A tool to help track the citations of the Western Australian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages from Wikidata and WikiTree.

Marriages in: 1923

Registration year & number Registration district Surname Given names Gender Spouse surname Spouse given names Spouse gender Marriage place Wikidata WikiTree
1924/100001 Perth Wedgwood Walter John Male Wedgwood Alice Female North Perth
1924/100001 Perth Wedgwood Alice Female Wedgwood Walter John Male North Perth
1924/100002 Perth Gray Gladys Helena Female Wilson Godfrey Norman Male North Perth
1924/100002 Perth Wilson Godfrey Norman Male Gray Gladys Helena Female North Perth
1924/100003 Perth Haines William Henry Charles Male Hurst Kathleen May Female Perth
1924/100003 Perth Hurst Kathleen May Female Haines William Henry Charles Male Perth
1924/100004 Perth Bennett Dorothy Alice Female Broomfield David Sydney Male Perth
1924/100004 Perth Broomfield David Sydney Male Bennett Dorothy Alice Female Perth
1924/100005 Perth Bull Charles Ripley Male Gardiner Annie Hartwell Female Perth
1924/100005 Perth Gardiner Annie Hartwell Female Bull Charles Ripley Male Perth
1924/100006 Perth Rix Annie Mary Elizabeth Female Lee D'Arcy George Male Perth
1924/100006 Perth Rix Nancy Female Lee D'Arcy George Male Perth
1924/100006 Perth Lee D'Arcy George Male Rix Annie Mary Elizabeth Female Perth
1924/100006 Perth Lee D'Arcy George Male Rix Nancy Female Perth
1924/100007 Perth Huntington Dora Female Buchanan Robert Charles Male Perth
1924/100007 Perth Buchanan Robert Charles Male Huntington Dora Female Perth
1924/100008 Perth Johnson Lilian Female Davies Stephen Robert Male Perth
1924/100008 Perth Davies Stephen Robert Male Johnson Lilian Female Perth
1924/100009 Perth Hamilton Edgar Alexander Male Clayton Vera Eva Female Perth
1924/100009 Perth Clayton Vera Eva Female Hamilton Edgar Alexander Male Perth
1923/100009 Perth Bailey Emma Martha Florence Female Alcorn Ebenezer Cyril Male Perth
1923/100009 Perth Alcorn Ebenezer Cyril Male Bailey Emma Martha Florence Female Perth
1923/100010 Perth Anderson Beryl Female Williams Albert Fitzgerald Male Perth
1924/100010 Perth Shafto Thomas Alfred Male Treloar Florence Female Perth
1924/100010 Perth Treloar Florence Female Shafto Thomas Alfred Male Perth
1923/100010 Perth Williams Albert Fitzgerald Male Anderson Beryl Female Perth
1924/100011 Perth Thomas Dorothea Female Hart Ernest Male Perth
1923/100011 Perth McQueen Walter William Male Jackson Minnie Beatrice Female Perth
1923/100011 Perth Jackson Minnie Beatrice Female McQueen Walter William Male Perth
1924/100011 Perth Hart Ernest Male Thomas Dorothea Female Perth
1924/100012 Perth Wundenberg Rudolph Male Liddell Katherine Female Victoria Park
1924/100012 Perth Liddell Katherine Female Wundenberg Rudolph Male Victoria Park
1924/100013 Perth Cook Emily May Female Ross Allan Ernest Male Victoria Park
1924/100013 Perth Ross Allan Ernest Male Cook Emily May Female Victoria Park
1923/100013 Perth Gardiner Winifred Mary Female Smith Edmund Male Perth
1923/100013 Perth Smith Edmund Male Gardiner Winifred Mary Female Perth
1924/100014 Perth Turner Philip John Male Chittenden Alice Catharine Maud Female Perth
1924/100014 Perth Chittenden Alice Catharine Maud Female Turner Philip John Male Perth
1923/100015 Perth Jones Harold Male Page Alice Katherine Female Perth
1923/100015 Perth Page Alice Katherine Female Jones Harold Male Perth
1924/100015 Perth Silver Lillian Female Harley William Male Perth
1924/100015 Perth Harley William Male Silver Lillian Female Perth
1923/100016 Perth Davies Ethel Female Wright Ambrose Appleton Male West Perth
1923/100016 Perth Wright Ambrose Appleton Male Davies Ethel Female West Perth
1924/100016 Perth Ash Gertrude Minnie Storne Female Thomason William Leigh Male South Perth
1924/100016 Perth Thomason William Leigh Male Ash Gertrude Minnie Storne Female South Perth
1923/100017 Perth Murray Thomas Male Gadenne Florence Female Perth
1924/100017 Perth Fletcher William Arthur Male Inman Adeline Ethelbert Female South Perth
1924/100017 Perth Inman Adeline Ethelbert Female Fletcher William Arthur Male South Perth
1923/100017 Perth Gadenne Florence Female Murray Thomas Male Perth
1924/100018 Perth Dewing Edward John Male Williams Florence Eleanor Female Claremont
1924/100018 Perth Williams Florence Eleanor Female Dewing Edward John Male Claremont
1924/100019 Perth Capp Ethel Shepherd Female Temby Stanley Edward Male Claremont
1924/100019 Perth Temby Stanley Edward Male Capp Ethel Shepherd Female Claremont
1924/100020 Perth Phipps Miriam Blanche Female Moffatt John Kerr Male Maylands
1924/100020 Perth Moffatt John Kerr Male Phipps Miriam Blanche Female Maylands
1923/100021 Perth Street Ida Alice Female Illidge Ernest Henry Male Claremont
1923/100021 Perth Illidge Ernest Henry Male Street Ida Alice Female Claremont
1923/100022 Perth Maslen George Alfred Male Blair Annie May Female Perth
1923/100022 Perth Blair Annie May Female Maslen George Alfred Male Perth
1923/100025 Perth Buttsworth Dulcie Vida Madge Female Harwood Maurice Male Perth
1923/100025 Perth Harwood Maurice Male Buttsworth Dulcie Vida Madge Female Perth
1924/100026 Perth Brindley Edward William Male Thomas Isabel Mary Female Perth
1924/100026 Perth Thomas Isabel Mary Female Brindley Edward William Male Perth
1923/100027 Perth Thomas Kate Evelyn Female Hall William Harrison Male Perth
1923/100027 Perth Hall William Harrison Male Thomas Kate Evelyn Female Perth
1924/100027 Perth Thomas Henrietta Victoria Female Spencer Charles Male Perth
1924/100027 Perth Spencer Charles Male Thomas Henrietta Victoria Female Perth
1924/100028 Perth Ranford Muriel Victoria Female Chapman Peter Male Leederville
1924/100028 Perth Chapman Peter Male Ranford Muriel Victoria Female Leederville
1924/100029 Perth Sugars Thomas Frank Male Cuiss Doris Female Perth
1924/100029 Perth Cuiss Doris Female Sugars Thomas Frank Male Perth
1924/100030 Perth Plant Henry Spring Male Devenish Hilda Mary Female Perth
1923/100030 Perth Ward Lily McLean Female Stone William Percy Male Perth
1924/100030 Perth Devenish Hilda Mary Female Plant Henry Spring Male Perth
1923/100030 Perth Stone William Percy Male Ward Lily McLean Female Perth
1924/100031 Perth Stacey William John Male Hancock Vera Gladys Female Subiaco
1923/100031 Perth Rhodes John Edmund Male Lewis Grace Myrtle Female Perth
1923/100031 Perth Lewis Grace Myrtle Female Rhodes John Edmund Male Perth
1924/100031 Perth Hancock Vera Gladys Female Stacey William John Male Subiaco
1924/100032 Perth Case Eric Arthur Male Crowe Alice May Female Subiaco
1923/100032 Perth Montgomery Clarence Edward Male King Vinetta Thelma Female West Perth
1924/100032 Perth Crowe Alice May Female Case Eric Arthur Male Subiaco
1923/100032 Perth King Vinetta Thelma Female Montgomery Clarence Edward Male West Perth
1923/100033 Perth Sertorio Cesare Male Creyk Sarah Jessie Female Perth
1924/100033 Perth White Iris Evelyne Female Cleak Richard Augustine Male Perth
1924/100033 Perth Cleak Richard Augustine Male White Iris Evelyne Female Perth
1923/100033 Perth Creyk Sarah Jessie Female Sertorio Cesare Male Perth
1924/100034 Perth Venn Ivy Kathleen Female Gillzan Matthew Alexander Male West Perth
1924/100034 Perth Gillzan Matthew Alexander Male Venn Ivy Kathleen Female West Perth
1923/100034 Perth Paul Agnes Elizabeth Female Williams David Price Male Perth
1923/100034 Perth Williams David Price Male Paul Agnes Elizabeth Female Perth
1923/100035 Perth McGill Amy Doris Female Young Walter Male West Perth
1923/100035 Perth Young Walter Male McGill Amy Doris Female West Perth
1923/100036 Perth Ion Frederick Charles Male Hadlow Violet May Female West Perth
1923/100036 Perth Hadlow Violet May Female Ion Frederick Charles Male West Perth
1923/100037 Perth Gordon Robert John Ross Male Pate Kathleen Florence Whittaker Female Nedlands
1923/100037 Perth Pate Kathleen Florence Whittaker Female Gordon Robert John Ross Male Nedlands
1924/100038 Perth Taylor Maurice Bernard Male Barrass Ellen May Female Maylands
1923/100038 Perth Solomon Leslie Herbert Male Gotts Gladys Irene Female Leederville
1923/100038 Perth Gotts Gladys Irene Female Solomon Leslie Herbert Male Leederville
1924/100038 Perth Barrass Ellen May Female Taylor Maurice Bernard Male Maylands
1923/100039 Perth Gollmick Norman Carl Male Osmond Nellie Female Perth
1924/100039 Perth Parry Estelle May Female Fitzgerald William Harold Male Highgate
1923/100039 Perth Osmond Nellie Female Gollmick Norman Carl Male Perth
1924/100039 Perth Fitzgerald William Harold Male Parry Estelle May Female Highgate
1923/100040 Perth Reilly Rose Ellen Female Harding Aubrey Male Perth
1924/100040 Perth Kemp Arnold Doyle Male Flanagan Elena Ethel Female Claremont
1923/100040 Perth Harding Aubrey Male Reilly Rose Ellen Female Perth
1924/100040 Perth Flanagan Elena Ethel Female Kemp Arnold Doyle Male Claremont
1924/100041 Perth Ward Edith Mary Rowlett Female Stone Walter Trenoweth Male Perth
1923/100041 Perth Hunter Leo Henry Male Price Ada Bishop Female West Perth
1923/100041 Perth Price Ada Bishop Female Hunter Leo Henry Male West Perth
1924/100041 Perth Stone Walter Trenoweth Male Ward Edith Mary Rowlett Female Perth
1924/100042 Perth Prout Grace Ellen Female Stewart Cedric Robert Arnold Male Charles St
1924/100042 Perth Stewart Cedric Robert Arnold Male Prout Grace Ellen Female Charles St
1924/100043 Perth Sharrett Eliza May Female Morgan William Arthur Male Perth
1924/100043 Perth Morgan William Arthur Male Sharrett Eliza May Female Perth
1923/100045 Perth Spain Elizabeth Female Allison Robert Knox Male Perth
1923/100045 Perth Allison Robert Knox Male Spain Elizabeth Female Perth
1924/100046 Perth Griffiths Robert Male Marsland Helen Myra Female Perth
1924/100046 Perth Marsland Helen Myra Female Griffiths Robert Male Perth
1923/100047 Perth Gleadell Charlotte Annie Female Shoesmith William Male Perth
1923/100047 Perth Shoesmith William Male Gleadell Charlotte Annie Female Perth
1924/100049 Perth Warner Lionel Douglas Male Whitehead Amy Female Claremont
1924/100049 Perth Whitehead Amy Female Warner Lionel Douglas Male Claremont
1924/100050 Perth Jurgenson Peter Male Sim Isabella Florence Female Perth
1923/100050 Perth Butler Frederick Alfred John Male Read Edith Maud Female Perth
1923/100050 Perth Read Edith Maud Female Butler Frederick Alfred John Male Perth
1924/100050 Perth Sim Isabella Florence Female Jurgenson Peter Male Perth
1923/100051 Perth Jeffery Kathleen Female Fitzgerald Daniel Male West Perth
1923/100051 Perth Fitzgerald Daniel Male Jeffery Kathleen Female West Perth
1923/100052 Perth Hayman William George Inglis Male Coleman Ruth Lynette Female Claremont
1924/100052 Perth Lamb Jessie Veronica Female Inglis Howard Stapleton Male Maylands
1924/100052 Perth Inglis Howard Stapleton Male Lamb Jessie Veronica Female Maylands
1923/100052 Perth Coleman Ruth Lynette Female Hayman William George Inglis Male Claremont
1924/100053 Perth Carr Reginald John Male Holland Florence May Female Maylands
1923/100053 Perth Maher William Stephen Male Pickleson Lola Florence Eva Female Perth
1923/100053 Perth Pickleson Lola Florence Eva Female Maher William Stephen Male Perth
1924/100053 Perth Holland Florence May Female Carr Reginald John Male Maylands
1923/100054 Perth Sparks John Male McWaters Louisa May Female Perth
1924/100054 Perth Dwyer Edith Elizabeth Female O'Connell Stephen Lawrence Male Maylands
1923/100054 Perth McWaters Louisa May Female Sparks John Male Perth
1924/100054 Perth O'Connell Stephen Lawrence Male Dwyer Edith Elizabeth Female Maylands
1923/100055 Perth Rogers Beatrice Rose Female Smith Ernest Henry Male Bayswater
1923/100055 Perth Smith Ernest Henry Male Rogers Beatrice Rose Female Bayswater
1923/100056 Perth Hayden William Francis Male Winder Florence Emily Female Rosalie
1923/100056 Perth Winder Florence Emily Female Hayden William Francis Male Rosalie
1924/100056 Perth Anderson Doris Amy Female Kilgren Abel Henry Male Claremont
1924/100056 Perth Kilgren Abel Henry Male Anderson Doris Amy Female Claremont
1923/100057 Perth McCahon Henry Albert Male Cassidy Elizabeth May Female West Perth
1923/100057 Perth Cassidy Elizabeth May Female McCahon Henry Albert Male West Perth
1924/100058 Perth Kerr John Byers Godfrey Male Challen Veronica Female Victoria Park
1923/100058 Perth Mooney Jean Agnes Female Scutchings Ivo Clarence Male Perth
1924/100058 Perth Challen Veronica Female Kerr John Byers Godfrey Male Victoria Park
1923/100058 Perth Scutchings Ivo Clarence Male Mooney Jean Agnes Female Perth
1924/100059 Perth Atkinson Irene Female Brazier Abdal Male Victoria Park
1924/100059 Perth Brazier Abdal Male Atkinson Irene Female Victoria Park
1923/100059 Perth Finch Albert Male Finch Eleanor Female Perth
1923/100059 Perth Finch Eleanor Female Finch Albert Male Perth
1924/100060 Perth Webb Alice Female Tighe Thomas Fredrick Male Victoria Park
1923/100060 Perth Robinson Francis Seymour Male Lynas Vera Grace Female Perth
1923/100060 Perth Lynas Vera Grace Female Robinson Francis Seymour Male Perth
1924/100060 Perth Tighe Thomas Fredrick Male Webb Alice Female Victoria Park
1923/100061 Perth Lakeman Beryl Mildred Female Batt Herbert Arthur Male Perth
1923/100061 Perth Batt Herbert Arthur Male Lakeman Beryl Mildred Female Perth
1924/100062 Perth Galvin Leonora Female Walsh Richard Male Perth
1923/100062 Perth Davies Thomas Owen Victor Male Brooks Beatrice Annie Female Perth
1924/100062 Perth Walsh Richard Male Galvin Leonora Female Perth
1923/100062 Perth Brooks Beatrice Annie Female Davies Thomas Owen Victor Male Perth
1923/100063 Perth Main James Canning Male Savage Nellie Female Perth
1923/100063 Perth Savage Nellie Female Main James Canning Male Perth
1924/100064 Perth Ryan Norah Mary Female Browne Edward Male Perth
1923/100064 Perth Pike Joyce Wilson Female Wells George Fornan Male Perth
1923/100064 Perth Wells George Fornan Male Pike Joyce Wilson Female Perth
1924/100064 Perth Browne Edward Male Ryan Norah Mary Female Perth
1923/100065 Perth Gunn Ivy Lillian Irene Female Gillies Cornelius Stanley Lorraine Male Subiaco
1924/100065 Perth Cale Margaret Female Bell John Edward Male Perth
1923/100065 Perth Gillies Cornelius Stanley Lorraine Male Gunn Ivy Lillian Irene Female Subiaco
1924/100065 Perth Bell John Edward Male Cale Margaret Female Perth
1923/100066 Perth Stewart Roger Male Anderson Evelyn Sophia Female North Perth
1924/100066 Perth Coall Joseph Male Lenew Amy Female Perth
1923/100066 Perth Anderson Evelyn Sophia Female Stewart Roger Male North Perth
1924/100066 Perth Lenew Amy Female Coall Joseph Male Perth
1924/100067 Perth Frost Frederick Peyton Male Feakes Linda Mary Female West Perth
1924/100067 Perth Feakes Linda Mary Female Frost Frederick Peyton Male West Perth
1923/100067 Perth Roberts Thomas John Male Brennan Kathleen Female Victoria Park
1923/100067 Perth Brennan Kathleen Female Roberts Thomas John Male Victoria Park
1924/100068 Perth McIntyre Julia Female Leyden Frank Male Perth
1924/100068 Perth Leyden Frank Male McIntyre Julia Female Perth
1923/100068 Perth Thomas Lylian Hester Female McCafferty Joseph Bernard Male Victoria Park
1923/100068 Perth McCafferty Joseph Bernard Male Thomas Lylian Hester Female Victoria Park
1924/100069 Perth Maloney Katherine Female Evans Lewis Male Perth
1923/100069 Perth Marsden Charles Henry Male McDonald Marguerite Female Perth
1923/100069 Perth McDonald Marguerite Female Marsden Charles Henry Male Perth
1924/100069 Perth Evans Lewis Male Maloney Katherine Female Perth
1923/100070 Perth Davies George Wilson Male Hamilton Mary Female Perth
1923/100070 Perth Hamilton Mary Female Davies George Wilson Male Perth
1923/100071 Perth Morey Ella May Female Biggs Robert Male Perth
1924/100071 Perth Wilson Flora Female Dawson John Willis Male Leederville
1923/100071 Perth Biggs Robert Male Morey Ella May Female Perth
1924/100071 Perth Dawson John Willis Male Wilson Flora Female Leederville
1923/100072 Perth James Ethel Female Keeley Bernard Male Perth
1923/100072 Perth Keeley Bernard Male James Ethel Female Perth
1923/100073 Perth Farmer Evelyn Florence Female Burrows Henry John Male Perth
1923/100073 Perth Burrows Henry John Male Farmer Evelyn Florence Female Perth
1923/100074 Perth Fox William David Male Mason Margaret Female Perth
1923/100074 Perth Mason Margaret Female Fox William David Male Perth
1923/100075 Perth Cook Frederick Rowland Male Read Henrietta Florence Victoria Female Perth
1923/100075 Perth Read Henrietta Florence Victoria Female Cook Frederick Rowland Male Perth
1923/100076 Perth Maley Ruby Irena Female Malone James Edmund Male Perth
1924/100076 Perth Morgan Jean Gentiles Female Hankins Edward James Male Maylands
1924/100076 Perth Hankins Edward James Male Morgan Jean Gentiles Female Maylands
1923/100076 Perth Malone James Edmund Male Maley Ruby Irena Female Perth
1923/100077 Perth Francisco Nellie Cooree Female Martin William Clarence Male Perth
1924/100077 Perth Meloy Margaret Guyen Female McFadzean Alexander Gordon Male Maylands
1923/100077 Perth Martin William Clarence Male Francisco Nellie Cooree Female Perth
1924/100077 Perth McFadzean Alexander Gordon Male Meloy Margaret Guyen Female Maylands
1923/100078 Perth Blechynden Reuben John Male Munyard Dorothy Hope Female Perth
1923/100078 Perth Munyard Dorothy Hope Female Blechynden Reuben John Male Perth
1923/100079 Perth Laurence Roberta Maude Female Doust Alfred Edward Male West Perth
1923/100079 Perth Doust Alfred Edward Male Laurence Roberta Maude Female West Perth
1923/100080 Perth Wilson George Edward Tarrant Male Childs Lilian Rose Female Victoria Park
1923/100080 Perth Childs Lilian Rose Female Wilson George Edward Tarrant Male Victoria Park
1923/100081 Perth Guilfoyle Joseph Carr Male Horan Constance Eileen Female Perth
1923/100081 Perth Horan Constance Eileen Female Guilfoyle Joseph Carr Male Perth
1923/100083 Perth Logue James Pearson Male Payne Hilda Rose Female Perth
1923/100083 Perth Payne Hilda Rose Female Logue James Pearson Male Perth
1923/100084 Perth Trekardo Elsie Female Dawson John Male Perth
1923/100084 Perth Dawson John Male Trekardo Elsie Female Perth
1923/100085 Perth Gossage George Male Underwood Bessie Female Maylands
1923/100085 Perth Underwood Bessie Female Gossage George Male Maylands
1923/100086 Perth Anderson Charles Robert Male Bindon Irene Lousia Elsie May Female Maylands
1924/100086 Perth Solly Andrew William Male Lanton Winifred Mary Female Perth
1923/100086 Perth Bindon Irene Lousia Elsie May Female Anderson Charles Robert Male Maylands
1924/100086 Perth Lanton Winifred Mary Female Solly Andrew William Male Perth
1924/100087 Perth Severin Ida Myrtle Marie Female Lawrence Harrold Thomas Male Perth
1923/100087 Perth Nicholls Lizzie Female Squires Percy Frederick Male Perth
1923/100087 Perth Squires Percy Frederick Male Nicholls Lizzie Female Perth
1924/100087 Perth Lawrence Harrold Thomas Male Severin Ida Myrtle Marie Female Perth
1924/100088 Perth Fox Walter John Male Matthews Clara May Female Perth
1923/100088 Perth Riddell Annie Female Dockett Richard William Male Perth
1923/100088 Perth Dockett Richard William Male Riddell Annie Female Perth
1924/100088 Perth Matthews Clara May Female Fox Walter John Male Perth
1923/100089 Perth Evans William George Male Corbett Mary Ellen Female Perth
1923/100089 Perth Corbett Mary Ellen Female Evans William George Male Perth
1923/100090 Perth Auburn Hubert John Male Abbott Rose Irene Female Perth
1923/100090 Perth Abbott Rose Irene Female Auburn Hubert John Male Perth
1924/100091 Perth Turner Elsie Annie May Female Wood William Victor Male West Perth
1924/100091 Perth Wood William Victor Male Turner Elsie Annie May Female West Perth
1923/100091 Perth Wilkinson Clara Female Standring William Eric Male Claremont
1923/100091 Perth Standring William Eric Male Wilkinson Clara Female Claremont
1923/100092 Perth Curtis John James Male Worrall Dorothy May Female Perth
1924/100092 Perth Brotherson William Eric Male Gulley Elvira Alice Female West Perth
1923/100092 Perth Worrall Dorothy May Female Curtis John James Male Perth
1924/100092 Perth Gulley Elvira Alice Female Brotherson William Eric Male West Perth
1924/100093 Perth Hawkins Eva May Female Abbott Reginald Frank Male West Perth
1924/100093 Perth Abbott Reginald Frank Male Hawkins Eva May Female West Perth
1923/100093 Perth O'Donnell Dennis Patrick Male Murray Jessie Female West Perth
1923/100093 Perth Murray Jessie Female O'Donnell Dennis Patrick Male West Perth
1923/100094 Perth Bowden Henrietta May Female Bartlett James Male West Perth
1923/100094 Perth Bartlett James Male Bowden Henrietta May Female West Perth
1923/100095 Perth Hooker Doris Lillian Female Mill William Eric Male Perth
1923/100095 Perth Mill William Eric Male Hooker Doris Lillian Female Perth
1923/100096 Perth Hutchinson Olive Grace Female James Walter Edward Male Cottesloe
1923/100096 Perth James Walter Edward Male Hutchinson Olive Grace Female Cottesloe
1924/100101 Perth Cordery Mary Elizabeth Anna Female Rilley James Male Subiaco
1924/100101 Perth Rilley James Male Cordery Mary Elizabeth Anna Female Subiaco
1923/100103 Perth Kinsman Royden Garnet Male Webb Edna Ruth Female Perth
1923/100103 Perth Webb Edna Ruth Female Kinsman Royden Garnet Male Perth
1923/100104 Perth Shaw George Crombie Male Palmer Jessie Stewart Female Perth
1923/100104 Perth Palmer Jessie Stewart Female Shaw George Crombie Male Perth
1923/100105 Perth Mackintosh Edward Male Fairhead Clara Female Perth
1923/100105 Perth Fairhead Clara Female Mackintosh Edward Male Perth
1923/100106 Perth Atkinson Frank Male Jeffery Doris Seenie Female Perth
1923/100106 Perth Jeffery Doris Seenie Female Atkinson Frank Male Perth
1923/100107 Perth Gooch George Gordon Male Campbell Doris Hilda Irene Female Perth
1923/100107 Perth Campbell Doris Hilda Irene Female Gooch George Gordon Male Perth
1924/100107 Perth Tapley Mary Louisa Female Wood Walter Alfred Male Mt Lawley
1924/100107 Perth Wood Walter Alfred Male Tapley Mary Louisa Female Mt Lawley
1923/100108 Perth Roberts Jane Female Moffat Robert Male Perth
1923/100108 Perth Moffat Robert Male Roberts Jane Female Perth
1923/100109 Perth Purdey John Male Martinson Rose Female Perth
1923/100109 Perth Martinson Rose Female Purdey John Male Perth
1923/100110 Perth Wilson Norah Elizabeth Cardeaux Female Woodhouse James Male Perth
1923/100110 Perth Woodhouse James Male Wilson Norah Elizabeth Cardeaux Female Perth
1923/100111 Perth Mitchell Mary Matilda Female Tichbon Samuel James Male Perth
1923/100111 Perth Tichbon Samuel James Male Mitchell Mary Matilda Female Perth
1923/100112 Perth Riley James Male Krakouer Thelma Marie Female Perth
1923/100112 Perth Krakouer Thelma Marie Female Riley James Male Perth
1923/100113 Perth Bowley Eva Jane Female Walton Walter Thomas Male North Perth
1923/100113 Perth Walton Walter Thomas Male Bowley Eva Jane Female North Perth
1923/100114 Perth Kennedy Irene Olive Female Gomm Leslie Jotham Male Perth
1923/100114 Perth Gomm Leslie Jotham Male Kennedy Irene Olive Female Perth
1923/100115 Perth Arenas John George Male Newby Doris Female Perth
1923/100115 Perth Newby Doris Female Arenas John George Male Perth
1923/100116 Perth Huntley Herbert Male Bradley Florence May Female Perth
1923/100116 Perth Bradley Florence May Female Huntley Herbert Male Perth
1923/100117 Perth Rimmington Amy Elizabeth Female O'Rourke George Patrick Male Maylands
1923/100117 Perth O'Rourke George Patrick Male Rimmington Amy Elizabeth Female Maylands
1923/100118 Perth Swain Harry Male Riordan Doris Female Maylands
1923/100118 Perth Riordan Doris Female Swain Harry Male Maylands
1923/100119 Perth Mackay Jessie Female Melvin William Male Victoria Park
1923/100119 Perth Melvin William Male Mackay Jessie Female Victoria Park
1923/100120 Perth Hey Daisy Violet Female Kelly Charles Joseph Male Perth
1923/100120 Perth Kelly Charles Joseph Male Hey Daisy Violet Female Perth
1923/100121 Perth Worcester Emily Eliza Female Wright Raymond Henry Male North Perth
1923/100121 Perth Wright Raymond Henry Male Worcester Emily Eliza Female North Perth
1923/100122 Perth Garlick Lucy Ellen Female Mazzini Samuel Patrick Male St Thomas' Roman Catholic Church
1923/100122 Perth Mazzini Samuel Patrick Male Garlick Lucy Ellen Female St Thomas' Roman Catholic Church
1923/100123 Perth Bevan Edith Ida Female Bidwell William Lancelot Male Subiaco
1923/100123 Perth Bidwell William Lancelot Male Bevan Edith Ida Female Subiaco
1923/100124 Perth Mackay Helena Gardner Female Watson Hugh Fraser Male Perth
1923/100124 Perth Watson Hugh Fraser Male Mackay Helena Gardner Female Perth
1923/100125 Perth Buckland Ada May Female Nettleton Joseph Lenox Male Perth
1923/100125 Perth Nettleton Joseph Lenox Male Buckland Ada May Female Perth
1923/100126 Perth West Edith Alice Female Dhu Frederick Victor Male Perth
1924/100126 Perth Matthews Arthur Leslie Male Darch Thelma Female Perth
1923/100126 Perth Dhu Frederick Victor Male West Edith Alice Female Perth
1924/100126 Perth Darch Thelma Female Matthews Arthur Leslie Male Perth
1923/100127 Perth Carr William Frederick Male Daniels Madeline Connie Female Perth
1924/100127 Perth Helm Caroline Mary Female Rodoreda Leo Charles Male Perth
1924/100127 Perth Rodoreda Leo Charles Male Helm Caroline Mary Female Perth
1923/100127 Perth Daniels Madeline Connie Female Carr William Frederick Male Perth
1924/100128 Perth Berend Edith Mary Female Young Charles Elliott Male Perth
1924/100128 Perth Young Charles Elliott Male Berend Edith Mary Female Perth
1923/100129 Perth Wood Ida Linda Female Parker Reginald Goodhand Male Peppermint Grove
1924/100129 Perth Robertson Edward Male Bannon Eileen Rose Female Perth
1924/100129 Perth Bannon Eileen Rose Female Robertson Edward Male Perth
1923/100129 Perth Parker Reginald Goodhand Male Wood Ida Linda Female Peppermint Grove
1923/100134 Perth Plumb Daisy Alice Female Havel John Male Maylands
1923/100134 Perth Havel John Male Plumb Daisy Alice Female Maylands
1923/100135 Perth Kaye Grace Hedley Leefe Female Jose Frederick Gordon Male Maylands
1923/100135 Perth Jose Frederick Gordon Male Kaye Grace Hedley Leefe Female Maylands
1923/100136 Perth Berriman Clara Maude Female Snudden Albert Walter John Male West Perth
1923/100136 Perth Snudden Albert Walter John Male Berriman Clara Maude Female West Perth
1923/100137 Perth Fitzgerald Loretta Female Thompson James Edward Male Leederville
1923/100137 Perth Thompson James Edward Male Fitzgerald Loretta Female Leederville
1923/100138 Perth Fearn Marjorie Lucy Female King Henry Joseph Male Perth
1923/100138 Perth King Henry Joseph Male Fearn Marjorie Lucy Female Perth
1923/100139 Perth Tubby John William Male Jones Constance Edith Female Cottesloe
1923/100139 Perth Jones Constance Edith Female Tubby John William Male Cottesloe
1923/100140 Perth Mills Norman William Male McGrade Vera Dooreen Female West Perth
1923/100140 Perth McGrade Vera Dooreen Female Mills Norman William Male West Perth
1923/100141 Perth Ryan William Male Gough Annie Sarah Nowland Female West Perth
1923/100141 Perth Gough Annie Sarah Nowland Female Ryan William Male West Perth
1923/100142 Perth Hetherington Nellie Female Napier Dudley Clive Male Claremont
1923/100142 Perth Napier Dudley Clive Male Hetherington Nellie Female Claremont
1923/100143 Perth Lodge Elizabeth Female Rupe John Male Claremont
1923/100143 Perth Rupe John Male Lodge Elizabeth Female Claremont
1923/100144 Perth Bonard Constance Female Bramley George Normam Male Subiaco
1923/100144 Perth Bramley George Normam Male Bonard Constance Female Subiaco
1923/100145 Perth Hetherington Gladys Lillian Female Roscoe William Fenwick Male Subiaco
1923/100145 Perth Roscoe William Fenwick Male Hetherington Gladys Lillian Female Subiaco
1923/100146 Perth Boal James Male Dews Ada Mary Female Perth
1923/100146 Perth Dews Ada Mary Female Boal James Male Perth
1923/100147 Perth Ogborne Maud Female Turner Charles Lincoln Male North Perth
1923/100147 Perth Turner Charles Lincoln Male Ogborne Maud Female North Perth
1923/100148 Perth Wood Charles William Male Webber Peggy Female Perth
1924/100148 Perth Yates Henry Leslie Male Moriarty Agnes Catherine Female South Perth
1924/100148 Perth Moriarty Agnes Catherine Female Yates Henry Leslie Male South Perth
1923/100148 Perth Webber Peggy Female Wood Charles William Male Perth
1923/100149 Perth Bagg George Hugh Male Steicke Matilda Elenora Female Perth
1923/100149 Perth Steicke Matilda Elenora Female Bagg George Hugh Male Perth
1923/100150 Perth O'Dea Dorothea Evelyn Female Brown John Thomas Male Perth
1923/100150 Perth Brown John Thomas Male O'Dea Dorothea Evelyn Female Perth
1923/100151 Perth Armstrong Reginald Fox Male Hassell Celestine Mary Female Perth
1923/100151 Perth Hassell Celestine Mary Female Armstrong Reginald Fox Male Perth
1923/100152 Perth O'Dea Joseph George Male Golding Mary Grace Female Perth
1923/100152 Perth Golding Mary Grace Female O'Dea Joseph George Male Perth
1923/100156 Perth Mosley-Watts Emilie Marie Female Greer Melville Shaw Male Perth
1923/100156 Perth Greer Melville Shaw Male Mosley-Watts Emilie Marie Female Perth
1923/100160 Perth Woodroofe Dorothy May Female Firth Jonathan Male South Perth
1923/100160 Perth Firth Jonathan Male Woodroofe Dorothy May Female South Perth
1923/100161 Perth O'Neill Phyllis Female Edwards James Richard Male Perth
1923/100161 Perth Edwards James Richard Male O'Neill Phyllis Female Perth
1923/100162 Perth Combe Evelyn Maude Female Dixon Stanley Gordon Male Leederville
1923/100162 Perth Dixon Stanley Gordon Male Combe Evelyn Maude Female Leederville
1923/100163 Perth Siggs Winifred Female Fisher James Thomas Male Leederville
1923/100163 Perth Fisher James Thomas Male Siggs Winifred Female Leederville
1923/100165 Perth Cooper Edith Maud Female Pye Cecil Norman Male Perth
1923/100165 Perth Pye Cecil Norman Male Cooper Edith Maud Female Perth
1923/100166 Perth Wilkins Madeline Rhoda Female Trainer David Charles Male Perth
1923/100166 Perth Trainer David Charles Male Wilkins Madeline Rhoda Female Perth
1923/100167 Perth Forrest John Male Buchan Mary Eileen Female Perth
1923/100167 Perth Buchan Mary Eileen Female Forrest John Male Perth
1923/100168 Perth Sturman Leith Female Hipper Lawrence Essington Male Perth
1923/100168 Perth Hipper Lawrence Essington Male Sturman Leith Female Perth
1923/100169 Perth Behsman Nora Annie Female Hynam Archibald Duncan Male Mt Lawley
1923/100169 Perth Hynam Archibald Duncan Male Behsman Nora Annie Female Mt Lawley
1923/100170 Perth Dickson Thomas Stephen Male Harris Grace Brennetta Female Victoria Park
1923/100170 Perth Harris Grace Brennetta Female Dickson Thomas Stephen Male Victoria Park
1923/100171 Perth McAlister Daisy Elizabeth Female Vick Harry Male Perth
1923/100171 Perth Vick Harry Male McAlister Daisy Elizabeth Female Perth
1923/100172 Perth Ratke Eva Gladys Female O'Brien Lawrence Male West Perth
1923/100172 Perth O'Brien Lawrence Male Ratke Eva Gladys Female West Perth
1923/100173 Perth Kelly Mary Eileen Female Lee Noah Male Perth
1923/100173 Perth Lee Noah Male Kelly Mary Eileen Female Perth
1923/100174 Perth Rosenthal Samuel Male Simpson Minna Jean Female Perth
1923/100174 Perth Simpson Minna Jean Female Rosenthal Samuel Male Perth
1923/100175 Perth Eastwood Katie Juanita Female Illingworth Stanley Male Perth
1923/100175 Perth Illingworth Stanley Male Eastwood Katie Juanita Female Perth
1923/100176 Perth Johnston Harold Douglas Male Piesse Vera Hope Female North Perth
1923/100176 Perth Piesse Vera Hope Female Johnston Harold Douglas Male North Perth
1923/100177 Perth Shove William Male Jones Lilian Bell Female Perth
1923/100177 Perth Jones Lilian Bell Female Shove William Male Perth
1923/100178 Perth McIntosh Amelia Female Townsend William Alfred Male Perth
1923/100178 Perth Townsend William Alfred Male McIntosh Amelia Female Perth
1923/100179 Perth Moore Dorothy Jane Female Johnson Oscar Charles Male Perth
1923/100179 Perth Johnson Oscar Charles Male Moore Dorothy Jane Female Perth
1923/100180 Perth Groom Clifford Charles Male Harrison Emma Maud Female Perth
1923/100180 Perth Harrison Emma Maud Female Groom Clifford Charles Male Perth
1923/100181 Perth Homewood George Albert Male Dewar Dorothy May Female Perth
1923/100181 Perth Dewar Dorothy May Female Homewood George Albert Male Perth
1923/100182 Perth Abbotts Walter Beels Male Marsh Annie Mason Female Perth
1923/100182 Perth Marsh Annie Mason Female Abbotts Walter Beels Male Perth
1923/100183 Perth Steadman Thomas Ward Male Mills Veronica Female Perth
1923/100183 Perth Mills Veronica Female Steadman Thomas Ward Male Perth
1923/100184 Perth McMahon Kathleen Female Hill Donald Male Perth
1923/100184 Perth Hill Donald Male McMahon Kathleen Female Perth
1923/100185 Perth Harris Walter Leonard Male Shepherd Eva Maude Female Perth
1923/100185 Perth Shepherd Eva Maude Female Harris Walter Leonard Male Perth
1923/100186 Perth Lee Henry Alfred John Male Reynolds Sylvia Female Perth
1923/100186 Perth Reynolds Sylvia Female Lee Henry Alfred John Male Perth
1923/100187 Perth Randell Donald George Male Rouse Marjorie Druscilla Female Leederville
1923/100187 Perth Rouse Marjorie Druscilla Female Randell Donald George Male Leederville
1923/100188 Perth Balmer Joseph Male Martin Robina Theresa Female Perth
1923/100188 Perth Martin Robina Theresa Female Balmer Joseph Male Perth
1923/100189 Perth Nancarrow Bessie Jane Female Langdon John Lewis Male Maylands
1923/100189 Perth Langdon John Lewis Male Nancarrow Bessie Jane Female Maylands
1923/100190 Perth Woods Frederick William Male Mitchell Alice Female Subiaco
1923/100190 Perth Mitchell Alice Female Woods Frederick William Male Subiaco
1923/100191 Perth Emrose Stanley Edgar Male McPherson Ina Mary Female Subiaco
1923/100191 Perth McPherson Ina Mary Female Emrose Stanley Edgar Male Subiaco
1923/100192 Perth Tulloch Margaret Female Baxter James Male Mt Hawthorn
1923/100192 Perth Baxter James Male Tulloch Margaret Female Mt Hawthorn
1923/100193 Perth Carpenter Frank Francis Male Scrivener Eliza Anne Female West Perth
1923/100193 Perth Scrivener Eliza Anne Female Carpenter Frank Francis Male West Perth
1923/100194 Perth Clarke Albert Edward Male Harris Bertha Maud Female Victoria Park
1923/100194 Perth Harris Bertha Maud Female Clarke Albert Edward Male Victoria Park
1923/100195 Perth Buckland Albert Edward Male Wright Alice Female Victoria Park
1923/100195 Perth Wright Alice Female Buckland Albert Edward Male Victoria Park
1923/100196 Perth Putland Reta Elizabeth Mabel Female Earnshaw William John Male Subiaco
1924/100196 Perth MacBride Alice Female Watkins Thomas George Male Perth
1923/100196 Perth Earnshaw William John Male Putland Reta Elizabeth Mabel Female Subiaco
1924/100196 Perth Watkins Thomas George Male MacBride Alice Female Perth
1923/100197 Perth Goulder Albert Thomas Male Johnson Daisy Muriel Marion Female Subiaco
1923/100197 Perth Johnson Daisy Muriel Marion Female Goulder Albert Thomas Male Subiaco
1923/100198 Perth Rinaldi Joseph Male Sullivan Hilda Beatrice Female Perth
1923/100198 Perth Sullivan Hilda Beatrice Female Rinaldi Joseph Male Perth
1923/100199 Perth Joyce Edith May Female Mason Jeffrey Male North Leederville
1923/100199 Perth Mason Jeffrey Male Joyce Edith May Female North Leederville
1923/100200 Perth Bayliff Edith Mary Female Gummow William Arthur Male West Leederville
1923/100200 Perth Gummow William Arthur Male Bayliff Edith Mary Female West Leederville
1923/100201 Perth Gibson Campbell Male Fletcher Eliza Isabel Female Perth
1923/100201 Perth Fletcher Eliza Isabel Female Gibson Campbell Male Perth
1923/100202 Perth McCulloch Miriam Leah Female Pitchell Alvan Paul Male Perth
1923/100202 Perth McCulloch Miriam Leah Female Pitchell Alvion Paul Male Perth
1923/100202 Perth McCulloch Miriam Leah Female Pitschel Alvan Paul Male Perth
1923/100202 Perth McCulloch Miriam Leah Female Pitschel Alvion Paul Male Perth
1923/100202 Perth Pitchell Alvan Paul Male McCulloch Miriam Leah Female Perth
1923/100202 Perth Pitchell Alvion Paul Male McCulloch Miriam Leah Female Perth
1923/100202 Perth Pitschel Alvan Paul Male McCulloch Miriam Leah Female Perth
1923/100202 Perth Pitschel Alvion Paul Male McCulloch Miriam Leah Female Perth
1923/100203 Perth Cochran Samuel Male Hinde May Evelyn Female Perth
1923/100203 Perth Hinde May Evelyn Female Cochran Samuel Male Perth
1923/100204 Perth Quinlan Catherine Maud Female Behsman George Lewis Male Perth
1923/100204 Perth Behsman George Lewis Male Quinlan Catherine Maud Female Perth
1923/100205 Perth Tyler William Frederick Male Smith Matilda Female Perth
1923/100205 Perth Smith Matilda Female Tyler William Frederick Male Perth
1923/100206 Perth Edwards George Watkyn Male Green Kathleen Esther Frances Female Perth
1923/100206 Perth Green Kathleen Esther Frances Female Edwards George Watkyn Male Perth
1923/100207 Perth McDonald John Arthur Campbell Male Henderson Annie Female Mount Lawley
1923/100207 Perth Henderson Annie Female McDonald John Arthur Campbell Male Mount Lawley
1923/100208 Perth Brabazon Claude Lennox Male Whitters Bessie Female Perth
1923/100208 Perth Whitters Bessie Female Brabazon Claude Lennox Male Perth
1923/100209 Perth Etherington Elsie Female Green Norman Frederick Male Perth
1923/100209 Perth Green Norman Frederick Male Etherington Elsie Female Perth
1923/100210 Perth Olsen Herbert Ludvig Broker Male Philpott Alice Martha Female Cottesloe
1923/100210 Perth Philpott Alice Martha Female Olsen Herbert Ludvig Broker Male Cottesloe
1923/100211 Perth Page William Male Montgomery Clara Jane Female West Perth
1923/100211 Perth Montgomery Clara Jane Female Page William Male West Perth
1923/100212 Perth Howells Elizabeth Alice Female Turner Bertie Male West Perth
1923/100212 Perth Turner Bertie Male Howells Elizabeth Alice Female West Perth
1923/100213 Perth Ham Nellie Gladys Female Wilkins George Herbert Male Perth
1923/100213 Perth Wilkins George Herbert Male Ham Nellie Gladys Female Perth
1923/100214 Perth Jose Ernest Male Vardy Lilian May Female Leederville
1923/100214 Perth Vardy Lilian May Female Jose Ernest Male Leederville
1923/100215 Perth Shellabear Samuel Albert Male Mofflin Nesta May Female Claremont
1923/100215 Perth Mofflin Nesta May Female Shellabear Samuel Albert Male Claremont
1923/100216 Perth Delamare Thomas Male Growns Minnie Female Claremont
1923/100216 Perth Growns Minnie Female Delamare Thomas Male Claremont
1923/100217 Perth Crofts Winifred Emily Female Filmer Harry Joseph Male Perth
1923/100217 Perth Filmer Harry Joseph Male Crofts Winifred Emily Female Perth
1923/100218 Perth Hopkins Edna Lucy Janet Female Stagoll Arthur George Male Perth
1923/100218 Perth Stagoll Arthur George Male Hopkins Edna Lucy Janet Female Perth
1923/100219 Perth Gosper Jack Stanley Christy Male Montague Ivy Beatrice Lillian Female Perth
1923/100219 Perth Montague Ivy Beatrice Lillian Female Gosper Jack Stanley Christy Male Perth
1923/100220 Perth Taylor Charles John Male Reynolds Ivy Lorna May Female Highgate Hill
1923/100220 Perth Reynolds Ivy Lorna May Female Taylor Charles John Male Highgate Hill
1923/100221 Perth Scott Jean Wilson Female Manthorpe Roy Stanley Male St Albans Church
1923/100221 Perth Manthorpe Roy Stanley Male Scott Jean Wilson Female St Albans Church
1923/100222 Perth Carlyon Charles Edward Male Houston Ethelwin Female Perth
1923/100222 Perth Houston Ethelwin Female Carlyon Charles Edward Male Perth
1923/100223 Perth Medcraft Dorothy Eleanor Female Campbell Albert Simpson Male West Perth
1923/100223 Perth Campbell Albert Simpson Male Medcraft Dorothy Eleanor Female West Perth
1923/100224 Perth Lindley Vera Helen Female Ealing George Henry Male Leederville
1923/100224 Perth Ealing George Henry Male Lindley Vera Helen Female Leederville
1923/100225 Perth Kirwan John Joseph Male Renton Jessie Marian Female Leederville
1923/100225 Perth Renton Jessie Marian Female Kirwan John Joseph Male Leederville
1923/100226 Perth Collins Reuben Henry Male Thielemann Muriel Female Perth
1923/100226 Perth Thielemann Muriel Female Collins Reuben Henry Male Perth
1923/100227 Perth Mutton Phoebe Female Grose William Harold Male Maylands
1923/100227 Perth Grose William Harold Male Mutton Phoebe Female Maylands
1923/100228 Perth McKenna Francis Robert Norman Male Seery Alice Ella Female Victoria Park
1923/100228 Perth Seery Alice Ella Female McKenna Francis Robert Norman Male Victoria Park
1923/100229 Perth Walters Hollis Hamilton Female Thompson John Male Perth
1923/100229 Perth Thompson John Male Walters Hollis Hamilton Female Perth
1923/100230 Perth Nunn Dorothy Ellen May Female Pollard Arnold Reuben Male Perth
1923/100230 Perth Pollard Arnold Reuben Male Nunn Dorothy Ellen May Female Perth
1923/100231 Perth Greene Stanley Albert Male Caunce Jane Female Perth
1923/100231 Perth Caunce Jane Female Greene Stanley Albert Male Perth
1923/100232 Perth Smith Ethel May Female Bryce James Male Perth
1923/100232 Perth Bryce James Male Smith Ethel May Female Perth
1923/100233 Perth Pratley Raymond Thomas Male Mahood Rachel Rebecca Female Perth
1923/100233 Perth Mahood Rachel Rebecca Female Pratley Raymond Thomas Male Perth
1923/100234 Perth Colenso Martha Lillian Mary Female Butcher John Errol Coombes Male Perth
1923/100234 Perth Butcher John Errol Coombes Male Colenso Martha Lillian Mary Female Perth
1923/100235 Perth Thornton Audrey Mary Female Simonsen Roy Male Perth
1923/100235 Perth Simonsen Roy Male Thornton Audrey Mary Female Perth
1923/100236 Perth Ryan Jessie Agnes Female Carson Gerald Michael Male Perth
1923/100236 Perth Carson Gerald Michael Male Ryan Jessie Agnes Female Perth
1923/100237 Perth Bevan Eileen Gladys Female Kent Henry Howard Male Perth
1923/100237 Perth Kent Henry Howard Male Bevan Eileen Gladys Female Perth
1923/100238 Perth Cousins Gerald Napier Gordon Male Armstrong Margaret Ellen Female Perth
1923/100238 Perth Armstrong Margaret Ellen Female Cousins Gerald Napier Gordon Male Perth
1923/100239 Perth Struck Olga Amanda Female McPhee Charles Male Perth
1923/100239 Perth McPhee Charles Male Struck Olga Amanda Female Perth
1923/100240 Perth Henning Charles Andrew Male Best Phoebe Rachel Female Perth
1923/100240 Perth Best Phoebe Rachel Female Henning Charles Andrew Male Perth
1923/100241 Perth Hockley Robert James Male Birch Gladys Victoria Female Subiaco
1923/100241 Perth Birch Gladys Victoria Female Hockley Robert James Male Subiaco
1923/100242 Perth Baker Robert Charles Male Flanders Dorothy Maud Female Perth
1923/100242 Perth Flanders Dorothy Maud Female Baker Robert Charles Male Perth
1923/100243 Perth Harrison Albert Henry Male Pain Eileen Mary Female Perth
1923/100243 Perth Pain Eileen Mary Female Harrison Albert Henry Male Perth
1923/100244 Perth McKay Donald Male Sandilands Annie Brown Female Perth
1923/100244 Perth Sandilands Annie Brown Female McKay Donald Male Perth
1923/100245 Perth Perry Adele Lilian Female Smith John Joseph Male Perth
1923/100245 Perth Smith John Joseph Male Perry Adele Lilian Female Perth
1923/100246 Perth Davis Thomas Charles Male Ellis-Henderson Catherine Mary Female West Perth
1923/100246 Perth Ellis-Henderson Catherine Mary Female Davis Thomas Charles Male West Perth
1923/100247 Perth Stockmin Steven Vernon Male Cameron Annie Female West Perth
1923/100247 Perth Cameron Annie Female Stockmin Steven Vernon Male West Perth
1923/100248 Perth Davis Eric Paul Male Fourbas-Jamieson Olive Gertrude Female West Perth
1923/100248 Perth Fourbas-Jamieson Olive Gertrude Female Davis Eric Paul Male West Perth
1923/100249 Perth Linthorne Sydney Mary Penny Female Lyons George Thomas Male West Perth
1923/100249 Perth Lyons George Thomas Male Linthorne Sydney Mary Penny Female West Perth
1923/100250 Perth Baird John Stuart Male Millar Elizabeth Hull Female West Perth
1923/100250 Perth Millar Elizabeth Hull Female Baird John Stuart Male West Perth
1923/100251 Perth Reffell Alice Sarah Female Curran Matthew Robert Male Perth
1923/100251 Perth Curran Matthew Robert Male Reffell Alice Sarah Female Perth
1923/100252 Perth Noble Thomas Arthur Male Dearden Alice Mary Female Perth
1923/100252 Perth Dearden Alice Mary Female Noble Thomas Arthur Male Perth
1923/100253 Perth Bell Margaret Female Kiernan Charles Reynolds Male Perth
1923/100253 Perth Kiernan Charles Reynolds Male Bell Margaret Female Perth
1923/100254 Perth McArthur Emma Lillian Female Phillips Frank Male Perth
1923/100254 Perth Phillips Frank Male McArthur Emma Lillian Female Perth
1923/100255 Perth Muir Alexander Graham Male Bearpark Jessie May Female Perth
1923/100255 Perth Bearpark Jessie May Female Muir Alexander Graham Male Perth
1923/100256 Perth O'Neill Fanny Female Dillon Michael Male Maylands
1923/100256 Perth Dillon Michael Male O'Neill Fanny Female Maylands
1923/100257 Perth McEvoy Katharine Mary Female Ballantyne James Alexander Irwin Male Maylands
1923/100257 Perth Ballantyne James Alexander Irwin Male McEvoy Katharine Mary Female Maylands
1924/100260 Perth Christison Frances Female Harapeet Errol Male Perth
1923/100260 Perth McLean Gordon James Male Lewis Lillian Gertrude Female Maylands
1924/100260 Perth Harapeet Errol Male Christison Frances Female Perth
1923/100260 Perth Lewis Lillian Gertrude Female McLean Gordon James Male Maylands
1923/100261 Perth Mansfield Reginald Clifton Male Frayne Vera Treleaven Female Subiaco
1923/100261 Perth Frayne Vera Treleaven Female Mansfield Reginald Clifton Male Subiaco
1923/100262 Perth Hall William Robson Male Thomas Olive Margaret Louisa Female Subiaco
1923/100262 Perth Thomas Olive Margaret Louisa Female Hall William Robson Male Subiaco
1923/100263 Perth Heise Susannah Female Hanby William Edward Male Perth
1923/100263 Perth Hanby William Edward Male Heise Susannah Female Perth
1923/100264 Perth Doyle Nancy Female Woodthorpe Charles Augustus Male Leederville
1923/100264 Perth Woodthorpe Charles Augustus Male Doyle Nancy Female Leederville
1923/100265 Perth Le Fevre Ethel Ruby Female Ridley Wilfred Parnham Male Subiaco
1923/100265 Perth Ridley Wilfred Parnham Male Le Fevre Ethel Ruby Female Subiaco
1923/100266 Perth Joynes Walter Theodore Male Kennerley Letitia Female Victoria Park
1923/100266 Perth Kennerley Letitia Female Joynes Walter Theodore Male Victoria Park
1923/100267 Perth Powell Joseph Male Brown Emily Female Perth
1923/100267 Perth Brown Emily Female Powell Joseph Male Perth
1923/100268 Perth Costigan Henry Thomas Male Dart Clarice Eileen Female Perth
1923/100268 Perth Dart Clarice Eileen Female Costigan Henry Thomas Male Perth
1923/100269 Perth Kirke John Simon Male Miles Catherine Isabella Female Perth
1923/100269 Perth Miles Catherine Isabella Female Kirke John Simon Male Perth
1923/100270 Perth Coffey Edmond John Male Ashby Ada Matilda Female Perth
1923/100270 Perth Ashby Ada Matilda Female Coffey Edmond John Male Perth
1923/100271 Perth Hart Alexander Arthur Male Pyett Daphne Female Subiaco
1923/100271 Perth Pyett Daphne Female Hart Alexander Arthur Male Subiaco
1923/100272 Perth Edwards William David Male Glanfield Millicent Rose Female Perth
1923/100272 Perth Glanfield Millicent Rose Female Edwards William David Male Perth
1923/100273 Perth Harvey Iris Hope Female Prince Henry Tucker Male Perth
1923/100273 Perth Prince Henry Tucker Male Harvey Iris Hope Female Perth
1923/100274 Perth Clarkson Robert Clive Male Sturt Eileen Ruby Female Perth
1923/100274 Perth Sturt Eileen Ruby Female Clarkson Robert Clive Male Perth
1923/100275 Perth Foulkes Joseph Samuel Male Bonnar Mary Helen Female Perth
1923/100275 Perth Bonnar Mary Helen Female Foulkes Joseph Samuel Male Perth
1923/100276 Perth de Gruchy Eleanor Adelaide Gwyer Female Bennett Andrew George Male Perth
1923/100276 Perth Bennett Andrew George Male de Gruchy Eleanor Adelaide Gwyer Female Perth
1923/100277 Perth Whitaker Ernest James Male Whiteley Edith Evelyn Female Perth
1923/100277 Perth Whiteley Edith Evelyn Female Whitaker Ernest James Male Perth
1923/100278 Perth McIntosh Ethel Elsie Female Pulley Frederick James Male Perth
1923/100278 Perth Pulley Frederick James Male McIntosh Ethel Elsie Female Perth
1923/100279 Perth Ford Ethel Eugene Female Mackenzie Herbert Henry Male Perth
1923/100279 Perth Mackenzie Herbert Henry Male Ford Ethel Eugene Female Perth
1923/100280 Perth Thomas Sarah Alice Female Tredrea Victor John Trevithick Male Perth
1923/100280 Perth Tredrea Victor John Trevithick Male Thomas Sarah Alice Female Perth
1923/100281 Perth Ladyman Ray Mills Male Clubb Phyllis Margery Female Perth
1923/100281 Perth Clubb Phyllis Margery Female Ladyman Ray Mills Male Perth
1923/100282 Perth Puckering Frederick Albert Male Ryan Johanna Ellen Female Perth
1923/100282 Perth Ryan Johanna Ellen Female Puckering Frederick Albert Male Perth
1923/100283 Perth Gill Sarah Ann Female Hackworthy Cecil Wallace Male Perth
1923/100283 Perth Gill Lily Female Hackworthy Cecil Wallace Male Perth
1923/100283 Perth Hackworthy Cecil Wallace Male Gill Sarah Ann Female Perth
1923/100283 Perth Hackworthy Cecil Wallace Male Gill Lily Female Perth
1923/100284 Perth Magennis James Roy Male White Doris Janna Middleton Female Perth
1923/100284 Perth White Doris Janna Middleton Female Magennis James Roy Male Perth
1923/100285 Perth Gent George Enis Male Doddrell Robertina Sarah Female Perth
1923/100285 Perth Doddrell Robertina Sarah Female Gent George Enis Male Perth
1923/100286 Perth Street Elizabeth Female Sandells Thomas Male Maylands
1923/100286 Perth Sandells Thomas Male Street Elizabeth Female Maylands
1923/100287 Perth Hasler Alice Female Rainoldi Guiseppi Male Perth
1923/100287 Perth Rainoldi Guiseppi Male Hasler Alice Female Perth
1923/100288 Perth Boston Edward Herbert Male Barber Agnes Female Perth
1923/100288 Perth Barber Agnes Female Boston Edward Herbert Male Perth
1923/100289 Perth Marmion John David Ivanhoe Male Thomas Merolia Ivy Female Perth
1923/100289 Perth Thomas Merolia Ivy Female Marmion John David Ivanhoe Male Perth
1923/100290 Perth Mann Gilbert Western Male Hunt Evelyn Maud Amelia Female Maylands
1923/100290 Perth Hunt Evelyn Maud Amelia Female Mann Gilbert Western Male Maylands
1923/100291 Perth Bennett Richard Nelson Male Sawell Dorothy Mascotte Vivia Female Claremont
1923/100291 Perth Sawell Dorothy Mascotte Vivia Female Bennett Richard Nelson Male Claremont
1923/100292 Perth Ebsary Samuel George Stanley Male Whitewood Lily Delora Female Claremont
1923/100292 Perth Whitewood Lily Delora Female Ebsary Samuel George Stanley Male Claremont
1923/100293 Perth Brooks George Lee Scadding Male MacNeill Margaret Female North Perth
1923/100293 Perth MacNeill Margaret Female Brooks George Lee Scadding Male North Perth
1923/100294 Perth Brown Muriel Francis Gordon Female Kevan Harold Edward Male North Perth
1923/100294 Perth Kevan Harold Edward Male Brown Muriel Francis Gordon Female North Perth
1923/100295 Perth Golding Afra Emma Female Curnow James Male West Perth
1923/100295 Perth Curnow James Male Golding Afra Emma Female West Perth
1923/100296 Perth Clarke Stanley Anthony Male Bourne Dorothy Female West Perth
1923/100296 Perth Bourne Dorothy Female Clarke Stanley Anthony Male West Perth
1923/100297 Perth Stewart Emily Mena Female Wakeham Sidney Griffiths Male West Perth
1923/100297 Perth Wakeham Sidney Griffiths Male Stewart Emily Mena Female West Perth
1923/100298 Perth Watts Marjorie Olive Female Daniels Eric Robert Male Perth
1923/100298 Perth Daniels Eric Robert Male Watts Marjorie Olive Female Perth
1923/100299 Perth James Gladys Female Weston Leonard James Henry Male Perth
1923/100299 Perth Weston Leonard James Henry Male James Gladys Female Perth
1923/100300 Perth Hill William Robert Male Lowe Violet May Elizabeth Female Perth
1923/100300 Perth Lowe Violet May Elizabeth Female Hill William Robert Male Perth
1923/100301 Perth Hollett Winifred Elsie Beryl Female Paine Stephen Male Maylands
1923/100301 Perth Paine Stephen Male Hollett Winifred Elsie Beryl Female Maylands
1923/100302 Perth Kelly Jean Female Gee Clement Walter Male Perth
1923/100302 Perth Gee Clement Walter Male Kelly Jean Female Perth
1923/100303 Perth Halpin Margaret Maud Female Brown Leslie St John Male Claremont
1923/100303 Perth Brown Leslie St John Male Halpin Margaret Maud Female Claremont
1923/100304 Perth Griffiths Alice Lloyd Female Holliday Arthur Male Perth
1923/100304 Perth Holliday Arthur Male Griffiths Alice Lloyd Female Perth
1923/100305 Perth Cole Raymond Cedric Male Schuts Wilhemina Julia Female Perth
1923/100305 Perth Schuts Wilhemina Julia Female Cole Raymond Cedric Male Perth
1923/100306 Perth Burnett Muriel Rose Female Shepherd John Male Victoria Park
1923/100306 Perth Shepherd John Male Burnett Muriel Rose Female Victoria Park
1923/100307 Perth Jennings William Edward Male Taylor Ivy May Female Subiaco
1923/100307 Perth Taylor Ivy May Female Jennings William Edward Male Subiaco
1923/100308 Perth Parker Joseph Male Lafferty Louisa Female Subiaco
1923/100308 Perth Lafferty Louisa Female Parker Joseph Male Subiaco
1923/100309 Perth Gregory Doris May Female Flanders George McKinley Male Perth
1923/100309 Perth Flanders George McKinley Male Gregory Doris May Female Perth
1923/100310 Perth Edwards Nita Annie Female Carter Benjamin Male Subiaco
1923/100310 Perth Carter Benjamin Male Edwards Nita Annie Female Subiaco
1923/100311 Perth Troy Rose Emma Female Masters Lionel Daniel Clair Male Perth
1923/100311 Perth Masters Lionel Daniel Clair Male Troy Rose Emma Female Perth
1923/100312 Perth Llewellyn Robert Male McCulloch Nell Female West Perth
1923/100312 Perth McCulloch Nell Female Llewellyn Robert Male West Perth
1923/100313 Perth Gibson Arthur Ainsworth Male Timmings Mena Pearl Female West Perth
1923/100313 Perth Timmings Mena Pearl Female Gibson Arthur Ainsworth Male West Perth
1923/100314 Perth Maloney Marguerita Female Morris Frederick James Male West Perth
1923/100314 Perth Morris Frederick James Male Maloney Marguerita Female West Perth
1923/100315 Perth Gough Eric Wyndham Male Higgs Mable Female Cottesloe
1923/100315 Perth Higgs Mable Female Gough Eric Wyndham Male Cottesloe
1923/100316 Perth Bower Anthony Male Rudeforth Violet Ethel Female Cottesloe Beach
1923/100316 Perth Rudeforth Violet Ethel Female Bower Anthony Male Cottesloe Beach
1923/100317 Perth Cowan Jeannette Enid Female Keay Robert Alyth Male Perth
1923/100317 Perth Keay Robert Alyth Male Cowan Jeannette Enid Female Perth
1923/100318 Perth Arnold Edith Jane Female McCrossen Francis John Male Perth
1923/100318 Perth McCrossen Francis John Male Arnold Edith Jane Female Perth
1923/100319 Perth Collins Dorothy Elva Female Harrison Reginald Michael Neil Male Perth
1923/100319 Perth Harrison Reginald Michael Neil Male Collins Dorothy Elva Female Perth
1923/100320 Perth Caporn Catherine Mary Female Gray Harry Male Perth
1923/100320 Perth Gray Harry Male Caporn Catherine Mary Female Perth
1923/100321 Perth Adams Nora Margaret Female Hainsworth Fredrick William Male Victoria Park
1923/100321 Perth Hainsworth Fredrick William Male Adams Nora Margaret Female Victoria Park
1923/100322 Perth Fitzpatrick Dorothy Moya Female Rosser Cedric Hereward Gra Male Victoria Park
1923/100322 Perth Rosser Cedric Hereward Gra Male Fitzpatrick Dorothy Moya Female Victoria Park
1923/100323 Perth Williams Percy Thomas Male Rose Gertrude Julia Female Leederville
1923/100323 Perth Rose Gertrude Julia Female Williams Percy Thomas Male Leederville
1923/100324 Perth Arnett Alice Female Sutcliffe George Edward Male Bayswater
1923/100324 Perth Sutcliffe George Edward Male Arnett Alice Female Bayswater
1923/100325 Perth Cross Beryl Female Brown Clarence Farquharson Male Maylands
1923/100325 Perth Brown Clarence Farquharson Male Cross Beryl Female Maylands
1923/100326 Perth Carse Mabel Phyllis Female Winter John Alexander Male Victoria Park
1923/100326 Perth Winter John Alexander Male Carse Mabel Phyllis Female Victoria Park
1923/100327 Perth Freer Rita Irene Female Lear Cecil Roy Male Bellevue
1923/100327 Perth Lear Cecil Roy Male Freer Rita Irene Female Bellevue
1923/100328 Perth Deacon Valentine Marjorie Female Heydon Thomas George Male Claremont
1923/100328 Perth Heydon Thomas George Male Deacon Valentine Marjorie Female Claremont
1923/100329 Perth Bryan Patrick Male Parker Ivy Mary Female Claremont
1923/100329 Perth Parker Ivy Mary Female Bryan Patrick Male Claremont
1923/100330 Perth Cockman Ruby Victoria Female Backshall Albert Vivian Male North Leederville
1923/100330 Perth Backshall Albert Vivian Male Cockman Ruby Victoria Female North Leederville
1923/100331 Perth Blair Robert James Male Moody Muriel Jessie Female Subiaco
1923/100331 Perth Moody Muriel Jessie Female Blair Robert James Male Subiaco
1923/100332 Perth McKenzie Richard Angus Male Greenwood Olive Female Subiaco
1923/100332 Perth Greenwood Olive Female McKenzie Richard Angus Male Subiaco
1923/100333 Perth Hawkins Malinda Emily Margaret Female Watkins Robert Leslie Male Bayswater
1923/100333 Perth Watkins Robert Leslie Male Hawkins Malinda Emily Margaret Female Bayswater
1923/100334 Perth Saint Mary Female Caporn George Jeffrey Male South Perth
1923/100334 Perth Caporn George Jeffrey Male Saint Mary Female South Perth
1923/100335 Perth Hunt Thomas Male Dodd Dorathea Jane Marie Female Perth
1923/100335 Perth Dodd Dorathea Jane Marie Female Hunt Thomas Male Perth
1923/100336 Perth Foyel Albert George Male Boyle Dorothy Female Perth
1923/100336 Perth Boyle Dorothy Female Foyel Albert George Male Perth
1923/100337 Perth Anderson Alfred Ernest Male Pinnell Ellen Esther Female West Perth
1923/100337 Perth Pinnell Ellen Esther Female Anderson Alfred Ernest Male West Perth
1923/100338 Perth Robinson Lillian Earl Female Ward Thomas James Male Perth
1923/100338 Perth Ward Thomas James Male Robinson Lillian Earl Female Perth
1923/100339 Perth MacIntosh Harold James Neil Male Ducie Rosina Alice Female Perth
1923/100339 Perth Ducie Rosina Alice Female MacIntosh Harold James Neil Male Perth
1923/100340 Perth Murphy Frances Rose Female Dew Edward Frank Laurence Male Subiaco
1923/100340 Perth Dew Edward Frank Laurence Male Murphy Frances Rose Female Subiaco
1923/100341 Perth Scott William Joseph Male Winning Alice Hanton Victoria Female Subiaco
1923/100341 Perth Winning Alice Hanton Victoria Female Scott William Joseph Male Subiaco
1923/100342 Perth Longson Ernest Male Read Clarice Cathie Female Victoria Park
1923/100342 Perth Read Clarice Cathie Female Longson Ernest Male Victoria Park
1923/100343 Perth Armstrong Claude Fielding Male Toms Veronica Louisa Female Perth
1923/100343 Perth Toms Veronica Louisa Female Armstrong Claude Fielding Male Perth
1923/100344 Perth Outridge Harrie Rutherford Male McDonald Elizabeth Mary Female Bayswater
1923/100344 Perth McDonald Elizabeth Mary Female Outridge Harrie Rutherford Male Bayswater
1923/100345 Perth Rutter Violet Annie Female Melvin Robert Male Perth
1923/100345 Perth Melvin Robert Male Rutter Violet Annie Female Perth
1923/100346 Perth Galvin John Male Hoddy Ruby Alice Female Perth
1923/100346 Perth Hoddy Ruby Alice Female Galvin John Male Perth
1923/100347 Perth Brock Randolph Edgar Male Harris Rachel Maud Female Perth
1923/100347 Perth Harris Rachel Maud Female Brock Randolph Edgar Male Perth
1923/100348 Perth Barfield William Henry Male Whitewood Edna May Female Claremont
1923/100348 Perth Whitewood Edna May Female Barfield William Henry Male Claremont
1923/100349 Perth Rose Edith Lucy Female Kerr John Strachan Male West Perth
1923/100349 Perth Kerr John Strachan Male Rose Edith Lucy Female West Perth
1923/100350 Perth Hamdorf Dorothea Ellenor Female Sims David John Male Perth
1923/100350 Perth Sims David John Male Hamdorf Dorothea Ellenor Female Perth
1923/100351 Perth Langmid Robert Edward Male Richardson Jean Isobel Female Perth
1923/100351 Perth Richardson Jean Isobel Female Langmid Robert Edward Male Perth
1923/100354 Perth Bailey Hilda Female Steel Sidney Male Claremont
1923/100354 Perth Steel Sidney Male Bailey Hilda Female Claremont
1923/100355 Perth Gaze Alison Sydney Owen Female Saw Walter William Male Perth
1923/100355 Perth Saw Walter William Male Gaze Alison Sydney Owen Female Perth
1923/100356 Perth Bennett Charles Harold Male Ottaway Gladys Mary Female Perth
1923/100356 Perth Ottaway Gladys Mary Female Bennett Charles Harold Male Perth
1923/100357 Perth Wardell-Johnson Algernon Theodore Male Dixon Ruby Constance Female Perth
1923/100357 Perth Dixon Ruby Constance Female Wardell-Johnson Algernon Theodore Male Perth
1923/100358 Perth Casley Olive Elibby Female Turner Francis Gerald Male Perth
1923/100358 Perth Turner Francis Gerald Male Casley Olive Elibby Female Perth
1923/100359 Perth Brede Horace Bertram Shakespere Male Dawson Dorothy Jean Female Perth
1923/100359 Perth Dawson Dorothy Jean Female Brede Horace Bertram Shakespere Male Perth
1923/100360 Perth Ferguson William John James Henderson Male Pollock Margaret Female West Leederville
1923/100360 Perth Pollock Margaret Female Ferguson William John James Henderson Male West Leederville
1923/100361 Perth Glanville Ivy May Female Eames Leslie Gordon Male Perth
1923/100361 Perth Eames Leslie Gordon Male Glanville Ivy May Female Perth
1923/100362 Perth Bower Percival Henry Male Sweeney Hilda Mary Female Claremont
1923/100362 Perth Sweeney Hilda Mary Female Bower Percival Henry Male Claremont
1923/100363 Perth Ryan Ernest John Male Wilson Edith Helene Female Leederville
1923/100363 Perth Wilson Edith Helene Female Ryan Ernest John Male Leederville
1923/100364 Perth Brennan Margaret Catherine Female Jennings George Percy Sydney Male Leederville
1923/100364 Perth Jennings George Percy Sydney Male Brennan Margaret Catherine Female Leederville
1923/100365 Perth Wright Charles Dometras Maclay Male Patterson Constance Violet Mary Female Perth
1923/100365 Perth Patterson Constance Violet Mary Female Wright Charles Dometras Maclay Male Perth
1923/100366 Perth Robertson Irene May Female Rogers Arthur Llewellyn Male Leederville
1923/100366 Perth Rogers Arthur Llewellyn Male Robertson Irene May Female Leederville
1923/100367 Perth Button Mary Jane Female Brain William Henry Male Perth
1923/100367 Perth Brain William Henry Male Button Mary Jane Female Perth
1923/100368 Perth Hammond Walter George Roy Male Allen Hilda May Female Perth
1923/100368 Perth Allen Hilda May Female Hammond Walter George Roy Male Perth
1923/100369 Perth Ledger Joseph Francis Male Lyons Gladys Muriel Female Perth
1923/100369 Perth Lyons Gladys Muriel Female Ledger Joseph Francis Male Perth
1923/100370 Perth Lawson Gladys Victoria Female Randell Vernon Eric Male Perth
1923/100370 Perth Randell Vernon Eric Male Lawson Gladys Victoria Female Perth
1923/100371 Perth Connor Moira Female Stansfield Charles Edwin Male West Perth
1923/100371 Perth Stansfield Charles Edwin Male Connor Moira Female West Perth
1923/100372 Perth Tough Elizabeth Maude Female Quarrell Victor Henry Male Subiaco
1923/100372 Perth Quarrell Victor Henry Male Tough Elizabeth Maude Female Subiaco
1923/100373 Perth Alexander Irene May Female Matson William Frederick Male Perth
1923/100373 Perth Matson William Frederick Male Alexander Irene May Female Perth
1923/100374 Perth Honey Stella Clarissa Female Anderson Reginald Walker John Male Perth
1923/100374 Perth Anderson Reginald Walker John Male Honey Stella Clarissa Female Perth
1923/100375 Perth Gardner Myrtle Lillian Female Marshall James Henry Male Perth
1923/100375 Perth Marshall James Henry Male Gardner Myrtle Lillian Female Perth
1923/100376 Perth Carter Rose Frances Louise Female Betty Albert Edward Male Perth
1923/100376 Perth Betty Albert Edward Male Carter Rose Frances Louise Female Perth
1923/100377 Perth Savage Winnifred Female Ashton Arthur Henry Male Perth
1923/100377 Perth Ashton Arthur Henry Male Savage Winnifred Female Perth
1923/100378 Perth Maley Jean Morrison Female Blood Frederick Male Perth
1923/100378 Perth Maley Jean Morrison Female Jackson Frederick Male Perth
1923/100378 Perth Jackson Frederick Male Maley Jean Morrison Female Perth
1923/100378 Perth Blood Frederick Male Maley Jean Morrison Female Perth
1923/100379 Perth Stevenson Jessie Cameron Female Bloomer Peter James Male Perth
1923/100379 Perth Bloomer Peter James Male Stevenson Jessie Cameron Female Perth
1923/100380 Perth Smith Randall William Male Franklin Violet May Female Perth
1923/100380 Perth Franklin Violet May Female Smith Randall William Male Perth
1923/100381 Perth Atkinson Thomas Wilfred Male Clementson Sigrid Alice Female Perth
1923/100381 Perth Clementson Sigrid Alice Female Atkinson Thomas Wilfred Male Perth
1923/100382 Perth Worthington Doris Shirley Female Anderson George Andrew Male Perth
1923/100382 Perth Anderson George Andrew Male Worthington Doris Shirley Female Perth
1923/100383 Perth Hough Jean Isabella Female Spencer Adair FitzGerald Male West Perth
1923/100383 Perth Spencer Adair FitzGerald Male Hough Jean Isabella Female West Perth
1923/100384 Perth Carroll Enid Dagmar Female Gilbert Harry Hector Male Cottesloe
1923/100384 Perth Gilbert Harry Hector Male Carroll Enid Dagmar Female Cottesloe
1923/100385 Perth Marmion William Richard Patrick Male Snellgrove Hazel Muriel Female Cottesloe
1923/100385 Perth Snellgrove Hazel Muriel Female Marmion William Richard Patrick Male Cottesloe
1923/100386 Perth Mongan Francis Matthew Male Thackrah May Kathleen Female Cottesloe
1923/100386 Perth Thackrah May Kathleen Female Mongan Francis Matthew Male Cottesloe
1923/100387 Perth White Blanche Mary Female Connor Daniel Ignatius Male Cottesloe
1923/100387 Perth Connor Daniel Ignatius Male White Blanche Mary Female Cottesloe
1923/100388 Perth Unicume Gertrude May Kathleen Female Barker Ernest Walter Male West Perth
1923/100388 Perth Barker Ernest Walter Male Unicume Gertrude May Kathleen Female West Perth
1923/100389 Perth James Alexander William Male Briggs Ruth Female North Perth
1923/100389 Perth Briggs Ruth Female James Alexander William Male North Perth
1923/100390 Perth Nugent Robert Samuel Male Gratacap Berthe Louise Female Perth
1923/100390 Perth Gratacap Berthe Louise Female Nugent Robert Samuel Male Perth
1923/100391 Perth Armstrong Thomas Adam Male Fleming Honor Female Perth
1923/100391 Perth Fleming Honor Female Armstrong Thomas Adam Male Perth
1923/100392 Perth Dawson Bertram Clarence Male Silverlock Victoria May Female Subiaco
1923/100392 Perth Silverlock Victoria May Female Dawson Bertram Clarence Male Subiaco
1923/100393 Perth Smith John Male Townsing Mary Kelly Female Subiaco
1923/100393 Perth Townsing Mary Kelly Female Smith John Male Subiaco
1923/100394 Perth Duffy Kevin John Male Lafferty Frances Jessie Female Subiaco
1923/100394 Perth Lafferty Frances Jessie Female Duffy Kevin John Male Subiaco
1923/100395 Perth Webb Arthur Stanley Male Langridge Dorothy Myrtle Female Cottesloe
1923/100395 Perth Langridge Dorothy Myrtle Female Webb Arthur Stanley Male Cottesloe
1923/100396 Perth Olsen Mabel Hansina Female Casserly Joseph Charles Male Cottesloe
1923/100396 Perth Casserly Joseph Charles Male Olsen Mabel Hansina Female Cottesloe
1923/100397 Perth Watson Elsie Dorothy Female Berryman George Male Perth
1923/100397 Perth Berryman George Male Watson Elsie Dorothy Female Perth
1923/100398 Perth Bateman Olive Maude Female Palmer Ernest John Male West Perth
1923/100398 Perth Palmer Ernest John Male Bateman Olive Maude Female West Perth
1923/100399 Perth Rae Joseph Lundie Male Bower Olive Eleanor Female West Leederville
1923/100399 Perth Bower Olive Eleanor Female Rae Joseph Lundie Male West Leederville
1923/100400 Perth Matthews Henry John Male Hounslow Ivy Mary Purcell Female Victoria Park
1923/100400 Perth Hounslow Ivy Mary Purcell Female Matthews Henry John Male Victoria Park
1923/100401 Perth Sims Winefred May Female Gladwell Edward James Male Victoria Park
1923/100401 Perth Gladwell Edward James Male Sims Winefred May Female Victoria Park
1923/100402 Perth Barry Horace James Male Olive Ruby Victoria Female Perth
1923/100402 Perth Olive Ruby Victoria Female Barry Horace James Male Perth
1923/100403 Perth Cadwallader Walter Augustus Male Brown Agnes Christina Female Leederville
1923/100403 Perth Brown Agnes Christina Female Cadwallader Walter Augustus Male Leederville
1923/100404 Perth Grant John Alfred Male Vannan May Haseard Female Perth
1923/100404 Perth Vannan May Haseard Female Grant John Alfred Male Perth
1923/100405 Perth Crocker Florrie Female Attridge Arthur Anthony Laddis Male Perth
1923/100405 Perth Attridge Arthur Anthony Laddis Male Crocker Florrie Female Perth
1923/100406 Perth O'Connor Edward Francis Male Plummer Eveline Helen Female North Perth
1923/100406 Perth Plummer Eveline Helen Female O'Connor Edward Francis Male North Perth
1923/100407 Perth Gard Reta May Female Worley Frederick Arthur Male Perth
1923/100407 Perth Worley Frederick Arthur Male Gard Reta May Female Perth
1923/100408 Perth O'Neil Ellen Marcella Female Ockerby Harold Bertram Male Perth
1923/100408 Perth Ockerby Harold Bertram Male O'Neil Ellen Marcella Female Perth
1923/100409 Perth Cunningham Edward John Male Ramsay Rosa Virginia Female Perth
1923/100409 Perth Ramsay Rosa Virginia Female Cunningham Edward John Male Perth
1923/100410 Perth Waller Sydney Forrester Male Blaikie Hannah Female Perth
1923/100410 Perth Blaikie Hannah Female Waller Sydney Forrester Male Perth
1923/100411 Perth Crews Reginald Wigzell Male Nurray Lucy Maria Elizabeth Female Subiaco
1923/100411 Perth Nurray Lucy Maria Elizabeth Female Crews Reginald Wigzell Male Subiaco
1923/100412 Perth Colquhoun Rosina Francis Female Gaunt Arthur Male Subiaco
1923/100412 Perth Gaunt Arthur Male Colquhoun Rosina Francis Female Subiaco
1923/100413 Perth Oliver Thomas Arthur Male Evans Edith Muriel Hasler Female Subiaco
1923/100413 Perth Evans Edith Muriel Hasler Female Oliver Thomas Arthur Male Subiaco
1923/100414 Perth Warr Constance Emily Female Yandle Francis Male Subiaco
1923/100414 Perth Yandle Francis Male Warr Constance Emily Female Subiaco
1923/100415 Perth Lun Charles Si Male Mong Margaret Swee Female Perth
1923/100415 Perth Mong Margaret Swee Female Lun Charles Si Male Perth
1923/100416 Perth Cross Reginald Hedley Male Gooden Violet Dorothy Female Leederville
1923/100416 Perth Gooden Violet Dorothy Female Cross Reginald Hedley Male Leederville
1923/100417 Perth Williams William Bartle Male Flanders Thelma Mildred Enid Female Leederville
1923/100417 Perth Flanders Thelma Mildred Enid Female Williams William Bartle Male Leederville
1923/100418 Perth Matthews Melbourne Hubert Randolph Male McLean Irene Pearl Female Leederville
1923/100418 Perth McLean Irene Pearl Female Matthews Melbourne Hubert Randolph Male Leederville
1923/100419 Perth Sims Francis Granville Male Gwynne Della Florence Female Leederville
1923/100419 Perth Gwynne Della Florence Female Sims Francis Granville Male Leederville
1923/100420 Perth Bottle Pearl Eva Female Scally Thomas Richard Male Perth
1923/100420 Perth Scally Thomas Richard Male Bottle Pearl Eva Female Perth
1923/100421 Perth Mullins Sydney James Male Nelson Mary Augusta Alvina Female Perth
1923/100421 Perth Nelson Mary Augusta Alvina Female Mullins Sydney James Male Perth
1923/100422 Perth Hale Arthur Harry Vernon Male Moar Lynda Female South Perth
1923/100422 Perth Moar Lynda Female Hale Arthur Harry Vernon Male South Perth
1923/100423 Perth Culverwell George Ernest Albert Male Roberts Lilian Edith Female Claremont
1923/100423 Perth Roberts Lilian Edith Female Culverwell George Ernest Albert Male Claremont
1923/100424 Perth Connor Lionel Male Worth Lilian May Female Perth
1923/100424 Perth Worth Lilian May Female Connor Lionel Male Perth
1923/100425 Perth Parsons Emily Mary Female Hough Herbert Holman Male Perth
1923/100425 Perth Hough Herbert Holman Male Parsons Emily Mary Female Perth
1923/100426 Perth Nelson William Frederick Douglas Male Emmett Irene Mary Female Perth
1923/100426 Perth Emmett Irene Mary Female Nelson William Frederick Douglas Male Perth
1923/100427 Perth Mather Jack Male Saunders Edith Lillian Female Perth
1923/100427 Perth Saunders Edith Lillian Female Mather Jack Male Perth
1923/100428 Perth Walsh Mabel Gladys Female Birch Wilfred Bray Male Perth
1923/100428 Perth Birch Wilfred Bray Male Walsh Mabel Gladys Female Perth
1923/100429 Perth Boal Samuel Male Stone Phyllis Margaret Violet Female North Perth
1923/100429 Perth Stone Phyllis Margaret Violet Female Boal Samuel Male North Perth
1923/100430 Perth Maynard Cecil Townsend Male Orr Lydia Jane Female North Perth
1923/100430 Perth Orr Lydia Jane Female Maynard Cecil Townsend Male North Perth
1923/100431 Perth Edelman William Male Silverman Lily Female Perth
1923/100431 Perth Silverman Lily Female Edelman William Male Perth
1923/100432 Perth Pascoe Alice Female Rowe Roy Male Claremont
1923/100432 Perth Rowe Roy Male Pascoe Alice Female Claremont
1923/100433 Perth Cobbe Eva Ellen Female Fielding John Male Perth
1923/100433 Perth Fielding John Male Cobbe Eva Ellen Female Perth
1923/100434 Perth Lonergan Mary Josephine Female Ross Leslie Arthur Male Perth
1923/100434 Perth Ross Leslie Arthur Male Lonergan Mary Josephine Female Perth
1923/100435 Perth Jessup Grace May Female Hynes Colman John Male Victoria Park
1923/100435 Perth Hynes Colman John Male Jessup Grace May Female Victoria Park
1923/100436 Perth Harris Mabel Emily Female Shepherd Stephen Male Victoria Park
1923/100436 Perth Shepherd Stephen Male Harris Mabel Emily Female Victoria Park
1923/100437 Perth Harvey Arthur Edward Male Munn Lillian Marian Female Perth
1923/100437 Perth Munn Lillian Marian Female Harvey Arthur Edward Male Perth
1923/100438 Perth Twomey William James Male Hughes Olive May Female Perth
1923/100438 Perth Hughes Olive May Female Twomey William James Male Perth
1923/100439 Perth Lee John Aggett Male Hill Ellen Female Perth
1923/100439 Perth Hill Ellen Female Lee John Aggett Male Perth
1923/100440 Perth Benbow Anthony Stewart Male Smith Hilda Nella Female Perth
1923/100440 Perth Smith Hilda Nella Female Benbow Anthony Stewart Male Perth
1923/100441 Perth Stoneman Rosie Louisa Female Bonny Charles Martin Male Perth
1923/100441 Perth Bonny Charles Martin Male Stoneman Rosie Louisa Female Perth
1923/100442 Perth Allen John Critchley Male Quantock Dorothy Female Perth
1923/100442 Perth Quantock Dorothy Female Allen John Critchley Male Perth
1923/100443 Perth Stone Harold Evan Male Edwards Vera Female Subiaco
1923/100443 Perth Edwards Vera Female Stone Harold Evan Male Subiaco
1923/100444 Perth Crago Rowland Tamblyn Male Mitchell Violet Female Claremont
1923/100444 Perth Mitchell Violet Female Crago Rowland Tamblyn Male Claremont
1923/100445 Perth Sparks James William Male McLachlan Mary Doris Female Perth
1923/100445 Perth McLachlan Mary Doris Female Sparks James William Male Perth
1923/100446 Perth Phillips Ernest Charles Male Church St Frances Female Perth
1923/100446 Perth Church St Frances Female Phillips Ernest Charles Male Perth
1923/100447 Perth Corr Oswald Reford Male Robertson Beryl Merton Female Perth
1923/100447 Perth Robertson Beryl Merton Female Corr Oswald Reford Male Perth
1923/100448 Perth Thompson Geoffrey Ashburton Male Moon Constance Josephine Female Perth
1923/100448 Perth Moon Constance Josephine Female Thompson Geoffrey Ashburton Male Perth
1923/100449 Perth Bradshaw John Male Hamerton Beatrice Annie Female Subiaco
1923/100449 Perth Hamerton Beatrice Annie Female Bradshaw John Male Subiaco
1923/100450 Perth Telling Esther Ruby Female Mayberry Alexander James Male Perth
1923/100450 Perth Mayberry Alexander James Male Telling Esther Ruby Female Perth
1923/100451 Perth Marchant Neil Thomas Male Woods Catherine Female Perth
1923/100451 Perth Woods Catherine Female Marchant Neil Thomas Male Perth
1923/100452 Perth Morgan Philomena Female Halket George Manson Male Perth
1923/100452 Perth Halket George Manson Male Morgan Philomena Female Perth
1923/100453 Perth McGrath Eileen Female Corser Douglas John Albin Male Victoria Park
1923/100453 Perth Corser Douglas John Albin Male McGrath Eileen Female Victoria Park
1923/100454 Perth Kornweibel Albert Hubert Carl Male Woodhouse Alma Female Mt Hawthorn
1923/100454 Perth Woodhouse Alma Female Kornweibel Albert Hubert Carl Male Mt Hawthorn
1923/100455 Perth Webster John Alexander Male Biffen Amelia Adelaide Female West Perth
1923/100455 Perth Biffen Amelia Adelaide Female Webster John Alexander Male West Perth
1923/100456 Perth Warden George Low Male Vanstone Olive Lillian Female West Perth
1923/100456 Perth Vanstone Olive Lillian Female Warden George Low Male West Perth
1923/100457 Perth Mearns Dora Female McKinlay Daniel James Male Subiaco
1923/100457 Perth McKinlay Daniel James Male Mearns Dora Female Subiaco
1923/100458 Perth Kelly Thomas Male Morcombe Ethel Jane Ambrosene Female Perth
1923/100458 Perth Morcombe Ethel Jane Ambrosene Female Kelly Thomas Male Perth
1923/100459 Perth Dunne Martin Patrick Male Hood Mary Chalmers Female Perth
1923/100459 Perth Hood Mary Chalmers Female Dunne Martin Patrick Male Perth
1923/100460 Perth O'Connor John William Male Featherstone Bera Frances Female Perth
1923/100460 Perth Featherstone Bera Frances Female O'Connor John William Male Perth
1923/100461 Perth Scheikowsky Alexander Male Hall Amy Grace Female Perth
1923/100461 Perth Hall Amy Grace Female Scheikowsky Alexander Male Perth
1923/100462 Perth Murphy Francis Joseph Male O'Brien Irene Phyllis Female Perth
1923/100462 Perth O'Brien Irene Phyllis Female Murphy Francis Joseph Male Perth
1923/100463 Perth Ross Margaret Mary Female Duggan Patrick Joseph Male Perth
1923/100463 Perth Duggan Patrick Joseph Male Ross Margaret Mary Female Perth
1923/100464 Perth Robinson Florence Ellen Female Kerrigan Thomas Michael Male Perth
1923/100464 Perth Kerrigan Thomas Michael Male Robinson Florence Ellen Female Perth
1923/100465 Perth Hall Caroline Mary Female McCallum Hugh Male Perth
1923/100465 Perth McCallum Hugh Male Hall Caroline Mary Female Perth
1923/100466 Perth Lake Thomas Male Jenkins Hilda Isabel Female Perth
1923/100466 Perth Jenkins Hilda Isabel Female Lake Thomas Male Perth
1923/100467 Perth Newsham Kathleen Milla Burke Female Buttfield Sidney Moir Male Perth
1923/100467 Perth Buttfield Sidney Moir Male Newsham Kathleen Milla Burke Female Perth
1923/100468 Perth Exley Winifred Female Moore Gwylim Frank Cecil Male North Perth
1923/100468 Perth Moore Gwylim Frank Cecil Male Exley Winifred Female North Perth
1923/100469 Perth Tipper Matilda Daisy Female Davis Leonard Nelson Male North Perth
1923/100469 Perth Davis Leonard Nelson Male Tipper Matilda Daisy Female North Perth
1923/100470 Perth Demasson Violet Florence Female Thorne Arthur Gordon Male North Perth
1923/100470 Perth Thorne Arthur Gordon Male Demasson Violet Florence Female North Perth
1923/100471 Perth Dowdell Mary Ellen Female Lawrence Gilbert Robey Male Perth
1923/100471 Perth Lawrence Gilbert Robey Male Dowdell Mary Ellen Female Perth
1923/100472 Perth Derepas Herberta Catherine Female Croft Dudley Everard Male Perth
1923/100472 Perth Croft Dudley Everard Male Derepas Herberta Catherine Female Perth
1923/100473 Perth Miller Florence Jean Female Bennett James Robert Male Perth
1923/100473 Perth Bennett James Robert Male Miller Florence Jean Female Perth
1923/100474 Perth Sadleir Elizabeth Mary Female Boddington James Thomas Male Perth
1923/100474 Perth Boddington James Thomas Male Sadleir Elizabeth Mary Female Perth
1923/100475 Perth Deacon Joseph Male Maher Gertrude Ellen Female Perth
1923/100475 Perth Maher Gertrude Ellen Female Deacon Joseph Male Perth
1923/100476 Perth Brown Mary Female Carroll John Male Perth
1923/100476 Perth Carroll John Male Brown Mary Female Perth
1923/100477 Perth Simpon Edith May Female Miller Leslie Lewis Male Claremont
1923/100477 Perth Miller Leslie Lewis Male Simpon Edith May Female Claremont
1923/100478 Perth Simpson Doris Jane Female Secligson Camillo Cyrus Male Cottesloe
1923/100478 Perth Secligson Camillo Cyrus Male Simpson Doris Jane Female Cottesloe
1923/100479 Perth Cailes Florence Jean Female Crowley Thomas Male Maylands
1923/100479 Perth Crowley Thomas Male Cailes Florence Jean Female Maylands
1923/100480 Perth Taylor John Male Noden Rose Female Nedlands
1923/100480 Perth Noden Rose Female Taylor John Male Nedlands
1923/100481 Perth Winchcombe Irene Susan Emily Female Broun Mafeking Seymour Spencer Male Perth
1923/100481 Perth Broun Mafeking Seymour Spencer Male Winchcombe Irene Susan Emily Female Perth
1923/100482 Perth Lushey Arthur Warren Male Fishwick Elsie May Female Subiaco
1923/100482 Perth Fishwick Elsie May Female Lushey Arthur Warren Male Subiaco
1923/100483 Perth Eddy Mervyn Ewart Male Hutchinson Vera Amelia Female Perth
1923/100483 Perth Hutchinson Vera Amelia Female Eddy Mervyn Ewart Male Perth
1923/100484 Perth Newman Mabel Faith Female Long George Emmett Male Perth
1923/100484 Perth Long George Emmett Male Newman Mabel Faith Female Perth
1923/100485 Perth Simpson George Alfred Male Nicks Nellie Martha Female Perth
1923/100485 Perth Nicks Nellie Martha Female Simpson George Alfred Male Perth
1923/100486 Perth Bushell William Male Bevan Zildahe Louisa Evelyn Female Nedlands
1923/100486 Perth Bevan Zildahe Louisa Evelyn Female Bushell William Male Nedlands
1923/100487 Perth McLean William Male Cash Mary Female Perth
1923/100487 Perth Cash Mary Female McLean William Male Perth
1923/100488 Perth McRae Bertram Male Wibberley Ethel Grace Female Perth
1923/100488 Perth Wibberley Ethel Grace Female McRae Bertram Male Perth
1923/100489 Perth Masterson James Male Clark Edith Laura Female Mt Hawthorn
1923/100489 Perth Clark Edith Laura Female Masterson James Male Mt Hawthorn
1923/100490 Perth Graham Annie Female Gaunt Roy Male Subiaco
1923/100490 Perth Gaunt Roy Male Graham Annie Female Subiaco
1923/100491 Perth Gibson Kathleen Nora Female Collins Archibald Male West Perth
1923/100491 Perth Collins Archibald Male Gibson Kathleen Nora Female West Perth
1923/100492 Perth Deering Ivy Rosette Female Gardner Frank Herbert Male Perth
1923/100492 Perth Gardner Frank Herbert Male Deering Ivy Rosette Female Perth
1923/100493 Perth Fairs Nellie Kathleen Female Cadwallader Frederick George Male Perth
1923/100493 Perth Cadwallader Frederick George Male Fairs Nellie Kathleen Female Perth
1923/100494 Perth De Roca Mary Evelyn Female Roberts Douglas George Male Perth
1923/100494 Perth Roberts Douglas George Male De Roca Mary Evelyn Female Perth
1923/100495 Perth Allan Alexander McNiven Male Munday Beryl Irene Female Perth
1923/100495 Perth Munday Beryl Irene Female Allan Alexander McNiven Male Perth
1923/100496 Perth Critchley Lilian Eveline Female Novell James Male Perth
1923/100496 Perth Novell James Male Critchley Lilian Eveline Female Perth
1923/100497 Perth Romaro Victoria Maud Female McNee Robert John Male West Leederville
1923/100497 Perth McNee Robert John Male Romaro Victoria Maud Female West Leederville
1923/100498 Perth Dennis John Henry Male Dickinson Florence Ivy Female West Perth
1923/100498 Perth Dickinson Florence Ivy Female Dennis John Henry Male West Perth
1923/100499 Perth Andrews Violet Female Angland Joseph Male Perth
1923/100499 Perth Angland Joseph Male Andrews Violet Female Perth
1923/100500 Perth Martin Laura Grace Female Dunn David Male Perth
1923/100500 Perth Dunn David Male Martin Laura Grace Female Perth
1923/100501 Perth Valent Joseph Anthony Sabastian Male Dell'Agostino Marrianna Female West Perth
1923/100501 Perth Dell'Agostino Marrianna Female Valent Joseph Anthony Sabastian Male West Perth
1923/100502 Perth Smith Dora Catherine Female Waters Richard Male West Perth
1923/100502 Perth Waters Richard Male Smith Dora Catherine Female West Perth
1923/100503 Perth Boxhall Ellen Mary Female Hogan Herbert Male West Perth
1923/100503 Perth Hogan Herbert Male Boxhall Ellen Mary Female West Perth
1923/100504 Perth Faulkner Hilda May Female Bladen Charles Louis Male Perth
1923/100504 Perth Bladen Charles Louis Male Faulkner Hilda May Female Perth
1923/100505 Perth Hanning Samuel Male Farrow Clara Female Victoria Park
1923/100505 Perth Farrow Clara Female Hanning Samuel Male Victoria Park
1923/100506 Perth Kino Yetta Female Goldstein Bernard Male Perth
1923/100506 Perth Goldstein Bernard Male Kino Yetta Female Perth
1923/100507 Perth Dawson Alma Elizabeth Female Hanson Fredrick Emil Male Subiaco
1923/100507 Perth Hanson Fredrick Emil Male Dawson Alma Elizabeth Female Subiaco
1923/100508 Perth Murphy Mary Kate Female Benns Philip Christopher Male Subiaco
1923/100508 Perth Benns Philip Christopher Male Murphy Mary Kate Female Subiaco
1923/100509 Perth Fornero Peter Male Brown Eileen Mary Female Subiaco
1923/100509 Perth Brown Eileen Mary Female Fornero Peter Male Subiaco
1923/100510 Perth Mitchell Ernest Reynolds Male Dennis Florence May Female Subiaco
1923/100510 Perth Dennis Florence May Female Mitchell Ernest Reynolds Male Subiaco
1923/100511 Perth Appleton George Wesley Male Crocos Jean Agnes Female Bayswater
1923/100511 Perth Crocos Jean Agnes Female Appleton George Wesley Male Bayswater
1923/100512 Perth Thompson Bridget Female Freeman George Samuel Male Maylands
1923/100512 Perth Freeman George Samuel Male Thompson Bridget Female Maylands
1923/100513 Perth Cumming Phyllis Marjorie Female Fitzgerald William Gregory Male Perth
1923/100513 Perth Fitzgerald William Gregory Male Cumming Phyllis Marjorie Female Perth
1923/100514 Perth Oddy Dorothy Female Arnold Leslie Male Perth
1923/100514 Perth Arnold Leslie Male Oddy Dorothy Female Perth
1923/100515 Perth Burrows Willam Male MacDonald Dorothy Female Perth
1923/100515 Perth MacDonald Dorothy Female Burrows Willam Male Perth
1923/100516 Perth Gray Herbert Milton Male Biltoft Mary Hannah Female Perth
1923/100516 Perth Biltoft Mary Hannah Female Gray Herbert Milton Male Perth
1923/100517 Perth Kealley Clifford Robin Male Jeans Ida Fanny Female Claremont
1923/100517 Perth Jeans Ida Fanny Female Kealley Clifford Robin Male Claremont
1923/100518 Perth Cuthbert Laura Hannah Martha Female Schofield Wilfred Male Perth
1923/100518 Perth Schofield Wilfred Male Cuthbert Laura Hannah Martha Female Perth
1923/100519 Perth Wisher Alice Henrietta Female Dixon Edward Cyril Male North Perth
1923/100519 Perth Dixon Edward Cyril Male Wisher Alice Henrietta Female North Perth
1923/100520 Perth McKeown Winifred Florence Female Saunders Oswald Arthur Male Cottesloe
1923/100520 Perth Saunders Oswald Arthur Male McKeown Winifred Florence Female Cottesloe
1923/100521 Perth Marriott Frank William Charles Male Acton Grace Rosina Female Perth
1923/100521 Perth Acton Grace Rosina Female Marriott Frank William Charles Male Perth
1923/100522 Perth Goode Roger Britten Male Sandover Kathleen Mary Female Perth
1923/100522 Perth Sandover Kathleen Mary Female Goode Roger Britten Male Perth
1923/100523 Perth Albrecht Edward Llewellyn Male Gillard Marjorie Female Perth
1923/100523 Perth Gillard Marjorie Female Albrecht Edward Llewellyn Male Perth
1923/100524 Perth Martin Alexander Urquhart Male Harden Blanche Dorothy Female Perth
1923/100524 Perth Harden Blanche Dorothy Female Martin Alexander Urquhart Male Perth
1923/100525 Perth Wasley George Male Forrest Kathleen Ellen Female Perth
1923/100525 Perth Forrest Kathleen Ellen Female Wasley George Male Perth
1923/100526 Perth Challinor William George Male Spigl Batzion Female Perth
1923/100526 Perth Spigl Batzion Female Challinor William George Male Perth
1923/100527 Perth Bolitho Violet Mary Female Duschka Carl Martin Male North Perth
1923/100527 Perth Duschka Carl Martin Male Bolitho Violet Mary Female North Perth
1923/100528 Perth Potts John Ralph Male Murphy Margaret Mary Female Perth
1923/100528 Perth Murphy Margaret Mary Female Potts John Ralph Male Perth
1923/100529 Perth Davies Henry Male Allan Jean Female Perth
1923/100529 Perth Allan Jean Female Davies Henry Male Perth
1923/100530 Perth Giozzi Caterina Female Pellegrini Domenic Male Perth
1923/100530 Perth Pellegrini Domenic Male Giozzi Caterina Female Perth
1923/100531 Perth Stark Edward Oswald Norman Male Pallett Ivy Female Claremont
1923/100531 Perth Pallett Ivy Female Stark Edward Oswald Norman Male Claremont
1923/100532 Perth Thomas John James Male Gray Isabella Catherine Female North Perth
1923/100532 Perth Gray Isabella Catherine Female Thomas John James Male North Perth
1923/100533 Perth Lacey Horatio Herbert George Male Weickhardt Dorothy Freda Louise Female Victoria Park
1923/100533 Perth Weickhardt Dorothy Freda Louise Female Lacey Horatio Herbert George Male Victoria Park
1923/100534 Perth Knight Frank Male Smith Margaret Elizabeth Female Subiaco
1923/100534 Perth Smith Margaret Elizabeth Female Knight Frank Male Subiaco
1923/100535 Perth Christie Violet May Female Whittleston George John Vincent Male East Perth
1923/100535 Perth Whittleston George John Vincent Male Christie Violet May Female East Perth
1924/100535 Perth Vecchia Mary Mona Female Clarke George Maynard Male West Perth
1924/100535 Perth Clarke George Maynard Male Vecchia Mary Mona Female West Perth
1924/100536 Perth Winton Thomas Griffiths Male McCann Dorothy Margaret Female West Perth
1924/100536 Perth McCann Dorothy Margaret Female Winton Thomas Griffiths Male West Perth
1923/100536 Perth Haynes Mary Female Saggers Wilfred Norman Male Perth
1923/100536 Perth Saggers Wilfred Norman Male Haynes Mary Female Perth
1923/100537 Perth Nugent Joseph Male Young Mable Olive Female Perth
1924/100537 Perth Branson Edith May Female Ramsden John William Male West Perth
1924/100537 Perth Ramsden John William Male Branson Edith May Female West Perth
1923/100537 Perth Young Mable Olive Female Nugent Joseph Male Perth
1924/100538 Perth Purcell Edward Patrick Male Brown Jessie Jane Female West Perth
1924/100538 Perth Brown Jessie Jane Female Purcell Edward Patrick Male West Perth
1923/100538 Perth Croft Cecil Albion Percy Male Arnot Beatrice Mary Veronica Female Perth
1923/100538 Perth Arnot Beatrice Mary Veronica Female Croft Cecil Albion Percy Male Perth
1924/100539 Perth Tobin Thomas Henry Male Wareham Dora Mary Theresa Female West Perth
1923/100539 Perth Motteram Clara Gertrude Female Burgess Leonard Male Perth
1923/100539 Perth Burgess Leonard Male Motteram Clara Gertrude Female Perth
1924/100539 Perth Wareham Dora Mary Theresa Female Tobin Thomas Henry Male West Perth
1923/100540 Perth Kemble John Leonard Male Radford Mima Lilian Female Perth
1924/100540 Perth Casserly Peter Male Delgado Monica Dolores Female West Perth
1923/100540 Perth Radford Mima Lilian Female Kemble John Leonard Male Perth
1924/100540 Perth Delgado Monica Dolores Female Casserly Peter Male West Perth
1923/100541 Perth Winter Claude Stanley Male Smith Jessie Elizabeth Cardus Arpafeelie Female Leederville
1923/100541 Perth Smith Jessie Elizabeth Cardus Arpafeelie Female Winter Claude Stanley Male Leederville
1924/100541 Perth Clark May Female Brown Henry William Male West Perth
1924/100541 Perth Brown Henry William Male Clark May Female West Perth
1923/100542 Perth Toholka James Clement Male Cutmore Ethel Female Leederville
1923/100542 Perth Cutmore Ethel Female Toholka James Clement Male Leederville
1924/100542 Perth McGregor Dorothy Evangeliste Female Lindberg Edward Male West Perth
1924/100542 Perth Lindberg Edward Male McGregor Dorothy Evangeliste Female West Perth
1924/100543 Perth McGregor Roland Male Wright Annie Beatrice Female West Perth
1924/100543 Perth Wright Annie Beatrice Female McGregor Roland Male West Perth
1923/100543 Perth Inglis Mary Female O'Connor John Male Perth
1923/100543 Perth O'Connor John Male Inglis Mary Female Perth
1923/100544 Perth Martin Henry Male Gibbs Muriel Charlotte Female Perth
1923/100544 Perth Gibbs Muriel Charlotte Female Martin Henry Male Perth
1923/100545 Perth McKay Basil Joseph Male Ross Josephine Letitia Female Perth
1923/100545 Perth Ross Josephine Letitia Female McKay Basil Joseph Male Perth
1923/100546 Perth Audibert Ellen Cicily Winnington Female Stewart Charles Male Perth
1923/100546 Perth Stewart Charles Male Audibert Ellen Cicily Winnington Female Perth
1923/100547 Perth Payne Gertrude Female Jones Victor Henry Male North Perth
1923/100547 Perth Jones Victor Henry Male Payne Gertrude Female North Perth
1923/100548 Perth Moore Florence Female Pierce Frank Stanley Male North Perth
1923/100548 Perth Pierce Frank Stanley Male Moore Florence Female North Perth
1923/100549 Perth Maddock Clara Ann Female Moore Ernest Welsley Male North Perth
1923/100549 Perth Moore Ernest Welsley Male Maddock Clara Ann Female North Perth
1923/100550 Perth Paterson Annie Ewing Gordon Female Stevens Sidney Dixon Male North Perth
1923/100550 Perth Stevens Sidney Dixon Male Paterson Annie Ewing Gordon Female North Perth
1923/100551 Perth Griffiths Minnie Olive Female Heasman Albert Male Perth
1923/100551 Perth Heasman Albert Male Griffiths Minnie Olive Female Perth
1923/100552 Perth Drager Adolph Leopold Male Armstrong Mary Ellen Female Perth
1923/100552 Perth Armstrong Mary Ellen Female Drager Adolph Leopold Male Perth
1923/100553 Perth Fellows James Henry Male Parkes Ida Pasley Female Cottesloe
1923/100553 Perth Parkes Ida Pasley Female Fellows James Henry Male Cottesloe
1923/100554 Perth Levy Rosetta Betsy Female Masel Isidore Male Perth
1923/100554 Perth Masel Isidore Male Levy Rosetta Betsy Female Perth
1923/100555 Perth McDiarmid Ethel Female Ward Harry Leslie Male Rosalie
1923/100555 Perth Ward Harry Leslie Male McDiarmid Ethel Female Rosalie
1923/100556 Perth Emerson Isabel May Cole Female Todd John Male Perth
1923/100556 Perth Todd John Male Emerson Isabel May Cole Female Perth
1923/100557 Perth Ames Russell Irwin Male Foweraker Georgine Florence Amilia Female Perth
1923/100557 Perth Foweraker Georgine Florence Amilia Female Ames Russell Irwin Male Perth
1923/100558 Perth Tiller Mary Irene Female Robins Percy James Arthur Male Perth
1923/100558 Perth Robins Percy James Arthur Male Tiller Mary Irene Female Perth
1923/100559 Perth Taylor Claude Richard Male Cripps Lorna Kathleen Female Perth
1923/100559 Perth Cripps Lorna Kathleen Female Taylor Claude Richard Male Perth
1923/100560 Perth Nineham Evelyn Frederick Male Constantine Gladys Ethel Mona Female Claremont
1923/100560 Perth Constantine Gladys Ethel Mona Female Nineham Evelyn Frederick Male Claremont
1923/100561 Perth Fortescue Elsie May Female Bramley Albert John Male Perth
1923/100561 Perth Bramley Albert John Male Fortescue Elsie May Female Perth
1923/100562 Perth Stanley Gwendoline Mary Female Johnston Robert Leslie Male Perth
1923/100562 Perth Johnston Robert Leslie Male Stanley Gwendoline Mary Female Perth
1923/100563 Perth Hawley Alexander Richard Male Gray Eva Female Perth
1923/100563 Perth Gray Eva Female Hawley Alexander Richard Male Perth
1923/100564 Perth Gilchrist Muriel Catherine Female Hicks Ernest Collins Male Perth
1923/100564 Perth Hicks Ernest Collins Male Gilchrist Muriel Catherine Female Perth
1923/100565 Perth Bradford Walter David Male Syme Margaret Fenwick Female Perth
1923/100565 Perth Syme Margaret Fenwick Female Bradford Walter David Male Perth
1923/100566 Perth Laudy Harry Male Hatch Amelia Female Perth
1923/100566 Perth Hatch Amelia Female Laudy Harry Male Perth
1923/100567 Perth Medley Doris Female Atkinson Hercules William Male West Perth
1923/100567 Perth Atkinson Hercules William Male Medley Doris Female West Perth
1923/100568 Perth Franklin Ernest Horace Male Farrell Daisy Elizabeth Female Victoria Park
1923/100568 Perth Farrell Daisy Elizabeth Female Franklin Ernest Horace Male Victoria Park
1923/100569 Perth Jones Mary Frances Female Christensen Theodor Carl Male Perth
1923/100569 Perth Christensen Theodor Carl Male Jones Mary Frances Female Perth
1923/100570 Perth Nicholas William Robert Male Bell Flora Female Cottesloe
1923/100570 Perth Bell Flora Female Nicholas William Robert Male Cottesloe
1923/100571 Perth Buckingham Phoebe Elizabeth Female Jermy Hendry Cutton Male West Perth
1923/100571 Perth Jermy Hendry Cutton Male Buckingham Phoebe Elizabeth Female West Perth
1923/100572 Perth Adams Melba Miriam Female Curtis Robert James Male Perth
1923/100572 Perth Curtis Robert James Male Adams Melba Miriam Female Perth
1923/100573 Perth Arenas Elizabeth Bell Female Coutsouvelis Thrassivoulos John Male Perth
1923/100573 Perth Coutsouvelis Thrassivoulos John Male Arenas Elizabeth Bell Female Perth
1923/100574 Perth Bracken John William Male Riddle Jane Agnes Female Perth
1923/100574 Perth Riddle Jane Agnes Female Bracken John William Male Perth
1923/100575 Perth Silverwood Alfred Male Smith Hilda Maud Female Bayswater
1923/100575 Perth Smith Hilda Maud Female Silverwood Alfred Male Bayswater
1923/100576 Perth Crighton James Male Sandison Elizabeth Female Claremont
1923/100576 Perth Sandison Elizabeth Female Crighton James Male Claremont
1923/100577 Perth North Thomas Samuel Henry Male Willis Eileen Edith Female Subiaco
1923/100577 Perth Willis Eileen Edith Female North Thomas Samuel Henry Male Subiaco
1923/100578 Perth Gray Hannah Snell Gibbons Female Samways Richard Constantine Male Perth
1923/100578 Perth Samways Richard Constantine Male Gray Hannah Snell Gibbons Female Perth
1923/100579 Perth Miller Rhoda Joyce Charles Female Godecke Harold Leslie Male Osborne Park
1923/100579 Perth Godecke Harold Leslie Male Miller Rhoda Joyce Charles Female Osborne Park
1923/100580 Perth Moloney Francis William Male Stock Margaret Mary Female Perth
1923/100580 Perth Stock Margaret Mary Female Moloney Francis William Male Perth
1923/100581 Perth Jeffery John Male Hough Amy Female Leederville
1923/100581 Perth Hough Amy Female Jeffery John Male Leederville
1923/100582 Perth McCrackan James Owen Male Holdaway Dorothy Kathleen Female Leederville
1923/100582 Perth Holdaway Dorothy Kathleen Female McCrackan James Owen Male Leederville
1923/100583 Perth Gittins Alfred Male Hesse Adelhaid Female Victoria Park
1923/100583 Perth Hesse Adelhaid Female Gittins Alfred Male Victoria Park
1923/100584 Perth Graves Ernest John Male Withnell Ellen Amelia Female Perth
1923/100584 Perth Withnell Ellen Amelia Female Graves Ernest John Male Perth
1923/100585 Perth Mort George Edward Male Doddemead Pearl Muriel Malthouse Female Perth
1923/100585 Perth Doddemead Pearl Muriel Malthouse Female Mort George Edward Male Perth
1923/100586 Perth Banham George Male Bates Olive Female Perth
1923/100586 Perth Bates Olive Female Banham George Male Perth
1923/100587 Perth Renfrey Winnifred Mildred Female Hammond George Henry Male Mt Lawley
1923/100587 Perth Hammond George Henry Male Renfrey Winnifred Mildred Female Mt Lawley
1923/100588 Perth Holland Minnie Elizabeth Female Hoskyns-Abrahall James Male Perth
1923/100588 Perth Hoskyns-Abrahall James Male Holland Minnie Elizabeth Female Perth
1923/100589 Perth Watts Jack Male Wright Lilian Beatrice Female Perth
1923/100589 Perth Wright Lilian Beatrice Female Krietmayer Maxmilian Ludwig Male Perth
1923/100589 Perth Wright Lilian Beatrice Female Krietmayer Jack Male Perth
1923/100589 Perth Wright Lilian Beatrice Female Watts Maxmilian Ludwig Male Perth
1923/100589 Perth Wright Lilian Beatrice Female Watts Jack Male Perth
1923/100589 Perth Krietmayer Maxmilian Ludwig Male Wright Lilian Beatrice Female Perth
1923/100589 Perth Krietmayer Jack Male Wright Lilian Beatrice Female Perth
1923/100589 Perth Watts Maxmilian Ludwig Male Wright Lilian Beatrice Female Perth
1923/100590 Perth Brennan John Augusta Male Cuthbertson Margaret Jane Female Maylands
1923/100590 Perth Cuthbertson Margaret Jane Female Brennan John Augusta Male Maylands
1923/100591 Perth Payne Leslie Scott Male Spencer Ethel May Female Maylands
1923/100591 Perth Spencer Ethel May Female Payne Leslie Scott Male Maylands
1923/100592 Perth James Wilfred Alexander Male Silvester Mae Alice Female Perth
1923/100592 Perth Silvester Mae Alice Female James Wilfred Alexander Male Perth
1923/100593 Perth Miller Annie Henderson Female Sykes Herbert Male Perth
1923/100593 Perth Sykes Herbert Male Miller Annie Henderson Female Perth
1923/100594 Perth Flint Joseph Male Walsh Mary Female Maylands
1923/100594 Perth Walsh Mary Female Flint Joseph Male Maylands
1923/100595 Perth Wyllie Robert Stewart Male Christie Annie Female Perth
1923/100595 Perth Christie Annie Female Wyllie Robert Stewart Male Perth
1923/100596 Perth Conochie William Gladstone Male Ward Tillie Vera Mona Female Claremont
1923/100596 Perth Ward Tillie Vera Mona Female Conochie William Gladstone Male Claremont
1923/100597 Perth Manning Kathleen Esther Female Law Michael Joseph Noel Male Claremont
1923/100597 Perth Law Michael Joseph Noel Male Manning Kathleen Esther Female Claremont
1923/100598 Perth Lipsett Florence Muriel Female Watson Thomas Chalmers Scott Male Subiaco
1923/100598 Perth Watson Thomas Chalmers Scott Male Lipsett Florence Muriel Female Subiaco
1923/100599 Perth Glaskin Gilbert Henry Male Gugeri Delia Mary Female Perth
1923/100599 Perth Gugeri Delia Mary Female Glaskin Gilbert Henry Male Perth
1923/100600 Perth de Gruchy Violet Female Bennett Alfred Stewart Male Subiaco
1923/100600 Perth Bennett Alfred Stewart Male de Gruchy Violet Female Subiaco
1923/100601 Perth Daniel Edith Florence Lilian Female Heiden Frederick Carl Male Subiaco
1923/100601 Perth Heiden Frederick Carl Male Daniel Edith Florence Lilian Female Subiaco
1923/100602 Perth Pryor Harold Leslie Male Elyard Miriam May Female Subiaco
1923/100602 Perth Elyard Miriam May Female Pryor Harold Leslie Male Subiaco
1923/100603 Perth Bathgate Clarence Albert Male Wylde Rose Pearl Stoddart Female Bayswater
1923/100603 Perth Wylde Rose Pearl Stoddart Female Bathgate Clarence Albert Male Bayswater
1923/100604 Perth Kiernan James Male Costin Ada Lavinia Female Perth
1923/100604 Perth Costin Ada Lavinia Female Kiernan James Male Perth
1923/100605 Perth Dowell Cecil Alfred Male Cassidy Eleanor Rose Female Perth
1923/100605 Perth Cassidy Eleanor Rose Female Dowell Cecil Alfred Male Perth
1923/100606 Perth Denney Doris May Female Standring Charles Arthur Male Perth
1923/100606 Perth Standring Charles Arthur Male Denney Doris May Female Perth
1923/100607 Perth Warrell Leslie Male Geddes Rose Annie Female Victoria Park
1923/100607 Perth Geddes Rose Annie Female Warrell Leslie Male Victoria Park
1923/100608 Perth Farrington Albert Baden Male Oliver Margaret Female Cottesloe
1923/100608 Perth Oliver Margaret Female Farrington Albert Baden Male Cottesloe
1923/100609 Perth O'Donnell John James Male Kirk Gladys Mary Female West Perth
1923/100609 Perth Kirk Gladys Mary Female O'Donnell John James Male West Perth
1923/100610 Perth Ryan John Patrick Male Peat Ada Female West Perth
1923/100610 Perth Peat Ada Female Ryan John Patrick Male West Perth
1923/100611 Perth Hollett Edith Florance Female Bremner George Louis Male Maylands
1923/100611 Perth Bremner George Louis Male Hollett Edith Florance Female Maylands
1923/100612 Perth Le Lievre Sydney Lincoln Male Logan Edna Mavis Female West Perth
1923/100612 Perth Logan Edna Mavis Female Le Lievre Sydney Lincoln Male West Perth
1923/100613 Perth Dunn Mark Arthur Male Wallace Magdaline Campbell Female West Perth
1923/100613 Perth Wallace Magdaline Campbell Female Dunn Mark Arthur Male West Perth
1923/100614 Perth Robertson Isbella Female Cherighan George Santo Male Perth
1923/100614 Perth Cherighan George Santo Male Robertson Isbella Female Perth
1923/100615 Perth Wilkins Vivian Gladys Female Henderson John Magnus Male Perth
1923/100615 Perth Henderson John Magnus Male Wilkins Vivian Gladys Female Perth
1923/100616 Perth Morrell Simeon Reginald David Chidlow Male Broadhurst Harriet Constance Female Perth
1923/100616 Perth Broadhurst Harriet Constance Female Morrell Simeon Reginald David Chidlow Male Perth
1923/100617 Perth Clifton Kenneth Richard Male Rodwell Marguerite Violetta Female Claremont
1923/100617 Perth Rodwell Marguerite Violetta Female Clifton Kenneth Richard Male Claremont
1923/100618 Perth Barnes Vera Louisa Female Moore Rupert Byron Male North Perth
1923/100618 Perth Moore Rupert Byron Male Barnes Vera Louisa Female North Perth
1923/100619 Perth Davidson John Gibson Male Anderson Kate Female Perth
1923/100619 Perth Anderson Kate Female Davidson John Gibson Male Perth
1923/100620 Perth Mansell Martha Hannah Female Evans James Edward Male West Perth
1923/100620 Perth Evans James Edward Male Mansell Martha Hannah Female West Perth
1923/100621 Perth Stubbs Eva Female Zampatti John Edward Male West Perth
1923/100621 Perth Zampatti John Edward Male Stubbs Eva Female West Perth
1923/100622 Perth Mullett Albert Charles Male Hennerty Esther Margaret Female West Perth
1923/100622 Perth Hennerty Esther Margaret Female Mullett Albert Charles Male West Perth
1923/100623 Perth Marsh Kate Female Martin William Male Perth
1923/100623 Perth Martin William Male Marsh Kate Female Perth
1923/100624 Perth Thomson Allan Male Malcolm Ann Female Maylands
1923/100624 Perth Malcolm Ann Female Thomson Allan Male Maylands
1923/100625 Perth O'Connor Ruby Maud Female Bowra Harry Male North Perth
1923/100625 Perth Bowra Harry Male O'Connor Ruby Maud Female North Perth
1923/100626 Perth Goatcher Edith Alice Female Baker Fred Leslie John Male North Perth
1923/100626 Perth Baker Fred Leslie John Male Goatcher Edith Alice Female North Perth
1923/100627 Perth Whitfield John Oliver Goldsmith Male Watkins Deborah Joyce Female Perth
1923/100627 Perth Watkins Deborah Joyce Female Whitfield John Oliver Goldsmith Male Perth
1923/100628 Perth Trichet Amelia Lucy Female Cramond Jack William Albert Male Perth
1923/100628 Perth Cramond Jack William Albert Male Trichet Amelia Lucy Female Perth
1923/100629 Perth Anthony Hugh MacPherson Male Sims Ruby Florence Female Perth
1923/100629 Perth Sims Ruby Florence Female Anthony Hugh MacPherson Male Perth
1923/100630 Perth Watson Phyllis Victoria Female Matthews James William Male Perth
1923/100630 Perth Matthews James William Male Watson Phyllis Victoria Female Perth
1923/100631 Perth Guinness Julian Male Jenkins Marjorie Marychurch Female Perth
1923/100631 Perth Jenkins Marjorie Marychurch Female Guinness Julian Male Perth
1923/100632 Perth Murray Letha Female Dewar Andrew Frederick Male Perth
1923/100632 Perth Dewar Andrew Frederick Male Murray Letha Female Perth
1923/100633 Perth Karl Lena Lillian Female Harrison Herbert William Male Perth
1923/100633 Perth Harrison Herbert William Male Karl Lena Lillian Female Perth
1923/100634 Perth Brown Reginald Arthur Male McCarthy Rose Agnes Female North Perth
1923/100634 Perth McCarthy Rose Agnes Female Brown Reginald Arthur Male North Perth
1923/100635 Perth McCarthy Mary Ann Female House George Henry Male Perth
1923/100635 Perth House George Henry Male McCarthy Mary Ann Female Perth
1923/100636 Perth Caldwell Edith Elizabeth Female White John Samuel Male Claremont
1923/100636 Perth White John Samuel Male Caldwell Edith Elizabeth Female Claremont
1923/100637 Perth Toia John Male McLean Isabell Katherine Female Perth
1923/100637 Perth McLean Isabell Katherine Female Toia John Male Perth
1923/100638 Perth Crawford Alexander Male Greenham Gladys Female South Perth
1923/100638 Perth Greenham Gladys Female Crawford Alexander Male South Perth
1923/100639 Perth Zafiri Anna Hatzi Female Vraehnas Constantine Male Perth
1923/100639 Perth Vraehnas Constantine Male Zafiri Anna Hatzi Female Perth
1923/100640 Perth Williams Thomas James Male Radford Marjorie Kathleen Female West Leederville
1923/100640 Perth Radford Marjorie Kathleen Female Williams Thomas James Male West Leederville
1923/100641 Perth Millard Lilian Female Wilmott John Henry Male Perth
1923/100641 Perth Wilmott John Henry Male Millard Lilian Female Perth
1923/100642 Perth Newport Cyril Leonard Male Gadenne Grace Marion Female Perth
1923/100642 Perth Gadenne Grace Marion Female Newport Cyril Leonard Male Perth
1923/100643 Perth Lovelace Dorothy Carleton Female Walton Hubert Male Subiaco
1923/100643 Perth Walton Hubert Male Lovelace Dorothy Carleton Female Subiaco
1923/100644 Perth Dobson John William Male Nickels Georgina Catherine Female Perth
1923/100644 Perth Nickels Georgina Catherine Female Dobson John William Male Perth
1923/100645 Perth Crooke Tasman Rupert Sydney Male Savell Maud Hilda Female Perth
1923/100645 Perth Savell Maud Hilda Female Crooke Tasman Rupert Sydney Male Perth
1923/100646 Perth Coppinger John Male Hunter Annie Mary Female Perth
1923/100646 Perth Hunter Annie Mary Female Coppinger John Male Perth
1923/100647 Perth Russell Martin William Male Brook Mary Female Perth
1923/100647 Perth Brook Mary Female Russell Martin William Male Perth
1923/100648 Perth Shaw Gladys Female Dunning Albert Thomas Male Perth
1923/100648 Perth Dunning Albert Thomas Male Shaw Gladys Female Perth
1923/100649 Perth Ryan Eileen Myrtle Female Talbot Harold Benjamin Male Perth
1923/100649 Perth Talbot Harold Benjamin Male Ryan Eileen Myrtle Female Perth
1923/100650 Perth Flematti Emilia Female Gugiatti Pio Angelo Male Perth
1923/100650 Perth Gugiatti Pio Angelo Male Flematti Emilia Female Perth
1923/100651 Perth Frankcombe Hector Osmond Male Johnson Doris Female Perth
1923/100651 Perth Johnson Doris Female Frankcombe Hector Osmond Male Perth
1923/100652 Perth Parkinson Dinah Female Fullarton Allan Richard Male West Perth
1923/100652 Perth Fullarton Allan Richard Male Parkinson Dinah Female West Perth
1923/100653 Perth Solberg Lily Florence Female Fraser Cecil Joseph Gordon Male North Perth
1923/100653 Perth Fraser Cecil Joseph Gordon Male Solberg Lily Florence Female North Perth
1923/100654 Perth Truman George Newton Male Gilham Minnie Rose Naomi Female North Perth
1923/100654 Perth Gilham Minnie Rose Naomi Female Truman George Newton Male North Perth
1923/100655 Perth Gobby William Albert Leeder Male Moss Grace Doreen Female North Perth
1923/100655 Perth Moss Grace Doreen Female Gobby William Albert Leeder Male North Perth
1923/100656 Perth Deeble Beatrice Marion Female Gibbings Arthur John William Male Perth
1923/100656 Perth Gibbings Arthur John William Male Deeble Beatrice Marion Female Perth
1923/100657 Perth Garrett Albert James Male Adams Ellen Margaret Female Cottesloe
1923/100657 Perth Adams Ellen Margaret Female Garrett Albert James Male Cottesloe
1923/100658 Perth Ellis Olive Edna Female Middleton Wallace Male Cottesloe Beach
1923/100658 Perth Middleton Wallace Male Ellis Olive Edna Female Cottesloe Beach
1923/100659 Perth Iverson Venus Victoria Female Nicol Donald Henry Male Perth
1923/100659 Perth Nicol Donald Henry Male Iverson Venus Victoria Female Perth
1923/100660 Perth Harrod Ethel Maud Female O'Brien John Male Cottesloe
1923/100660 Perth O'Brien John Male Harrod Ethel Maud Female Cottesloe
1923/100661 Perth Golding Madeline Mary Female Cook Maurice Ethelbert Male Perth
1923/100661 Perth Cook Maurice Ethelbert Male Golding Madeline Mary Female Perth
1923/100662 Perth Craig Doris Mary Female Outridge Morgan John Male Victoria Park
1923/100662 Perth Outridge Morgan John Male Craig Doris Mary Female Victoria Park
1923/100663 Perth Coleman Clifford Cecil Kent Male Burrows Harriet Emily Female Osborne Park
1923/100663 Perth Burrows Harriet Emily Female Coleman Clifford Cecil Kent Male Osborne Park
1923/100664 Perth Richardson Harry Male Lamb Ruby Ruth Female Mount Hawthorn
1923/100664 Perth Lamb Ruby Ruth Female Richardson Harry Male Mount Hawthorn
1923/100665 Perth Jones Kathleen Mary Female Reichardt Ernest Isadore Male Perth
1923/100665 Perth Reichardt Ernest Isadore Male Jones Kathleen Mary Female Perth
1923/100666 Perth Davis Edward Lewin Male Daddow Olive Vera Trevorrow Female Perth
1923/100666 Perth Daddow Olive Vera Trevorrow Female Davis Edward Lewin Male Perth
1923/100667 Perth Fell Edith Gladys Female Halse Clement Henry Male Perth
1923/100667 Perth Halse Clement Henry Male Fell Edith Gladys Female Perth
1923/100668 Perth Routley Richard Henry Male Clairs Myra Ethel Female Subiaco
1923/100668 Perth Clairs Myra Ethel Female Routley Richard Henry Male Subiaco
1923/100669 Perth Smith Herbert Male Greenhalgh Geneva Albertha Female Perth
1923/100669 Perth Greenhalgh Geneva Albertha Female Smith Herbert Male Perth
1923/100670 Perth Terrell Albert Edward Male Francis Isabel Reneria Female Subiaco
1923/100670 Perth Francis Isabel Reneria Female Terrell Albert Edward Male Subiaco
1923/100671 Perth McAlear Patrick Male Ham Dulcie May Female Perth
1923/100671 Perth Ham Dulcie May Female McAlear Patrick Male Perth
1923/100672 Perth Breadin Agnes Female Hunter William Thomas Male Victoria Park
1923/100672 Perth Hunter William Thomas Male Breadin Agnes Female Victoria Park
1923/100673 Perth Parker Lydia Sleeman Female East Clarence Garfield Male Perth
1923/100673 Perth East Clarence Garfield Male Parker Lydia Sleeman Female Perth
1923/100674 Perth Bulline Opal Lila Female Kinghorn George Male Perth
1923/100674 Perth Kinghorn George Male Bulline Opal Lila Female Perth
1923/100675 Perth Steele Joseph Male Petersen Dorothy Alice Female Perth
1923/100675 Perth Petersen Dorothy Alice Female Steele Joseph Male Perth
1923/100676 Perth Kierath Augustus Robert Male North Violet Blanche Female Perth
1923/100676 Perth North Violet Blanche Female Kierath Augustus Robert Male Perth
1923/100677 Perth Beresford George Stuart Male Cull Kathleen Female Perth
1923/100677 Perth Cull Kathleen Female Beresford George Stuart Male Perth
1923/100678 Perth Egan Thomas Male O'Brien Catherine Female Perth
1923/100678 Perth O'Brien Catherine Female Egan Thomas Male Perth
1923/100679 Perth Murphy Cyril John Male Grant Eileen Female Perth
1923/100679 Perth Grant Eileen Female Murphy Cyril John Male Perth
1923/100680 Perth Ellard Frederick Thomas Male Slater Sarah Ann Female Perth
1923/100680 Perth Slater Sarah Ann Female Ellard Frederick Thomas Male Perth
1923/100681 Perth Tongue John Gibb Male Wainwright Violet May Female Leederville
1923/100681 Perth Wainwright Violet May Female Tongue John Gibb Male Leederville
1923/100682 Perth Truscott Veronica Mary Female Christensen Victor Alfred Male Perth
1923/100682 Perth Christensen Victor Alfred Male Truscott Veronica Mary Female Perth
1923/100683 Perth Fox Ruth Ada Female Crockford Albert Charles Vernon Male Perth
1923/100683 Perth Crockford Albert Charles Vernon Male Fox Ruth Ada Female Perth
1923/100684 Perth Evans Victor Claude Male Paget Kuhio Therese Violet Female Perth
1923/100684 Perth Paget Kuhio Therese Violet Female Evans Victor Claude Male Perth
1923/100685 Perth Tilbury Rose Irene Female Stockwell Charles Frederick Male Perth
1923/100685 Perth Stockwell Charles Frederick Male Tilbury Rose Irene Female Perth
1923/100686 Perth Crawford Henry Male Vaughan Marie Rosa Gretchen Female North Perth
1923/100686 Perth Vaughan Marie Rosa Gretchen Female Crawford Henry Male North Perth
1923/100687 Perth Marshall Enid Lillias Female Burlinson Reginald Lancelot Male Perth
1923/100687 Perth Burlinson Reginald Lancelot Male Marshall Enid Lillias Female Perth
1923/100688 Perth Knight Bertha Female Denton Robert William Male Perth
1923/100688 Perth Denton Robert William Male Knight Bertha Female Perth
1923/100689 Perth Miller Eleanor Blanche Barbara Female Smetherham William Thomas Male Cottesloe
1923/100689 Perth Smetherham William Thomas Male Miller Eleanor Blanche Barbara Female Cottesloe
1923/100690 Perth Nicholas Margaretta Elizabeth Female Devenish Norman Methnen Male Victoria Park
1923/100690 Perth Devenish Norman Methnen Male Nicholas Margaretta Elizabeth Female Victoria Park
1923/100691 Perth Dawson George Male Gurney Louisa Ethel Female Perth
1923/100691 Perth Gurney Louisa Ethel Female Dawson George Male Perth
1923/100692 Perth Clarkson Robert Richard Male Hall Nellie May Female Perth
1923/100692 Perth Hall Nellie May Female Clarkson Robert Richard Male Perth
1923/100693 Perth Hatcher Frederick John Scott Male Welsh Grace Dorothy Female Perth
1923/100693 Perth Welsh Grace Dorothy Female Hatcher Frederick John Scott Male Perth
1923/100694 Perth Fiennes-Clinton Edith Annie Female Lynn Robert Johnston Male Perth
1923/100694 Perth Lynn Robert Johnston Male Fiennes-Clinton Edith Annie Female Perth
1923/100695 Perth Walker James Leonard Male Bloom Inez Irene Female Perth
1923/100695 Perth Bloom Inez Irene Female Walker James Leonard Male Perth
1923/100696 Perth Langford Leonard Lionel Male McCallum Jessie Eleanor Whitrow Female Perth
1923/100696 Perth McCallum Jessie Eleanor Whitrow Female Langford Leonard Lionel Male Perth
1923/100697 Perth Le Maitre Edward James Male Hawkins Catherine Female Perth
1923/100697 Perth Hawkins Catherine Female Le Maitre Edward James Male Perth
1923/100698 Perth Fitzpatrick Bridget Female Browne Thomas Male Perth
1923/100698 Perth Browne Thomas Male Fitzpatrick Bridget Female Perth
1923/100699 Perth Hunt Elsie Female Smith Harry John Male North Perth
1923/100699 Perth Smith Harry John Male Hunt Elsie Female North Perth
1923/100700 Perth Horton Kathleen Irene Female Haseldine Cecil Hector Male North Perth
1923/100700 Perth Haseldine Cecil Hector Male Horton Kathleen Irene Female North Perth
1923/100701 Perth Boland Naomi Female Chambers Isaac Male North Perth
1923/100701 Perth Chambers Isaac Male Boland Naomi Female North Perth
1923/100702 Perth Owens Victoria Eileen Female McGrath Arthur Leslie Male North Perth
1923/100702 Perth McGrath Arthur Leslie Male Owens Victoria Eileen Female North Perth
1923/100703 Perth Hille Roy Walter Male Tomlinson Vera May Female North Perth
1923/100703 Perth Tomlinson Vera May Female Hille Roy Walter Male North Perth
1923/100704 Perth Sawyer Samuel Robert Male Gray Pilbarra Virginia May Female North Perth
1923/100704 Perth Gray Pilbarra Virginia May Female Sawyer Samuel Robert Male North Perth
1923/100705 Perth Shield Bowes Thomas Michael Male Grigg Eileen Evelyn Female West Leederville
1923/100705 Perth Grigg Eileen Evelyn Female Shield Bowes Thomas Michael Male West Leederville
1923/100706 Perth Preston Frederick Henry Male Colfer Ada Mary Elizabeth Female Perth
1923/100706 Perth Colfer Ada Mary Elizabeth Female Preston Frederick Henry Male Perth
1923/100707 Perth Howard Grace Christina Female Jackson David Henry Male Perth
1923/100707 Perth Jackson David Henry Male Howard Grace Christina Female Perth
1923/100708 Perth Connolly Frank Lyndon Male Kennerly Veronica Female Perth
1923/100708 Perth Kennerly Veronica Female Connolly Frank Lyndon Male Perth
1923/100709 Perth Dodd Robert Male Francis Barbara Female Perth
1923/100709 Perth Francis Barbara Female Dodd Robert Male Perth
1923/100710 Perth Beel Amy Marguerite Female Potts William Windle Male Perth
1923/100710 Perth Potts William Windle Male Beel Amy Marguerite Female Perth
1923/100711 Perth Maloney James Power Male Whitton Isabel Mary Female Perth
1923/100711 Perth Whitton Isabel Mary Female Maloney James Power Male Perth
1923/100712 Perth O'Shannassy James Francis Male Galwey Mabyl Ballantyne Female Perth
1923/100712 Perth Galwey Mabyl Ballantyne Female O'Shannassy James Francis Male Perth
1923/100713 Perth Carter Janet Female Deakin Joseph Alfred Male Perth
1923/100713 Perth Deakin Joseph Alfred Male Carter Janet Female Perth
1923/100714 Perth Rodgers Florence Kathleen Female Cable John William Male Subiaco
1923/100714 Perth Cable John William Male Rodgers Florence Kathleen Female Subiaco
1923/100715 Perth Merifield William Thomas Male McGlew Elsie May Female Perth
1923/100715 Perth McGlew Elsie May Female Merifield William Thomas Male Perth
1923/100716 Perth Collins Gladys Female Davies Ivor John Male Perth
1923/100716 Perth Davies Ivor John Male Collins Gladys Female Perth
1923/100717 Perth Henderson Elsie Adelaide Female Bremner Peter Male Perth
1923/100717 Perth Bremner Peter Male Henderson Elsie Adelaide Female Perth
1923/100718 Perth Broad Blanche Amelia Female Bothe Baxter Deidrich Male Perth
1923/100718 Perth Bothe Baxter Deidrich Male Broad Blanche Amelia Female Perth
1923/100719 Perth Cowie Francis Jean Female Start Frank Male West Perth
1923/100719 Perth Start Frank Male Cowie Francis Jean Female West Perth
1923/100720 Perth Floyed Annie Louisa Female Fugill Walter John Male West Perth
1923/100720 Perth Fugill Walter John Male Floyed Annie Louisa Female West Perth
1923/100721 Perth Bennett William Male Rhodes Louise Female West Perth
1923/100721 Perth Rhodes Louise Female Bennett William Male West Perth
1923/100722 Perth Gardiner Tom Dorey Male Chapman Vera Winifred Female West Perth
1923/100722 Perth Chapman Vera Winifred Female Gardiner Tom Dorey Male West Perth
1923/100723 Perth Elsbury Charles Matthew Male Butland Anne Christina Rosedue Female West Leederville
1923/100723 Perth Butland Anne Christina Rosedue Female Elsbury Charles Matthew Male West Leederville
1923/100724 Perth Edgar Harry Dudley Male Briant Ida Alberta Female North Perth
1923/100724 Perth Briant Ida Alberta Female Edgar Harry Dudley Male North Perth
1923/100725 Perth Nicholls Winifred Hilda Female Astle George Henry Male Perth
1923/100725 Perth Astle George Henry Male Nicholls Winifred Hilda Female Perth
1923/100726 Perth Counsel Marion Amelia Female Martin Edward Exton Male Perth
1923/100726 Perth Martin Edward Exton Male Counsel Marion Amelia Female Perth
1923/100727 Perth Elliott Alice Eva Female Le Page Walter Male Perth
1923/100727 Perth Le Page Walter Male Elliott Alice Eva Female Perth
1923/100728 Perth Tupper Frank Male Gardiner Irene Hannah Martina Female Mt Lawley
1923/100728 Perth Gardiner Irene Hannah Martina Female Tupper Frank Male Mt Lawley
1923/100729 Perth Bracey Ida Harris Female Cowan Hugh Craig Male Cottesloe
1923/100729 Perth Cowan Hugh Craig Male Bracey Ida Harris Female Cottesloe
1923/100730 Perth Lindquist Ida Christina Female Carlson Oscar Conrad Male Cottesloe
1923/100730 Perth Carlson Oscar Conrad Male Lindquist Ida Christina Female Cottesloe
1923/100731 Perth Best Gladys Winnifred Female McDonald Roy Male Perth
1923/100731 Perth McDonald Roy Male Best Gladys Winnifred Female Perth
1923/100732 Perth Richens Amy Female Graham Paul Sydney Male West Perth
1923/100732 Perth Graham Paul Sydney Male Richens Amy Female West Perth
1923/100733 Perth Date Thelma Gladys Female Fidge Stephen Ernest George Male West Perth
1923/100733 Perth Fidge Stephen Ernest George Male Date Thelma Gladys Female West Perth
1923/100734 Perth Morrison Isabella Female Bramwell James William Male Perth
1923/100734 Perth Bramwell James William Male Morrison Isabella Female Perth
1923/100735 Perth De Worboies Vera May Female Bonnett Jack Edward Male Perth
1923/100735 Perth Bonnett Jack Edward Male De Worboies Vera May Female Perth
1923/100736 Perth Cordin Charles Edward Male Davies Lucie Edith Female Perth
1923/100736 Perth Davies Lucie Edith Female Cordin Charles Edward Male Perth
1923/100737 Perth Finlayson John Thomas Roderick Male Bird Rosalie Naomi Female Perth
1923/100737 Perth Bird Rosalie Naomi Female Finlayson John Thomas Roderick Male Perth
1923/100738 Perth Webb Eric Male Johnston Jeanie Marshall Female Perth
1923/100738 Perth Johnston Jeanie Marshall Female Webb Eric Male Perth
1923/100739 Perth Hooper Hazel Ainslie Female Carlson Aage Mayo Male Cottesloe
1923/100739 Perth Carlson Aage Mayo Male Hooper Hazel Ainslie Female Cottesloe
1923/100740 Perth Jackson Arthur Male Stephens Vera Annie Female Perth
1923/100740 Perth Stephens Vera Annie Female Jackson Arthur Male Perth
1923/100741 Perth Craike Dorothea May Female Severin Ernest Frederick Male Nedlands
1923/100741 Perth Severin Ernest Frederick Male Craike Dorothea May Female Nedlands
1923/100742 Perth Mendelawitz Abraham Male Rumpf Margreta Female Perth
1923/100742 Perth Rumpf Margreta Female Mendelawitz Abraham Male Perth
1923/100743 Perth Dvoretsky David Male Glick May Female Perth
1923/100743 Perth Glick May Female Dvoretsky David Male Perth
1923/100744 Perth Blinco Daisy Esther Female Adam James Henry Male Claremont
1923/100744 Perth Adam James Henry Male Blinco Daisy Esther Female Claremont
1923/100745 Perth Stephens Olive Maud Female Jones Victor Maybury Male Claremont
1923/100745 Perth Coverley Olive Maud Female Jones Victor Maybury Male Claremont
1923/100745 Perth Jones Victor Maybury Male Coverley Olive Maud Female Claremont
1923/100745 Perth Jones Victor Maybury Male Stephens Olive Maud Female Claremont
1923/100746 Perth Fell Herbert Clyne Male Thomas Hazel Mary Female Perth
1923/100746 Perth Thomas Hazel Mary Female Fell Herbert Clyne Male Perth
1923/100747 Perth Rowland Stella Rose Alexandra Female Phillips William John Male West Subiaco
1923/100747 Perth Phillips William John Male Rowland Stella Rose Alexandra Female West Subiaco
1923/100748 Perth Winterton Vera Marion Avann Female Sauzier Louis Edouard Male Claremont
1923/100748 Perth Sauzier Louis Edouard Male Winterton Vera Marion Avann Female Claremont
1923/100749 Perth Rossell Jessie Female Brewer Rodney Dickson Male Cottesloe
1923/100749 Perth Brewer Rodney Dickson Male Rossell Jessie Female Cottesloe
1923/100750 Perth Sinclair Mabel Louise Female Peake Tom Elliott Male Perth
1923/100750 Perth Peake Tom Elliott Male Sinclair Mabel Louise Female Perth
1923/100751 Perth Hare Lily Female Guiatt Alfred John Male North Perth
1923/100751 Perth Guiatt Alfred John Male Hare Lily Female North Perth
1923/100752 Perth Brown George Henry Male Holt Mildred Ethel Female West Perth
1923/100752 Perth Holt Mildred Ethel Female Brown George Henry Male West Perth
1923/100753 Perth Summers Reginald Male Covey Winifred Mable Female Perth
1923/100753 Perth Covey Winifred Mable Female Summers Reginald Male Perth
1923/100754 Perth Clarke Rowland John Male Burgess Hannah Zebina Female Perth
1923/100754 Perth Burgess Hannah Zebina Female Clarke Rowland John Male Perth
1923/100755 Perth O'Mara Alfred Bernard Male Parks Jane Sarah Female Perth
1923/100755 Perth Parks Jane Sarah Female O'Mara Alfred Bernard Male Perth
1923/100756 Perth Kalafatas Emanuel Male Stylianopoulos Athena Female Perth
1923/100756 Perth Stylianopoulos Athena Female Kalafatas Emanuel Male Perth
1923/100757 Perth Perejuan Maud Female Burrows Charles Male Perth
1923/100757 Perth Burrows Charles Male Perejuan Maud Female Perth
1923/100758 Perth Emery Thomas Patrick Male Exley Lillian Mary Female Perth
1923/100758 Perth Exley Lillian Mary Female Emery Thomas Patrick Male Perth
1923/100759 Perth Rawlings Raymond Samuel Male Shaw Maude Marjorie Female Perth
1923/100759 Perth Shaw Maude Marjorie Female Rawlings Raymond Samuel Male Perth
1923/100760 Perth Wrighton Dorothy Eva Female Watson Frank Humphrey Male Perth
1923/100760 Perth Watson Frank Humphrey Male Wrighton Dorothy Eva Female Perth
1923/100761 Perth Hodgkin Clarence George Male Livingston Gladys Florence Female Leederville
1923/100761 Perth Livingston Gladys Florence Female Hodgkin Clarence George Male Leederville
1923/100762 Perth Nairn Alexander Murchison Male Blunt Florence Lilian Kate Female Leederville
1923/100762 Perth Blunt Florence Lilian Kate Female Nairn Alexander Murchison Male Leederville
1923/100763 Perth Payne Elma Margaret Female Chivers Percival Arthur Male Perth
1923/100763 Perth Chivers Percival Arthur Male Payne Elma Margaret Female Perth
1923/100764 Perth Sales Joseph Michael Male Towers Florence May Female Perth
1923/100764 Perth Towers Florence May Female Sales Joseph Michael Male Perth
1923/100765 Perth Minchin May Pretoria Female Bear Henry Ernest Male Perth
1923/100765 Perth Bear Henry Ernest Male Minchin May Pretoria Female Perth
1923/100766 Perth Waller Alice Grace Female Witten Frank Chapman Male North Perth
1923/100766 Perth Witten Frank Chapman Male Waller Alice Grace Female North Perth
1923/100767 Perth Cullingford Grace Augusta Female Humes Albert Emma Male Perth
1923/100767 Perth Humes Albert Emma Male Cullingford Grace Augusta Female Perth
1923/100768 Perth Curtis Joan Female Sedgwick Alexander Douglas Male Perth
1923/100768 Perth Sedgwick Alexander Douglas Male Curtis Joan Female Perth
1923/100769 Perth Hearle Emma Female Pratt Frederick Joseph Male West Leederville
1923/100769 Perth Pratt Frederick Joseph Male Hearle Emma Female West Leederville
1923/100770 Perth Wood Emily May Female Everett David Lacey Male North Perth
1923/100770 Perth Everett David Lacey Male Wood Emily May Female North Perth
1923/100771 Perth Timperley Dorothy Ethel Female Timperley Hubert Arthur Lionel Male Mt Lawley
1923/100771 Perth Timperley Hubert Arthur Lionel Male Timperley Dorothy Ethel Female Mt Lawley
1923/100772 Perth Kay Thomas John Male Newell Gwendoline Bessie Female North Perth
1923/100772 Perth Newell Gwendoline Bessie Female Kay Thomas John Male North Perth
1923/100773 Perth Birch Coralie Mary Female Stone Frederick Carl Male Cottesloe
1923/100773 Perth Stone Frederick Carl Male Birch Coralie Mary Female Cottesloe
1923/100774 Perth Kirby Jessie Louisa Female Weaver Loyal Alfred Male Maylands
1923/100774 Perth Weaver Loyal Alfred Male Kirby Jessie Louisa Female Maylands
1923/100775 Perth Laird John William Frank Male Fensome Ellen Gertrude Female Subiaco
1923/100775 Perth Fensome Ellen Gertrude Female Laird John William Frank Male Subiaco
1923/100776 Perth Howard May Alma Female Edge Thomas Richard Male Perth
1923/100776 Perth Edge Thomas Richard Male Howard May Alma Female Perth
1923/100777 Perth Roach Jane Nairn Female Francis Harold Male Perth
1923/100777 Perth Francis Harold Male Roach Jane Nairn Female Perth
1923/100778 Perth Nelson Ivy Maud Female Sharp Rupert Mason Male Perth
1923/100778 Perth Sharp Rupert Mason Male Nelson Ivy Maud Female Perth
1923/100779 Perth Stewart George Miller Male White Mary Female Perth
1923/100779 Perth White Mary Female Stewart George Miller Male Perth
1923/100780 Perth Hendry Alan Stewart Male Males Martha Jane Female Victoria Park
1923/100780 Perth Males Martha Jane Female Hendry Alan Stewart Male Victoria Park
1923/100781 Perth Flynn Edward Patrick Male Deering Clara Winifred Female Leederville
1923/100781 Perth Deering Clara Winifred Female Flynn Edward Patrick Male Leederville
1923/100782 Perth Schwarz Albert Male Davidson Alice Maud Female Leederville
1923/100782 Perth Davidson Alice Maud Female Schwarz Albert Male Leederville
1923/100783 Perth Lazimbot Johon Male Zarak Zelica Female Leederville
1923/100783 Perth Zarak Zelica Female Lazimbot Johon Male Leederville
1923/100784 Perth Johnson Worthy Octavus Male Watson Daisy Leah Female Leederville
1923/100784 Perth Watson Daisy Leah Female Johnson Worthy Octavus Male Leederville
1923/100785 Perth Klenk Lenora Emily Olive Female Uren Malcolm John Leggoe Male Perth
1923/100785 Perth Uren Malcolm John Leggoe Male Klenk Lenora Emily Olive Female Perth
1923/100785 Perth Uren Malcolm John Leggoe Male Stradwick Lenora Emily Olive Female Perth
1923/100785 Perth Stradwick Lenora Emily Olive Female Uren Malcolm John Leggoe Male Perth
1923/100786 Perth Read Albert Edward Charles Male Britton Dorothy May Female West Perth
1923/100786 Perth Britton Dorothy May Female Read Albert Edward Charles Male West Perth
1923/100787 Perth Scott Lillian May Female Rawlings Robert Henry Male Subiaco
1923/100787 Perth Rawlings Robert Henry Male Scott Lillian May Female Subiaco
1923/100788 Perth Thomson Vida Winifred Female Marshall James Brown Male Perth
1923/100788 Perth Marshall James Brown Male Thomson Vida Winifred Female Perth
1923/100789 Perth Watson Knight Henry Male Potts Gladys Emily Maud Female Perth
1923/100789 Perth Potts Gladys Emily Maud Female Watson Knight Henry Male Perth
1923/100790 Perth Williams William Henry Kirwen Male Ginbey Verna Mabel Female Perth
1923/100790 Perth Ginbey Verna Mabel Female Williams William Henry Kirwen Male Perth
1923/100791 Perth Allen Olive Annie Female Bowra John Francis Male Perth
1923/100791 Perth Bowra John Francis Male Allen Olive Annie Female Perth
1923/100792 Perth Daley May Doris Female Beaver Francis Reginald Male Perth
1923/100792 Perth Beaver Francis Reginald Male Daley May Doris Female Perth
1923/100793 Perth Hall James Morrison Male Pratley Dorothy Maude Female Perth
1923/100793 Perth Pratley Dorothy Maude Female Hall James Morrison Male Perth
1923/100794 Perth Pringle Rose Female Tatham Robert William Male Rosalie
1923/100794 Perth Tatham Robert William Male Pringle Rose Female Rosalie
1923/100795 Perth Uphill Dorothy Pearl Female Humble John McEwan Male North Perth
1923/100795 Perth Humble John McEwan Male Uphill Dorothy Pearl Female North Perth
1923/100796 Perth McMillan Thomas Male Cronin Nellie Agatha Female West Leederville
1923/100796 Perth Cronin Nellie Agatha Female McMillan Thomas Male West Leederville
1923/100797 Perth O'Callaghan Mary Kathleen Female Findlay Charles Lewis Male Perth
1923/100797 Perth Findlay Charles Lewis Male O'Callaghan Mary Kathleen Female Perth
1923/100798 Perth Shaw Rosemary Female Tinson Harold Walter Male Perth
1923/100798 Perth Tinson Harold Walter Male Shaw Rosemary Female Perth
1923/100799 Perth Anderson Gladys Mabel Female Whiteman Clarence Leslie Leopold Male Perth
1923/100799 Perth Whiteman Clarence Leslie Leopold Male Anderson Gladys Mabel Female Perth
1923/100800 Perth Glaskin Rita Lee Female Morris Bevil George John Glanville Male Cottesloe
1923/100800 Perth Morris Bevil George John Glanville Male Glaskin Rita Lee Female Cottesloe
1923/100801 Perth Davey Frieda Agnes Female Butcher Lionel Forrest Male Rivervale
1923/100801 Perth Butcher Lionel Forrest Male Davey Frieda Agnes Female Rivervale
1923/100802 Perth Stretton William Thomas Male Stanley Nellie Constance Female Perth
1923/100802 Perth Stanley Nellie Constance Female Stretton William Thomas Male Perth
1923/100803 Perth Rannard Wilfred Edward Dudley Male Way Ada Jessie Female South Perth
1923/100803 Perth Way Ada Jessie Female Rannard Wilfred Edward Dudley Male South Perth
1923/100804 Perth Wright Mabel Caroline Female Bogue Joseph Hamilton Male South Perth
1923/100804 Perth Bogue Joseph Hamilton Male Wright Mabel Caroline Female South Perth
1923/100805 Perth Martin Josephine Female Smith Charles James Male South Perth
1923/100805 Perth Smith Charles James Male Dawson Josephine Female South Perth
1923/100805 Perth Smith Charles James Male Martin Josephine Female South Perth
1923/100805 Perth Dawson Josephine Female Smith Charles James Male South Perth
1923/100806 Perth Tetlow Edith Female Allen Arthur Male Perth
1923/100806 Perth Allen Arthur Male Tetlow Edith Female Perth
1923/100807 Perth McArthur Albert James Richman Male Wall Mary Female Perth
1923/100807 Perth Wall Mary Female McArthur Albert James Richman Male Perth
1923/100808 Perth Todd Albert George Male Jamieson Isabella Barnett Work Female East Perth
1923/100808 Perth Jamieson Isabella Barnett Work Female Todd Albert George Male East Perth
1923/100809 Perth Bonard Elsie May Female Flucker Alexander Noble Male Subiaco
1923/100809 Perth Flucker Alexander Noble Male Bonard Elsie May Female Subiaco
1923/100810 Perth McCormick Alice Isobel Female Bailhache Keith Male West Perth
1923/100810 Perth Bailhache Keith Male McCormick Alice Isobel Female West Perth
1923/100811 Perth Thomson William Male Smith Jane Female West Perth
1923/100811 Perth Smith Jane Female Thomson William Male West Perth
1923/100812 Perth Conbrough John James Male Swann Ellen May Female West Perth
1923/100812 Perth Swann Ellen May Female Conbrough John James Male West Perth
1923/100813 Perth McQuilkin Jean Bessie Female Hume Robert Schofield Male West Perth
1923/100813 Perth Hume Robert Schofield Male McQuilkin Jean Bessie Female West Perth
1923/100814 Perth Coe Anthony Claude Wakham Male McMurray Eliza Westralia Female North Perth
1923/100814 Perth McMurray Eliza Westralia Female Coe Anthony Claude Wakham Male North Perth
1923/100815 Perth Jordan William Male Eagar Beatrice Maud Female Subiaco
1923/100815 Perth Eagar Beatrice Maud Female Jordan William Male Subiaco
1923/100816 Perth Harrigan Mildred Mary Female Walshaw Cecil Garside Male Perth
1923/100816 Perth Baker Mildred Mary Female Walshaw Cecil Garside Male Perth
1923/100816 Perth Walshaw Cecil Garside Male Baker Mildred Mary Female Perth
1923/100816 Perth Walshaw Cecil Garside Male Harrigan Mildred Mary Female Perth
1923/100817 Perth Nankivell Glynde William Male Bunsell Doris Merl Female Claremont
1923/100817 Perth Bunsell Doris Merl Female Nankivell Glynde William Male Claremont
1923/100818 Perth Maywood Reginald Albert Josephson Male Peet Violet Ethel Female Perth
1923/100818 Perth Peet Violet Ethel Female Maywood Reginald Albert Josephson Male Perth
1923/100819 Perth Williams George Harold Male Sainsbury Evelyn Russell Female Perth
1923/100819 Perth Sainsbury Evelyn Russell Female Williams George Harold Male Perth
1923/100820 Perth Lange Carl Heinrich Male Decke Clara Emilie Else Female Perth
1923/100820 Perth Decke Clara Emilie Else Female Lange Carl Heinrich Male Perth
1923/100821 Perth Eivers Ruby Alice Female Reeves William Victor Male Perth
1923/100821 Perth Reeves William Victor Male Eivers Ruby Alice Female Perth
1923/100822 Perth Goerke Charlotte Maude Female Travers Michael Male Victoria Park
1923/100822 Perth Travers Michael Male Goerke Charlotte Maude Female Victoria Park
1923/100823 Perth Muirson Amy Female Lovell William Jones Male Perth
1923/100823 Perth Lovell William Jones Male Muirson Amy Female Perth
1923/100824 Perth Spargo Frederick William Male Tate Eva May Female Perth
1923/100824 Perth Tate Eva May Female Spargo Frederick William Male Perth
1923/100825 Perth Thomson Charles Gordon Male Linton Sarah Christie Female Perth
1923/100825 Perth Linton Sarah Christie Female Thomson Charles Gordon Male Perth
1923/100826 Perth Barker Eric Martyn Male Saw Mary May Female Perth
1923/100826 Perth Saw Mary May Female Barker Eric Martyn Male Perth
1923/100827 Perth Baillie Lora Margaret Female Bott Roy Edward Male Perth
1923/100827 Perth Bott Roy Edward Male Baillie Lora Margaret Female Perth
1923/100828 Perth Mason Ada Catherine Female Jeffrey Samuel Henry Male Perth
1923/100828 Perth Jeffrey Samuel Henry Male Mason Ada Catherine Female Perth
1923/100829 Perth Denney Maud Annie Female Buchanan James Frederick Male Perth
1923/100829 Perth Buchanan James Frederick Male Denney Maud Annie Female Perth
1923/100830 Perth Tripp Ina Jessie Female Bannan Norman Edward Male Perth
1923/100830 Perth Bannan Norman Edward Male Tripp Ina Jessie Female Perth
1923/100831 Perth Smith Percy Hamilton Male Rush Norah Female Perth
1923/100831 Perth Rush Norah Female Smith Percy Hamilton Male Perth
1923/100832 Perth Bradley Hubert George Male Barrett Elizabeth Female Perth
1923/100832 Perth Barrett Elizabeth Female Bradley Hubert George Male Perth
1923/100833 Perth Kelleher Margaret Catherine Female Hinkley William Robert Male Perth
1923/100833 Perth Hinkley William Robert Male Kelleher Margaret Catherine Female Perth
1923/100834 Perth O'Neil Mary Ellen Female Wilson Frederick Male Perth
1923/100834 Perth Wilson Frederick Male O'Neil Mary Ellen Female Perth
1923/100835 Perth Belcher William Sydney Male Kennedy Jean Female Perth
1923/100835 Perth Kennedy Jean Female Belcher William Sydney Male Perth
1923/100836 Perth Kent William Cyril Male Clarco Nancy May Female Cottesloe
1923/100836 Perth Clarco Nancy May Female Kent William Cyril Male Cottesloe
1923/100837 Perth Sheedy Ethel Catherine Female Rossiter Samuel Thomas Male Perth
1923/100837 Perth Rossiter Samuel Thomas Male Sheedy Ethel Catherine Female Perth
1923/100838 Perth George Kathleen Mary Ellen Female Rawlings Herbert George Male Perth
1923/100838 Perth Rawlings Herbert George Male George Kathleen Mary Ellen Female Perth
1923/100839 Perth Sheehy Honora Patricia Female Mills James Edward Male Perth
1923/100839 Perth Mills James Edward Male Sheehy Honora Patricia Female Perth
1923/100840 Perth McBride William Albert Male Brady Evelyn Mary Female Perth
1923/100840 Perth Brady Evelyn Mary Female McBride William Albert Male Perth
1923/100841 Perth O'Neill Rose Agnes Female Doyle Bartle Joseph Male Perth
1923/100841 Perth Doyle Bartle Joseph Male O'Neill Rose Agnes Female Perth
1923/100842 Perth Bertram Edward Roland Male Ellery Ida Gladys Marie Female Perth
1923/100842 Perth Ellery Ida Gladys Marie Female Bertram Edward Roland Male Perth
1923/100843 Perth Morris Honora Florence Female Paskov Dume Male Perth
1923/100843 Perth Paskov Dume Male Morris Honora Florence Female Perth
1923/100844 Perth Griffiths Ada Maude Female Mulligan Patrick Joseph Male Perth
1923/100844 Perth Mulligan Patrick Joseph Male Griffiths Ada Maude Female Perth
1923/100845 Perth Mason Henry Male Smith Evelyn Mary Female Perth
1923/100845 Perth Smith Evelyn Mary Female Mason Henry Male Perth
1923/100846 Perth Rennie Valentine Goodchild Male Carroll Olive Amelia Pearl Female Claremont
1923/100846 Perth Carroll Olive Amelia Pearl Female Rennie Valentine Goodchild Male Claremont
1923/100847 Perth Davis Rose Mary Female Tuller Alfred Male Cottesloe
1923/100847 Perth Tuller Alfred Male Davis Rose Mary Female Cottesloe
1923/100848 Perth Bell Runetta Female Stirk Harry Male Leederville
1923/100848 Perth Stirk Harry Male Bell Runetta Female Leederville
1923/100849 Perth Paine Frederick Male Speed Freda Charles Female Leederville
1923/100849 Perth Speed Freda Charles Female Paine Frederick Male Leederville
1923/100850 Perth Pratt Ivy Emily Grace Female Redgwell Charles Male Leederville
1923/100850 Perth Pratt Ivy Emily Grace Female Smith Charles Male Leederville
1923/100850 Perth Smith Charles Male Pratt Ivy Emily Grace Female Leederville
1923/100850 Perth Redgwell Charles Male Pratt Ivy Emily Grace Female Leederville
1923/100851 Perth Winter Charles Robert Male Morris Vera Idalia Female Victoria Park
1923/100851 Perth Morris Vera Idalia Female Winter Charles Robert Male Victoria Park
1923/100852 Perth Page Olive Female Holtom Gerald Vincent Male West Perth
1923/100852 Perth Holtom Gerald Vincent Male Page Olive Female West Perth
1923/100853 Perth Flanagan James William Male Butler Angela Marion Female Perth
1923/100853 Perth Butler Angela Marion Female Flanagan James William Male Perth
1923/100854 Perth Stevens Clara Lavinia Female Power William James Male Perth
1923/100854 Perth Power William James Male Stevens Clara Lavinia Female Perth
1923/100855 Perth Simpson Winifred Margaret Female Coe Robert Alexander Male Perth
1923/100855 Perth Coe Robert Alexander Male Simpson Winifred Margaret Female Perth
1923/100856 Perth Beck Lucy Doris Female Tuckey Harold Edward John Male Perth
1923/100856 Perth Tuckey Harold Edward John Male Beck Lucy Doris Female Perth
1923/100857 Perth Ray Ruby Ethel Emma Female Spargo Herbert Luke Male Perth
1923/100857 Perth Spargo Herbert Luke Male Ray Ruby Ethel Emma Female Perth
1923/100858 Perth Schmitt Jacob William Male Thomas Leila Female North Perth
1923/100858 Perth Thomas Leila Female Schmitt Jacob William Male North Perth
1923/100859 Perth Hart Alan Male Mouritz Mercy Female West Perth
1923/100859 Perth Mouritz Mercy Female Hart Alan Male West Perth
1923/100860 Perth Oliver Nellie Margarite Female Lampard Henry Archer Male Claremont
1923/100860 Perth Lampard Henry Archer Male Oliver Nellie Margarite Female Claremont
1923/100861 Perth McKinlay Alice Violet Victoria Female Felton Frederick Male Perth
1923/100861 Perth Felton Frederick Male McKinlay Alice Violet Victoria Female Perth
1923/100862 Perth Craig Dorothy Annie Female Sundstrom Johan Verner Male Perth
1923/100862 Perth Sundstrom Johan Verner Male Craig Dorothy Annie Female Perth
1923/100863 Perth Parker Wellie Reginald Male Rawes Jennie Female Perth
1923/100863 Perth Rawes Jennie Female Parker Wellie Reginald Male Perth
1923/100864 Perth Fourbas-Jamieson Gladys Irene Female Selley Ernest Walter Male Perth
1923/100864 Perth Selley Ernest Walter Male Fourbas-Jamieson Gladys Irene Female Perth
1923/100865 Perth Bentley Elizabeth Verena Female Roberts James Neilson Male Perth
1923/100865 Perth Roberts James Neilson Male Bentley Elizabeth Verena Female Perth
1923/100866 Perth Brittain Alfred Ernest Male Stone Amy Christina Female Victoria Park
1923/100866 Perth Stone Amy Christina Female Brittain Alfred Ernest Male Victoria Park
1923/100867 Perth Currie Jessie May Female Fraser Cecil James Male Perth
1923/100867 Perth Fraser Cecil James Male Currie Jessie May Female Perth
1923/100868 Perth Limbourn Rosina Frances Female Sinclair John Alexander Male Mt Lawley
1923/100868 Perth Sinclair John Alexander Male Limbourn Rosina Frances Female Mt Lawley
1923/100869 Perth Venn Eva Blanch Female Press Basil William Isaac Male Perth
1923/100869 Perth Press Basil William Isaac Male Venn Eva Blanch Female Perth
1923/100870 Perth Lundon Bertram St George Male Bellenger Daisy Female Perth
1923/100870 Perth Bellenger Daisy Female Lundon Bertram St George Male Perth
1923/100871 Perth Preacher George Thomas Male Thielemann Elsie Female West Perth
1923/100871 Perth Thielemann Elsie Female Preacher George Thomas Male West Perth
1923/100872 Perth Munro Hilda Female McEwan Peter Male Perth
1923/100872 Perth McEwan Peter Male Munro Hilda Female Perth
1923/100873 Perth Davidson Stephen Male Budd Pearl Victoria Female Perth
1923/100873 Perth Budd Pearl Victoria Female Davidson Stephen Male Perth
1923/100874 Perth Bennett Ellen Louisa Female Ward George Albert Male Perth
1923/100874 Perth Ward George Albert Male Bennett Ellen Louisa Female Perth
1923/100875 Perth Fraser Dorothy May Female Watts Leslie Arthur Male Perth
1923/100875 Perth Watts Leslie Arthur Male Fraser Dorothy May Female Perth
1923/100876 Perth Gilmour Cecil Lincoln Male Allanson Nerissa May Female Perth
1923/100876 Perth Allanson Nerissa May Female Gilmour Cecil Lincoln Male Perth
1923/100877 Perth Simpson Dora Elizabeth Female Mackay John Male Perth
1923/100877 Perth Mackay John Male Simpson Dora Elizabeth Female Perth
1923/100878 Perth Pettit Edward George Male Ross Kathleen Alice Female Perth
1923/100878 Perth Ross Kathleen Alice Female Pettit Edward George Male Perth
1923/100879 Perth Marsh Tom Washington Male Buchanan Myrtle Carslaw Female Perth
1923/100879 Perth Buchanan Myrtle Carslaw Female Marsh Tom Washington Male Perth
1923/100880 Perth Trathan Gilbert William Male Latimer Ethel Irene Female Perth
1923/100880 Perth Latimer Ethel Irene Female Trathan Gilbert William Male Perth
1923/100881 Perth Gray Frank Male Lynn Catherine Helen Annie Female Perth
1923/100881 Perth Lynn Catherine Helen Annie Female Gray Frank Male Perth
1923/100882 Perth Primrose Lucy Baptist Female Wedgwood Joseph Josiah Male Victoria Park
1923/100882 Perth Wedgwood Joseph Josiah Male Primrose Lucy Baptist Female Victoria Park
1923/100883 Perth Edwards Gladys Otelia May Female Savill Alexander William Male Victoria Park
1923/100883 Perth Savill Alexander William Male Edwards Gladys Otelia May Female Victoria Park
1923/100884 Perth Blacklock Rowland William Male Moore Elizabeth Hermanie Margherita Female Perth
1923/100884 Perth Moore Elizabeth Hermanie Margherita Female Blacklock Rowland William Male Perth
1923/100885 Perth Teague Maurice Barton Male Campbell May Ethel Female Perth
1923/100885 Perth Campbell May Ethel Female Teague Maurice Barton Male Perth
1923/100886 Perth Bennett Frank Foxton Male Waldon Vera Marion Female Perth
1923/100886 Perth Waldon Vera Marion Female Bennett Frank Foxton Male Perth
1923/100887 Perth Philp Olga Myrtle Female Jorgensen Walter Male Perth
1923/100887 Perth Jorgensen Walter Male Philp Olga Myrtle Female Perth
1923/100888 Perth Currie John Male Macdonald Annie Fraser Female Perth
1923/100888 Perth Macdonald Annie Fraser Female Currie John Male Perth
1923/100889 Perth Biglin William Henry Male Stevens Queechy Dorrit Female Claremont
1923/100889 Perth Stevens Queechy Dorrit Female Biglin William Henry Male Claremont
1923/100890 Perth Bower Norman William Male Millar Dorothy Magdaline Female West Perth
1923/100890 Perth Millar Dorothy Magdaline Female Bower Norman William Male West Perth
1923/100891 Perth Brady Winifred Female Davidson Victor Padbury Male West Perth
1923/100891 Perth Davidson Victor Padbury Male Brady Winifred Female West Perth
1923/100892 Perth Duncan Roland Erwin Hathaway Male Gilchrist Olive Emily Female Bayswater
1923/100892 Perth Gilchrist Olive Emily Female Duncan Roland Erwin Hathaway Male Bayswater
1923/100893 Perth Eivers William Male Sharp Constance Emily Female Perth
1923/100893 Perth Sharp Constance Emily Female Eivers William Male Perth
1923/100894 Perth McInnes Margaret Kirkland Female Hale Lewis Owen Percival Male North Perth
1923/100894 Perth Hale Lewis Owen Percival Male McInnes Margaret Kirkland Female North Perth
1923/100895 Perth Russ Henrietta Jess Female Compton Charles Alexander Male North Perth
1923/100895 Perth Compton Charles Alexander Male Russ Henrietta Jess Female North Perth
1923/100896 Perth Smith Haywood Woodford Gomez Male Wood Florence Margaret Female Cottesloe
1923/100896 Perth Wood Florence Margaret Female Smith Haywood Woodford Gomez Male Cottesloe
1923/100897 Perth Rice Edward Ceil Male Howlett Geraldine Female Perth
1923/100897 Perth Howlett Geraldine Female Rice Edward Ceil Male Perth
1923/100898 Perth Wordsworth Alice Muriel Female Courtland Charles Grenville Male Perth
1923/100898 Perth Courtland Charles Grenville Male Wordsworth Alice Muriel Female Perth
1923/100899 Perth Anthony Charles Richard Male Brittain Daisy Grace Female West Perth
1923/100899 Perth Brittain Daisy Grace Female Anthony Charles Richard Male West Perth
1923/100900 Perth Ellis Stella Kathleen Female Trefry Gilbert George Male West Perth
1923/100900 Perth Trefry Gilbert George Male Ellis Stella Kathleen Female West Perth
1923/100901 Perth Langer Francis Thomas Male McKenzie Agnes Ellen Female West Perth
1923/100901 Perth McKenzie Agnes Ellen Female Langer Francis Thomas Male West Perth
1923/100902 Perth Tobin Martin Male Parkey Sarah Female West Perth
1923/100902 Perth Parkey Sarah Female Tobin Martin Male West Perth
1923/100903 Perth Combley Kate Mary Female Kennedy Ernest Male Subiaco
1923/100903 Perth Kennedy Ernest Male Combley Kate Mary Female Subiaco
1923/100904 Perth Smith Thomas Stanley James Male Burns Lily Female Perth
1923/100904 Perth Burns Lily Female Smith Thomas Stanley James Male Perth
1923/100905 Perth Carroll Letitia Doreen Female Howson John Frank Male Perth
1923/100905 Perth Howson John Frank Male Carroll Letitia Doreen Female Perth
1923/100906 Perth Gordon Harry George Male Sanderson Jean Annie Female Perth
1923/100906 Perth Sanderson Jean Annie Female Gordon Harry George Male Perth
1923/100907 Perth Yates Stella Florence May Female Young Neville Adolphus Male Perth
1923/100907 Perth Young Neville Adolphus Male Yates Stella Florence May Female Perth
1923/100908 Perth Harvey Daisy Female Thomas Joseph Male Perth
1923/100908 Perth Thomas Joseph Male Harvey Daisy Female Perth
1923/100909 Perth Howieson Rose Female Myers Percy Weston Male Claremont
1923/100909 Perth Myers Percy Weston Male Howieson Rose Female Claremont
1923/100910 Perth Mortimer Walter Cecil Male Porter Sarah Ann Female Swanbourne
1923/100910 Perth Porter Sarah Ann Female Mortimer Walter Cecil Male Swanbourne
1923/100911 Perth Lockyer Albert John Proctor Male Johnson Edith May Female Perth
1923/100911 Perth Johnson Edith May Female Lockyer Albert John Proctor Male Perth
1923/100912 Perth Bunce Ernest William Heath Male Clayton Emily Female Subiaco
1923/100912 Perth Clayton Emily Female Bunce Ernest William Heath Male Subiaco
1923/100913 Perth Flinn Francis Thomas Bernard Male Kobelke Doreen Marjory Female Perth
1923/100913 Perth Kobelke Doreen Marjory Female Flinn Francis Thomas Bernard Male Perth
1923/100914 Perth Ratherhan George Edward Male Barber Dorothy Annie Female Perth
1923/100914 Perth Barber Dorothy Annie Female Ratherhan George Edward Male Perth
1923/100915 Perth Poland John Thomas Male Laurence Cecily Esther Gilda Joyce Female Perth
1923/100915 Perth Laurence Cecily Esther Gilda Joyce Female Poland John Thomas Male Perth
1923/100916 Perth Maltman John Michael Leslie Male King Doreen Elizabeth Female Perth
1923/100916 Perth King Doreen Elizabeth Female Maltman John Michael Leslie Male Perth
1923/100917 Perth Annear Rupert William Male Weir Daisy Muriel Female Perth
1923/100917 Perth Weir Daisy Muriel Female Annear Rupert William Male Perth
1923/100918 Perth Marsh Roy Edward William Male Uren Sylvia Doreen Female Perth
1923/100918 Perth Uren Sylvia Doreen Female Marsh Roy Edward William Male Perth
1923/100919 Perth Farr Charlotte Elizabeth Female Collard John Male Perth
1923/100919 Perth Collard John Male Farr Charlotte Elizabeth Female Perth
1923/100920 Perth Morgan James Harold Male Duvoisin Marguerite Sophie Female Perth
1923/100920 Perth Duvoisin Marguerite Sophie Female Morgan James Harold Male Perth
1923/100921 Perth Gilbert Andrew Robert Male Simmonds Augusta Victoria Female Perth
1923/100921 Perth Simmonds Augusta Victoria Female Gilbert Andrew Robert Male Perth
1923/100922 Perth Kuhl Leslie Norman Male Francis Muriel Winifred Female Subiaco
1923/100922 Perth Francis Muriel Winifred Female Kuhl Leslie Norman Male Subiaco
1923/100923 Perth Thorpe Minnie Grace Female Haseldine Albert Male Perth
1923/100923 Perth Haseldine Albert Male Thorpe Minnie Grace Female Perth
1923/100924 Perth Eves Harry Ernest Noble Male Millar Lily Florence Female Subiaco
1923/100924 Perth Millar Lily Florence Female Eves Harry Ernest Noble Male Subiaco
1923/100925 Perth Steere Sydney George Male Holdaway May Victoria Female Perth
1923/100925 Perth Holdaway May Victoria Female Steere Sydney George Male Perth
1923/100926 Perth Theocharis Irene Female Prastidis Christos Male Perth
1923/100926 Perth Prastidis Christos Male Theocharis Irene Female Perth
1923/100927 Perth White Robert William Male Batsford Edna May Female Perth
1923/100927 Perth Batsford Edna May Female White Robert William Male Perth
1923/100928 Perth Bryan Hughie Male Filmer Mildred Female West Leederville
1923/100928 Perth Filmer Mildred Female Bryan Hughie Male West Leederville
1923/100929 Perth Gill Ryland Oke Male Chadwick Linda Everingham Female Perth
1923/100929 Perth Chadwick Linda Everingham Female Gill Ryland Oke Male Perth
1923/100930 Perth Weston Leslie George Male Mattingly Alice Winifred Female Perth
1923/100930 Perth Mattingly Alice Winifred Female Weston Leslie George Male Perth
1923/100931 Perth McGarrigle Rupert James Male Dewar Ada Amy Female Perth
1923/100931 Perth Dewar Ada Amy Female McGarrigle Rupert James Male Perth
1923/100932 Perth Banfield Frederick George Male Gray Beatrice Florence Female Perth
1923/100932 Perth Gray Beatrice Florence Female Banfield Frederick George Male Perth
1923/100933 Perth Ticklie Archibald Male Treeby Lilian Female Victoria Park
1923/100933 Perth Treeby Lilian Female Ticklie Archibald Male Victoria Park
1923/100934 Perth Jarvis Lily May Female Jones David Charles Male Perth
1923/100934 Perth Jones David Charles Male Jarvis Lily May Female Perth
1923/100935 Perth Oliver Lilian Jane Female Sullivan James Male Perth
1923/100935 Perth Sullivan James Male Oliver Lilian Jane Female Perth
1923/100936 Perth Firmin Stanley Herbert Male Horner Evelyn Swift Female Perth
1923/100936 Perth Horner Evelyn Swift Female Firmin Stanley Herbert Male Perth
1923/100937 Perth Archer Ellen May Female Ward William Edward Male Perth
1923/100937 Perth Ward William Edward Male Archer Ellen May Female Perth
1923/100938 Perth Prettejohn Gladys Rose Female Williams James Henry Male Subiaco
1923/100938 Perth Williams James Henry Male Prettejohn Gladys Rose Female Subiaco
1923/100939 Perth Severin Clifton Herbert Male Prettejohn Dorothy Female Subiaco
1923/100939 Perth Prettejohn Dorothy Female Severin Clifton Herbert Male Subiaco
1923/100940 Perth Horsburgh Beatrice Mary Female Smith Alec Dixon Male Perth
1923/100940 Perth Smith Alec Dixon Male Horsburgh Beatrice Mary Female Perth
1923/100941 Perth Rowley Elsie Emma Female Rudkin Edwin Charles Male Perth
1923/100941 Perth Rudkin Edwin Charles Male Rowley Elsie Emma Female Perth
1923/100942 Perth Neate Mercie Grace Female Newman William Sydney Male West Perth
1923/100942 Perth Newman William Sydney Male Neate Mercie Grace Female West Perth
1923/100943 Perth Braysher Grace Louisa Female Thomas Hector Frederick George Male Perth
1923/100943 Perth Thomas Hector Frederick George Male Braysher Grace Louisa Female Perth
1923/100944 Perth Don Ruby May Female Rudd Frederick Thomas Male Mt Lawley
1923/100944 Perth Rudd Frederick Thomas Male Don Ruby May Female Mt Lawley
1923/100945 Perth Bawden Eric Claude Male Jinkins Catherine Gertrude Female Subiaco
1923/100945 Perth Jinkins Catherine Gertrude Female Bawden Eric Claude Male Subiaco
1923/100946 Perth Brien Elizabeth Female Stratton William John Male Perth
1923/100946 Perth Stratton William John Male Brien Elizabeth Female Perth
1923/100947 Perth Forrest Robert Male Barratt Beatrice Elizabeth Female Perth
1923/100947 Perth Barratt Beatrice Elizabeth Female Forrest Robert Male Perth
1923/100948 Perth Ford Edward Robert Male Butler Isabelle Lindsay Female Perth
1923/100948 Perth Butler Isabelle Lindsay Female Ford Edward Robert Male Perth
1923/100949 Perth Clark Cecil James Male McCall May Female Perth
1923/100949 Perth McCall May Female Clark Cecil James Male Perth
1923/100950 Perth Rotenberg Leah Rose Female Lewis Mark Male Perth
1923/100950 Perth Lewis Mark Male Rotenberg Leah Rose Female Perth
1923/100951 Perth Lukin Edwin Leslie Male Kenny Geraldine Female West Perth
1923/100951 Perth Kenny Geraldine Female Lukin Edwin Leslie Male West Perth
1923/100952 Perth Bond Alfred Benjamin Male Brooks Eleanor Jane Female West Perth
1923/100952 Perth Brooks Eleanor Jane Female Bond Alfred Benjamin Male West Perth
1923/100953 Perth McDiarmid William Archibald Male Edwards Elsie Ruby Female Perth
1923/100953 Perth Edwards Elsie Ruby Female McDiarmid William Archibald Male Perth
1923/100954 Perth Finney Emily Beatrice Female Shreeve Arthur Male Perth
1923/100954 Perth Shreeve Arthur Male Finney Emily Beatrice Female Perth
1923/100955 Perth Morley Greta Charlotte Female Broadhurst Edward Henson Male Perth
1923/100955 Perth Broadhurst Edward Henson Male Morley Greta Charlotte Female Perth
1923/100956 Perth Collins Annie Elizabeth Female Kain John Male Cottesloe
1923/100956 Perth Kain John Male Collins Annie Elizabeth Female Cottesloe
1923/100957 Perth Egan Hilda Maud Female Reynolds Leo Osborne Male Perth
1923/100957 Perth Reynolds Leo Osborne Male Egan Hilda Maud Female Perth
1923/100958 Perth Jones Francis Theodore Male Godley Lily Mary Female Perth
1923/100958 Perth Godley Lily Mary Female Jones Francis Theodore Male Perth
1923/100959 Perth Pontague Joseph Male Eggleston Adelina Ann Female Perth
1923/100959 Perth Eggleston Adelina Ann Female Pontague Joseph Male Perth
1923/100960 Perth Summers Dorothy Muriel Female Wooldridge George Male North Perth
1923/100960 Perth Wooldridge George Male Summers Dorothy Muriel Female North Perth
1923/100961 Perth Doolan Eva Grace Female Buckingham Norman Ernest Male Victoria Park
1923/100961 Perth Buckingham Norman Ernest Male Doolan Eva Grace Female Victoria Park
1923/100962 Perth Grono Doris Jane Valentine Female Curwood Hercules William Frost Male Cottesloe
1923/100962 Perth Curwood Hercules William Frost Male Grono Doris Jane Valentine Female Cottesloe
1923/100963 Perth Rule Nellie Bray Female Stanley Thomas William Male West Leederville
1923/100963 Perth Stanley Thomas William Male Rule Nellie Bray Female West Leederville
1923/100964 Perth Shaw Emily Mary Gertrude Female Reid Hugh John Male Perth
1923/100964 Perth Reid Hugh John Male Shaw Emily Mary Gertrude Female Perth
1923/100965 Perth Head Harry Clifford Male Cunningham Annie May Female Maylands
1923/100965 Perth Cunningham Annie May Female Head Harry Clifford Male Maylands
1923/100966 Perth Davies William George Male Hiah Sarah Female Claremont
1923/100966 Perth Hiah Sarah Female Davies William George Male Claremont
1923/100967 Perth Medley May Female Palmer Robert Charles Male Perth
1923/100967 Perth Palmer Robert Charles Male Medley May Female Perth
1923/100968 Perth Mills Henry John Male Arnott Grace Female Perth
1923/100968 Perth Arnott Grace Female Mills Henry John Male Perth
1923/100969 Perth James Mary Emmeline Female Langlands Daniel Male Perth
1923/100969 Perth Langlands Daniel Male James Mary Emmeline Female Perth
1923/100970 Perth Aspinall John Oliver Male Hayward Lilian Female Victoria Park
1923/100970 Perth Hayward Lilian Female Aspinall John Oliver Male Victoria Park
1923/100971 Perth Cook Laurence Major Male Kinninment Edith Maud Female Perth
1923/100971 Perth Kinninment Edith Maud Female Cook Laurence Major Male Perth
1923/100972 Perth Maloney Myrtle Female Crapp Edward Henry Male Perth
1923/100972 Perth Crapp Edward Henry Male Maloney Myrtle Female Perth
1923/100973 Perth Freeman Ethel Wilgress Female Hooper Victor John Male Perth
1923/100973 Perth Hooper Victor John Male Freeman Ethel Wilgress Female Perth
1923/100974 Perth Ledger Queenie Clara Lilian Female Bollard Maurice Montgomery Male Perth
1923/100974 Perth Bollard Maurice Montgomery Male Ledger Queenie Clara Lilian Female Perth
1923/100975 Perth Ogden Gerald Dunckley Male Dunn Ada Kathleen Female Perth
1923/100975 Perth Dunn Ada Kathleen Female Ogden Gerald Dunckley Male Perth
1923/100976 Perth Currie Margaret Davidson Female Lyndhurst Clifton Thomas Male Perth
1923/100976 Perth Lyndhurst Clifton Thomas Male Currie Margaret Davidson Female Perth
1923/100977 Perth Burton Florence Female Williams Jasper Norman Fisher Male Perth
1923/100977 Perth Williams Jasper Norman Fisher Male Burton Florence Female Perth
1923/100978 Perth Cannell Cynthia Myrtle Isabel Cameron Female Rose Henry Arthur Male Perth
1923/100978 Perth Rose Henry Arthur Male Cannell Cynthia Myrtle Isabel Cameron Female Perth
1923/100979 Perth McNeece Inez Kate Female Doig William Cleaver Robert Alexander Male Claremont
1923/100979 Perth Doig William Cleaver Robert Alexander Male McNeece Inez Kate Female Claremont
1923/100980 Perth Price Kathleen May Female Wilkinson Arthur Male Bayswater
1923/100980 Perth Wilkinson Arthur Male Price Kathleen May Female Bayswater
1923/100981 Perth Kennedy Matilda Jane Female Burns Robert Wallace Male West Perth
1923/100981 Perth Burns Robert Wallace Male Kennedy Matilda Jane Female West Perth
1923/100982 Perth Ryan Edmond Male Woods Victoria Sophia Female Perth
1923/100982 Perth Woods Victoria Sophia Female Ryan Edmond Male Perth
1923/100983 Perth Keith Ada Elsie May Female Cadee Tasman Sydney Male Perth
1923/100983 Perth Cadee Tasman Sydney Male Keith Ada Elsie May Female Perth
1923/100984 Perth Gallagher John James Male Kendrick Amy Isabella Female Perth
1923/100984 Perth Kendrick Amy Isabella Female Gallagher John James Male Perth
1923/100985 Perth MacMillan James Alexander Male Low Sybil Bernice Female Leederville
1923/100985 Perth Low Sybil Bernice Female MacMillan James Alexander Male Leederville
1923/100986 Perth Green Gladys Irene Female McKenna Arthur Thomas Male Subiaco
1923/100986 Perth McKenna Arthur Thomas Male Green Gladys Irene Female Subiaco
1923/100987 Perth Zehnder Sidney Roy Male Cuthbertson Inos Agnes Female Subiaco
1923/100987 Perth Cuthbertson Inos Agnes Female Zehnder Sidney Roy Male Subiaco
1923/100988 Perth Dryer George Walter Male Sunley Hannah Female Subiaco
1923/100988 Perth Sunley Hannah Female Dryer George Walter Male Subiaco
1923/100989 Perth Diprose Ruby May Female Webster Clifford John Male Subiaco
1923/100989 Perth Webster Clifford John Male Diprose Ruby May Female Subiaco
1923/100990 Perth Blake Samuel Vintrey Male Hackford Daisy Lambson Female Perth
1923/100990 Perth Hackford Daisy Lambson Female Blake Samuel Vintrey Male Perth
1923/100991 Perth Johnston John Morris Male Mayes Dorothy Evelyn Female Perth
1923/100991 Perth Mayes Dorothy Evelyn Female Johnston John Morris Male Perth
1923/100992 Perth Forrester Arthur Gilbert Male Robertson Christina Florence Female Perth
1923/100992 Perth Robertson Christina Florence Female Forrester Arthur Gilbert Male Perth
1923/100993 Perth Spragg William James Harrold Male Edmondson Elsie May Female Perth
1923/100993 Perth Edmondson Elsie May Female Spragg William James Harrold Male Perth
1923/100994 Perth Threadgold Oscar Male Cummins Agnes Eileen Female Perth
1923/100994 Perth Cummins Agnes Eileen Female Threadgold Oscar Male Perth
1923/100995 Perth Harkess Dora Maggie Female Kerr Robert James Male Perth
1923/100995 Perth Kerr Robert James Male Harkess Dora Maggie Female Perth
1923/100996 Perth Scott Essie Lucinda Female Bevis Herbert John Male West Perth
1923/100996 Perth Bevis Herbert John Male Scott Essie Lucinda Female West Perth
1923/100997 Perth Brooks Grace Georgina Female Halliday Rudel Ralph Male Perth
1923/100997 Perth Halliday Rudel Ralph Male Brooks Grace Georgina Female Perth
1923/100998 Perth Seubert Doris Female Morton Francis Edmund Male Subiaco
1923/100998 Perth Morton Francis Edmund Male Seubert Doris Female Subiaco
1923/100999 Perth Bodger Leslie William John Male Coubrough Florence Myrtle Female Perth
1923/100999 Perth Coubrough Florence Myrtle Female Bodger Leslie William John Male Perth
1923/101000 Perth Dean Annie Elsie Female Golby Thomas Edward Male Perth
1923/101000 Perth Golby Thomas Edward Male Dean Annie Elsie Female Perth
1923/101001 Perth Thomas Alfred Edwin Male Lewis Amy Female Perth
1923/101001 Perth Lewis Amy Female Thomas Alfred Edwin Male Perth
1923/101002 Perth Race Ernest Skelton Male Bellis Violet Edith Female Cottesloe
1923/101002 Perth Bellis Violet Edith Female Race Ernest Skelton Male Cottesloe
1923/101003 Perth Rees Henry Sainsbury Male Wilson Kathleen Female Perth
1923/101003 Perth Wilson Kathleen Female Rees Henry Sainsbury Male Perth
1923/101004 Perth Robertson Eva Elizabeth Allison Female Norton George Sidney James Male Claremont
1923/101004 Perth Norton George Sidney James Male Robertson Eva Elizabeth Allison Female Claremont
1923/101005 Perth Dickie Janet Donald Female Bryden Charles Male Claremont
1923/101005 Perth Bryden Charles Male Dickie Janet Donald Female Claremont
1923/101006 Perth Lazarus Doreen Female Hedger James Male East Perth
1923/101006 Perth Hedger James Male Lazarus Doreen Female East Perth
1923/101007 Perth Barber Kathleen Female Sandour Alfred Eric Male Perth
1923/101007 Perth Sandour Alfred Eric Male Barber Kathleen Female Perth
1923/101008 Perth Palmer Robert Trevelyan Male Taaffe Florence Mabel Female Perth
1923/101008 Perth Taaffe Florence Mabel Female Palmer Robert Trevelyan Male Perth
1923/101009 Perth Schramm Reta Constance Female Sibby Arthur Male Perth
1923/101009 Perth Sibby Arthur Male Schramm Reta Constance Female Perth
1923/101010 Perth Stevens Bernice Female Bown Frederick Garnet Male Mt Lawley
1923/101010 Perth Bown Frederick Garnet Male Stevens Bernice Female Mt Lawley
1923/101011 Perth Baum Ferdinand August Male Cassidy Johanna Margaret Female West Perth
1923/101011 Perth Cassidy Johanna Margaret Female Baum Ferdinand August Male West Perth
1923/101012 Perth Ross Gertrude Minnie Female Willis Cyril Francis Male South Perth
1923/101012 Perth Willis Cyril Francis Male Ross Gertrude Minnie Female South Perth
1923/101013 Perth Thomson Alan Lindsay Male Hantke Thelma Reid Female South Perth
1923/101013 Perth Hantke Thelma Reid Female Thomson Alan Lindsay Male South Perth
1923/101014 Perth Dunleavy Laurence Owen Male Johnson Elizabeth Baxter Female Perth
1923/101014 Perth Johnson Elizabeth Baxter Female Dunleavy Laurence Owen Male Perth
1923/101015 Perth Molloy Mary Josephine Female Lutter Rueb Clement Male Perth
1923/101015 Perth Lutter Rueb Clement Male Molloy Mary Josephine Female Perth
1923/101016 Perth Slavin Francis Michael Male Paulig Violet Maud Female Cottesloe
1923/101016 Perth Paulig Violet Maud Female Slavin Francis Michael Male Cottesloe
1923/101017 Perth Markham Leslie Hawtin Ivon Male Murray Iris Alexandra Beresford Female Cottesloe
1923/101017 Perth Murray Iris Alexandra Beresford Female Markham Leslie Hawtin Ivon Male Cottesloe
1923/101018 Perth Harding Percy Norman Male Feakes Lily May Female Perth
1923/101018 Perth Feakes Lily May Female Harding Percy Norman Male Perth
1923/101019 Perth Angell Dora Florence Nellie Female Campbell Ernest Edwin Male Perth
1923/101019 Perth Campbell Ernest Edwin Male Angell Dora Florence Nellie Female Perth
1923/101020 Perth Slee Dulcie Female Holthem Victor Joseph Male Perth
1923/101020 Perth Holthem Victor Joseph Male Slee Dulcie Female Perth
1923/101021 Perth Barrington Stephen Male Carne Eva Kathleen Female Perth
1923/101021 Perth Carne Eva Kathleen Female Barrington Stephen Male Perth
1923/101022 Perth Watts Florrie Female Disley Frederick Charles Male Perth
1923/101022 Perth Disley Frederick Charles Male Watts Florrie Female Perth
1923/101023 Perth Webster Frank Irwin Male Kenworthy Doris Mary Female Perth
1923/101023 Perth Kenworthy Doris Mary Female Webster Frank Irwin Male Perth
1923/101024 Perth Firth Leslie Male Hodgkiss Irene Winifred Female Perth
1923/101024 Perth Hodgkiss Irene Winifred Female Firth Leslie Male Perth
1923/101025 Perth Simms Muriel Elfreda Female Mills Charles Edward Male Perth
1923/101025 Perth Mills Charles Edward Male Simms Muriel Elfreda Female Perth
1923/101026 Perth Richards Florence Selma Female Giblett John Thomas Male Perth
1923/101026 Perth Giblett John Thomas Male Richards Florence Selma Female Perth
1923/101027 Perth Dedman Lilian May Female Cream Charles Francis Sepia Male Victoria Park
1923/101027 Perth Cream Charles Francis Sepia Male Dedman Lilian May Female Victoria Park
1923/101028 Perth Telfer Iris Lois Female Luff Frank Male West Perth
1923/101028 Perth Luff Frank Male Telfer Iris Lois Female West Perth
1923/101029 Perth McGregor Allison Edna Macintosh Female Campbell Kenneth McKenzie Male Perth
1923/101029 Perth Campbell Kenneth McKenzie Male McGregor Allison Edna Macintosh Female Perth
1923/101031 Perth Wittenoom Charles Home Male Hanrahan Constance Patricia Female Perth
1923/101031 Perth Hanrahan Constance Patricia Female Wittenoom Charles Home Male Perth
1923/101032 Perth Tolerton Dunlop Male Rasmussen Emily Female Perth
1923/101032 Perth Rasmussen Emily Female Tolerton Dunlop Male Perth
1923/101033 Perth Hogan Mary Imalda Female McLachlan Kenneth Male Perth
1923/101033 Perth McLachlan Kenneth Male Hogan Mary Imalda Female Perth
1923/101034 Perth Whately Horace De Courcey Male Byrne Eleanor Teresa Female Perth
1923/101034 Perth Byrne Eleanor Teresa Female Whately Horace De Courcey Male Perth
1923/101035 Perth McComish Leo Male Whiteford Alice Female Perth
1923/101035 Perth Whiteford Alice Female McComish Leo Male Perth
1923/101036 Perth Templeton Annie Violet Victoria Female Callaghan Harold Edward Thomas Male Perth
1923/101036 Perth Callaghan Harold Edward Thomas Male Templeton Annie Violet Victoria Female Perth
1923/101037 Perth Ryan Annie Female Williams Alfred John Male Perth
1923/101037 Perth Williams Alfred John Male Ryan Annie Female Perth
1923/101038 Perth Neighbour Gladys Emily Female Rewell Melville Forrest Male Perth
1923/101038 Perth Rewell Melville Forrest Male Neighbour Gladys Emily Female Perth
1923/101039 Perth Foley Maurice Francis Male Landquist Augusta Marie Female Victoria Park
1923/101039 Perth Landquist Augusta Marie Female Foley Maurice Francis Male Victoria Park
1923/101040 Perth McDonald Leonard Gerald Male Mills Kathleen Female Subiaco
1923/101040 Perth Mills Kathleen Female McDonald Leonard Gerald Male Subiaco
1923/101041 Perth Wells Beatrix Ivy Female Mercer Eric Garfield Male Bayswater
1923/101041 Perth Mercer Eric Garfield Male Wells Beatrix Ivy Female Bayswater
1923/101042 Perth Buddee Ariel Brockman Female Hendley Arthur Clive Male Perth
1923/101042 Perth Hendley Arthur Clive Male Buddee Ariel Brockman Female Perth
1923/101043 Perth Heaton Dorothy Female Rowbotham George Male Perth
1923/101043 Perth Rowbotham George Male Heaton Dorothy Female Perth
1923/101044 Perth Gardiner Sarah Priscilla Dorothy Female Anning Charles William Male West Perth
1923/101044 Perth Anning Charles William Male Gardiner Sarah Priscilla Dorothy Female West Perth
1923/101045 Perth Barndon Lewis Eber Male Clinton Malvina Jessie Female West Perth
1923/101045 Perth Clinton Malvina Jessie Female Barndon Lewis Eber Male West Perth
1923/101046 Perth Woodthorpe Gladys Irene Female Purcher Alfred Richard Male West Perth
1923/101046 Perth Purcher Alfred Richard Male Woodthorpe Gladys Irene Female West Perth
1923/101047 Perth Hodder Vera Ellen Ruth Female Durrant Percival Hamilton Male Perth
1923/101047 Perth Durrant Percival Hamilton Male Hodder Vera Ellen Ruth Female Perth
1923/101048 Perth Saunders John Arthur Henry Male Hunt Helen Female Cottesloe Beach
1923/101048 Perth Hunt Helen Female Saunders John Arthur Henry Male Cottesloe Beach
1923/101049 Perth Ruck Clara Hofner Female McDonald Donald Cameron Male Cottesloe Beach
1923/101049 Perth McDonald Donald Cameron Male Ruck Clara Hofner Female Cottesloe Beach
1923/101050 Perth Heitmann Dagmar Vida Female O'Dea Thomas Male Cottesloe Beach
1923/101050 Perth O'Dea Thomas Male Heitmann Dagmar Vida Female Cottesloe Beach
1923/101051 Perth Nelson Dorothy May Female Lovegrove Leonard Charles Male Claremont
1923/101051 Perth Lovegrove Leonard Charles Male Nelson Dorothy May Female Claremont
1923/101052 Perth Fairs Eric Charles Male Caporn Violet Female Swanbourne
1923/101052 Perth Caporn Violet Female Fairs Eric Charles Male Swanbourne
1923/101053 Perth Simpson Grace Lillian Female Hicks Harold Male Perth
1923/101053 Perth Hicks Harold Male Simpson Grace Lillian Female Perth
1923/101054 Perth Campbell Lila Maude Female Roberts David George Male Perth
1923/101054 Perth Roberts David George Male Campbell Lila Maude Female Perth
1923/101055 Perth Taylor Francis James Male Meares Dorothy May Female Perth
1923/101055 Perth Meares Dorothy May Female Taylor Francis James Male Perth
1923/101056 Perth Hodson May Victoria Female Holder Walter Male North Perth
1923/101056 Perth Holder Walter Male Hodson May Victoria Female North Perth
1923/101057 Perth Taylor May Female Trott John Male North Perth
1923/101057 Perth Trott John Male Taylor May Female North Perth
1923/101058 Perth Langton William George Male Dobson Kate Isabel Female North Perth
1923/101058 Perth Dobson Kate Isabel Female Langton William George Male North Perth
1923/101059 Perth Hartnell John Scott Male Baxter Kathleen Raidy Female Perth
1923/101059 Perth Baxter Kathleen Raidy Female Hartnell John Scott Male Perth
1923/101060 Perth McArthur Sylvia Iris Female Smith Alfred Ernest Male Maylands
1923/101060 Perth Smith Alfred Ernest Male McArthur Sylvia Iris Female Maylands
1923/101061 Perth Bowers John Male Rumble Rose Victoria Female Maylands
1923/101061 Perth Rumble Rose Victoria Female Bowers John Male Maylands
1923/101062 Perth Howard William Male Christie Lizzie Rennie Female Perth
1923/101062 Perth Christie Lizzie Rennie Female Howard William Male Perth
1923/101063 Perth Powell Isaac Robert Male Stewart Ethel May Female Perth
1923/101063 Perth Stewart Ethel May Female Powell Isaac Robert Male Perth
1923/101064 Perth Abbott Rose Amelia Female Cooney John Patrick Male Perth
1923/101064 Perth Cooney John Patrick Male Abbott Rose Amelia Female Perth
1923/101065 Perth Ogg Annie Adam Female Green John William Male Perth
1923/101065 Perth Green John William Male Ogg Annie Adam Female Perth
1923/101066 Perth Gentle Joy Female Hare William Lonsdale Male West Perth
1923/101066 Perth Hare William Lonsdale Male Gentle Joy Female West Perth
1923/101067 Perth Minchin Henry Male Shanahan Teresa Female Perth
1923/101067 Perth Shanahan Teresa Female Minchin Henry Male Perth
1923/101068 Perth Metcalfe George Male Exton Dora Female Perth
1923/101068 Perth Exton Dora Female Metcalfe George Male Perth
1923/101069 Perth Tailor William Francis Male Wells Emily Grace Female Perth
1923/101069 Perth Wells Emily Grace Female Tailor William Francis Male Perth
1923/101070 Perth Ogborne Doris Kathleen Female Gunning William Russell Male Perth
1923/101070 Perth Gunning William Russell Male Ogborne Doris Kathleen Female Perth
1923/101071 Perth Campbell Edith Female Davis Jack Male Claremont
1923/101071 Perth Davis Jack Male Campbell Edith Female Claremont
1923/101072 Perth Anderson Alice Ida Female Matthews William Franklin Male Perth
1923/101072 Perth Matthews William Franklin Male Anderson Alice Ida Female Perth
1923/101073 Perth Jenning Arthur George Male Rogers Edith Lilian Female Victoria Park
1923/101073 Perth Rogers Edith Lilian Female Jenning Arthur George Male Victoria Park
1923/101074 Perth Mayhew Flossie Mabel Female Hastings Charles William Male Perth
1923/101074 Perth Hastings Charles William Male Mayhew Flossie Mabel Female Perth
1923/101075 Perth Heaton Doris Evelyn Female Stockbridge Robert Leslie St Clair Male Perth
1923/101075 Perth Stockbridge Robert Leslie St Clair Male Heaton Doris Evelyn Female Perth
1923/101076 Perth Drizzie Eileen Rose Female Francis Joseph Male Perth
1923/101076 Perth Francis Joseph Male Drizzie Eileen Rose Female Perth
1923/101077 Perth Isaac Rowley Joseph Male McKell Florence May Female Perth
1923/101077 Perth McKell Florence May Female Isaac Rowley Joseph Male Perth
1923/101078 Perth Spalding John Gordon Male Scott Rachael Female Perth
1923/101078 Perth Scott Rachael Female Spalding John Gordon Male Perth
1923/101079 Perth Bailey Blanche Beatrice Female Kerrigan William Baden Powell Male North Perth
1923/101079 Perth Kerrigan William Baden Powell Male Bailey Blanche Beatrice Female North Perth
1923/101080 Perth Giese Walter Gustave Male Dickson Margaret Florence Female Subiaco
1923/101080 Perth Dickson Margaret Florence Female Giese Walter Gustave Male Subiaco
1923/101081 Perth McKenzie Jessie Leitch Female Shaw Andrew Male West Perth
1923/101081 Perth Shaw Andrew Male McKenzie Jessie Leitch Female West Perth
1923/101082 Perth Cross Walter Male Manns Louisa Mary Female West Perth
1923/101082 Perth Manns Louisa Mary Female Cross Walter Male West Perth
1923/101083 Perth Fenner Horace Vivian Male Robinson Ivy Female Perth
1923/101083 Perth Robinson Ivy Female Fenner Horace Vivian Male Perth
1923/101084 Perth Thiel Albert Herman Male Swain Ada Jane Female Subiaco
1923/101084 Perth Swain Ada Jane Female Thiel Albert Herman Male Subiaco
1923/101085 Perth Toms Florence Eleanor Female Jones Norman Male Subiaco
1923/101085 Perth Jones Norman Male Toms Florence Eleanor Female Subiaco
1923/101086 Perth Mansfield Leonard Baldwyn Male Davenport Elizabeth Female Subiaco
1923/101086 Perth Davenport Elizabeth Female Mansfield Leonard Baldwyn Male Subiaco
1923/101087 Perth Wilkinson Dorothy Blacklock Female Flick George William Stephen Male West Perth
1923/101087 Perth Flick George William Stephen Male Wilkinson Dorothy Blacklock Female West Perth
1923/101088 Perth Gibson Edith Muriel Female Williams Horace George Hyde Male Perth
1923/101088 Perth Williams Horace George Hyde Male Gibson Edith Muriel Female Perth
1923/101089 Perth Jackson Emma Calliope Female Kennedy George Male Perth
1923/101089 Perth Kennedy George Male Jackson Emma Calliope Female Perth
1923/101090 Perth Reffell Violet Rosetta Female Ettles Edward Mervyn Charles Male Perth
1923/101090 Perth Ettles Edward Mervyn Charles Male Reffell Violet Rosetta Female Perth
1923/101091 Perth Stafford Chloris Madge Female Snudden Victor James Male Perth
1923/101091 Perth Snudden Victor James Male Stafford Chloris Madge Female Perth
1923/101092 Perth Tucker Doris Female Young Philip Harold Male Perth
1923/101092 Perth Young Philip Harold Male Tucker Doris Female Perth
1923/101093 Perth Fitzgerald John Henry Male Woods Dorothy Ada Female Perth
1923/101093 Perth Woods Dorothy Ada Female Fitzgerald John Henry Male Perth
1923/101094 Perth Johnson Gladys Josephine Female Nangle George Henry Male Perth
1923/101094 Perth Nangle George Henry Male Johnson Gladys Josephine Female Perth
1923/101095 Perth Pope Eva Emma Female Buck Edward William Male Perth
1923/101095 Perth Buck Edward William Male Pope Eva Emma Female Perth
1923/101096 Perth Hughes Charles Richard Male Luhrs Henrietta Female Cottesloe
1923/101096 Perth Luhrs Henrietta Female Hughes Charles Richard Male Cottesloe
1923/101097 Perth Geiger Lilian Female Pahaut Gabriel Arthur Louis Jules Male Perth
1923/101097 Perth Pahaut Gabriel Arthur Louis Jules Male Geiger Lilian Female Perth
1923/101098 Perth Ballantyne John Male Young Mina Morgan Female Perth
1923/101098 Perth Young Mina Morgan Female Ballantyne John Male Perth
1923/101099 Perth Griggs William James Henry Male Scurry Florence Female Perth
1923/101099 Perth Scurry Florence Female Griggs William James Henry Male Perth
1923/101100 Perth Garden Lorna Hope Female Carson Wilfred Harold Male Perth
1923/101100 Perth Carson Wilfred Harold Male Garden Lorna Hope Female Perth
1923/101101 Perth Jenkins George William Male Wilson Dorothy Irene Female Perth
1923/101101 Perth Wilson Dorothy Irene Female Jenkins George William Male Perth
1923/101102 Perth Butler Thomas Male Comiskey Sadie Female Leederville
1923/101102 Perth Comiskey Sadie Female Butler Thomas Male Leederville
1923/101103 Perth Zervos Drossos Male McQueen Elsie Maud Female Perth
1923/101103 Perth McQueen Elsie Maud Female Zervos Drossos Male Perth
1923/101104 Perth Pasco Arthur Henry Male Hicks Linda May Female Perth
1923/101104 Perth Hicks Linda May Female Pasco Arthur Henry Male Perth
1923/101105 Perth Lloyd Clarence George Langley Male Routley Marion Vera Female Subiaco
1923/101105 Perth Routley Marion Vera Female Lloyd Clarence George Langley Male Subiaco
1923/101106 Perth Sully William Edgar Male Storey Mary Latham Female Perth
1923/101106 Perth Storey Mary Latham Female Sully William Edgar Male Perth
1923/101107 Perth Holmes Thomas Alfred Male East Agnes Gertrude Female Perth
1923/101107 Perth East Agnes Gertrude Female Holmes Thomas Alfred Male Perth
1923/101108 Perth Hayes Alfred Male Clare Alice Louisa Female Perth
1923/101108 Perth Clare Alice Louisa Female Hayes Alfred Male Perth
1923/101109 Perth Mumme Dorothy May Female Wallace Ernest John Male Perth
1923/101109 Perth Wallace Ernest John Male Mumme Dorothy May Female Perth
1923/101110 Perth Ratke Mena Female Dudney John Joseph Male Perth
1923/101110 Perth Dudney John Joseph Male Ratke Mena Female Perth
1923/101111 Perth Foreman Donald Montgomery Male Steadman Marguerite Female Perth
1923/101111 Perth Steadman Marguerite Female Foreman Donald Montgomery Male Perth
1923/101112 Perth Jenkinson Charlotte Sadie Female Johnsen Johannes David Male Cottesloe
1923/101112 Perth Johnsen Johannes David Male Jenkinson Charlotte Sadie Female Cottesloe
1923/101113 Perth Wittenoom Irene Sara Female Heron Frederick Henry Rowan Male Perth
1923/101113 Perth Heron Frederick Henry Rowan Male Wittenoom Irene Sara Female Perth
1923/101114 Perth Jecks Florence Beatrice Female Stiepwich William Nicholas Male Cottesloe
1923/101114 Perth Stiepwich William Nicholas Male Jecks Florence Beatrice Female Cottesloe
1923/101115 Perth Bercove Maurice Male Hirsch Betia Female Perth
1923/101115 Perth Hirsch Betia Female Bercove Maurice Male Perth
1923/101116 Perth Taylor Clifford Lorne Male Cockcroft Ethel Mary Female Perth
1923/101116 Perth Cockcroft Ethel Mary Female Taylor Clifford Lorne Male Perth
1923/101117 Perth Hickson Richard Henry Male Bramley Ethel Phyllis Female Perth
1923/101117 Perth Bramley Ethel Phyllis Female Hickson Richard Henry Male Perth
1923/101118 Perth Francis Harry Simpson Male Tilly Dorothy Millicent Female Perth
1923/101118 Perth Tilly Dorothy Millicent Female Francis Harry Simpson Male Perth
1923/101119 Perth Walton Nellie Female Flint Percy Edwin Male Mount Hawthorn
1923/101119 Perth Flint Percy Edwin Male Walton Nellie Female Mount Hawthorn
1923/101120 Perth Dohut Lillian May Female McGuire Charles Robert Male Perth
1923/101120 Perth McGuire Charles Robert Male Dohut Lillian May Female Perth
1923/101121 Perth Guthrie Edward Male Arcus Philomene Female West Leederville
1923/101121 Perth Arcus Philomene Female Guthrie Edward Male West Leederville
1923/101122 Perth Edwards Gladys May Female Pearce Edgar William Carter Male Perth
1923/101122 Perth Pearce Edgar William Carter Male Edwards Gladys May Female Perth
1923/101123 Perth Spencer Gertrude May Female Cooper Noel Victor Male Perth
1923/101123 Perth Cooper Noel Victor Male Spencer Gertrude May Female Perth
1923/101124 Perth Johnson Thelma Female Berglund Charles Oscar Male Subiaco
1923/101124 Perth Berglund Charles Oscar Male Johnson Thelma Female Subiaco
1923/101125 Perth Brackenreg Dorothy Florence Female Lindan Reuben Cornelius Male North Perth
1923/101125 Perth Lindan Reuben Cornelius Male Brackenreg Dorothy Florence Female North Perth
1923/101126 Perth Edwards Doris Isabella Female Johns Reginald Henry Caust Male Perth
1923/101126 Perth Johns Reginald Henry Caust Male Edwards Doris Isabella Female Perth
1923/101127 Perth Temby Sydney Harold Male Allen Millicent Florence Female Claremont
1923/101127 Perth Allen Millicent Florence Female Temby Sydney Harold Male Claremont
1923/101128 Perth Reed Mary Emily Female Maclean Ernest Noel Male West Perth
1923/101128 Perth Maclean Ernest Noel Male Reed Mary Emily Female West Perth
1923/101129 Perth Smith William George Male Robinson Edith May Female West Perth
1923/101129 Perth Robinson Edith May Female Smith William George Male West Perth
1923/101130 Perth O'Neil Eileen Doris Female Sanderson William Lauchlan Male Leederville
1923/101130 Perth Sanderson William Lauchlan Male O'Neil Eileen Doris Female Leederville
1923/101131 Perth Connor Roy William Male Miller Rose Female Leederville
1923/101131 Perth Miller Rose Female Connor Roy William Male Leederville
1923/101132 Perth Nicholson Robert Male Geddes Violet Female Leederville
1923/101132 Perth Geddes Violet Female Nicholson Robert Male Leederville
1923/101133 Perth Warner George Russell Male Bain Flora McLeod Female Perth
1923/101133 Perth Bain Flora McLeod Female Warner George Russell Male Perth
1923/101134 Perth Levy Yvonne Mifanwy Female Brown Ernest Alfred Male South Perth
1923/101134 Perth Brown Ernest Alfred Male Levy Yvonne Mifanwy Female South Perth
1923/101135 Perth Sutton Dorothy Maude Female Nash John Robert Male Maylands
1923/101135 Perth Nash John Robert Male Sutton Dorothy Maude Female Maylands
1923/101136 Perth Francis Caroline Martha Female Winter Harris Male Subiaco
1923/101136 Perth Winter Harris Male Francis Caroline Martha Female Subiaco
1923/101137 Perth Deering Leslie John Male Dale Mary Dorothy Female Victoria Park
1923/101137 Perth Dale Mary Dorothy Female Deering Leslie John Male Victoria Park
1923/101138 Perth Smith Frederick James Male Shaw Molly Ethel Female Perth
1923/101138 Perth Shaw Molly Ethel Female Smith Frederick James Male Perth
1923/101139 Perth Schwazinger Arthur Norman Male McWhinney Dora Female Maylands
1923/101139 Perth McWhinney Dora Female Schwazinger Arthur Norman Male Maylands
1923/101140 Perth Wiltshire Cecil Ewart Male Melville Doris Charters Female Perth
1923/101140 Perth Melville Doris Charters Female Wiltshire Cecil Ewart Male Perth
1923/101141 Perth Randall Leslie Edward Male Bezant Flora Victoria Female Perth
1923/101141 Perth Bezant Flora Victoria Female Randall Leslie Edward Male Perth
1923/101142 Perth Davies Doris Maud Female Gerrard Walter Vernon Male Perth
1923/101142 Perth Gerrard Walter Vernon Male Davies Doris Maud Female Perth
1923/101143 Perth Sherrell Nellie Rose Emily Female Fulkner William George Male Perth
1923/101143 Perth Fulkner William George Male Sherrell Nellie Rose Emily Female Perth
1923/101144 Perth Galloway Florence Amy Female Lewis Ernest Male Perth
1923/101144 Perth Lewis Ernest Male Galloway Florence Amy Female Perth
1923/101145 Perth Maclean Donald Nesbitt Pearson Male Milling Hilda Harriett Female Perth
1923/101145 Perth Milling Hilda Harriett Female Maclean Donald Nesbitt Pearson Male Perth
1923/101146 Perth Soutar Thomas William Male Veale Vera Grace Female Subiaco
1923/101146 Perth Veale Vera Grace Female Soutar Thomas William Male Subiaco
1923/101147 Perth Jones Henry Male Fry Kathleen May Female Perth
1923/101147 Perth Fry Kathleen May Female Jones Henry Male Perth
1923/101148 Perth Aslamoff Cleopatra Female Tournay Cyril Beauchamp Male Perth
1923/101148 Perth Dmitrieff Cleopatra Female Tournay Cyril Beauchamp Male Perth
1923/101148 Perth Tournay Cyril Beauchamp Male Aslamoff Cleopatra Female Perth
1923/101148 Perth Tournay Cyril Beauchamp Male Dmitrieff Cleopatra Female Perth
1923/101149 Perth McLeod Daphne Evelyn Female Macrone Alfred John Grieve Male Victoria Park
1923/101149 Perth Macrone Alfred John Grieve Male McLeod Daphne Evelyn Female Victoria Park
1923/101150 Perth Whittaker Norah Luise Female Swan Stanley Frank Gordon Male Perth
1923/101150 Perth Swan Stanley Frank Gordon Male Whittaker Norah Luise Female Perth
1923/101151 Perth Fallon Walter Bryan Male Ellice Beatrice May Female Bayswater
1923/101151 Perth Ellice Beatrice May Female Fallon Walter Bryan Male Bayswater
1923/101152 Perth Murray Marjorie Female Privett Ernest Richmond Male Maylands
1923/101152 Perth Privett Ernest Richmond Male Murray Marjorie Female Maylands
1923/101153 Perth Torrance Amy Katherine Female Costello John Wilfred Male Maylands
1923/101153 Perth Costello John Wilfred Male Torrance Amy Katherine Female Maylands
1923/101154 Perth Lazarus Marjorie Female Parry Frank Male Perth
1923/101154 Perth Parry Frank Male Lazarus Marjorie Female Perth
1923/101155 Perth Ridgwell Lancelot Alexander Male Young Muriel Harriett Female Rosalie
1923/101155 Perth Young Muriel Harriett Female Ridgwell Lancelot Alexander Male Rosalie
1923/101156 Perth Watson Henrietta Kathleen Female Delaney Clarence Male Perth
1923/101156 Perth Delaney Clarence Male Watson Henrietta Kathleen Female Perth
1923/101157 Perth Pendlebury Annie Female Brown Albert Edward Male Maylands
1923/101157 Perth Brown Albert Edward Male Pendlebury Annie Female Maylands
1923/101158 Perth Sheehan Elizabeth Grace Female McLellan Donald Male Perth
1923/101158 Perth McLellan Donald Male Sheehan Elizabeth Grace Female Perth
1923/101159 Perth Enright James Albert Male Elder Mabel Beatrice Female Cottesloe
1923/101159 Perth Elder Mabel Beatrice Female Enright James Albert Male Cottesloe
1923/101160 Perth Dudson Stanley Male McDonald Frances Mary Female North Perth
1923/101160 Perth McDonald Frances Mary Female Dudson Stanley Male North Perth
1923/101161 Perth Burrows William Male Rieger Dorothy Gladys May Female Perth
1923/101161 Perth Rieger Dorothy Gladys May Female Burrows William Male Perth
1923/101162 Perth May Alice Female Louis George Frederick Male Perth
1923/101162 Perth Louis George Frederick Male May Alice Female Perth
1923/101163 Perth McGillivray Maimie Female Roe John Edward Male Perth
1923/101163 Perth Roe John Edward Male McGillivray Maimie Female Perth
1923/101164 Perth Williams Ernest Joseph Septinus Male Harris Isobel Bruce Female Perth
1923/101164 Perth Harris Isobel Bruce Female Williams Ernest Joseph Septinus Male Perth
1923/101165 Perth Ginn Arthur Ernest Peter Male Gill Lillian May Female Perth
1923/101165 Perth Gill Lillian May Female Ginn Arthur Ernest Peter Male Perth
1923/101166 Perth Bold Charles Thomas Male Livesey Jane Female Perth
1923/101166 Perth Livesey Jane Female Bold Charles Thomas Male Perth
1923/101167 Perth Butcher Kathleen Marion Female Chenery Ernest John Male Perth
1923/101167 Perth Chenery Ernest John Male Butcher Kathleen Marion Female Perth
1923/101168 Perth Dobson Kenneth Male Jordan Pearl Irene Florence Female Perth
1923/101168 Perth Jordan Pearl Irene Florence Female Dobson Kenneth Male Perth
1923/101169 Perth Shepheard Leonard Wisely Male Andrews Lilian Myrtle Female Perth
1923/101169 Perth Andrews Lilian Myrtle Female Shepheard Leonard Wisely Male Perth
1923/101170 Perth Eastwood Howard Archibald Male Currie Ethel Veronica Female Perth
1923/101170 Perth Currie Ethel Veronica Female Eastwood Howard Archibald Male Perth
1923/101171 Perth Stone Allison Davie Male McRae Minnie Female Perth
1923/101171 Perth McRae Minnie Female Stone Allison Davie Male Perth
1923/101172 Perth Parker Hubert Stanley Wyborn Male Sholl Ada Edith Female Cottesloe
1923/101172 Perth Sholl Ada Edith Female Parker Hubert Stanley Wyborn Male Cottesloe
1923/101173 Perth Bostock Henry Phillips Male Steele Dorothy Female Perth
1923/101173 Perth Steele Dorothy Female Bostock Henry Phillips Male Perth
1923/101174 Perth Kott Pauline Female Maywood Leslie Roberts Male Perth
1923/101174 Perth Maywood Leslie Roberts Male Kott Pauline Female Perth
1923/101175 Perth Broadhurst William Thomas Male Walters Rubina Amy Female Cottesloe
1923/101175 Perth Walters Rubina Amy Female Broadhurst William Thomas Male Cottesloe
1923/101176 Perth de Gruchy William Reginald Male Laker Ruth Maisie Female Subiaco
1923/101176 Perth Laker Ruth Maisie Female de Gruchy William Reginald Male Subiaco
1923/101177 Perth Westgarth Francis Charles Male Brennan Mary Female Subiaco
1923/101177 Perth Brennan Mary Female Westgarth Francis Charles Male Subiaco
1923/101178 Perth Banfield Ralph Gluyas Male Billing May Louise Avard Female Perth
1923/101178 Perth Billing May Louise Avard Female Banfield Ralph Gluyas Male Perth
1923/101179 Perth Duckworth Matthew Male Truscott Flossie Helena Female Perth
1923/101179 Perth Truscott Flossie Helena Female Duckworth Matthew Male Perth
1923/101180 Perth Murray Alba Louise Beresford Female Smith Ashley Franklyn Male Cottesloe
1923/101180 Perth Smith Ashley Franklyn Male Murray Alba Louise Beresford Female Cottesloe
1923/101181 Perth Seale Herbert George Male Sandercock Frances Female Perth
1923/101181 Perth Sandercock Frances Female Seale Herbert George Male Perth
1923/101182 Perth Briggs Harold Leslie Male Pilkington Rose Eileen May Female Subiaco
1923/101182 Perth Pilkington Rose Eileen May Female Briggs Harold Leslie Male Subiaco
1923/101183 Perth Singleton George Frank Male Bridgman Violet Nellie Female West Perth
1923/101183 Perth Bridgman Violet Nellie Female Singleton George Frank Male West Perth
1923/101184 Perth Leach Alice May Female Munday Henry Stephen Male Claremont
1923/101184 Perth Munday Henry Stephen Male Leach Alice May Female Claremont
1923/101185 Perth Wight William Nicholas Male Peters Minnie Beatrice Female Leederville
1923/101185 Perth Peters Minnie Beatrice Female Wight William Nicholas Male Leederville
1923/101186 Perth Jenkins Drucilla Ruby Female White Phillip Thomas Male West Subiaco
1923/101186 Perth White Phillip Thomas Male Jenkins Drucilla Ruby Female West Subiaco
1923/101187 Perth Joyce Leslie Mervyn Vincent Male Holland Beatrice Female Perth
1923/101187 Perth Holland Beatrice Female Joyce Leslie Mervyn Vincent Male Perth
1923/101188 Perth Kralik Bertha Female Pool Alfred Evelyn Male Perth
1923/101188 Perth Pool Alfred Evelyn Male Kralik Bertha Female Perth
1923/101189 Perth Barrett John Joseph Male Gardiner Clara Olive Female Perth
1923/101189 Perth Gardiner Clara Olive Female Barrett John Joseph Male Perth
1923/101190 Perth Hollard Ethel May Female Angwin Archie Edgar Male Perth
1923/101190 Perth Angwin Archie Edgar Male Hollard Ethel May Female Perth
1923/101191 Perth Orr Thomas Henry Male Hull Dorothy Grace Female Subiaco
1923/101191 Perth Hull Dorothy Grace Female Orr Thomas Henry Male Subiaco
1923/101192 Perth Gane Pearl Female Beckett Henry Charles Male Claremont
1923/101192 Perth Beckett Henry Charles Male Gane Pearl Female Claremont
1923/101193 Perth Sawyer George John Male Girvan Georgina Female Mount Hawthorn
1923/101193 Perth Girvan Georgina Female Sawyer George John Male Mount Hawthorn
1923/101194 Perth Micheli Christino Male George Violet Ann Female Perth
1923/101194 Perth George Violet Ann Female Micheli Christino Male Perth
1923/101195 Perth Cargill Lewis Frederick Male Fairlie Mary Ethel Female Perth
1923/101195 Perth Fairlie Mary Ethel Female Cargill Lewis Frederick Male Perth
1963/102042 Perth Dans Keith Male Carroll Mary Female Perth
1963/102042 Perth Carroll Mary Female Dans Keith Male Perth
1923/300001 Ashburton Kempton James Male Scarff Irene Victoria Female Onslow
1923/300001 Ashburton Scarff Irene Victoria Female Kempton James Male Onslow
1923/300002 Ashburton Maher Adolph Male Grey Lavinia Female Onslow
1923/300002 Ashburton Grey Lavinia Female Maher Adolph Male Onslow
1924/400001 Beverley Davies Dorothy Olive Female Akerson Brae Thure Male Bilbarin
1924/400001 Beverley Akerson Brae Thure Male Davies Dorothy Olive Female Bilbarin
1923/400002 Beverley Dixon Mary Ann Female Moon James Male Corrigin
1924/400002 Beverley Alcock Lillie Elizabeth Female Hartley Albert Ernest Male Corrigin
1923/400002 Beverley Moon James Male Dixon Mary Ann Female Corrigin
1924/400002 Beverley Hartley Albert Ernest Male Alcock Lillie Elizabeth Female Corrigin
1923/400003 Beverley Kissane Edward William Male Ware Ruby Elizabeth Female Beverley
1923/400003 Beverley Ware Ruby Elizabeth Female Kissane Edward William Male Beverley
1923/400004 Beverley Matthews Winifred Mary Female Dobson John Patrick Male Bruce Rock
1923/400004 Beverley Dobson John Patrick Male Matthews Winifred Mary Female Bruce Rock
1923/400007 Beverley Aden Bessie Female Nengett Arthur Male Quairading
1923/400007 Beverley Nengett Arthur Male Aden Bessie Female Quairading
1923/400008 Beverley Thompson Madge Sellars Female Smith Frank Drummond Male Pingelly
1923/400008 Beverley Smith Frank Drummond Male Thompson Madge Sellars Female Pingelly
1923/400009 Beverley Watson Laurence Scoble Male Monger Marjory Grace Female Pingelly
1923/400009 Beverley Monger Marjory Grace Female Watson Laurence Scoble Male Pingelly
1923/400010 Beverley Prideaux Eliza Mary Female Dolling Carl Alfred Male Brookton
1923/400010 Beverley Dolling Carl Alfred Male Prideaux Eliza Mary Female Brookton
1923/400011 Beverley Leech Vernon Wedge Male Barnett Nellie Parken Female Brookton
1923/400011 Beverley Barnett Nellie Parken Female Leech Vernon Wedge Male Brookton
1923/400012 Beverley Grover Everlean Jane Female Nicholson William Male Beverley
1923/400012 Beverley Nicholson William Male Grover Everlean Jane Female Beverley
1923/400013 Beverley Bland Albert Edwin Male Bland Bertha Amy Female Pingelly
1923/400013 Beverley Bland Bertha Amy Female Bland Albert Edwin Male Pingelly
1923/400014 Beverley Smith Eileen Annie Female Thomas Irwin Alfred Norman Male Brookton
1923/400014 Beverley Thomas Irwin Alfred Norman Male Smith Eileen Annie Female Brookton
1923/400015 Beverley Harrod Emma Harriett Female Stone Samuel Edward Male Pingelly
1923/400015 Beverley Stone Samuel Edward Male Harrod Emma Harriett Female Pingelly
1923/400016 Beverley Kemp May Charlotte Female Messer Charles John Male Bruce Rock
1923/400016 Beverley Messer Charles John Male Kemp May Charlotte Female Bruce Rock
1923/400017 Beverley Shaddick John Frederick Male Walton Sarah Elizabeth Female Corrigin
1923/400017 Beverley Walton Sarah Elizabeth Female Shaddick John Frederick Male Corrigin
1923/400018 Beverley Venemore Rosa May Female Watson Ernest Male Bruce Rock
1923/400018 Beverley Watson Ernest Male Venemore Rosa May Female Bruce Rock
1923/400019 Beverley Sherwood Dorothy Hay Female Bartley George Ross Male Pingelly
1923/400019 Beverley Bartley George Ross Male Sherwood Dorothy Hay Female Pingelly
1923/400020 Beverley Lawlor Elsie Catherine Female Bond Theodore Benjamin Male Corrigin
1923/400020 Beverley Bond Theodore Benjamin Male Lawlor Elsie Catherine Female Corrigin
1923/400021 Beverley Blyth John Anderson Male Johnson Elsie Ellen Female Pingelly
1923/400021 Beverley Johnson Elsie Ellen Female Blyth John Anderson Male Pingelly
1923/400022 Beverley Cooke William Henry Male Keen Elsie Caroline Grace Female Bruce Rock
1923/400022 Beverley Keen Elsie Caroline Grace Female Cooke William Henry Male Bruce Rock
1923/400023 Beverley Greay Randolph James Male Fairhead Edna Clarice Female Pingelly
1923/400023 Beverley Fairhead Edna Clarice Female Greay Randolph James Male Pingelly
1923/400024 Beverley Bland Dorothy Ann Female Elliott George Lewis Male Wamenusking
1923/400024 Beverley Elliott George Lewis Male Bland Dorothy Ann Female Wamenusking
1923/400025 Beverley Ingram Percy Roy Male Anderson Edith Emma Female Yealering
1923/400025 Beverley Anderson Edith Emma Female Ingram Percy Roy Male Yealering
1923/400026 Beverley Beamish Henry Allan Male Squires Doris Louisa Grace Female Nambadilling
1923/400026 Beverley Squires Doris Louisa Grace Female Beamish Henry Allan Male Nambadilling
1923/400027 Beverley Brankstone Ivy Isobel Grace Female Andrews Arthur Dudley York Male Corrigin
1923/400027 Beverley Andrews Arthur Dudley York Male Brankstone Ivy Isobel Grace Female Corrigin
1923/400028 Beverley Williams Myrtle Louisa Female Horley Mordaunt Henry Male Woodlands
1923/400028 Beverley Horley Mordaunt Henry Male Williams Myrtle Louisa Female Woodlands
1923/400029 Beverley Golding Hugh Kenneth Male MacDonald Margaret Jean Female Ardath
1923/400029 Beverley MacDonald Margaret Jean Female Golding Hugh Kenneth Male Ardath
1923/400030 Beverley Rutherford John Telfer Hutton Male Groth Lillian Marea Female North Kumminin
1923/400030 Beverley Groth Lillian Marea Female Rutherford John Telfer Hutton Male North Kumminin
1923/400031 Beverley Gillett Gertrude Mary Female Bremner Ross Male Beverley
1923/400031 Beverley Bremner Ross Male Gillett Gertrude Mary Female Beverley
1923/400032 Beverley Holland Maud Female Heslop Solomon Male Quairading
1923/400032 Beverley Heslop Solomon Male Holland Maud Female Quairading
1923/400033 Beverley Smith Mary Ellen Female Hewett Charles Robert Male Lomos
1923/400033 Beverley Hewett Charles Robert Male Smith Mary Ellen Female Lomos
1923/400034 Beverley Dixon Roland Arthur Male Scudds Lorna Joan Female Pingelly
1923/400034 Beverley Scudds Lorna Joan Female Dixon Roland Arthur Male Pingelly
1923/400035 Beverley Daly John Francis Male Sims Doris Anesta Female Pingelly
1923/400035 Beverley Sims Doris Anesta Female Daly John Francis Male Pingelly
1923/400036 Beverley Helliwell Lydia Mary Female Templeman Harold Robert Male Corrigin
1923/400036 Beverley Templeman Harold Robert Male Helliwell Lydia Mary Female Corrigin
1923/400037 Beverley See Sydney George Male Robinson Sarah Ellen Female Brookton
1923/400037 Beverley Robinson Sarah Ellen Female See Sydney George Male Brookton
1923/400038 Beverley Kelly Doris Rose Female Ford Robert Coongan Male Bruce Rock
1923/400038 Beverley Ford Robert Coongan Male Kelly Doris Rose Female Bruce Rock
1923/400039 Beverley Robinson William Joseph Male Wells Anna Female Bruce Rock
1923/400039 Beverley Wells Anna Female Robinson William Joseph Male Bruce Rock
1923/400040 Beverley Osborn Henry Leslie Male Butler Cora Gertrude Female Bruce Rock
1923/400040 Beverley Butler Cora Gertrude Female Osborn Henry Leslie Male Bruce Rock
1923/400041 Beverley Brindle William Male Thomas Nellie Evans Female Corrigin
1923/400041 Beverley Thomas Nellie Evans Female Brindle William Male Corrigin
1923/400042 Beverley Pearce Charles Albert Male Morphett Hazel Rena Female Ardath
1923/400042 Beverley Morphett Hazel Rena Female Pearce Charles Albert Male Ardath
1923/400043 Beverley Ind Ada Lilian Female Baker Thomas William Charles Male Bullaring
1923/400043 Beverley Baker Thomas William Charles Male Ind Ada Lilian Female Bullaring
1923/400044 Beverley Savage Gertrude Charlotte Female Sims Robert George Male Haisthorpe
1923/400044 Beverley Sims Robert George Male Savage Gertrude Charlotte Female Haisthorpe
1923/400045 Beverley Bray May Female Horner Gordon Male Pingelly
1923/400045 Beverley Horner Gordon Male Bray May Female Pingelly
1923/400046 Beverley Warrick Roy Federal Hamilton Male White Priscilla May Female Wandering
1923/400046 Beverley White Priscilla May Female Warrick Roy Federal Hamilton Male Wandering
1923/400047 Beverley Farnham Bernard Charles Samuel Male Fleay Violet Gertrude Bessie Female Beverley
1923/400047 Beverley Fleay Violet Gertrude Bessie Female Farnham Bernard Charles Samuel Male Beverley
1923/400048 Beverley Hatcher Harold Sydney Male Bowden Ruby Female Pingelly
1923/400048 Beverley Bowden Ruby Female Hatcher Harold Sydney Male Pingelly
1923/400049 Beverley Long Henry Male Shaw Sarah Female Corrigin
1923/400049 Beverley Shaw Sarah Female Long Henry Male Corrigin
1923/400050 Beverley Norriss Edith Female Wilson Christopher William Male Bruce Rock
1923/400050 Beverley Wilson Christopher William Male Norriss Edith Female Bruce Rock
1924/500001 Blackwood Kiely Ethel May Ruby Female Cosgrove Patrick Male Greenbushes
1924/500001 Blackwood Cosgrove Patrick Male Kiely Ethel May Ruby Female Greenbushes
1923/500003 Blackwood Bilston Mona Evelyn Female Maldon Lyonell Henry Male Dinninup
1923/500003 Blackwood Maldon Lyonell Henry Male Bilston Mona Evelyn Female Dinninup
1923/500004 Blackwood Warren William Henry Male Duperouzel Florence May Female Bridgetown
1923/500004 Blackwood Duperouzel Florence May Female Warren William Henry Male Bridgetown
1923/500005 Blackwood Kirk Mary Cuthill Female Elliott George Male Bridgetown
1923/500005 Blackwood Elliott George Male Kirk Mary Cuthill Female Bridgetown
1923/500006 Blackwood Draper Alice Irene Marie Female Henderson Thomas William Male Dinninup
1923/500006 Blackwood Henderson Thomas William Male Draper Alice Irene Marie Female Dinninup
1923/500007 Blackwood Rice Violet May Female Higgins Frederick Alexander Male Greenbushes
1923/500007 Blackwood Higgins Frederick Alexander Male Rice Violet May Female Greenbushes
1923/500008 Blackwood Muir Ellen May Female Mottram Charles John Male Dingup
1923/500008 Blackwood Mottram Charles John Male Muir Ellen May Female Dingup
1923/500009 Blackwood Stokes Albert Edward Male Muir Stella Maud Female Dingup
1923/500009 Blackwood Muir Stella Maud Female Stokes Albert Edward Male Dingup
1923/500010 Blackwood Walton Edwin John Male Bailey Margaret Female Balingup
1923/500010 Blackwood Bailey Margaret Female Walton Edwin John Male Balingup
1923/500011 Blackwood Kramer Katherine Ann Female Drage William John Cargill Male Greenbushes
1923/500011 Blackwood Drage William John Cargill Male Kramer Katherine Ann Female Greenbushes
1923/500012 Blackwood Higgins Margaret Female Spilsbury Lawerence Male Nannup
1923/500012 Blackwood Spilsbury Lawerence Male Higgins Margaret Female Nannup
1923/500013 Blackwood O'Grady Gretna Female Towie Wilfred Male Bridgetown
1923/500013 Blackwood Towie Wilfred Male O'Grady Gretna Female Bridgetown
1923/500014 Blackwood Kelly Mary Galloway Female Mullins John Henry Male No 1 State Mill
1923/500014 Blackwood Mullins John Henry Male Kelly Mary Galloway Female No 1 State Mill
1923/500015 Blackwood Brims Alexander Robert Scott Male McKay Sarah Anne Female Jarnadup
1923/500015 Blackwood McKay Sarah Anne Female Brims Alexander Robert Scott Male Jarnadup
1923/500016 Blackwood Coverley Sylvia Female Wilson Denzil Clarence Male Nannup
1923/500016 Blackwood Wilson Denzil Clarence Male Coverley Sylvia Female Nannup
1923/500017 Blackwood Bishop Janet May Female Sexton Joseph Walter Male Nannup
1923/500017 Blackwood Sexton Joseph Walter Male Bishop Janet May Female Nannup
1923/500018 Blackwood Wharton Cornnetta Agnes Female Fairclough Harold Male Manjimup
1923/500018 Blackwood Fairclough Harold Male Wharton Cornnetta Agnes Female Manjimup
1923/500019 Blackwood Waters Stanley Thomas Male Evans Myrtle Female Bridgetown
1923/500019 Blackwood Evans Myrtle Female Waters Stanley Thomas Male Bridgetown
1923/500020 Blackwood Wheatley Elizabeth Ellen Female Dixon George Harman Male Bridgetown
1923/500020 Blackwood Dixon George Harman Male Wheatley Elizabeth Ellen Female Bridgetown
1923/500021 Blackwood MacLeod Alistair Fergus Male Urquhart Melba May Female Bridgetown
1923/500021 Blackwood Urquhart Melba May Female MacLeod Alistair Fergus Male Bridgetown
1923/500022 Blackwood Blechynden Minna Elizabeth Female Boundy William Stanley Male Bridgetown
1923/500022 Blackwood Boundy William Stanley Male Blechynden Minna Elizabeth Female Bridgetown
1923/500023 Blackwood Golding Walter Male Gordon Doris Minnie Female Bridgetown
1923/500023 Blackwood Gordon Doris Minnie Female Golding Walter Male Bridgetown
1923/500024 Blackwood King Cecil James Male Longbottom Hazel Female Nannup
1923/500024 Blackwood Longbottom Hazel Female King Cecil James Male Nannup
1923/500025 Blackwood Johnson Kathleen Veronica Female Kannegiesser Felse Kurt Male Manjimup
1923/500025 Blackwood Kannegiesser Felse Kurt Male Johnson Kathleen Veronica Female Manjimup
1923/500026 Blackwood Young John Othmar Male Smith Elizabeth Sarah Female Bridgetown
1923/500026 Blackwood Smith Elizabeth Sarah Female Young John Othmar Male Bridgetown
1923/500027 Blackwood Doust Clara Louise Female Giblett Herbert James Male Dingup
1923/500027 Blackwood Giblett Herbert James Male Doust Clara Louise Female Dingup
1923/500028 Blackwood Locke Joseph Allen Male Inglis Jessica Knox Female Boyup Brook
1923/500028 Blackwood Inglis Jessica Knox Female Locke Joseph Allen Male Boyup Brook
1923/500029 Blackwood Freind Vernon Raymond Male Hillier Mabel Sarah Female Manjimup
1923/500029 Blackwood Hillier Mabel Sarah Female Freind Vernon Raymond Male Manjimup
1923/500030 Blackwood Shephard Ilene Adelaide Stallard Female Watters Wallace James Male Bridgetown
1923/500030 Blackwood Watters Wallace James Male Shephard Ilene Adelaide Stallard Female Bridgetown
1923/500031 Blackwood Marris William Male Wynne Elizabeth Female Manjimup
1923/500031 Blackwood Wynne Elizabeth Female Marris William Male Manjimup
1923/500032 Blackwood Moloney Mary Eva Female Coleman Patrick Male Manjimup
1923/500032 Blackwood Coleman Patrick Male Moloney Mary Eva Female Manjimup
1923/500033 Blackwood Hilton Selina Frances Female Sherwood Harvey Cameron Male Dingup
1923/500033 Blackwood Sherwood Harvey Cameron Male Hilton Selina Frances Female Dingup
1923/500034 Blackwood MacKenzie Lillian Maud Female Reeve Walter Male Dingup
1923/500034 Blackwood Reeve Walter Male MacKenzie Lillian Maud Female Dingup
1923/500035 Blackwood Dare George Henry Male Anglesey Lucy Female Jarnadup
1923/500035 Blackwood Anglesey Lucy Female Dare George Henry Male Jarnadup
1923/500036 Blackwood Copestake Maude Augusta Female Dolan Peter John Male Manjimup
1923/500036 Blackwood Dolan Peter John Male Copestake Maude Augusta Female Manjimup
1923/500037 Blackwood Brain Frank Male Crowd Clara Elizabeth Female Warren
1923/500037 Blackwood Crowd Clara Elizabeth Female Brain Frank Male Warren
1923/500038 Blackwood Bartlett Ada Elizabeth Female Johnston Neil Charles Male Bridgetown
1923/500038 Blackwood Johnston Neil Charles Male Bartlett Ada Elizabeth Female Bridgetown
1923/500039 Blackwood Lawrence Neil Thompson Male Towie Winifred Female Jarnadup
1923/500039 Blackwood Towie Winifred Female Lawrence Neil Thompson Male Jarnadup
1923/500040 Blackwood Thurkle Margaret Ellen Female Thorpe Clarance Edwin Male Manjimup
1923/500040 Blackwood Thorpe Clarance Edwin Male Thurkle Margaret Ellen Female Manjimup
1923/500041 Blackwood Moulton Linda Blanche Female Guppy Albert Henry Male Bridgetown
1923/500041 Blackwood Guppy Albert Henry Male Moulton Linda Blanche Female Bridgetown
1923/500042 Blackwood Martin Richard Batley Male Ward Lillian Clementina Female Manjimup
1923/500042 Blackwood Ward Lillian Clementina Female Martin Richard Batley Male Manjimup
1923/500043 Blackwood Kelly Gertrude Anne Female McLachlan William Moffatt Male Manjimup
1923/500043 Blackwood McLachlan William Moffatt Male Kelly Gertrude Anne Female Manjimup
1923/500044 Blackwood De Worboies Francois Réné Male Jeffery Annie Female Bridgetown
1923/500044 Blackwood Jeffery Annie Female De Worboies Francois Réné Male Bridgetown
1923/500045 Blackwood O'Bryan William Henry Joseph Male Tree Dorothy May Female Bridgetown
1923/500045 Blackwood Tree Dorothy May Female O'Bryan William Henry Joseph Male Bridgetown
1923/500046 Blackwood Fortune Leslie Fredrick Male Harvey Florence Ida Eliza Female Manjimup
1923/500046 Blackwood Harvey Florence Ida Eliza Female Fortune Leslie Fredrick Male Manjimup
1923/500047 Blackwood Waldron Elizabeth Anne Female Hansson Frederick George Male Bridgetown
1923/500047 Blackwood Hansson Frederick George Male Waldron Elizabeth Anne Female Bridgetown
1923/500048 Blackwood Quirk Constance Winifred Female Sims Lawrence James Male Manjimup
1923/500048 Blackwood Sims Lawrence James Male Quirk Constance Winifred Female Manjimup
1923/500049 Blackwood McKeever Norman John Male Bullock Constance Violet Female Manjimup
1923/500049 Blackwood Bullock Constance Violet Female McKeever Norman John Male Manjimup
1923/600001 Black Range Maher James Male Borella Annie Female Sandstone
1923/600001 Black Range Borella Annie Female Maher James Male Sandstone
1923/700002 Boulder Lynch Stephen Richard Male Goddard Gladys Alma Female Boulder
1923/700002 Boulder Goddard Gladys Alma Female Lynch Stephen Richard Male Boulder
1923/700005 Boulder Conway Mary Female Foley Jeremiah Patrick Male Boulder
1923/700005 Boulder Foley Jeremiah Patrick Male Conway Mary Female Boulder
1923/700006 Boulder Gray Margaret Strang Female Kilgallon John George Male Boulder
1923/700006 Boulder Kilgallon John George Male Gray Margaret Strang Female Boulder
1923/700007 Boulder Reid Christina Victoria Female O'Neill James Clarence Male Boulder
1923/700007 Boulder O'Neill James Clarence Male Reid Christina Victoria Female Boulder
1923/700008 Boulder Grigg Lillian Frances Victoria Female Eddy John Trezise Male Boulder
1923/700008 Boulder Eddy John Trezise Male Grigg Lillian Frances Victoria Female Boulder
1923/700009 Boulder Riley Wilfred Instone Male Bennetts Vera Female Boulder
1923/700009 Boulder Bennetts Vera Female Riley Wilfred Instone Male Boulder
1923/700010 Boulder Earle Edward Francis Male Head Violet Female Boulder
1923/700010 Boulder Head Violet Female Earle Edward Francis Male Boulder
1923/700011 Boulder Drinan Alice Female Kelly William Benjamin Male Boulder
1923/700011 Boulder Kelly William Benjamin Male Drinan Alice Female Boulder
1923/700012 Boulder Maplesden Hilda May Female Harvey Joseph Wasley Male Boulder
1923/700012 Boulder Harvey Joseph Wasley Male Maplesden Hilda May Female Boulder
1923/700013 Boulder Batten Ann Isabella Female Main Walter Francis Male Boulder
1923/700013 Boulder Main Walter Francis Male Batten Ann Isabella Female Boulder
1923/700014 Boulder Davis Violet Irene Female Patterson John Arthur Male Boulder City
1923/700014 Boulder Patterson John Arthur Male Davis Violet Irene Female Boulder City
1923/700015 Boulder Huxtable Vera Ann Female Holt John Male Boulder
1923/700015 Boulder Holt John Male Huxtable Vera Ann Female Boulder
1923/700016 Boulder Dowson Parkin Male Keegan Myrtle Thelma Female Boulder
1923/700016 Boulder Keegan Myrtle Thelma Female Dowson Parkin Male Boulder
1923/700017 Boulder Descor Nellie Female Davis Harold Ivey Male Boulder
1923/700017 Boulder Davis Harold Ivey Male Descor Nellie Female Boulder
1923/700018 Boulder Smalpage Esther Mary Female Uren Richard Leslie Male Boulder
1923/700018 Boulder Uren Richard Leslie Male Smalpage Esther Mary Female Boulder
1923/700019 Boulder Cosstick Albert Osbourne Male Williams Lillian Mary Female South Boulder
1923/700019 Boulder Williams Lillian Mary Female Cosstick Albert Osbourne Male South Boulder
1923/700020 Boulder Spinelli Maria Female Cabrini Giovanni Male Boulder
1923/700020 Boulder Cabrini Giovanni Male Spinelli Maria Female Boulder
1923/700021 Boulder Bendoni Annibale Male Gouge Matilda Female Boulder
1923/700021 Boulder Gouge Matilda Female Bendoni Annibale Male Boulder
1923/700022 Boulder Beilken Annie Jane Female Dower George Hansen Male Boulder City
1923/700022 Boulder Dower George Hansen Male Beilken Annie Jane Female Boulder City
1923/700023 Boulder Dwyer Jessie Female McCann Patrick Male Boulder
1923/700023 Boulder McCann Patrick Male Dwyer Jessie Female Boulder
1923/700024 Boulder Terrell Cecil Male Winter Margaret Reid Female Boulder
1923/700024 Boulder Winter Margaret Reid Female Terrell Cecil Male Boulder
1923/700025 Boulder Strother Valdemar Lance Male Cassells Dorothy May Female Boulder
1923/700025 Boulder Cassells Dorothy May Female Strother Valdemar Lance Male Boulder
1923/700026 Boulder Buchanan Ethel Ellen Female Grluisch Nicholas Male Boulder
1923/700026 Boulder Grluisch Nicholas Male Buchanan Ethel Ellen Female Boulder
1923/700027 Boulder Riseberry Harry Stanley Male Tyers Mary Jane Female Boulder
1923/700027 Boulder Tyers Mary Jane Female Riseberry Harry Stanley Male Boulder
1923/700028 Boulder Offord Florence May Female Passmore Samuel Harmer Male Boulder
1923/700028 Boulder Passmore Samuel Harmer Male Offord Florence May Female Boulder
1923/700029 Boulder Appleton Thomas Male Henson Mary Kathleen Female Boulder
1923/700029 Boulder Henson Mary Kathleen Female Appleton Thomas Male Boulder
1923/700030 Boulder Dorrington Percival George Male Scott Ruby Elizabeth May Female Boulder
1923/700030 Boulder Scott Ruby Elizabeth May Female Dorrington Percival George Male Boulder
1923/700031 Boulder Fowler Walter Raymond Male Teede Elizabeth May Female South Boulder
1923/700031 Boulder Teede Elizabeth May Female Fowler Walter Raymond Male South Boulder
1923/700032 Boulder Lavars Clinton Edward Male Doyle Veronica May Female Boulder
1923/700032 Boulder Doyle Veronica May Female Lavars Clinton Edward Male Boulder
1923/700033 Boulder Stephens Opal May Female Tamblyn Harold Male Boulder
1923/700033 Boulder Tamblyn Harold Male Stephens Opal May Female Boulder
1923/700034 Boulder Griffiths Thelma Female Smart Henry Male Boulder
1923/700034 Boulder Smart Henry Male Griffiths Thelma Female Boulder
1923/700035 Boulder McGibbon James Male Cox Eileen Mary Female Boulder
1923/700035 Boulder Cox Eileen Mary Female McGibbon James Male Boulder
1923/700036 Boulder Barrett John Robert Male Cummins Wilma Female Boulder
1923/700036 Boulder Cummins Wilma Female Barrett John Robert Male Boulder
1923/700037 Boulder Tillett William Male Symons Janet Dorothy Female Boulder
1923/700037 Boulder Symons Janet Dorothy Female Tillett William Male Boulder
1923/700038 Boulder Head Rosalie Female Bishop Francis Charles Male Boulder
1923/700038 Boulder Bishop Francis Charles Male Head Rosalie Female Boulder
1923/700039 Boulder Francis Ella Pearl Female Lathlean Leslie Lee Male Boulder
1923/700039 Boulder Lathlean Leslie Lee Male Francis Ella Pearl Female Boulder
1923/700040 Boulder Reid Agnes Margaret Female Tribe Frank Wilberforce Male Boulder
1923/700040 Boulder Tribe Frank Wilberforce Male Reid Agnes Margaret Female Boulder
1923/700041 Boulder Della Marta Bernard John Male McMahon Laura Noureen Female Boulder
1923/700041 Boulder McMahon Laura Noureen Female Della Marta Bernard John Male Boulder
1923/700042 Boulder Little Catherine Female Maxwell Joseph Rae Male Boulder
1923/700042 Boulder Maxwell Joseph Rae Male Little Catherine Female Boulder
1923/700043 Boulder Turner Helen Female Aldrick Willie Ernest Male Boulder
1923/700043 Boulder Aldrick Willie Ernest Male Turner Helen Female Boulder
1923/700044 Boulder Bozzetti Maria Female Maffina Guiseppe Male Boulder
1923/700044 Boulder Maffina Guiseppe Male Bozzetti Maria Female Boulder
1923/700045 Boulder Jones Edna Blodwyn Female Cocker Percival Thomas Male Boulder
1923/700045 Boulder Cocker Percival Thomas Male Jones Edna Blodwyn Female Boulder
1923/700046 Boulder Normington Hilda Female Colmer Clarence Wilfred Male Boulder
1923/700046 Boulder Colmer Clarence Wilfred Male Normington Hilda Female Boulder
1923/700047 Boulder Johnston Barbara Female Patterson William Gordon Male Boulder
1923/700047 Boulder Patterson William Gordon Male Johnston Barbara Female Boulder
1923/700048 Boulder Byrne Patrick Male Emery Ann Elizabeth Female Boulder
1923/700048 Boulder Emery Ann Elizabeth Female Byrne Patrick Male Boulder
1923/700049 Boulder Fitzgerald Elizabeth Charlotte Ann Female Carroll Michael George Male Boulder
1923/700049 Boulder Carroll Michael George Male Fitzgerald Elizabeth Charlotte Ann Female Boulder
1923/700050 Boulder Billett George James Male Freap Ida Pearl Female Boulder
1923/700050 Boulder Freap Ida Pearl Female Billett George James Male Boulder
1923/700051 Boulder Louder Alice Julian Female Carr Bradford Jewell Studdley Male Boulder
1923/700051 Boulder Carr Bradford Jewell Studdley Male Louder Alice Julian Female Boulder
1923/700052 Boulder Bennetts Alfred Fonteine Male Fuller Jean Female Boulder
1923/700052 Boulder Fuller Jean Female Bennetts Alfred Fonteine Male Boulder
1923/700053 Boulder Cappelli Henrietta Rose Female Davidson Leslie Male Boulder
1923/700053 Boulder Davidson Leslie Male Cappelli Henrietta Rose Female Boulder
1923/700054 Boulder Crompton Albert Alexandrea Male Thomas Pearl Lucy Female Boulder
1923/700054 Boulder Thomas Pearl Lucy Female Crompton Albert Alexandrea Male Boulder
1923/700055 Boulder Bozin Mary Female Antunovich John Male Boulder
1923/700055 Boulder Antunovich John Male Bozin Mary Female Boulder
1923/1100001 Broome Archel Sulong Male Elsie - Female Broome
1923/1100001 Broome Elsie - Female Archel Sulong Male Broome
1923/1100002 Broome Pillil Gertrude Female Manjen Charly Male Beagle Bay Mission
1923/1100002 Broome Manjen Charly Male Pillil Gertrude Female Beagle Bay Mission
1923/1100003 Broome Willie Sarah Female Yame Melchior Male Beagle Bay Mission
1923/1100003 Broome Yame Melchior Male Willie Sarah Female Beagle Bay Mission
1923/1100004 Broome Ah Leong Gracie Female Sam Fong Male Broome
1923/1100004 Broome Sam Fong Male Ah Leong Gracie Female Broome
1923/1100005 Broome Williams Alma Edith Female Riggs Montague John Male Broome
1923/1100005 Broome Riggs Montague John Male Williams Alma Edith Female Broome
1923/1100006 Broome Button Veronica Female Kalin Louis Male Beagle Bay Mission
1923/1100006 Broome Kalin Louis Male Button Veronica Female Beagle Bay Mission
1923/1100007 Broome Hilliard Annie Elizabeth Female Maguire James Patrick Male Broome
1923/1100007 Broome Maguire James Patrick Male Hilliard Annie Elizabeth Female Broome
1924/1100007 Broome Roe Edward William Male Corpos Regina Female Broome
1924/1100007 Broome Corpos Regina Female Roe Edward William Male Broome
1923/1100008 Broome King Alma Hope Female Williams Colin Andrew Male Broome
1923/1100008 Broome Williams Colin Andrew Male King Alma Hope Female Broome
1923/1400005 Canning Brabner Nellie Female Howard George Gilbert Male Cannington
1923/1400005 Canning Howard George Gilbert Male Brabner Nellie Female Cannington
1923/1400006 Canning Longbottom Edward George Male McWhinney Vera Kate Female Gosnells
1923/1400006 Canning McWhinney Vera Kate Female Longbottom Edward George Male Gosnells
1923/1400007 Canning Cutter John George Male Barker Florence Alice Female Kenwicke
1923/1400007 Canning Barker Florence Alice Female Cutter John George Male Kenwicke
1923/1400008 Canning Parker Mary Female Knuckey Richard Male Roleystone
1923/1400008 Canning Knuckey Richard Male Parker Mary Female Roleystone
1923/1400009 Canning Butcher Henry Male Richards Amy Strongman Female Armadale
1923/1400009 Canning Richards Amy Strongman Female Butcher Henry Male Armadale
1923/1400010 Canning Hansen Harold Peter Male Fernie Agnes May Female Kelmscott
1923/1400010 Canning Fernie Agnes May Female Hansen Harold Peter Male Kelmscott
1923/1400011 Canning Hennessey Clarence Romaine Male Fagence Annie Florence Rose Female Maddington
1923/1400011 Canning Fagence Annie Florence Rose Female Hennessey Clarence Romaine Male Maddington
1923/1400012 Canning Kiely Kathleen Rose Female Hare Julius Reginald Male Armadale
1923/1400012 Canning Hare Julius Reginald Male Kiely Kathleen Rose Female Armadale
1923/1400013 Canning Whiteley Blanche Alma Female Tanner William Fleet Male Armadale
1923/1400013 Canning Tanner William Fleet Male Whiteley Blanche Alma Female Armadale
1923/1400014 Canning Glass John Male Pritchard Clara May Female Maddington
1923/1400014 Canning Pritchard Clara May Female Glass John Male Maddington
1923/1400015 Canning Shaw Alester Edward Marriott Oxenham Male Serls Lois Emma Female Armadale
1923/1400015 Canning Serls Lois Emma Female Shaw Alester Edward Marriott Oxenham Male Armadale
1923/1400016 Canning Tomlinson Wilfred James Male Cooper Hazel Elesemere Female Armadale
1923/1400016 Canning Cooper Hazel Elesemere Female Tomlinson Wilfred James Male Armadale
1923/1400017 Canning Marsh Norman Lester Male Briggs Beatrice May Female Byford
1923/1400017 Canning Briggs Beatrice May Female Marsh Norman Lester Male Byford
1923/1400018 Canning Thorpe Sydney John Male Corney Ida Female Cannington
1923/1400018 Canning Corney Ida Female Thorpe Sydney John Male Cannington
1923/1400019 Canning Thorpe Evelyn Mary Female Pannett Walter William Male Cannington
1923/1400019 Canning Pannett Walter William Male Thorpe Evelyn Mary Female Cannington
1923/1400020 Canning Moore Jesse David Male Kennett Edith Harriet Jane Female Kalamunda
1923/1400020 Canning Kennett Edith Harriet Jane Female Moore Jesse David Male Kalamunda
1923/1400021 Canning Mills Victor Kerslake Male Graeff Maud Celia Female Queen's Park
1923/1400021 Canning Graeff Maud Celia Female Mills Victor Kerslake Male Queen's Park
1923/1400022 Canning Bettenay Wilfred George Male Gibbings Sidney Mary Female Karragullen
1923/1400022 Canning Gibbings Sidney Mary Female Bettenay Wilfred George Male Karragullen
1923/1400023 Canning Dow Alexander Daniel Male Treeby Rita Rose Female Armadale
1923/1400023 Canning Treeby Rita Rose Female Dow Alexander Daniel Male Armadale
1923/1400024 Canning Simunovich Nina Antica Female Sumich Grgo Male Queen's Park
1923/1400024 Canning Sumich Grgo Male Simunovich Nina Antica Female Queen's Park
1923/1400025 Canning Bader Thelma Anna Jean Female O'Brien Leslie Henry Male Gosnells
1923/1400025 Canning O'Brien Leslie Henry Male Bader Thelma Anna Jean Female Gosnells
1923/1400026 Canning Arnold Alice Amy Female Saunders Owen Edmund Male Queens Park
1923/1400026 Canning Saunders Owen Edmund Male Arnold Alice Amy Female Queens Park
1923/1400027 Canning Loosley Mary Elizabeth Female Packham Walter Arthur Male Cannington
1923/1400027 Canning Packham Walter Arthur Male Loosley Mary Elizabeth Female Cannington
1923/1400028 Canning Flower Violet Mabel Female Howard Thomas Charles Male Kelmscott
1923/1400028 Canning Howard Thomas Charles Male Flower Violet Mabel Female Kelmscott
1923/1400029 Canning Ramsell Thomas Male Fowler Lilian Beatrice Eva Female Armadale
1923/1400029 Canning Fowler Lilian Beatrice Eva Female Ramsell Thomas Male Armadale
1923/1400030 Canning Keals Ethel Elizabeth Female Olley Thomas William Male Cannington
1923/1400030 Canning Olley Thomas William Male Keals Ethel Elizabeth Female Cannington
1923/1400031 Canning Shaddock Sarah Elizabeth Female Martin Thomas William Male Cannington
1923/1400031 Canning Martin Thomas William Male Shaddock Sarah Elizabeth Female Cannington
1923/1400032 Canning McLauchlan Leslie Archibald Male Napier Grace Caroline Helen Female Armadale
1923/1400032 Canning Napier Grace Caroline Helen Female McLauchlan Leslie Archibald Male Armadale
1923/1400033 Canning Hanson Christina May Female Brown Walter Ernest Male Gosnells
1923/1400033 Canning Brown Walter Ernest Male Hanson Christina May Female Gosnells
1923/1400034 Canning Barratt Irenie Phyllis Female Paskett Warren Francis Male Gosnells
1923/1400034 Canning Paskett Warren Francis Male Barratt Irenie Phyllis Female Gosnells
1923/1800001 East Coolgardie Russell Dorothy Edith Gwendoline Female Bartlett Wilfrid Sydney Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800001 East Coolgardie Bartlett Wilfrid Sydney Male Russell Dorothy Edith Gwendoline Female Kalgoorlie
1924/1800001 East Coolgardie Holland George Stanley Male McDonald Florence Ida Irene Female Kalgoorlie
1924/1800001 East Coolgardie McDonald Florence Ida Irene Female Holland George Stanley Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800002 East Coolgardie Richards Herbert Alfred Male McMullen Irene Gladys Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800002 East Coolgardie McMullen Irene Gladys Female Richards Herbert Alfred Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800003 East Coolgardie Caple Alice Dorothy Female Martin Edward Arthur Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800003 East Coolgardie Martin Edward Arthur Male Caple Alice Dorothy Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800004 East Coolgardie Read Thomas Male Spinks Lavinia Etheleen Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800004 East Coolgardie Spinks Lavinia Etheleen Female Read Thomas Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800005 East Coolgardie White Charles Henry Male Sims Doreen Phyllis Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800005 East Coolgardie Sims Doreen Phyllis Female White Charles Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800006 East Coolgardie Hoyer Norman Leslie Male Redden Esther Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800006 East Coolgardie Redden Esther Female Hoyer Norman Leslie Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800007 East Coolgardie O'Sullivan George Patrick Male Boyes Muriel Rita Mona Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800007 East Coolgardie Boyes Muriel Rita Mona Female O'Sullivan George Patrick Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800008 East Coolgardie Triat Frances Margaret Ellen Female Brown William Harold Male Kalgoorlie
1924/1800008 East Coolgardie Gallaher Catherine Female Malone William Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800008 East Coolgardie Brown William Harold Male Triat Frances Margaret Ellen Female Kalgoorlie
1924/1800008 East Coolgardie Malone William Male Gallaher Catherine Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800009 East Coolgardie Britten Alfreda Fanny Female Henry James Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800009 East Coolgardie Henry James Male Britten Alfreda Fanny Female Kalgoorlie
1924/1800009 East Coolgardie Mallon Mary Hannah Female Paxton Albert Joseph Patrick Male Kalgoorlie
1924/1800009 East Coolgardie Paxton Albert Joseph Patrick Male Mallon Mary Hannah Female Kalgoorlie
1924/1800010 East Coolgardie Rodgers Catherine May Female Dunne John Dennis Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800010 East Coolgardie Gazzard Matilda Louise Female Nelson Albert Charles Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800010 East Coolgardie Nelson Albert Charles Male Gazzard Matilda Louise Female Kalgoorlie
1924/1800010 East Coolgardie Dunne John Dennis Male Rodgers Catherine May Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800011 East Coolgardie Pollock George Leo Male Walker Rita Kathleen Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800011 East Coolgardie Walker Rita Kathleen Female Pollock George Leo Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800012 East Coolgardie Meighan Eileen Female Cahill Francis Thomas Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800012 East Coolgardie Cahill Francis Thomas Male Meighan Eileen Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800013 East Coolgardie Harwood Richard Redvers Male Hicks Eudoia Albina Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800013 East Coolgardie Hicks Eudoia Albina Female Harwood Richard Redvers Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800014 East Coolgardie Trevaskis Muriel Annie Female Lennell Clarence Victor Claude Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800014 East Coolgardie Lennell Clarence Victor Claude Male Trevaskis Muriel Annie Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800015 East Coolgardie Drage Gertrude Female Stelp Andrew Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800015 East Coolgardie Stelp Andrew Male Drage Gertrude Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800016 East Coolgardie Walton Margaret Female McCarquodale Malcolm Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800016 East Coolgardie McCarquodale Malcolm Male Walton Margaret Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800017 East Coolgardie Hooks Percival Henry Male Chambers Louise Emmeline Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800017 East Coolgardie Chambers Louise Emmeline Female Hooks Percival Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800018 East Coolgardie Jacobs Lionel Clarence Male Green Alice Elizabeth Frances Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800018 East Coolgardie Green Alice Elizabeth Frances Female Jacobs Lionel Clarence Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800019 East Coolgardie Alston Henry Douglas Male McCallum Jessie Graham Giltriss Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800019 East Coolgardie McCallum Jessie Graham Giltriss Female Alston Henry Douglas Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800020 East Coolgardie Jacobsen Carl Hans Brindioum Male Graham Jane Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800020 East Coolgardie Graham Jane Female Jacobsen Carl Hans Brindioum Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800021 East Coolgardie Saunders Marion Louise Female Hocking Edward Joseph Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800021 East Coolgardie Hocking Edward Joseph Male Saunders Marion Louise Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800022 East Coolgardie Hartley Alice Female Wallis Samuel Thomas Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800022 East Coolgardie Wallis Samuel Thomas Male Hartley Alice Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800023 East Coolgardie Armitage Vivian Alfred Male Gilbert Alice Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800023 East Coolgardie Gilbert Alice Female Armitage Vivian Alfred Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800024 East Coolgardie Huxtable Thomas Arthur Male Younger Elsie Lavinia Norseman Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800024 East Coolgardie Younger Elsie Lavinia Norseman Female Huxtable Thomas Arthur Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800025 East Coolgardie Stevens Lettie Female Mitchell Mathew Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800025 East Coolgardie Mitchell Mathew Male Stevens Lettie Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800026 East Coolgardie Paull Clarice Elizabeth Female Wishart Lawrance Hubert Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800026 East Coolgardie Wishart Lawrance Hubert Male Paull Clarice Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800027 East Coolgardie Pedroli Luigi Male Juett Christina Ellen Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800027 East Coolgardie Juett Christina Ellen Female Pedroli Luigi Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800028 East Coolgardie Alexander Amanda Louisa Female Devlin William Patrick Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800028 East Coolgardie Devlin William Patrick Male Alexander Amanda Louisa Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800029 East Coolgardie Shearing Ivy Gladys Female Carter Harold John Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800029 East Coolgardie Carter Harold John Male Shearing Ivy Gladys Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800030 East Coolgardie Blunderfield Stephen Robert Ward Farrow Male Hames Marion Florence Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800030 East Coolgardie Hames Marion Florence Female Blunderfield Stephen Robert Ward Farrow Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800031 East Coolgardie Bailey Arthur John Male Cooper Isabella Gladys Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800031 East Coolgardie Cooper Isabella Gladys Female Bailey Arthur John Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800032 East Coolgardie Curnow Cicely Edna Female Perriman William Thomas Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800032 East Coolgardie Perriman William Thomas Male Curnow Cicely Edna Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800033 East Coolgardie Dunne Elizabeth Anne Female Davies Benjamin Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800033 East Coolgardie Davies Benjamin Male Dunne Elizabeth Anne Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800034 East Coolgardie Bartle Olive Myrtle Female Olson Hugo William Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800034 East Coolgardie Olson Hugo William Male Bartle Olive Myrtle Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800035 East Coolgardie Yeats Stella May Female Hamilton Jonathon Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800035 East Coolgardie Hamilton Jonathon Henry Male Yeats Stella May Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800036 East Coolgardie Guinan John Percy Male Jeffries Beatrice Muriel Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800036 East Coolgardie Jeffries Beatrice Muriel Female Guinan John Percy Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800037 East Coolgardie Murdoch James Henry Male Glasson Laurel Daphne Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800037 East Coolgardie Glasson Laurel Daphne Female Murdoch James Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800038 East Coolgardie Newman Henry Burge Male Cox May Caroline Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800038 East Coolgardie Cox May Caroline Female Newman Henry Burge Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800039 East Coolgardie Johnson Bertha Patricia Female Davies Thomas Owen Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800039 East Coolgardie Davies Thomas Owen Male Johnson Bertha Patricia Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800040 East Coolgardie Tangney Annie Veronica Female Vuleta George Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800040 East Coolgardie Vuleta George Male Tangney Annie Veronica Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800041 East Coolgardie O'Neill Christopher William Male Milward Ivy Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800041 East Coolgardie Milward Ivy Female O'Neill Christopher William Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800042 East Coolgardie Gunn Leslie William Male Benson Ruby Thelma Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800042 East Coolgardie Benson Ruby Thelma Female Gunn Leslie William Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800043 East Coolgardie Golding Albert Male Dewson Daisy Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800043 East Coolgardie Dewson Daisy Female Golding Albert Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800044 East Coolgardie Horrocks Raymond Clyde Male Adams Ellen Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800044 East Coolgardie Adams Ellen Elizabeth Female Horrocks Raymond Clyde Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800045 East Coolgardie Donohoe Elizabeth Female Schupp Edward Martin Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800045 East Coolgardie Schupp Edward Martin Male Donohoe Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800046 East Coolgardie Gard Albert Ernest Male Plummer Ethel May Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800046 East Coolgardie Plummer Ethel May Female Gard Albert Ernest Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800047 East Coolgardie Bennett Edith May Female Sharpe George Stanley Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800047 East Coolgardie Sharpe George Stanley Male Bennett Edith May Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800048 East Coolgardie Abbott Frank Kyle Male Bawden Kathleen Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800048 East Coolgardie Bawden Kathleen Female Abbott Frank Kyle Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800049 East Coolgardie McGurk John William Male Kennedy Cecilia Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800049 East Coolgardie Kennedy Cecilia Female McGurk John William Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800050 East Coolgardie Otway Elsie Female Walker Francis Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800050 East Coolgardie Walker Francis Male Otway Elsie Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800051 East Coolgardie Bozzetti Catherina Female Gianatti Martire Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800051 East Coolgardie Gianatti Martire Male Bozzetti Catherina Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800052 East Coolgardie Woolhouse Enid Female Borg Carl Andreas Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800052 East Coolgardie Borg Carl Andreas Male Woolhouse Enid Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800053 East Coolgardie Sala Elizabeth Female Fenwick Alfred John Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800053 East Coolgardie Fenwick Alfred John Male Sala Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800054 East Coolgardie Hewett Charles Male Spear Jean Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800054 East Coolgardie Spear Jean Female Hewett Charles Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800055 East Coolgardie Burton Doris Female Smith Arthur James Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800055 East Coolgardie Smith Arthur James Male Burton Doris Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800056 East Coolgardie Jones Robert Samuel Male Woodhead Maisie Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800056 East Coolgardie Woodhead Maisie Female Jones Robert Samuel Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800057 East Coolgardie Spriggs Harriet Rosetta Female Horwitz Meyer Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800057 East Coolgardie Horwitz Meyer Male Spriggs Harriet Rosetta Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800058 East Coolgardie Symes Andrew John Male James Ada Augusta Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800058 East Coolgardie James Ada Augusta Female Symes Andrew John Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800059 East Coolgardie Rowe Robert James Male Wright Catherine Doris Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800059 East Coolgardie Wright Catherine Doris Female Rowe Robert James Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800060 East Coolgardie Veale Stanley Nicholas Male Johnston Edith Alma Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800060 East Coolgardie Johnston Edith Alma Female Veale Stanley Nicholas Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800061 East Coolgardie Dunbar William Cyrus Keith Male Hodson Eleanor Annie Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800061 East Coolgardie Hodson Eleanor Annie Female Dunbar William Cyrus Keith Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800062 East Coolgardie Scribbins Albert Male Pincott Emma Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800062 East Coolgardie Pincott Emma Female Scribbins Albert Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800063 East Coolgardie Colgan Harold Male Schwartz Vera Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800063 East Coolgardie Schwartz Vera Female Colgan Harold Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800064 East Coolgardie Arnold Iris Maude Female Slee Oscar James Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800064 East Coolgardie Slee Oscar James Male Arnold Iris Maude Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800065 East Coolgardie Eastland Alice Rose Female Stewart Arthur Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800065 East Coolgardie Stewart Arthur Male Eastland Alice Rose Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800066 East Coolgardie Thomas David William Male Doyle Nellie Irene Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800066 East Coolgardie Doyle Nellie Irene Female Thomas David William Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800067 East Coolgardie Holmes Richard Henry Arthur Male Rowe Irene May Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800067 East Coolgardie Rowe Irene May Female Holmes Richard Henry Arthur Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800068 East Coolgardie Nulsen William Anderson Male Wade Frances Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800068 East Coolgardie Wade Frances Elizabeth Female Nulsen William Anderson Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800069 East Coolgardie O'Brien Leslie John Male Wheare Leila Vera Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800069 East Coolgardie Wheare Leila Vera Female O'Brien Leslie John Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800070 East Coolgardie Murphy William George Male Godfrey Nellie Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800070 East Coolgardie Godfrey Nellie Female Murphy William George Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800071 East Coolgardie Simpson Constance Maud Female Vujcich Michael Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800071 East Coolgardie Vujcich Michael Male Simpson Constance Maud Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800072 East Coolgardie Sampson Alice Female Brown Harold Lovell Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800072 East Coolgardie Brown Harold Lovell Male Sampson Alice Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800073 East Coolgardie Berryman Henry Male Dunn Annie Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800073 East Coolgardie Dunn Annie Female Berryman Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800074 East Coolgardie Forrest Norman Male Quin Eva Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800074 East Coolgardie Quin Eva Female Forrest Norman Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800075 East Coolgardie Burton Frances Beryl Female Douglas Arnold James Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800075 East Coolgardie Douglas Arnold James Male Burton Frances Beryl Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800076 East Coolgardie Gilbert Horace Turner Male Pritchard Maud Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800076 East Coolgardie Pritchard Maud Mary Female Gilbert Horace Turner Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800077 East Coolgardie Conway Ernest Alfred Male Walpole Greta Irene Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800077 East Coolgardie Walpole Greta Irene Female Conway Ernest Alfred Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800078 East Coolgardie Clemenger William Ralph Male McPhee Edna Miriam Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800078 East Coolgardie McPhee Edna Miriam Female Clemenger William Ralph Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800079 East Coolgardie Major Dorothy Female Winning Alexander Barr Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800079 East Coolgardie Winning Alexander Barr Male Major Dorothy Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800080 East Coolgardie Ritchie Walter Robert Male Cope Ruby Laura Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800080 East Coolgardie Cope Ruby Laura Female Ritchie Walter Robert Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800081 East Coolgardie Mitchell Francis William Ewart Male Phillips Ivy Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800081 East Coolgardie Phillips Ivy Elizabeth Female Mitchell Francis William Ewart Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800082 East Coolgardie Cade William Henry Male George Maria Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800082 East Coolgardie George Maria Female Cade William Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800083 East Coolgardie Wood Jessie Ellen Female Greig Clement Albert Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800083 East Coolgardie Greig Clement Albert Male Wood Jessie Ellen Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800084 East Coolgardie Reid William John Male Brooks Agnes Maud Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800084 East Coolgardie Brooks Agnes Maud Female Reid William John Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800085 East Coolgardie O'Mara Francis Samuel Harold Male Mitchell Victoria Gertrude Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800085 East Coolgardie Mitchell Victoria Gertrude Female O'Mara Francis Samuel Harold Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800086 East Coolgardie Hall John Male Reed Emma Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800086 East Coolgardie Reed Emma Female Hall John Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800087 East Coolgardie Pavlinovich Domina Female Vulinovich Ivan Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800087 East Coolgardie Vulinovich Ivan Male Pavlinovich Domina Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800088 East Coolgardie Teague Sidney Male Graham Mary McCook Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800088 East Coolgardie Graham Mary McCook Female Teague Sidney Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800089 East Coolgardie Preddy Gwendoline Ormus Female Carroll Martin Thomas Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800089 East Coolgardie Carroll Martin Thomas Male Preddy Gwendoline Ormus Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800090 East Coolgardie Kramer Stanley Male James Ethel May Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800090 East Coolgardie James Ethel May Female Kramer Stanley Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800091 East Coolgardie Scott Henry Alexander Male Harris Mary Kathleen Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800091 East Coolgardie Harris Mary Kathleen Female Scott Henry Alexander Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800092 East Coolgardie Reed Arthur Colville Male Whittington Florence Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800092 East Coolgardie Whittington Florence Female Reed Arthur Colville Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800093 East Coolgardie Brooks Marget Carruthers Female Loughlin Septimus Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800093 East Coolgardie Loughlin Septimus Male Brooks Marget Carruthers Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800094 East Coolgardie Noble Doris Female Prouse William James Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800094 East Coolgardie Prouse William James Male Noble Doris Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800095 East Coolgardie Wright William Blackwood Male Doig Doris Maud Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800095 East Coolgardie Doig Doris Maud Female Wright William Blackwood Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800096 East Coolgardie Gindici James Male Pola Elsie Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1800096 East Coolgardie Pola Elsie Female Gindici Giacomo Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800096 East Coolgardie Pola Elsie Female Gindici James Male Kalgoorlie
1923/1800096 East Coolgardie Gindici Giacomo Male Pola Elsie Female Kalgoorlie
1923/1900001 North Coolgardie Wells Robert Judd Male Hamilton Hilda Winifred Female Menzies
1923/1900001 North Coolgardie Hamilton Hilda Winifred Female Wells Robert Judd Male Menzies
1923/2400001 Dundas Logan George Kirby Male McKay Mary Rose Female Norseman
1923/2400001 Dundas McKay Mary Rose Female Logan George Kirby Male Norseman
1923/2500001 Esperance Turner Effie Mary Female Turner Norman James Male Esperance
1923/2500001 Esperance Turner Norman James Male Turner Effie Mary Female Esperance
1923/2500002 Esperance Daw Frederick Cozens Male Orr Florence May Female Esperance
1923/2500002 Esperance Orr Florence May Female Daw Frederick Cozens Male Esperance
1923/2500003 Esperance Wood Margaret Ellen Female Townsend William Frederick Male Esperance
1923/2500003 Esperance Townsend William Frederick Male Wood Margaret Ellen Female Esperance
1923/2500004 Esperance Murray Elizabeth McInnes Scotland Female Moir Litchard Male Esperance
1923/2500004 Esperance Moir Litchard Male Murray Elizabeth McInnes Scotland Female Esperance
1923/2500005 Esperance Eavens Sarah Katheleen Female Griffin James Male Esperance
1923/2500005 Esperance Griffin James Male Eavens Sarah Katheleen Female Esperance
1923/2700001 Fremantle Chalwell William Francis Male Cuff Ellen May Female Fremantle
1923/2700001 Fremantle Cuff Ellen May Female Chalwell William Francis Male Fremantle
1924/2700002 Fremantle Bartlett Doris Myrtle Female Proud Alfred Joseph Male Fremantle
1924/2700002 Fremantle Proud Alfred Joseph Male Bartlett Doris Myrtle Female Fremantle
1924/2700004 Fremantle Luff Edgar John Male Mainstone Doris Female Fremantle
1924/2700004 Fremantle Mainstone Doris Female Luff Edgar John Male Fremantle
1923/2700006 Fremantle Robinson Thomas Male Burgess Ellen Dorothy Female Beaconsfield
1923/2700006 Fremantle Burgess Ellen Dorothy Female Robinson Thomas Male Beaconsfield
1923/2700007 Fremantle Hort Elsie May Female Oxley James Orchard Male Fremantle
1923/2700007 Fremantle Oxley James Orchard Male Hort Elsie May Female Fremantle
1923/2700008 Fremantle Regan Agnes Female Holland John George Male Fremantle
1923/2700008 Fremantle Holland John George Male Regan Agnes Female Fremantle
1923/2700010 Fremantle Caird Alexander Male Dwyer Dorothy Mabel Female Fremantle
1923/2700010 Fremantle Dwyer Dorothy Mabel Female Caird Alexander Male Fremantle
1923/2700011 Fremantle Crow George Male Crockett Alice Maud Female South Fremantle
1923/2700011 Fremantle Crockett Alice Maud Female Crow George Male South Fremantle
1923/2700012 Fremantle Lock Blanche Constance Mary Female Hammond Joseph James Male Fremantle
1923/2700012 Fremantle Hammond Joseph James Male Lock Blanche Constance Mary Female Fremantle
1923/2700013 Fremantle Leitch Evelyn Margaret Female Wilding Frederick Ernest Edwin Male Fremantle
1923/2700013 Fremantle Wilding Frederick Ernest Edwin Male Leitch Evelyn Margaret Female Fremantle
1923/2700014 Fremantle Kiernan Bernard Simon Male Mulcahy Lucy Mary Female Fremantle
1923/2700014 Fremantle Mulcahy Lucy Mary Female Kiernan Bernard Simon Male Fremantle
1923/2700015 Fremantle Weeks William James Male Moore May Female Fremantle
1923/2700015 Fremantle Moore May Female Weeks William James Male Fremantle
1923/2700016 Fremantle Roberts May Alice Female O'Donovan James Francis Male East Fremantle
1923/2700016 Fremantle O'Donovan James Francis Male Roberts May Alice Female East Fremantle
1923/2700017 Fremantle Coad Dorothy Irene Female Nicholls Ernest Male North Fremantle
1923/2700017 Fremantle Nicholls Ernest Male Coad Dorothy Irene Female North Fremantle
1923/2700018 Fremantle Eaton Olive Louisa Female Williams Cyril Baden Male Fremantle
1923/2700018 Fremantle Williams Cyril Baden Male Eaton Olive Louisa Female Fremantle
1923/2700019 Fremantle Rochfort Horace Male Wray Olive May Female Fremantle
1923/2700019 Fremantle Wray Olive May Female Rochfort Horace Male Fremantle
1923/2700020 Fremantle Murphy William Vincent Male Bellairs Violet Ruby Female North Fremantle
1923/2700020 Fremantle Bellairs Violet Ruby Female Murphy William Vincent Male North Fremantle
1923/2700021 Fremantle Prynne William John Thomas Male Schmid Elizabeth Female Beaconsfield
1923/2700021 Fremantle Schmid Elizabeth Female Prynne William John Thomas Male Beaconsfield
1923/2700022 Fremantle Harrison Reginald Male Graham Mary Margaret Female East Fremantle
1923/2700022 Fremantle Graham Mary Margaret Female Harrison Reginald Male East Fremantle
1923/2700023 Fremantle Holt Olive Lilian Female Williams Horace Leonard Male Fremantle
1923/2700023 Fremantle Williams Horace Leonard Male Holt Olive Lilian Female Fremantle
1923/2700024 Fremantle Robson Gladys Maude Female Anderson John Leslie Male Fremantle
1923/2700024 Fremantle Anderson John Leslie Male Robson Gladys Maude Female Fremantle
1923/2700025 Fremantle Sexton Archibald Male Kirby Annie Ada Female Fremantle
1923/2700025 Fremantle Kirby Annie Ada Female Sexton Archibald Male Fremantle
1923/2700026 Fremantle Hansen James Male Cole Marian Ada Female Fremantle
1923/2700026 Fremantle Cole Marian Ada Female Hansen James Male Fremantle
1923/2700027 Fremantle Agren Charles Harold Male Welsh Dorothy Caroline Female Fremantle
1923/2700027 Fremantle Welsh Dorothy Caroline Female Agren Charles Harold Male Fremantle
1923/2700028 Fremantle Olsen Harriett Matilda Female Jaensch Albert John Male North Fremantle
1923/2700028 Fremantle Jaensch Albert John Male Olsen Harriett Matilda Female North Fremantle
1923/2700029 Fremantle Scott Robert Male Price Emily Louisa Female Beaconsfield
1923/2700029 Fremantle Price Emily Louisa Female Scott Robert Male Beaconsfield
1923/2700030 Fremantle Brind Ethel Female Woollands Arthur John Male Fremantle
1923/2700030 Fremantle Woollands Arthur John Male Brind Ethel Female Fremantle
1923/2700031 Fremantle Hammond Agnes Perrie Female Murray Walter Hope Male Fremantle
1923/2700031 Fremantle Murray Walter Hope Male Hammond Agnes Perrie Female Fremantle
1923/2700032 Fremantle Davey John Hodges Male May Martley Female Fremantle
1923/2700032 Fremantle May Martley Female Davey John Hodges Male Fremantle
1923/2700033 Fremantle Simpson Frances May Female Snell Rupert Otto Male Fremantle
1923/2700033 Fremantle Snell Rupert Otto Male Simpson Frances May Female Fremantle
1923/2700034 Fremantle Heffernan James John Male Pollie Gertrude Mabel Female Fremantle
1923/2700034 Fremantle Pollie Gertrude Mabel Female Heffernan James John Male Fremantle
1923/2700035 Fremantle Motteram Mary Female Gulvin Alfred Male Fremantle
1923/2700035 Fremantle Gulvin Alfred Male Motteram Mary Female Fremantle
1923/2700036 Fremantle Grieves William Male French Gladys Blanche Female Fremantle
1923/2700036 Fremantle French Gladys Blanche Female Grieves William Male Fremantle
1923/2700037 Fremantle Williams Owin Morgan Male Loxton Violet Ada Marie Female Fremantle
1923/2700037 Fremantle Loxton Violet Ada Marie Female Williams Owin Morgan Male Fremantle
1923/2700038 Fremantle Little Leslie Male Burns Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1923/2700038 Fremantle Burns Elizabeth Female Little Leslie Male Fremantle
1923/2700039 Fremantle Dawson Leslie Legay Male Flanagan Ethel May Female Beaconsfield
1923/2700039 Fremantle Flanagan Ethel May Female Dawson Leslie Legay Male Beaconsfield
1923/2700040 Fremantle Easton Kate Laura Female Webster Charles Edward Male East Fremantle
1923/2700040 Fremantle Webster Charles Edward Male Easton Kate Laura Female East Fremantle
1923/2700041 Fremantle Ratcliffe Harry Leonard Male Rice Frances Eleanor Ada Female Fremantle
1923/2700041 Fremantle Rice Frances Eleanor Ada Female Ratcliffe Harry Leonard Male Fremantle
1923/2700042 Fremantle Newman Lilian Ellen Female Vivian Alfred Ernest Male Fremantle
1923/2700042 Fremantle Vivian Alfred Ernest Male Newman Lilian Ellen Female Fremantle
1923/2700043 Fremantle Gear George Male Field Elsie Victoria Maud Female Fremantle
1923/2700043 Fremantle Field Elsie Victoria Maud Female Gear George Male Fremantle
1923/2700044 Fremantle Annesley Arthur David Male Carter Anna Rosalind Female Fremantle
1923/2700044 Fremantle Carter Anna Rosalind Female Annesley Arthur David Male Fremantle
1923/2700045 Fremantle Trezona Thomas Henry Male Yeing Jessie Bertha Victoria Female Fremantle
1923/2700045 Fremantle Yeing Jessie Bertha Victoria Female Trezona Thomas Henry Male Fremantle
1923/2700046 Fremantle McLoughlin Catherine Female Hawkins James Male North Fremantle
1923/2700046 Fremantle Hawkins James Male McLoughlin Catherine Female North Fremantle
1923/2700047 Fremantle Gill Joseph William Male Coady Dorothy Female Fremantle
1923/2700047 Fremantle Coady Dorothy Female Gill Joseph William Male Fremantle
1923/2700048 Fremantle James Alice Hannah Female Rummer Louis James Male East Fremantle
1923/2700048 Fremantle Rummer Louis James Male James Alice Hannah Female East Fremantle
1923/2700049 Fremantle Duncan Florence May Female Hill John Male Beaconsfield
1923/2700049 Fremantle Hill John Male Duncan Florence May Female Beaconsfield
1923/2700050 Fremantle Briggs Francis John Male Foster Ada Female Beaconsfield
1923/2700050 Fremantle Foster Ada Female Briggs Francis John Male Beaconsfield
1923/2700051 Fremantle Huxley James Russell Martin Male Laidlaw Ida Milne Female Beaconsfield
1923/2700051 Fremantle Laidlaw Ida Milne Female Huxley James Russell Martin Male Beaconsfield
1923/2700052 Fremantle Yates John Wingfield Wildman Male Solomon Stella Female Beaconsfield
1923/2700052 Fremantle Solomon Stella Female Yates John Wingfield Wildman Male Beaconsfield
1923/2700053 Fremantle Gumbleton John Britnall Male Featherby Emma Sherwood Female Fremantle
1923/2700053 Fremantle Featherby Emma Sherwood Female Gumbleton John Britnall Male Fremantle
1923/2700054 Fremantle Long Mona Beatrice Female Dodman Leslie John Male Fremantle
1923/2700054 Fremantle Dodman Leslie John Male Long Mona Beatrice Female Fremantle
1923/2700055 Fremantle Williams Emily Gladys Female Knott Herbert George Male Fremantle
1923/2700055 Fremantle Knott Herbert George Male Williams Emily Gladys Female Fremantle
1923/2700056 Fremantle Thornton Frank Male Martin May Helena Female Fremantle
1923/2700056 Fremantle Martin May Helena Female Thornton Frank Male Fremantle
1923/2700057 Fremantle Thomson Leslie Alexander Robert Male Baird Annie Female Fremantle
1923/2700057 Fremantle Baird Annie Female Thomson Leslie Alexander Robert Male Fremantle
1923/2700058 Fremantle Jennings Pearl Fanny Victoria Female Gregson Reginald William Male Fremantle
1923/2700058 Fremantle Gregson Reginald William Male Jennings Pearl Fanny Victoria Female Fremantle
1923/2700059 Fremantle Buchanan John Albert Male Patterson Eileen May Mary Female North Fremantle
1923/2700059 Fremantle Patterson Eileen May Mary Female Buchanan John Albert Male North Fremantle
1923/2700060 Fremantle Kelly Ethel Florence Female Brown Leslie Roy Male Fremantle
1923/2700060 Fremantle Brown Leslie Roy Male Kelly Ethel Florence Female Fremantle
1923/2700061 Fremantle Dean George Male Hunt Gladys Margarette Female Fremantle
1923/2700061 Fremantle Hunt Gladys Margarette Female Dean George Male Fremantle
1923/2700062 Fremantle King Clarice May Female Wych Arthur James Male North Fremantle
1923/2700062 Fremantle Wych Arthur James Male King Clarice May Female North Fremantle
1923/2700063 Fremantle Pepper Albert Charles Male Hanthorne Enid Ethel Female Fremantle
1923/2700063 Fremantle Hanthorne Enid Ethel Female Pepper Albert Charles Male Fremantle
1923/2700064 Fremantle Gilbert Frederick William Male Le Boydre Hilda Louisa Female Beaconsfield
1923/2700064 Fremantle Le Boydre Hilda Louisa Female Gilbert Frederick William Male Beaconsfield
1923/2700065 Fremantle McDonald Donald Male Crawford Margaret Ellen May Female Beaconsfield
1923/2700065 Fremantle Crawford Margaret Ellen May Female McDonald Donald Male Beaconsfield
1923/2700066 Fremantle Martin William Edward Male Coulson Hannah Jane Female Fremantle
1923/2700066 Fremantle Coulson Hannah Jane Female Martin William Edward Male Fremantle
1923/2700067 Fremantle Nicholas Robert Francis George Male Coward Chloryrce May Female Fremantle
1923/2700067 Fremantle Coward Chloryrce May Female Nicholas Robert Francis George Male Fremantle
1923/2700068 Fremantle Duffield Olive Blanche Female Payne Raymond Frederick Easton Male Fremantle
1923/2700068 Fremantle Payne Raymond Frederick Easton Male Duffield Olive Blanche Female Fremantle
1923/2700069 Fremantle Hall Thelma Female Hamilton George Male Fremantle
1923/2700069 Fremantle Hamilton George Male Hall Thelma Female Fremantle
1923/2700070 Fremantle Thompson Lillian Gertrude Female Anthony Reuben Lewis Male Fremantle
1923/2700070 Fremantle Anthony Reuben Lewis Male Thompson Lillian Gertrude Female Fremantle
1923/2700071 Fremantle Pusey Gwendoline Joy Female Stuart George Northam Male Fremantle
1923/2700071 Fremantle Stuart George Northam Male Pusey Gwendoline Joy Female Fremantle
1923/2700072 Fremantle Taylor Gladys Female Bateman William Herbert Male Fremantle
1923/2700072 Fremantle Bateman William Herbert Male Taylor Gladys Female Fremantle
1923/2700073 Fremantle O'Connor Eva Gertrude Female Munyard Henry Charles Male Fremantle
1923/2700073 Fremantle Munyard Henry Charles Male O'Connor Eva Gertrude Female Fremantle
1923/2700074 Fremantle Gray James Male Lopez Anna Female Fremantle
1923/2700074 Fremantle Lopez Anna Female Gray James Male Fremantle
1923/2700075 Fremantle Gardiner Lillian Hilditch Female Roots Frank Male Fremantle
1923/2700075 Fremantle Roots Frank Male Gardiner Lillian Hilditch Female Fremantle
1923/2700076 Fremantle Coughlin Mary Female Styles Samuel Male North Fremantle
1923/2700076 Fremantle Styles Samuel Male Coughlin Mary Female North Fremantle
1923/2700077 Fremantle Purvis Alice May Female Knight George Victor Male Beaconsfield
1923/2700077 Fremantle Knight George Victor Male Purvis Alice May Female Beaconsfield
1923/2700078 Fremantle Ralston Henrietta Clara Female Ash Arthur William Male Beaconsfield
1923/2700078 Fremantle Ash Arthur William Male Ralston Henrietta Clara Female Beaconsfield
1923/2700079 Fremantle Evans Doris Evelyn Pearl Female Sandilands William Male Fremantle
1923/2700079 Fremantle Sandilands William Male Evans Doris Evelyn Pearl Female Fremantle
1923/2700080 Fremantle Lindsay Robert Louis Male Hynes Elsie Sophia Female Fremantle
1923/2700080 Fremantle Hynes Elsie Sophia Female Lindsay Robert Louis Male Fremantle
1923/2700081 Fremantle Bryant Wilhelmina Female Dymock Harold Chandler Male Fremantle
1923/2700081 Fremantle Dymock Harold Chandler Male Bryant Wilhelmina Female Fremantle
1923/2700082 Fremantle Galvin Edith Elizabeth Female Brown Arthur Edward Male Palmyra
1923/2700082 Fremantle Brown Arthur Edward Male Galvin Edith Elizabeth Female Palmyra
1923/2700083 Fremantle Baker Edward Male Jones Lydia Female Fremantle
1923/2700083 Fremantle Jones Lydia Female Baker Edward Male Fremantle
1923/2700084 Fremantle Datson James Male Geddes Reta Female Frennantle
1923/2700084 Fremantle Geddes Reta Female Datson James Male Frennantle
1923/2700085 Fremantle Cruthers Alfred Chester Male Louie-Guegan Violet Female Fremantle
1923/2700085 Fremantle Louie-Guegan Violet Female Cruthers Alfred Chester Male Fremantle
1923/2700086 Fremantle Humphrys Dulcie Irene Female Fraser John James Male Fremantle
1923/2700086 Fremantle Fraser John James Male Humphrys Dulcie Irene Female Fremantle
1923/2700087 Fremantle Reed Herbert Hamilton Male Pow Jessie Hay Female Fremantle
1923/2700087 Fremantle Pow Jessie Hay Female Reed Herbert Hamilton Male Fremantle
1923/2700088 Fremantle Stock Dorothy Elizabeth Josephine Female Morfitt Stanley Male Fremantle
1923/2700088 Fremantle Morfitt Stanley Male Stock Dorothy Elizabeth Josephine Female Fremantle
1923/2700089 Fremantle Quinlan Violet Mary Female Purdue Charles Henry Male Beaconsfield
1923/2700089 Fremantle Purdue Charles Henry Male Quinlan Violet Mary Female Beaconsfield
1923/2700090 Fremantle Ranford Dorothea Constance Female Simpson Robert Frederick Burns Male Beaconsfield
1923/2700090 Fremantle Simpson Robert Frederick Burns Male Ranford Dorothea Constance Female Beaconsfield
1923/2700091 Fremantle Hartree Hilbert Thomas Male Barron Josephine Olive Female Beaconsfield
1923/2700091 Fremantle Barron Josephine Olive Female Hartree Hilbert Thomas Male Beaconsfield
1923/2700092 Fremantle Lillyman Florence Harriet Female Oliver Edward Lockyer Male Fremantle
1923/2700092 Fremantle Oliver Edward Lockyer Male Lillyman Florence Harriet Female Fremantle
1923/2700093 Fremantle Mole Douglas George Male Lamp Helena Melba Female Fremantle
1923/2700093 Fremantle Lamp Helena Melba Female Mole Douglas George Male Fremantle
1923/2700094 Fremantle McLean John Male Watters Margaret Amy Georgena Female Fremantle
1923/2700094 Fremantle Watters Margaret Amy Georgena Female McLean John Male Fremantle
1923/2700095 Fremantle Malone Martin Patrick Male Wren Minnie Beatrice Female Fremantle
1923/2700095 Fremantle Wren Minnie Beatrice Female Malone Martin Patrick Male Fremantle
1923/2700096 Fremantle Davenport Annie Female Baker George David Male Beaconsfield
1923/2700096 Fremantle Baker George David Male Davenport Annie Female Beaconsfield
1923/2700097 Fremantle Wetherall Charles Male Jones Ethel Constance Female Beaconsfield
1923/2700097 Fremantle Jones Ethel Constance Female Wetherall Charles Male Beaconsfield
1923/2700098 Fremantle Johnson Dehard Male Clark Kate Female Fremantle
1923/2700098 Fremantle Clark Kate Female Johnson Dehard Male Fremantle
1923/2700099 Fremantle Cameron Hazel Mary Female Hartfield Walter James Male Fremantle
1923/2700099 Fremantle Hartfield Walter James Male Cameron Hazel Mary Female Fremantle
1923/2700100 Fremantle Johnston Cameron Male Prout Florence Hilda Female Fremantle
1923/2700100 Fremantle Prout Florence Hilda Female Johnston Cameron Male Fremantle
1923/2700101 Fremantle Weedon Harry Male Sharpe Edith Gordon Female Fremantle
1923/2700101 Fremantle Sharpe Edith Gordon Female Weedon Harry Male Fremantle
1923/2700102 Fremantle Houston Andrew Male Jackson Violet Rose Female Beaconsfield
1923/2700102 Fremantle Jackson Violet Rose Female Houston Andrew Male Beaconsfield
1923/2700103 Fremantle Casserly James Joseph Male Cinoris Eileen Female North Fremantle
1923/2700103 Fremantle Cinoris Eileen Female Casserly James Joseph Male North Fremantle
1923/2700104 Fremantle Burke John Edgar Male Brookes Annie Bridget Female Fremantle
1923/2700104 Fremantle Brookes Annie Bridget Female Burke John Edgar Male Fremantle
1923/2700105 Fremantle Triplett Gladys Charlotte Emily Female Back William Joseph Male Fremantle
1923/2700105 Fremantle Back William Joseph Male Triplett Gladys Charlotte Emily Female Fremantle
1923/2700106 Fremantle Deeble Elsie May Female Campbell John Stewart Male North Fremantle
1923/2700106 Fremantle Campbell John Stewart Male Deeble Elsie May Female North Fremantle
1923/2700107 Fremantle Ing George Leslie Male Sargent Jessie Mildred Female Beaconsfield
1923/2700107 Fremantle Sargent Jessie Mildred Female Ing George Leslie Male Beaconsfield
1923/2700108 Fremantle Roberts Mary Evelyn Female Faulds Alison James Male Fremantle
1923/2700108 Fremantle Faulds Alison James Male Roberts Mary Evelyn Female Fremantle
1924/2700109 Fremantle Datson Edgar George Male Gates Evelyn Gertrude Female South Fremantle
1923/2700109 Fremantle D'Arcy Evans Eyre Henry Male Garmany Mary Elinor Female East Fremantle
1923/2700109 Fremantle Garmany Mary Elinor Female D'Arcy Evans Eyre Henry Male East Fremantle
1924/2700109 Fremantle Gates Evelyn Gertrude Female Datson Edgar George Male South Fremantle
1923/2700110 Fremantle Weste Emma Mary Dorothy Female Stacy Eric Burnet Male Fremantle
1923/2700110 Fremantle Stacy Eric Burnet Male Weste Emma Mary Dorothy Female Fremantle
1923/2700111 Fremantle Brown Harold Percival Male Rogers Ellen Muriel Louise Female Fremantle
1923/2700111 Fremantle Rogers Ellen Muriel Louise Female Brown Harold Percival Male Fremantle
1923/2700112 Fremantle Moseley Clyde Owen Male Mews Irene Warren Female Fremantle
1923/2700112 Fremantle Mews Irene Warren Female Moseley Clyde Owen Male Fremantle
1923/2700113 Fremantle Marshall Jack Male Prince Elizabeth Louisa May Female Fremantle
1923/2700113 Fremantle Prince Elizabeth Louisa May Female Marshall Jack Male Fremantle
1923/2700114 Fremantle Wright Leslie Male Jackman Nellie Female Fremantle
1923/2700114 Fremantle Jackman Nellie Female Wright Leslie Male Fremantle
1923/2700115 Fremantle Green Jasper William Male Gibson Nellie Female Fremantle
1923/2700115 Fremantle Gibson Nellie Female Green Jasper William Male Fremantle
1923/2700116 Fremantle Haring Dorothy Anne Female Owen Oswald Frank Strickland Male Fremantle
1923/2700116 Fremantle Owen Oswald Frank Strickland Male Haring Dorothy Anne Female Fremantle
1923/2700117 Fremantle Mottram Wilfred Male Fitzgerald Eileen Female Fremantle
1923/2700117 Fremantle Fitzgerald Eileen Female Mottram Wilfred Male Fremantle
1923/2700118 Fremantle Rummer Edith May Female West Albert Edward Male East Fremantle
1923/2700118 Fremantle West Albert Edward Male Rummer Edith May Female East Fremantle
1923/2700119 Fremantle Moloney John Male Champion Nellie Female Fremantle
1923/2700119 Fremantle Champion Nellie Female Moloney John Male Fremantle
1923/2700120 Fremantle Loudon John Maxwell Male Felton Constance Joan Female Fremantle
1923/2700120 Fremantle Felton Constance Joan Female Loudon John Maxwell Male Fremantle
1923/2700121 Fremantle Meldrum John Edwin Male Williams Cathrine Female Fremantle
1923/2700121 Fremantle Williams Cathrine Female Meldrum John Edwin Male Fremantle
1923/2700122 Fremantle Luff Amy Gladys Female Baldwin Denman Male Beaconsfield
1923/2700122 Fremantle Baldwin Denman Male Luff Amy Gladys Female Beaconsfield
1923/2700123 Fremantle Quinn Stephen Male Coram Nellie Female Fremantle
1923/2700123 Fremantle Coram Nellie Female Quinn Stephen Male Fremantle
1923/2700124 Fremantle Howell Annette Louise Female Pink Percy Male Fremantle
1923/2700124 Fremantle Pink Percy Male Howell Annette Louise Female Fremantle
1923/2700125 Fremantle Glendinning George Henry Male Swift Ada Beatrice Female Fremantle
1923/2700125 Fremantle Swift Ada Beatrice Female Glendinning George Henry Male Fremantle
1923/2700126 Fremantle Maxwell Robert James Male McCaskie Elizabeth Selina Female Fremantle
1923/2700126 Fremantle McCaskie Elizabeth Selina Female Maxwell Robert James Male Fremantle
1923/2700127 Fremantle Bone Frederick John Trimbey Male Jeive May Hilda Female Fremantle
1923/2700127 Fremantle Jeive May Hilda Female Bone Frederick John Trimbey Male Fremantle
1923/2700128 Fremantle Sinclair Robert James Male Leunig Violet Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1923/2700128 Fremantle Leunig Violet Elizabeth Female Sinclair Robert James Male Fremantle
1923/2700129 Fremantle Barnes Sarah Jane Female Green Frederick George Male Fremantle
1923/2700129 Fremantle Green Frederick George Male Barnes Sarah Jane Female Fremantle
1923/2700130 Fremantle Johnson Eric John Male Brown Susan Female Fremantle
1923/2700130 Fremantle Brown Susan Female Johnson Eric John Male Fremantle
1923/2700131 Fremantle Sloan Keith Herbert Male Godwin Lena Budd Female East Fremantle
1923/2700131 Fremantle Godwin Lena Budd Female Sloan Keith Herbert Male East Fremantle
1923/2700132 Fremantle Maguire Frederick Charles Male Mitchinson Elizabeth Mary Female East Fremantle
1923/2700132 Fremantle Mitchinson Elizabeth Mary Female Maguire Frederick Charles Male East Fremantle
1923/2700133 Fremantle Swift John Henry Male Moden Gladys Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1923/2700133 Fremantle Moden Gladys Elizabeth Female Swift John Henry Male Fremantle
1923/2700134 Fremantle Sloan Mary Ann Norah Female Martin Alfred Male North Fremantle
1923/2700134 Fremantle Martin Alfred Male Sloan Mary Ann Norah Female North Fremantle
1923/2700135 Fremantle Sweeny Clarence Henry Male Thomson Elizabeth Muir Female Fremantle
1923/2700135 Fremantle Thomson Elizabeth Muir Female Sweeny Clarence Henry Male Fremantle
1923/2700136 Fremantle Davey William Harold Male Farmer Lucy Leontine Female Fremantle
1923/2700136 Fremantle Farmer Lucy Leontine Female Davey William Harold Male Fremantle
1923/2700137 Fremantle Beaney Isabella Female Hawkins Herbert Male Fremantle
1923/2700137 Fremantle Hawkins Herbert Male Beaney Isabella Female Fremantle
1923/2700138 Fremantle Lippingwell Annie Emily Female Herbert Henry James Male Fremantle
1923/2700138 Fremantle Herbert Henry James Male Lippingwell Annie Emily Female Fremantle
1923/2700139 Fremantle Sanders Alfred Richard Male Madalena Ethel Female Fremantle
1923/2700139 Fremantle Madalena Ethel Female Sanders Alfred Richard Male Fremantle
1923/2700140 Fremantle Wark Florence Female Carlisle George Colyer Male Fremantle
1923/2700140 Fremantle Carlisle George Colyer Male Wark Florence Female Fremantle
1923/2700141 Fremantle Wallis Henry Robert Male Nelson Frederikkie Irene Female Fremantle
1923/2700141 Fremantle Nelson Frederikkie Irene Female Wallis Henry Robert Male Fremantle
1923/2700142 Fremantle Holzberger Doris Julia Female Jones Richard Leslie Male Beaconsfield
1923/2700142 Fremantle Jones Richard Leslie Male Holzberger Doris Julia Female Beaconsfield
1923/2700143 Fremantle Blinco Corona Martha E H Female Tilley William Harold Male Fremantle
1923/2700143 Fremantle Tilley William Harold Male Blinco Corona Martha E H Female Fremantle
1923/2700144 Fremantle Boyd Elspeth Isa Female Price Ernest Edgar Male East Fremantle
1923/2700144 Fremantle Price Ernest Edgar Male Boyd Elspeth Isa Female East Fremantle
1923/2700145 Fremantle Smith Edwin Owen Male Allan Margaret Female Fremantle
1923/2700145 Fremantle Allan Margaret Female Smith Edwin Owen Male Fremantle
1923/2700146 Fremantle Groves Dorothy May Female Joslin David Male Beaconsfield
1923/2700146 Fremantle Joslin David Male Groves Dorothy May Female Beaconsfield
1923/2700147 Fremantle Chalmers Alexander Male Gale Linda Elizabeth Female East Fremantle
1923/2700147 Fremantle Gale Linda Elizabeth Female Chalmers Alexander Male East Fremantle
1923/2700148 Fremantle Waterhouse Robert George Male Moroni Eulilia May Ellen Female Fremantle
1923/2700148 Fremantle Moroni Eulilia May Ellen Female Waterhouse Robert George Male Fremantle
1923/2700149 Fremantle Box Reginald Thomas Male Illingworth Ivy Irene Female Fremantle
1923/2700149 Fremantle Illingworth Ivy Irene Female Box Reginald Thomas Male Fremantle
1923/2700150 Fremantle Bovell Henry Thomas Male Green Amelia Daphne Female North Fremantle
1923/2700150 Fremantle Green Amelia Daphne Female Bovell Henry Thomas Male North Fremantle
1923/2700151 Fremantle Normoyle William Edward Male Weisheit Ivy Johanna Female Fremantle
1923/2700151 Fremantle Weisheit Ivy Johanna Female Normoyle William Edward Male Fremantle
1923/2700152 Fremantle Hepburn Janet Collison Female Henry Thomas Darling Male East Fremantle
1923/2700152 Fremantle Henry Thomas Darling Male Hepburn Janet Collison Female East Fremantle
1923/2700153 Fremantle Cockle Vera Lilian Alice Female Gilchrist Reginald Arthur Male East Fremantle
1923/2700153 Fremantle Gilchrist Reginald Arthur Male Cockle Vera Lilian Alice Female East Fremantle
1923/2700154 Fremantle Holmes Lewis John Male Bellamy Elsie May Female Beaconsfield
1923/2700154 Fremantle Bellamy Elsie May Female Holmes Lewis John Male Beaconsfield
1924/2700154 Fremantle Tranter Arthur Dryland Male Druce Isabel Bessie May Female Fremantle
1924/2700154 Fremantle Druce Isabel Bessie May Female Tranter Arthur Dryland Male Fremantle
1923/2700155 Fremantle Garrahy Mollie Catherine Female Daly Timothy William Male Fremantle
1923/2700155 Fremantle Daly Timothy William Male Garrahy Mollie Catherine Female Fremantle
1923/2700156 Fremantle Clarke Rose Margaret Female Morley Arthur Cecil Male Fremantle
1923/2700156 Fremantle Morley Arthur Cecil Male Clarke Rose Margaret Female Fremantle
1923/2700157 Fremantle Hamilton Cyril David Male Davis Ellen Margaret Jean Female Fremantle
1923/2700157 Fremantle Davis Ellen Margaret Jean Female Hamilton Cyril David Male Fremantle
1923/2700158 Fremantle Harvey Grace Female Skelton Albert Henry Male Fremantle
1923/2700158 Fremantle Skelton Albert Henry Male Harvey Grace Female Fremantle
1923/2700159 Fremantle Maynard Frederick Seth Male Macks Ivy May Female Fremantle
1923/2700159 Fremantle Macks Ivy May Female Maynard Frederick Seth Male Fremantle
1923/2700160 Fremantle Parry Edith Female Stewart John Male East Fremantle
1923/2700160 Fremantle Stewart John Male Parry Edith Female East Fremantle
1923/2700161 Fremantle Tooth Kate Female Joyce Aloysius Male Fremantle
1923/2700161 Fremantle Joyce Aloysius Male Tooth Kate Female Fremantle
1923/2700162 Fremantle Davey James Philip Male Kay Ada Ulla Jean Female Fremantle
1923/2700162 Fremantle Kay Ada Ulla Jean Female Davey James Philip Male Fremantle
1923/2700163 Fremantle Renner Ernest Melville Male Lundgren Cornelia Ingeborg Female East Fremantle
1923/2700163 Fremantle Lundgren Cornelia Ingeborg Female Renner Ernest Melville Male East Fremantle
1923/2700164 Fremantle Campbell William Joseph Male Smith Rose Female East Fremantle
1923/2700164 Fremantle Cameron William Joseph Male Smith Rose Female East Fremantle
1923/2700164 Fremantle Smith Rose Female Cameron William Joseph Male East Fremantle
1923/2700164 Fremantle Smith Rose Female Campbell William Joseph Male East Fremantle
1923/2700165 Fremantle Windsor Charles Henry Male May Edith Mary Female Fremantle
1923/2700165 Fremantle May Edith Mary Female Windsor Charles Henry Male Fremantle
1923/2700166 Fremantle Muncie William Male Hamilton Kate Female Spearwood
1923/2700166 Fremantle Hamilton Kate Female Muncie William Male Spearwood
1923/2700167 Fremantle Hutchings Frances Isabel Female Fossilo Alexander Constantine Male Fremantle
1923/2700167 Fremantle Fossilo Alexander Constantine Male Hutchings Frances Isabel Female Fremantle
1923/2700168 Fremantle Rowe Alice Emily Female Pratt Christopher Male Fremantle
1923/2700168 Fremantle Pratt Christopher Male Rowe Alice Emily Female Fremantle
1923/2700169 Fremantle Stapleton Percival James Male Kernaghan Muriel Female Fremantle
1923/2700169 Fremantle Kernaghan Muriel Female Stapleton Percival James Male Fremantle
1923/2700170 Fremantle Spencer Marion Alice Jeanette Female Mitchell Laurie Male Fremantle
1923/2700170 Fremantle Mitchell Laurie Male Spencer Marion Alice Jeanette Female Fremantle
1923/2700171 Fremantle Luff George Clarence Male Esmond Dorothy Frances Female Beaconsfield
1923/2700171 Fremantle Esmond Dorothy Frances Female Luff George Clarence Male Beaconsfield
1923/2700172 Fremantle Holmes Minnie Female Deane James Male Fremantle
1923/2700172 Fremantle Deane James Male Holmes Minnie Female Fremantle
1923/2700173 Fremantle Duncan Lilian Ethel Female Alves John Taylor Male Beaconsfield
1923/2700173 Fremantle Alves John Taylor Male Duncan Lilian Ethel Female Beaconsfield
1923/2700174 Fremantle Foley Thomas Matthew Male Burke Mary Frances Female Fremantle
1923/2700174 Fremantle Burke Mary Frances Female Foley Thomas Matthew Male Fremantle
1923/2700175 Fremantle Wills William Robert Male Barnett Gertrude Mary Female Fremantle
1923/2700175 Fremantle Barnett Gertrude Mary Female Wills William Robert Male Fremantle
1923/2700176 Fremantle Brookes Ebb Harrison Male Pritchard Clara Jane Female Fremantle
1923/2700176 Fremantle Pritchard Clara Jane Female Brookes Ebb Harrison Male Fremantle
1923/2700177 Fremantle Power Dudley Bernard Male Shaw Ida May Female Fremantle
1923/2700177 Fremantle Shaw Ida May Female Power Dudley Bernard Male Fremantle
1923/2700178 Fremantle Law Gladys Female Parry George Male Fremantle
1923/2700178 Fremantle Parry George Male Law Gladys Female Fremantle
1923/2700179 Fremantle Mitchell Janet Female Peacock Walter John Male East Fremantle
1923/2700179 Fremantle Peacock Walter John Male Mitchell Janet Female East Fremantle
1923/2700180 Fremantle Haynes Catherine Mary Female Errington Harold George Male Fremantle
1923/2700180 Fremantle Errington Harold George Male Haynes Catherine Mary Female Fremantle
1923/2700181 Fremantle Cheeseman James Roderic Male West Alice May Female Fremantle
1923/2700181 Fremantle West Alice May Female Cheeseman James Roderic Male Fremantle
1923/2700182 Fremantle Hollis Ellen Female Shier Albert John Male Beaconsfield
1923/2700182 Fremantle Shier Albert John Male Hollis Ellen Female Beaconsfield
1923/2700183 Fremantle Olsen Else Christina Female Park Archibald Samuel Male Beaconsfield
1923/2700183 Fremantle Park Archibald Samuel Male Olsen Else Christina Female Beaconsfield
1923/2700184 Fremantle Allen Gladys Female Pimblett John Chapman Male South Fremntle
1923/2700184 Fremantle Pimblett John Chapman Male Allen Gladys Female South Fremntle
1923/2700185 Fremantle Hopkins Ronald Kenneth Male Curedale Doris Female Fremantle
1923/2700185 Fremantle Curedale Doris Female Hopkins Ronald Kenneth Male Fremantle
1923/2700186 Fremantle Cook Catherine Florence Female Fielding Raymond Charles Male Fremantle
1923/2700186 Fremantle Fielding Raymond Charles Male Cook Catherine Florence Female Fremantle
1923/2700187 Fremantle Polmear Florence Jane Female Reichard Carl Herman Max Male Fremantle
1923/2700187 Fremantle Reichard Carl Herman Max Male Polmear Florence Jane Female Fremantle
1923/2700188 Fremantle Hancock William George Male Price Elsie Doris May Female Fremantle
1923/2700188 Fremantle Price Elsie Doris May Female Hancock William George Male Fremantle
1923/2700189 Fremantle Moss Ruby Isabel Female Chadwick Thomas Douglas Male East Fremantle
1923/2700189 Fremantle Chadwick Thomas Douglas Male Moss Ruby Isabel Female East Fremantle
1923/2700190 Fremantle Gill Gladys Beryl Female Chamberlain Leonard Charles Male Palmyra
1923/2700190 Fremantle Chamberlain Leonard Charles Male Gill Gladys Beryl Female Palmyra
1923/2700191 Fremantle McCracken Ernest Male Easton Ethel Cooper Female East Fremantle
1923/2700191 Fremantle Easton Ethel Cooper Female McCracken Ernest Male East Fremantle
1923/2700192 Fremantle Upson Daisy Ellen Female Burwood William James Male East Fremantle
1923/2700192 Fremantle Burwood William James Male Upson Daisy Ellen Female East Fremantle
1923/2700193 Fremantle Black Thomas Roylance Male Nelson Laura Jessie Female East Fremantle
1923/2700193 Fremantle Nelson Laura Jessie Female Black Thomas Roylance Male East Fremantle
1923/2700194 Fremantle Johnson Kitty Mona Female Drennan Allan Gilchrist Male Beaconsfield
1923/2700194 Fremantle Drennan Allan Gilchrist Male Johnson Kitty Mona Female Beaconsfield
1923/2700195 Fremantle Barrett Doris Amelia Female Dix Clement Albert Male Beaconsfield
1923/2700195 Fremantle Dix Clement Albert Male Barrett Doris Amelia Female Beaconsfield
1923/2700196 Fremantle Jones Mary Ann Jane Female O'Brien John Male South Fremantle
1923/2700196 Fremantle O'Brien John Male Jones Mary Ann Jane Female South Fremantle
1923/2700197 Fremantle Petersen Jack Ulric William Male Trangmar Vera Cora Female Fremantle
1923/2700197 Fremantle Trangmar Vera Cora Female Petersen Jack Ulric William Male Fremantle
1923/2700198 Fremantle Keene Elsie Laura May Female Ward Kenneth Waters Male South Fremantle
1923/2700198 Fremantle Ward Kenneth Waters Male Keene Elsie Laura May Female South Fremantle
1923/2700199 Fremantle Bull Edith Mary Female Percy Charles Alfred Male Fremantle
1923/2700199 Fremantle Percy Charles Alfred Male Bull Edith Mary Female Fremantle
1923/2700200 Fremantle Wicks Hubert Russell Male Fell Florence Mary Alice Williams Female Fremantle
1923/2700200 Fremantle Fell Florence Mary Alice Williams Female Wicks Hubert Russell Male Fremantle
1923/2700201 Fremantle Cornell Reginald Male Clark Emma Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1923/2700201 Fremantle Clark Emma Elizabeth Female Cornell Reginald Male Fremantle
1923/2700202 Fremantle Scott Olive Pocahontas Female Jager August Male Fremantle
1923/2700202 Fremantle Jager August Male Scott Olive Pocahontas Female Fremantle
1923/2700203 Fremantle Smith Alfred Charles Glencoe Male Riley Gwendoline Mansfield Female Beaconsfield
1923/2700203 Fremantle Riley Gwendoline Mansfield Female Smith Alfred Charles Glencoe Male Beaconsfield
1923/2700204 Fremantle Robinson Florence Female Fitch Joseph Male Fremantle
1923/2700204 Fremantle Fitch Joseph Male Robinson Florence Female Fremantle
1923/2700205 Fremantle Bowles Hilda Evelyn Female Friday Walter Male East Fremantle
1923/2700205 Fremantle Friday Walter Male Bowles Hilda Evelyn Female East Fremantle
1923/2700206 Fremantle Watson Albert Male Arblaster Gwendoline Charlotte Female East Fremantle
1923/2700206 Fremantle Arblaster Gwendoline Charlotte Female Watson Albert Male East Fremantle
1923/2700207 Fremantle Tonkin Edna May Female Gordon Richard Kenneth Male Beaconsfield
1923/2700207 Fremantle Gordon Richard Kenneth Male Tonkin Edna May Female Beaconsfield
1923/2700208 Fremantle Robinson Maude Isidour Female Rolinson John Wish Male Beaconsfield
1923/2700208 Fremantle Rolinson John Wish Male Robinson Maude Isidour Female Beaconsfield
1923/2700209 Fremantle Morris Anna Eileen Female Robson Frank Male Fremantle
1923/2700209 Fremantle Robson Frank Male Morris Anna Eileen Female Fremantle
1923/2700210 Fremantle Lazenby Hilda Mary Female Styles Charles Male Fremantle
1923/2700210 Fremantle Styles Charles Male Lazenby Hilda Mary Female Fremantle
1923/2700211 Fremantle Marinakis Maria Female Mathewdakis John Male Fremantle
1923/2700211 Fremantle Mathewdakis John Male Marinakis Maria Female Fremantle
1923/2700212 Fremantle Filley Annie Mona Mercia Female Morgan Alfred Ertles Male Fremantle
1923/2700212 Fremantle Morgan Alfred Ertles Male Filley Annie Mona Mercia Female Fremantle
1923/2700213 Fremantle Carter Frank Male Stevenson Christina Cameron Female Fremantle
1923/2700213 Fremantle Stevenson Christina Cameron Female Carter Frank Male Fremantle
1923/2700214 Fremantle Errington Laura Louisa Female Mofflin William Harold Male Fremantle
1923/2700214 Fremantle Mofflin William Harold Male Errington Laura Louisa Female Fremantle
1923/2700215 Fremantle Russell Myrtle Edith Lydia Female Meyer William Thomas Male North Fremantle
1923/2700215 Fremantle Meyer William Thomas Male Russell Myrtle Edith Lydia Female North Fremantle
1923/2700216 Fremantle Brown Thomas Francis Male Elfverson Doris Evelyn Female Fremantle
1923/2700216 Fremantle Elfverson Doris Evelyn Female Brown Thomas Francis Male Fremantle
1923/2700217 Fremantle Molloy Roger Thomas Male Reid Catherine Female Fremantle
1923/2700217 Fremantle Reid Catherine Female Molloy Roger Thomas Male Fremantle
1923/2700218 Fremantle Gates Vera Jessie Female Wrightson George Ernest Mervyn Male Beaconsfield
1923/2700218 Fremantle Wrightson George Ernest Mervyn Male Gates Vera Jessie Female Beaconsfield
1923/2700219 Fremantle Donohoe Thelma Rose Female Kennon William Male Beaconsfield
1923/2700219 Fremantle Kennon William Male Donohoe Thelma Rose Female Beaconsfield
1923/2700220 Fremantle Pratt Frederick Bertram Male Langley Ruby Female Beaconsfield
1923/2700220 Fremantle Langley Ruby Female Pratt Frederick Bertram Male Beaconsfield
1923/2700221 Fremantle Sawyer Susannah Victoria Female Murphy Albert Henry Male Fremantle
1923/2700221 Fremantle Murphy Albert Henry Male Sawyer Susannah Victoria Female Fremantle
1923/2700222 Fremantle Murray Alexander George Male Rosen Sylvia Female Fremantle
1923/2700222 Fremantle Rosen Sylvia Female Murray Alexander George Male Fremantle
1923/2700223 Fremantle Chivers Leslie Male Rolinson Myrtle Mavis Female Fremantle
1923/2700223 Fremantle Rolinson Myrtle Mavis Female Chivers Leslie Male Fremantle
1923/2700224 Fremantle Wrightson Sydney Douglas Male McNicol Irene Annie Female East Fremantle
1923/2700224 Fremantle McNicol Irene Annie Female Wrightson Sydney Douglas Male East Fremantle
1923/2700225 Fremantle Heal Hilda May Female Taylor Henry Samuel Male East Fremantle
1923/2700225 Fremantle Taylor Henry Samuel Male Heal Hilda May Female East Fremantle
1923/2700226 Fremantle Jones Emily Frances Female Naughton Thomas Dominic Male Fremantle
1923/2700226 Fremantle Naughton Thomas Dominic Male Jones Emily Frances Female Fremantle
1923/2700227 Fremantle Stokes Rudolph Charles William Male Douglas Williamina Female Fremantle
1923/2700227 Fremantle Douglas Williamina Female Stokes Rudolph Charles William Male Fremantle
1923/2800003 Gascoyne Longmore Stella Mary Female Wheelock Charles Edward Gerald Male Carnarvon
1923/2800003 Gascoyne Sparnon Stella Mary Female Wheelock Charles Edward Gerald Male Carnarvon
1923/2800003 Gascoyne Wheelock Charles Edward Gerald Male Longmore Stella Mary Female Carnarvon
1923/2800003 Gascoyne Wheelock Charles Edward Gerald Male Sparnon Stella Mary Female Carnarvon
1923/2800004 Gascoyne Farr William Male Sunter Mary Ann Florence Female Carnarvon
1923/2800004 Gascoyne Sunter Mary Ann Florence Female Farr William Male Carnarvon
1923/2800005 Gascoyne Savage Kathleen Mary Female Walker George Edward Male Carnarvon
1923/2800005 Gascoyne Walker George Edward Male Savage Kathleen Mary Female Carnarvon
1923/2800006 Gascoyne Lee Nancy Female Sinngh James Attra Male Carnarvon
1923/2800006 Gascoyne Sinngh James Attra Male Lee Nancy Female Carnarvon
1923/2800007 Gascoyne Pluschke Hans Jepson Male Wilson Mary Ann Female Carnarvon
1923/2800007 Gascoyne Wilson Mary Ann Female Pluschke Hans Jepson Male Carnarvon
1923/2800008 Gascoyne Gore Doris Ellen Female Anderson Talbot Reginald David Male Carnarvon
1923/2800008 Gascoyne Anderson Talbot Reginald David Male Gore Doris Ellen Female Carnarvon
1923/2800009 Gascoyne Green Edith Mary Female Trigg Frank Male Carnarvon
1923/2800009 Gascoyne Trigg Frank Male Green Edith Mary Female Carnarvon
1923/2800010 Gascoyne Henfry Elizabeth Celia Female Adams Ernest Edward Male Carnarvon
1923/2800010 Gascoyne Adams Ernest Edward Male Henfry Elizabeth Celia Female Carnarvon
1923/2900002 Geraldton McLean Lydia Margaret Female Angel Mervyn Thomas Male Geraldton
1923/2900002 Geraldton Angel Mervyn Thomas Male McLean Lydia Margaret Female Geraldton
1923/2900003 Geraldton Marsh Muriel Grace Female Pomeroy Lawrence Alfred Stanley Male Geraldton
1923/2900003 Geraldton Pomeroy Lawrence Alfred Stanley Male Marsh Muriel Grace Female Geraldton
1923/2900004 Geraldton Gordon George McKenzie Male Taylor Catherine Emily Female Geraldton
1923/2900004 Geraldton Taylor Catherine Emily Female Gordon George McKenzie Male Geraldton
1923/2900005 Geraldton Forrest Douglas Keith Male Sheehan Edith Winifred Cheslett Female Geraldton
1923/2900005 Geraldton Sheehan Edith Winifred Cheslett Female Forrest Douglas Keith Male Geraldton
1923/2900006 Geraldton Ritchie Grace Frances Female Brice Stanley Joseph Male Geraldton
1923/2900006 Geraldton Brice Stanley Joseph Male Ritchie Grace Frances Female Geraldton
1923/2900007 Geraldton Davis Thomas John Alston Male Crofts Adeline Maud Female Geraldton
1923/2900007 Geraldton Crofts Adeline Maud Female Davis Thomas John Alston Male Geraldton
1923/2900008 Geraldton Gilbert Sylvia Victoria Female Fathers Albert Harold Male Geraldton
1923/2900008 Geraldton Fathers Albert Harold Male Gilbert Sylvia Victoria Female Geraldton
1923/2900009 Geraldton Walker Blanche Female Culloton James Matthew Male Moonyoonooka
1923/2900009 Geraldton Culloton James Matthew Male Walker Blanche Female Moonyoonooka
1923/2900010 Geraldton Cross Percival Walter Henry Male Giles Mary Ruth Female Geraldton
1923/2900010 Geraldton Giles Mary Ruth Female Cross Percival Walter Henry Male Geraldton
1923/2900011 Geraldton Palmer Walter James Male Scott Norah Female Geraldton
1923/2900011 Geraldton Scott Norah Female Palmer Walter James Male Geraldton
1923/2900012 Geraldton Evans Francis Warren Male Baston Barbara Grace Female Geraldton
1923/2900012 Geraldton Baston Barbara Grace Female Evans Francis Warren Male Geraldton
1923/2900013 Geraldton Guscott Olive May Female Bell Joseph Frederick Male Geraldton
1923/2900013 Geraldton Bell Joseph Frederick Male Guscott Olive May Female Geraldton
1923/2900014 Geraldton Holmes Gerald Kimberley Male Stokes Florence Louisa Female Geraldton
1923/2900014 Geraldton Stokes Florence Louisa Female Holmes Gerald Kimberley Male Geraldton
1923/2900015 Geraldton Kane Eileen Mary Ann Female Worthington Enock James Male Geraldton
1923/2900015 Geraldton Worthington Enock James Male Kane Eileen Mary Ann Female Geraldton
1923/2900016 Geraldton Temperton Maud Female Forster George Irvine Male Geraldton
1923/2900016 Geraldton Forster George Irvine Male Temperton Maud Female Geraldton
1923/2900017 Geraldton Thompson Maude Female Monery Bernard Pencilvamia Male Geraldton
1923/2900017 Geraldton Monery Bernard Pencilvamia Male Thompson Maude Female Geraldton
1923/2900018 Geraldton Cooper Samuel Male Scott Eva May Female Geraldton
1923/2900018 Geraldton Scott Eva May Female Cooper Samuel Male Geraldton
1923/2900019 Geraldton Tymms Robert William Male Hepburn Davida Jacqueline Female Geraldton
1923/2900019 Geraldton Hepburn Davida Jacqueline Female Tymms Robert William Male Geraldton
1923/2900020 Geraldton Tilley Sydney Villas Male Parsons Annis Maude Female Geraldton
1923/2900020 Geraldton Parsons Annis Maude Female Tilley Sydney Villas Male Geraldton
1923/2900021 Geraldton Suckling Alfred Male Rob Henrietta Elizabeth Female Geraldton
1923/2900021 Geraldton Rob Henrietta Elizabeth Female Suckling Alfred Male Geraldton
1923/2900022 Geraldton Minuta Vittoria Female Cuocci Vincenzo Male Geraldton
1923/2900022 Geraldton Cuocci Vincenzo Male Minuta Vittoria Female Geraldton
1923/2900023 Geraldton Pearce Charles Cornelius Male Burgess Olive Patricia Female Geraldton
1923/2900023 Geraldton Burgess Olive Patricia Female Pearce Charles Cornelius Male Geraldton
1923/2900024 Geraldton Carson Florence Female Moustaka Theophilus Frederick Thomas Male Geraldton
1923/2900024 Geraldton Moustaka Theophilus Frederick Thomas Male Carson Florence Female Geraldton
1923/2900025 Geraldton Davey Irene Female Donnelly Patrick Male Mullewa
1923/2900025 Geraldton Donnelly Patrick Male Davey Irene Female Mullewa
1923/2900026 Geraldton Doyle John Alfred Male Jones Ada Maud Female Geraldton
1923/2900026 Geraldton Jones Ada Maud Female Doyle John Alfred Male Geraldton
1923/2900027 Geraldton Lynch Albert Male Giles Susan Female Geraldton
1923/2900027 Geraldton Giles Susan Female Lynch Albert Male Geraldton
1923/2900028 Geraldton Frankish Richard Wetherall Male Kendrick Sylvia Amy Female Geraldton
1923/2900028 Geraldton Kendrick Sylvia Amy Female Frankish Richard Wetherall Male Geraldton
1923/2900029 Geraldton Downes Victoria Alexandra Frances Female Ramsay Arthur George Male Geraldton
1923/2900029 Geraldton Ramsay Arthur George Male Downes Victoria Alexandra Frances Female Geraldton
1923/2900030 Geraldton Taylor Janet Caroline Female Armitage Raymond Male Geraldton
1923/2900030 Geraldton Armitage Raymond Male Taylor Janet Caroline Female Geraldton
1923/2900031 Geraldton Ronsly Margaret Veronica Female Farrelly Matthew Joseph Male Geraldton
1923/2900031 Geraldton Farrelly Matthew Joseph Male Ronsly Margaret Veronica Female Geraldton
1923/2900032 Geraldton Payne Edith Ward Female Giles John Fredrick Male Geraldton
1923/2900032 Geraldton Giles John Fredrick Male Payne Edith Ward Female Geraldton
1923/2900033 Geraldton Whyatt Ruby Mary Female Ring James Henry Male Mullewa
1923/2900033 Geraldton Ring James Henry Male Whyatt Ruby Mary Female Mullewa
1923/2900034 Geraldton Beauchamp Edith Female Hatherley Arthur Lewis Male Geraldton
1923/2900034 Geraldton Hatherley Arthur Lewis Male Beauchamp Edith Female Geraldton
1923/2900035 Geraldton Moxon Samuel Male Kay Bertha Female Geraldton
1923/2900035 Geraldton Kay Bertha Female Moxon Samuel Male Geraldton
1923/2900036 Geraldton Jones William Henry Male Stokes Eva May Female Bookara
1923/2900036 Geraldton Stokes Eva May Female Jones William Henry Male Bookara
1923/2900037 Geraldton Butler Veronica Rose Female Ardagh George Sydney Barris Male Geraldton
1923/2900037 Geraldton Ardagh George Sydney Barris Male Butler Veronica Rose Female Geraldton
1923/2900038 Geraldton Loughnan James Francis Male McDonald Ruby Pearl Female Mullewa
1923/2900038 Geraldton McDonald Ruby Pearl Female Loughnan James Francis Male Mullewa
1923/2900039 Geraldton Cream William Ernest Male Boyes Edith Marion Female Geraldton
1923/2900039 Geraldton Boyes Edith Marion Female Cream William Ernest Male Geraldton
1923/2900040 Geraldton Coffey John Edward Male Thompson Dorothy Blanche Female Geraldton
1923/2900040 Geraldton Thompson Dorothy Blanche Female Coffey John Edward Male Geraldton
1923/2900041 Geraldton Carter Roy William Male Wooding Linda Jane Female Geraldton
1923/2900041 Geraldton Wooding Linda Jane Female Carter Roy William Male Geraldton
1923/2900042 Geraldton Stokes Walter George Male Jupp Dorothy Female Geraldton
1923/2900042 Geraldton Jupp Dorothy Female Stokes Walter George Male Geraldton
1923/2900043 Geraldton Short Constance June Female Lupp Charles Male Geraldton
1923/2900043 Geraldton Lupp Charles Male Short Constance June Female Geraldton
1923/3000002 Gingin Troy Richard John Male Cockram Ethel Adeline Female Gingin
1923/3000002 Gingin Cockram Ethel Adeline Female Troy Richard John Male Gingin
1923/3000003 Gingin Councillor Maud Female Oxenham Benjamin Male Mogumber
1923/3000003 Gingin Oxenham Benjamin Male Councillor Maud Female Mogumber
1923/3000004 Gingin Hill Iva Grace Female Turner William James Male Gin Gin
1923/3000004 Gingin Turner William James Male Hill Iva Grace Female Gin Gin
1923/3000005 Gingin Laylan Lena Female Wallam Bill Male Mogumber
1923/3000005 Gingin Wallam Bill Male Laylan Lena Female Mogumber
1923/3000006 Gingin Coverill Snowball Male Calbit Louie Female Mogumber
1923/3000006 Gingin Calbit Louie Female Coverill Snowball Male Mogumber
1923/3000007 Gingin Mead Frederick Carnet David Male Randford Alice May Female Mogumber
1923/3000007 Gingin Randford Alice May Female Mead Frederick Carnet David Male Mogumber
1923/3000008 Gingin Tucker John Leith Male Mortimer Elsie Myra Berl Female Gingin
1923/3000008 Gingin Mortimer Elsie Myra Berl Female Tucker John Leith Male Gingin
1923/3000009 Gingin Ferguson John Ernest Male Morgan Daisy Norah Female Bindoon
1923/3000009 Gingin Morgan Daisy Norah Female Ferguson John Ernest Male Bindoon
1923/3000010 Gingin Morden Tunny Male Burns Mary Female Mogumber
1923/3000010 Gingin Burns Mary Female Morden Tunny Male Mogumber
1923/3100001 Greenough Wilson Caroline Adlam Female Clinch Fredrick Gladstone Male Greenough
1923/3100001 Greenough Clinch Fredrick Gladstone Male Wilson Caroline Adlam Female Greenough
1923/3100002 Greenough Morrell May Isabel Harriett Female Elphick Harry James Male Greenough
1923/3100002 Greenough Elphick Harry James Male Morrell May Isabel Harriett Female Greenough
1923/3100003 Greenough Smith Bernard John Male Leverman Mary Lilian Female Greenough
1923/3100003 Greenough Leverman Mary Lilian Female Smith Bernard John Male Greenough
1923/3100004 Greenough McGuinness Flora Rose Ellen Female McAuliffe Flarance Male Bootenal
1923/3100004 Greenough McAuliffe Flarance Male McGuinness Flora Rose Ellen Female Bootenal
1923/3100005 Greenough Criddle Ivy Myrtle Female Saunders William Arthur Male Georgina
1923/3100005 Greenough Saunders William Arthur Male Criddle Ivy Myrtle Female Georgina
1923/3300001 Irwin Warrener Irene May Female Lowe Ralph William Campbell Male Mingenew
1923/3300001 Irwin Lowe Ralph William Campbell Male Warrener Irene May Female Mingenew Warrener-6
1923/3300002 Irwin Clarke Victoria Evelyn May Female Blake Alfred George Male Latham
1923/3300002 Irwin Blake Alfred George Male Clarke Victoria Evelyn May Female Latham
1923/3300003 Irwin Ponton Mary Ellen Female Ryder Charles Male Carnamah
1923/3300003 Irwin Ryder Charles Male Ponton Mary Ellen Female Carnamah
1923/3300004 Irwin Galbraith Everett William Male Halls Hilda Female Mingenew
1923/3300004 Irwin Halls Hilda Female Galbraith Everett William Male Mingenew
1923/3300005 Irwin Albert Estelle Muriel Female Healy Nelson Roy Male Dongarra
1923/3300005 Irwin Healy Nelson Roy Male Albert Estelle Muriel Female Dongarra
1923/3300006 Irwin Matthews James Male Fitzgerald Lena Maud Female Dongarra
1923/3300006 Irwin Fitzgerald Lena Maud Female Matthews James Male Dongarra
1923/3300007 Irwin Cummins Walter Edmond Vettler Male Leonard Muriel May Female Three Springs
1923/3300007 Irwin Leonard Muriel May Female Cummins Walter Edmond Vettler Male Three Springs
1923/3300008 Irwin Evill Mary Edith Pascoe Female Pascoe Reginald Stanley Male Mingenew
1923/3300008 Irwin Pascoe Reginald Stanley Male Evill Mary Edith Pascoe Female Mingenew
1924/3400001 Jarrahdale McKay William James Male McAllister Alice Maud Female Jarrahdale
1923/3400001 Jarrahdale Reeves Leonard William Male Leadbetter Lucy Mable Female Jarrahdale
1924/3400001 Jarrahdale McAllister Alice Maud Female McKay William James Male Jarrahdale
1923/3400001 Jarrahdale Leadbetter Lucy Mable Female Reeves Leonard William Male Jarrahdale
1923/3400002 Jarrahdale Baker Charles Noel Male Harris Kathleen Gladys Female Jarrahdale
1923/3400002 Jarrahdale Harris Kathleen Gladys Female Baker Charles Noel Male Jarrahdale
1923/3400003 Jarrahdale Turner Violet Alma Female Poole Charles Chesterfield Male Mundijong
1923/3400003 Jarrahdale Poole Charles Chesterfield Male Turner Violet Alma Female Mundijong
1923/3400004 Jarrahdale Pratt Mary Female Northrop John Herbert Male Serpentine
1923/3400004 Jarrahdale Northrop John Herbert Male Pratt Mary Female Serpentine
1923/3400005 Jarrahdale Hitchcock Gladys Mary Female Lakeman Arthur Donald Male Jarrahdale
1923/3400005 Jarrahdale Lakeman Arthur Donald Male Hitchcock Gladys Mary Female Jarrahdale
1923/3400006 Jarrahdale Thorpe Ada Violet Female Kerridge James William Male Mundijong
1923/3400006 Jarrahdale Kerridge James William Male Thorpe Ada Violet Female Mundijong
1923/3400007 Jarrahdale Mead Robert James Male Cassey Rachel Natelia Female Jarrahdale
1923/3400007 Jarrahdale Cassey Rachel Natelia Female Mead Robert James Male Jarrahdale
1923/3400008 Jarrahdale McKay Gladys May Female Gordin Laverick Arthur Male Serpentine
1923/3400008 Jarrahdale Gordin Laverick Arthur Male McKay Gladys May Female Serpentine
1923/3500001 Katanning Kingsbury Victor Edward Male Richardson Effie Eunice Female Katanning
1923/3500001 Katanning Richardson Effie Eunice Female Kingsbury Victor Edward Male Katanning
1923/3500002 Katanning Baxter John Male Watson Ivy Marion Female Woodanilling
1923/3500002 Katanning Watson Ivy Marion Female Baxter John Male Woodanilling
1923/3500004 Katanning Fagan Hannah Rose Female Medbury Francis Roland Male Wagin
1923/3500004 Katanning Medbury Francis Roland Male Fagan Hannah Rose Female Wagin
1923/3500005 Katanning Meharry Samuel Fellows Male Carter Susan Emily Female Woodanilling
1923/3500005 Katanning Carter Susan Emily Female Meharry Samuel Fellows Male Woodanilling
1923/3500006 Katanning Richardson Elsa Roberta Female Dixon Clarence William Male Katanning
1923/3500006 Katanning Dixon Clarence William Male Richardson Elsa Roberta Female Katanning
1923/3500007 Katanning Hearn George Reginald Waterous Male Davidson Margaret Duncan Female Wagin
1923/3500007 Katanning Davidson Margaret Duncan Female Hearn George Reginald Waterous Male Wagin
1923/3500008 Katanning Divall Ethel Emily Female Page Sydney Alfred Male Gnowangerup
1923/3500008 Katanning Page Sydney Alfred Male Divall Ethel Emily Female Gnowangerup
1923/3500009 Katanning Olman Gilbert William Male Waters Dorothy Muriel Female Katanning
1923/3500009 Katanning Waters Dorothy Muriel Female Olman Gilbert William Male Katanning
1923/3500010 Katanning Sawyer William Redvers Male Keay Julia Annie Female Katanning
1923/3500010 Katanning Keay Julia Annie Female Sawyer William Redvers Male Katanning
1923/3500011 Katanning Ricket Norman Male Gunter Vera Victoria Female Katanning
1923/3500011 Katanning Gunter Vera Victoria Female Ricket Norman Male Katanning
1923/3500012 Katanning Harvey Millie Female Mildwaters Guilford Septimus Vernon Male Arthur River
1923/3500012 Katanning Mildwaters Guilford Septimus Vernon Male Harvey Millie Female Arthur River
1923/3500013 Katanning Sleeman Adelina Patty Female Hill William John Male Katanning
1923/3500013 Katanning Hill William John Male Sleeman Adelina Patty Female Katanning
1923/3500014 Katanning Andrews Henry William John Male Smith Ethel Eva Female Wagin
1923/3500014 Katanning Smith Ethel Eva Female Andrews Henry William John Male Wagin
1923/3500015 Katanning Leppard Charles Alfred Male Tonkin Doris Jean Female Katanning
1923/3500015 Katanning Tonkin Doris Jean Female Leppard Charles Alfred Male Katanning
1923/3500016 Katanning Carlyle Phyllis Ruby Female Tunbridge Alfred Percy Skeet Male Katanning
1923/3500016 Katanning Tunbridge Alfred Percy Skeet Male Carlyle Phyllis Ruby Female Katanning
1923/3500017 Katanning Stutley Caroline Charlotte Female Edgley John Male Gnowangerup
1923/3500017 Katanning Edgley John Male Stutley Caroline Charlotte Female Gnowangerup
1923/3500018 Katanning Montague John Allan Male Jones Thelma Mary Female Gnowangerup
1923/3500018 Katanning Jones Thelma Mary Female Montague John Allan Male Gnowangerup
1923/3500019 Katanning Waller William Rowland Male Heinzel Hulda Amanda Female Katanning
1923/3500019 Katanning Heinzel Hulda Amanda Female Waller William Rowland Male Katanning
1923/3500020 Katanning Wright Lilian Gertrude Female Drew Charles Cecil Male Katanning
1923/3500020 Katanning Drew Charles Cecil Male Wright Lilian Gertrude Female Katanning
1923/3500021 Katanning Piesse Florence Ethel Female Reid Robert Henry Male Katanning
1923/3500021 Katanning Reid Robert Henry Male Piesse Florence Ethel Female Katanning
1923/3500022 Katanning Clegg Isabelle May Female Gannaway Percival Herbert Male Katanning
1923/3500022 Katanning Gannaway Percival Herbert Male Clegg Isabelle May Female Katanning
1923/3500023 Katanning Towers Alfred Thomas Male Bahr Ethel Maud Female Dumbleyung
1923/3500023 Katanning Bahr Ethel Maud Female Towers Alfred Thomas Male Dumbleyung
1923/3500024 Katanning Ainsworth Rosa Maude Female Turville Cyril Edwin Male Wagin
1923/3500024 Katanning Turville Cyril Edwin Male Ainsworth Rosa Maude Female Wagin
1923/3500025 Katanning Campbell James Male Reymond Agnes Female Wagin
1923/3500025 Katanning Reymond Agnes Female Campbell James Male Wagin
1923/3500026 Katanning Asplin Edith Elsie Irene Female Smith John Fairebrother Male Badgebup
1923/3500026 Katanning Smith John Fairebrother Male Asplin Edith Elsie Irene Female Badgebup
1923/3500027 Katanning Matias Lillian Female Zuliani Gusprave Male Katanning
1923/3500028 Katanning Farr Ethel Mary Female Black Charles John Male Katanning
1923/3500028 Katanning Black Charles John Male Farr Ethel Mary Female Katanning
1923/3500029 Katanning Mader Sarah Eva Lena Female Cavanagh Herbert Percival Male Wagin
1923/3500029 Katanning Cavanagh Herbert Percival Male Mader Sarah Eva Lena Female Wagin
1923/3500030 Katanning Hancock Charles William Male Kemble Florence Myra Female Katanning
1923/3500030 Katanning Kemble Florence Myra Female Hancock Charles William Male Katanning
1923/3500031 Katanning Hogg Emma Female Ranyard Harold William Male Kojonup
1923/3500031 Katanning Ranyard Harold William Male Hogg Emma Female Kojonup
1923/3500032 Katanning Palmer Violet Marie Peterson Female Wray William Robert Male Katanning
1923/3500032 Katanning Wray William Robert Male Palmer Violet Marie Peterson Female Katanning
1923/3500033 Katanning Watkins Susan Female Harris George Joseph Male Wagin
1923/3500033 Katanning Harris George Joseph Male Watkins Susan Female Wagin
1923/3500034 Katanning Compton Alfred Alwyn Ormuz Male Bell Elizabeth Female Woodanilling
1923/3500034 Katanning Bell Elizabeth Female Compton Alfred Alwyn Ormuz Male Woodanilling
1923/3500035 Katanning Dorkes Henrietta Helen Female West Harry Male Wagin
1923/3500035 Katanning West Harry Male Dorkes Henrietta Helen Female Wagin
1923/3500036 Katanning Beaver Florence Ethel May Female Weir Francis Joseph Male Katanning
1923/3500036 Katanning Weir Francis Joseph Male Beaver Florence Ethel May Female Katanning
1923/3500037 Katanning Greenslade Henrietta Helna Female Steicke Alfred Benjamin Male Ewlyamartup
1923/3500037 Katanning Steicke Alfred Benjamin Male Greenslade Henrietta Helna Female Ewlyamartup
1923/3500038 Katanning Dawson Allen Clive Male Holmes Matilda May Female Dumbleyung
1923/3500038 Katanning Holmes Matilda May Female Dawson Allen Clive Male Dumbleyung
1923/3500039 Katanning Roper Maud Female Moore Charles Albert Male Katanning
1923/3500039 Katanning Moore Charles Albert Male Roper Maud Female Katanning
1923/3500040 Katanning Bennett Beatrice Annie Female Wagstaff Fredrick Henry Male Katanning
1923/3500040 Katanning Wagstaff Fredrick Henry Male Bennett Beatrice Annie Female Katanning
1923/3500041 Katanning Worthington Eunice Female Brown Arthur William Male Katanning
1923/3500041 Katanning Brown Arthur William Male Worthington Eunice Female Katanning
1923/3500042 Katanning Horley Ella May Female Worthington John Harold Male Katanning
1923/3500042 Katanning Worthington John Harold Male Horley Ella May Female Katanning
1923/3500043 Katanning Sugg Loyd Male Black Miowera Jane Female Woodanilling
1923/3500043 Katanning Black Miowera Jane Female Sugg Loyd Male Woodanilling
1923/3500044 Katanning Denning Francis Harold Male Grant Grace Female Merilup
1923/3500044 Katanning Grant Grace Female Denning Francis Harold Male Merilup
1923/3500045 Katanning Noble Olive Maude Female Elms Lloyd Edwin Male Wagin
1923/3500045 Katanning Elms Lloyd Edwin Male Noble Olive Maude Female Wagin
1923/3500046 Katanning Pike Mary Ann Female Fitzpatrick William Henry Male Katanning
1923/3500046 Katanning Fitzpatrick William Henry Male Pike Mary Ann Female Katanning
1923/3500047 Katanning Swiney Grace Annie Female Cavanagh John Francis Male Kojonup
1923/3500047 Katanning Cavanagh John Francis Male Swiney Grace Annie Female Kojonup
1923/3500048 Katanning Clegg Ernest Arthur Male Warren Margaret Dale Female Badgebup
1923/3500048 Katanning Warren Margaret Dale Female Clegg Ernest Arthur Male Badgebup
1923/3500049 Katanning Watts Edward Male Voss Violet Matilda Female Gnowangerup
1923/3500049 Katanning Voss Violet Matilda Female Watts Edward Male Gnowangerup
1923/3500050 Katanning Borstel Richard Henry George Male Hornby Ida Hope Female Kojonup
1923/3500050 Katanning Hornby Ida Hope Female Borstel Richard Henry George Male Kojonup
1923/3500051 Katanning Becker Mavis Ettie Female Quartermaine Morton Francis Male Woodanilling
1923/3500051 Katanning Quartermaine Morton Francis Male Becker Mavis Ettie Female Woodanilling
1923/3500052 Katanning Harris John Joseph Male Fergusson Barbara Female Boscabel
1923/3500052 Katanning Fergusson Barbara Female Harris John Joseph Male Boscabel
1923/3500053 Katanning Plunkett Mary Jane Female Gray Arthur Ernest Male South Kukerin
1923/3500053 Katanning Gray Arthur Ernest Male Plunkett Mary Jane Female South Kukerin
1923/3500054 Katanning Jones David Howell Male Kiddie Sophie Florence Female Katanning
1923/3500054 Katanning Kiddie Sophie Florence Female Jones David Howell Male Katanning
1923/3500055 Katanning Hustler Laura Female Balloch Robert Male Katanning
1923/3500055 Katanning Balloch Robert Male Hustler Laura Female Katanning
1923/3500056 Katanning Doak Violet Edith Female Thomas Percival George Male Katanning
1923/3500056 Katanning Thomas Percival George Male Doak Violet Edith Female Katanning
1923/3500057 Katanning Hinge Albert Male Bettridge Elizabeth Mary Female Eticup
1923/3500057 Katanning Bettridge Elizabeth Mary Female Hinge Albert Male Eticup
1923/3500058 Katanning Mann Ethel Jane Female Rafferty Arthur William Male Katanning
1923/3500058 Katanning Rafferty Arthur William Male Mann Ethel Jane Female Katanning
1923/3500059 Katanning Treasure Levi Elworthy Male Doig Florence Agnes Female Wagin
1923/3500059 Katanning Doig Florence Agnes Female Treasure Levi Elworthy Male Wagin
1923/3500060 Katanning Johnson Albert Arthur Male Dufton Rachel Female Kojonup
1923/3500060 Katanning Dufton Rachel Female Johnson Albert Arthur Male Kojonup
1923/3500061 Katanning Gericke Louis William Lawrence Male Schleicher Doris Hermine Female Wagin
1923/3500061 Katanning Schleicher Doris Hermine Female Gericke Louis William Lawrence Male Wagin
1923/3500062 Katanning Vivian Alice Maude Female Knott Robert Joseph Male Dumbleyung
1923/3500062 Katanning Knott Robert Joseph Male Vivian Alice Maude Female Dumbleyung
1923/3500063 Katanning Bayley Frank Male Meredith Sarah Ellen Female Moulyinning
1923/3500063 Katanning Meredith Sarah Ellen Female Bayley Frank Male Moulyinning
1923/3500064 Katanning Watson Roy Male Ditchburn Mary Hannah Female Kukerin
1923/3500064 Katanning Ditchburn Mary Hannah Female Watson Roy Male Kukerin
1923/3500065 Katanning Jones Clarence James John Male Cruickshanks Mary Grindley Female Gnowangerup
1923/3500065 Katanning Cruickshanks Mary Grindley Female Jones Clarence James John Male Gnowangerup
1923/3500066 Katanning Slee Victor Thomas Male Pryde-Sumner Henrietta May Female East Katanning
1923/3500066 Katanning Pryde-Sumner Henrietta May Female Slee Victor Thomas Male East Katanning
1923/3500067 Katanning Horne William Male Watson Lily Marjorie Female Woodanilling
1923/3500067 Katanning Watson Lily Marjorie Female Horne William Male Woodanilling
1923/3500068 Katanning Washer Francis Alfred Male Cross Ida Maude Frances Female Wagin
1923/3500068 Katanning Cross Ida Maude Frances Female Washer Francis Alfred Male Wagin
1923/3500069 Katanning Adams Victor Thomas Male Vincent Bridget Muriel Female Katanning
1923/3500069 Katanning Vincent Bridget Muriel Female Adams Victor Thomas Male Katanning
1923/3500070 Katanning Farnsworth Barbara Katie Female Plunkett Maurice Male Wagin
1923/3500070 Katanning Plunkett Maurice Male Farnsworth Barbara Katie Female Wagin
1923/3500071 Katanning Brooks Harry Albert Male Quartermaine Elsie May Female Katanning
1923/3500071 Katanning Quartermaine Elsie May Female Brooks Harry Albert Male Katanning
1923/3500072 Katanning Genoni Charles Andrea Male Anderson Beatrice Ethel Female Katanning
1923/3500072 Katanning Anderson Beatrice Ethel Female Genoni Charles Andrea Male Katanning
1923/3500073 Katanning Stanley Agnes May Female Joy Thomas Male Ballaying
1923/3500073 Katanning Joy Thomas Male Stanley Agnes May Female Ballaying
1923/3500074 Katanning Brown Florence Female Halden Robert Jesse Male Kojonup
1923/3500074 Katanning Halden Robert Jesse Male Brown Florence Female Kojonup
1923/3500075 Katanning Mander William John Norwood Male Anderson Beatrice Caroline Female Katanning
1923/3500075 Katanning Anderson Beatrice Caroline Female Mander William John Norwood Male Katanning
1923/3600001 East Kimberley Caudwell Millicent Female Hamilton George Male Wyndham
1923/3600001 East Kimberley Hamilton George Male Caudwell Millicent Female Wyndham
1923/3600002 East Kimberley Rennie Eleanor Valentine Female Rees Oliver David Male Wyndham
1923/3600002 East Kimberley Rees Oliver David Male Rennie Eleanor Valentine Female Wyndham
1923/3600003 East Kimberley Darcy Mary Ann Amelia Female McDonald William Leslie Male Wyndham
1923/3600003 East Kimberley McDonald William Leslie Male Darcy Mary Ann Amelia Female Wyndham
1923/3700001 West Kimberley Savage Walter Leslie Male Coleman Patricia Florence Eva Female Derby
1923/3700001 West Kimberley Simon Walter Leslie Male Coleman Patricia Florence Eva Female Derby
1923/3700001 West Kimberley Coleman Patricia Florence Eva Female Savage Walter Leslie Male Derby
1923/3700001 West Kimberley Coleman Patricia Florence Eva Female Simon Walter Leslie Male Derby
1923/3800001 Kimberley Goldfields May Fred Male Branamn Mary Female Halls Creek
1923/3800001 Kimberley Goldfields Branamn Mary Female May Fred Male Halls Creek
1923/4200001 Moora Stacy Valentine Osborne Male O'Brien Eileen Dorcas Female Moora
1923/4200001 Moora O'Brien Eileen Dorcas Female Stacy Valentine Osborne Male Moora
1923/4200002 Moora Willaway Moley Female Anderson Bert Male Mogumber
1923/4200002 Moora Anderson Bert Male Willaway Moley Female Mogumber
1923/4200003 Moora Grow Henry Edgar Male McKinley Kathleen Stella Female Moora
1923/4200003 Moora McKinley Kathleen Stella Female Grow Henry Edgar Male Moora
1923/4200004 Moora Gladwell Mary Jane Female Evans John Male Moora
1923/4200004 Moora Evans John Male Gladwell Mary Jane Female Moora
1923/4200005 Moora Ashby Georgina Female Doust James Percy Male Moora
1923/4200005 Moora Doust James Percy Male Ashby Georgina Female Moora
1923/4200006 Moora Kominsky Ethel Marrion Female Mullett Ralph Waldo Emerson Male Moora
1923/4200006 Moora Mullett Ralph Waldo Emerson Male Kominsky Ethel Marrion Female Moora
1923/4200007 Moora Evison Frances Female Stewart George Male Dalwallinu
1923/4200007 Moora Stewart George Male Evison Frances Female Dalwallinu
1923/4200008 Moora Dowie John Muir Male Cairns Christina Calder Female Dalwallinu
1923/4200008 Moora Cairns Christina Calder Female Dowie John Muir Male Dalwallinu
1923/4200009 Moora Jones George Herbert Male Carter Violet Ethel Female Ballidu
1923/4200009 Moora Carter Violet Ethel Female Jones George Herbert Male Ballidu
1923/4200010 Moora Darcy Sarah Female Cooper Reginald Male Moora
1923/4200010 Moora Cooper Reginald Male Darcy Sarah Female Moora
1923/4200011 Moora Bateman Harry Leslie Male Leaver Jeraldine Cathleen Female Pithara
1923/4200011 Moora Leaver Jeraldine Cathleen Female Bateman Harry Leslie Male Pithara
1923/4200012 Moora Cook May Irene Female Brooks Alfred William Male Moora
1923/4200012 Moora Brooks Alfred William Male Cook May Irene Female Moora
1923/4200013 Moora Murray Clara Maud Female Woods Everett John Male Moora
1923/4200013 Moora Woods Everett John Male Murray Clara Maud Female Moora
1923/4200014 Moora Murray Leslie Aneas Male Humphreys Matilda Female Berkshire Valley
1923/4200014 Moora Humphreys Matilda Female Murray Leslie Aneas Male Berkshire Valley
1923/4300001 Mount Margaret Grazziadelli Nina Female Armanasco Elia Male Leonora
1923/4300001 Mount Margaret Armanasco Elia Male Grazziadelli Nina Female Leonora
1924/4300001 Mount Margaret Russell Minnie Female Bond Richard Carrington Male Leonora
1924/4300001 Mount Margaret Bond Richard Carrington Male Russell Minnie Female Leonora
1924/4300002 Mount Margaret Archer Florence Minnie Female Skitch Francis John Male Leonora
1923/4300002 Mount Margaret Ashwin Trilby Female Cooper Thomas Henry Male Leonora
1923/4300002 Mount Margaret Ashwin Trilby Female Hasthorpe Thomas Henry Male Leonora
1923/4300002 Mount Margaret Hasthorpe Thomas Henry Male Ashwin Trilby Female Leonora
1924/4300002 Mount Margaret Skitch Francis John Male Archer Florence Minnie Female Leonora
1923/4300002 Mount Margaret Cooper Thomas Henry Male Ashwin Trilby Female Leonora
1923/4300003 Mount Margaret Hilliard Henry Christopher Male Bennett Hilda May Female Mount Leonora
1923/4300003 Mount Margaret Bennett Hilda May Female Hilliard Henry Christopher Male Mount Leonora
1923/4300004 Mount Margaret Cordwell Bessie Female Burrows Cyril Malcolm Male Leonora
1923/4300004 Mount Margaret Burrows Cyril Malcolm Male Cordwell Bessie Female Leonora
1923/4300005 Mount Margaret Ellis Florence Female Rehm Ernest Frederick Male Morgans
1923/4300005 Mount Margaret Rehm Ernest Frederick Male Ellis Florence Female Morgans
1923/4300006 Mount Margaret Linley Rose Winifred Female Sadler Albert Male Gwalia
1923/4300006 Mount Margaret Sadler Albert Male Linley Rose Winifred Female Gwalia
1923/4400001 Murchison Ashton John Neil Male Boase Annie Female Meekatharra
1923/4400001 Murchison Boase Annie Female Ashton John Neil Male Meekatharra
1923/4400002 Murchison Armstrong Henry Male Ryan Mary Female Cue
1923/4400002 Murchison Ryan Mary Female Armstrong Henry Male Cue
1923/4400003 Murchison Toohey Ellen Female Herring Edmond Male Meekatharra
1923/4400003 Murchison Herring Edmond Male Toohey Ellen Female Meekatharra
1923/4400004 Murchison Madigan Daniel Male Phillips Patricia Female Day Dawn
1923/4400004 Murchison Phillips Patricia Female Madigan Daniel Male Day Dawn
1923/4400005 Murchison Moses Edward Samuel Male Simpson Laura May Female Paynesville
1923/4400005 Murchison Simpson Laura May Female Moses Edward Samuel Male Paynesville
1923/4400006 Murchison du Boulay Marjorie Sybil Female Fleming Bruce Grattan Male Mt Magnet
1923/4400006 Murchison Fleming Bruce Grattan Male du Boulay Marjorie Sybil Female Mt Magnet
1923/4400007 Murchison Ahearn Mary Margaret Laura Female Carpenter Arthur Male Mt Magnet
1923/4400007 Murchison Carpenter Arthur Male Ahearn Mary Margaret Laura Female Mt Magnet
1923/4400008 Murchison White Clarence James Samuel Male Campbell Elizabeth Blanche Female Meekatharra
1923/4400008 Murchison Campbell Elizabeth Blanche Female White Clarence James Samuel Male Meekatharra
1923/4400009 Murchison Morris William Male Hoppe Ellen Female Day Dawn
1923/4400009 Murchison Hoppe Ellen Female Morris William Male Day Dawn
1923/4700001 Murray Addicoat Lavinia Female Wait William Male Pinjarra
1923/4700001 Murray Wait William Male Addicoat Lavinia Female Pinjarra
1923/4700002 Murray Armstrong Alfred Thomas Male Cotton Levessa Ann Lenor Female Holyoake
1923/4700002 Murray Cotton Levessa Ann Lenor Female Armstrong Alfred Thomas Male Holyoake
1923/4700003 Murray Geary Rose Female Thomas Wilfred Male Pinjarra
1923/4700003 Murray Thomas Wilfred Male Geary Rose Female Pinjarra
1923/4700004 Murray Spencer John Morpeth Male Bowers Emma Ethel Female West Coolup
1923/4700004 Murray Bowers Emma Ethel Female Spencer John Morpeth Male West Coolup
1923/4700005 Murray Plunkett Florence Matilda Female Frazer George William Male Holyoake
1923/4700005 Murray Frazer George William Male Plunkett Florence Matilda Female Holyoake
1923/4700006 Murray Hair Gladys Roberta Alice Female Williams Donald Selwyn Male Pinjarra
1923/4700006 Murray Williams Donald Selwyn Male Hair Gladys Roberta Alice Female Pinjarra
1923/4700007 Murray Williams Edna May Female Collie Thomas Melville Male Waroona
1923/4700007 Murray Collie Thomas Melville Male Williams Edna May Female Waroona
1923/4700008 Murray Logue Earnest Arnold Male Bowles Myrtle Caroline Female Waroona
1923/4700008 Murray Bowles Myrtle Caroline Female Logue Earnest Arnold Male Waroona
1923/4700009 Murray Farnell Joseph Charles Joshua Male Spencer Amy Gladys Female Pinjarra
1923/4700009 Murray Spencer Amy Gladys Female Farnell Joseph Charles Joshua Male Pinjarra
1923/4700010 Murray Makoll August George Male Gordon Sarah Female Pinjarra
1923/4700010 Murray Gordon Sarah Female Makoll August George Male Pinjarra
1923/4700011 Murray Ward Alma Elsie Female Bancroft James Thomas Male Pinjarra
1923/4700011 Murray Bancroft James Thomas Male Ward Alma Elsie Female Pinjarra
1923/4700012 Murray Crockenberg Caroline Female Miller William Henry Male Pinjarra
1923/4700012 Murray Miller William Henry Male Crockenberg Caroline Female Pinjarra
1923/4700013 Murray Moore Edith May Female Leach Frederick John Male Pinjarra
1923/4700013 Murray Leach Frederick John Male Moore Edith May Female Pinjarra
1923/4700014 Murray Grantham William Charles Male Holland Violet Alice Female Pinjarra
1923/4700014 Murray Holland Violet Alice Female Grantham William Charles Male Pinjarra
1923/4700015 Murray Savell Arthur Frederick Male Blackburn Elizabeth Rosena Emma Female Marrinup
1923/4700015 Murray Blackburn Elizabeth Rosena Emma Female Savell Arthur Frederick Male Marrinup
1923/4700016 Murray Kippist Ida May Female Basley George Harrold Male Pinjarra
1923/4700016 Murray Basley George Harrold Male Kippist Ida May Female Pinjarra
1923/4700017 Murray Woodman Gerald Charles Male O'Rourke Mary Female Jarrahdale
1923/4700017 Murray O'Rourke Mary Female Woodman Gerald Charles Male Jarrahdale
1923/4700018 Murray Huxtable Redvers Henry Buller Male Lakeman Lillian Maude Female Dwellingup
1923/4700018 Murray Lakeman Lillian Maude Female Huxtable Redvers Henry Buller Male Dwellingup
1923/4700019 Murray Smith Norman Sydney Male Hastie Beatrice Female North Dandalup
1923/4700019 Murray Hastie Beatrice Female Smith Norman Sydney Male North Dandalup
1923/4700020 Murray Line Martin Male Parnacott Ada Female Pinjarra
1923/4700020 Murray Parnacott Ada Female Line Martin Male Pinjarra
1923/4700021 Murray Wilson Gladys Female Zanetti Julius Francis Male Waroona
1923/4700021 Murray Zanetti Julius Francis Male Wilson Gladys Female Waroona
1923/4700022 Murray Liddell Ellen Female McMeekin James George Male Holyoake
1923/4700022 Murray McMeekin James George Male Liddell Ellen Female Holyoake
1923/4700023 Murray Gruer Alexander William Male Brennan Kathleen Imelda Female Pinjarra
1923/4700023 Murray Brennan Kathleen Imelda Female Gruer Alexander William Male Pinjarra
1923/4700024 Murray Capps Ann Female Key John William Male Pinjarra
1923/4700024 Murray Key John William Male Capps Ann Female Pinjarra
1924/4900001 Northam Spice Ernest Aeneas Male Knowles Lilian Agnes Female Northam
1924/4900001 Northam Knowles Lilian Agnes Female Spice Ernest Aeneas Male Northam
1923/4900002 Northam Forbes Mary Adelaide Female Lavelle John Male Northam
1924/4900002 Northam Wilson James Male Duffell Alice Margory Female Nungarin
1924/4900002 Northam O'Leary James Male Duffell Alice Margory Female Nungarin
1923/4900002 Northam Lavelle John Male Forbes Mary Adelaide Female Northam
1924/4900002 Northam Duffell Alice Margory Female O'Leary James Male Nungarin
1924/4900002 Northam Duffell Alice Margory Female Wilson James Male Nungarin
1923/4900004 Northam Ronaldson Catherine Female Toppin Richard Male Northam
1924/4900004 Northam Flynne John Darcy Male Miller Ivy Kathleen Female Doodlakine
1924/4900004 Northam Miller Ivy Kathleen Female Flynne John Darcy Male Doodlakine
1923/4900004 Northam Toppin Richard Male Ronaldson Catherine Female Northam
1923/4900005 Northam Matthews Esther Elizabeth Female Oliver Norman Thomas Male North Cunderdin
1924/4900005 Northam McLean William Henry Male Miller Frances Wilhelmena Female Doodlakine
1924/4900005 Northam Miller Frances Wilhelmena Female McLean William Henry Male Doodlakine
1923/4900005 Northam Oliver Norman Thomas Male Matthews Esther Elizabeth Female North Cunderdin
1923/4900006 Northam Costello Francis Peter Male Griffiths Kathleen Isabels Female Toodyay
1924/4900006 Northam Ellefsen James Roy Male Ball Annie Patricia Mary Female Merredin
1924/4900006 Northam Ball Annie Patricia Mary Female Ellefsen James Roy Male Merredin
1923/4900006 Northam Griffiths Kathleen Isabels Female Costello Francis Peter Male Toodyay
1923/4900007 Northam Creagh Clarice Muriel Female Herbert Gustavus Herman Male Kwelkan
1923/4900007 Northam Herbert Gustavus Herman Male Creagh Clarice Muriel Female Kwelkan
1924/4900008 Northam Parnham Harold David Male Farrell Annie Amelia Female Northam
1923/4900008 Northam Martin Laura Irene Female Cahill Edward Stanislaus Male Kellerberrin
1923/4900008 Northam Cahill Edward Stanislaus Male Martin Laura Irene Female Kellerberrin
1924/4900008 Northam Farrell Annie Amelia Female Parnham Harold David Male Northam
1923/4900009 Northam Lego Fanny Susannah Female Parker Ernest William Male Kellerberrin
1923/4900009 Northam Lego Frances Female Parker Ernest William Male Kellerberrin
1923/4900009 Northam Parker Ernest William Male Lego Fanny Susannah Female Kellerberrin
1923/4900009 Northam Parker Ernest William Male Lego Frances Female Kellerberrin
1923/4900010 Northam Markey Ivy Adela Female Ferguson Acton John Male Toodyay
1923/4900010 Northam Ferguson Acton John Male Markey Ivy Adela Female Toodyay
1923/4900011 Northam Benson Reginald Goldie Male Wilkinson Alice Ann Female Northam
1923/4900011 Northam Wilkinson Alice Ann Female Benson Reginald Goldie Male Northam
1923/4900012 Northam Brindle Ellen Female Trask Wilfred Roy Male Northam
1923/4900012 Northam Trask Wilfred Roy Male Brindle Ellen Female Northam
1923/4900013 Northam Bailey Eva Female Hyde William Thomas Male Northam
1923/4900013 Northam Hyde William Thomas Male Bailey Eva Female Northam
1923/4900014 Northam McCann Winifred Mary Female Martin William James Male Goomalling
1923/4900014 Northam Martin William James Male McCann Winifred Mary Female Goomalling
1923/4900015 Northam Rowston Aubrey Frederick John Male Broom Myrtle Sarah Female Northam
1923/4900015 Northam Broom Myrtle Sarah Female Rowston Aubrey Frederick John Male Northam
1923/4900016 Northam Martin Caroline Alma Female Mitchell Richard Male Northam
1923/4900016 Northam Mitchell Richard Male Martin Caroline Alma Female Northam
1923/4900017 Northam Cunningham Ivy Gertrude Female Thomas Stanley Richard Male West Northam
1923/4900017 Northam Thomas Stanley Richard Male Cunningham Ivy Gertrude Female West Northam
1923/4900018 Northam Cody Mary Female Purling James Hartley Male Northam
1923/4900018 Northam Purling James Hartley Male Cody Mary Female Northam
1923/4900019 Northam Oaten Marjory Doris Female Harris Alexander Ross Male Minnievale
1923/4900019 Northam Harris Alexander Ross Male Oaten Marjory Doris Female Minnievale
1923/4900020 Northam Sims Roy Fredrick Male Bennett Jean Female Northam
1923/4900020 Northam Bennett Jean Female Sims Roy Fredrick Male Northam
1923/4900021 Northam McLerie Agnes Diana Female Carson Alfred Norman Male Jennacubbine
1923/4900021 Northam Carson Alfred Norman Male McLerie Agnes Diana Female Jennacubbine
1923/4900022 Northam Rice Herbert Daniel Male Thackrah Florence Ellen Female Northam
1924/4900022 Northam Russell William George Montague Male Cheesman Daisy Ellen Female Merredin
1924/4900022 Northam Cheesman Daisy Ellen Female Russell William George Montague Male Merredin
1923/4900022 Northam Thackrah Florence Ellen Female Rice Herbert Daniel Male Northam
1924/4900023 Northam Buckland Alma Gertrude Matilda Female McManus Robert Norman John Male Merredin
1923/4900023 Northam Thorley Irene Ivy Female Lally Lambeth Ivan Male Northam
1924/4900023 Northam McManus Robert Norman John Male Buckland Alma Gertrude Matilda Female Merredin
1923/4900023 Northam Lally Lambeth Ivan Male Thorley Irene Ivy Female Northam
1923/4900024 Northam Tully Carmel Mary Monica Female Combs William Francis Male Northam
1923/4900024 Northam Combs William Francis Male Tully Carmel Mary Monica Female Northam
1923/4900025 Northam Head Clarence Somerville Male Sinclair Lily Female Northam
1923/4900025 Northam Sinclair Lily Female Head Clarence Somerville Male Northam
1923/4900026 Northam Leadbitter Thomas William Male McLeod Ellen Female Northam
1923/4900026 Northam McLeod Ellen Female Leadbitter Thomas William Male Northam
1923/4900027 Northam Smythe Willoughby Allen Male Bates Gertrude Mehetabel Female Merredin
1923/4900027 Northam Bates Gertrude Mehetabel Female Smythe Willoughby Allen Male Merredin
1923/4900028 Northam Oliver Phoebe Kathleen Female Leeder Stanley Irvine Male Northam
1923/4900028 Northam Leeder Stanley Irvine Male Oliver Phoebe Kathleen Female Northam
1923/4900029 Northam Mengens Theodore Henry Male Rewell Anne Phillis Female Northam
1923/4900029 Northam Rewell Anne Phillis Female Mengens Theodore Henry Male Northam
1923/4900030 Northam Combley Winifred Female Hyde Arthur Blachford Male Meckering
1923/4900030 Northam Hyde Arthur Blachford Male Combley Winifred Female Meckering
1923/4900031 Northam Wroth Forrest Guy Edison Male Parker Kathleen Mary Female Northam
1923/4900031 Northam Parker Kathleen Mary Female Wroth Forrest Guy Edison Male Northam
1923/4900032 Northam Ralph Julia Margaret Female Miller Cecil Rhodes Male Bejoording
1923/4900032 Northam Miller Cecil Rhodes Male Ralph Julia Margaret Female Bejoording
1923/4900033 Northam Boyle Eva May Female Green Eric Robert Male Cunderdin
1923/4900033 Northam Green Eric Robert Male Boyle Eva May Female Cunderdin
1923/4900034 Northam Coleman Janet Irene Female Horlyk Jens Tage Male Burracoppin
1923/4900034 Northam Horlyk Jens Tage Male Coleman Janet Irene Female Burracoppin
1923/4900035 Northam Syred Eva Louisa Female Thackrah Edgar Arnold Male Wattening
1923/4900035 Northam Thackrah Edgar Arnold Male Syred Eva Louisa Female Wattening
1923/4900036 Northam Fowler Emily Female Johnson William Male Northam
1923/4900036 Northam Johnson William Male Fowler Emily Female Northam
1923/4900037 Northam Hubble Ernest Henry Male Meeres Ida Violet Ellen Female Northam
1923/4900037 Northam Meeres Ida Violet Ellen Female Hubble Ernest Henry Male Northam
1923/4900038 Northam Quinton Hilda Bessie Female Richards Benjamin Philip Male Northam
1923/4900038 Northam Richards Benjamin Philip Male Quinton Hilda Bessie Female Northam
1923/4900039 Northam Kristiansen Niels Peter Male Gregory Mary Alice Female Clackline
1923/4900039 Northam Gregory Mary Alice Female Kristiansen Niels Peter Male Clackline
1923/4900040 Northam Moody Marjory Sarah Dean Female Ralph Benjamin Edwin Male Northam
1923/4900040 Northam Ralph Benjamin Edwin Male Moody Marjory Sarah Dean Female Northam
1923/4900041 Northam Larwood Edward James Male Thomas Susannah Female Northam
1923/4900041 Northam Thomas Susannah Female Larwood Edward James Male Northam
1923/4900042 Northam McManus Lionel Male Clune Jean Bridget Female Irishtown
1923/4900042 Northam Clune Jean Bridget Female McManus Lionel Male Irishtown
1923/4900043 Northam Dean Frederick James Male Todman Emily Kate Female Northam
1923/4900043 Northam Todman Emily Kate Female Dean Frederick James Male Northam
1923/4900044 Northam Tydell Selma Harriet Ismena Aimee Female Blight Norman Edward Male Northam
1923/4900044 Northam Blight Norman Edward Male Tydell Selma Harriet Ismena Aimee Female Northam
1923/4900045 Northam Wilson Pearl Female Close William Denis Close Male Gabbin
1923/4900045 Northam Wilson Pearl Female Close William Denis Male Gabbin
1923/4900045 Northam Wilson Pearl Female Cowper William Denis Close Male Gabbin
1923/4900045 Northam Wilson Pearl Female Cowper William Denis Male Gabbin
1923/4900045 Northam Close William Denis Close Male Wilson Pearl Female Gabbin
1923/4900045 Northam Close William Denis Male Wilson Pearl Female Gabbin
1923/4900045 Northam Cowper William Denis Close Male Wilson Pearl Female Gabbin
1923/4900045 Northam Cowper William Denis Male Wilson Pearl Female Gabbin
1923/4900046 Northam Sullivan Michael John Male Morris Johanna Female Northam
1923/4900046 Northam Morris Johanna Female Sullivan Michael John Male Northam
1923/4900047 Northam Glass Herbert Henry Male Carter Ida Linda Emily Female Northam
1923/4900047 Northam Carter Ida Linda Emily Female Glass Herbert Henry Male Northam
1923/4900048 Northam Schmidt Caroline Elizabeth Ann Female McArthur Norman Arnold Male Goomalling
1923/4900048 Northam McArthur Norman Arnold Male Schmidt Caroline Elizabeth Ann Female Goomalling
1923/4900049 Northam Fields Mollie Female Robbie James Cameron Male Kununoppin
1923/4900049 Northam Robbie James Cameron Male Fields Mollie Female Kununoppin
1923/4900050 Northam Curlett Elizabeth Hull Female Bradley William Henry Male Nungarin
1923/4900050 Northam Bradley William Henry Male Curlett Elizabeth Hull Female Nungarin
1923/4900051 Northam Sullivan James Male Gorman Amy Female Goomalling
1923/4900051 Northam Gorman Amy Female Sullivan James Male Goomalling
1923/4900052 Northam Crouch Alice Female Freind Stanley Roy Male Northam
1923/4900052 Northam Freind Stanley Roy Male Crouch Alice Female Northam
1923/4900053 Northam Lloyd Aileen Victoria Jane Female Ferguson Reginald Stanley Wroth Male Toodyay
1923/4900053 Northam Ferguson Reginald Stanley Wroth Male Lloyd Aileen Victoria Jane Female Toodyay
1923/4900054 Northam Fitzgerald Helena Jane Female Hubble Edward George Male Northam
1923/4900054 Northam Hubble Edward George Male Fitzgerald Helena Jane Female Northam
1923/4900055 Northam Budd May Annie Female Smith Francis Reynolds Male Kellerberrin
1923/4900055 Northam Smith Francis Reynolds Male Budd May Annie Female Kellerberrin
1923/4900056 Northam Spice Frances Elizabeth Female Henderson Alexander Male Northam
1923/4900056 Northam Henderson Alexander Male Spice Frances Elizabeth Female Northam
1923/4900057 Northam Yeaman Kathleen Female Hudson Denis Male Northam
1923/4900057 Northam Hudson Denis Male Yeaman Kathleen Female Northam
1923/4900058 Northam Fleming Robert Ronald Male Martin Doris Olive Female Kellerberrin
1923/4900058 Northam Martin Doris Olive Female Fleming Robert Ronald Male Kellerberrin
1923/4900059 Northam Tiddy Muriel Isabel Female Slater George Male Goomalling
1923/4900059 Northam Slater George Male Tiddy Muriel Isabel Female Goomalling
1923/4900060 Northam Morrish Alexander Joseph Male Wilkinson Winifred Alice Female Doodlakine
1923/4900060 Northam Wilkinson Winifred Alice Female Morrish Alexander Joseph Male Doodlakine
1923/4900061 Northam Martin Ada Lillian Female Woods Bernard William Male Northam
1923/4900061 Northam Woods Bernard William Male Martin Ada Lillian Female Northam
1923/4900062 Northam Doig Peter William Kenneth Male Smith Ethol May Female Toodyay
1923/4900062 Northam Smith Ethol May Female Doig Peter William Kenneth Male Toodyay
1923/4900063 Northam Hoile John Douglas Male Dyer Vera Maude Female Kellerberrin
1923/4900063 Northam Dyer Vera Maude Female Hoile John Douglas Male Kellerberrin
1923/4900064 Northam Johnston Charles William Male Anstey Ivy Emily Female Northam
1923/4900064 Northam Anstey Ivy Emily Female Johnston Charles William Male Northam
1923/4900065 Northam Joynes Elsie May Female Bear Fredrick James Male Minnivale
1923/4900065 Northam Bear Fredrick James Male Joynes Elsie May Female Minnivale
1923/4900066 Northam Scrivener Rose Hannah Female Forsyth Samuel Charles Male Merredin
1923/4900066 Northam Forsyth Samuel Charles Male Scrivener Rose Hannah Female Merredin
1923/4900067 Northam Ralph Wilfred James Male Waldock Muriel Elizabeth Lucy Female Goomalling
1923/4900067 Northam Waldock Muriel Elizabeth Lucy Female Ralph Wilfred James Male Goomalling
1923/4900068 Northam Toomey Isabell Laura Female Cronin Michael Denis Male Northam
1923/4900068 Northam Cronin Michael Denis Male Toomey Isabell Laura Female Northam
1923/4900069 Northam Taylor Oscar Male Way Linda Webb Female Northam
1923/4900069 Northam Way Linda Webb Female Taylor Oscar Male Northam
1923/4900070 Northam George Frank Male Gliddon Margarite Sarah Female Kellerberrin
1923/4900070 Northam Gliddon Margarite Sarah Female George Frank Male Kellerberrin
1923/4900071 Northam Stone Arthur Edward Male Richards Alice May Female South Caroling
1923/4900071 Northam Richards Alice May Female Stone Arthur Edward Male South Caroling
1923/4900072 Northam Carter Edith Elce Female Goodin Cyril Albert Male Wongan Hills
1923/4900072 Northam Goodin Cyril Albert Male Carter Edith Elce Female Wongan Hills
1923/4900073 Northam Millington Hilda May Female Butterly John Edwin Male Meckering
1923/4900073 Northam Butterly John Edwin Male Millington Hilda May Female Meckering
1923/4900074 Northam Clark James Male Williams Mary Female Cunderdin
1923/4900074 Northam Williams Mary Female Clark James Male Cunderdin
1923/4900075 Northam Head Charles Peter Male Murray Catherine Lilian Female Northam
1923/4900075 Northam Murray Catherine Lilian Female Head Charles Peter Male Northam
1923/4900076 Northam Black Robert Russell Male Cox Mona Victoria Female Northam
1923/4900076 Northam Cox Mona Victoria Female Black Robert Russell Male Northam
1923/4900077 Northam James Charles Henry Male Langdon Ellen Louisa Female Northam
1923/4900077 Northam Langdon Ellen Louisa Female James Charles Henry Male Northam
1923/4900078 Northam Cawthorne Arthur Fredrick Male Carroll Mary Gertrude Female Northam
1923/4900078 Northam Carroll Mary Gertrude Female Cawthorne Arthur Fredrick Male Northam
1923/4900079 Northam Webb Arthur Stanley Male Oliver Lenna Hilda Female Northam
1923/4900079 Northam Oliver Lenna Hilda Female Webb Arthur Stanley Male Northam
1923/4900080 Northam Farrell John Thomas Lauriston Male Bourke Violet Veronica Female Goomalling
1923/4900080 Northam Bourke Violet Veronica Female Farrell John Thomas Lauriston Male Goomalling
1923/4900081 Northam House Edward James Male Posselt Alice Annie Female Tammin
1923/4900081 Northam Posselt Alice Annie Female House Edward James Male Tammin
1923/4900082 Northam Morley Maurice Maitland Male Western Beatrice Maud Female Northam
1923/4900082 Northam Western Beatrice Maud Female Morley Maurice Maitland Male Northam
1923/4900083 Northam Collins Rosa Female Spillman Joseph William Male Kellerberrin
1923/4900083 Northam Spillman Joseph William Male Collins Rosa Female Kellerberrin
1923/4900084 Northam Lekias Paraskevas Male Anastasaki Palasa Female Northam
1923/4900084 Northam Lekias Paraskevas Male Anastasaki Vlasia Female Northam
1923/4900084 Northam Lekias Peter Male Anastasaki Palasa Female Northam
1923/4900084 Northam Lekias Peter Male Anastasaki Vlasia Female Northam
1923/4900084 Northam Anastasaki Palasa Female Lekias Paraskevas Male Northam
1923/4900084 Northam Anastasaki Palasa Female Lekias Peter Male Northam
1923/4900084 Northam Anastasaki Vlasia Female Lekias Paraskevas Male Northam
1923/4900084 Northam Anastasaki Vlasia Female Lekias Peter Male Northam
1923/4900085 Northam Cusack Olive Doreen Female Foster Alexander Male Kellerberrin
1923/4900085 Northam Foster Alexander Male Cusack Olive Doreen Female Kellerberrin
1923/4900086 Northam Bailey Vera Ann Female Hampshire Alfred Lawrence Male Dowerin
1923/4900086 Northam Hampshire Alfred Lawrence Male Bailey Vera Ann Female Dowerin
1923/4900087 Northam Foster Elizabeth Margaret Female Beardshaw Arthur Cubitt Male Tammin
1923/4900087 Northam Beardshaw Arthur Cubitt Male Foster Elizabeth Margaret Female Tammin
1923/4900088 Northam Day Edgar Henry Male Russell Doreen Elizabeth Branscombe Reese Female Northam
1923/4900088 Northam Russell Doreen Elizabeth Branscombe Reese Female Day Edgar Henry Male Northam
1923/4900089 Northam Minson William Frederick Male Harrison Ida Victoria Female Northam
1923/4900089 Northam Harrison Ida Victoria Female Minson William Frederick Male Northam
1923/5000001 Northampton Mitchell Ellen Female Smith Bartlett Male Northampton
1923/5000001 Northampton Smith Bartlett Male Mitchell Ellen Female Northampton
1923/5000002 Northampton Oxenham Josiah Male Evans Dorothy Female Northampton
1923/5000002 Northampton Evans Dorothy Female Oxenham Josiah Male Northampton
1923/5000003 Northampton Morris Thomas Henry Male Mosley Alice Maud Female Northampton
1923/5000003 Northampton Mosley Alice Maud Female Morris Thomas Henry Male Northampton
1923/5000004 Northampton McGuiness Joseph Male Bunter Ann Catherine Violet Female Nabawa
1923/5000004 Northampton Bunter Ann Catherine Violet Female McGuiness Joseph Male Nabawa
1923/5000005 Northampton Whitehurst Constance May Female Rumble Thomas Orman Male Nabawah
1923/5000005 Northampton Rumble Thomas Orman Male Whitehurst Constance May Female Nabawah
1923/5000006 Northampton Cook Clara Female Jupp Archibald Lewis Male Northampton
1923/5000006 Northampton Jupp Archibald Lewis Male Cook Clara Female Northampton
1923/5000007 Northampton Murphy Jeremiah Male Bunter Elizabeth Maud Stella Female Nabawa
1923/5000007 Northampton Bunter Elizabeth Maud Stella Female Murphy Jeremiah Male Nabawa
1923/5000008 Northampton Slavin Margaret Female Webb Harry Male Northampton
1923/5000008 Northampton Webb Harry Male Slavin Margaret Female Northampton
1923/5200001 Phillips River Harrison Dorothy Frances Alice Female Selleck Francis Palmer Male Ravensthorpe
1923/5200001 Phillips River Selleck Francis Palmer Male Harrison Dorothy Frances Alice Female Ravensthorpe
1923/5200002 Phillips River Kuhlmann Kathleen May Female Waldren-Taylor Ravensthorpe William John Male Ravensthorpe
1923/5200002 Phillips River Waldren-Taylor Ravensthorpe William John Male Kuhlmann Kathleen May Female Ravensthorpe
1923/5300001 Pilbara Kingsford-Smith Charles Edward Male Corboy Thelma Eileen Hope Female Marble Bar
1923/5300001 Pilbara Corboy Thelma Eileen Hope Female Kingsford-Smith Charles Edward Male Marble Bar
1924/5400001 Plantagenet Young Gwendolyn Edith Female Johnson Benjamin Male Mount Barker
1924/5400001 Plantagenet Johnson Benjamin Male Young Gwendolyn Edith Female Mount Barker
1923/5400002 Plantagenet Hunter Rosa Maria Female Cheney Thomas Albert Leslie Male Mount Barker
1923/5400002 Plantagenet Cheney Thomas Albert Leslie Male Hunter Rosa Maria Female Mount Barker
1923/5400003 Plantagenet Lister William Herbert Male Saw Lily Hilda Female Albany
1923/5400003 Plantagenet Saw Lily Hilda Female Lister William Herbert Male Albany
1923/5400004 Plantagenet Moncrieff John Thomas Male Inwood Elsie Louise Female Albany
1923/5400004 Plantagenet Inwood Elsie Louise Female Moncrieff John Thomas Male Albany
1924/5400005 Plantagenet Crane Charles Male Fincher Kathleen Mary Female Albany
1923/5400005 Plantagenet Bellis Percy Edwin Male Yates Harriett Female Denmark
1924/5400005 Plantagenet Fincher Kathleen Mary Female Crane Charles Male Albany
1923/5400005 Plantagenet Yates Harriett Female Bellis Percy Edwin Male Denmark
1923/5400006 Plantagenet Thomas Dorinda Pearl Female Jacka Frederick Samuel Male Albany
1923/5400006 Plantagenet Jacka Frederick Samuel Male Thomas Dorinda Pearl Female Albany
1923/5400007 Plantagenet Jessup George Frederick Male Newman May Isabel Female Albany
1923/5400007 Plantagenet Newman May Isabel Female Jessup George Frederick Male Albany
1923/5400008 Plantagenet Brown William Thomas Male McDonnell Beatrice Female Albany
1923/5400008 Plantagenet McDonnell Beatrice Female Brown William Thomas Male Albany
1923/5400009 Plantagenet Tame Walter Herbert Male Nicol Lucy Female Albany
1923/5400009 Plantagenet Nicol Lucy Female Tame Walter Herbert Male Albany
1923/5400010 Plantagenet Moir Roderick Leslie Wellstead Male Lawrie Isobel Euphemia Female Albany
1923/5400010 Plantagenet Lawrie Isobel Euphemia Female Moir Roderick Leslie Wellstead Male Albany
1923/5400011 Plantagenet Kingston Arthur Edward Male Brooks Daisy May Female Denmark
1923/5400011 Plantagenet Brooks Daisy May Female Kingston Arthur Edward Male Denmark
1923/5400012 Plantagenet Lane William Arthur Male Ridley Clara Maude Female Kendenup
1923/5400012 Plantagenet Ridley Clara Maude Female Lane William Arthur Male Kendenup
1923/5400013 Plantagenet Farr William Fredrick Male Pashley Daisy Ellen Female Albany
1923/5400013 Plantagenet Pashley Daisy Ellen Female Farr William Fredrick Male Albany
1923/5400014 Plantagenet Baxter Mary Agnes Female McGlade Harold Cecil Male Albany
1923/5400014 Plantagenet McGlade Harold Cecil Male Baxter Mary Agnes Female Albany
1923/5400015 Plantagenet Bird Arthur Lancelot Male Playne Jean Female Albany
1923/5400015 Plantagenet Playne Jean Female Bird Arthur Lancelot Male Albany
1923/5400016 Plantagenet Kay Keith Alexander Male Reimers Maude Mary Female Denmark
1923/5400016 Plantagenet Reimers Maude Mary Female Kay Keith Alexander Male Denmark
1923/5400017 Plantagenet Wilson Andrew Douglas Male Baesjou Constance Helena Female Mt Barker
1923/5400017 Plantagenet Baesjou Constance Helena Female Wilson Andrew Douglas Male Mt Barker
1923/5400018 Plantagenet Newton Frederick Male Gibb Flora Female Albany
1923/5400018 Plantagenet Gibb Flora Female Newton Frederick Male Albany
1923/5400019 Plantagenet Poynting Isabella Female Curry Patrick Male Albany
1923/5400019 Plantagenet Curry Patrick Male Poynting Isabella Female Albany
1923/5400020 Plantagenet Elsegood Alva Pearl Female Forte Wilson Thomas Male Albany
1923/5400020 Plantagenet Forte Wilson Thomas Male Elsegood Alva Pearl Female Albany
1923/5400021 Plantagenet Mansfield Charles Male Lawrence Mabel Female Albany
1923/5400021 Plantagenet Lawrence Mabel Female Mansfield Charles Male Albany
1923/5400022 Plantagenet Meldrum James Male Lindfield Mabel Ruth Female Albany
1923/5400022 Plantagenet Lindfield Mabel Ruth Female Meldrum James Male Albany
1923/5400023 Plantagenet Morley Edward Samuel Male Wallington Irene Marguerite Weston Female Albany
1923/5400023 Plantagenet Wallington Irene Marguerite Weston Female Morley Edward Samuel Male Albany
1923/5400024 Plantagenet Tregear Annie Female Shirley John Charles Henry Male Elleker
1923/5400024 Plantagenet Shirley John Charles Henry Male Tregear Annie Female Elleker
1923/5400025 Plantagenet Davies Robert William Male McNamara Kathleen Mary Female Albany
1923/5400025 Plantagenet McNamara Kathleen Mary Female Davies Robert William Male Albany
1923/5400026 Plantagenet Milne Eileen May Female Pool Lionel Douglas Male Albany
1923/5400026 Plantagenet Pool Lionel Douglas Male Milne Eileen May Female Albany
1923/5400027 Plantagenet Ward Amy Violet Female Moore Francis Joseph Alphonsus Male Albany
1923/5400027 Plantagenet Moore Francis Joseph Alphonsus Male Ward Amy Violet Female Albany
1923/5400028 Plantagenet Walter Philip Henry Male Gillam Mary Dorothy Cathleen Female Albany
1923/5400028 Plantagenet Gillam Mary Dorothy Cathleen Female Walter Philip Henry Male Albany
1923/5400029 Plantagenet Moloney Michael Francis Male Harris Nora Isobel Prudence Female Albany
1923/5400029 Plantagenet Harris Nora Isobel Prudence Female Moloney Michael Francis Male Albany
1923/5400030 Plantagenet Newman Henry Leonard Male Bail Elsie Alexandra Female Narrikup
1923/5400030 Plantagenet Bail Elsie Alexandra Female Newman Henry Leonard Male Narrikup
1923/5400031 Plantagenet Theaker Eva Alethea Female Price Charles Male Albany
1923/5400031 Plantagenet Price Charles Male Theaker Eva Alethea Female Albany
1923/5400032 Plantagenet Moss Margaret Ann May Female Smellie John Male Albany
1923/5400032 Plantagenet Smellie John Male Moss Margaret Ann May Female Albany
1923/5400033 Plantagenet Rennie John Male Grayson Charlotte Female Torbay
1923/5400033 Plantagenet Grayson Charlotte Female Rennie John Male Torbay
1923/5400034 Plantagenet Harris Budd Emmons Male Manton Helena Maud May Female Albany
1923/5400034 Plantagenet Manton Helena Maud May Female Harris Budd Emmons Male Albany
1923/5400035 Plantagenet Marwick Leila Georgina Female Kingdon Norman Kent Male Denmark
1923/5400035 Plantagenet Kingdon Norman Kent Male Marwick Leila Georgina Female Denmark
1923/5400036 Plantagenet Stubber Sewell Edgar Male Furness Norah Female Albany
1923/5400036 Plantagenet Furness Norah Female Stubber Sewell Edgar Male Albany
1923/5400037 Plantagenet White Wilfred Henry Male Fleet Iris Kathleen Female Albany
1923/5400037 Plantagenet Fleet Iris Kathleen Female White Wilfred Henry Male Albany
1923/5400038 Plantagenet Van Wyk Susan Female Firby Thomas Male Albany
1923/5400038 Plantagenet Firby Thomas Male Van Wyk Susan Female Albany
1923/5400039 Plantagenet Perks Edith Elizabeth Female Higgins George Clarence Male Albany
1923/5400039 Plantagenet Higgins George Clarence Male Perks Edith Elizabeth Female Albany
1923/5500001 Port Hedland Inglis Ellen Margaret Female Campbell John Niel McCallum Male Pt Hedland
1923/5500001 Port Hedland Campbell John Niel McCallum Male Inglis Ellen Margaret Female Pt Hedland
1923/5500002 Port Hedland Pilkington Rose Female Walsh Henry William Male Port Hedland
1923/5500002 Port Hedland Walsh Henry William Male Pilkington Rose Female Port Hedland
1923/5500003 Port Hedland Turner Pattie Female Taylor Hugh Male Port Hedland
1923/5500003 Port Hedland Taylor Hugh Male Turner Pattie Female Port Hedland
1923/5600001 Roebourne Bassett Alice Mary Female Wainwright John Thomas Male Roebourne
1923/5600001 Roebourne Wainwright John Thomas Male Bassett Alice Mary Female Roebourne
1923/5600002 Roebourne Truslove Walter James Male Keirle Muriel May Female Roebourne
1923/5600002 Roebourne Keirle Muriel May Female Truslove Walter James Male Roebourne
1924/6000001 Sussex Hutton Horace Hector Male Brooke Lila Freeman Female Busselton
1924/6000001 Sussex Brooke Lila Freeman Female Hutton Horace Hector Male Busselton
1923/6000001 Sussex Reidemeister Nadia Female Brandon Cyril James Male Busselton
1923/6000001 Sussex Brandon Cyril James Male Reidemeister Nadia Female Busselton
1923/6000002 Sussex Prosser Walter Reginald Male Wattling Eva Frances Female Busselton
1923/6000002 Sussex Wattling Eva Frances Female Prosser Walter Reginald Male Busselton
1924/6000002 Sussex McFadyen John Male Maher Agnes Kate Female Busselton
1924/6000002 Sussex Maher Agnes Kate Female McFadyen John Male Busselton
1923/6000003 Sussex Mansfield Doris Female Harrison Henry Male Busselton
1923/6000003 Sussex Harrison Henry Male Mansfield Doris Female Busselton
1923/6000004 Sussex Watters Bertie Glandvill Male Fletcher Evelyn Maud Female Busselton
1923/6000004 Sussex Fletcher Evelyn Maud Female Watters Bertie Glandvill Male Busselton
1923/6000005 Sussex Higgins William Male Mackenzie May Female Margaret
1923/6000005 Sussex Mackenzie May Female Higgins William Male Margaret
1923/6000006 Sussex McKeown Elsie Grace Female Johansson William James Male Quindalup
1923/6000006 Sussex Johansson William James Male McKeown Elsie Grace Female Quindalup
1923/6000007 Sussex Jackson Lillian Female Fogarty Francis Bernard Male Busselton
1923/6000007 Sussex Fogarty Francis Bernard Male Jackson Lillian Female Busselton
1923/6000008 Sussex Hough Kate Emily Female Pettit John Arthur Male Busselton
1923/6000008 Sussex Pettit John Arthur Male Hough Kate Emily Female Busselton
1923/6000009 Sussex Terry Hilda Margaret Female Reynolds Percy Llewellyn Male Busselton
1923/6000009 Sussex Reynolds Percy Llewellyn Male Terry Hilda Margaret Female Busselton
1923/6000010 Sussex Wilkinson Henry Edward Male Robinson Emmie Female Busselton
1923/6000010 Sussex Robinson Emmie Female Wilkinson Henry Edward Male Busselton
1924/6100001 Swan Drysdale Jessie Female Fletcher Archibald Duncan Male Bassendeen
1924/6100001 Swan Fletcher Archibald Duncan Male Drysdale Jessie Female Bassendeen
1923/6100002 Swan Willis Lilian Lucy Female Weir William Male Bassendean
1924/6100002 Swan Townsend George Finley Male Wilson Irine Constance Female Caversham
1923/6100002 Swan Weir William Male Willis Lilian Lucy Female Bassendean
1924/6100002 Swan Wilson Irine Constance Female Townsend George Finley Male Caversham
1923/6100004 Swan Whiteman Vera Adelaide Female Day Walter Warner Male Middle Swan
1923/6100004 Swan Day Walter Warner Male Whiteman Vera Adelaide Female Middle Swan
1923/6100007 Swan Cotterill Grace Tanner Female West Sidney William Male Bassendean
1923/6100007 Swan West Sidney William Male Cotterill Grace Tanner Female Bassendean
1923/6100008 Swan Pettit Edith Marian Female McGrade Ernest Patrick Male Midland Junction
1923/6100008 Swan McGrade Ernest Patrick Male Pettit Edith Marian Female Midland Junction
1923/6100012 Swan Dennis Florence Hope Female Sweeney Frederick James Male Midland Junction
1923/6100012 Swan Sweeney Frederick James Male Dennis Florence Hope Female Midland Junction
1923/6100013 Swan Smith Reuben Frank Male Heron Agnes Isabel Female Midland Junction
1923/6100013 Swan Heron Agnes Isabel Female Smith Reuben Frank Male Midland Junction
1923/6100014 Swan Rogers Frank William Male Bastow Margaret Annie Hollitt Female Midland Junction
1923/6100014 Swan Bastow Margaret Annie Hollitt Female Rogers Frank William Male Midland Junction
1923/6100015 Swan Close Stanley George Male Lanyon Olive Grace Female Midland Junction
1923/6100015 Swan Lanyon Olive Grace Female Close Stanley George Male Midland Junction
1923/6100016 Swan Martin Augusta Rebecca Female Hart George Male Guildford
1923/6100016 Swan Hart George Male Martin Augusta Rebecca Female Guildford
1923/6100017 Swan Casson John Edgar Male Fry Catherine May Female Guildford
1923/6100017 Swan Fry Catherine May Female Casson John Edgar Male Guildford
1923/6100018 Swan Reilly Earnest John Male Maddaford Nellie Female Bassandean
1923/6100018 Swan Maddaford Nellie Female Reilly Earnest John Male Bassandean
1923/6100019 Swan Martin William Doughlas Crawford Male Happ Edith May Female Guildford
1923/6100019 Swan Happ Edith May Female Martin William Doughlas Crawford Male Guildford
1923/6100020 Swan Ireland Edith May Female Pendlebury David Male Bassendean
1923/6100020 Swan Pendlebury David Male Ireland Edith May Female Bassendean
1923/6100021 Swan Murphy John Coulson Male de Holden Stone Lillian Female Guildford
1923/6100021 Swan de Holden Stone Lillian Female Murphy John Coulson Male Guildford
1923/6100022 Swan Murphy William Weston Male Minchin Maud Keane Female Middle Swan
1923/6100022 Swan Minchin Maud Keane Female Murphy William Weston Male Middle Swan
1923/6100023 Swan Marshall William Male Edney Edith May Female Midland Junction
1923/6100023 Swan Edney Edith May Female Marshall William Male Midland Junction
1923/6100024 Swan Spice Flora Rose Female Sandells George William Male Midland Junction
1923/6100024 Swan Sandells George William Male Spice Flora Rose Female Midland Junction
1923/6100025 Swan Smallman John Henry William Flavel Male Hyatt Violet Lenna Female Midland Junction
1923/6100025 Swan Hyatt Violet Lenna Female Smallman John Henry William Flavel Male Midland Junction
1923/6100026 Swan Hall Arthur Alfred Sydney Male James Winifred Mary Female Bassendean
1923/6100026 Swan James Winifred Mary Female Hall Arthur Alfred Sydney Male Bassendean
1923/6100027 Swan Martin Holly May Female Matthews William Reginald Male Middle Swan
1923/6100027 Swan Matthews William Reginald Male Martin Holly May Female Middle Swan
1923/6100028 Swan Hayes Dennis Edmund Male Glynn Mary Dorothy Female Midland Junction
1923/6100028 Swan Glynn Mary Dorothy Female Hayes Dennis Edmund Male Midland Junction
1923/6100029 Swan Smith John Francis Male Nolan Irene Sarah Female Midland Junction
1923/6100029 Swan Nolan Irene Sarah Female Smith John Francis Male Midland Junction
1923/6100030 Swan Shields Muriel Mary Female O'Neil Terence Michael Joseph Male Guildford
1923/6100030 Swan O'Neil Terence Michael Joseph Male Shields Muriel Mary Female Guildford
1923/6100031 Swan Weir John Beveridge Male Moncrieff Mary Elizabeth Female Bassandean
1923/6100031 Swan Moncrieff Mary Elizabeth Female Weir John Beveridge Male Bassandean
1923/6100032 Swan Armitage Hilda Grace Female Milward Alfred Male Bellevue
1923/6100032 Swan Milward Alfred Male Armitage Hilda Grace Female Bellevue
1923/6100033 Swan Evans Eileen May Female Abernethy Keith Forbes Male Guildford
1923/6100033 Swan Abernethy Keith Forbes Male Evans Eileen May Female Guildford
1923/6100034 Swan Carter Aubrey Neville Male Spencer Mildred Female Guildford
1923/6100034 Swan Spencer Mildred Female Carter Aubrey Neville Male Guildford
1923/6100035 Swan Petroff Alexander John Male Cameron Jessie Delina Ellen Female Guildford
1923/6100035 Swan Cameron Jessie Delina Ellen Female Petroff Alexander John Male Guildford
1923/6100036 Swan Barker William Arthur Male Walke Daisy Elene Female Guildford
1923/6100036 Swan Walke Daisy Elene Female Barker William Arthur Male Guildford
1923/6100037 Swan Finlay Roland Royce Male Bailey Mary Lillian Jane Female Greenmount
1923/6100037 Swan Bailey Mary Lillian Jane Female Finlay Roland Royce Male Greenmount
1923/6100038 Swan Dempsey Norman Male Russell Florance Mabel Female Midland Junction
1923/6100038 Swan Russell Florance Mabel Female Dempsey Norman Male Midland Junction
1923/6100039 Swan Robbins William Francis Hughes Male Robertson Violet May Female Bellevue
1923/6100039 Swan Robertson Violet May Female Robbins William Francis Hughes Male Bellevue
1923/6100040 Swan Francis Mary Halliday Crawford Female Gribble Horace Hector John Male Midland Junction
1923/6100040 Swan Gribble Horace Hector John Male Francis Mary Halliday Crawford Female Midland Junction
1923/6100041 Swan Hagan Walter James Male Stemp Violet Mary Female Midland Junction
1923/6100041 Swan Stemp Violet Mary Female Hagan Walter James Male Midland Junction
1923/6100042 Swan Scott Hilary Edith May Female Lockyer Denton Pinkeston Albert Male Guildford
1923/6100042 Swan Lockyer Denton Pinkeston Albert Male Scott Hilary Edith May Female Guildford
1923/6100043 Swan Brown Emma Mercy Elfleda Female Dewar Francis Robert Auchterloney Male Lion Mill
1923/6100043 Swan Dewar Francis Robert Auchterloney Male Brown Emma Mercy Elfleda Female Lion Mill
1923/6100044 Swan Endersby John Male McDonald Flora Isabel Female Bassendean
1923/6100044 Swan McDonald Flora Isabel Female Endersby John Male Bassendean
1923/6100045 Swan Shute Thomas Percival Male Keelar Annie Honour Female Guildford
1923/6100045 Swan Keelar Annie Honour Female Shute Thomas Percival Male Guildford
1923/6100046 Swan Taysom Agnes Melrose Female Amies Charles Wenman Pilgrim Male Guildford
1923/6100046 Swan Amies Charles Wenman Pilgrim Male Taysom Agnes Melrose Female Guildford
1923/6100047 Swan Saville Mabel Annie Female Turton Forrest Raymond Male Guildford
1923/6100047 Swan Turton Forrest Raymond Male Saville Mabel Annie Female Guildford
1923/6100048 Swan Moller Mary Alice Female Mack William Alfred Male Midland Junction
1923/6100048 Swan Mack William Alfred Male Moller Mary Alice Female Midland Junction
1923/6100049 Swan Bandy David Samuel Forrest Male Moodie Helen Macfarelane Female Midland Junction
1923/6100049 Swan Moodie Helen Macfarelane Female Bandy David Samuel Forrest Male Midland Junction
1923/6100050 Swan Green Florence Alice Marigonette Female Tompkins Harry Philip Male Upper Swan
1923/6100050 Swan Tompkins Harry Philip Male Green Florence Alice Marigonette Female Upper Swan
1923/6100051 Swan Logue Margaret Constance Female Bayley John James Male M Swan
1923/6100051 Swan Bayley John James Male Logue Margaret Constance Female M Swan
1923/6100052 Swan Edmonds Edward James Male Gaunt Adeline Rose Female Guildford
1923/6100052 Swan Gaunt Adeline Rose Female Edmonds Edward James Male Guildford
1923/6100053 Swan Hayden John Thomas Male Carlson Constance Emma Female Guildford
1923/6100053 Swan Carlson Constance Emma Female Hayden John Thomas Male Guildford
1923/6100054 Swan Chivers Louisa Beatrice Female Harkins Henry Baxter Male Guildford
1923/6100054 Swan Harkins Henry Baxter Male Chivers Louisa Beatrice Female Guildford
1923/6100055 Swan Nunn Arthur James Male White Florence Emily Warren Female Midland Junction
1923/6100055 Swan White Florence Emily Warren Female Nunn Arthur James Male Midland Junction
1923/6100056 Swan Barker Benjamin William Male Fox Amy Florence Female Guildford
1923/6100056 Swan Fox Amy Florence Female Barker Benjamin William Male Guildford
1923/6100057 Swan Howard Irene Ethel Female Byrne Henry John Male Midland Junction
1923/6100057 Swan Byrne Henry John Male Howard Irene Ethel Female Midland Junction
1923/6100058 Swan Johnson Albert Edward Male Jecks Lucy Female Midland Junction
1923/6100058 Swan Jecks Lucy Female Johnson Albert Edward Male Midland Junction
1923/6100059 Swan Sill Edith Female Henney Henry Albert Male Guildford
1923/6100059 Swan Henney Henry Albert Male Sill Edith Female Guildford
1923/6100060 Swan Kellow Francis Joseph Male Bailey Iris Minnie Female Caversham
1923/6100060 Swan Bailey Iris Minnie Female Kellow Francis Joseph Male Caversham
1923/6100061 Swan Tregear William Thomas Male Thomas Lucy Dixon Smith Female Guildford
1923/6100061 Swan Thomas Lucy Dixon Smith Female Tregear William Thomas Male Guildford
1923/6100062 Swan Hansen Arthur Male Morley Roda Female Midland Junction
1923/6100062 Swan Morley Roda Female Hansen Arthur Male Midland Junction
1923/6100063 Swan Tilley George Henry Male Hackshaw Janie Female East Midland
1923/6100063 Swan Hackshaw Janie Female Tilley George Henry Male East Midland
1923/6100064 Swan Bell Violet May Female Le Bond Chester George Male Guildford
1923/6100064 Swan Le Bond Chester George Male Bell Violet May Female Guildford
1923/6100065 Swan Sutton George Male Timms Hilda May Female Midland Junction
1923/6100065 Swan Timms Hilda May Female Sutton George Male Midland Junction
1923/6100066 Swan Clark Dorothy Herbert Female Palmateer Gordon Victor Male Bickley
1923/6100066 Swan Palmateer Gordon Victor Male Clark Dorothy Herbert Female Bickley
1923/6100067 Swan Wood Charles Barrington Male Jones Doris Lilian Female Midland Junction
1923/6100067 Swan Jones Doris Lilian Female Wood Charles Barrington Male Midland Junction
1923/6100068 Swan Williams Arthur John Male Holloway Bertha Annie Female Midland Junction
1923/6100068 Swan Holloway Bertha Annie Female Williams Arthur John Male Midland Junction
1923/6100069 Swan Leggo Arthur William Male Freeman Doris Helena Female Mundaring
1923/6100069 Swan Freeman Doris Helena Female Leggo Arthur William Male Mundaring
1923/6100070 Swan Mitchell Maria Mary Female Gould William Male Midland Junction
1923/6100070 Swan Gould William Male Mitchell Maria Mary Female Midland Junction
1923/6100071 Swan Snewin Edgar Stanhope Edmund Male Spencer Mabel Hammerton Female Bassendean
1923/6100071 Swan Spencer Mabel Hammerton Female Snewin Edgar Stanhope Edmund Male Bassendean
1923/6100072 Swan Binks Mildred Cecil Female Teague William Leslie Male Guildford
1923/6100072 Swan Teague William Leslie Male Binks Mildred Cecil Female Guildford
1923/6100073 Swan Wray Doris Ileine Female Johnston William Male Swan View
1923/6100073 Swan Johnston William Male Wray Doris Ileine Female Swan View
1923/6100074 Swan Johnson Evelyn Louisa Female Taylor Ralph Walker Male Kalamunda
1923/6100074 Swan Taylor Ralph Walker Male Johnson Evelyn Louisa Female Kalamunda
1923/6100075 Swan Pringle Dorothy May Female Day Henry Male Guildford
1923/6100075 Swan Day Henry Male Pringle Dorothy May Female Guildford
1923/6100076 Swan Morrisey Pearl Josephine Ivy Female Smith Albert Stephen Male Midland Junction
1923/6100076 Swan Smith Albert Stephen Male Morrisey Pearl Josephine Ivy Female Midland Junction
1923/6100077 Swan Gordon John Andrew Male Hackett Mary Elizabeth Maria Female Guildford
1923/6100077 Swan Hackett Mary Elizabeth Maria Female Gordon John Andrew Male Guildford
1923/6100078 Swan Sharp Robert Male Dodd Elizabeth Jane Female Midland Junction
1923/6100078 Swan Dodd Elizabeth Jane Female Sharp Robert Male Midland Junction
1923/6100079 Swan Minson Roy Robert Male Best Gladys Maud Female Midland Junction
1923/6100079 Swan Douglas Roy Robert Male Best Gladys Maud Female Midland Junction
1923/6100079 Swan Best Gladys Maud Female Douglas Roy Robert Male Midland Junction
1923/6100079 Swan Best Gladys Maud Female Minson Roy Robert Male Midland Junction
1923/6100080 Swan Purser Montral James Jacob Male Gladwell Matilda Ann Female Midland Junction
1923/6100080 Swan Gladwell Matilda Ann Female Purser Montral James Jacob Male Midland Junction
1923/6100081 Swan Tanner Leonard Male Anderson Thelma May Female Caversham
1923/6100081 Swan Anderson Thelma May Female Tanner Leonard Male Caversham
1923/6100082 Swan Padbury Albany William Male Lee Steere Ethel Muriel Female Guildford
1923/6100082 Swan Lee Steere Ethel Muriel Female Padbury Albany William Male Guildford
1923/6100083 Swan Persse Leslie Gordon Male Wilson Sarah Female Guildford
1923/6100083 Swan Wilson Sarah Female Persse Leslie Gordon Male Guildford
1923/6100084 Swan Cooper Elsie Agnes Female Haigh Alexander Male Midland Junction
1923/6100084 Swan Haigh Alexander Male Cooper Elsie Agnes Female Midland Junction
1923/6100085 Swan Mullett Reginald Eustace Male Hopkins Lilian Dorothy Female Middle Swan
1923/6100085 Swan Hopkins Lilian Dorothy Female Mullett Reginald Eustace Male Middle Swan
1923/6100086 Swan Jecks Frederick Charles Martin Male Dear Winifred Annie Oldacres Female Midland Junction
1923/6100086 Swan Dear Winifred Annie Oldacres Female Jecks Frederick Charles Martin Male Midland Junction
1923/6100087 Swan Hamersley Lockier Richard Male Wilson Henrietta Roma Female Guildford
1923/6100087 Swan Wilson Henrietta Roma Female Hamersley Lockier Richard Male Guildford
1923/6500001 Victoria Plains Haddrill Elmo Andrew Armstrong Male Dewar Vivian Hildred Lucy Female Wongan Hills
1923/6500001 Victoria Plains Dewar Vivian Hildred Lucy Female Haddrill Elmo Andrew Armstrong Male Wongan Hills
1923/6500002 Victoria Plains Kerr Mary Elizabeth Female White Arthur John Male Wongan Hills
1923/6500002 Victoria Plains White Arthur John Male Kerr Mary Elizabeth Female Wongan Hills
1923/6500003 Victoria Plains Walsh Vida Veronica Female Bowen Mathew Thomas Male Wongan Hills
1923/6500003 Victoria Plains Bowen Mathew Thomas Male Walsh Vida Veronica Female Wongan Hills
1923/6500004 Victoria Plains Price James William Male Sinclair Hilda Amy Female Wongan Hills
1923/6500004 Victoria Plains Sinclair Hilda Amy Female Price James William Male Wongan Hills
1923/6500005 Victoria Plains Goodin Arthur Herbert Male Davies Laura Ethel Female Wongan Hills
1923/6500005 Victoria Plains Davies Laura Ethel Female Goodin Arthur Herbert Male Wongan Hills
1923/6500006 Victoria Plains Cross Leslie Male Dewar Adelaide Rachel Lily Female Wongan Hills
1923/6500006 Victoria Plains Dewar Adelaide Rachel Lily Female Cross Leslie Male Wongan Hills
1923/6500007 Victoria Plains Gallagher Ellen Katherine Female Hunt Frank David Male New Norcia
1923/6500007 Victoria Plains Hunt Frank David Male Gallagher Ellen Katherine Female New Norcia
1923/6500008 Victoria Plains Walley Emily Mary Female Moody Rosendo Male New Norcia
1923/6500008 Victoria Plains Moody Rosendo Male Walley Emily Mary Female New Norcia
1923/6500009 Victoria Plains Stack Eva Female Lawson Joe Male New Norcia
1923/6500009 Victoria Plains Lawson Joe Male Stack Eva Female New Norcia
1923/6500010 Victoria Plains Murphy Mary Margaret Female Hunt James Patrick Male New Norcia
1923/6500010 Victoria Plains Hunt James Patrick Male Murphy Mary Margaret Female New Norcia
1923/6500011 Victoria Plains Kiely Amelia Emily Annie Female McGarry John Bernard Male Wongan Hills
1923/6500011 Victoria Plains McGarry John Bernard Male Kiely Amelia Emily Annie Female Wongan Hills
1923/6500012 Victoria Plains Cooper Charles Male Pickett Joanna Female New Norcia
1923/6500012 Victoria Plains Pickett Joanna Female Cooper Charles Male New Norcia
1923/6500013 Victoria Plains Clarke Albert John Male Kerr Susan Mary Female Wongan Hills
1923/6500013 Victoria Plains Kerr Susan Mary Female Clarke Albert John Male Wongan Hills
1924/6600001 Wellington Bynon Alice Maud Beatrice Female Smith James Male Collie
1924/6600001 Wellington Smith James Male Bynon Alice Maud Beatrice Female Collie
1923/6600002 Wellington Harvey Eleanor Frances Female Moriarty Edward William Male Bunbury
1924/6600002 Wellington Walker Frances Female House Thomas Male Bunbury
1924/6600002 Wellington House Thomas Male Walker Frances Female Bunbury
1923/6600002 Wellington Moriarty Edward William Male Harvey Eleanor Frances Female Bunbury
1923/6600003 Wellington Sweeney Sarah Gertrude Female Smith James Male Collie
1924/6600003 Wellington Pickersgill Henry Male Green Ethel Elizabeth Female Picton
1924/6600003 Wellington Green Ethel Elizabeth Female Pickersgill Henry Male Picton
1923/6600003 Wellington Smith James Male Sweeney Sarah Gertrude Female Collie
1923/6600005 Wellington Brown George Donald Male Elliott Kathleen Violet Female Bunbury
1923/6600005 Wellington Elliott Kathleen Violet Female Brown George Donald Male Bunbury
1923/6600007 Wellington Boulden Grace Rosalind Female Mills George Arthur Male Bunbury
1923/6600007 Wellington Mills George Arthur Male Boulden Grace Rosalind Female Bunbury
1923/6600008 Wellington Le Guier Donald T Male Donovan Norah Ellen Female Bunbury
1923/6600008 Wellington Donovan Norah Ellen Female Le Guier Donald T Male Bunbury
1923/6600009 Wellington Steer Elsie May Female Kemp John James Male Collie
1923/6600009 Wellington Kemp John James Male Steer Elsie May Female Collie
1923/6600010 Wellington Campbell Hilton Maclean Male Gardiner Dorothy Ada Female Bunbury
1923/6600010 Wellington Gardiner Dorothy Ada Female Campbell Hilton Maclean Male Bunbury
1923/6600013 Wellington Slade Francis Samuel Male Birch Dora Mary Female Bunbury
1923/6600013 Wellington Birch Dora Mary Female Slade Francis Samuel Male Bunbury
1923/6600014 Wellington Longden Connie Female Blakemore James Valentine Male Collie
1923/6600014 Wellington Blakemore James Valentine Male Longden Connie Female Collie
1923/6600015 Wellington Scharf Frederick Albert Paul Male Hann Eva Rosamond Female Collie
1923/6600015 Wellington Hann Eva Rosamond Female Scharf Frederick Albert Paul Male Collie
1923/6600016 Wellington Ganfield Margaret Doreen Female Cross William Roy Male Bunbury
1923/6600016 Wellington Cross William Roy Male Ganfield Margaret Doreen Female Bunbury
1923/6600017 Wellington Rose Allen Clifton Male Hansen Mary Female Capel
1923/6600017 Wellington Hansen Mary Female Rose Allen Clifton Male Capel
1923/6600018 Wellington Crowley Cormack John Male Ashcroft Gladys Female Donnybrook
1923/6600018 Wellington Ashcroft Gladys Female Crowley Cormack John Male Donnybrook
1923/6600019 Wellington Hacket Frederick Male Hanks Margaret Female Harvey
1923/6600019 Wellington Hanks Margaret Female Hacket Frederick Male Harvey
1923/6600020 Wellington Steddy Lily Charlotte Female Fitzpatrick Thomas Male Darkan
1923/6600020 Wellington Fitzpatrick Thomas Male Steddy Lily Charlotte Female Darkan
1923/6600021 Wellington Hopkins Amberite Irene Female Purser James Hartill Male Collie
1923/6600021 Wellington Purser James Hartill Male Hopkins Amberite Irene Female Collie
1923/6600022 Wellington McKenna Josephine Anne Female McNeil Arthur George Scott Male Bunbury
1923/6600022 Wellington McNeil Arthur George Scott Male McKenna Josephine Anne Female Bunbury
1923/6600023 Wellington Read May Female Wallwork Martyn Male Bunbury
1923/6600023 Wellington Wallwork Martyn Male Read May Female Bunbury
1923/6600024 Wellington Ahern Violet Pearl Female Wood Norman Cecil Male Collie
1923/6600024 Wellington Wood Norman Cecil Male Ahern Violet Pearl Female Collie
1923/6600025 Wellington Morey Edwin John Male Larney Kathleen Female Collie
1923/6600025 Wellington Larney Kathleen Female Morey Edwin John Male Collie
1923/6600026 Wellington Miller Mary Female Hackett Stanley Paton Male Collie
1923/6600026 Wellington Hackett Stanley Paton Male Miller Mary Female Collie
1923/6600027 Wellington Devar Sarah Elizabeth Female Corti William Edward Male Allanson
1923/6600027 Wellington Corti William Edward Male Devar Sarah Elizabeth Female Allanson
1923/6600028 Wellington Chippington Margaret Eliza Female McGeachie Peter McCullock Male Collie
1923/6600028 Wellington McGeachie Peter McCullock Male Chippington Margaret Eliza Female Collie
1923/6600029 Wellington Palethorp Maud Emily Female Rice John Male Cookernup
1923/6600029 Wellington Rice John Male Palethorp Maud Emily Female Cookernup
1923/6600030 Wellington House Elsye May Female Higgins Walter Male Bunbury
1923/6600030 Wellington Higgins Walter Male House Elsye May Female Bunbury
1923/6600031 Wellington Vince Ellen Stewart Female Suckling Arthur Herbert Male Collie
1923/6600031 Wellington Suckling Arthur Herbert Male Vince Ellen Stewart Female Collie
1923/6600032 Wellington Digwood Harry Ivor Male Jordan Clarice Winnifred Female Collie
1923/6600032 Wellington Jordan Clarice Winnifred Female Digwood Harry Ivor Male Collie
1923/6600033 Wellington Holmes Maud Female Harris Thomas Arthur Male Bunbury
1923/6600033 Wellington Harris Thomas Arthur Male Holmes Maud Female Bunbury
1923/6600034 Wellington Buckley Joan Female Pember Allen Male Collie
1923/6600034 Wellington Pember Allen Male Buckley Joan Female Collie
1923/6600035 Wellington McNab Janet Female Trigwell Jesse Alfred Male Donnybrook
1923/6600035 Wellington Trigwell Jesse Alfred Male McNab Janet Female Donnybrook
1923/6600036 Wellington Sanford Muriel Jessie Marie Female Mitchell Roy Francis Male Donnybrook
1923/6600036 Wellington Mitchell Roy Francis Male Sanford Muriel Jessie Marie Female Donnybrook
1923/6600037 Wellington White Michael John Male Burrington Mary Pearl Female Bunbury
1923/6600037 Wellington Burrington Mary Pearl Female White Michael John Male Bunbury
1923/6600038 Wellington Buswell Philomena Mary Female Monaghan Cyril John Male Bunbury
1923/6600038 Wellington Monaghan Cyril John Male Buswell Philomena Mary Female Bunbury
1923/6600039 Wellington Jones Owen Male Adcock Thelma Emma Female South Bunbury
1923/6600039 Wellington Adcock Thelma Emma Female Jones Owen Male South Bunbury
1923/6600040 Wellington Piggott Ernest William Male Atherden Margaret Emily Female Brunswick Junction
1923/6600040 Wellington Atherden Margaret Emily Female Piggott Ernest William Male Brunswick Junction
1923/6600041 Wellington Blaxill John Henry Male Gibson Vera Female South Bunbury
1923/6600041 Wellington Gibson Vera Female Blaxill John Henry Male South Bunbury
1923/6600042 Wellington Dickson Amy Louisa Female Chidgzey Vernon Clare Male Bunbury
1923/6600042 Wellington Chidgzey Vernon Clare Male Dickson Amy Louisa Female Bunbury
1923/6600043 Wellington Monger Edmund George Male Bell Eileen Female Brunswick Junction
1923/6600043 Wellington Bell Eileen Female Monger Edmund George Male Brunswick Junction
1923/6600044 Wellington Donovan Owen Male Harrison Gladys Mary Female Bunbury
1923/6600044 Wellington Harrison Gladys Mary Female Donovan Owen Male Bunbury
1923/6600045 Wellington Boyd Edith Dagmar Female Wailes Ernest Frank Male Bunbury
1923/6600045 Wellington Wailes Ernest Frank Male Boyd Edith Dagmar Female Bunbury
1923/6600046 Wellington Newcombe Leah Female Atherton James Leo Male Donnybrook
1923/6600046 Wellington Atherton James Leo Male Newcombe Leah Female Donnybrook
1923/6600047 Wellington Paxman Alfred Douglas Male Smith Hilda May Female Bunbury
1923/6600047 Wellington Smith Hilda May Female Paxman Alfred Douglas Male Bunbury
1923/6600048 Wellington Miller Margaret Female Evans Edward Alfred Male Collie
1923/6600048 Wellington Evans Edward Alfred Male Miller Margaret Female Collie
1923/6600049 Wellington Sullivan Thomas Patrick Male Curran Bernice Bessie Nell Female Bunbury
1923/6600049 Wellington Curran Bernice Bessie Nell Female Sullivan Thomas Patrick Male Bunbury
1923/6600050 Wellington Palmer Henry Geoffrey Male Gibney Iris Yara Female Harvey
1923/6600050 Wellington Gibney Iris Yara Female Palmer Henry Geoffrey Male Harvey
1923/6600051 Wellington Marriner Walter Henry Male Knable Constance Louise Female Bunbury
1923/6600051 Wellington Knable Constance Louise Female Marriner Walter Henry Male Bunbury
1923/6600052 Wellington Back Alice Maude Female Robertson Andrew Stewart Male Boyanup
1923/6600052 Wellington Robertson Andrew Stewart Male Back Alice Maude Female Boyanup
1923/6600053 Wellington Fennell Margaret Ellen Female House Herbert George Male Bunbury
1923/6600053 Wellington House Herbert George Male Fennell Margaret Ellen Female Bunbury
1923/6600054 Wellington Goodings Gladys Irene Victoria Female Wood George Thomas Male Collie
1923/6600054 Wellington Wood George Thomas Male Goodings Gladys Irene Victoria Female Collie
1923/6600055 Wellington Scott Charles Leonard Male Jackson Nerine Myrtle Female Collie
1923/6600055 Wellington Jackson Nerine Myrtle Female Scott Charles Leonard Male Collie
1923/6600056 Wellington Moffet John William Male Fletcher Elizabeth Female Bunbury
1923/6600056 Wellington Fletcher Elizabeth Female Moffet John William Male Bunbury
1923/6600057 Wellington Nisbett Margaret Mary Russel Female Jane Jack Allan Male Bunbury
1923/6600057 Wellington Jane Jack Allan Male Nisbett Margaret Mary Russel Female Bunbury
1923/6600058 Wellington Turner Herbert Harold Male Colahan Mary Josephine Female Capel
1923/6600058 Wellington Colahan Mary Josephine Female Turner Herbert Harold Male Capel
1923/6600059 Wellington Trigwell Gwenevera Female Jarvis Bertram Charles Male Donnybrook
1923/6600059 Wellington Jarvis Bertram Charles Male Trigwell Gwenevera Female Donnybrook
1923/6600060 Wellington Harland Dorothy Jane Elizabeth Female Ford Alfred Percy Male Bunbury
1923/6600060 Wellington Ford Alfred Percy Male Harland Dorothy Jane Elizabeth Female Bunbury
1923/6600061 Wellington Sorensen Rose Female Brown John James Male Bunbury
1923/6600061 Wellington Brown John James Male Sorensen Rose Female Bunbury
1923/6600062 Wellington Hayes James Male Hansen Margaret Lorraine Female Bunbury
1923/6600062 Wellington Hansen Margaret Lorraine Female Hayes James Male Bunbury
1923/6600063 Wellington Martin John Mungo Male Kelly Selina Dora Muriel Female Brunswick Junction
1923/6600063 Wellington Kelly Selina Dora Muriel Female Martin John Mungo Male Brunswick Junction
1923/6600064 Wellington Noonan Edward Thomas Male Brown May Florence Female Bunbury
1923/6600064 Wellington Brown May Florence Female Noonan Edward Thomas Male Bunbury
1923/6600065 Wellington Mitchell Gladys Isa Bickley Female Port Cecil Percy Male Donnybrook
1923/6600065 Wellington Port Cecil Percy Male Mitchell Gladys Isa Bickley Female Donnybrook
1923/6600066 Wellington Barr David Francis Male Haase Laura Female Bunbury
1923/6600066 Wellington Haase Laura Female Barr David Francis Male Bunbury
1923/6600067 Wellington Urquhart George Male Brittain Minna Female Bunbury
1923/6600067 Wellington Brittain Minna Female Urquhart George Male Bunbury
1923/6600068 Wellington Gregson William Male Blackburn Ethel May Female Bunbury
1923/6600068 Wellington Blackburn Ethel May Female Gregson William Male Bunbury
1923/6600069 Wellington Ramsay Roy Livingstone Male Pilmer Rosa Esmé Female Bunbury
1923/6600069 Wellington Pilmer Rosa Esmé Female Ramsay Roy Livingstone Male Bunbury
1923/6600070 Wellington Nicholson Isa Ruth Female Summers Ernest John Male Bunbury
1923/6600070 Wellington Summers Ernest John Male Nicholson Isa Ruth Female Bunbury
1923/6600071 Wellington Kendrick Roy John Male Griffin Hazel Greta Female Bunbury
1923/6600071 Wellington Griffin Hazel Greta Female Kendrick Roy John Male Bunbury
1923/6600072 Wellington Longden Beatrice Female Jones Herbert Henry Male Collie
1923/6600072 Wellington Jones Herbert Henry Male Longden Beatrice Female Collie
1923/6600073 Wellington Hicks Edna Female Loxton Oliver Robert Male Ewington
1923/6600073 Wellington Loxton Oliver Robert Male Hicks Edna Female Ewington
1923/6600074 Wellington Jackson Florence Female Newham Sydney Male Donnybrook
1923/6600074 Wellington Newham Sydney Male Jackson Florence Female Donnybrook
1923/6600075 Wellington Connole Lucy Constance Female Crocker James Arnold Male Collie
1923/6600075 Wellington Crocker James Arnold Male Connole Lucy Constance Female Collie
1923/6600076 Wellington McVee Mary Female Leedam James Ernest Male Collie
1923/6600076 Wellington Leedam James Ernest Male McVee Mary Female Collie
1923/6600077 Wellington Stoker Jennie Female McEwan William Henry Brock Male Bunbury
1923/6600077 Wellington McEwan William Henry Brock Male Stoker Jennie Female Bunbury
1923/6600078 Wellington Wooders Herbert Stanley Male Harris Annie Elizabeth Margaret Female Harvey
1923/6600078 Wellington Harris Annie Elizabeth Margaret Female Wooders Herbert Stanley Male Harvey
1923/6600079 Wellington Lane Richard Henry Male Forth Elizabeth Female Collie
1923/6600079 Wellington Forth Elizabeth Female Lane Richard Henry Male Collie
1923/6600080 Wellington Isaacs Mona Female Farrell Patrick Male Roelands
1923/6600080 Wellington Farrell Patrick Male Isaacs Mona Female Roelands
1923/6600081 Wellington Clifton Laura Amy Female Wilson Herbert Male Brunswick Junction
1923/6600081 Wellington Wilson Herbert Male Clifton Laura Amy Female Brunswick Junction
1923/6600082 Wellington Mosedale Freda Patience Female Fowler Leonard Hubert Male Donnybrook
1923/6600082 Wellington Fowler Leonard Hubert Male Mosedale Freda Patience Female Donnybrook
1923/6600083 Wellington Sherlock Irene May Female Gibson Keith Edwin Male Bunbury
1923/6600083 Wellington Gibson Keith Edwin Male Sherlock Irene May Female Bunbury
1923/6600084 Wellington Sloan William George Male Buchanan Blanche Catharine Female Bunbury
1923/6600084 Wellington Buchanan Blanche Catharine Female Sloan William George Male Bunbury
1923/6600085 Wellington Strange Percy Arthur Male Tyrrell Caroline Emma Female Brunswick Junction
1923/6600085 Wellington Tyrrell Caroline Emma Female Strange Percy Arthur Male Brunswick Junction
1923/6600086 Wellington Noonan Albert Francis Male Gillard Emily Female Yarloop
1923/6600086 Wellington Gillard Emily Female Noonan Albert Francis Male Yarloop
1923/6600087 Wellington Moore Gladys Hannett Female Maidment Fernley Reith Male Bunbury
1923/6600087 Wellington Maidment Fernley Reith Male Moore Gladys Hannett Female Bunbury
1923/6600088 Wellington Cowcher John Spurling Male Fleay Fanny Eliza Edith Ivy Female Collie
1923/6600088 Wellington Fleay Fanny Eliza Edith Ivy Female Cowcher John Spurling Male Collie
1923/6600089 Wellington Fell Dorothy Female Hards Julius Rokeby Male Collie
1923/6600089 Wellington Hards Julius Rokeby Male Fell Dorothy Female Collie
1923/6600090 Wellington Armstrong Eileen Elsie Female Ferguson Donald Maxwell Male Greenbushes
1923/6600090 Wellington Ferguson Donald Maxwell Male Armstrong Eileen Elsie Female Greenbushes
1923/6600091 Wellington Ireland John David William Male Barlow Hilda Victoria Female Collie
1923/6600091 Wellington Barlow Hilda Victoria Female Ireland John David William Male Collie
1923/6600092 Wellington Gibson Alexander Male Hartup Irene Louisa Female Collie
1923/6600092 Wellington Hartup Irene Louisa Female Gibson Alexander Male Collie
1923/6600093 Wellington Mill Elsie Jane Female Worthington William Richard Male Bunbury
1923/6600093 Wellington Worthington William Richard Male Mill Elsie Jane Female Bunbury
1923/6600094 Wellington Hegarty Margaret Mary Female Walters Jack Male Rathmines
1923/6600094 Wellington Walters Jack Male Hegarty Margaret Mary Female Rathmines
1923/6600095 Wellington Cox Clarence Victor Male Woods Ursula Jane Female Picton
1923/6600095 Wellington Woods Ursula Jane Female Cox Clarence Victor Male Picton
1923/6600096 Wellington Franz Lalla Dorothy Female Smith Lionel Allison Male Bunbury
1923/6600096 Wellington Smith Lionel Allison Male Franz Lalla Dorothy Female Bunbury
1923/6600097 Wellington Davis Thomas Charlwood Male Scott Marjorie Linda Female Kirup
1923/6600097 Wellington Scott Marjorie Linda Female Davis Thomas Charlwood Male Kirup
1923/6600098 Wellington Cherrington William George Male Carnell Mabel Female Donnybrook
1923/6600098 Wellington Carnell Mabel Female Cherrington William George Male Donnybrook
1923/6600099 Wellington Anderson Richard Lowry Male Tipping Beryl Gwendolen Female Bunbury
1923/6600099 Wellington Tipping Beryl Gwendolen Female Anderson Richard Lowry Male Bunbury
1923/6600100 Wellington Nisbett Frederick Thomas Male Gillies Lizzie Female Collie
1923/6600100 Wellington Gillies Lizzie Female Nisbett Frederick Thomas Male Collie
1923/6600101 Wellington Carter Robert Henry Male Hastie Eileen Elizabeth Female Bunbury
1923/6600101 Wellington Hastie Eileen Elizabeth Female Carter Robert Henry Male Bunbury
1923/6600102 Wellington Dilley Esther Mary Female Dilley Wilfred Frank Male Capel
1923/6600102 Wellington Dilley Wilfred Frank Male Dilley Esther Mary Female Capel
1923/6600103 Wellington Dyson Herbert George Male King Doris Mary Female Bunbury
1923/6600103 Wellington King Doris Mary Female Dyson Herbert George Male Bunbury
1923/6600104 Wellington Oxley Effie Female Bourke Francis Patrick Joseph Male Collie
1923/6600104 Wellington Bourke Francis Patrick Joseph Male Oxley Effie Female Collie
1923/6600105 Wellington Moretti Domenic Male Ruggeri Catherine Female Collie
1923/6600105 Wellington Ruggeri Catherine Female Moretti Domenic Male Collie
1923/6600106 Wellington Brennan Leonard James Male Pedley Lilian Lousia Female Collie
1923/6600106 Wellington Pedley Lilian Lousia Female Brennan Leonard James Male Collie
1923/6600107 Wellington Gibson Gladys Amelia Female Rodwell Clarence Hunter Male South Bunbury
1923/6600107 Wellington Rodwell Clarence Hunter Male Gibson Gladys Amelia Female South Bunbury
1923/6600108 Wellington Johnson Marjorie Elise Female George Arthur Henry Male Harvey
1923/6600108 Wellington George Arthur Henry Male Johnson Marjorie Elise Female Harvey
1923/6600109 Wellington Harcourt Martyn Walter Male Absolon Gladys Female Brunswick Junction
1923/6600109 Wellington Absolon Gladys Female Harcourt Martyn Walter Male Brunswick Junction
1923/6600110 Wellington Fee Helena Mary Female Trigwell Ernest Allan Male Dardanup
1923/6600110 Wellington Trigwell Ernest Allan Male Fee Helena Mary Female Dardanup
1923/6600111 Wellington True Gwyn Arthur Male Duff Annie Female Collie
1923/6600111 Wellington Duff Annie Female True Gwyn Arthur Male Collie
1923/6600112 Wellington Kitschke Arthur Roy Male Woods Veronica Julia Female Bunbury
1923/6600112 Wellington Woods Veronica Julia Female Kitschke Arthur Roy Male Bunbury
1923/6600113 Wellington Reid David Robert Alexander Male King Paulina Dorothy Female Bunbury
1923/6600113 Wellington King Paulina Dorothy Female Reid David Robert Alexander Male Bunbury
1923/6700001 Williams Schwenk Marie Catherine Female Barker Leolin Addison Male Narrogin
1924/6700001 Williams Merson Amy Terry Female Jeffers John Joseph Male Narrogin
1924/6700001 Williams Jeffers John Joseph Male Merson Amy Terry Female Narrogin
1923/6700001 Williams Barker Leolin Addison Male Schwenk Marie Catherine Female Narrogin
1924/6700002 Williams Sheills Francis Theodore Male White Myrtle Sylvia Female Narrogin
1924/6700002 Williams White Myrtle Sylvia Female Sheills Francis Theodore Male Narrogin
1923/6700002 Williams Keast Clarinda Mary Female Horley Bertram Alexander Male West Popanyinning
1923/6700002 Williams Horley Bertram Alexander Male Keast Clarinda Mary Female West Popanyinning
1923/6700003 Williams Canalli Elizabeth Female Reeves Albert Edwin Male Narrogin
1923/6700003 Williams Reeves Albert Edwin Male Canalli Elizabeth Female Narrogin
1923/6700004 Williams Morse Thomas Boys Male Stewart Rebecca Female Narrogin
1923/6700004 Williams Stewart Rebecca Female Morse Thomas Boys Male Narrogin
1923/6700005 Williams Mackie George Swayne McQueen Male Chadwick Elsie Dora Female Narrogin
1923/6700005 Williams Chadwick Elsie Dora Female Mackie George Swayne McQueen Male Narrogin
1923/6700006 Williams Hardingham Constance Elizabeth Female Flynn Erris James Male Wickepin
1923/6700006 Williams Flynn Erris James Male Hardingham Constance Elizabeth Female Wickepin
1923/6700008 Williams Hayes Ida Comfort Female White Victor William Male Narrogin
1923/6700008 Williams White Victor William Male Hayes Ida Comfort Female Narrogin
1923/6700009 Williams Andrews Dorothea Maud Cudmore Female Mettam Charles Alfred Male Narrogin
1923/6700009 Williams Mettam Charles Alfred Male Andrews Dorothea Maud Cudmore Female Narrogin
1923/6700010 Williams Spragg Walter Robert Male Walton Flora May Female Popanyinning
1923/6700010 Williams Walton Flora May Female Spragg Walter Robert Male Popanyinning
1923/6700011 Williams Warren Dorothy Female Clarke Edward Beech Male Williams
1923/6700011 Williams Clarke Edward Beech Male Warren Dorothy Female Williams
1923/6700012 Williams Blake Percy James Male McKenzie Ruby Etta Female Harrismith
1923/6700012 Williams McKenzie Ruby Etta Female Blake Percy James Male Harrismith
1923/6700013 Williams Ebsary Hurtle Gordon Male Fisher Hazel May Female Wickepin
1923/6700013 Williams Fisher Hazel May Female Ebsary Hurtle Gordon Male Wickepin
1923/6700014 Williams Palmer Blanche Isabel Female Ayre William Webster Male Narrogin
1923/6700014 Williams Ayre William Webster Male Palmer Blanche Isabel Female Narrogin
1923/6700015 Williams Morris Beryl Maida Female Morrison David Milne Male Wickepin
1923/6700015 Williams Morrison David Milne Male Morris Beryl Maida Female Wickepin
1923/6700016 Williams West Richard Male Ovens Ada Elizabeth Female Narrogin
1923/6700016 Williams Ovens Ada Elizabeth Female West Richard Male Narrogin
1923/6700017 Williams Anderson Mercy Celena Female Dawes Frederick John Male Wickepin
1923/6700017 Williams Dawes Frederick John Male Anderson Mercy Celena Female Wickepin
1923/6700018 Williams Baker Annette Mary Frances Female O'Neill William Joseph Male Narrogin
1923/6700018 Williams O'Neill William Joseph Male Baker Annette Mary Frances Female Narrogin
1923/6700019 Williams Townsend Emily Violet Female Rouse John Male Wickepin
1923/6700019 Williams Rouse John Male Townsend Emily Violet Female Wickepin
1923/6700020 Williams Ryan Cyril James Male Warner Mary Louise Female Narrogin
1923/6700020 Williams Warner Mary Louise Female Ryan Cyril James Male Narrogin
1923/6700021 Williams Cuthbert Rita Grace Female Curry William Norman Male Lake Grace
1923/6700021 Williams Curry William Norman Male Cuthbert Rita Grace Female Lake Grace
1923/6700022 Williams Blackman Leonard Douglas Male Harris Gwendowlyn Mabel Female Dudinin
1923/6700022 Williams Harris Gwendowlyn Mabel Female Blackman Leonard Douglas Male Dudinin
1923/6700023 Williams Ashby Herbert Male Lakeland Ethel Female Narrogin
1923/6700023 Williams Lakeland Ethel Female Ashby Herbert Male Narrogin
1923/6700024 Williams Moore Gladys Heathcote Female Down Roy George Male Narrogin
1923/6700024 Williams Down Roy George Male Moore Gladys Heathcote Female Narrogin
1923/6700025 Williams Sloggett Edmond Charles Male Forsyth Dorothy Dreyer Female Narrogin
1923/6700025 Williams Forsyth Dorothy Dreyer Female Sloggett Edmond Charles Male Narrogin
1923/6700026 Williams Kelly Gladys Mary Female Parker Lawrence Male Narrogin
1923/6700026 Williams Parker Lawrence Male Kelly Gladys Mary Female Narrogin
1923/6700027 Williams Schmidt Karl Male Henderson Winifred Grace Female Narrogin
1923/6700027 Williams Henderson Winifred Grace Female Schmidt Karl Male Narrogin
1923/6700028 Williams Barron Kathleen Florence Female Ewing Fred Augustas Male Narrogin
1923/6700028 Williams Ewing Fred Augustas Male Barron Kathleen Florence Female Narrogin
1923/6700029 Williams Harris Kenneth Eli Edward Male Peters Daisy Vera Female Narrogin
1923/6700029 Williams Peters Daisy Vera Female Harris Kenneth Eli Edward Male Narrogin
1923/6700030 Williams Giles Herbert John Male Dew Linda Violet Mary Female East Popanyinning
1923/6700030 Williams Dew Linda Violet Mary Female Giles Herbert John Male East Popanyinning
1923/6700031 Williams Lowe Muriel Evelyn Female Harris Arnold Francis Male East Popanyinning
1923/6700031 Williams Harris Arnold Francis Male Lowe Muriel Evelyn Female East Popanyinning
1923/6700032 Williams Philpott Norma Catherine Female Haydock Ronald Male Narrogin
1923/6700032 Williams Haydock Ronald Male Philpott Norma Catherine Female Narrogin
1923/6700033 Williams Whitford Lewis Edmund Male Loxton Mary Joy Female Wickepin
1923/6700033 Williams Loxton Mary Joy Female Whitford Lewis Edmund Male Wickepin
1923/6700034 Williams Steddy Ruth May Female Walker George Patrick Male Narrogin
1923/6700034 Williams Walker George Patrick Male Steddy Ruth May Female Narrogin
1923/6700035 Williams Smith James McGregor Male Inglis Mary Glover Female Narrogin
1923/6700035 Williams Inglis Mary Glover Female Smith James McGregor Male Narrogin
1923/6700036 Williams Martens Selina Kiely Female Stephenson Herbert Sibley Male Narrogin
1923/6700036 Williams Stephenson Herbert Sibley Male Martens Selina Kiely Female Narrogin
1923/6700037 Williams Millen Agnes Female Bignell Walter Herbert Male Narrogin
1923/6700037 Williams Bignell Walter Herbert Male Millen Agnes Female Narrogin
1923/6700038 Williams Dowsett Charlotte Mary Female Pollard Horace Oliver Male Narrogin
1923/6700038 Williams Pollard Horace Oliver Male Dowsett Charlotte Mary Female Narrogin
1923/6700039 Williams Walters Arthur William Male Finlayson Mary Female Narrogin
1923/6700039 Williams Finlayson Mary Female Walters Arthur William Male Narrogin
1923/6700040 Williams Stewart George Male McKenzie Dorothy May Female Harrismith
1923/6700040 Williams McKenzie Dorothy May Female Stewart George Male Harrismith
1923/6700041 Williams Whitwan Louisa Female Andrews William Francis Purcil Male Narrogin
1923/6700041 Williams Andrews William Francis Purcil Male Whitwan Louisa Female Narrogin
1923/6700042 Williams Cornell Lance William Male Beynon Ivy Roberta Female Yilliminning
1923/6700042 Williams Beynon Ivy Roberta Female Cornell Lance William Male Yilliminning
1923/6700043 Williams Willis May Female Rosenius James Male Narrogin
1923/6700043 Williams Rosenius James Male Willis May Female Narrogin
1923/6700044 Williams Evans Henry Robert Male Nelson Elsie Female Narrogin
1923/6700044 Williams Nelson Elsie Female Evans Henry Robert Male Narrogin
1923/6700045 Williams Kerr Barbara Gold Female James Crescens Edward Male Narrogin
1923/6700045 Williams James Crescens Edward Male Kerr Barbara Gold Female Narrogin
1923/6700046 Williams Holmes Alice Kathleen Female Hancock James Gregory Male Williams
1923/6700046 Williams Hancock James Gregory Male Holmes Alice Kathleen Female Williams
1923/6700047 Williams Abrahams Florence May Female Robinson Cecil Reginald Male Collindale near Williams
1923/6700047 Williams Robinson Cecil Reginald Male Abrahams Florence May Female Collindale near Williams
1923/6700048 Williams James John Edward Weston Male Iles Roberta Edith Female Narrogin
1923/6700048 Williams Iles Roberta Edith Female James John Edward Weston Male Narrogin
1923/6700049 Williams Smith Phyllis Mary Female Townsend Robert Male Narrogin
1923/6700049 Williams Townsend Robert Male Smith Phyllis Mary Female Narrogin
1923/6700050 Williams Gregson James Male Fitt Marjory Ellen Female Narrogin
1923/6700050 Williams Fitt Marjory Ellen Female Gregson James Male Narrogin
1923/6700051 Williams Grainger Ivy Mary Female Male Alfred Edward Male Narrogin
1923/6700051 Williams Male Alfred Edward Male Grainger Ivy Mary Female Narrogin
1923/6700052 Williams Bennett Ellen Grace Female Pitchers Oliver Victor Male Narrogin
1923/6700052 Williams Pitchers Oliver Victor Male Bennett Ellen Grace Female Narrogin
1923/7000001 Yilgarn Sampson Clara Female Lewis William George Male Southern Cross
1923/7000001 Yilgarn Lewis William George Male Sampson Clara Female Southern Cross
1923/7000002 Yilgarn Mackay Clarence Henry Male Abel Anna Wilhelmine Female Westonia
1923/7000002 Yilgarn Abel Anna Wilhelmine Female Mackay Clarence Henry Male Westonia
1923/7000003 Yilgarn Smirk Ruby Female Jones Llewellyn Male Bullfinch
1923/7000003 Yilgarn Jones Llewellyn Male Smirk Ruby Female Bullfinch
1923/7100005 York Brennan Joseph Daniel Male Martin Eva Female York
1923/7100005 York Martin Eva Female Brennan Joseph Daniel Male York
1923/7100006 York Flynn Eleanor Holt Female Bairstow Percy Wilfred Male York
1923/7100006 York Bairstow Percy Wilfred Male Flynn Eleanor Holt Female York
1923/7100007 York MacLachlan Roy Campbell Male Duperouzel Julia Maud Female York
1923/7100007 York Duperouzel Julia Maud Female MacLachlan Roy Campbell Male York
1923/7100008 York Ryan John Francis Male Vadala Norma Olive May Female York
1923/7100008 York Vadala Norma Olive May Female Ryan John Francis Male York
1923/7100009 York Boyle Alma Rosina Female Gault Percy Male Greenhills
1923/7100009 York Gault Percy Male Boyle Alma Rosina Female Greenhills
1923/7100010 York Mills Frederick Hawkins Male Pettit Edith Female Greenhills
1923/7100010 York Pettit Edith Female Mills Frederick Hawkins Male Greenhills
1923/7100011 York Slater Jane Longhurst Female Bird William James Male York
1923/7100011 York Bird William James Male Slater Jane Longhurst Female York
1923/7100012 York Teague James Male Bell Gladys Wallace Lydia Female York
1923/7100012 York Bell Gladys Wallace Lydia Female Teague James Male York
1923/7100013 York Warren Ellen Female Munckton Ernest Male York
1923/7100013 York Munckton Ernest Male Warren Ellen Female York
1923/7100014 York Marwick Edith Mary Female Stone Arthur Edwin Male York
1923/7100014 York Stone Arthur Edwin Male Marwick Edith Mary Female York
1923/7100015 York Harvey Jean Lillias Mary Female Phillips Hubert Roy Male York
1923/7100015 York Phillips Hubert Roy Male Harvey Jean Lillias Mary Female York
1923/7100016 York Screaigh Stanley Edward Male Patrick Edith Elizabeth Female York
1923/7100016 York Patrick Edith Elizabeth Female Screaigh Stanley Edward Male York