A tool to help track the citations of the Western Australian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages from Wikidata and WikiTree.

Marriages in: 1932

Registration year & number Registration district Surname Given names Gender Spouse surname Spouse given names Spouse gender Marriage place Wikidata WikiTree
1933/100001 Perth Carson Robert William Calvert Male Clark Jessie Amelia Female Perth
1933/100001 Perth Clark Jessie Amelia Female Carson Robert William Calvert Male Perth
1933/100002 Perth Nyman Floris Adrienne Female Herbert James Albany Male Cottesloe
1933/100002 Perth Herbert James Albany Male Nyman Floris Adrienne Female Cottesloe
1932/100004 Perth Lee Irene Muriel Female Walsh Ernest William Lawrence Male Maylands
1933/100004 Perth Burke Albert Male Austen Rose Female Victoria Park
1932/100004 Perth Walsh Ernest William Lawrence Male Lee Irene Muriel Female Maylands
1933/100004 Perth Austen Rose Female Burke Albert Male Victoria Park
1933/100005 Perth Patterson Alice Robinson Female Ryle Matthew Freeman Male Mt Lawley
1932/100005 Perth McCarroll John Alexander Male Harber Ethel Marion Female Maylands
1933/100005 Perth Ryle Matthew Freeman Male Patterson Alice Robinson Female Mt Lawley
1932/100005 Perth Harber Ethel Marion Female McCarroll John Alexander Male Maylands
1933/100006 Perth Jewell Mary Ellen Female McGuinness Hassie Male Mt Lawley
1933/100006 Perth McGuinness Hassie Male Jewell Mary Ellen Female Mt Lawley
1933/100007 Perth Williams George Thomas Male Clarke Elsie Bertha Female Mt Lawley
1933/100007 Perth Clarke Elsie Bertha Female Williams George Thomas Male Mt Lawley
1933/100008 Perth Wells Honora May Female Douglas Archibald Colin Male Nedlands
1933/100008 Perth Douglas Archibald Colin Male Wells Honora May Female Nedlands
1933/100009 Perth Smith Cedric Athelstone Male Griffiths Jean Female Nedlands
1933/100009 Perth Griffiths Jean Female Smith Cedric Athelstone Male Nedlands
1933/100010 Perth Colbert Joseph Redmond Male Byrne Rose Eileen Female Perth
1933/100010 Perth Byrne Rose Eileen Female Colbert Joseph Redmond Male Perth
1933/100011 Perth Williams Zoe Theodora Female Rowe James Harrison Male Nedlands
1933/100011 Perth Rowe James Harrison Male Williams Zoe Theodora Female Nedlands
1932/100012 Perth Pike Helen Margaret Female Tuffin George William Male Perth
1933/100012 Perth Taggart Ernest Possett Male Stuart Frances Kathleen Female Nedlands
1933/100012 Perth Stuart Frances Kathleen Female Taggart Ernest Possett Male Nedlands
1932/100012 Perth Tuffin George William Male Pike Helen Margaret Female Perth
1933/100013 Perth Brayshaw Edith Mary Lacey Female Twine Alan Henry Male Perth
1933/100013 Perth Twine Alan Henry Male Brayshaw Edith Mary Lacey Female Perth
1932/100013 Perth Carter Frank Alexis Male Kinley Margaret Female Claremont
1932/100013 Perth Kinley Margaret Female Carter Frank Alexis Male Claremont
1933/100014 Perth Sanderson Baronia Lucy Female Giles Robert Owen Male Perth
1933/100014 Perth Giles Robert Owen Male Sanderson Baronia Lucy Female Perth
1933/100015 Perth Meade Netta Sarah Maureen Female Dawson Harry York Male Perth
1933/100015 Perth Dawson Harry York Male Meade Netta Sarah Maureen Female Perth
1933/100017 Perth Thomas Alma Evelyn Female Stewart Archibald John Male Perth
1933/100017 Perth Stewart Archibald John Male Thomas Alma Evelyn Female Perth
1933/100018 Perth Mellors Tom Beaumont Male Simpson Mary Jane Female Perth
1932/100018 Perth Keenan Victor Joseph Male Mullineux Louisa Ellen Female Perth
1932/100018 Perth Mullineux Louisa Ellen Female Keenan Victor Joseph Male Perth
1933/100018 Perth Simpson Mary Jane Female Mellors Tom Beaumont Male Perth
1933/100019 Perth Smith Margaret Ann Female Fewson George Henry Male Perth
1933/100019 Perth Fewson George Henry Male Smith Margaret Ann Female Perth
1933/100020 Perth Allison Florence Joan Female Johnson Reginald Stanley Frederick Male Claremont
1933/100020 Perth Johnson Reginald Stanley Frederick Male Allison Florence Joan Female Claremont
1933/100021 Perth Southern Wilfrid Male Jones Doris Lilian Female Claremont
1932/100021 Perth Riddick Ernest Male Clark Marion Forsyth Gillon Female West Leederville
1932/100021 Perth Clark Marion Forsyth Gillon Female Riddick Ernest Male West Leederville
1933/100021 Perth Jones Doris Lilian Female Southern Wilfrid Male Claremont
1933/100022 Perth Dunn Flacilla Susie Female Joseph Louis Jeffrey Male Claremont
1933/100022 Perth Joseph Louis Jeffrey Male Dunn Flacilla Susie Female Claremont
1933/100023 Perth Joyce Alma Rivers Female Lambert Max Whisson Male Claremont
1933/100023 Perth Lambert Max Whisson Male Joyce Alma Rivers Female Claremont
1933/100025 Perth Gillespie Leslie Thomson Male Stanley-Low Eveleen Mary Female Perth
1933/100025 Perth Stanley-Low Eveleen Mary Female Gillespie Leslie Thomson Male Perth
1933/100026 Perth Lyon Herbert Keith Male Johnston Delcie Margaret Female Perth
1933/100026 Perth Johnston Delcie Margaret Female Lyon Herbert Keith Male Perth
1933/100027 Perth Neil Florence Beryl Female McRae Charles Roderick Male Perth
1933/100027 Perth McRae Charles Roderick Male Neil Florence Beryl Female Perth
1933/100028 Perth Higgs Mary Alice Matilda Female Esslemont George Alexander Male Perth
1933/100028 Perth Esslemont George Alexander Male Higgs Mary Alice Matilda Female Perth
1932/100029 Perth Jenkinson Ida Clair Female Darby James George Male Claremont
1933/100029 Perth Wood Lilian Jean Female Richards Leslie John Male Perth
1932/100029 Perth Darby James George Male Jenkinson Ida Clair Female Claremont
1933/100029 Perth Richards Leslie John Male Wood Lilian Jean Female Perth
1933/100030 Perth Lilleyman Leslie Rubern Harold Male Whitehouse Marion Paterson Female Perth
1933/100030 Perth Whitehouse Marion Paterson Female Lilleyman Leslie Rubern Harold Male Perth
1933/100031 Perth Fry Dorothy Mary Female Darch Cyril Male Perth
1933/100031 Perth Darch Cyril Male Fry Dorothy Mary Female Perth
1932/100032 Perth Frankee Henry Charles Male Austin Vera Female Victoria Park
1933/100032 Perth Ferris Muriel Isabel Female Donaldson James Male Perth
1932/100032 Perth Austin Vera Female Frankee Henry Charles Male Victoria Park
1933/100032 Perth Donaldson James Male Ferris Muriel Isabel Female Perth
1933/100033 Perth Lewis Emily Dorothy Female Newland William Charles Male Perth
1932/100033 Perth Howat Andrew Male Nicol Charlotte Ellen Female Perth
1932/100033 Perth Nicol Charlotte Ellen Female Howat Andrew Male Perth
1933/100033 Perth Newland William Charles Male Lewis Emily Dorothy Female Perth
1932/100034 Perth Price Hector James Male Kinross Gladys Flora Female Perth
1932/100034 Perth Kinross Gladys Flora Female Price Hector James Male Perth
1933/100034 Perth Walker Henry Alfred Male Gordon Lily Margaret Female Perth
1933/100034 Perth Gordon Lily Margaret Female Walker Henry Alfred Male Perth
1932/100035 Perth Desmond Clarence Male Parker Rose Winifred Female Victoria Park
1932/100035 Perth Desmond Clarence Male Rumble Rose Winifred Female Victoria Park
1933/100035 Perth Driscoll Nora Kathleen Female Edwards Charles James Robert Male Perth
1933/100035 Perth Edwards Charles James Robert Male Driscoll Nora Kathleen Female Perth
1932/100035 Perth Parker Rose Winifred Female Desmond Clarence Male Victoria Park
1932/100035 Perth Rumble Rose Winifred Female Desmond Clarence Male Victoria Park
1932/100036 Perth Collins Charlotte Ellen Female Bell Ralph Higginbottom Male Victoria Park
1933/100036 Perth Keogh Jessie Margaret Female Laurance Raymond Ambrose Male Perth
1933/100036 Perth Laurance Raymond Ambrose Male Keogh Jessie Margaret Female Perth
1932/100036 Perth Bell Ralph Higginbottom Male Collins Charlotte Ellen Female Victoria Park
1932/100037 Perth Mutton Violet Ellen Female Scott John Charles Male Perth
1932/100037 Perth Scott John Charles Male Mutton Violet Ellen Female Perth
1933/100037 Perth Ward Catherine Female Goff Carlyle Gerald Male Perth
1933/100037 Perth Goff Carlyle Gerald Male Ward Catherine Female Perth
1933/100038 Perth Menhennett Lorna Rose Female Butler William Henry Male Perth
1932/100038 Perth Williams Frederick Male Nicholls Elizabeth Female Perth
1932/100038 Perth Nicholls Elizabeth Female Williams Frederick Male Perth
1933/100038 Perth Butler William Henry Male Menhennett Lorna Rose Female Perth
1932/100039 Perth Suffield Hilda Jane Female Smith William Alfred Male Perth
1933/100039 Perth Gospodnetich Mary Female Kinkella Nicholas Male Perth
1932/100039 Perth Smith William Alfred Male Suffield Hilda Jane Female Perth
1933/100039 Perth Kinkella Nicholas Male Gospodnetich Mary Female Perth
1933/100040 Perth Turner Janie Female Webb Robert James Male Perth
1933/100040 Perth Webb Robert James Male Turner Janie Female Perth
1933/100041 Perth Logue Ernest Tamala Male Daly Constance Burns Female Perth
1933/100041 Perth Daly Constance Burns Female Logue Ernest Tamala Male Perth
1932/100041 Perth Duncan Ivy Female Walsh Charles Male Claremont
1932/100041 Perth Walsh Charles Male Duncan Ivy Female Claremont
1933/100042 Perth Martin John Male McLean Agnes Lily Female Perth
1933/100042 Perth McLean Agnes Lily Female Martin John Male Perth
1932/100042 Perth Dixon Vivian James Marsh Male Yabsley Esther Theresa Rose Female Perth
1932/100042 Perth Yabsley Esther Theresa Rose Female Dixon Vivian James Marsh Male Perth
1932/100043 Perth Burrell Hazel Vera Female Atkinson George Ernest Male West Perth
1933/100043 Perth Parkinson Patrick George Male Newell Mary Winifred Female Perth
1933/100043 Perth Newell Mary Winifred Female Parkinson Patrick George Male Perth
1932/100043 Perth Atkinson George Ernest Male Burrell Hazel Vera Female West Perth
1932/100044 Perth Auguste Eva Anastasiou Female Verevis George Elias Male Perth
1932/100044 Perth Verevis George Elias Male Auguste Eva Anastasiou Female Perth
1932/100045 Perth Lyons Margaret Female Merry Victor Frank Male Perth
1932/100045 Perth Merry Victor Frank Male Lyons Margaret Female Perth
1932/100046 Perth Manning Charles Haddon Spurgeon Male King Jean Florence Female North Perth
1932/100046 Perth King Jean Florence Female Manning Charles Haddon Spurgeon Male North Perth
1932/100047 Perth Bennett Marjorie Hope Female Palmer Joseph Clarkson Male Perth
1932/100047 Perth Palmer Joseph Clarkson Male Bennett Marjorie Hope Female Perth
1932/100048 Perth Wood Isaac John Male Crossley Daphne May Female Perth
1932/100048 Perth Crossley Daphne May Female Wood Isaac John Male Perth
1932/100049 Perth Richards Viola Jean Female Standring Arthur Fairbank Tennant Male Perth
1932/100049 Perth Standring Arthur Fairbank Tennant Male Richards Viola Jean Female Perth
1933/100050 Perth Walters Frances Nellie Female McMaster John Duncan Male South Perth
1933/100050 Perth McMaster John Duncan Male Walters Frances Nellie Female South Perth
1932/100051 Perth Piper Alfred Edward Male Price Lilith Megan Female Perth
1932/100051 Perth Price Lilith Megan Female Piper Alfred Edward Male Perth
1933/100051 Perth Bent George Annesley Male Broomhall Ethel Rachel Female South Perth
1933/100051 Perth Broomhall Ethel Rachel Female Bent George Annesley Male South Perth
1932/100052 Perth Hicks Kenneth Graham Male Hibble Bessie Gladys Female West Perth
1932/100052 Perth Hibble Bessie Gladys Female Hicks Kenneth Graham Male West Perth
1932/100053 Perth Hall William Henry Male Ross Stella Female West Perth
1932/100053 Perth Ross Stella Female Hall William Henry Male West Perth
1933/100054 Perth Lawson Ronald Vernon Male Hough Selma Grace Female Leederville
1933/100054 Perth Hough Selma Grace Female Lawson Ronald Vernon Male Leederville
1932/100054 Perth Hymus Sydney Clarence Male Edwards Kathleen Elizabeth Female West Perth
1932/100054 Perth Edwards Kathleen Elizabeth Female Hymus Sydney Clarence Male West Perth
1933/100057 Perth Kells Jessie May Female Richmond Raymond Arthur Male Perth
1933/100057 Perth Richmond Raymond Arthur Male Kells Jessie May Female Perth
1933/100058 Perth Thompson Dorothea Mary Female Metcalf Edgar George Male Perth
1933/100058 Perth Metcalf Edgar George Male Thompson Dorothea Mary Female Perth
1933/100059 Perth Jones Francis Henry Watson Male Dawson Doris May Female Perth
1933/100059 Perth Dawson Doris May Female Jones Francis Henry Watson Male Perth
1933/100060 Perth Smith John Male Long Mary Snow Christine Female Highgate
1933/100060 Perth Long Mary Snow Christine Female Smith John Male Highgate
1932/100060 Perth Christie Olive June Female Lowe Bernard Tasman Male West Perth
1932/100060 Perth Lowe Bernard Tasman Male Christie Olive June Female West Perth
1933/100061 Perth Hender Harold Leonard Male Walker Gladys Murray Female Perth
1932/100061 Perth Russell Thomas Male Gordon Dorothy Female Perth
1932/100061 Perth Gordon Dorothy Female Russell Thomas Male Perth
1933/100061 Perth Walker Gladys Murray Female Hender Harold Leonard Male Perth
1932/100062 Perth Duence Leila Marjorie Female Lee Ernest Alma Male Perth
1932/100062 Perth Lee Ernest Alma Male Duence Leila Marjorie Female Perth
1932/100063 Perth Caesar Percy Richmond Male Wolfe Hilda Fredricka Female Buckland Hill
1932/100063 Perth Wolfe Hilda Fredricka Female Caesar Percy Richmond Male Buckland Hill
1932/100064 Perth McNaughton Alexander Male Nielsen Louisa Female Perth
1933/100064 Perth Smith Emily Sybil Maud Female Guest Ronald Grenville Robert Male Maylands
1932/100064 Perth Nielsen Louisa Female McNaughton Alexander Male Perth
1933/100064 Perth Guest Ronald Grenville Robert Male Smith Emily Sybil Maud Female Maylands
1932/100065 Perth Francis Joseph Percy Duncan Male Nash Kathleen Annie Female Perth
1933/100065 Perth Bowra Catherine Hermine Jessie Female Bramley George Norman Male Maylands
1933/100065 Perth Bramley George Norman Male Bowra Catherine Hermine Jessie Female Maylands
1932/100065 Perth Nash Kathleen Annie Female Francis Joseph Percy Duncan Male Perth
1932/100066 Perth Gallacher Patrick Male Castle Emily Ethel Bernice Female Victoria Park
1933/100066 Perth Piper Leslie Male McCarthy Ivy Kathleen Female Maylands
1932/100066 Perth Castle Emily Ethel Bernice Female Gallacher Patrick Male Victoria Park
1933/100066 Perth McCarthy Ivy Kathleen Female Piper Leslie Male Maylands
1932/100067 Perth Masson Alexander Male Brown Elsie Female Victoria Park
1933/100067 Perth Boulton Walter John Henry Male Bennett Irene Claudia Female Maylands
1932/100067 Perth Brown Elsie Female Masson Alexander Male Victoria Park
1933/100067 Perth Bennett Irene Claudia Female Boulton Walter John Henry Male Maylands
1933/100068 Perth Maddison Ellen Alberta Female Wearne William Joseph Male South Perth
1932/100068 Perth Oats Rose Veronica Thelma Laura Marion Female Hoffman Herman Clarence Male Subiaco
1933/100068 Perth Wearne William Joseph Male Maddison Ellen Alberta Female South Perth
1932/100068 Perth Hoffman Herman Clarence Male Oats Rose Veronica Thelma Laura Marion Female Subiaco
1932/100069 Perth Hatzigiannakis Michael Nicholas Male Veriopoulos Jasmine Female Perth
1933/100069 Perth Nie Winnifred Florence Female Spooner Alec Male Carlisle
1932/100069 Perth Veriopoulos Jasmine Female Hatzigiannakis Michael Nicholas Male Perth
1933/100069 Perth Spooner Alec Male Nie Winnifred Florence Female Carlisle
1932/100070 Perth Murray Alexander Dalrymple Stewart Male Dawson Sylvia Gladys Female Perth
1932/100070 Perth Dawson Sylvia Gladys Female Murray Alexander Dalrymple Stewart Male Perth
1932/100071 Perth Knox Jean Davidson Wilson Female Sutton James Male Perth
1932/100071 Perth Sutton James Male Knox Jean Davidson Wilson Female Perth
1932/100072 Perth Doherty William Patrick Male Deering Amy Olive Female Leederville
1932/100072 Perth Deering Amy Olive Female Doherty William Patrick Male Leederville
1932/100073 Perth Lukan Marin Male Rodin Laura Female Leederville
1932/100073 Perth Rodin Laura Female Lukan Marin Male Leederville
1932/100074 Perth Yukch Katie Female Skender George Male Leederville
1932/100074 Perth Skender George Male Yukch Katie Female Leederville
1932/100075 Perth McGann Frederick Roy Male Sylvester Rose Evelyn Female Perth
1932/100075 Perth Sylvester Rose Evelyn Female McGann Frederick Roy Male Perth
1932/100076 Perth Atwill Sarah Eliza Alice Female Greene William Francis Male Perth
1932/100076 Perth Greene William Francis Male Atwill Sarah Eliza Alice Female Perth
1932/100077 Perth Davison Norma Veronica Female Dennis Sydney Clarence Male Perth
1933/100077 Perth Nunn Kate Female Hayes Jack Edward Male Claremont
1933/100077 Perth Hayes Jack Edward Male Nunn Kate Female Claremont
1932/100077 Perth Dennis Sydney Clarence Male Davison Norma Veronica Female Perth
1933/100078 Perth Swan Myra Agnes Female Hughan James John Male Maylands
1933/100078 Perth Hughan James John Male Swan Myra Agnes Female Maylands
1932/100078 Perth Arcus Eunice Gertrude Female Koenig John Henry Male Subiaco
1932/100078 Perth Koenig John Henry Male Arcus Eunice Gertrude Female Subiaco
1932/100082 Perth Walton Elsie Margaret Female Ketley Martin Alfred Male Claremont
1932/100082 Perth Ketley Martin Alfred Male Walton Elsie Margaret Female Claremont
1932/100083 Perth Beckwith Lois Mary Female Collison Clive Preston Male Claremont
1932/100083 Perth Collison Clive Preston Male Beckwith Lois Mary Female Claremont
1932/100084 Perth Carlyon Elsie Jean Female Needham Wallace Charles Male Claremont
1932/100084 Perth Needham Wallace Charles Male Carlyon Elsie Jean Female Claremont
1932/100085 Perth Unwin Colin Male Hibberd Lilian Annie Female Claremont
1932/100085 Perth Hibberd Lilian Annie Female Unwin Colin Male Claremont
1932/100087 Perth Panton Alexander Henry Male Miller Jessie Mary Female Perth
1932/100087 Perth Miller Jessie Mary Female Panton Alexander Henry Male Perth
1932/100088 Perth Harbutt Thomas Noble Male Thompson Florence Mary Rose Female Claremont
1932/100088 Perth Thompson Florence Mary Rose Female Harbutt Thomas Noble Male Claremont
1933/100088 Perth Peirce Harold James Male Coatham Gwendoline May Female Perth
1933/100088 Perth Coatham Gwendoline May Female Peirce Harold James Male Perth
1932/100089 Perth Taylor Mary Josephine Female Caldwell Maurice William Male Leederville
1932/100089 Perth Caldwell Maurice William Male Taylor Mary Josephine Female Leederville
1932/100090 Perth Stanton Alice Eileen Female Jewell Vivian James Male West Perth
1932/100090 Perth Jewell Vivian James Male Stanton Alice Eileen Female West Perth
1932/100091 Perth Fricker Fred Lacy Male Travers Edith Alice Female Perth
1932/100091 Perth Travers Edith Alice Female Fricker Fred Lacy Male Perth
1932/100092 Perth Torrance Peter Male Hallam Edith Mary Female Perth
1932/100092 Perth Hallam Edith Mary Female Torrance Peter Male Perth
1932/100093 Perth Sparrow Albert Ernest Male Forsey Ada Female West Leederville
1932/100093 Perth Forsey Ada Female Sparrow Albert Ernest Male West Leederville
1932/100094 Perth Gray Coral Female Wallace Stephen Male Perth
1932/100094 Perth Wallace Stephen Male Gray Coral Female Perth
1932/100095 Perth Ridley Alfred Halley Male Warr Martha Lillian Female Perth
1932/100095 Perth Warr Martha Lillian Female Ridley Alfred Halley Male Perth
1932/100096 Perth Merton Herbert Archibald Male Higgins Edna May Female Perth
1932/100096 Perth Higgins Edna May Female Merton Herbert Archibald Male Perth
1932/100097 Perth Hunton Frederick Thomas Male Goggin Eleanor Phyllis Female Perth
1932/100097 Perth Goggin Eleanor Phyllis Female Hunton Frederick Thomas Male Perth
1932/100099 Perth Layton Kathleen Jane Raffaello Female Sampson Benjamin Bruce Male West Perth
1932/100099 Perth Sampson Benjamin Bruce Male Layton Kathleen Jane Raffaello Female West Perth
1932/100100 Perth Elvis Rita Bertha May Female Archibald Albert Victor Male West Perth
1932/100100 Perth Archibald Albert Victor Male Elvis Rita Bertha May Female West Perth
1932/100101 Perth Oats Ewart Leslie Male West Emma Willis Female Perth
1932/100101 Perth West Emma Willis Female Oats Ewart Leslie Male Perth
1932/100103 Perth Nicholls Ivy Gertrude Female Mell Donald Ernest Male Claremont
1932/100103 Perth Mell Donald Ernest Male Nicholls Ivy Gertrude Female Claremont
1932/100104 Perth Garcia Samuel Male Lovett Elsie May Female North Perth
1932/100104 Perth Lovett Elsie May Female Garcia Samuel Male North Perth
1932/100105 Perth Arney Rodney Burnham Male Hargreaves Joan Mildred Female Perth
1932/100105 Perth Hargreaves Joan Mildred Female Arney Rodney Burnham Male Perth
1932/100106 Perth Allison Lilian Mary Female Flanigan John Livingstone Male Perth
1932/100106 Perth Flanigan John Livingstone Male Allison Lilian Mary Female Perth
1932/100107 Perth Crosse Phyllis Ivy Female Constantine Francis Graham Male Perth
1932/100107 Perth Constantine Francis Graham Male Crosse Phyllis Ivy Female Perth
1932/100108 Perth Randall Ronald Halley Male Mill Irene Female Perth
1932/100108 Perth Mill Irene Female Randall Ronald Halley Male Perth
1933/100109 Perth Doig Ada Marion Female Naylor Edgar Richard Male Subiaco
1932/100109 Perth Gibson Herbert Reginald Male Thompson Lily Female Perth
1933/100109 Perth Naylor Edgar Richard Male Doig Ada Marion Female Subiaco
1932/100109 Perth Thompson Lily Female Gibson Herbert Reginald Male Perth
1933/100110 Perth Cuffe Florence Mary Female Craig Charles Male Subiaco
1932/100110 Perth Williams Alexander Male Scully Vandenborre Female Perth
1933/100110 Perth Craig Charles Male Cuffe Florence Mary Female Subiaco
1932/100110 Perth Scully Vandenborre Female Williams Alexander Male Perth
1932/100111 Perth de Chazal Pierre Edmond Male Barker Clariss Jean Female Perth
1932/100111 Perth Barker Clariss Jean Female de Chazal Pierre Edmond Male Perth
1932/100112 Perth Matthews Margaret Kathleen Female Cracknell George Henry Male Perth
1932/100112 Perth Cracknell George Henry Male Matthews Margaret Kathleen Female Perth
1932/100113 Perth Danton Horace Henry Male Scott Elsie Edward Female Perth
1932/100113 Perth Scott Elsie Edward Female Danton Horace Henry Male Perth
1932/100114 Perth Cohen Ralph Male Stuber Odette Female West Perth
1932/100114 Perth Stuber Odette Female Cohen Ralph Male West Perth
1933/100115 Perth Cunningham Edward Leslie Male Martyn Enid Elizabeth Female Victoria Park
1932/100115 Perth Auguste Marcel Female Verevis George Nicholas Male Perth
1932/100115 Perth Verevis George Nicholas Male Auguste Marcel Female Perth
1933/100115 Perth Martyn Enid Elizabeth Female Cunningham Edward Leslie Male Victoria Park
1933/100116 Perth Lines Clarence Baden Male Lyons Mabel Harriet Female Victoria Park
1932/100116 Perth Knowles Eric Oliver Male Newman Gladys Mavis Female Perth
1932/100116 Perth Newman Gladys Mavis Female Knowles Eric Oliver Male Perth
1933/100116 Perth Lyons Mabel Harriet Female Lines Clarence Baden Male Victoria Park
1932/100117 Perth Schweiger Constance Evelyn Female Jonghmans Edward Male Perth
1933/100117 Perth Roy Dorothy Hilda Female Clarke John Male Victoria Park
1932/100117 Perth Jonghmans Edward Male Schweiger Constance Evelyn Female Perth
1933/100117 Perth Clarke John Male Roy Dorothy Hilda Female Victoria Park
1932/100118 Perth Smith Florence Matilda Female Oswald Daniel Joseph Male Perth
1932/100118 Perth Oswald Daniel Joseph Male Smith Florence Matilda Female Perth
1932/100119 Perth Savage Nora Bernice Female Powell Alfred Irwin Male West Perth
1932/100119 Perth Powell Alfred Irwin Male Savage Nora Bernice Female West Perth
1932/100120 Perth Black John Kenneth Male Howson Mavis Elsie Female Claremont
1932/100120 Perth Howson Mavis Elsie Female Black John Kenneth Male Claremont
1932/100121 Perth Crosbie Sylvia Stella Annie Female Millar Norman Howard Male Perth
1932/100121 Perth Millar Norman Howard Male Crosbie Sylvia Stella Annie Female Perth
1932/100122 Perth Hutton Thomas William Male Kirk Elizabeth May Female Perth
1932/100122 Perth Kirk Elizabeth May Female Hutton Thomas William Male Perth
1932/100123 Perth Gowland Harry William Synott Male Wait Jessie Irene Female Perth
1932/100123 Perth Wait Jessie Irene Female Gowland Harry William Synott Male Perth
1932/100124 Perth White Frank William Samuel Male Halbert Marcia Rene Female Perth
1932/100124 Perth Halbert Marcia Rene Female White Frank William Samuel Male Perth
1932/100125 Perth Fisher Albert Seth Male Reeves Christina Lilian Baxter Female Perth
1932/100125 Perth Reeves Christina Lilian Baxter Female Fisher Albert Seth Male Perth
1932/100126 Perth Hills Dorothy Irene Female Jones Eric Daniel Male Perth
1932/100126 Perth Jones Eric Daniel Male Hills Dorothy Irene Female Perth
1932/100127 Perth Dufall Alfred Reginald Horace Male Mollett Lily Gertrude Female Leederville
1932/100127 Perth Mollett Lily Gertrude Female Dufall Alfred Reginald Horace Male Leederville
1932/100128 Perth Quinlan Doreen Gwynneth Female Storey George Frederick Arthur Male Perth
1932/100128 Perth Storey George Frederick Arthur Male Quinlan Doreen Gwynneth Female Perth
1933/100129 Perth Adams Edith Annie Female Roberts William Percy Male Perth
1932/100129 Perth Bourne Mavis Ellen Female Blunt Ronald Male Perth
1932/100129 Perth Blunt Ronald Male Bourne Mavis Ellen Female Perth
1933/100129 Perth Roberts William Percy Male Adams Edith Annie Female Perth
1932/100130 Perth Randall Jennie Female Gaebler William Male Perth
1933/100130 Perth Perrin George Edgar Male Sargent Mary Margaret Female Perth
1932/100130 Perth Gaebler William Male Randall Jennie Female Perth
1933/100130 Perth Sargent Mary Margaret Female Perrin George Edgar Male Perth
1932/100131 Perth Henshaw Bernice Caldwell Female Cockerill Edwin Bartram Male Perth
1933/100131 Perth Mollett Thomas Rizen Male Plint Ivy Edna May Female Perth
1933/100131 Perth Plint Ivy Edna May Female Mollett Thomas Rizen Male Perth
1932/100131 Perth Cockerill Edwin Bartram Male Henshaw Bernice Caldwell Female Perth
1932/100132 Perth McGregor Alice Mary Female Walker Frederick George Male Perth
1932/100132 Perth Walker Frederick George Male McGregor Alice Mary Female Perth
1932/100133 Perth Galvin Philip Albert Male Tanner Ada Female Perth
1932/100133 Perth Tanner Ada Female Galvin Philip Albert Male Perth
1932/100134 Perth Lawson Joseph Male Heyhoe Ruby May Female Perth
1932/100134 Perth Heyhoe Ruby May Female Lawson Joseph Male Perth
1932/100135 Perth Platt John Thomas Male Wooding Elsie Isobel Female Buckland Hill
1932/100135 Perth Wooding Elsie Isobel Female Platt John Thomas Male Buckland Hill
1932/100136 Perth Johnstone Frances King Female Pascall Alan George Male Inglewood
1932/100136 Perth Pascall Alan George Male Johnstone Frances King Female Inglewood
1932/100137 Perth Tempany Ida Mathilde Female Boor John Arthur Male Perth
1932/100137 Perth Boor John Arthur Male Tempany Ida Mathilde Female Perth
1932/100138 Perth Drummond Annie Charlton Female Chapman Reuben Male Perth
1932/100138 Perth Chapman Reuben Male Drummond Annie Charlton Female Perth
1932/100139 Perth Morrish Sylvie Olive Female Holland George Edwin Male Perth
1932/100139 Perth Holland George Edwin Male Morrish Sylvie Olive Female Perth
1932/100140 Perth Redmond Gladys Female McAlpine Kenneth Alfred Male Perth
1932/100140 Perth McAlpine Kenneth Alfred Male Redmond Gladys Female Perth
1934/100143 Perth Bowater Phyllis Lydia Jessie Female Poland Clement James Male Perth
1934/100143 Perth Poland Clement James Male Bowater Phyllis Lydia Jessie Female Perth
1932/100144 Perth Doherty James Joseph Male Buckle Emily Mavis Female Perth
1932/100144 Perth Buckle Emily Mavis Female Doherty James Joseph Male Perth
1932/100145 Perth Shafto Florence Isabel Female Lavan Michael Gibson Male Perth
1932/100145 Perth Lavan Michael Gibson Male Shafto Florence Isabel Female Perth
1932/100146 Perth Kelly Michael Male Woolcock Olive Marjorie Female Perth
1932/100146 Perth Woolcock Olive Marjorie Female Kelly Michael Male Perth
1932/100147 Perth Smith Kathleen Female Peacock Richard John Wilson Male Perth
1932/100147 Perth Peacock Richard John Wilson Male Smith Kathleen Female Perth
1932/100148 Perth Rowden Thomas Francis Male Friedman Marion Julia Female Perth
1932/100148 Perth Friedman Marion Julia Female Rowden Thomas Francis Male Perth
1932/100149 Perth Parker Cyril Male Joyce Lena Female Leederville
1932/100149 Perth Joyce Lena Female Parker Cyril Male Leederville
1932/100150 Perth Blackburn Rhonda Female Bennett Albert Henry Male Perth
1932/100150 Perth Bennett Albert Henry Male Blackburn Rhonda Female Perth
1932/100151 Perth Gleedman Rose Female Shilkin Roy Male Perth
1932/100151 Perth Shilkin Roy Male Gleedman Rose Female Perth
1932/100152 Perth Birenbaum Karl Male Lacey Kathleen Cordelia Beryl Female Subiaco
1932/100152 Perth Lacey Kathleen Cordelia Beryl Female Birenbaum Karl Male Subiaco
1932/100153 Perth Laurance Pearla Winifred Female Thurloe Fredric Alfred William Male Rosalie
1932/100153 Perth Thurloe Fredric Alfred William Male Laurance Pearla Winifred Female Rosalie
1932/100154 Perth Trusdale Ellen Female Ford Charles Francis Male Perth
1932/100154 Perth Ford Charles Francis Male Trusdale Ellen Female Perth
1932/100155 Perth Rolland Gertrude Monteith Female Kelsall George Arthur Male Perth
1932/100155 Perth Kelsall George Arthur Male Rolland Gertrude Monteith Female Perth
1932/100156 Perth Stevens Jessie Female Baird James Hardie Male Perth
1932/100156 Perth Baird James Hardie Male Stevens Jessie Female Perth
1933/100157 Perth Titley Nellie Female Marsh George Howard Male Subiaco
1933/100157 Perth Marsh George Howard Male Titley Nellie Female Subiaco
1932/100157 Perth Warriss Blanche May Female Menzel Charles Henry Male Perth
1932/100157 Perth Menzel Charles Henry Male Warriss Blanche May Female Perth
1933/100158 Perth Stevenson Thomas Male Lehne Charlotte Gwendoline Female Subiaco
1932/100158 Perth Clarke Allan Knight Male Robinson Emily Violet Female Perth
1933/100158 Perth Lehne Charlotte Gwendoline Female Stevenson Thomas Male Subiaco
1932/100158 Perth Robinson Emily Violet Female Clarke Allan Knight Male Perth
1933/100159 Perth Thornton Betty Kathleen Female Stewart Reginald Harry Male Subiaco
1932/100159 Perth Calderwood Clyde Donald Male Nicolson Janet Gordon Female Perth
1932/100159 Perth Nicolson Janet Gordon Female Calderwood Clyde Donald Male Perth
1933/100159 Perth Stewart Reginald Harry Male Thornton Betty Kathleen Female Subiaco
1933/100160 Perth Reynolds William Henry Bristow Male Biglowe Amy Isabella Female Subiaco
1932/100160 Perth Weedon George Frederick John Male Lawrence Ellen Louisa Female Perth
1932/100160 Perth Lawrence Ellen Louisa Female Weedon George Frederick John Male Perth
1933/100160 Perth Biglowe Amy Isabella Female Reynolds William Henry Bristow Male Subiaco
1932/100161 Perth Thompson Leslie John Male Tree Enid Faith Female South Perth
1933/100161 Perth Bragg Phyllis Irene Female Davis Frank William Male Subiaco
1933/100161 Perth Davis Frank William Male Bragg Phyllis Irene Female Subiaco
1932/100161 Perth Tree Enid Faith Female Thompson Leslie John Male South Perth
1932/100162 Perth Dix Norman Eric Male Carswell Mavis Grace Female Victoria Park
1932/100162 Perth Carswell Mavis Grace Female Dix Norman Eric Male Victoria Park
1932/100163 Perth Kilburn Arthur Male Baker Gladys Rosa Female Victoria Park
1932/100163 Perth Baker Gladys Rosa Female Kilburn Arthur Male Victoria Park
1932/100164 Perth Campbell Archibald Male Crossley Ada Olive Female West Perth
1932/100164 Perth Crossley Ada Olive Female Campbell Archibald Male West Perth
1932/100165 Perth White Grace Mary Female Hanks Herbert Cyril Male Perth
1932/100165 Perth Hanks Herbert Cyril Male White Grace Mary Female Perth
1932/100166 Perth Gibbons Vera May Female Davey Walter Louis Male Perth
1932/100166 Perth Davey Walter Louis Male Gibbons Vera May Female Perth
1932/100167 Perth Crawford Robert Wason Male Damon Dora Female West Perth
1932/100167 Perth Damon Dora Female Crawford Robert Wason Male West Perth
1932/100168 Perth Westlake Joseph John Cyril Male Hewitt Alice Sarah Female Maylands
1932/100168 Perth Hewitt Alice Sarah Female Westlake Joseph John Cyril Male Maylands
1932/100169 Perth Dowden Doris Amy Female Killicoat Myles Male Perth
1932/100169 Perth Killicoat Myles Male Dowden Doris Amy Female Perth
1932/100170 Perth Collins Cyril Thomas Male Riddett Dorothea Emma Louise Female Perth
1932/100170 Perth Riddett Dorothea Emma Louise Female Collins Cyril Thomas Male Perth
1932/100171 Perth Robinson Donald Attersley Male Hinton Dulcie Mavis Winnifred Female North Perth
1933/100171 Perth Hertz Abraham Male Traub Rose Female Perth
1933/100171 Perth Traub Rose Female Hertz Abraham Male Perth
1932/100171 Perth Hinton Dulcie Mavis Winnifred Female Robinson Donald Attersley Male North Perth
1932/100172 Perth Ward Edna Phyllis Female Heaps John Male Buckland Hill
1932/100172 Perth Heaps John Male Ward Edna Phyllis Female Buckland Hill
1932/100173 Perth Macmillan Alan Donald Male Giles Ivy Elizabeth Female Buckland Hill
1932/100173 Perth Giles Ivy Elizabeth Female Macmillan Alan Donald Male Buckland Hill
1932/100180 Perth Grogan Eileen Mary Female Eichhorn Cecil George Male Perth
1932/100180 Perth Eichhorn Cecil George Male Grogan Eileen Mary Female Perth
1932/100181 Perth Chapman Claude Frank Male Mullins Barbara Bridget Female Perth
1932/100181 Perth Mullins Barbara Bridget Female Chapman Claude Frank Male Perth
1932/100182 Perth Pearse Marguerite Mary Taunton Female Munt Victor Cranston Male Claremont
1932/100182 Perth Munt Victor Cranston Male Pearse Marguerite Mary Taunton Female Claremont
1932/100183 Perth Marsh Charles Albert Male Staines Olive Violet Frances Female Claremont
1932/100183 Perth Staines Olive Violet Frances Female Marsh Charles Albert Male Claremont
1932/100184 Perth Fisher Constance Evelyn Female Efford Samuel Edwin Male Claremont
1932/100184 Perth Efford Samuel Edwin Male Fisher Constance Evelyn Female Claremont
1932/100185 Perth Retallack Ruth Female Dew Albert Edward Male Claremont
1932/100185 Perth Dew Albert Edward Male Retallack Ruth Female Claremont
1932/100186 Perth Reed William Male Hayes Phyllis Hilda Female Perth
1932/100186 Perth Hayes Phyllis Hilda Female Reed William Male Perth
1932/100191 Perth Brimson William Robert Male McKenna Mary Ellen Margaret Female Perth
1932/100191 Perth McKenna Mary Ellen Margaret Female Brimson William Robert Male Perth
1932/100192 Perth Woodford Wallace Mosley Male Hinchliffe Doreen Bloxom Female Perth
1932/100192 Perth Hinchliffe Doreen Bloxom Female Woodford Wallace Mosley Male Perth
1932/100193 Perth Graham Edward Henry Alfred Male Jenkins Phyllis Female Perth
1932/100193 Perth Jenkins Phyllis Female Graham Edward Henry Alfred Male Perth
1932/100194 Perth McDonald George Westley Male Hathaway Vera Susan Female Perth
1932/100194 Perth Hathaway Vera Susan Female McDonald George Westley Male Perth
1932/100195 Perth Fraser William Glen Male Sanderson Mary Female Perth
1932/100195 Perth Sanderson Mary Female Fraser William Glen Male Perth
1932/100196 Perth Barnard William James Male Brigatti Inez Shirley Female North Perth
1932/100196 Perth Brigatti Inez Shirley Female Barnard William James Male North Perth
1932/100197 Perth Lewis Eileen Mary Female Murray David John Male Perth
1932/100197 Perth Murray David John Male Lewis Eileen Mary Female Perth
1932/100198 Perth Evans Alfred James Male Hannaford Louisa Elizabeth Female Victoria Park
1932/100198 Perth Hannaford Louisa Elizabeth Female Evans Alfred James Male Victoria Park
1932/100199 Perth Schinzig Lena Marie Female Adams James Adair Hamp Male Perth
1932/100199 Perth Adams James Adair Hamp Male Schinzig Lena Marie Female Perth
1932/100200 Perth Shortridge Jane Eleanor Female Maughan Joseph Dean Male Perth
1932/100200 Perth Maughan Joseph Dean Male Shortridge Jane Eleanor Female Perth
1932/100201 Perth Dobbs Annie Female McGuinness Francis Male Perth
1932/100201 Perth McGuinness Francis Male Dobbs Annie Female Perth
1932/100202 Perth Cunningham Edward Joseph Male Taylor Irene Female Cottesloe
1932/100202 Perth Taylor Irene Female Cunningham Edward Joseph Male Cottesloe
1932/100203 Perth Connaughton Jean Female Brushfield Arthur Matthew Male Cottesloe
1932/100203 Perth Brushfield Arthur Matthew Male Connaughton Jean Female Cottesloe
1932/100204 Perth Stent William Henry Male Brown Sophia Female Perth
1932/100204 Perth Brown Sophia Female Stent William Henry Male Perth
1932/100205 Perth Doherty William John Male Brousse Reina Louise Female Perth
1932/100205 Perth Brousse Reina Louise Female Doherty William John Male Perth
1932/100206 Perth Jones Rosina Female McLaren Herbert Richard Male Perth
1932/100206 Perth McLaren Herbert Richard Male Jones Rosina Female Perth
1932/100208 Perth Collett Frances Constance Female Kiely Patrick John Male Victoria Park
1932/100208 Perth Kiely Patrick John Male Collett Frances Constance Female Victoria Park
1932/100209 Perth Hayes Thomas Joseph Male Smith Mabel Josephine Female Victoria Park
1932/100209 Perth Smith Mabel Josephine Female Hayes Thomas Joseph Male Victoria Park
1932/100210 Perth Robinson William James Male O'Sullivan Kathleen Margaret Female Victoria Park
1932/100210 Perth O'Sullivan Kathleen Margaret Female Robinson William James Male Victoria Park
1932/100211 Perth Clune Michael John Male Speedie Marion Lucy Female Victoria Park
1932/100211 Perth Speedie Marion Lucy Female Clune Michael John Male Victoria Park
1932/100212 Perth Tapping Elsie Amelia Female Rimmer John Thomas Male West Perth
1932/100212 Perth Rimmer John Thomas Male Tapping Elsie Amelia Female West Perth
1932/100213 Perth Day Edna Ethel Female Curran Edwin Arthur Male Perth
1932/100213 Perth Curran Edwin Arthur Male Day Edna Ethel Female Perth
1932/100214 Perth Bartlett Norman Victor Male Loveday Kathleen Female Perth
1932/100214 Perth Loveday Kathleen Female Bartlett Norman Victor Male Perth
1932/100215 Perth Potts James Edward Male Stanley Mabel Florence Female Perth
1932/100215 Perth Stanley Mabel Florence Female Potts James Edward Male Perth
1932/100216 Perth Willis Jack Male Crowd Ella Agnes Annie Female Perth
1932/100216 Perth Crowd Ella Agnes Annie Female Willis Jack Male Perth
1932/100217 Perth Fisher William Male McGlew Cora Minnie Louisa Female Nedlands
1932/100217 Perth McGlew Cora Minnie Louisa Female Fisher William Male Nedlands
1932/100218 Perth Cooper Athol William Male Mather Marjorie Ethel Female Perth
1932/100218 Perth Mather Marjorie Ethel Female Cooper Athol William Male Perth
1932/100219 Perth Kelly Ellen Mary Female Kingman George Lewis Male Perth
1932/100219 Perth Kingman George Lewis Male Kelly Ellen Mary Female Perth
1932/100220 Perth Harvey Ella Female Armitage Norman Male South Perth
1933/100220 Perth Pittard Alfred William Male Marchant Marjorie Amy Female North Perth
1933/100220 Perth Marchant Marjorie Amy Female Pittard Alfred William Male North Perth
1932/100220 Perth Armitage Norman Male Harvey Ella Female South Perth
1932/100221 Perth Jacob Edward Treherne Male Whitehorn Shirley Aileen Female Perth
1932/100221 Perth Whitehorn Shirley Aileen Female Jacob Edward Treherne Male Perth
1932/100222 Perth Thomson John Henry Male Summers Helen Female West Perth
1932/100222 Perth Summers Helen Female Thomson John Henry Male West Perth
1932/100223 Perth Ridley Ronald Eric Male Butler Ruby Floris Female West Perth
1932/100223 Perth Butler Ruby Floris Female Ridley Ronald Eric Male West Perth
1932/100224 Perth Banks Leslie Walter Edward Male Morgan Nellie Marie Female Subiaco
1932/100224 Perth Morgan Nellie Marie Female Banks Leslie Walter Edward Male Subiaco
1932/100225 Perth McMillan Gladys Evelyn Female Coppock Harold Tindall Male Mount Hawthorn
1932/100225 Perth Coppock Harold Tindall Male McMillan Gladys Evelyn Female Mount Hawthorn
1932/100226 Perth Worth Herbert Victor Male Gibbins Kate Elizabeth Female Perth
1932/100226 Perth Gibbins Kate Elizabeth Female Worth Herbert Victor Male Perth
1932/100227 Perth McCullough William Male Frazer Elsie Mary Female Highgate
1932/100227 Perth Frazer Elsie Mary Female McCullough William Male Highgate
1932/100228 Perth Blowfield Audrey Marion Female Keyser Sidney Donald Male Perth
1932/100228 Perth Keyser Sidney Donald Male Blowfield Audrey Marion Female Perth
1932/100229 Perth Hiller Donald James Male Chittleborough Lydia Emily Female Perth
1932/100229 Perth Chittleborough Lydia Emily Female Hiller Donald James Male Perth
1932/100230 Perth Walker Doris Female Wiseman Clarence Mervyn Male Perth
1932/100230 Perth Wiseman Clarence Mervyn Male Walker Doris Female Perth
1932/100231 Perth Walter Arthur Edward Male Michell Leila Elsie Female Highgate Hill
1932/100231 Perth Michell Leila Elsie Female Walter Arthur Edward Male Highgate Hill
1932/100232 Perth Moore Dorothy Ellen Female Collins Thomas Frank Male East Perth
1932/100232 Perth Collins Thomas Frank Male Moore Dorothy Ellen Female East Perth
1932/100233 Perth Pepper Albert Charles Male Anderson Florence Mabel Female Perth
1932/100233 Perth Anderson Florence Mabel Female Pepper Albert Charles Male Perth
1932/100234 Perth Smith William John Neil Male Harding Alice Pearl Female Inglewood
1932/100234 Perth Harding Alice Pearl Female Smith William John Neil Male Inglewood
1932/100235 Perth Page Edith Female Cox Ernest Sidney Male Perth
1932/100235 Perth Cox Ernest Sidney Male Page Edith Female Perth
1932/100236 Perth Blakers Aubrey Vincent Male Harrington Florence May Female Perth
1932/100236 Perth Harrington Florence May Female Blakers Aubrey Vincent Male Perth
1932/100237 Perth Williams George Male Leeden Thelma May Female Perth
1932/100237 Perth Leeden Thelma May Female Williams George Male Perth
1932/100238 Perth Saar Alexander Male Griffin Eva Florence Female Perth
1932/100238 Perth Griffin Eva Florence Female Saar Alexander Male Perth
1932/100239 Perth Toohey Stanley Male Hayes Kathleen Ellen Female Perth
1932/100239 Perth Hayes Kathleen Ellen Female Toohey Stanley Male Perth
1932/100240 Perth Hinkley Mary Alma Female Studson Robert Charles Male Perth
1932/100240 Perth Studson Robert Charles Male Hinkley Mary Alma Female Perth
1932/100241 Perth Cooling Harold Charles Male Culley Alice Doreen Female Buckland Hill
1932/100241 Perth Culley Alice Doreen Female Cooling Harold Charles Male Buckland Hill
1932/100242 Perth Manton Muriel Lydia Female Blakeborough John Male Buckland Hill
1932/100242 Perth Blakeborough John Male Manton Muriel Lydia Female Buckland Hill
1932/100243 Perth Wise George Henry Male Redman Mary Stella Female West Leederville
1932/100243 Perth Redman Mary Stella Female Wise George Henry Male West Leederville
1932/100244 Perth Bennett Charles Lower Male Child Daisy Female Perth
1932/100244 Perth Child Daisy Female Bennett Charles Lower Male Perth
1932/100245 Perth Catto George Male Clark Kathleen Flora Female Swanbourne
1932/100245 Perth Clark Kathleen Flora Female Catto George Male Swanbourne
1932/100246 Perth Coumbe William Edwin Male Webb Mabel Elizabeth Caroline Female Perth
1932/100246 Perth Webb Mabel Elizabeth Caroline Female Coumbe William Edwin Male Perth
1932/100247 Perth Walker Harry Reginald Clarke Male Page Ruby Clarice Female Perth
1932/100247 Perth Page Ruby Clarice Female Walker Harry Reginald Clarke Male Perth
1932/100248 Perth Jowett Eric Denman Male Ledger Annie Vera Female Perth
1932/100248 Perth Ledger Annie Vera Female Jowett Eric Denman Male Perth
1932/100249 Perth Jones Hylda Elizabeth Female Grundy Clement Alexander Male Victoria Park
1932/100249 Perth Grundy Clement Alexander Male Jones Hylda Elizabeth Female Victoria Park
1932/100250 Perth Russell William James Male Mackay Rachel Ellen Henderson Leath Female Perth
1932/100250 Perth Mackay Rachel Ellen Henderson Leath Female Russell William James Male Perth
1932/100251 Perth Crawford Hugh Male Graham Stella Mary Female Perth
1932/100251 Perth Graham Stella Mary Female Crawford Hugh Male Perth
1932/100252 Perth Baker Amy Margurete Female MacDonald Alexander Laird Male Perth
1932/100252 Perth MacDonald Alexander Laird Male Baker Amy Margurete Female Perth
1932/100253 Perth Vass Margaret Ferguson Lang Female Kelly Joseph Male Perth
1932/100253 Perth Kelly Joseph Male Vass Margaret Ferguson Lang Female Perth
1932/100254 Perth McLean William Male Haywood Frances Amy Female Perth
1932/100254 Perth Haywood Frances Amy Female McLean William Male Perth
1932/100255 Perth Bridger Myrtle Edith Female Miller John Edward Male Perth
1932/100255 Perth Miller John Edward Male Bridger Myrtle Edith Female Perth
1932/100255 Perth Miller John Edward Male Heron Myrtle Edith Female Perth
1932/100255 Perth Heron Myrtle Edith Female Miller John Edward Male Perth
1932/100256 Perth Stewart Vera Mooney Female Dalton Arthur George Male Perth
1932/100256 Perth Dalton Arthur George Male Stewart Vera Mooney Female Perth
1932/100257 Perth McKittrick Margaret Anne Female Nicholson Stewart Male Perth
1932/100257 Perth Nicholson Stewart Male McKittrick Margaret Anne Female Perth
1933/100258 Perth Dewar Harold John Male Watkins Agnes Female Subiaco
1932/100258 Perth Green Charles Ruben Male McDonald Dora Susan Maud Female Perth
1932/100258 Perth McDonald Dora Susan Maud Female Green Charles Ruben Male Perth
1933/100258 Perth Watkins Agnes Female Dewar Harold John Male Subiaco
1933/100259 Perth Williams Clifford Henry Male Urquhart Olga Mary Female Subiaco
1932/100259 Perth Hanley Dorothy Lillian Mary Female Hodge Alfred Edward Male Leederville
1932/100259 Perth Hodge Alfred Edward Male Hanley Dorothy Lillian Mary Female Leederville
1933/100259 Perth Urquhart Olga Mary Female Williams Clifford Henry Male Subiaco
1932/100260 Perth Yorib Vica Female Skender Antonio Male Leederville
1932/100260 Perth Skender Antonio Male Yorib Vica Female Leederville
1932/100261 Perth How James Friend Male Edwards Vera Female Claremont
1932/100261 Perth Edwards Vera Female How James Friend Male Claremont
1932/100262 Perth Rabone John Argent Male Ballagh Allison Female Bayswater
1932/100262 Perth Ballagh Allison Female Rabone John Argent Male Bayswater
1932/100263 Perth Williams Jean Elizabeth Female Gower Edward Leveson Male Perth
1932/100263 Perth Gower Edward Leveson Male Williams Jean Elizabeth Female Perth
1932/100264 Perth Denney Eric Rabbish Male McDonald Myrtle Mascot Female Perth
1932/100264 Perth McDonald Myrtle Mascot Female Denney Eric Rabbish Male Perth
1932/100265 Perth Gore Thomas Male Whiers Annie Female Perth
1932/100265 Perth Whiers Annie Female Gore Thomas Male Perth
1932/100266 Perth Rowdon Richard John Male Booth Maud Miriam Female Perth
1932/100266 Perth Booth Maud Miriam Female Rowdon Richard John Male Perth
1932/100267 Perth Miller Peter Watt Male Buller Violet Jessie Female Subiaco
1932/100267 Perth Buller Violet Jessie Female Miller Peter Watt Male Subiaco
1932/100268 Perth Meredith Adelaide Female Cook Walter Robert Male Perth
1932/100268 Perth Cook Walter Robert Male Meredith Adelaide Female Perth
1932/100269 Perth Perry Amelia Harriet Female Gibbs Ernest Horace Male West Perth
1932/100269 Perth Gibbs Ernest Horace Male Perry Amelia Harriet Female West Perth
1932/100270 Perth Watling Ellen Jane Female Steele Henry Joseph Male Perth
1932/100270 Perth Steele Henry Joseph Male Watling Ellen Jane Female Perth
1932/100271 Perth Marshall Harry Male Sinett Minnie Ann Female Perth District
1932/100271 Perth Sinett Minnie Ann Female Marshall Harry Male Perth District
1932/100272 Perth Ware Constance Ethel Female Westlake William Thomas Male Bayswater
1932/100272 Perth Westlake William Thomas Male Ware Constance Ethel Female Bayswater
1932/100273 Perth Calf Louisa Beryl Female Boilean Edward John Male West Perth
1932/100273 Perth Boilean Edward John Male Calf Louisa Beryl Female West Perth
1932/100274 Perth Nice Frederick Edward Male Rose Mavis Female Perth
1932/100274 Perth Rose Mavis Female Nice Frederick Edward Male Perth
1932/100275 Perth Mellor Kathleen Jane Female Allen Cecil Charles Male Buckland Hill
1932/100275 Perth Allen Cecil Charles Male Mellor Kathleen Jane Female Buckland Hill
1932/100276 Perth Eayrs Claude William Male Hunter Helen Female South Perth
1932/100276 Perth Hunter Helen Female Eayrs Claude William Male South Perth
1932/100277 Perth Charles Hazel May Female Phillips Charles Coleridge Male South Perth
1932/100277 Perth Phillips Charles Coleridge Male Charles Hazel May Female South Perth
1932/100278 Perth Jones Gladys Mary Female Munsie Selby Walter Male Perth
1932/100278 Perth Munsie Selby Walter Male Jones Gladys Mary Female Perth
1932/100279 Perth Reid Alma Female Henly Hector William Frederick Male Perth
1932/100279 Perth Henly Hector William Frederick Male Reid Alma Female Perth
1932/100280 Perth Lister William Robert Male Callaghan Betsy Margaret Female Perth
1932/100280 Perth Callaghan Betsy Margaret Female Lister William Robert Male Perth
1932/100281 Perth Mills Albert Harold Male Blake Margaret Sarah Female Perth
1932/100281 Perth Blake Margaret Sarah Female Mills Albert Harold Male Perth
1933/100282 Perth White Daniel George Male Ryan Mary Doris Female Cottesloe
1932/100282 Perth Deacon May Female Krieg Herbert James Male Perth
1932/100282 Perth Krieg Herbert James Male Deacon May Female Perth
1933/100282 Perth Ryan Mary Doris Female White Daniel George Male Cottesloe
1933/100283 Perth Slattery Muriel Evelyn Female Fels Herbert James Male Cottesloe
1932/100283 Perth Hurley Evelyn Maud Female Brown Edward Thomas Male Cottesloe
1932/100283 Perth Brown Edward Thomas Male Hurley Evelyn Maud Female Cottesloe
1933/100283 Perth Fels Herbert James Male Slattery Muriel Evelyn Female Cottesloe
1932/100284 Perth English John Gissing Male Murphy Elsie May Female South Perth
1932/100284 Perth Murphy Elsie May Female English John Gissing Male South Perth
1933/100284 Perth Dillon Gertrude Tabitha Female Tierney Frederick Elwood Male Cottesloe
1933/100284 Perth Tierney Frederick Elwood Male Dillon Gertrude Tabitha Female Cottesloe
1932/100285 Perth Rogers Norah Female Stack Thomas Male Perth
1932/100285 Perth Stack Thomas Male Rogers Norah Female Perth
1933/100285 Perth Smith William Male McDonald Annie Elizabeth Female Cottesloe
1933/100285 Perth McDonald Annie Elizabeth Female Smith William Male Cottesloe
1932/100286 Perth Williamson Thomas Male Delaporte Selma Dorothy Mary Female Perth
1932/100286 Perth Delaporte Selma Dorothy Mary Female Williamson Thomas Male Perth
1932/100287 Perth Melbin Leslie Douglas Male Collins Verna May Female Perth
1932/100287 Perth Collins Verna May Female Melbin Leslie Douglas Male Perth
1932/100288 Perth Devine Ethel Maude Female Hartree Hilbert Thomas Male Subiaco
1932/100288 Perth Hartree Hilbert Thomas Male Devine Ethel Maude Female Subiaco
1932/100289 Perth Leeson Elsie Female Harvey Sidney Arthur Male Perth
1932/100289 Perth Harvey Sidney Arthur Male Leeson Elsie Female Perth
1932/100290 Perth Harwood Margaret Female Shiner William Male Claremont
1932/100290 Perth Shiner William Male Harwood Margaret Female Claremont
1932/100291 Perth Barr Mavis Grace Female Barrett Albert Leslie Roy Male Leederville
1932/100291 Perth Barrett Albert Leslie Roy Male Barr Mavis Grace Female Leederville
1932/100292 Perth Gardner Leslie Arthur Male Cleggett Claudia Irene Female Perth
1932/100292 Perth Cleggett Claudia Irene Female Gardner Leslie Arthur Male Perth
1932/100295 Perth Reid John Norman Male Cameron Dorothy Female North Perth
1932/100295 Perth Cameron Dorothy Female Reid John Norman Male North Perth
1932/100296 Perth Hill-Rennie Elsie Charlotte Female Rodda Raymond Denzil Male North Perth
1932/100296 Perth Rodda Raymond Denzil Male Hill-Rennie Elsie Charlotte Female North Perth
1932/100297 Perth McCarthy Lilian Iris Female Brown William Ewart Male North Perth
1932/100297 Perth Brown William Ewart Male McCarthy Lilian Iris Female North Perth
1932/100298 Perth Cain Harold Bernard Male Rosen Fanny Female Perth
1932/100298 Perth Rosen Fanny Female Cain Harold Bernard Male Perth
1932/100299 Perth Cort Edith Martha Female Wootton Henry Albert Male Perth
1932/100299 Perth Wootton Henry Albert Male Cort Edith Martha Female Perth
1932/100300 Perth Lamborne John Frederick Male Harrison Eleanor Ray Female West Perth
1932/100300 Perth Harrison Eleanor Ray Female Lamborne John Frederick Male West Perth
1932/100301 Perth Reynolds Alex Arthur Male Bonser Kathleen Hope Female West Perth
1932/100301 Perth Bonser Kathleen Hope Female Reynolds Alex Arthur Male West Perth
1932/100302 Perth Shallcross Victor Malcolm Male Hadley Phyllis Lois Female West Perth
1932/100302 Perth Scott Victor Malcolm Male Hadley Phyllis Lois Female West Perth
1932/100302 Perth Hadley Phyllis Lois Female Scott Victor Malcolm Male West Perth
1932/100302 Perth Hadley Phyllis Lois Female Shallcross Victor Malcolm Male West Perth
1932/100303 Perth Young James Bateman Gordon Male Brown Lily Female Perth
1932/100303 Perth Brown Lily Female Young James Bateman Gordon Male Perth
1932/100304 Perth Kennedy Esther Jane Female Counsel Walter Male West Perth
1932/100304 Perth Counsel Walter Male Kennedy Esther Jane Female West Perth
1932/100305 Perth Caunce Winifred Lillian Female Markham George Herbert Male West Perth
1932/100305 Perth Markham George Herbert Male Caunce Winifred Lillian Female West Perth
1932/100306 Perth Burt Vera Silvester Female Mercer Leslie Charles Norman Male Inglewood
1932/100306 Perth Mercer Leslie Charles Norman Male Burt Vera Silvester Female Inglewood
1932/100307 Perth Stevens Eucla Graham Male Packer Elsie Mabel Female Victoria Park
1932/100307 Perth Packer Elsie Mabel Female Stevens Eucla Graham Male Victoria Park
1932/100308 Perth Molloy Olive Mary Female Davies Hugh Male Perth
1932/100308 Perth Davies Hugh Male Molloy Olive Mary Female Perth
1932/100309 Perth O'Shannessy Nora Catherine Female Hynes Thomas Francis Male Perth
1932/100309 Perth Hynes Thomas Francis Male O'Shannessy Nora Catherine Female Perth
1932/100310 Perth Attwell Albert Rosslyn Male Bernet Maria Lidwina Female Perth
1932/100310 Perth Bernet Maria Lidwina Female Attwell Albert Rosslyn Male Perth
1932/100311 Perth McGuinness Hanora Bridget Female Meadowcroft Charles David Male Perth
1932/100311 Perth Meadowcroft Charles David Male McGuinness Hanora Bridget Female Perth
1932/100312 Perth Webster Frederick Thomas Male Hannaby Maud Ellen Mary Female Perth
1932/100312 Perth Hannaby Maud Ellen Mary Female Webster Frederick Thomas Male Perth
1932/100313 Perth Gittins Ethel Ruth Female Miniter Michael Patrick Male Perth
1932/100313 Perth Miniter Michael Patrick Male Gittins Ethel Ruth Female Perth
1932/100314 Perth Unicume Daisy Edith Amy Female Conduit William Halford Male Victoria Park
1932/100314 Perth Conduit William Halford Male Unicume Daisy Edith Amy Female Victoria Park
1932/100315 Perth Donatti Louisa Female Della Maddalena Ignazio Male Leederville
1932/100315 Perth Della Maddalena Ignazio Male Donatti Louisa Female Leederville
1932/100316 Perth Brack Alice Female Brayshaw Sydney Male Leederville
1932/100316 Perth Brayshaw Sydney Male Brack Alice Female Leederville
1932/100317 Perth Williams Elsie Elizabeth Female Batterbury Arthur Henry Male Perth
1932/100317 Perth Batterbury Arthur Henry Male Williams Elsie Elizabeth Female Perth
1932/100318 Perth Ashton Leslie Cyril Male Risbridger Mabel Female Subiaco
1932/100318 Perth Risbridger Mabel Female Ashton Leslie Cyril Male Subiaco
1932/100319 Perth Hutchings Lilian Elva Female Gorman Frank Male Subiaco
1932/100319 Perth Gorman Frank Male Hutchings Lilian Elva Female Subiaco
1932/100320 Perth Hall Henry George Male Cadwalladwr Violet Irene Female Subiaco
1932/100320 Perth Cadwalladwr Violet Irene Female Hall Henry George Male Subiaco
1932/100321 Perth Bolger Gerald Leo Male Williams Esme Joy Female Subiaco
1932/100321 Perth Williams Esme Joy Female Bolger Gerald Leo Male Subiaco
1932/100322 Perth Smith Irene Florence Female Sallûr Charles Thomas Male Subiaco
1932/100322 Perth Sallûr Charles Thomas Male Smith Irene Florence Female Subiaco
1932/100323 Perth Coulson Edna May Female Spittles George Ernest Male Subiaco
1932/100323 Perth Spittles George Ernest Male Coulson Edna May Female Subiaco
1932/100324 Perth Sharp Clarence Arthur Male Williams Stella Hazel Female Subiaco
1932/100324 Perth Williams Stella Hazel Female Sharp Clarence Arthur Male Subiaco
1932/100325 Perth Burt Joyce Ethel Female Sheahan Andrew Francis Male Subiaco
1932/100325 Perth Sheahan Andrew Francis Male Burt Joyce Ethel Female Subiaco
1932/100326 Perth Ellison Nora Vera Female Minors William Harvey Male Subiaco
1932/100326 Perth Minors William Harvey Male Ellison Nora Vera Female Subiaco
1932/100327 Perth Smith Alice Female Selway Ronald Male Subiaco
1932/100327 Perth Selway Ronald Male Smith Alice Female Subiaco
1932/100328 Perth Opie Jean Evelyn Female Hales Archibald Geoffrey Male Perth
1932/100328 Perth Hales Archibald Geoffrey Male Opie Jean Evelyn Female Perth
1932/100329 Perth Kennedy James Cope Male Davis Jane Snodgrass Female Perth
1932/100329 Perth Davis Jane Snodgrass Female Kennedy James Cope Male Perth
1932/100330 Perth Campbell William Edward Male Hatfield Dulcie Florence Female Perth
1932/100330 Perth Hatfield Dulcie Florence Female Campbell William Edward Male Perth
1932/100331 Perth Gunnyon John Robert Male Mulchinaugh Catherine Female West Perth
1932/100331 Perth Mulchinaugh Catherine Female Gunnyon John Robert Male West Perth
1932/100332 Perth Christie Ann Agnes Pilmer Spence Female Harbinson John Alphonsus Male Perth
1932/100332 Perth Harbinson John Alphonsus Male Christie Ann Agnes Pilmer Spence Female Perth
1932/100333 Perth Enright Maria Alexandria Female Abati Angelo Male Perth
1932/100333 Perth Abati Angelo Male Enright Maria Alexandria Female Perth
1932/100334 Perth Watts Arthur Thomas Male Davison Jessie Constance Female Perth
1932/100334 Perth Davison Jessie Constance Female Watts Arthur Thomas Male Perth
1932/100335 Perth Mahlstedt Edith Violet Female Wells George Henry David Male Maylands
1932/100335 Perth Wells George Henry David Male Mahlstedt Edith Violet Female Maylands
1932/100336 Perth Woods George William Male Maynard Mary Evelyn Olive Female Cottesloe
1932/100336 Perth Maynard Mary Evelyn Olive Female Woods George William Male Cottesloe
1932/100337 Perth Thompson James Arthur Male Watson Elizabeth Female Leederville
1932/100337 Perth Watson Elizabeth Female Thompson James Arthur Male Leederville
1932/100338 Perth Sansom Jessie Eliza Female Ranford Stanley John Burdett Male Cottesloe Beach
1932/100338 Perth Ranford Stanley John Burdett Male Sansom Jessie Eliza Female Cottesloe Beach
1932/100339 Perth Johnson Elsie Reta Female Craig William Gordon Male Claremont
1932/100339 Perth Craig William Gordon Male Johnson Elsie Reta Female Claremont
1932/100340 Perth Corcoran Thomas Joseph Male Donovan Violet Gertrude Female Perth
1932/100340 Perth Donovan Violet Gertrude Female Corcoran Thomas Joseph Male Perth
1932/100341 Perth Cross Valmai Rosalie Female Mogridge Alan Charles Male Leederville
1932/100341 Perth Mogridge Alan Charles Male Cross Valmai Rosalie Female Leederville
1932/100342 Perth Kain Edith Evaleen Female Wiltshire James Ody Male Perth
1932/100342 Perth Wiltshire James Ody Male Kain Edith Evaleen Female Perth
1932/100343 Perth Beasley Lewis Male Meagher Dorothy Stella Female West Perth
1932/100343 Perth Meagher Dorothy Stella Female Beasley Lewis Male West Perth
1932/100344 Perth Batson Henrietta Female Bartolai Marino Male West Perth
1932/100344 Perth Bartolai Marino Male Batson Henrietta Female West Perth
1932/100345 Perth Loomes Elizabeth Female Walker Stephen George Male Perth
1932/100345 Perth Walker Stephen George Male Loomes Elizabeth Female Perth
1932/100346 Perth Smith Margaret Female Masters Aubrey Male West Subiaco
1932/100346 Perth Masters Aubrey Male Smith Margaret Female West Subiaco
1932/100347 Perth Ker John Robert Male Genoni Gina Angelina Female Perth
1932/100347 Perth Genoni Gina Angelina Female Ker John Robert Male Perth
1932/100348 Perth Jackson Una Female Parkey Fred Male Perth
1932/100348 Perth Parkey Fred Male Jackson Una Female Perth
1932/100349 Perth Crocos Beatrice Pauline Female Phillips Leslie Albert Male Perth
1932/100349 Perth Phillips Leslie Albert Male Crocos Beatrice Pauline Female Perth
1932/100350 Perth Harvey William Male Butcher Amy Olive Female Perth
1932/100350 Perth Butcher Amy Olive Female Harvey William Male Perth
1932/100351 Perth Wain Violet May Female Naylor Phillip Wilts Male Perth
1932/100351 Perth Naylor Phillip Wilts Male Wain Violet May Female Perth
1932/100352 Perth Smerdon Charles Male Wilmshurst Lucy Rosa Female Perth
1932/100352 Perth Wilmshurst Lucy Rosa Female Smerdon Charles Male Perth
1932/100353 Perth Ferrier Wilfred Harry Male Egan Ann Myrtle Female Perth
1932/100353 Perth Egan Ann Myrtle Female Ferrier Wilfred Harry Male Perth
1932/100354 Perth Anderson Doris Ellen Female Day Louis Archibald Male North Perth
1932/100354 Perth Day Louis Archibald Male Anderson Doris Ellen Female North Perth
1932/100355 Perth Ding Marjorie Frances Female Campbell William Duncan Male Perth
1932/100355 Perth Campbell William Duncan Male Ding Marjorie Frances Female Perth
1932/100356 Perth Markham Alfred Harry Male McKenna Agnes Black Female West Perth
1932/100356 Perth McKenna Agnes Black Female Markham Alfred Harry Male West Perth
1932/100357 Perth Shehan Vernon Thomas Male Hawkins Kathleen May Female Bayswater
1932/100357 Perth Hawkins Kathleen May Female Shehan Vernon Thomas Male Bayswater
1932/100358 Perth John Morgan Adams Male Roscoe Hilda May Female Cottesloe
1932/100358 Perth Roscoe Hilda May Female John Morgan Adams Male Cottesloe
1932/100359 Perth Sharman Constance Mary Female Ferguson Leslie Donald Male Subiaco
1932/100359 Perth Ferguson Leslie Donald Male Sharman Constance Mary Female Subiaco
1932/100360 Perth Roberts Mary Josephine Female Brackette George Arthur Male Leederville
1932/100360 Perth Brackette George Arthur Male Roberts Mary Josephine Female Leederville
1932/100361 Perth Phillips Frank Preston Male Dearman Caroline Evelyn Female South Perth
1932/100361 Perth Dearman Caroline Evelyn Female Phillips Frank Preston Male South Perth
1932/100362 Perth Killey Percy James Male Russell Edna Josephine Female South Perth
1932/100362 Perth Russell Edna Josephine Female Killey Percy James Male South Perth
1932/100363 Perth Mossop Mary Olive Female Ingle Fredric John Male Perth
1932/100363 Perth Ingle Fredric John Male Mossop Mary Olive Female Perth
1932/100364 Perth Rieger Thelma Florence May Female Pillage John Stanley Male Subiaco
1932/100364 Perth Pillage John Stanley Male Rieger Thelma Florence May Female Subiaco
1932/100365 Perth Coverley Agnes Emily Female May Stanley George Male Subiaco
1932/100365 Perth May Stanley George Male Coverley Agnes Emily Female Subiaco
1932/100366 Perth Magner Catherine Mary Female Godfrey Edwin James Male Victoria Park
1932/100366 Perth Godfrey Edwin James Male Magner Catherine Mary Female Victoria Park
1932/100367 Perth Gandy Herbert Male Dower Ila May Female Perth
1932/100367 Perth Dower Ila May Female Gandy Herbert Male Perth
1932/100368 Perth Cameron Maude Burnett Female Stewart Henry Male Perth
1932/100368 Perth Stewart Henry Male Cameron Maude Burnett Female Perth
1932/100369 Perth Cameron Durward James Male Bulman Nona Winifred Female Perth
1932/100369 Perth Bulman Nona Winifred Female Cameron Durward James Male Perth
1932/100370 Perth Shackleton Ernest Albert Male Page Thelma Margaret Female Leederville
1932/100370 Perth Page Thelma Margaret Female Shackleton Ernest Albert Male Leederville
1932/100371 Perth Newbey Edward William Male Newbey Mary Alice Female Perth
1932/100371 Perth Newbey Mary Alice Female Newbey Edward William Male Perth
1932/100372 Perth Inglis John Victor Angus Male Long Dorothy Elsie Female West Perth
1932/100372 Perth Long Dorothy Elsie Female Inglis John Victor Angus Male West Perth
1932/100373 Perth Daley Richard Roy Male King Mary Jane Female Perth
1932/100373 Perth King Mary Jane Female Daley Richard Roy Male Perth
1932/100374 Perth Gregory Alfred Noel Male McGillivray Janet Elizabeth Maud Female Perth
1932/100374 Perth McGillivray Janet Elizabeth Maud Female Gregory Alfred Noel Male Perth
1932/100375 Perth Linton Grace Marion Female Pryce Allan Albert John Male Perth
1932/100375 Perth Pryce Allan Albert John Male Linton Grace Marion Female Perth
1932/100376 Perth Lawrence Alfred Male Horner Athoe Mary Female Perth
1932/100376 Perth Horner Athoe Mary Female Lawrence Alfred Male Perth
1932/100377 Perth Bremner Lorna Female McClements Herbert Francis Male Perth
1932/100377 Perth McClements Herbert Francis Male Bremner Lorna Female Perth
1932/100378 Perth Loton William Edwin Male Kearns Barbara Alice Female Perth
1932/100378 Perth Kearns Barbara Alice Female Loton William Edwin Male Perth
1932/100379 Perth Moore Gladys Rebecca Female Thomas James Oswald Male Maylands
1932/100379 Perth Thomas James Oswald Male Moore Gladys Rebecca Female Maylands
1932/100380 Perth Skinner Helen Margaret Female Geddes Albert Ernest Male Claremont
1932/100380 Perth Geddes Albert Ernest Male Skinner Helen Margaret Female Claremont
1932/100381 Perth Andrew Ernest Clifton Male Wyatt Laura Corinthian Female Leederville
1932/100381 Perth Wyatt Laura Corinthian Female Andrew Ernest Clifton Male Leederville
1932/100382 Perth May George Thomas Male Cresswell Dorothy Helen Female Swanbourne
1932/100382 Perth Cresswell Dorothy Helen Female May George Thomas Male Swanbourne
1932/100383 Perth Gedling Mildred Pearl Female Roper Harold Thomas Saunders Male Subiaco
1932/100383 Perth Roper Harold Thomas Saunders Male Gedling Mildred Pearl Female Subiaco
1932/100384 Perth Scott Frederick William John Male Best Violet Doris Female Perth
1932/100384 Perth Best Violet Doris Female Scott Frederick William John Male Perth
1932/100385 Perth Blythe Gwendoline Female Rodda Frederick Trevor Male Perth
1932/100385 Perth Rodda Frederick Trevor Male Blythe Gwendoline Female Perth
1932/100386 Perth MacLennan Leslie Male Brown Martha Myrtle Agnes Female Perth
1932/100386 Perth Brown Martha Myrtle Agnes Female MacLennan Leslie Male Perth
1932/100387 Perth Buchan James Alexander Male Rose Catherine Braithwaite Female Perth
1932/100387 Perth Rose Catherine Braithwaite Female Buchan James Alexander Male Perth
1932/100388 Perth Ridley Audrey Elsie Female Williams William Albert John Male Perth
1932/100388 Perth Williams William Albert John Male Ridley Audrey Elsie Female Perth
1932/100389 Perth White Colin Philip Male Green Elsie May Female Perth
1932/100389 Perth Green Elsie May Female White Colin Philip Male Perth
1932/100390 Perth Churchill Walter Bowen Male Maughan Alys Maude Female Perth
1932/100390 Perth Maughan Alys Maude Female Churchill Walter Bowen Male Perth
1932/100391 Perth Bransby Olive Grace May Female Smale Joshua Male Perth
1932/100391 Perth Smale Joshua Male Bransby Olive Grace May Female Perth
1932/100392 Perth Laming Ruth Isabel Female England Alfred Wheatley Male Perth
1932/100392 Perth England Alfred Wheatley Male Laming Ruth Isabel Female Perth
1932/100393 Perth Branson Lily May Female Saunders Simon Male Perth
1932/100393 Perth Saunders Simon Male Branson Lily May Female Perth
1932/100394 Perth Grist William Samuel Male Blythe Doreen May Female Maylands
1932/100394 Perth Blythe Doreen May Female Grist William Samuel Male Maylands
1932/100395 Perth Walker Mabel Rose Female Anderson John William Male Perth
1932/100395 Perth Anderson John William Male Walker Mabel Rose Female Perth
1932/100396 Perth Watts Nellie Female Snooks Harry James Hazlett Male Maylands
1932/100396 Perth Snooks Harry James Hazlett Male Watts Nellie Female Maylands
1932/100397 Perth Chivers Frederick Alexander Male Johnston Olive Mary Female Highgate Hill
1932/100397 Perth Johnston Olive Mary Female Chivers Frederick Alexander Male Highgate Hill
1932/100398 Perth Brashaw Sylvia Violet Female Smith Keith William Male Highgate Hill
1932/100398 Perth Smith Keith William Male Brashaw Sylvia Violet Female Highgate Hill
1932/100399 Perth Robinson Samuel Male Bolt Ada Agnes Nelson Female Highgate Hill
1932/100399 Perth Bolt Ada Agnes Nelson Female Robinson Samuel Male Highgate Hill
1932/100400 Perth Carter Albert William Male Ball Jane Annie Female Highgate
1932/100400 Perth Ball Jane Annie Female Carter Albert William Male Highgate
1932/100401 Perth Emery Oswald Francis Male Platts Honorah Eileen Female Perth
1932/100401 Perth Platts Honorah Eileen Female Emery Oswald Francis Male Perth
1932/100402 Perth Brooks Ivy Carrie Female Wellman Frank William Male Perth
1932/100402 Perth Wellman Frank William Male Brooks Ivy Carrie Female Perth
1932/100403 Perth Maclure William Laughton Male Rumble Selma Marie Female Perth
1932/100403 Perth Rumble Selma Marie Female Maclure William Laughton Male Perth
1932/100405 Perth Gilbert Catherine Maud Female Murray Arthur Male Cottesloe
1932/100405 Perth Murray Arthur Male Gilbert Catherine Maud Female Cottesloe
1932/100406 Perth Browner Mary Female Cable John Male Cottesloe
1932/100406 Perth Cable John Male Browner Mary Female Cottesloe
1932/100407 Perth Smith Rose May Female Hendley Raymond Male North Leederville
1932/100407 Perth Hendley Raymond Male Smith Rose May Female North Leederville
1932/100408 Perth Cant Leonard Charles Male Phillips Agnes Effie Female Perth
1932/100408 Perth Phillips Agnes Effie Female Cant Leonard Charles Male Perth
1932/100409 Perth Walton Edward Storry Male Moore Ethleen Lilian Female Perth
1932/100409 Perth Moore Ethleen Lilian Female Walton Edward Storry Male Perth
1932/100410 Perth Mayger Reginald Maurice Male Green Phyllis Ellen Female Buckland Hill
1932/100410 Perth Green Phyllis Ellen Female Mayger Reginald Maurice Male Buckland Hill
1932/100411 Perth Pulleine Marjorie Butt Female Jarvis Carlisle Melrose Byron Male Buckland Hill
1932/100411 Perth Jarvis Carlisle Melrose Byron Male Pulleine Marjorie Butt Female Buckland Hill
1932/100412 Perth McMinn Harry Tudor Male Jameson Cora Female Perth
1932/100412 Perth Jameson Cora Female McMinn Harry Tudor Male Perth
1932/100413 Perth Johnson Frederick Norris Male Delavale Hazel Yelilee Female Perth
1932/100413 Perth Delavale Hazel Yelilee Female Johnson Frederick Norris Male Perth
1932/100414 Perth Gilbert Alfred David Edward Male Reynolds Jessie Pamela Female Perth
1932/100414 Perth Reynolds Jessie Pamela Female Gilbert Alfred David Edward Male Perth
1932/100415 Perth Crees Edward Percy Male Jarvis Mary Gertrude Female Perth
1932/100415 Perth Jarvis Mary Gertrude Female Crees Edward Percy Male Perth
1932/100416 Perth Laming Charles William Male Korten Dorothy Lilian Female Wembley
1932/100416 Perth Korten Dorothy Lilian Female Laming Charles William Male Wembley
1932/100417 Perth Coombe Joyce Kingston Female Walters James William Male Perth
1932/100417 Perth Walters James William Male Coombe Joyce Kingston Female Perth
1932/100418 Perth Turnbull John Dougall Male Smith Berenice Female Victoria Park
1932/100418 Perth Smith Berenice Female Turnbull John Dougall Male Victoria Park
1932/100419 Perth Shepherd Robert Ramsdale Male Hillier Margaret Female Victoria Park
1932/100419 Perth Hillier Margaret Female Shepherd Robert Ramsdale Male Victoria Park
1932/100420 Perth Owens Myrtle Female Matthews Charles William John Male Perth
1932/100420 Perth Matthews Charles William John Male Owens Myrtle Female Perth
1932/100421 Perth Palmer Kenneth Bernard Male McLean Venetta Emma Female Perth
1932/100421 Perth McLean Venetta Emma Female Palmer Kenneth Bernard Male Perth
1932/100422 Perth Crook Reginald Male Ede Gertrude Minnie Female Mount Lawley
1932/100422 Perth Ede Gertrude Minnie Female Crook Reginald Male Mount Lawley
1932/100423 Perth Thomas Leslie Ernest Male Rowley Floris Maybell Female Perth
1932/100423 Perth Rowley Floris Maybell Female Thomas Leslie Ernest Male Perth
1932/100424 Perth Drew Albert David Male Fenn Doris Ada Female Perth
1932/100424 Perth Fenn Doris Ada Female Drew Albert David Male Perth
1932/100425 Perth Walter Frederick Arthur McNeil Male Thompson Maggie May Female Rosalie
1932/100425 Perth Thompson Maggie May Female Walter Frederick Arthur McNeil Male Rosalie
1932/100426 Perth Desmond Mary Vashti Female Reddin Gerald Arthur Male Subiaco
1932/100426 Perth Reddin Gerald Arthur Male Desmond Mary Vashti Female Subiaco
1932/100427 Perth Cranfield Richard Edward Male Hill Dorothy Finch Female Subiaco
1932/100427 Perth Hill Dorothy Finch Female Cranfield Richard Edward Male Subiaco
1932/100428 Perth Colreavy Kathleen Grace Female Ryan William Michael Male Maylands
1932/100428 Perth Ryan William Michael Male Colreavy Kathleen Grace Female Maylands
1932/100429 Perth Robins Doris Bessie Pearl Female Piper Albert Claud Male Perth
1932/100429 Perth Piper Albert Claud Male Robins Doris Bessie Pearl Female Perth
1932/100430 Perth Bradford John Wreford Male Tomkinson Violet Angela Female Perth
1932/100430 Perth Tomkinson Violet Angela Female Bradford John Wreford Male Perth
1932/100431 Perth Fuller Charlie Edwin Male Ranger Gladys Hylma Evelyn Female Perth
1932/100431 Perth Ranger Gladys Hylma Evelyn Female Fuller Charlie Edwin Male Perth
1932/100432 Perth Howard Frank Edward Male Butler Dorothy Female Perth
1932/100432 Perth Butler Dorothy Female Howard Frank Edward Male Perth
1932/100433 Perth Bowring Alfred Ernest Male McPhee Gladys Female Perth
1932/100433 Perth McPhee Gladys Female Bowring Alfred Ernest Male Perth
1932/100434 Perth Williams Walter Tasman Male Halford Ella Sarah Female Perth
1932/100434 Perth Halford Ella Sarah Female Williams Walter Tasman Male Perth
1932/100435 Perth McGregor Helen Female Moyle Ronald Eri Male Perth
1932/100435 Perth Moyle Ronald Eri Male McGregor Helen Female Perth
1932/100436 Perth Harper Edgar Cecil Male Storer Nell Female Perth
1932/100436 Perth Storer Nell Female Harper Edgar Cecil Male Perth
1932/100437 Perth Toholka Phyllis Rose Female Smith Sidney Norman Josiah Male Perth
1932/100437 Perth Smith Sidney Norman Josiah Male Toholka Phyllis Rose Female Perth
1932/100438 Perth Hosking Charles Edward Male Roberts Violet Evelyn Female Perth
1932/100438 Perth Roberts Violet Evelyn Female Hosking Charles Edward Male Perth
1932/100439 Perth Craig Helen Frances Female Allen Frank Bretherton Male Perth
1932/100439 Perth Allen Frank Bretherton Male Craig Helen Frances Female Perth
1932/100440 Perth Appleton Dorothy Ellen Female Cole Terence Edgar Male Victoria Park
1932/100440 Perth Cole Terence Edgar Male Appleton Dorothy Ellen Female Victoria Park
1932/100441 Perth Bridson Thomas William Male Welsh Ruby Violet Beatrice Female West Perth
1932/100441 Perth Welsh Ruby Violet Beatrice Female Bridson Thomas William Male West Perth
1932/100442 Perth Stone Edna Mary Female James Allan Male West Perth
1932/100442 Perth James Allan Male Stone Edna Mary Female West Perth
1932/100443 Perth McCully James Male Cummins Thelma Evelyn Female Perth
1932/100443 Perth Cummins Thelma Evelyn Female McCully James Male Perth
1932/100444 Perth Wilbur Stanley Male Lindsay Jean Ballantyne Female Perth
1932/100444 Perth Lindsay Jean Ballantyne Female Wilbur Stanley Male Perth
1932/100445 Perth Ward Loloma Amy Female Finney John Victor Male Perth
1932/100445 Perth Finney John Victor Male Ward Loloma Amy Female Perth
1932/100446 Perth Stradwick Dorothy Oriel Female Teede John Sydney Male Perth
1932/100446 Perth Teede John Sydney Male Stradwick Dorothy Oriel Female Perth
1932/100447 Perth Carlton Douglas Stewart Male Bomford Margaret Frances Female Perth
1932/100447 Perth Bomford Margaret Frances Female Carlton Douglas Stewart Male Perth
1932/100448 Perth Evans Robert James McBride Male Stone Viola May Female Claremont
1932/100448 Perth Stone Viola May Female Evans Robert James McBride Male Claremont
1932/100449 Perth Seabrook Charles Bertram Male Kuhn Caroline Ann Female Claremont
1932/100449 Perth Kuhn Caroline Ann Female Seabrook Charles Bertram Male Claremont
1932/100450 Perth Merson Edward Terry Male Ralph Susan Female Claremont
1932/100450 Perth Ralph Susan Female Merson Edward Terry Male Claremont
1932/100451 Perth Stubbs Robert Male Paterson Ellen Margaret Female Leederville
1932/100451 Perth Paterson Ellen Margaret Female Stubbs Robert Male Leederville
1932/100452 Perth Ritchie Jessie Female Gowans James Male Perth
1932/100452 Perth Gowans James Male Ritchie Jessie Female Perth
1932/100453 Perth White Dan Male Norman Beatrice Rose Female Claremont
1932/100453 Perth Norman Beatrice Rose Female White Dan Male Claremont
1932/100454 Perth McAllister Donald Joseph Neil Male Jeffries Violet Louisie Female Perth
1932/100454 Perth Jeffries Violet Louisie Female McAllister Donald Joseph Neil Male Perth
1932/100455 Perth Norton Hope Murton Female Fisher William Sydney Cecil Male Perth
1932/100455 Perth Fisher William Sydney Cecil Male Norton Hope Murton Female Perth
1932/100456 Perth Skates Arthina Phyllis Female Wyatt Arthur Male Perth
1932/100456 Perth Wyatt Arthur Male Skates Arthina Phyllis Female Perth
1932/100457 Perth Collett John Holland Male Quarrell Olga Gertrude Female Perth
1932/100457 Perth Quarrell Olga Gertrude Female Collett John Holland Male Perth
1932/100458 Perth Carlin Cyril Brooke Male Wheatley Olive Ellen Hope Female Perth
1932/100458 Perth Wheatley Olive Ellen Hope Female Carlin Cyril Brooke Male Perth
1932/100459 Perth Harris Ivy Winifred Female Huett Edward William Male West Perth
1932/100459 Perth Huett Edward William Male Harris Ivy Winifred Female West Perth
1932/100460 Perth Counsel Florence Eva Female Baker Robert Ivan Male Cottesloe
1932/100460 Perth Baker Robert Ivan Male Counsel Florence Eva Female Cottesloe
1932/100461 Perth Lore Abraham Male Rothstein Annie Female Perth
1932/100461 Perth Rothstein Annie Female Lore Abraham Male Perth
1932/100462 Perth Mendelawitz Mendel Male Hoffman Mina Female Perth
1932/100462 Perth Hoffman Mina Female Mendelawitz Mendel Male Perth
1932/100463 Perth Sandrichin Miriam Female Rosin Nathan Male Perth
1932/100463 Perth Rosin Nathan Male Sandrichin Miriam Female Perth
1932/100464 Perth Wearn Phoebe Jean Female Redfern Ernest John Male West Perth
1932/100464 Perth Redfern Ernest John Male Wearn Phoebe Jean Female West Perth
1932/100465 Perth Smith John Henry Male Hopkins Dorothy Female Perth
1932/100465 Perth Hopkins Dorothy Female Smith John Henry Male Perth
1932/100466 Perth Chatwin Walter Edwin Male Archer Ivy Lillian Female Perth
1932/100466 Perth Archer Ivy Lillian Female Chatwin Walter Edwin Male Perth
1932/100467 Perth Taylor Millicent Margery Female Long Francis John Male South Perth
1932/100467 Perth Long Francis John Male Taylor Millicent Margery Female South Perth
1932/100468 Perth Hutchinson Hazel Jessamine Female Goonan Rowley Male Subiaco
1932/100468 Perth Goonan Rowley Male Hutchinson Hazel Jessamine Female Subiaco
1932/100469 Perth Brown Cecil Roberts Male Salmon Beryl Victoria Female West Perth
1932/100469 Perth Salmon Beryl Victoria Female Brown Cecil Roberts Male West Perth
1932/100470 Perth Burgess Jean Westlake Female Lochlin William Bernard Charles Male West Perth
1932/100470 Perth Lochlin William Bernard Charles Male Burgess Jean Westlake Female West Perth
1932/100471 Perth Herbert Walter Male Polhill Muriel Elaine Female Maylands
1932/100471 Perth Polhill Muriel Elaine Female Herbert Walter Male Maylands
1932/100472 Perth McNamara William Francis Male Hostler Veronica Norah Female Leederville
1932/100472 Perth Hostler Veronica Norah Female McNamara William Francis Male Leederville
1932/100473 Perth McLean Roy Male Gough Patricia Ada Prudence Female Leederville
1932/100473 Perth Gough Patricia Ada Prudence Female McLean Roy Male Leederville
1932/100474 Perth Buttsworth Pearl May Female Jewett Stanley Robert Male Perth
1932/100474 Perth Jewett Stanley Robert Male Buttsworth Pearl May Female Perth
1932/100475 Perth Petterson Amelia Norah Female Flyman Frederick Charles Male Claremont
1932/100475 Perth Flyman Frederick Charles Male Petterson Amelia Norah Female Claremont
1932/100476 Perth Noble Samuel Ernest Male Walker Annie Female Leederville
1932/100476 Perth Walker Annie Female Noble Samuel Ernest Male Leederville
1932/100477 Perth Fletcher Richard Perth Male Milner Audrey Ella Female Osborne Park
1932/100477 Perth Milner Audrey Ella Female Fletcher Richard Perth Male Osborne Park
1932/100478 Perth Aldersea Sidney Charles Male Prince Ivy May Female South Perth
1932/100478 Perth Prince Ivy May Female Aldersea Sidney Charles Male South Perth
1932/100479 Perth Page William Edwin Male Barratt Mary Priscilla Female West Perth
1932/100479 Perth Barratt Mary Priscilla Female Page William Edwin Male West Perth
1932/100480 Perth Craig Agnes May Female Sullivan John Male West Perth
1932/100480 Perth Sullivan John Male Craig Agnes May Female West Perth
1932/100481 Perth Brealey Robert Harold Male Bail Edith Margaret Female Leederville
1932/100481 Perth Bail Edith Margaret Female Brealey Robert Harold Male Leederville
1932/100482 Perth Eriksson Arvid John Male Gay Elsie Beatrice Female Perth
1932/100482 Perth Gay Elsie Beatrice Female Eriksson Arvid John Male Perth
1932/100483 Perth Cook Herbert Robert Male Evans Caroline Female North Perth
1932/100483 Perth Evans Caroline Female Cook Herbert Robert Male North Perth
1932/100484 Perth Simpson John James Male Webber Margaret Mary Female Perth
1932/100484 Perth Webber Margaret Mary Female Simpson John James Male Perth
1932/100485 Perth Heppell Colin Leslie Male Morton Alfreda Ethelwyn Female Perth
1932/100485 Perth Morton Alfreda Ethelwyn Female Heppell Colin Leslie Male Perth
1932/100486 Perth Albert Violet Annie Thusnelda Female Pearce Leslie Ellis Male Perth
1932/100486 Perth Pearce Leslie Ellis Male Albert Violet Annie Thusnelda Female Perth
1932/100487 Perth Young Violet Isabel Female Wicks Charles Clifton Male Perth
1932/100487 Perth Wicks Charles Clifton Male Young Violet Isabel Female Perth
1932/100488 Perth Langoulant Iris Mabel Female Cummings John Eric Male Perth
1932/100488 Perth Cummings John Eric Male Langoulant Iris Mabel Female Perth
1932/100489 Perth Crockett Robert John Male Gibson Agnes Grace Female Perth
1932/100489 Perth Gibson Agnes Grace Female Crockett Robert John Male Perth
1932/100490 Perth Pearce John Thomas Male Fowler Jean Edith Female Perth
1932/100490 Perth Fowler Jean Edith Female Goggin John Thomas Male Perth
1932/100490 Perth Fowler Jean Edith Female Pearce John Thomas Male Perth
1932/100490 Perth Goggin John Thomas Male Fowler Jean Edith Female Perth
1932/100491 Perth Chipper Donald John Male Ducat Indie Female Perth
1932/100491 Perth Ducat Indie Female Chipper Donald John Male Perth
1932/100492 Perth Thompson Leonard Desmond Male Brownrigg Mary Elizabeth Female Victoria Park
1932/100492 Perth Brownrigg Mary Elizabeth Female Thompson Leonard Desmond Male Victoria Park
1932/100493 Perth Flaherty John James Patrick Male Lynes Ivy Maud Female Victoria Park
1932/100493 Perth Lynes Ivy Maud Female Flaherty John James Patrick Male Victoria Park
1932/100494 Perth Cameron Muriel Mary Female Bell Ronald William Male Victoria Park
1932/100494 Perth Bell Ronald William Male Cameron Muriel Mary Female Victoria Park
1932/100495 Perth Spiers Alice Edward Female Spiers Robert Hunter Male Perth
1932/100495 Perth Spiers Robert Hunter Male Spiers Alice Edward Female Perth
1932/100496 Perth Devling Percy Reginald Male Butler Elsie Florence Female West Leederville
1932/100496 Perth Butler Elsie Florence Female Devling Percy Reginald Male West Leederville
1932/100497 Perth Warne Ernest Alfred Male Farmaner Molly Verna Female Claremont
1932/100497 Perth Farmaner Molly Verna Female Warne Ernest Alfred Male Claremont
1932/100498 Perth Penberthy Elsie Clara Female Ross Nöel Male Maylands
1932/100498 Perth Ross Nöel Male Penberthy Elsie Clara Female Maylands
1932/100499 Perth Hawley Leonard Philip Male Woodbridge Clarice Fanny Female Cottesloe
1932/100499 Perth Woodbridge Clarice Fanny Female Hawley Leonard Philip Male Cottesloe
1932/100500 Perth Kneebone Jean Mavis Female McManus William Arthur Male Perth
1932/100500 Perth McManus William Arthur Male Kneebone Jean Mavis Female Perth
1932/100501 Perth Shoebridge Walter John William Jervis Male Coatham Constance Alberta Female Perth
1932/100501 Perth Coatham Constance Alberta Female Shoebridge Walter John William Jervis Male Perth
1932/100502 Perth Cox Rupert John Male Lorrigan Mary Alice Female Perth
1932/100502 Perth Lorrigan Mary Alice Female Cox Rupert John Male Perth
1932/100503 Perth Berchley Grace Ursula Female Melrose Donald Keith Male Highgate
1932/100503 Perth Melrose Donald Keith Male Berchley Grace Ursula Female Highgate
1932/100504 Perth Dawkins William Male Allan Hamena May Female Perth
1932/100504 Perth Allan Hamena May Female Dawkins William Male Perth
1932/100505 Perth Powell George Male Humphreys Kathleen Agnes Female Perth
1932/100505 Perth Humphreys Kathleen Agnes Female Powell George Male Perth
1932/100506 Perth Cox Eva Doris Female Donaldson William Male Perth
1932/100506 Perth Donaldson William Male Cox Eva Doris Female Perth
1932/100507 Perth Lewin Elsie Margaret Female Schumann Herbert Arthur Male Buckland Hill
1932/100507 Perth Schumann Herbert Arthur Male Lewin Elsie Margaret Female Buckland Hill
1932/100508 Perth Witcomb Ena Maude Female Morgan Reginald Alan Male Buckland Hill
1932/100508 Perth Morgan Reginald Alan Male Witcomb Ena Maude Female Buckland Hill
1932/100509 Perth Massey Louis Richdale Male Harrison Elsie May Female Buckland Hill
1932/100509 Perth Harrison Elsie May Female Massey Louis Richdale Male Buckland Hill
1932/100510 Perth Hasluck Paul Meernaa Caedwalla Male Darker Alexandra Margaret Martin Female Perth
1932/100510 Perth Darker Alexandra Margaret Martin Female Hasluck Paul Meernaa Caedwalla Male Perth
1932/100511 Perth Read Donald Campbell Male Hynes Marjorie Female Perth
1932/100511 Perth Hynes Marjorie Female Read Donald Campbell Male Perth
1932/100512 Perth Jennings Nora Female Price Thomas Male Perth
1932/100512 Perth Price Thomas Male Jennings Nora Female Perth
1932/100513 Perth Seymour Richard Henry Male Constantine Amelia Louise Female Rosalie
1932/100513 Perth Constantine Amelia Louise Female Seymour Richard Henry Male Rosalie
1932/100514 Perth McDonald Edna May Female Collins John James Male North Perth
1932/100514 Perth Collins John James Male McDonald Edna May Female North Perth
1932/100515 Perth Kaiser Otto Bruno Male Williamson Bertha Ida Christina Female Subiaco
1932/100515 Perth Williamson Bertha Ida Christina Female Kaiser Otto Bruno Male Subiaco
1932/100516 Perth Harding Percy John Male Cavanagh Muriel Irene Pearl Female Subiaco
1932/100516 Perth Cavanagh Muriel Irene Pearl Female Harding Percy John Male Subiaco
1932/100517 Perth Levine Sonia Female Grodeck Leo Male Perth
1932/100517 Perth Grodeck Leo Male Levine Sonia Female Perth
1932/100518 Perth White Edwin Harold Male Williams Sadie Anita Female Perth
1932/100518 Perth Williams Sadie Anita Female White Edwin Harold Male Perth
1932/100519 Perth Suter Thomas Frederick Walter Male Burton Jane Naomi Female Perth
1932/100519 Perth Burton Jane Naomi Female Suter Thomas Frederick Walter Male Perth
1932/100520 Perth Watson Ethel Female Challand Albert Edward Male Wembley Park
1932/100520 Perth Challand Albert Edward Male Watson Ethel Female Wembley Park
1932/100521 Perth Downing Allan Wilfred Male Johns Myrtle Violet Female West Leederville
1932/100521 Perth Johns Myrtle Violet Female Downing Allan Wilfred Male West Leederville
1932/100522 Perth Hartley John Albert Male Reed Elsie Marjorie Doris Female Subiaco
1932/100522 Perth Reed Elsie Marjorie Doris Female Hartley John Albert Male Subiaco
1932/100523 Perth Houston David Henry Male Rendell Annie Isabel Female Victoria Park
1932/100523 Perth Rendell Annie Isabel Female Houston David Henry Male Victoria Park
1932/100524 Perth Creighton Joseph William Male Banfield Cecily May Female Maylands
1932/100524 Perth Banfield Cecily May Female Creighton Joseph William Male Maylands
1932/100525 Perth Urquhart Alex McHugh Male Kirk Camillus Catherine Female Maylands
1932/100525 Perth Kirk Camillus Catherine Female Urquhart Alex McHugh Male Maylands
1932/100526 Perth Bowden Harold Sainsbury Male Bungate Mabel Caroline Female Perth
1932/100526 Perth Bungate Mabel Caroline Female Bowden Harold Sainsbury Male Perth
1932/100527 Perth Brennan Daniel Male Trim Lucy Marie Female Perth
1932/100527 Perth Trim Lucy Marie Female Brennan Daniel Male Perth
1932/100528 Perth Pope Jean Gwendoline Female Alliss Stephen Howard Male Perth
1932/100528 Perth Alliss Stephen Howard Male Pope Jean Gwendoline Female Perth
1932/100529 Perth Mackay Grace Female Mackay John Male Perth
1932/100529 Perth Mackay John Male Mackay Grace Female Perth
1932/100530 Perth Dry Laura Female Reid James Male West Perth
1932/100530 Perth Reid James Male Dry Laura Female West Perth
1932/100531 Perth Behrmann Rose Christiana Female Firth Stanley Thomas Male West Perth
1932/100531 Perth Firth Stanley Thomas Male Behrmann Rose Christiana Female West Perth
1932/100532 Perth Arbuckle James Henry Male McQueen Jean Ethel Female West Perth
1932/100532 Perth McQueen Jean Ethel Female Arbuckle James Henry Male West Perth
1932/100533 Perth Phillips Gwendoline Mary Female Tredrea Norman Stanley Male West Perth
1932/100533 Perth Tredrea Norman Stanley Male Phillips Gwendoline Mary Female West Perth
1932/100534 Perth Grey Dolly Annetta Mundy Female Brooks Albert Cyril Male West Perth
1932/100534 Perth Brooks Albert Cyril Male Grey Dolly Annetta Mundy Female West Perth
1932/100535 Perth Humphrey Harold Spicer Male Solomon Marjorie Isobel Female West Perth
1932/100535 Perth Solomon Marjorie Isobel Female Humphrey Harold Spicer Male West Perth
1932/100536 Perth Armstrong Eric Leslie Male Renou Maghonne Onitte Female West Perth
1932/100536 Perth Renou Maghonne Onitte Female Armstrong Eric Leslie Male West Perth
1932/100537 Perth Moody Rose Helen Joyce Female Browne Edward James Male Cottesloe
1932/100537 Perth Browne Edward James Male Moody Rose Helen Joyce Female Cottesloe
1932/100538 Perth Holmgren Ethel May Female Dawson Joseph Male Cottesloe
1932/100538 Perth Dawson Joseph Male Holmgren Ethel May Female Cottesloe
1932/100539 Perth Buckland Vera Lydia Female Bowman George Alexander Male Perth
1932/100539 Perth Bowman George Alexander Male Buckland Vera Lydia Female Perth
1932/100540 Perth Wright Ernest Archibald Maynard Male McClemans Pauline Female Perth
1932/100540 Perth McClemans Pauline Female Wright Ernest Archibald Maynard Male Perth
1932/100541 Perth Nelson George Male Place Alice Mary Female Perth
1932/100541 Perth Place Alice Mary Female Nelson George Male Perth
1932/100542 Perth Sinclair Gordon Derwent Male Aldrich Cecile Blanche Female Perth
1932/100542 Perth Aldrich Cecile Blanche Female Sinclair Gordon Derwent Male Perth
1932/100543 Perth Johnston Harold William Male Trembath Kathleen Lyons Female Perth
1932/100543 Perth Trembath Kathleen Lyons Female Johnston Harold William Male Perth
1932/100544 Perth Hawkins Albert Henry Male Stokes Mary Frances Female Inglewood
1932/100544 Perth Stokes Mary Frances Female Hawkins Albert Henry Male Inglewood
1932/100545 Perth Bradshaw Adeline Helen Female Rayner Harry Sydney Male North Perth
1932/100545 Perth Rayner Harry Sydney Male Bradshaw Adeline Helen Female North Perth
1932/100546 Perth Saint Ida Anna Female Lowman Oscar Herbert Camborn Male North Perth
1932/100546 Perth Lowman Oscar Herbert Camborn Male Saint Ida Anna Female North Perth
1932/100547 Perth Lindsay Martha Aitken Female Gardner Charles Stuart Male North Perth
1932/100547 Perth Gardner Charles Stuart Male Lindsay Martha Aitken Female North Perth
1932/100548 Perth McDonald Hector Allan Male Taylor Gertrude May Female West Perth
1932/100548 Perth Taylor Gertrude May Female McDonald Hector Allan Male West Perth
1932/100549 Perth Macmillan Margaret Sarah Female Halkett James Male North Perth
1932/100549 Perth Halkett James Male Macmillan Margaret Sarah Female North Perth
1932/100550 Perth Miller Agnes Wilson Female Smith James Thompson Male North Perth
1932/100550 Perth Smith James Thompson Male Miller Agnes Wilson Female North Perth
1932/100551 Perth McDonald Gladys Maud Irene Female McDonald Joseph Hugh Male North Perth
1932/100551 Perth McDonald Joseph Hugh Male McDonald Gladys Maud Irene Female North Perth
1932/100552 Perth Carbarns Donald Fletcher Male Newsom Veronica Lillian Female North Perth
1932/100552 Perth Newsom Veronica Lillian Female Carbarns Donald Fletcher Male North Perth
1932/100553 Perth Anderson William James Male Murray Kathleen Female South Perth
1932/100553 Perth Murray Kathleen Female Anderson William James Male South Perth
1933/100554 Perth Elliott Thelma Edith Maude Female O'Rourke Edward James Male Maylands
1932/100554 Perth Jenkins Alice Maude Female Macgregor John Charles Male Perth
1932/100554 Perth Macgregor John Charles Male Jenkins Alice Maude Female Perth
1933/100554 Perth O'Rourke Edward James Male Elliott Thelma Edith Maude Female Maylands
1932/100555 Perth Hopegood Harold Cedric Ethelred Male Clucas Olive Alice Female Perth
1933/100555 Perth Rowe Frederick Thomas Male Garnaut Ethel May Female Maylands
1932/100555 Perth Clucas Olive Alice Female Hopegood Harold Cedric Ethelred Male Perth
1933/100555 Perth Garnaut Ethel May Female Rowe Frederick Thomas Male Maylands
1932/100556 Perth Roberts Eileen Alice Female Davies William Harold Male Perth
1932/100556 Perth Davies William Harold Male Roberts Eileen Alice Female Perth
1932/100557 Perth Beatty Joseph Male Halstrom Mavis Carmel Female Perth
1932/100557 Perth Halstrom Mavis Carmel Female Beatty Joseph Male Perth
1932/100558 Perth Willcock John Joseph Male McKimmie Jean Monica Female Perth
1932/100558 Perth McKimmie Jean Monica Female Willcock John Joseph Male Perth
1932/100559 Perth Chalmers Peter Berry Male James Edna Mary Female West Perth
1932/100559 Perth James Edna Mary Female Chalmers Peter Berry Male West Perth
1932/100560 Perth Mellor Dorothy Female Ptolomey Edward Joseph Male West Perth
1932/100560 Perth Ptolomey Edward Joseph Male Mellor Dorothy Female West Perth
1932/100561 Perth Young Frederick Joseph Male Mullooly Annie Cecilia Female West Perth
1932/100561 Perth Mullooly Annie Cecilia Female Young Frederick Joseph Male West Perth
1932/100562 Perth Fidge Dorothy Myrtle Female Hunter Lionel Tasman Male West Perth
1932/100562 Perth Hunter Lionel Tasman Male Fidge Dorothy Myrtle Female West Perth
1932/100563 Perth Thompson Hettie Ellen Female Owens Arthur Joseph Male Maylands
1932/100563 Perth Owens Arthur Joseph Male Thompson Hettie Ellen Female Maylands
1932/100564 Perth Oats Ernest Oliver James Male Stephens Mollie Female Subiaco
1932/100564 Perth Stephens Mollie Female Oats Ernest Oliver James Male Subiaco
1932/100565 Perth Stone Arthur John Male Everington Marjorie Female Perth
1932/100565 Perth Everington Marjorie Female Stone Arthur John Male Perth
1932/100566 Perth Gray Edwin Keith Male Grisold Noni Lotus Female Perth
1932/100566 Perth Grisold Noni Lotus Female Gray Edwin Keith Male Perth
1932/100567 Perth Hatch Frances Florence Julia Female Mullane Malcolm Saunder Male West Perth
1932/100567 Perth Mullane Malcolm Saunder Male Hatch Frances Florence Julia Female West Perth
1932/100568 Perth Edwards Gladys Female Riddell Peter Male Perth
1932/100568 Perth Riddell Peter Male Edwards Gladys Female Perth
1932/100569 Perth Campbell Dorothy Jean Female McGrath Ernest Peter Male Perth
1932/100569 Perth McGrath Ernest Peter Male Campbell Dorothy Jean Female Perth
1932/100570 Perth Holgate Julia Female Roberts Alfred Arthur Male Perth
1932/100570 Perth Roberts Alfred Arthur Male Holgate Julia Female Perth
1932/100571 Perth Ives Cassie Mary Female Kelly Vincent Cretney Male West Subiaco
1932/100571 Perth Kelly Vincent Cretney Male Ives Cassie Mary Female West Subiaco
1932/100572 Perth Watts Walter Gordon Male Willis Adele Female Perth
1932/100572 Perth Willis Adele Female Watts Walter Gordon Male Perth
1932/100573 Perth Seaman Henry Arthur Male McGlew Irene Myrtle Phyllis Female Highgate Hill
1932/100573 Perth McGlew Irene Myrtle Phyllis Female Seaman Henry Arthur Male Highgate Hill
1932/100574 Perth Pascoe Richard James Male Drew Irene Mary Female Perth
1932/100574 Perth Drew Irene Mary Female Pascoe Richard James Male Perth
1932/100575 Perth Bunting Henry George Male Farley Hilda May Female Highgate
1932/100575 Perth Farley Hilda May Female Bunting Henry George Male Highgate
1932/100576 Perth Turner Henry Bourke Male Campbell Doreen Marjorie Female Perth
1932/100576 Perth Campbell Doreen Marjorie Female Turner Henry Bourke Male Perth
1932/100577 Perth Strickland Viola Clarice Female Naylor John Noel Male Perth
1932/100577 Perth Naylor John Noel Male Strickland Viola Clarice Female Perth
1932/100578 Perth Armstrong Joseph Smark Male Mackenzie Doris Female Perth
1932/100578 Perth Mackenzie Doris Female Armstrong Joseph Smark Male Perth
1932/100579 Perth Shoebridge Ernest Jeffrey Male Boggia Lily Beatrice Female Carlisle-Victoria Park
1932/100579 Perth Boggia Lily Beatrice Female Shoebridge Ernest Jeffrey Male Carlisle-Victoria Park
1932/100580 Perth Wilson Florence Jane Female Hayter Malcolm Charles Male Subiaco
1932/100580 Perth Hayter Malcolm Charles Male Wilson Florence Jane Female Subiaco
1932/100581 Perth West Harold Jack Male Niven Grace Jean Female Subiaco
1932/100581 Perth Niven Grace Jean Female West Harold Jack Male Subiaco
1932/100582 Perth Thompson Hilda May Female Wood Norman James Male Subiaco
1932/100582 Perth Wood Norman James Male Thompson Hilda May Female Subiaco
1932/100583 Perth Clifton Jean Margaret Female Conroy Patrick Francis Arthur Male Subiaco
1932/100583 Perth Conroy Patrick Francis Arthur Male Clifton Jean Margaret Female Subiaco
1932/100584 Perth Glendenning John Lawrence Male Henderson Ethel Sarah May Female Subiaco
1932/100584 Perth Henderson Ethel Sarah May Female Glendenning John Lawrence Male Subiaco
1932/100585 Perth Benney Percival Stanley Male Prideaux Gwynneth Female Subiaco
1932/100585 Perth Prideaux Gwynneth Female Benney Percival Stanley Male Subiaco
1932/100586 Perth Williams Joseph Abbott Male Curtis Edna Winifred May Female Subiaco
1932/100586 Perth Curtis Edna Winifred May Female Williams Joseph Abbott Male Subiaco
1932/100587 Perth Chatley George Reginald Male Hubert Hannah Louisa Female Subiaco
1932/100587 Perth Hubert Hannah Louisa Female Chatley George Reginald Male Subiaco
1932/100588 Perth Jacobs Walter Male Cook Ida May Female Perth
1932/100588 Perth Cook Ida May Female Jacobs Walter Male Perth
1932/100589 Perth Church Harold Whitely Male Ballantyne Sylvia Clara Emily Female Subiaco
1932/100589 Perth Ballantyne Sylvia Clara Emily Female Church Harold Whitely Male Subiaco
1932/100590 Perth Lamont Hugh Campbell Male Tillott Emily Mary Female Victoria Park
1932/100590 Perth Tillott Emily Mary Female Lamont Hugh Campbell Male Victoria Park
1932/100591 Perth Ahearn Veronica Teresa Female Nielsen Eric Henry Male Subiaco
1932/100591 Perth Nielsen Eric Henry Male Ahearn Veronica Teresa Female Subiaco
1932/100592 Perth Hurley Richard John Seddon Male Bennet Louisa Marian Atkenson Female Subiaco
1932/100592 Perth Bennet Louisa Marian Atkenson Female Hurley Richard John Seddon Male Subiaco
1932/100593 Perth Miriklis John Male Skopelitis Evangelia Female Perth
1932/100593 Perth Skopelitis Evangelia Female Miriklis John Male Perth
1932/100594 Perth Screaigh Dorothy Eileen Female Perry James Edward Male West Perth
1932/100594 Perth Perry James Edward Male Screaigh Dorothy Eileen Female West Perth
1932/100595 Perth Bennett Dorothy Marie Female Cox Jeffery Pamplin Male Claremont
1932/100595 Perth Mauermann Dorothy Marie Female Cox Jeffery Pamplin Male Claremont
1932/100595 Perth Cox Jeffery Pamplin Male Bennett Dorothy Marie Female Claremont
1932/100595 Perth Cox Jeffery Pamplin Male Mauermann Dorothy Marie Female Claremont
1932/100596 Perth Hunt Lorna Female McLaren Donald Cameron Male Claremont
1932/100596 Perth McLaren Donald Cameron Male Hunt Lorna Female Claremont
1932/100597 Perth Gilbert Edith Irene Female Ismail Kalid Valid Male Claremont
1932/100597 Perth Ismail Kalid Valid Male Gilbert Edith Irene Female Claremont
1932/100598 Perth Munt Olwyn Ethel Female Sanders Edgar George Male Claremont
1932/100598 Perth Sanders Edgar George Male Munt Olwyn Ethel Female Claremont
1932/100599 Perth Cox Margery Downing Female Henderson James Rowland Male North Perth
1932/100599 Perth Henderson James Rowland Male Cox Margery Downing Female North Perth
1932/100600 Perth Davis Pearl May Female Jones Alfred Milstead Milbourne Male Perth
1932/100600 Perth Jones Alfred Milstead Milbourne Male Davis Pearl May Female Perth
1932/100601 Perth Watts Lenard Stanley Male Reeves Amy Florence Hilda Female Claremont
1932/100601 Perth Reeves Amy Florence Hilda Female Watts Lenard Stanley Male Claremont
1932/100602 Perth Ryan Kathleen Female Maclean William Male Perth
1932/100602 Perth Maclean William Male Ryan Kathleen Female Perth
1932/100603 Perth McLaughlin Eileen Female Schiller Florance John Male Perth
1932/100603 Perth Schiller Florance John Male McLaughlin Eileen Female Perth
1932/100604 Perth Hounson Frances Jane Female Ridge Albert Coomber Male Perth
1932/100604 Perth Ridge Albert Coomber Male Hounson Frances Jane Female Perth
1932/100605 Perth Riley Noreen Jane Female Collier Phillip Male Perth
1932/100605 Perth Collier Phillip Male Riley Noreen Jane Female Perth
1932/100606 Perth Hale John Male Blackall Joan Female Cottesloe
1932/100606 Perth Blackall Joan Female Hale John Male Cottesloe
1932/100607 Perth Considine Ethel Myra Female Pinker Philip Male Perth
1932/100607 Perth Pinker Philip Male Considine Ethel Myra Female Perth
1932/100608 Perth Murray Keith McKenzie Male Purdue Ivy Rita Female North Perth
1932/100608 Perth Purdue Ivy Rita Female Murray Keith McKenzie Male North Perth
1932/100609 Perth Fingland Alfred John Thomas Male Thompson Olive Selma Lydia Stella Female North Perth
1932/100609 Perth Thompson Olive Selma Lydia Stella Female Fingland Alfred John Thomas Male North Perth
1932/100610 Perth Stott William Eric Male Cunningham Mary Adelaide Female North Perth
1932/100610 Perth Cunningham Mary Adelaide Female Stott William Eric Male North Perth
1932/100611 Perth Stitfold Ronald Glen Male Selkirk Sylvia Lilla Mary Female Perth
1932/100611 Perth Selkirk Sylvia Lilla Mary Female Stitfold Ronald Glen Male Perth
1932/100612 Perth McCoy Geoffrey George Male Forward Edith Mary Female West Perth
1932/100612 Perth Forward Edith Mary Female McCoy Geoffrey George Male West Perth
1932/100613 Perth Spillman John William Male Bermingham Kathleen Annie Female Perth
1932/100613 Perth Bermingham Kathleen Annie Female Spillman John William Male Perth
1932/100614 Perth Devine Lancelot Harold Male Thompson Jean Female Perth
1932/100614 Perth Thompson Jean Female Devine Lancelot Harold Male Perth
1932/100615 Perth Hatton Leslie Male Greaves Thelma Elizabeth Female Perth
1932/100615 Perth Greaves Thelma Elizabeth Female Hatton Leslie Male Perth
1932/100616 Perth Waters Grace Female Mohr John Charles Male Perth
1932/100616 Perth Mohr John Charles Male Waters Grace Female Perth
1932/100617 Perth Merritt Catherine Teresa Female Winch Frederick Newell Sloan Male Perth
1932/100617 Perth Winch Frederick Newell Sloan Male Merritt Catherine Teresa Female Perth
1932/100618 Perth Del Marco Lucy Female Kitschke John Anthony Charles Male Perth
1932/100618 Perth Kitschke John Anthony Charles Male Del Marco Lucy Female Perth
1932/100619 Perth Clayton Emily Christiana Female Solomon Gilbert Male Perth
1932/100619 Perth Solomon Gilbert Male Clayton Emily Christiana Female Perth
1932/100620 Perth Vladich Anica Female Lucev Thomas Male Perth
1932/100620 Perth Lucev Thomas Male Vladich Anica Female Perth
1932/100621 Perth Vince William Arthur George Male O'Connell Maureen Ignatius Female Perth
1932/100621 Perth O'Connell Maureen Ignatius Female Vince William Arthur George Male Perth
1932/100622 Perth Barrett Mary Veronica Female Barrett Anthony Joseph Male Perth
1932/100622 Perth Barrett Anthony Joseph Male Barrett Mary Veronica Female Perth
1932/100623 Perth Chittleborough Percy Edgar Male Moody Elizabeth Eleanor Female Perth
1932/100623 Perth Moody Elizabeth Eleanor Female Chittleborough Percy Edgar Male Perth
1932/100624 Perth Cargoli Alfonso Male Murphy Josephine Female Perth
1932/100624 Perth Murphy Josephine Female Cargoli Alfonso Male Perth
1932/100625 Perth Connolley Nora Beatrice Female Halley James McLaren Male Perth
1932/100625 Perth Halley James McLaren Male Connolley Nora Beatrice Female Perth
1932/100626 Perth Corry John Charles Timothy James Male McAndrew Ivis Irene Female Perth
1932/100626 Perth McAndrew Ivis Irene Female Corry John Charles Timothy James Male Perth
1932/100627 Perth Sturrock John Male Morris Veronica Theresa May Female Perth
1932/100627 Perth Morris Veronica Theresa May Female Sturrock John Male Perth
1932/100628 Perth Edmondson Bernard Vaughan Male Darch Ruby Ellen Female Perth
1932/100628 Perth Darch Ruby Ellen Female Edmondson Bernard Vaughan Male Perth
1932/100629 Perth Shanahan Mary Catherine Female Dunn Harry Daniel Male Perth
1932/100629 Perth Dunn Harry Daniel Male Shanahan Mary Catherine Female Perth
1932/100630 Perth Squiers Lilla May Female Hathaway John Hopetoun Male Perth
1932/100630 Perth Hathaway John Hopetoun Male Squiers Lilla May Female Perth
1932/100631 Perth Cavell John Male Bailley Bessie Female Perth
1932/100631 Perth Bailley Bessie Female Cavell John Male Perth
1932/100632 Perth Hanrahan Julia Catherine Female Fairclough Albert Male Maylands
1932/100632 Perth Fairclough Albert Male Hanrahan Julia Catherine Female Maylands
1932/100633 Perth Hall Walter Douglas Male Berlnisky Hylda Female Perth
1932/100633 Perth Berlnisky Hylda Female Hall Walter Douglas Male Perth
1932/100634 Perth Beattie Mary Ann Female Kyrwood Richard Wesley Male Subiaco
1932/100634 Perth Kyrwood Richard Wesley Male Beattie Mary Ann Female Subiaco
1932/100635 Perth Filmer Gertrude Female Pollard Hector Donald Male Perth
1932/100635 Perth Pollard Hector Donald Male Filmer Gertrude Female Perth
1932/100636 Perth Coad Agnes Jean Female Williams David Arthur Male Perth
1932/100636 Perth Williams David Arthur Male Coad Agnes Jean Female Perth
1932/100637 Perth James Arthur Haylock Male Stevens Alma Female Perth
1932/100637 Perth Stevens Alma Female James Arthur Haylock Male Perth
1932/100638 Perth Owen Thomas Tudor Hughes Male Pilley Nancy Louise Female Perth
1932/100638 Perth Pilley Nancy Louise Female Owen Thomas Tudor Hughes Male Perth
1932/100639 Perth Johnstone John Strickland Male Gundill Bonnie Female Perth
1932/100639 Perth Gundill Bonnie Female Johnstone John Strickland Male Perth
1932/100640 Perth Mason James Gregory Male Rutherford Ada Amelia Female Perth
1932/100640 Perth Rutherford Ada Amelia Female Mason James Gregory Male Perth
1932/100641 Perth MacBolt Maurice Macdonald Male Newell Nellie Female Perth
1932/100641 Perth Newell Nellie Female MacBolt Maurice Macdonald Male Perth
1932/100642 Perth Murray Dorothy Thomson Female Inkster Henry John Male Perth
1932/100642 Perth Inkster Henry John Male Murray Dorothy Thomson Female Perth
1932/100643 Perth Hubbard Roy Norman Male Evans Dorothea Mabel Hasler Female Perth
1932/100643 Perth Evans Dorothea Mabel Hasler Female Hubbard Roy Norman Male Perth
1932/100644 Perth Grant Beryl Mabel Female Thomas Samuel Male Perth
1932/100644 Perth Thomas Samuel Male Grant Beryl Mabel Female Perth
1932/100645 Perth Valentine Harry Male Levy Kathleen Queenie Female Perth
1932/100645 Perth Levy Kathleen Queenie Female Valentine Harry Male Perth
1932/100646 Perth Scott Gordon Edward Male Wade Daphne Violet May Female Perth
1932/100646 Perth Wade Daphne Violet May Female Scott Gordon Edward Male Perth
1932/100647 Perth Lockyer Elsie Joan Female Christian Arthur Hugh Male Perth
1932/100647 Perth Christian Arthur Hugh Male Lockyer Elsie Joan Female Perth
1932/100648 Perth Tweddle Elizabeth Mary Female Maughan Thomas Arnold Male Perth
1932/100648 Perth Maughan Thomas Arnold Male Tweddle Elizabeth Mary Female Perth
1932/100649 Perth Brindal Allen Edmund Male Best Ivy Lorna Female Inglewood
1932/100649 Perth Best Ivy Lorna Female Brindal Allen Edmund Male Inglewood
1932/100650 Perth Hughes Elsie Florence Female Harvey William Male Mt Lawley
1932/100650 Perth Harvey William Male Hughes Elsie Florence Female Mt Lawley
1932/100652 Perth Parker Dorothy May Female McKenzie Cyril Norman Male West Perth
1932/100652 Perth McKenzie Cyril Norman Male Parker Dorothy May Female West Perth
1932/100653 Perth Morey Alexander John Male McKee Madeline Grace Female West Perth
1932/100653 Perth McKee Madeline Grace Female Morey Alexander John Male West Perth
1932/100654 Perth Meehan Mary Eileen Female Potts Chartres Logan Male Maylands
1932/100654 Perth Potts Chartres Logan Male Meehan Mary Eileen Female Maylands
1932/100655 Perth Camm Jack Rowland Male Gornall Elsie Margaret Female North Leederville
1932/100655 Perth Gornall Elsie Margaret Female Camm Jack Rowland Male North Leederville
1932/100656 Perth Edward Nance Doreen Edith Female Wilkinson Lindsay Faulkner Male West Perth
1932/100656 Perth Wilkinson Lindsay Faulkner Male Edward Nance Doreen Edith Female West Perth
1932/100657 Perth McOuat Hilda Blanche Female Hill James Edward Male Perth
1932/100657 Perth Hill James Edward Male McOuat Hilda Blanche Female Perth
1932/100658 Perth Deshon Chevelley Dick Corbett Male Backhouse Violet Ellen Female Perth
1932/100658 Perth Backhouse Violet Ellen Female Deshon Chevelley Dick Corbett Male Perth
1932/100659 Perth Kemp Reginald Malcolm Male Sullivan Iris Constance Female Perth
1932/100659 Perth Sullivan Iris Constance Female Kemp Reginald Malcolm Male Perth
1932/100660 Perth Allison Rose Elizabeth Female Mills James Douton Male Perth
1932/100660 Perth Mills James Douton Male Allison Rose Elizabeth Female Perth
1932/100661 Perth Stiles Arabella Louise Female Potter Walter William Male West Perth
1932/100661 Perth Potter Walter William Male Stiles Arabella Louise Female West Perth
1932/100662 Perth Schlam Winston Selbourne Male Shetlat Hazel Constance Female Perth
1932/100662 Perth Shetlat Hazel Constance Female Schlam Winston Selbourne Male Perth
1932/100663 Perth Becker Albert Oscar Male Grayson Irene Mabel Female Leederville
1932/100663 Perth Grayson Irene Mabel Female Becker Albert Oscar Male Leederville
1932/100664 Perth Rosman Neil John Male Rampant Augustine Anne Female Perth
1932/100664 Perth Rampant Augustine Anne Female Rosman Neil John Male Perth
1932/100665 Perth Clark Iris Amelia Female Bullen Stanley Joseph Male Subiaco
1932/100665 Perth Bullen Stanley Joseph Male Clark Iris Amelia Female Subiaco
1932/100666 Perth Jenkins Eileen Female Dagnall Frederick Hope Male Subiaco
1932/100666 Perth Dagnall Frederick Hope Male Jenkins Eileen Female Subiaco
1932/100667 Perth Lafferty Annie Marjory Female Durrant Howard Male Subiaco
1932/100667 Perth Durrant Howard Male Lafferty Annie Marjory Female Subiaco
1932/100668 Perth McLean Phyllis May Female Mitchell Michael Joseph Male Subiaco
1932/100668 Perth Mitchell Michael Joseph Male McLean Phyllis May Female Subiaco
1932/100669 Perth van Heurck Hannah Jane Female Walker John Andrew Male Perth
1932/100669 Perth Walker John Andrew Male van Heurck Hannah Jane Female Perth
1932/100670 Perth Sydenham Herbert Male Single Nazeli Evelyn Female Perth
1932/100670 Perth Single Nazeli Evelyn Female Sydenham Herbert Male Perth
1932/100671 Perth Dingwall Victoria May Female Long Frank Hugh Male Perth
1932/100671 Perth Long Frank Hugh Male Dingwall Victoria May Female Perth
1932/100672 Perth Jordan Reginald Male Wade Elizabeth Annie Female Perth
1932/100672 Perth Wade Elizabeth Annie Female Jordan Reginald Male Perth
1932/100673 Perth Graham Florence Christina Female Bond Clifford James Male Perth
1932/100673 Perth Bond Clifford James Male Graham Florence Christina Female Perth
1932/100674 Perth Cameron Hector Donald Noble Male Jones Nellie Edith Female Perth
1932/100674 Perth Jones Nellie Edith Female Cameron Hector Donald Noble Male Perth
1932/100675 Perth Pedersen Carl Male Slater Elsie Hilda Carter Female Perth
1932/100675 Perth Slater Elsie Hilda Carter Female Pedersen Carl Male Perth
1932/100676 Perth Wilson Julian Campbell Male Charlton Rose Christina Female West Perth
1932/100676 Perth Charlton Rose Christina Female Wilson Julian Campbell Male West Perth
1932/100677 Perth McGrath John Leo Male Pittard Lillian May Female Perth
1932/100677 Perth Pittard Lillian May Female McGrath John Leo Male Perth
1932/100678 Perth McClymans Hilda May Female Smoker Albert William Male Perth
1932/100678 Perth Smoker Albert William Male McClymans Hilda May Female Perth
1932/100679 Perth Butcher William Edward Male McWhirter May Female Cottesloe
1932/100679 Perth McWhirter May Female Butcher William Edward Male Cottesloe
1932/100681 Perth Logan Edward Cyril Male Phillips Amelia Irene Female Nedlands
1932/100681 Perth Phillips Amelia Irene Female Logan Edward Cyril Male Nedlands
1932/100682 Perth Mansfield Phyllis Marguerite Female Challenger Frederick James Male Claremont
1932/100682 Perth Challenger Frederick James Male Mansfield Phyllis Marguerite Female Claremont
1932/100683 Perth Kuring Arthur Ernest Male Mewburn Violet Blanche Female Perth
1932/100683 Perth Mewburn Violet Blanche Female Kuring Arthur Ernest Male Perth
1932/100684 Perth Keene Marjorie Eveline Female Pope Hugo Male Rosalie
1932/100684 Perth Pope Hugo Male Keene Marjorie Eveline Female Rosalie
1932/100685 Perth Daelemans Alfreda Victoria Charlotte Female Hobson Reginald Francis Male Perth
1932/100685 Perth Hobson Reginald Francis Male Daelemans Alfreda Victoria Charlotte Female Perth
1932/100686 Perth Francis Margueritte Augusta Female Matthews Peter Reid David Male Perth
1932/100686 Perth Matthews Peter Reid David Male Francis Margueritte Augusta Female Perth
1932/100687 Perth Wilson Ivy Irene Female Elphick Alfred Henry Male Victoria Park
1932/100687 Perth Elphick Alfred Henry Male Wilson Ivy Irene Female Victoria Park
1932/100688 Perth White Frederick Charles Male Robinson Mabel Female Osborne Park
1932/100688 Perth Robinson Mabel Female White Frederick Charles Male Osborne Park
1932/100689 Perth Rawson Frederick Leopold Male Wyatt Lillian Veronica Female West Perth
1932/100689 Perth Wyatt Lillian Veronica Female Rawson Frederick Leopold Male West Perth
1932/100690 Perth Messner Cedric Lindsay Male Aldrich Leila Frances Female West Perth
1932/100690 Perth Aldrich Leila Frances Female Messner Cedric Lindsay Male West Perth
1932/100691 Perth Taylor Theodore Vallency Male Scott Gladys Rebecca Female West Perth
1932/100691 Perth Scott Gladys Rebecca Female Taylor Theodore Vallency Male West Perth
1932/100692 Perth Jones Arthur Edward Male Brittain Ina Female Perth
1932/100692 Perth Brittain Ina Female Jones Arthur Edward Male Perth
1932/100693 Perth Hunter Myrtle Julia Female Cox Herbert William Male Leederville
1932/100693 Perth Cox Herbert William Male Hunter Myrtle Julia Female Leederville
1932/100694 Perth Stanley Annie Alice Female Melmoth-Jackson Oris Lancelot Male Leederville
1932/100694 Perth Melmoth-Jackson Oris Lancelot Male Stanley Annie Alice Female Leederville
1932/100695 Perth Anning Rosa Female Douglas Clifford James Male Highgate
1932/100695 Perth Douglas Clifford James Male Anning Rosa Female Highgate
1932/100696 Perth Fletcher Lillian Elizabeth Female Wells Henry Collett Male Perth
1932/100696 Perth Wells Henry Collett Male Fletcher Lillian Elizabeth Female Perth
1932/100697 Perth Frank Lillian May Female Bentley Norman Douglas Male Perth
1932/100697 Perth Bentley Norman Douglas Male Frank Lillian May Female Perth
1932/100698 Perth Russell Audrey Ernestine Female Gratwick Neville Roderick Male Perth
1932/100698 Perth Gratwick Neville Roderick Male Russell Audrey Ernestine Female Perth
1932/100699 Perth Hichling Francis May Female Rogers Robert Stanley Male Perth
1932/100699 Perth Rogers Robert Stanley Male Hichling Francis May Female Perth
1932/100700 Perth Garrett Algernon Claud Male Bowen Freda Grace Female Perth
1932/100700 Perth Bowen Freda Grace Female Garrett Algernon Claud Male Perth
1932/100701 Perth Bradley Mary Catherine Lily Female Standish James Henry Male Perth
1932/100701 Perth Standish James Henry Male Bradley Mary Catherine Lily Female Perth
1932/100702 Perth Wray Alma Lillian Female Edmunds William Male Perth
1932/100702 Perth Edmunds William Male Wray Alma Lillian Female Perth
1932/100703 Perth Osborne Alfred Male Cox Mary Female Perth
1932/100703 Perth Cox Mary Female Osborne Alfred Male Perth
1932/100704 Perth Charlton Margaret Marie Female Russell Reginald Male Leederville
1932/100704 Perth Russell Reginald Male Charlton Margaret Marie Female Leederville
1932/100705 Perth Stronach Queen Lita Doris Female Philpott George Edgcombe Male Perth
1932/100705 Perth Philpott George Edgcombe Male Stronach Queen Lita Doris Female Perth
1932/100706 Perth Carbarns Daisy Edelline Female McLean John Keith Male Claremont
1932/100706 Perth McLean John Keith Male Carbarns Daisy Edelline Female Claremont
1932/100707 Perth Knight John Male Lynch Georgena Rebecca Female West Perth
1932/100707 Perth Lynch Georgena Rebecca Female Knight John Male West Perth
1932/100708 Perth Moffatt William Alexander Knight Male Elshaw Phyllis Female Victoria Park
1932/100708 Perth Elshaw Phyllis Female Moffatt William Alexander Knight Male Victoria Park
1932/100709 Perth Barker Alice Thelma Female Black Robert Augustus Male West Perth
1932/100709 Perth Black Robert Augustus Male Barker Alice Thelma Female West Perth
1932/100710 Perth McGregor Douglas Eric Male Maher Gertrude Veronica Theresa Female West Perth
1932/100710 Perth Maher Gertrude Veronica Theresa Female McGregor Douglas Eric Male West Perth
1932/100711 Perth Barker Clara Female Harris Fred Male Mount Lawley
1932/100711 Perth Harris Fred Male Barker Clara Female Mount Lawley
1932/100712 Perth Waterman Eileen May Female Germon Roland Samuel Male South Perth
1932/100712 Perth Germon Roland Samuel Male Waterman Eileen May Female South Perth
1932/100713 Perth Driver Florence May Female Worth Reginald Alfred Male Perth
1932/100713 Perth Worth Reginald Alfred Male Driver Florence May Female Perth
1932/100714 Perth Irvine Donald Warton Male Gerke Doretta Florence Female Claremont
1932/100714 Perth Gerke Doretta Florence Female Irvine Donald Warton Male Claremont
1932/100715 Perth Eagleton Margaret Frances Osborne Female Ross Francis Kinsman Male Claremont
1932/100715 Perth Ross Francis Kinsman Male Eagleton Margaret Frances Osborne Female Claremont
1932/100716 Perth Doherty Thelma Daisy Jean Female Martin Phillip George Male Perth
1932/100716 Perth Martin Phillip George Male Doherty Thelma Daisy Jean Female Perth
1932/100717 Perth Kerrnish Charles Male Goullet Elizabeth Thelma Female Maylands
1932/100717 Perth Goullet Elizabeth Thelma Female Kerrnish Charles Male Maylands
1932/100718 Perth Cregan Ethel Female Weckman Charles Male Perth
1932/100718 Perth Weckman Charles Male Cregan Ethel Female Perth
1932/100719 Perth Saunders Queenie Alma Mavis Female Williamson Cyril Longley Male Maylands
1932/100719 Perth Williamson Cyril Longley Male Saunders Queenie Alma Mavis Female Maylands
1932/100720 Perth Pengel Dorothy Merle Female Simonsen Vivian Silver Male North Maylands
1932/100720 Perth Simonsen Vivian Silver Male Pengel Dorothy Merle Female North Maylands
1932/100721 Perth Smith Doris Aileen Female Jarvis Kenneth Leonard Ernest Male Maylands
1932/100721 Perth Jarvis Kenneth Leonard Ernest Male Smith Doris Aileen Female Maylands
1932/100722 Perth Martyn Mary Louisa Female Coffen William Alfred Male Perth
1932/100722 Perth Coffen William Alfred Male Martyn Mary Louisa Female Perth
1932/100723 Perth Hart Ralph Stephen Male Cooke Lilian Harriette Female Inglewood
1932/100723 Perth Cooke Lilian Harriette Female Hart Ralph Stephen Male Inglewood
1932/100724 Perth Courboules John Peter Male Szczecinski Joan Mary Female Perth
1932/100724 Perth Szczecinski Joan Mary Female Courboules John Peter Male Perth
1932/100725 Perth James Rosalie Kathleen Female Gibson Allan Charles Robert Male Perth
1932/100725 Perth Gibson Allan Charles Robert Male James Rosalie Kathleen Female Perth
1932/100726 Perth McAullay Theresa Francis Female Archibald Alexander Male Perth
1932/100726 Perth Archibald Alexander Male McAullay Theresa Francis Female Perth
1932/100727 Perth Turnbull Marjory Alberta Female Bruce Albert Edward Male Perth
1932/100727 Perth Bruce Albert Edward Male Turnbull Marjory Alberta Female Perth
1932/100728 Perth Watson Nora Louise Female Thomas Christopher Male Perth
1932/100728 Perth Thomas Christopher Male Watson Nora Louise Female Perth
1932/100729 Perth Clyne Kenneth Ross Male Brown Rubina Female Perth
1932/100729 Perth Brown Rubina Female Clyne Kenneth Ross Male Perth
1932/100730 Perth McCormick Jessie Bannatyne Female Elder James Male Perth
1932/100730 Perth Elder James Male McCormick Jessie Bannatyne Female Perth
1932/100731 Perth Lodge Kathleen Mary Female Ridley Norman Edward Male North Perth
1932/100731 Perth Ridley Norman Edward Male Lodge Kathleen Mary Female North Perth
1932/100732 Perth Higgins Frank Allen Male Martinovich Mary Ann Female Perth
1932/100732 Perth Martinovich Mary Ann Female Higgins Frank Allen Male Perth
1932/100733 Perth Bailey James William Male Robinson Ada Carrie Female Perth
1932/100733 Perth Robinson Ada Carrie Female Bailey James William Male Perth
1932/100734 Perth Norris George Henry Male Stewart Mabel Ethel Female Perth
1932/100734 Perth Stewart Mabel Ethel Female Norris George Henry Male Perth
1932/100735 Perth Hindmarsh Mary Elizabeth Female Kirk Jack Male Inglewood
1932/100735 Perth Kirk Jack Male Hindmarsh Mary Elizabeth Female Inglewood
1932/100736 Perth Garnham Violet Elizabeth Female Fisher Thomas Andrew Male Inglewood
1932/100736 Perth Fisher Thomas Andrew Male Garnham Violet Elizabeth Female Inglewood
1932/100737 Perth Ryan Kathleen Florence Female Nevin John Edward Male Leederville
1932/100737 Perth Nevin John Edward Male Ryan Kathleen Florence Female Leederville
1932/100738 Perth Dineen Edna May Female Gordon John Male Leederville
1932/100738 Perth Gordon John Male Dineen Edna May Female Leederville
1932/100739 Perth Montague William Henry Male Sutherland Dorothy Alice Female West Perth
1932/100739 Perth Sutherland Dorothy Alice Female Montague William Henry Male West Perth
1932/100740 Perth Psaltis Anastasios Male Toca Flora Female Perth
1932/100740 Perth Toca Flora Female Psaltis Anastasios Male Perth
1932/100741 Perth Duffill Eric Alfred Male Oliver Thyra Doris Jean Female Perth
1932/100741 Perth Oliver Thyra Doris Jean Female Duffill Eric Alfred Male Perth
1932/100742 Perth Bowen Ruby Female Murphy Norman Sylvester Male Perth
1932/100742 Perth Murphy Norman Sylvester Male Bowen Ruby Female Perth
1932/100743 Perth Hardy Frank Harold Male Tompsitt Alma Mary Female Victoria Park
1932/100743 Perth Tompsitt Alma Mary Female Hardy Frank Harold Male Victoria Park
1932/100744 Perth McLaren Stella Female Monson Ronald Austin Male West Perth
1932/100744 Perth Monson Ronald Austin Male McLaren Stella Female West Perth
1932/100745 Perth Elliott Sidney Albert Male Renou Florence Female West Perth
1932/100745 Perth Renou Florence Female Elliott Sidney Albert Male West Perth
1932/100746 Perth Armstrong Harold Ernest Male Johnston Myra Isabella Female West Perth
1932/100746 Perth Johnston Myra Isabella Female Armstrong Harold Ernest Male West Perth
1932/100747 Perth Rippon Amy Marjorie Female Crisp Theodore Percy Male West Perth
1932/100747 Perth Crisp Theodore Percy Male Rippon Amy Marjorie Female West Perth
1932/100748 Perth Price Irvine Powell Male Poett Julie Alice Female Osborne Park
1932/100748 Perth Poett Julie Alice Female Price Irvine Powell Male Osborne Park
1932/100749 Perth Laing Kenneth Finlay Male Smith Daisy Blanche Female Perth
1932/100749 Perth Smith Daisy Blanche Female Laing Kenneth Finlay Male Perth
1932/100750 Perth Barry Kathleen Elsie Female Shelton John Kerr Male Perth
1932/100750 Perth Shelton John Kerr Male Barry Kathleen Elsie Female Perth
1932/100751 Perth Pearce Walter Roy Male Bellis Phyllis Dorothy Female Perth
1932/100751 Perth Bellis Phyllis Dorothy Female Pearce Walter Roy Male Perth
1932/100752 Perth Austin Jane Female Keates Herbert Male Perth
1932/100752 Perth Keates Herbert Male Austin Jane Female Perth
1932/100753 Perth Ellard Marjory Josephine Female Kinghorn Thomas Male Perth
1932/100753 Perth Kinghorn Thomas Male Ellard Marjory Josephine Female Perth
1932/100754 Perth Dowding Florence Female Browne Michael John Male Perth
1932/100754 Perth Browne Michael John Male Dowding Florence Female Perth
1932/100755 Perth Armstrong Nancie Margaret Female Rockingham Fabian Meredith Male Perth
1932/100755 Perth Rockingham Fabian Meredith Male Armstrong Nancie Margaret Female Perth
1932/100756 Perth Bevan Violet Styring Wall Female Bettridge John Sinclair Male North Perth
1932/100756 Perth Bettridge John Sinclair Male Bevan Violet Styring Wall Female North Perth
1932/100757 Perth Sawkins Florence Mary Sophia Female Stratford Sydney Edward Male Mount Lawley
1932/100757 Perth Stratford Sydney Edward Male Sawkins Florence Mary Sophia Female Mount Lawley
1932/100758 Perth Mitchell Martha Female Hingle George William Denyer Male Perth
1932/100758 Perth Hingle George William Denyer Male Mitchell Martha Female Perth
1932/100759 Perth Rowe Mina Marie Female Carter Gifford Gordon Male Perth
1932/100759 Perth Carter Gifford Gordon Male Rowe Mina Marie Female Perth
1932/100760 Perth Sando Kenneth Arthur Male Surradge Constance Female Bayswater
1932/100760 Perth Surradge Constance Female Sando Kenneth Arthur Male Bayswater
1932/100761 Perth Nicholson James Edmund Houghton Male Ellershaw Barbara Phyllis Female Cottesloe
1932/100761 Perth Ellershaw Barbara Phyllis Female Nicholson James Edmund Houghton Male Cottesloe
1932/100762 Perth Morton Nellie Female Wright Norman Male Cottesloe
1932/100762 Perth Wright Norman Male Morton Nellie Female Cottesloe
1932/100763 Perth Jones John Arthur Male Hare Florence Barbara Female Maylands
1932/100763 Perth Hare Florence Barbara Female Jones John Arthur Male Maylands
1932/100764 Perth Harkins Margaret Bridget Female Shakespeare William Edward Male Subiaco
1932/100764 Perth Shakespeare William Edward Male Harkins Margaret Bridget Female Subiaco
1932/100765 Perth Hartzer Catherine Elizabeth Female Garbutt Robert Sydney Male Subiaco
1932/100765 Perth Garbutt Robert Sydney Male Hartzer Catherine Elizabeth Female Subiaco
1932/100766 Perth Cunningham William Francis Male Seeber Nora Elizabeth Female Subiaco
1932/100766 Perth Seeber Nora Elizabeth Female Cunningham William Francis Male Subiaco
1932/100767 Perth Long Bertha Sarah Female Smith Henry Joseph Male Claremont
1932/100767 Perth Smith Henry Joseph Male Long Bertha Sarah Female Claremont
1932/100768 Perth Johnson Dorothy Annie Female Wintergreene George Henry Male Claremont
1932/100768 Perth Wintergreene George Henry Male Johnson Dorothy Annie Female Claremont
1932/100769 Perth Hassell Winifred Amy Female Elliott Thomas Male Perth
1932/100769 Perth Elliott Thomas Male Hassell Winifred Amy Female Perth
1932/100770 Perth Donnolly Lillian Female Young Charles Ernest Male Mt Lawley
1932/100770 Perth Young Charles Ernest Male Donnolly Lillian Female Mt Lawley
1932/100771 Perth Davis Gertrude Female Yates John Male Perth
1932/100771 Perth Yates John Male Davis Gertrude Female Perth
1932/100772 Perth Brooker Lily May Female Clark George Male Perth
1932/100772 Perth Clark George Male Brooker Lily May Female Perth
1932/100773 Perth Blair Esmond Norman Male Orams Ruby May Female Subiaco
1932/100773 Perth Orams Ruby May Female Blair Esmond Norman Male Subiaco
1932/100774 Perth Jarman Arthur Howard Male Evans Evelyn Ada Female Perth
1932/100774 Perth Evans Evelyn Ada Female Jarman Arthur Howard Male Perth
1932/100775 Perth McGill Gwendoline Florence Mary Female Hitchcock Edward Jeffrey Male Subiaco
1932/100775 Perth Hitchcock Edward Jeffrey Male McGill Gwendoline Florence Mary Female Subiaco
1932/100776 Perth Roney Charles George William Male Cooper Gertrude Eileen Female Perth
1932/100776 Perth Cooper Gertrude Eileen Female Roney Charles George William Male Perth
1932/100777 Perth Paterson Margaret Balingal Black Female Sears Frank Male Perth
1932/100777 Perth Sears Frank Male Paterson Margaret Balingal Black Female Perth
1932/100778 Perth Toop Claude Roderick Male Hammill Gwendoline May Female Perth
1932/100778 Perth Hammill Gwendoline May Female Toop Claude Roderick Male Perth
1932/100779 Perth Rogers Victor Wilfred Male McGlew Elsie Marjorie Female Perth
1932/100779 Perth McGlew Elsie Marjorie Female Rogers Victor Wilfred Male Perth
1932/100780 Perth Patrick William Male Marina Stella Astorri Female Perth
1932/100780 Perth Marina Stella Astorri Female Patrick William Male Perth
1932/100781 Perth Howlett Horace James Male Owens Ethel May Female Perth
1932/100781 Perth Owens Ethel May Female Howlett Horace James Male Perth
1932/100782 Perth Gandy Catherine Female Edwards Isaiah John Male Perth
1932/100782 Perth Edwards Isaiah John Male Gandy Catherine Female Perth
1932/100783 Perth McDonald Hector James Male Jackman Martha Jane Female Perth
1932/100783 Perth Jackman Martha Jane Female McDonald Hector James Male Perth
1932/100784 Perth Dawson Mable Emma Female Braithwaite John George Male Perth
1932/100784 Perth Braithwaite John George Male Dawson Mable Emma Female Perth
1932/100785 Perth Smith Edgar Male Smith Elsie Female West Perth
1932/100785 Perth Smith Elsie Female Smith Edgar Male West Perth
1932/100786 Perth Mulcahy Joseph Gerard Male Fitzgerald Ellen Female West Perth
1932/100786 Perth Fitzgerald Ellen Female Mulcahy Joseph Gerard Male West Perth
1932/100787 Perth Feld Mona May Female Brown Peter Male West Perth
1932/100787 Perth Brown Peter Male Feld Mona May Female West Perth
1932/100788 Perth Cullen Harry Male Tranter Teresa Female West Perth
1932/100788 Perth Tranter Teresa Female Cullen Harry Male West Perth
1932/100789 Perth Hiller Ethel Jean Female Hunter Frederick William James Male Maylands
1932/100789 Perth Hunter Frederick William James Male Hiller Ethel Jean Female Maylands
1932/100790 Perth Cotter Cyril Garnett Male Stewart Marjorie Elsie Female Rosalie
1932/100790 Perth Stewart Marjorie Elsie Female Cotter Cyril Garnett Male Rosalie
1932/100791 Perth Meredith Alma Doris Alice Female Reddall Charles Esmond Male Victoria Park
1932/100791 Perth Reddall Charles Esmond Male Meredith Alma Doris Alice Female Victoria Park
1932/100792 Perth Goodfield Leslie Augustus Male McPherson Ada Louise Margaret Female Victoria Park
1932/100792 Perth McPherson Ada Louise Margaret Female Goodfield Leslie Augustus Male Victoria Park
1932/100793 Perth Horan Herbert John Male Williams Irene Edna Female Victoria Park
1932/100793 Perth Williams Irene Edna Female Horan Herbert John Male Victoria Park
1932/100794 Perth Howell Lilian Mary Female Renshaw Frederick William Male Subiaco
1932/100794 Perth Renshaw Frederick William Male Howell Lilian Mary Female Subiaco
1932/100795 Perth Beckwith John Tetley Male Hartland Madeline Maria Female Mount Lawley
1932/100795 Perth Hartland Madeline Maria Female Beckwith John Tetley Male Mount Lawley
1932/100796 Perth White Frederick Ben Male Evans Phyllis Beryl Female West Perth
1932/100796 Perth Evans Phyllis Beryl Female White Frederick Ben Male West Perth
1932/100797 Perth Bywater Elizabeth Randall Female Deans Cyril Forrest Male Cottesloe
1932/100797 Perth Deans Cyril Forrest Male Bywater Elizabeth Randall Female Cottesloe
1932/100798 Perth Bass Florence Alma Female O'Brien Richard Hanson Male Perth
1932/100798 Perth O'Brien Richard Hanson Male Bass Florence Alma Female Perth
1932/100799 Perth White Colin Emberson Male Reading Enid Female Perth
1932/100799 Perth Reading Enid Female White Colin Emberson Male Perth
1932/100800 Perth Edgar Mary Alison Female Harper Prescott Henry Male Perth
1932/100800 Perth Harper Prescott Henry Male Edgar Mary Alison Female Perth
1932/100801 Perth Roberts Francis Owen Male Ryder Joyce Brice Female Perth
1932/100801 Perth Ryder Joyce Brice Female Roberts Francis Owen Male Perth
1932/100802 Perth Ridgwell Dorothy Female Doyle John Joseph Male Perth
1932/100802 Perth Doyle John Joseph Male Ridgwell Dorothy Female Perth
1932/100803 Perth Andrews Doreen Lorna Female Sandeman Russell Arnot William Male Perth
1932/100803 Perth Sandeman Russell Arnot William Male Andrews Doreen Lorna Female Perth
1932/100804 Perth Pickett Augustus Milton Male Good Gladys Lillian Female Perth
1932/100804 Perth Good Gladys Lillian Female Pickett Augustus Milton Male Perth
1932/100805 Perth Brimson Eva May Female Young Allan Vernon Male Perth
1932/100805 Perth Young Allan Vernon Male Brimson Eva May Female Perth
1932/100806 Perth Boyd Charles Andrew Male Eagar Alexandra Norah Ann Female Perth
1932/100806 Perth Eagar Alexandra Norah Ann Female Boyd Charles Andrew Male Perth
1932/100807 Perth Powell Ivy Elizabeth Female Gibson Herbert Maurice Male Perth
1932/100807 Perth Gibson Herbert Maurice Male Powell Ivy Elizabeth Female Perth
1932/100808 Perth King Frederick Albert Male Dodd Blanche Thomas Female Perth
1932/100808 Perth Dodd Blanche Thomas Female King Frederick Albert Male Perth
1932/100809 Perth Stainthorpe Phyllis Mary Female Antoine Marcel Peter Male Cottesloe
1932/100809 Perth Antoine Marcel Peter Male Stainthorpe Phyllis Mary Female Cottesloe
1932/100810 Perth Howlett Hazel Irene Gertrude Female Clark George Edward Male West Perth
1932/100810 Perth Clark George Edward Male Howlett Hazel Irene Gertrude Female West Perth
1932/100811 Perth Chave Cyril Henry Farrant Male Lloyd Maude Agnes Female Perth
1932/100811 Perth Lloyd Maude Agnes Female Chave Cyril Henry Farrant Male Perth
1932/100812 Perth Sawyer Clarence John Male Dargie Elsie Ada Female Claremont
1932/100812 Perth Dargie Elsie Ada Female Sawyer Clarence John Male Claremont
1932/100813 Perth Cook Alfred Male Howse Ruth Margaret Female Claremont
1932/100813 Perth Howse Ruth Margaret Female Cook Alfred Male Claremont
1932/100814 Perth Cordin Daphne Rouse Female Bond Hedley Raymond Male Claremont
1932/100814 Perth Bond Hedley Raymond Male Cordin Daphne Rouse Female Claremont
1932/100815 Perth Yule Dulcie Elizabeth Female Hunter Edwin Clive Male Claremont
1932/100815 Perth Hunter Edwin Clive Male Yule Dulcie Elizabeth Female Claremont
1932/100816 Perth Law William Clarence Male Ashman Constance Irene Emily Female Claremont
1932/100816 Perth Ashman Constance Irene Emily Female Law William Clarence Male Claremont
1932/100817 Perth Thornborough Emily Thelma Female Pratley William Aloysius John Male South Perth
1932/100817 Perth Pratley William Aloysius John Male Thornborough Emily Thelma Female South Perth
1932/100818 Perth Marriott Alice Mary Female Jackson Eric Charles Male South Perth
1932/100818 Perth Jackson Eric Charles Male Marriott Alice Mary Female South Perth
1932/100819 Perth Pattison Mary Ellen Female Richards Norman James Male Victoria Park
1932/100819 Perth Richards Norman James Male Pattison Mary Ellen Female Victoria Park
1932/100820 Perth Cockburn Florence Jean Female Fagan William Leo Male Victoria Park
1932/100820 Perth Fagan William Leo Male Cockburn Florence Jean Female Victoria Park
1932/100821 Perth Murphy Walter Daniel Male Roberts Lily Lavina Female Victoria Park
1932/100821 Perth Roberts Lily Lavina Female Murphy Walter Daniel Male Victoria Park
1932/100822 Perth Wood Eric Joseph Male Garnant Myrtle Mary Female Victoria Park
1932/100822 Perth Garnant Myrtle Mary Female Wood Eric Joseph Male Victoria Park
1932/100823 Perth Bridges Cecilia Imelda Female Watts Robert Johm William Male Victoria Park
1932/100823 Perth Watts Robert Johm William Male Bridges Cecilia Imelda Female Victoria Park
1932/100824 Perth Crookston-Hobson Janette Lilian Female Tozer Ronald Sharland Male Bayswater
1932/100824 Perth Tozer Ronald Sharland Male Crookston-Hobson Janette Lilian Female Bayswater
1932/100825 Perth Love Ethel Grace Female Herrod Edward James Male Perth
1932/100825 Perth Herrod Edward James Male Love Ethel Grace Female Perth
1932/100826 Perth Jones Robert Load Cecil Male Ferguson Marion Fleming Female Perth
1932/100826 Perth Ferguson Marion Fleming Female Jones Robert Load Cecil Male Perth
1932/100827 Perth Job Elsie Irene Female Read John Hillier Male Leederville
1932/100827 Perth Read John Hillier Male Job Elsie Irene Female Leederville
1932/100828 Perth Mews Albert Edward James Male Parker Florence Sedna Female Inglewood
1932/100828 Perth Parker Florence Sedna Female Mews Albert Edward James Male Inglewood
1932/100829 Perth Harrap Elsie Female Hardiman Charles Frederick Male Perth
1932/100829 Perth Hardiman Charles Frederick Male Harrap Elsie Female Perth
1932/100830 Perth Arrow John Bernard Male South Marion Female Highgate Hill
1932/100830 Perth South Marion Female Arrow John Bernard Male Highgate Hill
1932/100831 Perth Kelso Kathleen Audrey Mary Female Leopold Arthur James Male Perth
1932/100831 Perth Leopold Arthur James Male Kelso Kathleen Audrey Mary Female Perth
1932/100832 Perth Jolly Eileen Lily Female Watson Jack Male Highgate
1932/100832 Perth Watson Jack Male Jolly Eileen Lily Female Highgate
1932/100833 Perth Bailey Tottie Verna Female Stokes Charles George Male Perth
1932/100833 Perth Stokes Charles George Male Bailey Tottie Verna Female Perth
1932/100834 Perth Anthony Edith May Female Seubert Ross Andrew Male Carlisle
1932/100834 Perth Seubert Ross Andrew Male Anthony Edith May Female Carlisle
1932/100835 Perth Poore Louis Herbert Male McCavana Ethel May Female Perth
1932/100835 Perth McCavana Ethel May Female Poore Louis Herbert Male Perth
1932/100836 Perth Nixon John Male Wright Esther Dorothy Female Perth
1932/100836 Perth Wright Esther Dorothy Female Nixon John Male Perth
1932/100837 Perth Knight Adele Lilian Female Braddock Douglas Kent Male Perth
1932/100837 Perth Braddock Douglas Kent Male Knight Adele Lilian Female Perth
1932/100838 Perth Fraser Douglas Male Dean May Female Perth
1932/100838 Perth Dean May Female Fraser Douglas Male Perth
1932/100839 Perth Kemp Lillian May Female Blewett Frank William Male Perth
1932/100839 Perth Blewett Frank William Male Kemp Lillian May Female Perth
1932/100840 Perth Screaigh Eleanor May Female Sims Victor Frederick Male Perth
1932/100840 Perth Sims Victor Frederick Male Screaigh Eleanor May Female Perth
1932/100841 Perth McAuliffe Myrtle May Female Bucirde Arlington Wallis Male West Perth
1932/100841 Perth Bucirde Arlington Wallis Male McAuliffe Myrtle May Female West Perth
1932/100842 Perth Bilich Vera Female Miolin Ivan Male West Perth
1932/100842 Perth Miolin Ivan Male Bilich Vera Female West Perth
1932/100843 Perth Monaghan William Male Rogan Hannah Female West Perth
1932/100843 Perth Rogan Hannah Female Monaghan William Male West Perth
1932/100844 Perth Young Rose Hannah Female Bow Thomas Male Maylands
1932/100844 Perth Bow Thomas Male Young Rose Hannah Female Maylands
1932/100845 Perth Goadby Harry Taylor Male Prosser Rita Florence Female Subiaco
1932/100845 Perth Prosser Rita Florence Female Goadby Harry Taylor Male Subiaco
1932/100846 Perth Ray Sydney George Male Smith Eva Evelyn Female Subiaco
1932/100846 Perth Smith Eva Evelyn Female Ray Sydney George Male Subiaco
1932/100847 Perth Summerton Phyllis Agnes Female Coad Arthur Fredrick Mervyn Male Subiaco
1932/100847 Perth Coad Arthur Fredrick Mervyn Male Summerton Phyllis Agnes Female Subiaco
1932/100848 Perth Wright Evelyn Lillian Female Baker Herbert Gilbert Male Subiaco
1932/100848 Perth Baker Herbert Gilbert Male Wright Evelyn Lillian Female Subiaco
1932/100849 Perth Jones Edith Mary Female Huck Ronald Male Perth
1932/100849 Perth Huck Ronald Male Jones Edith Mary Female Perth
1932/100850 Perth Kirby Edna Dorothy Female Blight Leslie James Male Perth
1932/100850 Perth Blight Leslie James Male Kirby Edna Dorothy Female Perth
1932/100851 Perth Smith Richard Thomas Male Woolcock Violet Female Perth
1932/100851 Perth Woolcock Violet Female Smith Richard Thomas Male Perth
1932/100852 Perth Dean William Henry Male Owen Lillian Margaret Morgan Female Leederville
1932/100852 Perth Owen Lillian Margaret Morgan Female Dean William Henry Male Leederville
1932/100853 Perth Davoren Eric Lionel Male Dennis Mavis Jean Female Inglewood
1932/100853 Perth Dennis Mavis Jean Female Davoren Eric Lionel Male Inglewood
1932/100854 Perth Low Ethel Female Smith William Kydd Male Perth
1932/100854 Perth Smith William Kydd Male Low Ethel Female Perth
1932/100855 Perth Downie James Harry Male Lanyon Dulcie Ida Female Perth
1932/100855 Perth Lanyon Dulcie Ida Female Downie James Harry Male Perth
1932/100856 Perth Benson Marjory Alma Female Frank Charles Bernard Ceillam Male Perth
1932/100856 Perth Frank Charles Bernard Ceillam Male Benson Marjory Alma Female Perth
1932/100857 Perth Dodd Levi Louis John Male Foote Reabie Female South Perth
1932/100857 Perth Foote Reabie Female Dodd Levi Louis John Male South Perth
1932/100858 Perth Johnson Etta Corelli Female Dodds George Nelson Male Perth
1932/100858 Perth Dodds George Nelson Male Johnson Etta Corelli Female Perth
1932/100859 Perth Braschey Dorothy Irene Female Jeffery Ernest Edward Male Perth
1932/100859 Perth Jeffery Ernest Edward Male Braschey Dorothy Irene Female Perth
1932/100860 Perth Downes Harry George Male Flint Olive May Female Perth
1932/100860 Perth Flint Olive May Female Downes Harry George Male Perth
1932/100861 Perth Davies Henry Joseph Male Lambert May Female Perth
1932/100861 Perth Lambert May Female Davies Henry Joseph Male Perth
1932/100862 Perth Elliott Arthur Joseph Henry Male Malmberg Hazel Alfreda Female Perth
1932/100862 Perth Malmberg Hazel Alfreda Female Elliott Arthur Joseph Henry Male Perth
1932/100863 Perth Miller Mary Julia Female Pearce Clifford Wite Male Perth
1932/100863 Perth Pearce Clifford Wite Male Miller Mary Julia Female Perth
1932/100864 Perth Skipper Leonard James Male Hebson Esther Mary Female Perth
1932/100864 Perth Hebson Esther Mary Female Skipper Leonard James Male Perth
1932/100865 Perth Sharpe Otto Stewart Morrison Male Gasmier Norma Female Perth
1932/100865 Perth Gasmier Norma Female Sharpe Otto Stewart Morrison Male Perth
1932/100866 Perth Durie Mary Josephine Female Morgan Baden Powell Male Maylands
1932/100866 Perth Morgan Baden Powell Male Durie Mary Josephine Female Maylands
1932/100867 Perth Minchin Elfreda Hope Female Harrop Harold Joseph Male West Perth
1932/100867 Perth Harrop Harold Joseph Male Minchin Elfreda Hope Female West Perth
1932/100868 Perth Wilderspin Arnold James Male Washing Violet Vera Female West Perth
1932/100868 Perth Washing Violet Vera Female Wilderspin Arnold James Male West Perth
1932/100869 Perth MacDowall John Male Peters Edith Florence May Female Perth
1932/100869 Perth Peters Edith Florence May Female MacDowall John Male Perth
1932/100870 Perth Secombe Dorothy Female Saville Alfred Male Perth
1932/100870 Perth Saville Alfred Male Secombe Dorothy Female Perth
1932/100871 Perth Gurney George Frederick Male Gill Clarice Teresa Female South Perth
1932/100871 Perth Gill Clarice Teresa Female Gurney George Frederick Male South Perth
1932/100872 Perth Rodoreda Alexander Patrick Male Puttick Ivy Clara Female Perth
1932/100872 Perth Puttick Ivy Clara Female Rodoreda Alexander Patrick Male Perth
1932/100873 Perth Andrews Arthur Gordon Male Elliston Ada Olive Female West Perth
1932/100873 Perth Elliston Ada Olive Female Andrews Arthur Gordon Male West Perth
1932/100874 Perth Moore Thomas Male Madderson Annie Female Perth
1932/100874 Perth Madderson Annie Female Moore Thomas Male Perth
1932/100875 Perth Davidson John Harold Male Gamble Gladys Irene Florence Female Perth
1932/100875 Perth Gamble Gladys Irene Florence Female Davidson John Harold Male Perth
1932/100876 Perth Murray Lillian Female Hollamby Harold Male Cottesloe
1932/100876 Perth Hollamby Harold Male Murray Lillian Female Cottesloe
1932/100877 Perth Simmonds Hilda Rose Female Boon James Owen Male Cottesloe
1932/100877 Perth Boon James Owen Male Simmonds Hilda Rose Female Cottesloe
1932/100878 Perth O'Brien John Thomas Male Cox Annie Female West Perth
1932/100878 Perth Cox Annie Female O'Brien John Thomas Male West Perth
1932/100879 Perth Bestry Peter Male Lenzi Kathleen Female West Perth
1932/100879 Perth Lenzi Kathleen Female Bestry Peter Male West Perth
1932/100880 Perth Shah Miriam Female Ward Robert James Male Leederville
1932/100880 Perth Ward Robert James Male Shah Miriam Female Leederville
1932/100881 Perth Radice Leo Male Conti Leuzza Maria Female Perth
1932/100881 Perth Conti Leuzza Maria Female Radice Leo Male Perth
1932/100882 Perth Gallehawk Bertie Woodlands Male Grove Evania Daisy Female West Perth
1932/100882 Perth Grove Evania Daisy Female Gallehawk Bertie Woodlands Male West Perth
1932/100883 Perth Gallehawk Adelaide Marguerita Female Thomas Ivor William Male West Perth
1932/100883 Perth Thomas Ivor William Male Gallehawk Adelaide Marguerita Female West Perth
1932/100884 Perth Hall Edward John Male Hogan Jessie May Female North Perth
1932/100884 Perth Hogan Jessie May Female Hall Edward John Male North Perth
1932/100885 Perth Jones Royal Norseman Vance Male Sinclair Cecelia Ethel Female North Perth
1932/100885 Perth Sinclair Cecelia Ethel Female Jones Royal Norseman Vance Male North Perth
1932/100886 Perth Willis Margaret Irene Female McMahon Terence James Male Subiaco
1932/100886 Perth McMahon Terence James Male Willis Margaret Irene Female Subiaco
1932/100887 Perth Roesner Enid Alethea Female O'Brien Romuald Allen Male Subiaco
1932/100887 Perth O'Brien Romuald Allen Male Roesner Enid Alethea Female Subiaco
1932/100888 Perth Young Clarice Female Stevens Frank Chapman Male Perth
1932/100888 Perth Stevens Frank Chapman Male Young Clarice Female Perth
1932/100889 Perth Hanstrum Gladys Emilea Female Hargrave Charles Arthur Male Perth
1932/100889 Perth Hargrave Charles Arthur Male Hanstrum Gladys Emilea Female Perth
1932/100890 Perth Pedley Florence Jenner Female Smith Herbert William Male Victoria Park
1932/100890 Perth Smith Herbert William Male Pedley Florence Jenner Female Victoria Park
1932/100891 Perth Walkerden Jean Harvy Female Byrne Dermot Sylvester Male Perth
1932/100891 Perth Byrne Dermot Sylvester Male Walkerden Jean Harvy Female Perth
1932/100892 Perth Hart Mary Winifred Female Phillips Frank Leo Male Perth
1932/100892 Perth Phillips Frank Leo Male Hart Mary Winifred Female Perth
1932/100893 Perth Boyd Mary Caroline Female Norrish Francis John Male Perth
1932/100893 Perth Norrish Francis John Male Boyd Mary Caroline Female Perth
1932/100894 Perth Gilbertson John Alexander Male Wright Josephine Irene Catherine Female Perth
1932/100894 Perth Wright Josephine Irene Catherine Female Gilbertson John Alexander Male Perth
1932/100895 Perth Paranthoiene Grace Female Morris Frank Male Perth
1932/100895 Perth Morris Frank Male Paranthoiene Grace Female Perth
1932/100896 Perth Reed Catherine Mary Female Halliday Roy Martin Male Perth
1932/100896 Perth Halliday Roy Martin Male Reed Catherine Mary Female Perth
1932/100897 Perth Punch John James Greenway Male Lloyd Marion Aileen Female Perth
1932/100897 Perth Lloyd Marion Aileen Female Punch John James Greenway Male Perth
1932/100898 Perth Ivers Mary Female Nicholson John Devin Male Perth
1932/100898 Perth Nicholson John Devin Male Ivers Mary Female Perth
1932/100899 Perth Turner Phyllis Margaret Female Quigley James Joseph Male Perth
1932/100899 Perth Quigley James Joseph Male Turner Phyllis Margaret Female Perth
1932/100900 Perth Smith Mary Isobel Female Blyth Robert Balmain Male Perth
1932/100900 Perth Blyth Robert Balmain Male Smith Mary Isobel Female Perth
1932/100901 Perth Cannon Kathleen Female Menagh Thomas Gerald Male Perth
1932/100901 Perth Menagh Thomas Gerald Male Cannon Kathleen Female Perth
1932/100902 Perth Massingham Amelia Female James Henry Thomas Male Perth
1932/100902 Perth James Henry Thomas Male Massingham Amelia Female Perth
1932/100903 Perth Glencross Mavis Ruth Female Kelly William Samuel Thomas Male Perth
1932/100903 Perth Kelly William Samuel Thomas Male Glencross Mavis Ruth Female Perth
1932/100904 Perth Dunne Thomas Charles Male Brian Eileen Mary Female Perth
1932/100904 Perth Brian Eileen Mary Female Dunne Thomas Charles Male Perth
1932/100905 Perth Glossop Francis William Male Burnsyde Mary Agnes Female Perth
1932/100905 Perth Burnsyde Mary Agnes Female Glossop Francis William Male Perth
1932/100906 Perth Coleman Nellie Dorothy Female Smart Jack Male Perth
1932/100906 Perth Smart Jack Male Coleman Nellie Dorothy Female Perth
1932/100907 Perth Doody Margaret Eileen Female Dennerley Thomas Male Perth
1932/100907 Perth Dennerley Thomas Male Doody Margaret Eileen Female Perth
1932/100908 Perth Raitt William James Male McRanor Agnes Female Perth
1932/100908 Perth McRanor Agnes Female Raitt William James Male Perth
1932/100909 Perth Diggins Christina Ann Female Dunning Edward Philip Male Leederville
1932/100909 Perth Dunning Edward Philip Male Diggins Christina Ann Female Leederville
1932/100910 Perth Howard Doreen Alice Female McKeig Stephen Edgar Male Leederville
1932/100910 Perth McKeig Stephen Edgar Male Howard Doreen Alice Female Leederville
1932/100911 Perth Monnock Doris Priscilla Female Wymond Edgar Charles Male Perth
1933/100911 Perth Walton Andrew Joseph Male Caporn Linda Irene Female Perth
1932/100911 Perth Wymond Edgar Charles Male Monnock Doris Priscilla Female Perth
1933/100911 Perth Caporn Linda Irene Female Walton Andrew Joseph Male Perth
1932/100912 Perth Maley Eric Charles Robert Male Burdon Doris Mabel Female Perth
1933/100912 Perth Pozzi Alfred Augustus Male Scanlan Vida May Female Perth
1933/100912 Perth Scanlan Vida May Female Pozzi Alfred Augustus Male Perth
1932/100912 Perth Burdon Doris Mabel Female Maley Eric Charles Robert Male Perth
1932/100913 Perth Stevens Doris Evelyn Female Hammond Colin Lewis Male Perth
1933/100913 Perth Dicken Gertrude Female Duffy Ernest Male Perth
1933/100913 Perth Duffy Ernest Male Dicken Gertrude Female Perth
1932/100913 Perth Hammond Colin Lewis Male Stevens Doris Evelyn Female Perth
1933/100914 Perth Hughes Robert Francis Male Moran Dorothy Mary Female Perth
1932/100914 Perth Wahl Carl Hunt Male Herold Ruth Female Perth
1933/100914 Perth Moran Dorothy Mary Female Hughes Robert Francis Male Perth
1932/100914 Perth Herold Ruth Female Wahl Carl Hunt Male Perth
1932/100915 Perth Downey Gertrude Ann Female Cook Clyde Male Perth
1932/100915 Perth Cook Clyde Male Downey Gertrude Ann Female Perth
1932/100916 Perth Billett Charles Percival Male Argust Rose Maud Eva Female Maylands
1932/100916 Perth Argust Rose Maud Eva Female Billett Charles Percival Male Maylands
1932/100917 Perth Muego Jessie Geates Female Slater Percy Longford Male Leederville
1932/100917 Perth Slater Percy Longford Male Muego Jessie Geates Female Leederville
1932/100918 Perth Hunt Veronica Beradine Female Johnston Stuart Stanley Male Perth
1932/100918 Perth Johnston Stuart Stanley Male Hunt Veronica Beradine Female Perth
1932/100919 Perth Cardell Alice Dorothy Female Hunter Arthur Ronald Male West Perth
1932/100919 Perth Hunter Arthur Ronald Male Cardell Alice Dorothy Female West Perth
1932/100920 Perth Harper Christopher Laurence Male Hicks Ethel Mabel Doris Female West Perth
1932/100920 Perth Hicks Ethel Mabel Doris Female Harper Christopher Laurence Male West Perth
1932/100921 Perth Nankivell Blanche Marion Female Jones Harold Victor Male West Perth
1932/100921 Perth Jones Harold Victor Male Nankivell Blanche Marion Female West Perth
1932/100922 Perth Clifford William Laurence Male Oates Clarice Elizabeth Female Subiaco
1932/100922 Perth Oates Clarice Elizabeth Female Clifford William Laurence Male Subiaco
1932/100923 Perth Matsen Victor Charles Male Johns Marjorie Female West Perth
1932/100923 Perth Johns Marjorie Female Matsen Victor Charles Male West Perth
1932/100924 Perth Jones Rose Kathleen Female Lilley Neil Ashton Male Perth
1932/100924 Perth Lilley Neil Ashton Male Jones Rose Kathleen Female Perth
1932/100925 Perth Roberts Elsie Victoria Female Butcher James Male Perth
1932/100925 Perth Butcher James Male Roberts Elsie Victoria Female Perth
1932/100926 Perth Norrish Vera Female Ross Michael Male West Perth
1932/100926 Perth Ross Michael Male Norrish Vera Female West Perth
1932/100927 Perth Uren Elsie Louise Female Rogers Frederick Leslie Male West Leederville
1932/100927 Perth Rogers Frederick Leslie Male Uren Elsie Louise Female West Leederville
1932/100928 Perth Iles John Ernest Male Parkes Lily Female Victoria Park
1932/100928 Perth Parkes Lily Female Iles John Ernest Male Victoria Park
1932/100929 Perth Delaney Margaret Gertrude Female Cunnold Frederick Stafford Male Victoria Park
1932/100929 Perth Cunnold Frederick Stafford Male Delaney Margaret Gertrude Female Victoria Park
1932/100930 Perth Mason William John Male Rocchi Ann Dorothy Female Victoria Park
1932/100930 Perth Rocchi Ann Dorothy Female Mason William John Male Victoria Park
1932/100931 Perth McMahon William Thomas Male Roper Violet Female Subiaco
1932/100931 Perth Roper Violet Female McMahon William Thomas Male Subiaco
1932/100932 Perth Brittain Alfred Ernest Male Sims Ada Sarah Kate Female West Perth
1932/100932 Perth Sims Ada Sarah Kate Female Brittain Alfred Ernest Male West Perth
1932/100933 Perth Bull Harry Male Dunham Kathleen Female Mt Lawley
1932/100933 Perth Dunham Kathleen Female Bull Harry Male Mt Lawley
1932/100934 Perth Jones William Henry Male Woodworth Alice Evelyn Female West Perth
1932/100934 Perth Woodworth Alice Evelyn Female Jones William Henry Male West Perth
1932/100935 Perth Maloney Bertha Katharine Female Lindley Percival Stewart Male West Perth
1932/100935 Perth Lindley Percival Stewart Male Maloney Bertha Katharine Female West Perth
1932/100936 Perth Park Lewis Henry Male Ewers Grace Emily Female Perth
1932/100936 Perth Ewers Grace Emily Female Park Lewis Henry Male Perth
1932/100937 Perth Dundas Robert Ferriss Male Westlake Winifred Marjorie Female Perth
1932/100937 Perth Westlake Winifred Marjorie Female Dundas Robert Ferriss Male Perth
1932/100938 Perth Cooley Elsie Jane Female Cox Noel William Male Claremont
1932/100938 Perth Cox Noel William Male Cooley Elsie Jane Female Claremont
1932/100939 Perth Spencer Hazel Alwina Female Thompson Albert Ernest Male Victoria Park
1932/100939 Perth Thompson Albert Ernest Male Spencer Hazel Alwina Female Victoria Park
1932/100940 Perth Fyfe Kathleen Maude Female Hoddy Frederick James Male West Perth
1932/100940 Perth Hoddy Frederick James Male Fyfe Kathleen Maude Female West Perth
1932/100941 Perth Leicester Alfred Geoffrey Male Worthington Stella Doreen Female West Perth
1932/100941 Perth Worthington Stella Doreen Female Leicester Alfred Geoffrey Male West Perth
1932/100942 Perth Mapleson May Surrey Female Neal Thomas Berry Male Subiaco
1932/100942 Perth Neal Thomas Berry Male Mapleson May Surrey Female Subiaco
1932/100943 Perth Barwise Percival James St George Male Hansen Dagmar Dortea Eugenie Female Perth
1932/100943 Perth Hansen Dagmar Dortea Eugenie Female Barwise Percival James St George Male Perth
1932/100944 Perth Doust Stanley Burnett Male Black Vera Victoria Female Perth
1932/100944 Perth Black Vera Victoria Female Doust Stanley Burnett Male Perth
1932/100945 Perth Bolitho Frederick Richard Male Morris Grace Evelyn Female Perth
1932/100945 Perth Morris Grace Evelyn Female Bolitho Frederick Richard Male Perth
1932/100946 Perth Cooper Lionel Graham Male Henderson Dorothy Margaret Female Perth
1932/100946 Perth Henderson Dorothy Margaret Female Cooper Lionel Graham Male Perth
1932/100947 Perth Ronald Margaret Louise Female Herbert Gilbert Evelyn Male Subiaco
1932/100947 Perth Herbert Gilbert Evelyn Male Ronald Margaret Louise Female Subiaco
1932/100948 Perth Watkins Gwendoline Female Gollan Arthur Male Subiaco
1932/100948 Perth Gollan Arthur Male Watkins Gwendoline Female Subiaco
1932/100949 Perth Hill Arthur Stanley Male Houston Mary Lillian Jean Female Forrest-Park
1932/100949 Perth Houston Mary Lillian Jean Female Hill Arthur Stanley Male Forrest-Park
1932/100950 Perth Bateman Audrey John Male Parkett Maritta Gilbert Robinson Female Perth
1932/100950 Perth Parkett Maritta Gilbert Robinson Female Bateman Audrey John Male Perth
1932/100951 Perth McCormack Roderick Stuart Male Seubert Heather Mavis Female Perth
1932/100951 Perth Seubert Heather Mavis Female McCormack Roderick Stuart Male Perth
1932/100952 Perth Edwards Minnie Ellen Female Taylor Edward Male Perth
1932/100952 Perth Taylor Edward Male Edwards Minnie Ellen Female Perth
1932/100953 Perth Fulker Annie Minnie Female McDougall Norman Victor Male Perth
1932/100953 Perth McDougall Norman Victor Male Fulker Annie Minnie Female Perth
1932/100954 Perth Jacques Mary Frances Female Melbourne Joseph Male Perth
1932/100954 Perth Melbourne Joseph Male Jacques Mary Frances Female Perth
1932/100955 Perth Simsen Robert Peter Male Davis Grace Ann May Female Perth
1932/100955 Perth Davis Grace Ann May Female Simsen Robert Peter Male Perth
1932/100956 Perth Scrimgeour James Male Williams Winifred Female Perth
1932/100956 Perth Williams Winifred Female Scrimgeour James Male Perth
1932/100957 Perth Poyner Doris Ada Female Boal Samuel Male West Perth
1932/100957 Perth Boal Samuel Male Poyner Doris Ada Female West Perth
1932/100958 Perth Keenan Gwendoline Alice Female Bartle Donald Clive Male Leederville
1932/100958 Perth Bartle Donald Clive Male Keenan Gwendoline Alice Female Leederville
1932/100959 Perth Larson Rebecca Mary Female Neilsen Christian Male Perth
1932/100959 Perth Neilsen Christian Male Larson Rebecca Mary Female Perth
1932/100960 Perth Stanbury Thomas Norman Male Illingworth Elizabeth Constance Female Perth
1932/100960 Perth Illingworth Elizabeth Constance Female Stanbury Thomas Norman Male Perth
1932/100961 Perth Heitmann Metta Jane Female O'Connor William Wells Male Cottesloe Beach
1932/100961 Perth O'Connor William Wells Male Heitmann Metta Jane Female Cottesloe Beach
1932/100962 Perth Sinclair Hector Malcolm Male Ward Joyce Female Perth
1932/100962 Perth Ward Joyce Female Sinclair Hector Malcolm Male Perth
1932/100963 Perth Haley Dorothy Ada Female Abercromby Ernest Male Leederville
1932/100963 Perth Abercromby Ernest Male Haley Dorothy Ada Female Leederville
1932/100964 Perth Hann David Henry Male Quin Amy Guildford Female South Perth
1932/100964 Perth Quin Amy Guildford Female Hann David Henry Male South Perth
1932/100965 Perth Tink George Frederick Male Penny Ivy Female Perth
1932/100965 Perth Penny Ivy Female Tink George Frederick Male Perth
1932/100966 Perth Meston Jessie Fletcher Female Sier Edward Gould Male Perth
1932/100966 Perth Sier Edward Gould Male Meston Jessie Fletcher Female Perth
1932/100967 Perth Ingram Marjorie Female Stevens Ronald Arthur Male Perth
1932/100967 Perth Stevens Ronald Arthur Male Ingram Marjorie Female Perth
1932/100968 Perth Voyer Percival Bertram Wesley Male Walker Phyllis Ann Female Perth
1932/100968 Perth Walker Phyllis Ann Female Voyer Percival Bertram Wesley Male Perth
1932/100969 Perth Orr Clarence William Male Holtz Evelyn May Crellin Female Perth
1932/100969 Perth Holtz Evelyn May Crellin Female Orr Clarence William Male Perth
1932/100970 Perth Lowden Dora Female King William Fitzgibbon Male Perth
1932/100970 Perth King William Fitzgibbon Male Lowden Dora Female Perth
1932/100971 Perth Baker Lily Female Gedling James Lewis Male Perth
1932/100971 Perth Gedling James Lewis Male Baker Lily Female Perth
1932/100972 Perth Cohen Janie Female Wexlear Hyman Male Perth
1932/100972 Perth Wexlear Hyman Male Cohen Janie Female Perth
1932/100973 Perth Jacobson Eric Henning Male Purdy Mavis Doreen Female Perth
1932/100973 Perth Purdy Mavis Doreen Female Jacobson Eric Henning Male Perth
1932/100974 Perth Wegner Charles Noel Male Clark Irene Ellen Female Claremont
1932/100974 Perth Clark Irene Ellen Female Wegner Charles Noel Male Claremont
1932/100975 Perth Tweedie Leslie Male Rust Ada Doreen Female Claremont
1932/100975 Perth Rust Ada Doreen Female Tweedie Leslie Male Claremont
1932/100976 Perth Porter Margaret Edith Female Briggs Robert Hartley Male Claremont
1932/100976 Perth Briggs Robert Hartley Male Porter Margaret Edith Female Claremont
1932/100977 Perth Coufas Eve Female Mirmikidis Thanos Male Perth
1932/100977 Perth Mirmikidis Thanos Male Coufas Eve Female Perth
1932/100978 Perth Seubert Grace Hope Female Lague Walter Leslie Male Perth
1932/100978 Perth Lague Walter Leslie Male Seubert Grace Hope Female Perth
1932/100979 Perth Campbell Albert Leslie Male McClymans Eva Female Perth
1932/100979 Perth McClymans Eva Female Campbell Albert Leslie Male Perth
1932/100980 Perth Cameron Ethel Margaret Female Laing John Male Perth
1932/100980 Perth Laing John Male Cameron Ethel Margaret Female Perth
1932/100981 Perth Marks Lila Anne Female Wright Kenneth Russell Male Perth
1932/100981 Perth Wright Kenneth Russell Male Marks Lila Anne Female Perth
1932/100982 Perth Jones Arthur Vernon Male Hurley Una Clarabell Female Leederville
1932/100982 Perth Hurley Una Clarabell Female Jones Arthur Vernon Male Leederville
1932/100983 Perth McBride Gladys Edna Female Wilson Frederick Thomas Male Perth
1932/100983 Perth Wilson Frederick Thomas Male McBride Gladys Edna Female Perth
1932/100984 Perth Gray Ernest Frederick Male Steddy Dorothy May Female Perth
1932/100984 Perth Steddy Dorothy May Female Gray Ernest Frederick Male Perth
1932/100985 Perth Herbert Alfred Russell Male Ryan Annie Ethel Female Perth
1932/100985 Perth Ryan Annie Ethel Female Herbert Alfred Russell Male Perth
1932/100986 Perth Downey Thomas James Male Cavanagh Eileen Pearl Female Perth
1932/100986 Perth Cavanagh Eileen Pearl Female Downey Thomas James Male Perth
1932/100987 Perth Jones Malcolm Watson Male Walkerden Thelma Joyce Female Perth
1932/100987 Perth Walkerden Thelma Joyce Female Jones Malcolm Watson Male Perth
1932/100988 Perth Foley Albert Samuel Male Stacey Olive Maud Female Perth
1932/100988 Perth Stacey Olive Maud Female Foley Albert Samuel Male Perth
1932/100989 Perth Taylor James Male Mark Lily Florence Female Subiaco
1932/100989 Perth Mark Lily Florence Female Taylor James Male Subiaco
1932/100990 Perth Brown Maud Budge Female Simmons Archibald Thomas Male Perth
1932/100990 Perth Simmons Archibald Thomas Male Brown Maud Budge Female Perth
1932/100991 Perth Neville Dorothy Ethel Female Clausen Harold Carey Male Highgate
1932/100991 Perth Clausen Harold Carey Male Neville Dorothy Ethel Female Highgate
1932/100992 Perth Wittorff Blondiene Jane Female Evans Allan Leonard Male Perth
1932/100992 Perth Evans Allan Leonard Male Wittorff Blondiene Jane Female Perth
1932/100993 Perth Smith Ann Robertson Female Wale Charles John Male Highgate
1932/100993 Perth Wale Charles John Male Smith Ann Robertson Female Highgate
1932/100994 Perth Hutchinson Henry Victor Male Sanders Dorothy Edna Female Highgate
1932/100994 Perth Sanders Dorothy Edna Female Hutchinson Henry Victor Male Highgate
1932/100995 Perth Plumb Cecil Male Lyle Jessie Vasse Female Perth
1932/100995 Perth Lyle Jessie Vasse Female Plumb Cecil Male Perth Lyle-2476
1932/100996 Perth Morgan Leslie Charles Male Shier Ellen Female Perth
1932/100996 Perth Shier Ellen Female Morgan Leslie Charles Male Perth
1932/100997 Perth Simmons Wyndham Isaac Bell Male Babarovich Gladys Female Perth
1932/100997 Perth Babarovich Gladys Female Simmons Wyndham Isaac Bell Male Perth
1932/100998 Perth Spencer Leonard Percy Male Austin Marjorie Female West Perth
1932/100998 Perth Austin Marjorie Female Spencer Leonard Percy Male West Perth
1932/100999 Perth Meyer George Ralph Male Maxwell Edith Alice Female West Perth
1932/100999 Perth Maxwell Edith Alice Female Meyer George Ralph Male West Perth
1932/101000 Perth Goodwin Eva Thelma Female Hannah James Male Perth
1932/101000 Perth Hannah James Male Goodwin Eva Thelma Female Perth
1932/101001 Perth Burgess Beatrice Emily Isabel Female Edmondson Robert Wilson Male Perth
1932/101001 Perth Edmondson Robert Wilson Male Burgess Beatrice Emily Isabel Female Perth
1932/101002 Perth Sivewright Nancy Winifred Female Bryden James Male Perth
1932/101002 Perth Bryden James Male Sivewright Nancy Winifred Female Perth
1932/101003 Perth Greenwood William Edward Male Mellet Sadie Isabel Female Leederville
1932/101003 Perth Mellet Sadie Isabel Female Greenwood William Edward Male Leederville
1932/101004 Perth Taylor Leslie Harold Male Davies Marie Lilian Female Leederville
1932/101004 Perth Davies Marie Lilian Female Taylor Leslie Harold Male Leederville
1932/101005 Perth Prosser Thomas Arthur Male Priest Marion Maud Female South Perth
1932/101005 Perth Priest Marion Maud Female Prosser Thomas Arthur Male South Perth
1932/101006 Perth Wilkins Maurice Stephen Male Champ Lilian Craig Female Perth
1932/101006 Perth Champ Lilian Craig Female Wilkins Maurice Stephen Male Perth
1932/101007 Perth Rowe Edith Elsie Female Stacey Harold James Male Bayswater
1932/101007 Perth Stacey Harold James Male Rowe Edith Elsie Female Bayswater
1932/101008 Perth Molloy Mary Hannah Female Hughes Cornelius Ryan Male Cottesloe
1932/101008 Perth Hughes Cornelius Ryan Male Molloy Mary Hannah Female Cottesloe
1932/101009 Perth Bredal Henry James Male Pettit Dorris May Female West Perth
1932/101009 Perth Pettit Dorris May Female Bredal Henry James Male West Perth
1932/101010 Perth Lawson Thomas Stuart Male Simpson Marguerite Phillips Female Nedlands
1932/101010 Perth Simpson Marguerite Phillips Female Lawson Thomas Stuart Male Nedlands
1932/101011 Perth Middleton Annie Catherine Female Worthington Gordon Dare Male Perth
1932/101011 Perth Worthington Gordon Dare Male Middleton Annie Catherine Female Perth
1932/101012 Perth Carvell Leonard Male Roberts Lorna May Female Leederville
1932/101012 Perth Roberts Lorna May Female Carvell Leonard Male Leederville
1932/101013 Perth Elston Fred Male Buck Enid Mary Female Perth
1932/101013 Perth Buck Enid Mary Female Elston Fred Male Perth
1932/101014 Perth Morris Kathleen Florence Female Long Francis Leslie Male Subiaco
1932/101014 Perth Long Francis Leslie Male Morris Kathleen Florence Female Subiaco
1932/101015 Perth Best Audrey Louise Jane Allen Female Hodge Arthur William John Male Subiaco
1932/101015 Perth Hodge Arthur William John Male Best Audrey Louise Jane Allen Female Subiaco
1932/101016 Perth Reid Margaret Watson Female Tyson George Edward Male Subiaco
1932/101016 Perth Tyson George Edward Male Reid Margaret Watson Female Subiaco
1932/101017 Perth Berwick Harry Lawrence Male Prangnell Ivy Florence Female Victoria Park
1932/101017 Perth Prangnell Ivy Florence Female Berwick Harry Lawrence Male Victoria Park
1932/101018 Perth Gregg Edna May Female Nolan Kenneth Austin Male Victoria Park
1932/101018 Perth Nolan Kenneth Austin Male Gregg Edna May Female Victoria Park
1932/101019 Perth McCulloch Robina Allison Female Stockden Felix William Male Victoria Park
1932/101019 Perth Stockden Felix William Male McCulloch Robina Allison Female Victoria Park
1932/101020 Perth Annetts Herbert Edward Male Cockram Jessie Ada Female Victoria Park
1932/101020 Perth Cockram Jessie Ada Female Annetts Herbert Edward Male Victoria Park
1932/101021 Perth Camm Dora Female Wilson Linley Barton Male Claremont
1932/101021 Perth Wilson Linley Barton Male Camm Dora Female Claremont
1932/101022 Perth Cluning John Gregory Male Wackett Athole Evelyn Female Claremont
1932/101022 Perth Wackett Athole Evelyn Female Cluning John Gregory Male Claremont
1932/101023 Perth Hardey Dorothy May Female Ayre Albert Cornwall Male North Perth
1932/101023 Perth Ayre Albert Cornwall Male Hardey Dorothy May Female North Perth
1932/101024 Perth Byng Grace Female Couper Edward Lawton Male Cottesloe
1932/101024 Perth Couper Edward Lawton Male Byng Grace Female Cottesloe
1932/101025 Perth Harris James Alexander Male Piggott Clara Augusta Female Perth
1932/101025 Perth Piggott Clara Augusta Female Harris James Alexander Male Perth
1932/101026 Perth White Mabel Ada Marigold Female Sweeting Cecil Hallett Male West Perth
1932/101026 Perth Sweeting Cecil Hallett Male Griffiths Mabel Ada Marigold Female West Perth
1932/101026 Perth Sweeting Cecil Hallett Male White Mabel Ada Marigold Female West Perth
1932/101026 Perth Griffiths Mabel Ada Marigold Female Sweeting Cecil Hallett Male West Perth
1932/101027 Perth Finnigan John Henry Male Mackenzie Frances Female West Perth
1932/101027 Perth Mackenzie Frances Female Finnigan John Henry Male West Perth
1932/101028 Perth Kenworthy Thomas Charles Male Weate Eliza Female Claremont
1932/101028 Perth Weate Eliza Female Kenworthy Thomas Charles Male Claremont
1932/101029 Perth Jewell Charles Frederick Male Caldwell Agnes Jean Female Claremont
1932/101029 Perth Caldwell Agnes Jean Female Jewell Charles Frederick Male Claremont
1932/101030 Perth Sharp Bessie Female Cohen Harold Male Perth
1932/101030 Perth Cohen Harold Male Sharp Bessie Female Perth
1932/101031 Perth O'Halloran Edna May Female Hart Clarence George Male Subiaco
1932/101031 Perth Hart Clarence George Male O'Halloran Edna May Female Subiaco
1932/101032 Perth Howse Archibald George Male Wiffen Ethel Gladys Female North Leederville
1932/101032 Perth Wiffen Ethel Gladys Female Howse Archibald George Male North Leederville
1932/101033 Perth Franks Edna Mabel Female Masson Albert Maurice Male Perth
1932/101033 Perth Masson Albert Maurice Male Franks Edna Mabel Female Perth
1932/101034 Perth Mattinzzi Annie Mary Female Langley Richard Male Leederville
1932/101034 Perth Langley Richard Male Mattinzzi Annie Mary Female Leederville
1932/101035 Perth Jones Winifred Female Tunzi Jack Male Bayswater
1932/101035 Perth Tunzi Jack Male Jones Winifred Female Bayswater
1932/101036 Perth Smith Algernon Charles Male Bentley Dorothy Beatrice Female Cottesloe
1932/101036 Perth Bentley Dorothy Beatrice Female Smith Algernon Charles Male Cottesloe
1932/101037 Perth Mangnall Ivy Margaret Female Benporath Gordon Wylder Male Cottesloe
1932/101037 Perth Benporath Gordon Wylder Male Mangnall Ivy Margaret Female Cottesloe
1932/101038 Perth Risbey Albert Weightman Male Stewart Annie Millicent Female Perth
1932/101038 Perth Stewart Annie Millicent Female Risbey Albert Weightman Male Perth
1932/101039 Perth White Jean Ray Female Halbert Hugh Victor Male Perth
1932/101039 Perth Halbert Hugh Victor Male White Jean Ray Female Perth
1932/101040 Perth Donaldson Julia Female Boyes Gordon Leslie Male Perth
1932/101040 Perth Boyes Gordon Leslie Male Donaldson Julia Female Perth
1932/101041 Perth Edwards Maud Female Hodder Herbert Male Perth
1932/101041 Perth Hodder Herbert Male Edwards Maud Female Perth
1932/101042 Perth O'Brien Lawrence George Male Day Jessie Edna Female Perth
1932/101042 Perth Day Jessie Edna Female O'Brien Lawrence George Male Perth
1932/101043 Perth Procter Stanley William Male Railton Phyllis Female Perth
1932/101043 Perth Railton Phyllis Female Procter Stanley William Male Perth
1932/101044 Perth Mitchell Ewen Cameron Male Jamieson Florence Margaretta Female Perth
1932/101044 Perth Jamieson Florence Margaretta Female Mitchell Ewen Cameron Male Perth
1932/101045 Perth Thompson Dorothy Evelyn Female Weir Alexander Joseph Male Perth
1932/101045 Perth Weir Alexander Joseph Male Thompson Dorothy Evelyn Female Perth
1932/101046 Perth Dyson Ivy Isabella Louisa Female Irwin Edward William Male Perth
1932/101046 Perth Irwin Edward William Male Dyson Ivy Isabella Louisa Female Perth
1932/101047 Perth Lake Beryl May Female Constantine George Male Perth
1932/101047 Perth Constantine George Male Lake Beryl May Female Perth
1932/101048 Perth Shier Henry George Male Parkey Mary Jane Female Perth
1932/101048 Perth Parkey Mary Jane Female Shier Henry George Male Perth
1932/101049 Perth Gilbert David John Male Hodgetts Florence Emily Western Female Perth
1932/101049 Perth Hodgetts Florence Emily Western Female Gilbert David John Male Perth
1932/101050 Perth Elvy Phyllis Dorothy Rose Female Clarkson William Thomas Male Perth
1932/101050 Perth Clarkson William Thomas Male Elvy Phyllis Dorothy Rose Female Perth
1933/101051 Perth Cura Desolina Female Salerian John Male Perth
1932/101051 Perth Foale Eric Alan Male Hastings Eliza May Female Perth
1933/101051 Perth Salerian John Male Cura Desolina Female Perth
1932/101051 Perth Hastings Eliza May Female Foale Eric Alan Male Perth
1932/101052 Perth Stockdale Rosina Mabel Female Balding Francis Andrew Male Perth
1932/101052 Perth Balding Francis Andrew Male Stockdale Rosina Mabel Female Perth
1932/101053 Perth Douglas Donald Olsen Male Watkins Edna May Female Highgate
1932/101053 Perth Watkins Edna May Female Douglas Donald Olsen Male Highgate
1932/101054 Perth Hallatt Mabel Female Hudson William Male Highgate
1932/101054 Perth Hudson William Male Hallatt Mabel Female Highgate
1932/101055 Perth Spencer John Edwin Male Ward Vera May Female Perth
1932/101055 Perth Ward Vera May Female Spencer John Edwin Male Perth
1932/101056 Perth Kelly Raymond Herbert Male Hawkins Eileen Female Maylands
1933/101056 Perth McCusker Mary Female Stock Robert William Male Perth
1933/101056 Perth Stock Robert William Male McCusker Mary Female Perth
1932/101056 Perth Hawkins Eileen Female Kelly Raymond Herbert Male Maylands
1932/101057 Perth Parker George William Male Leopold Anne Female West Perth
1932/101057 Perth Leopold Anne Female Parker George William Male West Perth
1933/101057 Perth Miller Francis John Male Barker Ethel May Female Perth
1933/101057 Perth Barker Ethel May Female Miller Francis John Male Perth
1932/101058 Perth Jones Glyndwr Male Mossman Edna May Female Perth
1932/101058 Perth Mossman Edna May Female Jones Glyndwr Male Perth
1933/101058 Perth Lightly William Norman Male Angwin Ada Leila May Female Perth
1933/101058 Perth Angwin Ada Leila May Female Lightly William Norman Male Perth
1932/101059 Perth Mulligan Leslie George Male Buck Doreen Mary Female Perth
1933/101059 Perth Prior Leslie Male Burns Hetty Female Perth
1933/101059 Perth Burns Hetty Female Prior Leslie Male Perth
1932/101059 Perth Buck Doreen Mary Female Mulligan Leslie George Male Perth
1933/101060 Perth Baccini Primo Male Paolinelli Anna Dolores Female Perth
1933/101060 Perth Paolinelli Anna Dolores Female Baccini Primo Male Perth
1932/101060 Perth Rosser Ariel Gertrude Female Kirby William Male Perth
1932/101060 Perth Kirby William Male Rosser Ariel Gertrude Female Perth
1932/101061 Perth Carter Arthur Joseph Male Crowley Annie Agatha Female Perth
1932/101061 Perth Crowley Annie Agatha Female Carter Arthur Joseph Male Perth
1933/101061 Perth Sorrensen Eileen Female Lynch Michael Male Perth
1933/101061 Perth Lynch Michael Male Sorrensen Eileen Female Perth
1933/101062 Perth Rosmanich Ellen May Female Dixon Alexander Norman Male Perth
1933/101062 Perth Dixon Alexander Norman Male Rosmanich Ellen May Female Perth
1932/101062 Perth Ryan John Vincent Male Johnson Hilda Margaret Female Perth
1932/101062 Perth Johnson Hilda Margaret Female Ryan John Vincent Male Perth
1933/101063 Perth Spencer Lavinia Francis Female Parr George William Male Perth
1933/101063 Perth Parr George William Male Spencer Lavinia Francis Female Perth
1932/101063 Perth Audas Violet Olga Nellie Female Moriarty Francis Alphonso Male Perth
1932/101063 Perth Moriarty Francis Alphonso Male Audas Violet Olga Nellie Female Perth
1932/101064 Perth Quayle John William Male McIntosh Emma Female Perth
1933/101064 Perth Cunningham Irene Margaret Female Mews Charles Henry Male Perth
1933/101064 Perth Phelan Irene Margaret Female Mews Charles Henry Male Perth
1932/101064 Perth McIntosh Emma Female Quayle John William Male Perth
1933/101064 Perth Mews Charles Henry Male Cunningham Irene Margaret Female Perth
1933/101064 Perth Mews Charles Henry Male Phelan Irene Margaret Female Perth
1932/101065 Perth James Joseph Male Cheeseman Kate Female Perth
1932/101065 Perth Cheeseman Kate Female James Joseph Male Perth
1932/101066 Perth Cunningham Patrick Victor Male Boor Queenee Estelle Female Subiaco
1932/101066 Perth Boor Queenee Estelle Female Cunningham Patrick Victor Male Subiaco
1932/101067 Perth Everard Leslie Robert Male Ashley Edna Ethel Female Victoria Park
1932/101067 Perth Ashley Edna Ethel Female Everard Leslie Robert Male Victoria Park
1932/101068 Perth Cook Harold Edward Walter Male Sutton Ruby Doris Female Victoria Park
1932/101068 Perth Sutton Ruby Doris Female Cook Harold Edward Walter Male Victoria Park
1932/101069 Perth Daley John Michael Male McClements Annie May Female Perth
1932/101069 Perth McClements Annie May Female Daley John Michael Male Perth
1932/101070 Perth Kenning Anthony Thomas Male Innes Lily Katie Elizabeth Female Perth
1932/101070 Perth Innes Lily Katie Elizabeth Female Kenning Anthony Thomas Male Perth
1932/101071 Perth Bick Eena Iris Female Bonner Herman Howard Male Perth
1932/101071 Perth Bonner Herman Howard Male Bick Eena Iris Female Perth
1932/101072 Perth O'Hehir Elizabeth Josephine Female Aplin Arthur Frederick Male Perth
1932/101072 Perth Aplin Arthur Frederick Male O'Hehir Elizabeth Josephine Female Perth
1932/101073 Perth Payne George Robert Male McPhee Grace Rebecca Female Perth
1932/101073 Perth McPhee Grace Rebecca Female Payne George Robert Male Perth
1932/101074 Perth Sticht Chester Ernest Male Goff Betty Clayton Female Perth
1932/101074 Perth Goff Betty Clayton Female Sticht Chester Ernest Male Perth
1932/101075 Perth Hanson Elsie Ruth Female Green Ralph Wesley Male Perth
1932/101075 Perth Green Ralph Wesley Male Hanson Elsie Ruth Female Perth
1932/101076 Perth Woods Ada May Female Benporath Ernest Hilton Male Perth
1932/101076 Perth Benporath Ernest Hilton Male Woods Ada May Female Perth
1932/101077 Perth Cumming John Male Prussian Mary Ellen Female Perth
1932/101077 Perth Prussian Mary Ellen Female Cumming John Male Perth
1932/101078 Perth Watt Catherine Agnes Female Lester Clarence Victor Male Perth
1932/101078 Perth Lester Clarence Victor Male Watt Catherine Agnes Female Perth
1932/101079 Perth Chessell Arthur Masters Male Lillee Ethel Female Maylands
1932/101079 Perth Lillee Ethel Female Chessell Arthur Masters Male Maylands
1932/101080 Perth Bowden Albert John Male Brosnan Olive Ellen Female Perth
1932/101080 Perth Brosnan Olive Ellen Female Bowden Albert John Male Perth
1932/101081 Perth Thompson Bertha May Female Cartwright Frank Pighills Male Perth
1932/101081 Perth Cartwright Frank Pighills Male Thompson Bertha May Female Perth
1932/101082 Perth Flavell Clifford Kurle Male Burridge Agnes Female North Perth
1932/101082 Perth Burridge Agnes Female Flavell Clifford Kurle Male North Perth
1932/101083 Perth Waugh Hazel Margaret Female Newman Charles Male North Perth
1932/101083 Perth Newman Charles Male Waugh Hazel Margaret Female North Perth
1932/101084 Perth Kingman Thomas James Alexander Male Cooper Clara Female Perth
1932/101084 Perth Cooper Clara Female Kingman Thomas James Alexander Male Perth
1932/101085 Perth Gallagher James Michael Male Wright Rita May Female Perth
1932/101085 Perth Wright Rita May Female Gallagher James Michael Male Perth
1932/101086 Perth Carless Frederick Clive Male Johnston Myrtle Annie Female Victoria Park
1932/101086 Perth Johnston Myrtle Annie Female Carless Frederick Clive Male Victoria Park
1932/101087 Perth Edgar Daisy Ann Female Dowie Robert Male Perth
1932/101087 Perth Dowie Robert Male Edgar Daisy Ann Female Perth
1932/101088 Perth Vann Bremeir Clifton Male Gardiner Janet Gladys Female Perth
1932/101088 Perth Gardiner Janet Gladys Female Vann Bremeir Clifton Male Perth
1932/101089 Perth Lowrie Lydia Jessie Female Stapleton Alfred Male Perth
1932/101089 Perth Stapleton Alfred Male Lowrie Lydia Jessie Female Perth
1932/101090 Perth Burns Laurel McBeath Female King Stuart Oswald Male Perth
1932/101090 Perth King Stuart Oswald Male Burns Laurel McBeath Female Perth
1932/101091 Perth Franks William Male Foxton Gladys Mary Elizabeth Female Perth
1932/101091 Perth Foxton Gladys Mary Elizabeth Female Franks William Male Perth
1932/101092 Perth Locke Mary Female Rowling Sydney Raphael George Male Perth
1932/101092 Perth Rowling Sydney Raphael George Male Locke Mary Female Perth
1932/101093 Perth Griggs Carlton James Male Comini Irene Mavis Female Perth
1932/101093 Perth Comini Irene Mavis Female Griggs Carlton James Male Perth
1932/101094 Perth Daly Bartholomew Agustus Male Henderson Ruth Female Claremont
1932/101094 Perth Henderson Ruth Female Daly Bartholomew Agustus Male Claremont
1932/101095 Perth Brown Edith Elenor Female Drysdale Donald Robert John Male Perth
1932/101095 Perth Drysdale Donald Robert John Male Brown Edith Elenor Female Perth
1932/101096 Perth Johns Selma Isabella Female McLeish John Male Perth
1932/101096 Perth McLeish John Male Johns Selma Isabella Female Perth
1932/101097 Perth Roberts Joseph Male Roberts Violet Mary Female Perth
1932/101097 Perth Roberts Violet Mary Female Roberts Joseph Male Perth
1932/101098 Perth Adams Alfred George Male Duncan Constance Venietta Female Nedlands
1932/101098 Perth Duncan Constance Venietta Female Adams Alfred George Male Nedlands
1932/101099 Perth Buck Marjorie Gwendoline Female D'Jussing George Thomas Frederick Male Perth
1932/101099 Perth D'Jussing George Thomas Frederick Male Buck Marjorie Gwendoline Female Perth
1932/101100 Perth Potter Albert George Male Shanks Isabella Russell Female Perth
1932/101100 Perth Shanks Isabella Russell Female Potter Albert George Male Perth
1932/101101 Perth Nicholls Edna Ruth Female Perrin Norman Henry Male Mount Lawley
1932/101101 Perth Perrin Norman Henry Male Nicholls Edna Ruth Female Mount Lawley
1932/101102 Perth Crommelin Jean Female Lovegrove Edwin Archard Male West Perth
1932/101102 Perth Lovegrove Edwin Archard Male Crommelin Jean Female West Perth
1932/101103 Perth Walters John Frederick Willoughby Male Lockard Mary Maud Female West Perth
1932/101103 Perth Lockard Mary Maud Female Walters John Frederick Willoughby Male West Perth
1932/101104 Perth Eggleston Gertrude Female Drummond Malcolm Gordon Male Perth
1932/101104 Perth Drummond Malcolm Gordon Male Eggleston Gertrude Female Perth
1932/101105 Perth Ker George James Male Smith Marjorie Mary Female Perth
1932/101105 Perth Smith Marjorie Mary Female Ker George James Male Perth
1932/101106 Perth Ellson Eric George Male Moss Elsie Victoria Female Perth
1932/101106 Perth Moss Elsie Victoria Female Ellson Eric George Male Perth
1932/101107 Perth Sawyer Freda Dora Female McGregor Colin John Male Perth
1932/101107 Perth McGregor Colin John Male Sawyer Freda Dora Female Perth
1932/101108 Perth Bailey Francis William Male Sharrett Gwendoline Eva Female South Perth
1932/101108 Perth Sharrett Gwendoline Eva Female Bailey Francis William Male South Perth
1932/101109 Perth Lumsden Winifred Female Hutchings Henry George Male Perth
1932/101109 Perth Hutchings Henry George Male Lumsden Winifred Female Perth
1932/101110 Perth Carr Mary Elizabeth Female Shaw David Arthur Male Perth
1932/101110 Perth Shaw David Arthur Male Carr Mary Elizabeth Female Perth
1932/101111 Perth Simons Ena Ernestine Female Kirkpatrick Jack Male West Perth
1932/101111 Perth Kirkpatrick Jack Male Simons Ena Ernestine Female West Perth
1932/101112 Perth Stacey Gertrude Female Ansell William Isaac Male South Perth
1932/101112 Perth Ansell William Isaac Male Stacey Gertrude Female South Perth
1932/101113 Perth Metcalfe Alice Brigid Female Morgan Edward Legge Male Leederville
1932/101113 Perth Morgan Edward Legge Male Metcalfe Alice Brigid Female Leederville
1932/101114 Perth Clark Aidan Male Murphy Molly Berry Female Inglewood
1932/101114 Perth Murphy Molly Berry Female Clark Aidan Male Inglewood
1932/101115 Perth Knights Beryl Edna Female McCashney Kenneth William Male Perth
1932/101115 Perth McCashney Kenneth William Male Knights Beryl Edna Female Perth
1932/101116 Perth Bradley Edna May Female Andrew Malcolm Northey Male Leederville
1932/101116 Perth Andrew Malcolm Northey Male Bradley Edna May Female Leederville
1932/101117 Perth Henderson Donald William Male Waters Amelia Eveleen Female Perth
1932/101117 Perth Waters Amelia Eveleen Female Henderson Donald William Male Perth
1932/101118 Perth Fisher Herbert Male Edmonds Mavis Female Mt Hawthorn
1932/101118 Perth Edmonds Mavis Female Fisher Herbert Male Mt Hawthorn
1932/101119 Perth Reed Peggy Violette Female Wheeler Charles Britton Male Victoria Park
1932/101119 Perth Wheeler Charles Britton Male Reed Peggy Violette Female Victoria Park
1932/101120 Perth Gardiner Eric Male Jensen Marie Elizabeth Bertha Female Perth
1932/101120 Perth Jensen Marie Elizabeth Bertha Female Gardiner Eric Male Perth
1932/101121 Perth Dawson Millicent Mary Grace Female Kingston Henry James Male Leederville
1932/101121 Perth Kingston Henry James Male Dawson Millicent Mary Grace Female Leederville
1932/101122 Perth Broadhurst Patricia Marion Female Bracks Hector William Male Perth
1932/101122 Perth Bracks Hector William Male Broadhurst Patricia Marion Female Perth
1932/101123 Perth Smith Phyllis Augusta Female Cunnane Thomas Francis Male North Perth
1932/101123 Perth Cunnane Thomas Francis Male Smith Phyllis Augusta Female North Perth
1932/101124 Perth Matthews Hubert Henry Male Phillips Hilda May Female South Perth
1932/101124 Perth Phillips Hilda May Female Matthews Hubert Henry Male South Perth
1932/101125 Perth Doust Doris Evelyn Female Waghorn William Edwin Male Cottesloe
1932/101125 Perth Waghorn William Edwin Male Doust Doris Evelyn Female Cottesloe
1932/101126 Perth Kneebone Alfred Francis Male Krachler Elvie Jean Female Perth
1932/101126 Perth Krachler Elvie Jean Female Kneebone Alfred Francis Male Perth
1932/101127 Perth Sanderson Aubrey Male Ferry Dorothy Francis Female Perth
1932/101127 Perth Ferry Dorothy Francis Female Sanderson Aubrey Male Perth
1932/101128 Perth O'Grady Leslie Dale Male Cooper Sheila Female Perth
1932/101128 Perth Cooper Sheila Female O'Grady Leslie Dale Male Perth
1932/101129 Perth Grose Albert Raymond Nichols Male Sublet Emma Grace Female Perth
1932/101129 Perth Sublet Emma Grace Female Grose Albert Raymond Nichols Male Perth
1932/101130 Perth Phillips Rhoda Beatrice Evelyn Female Scott Robert Malcolm Male Perth
1932/101130 Perth Scott Robert Malcolm Male Phillips Rhoda Beatrice Evelyn Female Perth
1932/101131 Perth Bryant Henry Albert Male Geddes Jean Boden Female Perth
1932/101131 Perth Geddes Jean Boden Female Bryant Henry Albert Male Perth
1932/101132 Perth Byrne Edmund Keen Male Berry Winnifred Emily Female Perth
1932/101132 Perth Berry Winnifred Emily Female Byrne Edmund Keen Male Perth
1932/101133 Perth Winchester James Male Marshall Ellen Female Perth
1932/101133 Perth Marshall Ellen Female Winchester James Male Perth
1932/101134 Perth Johnson Violet May Female Brown Sydney John Male Perth
1932/101134 Perth Brown Sydney John Male Johnson Violet May Female Perth
1932/101135 Perth Newlands Robert Male Kerr Elizabeth Rae Female Perth
1932/101135 Perth Kerr Elizabeth Rae Female Newlands Robert Male Perth
1932/101136 Perth Bauer Rose Amelia Female Pumfrey John Male Perth
1932/101136 Perth Pumfrey John Male Bauer Rose Amelia Female Perth
1932/101137 Perth Gray George Arthur Male Litster Euphemia Mabel Female Perth
1932/101137 Perth Litster Euphemia Mabel Female Gray George Arthur Male Perth
1932/101138 Perth McDavitt George Nash Male Mitchell Jean Gilmour Female Perth
1932/101138 Perth Mitchell Jean Gilmour Female McDavitt George Nash Male Perth
1932/101139 Perth Carlton Albert Robert Male Smith Florence Penrose Female Victoria Park
1932/101139 Perth Smith Florence Penrose Female Carlton Albert Robert Male Victoria Park
1932/101140 Perth Kelly Ethel May Female Butler Frank Male Perth
1932/101140 Perth Butler Frank Male Kelly Ethel May Female Perth
1932/101141 Perth Wing Arthur Christopher Male Hatton Alfreda Phyllis Female Perth
1932/101141 Perth Hatton Alfreda Phyllis Female Wing Arthur Christopher Male Perth
1932/101142 Perth Landau Miriam Female Mackay Abraham Male Perth
1932/101142 Perth Mackay Abraham Male Landau Miriam Female Perth
1932/101143 Perth Sticken James Edward Male Monger Lilian Nora Female Leederville
1932/101143 Perth Monger Lilian Nora Female Sticken James Edward Male Leederville
1932/101144 Perth Linham Gloria Elva Female Aiken William Charles Male Perth
1932/101144 Perth Aiken William Charles Male Linham Gloria Elva Female Perth
1932/101145 Perth Waldron Frank Ernest Male Gornall Marion Lindsay Female North Leederville
1932/101145 Perth Gornall Marion Lindsay Female Waldron Frank Ernest Male North Leederville
1932/101146 Perth Williams George Uttley Male Hill Gladys Female Rosalie
1932/101146 Perth Hill Gladys Female Williams George Uttley Male Rosalie
1932/101147 Perth Lewis Ernest John Male Jamieson Elvie Ella Female Rosalie
1932/101147 Perth Jamieson Elvie Ella Female Lewis Ernest John Male Rosalie
1932/101148 Perth Crowder Olive Grace May Female Barclay William Alexander Male Maylands
1932/101148 Perth Barclay William Alexander Male Crowder Olive Grace May Female Maylands
1932/101149 Perth Imrie Ethel Female Gibbs Louis John Male Perth
1932/101149 Perth Gibbs Louis John Male Imrie Ethel Female Perth
1932/101150 Perth Jordan Iris Female Waterson George Male North Perth
1932/101150 Perth Waterson George Male Jordan Iris Female North Perth
1932/101151 Perth Bowen Bernice May Female Guest Rayward Joseph Lloyd Male Mt Lawley
1932/101151 Perth Guest Rayward Joseph Lloyd Male Bowen Bernice May Female Mt Lawley
1932/101152 Perth Patrick William Male Sinclair Sarah Maude Female North Perth
1932/101152 Perth Sinclair Sarah Maude Female Patrick William Male North Perth
1932/101153 Perth Wheeler James Gordon Male Gordon Jessie Female Osborne Park
1932/101153 Perth Gordon Jessie Female Wheeler James Gordon Male Osborne Park
1939/101154 Perth O'Donnell Mary Female Collett William Edward Westall Male Perth
1939/101154 Perth Collett William Edward Westall Male O'Donnell Mary Female Perth
1932/101154 Perth Gilchrist John Alfred Male Tuffin Roma Catherine Female North Perth
1932/101154 Perth Tuffin Roma Catherine Female Gilchrist John Alfred Male North Perth
1932/101155 Perth Bradshaw Gwendoline Dowrick Female Jackson Edgar Herbert Male North Perth
1932/101155 Perth Jackson Edgar Herbert Male Bradshaw Gwendoline Dowrick Female North Perth
1932/101156 Perth Baker Patricia Elise Marsdon Female Baker Helen Harry Bond Male North Perth
1932/101156 Perth Baker Helen Harry Bond Male Baker Patricia Elise Marsdon Female North Perth
1932/101157 Perth Howells Albert Ware Male Bromilow Gwendoline Lena Female Perth
1932/101157 Perth Bromilow Gwendoline Lena Female Howells Albert Ware Male Perth
1932/101158 Perth Jack Myra Gold Female Tebbutt Reginald Trench Male Perth
1932/101158 Perth Tebbutt Reginald Trench Male Jack Myra Gold Female Perth
1932/101159 Perth Findlay Margaret Female Boyd John Male North Perth
1932/101159 Perth Boyd John Male Findlay Margaret Female North Perth
1932/101160 Perth McLean Ivy Female Findlay George Henry Male Victoria Park
1932/101160 Perth Findlay George Henry Male McLean Ivy Female Victoria Park
1932/101161 Perth Veitch Walter Augustus Male Collins Susanah Gertrude Female North Perth
1932/101161 Perth Collins Susanah Gertrude Female Veitch Walter Augustus Male North Perth
1932/101162 Perth Craven Selina May Female Frizzell Robert James Male Victoria Park
1932/101162 Perth Frizzell Robert James Male Craven Selina May Female Victoria Park
1932/101163 Perth Jamieson Catherine Smillie Female Curran Claude Everett John Male North Perth
1932/101163 Perth Curran Claude Everett John Male Jamieson Catherine Smillie Female North Perth
1932/101164 Perth Johns Elsie Eva Female Williamson Harry James Male Buckland Hill
1932/101164 Perth Williamson Harry James Male Johns Elsie Eva Female Buckland Hill
1932/101165 Perth Wilkinson Keith Charles Male Butt Florence Annie Female West Perth
1932/101165 Perth Butt Florence Annie Female Wilkinson Keith Charles Male West Perth
1932/101166 Perth Collins Peter John Male Tinklin Eva Mary Female Perth
1932/101166 Perth Tinklin Eva Mary Female Collins Peter John Male Perth
1932/101167 Perth McDonald Henrietta Veronica Female Wines Harold James Male Maylands
1932/101167 Perth Wines Harold James Male McDonald Henrietta Veronica Female Maylands
1932/101168 Perth Wilson Charles William Lancelot Male Gablish Lillian Jean Female Perth
1932/101168 Perth Gablish Lillian Jean Female Wilson Charles William Lancelot Male Perth
1932/101169 Perth Emery Ruby Mary Female Paust Colin Morley Male Claremont
1932/101169 Perth Paust Colin Morley Male Emery Ruby Mary Female Claremont
1932/101170 Perth Davis Edgar James Male Hickey Amy Female Claremont
1932/101170 Perth Hickey Amy Female Du Fen Edgar James Male Claremont
1932/101170 Perth Hickey Amy Female Davis Edgar James Male Claremont
1932/101170 Perth Du Fen Edgar James Male Hickey Amy Female Claremont
1932/101171 Perth McGregor Jean Mary Female Holthouse Edward Male Claremont
1932/101171 Perth Holthouse Edward Male McGregor Jean Mary Female Claremont
1932/101172 Perth Randell Owen Penrhyn Male Higgs Berenice Louise Female Perth
1932/101172 Perth Higgs Berenice Louise Female Randell Owen Penrhyn Male Perth
1932/101173 Perth Stradwick Frederick Kelvin Male Chandler Joyce Ramage Female Perth
1932/101173 Perth Chandler Joyce Ramage Female Stradwick Frederick Kelvin Male Perth
1932/101174 Perth Noonan Agnes Ethel Female Grant Robert Gordon Male Victoria Park
1932/101174 Perth Grant Robert Gordon Male Noonan Agnes Ethel Female Victoria Park
1932/101175 Perth Gibson Sylvia Mable Female Blewett Thomas Male Victoria Park
1932/101175 Perth Blewett Thomas Male Gibson Sylvia Mable Female Victoria Park
1932/101176 Perth Jamieson Alfred Keith Male Benton Lily Elsie Female Victoria Park
1932/101176 Perth Benton Lily Elsie Female Jamieson Alfred Keith Male Victoria Park
1933/101177 Perth Ferrari Augustine Male Iseppi Mary Elizabeth Female Perth
1933/101177 Perth Iseppi Mary Elizabeth Female Ferrari Augustine Male Perth
1932/101177 Perth Alderslade Harry Male Hoey Kathleen Mary Female Victoria Park
1932/101177 Perth Hoey Kathleen Mary Female Alderslade Harry Male Victoria Park
1933/101178 Perth Balshaw Edgar Thomas Male Ring May Female Perth
1933/101178 Perth Ring May Female Balshaw Edgar Thomas Male Perth
1932/101179 Perth Cross Alfred Cyril Male Warren Boase Edith Female Perth
1932/101179 Perth Warren Boase Edith Female Cross Alfred Cyril Male Perth
1932/101180 Perth Campain Albert Edward Male Davenport Myrtle Naomi Female Perth
1932/101180 Perth Davenport Myrtle Naomi Female Campain Albert Edward Male Perth
1932/101181 Perth Norton Ethel Doreen Female Dungey Clarence Alfred Male Perth
1932/101181 Perth Dungey Clarence Alfred Male Norton Ethel Doreen Female Perth
1932/101182 Perth Berry Dorothy Marian Female Scherini Victor Albert Male Perth
1932/101182 Perth Scherini Victor Albert Male Berry Dorothy Marian Female Perth
1932/101183 Perth Pow Martha Lillian Female Black Sydney Male Perth
1932/101183 Perth Black Sydney Male Pow Martha Lillian Female Perth
1932/101184 Perth Aylward Sydney Ray Male Flood Kate May Female Perth
1932/101184 Perth Flood Kate May Female Aylward Sydney Ray Male Perth
1932/101185 Perth Thomson Margaret Cameron Female Natt George Stannard Male Perth
1932/101185 Perth Natt George Stannard Male Thomson Margaret Cameron Female Perth
1932/101186 Perth Hubbard John Samuel Male Wallace Mary Jean Burgess Female Perth
1932/101186 Perth Wallace Mary Jean Burgess Female Hubbard John Samuel Male Perth
1932/101187 Perth Macmillan James Robertson Thompson Male Parsons Marjory Joyce Female Perth
1932/101187 Perth Parsons Marjory Joyce Female Macmillan James Robertson Thompson Male Perth
1932/101188 Perth Lefroy Charles Baden Male Stewart Elsie Elizabeth Female Perth
1932/101188 Perth Stewart Elsie Elizabeth Female Lefroy Charles Baden Male Perth
1932/101189 Perth Pike Kathleen Ethel Female Weir Charles Alexander Male Perth
1932/101189 Perth Weir Charles Alexander Male Pike Kathleen Ethel Female Perth
1932/101190 Perth Foss Florence Amelia Female Collins Donald Male Perth
1932/101190 Perth Collins Donald Male Foss Florence Amelia Female Perth
1932/101191 Perth Blight Samuel Male Sanderson Dorothea Female Perth
1932/101191 Perth Sanderson Dorothea Female Blight Samuel Male Perth
1932/101192 Perth Saunders Lillian Mabel Female Findlay Alfred Ernest Male West Perth
1932/101192 Perth Findlay Alfred Ernest Male Saunders Lillian Mabel Female West Perth
1932/101193 Perth Prosser Marjorie Female Gillam Leslie Beresford Male West Perth
1932/101193 Perth Gillam Leslie Beresford Male Prosser Marjorie Female West Perth
1932/101194 Perth Jackson Charles Henry Male Humphries Elsie Female Inglewood
1932/101194 Perth Humphries Elsie Female Jackson Charles Henry Male Inglewood
1932/101195 Perth Nylund Paul August Male Hermanson Dagny Alice Ottilia Female Perth
1932/101195 Perth Hermanson Dagny Alice Ottilia Female Nylund Paul August Male Perth
1932/101196 Perth Hyde Leslie Frederick Howell Male Phillips Margaret Daisy Female Perth
1932/101196 Perth Phillips Margaret Daisy Female Hyde Leslie Frederick Howell Male Perth
1932/101197 Perth Hooper Doris Lilian Female Pollitt Harry Male Perth
1932/101197 Perth Pollitt Harry Male Hooper Doris Lilian Female Perth
1932/101198 Perth Oliver May Irene Female Waugh Robert Benjamin Male Perth
1932/101198 Perth Waugh Robert Benjamin Male Oliver May Irene Female Perth
1932/101199 Perth Cousins Winifred Maud Female Hoar Charles Male Perth
1932/101199 Perth Hoar Charles Male Cousins Winifred Maud Female Perth
1932/101200 Perth Barry Gwendoline Hannah Female Roberts Charles Andrew Male Perth
1932/101200 Perth Roberts Charles Andrew Male Barry Gwendoline Hannah Female Perth
1932/101201 Perth Davison Annie Female Saunders Alfred Edward Male Subiaco
1932/101201 Perth Saunders Alfred Edward Male Davison Annie Female Subiaco
1932/101202 Perth Bailey Edward Henry Male Wilson Esther Female Subiaco
1932/101202 Perth Wilson Esther Female Bailey Edward Henry Male Subiaco
1932/101203 Perth Shipton Doreen Elizabeth Female Bell John Male Subiaco
1932/101203 Perth Bell John Male Shipton Doreen Elizabeth Female Subiaco
1932/101204 Perth Cocks Beatrice Isabel Maud Female Tate Frank Holt Male Subiaco
1932/101204 Perth Tate Frank Holt Male Cocks Beatrice Isabel Maud Female Subiaco
1932/101205 Perth Rose Eileen Isabella Female Wright Philip Edward Male Subiaco
1932/101205 Perth Wright Philip Edward Male Rose Eileen Isabella Female Subiaco
1932/101206 Perth Borden Morris Male Simmons May Gertrude Female West Perth
1932/101206 Perth Simmons May Gertrude Female Borden Morris Male West Perth
1932/101207 Perth Watkins Charles Herbert Male Walsh Eileen Maude Female Highgate
1932/101207 Perth Walsh Eileen Maude Female Watkins Charles Herbert Male Highgate
1932/101208 Perth Grover Alfred Clement Charles Male Scott Eileen Emma Female Highgate
1932/101208 Perth Scott Eileen Emma Female Grover Alfred Clement Charles Male Highgate
1932/101209 Perth Cardew Loftus Hunter Male Robertson Nanette Sadie Female Perth
1932/101209 Perth Robertson Nanette Sadie Female Cardew Loftus Hunter Male Perth
1932/101210 Perth Coelli Annie Maud Female Robins Alfred John Male Perth
1932/101210 Perth Robins Alfred John Male Coelli Annie Maud Female Perth
1932/101211 Perth Tylor William Francis Male Nicholas Mary Ellen Female Perth
1932/101211 Perth Nicholas Mary Ellen Female Tylor William Francis Male Perth
1932/101212 Perth Ocker Frances Anna Maud Female Haywood Edward Leo Schefferle Male Perth
1932/101212 Perth Haywood Edward Leo Schefferle Male Ocker Frances Anna Maud Female Perth
1932/101213 Perth Cluning Ivy Ellen Female Boulton Charles James Male Perth
1932/101213 Perth Boulton Charles James Male Cluning Ivy Ellen Female Perth
1932/101214 Perth Rupe Jean Steele Female McCrum James Rae Male Perth
1932/101214 Perth McCrum James Rae Male Rupe Jean Steele Female Perth
1932/101215 Perth Meinck Winifred Jean Female Slater Edwin Harold Carl Male Perth
1932/101215 Perth Slater Edwin Harold Carl Male Meinck Winifred Jean Female Perth
1932/101216 Perth Brown Thelma Junita Female Hodgkinson John Alexander Male Perth
1932/101216 Perth Hodgkinson John Alexander Male Brown Thelma Junita Female Perth
1932/101217 Perth O'Donnell Frank Nagel Male Kimberley Olga Merle Female Perth
1932/101217 Perth Kimberley Olga Merle Female O'Donnell Frank Nagel Male Perth
1932/101218 Perth Hill Stanley Henry Male Olsson Doris Irene Female Perth
1932/101218 Perth Olsson Doris Irene Female Hill Stanley Henry Male Perth
1932/101219 Perth Pereira Joseph Clarke Male Merrifield Mona Joy Female Perth
1932/101219 Perth Merrifield Mona Joy Female Pereira Joseph Clarke Male Perth
1932/101220 Perth Baker Millicent Gertrude Female Waters John Joseph Male Perth
1932/101220 Perth Waters John Joseph Male Baker Millicent Gertrude Female Perth
1932/101221 Perth Deacon Beatrice Octavia Female Clarke Francis Gilbert Male Claremont
1932/101221 Perth Clarke Francis Gilbert Male Deacon Beatrice Octavia Female Claremont
1932/101222 Perth Swan Donald William Male Horne Mary Veronica Female Perth
1932/101222 Perth Horne Mary Veronica Female Swan Donald William Male Perth
1932/101223 Perth Rutter Albert William Male Rooney Mary Roma Female Perth
1932/101223 Perth Rooney Mary Roma Female Rutter Albert William Male Perth
1932/101224 Perth Millar Raymond Charles Male Swain Eileen Mary Female Perth
1932/101224 Perth Swain Eileen Mary Female Millar Raymond Charles Male Perth
1932/101225 Perth Levy Walter Cecil Male Rapmund Josephine Minnie Female Perth
1932/101225 Perth Rapmund Josephine Minnie Female Levy Walter Cecil Male Perth
1932/101226 Perth Fryer Caroline Female Hall Andrew Male Perth
1932/101226 Perth Hall Andrew Male Fryer Caroline Female Perth
1932/101227 Perth Quinlan Eileen Agnes Female Bell Robert James Male Perth
1932/101227 Perth Bell Robert James Male Quinlan Eileen Agnes Female Perth
1932/101228 Perth Marrett Geoffrey Charles Male Needham Alma Doris Female Perth
1932/101228 Perth Needham Alma Doris Female Marrett Geoffrey Charles Male Perth
1932/101229 Perth Anderson Charles Male Layland Clara Female Perth
1932/101229 Perth Layland Clara Female Anderson Charles Male Perth
1932/101230 Perth Carr Nora Female Hall Eric Albert Male Perth
1932/101230 Perth Hall Eric Albert Male Carr Nora Female Perth
1932/101231 Perth McElroy Catherine Female Kelly John Male Perth
1932/101231 Perth Kelly John Male McElroy Catherine Female Perth
1932/101232 Perth Wilkinson Joseph William Male Roddam Margaret Jane Female North Perth
1932/101232 Perth Roddam Margaret Jane Female Wilkinson Joseph William Male North Perth
1932/101233 Perth Mead Edward Reginald Male Bennett Edith May Female Inglewood
1932/101233 Perth Bennett Edith May Female Mead Edward Reginald Male Inglewood
1932/101234 Perth Humphryson Arthur Male Wallan Constance Ivy Female Victoria Park
1932/101234 Perth Wallan Constance Ivy Female Humphryson Arthur Male Victoria Park
1932/101235 Perth Edwards Catherine Female Smith Robert Male Perth
1932/101235 Perth Smith Robert Male Edwards Catherine Female Perth
1932/101236 Perth Gallagher Marjorie Louise Female Butt Edward Huntly Male Leederville
1932/101236 Perth Butt Edward Huntly Male Gallagher Marjorie Louise Female Leederville
1932/101237 Perth Hitchcock Mona Female Fisher John Roderick Male Leederville
1932/101237 Perth Fisher John Roderick Male Hitchcock Mona Female Leederville
1932/101238 Perth Smith Beryl Ivy Female Ames Rodney Leo Male West Perth
1932/101238 Perth Ames Rodney Leo Male Smith Beryl Ivy Female West Perth
1932/101239 Perth Angear Reuben Frank Male Snell Alice May Female West Perth
1932/101239 Perth Snell Alice May Female Angear Reuben Frank Male West Perth
1932/101240 Perth Hunter Samuel Male Brown Clara Female Perth
1932/101240 Perth Brown Clara Female Hunter Samuel Male Perth
1932/101241 Perth Cassels Beatrice Gertrude Female Morey William Tom Male Bayswater
1932/101241 Perth Morey William Tom Male Cassels Beatrice Gertrude Female Bayswater
1932/101242 Perth Tyler Stanley James Male Smith Ethel May Female Perth
1932/101242 Perth Smith Ethel May Female Tyler Stanley James Male Perth
1932/101243 Perth Willimott Albert Reginald Male Waghorn Alice Elizabeth Caroline Female Claremont
1932/101243 Perth Waghorn Alice Elizabeth Caroline Female Willimott Albert Reginald Male Claremont
1932/101244 Perth Lehane William Michael Male Harris Bethia Trimble Female Claremont
1932/101244 Perth Harris Bethia Trimble Female Lehane William Michael Male Claremont
1932/101245 Perth Brockman Robert Edward Male Richardson-Bunbury Dorothy Emilie Female Perth
1932/101245 Perth Richardson-Bunbury Dorothy Emilie Female Brockman Robert Edward Male Perth
1932/101246 Perth Reynolds Phyllis Graeme Female Fendick Thomas John Male West Perth
1932/101246 Perth Fendick Thomas John Male Reynolds Phyllis Graeme Female West Perth
1932/101247 Perth Piper Christina Grace Female Walton Frederick Male West Subiaco
1932/101247 Perth Walton Frederick Male Piper Christina Grace Female West Subiaco
1932/101248 Perth Barry Frederick Walter Male Deuport Mary Sophia Female Victoria Park
1932/101248 Perth Deuport Mary Sophia Female Barry Frederick Walter Male Victoria Park
1932/101249 Perth Kendle Mabel Rose Female Lawrence John Kenneth Male South Perth
1932/101249 Perth Lawrence John Kenneth Male Kendle Mabel Rose Female South Perth
1932/101250 Perth Hood William Hopton Patrick Male Whetstone Cecil Mary Female Perth
1932/101250 Perth Whetstone Cecil Mary Female Hood William Hopton Patrick Male Perth
1932/101251 Perth Morgan Fanny Dorothy Female Thomas Ernest Alfred Male Perth
1932/101251 Perth Thomas Ernest Alfred Male Morgan Fanny Dorothy Female Perth
1932/101252 Perth Holland James Male Riley Rose Mary Female Perth
1932/101252 Perth Riley Rose Mary Female Holland James Male Perth
1932/101253 Perth Arthur Edna Mary Elizabeth Female Dunne Patrick Joseph Male Maylands
1932/101253 Perth Dunne Patrick Joseph Male Arthur Edna Mary Elizabeth Female Maylands
1932/101254 Perth Leggo Marjorie Alice Female Davey William James Male South Perth
1932/101254 Perth Davey William James Male Leggo Marjorie Alice Female South Perth
1932/101255 Perth Holland Marian Female Little Francis Sawyers Male Perth
1932/101255 Perth Little Francis Sawyers Male Holland Marian Female Perth
1932/101256 Perth Maher Frederick Male Patterson Rose Jane Female Perth
1932/101256 Perth Patterson Rose Jane Female Maher Frederick Male Perth
1932/101257 Perth Cleggett Lorna Winifred Female Maclannan Arthur Robert Male Perth
1932/101257 Perth Maclannan Arthur Robert Male Cleggett Lorna Winifred Female Perth
1932/101258 Perth Elliott Rose Winifred Female Corser Harry Vaughan Male Mt Lawley
1932/101258 Perth Corser Harry Vaughan Male Elliott Rose Winifred Female Mt Lawley
1932/101259 Perth Jones Elsie Female Currie Samuel Male West Subiaco
1932/101259 Perth Currie Samuel Male Jones Elsie Female West Subiaco
1932/101260 Perth Stirling Jean Female Smith Harry Male West Perth
1932/101260 Perth Smith Harry Male Stirling Jean Female West Perth
1932/101261 Perth Barblett Marjorie Hazel Female Braddock Robert Lisle Male West Perth
1932/101261 Perth Braddock Robert Lisle Male Barblett Marjorie Hazel Female West Perth
1932/101262 Perth Milne John Fowler Male Mantack Ivy Roberta Female West Perth
1932/101262 Perth Mantack Ivy Roberta Female Milne John Fowler Male West Perth
1932/101263 Perth Sexton Ruby Frances Female Heterick Edward Fred Male Claremont
1932/101263 Perth Heterick Edward Fred Male Sexton Ruby Frances Female Claremont
1932/101264 Perth Crawford Dorothy Female Drabble Walter Alfred Male Claremont
1932/101264 Perth Drabble Walter Alfred Male Crawford Dorothy Female Claremont
1932/101265 Perth Richards Emily Gladys Female Lewis Robert Henry Male Buckland Hill
1932/101265 Perth Lewis Robert Henry Male Richards Emily Gladys Female Buckland Hill
1932/101266 Perth Coombs Annie Adelaide Female Purdy Francis Robert Burgoyne Male Maylands
1932/101266 Perth Purdy Francis Robert Burgoyne Male Coombs Annie Adelaide Female Maylands
1932/101267 Perth Wilson Muriel Avis Female Battley Michael William Male Perth
1932/101267 Perth Battley Michael William Male Wilson Muriel Avis Female Perth
1932/101268 Perth Armstrong Myrtle Maude Female Wheatley Harold Claude Male West Perth
1932/101268 Perth Wheatley Harold Claude Male Armstrong Myrtle Maude Female West Perth
1932/101269 Perth Carthy Arthur Robert Male Paltridge Peggy Female West Perth
1932/101269 Perth Paltridge Peggy Female Carthy Arthur Robert Male West Perth
1932/101270 Perth Currie William Frederick Male Paltridge Agnes Female Perth
1932/101270 Perth Paltridge Agnes Female Currie William Frederick Male Perth
1932/101271 Perth James Abraham Male Hugo Flossie Female Subiaco
1932/101271 Perth Hugo Flossie Female James Abraham Male Subiaco
1932/101272 Perth Hocking Lydia Winifred Female Grant Leslie Ormond Male Perth
1932/101272 Perth Grant Leslie Ormond Male Hocking Lydia Winifred Female Perth
1932/101273 Perth Coney Cyril Wallace Male Blythe Kathleen Adeline Female Perth
1932/101273 Perth Blythe Kathleen Adeline Female Coney Cyril Wallace Male Perth
1932/101274 Perth Peirson Georgina Mabel Female Dymock Ernest Arthur Male Perth
1932/101274 Perth Dymock Ernest Arthur Male Peirson Georgina Mabel Female Perth
1932/101275 Perth Squire Clifford Leonard Male Cleal Rita Caroline Northcote Female Perth
1932/101275 Perth Cleal Rita Caroline Northcote Female Squire Clifford Leonard Male Perth
1932/101276 Perth Franklin Gwendoline Madge Female Lindsey Stanley Male Perth
1932/101276 Perth Lindsey Stanley Male Franklin Gwendoline Madge Female Perth
1932/101277 Perth Reilly Jack William Male Bowen Louie Thelma Female Perth
1932/101277 Perth Bowen Louie Thelma Female Reilly Jack William Male Perth
1932/101278 Perth Roberts Renee Ensor Female Cooper Herbert Foster Male Perth
1932/101278 Perth Cooper Herbert Foster Male Roberts Renee Ensor Female Perth
1932/101279 Perth Ogilvy Marion Evelyn Female Bridgman Henry Victor Stanley Male Perth
1932/101279 Perth Bridgman Henry Victor Stanley Male Ogilvy Marion Evelyn Female Perth
1932/101280 Perth Stevens Olive Female Hicks Charles William George Male Perth
1932/101280 Perth Hicks Charles William George Male Stevens Olive Female Perth
1932/101281 Perth Krachler Sadie Ledden Female Bird Alexander Male Perth
1932/101281 Perth Bird Alexander Male Krachler Sadie Ledden Female Perth
1932/101282 Perth Smiley Margaret Female Tinley Charles Reginald Male Perth
1932/101282 Perth Tinley Charles Reginald Male Smiley Margaret Female Perth
1932/101283 Perth Eversden Sylvia Pearl Female Nunn Frank William Male Perth
1932/101283 Perth Nunn Frank William Male Eversden Sylvia Pearl Female Perth
1932/101284 Perth Hyde Mabel Female Napier Kenneth Cargill Male Highgate
1932/101284 Perth Napier Kenneth Cargill Male Hyde Mabel Female Highgate
1932/101285 Perth Phillips Victoria May Female Downie John Male Perth
1932/101285 Perth Downie John Male Phillips Victoria May Female Perth
1932/101286 Perth Stewart Amelia Caroline Female Barker William Male Perth
1932/101286 Perth Barker William Male Stewart Amelia Caroline Female Perth
1932/101287 Perth Eke Nora Florence Female Clark Joseph Douglas Male Highgate
1932/101287 Perth Clark Joseph Douglas Male Eke Nora Florence Female Highgate
1932/101288 Perth Young Richard Charles Male Boys Ethel May Female Maylands
1932/101288 Perth Boys Ethel May Female Young Richard Charles Male Maylands
1932/101289 Perth Jones Daphne May Female Carstairs Leslie William Male Maylands
1932/101289 Perth Carstairs Leslie William Male Jones Daphne May Female Maylands
1932/101290 Perth Emberson Ethel Ellen Female Sutton William Henry Male Maylands
1932/101290 Perth Sutton William Henry Male Emberson Ethel Ellen Female Maylands
1932/101291 Perth Mell Audrie Lillian Female McLeod Neil Male Claremont
1932/101291 Perth McLeod Neil Male Mell Audrie Lillian Female Claremont
1932/101292 Perth Gunstone Alice Female Guy William Thomas Male Perth
1932/101292 Perth Guy William Thomas Male Gunstone Alice Female Perth
1932/101293 Perth Turner Reginald Percival Male Brownley Lois Lilly Female Perth
1932/101293 Perth Brownley Lois Lilly Female Turner Reginald Percival Male Perth
1932/101294 Perth Lore Aron Male Forman Rose Female Perth
1932/101294 Perth Forman Rose Female Lore Aron Male Perth
1932/101295 Perth Macleod Leonard Norman Male Luce Gwendoline Hope Martha Female Subiaco
1932/101295 Perth Luce Gwendoline Hope Martha Female Macleod Leonard Norman Male Subiaco
1932/101296 Perth Jones Edward John Male Stapleton Ethel May Female Perth
1932/101296 Perth Stapleton Ethel May Female Jones Edward John Male Perth
1932/101297 Perth Hutchings Dorothy Irene Ellen Female Molyneux Stanley Male Perth
1932/101297 Perth Molyneux Stanley Male Hutchings Dorothy Irene Ellen Female Perth
1932/101298 Perth Strack Albert Lloyd Male Crossley Grace Frances Female Perth
1932/101298 Perth Crossley Grace Frances Female Strack Albert Lloyd Male Perth
1932/101299 Perth Rodan Mary Kathleen Female Nevill Aloysius Martin Male Leederville
1932/101299 Perth Nevill Aloysius Martin Male Rodan Mary Kathleen Female Leederville
1932/101300 Perth Quinn Agnes Female Mason James Male Perth
1932/101300 Perth Mason James Male Quinn Agnes Female Perth
1932/101301 Perth Lowden Harold Male Leslie Victoria May Female Perth
1932/101301 Perth Leslie Victoria May Female Lowden Harold Male Perth
1932/101302 Perth Pitt Hilda Ann Female Lusk Geoffrey Hart Male Perth
1932/101302 Perth Lusk Geoffrey Hart Male Pitt Hilda Ann Female Perth
1932/101303 Perth Webster Lilian Female Bradfield Thomas Charles Male Perth
1932/101303 Perth Bradfield Thomas Charles Male Webster Lilian Female Perth
1932/101304 Perth Menmuir Isabella Jane Female Spalding Charles Bilger Male Perth
1932/101304 Perth Spalding Charles Bilger Male Menmuir Isabella Jane Female Perth
1932/101305 Perth McBain Hendry Douglas Male Hampton Ruby Mary Female Perth
1932/101305 Perth Hampton Ruby Mary Female McBain Hendry Douglas Male Perth
1932/101306 Perth Robson Alfred Henry Male Pope Jessie Edith Female Perth
1932/101306 Perth Pope Jessie Edith Female Robson Alfred Henry Male Perth
1932/101307 Perth Philpot Elsie Maud Female Reynolds Lloyd Male Maylands
1932/101307 Perth Reynolds Lloyd Male Philpot Elsie Maud Female Maylands
1932/101308 Perth Airey John Smith Male Lightfoot Sheila Mableson Female Perth
1932/101308 Perth Lightfoot Sheila Mableson Female Airey John Smith Male Perth
1932/101309 Perth Eather Vera Ivy Florence Female Miller Leal Nevil Male Perth
1932/101309 Perth Miller Leal Nevil Male Eather Vera Ivy Florence Female Perth
1932/101310 Perth Gill Frederick Arthur Male Braine Hilda Maud Female Perth
1932/101310 Perth Braine Hilda Maud Female Gill Frederick Arthur Male Perth
1932/101311 Perth Piper Frederick James Male Fielding Phyllis Eileen Female Perth
1932/101311 Perth Fielding Phyllis Eileen Female Piper Frederick James Male Perth
1932/101312 Perth Marsden Tom Arthur Male Pether Sybil Mary Female Perth
1932/101312 Perth Pether Sybil Mary Female Marsden Tom Arthur Male Perth
1932/101313 Perth Eversden Thelma May Female Wren Frederick George Male Victoria Park
1932/101313 Perth Wren Frederick George Male Eversden Thelma May Female Victoria Park
1932/101314 Perth Dorrington Florence Louise Female Campbell Robert Male Subiaco
1932/101314 Perth Campbell Robert Male Dorrington Florence Louise Female Subiaco
1932/101315 Perth Grundmann Albert Emil Paul Male Woodhouse Honor Elizabeth Female Perth
1932/101315 Perth Woodhouse Honor Elizabeth Female Grundmann Albert Emil Paul Male Perth
1932/101316 Perth Darby Neil Sinclair Male Gibson Ivy May Female Victoria Park
1932/101316 Perth Gibson Ivy May Female Darby Neil Sinclair Male Victoria Park
1932/101317 Perth Milne Henry Ivan Male Meredith Winsome May Female Victoria Park
1932/101317 Perth Meredith Winsome May Female Milne Henry Ivan Male Victoria Park
1932/101318 Perth Leyland Alice Maud Female Boyle Patrick Male Perth
1932/101318 Perth Boyle Patrick Male Leyland Alice Maud Female Perth
1932/101319 Perth Silverlock Geoffrey Fulham Male Downing Lois Aileen Female Subiaco
1932/101319 Perth Downing Lois Aileen Female Silverlock Geoffrey Fulham Male Subiaco
1932/101320 Perth Millard John William Male Bucci Edith Mary Martha Female Perth
1932/101320 Perth Bucci Edith Mary Martha Female Millard John William Male Perth
1932/101321 Perth Brazier Lottie Avery Female Bennie James Male Perth
1932/101321 Perth Bennie James Male Brazier Lottie Avery Female Perth
1932/101322 Perth Whitfield Thomas Eugene Male Hinchliffe Rita Christian Female Perth
1932/101322 Perth Hinchliffe Rita Christian Female Whitfield Thomas Eugene Male Perth
1932/101323 Perth Keegan Robert James Male Fitzgerald Margery Denese Female North Perth
1932/101323 Perth Fitzgerald Margery Denese Female Keegan Robert James Male North Perth
1932/101324 Perth Roberts Arthur Leslie Male Best Pearl Mary Lynette Female North Perth
1932/101324 Perth Best Pearl Mary Lynette Female Roberts Arthur Leslie Male North Perth
1932/101325 Perth Mingham Winifred Mary Female Hamilton Wray James Male North Perth
1932/101325 Perth Hamilton Wray James Male Mingham Winifred Mary Female North Perth
1932/101326 Perth Wilkin Winifred Victoria Female Bowra Roy Attlee Male North Perth
1932/101326 Perth Bowra Roy Attlee Male Wilkin Winifred Victoria Female North Perth
1932/101327 Perth Hearle Samuel Male Pittard Minnie Gwendoline Female West Leederville
1932/101327 Perth Pittard Minnie Gwendoline Female Hearle Samuel Male West Leederville
1932/101328 Perth Gannaway Cyril Archibald Male Wilkes Edna Amelia Florence Female Cottesloe
1932/101328 Perth Wilkes Edna Amelia Florence Female Gannaway Cyril Archibald Male Cottesloe
1932/101329 Perth Uren Mary Grace Female Wiseman Arthur Raymond Male Maylands
1932/101329 Perth Wiseman Arthur Raymond Male Uren Mary Grace Female Maylands
1932/101330 Perth Carr Lena Madge Female Golding Alan Dawson Male West Perth
1932/101330 Perth Golding Alan Dawson Male Carr Lena Madge Female West Perth
1932/101331 Perth Cooley May Alfreda Female Watson Kenneth Alexander Male West Perth
1932/101331 Perth Watson Kenneth Alexander Male Cooley May Alfreda Female West Perth
1932/101332 Perth Wilson James Alexander Campbell Male McCrae Laura Female Inglewood
1932/101332 Perth McCrae Laura Female Wilson James Alexander Campbell Male Inglewood
1932/101333 Perth Tindall Ethel May Female Brewer Harold Wesley Male West Perth
1932/101333 Perth Brewer Harold Wesley Male Tindall Ethel May Female West Perth
1932/101334 Perth Donaldson John Rushworth Male Walker Flora Constance Female West Perth
1932/101334 Perth Walker Flora Constance Female Donaldson John Rushworth Male West Perth
1932/101335 Perth Laurence Beatrice Mabel Female Robinson Lloyd George Male West Perth
1932/101335 Perth Robinson Lloyd George Male Laurence Beatrice Mabel Female West Perth
1932/101336 Perth Henderson Lilian Gladys Female Baker Harry Frederick Male West Perth
1932/101336 Perth Baker Harry Frederick Male Henderson Lilian Gladys Female West Perth
1932/101337 Perth Ware Etta Elizabeth May Female Westley Albert Male Perth
1932/101337 Perth Westley Albert Male Ware Etta Elizabeth May Female Perth
1932/101338 Perth Robertson George Monro Male Wand Valda Madge Female Perth
1932/101338 Perth Wand Valda Madge Female Robertson George Monro Male Perth
1932/101339 Perth Hall John Male Borrell Annie Female Perth
1932/101339 Perth Borrell Annie Female Hall John Male Perth
1932/101340 Perth Thomson Marjorie Black Female Sewell Frederick William Male Perth
1932/101340 Perth Sewell Frederick William Male Thomson Marjorie Black Female Perth
1932/101341 Perth Kastner Eric Oscar Male Stubbs Winifred Female Perth
1932/101341 Perth Stubbs Winifred Female Kastner Eric Oscar Male Perth
1932/101342 Perth Mickle David Rupert James Male Dunne Eunice Gwendoline Female Perth
1932/101342 Perth Dunne Eunice Gwendoline Female Mickle David Rupert James Male Perth
1932/101343 Perth O'Brien Kathleen Alice Female Novell Joseph Male Perth
1932/101343 Perth Novell Joseph Male O'Brien Kathleen Alice Female Perth
1932/101344 Perth Francis Thelma Gladys Female Tamblyn John William Male Perth
1932/101344 Perth Tamblyn John William Male Francis Thelma Gladys Female Perth
1932/101345 Perth Morey William John Male Payne Vivienne Davis Female Cottesloe
1932/101345 Perth Payne Vivienne Davis Female Morey William John Male Cottesloe
1932/101346 Perth Penberthy Laura Female Evans Campbell MacFarlane Male Subiaco
1932/101346 Perth Evans Campbell MacFarlane Male Penberthy Laura Female Subiaco
1932/101347 Perth Williams Kathleen Ellen Lewis Female Touge Frederick William Male Perth
1932/101347 Perth Touge Frederick William Male Williams Kathleen Ellen Lewis Female Perth
1932/101348 Perth Rodda Harold Ernest Male Whittleston Violet Mary Marguerite Female Victoria Park
1932/101348 Perth Whittleston Violet Mary Marguerite Female Rodda Harold Ernest Male Victoria Park
1932/101349 Perth Wallace Robert Edward Male Norman Ellen Elizabeth Female Cottesloe
1932/101349 Perth Norman Ellen Elizabeth Female Wallace Robert Edward Male Cottesloe
1932/101350 Perth Gray Stanley Gordon Male Mayo Amelia Veronica Female Cottesloe
1932/101350 Perth Mayo Amelia Veronica Female Gray Stanley Gordon Male Cottesloe
1932/101351 Perth Walls Albert Sydney George Male Noble Sylvia Female Subiaco
1932/101351 Perth Noble Sylvia Female Meers Albert Sydney George Male Subiaco
1932/101351 Perth Noble Sylvia Female Walls Albert Sydney George Male Subiaco
1932/101351 Perth Meers Albert Sydney George Male Noble Sylvia Female Subiaco
1932/101352 Perth Bonner Lenn Male Hicks Claudia Clare Female Inglewood
1932/101352 Perth Hicks Claudia Clare Female Bonner Lenn Male Inglewood
1932/101353 Perth Harwood Lewis Gordon Male Heal Edith May Female Perth
1932/101353 Perth Heal Edith May Female Harwood Lewis Gordon Male Perth
1932/101354 Perth Dobie Elizabeth Joan Female Rogers Vincent James Male Perth
1932/101354 Perth Rogers Vincent James Male Dobie Elizabeth Joan Female Perth
1932/101355 Perth Jones Louisa Vera Irene Female Duff Thomas Male Perth
1932/101355 Perth Duff Thomas Male Jones Louisa Vera Irene Female Perth
1932/101356 Perth Williams Alma Kate Female Reidy-Crofts Sydney Herbert Male Perth
1932/101356 Perth Reidy-Crofts Sydney Herbert Male Williams Alma Kate Female Perth
1932/101357 Perth Davies Thomas Daniel Male Harvey Mary Winifred Female Perth
1932/101357 Perth Harvey Mary Winifred Female Davies Thomas Daniel Male Perth
1932/101358 Perth O'Reilly Patricia Theodora Female Chalker Thomas Archer Male Perth
1932/101358 Perth Chalker Thomas Archer Male O'Reilly Patricia Theodora Female Perth
1932/101359 Perth Edwards Margaret Female Parry David Male Perth
1932/101359 Perth Parry David Male Edwards Margaret Female Perth
1932/101360 Perth Moseley Frances Elizabeth Female Schleicher Joseph Charles Male Perth
1932/101360 Perth Schleicher Joseph Charles Male Moseley Frances Elizabeth Female Perth
1932/101361 Perth Edward Jeanne Edith Steiner Female Martin Gordon Lindars Male Perth
1932/101361 Perth Martin Gordon Lindars Male Edward Jeanne Edith Steiner Female Perth
1932/101362 Perth Lewis Phoebe Elizabeth Female Malatzky Louis Male Perth
1932/101362 Perth Malatzky Louis Male Lewis Phoebe Elizabeth Female Perth
1932/101363 Perth Sargent Cecil Male Hair Jean Oswald Female Victoria Park
1932/101363 Perth Hair Jean Oswald Female Sargent Cecil Male Victoria Park
1932/101364 Perth Benari Eva Emma Female Kirkby William Joseph Male West Perth
1932/101364 Perth Kirkby William Joseph Male Benari Eva Emma Female West Perth
1932/101365 Perth Frew Jessie McMillan Female Grosser Kenneth James Male Perth
1932/101365 Perth Grosser Kenneth James Male Frew Jessie McMillan Female Perth
1932/101366 Perth Merritt George Male Wilson Jean Elsie Female Perth
1932/101366 Perth Wilson Jean Elsie Female Merritt George Male Perth
1932/101367 Perth Keating Larry Arthur Charles Male Balding Rose Female Perth
1932/101367 Perth Balding Rose Female Keating Larry Arthur Charles Male Perth
1932/101368 Perth Howard Emma Maria Female Fryer Tom John Male Perth
1932/101368 Perth Fryer Tom John Male Howard Emma Maria Female Perth
1932/101369 Perth Matheson Margaret Campbell Female McNab Arthur Stewart Male Subiaco
1932/101369 Perth McNab Arthur Stewart Male Matheson Margaret Campbell Female Subiaco
1932/101370 Perth Leen Dorothy Female Carroll Joseph Leslie Male Subiaco
1932/101370 Perth Carroll Joseph Leslie Male Leen Dorothy Female Subiaco
1932/101371 Perth Haime Christina Female Hebble Henry William Male West Perth
1932/101371 Perth Hebble Henry William Male Haime Christina Female West Perth
1932/101372 Perth Kelly Thomas Edmund Male Brokenshire Muriel Olive Female Forrest Park
1932/101372 Perth Brokenshire Muriel Olive Female Kelly Thomas Edmund Male Forrest Park
1932/101373 Perth Beattie William Albert Male Fewster Marjorie Female Maylands
1932/101373 Perth Fewster Marjorie Female Beattie William Albert Male Maylands
1932/101374 Perth Rouggos Ermis Male Geronimos Christina Female Perth
1932/101374 Perth Geronimos Christina Female Rouggos Ermis Male Perth
1932/101375 Perth Gemmel Rachel Carrick Female Smith Robert Male North Perth
1932/101375 Perth Smith Robert Male Gemmel Rachel Carrick Female North Perth
1932/101376 Perth McEvoy Kevin Sylvester Male Mahony Irene Mary Female Maylands
1932/101376 Perth Mahony Irene Mary Female McEvoy Kevin Sylvester Male Maylands
1932/101377 Perth Ludemann Frederick Leslie Male Nancarrow Olive Ethel Female Maylands
1932/101377 Perth Nancarrow Olive Ethel Female Ludemann Frederick Leslie Male Maylands
1932/101378 Perth Cousins Mary Lillian Female Frizzell William George Male Maylands
1932/101378 Perth Frizzell William George Male Cousins Mary Lillian Female Maylands
1932/101379 Perth Harris Ella Marguerite Female Arcus Robert William Male Leederville
1932/101379 Perth Arcus Robert William Male Harris Ella Marguerite Female Leederville
1932/101380 Perth Tester Arthur Percy Milton Male Smith Mary Agnes Female Perth
1932/101380 Perth Smith Mary Agnes Female Tester Arthur Percy Milton Male Perth
1932/101381 Perth Watson John Forrest Male Hadcroft Phyllis Female Subiaco
1932/101381 Perth Hadcroft Phyllis Female Watson John Forrest Male Subiaco
1932/101382 Perth Nelson Bessie Phyllis Female Waller Alfred John Clive Male Subiaco
1932/101382 Perth Waller Alfred John Clive Male Nelson Bessie Phyllis Female Subiaco
1932/101383 Perth Hayman Sylvia Madeline Female Oliver Harold Male Subiaco
1932/101383 Perth Oliver Harold Male Hayman Sylvia Madeline Female Subiaco
1932/101384 Perth Oag Alexander Sutherland Male Phillips Bessie Vera Female Subiaco
1932/101384 Perth Phillips Bessie Vera Female Oag Alexander Sutherland Male Subiaco
1932/101385 Perth Joss Andrew Ernest Male Henley Ada Gwendoline Female Subiaco
1932/101385 Perth Henley Ada Gwendoline Female Joss Andrew Ernest Male Subiaco
1932/101386 Perth Palmer Viola Female Kennedy Athol Earl Male Subiaco
1932/101386 Perth Kennedy Athol Earl Male Palmer Viola Female Subiaco
1932/101387 Perth Budd Ethel May Female Plant Harry Alfred Male Perth
1932/101387 Perth Plant Harry Alfred Male Budd Ethel May Female Perth
1932/101388 Perth White Ruth Evelyn Female Munns Herbert George Male Mount Hawthorn
1932/101388 Perth Munns Herbert George Male White Ruth Evelyn Female Mount Hawthorn
1932/101389 Perth Allen Lizzie May Female Perry Arthur Male Maylands
1932/101389 Perth Perry Arthur Male Allen Lizzie May Female Maylands
1932/101390 Perth Jenkin Harold Noel Leroy Male Rumble Betty Louise Female Perth
1932/101390 Perth Rumble Betty Louise Female Jenkin Harold Noel Leroy Male Perth
1932/101391 Perth Rees Amy Elizabeth Isobel Berwen Female Rutledge Cyril Male Perth
1932/101391 Perth Rutledge Cyril Male Rees Amy Elizabeth Isobel Berwen Female Perth
1932/101392 Perth Hagarty Gladys May Female Pietra-Pertosa Edgar Astor Male Perth
1932/101392 Perth Pietra-Pertosa Edgar Astor Male Hagarty Gladys May Female Perth
1932/101393 Perth Kitchin George Male Fitz Gerald Nesta Geraldine Female Perth
1932/101393 Perth Fitz Gerald Nesta Geraldine Female Kitchin George Male Perth
1932/101394 Perth Flanagan Edith Violet Female Macartney James Edward Male Perth
1932/101394 Perth Macartney James Edward Male Flanagan Edith Violet Female Perth
1932/101395 Perth Thompson Dorothy Ellen Female Bartley Charles Baden-Powell Male Perth
1932/101395 Perth Maiss Dorothy Ellen Female Bartley Charles Baden-Powell Male Perth
1932/101395 Perth Bartley Charles Baden-Powell Male Maiss Dorothy Ellen Female Perth
1932/101395 Perth Bartley Charles Baden-Powell Male Thompson Dorothy Ellen Female Perth
1932/101396 Perth Fry William Alfred Bernard Male Anderson Dorothy Marie Female Perth
1932/101396 Perth Anderson Dorothy Marie Female Fry William Alfred Bernard Male Perth
1932/101397 Perth McDonald Marjorie Isobel Female Keirle John Henry Male Perth
1932/101397 Perth Keirle John Henry Male McDonald Marjorie Isobel Female Perth
1932/101398 Perth Boyd Alma Amelia Female Johnson Thomas Vivian Male Victoria Park
1932/101398 Perth Johnson Thomas Vivian Male Boyd Alma Amelia Female Victoria Park
1932/101399 Perth Hurd Evelyn Gertrude Female Dalgairns James Oswald Chatfield Male Victoria Park
1932/101399 Perth Dalgairns James Oswald Chatfield Male Hurd Evelyn Gertrude Female Victoria Park
1932/101400 Perth Criddle Evelyn Myrtle Female Sellen George Albert Male Perth
1932/101400 Perth Sellen George Albert Male Criddle Evelyn Myrtle Female Perth
1932/101401 Perth Williams George Henry Male Tyson Vera Female Victoria Park
1932/101401 Perth Webster George Henry Male Tyson Vera Female Victoria Park
1932/101401 Perth Tyson Vera Female Webster George Henry Male Victoria Park
1932/101401 Perth Tyson Vera Female Williams George Henry Male Victoria Park
1932/101402 Perth Davidson Joan Elizabeth Female Jackson George Henry Male Perth
1932/101402 Perth Jackson George Henry Male Davidson Joan Elizabeth Female Perth
1932/101403 Perth Cooper Theophilus Male French Ethel Mary Female Perth
1932/101403 Perth French Ethel Mary Female Cooper Theophilus Male Perth
1932/101404 Perth Williams Cecilia Clune Mary Female Keating Reginald John Male Perth
1932/101404 Perth Keating Reginald John Male Williams Cecilia Clune Mary Female Perth
1932/101405 Perth Lewis Molly Female McMahon James Male Perth
1932/101405 Perth McMahon James Male Lewis Molly Female Perth
1932/101406 Perth Noonan William Hubert Male Culmsee Frances May Female Perth
1932/101406 Perth Culmsee Frances May Female Noonan William Hubert Male Perth
1932/101407 Perth Webb Charles Harry Male Flaherty Margaret Female Perth
1932/101407 Perth Flaherty Margaret Female Webb Charles Harry Male Perth
1932/101408 Perth Lister Isabella Mary Female Fitzgerald Gerald Thomas Male Perth
1932/101408 Perth Fitzgerald Gerald Thomas Male Lister Isabella Mary Female Perth
1932/101409 Perth Hawkins Lloyd George Male McConnell Helena Margaret Female Perth
1932/101409 Perth McConnell Helena Margaret Female Hawkins Lloyd George Male Perth
1932/101410 Perth Moyns Dorothy Jean Avann Female Beard George Brunsford Male West Perth
1932/101410 Perth Beard George Brunsford Male Moyns Dorothy Jean Avann Female West Perth
1932/101411 Perth Clarke Irene Isabel Female Fuller Hector Kenneth Male West Perth
1932/101411 Perth Fuller Hector Kenneth Male Clarke Irene Isabel Female West Perth
1932/101412 Perth Warrick Richard Harold Male Toy Beatrice Mabel Female West Perth
1932/101412 Perth Toy Beatrice Mabel Female Warrick Richard Harold Male West Perth
1932/101413 Perth Burgess Reginald John Male Browne Violet Marie Female West Perth
1932/101413 Perth Browne Violet Marie Female Burgess Reginald John Male West Perth
1932/101414 Perth Weston Lucy Florence Female Morrell Dennis James Stanley Male Perth
1932/101414 Perth Morrell Dennis James Stanley Male Weston Lucy Florence Female Perth
1932/101415 Perth Eustice Arthur Harkness Male Armstrong Hazel Marguerite Female Perth
1932/101415 Perth Armstrong Hazel Marguerite Female Eustice Arthur Harkness Male Perth
1932/101416 Perth Cant John Leonard Male Armitage Irene Marion Female Perth
1932/101416 Perth Armitage Irene Marion Female Cant John Leonard Male Perth
1932/101417 Perth Smith Harry Hanham Male Carver Mabel Augusta Female Perth
1932/101417 Perth Carver Mabel Augusta Female Smith Harry Hanham Male Perth
1932/101418 Perth McAlinden Lily Jean Female Rogers Trevor Joseph Male Cottesloe
1932/101418 Perth Rogers Trevor Joseph Male McAlinden Lily Jean Female Cottesloe
1932/101419 Perth Everett Ada Marjory Female Bickford William John Male Cottesloe
1932/101419 Perth Bickford William John Male Everett Ada Marjory Female Cottesloe
1932/101420 Perth Watson Gladys Emily Maud Female White Edward Francis Male Nedlands
1932/101420 Perth White Edward Francis Male Watson Gladys Emily Maud Female Nedlands
1932/101421 Perth Ham John Walter Male Duence Leila Female Nedlands
1932/101421 Perth Duence Leila Female Ham John Walter Male Nedlands
1932/101422 Perth Jerrard Harry Charles Male Burton Gwendoline Viola Female Nedlands
1932/101422 Perth Burton Gwendoline Viola Female Jerrard Harry Charles Male Nedlands
1932/101423 Perth Hart Norma Cecilia Female Connell Earle Clifford Male Mt Hawthorn
1932/101423 Perth Connell Earle Clifford Male Hart Norma Cecilia Female Mt Hawthorn
1932/101424 Perth Daniell Eliza Mirriam Female Timms Percival Charles Male Perth
1932/101424 Perth Timms Percival Charles Male Daniell Eliza Mirriam Female Perth
1932/101425 Perth Cleverley Elaine Vera Pearl Female Cooper Albert James Male West Perth
1932/101425 Perth Cooper Albert James Male Cleverley Elaine Vera Pearl Female West Perth
1932/101426 Perth McDonald John Leslie Male McCarthy Ellen Mary Asher Female West Perth
1932/101426 Perth McCarthy Ellen Mary Asher Female McDonald John Leslie Male West Perth
1932/101427 Perth Aylett Beatrice Maud Female Pennington George James Male West Leederville
1932/101427 Perth Pennington George James Male Aylett Beatrice Maud Female West Leederville
1932/101428 Perth Searle Elizabeth Female McInnes James Morison Male Perth
1932/101428 Perth McInnes James Morison Male Searle Elizabeth Female Perth
1932/101429 Perth Polhill Mary Agnes Female Hutton Cecil Leonard Male Perth
1932/101429 Perth Hutton Cecil Leonard Male Polhill Mary Agnes Female Perth
1932/101430 Perth Francis Douglas Athol Stuart Male Wright Ruby Ellen Female Jolimont
1932/101430 Perth Wright Ruby Ellen Female Francis Douglas Athol Stuart Male Jolimont
1932/101431 Perth Scott Olive Maud May Female Swannell Arthur Ernest Cedric Male Perth
1932/101431 Perth Swannell Arthur Ernest Cedric Male Scott Olive Maud May Female Perth
1932/101432 Perth Mackay Claude Steele Male Urquhart Phyllis Amelia Female West Perth
1932/101432 Perth Urquhart Phyllis Amelia Female Mackay Claude Steele Male West Perth
1932/101433 Perth Pike Gladys Irene Female Miller Frederich Charles Male West Perth
1932/101433 Perth Miller Frederich Charles Male Pike Gladys Irene Female West Perth
1939/101434 Perth Nicholson Allan William Male Della-Vedova Irene Catherine Female Perth
1939/101434 Perth Della-Vedova Irene Catherine Female Nicholson Allan William Male Perth
1932/101434 Perth Clifton George Male Cook Mary Female Perth
1932/101434 Perth Cook Mary Female Clifton George Male Perth
1932/101435 Perth Henderson Leonard Aberle Male Pritchard Elma Lucy Female Perth
1932/101435 Perth Pritchard Elma Lucy Female Henderson Leonard Aberle Male Perth
1932/101436 Perth Lewis Thomas Reginald Sale Male Trotter Nancy Evelyn Baird Female Perth
1932/101436 Perth Trotter Nancy Evelyn Baird Female Lewis Thomas Reginald Sale Male Perth
1932/101437 Perth Bentley John William Male Peters Janet Robertson Female Perth
1932/101437 Perth Peters Janet Robertson Female Bentley John William Male Perth
1932/101438 Perth Schulstad William Ernest Male Glover Jean Geraldine Female Perth
1932/101438 Perth Glover Jean Geraldine Female Schulstad William Ernest Male Perth
1932/101439 Perth Mahomet Amy Female Hedges Horace George Male Rosalie
1932/101439 Perth Hedges Horace George Male Mahomet Amy Female Rosalie
1932/101440 Perth Parker Jane Female Wyer Thomas Male Perth
1932/101440 Perth Wyer Thomas Male Parker Jane Female Perth
1932/101441 Perth Cook Alfred Reginald Male Butchart Eileen Female Cottesloe
1932/101441 Perth Butchart Eileen Female Cook Alfred Reginald Male Cottesloe
1932/101442 Perth Robertson Arthur Valdemar Male Willis Evelyn Warren Female Subiaco
1932/101442 Perth Willis Evelyn Warren Female Robertson Arthur Valdemar Male Subiaco
1932/101443 Perth Bestman Robert Oswald Male Kean Nellie Olive Female Perth
1932/101443 Perth Kean Nellie Olive Female Bestman Robert Oswald Male Perth
1932/101444 Perth Saunders Hazel Lillian Female Wilson William Benjamin Male Perth
1932/101444 Perth Wilson William Benjamin Male Saunders Hazel Lillian Female Perth
1932/101445 Perth Lathlean Ruby Clarice Female Pullin Norman George Eli Male Subiaco
1932/101445 Perth Pullin Norman George Eli Male Lathlean Ruby Clarice Female Subiaco
1932/101446 Perth Hyland Rose Ellen Female Cole David Male West Perth
1932/101446 Perth Cole David Male Hyland Rose Ellen Female West Perth
1932/101447 Perth Christie Lillian Grace Female Quine Alan Campbell Male Subiaco
1932/101447 Perth Quine Alan Campbell Male Christie Lillian Grace Female Subiaco
1932/101448 Perth Garrigan Margaret May Female Briggs Donald Male Perth
1932/101448 Perth Briggs Donald Male Garrigan Margaret May Female Perth
1932/101449 Perth Ledger Ronald Albert Thomas Male Duncan Dorothy Jean Female Perth
1932/101449 Perth Duncan Dorothy Jean Female Ledger Ronald Albert Thomas Male Perth
1932/101450 Perth Dewar Marion Emma Female Burnett Samuel George Male Perth
1932/101450 Perth Burnett Samuel George Male Dewar Marion Emma Female Perth
1932/101451 Perth Ingram Frederick Arthur Male Johnson Florence Ethel Female Perth
1932/101451 Perth Johnson Florence Ethel Female Ingram Frederick Arthur Male Perth
1932/101452 Perth Paterson Mary Alice Louise Female Peterkin Angus Roy Male Perth
1932/101452 Perth Peterkin Angus Roy Male Paterson Mary Alice Louise Female Perth
1932/101453 Perth Crawford Ruth Female Tipping Francis William Male Perth
1932/101453 Perth Tipping Francis William Male Crawford Ruth Female Perth
1932/300001 Ashburton Lintermans William Anthony John Male Spriggs Kathleen Pearl Female Onslow
1932/300001 Ashburton Spriggs Kathleen Pearl Female Lintermans William Anthony John Male Onslow
1932/400001 Beverley Metcher Mary Female Brown Frank William Male Beverley
1932/400001 Beverley Brown Frank William Male Metcher Mary Female Beverley
1932/400005 Beverley Panten Stanley Ronald Male Howell Grace Kathleen Female Beverley
1932/400005 Beverley Howell Grace Kathleen Female Panten Stanley Ronald Male Beverley
1932/400006 Beverley Phillips Elliott Ashley Male Wood Alberta Pearl Female Beverley
1932/400006 Beverley Wood Alberta Pearl Female Phillips Elliott Ashley Male Beverley
1932/400007 Beverley McCallum Alan Douglas Male Potts Avis Olive Female Dale
1932/400007 Beverley Potts Avis Olive Female McCallum Alan Douglas Male Dale
1932/400008 Beverley Walters Ronald Henry Male Langley Edith Mary Female Brookton
1932/400008 Beverley Langley Edith Mary Female Walters Ronald Henry Male Brookton
1932/400009 Beverley Vinicombe John Clarence Male Kerr Lillian Doris Female Nyamutin
1932/400009 Beverley Kerr Lillian Doris Female Vinicombe John Clarence Male Nyamutin
1932/400010 Beverley Mills Lois Adelaide Female Turner Sidney John Male Aldersyde
1932/400010 Beverley Turner Sidney John Male Mills Lois Adelaide Female Aldersyde
1932/400011 Beverley Durham Edith Female Sedgwick Eric Harry Male Dangin
1932/400011 Beverley Sedgwick Eric Harry Male Durham Edith Female Dangin
1932/400012 Beverley Doncon Sylvia May Female Miles Alexander Warden Male Beverley
1932/400012 Beverley Miles Alexander Warden Male Doncon Sylvia May Female Beverley
1932/400013 Beverley Willey Henry Albert Male Newton Nellie Hanna Agnes Female Beverley
1932/400013 Beverley Newton Nellie Hanna Agnes Female Willey Henry Albert Male Beverley
1932/400014 Beverley Duns William Francis Male Mack Doris May Female Hyden Rock
1932/400014 Beverley Mack Doris May Female Duns William Francis Male Hyden Rock
1932/400015 Beverley Hunt Victor Joseph Male Gale Winifred Mary Female Beverley
1932/400015 Beverley Gale Winifred Mary Female Hunt Victor Joseph Male Beverley
1932/400016 Beverley Flay Mary Female Kickett Thomas Male Badjaling
1932/400016 Beverley Kickett Thomas Male Flay Mary Female Badjaling
1932/400017 Beverley Farrall Stanley Male Bowen Dorothea Marguirita Female Bruce Rock
1932/400017 Beverley Bowen Dorothea Marguirita Female Farrall Stanley Male Bruce Rock
1932/400018 Beverley Marshall Alice Rose Female Mundy Clifford Male West Pingelly
1932/400018 Beverley Mundy Clifford Male Marshall Alice Rose Female West Pingelly
1932/400019 Beverley Parker Blanche Ella May Female Kevill William Glanville George Male Quairading
1932/400019 Beverley Kevill William Glanville George Male Parker Blanche Ella May Female Quairading
1932/400020 Beverley Holtzmann Phyllis Mary Female Rogers Emlyn William Male South Karlgarin
1932/400020 Beverley Rogers Emlyn William Male Holtzmann Phyllis Mary Female South Karlgarin
1932/400021 Beverley Powell Lily Female Kevill Ira Ralph Male Quairading
1932/400021 Beverley Kevill Ira Ralph Male Powell Lily Female Quairading
1932/400022 Beverley Pickersgill Herbert McIntosh Male Atkinson Elizabeth Joan Female Corrigin
1932/400022 Beverley Atkinson Elizabeth Joan Female Pickersgill Herbert McIntosh Male Corrigin
1932/400023 Beverley Blight William Robert Alexander Male Fairhead Myrtle Irene Female Pingelly
1932/400023 Beverley Fairhead Myrtle Irene Female Blight William Robert Alexander Male Pingelly
1932/400024 Beverley Watts Evelyn Irene Female Chittleborough Keith Charles Male West Pingelly
1932/400024 Beverley Chittleborough Keith Charles Male Watts Evelyn Irene Female West Pingelly
1932/400025 Beverley Lange Ernest Oscar Male Gilchrist Sylvia Jean Sinclair Female Pingelly
1932/400025 Beverley Gilchrist Sylvia Jean Sinclair Female Lange Ernest Oscar Male Pingelly
1932/400026 Beverley Geekie Jane Ann Anderson Female Mortin John Samuel Male Kondinin
1932/400026 Beverley Mortin John Samuel Male Geekie Jane Ann Anderson Female Kondinin
1932/400027 Beverley Cunningham Frank Male Thomas Myrtle Edna Female Pingelly
1932/400027 Beverley Thomas Myrtle Edna Female Cunningham Frank Male Pingelly
1932/400028 Beverley Fisher Claude Irwin Male Fleay Jessie Margaret Female Beverley
1932/400028 Beverley Fleay Jessie Margaret Female Fisher Claude Irwin Male Beverley
1932/400029 Beverley Hickey Lily Female Reid William Male Beverley
1932/400029 Beverley Reid William Male Hickey Lily Female Beverley
1932/400030 Beverley Muir Thomas Male Moore Madge Gladys Female Pingelly
1932/400030 Beverley Moore Madge Gladys Female Muir Thomas Male Pingelly
1932/400031 Beverley Blechynden Edwin Thomas Male Faulkner Gladys Laura Female Babakin
1932/400031 Beverley Faulkner Gladys Laura Female Blechynden Edwin Thomas Male Babakin
1932/400032 Beverley Merritt Matthew John Male Seinor Jean Ada Female Bruce Rock
1932/400032 Beverley Seinor Jean Ada Female Merritt Matthew John Male Bruce Rock
1932/400033 Beverley McComas John Sommerville Male Addison Doris Female Bruce Rock
1932/400033 Beverley Addison Doris Female McComas John Sommerville Male Bruce Rock
1932/400034 Beverley Walker Thomas William Male Eeles Ivy Edith Female Bruce Rock
1932/400034 Beverley Eeles Ivy Edith Female Walker Thomas William Male Bruce Rock
1932/400035 Beverley Williams Violet Pearl Female d'Arcy Philip Ernest Male Pingelly
1932/400036 Beverley Evans Albert Edward Male Forrest Ruby Jean Female Beverley
1932/400036 Beverley Forrest Ruby Jean Female Evans Albert Edward Male Beverley
1932/400037 Beverley Phillips Joseph Arthur Male Fisher Alice May Female Lomos
1932/400037 Beverley Fisher Alice May Female Phillips Joseph Arthur Male Lomos
1932/400038 Beverley Kerr Ivy Muriel Female Watts Lionel Owen Male West Pingelly
1932/400038 Beverley Watts Lionel Owen Male Kerr Ivy Muriel Female West Pingelly
1932/400039 Beverley Clark Muriel Doreen Female Richards Sydney Arthur Ambrose Male Pingelly
1932/400039 Beverley Richards Sydney Arthur Ambrose Male Clark Muriel Doreen Female Pingelly
1932/400040 Beverley Peters Edward John Male Robins Corabel Female Beverley
1932/400040 Beverley Robins Corabel Female Peters Edward John Male Beverley
1932/400041 Beverley McGhie James Male Page Muriel Doris Female Popanyinning
1932/400041 Beverley Page Muriel Doris Female McGhie James Male Popanyinning
1932/400042 Beverley Williams Albert Evan Male Morrison Olga Lillian Female Pingelly
1932/400042 Beverley Morrison Olga Lillian Female Williams Albert Evan Male Pingelly
1932/400043 Beverley Cranfield Edith Madge Female Fleay Wallace John Bartram Male Beverley
1932/400043 Beverley Fleay Wallace John Bartram Male Cranfield Edith Madge Female Beverley
1932/400044 Beverley Lodge Arthur Colin Male Lukin Vera Muriel Female Beverley
1932/400044 Beverley Lukin Vera Muriel Female Lodge Arthur Colin Male Beverley
1932/400045 Beverley Adams Albert Edward Male Walker Margaret Female Kondinin
1932/400045 Beverley Walker Margaret Female Adams Albert Edward Male Kondinin
1932/400046 Beverley Robins Chatty Pretoria Female Bremner John Male Bruce Rock
1932/400046 Beverley Bremner John Male Robins Chatty Pretoria Female Bruce Rock
1932/400047 Beverley Robins Rosalie Alice Female Ashbury John Kribb Male Bruce Rock
1932/400047 Beverley Ashbury John Kribb Male Robins Rosalie Alice Female Bruce Rock
1932/400048 Beverley Hogstrom Per Arvid Wilhelm Male Kemple Agnes Price Female South Kumminin
1932/400048 Beverley Kemple Agnes Price Female Hogstrom Per Arvid Wilhelm Male South Kumminin
1932/400049 Beverley Davies Maud Elizabeth Female Cartwright Charles Deayton Male East Pingelly
1932/400049 Beverley Cartwright Charles Deayton Male Davies Maud Elizabeth Female East Pingelly
1932/400050 Beverley Ugle Muriel Female Ellis James Male Beverley
1932/400050 Beverley Ellis James Male Ugle Muriel Female Beverley
1932/400051 Beverley Abbott Charles Frank Male Gould Charlotte Annie Female Brookton
1932/400051 Beverley Gould Charlotte Annie Female Abbott Charles Frank Male Brookton
1932/400052 Beverley Bloom Edward Charles Male McMullen Rotha Female Quairading
1932/400052 Beverley McMullen Rotha Female Bloom Edward Charles Male Quairading
1932/400053 Beverley Powell Euphenia Agnes Walker Female Cousins John Lawrence David Male East Pingelly
1932/400053 Beverley Cousins John Lawrence David Male Powell Euphenia Agnes Walker Female East Pingelly
1932/400054 Beverley Imison Arthur Neville Male Evans Nellis Female South Caroling
1932/400054 Beverley Evans Nellis Female Imison Arthur Neville Male South Caroling
1932/400055 Beverley Dewar Kate Female Jesser-Coope William Anthony Male Mourambine
1932/400055 Beverley Jesser-Coope William Anthony Male Dewar Kate Female Mourambine
1932/400056 Beverley Rouse Alma Olive Female Norwell Lorrain Ingham Bloxam Male Pingelly
1932/400056 Beverley Norwell Lorrain Ingham Bloxam Male Rouse Alma Olive Female Pingelly
1932/400057 Beverley Marlow Ellen Kathleen Female Broun Eugene Francis Frederick Male Pingelly
1932/400057 Beverley Broun Eugene Francis Frederick Male Marlow Ellen Kathleen Female Pingelly
1932/400058 Beverley Rule Eric John Male Shackles Elsie May Female Beverley
1932/400058 Beverley Shackles Elsie May Female Rule Eric John Male Beverley
1932/400059 Beverley Oliver Elsie Elizabeth Female Badcock William Eric Male Pingelly
1932/400059 Beverley Badcock William Eric Male Oliver Elsie Elizabeth Female Pingelly
1932/400060 Beverley Broun Dorothy May Female Bremner Frederick Edward Male Beverley
1932/400060 Beverley Bremner Frederick Edward Male Broun Dorothy May Female Beverley
1932/400061 Beverley Lange Emily Sarah Female Francis Oswald John Male Popanyinning
1932/400061 Beverley Francis Oswald John Male Lange Emily Sarah Female Popanyinning
1932/400062 Beverley Lupton Harold Arthur Male Potts Ethel Rose Female West Pingelly
1932/400062 Beverley Potts Ethel Rose Female Lupton Harold Arthur Male West Pingelly
1932/400063 Beverley Allvar Elsie Female Jackson Norman Male Beverley
1932/400063 Beverley Jackson Norman Male Allvar Elsie Female Beverley
1932/400064 Beverley Collins Alfred Adderson Male Eaton Doreen Ellen Female Beverley
1932/400064 Beverley Eaton Doreen Ellen Female Collins Alfred Adderson Male Beverley
1932/400065 Beverley Porter Janet Female Smith Athol Kevin Male Brookton
1932/400065 Beverley Smith Athol Kevin Male Porter Janet Female Brookton
1932/400066 Beverley Johnston Alma Helen Female McLaren Hector George Male Dangin
1932/400066 Beverley McLaren Hector George Male Johnston Alma Helen Female Dangin
1932/400067 Beverley Merrick William Tom Male McAndrew Alice Lindsay Female Corrigin
1932/400067 Beverley McAndrew Alice Lindsay Female Merrick William Tom Male Corrigin
1932/400068 Beverley Parks Ernest Albert Male Richards Mary Caroline Queen Female Popanyinning
1932/400068 Beverley Richards Mary Caroline Queen Female Parks Ernest Albert Male Popanyinning
1933/500001 Blackwood Lawrence Sylvia Valmai Female Bryant Frank Male Jardee
1932/500001 Blackwood Forrest Edith Stella Mary Female Kerr Robert Armstrong Male Bridgetown
1932/500001 Blackwood Kerr Robert Armstrong Male Forrest Edith Stella Mary Female Bridgetown
1933/500001 Blackwood Bryant Frank Male Lawrence Sylvia Valmai Female Jardee
1932/500002 Blackwood Nix John Bertram Male Fuller Emily Elizabeth Female Mayanup
1932/500002 Blackwood Fuller Emily Elizabeth Female Nix John Bertram Male Mayanup
1932/500003 Blackwood Forrest Daisy Maude Female Roberts Charles Alfred Male Bridgetown
1932/500003 Blackwood Roberts Charles Alfred Male Forrest Daisy Maude Female Bridgetown
1932/500004 Blackwood Bartlett Frederick Henry Male Hall Ethel May Female Bridgetown
1932/500004 Blackwood Hall Ethel May Female Bartlett Frederick Henry Male Bridgetown
1932/500005 Blackwood Hale Harold Edward Male Chambers Lilian May Female Kulikup
1932/500005 Blackwood Chambers Lilian May Female Hale Harold Edward Male Kulikup
1932/500006 Blackwood Kendall Doris Elizabeth Female Ridley William Henry Male Bridgetown
1932/500006 Blackwood Ridley William Henry Male Kendall Doris Elizabeth Female Bridgetown
1932/500012 Blackwood Corker Marjorie Grace Female Lang Victor Male Mayanup
1932/500012 Blackwood Lang Victor Male Corker Marjorie Grace Female Mayanup
1932/500013 Blackwood Hampel Elsie Rose Female Spencer Richard Seymour Male Bridgetown
1932/500013 Blackwood Spencer Richard Seymour Male Hampel Elsie Rose Female Bridgetown
1932/500014 Blackwood Pears Wesley Keith Male Marlow Lilian Emily Female Greenbushes
1932/500014 Blackwood Marlow Lilian Emily Female Pears Wesley Keith Male Greenbushes
1932/500015 Blackwood Jameson Sadie Winifred Beth Female Kelly Arthur Ralph Male Pemberton
1932/500015 Blackwood Kelly Arthur Ralph Male Jameson Sadie Winifred Beth Female Pemberton
1932/500016 Blackwood Lethlean Minnie Jean Female Mitchell Herbert Keene Male Pemberton
1932/500016 Blackwood Mitchell Herbert Keene Male Lethlean Minnie Jean Female Pemberton
1932/500017 Blackwood Green Sydney George Male Tunstall Mary Ann Female Manjimup
1932/500017 Blackwood Tunstall Mary Ann Female Green Sydney George Male Manjimup
1932/500018 Blackwood Ware Elizabeth Frances Delcy Female Brams David Gerard Male Pemberton
1932/500018 Blackwood Brams David Gerard Male Ware Elizabeth Frances Delcy Female Pemberton
1932/500020 Blackwood Farmer Arthur Ernest Male Macdonald Alexanderina Annie Jane Female Pemberton
1932/500020 Blackwood Macdonald Alexanderina Annie Jane Female Farmer Arthur Ernest Male Pemberton
1932/500021 Blackwood Jackson Alice Handover Female Sarsfield-Clarke John Joseph Male Pemberton
1932/500021 Blackwood Sarsfield-Clarke John Joseph Male Jackson Alice Handover Female Pemberton
1932/500022 Blackwood Hicks Hazel Kathleen Female Buegge Oscar Henning Male Bridgetown
1932/500022 Blackwood Buegge Oscar Henning Male Hicks Hazel Kathleen Female Bridgetown
1932/500023 Blackwood Crombie William Male Underwood Vera Mabel Female Bridgetown
1932/500023 Blackwood Underwood Vera Mabel Female Crombie William Male Bridgetown
1932/500024 Blackwood Blechynden Ellen May Female Steere James Lee Male Bridgetown
1932/500024 Blackwood Steere James Lee Male Blechynden Ellen May Female Bridgetown
1932/500025 Blackwood Davies Herbert Coleman Male Browne Margaret Lilian Dodwell Female Bridgetown
1932/500025 Blackwood Browne Margaret Lilian Dodwell Female Davies Herbert Coleman Male Bridgetown
1932/500026 Blackwood Hayton Mollie Louise Female Kerr Duncan Sinclair Male Pemberton
1932/500026 Blackwood Kerr Duncan Sinclair Male Hayton Mollie Louise Female Pemberton
1932/500027 Blackwood Greenwood Nellie Female Roche James Male Pemberton
1932/500027 Blackwood Roche James Male Greenwood Nellie Female Pemberton
1932/500028 Blackwood McIlhatton Mary Female Bennett James Howard Male Bridgetown
1932/500028 Blackwood Bennett James Howard Male McIlhatton Mary Female Bridgetown
1932/500029 Blackwood Jones Winifred Elizabeth Martha Female Reeve Ernest Alfred Male Manjimup
1932/500029 Blackwood Reeve Ernest Alfred Male Jones Winifred Elizabeth Martha Female Manjimup
1932/500030 Blackwood MacArthur John Male Branigan Eva Hazel Female Dixvale
1932/500030 Blackwood Branigan Eva Hazel Female MacArthur John Male Dixvale
1932/500031 Blackwood Williams Thomas Whitton Male Dawson Elma Agnes Female Greenbushes
1932/500031 Blackwood Dawson Elma Agnes Female Williams Thomas Whitton Male Greenbushes
1932/500032 Blackwood Bawden Lewis Roy Male Barker Florence Female Bridgetown
1932/500032 Blackwood Barker Florence Female Bawden Lewis Roy Male Bridgetown
1932/500033 Blackwood Doust Frederick Muir Male Wilkinson Marjorie Violet Female Greenbushes
1932/500033 Blackwood Wilkinson Marjorie Violet Female Doust Frederick Muir Male Greenbushes
1932/500034 Blackwood McInerney Genevieve Catherine Madge Female Adam Joseph Francis Thomy Male Pemberton
1932/500034 Blackwood Adam Joseph Francis Thomy Male McInerney Genevieve Catherine Madge Female Pemberton
1932/500035 Blackwood Thomas Cleve Lyall Male Ladhams Zoe May Female Bridgetown
1932/500035 Blackwood Ladhams Zoe May Female Thomas Cleve Lyall Male Bridgetown
1932/500036 Blackwood Shah Nessie Female Bazzo Guerrino Male Bridgetown
1932/500036 Blackwood Bazzo Guerrino Male Shah Nessie Female Bridgetown
1932/500037 Blackwood Fyfe Dorothy Isabel Jean Female Davidson George Male Pemberton
1932/500037 Blackwood Davidson George Male Fyfe Dorothy Isabel Jean Female Pemberton
1932/500038 Blackwood Hubble Clarence Edward Male Mottram Gwendoline Barbara Female Bridgetown
1932/500038 Blackwood Mottram Gwendoline Barbara Female Hubble Clarence Edward Male Bridgetown
1932/500039 Blackwood Dare Sydney Bowden Male McCosh Alison Chalmers Female Manjimup
1932/500039 Blackwood McCosh Alison Chalmers Female Dare Sydney Bowden Male Manjimup
1932/500040 Blackwood Masters George Fletcher Male Cogdon Lucy Elizabeth Female Dingup
1932/500040 Blackwood Cogdon Lucy Elizabeth Female Masters George Fletcher Male Dingup
1932/500041 Blackwood Essell Ronald Batt Male Gray Alice May Female Dingup
1932/500041 Blackwood Gray Alice May Female Essell Ronald Batt Male Dingup
1932/500042 Blackwood Reeve Charles Arthur Male Muir Ivy May Female Dingup
1932/500042 Blackwood Muir Ivy May Female Reeve Charles Arthur Male Dingup
1932/500043 Blackwood Webster Thomas Emaniel Male Hazelgrove Sarah Ann Female Manjimup
1932/500043 Blackwood Hazelgrove Sarah Ann Female Webster Thomas Emaniel Male Manjimup
1932/500044 Blackwood Morris William Harold Male Edmunds Peggy Female Northcliffe
1932/500044 Blackwood Edmunds Peggy Female Morris William Harold Male Northcliffe
1932/500045 Blackwood Mills Lilian Edith Emma Female Sims William Robert Male Manjimup
1932/500045 Blackwood Sims William Robert Male Mills Lilian Edith Emma Female Manjimup
1932/500046 Blackwood Moon James Male Mills Winifred Doris Female Manjimup
1932/500046 Blackwood Mills Winifred Doris Female Moon James Male Manjimup
1932/500047 Blackwood Fowler Robert Wickham Male Hobbs Dorothea Mary Female Manjimup
1932/500047 Blackwood Hobbs Dorothea Mary Female Fowler Robert Wickham Male Manjimup
1932/500048 Blackwood Macmillan Angus Male Stewart Catherine Campbell Female Manjimup
1932/500048 Blackwood Stewart Catherine Campbell Female Macmillan Angus Male Manjimup
1932/500049 Blackwood Scanes Kathleen Female Hawkins James Driver Male Manjimup
1932/500049 Blackwood Hawkins James Driver Male Scanes Kathleen Female Manjimup
1932/500050 Blackwood Davies William James Male Jones Lillian May Female Greenbushes
1932/500050 Blackwood Jones Lillian May Female Davies William James Male Greenbushes
1932/500051 Blackwood Cooper Arthur Andrew Male Cluning Dorothy Pauline Female Balingup
1932/500051 Blackwood Cluning Dorothy Pauline Female Cooper Arthur Andrew Male Balingup
1932/500052 Blackwood Sims Olive Myrtle Female Bazzo Emilio Male Manjimup
1932/500052 Blackwood Bazzo Emilio Male Sims Olive Myrtle Female Manjimup
1932/500053 Blackwood Rosman Ida Ethel Female Churcher James Herbert Male Pemberton
1932/500053 Blackwood Churcher James Herbert Male Rosman Ida Ethel Female Pemberton
1932/500054 Blackwood Reynolds George William Male Sawyer Norma Gladys Female Manjimup
1932/500054 Blackwood Sawyer Norma Gladys Female Reynolds George William Male Manjimup
1932/500055 Blackwood Hill William Finch Male Steadman Ellen Lilly Female Pemberton
1932/500055 Blackwood Steadman Ellen Lilly Female Hill William Finch Male Pemberton
1932/500056 Blackwood Jones Sarah Ellen Female Poole Alfred Thomas Male Greenbushes
1932/500056 Blackwood Poole Alfred Thomas Male Jones Sarah Ellen Female Greenbushes
1932/500057 Blackwood Williams Phyllis Female Semple Donald Allen Male Pemberton
1932/500057 Blackwood Semple Donald Allen Male Williams Phyllis Female Pemberton
1933/700001 Boulder Hill Ronald Raymond Male Glasson Irene Beatrice Female Boulder
1933/700001 Boulder Glasson Irene Beatrice Female Hill Ronald Raymond Male Boulder
1932/700004 Boulder Huxley Edward Arthur Male Burrows Florence Elizabeth Maude Female Boulder
1932/700004 Boulder Burrows Florence Elizabeth Maude Female Huxley Edward Arthur Male Boulder
1933/700005 Boulder Berrey Arthur John Martin Male Novak Freda Amy Female Boulder
1932/700005 Boulder Arnold Jean Female Ivankovich Fabion Male Boulder
1933/700005 Boulder Novak Freda Amy Female Berrey Arthur John Martin Male Boulder
1932/700005 Boulder Ivankovich Fabion Male Arnold Jean Female Boulder
1932/700006 Boulder Henderson Rebecca Betty Quirk Female Hansen-Knarhoi Harry Male Boulder
1932/700006 Boulder Hansen-Knarhoi Harry Male Henderson Rebecca Betty Quirk Female Boulder
1933/700006 Boulder Littlewood Arthur William Thomas Robert Male Pugh Mary Ada Female Boulder
1933/700006 Boulder Pugh Mary Ada Female Littlewood Arthur William Thomas Robert Male Boulder
1932/700007 Boulder Smalpage Reginald Clement Male Richards Janet Lillian Female Boulder
1932/700007 Boulder Richards Janet Lillian Female Smalpage Reginald Clement Male Boulder
1933/700007 Boulder Scullin Margaret Sarah Female Singleton Arthur Keith Male Boulder
1933/700007 Boulder Singleton Arthur Keith Male Scullin Margaret Sarah Female Boulder
1932/700008 Boulder Nankervis Lily Female Hill Melville Leighton Male Boulder
1933/700008 Boulder Beccoria Agostino Male Graziadelli Rosie Female Boulder
1932/700008 Boulder Hill Melville Leighton Male Nankervis Lily Female Boulder
1933/700008 Boulder Graziadelli Rosie Female Beccoria Agostino Male Boulder
1932/700009 Boulder Gates William Gildas Male Howarth Loyal Kyle Female Boulder
1932/700009 Boulder Howarth Loyal Kyle Female Gates William Gildas Male Boulder
1932/700010 Boulder Pollard William Melville Male O'Connor Marjorie Swaffer Female Boulder
1932/700010 Boulder O'Connor Marjorie Swaffer Female Pollard William Melville Male Boulder
1932/700011 Boulder Bennetts Alfred Fontean Male McFarling Jean Female Boulder
1932/700011 Boulder McFarling Jean Female Bennetts Alfred Fontean Male Boulder
1932/700012 Boulder Jenkin Henry William Male Rowse Evelyn Mary Female Boulder
1932/700012 Boulder Rowse Evelyn Mary Female Jenkin Henry William Male Boulder
1932/700013 Boulder Marshall Amy Female Treloar Albert Edward Male Boulder
1932/700013 Boulder Treloar Albert Edward Male Marshall Amy Female Boulder
1932/700014 Boulder Armstrong Douglas Earle Male Renton Agnes Maria May Female Boulder
1932/700014 Boulder Renton Agnes Maria May Female Armstrong Douglas Earle Male Boulder
1932/700015 Boulder Forward Daphne May Female Daly John Carl Male Boulder
1932/700015 Boulder Daly John Carl Male Forward Daphne May Female Boulder
1932/700016 Boulder Gully Kathleen Mary Female Carne Victor Ingram Waldo Male Boulder
1932/700016 Boulder Carne Victor Ingram Waldo Male Gully Kathleen Mary Female Boulder
1932/700017 Boulder Holding George Male Blake Norah Female Boulder
1932/700017 Boulder Blake Norah Female Holding George Male Boulder
1932/700018 Boulder Wood Walter Stidger Male Schellenberger Hermina Female Boulder
1932/700018 Boulder Schellenberger Hermina Female Wood Walter Stidger Male Boulder
1932/700019 Boulder Waldock William Gordon Male Heslop Florence Amelia Female Boulder
1932/700019 Boulder Heslop Florence Amelia Female Waldock William Gordon Male Boulder
1932/700020 Boulder Gould Phoebe Ellen Female Humphreys Arthur Jones Male Boulder
1932/700020 Boulder Humphreys Arthur Jones Male Gould Phoebe Ellen Female Boulder
1932/700021 Boulder Hobba William Andrew Male Day Mary Female Boulder
1932/700021 Boulder Day Mary Female Hobba William Andrew Male Boulder
1932/700022 Boulder McVicar Mary Belle Female Stockdale Arthur Henry Male Boulder
1932/700022 Boulder Stockdale Arthur Henry Male McVicar Mary Belle Female Boulder
1932/700023 Boulder Vaughan Ivy Gertrude May Female Edgell Ronald Edmund Male Boulder
1932/700023 Boulder Edgell Ronald Edmund Male Vaughan Ivy Gertrude May Female Boulder
1932/700024 Boulder Newman Edmond Roland Male Wray Dorothy Jane Female Boulder
1932/700024 Boulder Wray Dorothy Jane Female Newman Edmond Roland Male Boulder
1932/700025 Boulder Bourke William Joseph Male Joyce Ethel May Female Boulder
1932/700025 Boulder Joyce Ethel May Female Bourke William Joseph Male Boulder
1932/700026 Boulder Brayford Joseph Cecil Male Terrell Jessie Female Boulder
1932/700026 Boulder Terrell Jessie Female Brayford Joseph Cecil Male Boulder
1932/700027 Boulder Sarich Marine Male Rodin Phyllis Female Boulder
1932/700027 Boulder Rodin Phyllis Female Sarich Marine Male Boulder
1932/700028 Boulder King George Edward Male Portch Mavis Pearl Female Boulder
1932/700028 Boulder Portch Mavis Pearl Female King George Edward Male Boulder
1932/700029 Boulder Llowarch Maisie Irene Female Peacock Arthur William George Male Boulder
1932/700029 Boulder Peacock Arthur William George Male Llowarch Maisie Irene Female Boulder
1932/700030 Boulder Riley Ula Gertrude Female Renton John Edward Male Boulder
1932/700030 Boulder Renton John Edward Male Riley Ula Gertrude Female Boulder
1932/700031 Boulder Hayes George Edward Male Swain Alice Kathleen Female Boulder
1932/700031 Boulder Swain Alice Kathleen Female Hayes George Edward Male Boulder
1932/700032 Boulder Duzevich Ivan Mathew Male Blair Ailsa Maud Female Boulder
1932/700032 Boulder Blair Ailsa Maud Female Duzevich Ivan Mathew Male Boulder
1932/700033 Boulder Franich Olga Female Matulich Joseph Louis Male Boulder
1932/700033 Boulder Matulich Joseph Louis Male Franich Olga Female Boulder
1932/700034 Boulder Adams Queenie Christine Edna Female Back Richard Edwin Thomas Male Boulder
1932/700034 Boulder Back Richard Edwin Thomas Male Adams Queenie Christine Edna Female Boulder
1932/700035 Boulder Hingston Frank Allen Male Fitzgerald Mary May Female Boulder
1932/700035 Boulder Fitzgerald Mary May Female Hingston Frank Allen Male Boulder
1932/700036 Boulder Winton Silas Male Miller Margaret Turnbull Female Boulder
1932/700036 Boulder Miller Margaret Turnbull Female Winton Silas Male Boulder
1932/700037 Boulder Gerovich Mary Female Peribonio Mate Male Boulder
1932/700037 Boulder Peribonio Mate Male Gerovich Mary Female Boulder
1932/700038 Boulder Dare Phyllis Rebecca Female Paull Albert Clarence Male Boulder
1932/700038 Boulder Paull Albert Clarence Male Dare Phyllis Rebecca Female Boulder
1932/700039 Boulder Riseberry Hester May Female Fontana Victor Male Boulder
1932/700039 Boulder Fontana Victor Male Riseberry Hester May Female Boulder
1932/700040 Boulder Sarich Marion Male Klisura Katie Female Boulder
1932/700040 Boulder Klisura Katie Female Sarich Marion Male Boulder
1932/700041 Boulder Crimmins Thomas Aloysius Male Boyes Irene Eva Female Boulder
1932/700041 Boulder Boyes Irene Eva Female Crimmins Thomas Aloysius Male Boulder
1932/700042 Boulder Garrett Phyllis Emily Mary Female Roberts Claude Louis Male Boulder
1932/700042 Boulder Roberts Claude Louis Male Garrett Phyllis Emily Mary Female Boulder
1932/700043 Boulder Fisher Edward Maurice Male Elliott Irene Maude Female Boulder
1932/700043 Boulder Elliott Irene Maude Female Fisher Edward Maurice Male Boulder
1932/700044 Boulder Wells Alexander Penman Male Cleasby Grace Victoria Female Boulder
1932/700044 Boulder Cleasby Grace Victoria Female Wells Alexander Penman Male Boulder
1932/700045 Boulder Bray Frederick William Charles Male Tamblyn Dorothy Mavis Female Boulder
1932/700045 Boulder Tamblyn Dorothy Mavis Female Bray Frederick William Charles Male Boulder
1932/700046 Boulder Walton Gladys Olivia Female Refeld Leslie Walter Male Boulder
1932/700046 Boulder Refeld Leslie Walter Male Walton Gladys Olivia Female Boulder
1932/700047 Boulder Davies Francis Neville Watson Male Wray Gladys Emily Female Boulder
1932/700047 Boulder Wray Gladys Emily Female Davies Francis Neville Watson Male Boulder
1932/700048 Boulder Newnham Alfred Edward Male McLeod Eileen Alma Female Boulder
1932/700048 Boulder McLeod Eileen Alma Female Newnham Alfred Edward Male Boulder
1932/700049 Boulder Grey Violet May Female Lawless Richard Leonard Male Boulder
1932/700049 Boulder Lawless Richard Leonard Male Grey Violet May Female Boulder
1932/1100001 Broome Pindgon Jimmy Male Judy Annie Mary Female Beagle Bay
1932/1100001 Broome Judy Annie Mary Female Pindgon Jimmy Male Beagle Bay
1932/1100002 Broome Tytherleigh Jack Male Morris Elsie Female Broome
1932/1100002 Broome Morris Elsie Female Tytherleigh Jack Male Broome
1932/1100003 Broome Gray Nellie Female Regan Archibald Male Broome
1932/1100003 Broome Regan Archibald Male Gray Nellie Female Broome
1932/1100004 Broome Hunter Harold Gilbert Male Hayes Phyllis Doreen Female Broome
1932/1100004 Broome Hunter Harold Gilbert Male Tarling Phyllis Doreen Female Broome
1932/1100004 Broome Hayes Phyllis Doreen Female Hunter Harold Gilbert Male Broome
1932/1100004 Broome Tarling Phyllis Doreen Female Hunter Harold Gilbert Male Broome
1932/1100005 Broome Giles Gladys May Female MacDougall Walter Batchelor Male Kunmunya Mission
1932/1100005 Broome MacDougall Walter Batchelor Male Giles Gladys May Female Kunmunya Mission
1933/1200001 Bruce Rock Beaton John Female Langdon Alfred John Male Bruce Rock
1932/1200001 Bruce Rock Saunders Ivy Jean Female Nie Wilfred Francis Male Kwolyin
1932/1200001 Bruce Rock Nie Wilfred Francis Male Saunders Ivy Jean Female Kwolyin
1933/1200001 Bruce Rock Langdon Alfred John Male Beaton John Female Bruce Rock
1933/1200002 Bruce Rock McCrackan Dorothy Vernon Female Brewster Charles Frederick Male Bruce Rock
1932/1200002 Bruce Rock Newell Thomas George Male Collins Veronica May Female Ardath
1932/1200002 Bruce Rock Collins Veronica May Female Newell Thomas George Male Ardath
1933/1200002 Bruce Rock Brewster Charles Frederick Male McCrackan Dorothy Vernon Female Bruce Rock
1932/1200003 Bruce Rock Radford Florence Helena Female Lovell Grantley George Male Bruce Rock
1932/1200003 Bruce Rock Lovell Grantley George Male Radford Florence Helena Female Bruce Rock
1932/1200004 Bruce Rock Thirlwell Wilfrid Male Willmott Ivy Laura Female Kondinin
1932/1200004 Bruce Rock Willmott Ivy Laura Female Thirlwell Wilfrid Male Kondinin
1933/1200004 Bruce Rock Hooper Esmee Female Stevenson David Male Narembeen
1933/1200004 Bruce Rock Stevenson David Male Hooper Esmee Female Narembeen
1932/1200005 Bruce Rock Browder Eileen Dorothy Female Gregson George Edward Male Bruce Rock
1932/1200005 Bruce Rock Gregson George Edward Male Browder Eileen Dorothy Female Bruce Rock
1932/1200006 Bruce Rock Branson Alma Mary Female Barclay Archibald Harold Male Babakin
1932/1200006 Bruce Rock Barclay Archibald Harold Male Branson Alma Mary Female Babakin
1932/1200007 Bruce Rock Carpenter Lionel Eric Male Pinkney Ivy Myrtle Female Bruce Rock
1932/1200007 Bruce Rock Pinkney Ivy Myrtle Female Carpenter Lionel Eric Male Bruce Rock
1932/1200008 Bruce Rock Walter Jessie Matilda Female Everington Gilbert Edwin Male Corrigin
1932/1200008 Bruce Rock Everington Gilbert Edwin Male Walter Jessie Matilda Female Corrigin
1932/1400002 Canning Jones Evan Male Fallon Ruby Lavina Female Cannington
1932/1400002 Canning Fallon Ruby Lavina Female Jones Evan Male Cannington
1932/1400006 Canning Vespermann Martha Female Wesley Robert Henry Male Roleystone
1932/1400006 Canning Wesley Robert Henry Male Vespermann Martha Female Roleystone
1932/1400007 Canning Milne Nellie Jean Female Comley Albert Frederick Male Cannington
1932/1400007 Canning Comley Albert Frederick Male Milne Nellie Jean Female Cannington
1932/1400008 Canning Ayers Edith Ruth Female Middleton Reginald Frank Male Cannington
1932/1400008 Canning Middleton Reginald Frank Male Ayers Edith Ruth Female Cannington
1932/1400009 Canning Sayer Olive May Female Hinchliffe Joseph Male Gosnells
1932/1400009 Canning Hinchliffe Joseph Male Sayer Olive May Female Gosnells
1932/1400010 Canning Buckingham Phyllis Emma Female Mavor John Male Roleystone
1932/1400010 Canning Mavor John Male Buckingham Phyllis Emma Female Roleystone
1932/1400011 Canning Clifton Brenda Female Johnston Albert Frank Male Armadale
1932/1400011 Canning Johnston Albert Frank Male Clifton Brenda Female Armadale
1932/1400012 Canning Lori Joseph Charles Male Fancote Elsie Marie Female Kelmscott
1932/1400012 Canning Fancote Elsie Marie Female Lori Joseph Charles Male Kelmscott
1932/1400013 Canning Hurst Fanny Female Edgecombe George McDonald Male Kalamunda
1932/1400013 Canning Edgecombe George McDonald Male Hurst Fanny Female Kalamunda
1932/1400014 Canning Mulvay Linda May Female Nicholas Clifford Roy Male Maddington
1932/1400014 Canning Nicholas Clifford Roy Male Mulvay Linda May Female Maddington
1932/1400015 Canning Delaney Thomas Henry Male Fisher Sylvia Pearl Female Queen's Park
1932/1400015 Canning Fisher Sylvia Pearl Female Delaney Thomas Henry Male Queen's Park
1932/1400016 Canning Lenehan Meriel Rene Female Manolas Manuel Male Cannington
1932/1400016 Canning Manolas Manuel Male Lenehan Meriel Rene Female Cannington
1932/1400017 Canning McCann John George Male Harrington Kathleen Female Queen's Park
1932/1400017 Canning Harrington Kathleen Female McCann John George Male Queen's Park
1932/1400018 Canning Yates Edward Stanley Male Morley Bertha Jane Female Kelmscott
1932/1400018 Canning Morley Bertha Jane Female Yates Edward Stanley Male Kelmscott
1932/1400019 Canning Armstrong George Neil Gow Male Maitland Enid Erica Female Kelmscott
1932/1400019 Canning Maitland Enid Erica Female Armstrong George Neil Gow Male Kelmscott
1932/1400020 Canning Green Wilfrid Male Treeby Marjorie Emily Female Armadale
1932/1400020 Canning Treeby Marjorie Emily Female Green Wilfrid Male Armadale
1932/1400021 Canning Close Edith Florence Female Beer Ernest William Male Armadale
1932/1400021 Canning Beer Ernest William Male Close Edith Florence Female Armadale
1932/1400022 Canning Hill George Edward Walter Male Sharp Mary Thelma Female Armadale
1932/1400022 Canning Sharp Mary Thelma Female Hill George Edward Walter Male Armadale
1932/1400023 Canning Stafford Kitty Female Ovens Alvin Kenneth Male Maddington
1932/1400023 Canning Ovens Alvin Kenneth Male Stafford Kitty Female Maddington
1932/1400024 Canning Metcalf Stanley Male Rogers Irene May Female Gosnells
1932/1400024 Canning Rogers Irene May Female Metcalf Stanley Male Gosnells
1932/1400025 Canning Cook Arthur William Male Norris Ruth Elizabeth Female Gosnells
1932/1400025 Canning Norris Ruth Elizabeth Female Cook Arthur William Male Gosnells
1932/1400026 Canning Stanford Richard Joseph Male Schofield Elsie Female Bedfordale
1932/1400026 Canning Schofield Elsie Female Stanford Richard Joseph Male Bedfordale
1932/1400027 Canning Hayward Reda Female Radojkovich Vlade Male Gosnells
1932/1400027 Canning Radojkovich Vlade Male Hayward Reda Female Gosnells
1932/1400028 Canning Rogers Kathleen Elizabeth Female Rapley William Arthur Male Gosnells
1932/1400028 Canning Rapley William Arthur Male Rogers Kathleen Elizabeth Female Gosnells
1932/1400029 Canning Price Denis Owen Male Fancote Ivy Rose Female Kelmscott
1932/1400029 Canning Fancote Ivy Rose Female Price Denis Owen Male Kelmscott
1932/1400030 Canning Hough Malcolm Seymour Male McRae Olive May Female East Cannington
1932/1400030 Canning McRae Olive May Female Hough Malcolm Seymour Male East Cannington
1932/1400031 Canning Morris Mahala Female Vivian Wilfred Male Cannington
1932/1400031 Canning Vivian Wilfred Male Morris Mahala Female Cannington
1932/1400032 Canning Gorey Francis Hugh Male Corney Edna May Female Cannington
1932/1400032 Canning Corney Edna May Female Gorey Francis Hugh Male Cannington
1932/1400033 Canning Crooks Eileen Elizabeth Female Stannard Arthur Benjamin Male Queens Park
1932/1400033 Canning Stannard Arthur Benjamin Male Crooks Eileen Elizabeth Female Queens Park
1932/1400034 Canning McGovern William Frederick Male Drew Rose Elizabeth Female Gosnells
1932/1400034 Canning Drew Rose Elizabeth Female McGovern William Frederick Male Gosnells
1932/1400035 Canning Booker Everard Thomas Male Wren Hannah Female Maddington
1932/1400035 Canning Wren Hannah Female Booker Everard Thomas Male Maddington
1932/1400036 Canning Barker Robert William Male Mackintosh Elizabeth Female Maddington
1932/1400036 Canning Mackintosh Elizabeth Female Barker Robert William Male Maddington
1932/1400037 Canning Williamson Elenor Blanche Female Douglass John James Male Queen's Park
1932/1400037 Canning Douglass John James Male Williamson Elenor Blanche Female Queen's Park
1933/1800001 East Coolgardie Jordan Frederick Male Spoors Bertha Amelia Maud Female Kalgoorlie
1933/1800001 East Coolgardie Spoors Bertha Amelia Maud Female Jordan Frederick Male Kalgoorlie
1933/1800002 East Coolgardie Matthews Wilfred Male Jennings Eunice Ivy Female Kalgoorlie
1933/1800002 East Coolgardie Jennings Eunice Ivy Female Matthews Wilfred Male Kalgoorlie
1933/1800003 East Coolgardie Mitchell Mervyn Horace Male Briggs Nellie Iris Female Kalgoorlie
1933/1800003 East Coolgardie Briggs Nellie Iris Female Mitchell Mervyn Horace Male Kalgoorlie
1933/1800004 East Coolgardie Sullivan William Melbourne Male McDermott Kathleen Sarah Female Kalgoorlie
1933/1800004 East Coolgardie McDermott Kathleen Sarah Female Sullivan William Melbourne Male Kalgoorlie
1933/1800005 East Coolgardie Yeats Nancy Evelyn Female Martin Charles Montague Male Kalgoorlie
1933/1800005 East Coolgardie Martin Charles Montague Male Yeats Nancy Evelyn Female Kalgoorlie
1933/1800006 East Coolgardie Hoyer Linda Lily Female Treffene Harold Edgar Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800006 East Coolgardie Evans Gladys Eileen Female Coffey Joseph Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800006 East Coolgardie Coffey Joseph Henry Male Evans Gladys Eileen Female Kalgoorlie
1933/1800006 East Coolgardie Treffene Harold Edgar Male Hoyer Linda Lily Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800007 East Coolgardie Fitzgerald Alice Theresa Female Osborne Christopher George Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800007 East Coolgardie Osborne Christopher George Male Fitzgerald Alice Theresa Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800008 East Coolgardie Vujcich George Male Banovich Marija Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800008 East Coolgardie Banovich Marija Female Vujcich George Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800009 East Coolgardie Benck Frederick Ernest Male Kestle Violet May Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800009 East Coolgardie Kestle Violet May Female Benck Frederick Ernest Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800010 East Coolgardie Menzies Ida Albiston Female Emery Gordon Leitch Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800010 East Coolgardie Emery Gordon Leitch Male Menzies Ida Albiston Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800011 East Coolgardie Thorn Francis Charles Male Davey Laura Jean Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800011 East Coolgardie Davey Laura Jean Female Thorn Francis Charles Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800012 East Coolgardie Kelly Eileen Female Rear George Francis Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800012 East Coolgardie Rear George Francis Male Kelly Eileen Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800013 East Coolgardie Langsford Phyllis Female Browne John Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800013 East Coolgardie Browne John Male Langsford Phyllis Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800014 East Coolgardie Fiori Giovanni Bernardo Male Flynn Ellen Annie Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800014 East Coolgardie Flynn Ellen Annie Female Fiori Giovanni Bernardo Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800015 East Coolgardie Davis Ruby May Female Purdue Edward Charles Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800015 East Coolgardie Purdue Edward Charles Male Davis Ruby May Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800016 East Coolgardie Hayes Clara Margaret Female Evans Kenneth Lindsay Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800016 East Coolgardie Evans Kenneth Lindsay Male Hayes Clara Margaret Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800017 East Coolgardie Borchers Audrey Jean Female Tooth Sydney Morton Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800017 East Coolgardie Tooth Sydney Morton Male Borchers Audrey Jean Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800018 East Coolgardie Munro Alice Rachel Female Edwards Herbert Edmund Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800018 East Coolgardie Edwards Herbert Edmund Male Munro Alice Rachel Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800019 East Coolgardie Cummings George Male Munyard Annie Ruth Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800019 East Coolgardie Munyard Annie Ruth Female Cummings George Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800020 East Coolgardie Martin Albert Edward Male Conway Johanna Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800020 East Coolgardie Conway Johanna Female Martin Albert Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800021 East Coolgardie Hughes William Atherton Male Gough Winifred Gladys May Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800021 East Coolgardie Gough Winifred Gladys May Female Hughes William Atherton Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800022 East Coolgardie Craib William Male Clayden Florence Lena Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800022 East Coolgardie Clayden Florence Lena Female Craib William Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800023 East Coolgardie Donovan Mary Ann Female Anderson George Albert Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800023 East Coolgardie Anderson George Albert Male Donovan Mary Ann Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800024 East Coolgardie Lynam Maud Sydney Female Ritchie James Patrick Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800024 East Coolgardie Ritchie James Patrick Male Lynam Maud Sydney Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800025 East Coolgardie O'Brien Kathleen Mary Female Robertson George Stuart Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800025 East Coolgardie Robertson George Stuart Male O'Brien Kathleen Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800026 East Coolgardie Stewart Theresa Thalia Female Roberts Albert Brindley Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800026 East Coolgardie Roberts Albert Brindley Male Stewart Theresa Thalia Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800027 East Coolgardie Pope Elizabeth Marjory Female Penter Francis Sydney Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800027 East Coolgardie Penter Francis Sydney Male Pope Elizabeth Marjory Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800028 East Coolgardie Jones Eric George Male Joyce Florence Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800028 East Coolgardie Joyce Florence Female Jones Eric George Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800029 East Coolgardie Lowe Robert Male Roads Beryl Russell Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800029 East Coolgardie Roads Beryl Russell Female Lowe Robert Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800030 East Coolgardie Strachan Walter Hollow Male Thompson Marion Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800030 East Coolgardie Thompson Marion Female Strachan Walter Hollow Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800031 East Coolgardie Langmead Ernest James Male Fraser Una Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800031 East Coolgardie Fraser Una Female Langmead Ernest James Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800032 East Coolgardie Prest John Thomas Male Stove Winifred Myrtle Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800032 East Coolgardie Stove Winifred Myrtle Female Prest John Thomas Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800033 East Coolgardie Bowden Isabelle Jane Female Arvidson Gustaf James Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800033 East Coolgardie Arvidson Gustaf James Male Bowden Isabelle Jane Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800034 East Coolgardie Rowe Eugene Percy Male Younger Alice May Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800034 East Coolgardie Younger Alice May Female Rowe Eugene Percy Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800035 East Coolgardie Radosevich Louisa Female Miller Thomas George Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800035 East Coolgardie Miller Thomas George Male Radosevich Louisa Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800036 East Coolgardie McGough Hugh Joseph John Male Gottschalck Reimers Eda Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800036 East Coolgardie Gottschalck Reimers Eda Female McGough Hugh Joseph John Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800037 East Coolgardie Graham Edmund Eyre Male Odgers Gladys Female Karonie
1932/1800037 East Coolgardie Odgers Gladys Female Graham Edmund Eyre Male Karonie
1932/1800038 East Coolgardie Fullarton Alexander Cornelius Male Allanson Elvie Gertrude Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800038 East Coolgardie Allanson Elvie Gertrude Female Fullarton Alexander Cornelius Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800039 East Coolgardie Fardell Maude Female Collins Arthur Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800039 East Coolgardie Collins Arthur Male Fardell Maude Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800040 East Coolgardie Benaim Olive Elsie Female Hall William Hicks Male Kalgoorlie
1933/1800040 East Coolgardie Yates Charles George Male Kernaghan Annie Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800040 East Coolgardie Hall William Hicks Male Benaim Olive Elsie Female Kalgoorlie
1933/1800040 East Coolgardie Kernaghan Annie Female Yates Charles George Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800041 East Coolgardie Bally Margaret Female Boucher Robert Otto John Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800041 East Coolgardie Boucher Robert Otto John Male Bally Margaret Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800042 East Coolgardie Mincham Sylvia Adelaide Female Long Edgar Herbert Pether Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800042 East Coolgardie Long Edgar Herbert Pether Male Mincham Sylvia Adelaide Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800043 East Coolgardie Holznagel Gustave Male Tronc Katherine Augusta Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800043 East Coolgardie Tronc Katherine Augusta Female Holznagel Gustave Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800044 East Coolgardie Brown Alice Female Moloney James Patrick Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800044 East Coolgardie Moloney James Patrick Male Brown Alice Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800045 East Coolgardie Marshall William Melville Male Boneham Phyllis Jean Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800045 East Coolgardie Boneham Phyllis Jean Female Marshall William Melville Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800046 East Coolgardie Thompson Mary Ellen Female Simpson Peter Miller Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800046 East Coolgardie Simpson Peter Miller Male Thompson Mary Ellen Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800047 East Coolgardie Robins Henry Richard Male Cox Mary Catherine Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800047 East Coolgardie Cox Mary Catherine Female Robins Henry Richard Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800048 East Coolgardie Castle Leslie Arthur Male Treloar Edna May Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800048 East Coolgardie Treloar Edna May Female Castle Leslie Arthur Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800049 East Coolgardie Miller Alice Christina Female Edwards William Arthur Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800049 East Coolgardie Edwards William Arthur Male Miller Alice Christina Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800050 East Coolgardie Fleming Jean Millar Female Jones Edward Georgetown Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800050 East Coolgardie Jones Edward Georgetown Male Fleming Jean Millar Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800051 East Coolgardie Rebuffoni Domenico Male Beccaria Elsa Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800051 East Coolgardie Beccaria Elsa Female Rebuffoni Domenico Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800052 East Coolgardie McNerney Mary Margaret Female Scott George Lowson Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800052 East Coolgardie Scott George Lowson Male McNerney Mary Margaret Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800053 East Coolgardie Shean Ethel Violet Female Thompson Ernest Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800053 East Coolgardie Thompson Ernest Edward Male Shean Ethel Violet Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800054 East Coolgardie Ahern Clyde Gertrude Female Reidy-Crofts Sydney Herbert Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800054 East Coolgardie Reidy-Crofts Sydney Herbert Male Ahern Clyde Gertrude Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800055 East Coolgardie Owen Stephanie Edith Female Risk Ernest Alfred Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800055 East Coolgardie Risk Ernest Alfred Male Owen Stephanie Edith Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800056 East Coolgardie Ward Mary Josephine Female Irving James Richard Farley Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800056 East Coolgardie Irving James Richard Farley Male Ward Mary Josephine Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800057 East Coolgardie Garratt John William Male McRostie Florence Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800057 East Coolgardie McRostie Florence Female Garratt John William Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800058 East Coolgardie Corney James Male Mackay Annie Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800058 East Coolgardie Mackay Annie Female Corney James Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800059 East Coolgardie Bailey William Male McInerney Verna May Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800059 East Coolgardie McInerney Verna May Female Bailey William Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800060 East Coolgardie Pearson Hilda Noreen Female Oates Francis Harold Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800060 East Coolgardie Oates Francis Harold Male Pearson Hilda Noreen Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800061 East Coolgardie Jones Thomas Male Dunstone Lena Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800061 East Coolgardie Dunstone Lena Female Jones Thomas Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800062 East Coolgardie Argus Mary Jane Female Skuthorp William Strahan Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800062 East Coolgardie Skuthorp William Strahan Male Argus Mary Jane Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800063 East Coolgardie Hudson James Henry Male Tannock Jean McKenzie Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800063 East Coolgardie Tannock Jean McKenzie Female Hudson James Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800064 East Coolgardie Bowden Robert Male Breckenridge Violet Muriel Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800064 East Coolgardie Breckenridge Violet Muriel Female Bowden Robert Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800065 East Coolgardie Sullivan Denis Melbourne Male Nilsen Jenny Marjory Maria Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800065 East Coolgardie Nilsen Jenny Marjory Maria Female Sullivan Denis Melbourne Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800066 East Coolgardie Durbridge Francis Male Woods Catherine Margaret Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800066 East Coolgardie Woods Catherine Margaret Female Durbridge Francis Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800067 East Coolgardie Hall Arthur Robert Male Lyttleton Grace Bernadina Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800067 East Coolgardie Lyttleton Grace Bernadina Female Hall Arthur Robert Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800068 East Coolgardie Oldfield Ilma Effie Francis Female Cooper William John Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800068 East Coolgardie Cooper William John Male Oldfield Ilma Effie Francis Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800069 East Coolgardie Thomas Stanley Bernard Male Saunders Mary Winifred Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800069 East Coolgardie Saunders Mary Winifred Female Thomas Stanley Bernard Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800070 East Coolgardie Elsworthy Walter Clarence Edwin Male Thornton Lilian Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800070 East Coolgardie Thornton Lilian Female Elsworthy Walter Clarence Edwin Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800071 East Coolgardie Bruce Marjory Female Cummins George Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800071 East Coolgardie Cummins George Male Bruce Marjory Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800072 East Coolgardie Smith Keith Lionel Male Pember Mary Jessie Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800072 East Coolgardie Pember Mary Jessie Female Smith Keith Lionel Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800073 East Coolgardie Trenberth Margaret Ann Female Sinclair John Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800073 East Coolgardie Sinclair John Male Trenberth Margaret Ann Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800074 East Coolgardie Edwards Sadie Female Molyneux Frank Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800074 East Coolgardie Molyneux Frank Male Edwards Sadie Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800075 East Coolgardie Yelverton Mervyn Wilfred Male Baker Grace Imelda Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800075 East Coolgardie Baker Grace Imelda Female Yelverton Mervyn Wilfred Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800076 East Coolgardie Walton Mary Jane Female Innes Roy William Tennyson Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800076 East Coolgardie Innes Roy William Tennyson Male Walton Mary Jane Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800077 East Coolgardie Sonsee Lillian Mavis Female Newby Thomas Richard Newton Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800077 East Coolgardie Newby Thomas Richard Newton Male Sonsee Lillian Mavis Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800078 East Coolgardie Cribb Mavis Eva Female Baugh Robert Mousdale Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800078 East Coolgardie Baugh Robert Mousdale Male Cribb Mavis Eva Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800079 East Coolgardie Sharpe Katherine Florance Female Steel Sydney Crescent Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800079 East Coolgardie Steel Sydney Crescent Male Sharpe Katherine Florance Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800080 East Coolgardie Beckmann Harold Robran Male Buzza Gwendoline Olive Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800080 East Coolgardie Buzza Gwendoline Olive Female Beckmann Harold Robran Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800081 East Coolgardie Paull Joseph Male Pearce Dolores Cashmere Cecilia Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800081 East Coolgardie Pearce Dolores Cashmere Cecilia Female Paull Joseph Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800082 East Coolgardie Willis Douglas Male Henneberry Annie Gladys Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800082 East Coolgardie Henneberry Annie Gladys Female Willis Douglas Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800083 East Coolgardie Robinson John Henry Male McCaskie Eileen May Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800083 East Coolgardie McCaskie Eileen May Female Robinson John Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800084 East Coolgardie Smith Ivy Mary Female Neve Henry David Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800084 East Coolgardie Neve Henry David Male Smith Ivy Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800085 East Coolgardie Weedon Robert Samuel Male Larkin Jessie May Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800085 East Coolgardie Larkin Jessie May Female Weedon Robert Samuel Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800086 East Coolgardie Tibbits Ivy May Female Cox James Leslie Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800086 East Coolgardie Cox James Leslie Male Tibbits Ivy May Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800087 East Coolgardie Quinn John Frederick Male Hill Margery Ella Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800087 East Coolgardie Hill Margery Ella Female Quinn John Frederick Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800088 East Coolgardie Paterson Richard Ernest Male Keaughran Adelaide Rose Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800088 East Coolgardie Keaughran Adelaide Rose Female Paterson Richard Ernest Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800089 East Coolgardie Read Caroline Sarah Female Weir Donald David Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800089 East Coolgardie Weir Donald David Male Read Caroline Sarah Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800090 East Coolgardie Wells Thomas Henry Male Jones Mavis Gertrude Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800090 East Coolgardie Jones Mavis Gertrude Female Wells Thomas Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800091 East Coolgardie Graham Elizabeth Female Gaunt Roy Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800091 East Coolgardie Gaunt Roy Male Graham Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800092 East Coolgardie Levis Yakubina Female Poklepovic Peter Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800092 East Coolgardie Poklepovic Peter Male Levis Yakubina Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800093 East Coolgardie Smart Jean Milfred Female Flynn Jeremiah Patrick Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800093 East Coolgardie Flynn Jeremiah Patrick Male Smart Jean Milfred Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800094 East Coolgardie Craig Myra Elizabeth Female Bruce Ernest Cyril Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800094 East Coolgardie Bruce Ernest Cyril Male Craig Myra Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800095 East Coolgardie Macnamara John Rawdon Male Male Barbara Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800095 East Coolgardie Male Barbara Female Macnamara John Rawdon Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800096 East Coolgardie Rear Albert Benjamin Male Reynolds Rachel Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800096 East Coolgardie Reynolds Rachel Elizabeth Female Rear Albert Benjamin Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800097 East Coolgardie Burnside Lilian Jane Female Walker Walter Johnstone Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800097 East Coolgardie Walker Walter Johnstone Male Burnside Lilian Jane Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800098 East Coolgardie Seaborn Mavis Agnes Rachel Female Parker Allan Thomas Cutting Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800098 East Coolgardie Parker Allan Thomas Cutting Male Seaborn Mavis Agnes Rachel Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800099 East Coolgardie Howarth Dorothy Barbara Female Claudins Leslie Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800099 East Coolgardie Claudins Leslie Male Howarth Dorothy Barbara Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800100 East Coolgardie Petersen William Male Cox Irene Beatrice Maud Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800100 East Coolgardie Cox Irene Beatrice Maud Female Petersen William Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800101 East Coolgardie Slater Elsie May Female Thompson John Douglas Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800101 East Coolgardie Thompson John Douglas Male Slater Elsie May Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800102 East Coolgardie Kent Roland Basil Male Francis Mildred Catherine Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800102 East Coolgardie Francis Mildred Catherine Female Kent Roland Basil Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800103 East Coolgardie Gibson Valda May Female Evans Graham John Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800103 East Coolgardie Evans Graham John Male Gibson Valda May Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800104 East Coolgardie Egal Olive Margaruite Female Davies Evan James Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800104 East Coolgardie Davies Evan James Male Egal Olive Margaruite Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800105 East Coolgardie Denholm Sylvia Madeline Female Lillis Martin James Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800105 East Coolgardie Lillis Martin James Male Denholm Sylvia Madeline Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800106 East Coolgardie Brown Edith Isobel Edson Female Murphy John Henry Thomas Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800106 East Coolgardie Murphy John Henry Thomas Male Brown Edith Isobel Edson Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800107 East Coolgardie Wright Hannah Female Hicks Sidney Alexander Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800107 East Coolgardie Hicks Sidney Alexander Male Wright Hannah Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800108 East Coolgardie Taylor Jean Female Blackley Charles Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800108 East Coolgardie Blackley Charles Male Taylor Jean Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800109 East Coolgardie Sclanders Frank Male Stevens Jessie Florence Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800109 East Coolgardie Stevens Jessie Florence Female Sclanders Frank Male Kalgoorlie
1932/1800110 East Coolgardie Moffat Irvine Male Thompson Doreen Agnes Female Kalgoorlie
1932/1800110 East Coolgardie Thompson Doreen Agnes Female Moffat Irvine Male Kalgoorlie
1932/2400001 Dundas Hays Cyril Cliffe Allen Male Rawlings Katherine Annie Female Norseman
1932/2400001 Dundas Rawlings Katherine Annie Female Hays Cyril Cliffe Allen Male Norseman
1932/2400002 Dundas Dunn Thelma Iris Female Sharpe Clifford Male Kumarl
1932/2400002 Dundas Sharpe Clifford Male Dunn Thelma Iris Female Kumarl
1932/2400003 Dundas Clark Rowland Henry Male Oldreive Tillie Ada Female Circle Valley
1932/2400003 Dundas Oldreive Tillie Ada Female Clark Rowland Henry Male Circle Valley
1932/2400004 Dundas Osborne Lorimer Male Thomas Dorothy Ethelwyn Female Salmon Gums
1932/2400004 Dundas Thomas Dorothy Ethelwyn Female Osborne Lorimer Male Salmon Gums
1932/2400005 Dundas Gomm Henry Chambers Male Harslett Lucy Edna Female Norseman
1932/2400005 Dundas Harslett Lucy Edna Female Gomm Henry Chambers Male Norseman
1932/2400006 Dundas Harris James Alfred Male Sime Annie Female Grass Patch
1932/2400006 Dundas Sime Annie Female Harris James Alfred Male Grass Patch
1932/2400007 Dundas Gomm Thomas Felby Male Harslett Lilian Grace Allen Female Norseman
1932/2400007 Dundas Harslett Lilian Grace Allen Female Gomm Thomas Felby Male Norseman
1932/2500001 Esperance Gilks John Male Bow Cecilia Grace Female Esperance
1932/2500001 Esperance Bow Cecilia Grace Female Gilks John Male Esperance
1932/2500002 Esperance Thompson Alice Female Wood Stanley Mellor Male Esperance
1932/2500002 Esperance Wood Stanley Mellor Male Thompson Alice Female Esperance
1932/2500003 Esperance Hannett Capel Female Bow Frederick William Male Esperance
1932/2500003 Esperance Bow Frederick William Male Hannett Capel Female Esperance
1932/2500004 Esperance Savell Sydney George Male Reid Margaret Edward Female Esperance
1932/2500004 Esperance Reid Margaret Edward Female Savell Sydney George Male Esperance
1932/2500005 Esperance Reid Kathleen Female Dunn George John Male Esperance
1932/2500005 Esperance Dunn George John Male Reid Kathleen Female Esperance
1933/2700001 Fremantle Spence Jean Jessie Female Pearce William Albert Clarence Male Fremantle
1933/2700001 Fremantle Pearce William Albert Clarence Male Spence Jean Jessie Female Fremantle
1933/2700002 Fremantle Kemp Doris May Female Dalton James Stephen Male Fremantle
1933/2700002 Fremantle Dalton James Stephen Male Kemp Doris May Female Fremantle
1933/2700003 Fremantle Gittos Ernest Thomas Male Chynoweth Lillian Merle Female Fremantle
1933/2700003 Fremantle Chynoweth Lillian Merle Female Gittos Ernest Thomas Male Fremantle
1933/2700004 Fremantle Boulter Jean Margaret Female Edwards David Emrys Male Fremantle
1933/2700004 Fremantle Edwards David Emrys Male Boulter Jean Margaret Female Fremantle
1933/2700005 Fremantle Buttel Sydney George Male Downie Agnes Clara Female Fremantle
1933/2700005 Fremantle Downie Agnes Clara Female Buttel Sydney George Male Fremantle
1933/2700006 Fremantle Hughes Emily May Female Bennett Albert Robert Male Fremantle
1933/2700006 Fremantle Hughes Emily May Female Taylor Albert Robert Male Fremantle
1933/2700006 Fremantle Taylor Albert Robert Male Hughes Emily May Female Fremantle
1933/2700006 Fremantle Bennett Albert Robert Male Hughes Emily May Female Fremantle
1933/2700007 Fremantle Peat Joyce Mary Female McIntyre Henry George Male Fremantle
1933/2700007 Fremantle McIntyre Henry George Male Peat Joyce Mary Female Fremantle
1933/2700008 Fremantle Woods Gladys Patricia Female Petterson Charles Aron Male Fremantle
1933/2700008 Fremantle Petterson Charles Aron Male Woods Gladys Patricia Female Fremantle
1933/2700009 Fremantle Thompson Alfred Joseph Male Cartwright Agnes Female Fremantle
1933/2700009 Fremantle Cartwright Agnes Female Thompson Alfred Joseph Male Fremantle
1933/2700010 Fremantle Kosick Frances Mary Female Jennings Leo Edgar Male Fremantle
1933/2700010 Fremantle Jennings Leo Edgar Male Kosick Frances Mary Female Fremantle
1933/2700011 Fremantle Dolan John Male Foley Eileen Margaret Female Fremantle
1933/2700011 Fremantle Foley Eileen Margaret Female Dolan John Male Fremantle
1933/2700014 Fremantle West Glaadys Martha May Female Allison Thomas Steele Male Beaconsfield
1933/2700014 Fremantle Allison Thomas Steele Male West Glaadys Martha May Female Beaconsfield
1932/2700015 Fremantle Kerr Annie Donald Munrow Female Mitting William Henry Male Fremantle
1933/2700015 Fremantle Calley Leslie Wilfred Male Parnell Ellen Rosina Female Beaconsfield
1932/2700015 Fremantle Mitting William Henry Male Kerr Annie Donald Munrow Female Fremantle
1933/2700015 Fremantle Parnell Ellen Rosina Female Calley Leslie Wilfred Male Beaconsfield
1933/2700016 Fremantle Birkin Alfred George Male Reed Mavis Louisa Mary Female Beaconsfield
1932/2700016 Fremantle McCall Patrick John Male Sullivan Marie Edith Matilda Female Beaconsfield
1933/2700016 Fremantle Reed Mavis Louisa Mary Female Birkin Alfred George Male Beaconsfield
1932/2700016 Fremantle Sullivan Marie Edith Matilda Female McCall Patrick John Male Beaconsfield
1932/2700017 Fremantle Carrick Hilda May Female Bleakley Arthur Lynden Male North Fremantle
1932/2700017 Fremantle Bleakley Arthur Lynden Male Carrick Hilda May Female North Fremantle
1933/2700018 Fremantle Donnes Michael Male Russell Thelma Female North Fremantle
1933/2700018 Fremantle Russell Thelma Female Donnes Michael Male North Fremantle
1933/2700019 Fremantle Russell Freda Female Onley Walter Male North Fremantle
1933/2700019 Fremantle Onley Walter Male Russell Freda Female North Fremantle
1933/2700020 Fremantle Courtney Kathleen Female Day William Male North Fremantle
1932/2700020 Fremantle Waddell Norman Henry Male Bradley Sarah Margaret Female Fremantle
1933/2700020 Fremantle Day William Male Courtney Kathleen Female North Fremantle
1932/2700020 Fremantle Bradley Sarah Margaret Female Waddell Norman Henry Male Fremantle
1932/2700021 Fremantle Bailey Ernest Joseph Male Kerrison Gladys Mary Female Fremantle
1932/2700021 Fremantle Kerrison Gladys Mary Female Bailey Ernest Joseph Male Fremantle
1932/2700022 Fremantle Ellement Albert George Male Richardson Margaret Broomfield Female Fremantle
1932/2700022 Fremantle Richardson Margaret Broomfield Female Ellement Albert George Male Fremantle
1932/2700023 Fremantle Knapp Henry Napier Male Nicol Isabella Whitelaw Female Fremantle
1932/2700023 Fremantle Nicol Isabella Whitelaw Female Knapp Henry Napier Male Fremantle
1933/2700024 Fremantle Cutts Winifred Mable Female Waters George Harold Bruce Male Fremantle
1932/2700024 Fremantle Flintoff Rita May Female Forrest John Gordon Male Fremantle
1932/2700024 Fremantle Forrest John Gordon Male Flintoff Rita May Female Fremantle
1933/2700024 Fremantle Waters George Harold Bruce Male Cutts Winifred Mable Female Fremantle
1932/2700025 Fremantle Brindley William Patrick Male Bathurst Olive Grace Female Fremantle
1932/2700025 Fremantle Bathurst Olive Grace Female Brindley William Patrick Male Fremantle
1932/2700026 Fremantle White Mervin George Male Fell Ilma Kathleen Female Fremantle
1932/2700026 Fremantle Fell Ilma Kathleen Female White Mervin George Male Fremantle
1933/2700027 Fremantle Rosberg Margaret Female Lewis Alfred John Male Fremantle
1932/2700027 Fremantle Cutting Hensie May Female Parker Cyril Frank Pierce Male Fremantle
1932/2700027 Fremantle Parker Cyril Frank Pierce Male Cutting Hensie May Female Fremantle
1933/2700027 Fremantle Lewis Alfred John Male Rosberg Margaret Female Fremantle
1932/2700028 Fremantle Hadlow Phillip Arthur Male Jerrat Grace Smith Female Fremantle
1932/2700028 Fremantle Jerrat Grace Smith Female Hadlow Phillip Arthur Male Fremantle
1932/2700029 Fremantle Lapham Leslie Richard Male McKee Beryl Muriel Mabel Kitty Female Fremantle
1932/2700029 Fremantle McKee Beryl Muriel Mabel Kitty Female Lapham Leslie Richard Male Fremantle
1932/2700030 Fremantle Dix Thomas Henry George Male Brown May Female Fremantle
1932/2700030 Fremantle Brown May Female Dix Thomas Henry George Male Fremantle
1932/2700031 Fremantle Harris William Claude Male Wynne Dorothy Verna Female Fremantle
1932/2700031 Fremantle Wynne Dorothy Verna Female Harris William Claude Male Fremantle
1932/2700032 Fremantle Cain-Gallaher Alfred John Male Shaw Hazel Isobel Female Fremantle
1932/2700032 Fremantle Shaw Hazel Isobel Female Cain-Gallaher Alfred John Male Fremantle
1932/2700033 Fremantle Hughes Victor Charles Male Mitchell Phoebe Ann Female Fremantle
1932/2700033 Fremantle Mitchell Phoebe Ann Female Hughes Victor Charles Male Fremantle
1932/2700034 Fremantle Peters Violet Female Baldwin George Male Beaconsfield
1932/2700034 Fremantle Baldwin George Male Peters Violet Female Beaconsfield
1932/2700035 Fremantle Slater Alfred Elwyn Male A'Vard Elsie Gertrude Female Beaconsfield
1932/2700035 Fremantle A'Vard Elsie Gertrude Female Slater Alfred Elwyn Male Beaconsfield
1932/2700036 Fremantle Walker Sydney Male Barry Kathleen Vera Stella Female Fremantle
1932/2700036 Fremantle Barry Kathleen Vera Stella Female Walker Sydney Male Fremantle
1932/2700037 Fremantle Box Raymond Wilfred Male Humphries Helen Female Fremantle
1932/2700037 Fremantle Humphries Helen Female Box Raymond Wilfred Male Fremantle
1932/2700038 Fremantle Kelly Ellen Bridget Female Burghall Joseph Male Fremantle
1932/2700038 Fremantle Burghall Joseph Male Kelly Ellen Bridget Female Fremantle
1932/2700039 Fremantle Parker Iris Eugenie Female Hume John Joseph Male Fremantle
1932/2700039 Fremantle Hume John Joseph Male Parker Iris Eugenie Female Fremantle
1932/2700040 Fremantle Hodges George Henry Male Williams Rose Fisher Female Fremantle
1932/2700040 Fremantle Williams Rose Fisher Female Hodges George Henry Male Fremantle
1932/2700041 Fremantle Matthews Hubert Roy Male Truscott Mabel Ellen Female Fremantle
1932/2700041 Fremantle Truscott Mabel Ellen Female Matthews Hubert Roy Male Fremantle
1932/2700042 Fremantle Blackwell Lily Female Pyke Joseph Tyler Male Palmyra
1932/2700042 Fremantle Pyke Joseph Tyler Male Blackwell Lily Female Palmyra
1932/2700043 Fremantle Raffaele Antonino Male Kehoe Mary Una Female Fremantle
1932/2700043 Fremantle Kehoe Mary Una Female Raffaele Antonino Male Fremantle
1932/2700044 Fremantle Galbraith John Robert Male Kennedy Edith Female East Fremantle
1932/2700044 Fremantle Kennedy Edith Female Galbraith John Robert Male East Fremantle
1932/2700045 Fremantle Lyon Halwin Phillip Male Jackson Lilian Jane Female Fremantle
1932/2700045 Fremantle Jackson Lilian Jane Female Lyon Halwin Phillip Male Fremantle
1932/2700046 Fremantle Grieves Leslie George Male Moore Mabel Irene Female North Fremantle
1932/2700046 Fremantle Moore Mabel Irene Female Grieves Leslie George Male North Fremantle
1932/2700047 Fremantle Ellement Charles William Male Woollams Mavis Female Fremantle
1932/2700047 Fremantle Woollams Mavis Female Ellement Charles William Male Fremantle
1932/2700048 Fremantle Hotz Johanna Marguerita Female Stoecker Max Bernhard Billing Male Fremantle
1932/2700048 Fremantle Stoecker Max Bernhard Billing Male Hotz Johanna Marguerita Female Fremantle
1932/2700049 Fremantle Gregory Emily Noreen Female Gare William George Male Fremantle
1932/2700049 Fremantle Gare William George Male Gregory Emily Noreen Female Fremantle
1932/2700050 Fremantle Macliver Alexander Male Graham Margaret Violet Female Fremantle
1932/2700050 Fremantle Graham Margaret Violet Female Macliver Alexander Male Fremantle
1932/2700051 Fremantle Fardella Antonino Male Garrity Kathleen Female Fremantle
1932/2700051 Fremantle Garrity Kathleen Female Fardella Antonino Male Fremantle
1932/2700052 Fremantle Attwood Charles Alfred Male Saunders Florence Maud Female Fremantle
1932/2700052 Fremantle Saunders Florence Maud Female Attwood Charles Alfred Male Fremantle
1932/2700053 Fremantle Blue Margaret Alice Female Hefferman Frederick Male Fremantle
1932/2700053 Fremantle Hefferman Frederick Male Blue Margaret Alice Female Fremantle
1932/2700054 Fremantle Green William George Male Newton Kathleen Julia Female Fremantle
1932/2700054 Fremantle Newton Kathleen Julia Female Green William George Male Fremantle
1932/2700055 Fremantle Pink Rita Elizabeth Female Humphries Walter Pembroke Male Fremantle
1932/2700055 Fremantle Humphries Walter Pembroke Male Pink Rita Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1932/2700056 Fremantle Bateman John James Male Corti Mary Female Fremantle
1932/2700056 Fremantle Corti Mary Female Bateman John James Male Fremantle
1932/2700057 Fremantle Pidcock Marjorie Francis Female Boyce Oswald Arthur Male Fremantle
1932/2700057 Fremantle Boyce Oswald Arthur Male Pidcock Marjorie Francis Female Fremantle
1932/2700058 Fremantle Thomas Clarice Mary Female Smith Alan Darcy Male Fremantle
1932/2700058 Fremantle Smith Alan Darcy Male Thomas Clarice Mary Female Fremantle
1932/2700059 Fremantle Nelson Clement Peter Male Webb Margaret Lilian Female Fremantle
1932/2700059 Fremantle Webb Margaret Lilian Female Nelson Clement Peter Male Fremantle
1932/2700060 Fremantle Robson Elizabeth Molly Female George Leslie James Reynolds Male Fremantle
1932/2700060 Fremantle George Leslie James Reynolds Male Robson Elizabeth Molly Female Fremantle
1932/2700061 Fremantle Monger Joan Hyden Female Webb John Eddolls Male Fremantle
1932/2700061 Fremantle Webb John Eddolls Male Monger Joan Hyden Female Fremantle
1932/2700062 Fremantle Williams Elizabeth Estelle Female Healy William Male Fremantle
1932/2700062 Fremantle Healy William Male Williams Elizabeth Estelle Female Fremantle
1932/2700063 Fremantle How Elsie Emily Female Buckby Charles Sylvestre Male Fremantle
1932/2700063 Fremantle Buckby Charles Sylvestre Male How Elsie Emily Female Fremantle
1932/2700064 Fremantle Howse May Gladys Female Boddington Albert Reginald Male Fremantle
1932/2700064 Fremantle Boddington Albert Reginald Male Howse May Gladys Female Fremantle
1932/2700065 Fremantle Taylor Clara Alexanderina Victoria Female Brister Arthur Archie Male Fremantle
1932/2700065 Fremantle Brister Arthur Archie Male Taylor Clara Alexanderina Victoria Female Fremantle
1932/2700066 Fremantle Cannon Mervyn Male Wilding Dorothy Female North Fremantle
1932/2700066 Fremantle Wilding Dorothy Female Cannon Mervyn Male North Fremantle
1932/2700067 Fremantle Lucas Ruby May Female Sherry Frederick Norton Male South Fremantle
1932/2700067 Fremantle Sherry Frederick Norton Male Lucas Ruby May Female South Fremantle
1932/2700068 Fremantle Evans Carmel Mary Female Frosti Douglas Parbery Male Fremantle
1932/2700068 Fremantle Frosti Douglas Parbery Male Evans Carmel Mary Female Fremantle
1932/2700069 Fremantle Dudson Edith Female Beazley Phillip Wright Male Palmyra
1932/2700069 Fremantle Beazley Phillip Wright Male Dudson Edith Female Palmyra
1932/2700070 Fremantle Jaggard Francis Eric Male Merrilees Alice Edith Gladys Female Fremantle
1932/2700070 Fremantle Merrilees Alice Edith Gladys Female Jaggard Francis Eric Male Fremantle
1932/2700071 Fremantle Greene Alice Frances Female Donovan John Michael Male North Fremantle
1932/2700071 Fremantle Donovan John Michael Male Greene Alice Frances Female North Fremantle
1932/2700072 Fremantle Hack Bedford Colin Hope Male Booth Florence Gertrude Female Fremantle
1932/2700072 Fremantle Booth Florence Gertrude Female Hack Bedford Colin Hope Male Fremantle
1932/2700073 Fremantle Savage Clara Female Garcia Robert Samuel Male Fremantle
1932/2700073 Fremantle Garcia Robert Samuel Male Savage Clara Female Fremantle
1932/2700074 Fremantle Cook Norman Stephen Male Webster Ada Winifred Female Fremantle
1932/2700074 Fremantle Webster Ada Winifred Female Cook Norman Stephen Male Fremantle
1932/2700075 Fremantle Cole William Male Boileau Dorothy Female Fremantle
1932/2700075 Fremantle Boileau Dorothy Female Cole William Male Fremantle
1932/2700076 Fremantle Solley Henry Alfred Male Berliner Olga Jessie Female Fremantle
1932/2700076 Fremantle Berliner Olga Jessie Female Solley Henry Alfred Male Fremantle
1932/2700077 Fremantle Atley George Gurgick Male Davis Lillian Maud Hastings Female Fremantle
1932/2700077 Fremantle Davis Lillian Maud Hastings Female Atley George Gurgick Male Fremantle
1932/2700078 Fremantle Pescud Ethel Agnes Female Stokes Nelson Joseph Male Fremantle
1932/2700078 Fremantle Stokes Nelson Joseph Male Pescud Ethel Agnes Female Fremantle
1932/2700079 Fremantle Fry Walter Bruce Male Francis Olive Mary Female Fremantle
1932/2700079 Fremantle Francis Olive Mary Female Fry Walter Bruce Male Fremantle
1932/2700080 Fremantle Ireland Victor Lionel Male Hawke Clarice Cornetta Female Fremantle
1932/2700080 Fremantle Hawke Clarice Cornetta Female Ireland Victor Lionel Male Fremantle
1932/2700081 Fremantle Chamberlain Alma Florence Female Keir Leonard George Male Fremantle
1932/2700081 Fremantle Keir Leonard George Male Chamberlain Alma Florence Female Fremantle
1932/2700082 Fremantle Purser Alexander Male Snudden Millicent Ann Female Fremantle
1932/2700082 Fremantle Snudden Millicent Ann Female Purser Alexander Male Fremantle
1932/2700083 Fremantle Purvis John Male Coker Lucy Florence Female Fremantle
1932/2700083 Fremantle Coker Lucy Florence Female Purvis John Male Fremantle
1932/2700084 Fremantle Fleet Beatrice Female Portelli Giuseppe Male Fremantle
1932/2700084 Fremantle Portelli Giuseppe Male Fleet Beatrice Female Fremantle
1932/2700085 Fremantle Badham Rose Florence Female Hannah John Henry Burt Male Beaconsfield
1932/2700085 Fremantle Hannah John Henry Burt Male Badham Rose Florence Female Beaconsfield
1932/2700086 Fremantle Maguire Richard Glave Male Martin Edna Mary Female Beaconsfield
1932/2700086 Fremantle Martin Edna Mary Female Maguire Richard Glave Male Beaconsfield
1932/2700087 Fremantle Whipp Lena Bell Female Bowden Patrick Joseph Male Beaconsfield
1932/2700087 Fremantle Bowden Patrick Joseph Male Whipp Lena Bell Female Beaconsfield
1932/2700088 Fremantle Cole Arthur Lowry Male Sugrue Phyllis Clare Female Fremantle
1932/2700088 Fremantle Sugrue Phyllis Clare Female Cole Arthur Lowry Male Fremantle
1932/2700089 Fremantle Marron Kathleen Mary Female White Theodore Wilfrid Joseph Male Fremantle
1932/2700089 Fremantle White Theodore Wilfrid Joseph Male Marron Kathleen Mary Female Fremantle
1932/2700090 Fremantle Palmer Noel Richard Mortimer Male Williams Audrey Stacy Female Fremantle
1932/2700090 Fremantle Williams Audrey Stacy Female Palmer Noel Richard Mortimer Male Fremantle
1932/2700091 Fremantle Earle Hilma Jean Female Perejuan Alfred Male Fremantle
1932/2700091 Fremantle Perejuan Alfred Male Earle Hilma Jean Female Fremantle
1932/2700092 Fremantle Piper Emily Tressa Dorothea Female Spencer George Male Fremantle
1932/2700092 Fremantle Spencer George Male Piper Emily Tressa Dorothea Female Fremantle
1932/2700093 Fremantle Milbourne Irene Ethel Female Bancroft John Gilbert Male Fremantle
1932/2700093 Fremantle Bancroft John Gilbert Male Milbourne Irene Ethel Female Fremantle
1932/2700094 Fremantle Hogue Alice Jean Female McCaskie Edward James Male East Fremantle
1932/2700094 Fremantle McCaskie Edward James Male Hogue Alice Jean Female East Fremantle
1932/2700095 Fremantle Dale Rachel May Female Greenlaw William Kingsley Male Fremantle
1932/2700095 Fremantle Greenlaw William Kingsley Male Dale Rachel May Female Fremantle
1932/2700096 Fremantle Ahern Doris Eleanor Female Brenchley Sidney Edward William Male Beaconsfield
1932/2700096 Fremantle Brenchley Sidney Edward William Male Ahern Doris Eleanor Female Beaconsfield
1932/2700097 Fremantle Barrow Miriam Winifred Female Caple Henry Edward Male Beaconsfield
1932/2700097 Fremantle Caple Henry Edward Male Barrow Miriam Winifred Female Beaconsfield
1932/2700098 Fremantle Long Violet Muriel Female Burton John Harding Male Fremantle
1932/2700098 Fremantle Burton John Harding Male Long Violet Muriel Female Fremantle
1932/2700099 Fremantle Burgess Arthur Leonard Male Cherry Winifred Female Fremantle
1932/2700099 Fremantle Cherry Winifred Female Burgess Arthur Leonard Male Fremantle
1932/2700100 Fremantle Jeffrey Myrtle Lavinia Female Jeffreys Robert Stanley Male Fremantle
1932/2700100 Fremantle Jeffreys Robert Stanley Male Jeffrey Myrtle Lavinia Female Fremantle
1932/2700101 Fremantle Leslie Arnold George Male Newman Ethel Annie Female Fremantle
1932/2700101 Fremantle Newman Ethel Annie Female Leslie Arnold George Male Fremantle
1932/2700102 Fremantle Pallett Albert Harris Male Wayman Dulcie Marjorie Female Fremantle
1932/2700102 Fremantle Wayman Dulcie Marjorie Female Pallett Albert Harris Male Fremantle
1932/2700103 Fremantle Durnin James Edward Clarence Male Bryan Dulcie Le Feaver Female Fremantle
1932/2700103 Fremantle Bryan Dulcie Le Feaver Female Durnin James Edward Clarence Male Fremantle
1932/2700104 Fremantle Lee Annie Female Durnin William Male Fremantle
1932/2700104 Fremantle Durnin William Male Lee Annie Female Fremantle
1932/2700105 Fremantle Thompson Albert Henry Male Forrest Ethel May Female Fremantle
1932/2700105 Fremantle Forrest Ethel May Female Thompson Albert Henry Male Fremantle
1932/2700106 Fremantle Wardle Kathleen Estelle Female Saunders William Walter Male Fremantle
1932/2700106 Fremantle Saunders William Walter Male Wardle Kathleen Estelle Female Fremantle
1932/2700107 Fremantle Mazzucchelli Herbert John Stephen Male Biles Dorothy Irene Mary Female Fremantle
1932/2700107 Fremantle Biles Dorothy Irene Mary Female Mazzucchelli Herbert John Stephen Male Fremantle
1932/2700108 Fremantle Styling John Male Gilks Hilda May Female Fremantle
1932/2700108 Fremantle Gilks Hilda May Female Styling John Male Fremantle
1932/2700109 Fremantle Brindal Lawrence William Male Bickley Dulcie May Female Fremantle
1932/2700109 Fremantle Bickley Dulcie May Female Brindal Lawrence William Male Fremantle
1932/2700110 Fremantle Hodgson Muriel Edna Female Meyers William Roy Male Fremantle
1932/2700110 Fremantle Meyers William Roy Male Hodgson Muriel Edna Female Fremantle
1932/2700111 Fremantle Charleston Herbert Albert Victor Male Seeber Myrtle Agnes Constance Female Fremantle
1932/2700111 Fremantle Seeber Myrtle Agnes Constance Female Charleston Herbert Albert Victor Male Fremantle
1932/2700112 Fremantle Herdman Ellis Edward Male Williams Frances Sophia Female Fremantle
1932/2700112 Fremantle Williams Frances Sophia Female Herdman Ellis Edward Male Fremantle
1932/2700113 Fremantle Treacy Elva Helen Female Farleigh Jack Keith Male Fremantle
1932/2700113 Fremantle Farleigh Jack Keith Male Treacy Elva Helen Female Fremantle
1932/2700114 Fremantle Slater Hannah Maria Catherine Lillian Female Bennett Herbert Sydney Male Fremantle
1932/2700114 Fremantle Bennett Herbert Sydney Male Slater Hannah Maria Catherine Lillian Female Fremantle
1932/2700115 Fremantle Lazarus Mabel Elizabeth Female Johnston Frederick Grimmwood Male Fremantle
1932/2700115 Fremantle Johnston Frederick Grimmwood Male Lazarus Mabel Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1932/2700116 Fremantle Watson Robert Male Smith Amelia Ettie Female Fremantle
1932/2700116 Fremantle Smith Amelia Ettie Female Watson Robert Male Fremantle
1932/2700117 Fremantle Aylmore Walter James Male Pritchard Doris Ena Female Fremantle
1932/2700117 Fremantle Pritchard Doris Ena Female Aylmore Walter James Male Fremantle
1932/2700118 Fremantle House Vera Marjorie Female Legg Ernest Edward Male Fremantle
1932/2700118 Fremantle Legg Ernest Edward Male House Vera Marjorie Female Fremantle
1932/2700119 Fremantle Cant Thomas Henry Male Gilpin Doris Female East Fremantle
1932/2700119 Fremantle Gilpin Doris Female Cant Thomas Henry Male East Fremantle
1932/2700120 Fremantle Olsen Lilian Ellen Female Rutherford Douglas Frederick Male Fremantle
1933/2700120 Fremantle Steggles George Aiden Male McDonald Louis May Female Fremantle
1933/2700120 Fremantle McDonald Louis May Female Steggles George Aiden Male Fremantle
1932/2700120 Fremantle Rutherford Douglas Frederick Male Olsen Lilian Ellen Female Fremantle
1932/2700121 Fremantle Bralich Vera Female Gavranich Pietro Male Fremantle
1932/2700121 Fremantle Gavranich Pietro Male Bralich Vera Female Fremantle
1932/2700122 Fremantle Spowart Eileen Blanche Female Wulff Otto John Male Fremantle
1932/2700122 Fremantle Wulff Otto John Male Spowart Eileen Blanche Female Fremantle
1932/2700123 Fremantle Hearne Robert Stanley Male Chate Hilda Jane Newman Female Fremantle
1932/2700123 Fremantle Chate Hilda Jane Newman Female Hearne Robert Stanley Male Fremantle
1932/2700124 Fremantle Beane John Henry Male Adams Jane Ellen Female North Fremantle
1932/2700124 Fremantle Adams Jane Ellen Female Beane John Henry Male North Fremantle
1932/2700125 Fremantle Zanetti Oscar Lionel Male Aked Hannah Female Fremantle
1932/2700125 Fremantle Aked Hannah Female Zanetti Oscar Lionel Male Fremantle
1932/2700126 Fremantle Mudie Jean Vanette Female Watts Eric James Alexandra Male Fremantle
1932/2700126 Fremantle Watts Eric James Alexandra Male Mudie Jean Vanette Female Fremantle
1932/2700127 Fremantle Smith Hugh Colin Male Withers Marjorie Olive Female North Fremantle
1932/2700127 Fremantle Withers Marjorie Olive Female Smith Hugh Colin Male North Fremantle
1932/2700128 Fremantle Johnson Florence Annie Female Zagami Vincent Male Fremantle
1932/2700128 Fremantle Zagami Vincent Male Johnson Florence Annie Female Fremantle
1932/2700129 Fremantle Edwards Sian Tegwen Female Scott William Edwin Male Fremantle
1932/2700129 Fremantle Scott William Edwin Male Edwards Sian Tegwen Female Fremantle
1932/2700130 Fremantle Bastin Violet Irene Female McLeod Frederick Male Fremantle
1932/2700130 Fremantle McLeod Frederick Male Bastin Violet Irene Female Fremantle
1932/2700131 Fremantle Robertson James Raymont Male Underhill Rose Ella Annie Female Fremantle
1932/2700131 Fremantle Underhill Rose Ella Annie Female Robertson James Raymont Male Fremantle
1932/2700132 Fremantle Postans Edna Female Sandow Sydney Leonard Male Fremantle
1932/2700132 Fremantle Sandow Sydney Leonard Male Postans Edna Female Fremantle
1932/2700133 Fremantle Small Phyllis Mabel Female Miller Richard John Male Fremantle
1932/2700133 Fremantle Miller Richard John Male Small Phyllis Mabel Female Fremantle
1932/2700134 Fremantle Newman Edna Lyall Female Wilson Kenneth Gordon Male Fremantle
1932/2700134 Fremantle Wilson Kenneth Gordon Male Newman Edna Lyall Female Fremantle
1932/2700135 Fremantle Henry John Alan Collier Male Bishop Emma Adeline Noni Female Fremantle
1932/2700135 Fremantle Bishop Emma Adeline Noni Female Henry John Alan Collier Male Fremantle
1932/2700136 Fremantle Ebert Harold William Male Hoffman Hilda Ella Nora Female Fremantle
1932/2700136 Fremantle Hoffman Hilda Ella Nora Female Ebert Harold William Male Fremantle
1932/2700137 Fremantle Preston Walter William Male Porter Phyllis Blanche Female Fremantle
1932/2700137 Fremantle Porter Phyllis Blanche Female Preston Walter William Male Fremantle
1932/2700138 Fremantle Mountain William Newsome Male Barrow Celia Doris Female Beaconsfield
1932/2700138 Fremantle Barrow Celia Doris Female Mountain William Newsome Male Beaconsfield
1932/2700139 Fremantle Baker Lila Daisy Female Oates George Edmond Male Fremantle
1932/2700139 Fremantle Oates George Edmond Male Baker Lila Daisy Female Fremantle
1932/2700140 Fremantle Flindell Alan Male Groves Ivy Agnes Female Beaconsfield
1932/2700140 Fremantle Groves Ivy Agnes Female Flindell Alan Male Beaconsfield
1932/2700141 Fremantle Price Norman Nathaniel Male Cotterill Elsie Female Beaconsfield
1932/2700141 Fremantle Cotterill Elsie Female Price Norman Nathaniel Male Beaconsfield
1932/2700142 Fremantle Hopkins Frank Raymond Male Roder Jessie Female Fremantle
1932/2700142 Fremantle Roder Jessie Female Hopkins Frank Raymond Male Fremantle
1932/2700143 Fremantle Armstrong Herbert John Male Monaghan Eileen Kathleen Female Fremantle
1932/2700143 Fremantle Monaghan Eileen Kathleen Female Armstrong Herbert John Male Fremantle
1932/2700144 Fremantle McCoy Henry John Male Johnson Gladys Maud Female North Fremantle
1932/2700144 Fremantle Johnson Gladys Maud Female McCoy Henry John Male North Fremantle
1932/2700145 Fremantle Jones Ada May Female Henson William Francis Male Fremantle
1932/2700145 Fremantle Henson William Francis Male Jones Ada May Female Fremantle
1932/2700146 Fremantle Brown William Allan Male Newland Queenie May Female Fremantle
1932/2700146 Fremantle Newland Queenie May Female Brown William Allan Male Fremantle
1932/2700147 Fremantle Dix Eunice Helen Female Marshall Horace Male Fremantle
1932/2700147 Fremantle Marshall Horace Male Dix Eunice Helen Female Fremantle
1932/2700148 Fremantle Holland Geoffrey Male Bowen Jane Christina Female Fremantle
1932/2700148 Fremantle Bowen Jane Christina Female Holland Geoffrey Male Fremantle
1932/2700149 Fremantle Davis Alma Mary Female Fraser John Alexander Male Fremantle
1932/2700149 Fremantle Fraser John Alexander Male Davis Alma Mary Female Fremantle
1932/2700150 Fremantle Jones Vera Wynn Female Duggan Thomas James Male Fremantle
1932/2700150 Fremantle Duggan Thomas James Male Jones Vera Wynn Female Fremantle
1932/2700151 Fremantle Maggs John Edward Male Herbert Mavis Female Fremantle
1932/2700151 Fremantle Herbert Mavis Female Maggs John Edward Male Fremantle
1932/2700152 Fremantle Pearse Septimus Roy Male Fielding Mabel Rose Female Fremantle
1932/2700152 Fremantle Fielding Mabel Rose Female Pearse Septimus Roy Male Fremantle
1932/2700153 Fremantle Mutton Robert James Male Buchanan Grace Gladys Female Fremantle
1932/2700153 Fremantle Buchanan Grace Gladys Female Mutton Robert James Male Fremantle
1932/2700154 Fremantle Humbert Stanley Charles Pierre Male Giles Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1932/2700154 Fremantle Giles Elizabeth Female Humbert Stanley Charles Pierre Male Fremantle
1932/2700155 Fremantle Tilley Alfred Ernest Male Gough Mary Jane Female Beaconsfield
1932/2700155 Fremantle Gough Mary Jane Female Tilley Alfred Ernest Male Beaconsfield
1932/2700156 Fremantle Moody Percy Edward Male Stingemore Miriam Female Fremantle
1932/2700156 Fremantle Stingemore Miriam Female Moody Percy Edward Male Fremantle
1932/2700157 Fremantle Mayes Albert Edward Male Gibbons Eileen May Female Fremantle
1932/2700157 Fremantle Gibbons Eileen May Female Mayes Albert Edward Male Fremantle
1932/2700158 Fremantle McCurdy Mona Winifred Female Townsend Joseph Thomas Male Fremantle
1932/2700158 Fremantle Townsend Joseph Thomas Male McCurdy Mona Winifred Female Fremantle
1932/2700159 Fremantle Brindley Stephen James Male Davies Vera Mavis Female Fremantle
1932/2700159 Fremantle Davies Vera Mavis Female Brindley Stephen James Male Fremantle
1932/2700160 Fremantle Berrisford Winefride Aimee Female Maskiell Ernest Arthur Joseph Allen Male Fremantle
1932/2700160 Fremantle Maskiell Ernest Arthur Joseph Allen Male Berrisford Winefride Aimee Female Fremantle
1932/2700161 Fremantle Johnson Mabel Female Groom Leonard Male East Fremantle
1932/2700161 Fremantle Groom Leonard Male Johnson Mabel Female East Fremantle
1932/2700162 Fremantle Maloney Eileen Elizabeth Female Mills Harold John Male Fremantle
1932/2700162 Fremantle Mills Harold John Male Maloney Eileen Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1932/2700163 Fremantle Ribe Jane Alice Female Hannond George James Male Banjup
1932/2700163 Fremantle Hannond George James Male Ribe Jane Alice Female Banjup
1932/2700164 Fremantle Constantine Dorothy Mavis Female Cole William Harry Male Fremantle
1932/2700164 Fremantle Cole William Harry Male Constantine Dorothy Mavis Female Fremantle
1932/2700165 Fremantle Blythe Helen Female Inverarity Mervyn Male Fremantle
1932/2700165 Fremantle Inverarity Mervyn Male Blythe Helen Female Fremantle
1932/2700166 Fremantle Brown Walter Cecil Male Walters Elsie Female Fremantle
1932/2700166 Fremantle Walters Elsie Female Brown Walter Cecil Male Fremantle
1932/2700167 Fremantle Davey George Herbert Male Ranford Patricia Mary Female East Fremantle
1932/2700167 Fremantle Ranford Patricia Mary Female Davey George Herbert Male East Fremantle
1932/2700168 Fremantle Perie Samuel Alexander Male Lewington Frances Evelyn Female Fremantle
1932/2700168 Fremantle Lewington Frances Evelyn Female Perie Samuel Alexander Male Fremantle
1932/2700169 Fremantle Reeves John Sutherland Male Harrison Daphne Trilby Oratava Female East Fremantle
1932/2700169 Fremantle Harrison Daphne Trilby Oratava Female Reeves John Sutherland Male East Fremantle
1932/2700170 Fremantle Walker Annie Agnes Female Davenport Horace Male Fremantle
1932/2700170 Fremantle Davenport Horace Male Walker Annie Agnes Female Fremantle
1932/2700171 Fremantle Outram Cecil William David Male Turton Olga Pauline Female Fremantle
1932/2700171 Fremantle Turton Olga Pauline Female Outram Cecil William David Male Fremantle
1932/2700172 Fremantle Thomas Lindley Roberts Male Brandy Catherine Norma Female Beaconsfield
1932/2700172 Fremantle Brandy Catherine Norma Female Thomas Lindley Roberts Male Beaconsfield
1932/2700173 Fremantle Camm Harold Male Parker Dorothea Laura Hill Female Fremantle
1932/2700173 Fremantle Parker Dorothea Laura Hill Female Camm Harold Male Fremantle
1932/2700174 Fremantle Bycroft Claude Male McWilliams Ada Melville Female Beaconsfield
1932/2700174 Fremantle McWilliams Ada Melville Female Bycroft Claude Male Beaconsfield
1932/2700175 Fremantle Morgan May Elizabeth Female Ellis Frederick George Male Fremantle
1932/2700175 Fremantle Ellis Frederick George Male Morgan May Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1932/2700176 Fremantle Cody John Anthony Male Knell Kathleen Female Fremantle
1932/2700176 Fremantle Knell Kathleen Female Cody John Anthony Male Fremantle
1932/2700177 Fremantle Jordan Emmie Annie Mildred Female Harrison Frederick William Francis Male Fremantle
1932/2700177 Fremantle Harrison Frederick William Francis Male Jordan Emmie Annie Mildred Female Fremantle
1932/2700178 Fremantle Frazer Joseph James Male Jeffery Ella Rosina Ada Female Fremantle
1932/2700178 Fremantle Jeffery Ella Rosina Ada Female Frazer Joseph James Male Fremantle
1932/2700179 Fremantle Flindell Vera Thelma Female Powell Robert Male East Fremantle
1932/2700179 Fremantle Powell Robert Male Flindell Vera Thelma Female East Fremantle
1932/2700180 Fremantle Borwick Catherine Marion Female Luff Peter Male Fremantle
1932/2700180 Fremantle Luff Peter Male Borwick Catherine Marion Female Fremantle
1932/2700181 Fremantle Malland Doris Evelyn Mary Female Bradbury Keats Laird Coverdale Male Fremantle
1932/2700181 Fremantle Bradbury Keats Laird Coverdale Male Malland Doris Evelyn Mary Female Fremantle
1932/2700182 Fremantle Tonkin Clara Pauline Female Ward John William Henry Male Spearwood
1932/2700182 Fremantle Ward John William Henry Male Tonkin Clara Pauline Female Spearwood
1932/2700183 Fremantle Hearn Alice Mary Female Wright Charles Kenneth Male Fremantle
1932/2700183 Fremantle Wright Charles Kenneth Male Hearn Alice Mary Female Fremantle
1932/2700184 Fremantle Walters Ivy Lilian Female Sinclair Ernest Trevor Stuart Male Fremantle
1932/2700184 Fremantle Sinclair Ernest Trevor Stuart Male Walters Ivy Lilian Female Fremantle
1932/2700185 Fremantle Curtis Alice Female Wolfe Richard Male Fremantle
1932/2700185 Fremantle Wolfe Richard Male Curtis Alice Female Fremantle
1932/2700186 Fremantle Fienberg David Male McDougall Lottie Ivy Female Fremantle
1932/2700186 Fremantle McDougall Lottie Ivy Female Fienberg David Male Fremantle
1932/2700187 Fremantle Kiesewetter Beth Stafford Female Winfield Alfred James Male Beaconsfield
1932/2700187 Fremantle Winfield Alfred James Male Kiesewetter Beth Stafford Female Beaconsfield
1932/2700188 Fremantle Howson Edward William Male Clark Agnes Ellen Female Fremantle
1932/2700188 Fremantle Clark Agnes Ellen Female Howson Edward William Male Fremantle
1932/2700189 Fremantle Edelman Samuel Male Hiscox Bernice Chlorene Female Fremantle
1932/2700189 Fremantle Hiscox Bernice Chlorene Female Edelman Samuel Male Fremantle
1932/2700190 Fremantle Daly James Andrew Male Hughes Kathleen Mary Female Fremantle
1932/2700190 Fremantle Hughes Kathleen Mary Female Daly James Andrew Male Fremantle
1932/2700191 Fremantle Brown Frederick James Male Gilbert Doris Violet Female Beaconsfield
1932/2700191 Fremantle Gilbert Doris Violet Female Brown Frederick James Male Beaconsfield
1932/2700192 Fremantle Hurst Rowland Male Cridland Ena Frances Female Fremantle
1932/2700192 Fremantle Cridland Ena Frances Female Hurst Rowland Male Fremantle
1932/2700193 Fremantle Kidd Mabel Rose Female Harris James Male Fremantle
1932/2700193 Fremantle Harris James Male Kidd Mabel Rose Female Fremantle
1932/2700194 Fremantle Farmer Deage Norris Male Day Rachel Matilda Olive Female Fremantle
1932/2700194 Fremantle Day Rachel Matilda Olive Female Farmer Deage Norris Male Fremantle
1932/2700195 Fremantle Wright James Henry Male Singleton Ethel Female Fremantle
1932/2700195 Fremantle Singleton Ethel Female Wright James Henry Male Fremantle
1932/2700196 Fremantle McKenzie Frederick James Male Woods Beryl Marjorie Female Fremantle
1932/2700196 Fremantle Woods Beryl Marjorie Female McKenzie Frederick James Male Fremantle
1932/2700197 Fremantle Callcott Lyla Elizabeth Female Culbertson Smyth Male Fremantle
1932/2700197 Fremantle Culbertson Smyth Male Callcott Lyla Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1932/2700198 Fremantle Ramage John Young Male O'Donnell Mary Alice Female Fremantle
1932/2700198 Fremantle O'Donnell Mary Alice Female Ramage John Young Male Fremantle
1932/2700199 Fremantle Hicks Irene May Female Waters Louis John Male East Fremantle
1932/2700199 Fremantle Waters Louis John Male Hicks Irene May Female East Fremantle
1932/2700200 Fremantle Bathurst Frederick George Male Smith Jessie Edith Female Fremantle
1932/2700200 Fremantle Smith Jessie Edith Female Bathurst Frederick George Male Fremantle
1932/2700201 Fremantle Papoo Thomas Anthony Male Willsher Olive Kathrine Female Fremantle
1932/2700201 Fremantle Willsher Olive Kathrine Female Papoo Thomas Anthony Male Fremantle
1932/2700202 Fremantle Cooper Leonard David Male France Eunice Hazel Female Fremantle
1932/2700202 Fremantle France Eunice Hazel Female Cooper Leonard David Male Fremantle
1932/2700203 Fremantle Weeks Elsie Agnes Moore Female Miller John Male Palmyra
1932/2700203 Fremantle Miller John Male Weeks Elsie Agnes Moore Female Palmyra
1932/2700204 Fremantle Bavich Nikola Male Srhoj Marya Female Fremantle
1932/2700204 Fremantle Srhoj Marya Female Bavich Nikola Male Fremantle
1932/2700205 Fremantle Ward Frederick James Male Onley Winifred May Female North Fremantle
1932/2700205 Fremantle Onley Winifred May Female Ward Frederick James Male North Fremantle
1932/2700206 Fremantle Constantine George Edward Male Jones Lilian Irene Female Fremantle
1932/2700206 Fremantle Jones Lilian Irene Female Constantine George Edward Male Fremantle
1932/2700207 Fremantle McMorrow Martin Denis Male Munsie Verna Elizebath Female Fremantle
1932/2700207 Fremantle Munsie Verna Elizebath Female McMorrow Martin Denis Male Fremantle
1932/2700208 Fremantle Bremmell Winifred Hazel Female Haywood Eric Lennard Male Fremantle
1932/2700208 Fremantle Haywood Eric Lennard Male Bremmell Winifred Hazel Female Fremantle
1932/2700209 Fremantle Hills Francis Rollinson Male Kirby Emily Gertrude Female Fremantle
1932/2700209 Fremantle Kirby Emily Gertrude Female Hills Francis Rollinson Male Fremantle
1932/2700210 Fremantle Webster Maude Almeda Female Hood George Howard Male Fremantle
1932/2700210 Fremantle Hood George Howard Male Webster Maude Almeda Female Fremantle
1932/2700211 Fremantle Garden Fred Alexander Male Edwards Kathleen Davies Female Fremantle
1932/2700211 Fremantle Edwards Kathleen Davies Female Garden Fred Alexander Male Fremantle
1932/2700212 Fremantle Bailey Victor Edward Male Campbell Alice Lorna Female Fremantle
1932/2700212 Fremantle Campbell Alice Lorna Female Bailey Victor Edward Male Fremantle
1932/2700213 Fremantle Crass Thomas Hall Male Cooper Margaret Female Fremantle
1932/2700213 Fremantle Cooper Margaret Female Crass Thomas Hall Male Fremantle
1932/2700214 Fremantle Byrne Beatrice Kathrine Ellen Female Stewart John James Male Fremantle
1932/2700214 Fremantle Stewart John James Male Byrne Beatrice Kathrine Ellen Female Fremantle
1932/2700215 Fremantle Fowlie Thomas Joseph Leslie Male Stuart Ambrosine Female East Fremantle
1932/2700215 Fremantle Stuart Ambrosine Female Fowlie Thomas Joseph Leslie Male East Fremantle
1932/2700216 Fremantle Webster John Brown Male Brown Vera Mary Female Fremantle
1932/2700216 Fremantle Brown Vera Mary Female Webster John Brown Male Fremantle
1932/2700217 Fremantle Jones Edith Jane Female McCall Michael Edward Ernest Male Fremantle
1932/2700217 Fremantle McCall Michael Edward Ernest Male Jones Edith Jane Female Fremantle
1932/2700218 Fremantle Stewart Doris Rubena Female Dorgan John Male Fremantle
1932/2700218 Fremantle Dorgan John Male Stewart Doris Rubena Female Fremantle
1932/2700219 Fremantle Leggett Emma Eliza Female Bradstreet John Charles Ernest Male Fremantle
1932/2700219 Fremantle Bradstreet John Charles Ernest Male Leggett Emma Eliza Female Fremantle
1932/2700220 Fremantle Newbold Edith Rose Female Page Ray Hayman Male Beaconsfield
1932/2700220 Fremantle Page Ray Hayman Male Newbold Edith Rose Female Beaconsfield
1932/2700221 Fremantle Reed Edgbert Alfred William Male Martin Mavis Female Beaconsfield
1932/2700221 Fremantle Martin Mavis Female Reed Edgbert Alfred William Male Beaconsfield
1932/2700222 Fremantle Watson Clarence Victor Male Joslin Winifred Mary Female Beaconsfield
1932/2700222 Fremantle Joslin Winifred Mary Female Watson Clarence Victor Male Beaconsfield
1932/2700223 Fremantle Cowlishaw Frederick Stuart Christian Male Macdonald Henrietta McIvor Female Beaconsfield
1932/2700223 Fremantle Macdonald Henrietta McIvor Female Cowlishaw Frederick Stuart Christian Male Beaconsfield
1932/2700224 Fremantle Howard Frederick Charles Male Kelly Phyllis Nellie Female Fremantle
1932/2700224 Fremantle Kelly Phyllis Nellie Female Howard Frederick Charles Male Fremantle
1932/2700225 Fremantle Wandless Walter Henry Male Snowfoot Olga Female Fremantle
1932/2700225 Fremantle Snowfoot Olga Female Wandless Walter Henry Male Fremantle
1932/2700226 Fremantle Playter Robert Franklin Male Bock Edna Mae Female Fremantle
1932/2700226 Fremantle Bock Edna Mae Female Playter Robert Franklin Male Fremantle
1932/2700227 Fremantle Pearce Winifred Hilda Female White Alton Keith Tasman Male Fremantle
1932/2700227 Fremantle White Alton Keith Tasman Male Pearce Winifred Hilda Female Fremantle
1932/2700228 Fremantle Wallington William James Male Gordon Muriel Annie Female Fremantle
1932/2700228 Fremantle Gordon Muriel Annie Female Wallington William James Male Fremantle
1932/2700229 Fremantle Hendry Jack Ingram Male Harvey Thelma Evelyn Female Fremantle
1932/2700229 Fremantle Harvey Thelma Evelyn Female Hendry Jack Ingram Male Fremantle
1932/2700230 Fremantle Flyman Phillip John Male Meyers Lorna Mavis Female Fremantle
1932/2700230 Fremantle Meyers Lorna Mavis Female Flyman Phillip John Male Fremantle
1932/2700231 Fremantle de Vries Winifred Cornelia Female Davies Albert Victor Male Fremantle
1932/2700231 Fremantle Davies Albert Victor Male de Vries Winifred Cornelia Female Fremantle
1932/2700232 Fremantle Moore Myrtle Letitia Female Rutherford Charles Vernon Male Fremantle
1932/2700232 Fremantle Rutherford Charles Vernon Male Moore Myrtle Letitia Female Fremantle
1932/2700233 Fremantle Piper Albert Joseph Male Cashin Millie Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1932/2700233 Fremantle Cashin Millie Elizabeth Female Piper Albert Joseph Male Fremantle
1932/2700234 Fremantle Lee John Herbert Male Pinniger Mollie Hall Female Fremantle
1932/2700234 Fremantle Pinniger Mollie Hall Female Lee John Herbert Male Fremantle
1932/2700235 Fremantle Duncan Charles Male Horner Amy Female Fremantle
1932/2700235 Fremantle Horner Amy Female Duncan Charles Male Fremantle
1932/2700236 Fremantle Sinclair Robert Moss Vale Male Kavanagh Hazel Jean Female Fremantle
1932/2700236 Fremantle Kavanagh Hazel Jean Female Sinclair Robert Moss Vale Male Fremantle
1932/2700237 Fremantle Morfesse Charles Fredrick Male Gough Eva Caroline Female North Fremantle
1932/2700237 Fremantle Gough Eva Caroline Female Morfesse Charles Fredrick Male North Fremantle
1932/2700238 Fremantle Talbot Albert Jesse Male Fletcher Florence Amy Female Fremantle
1932/2700238 Fremantle Fletcher Florence Amy Female Talbot Albert Jesse Male Fremantle
1932/2700239 Fremantle Manson Norman Douglas Male Coffey Teresa Bridget Female Fremantle
1932/2700239 Fremantle Coffey Teresa Bridget Female Manson Norman Douglas Male Fremantle
1932/2700240 Fremantle Turton Joy Kathleen Female Grigg Jack Male Fremantle
1932/2700240 Fremantle Grigg Jack Male Turton Joy Kathleen Female Fremantle
1932/2700241 Fremantle Chapman Muriel Betsy Female Goodheart Henry Herbert Male Fremantle
1932/2700241 Fremantle Goodheart Henry Herbert Male Chapman Muriel Betsy Female Fremantle
1932/2700242 Fremantle Roberts Finniss Female Ross Cyril Alexander James Male Fremantle
1932/2700242 Fremantle Ross Cyril Alexander James Male Roberts Finniss Female Fremantle
1932/2700243 Fremantle Fury Frank Alfred Male Carr Alice Neta Female Fremantle
1932/2700243 Fremantle Fiorio Frank Alfred Male Carr Alice Neta Female Fremantle
1932/2700243 Fremantle Carr Alice Neta Female Fiorio Frank Alfred Male Fremantle
1932/2700243 Fremantle Carr Alice Neta Female Fury Frank Alfred Male Fremantle
1932/2700244 Fremantle Marsh Frank Wilmot Male Larkin Florence Alice Female Fremantle
1932/2700244 Fremantle Larkin Florence Alice Female Marsh Frank Wilmot Male Fremantle
1932/2700245 Fremantle Brown Frances West Female Atkinson William Male Fremantle
1932/2700245 Fremantle Atkinson William Male Brown Frances West Female Fremantle
1932/2700245 Fremantle Atkinson William Male Willin Frances West Female Fremantle
1932/2700245 Fremantle Willin Frances West Female Atkinson William Male Fremantle
1932/2700246 Fremantle Keyte Harry Walter John Male Tetlow Ellen Louise Female North Fremantle
1932/2700246 Fremantle Tetlow Ellen Louise Female Keyte Harry Walter John Male North Fremantle
1932/2700247 Fremantle Williams Kevin John Male Rogers Violet Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1932/2700247 Fremantle Rogers Violet Elizabeth Female Williams Kevin John Male Fremantle
1932/2700248 Fremantle Cullen John Michael Male Curtis Rita Dorothy Female Fremantle
1932/2700248 Fremantle Curtis Rita Dorothy Female Cullen John Michael Male Fremantle
1932/2700249 Fremantle Lockhart Raymond Thomas Henry Male Stewart Linda May Female Fremantle
1932/2700249 Fremantle Stewart Linda May Female Lockhart Raymond Thomas Henry Male Fremantle
1932/2700250 Fremantle Thomas Ivy May Female Meadows Frederick William Male Fremantle
1932/2700250 Fremantle Meadows Frederick William Male Thomas Ivy May Female Fremantle
1932/2700251 Fremantle Phillips Ellen Eliza Female Michell Leonard Stephen Thompson Male Fremantle
1932/2700251 Fremantle Michell Leonard Stephen Thompson Male Phillips Ellen Eliza Female Fremantle
1932/2700252 Fremantle Murray Doris Eileen Agnes Female Smart Clifford Alec George Male Fremantle
1932/2700252 Fremantle Smart Clifford Alec George Male Murray Doris Eileen Agnes Female Fremantle
1932/2700253 Fremantle Bruce Robert Findlay Male Warden Jane Female Fremantle
1932/2700253 Fremantle Warden Jane Female Bruce Robert Findlay Male Fremantle
1932/2700254 Fremantle Bryant Herbert Keith Male Prince Edith Virtue Female East Fremantle
1932/2700254 Fremantle Prince Edith Virtue Female Bryant Herbert Keith Male East Fremantle
1932/2700255 Fremantle Clement Amelia Josephine Female Osterberg Eric August George Male East Fremantle
1932/2700255 Fremantle Osterberg Eric August George Male Clement Amelia Josephine Female East Fremantle
1932/2700256 Fremantle Hitchen James Male Yewers Lillian Mabel Female Fremantle
1932/2700256 Fremantle Yewers Lillian Mabel Female Hitchen James Male Fremantle
1932/2700257 Fremantle Hoy James George Male Caldwell Olive Female Fremantle
1932/2700257 Fremantle Caldwell Olive Female Hoy James George Male Fremantle
1932/2700258 Fremantle McDonnell Hector Alexander Male Davis Rose Marie Female Fremantle
1932/2700258 Fremantle Davis Rose Marie Female McDonnell Hector Alexander Male Fremantle
1932/2700259 Fremantle King William John Male Webb Elsie May Female Fremantle
1932/2700259 Fremantle Webb Elsie May Female King William John Male Fremantle
1932/2700260 Fremantle Rudan Zlatica Female Srhoj Stephen Male Fremantle
1932/2700260 Fremantle Srhoj Stephen Male Rudan Zlatica Female Fremantle
1932/2700261 Fremantle Mumme John Albert Male Daly Lillian Marie Female Fremantle
1932/2700261 Fremantle Daly Lillian Marie Female Mumme John Albert Male Fremantle
1932/2700262 Fremantle Molyneux Irma Juanita Female Cox Oswald Frederick Garnet Male Fremantle
1932/2700262 Fremantle Cox Oswald Frederick Garnet Male Molyneux Irma Juanita Female Fremantle
1932/2800001 Gascoyne Jones Harold William Male Dalling Patricia Female Carnarvon
1932/2800001 Gascoyne Dalling Patricia Female Jones Harold William Male Carnarvon
1932/2800002 Gascoyne Hill George Henry Dawson Male Todd Eleanor Female Carnarvon
1932/2800002 Gascoyne Todd Eleanor Female Hill George Henry Dawson Male Carnarvon
1932/2800003 Gascoyne Black Myrtle Beatrice Female Henfry Claude Mainland Male Shark Bay
1932/2800003 Gascoyne Henfry Claude Mainland Male Black Myrtle Beatrice Female Shark Bay
1932/2800004 Gascoyne Mortimer Henry Robert Male Lewer Myrtle Elizabeth Female Carnarvon
1932/2800004 Gascoyne Lewer Myrtle Elizabeth Female Mortimer Henry Robert Male Carnarvon
1932/2800005 Gascoyne Odine Elsie Teresa Female Mitchell Allen Male Carnarvon
1932/2800005 Gascoyne Mitchell Allen Male Odine Elsie Teresa Female Carnarvon
1932/2800006 Gascoyne Munro George Clarke Male Bell Helen Gertrude Female Carnarvon
1932/2800006 Gascoyne Bell Helen Gertrude Female Munro George Clarke Male Carnarvon
1932/2800007 Gascoyne Herbert Albert Martin Male Humphries Gertrude Female Carnarvon
1932/2800007 Gascoyne Humphries Gertrude Female Herbert Albert Martin Male Carnarvon
1932/2900001 Geraldton Anderson Ruby Perthinia Female Monaghan Victor Lawrence Male Bluff Point
1932/2900001 Geraldton Monaghan Victor Lawrence Male Anderson Ruby Perthinia Female Bluff Point
1932/2900002 Geraldton Martin Catherine Ethel Female Poole Herbert Joseph Male Geraldton
1932/2900002 Geraldton Poole Herbert Joseph Male Martin Catherine Ethel Female Geraldton
1932/2900003 Geraldton Lund Erwin James Male Rhodes Gertrude Mabel Female Geraldton
1932/2900003 Geraldton Rhodes Gertrude Mabel Female Lund Erwin James Male Geraldton
1932/2900004 Geraldton Marwood Matthew Frederick Male McLeod Isobelle Victoria Female Geraldton
1932/2900004 Geraldton McLeod Isobelle Victoria Female Marwood Matthew Frederick Male Geraldton
1932/2900005 Geraldton Glossop Edna May Female Adams Keith Vermont Male Geraldton
1932/2900005 Geraldton Adams Keith Vermont Male Glossop Edna May Female Geraldton
1932/2900006 Geraldton Doyle Ada Maud Female Barnfather William George Male Geraldton
1932/2900006 Geraldton Barnfather William George Male Doyle Ada Maud Female Geraldton
1932/2900007 Geraldton Nuttall Myrtle Female Wickham John Birdsie Male Geraldton
1932/2900007 Geraldton Wickham John Birdsie Male Nuttall Myrtle Female Geraldton
1932/2900008 Geraldton Atkinson Mary Ann Female Eves Cecil Sydney Male Geraldton
1932/2900008 Geraldton Eves Cecil Sydney Male Atkinson Mary Ann Female Geraldton
1932/2900009 Geraldton Chapell Richard Graham Male Lethlean Olive Victoria Female Geraldton
1932/2900009 Geraldton Lethlean Olive Victoria Female Chapell Richard Graham Male Geraldton
1932/2900010 Geraldton Hanlon Eileen May Female Baker John Cyril Male Geraldton
1932/2900010 Geraldton Baker John Cyril Male Hanlon Eileen May Female Geraldton
1932/2900011 Geraldton Starling Walter Joseph Reuben Male Wilton Ethel May Female Geraldton
1932/2900011 Geraldton Wilton Ethel May Female Starling Walter Joseph Reuben Male Geraldton
1932/2900012 Geraldton Scott Violet Louise Female Bishop Harold Lindsay Male Geraldton
1932/2900012 Geraldton Bishop Harold Lindsay Male Scott Violet Louise Female Geraldton
1932/2900013 Geraldton Payne John Male McNaull Maud Female Geraldton
1932/2900013 Geraldton McNaull Maud Female Payne John Male Geraldton
1932/2900014 Geraldton Criddle Merle Ida Female Steele Irwin Alexander Male Geraldton
1932/2900014 Geraldton Steele Irwin Alexander Male Criddle Merle Ida Female Geraldton
1932/2900015 Geraldton Hardwicke Dorothy Gertrude Female Phillips Eric Hume Male Geraldton
1932/2900015 Geraldton Phillips Eric Hume Male Hardwicke Dorothy Gertrude Female Geraldton
1932/2900016 Geraldton Hanlon Matilda Louisa Augusta Female Bennett Isaiah John Male Geraldton
1932/2900016 Geraldton Bennett Isaiah John Male Hanlon Matilda Louisa Augusta Female Geraldton
1932/2900017 Geraldton Elliott Richard Horace Male Winston Lavinia Catherine Grace Female Geraldton
1932/2900017 Geraldton Winston Lavinia Catherine Grace Female Elliott Richard Horace Male Geraldton
1932/2900018 Geraldton Sells Laura Catherine Grace Female Cleary Edward James Male Geraldton
1932/2900018 Geraldton Cleary Edward James Male Sells Laura Catherine Grace Female Geraldton
1932/2900019 Geraldton Nelson Frederick Male Moore Ella Jane Female Geraldton
1932/2900019 Geraldton Moore Ella Jane Female Nelson Frederick Male Geraldton
1932/2900020 Geraldton Hammond Sylvia Rose Female Coote Ronald Francis Charles Male Geraldton
1932/2900020 Geraldton Coote Ronald Francis Charles Male Hammond Sylvia Rose Female Geraldton
1932/2900021 Geraldton Lauder Leslie James Park Male Eves Ida Doris Female Geraldton
1932/2900021 Geraldton Eves Ida Doris Female Lauder Leslie James Park Male Geraldton
1932/2900022 Geraldton Salter Leslie George Male Hansen Ivy May Female Geraldton
1932/2900022 Geraldton Hansen Ivy May Female Salter Leslie George Male Geraldton
1932/2900023 Geraldton Bennett Stella Female Mitchell James Walter Male Geraldton
1932/2900023 Geraldton Mitchell James Walter Male Bennett Stella Female Geraldton
1932/2900024 Geraldton Desmond Anthony Joseph Male Connolly Gloria Esther Female Geraldton
1932/2900024 Geraldton Connolly Gloria Esther Female Desmond Anthony Joseph Male Geraldton
1932/2900025 Geraldton Bunter William Edward Male Slavin Honorah Veronica Female Geraldton
1932/2900025 Geraldton Slavin Honorah Veronica Female Bunter William Edward Male Geraldton
1932/2900026 Geraldton Eagleton Kathleen Rosanna Female Gillham Laurence Leslie Male Geraldton
1932/2900026 Geraldton Gillham Laurence Leslie Male Eagleton Kathleen Rosanna Female Geraldton
1932/2900027 Geraldton McAuliffe Martha Elizabeth Female Mills Henry Bernard Male Mullewa
1932/2900027 Geraldton Mills Henry Bernard Male McAuliffe Martha Elizabeth Female Mullewa
1932/2900028 Geraldton Duncan Arthur Male Tower Ethel Female Tenindawa
1932/2900028 Geraldton Tower Ethel Female Duncan Arthur Male Tenindawa
1932/2900029 Geraldton Eakins George Cyril Male Thompson Jean Edith Female Geraldton
1932/2900029 Geraldton Thompson Jean Edith Female Eakins George Cyril Male Geraldton
1932/2900030 Geraldton Hilton Frank Male Russell Jessie May Female Geraldton
1932/2900030 Geraldton Russell Jessie May Female Hilton Frank Male Geraldton
1932/2900031 Geraldton Charles Margaret Ann Female Stevens Thomas Samuel Male Geraldton
1932/2900031 Geraldton Stevens Thomas Samuel Male Charles Margaret Ann Female Geraldton
1932/2900032 Geraldton Rowe Reginald Drew Male Howarth Freda Female Geraldton
1932/2900032 Geraldton Howarth Freda Female Rowe Reginald Drew Male Geraldton
1932/2900033 Geraldton Hewett Alfred Stephen Male Bignell Ivy Muriel Female Mullewa
1932/2900033 Geraldton Bignell Ivy Muriel Female Hewett Alfred Stephen Male Mullewa
1932/2900034 Geraldton Hunt Jean Female Eley George Male Geraldton
1932/2900034 Geraldton Eley George Male Hunt Jean Female Geraldton
1932/2900035 Geraldton Shearer Florence Female Duncan John William Male Geraldton
1932/2900035 Geraldton Duncan John William Male Shearer Florence Female Geraldton
1932/2900036 Geraldton Elliott Albert James Male Fulwood Alvie Jean Female Geraldton
1932/2900036 Geraldton Elliott Albert James Male Mott Alvie Jean Female Geraldton
1932/2900036 Geraldton Mott Alvie Jean Female Elliott Albert James Male Geraldton
1932/2900036 Geraldton Fulwood Alvie Jean Female Elliott Albert James Male Geraldton
1932/2900037 Geraldton Barrett Florence Isobel Female Boyer Laurence John Male Geraldton
1932/2900037 Geraldton Boyer Laurence John Male Barrett Florence Isobel Female Geraldton
1932/2900038 Geraldton Durant Eric Franklin Male Davies Lorna Mary Grace Female Geraldton
1932/2900038 Geraldton Davies Lorna Mary Grace Female Durant Eric Franklin Male Geraldton
1932/2900039 Geraldton Marsden Emma Edith Female Hayes John Patrick Male Geraldton
1932/2900039 Geraldton Hayes John Patrick Male Marsden Emma Edith Female Geraldton
1932/2900040 Geraldton Mellows Daisy Josephine Female Marsh Leslie Samuel Male Geraldton
1932/2900040 Geraldton Marsh Leslie Samuel Male Mellows Daisy Josephine Female Geraldton
1932/2900041 Geraldton York Mary Female Minshull Frederick Male Mullewa
1932/2900041 Geraldton Minshull Frederick Male York Mary Female Mullewa
1932/2900042 Geraldton Sheilds Frederick John Male King Ivinar Mabel Ruth Female Geraldton
1932/2900042 Geraldton King Ivinar Mabel Ruth Female Sheilds Frederick John Male Geraldton
1932/2900043 Geraldton Chopin Mavis Annie Female Brookes John Male Mullewa
1932/2900043 Geraldton Brookes John Male Chopin Mavis Annie Female Mullewa
1932/2900044 Geraldton Castle Audrey Lucinda Female Smith William Howard Male Geraldton
1932/2900044 Geraldton Smith William Howard Male Castle Audrey Lucinda Female Geraldton
1932/2900045 Geraldton Hanlon Melva Elizabeth Female Mounier Albert William Male Geraldton
1932/2900045 Geraldton Mounier Albert William Male Hanlon Melva Elizabeth Female Geraldton
1932/2900046 Geraldton Craine Doreen May Female Milovitch Thomas Nicholas Male Geraldton
1932/2900046 Geraldton Milovitch Thomas Nicholas Male Craine Doreen May Female Geraldton
1932/2900047 Geraldton Murray Leah Agnes Female Payne Michael James Male Geraldton
1932/2900047 Geraldton Payne Michael James Male Murray Leah Agnes Female Geraldton
1932/2900048 Geraldton McDonnell Cecilia Mary Female Browning Charles Male Geraldton
1932/2900048 Geraldton Browning Charles Male McDonnell Cecilia Mary Female Geraldton
1932/2900049 Geraldton Asquith Noel Guildford Male Nelson Florence Female Geraldton
1932/2900049 Geraldton Nelson Florence Female Asquith Noel Guildford Male Geraldton
1932/2900050 Geraldton Cant Howard Frederick Thomas Male Reid Mary Bickford Ferguson Female Geraldton
1932/2900050 Geraldton Reid Mary Bickford Ferguson Female Cant Howard Frederick Thomas Male Geraldton
1932/2900051 Geraldton Hutchinson Norman George Male Glenfell Annie Grose Female Geraldton
1932/2900051 Geraldton Glenfell Annie Grose Female Hutchinson Norman George Male Geraldton
1932/2900052 Geraldton Atkinson William Emanuel Male Smith Ina Female Geraldton
1932/2900052 Geraldton Smith Ina Female Atkinson William Emanuel Male Geraldton
1932/2900053 Geraldton Hipper Kathleen Female Rosser Isaac Owen Male Geraldton
1932/2900053 Geraldton Rosser Isaac Owen Male Hipper Kathleen Female Geraldton
1932/2900054 Geraldton Parsons Charles James Male Randall Florence Grace Female Geraldton
1932/2900054 Geraldton Randall Florence Grace Female Parsons Charles James Male Geraldton
1932/2900055 Geraldton Thompson Ivy Myrtle Female Currell Linley Walter Male Geraldton
1932/2900055 Geraldton Currell Linley Walter Male Thompson Ivy Myrtle Female Geraldton
1932/2900056 Geraldton Gray Emily Jane Female Dunn Leslie John Henderson Male Geraldton
1932/2900056 Geraldton Dunn Leslie John Henderson Male Gray Emily Jane Female Geraldton
1932/2900057 Geraldton Angland Julia Mary Female Topham Arthur George Male Geraldton
1932/2900057 Geraldton Topham Arthur George Male Angland Julia Mary Female Geraldton
1932/2900058 Geraldton Gould Florence Eliza Female Morgan Alfred Raymond Male Geraldton
1932/2900058 Geraldton Morgan Alfred Raymond Male Gould Florence Eliza Female Geraldton
1932/2900059 Geraldton Watterson Rose Female Westaway Leslie Lionel Male Geraldton
1932/2900059 Geraldton Westaway Leslie Lionel Male Watterson Rose Female Geraldton
1932/2900060 Geraldton Stevens William Charles Male O'Donnell Florence Eileen Female Geraldton
1932/2900060 Geraldton O'Donnell Florence Eileen Female Stevens William Charles Male Geraldton
1932/2900061 Geraldton Haley Linda Ruth Female King Claude William Male Mullewa
1932/2900061 Geraldton King Claude William Male Haley Linda Ruth Female Mullewa
1932/2900062 Geraldton Morris Alma Irene Female Worthington Roy Eddison Male Geraldton
1932/2900062 Geraldton Worthington Roy Eddison Male Morris Alma Irene Female Geraldton
1932/3000001 Gingin Collett Kathleen May Female Traill Sydney Gofton Male Gingin
1932/3000001 Gingin Traill Sydney Gofton Male Collett Kathleen May Female Gingin
1932/3000002 Gingin Markey Louis Sydney Male Shepherd Lila Doris Female Chittering
1932/3000002 Gingin Shepherd Lila Doris Female Markey Louis Sydney Male Chittering
1932/3100001 Greenough Bagley Bridget Bernita Female Osborne Arthur Reginald Male Greenough
1932/3100001 Greenough Osborne Arthur Reginald Male Bagley Bridget Bernita Female Greenough
1932/3100002 Greenough Duncan Lionel Robert Male Tomsett Edna Flora Female Walkaway
1932/3100002 Greenough Tomsett Edna Flora Female Duncan Lionel Robert Male Walkaway
1933/3300001 Irwin Hardwick John Francis Male McAuliffe Mary Honor Female Mingenew
1932/3300001 Irwin Case John Charles Male Leonard Eileen Maud Female Dongarra
1932/3300001 Irwin Leonard Eileen Maud Female Case John Charles Male Dongarra
1933/3300001 Irwin McAuliffe Mary Honor Female Hardwick John Francis Male Mingenew
1932/3300002 Irwin Harris Florence Edna Female Healy Stanley Grange Male Dongarra
1932/3300002 Irwin Healy Stanley Grange Male Harris Florence Edna Female Dongarra
1932/3300003 Irwin Scobbie Elizabeth McLaren Female Tomlinson Herbert Male Dalwallinu
1932/3300003 Irwin Tomlinson Herbert Male Scobbie Elizabeth McLaren Female Dalwallinu
1932/3300004 Irwin McKnight Rachel Sophia Female Clayden Bartholomew Albert Matthew Male Three Springs
1932/3300004 Irwin Clayden Bartholomew Albert Matthew Male McKnight Rachel Sophia Female Three Springs
1932/3300005 Irwin Harley Hazel Lucy Female Gaston Ronald Percival Male Morawa
1932/3300005 Irwin Gaston Ronald Percival Male Harley Hazel Lucy Female Morawa
1932/3300006 Irwin Brandis Ethel Maud Female McCagh Alphonsus Aloysus Male Minginew
1932/3300006 Irwin McCagh Alphonsus Aloysus Male Brandis Ethel Maud Female Minginew
1932/3300007 Irwin Sabourne David Russall Male Griffith Louise Florence Female Dalwallinu
1932/3300007 Irwin Griffith Louise Florence Female Sabourne David Russall Male Dalwallinu
1932/3300008 Irwin Brown Robert Short Male Jones Sybil Mary Female East Maya
1932/3300008 Irwin Jones Sybil Mary Female Brown Robert Short Male East Maya
1932/3300009 Irwin Savage Walter Leslie Male Helwig Sophia Anna Female Perenjori
1932/3300009 Irwin Simons Walter Leslie Male Helwig Sophia Anna Female Perenjori
1932/3300009 Irwin Helwig Sophia Anna Female Savage Walter Leslie Male Perenjori
1932/3300009 Irwin Helwig Sophia Anna Female Simons Walter Leslie Male Perenjori
1932/3300010 Irwin Harris Blanche Female Hill William Josiah Male Morawa
1932/3300010 Irwin Hill William Josiah Male Harris Blanche Female Morawa
1932/3300011 Irwin Cousins Vera Mary Agnes Female Plester Sydney Edwin Male Dongarra
1932/3300011 Irwin Plester Sydney Edwin Male Cousins Vera Mary Agnes Female Dongarra
1932/3300012 Irwin Nairn Irwin Richard Johnson Male Brady Rose Ellen Female Dongarra
1932/3300012 Irwin Brady Rose Ellen Female Nairn Irwin Richard Johnson Male Dongarra
1932/3300013 Irwin Sloper John Male McIntyre Daphne Isabel Female Dongarra
1932/3300013 Irwin McIntyre Daphne Isabel Female Sloper John Male Dongarra
1932/3300014 Irwin Miller Alec Fryer Male Lee Norma Eliza Female Morawa
1932/3300014 Irwin Lee Norma Eliza Female Miller Alec Fryer Male Morawa
1932/3300015 Irwin Lutzow Wilfred Victor Male Voss Evelyn Emile Female Canna
1932/3300015 Irwin Voss Evelyn Emile Female Lutzow Wilfred Victor Male Canna
1932/3300016 Irwin McDermott Elsie Clyde Female Thomas Jack Douglas Male Mingenew
1932/3300016 Irwin Thomas Jack Douglas Male McDermott Elsie Clyde Female Mingenew
1932/3300017 Irwin Bryant William George Male Manton Molly Martha Female Marchagee
1932/3300017 Irwin Manton Molly Martha Female Bryant William George Male Marchagee
1932/3300018 Irwin Howard Alice Christine Female Letch Dallas Arthur Clairs Male Three Springs
1932/3300018 Irwin Letch Dallas Arthur Clairs Male Howard Alice Christine Female Three Springs
1932/3400001 Jarrahdale Jones Arnold Stirling Harvey Male Webber Isabelle Marjorie Dorothy Female Peel Estate
1933/3400001 Jarrahdale Kelly Eva Female Merrifield John Stanley Male Byford
1932/3400001 Jarrahdale Webber Isabelle Marjorie Dorothy Female Jones Arnold Stirling Harvey Male Peel Estate
1933/3400001 Jarrahdale Merrifield John Stanley Male Kelly Eva Female Byford
1932/3400002 Jarrahdale Hirst William Herbert Male Tonkin Elvie Elizabeth Mary Female Mundijong
1932/3400002 Jarrahdale Greaves William Herbert Male Tonkin Elvie Elizabeth Mary Female Mundijong
1932/3400002 Jarrahdale Tonkin Elvie Elizabeth Mary Female Greaves William Herbert Male Mundijong
1932/3400002 Jarrahdale Tonkin Elvie Elizabeth Mary Female Hirst William Herbert Male Mundijong
1932/3400003 Jarrahdale Day May Ethel Jeanette Female Baskerville Victor Harman Male Mundijong
1932/3400003 Jarrahdale Baskerville Victor Harman Male Day May Ethel Jeanette Female Mundijong
1933/3500001 Katanning Penny Clarence George Male Dicker-Lee Margaret Alice Female Katanning
1933/3500001 Katanning Dicker-Lee Margaret Alice Female Penny Clarence George Male Katanning
1933/3500002 Katanning Kesper Harold Bernard Male Forrest Dora Winnafred Female Kojonup
1933/3500002 Katanning Forrest Dora Winnafred Female Kesper Harold Bernard Male Kojonup
1932/3500002 Katanning Pain Joan Ella Female Wallis William Everett Male Katanning
1932/3500002 Katanning Wallis William Everett Male Pain Joan Ella Female Katanning
1932/3500003 Katanning Bielby James Edward Male Lawes Winifred Gertrude Mary Female Katanning
1933/3500003 Katanning Hardie Robert Archibald Male Richardson Mary McKenzie Female Broomehill
1932/3500003 Katanning Lawes Winifred Gertrude Mary Female Bielby James Edward Male Katanning
1933/3500003 Katanning Richardson Mary McKenzie Female Hardie Robert Archibald Male Broomehill
1933/3500004 Katanning McElrevey Elizabeth Female McKenna James Male Katanning
1933/3500004 Katanning McKenna James Male McElrevey Elizabeth Female Katanning
1932/3500004 Katanning Mayer Gladys Madeline Female Bell William James Male Katanning
1932/3500004 Katanning Bell William James Male Mayer Gladys Madeline Female Katanning
1933/3500005 Katanning Coffey Margaret Mary Female Hoare Edward William Male Katanning
1932/3500005 Katanning Wellstead Lyle Cleverdon Male Searle Elizabeth Ellen Jessie Female Gnowangerup
1932/3500005 Katanning Searle Elizabeth Ellen Jessie Female Wellstead Lyle Cleverdon Male Gnowangerup
1933/3500005 Katanning Hoare Edward William Male Coffey Margaret Mary Female Katanning
1932/3500006 Katanning Thompson Norman Edward Male Taylor Elsie Mary Female Wagin
1932/3500006 Katanning Taylor Elsie Mary Female Thompson Norman Edward Male Wagin
1932/3500007 Katanning Piesse Albert Roper Male Bilston Vera Muriel Female Wagin
1932/3500007 Katanning Bilston Vera Muriel Female Piesse Albert Roper Male Wagin
1932/3500008 Katanning Howe Dulcie Lillian Female Wilson Tom Eric Male Katanning
1932/3500008 Katanning Wilson Tom Eric Male Howe Dulcie Lillian Female Katanning
1932/3500009 Katanning Andrews Irene Marjorie Female Plank Charles Selwood Male Wagin
1932/3500009 Katanning Plank Charles Selwood Male Andrews Irene Marjorie Female Wagin
1932/3500010 Katanning Fleay George Leslie Waudle Male Sandison Helen Ross Female Katanning
1932/3500010 Katanning Sandison Helen Ross Female Fleay George Leslie Waudle Male Katanning
1932/3500011 Katanning Blythe Walter Jacob Male Haddleton Olive Lydia Female Katanning
1932/3500011 Katanning Haddleton Olive Lydia Female Blythe Walter Jacob Male Katanning
1932/3500012 Katanning Dunning Leslie Frank Male Davis Lora Lydia Female Dumbleyung
1932/3500012 Katanning Davis Lora Lydia Female Dunning Leslie Frank Male Dumbleyung
1932/3500013 Katanning Green Edwin Henry Male Green Maud Emeline Female Kukerin
1932/3500013 Katanning Green Maud Emeline Female Green Edwin Henry Male Kukerin
1932/3500014 Katanning Brown Jessie Female Kenward Edwin Robert Male Dumbleyung
1932/3500014 Katanning Kenward Edwin Robert Male Brown Jessie Female Dumbleyung
1932/3500015 Katanning Dyson Harry Male Stapleton Violet May Female Katanning
1932/3500015 Katanning Stapleton Violet May Female Dyson Harry Male Katanning
1932/3500016 Katanning Davidson James Lamond Male Powell Amy Callagidy Female Wagin
1932/3500016 Katanning Powell Amy Callagidy Female Davidson James Lamond Male Wagin
1932/3500017 Katanning O'Neill Kathleen Ellen Female Ditchburn Robert Stanley Male Katanning
1932/3500017 Katanning Ditchburn Robert Stanley Male O'Neill Kathleen Ellen Female Katanning
1932/3500018 Katanning Gillam Alfreda Margaret Elizabeth Female Marshall Arthur Frederick Male Katanning
1932/3500018 Katanning Marshall Arthur Frederick Male Gillam Alfreda Margaret Elizabeth Female Katanning
1932/3500019 Katanning Severin Stella Blanche Female Brockman Felix Gordon Male Katanning
1932/3500019 Katanning Brockman Felix Gordon Male Severin Stella Blanche Female Katanning
1932/3500020 Katanning Stanley Mary Elizabeth Female McCartney Thomas Male Katanning
1932/3500020 Katanning McCartney Thomas Male Stanley Mary Elizabeth Female Katanning
1932/3500021 Katanning di Marchi Harry Cuthbert Male Gorman Vera Daphne Female Katanning
1932/3500021 Katanning Gorman Vera Daphne Female di Marchi Harry Cuthbert Male Katanning
1932/3500022 Katanning Mossley Albert Edward Male Webster Nita Mary Female Katanning
1932/3500022 Katanning Webster Nita Mary Female Mossley Albert Edward Male Katanning
1932/3500023 Katanning McAuliffe Anne Veronica Female Corbett Ernest Frederick Male Katanning
1932/3500023 Katanning Corbett Ernest Frederick Male McAuliffe Anne Veronica Female Katanning
1932/3500024 Katanning Randall Agnes Lilian Female Langley James Darcy Male Katanning
1932/3500024 Katanning Langley James Darcy Male Randall Agnes Lilian Female Katanning
1932/3500025 Katanning Longmire Greta Margaret Christina Female Hunt John Ambrose Male Katanning
1932/3500025 Katanning Hunt John Ambrose Male Longmire Greta Margaret Christina Female Katanning
1932/3500026 Katanning Warden Jean Alexandra Female Barnett Arthur James Male Wagin
1932/3500026 Katanning Barnett Arthur James Male Warden Jean Alexandra Female Wagin
1932/3500027 Katanning Bennett Ernest Murray Male Beeck Jean Ethel Female Gnowangerup
1932/3500027 Katanning Beeck Jean Ethel Female Bennett Ernest Murray Male Gnowangerup
1932/3500028 Katanning Conway Genevieve Harriet Female Wilson Richard Joseph Male Wagin
1932/3500028 Katanning Wilson Richard Joseph Male Conway Genevieve Harriet Female Wagin
1932/3500029 Katanning Forward Donovan Arthur Gibbons Male Horan Catherine Elizabeth Female Wagin
1932/3500029 Katanning Horan Catherine Elizabeth Female Forward Donovan Arthur Gibbons Male Wagin
1932/3500030 Katanning Gare Frank Leslie Male Bott Bertha Valena Female Katanning
1932/3500030 Katanning Bott Bertha Valena Female Gare Frank Leslie Male Katanning
1932/3500031 Katanning Prosser Clifford Alexander Male Wilson Mabel Alice Female Katanning
1932/3500031 Katanning Wilson Mabel Alice Female Prosser Clifford Alexander Male Katanning
1932/3500032 Katanning Stewart Jean Alice Female Jones David Thomas Male Dumbleyung
1932/3500032 Katanning Jones David Thomas Male Stewart Jean Alice Female Dumbleyung
1932/3500033 Katanning Linge Alice Female Bain Horace Leslie Male Katanning
1932/3500033 Katanning Bain Horace Leslie Male Linge Alice Female Katanning
1932/3500034 Katanning Rutherford Jessie Gordon Female Drew Arthur Kenneth Male Katanning
1932/3500034 Katanning Drew Arthur Kenneth Male Rutherford Jessie Gordon Female Katanning
1932/3500035 Katanning Orr Robert Male Noble Alice May Female Wagin
1932/3500035 Katanning Noble Alice May Female Orr Robert Male Wagin
1932/3500036 Katanning Bell Doris Elizabeth Female Bagnall Edward Male Woodanilling
1932/3500036 Katanning Bagnall Edward Male Bell Doris Elizabeth Female Woodanilling
1932/3500037 Katanning Pike Michael Melville Male Murphy Eileen Margaret Female Kukerin
1932/3500037 Katanning Murphy Eileen Margaret Female Pike Michael Melville Male Kukerin
1932/3500038 Katanning Bettridge Eileen Emily Female Thompson Roy William Male Katanning
1932/3500038 Katanning Thompson Roy William Male Bettridge Eileen Emily Female Katanning
1932/3500039 Katanning Goodwill Stanley Thomas Male Thomas Lillian Constance Female Katanning
1932/3500039 Katanning Thomas Lillian Constance Female Goodwill Stanley Thomas Male Katanning
1932/3500040 Katanning Mitchell Dorothy May Female Kernutt Horace Henry Male Katanning
1932/3500040 Katanning Kernutt Horace Henry Male Mitchell Dorothy May Female Katanning
1932/3500041 Katanning Simpson Isabella Female Patterson Joseph Samuel Male Broome Hill
1932/3500041 Katanning Patterson Joseph Samuel Male Simpson Isabella Female Broome Hill
1932/3500042 Katanning Burston Amy Ellen Female Coutts Robert Male Lake Pingrup
1932/3500042 Katanning Coutts Robert Male Burston Amy Ellen Female Lake Pingrup
1932/3500043 Katanning Livesey William Joseph Male Hunt Leisa Ellen Lovely Female Wagin
1932/3500043 Katanning Hunt Leisa Ellen Lovely Female Livesey William Joseph Male Wagin
1932/3500044 Katanning Bain Keith Richard Alexandra Male Male Clarrie Isabel Elenor Female Broomehill
1932/3500044 Katanning Male Clarrie Isabel Elenor Female Bain Keith Richard Alexandra Male Broomehill
1932/3500045 Katanning Owen Hannah Dayton Female Knight John Campbell Male Kojonup
1932/3500045 Katanning Knight John Campbell Male Owen Hannah Dayton Female Kojonup
1932/3500046 Katanning Tapping Randolph Lewry Male Boyer Ruby Marie Louisa Female Katanning
1932/3500046 Katanning Boyer Ruby Marie Louisa Female Tapping Randolph Lewry Male Katanning
1932/3500047 Katanning Beeck Theodore Samuel Male Wood Henrietta Female Katanning
1932/3500047 Katanning Wood Henrietta Female Beeck Theodore Samuel Male Katanning
1932/3500048 Katanning Young Agnes Alice Female Reay George Linton Male Katanning
1932/3500048 Katanning Reay George Linton Male Young Agnes Alice Female Katanning
1932/3500049 Katanning Morton Barbara Ethel Female Fraser John Samuel Male Katanning
1932/3500049 Katanning Fraser John Samuel Male Morton Barbara Ethel Female Katanning
1932/3500050 Katanning Holding Gertrude Ellen Female Green Patrick George Male Katanning
1932/3500050 Katanning Green Patrick George Male Holding Gertrude Ellen Female Katanning
1932/3500051 Katanning Bennecke Manfred Benjamin Male Matthews Olive Elizabeth Francis Female Katanning
1932/3500051 Katanning Matthews Olive Elizabeth Francis Female Bennecke Manfred Benjamin Male Katanning
1932/3500052 Katanning Jackson Gladys Margaret Female Williams Edgar Francis Allen Male Katanning
1932/3500052 Katanning Williams Edgar Francis Allen Male Jackson Gladys Margaret Female Katanning
1932/3500053 Katanning Russ Dorothy Ida Female Radford Ivan Alfred Christophe Male Katanning
1932/3500053 Katanning Radford Ivan Alfred Christophe Male Russ Dorothy Ida Female Katanning
1932/3500054 Katanning Dinah May Female Narkle Dave Male Wagin
1932/3500054 Katanning Narkle Dave Male Dinah May Female Wagin
1932/3500055 Katanning Carter Cyril Deane Male Holmes Irene Edith Anne Female Katanning
1932/3500055 Katanning Holmes Irene Edith Anne Female Carter Cyril Deane Male Katanning
1932/3500056 Katanning Egeberg Alette Vera Maud Female Bryce William Male Katanning
1932/3500056 Katanning Bryce William Male Egeberg Alette Vera Maud Female Katanning
1932/3500057 Katanning Garnett Grace Susan Irene Female Wellstead William Male Gnowangerup
1932/3500057 Katanning Wellstead William Male Garnett Grace Susan Irene Female Gnowangerup
1932/3500058 Katanning Webb Beatrice Ivy Maud Female Bonser George Albert Mansfield Male Katanning
1932/3500058 Katanning Bonser George Albert Mansfield Male Webb Beatrice Ivy Maud Female Katanning
1932/3500059 Katanning Davis Roy Llewellyn Male Della Vedova Fidarma Leonessa Candida Female Katanning
1932/3500059 Katanning Della Vedova Fidarma Leonessa Candida Female Davis Roy Llewellyn Male Katanning
1932/3500060 Katanning Bell Daisy Jean Female McKerrow James Thomas Male Wagin
1932/3500060 Katanning McKerrow James Thomas Male Bell Daisy Jean Female Wagin
1932/3500061 Katanning Bagnall Walter Male Fitchett Jessie Maude Female Katanning
1932/3500061 Katanning Fitchett Jessie Maude Female Bagnall Walter Male Katanning
1932/3500062 Katanning House Enid Female Downer John Rankine Male Katanning
1932/3500062 Katanning Downer John Rankine Male House Enid Female Katanning
1932/3500063 Katanning Hayward Elsie May Female Williams Leonard Male Gnowangerup
1932/3500063 Katanning Williams Leonard Male Hayward Elsie May Female Gnowangerup
1932/3500064 Katanning Oakley Elizabeth Cowan Female Bamkin Ernest Maylar Male Moojebing
1932/3500064 Katanning Bamkin Ernest Maylar Male Oakley Elizabeth Cowan Female Moojebing
1932/3500065 Katanning Martin Eric Mervyn Male Reschke Edna Daisy Female Katanning
1932/3500065 Katanning Reschke Edna Daisy Female Martin Eric Mervyn Male Katanning
1932/3500066 Katanning Becker Mary Elizabeth Female Barrett William Joseph Male Wagin
1932/3500066 Katanning Barrett William Joseph Male Becker Mary Elizabeth Female Wagin
1932/3500067 Katanning Robson Annie Gladys Female Ward Harold Male Wagin
1932/3500067 Katanning Ward Harold Male Robson Annie Gladys Female Wagin
1932/3500068 Katanning Wright Elizabeth Sarah Female Drew Frederick James Male Kojonup
1932/3500068 Katanning Drew Frederick James Male Wright Elizabeth Sarah Female Kojonup
1932/3600001 East Kimberley Walsh Michael Joseph Male Cole Ethel May Female Wyndham
1932/3600001 East Kimberley Cole Ethel May Female Walsh Michael Joseph Male Wyndham
1932/3600002 East Kimberley Rothnie Elspeth Female Caudwell Edgar Male Wyndham
1932/3600002 East Kimberley Caudwell Edgar Male Rothnie Elspeth Female Wyndham
1932/3600003 East Kimberley Ronald - Male Doris - Female Forrest River Mission
1932/3600003 East Kimberley Doris - Female Ronald - Male Forrest River Mission
1932/3600004 East Kimberley Noble Ruth Roper Female Saunders Fred Male Wyndham
1932/3600004 East Kimberley Saunders Fred Male Noble Ruth Roper Female Wyndham
1932/3600006 East Kimberley Banks Beryl Elizabeth Maud Female Bentley John Thomas Male Wyndham
1932/3600006 East Kimberley Bentley John Thomas Male Banks Beryl Elizabeth Maud Female Wyndham
1932/3600007 East Kimberley Flinders William Edward Male Walsh Johannah Mary Female Wyndham
1932/3600007 East Kimberley Walsh Johannah Mary Female Flinders William Edward Male Wyndham
1932/3600008 East Kimberley Ward Philip Male McEntyre Mary Female Wyndham
1932/3600008 East Kimberley McEntyre Mary Female Ward Philip Male Wyndham
1932/3700001 West Kimberley Johnston Kathrine Alice Female Gugeri Leo Edward Divers Male Derby
1932/3700001 West Kimberley Gugeri Leo Edward Divers Male Johnston Kathrine Alice Female Derby
1932/3700002 West Kimberley Davidson Florence May Female Sadler Horace Harry Male Derby
1932/3700002 West Kimberley Sadler Horace Harry Male Davidson Florence May Female Derby
1932/3800001 Kimberley Goldfields Bunce Olive Iris Female McIndoe David Donald Male Kimberley
1932/3800001 Kimberley Goldfields McIndoe David Donald Male Bunce Olive Iris Female Kimberley
1933/4200001 Moora Harley James Farmer Male Dodd Doris May Female Moora
1932/4200001 Moora Tolmer Mossie Alexandra Female Brown Norman Charles Male Dalwallinu
1932/4200001 Moora Brown Norman Charles Male Tolmer Mossie Alexandra Female Dalwallinu
1933/4200001 Moora Dodd Doris May Female Harley James Farmer Male Moora
1933/4200002 Moora Harvey William Male Ashley Mary Female Moora
1932/4200002 Moora Sullivan Blanche Myrtle Hendry Female Harris Robert Walter Osment Male Dalwallinu
1933/4200002 Moora Ashley Mary Female Harvey William Male Moora
1932/4200002 Moora Harris Robert Walter Osment Male Sullivan Blanche Myrtle Hendry Female Dalwallinu
1932/4200003 Moora Galbraith Grace Ann Female Latham Fredrick Male Dalwallinu
1933/4200003 Moora Burns Vera Maud Female Whiteside Harold Male Moora
1932/4200003 Moora Latham Fredrick Male Galbraith Grace Ann Female Dalwallinu
1933/4200003 Moora Whiteside Harold Male Burns Vera Maud Female Moora
1932/4200004 Moora Purser Mavis Phyllis Female Miskelly John Malcolm Male Moora
1932/4200004 Moora Miskelly John Malcolm Male Purser Mavis Phyllis Female Moora
1932/4200005 Moora Wallace Samuel Male Street Gertrude Annie Female Dalwallinu
1932/4200005 Moora Street Gertrude Annie Female Wallace Samuel Male Dalwallinu
1932/4200006 Moora Leach Alice Edna Female Black Edward Sydney Male Dalwallinu
1932/4200006 Moora Black Edward Sydney Male Leach Alice Edna Female Dalwallinu
1932/4200007 Moora Barrows Gertrude Ellen Female McAuliffe David Male Ballidu
1932/4200007 Moora McAuliffe David Male Barrows Gertrude Ellen Female Ballidu
1932/4200008 Moora Ridgway John Philip Male Hughes Olga Annie Female Moora
1932/4200008 Moora Hughes Olga Annie Female Ridgway John Philip Male Moora
1932/4200009 Moora Owens Edward Male Owen Margaret May Female Dandaragan
1932/4200009 Moora Owen Margaret May Female Owens Edward Male Dandaragan
1932/4200010 Moora Poore Leslie Edward Male Choules Dorothy Elizabeth Female Kalannie
1932/4200010 Moora Choules Dorothy Elizabeth Female Poore Leslie Edward Male Kalannie
1932/4200011 Moora Butler Germaine Margaret Female Fahey Edward Daniel Male Namban
1932/4200011 Moora Fahey Edward Daniel Male Butler Germaine Margaret Female Namban
1932/4200012 Moora Sibson Joseph Male Ballinger Edna May Female Mogumber
1932/4200012 Moora Ballinger Edna May Female Sibson Joseph Male Mogumber
1932/4200013 Moora Seymour Evelyn May Female McNeil Stanley Scott Male Moora
1932/4200013 Moora McNeil Stanley Scott Male Seymour Evelyn May Female Moora
1932/4200014 Moora Nannup Dorothy Margaret Female Latham Francis Male Moore River Native Settlement
1932/4200014 Moora Latham Francis Male Nannup Dorothy Margaret Female Moore River Native Settlement
1932/4200015 Moora Nannup Charles William Male Bassett Alice Female Moore River Native Settlement
1932/4200015 Moora Bassett Alice Female Nannup Charles William Male Moore River Native Settlement
1932/4200016 Moora Baxter Charles Farquharson Russell Male Smith Lavinia Harriet Female Dalwallinu
1932/4200016 Moora Smith Lavinia Harriet Female Baxter Charles Farquharson Russell Male Dalwallinu
1932/4200017 Moora Yarnold Constance Female Wachmer Bernhardt Henry Edward Hermann Male Moora
1932/4200017 Moora Wachmer Bernhardt Henry Edward Hermann Male Yarnold Constance Female Moora
1932/4200018 Moora Stokes Billy Male Lambadgee Annie Maria Female Moore River Native Settlement
1932/4200018 Moora Lambadgee Annie Maria Female Stokes Billy Male Moore River Native Settlement
1933/4200018 Moora Kyanga Henry Male Wittamarra Jottie Female Mogumber
1933/4200018 Moora Wittamarra Jottie Female Kyanga Henry Male Mogumber
1932/4200019 Moora Medgley-Smith Walter Henry Male Murphy Kathleen Patritia Female Moora
1932/4200019 Moora Murphy Kathleen Patritia Female Medgley-Smith Walter Henry Male Moora
1932/4200020 Moora Groves Patrick James Male Atkins Agnes Mary Female Moora
1932/4200020 Moora Atkins Agnes Mary Female Groves Patrick James Male Moora
1932/4200021 Moora Brennan Patrick Joseph Male Reynolds Stella Mary Agnes Female Moora
1932/4200021 Moora Reynolds Stella Mary Agnes Female Brennan Patrick Joseph Male Moora
1932/4200022 Moora Halligan Dorothy Jane Female McVee Edward Leonard Male Moora
1932/4200022 Moora McVee Edward Leonard Male Halligan Dorothy Jane Female Moora
1932/4200023 Moora Inge Teresa Emily Female McNamara Peter O'Grady Male Moora
1932/4200023 Moora McNamara Peter O'Grady Male Inge Teresa Emily Female Moora
1932/4200024 Moora Pearn Mabel Isobel Female Minchin Cyril Male Dalwallinu
1932/4200024 Moora Minchin Cyril Male Pearn Mabel Isobel Female Dalwallinu
1932/4200025 Moora Hubbard Kevin Arthur Male Wulff Muriel Emilie Irene Female Moora
1932/4200025 Moora Wulff Muriel Emilie Irene Female Hubbard Kevin Arthur Male Moora
1932/4200026 Moora King Raymond Lazenby Male King Jessie Prentice Divine Female Moora
1932/4200026 Moora King Jessie Prentice Divine Female King Raymond Lazenby Male Moora
1932/4300001 Mount Margaret Young Annie Margaret Female Dwyer James Michael Male Gwalia
1932/4300001 Mount Margaret Dwyer James Michael Male Young Annie Margaret Female Gwalia
1932/4300002 Mount Margaret Tagliaferri Carolina Female Bendotti Pietro Male Gwalia
1932/4300002 Mount Margaret Bendotti Pietro Male Tagliaferri Carolina Female Gwalia
1932/4300003 Mount Margaret Hunt Jack Male Bowden Louisa Female Gwalia
1932/4300003 Mount Margaret Bowden Louisa Female Hunt Jack Male Gwalia
1932/4300004 Mount Margaret Worall Andrew Male Boomang Theresa Female Morgans
1932/4300004 Mount Margaret Worall Andrew Male Vincent Theresa Female Morgans
1932/4300004 Mount Margaret Fisher Andrew Male Boomang Theresa Female Morgans
1932/4300004 Mount Margaret Fisher Andrew Male Vincent Theresa Female Morgans
1932/4300004 Mount Margaret Boomang Theresa Female Fisher Andrew Male Morgans
1932/4300004 Mount Margaret Boomang Theresa Female Worall Andrew Male Morgans
1932/4300004 Mount Margaret Vincent Theresa Female Fisher Andrew Male Morgans
1932/4300004 Mount Margaret Vincent Theresa Female Worall Andrew Male Morgans
1932/4300005 Mount Margaret Burton Willie Male Mona - Female Morgans
1932/4300005 Mount Margaret Winga Willie Male Mona - Female Morgans
1932/4300005 Mount Margaret Mona - Female Burton Willie Male Morgans
1932/4300005 Mount Margaret Mona - Female Winga Willie Male Morgans
1932/4300006 Mount Margaret O'Loughlin Doris Female Thomas Bert Male Morgans
1932/4300006 Mount Margaret O'Loughlin Doris Female Thomas Morticudda Male Morgans
1932/4300006 Mount Margaret O'Loughlin Toola Female Thomas Bert Male Morgans
1932/4300006 Mount Margaret O'Loughlin Toola Female Thomas Morticudda Male Morgans
1932/4300006 Mount Margaret Thomas Morticudda Male O'Loughlin Doris Female Morgans
1932/4300006 Mount Margaret Thomas Morticudda Male O'Loughlin Toola Female Morgans
1932/4300006 Mount Margaret Thomas Bert Male O'Loughlin Doris Female Morgans
1932/4300006 Mount Margaret Thomas Bert Male O'Loughlin Toola Female Morgans
1932/4300007 Mount Margaret Ashwin Jack Male Parfitt Jessie Female Leonora
1932/4300007 Mount Margaret Parfitt Jessie Female Ashwin Jack Male Leonora
1932/4300008 Mount Margaret Roberts Percy John Male Singh Amera Mary Female Leonora
1932/4300008 Mount Margaret Singh Amera Mary Female Roberts Percy John Male Leonora
1932/4300009 Mount Margaret Parkinson John Robert Male Rosenberg Annie Conway Female Leonora
1932/4300009 Mount Margaret Rosenberg Annie Conway Female Parkinson John Robert Male Leonora
1932/4300010 Mount Margaret Smith Norman Male Graffin Olive Elsie Female Leonora
1932/4300010 Mount Margaret Graffin Olive Elsie Female Smith Norman Male Leonora
1932/4300011 Mount Margaret Leaney Richard Thomas Stewart Male Greyman Olive Bertha Female Leonora
1932/4300011 Mount Margaret Greyman Olive Bertha Female Leaney Richard Thomas Stewart Male Leonora
1932/4300012 Mount Margaret Woodward Eunice Helen Female Edgerton Norman Arnold Male Gwalia
1932/4300012 Mount Margaret Woodward Eunice Helen Female Matthews Norman Arnold Male Gwalia
1932/4300012 Mount Margaret Matthews Norman Arnold Male Woodward Eunice Helen Female Gwalia
1932/4300012 Mount Margaret Edgerton Norman Arnold Male Woodward Eunice Helen Female Gwalia
1932/4300013 Mount Margaret McPherson Charles Alexander Male Smith Leila Constance Female Leonora
1932/4300013 Mount Margaret Smith Leila Constance Female McPherson Charles Alexander Male Leonora
1932/4300014 Mount Margaret Rakich Angelina Female Ivankovich Peter Male Leonora
1932/4300014 Mount Margaret Ivankovich Peter Male Rakich Angelina Female Leonora
1932/4300015 Mount Margaret Tedge John Thomas Male Bird Rae Alexandra Female Leonora
1932/4300015 Mount Margaret Bird Rae Alexandra Female Tedge John Thomas Male Leonora
1932/4300016 Mount Margaret Tagliaferri Nina Female Boni Daniele Male Leonora
1932/4300016 Mount Margaret Boni Daniele Male Tagliaferri Nina Female Leonora
1932/4300017 Mount Margaret Taylor Mick Male Wooleen Ada Yoolgoo Female Morgans
1932/4300017 Mount Margaret Wooleen Ada Yoolgoo Female Taylor Mick Male Morgans
1932/4400001 Murchison Bennetts Mary Female Rinaldi Robert Male Meekatharra
1932/4400001 Murchison Rinaldi Robert Male Bennetts Mary Female Meekatharra
1932/4400002 Murchison Fitzpatrick Richard Newell Male Discombe Elsie Dora Female Meekatharra
1932/4400002 Murchison Discombe Elsie Dora Female Fitzpatrick Richard Newell Male Meekatharra
1932/4400003 Murchison Wilson Jessie May Female Goss John Edward Male Meekatharra
1932/4400003 Murchison Goss John Edward Male Wilson Jessie May Female Meekatharra
1932/4400004 Murchison Clarkson Edith Mary Female Northrop James Aloysius Male Cue
1932/4400004 Murchison Northrop James Aloysius Male Clarkson Edith Mary Female Cue
1932/4400005 Murchison Coffey Ida Veronica Female Barker Jack Malcolm Male Wiluna
1932/4400005 Murchison Barker Jack Malcolm Male Coffey Ida Veronica Female Wiluna
1932/4400006 Murchison Baker John Chaffey Male Hayles Laura Dawn Female Murchison
1932/4400006 Murchison Hayles Laura Dawn Female Baker John Chaffey Male Murchison
1932/4400007 Murchison Jensen George Frederick Male Kennedy Catherine Winifred Female Mt Magnet
1932/4400007 Murchison Kennedy Catherine Winifred Female Jensen George Frederick Male Mt Magnet
1932/4400008 Murchison Smith Sidney John Male Thomas Mavis Catherine Female Mt Magnet
1932/4400008 Murchison Thomas Mavis Catherine Female Smith Sidney John Male Mt Magnet
1932/4400009 Murchison Wight Louie Marie Female Robson William Male Meekatharra
1932/4400009 Murchison Robson William Male Wight Louie Marie Female Meekatharra
1932/4400010 Murchison Herbert William Thomas Male Beaton Constance Euphemia Female Meekatharra
1932/4400010 Murchison Beaton Constance Euphemia Female Herbert William Thomas Male Meekatharra
1932/4400011 Murchison Hanson Frederick John Male Dean Ethel Rose Female Meekatharra
1932/4400011 Murchison Dean Ethel Rose Female Hanson Frederick John Male Meekatharra
1932/4400012 Murchison Walker James Henry Male Easton Doris Eileen Female Cue
1932/4400012 Murchison Easton Doris Eileen Female Walker James Henry Male Cue
1932/4400013 Murchison McIntosh Jean Elizabeth Female Oates Martin Joseph Male Cue
1932/4400013 Murchison Oates Martin Joseph Male McIntosh Jean Elizabeth Female Cue
1932/4400014 Murchison Butler Holly Eleanor Christine Female Matthews Richard Male Nannine
1932/4400014 Murchison Matthews Richard Male Butler Holly Eleanor Christine Female Nannine
1932/4400015 Murchison Lowe Henry Male Himbury Zerobia Lydia Jane Female Cue
1932/4400015 Murchison Himbury Zerobia Lydia Jane Female Lowe Henry Male Cue
1932/4500001 East Murchison Head Dorothy Leah Female Christensen William Paul Male Wiluna
1932/4500001 East Murchison Christensen William Paul Male Head Dorothy Leah Female Wiluna
1932/4500002 East Murchison McKenzie Margaret Mary Female Campbell John William Male Wiluna
1932/4500002 East Murchison Campbell John William Male McKenzie Margaret Mary Female Wiluna
1932/4500003 East Murchison Murphy William Leith Male Scott Irene Margaret Female Wiluna
1932/4500003 East Murchison Scott Irene Margaret Female Murphy William Leith Male Wiluna
1932/4500004 East Murchison Gilbert Dorothy Lilian Female Stelling Thomas William Male Wiluna
1932/4500004 East Murchison Stelling Thomas William Male Gilbert Dorothy Lilian Female Wiluna
1932/4500005 East Murchison Baxter James William Male Francis Catherine Female Wiluna
1932/4500005 East Murchison Francis Catherine Female Baxter James William Male Wiluna
1932/4500006 East Murchison Wright John James Male Cowan Lilian Grace Female Wiluna
1932/4500006 East Murchison McKenzie John James Male Cowan Lilian Grace Female Wiluna
1932/4500006 East Murchison Cowan Lilian Grace Female McKenzie John James Male Wiluna
1932/4500006 East Murchison Cowan Lilian Grace Female Wright John James Male Wiluna
1932/4500007 East Murchison Coles Herbert Augustus Male Davis Iris Lorna Ella Female Wiluna
1932/4500007 East Murchison Davis Iris Lorna Ella Female Coles Herbert Augustus Male Wiluna
1932/4500008 East Murchison Nicoletto Luigi Carlo Male Cronin Josephine Female Wiluna
1932/4500008 East Murchison Cronin Josephine Female Nicoletto Luigi Carlo Male Wiluna
1932/4500009 East Murchison Powell Edward Male Bursill Ida Mavell Female Wiluna
1932/4500009 East Murchison Bursill Ida Mavell Female Powell Edward Male Wiluna
1932/4500010 East Murchison O'Connor Gerard Anthony Male O'Connor Margaret Cecelia Female Wiluna
1932/4500010 East Murchison O'Connor Margaret Cecelia Female O'Connor Gerard Anthony Male Wiluna
1932/4500011 East Murchison Curti Cesare Odovillio Male Dunjey Florence Female Wiluna
1932/4500011 East Murchison Dunjey Florence Female Curti Cesare Odovillio Male Wiluna
1932/4500012 East Murchison Bartlett Louise Maud Female Johnston William Male Wiluna
1932/4500012 East Murchison Johnston William Male Bartlett Louise Maud Female Wiluna
1932/4500013 East Murchison Steele Andrew Clark Male Burrows Jessie Chrichton Female Wiluna
1932/4500013 East Murchison Burrows Jessie Chrichton Female Steele Andrew Clark Male Wiluna
1932/4500014 East Murchison De Bondi Kathleen Female Bindi Stefano Male Wiluna
1932/4500014 East Murchison Bindi Stefano Male De Bondi Kathleen Female Wiluna
1932/4500015 East Murchison Rossa Marko Male Ismay Annie Doris Female Wiluna
1932/4500015 East Murchison Ismay Annie Doris Female Rossa Marko Male Wiluna
1932/4500016 East Murchison Mutton Mildred Adelaide Female Smith James Male Wiluna
1932/4500016 East Murchison Smith James Male Mutton Mildred Adelaide Female Wiluna
1932/4500017 East Murchison Braun Leslie Louis Male Newhill Lilian Ada Female Wiluna
1932/4500017 East Murchison Newhill Lilian Ada Female Braun Leslie Louis Male Wiluna
1932/4500018 East Murchison Shuard Geoffrey Male O'Leary Aileen Female Wiluna
1932/4500018 East Murchison O'Leary Aileen Female Shuard Geoffrey Male Wiluna
1932/4500019 East Murchison Bardsley William Edward Male Bainbridge Dorothy Isabel Female Wiluna
1932/4500019 East Murchison Bainbridge Dorothy Isabel Female Bardsley William Edward Male Wiluna
1932/4500020 East Murchison Retallack John Male Keyser Esme Emelda Female Wiluna
1932/4500020 East Murchison Keyser Esme Emelda Female Retallack John Male Wiluna
1932/4500021 East Murchison McKimm Doris Margaret Female Hooper William Francis Male Wiluna
1932/4500021 East Murchison Hooper William Francis Male McKimm Doris Margaret Female Wiluna
1932/4500022 East Murchison Robinson Martha Female Andrews Frederick Herbert Male Wiluna
1932/4500022 East Murchison Andrews Frederick Herbert Male Robinson Martha Female Wiluna
1932/4500023 East Murchison Walkerden Ivy May Female Wicks John Henry Male Wiluna
1932/4500023 East Murchison Wicks John Henry Male Walkerden Ivy May Female Wiluna
1932/4700001 Murray Walmsley Norman Raywood Male Herron Myrtle Isabella Female Pinjarra
1932/4700001 Murray Herron Myrtle Isabella Female Walmsley Norman Raywood Male Pinjarra
1932/4700002 Murray Clarke Stanley Richard Male Gardiner Jean Eva Female Pinjarra
1933/4700002 Murray Howson Harold George Male Nancarrow Hilda Elsie Female Pinjarra
1933/4700002 Murray Nancarrow Hilda Elsie Female Howson Harold George Male Pinjarra
1932/4700002 Murray Gardiner Jean Eva Female Clarke Stanley Richard Male Pinjarra
1932/4700003 Murray Hargreaves Marion Florence Female Maddison George Ward Male Pinjarra
1933/4700003 Murray Fryer Alexander Roy Male Smith Jean Gibson Female Waroona
1932/4700003 Murray Maddison George Ward Male Hargreaves Marion Florence Female Pinjarra
1933/4700003 Murray Smith Jean Gibson Female Fryer Alexander Roy Male Waroona
1932/4700004 Murray Good Alexander Cyril Male Batt Myrtle Gladys Female Pinjarra
1932/4700004 Murray Batt Myrtle Gladys Female Good Alexander Cyril Male Pinjarra
1932/4700005 Murray Small John Male Corbett Evelyn Edith Female Pinjarra
1932/4700005 Murray Corbett Evelyn Edith Female Small John Male Pinjarra
1932/4700006 Murray Delaney Edna Marjorie Female Jonas Frederick John Clarence Male Pinjarra
1932/4700006 Murray Jonas Frederick John Clarence Male Delaney Edna Marjorie Female Pinjarra
1932/4700007 Murray Gill Mary Jane Female Gardiner John Edward Ray Male Pinjarra
1932/4700007 Murray Gardiner John Edward Ray Male Gill Mary Jane Female Pinjarra
1932/4700008 Murray Hanretty Beatrice Mabel Female Croft Alfred Keppel Male Pinjarra
1932/4700008 Murray Croft Alfred Keppel Male Hanretty Beatrice Mabel Female Pinjarra
1932/4700009 Murray Kenrick Beatrice Ellen Female Heath William John Male Pinjarra
1932/4700009 Murray Heath William John Male Kenrick Beatrice Ellen Female Pinjarra
1932/4700010 Murray Cohen Freda Female Dixon Thomas Elliott Male Pinjarra
1932/4700010 Murray Dixon Thomas Elliott Male Cohen Freda Female Pinjarra
1932/4700011 Murray Tuckey Lorna Emily Female Houniball John Joseph Male Mandurah
1932/4700011 Murray Houniball John Joseph Male Tuckey Lorna Emily Female Mandurah
1932/4700012 Murray Goulder Raymond Harold James Male Prince Ellen Lewis Female Pinjarra
1932/4700012 Murray Prince Ellen Lewis Female Goulder Raymond Harold James Male Pinjarra
1932/4700013 Murray Crellin Sylvie Patricia Female Ashcroft Robert Rodgers Male Dwellingup
1932/4700013 Murray Ashcroft Robert Rodgers Male Crellin Sylvie Patricia Female Dwellingup
1932/4700014 Murray Scolari Evelina Female Franca Emilio Della Male Waroona
1932/4700014 Murray Franca Emilio Della Male Scolari Evelina Female Waroona
1932/4700015 Murray Aylward Lillian Dorothy Female Foster William Ralph Male Pinjarra
1932/4700015 Murray Foster William Ralph Male Aylward Lillian Dorothy Female Pinjarra
1932/4700016 Murray Judge James Henry Male Costigan Emily Female Pinjarra
1932/4700016 Murray Costigan Emily Female Judge James Henry Male Pinjarra
1932/4700017 Murray Mahoney Patrick Male Dowd Harriett Female Dwellingup
1932/4700017 Murray Dowd Harriett Female Mahoney Patrick Male Dwellingup
1932/4700018 Murray Wood Mavis Alice Female Palmer James George Male Holyoake
1932/4700018 Murray Palmer James George Male Wood Mavis Alice Female Holyoake
1932/4700019 Murray Simpson Lena Patricia Female Drake-Brockman Frederick Allan Slade Male Pinjarra
1932/4700019 Murray Drake-Brockman Frederick Allan Slade Male Simpson Lena Patricia Female Pinjarra
1932/4700020 Murray Johnston John Barton Male Mathews Gladys Erica Female Pinjarra
1932/4700020 Murray Mathews Gladys Erica Female Johnston John Barton Male Pinjarra
1932/4700021 Murray Look John Stanley Male Hester Grace Female Pinjarra
1932/4700021 Murray Hester Grace Female Look John Stanley Male Pinjarra
1933/4900001 Northam Measom Kathleen Mary Female Knapp Thomas Francis Male Kellerberrin
1933/4900001 Northam Knapp Thomas Francis Male Measom Kathleen Mary Female Kellerberrin
1932/4900005 Northam Lipp Hendrey Douglas Male Morrison Marie Helen Female Northam
1932/4900005 Northam Morrison Marie Helen Female Lipp Hendrey Douglas Male Northam
1932/4900006 Northam Russell Elizabeth Ann Female Russell Joseph Male Northam
1932/4900006 Northam Russell Joseph Male Russell Elizabeth Ann Female Northam
1932/4900007 Northam Howard John Hamilton Male Clare Winifred Alice May Female Koorda
1932/4900007 Northam Clare Winifred Alice May Female Howard John Hamilton Male Koorda
1932/4900008 Northam Waldeck Gordon Lowe Male Keen Lillias Vera Female Northam
1932/4900008 Northam Keen Lillias Vera Female Waldeck Gordon Lowe Male Northam
1932/4900009 Northam Fisher Clarence Lindsay Male Taylor Winifred Alice Female Northam
1932/4900009 Northam Taylor Winifred Alice Female Fisher Clarence Lindsay Male Northam
1932/4900010 Northam Spencer Laura Edith Female Speed Charles Ernest Male Northam
1932/4900010 Northam Speed Charles Ernest Male Spencer Laura Edith Female Northam
1933/4900011 Northam Arnold Betty Josephine Female Frearson George Allan Male Tammin
1932/4900011 Northam Williams Kathleen Lilian Female McDonald Ronald Laurence Male Northam
1933/4900011 Northam Frearson George Allan Male Arnold Betty Josephine Female Tammin
1932/4900011 Northam McDonald Ronald Laurence Male Williams Kathleen Lilian Female Northam
1932/4900012 Northam Doncon Edward Keith Male Morrell Ethel Doreen Female Northam
1932/4900012 Northam Morrell Ethel Doreen Female Doncon Edward Keith Male Northam
1932/4900013 Northam Hocking Mary Irene Female Thornett James Male Minnivale
1932/4900013 Northam Thornett James Male Hocking Mary Irene Female Minnivale
1932/4900014 Northam Doyle John Henry Male Doyle Frances Female Northam
1932/4900014 Northam Doyle Frances Female Doyle John Henry Male Northam
1932/4900015 Northam Dycer Florence Myrtle Female Muhs Harry James Male Kununoppin
1932/4900015 Northam Muhs Harry James Male Dycer Florence Myrtle Female Kununoppin
1932/4900016 Northam Davis Felix Gaspari Male Green Vera Josephine Female Northam
1932/4900016 Northam Green Vera Josephine Female Davis Felix Gaspari Male Northam
1932/4900017 Northam Diver Mary Female Large Joseph Edward Male Wyalkatchem
1932/4900017 Northam Large Joseph Edward Male Diver Mary Female Wyalkatchem
1932/4900018 Northam Trundle Wilfred Robert Male Hanks Muriel Eileen Female Northam
1932/4900018 Northam Hanks Muriel Eileen Female Trundle Wilfred Robert Male Northam
1932/4900019 Northam McHugh Florence Myrtle Female Teakle David Leonard Male Dowerin
1932/4900019 Northam Teakle David Leonard Male McHugh Florence Myrtle Female Dowerin
1932/4900020 Northam Bywaters Doris Emma Female Cooke Allan Male Dowerin
1932/4900020 Northam Cooke Allan Male Bywaters Doris Emma Female Dowerin
1932/4900021 Northam O'Sullivan James Vincent Male Atkinson Annie Alva Female Merredin
1932/4900021 Northam Atkinson Annie Alva Female O'Sullivan James Vincent Male Merredin
1932/4900022 Northam Hassett Leo Pius George Male Yates Annie Female Kellerberrin
1932/4900022 Northam Yates Annie Female Hassett Leo Pius George Male Kellerberrin
1932/4900023 Northam Wilkins Bertha Jane Female Morley James Henry Male Kellerberrin
1932/4900023 Northam Morley James Henry Male Medbury Bertha Jane Female Kellerberrin
1932/4900023 Northam Morley James Henry Male Medbury Cecelia Female Kellerberrin
1932/4900023 Northam Morley James Henry Male Wilkins Bertha Jane Female Kellerberrin
1932/4900023 Northam Morley James Henry Male Wilkins Cecelia Female Kellerberrin
1932/4900023 Northam Wilkins Cecelia Female Morley James Henry Male Kellerberrin
1932/4900023 Northam Medbury Bertha Jane Female Morley James Henry Male Kellerberrin
1932/4900023 Northam Medbury Cecelia Female Morley James Henry Male Kellerberrin
1932/4900024 Northam Young George Thomas Male Richardson Hazel May Female Kellerberrin
1932/4900024 Northam Richardson Hazel May Female Young George Thomas Male Kellerberrin
1932/4900025 Northam Munyard Clarice Edith Female Pruden Colin Male Wyalkatchem
1932/4900025 Northam Pruden Colin Male Munyard Clarice Edith Female Wyalkatchem
1932/4900026 Northam Uppill Bernice Gertrude Female Repton Harold Norton Humphrey Male Tammin
1932/4900026 Northam Repton Harold Norton Humphrey Male Uppill Bernice Gertrude Female Tammin
1932/4900027 Northam Smith Daisy Female Bird Jesse George Male Northam
1932/4900027 Northam Bird Jesse George Male Smith Daisy Female Northam
1932/4900028 Northam Mitchell Edith Margaret Female Adams James Edward Male Merredin
1932/4900028 Northam Adams James Edward Male Mitchell Edith Margaret Female Merredin
1932/4900029 Northam Thompson Louise Caroline Female Laird Robert Male Kodj Kodjin
1932/4900029 Northam Laird Robert Male Thompson Louise Caroline Female Kodj Kodjin
1932/4900030 Northam Flint Victor Laurence Male Gallagher Matilda Female West Northam
1932/4900030 Northam Gallagher Matilda Female Flint Victor Laurence Male West Northam
1932/4900031 Northam Polain Constance Jean Female Hewitt Ernest Edward Golding Male Mukinbudin
1932/4900031 Northam Hewitt Ernest Edward Golding Male Polain Constance Jean Female Mukinbudin
1932/4900032 Northam Piggin Ernest Edward Male Smith Nancy Margaret Female Northam
1932/4900032 Northam Smith Nancy Margaret Female Piggin Ernest Edward Male Northam
1932/4900033 Northam Indich Billy Male Young Fanny Female Goomalling
1932/4900033 Northam Young Fanny Female Indich Billy Male Goomalling
1932/4900034 Northam Boase Edgar Mortimer Male Couper Vera May Female Dowerin Lakes
1932/4900034 Northam Couper Vera May Female Boase Edgar Mortimer Male Dowerin Lakes
1932/4900035 Northam Marshall Alan Arthur Male Dittmer Kathleen Mary Female Merredin
1932/4900035 Northam Dittmer Kathleen Mary Female Marshall Alan Arthur Male Merredin
1932/4900036 Northam Gorman Bertha Mary Ethel Anne Female Andrews Frederick Steel Male Goomalling
1932/4900036 Northam Andrews Frederick Steel Male Gorman Bertha Mary Ethel Anne Female Goomalling
1932/4900037 Northam Forward Preston Morice Male Mahlstedt Ivy Margaretta Female Northam
1932/4900037 Northam Mahlstedt Ivy Margaretta Female Forward Preston Morice Male Northam
1932/4900038 Northam Scott Violet Female Biddle Albert William Male Meckering
1932/4900038 Northam Biddle Albert William Male Scott Violet Female Meckering
1932/4900039 Northam Brown Jack Male Strickland Millicent Edith Female Nukarni
1932/4900039 Northam Strickland Millicent Edith Female Brown Jack Male Nukarni
1932/4900040 Northam McCormack Thomas Benedict Male O'Meara Mary Elizabeth Female Trayning
1932/4900040 Northam O'Meara Mary Elizabeth Female McCormack Thomas Benedict Male Trayning
1932/4900041 Northam Butlin Harold Francis James Male Duffell Violet Rose Sarah Female Korrelocking
1932/4900041 Northam Duffell Violet Rose Sarah Female Butlin Harold Francis James Male Korrelocking
1932/4900042 Northam Sharp Alexander Frederick Male Snell Elsie May Female Merredin
1932/4900042 Northam Snell Elsie May Female Sharp Alexander Frederick Male Merredin
1932/4900043 Northam Hooper Glenly Richard Arnold Male Crane Mabel Rose Female Northam
1932/4900043 Northam Crane Mabel Rose Female Hooper Glenly Richard Arnold Male Northam
1932/4900044 Northam Wright Isabella Mary Female Ferguson Douglas Robert Ernest Male Northam
1932/4900044 Northam Ferguson Douglas Robert Ernest Male Wright Isabella Mary Female Northam
1932/4900045 Northam Thompson Floris Mary Female Shaw James Lionel Male Northam
1932/4900045 Northam Shaw James Lionel Male Thompson Floris Mary Female Northam
1932/4900046 Northam Barnes Ernest Johnson Male Beavis Mercie Enice Female Northam
1932/4900046 Northam Beavis Mercie Enice Female Barnes Ernest Johnson Male Northam
1932/4900047 Northam Johnston Florence Blanche Female Fuller Robert Charles Male Northam
1932/4900047 Northam Fuller Robert Charles Male Johnston Florence Blanche Female Northam
1933/4900048 Northam Smith Florence Mary Female Westrop Robert Male Northam
1933/4900048 Northam Westrop Robert Male Smith Florence Mary Female Northam
1932/4900048 Northam Lee Thomas William Male Saggers Vera Irene Female Toodyay
1932/4900048 Northam Saggers Vera Irene Female Lee Thomas William Male Toodyay
1933/4900049 Northam Miller Hazel Phyllis Female Pinker Robert Male Northam
1933/4900049 Northam Pinker Robert Male Miller Hazel Phyllis Female Northam
1933/4900050 Northam Davey Hazel Hampton Female Gors Ian Robert Male Northam
1933/4900050 Northam Gors Ian Robert Male Davey Hazel Hampton Female Northam
1933/4900051 Northam Playle Bertha May Female Miller Lawrence Alfred Male Northam
1933/4900051 Northam Miller Lawrence Alfred Male Playle Bertha May Female Northam
1932/4900053 Northam Melbin Sydney Arthur Male Enright Eileen Thelma Female Northam
1932/4900053 Northam Enright Eileen Thelma Female Melbin Sydney Arthur Male Northam
1932/4900054 Northam White George William Male Lawler Ethel Mary Female Northam
1932/4900054 Northam Lawler Ethel Mary Female White George William Male Northam
1932/4900055 Northam Brady Thomas Patrick Male Dowling Eileen Emily Female Northam
1932/4900055 Northam Dowling Eileen Emily Female Brady Thomas Patrick Male Northam
1932/4900056 Northam Weller Stanley John Male Young Dolores Frances Female Northam
1932/4900056 Northam Young Dolores Frances Female Weller Stanley John Male Northam
1932/4900057 Northam Sievewright Victor Munora Male Satie Philomena Monica Female Northam
1932/4900057 Northam Satie Philomena Monica Female Sievewright Victor Munora Male Northam
1932/4900058 Northam Silchinger Wilhelmina Elise Female Medlin Godfrey Edward Male Goomalling
1932/4900058 Northam Medlin Godfrey Edward Male Silchinger Wilhelmina Elise Female Goomalling
1932/4900059 Northam Hammond Albert Lincoln Richardson Male Musty Florence Louise Female Bencubbin
1932/4900059 Northam Musty Florence Louise Female Hammond Albert Lincoln Richardson Male Bencubbin
1932/4900060 Northam McNee William Male Smith Norah Lillian Female Kellerberrin
1932/4900060 Northam Smith Norah Lillian Female McNee William Male Kellerberrin
1932/4900061 Northam Murray Noel Male Haywood Doris Female Goomalling
1932/4900061 Northam Haywood Doris Female Murray Noel Male Goomalling
1932/4900062 Northam Pulford Francis Swann Male Bailey Kathleen Mary Female Dowerin
1932/4900062 Northam Bailey Kathleen Mary Female Pulford Francis Swann Male Dowerin
1932/4900063 Northam Shehan Edna Agnes Female Smith Eric Leslie Male Meckering
1932/4900063 Northam Smith Eric Leslie Male Shehan Edna Agnes Female Meckering
1932/4900064 Northam McLauchlan Thomas William Male Kilgallon Eileen Mary Female Northam
1932/4900064 Northam Kilgallon Eileen Mary Female McLauchlan Thomas William Male Northam
1932/4900065 Northam Moore William Hugh Male Tylor Eva May Female Kununoppin
1932/4900065 Northam Tylor Eva May Female Moore William Hugh Male Kununoppin
1932/4900066 Northam Beardman Cyril Bertram Male Cook Doreen Rose Female Culham
1932/4900066 Northam Cook Doreen Rose Female Beardman Cyril Bertram Male Culham
1932/4900067 Northam Coulthard Doris May Female Haywood Henry John Male Goomalling
1932/4900067 Northam Haywood Henry John Male Coulthard Doris May Female Goomalling
1932/4900068 Northam Green Frederick Male Gregan Rose Josephine Female Dowerin
1932/4900068 Northam Gregan Rose Josephine Female Green Frederick Male Dowerin
1932/4900069 Northam Parkes Daisy Irene Female Manton Charles Edward Male Northam
1932/4900069 Northam Manton Charles Edward Male Parkes Daisy Irene Female Northam
1932/4900070 Northam Rule Charles Edward Male Todman Ivy Evelyn Female Northam
1932/4900070 Northam Todman Ivy Evelyn Female Rule Charles Edward Male Northam
1932/4900071 Northam Cooper Eva Margaret Female Ellery William Charles Male Northam
1932/4900071 Northam Ellery William Charles Male Cooper Eva Margaret Female Northam
1932/4900072 Northam Maschmedt Florence Sophia Female Pellowe Maurice Oswald Male Northam
1932/4900072 Northam Pellowe Maurice Oswald Male Maschmedt Florence Sophia Female Northam
1932/4900073 Northam Thompson Bernard Horace Male Arnott Annie Derwinberri Female Northam
1932/4900073 Northam Arnott Annie Derwinberri Female Thompson Bernard Horace Male Northam
1932/4900074 Northam Jasper Norman Atholstan Male Fulwood Petrel May Female Cunderdin
1932/4900074 Northam Fulwood Petrel May Female Jasper Norman Atholstan Male Cunderdin
1932/4900075 Northam Place Eric Adam Telfer Male Morrell Gwenyth Kniest Female Waeel
1932/4900075 Northam Morrell Gwenyth Kniest Female Place Eric Adam Telfer Male Waeel
1932/4900076 Northam Chatfield John Levi Male Dunn Dolly Clara Female North East Tammin
1932/4900076 Northam Dunn Dolly Clara Female Chatfield John Levi Male North East Tammin
1932/4900077 Northam Heine Nellie Isabel Female Hunter Hans Clement Male Northam
1932/4900077 Northam Hunter Hans Clement Male Heine Nellie Isabel Female Northam
1932/4900078 Northam King Enswyth Prudence Christian Female Cameron Jack Male Kodj Kodjin
1932/4900078 Northam Cameron Jack Male King Enswyth Prudence Christian Female Kodj Kodjin
1932/4900079 Northam Grant John Male Thorpe Linda Kathleen Female North Trayning
1932/4900079 Northam Thorpe Linda Kathleen Female Grant John Male North Trayning
1932/4900080 Northam Hatfield Lucy Elaine Female Keeling John Ernest Male Northam
1932/4900080 Northam Keeling John Ernest Male Hatfield Lucy Elaine Female Northam
1932/4900081 Northam Lawson Margaret Susannah Grant Female Perrin Ernest Henry Male Wyalkatchem
1932/4900081 Northam Perrin Ernest Henry Male Lawson Margaret Susannah Grant Female Wyalkatchem
1932/4900082 Northam Matthews Freda Gladys Female White Norman James Male Northam
1932/4900082 Northam White Norman James Male Matthews Freda Gladys Female Northam
1932/4900083 Northam Keegan Dorothy Elsie Pearl Female Lee Leslie Robert Paul Male Trayning
1932/4900083 Northam Lee Leslie Robert Paul Male Keegan Dorothy Elsie Pearl Female Trayning
1932/4900084 Northam Caporn Dorothy Maybell Female Caughey Francis Colin Male Northam
1932/4900084 Northam Caughey Francis Colin Male Caporn Dorothy Maybell Female Northam
1932/4900085 Northam Rogers William Male Fims Ena Patience Female Koorda
1932/4900085 Northam Fims Ena Patience Female Rogers William Male Koorda
1932/4900086 Northam Leswell Frances Rose Female Morphett Arthur Garnet Male Kellerberrin
1932/4900086 Northam Morphett Arthur Garnet Male Leswell Frances Rose Female Kellerberrin
1932/4900087 Northam Meakins George Henry Male Doyle Margaret Jean Female Trayning
1932/4900087 Northam Doyle Margaret Jean Female Meakins George Henry Male Trayning
1932/4900088 Northam Longtoft Myra Gowland Female Coates Leslie Male Kellerberrin
1932/4900088 Northam Coates Leslie Male Longtoft Myra Gowland Female Kellerberrin
1932/4900089 Northam Newbon Emily Clarissa Female Jeffs Wilfred Henry Male Kellerberrin
1932/4900089 Northam Jeffs Wilfred Henry Male Newbon Emily Clarissa Female Kellerberrin
1932/4900090 Northam Reynolds Alan Male Barker Rose Female Merredin
1932/4900090 Northam Barker Rose Female Reynolds Alan Male Merredin
1932/4900091 Northam Woods Alfred John Stanley Male Elliott Evelyn Violet Female Kellerberrin
1932/4900091 Northam Elliott Evelyn Violet Female Woods Alfred John Stanley Male Kellerberrin
1932/4900092 Northam Stott Philip Charles Sherman Male McWhirter Elma Eileen Female Northam
1932/4900092 Northam McWhirter Elma Eileen Female Stott Philip Charles Sherman Male Northam
1932/4900093 Northam Cook Willie Arthur Male Smith Edna May Female Toodyay
1932/4900093 Northam Smith Edna May Female Cook Willie Arthur Male Toodyay
1932/4900094 Northam Martin Amelia Myrtle Female Sparrowhawk George Henry Male West Northam
1932/4900094 Northam Sparrowhawk George Henry Male Martin Amelia Myrtle Female West Northam
1932/4900095 Northam Dawson Harold Male Crowe Elsie May Female Northam
1932/4900095 Northam Crowe Elsie May Female Dawson Harold Male Northam
1932/4900096 Northam Downey Alice Magdalene Female Antonio Norman Hurtle Male Northam
1932/4900096 Northam Antonio Norman Hurtle Male Downey Alice Magdalene Female Northam
1932/4900097 Northam Fuchsbichler Anna Female Black Alexander Duncan Male Northam
1932/4900097 Northam Black Alexander Duncan Male Fuchsbichler Anna Female Northam
1932/4900098 Northam Antonie Jean Charles Male Cruse Alice Veronica Female Toodyay
1932/4900098 Northam Cruse Alice Veronica Female Antonie Jean Charles Male Toodyay
1932/4900099 Northam Forward Edna Mary Gertrude Female Farmer Ernest Augustus Male Northam
1932/4900099 Northam Farmer Ernest Augustus Male Forward Edna Mary Gertrude Female Northam
1932/4900100 Northam Melbin Edmond Vincent Alfred Male Johnson Pearl Victoria May Female Northam
1932/4900100 Northam Johnson Pearl Victoria May Female Melbin Edmond Vincent Alfred Male Northam
1932/4900101 Northam McFeggan William Male Hassett Vera Gertrude Female Northam
1932/4900101 Northam Hassett Vera Gertrude Female McFeggan William Male Northam
1932/4900102 Northam Farrell Unity Viva Kate Female Mackenzie Kenneth Male Northam
1932/4900102 Northam Mackenzie Kenneth Male Farrell Unity Viva Kate Female Northam
1932/4900103 Northam Cooke Harold Preston Male Pettit Juanita Margaret Female Mukinbudin
1932/4900103 Northam Pettit Juanita Margaret Female Cooke Harold Preston Male Mukinbudin
1932/4900104 Northam Bedford Grace Ellen Female Brown William Alfred Male Northam
1932/4900104 Northam Brown William Alfred Male Bedford Grace Ellen Female Northam
1932/4900105 Northam Due Lauriston Lanark Male Ashworth Freda Lillian Female Northam
1932/4900105 Northam Ashworth Freda Lillian Female Due Lauriston Lanark Male Northam
1932/5000001 Northampton O'Neil Oscar James Patrick Male Allender Margaret Ann Female Nabawa
1932/5000001 Northampton Allender Margaret Ann Female O'Neil Oscar James Patrick Male Nabawa
1932/5000002 Northampton Ahern May Female Hackett Thomas Male Nabawa
1932/5000002 Northampton Hackett Thomas Male Ahern May Female Nabawa
1932/5000003 Northampton Ronan Grace Esther Female Jupp Alfred Joseph Male Nabawah
1932/5000003 Northampton Jupp Alfred Joseph Male Ronan Grace Esther Female Nabawah
1932/5000004 Northampton Morris Dorothy Mabel Female Penn Everett John Male Northampton
1932/5000004 Northampton Penn Everett John Male Morris Dorothy Mabel Female Northampton
1932/5000005 Northampton Williams Rose Mary Josephine Female Smith Horace Bridgman Male Northampton
1932/5000005 Northampton Smith Horace Bridgman Male Williams Rose Mary Josephine Female Northampton
1932/5000006 Northampton Drage Albert Gerald Male Criddle Cora Gwendoline Female Nabawa
1932/5000006 Northampton Criddle Cora Gwendoline Female Drage Albert Gerald Male Nabawa
1932/5000007 Northampton Oldfield Alfred Robert Male Cook Olive May Female Northampton
1932/5000007 Northampton Cook Olive May Female Oldfield Alfred Robert Male Northampton
1932/5000008 Northampton Bridgeman Florence Maude Female Gould Charles Arthur Male Northampton
1932/5000008 Northampton Gould Charles Arthur Male Bridgeman Florence Maude Female Northampton
1932/5000009 Northampton Morris Edith Female Fathers Malcolm Haigh Male Northampton
1932/5000009 Northampton Fathers Malcolm Haigh Male Morris Edith Female Northampton
1932/5000010 Northampton Francis Charles Alfred Miller Male Ford Olive Naomi Female Northampton
1932/5000010 Northampton Ford Olive Naomi Female Francis Charles Alfred Miller Male Northampton
1932/5000011 Northampton Harrison Reginald Stephen Hotspur Male Teakle Thirza Gertrude Female Northampton
1932/5000011 Northampton Teakle Thirza Gertrude Female Harrison Reginald Stephen Hotspur Male Northampton
1932/5000012 Northampton Jackson Albert George Joseph Male Cairn Annie Elizabeth Female Northampton
1932/5000012 Northampton Cairn Annie Elizabeth Female Jackson Albert George Joseph Male Northampton
1932/5000013 Northampton Hosken Mena Female Reynolds Charles James Norman Male Northampton
1932/5000013 Northampton Reynolds Charles James Norman Male Hosken Mena Female Northampton
1932/5200001 Phillips River Moir Margaret Agnes Louisa Female Tonkes Ernest Arthur Male Ravensthorpe
1932/5200001 Phillips River Tonkes Ernest Arthur Male Moir Margaret Agnes Louisa Female Ravensthorpe
1933/5400001 Plantagenet Reddin Enid Lorraine Female Ackley Richard James Male Albany
1933/5400001 Plantagenet Ackley Richard James Male Reddin Enid Lorraine Female Albany
1933/5400002 Plantagenet Theaker Hector Joseph Male Roots Sylvia Sarah Female Albany
1932/5400002 Plantagenet Knapp James William Male Herbert Leah Edith Female Mortigalup
1932/5400002 Plantagenet Herbert Leah Edith Female Knapp James William Male Mortigalup
1933/5400002 Plantagenet Roots Sylvia Sarah Female Theaker Hector Joseph Male Albany
1932/5400003 Plantagenet Stevenson Thomas Male Scheurer Nancy Mary Female Albany
1932/5400003 Plantagenet Scheurer Nancy Mary Female Stevenson Thomas Male Albany
1932/5400004 Plantagenet Tonkin Alice Mary Female Knapp David Henry Male Denmark
1932/5400004 Plantagenet Knapp David Henry Male Tonkin Alice Mary Female Denmark
1932/5400005 Plantagenet Dunstan John Male Wilkie Beatrice May Female Albany
1932/5400005 Plantagenet Wilkie Beatrice May Female Dunstan John Male Albany
1932/5400006 Plantagenet Phoebe James Claude Male Holmes Hetty Female Albany
1932/5400006 Plantagenet Holmes Hetty Female Phoebe James Claude Male Albany
1932/5400007 Plantagenet Lobban Mary Elizabeth Female Livesey Leslie Albert Ernest Male Albany
1932/5400007 Plantagenet Livesey Leslie Albert Ernest Male Lobban Mary Elizabeth Female Albany
1932/5400008 Plantagenet Williams Robert Herman Male Croft Edith Female Denmark
1932/5400008 Plantagenet Croft Edith Female Williams Robert Herman Male Denmark
1932/5400009 Plantagenet Hall Cecil Ernest Male Hamilton Margaret Ellen Female Albany
1932/5400009 Plantagenet Hamilton Margaret Ellen Female Hall Cecil Ernest Male Albany
1932/5400010 Plantagenet Cuddihy Andrew Francis Male Donnes Constance Isabel Female Albany
1932/5400010 Plantagenet Donnes Constance Isabel Female Cuddihy Andrew Francis Male Albany
1932/5400011 Plantagenet Johnson Annie Muriel Female Thurlaw John Charles Male Albany
1932/5400011 Plantagenet Thurlaw John Charles Male Johnson Annie Muriel Female Albany
1932/5400012 Plantagenet Broadhurst Edward Hayden Male Hiscock Alice Mary Female Albany
1932/5400012 Plantagenet Hiscock Alice Mary Female Broadhurst Edward Hayden Male Albany
1932/5400013 Plantagenet Walton Theodore Emaule Male Andrews Thelma Marion Female Albany
1932/5400013 Plantagenet Andrews Thelma Marion Female Walton Theodore Emaule Male Albany
1932/5400014 Plantagenet McBride Laurance Wallace Male Jackson Clara Julia Female Albany
1932/5400014 Plantagenet Jackson Clara Julia Female McBride Laurance Wallace Male Albany
1932/5400015 Plantagenet James Norman Male Wilkinson Doris Female Albany
1932/5400015 Plantagenet Wilkinson Doris Female James Norman Male Albany
1932/5400016 Plantagenet Jones Walter Raymond Male Norrish Kathleen Gertrude Female Mount Barker
1932/5400016 Plantagenet Norrish Kathleen Gertrude Female Jones Walter Raymond Male Mount Barker
1932/5400017 Plantagenet Jones Freda Female Rowe Leonard Male Mount Barker
1932/5400017 Plantagenet Rowe Leonard Male Jones Freda Female Mount Barker
1932/5400018 Plantagenet Retell Ethell Female Harvey Cyril Richard Male Albany
1932/5400018 Plantagenet Harvey Cyril Richard Male Retell Ethell Female Albany
1932/5400019 Plantagenet Parker Dulcie Verna Burch Female Saggers Samson Male Tambellup
1932/5400019 Plantagenet Saggers Samson Male Parker Dulcie Verna Burch Female Tambellup
1932/5400020 Plantagenet Baker Frederick Wilton Male Schmaal Vida Edith Female Cranbrook
1932/5400020 Plantagenet Schmaal Vida Edith Female Baker Frederick Wilton Male Cranbrook
1932/5400021 Plantagenet O'Callaghan Joseph John Male Jennings Daphne Carmel Female Albany
1932/5400021 Plantagenet Jennings Daphne Carmel Female O'Callaghan Joseph John Male Albany
1932/5400022 Plantagenet Simmonds Alice Elizabeth Jane Female Smith Ernest Arthur Victor Male Albany
1932/5400022 Plantagenet Smith Ernest Arthur Victor Male Simmonds Alice Elizabeth Jane Female Albany
1932/5400023 Plantagenet Smith Edith May Female Andrews Reginald Albert Male Albany
1932/5400023 Plantagenet Andrews Reginald Albert Male Smith Edith May Female Albany
1932/5400024 Plantagenet Morrish James Frederick Male Harnett Phyllis Ada Female Albany
1932/5400024 Plantagenet Harnett Phyllis Ada Female Morrish James Frederick Male Albany
1932/5400025 Plantagenet Cross Eileen Jessie Female Tysoe Harry Male Denmark
1932/5400025 Plantagenet Tysoe Harry Male Cross Eileen Jessie Female Denmark
1932/5400026 Plantagenet Pantall Bernard Male Perkins Annie Female Albany
1932/5400026 Plantagenet Perkins Annie Female Pantall Bernard Male Albany
1932/5400027 Plantagenet Davey Christopher Thomas Lawson Male Fewster Esther Amelia Female Mt Barker
1932/5400027 Plantagenet Fewster Esther Amelia Female Davey Christopher Thomas Lawson Male Mt Barker
1932/5400028 Plantagenet Elverd Freda May Female Webb Ernest George Male Albany
1932/5400028 Plantagenet Webb Ernest George Male Elverd Freda May Female Albany
1932/5400029 Plantagenet Bannister George Frederick William Male Newman Helen Female Albany
1932/5400029 Plantagenet Newman Helen Female Bannister George Frederick William Male Albany
1932/5400030 Plantagenet Goodbody Anna Josephine Female Fishe Arthur Henry Male Albany
1932/5400030 Plantagenet Fishe Arthur Henry Male Goodbody Anna Josephine Female Albany
1932/5400031 Plantagenet Hampshire Patricia Constance Female Clark Albert Charles Male Albany
1932/5400031 Plantagenet Clark Albert Charles Male Hampshire Patricia Constance Female Albany
1932/5400032 Plantagenet Humphries John Francis Male Burton Florence Meta Female Albany
1932/5400032 Plantagenet Burton Florence Meta Female Humphries John Francis Male Albany
1932/5400033 Plantagenet Linnell Bessie Kathleen Gladys Amelia Female Onions Ernest Arthur Male Denmark
1932/5400033 Plantagenet Onions Ernest Arthur Male Linnell Bessie Kathleen Gladys Amelia Female Denmark
1932/5400034 Plantagenet Peirce Stanley Edward Male Manton Myrtle Cicelia Female Albany
1932/5400034 Plantagenet Manton Myrtle Cicelia Female Peirce Stanley Edward Male Albany
1932/5400035 Plantagenet Parker Cyril Edward Male Saville Gladys May Female Albany
1932/5400035 Plantagenet Saville Gladys May Female Parker Cyril Edward Male Albany
1932/5400036 Plantagenet Donohoe James Joseph Male Bloomfield Jessie Rebecca Female Albany
1932/5400036 Plantagenet Bloomfield Jessie Rebecca Female Donohoe James Joseph Male Albany
1932/5400037 Plantagenet Bario Edith Angelina Female White Hector George Male Albany
1932/5400037 Plantagenet White Hector George Male Bario Edith Angelina Female Albany
1932/5400038 Plantagenet Nicholls Myrtle Ellen Female Kitson Cyril Ray Male Albany
1932/5400038 Plantagenet Kitson Cyril Ray Male Nicholls Myrtle Ellen Female Albany
1932/5400039 Plantagenet Finlay William Male Rooney Elizabeth Female Albany
1932/5400039 Plantagenet Rooney Elizabeth Female Finlay William Male Albany
1932/5400040 Plantagenet Martin Florence Edna Female Mitchell Frederick Thomas Male Albany
1932/5400040 Plantagenet Mitchell Frederick Thomas Male Martin Florence Edna Female Albany
1932/5400041 Plantagenet Herbert Dulcie May Female Drage William Joseph Male Albany
1932/5400041 Plantagenet Drage William Joseph Male Herbert Dulcie May Female Albany
1932/5400042 Plantagenet Linnell Constance Dora Madeline Female Philipps Austin Idris Male Albany
1932/5400042 Plantagenet Philipps Austin Idris Male Linnell Constance Dora Madeline Female Albany
1932/5400043 Plantagenet Booth Allan Cowper Male Burkitt Margaret Elinor Female Porongerups
1932/5400043 Plantagenet Burkitt Margaret Elinor Female Booth Allan Cowper Male Porongerups
1932/5400044 Plantagenet Cannon Olive Female Selby Robert Kenneth Male Albany
1932/5400044 Plantagenet Selby Robert Kenneth Male Cannon Olive Female Albany
1932/5400045 Plantagenet Dalton Nellie Emma Female Clothier William Ernest Male Albany
1932/5400045 Plantagenet Clothier William Ernest Male Dalton Nellie Emma Female Albany
1932/5400046 Plantagenet Green Howard Richard Male Organ Evelyn Mabel Female Albany
1932/5400046 Plantagenet Organ Evelyn Mabel Female Green Howard Richard Male Albany
1932/5400047 Plantagenet Leggatt Jean Erskine Female Scott Gilbert Archer Male Albany
1932/5400047 Plantagenet Scott Gilbert Archer Male Leggatt Jean Erskine Female Albany
1932/5400048 Plantagenet Caplin Horace Arthur Male Wolfe Kathleen May Female Albany
1932/5400048 Plantagenet Wolfe Kathleen May Female Caplin Horace Arthur Male Albany
1932/5400049 Plantagenet Boshell Mildred Female Dewar Donald Male Albany
1932/5400049 Plantagenet Dewar Donald Male Boshell Mildred Female Albany
1932/5400050 Plantagenet Ralph Elsie May Female Davies John Henry James Male Albany
1932/5400050 Plantagenet Davies John Henry James Male Ralph Elsie May Female Albany
1932/5400051 Plantagenet Moore Edward John Male May Elenor Catherine Female Albany
1932/5400051 Plantagenet May Elenor Catherine Female Moore Edward John Male Albany
1932/5400052 Plantagenet Joynes Helen Mary Adelaide Female Ruwoldt Edwin August Walther Male Albany
1932/5400052 Plantagenet Ruwoldt Edwin August Walther Male Joynes Helen Mary Adelaide Female Albany
1932/5400053 Plantagenet Keogh Mary Kathleen Irene Female Duff Ronald William Male Mt Barker
1932/5400053 Plantagenet Duff Ronald William Male Keogh Mary Kathleen Irene Female Mt Barker
1932/5400054 Plantagenet Malcolm Harold Gladstone Male Paterson Isabella Brand Female Denmark
1932/5400054 Plantagenet Paterson Isabella Brand Female Malcolm Harold Gladstone Male Denmark
1932/5400055 Plantagenet Elverd George Edward Male Andrews Lillian Jessie Female Albany
1932/5400055 Plantagenet Andrews Lillian Jessie Female Elverd George Edward Male Albany
1932/5400056 Plantagenet Mann Arthur Stanley Male Loxton Amy Elizabeth Female Albany
1932/5400056 Plantagenet Loxton Amy Elizabeth Female Mann Arthur Stanley Male Albany
1932/5400057 Plantagenet Jones Francis Alexander Male Bessen Rosalind Muriel Ida Female Tambellup
1932/5400057 Plantagenet Bessen Rosalind Muriel Ida Female Jones Francis Alexander Male Tambellup
1932/5400058 Plantagenet Goddard George Leon Male Sounness Gladys Jean Female Mt Barker
1932/5400058 Plantagenet Sounness Gladys Jean Female Goddard George Leon Male Mt Barker
1932/5400059 Plantagenet Hortin John Phillip Male Wolfe Doris Mavis Female Albany
1932/5400059 Plantagenet Wolfe Doris Mavis Female Hortin John Phillip Male Albany
1932/5400060 Plantagenet Hortin Frank Victor Male Daly Mary Ellen Female Albany
1932/5400060 Plantagenet Daly Mary Ellen Female Hortin Frank Victor Male Albany
1932/5400061 Plantagenet Gorey Emma Edith Female Franklin George Ashby Male Albany
1932/5400061 Plantagenet Franklin George Ashby Male Gorey Emma Edith Female Albany
1932/5400062 Plantagenet Clothier Eric Thomas Male Johnson Ethel Female Albany
1932/5400062 Plantagenet Johnson Ethel Female Clothier Eric Thomas Male Albany
1932/5400063 Plantagenet Collins Alfred Keith Male Prideaux Elsie Female Albany
1932/5400063 Plantagenet Prideaux Elsie Female Collins Alfred Keith Male Albany
1932/5400064 Plantagenet Lumsden Mary Edna Female Ayton George William Male Denmark
1932/5400064 Plantagenet Ayton George William Male Lumsden Mary Edna Female Denmark
1932/5400065 Plantagenet Wheeler Eva Bertha Female Lee Percy Frederick Male Albany
1932/5400065 Plantagenet Lee Percy Frederick Male Wheeler Eva Bertha Female Albany
1932/5400066 Plantagenet Wall Elsie Constance Female Tucker Charles Leslie Male Mt Barker
1932/5400066 Plantagenet Tucker Charles Leslie Male Wall Elsie Constance Female Mt Barker
1932/5400067 Plantagenet Ricketts Marion Alice Female Holland John Chalmers McKenzie Male Denmark
1932/5400067 Plantagenet Holland John Chalmers McKenzie Male Ricketts Marion Alice Female Denmark
1932/5400068 Plantagenet Calton Elsie Female Pomery Henry Albert George Male Albany
1932/5400068 Plantagenet Pomery Henry Albert George Male Calton Elsie Female Albany
1932/5400069 Plantagenet Sexton John Frederick Stirling Male Howells Olive Amy Female Albany
1932/5400069 Plantagenet Howells Olive Amy Female Sexton John Frederick Stirling Male Albany
1932/5400070 Plantagenet McGough Dulcie Maria Honor Female Anning Samuel Lanner Male Denmark
1932/5400070 Plantagenet Anning Samuel Lanner Male McGough Dulcie Maria Honor Female Denmark
1932/5400071 Plantagenet Terry Ethel Alice Female Allen Charles Male Albany
1932/5400071 Plantagenet Allen Charles Male Terry Ethel Alice Female Albany
1932/5400072 Plantagenet Nicholson Margaret Alice Female Robinson Francis Eric Male Albany
1932/5400072 Plantagenet Robinson Francis Eric Male Nicholson Margaret Alice Female Albany
1932/5400073 Plantagenet Ronald Beatrice Female Herbert Melville George Male Albany
1932/5400073 Plantagenet Herbert Melville George Male Ronald Beatrice Female Albany
1932/5400074 Plantagenet Bessen Constance Sylvia Female Walton Robert Randall William Male Tambellup
1932/5400074 Plantagenet Walton Robert Randall William Male Bessen Constance Sylvia Female Tambellup
1932/5500001 Port Hedland Tonkon Ah Mat Male Assaum Fanny Assam Female Port Hedland
1932/5500001 Port Hedland Assaum Fanny Assam Female Tonkon Ah Mat Male Port Hedland
1932/5500002 Port Hedland Taylor James Patrick Male Woods Maud Mabel Female Pt Hedland
1932/5500002 Port Hedland Woods Maud Mabel Female Taylor James Patrick Male Pt Hedland
1933/6000001 Sussex Streeter Winifred Irene Female Mills Walter Robert Male Busselton
1933/6000001 Sussex Mills Walter Robert Male Streeter Winifred Irene Female Busselton
1932/6000001 Sussex Chamberlain Ivy Female Blain William Male Margaret River
1932/6000001 Sussex Blain William Male Chamberlain Ivy Female Margaret River
1932/6000002 Sussex Hindmarsh Adam Male Brack Edith Agnes Female Busselton
1932/6000002 Sussex Brack Edith Agnes Female Hindmarsh Adam Male Busselton
1932/6000003 Sussex Lynn John Male Williams Dorrie May Female Busselton
1932/6000003 Sussex Williams Dorrie May Female Lynn John Male Busselton
1932/6000004 Sussex Seaborn Jack Male Haddon Gladys Margaret Female Busselton
1932/6000004 Sussex Haddon Gladys Margaret Female Seaborn Jack Male Busselton
1932/6000005 Sussex Rafferty Michael Vincent Male Casselton Alice Ada Female Busselton
1932/6000005 Sussex Casselton Alice Ada Female Rafferty Michael Vincent Male Busselton
1932/6000006 Sussex Dawson Olga Jean Female Fitzgerald Thomas James Male Busselton
1932/6000006 Sussex Fitzgerald Thomas James Male Dawson Olga Jean Female Busselton
1932/6000007 Sussex Mazure Coralie Sarah Female Tompsett Richard Newton Male Busselton
1932/6000007 Sussex Tompsett Richard Newton Male Mazure Coralie Sarah Female Busselton
1932/6000008 Sussex Hayes Phyllis Mary Female Rooney Charles John Male Busselton
1932/6000008 Sussex Rooney Charles John Male Hayes Phyllis Mary Female Busselton
1932/6000009 Sussex Wilkinson Francis Leopold Male Trollope Ellen Maud Female Busselton
1932/6000009 Sussex Trollope Ellen Maud Female Wilkinson Francis Leopold Male Busselton
1932/6000010 Sussex Grover Margaret Charlotte Female Stacy William Male Margaret River
1932/6000010 Sussex Stacy William Male Grover Margaret Charlotte Female Margaret River
1932/6000011 Sussex McDonald Allen William Foster Male Burghall Angela Female Busselton
1932/6000011 Sussex Burghall Angela Female McDonald Allen William Foster Male Busselton
1932/6000013 Sussex Barrett Cecil Joseph Male Cameron Flora Jean Female Busselton
1932/6000013 Sussex Cameron Flora Jean Female Barrett Cecil Joseph Male Busselton
1932/6000014 Sussex Webb Ena May Morcom Female Price Clifford George Male Kudardup
1932/6000014 Sussex Price Clifford George Male Webb Ena May Morcom Female Kudardup
1932/6000015 Sussex Silke Joyce Evelyn Female Napoletano Mauro Male Boallia
1932/6000015 Sussex Napoletano Mauro Male Silke Joyce Evelyn Female Boallia
1932/6000016 Sussex Bainbridge George Dickinson Male Chamberlain Minnie Female Margaret River
1932/6000016 Sussex Chamberlain Minnie Female Bainbridge George Dickinson Male Margaret River
1932/6000017 Sussex O'Brien Henrietta Female Hughan Peter Morrison Male Cowaramup
1932/6000017 Sussex Hughan Peter Morrison Male O'Brien Henrietta Female Cowaramup
1932/6000018 Sussex Merritt Vida Ellen Female Scott Clifton Montague Male Busselton
1932/6000018 Sussex Scott Clifton Montague Male Merritt Vida Ellen Female Busselton
1932/6000019 Sussex Killerby Benjamin Kempston Male Fitzgerald Veronica Elizabeth Female Busselton
1932/6000019 Sussex Fitzgerald Veronica Elizabeth Female Killerby Benjamin Kempston Male Busselton
1932/6000020 Sussex Fentrill Harry Edward Male Taylor Gladys Hope Female Busselton
1932/6000020 Sussex Taylor Gladys Hope Female Fentrill Harry Edward Male Busselton
1932/6000021 Sussex Mann Barbara Zoe Female Hassell Noel Boucher Male Busselton
1932/6000021 Sussex Hassell Noel Boucher Male Mann Barbara Zoe Female Busselton
1932/6000022 Sussex Munn Catherine Charlotte Female Lauchlan Robert Male Busselton
1932/6000022 Sussex Lauchlan Robert Male Munn Catherine Charlotte Female Busselton
1932/6000023 Sussex Allen Mavis Elizabeth Female Lightly Francis Bruce Male Busselton
1932/6000023 Sussex Lightly Francis Bruce Male Allen Mavis Elizabeth Female Busselton
1932/6000024 Sussex Matson Mervyn Neville Male Francis Lilian Rose Female Busselton
1932/6000024 Sussex Francis Lilian Rose Female Matson Mervyn Neville Male Busselton
1932/6000025 Sussex Morris Dorothy Amy Female Oates Frank James Male Busselton
1932/6000025 Sussex Oates Frank James Male Morris Dorothy Amy Female Busselton
1932/6000026 Sussex Gale Hilda Frances Female Holmes Charles Male Busselton
1932/6000026 Sussex Holmes Charles Male Gale Hilda Frances Female Busselton
1933/6100001 Swan Costello Dudley Vincent Male Worts Margaret Elizabeth Female Bassendean
1933/6100001 Swan Worts Margaret Elizabeth Female Costello Dudley Vincent Male Bassendean
1932/6100004 Swan Curley Dulcie Elizabeth Female Francis Adam Robert Crawford Male Midland Junction
1932/6100004 Swan Francis Adam Robert Crawford Male Curley Dulcie Elizabeth Female Midland Junction
1933/6100005 Swan Lawson Marion Hamilton Female Shepherd Jnr Frederick James Male Midland Junction
1932/6100005 Swan Marshall Betty Female McInnerney Keith Ross Male Midland Junction
1933/6100005 Swan Shepherd Jnr Frederick James Male Lawson Marion Hamilton Female Midland Junction
1932/6100005 Swan McInnerney Keith Ross Male Marshall Betty Female Midland Junction
1932/6100008 Swan Gale Jean Muriel Female Wood Thomas Arthur Male Bassendean
1932/6100008 Swan Wood Thomas Arthur Male Gale Jean Muriel Female Bassendean
1932/6100009 Swan Logue Dorcas Imogen Female Ducas Roy Albert Purves Male Caversham
1932/6100009 Swan Ducas Roy Albert Purves Male Logue Dorcas Imogen Female Caversham
1932/6100010 Swan Hamersley Herbert George Male Harper Mary Juliet Female Guildford
1932/6100010 Swan Harper Mary Juliet Female Hamersley Herbert George Male Guildford
1932/6100011 Swan Mead Ernest William Male Meckelburge Pearl Louisa Female Guildford
1932/6100011 Swan Meckelburge Pearl Louisa Female Mead Ernest William Male Guildford
1932/6100012 Swan Bass Walter Charles Male Pettit Ruby Ray Female Midland Junction
1932/6100012 Swan Pettit Ruby Ray Female Bass Walter Charles Male Midland Junction
1932/6100016 Swan Henderson Iris Evelyn Female Tyers Thomas William Male Midland Junction
1932/6100016 Swan Tyers Thomas William Male Henderson Iris Evelyn Female Midland Junction
1932/6100017 Swan Smith Alma Louisa Female McArthur John Peace Male Guildford
1932/6100017 Swan McArthur John Peace Male Smith Alma Louisa Female Guildford
1932/6100018 Swan Bresa Joseph Male Gale Mary Lavinia Female Bassendean
1932/6100018 Swan Gale Mary Lavinia Female Bresa Joseph Male Bassendean
1932/6100019 Swan Connell Gerald Male Veale Esther Rose Female Midland Junction
1932/6100019 Swan Veale Esther Rose Female Connell Gerald Male Midland Junction
1932/6100020 Swan Davenport Norah Female Wood Graham William Thomas Male Guildford
1932/6100020 Swan Wood Graham William Thomas Male Davenport Norah Female Guildford
1932/6100021 Swan Warren Herbert Male Stewart Catherine Emma Female Midland Junction
1932/6100021 Swan Stewart Catherine Emma Female Warren Herbert Male Midland Junction
1932/6100022 Swan Forsyth Edith Elizabeth Fredericka Female Anderson George Henry Male Guildford
1932/6100022 Swan Anderson George Henry Male Forsyth Edith Elizabeth Fredericka Female Guildford
1932/6100023 Swan Blythe Louisa Adeline Female Blechynden Clayton Ashley Male Guildford
1932/6100023 Swan Blechynden Clayton Ashley Male Blythe Louisa Adeline Female Guildford
1932/6100024 Swan Godley Hazel Mary Female Sudholz William Carl Male Mt Helena
1932/6100024 Swan Sudholz William Carl Male Godley Hazel Mary Female Mt Helena
1932/6100025 Swan Sait Agnes May Female Lambe Joseph Patrick Male Midland Junction
1932/6100025 Swan Lambe Joseph Patrick Male Sait Agnes May Female Midland Junction
1932/6100026 Swan Clarke James Giblett Male Churches Maud Mary Female Midland Junction
1932/6100026 Swan Churches Maud Mary Female Clarke James Giblett Male Midland Junction
1932/6100027 Swan Skilling Margaret Isobel Female Stewart William Mitchell Male Midland Junction
1932/6100027 Swan Stewart William Mitchell Male Skilling Margaret Isobel Female Midland Junction
1932/6100028 Swan Barbour Alexander Wilson Male McNeill Jessie Female Midland Junction
1932/6100028 Swan McNeill Jessie Female Barbour Alexander Wilson Male Midland Junction
1932/6100029 Swan Dickman Clara Elizabeth Female Oldham Harold Harcourt Male Bellevue
1932/6100029 Swan Oldham Harold Harcourt Male Dickman Clara Elizabeth Female Bellevue
1932/6100030 Swan Cole Edith Hilda Winifred Female Bolton Arthur Leonard Male Guildford
1932/6100030 Swan Bolton Arthur Leonard Male Cole Edith Hilda Winifred Female Guildford
1932/6100031 Swan Eves Ethel Violet Female Jarrott Arthur James Male Midland Junction
1932/6100031 Swan Jarrott Arthur James Male Eves Ethel Violet Female Midland Junction
1932/6100032 Swan Pendlebury Alice Female Smart Henry Victor Redvers Male Bassendean
1932/6100032 Swan Smart Henry Victor Redvers Male Pendlebury Alice Female Bassendean
1932/6100033 Swan Pendlebury Elizabeth Female Murray George Melville Male Bassendean
1932/6100033 Swan Murray George Melville Male Pendlebury Elizabeth Female Bassendean
1932/6100034 Swan Mijocevich Ljubo Male Luetich Minnie Female Midland Junction
1932/6100034 Swan Luetich Minnie Female Mijocevich Ljubo Male Midland Junction
1932/6100035 Swan Wooller Thomas Richard Male Willis Grace Ethel Female Guildford
1932/6100035 Swan Willis Grace Ethel Female Wooller Thomas Richard Male Guildford
1932/6100036 Swan Rundle Silas Eric Male Raine Marjorie Vera Female Bassendean
1932/6100036 Swan Raine Marjorie Vera Female Rundle Silas Eric Male Bassendean
1932/6100037 Swan Heath Edward Reginald Male Flood Edna Female Midland Junction
1932/6100037 Swan Flood Edna Female Heath Edward Reginald Male Midland Junction
1932/6100038 Swan Spence David Courtney Male Naylor Nancy Rose Female Bassendean
1932/6100038 Swan Naylor Nancy Rose Female Spence David Courtney Male Bassendean
1932/6100039 Swan Bridson Mary Granville Female Everett Harold William Male Guildford
1932/6100039 Swan Everett Harold William Male Bridson Mary Granville Female Guildford
1932/6100040 Swan Hicks Ivy Gladys Ethel Female Gaunt Joseph Robert Male Guildford
1932/6100040 Swan Gaunt Joseph Robert Male Hicks Ivy Gladys Ethel Female Guildford
1932/6100041 Swan Russell Douglas Charles Male Hyde Bertha Daphne Female Guildford
1932/6100041 Swan Hyde Bertha Daphne Female Russell Douglas Charles Male Guildford
1932/6100042 Swan Bass Leslie William Male Brady Georgina May Female Midland Junction
1932/6100042 Swan Brady Georgina May Female Bass Leslie William Male Midland Junction
1932/6100043 Swan Cummings Gladys May Female Hardie Charles Richard Male Bellevue
1932/6100043 Swan Hardie Charles Richard Male Cummings Gladys May Female Bellevue
1932/6100044 Swan Kidson Phyllis Myrtle Female Teague Cyril Gilbert Male Guildford
1932/6100044 Swan Teague Cyril Gilbert Male Kidson Phyllis Myrtle Female Guildford
1932/6100045 Swan Thompson Winifred Catherine Female Catherall Leslie Male Guildford
1932/6100045 Swan Catherall Leslie Male Thompson Winifred Catherine Female Guildford
1932/6100046 Swan Russell Raymond Robert Male Parker Elsie May Female Guildford
1932/6100046 Swan Parker Elsie May Female Russell Raymond Robert Male Guildford
1932/6100047 Swan Bebich Ivan Male Bauk Ljubica Female Midland Junction
1932/6100047 Swan Bauk Ljubica Female Bebich Ivan Male Midland Junction
1932/6100048 Swan Unkovich George Male Rosandich Yanje Female Midland Junction
1932/6100048 Swan Rosandich Yanje Female Unkovich George Male Midland Junction
1932/6100049 Swan Cecil Trafford Frederick Irving Male Davey Edna Gertrude Female Midland Junction
1932/6100049 Swan Davey Edna Gertrude Female Cecil Trafford Frederick Irving Male Midland Junction
1932/6100050 Swan Harris Clifford William Male Jenkin Laura Female Guildford
1932/6100050 Swan Jenkin Laura Female Harris Clifford William Male Guildford
1932/6100051 Swan Harrison Lillian Mary Female Stallwood William Male Glen Forrest
1932/6100051 Swan Stallwood William Male Harrison Lillian Mary Female Glen Forrest
1932/6100052 Swan Gartrell Harrott Winford Dorothea Female Whitehead Samuel James Milton Male Midland Junction
1932/6100052 Swan Whitehead Samuel James Milton Male Gartrell Harrott Winford Dorothea Female Midland Junction
1932/6100053 Swan Peacock Dorothy Isabella Female Smith Herbert Charles Male Goosberry Hill
1932/6100053 Swan Smith Herbert Charles Male Peacock Dorothy Isabella Female Goosberry Hill
1932/6100054 Swan Gibbs Edith Lilian Female McIntyre Arthur Edward Male Midland Junction
1932/6100054 Swan McIntyre Arthur Edward Male Gibbs Edith Lilian Female Midland Junction
1932/6100055 Swan Weir Walter Henry Male Mott Hilda Female Bassendean
1932/6100055 Swan Mott Hilda Female Weir Walter Henry Male Bassendean
1932/6100056 Swan Kirk Violet Lilian Female Major Warren John Male Bassendean
1932/6100056 Swan Major Warren John Male Kirk Violet Lilian Female Bassendean
1932/6100057 Swan Cusack Eileen Ann Female McAuliffe David Bernard Male Guildford
1932/6100057 Swan McAuliffe David Bernard Male Cusack Eileen Ann Female Guildford
1932/6100058 Swan Codling Robert William Male Kennedy Louisa Mary Female Guildford
1932/6100058 Swan Kennedy Louisa Mary Female Codling Robert William Male Guildford
1932/6100059 Swan Higgins Ivy Thelma Female Banfield Arthur Harold Male Bellevue
1932/6100059 Swan Banfield Arthur Harold Male Higgins Ivy Thelma Female Bellevue
1932/6100060 Swan Hargrave Havis May Female Harburn Alick Male Mundaring
1932/6100060 Swan Harburn Alick Male Hargrave Havis May Female Mundaring
1932/6100061 Swan Swinbourn Henry Theodore Blackwell Male Long Emily Myrtle Grace Female Guildford
1932/6100061 Swan Long Emily Myrtle Grace Female Swinbourn Henry Theodore Blackwell Male Guildford
1932/6100062 Swan Blakey Doris Elizabeth Female Twentyman Thomas Hodgson Male Midland Junction
1932/6100062 Swan Twentyman Thomas Hodgson Male Blakey Doris Elizabeth Female Midland Junction
1932/6100063 Swan Price Edith May Female Carr George Lawrence Male Guildford
1932/6100063 Swan Carr George Lawrence Male Price Edith May Female Guildford
1932/6100064 Swan Coles Iris Lorraine Female Meads Kenneth Lawrence Male Guildford
1932/6100064 Swan Meads Kenneth Lawrence Male Coles Iris Lorraine Female Guildford
1932/6100065 Swan Loury Leonard George Male Robinson Daphne Idahlia Female Midland Junction
1932/6100065 Swan Robinson Daphne Idahlia Female Loury Leonard George Male Midland Junction
1932/6100066 Swan Gilchrist Mary Ross Female Walker John Male Bassendean
1932/6100066 Swan Walker John Male Gilchrist Mary Ross Female Bassendean
1932/6100067 Swan Newman Charles Edward Male Chadwick Lillian Mary Female Midland Junction
1932/6100067 Swan Chadwick Lillian Mary Female Newman Charles Edward Male Midland Junction
1932/6100068 Swan Challinder Henry Masterson George Male Naylor Betty Female Guildford
1932/6100068 Swan Naylor Betty Female Challinder Henry Masterson George Male Guildford
1932/6100069 Swan Hollamby Ivy Nellie Female Davis William Cyril Male Bassendean
1932/6100069 Swan Davis William Cyril Male Hollamby Ivy Nellie Female Bassendean
1932/6100070 Swan Huly Viola May Female Morrow Sydney William Male Guildford
1932/6100070 Swan Morrow Sydney William Male Huly Viola May Female Guildford
1932/6100071 Swan Nunn Ethel Elizabeth Female Brownrigg Percy William Male Midland Junction
1932/6100071 Swan Brownrigg Percy William Male Nunn Ethel Elizabeth Female Midland Junction
1932/6100072 Swan Bibby William Joseph Male Walker Winifred Elizabeth Female Midland Junction
1932/6100072 Swan Walker Winifred Elizabeth Female Bibby William Joseph Male Midland Junction
1932/6100073 Swan Pettit Irene May Female Ryan John Male Midland Junction
1932/6100073 Swan Ryan John Male Pettit Irene May Female Midland Junction
1932/6100074 Swan Hare Ellen Mary Female Duncan George Keith Male Midland Junction
1932/6100074 Swan Duncan George Keith Male Hare Ellen Mary Female Midland Junction
1932/6100075 Swan Pendlebury Dorothy Female Kirk Frank Gordon Male Bassendean
1932/6100075 Swan Kirk Frank Gordon Male Pendlebury Dorothy Female Bassendean
1932/6100076 Swan Dixon Doris Elsie Female Lovelock Eric Charles Male Guildford
1932/6100076 Swan Lovelock Eric Charles Male Dixon Doris Elsie Female Guildford
1932/6100077 Swan Yeates Bernard William Male Brooks Sylvia Myra Female Upper Swan
1932/6100077 Swan Brooks Sylvia Myra Female Yeates Bernard William Male Upper Swan
1932/6100078 Swan Ford Kathleen Female Carrick David Male East Guildford
1932/6100078 Swan Carrick David Male Ford Kathleen Female East Guildford
1932/6100079 Swan Webster Alma Female Innes Edward George Male Bassendean
1932/6100079 Swan Innes Edward George Male Webster Alma Female Bassendean
1932/6100080 Swan Knowler Georgina Emily Elizabeth Female Bennett Donald Alan Male East Guildford
1932/6100080 Swan Bennett Donald Alan Male Knowler Georgina Emily Elizabeth Female East Guildford
1932/6100081 Swan Smith Lillian Irene Female Shoobert Herbert Charles Male Mundaring
1932/6100081 Swan Shoobert Herbert Charles Male Smith Lillian Irene Female Mundaring
1932/6100082 Swan Stanley James Exeter Male Turner Jean Constance Female Midland Junction
1932/6100082 Swan Turner Jean Constance Female Stanley James Exeter Male Midland Junction
1932/6100083 Swan Blockey Pearl Edith Female Scott Arthur Cecil Male Midland Junction
1932/6100083 Swan Scott Arthur Cecil Male Blockey Pearl Edith Female Midland Junction
1932/6100084 Swan Leslie Adelaide Rose Female Purser Francis Joseph Sharman Male Guildford
1932/6100084 Swan Purser Francis Joseph Sharman Male Leslie Adelaide Rose Female Guildford
1932/6100085 Swan Bennie Jean Female Parker Ernest William Norman Male Guildford
1932/6100085 Swan Parker Ernest William Norman Male Bennie Jean Female Guildford
1932/6100086 Swan Wilson Rose Neilson Female O'garr Alan Male Guildford
1932/6100086 Swan O'garr Alan Male Wilson Rose Neilson Female Guildford
1932/6100087 Swan Popham Alice May Female Jeffery Kenneth Noel Male Guildford
1932/6100087 Swan Jeffery Kenneth Noel Male Popham Alice May Female Guildford
1932/6100088 Swan Abbey Kathleen Female McMurchy Peter Carse Male Midland Junction
1932/6100088 Swan McMurchy Peter Carse Male Abbey Kathleen Female Midland Junction
1932/6100089 Swan Rourke Lilian Elizabeth Female Dixon William Hugh Male Midland Junction
1932/6100089 Swan Dixon William Hugh Male Rourke Lilian Elizabeth Female Midland Junction
1932/6100090 Swan Bristow George Alfred James Male Smith Victoria May Female Bassendean
1932/6100090 Swan Smith Victoria May Female Bristow George Alfred James Male Bassendean
1932/6100091 Swan Chapman Wesley George Male Sharp Margaret Simpson Female Midland Junction
1932/6100091 Swan Sharp Margaret Simpson Female Chapman Wesley George Male Midland Junction
1932/6100092 Swan Danks Lucy Maud Female Wilding Charles Henry Male Midland Junction
1932/6100092 Swan Wilding Charles Henry Male Danks Lucy Maud Female Midland Junction
1932/6100093 Swan Reynolds Evelyn Sarah Marguerite Female Palmer Cyril Bryan Male Bassendean
1932/6100093 Swan Palmer Cyril Bryan Male Reynolds Evelyn Sarah Marguerite Female Bassendean
1932/6100094 Swan McKinnon Lachlan John Male Short Hazel Amy Maud Female Midland Junction
1932/6100094 Swan Short Hazel Amy Maud Female McKinnon Lachlan John Male Midland Junction
1932/6100095 Swan Gigney Stella Henrietta Female Taylor Arthur Male Midland Junction
1932/6100095 Swan Taylor Arthur Male Gigney Stella Henrietta Female Midland Junction
1932/6100096 Swan McSkene Daisy Female Cox Frederick John Male Midland Junction
1932/6100096 Swan Cox Frederick John Male McSkene Daisy Female Midland Junction
1932/6100097 Swan Brown William Male Morgan Elizabeth Morton Female Bassendean
1932/6100097 Swan Morgan Elizabeth Morton Female Brown William Male Bassendean
1932/6100098 Swan Patterson Arnold Edward Male Innes Hazel Evelyn Female Bassendean
1932/6100098 Swan Innes Hazel Evelyn Female Patterson Arnold Edward Male Bassendean
1932/6100099 Swan Elkins Gladys Jean Female Bain Donald Miller Male Bassendean
1932/6100099 Swan Bain Donald Miller Male Elkins Gladys Jean Female Bassendean
1932/6100100 Swan Turner Richard Keith Male Richardson Muriel Alice Female Midland Junction
1932/6100100 Swan Richardson Muriel Alice Female Turner Richard Keith Male Midland Junction
1932/6100101 Swan Bonwick Evelyn Clara Female Williamson Sam Male Midland Junction
1932/6100101 Swan Williamson Sam Male Bonwick Evelyn Clara Female Midland Junction
1932/6100102 Swan Williams Ivan George Male Topping Enid Muriel Female Guildford
1932/6100102 Swan Topping Enid Muriel Female Williams Ivan George Male Guildford
1932/6100103 Swan Willshire Florence Rhoda Female Dymond Walter James Male Midland Junction
1932/6100103 Swan Dymond Walter James Male Willshire Florence Rhoda Female Midland Junction
1932/6100104 Swan Gurnett Lionel George Male Osborn Olive May Female Guildford
1932/6100104 Swan Osborn Olive May Female Gurnett Lionel George Male Guildford
1932/6100105 Swan Dickman Daphne Nellie Female Wilson Eric Raymond Male Bellevue
1932/6100105 Swan Wilson Eric Raymond Male Dickman Daphne Nellie Female Bellevue
1932/6100106 Swan Dunsire Patrick Male Gibson Ida Kate Female Midland Junction
1932/6100106 Swan Gibson Ida Kate Female Dunsire Patrick Male Midland Junction
1932/6100107 Swan Beus Mary Female Udiljak Stivan Male Midland Junction
1932/6100107 Swan Udiljak Stivan Male Beus Mary Female Midland Junction
1932/6100108 Swan Pervan Ante Augustine Male Ilich Dori Female Midland Junction
1932/6100108 Swan Ilich Dori Female Pervan Ante Augustine Male Midland Junction
1932/6100109 Swan Brown William Mapleton Male Willmott Rosia Lillian Female Mundaring
1932/6100109 Swan Willmott Rosia Lillian Female Brown William Mapleton Male Mundaring
1932/6100110 Swan Gannon Clarice Gladys Female Quartermaine Harold Frank Male Mundaring
1932/6100110 Swan Quartermaine Harold Frank Male Gannon Clarice Gladys Female Mundaring
1932/6100111 Swan Arnold Leslie Baden Male Esom Ada Ellen Female Greenmount
1932/6100111 Swan Esom Ada Ellen Female Arnold Leslie Baden Male Greenmount
1932/6100112 Swan Beech Fanny Blanche Female Redman Charles Albert Male Parkerville
1932/6100112 Swan Redman Charles Albert Male Beech Fanny Blanche Female Parkerville
1932/6100113 Swan Oldfield Beatrice May Female Allen Arthur Edward Male Midland Junction
1932/6100113 Swan Allen Arthur Edward Male Oldfield Beatrice May Female Midland Junction
1932/6100114 Swan Gibson Ronald Eugene Male Morrison Phyllis May Female Glen Forrest
1932/6100114 Swan Morrison Phyllis May Female Gibson Ronald Eugene Male Glen Forrest
1932/6100115 Swan Simpson Mavis Female Spencer George Frederick Male Bellevue
1932/6100115 Swan Spencer George Frederick Male Simpson Mavis Female Bellevue
1932/6100116 Swan Crouch Mary Louise Female Templeman Kenneth Colin Male Midland Junction
1932/6100116 Swan Templeman Kenneth Colin Male Crouch Mary Louise Female Midland Junction
1932/6100117 Swan Champion Joseph Male Howie Agnes Barbara Female West Swan
1932/6100117 Swan Howie Agnes Barbara Female Champion Joseph Male West Swan
1932/6100118 Swan Arnold Albert George Male Lord Nancy Irene Female Greenmount
1932/6100118 Swan Lord Nancy Irene Female Arnold Albert George Male Greenmount
1932/6100119 Swan Nolan Cecil George Male Edmunds Henrietta Female Midland Junction
1932/6100119 Swan Edmunds Henrietta Female Nolan Cecil George Male Midland Junction
1932/6100120 Swan Ellis Leslie Richard Male Rowlands Mavis Female Guildford
1932/6100120 Swan Rowlands Mavis Female Ellis Leslie Richard Male Guildford
1932/6100121 Swan Hornblow William Thomas Male Isles Annie May Female Midland Junction
1932/6100121 Swan Isles Annie May Female Hornblow William Thomas Male Midland Junction
1932/6100122 Swan Burrows Edward John Male Wyss Nellie Rosina Female Midland Junction
1932/6100122 Swan Wyss Nellie Rosina Female Burrows Edward John Male Midland Junction
1932/6100123 Swan Smith Mary Helen Female Young Claude Arnold Male South Guildford
1932/6100123 Swan Young Claude Arnold Male Smith Mary Helen Female South Guildford
1932/6100124 Swan Warmaden William Male Shaw Minnie Female Guildford
1932/6100124 Swan Shaw Minnie Female Warmaden William Male Guildford
1932/6100125 Swan Burley Howard Samuel Male Horne Nellie Florence Female Upper Swan
1932/6100125 Swan Horne Nellie Florence Female Burley Howard Samuel Male Upper Swan
1932/6100126 Swan May Olive Female King James Bruce Male Bellevue
1932/6100126 Swan King James Bruce Male May Olive Female Bellevue
1932/6100127 Swan East Freda Female Boxhall Albert Male Midland Junction
1932/6100127 Swan Truslove Freeda Truslove Female Boxhall Albert Male Midland Junction
1932/6100127 Swan Truslove Freda Female Boxhall Albert Male Midland Junction
1932/6100127 Swan Boxhall Albert Male East Freeda Truslove Female Midland Junction
1932/6100127 Swan Boxhall Albert Male East Freda Female Midland Junction
1932/6100127 Swan Boxhall Albert Male Truslove Freeda Truslove Female Midland Junction
1932/6100127 Swan Boxhall Albert Male Truslove Freda Female Midland Junction
1932/6100127 Swan East Freeda Truslove Female Boxhall Albert Male Midland Junction
1932/6100128 Swan Hardwick Thelma Barbara Female Carroll John Denis Reginald Caldwell Male Guildford
1932/6100128 Swan Carroll John Denis Reginald Caldwell Male Hardwick Thelma Barbara Female Guildford
1932/6100129 Swan Cassels Leslie Male Catchpole Emma Myrtle Female Guildford
1932/6100129 Swan Catchpole Emma Myrtle Female Cassels Leslie Male Guildford
1932/6100130 Swan Horton Gladys Lilian Female Thompson Kenneth Barry Male Guildford
1932/6100130 Swan Thompson Kenneth Barry Male Horton Gladys Lilian Female Guildford
1932/6500001 Victoria Plains Frost Mabel Edith Female O'Dea Henry Male Calingiri
1932/6500001 Victoria Plains O'Dea Henry Male Frost Mabel Edith Female Calingiri
1932/6500002 Victoria Plains Byrne John Alfred Male Thompson Ellen Mary Female Calingiri
1932/6500002 Victoria Plains Thompson Ellen Mary Female Byrne John Alfred Male Calingiri
1932/6500003 Victoria Plains Taylor George Male Maher Julia Female New Norcia
1932/6500003 Victoria Plains Maher Julia Female Taylor George Male New Norcia
1932/6500004 Victoria Plains Morrell Sylvia Carlotta Female Warr Arthur Richard Male Wongan Hills
1932/6500004 Victoria Plains Warr Arthur Richard Male Morrell Sylvia Carlotta Female Wongan Hills
1932/6500005 Victoria Plains Thomson John Gillespie Male McGill Mary Female Calingiri
1932/6500005 Victoria Plains McGill Mary Female Thomson John Gillespie Male Calingiri
1933/6500006 Victoria Plains Ryder Mary Ceilia Female Laylan Sylvester Tim Male New Norcia
1933/6500006 Victoria Plains Laylan Sylvester Tim Male Ryder Mary Ceilia Female New Norcia
1933/6600001 Wellington Bodney William Male Armitage Melba Female Collie
1933/6600001 Wellington Armitage Melba Female Bodney William Male Collie
1933/6600002 Wellington Nettleton Christina Mary Female Best Joseph Leonard Leslie Male Donnybrook
1932/6600002 Wellington Berg Avice Edith Female Ballingall Arthur Frank Male Collie
1933/6600002 Wellington Best Joseph Leonard Leslie Male Nettleton Christina Mary Female Donnybrook
1932/6600002 Wellington Ballingall Arthur Frank Male Berg Avice Edith Female Collie
1933/6600003 Wellington Rodgers Elme Philomena Female Gibsone Theodore Hope Male Dardanup
1932/6600003 Wellington Lloyd John Walter Male Smith Elizabeth Jane Rebecca Female Bunbury
1933/6600003 Wellington Gibsone Theodore Hope Male Rodgers Elme Philomena Female Dardanup
1932/6600003 Wellington Smith Elizabeth Jane Rebecca Female Lloyd John Walter Male Bunbury
1933/6600005 Wellington Edwards Henry John Male Lanyon Silvina Ruby Female Harvey
1933/6600005 Wellington Lanyon Silvina Ruby Female Edwards Henry John Male Harvey
1933/6600006 Wellington Middleton Carrick May Female Dimond Cyril Manners Male Harvey
1932/6600006 Wellington Payne Lily Amy Female Payne Robert Melvile Male Bunbury
1932/6600006 Wellington Payne Robert Melvile Male Payne Lily Amy Female Bunbury
1933/6600006 Wellington Dimond Cyril Manners Male Middleton Carrick May Female Harvey
1933/6600007 Wellington Spice Thomas Edgar Male Pierce Thelma Alethea Cecilia Female Bunbury
1933/6600007 Wellington Pierce Thelma Alethea Cecilia Female Spice Thomas Edgar Male Bunbury
1932/6600008 Wellington Watling George Herbert Male Crimmins Mary Ada Female Bunbury
1932/6600008 Wellington Crimmins Mary Ada Female Watling George Herbert Male Bunbury
1932/6600009 Wellington McCarthy Stanley Hayward Male Attwood Elizabeth Norah Female Bunbury
1932/6600009 Wellington Attwood Elizabeth Norah Female McCarthy Stanley Hayward Male Bunbury
1932/6600010 Wellington Prowse George McNeilance Male Port Catherine Clara Female Donnybrook
1932/6600010 Wellington Port Catherine Clara Female Prowse George McNeilance Male Donnybrook
1932/6600011 Wellington Jenkins Charles Bernard Male Inkpen Muriel Doreen Female Bunbury
1932/6600011 Wellington Inkpen Muriel Doreen Female Jenkins Charles Bernard Male Bunbury
1932/6600012 Wellington Williams Emlyn Male Gardiner Mary Female Bunbury
1932/6600012 Wellington Gardiner Mary Female Williams Emlyn Male Bunbury
1932/6600013 Wellington Fogarty Claudius Geoffrey Male Darragh Phyllis Marion Female South Bunbury
1932/6600013 Wellington Darragh Phyllis Marion Female Fogarty Claudius Geoffrey Male South Bunbury
1932/6600014 Wellington Marshall Marjorie Female Bradbury Norrison Lloyd Coverdale Male Bunbury
1932/6600014 Wellington Bradbury Norrison Lloyd Coverdale Male Marshall Marjorie Female Bunbury
1933/6600014 Wellington McLaren George Forsyth Male Smith Elizabeth Grozier Female Collie
1933/6600014 Wellington Smith Elizabeth Grozier Female McLaren George Forsyth Male Collie
1932/6600015 Wellington Blacker Herbert Henry Male Mow Dorothy Irene Female Bunbury
1933/6600015 Wellington McLauchlan Alice Clair Female Gibbs Frank James Male Collie
1933/6600015 Wellington Gibbs Frank James Male McLauchlan Alice Clair Female Collie
1932/6600015 Wellington Mow Dorothy Irene Female Blacker Herbert Henry Male Bunbury
1932/6600016 Wellington Walker Esther Doris Female Teede Reginald Thomas Male Bunbury
1932/6600016 Wellington Teede Reginald Thomas Male Walker Esther Doris Female Bunbury
1932/6600017 Wellington Thompson Dorothy Female Mingonie George Male Bunbury
1932/6600017 Wellington Mingonie George Male Thompson Dorothy Female Bunbury
1932/6600018 Wellington Young Florence May Female Dore Ernest William Male Donnybrook
1932/6600018 Wellington Dore Ernest William Male Young Florence May Female Donnybrook
1932/6600019 Wellington Papchuck Daniel Male Hannan Annie Mabel Ester Female Collie
1932/6600019 Wellington Hannan Annie Mabel Ester Female Papchuck Daniel Male Collie
1932/6600020 Wellington Ackland John Allen Male Needham Theodora Female Collie
1932/6600020 Wellington Needham Theodora Female Ackland John Allen Male Collie
1932/6600021 Wellington Davies Hilda Female Smith Frederick John Male Collie
1932/6600021 Wellington Smith Frederick John Male Davies Hilda Female Collie
1932/6600022 Wellington Woods Ivy Mary Female Davies Daniel Kenneth Male Collie
1932/6600022 Wellington Davies Daniel Kenneth Male Woods Ivy Mary Female Collie
1932/6600025 Wellington Slattery Martin Joseph Male Atkins Frances Charlotte Female Collie
1932/6600025 Wellington Atkins Frances Charlotte Female Slattery Martin Joseph Male Collie
1932/6600026 Wellington Lloyd Annie Female Stewart Burns Robert Male South Bunbury
1932/6600026 Wellington Stewart Burns Robert Male Lloyd Annie Female South Bunbury
1932/6600027 Wellington Glen George Longley Male Johansson Olga Ada Female Bunbury
1932/6600027 Wellington Johansson Olga Ada Female Glen George Longley Male Bunbury
1932/6600028 Wellington Lavery Margaret Smith Female Bond Cyril Leonard Male Donnybrook
1932/6600028 Wellington Bond Cyril Leonard Male Lavery Margaret Smith Female Donnybrook
1932/6600029 Wellington Allan John King Adam Male McCubbing Jean Gover Female Bunbury
1932/6600029 Wellington McCubbing Jean Gover Female Allan John King Adam Male Bunbury
1932/6600030 Wellington McVee Louisa May Female Rushforth Herbert Ernest Male Bunbury
1932/6600030 Wellington Rushforth Herbert Ernest Male McVee Louisa May Female Bunbury
1932/6600031 Wellington Corker Kathleen Mary Female Greenhow Richard York Woollett Male Harvey
1932/6600031 Wellington Greenhow Richard York Woollett Male Corker Kathleen Mary Female Harvey
1932/6600032 Wellington Heenan Alice Maud Female Skerman Arthur Ernest Male Collie
1932/6600032 Wellington Skerman Arthur Ernest Male Heenan Alice Maud Female Collie
1932/6600033 Wellington Digwood Henry Male Constable Mary Ann Female Collie
1932/6600033 Wellington Constable Mary Ann Female Digwood Henry Male Collie
1932/6600034 Wellington Savage Sydney Edward Male Towells Ellen Amelia Female Bunbury
1932/6600034 Wellington Towells Ellen Amelia Female Savage Sydney Edward Male Bunbury
1932/6600035 Wellington Ireland Elizabeth Annie Female Galvin John Male Bunbury
1932/6600035 Wellington Galvin John Male Ireland Elizabeth Annie Female Bunbury
1932/6600036 Wellington Mountford George Male Elson Veronica Agnes Female Ferguson
1932/6600036 Wellington Elson Veronica Agnes Female Mountford George Male Ferguson
1932/6600037 Wellington Mableson Frederick William Male Wood Hilda Jessie May Female Donnybrook
1932/6600037 Wellington Wood Hilda Jessie May Female Mableson Frederick William Male Donnybrook
1932/6600038 Wellington Basile Antonio Male Travia Maria Female Bunbury
1932/6600038 Wellington Travia Maria Female Basile Antonio Male Bunbury
1932/6600039 Wellington McNab Margaret Female Brennan Maurice Male Donnybrook
1932/6600039 Wellington Brennan Maurice Male McNab Margaret Female Donnybrook
1932/6600040 Wellington Pilatti Maria Female Gelmi Gregorio Male Bunbury
1932/6600040 Wellington Gelmi Gregorio Male Pilatti Maria Female Bunbury
1932/6600041 Wellington Norman Alice Female Gibbs Henry Malcolm Male Dardanup
1932/6600041 Wellington Gibbs Henry Malcolm Male Norman Alice Female Dardanup
1932/6600042 Wellington Jones Lyall Charles Male Taylor Alma May Female Bunbury
1932/6600042 Wellington Taylor Alma May Female Jones Lyall Charles Male Bunbury
1932/6600043 Wellington Parkin Doris Female Mountford Frank Moyeking Male Bunbury
1932/6600043 Wellington Mountford Frank Moyeking Male Parkin Doris Female Bunbury
1932/6600044 Wellington Hutchesson Bessie May Female Ferguson Robert Anderson Male Bunbury
1932/6600044 Wellington Ferguson Robert Anderson Male Hutchesson Bessie May Female Bunbury
1932/6600045 Wellington Wood William Henry Male Le Guier Dulcie Female Bunbury
1932/6600045 Wellington Le Guier Dulcie Female Wood William Henry Male Bunbury
1932/6600046 Wellington Burnell Evelyn Thelma Female Stewart Charles Frank Male Bunbury
1932/6600046 Wellington Stewart Charles Frank Male Burnell Evelyn Thelma Female Bunbury
1932/6600047 Wellington Rodgers Charles Hunter Male King Dorothy May Female Collie
1932/6600047 Wellington King Dorothy May Female Rodgers Charles Hunter Male Collie
1932/6600048 Wellington Hutchins Arthur John Male Roberts Bovera Female Donnybrook
1932/6600048 Wellington Roberts Bovera Female Hutchins Arthur John Male Donnybrook
1932/6600049 Wellington Dring Charles William Male Alfieri Doris Jessie Female Collie
1932/6600049 Wellington Alfieri Doris Jessie Female Dring Charles William Male Collie
1932/6600050 Wellington Spice Frances Edith Female Partridge Edgar Male Collie
1932/6600050 Wellington Partridge Edgar Male Spice Frances Edith Female Collie
1932/6600051 Wellington Slater George Male Davies Edna Female Collie
1932/6600051 Wellington Davies Edna Female Slater George Male Collie
1932/6600052 Wellington Pilatti John Male Collins Grace Alice Female Collie
1932/6600052 Wellington Collins Grace Alice Female Pilatti John Male Collie
1932/6600053 Wellington Fairbridge John Robert Male Goltz Ellen Elizabeth Female Collie
1932/6600053 Wellington Goltz Ellen Elizabeth Female Fairbridge John Robert Male Collie
1932/6600054 Wellington Rees Gladys Rhoda Female Waywood Colin Lindsay Male Bunbury
1932/6600054 Wellington Waywood Colin Lindsay Male Rees Gladys Rhoda Female Bunbury
1932/6600055 Wellington Cain Aubrey James Male Leach Muriel Freda Female Donnybrook
1932/6600055 Wellington Leach Muriel Freda Female Cain Aubrey James Male Donnybrook
1932/6600056 Wellington McKercher David Jack Male Austen Jessie Olive Female Bunbury
1932/6600056 Wellington Austen Jessie Olive Female McKercher David Jack Male Bunbury
1932/6600057 Wellington Moulsdale John Russell Male White Ethel Jean Female Bunbury
1932/6600057 Wellington White Ethel Jean Female Moulsdale John Russell Male Bunbury
1932/6600058 Wellington Bade Rose Female Forrest Archibald Mitchell Male Bunbury
1932/6600058 Wellington Forrest Archibald Mitchell Male Bade Rose Female Bunbury
1932/6600059 Wellington Ganfield Mary Agnes Female Britza George Ditlev Male Dardanup
1932/6600059 Wellington Britza George Ditlev Male Ganfield Mary Agnes Female Dardanup
1932/6600061 Wellington Meechan Catherine Female Earl Stanley Ernest Male Collie
1932/6600061 Wellington Earl Stanley Ernest Male Meechan Catherine Female Collie
1932/6600062 Wellington Slattery Mortough Male Woods Sarah Elizabeth Female Collie
1932/6600062 Wellington Woods Sarah Elizabeth Female Slattery Mortough Male Collie
1932/6600063 Wellington Quinn William Male Walker Elsie Female Collie
1932/6600063 Wellington Walker Elsie Female Quinn William Male Collie
1932/6600064 Wellington Sherrard Olwynn Valma Female Larney Laurence Leo Male Collie
1932/6600064 Wellington Larney Laurence Leo Male Sherrard Olwynn Valma Female Collie
1932/6600065 Wellington Torr Una Ruth Female Scott Alec Campbell Male Bunbury
1932/6600065 Wellington Scott Alec Campbell Male Torr Una Ruth Female Bunbury
1932/6600066 Wellington Callahan Dorothy Female Higgins Michael Walter Male Bunbury
1932/6600066 Wellington Higgins Michael Walter Male Callahan Dorothy Female Bunbury
1932/6600067 Wellington McDonald Alice Christina Female Houston John William Nelson Male Bunbury
1932/6600067 Wellington Houston John William Nelson Male McDonald Alice Christina Female Bunbury
1932/6600068 Wellington Dillon Helen Mary Female Taylor David William Montgomery Male Bunbury
1932/6600068 Wellington Taylor David William Montgomery Male Dillon Helen Mary Female Bunbury
1932/6600069 Wellington Reid Agnes Cuthbertson Female Ward Bernard Alfred Male Bunbury
1932/6600069 Wellington Ward Bernard Alfred Male Reid Agnes Cuthbertson Female Bunbury
1932/6600070 Wellington Young Hazel Noreen Female Smedley Cyril Francis Male Boyanup
1932/6600070 Wellington Smedley Cyril Francis Male Young Hazel Noreen Female Boyanup
1932/6600071 Wellington Becher Winifred Mary Female Parker John Edward Male Harvey
1932/6600071 Wellington Parker John Edward Male Becher Winifred Mary Female Harvey
1932/6600072 Wellington Grieves Doris Evelyn Female Haigh Alexander George Male Harvey
1932/6600072 Wellington Haigh Alexander George Male Grieves Doris Evelyn Female Harvey
1932/6600073 Wellington Towler Ronald Ernest Male Kindred Emily May Female Bunbury
1932/6600073 Wellington Kindred Emily May Female Towler Ronald Ernest Male Bunbury
1932/6600074 Wellington Ireland Florence Letitica Female Goldsworthy Albert Clarence Male Collie
1932/6600074 Wellington Goldsworthy Albert Clarence Male Ireland Florence Letitica Female Collie
1932/6600075 Wellington Fearn Sarah Female Bentley Francis Male Collie
1932/6600075 Wellington Bentley Francis Male Fearn Sarah Female Collie
1932/6600076 Wellington Wardell-Johnson Cecil Male English Eileen Joce Female Collie
1932/6600076 Wellington English Eileen Joce Female Wardell-Johnson Cecil Male Collie
1932/6600077 Wellington Riches Olive Marie Female Mitchell John Taylor Male Bunbury
1932/6600077 Wellington Mitchell John Taylor Male Riches Olive Marie Female Bunbury
1932/6600078 Wellington Hartnett Thomas Henry Male Roberts Irene Nora Female Donnybrook
1932/6600078 Wellington Roberts Irene Nora Female Hartnett Thomas Henry Male Donnybrook
1932/6600079 Wellington Reading Benjamin Walter Male Delaney Winifred Eva Female Bunbury
1932/6600079 Wellington Delaney Winifred Eva Female Reading Benjamin Walter Male Bunbury
1932/6600080 Wellington Hicks Walter Male Thomson Margaret Blythe Female Collie
1932/6600080 Wellington Thomson Margaret Blythe Female Hicks Walter Male Collie
1932/6600081 Wellington Back Ernest Vivian Male Grapes Lilian May Female South Bunbury
1932/6600081 Wellington Grapes Lilian May Female Back Ernest Vivian Male South Bunbury
1932/6600082 Wellington Eakin Henry William Bullen Male Leach Effie Hilda Female Donnybrook
1932/6600082 Wellington Leach Effie Hilda Female Eakin Henry William Bullen Male Donnybrook
1932/6600083 Wellington Buckle David Male Nichols Violet Rose Female Bunbury
1932/6600083 Wellington Nichols Violet Rose Female Buckle David Male Bunbury
1932/6600084 Wellington Lyons Cecily Agnes Female Wiseman Frederick Ernest Male Bunbury
1932/6600084 Wellington Wiseman Frederick Ernest Male Lyons Cecily Agnes Female Bunbury
1932/6600085 Wellington Simpson Harold Male Gilmour Mary Jessie McCallum Campbell Female Bunbury
1932/6600085 Wellington Gilmour Mary Jessie McCallum Campbell Female Simpson Harold Male Bunbury
1932/6600086 Wellington Eaton Mary Dorothea Annie Female Payne Norman Roy Male Boyanup
1932/6600086 Wellington Payne Norman Roy Male Eaton Mary Dorothea Annie Female Boyanup
1932/6600087 Wellington Munro Olive Eliza Female Waters Frederick Archibald Male Bunbury
1932/6600087 Wellington Waters Frederick Archibald Male Munro Olive Eliza Female Bunbury
1932/6600088 Wellington Murray George Male Ballingall Daisy Mary Female Collie
1932/6600088 Wellington Ballingall Daisy Mary Female Murray George Male Collie
1932/6600089 Wellington Crews Cyril Frederick Male Corbett Lillian Beryl Female Bunbury
1932/6600089 Wellington Corbett Lillian Beryl Female Crews Cyril Frederick Male Bunbury
1932/6600090 Wellington Franke Leslie Charles Male Hicks Louisa Female Collie
1932/6600090 Wellington Hicks Louisa Female Franke Leslie Charles Male Collie
1932/6600091 Wellington Brown James Male Owen Nellie Evelyn Female Bunbury
1932/6600091 Wellington Owen Nellie Evelyn Female Brown James Male Bunbury
1932/6600092 Wellington Blechynden Gladys Agnes Female Chapman Allen James Male Roelands
1932/6600092 Wellington Chapman Allen James Male Blechynden Gladys Agnes Female Roelands
1932/6600093 Wellington Lilleyman Paul Edgar Male Scott Helen Female Collie
1932/6600093 Wellington Scott Helen Female Lilleyman Paul Edgar Male Collie
1932/6600094 Wellington Kelly James Lyell Male Bell Annie Female Collie
1932/6600094 Wellington Bell Annie Female Kelly James Lyell Male Collie
1932/6600095 Wellington Brennan Kathleen Alice Female Brady Peter David Male Collie
1932/6600095 Wellington Brady Peter David Male Brennan Kathleen Alice Female Collie
1932/6600096 Wellington Alexander Mabel Earl Female Meldrum Robert Male Bunbury
1932/6600096 Wellington Meldrum Robert Male Alexander Mabel Earl Female Bunbury
1932/6600097 Wellington Fennell Winifred Gladys Female Delaporte Raymond William Male Bunbury
1932/6600097 Wellington Delaporte Raymond William Male Fennell Winifred Gladys Female Bunbury
1932/6600098 Wellington Williams Thelma Frances Vivian Female White Cyril Patrick Male Bunbury
1932/6600098 Wellington White Cyril Patrick Male Williams Thelma Frances Vivian Female Bunbury
1932/6600099 Wellington Le Guier James Richmond Male Depiazzi Sylvia Female Bunbury
1932/6600099 Wellington Depiazzi Sylvia Female Le Guier James Richmond Male Bunbury
1932/6600100 Wellington Hughes Albert Frederick Male McCamish Annie Female Bunbury
1932/6600100 Wellington McCamish Annie Female Hughes Albert Frederick Male Bunbury
1932/6600101 Wellington Jones David Male Barnett Margaret Female Collie
1932/6600101 Wellington Barnett Margaret Female Jones David Male Collie
1932/6600102 Wellington Griffiths Jean Isabella Maud Female McCamish George Male Collie
1932/6600102 Wellington McCamish George Male Griffiths Jean Isabella Maud Female Collie
1932/6600103 Wellington Trigwell Hazel Jean Female Hancock Alexander David Male Donnybrook
1932/6600103 Wellington Hancock Alexander David Male Trigwell Hazel Jean Female Donnybrook
1932/6600104 Wellington Clarke Sarah Ann Female Meade Joseph William Male Collie
1932/6600104 Wellington Meade Joseph William Male Clarke Sarah Ann Female Collie
1932/6600105 Wellington Howie Walter Anthony Male Alcorn Jessie Matilda Female Collie
1932/6600105 Wellington Alcorn Jessie Matilda Female Howie Walter Anthony Male Collie
1932/6600106 Wellington Lamming Catherine Female Little Edward Ross Male Capel
1932/6600106 Wellington Little Edward Ross Male Lamming Catherine Female Capel
1932/6600107 Wellington Murray Leslie James Male Wilson Ethel Anna Female Bunbury
1932/6600107 Wellington Wilson Ethel Anna Female Murray Leslie James Male Bunbury
1932/6600108 Wellington Kershaw William Henry Male King Maude Eveline Female Collie
1932/6600108 Wellington King Maude Eveline Female Kershaw William Henry Male Collie
1932/6600109 Wellington Lynch Margaret Female Atherton Frank Male Bunbury
1932/6600109 Wellington Atherton Frank Male Lynch Margaret Female Bunbury
1932/6600110 Wellington Dillon Mervyn Richard Male Nawell Clare Annie Female Harvey
1932/6600110 Wellington Nawell Clare Annie Female Dillon Mervyn Richard Male Harvey
1932/6600111 Wellington Leach Vernon John Male Simmons Esther Maude Female Boranup
1932/6600111 Wellington Simmons Esther Maude Female Leach Vernon John Male Boranup
1932/6600112 Wellington Chalmers Sydney Wood Male Mow Myrtle Eileen Female Bunbury
1932/6600112 Wellington Mow Myrtle Eileen Female Chalmers Sydney Wood Male Bunbury
1932/6600113 Wellington Ivey Ernest Henry Male Cunningham Margaret Mary Female Bunbury
1932/6600113 Wellington Cunningham Margaret Mary Female Ivey Ernest Henry Male Bunbury
1932/6600114 Wellington Gould Eva Christina Mary Female Barker Arthur John Male Bunbury
1932/6600114 Wellington Barker Arthur John Male Gould Eva Christina Mary Female Bunbury
1932/6600115 Wellington Scott James Male Cross Edna Grace Female South Bunbury
1932/6600115 Wellington Cross Edna Grace Female Scott James Male South Bunbury
1932/6600116 Wellington Davis Nellie Female Bowles Walter Francis Male Bunbury
1932/6600116 Wellington Bowles Walter Francis Male Davis Nellie Female Bunbury
1932/6600117 Wellington North Maxwell Walker Male Chapman Eva Female Preston
1932/6600117 Wellington Chapman Eva Female North Maxwell Walker Male Preston
1932/6600118 Wellington Kirsch Maggie Louisa Douglas Female Sharp Cyril Denton Male Thomson's Brook
1932/6600118 Wellington Sharp Cyril Denton Male Kirsch Maggie Louisa Douglas Female Thomson's Brook
1932/6600119 Wellington Valli Domenic Bert Male Franklin Edna Female Bunbury
1932/6600119 Wellington Franklin Edna Female Valli Domenic Bert Male Bunbury
1932/6600120 Wellington Thomas Esme Lillian Female Cook Samuel William Male Collie
1932/6600120 Wellington Cook Samuel William Male Thomas Esme Lillian Female Collie
1932/6600121 Wellington Irvine Eva Marie Female Miller David Emmerson Male Donnybrook
1932/6600121 Wellington Miller David Emmerson Male Irvine Eva Marie Female Donnybrook
1932/6600122 Wellington Smith Stanley Arthur Male Davis Margaret Ann Female Bunbury
1932/6600122 Wellington Davis Margaret Ann Female Smith Stanley Arthur Male Bunbury
1932/6600123 Wellington Gibson James Carruther Male Wimbridge Edith Maay Female Picton Junction
1932/6600123 Wellington Wimbridge Edith Maay Female Gibson James Carruther Male Picton Junction
1932/6600124 Wellington Sturtridge Esther Frances Female Larking Percy Male Collie
1932/6600124 Wellington Larking Percy Male Sturtridge Esther Frances Female Collie
1932/6600125 Wellington Davies Gwenllian Female Quinn Albert William Henry Male Collie
1932/6600125 Wellington Quinn Albert William Henry Male Davies Gwenllian Female Collie
1932/6600126 Wellington Charles Jane Female Viney Robert Roy Male Bunbury
1932/6600126 Wellington Viney Robert Roy Male Charles Jane Female Bunbury
1932/6600127 Wellington Elliott Evelyn Ida Female Bartlett Norman Male Donnybrook
1932/6600127 Wellington Bartlett Norman Male Elliott Evelyn Ida Female Donnybrook
1932/6600128 Wellington Digwood Lucy May Female Taylor George William Male Collie
1932/6600128 Wellington Taylor George William Male Digwood Lucy May Female Collie
1932/6600129 Wellington Atkins Winifred Doreen Female Mills Frederick Male Bunbury
1932/6600129 Wellington Mills Frederick Male Atkins Winifred Doreen Female Bunbury
1932/6600130 Wellington MacDonald Peter Male Newell Jean Olive Female Bunbury
1932/6600130 Wellington Newell Jean Olive Female MacDonald Peter Male Bunbury
1932/6600131 Wellington Sheppard Beatrice Joyce Female McLaren David John Male Bunbury
1932/6600131 Wellington McLaren David John Male Sheppard Beatrice Joyce Female Bunbury
1932/6600132 Wellington Gibson Clarice May Amelia Female Riches Henry John Male South Bunbury
1932/6600132 Wellington Riches Henry John Male Gibson Clarice May Amelia Female South Bunbury
1932/6600133 Wellington Pickersgill Elsie Beryl Female Howard Edgar Joseph Male South Bunbury
1932/6600133 Wellington Howard Edgar Joseph Male Pickersgill Elsie Beryl Female South Bunbury
1932/6600134 Wellington Valli Louis Victor Male Goddard Olive May Female Bunbury
1932/6600134 Wellington Goddard Olive May Female Valli Louis Victor Male Bunbury
1932/6600135 Wellington Parsons Eric George Male Lawson Jean Female Collie
1932/6600135 Wellington Lawson Jean Female Parsons Eric George Male Collie
1932/6600136 Wellington Parke Jesse Lilburne Male Gemmell Violet Jean Nellie Female Argyle
1932/6600136 Wellington Gemmell Violet Jean Nellie Female Parke Jesse Lilburne Male Argyle
1932/6600137 Wellington McSweeney Rita Mildred Female Oakley Harold Hector Male Collie
1932/6600137 Wellington Oakley Harold Hector Male McSweeney Rita Mildred Female Collie
1932/6600138 Wellington Thomas Gwenllian Ann Female Herbert Lyle James Male Collie
1932/6600138 Wellington Herbert Lyle James Male Thomas Gwenllian Ann Female Collie
1932/6600139 Wellington Rothnie Agnes Female Pool Eric James Male Collie
1932/6600139 Wellington Pool Eric James Male Rothnie Agnes Female Collie
1932/6600140 Wellington Williams Brinley John Male Joseph Hilda Irene Female Bunbury
1932/6600140 Wellington Joseph Hilda Irene Female Williams Brinley John Male Bunbury
1932/6600141 Wellington Kindred Gladys Mary Female Towler Leslie Austin Male Bunbury
1932/6600141 Wellington Towler Leslie Austin Male Kindred Gladys Mary Female Bunbury
1932/6600142 Wellington Harnett Henry Patrick Male McCamish Hester Irene Female Collie
1932/6600142 Wellington McCamish Hester Irene Female Harnett Henry Patrick Male Collie
1932/6600143 Wellington Shaw Alfred Thomas Male Kelly Dorothy Rose Female Bunbury
1932/6600143 Wellington Kelly Dorothy Rose Female Shaw Alfred Thomas Male Bunbury
1932/6600144 Wellington Marston Annie Lilian Female Morgan William Alfred Male Brunswick Junction
1932/6600144 Wellington Morgan William Alfred Male Marston Annie Lilian Female Brunswick Junction
1932/6600145 Wellington Le-Nepvea Ella Inglis Female Glover Robert George Male Donnybrook
1932/6600145 Wellington Glover Robert George Male Le-Nepvea Ella Inglis Female Donnybrook
1932/6600146 Wellington Robins Archibald Samuel Male Henry Rosetta Female Bunbury
1932/6600146 Wellington Henry Rosetta Female Robins Archibald Samuel Male Bunbury
1932/6600147 Wellington Dunstan Dick Elijah Male Healy Irene Lillian Female South Bunbury
1932/6600147 Wellington Healy Irene Lillian Female Dunstan Dick Elijah Male South Bunbury
1932/6600148 Wellington Leitch Elsie Doreen Female Johnston Joseph Frederick Alexander Male Harvey
1932/6600148 Wellington Johnston Joseph Frederick Alexander Male Leitch Elsie Doreen Female Harvey
1932/6700001 Williams Kelly Terence William Male Smith Hilda May Female Narrogin
1932/6700001 Williams Smith Hilda May Female Kelly Terence William Male Narrogin
1932/6700002 Williams Lodding Joseph Henry Male Kelly Frances Female Narrogin
1932/6700002 Williams Kelly Frances Female Lodding Joseph Henry Male Narrogin
1932/6700003 Williams Elliot Mabel Female McKenna Ivan Charles Male Narrogin
1932/6700003 Williams McKenna Ivan Charles Male Elliot Mabel Female Narrogin
1932/6700004 Williams Modra Adelene Ruth Female Pauley Edward William Male Narrogin
1932/6700004 Williams Pauley Edward William Male Modra Adelene Ruth Female Narrogin
1932/6700005 Williams Higgins Katie Mary Female Cowcher Augustus Robert Male Narrogin
1932/6700005 Williams Cowcher Augustus Robert Male Higgins Katie Mary Female Narrogin
1932/6700006 Williams Borthwick Margaret Alison Female Plant Clifford Alfred James Male Narrogin
1932/6700006 Williams Plant Clifford Alfred James Male Borthwick Margaret Alison Female Narrogin
1932/6700007 Williams McNevin Ian Frederick Lionel Male Rogers Frances Minnie Ivy Moir Female Narrogin
1932/6700007 Williams Rogers Frances Minnie Ivy Moir Female McNevin Ian Frederick Lionel Male Narrogin
1932/6700008 Williams Kemp Iris Grace Female Webb Frank Edward Wellington Male Narrogin
1932/6700008 Williams Webb Frank Edward Wellington Male Kemp Iris Grace Female Narrogin
1932/6700009 Williams Mitchell Florence Lavinia Female Evans James Arthur Male Narrogin
1932/6700009 Williams Evans James Arthur Male Mitchell Florence Lavinia Female Narrogin
1932/6700010 Williams Chalmers Harry Male Somerville Jean Helena Female Narrogin
1932/6700010 Williams Somerville Jean Helena Female Chalmers Harry Male Narrogin
1932/6700011 Williams Greatorex Michael Walter Seton Male Scott Dawn Elizabeth Female Narrogin
1932/6700011 Williams Scott Dawn Elizabeth Female Greatorex Michael Walter Seton Male Narrogin
1932/6700012 Williams Link Charles Nicholas Male Virgin Florence Linda Female West Narrogin
1932/6700012 Williams Virgin Florence Linda Female Link Charles Nicholas Male West Narrogin
1932/6700013 Williams Sharman Frederick Allen Male Seaman Jean Phydella Female Kulin
1932/6700013 Williams Seaman Jean Phydella Female Sharman Frederick Allen Male Kulin
1932/6700014 Williams Wilson Rhoda Annie Female Duncan Alfred Wallace Male Narrogin
1932/6700014 Williams Duncan Alfred Wallace Male Wilson Rhoda Annie Female Narrogin
1932/6700015 Williams Hawksley Marjorie Alice Female Giles Raymond Clifford Male Narrogin
1932/6700015 Williams Giles Raymond Clifford Male Hawksley Marjorie Alice Female Narrogin
1932/6700016 Williams Quaife Ivy Myrtle Female Hilson Francis John Moore Male Narrogin
1932/6700016 Williams Hilson Francis John Moore Male Quaife Ivy Myrtle Female Narrogin
1932/6700017 Williams Mason Walter Male Argent Ruby Emily Female Lake Grace
1932/6700017 Williams Argent Ruby Emily Female Mason Walter Male Lake Grace
1932/6700018 Williams Watkins Ernest George Male Ahrens Mary Matilda Female Narrogin
1932/6700018 Williams Ahrens Mary Matilda Female Watkins Ernest George Male Narrogin
1932/6700019 Williams George Jeffrey Arthur Male Fairhead Johanna Dorothy Phillis Female Narrogin
1932/6700019 Williams Fairhead Johanna Dorothy Phillis Female George Jeffrey Arthur Male Narrogin
1932/6700020 Williams Pinchin Frank George Male Stacey Florence Annette Female Tarin Rock
1932/6700020 Williams Stacey Florence Annette Female Pinchin Frank George Male Tarin Rock
1932/6700021 Williams Aubert Ruby Laura Female Ahrens Adolph Herman Male Narrogin
1932/6700021 Williams Ahrens Adolph Herman Male Aubert Ruby Laura Female Narrogin
1932/6700022 Williams Guttrey George Male Page Ivy Clarice Female Williams
1932/6700022 Williams Page Ivy Clarice Female Guttrey George Male Williams
1932/6700023 Williams Doney James Horace Male Hosking Lavinia Bertha Female Narrogin
1932/6700023 Williams Hosking Lavinia Bertha Female Doney James Horace Male Narrogin
1932/6700024 Williams Dosek Mary Theresa Female Wallis Leonard Charles Male Narrogin
1932/6700024 Williams Wallis Leonard Charles Male Dosek Mary Theresa Female Narrogin
1932/6700025 Williams Pollard William Keith Male Strickland Letitia May Female Dardadine
1932/6700025 Williams Strickland Letitia May Female Pollard William Keith Male Dardadine
1932/6700026 Williams Bedford Marjorie Florence Female Hagglow Otto Edwin Male Narrogin
1932/6700026 Williams Hagglow Otto Edwin Male Bedford Marjorie Florence Female Narrogin
1932/6700027 Williams Lyall James Smith Male Howard Jessie Lilian Female Lake Grace
1932/6700027 Williams Howard Jessie Lilian Female Lyall James Smith Male Lake Grace
1932/6700028 Williams Downes Mona Edith Florence Female Edwards Albert Henry Lowson Male Lake Grace
1932/6700028 Williams Edwards Albert Henry Lowson Male Downes Mona Edith Florence Female Lake Grace
1932/6700029 Williams Branley John Edward Male Scally Theresa Kathleen Female Jitarning
1932/6700029 Williams Scally Theresa Kathleen Female Branley John Edward Male Jitarning
1932/6700030 Williams Watts Walter Benjamin Parsons Male Stevens Evelyn Ethelstone Female Wickepin
1932/6700030 Williams Stevens Evelyn Ethelstone Female Watts Walter Benjamin Parsons Male Wickepin
1932/6700031 Williams Wilson William Male Dewar Jane Female Lake Grace
1932/6700031 Williams Dewar Jane Female Wilson William Male Lake Grace
1932/6700032 Williams Smyth Vida Grace Female Steddy Walter Thomas Male Williams
1932/6700032 Williams Steddy Walter Thomas Male Smyth Vida Grace Female Williams
1932/6700033 Williams York Lucinda Sarah Female Wallace William Henry Male Narrogin
1932/6700033 Williams Wallace William Henry Male York Lucinda Sarah Female Narrogin
1932/6700034 Williams Abbott John Thomas Male Menzies Dorcas Mary Female Narrogin
1932/6700034 Williams Menzies Dorcas Mary Female Abbott John Thomas Male Narrogin
1932/6700035 Williams Mead Olive Beryl Female Page Cecil Malvern Male Narrogin
1932/6700035 Williams Page Cecil Malvern Male Mead Olive Beryl Female Narrogin
1932/6700036 Williams Morris Muriel Frances Female Edwards Henry Wilfred Male Narrogin
1932/6700036 Williams Edwards Henry Wilfred Male Morris Muriel Frances Female Narrogin
1932/6700037 Williams Fletcher John Francis Sydney Male Reed Elvie Female Williams
1932/6700037 Williams Reed Elvie Female Fletcher John Francis Sydney Male Williams
1932/6700038 Williams Morton William Kerr Male Kerr Mary Isobel Female Lake Grace
1932/6700038 Williams Kerr Mary Isobel Female Morton William Kerr Male Lake Grace
1932/6700039 Williams Jarman Ella Elizabeth Female Howard Reginald Frank Male Lake Grace
1932/6700039 Williams Howard Reginald Frank Male Jarman Ella Elizabeth Female Lake Grace
1932/6900001 Yalgoo Medwin Lilian Elizabeth Female Johns Mervyn Murchison Male Yalgoo
1932/6900001 Yalgoo Johns Mervyn Murchison Male Medwin Lilian Elizabeth Female Yalgoo
1932/6900002 Yalgoo Dunstan Edward Oscar Albert Male McKenzie Amelia Female Yalgoo
1932/6900002 Yalgoo Dunstan Edward Oscar Albert Male Minnie Amelia Female Yalgoo
1932/6900002 Yalgoo McKenzie Amelia Female Dunstan Edward Oscar Albert Male Yalgoo
1932/6900002 Yalgoo Minnie Amelia Female Dunstan Edward Oscar Albert Male Yalgoo
1933/7000001 Yilgarn Mott Alexander Arthur Male Hudson Ray Female Westonia
1933/7000001 Yilgarn Hudson Ray Female Mott Alexander Arthur Male Westonia
1932/7000001 Yilgarn Dunstan Winifred Jean Female Seddon Harold Male Southern Cross
1932/7000001 Yilgarn Seddon Harold Male Dunstan Winifred Jean Female Southern Cross
1932/7000002 Yilgarn McCarthy Justin Jeremiah Male O'Leary Mary Agnes Female Westonia
1932/7000002 Yilgarn O'Leary Mary Agnes Female McCarthy Justin Jeremiah Male Westonia
1932/7000003 Yilgarn Kenyon Cecil Lionel Male Garland Gertrude Elizabeth Female Southern Cross
1932/7000003 Yilgarn Garland Gertrude Elizabeth Female Kenyon Cecil Lionel Male Southern Cross
1932/7000004 Yilgarn Doran Edward John Male Wilmot Doris May Female Southern Cross
1932/7000004 Yilgarn Wilmot Doris May Female Doran Edward John Male Southern Cross
1932/7000005 Yilgarn McLean Adam Male Russell Enid Emmeline Female Southern Cross
1932/7000005 Yilgarn Russell Enid Emmeline Female McLean Adam Male Southern Cross
1932/7000006 Yilgarn Puddey Ethel Gordon Female Kent Harry Alwyn Male Southern Cross
1932/7000006 Yilgarn Kent Harry Alwyn Male Puddey Ethel Gordon Female Southern Cross
1932/7000007 Yilgarn Della Bosca Emilia Female Borona Lawrence Male Southern Cross
1932/7000007 Yilgarn Borona Lawrence Male Della Bosca Emilia Female Southern Cross
1932/7000008 Yilgarn Johnson Ethel Kathleen May Female Farr Arthur Male Southern Cross
1932/7000008 Yilgarn Farr Arthur Male Johnson Ethel Kathleen May Female Southern Cross
1932/7000009 Yilgarn Allen Lila Mary Heathcot Female Bija Noel Augustine Joseph Male Southern Cross
1932/7000009 Yilgarn Bija Noel Augustine Joseph Male Allen Lila Mary Heathcot Female Southern Cross
1932/7000010 Yilgarn Hudson Isabel Maude Female Perrin Montagu Guy Male Southern Cross
1932/7000010 Yilgarn Perrin Montagu Guy Male Hudson Isabel Maude Female Southern Cross
1932/7000011 Yilgarn Pringle James Milne Male Roberts Ada Mary Female Bullfinch
1932/7000011 Yilgarn Roberts Ada Mary Female Pringle James Milne Male Bullfinch
1932/7000012 Yilgarn Johnston Irma Vera Clare Female Moore John Walter Male Hyden Rock
1932/7000012 Yilgarn Moore John Walter Male Johnston Irma Vera Clare Female Hyden Rock
1932/7000013 Yilgarn Keele Stella Mary Female Poseni Jack Male Marvel Lock
1932/7000013 Yilgarn Poseni Jack Male Keele Stella Mary Female Marvel Lock
1932/7000014 Yilgarn Lee Geoffrey Selwyn Male McMahon Doreen Elsie Female Westonia
1932/7000014 Yilgarn McMahon Doreen Elsie Female Lee Geoffrey Selwyn Male Westonia
1932/7000015 Yilgarn André Christian Henry Male Henderson Annie Josephine Female Southern Cross
1932/7000015 Yilgarn Henderson Annie Josephine Female André Christian Henry Male Southern Cross
1932/7000016 Yilgarn Lowdon John Stanley Male Chadwick Catherine Cecilia Female Southern Cross
1932/7000016 Yilgarn Chadwick Catherine Cecilia Female Lowdon John Stanley Male Southern Cross
1932/7000017 Yilgarn Pilgrim Walter Frederick Male Horton Priscilla Mary Female Westonia
1932/7000017 Yilgarn Horton Priscilla Mary Female Pilgrim Walter Frederick Male Westonia
1932/7000018 Yilgarn Leach Charles Dennington Male King Edna Laura Female Walgoolan
1932/7000018 Yilgarn King Edna Laura Female Leach Charles Dennington Male Walgoolan
1932/7000019 Yilgarn Melrose Robert George Douglas Male Peterkin Mary Roy Female Southern Cross
1932/7000019 Yilgarn Peterkin Mary Roy Female Melrose Robert George Douglas Male Southern Cross
1932/7100001 York Turner Alfred Hall Male Bishop Emma Evelyn Female York
1932/7100001 York Bishop Emma Evelyn Female Turner Alfred Hall Male York
1932/7100002 York McMullen Joseph Male Wake Lorna Lillian May Female York
1932/7100002 York Wake Lorna Lillian May Female McMullen Joseph Male York
1932/7100003 York Pyke Leanard Male Jones Lorna Female York
1932/7100003 York Jones Lorna Female Pyke Leanard Male York
1932/7100004 York Kindelan Grace Mary Female Hooper Joseph Male York
1932/7100004 York Hooper Joseph Male Kindelan Grace Mary Female York
1932/7100005 York Bloom Alice Mary Female Cook Edgar Vernon Andrew Male York
1932/7100005 York Cook Edgar Vernon Andrew Male Bloom Alice Mary Female York
1932/7100006 York Ryan Joseph Bernard Male Jacobs Isobel Female York
1932/7100006 York Jacobs Isobel Female Ryan Joseph Bernard Male York
1932/7100007 York McKay Ivan Alwyn Male Matthews Phyllis May Female York
1932/7100007 York Matthews Phyllis May Female McKay Ivan Alwyn Male York
1932/7100008 York Sims William Male Kent Janet Female York
1932/7100008 York Kent Janet Female Sims William Male York
1932/7100009 York Endersby Pearl Female Waghorn Charles Sylvester Male York
1932/7100009 York Waghorn Charles Sylvester Male Endersby Pearl Female York
1932/7100010 York Screaigh Wyborn George Herbert Male Marwick Jean Augustine Female York
1932/7100010 York Marwick Jean Augustine Female Screaigh Wyborn George Herbert Male York