Murray Tapper Winnifred Isabella Female Fairweather John William Male Coolup
1934/4700012 Murray Fairweather John William Male Tapper Winnifred Isabella Female Coolup
1934/4700013 Murray Allen Clifton William Male McDonald Nellie Matilda Female Waroona
1934/4700013 Murray McDonald Nellie Matilda Female Allen Clifton William Male Waroona
1934/4700014 Murray Watts Elsie Mary Female Welsby Wilfred Male Dwellingup
1934/4700014 Murray Welsby Wilfred Male Watts Elsie Mary Female Dwellingup
1934/4700015 Murray Wagland Eileen Mary Female Power Vincent Paul Male Dwellingup
1934/4700015 Murray Power Vincent Paul Male Wagland Eileen Mary Female Dwellingup
1935/4900001 Northam Wells Molly Elizabeth Female Lee James Henry Male Merredin
1935/4900001 Northam Lee James Henry Male Wells Molly Elizabeth Female Merredin
1934/4900003 Northam Ross Allan Male Beck Beatrice Female Doodlakine
1934/4900003 Northam Beck Beatrice Female Ross Allan Male Doodlakine
1934/4900004 Northam Watts Edward Alfred Male Tidd Florence Eliza Female Wyalkatchem
1934/4900004 Northam Tidd Florence Eliza Female Watts Edward Alfred Male Wyalkatchem
1934/4900005 Northam Dittmer Ellen Female White Percy Montague Male Merredin
1934/4900005 Northam White Percy Montague Male Dittmer Ellen Female Merredin
1934/4900006 Northam Sowden Dulcie Ethel Female Hadley Cyril Victor Male Toodyay
1934/4900006 Northam Hadley Cyril Victor Male Sowden Dulcie Ethel Female Toodyay
1934/4900008 Northam Maschmedt Steve Woolman Male Fomiatti Elena Female Northam
1934/4900008 Northam Fomiatti Elena Female Maschmedt Steve Woolman Male Northam
1934/4900009 Northam Haddrill Gladys Mary Female Taylor Charles Male Northam
1934/4900009 Northam Taylor Charles Male Haddrill Gladys Mary Female Northam
1934/4900010 Northam Gloster Nerissa Mary Female Hull William Edward Male Northam
1934/4900010 Northam Hull William Edward Male Gloster Nerissa Mary Female Northam
1934/4900011 Northam Mills Thomas Uriah Male Chown Ian May Female Tammin
1934/4900011 Northam Chown Ian May Female Mills Thomas Uriah Male Tammin
1934/4900012 Northam Sullivan Freddrick Leyshon Male Campbell Mary Agnes Female Kellerberrin
1934/4900012 Northam Campbell Mary Agnes Female Sullivan Freddrick Leyshon Male Kellerberrin
1934/4900013 Northam Lewis Gerald Eric Male Bourke Eleanor Catherine Female Goomalling
1934/4900013 Northam Bourke Eleanor Catherine Female Lewis Gerald Eric Male Goomalling
1934/4900014 Northam Hunt Thomas Christopher Male Doyle Frances Olive Female Trayning
1934/4900014 Northam Doyle Frances Olive Female Hunt Thomas Christopher Male Trayning
1934/4900015 Northam Roberts Rosa Mifanwy Female Langford Joseph Philp Male Trayning
1934/4900015 Northam Langford Joseph Philp Male Roberts Rosa Mifanwy Female Trayning
1934/4900016 Northam Parnham Elizabeth Ann Female Bywaters William Edward Male Northam
1934/4900016 Northam Bywaters William Edward Male Parnham Elizabeth Ann Female Northam
1934/4900017 Northam Edmondson George Male Haywoode Vera Female Northam
1934/4900017 Northam Haywoode Vera Female Edmondson George Male Northam
1934/4900018 Northam Miller Margaret Jean Female Naughton Thomas Michael Stanley Reid Male Yorkrakine
1934/4900018 Northam Naughton Thomas Michael Stanley Reid Male Miller Margaret Jean Female Yorkrakine
1934/4900019 Northam Newton Arthur Herbert Edward Male Booth Ethel Mabel Female Northam
1934/4900019 Northam Booth Ethel Mabel Female Newton Arthur Herbert Edward Male Northam
1934/4900020 Northam Dewar George William James Male Warne Thelma Amy Female Merredin
1934/4900020 Northam Warne Thelma Amy Female Dewar George William James Male Merredin
1934/4900021 Northam Beurteaux Emile Melville Male Hodges Ethel Margaret Female Merredin
1934/4900021 Northam Hodges Ethel Margaret Female Beurteaux Emile Melville Male Merredin
1934/4900022 Northam Jackson Elsie Jean Female Heal Eric James Male Merredin
1934/4900022 Northam Heal Eric James Male Jackson Elsie Jean Female Merredin
1934/4900023 Northam Green John Kimberley Male Randolph Bessie Female Merredin
1934/4900023 Northam Randolph Bessie Female Green John Kimberley Male Merredin
1934/4900024 Northam Gent Arthur Edward Male Kahl Alice Vera Female Kununoppin
1934/4900024 Northam Kahl Alice Vera Female Gent Arthur Edward Male Kununoppin
1934/4900025 Northam Chatfield William Alfred Male Carter Rose Female Meckering
1935/4900025 Northam Bidstrup William Male Carmody Brigid Sheila Female Northam
1934/4900025 Northam Carter Rose Female Chatfield William Alfred Male Meckering
1935/4900025 Northam Carmody Brigid Sheila Female Bidstrup William Male Northam
1934/4900026 Northam Linehan Elizabeth Female McClelland Clarence Hugh Male Kellerberrin
1935/4900026 Northam Enright John Arthur Male Langdon Agnes Cecelia Female Northam
1934/4900026 Northam McClelland Clarence Hugh Male Linehan Elizabeth Female Kellerberrin
1935/4900026 Northam Langdon Agnes Cecelia Female Enright John Arthur Male Northam
1934/4900027 Northam Sanders Marjorie Jane Female McVicar Kenneth William Male Northam
1935/4900027 Northam Robertson James Keir Male Thackrah Grace Isabel Female Northam
1934/4900027 Northam McVicar Kenneth William Male Sanders Marjorie Jane Female Northam
1935/4900027 Northam Thackrah Grace Isabel Female Robertson James Keir Male Northam
1934/4900028 Northam Fitzpatrick Margaret Female Powell Cecil Sydney Male Northam
1934/4900028 Northam Powell Cecil Sydney Male Fitzpatrick Margaret Female Northam
1934/4900029 Northam Murrie Gladys Irene Female O'Halloran Joseph Male Merredin
1934/4900029 Northam O'Halloran Joseph Male Murrie Gladys Irene Female Merredin
1934/4900030 Northam Hill John Clemant Male Yeo Roma Female Meckering
1934/4900030 Northam Yeo Roma Female Hill John Clemant Male Meckering
1934/4900031 Northam Lucas Muriel Delia Female Chitty Lewis Samuel Male Culham
1935/4900031 Northam Svendsen Marjorie Female Mills Roy Male Northam
1935/4900031 Northam Mills Roy Male Svendsen Marjorie Female Northam
1934/4900031 Northam Chitty Lewis Samuel Male Lucas Muriel Delia Female Culham
1935/4900032 Northam Trewren William Charles Male Grigson Iris Clara Female Meckering
1935/4900032 Northam Grigson Iris Clara Female Trewren William Charles Male Meckering
1934/4900032 Northam Royal Alice Jean Female Sadler George Male Goomalling
1934/4900032 Northam Sadler George Male Royal Alice Jean Female Goomalling
1934/4900033 Northam Smith James Johnstone Male Walker Muriel Annie Female Wongan Hills
1934/4900033 Northam Walker Muriel Annie Female Smith James Johnstone Male Wongan Hills
1934/4900034 Northam Hackshaw Gertrude Violet Female Broomhall Frederick Hugh Male Bencubbin
1934/4900034 Northam Broomhall Frederick Hugh Male Hackshaw Gertrude Violet Female Bencubbin
1934/4900035 Northam Anderson Isabella Robertson Female Scruth Frank Male Northam
1934/4900035 Northam Scruth Frank Male Anderson Isabella Robertson Female Northam
1934/4900036 Northam O'Halloran Mary Female Hill Lyle Edgar Male Merredin
1934/4900036 Northam Hill Lyle Edgar Male O'Halloran Mary Female Merredin
1934/4900037 Northam Bailey Alfred James Male McAndrew Marion Female Bencubbin
1934/4900037 Northam McAndrew Marion Female Bailey Alfred James Male Bencubbin
1934/4900038 Northam Sheen Edith Frances Female Glass Charles William Male Northam
1934/4900038 Northam Glass Charles William Male Sheen Edith Frances Female Northam
1934/4900039 Northam Glass Alfreda Margaret Female Lord Frederick James Male Northam
1934/4900039 Northam Lord Frederick James Male Glass Alfreda Margaret Female Northam
1934/4900042 Northam Millsteed Walter Gordon Male Sutcliffe Elsie Female Northam
1934/4900042 Northam Sutcliffe Elsie Female Millsteed Walter Gordon Male Northam
1934/4900043 Northam Thompson Nellie Isobel Female Christmass Roy George Male Northam
1934/4900043 Northam Christmass Roy George Male Thompson Nellie Isobel Female Northam
1934/4900044 Northam Mumford Stanley Edward Male Forward Hilda Cecelia Female Northam
1934/4900044 Northam Forward Hilda Cecelia Female Mumford Stanley Edward Male Northam
1934/4900045 Northam Brazier Dorothy Alma Female Ashworth George Charles Male Northam
1934/4900045 Northam Ashworth George Charles Male Brazier Dorothy Alma Female Northam
1934/4900046 Northam Jackson Dorothy Emmie Female Price Arthur Charles Male Northam
1934/4900046 Northam Price Arthur Charles Male Jackson Dorothy Emmie Female Northam
1934/4900047 Northam May Pearl Martha Philamena Female Prince Charles Herbert Male Northam
1934/4900047 Northam Prince Charles Herbert Male May Pearl Martha Philamena Female Northam
1934/4900048 Northam Sermon Allen Joseph Male Veale Elizabeth Female Northam
1934/4900048 Northam Veale Elizabeth Female Sermon Allen Joseph Male Northam
1934/4900049 Northam Walton Alma Jean Female Strahan Gordon Phillip Male Toodyay
1934/4900049 Northam Strahan Gordon Phillip Male Walton Alma Jean Female Toodyay
1934/4900050 Northam Hobbs Lillian Effie Female Chedzey George Herbert Male Merredin
1934/4900050 Northam Chedzey George Herbert Male Hobbs Lillian Effie Female Merredin
1934/4900051 Northam Eddy Stanley Grenfell Male Nordberg Margaret Alice Female Merredin
1934/4900051 Northam Nordberg Margaret Alice Female Eddy Stanley Grenfell Male Merredin
1934/4900052 Northam Brown John Donald Male Lindsay Margaret Arnott Female Wyalkatchem
1934/4900052 Northam Lindsay Margaret Arnott Female Brown John Donald Male Wyalkatchem
1934/4900053 Northam Redding Elsie Cordelia Female Cockroft Frederick George Male Dowerin
1934/4900053 Northam Cockroft Frederick George Male Redding Elsie Cordelia Female Dowerin
1934/4900054 Northam Modra Frederick Christian Male Clarke Rene Isabell Fergus Female Wyalkatchem
1934/4900054 Northam Clarke Rene Isabell Fergus Female Modra Frederick Christian Male Wyalkatchem
1934/4900055 Northam Forsyth Douglas Matthew Male Haywood Eva Winifred Betsy Female Toodyay
1934/4900055 Northam Haywood Eva Winifred Betsy Female Forsyth Douglas Matthew Male Toodyay
1934/4900056 Northam Collett Eric Clarence Male Edmonds Olive Alice Female Bolgart
1934/4900056 Northam Edmonds Olive Alice Female Collett Eric Clarence Male Bolgart
1934/4900057 Northam Sells Walter Garrett Male Kitching Maud Hilary Female Wilgoyne
1934/4900057 Northam Kitching Maud Hilary Female Sells Walter Garrett Male Wilgoyne
1934/4900058 Northam Bickham Regina Mary Female Blandin Chester James Male Northam
1934/4900058 Northam Blandin Chester James Male Bickham Regina Mary Female Northam
1934/4900059 Northam Dowding May Female Smith Arthur Reuben Male Merredin
1934/4900059 Northam Smith Arthur Reuben Male Dowding May Female Merredin
1934/4900060 Northam Clifton Marshall Walter Gervase Male Hughes Nancy Millicent Female Northam
1934/4900060 Northam Hughes Nancy Millicent Female Clifton Marshall Walter Gervase Male Northam
1934/4900061 Northam Elliston Maud Elsie Female Hinsey Frederick George Male Bencubbin
1934/4900061 Northam Hinsey Frederick George Male Elliston Maud Elsie Female Bencubbin
1934/4900062 Northam Beckwith Frederick William Male Langfield Gladys Amy Female Merredin
1934/4900062 Northam Langfield Gladys Amy Female Beckwith Frederick William Male Merredin
1934/4900063 Northam Avery Lois Patricia Female Smith Bert Clifton Male Minnivale
1934/4900063 Northam Smith Bert Clifton Male Avery Lois Patricia Female Minnivale
1934/4900064 Northam Richards Annie Female Jones Harry Bruce Male Northam
1934/4900064 Northam Jones Harry Bruce Male Richards Annie Female Northam
1934/4900065 Northam Bennett Edith Kathleen Female Crabbe George Francis Reginald Male Northam
1934/4900065 Northam Crabbe George Francis Reginald Male Bennett Edith Kathleen Female Northam
1934/4900066 Northam Price Albert Paulinous Male Hubie Edna Female Northam
1934/4900066 Northam Hubie Edna Female Price Albert Paulinous Male Northam
1934/4900067 Northam Cook Ernest Walter Male Fraser Sylvia Agnes Female Dowerin Lakes
1934/4900067 Northam Fraser Sylvia Agnes Female Cook Ernest Walter Male Dowerin Lakes
1934/4900068 Northam Johnson Robert Henry Male Swain Eunice Adeline Female Wooroloo
1934/4900068 Northam Swain Eunice Adeline Female Johnson Robert Henry Male Wooroloo
1934/4900069 Northam Warne Norma Evans Female Whittle John Frederick Male Merredin
1934/4900069 Northam Whittle John Frederick Male Warne Norma Evans Female Merredin
1934/4900070 Northam Clancy Muriel Marion Main Female Chant Richard John Male Burracoppin
1934/4900070 Northam Chant Richard John Male Clancy Muriel Marion Main Female Burracoppin
1934/4900071 Northam Barradeen Violet Zulukha Female Caudwell Edwin Alfred Henry Male Wyalkatchem
1934/4900071 Northam Caudwell Edwin Alfred Henry Male Barradeen Violet Zulukha Female Wyalkatchem
1934/4900072 Northam Bevis Zelma Phyllis Female Jones Victor Oswald Male Merredin
1934/4900072 Northam Jones Victor Oswald Male Bevis Zelma Phyllis Female Merredin
1934/4900073 Northam Smith Ada Lillian Female Gray Albert Ernest Male Northam
1934/4900073 Northam Gray Albert Ernest Male Smith Ada Lillian Female Northam
1934/4900074 Northam Jorgensen Leslie Howard Male Buchanan Martha Patricia Female Merredin
1934/4900074 Northam Buchanan Martha Patricia Female Jorgensen Leslie Howard Male Merredin
1934/4900075 Northam MacBain John Lipp Male Hampton Mary Mavis Female Yorkrakine
1934/4900075 Northam Hampton Mary Mavis Female MacBain John Lipp Male Yorkrakine
1934/4900076 Northam Barron Patrick Thomas Male Lawler Kathleen Florence Female Northam
1934/4900076 Northam Lawler Kathleen Florence Female Barron Patrick Thomas Male Northam
1934/4900077 Northam Evans Richard Thomas Male Gable Sarah Female Merredin
1934/4900077 Northam Gable Sarah Female Evans Richard Thomas Male Merredin
1934/4900078 Northam Lobb William Leslie Male Lawler Jean Martha Female Toodyay
1934/4900078 Northam Lawler Jean Martha Female Lobb William Leslie Male Toodyay
1934/4900079 Northam Carter Ella Marjorie Female Kitto Inder Garfield Male Cunderdin
1934/4900079 Northam Kitto Inder Garfield Male Carter Ella Marjorie Female Cunderdin
1934/4900080 Northam Jebb Nancy Female Lamb Charles Male Merredin
1934/4900080 Northam Lamb Charles Male Jebb Nancy Female Merredin
1934/4900081 Northam Stubbs Irene Female Stevens Thomas Albert Male Merredin
1934/4900081 Northam Stevens Thomas Albert Male Stubbs Irene Female Merredin
1934/4900082 Northam Brown Mavis Emily Female Monger Mervyn Lloyd Male Northam
1934/4900082 Northam Monger Mervyn Lloyd Male Brown Mavis Emily Female Northam
1934/4900083 Northam Byrne George Leslie Male Slater Winifred Amy Female Goomalling
1934/4900083 Northam Slater Winifred Amy Female Byrne George Leslie Male Goomalling
1934/4900084 Northam Britten Gladys Merle Female Coleman Wallace Edward Male Northam
1934/4900084 Northam Coleman Wallace Edward Male Britten Gladys Merle Female Northam
1934/4900085 Northam Lennox Joseph Male Palmer Jessie Harriett Louisa Female Kellerberrin
1934/4900085 Northam Palmer Jessie Harriett Louisa Female Lennox Joseph Male Kellerberrin
1934/4900086 Northam Cook Frederick Harry Male Smith Olga Agnes Female Northam
1934/4900086 Northam Smith Olga Agnes Female Cook Frederick Harry Male Northam
1934/4900087 Northam Dobbie Florence Elsie Elizabeth Female Maiden Thomas Dallas Male Northam
1934/4900087 Northam Maiden Thomas Dallas Male Dobbie Florence Elsie Elizabeth Female Northam
1934/4900088 Northam Lindner William George Spurling Male Masters Eileen Dulcie Fleetwood Female Northam
1934/4900088 Northam Masters Eileen Dulcie Fleetwood Female Lindner William George Spurling Male Northam
1934/4900089 Northam Western Mary Annie Female Playle Roy Samuel Male Northam
1934/4900089 Northam Playle Roy Samuel Male Western Mary Annie Female Northam
1934/4900090 Northam Wilkins Ethel Mary Female Himing George William Male Kellerberrin
1934/4900090 Northam Himing George William Male Wilkins Ethel Mary Female Kellerberrin
1934/4900091 Northam Ferguson William Arthur Joseph Male Worth Alma Amy Female Northam
1934/4900091 Northam Worth Alma Amy Female Ferguson William Arthur Joseph Male Northam
1934/4900092 Northam Clamp Dorothy Female Jones Lloyd George Male Mukinbudin
1934/4900092 Northam Jones Lloyd George Male Clamp Dorothy Female Mukinbudin
1934/4900093 Northam Rowlands Vida Madeline Female Sweetapple Keith Mapleson Male Bencubbin
1934/4900093 Northam Sweetapple Keith Mapleson Male Rowlands Vida Madeline Female Bencubbin
1934/4900094 Northam Buchan John Robertson Male Gilbert Margery Jean Female Northam
1934/4900094 Northam Gilbert Margery Jean Female Buchan John Robertson Male Northam
1934/4900095 Northam Bywaters Aubrey Thomas Male Reid Kathleen Maude Female Northam
1934/4900095 Northam Reid Kathleen Maude Female Bywaters Aubrey Thomas Male Northam
1934/4900096 Northam Trewren Catherine Ann Winifred Female Wilson Roy Page Male Northam
1934/4900096 Northam Wilson Roy Page Male Trewren Catherine Ann Winifred Female Northam
1934/4900097 Northam Hawker Mabel Female Smith Henry William Murray Guy Male Kellerberrin
1934/4900097 Northam Smith Henry William Murray Guy Male Hawker Mabel Female Kellerberrin
1934/4900098 Northam Beck Edna Mary Female Peel Edward Male Doodlakine
1934/4900098 Northam Peel Edward Male Beck Edna Mary Female Doodlakine
1934/4900099 Northam Leveson-Gower Gilbert Clive Male Raston Margaret Jean Female Tammin
1934/4900099 Northam Raston Margaret Jean Female Leveson-Gower Gilbert Clive Male Tammin
1934/4900100 Northam Kingston Harold Thomas Male Ferguson Leeta Victoria Female Toodyay
1934/4900100 Northam Ferguson Leeta Victoria Female Kingston Harold Thomas Male Toodyay
1934/4900101 Northam Montague John Stephen Male Strahan Margaret Esther Female Toodyay
1934/4900101 Northam Strahan Margaret Esther Female Montague John Stephen Male Toodyay
1934/4900102 Northam Ryan Josephine Gerard Female Fitzpatrick Percy Male Merredin
1934/4900102 Northam Fitzpatrick Percy Male Ryan Josephine Gerard Female Merredin
1934/4900103 Northam Cook Rachael Irene Female Jefferys John Edward Male Bolgart
1934/4900103 Northam Jefferys John Edward Male Cook Rachael Irene Female Bolgart
1934/4900104 Northam Lepper Elsie Dardanelle Female Murfit Harry John Male Merredin
1934/4900104 Northam Murfit Harry John Male Lepper Elsie Dardanelle Female Merredin
1934/4900105 Northam Maughan James Stewart Male Roper Eileen Marjorie Female Merredin
1934/4900105 Northam Roper Eileen Marjorie Female Maughan James Stewart Male Merredin
1934/4900106 Northam Burton Violet May Female Hayes Edward Timothy Male Northam
1934/4900106 Northam Hayes Edward Timothy Male Burton Violet May Female Northam
1934/4900107 Northam Slater William George Male Lockyer Patricia Kathleen Female Northam
1934/4900107 Northam Lockyer Patricia Kathleen Female Slater William George Male Northam
1934/4900108 Northam Smith Keeble Thomas Male French Katherine Mary Female Northam
1934/4900108 Northam French Katherine Mary Female Smith Keeble Thomas Male Northam
1934/4900109 Northam Reid Benjamina Female Mullan John Bernard Male Northam
1934/4900109 Northam Mullan John Bernard Male Reid Benjamina Female Northam
1934/4900110 Northam Currie Eveline Rose Female Beard Leslie Harold Male Cunderdin
1934/4900110 Northam Beard Leslie Harold Male Currie Eveline Rose Female Cunderdin
1934/4900113 Northam O'Shea John Male Mulhall Catherine Female Northam
1934/4900113 Northam Mulhall Catherine Female O'Shea John Male Northam
1934/4900114 Northam Wilkinson Harry James Male Wilkins Myrtle Caroline Female Tammin
1934/4900114 Northam Wilkins Myrtle Caroline Female Wilkinson Harry James Male Tammin
1934/4900115 Northam Litchfield Ronald Percy Male Tebbs Gladys Female Northam
1934/4900115 Northam Tebbs Gladys Female Litchfield Ronald Percy Male Northam
1934/4900116 Northam White Florence Jessie Female Harbord Sydney Frank Male Mukinbudin
1934/4900116 Northam Harbord Sydney Frank Male White Florence Jessie Female Mukinbudin
1934/4900117 Northam McArthur Lilian Emma Female Dubery Edward Percy Male Merredin
1934/4900117 Northam Dubery Edward Percy Male McArthur Lilian Emma Female Merredin
1934/4900118 Northam Edwards Dorothy May Female Meeres Bertram Griffiths Male Northam
1934/4900118 Northam Meeres Bertram Griffiths Male Edwards Dorothy May Female Northam
1934/4900119 Northam Clark James Mackay Carruthers Male Duncan Eileen Pretoria Maud Female Merredin
1934/4900119 Northam Duncan Eileen Pretoria Maud Female Clark James Mackay Carruthers Male Merredin
1934/4900120 Northam Frost Norah Agnes Female Evans David Henry Male Kellerberrin
1934/4900120 Northam Evans David Henry Male Frost Norah Agnes Female Kellerberrin
1934/4900121 Northam Weston Ida Evelyn Female Pearse Wilfred Corlyle Male Meckering
1934/4900121 Northam Pearse Wilfred Corlyle Male Weston Ida Evelyn Female Meckering
1934/4900122 Northam Biddle Stanley Francis David Male Hutchings Silve May Female Meckering
1934/4900122 Northam Hutchings Silve May Female Biddle Stanley Francis David Male Meckering
1934/4900123 Northam Watson Constance Minnie Female Jones John Male Dowerin
1934/4900123 Northam Jones John Male Watson Constance Minnie Female Dowerin
1934/4900124 Northam White Dorothy Florence Female Dawson John Male Kondut
1934/4900124 Northam Dawson John Male White Dorothy Florence Female Kondut
1934/4900125 Northam Lee Keable Dudley Male Giles Bertha Laura Mary Female Toodyay
1934/4900125 Northam Giles Bertha Laura Mary Female Lee Keable Dudley Male Toodyay
1934/4900126 Northam Piesse Leon Alfred Male Ellery Phoebe Reita Female Toodyay
1934/4900126 Northam Ellery Phoebe Reita Female Piesse Leon Alfred Male Toodyay
1934/4900127 Northam Sparrowhawk Albert Edward Male Giblett Maude Alma Female Northam
1934/4900127 Northam Giblett Maude Alma Female Sparrowhawk Albert Edward Male Northam
1934/4900128 Northam Bonser Sidney Francis Male Thompson Janet Alice Female Northam
1934/4900128 Northam Thompson Janet Alice Female Bonser Sidney Francis Male Northam
1934/4900129 Northam Davey Violet Elaine Female Glasson Richard Cornelius Male Kellerberrin
1934/4900129 Northam Glasson Richard Cornelius Male Davey Violet Elaine Female Kellerberrin
1934/4900130 Northam Bratt Harold Leslie Male Felstead Edith Marrie Female Bencubbin
1934/4900130 Northam Felstead Edith Marrie Female Bratt Harold Leslie Male Bencubbin
1934/4900131 Northam Lockyer Jean Thora Female McCullagh Terrence Male Goomalling
1934/4900131 Northam McCullagh Terrence Male Lockyer Jean Thora Female Goomalling
1934/4900132 Northam Adams Olive Kathleen Female Strother Leonard Thomas Male Merredin
1934/4900132 Northam Strother Leonard Thomas Male Adams Olive Kathleen Female Merredin
1934/4900133 Northam Knapton Eileen Mary Female McTavish Malcolm James Male Wyalkatchem
1934/4900133 Northam McTavish Malcolm James Male Knapton Eileen Mary Female Wyalkatchem
1934/4900134 Northam Aitchison Amy Georgia Female Beard Edgar Lewis Male North Cunderdin
1934/4900134 Northam Beard Edgar Lewis Male Aitchison Amy Georgia Female North Cunderdin
1934/4900135 Northam Powell Annie Female Gilchrist John Cheal Sinclair Male Goomalling
1934/4900135 Northam Gilchrist John Cheal Sinclair Male Powell Annie Female Goomalling
1934/4900136 Northam Thomas Bruce Lionel Male Finn Nora Louis Female Toodyay
1934/4900136 Northam Finn Nora Louis Female Thomas Bruce Lionel Male Toodyay
1934/4900137 Northam Skidmore Eleanor Mary Female Fleming Harold Frederick Male Kellerberrin
1934/4900137 Northam Fleming Harold Frederick Male Skidmore Eleanor Mary Female Kellerberrin
1934/4900138 Northam Cox Charles Cameron Male Doyle Elsie Evelyn Female Tammin
1934/4900138 Northam Doyle Elsie Evelyn Female Cox Charles Cameron Male Tammin
1934/4900139 Northam Davis Florence Wellah Female Mann John Edward Male Kellerberrin
1934/4900139 Northam Mann John Edward Male Davis Florence Wellah Female Kellerberrin
1934/4900140 Northam Smith Francis James Male Cook Annie Margaret Mary Female Kellerberrin
1934/4900140 Northam Cook Annie Margaret Mary Female Smith Francis James Male Kellerberrin
1934/4900141 Northam Evans Hilda Jean Female Ennor Edward Male Northam
1934/4900141 Northam Ennor Edward Male Evans Hilda Jean Female Northam
1934/4900142 Northam Browning Eileen Female Dowling Laurence Leonard Male Northam
1934/4900142 Northam Dowling Laurence Leonard Male Browning Eileen Female Northam
1934/4900143 Northam Donegan Thomas Amid Male Lee Sylvia Malvina Female Northam
1934/4900143 Northam Lee Sylvia Malvina Female Donegan Thomas Amid Male Northam
1934/4900144 Northam Godfrey William Ernest Male Baker Nell Jean Female Northam
1934/4900144 Northam Baker Nell Jean Female Godfrey William Ernest Male Northam
1934/4900145 Northam Aitken Alexander Roy Male Western Louisa Female Northam
1934/4900145 Northam Western Louisa Female Aitken Alexander Roy Male Northam
1934/4900146 Northam Simmons George Male Gale Edna Madge Female Northam
1934/4900146 Northam Gale Edna Madge Female Simmons George Male Northam
1934/4900147 Northam Matthews Grace Christina Female Allardyce George Male Northam
1934/4900147 Northam Allardyce George Male Matthews Grace Christina Female Northam
1934/4900148 Northam Coles Irene Myrtle Female Giles Sydney Norman Male Northam
1934/4900148 Northam Giles Sydney Norman Male Coles Irene Myrtle Female Northam
1934/4900149 Northam Cooney Annie Cecilia Female Bannon John Male Merredin
1934/4900149 Northam Bannon John Male Cooney Annie Cecilia Female Merredin
1934/5000001 Northampton Chisholm Ernest Henry Male Hipper Lucy Constance Female Northampton
1934/5000001 Northampton Hipper Lucy Constance Female Chisholm Ernest Henry Male Northampton
1934/5000002 Northampton Lizars Patricia Female Stephens Alfred George Male Yuna
1934/5000002 Northampton Stephens Alfred George Male Lizars Patricia Female Yuna
1934/5000003 Northampton Gibson Charles Henry Male Hackett Elizabeth Female Nabawa
1934/5000003 Northampton Hackett Elizabeth Female Gibson Charles Henry Male Nabawa
1934/5000004 Northampton Gould Ruby Alice Female Crabbe Harry Alfred Male Nabawa
1934/5000004 Northampton Crabbe Harry Alfred Male Gould Ruby Alice Female Nabawa
1934/5000005 Northampton Mitchell Ernest Hugh Male Johnson Carmel Mary Female Northampton
1934/5000005 Northampton Johnson Carmel Mary Female Mitchell Ernest Hugh Male Northampton
1934/5000006 Northampton Hill George Frederick Male Murphy Doreen Gertrude Female Nabawa
1934/5000006 Northampton Murphy Doreen Gertrude Female Hill George Frederick Male Nabawa
1934/5000007 Northampton Hindge John Patrick Male Criddle Theresa May Female Nabawa
1934/5000007 Northampton Criddle Theresa May Female Hindge John Patrick Male Nabawa
1934/5000008 Northampton McDonald Charles Male Kelly Alma Female Northampton
1934/5000008 Northampton Kelly Alma Female McDonald Charles Male Northampton
1934/5000009 Northampton Reynolds Elizabeth Margaret Female Hipper Bernard Darcy Male Northampton
1934/5000009 Northampton Hipper Bernard Darcy Male Reynolds Elizabeth Margaret Female Northampton
1934/5000010 Northampton Morgan Lena Female Ryan Charlie Male Northampton
1934/5000010 Northampton Ryan Charlie Male Morgan Lena Female Northampton
1934/5000011 Northampton Mitchell Edeline Leah Female Williams Victor Leo Male Northampton
1934/5000011 Northampton Williams Victor Leo Male Mitchell Edeline Leah Female Northampton
1934/5000012 Northampton O'Donnell Annabella Female Sinclair James Robert Forrest Male Northampton
1934/5000012 Northampton Sinclair James Robert Forrest Male O'Donnell Annabella Female Northampton
1934/5000013 Northampton Gould Robert Male Morris Ivy Frances Female Northampton
1934/5000013 Northampton Morris Ivy Frances Female Gould Robert Male Northampton
1934/5000014 Northampton Hosken Amy Female Standen Frank Male Northampton
1934/5000014 Northampton Standen Frank Male Hosken Amy Female Northampton
1934/5000015 Northampton Brown Robert James Male Lambsdale May Mary Female Northampton
1934/5000015 Northampton Lambsdale May Mary Female Brown Robert James Male Northampton
1934/5000016 Northampton Oxenham Charles Male Ryan Lilly Mary Female Northampton
1934/5000016 Northampton Ryan Lilly Mary Female Oxenham Charles Male Northampton
1934/5000017 Northampton Murphy Leslie Francis Male Callaghan Margaret Rosa Female Nabawa
1934/5000017 Northampton Callaghan Margaret Rosa Female Murphy Leslie Francis Male Nabawa
1934/5200001 Phillips River Gibson Charles Ross Male Smith Elsie Vera Female Ravensthorpe
1934/5200001 Phillips River Smith Elsie Vera Female Gibson Charles Ross Male Ravensthorpe
1934/5200002 Phillips River Chambers Muriel Carwardine Female Archer Arthur William Male Ravensthorpe
1934/5200002 Phillips River Archer Arthur William Male Chambers Muriel Carwardine Female Ravensthorpe
1934/5200003 Phillips River Chapman Reginald Arthur George Male Hayes Kathleen Winifred Female Ravensthorpe
1934/5200003 Phillips River Hayes Kathleen Winifred Female Chapman Reginald Arthur George Male Ravensthorpe
1934/5200004 Phillips River Chapman Ivy Lily Elizabeth Female Dennis Albert Mason Male Ravensthorpe
1934/5200004 Phillips River Dennis Albert Mason Male Chapman Ivy Lily Elizabeth Female Ravensthorpe
1934/5300001 Pilbara Hustler Ann Wilhelmina Female Knight John Claude Male Marble Bar
1934/5300001 Pilbara Knight John Claude Male Hustler Ann Wilhelmina Female Marble Bar
1935/5400001 Plantagenet Kennedy Lola Maud Female Looby Bernard Manly Male Albany
1935/5400001 Plantagenet Looby Bernard Manly Male Kennedy Lola Maud Female Albany
1934/5400002 Plantagenet Pittick Norah Mary Isabel Female Little Frederick William Thomas Male Denmark
1935/5400002 Plantagenet Martin William Victor Male Stothard Edna May Female Albany
1934/5400002 Plantagenet Little Frederick William Thomas Male Pittick Norah Mary Isabel Female Denmark
1935/5400002 Plantagenet Stothard Edna May Female Martin William Victor Male Albany
1935/5400005 Plantagenet Peirce Eva Blanche Female Brewitt Thomas Charles Male Albany
1934/5400005 Plantagenet Hutchinson Marguerite Florence Female Attwell Stanley Male Albany
1935/5400005 Plantagenet Brewitt Thomas Charles Male Peirce Eva Blanche Female Albany
1934/5400005 Plantagenet Attwell Stanley Male Hutchinson Marguerite Florence Female Albany
1935/5400006 Plantagenet Liebeck Edward Walter Male Thomas Janet Edith Female Albany
1934/5400006 Plantagenet Worsam Leslie Henry George Male Howells Morvyth Female Albany
1934/5400006 Plantagenet Howells Morvyth Female Worsam Leslie Henry George Male Albany
1935/5400006 Plantagenet Thomas Janet Edith Female Liebeck Edward Walter Male Albany
1934/5400007 Plantagenet Martin Kathleen Maud Female Newton Isaac Rudolph Male Albany
1934/5400007 Plantagenet Newton Isaac Rudolph Male Martin Kathleen Maud Female Albany
1934/5400008 Plantagenet Foster Robert Arnold Male Hart Grace Thelma Female Gnowangerup
1934/5400008 Plantagenet Hart Grace Thelma Female Foster Robert Arnold Male Gnowangerup
1934/5400009 Plantagenet Bennett Lyle Sandry Male Johnston Olive Lucy Female Gnowangerup
1934/5400009 Plantagenet Johnston Olive Lucy Female Bennett Lyle Sandry Male Gnowangerup
1934/5400010 Plantagenet Reeby Maisie Bertha Female Hartshorn John Henry Male Albany
1934/5400010 Plantagenet Hartshorn John Henry Male Reeby Maisie Bertha Female Albany
1934/5400011 Plantagenet Steward Doris May Female Ould William James Lee Male Somerset Hill
1934/5400011 Plantagenet Ould William James Lee Male Steward Doris May Female Somerset Hill
1934/5400012 Plantagenet Griffiths John Howard Male Shiner Ellen Maud Female Albany
1934/5400012 Plantagenet Shiner Ellen Maud Female Griffiths John Howard Male Albany
1934/5400013 Plantagenet Mercer David Francis Male Edwards Winifred Alderson Female Albany
1934/5400013 Plantagenet Edwards Winifred Alderson Female Mercer David Francis Male Albany
1934/5400014 Plantagenet Gibson Fay Bususton Female Tuckett Richard Joseph Male Albany
1934/5400014 Plantagenet Tuckett Richard Joseph Male Gibson Fay Bususton Female Albany
1934/5400015 Plantagenet Brassington George Alfred Male Colhoun Martha Stella Female Albany
1934/5400015 Plantagenet Colhoun Martha Stella Female Brassington George Alfred Male Albany
1934/5400016 Plantagenet Mitchell Louisa Maude Female Morley Walter Leaver Male Denmark
1934/5400016 Plantagenet Morley Walter Leaver Male Mitchell Louisa Maude Female Denmark
1934/5400017 Plantagenet Adams Herbert Wallace Male Young Dorothy Jean Female Albany
1934/5400017 Plantagenet Young Dorothy Jean Female Adams Herbert Wallace Male Albany
1934/5400018 Plantagenet Baker Irene Rose Female Masters Joseph Henry Male Albany
1934/5400018 Plantagenet Masters Joseph Henry Male Baker Irene Rose Female Albany
1934/5400019 Plantagenet Wright Joyce Mary Female Hall William Robert Male Mt Barker
1934/5400019 Plantagenet Hall William Robert Male Wright Joyce Mary Female Mt Barker
1934/5400020 Plantagenet Benbow Charles Alfred Male Cockburn Dorothy Mary Female Narrikup
1934/5400020 Plantagenet Cockburn Dorothy Mary Female Benbow Charles Alfred Male Narrikup
1934/5400021 Plantagenet Sinclair Margery Lillian Female Holmes John Rhodes Male Albany
1934/5400021 Plantagenet Holmes John Rhodes Male Sinclair Margery Lillian Female Albany
1934/5400022 Plantagenet Wilson Mary Dorothy Female Cooper Allan James Male Albany
1934/5400022 Plantagenet Cooper Allan James Male Wilson Mary Dorothy Female Albany
1934/5400023 Plantagenet Tanner Harry Rupert Male Page Irene Emily Female Albany
1934/5400023 Plantagenet Page Irene Emily Female Tanner Harry Rupert Male Albany
1934/5400024 Plantagenet Potter Olive Jean Female Green Melville William Male Albany
1934/5400024 Plantagenet Green Melville William Male Potter Olive Jean Female Albany
1934/5400025 Plantagenet Sutton Loveday Maud Hamilton Female Francis Thomas Russell Male Albany
1934/5400025 Plantagenet Francis Thomas Russell Male Sutton Loveday Maud Hamilton Female Albany
1934/5400026 Plantagenet Evans Irene May Female Davis David Albert Male Albany
1934/5400026 Plantagenet Davis David Albert Male Evans Irene May Female Albany
1934/5400027 Plantagenet Strettell Herbert Gerald Male Burton Gladys Lillian Female Albany
1934/5400027 Plantagenet Burton Gladys Lillian Female Strettell Herbert Gerald Male Albany
1934/5400028 Plantagenet Simpson Hector Frederick Male Faulkner Marguerita May Female Mt Barker
1934/5400028 Plantagenet Faulkner Marguerita May Female Simpson Hector Frederick Male Mt Barker
1934/5400029 Plantagenet Donohoe Edward George Male Herbert Eva Lily Edith Female Mt Barker
1934/5400029 Plantagenet Herbert Eva Lily Edith Female Donohoe Edward George Male Mt Barker
1934/5400030 Plantagenet Mason Ellen Alice Female Knight Leslie Male Albany
1934/5400030 Plantagenet Knight Leslie Male Mason Ellen Alice Female Albany
1934/5400031 Plantagenet Church Kathleen Mary Female Fowler John William Male Albany
1934/5400031 Plantagenet Fowler John William Male Church Kathleen Mary Female Albany
1934/5400032 Plantagenet Spratt Frank Alan Male Betts Margaret Olive Female Tenterden
1934/5400032 Plantagenet Betts Margaret Olive Female Spratt Frank Alan Male Tenterden
1934/5400033 Plantagenet Beckett Eileen May Female Isles Frederick Clifford Male Albany
1934/5400033 Plantagenet Isles Frederick Clifford Male Beckett Eileen May Female Albany
1934/5400034 Plantagenet Cannon Agnes Margaret Female O'Callaghan Francis Joseph Male Albany
1934/5400034 Plantagenet O'Callaghan Francis Joseph Male Cannon Agnes Margaret Female Albany
1934/5400035 Plantagenet Hanna Alice Jane Female Syme William Male Albany
1934/5400035 Plantagenet Syme William Male Hanna Alice Jane Female Albany
1934/5400036 Plantagenet Simpson Edward Vincent Male Skelton Mabel Female Albany
1934/5400036 Plantagenet Skelton Mabel Female Simpson Edward Vincent Male Albany
1934/5400037 Plantagenet Hunter Allan James Male Castlehow Florence Mary Female Albany
1934/5400037 Plantagenet Castlehow Florence Mary Female Hunter Allan James Male Albany
1934/5400038 Plantagenet Vaughan Doris Mary Elizabeth Female Oates Charles Ernest Male Albany
1934/5400038 Plantagenet Oates Charles Ernest Male Vaughan Doris Mary Elizabeth Female Albany
1934/5400039 Plantagenet Pascoe Gladys Winifred Female Linnell Albert Edgar Male Denmark
1934/5400039 Plantagenet Linnell Albert Edgar Male Pascoe Gladys Winifred Female Denmark
1934/5400040 Plantagenet Winrow Jane Female Humphreys Robert William John Male Albany
1934/5400040 Plantagenet Humphreys Robert William John Male Winrow Jane Female Albany
1934/5400041 Plantagenet Knight Florence Female Swarbrick John Male Albany
1934/5400041 Plantagenet Swarbrick John Male Knight Florence Female Albany
1934/5400042 Plantagenet Sampson Alma Rosa Female Burkitt Robert Christopher Male Porongorups
1934/5400042 Plantagenet Burkitt Robert Christopher Male Sampson Alma Rosa Female Porongorups
1934/5400043 Plantagenet Baesjou Hilda Elizabeth Female McGready John Gordon Male Mt Barker
1934/5400043 Plantagenet McGready John Gordon Male Baesjou Hilda Elizabeth Female Mt Barker
1934/5400044 Plantagenet Bevan Arthur Harold Male Bevilaqua Ellen Bethia Female Albany
1934/5400044 Plantagenet Bevilaqua Ellen Bethia Female Bevan Arthur Harold Male Albany
1934/5400045 Plantagenet Marwick Edith Harvey Female Austin Paul Male Denmark
1934/5400045 Plantagenet Austin Paul Male Marwick Edith Harvey Female Denmark
1934/5400046 Plantagenet Parfitt Mary Rachel Female Herbert Richard Thomas Male Albany
1934/5400046 Plantagenet Herbert Richard Thomas Male Parfitt Mary Rachel Female Albany
1934/5400047 Plantagenet McCaig Robert Male Darby Hazel Bell Rose Female Albany
1934/5400047 Plantagenet Darby Hazel Bell Rose Female McCaig Robert Male Albany
1934/5400048 Plantagenet Sampson Dorothy Jean Female Minard Edward Male Albany
1934/5400048 Plantagenet Minard Edward Male Sampson Dorothy Jean Female Albany
1934/5400049 Plantagenet Swiney George Alexander Male Egerton-Warburton Dorothy Antoinette Female Albany
1934/5400049 Plantagenet Egerton-Warburton Dorothy Antoinette Female Swiney George Alexander Male Albany
1934/5400050 Plantagenet Mitchell Augusta Marian Female Harvey Arthur Edward Male Albany
1934/5400050 Plantagenet Harvey Arthur Edward Male Mitchell Augusta Marian Female Albany
1934/5400051 Plantagenet Sutton Alfred Ernest Hamilton Male Puls Mavis Mary Elizabeth Female Albany
1934/5400051 Plantagenet Puls Mavis Mary Elizabeth Female Sutton Alfred Ernest Hamilton Male Albany
1934/5400052 Plantagenet Currie Mary Female Pannett George Male Albany
1934/5400052 Plantagenet Pannett George Male Currie Mary Female Albany
1934/5400053 Plantagenet Crosby John Male Drage Kathleen Ethel Female Forest Hill
1934/5400053 Plantagenet Drage Kathleen Ethel Female Crosby John Male Forest Hill
1934/5400054 Plantagenet Green Rodney Raynor Male Mossley Emily Maud Female Albany
1934/5400054 Plantagenet Mossley Emily Maud Female Green Rodney Raynor Male Albany
1934/5400055 Plantagenet Ferguson Arnold Austin Male Bail Ivy Mary Female Narrikup
1934/5400055 Plantagenet Bail Ivy Mary Female Ferguson Arnold Austin Male Narrikup
1934/5400056 Plantagenet Allen Leslie George Male McDonnell Marguerite Female Albany
1934/5400056 Plantagenet McDonnell Marguerite Female Allen Leslie George Male Albany
1934/5400057 Plantagenet Pascoe Edmund Bruce Male Ferry Iris Blanche Female Mt Barker
1934/5400057 Plantagenet Ferry Iris Blanche Female Pascoe Edmund Bruce Male Mt Barker
1934/5400058 Plantagenet Dixon Thelma Betty Female Robins John Male Albany
1934/5400058 Plantagenet Keeping Thelma Betty Female Robins John Male Albany
1934/5400058 Plantagenet Robins John Male Dixon Thelma Betty Female Albany
1934/5400058 Plantagenet Robins John Male Keeping Thelma Betty Female Albany
1934/5400059 Plantagenet Harris Leonard Wyndham Thomas Male Avins Marjorie Isobel Daisy Female Albany
1934/5400059 Plantagenet Avins Marjorie Isobel Daisy Female Harris Leonard Wyndham Thomas Male Albany
1934/5400060 Plantagenet Flower Pearl Cotta Female Driver Frederick Max Male Tambellup
1934/5400060 Plantagenet Driver Frederick Max Male Flower Pearl Cotta Female Tambellup
1934/5400061 Plantagenet Spershott Winifred Grace Female Hill George Trevor Male Albany
1934/5400061 Plantagenet Hill George Trevor Male Spershott Winifred Grace Female Albany
1934/5400062 Plantagenet Hay Archibald James Male Masters Caroline Mary Riley Female Albany
1934/5400062 Plantagenet Masters Caroline Mary Riley Female Hay Archibald James Male Albany
1934/5400063 Plantagenet Salkeld Dorothy Mary Female Smith Albert Gregory Male Mt Barker
1934/5400063 Plantagenet Smith Albert Gregory Male Salkeld Dorothy Mary Female Mt Barker
1934/5400064 Plantagenet Smith Frederick Clifford Edward Male Ellis Violet Mary Female Albany
1934/5400064 Plantagenet Ellis Violet Mary Female Smith Frederick Clifford Edward Male Albany
1934/5400065 Plantagenet Coles Winifred Pearl Female Schumann Carl Frederick Lawrence Male Gnowangerup
1934/5400065 Plantagenet Schumann Carl Frederick Lawrence Male Coles Winifred Pearl Female Gnowangerup
1934/5400066 Plantagenet Blake Mary Georgina Eileen Female Cottier Dennis Male Albany
1934/5400066 Plantagenet Cottier Dennis Male Blake Mary Georgina Eileen Female Albany
1934/5400067 Plantagenet Neal Olive May Female Thomas William Victor Male Albany
1934/5400067 Plantagenet Thomas William Victor Male Neal Olive May Female Albany
1934/5400068 Plantagenet Hay Jessie Lillian Female Dixon George Bullar Male Albany
1934/5400068 Plantagenet Dixon George Bullar Male Hay Jessie Lillian Female Albany
1934/5400069 Plantagenet Rewell Quintus George Male McCreery Ethel May Female Albany
1934/5400069 Plantagenet McCreery Ethel May Female Rewell Quintus George Male Albany
1934/5400070 Plantagenet Howard Christopher John Male Gillam Averil Althea Female Cranbrook
1934/5400070 Plantagenet Gillam Averil Althea Female Howard Christopher John Male Cranbrook
1934/5400071 Plantagenet Pearce Mary Elizabeth Female Dyson Jack Male Denmark
1934/5400071 Plantagenet Dyson Jack Male Pearce Mary Elizabeth Female Denmark
1934/5400072 Plantagenet Preston Albert Joseph Male Bevilaqua Evelyn Joyce Female Albany
1934/5400072 Plantagenet Bevilaqua Evelyn Joyce Female Preston Albert Joseph Male Albany
1934/5400073 Plantagenet Dixon Albert Edward Male Green Elsie Enid Female Albany
1934/5400073 Plantagenet Green Elsie Enid Female Dixon Albert Edward Male Albany
1934/5400074 Plantagenet Mossley Valma Female Harris Bernard William George Male Albany
1934/5400074 Plantagenet Harris Bernard William George Male Mossley Valma Female Albany
1934/5400075 Plantagenet Stewart Thomas Male O'Meara Kathleen Alice Female Albany
1934/5400075 Plantagenet O'Meara Kathleen Alice Female Stewart Thomas Male Albany
1934/5400076 Plantagenet Gill John Samuel Male Moriarty Sarah Johanna Female Albany
1934/5400076 Plantagenet Moriarty Sarah Johanna Female Gill John Samuel Male Albany
1934/5400077 Plantagenet Kearsley Charles James Atterbury Male Williams May Elizabeth Jane Female Mount Barker
1934/5400077 Plantagenet Williams May Elizabeth Jane Female Kearsley Charles James Atterbury Male Mount Barker
1934/5400078 Plantagenet Steward Dorothy Doreen Female Tasker Joseph Fenton Male Albany
1934/5400078 Plantagenet Tasker Joseph Fenton Male Steward Dorothy Doreen Female Albany
1934/5400079 Plantagenet Van Raalte Ellen Dorrit Berry Female Hunt Arthur William Male Albany
1934/5400079 Plantagenet Hunt Arthur William Male Van Raalte Ellen Dorrit Berry Female Albany
1934/5400080 Plantagenet Ellis Albert James Male Johnson Phyllis Edna Female Albany
1934/5400080 Plantagenet Johnson Phyllis Edna Female Ellis Albert James Male Albany
1934/5500001 Port Hedland Clements Kathleen Myrtle Female Acton Samuel James Male Port Hedland
1934/5500001 Port Hedland Acton Samuel James Male Clements Kathleen Myrtle Female Port Hedland
1934/5500002 Port Hedland Kain Ann Dorothy Female Coulan James Ferdinand Male Port Hedland
1934/5500002 Port Hedland Coulan James Ferdinand Male Kain Ann Dorothy Female Port Hedland
1934/5500003 Port Hedland Fromosa Kathleen Female Vincent Standley Robert Male Port Hedland
1934/5500003 Port Hedland Vincent Standley Robert Male Fromosa Kathleen Female Port Hedland
1935/6000001 Sussex Price Alice May Female Murphy Stanley Charles Male Margaret River
1934/6000001 Sussex Kilvington Edith Mabel Female Taylor Frederick Male Busselton
1935/6000001 Sussex Murphy Stanley Charles Male Price Alice May Female Margaret River
1934/6000001 Sussex Taylor Frederick Male Kilvington Edith Mabel Female Busselton
1934/6000002 Sussex Harris May Female Wills Gordon Henry Male Busselton
1935/6000002 Sussex Locke Siska Mary Female Pitts Ernest John Male Busselton
1934/6000002 Sussex Wills Gordon Henry Male Harris May Female Busselton
1935/6000002 Sussex Pitts Ernest John Male Locke Siska Mary Female Busselton
1934/6000003 Sussex Oversby Eveline Female Malpass Frank Male Karridale
1934/6000003 Sussex Malpass Frank Male Oversby Eveline Female Karridale
1934/6000004 Sussex Froome Vera Alice Female Stockley Frederick James Male Busselton
1934/6000004 Sussex Stockley Frederick James Male Froome Vera Alice Female Busselton
1934/6000005 Sussex Farrell Mary Ethel Patricia Female Armstrong Thomas Maxted Male Margaret River
1934/6000005 Sussex Armstrong Thomas Maxted Male Farrell Mary Ethel Patricia Female Margaret River
1934/6000006 Sussex Menegola Siro Male Prosser Evelyn Maud Female Busselton
1934/6000006 Sussex Prosser Evelyn Maud Female Menegola Siro Male Busselton
1934/6000007 Sussex Lavery Jemima Hume Female Warner Walter Raymond Male Busselton
1934/6000007 Sussex Warner Walter Raymond Male Lavery Jemima Hume Female Busselton
1934/6000008 Sussex Hobson Ronald Male Meads Margaret Mary Female Busselton
1934/6000008 Sussex Meads Margaret Mary Female Hobson Ronald Male Busselton
1934/6000009 Sussex Reynolds Hilda Edna Female Earnshaw Walter Male Busselton
1934/6000009 Sussex Earnshaw Walter Male Reynolds Hilda Edna Female Busselton
1934/6000010 Sussex Barnard Phyllis Noel Female Hawley Stephen Philip Male Busselton
1934/6000010 Sussex Hawley Stephen Philip Male Barnard Phyllis Noel Female Busselton
1934/6000011 Sussex Culleton Leslie Bernard Male Johnson Edith Amelia Female Busselton
1934/6000011 Sussex Johnson Edith Amelia Female Culleton Leslie Bernard Male Busselton
1934/6000012 Sussex McAllister Beryl Watson Female Ladyman Leslie Lindin Male Busselton
1934/6000012 Sussex Ladyman Leslie Lindin Male McAllister Beryl Watson Female Busselton
1934/6000013 Sussex Otter Mary Female Larkin Percy Edward Male Busselton
1934/6000013 Sussex Larkin Percy Edward Male Otter Mary Female Busselton
1934/6000014 Sussex Blond James Edward Male Betts Margaret Female Margaret River
1934/6000014 Sussex Betts Margaret Female Blond James Edward Male Margaret River
1934/6000015 Sussex Rowe Florence May Female Reed Louis Norman Victor Male Margaret River
1934/6000015 Sussex Reed Louis Norman Victor Male Rowe Florence May Female Margaret River
1934/6000016 Sussex Veall Aileen Female Babb Charles Cassemer Male Busselton
1934/6000016 Sussex Babb Charles Cassemer Male Veall Aileen Female Busselton
1934/6000017 Sussex Oversby Charles Male Jones Margaret Lloyd Female Karidale
1934/6000017 Sussex Jones Margaret Lloyd Female Oversby Charles Male Karidale
1934/6000018 Sussex Cross Edith Female Shingler Frederick Thomas Male Busselton
1934/6000018 Sussex Shingler Frederick Thomas Male Cross Edith Female Busselton
1934/6000019 Sussex Humble John George Male Baxter Annie Female Margaret River
1934/6000019 Sussex Baxter Annie Female Humble John George Male Margaret River
1934/6000020 Sussex Walker Dorothy May Female Hayes Ivan Joseph Halley Male Busselton
1934/6000020 Sussex Hayes Ivan Joseph Halley Male Walker Dorothy May Female Busselton
1934/6000021 Sussex Jeffrey Lilian Isobel Female McNess Norman Hurtle Charles Male Busselton
1934/6000021 Sussex McNess Norman Hurtle Charles Male Jeffrey Lilian Isobel Female Busselton
1934/6000022 Sussex Lowe Mary Female Gray Reginald Towns Male Busselton
1934/6000022 Sussex Gray Reginald Towns Male Lowe Mary Female Busselton
1934/6000023 Sussex Usher Edward John Male Dent Mona Female Busselton
1934/6000023 Sussex Dent Mona Female Usher Edward John Male Busselton
1934/6000024 Sussex Merritt Ellen Power Female Merritt Arthur Henry Male Busselton
1934/6000024 Sussex Merritt Arthur Henry Male Merritt Ellen Power Female Busselton
1934/6000025 Sussex Archer Ethel Winifred Female Hack William Wilton Murray Male Busselton
1934/6000025 Sussex Hack William Wilton Murray Male Archer Ethel Winifred Female Busselton
1934/6000026 Sussex Dunbar Alexander Male Livingston Agnes Elizabeth Female Margaret River
1934/6000026 Sussex Livingston Agnes Elizabeth Female Dunbar Alexander Male Margaret River
1934/6000027 Sussex Miller Alexander Male Lord Joyce Hannah Female Busselton
1934/6000027 Sussex Lord Joyce Hannah Female Miller Alexander Male Busselton
1934/6000028 Sussex Green Robert Hampton Male Rogers Eileen Mary Female Busselton
1934/6000028 Sussex Rogers Eileen Mary Female Green Robert Hampton Male Busselton
1934/6000029 Sussex McSween Elsie Beatrice Female Smith Charles Hubert Male Busselton
1934/6000029 Sussex Smith Charles Hubert Male McSween Elsie Beatrice Female Busselton
1934/6000030 Sussex Cunningham John Claude Male Saxey Kathleen Ruth Female Busselton
1934/6000030 Sussex Saxey Kathleen Ruth Female Cunningham John Claude Male Busselton
1934/6000031 Sussex Bedford Arthur Charles Male Aldous Veronica Alice Emily Female Busselton
1934/6000031 Sussex Aldous Veronica Alice Emily Female Bedford Arthur Charles Male Busselton
1934/6000032 Sussex McKenzie Leith Allan Male Irvine Ada May Female Busselton
1934/6000032 Sussex Irvine Ada May Female McKenzie Leith Allan Male Busselton
1934/6000033 Sussex Moss Alfred James Male Pratt Edith Agnes Phoebe Female Busselton
1934/6000033 Sussex Pratt Edith Agnes Phoebe Female Moss Alfred James Male Busselton
1934/6000034 Sussex Klaehn Selina May Female Lockwood Francis Noel Male Busselton
1934/6000034 Sussex Lockwood Francis Noel Male Klaehn Selina May Female Busselton
1934/6000035 Sussex Lee Annie Amelia Female Wake Frank Male Margaret River
1934/6000035 Sussex Wake Frank Male Lee Annie Amelia Female Margaret River
1934/6000036 Sussex Harris William Richard Male Connolly Theresa Mary Female Busselton
1934/6000036 Sussex Connolly Theresa Mary Female Harris William Richard Male Busselton
1934/6000037 Sussex Walton Flora Dorothy Clara Female Gibbs John Male Cowaramup
1934/6000037 Sussex Gibbs John Male Walton Flora Dorothy Clara Female Cowaramup
1934/6000038 Sussex Duncan Henry Male Stevens Rosina Female Cowaramup
1934/6000038 Sussex Stevens Rosina Female Duncan Henry Male Cowaramup
1934/6000039 Sussex Green Marguerite Mary Annie Female Humble William Male Margaret River
1934/6000039 Sussex Humble William Male Green Marguerite Mary Annie Female Margaret River
1934/6000040 Sussex Cuthbert Gertrude Elizabeth Female Harbeck John Frederick Carter Male Busselton
1934/6000040 Sussex Harbeck John Frederick Carter Male Cuthbert Gertrude Elizabeth Female Busselton
1934/6000041 Sussex Scott Jessie Irene May Female James Bertie Male Nannup
1934/6000041 Sussex James Bertie Male Scott Jessie Irene May Female Nannup
1934/6000042 Sussex Ellis Evelyn Kathleen Female McLean James Colin Male Augusta
1934/6000042 Sussex McLean James Colin Male Ellis Evelyn Kathleen Female Augusta
1935/6100001 Swan Middleton Rose Agnes Fannie Female Kenworthy Geoffrey Arthur Male Midland Junction
1935/6100001 Swan Kenworthy Geoffrey Arthur Male Middleton Rose Agnes Fannie Female Midland Junction
1935/6100002 Swan Rule James Fredrick Male Cox Isabella Florence Female Mundaring
1935/6100002 Swan Cox Isabella Florence Female Rule James Fredrick Male Mundaring
1935/6100003 Swan Loveridge Alan James Male Grieve Pearl McNeill Female Guildford
1934/6100003 Swan Bridgman Kate Female Collisson Donald Marsden Reginald Male Guildford
1935/6100003 Swan Grieve Pearl McNeill Female Loveridge Alan James Male Guildford
1934/6100003 Swan Collisson Donald Marsden Reginald Male Bridgman Kate Female Guildford
1935/6100004 Swan Armitage Letia Mavis Female Smith Leo George Male Bellevue
1935/6100004 Swan Smith Leo George Male Armitage Letia Mavis Female Bellevue
1935/6100005 Swan Rakich Danica Female Yukich Nikola Male Midland Junction
1935/6100005 Swan Yukich Nikola Male Rakich Danica Female Midland Junction
1934/6100007 Swan McGuffie William Andrew Male Edwards Edith Charlotte Female Midland Junction
1935/6100007 Swan Platt Jack Male Jones Violet Ellen Female Midland Junction
1934/6100007 Swan Edwards Edith Charlotte Female McGuffie William Andrew Male Midland Junction
1935/6100007 Swan Jones Violet Ellen Female Platt Jack Male Midland Junction
1934/6100008 Swan Lulich Pasko Male Bobanac Diana Female Midland Junction
1934/6100008 Swan Bobanac Diana Female Lulich Pasko Male Midland Junction
1934/6100009 Swan Morris Mary Female Horsfall Herbert Male Midland Junction
1934/6100009 Swan Horsfall Herbert Male Morris Mary Female Midland Junction
1934/6100010 Swan Franich Stanko Male Yelavich Neda Female Midland Junction
1934/6100010 Swan Yelavich Neda Female Franich Stanko Male Midland Junction
1935/6100010 Swan Wilson Marian Isobel Female Mulqueeney John Male Bassendean
1935/6100010 Swan Mulqueeney John Male Wilson Marian Isobel Female Bassendean
1934/6100011 Swan Haines Lorna Female Hagan Anthony Bernard Male Guildford
1934/6100011 Swan Hagan Anthony Bernard Male Haines Lorna Female Guildford
1934/6100012 Swan Wilsmore Lilian Maud Female Avery Charles Male Midland Junction
1934/6100012 Swan Avery Charles Male Wilsmore Lilian Maud Female Midland Junction
1934/6100013 Swan Savage Sylvia Lillian Female Smith Henry Andrew Male Guildford
1934/6100013 Swan Smith Henry Andrew Male Savage Sylvia Lillian Female Guildford
1934/6100014 Swan Kilmurray Irene Olga May Female Taylor Arthur Edward Male Midland Junction
1934/6100014 Swan Taylor Arthur Edward Male Kilmurray Irene Olga May Female Midland Junction
1934/6100015 Swan Cutler Kenneth Lancelot Male Robertson Nancy Annie Female Bassendean
1934/6100015 Swan Robertson Nancy Annie Female Cutler Kenneth Lancelot Male Bassendean
1934/6100016 Swan Donnan John Keith Male Kern Minnie Kathleen Winetta Female Bassendean
1934/6100016 Swan Kern Minnie Kathleen Winetta Female Donnan John Keith Male Bassendean
1934/6100017 Swan Carrick Agnes Garnell Female Bye Harold Charles Male Bassendean
1934/6100017 Swan Bye Harold Charles Male Carrick Agnes Garnell Female Bassendean
1934/6100018 Swan Kinkella Rudolph Male Manoni Catherine Amelia Female Midland Junction
1934/6100018 Swan Manoni Catherine Amelia Female Kinkella Rudolph Male Midland Junction
1934/6100019 Swan Alday Maxwell Robert Male Glynn Veronica Margaret Female Midland Junction
1934/6100019 Swan Glynn Veronica Margaret Female Alday Maxwell Robert Male Midland Junction
1934/6100020 Swan Warren Dorothy Elsie Female Bentley William Henry Male Mundaring
1934/6100020 Swan Bentley William Henry Male Warren Dorothy Elsie Female Mundaring
1934/6100021 Swan Wallington Lilian Hannah Female Wells William James Male Mundaring
1934/6100021 Swan Wells William James Male Wallington Lilian Hannah Female Mundaring
1934/6100022 Swan Jamieson Clementine Ruth Female Hudson Charles Lewis Male Midland Junction
1934/6100022 Swan Hudson Charles Lewis Male Jamieson Clementine Ruth Female Midland Junction
1935/6100023 Swan Benson Robert Theodore Male Jones Mavis Florence Elisabeth Female Bellevue
1935/6100023 Swan Jones Mavis Florence Elisabeth Female Benson Robert Theodore Male Bellevue
1934/6100023 Swan Popham Annie Louise Female Evans Harry Male Guildford
1934/6100023 Swan Evans Harry Male Popham Annie Louise Female Guildford
1934/6100024 Swan Bartlett Bessie Olive Female Short Keith Thomas Male Guildford
1934/6100024 Swan Short Keith Thomas Male Bartlett Bessie Olive Female Guildford
1934/6100025 Swan Rowland Gwen Elaine Female Richards William Edwin Thomas Male Guildford
1934/6100025 Swan Richards William Edwin Thomas Male Rowland Gwen Elaine Female Guildford
1934/6100026 Swan Ridley Edith Female Robertson William McLaws Male Midland Junction
1934/6100026 Swan Robertson William McLaws Male Ridley Edith Female Midland Junction
1934/6100027 Swan Gaisford Elsie May Female Bywaters Henry Francis Male Guildford
1934/6100027 Swan Bywaters Henry Francis Male Gaisford Elsie May Female Guildford
1934/6100028 Swan Harrisson Clara Jean Female Vicary Arthur William Albert Male Guildford
1934/6100028 Swan Vicary Arthur William Albert Male Harrisson Clara Jean Female Guildford
1934/6100029 Swan Kennedy Catherine Ellen Female Jackson Frederick Arthur Male Guildford
1934/6100029 Swan Jackson Frederick Arthur Male Kennedy Catherine Ellen Female Guildford
1934/6100030 Swan Hampson Harry Male Woods Alice May Female Guildford
1934/6100030 Swan Woods Alice May Female Hampson Harry Male Guildford
1934/6100031 Swan Adams Ruby Female Walker Alan Albert Male Guildford
1934/6100031 Swan Walker Alan Albert Male Adams Ruby Female Guildford
1934/6100032 Swan Hosking Frederick Kenneth Male Higgins Esme Margery Female Guildford
1934/6100032 Swan Higgins Esme Margery Female Hosking Frederick Kenneth Male Guildford
1934/6100033 Swan Hardy Stanley Robert Male Timms Dorothy Irene Female Midland Junction
1934/6100033 Swan Timms Dorothy Irene Female Hardy Stanley Robert Male Midland Junction
1934/6100034 Swan Cousens Dorothea May Female Sweeney John Gerard Male Midland Junction
1934/6100034 Swan Sweeney John Gerard Male Cousens Dorothea May Female Midland Junction
1934/6100035 Swan Nathan David Gilbert Male Carson Isabelle Jean Goldsmithy Female South Guildford
1934/6100035 Swan Carson Isabelle Jean Goldsmithy Female Nathan David Gilbert Male South Guildford
1934/6100036 Swan Byrne Mary Catherine Female Brady Hugh Francis Male Guildford
1934/6100036 Swan Brady Hugh Francis Male Byrne Mary Catherine Female Guildford
1934/6100037 Swan Warmaden Maitland Male Pilkington Mary Frances Female Guildford
1934/6100037 Swan Pilkington Mary Frances Female Warmaden Maitland Male Guildford
1934/6100038 Swan Burns Sara Margaret Female Crossley Reginald Withers Male Midland Junction
1934/6100038 Swan Crossley Reginald Withers Male Burns Sara Margaret Female Midland Junction
1934/6100039 Swan Outtrim William Stephenson Male Stephenson Margaret Alice Female Bassendean
1934/6100039 Swan Stephenson Margaret Alice Female Outtrim William Stephenson Male Bassendean
1934/6100040 Swan Garrett Charles Percival Male Kroenert Alice Sarah Female Greenmount
1934/6100040 Swan Kroenert Alice Sarah Female Garrett Charles Percival Male Greenmount
1934/6100041 Swan Bessett-Browne Philip Male Pearcy Edna May Female Guildford
1934/6100041 Swan Pearcy Edna May Female Bessett-Browne Philip Male Guildford
1934/6100042 Swan Smith William Lewis Male Jones Amy May Phillips Female Guildford
1934/6100042 Swan Jones Amy May Phillips Female Smith William Lewis Male Guildford
1934/6100043 Swan Davey Evelyn Joyce Female MacDonald James Male Midland Junction
1934/6100043 Swan MacDonald James Male Davey Evelyn Joyce Female Midland Junction
1934/6100044 Swan Evans Irene Gladys Female Wells James Murray Male Mundaring
1934/6100044 Swan Wells James Murray Male Evans Irene Gladys Female Mundaring
1934/6100045 Swan Falckenhagen Ivy Olga Irene Female Antoine Edmond Male Guildford
1934/6100045 Swan Antoine Edmond Male Falckenhagen Ivy Olga Irene Female Guildford
1934/6100046 Swan Jewson Barbara Jean Female Pettit Milton James Male Midland Junction
1934/6100046 Swan Pettit Milton James Male Jewson Barbara Jean Female Midland Junction
1934/6100047 Swan Macpherson Marvel Edna Female Templeman Harold Robert Male Middle Swan
1934/6100047 Swan Templeman Harold Robert Male Macpherson Marvel Edna Female Middle Swan
1934/6100048 Swan Harman Florence Hilda Female Mathews John Leonard Male Upper Swan
1934/6100048 Swan Mathews John Leonard Male Harman Florence Hilda Female Upper Swan
1934/6100049 Swan Fawell Annie Olive Female Haynes Joseph Charles Male Middle Swan
1934/6100049 Swan Haynes Joseph Charles Male Fawell Annie Olive Female Middle Swan
1934/6100050 Swan Kraljevich Steve Male Rakich Annie Female Midland Junction
1934/6100050 Swan Rakich Annie Female Kraljevich Steve Male Midland Junction
1934/6100051 Swan Shepherd Elizabeth Doris Female Markham George Eric Male Midland Junction
1934/6100051 Swan Markham George Eric Male Shepherd Elizabeth Doris Female Midland Junction
1934/6100052 Swan Ingate Thomas Gorwood Male Browne Monica Mary Female Guildford
1934/6100052 Swan Browne Monica Mary Female Ingate Thomas Gorwood Male Guildford
1934/6100053 Swan Lovelock Doris Eunice Female King Edmund Vincent Male Midland Junction
1934/6100053 Swan King Edmund Vincent Male Lovelock Doris Eunice Female Midland Junction
1934/6100054 Swan Bending Leslie Thomas Male Gray Bessie Emma Female Mundaring
1934/6100054 Swan Gray Bessie Emma Female Bending Leslie Thomas Male Mundaring
1934/6100055 Swan Tattle John Hoster Male Ivison Ruth Elizabeth Female Guildford
1934/6100055 Swan Ivison Ruth Elizabeth Female Tattle John Hoster Male Guildford
1934/6100056 Swan Street Winifred Jean Female Shaw William David Joseph Male Guildford
1934/6100056 Swan Shaw William David Joseph Male Street Winifred Jean Female Guildford
1934/6100057 Swan Haddrill Myrtle Amy Female Sykes Ronald John Male Guildford
1934/6100057 Swan Sykes Ronald John Male Haddrill Myrtle Amy Female Guildford
1934/6100058 Swan Baker George William James Male Catchpole Florence Salina Doreen Amy May Female Bellevue
1934/6100058 Swan Catchpole Florence Salina Doreen Amy May Female Baker George William James Male Bellevue
1934/6100059 Swan Powell Margaret Beatrice Dugdall Female Smith Albert William George Male Midland Junction
1934/6100059 Swan Smith Albert William George Male Powell Margaret Beatrice Dugdall Female Midland Junction
1934/6100060 Swan Lenane John William Male Walker Evelyn Margaret Female Guildford
1934/6100060 Swan Walker Evelyn Margaret Female Lenane John William Male Guildford
1934/6100061 Swan Fyfe Walter Male Rupe Flora Rebecca Female Midland Junction
1934/6100061 Swan Rupe Flora Rebecca Female Fyfe Walter Male Midland Junction
1934/6100062 Swan Creighton John Patrick Male Lynch Sheila Female Midland Junction
1934/6100062 Swan Lynch Sheila Female Creighton John Patrick Male Midland Junction
1934/6100063 Swan Beus Diana Female Ajduk Andy Male Midland Junction
1934/6100063 Swan Ajduk Andy Male Beus Diana Female Midland Junction
1934/6100064 Swan Taylor Henry Thomas Male O'Neil Ursula Eunice Female Guildford
1934/6100064 Swan O'Neil Ursula Eunice Female Taylor Henry Thomas Male Guildford
1934/6100065 Swan Tomlin William Alfred Burchell Male Tanner Winnifred May Female Guildford
1934/6100065 Swan Tanner Winnifred May Female Tomlin William Alfred Burchell Male Guildford
1934/6100066 Swan Moss Albert Richard Male Jarvey Maveen Lily Female Guildford
1934/6100066 Swan Jarvey Maveen Lily Female Moss Albert Richard Male Guildford
1934/6100067 Swan Harvey Frederick John Male McGowan Annie Stanfield Female Bassendean
1934/6100067 Swan McGowan Annie Stanfield Female Harvey Frederick John Male Bassendean
1934/6100068 Swan Grilli Luigi Male Booker Eileen Female Midland Junction
1934/6100068 Swan Booker Eileen Female Grilli Luigi Male Midland Junction
1934/6100069 Swan Babich Joseph Male Sumich Rosy Female Midland Junction
1934/6100069 Swan Sumich Rosy Female Babich Joseph Male Midland Junction
1934/6100070 Swan McNair George Simpson Male Williams Estella Isabella May Female Guildford
1934/6100070 Swan Williams Estella Isabella May Female McNair George Simpson Male Guildford
1934/6100071 Swan Yelavich Peter Male Ivicevich Mandina Female Midland Junction
1934/6100071 Swan Ivicevich Mandina Female Yelavich Peter Male Midland Junction
1934/6100072 Swan Petrie Allan Donald Male Innes Gladys Lauriene Jane Female Midland Junction
1934/6100072 Swan Innes Gladys Lauriene Jane Female Petrie Allan Donald Male Midland Junction
1934/6100073 Swan Larwood Mabel Edith Female Gale Edward Henry Male Midland Junction
1934/6100073 Swan Gale Edward Henry Male Larwood Mabel Edith Female Midland Junction
1934/6100074 Swan Launder Frederick Arthur Male Kinnane Mary Patricia Female Midland Junction
1934/6100074 Swan Kinnane Mary Patricia Female Launder Frederick Arthur Male Midland Junction
1934/6100075 Swan Smith Mollie Gertrude Female Blythe Lindsay Gordon Male Guildford
1934/6100075 Swan Blythe Lindsay Gordon Male Smith Mollie Gertrude Female Guildford
1934/6100076 Swan Honner Veronica Mary Female Partington Henry William Male Guildford
1934/6100076 Swan Partington Henry William Male Honner Veronica Mary Female Guildford
1934/6100077 Swan Sarre James Harold Male Neillings Mabel Ellen Female Guildford
1934/6100077 Swan Neillings Mabel Ellen Female Sarre James Harold Male Guildford
1934/6100078 Swan Vaughan Mabel Elsie Female Pickering Norman John Campbell Male Guildford
1934/6100078 Swan Pickering Norman John Campbell Male Vaughan Mabel Elsie Female Guildford
1934/6100079 Swan Tole John Male Withnell Rosalind Ivy Florence Female Guildford
1934/6100079 Swan Withnell Rosalind Ivy Florence Female Tole John Male Guildford
1934/6100080 Swan Warren John Male Matthews Rose Female Guildford
1934/6100080 Swan Matthews Rose Female Warren John Male Guildford
1934/6100081 Swan Doherty John Louis Male Wilson Thelma Isabell Female Guildford
1934/6100081 Swan Wilson Thelma Isabell Female Doherty John Louis Male Guildford
1934/6100082 Swan Woods Lydia Jean Female Smith Lawrence Stanislaus Joseph Male Guildford
1934/6100082 Swan Smith Lawrence Stanislaus Joseph Male Woods Lydia Jean Female Guildford
1934/6100083 Swan Fewster Nelson Herbert Male McGlew Olive May Female Midland Junction
1934/6100083 Swan McGlew Olive May Female Fewster Nelson Herbert Male Midland Junction
1934/6100084 Swan Lechte William Ernest Walter Male Edwards Esther Female Midland Junction
1934/6100084 Swan Edwards Esther Female Lechte William Ernest Walter Male Midland Junction
1934/6100085 Swan Shearer James William Ernest Male Martin Lily Irene Female Guildford
1934/6100085 Swan Martin Lily Irene Female Shearer James William Ernest Male Guildford
1934/6100086 Swan Rhodes Beatrice Irene Female Baird James Alexander Male Middle Swan
1934/6100086 Swan Baird James Alexander Male Rhodes Beatrice Irene Female Middle Swan
1934/6100087 Swan Haddrill Evelyn Female Harman Frederick George Male Upper Swan
1934/6100087 Swan Harman Frederick George Male Haddrill Evelyn Female Upper Swan
1934/6100088 Swan Hitchcock Phoebe Gladys Pearl Female Sexton Francis Owen Male Middle Swan
1934/6100088 Swan Sexton Francis Owen Male Hitchcock Phoebe Gladys Pearl Female Middle Swan
1934/6100089 Swan Kermode John Male Murphy Monica Mary Female Midland Junction
1934/6100089 Swan Murphy Monica Mary Female Kermode John Male Midland Junction
1934/6100090 Swan Viskovich Steve Male Perich Mary Female Midland Junction
1934/6100090 Swan Perich Mary Female Viskovich Steve Male Midland Junction
1934/6100091 Swan Farley Edward Male McGavin Violet Amelda Female Guildford
1934/6100091 Swan McGavin Violet Amelda Female Farley Edward Male Guildford
1934/6100092 Swan Getty Anne Hunter Female Bond George Boag Male Midland Junction
1934/6100092 Swan Bond George Boag Male Getty Anne Hunter Female Midland Junction
1934/6100093 Swan Scott Merle Irene Female Smedley Arnold Keith Male Guildford
1934/6100093 Swan Smedley Arnold Keith Male Scott Merle Irene Female Guildford
1934/6100094 Swan Simmonds Arthur James Male Linthorne Jessie Idahlia Female Midland Junction
1934/6100094 Swan Linthorne Jessie Idahlia Female Simmonds Arthur James Male Midland Junction
1934/6100095 Swan Persse Lilian Marie Female Hardie James Stoddart Male Midland Junction
1934/6100095 Swan Hardie James Stoddart Male Persse Lilian Marie Female Midland Junction
1934/6100096 Swan James Caroline Christina Female Peterson Christopher Francis Male Guildford
1934/6100096 Swan Peterson Christopher Francis Male James Caroline Christina Female Guildford
1934/6100097 Swan Waters Allan Male Eaton Irene Phyllis Female Guildford
1934/6100097 Swan Eaton Irene Phyllis Female Waters Allan Male Guildford
1934/6100098 Swan Pollard Stanley George Male Montgomery Martha Harriet Female Guildford
1934/6100098 Swan Montgomery Martha Harriet Female Pollard Stanley George Male Guildford
1934/6100099 Swan Carrick Henry Hardwick Male Ongden Hazel Alice Female Guildford
1934/6100099 Swan Ongden Hazel Alice Female Carrick Henry Hardwick Male Guildford
1934/6100100 Swan Gartrell Harry William Male Morris Norah Katherine Female Midland Junction
1934/6100100 Swan Morris Norah Katherine Female Gartrell Harry William Male Midland Junction
1934/6100101 Swan Ellard Arthur Male Angove Veda Ethel Female Bellevue
1934/6100101 Swan Angove Veda Ethel Female Ellard Arthur Male Bellevue
1934/6100102 Swan Cramer Henry Male Bloomfield Muriel Female Bassendean
1934/6100102 Swan Bloomfield Muriel Female Cramer Henry Male Bassendean
1934/6100103 Swan Kerr Christina Currie Female Ross George Arnott Male Midland Junction
1934/6100103 Swan Ross George Arnott Male Kerr Christina Currie Female Midland Junction
1934/6100104 Swan Best Hazel Doreen Female Wood Frank Henry Male Glen Forrest
1934/6100104 Swan Wood Frank Henry Male Best Hazel Doreen Female Glen Forrest
1934/6100105 Swan Kinsman Edna May Female Blythe Chris William Dudley Male Midland Junction
1934/6100105 Swan Blythe Chris William Dudley Male Kinsman Edna May Female Midland Junction
1934/6100106 Swan Adams Gordon Albert Male Eagles Emily Dorothea Female Guildford
1934/6100106 Swan Eagles Emily Dorothea Female Adams Gordon Albert Male Guildford
1934/6100107 Swan Brown Doris Beryl Female Davies William Edgar Male Guildford
1934/6100107 Swan Davies William Edgar Male Brown Doris Beryl Female Guildford
1934/6100108 Swan Lance Clarence Lewis Female Blacklock John Clarence Male Guildford
1934/6100108 Swan Blacklock John Clarence Male Lance Clarence Lewis Female Guildford
1934/6100109 Swan Barrett Leslie Francis Male Burdon Phyllis Jean Female Guildford
1934/6100109 Swan Burdon Phyllis Jean Female Barrett Leslie Francis Male Guildford
1934/6500001 Victoria Plains Macdonald Sheila Florence Female Ganzer Clarence Otto Male Wongan Hills
1934/6500001 Victoria Plains Ganzer Clarence Otto Male Macdonald Sheila Florence Female Wongan Hills
1934/6500002 Victoria Plains Bartlett Elsie Madeleine Female Clark Thomas Reginald Male Kondut
1934/6500002 Victoria Plains Clark Thomas Reginald Male Bartlett Elsie Madeleine Female Kondut
1934/6500003 Victoria Plains Halligan Eunice Lena Female Hey George William Male Waddington
1934/6500003 Victoria Plains Hey George William Male Halligan Eunice Lena Female Waddington
1935/6600001 Wellington McLeod Donald Thomas Male Flynn Thelma May Female Ferguson
1935/6600001 Wellington Flynn Thelma May Female McLeod Donald Thomas Male Ferguson
1935/6600002 Wellington May Evelyn Rose Female Waiter George Shand Male Donnybrook
1935/6600002 Wellington Waiter George Shand Male May Evelyn Rose Female Donnybrook
1934/6600003 Wellington Churach John Male Teede Doris Maud Female Bunbury
1935/6600003 Wellington Coleman Edna Elizabeth Female Tidy James Clifton Male Donnybrook
1935/6600003 Wellington Tidy James Clifton Male Coleman Edna Elizabeth Female Donnybrook
1934/6600003 Wellington Teede Doris Maud Female Churach John Male Bunbury
1935/6600004 Wellington Suckling Stanley Albert Male Best Susan Doreen Female Collie
1935/6600004 Wellington Best Susan Doreen Female Suckling Stanley Albert Male Collie
1935/6600005 Wellington Ross Jean Female Smith Robert Douglas Male Bunbury
1935/6600005 Wellington Smith Robert Douglas Male Ross Jean Female Bunbury
1934/6600007 Wellington Gibbs Ellena Female Matthews Dennis Frank Male Bunbury
1934/6600007 Wellington Matthews Dennis Frank Male Gibbs Ellena Female Bunbury
1935/6600008 Wellington Stewart George Ian Balfour Male Hayward Heather Female Harvey
1934/6600008 Wellington Kelly Patrick Joseph Male Berry Thelma Rose Female Bunbury
1935/6600008 Wellington Hayward Heather Female Stewart George Ian Balfour Male Harvey
1934/6600008 Wellington Berry Thelma Rose Female Kelly Patrick Joseph Male Bunbury
1934/6600009 Wellington Nordstrom Violet Mary Female Burton John Lawrence Thomas Beamish Male Bunbury
1934/6600009 Wellington Burton John Lawrence Thomas Beamish Male Nordstrom Violet Mary Female Bunbury
1934/6600010 Wellington Rees Ernest John Male Franke Mabel Female Collie
1934/6600010 Wellington Franke Mabel Female Rees Ernest John Male Collie
1934/6600011 Wellington Pilatti Minnie Female Malatesta Ottavio Male Bunbury
1934/6600011 Wellington Malatesta Ottavio Male Pilatti Minnie Female Bunbury
1934/6600012 Wellington Williams John Guest Male Vernon Annie May Female Collie
1934/6600012 Wellington Vernon Annie May Female Williams John Guest Male Collie
1934/6600013 Wellington Haynes Florence Female Hunter Walter David Male Collie
1934/6600013 Wellington Hunter Walter David Male Haynes Florence Female Collie
1934/6600014 Wellington Hussey Edna Marjorie Female Brooks Bertram Douglas Male Bunbury
1934/6600014 Wellington Brooks Bertram Douglas Male Hussey Edna Marjorie Female Bunbury
1934/6600015 Wellington Millington Ruby Female O'Byrne William Edward Male Bunbury
1934/6600015 Wellington O'Byrne William Edward Male Millington Ruby Female Bunbury
1934/6600016 Wellington Buckenara Dora Beatrice Female Bensted John Henry Male Dardanup
1934/6600016 Wellington Bensted John Henry Male Buckenara Dora Beatrice Female Dardanup
1934/6600017 Wellington Doncon Edward Timaru Male Adams Lesley Jean Female Bunbury
1934/6600017 Wellington Adams Lesley Jean Female Doncon Edward Timaru Male Bunbury
1934/6600018 Wellington Hay Forrest Ramsay Male Britza Dora Marie Female Bunbury
1934/6600018 Wellington Britza Dora Marie Female Hay Forrest Ramsay Male Bunbury
1934/6600019 Wellington Howie Frank Male Duperouzel Myria Joyce Female Bunbury
1935/6600019 Wellington Harnett May Lillian Female Moss Ernest James Male Collie
1935/6600019 Wellington Moss Ernest James Male Harnett May Lillian Female Collie
1934/6600019 Wellington Duperouzel Myria Joyce Female Howie Frank Male Bunbury
1934/6600020 Wellington Hann Percy Charles Male Ashley Dorothy May Female Collie
1934/6600020 Wellington Ashley Dorothy May Female Hann Percy Charles Male Collie
1934/6600021 Wellington Hall Aubrey Nelson Male Thompson Frances Female Bunbury
1934/6600021 Wellington Thompson Frances Female Hall Aubrey Nelson Male Bunbury
1935/6600022 Wellington Scott Dorothy Marion Female O'Sullivan Rodger Dennis Male Collie
1934/6600022 Wellington Hales Frances Alexandra Female Taylor Henry Charles Male Bunbury
1935/6600022 Wellington O'Sullivan Rodger Dennis Male Scott Dorothy Marion Female Collie
1934/6600022 Wellington Taylor Henry Charles Male Hales Frances Alexandra Female Bunbury
1935/6600023 Wellington Gray William James Male Flynn May Kathleen Female Collie
1934/6600023 Wellington Bynon William Thomas Male Johns Alma Hazel Female Bunbury
1934/6600023 Wellington Johns Alma Hazel Female Bynon William Thomas Male Bunbury
1935/6600023 Wellington Flynn May Kathleen Female Gray William James Male Collie
1934/6600024 Wellington Beere Arthur Douglas Male Briggs Kathleen Mary Hope Female Bunbury
1934/6600024 Wellington Briggs Kathleen Mary Hope Female Beere Arthur Douglas Male Bunbury
1934/6600025 Wellington Webster Ethel Female Taylor Leonard Newsted Male Harvey
1934/6600025 Wellington Taylor Leonard Newsted Male Webster Ethel Female Harvey
1934/6600026 Wellington Lewis Richard Allan Male Austen Nellie Marie Female Bunbury
1934/6600026 Wellington Austen Nellie Marie Female Lewis Richard Allan Male Bunbury
1934/6600027 Wellington Murray Constance Adelaide Female Fewster Keith Male Bunbury
1934/6600027 Wellington Fewster Keith Male Murray Constance Adelaide Female Bunbury
1934/6600028 Wellington Osborne Gladys May Female Rosenbrock Ernest Leslie Male Bunbury
1934/6600028 Wellington Rosenbrock Ernest Leslie Male Osborne Gladys May Female Bunbury
1934/6600029 Wellington Krentzin Dorothy Mildred Female Little James Grant Male Bunbury
1934/6600029 Wellington Little James Grant Male Krentzin Dorothy Mildred Female Bunbury
1934/6600030 Wellington Adams Ruby Hilda Female Harding David Ernest Male Harvey
1934/6600030 Wellington Harding David Ernest Male Adams Ruby Hilda Female Harvey
1934/6600031 Wellington Pearce Noel Henry Male Bickley Jessie Isabel Female Bunbury
1934/6600031 Wellington Bickley Jessie Isabel Female Pearce Noel Henry Male Bunbury
1934/6600032 Wellington Kaeshagen Edith Joy Female Bourne Robert Alfred Ashworth Male Bunbury
1934/6600032 Wellington Bourne Robert Alfred Ashworth Male Kaeshagen Edith Joy Female Bunbury
1934/6600033 Wellington Wallace John Whitla Male Lyons Lois Ellen Female Bunbury
1934/6600033 Wellington Lyons Lois Ellen Female Wallace John Whitla Male Bunbury
1934/6600034 Wellington Hall Vera Freda Mary Female Knowles John Male Bunbury
1934/6600034 Wellington Knowles John Male Hall Vera Freda Mary Female Bunbury
1934/6600035 Wellington Donovan James Redmond Male Delaporte Winifred Mary Female Bunbury
1934/6600035 Wellington Delaporte Winifred Mary Female Donovan James Redmond Male Bunbury
1934/6600036 Wellington Clarke Lillian Jean Female Brown Horace Victor Male Darkan
1934/6600036 Wellington Brown Horace Victor Male Clarke Lillian Jean Female Darkan
1934/6600037 Wellington Gilchrist Dorothy Maud Female Johnson James William Male Bunbury
1934/6600037 Wellington Johnson James William Male Gilchrist Dorothy Maud Female Bunbury
1934/6600038 Wellington Manning Mildred Mary Female Perkins George Male Bunbury
1934/6600038 Wellington Perkins George Male Manning Mildred Mary Female Bunbury
1934/6600039 Wellington Scott Keith Francis Male Best Lilian Marian Female Bunbury
1934/6600039 Wellington Best Lilian Marian Female Scott Keith Francis Male Bunbury
1934/6600040 Wellington Sinclair Olive Gwendoline Female Lane William George Male South Bunbury
1934/6600040 Wellington Lane William George Male Sinclair Olive Gwendoline Female South Bunbury
1934/6600041 Wellington Roney Frank Male Gilbert Hazel Female Bunbury
1934/6600041 Wellington Gilbert Hazel Female Roney Frank Male Bunbury
1934/6600042 Wellington Read Harry Male Frearson Edna May Female Collie
1934/6600042 Wellington Frearson Edna May Female Read Harry Male Collie
1934/6600043 Wellington Reid Ivan Henry Francis Male Martin Pearl Adelaide Female Collie
1934/6600043 Wellington Martin Pearl Adelaide Female Reid Ivan Henry Francis Male Collie
1934/6600044 Wellington Lake Francis William Male McCamish Dorothy Edna Female Collie
1934/6600044 Wellington Lake Francis William Male Meade Dorothy Edna Female Collie
1934/6600044 Wellington Meade Dorothy Edna Female Lake Francis William Male Collie
1934/6600044 Wellington McCamish Dorothy Edna Female Lake Francis William Male Collie
1934/6600045 Wellington Jones Margaret Lillian Female Macintyre Ellis Earle Male Collie
1934/6600045 Wellington Macintyre Ellis Earle Male Jones Margaret Lillian Female Collie
1934/6600046 Wellington Atherton Gerard Mejella Male Johnson Isabel Doreen Female Collie
1934/6600046 Wellington Johnson Isabel Doreen Female Atherton Gerard Mejella Male Collie
1934/6600047 Wellington Cherry Robert Male Henderson Anne Female Collie
1934/6600047 Wellington Henderson Anne Female Cherry Robert Male Collie
1934/6600048 Wellington Miller Carloine Emma Mary Female Martin Edward Male Collie
1934/6600048 Wellington Martin Edward Male Miller Carloine Emma Mary Female Collie
1934/6600049 Wellington Foale Kathleen Betty Female Donovan John Edward Male Rathmines
1934/6600049 Wellington Donovan John Edward Male Foale Kathleen Betty Female Rathmines
1934/6600050 Wellington Whiteaker David Male Simpson Alice Agnes Female Bunbury
1934/6600050 Wellington Simpson Alice Agnes Female Whiteaker David Male Bunbury
1934/6600051 Wellington Guilfoyle Eileen Catherine Female Pickett Walter Scholey Male Bunbury
1934/6600051 Wellington Pickett Walter Scholey Male Guilfoyle Eileen Catherine Female Bunbury
1934/6600052 Wellington Thompson Ernest Male Rodwell Gwendoline Ruth Female Collie
1934/6600052 Wellington Rodwell Gwendoline Ruth Female Thompson Ernest Male Collie
1934/6600053 Wellington Gooderson Percy Henry Male Jackson Doris Eileen Female Bunbury
1934/6600053 Wellington Jackson Doris Eileen Female Gooderson Percy Henry Male Bunbury
1934/6600054 Wellington Brown Elvie Doreen Female Talbot Thomas Haldane Male Brunswick Junction
1934/6600054 Wellington Talbot Thomas Haldane Male Brown Elvie Doreen Female Brunswick Junction
1934/6600055 Wellington Lerm William Edward Male Ashton Kathleen Female Bunbury
1934/6600055 Wellington Ashton Kathleen Female Lerm William Edward Male Bunbury
1934/6600056 Wellington Williamson Grace Female Sharp Ernest Charles Towers Male Bunbury
1934/6600056 Wellington Sharp Ernest Charles Towers Male Williamson Grace Female Bunbury
1934/6600057 Wellington Rodgers Harold Joseph Male Jarvis Phyllis Sarah Female South Bunbury
1934/6600057 Wellington Jarvis Phyllis Sarah Female Rodgers Harold Joseph Male South Bunbury
1934/6600058 Wellington James John Joseph Male Bryant Agnes Amelia Female Boyanup
1934/6600058 Wellington Bryant Agnes Amelia Female James John Joseph Male Boyanup
1934/6600059 Wellington Gardiner Effie Viola Female Gibbs Harold Ferguson Male Rathmines
1934/6600059 Wellington Gibbs Harold Ferguson Male Gardiner Effie Viola Female Rathmines
1934/6600060 Wellington House Charles Edward Male Robinson Millicent Edna Female Bunbury
1934/6600060 Wellington Robinson Millicent Edna Female House Charles Edward Male Bunbury
1934/6600061 Wellington Strongman Myra Maud Female Turner Arthur Stanley Male Collie
1934/6600061 Wellington Turner Arthur Stanley Male Strongman Myra Maud Female Collie
1934/6600062 Wellington Bursill Walter George Male Hastie Thelma Eileen Female Bunbury
1934/6600062 Wellington Hastie Thelma Eileen Female Bursill Walter George Male Bunbury
1934/6600063 Wellington Wells Albert John Male Currell Elsie Female Bunbury
1934/6600063 Wellington Currell Elsie Female Wells Albert John Male Bunbury
1934/6600064 Wellington Lee Eileen Female Lake Wallis John Male Collie
1934/6600064 Wellington Lake Wallis John Male Lee Eileen Female Collie
1934/6600065 Wellington Cheeseman Rose Margaret Female Allen Sydney Thomas Male Kirup
1934/6600065 Wellington Allen Sydney Thomas Male Cheeseman Rose Margaret Female Kirup
1934/6600066 Wellington Iles Violet Ellen Female Pelusey Jack Peter Male Rathmines
1934/6600066 Wellington Pelusey Jack Peter Male Iles Violet Ellen Female Rathmines
1934/6600067 Wellington Norrie Thomas Hankinson Male Scott Maisie Female Collie
1934/6600067 Wellington Scott Maisie Female Norrie Thomas Hankinson Male Collie
1934/6600068 Wellington Rowe Beatrice Ellen Female Saunders Frank Male Collie
1934/6600068 Wellington Saunders Frank Male Rowe Beatrice Ellen Female Collie
1934/6600069 Wellington Southgate Herbert John Male Henderson Cressel May Female Bunbury
1934/6600069 Wellington Henderson Cressel May Female Southgate Herbert John Male Bunbury
1934/6600070 Wellington Waight Ernest Male Culph Ivy Jane Female South Bunbury
1934/6600070 Wellington Culph Ivy Jane Female Waight Ernest Male South Bunbury
1934/6600071 Wellington Robertson Hugh Crocker Male Gorman Eileen Cecelia Female Bunbury
1934/6600071 Wellington Gorman Eileen Cecelia Female Robertson Hugh Crocker Male Bunbury
1934/6600072 Wellington Dixon Raydon Elliott Male McLeod Phyllis Elizabeth Female Bunbury
1934/6600072 Wellington McLeod Phyllis Elizabeth Female Dixon Raydon Elliott Male Bunbury
1934/6600073 Wellington Patstone Edith Doreen Female Weighell William Isaac Male Collie
1934/6600073 Wellington Weighell William Isaac Male Patstone Edith Doreen Female Collie
1934/6600074 Wellington Coopes Emma Constance Female Yockins Sydney Male Bunbury
1934/6600074 Wellington Yockins Sydney Male Coopes Emma Constance Female Bunbury
1934/6600075 Wellington Trotman Albert Howard Male Scott Joy Edeline Irene Female Stratham
1934/6600075 Wellington Scott Joy Edeline Irene Female Trotman Albert Howard Male Stratham
1934/6600076 Wellington Hewett Frank Male Johnston Clara Frances Female Bunbury
1934/6600076 Wellington Johnston Clara Frances Female Hewett Frank Male Bunbury
1934/6600078 Wellington Bates Sylvie Elizabeth Female Gorman Leonard Clarence Mervin Male Bunbury
1934/6600078 Wellington Gorman Leonard Clarence Mervin Male Bates Sylvie Elizabeth Female Bunbury
1934/6600079 Wellington Smith John McKay Male Johnson Monica Female Bunbury
1934/6600079 Wellington Johnson Monica Female Smith John McKay Male Bunbury
1934/6600080 Wellington Batten Sadie Female Dixon Thomas Male Bunbury
1934/6600080 Wellington Dixon Thomas Male Batten Sadie Female Bunbury
1934/6600081 Wellington Brown Mavis Female Hartzer William Henry Male Bunbury
1934/6600081 Wellington Hartzer William Henry Male Brown Mavis Female Bunbury
1934/6600082 Wellington Clifton Francis Norman Male Offer Ivanna Helen Female Rathmines
1934/6600082 Wellington Offer Ivanna Helen Female Clifton Francis Norman Male Rathmines
1934/6600083 Wellington Grover Daphne Joy Female McDonald Leonard George Male Bunbury
1934/6600083 Wellington McDonald Leonard George Male Grover Daphne Joy Female Bunbury
1934/6600084 Wellington Snell Winifred Emily Female Crowe Norman Ernest Male Bunbury
1934/6600084 Wellington Crowe Norman Ernest Male Snell Winifred Emily Female Bunbury
1934/6600085 Wellington Fraser John Male Finlay Ivy May Female Collie
1934/6600085 Wellington Finlay Ivy May Female Fraser John Male Collie
1934/6600086 Wellington Fryer Lily Mabel Female Fimmel Kenneth Edward Male Harvey
1934/6600086 Wellington Fimmel Kenneth Edward Male Fryer Lily Mabel Female Harvey
1934/6600087 Wellington Mort Ernest Charles Male Armstrong Winifred Myrtle Female Bunbury
1934/6600087 Wellington Armstrong Winifred Myrtle Female Mort Ernest Charles Male Bunbury
1934/6600088 Wellington McMillan Andrew Male Gibsone Flora Maud Female Bunbury
1934/6600088 Wellington Gibsone Flora Maud Female McMillan Andrew Male Bunbury
1934/6600089 Wellington Scott Ernest William Male Hoskins Thelma May Female Bunbury
1934/6600089 Wellington Hoskins Thelma May Female Scott Ernest William Male Bunbury
1934/6600090 Wellington Broadbridge Edwin Thomas Male Styants Hilda Isobel Female South Bunbury
1934/6600090 Wellington Styants Hilda Isobel Female Broadbridge Edwin Thomas Male South Bunbury
1934/6600091 Wellington Dilley Leslie William Male Walker Jeannie Female Bunbury
1934/6600091 Wellington Walker Jeannie Female Dilley Leslie William Male Bunbury
1934/6600092 Wellington Ritchie Janet Female Roney Willie Male Bunbury
1934/6600092 Wellington Roney Willie Male Ritchie Janet Female Bunbury
1934/6600093 Wellington Ashcroft John Hodgson Male Wells Alice Female Donnybrook
1934/6600093 Wellington Wells Alice Female Ashcroft John Hodgson Male Donnybrook
1934/6600094 Wellington Avery Philip Joseph Male Dermer Leila Marjorie Female Harvey
1934/6600094 Wellington Dermer Leila Marjorie Female Avery Philip Joseph Male Harvey
1934/6600095 Wellington Geldert Jean Female Biggins Christopher John Male Collie
1934/6600095 Wellington Biggins Christopher John Male Geldert Jean Female Collie
1934/6600096 Wellington Rodgers Percy William Male Coonan Georgina May Female Dardanup
1934/6600096 Wellington Coonan Georgina May Female Rodgers Percy William Male Dardanup
1934/6600097 Wellington Henfrey Kathleen Margaret Female Mance John Thomas Male Donnybrook
1934/6600097 Wellington Mance John Thomas Male Henfrey Kathleen Margaret Female Donnybrook
1934/6600098 Wellington Osborne Florence Emily Mary Female Munslow-Davies Samuel Hubert Male Bunbury
1934/6600098 Wellington Munslow-Davies Samuel Hubert Male Osborne Florence Emily Mary Female Bunbury
1934/6600099 Wellington Brockman Guy Male Fowler Dora Thelma Female Donnybrook
1934/6600099 Wellington Fowler Dora Thelma Female Brockman Guy Male Donnybrook
1934/6600100 Wellington Symmans Dorothy Lilian Female Fielder Daniel George Male Harvey
1934/6600100 Wellington Fielder Daniel George Male Symmans Dorothy Lilian Female Harvey
1934/6600101 Wellington Moody Eliza Female Williams Ernest Alfred Male Bunbury
1934/6600101 Wellington Williams Ernest Alfred Male Moody Eliza Female Bunbury
1934/6600102 Wellington Watson Leonard Joseph Male Torr Joyce Ena Female Bunbury
1934/6600102 Wellington Torr Joyce Ena Female Watson Leonard Joseph Male Bunbury
1934/6600103 Wellington Woods Myrtle Female Sanford Herbert William Male Collie
1934/6600103 Wellington Sanford Herbert William Male Woods Myrtle Female Collie
1934/6600104 Wellington Pedretti Albert Joseph Male Pelusi Rita Angela Female Bunbury
1934/6600104 Wellington Pelusi Rita Angela Female Pedretti Albert Joseph Male Bunbury
1934/6600105 Wellington Huggins Brion Richard Male Daniels Dorothy Margaret Female Bunbury
1934/6600105 Wellington Daniels Dorothy Margaret Female Huggins Brion Richard Male Bunbury
1934/6600106 Wellington McLeod Audrey Jean Female Edwards Wellington Charles Male Bunbury
1934/6600106 Wellington Edwards Wellington Charles Male McLeod Audrey Jean Female Bunbury
1934/6600107 Wellington Harnett John James Male McCamish Enid Aileen Female Collie
1934/6600107 Wellington McCamish Enid Aileen Female Harnett John James Male Collie
1934/6600108 Wellington Roney Rose Dorothy Female Bradbrook Patrick Thomas William Henry Male Collie
1934/6600108 Wellington Bradbrook Patrick Thomas William Henry Male Roney Rose Dorothy Female Collie
1934/6600109 Wellington Turnor Cyril James Male Williams Winifred Jean Female Bunbury
1934/6600109 Wellington Williams Winifred Jean Female Turnor Cyril James Male Bunbury
1934/6600110 Wellington Williams Arthur Lindsay Male Proctor Maud Female Newlands
1934/6600110 Wellington Proctor Maud Female Williams Arthur Lindsay Male Newlands
1934/6600111 Wellington Pickersgill Dulcie Lila Female Temple Arthur Pericles Male South Bunbury
1934/6600111 Wellington Temple Arthur Pericles Male Pickersgill Dulcie Lila Female South Bunbury
1934/6600112 Wellington Ridley Darby Walford Male Clifton Edith Christina Female Australind
1934/6600112 Wellington Clifton Edith Christina Female Ridley Darby Walford Male Australind
1934/6600113 Wellington Weir Stanley King Male Bennet Eileen May Female Collie
1934/6600113 Wellington Bennet Eileen May Female Weir Stanley King Male Collie
1934/6600114 Wellington Miller Eleanor Mable Female Mickle Lawrance David Male Bunbury
1934/6600114 Wellington Mickle Lawrance David Male Miller Eleanor Mable Female Bunbury
1934/6600115 Wellington Thomas Gwladys Female Simpson Samson Male Collie
1934/6600115 Wellington Simpson Samson Male Thomas Gwladys Female Collie
1934/6600116 Wellington Pugh Mary Emily Female Best George Frederick Male Bunbury
1934/6600116 Wellington Best George Frederick Male Pugh Mary Emily Female Bunbury
1934/6600117 Wellington Bicknell Ernest Alfred Male Hutton Christine Gladys Female Capel
1934/6600117 Wellington Hutton Christine Gladys Female Bicknell Ernest Alfred Male Capel
1934/6600118 Wellington Cattach Walter Boranup Male Anderson Alma May Female Yarloop
1934/6600118 Wellington Anderson Alma May Female Cattach Walter Boranup Male Yarloop
1934/6600119 Wellington Landwehr Albert Edward Male Scott Lilian Edith Female Harvey
1934/6600119 Wellington Scott Lilian Edith Female Landwehr Albert Edward Male Harvey
1934/6600120 Wellington Payne Doris Lucille Female Palmer Henry Wyndham Geoffrey Male Harvey
1934/6600120 Wellington Palmer Henry Wyndham Geoffrey Male Payne Doris Lucille Female Harvey
1934/6600121 Wellington Roberts Jessie Female Jones William James Male Bunbury
1934/6600121 Wellington Jones William James Male Roberts Jessie Female Bunbury
1934/6600122 Wellington Bainbridge Marjorie Joan Female McWilliams Joseph Male Bunbury
1934/6600122 Wellington McWilliams Joseph Male Bainbridge Marjorie Joan Female Bunbury
1934/6600123 Wellington McLaren Winifred Jane Female Jones Melville Male Collie
1934/6600123 Wellington Jones Melville Male McLaren Winifred Jane Female Collie
1934/6600124 Wellington Gorman Elva Kennedy Female Richards John Thomas Male Donnybrook
1934/6600124 Wellington Richards John Thomas Male Gorman Elva Kennedy Female Donnybrook
1934/6600125 Wellington Lawrance Thelma Alice Female Miller William Allan Male Donnybrook
1934/6600125 Wellington Miller William Allan Male Lawrance Thelma Alice Female Donnybrook
1934/6600126 Wellington Pedretti Alma Female Guazzelli Filippo Male Bunbury
1934/6600126 Wellington Guazzelli Filippo Male Pedretti Alma Female Bunbury
1934/6600127 Wellington Wright Leola Doris Female Moyses Henry Percy Male Collie
1934/6600127 Wellington Moyses Henry Percy Male Wright Leola Doris Female Collie
1934/6600128 Wellington Mason Eveleen Mary Female Turnbull William Male Collie
1934/6600128 Wellington Turnbull William Male Mason Eveleen Mary Female Collie
1934/6600129 Wellington Piggott Cecil Roy Male Hill Kathleen Margaret Female Brunswick Junction
1934/6600129 Wellington Hill Kathleen Margaret Female Piggott Cecil Roy Male Brunswick Junction
1934/6600130 Wellington Roney Walter Gordon Leslie Male Hooper Jean Christina Female Bunbury
1934/6600130 Wellington Hooper Jean Christina Female Roney Walter Gordon Leslie Male Bunbury
1934/6600131 Wellington Sheppard Edgar Charles Male Martin Grace Olive Female Collie
1934/6600131 Wellington Martin Grace Olive Female Sheppard Edgar Charles Male Collie
1934/6600132 Wellington Dillon Arthur John Male Bonser Margaret Dolores Female Dardanup
1934/6600132 Wellington Bonser Margaret Dolores Female Dillon Arthur John Male Dardanup
1934/6600133 Wellington Sanderson George Male Laverack Beatrice Annie Female South Bunbury
1934/6600133 Wellington Laverack Beatrice Annie Female Sanderson George Male South Bunbury
1934/6600134 Wellington Emmott Elsie Catherine Female Houston Kenneth Malcolm Male Bunbury
1934/6600134 Wellington Houston Kenneth Malcolm Male Emmott Elsie Catherine Female Bunbury
1934/6600135 Wellington Warne Edwin James Male Price Mary Elizabeth Female Collie
1934/6600135 Wellington Price Mary Elizabeth Female Warne Edwin James Male Collie
1934/6600136 Wellington Moore Beryl Agnes Female Berry William George Male Harvey
1934/6600136 Wellington Berry William George Male Moore Beryl Agnes Female Harvey
1934/6600137 Wellington Jackson Madeline Alice Female Mills Arthur Andrew Male Cookernup
1934/6600137 Wellington Mills Arthur Andrew Male Jackson Madeline Alice Female Cookernup
1934/6600138 Wellington Gibbs Albert Montague Male Hoskins Edith Myra Female Rathmines
1934/6600138 Wellington Hoskins Edith Myra Female Gibbs Albert Montague Male Rathmines
1934/6600139 Wellington Miller Emily Lilian Female Woodhead Leslie Albert Male Donnybrook
1934/6600139 Wellington Woodhead Leslie Albert Male Miller Emily Lilian Female Donnybrook
1934/6600140 Wellington McCarthy Norman Haywood Male Bryce Rieta Jean Female Boyanup
1934/6600140 Wellington Bryce Rieta Jean Female McCarthy Norman Haywood Male Boyanup
1934/6600141 Wellington Adkins Harry Leonard Male Allen Violet Kate Female Harvey
1934/6600141 Wellington Allen Violet Kate Female Adkins Harry Leonard Male Harvey
1934/6600142 Wellington Ausden Aubrey Clive Male Prosser Thelma Jean Female Bunbury
1934/6600142 Wellington Prosser Thelma Jean Female Ausden Aubrey Clive Male Bunbury
1934/6600143 Wellington Grondal Albert Henry Male Compson Olive Louis Female Collie
1934/6600143 Wellington Compson Olive Louis Female Grondal Albert Henry Male Collie
1934/6600144 Wellington Pether William Thomas Male Kennedy Hilda Female Harvey
1934/6600144 Wellington Kennedy Hilda Female Pether William Thomas Male Harvey
1934/6600145 Wellington Pearson Lilian Female Fry Joseph Gurney Male Brunswick Junction
1934/6600145 Wellington Fry Joseph Gurney Male Pearson Lilian Female Brunswick Junction
1934/6600146 Wellington Roberts Freda Victoria Female Hansen Joseph Christian Louis Male Donnybrook
1934/6600146 Wellington Hansen Joseph Christian Louis Male Roberts Freda Victoria Female Donnybrook
1934/6600147 Wellington Dore Allie May Female Belton Albert George Male Donnybrook
1934/6600147 Wellington Belton Albert George Male Dore Allie May Female Donnybrook
1934/6600148 Wellington Spiers Eva Rachel Female Harrison Wilfred John Male Bunbury
1934/6600148 Wellington Harrison Wilfred John Male Spiers Eva Rachel Female Bunbury
1934/6600149 Wellington Franke Rita Agnes Female Schurmann William Male Bunbury
1934/6600149 Wellington Schurmann William Male Franke Rita Agnes Female Bunbury
1934/6600150 Wellington Leaney Elsie May Female Iseppi James Horace Male Bunbury
1934/6600150 Wellington Iseppi James Horace Male Leaney Elsie May Female Bunbury
1934/6600151 Wellington Timms Robert Male Pilatti Caterina Female Collie
1934/6600151 Wellington Pilatti Caterina Female Timms Robert Male Collie
1934/6700001 Williams Poultney James Alfred Male Brockhoff Jessie Wilhelmena May Alberta Female Narrogin
1934/6700001 Williams Brockhoff Jessie Wilhelmena May Alberta Female Poultney James Alfred Male Narrogin
1935/6700001 Williams Wilkie Ian Turnbull Male Major Doris Elsie Female Narrogin
1935/6700001 Williams Major Doris Elsie Female Wilkie Ian Turnbull Male Narrogin
1935/6700002 Williams Leen John Joseph Male Gurney Veronica Mary Female Narrogin
1934/6700002 Williams Brown Edna Oriel Female Hall Douglas Gerald Male Williams
1934/6700002 Williams Hall Douglas Gerald Male Brown Edna Oriel Female Williams
1935/6700002 Williams Gurney Veronica Mary Female Leen John Joseph Male Narrogin
1934/6700003 Williams Robins Cyril John Male Brown Verna Alice Female Williams
1935/6700003 Williams Moran Henry John Male Kerrigan Aileen Frances Female Narrogin
1934/6700003 Williams Brown Verna Alice Female Robins Cyril John Male Williams
1935/6700003 Williams Kerrigan Aileen Frances Female Moran Henry John Male Narrogin
1934/6700005 Williams Gard Gladys Female Lee John Graham Male Narrogin
1934/6700005 Williams Lee John Graham Male Gard Gladys Female Narrogin
1934/6700006 Williams Stanley Edna Mary Female Hargrave Alfred Owen Male Narrogin
1934/6700006 Williams Hargrave Alfred Owen Male Stanley Edna Mary Female Narrogin
1934/6700007 Williams Virgin Bertha Amelia Female Thresh Paul Stanley Male Narrogin
1934/6700007 Williams Thresh Paul Stanley Male Virgin Bertha Amelia Female Narrogin
1935/6700008 Williams Ballucci John Male Boothey Edna Myra Female Narrogin
1935/6700008 Williams Boothey Edna Myra Female Ballucci John Male Narrogin
1934/6700008 Williams Thomas Gladys May Female West Jack Male Narrogin
1934/6700008 Williams West Jack Male Thomas Gladys May Female Narrogin
1934/6700009 Williams Kneale Robert Ceasar Male Burns Alice Female Lake Grace
1935/6700009 Williams Mortimer Emma Female Rendell Leslie George Male Narrogin
1934/6700009 Williams Burns Alice Female Kneale Robert Ceasar Male Lake Grace
1935/6700009 Williams Rendell Leslie George Male Mortimer Emma Female Narrogin
1934/6700010 Williams Meredith Stella Alma Female Lloyd John Ross Male Lake Grace
1934/6700010 Williams Lloyd John Ross Male Meredith Stella Alma Female Lake Grace
1934/6700011 Williams Whittaker Olive Merle Female Grant Harry Male Narrogin
1934/6700011 Williams Grant Harry Male Whittaker Olive Merle Female Narrogin
1934/6700012 Williams Doncon Berwen Elfie Female Forsyth Andrew Basil Male Wickepin
1934/6700012 Williams Forsyth Andrew Basil Male Doncon Berwen Elfie Female Wickepin
1934/6700013 Williams Sharpe Burnese Irvine Female Porter John Robert Male Narrogin
1934/6700013 Williams Porter John Robert Male Sharpe Burnese Irvine Female Narrogin
1934/6700014 Williams Ridley Edna Elizabeth Female Purdue Lionel Frank Male Wickepin
1934/6700014 Williams Purdue Lionel Frank Male Ridley Edna Elizabeth Female Wickepin
1934/6700015 Williams Chadwick Ethel Nora Female Parry Frank Male Narrogin
1934/6700015 Williams Parry Frank Male Chadwick Ethel Nora Female Narrogin
1934/6700016 Williams Gray Emily Temperance Female Trimble Raymond Male Narrogin
1934/6700016 Williams Trimble Raymond Male Gray Emily Temperance Female Narrogin
1934/6700017 Williams Trimble Nelson Male Coyle Florence Irene Female Narrogin
1934/6700017 Williams Coyle Florence Irene Female Trimble Nelson Male Narrogin
1934/6700018 Williams Lugg Charles Gordon Male Boddington Ellen Frances Jane Female Narrogin
1934/6700018 Williams Boddington Ellen Frances Jane Female Lugg Charles Gordon Male Narrogin
1934/6700019 Williams Simms Leslie John Male Dearlove Clarice Maud Female Narrogin
1934/6700019 Williams Dearlove Clarice Maud Female Simms Leslie John Male Narrogin
1934/6700020 Williams Nelson Edward Male O'Callaghan Eileen Mary Female Narrogin
1934/6700020 Williams O'Callaghan Eileen Mary Female Nelson Edward Male Narrogin
1934/6700021 Williams Dunn Margaret Female Cunniffe William McCormick Male Toolibin
1934/6700021 Williams Cunniffe William McCormick Male Dunn Margaret Female Toolibin
1934/6700022 Williams Clarke Ivan Milton Male Dick Lucy Ellen Female Narrogin
1934/6700022 Williams Dick Lucy Ellen Female Clarke Ivan Milton Male Narrogin
1934/6700023 Williams Kerr Holly Enid Female Cox Henry Charles Male Nyamuttin
1934/6700023 Williams Cox Henry Charles Male Kerr Holly Enid Female Nyamuttin
1934/6700024 Williams Lowe Dunlop Hilton Male Watters Nancy Marion Female Narrogin
1934/6700024 Williams Watters Nancy Marion Female Lowe Dunlop Hilton Male Narrogin
1934/6700025 Williams Bosenberg Robert Charles Male Batt Ivy Eileen Alice Female Marradong
1934/6700025 Williams Batt Ivy Eileen Alice Female Bosenberg Robert Charles Male Marradong
1934/6700026 Williams Barry Thomas Arthur Bernard Gerard Male White Phoebe Ellen Female Williams
1934/6700026 Williams White Phoebe Ellen Female Barry Thomas Arthur Bernard Gerard Male Williams
1934/6700027 Williams Kuhlmann Mortimer Vivian Male Wiese Rose Muria Female Narrogin
1934/6700027 Williams Wiese Rose Muria Female Kuhlmann Mortimer Vivian Male Narrogin
1934/6700028 Williams McCrackan Leonard Clarence Male Love Florence Elizabeth Female Wickepin
1934/6700028 Williams Love Florence Elizabeth Female McCrackan Leonard Clarence Male Wickepin
1934/6700029 Williams Elwick Muriel Dorothy Female Hassett Frank James Male Narrogin
1934/6700029 Williams Hassett Frank James Male Elwick Muriel Dorothy Female Narrogin
1934/6700030 Williams Ridley Dorothy May Female Lee William John Male Narrogin
1934/6700030 Williams Lee William John Male Ridley Dorothy May Female Narrogin
1934/6700031 Williams Stapledon Harry Duncan Male East Noreen Wellington Female Narrogin
1934/6700031 Williams East Noreen Wellington Female Stapledon Harry Duncan Male Narrogin
1934/6700032 Williams Blythe Gwendoline Elvie Female Abernethy James Ross Male Varley
1934/6700032 Williams Abernethy James Ross Male Blythe Gwendoline Elvie Female Varley
1934/6700033 Williams Holland Arthur James Edward Male Job Mary Grace Female Narrogin
1934/6700033 Williams Job Mary Grace Female Holland Arthur James Edward Male Narrogin
1934/6700034 Williams Firns Catherine Ruby Female Rawlings Henry Charles Male Boddington
1934/6700034 Williams Rawlings Henry Charles Male Firns Catherine Ruby Female Boddington
1934/6700035 Williams Gibbs Ernest Aubrey Male Green Elsie May Female Darkan
1934/6700035 Williams Green Elsie May Female Gibbs Ernest Aubrey Male Darkan
1934/6700036 Williams Bowron Margaret Lily Female Duffield Samuel Male Williams
1934/6700036 Williams Duffield Samuel Male Bowron Margaret Lily Female Williams
1934/6700037 Williams Macpherson Hazel Alfreda Graham Female McKnight Frederick Male Narrogin
1934/6700037 Williams McKnight Frederick Male Macpherson Hazel Alfreda Graham Female Narrogin
1934/6700038 Williams Toll Andrew Amos Male Boddington Violet Myrtle Mary Female Narrogin
1934/6700038 Williams Boddington Violet Myrtle Mary Female Toll Andrew Amos Male Narrogin
1934/6700039 Williams Newman John Wilfred Male James Annie Female Narrogin
1934/6700039 Williams James Annie Female Newman John Wilfred Male Narrogin
1934/6700040 Williams Foreman George Alfred Male Chadwick Florence Female Narrogin
1934/6700040 Williams Chadwick Florence Female Foreman George Alfred Male Narrogin
1934/6700041 Williams Powell Cedric Male Woods Irene Female Lake Grace
1934/6700041 Williams Woods Irene Female Powell Cedric Male Lake Grace
1934/6700042 Williams Russell Margaret Catherine May Female Watt Alexander Male Newdegate
1934/6700042 Williams Watt Alexander Male Russell Margaret Catherine May Female Newdegate
1934/6700043 Williams Sartori Antonio Male Fleay Hilda Bartram Female Narrogin
1934/6700043 Williams Fleay Hilda Bartram Female Sartori Antonio Male Narrogin
1934/6700044 Williams Jones Lavina Joy Female Meers Clarence Henry Male Narrogin
1934/6700044 Williams Meers Clarence Henry Male Jones Lavina Joy Female Narrogin
1934/6700045 Williams Dalton Alice May Female Nichols Robert Charles Male Wickepin
1934/6700045 Williams Nichols Robert Charles Male Dalton Alice May Female Wickepin
1934/6700046 Williams Williamson Walter Fullerton Male Sinclair Catherine Duncan Female Narrogin
1934/6700046 Williams Sinclair Catherine Duncan Female Williamson Walter Fullerton Male Narrogin
1934/6700047 Williams Hosking Malinda May Female Holdaway Mervyn Lenard Male Wickepin
1934/6700047 Williams Holdaway Mervyn Lenard Male Hosking Malinda May Female Wickepin
1934/6700048 Williams Duncan Ruby Alweine Isobel Female Holdaway Albert James Male Wickepin
1934/6700048 Williams Holdaway Albert James Male Duncan Ruby Alweine Isobel Female Wickepin
1934/6700049 Williams Lennon Albert James Male Glasson Florence Lilian Female Narrogin
1934/6700049 Williams Glasson Florence Lilian Female Lennon Albert James Male Narrogin
1934/6700050 Williams Pollard Milicent Female Atkinson George Dagebert Male Marradong
1934/6700050 Williams Atkinson George Dagebert Male Pollard Milicent Female Marradong
1934/6700051 Williams Mitchell Charles Richmond Male Pascall Elizabeth Emma Female Williams
1934/6700051 Williams Pascall Elizabeth Emma Female Mitchell Charles Richmond Male Williams
1934/6700052 Williams Bell Doris Elizabeth Female Russell Ernest Sydney Male Narrogin
1934/6700052 Williams Russell Ernest Sydney Male Bell Doris Elizabeth Female Narrogin
1934/6900001 Yalgoo Wiley Jean Elizabeth Female Fitzgerald Cyril Irwin Joseph Male Yalgoo
1934/6900001 Yalgoo Fitzgerald Cyril Irwin Joseph Male Wiley Jean Elizabeth Female Yalgoo
1934/7000001 Yilgarn Archibald Alma Jean Female Carter John Gerald Male Southern Cross
1934/7000001 Yilgarn Carter John Gerald Male Archibald Alma Jean Female Southern Cross
1934/7000002 Yilgarn Hall Elizabeth Mary Female Crawford John William Charlton Male Southern Cross
1934/7000002 Yilgarn Crawford John William Charlton Male Hall Elizabeth Mary Female Southern Cross
1934/7000003 Yilgarn Lindley Kathleen Female Mayne Charles Male Westonia
1934/7000003 Yilgarn Mayne Charles Male Lindley Kathleen Female Westonia
1934/7000004 Yilgarn Gill John Stephen Male Mollett Eva Pearl Female Southern Cross
1934/7000004 Yilgarn Mollett Eva Pearl Female Gill John Stephen Male Southern Cross
1934/7000005 Yilgarn Healy Gale Mary Female Nunn Reginald George Male Southern Cross
1934/7000005 Yilgarn Nunn Reginald George Male Healy Gale Mary Female Southern Cross
1934/7000006 Yilgarn Haase Frank Roy Male Howlett Thora Female Marvel Loch
1934/7000006 Yilgarn Howlett Thora Female Haase Frank Roy Male Marvel Loch
1934/7000007 Yilgarn Scott Harry Male Booth Irene Dorothy Catherine Female Southern Cross
1934/7000007 Yilgarn Booth Irene Dorothy Catherine Female Scott Harry Male Southern Cross
1934/7000008 Yilgarn Watson Elizabeth Soutar Female Carstairs George Male Southern Cross
1934/7000008 Yilgarn Carstairs George Male Watson Elizabeth Soutar Female Southern Cross
1934/7000009 Yilgarn Holt Doreen Ellen Female Odgers Harry Sydney Male Southern Cross
1934/7000009 Yilgarn Odgers Harry Sydney Male Holt Doreen Ellen Female Southern Cross
1934/7000010 Yilgarn Stallard Wilfred Henry Male Barnett Emilie Ann Female Southern Cross
1934/7000010 Yilgarn Barnett Emilie Ann Female Stallard Wilfred Henry Male Southern Cross
1934/7000011 Yilgarn Trinidad Lawrence Male Bullard Anne Female Southern Cross
1934/7000011 Yilgarn Bullard Anne Female Trinidad Lawrence Male Southern Cross
1934/7000012 Yilgarn Creech Walter Frank Male Scougall Mary Female Corinthian
1934/7000012 Yilgarn Scougall Mary Female Creech Walter Frank Male Corinthian
1934/7100001 York Hitchcock Sylvester Maud Female Newman Herbert William Male York
1934/7100001 York Newman Herbert William Male Hitchcock Sylvester Maud Female York
1934/7100002 York Cross Topsy Hilda Female Hansen Robert Male York
1934/7100002 York Hansen Robert Male Cross Topsy Hilda Female York
1934/7100003 York Blakiston John Male Stewart Evalyn Holly Female York
1934/7100003 York Stewart Evalyn Holly Female Blakiston John Male York
1934/7100004 York Avery Arthur James Male Lansell Frances Nelly Female York
1934/7100004 York Lansell Frances Nelly Female Avery Arthur James Male York
1934/7100005 York Davey Peggy Bonus Female Cooper Thomas John Male York
1934/7100005 York Cooper Thomas John Male Davey Peggy Bonus Female York
1934/7100006 York McKay Sheila Gretchen Female McDonald Francis Alexander Male York
1934/7100006 York McDonald Francis Alexander Male McKay Sheila Gretchen Female York
1934/7100007 York Batty William Joseph Male Fairhead Amy Female York
1934/7100007 York Fairhead Amy Female Batty William Joseph Male York
1934/7100008 York Cameron Elizabeth Mabel Female Roy William Male York
1934/7100008 York Roy William Male Cameron Elizabeth Mabel Female York
1934/7100009 York Wilson Alfred John Male Bryant Agnes Female York
1934/7100009 York Bryant Agnes Female Wilson Alfred John Male York
1934/7100010 York Jones George Male Ayoub Veronica Female York
1934/7100010 York Ayoub Veronica Female Jones George Male York
1934/7100011 York Carr Arthur Henry Male Linto Lorna Elsie Female York
1934/7100011 York Linto Lorna Elsie Female Carr Arthur Henry Male York
1934/7100012 York Joynes Evelyn Myrtle Female Moses Gilbert Owen Male York
1934/7100012 York Moses Gilbert Owen Male Joynes Evelyn Myrtle Female York
1934/7100013 York Vigus Amy Female Brown Bert Stephen Richard Male York
1934/7100013 York Brown Bert Stephen Richard Male Vigus Amy Female York
1934/7100014 York Bloom Alfred Henry Male Duckham Mary Auriel Grace Female York
1934/7100014 York Duckham Mary Auriel Grace Female Bloom Alfred Henry Male York
1934/7100015 York Davis Edith Mary Female Ashworth Leslie Michael Male York
1934/7100015 York Ashworth Leslie Michael Male Davis Edith Mary Female York
1934/7100016 York McQueen Donald Clarence Augustus Male Giles Myrtle Louisa Female York
1934/7100016 York Giles Myrtle Louisa Female McQueen Donald Clarence Augustus Male York
1934/7100017 York Marwick Eleanor Mary Female Pearce Howard Harold Male York
1934/7100017 York Pearce Howard Harold Male Marwick Eleanor Mary Female York
1934/7100018 York Marwick Pauline Theresa Female Gawned David Clifford Male York
1934/7100018 York Gawned David Clifford Male Marwick Pauline Theresa Female York
1934/7100019 York Screaigh Valsie Hazel Female Bryan Arthur William Male York
1934/7100019 York Bryan Arthur William Male Screaigh Valsie Hazel Female York