A tool to help track the citations of the Western Australian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages from Wikidata and WikiTree.

Marriages in: 1923

Registration year & number Registration district Surname Given names Gender Spouse surname Spouse given names Spouse gender Marriage place Wikidata WikiTree
1924/100001 Perth Wedgwood Walter John Male Wedgwood Alice Female North Perth
1924/100001 Perth Wedgwood Alice Female Wedgwood Walter John Male North Perth
1924/100002 Perth Gray Gladys Helena Female Wilson Godfrey Norman Male North Perth
1924/100002 Perth Wilson Godfrey Norman Male Gray Gladys Helena Female North Perth
1924/100003 Perth Haines William Henry Charles Male Hurst Kathleen May Female Perth
1924/100003 Perth Hurst Kathleen May Female Haines William Henry Charles Male Perth
1924/100004 Perth Bennett Dorothy Alice Female Broomfield David Sydney Male Perth
1924/100004 Perth Broomfield David Sydney Male Bennett Dorothy Alice Female Perth
1924/100005 Perth Bull Charles Ripley Male Gardiner Annie Hartwell Female Perth
1924/100005 Perth Gardiner Annie Hartwell Female Bull Charles Ripley Male Perth
1924/100006 Perth Rix Annie Mary Elizabeth Female Lee D'Arcy George Male Perth
1924/100006 Perth Rix Nancy Female Lee D'Arcy George Male Perth
1924/100006 Perth Lee D'Arcy George Male Rix Annie Mary Elizabeth Female Perth
1924/100006 Perth Lee D'Arcy George Male Rix Nancy Female Perth
1924/100007 Perth Huntington Dora Female Buchanan Robert Charles Male Perth
1924/100007 Perth Buchanan Robert Charles Male Huntington Dora Female Perth
1924/100008 Perth Johnson Lilian Female Davies Stephen Robert Male Perth
1924/100008 Perth Davies Stephen Robert Male Johnson Lilian Female Perth
1924/100009 Perth Hamilton Edgar Alexander Male Clayton Vera Eva Female Perth
1924/100009 Perth Clayton Vera Eva Female Hamilton Edgar Alexander Male Perth
1923/100009 Perth Bailey Emma Martha Florence Female Alcorn Ebenezer Cyril Male Perth
1923/100009 Perth Alcorn Ebenezer Cyril Male Bailey Emma Martha Florence Female Perth
1923/100010 Perth Anderson Beryl Female Williams Albert Fitzgerald Male Perth
1924/100010 Perth Shafto Thomas Alfred Male Treloar Florence Female Perth
1924/100010 Perth Treloar Florence Female Shafto Thomas Alfred Male Perth
1923/100010 Perth Williams Albert Fitzgerald Male Anderson Beryl Female Perth
1924/100011 Perth Thomas Dorothea Female Hart Ernest Male Perth
1923/100011 Perth McQueen Walter William Male Jackson Minnie Beatrice Female Perth
1923/100011 Perth Jackson Minnie Beatrice Female McQueen Walter William Male Perth
1924/100011 Perth Hart Ernest Male Thomas Dorothea Female Perth
1924/100012 Perth Wundenberg Rudolph Male Liddell Katherine Female Victoria Park
1924/100012 Perth Liddell Katherine Female Wundenberg Rudolph Male Victoria Park
1924/100013 Perth Cook Emily May Female Ross Allan Ernest Male Victoria Park
1924/100013 Perth Ross Allan Ernest Male Cook Emily May Female Victoria Park
1923/100013 Perth Gardiner Winifred Mary Female Smith Edmund Male Perth
1923/100013 Perth Smith Edmund Male Gardiner Winifred Mary Female Perth
1924/100014 Perth Turner Philip John Male Chittenden Alice Catharine Maud Female Perth
1924/100014 Perth Chittenden Alice Catharine Maud Female Turner Philip John Male Perth
1923/100015 Perth Jones Harold Male Page Alice Katherine Female Perth
1923/100015 Perth Page Alice Katherine Female Jones Harold Male Perth
1924/100015 Perth Silver Lillian Female Harley William Male Perth
1924/100015 Perth Harley William Male Silver Lillian Female Perth
1923/100016 Perth Davies Ethel Female Wright Ambrose Appleton Male West Perth
1923/100016 Perth Wright Ambrose Appleton Male Davies Ethel Female West Perth
1924/100016 Perth Ash Gertrude Minnie Storne Female Thomason William Leigh Male South Perth
1924/100016 Perth Thomason William Leigh Male Ash Gertrude Minnie Storne Female South Perth
1923/100017 Perth Murray Thomas Male Gadenne Florence Female Perth
1924/100017 Perth Fletcher William Arthur Male Inman Adeline Ethelbert Female South Perth
1924/100017 Perth Inman Adeline Ethelbert Female Fletcher William Arthur Male South Perth
1923/100017 Perth Gadenne Florence Female Murray Thomas Male Perth
1924/100018 Perth Dewing Edward John Male Williams Florence Eleanor Female Claremont
1924/100018 Perth Williams Florence Eleanor Female Dewing Edward John Male Claremont
1924/100019 Perth Capp Ethel Shepherd Female Temby Stanley Edward Male Claremont
1924/100019 Perth Temby Stanley Edward Male Capp Ethel Shepherd Female Claremont
1924/100020 Perth Phipps Miriam Blanche Female Moffatt John Kerr Male Maylands
1924/100020 Perth Moffatt John Kerr Male Phipps Miriam Blanche Female Maylands
1923/100021 Perth Street Ida Alice Female Illidge Ernest Henry Male Claremont
1923/100021 Perth Illidge Ernest Henry Male Street Ida Alice Female Claremont
1923/100022 Perth Maslen George Alfred Male Blair Annie May Female Perth
1923/100022 Perth Blair Annie May Female Maslen George Alfred Male Perth
1923/100025 Perth Buttsworth Dulcie Vida Madge Female Harwood Maurice Male Perth
1923/100025 Perth Harwood Maurice Male Buttsworth Dulcie Vida Madge Female Perth
1924/100026 Perth Brindley Edward William Male Thomas Isabel Mary Female Perth
1924/100026 Perth Thomas Isabel Mary Female Brindley Edward William Male Perth
1923/100027 Perth Thomas Kate Evelyn Female Hall William Harrison Male Perth
1923/100027 Perth Hall William Harrison Male Thomas Kate Evelyn Female Perth
1924/100027 Perth Thomas Henrietta Victoria Female Spencer Charles Male Perth
1924/100027 Perth Spencer Charles Male Thomas Henrietta Victoria Female Perth
1924/100028 Perth Ranford Muriel Victoria Female Chapman Peter Male Leederville
1924/100028 Perth Chapman Peter Male Ranford Muriel Victoria Female Leederville
1924/100029 Perth Sugars Thomas Frank Male Cuiss Doris Female Perth
1924/100029 Perth Cuiss Doris Female Sugars Thomas Frank Male Perth
1924/100030 Perth Plant Henry Spring Male Devenish Hilda Mary Female Perth
1923/100030 Perth Ward Lily McLean Female Stone William Percy Male Perth
1924/100030 Perth Devenish Hilda Mary Female Plant Henry Spring Male Perth
1923/100030 Perth Stone William Percy Male Ward Lily McLean Female Perth
1924/100031 Perth Stacey William John Male Hancock Vera Gladys Female Subiaco
1923/100031 Perth Rhodes John Edmund Male Lewis Grace Myrtle Female Perth
1923/100031 Perth Lewis Grace Myrtle Female Rhodes John Edmund Male Perth
1924/100031 Perth Hancock Vera Gladys Female Stacey William John Male Subiaco
1924/100032 Perth Case Eric Arthur Male Crowe Alice May Female Subiaco
1923/100032 Perth Montgomery Clarence Edward Male King Vinetta Thelma Female West Perth
1924/100032 Perth Crowe Alice May Female Case Eric Arthur Male Subiaco
1923/100032 Perth King Vinetta Thelma Female Montgomery Clarence Edward Male West Perth
1923/100033 Perth Sertorio Cesare Male Creyk Sarah Jessie Female Perth
1924/100033 Perth White Iris Evelyne Female Cleak Richard Augustine Male Perth
1924/100033 Perth Cleak Richard Augustine Male White Iris Evelyne Female Perth
1923/100033 Perth Creyk Sarah Jessie Female Sertorio Cesare Male Perth
1924/100034 Perth Venn Ivy Kathleen Female Gillzan Matthew Alexander Male West Perth
1924/100034 Perth Gillzan Matthew Alexander Male Venn Ivy Kathleen Female West Perth
1923/100034 Perth Paul Agnes Elizabeth Female Williams David Price Male Perth
1923/100034 Perth Williams David Price Male Paul Agnes Elizabeth Female Perth
1923/100035 Perth McGill Amy Doris Female Young Walter Male West Perth
1923/100035 Perth Young Walter Male McGill Amy Doris Female West Perth
1923/100036 Perth Ion Frederick Charles Male Hadlow Violet May Female West Perth
1923/100036 Perth Hadlow Violet May Female Ion Frederick Charles Male West Perth
1923/100037 Perth Gordon Robert John Ross Male Pate Kathleen Florence Whittaker Female Nedlands
1923/100037 Perth Pate Kathleen Florence Whittaker Female Gordon Robert John Ross Male Nedlands
1924/100038 Perth Taylor Maurice Bernard Male Barrass Ellen May Female Maylands
1923/100038 Perth Solomon Leslie Herbert Male Gotts Gladys Irene Female Leederville
1923/100038 Perth Gotts Gladys Irene Female Solomon Leslie Herbert Male Leederville
1924/100038 Perth Barrass Ellen May Female Taylor Maurice Bernard Male Maylands
1923/100039 Perth Gollmick Norman Carl Male Osmond Nellie Female Perth
1924/100039 Perth Parry Estelle May Female Fitzgerald William Harold Male Highgate
1923/100039 Perth Osmond Nellie Female Gollmick Norman Carl Male Perth
1924/100039 Perth Fitzgerald William Harold Male Parry Estelle May Female Highgate
1923/100040 Perth Reilly Rose Ellen Female Harding Aubrey Male Perth
1924/100040 Perth Kemp Arnold Doyle Male Flanagan Elena Ethel Female Claremont
1923/100040 Perth Harding Aubrey Male Reilly Rose Ellen Female Perth
1924/100040 Perth Flanagan Elena Ethel Female Kemp Arnold Doyle Male Claremont
1924/100041 Perth Ward Edith Mary Rowlett Female Stone Walter Trenoweth Male Perth
1923/100041 Perth Hunter Leo Henry Male Price Ada Bishop Female West Perth
1923/100041 Perth Price Ada Bishop Female Hunter Leo Henry Male West Perth
1924/100041 Perth Stone Walter Trenoweth Male Ward Edith Mary Rowlett Female Perth
1924/100042 Perth Prout Grace Ellen Female Stewart Cedric Robert Arnold Male Charles St
1924/100042 Perth Stewart Cedric Robert Arnold Male Prout Grace Ellen Female Charles St
1924/100043 Perth Sharrett Eliza May Female Morgan William Arthur Male Perth
1924/100043 Perth Morgan William Arthur Male Sharrett Eliza May Female Perth
1923/100045 Perth Spain Elizabeth Female Allison Robert Knox Male Perth
1923/100045 Perth Allison Robert Knox Male Spain Elizabeth Female Perth
1924/100046 Perth Griffiths Robert Male Marsland Helen Myra Female Perth
1924/100046 Perth Marsland Helen Myra Female Griffiths Robert Male Perth
1923/100047 Perth Gleadell Charlotte Annie Female Shoesmith William Male Perth
1923/100047 Perth Shoesmith William Male Gleadell Charlotte Annie Female Perth
1924/100049 Perth Warner Lionel Douglas Male Whitehead Amy Female Claremont
1924/100049 Perth Whitehead Amy Female Warner Lionel Douglas Male Claremont
1924/100050 Perth Jurgenson Peter Male Sim Isabella Florence Female Perth
1923/100050 Perth Butler Frederick Alfred John Male Read Edith Maud Female Perth
1923/100050 Perth Read Edith Maud Female Butler Frederick Alfred John Male Perth
1924/100050 Perth Sim Isabella Florence Female Jurgenson Peter Male Perth
1923/100051 Perth Jeffery Kathleen Female Fitzgerald Daniel Male West Perth
1923/100051 Perth Fitzgerald Daniel Male Jeffery Kathleen Female West Perth
1923/100052 Perth Hayman William George Inglis Male Coleman Ruth Lynette Female Claremont
1924/100052 Perth Lamb Jessie Veronica Female Inglis Howard Stapleton Male Maylands
1924/100052 Perth Inglis Howard Stapleton Male Lamb Jessie Veronica Female Maylands
1923/100052 Perth Coleman Ruth Lynette Female Hayman William George Inglis Male Claremont
1924/100053 Perth Carr Reginald John Male Holland Florence May Female Maylands
1923/100053 Perth Maher William Stephen Male Pickleson Lola Florence Eva Female Perth
1923/100053 Perth Pickleson Lola Florence Eva Female Maher William Stephen Male Perth
1924/100053 Perth Holland Florence May Female Carr Reginald John Male Maylands
1923/100054 Perth Sparks John Male McWaters Louisa May Female Perth
1924/100054 Perth Dwyer Edith Elizabeth Female O'Connell Stephen Lawrence Male Maylands
1923/100054 Perth McWaters Louisa May Female Sparks John Male Perth
1924/100054 Perth O'Connell Stephen Lawrence Male Dwyer Edith Elizabeth Female Maylands
1923/100055 Perth Rogers Beatrice Rose Female Smith Ernest Henry Male Bayswater
1923/100055 Perth Smith Ernest Henry Male Rogers Beatrice Rose Female Bayswater
1923/100056 Perth Hayden William Francis Male Winder Florence Emily Female Rosalie
1923/100056 Perth Winder Florence Emily Female Hayden William Francis Male Rosalie
1924/100056 Perth Anderson Doris Amy Female Kilgren Abel Henry Male Claremont
1924/100056 Perth Kilgren Abel Henry Male Anderson Doris Amy Female Claremont
1923/100057 Perth McCahon Henry Albert Male Cassidy Elizabeth May Female West Perth
1923/100057 Perth Cassidy Elizabeth May Female McCahon Henry Albert Male West Perth
1924/100058 Perth Kerr John Byers Godfrey Male Challen Veronica Female Victoria Park
1923/100058 Perth Mooney Jean Agnes Female Scutchings Ivo Clarence Male Perth
1924/100058 Perth Challen Veronica Female Kerr John Byers Godfrey Male Victoria Park
1923/100058 Perth Scutchings Ivo Clarence Male Mooney Jean Agnes Female Perth
1924/100059 Perth Atkinson Irene Female Brazier Abdal Male Victoria Park
1924/100059 Perth Brazier Abdal Male Atkinson Irene Female Victoria Park
1923/100059 Perth Finch Albert Male Finch Eleanor Female Perth
1923/100059 Perth Finch Eleanor Female Finch Albert Male Perth
1924/100060 Perth Webb Alice Female Tighe Thomas Fredrick Male Victoria Park
1923/100060 Perth Robinson Francis Seymour Male Lynas Vera Grace Female Perth
1923/100060 Perth Lynas Vera Grace Female Robinson Francis Seymour Male Perth
1924/100060 Perth Tighe Thomas Fredrick Male Webb Alice Female Victoria Park
1923/100061 Perth Lakeman Beryl Mildred Female Batt Herbert Arthur Male Perth
1923/100061 Perth Batt Herbert Arthur Male Lakeman Beryl Mildred Female Perth
1924/100062 Perth Galvin Leonora Female Walsh Richard Male Perth
1923/100062 Perth Davies Thomas Owen Victor Male Brooks Beatrice Annie Female Perth
1924/100062 Perth Walsh Richard Male Galvin Leonora Female Perth
1923/100062 Perth Brooks Beatrice Annie Female Davies Thomas Owen Victor Male Perth
1923/100063 Perth Main James Canning Male Savage Nellie Female Perth
1923/100063 Perth Savage Nellie Female Main James Canning Male Perth
1924/100064 Perth Ryan Norah Mary Female Browne Edward Male Perth
1923/100064 Perth Pike Joyce Wilson Female Wells George Fornan Male Perth
1923/100064 Perth Wells George Fornan Male Pike Joyce Wilson Female Perth
1924/100064 Perth Browne Edward Male Ryan Norah Mary Female Perth
1923/100065 Perth Gunn Ivy Lillian Irene Female Gillies Cornelius Stanley Lorraine Male Subiaco
1924/100065 Perth Cale Margaret Female Bell John Edward Male Perth
1923/100065 Perth Gillies Cornelius Stanley Lorraine Male Gunn Ivy Lillian Irene Female Subiaco
1924/100065 Perth Bell John Edward Male Cale Margaret Female Perth
1923/100066 Perth Stewart Roger Male Anderson Evelyn Sophia Female North Perth
1924/100066 Perth Coall Joseph Male Lenew Amy Female Perth
1923/100066 Perth Anderson Evelyn Sophia Female Stewart Roger Male North Perth
1924/100066 Perth Lenew Amy Female Coall Joseph Male Perth
1924/100067 Perth Frost Frederick Peyton Male Feakes Linda Mary Female West Perth
1924/100067 Perth Feakes Linda Mary Female Frost Frederick Peyton Male West Perth
1923/100067 Perth Roberts Thomas John Male Brennan Kathleen Female Victoria Park
1923/100067 Perth Brennan Kathleen Female Roberts Thomas John Male Victoria Park
1924/100068 Perth McIntyre Julia Female Leyden Frank Male Perth
1924/100068 Perth Leyden Frank Male McIntyre Julia Female Perth
1923/100068 Perth Thomas Lylian Hester Female McCafferty Joseph Bernard Male Victoria Park
1923/100068 Perth McCafferty Joseph Bernard Male Thomas Lylian Hester Female Victoria Park
1924/100069 Perth Maloney Katherine Female Evans Lewis Male Perth
1923/100069 Perth Marsden Charles Henry Male McDonald Marguerite Female Perth
1923/100069 Perth McDonald Marguerite Female Marsden Charles Henry Male Perth
1924/100069 Perth Evans Lewis Male Maloney Katherine Female Perth
1923/100070 Perth Davies George Wilson Male Hamilton Mary Female Perth
1923/100070 Perth Hamilton Mary Female Davies George Wilson Male Perth
1923/100071 Perth Morey Ella May Female Biggs Robert Male Perth
1924/100071 Perth Wilson Flora Female Dawson John Willis Male Leederville
1923/100071 Perth Biggs Robert Male Morey Ella May Female Perth
1924/100071 Perth Dawson John Willis Male Wilson Flora Female Leederville
1923/100072 Perth James Ethel Female Keeley Bernard Male Perth
1923/100072 Perth Keeley Bernard Male James Ethel Female Perth
1923/100073 Perth Farmer Evelyn Florence Female Burrows Henry John Male Perth
1923/100073 Perth Burrows Henry John Male Farmer Evelyn Florence Female Perth
1923/100074 Perth Fox William David Male Mason Margaret Female Perth
1923/100074 Perth Mason Margaret Female Fox William David Male Perth
1923/100075 Perth Cook Frederick Rowland Male Read Henrietta Florence Victoria Female Perth
1923/100075 Perth Read Henrietta Florence Victoria Female Cook Frederick Rowland Male Perth
1923/100076 Perth Maley Ruby Irena Female Malone James Edmund Male Perth
1924/100076 Perth Morgan Jean Gentiles Female Hankins Edward James Male Maylands
1924/100076 Perth Hankins Edward James Male Morgan Jean Gentiles Female Maylands
1923/100076 Perth Malone James Edmund Male Maley Ruby Irena Female Perth
1923/100077 Perth Francisco Nellie Cooree Female Martin William Clarence Male Perth
1924/100077 Perth Meloy Margaret Guyen Female McFadzean Alexander Gordon Male Maylands
1923/100077 Perth Martin William Clarence Male Francisco Nellie Cooree Female Perth
1924/100077 Perth McFadzean Alexander Gordon Male Meloy Margaret Guyen Female Maylands
1923/100078 Perth Blechynden Reuben John Male Munyard Dorothy Hope Female Perth
1923/100078 Perth Munyard Dorothy Hope Female Blechynden Reuben John Male Perth
1923/100079 Perth Laurence Roberta Maude Female Doust Alfred Edward Male West Perth
1923/100079 Perth Doust Alfred Edward Male Laurence Roberta Maude Female West Perth
1923/100080 Perth Wilson George Edward Tarrant Male Childs Lilian Rose Female Victoria Park
1923/100080 Perth Childs Lilian Rose Female Wilson George Edward Tarrant Male Victoria Park
1923/100081 Perth Guilfoyle Joseph Carr Male Horan Constance Eileen Female Perth
1923/100081 Perth Horan Constance Eileen Female Guilfoyle Joseph Carr Male Perth
1923/100083 Perth Logue James Pearson Male Payne Hilda Rose Female Perth
1923/100083 Perth Payne Hilda Rose Female Logue James Pearson Male Perth
1923/100084 Perth Trekardo Elsie Female Dawson John Male Perth
1923/100084 Perth Dawson John Male Trekardo Elsie Female Perth
1923/100085 Perth Gossage George Male Underwood Bessie Female Maylands
1923/100085 Perth Underwood Bessie Female Gossage George Male Maylands
1923/100086 Perth Anderson Charles Robert Male Bindon Irene Lousia Elsie May Female Maylands
1924/100086 Perth Solly Andrew William Male Lanton Winifred Mary Female Perth
1923/100086 Perth Bindon Irene Lousia Elsie May Female Anderson Charles Robert Male Maylands
1924/100086 Perth Lanton Winifred Mary Female Solly Andrew William Male Perth
1924/100087 Perth Severin Ida Myrtle Marie Female Lawrence Harrold Thomas Male Perth
1923/100087 Perth Nicholls Lizzie Female Squires Percy Frederick Male Perth
1923/100087 Perth Squires Percy Frederick Male Nicholls Lizzie Female Perth
1924/100087 Perth Lawrence Harrold Thomas Male Severin Ida Myrtle Marie Female Perth
1924/100088 Perth Fox Walter John Male Matthews Clara May Female Perth
1923/100088 Perth Riddell Annie Female Dockett Richard William Male Perth
1923/100088 Perth Dockett Richard William Male Riddell Annie Female Perth
1924/100088 Perth Matthews Clara May Female Fox Walter John Male Perth
1923/100089 Perth Evans William George Male Corbett Mary Ellen Female Perth
1923/100089 Perth Corbett Mary Ellen Female Evans William George Male Perth
1923/100090 Perth Auburn Hubert John Male Abbott Rose Irene Female Perth
1923/100090 Perth Abbott Rose Irene Female Auburn Hubert John Male Perth
1924/100091 Perth Turner Elsie Annie May Female Wood William Victor Male West Perth
1924/100091 Perth Wood William Victor Male Turner Elsie Annie May Female West Perth
1923/100091 Perth Wilkinson Clara Female Standring William Eric Male Claremont
1923/100091 Perth Standring William Eric Male Wilkinson Clara Female Claremont
1923/100092 Perth Curtis John James Male Worrall Dorothy May Female Perth
1924/100092 Perth Brotherson William Eric Male Gulley Elvira Alice Female West Perth
1923/100092 Perth Worrall Dorothy May Female Curtis John James Male Perth
1924/100092 Perth Gulley Elvira Alice Female Brotherson William Eric Male West Perth
1924/100093 Perth Hawkins Eva May Female Abbott Reginald Frank Male West Perth
1924/100093 Perth Abbott Reginald Frank Male Hawkins Eva May Female West Perth
1923/100093 Perth O'Donnell Dennis Patrick Male Murray Jessie Female West Perth
1923/100093 Perth Murray Jessie Female O'Donnell Dennis Patrick Male West Perth
1923/100094 Perth Bowden Henrietta May Female Bartlett James Male West Perth
1923/100094 Perth Bartlett James Male Bowden Henrietta May Female West Perth
1923/100095 Perth Hooker Doris Lillian Female Mill William Eric Male Perth
1923/100095 Perth Mill William Eric Male Hooker Doris Lillian Female Perth
1923/100096 Perth Hutchinson Olive Grace Female James Walter Edward Male Cottesloe
1923/100096 Perth James Walter Edward Male Hutchinson Olive Grace Female Cottesloe
1924/100101 Perth Cordery Mary Elizabeth Anna Female Rilley James Male Subiaco
1924/100101 Perth Rilley James Male Cordery Mary Elizabeth Anna Female Subiaco
1923/100103 Perth Kinsman Royden Garnet Male Webb Edna Ruth Female Perth
1923/100103 Perth Webb Edna Ruth Female Kinsman Royden Garnet Male Perth
1923/100104 Perth Shaw George Crombie Male Palmer Jessie Stewart Female Perth
1923/100104 Perth Palmer Jessie Stewart Female Shaw George Crombie Male Perth
1923/100105 Perth Mackintosh Edward Male Fairhead Clara Female Perth
1923/100105 Perth Fairhead Clara Female Mackintosh Edward Male Perth
1923/100106 Perth Atkinson Frank Male Jeffery Doris Seenie Female Perth
1923/100106 Perth Jeffery Doris Seenie Female Atkinson Frank Male Perth
1923/100107 Perth Gooch George Gordon Male Campbell Doris Hilda Irene Female Perth
1923/100107 Perth Campbell Doris Hilda Irene Female Gooch George Gordon Male Perth
1924/100107 Perth Tapley Mary Louisa Female Wood Walter Alfred Male Mt Lawley
1924/100107 Perth Wood Walter Alfred Male Tapley Mary Louisa Female Mt Lawley
1923/100108 Perth Roberts Jane Female Moffat Robert Male Perth
1923/100108 Perth Moffat Robert Male Roberts Jane Female Perth
1923/100109 Perth Purdey John Male Martinson Rose Female Perth
1923/100109 Perth Martinson Rose Female Purdey John Male Perth
1923/100110 Perth Wilson Norah Elizabeth Cardeaux Female Woodhouse James Male Perth
1923/100110 Perth Woodhouse James Male Wilson Norah Elizabeth Cardeaux Female Perth
1923/100111 Perth Mitchell Mary Matilda Female Tichbon Samuel James Male Perth
1923/100111 Perth Tichbon Samuel James Male Mitchell Mary Matilda Female Perth
1923/100112 Perth Riley James Male Krakouer Thelma Marie Female Perth
1923/100112 Perth Krakouer Thelma Marie Female Riley James Male Perth
1923/100113 Perth Bowley Eva Jane Female Walton Walter Thomas Male North Perth
1923/100113 Perth Walton Walter Thomas Male Bowley Eva Jane Female North Perth
1923/100114 Perth Kennedy Irene Olive Female Gomm Leslie Jotham Male Perth
1923/100114 Perth Gomm Leslie Jotham Male Kennedy Irene Olive Female Perth
1923/100115 Perth Arenas John George Male Newby Doris Female Perth
1923/100115 Perth Newby Doris Female Arenas John George Male Perth
1923/100116 Perth Huntley Herbert Male Bradley Florence May Female Perth
1923/100116 Perth Bradley Florence May Female Huntley Herbert Male Perth
1923/100117 Perth Rimmington Amy Elizabeth Female O'Rourke George Patrick Male Maylands
1923/100117 Perth O'Rourke George Patrick Male Rimmington Amy Elizabeth Female Maylands
1923/100118 Perth Swain Harry Male Riordan Doris Female Maylands
1923/100118 Perth Riordan Doris Female Swain Harry Male Maylands
1923/100119 Perth Mackay Jessie Female Melvin William Male Victoria Park
1923/100119 Perth Melvin William Male Mackay Jessie Female Victoria Park
1923/100120 Perth Hey Daisy Violet Female Kelly Charles Joseph Male Perth
1923/100120 Perth Kelly Charles Joseph Male Hey Daisy Violet Female Perth
1923/100121 Perth Worcester Emily Eliza Female Wright Raymond Henry Male North Perth
1923/100121 Perth Wright Raymond Henry Male Worcester Emily Eliza Female North Perth
1923/100122 Perth Garlick Lucy Ellen Female Mazzini Samuel Patrick Male St Thomas' Roman Catholic Church
1923/100122 Perth Mazzini Samuel Patrick Male Garlick Lucy Ellen Female St Thomas' Roman Catholic Church
1923/100123 Perth Bevan Edith Ida Female Bidwell William Lancelot Male Subiaco
1923/100123 Perth Bidwell William Lancelot Male Bevan Edith Ida Female Subiaco
1923/100124 Perth Mackay Helena Gardner Female Watson Hugh Fraser Male Perth
1923/100124 Perth Watson Hugh Fraser Male Mackay Helena Gardner Female Perth
1923/100125 Perth Buckland Ada May Female Nettleton Joseph Lenox Male Perth
1923/100125 Perth Nettleton Joseph Lenox Male Buckland Ada May Female Perth
1923/100126 Perth West Edith Alice Female Dhu Frederick Victor Male Perth
1924/100126 Perth Matthews Arthur Leslie Male Darch Thelma Female Perth
1923/100126 Perth Dhu Frederick Victor Male West Edith Alice Female Perth
1924/100126 Perth Darch Thelma Female Matthews Arthur Leslie Male Perth
1923/100127 Perth Carr William Frederick Male Daniels Madeline Connie Female Perth
1924/100127 Perth Helm Caroline Mary Female Rodoreda Leo Charles Male Perth
1924/100127 Perth Rodoreda Leo Charles Male Helm Caroline Mary Female Perth
1923/100127 Perth Daniels Madeline Connie Female Carr William Frederick Male Perth
1924/100128 Perth Berend Edith Mary Female Young Charles Elliott Male Perth
1924/100128 Perth Young Charles Elliott Male Berend Edith Mary Female Perth
1923/100129 Perth Wood Ida Linda Female Parker Reginald Goodhand Male Peppermint Grove
1924/100129 Perth Robertson Edward Male Bannon Eileen Rose Female Perth
1924/100129 Perth Bannon Eileen Rose Female Robertson Edward Male Perth
1923/100129 Perth Parker Reginald Goodhand Male Wood Ida Linda Female Peppermint Grove
1923/100134 Perth Plumb Daisy Alice Female Havel John Male Maylands
1923/100134 Perth Havel John Male Plumb Daisy Alice Female Maylands
1923/100135 Perth Kaye Grace Hedley Leefe Female Jose Frederick Gordon Male Maylands
1923/100135 Perth Jose Frederick Gordon Male Kaye Grace Hedley Leefe Female Maylands
1923/100136 Perth Berriman Clara Maude Female Snudden Albert Walter John Male West Perth
1923/100136 Perth Snudden Albert Walter John Male Berriman Clara Maude Female West Perth
1923/100137 Perth Fitzgerald Loretta Female Thompson James Edward Male Leederville
1923/100137 Perth Thompson James Edward Male Fitzgerald Loretta Female Leederville
1923/100138 Perth Fearn Marjorie Lucy Female King Henry Joseph Male Perth
1923/100138 Perth King Henry Joseph Male Fearn Marjorie Lucy Female Perth
1923/100139 Perth Tubby John William Male Jones Constance Edith Female Cottesloe
1923/100139 Perth Jones Constance Edith Female Tubby John William Male Cottesloe
1923/100140 Perth Mills Norman William Male McGrade Vera Dooreen Female West Perth
1923/100140 Perth McGrade Vera Dooreen Female Mills Norman William Male West Perth
1923/100141 Perth Ryan William Male Gough Annie Sarah Nowland Female West Perth
1923/100141 Perth Gough Annie Sarah Nowland Female Ryan William Male West Perth
1923/100142 Perth Hetherington Nellie Female Napier Dudley Clive Male Claremont
1923/100142 Perth Napier Dudley Clive Male Hetherington Nellie Female Claremont
1923/100143 Perth Lodge Elizabeth Female Rupe John Male Claremont
1923/100143 Perth Rupe John Male Lodge Elizabeth Female Claremont
1923/100144 Perth Bonard Constance Female Bramley George Normam Male Subiaco
1923/100144 Perth Bramley George Normam Male Bonard Constance Female Subiaco
1923/100145 Perth Hetherington Gladys Lillian Female Roscoe William Fenwick Male Subiaco
1923/100145 Perth Roscoe William Fenwick Male Hetherington Gladys Lillian Female Subiaco
1923/100146 Perth Boal James Male Dews Ada Mary Female Perth
1923/100146 Perth Dews Ada Mary Female Boal James Male Perth
1923/100147 Perth Ogborne Maud Female Turner Charles Lincoln Male North Perth
1923/100147 Perth Turner Charles Lincoln Male Ogborne Maud Female North Perth
1923/100148 Perth Wood Charles William Male Webber Peggy Female Perth
1924/100148 Perth Yates Henry Leslie Male Moriarty Agnes Catherine Female South Perth
1924/100148 Perth Moriarty Agnes Catherine Female Yates Henry Leslie Male South Perth
1923/100148 Perth Webber Peggy Female Wood Charles William Male Perth
1923/100149 Perth Bagg George Hugh Male Steicke Matilda Elenora Female Perth
1923/100149 Perth Steicke Matilda Elenora Female Bagg George Hugh Male Perth
1923/100150 Perth O'Dea Dorothea Evelyn Female Brown John Thomas Male Perth
1923/100150 Perth Brown John Thomas Male O'Dea Dorothea Evelyn Female Perth
1923/100151 Perth Armstrong Reginald Fox Male Hassell Celestine Mary Female Perth
1923/100151 Perth Hassell Celestine Mary Female Armstrong Reginald Fox Male Perth
1923/100152 Perth O'Dea Joseph George Male Golding Mary Grace Female Perth
1923/100152 Perth Golding Mary Grace Female O'Dea Joseph George Male Perth
1923/100156 Perth Mosley-Watts Emilie Marie Female Greer Melville Shaw Male Perth
1923/100156 Perth Greer Melville Shaw Male Mosley-Watts Emilie Marie Female Perth
1923/100160 Perth Woodroofe Dorothy May Female Firth Jonathan Male South Perth
1923/100160 Perth Firth Jonathan Male Woodroofe Dorothy May Female South Perth
1923/100161 Perth O'Neill Phyllis Female Edwards James Richard Male Perth
1923/100161 Perth Edwards James Richard Male O'Neill Phyllis Female Perth
1923/100162 Perth Combe Evelyn Maude Female Dixon Stanley Gordon Male Leederville
1923/100162 Perth Dixon Stanley Gordon Male Combe Evelyn Maude Female Leederville
1923/100163 Perth Siggs Winifred Female Fisher James Thomas Male Leederville
1923/100163 Perth Fisher James Thomas Male Siggs Winifred Female Leederville
1923/100165 Perth Cooper Edith Maud Female Pye Cecil Norman Male Perth
1923/100165 Perth Pye Cecil Norman Male Cooper Edith Maud Female Perth
1923/100166 Perth Wilkins Madeline Rhoda Female Trainer David Charles Male Perth
1923/100166 Perth Trainer David Charles Male Wilkins Madeline Rhoda Female Perth
1923/100167 Perth Forrest John Male Buchan Mary Eileen Female Perth
1923/100167 Perth Buchan Mary Eileen Female Forrest John Male Perth
1923/100168 Perth Sturman Leith Female Hipper Lawrence Essington Male Perth
1923/100168 Perth Hipper Lawrence Essington Male Sturman Leith Female Perth
1923/100169 Perth Behsman Nora Annie Female Hynam Archibald Duncan Male Mt Lawley
1923/100169 Perth Hynam Archibald Duncan Male Behsman Nora Annie Female Mt Lawley
1923/100170 Perth Dickson Thomas Stephen Male Harris Grace Brennetta Female Victoria Park
1923/100170 Perth Harris Grace Brennetta Female Dickson Thomas Stephen Male Victoria Park
1923/100171 Perth McAlister Daisy Elizabeth Female Vick Harry Male Perth
1923/100171 Perth Vick Harry Male McAlister Daisy Elizabeth Female Perth
1923/100172 Perth Ratke Eva Gladys Female O'Brien Lawrence Male West Perth
1923/100172 Perth O'Brien Lawrence Male Ratke Eva Gladys Female West Perth
1923/100173 Perth Kelly Mary Eileen Female Lee Noah Male Perth
1923/100173 Perth Lee Noah Male Kelly Mary Eileen Female Perth
1923/100174 Perth Rosenthal Samuel Male Simpson Minna Jean Female Perth
1923/100174 Perth Simpson Minna Jean Female Rosenthal Samuel Male Perth
1923/100175 Perth Eastwood Katie Juanita Female Illingworth Stanley Male Perth
1923/100175 Perth Illingworth Stanley Male Eastwood Katie Juanita Female Perth
1923/100176 Perth Johnston Harold Douglas Male Piesse Vera Hope Female North Perth
1923/100176 Perth Piesse Vera Hope Female Johnston Harold Douglas Male North Perth
1923/100177 Perth Shove William Male Jones Lilian Bell Female Perth
1923/100177 Perth Jones Lilian Bell Female Shove William Male Perth
1923/100178 Perth McIntosh Amelia Female Townsend William Alfred Male Perth
1923/100178 Perth Townsend William Alfred Male McIntosh Amelia Female Perth
1923/100179 Perth Moore Dorothy Jane Female Johnson Oscar Charles Male Perth
1923/100179 Perth Johnson Oscar Charles Male Moore Dorothy Jane Female Perth
1923/100180 Perth Groom Clifford Charles Male Harrison Emma Maud Female Perth
1923/100180 Perth Harrison Emma Maud Female Groom Clifford Charles Male Perth
1923/100181 Perth Homewood George Albert Male Dewar Dorothy May Female Perth
1923/100181 Perth Dewar Dorothy May Female Homewood George Albert Male Perth
1923/100182 Perth Abbotts Walter Beels Male Marsh Annie Mason Female Perth
1923/100182 Perth Marsh Annie Mason Female Abbotts Walter Beels Male Perth
1923/100183 Perth Steadman Thomas Ward Male Mills Veronica Female Perth
1923/100183 Perth Mills Veronica Female Steadman Thomas Ward Male Perth
1923/100184 Perth McMahon Kathleen Female Hill Donald Male Perth
1923/100184 Perth Hill Donald Male McMahon Kathleen Female Perth
1923/100185 Perth Harris Walter Leonard Male Shepherd Eva Maude Female Perth
1923/100185 Perth Shepherd Eva Maude Female Harris Walter Leonard Male Perth
1923/100186 Perth Lee Henry Alfred John Male Reynolds Sylvia Female Perth
1923/100186 Perth Reynolds Sylvia Female Lee Henry Alfred John Male Perth
1923/100187 Perth Randell Donald George Male Rouse Marjorie Druscilla Female Leederville
1923/100187 Perth Rouse Marjorie Druscilla Female Randell Donald George Male Leederville
1923/100188 Perth Balmer Joseph Male Martin Robina Theresa Female Perth
1923/100188 Perth Martin Robina Theresa Female Balmer Joseph Male Perth
1923/100189 Perth Nancarrow Bessie Jane Female Langdon John Lewis Male Maylands
1923/100189 Perth Langdon John Lewis Male Nancarrow Bessie Jane Female Maylands
1923/100190 Perth Woods Frederick William Male Mitchell Alice Female Subiaco
1923/100190 Perth Mitchell Alice Female Woods Frederick William Male Subiaco
1923/100191 Perth Emrose Stanley Edgar Male McPherson Ina Mary Female Subiaco
1923/100191 Perth McPherson Ina Mary Female Emrose Stanley Edgar Male Subiaco
1923/100192 Perth Tulloch Margaret Female Baxter James Male Mt Hawthorn
1923/100192 Perth Baxter James Male Tulloch Margaret Female Mt Hawthorn
1923/100193 Perth Carpenter Frank Francis Male Scrivener Eliza Anne Female West Perth
1923/100193 Perth Scrivener Eliza Anne Female Carpenter Frank Francis Male West Perth
1923/100194 Perth Clarke Albert Edward Male Harris Bertha Maud Female Victoria Park
1923/100194 Perth Harris Bertha Maud Female Clarke Albert Edward Male Victoria Park
1923/100195 Perth Buckland Albert Edward Male Wright Alice Female Victoria Park
1923/100195 Perth Wright Alice Female Buckland Albert Edward Male Victoria Park
1923/100196 Perth Putland Reta Elizabeth Mabel Female Earnshaw William John Male Subiaco
1924/100196 Perth MacBride Alice Female Watkins Thomas George Male Perth
1923/100196 Perth Earnshaw William John Male Putland Reta Elizabeth Mabel Female Subiaco
1924/100196 Perth Watkins Thomas George Male MacBride Alice Female Perth
1923/100197 Perth Goulder Albert Thomas Male Johnson Daisy Muriel Marion Female Subiaco
1923/100197 Perth Johnson Daisy Muriel Marion Female Goulder Albert Thomas Male Subiaco
1923/100198 Perth Rinaldi Joseph Male Sullivan Hilda Beatrice Female Perth
1923/100198 Perth Sullivan Hilda Beatrice Female Rinaldi Joseph Male Perth
1923/100199 Perth Joyce Edith May Female Mason Jeffrey Male North Leederville
1923/100199 Perth Mason Jeffrey Male Joyce Edith May Female North Leederville
1923/100200 Perth Bayliff Edith Mary Female Gummow William Arthur Male West Leederville
1923/100200 Perth Gummow William Arthur Male Bayliff Edith Mary Female West Leederville
1923/100201 Perth Gibson Campbell Male Fletcher Eliza Isabel Female Perth
1923/100201 Perth Fletcher Eliza Isabel Female Gibson Campbell Male Perth
1923/100202 Perth McCulloch Miriam Leah Female Pitchell Alvan Paul Male Perth
1923/100202 Perth McCulloch Miriam Leah Female Pitchell Alvion Paul Male Perth
1923/100202 Perth McCulloch Miriam Leah Female Pitschel Alvan Paul Male Perth
1923/100202 Perth McCulloch Miriam Leah Female Pitschel Alvion Paul Male Perth
1923/100202 Perth Pitchell Alvan Paul Male McCulloch Miriam Leah Female Perth
1923/100202 Perth Pitchell Alvion Paul Male McCulloch Miriam Leah Female Perth
1923/100202 Perth Pitschel Alvan Paul Male McCulloch Miriam Leah Female Perth
1923/100202 Perth Pitschel Alvion Paul Male McCulloch Miriam Leah Female Perth
1923/100203 Perth Cochran Samuel Male Hinde May Evelyn Female Perth
1923/100203 Perth Hinde May Evelyn Female Cochran Samuel Male Perth
1923/100204 Perth Quinlan Catherine Maud Female Behsman George Lewis Male Perth
1923/100204 Perth Behsman George Lewis Male Quinlan Catherine Maud Female Perth
1923/100205 Perth Tyler William Frederick Male Smith Matilda Female Perth
1923/100205 Perth Smith Matilda Female Tyler William Frederick Male Perth
1923/100206 Perth Edwards George Watkyn Male Green Kathleen Esther Frances Female Perth
1923/100206 Perth Green Kathleen Esther Frances Female Edwards George Watkyn Male Perth
1923/100207 Perth McDonald John Arthur Campbell Male Henderson Annie Female Mount Lawley
1923/100207 Perth Henderson Annie Female McDonald John Arthur Campbell Male Mount Lawley
1923/100208 Perth Brabazon Claude Lennox Male Whitters Bessie Female Perth
1923/100208 Perth Whitters Bessie Female Brabazon Claude Lennox Male Perth
1923/100209 Perth Etherington Elsie Female Green Norman Frederick Male Perth
1923/100209 Perth Green Norman Frederick Male Etherington Elsie Female Perth
1923/100210 Perth Olsen Herbert Ludvig Broker Male Philpott Alice Martha Female Cottesloe
1923/100210 Perth Philpott Alice Martha Female Olsen Herbert Ludvig Broker Male Cottesloe
1923/100211 Perth Page William Male Montgomery Clara Jane Female West Perth
1923/100211 Perth Montgomery Clara Jane Female Page William Male West Perth
1923/100212 Perth Howells Elizabeth Alice Female Turner Bertie Male West Perth
1923/100212 Perth Turner Bertie Male Howells Elizabeth Alice Female West Perth
1923/100213 Perth Ham Nellie Gladys Female Wilkins George Herbert Male Perth
1923/100213 Perth Wilkins George Herbert Male Ham Nellie Gladys Female Perth
1923/100214 Perth Jose Ernest Male Vardy Lilian May Female Leederville
1923/100214 Perth Vardy Lilian May Female Jose Ernest Male Leederville
1923/100215 Perth Shellabear Samuel Albert Male Mofflin Nesta May Female Claremont
1923/100215 Perth Mofflin Nesta May Female Shellabear Samuel Albert Male Claremont
1923/100216 Perth Delamare Thomas Male Growns Minnie Female Claremont
1923/100216 Perth Growns Minnie Female Delamare Thomas Male Claremont
1923/100217 Perth Crofts Winifred Emily Female Filmer Harry Joseph Male Perth
1923/100217 Perth Filmer Harry Joseph Male Crofts Winifred Emily Female Perth
1923/100218 Perth Hopkins Edna Lucy Janet Female Stagoll Arthur George Male Perth
1923/100218 Perth Stagoll Arthur George Male Hopkins Edna Lucy Janet Female Perth
1923/100219 Perth Gosper Jack Stanley Christy Male Montague Ivy Beatrice Lillian Female Perth
1923/100219 Perth Montague Ivy Beatrice Lillian Female Gosper Jack Stanley Christy Male Perth
1923/100220 Perth Taylor Charles John Male Reynolds Ivy Lorna May Female Highgate Hill
1923/100220 Perth Reynolds Ivy Lorna May Female Taylor Charles John Male Highgate Hill
1923/100221 Perth Scott Jean Wilson Female Manthorpe Roy Stanley Male St Albans Church
1923/100221 Perth Manthorpe Roy Stanley Male Scott Jean Wilson Female St Albans Church
1923/100222 Perth Carlyon Charles Edward Male Houston Ethelwin Female Perth
1923/100222 Perth Houston Ethelwin Female Carlyon Charles Edward Male Perth
1923/100223 Perth Medcraft Dorothy Eleanor Female Campbell Albert Simpson Male West Perth
1923/100223 Perth Campbell Albert Simpson Male Medcraft Dorothy Eleanor Female West Perth
1923/100224 Perth Lindley Vera Helen Female Ealing George Henry Male Leederville
1923/100224 Perth Ealing George Henry Male Lindley Vera Helen Female Leederville
1923/100225 Perth Kirwan John Joseph Male Renton Jessie Marian Female Leederville
1923/100225 Perth Renton Jessie Marian Female Kirwan John Joseph Male Leederville
1923/100226 Perth Collins Reuben Henry Male Thielemann Muriel Female Perth
1923/100226 Perth Thielemann Muriel Female Collins Reuben Henry Male Perth
1923/100227 Perth Mutton Phoebe Female Grose William Harold Male Maylands
1923/100227 Perth Grose William Harold Male Mutton Phoebe Female Maylands
1923/100228 Perth McKenna Francis Robert Norman Male Seery Alice Ella Female Victoria Park
1923/100228 Perth Seery Alice Ella Female McKenna Francis Robert Norman Male Victoria Park
1923/100229 Perth Walters Hollis Hamilton Female Thompson John Male Perth
1923/100229 Perth Thompson John Male Walters Hollis Hamilton Female Perth
1923/100230 Perth Nunn Dorothy Ellen May Female Pollard Arnold Reuben Male Perth
1923/100230 Perth Pollard Arnold Reuben Male Nunn Dorothy Ellen May Female Perth
1923/100231 Perth Greene Stanley Albert Male Caunce Jane Female Perth
1923/100231 Perth Caunce Jane Female Greene Stanley Albert Male Perth
1923/100232 Perth Smith Ethel May Female Bryce James Male Perth
1923/100232 Perth Bryce James Male Smith Ethel May Female Perth
1923/100233 Perth Pratley Raymond Thomas Male Mahood Rachel Rebecca Female Perth
1923/100233 Perth Mahood Rachel Rebecca Female Pratley Raymond Thomas Male Perth
1923/100234 Perth Colenso Martha Lillian Mary Female Butcher John Errol Coombes Male Perth
1923/100234 Perth Butcher John Errol Coombes Male Colenso Martha Lillian Mary Female Perth
1923/100235 Perth Thornton Audrey Mary Female Simonsen Roy Male Perth
1923/100235 Perth Simonsen Roy Male Thornton Audrey Mary Female Perth
1923/100236 Perth Ryan Jessie Agnes Female Carson Gerald Michael Male Perth
1923/100236 Perth Carson Gerald Michael Male Ryan Jessie Agnes Female Perth
1923/100237 Perth Bevan Eileen Gladys Female Kent Henry Howard Male Perth
1923/100237 Perth Kent Henry Howard Male Bevan Eileen Gladys Female Perth
1923/100238 Perth Cousins Gerald Napier Gordon Male Armstrong Margaret Ellen Female Perth
1923/100238 Perth Armstrong Margaret Ellen Female Cousins Gerald Napier Gordon Male Perth
1923/100239 Perth Struck Olga Amanda Female McPhee Charles Male Perth
1923/100239 Perth McPhee Charles Male Struck Olga Amanda Female Perth
1923/100240 Perth Henning Charles Andrew Male Best Phoebe Rachel Female Perth
1923/100240 Perth Best Phoebe Rachel Female Henning Charles Andrew Male Perth
1923/100241 Perth Hockley Robert James Male Birch Gladys Victoria Female Subiaco
1923/100241 Perth Birch Gladys Victoria Female Hockley Robert James Male Subiaco
1923/100242 Perth Baker Robert Charles Male Flanders Dorothy Maud Female Perth
1923/100242 Perth Flanders Dorothy Maud Female Baker Robert Charles Male Perth
1923/100243 Perth Harrison Albert Henry Male Pain Eileen Mary Female Perth
1923/100243 Perth Pain Eileen Mary Female Harrison Albert Henry Male Perth
1923/100244 Perth McKay Donald Male Sandilands Annie Brown Female Perth
1923/100244 Perth Sandilands Annie Brown Female McKay Donald Male Perth
1923/100245 Perth Perry Adele Lilian Female Smith John Joseph Male Perth
1923/100245 Perth Smith John Joseph Male Perry Adele Lilian Female Perth
1923/100246 Perth Davis Thomas Charles Male Ellis-Henderson Catherine Mary Female West Perth
1923/100246 Perth Ellis-Henderson Catherine Mary Female Davis Thomas Charles Male West Perth
1923/100247 Perth Stockmin Steven Vernon Male Cameron Annie Female West Perth
1923/100247 Perth Cameron Annie Female Stockmin Steven Vernon Male West Perth
1923/100248 Perth Davis Eric Paul Male Fourbas-Jamieson Olive Gertrude Female West Perth
1923/100248 Perth Fourbas-Jamieson Olive Gertrude Female Davis Eric Paul Male West Perth
1923/100249 Perth Linthorne Sydney Mary Penny Female Lyons George Thomas Male West Perth
1923/100249 Perth Lyons George Thomas Male Linthorne Sydney Mary Penny Female West Perth
1923/100250 Perth Baird John Stuart Male Millar Elizabeth Hull Female West Perth
1923/100250 Perth Millar Elizabeth Hull Female Baird John Stuart Male West Perth
1923/100251 Perth Reffell Alice Sarah Female Curran Matthew Robert Male Perth
1923/100251 Perth Curran Matthew Robert Male Reffell Alice Sarah Female Perth
1923/100252 Perth Noble Thomas Arthur Male Dearden Alice Mary Female Perth
1923/100252 Perth Dearden Alice Mary Female Noble Thomas Arthur Male Perth
1923/100253 Perth Bell Margaret Female Kiernan Charles Reynolds Male Perth
1923/100253 Perth Kiernan Charles Reynolds Male Bell Margaret Female Perth
1923/100254 Perth McArthur Emma Lillian Female Phillips Frank Male Perth
1923/100254 Perth Phillips Frank Male McArthur Emma Lillian Female Perth
1923/100255 Perth Muir Alexander Graham Male Bearpark Jessie May Female Perth
1923/100255 Perth Bearpark Jessie May Female Muir Alexander Graham Male Perth
1923/100256 Perth O'Neill Fanny Female Dillon Michael Male Maylands
1923/100256 Perth Dillon Michael Male O'Neill Fanny Female Maylands
1923/100257 Perth McEvoy Katharine Mary Female Ballantyne James Alexander Irwin Male Maylands
1923/100257 Perth Ballantyne James Alexander Irwin Male McEvoy Katharine Mary Female Maylands
1924/100260 Perth Christison Frances Female Harapeet Errol Male Perth
1923/100260 Perth McLean Gordon James Male Lewis Lillian Gertrude Female Maylands
1924/100260 Perth Harapeet Errol Male Christison Frances Female Perth
1923/100260 Perth Lewis Lillian Gertrude Female McLean Gordon James Male Maylands
1923/100261 Perth Mansfield Reginald Clifton Male Frayne Vera Treleaven Female Subiaco
1923/100261 Perth Frayne Vera Treleaven Female Mansfield Reginald Clifton Male Subiaco
1923/100262 Perth Hall William Robson Male Thomas Olive Margaret Louisa Female Subiaco
1923/100262 Perth Thomas Olive Margaret Louisa Female Hall William Robson Male Subiaco
1923/100263 Perth Heise Susannah Female Hanby William Edward Male Perth
1923/100263 Perth Hanby William Edward Male Heise Susannah Female Perth
1923/100264 Perth Doyle Nancy Female Woodthorpe Charles Augustus Male Leederville
1923/100264 Perth Woodthorpe Charles Augustus Male Doyle Nancy Female Leederville
1923/100265 Perth Le Fevre Ethel Ruby Female Ridley Wilfred Parnham Male Subiaco
1923/100265 Perth Ridley Wilfred Parnham Male Le Fevre Ethel Ruby Female Subiaco
1923/100266 Perth Joynes Walter Theodore Male Kennerley Letitia Female Victoria Park
1923/100266 Perth Kennerley Letitia Female Joynes Walter Theodore Male Victoria Park
1923/100267 Perth Powell Joseph Male Brown Emily Female Perth
1923/100267 Perth Brown Emily Female Powell Joseph Male Perth
1923/100268 Perth Costigan Henry Thomas Male Dart Clarice Eileen Female Perth
1923/100268 Perth Dart Clarice Eileen Female Costigan Henry Thomas Male Perth
1923/100269 Perth Kirke John Simon Male Miles Catherine Isabella Female Perth
1923/100269 Perth Miles Catherine Isabella Female Kirke John Simon Male Perth
1923/100270 Perth Coffey Edmond John Male Ashby Ada Matilda Female Perth
1923/100270 Perth Ashby Ada Matilda Female Coffey Edmond John Male Perth
1923/100271 Perth Hart Alexander Arthur Male Pyett Daphne Female Subiaco
1923/100271 Perth Pyett Daphne Female Hart Alexander Arthur Male Subiaco
1923/100272 Perth Edwards William David Male Glanfield Millicent Rose Female Perth
1923/100272 Perth Glanfield Millicent Rose Female Edwards William David Male Perth
1923/100273 Perth Harvey Iris Hope Female Prince Henry Tucker Male Perth
1923/100273 Perth Prince Henry Tucker Male Harvey Iris Hope Female Perth
1923/100274 Perth Clarkson Robert Clive Male Sturt Eileen Ruby Female Perth
1923/100274 Perth Sturt Eileen Ruby Female Clarkson Robert Clive Male Perth
1923/100275 Perth Foulkes Joseph Samuel Male Bonnar Mary Helen Female Perth
1923/100275 Perth Bonnar Mary Helen Female Foulkes Joseph Samuel Male Perth
1923/100276 Perth de Gruchy Eleanor Adelaide Gwyer Female Bennett Andrew George Male Perth
1923/100276 Perth Bennett Andrew George Male de Gruchy Eleanor Adelaide Gwyer Female Perth
1923/100277 Perth Whitaker Ernest James Male Whiteley Edith Evelyn Female Perth
1923/100277 Perth Whiteley Edith Evelyn Female Whitaker Ernest James Male Perth
1923/100278 Perth McIntosh Ethel Elsie Female Pulley Frederick James Male Perth
1923/100278 Perth Pulley Frederick James Male McIntosh Ethel Elsie Female Perth
1923/100279 Perth Ford Ethel Eugene Female Mackenzie Herbert Henry Male Perth
1923/100279 Perth Mackenzie Herbert Henry Male Ford Ethel Eugene Female Perth
1923/100280 Perth Thomas Sarah Alice Female Tredrea Victor John Trevithick Male Perth
1923/100280 Perth Tredrea Victor John Trevithick Male Thomas Sarah Alice Female Perth
1923/100281 Perth Ladyman Ray Mills Male Clubb Phyllis Margery Female Perth
1923/100281 Perth Clubb Phyllis Margery Female Ladyman Ray Mills Male Perth
1923/100282 Perth Puckering Frederick Albert Male Ryan Johanna Ellen Female Perth
1923/100282 Perth Ryan Johanna Ellen Female Puckering Frederick Albert Male Perth
1923/100283 Perth Gill Sarah Ann Female Hackworthy Cecil Wallace Male Perth
1923/100283 Perth Gill Lily Female Hackworthy Cecil Wallace Male Perth
1923/100283 Perth Hackworthy Cecil Wallace Male Gill Sarah Ann Female Perth
1923/100283 Perth Hackworthy Cecil Wallace Male Gill Lily Female Perth
1923/100284 Perth Magennis James Roy Male White Doris Janna Middleton Female Perth
1923/100284 Perth White Doris Janna Middleton Female Magennis James Roy Male Perth
1923/100285 Perth Gent George Enis Male Doddrell Robertina Sarah Female Perth
1923/100285 Perth Doddrell Robertina Sarah Female Gent George Enis Male Perth
1923/100286 Perth Street Elizabeth Female Sandells Thomas Male Maylands
1923/100286 Perth Sandells Thomas Male Street Elizabeth Female Maylands
1923/100287 Perth Hasler Alice Female Rainoldi Guiseppi Male Perth
1923/100287 Perth Rainoldi Guiseppi Male Hasler Alice Female Perth
1923/100288 Perth Boston Edward Herbert Male Barber Agnes Female Perth
1923/100288 Perth Barber Agnes Female Boston Edward Herbert Male Perth
1923/100289 Perth Marmion John David Ivanhoe Male Thomas Merolia Ivy Female Perth
1923/100289 Perth Thomas Merolia Ivy Female Marmion John David Ivanhoe Male Perth
1923/100290 Perth Mann Gilbert Western Male Hunt Evelyn Maud Amelia Female Maylands
1923/100290 Perth Hunt Evelyn Maud Amelia Female Mann Gilbert Western Male Maylands
1923/100291 Perth Bennett Richard Nelson Male Sawell Dorothy Mascotte Vivia Female Claremont
1923/100291 Perth Sawell Dorothy Mascotte Vivia Female Bennett Richard Nelson Male Claremont
1923/100292 Perth Ebsary Samuel George Stanley Male Whitewood Lily Delora Female Claremont
1923/100292 Perth Whitewood Lily Delora Female Ebsary Samuel George Stanley Male Claremont
1923/100293 Perth Brooks George Lee Scadding Male MacNeill Margaret Female North Perth
1923/100293 Perth MacNeill Margaret Female Brooks George Lee Scadding Male North Perth
1923/100294 Perth Brown Muriel Francis Gordon Female Kevan Harold Edward Male North Perth
1923/100294 Perth Kevan Harold Edward Male Brown Muriel Francis Gordon Female North Perth
1923/100295 Perth Golding Afra Emma Female Curnow James Male West Perth
1923/100295 Perth Curnow James Male Golding Afra Emma Female West Perth
1923/100296 Perth Clarke Stanley Anthony Male Bourne Dorothy Female West Perth
1923/100296 Perth Bourne Dorothy Female Clarke Stanley Anthony Male West Perth
1923/100297 Perth Stewart Emily Mena Female Wakeham Sidney Griffiths Male West Perth
1923/100297 Perth Wakeham Sidney Griffiths Male Stewart Emily Mena Female West Perth
1923/100298 Perth Watts Marjorie Olive Female Daniels Eric Robert Male Perth
1923/100298 Perth Daniels Eric Robert Male Watts Marjorie Olive Female Perth
1923/100299 Perth James Gladys Female Weston Leonard James Henry Male Perth
1923/100299 Perth Weston Leonard James Henry Male James Gladys Female Perth
1923/100300 Perth Hill William Robert Male Lowe Violet May Elizabeth Female Perth
1923/100300 Perth Lowe Violet May Elizabeth Female Hill William Robert Male Perth
1923/100301 Perth Hollett Winifred Elsie Beryl Female Paine Stephen Male Maylands
1923/100301 Perth Paine Stephen Male Hollett Winifred Elsie Beryl Female Maylands
1923/100302 Perth Kelly Jean Female Gee Clement Walter Male Perth
1923/100302 Perth Gee Clement Walter Male Kelly Jean Female Perth
1923/100303 Perth Halpin Margaret Maud Female Brown Leslie St John Male Claremont
1923/100303 Perth Brown Leslie St John Male Halpin Margaret Maud Female Claremont
1923/100304 Perth Griffiths Alice Lloyd Female Holliday Arthur Male Perth
1923/100304 Perth Holliday Arthur Male Griffiths Alice Lloyd Female Perth
1923/100305 Perth Cole Raymond Cedric Male Schuts Wilhemina Julia Female Perth
1923/100305 Perth Schuts Wilhemina Julia Female Cole Raymond Cedric Male Perth
1923/100306 Perth Burnett Muriel Rose Female Shepherd John Male Victoria Park
1923/100306 Perth Shepherd John Male Burnett Muriel Rose Female Victoria Park
1923/100307 Perth Jennings William Edward Male Taylor Ivy May Female Subiaco
1923/100307 Perth Taylor Ivy May Female Jennings William Edward Male Subiaco
1923/100308 Perth Parker Joseph Male Lafferty Louisa Female Subiaco
1923/100308 Perth Lafferty Louisa Female Parker Joseph Male Subiaco
1923/100309 Perth Gregory Doris May Female Flanders George McKinley Male Perth
1923/100309 Perth Flanders George McKinley Male Gregory Doris May Female Perth
1923/100310 Perth Edwards Nita Annie Female Carter Benjamin Male Subiaco
1923/100310 Perth Carter Benjamin Male Edwards Nita Annie Female Subiaco
1923/100311 Perth Troy Rose Emma Female Masters Lionel Daniel Clair Male Perth
1923/100311 Perth Masters Lionel Daniel Clair Male Troy Rose Emma Female Perth
1923/100312 Perth Llewellyn Robert Male McCulloch Nell Female West Perth
1923/100312 Perth McCulloch Nell Female Llewellyn Robert Male West Perth
1923/100313 Perth Gibson Arthur Ainsworth Male Timmings Mena Pearl Female West Perth
1923/100313 Perth Timmings Mena Pearl Female Gibson Arthur Ainsworth Male West Perth
1923/100314 Perth Maloney Marguerita Female Morris Frederick James Male West Perth
1923/100314 Perth Morris Frederick James Male Maloney Marguerita Female West Perth
1923/100315 Perth Gough Eric Wyndham Male Higgs Mable Female Cottesloe
1923/100315 Perth Higgs Mable Female Gough Eric Wyndham Male Cottesloe
1923/100316 Perth Bower Anthony Male Rudeforth Violet Ethel Female Cottesloe Beach
1923/100316 Perth Rudeforth Violet Ethel Female Bower Anthony Male Cottesloe Beach
1923/100317 Perth Cowan Jeannette Enid Female Keay Robert Alyth Male Perth
1923/100317 Perth Keay Robert Alyth Male Cowan Jeannette Enid Female Perth
1923/100318 Perth Arnold Edith Jane Female McCrossen Francis John Male Perth
1923/100318 Perth McCrossen Francis John Male Arnold Edith Jane Female Perth
1923/100319 Perth Collins Dorothy Elva Female Harrison Reginald Michael Neil Male Perth
1923/100319 Perth Harrison Reginald Michael Neil Male Collins Dorothy Elva Female Perth
1923/100320 Perth Caporn Catherine Mary Female Gray Harry Male Perth
1923/100320 Perth Gray Harry Male Caporn Catherine Mary Female Perth
1923/100321 Perth Adams Nora Margaret Female Hainsworth Fredrick William Male Victoria Park
1923/100321 Perth Hainsworth Fredrick William Male Adams Nora Margaret Female Victoria Park
1923/100322 Perth Fitzpatrick Dorothy Moya Female Rosser Cedric Hereward Gra Male Victoria Park
1923/100322 Perth Rosser Cedric Hereward Gra Male Fitzpatrick Dorothy Moya Female Victoria Park
1923/100323 Perth Williams Percy Thomas Male Rose Gertrude Julia Female Leederville
1923/100323 Perth Rose Gertrude Julia Female Williams Percy Thomas Male Leederville
1923/100324 Perth Arnett Alice Female Sutcliffe George Edward Male Bayswater
1923/100324 Perth Sutcliffe George Edward Male Arnett Alice Female Bayswater
1923/100325 Perth Cross Beryl Female Brown Clarence Farquharson Male Maylands
1923/100325 Perth Brown Clarence Farquharson Male Cross Beryl Female Maylands
1923/100326 Perth Carse Mabel Phyllis Female Winter John Alexander Male Victoria Park
1923/100326 Perth Winter John Alexander Male Carse Mabel Phyllis Female Victoria Park
1923/100327 Perth Freer Rita Irene Female Lear Cecil Roy Male Bellevue
1923/100327 Perth Lear Cecil Roy Male Freer Rita Irene Female Bellevue
1923/100328 Perth Deacon Valentine Marjorie Female Heydon Thomas George Male Claremont
1923/100328 Perth Heydon Thomas George Male Deacon Valentine Marjorie Female Claremont
1923/100329 Perth Bryan Patrick Male Parker Ivy Mary Female Claremont
1923/100329 Perth Parker Ivy Mary Female Bryan Patrick Male Claremont
1923/100330 Perth Cockman Ruby Victoria Female Backshall Albert Vivian Male North Leederville
1923/100330 Perth Backshall Albert Vivian Male Cockman Ruby Victoria Female North Leederville
1923/100331 Perth Blair Robert James Male Moody Muriel Jessie Female Subiaco
1923/100331 Perth Moody Muriel Jessie Female Blair Robert James Male Subiaco
1923/100332 Perth McKenzie Richard Angus Male Greenwood Olive Female Subiaco
1923/100332 Perth Greenwood Olive Female McKenzie Richard Angus Male Subiaco
1923/100333 Perth Hawkins Malinda Emily Margaret Female Watkins Robert Leslie Male Bayswater
1923/100333 Perth Watkins Robert Leslie Male Hawkins Malinda Emily Margaret Female Bayswater
1923/100334 Perth Saint Mary Female Caporn George Jeffrey Male South Perth
1923/100334 Perth Caporn George Jeffrey Male Saint Mary Female South Perth
1923/100335 Perth Hunt Thomas Male Dodd Dorathea Jane Marie Female Perth
1923/100335 Perth Dodd Dorathea Jane Marie Female Hunt Thomas Male Perth
1923/100336 Perth Foyel Albert George Male Boyle Dorothy Female Perth
1923/100336 Perth Boyle Dorothy Female Foyel Albert George Male Perth
1923/100337 Perth Anderson Alfred Ernest Male Pinnell Ellen Esther Female West Perth
1923/100337 Perth Pinnell Ellen Esther Female Anderson Alfred Ernest Male West Perth
1923/100338 Perth Robinson Lillian Earl Female Ward Thomas James Male Perth
1923/100338 Perth Ward Thomas James Male Robinson Lillian Earl Female Perth
1923/100339 Perth MacIntosh Harold James Neil Male Ducie Rosina Alice Female Perth
1923/100339 Perth Ducie Rosina Alice Female MacIntosh Harold James Neil Male Perth
1923/100340 Perth Murphy Frances Rose Female Dew Edward Frank Laurence Male Subiaco
1923/100340 Perth Dew Edward Frank Laurence Male Murphy Frances Rose Female Subiaco
1923/100341 Perth Scott William Joseph Male Winning Alice Hanton Victoria Female Subiaco
1923/100341 Perth Winning Alice Hanton Victoria Female Scott William Joseph Male Subiaco
1923/100342 Perth Longson Ernest Male Read Clarice Cathie Female Victoria Park
1923/100342 Perth Read Clarice Cathie Female Longson Ernest Male Victoria Park
1923/100343 Perth Armstrong Claude Fielding Male Toms Veronica Louisa Female Perth
1923/100343 Perth Toms Veronica Louisa Female Armstrong Claude Fielding Male Perth
1923/100344 Perth Outridge Harrie Rutherford Male McDonald Elizabeth Mary Female Bayswater
1923/100344 Perth McDonald Elizabeth Mary Female Outridge Harrie Rutherford Male Bayswater
1923/100345 Perth Rutter Violet Annie Female Melvin Robert Male Perth
1923/100345 Perth Melvin Robert Male Rutter Violet Annie Female Perth
1923/100346 Perth Galvin John Male Hoddy Ruby Alice Female Perth
1923/100346 Perth Hoddy Ruby Alice Female Galvin John Male Perth
1923/100347 Perth Brock Randolph Edgar Male Harris Rachel Maud Female Perth
1923/100347 Perth Harris Rachel Maud Female Brock Randolph Edgar Male Perth
1923/100348 Perth Barfield William Henry Male Whitewood Edna May Female Claremont
1923/100348 Perth Whitewood Edna May Female Barfield William Henry Male Claremont
1923/100349 Perth Rose Edith Lucy Female Kerr John Strachan Male West Perth
1923/100349 Perth Kerr John Strachan Male Rose Edith Lucy Female West Perth
1923/100350 Perth Hamdorf Dorothea Ellenor Female Sims David John Male Perth
1923/100350 Perth Sims David John Male Hamdorf Dorothea Ellenor Female Perth
1923/100351 Perth Langmid Robert Edward Male Richardson Jean Isobel Female Perth
1923/100351 Perth Richardson Jean Isobel Female Langmid Robert Edward Male Perth
1923/100354 Perth Bailey Hilda Female Steel Sidney Male Claremont
1923/100354 Perth Steel Sidney Male Bailey Hilda Female Claremont
1923/100355 Perth Gaze Alison Sydney Owen Female Saw Walter William Male Perth
1923/100355 Perth Saw Walter William Male Gaze Alison Sydney Owen Female Perth
1923/100356 Perth Bennett Charles Harold Male Ottaway Gladys Mary Female Perth
1923/100356 Perth Ottaway Gladys Mary Female Bennett Charles Harold Male Perth
1923/100357 Perth Wardell-Johnson Algernon Theodore Male Dixon Ruby Constance Female Perth
1923/100357 Perth Dixon Ruby Constance Female Wardell-Johnson Algernon Theodore Male Perth
1923/100358 Perth Casley Olive Elibby Female Turner Francis Gerald Male Perth
1923/100358 Perth Turner Francis Gerald Male Casley Olive Elibby Female Perth
1923/100359 Perth Brede Horace Bertram Shakespere Male Dawson Dorothy Jean Female Perth
1923/100359 Perth Dawson Dorothy Jean Female Brede Horace Bertram Shakespere Male Perth
1923/100360 Perth Ferguson William John James Henderson Male Pollock Margaret Female West Leederville
1923/100360 Perth Pollock Margaret Female Ferguson William John James Henderson Male West Leederville
1923/100361 Perth Glanville Ivy May Female Eames Leslie Gordon Male Perth
1923/100361 Perth Eames Leslie Gordon Male Glanville Ivy May Female Perth
1923/100362 Perth Bower Percival Henry Male Sweeney Hilda Mary Female Claremont
1923/100362 Perth Sweeney Hilda Mary Female Bower Percival Henry Male Claremont
1923/100363 Perth Ryan Ernest John Male Wilson Edith Helene Female Leederville
1923/100363 Perth Wilson Edith Helene Female Ryan Ernest John Male Leederville
1923/100364 Perth Brennan Margaret Catherine Female Jennings George Percy Sydney Male Leederville
1923/100364 Perth Jennings George Percy Sydney Male Brennan Margaret Catherine Female Leederville
1923/100365 Perth Wright Charles Dometras Maclay Male Patterson Constance Violet Mary Female Perth
1923/100365 Perth Patterson Constance Violet Mary Female Wright Charles Dometras Maclay Male Perth
1923/100366 Perth Robertson Irene May Female Rogers Arthur Llewellyn Male Leederville
1923/100366 Perth Rogers Arthur Llewellyn Male Robertson Irene May Female Leederville
1923/100367 Perth Button Mary Jane Female Brain William Henry Male Perth
1923/100367 Perth Brain William Henry Male Button Mary Jane Female Perth
1923/100368 Perth Hammond Walter George Roy Male Allen Hilda May Female Perth
1923/100368 Perth Allen Hilda May Female Hammond Walter George Roy Male Perth
1923/100369 Perth Ledger Joseph Francis Male Lyons Gladys Muriel Female Perth
1923/100369 Perth Lyons Gladys Muriel Female Ledger Joseph Francis Male Perth
1923/100370 Perth Lawson Gladys Victoria Female Randell Vernon Eric Male Perth
1923/100370 Perth Randell Vernon Eric Male Lawson Gladys Victoria Female Perth
1923/100371 Perth Connor Moira Female Stansfield Charles Edwin Male West Perth
1923/100371 Perth Stansfield Charles Edwin Male Connor Moira Female West Perth
1923/100372 Perth Tough Elizabeth Maude Female Quarrell Victor Henry Male Subiaco
1923/100372 Perth Quarrell Victor Henry Male Tough Elizabeth Maude Female Subiaco
1923/100373 Perth Alexander Irene May Female Matson William Frederick Male Perth
1923/100373 Perth Matson William Frederick Male Alexander Irene May Female Perth
1923/100374 Perth Honey Stella Clarissa Female Anderson Reginald Walker John Male Perth
1923/100374 Perth Anderson Reginald Walker John Male Honey Stella Clarissa Female Perth
1923/100375 Perth Gardner Myrtle Lillian Female Marshall James Henry Male Perth
1923/100375 Perth Marshall James Henry Male Gardner Myrtle Lillian Female Perth
1923/100376 Perth Carter Rose Frances Louise Female Betty Albert Edward Male Perth
1923/100376 Perth Betty Albert Edward Male Carter Rose Frances Louise Female Perth
1923/100377 Perth Savage Winnifred Female Ashton Arthur Henry Male Perth
1923/100377 Perth Ashton Arthur Henry Male Savage Winnifred Female Perth
1923/100378 Perth Maley Jean Morrison Female Blood Frederick Male Perth
1923/100378 Perth Maley Jean Morrison Female Jackson Frederick Male Perth
1923/100378 Perth Jackson Frederick Male Maley Jean Morrison Female Perth
1923/100378 Perth Blood Frederick Male Maley Jean Morrison Female Perth
1923/100379 Perth Stevenson Jessie Cameron Female Bloomer Peter James Male Perth
1923/100379 Perth Bloomer Peter James Male Stevenson Jessie Cameron Female Perth
1923/100380 Perth Smith Randall William Male Franklin Violet May Female Perth
1923/100380 Perth Franklin Violet May Female Smith Randall William Male Perth
1923/100381 Perth Atkinson Thomas Wilfred Male Clementson Sigrid Alice Female Perth
1923/100381 Perth Clementson Sigrid Alice Female Atkinson Thomas Wilfred Male Perth
1923/100382 Perth Worthington Doris Shirley Female Anderson George Andrew Male Perth
1923/100382 Perth Anderson George Andrew Male Worthington Doris Shirley Female Perth
1923/100383 Perth Hough Jean Isabella Female Spencer Adair FitzGerald Male West Perth
1923/100383 Perth Spencer Adair FitzGerald Male Hough Jean Isabella Female West Perth
1923/100384 Perth Carroll Enid Dagmar Female Gilbert Harry Hector Male Cottesloe
1923/100384 Perth Gilbert Harry Hector Male Carroll Enid Dagmar Female Cottesloe
1923/100385 Perth Marmion William Richard Patrick Male Snellgrove Hazel Muriel Female Cottesloe
1923/100385 Perth Snellgrove Hazel Muriel Female Marmion William Richard Patrick Male Cottesloe
1923/100386 Perth Mongan Francis Matthew Male Thackrah May Kathleen Female Cottesloe
1923/100386 Perth Thackrah May Kathleen Female Mongan Francis Matthew Male Cottesloe
1923/100387 Perth White Blanche Mary Female Connor Daniel Ignatius Male Cottesloe
1923/100387 Perth Connor Daniel Ignatius Male White Blanche Mary Female Cottesloe
1923/100388 Perth Unicume Gertrude May Kathleen Female Barker Ernest Walter Male West Perth
1923/100388 Perth Barker Ernest Walter Male Unicume Gertrude May Kathleen Female West Perth
1923/100389 Perth James Alexander William Male Briggs Ruth Female North Perth
1923/100389 Perth Briggs Ruth Female James Alexander William Male North Perth
1923/100390 Perth Nugent Robert Samuel Male Gratacap Berthe Louise Female Perth
1923/100390 Perth Gratacap Berthe Louise Female Nugent Robert Samuel Male Perth
1923/100391 Perth Armstrong Thomas Adam Male Fleming Honor Female Perth
1923/100391 Perth Fleming Honor Female Armstrong Thomas Adam Male Perth
1923/100392 Perth Dawson Bertram Clarence Male Silverlock Victoria May Female Subiaco
1923/100392 Perth Silverlock Victoria May Female Dawson Bertram Clarence Male Subiaco
1923/100393 Perth Smith John Male Townsing Mary Kelly Female Subiaco
1923/100393 Perth Townsing Mary Kelly Female Smith John Male Subiaco
1923/100394 Perth Duffy Kevin John Male Lafferty Frances Jessie Female Subiaco
1923/100394 Perth Lafferty Frances Jessie Female Duffy Kevin John Male Subiaco
1923/100395 Perth Webb Arthur Stanley Male Langridge Dorothy Myrtle Female Cottesloe
1923/100395 Perth Langridge Dorothy Myrtle Female Webb Arthur Stanley Male Cottesloe
1923/100396 Perth Olsen Mabel Hansina Female Casserly Joseph Charles Male Cottesloe
1923/100396 Perth Casserly Joseph Charles Male Olsen Mabel Hansina Female Cottesloe
1923/100397 Perth Watson Elsie Dorothy Female Berryman George Male Perth
1923/100397 Perth Berryman George Male Watson Elsie Dorothy Female Perth
1923/100398 Perth Bateman Olive Maude Female Palmer Ernest John Male West Perth
1923/100398 Perth Palmer Ernest John Male Bateman Olive Maude Female West Perth
1923/100399 Perth Rae Joseph Lundie Male Bower Olive Eleanor Female West Leederville
1923/100399 Perth Bower Olive Eleanor Female Rae Joseph Lundie Male West Leederville
1923/100400 Perth Matthews Henry John Male Hounslow Ivy Mary Purcell Female Victoria Park
1923/100400 Perth Hounslow Ivy Mary Purcell Female Matthews Henry John Male Victoria Park
1923/100401 Perth Sims Winefred May Female Gladwell Edward James Male Victoria Park
1923/100401 Perth Gladwell Edward James Male Sims Winefred May Female Victoria Park
1923/100402 Perth Barry Horace James Male Olive Ruby Victoria Female Perth
1923/100402 Perth Olive Ruby Victoria Female Barry Horace James Male Perth
1923/100403 Perth Cadwallader Walter Augustus Male Brown Agnes Christina Female Leederville
1923/100403 Perth Brown Agnes Christina Female Cadwallader Walter Augustus Male Leederville
1923/100404 Perth Grant John Alfred Male Vannan May Haseard Female Perth
1923/100404 Perth Vannan May Haseard Female Grant John Alfred Male Perth
1923/100405 Perth Crocker Florrie Female Attridge Arthur Anthony Laddis Male Perth
1923/100405 Perth Attridge Arthur Anthony Laddis Male Crocker Florrie Female Perth
1923/100406 Perth O'Connor Edward Francis Male Plummer Eveline Helen Female North Perth
1923/100406 Perth Plummer Eveline Helen Female O'Connor Edward Francis Male North Perth
1923/100407 Perth Gard Reta May Female Worley Frederick Arthur Male Perth
1923/100407 Perth Worley Frederick Arthur Male Gard Reta May Female Perth
1923/100408 Perth O'Neil Ellen Marcella Female Ockerby Harold Bertram Male Perth
1923/100408 Perth Ockerby Harold Bertram Male O'Neil Ellen Marcella Female Perth
1923/100409 Perth Cunningham Edward John Male Ramsay Rosa Virginia Female Perth
1923/100409 Perth Ramsay Rosa Virginia Female Cunningham Edward John Male Perth
1923/100410 Perth Waller Sydney Forrester Male Blaikie Hannah Female Perth
1923/100410 Perth Blaikie Hannah Female Waller Sydney Forrester Male Perth
1923/100411 Perth Crews Reginald Wigzell Male Nurray Lucy Maria Elizabeth Female Subiaco
1923/100411 Perth Nurray Lucy Maria Elizabeth Female Crews Reginald Wigzell Male Subiaco
1923/100412 Perth Colquhoun Rosina Francis Female Gaunt Arthur Male Subiaco
1923/100412 Perth Gaunt Arthur Male Colquhoun Rosina Francis Female Subiaco
1923/100413 Perth Oliver Thomas Arthur Male Evans Edith Muriel Hasler Female Subiaco
1923/100413 Perth Evans Edith Muriel Hasler Female Oliver Thomas Arthur Male Subiaco
1923/100414 Perth Warr Constance Emily Female Yandle Francis Male Subiaco
1923/100414 Perth Yandle Francis Male Warr Constance Emily Female Subiaco
1923/100415 Perth Lun Charles Si Male Mong Margaret Swee Female Perth
1923/100415 Perth Mong Margaret Swee Female Lun Charles Si Male Perth
1923/100416 Perth Cross Reginald Hedley Male Gooden Violet Dorothy Female Leederville
1923/100416 Perth Gooden Violet Dorothy Female Cross Reginald Hedley Male Leederville
1923/100417 Perth Williams William Bartle Male Flanders Thelma Mildred Enid Female Leederville
1923/100417 Perth Flanders Thelma Mildred Enid Female Williams William Bartle Male Leederville
1923/100418 Perth Matthews Melbourne Hubert Randolph Male McLean Irene Pearl Female Leederville
1923/100418 Perth McLean Irene Pearl Female Matthews Melbourne Hubert Randolph Male Leederville
1923/100419 Perth Sims Francis Granville Male Gwynne Della Florence Female Leederville
1923/100419 Perth Gwynne Della Florence Female Sims Francis Granville Male Leederville
1923/100420 Perth Bottle Pearl Eva Female Scally Thomas Richard Male Perth
1923/100420 Perth Scally Thomas Richard Male Bottle Pearl Eva Female Perth
1923/100421 Perth Mullins Sydney James Male Nelson Mary Augusta Alvina Female Perth
1923/100421 Perth Nelson Mary Augusta Alvina Female Mullins Sydney James Male Perth
1923/100422 Perth Hale Arthur Harry Vernon Male Moar Lynda Female South Perth
1923/100422 Perth Moar Lynda Female Hale Arthur Harry Vernon Male South Perth
1923/100423 Perth Culverwell George Ernest Albert Male Roberts Lilian Edith Female Claremont
1923/100423 Perth Roberts Lilian Edith Female Culverwell George Ernest Albert Male Claremont
1923/100424 Perth Connor Lionel Male Worth Lilian May Female Perth
1923/100424 Perth Worth Lilian May Female Connor Lionel Male Perth
1923/100425 Perth Parsons Emily Mary Female Hough Herbert Holman Male Perth
1923/100425 Perth Hough Herbert Holman Male Parsons Emily Mary Female Perth
1923/100426 Perth Nelson William Frederick Douglas Male Emmett Irene Mary Female Perth
1923/100426 Perth Emmett Irene Mary Female Nelson William Frederick Douglas Male Perth
1923/100427 Perth Mather Jack Male Saunders Edith Lillian Female Perth
1923/100427 Perth Saunders Edith Lillian Female Mather Jack Male Perth
1923/100428 Perth Walsh Mabel Gladys Female Birch Wilfred Bray Male Perth
1923/100428 Perth Birch Wilfred Bray Male Walsh Mabel Gladys Female Perth
1923/100429 Perth Boal Samuel Male Stone Phyllis Margaret Violet Female North Perth
1923/100429 Perth Stone Phyllis Margaret Violet Female Boal Samuel Male North Perth
1923/100430 Perth Maynard Cecil Townsend Male Orr Lydia Jane Female North Perth
1923/100430 Perth Orr Lydia Jane Female Maynard Cecil Townsend Male North Perth
1923/100431 Perth Edelman William Male Silverman Lily Female Perth
1923/100431 Perth Silverman Lily Female Edelman William Male Perth
1923/100432 Perth Pascoe Alice Female Rowe Roy Male Claremont
1923/100432 Perth Rowe Roy Male Pascoe Alice Female Claremont
1923/100433 Perth Cobbe Eva Ellen Female Fielding John Male Perth
1923/100433 Perth Fielding John Male Cobbe Eva Ellen Female Perth
1923/100434 Perth Lonergan Mary Josephine Female Ross Leslie Arthur Male Perth
1923/100434 Perth Ross Leslie Arthur Male Lonergan Mary Josephine Female Perth
1923/100435 Perth Jessup Grace May Female Hynes Colman John Male Victoria Park
1923/100435 Perth Hynes Colman John Male Jessup Grace May Female Victoria Park
1923/100436 Perth Harris Mabel Emily Female Shepherd Stephen Male Victoria Park
1923/100436 Perth Shepherd Stephen Male Harris Mabel Emily Female Victoria Park
1923/100437 Perth Harvey Arthur Edward Male Munn Lillian Marian Female Perth
1923/100437 Perth Munn Lillian Marian Female Harvey Arthur Edward Male Perth
1923/100438 Perth Twomey William James Male Hughes Olive May Female Perth
1923/100438 Perth Hughes Olive May Female Twomey William James Male Perth
1923/100439 Perth Lee John Aggett Male Hill Ellen Female Perth
1923/100439 Perth Hill Ellen Female Lee John Aggett Male Perth
1923/100440 Perth Benbow Anthony Stewart Male Smith Hilda Nella Female Perth
1923/100440 Perth Smith Hilda Nella Female Benbow Anthony Stewart Male Perth
1923/100441 Perth Stoneman Rosie Louisa Female Bonny Charles Martin Male Perth
1923/100441 Perth Bonny Charles Martin Male Stoneman Rosie Louisa Female Perth
1923/100442 Perth Allen John Critchley Male Quantock Dorothy Female Perth
1923/100442 Perth Quantock Dorothy Female Allen John Critchley Male Perth
1923/100443 Perth Stone Harold Evan Male Edwards Vera Female Subiaco
1923/100443 Perth Edwards Vera Female Stone Harold Evan Male Subiaco
1923/100444 Perth Crago Rowland Tamblyn Male Mitchell Violet Female Claremont
1923/100444 Perth Mitchell Violet Female Crago Rowland Tamblyn Male Claremont
1923/100445 Perth Sparks James William Male McLachlan Mary Doris Female Perth
1923/100445 Perth McLachlan Mary Doris Female Sparks James William Male Perth
1923/100446 Perth Phillips Ernest Charles Male Church St Frances Female Perth
1923/100446 Perth Church St Frances Female Phillips Ernest Charles Male Perth
1923/100447 Perth Corr Oswald Reford Male Robertson Beryl Merton Female Perth
1923/100447 Perth Robertson Beryl Merton Female Corr Oswald Reford Male Perth
1923/100448 Perth Thompson Geoffrey Ashburton Male Moon Constance Josephine Female Perth
1923/100448 Perth Moon Constance Josephine Female Thompson Geoffrey Ashburton Male Perth
1923/100449 Perth Bradshaw John Male Hamerton Beatrice Annie Female Subiaco
1923/100449 Perth Hamerton Beatrice Annie Female Bradshaw John Male Subiaco
1923/100450 Perth Telling Esther Ruby Female Mayberry Alexander James Male Perth
1923/100450 Perth Mayberry Alexander James Male Telling Esther Ruby Female Perth
1923/100451 Perth Marchant Neil Thomas Male Woods Catherine Female Perth
1923/100451 Perth Woods Catherine Female Marchant Neil Thomas Male Perth
1923/100452 Perth Morgan Philomena Female Halket George Manson Male Perth
1923/100452 Perth Halket George Manson Male Morgan Philomena Female Perth
1923/100453 Perth McGrath Eileen Female Corser Douglas John Albin Male Victoria Park
1923/100453 Perth Corser Douglas John Albin Male McGrath Eileen Female Victoria Park
1923/100454 Perth Kornweibel Albert Hubert Carl Male Woodhouse Alma Female Mt Hawthorn
1923/100454 Perth Woodhouse Alma Female Kornweibel Albert Hubert Carl Male Mt Hawthorn
1923/100455 Perth Webster John Alexander Male Biffen Amelia Adelaide Female West Perth
1923/100455 Perth Biffen Amelia Adelaide Female Webster John Alexander Male West Perth
1923/100456 Perth Warden George Low Male Vanstone Olive Lillian Female West Perth
1923/100456 Perth Vanstone Olive Lillian Female Warden George Low Male West Perth
1923/100457 Perth Mearns Dora Female McKinlay Daniel James Male Subiaco
1923/100457 Perth McKinlay Daniel James Male Mearns Dora Female Subiaco
1923/100458 Perth Kelly Thomas Male Morcombe Ethel Jane Ambrosene Female Perth
1923/100458 Perth Morcombe Ethel Jane Ambrosene Female Kelly Thomas Male Perth
1923/100459 Perth Dunne Martin Patrick Male Hood Mary Chalmers Female Perth
1923/100459 Perth Hood Mary Chalmers Female Dunne Martin Patrick Male Perth
1923/100460 Perth O'Connor John William Male Featherstone Bera Frances Female Perth
1923/100460 Perth Featherstone Bera Frances Female O'Connor John William Male Perth
1923/100461 Perth Scheikowsky Alexander Male Hall Amy Grace Female Perth
1923/100461 Perth Hall Amy Grace Female Scheikowsky Alexander Male Perth
1923/100462 Perth Murphy Francis Joseph Male O'Brien Irene Phyllis Female Perth
1923/100462 Perth O'Brien Irene Phyllis Female Murphy Francis Joseph Male Perth
1923/100463 Perth Ross Margaret Mary Female Duggan Patrick Joseph Male Perth
1923/100463 Perth Duggan Patrick Joseph Male Ross Margaret Mary Female Perth
1923/100464 Perth Robinson Florence Ellen Female Kerrigan Thomas Michael Male Perth
1923/100464 Perth Kerrigan Thomas Michael Male Robinson Florence Ellen Female Perth
1923/100465 Perth Hall Caroline Mary Female McCallum Hugh Male Perth
1923/100465 Perth McCallum Hugh Male Hall Caroline Mary Female Perth
1923/100466 Perth Lake Thomas Male Jenkins Hilda Isabel Female Perth
1923/100466 Perth Jenkins Hilda Isabel Female Lake Thomas Male Perth
1923/100467 Perth Newsham Kathleen Milla Burke Female Buttfield Sidney Moir Male Perth
1923/100467 Perth Buttfield Sidney Moir Male Newsham Kathleen Milla Burke Female Perth
1923/100468 Perth Exley Winifred Female Moore Gwylim Frank Cecil Male North Perth
1923/100468 Perth Moore Gwylim Frank Cecil Male Exley Winifred Female North Perth
1923/100469 Perth Tipper Matilda Daisy Female Davis Leonard Nelson Male North Perth
1923/100469 Perth Davis Leonard Nelson Male Tipper Matilda Daisy Female North Perth
1923/100470 Perth Demasson Violet Florence Female Thorne Arthur Gordon Male North Perth
1923/100470 Perth Thorne Arthur Gordon Male Demasson Violet Florence Female North Perth
1923/100471 Perth Dowdell Mary Ellen Female Lawrence Gilbert Robey Male Perth
1923/100471 Perth Lawrence Gilbert Robey Male Dowdell Mary Ellen Female Perth
1923/100472 Perth Derepas Herberta Catherine Female Croft Dudley Everard Male Perth
1923/100472 Perth Croft Dudley Everard Male Derepas Herberta Catherine Female Perth
1923/100473 Perth Miller Florence Jean Female Bennett James Robert Male Perth
1923/100473 Perth Bennett James Robert Male Miller Florence Jean Female Perth
1923/100474 Perth Sadleir Elizabeth Mary Female Boddington James Thomas Male Perth
1923/100474 Perth Boddington James Thomas Male Sadleir Elizabeth Mary Female Perth
1923/100475 Perth Deacon Joseph Male Maher Gertrude Ellen Female Perth
1923/100475 Perth Maher Gertrude Ellen Female Deacon Joseph Male Perth
1923/100476 Perth Brown Mary Female Carroll John Male Perth
1923/100476 Perth Carroll John Male Brown Mary Female Perth
1923/100477 Perth Simpon Edith May Female Miller Leslie Lewis Male Claremont
1923/100477 Perth Miller Leslie Lewis Male Simpon Edith May Female Claremont
1923/100478 Perth Simpson Doris Jane Female Secligson Camillo Cyrus Male Cottesloe
1923/100478 Perth Secligson Camillo Cyrus Male Simpson Doris Jane Female Cottesloe
1923/100479 Perth Cailes Florence Jean Female Crowley Thomas Male Maylands
1923/100479 Perth Crowley Thomas Male Cailes Florence Jean Female Maylands
1923/100480 Perth Taylor John Male Noden Rose Female Nedlands
1923/100480 Perth Noden Rose Female Taylor John Male Nedlands
1923/100481 Perth Winchcombe Irene Susan Emily Female Broun Mafeking Seymour Spencer Male Perth
1923/100481 Perth Broun Mafeking Seymour Spencer Male Winchcombe Irene Susan Emily Female Perth
1923/100482 Perth Lushey Arthur Warren Male Fishwick Elsie May Female Subiaco
1923/100482 Perth Fishwick Elsie May Female Lushey Arthur Warren Male Subiaco
1923/100483 Perth Eddy Mervyn Ewart Male Hutchinson Vera Amelia Female Perth
1923/100483 Perth Hutchinson Vera Amelia Female Eddy Mervyn Ewart Male Perth
1923/100484 Perth Newman Mabel Faith Female Long George Emmett Male Perth
1923/100484 Perth Long George Emmett Male Newman Mabel Faith Female Perth
1923/100485 Perth Simpson George Alfred Male Nicks Nellie Martha Female Perth
1923/100485 Perth Nicks Nellie Martha Female Simpson George Alfred Male Perth
1923/100486 Perth Bushell William Male Bevan Zildahe Louisa Evelyn Female Nedlands
1923/100486 Perth Bevan Zildahe Louisa Evelyn Female Bushell William Male Nedlands
1923/100487 Perth McLean William Male Cash Mary Female Perth
1923/100487 Perth Cash Mary Female McLean William Male Perth
1923/100488 Perth McRae Bertram Male Wibberley Ethel Grace Female Perth
1923/100488 Perth Wibberley Ethel Grace Female McRae Bertram Male Perth
1923/100489 Perth Masterson James Male Clark Edith Laura Female Mt Hawthorn
1923/100489 Perth Clark Edith Laura Female Masterson James Male Mt Hawthorn
1923/100490 Perth Graham Annie Female Gaunt Roy Male Subiaco
1923/100490 Perth Gaunt Roy Male Graham Annie Female Subiaco
1923/100491 Perth Gibson Kathleen Nora Female Collins Archibald Male West Perth
1923/100491 Perth Collins Archibald Male Gibson Kathleen Nora Female West Perth
1923/100492 Perth Deering Ivy Rosette Female Gardner Frank Herbert Male Perth
1923/100492 Perth Gardner Frank Herbert Male Deering Ivy Rosette Female Perth
1923/100493 Perth Fairs Nellie Kathleen Female Cadwallader Frederick George Male Perth
1923/100493 Perth Cadwallader Frederick George Male Fairs Nellie Kathleen Female Perth
1923/100494 Perth De Roca Mary Evelyn Female Roberts Douglas George Male Perth
1923/100494 Perth Roberts Douglas George Male De Roca Mary Evelyn Female Perth
1923/100495 Perth Allan Alexander McNiven Male Munday Beryl Irene Female Perth
1923/100495 Perth Munday Beryl Irene Female Allan Alexander McNiven Male Perth
1923/100496 Perth Critchley Lilian Eveline Female Novell James Male Perth
1923/100496 Perth Novell James Male Critchley Lilian Eveline Female Perth
1923/100497 Perth Romaro Victoria Maud Female McNee Robert John Male West Leederville
1923/100497 Perth McNee Robert John Male Romaro Victoria Maud Female West Leederville
1923/100498 Perth Dennis John Henry Male Dickinson Florence Ivy Female West Perth
1923/100498 Perth Dickinson Florence Ivy Female Dennis John Henry Male West Perth
1923/100499 Perth Andrews Violet Female Angland Joseph Male Perth
1923/100499 Perth Angland Joseph Male Andrews Violet Female Perth
1923/100500 Perth Martin Laura Grace Female Dunn David Male Perth
1923/100500 Perth Dunn David Male Martin Laura Grace Female Perth
1923/100501 Perth Valent Joseph Anthony Sabastian Male Dell'Agostino Marrianna Female West Perth
1923/100501 Perth Dell'Agostino Marrianna Female Valent Joseph Anthony Sabastian Male West Perth
1923/100502 Perth Smith Dora Catherine Female Waters Richard Male West Perth
1923/100502 Perth Waters Richard Male Smith Dora Catherine Female West Perth
1923/100503 Perth Boxhall Ellen Mary Female Hogan Herbert Male West Perth
1923/100503 Perth Hogan Herbert Male Boxhall Ellen Mary Female West Perth
1923/100504 Perth Faulkner Hilda May Female Bladen Charles Louis Male Perth
1923/100504 Perth Bladen Charles Louis Male Faulkner Hilda May Female Perth
1923/100505 Perth Hanning Samuel Male Farrow Clara Female Victoria Park
1923/100505 Perth Farrow Clara Female Hanning Samuel Male Victoria Park
1923/100506 Perth Kino Yetta Female Goldstein Bernard Male Perth
1923/100506 Perth Goldstein Bernard Male Kino Yetta Female Perth
1923/100507 Perth Dawson Alma Elizabeth Female Hanson Fredrick Emil Male Subiaco
1923/100507 Perth Hanson Fredrick Emil Male Dawson Alma Elizabeth Female Subiaco
1923/100508 Perth Murphy Mary Kate Female Benns Philip Christopher Male Subiaco
1923/100508 Perth Benns Philip Christopher Male Murphy Mary Kate Female Subiaco
1923/100509 Perth Fornero Peter Male Brown Eileen Mary Female Subiaco
1923/100509 Perth Brown Eileen Mary Female Fornero Peter Male Subiaco
1923/100510 Perth Mitchell Ernest Reynolds Male Dennis Florence May Female Subiaco
1923/100510 Perth Dennis Florence May Female Mitchell Ernest Reynolds Male Subiaco
1923/100511 Perth Appleton George Wesley Male Crocos Jean Agnes Female Bayswater
1923/100511 Perth Crocos Jean Agnes Female Appleton George Wesley Male Bayswater
1923/100512 Perth Thompson Bridget Female Freeman George Samuel Male Maylands
1923/100512 Perth Freeman George Samuel Male Thompson Bridget Female Maylands
1923/100513 Perth Cumming Phyllis Marjorie Female Fitzgerald William Gregory Male Perth
1923/100513 Perth Fitzgerald William Gregory Male Cumming Phyllis Marjorie Female Perth
1923/100514 Perth Oddy Dorothy Female Arnold Leslie Male Perth
1923/100514 Perth Arnold Leslie Male Oddy Dorothy Female Perth
1923/100515 Perth Burrows Willam Male MacDonald Dorothy Female Perth
1923/100515 Perth MacDonald Dorothy Female Burrows Willam Male Perth
1923/100516 Perth Gray Herbert Milton Male Biltoft Mary Hannah Female Perth
1923/100516 Perth Biltoft Mary Hannah Female Gray Herbert Milton Male Perth
1923/100517 Perth Kealley Clifford Robin Male Jeans Ida Fanny Female Claremont
1923/100517 Perth Jeans Ida Fanny Female Kealley Clifford Robin Male Claremont
1923/100518 Perth Cuthbert Laura Hannah Martha Female Schofield Wilfred Male Perth
1923/100518 Perth Schofield Wilfred Male Cuthbert Laura Hannah Martha Female Perth
1923/100519 Perth Wisher Alice Henrietta Female Dixon Edward Cyril Male North Perth
1923/100519 Perth Dixon Edward Cyril Male Wisher Alice Henrietta Female North Perth
1923/100520 Perth McKeown Winifred Florence Female Saunders Oswald Arthur Male Cottesloe
1923/100520 Perth Saunders Oswald Arthur Male McKeown Winifred Florence Female Cottesloe
1923/100521 Perth Marriott Frank William Charles Male Acton Grace Rosina Female Perth
1923/100521 Perth Acton Grace Rosina Female Marriott Frank William Charles Male Perth
1923/100522 Perth Goode Roger Britten Male Sandover Kathleen Mary Female Perth
1923/100522 Perth Sandover Kathleen Mary Female Goode Roger Britten Male Perth
1923/100523 Perth Albrecht Edward Llewellyn Male Gillard Marjorie Female Perth
1923/100523 Perth Gillard Marjorie Female Albrecht Edward Llewellyn Male Perth
1923/100524 Perth Martin Alexander Urquhart Male Harden Blanche Dorothy Female Perth
1923/100524 Perth Harden Blanche Dorothy Female Martin Alexander Urquhart Male Perth
1923/100525 Perth Wasley George Male Forrest Kathleen Ellen Female Perth
1923/100525 Perth Forrest Kathleen Ellen Female Wasley George Male Perth
1923/100526 Perth Challinor William George Male Spigl Batzion Female Perth
1923/100526 Perth Spigl Batzion Female Challinor William George Male Perth
1923/100527 Perth Bolitho Violet Mary Female Duschka Carl Martin Male North Perth
1923/100527 Perth Duschka Carl Martin Male Bolitho Violet Mary Female North Perth
1923/100528 Perth Potts John Ralph Male Murphy Margaret Mary Female Perth
1923/100528 Perth Murphy Margaret Mary Female Potts John Ralph Male Perth
1923/100529 Perth Davies Henry Male Allan Jean Female Perth
1923/100529 Perth Allan Jean Female Davies Henry Male Perth
1923/100530 Perth Giozzi Caterina Female Pellegrini Domenic Male Perth
1923/100530 Perth Pellegrini Domenic Male Giozzi Caterina Female Perth
1923/100531 Perth Stark Edward Oswald Norman Male Pallett Ivy Female Claremont
1923/100531 Perth Pallett Ivy Female Stark Edward Oswald Norman Male Claremont
1923/100532 Perth Thomas John James Male Gray Isabella Catherine Female North Perth
1923/100532 Perth Gray Isabella Catherine Female Thomas John James Male North Perth
1923/100533 Perth Lacey Horatio Herbert George Male Weickhardt Dorothy Freda Louise Female Victoria Park
1923/100533 Perth Weickhardt Dorothy Freda Louise Female Lacey Horatio Herbert George Male Victoria Park
1923/100534 Perth Knight Frank Male Smith Margaret Elizabeth Female Subiaco
1923/100534 Perth Smith Margaret Elizabeth Female Knight Frank Male Subiaco
1923/100535 Perth Christie Violet May Female Whittleston George John Vincent Male East Perth
1923/100535 Perth Whittleston George John Vincent Male Christie Violet May Female East Perth
1924/100535 Perth Vecchia Mary Mona Female Clarke George Maynard Male West Perth
1924/100535 Perth Clarke George Maynard Male Vecchia Mary Mona Female West Perth
1924/100536 Perth Winton Thomas Griffiths Male McCann Dorothy Margaret Female West Perth
1924/100536 Perth McCann Dorothy Margaret Female Winton Thomas Griffiths Male West Perth
1923/100536 Perth Haynes Mary Female Saggers Wilfred Norman Male Perth
1923/100536 Perth Saggers Wilfred Norman Male Haynes Mary Female Perth
1923/100537 Perth Nugent Joseph Male Young Mable Olive Female Perth
1924/100537 Perth Branson Edith May Female Ramsden John William Male West Perth
1924/100537 Perth Ramsden John William Male Branson Edith May Female West Perth
1923/100537 Perth Young Mable Olive Female Nugent Joseph Male Perth
1924/100538 Perth Purcell Edward Patrick Male Brown Jessie Jane Female West Perth
1924/100538 Perth Brown Jessie Jane Female Purcell Edward Patrick Male West Perth
1923/100538 Perth Croft Cecil Albion Percy Male Arnot Beatrice Mary Veronica Female Perth
1923/100538 Perth Arnot Beatrice Mary Veronica Female Croft Cecil Albion Percy Male Perth
1924/100539 Perth Tobin Thomas Henry Male Wareham Dora Mary Theresa Female West Perth
1923/100539 Perth Motteram Clara Gertrude Female Burgess Leonard Male Perth
1923/100539 Perth Burgess Leonard Male Motteram Clara Gertrude Female Perth
1924/100539 Perth Wareham Dora Mary Theresa Female Tobin Thomas Henry Male West Perth
1923/100540 Perth Kemble John Leonard Male Radford Mima Lilian Female Perth
1924/100540 Perth Casserly Peter Male Delgado Monica Dolores Female West Perth
1923/100540 Perth Radford Mima Lilian Female Kemble John Leonard Male Perth
1924/100540 Perth Delgado Monica Dolores Female Casserly Peter Male West Perth
1923/100541 Perth Winter Claude Stanley Male Smith Jessie Elizabeth Cardus Arpafeelie Female Leederville
1923/100541 Perth Smith Jessie Elizabeth Cardus Arpafeelie Female Winter Claude Stanley Male Leederville
1924/100541 Perth Clark May Female Brown Henry William Male West Perth
1924/100541 Perth Brown Henry William Male Clark May Female West Perth
1923/100542 Perth Toholka James Clement Male Cutmore Ethel Female Leederville
1923/100542 Perth Cutmore Ethel Female Toholka James Clement Male Leederville
1924/100542 Perth McGregor Dorothy Evangeliste Female Lindberg Edward Male West Perth
1924/100542 Perth Lindberg Edward Male McGregor Dorothy Evangeliste Female West Perth
1924/100543 Perth McGregor Roland Male Wright Annie Beatrice Female West Perth
1924/100543 Perth Wright Annie Beatrice Female McGregor Roland Male West Perth
1923/100543 Perth Inglis Mary Female O'Connor John Male Perth
1923/100543 Perth O'Connor John Male Inglis Mary Female Perth
1923/100544 Perth Martin Henry Male Gibbs Muriel Charlotte Female Perth
1923/100544 Perth Gibbs Muriel Charlotte Female Martin Henry Male Perth
1923/100545 Perth McKay Basil Joseph Male Ross Josephine Letitia Female Perth
1923/100545 Perth Ross Josephine Letitia Female McKay Basil Joseph Male Perth
1923/100546 Perth Audibert Ellen Cicily Winnington Female Stewart Charles Male Perth
1923/100546 Perth Stewart Charles Male Audibert Ellen Cicily Winnington Female Perth
1923/100547 Perth Payne Gertrude Female Jones Victor Henry Male North Perth
1923/100547 Perth Jones Victor Henry Male Payne Gertrude Female North Perth
1923/100548 Perth Moore Florence Female Pierce Frank Stanley Male North Perth
1923/100548 Perth Pierce Frank Stanley Male Moore Florence Female North Perth
1923/100549 Perth Maddock Clara Ann Female Moore Ernest Welsley Male North Perth
1923/100549 Perth Moore Ernest Welsley Male Maddock Clara Ann Female North Perth
1923/100550 Perth Paterson Annie Ewing Gordon Female Stevens Sidney Dixon Male North Perth
1923/100550 Perth Stevens Sidney Dixon Male Paterson Annie Ewing Gordon Female North Perth
1923/100551 Perth Griffiths Minnie Olive Female Heasman Albert Male Perth
1923/100551 Perth Heasman Albert Male Griffiths Minnie Olive Female Perth
1923/100552 Perth Drager Adolph Leopold Male Armstrong Mary Ellen Female Perth
1923/100552 Perth Armstrong Mary Ellen Female Drager Adolph Leopold Male Perth
1923/100553 Perth Fellows James Henry Male Parkes Ida Pasley Female Cottesloe
1923/100553 Perth Parkes Ida Pasley Female Fellows James Henry Male Cottesloe
1923/100554 Perth Levy Rosetta Betsy Female Masel Isidore Male Perth
1923/100554 Perth Masel Isidore Male Levy Rosetta Betsy Female Perth
1923/100555 Perth McDiarmid Ethel Female Ward Harry Leslie Male Rosalie
1923/100555 Perth Ward Harry Leslie Male McDiarmid Ethel Female Rosalie
1923/100556 Perth Emerson Isabel May Cole Female Todd John Male Perth
1923/100556 Perth Todd John Male Emerson Isabel May Cole Female Perth
1923/100557 Perth Ames Russell Irwin Male Foweraker Georgine Florence Amilia Female Perth
1923/100557 Perth Foweraker Georgine Florence Amilia Female Ames Russell Irwin Male Perth
1923/100558 Perth Tiller Mary Irene Female Robins Percy James Arthur Male Perth
1923/100558 Perth Robins Percy James Arthur Male Tiller Mary Irene Female Perth
1923/100559 Perth Taylor Claude Richard Male Cripps Lorna Kathleen Female Perth
1923/100559 Perth Cripps Lorna Kathleen Female Taylor Claude Richard Male Perth
1923/100560 Perth Nineham Evelyn Frederick Male Constantine Gladys Ethel Mona Female Claremont
1923/100560 Perth Constantine Gladys Ethel Mona Female Nineham Evelyn Frederick Male Claremont
1923/100561 Perth Fortescue Elsie May Female Bramley Albert John Male Perth
1923/100561 Perth Bramley Albert John Male Fortescue Elsie May Female Perth
1923/100562 Perth Stanley Gwendoline Mary Female Johnston Robert Leslie Male Perth
1923/100562 Perth Johnston Robert Leslie Male Stanley Gwendoline Mary Female Perth
1923/100563 Perth Hawley Alexander Richard Male Gray Eva Female Perth
1923/100563 Perth Gray Eva Female Hawley Alexander Richard Male Perth
1923/100564 Perth Gilchrist Muriel Catherine Female Hicks Ernest Collins Male Perth
1923/100564 Perth Hicks Ernest Collins Male Gilchrist Muriel Catherine Female Perth
1923/100565 Perth Bradford Walter David Male Syme Margaret Fenwick Female Perth
1923/100565 Perth Syme Margaret Fenwick Female Bradford Walter David Male Perth
1923/100566 Perth Laudy Harry Male Hatch Amelia Female Perth
1923/100566 Perth Hatch Amelia Female Laudy Harry Male Perth
1923/100567 Perth Medley Doris Female Atkinson Hercules William Male West Perth
1923/100567 Perth Atkinson Hercules William Male Medley Doris Female West Perth
1923/100568 Perth Franklin Ernest Horace Male Farrell Daisy Elizabeth Female Victoria Park
1923/100568 Perth Farrell Daisy Elizabeth Female Franklin Ernest Horace Male Victoria Park
1923/100569 Perth Jones Mary Frances Female Christensen Theodor Carl Male Perth
1923/100569 Perth Christensen Theodor Carl Male Jones Mary Frances Female Perth
1923/100570 Perth Nicholas William Robert Male Bell Flora Female Cottesloe
1923/100570 Perth Bell Flora Female Nicholas William Robert Male Cottesloe
1923/100571 Perth Buckingham Phoebe Elizabeth Female Jermy Hendry Cutton Male West Perth
1923/100571 Perth Jermy Hendry Cutton Male Buckingham Phoebe Elizabeth Female West Perth
1923/100572 Perth Adams Melba Miriam Female Curtis Robert James Male Perth
1923/100572 Perth Curtis Robert James Male Adams Melba Miriam Female Perth
1923/100573 Perth Arenas Elizabeth Bell Female Coutsouvelis Thrassivoulos John Male Perth
1923/100573 Perth Coutsouvelis Thrassivoulos John Male Arenas Elizabeth Bell Female Perth
1923/100574 Perth Bracken John William Male Riddle Jane Agnes Female Perth
1923/100574 Perth Riddle Jane Agnes Female Bracken John William Male Perth
1923/100575 Perth Silverwood Alfred Male Smith Hilda Maud Female Bayswater
1923/100575 Perth Smith Hilda Maud Female Silverwood Alfred Male Bayswater
1923/100576 Perth Crighton James Male Sandison Elizabeth Female Claremont
1923/100576 Perth Sandison Elizabeth Female Crighton James Male Claremont
1923/100577 Perth North Thomas Samuel Henry Male Willis Eileen Edith Female Subiaco
1923/100577 Perth Willis Eileen Edith Female North Thomas Samuel Henry Male Subiaco
1923/100578 Perth Gray Hannah Snell Gibbons Female Samways Richard Constantine Male Perth
1923/100578 Perth Samways Richard Constantine Male Gray Hannah Snell Gibbons Female Perth
1923/100579 Perth Miller Rhoda Joyce Charles Female Godecke Harold Leslie Male Osborne Park
1923/100579 Perth Godecke Harold Leslie Male Miller Rhoda Joyce Charles Female Osborne Park
1923/100580 Perth Moloney Francis William Male Stock Margaret Mary Female Perth
1923/100580 Perth Stock Margaret Mary Female Moloney Francis William Male Perth
1923/100581 Perth Jeffery John Male Hough Amy Female Leederville
1923/100581 Perth Hough Amy Female Jeffery John Male Leederville
1923/100582 Perth McCrackan James Owen Male Holdaway Dorothy Kathleen Female Leederville
1923/100582 Perth Holdaway Dorothy Kathleen Female McCrackan James Owen Male Leederville
1923/100583 Perth Gittins Alfred Male Hesse Adelhaid Female Victoria Park
1923/100583 Perth Hesse Adelhaid Female Gittins Alfred Male Victoria Park
1923/100584 Perth Graves Ernest John Male Withnell Ellen Amelia Female Perth
1923/100584 Perth Withnell Ellen Amelia Female Graves Ernest John Male Perth
1923/100585 Perth Mort George Edward Male Doddemead Pearl Muriel Malthouse Female Perth
1923/100585 Perth Doddemead Pearl Muriel Malthouse Female Mort George Edward Male Perth
1923/100586 Perth Banham George Male Bates Olive Female Perth
1923/100586 Perth Bates Olive Female Banham George Male Perth
1923/100587 Perth Renfrey Winnifred Mildred Female Hammond George Henry Male Mt Lawley
1923/100587 Perth Hammond George Henry Male Renfrey Winnifred Mildred Female Mt Lawley
1923/100588 Perth Holland Minnie Elizabeth Female Hoskyns-Abrahall James Male Perth
1923/100588 Perth Hoskyns-Abrahall James Male Holland Minnie Elizabeth Female Perth
1923/100589 Perth Watts Jack Male Wright Lilian Beatrice Female Perth
1923/100589 Perth Wright Lilian Beatrice Female Krietmayer Maxmilian Ludwig Male Perth
1923/100589 Perth Wright Lilian Beatrice Female Krietmayer Jack Male Perth
1923/100589 Perth Wright Lilian Beatrice Female Watts Maxmilian Ludwig Male Perth
1923/100589 Perth Wright Lilian Beatrice Female Watts Jack Male Perth
1923/100589 Perth Krietmayer Maxmilian Ludwig Male Wright Lilian Beatrice Female Perth
1923/100589 Perth Krietmayer Jack Male Wright Lilian Beatrice Female Perth
1923/100589 Perth Watts Maxmilian Ludwig Male Wright Lilian Beatrice Female Perth
1923/100590 Perth Brennan John Augusta Male Cuthbertson Margaret Jane Female Maylands
1923/100590 Perth Cuthbertson Margaret Jane Female Brennan John Augusta Male Maylands
1923/100591 Perth Payne Leslie Scott Male Spencer Ethel May Female Maylands
1923/100591 Perth Spencer Ethel May Female Payne Leslie Scott Male Maylands
1923/100592 Perth James Wilfred Alexander Male Silvester Mae Alice Female Perth
1923/100592 Perth Silvester Mae Alice Female James Wilfred Alexander Male Perth
1923/100593 Perth Miller Annie Henderson Female Sykes Herbert Male Perth
1923/100593 Perth Sykes Herbert Male Miller Annie Henderson Female Perth
1923/100594 Perth Flint Joseph Male Walsh Mary Female Maylands
1923/100594 Perth Walsh Mary Female Flint Joseph Male Maylands
1923/100595 Perth Wyllie Robert Stewart Male Christie Annie Female Perth
1923/100595 Perth Christie Annie Female Wyllie Robert Stewart Male Perth
1923/100596 Perth Conochie William Gladstone Male Ward Tillie Vera Mona Female Claremont
1923/100596 Perth Ward Tillie Vera Mona Female Conochie William Gladstone Male Claremont
1923/100597 Perth Manning Kathleen Esther Female Law Michael Joseph Noel Male Claremont
1923/100597 Perth Law Michael Joseph Noel Male Manning Kathleen Esther Female Claremont
1923/100598 Perth Lipsett Florence Muriel Female Watson Thomas Chalmers Scott Male Subiaco
1923/100598 Perth Watson Thomas Chalmers Scott Male Lipsett Florence Muriel Female Subiaco
1923/100599 Perth Glaskin Gilbert Henry Male Gugeri Delia Mary Female Perth
1923/100599 Perth Gugeri Delia Mary Female Glaskin Gilbert Henry Male Perth
1923/100600 Perth de Gruchy Violet Female Bennett Alfred Stewart Male Subiaco
1923/100600 Perth Bennett Alfred Stewart Male de Gruchy Violet Female Subiaco
1923/100601 Perth Daniel Edith Florence Lilian Female Heiden Frederick Carl Male Subiaco
1923/100601 Perth Heiden Frederick Carl Male Daniel Edith Florence Lilian Female Subiaco
1923/100602 Perth Pryor Harold Leslie Male Elyard Miriam May Female Subiaco
1923/100602 Perth Elyard Miriam May Female Pryor Harold Leslie Male Subiaco
1923/100603 Perth Bathgate Clarence Albert Male Wylde Rose Pearl Stoddart Female Bayswater
1923/100603 Perth Wylde Rose Pearl Stoddart Female Bathgate Clarence Albert Male Bayswater
1923/100604 Perth Kiernan James Male Costin Ada Lavinia Female Perth
1923/100604 Perth Costin Ada Lavinia Female Kiernan James Male Perth
1923/100605 Perth Dowell Cecil Alfred Male Cassidy Eleanor Rose Female Perth
1923/100605 Perth Cassidy Eleanor Rose Female Dowell Cecil Alfred Male Perth
1923/100606 Perth Denney Doris May Female Standring Charles Arthur Male Perth
1923/100606 Perth Standring Charles Arthur Male Denney Doris May Female Perth
1923/100607 Perth Warrell Leslie Male Geddes Rose Annie Female Victoria Park
1923/100607 Perth Geddes Rose Annie Female Warrell Leslie Male Victoria Park
1923/100608 Perth Farrington Albert Baden Male Oliver Margaret Female Cottesloe
1923/100608 Perth Oliver Margaret Female Farrington Albert Baden Male Cottesloe
1923/100609 Perth O'Donnell John James Male Kirk Gladys Mary Female West Perth
1923/100609 Perth Kirk Gladys Mary Female O'Donnell John James Male West Perth
1923/100610 Perth Ryan John Patrick Male Peat Ada Female West Perth
1923/100610 Perth Peat Ada Female Ryan John Patrick Male West Perth
1923/100611 Perth Hollett Edith Florance Female Bremner George Louis Male Maylands
1923/100611 Perth Bremner George Louis Male Hollett Edith Florance Female Maylands
1923/100612 Perth Le Lievre Sydney Lincoln Male Logan Edna Mavis Female West Perth
1923/100612 Perth Logan Edna Mavis Female Le Lievre Sydney Lincoln Male West Perth
1923/100613 Perth Dunn Mark Arthur Male Wallace Magdaline Campbell Female West Perth
1923/100613 Perth Wallace Magdaline Campbell Female Dunn Mark Arthur Male West Perth
1923/100614 Perth Robertson Isbella Female Cherighan George Santo Male Perth
1923/100614 Perth Cherighan George Santo Male Robertson Isbella Female Perth
1923/100615 Perth Wilkins Vivian Gladys Female Henderson John Magnus Male Perth
1923/100615 Perth Henderson John Magnus Male Wilkins Vivian Gladys Female Perth
1923/100616 Perth Morrell Simeon Reginald David Chidlow Male Broadhurst Harriet Constance Female Perth
1923/100616 Perth Broadhurst Harriet Constance Female Morrell Simeon Reginald David Chidlow Male Perth
1923/100617 Perth Clifton Kenneth Richard Male Rodwell Marguerite Violetta Female Claremont
1923/100617 Perth Rodwell Marguerite Violetta Female Clifton Kenneth Richard Male Claremont
1923/100618 Perth Barnes Vera Louisa Female Moore Rupert Byron Male North Perth
1923/100618 Perth Moore Rupert Byron Male Barnes Vera Louisa Female North Perth
1923/100619 Perth Davidson John Gibson Male Anderson Kate Female Perth
1923/100619 Perth Anderson Kate Female Davidson John Gibson Male Perth
1923/100620 Perth Mansell Martha Hannah Female Evans James Edward Male West Perth
1923/100620 Perth Evans James Edward Male Mansell Martha Hannah Female West Perth
1923/100621 Perth Stubbs Eva Female Zampatti John Edward Male West Perth
1923/100621 Perth Zampatti John Edward Male Stubbs Eva Female West Perth
1923/100622 Perth Mullett Albert Charles Male Hennerty Esther Margaret Female West Perth
1923/100622 Perth Hennerty Esther Margaret Female Mullett Albert Charles Male West Perth
1923/100623 Perth Marsh Kate Female Martin William Male Perth
1923/100623 Perth Martin William Male Marsh Kate Female Perth
1923/100624 Perth Thomson Allan Male Malcolm Ann Female Maylands
1923/100624 Perth Malcolm Ann Female Thomson Allan Male Maylands
1923/100625 Perth O'Connor Ruby Maud Female Bowra Harry Male North Perth
1923/100625 Perth Bowra Harry Male O'Connor Ruby Maud Female North Perth
1923/100626 Perth Goatcher Edith Alice Female Baker Fred Leslie John Male North Perth
1923/100626 Perth Baker Fred Leslie John Male Goatcher Edith Alice Female North Perth
1923/100627 Perth Whitfield John Oliver Goldsmith Male Watkins Deborah Joyce Female Perth
1923/100627 Perth Watkins Deborah Joyce Female Whitfield John Oliver Goldsmith Male Perth
1923/100628 Perth Trichet Amelia Lucy Female Cramond Jack William Albert Male Perth
1923/100628 Perth Cramond Jack William Albert Male Trichet Amelia Lucy Female Perth
1923/100629 Perth Anthony Hugh MacPherson Male Sims Ruby Florence Female Perth
1923/100629 Perth Sims Ruby Florence Female Anthony Hugh MacPherson Male Perth
1923/100630 Perth Watson Phyllis Victoria Female Matthews James William Male Perth
1923/100630 Perth Matthews James William Male Watson Phyllis Victoria Female Perth
1923/100631 Perth Guinness Julian Male Jenkins Marjorie Marychurch Female Perth
1923/100631 Perth Jenkins Marjorie Marychurch Female Guinness Julian Male Perth
1923/100632 Perth Murray Letha Female Dewar Andrew Frederick Male Perth
1923/100632 Perth Dewar Andrew Frederick Male Murray Letha Female Perth
1923/100633 Perth Karl Lena Lillian Female Harrison Herbert William Male Perth
1923/100633 Perth Harrison Herbert William Male Karl Lena Lillian Female Perth
1923/100634 Perth Brown Reginald Arthur Male McCarthy Rose Agnes Female North Perth
1923/100634 Perth McCarthy Rose Agnes Female Brown Reginald Arthur Male North Perth
1923/100635 Perth McCarthy Mary Ann Female House George Henry Male Perth
1923/100635 Perth House George Henry Male McCarthy Mary Ann Female Perth
1923/100636 Perth Caldwell Edith Elizabeth Female White John Samuel Male Claremont
1923/100636 Perth White John Samuel Male Caldwell Edith Elizabeth Female Claremont
1923/100637 Perth Toia John Male McLean Isabell Katherine Female Perth
1923/100637 Perth McLean Isabell Katherine Female Toia John Male Perth
1923/100638 Perth Crawford Alexander Male Greenham Gladys Female South Perth
1923/100638 Perth Greenham Gladys Female Crawford Alexander Male South Perth
1923/100639 Perth Zafiri Anna Hatzi Female Vraehnas Constantine Male Perth
1923/100639 Perth Vraehnas Constantine Male Zafiri Anna Hatzi Female Perth
1923/100640 Perth Williams Thomas James Male Radford Marjorie Kathleen Female West Leederville
1923/100640 Perth Radford Marjorie Kathleen Female Williams Thomas James Male West Leederville
1923/100641 Perth Millard Lilian Female Wilmott John Henry Male Perth
1923/100641 Perth Wilmott John Henry Male Millard Lilian Female Perth
1923/100642 Perth Newport Cyril Leonard Male Gadenne Grace Marion Female Perth
1923/100642 Perth Gadenne Grace Marion Female Newport Cyril Leonard Male Perth
1923/100643 Perth Lovelace Dorothy Carleton Female Walton Hubert Male Subiaco
1923/100643 Perth Walton Hubert Male Lovelace Dorothy Carleton Female Subiaco
1923/100644 Perth Dobson John William Male Nickels Georgina Catherine Female Perth
1923/100644 Perth Nickels Georgina Catherine Female Dobson John William Male Perth
1923/100645 Perth Crooke Tasman Rupert Sydney Male Savell Maud Hilda Female Perth
1923/100645 Perth Savell Maud Hilda Female Crooke Tasman Rupert Sydney Male Perth
1923/100646 Perth Coppinger John Male Hunter Annie Mary Female Perth
1923/100646 Perth Hunter Annie Mary Female Coppinger John Male Perth
1923/100647 Perth Russell Martin William Male Brook Mary Female Perth
1923/100647 Perth Brook Mary Female Russell Martin William Male Perth
1923/100648 Perth Shaw Gladys Female Dunning Albert Thomas Male Perth
1923/100648 Perth Dunning Albert Thomas Male Shaw Gladys Female Perth
1923/100649 Perth Ryan Eileen Myrtle Female Talbot Harold Benjamin Male Perth
1923/100649 Perth Talbot Harold Benjamin Male Ryan Eileen Myrtle Female Perth
1923/100650 Perth Flematti Emilia Female Gugiatti Pio Angelo Male Perth
1923/100650 Perth Gugiatti Pio Angelo Male Flematti Emilia Female Perth
1923/100651 Perth Frankcombe Hector Osmond Male Johnson Doris Female Perth
1923/100651 Perth Johnson Doris Female Frankcombe Hector Osmond Male Perth
1923/100652 Perth Parkinson Dinah Female Fullarton Allan Richard Male West Perth
1923/100652 Perth Fullarton Allan Richard Male Parkinson Dinah Female West Perth
1923/100653 Perth Solberg Lily Florence Female Fraser Cecil Joseph Gordon Male North Perth
1923/100653 Perth Fraser Cecil Joseph Gordon Male Solberg Lily Florence Female North Perth
1923/100654 Perth Truman George Newton Male Gilham Minnie Rose Naomi Female North Perth
1923/100654 Perth Gilham Minnie Rose Naomi Female Truman George Newton Male North Perth
1923/100655 Perth Gobby William Albert Leeder Male Moss Grace Doreen Female North Perth
1923/100655 Perth Moss Grace Doreen Female Gobby William Albert Leeder Male North Perth
1923/100656 Perth Deeble Beatrice Marion Female Gibbings Arthur John William Male Perth
1923/100656 Perth Gibbings Arthur John William Male Deeble Beatrice Marion Female Perth
1923/100657 Perth Garrett Albert James Male Adams Ellen Margaret Female Cottesloe
1923/100657 Perth Adams Ellen Margaret Female Garrett Albert James Male Cottesloe
1923/100658 Perth Ellis Olive Edna Female Middleton Wallace Male Cottesloe Beach
1923/100658 Perth Middleton Wallace Male Ellis Olive Edna Female Cottesloe Beach
1923/100659 Perth Iverson Venus Victoria Female Nicol Donald Henry Male Perth
1923/100659 Perth Nicol Donald Henry Male Iverson Venus Victoria Female Perth
1923/100660 Perth Harrod Ethel Maud Female O'Brien John Male Cottesloe
1923/100660 Perth O'Brien John Male Harrod Ethel Maud Female Cottesloe
1923/100661 Perth Golding Madeline Mary Female Cook Maurice Ethelbert Male Perth
1923/100661 Perth Cook Maurice Ethelbert Male Golding Madeline Mary Female Perth
1923/100662 Perth Craig Doris Mary Female Outridge Morgan John Male Victoria Park
1923/100662 Perth Outridge Morgan John Male Craig Doris Mary Female Victoria Park
1923/100663 Perth Coleman Clifford Cecil Kent Male Burrows Harriet Emily Female Osborne Park
1923/100663 Perth Burrows Harriet Emily Female Coleman Clifford Cecil Kent Male Osborne Park
1923/100664 Perth Richardson Harry Male Lamb Ruby Ruth Female Mount Hawthorn
1923/100664 Perth Lamb Ruby Ruth Female Richardson Harry Male Mount Hawthorn
1923/100665 Perth Jones Kathleen Mary Female Reichardt Ernest Isadore Male Perth
1923/100665 Perth Reichardt Ernest Isadore Male Jones Kathleen Mary Female Perth
1923/100666 Perth Davis Edward Lewin Male Daddow Olive Vera Trevorrow Female Perth
1923/100666 Perth Daddow Olive Vera Trevorrow Female Davis Edward Lewin Male Perth
1923/100667 Perth Fell Edith Gladys Female Halse Clement Henry Male Perth
1923/100667 Perth Halse Clement Henry Male Fell Edith Gladys Female Perth
1923/100668 Perth Routley Richard Henry Male Clairs Myra Ethel Female Subiaco
1923/100668 Perth Clairs Myra Ethel Female Routley Richard Henry Male Subiaco
1923/100669 Perth Smith Herbert Male Greenhalgh Geneva Albertha Female Perth
1923/100669 Perth Greenhalgh Geneva Albertha Female Smith Herbert Male Perth
1923/100670 Perth Terrell Albert Edward Male Francis Isabel Reneria Female Subiaco
1923/100670 Perth Francis Isabel Reneria Female Terrell Albert Edward Male Subiaco
1923/100671 Perth McAlear Patrick Male Ham Dulcie May Female Perth
1923/100671 Perth Ham Dulcie May Female McAlear Patrick Male Perth
1923/100672 Perth Breadin Agnes Female Hunter William Thomas Male Victoria Park
1923/100672 Perth Hunter William Thomas Male Breadin Agnes Female Victoria Park
1923/100673 Perth Parker Lydia Sleeman Female East Clarence Garfield Male Perth
1923/100673 Perth East Clarence Garfield Male Parker Lydia Sleeman Female Perth
1923/100674 Perth Bulline Opal Lila Female Kinghorn George Male Perth
1923/100674 Perth Kinghorn George Male Bulline Opal Lila Female Perth
1923/100675 Perth Steele Joseph Male Petersen Dorothy Alice Female Perth
1923/100675 Perth Petersen Dorothy Alice Female Steele Joseph Male Perth
1923/100676 Perth Kierath Augustus Robert Male North Violet Blanche Female Perth
1923/100676 Perth North Violet Blanche Female Kierath Augustus Robert Male Perth
1923/100677 Perth Beresford George Stuart Male Cull Kathleen Female Perth
1923/100677 Perth Cull Kathleen Female Beresford George Stuart Male Perth
1923/100678 Perth Egan Thomas Male O'Brien Catherine Female Perth
1923/100678 Perth O'Brien Catherine Female Egan Thomas Male Perth
1923/100679 Perth Murphy Cyril John Male Grant Eileen Female Perth
1923/100679 Perth Grant Eileen Female Murphy Cyril John Male Perth