A tool to help track the citations of the Western Australian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages from Wikidata and WikiTree.

Marriages in: 1933

Registration year & number Registration district Surname Given names Gender Spouse surname Spouse given names Spouse gender Marriage place Wikidata WikiTree
1934/100001 Perth Massey Florence Edith Female Petersen Julius Male Maylands
1934/100001 Perth Petersen Julius Male Massey Florence Edith Female Maylands
1934/100002 Perth Thompson Martha Agnes Female Wilson William Jack Male Maylands
1934/100002 Perth Wilson William Jack Male Thompson Martha Agnes Female Maylands
1934/100003 Perth Kerr Frances Thurza Female Howes George William Male Maylands
1933/100003 Perth Templer Mary Ella Female Marsden Simeon Male Perth
1934/100003 Perth Howes George William Male Kerr Frances Thurza Female Maylands
1933/100003 Perth Marsden Simeon Male Templer Mary Ella Female Perth
1934/100005 Perth Whitehouse Phyllis Female Reeks William George Ernest Male Victoria Park
1934/100005 Perth Reeks William George Ernest Male Whitehouse Phyllis Female Victoria Park
1934/100006 Perth Whitworth Walter George Male Hancock Hazel Eileen Female West Perth
1934/100006 Perth Hancock Hazel Eileen Female Whitworth Walter George Male West Perth
1934/100007 Perth Ray Howard Wiffen Male Harris Marie Cornelie Female Perth
1934/100007 Perth Harris Marie Cornelie Female Ray Howard Wiffen Male Perth
1934/100008 Perth Hollamby Violet Muriel Female Hanley William Earle Male Cottesloe
1934/100008 Perth Hanley William Earle Male Hollamby Violet Muriel Female Cottesloe
1934/100009 Perth Hancock Leonard Charles Male Vaughan Hilda Female Cottesloe
1934/100009 Perth Vaughan Hilda Female Hancock Leonard Charles Male Cottesloe
1934/100011 Perth Hurst Marion Female Jones Owen Thomas Male Claremont
1934/100011 Perth Jones Owen Thomas Male Hurst Marion Female Claremont
1934/100012 Perth Hassell James Francis Male Locke Alice Mary Female Perth
1934/100012 Perth Locke Alice Mary Female Hassell James Francis Male Perth
1934/100013 Perth Albert Frank Henry Male Edwards Mavis Eleanor Female South Perth
1934/100013 Perth Edwards Mavis Eleanor Female Albert Frank Henry Male South Perth
1934/100014 Perth Bomford Evelyn Mary Female Hall Albert Thomas Male South Perth
1934/100014 Perth Hall Albert Thomas Male Bomford Evelyn Mary Female South Perth
1934/100015 Perth Seels Kathleen Marjorie Female Oxer Gordon Meiklejohn Male Claremont
1934/100015 Perth Oxer Gordon Meiklejohn Male Seels Kathleen Marjorie Female Claremont
1934/100016 Perth Bullock Richard Albert Male Cocking Myra Lilian Female Subiaco
1934/100016 Perth Cocking Myra Lilian Female Bullock Richard Albert Male Subiaco
1933/100016 Perth Magnus Alexander Noel Male Macartney Catherine Frances Female Perth
1933/100016 Perth Macartney Catherine Frances Female Magnus Alexander Noel Male Perth
1934/100017 Perth Scott Kathleen Eva Female Fewster John James Male Subiaco
1934/100017 Perth Fewster John James Male Scott Kathleen Eva Female Subiaco
1934/100018 Perth Roberts Alice May Female Schofield Matthew Robert Male Subiaco
1934/100018 Perth Schofield Matthew Robert Male Roberts Alice May Female Subiaco
1934/100019 Perth Brown John Matthew Male Darnell Elsie Female Subiaco
1934/100019 Perth Darnell Elsie Female Brown John Matthew Male Subiaco
1934/100020 Perth Sheldon Marian Merle Louise Female Newham William Henry Male Subiaco
1934/100020 Perth Newham William Henry Male Sheldon Marian Merle Louise Female Subiaco
1934/100021 Perth Gardner Joan Gwendolen Female Darch Ronald Selick Male Subiaco
1934/100021 Perth Darch Ronald Selick Male Gardner Joan Gwendolen Female Subiaco
1934/100022 Perth Millane Mavis Catherine Female Shepherd Oswald John Male Subiaco
1934/100022 Perth Shepherd Oswald John Male Millane Mavis Catherine Female Subiaco
1934/100023 Perth Montague John William Henry Male Smith Stella Gertrude Female Subiaco
1934/100023 Perth Smith Stella Gertrude Female Montague John William Henry Male Subiaco
1934/100024 Perth Chipper Maitland Henry Male Henley Isla Mary Female Subiaco
1934/100024 Perth Henley Isla Mary Female Chipper Maitland Henry Male Subiaco
1933/100024 Perth Allen Bert Male Rider Doris Female Perth
1933/100024 Perth Rider Doris Female Allen Bert Male Perth
1934/100025 Perth Lonnie William Scott Male Nolan Henrietta Lewese Female Subiaco
1934/100025 Perth Nolan Henrietta Lewese Female Lonnie William Scott Male Subiaco
1934/100026 Perth Pringle Doris Female O'Neill John Roger Male Subiaco
1934/100026 Perth O'Neill John Roger Male Pringle Doris Female Subiaco
1934/100027 Perth Payne Frederick Thomas Kerry Male Weeks Irene Elizabeth Female Subiaco
1934/100027 Perth Weeks Irene Elizabeth Female Payne Frederick Thomas Kerry Male Subiaco
1934/100028 Perth Howe Clifford Thomas Male Clare Lillian Ivy Female Subiaco
1934/100028 Perth Clare Lillian Ivy Female Howe Clifford Thomas Male Subiaco
1934/100029 Perth Dearle Edna May Female O'Brien Gordon Alexander Male Subiaco
1934/100029 Perth O'Brien Gordon Alexander Male Dearle Edna May Female Subiaco
1934/100030 Perth Elder Joseph John Male Corbett Sarah Helen Female Subiaco
1934/100030 Perth Corbett Sarah Helen Female Elder Joseph John Male Subiaco
1934/100031 Perth Lawrence Phyllis Mabel Vera Female Ryding Horace Mervyn Male Perth
1934/100031 Perth Ryding Horace Mervyn Male Lawrence Phyllis Mabel Vera Female Perth
1934/100032 Perth Bartlett Alice Rose Female Shenton Gordon Male Perth
1934/100032 Perth Shenton Gordon Male Bartlett Alice Rose Female Perth
1934/100033 Perth Sabine Evelyn Deimel Female Meatchem Ronald Male Perth
1934/100033 Perth Meatchem Ronald Male Sabine Evelyn Deimel Female Perth
1934/100034 Perth Cousin Olive Female Lawrance William Frederic Male Perth
1934/100034 Perth Lawrance William Frederic Male Cousin Olive Female Perth
1934/100035 Perth Moss Alice Muriel Female Cassidy Frank Edgar Male Perth
1934/100035 Perth Cassidy Frank Edgar Male Moss Alice Muriel Female Perth
1934/100036 Perth Jewell Wilfred Foster Male Caldwell Jessie Ellen Female Claremont
1934/100036 Perth Caldwell Jessie Ellen Female Jewell Wilfred Foster Male Claremont
1934/100037 Perth Holmes Arthur Thomas Male Restall Phyllis Dorothy Female Perth
1934/100037 Perth Restall Phyllis Dorothy Female Holmes Arthur Thomas Male Perth
1934/100038 Perth Watson Alice Cairns Female Norris William John Zachariah Male South Perth
1934/100038 Perth Norris William John Zachariah Male Watson Alice Cairns Female South Perth
1934/100039 Perth Walton Fred Wood Male Roberts Gwynyth Audrey Female Perth
1934/100039 Perth Roberts Gwynyth Audrey Female Walton Fred Wood Male Perth
1934/100040 Perth Higginson George Leonard Male Smith Elizabeth Sarah May Female Highgate Hill
1934/100040 Perth Smith Elizabeth Sarah May Female Higginson George Leonard Male Highgate Hill
1934/100041 Perth Wyatt William Henry Jackson Male Slim Esther Female Highgate
1934/100041 Perth Slim Esther Female Wyatt William Henry Jackson Male Highgate
1934/100042 Perth English Charles Edward Male Martyn Eda Ruth Female Perth
1934/100042 Perth Martyn Eda Ruth Female English Charles Edward Male Perth
1933/100044 Perth Rennie Maxwell Eldred Male Starling Sylvia Agnes Female Perth
1933/100044 Perth Starling Sylvia Agnes Female Rennie Maxwell Eldred Male Perth
1933/100045 Perth Medhurst Emily Annie Female Bawden Dudley Edwin Male Perth
1933/100045 Perth Bawden Dudley Edwin Male Medhurst Emily Annie Female Perth
1934/100045 Perth Smith John Stephen Male Taylor Susanna Prangle Female Perth
1934/100045 Perth Taylor Susanna Prangle Female Smith John Stephen Male Perth
1933/100046 Perth Hulmston Irene Female Edwards Cyril Harrison Male Victoria Park
1933/100046 Perth Edwards Cyril Harrison Male Hulmston Irene Female Victoria Park
1934/100046 Perth Leicester George Fredrick Male Maslin Hilda Catherine Female West Perth
1934/100046 Perth Maslin Hilda Catherine Female Leicester George Fredrick Male West Perth
1934/100047 Perth Strempel Marie Dorothy Female Strempel Stanley Peirce Male Perth
1934/100047 Perth Strempel Stanley Peirce Male Strempel Marie Dorothy Female Perth
1933/100047 Perth Ketterer Eugene Englebert Male Cook Elizabeth Female Perth
1933/100047 Perth Cook Elizabeth Female Ketterer Eugene Englebert Male Perth
1934/100048 Perth Rutherford William Norman Male Bleakley Nellie Female Maylands
1933/100048 Perth Chitty Ailson Mary Female Burnett William James Male Leederville
1933/100048 Perth Burnett William James Male Chitty Ailson Mary Female Leederville
1934/100048 Perth Bleakley Nellie Female Rutherford William Norman Male Maylands
1934/100049 Perth Armstrong Doris Hilda Annie Female Hanson Harry Lionel Male Maylands
1933/100049 Perth Sherriffs Albert Edward Male Hughes Rachel Female Leederville
1934/100049 Perth Hanson Harry Lionel Male Armstrong Doris Hilda Annie Female Maylands
1933/100049 Perth Hughes Rachel Female Sherriffs Albert Edward Male Leederville
1933/100052 Perth Lane Leslie Male Rudd Lillian Violet Female Bayswater
1933/100052 Perth Rudd Lillian Violet Female Lane Leslie Male Bayswater
1933/100053 Perth Morgan John Humphrey Male Ashford Esther Edith Ethel Female Perth
1934/100053 Perth Cook Albert Oliver Male Donnelly Elsie Dorothy Female West Leederville
1933/100053 Perth Ashford Esther Edith Ethel Female Morgan John Humphrey Male Perth
1934/100053 Perth Donnelly Elsie Dorothy Female Cook Albert Oliver Male West Leederville
1933/100055 Perth Cain James Frank Male Arcus Dorothy Mabel Female West Perth
1933/100055 Perth Arcus Dorothy Mabel Female Cain James Frank Male West Perth
1933/100056 Perth Brown John Male Wainwright Freda Female West Perth
1934/100056 Perth Morey Olga Margurietta Female Jose Beresford Tennyson Laurence Horace Russell Male Subiaco
1934/100056 Perth Jose Beresford Tennyson Laurence Horace Russell Male Morey Olga Margurietta Female Subiaco
1933/100056 Perth Wainwright Freda Female Brown John Male West Perth
1934/100059 Perth Paine Phillis Ellen Female West William Sydney Hubert Male Victoria Park
1934/100059 Perth West William Sydney Hubert Male Paine Phillis Ellen Female Victoria Park
1934/100061 Perth Carson Kathleen Mary Female Klumpp John Albert Male Perth
1934/100061 Perth Klumpp John Albert Male Carson Kathleen Mary Female Perth
1933/100062 Perth Coyle Rita Female Trimble Marvin Male Perth
1933/100062 Perth Trimble Marvin Male Coyle Rita Female Perth
1933/100063 Perth Nenjhar Edith May Caroline Female Maddaford John Lewin Male Highgate Hill
1933/100063 Perth Maddaford John Lewin Male Nenjhar Edith May Caroline Female Highgate Hill
1934/100064 Perth Anderson Edward Francis Male Wilson Marion Margaret May Female Perth
1934/100064 Perth Wilson Marion Margaret May Female Anderson Edward Francis Male Perth
1934/100067 Perth Allen William Ernest Male Bahen Constance Mary Margaret Female West Perth
1934/100067 Perth Bahen Constance Mary Margaret Female Allen William Ernest Male West Perth
1934/100068 Perth Hales Dorothy Joan Female Clark James McKenzie Male West Perth
1934/100068 Perth Clark James McKenzie Male Hales Dorothy Joan Female West Perth
1934/100069 Perth McPhail Wilhelmina Female Bateman Harold Percival Male West Perth
1934/100069 Perth Bateman Harold Percival Male McPhail Wilhelmina Female West Perth
1933/100070 Perth Hefron Michael Lancelot Male Niland Kathleen Mary Female Maylands
1934/100070 Perth Childs Reginald Alfred Edwin Male Durrant Ethel Mabel Female Mt Lawley
1933/100070 Perth Niland Kathleen Mary Female Hefron Michael Lancelot Male Maylands
1934/100070 Perth Durrant Ethel Mabel Female Childs Reginald Alfred Edwin Male Mt Lawley
1933/100071 Perth Whitfield Margaret Janet Gurine Female Smith Ernest Arthur Male Maylands
1933/100071 Perth Smith Ernest Arthur Male Whitfield Margaret Janet Gurine Female Maylands
1933/100072 Perth Churches Katie Gladys Female Sinclair Edward Richard Male Cottesloe
1933/100072 Perth Sinclair Edward Richard Male Churches Katie Gladys Female Cottesloe
1933/100073 Perth Clarke Ellen Catherine Female Dixon George Frederick Male Cottesloe
1933/100073 Perth Dixon George Frederick Male Clarke Ellen Catherine Female Cottesloe
1933/100074 Perth Dean Horace Male Fancote Rhona Hope Female Perth
1933/100074 Perth Fancote Rhona Hope Female Dean Horace Male Perth
1933/100075 Perth Higgins Thomas Male Hickmott Janet Harriett Female Perth
1933/100075 Perth Hickmott Janet Harriett Female Higgins Thomas Male Perth
1933/100076 Perth Phillp Margaret Female Atkinson Harold Colsen Male Perth
1933/100076 Perth Atkinson Harold Colsen Male Phillp Margaret Female Perth
1934/100079 Perth Walker Arthur Thomas Leslie Male Poole Eileen Margaret Female Perth
1933/100079 Perth Cryer Charles Male Singe Myrtle Constance Hall Female Inglewood
1934/100079 Perth Poole Eileen Margaret Female Walker Arthur Thomas Leslie Male Perth
1933/100079 Perth Singe Myrtle Constance Hall Female Cryer Charles Male Inglewood
1934/100080 Perth Lightly Mildred Ellen Female Monaghan Joseph John Male Perth
1933/100080 Perth Brittingham Geoffrey Joynt Male Snell Gladys Leonora Female Perth
1933/100080 Perth Snell Gladys Leonora Female Brittingham Geoffrey Joynt Male Perth
1934/100080 Perth Monaghan Joseph John Male Lightly Mildred Ellen Female Perth
1934/100081 Perth O'Brien Margaret Catherine Female Skane Lawrence Male Perth
1933/100081 Perth Sowden Ulva Helena Female Richardson Ronald Plenderleith Male Perth
1934/100081 Perth Skane Lawrence Male O'Brien Margaret Catherine Female Perth
1933/100081 Perth Richardson Ronald Plenderleith Male Sowden Ulva Helena Female Perth
1933/100082 Perth Ray Edgar Montague Male Hammond Amy Daisy Female Perth
1934/100082 Perth Costello Edward Male Beynon Winifred Josephine Female Perth
1933/100082 Perth Hammond Amy Daisy Female Ray Edgar Montague Male Perth
1934/100082 Perth Beynon Winifred Josephine Female Costello Edward Male Perth
1933/100083 Perth Morgan Leonard George Male Fowler Evelyn Ada Female Perth
1933/100083 Perth Fowler Evelyn Ada Female Morgan Leonard George Male Perth
1934/100083 Perth Hogan Philip Cornelius Male Robertson Doris Eugene Female Perth
1934/100083 Perth Robertson Doris Eugene Female Hogan Philip Cornelius Male Perth
1933/100084 Perth Seiger Wilhelmine Female d'Arcy Frank Geoffrey Male Perth
1934/100084 Perth Moynihan Bernard John Male Thomson Margaret Female Perth
1934/100084 Perth Thomson Margaret Female Moynihan Bernard John Male Perth
1933/100085 Perth Parry Beatrice Alice Female Newcombe Tom Male West Perth
1933/100085 Perth Newcombe Tom Male Parry Beatrice Alice Female West Perth
1934/100085 Perth Sara Cyril Norman Male Hicks Doris Emily Female Perth
1934/100085 Perth Hicks Doris Emily Female Sara Cyril Norman Male Perth
1933/100086 Perth Capp Clifford Hadley Male Cartwright Julia Eleanore Female Subiaco
1933/100086 Perth Cartwright Julia Eleanore Female Capp Clifford Hadley Male Subiaco
1933/100087 Perth Limbourn Sybil Violet Rosina Female O'Dwyer Leonard Male Subiaco
1933/100087 Perth O'Dwyer Leonard Male Limbourn Sybil Violet Rosina Female Subiaco
1933/100089 Perth Sloan Florence Female Hislop William James Male Leederville
1933/100089 Perth Hislop William James Male Sloan Florence Female Leederville
1933/100090 Perth Groom Dorothy Alma Female Mahlberg Andrew Male West Perth
1934/100090 Perth Purcell John Thomas Male Bailey Gwendoline Mavis Female Leederville
1933/100090 Perth Mahlberg Andrew Male Groom Dorothy Alma Female West Perth
1934/100090 Perth Bailey Gwendoline Mavis Female Purcell John Thomas Male Leederville
1934/100091 Perth Major Lilian Margaret Female Milligan George Main Male Leederville
1933/100091 Perth Lovett Violet Alice Muriel Female Ewen Allen Lindsay Male Perth
1933/100091 Perth Ewen Allen Lindsay Male Lovett Violet Alice Muriel Female Perth
1934/100091 Perth Milligan George Main Male Major Lilian Margaret Female Leederville
1934/100092 Perth Newman Amy Eveline Female Elliott John Reymond Male Perth
1933/100092 Perth Pearson Thelma Lenore Gertrude Female Harris Arthur Charles Male West Perth
1934/100092 Perth Elliott John Reymond Male Newman Amy Eveline Female Perth
1933/100092 Perth Harris Arthur Charles Male Pearson Thelma Lenore Gertrude Female West Perth
1934/100093 Perth Leitch Eleanor Maud Female Saunders John Rupert Male Victoria Park
1934/100093 Perth Saunders John Rupert Male Leitch Eleanor Maud Female Victoria Park
1933/100093 Perth Lund Constance Pearl Female McDougall James Yuille Male West Leederville
1933/100093 Perth McDougall James Yuille Male Lund Constance Pearl Female West Leederville
1934/100094 Perth George Edward Male Lynam Amy Mary Female Victoria Park
1933/100094 Perth Brinkmann Carl Ernst Male Parker Esther Annie Female Mt Lawley
1934/100094 Perth Lynam Amy Mary Female George Edward Male Victoria Park
1933/100094 Perth Parker Esther Annie Female Brinkmann Carl Ernst Male Mt Lawley
1933/100095 Perth Howden Winifred Nellie Female Stocker Sydney Philip Male Perth
1933/100095 Perth Stocker Sydney Philip Male Howden Winifred Nellie Female Perth
1933/100096 Perth Samwell Lionel Granville Male Ward Violet Henrietta Female Highgate Hill
1933/100096 Perth Ward Violet Henrietta Female Samwell Lionel Granville Male Highgate Hill
1934/100097 Perth Stevens Alfred John Male Dunleavy Mavis Annie Female Perth
1934/100097 Perth Dunleavy Mavis Annie Female Stevens Alfred John Male Perth
1933/100097 Perth Threadgold Glenista Albert Miller Male Watkins Iva Ruby Female Perth
1933/100097 Perth Watkins Iva Ruby Female Threadgold Glenista Albert Miller Male Perth
1933/100098 Perth Hayto Percy Besworth Male Sainsbury Ethel Female Perth
1933/100098 Perth Sainsbury Ethel Female Hayto Percy Besworth Male Perth
1933/100099 Perth Grime Stella Viola Female Best George Mill Male Perth
1933/100099 Perth Best George Mill Male Grime Stella Viola Female Perth
1933/100100 Perth Upham Ethel Maud Female McIntosh James Male North Perth
1933/100100 Perth McIntosh James Male Upham Ethel Maud Female North Perth
1933/100101 Perth Rear Richard George Male Bowen Gwendoline Floyd Female Perth
1933/100101 Perth Bowen Gwendoline Floyd Female Rear Richard George Male Perth
1933/100102 Perth Dunkeld Gordon Allan Male Dunsire Joanna Herd Female Perth
1933/100102 Perth Dunsire Joanna Herd Female Dunkeld Gordon Allan Male Perth
1933/100103 Perth Crump George Nevill Male Fewster Gwendoline Mabel Female Perth
1933/100103 Perth Fewster Gwendoline Mabel Female Crump George Nevill Male Perth
1933/100104 Perth Morley Elsie Nellie Female Smith Alfred Male Perth
1934/100104 Perth Barrett Mary Ellen Female Taylor Lancelot Astor Male Subiaco
1934/100104 Perth Barrett Mary Ellen Female Whalan Lancelot Astor Male Subiaco
1934/100104 Perth Taylor Lancelot Astor Male Barrett Mary Ellen Female Subiaco
1933/100104 Perth Smith Alfred Male Morley Elsie Nellie Female Perth
1934/100104 Perth Whalan Lancelot Astor Male Barrett Mary Ellen Female Subiaco
1934/100105 Perth Bailey Arnold James Edward Male Dehring Theresa Veronica Female Subiaco
1933/100105 Perth Magill Patrick Male Bennett Edith Female Perth
1933/100105 Perth Bennett Edith Female Magill Patrick Male Perth
1934/100105 Perth Dehring Theresa Veronica Female Bailey Arnold James Edward Male Subiaco
1933/100106 Perth Davies Nancy Muriel Slingsby Female Dunbar Denis Fitzsimmons Male Perth
1933/100106 Perth Dunbar Denis Fitzsimmons Male Davies Nancy Muriel Slingsby Female Perth
1933/100107 Perth Jackson Lilian Female Elder George Male Perth
1933/100107 Perth Elder George Male Jackson Lilian Female Perth
1933/100108 Perth Tulloch Peter James Male Godfrey Mary Jane Female Perth
1933/100108 Perth Godfrey Mary Jane Female Tulloch Peter James Male Perth
1933/100111 Perth Browne Patrick John Male Fenwick Emma Female West Perth
1933/100111 Perth Fenwick Emma Female Browne Patrick John Male West Perth
1933/100112 Perth Lekias Mena Female Kourtesis George Male Perth
1933/100112 Perth Kourtesis George Male Lekias Mena Female Perth
1933/100113 Perth Shier Elsie Female Williams James Male South Como
1933/100113 Perth Williams James Male Shier Elsie Female South Como
1933/100114 Perth Andrews Frederick John Male Marks Essie Millicent Female Perth
1933/100114 Perth Marks Essie Millicent Female Andrews Frederick John Male Perth
1934/100115 Perth Kestel William Henry Male Melvin Kathleen Veronica Female Leederville
1934/100115 Perth Melvin Kathleen Veronica Female Kestel William Henry Male Leederville
1933/100118 Perth Bain Jane Malcolm Female Marshall George Elder Male Mount Lawley
1933/100118 Perth Marshall George Elder Male Bain Jane Malcolm Female Mount Lawley
1933/100119 Perth Lister Hector Alexander Male Bartlett Melva Gwendoline Female Perth
1933/100119 Perth Bartlett Melva Gwendoline Female Lister Hector Alexander Male Perth
1933/100120 Perth Jarrett Alfred Richard George Male Cooper Ivy Elizabeth Female Perth
1933/100120 Perth Cooper Ivy Elizabeth Female Jarrett Alfred Richard George Male Perth
1933/100121 Perth Quinn Florence Violet Pearl Female Little Henry Ernest Male Perth
1933/100121 Perth Little Henry Ernest Male Quinn Florence Violet Pearl Female Perth
1933/100122 Perth Edis John Edward George Male Merralls Doris Edna Female Claremont
1933/100122 Perth Merralls Doris Edna Female Edis John Edward George Male Claremont
1933/100123 Perth French Kathleen Maud Female Bennett John William Male Perth
1933/100123 Perth Bennett John William Male French Kathleen Maud Female Perth
1933/100124 Perth Jessop Edward Male Fallon Emily Female Perth
1933/100124 Perth Fallon Emily Female Jessop Edward Male Perth
1933/100125 Perth Carr Alexander Gibson Male Glacken Delamere Beatrice Female Victoria Park
1933/100125 Perth Glacken Delamere Beatrice Female Carr Alexander Gibson Male Victoria Park
1933/100126 Perth Huggins Albert Philip Linden Male Halkett Bessie Skein Female Victoria Park
1933/100126 Perth Halkett Bessie Skein Female Huggins Albert Philip Linden Male Victoria Park
1933/100127 Perth Main James Hewitt Male Burns Linda May Female Claremont
1933/100127 Perth Burns Linda May Female Main James Hewitt Male Claremont
1933/100128 Perth Kirkman Jessie Evelyn Female Adshead Ernest Male Claremont
1933/100128 Perth Adshead Ernest Male Kirkman Jessie Evelyn Female Claremont
1933/100132 Perth Lamb Cecil Herbert Male Harford Katherine Edith Darrell Female Perth
1933/100132 Perth Harford Katherine Edith Darrell Female Lamb Cecil Herbert Male Perth
1934/100133 Perth Lloyd Edith Ellen Female Sharp Alfred Newton Male Perth
1934/100133 Perth Sharp Alfred Newton Male Lloyd Edith Ellen Female Perth
1933/100133 Perth Dunn Stuart Male Byatt Naomi Lydia Female Perth
1933/100133 Perth Byatt Naomi Lydia Female Dunn Stuart Male Perth
1934/100134 Perth Cooper Phillis Margaret Female Murphy Neil Patrick Male Perth
1934/100134 Perth Murphy Neil Patrick Male Cooper Phillis Margaret Female Perth
1933/100134 Perth Manifis Mary Mackol Female Zounis Nikitas Nicholaou Male Perth
1934/100135 Perth Nylander Albert Vivian Male Delfs Mary Stella Female West Perth
1933/100135 Perth Squires Charles Earnest Max Gustave Male Brown Hellen Gee Female Perth
1933/100135 Perth Brown Hellen Gee Female Squires Charles Earnest Max Gustave Male Perth
1934/100135 Perth Delfs Mary Stella Female Nylander Albert Vivian Male West Perth
1934/100136 Perth McGann Margaret Female Power John Lindsay Male West Perth
1934/100136 Perth Power John Lindsay Male McGann Margaret Female West Perth
1933/100136 Perth Jordan Jean Fanny Constance Female Pratt Douglas Ryston Male Bayswater
1933/100136 Perth Pratt Douglas Ryston Male Jordan Jean Fanny Constance Female Bayswater
1933/100137 Perth Cooper Clifton Male Hawkins Olive Female West Perth
1934/100137 Perth Robinson Evelyn May Female Bullock Charles Francis Rumgay Male Perth
1934/100137 Perth Bullock Charles Francis Rumgay Male Robinson Evelyn May Female Perth
1933/100137 Perth Hawkins Olive Female Cooper Clifton Male West Perth
1933/100138 Perth Burton Richard William Wilfred Male Hume Doris Female West Perth
1934/100138 Perth Carter Constance Hope Female Hall Clarence Alexander Male West Perth
1934/100138 Perth Hall Clarence Alexander Male Carter Constance Hope Female West Perth
1933/100138 Perth Hume Doris Female Burton Richard William Wilfred Male West Perth
1933/100139 Perth Draper Robert Maurice Male Colls Mildred Lucy Female West Perth
1933/100139 Perth Colls Mildred Lucy Female Draper Robert Maurice Male West Perth
1933/100140 Perth Lawrance Geoffrey Marshall Male D'Raine Elsie Female Perth
1933/100140 Perth D'Raine Elsie Female Lawrance Geoffrey Marshall Male Perth
1933/100141 Perth Vinicombe Noel Alban Male Boulter Beryl Evelyn Female Perth
1933/100141 Perth Boulter Beryl Evelyn Female Vinicombe Noel Alban Male Perth
1933/100142 Perth Seymour Ernest John Male Turner Alice May Female Perth
1933/100142 Perth Turner Alice May Female Seymour Ernest John Male Perth
1933/100143 Perth Bealing Marion Georgina Female Watts Maitland Stedman Male Perth
1933/100143 Perth Watts Maitland Stedman Male Bealing Marion Georgina Female Perth
1933/100144 Perth Allen Winnfred Female Ashford Philip Male Perth
1933/100144 Perth Ashford Philip Male Allen Winnfred Female Perth
1933/100145 Perth Pope Athelstan Francis Male Chamberlain Edith Mabel Female Perth
1934/100145 Perth Millman Miriam Female Greenberg Morris Male Perth
1934/100145 Perth Greenberg Morris Male Millman Miriam Female Perth
1933/100145 Perth Chamberlain Edith Mabel Female Pope Athelstan Francis Male Perth
1934/100146 Perth Klein Rachel Leah Female Ritcher Leon Male Perth
1933/100146 Perth Warren Nora Female Logan Richard Alexander Male Perth
1934/100146 Perth Ritcher Leon Male Klein Rachel Leah Female Perth
1933/100146 Perth Logan Richard Alexander Male Warren Nora Female Perth
1933/100147 Perth Symonds Thomas Lloyd Male Johnston Dorothy Patricia Female Perth
1933/100147 Perth Johnston Dorothy Patricia Female Symonds Thomas Lloyd Male Perth
1933/100148 Perth Brook Emily Jessica Female McQueen Peter Keith Male Maylands
1933/100148 Perth McQueen Peter Keith Male Brook Emily Jessica Female Maylands
1933/100149 Perth Summers George Leonard Male Rumble Violet Daisy Female Maylands
1933/100149 Perth Rumble Violet Daisy Female Summers George Leonard Male Maylands
1933/100150 Perth Buckman John William Male Marr Hannah Isabella Female North Perth
1933/100150 Perth Marr Hannah Isabella Female Buckman John William Male North Perth
1933/100151 Perth Temby Helen May Female Bentley Frederick Joshua Male Perth
1933/100151 Perth Bentley Frederick Joshua Male Temby Helen May Female Perth
1933/100152 Perth Vaisey Harold Charles Male Beaglehole Edna Maria Female Perth
1933/100152 Perth Beaglehole Edna Maria Female Vaisey Harold Charles Male Perth
1933/100153 Perth Alexander Ronald Male Brown Violet May Female West Perth
1933/100153 Perth Brown Violet May Female Alexander Ronald Male West Perth
1933/100154 Perth Smith Wilfred John Male Houston Ena Janet Female Perth
1933/100154 Perth Houston Ena Janet Female Smith Wilfred John Male Perth
1933/100155 Perth Stevens Dorothy May Female Pattrick William Edward Male Perth
1933/100155 Perth Pattrick William Edward Male Stevens Dorothy May Female Perth
1933/100156 Perth Simmonds Ernest Walter James Male Auger Ethel Mary Female Perth
1933/100156 Perth Auger Ethel Mary Female Simmonds Ernest Walter James Male Perth
1934/100159 Perth Morrison Adelaide Mary Wingate Female Davidson Robert Knox Male North Perth
1934/100159 Perth Davidson Robert Knox Male Morrison Adelaide Mary Wingate Female North Perth
1933/100162 Perth Prance Leonard Bertram Male Donaldson Kathleen Vera Female Subiaco
1933/100162 Perth Donaldson Kathleen Vera Female Brown Leonard Bertram Male Subiaco
1933/100162 Perth Donaldson Kathleen Vera Female Prance Leonard Bertram Male Subiaco
1933/100162 Perth Brown Leonard Bertram Male Donaldson Kathleen Vera Female Subiaco
1933/100163 Perth Levick Harry Chapman Male Martin Alice Victoria May Female Subiaco
1933/100163 Perth Martin Alice Victoria May Female Levick Harry Chapman Male Subiaco
1933/100164 Perth Jordan Hannah Female Cavanagh Melville John Male Subiaco
1933/100164 Perth Cavanagh Melville John Male Jordan Hannah Female Subiaco
1933/100165 Perth Eastman Samuel Leslie Clyde Male Ashford Louisa Mary Female Perth
1933/100165 Perth Ashford Louisa Mary Female Eastman Samuel Leslie Clyde Male Perth
1933/100166 Perth Howlett Stephen Aubrey Male Wright Florence Female Perth
1933/100166 Perth Wright Florence Female Howlett Stephen Aubrey Male Perth
1933/100167 Perth Quilter Elizabeth Rebecca Female Raynor James Robert Male Perth
1933/100167 Perth Raynor James Robert Male Quilter Elizabeth Rebecca Female Perth
1933/100168 Perth Thompson Thomas Redpath Male Thorpe Edith Harriet Female Subiaco
1933/100168 Perth Thorpe Edith Harriet Female Thompson Thomas Redpath Male Subiaco
1933/100169 Perth Sandeman James Albert Male McLean Daphne Victoria Female Perth
1933/100169 Perth McLean Daphne Victoria Female Sandeman James Albert Male Perth
1933/100170 Perth Meede Faith Robena Female Peters Sidney George Male Perth
1933/100170 Perth Peters Sidney George Male Meede Faith Robena Female Perth
1933/100172 Perth Levene Jean Female Kamien Leon Male Perth
1933/100172 Perth Kamien Leon Male Levene Jean Female Perth
1933/100173 Perth Thomas Lorna Maud Female Trotter George William Male Leederville
1933/100173 Perth Trotter George William Male Thomas Lorna Maud Female Leederville
1933/100174 Perth Blaney-Murphy Jack Male Sallur Gertrude Female Perth
1933/100174 Perth Sallur Gertrude Female Blaney-Murphy Jack Male Perth
1933/100175 Perth Phillips Edna Veronica Female Lynch Clyde Francis Male Leederville
1933/100175 Perth Lynch Clyde Francis Male Phillips Edna Veronica Female Leederville
1933/100176 Perth Washington Myrtle Caroline Female Stokes Percival John Male Leederville
1933/100176 Perth Stokes Percival John Male Washington Myrtle Caroline Female Leederville
1933/100177 Perth McGill Elizabeth Sarah Female Shand William Greig Male Perth
1933/100177 Perth Shand William Greig Male McGill Elizabeth Sarah Female Perth
1933/100178 Perth Turnbull Raymond Frederic Male Cunningham Agnes Female Perth
1933/100178 Perth Cunningham Agnes Female Turnbull Raymond Frederic Male Perth
1933/100179 Perth Sloman Marjory Annie Minnie Huxtable Female Squire Michael Burrow Male Perth
1933/100179 Perth Squire Michael Burrow Male Sloman Marjory Annie Minnie Huxtable Female Perth
1933/100180 Perth Davie William Male McGowan Jean Female Perth
1933/100180 Perth McGowan Jean Female Davie William Male Perth
1933/100181 Perth Jose Ivy Ada Female Campbell Dugald Male West Leederville
1933/100181 Perth Campbell Dugald Male Jose Ivy Ada Female West Leederville
1933/100182 Perth Cannon James Anthony Male Ferguson Margaret Jane Female Perth
1934/100182 Perth Lister Joan Female Broomhall George Meyer Male Claremont
1933/100182 Perth Ferguson Margaret Jane Female Cannon James Anthony Male Perth
1934/100182 Perth Broomhall George Meyer Male Lister Joan Female Claremont
1933/100183 Perth Adams Ronald Alexander Male Hodge Edna Maude Female Perth
1933/100183 Perth Hodge Edna Maude Female Adams Ronald Alexander Male Perth
1933/100184 Perth Wilson Eliza Female Burnett William Harbison Male Perth
1933/100184 Perth Burnett William Harbison Male Wilson Eliza Female Perth
1933/100185 Perth Hagg Reginald Arthur Male Smith Helen Penman Blair Female West Perth
1933/100185 Perth Smith Helen Penman Blair Female Hagg Reginald Arthur Male West Perth
1933/100186 Perth Gell Enid Myrtle Dove Female Drayton William John Male West Perth
1933/100186 Perth Drayton William John Male Gell Enid Myrtle Dove Female West Perth
1933/100187 Perth Reading Arthur Ernest Reginald Male Reyne Vera Female Perth
1933/100187 Perth Reyne Vera Female Reading Arthur Ernest Reginald Male Perth
1933/100188 Perth Wishart Norman Robert Male Liddelow Jean Louise Female Perth
1933/100188 Perth Liddelow Jean Louise Female Wishart Norman Robert Male Perth
1933/100189 Perth Yates Charles Robert Male Reeve Jessie Alfreda Female Perth
1933/100189 Perth Reeve Jessie Alfreda Female Yates Charles Robert Male Perth
1933/100190 Perth Dewar Una Constance Female Fitzpatrick James Clifton Male Perth
1933/100190 Perth Fitzpatrick James Clifton Male Dewar Una Constance Female Perth
1933/100191 Perth Jenkins Ann Female Butt Leslie James Male Perth
1934/100191 Perth Clarke Arthur Frederick Male Archer Doris May Female Cottesloe
1934/100191 Perth Archer Doris May Female Clarke Arthur Frederick Male Cottesloe
1933/100191 Perth Butt Leslie James Male Jenkins Ann Female Perth
1933/100192 Perth Cechini Florence Marie Female Regan Daniel William Male Perth
1934/100192 Perth Lucas William John Male McDonald Celia Mary Female Perth
1933/100192 Perth Regan Daniel William Male Cechini Florence Marie Female Perth
1934/100192 Perth McDonald Celia Mary Female Lucas William John Male Perth
1934/100193 Perth Manning John Robert Male McDonald Josephine Female Maylands
1939/100193 Perth McLaughlin James Anthony Male Alting Ada May Female Perth
1933/100193 Perth Palmer John Male Hay Elsie Female Perth
1939/100193 Perth Alting Ada May Female McLaughlin James Anthony Male Perth
1934/100193 Perth McDonald Josephine Female Manning John Robert Male Maylands
1933/100193 Perth Hay Elsie Female Palmer John Male Perth
1933/100194 Perth Hocking Frederick Male Duffell Hellen May Female Perth
1933/100194 Perth Duffell Hellen May Female Hocking Frederick Male Perth
1933/100195 Perth Adams Hector Percival Male Minoughan Mary Female Perth
1933/100195 Perth Minoughan Mary Female Adams Hector Percival Male Perth
1933/100196 Perth Meakins Robert Aden Male Podger Lucy Mary Frances Female Claremont
1933/100196 Perth Podger Lucy Mary Frances Female Meakins Robert Aden Male Claremont
1933/100197 Perth Smythe Ronald William Male Phillips Verna Dorothy Female Claremont
1933/100197 Perth Phillips Verna Dorothy Female Smythe Ronald William Male Claremont
1933/100198 Perth Meredith Eva Olive Mary Female French Leslie Stephen James Male Victoria Park
1933/100198 Perth French Leslie Stephen James Male Meredith Eva Olive Mary Female Victoria Park
1933/100199 Perth Hoffman Susan Gracie Female Franklin Jack Neville Male Victoria Park
1933/100199 Perth Franklin Jack Neville Male Hoffman Susan Gracie Female Victoria Park
1933/100200 Perth Mann Clarence Daniel Male Dunne Elizabeth Mary Female West Perth
1933/100200 Perth Dunne Elizabeth Mary Female Mann Clarence Daniel Male West Perth
1933/100201 Perth Salter Kathleen Mary Female Horrocks Alexander Ralph Male West Perth
1933/100201 Perth Horrocks Alexander Ralph Male Salter Kathleen Mary Female West Perth
1933/100202 Perth Adams Mary Veronica Female Elliott William Male West Perth
1933/100202 Perth Elliott William Male Adams Mary Veronica Female West Perth
1933/100203 Perth Roxby Marian Edeline Female Gear Alfred Edward Male West Perth
1933/100203 Perth Gear Alfred Edward Male Roxby Marian Edeline Female West Perth
1933/100204 Perth Glaskin Phyllis Beryl Female Youens John Edward Male Perth
1933/100204 Perth Youens John Edward Male Glaskin Phyllis Beryl Female Perth
1933/100205 Perth Hall Nellie Female Blair William Allison Male Perth
1933/100205 Perth Blair William Allison Male Hall Nellie Female Perth
1933/100206 Perth White Gerald Male Banfield Amy Ethel Female Perth
1933/100206 Perth Banfield Amy Ethel Female White Gerald Male Perth
1933/100207 Perth Barlow Heba May Female Roberts Chepstow William Male Perth
1933/100207 Perth Roberts Chepstow William Male Barlow Heba May Female Perth
1933/100208 Perth Humphrey's-Grey Edward Allan Male Ogilvie-O'neil Beryl Ursula Female Leederville
1933/100208 Perth Ogilvie-O'neil Beryl Ursula Female Humphrey's-Grey Edward Allan Male Leederville
1933/100209 Perth Higgins Emily Female Eaton Thomas Rupert Male Claremont
1933/100209 Perth Eaton Thomas Rupert Male Higgins Emily Female Claremont
1933/100210 Perth Wyllie Annie Female Mowat Samuel Murdoch Male Perth
1933/100210 Perth Mowat Samuel Murdoch Male Wyllie Annie Female Perth
1933/100211 Perth Addison Maggie Coutts Female Norman Henry Douglas Male Perth
1933/100211 Perth Norman Henry Douglas Male Addison Maggie Coutts Female Perth
1933/100212 Perth Kilpatrick Florence Adelaide Female Ward Victor Henry Male West Perth
1933/100212 Perth Ward Victor Henry Male Kilpatrick Florence Adelaide Female West Perth
1933/100213 Perth Buswell Jean Female Johnston Stanley Charles Male West Perth
1933/100213 Perth Johnston Stanley Charles Male Buswell Jean Female West Perth
1933/100214 Perth Clarke Hubert Watson Male Mitchell Jessie Maud Female Perth
1933/100214 Perth Mitchell Jessie Maud Female Clarke Hubert Watson Male Perth
1933/100215 Perth Rutherglen Vera Alice Warington Female Marsh Arthur Male Perth
1933/100215 Perth Marsh Arthur Male Rutherglen Vera Alice Warington Female Perth
1933/100216 Perth Campbell Harvey McGregor Male Boston Olive Jane Female North Perth
1933/100216 Perth Boston Olive Jane Female Campbell Harvey McGregor Male North Perth
1933/100217 Perth Ward Elsie Gladys Female Horrigan Michael Francis Male West Perth
1933/100217 Perth Horrigan Michael Francis Male Ward Elsie Gladys Female West Perth
1933/100218 Perth Bradshaw Isabella Ellen Female Halvorson Allan Andrew Male Perth
1933/100218 Perth Halvorson Allan Andrew Male Bradshaw Isabella Ellen Female Perth
1933/100219 Perth Macey Arthur Arminel Male Savell Sylvia Gladys Female West Perth
1934/100219 Perth Thompson Norman Daniel Male McKinnell Edna Female Cottesloe
1933/100219 Perth Savell Sylvia Gladys Female Macey Arthur Arminel Male West Perth
1934/100219 Perth McKinnell Edna Female Thompson Norman Daniel Male Cottesloe
1933/100221 Perth Ayre Norman Bedford Male Vincent Vera Maud Female North Perth
1933/100221 Perth Vincent Vera Maud Female Ayre Norman Bedford Male North Perth
1933/100222 Perth Giles Henry Palmer Male Fitzpatrick Eileen Laurel Merle Female Perth
1933/100222 Perth Fitzpatrick Eileen Laurel Merle Female Giles Henry Palmer Male Perth
1933/100223 Perth Chambers Thomas Ward Male Blackwell Constance Mary Female Osborne Park
1933/100223 Perth Blackwell Constance Mary Female Chambers Thomas Ward Male Osborne Park
1933/100224 Perth Dennis Clarice Doreen Female Sleight Arthur Henry Male North Leederville
1933/100224 Perth Sleight Arthur Henry Male Dennis Clarice Doreen Female North Leederville
1933/100225 Perth Barrett Ivy Kathleen Female Heller Arthur Richards Male Perth
1933/100225 Perth Heller Arthur Richards Male Barrett Ivy Kathleen Female Perth
1933/100226 Perth Wells Mena Lilian Female Westlake Francis Millar Male Perth
1933/100226 Perth Westlake Francis Millar Male Wells Mena Lilian Female Perth
1933/100227 Perth Chadwick Albert William Male Willacott Phyllis Louvaine Female Perth
1933/100227 Perth Willacott Phyllis Louvaine Female Chadwick Albert William Male Perth
1933/100228 Perth Gollan John Alexander Male Ferris Dora Phoebe Female Perth
1933/100228 Perth Ferris Dora Phoebe Female Gollan John Alexander Male Perth
1933/100229 Perth Plumb Thomas Edward Male Churchill Rose May Female West Perth
1933/100229 Perth Churchill Rose May Female Plumb Thomas Edward Male West Perth
1933/100230 Perth Rivett Herbert Clyde Male Edmonds Nancy Cecelia Female Maylands
1933/100230 Perth Edmonds Nancy Cecelia Female Rivett Herbert Clyde Male Maylands
1933/100231 Perth Priest Mary Elsa Female Perrin Roland Edgecombe Male Mt Lawley
1933/100231 Perth Perrin Roland Edgecombe Male Priest Mary Elsa Female Mt Lawley
1933/100232 Perth Black Eileen Elizabeth Evelyn Female Cargill Harry Gallagher Male Mt Lawley
1933/100232 Perth Cargill Harry Gallagher Male Black Eileen Elizabeth Evelyn Female Mt Lawley
1933/100233 Perth Williams Owen Morgan Male Walkden Rose Female West Leederville
1933/100233 Perth Walkden Rose Female Williams Owen Morgan Male West Leederville
1933/100234 Perth Ashley Ernest Frederick Male Duperouzel Mona Ivy Female Subiaco
1933/100234 Perth Duperouzel Mona Ivy Female Ashley Ernest Frederick Male Subiaco
1933/100235 Perth Harper Thomas Male McLeod Eleanor Annie Female Perth
1933/100235 Perth McLeod Eleanor Annie Female Harper Thomas Male Perth
1933/100236 Perth Anthony Francis Male Burn Phyllis Female Cottesloe
1933/100236 Perth Burn Phyllis Female Anthony Francis Male Cottesloe
1933/100237 Perth Thompson Gordon Herman Male Dodd Edeline Rose Female Cottesloe
1933/100237 Perth Dodd Edeline Rose Female Thompson Gordon Herman Male Cottesloe
1933/100238 Perth McLennan Maude Jean Female Cope Tasman Male Maylands
1933/100238 Perth Cope Tasman Male McLennan Maude Jean Female Maylands
1933/100239 Perth Turner Juanita Female Stewart Clair Mack Male Maylands
1933/100239 Perth Stewart Clair Mack Male Turner Juanita Female Maylands
1933/100240 Perth Pratt Jessie May Female Harrison Henry Arnold Male North Perth
1933/100240 Perth Harrison Henry Arnold Male Pratt Jessie May Female North Perth
1933/100241 Perth Kemp Kenneth Paul Male Creber Cissie Female Perth
1933/100241 Perth Creber Cissie Female Kemp Kenneth Paul Male Perth
1933/100242 Perth Bolland Maud Ellen Female Tillotson Leslie Male Highgate
1933/100242 Perth Tillotson Leslie Male Bolland Maud Ellen Female Highgate
1933/100243 Perth Taplin Elizabeth Ada Female Pitman Wilfred Charles Male Cottesloe
1933/100243 Perth Pitman Wilfred Charles Male Taplin Elizabeth Ada Female Cottesloe
1933/100244 Perth Walker Alexander Male Smith Rose Lydia Female North Perth
1933/100244 Perth Smith Rose Lydia Female Walker Alexander Male North Perth
1933/100245 Perth Cumming William Henry Male Heaver Frances Ida Female North Perth
1933/100245 Perth Heaver Frances Ida Female Cumming William Henry Male North Perth
1933/100246 Perth Podmore Hilda May Female Power Robert Clive Male North Perth
1933/100246 Perth Power Robert Clive Male Podmore Hilda May Female North Perth
1933/100247 Perth Tregilgas William Edward Male Burnett Robina Female Perth
1933/100247 Perth Burnett Robina Female Tregilgas William Edward Male Perth
1933/100248 Perth Hutton Robina Female Reid Robert Male Perth
1933/100248 Perth Reid Robert Male Hutton Robina Female Perth
1933/100249 Perth Hay John Male Scarff Merle Marion Female Perth
1933/100249 Perth Scarff Merle Marion Female Hay John Male Perth
1933/100250 Perth Batten Olive Grace Female Johnson Frederick Robert Watson Male Perth
1933/100250 Perth Johnson Frederick Robert Watson Male Batten Olive Grace Female Perth
1933/100251 Perth Fletcher Edgar Arthur Male Ryniker Hilda May Female Perth
1933/100251 Perth Ryniker Hilda May Female Fletcher Edgar Arthur Male Perth
1933/100252 Perth Watson Harold Alfred Male Turner Phillis May Female Perth
1933/100252 Perth Turner Phillis May Female Watson Harold Alfred Male Perth
1933/100253 Perth Jones Stephen Joseph Male Kinnear Annie Elizabeth Female Perth
1933/100253 Perth Kinnear Annie Elizabeth Female Jones Stephen Joseph Male Perth
1933/100254 Perth Mackay Margaret Louden Female Schneider Herbert Adolph Male Perth
1933/100254 Perth Schneider Herbert Adolph Male Mackay Margaret Louden Female Perth
1933/100255 Perth Reilly Harold Male Jelly Bryce Beresford Female Perth
1933/100255 Perth Jelly Bryce Beresford Female Reilly Harold Male Perth
1933/100256 Perth Lemke Harold Roy Male Watson Myrtle Jean Female Subiaco
1933/100256 Perth Watson Myrtle Jean Female Lemke Harold Roy Male Subiaco
1933/100257 Perth Donohue Catherine Female Galvin Martin Male Cottesloe
1933/100257 Perth Galvin Martin Male Donohue Catherine Female Cottesloe
1933/100260 Perth Sargant Alma Madge Female Hughes Albert Charles Male West Perth
1933/100260 Perth Hughes Albert Charles Male Sargant Alma Madge Female West Perth
1933/100261 Perth Jager Karl Wilhelm Male Coull Roy Hunter Female Perth
1933/100261 Perth Coull Roy Hunter Female Jager Karl Wilhelm Male Perth
1933/100262 Perth Richardson William James Male Barndon Ivy Female Perth
1933/100262 Perth Barndon Ivy Female Richardson William James Male Perth
1933/100263 Perth Haynes Annie Female Harris Alfred John Male Perth
1933/100263 Perth Harris Alfred John Male Haynes Annie Female Perth
1933/100264 Perth Evans Edmund Male Mottram Marjorie May Female Leederville
1933/100264 Perth Mottram Marjorie May Female Evans Edmund Male Leederville
1933/100265 Perth Harrison Elva Dorothy Female Wynne John Male Perth
1933/100265 Perth Wynne John Male Harrison Elva Dorothy Female Perth
1933/100266 Perth Gordon Kathleen Janet Female Watters Leslie William Male Leederville
1933/100266 Perth Watters Leslie William Male Gordon Kathleen Janet Female Leederville
1933/100267 Perth Pitchford Winifred Female Fitzpatrick Raymond Columbus Male Leederville
1933/100267 Perth Fitzpatrick Raymond Columbus Male Pitchford Winifred Female Leederville
1933/100268 Perth Lowen Grace Florence Female O'Keeffe Francis Joseph Male Leederville
1933/100268 Perth O'Keeffe Francis Joseph Male Lowen Grace Florence Female Leederville
1933/100269 Perth Thomas Vera Lilian Female Robins James Male Perth
1933/100269 Perth Robins James Male Thomas Vera Lilian Female Perth
1933/100270 Perth Tesser Sisto Male Bovell Hilda May Female Perth
1933/100270 Perth Bovell Hilda May Female Tesser Sisto Male Perth
1933/100271 Perth Shove Doris May Female Holst Arthur Mervyn Male Perth
1933/100271 Perth Holst Arthur Mervyn Male Shove Doris May Female Perth
1939/100272 Perth Keane Patrick Joseph Male Holt Dorothy Trefelane Female Perth
1933/100272 Perth Holland Ivy Female Howarth Edwin George Frederick Male Perth
1933/100272 Perth Howarth Edwin George Frederick Male Holland Ivy Female Perth
1939/100272 Perth Holt Dorothy Trefelane Female Keane Patrick Joseph Male Perth
1933/100273 Perth Pemberton John Tristam Male Gibbs Winifred Emily Female Perth
1933/100273 Perth Gibbs Winifred Emily Female Pemberton John Tristam Male Perth
1934/100273 Perth Craig Patrick John Dillon Male Pollard Eva Wilhelmina Janet Female Subiaco
1934/100273 Perth Pollard Eva Wilhelmina Janet Female Craig Patrick John Dillon Male Subiaco
1933/100274 Perth Cherry Lucy Female Prowse Edgar Wylie Male Claremont
1933/100274 Perth Prowse Edgar Wylie Male Cherry Lucy Female Claremont
1933/100275 Perth Chase Conrad Lucien Doughty Male Saw Vera Mabel Female Perth
1933/100275 Perth Saw Vera Mabel Female Chase Conrad Lucien Doughty Male Perth
1933/100276 Perth Elston Dorothy Maude Female Murray Victor Arthur Male Perth
1933/100276 Perth Murray Victor Arthur Male Elston Dorothy Maude Female Perth
1933/100277 Perth Vallis Guinevere Emily Female Purling James Hartley Male Perth
1933/100277 Perth Purling James Hartley Male Vallis Guinevere Emily Female Perth
1933/100278 Perth Smith Leslie Roy Vince Male Parker Kathleen Grace Female Perth
1933/100278 Perth Parker Kathleen Grace Female Smith Leslie Roy Vince Male Perth
1933/100279 Perth Murfit Hector George Male Smith Olive Ethel Female Perth
1933/100279 Perth Smith Olive Ethel Female Murfit Hector George Male Perth
1933/100280 Perth Brooker Florence Mary Female Wilson George Male Perth
1933/100280 Perth Wilson George Male Brooker Florence Mary Female Perth
1933/100281 Perth Coalstad Nora Henrietta Female Crisp Ralph Harry Male Perth
1933/100281 Perth Crisp Ralph Harry Male Coalstad Nora Henrietta Female Perth
1933/100286 Perth Snook Clarence John Male Normoyle Veronica Mary Female Cottesloe
1933/100286 Perth Normoyle Veronica Mary Female Snook Clarence John Male Cottesloe
1933/100287 Perth McKenna Bridget Female Allom Rolf Montgomery Male Cottesloe
1933/100287 Perth Allom Rolf Montgomery Male McKenna Bridget Female Cottesloe
1933/100288 Perth Ryan Thomas Arthur Male Foley Annie Counsell Female Cottesloe
1933/100288 Perth Foley Annie Counsell Female Ryan Thomas Arthur Male Cottesloe
1933/100289 Perth Wholley Lillian Margaret Female Byrne George Cyril Male Cottesloe
1933/100289 Perth Byrne George Cyril Male Wholley Lillian Margaret Female Cottesloe
1933/100290 Perth Clarke Alma May Female Brown Gordon Peter Male Perth
1933/100290 Perth Brown Gordon Peter Male Clarke Alma May Female Perth
1933/100291 Perth Woollam William Dixon Male Lamshed Violet Ethel Elizabeth Female Perth
1933/100291 Perth Lamshed Violet Ethel Elizabeth Female Woollam William Dixon Male Perth
1933/100292 Perth Gare Edward Cyril Male Thomas Elsie Maude Female Highgate Hill
1933/100292 Perth Thomas Elsie Maude Female Gare Edward Cyril Male Highgate Hill
1933/100293 Perth Watts Daphne Female Birnie Edwin Carnegie Male Highgate Hill
1933/100293 Perth Birnie Edwin Carnegie Male Watts Daphne Female Highgate Hill
1933/100294 Perth Dickson Annie Agnes Female Bennett Frederick William George Male Highgate Hill
1933/100294 Perth Bennett Frederick William George Male Dickson Annie Agnes Female Highgate Hill
1933/100295 Perth Abrahams Morgan Lewis Male Launder Dorothy Edna Female Highgate Hill
1933/100295 Perth Launder Dorothy Edna Female Abrahams Morgan Lewis Male Highgate Hill
1933/100296 Perth Mackenzie Winifred Female Sewell Harold Male Perth
1933/100296 Perth Sewell Harold Male Mackenzie Winifred Female Perth
1933/100297 Perth Gray Thelma May Female Moffatt Joseph Ormsby Male Highgate Hill
1933/100297 Perth Moffatt Joseph Ormsby Male Gray Thelma May Female Highgate Hill
1933/100298 Perth Thompson Forrester Wilmot Male Whitchurch Gldys Elizabeth Female West Perth
1933/100298 Perth Whitchurch Gldys Elizabeth Female Thompson Forrester Wilmot Male West Perth
1933/100299 Perth Neil Eileen May Female Marshall Norman Male Bayswater
1933/100299 Perth Marshall Norman Male Neil Eileen May Female Bayswater
1933/100300 Perth Stockdale Winifred Grace Female Manuel Noel Henry Male North Perth
1933/100300 Perth Manuel Noel Henry Male Stockdale Winifred Grace Female North Perth
1933/100301 Perth Ross Donald Charles Male Monaghan Mildred Mary Female North Perth
1933/100301 Perth Monaghan Mildred Mary Female Ross Donald Charles Male North Perth
1933/100302 Perth Emberson Madge Alexander Martin Female Thomas Eric Bruce Male North Perth
1933/100302 Perth Thomas Eric Bruce Male Emberson Madge Alexander Martin Female North Perth
1933/100303 Perth Futter Margaret Female Birrell David Male Perth
1933/100303 Perth Birrell David Male Futter Margaret Female Perth
1933/100304 Perth Nicholls Irene Edeline Female Curtis William James Male Subiaco
1933/100304 Perth Curtis William James Male Nicholls Irene Edeline Female Subiaco
1933/100305 Perth Park Gerald Henry Male Wynne-Jones Gwendolyne Hilma Female Perth
1933/100305 Perth Wynne-Jones Gwendolyne Hilma Female Park Gerald Henry Male Perth
1933/100306 Perth Hitchcock Gertrude Marjory Female Learmonth Peter William Male Perth
1933/100306 Perth Learmonth Peter William Male Hitchcock Gertrude Marjory Female Perth
1933/100307 Perth Cosson Violet Enefer Female Moffat Alfred Joseph Sydney Male Claremont
1933/100307 Perth Moffat Alfred Joseph Sydney Male Cosson Violet Enefer Female Claremont
1933/100308 Perth Mews Caroline Lydia Female Mews Ronald Sydney Male Claremont
1933/100308 Perth Mews Ronald Sydney Male Mews Caroline Lydia Female Claremont
1933/100309 Perth Ramsay William Male Smith Monica Female West Perth
1933/100309 Perth Smith Monica Female Ramsay William Male West Perth
1933/100310 Perth Wrigley Thelma Female Humphries Frederick William Male Victoria Park
1933/100310 Perth Humphries Frederick William Male Wrigley Thelma Female Victoria Park
1933/100311 Perth Phillips Eva Alice Female Foster William Male Perth
1933/100311 Perth Foster William Male Phillips Eva Alice Female Perth
1933/100312 Perth Blacker Beatrice Jule Female Freeman Arthur Leonard Male Perth
1933/100312 Perth Freeman Arthur Leonard Male Blacker Beatrice Jule Female Perth
1933/100313 Perth Stevens Clarice Female Dulley James Garfield Male Perth
1933/100313 Perth Dulley James Garfield Male Stevens Clarice Female Perth
1933/100314 Perth Stang Olga Christina Female Seyfort John Dwyer Male Perth
1933/100314 Perth Seyfort John Dwyer Male Stang Olga Christina Female Perth
1933/100315 Perth Lockett Olive Augusta Female Moir Arthur McCallister Male Perth
1933/100315 Perth Moir Arthur McCallister Male Lockett Olive Augusta Female Perth
1933/100316 Perth Fiegert Elsie Mabel Female Kennedy Clifford Hallett Male West Leederville
1933/100316 Perth Kennedy Clifford Hallett Male Fiegert Elsie Mabel Female West Leederville
1933/100317 Perth Brown Allan Runcieman Male Scott Beulah Female Perth
1933/100317 Perth Scott Beulah Female Brown Allan Runcieman Male Perth
1933/100318 Perth Hamence Laura Female Rafferty Robert Scott Male Perth
1933/100318 Perth Rafferty Robert Scott Male Hamence Laura Female Perth
1933/100319 Perth Brooker Lillian Casandra Eva Female Dillon Percival Andrew Male Perth
1933/100319 Perth Dillon Percival Andrew Male Brooker Lillian Casandra Eva Female Perth
1933/100320 Perth Parsons Wendy May Female McGowan Douglas Male Perth
1933/100320 Perth McGowan Douglas Male Parsons Wendy May Female Perth
1933/100321 Perth Potts Margaret Female Preece James Edward Male Perth
1933/100321 Perth Preece James Edward Male Potts Margaret Female Perth
1933/100322 Perth Baker Marion Louise Female Webster John Male Perth
1933/100322 Perth Webster John Male Baker Marion Louise Female Perth
1933/100323 Perth Smith Donald Webster Male Trusdale Lorna Mary Blanche Female Perth
1933/100323 Perth Trusdale Lorna Mary Blanche Female Smith Donald Webster Male Perth
1933/100324 Perth Ryan Henry William Dennis O'Neil Male McLennan Daphne Maie Female Perth
1933/100324 Perth McLennan Daphne Maie Female Ryan Henry William Dennis O'Neil Male Perth
1933/100325 Perth Chapman Charles Male Popplewell Hilda Female Perth
1933/100325 Perth Popplewell Hilda Female Chapman Charles Male Perth
1933/100326 Perth Harker Edith Female Myles George Brown Male Perth
1933/100326 Perth Myles George Brown Male Harker Edith Female Perth
1933/100327 Perth Herold Christinia May Female Mack Frederick Robert Male Perth
1933/100327 Perth Mack Frederick Robert Male Herold Christinia May Female Perth
1933/100328 Perth Davies Lena Female McDowall John Charles Male Perth
1933/100328 Perth McDowall John Charles Male Davies Lena Female Perth
1933/100329 Perth Evensen Norman Percy Male Paine Freda Charles Female Perth
1933/100329 Perth Paine Freda Charles Female Evensen Norman Percy Male Perth
1933/100330 Perth Friere Archie Edward Male Millar Phyllis Isabel Female Perth
1933/100330 Perth Millar Phyllis Isabel Female Friere Archie Edward Male Perth
1933/100331 Perth Milasic Fanica Female Pavicih Jakov Male Perth
1933/100331 Perth Pavicih Jakov Male Milasic Fanica Female Perth
1934/100332 Perth Gilbert Victoria Female Piccoli Domenico Male West Perth
1933/100332 Perth Hough Marjorie Gladys Female Cassey William James Male Victoria Park
1934/100332 Perth Piccoli Domenico Male Gilbert Victoria Female West Perth
1933/100332 Perth Cassey William James Male Hough Marjorie Gladys Female Victoria Park
1934/100333 Perth Edwards Allan Ernest Male McCarthy Phyllis Female West Perth
1933/100333 Perth Elliott Eileen Elizabeth Female Bird William Edwin Male Perth
1934/100333 Perth McCarthy Phyllis Female Edwards Allan Ernest Male West Perth
1933/100333 Perth Bird William Edwin Male Elliott Eileen Elizabeth Female Perth
1934/100334 Perth Oates Thomas William Male O'Brien Catherine Ellen De Pazzi Female West Perth
1934/100334 Perth O'Brien Catherine Ellen De Pazzi Female Oates Thomas William Male West Perth
1933/100334 Perth Fagence Beatrice Amy Daisy Female Perry Edward Male Victoria Park
1933/100334 Perth Perry Edward Male Fagence Beatrice Amy Daisy Female Victoria Park
1934/100335 Perth Penton Edith Female Villa Victor Male West Perth
1934/100335 Perth Villa Victor Male Penton Edith Female West Perth
1933/100335 Perth Manning Lily Isabelle Female Garbellini Hugo Male Perth
1933/100335 Perth Garbellini Hugo Male Manning Lily Isabelle Female Perth
1934/100336 Perth Serrell Arthur Edward Male Coward Mona Estelle Female West Perth
1933/100336 Perth Kingston Stanislaus Alphonsus Male Heagney Moira Myrtle Female Victoria Park
1933/100336 Perth Heagney Moira Myrtle Female Kingston Stanislaus Alphonsus Male Victoria Park
1934/100336 Perth Coward Mona Estelle Female Serrell Arthur Edward Male West Perth
1933/100337 Perth Goode Alice Mildred Cecilia Female Watkins George Joseph Male Victoria Park
1934/100337 Perth Zimmer Dorothy Irene Female Burke William Fitzgerald Male West Perth
1934/100337 Perth Burke William Fitzgerald Male Zimmer Dorothy Irene Female West Perth
1933/100337 Perth Watkins George Joseph Male Goode Alice Mildred Cecilia Female Victoria Park
1934/100338 Perth Shah William Male Patterson Eileen Mary Female West Perth
1934/100338 Perth Patterson Eileen Mary Female Shah William Male West Perth
1933/100338 Perth Lyons Margaret Cecilia Female Christofi Balasis Male Victoria Park
1933/100338 Perth Christofi Balasis Male Lyons Margaret Cecilia Female Victoria Park
1934/100339 Perth Hagan Philip Charles Male Atkins Frances Sybil Slade Female West Perth
1933/100339 Perth O'Shea Sydney George Male O'Leary Mary Aileen Female Perth
1933/100339 Perth O'Leary Mary Aileen Female O'Shea Sydney George Male Perth
1934/100339 Perth Atkins Frances Sybil Slade Female Hagan Philip Charles Male West Perth
1933/100340 Perth McPherson Constance Margaret Female Maund Harry James Male Perth
1933/100340 Perth Maund Harry James Male McPherson Constance Margaret Female Perth
1933/100341 Perth Rechichi Guiseppe Male Macri Caterina Female Perth
1933/100341 Perth Macri Caterina Female Rechichi Guiseppe Male Perth
1933/100342 Perth Vlahov Andrija Male Ukich-Parin Rose Female Perth
1933/100342 Perth Ukich-Parin Rose Female Vlahov Andrija Male Perth
1933/100343 Perth Nolan Marie Female Landquist Carl William Male Leederville
1933/100343 Perth Landquist Carl William Male Nolan Marie Female Leederville
1933/100344 Perth Wilson Thomas Anthony Male Mewburn Nellie Winifred Female Leederville
1933/100344 Perth Mewburn Nellie Winifred Female Wilson Thomas Anthony Male Leederville
1933/100345 Perth Elphick Stanley Male McCartney Anne Female Leederville
1933/100345 Perth McCartney Anne Female Elphick Stanley Male Leederville
1933/100346 Perth Lambert Gwendoline Edith Female Trevorrow Victor Newman Male Perth
1933/100346 Perth Trevorrow Victor Newman Male Lambert Gwendoline Edith Female Perth
1933/100347 Perth Atkinson Norma Olive Female Douglas William Stuart Male Perth
1933/100347 Perth Douglas William Stuart Male Atkinson Norma Olive Female Perth
1933/100348 Perth Franklin Charles Rodney Male Chapman Ethel Female Perth
1933/100348 Perth Chapman Ethel Female Franklin Charles Rodney Male Perth
1933/100349 Perth Pollard Olive Mary Female Weaver Roland Walmer Male Perth
1933/100349 Perth Weaver Roland Walmer Male Pollard Olive Mary Female Perth
1933/100350 Perth Waight Albert Walter Male Kreibig Hilda Mabel Female Perth
1933/100350 Perth Kreibig Hilda Mabel Female Waight Albert Walter Male Perth
1933/100351 Perth Chick Alfred Cedric Male Lovejoy Muriel Elsie Female Perth
1933/100351 Perth Lovejoy Muriel Elsie Female Chick Alfred Cedric Male Perth
1933/100352 Perth Thompson Thelma Muriel Female Thompson Thomas James Male Perth
1933/100352 Perth Thompson Thomas James Male Thompson Thelma Muriel Female Perth
1933/100353 Perth Ford Onina Elizabeth Female Johnson Cecil Jack Male Perth
1933/100353 Perth Johnson Cecil Jack Male Ford Onina Elizabeth Female Perth
1933/100354 Perth Richter Phyllis Rae Female Darch Charles Alexander Male West Perth
1933/100354 Perth Darch Charles Alexander Male Richter Phyllis Rae Female West Perth
1933/100355 Perth Lobb Frances Ann Gow Female East Herbert Richard Gordon Male West Perth
1933/100355 Perth East Herbert Richard Gordon Male Lobb Frances Ann Gow Female West Perth
1933/100356 Perth Kilminster Ethel Shirley Female Tough Frederick Ronald Male West Perth
1933/100356 Perth Tough Frederick Ronald Male Kilminster Ethel Shirley Female West Perth
1933/100357 Perth Harris Clifford Nathan Male Masel Daidre Joanne Female Perth
1933/100357 Perth Masel Daidre Joanne Female Harris Clifford Nathan Male Perth
1933/100358 Perth Adler Markus Male Stern Hanna Female Perth
1933/100358 Perth Stern Hanna Female Adler Markus Male Perth
1933/100359 Perth Blair Olive Female Stevens George Kenneth Male Claremont
1933/100359 Perth Stevens George Kenneth Male Blair Olive Female Claremont
1933/100360 Perth Hurley Vera Emma Rose Female Bell John Arthur Trevor Male Mount Hawthorn
1933/100360 Perth Bell John Arthur Trevor Male Hurley Vera Emma Rose Female Mount Hawthorn
1933/100361 Perth Davis Edna May Female Glassup Charles Eric Male Perth
1933/100361 Perth Glassup Charles Eric Male Davis Edna May Female Perth
1933/100362 Perth Morris Alec Newton Male Fullerton Winifred Mabel Female Perth
1933/100362 Perth Fullerton Winifred Mabel Female Morris Alec Newton Male Perth
1933/100363 Perth Emery Harold Male Kinley Annie Female Claremont
1933/100363 Perth Kinley Annie Female Emery Harold Male Claremont
1933/100364 Perth O'Connor Doreen Female Turvey Leslie Arthur Male Victoria Park
1933/100364 Perth Turvey Leslie Arthur Male O'Connor Doreen Female Victoria Park
1933/100365 Perth Heinrich Elva Dulcie Female Kuhl Gottfried Friedrich Male Mt Lawley
1933/100365 Perth Kuhl Gottfried Friedrich Male Heinrich Elva Dulcie Female Mt Lawley
1933/100366 Perth Peterson Frederick Thorwald Male Pickworth Florrie Female Perth
1933/100366 Perth Pickworth Florrie Female Peterson Frederick Thorwald Male Perth
1933/100367 Perth Fullerton Susan Female Gaunt Frederick Henry Male Perth
1933/100367 Perth Gaunt Frederick Henry Male Fullerton Susan Female Perth
1933/100368 Perth Lee Joseph Leopold Male Reynolds Daphne Eudosia Female Highgate Hill
1933/100368 Perth Reynolds Daphne Eudosia Female Lee Joseph Leopold Male Highgate Hill
1933/100369 Perth Parsons Jean Evelyn May Female Trevelyan Percy John Male Perth
1933/100369 Perth Trevelyan Percy John Male Parsons Jean Evelyn May Female Perth
1933/100370 Perth Cairns Florence Frances Female Strack Stanley Louis Male Highgate Hill
1933/100370 Perth Strack Stanley Louis Male Cairns Florence Frances Female Highgate Hill
1933/100371 Perth Hayes Thomas Male Webb May Mary Female Perth
1933/100371 Perth Webb May Mary Female Hayes Thomas Male Perth
1933/100372 Perth Holloway Eileen Mary Female Johnston Walter Robert Male Perth
1933/100372 Perth Johnston Walter Robert Male Holloway Eileen Mary Female Perth
1933/100373 Perth Smith Doreen Mary Female Wyatt Robert Male Perth
1933/100373 Perth Wyatt Robert Male Smith Doreen Mary Female Perth
1933/100374 Perth Mazzucchelli Victor Matthew Christian Male Manners Marjorie Female Claremont
1933/100374 Perth Manners Marjorie Female Mazzucchelli Victor Matthew Christian Male Claremont
1933/100375 Perth Hodgson Marjorie Norma Female Rees Sydney Wynn Male Claremont
1933/100375 Perth Rees Sydney Wynn Male Hodgson Marjorie Norma Female Claremont
1933/100376 Perth Hall Dorothy Ailsa Female Weir Hugh Lewis Frederick Male Claremont
1933/100376 Perth Weir Hugh Lewis Frederick Male Hall Dorothy Ailsa Female Claremont
1933/100377 Perth McDiarmid Kathleen Christine Irene Female Bassett John Destin Male Cottesloe
1933/100377 Perth Bassett John Destin Male McDiarmid Kathleen Christine Irene Female Cottesloe
1933/100378 Perth Harrison Lawrence Laughton Male Simpson Minnie Edith Female West Perth
1933/100378 Perth Simpson Minnie Edith Female Harrison Lawrence Laughton Male West Perth
1933/100379 Perth Young John Brinton Male Bleazby Phyllis Nancy Female Perth
1933/100379 Perth Bleazby Phyllis Nancy Female Young John Brinton Male Perth
1933/100380 Perth Goodhill Henry Male Mackenzie Jessie Mary Female Perth
1933/100380 Perth Mackenzie Jessie Mary Female Goodhill Henry Male Perth
1933/100381 Perth Leaman Roma Jean Leta Female Roberts John MacDonald Male Perth
1933/100381 Perth Roberts John MacDonald Male Leaman Roma Jean Leta Female Perth
1933/100382 Perth Bell Leslie Clifford Male Hearl Evelyn May Female Perth
1933/100382 Perth Hearl Evelyn May Female Bell Leslie Clifford Male Perth
1933/100383 Perth Brown Alma Female Douglas Reginald John Edward Male Perth
1933/100383 Perth Douglas Reginald John Edward Male Brown Alma Female Perth
1933/100384 Perth O'Neil Ronald Owen Male Stone Ethel Grace Emily Female Claremont
1933/100384 Perth Stone Ethel Grace Emily Female O'Neil Ronald Owen Male Claremont
1933/100385 Perth Ayres William George Male Colohan Patricia Female Perth
1933/100385 Perth Colohan Patricia Female Ayres William George Male Perth
1933/100386 Perth Owen Mary Ethelwyn Female Kirkham William Joseph Male Claremont
1933/100386 Perth Kirkham William Joseph Male Owen Mary Ethelwyn Female Claremont
1933/100387 Perth Duncan Muriel Blanche Female Robertson Claude Wilfred Male Perth
1933/100387 Perth Robertson Claude Wilfred Male Duncan Muriel Blanche Female Perth
1933/100388 Perth Bladen Bryant Oswald Male Winning Elizabeth Hume Female Perth
1933/100388 Perth Winning Elizabeth Hume Female Bladen Bryant Oswald Male Perth
1933/100389 Perth Weir Lorna McDonald Female Dunn David Ipsen Male Perth
1933/100389 Perth Dunn David Ipsen Male Weir Lorna McDonald Female Perth
1933/100390 Perth Gibson Agnes Female Nicholl Horace John Male Perth
1933/100390 Perth Nicholl Horace John Male Gibson Agnes Female Perth
1933/100391 Perth Garden Mary Ann Smith Female Upton Basil Raymond Male Perth
1933/100391 Perth Upton Basil Raymond Male Garden Mary Ann Smith Female Perth
1934/100392 Perth Jones Phyllis Female Daniels Alfred George Male West Subiaco
1933/100392 Perth Turnbull James Male Walton Elsie Female Perth
1934/100392 Perth Daniels Alfred George Male Jones Phyllis Female West Subiaco
1933/100392 Perth Walton Elsie Female Turnbull James Male Perth
1933/100393 Perth Beckingham Wilfred Kenneth Male Steele Daisy Female Perth
1933/100393 Perth Steele Daisy Female Beckingham Wilfred Kenneth Male Perth
1933/100394 Perth Chaplin Thomas Harold Male Dalziell Ellen May Female West Perth
1933/100394 Perth Dalziell Ellen May Female Chaplin Thomas Harold Male West Perth
1933/100395 Perth Albury Albert Male Phillips Gwendoline Violet Female North Perth
1933/100395 Perth Phillips Gwendoline Violet Female Albury Albert Male North Perth
1933/100396 Perth Rogers George Thomas Leslie Male Gosney Annie Margaret Female Leederville
1933/100396 Perth Gosney Annie Margaret Female Rogers George Thomas Leslie Male Leederville
1933/100397 Perth Squire Walter Risley Male Dodge Lyas Margaret Female Leederville
1933/100397 Perth Dodge Lyas Margaret Female Squire Walter Risley Male Leederville
1933/100398 Perth Robson Dorothy Eileen Female Wilkes Cyril Male Leederville
1933/100398 Perth Wilkes Cyril Male Robson Dorothy Eileen Female Leederville
1933/100399 Perth Carruthers James Male Thomson Roberta Frances Female Perth
1933/100399 Perth Thomson Roberta Frances Female Carruthers James Male Perth
1933/100400 Perth Jones Doris Female Fletcher Frank Keith Male Perth
1933/100400 Perth Fletcher Frank Keith Male Jones Doris Female Perth
1933/100401 Perth James William Male Ducie Amy Millicent Female Perth
1933/100401 Perth Ducie Amy Millicent Female James William Male Perth
1933/100402 Perth Stables Leonard James Hunter Male Blayney-Simpson Winifred Mercia Female Perth
1933/100402 Perth Blayney-Simpson Winifred Mercia Female Stables Leonard James Hunter Male Perth
1933/100403 Perth Dreghorn Gordon Glencairn Male Harman Jessie Mary Elizabeth Female West Perth
1933/100403 Perth Harman Jessie Mary Elizabeth Female Dreghorn Gordon Glencairn Male West Perth
1933/100404 Perth Wann Jessie Marjory Ruby Female Bentley Stephen Grafton Male West Perth
1933/100404 Perth Bentley Stephen Grafton Male Wann Jessie Marjory Ruby Female West Perth
1933/100405 Perth Stenhouse Keith Campbell Male Schwarze Minnie Barnett Female South Belmont
1933/100405 Perth Schwarze Minnie Barnett Female Stenhouse Keith Campbell Male South Belmont
1933/100406 Perth Hair Sydney Rex Male Wright Olive Louisa Female Bayswater
1933/100406 Perth Wright Olive Louisa Female Hair Sydney Rex Male Bayswater
1933/100407 Perth Robinson Thelma Laurel Female Marshall Charles Albert Male Perth
1933/100407 Perth Marshall Charles Albert Male Robinson Thelma Laurel Female Perth
1933/100408 Perth Davies Gladys May Female Nicholls Edward Mervyn Male Claremont
1933/100408 Perth Nicholls Edward Mervyn Male Davies Gladys May Female Claremont
1933/100409 Perth Richardson John Osbourne Male Dover Gwendolyn Ellen Frances Female Cottesloe
1933/100409 Perth Dover Gwendolyn Ellen Frances Female Richardson John Osbourne Male Cottesloe
1933/100410 Perth Whiteley Arthur Joseph Male Rumble Ida Mabel Female Carlisle
1933/100410 Perth Rumble Ida Mabel Female Whiteley Arthur Joseph Male Carlisle
1933/100411 Perth Ayling William Albert Male Humphreys Eleanor Evelyn Female Perth
1933/100411 Perth Humphreys Eleanor Evelyn Female Ayling William Albert Male Perth
1933/100412 Perth Harrison Jessie Campbell Female Clark Arthur Thomas Male Perth
1933/100412 Perth Clark Arthur Thomas Male Harrison Jessie Campbell Female Perth
1933/100413 Perth Pearse Doreen Grace Female Coxon Keith Wooton Male Perth
1933/100413 Perth Coxon Keith Wooton Male Pearse Doreen Grace Female Perth
1933/100414 Perth Glassford Alice Isabel Laura Female Firth Raymond Stanard Patrick Male Perth
1933/100414 Perth Firth Raymond Stanard Patrick Male Glassford Alice Isabel Laura Female Perth
1933/100415 Perth Sutherland Alexander Thomas Male Portwine Florence Maud Female Nedlands
1933/100415 Perth Portwine Florence Maud Female Sutherland Alexander Thomas Male Nedlands
1933/100416 Perth Jefferiss Margaret Grace Female McGregor Robert Burns Male Leederville
1933/100416 Perth McGregor Robert Burns Male Jefferiss Margaret Grace Female Leederville
1933/100417 Perth Harrison Alan Maguire Male Bayliss Marjorie Emily Female Perth
1933/100417 Perth Bayliss Marjorie Emily Female Harrison Alan Maguire Male Perth
1933/100418 Perth Whiteley Dora Mary Evelyn Female Muir Andrew Roy Male Perth
1933/100418 Perth Muir Andrew Roy Male Whiteley Dora Mary Evelyn Female Perth
1933/100419 Perth Mahoney Eric Joseph Male Hodge Elsie Mary Female Perth
1933/100419 Perth Hodge Elsie Mary Female Mahoney Eric Joseph Male Perth
1933/100420 Perth Cockram William George Male Reilly Eileen Florence Female Perth
1933/100420 Perth Reilly Eileen Florence Female Cockram William George Male Perth
1933/100421 Perth Meckelburg Rupert Carl Male Wittber Elsie Olive Female Rosalie
1933/100421 Perth Wittber Elsie Olive Female Meckelburg Rupert Carl Male Rosalie
1933/100422 Perth Gardiner Mavis Clare Female Hensler Hans Male Claremont
1933/100422 Perth Hensler Hans Male Gardiner Mavis Clare Female Claremont
1933/100423 Perth Pittard Grace Mildred Female Hay Hugh Price Male Perth
1933/100423 Perth Hay Hugh Price Male Pittard Grace Mildred Female Perth
1933/100424 Perth Cheffins Harold Cockburn Male Coulter Lavinia Frances Female Victoria Park
1933/100424 Perth Coulter Lavinia Frances Female Cheffins Harold Cockburn Male Victoria Park
1933/100425 Perth Clark Doris Hilda Female Aikenhead Victor Francis Male Victoria Park
1933/100425 Perth Aikenhead Victor Francis Male Clark Doris Hilda Female Victoria Park
1933/100426 Perth Wright John Keltie Male Waugh Dorothy Winifred Female Perth
1933/100426 Perth Waugh Dorothy Winifred Female Wright John Keltie Male Perth
1933/100427 Perth Smith Charles David Ross Male Randell Ina Gwen Female Perth
1933/100427 Perth Randell Ina Gwen Female Smith Charles David Ross Male Perth
1933/100428 Perth Lamb Mervyn Edsall Male Smyth Grace Edna Female Perth
1933/100428 Perth Smyth Grace Edna Female Lamb Mervyn Edsall Male Perth
1933/100429 Perth Emmerson Mary Jane Female Martin John Male Cottesloe
1933/100429 Perth Martin John Male Emmerson Mary Jane Female Cottesloe
1933/100430 Perth Sturkey James Robert Male Meares Jessie Grace Goldsmith Female West Perth
1933/100430 Perth Meares Jessie Grace Goldsmith Female Sturkey James Robert Male West Perth
1933/100431 Perth Gosney Olga Stirling Female Negus Sydney Ambrose Male West Perth
1933/100431 Perth Negus Sydney Ambrose Male Gosney Olga Stirling Female West Perth
1933/100432 Perth White Sabena Constance Hope Female Lockyer Max Catchlove Male Perth
1933/100432 Perth Lockyer Max Catchlove Male White Sabena Constance Hope Female Perth
1933/100433 Perth McGlinn Pearl Catherine Helen Female Cockburn James Murray Male Perth
1933/100433 Perth Cockburn James Murray Male McGlinn Pearl Catherine Helen Female Perth
1933/100434 Perth Wright Alexander James Male Wrighton Ada Mary Female North Perth
1933/100434 Perth Wrighton Ada Mary Female Wright Alexander James Male North Perth
1933/100435 Perth Humphrey Edward Sheargold Male Ockerby Nancy Rosalin Female Perth
1933/100435 Perth Ockerby Nancy Rosalin Female Humphrey Edward Sheargold Male Perth
1933/100436 Perth Walkington Kenneth George Male Maddren Ethel Melville Female Perth
1933/100436 Perth Maddren Ethel Melville Female Walkington Kenneth George Male Perth
1933/100437 Perth Evans Reginald George Male Eastmon Evelyn Isobel Female West Subiaco
1933/100437 Perth Eastmon Evelyn Isobel Female Evans Reginald George Male West Subiaco
1933/100438 Perth Hodgson Robert James Male Williams Jean Female Perth
1933/100438 Perth Williams Jean Female Hodgson Robert James Male Perth
1933/100439 Perth Wight Frank Allen Male Eastmon Desma Beatrix Female Perth
1933/100439 Perth Eastmon Desma Beatrix Female Wight Frank Allen Male Perth
1933/100440 Perth Evans John Patrick Male McMeekin Eloise Mary Female Perth
1933/100440 Perth McMeekin Eloise Mary Female Evans John Patrick Male Perth
1933/100441 Perth White Gladys Mary Female Ingham Thomas Frederick Male Perth
1933/100441 Perth Ingham Thomas Frederick Male White Gladys Mary Female Perth
1933/100442 Perth Tough James Campbell Male Robins Sylvia Margaret Female Mount Hawthorn
1933/100442 Perth Robins Sylvia Margaret Female Tough James Campbell Male Mount Hawthorn
1933/100443 Perth Collins Emily Frances Female French Francis William Male Subiaco
1933/100443 Perth French Francis William Male Collins Emily Frances Female Subiaco
1933/100444 Perth Mackenzie Alexander Simpson Male Shetlat Margaret Female Perth
1933/100444 Perth Shetlat Margaret Female Mackenzie Alexander Simpson Male Perth
1933/100445 Perth Brickhill John Eric Male Kernutt Winifred Alice Female Perth
1933/100445 Perth Kernutt Winifred Alice Female Brickhill John Eric Male Perth
1933/100446 Perth Bandy Ernest George Male Basley Florence Jordan Female Perth
1933/100446 Perth Basley Florence Jordan Female Bandy Ernest George Male Perth
1933/100447 Perth Blakeney Annie Mary Female McOuat William Male Perth
1933/100447 Perth McOuat William Male Blakeney Annie Mary Female Perth
1933/100448 Perth Rickerby Elsie May Female Anspach Walter Eric de Pierpoint Barnard Male Perth
1933/100448 Perth Anspach Walter Eric de Pierpoint Barnard Male Rickerby Elsie May Female Perth
1933/100449 Perth Klein Edward John Male Evenis Edna Constance May Female West Perth
1933/100449 Perth Evenis Edna Constance May Female Klein Edward John Male West Perth
1933/100450 Perth Pilkington Mary Bridget Female Calvin William Male Victoria Park
1933/100450 Perth Calvin William Male Pilkington Mary Bridget Female Victoria Park
1933/100451 Perth Stapleton Irene Vida Female Redman Ernest Carne Male Perth
1933/100451 Perth Redman Ernest Carne Male Stapleton Irene Vida Female Perth
1933/100452 Perth Murray Constance Beevor Female Lee-Steere Herbert Harold Male West Perth
1933/100452 Perth Lee-Steere Herbert Harold Male Murray Constance Beevor Female West Perth
1933/100453 Perth Francis Arthur William Male Holmes Gladys Maud Female Subiaco
1933/100453 Perth Holmes Gladys Maud Female Francis Arthur William Male Subiaco
1933/100454 Perth Hancock Rachael Thelma Daphney Female Sims Henry Arthur Male Subiaco
1933/100454 Perth Sims Henry Arthur Male Hancock Rachael Thelma Daphney Female Subiaco
1933/100455 Perth McAlinden Mervyn Thomas Male Bandy Thelma Evelyn Female Subiaco
1933/100455 Perth Bandy Thelma Evelyn Female McAlinden Mervyn Thomas Male Subiaco
1933/100456 Perth Mitchell Eleanor Mary Female Sweeting Francis Robert Male Subiaco
1933/100456 Perth Sweeting Francis Robert Male Mitchell Eleanor Mary Female Subiaco
1933/100457 Perth Knight Beatrice Meta Female Wedgwood Norman Male West Perth
1933/100457 Perth Wedgwood Norman Male Knight Beatrice Meta Female West Perth
1933/100458 Perth Pearn Jack Hulford Slobom Male Rose Lillian May Female Subiaco
1933/100458 Perth Rose Lillian May Female Pearn Jack Hulford Slobom Male Subiaco
1933/100459 Perth Woodward Elenor Mary Female Reed Raymond William Male Maylands
1933/100459 Perth Reed Raymond William Male Woodward Elenor Mary Female Maylands
1933/100460 Perth Grimbal-distin Martha Female Dunne William Male Subiaco
1933/100460 Perth Dunne William Male Grimbal-distin Martha Female Subiaco
1934/100461 Perth Woods Leila Female Donohue John Joseph Male Victoria Park
1934/100461 Perth Donohue John Joseph Male Woods Leila Female Victoria Park
1933/100461 Perth Fetcher Owen Edwin Male Bennett Violet May Female Subiaco
1933/100461 Perth Bennett Violet May Female Fetcher Owen Edwin Male Subiaco
1933/100462 Perth Davies Nettley May Female King Regg Keith Male Perth
1933/100462 Perth King Regg Keith Male Davies Nettley May Female Perth
1933/100463 Perth Ross Doris Amy Hodgson Female Wade Ronald Eustace Male South Perth
1933/100463 Perth Wade Ronald Eustace Male Ross Doris Amy Hodgson Female South Perth
1933/100464 Perth Douglas George Johnson Male Irving Helen Rosalind Female Claremont
1933/100464 Perth Irving Helen Rosalind Female Douglas George Johnson Male Claremont
1933/100465 Perth Hitchings Raymond Selwyn Male Nobbs Kathleen Female Claremont
1933/100465 Perth Nobbs Kathleen Female Hitchings Raymond Selwyn Male Claremont
1933/100466 Perth Worth Nancy Female Goodman John Mark Male Claremont
1933/100466 Perth Goodman John Mark Male Worth Nancy Female Claremont
1933/100467 Perth Donaldson Phyllis Dorothy Female Reynolds Thomas Lawrence Male Claremont
1933/100467 Perth Reynolds Thomas Lawrence Male Donaldson Phyllis Dorothy Female Claremont
1933/100468 Perth Elliss Florence Muriel Female Bond James Alfred Male Maylands
1933/100468 Perth Bond James Alfred Male Elliss Florence Muriel Female Maylands
1933/100469 Perth Wiley William Joseph Patrick Male Hancey Jessie Isobel Female Leederville
1933/100469 Perth Hancey Jessie Isobel Female Wiley William Joseph Patrick Male Leederville
1933/100470 Perth Karl Lillian May Female Truran James Henry Male Subiaco
1933/100470 Perth Truran James Henry Male Karl Lillian May Female Subiaco
1933/100471 Perth Douglas Roy Edward Male Clark Beryl Ernestine Female Claremont
1933/100471 Perth Clark Beryl Ernestine Female Douglas Roy Edward Male Claremont
1933/100472 Perth How Harold Ernest Male Edwards Ada Female Claremont
1933/100472 Perth Edwards Ada Female How Harold Ernest Male Claremont
1933/100473 Perth Beswick Olive May Female Keogh Wilfred Ivan Male Perth
1933/100473 Perth Keogh Wilfred Ivan Male Beswick Olive May Female Perth
1933/100474 Perth Moy Kathleen Female Urquhart Urban Joseph O'Neil Male Perth
1933/100474 Perth Urquhart Urban Joseph O'Neil Male Moy Kathleen Female Perth
1933/100475 Perth Hanrahan Norman John Male Hosking Lucy Florence Victoria Female Perth
1933/100475 Perth Hosking Lucy Florence Victoria Female Hanrahan Norman John Male Perth
1933/100476 Perth Marwick Augustus Warren Male Davies Rebecca Victoria Female Perth
1933/100476 Perth Davies Rebecca Victoria Female Marwick Augustus Warren Male Perth
1933/100477 Perth Jacobsen Peter Male Lloyd Ellen Mary Female Perth
1933/100477 Perth Lloyd Ellen Mary Female Jacobsen Peter Male Perth
1933/100478 Perth Norton Ethel Lillian Female Scott John Edgar Male Perth
1933/100478 Perth Scott John Edgar Male Norton Ethel Lillian Female Perth
1933/100479 Perth Overy Emily Mary Female Roach David Patrick Male Perth
1933/100479 Perth Roach David Patrick Male Overy Emily Mary Female Perth
1933/100480 Perth Kelly Mavis Philomena Female Connell James Thomas Male Perth
1933/100480 Perth Connell James Thomas Male Kelly Mavis Philomena Female Perth
1933/100481 Perth Tynan Margaret Mary Female Nally James John Male Perth
1933/100481 Perth Nally James John Male Tynan Margaret Mary Female Perth
1933/100482 Perth Gilmartin John Male Gablish Elsie May Female Perth
1933/100482 Perth Gablish Elsie May Female Gilmartin John Male Perth
1933/100483 Perth Hartley Ethel Female Green William Leslie George Male Perth
1933/100483 Perth Green William Leslie George Male Hartley Ethel Female Perth
1933/100484 Perth Webb Cedric Male Hall Daphne Phyllis Female Perth
1933/100484 Perth Hall Daphne Phyllis Female Webb Cedric Male Perth
1933/100485 Perth Gray William Henry David Male Braysher Edna Jean Female Perth
1933/100485 Perth Braysher Edna Jean Female Gray William Henry David Male Perth
1933/100486 Perth Stewart Alexander Male Clare Ann Female Victoria Park
1933/100486 Perth Clare Ann Female Stewart Alexander Male Victoria Park
1933/100487 Perth Brown Amy Female South Christopher Benson Male Perth
1933/100487 Perth South Christopher Benson Male Brown Amy Female Perth
1933/100488 Perth Axon Iris Gwyneth Female Rackham Ernest George Male Victoria Park
1933/100488 Perth Rackham Ernest George Male Axon Iris Gwyneth Female Victoria Park
1933/100489 Perth Barrass Margaret Ellen May Female Allen Harry Merle Male Victoria Park
1933/100489 Perth Allen Harry Merle Male Barrass Margaret Ellen May Female Victoria Park
1933/100490 Perth Scott Noel Oliver Male McDougall Ivy Elizabeth Female Perth
1933/100490 Perth McDougall Ivy Elizabeth Female Scott Noel Oliver Male Perth
1933/100491 Perth Boniface Lilian Constance Female Burney Charles Nason Male Perth
1933/100491 Perth Burney Charles Nason Male Boniface Lilian Constance Female Perth
1933/100492 Perth Little William Francis Male Macdonald Mary Female Mt Lawley
1933/100492 Perth Macdonald Mary Female Little William Francis Male Mt Lawley
1933/100493 Perth Hitchings Emlyn Gordon Male Jones Ethel Maud Female West Subiaco
1933/100493 Perth Jones Ethel Maud Female Hitchings Emlyn Gordon Male West Subiaco
1933/100494 Perth Weston Frank Arthur Male Osborn Ethel Female Perth
1933/100494 Perth Osborn Ethel Female Weston Frank Arthur Male Perth
1933/100495 Perth Badham Dorothy Maud Female Morgan George Leonard William Male West Perth
1933/100495 Perth Morgan George Leonard William Male Badham Dorothy Maud Female West Perth
1933/100496 Perth Sturrock Benjamin Huntly Male Clark Kate Female Victoria Park
1933/100496 Perth Clark Kate Female Sturrock Benjamin Huntly Male Victoria Park
1933/100497 Perth Heathcote Daniel Male Henderson Ruby Elvira Female Perth
1933/100497 Perth Henderson Ruby Elvira Female Heathcote Daniel Male Perth
1933/100498 Perth Arthur Winifred Frances Female Illingworth Ralph Male Mt Lawley
1933/100498 Perth Illingworth Ralph Male Arthur Winifred Frances Female Mt Lawley
1933/100499 Perth Turpin Leonard Harold Male Hancock Verna May Female Perth
1933/100499 Perth Hancock Verna May Female Turpin Leonard Harold Male Perth
1933/100500 Perth Hetherington Joseph Male Syms Ethel Maud Female Perth
1933/100500 Perth Syms Ethel Maud Female Hetherington Joseph Male Perth
1933/100501 Perth White Noel Hounsfield Male Reid Lily Elizabeth Melville Female Perth
1933/100501 Perth Reid Lily Elizabeth Melville Female White Noel Hounsfield Male Perth
1933/100502 Perth Hearle Hilton Arthur Male Webb Geraldine May Female Mount Hawthorn
1933/100502 Perth Webb Geraldine May Female Hearle Hilton Arthur Male Mount Hawthorn
1933/100503 Perth Hooker Lawrence James Stephen Male Sladden Clarice Eva Female West Leederville
1933/100503 Perth Sladden Clarice Eva Female Hooker Lawrence James Stephen Male West Leederville
1933/100504 Perth Ryan James Male Cook Mary Teresa Female Perth
1933/100504 Perth Cook Mary Teresa Female Ryan James Male Perth
1933/100505 Perth Preston Madalene Mary Jean Female Marris Wesley Kyen Male Perth
1933/100505 Perth Marris Wesley Kyen Male Preston Madalene Mary Jean Female Perth
1933/100506 Perth Herbert Theresa Henrietta Female Morrish Horace George Henry Male Leederville
1933/100506 Perth Morrish Horace George Henry Male Herbert Theresa Henrietta Female Leederville
1933/100507 Perth Nevard Lillian Madge Female Sommers Rupert Male Perth
1933/100507 Perth Sommers Rupert Male Nevard Lillian Madge Female Perth
1933/100508 Perth McTavish Gilbert Henry Male Guerin Zoe Kathleen Female Subiaco
1933/100508 Perth Guerin Zoe Kathleen Female McTavish Gilbert Henry Male Subiaco
1933/100509 Perth Carreras John Male Pascoe Edna Female Perth
1933/100509 Perth Pascoe Edna Female Carreras John Male Perth
1933/100510 Perth Rundle Mary Elizabeth Female Anderson Stanley Joseph Male Claremont
1933/100510 Perth Anderson Stanley Joseph Male Rundle Mary Elizabeth Female Claremont
1933/100511 Perth Boulter Douglas Charles Joseph Male Short Evelyn May Female Cottesloe
1933/100511 Perth Short Evelyn May Female Boulter Douglas Charles Joseph Male Cottesloe
1933/100512 Perth Kingswood Constance Myrtle Female Weser William James Male West Perth
1933/100512 Perth Weser William James Male Kingswood Constance Myrtle Female West Perth
1933/100513 Perth Gribble Noela Grace Female Hymus Leslie George Delbridge Male Cottesloe
1933/100513 Perth Hymus Leslie George Delbridge Male Gribble Noela Grace Female Cottesloe
1933/100514 Perth Martin George Male Brookes Ida Ellen Female Perth
1934/100514 Perth Gill Mavis Eveline Female Bridge Wallace Prosper Male Claremont
1934/100514 Perth Bridge Wallace Prosper Male Gill Mavis Eveline Female Claremont
1933/100514 Perth Brookes Ida Ellen Female Martin George Male Perth
1933/100515 Perth Ross James Male Holland Emily Kieltie Female Mt Lawley
1933/100515 Perth Holland Emily Kieltie Female Ross James Male Mt Lawley
1933/100516 Perth Horley Douglas George Male Dale Georgina Mary Stroud Female Perth
1933/100516 Perth Dale Georgina Mary Stroud Female Horley Douglas George Male Perth
1933/100517 Perth Bursey Ruby Alathea Female Fleming James Wilson Male Perth
1933/100517 Perth Fleming James Wilson Male Bursey Ruby Alathea Female Perth
1933/100518 Perth Considine Dorothy Elsie Female Moore Norman Harcourt Wadham Male Perth
1933/100518 Perth Moore Norman Harcourt Wadham Male Considine Dorothy Elsie Female Perth
1933/100519 Perth Martin Archibald Alfred Male Stancliffe Alice Female Perth
1933/100519 Perth Stancliffe Alice Female Martin Archibald Alfred Male Perth
1933/100520 Perth Kendall John Henry Male Reed Jean Avery Female Perth
1933/100520 Perth Reed Jean Avery Female Kendall John Henry Male Perth
1933/100521 Perth Rourke Patrick Joseph Male Smith Jeanne Marcelle Female Perth
1933/100521 Perth Smith Jeanne Marcelle Female Rourke Patrick Joseph Male Perth
1933/100522 Perth Gray Keith Douglas Male Pope Phyllis Female Perth
1933/100522 Perth Pope Phyllis Female Gray Keith Douglas Male Perth
1933/100523 Perth Guy Albert Ernest Male Siefken Myrtle Clair Female Cottesloe
1933/100523 Perth Siefken Myrtle Clair Female Guy Albert Ernest Male Cottesloe
1933/100524 Perth Gloster Walter Edward Male Shaw Marjorie Mae Female Perth
1933/100524 Perth Shaw Marjorie Mae Female Gloster Walter Edward Male Perth
1933/100525 Perth Carr Jane Female Zanetti Victor Brown Male Subiaco
1933/100525 Perth Zanetti Victor Brown Male Carr Jane Female Subiaco
1933/100526 Perth Black James Russell Male Bartlett Ruby Myrtle Female Maylands
1933/100526 Perth Bartlett Ruby Myrtle Female Black James Russell Male Maylands
1933/100527 Perth Ray Mabel Florence Female Ledsham Robert Forbes Male West Perth
1933/100527 Perth Ledsham Robert Forbes Male Ray Mabel Florence Female West Perth
1933/100528 Perth Kalafatas Michael Male Pitsonis Helen Female Perth
1933/100528 Perth Pitsonis Helen Female Kalafatas Michael Male Perth
1933/100529 Perth Papalazaros Despa Female Nicholas Con Male Perth
1933/100529 Perth Nicholas Con Male Papalazaros Despa Female Perth
1933/100530 Perth Bath Adelaide Anne Wilson Female Gadenne Cyril Claude Male Perth
1933/100530 Perth Gadenne Cyril Claude Male Bath Adelaide Anne Wilson Female Perth
1933/100531 Perth Baldwin Claude Male Adams Winifred Clara Female Claremont
1933/100531 Perth Adams Winifred Clara Female Baldwin Claude Male Claremont
1933/100532 Perth Sharp Donald Male Williamson Priscilla Mary Female Perth
1933/100532 Perth Williamson Priscilla Mary Female Sharp Donald Male Perth
1933/100533 Perth Gray Winifred Aline Female Whincup Ernest Joseph Male Perth
1933/100533 Perth Whincup Ernest Joseph Male Gray Winifred Aline Female Perth
1933/100534 Perth Smith Josephine Female Matson Donald Edgar Male Perth
1933/100534 Perth Matson Donald Edgar Male Smith Josephine Female Perth
1933/100535 Perth Jones Robert Male Buttel Clara Julia Female Perth
1933/100535 Perth Buttel Clara Julia Female Jones Robert Male Perth
1933/100536 Perth Goudie Thomas Hector Male Collins Edith Female Perth
1933/100536 Perth Collins Edith Female Goudie Thomas Hector Male Perth
1933/100537 Perth Leopold Eva Adelaide Female Stansall Frank Male Perth
1933/100537 Perth Stansall Frank Male Leopold Eva Adelaide Female Perth
1933/100538 Perth Grant Thomas Male Bennett Ruby Madge Female Highgate
1933/100538 Perth Bennett Ruby Madge Female Grant Thomas Male Highgate
1933/100539 Perth Phillips Nellie Victoria Female Morley Terrence Male Perth
1935/100539 Perth Ridley Geoffrey Walford Male Atkinson Kathleen Mary Barbara Female Maylands
1933/100539 Perth Morley Terrence Male Phillips Nellie Victoria Female Perth
1935/100539 Perth Atkinson Kathleen Mary Barbara Female Ridley Geoffrey Walford Male Maylands
1933/100540 Perth Walsh Michael Joseph Male Smith Elizabeth Female Subiaco
1933/100540 Perth Smith Elizabeth Female Walsh Michael Joseph Male Subiaco
1933/100541 Perth Teakle Harold Maxwell Male Chapman Winifred Gertrude Female West Perth
1933/100541 Perth Chapman Winifred Gertrude Female Teakle Harold Maxwell Male West Perth
1933/100542 Perth Butt Daisy Beatrice Female Pritchard Joseph John Male West Perth
1933/100542 Perth Pritchard Joseph John Male Butt Daisy Beatrice Female West Perth
1933/100543 Perth Fisher Douglas Tasman Male Langley Sarah Female Victoria Park
1933/100543 Perth Langley Sarah Female Fisher Douglas Tasman Male Victoria Park
1933/100544 Perth Russell Arthur William Male Hart Winnifred Stella Female Leederville
1933/100544 Perth Hart Winnifred Stella Female Russell Arthur William Male Leederville
1933/100545 Perth McKirdy John Robertson Doglas Male O'Reilly Florence Blanche Mary Female Leederville
1933/100545 Perth O'Reilly Florence Blanche Mary Female McKirdy John Robertson Doglas Male Leederville
1933/100546 Perth Salfinger Harold Male McCartney Mary Agnes Female Leederville
1933/100546 Perth McCartney Mary Agnes Female Salfinger Harold Male Leederville
1933/100547 Perth Porter Harold James Male Richardson Rosalie Jean Female Leederville
1933/100547 Perth Richardson Rosalie Jean Female Porter Harold James Male Leederville
1933/100548 Perth Moyle Georgina Jane Female Menzies Ronald Leslie Male West Perth
1933/100548 Perth Menzies Ronald Leslie Male Moyle Georgina Jane Female West Perth
1933/100549 Perth Blair John Rankin Male Kiesey Claris Frances Female West Perth
1933/100549 Perth Kiesey Claris Frances Female Blair John Rankin Male West Perth
1933/100550 Perth Bradley Florence Lilian Female Mackintosh John Cameron Male West Perth
1933/100550 Perth Mackintosh John Cameron Male Bradley Florence Lilian Female West Perth
1933/100551 Perth Merralls Albert Thomas Male Pearce Doris Mary Female Victoria Park
1933/100551 Perth Pearce Doris Mary Female Merralls Albert Thomas Male Victoria Park
1933/100552 Perth Hawkins Dorothy Lillian Female Youngs Robert Percy Male Victoria Park
1933/100552 Perth Youngs Robert Percy Male Hawkins Dorothy Lillian Female Victoria Park
1933/100553 Perth Cruys Hugo Cornelis Male Haehnel Gertrud Female Perth
1933/100553 Perth Haehnel Gertrud Female Cruys Hugo Cornelis Male Perth
1933/100556 Perth Gill Thomas William Male Barnett Elsie Lilian Female Maylands
1933/100556 Perth Barnett Elsie Lilian Female Gill Thomas William Male Maylands
1933/100557 Perth Parrotte James Eric Male Skeels Dorothy Mabel Female Maylands
1933/100557 Perth Skeels Dorothy Mabel Female Parrotte James Eric Male Maylands
1933/100558 Perth Ogden Stanley James Male Stephenson Gladys Patricia Female North Maylands
1933/100558 Perth Stephenson Gladys Patricia Female Ogden Stanley James Male North Maylands
1933/100559 Perth Charteris Dorothy Alexandra Female Charteris Noel George Male Perth
1933/100559 Perth Charteris Noel George Male Charteris Dorothy Alexandra Female Perth
1933/100560 Perth Browne-Cooper Edward Norton Male Freedman Josephine Olwyn Female West Perth
1933/100560 Perth Freedman Josephine Olwyn Female Browne-Cooper Edward Norton Male West Perth
1933/100561 Perth Williams Maud Female Templeman Alan James Male North Perth
1933/100561 Perth Templeman Alan James Male Williams Maud Female North Perth
1933/100562 Perth Elliott Bernice Cecelia Female Gardiner John Samuel Male North Perth
1933/100562 Perth Gardiner John Samuel Male Elliott Bernice Cecelia Female North Perth
1933/100563 Perth Petra Neil Male Hall Mabel Edna Female North Perth
1933/100563 Perth Hall Mabel Edna Female Petra Neil Male North Perth
1933/100564 Perth Haseldine Edward Male Barton Beryl Pauline Female North Perth
1933/100564 Perth Barton Beryl Pauline Female Haseldine Edward Male North Perth
1933/100565 Perth Goddard William Henry Male Humes Dorothy Female Perth
1933/100565 Perth Humes Dorothy Female Goddard William Henry Male Perth
1933/100566 Perth Buckley Victor Albert Stanley Male Bridges Teresa Frances Female Perth
1933/100566 Perth Bridges Teresa Frances Female Buckley Victor Albert Stanley Male Perth
1933/100567 Perth Lloyd Dorothy Edithwyn Female Phillips Cecil Raymond Male Perth
1933/100567 Perth Phillips Cecil Raymond Male Lloyd Dorothy Edithwyn Female Perth
1933/100568 Perth Hall Ivor Harold Male Robinson Margaret Cairns Female Maylands
1933/100568 Perth Robinson Margaret Cairns Female Hall Ivor Harold Male Maylands
1933/100569 Perth Douglas Frances Howe Female Price Archibald David Male Claremont
1933/100569 Perth Price Archibald David Male Douglas Frances Howe Female Claremont
1933/100570 Perth Finey Edna Georgina Female McLennan Hugh James Male Claremont
1933/100570 Perth McLennan Hugh James Male Finey Edna Georgina Female Claremont
1933/100571 Perth Dearle Ethel Maud Female Read Raymond Eric Male Perth
1933/100571 Perth Read Raymond Eric Male Dearle Ethel Maud Female Perth
1933/100572 Perth Scott Ronald Forbes Male Langley Ruth Ward Female Perth
1933/100572 Perth Langley Ruth Ward Female Scott Ronald Forbes Male Perth
1933/100573 Perth Weir Sheila McKenzie Female Davis Arthur Jacob Male Perth
1933/100573 Perth Davis Arthur Jacob Male Weir Sheila McKenzie Female Perth
1933/100574 Perth Burns Leslie James Male Wallan Winifred Female Perth
1933/100574 Perth Wallan Winifred Female Burns Leslie James Male Perth
1933/100575 Perth Metcher Dorothy May Female Tripp Carl Henry Male Perth
1933/100575 Perth Tripp Carl Henry Male Metcher Dorothy May Female Perth
1933/100576 Perth Miller Jane Stewart Female Turkington Richard Male Perth
1933/100576 Perth Turkington Richard Male Miller Jane Stewart Female Perth
1933/100577 Perth Hogan Alfred Arthur Male Meyers Tessie Gwen Female Perth
1933/100577 Perth Meyers Tessie Gwen Female Hogan Alfred Arthur Male Perth
1933/100578 Perth Masini Pia Female Marchetti Domenico Male West Perth
1933/100578 Perth Marchetti Domenico Male Masini Pia Female West Perth
1933/100579 Perth Hosking Rose Marie Female McMahon John George Male West Perth
1933/100579 Perth McMahon John George Male Hosking Rose Marie Female West Perth
1933/100580 Perth McInerney James Gideon Male Moore Norma Violet Female West Perth
1933/100580 Perth Moore Norma Violet Female McInerney James Gideon Male West Perth
1933/100581 Perth Monnock Isabel Margaret Female Mackie Fredrick George Male West Perth
1933/100581 Perth Mackie Fredrick George Male Monnock Isabel Margaret Female West Perth
1934/100582 Perth Crowley Albert Joseph Male Robertson Viola Venus Female Perth
1933/100582 Perth Wall Francis Male Juggins Violet Matilda Female West Perth
1933/100582 Perth Juggins Violet Matilda Female Wall Francis Male West Perth
1934/100582 Perth Robertson Viola Venus Female Crowley Albert Joseph Male Perth
1934/100583 Perth Hardie Alfred Thomas Male Richards Lilian Elizabeth Female Perth
1933/100583 Perth Dyer Thelma May Female King Wilfred Gilmour Male Perth
1934/100583 Perth Richards Lilian Elizabeth Female Hardie Alfred Thomas Male Perth
1933/100583 Perth King Wilfred Gilmour Male Dyer Thelma May Female Perth
1933/100584 Perth King Ernest Edwin Male Tomlinson Mildred Maud Female Perth
1933/100584 Perth Tomlinson Mildred Maud Female King Ernest Edwin Male Perth
1933/100585 Perth Watson Sydney John Male Holland Julia Alicia Female Perth
1933/100585 Perth Holland Julia Alicia Female Watson Sydney John Male Perth
1933/100586 Perth Pike Roy Pappin Male Pearce Kathleen Female Victoria Park
1933/100586 Perth Pearce Kathleen Female Pike Roy Pappin Male Victoria Park
1933/100587 Perth White William Harold Male Bewsher Eileen Mary Female Perth
1933/100587 Perth Bewsher Eileen Mary Female White William Harold Male Perth
1933/100588 Perth Shaw George Jess Male Henderson Ellen Josephine Female Perth
1933/100588 Perth Henderson Ellen Josephine Female Shaw George Jess Male Perth
1933/100589 Perth Fitzgerald Veronica Ellen Female Verrall Arthur John Male Perth
1933/100589 Perth Verrall Arthur John Male Fitzgerald Veronica Ellen Female Perth
1933/100590 Perth Alexander Constance Eileen Female Iles Francis Joseph Male Perth
1933/100590 Perth Iles Francis Joseph Male Alexander Constance Eileen Female Perth
1933/100591 Perth Bateman Lois Lindsay Female Wilson Douglas Rose Campbell Male Perth
1933/100591 Perth Wilson Douglas Rose Campbell Male Bateman Lois Lindsay Female Perth
1933/100592 Perth Fyfe Maynie Dorothy Female Newman Robert Townsend Male Perth
1933/100592 Perth Newman Robert Townsend Male Fyfe Maynie Dorothy Female Perth
1933/100593 Perth Weir John Keith George Male Duke Winifred Female Perth
1933/100593 Perth Duke Winifred Female Weir John Keith George Male Perth
1933/100594 Perth King Alan Texas Male Kerr Irene Hazel Female Perth
1933/100594 Perth Kerr Irene Hazel Female King Alan Texas Male Perth
1933/100595 Perth Haagensen Kay Hanneval Male Eddington Jean Lillian Female Perth
1933/100595 Perth Eddington Jean Lillian Female Haagensen Kay Hanneval Male Perth
1933/100596 Perth Fisher Constance Aethorne Agnes Female Cameron Kenneth Male Perth
1933/100596 Perth Cameron Kenneth Male Fisher Constance Aethorne Agnes Female Perth
1933/100597 Perth Leopold Vera Myrtle Female Edmonds David Arnold Male Victoria Park
1933/100597 Perth Edmonds David Arnold Male Leopold Vera Myrtle Female Victoria Park
1933/100598 Perth Connor Lavenia Female Ranford Barry Jackson Male Victoria Park
1933/100598 Perth Ranford Barry Jackson Male Connor Lavenia Female Victoria Park
1933/100599 Perth Clements Amy Elizabeth Female Cousins John Daniel Male Victoria Park
1933/100599 Perth Cousins John Daniel Male Clements Amy Elizabeth Female Victoria Park
1933/100600 Perth Pearson Maria Female Tunstall John Male Perth
1933/100600 Perth Tunstall John Male Pearson Maria Female Perth
1933/100601 Perth McCluskey George Edward Male Morey Grace May Female Claremont
1933/100601 Perth Morey Grace May Female McCluskey George Edward Male Claremont
1933/100602 Perth Fitzgerald Gwladys Female Taylor Thomas Charles Valentine Male Subiaco
1933/100602 Perth Taylor Thomas Charles Valentine Male Fitzgerald Gwladys Female Subiaco
1933/100603 Perth Rosewarne Josephine Adele Female Madden Sydney John Male Nedlands
1933/100603 Perth Madden Sydney John Male Rosewarne Josephine Adele Female Nedlands
1933/100604 Perth Smith Flora Female Cavanough Frank Male Perth
1933/100604 Perth Cavanough Frank Male Smith Flora Female Perth
1933/100605 Perth Fair Ethel May Female Rychen Edgar Paul Male Perth
1933/100605 Perth Rychen Edgar Paul Male Fair Ethel May Female Perth
1933/100606 Perth Mitchell Morva Izon Female Mellor Charles Harold Male Perth
1933/100606 Perth Mellor Charles Harold Male Mitchell Morva Izon Female Perth
1933/100607 Perth Doughty Stanley Lionel Philip Male Cook Maisie Lilian Female Perth
1933/100607 Perth Cook Maisie Lilian Female Doughty Stanley Lionel Philip Male Perth
1933/100608 Perth Parsons George Sigismund Male Hall Minnie Elizabeth Female Perth
1933/100608 Perth Hall Minnie Elizabeth Female Parsons George Sigismund Male Perth
1933/100609 Perth Turner Ethel May Female Saggers Norman William Male Perth
1933/100609 Perth Saggers Norman William Male Turner Ethel May Female Perth
1933/100610 Perth Townsend Edith May Female Norris Henry Charles Male Perth
1933/100610 Perth Norris Henry Charles Male Townsend Edith May Female Perth
1933/100611 Perth Zanotti Rita Female Aquino Nicola Giuseppe Male Perth
1933/100611 Perth Aquino Nicola Giuseppe Male Zanotti Rita Female Perth
1933/100612 Perth Postans Eileen Mary Female Chandler Henry Garnet Male Perth
1933/100612 Perth Chandler Henry Garnet Male Postans Eileen Mary Female Perth
1933/100613 Perth Manning Mervyn Jack Male Walker Mary Bridget Female Perth
1933/100613 Perth Walker Mary Bridget Female Manning Mervyn Jack Male Perth
1933/100614 Perth Humphries Hilda Mary Female Cooper Stanley Patrick Male Perth
1933/100614 Perth Cooper Stanley Patrick Male Humphries Hilda Mary Female Perth
1933/100615 Perth Brown George Dickson Male Knox Christina Mary Female Perth
1933/100615 Perth Knox Christina Mary Female Brown George Dickson Male Perth
1933/100616 Perth Pollard William James Male Barker Edith Emily Female Perth
1933/100616 Perth Barker Edith Emily Female Pollard William James Male Perth
1933/100617 Perth Jones John William Male St John Gladys Female Perth
1933/100617 Perth St John Gladys Female Jones John William Male Perth
1933/100618 Perth Cluning Ignatius Patrick Male Smith Mary Catherine Female Perth
1933/100618 Perth Smith Mary Catherine Female Cluning Ignatius Patrick Male Perth
1933/100619 Perth McSweeney Dorothy Ellen Female Rann Cecil Male Perth
1933/100619 Perth Rann Cecil Male McSweeney Dorothy Ellen Female Perth
1933/100620 Perth Thompson Robert Male James Irene Gladys Hilda Female Perth
1933/100620 Perth James Irene Gladys Hilda Female Thompson Robert Male Perth
1933/100621 Perth Lambess Roy James Male Tootelle Lillian Mary Female Perth
1933/100621 Perth Tootelle Lillian Mary Female Lambess Roy James Male Perth
1933/100622 Perth Wainwright Lawrence Templeton Male Smith Mary Female South Perth
1933/100622 Perth Smith Mary Female Wainwright Lawrence Templeton Male South Perth
1933/100623 Perth Lucchinelli Guialdo Gino Male Halbert Madge Edith Female Perth
1933/100623 Perth Halbert Madge Edith Female Lucchinelli Guialdo Gino Male Perth
1933/100624 Perth Corner Joy Maud Female Crawford James Stewart Male South Perth
1933/100624 Perth Crawford James Stewart Male Corner Joy Maud Female South Perth
1933/100625 Perth Burt Samuel Godfrey Preston Male Thompson Constance Haselden Female Mt Lawley
1933/100625 Perth Thompson Constance Haselden Female Burt Samuel Godfrey Preston Male Mt Lawley
1933/100626 Perth McCleery Mary Female White James Male Victoria Park
1933/100626 Perth White James Male McCleery Mary Female Victoria Park
1933/100627 Perth Angel Joseph Owen Male McCleery Margaret Female Victoria Park
1933/100627 Perth McCleery Margaret Female Angel Joseph Owen Male Victoria Park
1933/100628 Perth Byng Edith Olive Female Streatfield William Male Perth
1933/100628 Perth Streatfield William Male Byng Edith Olive Female Perth
1933/100629 Perth Atkins Rose Jean Battridge Female Nunn Martin George Edwin Male Perth
1933/100629 Perth Nunn Martin George Edwin Male Atkins Rose Jean Battridge Female Perth
1933/100630 Perth Simpson Isabella Bain Female Lewis John Francis Male Mount Lawley
1933/100630 Perth Lewis John Francis Male Simpson Isabella Bain Female Mount Lawley
1933/100631 Perth Johnson Francis William Male Harper Muriel Frances Female Perth
1933/100631 Perth Harper Muriel Frances Female Johnson Francis William Male Perth
1933/100632 Perth Hatch Georgina May Female Mellet Joseph Henry Male Perth
1933/100632 Perth Mellet Joseph Henry Male Hatch Georgina May Female Perth
1933/100633 Perth Leonhardt Mavis Edna Female Angwin John Cameron Male Maylands
1933/100633 Perth Angwin John Cameron Male Leonhardt Mavis Edna Female Maylands
1933/100634 Perth Woods John Edward Male Smith Rosamond Mary Female South Perth
1933/100634 Perth Smith Rosamond Mary Female Woods John Edward Male South Perth
1933/100635 Perth Turner Gladys Janet Female Cable Aleck Forrest John Male Maylands
1933/100635 Perth Cable Aleck Forrest John Male Turner Gladys Janet Female Maylands
1933/100636 Perth Herrick Mona Florence Female Smith Frank Leonard Male West Perth
1933/100636 Perth Smith Frank Leonard Male Herrick Mona Florence Female West Perth
1933/100637 Perth Sullivan Lavinia Margaret Female Marr Edward James Male West Perth
1933/100637 Perth Marr Edward James Male Sullivan Lavinia Margaret Female West Perth
1933/100638 Perth Thomas Harry Field Male Collins Annie Female West Perth
1933/100638 Perth Collins Annie Female Thomas Harry Field Male West Perth
1933/100639 Perth Leaver Ernest Eric Male Hastings Florence Margaret Female Perth
1933/100639 Perth Hastings Florence Margaret Female Leaver Ernest Eric Male Perth
1933/100640 Perth Willis George Male Wallis Ettie Violet Female Claremont
1933/100640 Perth Wallis Ettie Violet Female Willis George Male Claremont
1933/100641 Perth Mir Josephine Constance Female Clapp Henry Francis Male Perth
1933/100641 Perth Clapp Henry Francis Male Mir Josephine Constance Female Perth
1933/100642 Perth Snowden Clarence Hufton Male Willson Vera Phoebe Female Perth
1933/100642 Perth Willson Vera Phoebe Female Snowden Clarence Hufton Male Perth
1933/100643 Perth Dancer Thomas John Male Beckett Dorothy May Female West Perth
1933/100643 Perth Beckett Dorothy May Female Dancer Thomas John Male West Perth
1933/100644 Perth Baker Adeline Marion Female Wilson Luke Male West Perth
1933/100644 Perth Wilson Luke Male Baker Adeline Marion Female West Perth
1933/100645 Perth Baxter Mary Female Bayliss Robert Male Mount Hawthorn
1933/100645 Perth Bayliss Robert Male Baxter Mary Female Mount Hawthorn
1933/100646 Perth Sutton Norman William Male Ellis Frances Veronica Female Perth
1933/100646 Perth Ellis Frances Veronica Female Sutton Norman William Male Perth
1933/100647 Perth Holroyd Nola Female Davidson Ernest George Keith Male North Perth
1933/100647 Perth Davidson Ernest George Keith Male Holroyd Nola Female North Perth
1933/100648 Perth Beal Laura Emily Female Talbot Archibald James Male Maylands
1933/100648 Perth Talbot Archibald James Male Beal Laura Emily Female Maylands
1933/100649 Perth Hooper Cecilie Mabel Female Brewer John Alexander Male West Perth
1933/100649 Perth Brewer John Alexander Male Hooper Cecilie Mabel Female West Perth
1933/100650 Perth Williams Roy John Robert Male Haig Edna Mavis Female West Perth
1933/100650 Perth Haig Edna Mavis Female Williams Roy John Robert Male West Perth
1933/100651 Perth Herlihy Ruby Female Vanstone William Allen Male West Perth
1933/100651 Perth Vanstone William Allen Male Herlihy Ruby Female West Perth
1933/100652 Perth Schorer Joseph Male Dowsett Phoebe Ann Female Perth
1933/100652 Perth Dowsett Phoebe Ann Female Schorer Joseph Male Perth
1933/100653 Perth Murray Reginald Lewis Male Selby Bertha Female Perth
1933/100653 Perth Selby Bertha Female Murray Reginald Lewis Male Perth
1933/100654 Perth Phillips Edna May Female Griffiths David Male Victoria Park
1933/100654 Perth Griffiths David Male Phillips Edna May Female Victoria Park
1933/100655 Perth Dixon Margaret Elizabeth Female Rushton John Crawshaw Male Victoria Park
1933/100655 Perth Rushton John Crawshaw Male Dixon Margaret Elizabeth Female Victoria Park
1933/100656 Perth Smith Molly Irene Female Edwards John Henry Walsh Male Victoria Park
1933/100656 Perth Edwards John Henry Walsh Male Smith Molly Irene Female Victoria Park
1933/100657 Perth Arnold Kenneth Male Wilks Ethel May Female Victoria Park
1933/100657 Perth Wilks Ethel May Female Arnold Kenneth Male Victoria Park
1933/100658 Perth Rose Alice Bertha Female Shields William Herbert Male Perth
1933/100658 Perth Shields William Herbert Male Rose Alice Bertha Female Perth
1933/100659 Perth Browne Arthur Johnson Male Wimhurst Hazel Annie Female Perth
1933/100659 Perth Breitkreutz Arthur Johnson Male Wimhurst Hazel Annie Female Perth
1933/100659 Perth Breitkreutz Otto Arthur Male Wimhurst Hazel Annie Female Perth
1933/100659 Perth Browne Otto Arthur Male Wimhurst Hazel Annie Female Perth
1933/100659 Perth Wimhurst Hazel Annie Female Breitkreutz Arthur Johnson Male Perth
1933/100659 Perth Wimhurst Hazel Annie Female Breitkreutz Otto Arthur Male Perth
1933/100659 Perth Wimhurst Hazel Annie Female Browne Arthur Johnson Male Perth
1933/100659 Perth Wimhurst Hazel Annie Female Browne Otto Arthur Male Perth
1933/100660 Perth James Marjorie Female Kennedy Raymond Dudley Male Perth
1933/100660 Perth Kennedy Raymond Dudley Male James Marjorie Female Perth
1933/100661 Perth Mort Alfred John Male Devonshire Muriel Joy Female Perth
1933/100661 Perth Devonshire Muriel Joy Female Mort Alfred John Male Perth
1933/100662 Perth Huntley Kathleen Doris Female Waterman Norman Male Perth
1933/100662 Perth Waterman Norman Male Huntley Kathleen Doris Female Perth
1933/100663 Perth Humphrey Llewellyn Sheargold Male Curley Clarice Mary Female Perth
1933/100663 Perth Curley Clarice Mary Female Humphrey Llewellyn Sheargold Male Perth
1933/100664 Perth Gifford Isla Female Rodgers Robert George Male Perth
1933/100664 Perth Rodgers Robert George Male Gifford Isla Female Perth
1933/100665 Perth Vaughan Thomas Edwin Male Underdown Mary Agnes Female Subiaco
1933/100665 Perth Underdown Mary Agnes Female Vaughan Thomas Edwin Male Subiaco
1933/100666 Perth Ridley Noel Thomas Male Willey Nellie Hanna Agnes Female Perth
1933/100666 Perth Willey Nellie Hanna Agnes Female Ridley Noel Thomas Male Perth
1933/100667 Perth Walton Harold John Male Moyle Gertrude Female Perth
1933/100667 Perth Moyle Gertrude Female Walton Harold John Male Perth
1933/100668 Perth Rees Gwenneth Algerie Rigby Female Anderson George Arthur Male Perth
1933/100668 Perth Anderson George Arthur Male Rees Gwenneth Algerie Rigby Female Perth
1933/100669 Perth Tyler Raymond Arthur Keith Male Cook Doris Irene Female Perth
1933/100669 Perth Cook Doris Irene Female Tyler Raymond Arthur Keith Male Perth
1933/100670 Perth Cozins John Gordon Male Gibbons Aleen Alma Female Highgate
1933/100670 Perth Gibbons Aleen Alma Female Cozins John Gordon Male Highgate
1933/100671 Perth Orme Laurel Female Gorn John Leslie Male Cottesloe
1933/100671 Perth Gorn John Leslie Male Orme Laurel Female Cottesloe
1933/100672 Perth Prestedge George Edward Male Tory Violet Isobel Female Maylands
1933/100672 Perth Tory Violet Isobel Female Prestedge George Edward Male Maylands
1933/100673 Perth Appelbee Leslie George Male O'Reilly Barbara Winifred Female South Perth
1933/100673 Perth O'Reilly Barbara Winifred Female Appelbee Leslie George Male South Perth
1933/100674 Perth Bregenzer Gertrude Marjory Female Herlihy Leslie John William Male Perth
1933/100674 Perth Herlihy Leslie John William Male Bregenzer Gertrude Marjory Female Perth
1933/100675 Perth Greaves Alice Female Flynn John Leo Male Perth
1933/100675 Perth Flynn John Leo Male Greaves Alice Female Perth
1933/100676 Perth Kanzler Alice Pauline Female Fry Arthur James Male Victoria Park
1933/100676 Perth Fry Arthur James Male Kanzler Alice Pauline Female Victoria Park
1933/100677 Perth Campbell Reginald John Male Rogers Caroline Eileen Female Perth
1933/100677 Perth Rogers Caroline Eileen Female Campbell Reginald John Male Perth
1933/100678 Perth Airey Frederick George Male Bulloch Emily Gwendoline Female Perth
1933/100678 Perth Bulloch Emily Gwendoline Female Airey Frederick George Male Perth
1933/100679 Perth Anderson Robert Henry Male Harding Edith May Female Perth
1933/100679 Perth Harding Edith May Female Anderson Robert Henry Male Perth
1933/100680 Perth Hunter Samuel Male Kearney Catherine Female Perth
1933/100680 Perth Kearney Catherine Female Hunter Samuel Male Perth
1933/100681 Perth Hawes Catherine Violet Female Bowers Noel Ernest Male Perth
1933/100681 Perth Bowers Noel Ernest Male Hawes Catherine Violet Female Perth
1933/100682 Perth Stevenson Robert Male Baillie Iris Dora Female Perth
1933/100682 Perth Baillie Iris Dora Female Stevenson Robert Male Perth
1933/100683 Perth Dargie Powell Lenoard Male Ford Daphne Mary Female West Perth
1933/100683 Perth Ford Daphne Mary Female Dargie Powell Lenoard Male West Perth
1933/100684 Perth Mason Dorothy Maude Female Chambers Sydney Male Leederville
1933/100684 Perth Chambers Sydney Male Mason Dorothy Maude Female Leederville
1933/100685 Perth Lugg Catherine Christina Female Grosvenor Neil Rudolph Male Leederville
1933/100685 Perth Grosvenor Neil Rudolph Male Lugg Catherine Christina Female Leederville
1933/100686 Perth Medhurst Charles Henry Male Lloyd Gwyneth Alice Female Perth
1933/100686 Perth Lloyd Gwyneth Alice Female Medhurst Charles Henry Male Perth
1933/100687 Perth Thorn Charles George Male Skeer Ileene Female North Leederville
1933/100687 Perth Skeer Ileene Female Thorn Charles George Male North Leederville
1933/100688 Perth West Eric George Male Cook Avis Winifred Female North Leederville
1933/100688 Perth Cook Avis Winifred Female West Eric George Male North Leederville
1933/100689 Perth Gudgeon Winifred Female Ginbey William Charles Male Perth
1933/100689 Perth Ginbey William Charles Male Gudgeon Winifred Female Perth
1933/100690 Perth Francis Coralie Emma Female Elstner Josef Male Perth
1933/100690 Perth Elstner Josef Male Francis Coralie Emma Female Perth
1933/100691 Perth Johnson Edith Laura Female Harvey William George Male Perth
1933/100691 Perth Harvey William George Male Johnson Edith Laura Female Perth
1933/100692 Perth Strugg Ida Lillian Female Wrightson Frederick Morris Male Perth
1933/100692 Perth Wrightson Frederick Morris Male Strugg Ida Lillian Female Perth
1933/100693 Perth Smith Eldred Leonard Male Biddle Eleanor Hazel May Female Inglewood
1933/100693 Perth Biddle Eleanor Hazel May Female Smith Eldred Leonard Male Inglewood
1933/100694 Perth Baker William Western Male Phelps Hilda Thelma Female Perth
1933/100694 Perth Phelps Hilda Thelma Female Baker William Western Male Perth
1933/100695 Perth Screen Doris May Female