A tool to help track the citations of the Western Australian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages from Wikidata and WikiTree.

Marriages in: 1930

Registration year & number Registration district Surname Given names Gender Spouse surname Spouse given names Spouse gender Marriage place Wikidata WikiTree
1931/100001 Perth Barry Eileen Margaret Female Wilson William Edward Male Subiaco
1931/100001 Perth Wilson William Edward Male Barry Eileen Margaret Female Subiaco
1931/100002 Perth Ewart Frederick Watson Male Smith Agnes Female Subiaco
1931/100002 Perth Smith Agnes Female Ewart Frederick Watson Male Subiaco
1931/100003 Perth O'Connor John Anthony Male Edwards Doris Gwenda Female Leederville
1931/100003 Perth Edwards Doris Gwenda Female O'Connor John Anthony Male Leederville
1931/100004 Perth Younkman James Hannibal Male Schlank Kathleen Olive Female Perth
1931/100004 Perth Schlank Kathleen Olive Female Younkman James Hannibal Male Perth
1931/100005 Perth Palmer William Frederick Peterson Male Bradford Amy Dulcie Vivien Female Maylands
1931/100005 Perth Bradford Amy Dulcie Vivien Female Palmer William Frederick Peterson Male Maylands
1931/100006 Perth White Dorothy May Female Charlton Stephen Male Maylands
1931/100006 Perth Charlton Stephen Male White Dorothy May Female Maylands
1931/100007 Perth Cochrane Mary Female Dixon Bertram Male Subiaco
1931/100007 Perth Dixon Bertram Male Cochrane Mary Female Subiaco
1930/100008 Perth Cook Winifred Dorothy Female Stevens Herbert Arthur Male Perth
1931/100008 Perth Hextall Kenneth Godfrey Male Blakemore Gertrude Minnie Maud Female Subiaco
1930/100008 Perth Stevens Herbert Arthur Male Cook Winifred Dorothy Female Perth
1931/100008 Perth Blakemore Gertrude Minnie Maud Female Hextall Kenneth Godfrey Male Subiaco
1931/100009 Perth McCarthy Margaret Rachel Faith Female Coles Laurence Samuel Male Maylands
1930/100009 Perth Ramsay Phyllis Maria Female Matheson Charles Gordon Male West Perth
1931/100009 Perth Coles Laurence Samuel Male McCarthy Margaret Rachel Faith Female Maylands
1930/100009 Perth Matheson Charles Gordon Male Ramsay Phyllis Maria Female West Perth
1930/100010 Perth Bell Leonard Peter Male Grover Sylvia Lorna Female Perth
1930/100010 Perth Grover Sylvia Lorna Female Bell Leonard Peter Male Perth
1931/100010 Perth Cooper Frederick William Male Mackintosh Annie Female Perth
1931/100010 Perth Mackintosh Annie Female Cooper Frederick William Male Perth
1930/100011 Perth Hart Amy Female Wilderspin Isaac Male Perth
1930/100011 Perth Wilderspin Isaac Male Hart Amy Female Perth
1930/100012 Perth Lamming Reita Alice Female McWilliams Ernest Male Perth
1931/100012 Perth Hickford Ted Male Wilks Winifred Lillian Female Perth
1931/100012 Perth Wilks Winifred Lillian Female Hickford Ted Male Perth
1930/100012 Perth McWilliams Ernest Male Lamming Reita Alice Female Perth
1930/100013 Perth Newton Eva Florence Female Millington Henry Roland Male Perth
1931/100013 Perth Fan Tsormin Male Han Edna Freda Female Perth
1931/100013 Perth Han Edna Freda Female Fan Tsormin Male Perth
1930/100013 Perth Millington Henry Roland Male Newton Eva Florence Female Perth
1931/100014 Perth Chester Clarence Robins Male Rowe Lillian Gertrude Female Perth
1931/100014 Perth Rowe Lillian Gertrude Female Chester Clarence Robins Male Perth
1930/100015 Perth Sonnet Dorothy May Female Irwin Ernest John Male West Perth
1931/100015 Perth Rupe Harold Buist Male Carr Isa Reid Female Perth
1931/100015 Perth Carr Isa Reid Female Rupe Harold Buist Male Perth
1930/100015 Perth Irwin Ernest John Male Sonnet Dorothy May Female West Perth
1931/100016 Perth Lapsley Charlotte Evelyn Female Irving David Halliday Male Perth
1930/100016 Perth Matthews Herbert Male Churchward Amy Female Perth
1930/100016 Perth Churchward Amy Female Matthews Herbert Male Perth
1931/100016 Perth Irving David Halliday Male Lapsley Charlotte Evelyn Female Perth
1931/100017 Perth Preston Fred Robert Male Lewis Olive May Female Perth
1931/100017 Perth Lewis Olive May Female Preston Fred Robert Male Perth
1930/100017 Perth Rutherford Douglas Male Thompson Clara Elizabeth Female Perth
1930/100017 Perth Thompson Clara Elizabeth Female Rutherford Douglas Male Perth
1931/100018 Perth Mohr Julia Marguerita Female Stone Guy Male Perth
1931/100018 Perth Stone Guy Male Mohr Julia Marguerita Female Perth
1931/100019 Perth Helliar Mollie Noreen Female Glendenning John Male Perth
1931/100019 Perth Glendenning John Male Helliar Mollie Noreen Female Perth
1931/100022 Perth Buchan Stuart McRae Male Timms Beryl Dorothy Female Mount Lawley
1931/100022 Perth Timms Beryl Dorothy Female Buchan Stuart McRae Male Mount Lawley
1931/100026 Perth Gordon Gertrude Jeanette Female Flintoff Thomas Wickliffe Male West Perth
1931/100026 Perth Flintoff Thomas Wickliffe Male Gordon Gertrude Jeanette Female West Perth
1930/100027 Perth Gair Alexander Male Burr Evangeline Female Perth
1930/100027 Perth Burr Evangeline Female Gair Alexander Male Perth
1930/100028 Perth Bailey Alice Female Paterson George Male Perth
1930/100028 Perth Paterson George Male Bailey Alice Female Perth
1930/100029 Perth Stephenson Ellen Female Johnson John Male Perth
1930/100029 Perth Johnson John Male Stephenson Ellen Female Perth
1931/100030 Perth Duke Clay Edmund Male Cullen Mabel Female Perth
1931/100030 Perth Cullen Mabel Female Duke Clay Edmund Male Perth
1930/100030 Perth Bradley Dorothy Margaret Female Carbutt Frank Kennewell Male Cottesloe
1930/100030 Perth Carbutt Frank Kennewell Male Bradley Dorothy Margaret Female Cottesloe
1930/100031 Perth Walkington Florence Annie Female Moore William James Male North Perth
1930/100031 Perth Moore William James Male Walkington Florence Annie Female North Perth
1931/100031 Perth Howson Ernest Edwin Male Briggs Annas Female Claremont
1931/100031 Perth Briggs Annas Female Howson Ernest Edwin Male Claremont
1930/100032 Perth Herriott Marie Louisa Female Anderson Francis Charles Male Perth
1930/100032 Perth Anderson Francis Charles Male Herriott Marie Louisa Female Perth
1930/100033 Perth Buttsworth Eunie Iris Essie Doreen Female Boyle Thomas Male Perth
1931/100033 Perth Schenberg Arthur Male Shatenstien Dora Female Perth
1930/100033 Perth Boyle Thomas Male Buttsworth Eunie Iris Essie Doreen Female Perth
1931/100033 Perth Shatenstien Dora Female Schenberg Arthur Male Perth
1930/100036 Perth Shepley William Vivian Male Heaven Phyllis Doreen Female West Leederville
1930/100036 Perth Heaven Phyllis Doreen Female Shepley William Vivian Male West Leederville
1931/100039 Perth Forbes Arthur Emmott Knight Male Leach Marjory Constance Female Claremont
1931/100039 Perth Leach Marjory Constance Female Forbes Arthur Emmott Knight Male Claremont
1931/100043 Perth Symington John Lloyd Male McClune Lucinda Female Subiaco
1930/100043 Perth Godfrey Frederick White Male Ball Iris Eleanor de Grey Female Perth
1930/100043 Perth Ball Iris Eleanor de Grey Female Godfrey Frederick White Male Perth
1931/100043 Perth McClune Lucinda Female Symington John Lloyd Male Subiaco
1930/100044 Perth Hamilton Frank Seinor Male Noble Marcelle Female West Perth
1930/100044 Perth Noble Marcelle Female Hamilton Frank Seinor Male West Perth
1931/100045 Perth Rees Barbara Mary Blanche Female Case Clive Gladstone Male Perth
1931/100045 Perth Case Clive Gladstone Male Rees Barbara Mary Blanche Female Perth
1930/100045 Perth Blunden Margaret Helen Female Salisbury John Edwin Leonard Male Victoria Park
1930/100045 Perth Salisbury John Edwin Leonard Male Blunden Margaret Helen Female Victoria Park
1931/100046 Perth Brown George Henry Male Powell Blanche Muriel Female Perth
1931/100046 Perth Powell Blanche Muriel Female Brown George Henry Male Perth
1931/100047 Perth Rychen Rita Alma Female Humphreys Sydney John Male Perth
1931/100047 Perth Humphreys Sydney John Male Rychen Rita Alma Female Perth
1931/100048 Perth Schrader Philip Male Duffy Eliza Edith Female Highgate Hill
1931/100048 Perth Duffy Eliza Edith Female Schrader Philip Male Highgate Hill
1930/100054 Perth Cohen Daisy Ruth Female Cohen Max Male Perth
1930/100054 Perth Cohen Max Male Cohen Daisy Ruth Female Perth
1930/100055 Perth McNeil Letitia Fagan Female Grainger Henry Ernest Male Perth
1930/100055 Perth Grainger Henry Ernest Male McNeil Letitia Fagan Female Perth
1930/100056 Perth Dunning George Edward Male Kift Gladys May Female Cottesloe
1930/100056 Perth Kift Gladys May Female Dunning George Edward Male Cottesloe
1931/100056 Perth De Freitas Doris Venetta Female Smithson Laurence Sidney Male Perth
1931/100056 Perth Smithson Laurence Sidney Male De Freitas Doris Venetta Female Perth
1931/100057 Perth Starrit Elsie Female Buchanan Richard Male Perth
1931/100057 Perth Buchanan Richard Male Starrit Elsie Female Perth
1931/100058 Perth Rodriguez Philomeno Male Cooke Mary Female Perth
1931/100058 Perth Cooke Mary Female Rodriguez Philomeno Male Perth
1931/100064 Perth Gunzburg Samuel Male Ferstat Rose Female Mt Lawley
1931/100064 Perth Ferstat Rose Female Gunzburg Samuel Male Mt Lawley
1930/100066 Perth Smith Joseph Male Harvey Florence Ellen Female Perth
1930/100066 Perth Harvey Florence Ellen Female Smith Joseph Male Perth
1930/100067 Perth Brown Reginald Charles Appleton Male Gilbert Ella Grace Female Perth
1930/100067 Perth Gilbert Ella Grace Female Brown Reginald Charles Appleton Male Perth
1930/100068 Perth Gardiner Robert Henry Male Lewis Thelma Janet Female Perth
1931/100068 Perth Murray Mary Ellen Female Gates Archibald Murray Male Perth
1930/100068 Perth Lewis Thelma Janet Female Gardiner Robert Henry Male Perth
1931/100068 Perth Gates Archibald Murray Male Murray Mary Ellen Female Perth
1930/100069 Perth Jukes James Barcham Male Battye Beryl Winifred Female Perth
1930/100069 Perth Battye Beryl Winifred Female Jukes James Barcham Male Perth
1931/100069 Perth Cantwell Dora Veronica Female Hunt Leonard James Male Perth
1931/100069 Perth Hunt Leonard James Male Cantwell Dora Veronica Female Perth
1930/100070 Perth Rudwick George Hilton Male Forbes Thelma May Female Perth
1931/100070 Perth Dorrington Albert Charles Male Connolly Kathleen Ellen Female Perth
1931/100070 Perth Connolly Kathleen Ellen Female Dorrington Albert Charles Male Perth
1930/100070 Perth Forbes Thelma May Female Rudwick George Hilton Male Perth
1931/100071 Perth Crocker Albert Edward Munro Male Hall Marjorie Annie Female Perth
1931/100071 Perth Hall Marjorie Annie Female Crocker Albert Edward Munro Male Perth
1931/100072 Perth Tacey George de Montfort Male Cave Nellie Agatha Female Perth
1931/100072 Perth Cave Nellie Agatha Female Tacey George de Montfort Male Perth
1930/100072 Perth Gates Mary Female Wickens Ivan Jack Male Perth
1930/100072 Perth Tucker Mary Female Wickens Ivan Jack Male Perth
1930/100072 Perth Wickens Ivan Jack Male Gates Mary Female Perth
1930/100072 Perth Wickens Ivan Jack Male Tucker Mary Female Perth
1930/100073 Perth Hopwood Michael Joseph Male Leevers Ina Agnes Female West Perth
1930/100073 Perth Leevers Ina Agnes Female Hopwood Michael Joseph Male West Perth
1930/100074 Perth Sheridan Isabel Sophia Female Peate William Douglas Male Perth
1930/100074 Perth Peate William Douglas Male Sheridan Isabel Sophia Female Perth
1930/100075 Perth Fitzsimons William Thomas Male Wasley Gladys Harding Female North Perth
1930/100075 Perth Wasley Gladys Harding Female Fitzsimons William Thomas Male North Perth
1930/100077 Perth Rankin Allan Male Catlett Phyllis Victoria Female Subiaco
1930/100077 Perth Catlett Phyllis Victoria Female Rankin Allan Male Subiaco
1930/100078 Perth Pispinis Simeon Male Tocas Maria Female Perth
1930/100078 Perth Tocas Maria Female Pispinis Simeon Male Perth
1931/100079 Perth Castensen Ada Kathleen Female Clark Alexander John Male Perth
1930/100079 Perth Jones Charles Edward Male Barnes Freda Beatrice Mary Female North Perth
1930/100079 Perth Barnes Freda Beatrice Mary Female Jones Charles Edward Male North Perth
1931/100079 Perth Clark Alexander John Male Castensen Ada Kathleen Female Perth
1931/100080 Perth Bloffwitch Susan Naomi Female Parish Allan Male Perth
1931/100080 Perth Parish Allan Male Bloffwitch Susan Naomi Female Perth
1930/100080 Perth Wallis Edith Female Hayes John Robert Male Perth
1930/100080 Perth Hayes John Robert Male Wallis Edith Female Perth
1931/100081 Perth McDonnell Thomas Henry Male Halbert Ada Jean Female Perth
1931/100081 Perth Halbert Ada Jean Female McDonnell Thomas Henry Male Perth
1930/100082 Perth Edwards Marla Alberta Christy Glanville Female Henderson Stanley Robert Male Cottesloe
1931/100082 Perth Couchman Douglas Charles Frederick Male Barry Margaret Mary Female Perth
1930/100082 Perth Henderson Stanley Robert Male Edwards Marla Alberta Christy Glanville Female Cottesloe
1931/100082 Perth Barry Margaret Mary Female Couchman Douglas Charles Frederick Male Perth
1931/100083 Perth Poland Doris Monica Female Pidcock William Thomas Male Perth
1931/100083 Perth Pidcock William Thomas Male Poland Doris Monica Female Perth
1930/100084 Perth Grose Leonard Richard Male Wright Edith Lydia Joyce Female Maylands
1930/100084 Perth Wright Edith Lydia Joyce Female Grose Leonard Richard Male Maylands
1930/100085 Perth Jones Edwin Harold Male Carson Mary Imelda Female Perth
1930/100085 Perth Carson Mary Imelda Female Jones Edwin Harold Male Perth
1930/100087 Perth Barr Alan Alison Male Marshall Millicent May Female Mount Lawley
1930/100087 Perth Marshall Millicent May Female Barr Alan Alison Male Mount Lawley
1930/100088 Perth Warne Ernest William Male Bull Maud Frances Female Perth
1930/100088 Perth Bull Maud Frances Female Warne Ernest William Male Perth
1930/100089 Perth Smith Edna Alberta Female Jeffery Francis Richard John Male West Perth
1930/100089 Perth Jeffery Francis Richard John Male Smith Edna Alberta Female West Perth
1930/100090 Perth Peden Minnie Female Johnson Cyril Peter Male Perth
1930/100090 Perth Johnson Cyril Peter Male Peden Minnie Female Perth
1930/100091 Perth Lennox Doris Annie Female Perry Thomas Reuben Male West Perth
1930/100091 Perth Perry Thomas Reuben Male Lennox Doris Annie Female West Perth
1930/100092 Perth Vile Richard Male Liddle Edna Cathleen Stella Female West Perth
1930/100092 Perth Liddle Edna Cathleen Stella Female Vile Richard Male West Perth
1930/100093 Perth Boucher George Frederick Male Malone Eileen Mary Female West Perth
1930/100093 Perth Malone Eileen Mary Female Boucher George Frederick Male West Perth
1930/100094 Perth Tobin John Male Duffy Elizabeth Female West Perth
1930/100094 Perth Duffy Elizabeth Female Tobin John Male West Perth
1930/100095 Perth Adlam Helen Harriet Female Jupp Lawrence Barry Male Claremont
1930/100095 Perth Jupp Lawrence Barry Male Adlam Helen Harriet Female Claremont
1930/100096 Perth Gaston Sydney Leonard Male Fletcher Phoebe Female Perth
1930/100096 Perth Fletcher Phoebe Female Gaston Sydney Leonard Male Perth
1930/100097 Perth Hanna John Harrison Male Bocksette Evelyn Maps Female Perth
1930/100097 Perth Bocksette Evelyn Maps Female Hanna John Harrison Male Perth
1930/100098 Perth Rowe Sydney Drew Male Nelson Gipsy Catharine Amelia Female Perth
1930/100098 Perth Nelson Gipsy Catharine Amelia Female Rowe Sydney Drew Male Perth
1930/100099 Perth Bickerdike Robert Frederick Male Mills Dorothy Beatrice Female Perth
1930/100099 Perth Mills Dorothy Beatrice Female Bickerdike Robert Frederick Male Perth
1930/100100 Perth Oldfield Amy Mary Female Boyd Leslie Hector Male Perth
1930/100100 Perth Boyd Leslie Hector Male Oldfield Amy Mary Female Perth
1930/100101 Perth Smith Cecelia Evelyn Female Bowden John William James Male Perth
1930/100101 Perth Bowden John William James Male Smith Cecelia Evelyn Female Perth
1930/100102 Perth Townsend Frank Honiwood Male Howard Florence Mabel Female Rosalie
1930/100102 Perth Howard Florence Mabel Female Townsend Frank Honiwood Male Rosalie
1930/100103 Perth Moore Emmie Elizabeth Female Walters Walter Oscar Male West Perth
1930/100103 Perth Walters Walter Oscar Male Moore Emmie Elizabeth Female West Perth
1930/100104 Perth Simpson Lydia Hulks Female Ellis Clifton Frederick Male West Perth
1930/100104 Perth Ellis Clifton Frederick Male Simpson Lydia Hulks Female West Perth
1930/100105 Perth Newton Cyril Male Smith Ida Miriam Female West Perth
1930/100105 Perth Smith Ida Miriam Female Newton Cyril Male West Perth
1930/100106 Perth Skinner Christine Evelyn Female Waltham Cyril Horace Male South Perth
1930/100106 Perth Waltham Cyril Horace Male Skinner Christine Evelyn Female South Perth
1930/100107 Perth Macfarlan James Duncan Male Spencer Dorothea Female Victoria Park
1930/100107 Perth Spencer Dorothea Female Macfarlan James Duncan Male Victoria Park
1930/100108 Perth Homewood Nellie Female Govan John David Male Victoria Park
1930/100108 Perth Govan John David Male Homewood Nellie Female Victoria Park
1930/100109 Perth Sharp David Male Macpherson Cornelia Female Victoria Park
1930/100109 Perth Macpherson Cornelia Female Sharp David Male Victoria Park
1930/100110 Perth Smith William Albert Male McDonagh Susie Female Perth
1930/100110 Perth McDonagh Susie Female Smith William Albert Male Perth
1930/100111 Perth Main Marjorie Irene Female Hopkins Arthur James Male Perth
1930/100111 Perth Hopkins Arthur James Male Main Marjorie Irene Female Perth
1930/100112 Perth Thomas Amy May Female Franklin Ronald Augustus Henry William Male Victoria Park
1930/100112 Perth Franklin Ronald Augustus Henry William Male Thomas Amy May Female Victoria Park
1930/100113 Perth O'Brien William Joseph Male Morton Jean Fisher Hailstones Female Perth
1930/100113 Perth Morton Jean Fisher Hailstones Female O'Brien William Joseph Male Perth
1930/100114 Perth Noonan Hilda May Female Hooper Frank Harold Male Maylands
1930/100114 Perth Hooper Frank Harold Male Noonan Hilda May Female Maylands
1930/100115 Perth Hagan Margaret Edith Female Brown Ralph Male Leederville
1930/100115 Perth Brown Ralph Male Hagan Margaret Edith Female Leederville
1930/100120 Perth Stowey Gladys Beatrice Female Cameron George Male Perth
1930/100120 Perth Cameron George Male Stowey Gladys Beatrice Female Perth
1930/100121 Perth Bevan Ivor Moxey Male Stapleton Lilian Rebecca Female Perth
1930/100121 Perth Stapleton Lilian Rebecca Female Bevan Ivor Moxey Male Perth
1930/100122 Perth Biffin Stanley Roy Male Gilchrist Olive Emily Female Perth
1930/100122 Perth Gilchrist Olive Emily Female Biffin Stanley Roy Male Perth
1930/100123 Perth Palmer Phyllis Kathleen Female Todd Cyril Male Perth
1930/100123 Perth Todd Cyril Male Palmer Phyllis Kathleen Female Perth
1930/100124 Perth Hodgson Margaret Irene Female Campbell Allan Murray Male Perth District
1930/100124 Perth Campbell Allan Murray Male Hodgson Margaret Irene Female Perth District
1930/100125 Perth Hofert Dorothy Margaret Female Patterson William Joseph Male Subiaco
1930/100125 Perth Patterson William Joseph Male Hofert Dorothy Margaret Female Subiaco
1930/100126 Perth Sullivan Alice Veronica Female Hicks Edwin Raymond Grenfell Male Subiaco
1930/100126 Perth Hicks Edwin Raymond Grenfell Male Sullivan Alice Veronica Female Subiaco
1930/100127 Perth Sullivan Blanche Helen Female Dunstan Stanley Gilbert Male Subiaco
1930/100127 Perth Dunstan Stanley Gilbert Male Sullivan Blanche Helen Female Subiaco
1930/100128 Perth Burton Leonard Albert Male Woods Jeanetta May Female West Perth
1930/100128 Perth Woods Jeanetta May Female Burton Leonard Albert Male West Perth
1930/100129 Perth Langridge Harold William George Male Larson Eleanor Female Perth
1930/100129 Perth Larson Eleanor Female Langridge Harold William George Male Perth
1930/100130 Perth Shier Edith May Female Sweetman Francis James Male Perth
1930/100130 Perth Sweetman Francis James Male Shier Edith May Female Perth
1930/100131 Perth Cruickshank Joyce Female Trigwell James Male Perth
1930/100131 Perth Trigwell James Male Cruickshank Joyce Female Perth
1930/100132 Perth Harland Charles Arthur Martin Male Yews Hilda Dagmar Female Perth
1930/100132 Perth Yews Hilda Dagmar Female Harland Charles Arthur Martin Male Perth
1930/100133 Perth Shaw Eileen Beatrice Female Adams Ernest Victor Male Perth
1930/100133 Perth Adams Ernest Victor Male Shaw Eileen Beatrice Female Perth
1930/100134 Perth Fawcett John Shaw Male Robertson Dorothy Irvine Female Perth
1930/100134 Perth Robertson Dorothy Irvine Female Fawcett John Shaw Male Perth
1930/100135 Perth Carlaw William James Male Crabb Irene Evelyn Female Perth
1930/100135 Perth Crabb Irene Evelyn Female Carlaw William James Male Perth
1930/100136 Perth Gwynne Mildred Isabel Female Bell Sidney Garrett Male Perth
1930/100136 Perth Bell Sidney Garrett Male Gwynne Mildred Isabel Female Perth
1930/100137 Perth Ogden Helen Emma Female Owen Francis Ernest Male Perth
1930/100137 Perth Owen Francis Ernest Male Ogden Helen Emma Female Perth
1930/100138 Perth Mothershaw Norman Eric Male Byfield Lucy Hope Female Perth
1930/100138 Perth Byfield Lucy Hope Female Mothershaw Norman Eric Male Perth
1930/100139 Perth Babel Adelaide Madeline Maud Female Yates William Francis Lewis Male Perth
1930/100139 Perth Yates William Francis Lewis Male Babel Adelaide Madeline Maud Female Perth
1930/100140 Perth Wheeler Lilian Sophia Dorothy Female Gale John Male Cottesloe Beach
1930/100140 Perth Gale John Male Wheeler Lilian Sophia Dorothy Female Cottesloe Beach
1930/100141 Perth Sellin Winifred Ada Female Gomm Jack Martin Havity Male Perth
1930/100141 Perth Gomm Jack Martin Havity Male Sellin Winifred Ada Female Perth
1930/100142 Perth Stone Adelaide Maud Female Tull Harold Stanley Male Perth
1930/100142 Perth Tull Harold Stanley Male Stone Adelaide Maud Female Perth
1930/100143 Perth Hubbard Edith Female Derrell William Walter Male Perth
1930/100143 Perth Derrell William Walter Male Hubbard Edith Female Perth
1930/100144 Perth Pitts John Leonard Male Crichton Euphemia Bowers Female Perth
1930/100144 Perth Crichton Euphemia Bowers Female Pitts John Leonard Male Perth
1930/100145 Perth Gurney Doris Jane Female Johnsen Harry Male Nedlands
1930/100145 Perth Johnsen Harry Male Gurney Doris Jane Female Nedlands
1930/100146 Perth Godwin John Victor Male Perrin Marion Fidelé Female Perth
1930/100146 Perth Perrin Marion Fidelé Female Godwin John Victor Male Perth
1930/100147 Perth Blackmore Frederick James Male Clift Florence Edith Female Perth
1930/100147 Perth Clift Florence Edith Female Blackmore Frederick James Male Perth
1930/100148 Perth Philp William Hawksley Male Lehrke Violet Adéle Maud Female Perth
1930/100148 Perth Lehrke Violet Adéle Maud Female Philp William Hawksley Male Perth
1930/100149 Perth Lonnie Winifred Helen Female Rowe James Ronald Jack Male Perth
1930/100149 Perth Rowe James Ronald Jack Male Lonnie Winifred Helen Female Perth
1930/100150 Perth Tregilles Lillian Grace Female Wilde Josiah Henry Male Perth
1930/100150 Perth Wilde Josiah Henry Male Tregilles Lillian Grace Female Perth
1930/100151 Perth Coleman Elsie Mabel Female Fraser Norman Eric Male Perth
1930/100151 Perth Fraser Norman Eric Male Coleman Elsie Mabel Female Perth
1930/100152 Perth Collis Lillian Sarah Female Higgins Patrick John Male Perth
1930/100152 Perth Higgins Patrick John Male Collis Lillian Sarah Female Perth
1930/100162 Perth McMahon Mary Female Bermingham John Patrick Male Perth
1930/100162 Perth Bermingham John Patrick Male McMahon Mary Female Perth
1930/100163 Perth O'Brien William Male Brown Bonnie Jane Margaret Mary Female Perth
1930/100163 Perth Brown Bonnie Jane Margaret Mary Female O'Brien William Male Perth
1930/100164 Perth Jones Walter Stanley Male Nevin Ellen Mary Female Perth
1930/100164 Perth Nevin Ellen Mary Female Jones Walter Stanley Male Perth
1930/100165 Perth Hunter Ita Veronica Female Walsh John Koeferd Male Perth
1930/100165 Perth Walsh John Koeferd Male Hunter Ita Veronica Female Perth
1930/100166 Perth Foss Reuben Charles Male Dore Veronica Josephine Female Perth
1930/100166 Perth Dore Veronica Josephine Female Foss Reuben Charles Male Perth
1930/100167 Perth Doherty Alice Kathleen Female Charles Gerald Joseph Male Perth
1930/100167 Perth Charles Gerald Joseph Male Doherty Alice Kathleen Female Perth
1930/100168 Perth Miller Phyllis Hope Female Lund John William Newby Male Mount Hawthorn
1930/100168 Perth Lund John William Newby Male Miller Phyllis Hope Female Mount Hawthorn
1930/100169 Perth Bradley Hazel Jean Female Wilson George Henry Male Subiaco
1930/100169 Perth Wilson George Henry Male Bradley Hazel Jean Female Subiaco
1930/100170 Perth Russell William Lillico Male Watts Lena May Matilda Female Maylands
1930/100170 Perth Watts Lena May Matilda Female Russell William Lillico Male Maylands
1930/100171 Perth Williamson Fred Male Clark Catherine Maud Female Maylands
1930/100171 Perth Clark Catherine Maud Female Williamson Fred Male Maylands
1930/100172 Perth Wende Sam Male Fishman Gertrude Female Perth
1930/100172 Perth Fishman Gertrude Female Wende Sam Male Perth
1930/100173 Perth Smith Sydney Arthur Male Firmin Kathleen Charlotte Rouse Female South Perth
1930/100173 Perth Firmin Kathleen Charlotte Rouse Female Smith Sydney Arthur Male South Perth
1930/100174 Perth Ward Margaret Eileen Female Bushell John Collard Male South Perth
1930/100174 Perth Bushell John Collard Male Ward Margaret Eileen Female South Perth
1930/100175 Perth Every Ernest Male Cann Beatrice Minnie Female Perth
1930/100175 Perth Cann Beatrice Minnie Female Every Ernest Male Perth
1930/100176 Perth Burns Hugh Matheson Male Glyde Mary Cordelia Female Claremont
1930/100176 Perth Glyde Mary Cordelia Female Burns Hugh Matheson Male Claremont
1930/100177 Perth Perry Alfred John Male Nicholls Marjorie Female Perth
1930/100177 Perth Nicholls Marjorie Female Perry Alfred John Male Perth
1930/100178 Perth McVee Agnes McLeod Female Duffy Henry Riches Male Perth
1930/100178 Perth Duffy Henry Riches Male McVee Agnes McLeod Female Perth
1930/100182 Perth Anderson Andrew Male Woolhouse Dorothy Female Perth
1930/100182 Perth Woolhouse Dorothy Female Anderson Andrew Male Perth
1930/100183 Perth Carew John Male Bromham Charlotte Florence Female Perth
1930/100183 Perth Bromham Charlotte Florence Female Carew John Male Perth
1930/100184 Perth Heaton Alice Beryl Female McAuliffe Jeremiah Patrick Male Perth
1930/100184 Perth McAuliffe Jeremiah Patrick Male Heaton Alice Beryl Female Perth
1930/100185 Perth Myers Bertha Sylvia Female Herbig Joseph Hans Male Perth
1930/100185 Perth Herbig Joseph Hans Male Myers Bertha Sylvia Female Perth
1930/100186 Perth Budge Dorothy Eliza Female Fenton John Joseph Male Perth
1930/100186 Perth Fenton John Joseph Male Budge Dorothy Eliza Female Perth
1930/100187 Perth White Thomas Male Sullivan Ida Female Perth
1930/100187 Perth Sullivan Ida Female White Thomas Male Perth
1930/100188 Perth Henry Margaret Mary Hicks Female Porter Charles Male Perth
1930/100188 Perth Porter Charles Male Henry Margaret Mary Hicks Female Perth
1930/100189 Perth Hills Gordon Makens Male Seddon Mary Hewitt Galbraith Female Perth
1930/100189 Perth Seddon Mary Hewitt Galbraith Female Hills Gordon Makens Male Perth
1930/100190 Perth Amos Jack Nevill Spencer Male Hall Leola Isabel Mabel Female Maylands
1930/100190 Perth Hall Leola Isabel Mabel Female Amos Jack Nevill Spencer Male Maylands
1930/100191 Perth Tiller Nellie Beatrice Female Frost Norman Alfred Male Perth
1930/100191 Perth Frost Norman Alfred Male Tiller Nellie Beatrice Female Perth
1930/100192 Perth Temby Olive May Female Hayes John Joseph Male Victoria Park
1930/100192 Perth Hayes John Joseph Male Temby Olive May Female Victoria Park
1930/100193 Perth Macey Winifred Maud Female Betts Herbert George Robert Male Victoria Park
1930/100193 Perth Betts Herbert George Robert Male Macey Winifred Maud Female Victoria Park
1930/100194 Perth Scott Joseph Lyttle Male Lock Lola Agnes Female Cottesloe
1930/100194 Perth Lock Lola Agnes Female Scott Joseph Lyttle Male Cottesloe
1930/100195 Perth Crake Ivy Victoria May Female Booth George Irwin Male Cottesloe
1930/100195 Perth Booth George Irwin Male Crake Ivy Victoria May Female Cottesloe
1931/100196 Perth Richardson Charlotte Helen Female Monck Leslie Joseph Michael Male Subiaco
1931/100196 Perth Monck Leslie Joseph Michael Male Richardson Charlotte Helen Female Subiaco
1930/100196 Perth de Bernales Claude Alzo Male Berry Helen Florence Female Cottesloe
1930/100196 Perth Berry Helen Florence Female de Bernales Claude Alzo Male Cottesloe
1930/100197 Perth Shields John William Male McPhillips Mary Female Perth
1931/100197 Perth Levy Fédi Lilith Female Brown Charles Male Subiaco
1931/100197 Perth Brown Charles Male Levy Fédi Lilith Female Subiaco
1930/100197 Perth McPhillips Mary Female Shields John William Male Perth
1930/100198 Perth Lorenz Eaneas Matthias Male Browne Elsie Mary Female Perth
1930/100198 Perth Browne Elsie Mary Female Lorenz Eaneas Matthias Male Perth
1930/100199 Perth Antonovich Ivan Male Pusey Evelyn Beryl Female Perth
1930/100199 Perth Pusey Evelyn Beryl Female Antonovich Ivan Male Perth
1930/100200 Perth Hayward Bertram Ernest Male Smith Martha Winnifred Female Leederville
1930/100200 Perth Smith Martha Winnifred Female Hayward Bertram Ernest Male Leederville
1930/100201 Perth Nathan Lilian Esther Female Ferstat John Male Perth
1930/100201 Perth Ferstat John Male Nathan Lilian Esther Female Perth
1930/100202 Perth Parnell Dorothy Female Tuxworth Geoffrey Lyell Male Cottesloe
1930/100202 Perth Tuxworth Geoffrey Lyell Male Parnell Dorothy Female Cottesloe
1931/100206 Perth Smith Vera Female Morgan Joseph Male Perth
1931/100206 Perth Morgan Joseph Male Smith Vera Female Perth
1930/100207 Perth Watkins Arnold Arthur Male Williams Ivy Alfreda Female North Perth
1930/100207 Perth Williams Ivy Alfreda Female Watkins Arnold Arthur Male North Perth
1930/100208 Perth Bennett Masie Lucie Female Lyon Henry Male Perth
1930/100208 Perth Lyon Henry Male Bennett Masie Lucie Female Perth
1930/100209 Perth Argyle Jessie Female Smith Edward Alfred Byron Male Perth
1930/100209 Perth Smith Edward Alfred Byron Male Argyle Jessie Female Perth
1930/100210 Perth Whitehouse Hilda Female Glew Bernard Edward Male Perth
1930/100210 Perth Glew Bernard Edward Male Whitehouse Hilda Female Perth
1930/100211 Perth Tomkinson Edith Mary Female Gason Walter Ernest Male Perth
1930/100211 Perth Gason Walter Ernest Male Tomkinson Edith Mary Female Perth
1930/100212 Perth Byrne George Leyden Male Bromley Iris Annie Female Nedlands
1930/100212 Perth Bromley Iris Annie Female Byrne George Leyden Male Nedlands
1930/100213 Perth Roydhouse St Alan Male Sudlow Nellie Female Subiaco
1930/100213 Perth Sudlow Nellie Female Roydhouse St Alan Male Subiaco
1931/100214 Perth Walker Victoria May Female McNeil Alfred Scott Male West Perth
1931/100214 Perth McNeil Alfred Scott Male Walker Victoria May Female West Perth
1930/100214 Perth Blunt Ernest Edward Male Chittleborough Emily Ada Mary Female Leederville
1930/100214 Perth Chittleborough Emily Ada Mary Female Blunt Ernest Edward Male Leederville
1930/100216 Perth Gregson Violet Sidney Female McLaren William Male Victoria Park
1930/100216 Perth McLaren William Male Gregson Violet Sidney Female Victoria Park
1930/100217 Perth Barnes Eric Walton Male Cooper Ada Alice Pearl Female Victoria Park
1930/100217 Perth Cooper Ada Alice Pearl Female Barnes Eric Walton Male Victoria Park
1930/100218 Perth Meredith Edward Lawley Male Kelly Daphne Pearl Female Victoria Park
1930/100218 Perth Kelly Daphne Pearl Female Meredith Edward Lawley Male Victoria Park
1930/100219 Perth Handel Lucinda Elizabeth Ellen Female Smith Frederick Shirley Male Perth
1930/100219 Perth Smith Frederick Shirley Male Handel Lucinda Elizabeth Ellen Female Perth
1930/100220 Perth Mann Leonard Stephen Male Sharples Marian Female West Perth
1930/100220 Perth Sharples Marian Female Mann Leonard Stephen Male West Perth
1930/100221 Perth Prowse Ethel Adelaide Female Halbert Max Male Perth
1930/100221 Perth Halbert Max Male Prowse Ethel Adelaide Female Perth
1930/100222 Perth Norton Marjorie Muriel Female James Norrell Mofflin Male Subiaco
1930/100222 Perth James Norrell Mofflin Male Norton Marjorie Muriel Female Subiaco
1930/100223 Perth Brooks Robert Albert Male Downer Margaret Alice Female Subiaco
1930/100223 Perth Downer Margaret Alice Female Brooks Robert Albert Male Subiaco
1930/100224 Perth Allen Roy Male Nelson Bernice May Female Subiaco
1930/100224 Perth Nelson Bernice May Female Allen Roy Male Subiaco
1930/100225 Perth Marsh Hugh Leslie Male Laker Irene Charlotte Female Subiaco
1930/100225 Perth Laker Irene Charlotte Female Marsh Hugh Leslie Male Subiaco
1930/100226 Perth Perry Bennett Male Burns Sophie Female West Perth
1930/100226 Perth Burns Sophie Female Perry Bennett Male West Perth
1930/100227 Perth Doolan Ada May Female Dale David James Male Victoria Park
1930/100227 Perth Dale David James Male Doolan Ada May Female Victoria Park
1930/100228 Perth Braysher Edith Emma Daphne Female Andrews Thomas Philip Male Victoria Park
1930/100228 Perth Andrews Thomas Philip Male Braysher Edith Emma Daphne Female Victoria Park
1930/100231 Perth Gillett Fredrick Cyril Male Gillett Doris Female Perth
1930/100231 Perth Gillett Doris Female Gillett Fredrick Cyril Male Perth
1930/100232 Perth Luke John St Denis Male Whitman Emily Nellie Female Perth
1930/100232 Perth Whitman Emily Nellie Female Luke John St Denis Male Perth
1930/100233 Perth Spry Edris Joyce Doreen Female Warburton Arthur Male Perth
1931/100233 Perth Bailey Hilda Female Holland Harold Frank Male Maylands
1931/100233 Perth Holland Harold Frank Male Bailey Hilda Female Maylands
1930/100233 Perth Warburton Arthur Male Spry Edris Joyce Doreen Female Perth
1931/100234 Perth Wylie Horace John Male Kiddy Vera Female Maylands
1930/100234 Perth Blue Dorothy Mary Female Hills Robert Bernard Male Perth
1930/100234 Perth Hills Robert Bernard Male Blue Dorothy Mary Female Perth
1931/100234 Perth Kiddy Vera Female Wylie Horace John Male Maylands
1930/100235 Perth Shenfield Elsie Pretoria Female Davis Charles William Male Perth
1930/100235 Perth Davis Charles William Male Shenfield Elsie Pretoria Female Perth
1930/100236 Perth Stark Thora Dorothy May Female Wright Arnold Charles Male Claremont
1930/100236 Perth Wright Arnold Charles Male Stark Thora Dorothy May Female Claremont
1930/100237 Perth Head Victor Lincoln Male Christensen Olive Claremont Female Maylands
1930/100237 Perth Christensen Olive Claremont Female Head Victor Lincoln Male Maylands
1930/100238 Perth Trenaman Edgar Stanley Male Ovens Dorothy Maude Female Rosalie
1930/100238 Perth Ovens Dorothy Maude Female Trenaman Edgar Stanley Male Rosalie
1930/100241 Perth Higgins Josephine Female Finucane Kevin John Male Perth
1930/100241 Perth Finucane Kevin John Male Higgins Josephine Female Perth
1930/100242 Perth Moncrieff William James Male Coleman Lillian Thelma Female North Leederville
1930/100242 Perth Coleman Lillian Thelma Female Moncrieff William James Male North Leederville
1930/100243 Perth Bennetts Harold Male Phillips Margaret Louisa Female Subiaco
1930/100243 Perth Phillips Margaret Louisa Female Bennetts Harold Male Subiaco
1930/100244 Perth Pearce Harry Male Wasley Iolene Lillian Female North Perth
1930/100244 Perth Wasley Iolene Lillian Female Pearce Harry Male North Perth
1930/100245 Perth Easdon Janet Female Gordon Alexander Forrester Male Perth
1930/100245 Perth Gordon Alexander Forrester Male Easdon Janet Female Perth
1930/100246 Perth Brickley Lillian Female Cullen William Male Perth
1930/100246 Perth Cullen William Male Brickley Lillian Female Perth
1931/100246 Perth Dunlop Marion Elvire Female Campbell Gordon Male Perth
1931/100246 Perth Campbell Gordon Male Dunlop Marion Elvire Female Perth
1930/100247 Perth Davison Agnes Lilley Female Bennett Ernest William Male Perth
1930/100247 Perth Bennett Ernest William Male Davison Agnes Lilley Female Perth
1930/100248 Perth Knight Roy William Male Groszmann Thelma Vera Female Claremont
1930/100248 Perth Groszmann Thelma Vera Female Knight Roy William Male Claremont
1930/100249 Perth Morrell Reuben Lindsay Male Merry Joyce Mary Female Claremont
1930/100249 Perth Merry Joyce Mary Female Morrell Reuben Lindsay Male Claremont
1930/100250 Perth Sharpe Dora Anne Female Kaufman Albert Male Perth
1930/100250 Perth Kaufman Albert Male Sharpe Dora Anne Female Perth
1930/100251 Perth Southee Mona Eileen Female Read Studley Rupert Male Perth
1930/100251 Perth Read Studley Rupert Male Southee Mona Eileen Female Perth
1930/100252 Perth Berry Alma Rose Female Yeomans William James Male Perth
1930/100252 Perth Yeomans William James Male Berry Alma Rose Female Perth
1930/100253 Perth Masters Slena Agnes Hope Female Beckitt William Male Subiaco
1930/100253 Perth Beckitt William Male Masters Slena Agnes Hope Female Subiaco
1930/100254 Perth Elvery Editha Female Bland Charles Alfred Male Perth
1930/100254 Perth Bland Charles Alfred Male Elvery Editha Female Perth
1930/100255 Perth Mayhew Walter Male Dowsett Vera Female Perth
1930/100255 Perth Dowsett Vera Female Mayhew Walter Male Perth
1930/100256 Perth Gordon Peter Boyle Male Pratt Agnes Craig Female Perth
1930/100256 Perth Pratt Agnes Craig Female Gordon Peter Boyle Male Perth
1930/100257 Perth Bromley Helen Female Chitty-Liddelow William Henry Male Perth
1930/100257 Perth Chitty-Liddelow William Henry Male Bromley Helen Female Perth
1930/100258 Perth Tulloch Elizabeth Gladys Female Townsend William Edward Male Perth
1930/100258 Perth Townsend William Edward Male Tulloch Elizabeth Gladys Female Perth
1930/100259 Perth Smith Charles Edward Male Hanks Mary Eleanor Rose Female Perth
1930/100259 Perth Hanks Mary Eleanor Rose Female Smith Charles Edward Male Perth
1930/100260 Perth Stock John Hanham Male Wilson Mary Margaret Theresa Female Perth
1930/100260 Perth Wilson Mary Margaret Theresa Female Stock John Hanham Male Perth
1930/100261 Perth Barker Ronald Alton Male Lane Ella Hilda Emma Female Perth
1930/100261 Perth Lane Ella Hilda Emma Female Barker Ronald Alton Male Perth
1930/100262 Perth Lane Thelma Jessie Vivian Female Valentine Charles James Male Perth
1930/100262 Perth Valentine Charles James Male Lane Thelma Jessie Vivian Female Perth
1930/100263 Perth Weston Grace Beatrice Female Ackland Harold George Male Perth
1930/100263 Perth Ackland Harold George Male Weston Grace Beatrice Female Perth
1930/100264 Perth Mitchell Kathleen Mavis Female Barter Robert Charles Male Perth
1930/100264 Perth Barter Robert Charles Male Mitchell Kathleen Mavis Female Perth
1930/100265 Perth Ennis Lawrence Male Allen Eleanor Elizabeth Female Cottesloe
1930/100265 Perth Allen Eleanor Elizabeth Female Ennis Lawrence Male Cottesloe
1930/100266 Perth Thompson William Lowther Male Hall Polly Female Perth
1930/100266 Perth Hall Polly Female Thompson William Lowther Male Perth
1930/100267 Perth Jackson Albert Edward Male Baxter Hannah Female Perth
1930/100267 Perth Baxter Hannah Female Jackson Albert Edward Male Perth
1930/100268 Perth Nash Rosy Female Bennett Ernest Wilfred Male Perth
1930/100268 Perth Bennett Ernest Wilfred Male Nash Rosy Female Perth
1930/100269 Perth Hutchinson Edith Female Robson William Male Perth
1930/100269 Perth Robson William Male Hutchinson Edith Female Perth
1930/100270 Perth Hudson Owen Birchnel Male Wilsdon Wilhelmina Edith Female Perth
1930/100270 Perth Wilsdon Wilhelmina Edith Female Hudson Owen Birchnel Male Perth
1930/100271 Perth de la Houssaye Jeannette Marie Pottier Female Simmonds William John Male Victoria Park
1930/100271 Perth Simmonds William John Male de la Houssaye Jeannette Marie Pottier Female Victoria Park
1930/100272 Perth Bloomfield Ernest John Male Halton Julia Agnes Female Perth
1930/100272 Perth Halton Julia Agnes Female Bloomfield Ernest John Male Perth
1930/100273 Perth Hill Albert William Male Blackmore Alma Idelia Female Leederville
1930/100273 Perth Blackmore Alma Idelia Female Hill Albert William Male Leederville
1930/100274 Perth Hatch William Ernest Male Weston Winifred Female Leederville
1930/100274 Perth Weston Winifred Female Hatch William Ernest Male Leederville
1930/100275 Perth Fell Barbara Stuart Female Woodburne John Robert Chamley Male Perth
1930/100275 Perth Woodburne John Robert Chamley Male Fell Barbara Stuart Female Perth
1930/100276 Perth Archer Anne Isabel Female McCamish Cecil Male Perth
1930/100276 Perth McCamish Cecil Male Archer Anne Isabel Female Perth
1930/100278 Perth Davis Norah Ellen O'Connor Female Gardener Frank Male Perth
1930/100278 Perth Gardener Frank Male Davis Norah Ellen O'Connor Female Perth
1930/100279 Perth Walliss Leslie Thomas Male Stone Miriam Rose Female Perth
1930/100279 Perth Stone Miriam Rose Female Walliss Leslie Thomas Male Perth
1930/100280 Perth Coutts Jean Petrie Female Lenihan Malachi Male Perth
1930/100280 Perth Lenihan Malachi Male Coutts Jean Petrie Female Perth
1930/100281 Perth Curlewis John Burnham Male Veal Marjory Jean Female West Perth
1930/100281 Perth Veal Marjory Jean Female Curlewis John Burnham Male West Perth
1930/100282 Perth Duncan William Gordon Male Buchanan Agnes Emily Female Claremont
1930/100282 Perth Buchanan Agnes Emily Female Duncan William Gordon Male Claremont
1930/100283 Perth Newlands Mabel Elizabeth Female Trigwell Jack Henry Male Perth
1930/100283 Perth Trigwell Jack Henry Male Newlands Mabel Elizabeth Female Perth
1930/100284 Perth Breidahl Harold George Daniel Male Raynes Carrie Female Perth
1930/100284 Perth Raynes Carrie Female Breidahl Harold George Daniel Male Perth
1930/100285 Perth Coles Effie Mavis Sylvia Female Wasley Charles Roy Male Perth
1930/100285 Perth Wasley Charles Roy Male Coles Effie Mavis Sylvia Female Perth
1930/100286 Perth Gibbs George Allan Male Brown Olive Female Perth
1930/100286 Perth Brown Olive Female Gibbs George Allan Male Perth
1930/100287 Perth Evans Victor Gordon Male Stephens Joyce Marguerite Florence Female Perth
1930/100287 Perth Stephens Joyce Marguerite Florence Female Evans Victor Gordon Male Perth
1930/100288 Perth Watson Frederick John Male McCutcheon Agnes Barr Bell Slater Female Perth
1930/100288 Perth McCutcheon Agnes Barr Bell Slater Female Watson Frederick John Male Perth
1930/100289 Perth Johnson Dorris McQueen Female Walker Robert Cecil Male Leederville
1930/100289 Perth Walker Robert Cecil Male Johnson Dorris McQueen Female Leederville
1930/100290 Perth Wood Alice Female Davis John Alfred Male Subiaco
1930/100290 Perth Davis John Alfred Male Wood Alice Female Subiaco
1930/100291 Perth Arnold Ella Elizabeth Female Campbell John Douglas Male Claremont
1930/100291 Perth Campbell John Douglas Male Arnold Ella Elizabeth Female Claremont
1930/100292 Perth Wallace David Carmichael Male Brown Phyllis Irene Female Bayswater
1930/100292 Perth Brown Phyllis Irene Female Wallace David Carmichael Male Bayswater
1930/100293 Perth Edmonds Archibald Frederick Male Thomas Ellen Mary Female Perth
1930/100293 Perth Thomas Ellen Mary Female Edmonds Archibald Frederick Male Perth
1930/100294 Perth Curry Donald William Male Prince Florrence Vera Female Perth
1930/100294 Perth Prince Florrence Vera Female Curry Donald William Male Perth
1930/100295 Perth Cullen Lena Maud Female Anderson Charles Robert Male Perth
1930/100295 Perth Anderson Charles Robert Male Cullen Lena Maud Female Perth
1930/100296 Perth Bentley Laura Thelma Female Hinchliffe Ronald Campbell Male Perth
1930/100296 Perth Hinchliffe Ronald Campbell Male Bentley Laura Thelma Female Perth
1930/100297 Perth Honey Tom Weston Male Westwood Elsie May Female Perth
1930/100297 Perth Westwood Elsie May Female Honey Tom Weston Male Perth
1930/100298 Perth Fleming Eileen Myrtle Sarah Female Benton John Franklin Male Victoria Park
1930/100298 Perth Benton John Franklin Male Fleming Eileen Myrtle Sarah Female Victoria Park
1930/100299 Perth Gynn Claribelle Minnie Female Reeve Jack Male Perth
1930/100299 Perth Reeve Jack Male Gynn Claribelle Minnie Female Perth
1930/100300 Perth Roe Percy Augustus Male Hassell Theodosia Ellen Female Cottesloe
1930/100300 Perth Hassell Theodosia Ellen Female Roe Percy Augustus Male Cottesloe
1930/100301 Perth Hay Wilhelmina Female Keith Robert Male West Perth
1930/100301 Perth Keith Robert Male Hay Wilhelmina Female West Perth
1930/100302 Perth Hodgson Selina Muriel Female Wright John Gavin Male Victoria Park
1930/100302 Perth Wright John Gavin Male Hodgson Selina Muriel Female Victoria Park
1930/100303 Perth MacDonald Mae Female Boas Alfred Lionel Male Perth
1930/100303 Perth Boas Alfred Lionel Male MacDonald Mae Female Perth
1930/100304 Perth Stewart Violet Female MacAngus Andrew Male Perth
1930/100304 Perth MacAngus Andrew Male Stewart Violet Female Perth
1930/100305 Perth Rae Frank Gifford Male Marshall Elizabeth Brown Female Perth
1930/100305 Perth Marshall Elizabeth Brown Female Rae Frank Gifford Male Perth
1930/100306 Perth Mitchell Myra Female Marshall Alfred James Male Perth
1930/100306 Perth Marshall Alfred James Male Mitchell Myra Female Perth
1930/100307 Perth Campbell Henry Neville Raymond Male Dixon Reta Isabel Female Claremont
1930/100307 Perth Dixon Reta Isabel Female Campbell Henry Neville Raymond Male Claremont
1930/100308 Perth Payne Frederick Afon Male Mooney Rose Irene Female Leederville
1930/100308 Perth Mooney Rose Irene Female Payne Frederick Afon Male Leederville
1930/100309 Perth Atkinson Lilian Female Puzey Vernon Edwin Male Subiaco
1930/100309 Perth Puzey Vernon Edwin Male Atkinson Lilian Female Subiaco
1930/100310 Perth Buckingham Rose Edna Female Buckingham Ronald Male Perth
1930/100310 Perth Buckingham Ronald Male Buckingham Rose Edna Female Perth
1930/100311 Perth Neil Anita Nellie Margaret Female Pritchard David William Male Perth
1930/100311 Perth Pritchard David William Male Neil Anita Nellie Margaret Female Perth
1930/100312 Perth Gridley Kathleen Mary Female Standring Arthur Male Perth
1930/100312 Perth Standring Arthur Male Gridley Kathleen Mary Female Perth
1930/100313 Perth Bronsdon Ella Gertrude Female Archer Andrew Male Perth
1930/100313 Perth Archer Andrew Male Bronsdon Ella Gertrude Female Perth
1930/100314 Perth Hampton Oswald Neill Male Ball Edna May Female West Perth
1930/100314 Perth Ball Edna May Female Hampton Oswald Neill Male West Perth
1930/100315 Perth Parkes Charles Henry Male Stuchberry Elsie Maude Female West Perth
1930/100315 Perth Stuchberry Elsie Maude Female Parkes Charles Henry Male West Perth
1930/100316 Perth Coughlan Ida Female Snowley James William Male Perth
1930/100316 Perth Snowley James William Male Coughlan Ida Female Perth
1930/100317 Perth Krinks George Christopher Male Mackenzie Isobella Robertson Female Perth
1930/100317 Perth Mackenzie Isobella Robertson Female Krinks George Christopher Male Perth
1930/100318 Perth Tighe Ann Teresa Female Carrington Thomas Henry Cadwell Male Perth
1930/100318 Perth Carrington Thomas Henry Cadwell Male Tighe Ann Teresa Female Perth
1930/100319 Perth Police Nicholas Ross Male George Olga Leonie Female Perth
1930/100319 Perth George Olga Leonie Female Police Nicholas Ross Male Perth
1930/100320 Perth Anderson Felicitas Female Gamble Henry William Male Perth
1930/100320 Perth Gamble Henry William Male Anderson Felicitas Female Perth
1930/100321 Perth Baxter Doris Mary Female Thomson Jack Yelverton Male Perth
1930/100321 Perth Thomson Jack Yelverton Male Baxter Doris Mary Female Perth
1931/100322 Perth Brackenridge Alexander Blane Male Howard Gladys Alice Female Cottesloe Beach
1930/100322 Perth Jones Elleanor Griffiths Female Kelly Thomas Patrick Male Perth
1931/100322 Perth Howard Gladys Alice Female Brackenridge Alexander Blane Male Cottesloe Beach
1930/100322 Perth Kelly Thomas Patrick Male Jones Elleanor Griffiths Female Perth
1930/100323 Perth Follington Stella Female Baynes Arthur Herman Male Perth
1930/100323 Perth Baynes Arthur Herman Male Follington Stella Female Perth
1930/100324 Perth Mayhew Albra Marjory Female Hassell Edmund Arthur Male Perth
1930/100324 Perth Hassell Edmund Arthur Male Mayhew Albra Marjory Female Perth
1930/100325 Perth Brown Dorothy Female Holland Henry Lewis Male Perth
1930/100325 Perth Holland Henry Lewis Male Brown Dorothy Female Perth
1930/100326 Perth Lea Harry Male Gulliver Dorothy Olive Female Perth
1930/100326 Perth Gulliver Dorothy Olive Female Lea Harry Male Perth
1930/100327 Perth Cross Atholstone Charles Male Burkett Elizabeth Daisy Female Perth
1930/100327 Perth Burkett Elizabeth Daisy Female Cross Atholstone Charles Male Perth
1930/100328 Perth Jacobs Yetta Female Silberman Aaron Male Perth
1930/100328 Perth Silberman Aaron Male Jacobs Yetta Female Perth
1930/100329 Perth Owens David Male Armstrong Florence Mary Margaret Pickering Female Perth
1930/100329 Perth Armstrong Florence Mary Margaret Pickering Female Owens David Male Perth
1930/100330 Perth Flockart Ian Hamilton Male Smail Agnes Female West Perth
1930/100330 Perth Smail Agnes Female Flockart Ian Hamilton Male West Perth
1930/100331 Perth Graham Harry Male Rushworth Clarissa Mary Female Mount Lawley
1930/100331 Perth Rushworth Clarissa Mary Female Graham Harry Male Mount Lawley
1930/100332 Perth Davey Georgina May Female Taylor William Arthur Male Subiaco
1930/100332 Perth Taylor William Arthur Male Davey Georgina May Female Subiaco
1930/100333 Perth Carman Doris Isabel Female Robinson Roy Cecil Male Subiaco
1930/100333 Perth Robinson Roy Cecil Male Carman Doris Isabel Female Subiaco
1930/100334 Perth Davenport Raymond Ernest Male Fordham Eileen Pearl Female Subiaco
1930/100334 Perth Fordham Eileen Pearl Female Davenport Raymond Ernest Male Subiaco
1930/100335 Perth Passmore Eunice Blodwen Female Larke Reginald Male Subiaco
1930/100335 Perth Larke Reginald Male Passmore Eunice Blodwen Female Subiaco
1930/100336 Perth Dolphin John Percy Male Bettany Doris Female Subiaco
1930/100336 Perth Bettany Doris Female Dolphin John Percy Male Subiaco
1930/100337 Perth Robinson Sidney Male Martin Barbara Belle Female Victoria Park
1930/100337 Perth Martin Barbara Belle Female Robinson Sidney Male Victoria Park
1930/100338 Perth Makin Winifred Muriel Female Watts William Male Victoria Park
1930/100338 Perth Watts William Male Makin Winifred Muriel Female Victoria Park
1930/100339 Perth Neal Sidney Harold Male Sherar Nora Female Victoria Park
1930/100339 Perth Sherar Nora Female Neal Sidney Harold Male Victoria Park
1930/100340 Perth Fletcher Clifford Male McGeorge Jane Female Perth
1930/100340 Perth McGeorge Jane Female Fletcher Clifford Male Perth
1930/100341 Perth Beaton Thomas Francis Male Gilbert Ella Loyal Female Mt Lawley
1930/100341 Perth Gilbert Ella Loyal Female Beaton Thomas Francis Male Mt Lawley
1930/100342 Perth Massa Elena Margherita Female Angear Maurice Male Perth
1930/100342 Perth Angear Maurice Male Massa Elena Margherita Female Perth
1930/100343 Perth Collins Norman Hinsh Male Davis Annie May Female Perth
1930/100343 Perth Davis Annie May Female Collins Norman Hinsh Male Perth
1930/100344 Perth Ashton Minnie Laurel Female Stone Leolin Clive Male Subiaco
1930/100344 Perth Stone Leolin Clive Male Ashton Minnie Laurel Female Subiaco
1930/100345 Perth Barnard Maryllia Anne Female Ryan Bernard Joseph Male Perth
1930/100345 Perth Ryan Bernard Joseph Male Barnard Maryllia Anne Female Perth
1930/100346 Perth Easton Henry Fredrick Fremantle Male Wilson Winifred Alexandra Female West Perth
1930/100346 Perth Wilson Winifred Alexandra Female Easton Henry Fredrick Fremantle Male West Perth
1930/100347 Perth Rintoul Robert Male Coady Beatrice May Female Perth
1930/100347 Perth Coady Beatrice May Female Rintoul Robert Male Perth
1930/100348 Perth Milne Helene Ann Female Crowe James Frederick Male Perth
1930/100348 Perth Crowe James Frederick Male Milne Helene Ann Female Perth
1930/100349 Perth Tyson John William Winston Male Hurst Phyliss Edith Female North Perth
1930/100349 Perth Hurst Phyliss Edith Female Tyson John William Winston Male North Perth
1930/100350 Perth Nankivill Elsie Emma Female Browne William Alfred Male North Perth
1930/100350 Perth Browne William Alfred Male Nankivill Elsie Emma Female North Perth
1930/100351 Perth Goyder Ethelwynne Alexandra Female Brooksbank Joseph William Male North Perth
1930/100351 Perth Brooksbank Joseph William Male Goyder Ethelwynne Alexandra Female North Perth
1930/100352 Perth Bushby Joseph Male Clark Elizabeth Female North Perth
1930/100352 Perth Clark Elizabeth Female Bushby Joseph Male North Perth
1930/100353 Perth Wilson Arthur Male Tomlinson Mona Elizabeth Female North Perth
1930/100353 Perth Tomlinson Mona Elizabeth Female Wilson Arthur Male North Perth
1930/100354 Perth Peacock William Anthony Male Riley Hazel Mary Elizabeth Female North Perth
1930/100354 Perth Riley Hazel Mary Elizabeth Female Peacock William Anthony Male North Perth
1930/100356 Perth Exley Ira Kenneth Male Underdown Florence Annie Female Cottesloe Beach
1930/100356 Perth Underdown Florence Annie Female Exley Ira Kenneth Male Cottesloe Beach
1930/100357 Perth Parkin Adam Male Etherington Ellen Female Perth
1930/100357 Perth Etherington Ellen Female Parkin Adam Male Perth
1930/100358 Perth Potts Margaret Catherine Female Nelligan Frank Male Perth
1930/100358 Perth Nelligan Frank Male Potts Margaret Catherine Female Perth
1930/100359 Perth Smith Frederick Watson Male Salkilld Lorne Campbell Female Perth
1930/100359 Perth Salkilld Lorne Campbell Female Smith Frederick Watson Male Perth
1930/100360 Perth Scott Mary Female Baxter Ernest Francis Male Perth
1930/100360 Perth Baxter Ernest Francis Male Scott Mary Female Perth
1930/100361 Perth Blenkinsop William Robert Male Hogan Lila Virginia Female Perth
1930/100361 Perth Hogan Lila Virginia Female Blenkinsop William Robert Male Perth
1930/100362 Perth Mosel Herman Elliott Male Wright Edith Ethel Female Perth
1930/100362 Perth Wright Edith Ethel Female Mosel Herman Elliott Male Perth
1930/100363 Perth Blackmore Herbert Charles Male Anderson Nita Female Perth
1930/100363 Perth Anderson Nita Female Blackmore Herbert Charles Male Perth
1930/100364 Perth Allan Constance Eileen Female Taplin William Robert Male Perth
1930/100364 Perth Taplin William Robert Male Allan Constance Eileen Female Perth
1930/100365 Perth Dowdell Reuban Brewer Male Hughes Stella Mary Female Perth
1930/100365 Perth Hughes Stella Mary Female Dowdell Reuban Brewer Male Perth
1930/100366 Perth Ward Muriel Female Scotney Herbert Arthur Male Perth
1930/100366 Perth Scotney Herbert Arthur Male Ward Muriel Female Perth
1930/100367 Perth Just Eric Favin Male Bothamley Florence Ivy Female Perth
1930/100367 Perth Bothamley Florence Ivy Female Just Eric Favin Male Perth
1930/100368 Perth West Leslie Cooper Male Johnston Edna Mary Female Perth
1930/100368 Perth Johnston Edna Mary Female West Leslie Cooper Male Perth
1930/100369 Perth Whittaker Ogril William James Male Lloyd-Jones Constance Susan Female Perth
1930/100369 Perth Lloyd-Jones Constance Susan Female Whittaker Ogril William James Male Perth
1930/100370 Perth Martin Sylvia Ellen May Female Simmons Henry Trethowan Male Perth
1930/100370 Perth Simmons Henry Trethowan Male Martin Sylvia Ellen May Female Perth
1930/100371 Perth Stallion Ruth Female Provis Harold Curtis Male Perth
1930/100371 Perth Provis Harold Curtis Male Stallion Ruth Female Perth
1930/100372 Perth Howard Grace Roberta Female Shepherdson Edgar Bert Male Maylands
1930/100372 Perth Shepherdson Edgar Bert Male Howard Grace Roberta Female Maylands
1930/100373 Perth Whately Leslie Male Dutton Elsie May Female Maylands
1930/100373 Perth Dutton Elsie May Female Whately Leslie Male Maylands
1930/100374 Perth Walker George Male Tennant Lily May Female Perth
1930/100374 Perth Tennant Lily May Female Walker George Male Perth
1930/100375 Perth Burn Ralph James Male Gibson Florence May Female West Perth
1930/100375 Perth Gibson Florence May Female Burn Ralph James Male West Perth
1930/100376 Perth Hollins Catherine Female Law-Davis Fred Male Perth
1930/100376 Perth Law-Davis Fred Male Hollins Catherine Female Perth
1930/100377 Perth MacAdam Thomas Male Miller Amy Eggers Female West Perth
1930/100377 Perth Miller Amy Eggers Female MacAdam Thomas Male West Perth
1930/100378 Perth Gates William John Male Dobbie Dorothy Jean Female Claremont
1930/100378 Perth Dobbie Dorothy Jean Female Gates William John Male Claremont
1930/100379 Perth Hornsby Keith Goldney Male Ross Norma Jean Female Claremont
1930/100379 Perth Ross Norma Jean Female Hornsby Keith Goldney Male Claremont
1930/100380 Perth Wilke Herman Male Renouf Doreen Violette Female Claremont
1930/100380 Perth Renouf Doreen Violette Female Wilke Herman Male Claremont
1930/100381 Perth Smart Frances Leonardine Female Angell Robert Charles Male Cottesloe
1930/100381 Perth Angell Robert Charles Male Smart Frances Leonardine Female Cottesloe
1930/100382 Perth Barker Robert Walter Raleigh Male Stewart Nellie Ina Female Perth
1930/100382 Perth Stewart Nellie Ina Female Barker Robert Walter Raleigh Male Perth
1930/100383 Perth Powell Grace Catherine Female Gellatly Robert Male Perth
1930/100383 Perth Gellatly Robert Male Powell Grace Catherine Female Perth
1930/100384 Perth Brady Thomas James Male Humphreys Doris Catherine Female Maylands
1930/100384 Perth Humphreys Doris Catherine Female Brady Thomas James Male Maylands
1930/100385 Perth Shaw Annie May Female McGhee William James Male Perth
1930/100385 Perth McGhee William James Male Shaw Annie May Female Perth
1930/100388 Perth Nind Roy Joseph Pitt Male Holbery Annie Catherine Female Subiaco
1930/100388 Perth Holbery Annie Catherine Female Nind Roy Joseph Pitt Male Subiaco
1930/100389 Perth Quinn Margaret Anne Female O'Connell Joseph Patrick Male Subiaco
1930/100389 Perth O'Connell Joseph Patrick Male Quinn Margaret Anne Female Subiaco
1930/100390 Perth Zeplin Henry George Male Bean Mavis Kathleen Female Subiaco
1930/100390 Perth Bean Mavis Kathleen Female Zeplin Henry George Male Subiaco
1930/100391 Perth Bridge Sydney Male Armstrong Florence Female West Leederville
1930/100391 Perth Armstrong Florence Female Bridge Sydney Male West Leederville
1930/100392 Perth Alexander Margaret Lilian Irene Female Deacon John Edgar Male Perth
1930/100392 Perth Deacon John Edgar Male Alexander Margaret Lilian Irene Female Perth
1930/100393 Perth Brown Archibald David Male Lane Nellie Elizabeth Female Leederville
1930/100393 Perth Lane Nellie Elizabeth Female Brown Archibald David Male Leederville
1930/100394 Perth Joss Ivy Female White William John Male Leederville
1930/100394 Perth White William John Male Joss Ivy Female Leederville
1930/100395 Perth Wilson Nancy Catherine Female McCracken Dudley William James Male Leederville
1930/100395 Perth McCracken Dudley William James Male Wilson Nancy Catherine Female Leederville
1930/100396 Perth Bickle Herbert Thomas Male Chapman Ira Pearl Female Leederville
1930/100396 Perth Chapman Ira Pearl Female Bickle Herbert Thomas Male Leederville
1930/100397 Perth McCarthy Sarah Jane Female Kirkham Frederick Richard Male Perth
1930/100397 Perth Kirkham Frederick Richard Male McCarthy Sarah Jane Female Perth
1930/100398 Perth Sercombe Alured Arthur Male Wallis Isabella Female Perth
1930/100398 Perth Wallis Isabella Female Sercombe Alured Arthur Male Perth
1930/100399 Perth Preedy Rita Myrtle Female Murray James Patience Male West Perth
1930/100399 Perth Murray James Patience Male Preedy Rita Myrtle Female West Perth
1930/100400 Perth Tregeagle Charlotte Jane Female Reynolds John Male Perth
1930/100400 Perth Reynolds John Male Tregeagle Charlotte Jane Female Perth
1930/100401 Perth Pearse Alfred Haddy Male Dodge Alice Mary Female Cottesloe
1930/100401 Perth Dodge Alice Mary Female Pearse Alfred Haddy Male Cottesloe
1930/100402 Perth Millington Lilly May Female Harwood John George Male Cottesloe
1930/100402 Perth Harwood John George Male Millington Lilly May Female Cottesloe
1930/100403 Perth Sales Lilian Mary Female Faddy Keith Wilford Male Nedlands
1930/100403 Perth Faddy Keith Wilford Male Sales Lilian Mary Female Nedlands
1930/100404 Perth Ings William James Male Bonnett Vera May Female Perth
1930/100404 Perth Bonnett Vera May Female Ings William James Male Perth
1930/100405 Perth Thorpe Leonard Ellis Male Moffat Catherine Miller Female Perth
1930/100405 Perth Moffat Catherine Miller Female Thorpe Leonard Ellis Male Perth
1930/100406 Perth Phillips Alfred Male Knott Alice Mabel Female Cottesloe
1930/100406 Perth Knott Alice Mabel Female Phillips Alfred Male Cottesloe
1930/100407 Perth Netherway David Edgar Male Hellmrich Dulcie Gertrude Female Leederville
1930/100407 Perth Hellmrich Dulcie Gertrude Female Netherway David Edgar Male Leederville
1930/100408 Perth Gorman Hugh Francis Male Ashbury Amy Rose Female Perth
1930/100408 Perth Ashbury Amy Rose Female Gorman Hugh Francis Male Perth
1930/100409 Perth Poole Lillian Mary Pearson Female Nesbit Bartholomew Alexander Male Maylands
1930/100409 Perth Nesbit Bartholomew Alexander Male Poole Lillian Mary Pearson Female Maylands
1930/100410 Perth Waters Albert Ernest Male Phillips Gwladys Female Subiaco
1930/100410 Perth Phillips Gwladys Female Waters Albert Ernest Male Subiaco
1930/100411 Perth Crotty Marion Female Davis Norman James Male Subiaco
1930/100411 Perth Davis Norman James Male Crotty Marion Female Subiaco
1930/100412 Perth Gillespie Joseph McGown Male Kerr Martha Female West Perth
1930/100412 Perth Kerr Martha Female Gillespie Joseph McGown Male West Perth
1930/100413 Perth Pearson Hilda May Female Hancock Froude Male West Perth
1930/100413 Perth Hancock Froude Male Pearson Hilda May Female West Perth
1930/100414 Perth Hardwick Edmund Cyril Male Macleod Catherine Agnes Female West Perth
1930/100414 Perth Macleod Catherine Agnes Female Hardwick Edmund Cyril Male West Perth
1930/100415 Perth Lee Christina Female Patrick William Deas Male Perth
1930/100415 Perth Patrick William Deas Male Lee Christina Female Perth
1930/100416 Perth Bowden Doris Irene Female Howson Thomas Harry Male Victoria Park
1930/100416 Perth Howson Thomas Harry Male Bowden Doris Irene Female Victoria Park
1930/100417 Perth Pollard Una Campbell Simson Female Harvey Irwin Butson Male Victoria Park
1930/100417 Perth Harvey Irwin Butson Male Pollard Una Campbell Simson Female Victoria Park
1930/100418 Perth Knowlson Harold James Male Fraser Jessie Irene Thelma Female Perth
1930/100418 Perth Fraser Jessie Irene Thelma Female Knowlson Harold James Male Perth
1930/100419 Perth Brett Agnes Mabel Female Limbourn John Joseph Male West Perth
1930/100419 Perth Limbourn John Joseph Male Brett Agnes Mabel Female West Perth
1930/100420 Perth Seivwright Charles Male Ryan Doreen Female Subiaco
1930/100420 Perth Ryan Doreen Female Seivwright Charles Male Subiaco
1930/100421 Perth Taprowski Edna May Female Wiltshire William Thomas Male Subiaco
1930/100421 Perth Reid Edna May Female Wiltshire William Thomas Male Subiaco
1930/100421 Perth Wiltshire William Thomas Male Reid Edna May Female Subiaco
1930/100421 Perth Wiltshire William Thomas Male Taprowski Edna May Female Subiaco
1930/100422 Perth Griffiths Grace Margaret Female Williams Lloyd Male Subiaco
1930/100422 Perth Williams Lloyd Male Griffiths Grace Margaret Female Subiaco
1930/100423 Perth Everitt Frederick Norman Male Hounslow Jean May Female Mount Lawley
1930/100423 Perth Hounslow Jean May Female Everitt Frederick Norman Male Mount Lawley
1930/100424 Perth Hall Ronald Archibald James Male Burgess Edna Betty Female South Perth
1930/100424 Perth Burgess Edna Betty Female Hall Ronald Archibald James Male South Perth
1930/100425 Perth Arnold Dorothy Edith Female Worrall William Ernest Male Subiaco
1930/100425 Perth Worrall William Ernest Male Arnold Dorothy Edith Female Subiaco
1930/100426 Perth Hughes Stanley Ransom Male Stanbridge Dorothy Winifred Female Perth
1930/100426 Perth Stanbridge Dorothy Winifred Female Hughes Stanley Ransom Male Perth
1930/100427 Perth Young Arthur William James Male Duggan Margaret Female Maylands
1930/100427 Perth Duggan Margaret Female Young Arthur William James Male Maylands
1930/100428 Perth Pike Jessie Isobel Female Scullion Charles Male Maylands
1930/100428 Perth Scullion Charles Male Pike Jessie Isobel Female Maylands
1930/100429 Perth Culling Malcolm Wallace Male Darragh Louisa Winifred Female Perth
1930/100429 Perth Darragh Louisa Winifred Female Culling Malcolm Wallace Male Perth
1930/100430 Perth Cass Herbert Male Mills Ellen Valerie Female Perth
1930/100430 Perth Mills Ellen Valerie Female Cass Herbert Male Perth
1930/100431 Perth Hobson Frances Myrtle Female Willis Arthur Roy Male Perth
1930/100431 Perth Willis Arthur Roy Male Hobson Frances Myrtle Female Perth
1930/100432 Perth Gill Marjorie Doris Female Applegate Richard Male Perth
1930/100432 Perth Applegate Richard Male Gill Marjorie Doris Female Perth
1930/100433 Perth Nixon Marshall Fardell Male Borrow Evelyn Female Perth
1930/100433 Perth Borrow Evelyn Female Nixon Marshall Fardell Male Perth
1930/100434 Perth Sampson Robert Stuart Male Healy Frances Rosette Female Mount Lawley
1930/100434 Perth Healy Frances Rosette Female Sampson Robert Stuart Male Mount Lawley
1930/100435 Perth Kopp Wilhelmina Alexandra Female Greene Oswald Vernon Male Perth
1930/100435 Perth Greene Oswald Vernon Male Kopp Wilhelmina Alexandra Female Perth
1930/100436 Perth Maller Dorothy Female Secourable Edward Arthur Hothersall Male Perth
1930/100436 Perth Secourable Edward Arthur Hothersall Male Maller Dorothy Female Perth
1930/100437 Perth Hummerston John Goldsmith Male Crozier Phyllis Thelma Female Perth
1930/100437 Perth Crozier Phyllis Thelma Female Hummerston John Goldsmith Male Perth
1930/100438 Perth Butt Emily Beatrice Female Langford John Edward Male North Perth
1930/100438 Perth Langford John Edward Male Butt Emily Beatrice Female North Perth
1930/100439 Perth Campbell Murray Adrian Male Pearse Lilian Florence Female West Perth
1930/100439 Perth Pearse Lilian Florence Female Campbell Murray Adrian Male West Perth
1930/100440 Perth McManus Kathleen Mary Veronica Female Holtom Harold Wilfrid Francis Male West Perth
1930/100440 Perth Holtom Harold Wilfrid Francis Male McManus Kathleen Mary Veronica Female West Perth
1930/100441 Perth Kearey Phyllis Mae Female Linto Victor Alexander Male West Perth
1930/100441 Perth Linto Victor Alexander Male Kearey Phyllis Mae Female West Perth
1930/100442 Perth Hanson Lionel Male Knudsen Myrtle Female West Perth
1930/100442 Perth Knudsen Myrtle Female Hanson Lionel Male West Perth
1930/100443 Perth Hooper Rose Anne Female Martin Ernest Male West Perth
1930/100443 Perth Martin Ernest Male Hooper Rose Anne Female West Perth
1930/100444 Perth Wilkinson Francis Male Walton Leana Female Perth
1930/100444 Perth Walton Leana Female Wilkinson Francis Male Perth
1930/100445 Perth Tuckett Maud Female Knight James Doidge Male Perth
1930/100445 Perth Knight James Doidge Male Tuckett Maud Female Perth
1930/100446 Perth Cooper Lena Hazel Female Dalley Charles Robert Male Cottesloe
1930/100446 Perth Dalley Charles Robert Male Cooper Lena Hazel Female Cottesloe
1930/100447 Perth Stevenson Doris Jean Female Ellis Frank Le Lievre Male Cottesloe
1930/100447 Perth Ellis Frank Le Lievre Male Stevenson Doris Jean Female Cottesloe
1930/100448 Perth White Freda Marjory Middleton Female Jarick Norman Henry Male Perth
1930/100448 Perth Jarick Norman Henry Male White Freda Marjory Middleton Female Perth
1930/100449 Perth Lyneham Albert William Male Thom Dorothy Female Perth
1930/100449 Perth Thom Dorothy Female Lyneham Albert William Male Perth
1930/100450 Perth Davies Frank Hamilton Male Glover Ethel May Female Perth
1930/100450 Perth Glover Ethel May Female Davies Frank Hamilton Male Perth
1930/100451 Perth Diamondaras Stavros Male Singh Edna May Female Leederville
1930/100451 Perth Singh Edna May Female Diamondaras Stavros Male Leederville
1930/100452 Perth Davies Ronald William Male Chitty Leta Laura Female Leederville
1930/100452 Perth Chitty Leta Laura Female Davies Ronald William Male Leederville
1930/100453 Perth O'Reilly Frans Emil Male Pollard Gertrude Amelia Female Leederville
1930/100453 Perth Pollard Gertrude Amelia Female O'Reilly Frans Emil Male Leederville
1930/100454 Perth Crowley Vivian George Male Piddington Celia Female Perth
1930/100454 Perth Piddington Celia Female Crowley Vivian George Male Perth
1930/100455 Perth Clark Sarah Constance Female Silva David Lionel Male Perth
1930/100455 Perth Silva David Lionel Male Clark Sarah Constance Female Perth
1930/100456 Perth Graham Edward James Male Kennedy Julia Agnes Female Claremont
1930/100456 Perth Kennedy Julia Agnes Female Graham Edward James Male Claremont
1930/100457 Perth Shepherd Amy Elizabeth Female Fairfield George William Male Perth
1930/100457 Perth Fairfield George William Male Shepherd Amy Elizabeth Female Perth
1930/100458 Perth Bower Violet Ruth Female Catterick Joseph George Male Perth
1930/100458 Perth Catterick Joseph George Male Bower Violet Ruth Female Perth
1930/100459 Perth Bailey Sybil Eleanor Female Upson Leonard David Male Cottesloe
1930/100459 Perth Upson Leonard David Male Bailey Sybil Eleanor Female Cottesloe
1930/100460 Perth Thrower Gertrude Agnes Female McLaren Gavin Athole Laurie Male Perth
1930/100460 Perth McLaren Gavin Athole Laurie Male Thrower Gertrude Agnes Female Perth
1930/100461 Perth Wood Derisley Albert Male Elam Janet Female Perth
1930/100461 Perth Elam Janet Female Wood Derisley Albert Male Perth
1930/100462 Perth Lawrence Patricia Frances Female Barnard Harold David Male Perth
1930/100462 Perth Barnard Harold David Male Lawrence Patricia Frances Female Perth
1930/100463 Perth Kay Annie Female Hosking Jack Sargent Male Cottesloe
1930/100463 Perth Hosking Jack Sargent Male Kay Annie Female Cottesloe
1930/100464 Perth Hummerston Florence Edith Female Carr Leslie Harold Male Perth
1930/100464 Perth Carr Leslie Harold Male Hummerston Florence Edith Female Perth
1930/100465 Perth McInnes Kathleen Grace Female Walker Francis Patrick Male Perth
1930/100465 Perth Walker Francis Patrick Male McInnes Kathleen Grace Female Perth
1930/100466 Perth Buckham Thomas Stanley Male Axford Elsie Leonora Female Perth
1930/100466 Perth Axford Elsie Leonora Female Buckham Thomas Stanley Male Perth
1930/100467 Perth Gibbons Kathleen Alice Mary Female Cawley Francis Patrick Male Perth
1930/100467 Perth Cawley Francis Patrick Male Gibbons Kathleen Alice Mary Female Perth
1930/100468 Perth Ryan Honorah Margaret Female Walsh James Lawrence Male Perth
1930/100468 Perth Walsh James Lawrence Male Ryan Honorah Margaret Female Perth
1930/100469 Perth Cottrell Veronica Laura Female Hampton Horace Percival Male Perth
1930/100469 Perth Hampton Horace Percival Male Cottrell Veronica Laura Female Perth
1930/100470 Perth Hulbert Ernest David Male Byrne Leah Catherine Female Perth
1930/100470 Perth Byrne Leah Catherine Female Hulbert Ernest David Male Perth
1930/100471 Perth Stewart Edith Millicent Female Caswell Wilfrid Stanislaus Male Perth
1930/100471 Perth Caswell Wilfrid Stanislaus Male Stewart Edith Millicent Female Perth
1930/100472 Perth Bradley John Henry Male McConnell Margaret Female Perth
1930/100472 Perth McConnell Margaret Female Bradley John Henry Male Perth
1930/100473 Perth Wilkes Adeline Evelyn Female Corunna Arthur Male Perth
1930/100473 Perth Corunna Arthur Male Wilkes Adeline Evelyn Female Perth
1930/100474 Perth Dawson Philip Vincent Male Donnelly Helen Female Perth
1930/100474 Perth Donnelly Helen Female Dawson Philip Vincent Male Perth
1930/100475 Perth Boyle Theo Joseph Male Carter Jean Iris Female Perth
1930/100475 Perth Carter Jean Iris Female Boyle Theo Joseph Male Perth
1930/100476 Perth McNamara Irene Sparkle Female Powell Peter Eugene Male Perth
1930/100476 Perth Powell Peter Eugene Male McNamara Irene Sparkle Female Perth
1930/100477 Perth Moss Thomas Male Rosser Dorothy Rose Female Perth
1930/100477 Perth Rosser Dorothy Rose Female Moss Thomas Male Perth
1930/100478 Perth Scott Mavis Irene Female Jenkinson Ernest Ashley Male Perth
1930/100478 Perth Jenkinson Ernest Ashley Male Scott Mavis Irene Female Perth
1930/100479 Perth Cox Ruby Elizabeth Female Tummel Albert Richard Male Perth
1930/100479 Perth Tummel Albert Richard Male Cox Ruby Elizabeth Female Perth
1930/100480 Perth Bailey Ailsa Evelyn Susan Female Sheed David Stanley Male Perth
1930/100480 Perth Sheed David Stanley Male Bailey Ailsa Evelyn Susan Female Perth
1930/100481 Perth Noble Edith Female Petchell Edward Frederick Stanley Male Perth
1930/100481 Perth Petchell Edward Frederick Stanley Male Noble Edith Female Perth
1930/100482 Perth Weir Thomas William Male Rawlins Eileen May Female Perth
1930/100482 Perth Rawlins Eileen May Female Weir Thomas William Male Perth
1930/100483 Perth Lang Harold King Male Moore Gladys Frederica Female Perth
1930/100483 Perth Moore Gladys Frederica Female Lang Harold King Male Perth
1930/100484 Perth Nicholas Richard Fredrick Male Lord Harriet Female Mount Hawthorn
1930/100484 Perth Lord Harriet Female Nicholas Richard Fredrick Male Mount Hawthorn
1930/100485 Perth Kerr Robert Ernest Male Halliday Rona Matilda Female Perth
1930/100485 Perth Halliday Rona Matilda Female Kerr Robert Ernest Male Perth
1930/100486 Perth McKay Ella Mary Female Haley Reginald Aden Male Perth
1930/100486 Perth Haley Reginald Aden Male McKay Ella Mary Female Perth
1930/100487 Perth Rodgers Mabel Dorothy Way Female Perry John Donald Male Victoria Park
1930/100487 Perth Perry John Donald Male Rodgers Mabel Dorothy Way Female Victoria Park
1930/100488 Perth Neale Leslie Pennock Male Mannings Gladys Female Carlisle
1930/100488 Perth Mannings Gladys Female Neale Leslie Pennock Male Carlisle
1930/100489 Perth Gorrett Kathleen Florence Female Ginbey Ernest Male Perth
1930/100489 Perth Ginbey Ernest Male Gorrett Kathleen Florence Female Perth
1930/100490 Perth Lewis Phyllis Helen Female Miles Henry Charles Allen Male Perth
1930/100490 Perth Miles Henry Charles Allen Male Lewis Phyllis Helen Female Perth
1930/100491 Perth Wheeler Emily Evelyn Female McDonald William Raymond Male North Perth
1930/100491 Perth McDonald William Raymond Male Wheeler Emily Evelyn Female North Perth
1930/100492 Perth Johnston Thomas Male Alford Maude Sewell Brown Female Leederville
1930/100492 Perth Alford Maude Sewell Brown Female Johnston Thomas Male Leederville
1930/100493 Perth Miller Elsie Blenfield Female Arcus Thomas Henry Male Perth
1930/100493 Perth Arcus Thomas Henry Male Miller Elsie Blenfield Female Perth
1930/100494 Perth Rowland William Benjiman Male Crocker Agness Julia Female Perth
1930/100494 Perth Crocker Agness Julia Female Rowland William Benjiman Male Perth
1930/100495 Perth Spiller Margaret Elizabeth Female Freeman William Henry James Male Perth
1930/100495 Perth Freeman William Henry James Male Spiller Margaret Elizabeth Female Perth
1930/100496 Perth Walkington Albert Victor Male Hodgson Hilda Female Perth
1930/100496 Perth Hodgson Hilda Female Walkington Albert Victor Male Perth
1930/100497 Perth Ardies Elizabeth Female Edwards William Hendry Male Claremont
1930/100497 Perth Edwards William Hendry Male Ardies Elizabeth Female Claremont
1930/100498 Perth Sewell Cecil Augustus Male Needham Nita Maude Female Claremont
1930/100498 Perth Needham Nita Maude Female Sewell Cecil Augustus Male Claremont
1930/100499 Perth Blythe Minna Ann Female Horrocks William John Male Claremont
1930/100499 Perth Horrocks William John Male Blythe Minna Ann Female Claremont
1930/100500 Perth Wang Hans Peter Male Sanderson Jean Female East Perth
1930/100500 Perth Sanderson Jean Female Wang Hans Peter Male East Perth
1930/100501 Perth Williams Hazel Eva Female Lowe Victor James Male Claremont
1930/100501 Perth Lowe Victor James Male Williams Hazel Eva Female Claremont
1930/100502 Perth Forsyth Isabella Angus Female Loughray James Male Perth
1930/100502 Perth Loughray James Male Forsyth Isabella Angus Female Perth
1930/100503 Perth Lowen Donaldson Arnold Male Bruce Jessie Female Perth
1930/100503 Perth Bruce Jessie Female Lowen Donaldson Arnold Male Perth
1930/100504 Perth McLean John Male Kirkpatrick Elina Elaine Female Perth
1930/100504 Perth Kirkpatrick Elina Elaine Female McLean John Male Perth
1930/100505 Perth Sutherland William Alexander Male Lynn Minnie Ann Female Perth
1930/100505 Perth Lynn Minnie Ann Female Sutherland William Alexander Male Perth
1930/100506 Perth Kirwan Richard Frederick Male Sinclair Frances Mildred Female West Leederville
1930/100506 Perth Sinclair Frances Mildred Female Kirwan Richard Frederick Male West Leederville
1930/100507 Perth Edmunds Winifred Female Bezant Edward Charles Male West Leederville
1930/100507 Perth Bezant Edward Charles Male Edmunds Winifred Female West Leederville
1930/100508 Perth Chaloner Olive Agnes Female Slee Arthur George Male West Leederville
1930/100508 Perth Slee Arthur George Male Chaloner Olive Agnes Female West Leederville
1930/100509 Perth Randall Marjorie Irene Eleanor Female Corboy Jack Alexander Male West Leederville
1930/100509 Perth Corboy Jack Alexander Male Randall Marjorie Irene Eleanor Female West Leederville
1930/100510 Perth Armstrong John Male Pearce Winifred Female Perth
1930/100510 Perth Pearce Winifred Female Armstrong John Male Perth
1930/100511 Perth Wheatley Claribel Daphne Female Tenma Spiridione Constantine Antonia Male East Perth
1930/100511 Perth Tenma Spiridione Constantine Antonia Male Wheatley Claribel Daphne Female East Perth
1930/100512 Perth Parker John Thomas Male Checksfield Marjorie Alice Female Perth
1930/100512 Perth Checksfield Marjorie Alice Female Parker John Thomas Male Perth
1930/100513 Perth Hobby Cyril Garfield Male Evans Mavis Florence Female Perth
1930/100513 Perth Evans Mavis Florence Female Hobby Cyril Garfield Male Perth
1930/100514 Perth Pontin Alice Female Bramwell James Charles Male Claremont
1930/100514 Perth Bramwell James Charles Male Pontin Alice Female Claremont
1930/100515 Perth Tobias Samuel Arthur Woolsley Male Hayes Gertrude Eva Female Rivervale
1930/100515 Perth Hayes Gertrude Eva Female Tobias Samuel Arthur Woolsley Male Rivervale
1930/100516 Perth Harrison Albert Edward Male Lander Ivy Annie Female West Perth
1930/100516 Perth Lander Ivy Annie Female Harrison Albert Edward Male West Perth
1930/100517 Perth Kuhne Alfred Albin Carl Male Aitken Edna May Female Perth
1930/100517 Perth Aitken Edna May Female Kuhne Alfred Albin Carl Male Perth
1930/100518 Perth Hand Velma Female Berry Ivan Read Male Victoria Park
1930/100518 Perth Berry Ivan Read Male Hand Velma Female Victoria Park
1930/100519 Perth Hall Romilly Elliott Male Curedale Beryl Joan Female Cottesloe
1930/100519 Perth Curedale Beryl Joan Female Hall Romilly Elliott Male Cottesloe
1930/100520 Perth Jeboult Jack Young Male Batkin Lindsay Gwendolyne Female Perth
1930/100520 Perth Batkin Lindsay Gwendolyne Female Jeboult Jack Young Male Perth
1930/100521 Perth Liddington Violet Maud Female Palmer Joseph James Male Perth
1930/100521 Perth Palmer Joseph James Male Liddington Violet Maud Female Perth
1930/100522 Perth Spurling Francis Clifford Male Smith Ada Lily Violet Female Perth
1930/100522 Perth Smith Ada Lily Violet Female Spurling Francis Clifford Male Perth
1930/100523 Perth Ellis Hazel Myrtle Female Lang Henry Bryan Male Cottesloe Beach
1930/100523 Perth Lang Henry Bryan Male Ellis Hazel Myrtle Female Cottesloe Beach
1930/100524 Perth Christian Elsie Female Hamersley Edward Bevon Hugh Male Cottesloe
1930/100524 Perth Hamersley Edward Bevon Hugh Male Christian Elsie Female Cottesloe
1930/100525 Perth Howell Keith Male Jefferson Elizabeth Female Cottesloe
1930/100525 Perth Jefferson Elizabeth Female Howell Keith Male Cottesloe
1930/100526 Perth Toomey Dorothy Isabell Female Evans Cecil William Male North Perth
1930/100526 Perth Evans Cecil William Male Toomey Dorothy Isabell Female North Perth
1930/100527 Perth Edwards Colin Robert Male Coghill Frances Muriel Female North Perth
1930/100527 Perth Coghill Frances Muriel Female Edwards Colin Robert Male North Perth
1930/100528 Perth Churchouse Ivy Female Congrene Conrad Male Perth
1930/100528 Perth Congrene Conrad Male Churchouse Ivy Female Perth
1930/100529 Perth Reed Hilda Evelyn Female Dowd Michael Male Perth
1930/100529 Perth Dowd Michael Male Reed Hilda Evelyn Female Perth
1930/100530 Perth Lammonby Dorothy Female O'Brien Timothy Anthony Male Perth
1930/100530 Perth O'Brien Timothy Anthony Male Lammonby Dorothy Female Perth
1930/100531 Perth Keyser Herbert George Male Krakouer Elizabeth Gertrude Female Perth
1930/100531 Perth Krakouer Elizabeth Gertrude Female Keyser Herbert George Male Perth
1930/100532 Perth Black Elsie Lavena Female Robertson William Haining Male Cottesloe
1930/100532 Perth Robertson William Haining Male Black Elsie Lavena Female Cottesloe
1930/100533 Perth Mullett Ethel Marrion Female Longbottom David Henry Male Perth
1930/100533 Perth Longbottom David Henry Male Mullett Ethel Marrion Female Perth
1930/100534 Perth Whately Stanley Male Mortimore Claris Grace Female Subiaco
1930/100534 Perth Mortimore Claris Grace Female Whately Stanley Male Subiaco
1930/100535 Perth Burnham Hilda Female Walker James Male Perth
1930/100535 Perth Walker James Male Burnham Hilda Female Perth
1930/100536 Perth McGinn Keith Edward Male Nash Nancy Edith Olive Female Perth
1930/100536 Perth Nash Nancy Edith Olive Female McGinn Keith Edward Male Perth
1930/100537 Perth Rohan Dudley Murray Male Hacking Linda Female Perth
1930/100537 Perth Hacking Linda Female Rohan Dudley Murray Male Perth
1930/100538 Perth Morrison Lloyd Ransone John Male Martin Phyllis Iris Female Perth
1930/100538 Perth Martin Phyllis Iris Female Morrison Lloyd Ransone John Male Perth
1930/100539 Perth Hills Ivy Ettie Florence Female Howard Leslie Albert Male Perth
1930/100539 Perth Howard Leslie Albert Male Hills Ivy Ettie Florence Female Perth
1930/100540 Perth Ivey Arthur John Male Newbury Doris Annie Female Perth
1930/100540 Perth Newbury Doris Annie Female Ivey Arthur John Male Perth
1930/100541 Perth Moncrieff Grace Female Roby Allan Leslie James Broadley Male Perth
1930/100541 Perth Roby Allan Leslie James Broadley Male Moncrieff Grace Female Perth
1930/100542 Perth Kinnish Nora Macrae Female Molyneux Sydney Male Perth
1930/100542 Perth Molyneux Sydney Male Kinnish Nora Macrae Female Perth
1930/100543 Perth Whitely Thomas Joseph Male Foster Kathleen Female Claremont
1930/100543 Perth Foster Kathleen Female Whitely Thomas Joseph Male Claremont
1930/100544 Perth Day Arthur Frederick Male Arcus Hilda Margaret Female West Perth
1930/100544 Perth Arcus Hilda Margaret Female Day Arthur Frederick Male West Perth
1930/100545 Perth McGregor Roderick Male Howse Ethel Burnette Female Rosalie
1930/100545 Perth Howse Ethel Burnette Female McGregor Roderick Male Rosalie
1930/100546 Perth Millons William Male Knott Eleanor Jane Female Rosalie
1930/100546 Perth Knott Eleanor Jane Female Millons William Male Rosalie
1930/100547 Perth Sampey Eric Male Turner Lillian Florence Female Leederville
1930/100547 Perth Turner Lillian Florence Female Sampey Eric Male Leederville
1930/100548 Perth Frank Alexia Lilian Female Arnold Silas Federal Male Perth
1930/100548 Perth Arnold Silas Federal Male Frank Alexia Lilian Female Perth
1930/100549 Perth Warne Elillian Edith Female Blackie Robert Bertram Male Perth
1930/100549 Perth Blackie Robert Bertram Male Warne Elillian Edith Female Perth
1930/100550 Perth Wilkes Reginald Male Hawkins Thelma Female Perth
1930/100550 Perth Hawkins Thelma Female Wilkes Reginald Male Perth
1930/100551 Perth Moon Alan Male Burrow Margaret Female Perth
1930/100551 Perth Burrow Margaret Female Moon Alan Male Perth
1930/100552 Perth Spencer Victor Carlyle Male Millhouse Alice May Female Perth
1930/100552 Perth Millhouse Alice May Female Spencer Victor Carlyle Male Perth
1930/100553 Perth Crouch Douglas Henry Male Bindon Zelma Iris Female Mt Lawley
1930/100553 Perth Bindon Zelma Iris Female Crouch Douglas Henry Male Mt Lawley
1930/100554 Perth Hackford Lillian Female Sturcke Alfred Ellis Male Cottesloe
1930/100554 Perth Sturcke Alfred Ellis Male Hackford Lillian Female Cottesloe
1930/100555 Perth Hewson Beatrice Leonora Female Tollos Anders Male Maylands
1930/100555 Perth Tollos Anders Male Hewson Beatrice Leonora Female Maylands
1930/100556 Perth Thyer Mabel Female Phillips Frederick Wynne Male Maylands
1930/100556 Perth Phillips Frederick Wynne Male Thyer Mabel Female Maylands
1930/100557 Perth Warne Cecilia Mavis Female Clark James William Male West Leederville
1930/100557 Perth Clark James William Male Warne Cecilia Mavis Female West Leederville
1930/100558 Perth Howell Georgina Rexie Female Mitchell John William Male Perth
1930/100558 Perth Mitchell John William Male Howell Georgina Rexie Female Perth
1930/100559 Perth Smith Edward James Male McDonald Mary Isabel Female Perth
1930/100559 Perth McDonald Mary Isabel Female Smith Edward James Male Perth
1930/100560 Perth McDonald Imelda Margaret Mary Female Cassidy James Edward Male Perth
1930/100560 Perth Cassidy James Edward Male McDonald Imelda Margaret Mary Female Perth
1930/100561 Perth Cole Edwin Henry Male Birch Dorothy Agnes May Female Perth
1930/100561 Perth Birch Dorothy Agnes May Female Cole Edwin Henry Male Perth
1930/100562 Perth Inions Percy Herbert Male King Hilda Victoria Female Perth
1930/100562 Perth King Hilda Victoria Female Inions Percy Herbert Male Perth
1930/100563 Perth Stokes Desmond Male Young Wilemina Female Perth
1930/100563 Perth Young Wilemina Female Stokes Desmond Male Perth
1930/100564 Perth Fardon Joseph Bell Male Dawson Eileen Dorothy Female Perth
1930/100564 Perth Dawson Eileen Dorothy Female Fardon Joseph Bell Male Perth
1930/100565 Perth Gatti Frederick Joseph Male Barry Doreen Female Perth
1930/100565 Perth Barry Doreen Female Gatti Frederick Joseph Male Perth
1930/100566 Perth Williams Raymond Keith Male Baird Margaret Dorothea Female West Perth
1930/100566 Perth Baird Margaret Dorothea Female Williams Raymond Keith Male West Perth
1930/100567 Perth Moxham Sylvester Charles Male Lamp Faith Rose Female West Perth
1930/100567 Perth Lamp Faith Rose Female Moxham Sylvester Charles Male West Perth Moxham-331
1930/100568 Perth Fraser Winifred Roberts Female Drysdale George Jeffrey Male West Perth
1930/100568 Perth Drysdale George Jeffrey Male Fraser Winifred Roberts Female West Perth
1930/100569 Perth Moore Thurza Mary Female Morling George Henry Male Perth
1930/100569 Perth Morling George Henry Male Moore Thurza Mary Female Perth
1930/100570 Perth Neil Edith May Female Muir Melville Shirley Male Perth
1930/100570 Perth Muir Melville Shirley Male Neil Edith May Female Perth
1930/100571 Perth Weaver Bruce Mantel Male Crowe Winifred Caroline Female Perth
1930/100571 Perth Crowe Winifred Caroline Female Weaver Bruce Mantel Male Perth
1930/100572 Perth Sharman Gloria Ethel Hill Female Diggins John Arthur Fredrick Male Perth
1930/100572 Perth Diggins John Arthur Fredrick Male Sharman Gloria Ethel Hill Female Perth
1930/100573 Perth Pedersen Elora Antonette Female Samuel Brinley Male Subiaco
1930/100573 Perth Samuel Brinley Male Pedersen Elora Antonette Female Subiaco
1930/100574 Perth Edwards Harold Peter Male Cook Dorothy Alice Female Subiaco
1930/100574 Perth Cook Dorothy Alice Female Edwards Harold Peter Male Subiaco
1930/100575 Perth Frost Frederick Peyton Male Smith Mary Female Perth
1930/100575 Perth Smith Mary Female Frost Frederick Peyton Male Perth
1930/100576 Perth Goldberg Philip Male Ray Eva Female Perth
1930/100576 Perth Ray Eva Female Goldberg Philip Male Perth
1930/100577 Perth Telfer Herbert Victor Male Anderson Jean Olive Female Perth
1930/100577 Perth Anderson Jean Olive Female Telfer Herbert Victor Male Perth
1930/100578 Perth Mill Aubrey Alexandra Male Olsson Ivy May Female North Perth
1930/100578 Perth Olsson Ivy May Female Mill Aubrey Alexandra Male North Perth
1930/100579 Perth Harvey Elwyn Grace Female Podger Leslie Male Victoria Park
1931/100579 Perth Gallagher Daniel Male Fox Lucy Elizabeth Female Perth
1930/100579 Perth Podger Leslie Male Harvey Elwyn Grace Female Victoria Park
1931/100579 Perth Fox Lucy Elizabeth Female Gallagher Daniel Male Perth
1930/100580 Perth Jack David Male Munro Sarah Female Victoria Park
1930/100580 Perth Munro Sarah Female Jack David Male Victoria Park
1930/100581 Perth Blakeney Clarence Derwis Male Vague Enid Launa Female Cottesloe Beach
1930/100581 Perth Vague Enid Launa Female Blakeney Clarence Derwis Male Cottesloe Beach
1930/100582 Perth Wright Joseph Male Easson Mabel Maud Female Mt Lawley
1930/100582 Perth Easson Mabel Maud Female Wright Joseph Male Mt Lawley
1930/100583 Perth Wootton William Male Ray Ruby Female Perth
1930/100583 Perth Ray Ruby Female Wootton William Male Perth
1931/100583 Perth Skehan Thomas Fitzgerald Male Melvin Mary Jane Female Victoria Park
1931/100583 Perth Melvin Mary Jane Female Skehan Thomas Fitzgerald Male Victoria Park
1930/100584 Perth Opie Cecil Clyde Male Olsen Ethel Rose Female East Perth
1930/100584 Perth Olsen Ethel Rose Female Opie Cecil Clyde Male East Perth
1931/100584 Perth Preston John Joseph Male Kierse Josephine Maud Female Victoria Pk
1931/100584 Perth Kierse Josephine Maud Female Preston John Joseph Male Victoria Pk
1930/100585 Perth Quinton Lilian Alice Victoria Matilda Winifred Female Cornwall James William Male Claremont
1930/100585 Perth Cornwall James William Male Quinton Lilian Alice Victoria Matilda Winifred Female Claremont
1930/100586 Perth Leitch Jacob Hamilton Male Martin Isabel Female Perth
1930/100586 Perth Martin Isabel Female Leitch Jacob Hamilton Male Perth
1931/100587 Perth Mitchell Edith Florence Female Tempany Edward Ernest Adolf Male Victoria Park
1931/100587 Perth Tempany Edward Ernest Adolf Male Mitchell Edith Florence Female Victoria Park
1930/100587 Perth Eckersley Charles Male Rodriquez Eileen Female Perth
1930/100587 Perth Rodriquez Eileen Female Eckersley Charles Male Perth
1931/100588 Perth Hewitt Mary Helen Female Pethick Harold Male Perth
1930/100588 Perth Griffiths Arthur Henry Male Eades Tysley Victoria Female Carlisle
1930/100588 Perth Eades Tysley Victoria Female Griffiths Arthur Henry Male Carlisle
1931/100588 Perth Pethick Harold Male Hewitt Mary Helen Female Perth
1930/100589 Perth Roberts Eunice Annie Female Mutard Wilbert Male Carlisle
1931/100589 Perth Kerr Ethel Theresa Female Venters Max Male Victoria Park
1931/100589 Perth Venters Max Male Kerr Ethel Theresa Female Victoria Park
1930/100589 Perth Mutard Wilbert Male Roberts Eunice Annie Female Carlisle
1931/100590 Perth O'Hehir Leo Richard Male O'Neil Nora Brigid Female Victoria Park
1931/100590 Perth O'Neil Nora Brigid Female O'Hehir Leo Richard Male Victoria Park
1930/100590 Perth Hollier John Victor Male Latter Julia May Female Perth
1930/100590 Perth Latter Julia May Female Hollier John Victor Male Perth
1931/100591 Perth Sporer Hedwig Mathilde Female Webster William Henry Male Victoria Park
1931/100591 Perth Webster William Henry Male Sporer Hedwig Mathilde Female Victoria Park
1930/100591 Perth Harris Ellen Bertha Female Waylen Edward James Male Leederville
1930/100591 Perth Waylen Edward James Male Harris Ellen Bertha Female Leederville
1930/100592 Perth Eaton Mary Monica Female Hughan Patrick Male Subiaco
1931/100592 Perth Quinn John Patrick Male Shaw Myrtle Irene Female Victoria Park
1930/100592 Perth Hughan Patrick Male Eaton Mary Monica Female Subiaco
1931/100592 Perth Shaw Myrtle Irene Female Quinn John Patrick Male Victoria Park
1930/100593 Perth Mullany Anne Monica Female Cooke Joseph Alfred Male Subiaco
1930/100593 Perth Cooke Joseph Alfred Male Mullany Anne Monica Female Subiaco
1930/100594 Perth Langridge Winifred Louisa Female Duffy John Charles Male Subiaco
1930/100594 Perth Duffy John Charles Male Langridge Winifred Louisa Female Subiaco
1930/100595 Perth Grace Catherine Marcella May Female Wilson Reginald Boulder Male Maylands
1930/100595 Perth Wilson Reginald Boulder Male Grace Catherine Marcella May Female Maylands
1930/100596 Perth Mossop Elsie Gladys Female Waddington Royston Male Maylands
1930/100596 Perth Waddington Royston Male Mossop Elsie Gladys Female Maylands
1930/100597 Perth Geddes Henry David Male Davey Alice Daisy Daphne Female Cottesloe
1930/100597 Perth Davey Alice Daisy Daphne Female Geddes Henry David Male Cottesloe
1930/100598 Perth Perry Clement Hilary Male Clements Olive May Female Victoria Park
1930/100598 Perth Clements Olive May Female Perry Clement Hilary Male Victoria Park
1930/100599 Perth King George Gilmour Male Andrew Emily Sarah Female Perth
1930/100599 Perth Andrew Emily Sarah Female King George Gilmour Male Perth
1930/100600 Perth Groves William Vincent Male Collins Helena Mary Female West Perth
1930/100600 Perth Collins Helena Mary Female Groves William Vincent Male West Perth
1930/100601 Perth Dorotich Jessie Eileen Female O'Neill Daniel John Male West Perth
1930/100601 Perth O'Neill Daniel John Male Dorotich Jessie Eileen Female West Perth
1930/100602 Perth Tenardi Giuseppe Male Fanesi Luisa Gigietta Female West Perth
1930/100602 Perth Fanesi Luisa Gigietta Female Tenardi Giuseppe Male West Perth
1930/100603 Perth Hamilton Charles MacKinney Male Twomey Marjorie Rose Female West Perth
1930/100603 Perth Twomey Marjorie Rose Female Hamilton Charles MacKinney Male West Perth
1930/100604 Perth Smith Iris Bertram Female Gilchrist Hector MacDonald Male Perth
1930/100604 Perth Gilchrist Hector MacDonald Male Smith Iris Bertram Female Perth
1930/100605 Perth Piesse Kathleen Elizabeth Female Grant Maitland Edgar McKenzie Male Perth
1930/100605 Perth Grant Maitland Edgar McKenzie Male Piesse Kathleen Elizabeth Female Perth
1930/100606 Perth Delamotte Lavinia Cotes Female Dillon James Watson Male Perth
1930/100606 Perth Dillon James Watson Male Delamotte Lavinia Cotes Female Perth
1930/100607 Perth Jarvis Herbert Baden Male Jeffs Millicent Louise Female Perth
1930/100607 Perth Jeffs Millicent Louise Female Jarvis Herbert Baden Male Perth
1930/100608 Perth Potter Louise Maud Female Darwell George Ernest Male Perth
1930/100608 Perth Darwell George Ernest Male Potter Louise Maud Female Perth
1930/100609 Perth Cole Elizabeth Frances Female Hill Walter Edward Male Perth
1930/100609 Perth Hill Walter Edward Male Cole Elizabeth Frances Female Perth
1930/100609 Perth Hill Walter Edward Male Robins Elizabeth Frances Female Perth
1930/100609 Perth Robins Elizabeth Frances Female Hill Walter Edward Male Perth
1930/100610 Perth Thomas Doreen Female McMahon William Male Perth
1930/100610 Perth McMahon William Male Thomas Doreen Female Perth
1930/100611 Perth Cook Howard Foreman Male Wilson Lily Victoria Female Perth
1930/100611 Perth Wilson Lily Victoria Female Cook Howard Foreman Male Perth
1930/100612 Perth Kailis Fanny Female Kalafatas James Nicholas Male Perth
1930/100612 Perth Kalafatas James Nicholas Male Kailis Fanny Female Perth
1930/100613 Perth Pola Louis Gabriel Male Anderson Alma Daphne Female Victoria Park
1930/100613 Perth Anderson Alma Daphne Female Pola Louis Gabriel Male Victoria Park
1930/100614 Perth Burnett Harry Walton Male Craig Myrtle Louisa Female Victoria Park
1930/100614 Perth Craig Myrtle Louisa Female Burnett Harry Walton Male Victoria Park
1930/100615 Perth Aris Lily Female Nicholaidis Alec Male Perth
1930/100615 Perth Nicholaidis Alec Male Aris Lily Female Perth
1930/100616 Perth Walker John Andrew Male Apps Mary Ann Elizabeth Female Perth
1930/100616 Perth Apps Mary Ann Elizabeth Female Walker John Andrew Male Perth
1930/100617 Perth Flower Victor Joseph Alexander Male Pritchard Olivia Melville Female Swanbourne
1930/100617 Perth Pritchard Olivia Melville Female Flower Victor Joseph Alexander Male Swanbourne
1930/100618 Perth McHendry Helen Foster Female Phillips John Albert Male Perth
1930/100618 Perth Phillips John Albert Male McHendry Helen Foster Female Perth
1930/100619 Perth Ralph Eleanor Myrtle Female Joyce Frederick Male Perth
1930/100619 Perth Joyce Frederick Male Ralph Eleanor Myrtle Female Perth
1930/100620 Perth Berridge Percy Male Smith Rebecca Female Perth
1930/100620 Perth Smith Rebecca Female Berridge Percy Male Perth
1930/100621 Perth Dohnt David Henry Male Fenn Dorothy May Female Perth
1930/100621 Perth Fenn Dorothy May Female Dohnt David Henry Male Perth
1930/100622 Perth Dixon William George Male Carrington Florence Albenia Female Perth
1930/100622 Perth Carrington Florence Albenia Female Dixon William George Male Perth
1930/100623 Perth Garner Benjamin Male Clark Florence Elizabeth Female Victoria Park
1930/100623 Perth Clark Florence Elizabeth Female Garner Benjamin Male Victoria Park
1930/100624 Perth Stewart William Male Wreford Jean Female West Leederville
1930/100624 Perth Wreford Jean Female Stewart William Male West Leederville
1930/100625 Perth Tyler Albert Male Ashdown Ivy May Female Perth
1930/100625 Perth Ashdown Ivy May Female Tyler Albert Male Perth
1930/100626 Perth Maskery Ivy Female Perfect Harold William Male Perth
1930/100626 Perth Perfect Harold William Male Maskery Ivy Female Perth
1930/100627 Perth Oates Alice Female Oswell Frank Halliday Male Highgate
1930/100627 Perth Oswell Frank Halliday Male Oates Alice Female Highgate
1930/100628 Perth Judd Vivian Herbert Grant Male Delower Doris Rosalea Female Perth
1930/100628 Perth Delower Doris Rosalea Female Judd Vivian Herbert Grant Male Perth
1930/100629 Perth Hall Audrey Agnes Female Evans Herbert Roy Male Perth
1930/100629 Perth Evans Herbert Roy Male Hall Audrey Agnes Female Perth
1930/100630 Perth Frazer Frederick George Male Sims Edna May Female Perth
1930/100630 Perth Sims Edna May Female Frazer Frederick George Male Perth
1930/100631 Perth Tite Evelyn Wilhelmina Female Parker Walter Henry Male Highgate
1930/100631 Perth Parker Walter Henry Male Tite Evelyn Wilhelmina Female Highgate
1930/100632 Perth Davies Alexander Beverley Male Humphreys Nanette Annie Selina Vale Female Jolimont
1930/100632 Perth Humphreys Nanette Annie Selina Vale Female Davies Alexander Beverley Male Jolimont
1930/100633 Perth Mofflin Dorothy Margaret Female Clark Percy Male Perth
1930/100633 Perth Clark Percy Male Mofflin Dorothy Margaret Female Perth
1930/100634 Perth Potter Edwin Gilbert Male Elliott Edna Gertrude Female North Perth
1930/100634 Perth Elliott Edna Gertrude Female Potter Edwin Gilbert Male North Perth
1930/100635 Perth Selby Charles William Thomas Male Goddard Charlotte Female Perth
1930/100635 Perth Goddard Charlotte Female Selby Charles William Thomas Male Perth
1930/100636 Perth Bain Alexander Male Fenton Jessie May Female Perth
1930/100636 Perth Fenton Jessie May Female Bain Alexander Male Perth
1930/100637 Perth Challoner Gladys Ada Female Gilmour David Male Perth
1930/100637 Perth Gilmour David Male Challoner Gladys Ada Female Perth
1930/100638 Perth Brown Mary Female Dickson David Male Perth
1930/100638 Perth Dickson David Male Brown Mary Female Perth
1930/100639 Perth Smith Vera Susan Frances Female Armstrong Percy Male Perth
1930/100639 Perth Armstrong Percy Male Smith Vera Susan Frances Female Perth
1930/100640 Perth Ireland Ethel Gertrude Female Lawson Robert Male Perth
1930/100640 Perth Lawson Robert Male Ireland Ethel Gertrude Female Perth
1930/100641 Perth McDonald Norman John Male Stephens Jane Bondfield Female West Perth
1930/100641 Perth Stephens Jane Bondfield Female McDonald Norman John Male West Perth
1930/100642 Perth Box Frederick Cyril Male Holmes Madeline Victoria Female Perth
1930/100642 Perth Holmes Madeline Victoria Female Box Frederick Cyril Male Perth
1930/100643 Perth Faulkner Dorothy Beatrice Female Richardson Robert Maxwell Male Perth
1930/100643 Perth Richardson Robert Maxwell Male Faulkner Dorothy Beatrice Female Perth
1930/100644 Perth Davis Stanley Seabrook Male Devenish Jean Elizabeth Female Perth
1930/100644 Perth Devenish Jean Elizabeth Female Davis Stanley Seabrook Male Perth
1930/100645 Perth Vigors Thomas Male Guthrie Ethel Eliza Female Perth
1930/100645 Perth Guthrie Ethel Eliza Female Vigors Thomas Male Perth
1930/100646 Perth Marsh William Franklin Male Carter Irene Elsie Rosalind Female Perth
1930/100646 Perth Carter Irene Elsie Rosalind Female Marsh William Franklin Male Perth
1930/100647 Perth Ames Ella Vivien Female Chrystal Edgar Male Perth
1930/100647 Perth Chrystal Edgar Male Ames Ella Vivien Female Perth
1930/100648 Perth Campion Wilfrid Edward Male Sarell Nizza Laura Female Perth
1930/100648 Perth Sarell Nizza Laura Female Campion Wilfrid Edward Male Perth
1930/100649 Perth Bolger Maurice James Male Amor Marion Rosa Female Perth
1930/100649 Perth Amor Marion Rosa Female Bolger Maurice James Male Perth
1930/100650 Perth Banger Hugh William Hope Male Connor Margaret Mary Female Perth
1930/100650 Perth Connor Margaret Mary Female Banger Hugh William Hope Male Perth
1930/100651 Perth Knight Sidney Walter Male Brown Myra Nellie Female Perth
1930/100651 Perth Brown Myra Nellie Female Knight Sidney Walter Male Perth
1930/100652 Perth Best Evelyn Bertha Sarah Female Mollett Albert Felix Male Perth
1930/100652 Perth Mollett Albert Felix Male Best Evelyn Bertha Sarah Female Perth
1930/100653 Perth Nicholls William Albert Male Mack Thelma Grace Female Perth
1930/100653 Perth Mack Thelma Grace Female Nicholls William Albert Male Perth
1930/100654 Perth Evans Clement Leanord Male Kelly Alice Dorothy Female Perth
1930/100654 Perth Kelly Alice Dorothy Female Evans Clement Leanord Male Perth
1930/100655 Perth Lockton Agnes Gertrude Female Stewart Ian Male Maylands
1930/100655 Perth Stewart Ian Male Lockton Agnes Gertrude Female Maylands
1930/100656 Perth Green Arthur Victor Male Ryder Marjorie Anne Female Perth
1930/100656 Perth Ryder Marjorie Anne Female Green Arthur Victor Male Perth
1930/100657 Perth Coombs Walter Harry Naylor Male Macqueen Thelma Randell Female Perth
1930/100657 Perth Macqueen Thelma Randell Female Coombs Walter Harry Naylor Male Perth
1930/100658 Perth Colmer William Thomas Male Mundy Winifred Hilda Female Perth
1930/100658 Perth Mundy Winifred Hilda Female Colmer William Thomas Male Perth
1930/100659 Perth Frew Robert Kerr Scott Male Garrett Gertrude Rose Female Perth
1930/100659 Perth Garrett Gertrude Rose Female Frew Robert Kerr Scott Male Perth
1930/100660 Perth Seaman Marian Elizabeth Female Waghorn Alfred Linley Male Perth
1930/100660 Perth Waghorn Alfred Linley Male Seaman Marian Elizabeth Female Perth
1930/100661 Perth Hawke Fredrick William Male Eliasson Margaret Sophia Female Perth
1930/100661 Perth Eliasson Margaret Sophia Female Hawke Fredrick William Male Perth
1930/100662 Perth Stone Alfred Walter Male Paisley Rita Lillian Female Perth
1930/100662 Perth Paisley Rita Lillian Female Stone Alfred Walter Male Perth
1930/100663 Perth Johnson Louisa Victoria Female Terry Augustus Vincent William Male Perth
1930/100663 Perth Terry Augustus Vincent William Male Johnson Louisa Victoria Female Perth
1930/100664 Perth Boddy James John Male Willcocks Greta May Female Perth
1930/100664 Perth Willcocks Greta May Female Boddy James John Male Perth
1930/100665 Perth Bartlett Gweneth Irene Female Craggs George William Male Perth
1930/100665 Perth Craggs George William Male Bartlett Gweneth Irene Female Perth
1930/100666 Perth Rose Beryl Gladys Female Barnett Percy George Male Perth
1930/100666 Perth Barnett Percy George Male Rose Beryl Gladys Female Perth
1930/100667 Perth Green Ida Winifred Bernedette Female Caldow Basil William Male Perth
1930/100667 Perth Caldow Basil William Male Green Ida Winifred Bernedette Female Perth
1930/100668 Perth Horner Henry Mapperson Male Tyers Maude Stanley Female Perth
1930/100668 Perth Tyers Maude Stanley Female Horner Henry Mapperson Male Perth
1930/100669 Perth Burrell Henry Edward Male Robinson Mabel Elizabeth Female Perth
1930/100669 Perth Robinson Mabel Elizabeth Female Burrell Henry Edward Male Perth
1930/100670 Perth Jarrett Basil George Male Martin Doris Isabel Female Perth
1930/100670 Perth Martin Doris Isabel Female Jarrett Basil George Male Perth
1930/100671 Perth Routley William Fletcher Male Prowse Muriel McNeilance Female Perth
1930/100671 Perth Prowse Muriel McNeilance Female Routley William Fletcher Male Perth
1930/100672 Perth Lawn Adelaide May Female Bell Sidney George Male Perth
1930/100672 Perth Bell Sidney George Male Lawn Adelaide May Female Perth
1930/100673 Perth Cartwright Edith Marjorie Female Wells Frederick Edward Male Perth
1930/100673 Perth Wells Frederick Edward Male Cartwright Edith Marjorie Female Perth
1930/100674 Perth Budd Robert Henry Male Kappler Esme Edith Female Leederville
1930/100674 Perth Kappler Esme Edith Female Budd Robert Henry Male Leederville
1930/100675 Perth Jeavons Thelma Mary Female Russell Eric Albert Hugh Male Leederville
1930/100675 Perth Russell Eric Albert Hugh Male Jeavons Thelma Mary Female Leederville
1930/100676 Perth Matsen Mollie Astarri Female Mold Allen Samuel Male Leederville
1930/100676 Perth Mold Allen Samuel Male Matsen Mollie Astarri Female Leederville
1930/100677 Perth Buchanan Alfred Knight Male Booth Ruby Merle Female Leederville
1930/100677 Perth Booth Ruby Merle Female Buchanan Alfred Knight Male Leederville
1930/100678 Perth Richards William Charles Carrol Male Stafford Thelma Ettie Female Perth
1930/100678 Perth Stafford Thelma Ettie Female Richards William Charles Carrol Male Perth
1930/100679 Perth Carey Roderick McLeod Male Mullane Kathleen Mary Female Perth
1930/100679 Perth Mullane Kathleen Mary Female Carey Roderick McLeod Male Perth
1930/100680 Perth Totolos Lavinia Ruth Female Cross Joseph Ernest Male North Perth
1930/100680 Perth Cross Joseph Ernest Male Totolos Lavinia Ruth Female North Perth
1930/100681 Perth Carnaby Eric Wilfred Male Murphy Norman Elizabeth Female Nedlands
1930/100681 Perth Murphy Norman Elizabeth Female Carnaby Eric Wilfred Male Nedlands
1930/100682 Perth Christie Robert James Male Hynes Evelyn Mary Female Subiaco
1930/100682 Perth Hynes Evelyn Mary Female Christie Robert James Male Subiaco
1930/100683 Perth Johnson Violet May Female Bromley Leslie Roy Male Subiaco
1930/100683 Perth Bromley Leslie Roy Male Johnson Violet May Female Subiaco
1930/100684 Perth Halfpenny Josephine Female Derrell Herbert Cyril Male Perth
1930/100684 Perth Derrell Herbert Cyril Male Halfpenny Josephine Female Perth
1930/100685 Perth McKay Mary Female Moore Frederick Joseph Male Perth
1930/100685 Perth Moore Frederick Joseph Male McKay Mary Female Perth
1930/100686 Perth Herbert William Rees Male Foley Eileen Female Perth
1930/100686 Perth Foley Eileen Female Herbert William Rees Male Perth
1930/100687 Perth Hill Sidney Towers Male Bishop Elsie Muriel Female Cottesloe
1930/100687 Perth Bishop Elsie Muriel Female Hill Sidney Towers Male Cottesloe
1930/100688 Perth Robertson George Male Scrivener Clara Female Carlisle
1930/100688 Perth Scrivener Clara Female Robertson George Male Carlisle
1930/100689 Perth Harley Ellen Clara Female Cullis George Ernest Male Subiaco
1930/100689 Perth Cullis George Ernest Male Harley Ellen Clara Female Subiaco
1930/100690 Perth Imberti Antonia Female Zilioli Giovanni Male Perth
1930/100690 Perth Zilioli Giovanni Male Imberti Antonia Female Perth
1930/100691 Perth Jury Henry Thomas Male Rintoul Jemima Paterson Female Perth
1930/100691 Perth Rintoul Jemima Paterson Female Jury Henry Thomas Male Perth
1930/100692 Perth Bowman James Archibald Male Hodgkinson Lilian Female Maylands
1930/100692 Perth Hodgkinson Lilian Female Bowman James Archibald Male Maylands
1930/100693 Perth Bidwell Marjorie Alice Female Johnston Arthur Nicoll Male Maylands
1930/100693 Perth Johnston Arthur Nicoll Male Bidwell Marjorie Alice Female Maylands
1930/100694 Perth King Isabella Sutherland Female Darcey Martin Francis Male Maylands
1930/100694 Perth Darcey Martin Francis Male King Isabella Sutherland Female Maylands
1930/100695 Perth Thompson Sydna Doreen Female Grandison Walter Male Claremont
1930/100695 Perth Grandison Walter Male Thompson Sydna Doreen Female Claremont
1930/100696 Perth Leaman Dorothy Ellen Pauline Female Smith Henry Alexander Count Male Claremont
1930/100696 Perth Smith Henry Alexander Count Male Leaman Dorothy Ellen Pauline Female Claremont
1930/100697 Perth Flinn Bertram Marchant Male Potts Muriel Female Claremont
1930/100697 Perth Potts Muriel Female Flinn Bertram Marchant Male Claremont
1930/100698 Perth Beer Marjorie Female Higgs Harry Male Claremont
1930/100698 Perth Higgs Harry Male Beer Marjorie Female Claremont
1930/100699 Perth Nicholls Eric Male Eacott Dorothy Anne Female Claremont
1930/100699 Perth Eacott Dorothy Anne Female Nicholls Eric Male Claremont
1930/100700 Perth Vilicic Danica Female Marinkovich Slavomir Male Leederville
1930/100700 Perth Marinkovich Slavomir Male Vilicic Danica Female Leederville
1930/100701 Perth Plunkett Walter Albert Male Millar Doris Catherine Female Perth
1930/100701 Perth Millar Doris Catherine Female Plunkett Walter Albert Male Perth
1930/100702 Perth Tester Etna Maud Female Fitzgerald Arthur Male Perth
1930/100702 Perth Fitzgerald Arthur Male Tester Etna Maud Female Perth
1930/100703 Perth Semmens Gladys May Female Briggs William George Daniel Male Perth
1930/100703 Perth Briggs William George Daniel Male Semmens Gladys May Female Perth
1930/100704 Perth Healy Jessie Violet Female Ness Stanley Thomas Hugh Male Perth
1930/100704 Perth Ness Stanley Thomas Hugh Male Healy Jessie Violet Female Perth
1930/100705 Perth Book Ida Frances Female Groom Harry Pendleton Male Perth
1930/100705 Perth Groom Harry Pendleton Male Book Ida Frances Female Perth
1930/100706 Perth Cochrane Hugh Stewart Male Gibbons Doris Ruby Female Subiaco
1930/100706 Perth Gibbons Doris Ruby Female Cochrane Hugh Stewart Male Subiaco
1930/100707 Perth Chitty Thomas Male Healey Ellen Caroline Female Perth
1930/100707 Perth Healey Ellen Caroline Female Chitty Thomas Male Perth
1930/100708 Perth Boal Arnold Male Walton Phyllis Annie Female North Perth
1930/100708 Perth Walton Phyllis Annie Female Boal Arnold Male North Perth
1930/100709 Perth Bridge Florence Alma Female Smith Frank Charles Male Perth
1930/100709 Perth Smith Frank Charles Male Bridge Florence Alma Female Perth
1930/100710 Perth Dau Gladys May Female Stockley Frederick Ernest Joseph Male West Perth
1930/100710 Perth Stockley Frederick Ernest Joseph Male Dau Gladys May Female West Perth
1930/100711 Perth Hankin Gerté Female Hoffman Maurice David Male Perth
1930/100711 Perth Hoffman Maurice David Male Hankin Gerté Female Perth
1930/100712 Perth Lang Russell William Male Spencer Freda Joyce Female Victoria Park
1930/100712 Perth Spencer Freda Joyce Female Lang Russell William Male Victoria Park
1930/100713 Perth Davies Samuel Joseph Male Barlow Lilian Hilda Inman Female Perth
1930/100713 Perth Barlow Lilian Hilda Inman Female Davies Samuel Joseph Male Perth
1930/100714 Perth Prosser John Henry Male Brown Ethel Frances Female Perth
1930/100714 Perth Brown Ethel Frances Female Prosser John Henry Male Perth
1930/100715 Perth McLerie Frank James Male Hooper Jessie May Female Perth
1930/100715 Perth Hooper Jessie May Female McLerie Frank James Male Perth
1930/100716 Perth Pugh James Henderson Male Fitzpatrick Agnes Female Perth
1930/100716 Perth Fitzpatrick Agnes Female Pugh James Henderson Male Perth
1931/100717 Perth Devine Thomas Male Noonan Veronica Mary Female Victoria Park
1931/100717 Perth Noonan Veronica Mary Female Devine Thomas Male Victoria Park
1930/100717 Perth Parkes Allan Male Chase Muriel Alice Richenda Female Perth
1930/100717 Perth Chase Muriel Alice Richenda Female Parkes Allan Male Perth
1930/100718 Perth Meehan Lillian Agnes Female Acton James Henry Phillip Male Perth
1931/100718 Perth Jarrett Kevin John Male Loughton Ellen Female Victoria Park
1930/100718 Perth Acton James Henry Phillip Male Meehan Lillian Agnes Female Perth
1931/100718 Perth Loughton Ellen Female Jarrett Kevin John Male Victoria Park
1930/100719 Perth Nattress Florence Mona Female Milligan Robert Barton Male Perth
1930/100719 Perth Milligan Robert Barton Male Nattress Florence Mona Female Perth
1930/100720 Perth Decelis Vincent Male Millbery Violet Alice Female Subiaco
1930/100720 Perth Millbery Violet Alice Female Decelis Vincent Male Subiaco
1930/100723 Perth Gordon Ida Mary Female Reidy Arthur William Male Perth
1930/100723 Perth Reidy Arthur William Male Gordon Ida Mary Female Perth
1930/100724 Perth Hille Ernest Sydney Male Pearce Greta Alice Female Perth
1930/100724 Perth Pearce Greta Alice Female Hille Ernest Sydney Male Perth
1930/100725 Perth James Edward Stanley Male Hill Daphne Alice Female Perth
1930/100725 Perth Hill Daphne Alice Female James Edward Stanley Male Perth
1930/100726 Perth Lawrie Kate Elizabeth Female Tyler Cyril John Male Perth
1930/100726 Perth Tyler Cyril John Male Lawrie Kate Elizabeth Female Perth
1930/100727 Perth Curtis Philip William Male Swankie Jessie Munro Female Perth
1930/100727 Perth Swankie Jessie Munro Female Curtis Philip William Male Perth
1930/100728 Perth McDonald Edith Agnes Female McWilliam Alexander Male Perth
1930/100728 Perth McWilliam Alexander Male McDonald Edith Agnes Female Perth
1930/100729 Perth Tonkin Georgine Amelia Norma Female Mahood Gordon Male North Perth
1930/100729 Perth Mahood Gordon Male Tonkin Georgine Amelia Norma Female North Perth
1930/100730 Perth Evans James Frederick Male Barnett Lillian Melba Female North Perth
1930/100730 Perth Barnett Lillian Melba Female Evans James Frederick Male North Perth
1930/100731 Perth Ericson John Oscar Male Reid Ethel May Female Claremont
1930/100731 Perth Reid Ethel May Female Ericson John Oscar Male Claremont
1930/100732 Perth Colenutt Jennie Lale Female Tunney Edward Morrison Male Claremont
1930/100732 Perth Tunney Edward Morrison Male Colenutt Jennie Lale Female Claremont
1930/100733 Perth Beard Doreen Marion Female Polmear William John Langdon Male Perth
1930/100733 Perth Polmear William John Langdon Male Beard Doreen Marion Female Perth