A tool to help track the citations of the Western Australian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages from Wikidata and WikiTree.

Marriages in: 1922

Registration year & number Registration district Surname Given names Gender Spouse surname Spouse given names Spouse gender Marriage place Wikidata WikiTree
1923/100001 Perth Bruce Elsie Marcia Female Gray Charles McFarlane Male Claremont
1923/100001 Perth Gray Charles McFarlane Male Bruce Elsie Marcia Female Claremont
1923/100002 Perth Harper Edward Male Smith Helena Sarah Female Claremont
1923/100002 Perth Smith Helena Sarah Female Harper Edward Male Claremont
1923/100003 Perth Sivyer Lillian Ina Female Betts John Andrew Male Perth
1923/100003 Perth Betts John Andrew Male Sivyer Lillian Ina Female Perth
1923/100004 Perth Maynard Darcy Vernon Male Storey Mary Magdalene Female Perth
1923/100004 Perth Storey Mary Magdalene Female Maynard Darcy Vernon Male Perth
1923/100005 Perth Wakeford Florence Sapphira Female Hay James Male Perth
1923/100005 Perth Hay James Male Wakeford Florence Sapphira Female Perth
1923/100006 Perth Munday Lionel Basil Male Websdale Bernice Female Bayswater
1923/100006 Perth Websdale Bernice Female Munday Lionel Basil Male Bayswater
1923/100007 Perth Gregory Annie May Female Tonkin Felix Henry Male Maylands
1923/100007 Perth Tonkin Felix Henry Male Gregory Annie May Female Maylands
1923/100008 Perth Marinko Kathleen Veronica Female Katrick Thomas Augustine Male Leederville
1923/100008 Perth Katrick Thomas Augustine Male Marinko Kathleen Veronica Female Leederville
1922/100012 Perth Rennie Laura Taylor Female Culley Harry Male Perth
1923/100012 Perth Bertram John Robert Male Liddelow Mildred May Female East Perth
1922/100012 Perth Culley Harry Male Rennie Laura Taylor Female Perth
1923/100012 Perth Liddelow Mildred May Female Bertram John Robert Male East Perth
1923/100014 Perth Ellard Austin Stockton Male Hollingsworth Agnes Mary Female Maylands
1923/100014 Perth Hollingsworth Agnes Mary Female Ellard Austin Stockton Male Maylands
1923/100018 Perth Pickering Elva Mary Female Pyke Eric Francis Villiers Male Perth
1923/100018 Perth Pyke Eric Francis Villiers Male Pickering Elva Mary Female Perth
1923/100019 Perth Michael David Gordon Male Painton Doris Ella Female Perth
1923/100019 Perth Painton Doris Ella Female Michael David Gordon Male Perth
1922/100020 Perth Shellabear Ruby Irene Female King Ivan Fenton Male Claremont
1923/100020 Perth Holmes Rita Eileen Female Parish Edwin Male Claremont
1922/100020 Perth King Ivan Fenton Male Shellabear Ruby Irene Female Claremont
1923/100020 Perth Parish Edwin Male Holmes Rita Eileen Female Claremont
1922/100021 Perth Kessell Doreen Thelma Female Gardiner Claude Bradley Male Perth
1922/100021 Perth Gardiner Claude Bradley Male Kessell Doreen Thelma Female Perth
1923/100023 Perth Nairn Godfrey Forrest Male Gladden Annie Mellor Female Subiaco
1922/100023 Perth Kemp Harry Francis Male Coleman Noel Minnie Female Perth
1922/100023 Perth Coleman Noel Minnie Female Kemp Harry Francis Male Perth
1923/100023 Perth Gladden Annie Mellor Female Nairn Godfrey Forrest Male Subiaco
1923/100024 Perth Hetherington William Selby Male Burns Muriel Olive Female Subiaco
1923/100024 Perth Burns Muriel Olive Female Hetherington William Selby Male Subiaco
1923/100026 Perth Bryce Felix Arthur James Male Mauritz Hazel Female North Perth
1923/100026 Perth Mauritz Hazel Female Bryce Felix Arthur James Male North Perth
1923/100028 Perth Golding Evelyn May Female Povey Frederick Percy Male Leederville
1922/100028 Perth Dunn Edith Hadern Female Hicks James Male Perth
1923/100028 Perth Povey Frederick Percy Male Golding Evelyn May Female Leederville
1922/100028 Perth Hicks James Male Dunn Edith Hadern Female Perth
1922/100029 Perth Sloan Jane Female Larke Reginald Male Perth
1922/100029 Perth Larke Reginald Male Sloan Jane Female Perth
1923/100029 Perth Gibson Irene Elizabeth Female Goold Frederick Male Perth
1923/100029 Perth Goold Frederick Male Gibson Irene Elizabeth Female Perth
1922/100030 Perth Stubbs Hazel Irene Female Small Alexander Sym Male Perth
1922/100030 Perth Small Alexander Sym Male Stubbs Hazel Irene Female Perth
1922/100031 Perth James Edward Stanley Male Fallowfield Amy Minnie Doris Female Perth
1922/100031 Perth Fallowfield Amy Minnie Doris Female James Edward Stanley Male Perth
1922/100033 Perth Bertolini Augusta Male Gilson Emma Female Perth
1922/100033 Perth Gilson Emma Female Bertolini Augusta Male Perth
1922/100034 Perth Thompson Robert John Foster Male Kennedy Emmeline Female Perth
1922/100034 Perth Kennedy Emmeline Female Thompson Robert John Foster Male Perth
1922/100035 Perth Wright Daisy Mildred Female Farrell James Alexander Male Perth
1922/100035 Perth Farrell James Alexander Male Wright Daisy Mildred Female Perth
1922/100036 Perth Corrigal Alexander Male McRostie Daisy Janet Female Perth
1922/100036 Perth McRostie Daisy Janet Female Corrigal Alexander Male Perth
1922/100038 Perth Tilby Edmund Henry William Male Egan Lily Victoria Female Perth
1922/100038 Perth Egan Lily Victoria Female Tilby Edmund Henry William Male Perth
1922/100039 Perth Brooks John Male Denwood Emily Female Perth
1922/100039 Perth Denwood Emily Female Brooks John Male Perth
1923/100042 Perth Gunn Joseph Henry Male French Alice Maud Female West Perth
1922/100042 Perth Major Phillip George Male Fields Alma Kathleen Female Perth
1923/100042 Perth French Alice Maud Female Gunn Joseph Henry Male West Perth
1922/100042 Perth Fields Alma Kathleen Female Major Phillip George Male Perth
1923/100043 Perth Quigley Elizabeth Teresa Female Warren Roy Victor Male West Perth
1923/100043 Perth Warren Roy Victor Male Quigley Elizabeth Teresa Female West Perth
1923/100044 Perth Carwardine Alice Emily Female Reilly Leo Joseph Male West Perth
1923/100044 Perth Reilly Leo Joseph Male Carwardine Alice Emily Female West Perth
1923/100046 Perth Imms Albert James Male Hahn Dorothea Rachel Female North Perth
1923/100046 Perth Hahn Dorothea Rachel Female Imms Albert James Male North Perth
1922/100046 Perth Atkinson Edward Reeder Male Jenkins Katherine Elizabeth Myrle Female Perth
1922/100046 Perth Jenkins Katherine Elizabeth Myrle Female Atkinson Edward Reeder Male Perth
1922/100047 Perth Cloutt John Beversham Male Fincham Lucy Female Perth
1922/100047 Perth Fincham Lucy Female Cloutt John Beversham Male Perth
1922/100048 Perth Priest Lancelott William Male Thomas Mary Evelyn Female Claremont
1923/100048 Perth Miller Ruby Female Tatam Leslie Robert Male Subiaco
1922/100048 Perth Thomas Mary Evelyn Female Priest Lancelott William Male Claremont
1923/100048 Perth Tatam Leslie Robert Male Miller Ruby Female Subiaco
1922/100049 Perth White Michael Male Stephen Jane Female Perth
1922/100049 Perth Stephen Jane Female White Michael Male Perth
1923/100049 Perth Kett Gladys Jessie Female George William Frank Male Subiaco
1923/100049 Perth George William Frank Male Kett Gladys Jessie Female Subiaco
1922/100050 Perth Pigdon William Henry Male Kearsley Emily Female Perth
1922/100050 Perth Kearsley Emily Female Pigdon William Henry Male Perth
1922/100052 Perth Grimster Druitte Hellena Female Smith Thomas Wilkinson Male Perth
1922/100052 Perth Smith Thomas Wilkinson Male Grimster Druitte Hellena Female Perth
1922/100054 Perth Wright Ethel Female Richards John Keith Male Perth
1922/100054 Perth Richards John Keith Male Wright Ethel Female Perth
1922/100055 Perth Hobart Charles Percival Male Birch Elsie May Female Perth
1922/100055 Perth Birch Elsie May Female Hobart Charles Percival Male Perth
1922/100056 Perth Zeffertt Lilian Female Cohen Israel Male Perth
1922/100056 Perth Cohen Israel Male Zeffertt Lilian Female Perth
1922/100058 Perth Boyle Alice Ethel Female Baldwin Frederick David Male Perth
1922/100058 Perth Baldwin Frederick David Male Boyle Alice Ethel Female Perth
1922/100065 Perth Davies Jessie Jane Female Loveday Wilfred Campkin Male Perth
1922/100065 Perth Loveday Wilfred Campkin Male Davies Jessie Jane Female Perth
1922/100069 Perth Griffiths Mildred Female Hewitt Gerald Edward Male Perth
1922/100069 Perth Hewitt Gerald Edward Male Griffiths Mildred Female Perth
1922/100070 Perth Thomas Helen Harriet Female McLachlan Robert Neil Male Subiaco
1922/100070 Perth McLachlan Robert Neil Male Thomas Helen Harriet Female Subiaco
1922/100071 Perth Rockliff William Hudson Male Rawll Frederica Eleanor Female East Perth
1922/100071 Perth Rawll Frederica Eleanor Female Rockliff William Hudson Male East Perth
1922/100072 Perth Miller Robert Male Robins Elsie Muriel Female Victoria Park
1922/100072 Perth Robins Elsie Muriel Female Miller Robert Male Victoria Park
1922/100073 Perth Nash Elizabeth Ann Female Broad Henry Frederick Male Perth
1922/100073 Perth Broad Henry Frederick Male Nash Elizabeth Ann Female Perth
1922/100074 Perth Barnes Doris Female Dhue Arnold Philip Male Perth
1922/100074 Perth Dhue Arnold Philip Male Barnes Doris Female Perth
1922/100075 Perth Ogborne Irene Russell Female Keay Ralph Emerson Male Perth
1922/100075 Perth Keay Ralph Emerson Male Ogborne Irene Russell Female Perth
1922/100076 Perth Stewart Elsie Kate Female Pratt George Samuel Male Maylands
1922/100076 Perth Pratt George Samuel Male Stewart Elsie Kate Female Maylands
1922/100079 Perth Lawson Melvenia Elizebeth Female Mason William Thomas Male Perth
1922/100079 Perth Mason William Thomas Male Lawson Melvenia Elizebeth Female Perth
1922/100080 Perth Matthews Helen Margaret Female Bennett Jack Male Perth
1922/100080 Perth Bennett Jack Male Matthews Helen Margaret Female Perth
1922/100081 Perth Taylor Lillie Female Gargett John Wilfred Male West Perth
1922/100081 Perth Gargett John Wilfred Male Taylor Lillie Female West Perth
1923/100082 Perth Sanders Leslie Fremantle Male Sidwell Edith Ethel Female Subiaco
1922/100082 Perth Williams Maude Miriam Female Medbury Herbert Male West Perth
1923/100082 Perth Sidwell Edith Ethel Female Sanders Leslie Fremantle Male Subiaco
1922/100082 Perth Medbury Herbert Male Williams Maude Miriam Female West Perth
1922/100083 Perth O'Donnell Annie Female Baker Henry Male West Perth
1922/100083 Perth Baker Henry Male O'Donnell Annie Female West Perth
1922/100086 Perth Bottrill Clarence Archibald Roderick Male Matheson Patricia May Female Subiaco
1922/100086 Perth Matheson Patricia May Female Bottrill Clarence Archibald Roderick Male Subiaco
1922/100088 Perth Davey Julia Ann Female Ward Herbert Male Perth
1922/100088 Perth Ward Herbert Male Davey Julia Ann Female Perth
1922/100089 Perth Nasmith William Percival Male Ritchie Bessie Ann Female Maylands
1922/100089 Perth Ritchie Bessie Ann Female Nasmith William Percival Male Maylands
1922/100090 Perth Hill Richard Harold Male Tetlow Daisy Agnes Female Perth
1922/100090 Perth Tetlow Daisy Agnes Female Hill Richard Harold Male Perth
1922/100091 Perth Anderson Hilmar Adolf Male Osterberg Hilma Amanda Female Perth
1922/100091 Perth Osterberg Hilma Amanda Female Anderson Hilmar Adolf Male Perth
1922/100092 Perth Allen Ernest Francis Male O'Connor Hazel Female Perth
1922/100092 Perth O'Connor Hazel Female Allen Ernest Francis Male Perth
1922/100093 Perth Brown Minnie Myra Female Glynn Thomas Evans Male Perth
1922/100093 Perth Glynn Thomas Evans Male Brown Minnie Myra Female Perth
1922/100094 Perth Cleverley Iris Adell Female McAullay Leslie Augustus Male Perth
1922/100094 Perth McAullay Leslie Augustus Male Cleverley Iris Adell Female Perth
1922/100095 Perth Hughes Thomas Bertie Male Calnon Florence May Female Perth
1922/100095 Perth Calnon Florence May Female Hughes Thomas Bertie Male Perth
1922/100096 Perth Thornton John George Male Hodgson Minnie Female West Perth
1922/100096 Perth Hodgson Minnie Female Schnitzler John George Male West Perth
1922/100096 Perth Hodgson Minnie Female Thornton John George Male West Perth
1922/100096 Perth Schnitzler John George Male Hodgson Minnie Female West Perth
1923/100097 Perth Counop Henry Wilfred Male McKnight Bessie Olive Anne Female Perth
1923/100097 Perth McKnight Bessie Olive Anne Female Counop Henry Wilfred Male Perth
1922/100097 Perth Bradbury William Male Ross May Isabella Female Perth
1922/100097 Perth Ross May Isabella Female Bradbury William Male Perth
1922/100098 Perth Philp Alexander James Male Rust Myrtle Lluella Female Perth
1923/100098 Perth Leonard Alfred Peter Male Sunderland Amy Gertrude Female Perth
1923/100098 Perth Sunderland Amy Gertrude Female Leonard Alfred Peter Male Perth
1922/100098 Perth Rust Myrtle Lluella Female Philp Alexander James Male Perth
1922/100099 Perth Ball Harvey Male Dickson Eleanor Elizabeth Female West Perth
1922/100099 Perth Dickson Eleanor Elizabeth Female Ball Harvey Male West Perth
1923/100099 Perth Lowden Ernest Charles Male Maskiell Marguerite Mildred Berenice Female Perth
1923/100099 Perth Maskiell Marguerite Mildred Berenice Female Lowden Ernest Charles Male Perth
1923/100100 Perth Fisher Edna Charlotte Peirce Female Smith Arthur William Male Perth
1922/100100 Perth Shelley Mercy Female Gibbs Lionel William Male Perth
1923/100100 Perth Smith Arthur William Male Fisher Edna Charlotte Peirce Female Perth
1922/100100 Perth Gibbs Lionel William Male Shelley Mercy Female Perth
1922/100101 Perth Snaden Dorothea Female Loughridge William Male Perth
1923/100101 Perth Thomas Tressie Kiffin Female Arundale John Raymond Male Perth
1923/100101 Perth Arundale John Raymond Male Thomas Tressie Kiffin Female Perth
1922/100101 Perth Loughridge William Male Snaden Dorothea Female Perth
1923/100102 Perth Wilkinson Mary Alicia Female Vanrenen Frank Adrian Male Perth
1923/100102 Perth Vanrenen Frank Adrian Male Wilkinson Mary Alicia Female Perth
1922/100102 Perth O'Brien Charles Edward Male Parkhouse Hazel Female Claremont
1922/100102 Perth Parkhouse Hazel Female O'Brien Charles Edward Male Claremont
1922/100103 Perth Oates Hedley Gilbert Male Cadden Pearl Beatrice Female Perth
1922/100103 Perth Cadden Pearl Beatrice Female Oates Hedley Gilbert Male Perth
1922/100104 Perth McDonnell Michael Male Egan Lucy Female Leederville
1922/100104 Perth Egan Lucy Female McDonnell Michael Male Leederville
1922/100105 Perth Roberts Jessie Sarah Female Gough James Harold Male Leederville
1922/100105 Perth Gough James Harold Male Roberts Jessie Sarah Female Leederville
1922/100106 Perth Wedgewood Florence May Female McMahon Peter Thomas Male West Perth
1922/100106 Perth McMahon Peter Thomas Male Wedgewood Florence May Female West Perth
1922/100107 Perth Parr Clarence Victor Male Smith Eunice Ruth Female East Perth
1922/100107 Perth Smith Eunice Ruth Female Parr Clarence Victor Male East Perth
1922/100108 Perth McCann Mabel Female Allen William Ernest Male East Perth
1922/100108 Perth Allen William Ernest Male McCann Mabel Female East Perth
1922/100109 Perth Davies Stanley Warneford Male Robinson Hilda Female Perth
1922/100109 Perth Robinson Hilda Female Davies Stanley Warneford Male Perth
1922/100110 Perth Oates Gladys Female Burns Frederick Alexander Male Perth
1922/100110 Perth Burns Frederick Alexander Male Oates Gladys Female Perth
1922/100111 Perth Bradshaw Henry David Male Mead Lily Bell Slater Female Victoria Park
1922/100111 Perth Mead Lily Bell Slater Female Bradshaw Henry David Male Victoria Park
1922/100112 Perth Edgar David Andrew Male Rose Mignon Ann Female Subiaco
1922/100112 Perth Rose Mignon Ann Female Edgar David Andrew Male Subiaco
1922/100113 Perth Bradley Ellen Caroline Lydia Female Rendles Horace Victor Male Subiaco
1922/100113 Perth Rendles Horace Victor Male Bradley Ellen Caroline Lydia Female Subiaco
1922/100114 Perth Wetherall Hilda Female Colmer Harold James Male Subiaco
1922/100114 Perth Colmer Harold James Male Wetherall Hilda Female Subiaco
1922/100115 Perth Gore Margaret Elizabeth Female Mackay Alfred Thomas John Male Subiaco
1922/100115 Perth Mackay Alfred Thomas John Male Gore Margaret Elizabeth Female Subiaco
1922/100116 Perth Shiells Maude Janet Female Coster Robert Humphries Male Subiaco
1922/100116 Perth Coster Robert Humphries Male Shiells Maude Janet Female Subiaco
1922/100117 Perth Conigrave Marie Josephine Female Krüger Oscar George Male Perth
1922/100117 Perth Krüger Oscar George Male Conigrave Marie Josephine Female Perth
1922/100120 Perth Stamp Kathleen Female Strahan Stanley James Male Perth
1922/100120 Perth Strahan Stanley James Male Stamp Kathleen Female Perth
1922/100121 Perth Thick Lucy Grenfell Female Lansdell Charles William Male Perth
1922/100121 Perth Lansdell Charles William Male Thick Lucy Grenfell Female Perth
1922/100122 Perth Nangle Vera Ellen Female Raisbeck John Callington Male Leederville
1922/100122 Perth Raisbeck John Callington Male Nangle Vera Ellen Female Leederville
1922/100123 Perth Pooley Charles Leonard Lionel Male Broderick Poppy Eileen Female Leederville
1922/100123 Perth Broderick Poppy Eileen Female Pooley Charles Leonard Lionel Male Leederville
1922/100124 Perth Slinger Alma Marjorie Female Keay Ian Alister Male Perth
1922/100124 Perth Keay Ian Alister Male Slinger Alma Marjorie Female Perth
1922/100125 Perth Blackett Wilfrid Male Wheeler Louisa Jane Female North Perth
1922/100125 Perth Wheeler Louisa Jane Female Blackett Wilfrid Male North Perth
1922/100126 Perth Woolley Frederick Charles Male Collings Jessy Elizabeth Female Perth
1922/100126 Perth Collings Jessy Elizabeth Female Woolley Frederick Charles Male Perth
1922/100127 Perth Scofield Augustus Male Stanbridge Irene Gladys Joyce Female Perth
1922/100127 Perth Stanbridge Irene Gladys Joyce Female Scofield Augustus Male Perth
1923/100128 Perth Meakins Doris Ethel Female Rice George Albert Male North Perth
1923/100128 Perth Rice George Albert Male Meakins Doris Ethel Female North Perth
1922/100128 Perth Cardinal Alfred Ernest Male Metcalf Alice Female Claremont
1922/100128 Perth Metcalf Alice Female Cardinal Alfred Ernest Male Claremont
1922/100129 Perth Mill Edith Irene Female McLean Bertie John Male Cottesloe
1922/100129 Perth McLean Bertie John Male Mill Edith Irene Female Cottesloe
1922/100130 Perth Lund Ernest Alexander Male Mason Janet Catherine Female Victoria Park
1922/100130 Perth Mason Janet Catherine Female Lund Ernest Alexander Male Victoria Park
1923/100131 Perth Wenn Edward Harold Male Tobin Margaret Mary Female Perth
1923/100131 Perth Tobin Margaret Mary Female Wenn Edward Harold Male Perth
1923/100132 Perth Lodding Albert Robert Male Paull Violet Lillian Female Perth
1923/100132 Perth Paull Violet Lillian Female Lodding Albert Robert Male Perth
1923/100133 Perth Black George Meldrum Male Samphier Elizabeth Maud Female Perth
1922/100133 Perth Sefton Annie D'Estcourt Female Ferguson Joseph Henry Male Perth
1922/100133 Perth Ferguson Joseph Henry Male Sefton Annie D'Estcourt Female Perth
1923/100133 Perth Samphier Elizabeth Maud Female Black George Meldrum Male Perth
1922/100134 Perth Williams John Robert Male Brown Jessie Hutton Female Claremont
1922/100134 Perth Brown Jessie Hutton Female Williams John Robert Male Claremont
1922/100135 Perth Cornish Ada Female Krakouer Philip Herman Male Bayswater
1922/100135 Perth Krakouer Philip Herman Male Cornish Ada Female Bayswater
1922/100136 Perth Semmens Ethel Louisa Female Gillies Norman John Male Perth
1922/100136 Perth Gillies Norman John Male Semmens Ethel Louisa Female Perth
1922/100137 Perth Goodchild Stanley Male Pidgeon Ivy Laura Francis Female Perth
1922/100137 Perth Pidgeon Ivy Laura Francis Female Goodchild Stanley Male Perth
1922/100138 Perth Bancroft Ernest Hedley Male Hardie Jane Female Perth
1922/100138 Perth Hardie Jane Female Bancroft Ernest Hedley Male Perth
1922/100139 Perth Stewart Ernest Male Quin Elizabeth Female Perth
1922/100139 Perth Quin Elizabeth Female Stewart Ernest Male Perth
1922/100140 Perth Semmens Herbert Willie Male Larwood Alice Melinda Female Perth
1922/100140 Perth Larwood Alice Melinda Female Semmens Herbert Willie Male Perth
1922/100141 Perth Fitzsimmons Lucy Patricia Female Chapman Eric John Male Perth
1922/100141 Perth Chapman Eric John Male Fitzsimmons Lucy Patricia Female Perth
1922/100142 Perth Cusack Thomas Donald Male Drummond Olive Jean Maxwell Female Cottesloe
1922/100142 Perth Drummond Olive Jean Maxwell Female Cusack Thomas Donald Male Cottesloe
1922/100143 Perth Eales Charles Male Price Edith Female Perth
1922/100143 Perth Price Edith Female Eales Charles Male Perth
1922/100144 Perth Gibson Harry William Male Wilsher Gladys Constance Female Perth
1922/100144 Perth Wilsher Gladys Constance Female Gibson Harry William Male Perth
1922/100145 Perth Ellard Walter Male Oates Mary Kathleen May Female East Perth
1922/100145 Perth Oates Mary Kathleen May Female Ellard Walter Male East Perth
1922/100146 Perth Courtney Elizabeth Female Mazza John Augustus Male Victoria Park
1922/100146 Perth Mazza John Augustus Male Courtney Elizabeth Female Victoria Park
1922/100147 Perth Cunningham Gertrude Lavinia Female Hayes Gerald Carlton Male Victoria Park
1922/100147 Perth Hayes Gerald Carlton Male Cunningham Gertrude Lavinia Female Victoria Park
1922/100148 Perth Gibbons May Victoria Female Crawford Andrew John Male North Perth
1922/100148 Perth Crawford Andrew John Male Gibbons May Victoria Female North Perth
1922/100149 Perth Johnston James Rafferty Male Malcolmson Emily Smart Female Victoria Park
1922/100149 Perth Malcolmson Emily Smart Female Johnston James Rafferty Male Victoria Park
1922/100150 Perth Collis Bertram Wichert Male Stephens Violet Female Victoria Park
1922/100150 Perth Stephens Violet Female Collis Bertram Wichert Male Victoria Park
1922/100151 Perth Dunn Ross Hamilton Male Barrett Ellen Female Perth
1922/100151 Perth Barrett Ellen Female Dunn Ross Hamilton Male Perth
1922/100152 Perth Scott Albert William Male Turvey Elizabeth Ann Female Perth
1922/100152 Perth Turvey Elizabeth Ann Female Scott Albert William Male Perth
1923/100153 Perth McCoy William Donald Male Rosam Kathleen Mary Stuart Female Perth
1923/100153 Perth Rosam Kathleen Mary Stuart Female McCoy William Donald Male Perth
1922/100153 Perth Dunn John Male Douglas Lillias Alice Female Perth
1922/100153 Perth Douglas Lillias Alice Female Dunn John Male Perth
1923/100154 Perth Jacobsen Florence Elsie Agnes May Female Kennerly John Male Perth
1923/100154 Perth Kennerly John Male Jacobsen Florence Elsie Agnes May Female Perth
1922/100154 Perth Pugh Richard Thomas Male Grubb Laura Female Perth
1922/100154 Perth Grubb Laura Female Pugh Richard Thomas Male Perth
1922/100155 Perth Thomas Arline Alice Female Wheatley Henry John Male Perth
1923/100155 Perth Hardy Bertha Mary Female Rigg Herbert William Male Perth
1923/100155 Perth Rigg Herbert William Male Hardy Bertha Mary Female Perth
1922/100155 Perth Wheatley Henry John Male Thomas Arline Alice Female Perth
1922/100156 Perth Brooks George Henry Male Bradshaw Fanny Elizabeth Female St George's Cathedral
1922/100156 Perth Bradshaw Fanny Elizabeth Female Brooks George Henry Male St George's Cathedral
1922/100157 Perth Stenning Arthur Ernest Male Cornish Eileen Beatrice Female Perth
1923/100157 Perth Dethridge Doris Ann Female Cavanagh Righton John Male Perth
1922/100157 Perth Cornish Eileen Beatrice Female Stenning Arthur Ernest Male Perth
1923/100157 Perth Cavanagh Righton John Male Dethridge Doris Ann Female Perth
1923/100158 Perth Rutherford Mary Ellinor Female Sharpe Raymond Joseph Male Perth
1922/100158 Perth Jones James Male Nicol Henrietta Female Perth
1923/100158 Perth Sharpe Raymond Joseph Male Rutherford Mary Ellinor Female Perth
1922/100158 Perth Nicol Henrietta Female Jones James Male Perth
1923/100159 Perth Hough Elizabeth Alice Female Moriarty Frederick Michael Male Perth
1922/100159 Perth Copley Marion Howick Female Smith Robert Malcolm Male Cottesloe
1923/100159 Perth Moriarty Frederick Michael Male Hough Elizabeth Alice Female Perth
1922/100159 Perth Smith Robert Malcolm Male Copley Marion Howick Female Cottesloe
1922/100160 Perth Larwood Charlotte Louisa Female Beard Charles Strange Male Perth
1922/100160 Perth Beard Charles Strange Male Larwood Charlotte Louisa Female Perth
1922/100161 Perth Pachalis Despina J Female Yialouris Angelos A Male Perth
1922/100161 Perth Yialouris Angelos A Male Pachalis Despina J Female Perth
1922/100162 Perth Walsh Dora Female Broad John Daniel Male Perth
1922/100162 Perth Broad John Daniel Male Walsh Dora Female Perth
1922/100163 Perth Firth Elsie May Female Wrightson Ernest Aubrey Male Perth
1922/100163 Perth Wrightson Ernest Aubrey Male Firth Elsie May Female Perth
1922/100164 Perth Steadman Olive Beryl Female Berthold Francis Male West Perth
1922/100164 Perth Berthold Francis Male Steadman Olive Beryl Female West Perth
1923/100164 Perth Miller Henrietta Victoria Female Smith Eric Wilkin Male Leederville
1923/100164 Perth Smith Eric Wilkin Male Miller Henrietta Victoria Female Leederville
1922/100165 Perth Reid Herbert Albert Male Masters Charlotte Elizabeth Female Leederville
1922/100165 Perth Masters Charlotte Elizabeth Female Reid Herbert Albert Male Leederville
1922/100166 Perth Maunders Robert Herbert Male Moody Azubah Frances Female Perth
1922/100166 Perth Moody Azubah Frances Female Maunders Robert Herbert Male Perth
1922/100167 Perth Bardon Elizabeth Female Sempf Heindrich Friedrich Male Perth
1922/100167 Perth Sempf Heindrich Friedrich Male Bardon Elizabeth Female Perth
1922/100168 Perth Russell Alfred Robert Eric Male Robinson Lucy Hilda Beatrice Female Perth
1922/100168 Perth Robinson Lucy Hilda Beatrice Female Russell Alfred Robert Eric Male Perth
1922/100169 Perth Pellew Cyril Edwin Male Thomas May Malina Female North Perth
1922/100169 Perth Thomas May Malina Female Pellew Cyril Edwin Male North Perth
1922/100170 Perth Smith Dora Female Roberts William Edward Male Leederville
1922/100170 Perth Roberts William Edward Male Smith Dora Female Leederville
1922/100171 Perth Ballans Gladys May Female Reed Leonard Hawthorn Male West Perth
1922/100171 Perth Reed Leonard Hawthorn Male Ballans Gladys May Female West Perth
1922/100172 Perth Cottrill Hurtle James Silvester Male Orton Elsie Alma Female Perth
1922/100172 Perth Orton Elsie Alma Female Cottrill Hurtle James Silvester Male Perth
1922/100173 Perth Tunbridge Arthur Hawken Male Clifford Irene Female Perth
1922/100173 Perth Clifford Irene Female Tunbridge Arthur Hawken Male Perth
1922/100174 Perth O'Sullivan Mary Cecilia Female Fairclough Francis Male Perth
1922/100174 Perth Fairclough Francis Male O'Sullivan Mary Cecilia Female Perth
1922/100175 Perth Moore Winifred Female Giles Donald Alfred Male Perth
1922/100175 Perth Giles Donald Alfred Male Moore Winifred Female Perth
1922/100176 Perth Peake Jack Inns Male Carter Violet May Female Bayswater
1922/100176 Perth Carter Violet May Female Peake Jack Inns Male Bayswater
1922/100177 Perth McLeod Winifred Stewart Female Brady Harry Baker Male Mt Lawley
1922/100177 Perth Brady Harry Baker Male McLeod Winifred Stewart Female Mt Lawley
1922/100178 Perth Adam Alexander Male Brown Annie Female Perth
1922/100178 Perth Brown Annie Female Adam Alexander Male Perth
1922/100179 Perth Roberts Evelyn Constance Female Smith George Francis Male Perth
1922/100179 Perth Smith George Francis Male Roberts Evelyn Constance Female Perth
1922/100180 Perth Hamley Hector Reginald Male Henderson Dorothea Anne Female Perth
1922/100180 Perth Henderson Dorothea Anne Female Hamley Hector Reginald Male Perth
1922/100181 Perth May Reginald Bulman Male McBreen Angelina Marguerite Female Perth
1922/100181 Perth McBreen Angelina Marguerite Female May Reginald Bulman Male Perth
1922/100182 Perth Evert Josephina Marion Female Maskiell Harold Francis Ralph Male Perth
1922/100182 Perth Maskiell Harold Francis Ralph Male Evert Josephina Marion Female Perth
1922/100183 Perth King Margharita Agnes Female Radford William Douglas Male Perth
1922/100183 Perth Radford William Douglas Male King Margharita Agnes Female Perth
1922/100184 Perth Petersen Leslie Kintore Male Elsam Harriett Mable Jubilee Female Perth
1922/100184 Perth Elsam Harriett Mable Jubilee Female Petersen Leslie Kintore Male Perth
1922/100185 Perth Jefferson Tom Male Bentley Elizabeth Eileen Female Perth
1922/100185 Perth Bentley Elizabeth Eileen Female Jefferson Tom Male Perth
1922/100196 Perth Ward Jessie Ann Female Matthews Edward Hope Male Claremont
1922/100196 Perth Matthews Edward Hope Male Ward Jessie Ann Female Claremont
1922/100197 Perth MacKay Samuel Angus Male Lane Dulcie Elizabeth Female Claremont
1922/100197 Perth Lane Dulcie Elizabeth Female MacKay Samuel Angus Male Claremont
1922/100198 Perth White Charles Patrick Male Hewson Daisy Elizabeth Female Claremont
1922/100198 Perth Hewson Daisy Elizabeth Female White Charles Patrick Male Claremont
1922/100199 Perth Sweet William Jacka Male Dawson Jessie Victoria Female Perth
1922/100199 Perth Dawson Jessie Victoria Female Sweet William Jacka Male Perth
1922/100200 Perth Hampton Kenneth Stewart Male Cox Mary Annie Female West Perth
1922/100200 Perth Cox Mary Annie Female Hampton Kenneth Stewart Male West Perth
1922/100201 Perth Stewart Alice Martin Female Ross George Mico Male West Perth
1922/100201 Perth Ross George Mico Male Stewart Alice Martin Female West Perth
1922/100202 Perth Baker Mabel Female Richards Charles Henry Male North Perth
1922/100202 Perth Richards Charles Henry Male Baker Mabel Female North Perth
1922/100203 Perth Tate Samuel Edward Male Evans Leah Norah Violet Female Claremont
1922/100203 Perth Evans Leah Norah Violet Female Tate Samuel Edward Male Claremont
1922/100204 Perth Butler Thomas Male Tily Eileen Female Perth
1922/100204 Perth Tily Eileen Female Butler Thomas Male Perth
1922/100205 Perth Playle Henrietta Victoria Female Bradbury Thomas Male Perth
1922/100205 Perth Bradbury Thomas Male Playle Henrietta Victoria Female Perth
1922/100206 Perth Marfleet Wilfred Male Ramage Phyllis Rose Female Perth
1922/100206 Perth Ramage Phyllis Rose Female Marfleet Wilfred Male Perth
1922/100207 Perth Eversden Frederick Male Griffin Veronica Ann Female Victoria Park
1922/100207 Perth Griffin Veronica Ann Female Eversden Frederick Male Victoria Park
1922/100208 Perth Ellis Alfred Male Hyne Phillis Isabel Female Leederville
1922/100208 Perth Hyne Phillis Isabel Female Ellis Alfred Male Leederville
1922/100209 Perth Sullivan Annie Kathleen Female Wake Sydney Plant Male Perth
1922/100209 Perth Wake Sydney Plant Male Sullivan Annie Kathleen Female Perth
1922/100210 Perth Reed Irene Evelyn Grace Female Bennett William John Male Subiaco
1922/100210 Perth Bennett William John Male Reed Irene Evelyn Grace Female Subiaco
1922/100211 Perth Wood Emma Female Tillotson Thomas Herbert Albert Male Subiaco
1922/100211 Perth Tillotson Thomas Herbert Albert Male Wood Emma Female Subiaco
1922/100212 Perth Linnett Olive Lucy Female Tassicker Frank Scott Male Cottesloe
1922/100212 Perth Tassicker Frank Scott Male Linnett Olive Lucy Female Cottesloe
1922/100213 Perth Donovan Alice Marguarite Female Denton James Samuel Male Claremont
1922/100213 Perth Denton James Samuel Male Donovan Alice Marguarite Female Claremont
1922/100214 Perth Stanley Lena Myrtle Female Murray James Richard Parry Male Victoria Park
1922/100214 Perth Murray James Richard Parry Male Stanley Lena Myrtle Female Victoria Park
1922/100215 Perth Aspey Gladys Mary Female Creed Earl Male Leederville
1922/100215 Perth Creed Earl Male Aspey Gladys Mary Female Leederville
1922/100216 Perth Clough John Oswald Male Hayes Lucy Female Leederville
1922/100216 Perth Hayes Lucy Female Clough John Oswald Male Leederville
1922/100217 Perth Gilmore William Allan Male Price Grace Margaret Female Cottesloe
1922/100217 Perth Price Grace Margaret Female Gilmore William Allan Male Cottesloe
1922/100218 Perth Dawson Deborah Margaret Female Martin Clifford James Male Claremont
1922/100218 Perth Martin Clifford James Male Dawson Deborah Margaret Female Claremont
1922/100219 Perth Hoad Charles Theo Male Caporn Rosa Female Swanbourne
1922/100219 Perth Caporn Rosa Female Hoad Charles Theo Male Swanbourne
1922/100220 Perth Dubberlin Horatio John Male O'Keeffe Kathleen Female Perth
1922/100220 Perth O'Keeffe Kathleen Female Dubberlin Horatio John Male Perth
1922/100221 Perth Slavin Albert Edward Male Sheehy Adeline Peters Female West Perth
1922/100221 Perth Sheehy Adeline Peters Female Slavin Albert Edward Male West Perth
1922/100222 Perth Cocks Florence Mable Female Watson George Male Leederville
1922/100222 Perth Watson George Male Cocks Florence Mable Female Leederville
1922/100223 Perth Whately Fredrick Charles Male Smyth Frances Ross Female Subiaco
1922/100223 Perth Smyth Frances Ross Female Whately Fredrick Charles Male Subiaco
1922/100224 Perth Thorbjornsen Herman Amandiis Male Rhodes Hannah Female Perth
1922/100224 Perth Rhodes Hannah Female Thorbjornsen Herman Amandiis Male Perth
1922/100225 Perth Moffatt John Male Hayman Ivy Myrtle Female Perth
1922/100225 Perth Hayman Ivy Myrtle Female Moffatt John Male Perth
1922/100226 Perth Williams George Male Kite Rose Fisher Female Nedlands
1922/100226 Perth Kite Rose Fisher Female Williams George Male Nedlands
1922/100227 Perth Marshall Sarah Ann Female Lee William Male Perth
1922/100227 Perth Lee William Male Marshall Sarah Ann Female Perth
1922/100228 Perth Wrigley Elsie Violet Female Martin Thomas Maxwell Male Perth
1922/100228 Perth Martin Thomas Maxwell Male Wrigley Elsie Violet Female Perth
1922/100229 Perth McQueen Malcolm Walter Male Campbell Irene Maud Female Perth
1922/100229 Perth Campbell Irene Maud Female McQueen Malcolm Walter Male Perth
1922/100230 Perth Oswald Robert Chalmers Male Storrar Catherine Female Perth
1922/100230 Perth Storrar Catherine Female Oswald Robert Chalmers Male Perth
1922/100231 Perth Mack Robert Male Chandler Raby Kathleen Elizabeth Female Perth
1922/100231 Perth Chandler Raby Kathleen Elizabeth Female Mack Robert Male Perth
1922/100232 Perth Pickett Vivian Mercia Female Taylor Robert Harold Male Perth
1922/100232 Perth Taylor Robert Harold Male Pickett Vivian Mercia Female Perth
1922/100233 Perth Donleavy Elsie Myrtle Female Perret Ernest Arthur Male Perth
1922/100233 Perth Perret Ernest Arthur Male Donleavy Elsie Myrtle Female Perth
1922/100234 Perth Vicary Ida Minnie Female Tierney Bertie Male Perth
1922/100234 Perth Tierney Bertie Male Vicary Ida Minnie Female Perth
1922/100235 Perth Hills Alfred John Male Collins Ila Florence Female Cottesloe
1922/100235 Perth Collins Ila Florence Female Hills Alfred John Male Cottesloe
1922/100236 Perth Rowlands Frederick Tinkler Male Curran Lilian Mary Female Perth
1922/100236 Perth Curran Lilian Mary Female Rowlands Frederick Tinkler Male Perth
1922/100237 Perth Meares Edgar Goldsmith Male Kenny Eileen Female Perth
1922/100237 Perth Kenny Eileen Female Meares Edgar Goldsmith Male Perth
1922/100238 Perth Marwood George Male Barron Margaret Jane Female West Perth
1922/100238 Perth Barron Margaret Jane Female Marwood George Male West Perth
1922/100239 Perth Craig Henry Mervyn Sinclair Male Liddell Laura Female Victoria Park
1922/100239 Perth Liddell Laura Female Craig Henry Mervyn Sinclair Male Victoria Park
1922/100240 Perth Webster Edith May Female Glenn William Lintpold John Henry Male Victoria Park
1922/100240 Perth Glenn William Lintpold John Henry Male Webster Edith May Female Victoria Park
1922/100241 Perth Lindsay Ronald Theodore Male Fox Mary Teresa Female Perth
1922/100241 Perth Fox Mary Teresa Female Lindsay Ronald Theodore Male Perth
1922/100242 Perth McKenna Monica Female Reynolds Alfred George Male Perth
1922/100242 Perth Reynolds Alfred George Male McKenna Monica Female Perth
1922/100243 Perth Duff Andrew Male Wallace Ethel Winifred Berta Female Perth
1922/100243 Perth Wallace Ethel Winifred Berta Female Duff Andrew Male Perth
1922/100244 Perth Wendt Ernest Rudolph Male Liedle Ellen Mary Female Perth
1922/100244 Perth Liedle Ellen Mary Female Wendt Ernest Rudolph Male Perth
1922/100245 Perth Cunningham Irene Rose Dorothy Female Wilson William Male Perth
1922/100245 Perth Wilson William Male Cunningham Irene Rose Dorothy Female Perth
1922/100246 Perth Clarke Charles Male Garlick Florence May Female Perth
1922/100246 Perth Garlick Florence May Female Clarke Charles Male Perth
1922/100247 Perth Stevens Clara Jane Female East Percival Jonathan Male Perth
1922/100247 Perth East Percival Jonathan Male Stevens Clara Jane Female Perth
1922/100248 Perth Bennett Albert Male Wiggins Florence Emma Female Perth
1922/100248 Perth Wiggins Florence Emma Female Bennett Albert Male Perth
1922/100249 Perth Keelan Michael John Male Philbey Annie Armelia Female Perth
1922/100249 Perth Philbey Annie Armelia Female Keelan Michael John Male Perth
1922/100250 Perth Kobelke Marie Catherine Female Thompson William Allen Male Perth
1922/100250 Perth Thompson William Allen Male Kobelke Marie Catherine Female Perth
1922/100251 Perth Chitty Hannah Rose Female Francis Albert Edward Male Perth
1922/100251 Perth Francis Albert Edward Male Chitty Hannah Rose Female Perth
1922/100252 Perth Ottrey Edith Ellen Female Reynardson George Clement Male Perth
1922/100252 Perth Reynardson George Clement Male Ottrey Edith Ellen Female Perth
1922/100253 Perth Barry Ada Rose Female Reid William Male North Perth
1922/100253 Perth Reid William Male Barry Ada Rose Female North Perth
1922/100254 Perth Folezzani Charles Male Reed Alice Mary Female Perth
1922/100254 Perth Reed Alice Mary Female Folezzani Charles Male Perth
1922/100255 Perth White Harold Male Kilgallon Mary Female Highgate
1922/100255 Perth Kilgallon Mary Female White Harold Male Highgate
1922/100256 Perth May Ida Olive Female Fraser Donald Stewart Male Perth
1922/100256 Perth Fraser Donald Stewart Male May Ida Olive Female Perth
1922/100257 Perth Noell Frederick Male Moyns Elizabeth Caroline Female Perth
1922/100257 Perth Moyns Elizabeth Caroline Female Noell Frederick Male Perth
1922/100258 Perth Lamb Frederick Stanley Bennet Male Moore Edith Elizabeth Female Perth
1922/100258 Perth Moore Edith Elizabeth Female Lamb Frederick Stanley Bennet Male Perth
1923/100258 Perth Kippin Charles Male Edwards Dorothy Hilda Female Perth
1923/100258 Perth Edwards Dorothy Hilda Female Kippin Charles Male Perth
1922/100259 Perth White George Joseph Male Smith Violetta Female Perth
1922/100259 Perth Smith Violetta Female White George Joseph Male Perth
1923/100259 Perth Marshall Henry Percevel Male Dobson Dorothy Maie Female Leederville
1923/100259 Perth Dobson Dorothy Maie Female Marshall Henry Percevel Male Leederville
1922/100260 Perth Catherall John Edward Male Ennor Temperance Annie Female Perth
1922/100260 Perth Ennor Temperance Annie Female Catherall John Edward Male Perth
1922/100261 Perth Phillips Robert Whitelock Male Boehm Esther Augusta Female South Perth
1922/100261 Perth Boehm Esther Augusta Female Phillips Robert Whitelock Male South Perth
1922/100262 Perth Loco Hedley Walford Stanley Male Yelverton Eveleen Mary Female South Perth
1922/100262 Perth Yelverton Eveleen Mary Female Loco Hedley Walford Stanley Male South Perth
1922/100263 Perth Ralph Ada Female Cox James Male Perth
1922/100263 Perth Cox James Male Ralph Ada Female Perth
1922/100264 Perth Casterton Charles Male Blackburn Annie Female Perth
1922/100264 Perth Blackburn Annie Female Casterton Charles Male Perth
1922/100265 Perth Crake Ethel May Female Kidd Albert Amos Male Perth
1922/100265 Perth Kidd Albert Amos Male Crake Ethel May Female Perth
1922/100266 Perth Byng Leilah Estelle Female Lucas William Charles Cecil Male Cottesloe
1922/100266 Perth Lucas William Charles Cecil Male Byng Leilah Estelle Female Cottesloe
1922/100267 Perth Burton David Male Holt Margaret Ellen Female Perth
1922/100267 Perth Holt Margaret Ellen Female Burton David Male Perth
1922/100268 Perth Butcher Bertram Male Jose Sybell May Female Perth
1922/100268 Perth Jose Sybell May Female Butcher Bertram Male Perth
1922/100269 Perth Paterson Alfred George Pryde Male Paterson Dorothy Anne Female Perth
1922/100269 Perth Paterson Dorothy Anne Female Paterson Alfred George Pryde Male Perth
1922/100270 Perth Warneminde Leonard David Male Wilson Verna Victoria Female Perth
1922/100270 Perth Wilson Verna Victoria Female Warneminde Leonard David Male Perth
1922/100271 Perth Smith Hubert David Male Sandwell Ivy Grace Female Jolimont
1922/100271 Perth Sandwell Ivy Grace Female Smith Hubert David Male Jolimont
1922/100276 Perth Heales Mary Bertha Female Barton William Male West Perth
1922/100276 Perth Barton William Male Heales Mary Bertha Female West Perth
1922/100277 Perth Thew Violet Ellen Female Ranford Albert Bristow Male Leederville
1922/100277 Perth Ranford Albert Bristow Male Thew Violet Ellen Female Leederville
1922/100281 Perth Smith Amy Female McGolderick Joseph Male Perth
1922/100281 Perth McGolderick Joseph Male Smith Amy Female Perth
1922/100282 Perth Serisier Emile Louis Male Le Cheminant Eileen Female Perth
1922/100282 Perth Le Cheminant Eileen Female Serisier Emile Louis Male Perth
1922/100283 Perth Eggleston Ilma Female Banting Frederick John Male Perth
1922/100283 Perth Banting Frederick John Male Eggleston Ilma Female Perth
1922/100284 Perth Dixon Alice May Female Bowra Cyril William Male Maylands
1922/100284 Perth Bowra Cyril William Male Dixon Alice May Female Maylands
1922/100285 Perth Duffield William Arthur Male Wilson Beryl Dorothea Female Perth
1922/100285 Perth Wilson Beryl Dorothea Female Duffield William Arthur Male Perth
1922/100286 Perth Backlake Emilie Johanna Ashbee Female Herbert Horace Stuart Montagu Male Perth
1922/100286 Perth Herbert Horace Stuart Montagu Male Backlake Emilie Johanna Ashbee Female Perth
1922/100287 Perth McNerney Milton Male Younger Ellen Charlotte Female Perth
1922/100287 Perth Younger Ellen Charlotte Female McNerney Milton Male Perth
1922/100288 Perth Glass Reginald Alexander Charles Male Haywood Alice Mary Female Perth
1922/100288 Perth Haywood Alice Mary Female Glass Reginald Alexander Charles Male Perth
1922/100289 Perth Munro Donald Gordon Male Campbell Annie Janet Female Perth
1922/100289 Perth Campbell Annie Janet Female Munro Donald Gordon Male Perth
1922/100290 Perth Ferstat William Male Haigh Ellen Elizabeth Ivy Female Perth
1922/100290 Perth Haigh Ellen Elizabeth Ivy Female Ferstat William Male Perth
1922/100291 Perth Melville Frank Jolly Male Borrett Jane Blakiston Female Perth
1922/100291 Perth Borrett Jane Blakiston Female Melville Frank Jolly Male Perth
1922/100292 Perth Hopkins Robert Bramwell Male Hall Sophia Mabel Female Perth
1922/100292 Perth Hall Sophia Mabel Female Hopkins Robert Bramwell Male Perth
1922/100293 Perth Pugh Daisy Arnold Female Butler Percy Allan Male West Perth
1922/100293 Perth Butler Percy Allan Male Pugh Daisy Arnold Female West Perth
1922/100294 Perth Le Vaux Claude Wilton Male Belcher Mabel Female West Leederville
1922/100294 Perth Belcher Mabel Female Le Vaux Claude Wilton Male West Leederville
1922/100295 Perth Middleton Elsie May Female Smith Thomas Alfred Male Subiaco
1922/100295 Perth Smith Thomas Alfred Male Middleton Elsie May Female Subiaco
1922/100296 Perth James George Horace Brand Male Cadden Edna Vera Female Victoria Park
1922/100296 Perth Cadden Edna Vera Female James George Horace Brand Male Victoria Park
1922/100297 Perth Joyner Henry Ernest Male Dean Marie Agnes Female Perth
1922/100297 Perth Dean Marie Agnes Female Joyner Henry Ernest Male Perth
1922/100298 Perth Asmus William Male Chappell Lillian Maude Female Perth
1922/100298 Perth Chappell Lillian Maude Female Asmus William Male Perth
1922/100299 Perth Youd Emma Catherine Female Young Edmund Male Perth
1922/100299 Perth Young Edmund Male Youd Emma Catherine Female Perth
1922/100300 Perth Roberts Albert Male Thomson Rebecca Female Perth
1922/100300 Perth Thomson Rebecca Female Roberts Albert Male Perth
1922/100301 Perth Smith Wellwood Thompson Male Lindquist Annie Maria Victoria Female Claremont
1922/100301 Perth Lindquist Annie Maria Victoria Female Smith Wellwood Thompson Male Claremont
1922/100302 Perth Whiskin Nona Mary Female Hinchliffe Thomas James Jonathan Male North Perth
1922/100302 Perth Hinchliffe Thomas James Jonathan Male Whiskin Nona Mary Female North Perth
1922/100303 Perth Cameron Margaret Ann Paton Female Moore Alfred George Male West Perth
1922/100303 Perth Moore Alfred George Male Cameron Margaret Ann Paton Female West Perth
1922/100304 Perth Paterson John Laidlaw Male Williamson Frances Catherine Female Mt Lawley
1922/100304 Perth Williamson Frances Catherine Female Paterson John Laidlaw Male Mt Lawley
1922/100305 Perth McAskill Seymour William Allan Male English Grace Edith Female Perth
1922/100305 Perth English Grace Edith Female McAskill Seymour William Allan Male Perth
1922/100306 Perth Joyce Mary Veronica Female Everett Thomas Alexander Male Perth
1922/100306 Perth Everett Thomas Alexander Male Joyce Mary Veronica Female Perth
1922/100307 Perth Cavanagh James Thomas Male Gawned Alma Irene Female Claremont
1922/100307 Perth Gawned Alma Irene Female Cavanagh James Thomas Male Claremont
1922/100308 Perth Chivers Edith May Female Woolley Arthur George Male Perth
1922/100308 Perth Woolley Arthur George Male Chivers Edith May Female Perth
1922/100309 Perth McPhee Alice Mary Female Brown Charles Albert Male Leederville
1922/100309 Perth Brown Charles Albert Male McPhee Alice Mary Female Leederville
1922/100310 Perth Goode John William Male Coombs Jessie Lilian Mary Female Victoria Park
1922/100310 Perth Coombs Jessie Lilian Mary Female Goode John William Male Victoria Park
1922/100311 Perth Millington Jesse Male Chambers Lydia Female Maylands
1922/100311 Perth Chambers Lydia Female Millington Jesse Male Maylands
1922/100312 Perth Kay William Ernest Male Dedman Clarice Maud Female Maylands
1922/100312 Perth Dedman Clarice Maud Female Kay William Ernest Male Maylands
1922/100313 Perth Siles Keith Male Bruce Dorothy Ellen Female Subiaco
1922/100313 Perth Bruce Dorothy Ellen Female Siles Keith Male Subiaco
1922/100314 Perth Lomax Lilian Louisa Female Ashe Harold Osbert Male Subiaco
1922/100314 Perth Ashe Harold Osbert Male Lomax Lilian Louisa Female Subiaco
1922/100315 Perth Dawes Walter Male Bergin Vera Grace Female Perth
1922/100315 Perth Bergin Vera Grace Female Dawes Walter Male Perth
1922/100316 Perth Millard Dorothy Margerite Female Beeck Arnold Walter Male Maylands
1922/100316 Perth Beeck Arnold Walter Male Millard Dorothy Margerite Female Maylands
1922/100317 Perth Rockett Elizabeth Female Bowghen William Edward Male Perth
1922/100317 Perth Bowghen William Edward Male Rockett Elizabeth Female Perth
1922/100318 Perth Stott Ronald Gurney Male Mosey Mary Ethel Auld Female Perth
1922/100318 Perth Mosey Mary Ethel Auld Female Stott Ronald Gurney Male Perth
1922/100319 Perth de Castilla Rona Female Jenkins Richard Marychurch Male Claremont
1922/100319 Perth Jenkins Richard Marychurch Male de Castilla Rona Female Claremont
1922/100320 Perth Gilbride Bertha Female Holdcroft Eric John Male Perth
1922/100320 Perth Holdcroft Eric John Male Gilbride Bertha Female Perth
1922/100321 Perth Collins Anne Minerva Female Bailey Harry Male Subiaco
1922/100321 Perth Bailey Harry Male Collins Anne Minerva Female Subiaco
1922/100322 Perth Saleeba Henry Male Moore Mary Ethel Female Subiaco
1922/100322 Perth Moore Mary Ethel Female Saleeba Henry Male Subiaco
1922/100323 Perth Campbell Annie Mary Female Bell George Hughes Male Perth
1922/100323 Perth Bell George Hughes Male Campbell Annie Mary Female Perth
1922/100324 Perth Russell Phillippa Female Maunton Frank William Male Perth
1922/100324 Perth Maunton Frank William Male Russell Phillippa Female Perth
1922/100325 Perth Hills Alfred Arthur Male Pyall Frances Maud Female Perth
1922/100325 Perth Pyall Frances Maud Female Hills Alfred Arthur Male Perth
1922/100326 Perth McClymont Coral Frances Female Pendergast Edward George Male Subiaco
1922/100326 Perth Pendergast Edward George Male McClymont Coral Frances Female Subiaco
1922/100327 Perth Ramshaw Luke Male McKillop Catherine Female Subiaco
1922/100327 Perth McKillop Catherine Female Ramshaw Luke Male Subiaco
1922/100328 Perth Ashton Frances Marie Louise Female Larsen Frederick Male West Perth
1922/100328 Perth Larsen Frederick Male Ashton Frances Marie Louise Female West Perth
1922/100329 Perth Rogers Sarah Jane Female Shaw Thomas Male Perth
1922/100329 Perth Shaw Thomas Male Rogers Sarah Jane Female Perth
1922/100330 Perth James Elizabeth Ann Female Mercer Andrew Haddon Male Perth
1922/100330 Perth Mercer Andrew Haddon Male James Elizabeth Ann Female Perth
1922/100331 Perth Martin Violet May Myrtle Female Webb Frederick Alfred Fleming Joyce Male West Perth
1922/100331 Perth Webb Frederick Alfred Fleming Joyce Male Martin Violet May Myrtle Female West Perth
1922/100332 Perth Hasler Hetty Female Gasser Henry Louis Male Osborne Park
1922/100332 Perth Gasser Henry Louis Male Hasler Hetty Female Osborne Park
1922/100333 Perth Seymour Dorothy Raymer Oliver Female Bell Samuel John Leithdale Male Perth
1922/100333 Perth Bell Samuel John Leithdale Male Seymour Dorothy Raymer Oliver Female Perth
1922/100334 Perth Kearney Andrew Male Williams Winifred May Female Perth
1922/100334 Perth Williams Winifred May Female Kearney Andrew Male Perth
1922/100335 Perth Campbell Arthur William Male Epstein May Female Perth
1922/100335 Perth Epstein May Female Campbell Arthur William Male Perth
1922/100336 Perth Pritchett Helena Victoria Female Kavanagh Henry Thomas Male Perth
1922/100336 Perth Kavanagh Henry Thomas Male Pritchett Helena Victoria Female Perth
1922/100337 Perth Kinsella James William Male Mann Ruby Ernestine Blythe Female Perth
1922/100337 Perth Mann Ruby Ernestine Blythe Female Kinsella James William Male Perth
1922/100338 Perth Rouse William Henry Male Cull Hilda Sarah Female Perth
1922/100338 Perth Cull Hilda Sarah Female Rouse William Henry Male Perth
1922/100339 Perth Brokensha Albert Francis Male Yabsley Jane Rosina Female Perth
1922/100339 Perth Yabsley Jane Rosina Female Brokensha Albert Francis Male Perth
1922/100340 Perth Hutchison Roy Stuart Male Eastwell Lily Female Perth
1922/100340 Perth Eastwell Lily Female Hutchison Roy Stuart Male Perth
1922/100341 Perth McKenna Marie Louise Female Page John Henry Orlando Male Victoria Park
1922/100341 Perth Page John Henry Orlando Male McKenna Marie Louise Female Victoria Park
1922/100342 Perth McGillivray Charles Hossack Male Sullivan Dorothy May Female Perth
1922/100342 Perth Sullivan Dorothy May Female McGillivray Charles Hossack Male Perth
1922/100343 Perth Connolly Ellen Julia Female Rattray Edgar Roland Male Perth
1922/100343 Perth Rattray Edgar Roland Male Connolly Ellen Julia Female Perth
1922/100344 Perth Montagu Irene Edna Female Kavanagh Michael Joseph Male Perth
1922/100344 Perth Kavanagh Michael Joseph Male Montagu Irene Edna Female Perth
1922/100345 Perth Murtha Doris Lillian Rie Female Macdonald Donald Lawrence MacKenzie Male Perth
1922/100345 Perth Macdonald Donald Lawrence MacKenzie Male Murtha Doris Lillian Rie Female Perth
1922/100346 Perth Boxhall Cecilia Mary Female Thomson Henry George Male Perth
1922/100346 Perth Thomson Henry George Male Boxhall Cecilia Mary Female Perth
1922/100347 Perth Goadby Agatha Winifred Female Love William Allan Male Cottesloe
1922/100347 Perth Love William Allan Male Goadby Agatha Winifred Female Cottesloe
1922/100348 Perth Solomon Edina Irene Female Seaman James Joseph Male Perth
1922/100348 Perth Seaman James Joseph Male Solomon Edina Irene Female Perth
1922/100349 Perth Atwell Leslie Norman Male Campbell Dorothy Ellenor Female Perth
1922/100349 Perth Campbell Dorothy Ellenor Female Atwell Leslie Norman Male Perth
1922/100350 Perth Barrett Emily Annie Female Daprada Bernardo Male Perth
1922/100350 Perth Daprada Bernardo Male Barrett Emily Annie Female Perth
1922/100351 Perth Meleng Margaret Dorothy Female Campbell Keith Alexander Male Perth
1922/100351 Perth Campbell Keith Alexander Male Meleng Margaret Dorothy Female Perth
1922/100352 Perth McElhone Charles Male Telfer Lillian May Female Perth
1922/100352 Perth Telfer Lillian May Female McElhone Charles Male Perth
1923/100352 Perth Mackay Jean Female Fletcher Cyril Samuel Male Maylands
1923/100352 Perth Fletcher Cyril Samuel Male Mackay Jean Female Maylands
1923/100353 Perth Coyle John Humphrey Male McDougall Dorothy Francis Female Maylands
1923/100353 Perth McDougall Dorothy Francis Female Coyle John Humphrey Male Maylands
1922/100353 Perth Anderson Francis Edwin Male East Violet Victoria Female East Perth
1922/100353 Perth East Violet Victoria Female Anderson Francis Edwin Male East Perth
1922/100354 Perth Tolmie Fanny Female Evans James Male Perth
1922/100354 Perth Evans James Male Tolmie Fanny Female Perth
1922/100355 Perth Sandilands Georgina Brown Female Ellis Thomas Male Perth
1922/100355 Perth Ellis Thomas Male Sandilands Georgina Brown Female Perth
1922/100356 Perth Dewing Ernest Reginald Male Williams Doris Gwendolyn Female Claremont
1922/100356 Perth Williams Doris Gwendolyn Female Dewing Ernest Reginald Male Claremont
1922/100357 Perth Rumpf Bertha Female Saffer Solomon Male Perth
1922/100357 Perth Saffer Solomon Male Rumpf Bertha Female Perth
1922/100358 Perth McDougall Helena Hendryetta Female Pegg David William Male West Leederville
1922/100358 Perth Pegg David William Male McDougall Helena Hendryetta Female West Leederville
1922/100359 Perth Cornock Annie Female Mohammed Shirco Noor Male Perth
1922/100359 Perth Mohammed Shirco Noor Male Cornock Annie Female Perth
1922/100360 Perth Holliday Laura Ethel Female Strutt Albert William James Male Bayswater
1922/100360 Perth Strutt Albert William James Male Holliday Laura Ethel Female Bayswater
1922/100361 Perth Truscott Ivy Irene Teresa Female Walker Sidney Male Perth
1922/100361 Perth Walker Sidney Male Truscott Ivy Irene Teresa Female Perth
1922/100362 Perth Walker Amy Naomi Female Jenkinson George Driffield Male Perth
1922/100362 Perth Jenkinson George Driffield Male Walker Amy Naomi Female Perth
1922/100363 Perth Stott Walter James Male Rogel Rose Marie Female Perth
1922/100363 Perth Rogel Rose Marie Female Stott Walter James Male Perth
1922/100364 Perth McDonald Gladys Female McLaren James Chester Male Perth
1922/100364 Perth McLaren James Chester Male McDonald Gladys Female Perth
1922/100365 Perth Walker Alethea Female Foan Alfred Male Perth
1922/100365 Perth Foan Alfred Male Walker Alethea Female Perth
1922/100366 Perth Sivyer Daisy May Female Lovell John Baron Male Perth
1922/100366 Perth Lovell John Baron Male Sivyer Daisy May Female Perth
1922/100367 Perth Walsh Lilian Janet Female White Charles Edward Male Perth
1922/100367 Perth White Charles Edward Male Walsh Lilian Janet Female Perth
1922/100368 Perth Toll Catherine Female Knight Joseph Male Perth
1922/100368 Perth Knight Joseph Male Toll Catherine Female Perth
1922/100369 Perth Frost Elsie May Female Armstrong John William Male North Perth
1922/100369 Perth Armstrong John William Male Frost Elsie May Female North Perth
1922/100370 Perth Kendall Loveday Richards Bertha Female Garrett Harold Male Perth
1922/100370 Perth Garrett Harold Male Kendall Loveday Richards Bertha Female Perth
1922/100371 Perth Donovan Michael Male James Emma Female East Perth
1922/100371 Perth James Emma Female Donovan Michael Male East Perth
1922/100372 Perth Couchman Douglas Charles Frederick Male Blurton Violet Jean Anna Female North Perth
1922/100372 Perth Blurton Violet Jean Anna Female Couchman Douglas Charles Frederick Male North Perth
1922/100373 Perth Kirk Allan Male Taylor Edith May Female North Perth
1922/100373 Perth Taylor Edith May Female Kirk Allan Male North Perth
1922/100375 Perth Herdsman Dorothy Marguerite Female Taylor Roy Graham Male Victoria Park
1922/100375 Perth Taylor Roy Graham Male Herdsman Dorothy Marguerite Female Victoria Park
1922/100376 Perth Townsend Josephine Margaret Female Mackay Donald Male Victoria Park
1922/100376 Perth Mackay Donald Male Townsend Josephine Margaret Female Victoria Park
1922/100377 Perth Wilson Elsie Priscilla Female Rundell William Alexander Nicholas Male Perth
1922/100377 Perth Rundell William Alexander Nicholas Male Wilson Elsie Priscilla Female Perth
1922/100378 Perth Atkins Herbert Spencer Male Cuthbertson Elizabeth Female Perth
1922/100378 Perth Cuthbertson Elizabeth Female Atkins Herbert Spencer Male Perth
1922/100379 Perth Oag Mary Female Walker Charles Thomas John Male Perth
1922/100379 Perth Walker Charles Thomas John Male Oag Mary Female Perth
1922/100380 Perth Darnell Henley Charles Male Booth Alice Rose Female Perth
1922/100380 Perth Booth Alice Rose Female Darnell Henley Charles Male Perth
1922/100381 Perth Turner Elizabeth Margaret Female Watts Herbert Male Perth
1922/100381 Perth Watts Herbert Male Turner Elizabeth Margaret Female Perth
1922/100382 Perth Milton Albert Tom Male Clements Irene Female Victoria Park
1922/100382 Perth Clements Irene Female Milton Albert Tom Male Victoria Park
1922/100383 Perth Passmore Cyril Donald Male Townsend Eliza Female Victoria Park
1922/100383 Perth Townsend Eliza Female Passmore Cyril Donald Male Victoria Park
1922/100384 Perth Abbott Maude Janet Female Gordon Charles Stanley Male Perth
1922/100384 Perth Gordon Charles Stanley Male Abbott Maude Janet Female Perth
1922/100385 Perth Cranswick William Henry Male Smith Winifred Female Perth
1922/100385 Perth Smith Winifred Female Cranswick William Henry Male Perth
1922/100386 Perth Wright Alice Ann Female Chapman Walter Male Perth
1922/100386 Perth Chapman Walter Male Wright Alice Ann Female Perth
1922/100387 Perth Carlton Ina Female Turner Aubrey Thornton Male Subiaco
1922/100387 Perth Turner Aubrey Thornton Male Carlton Ina Female Subiaco
1922/100388 Perth Cumming Dorothy Amelia Female Stewart Kenneth Francis Male North Perth
1922/100388 Perth Stewart Kenneth Francis Male Cumming Dorothy Amelia Female North Perth
1922/100389 Perth Ivison Dorothy Alice Female Platton Everet Auld Male Perth
1922/100389 Perth Platton Everet Auld Male Ivison Dorothy Alice Female Perth
1922/100390 Perth MacLeod Julius Farquhar Wallace Male Irwin Barbara Darley Female Perth
1922/100390 Perth Irwin Barbara Darley Female MacLeod Julius Farquhar Wallace Male Perth
1922/100391 Perth Hemsted Kate Mary Rustat Female Dempster William Edward Male Perth
1922/100391 Perth Dempster William Edward Male Hemsted Kate Mary Rustat Female Perth
1922/100392 Perth Gillon John Moodie Male Martin Doris Evelyn Female South Perth
1922/100392 Perth Martin Doris Evelyn Female Gillon John Moodie Male South Perth
1922/100393 Perth Griffiths Alfred Arthur Male Keast Daisy Female Cottesloe
1922/100393 Perth Keast Daisy Female Griffiths Alfred Arthur Male Cottesloe
1922/100394 Perth Jackson Elvira Tyrie Female Johnstone Robert Alfred Male Perth
1922/100394 Perth Johnstone Robert Alfred Male Jackson Elvira Tyrie Female Perth
1922/100395 Perth Tichbon Thomas Robert Male Tichbon Violet Alice Female Perth
1922/100395 Perth Tichbon Violet Alice Female Tichbon Thomas Robert Male Perth
1922/100396 Perth Witzler Blanche Female Brennan Raymond Male Perth
1922/100396 Perth Terry Blanche Female Brennan Raymond Male Perth
1922/100396 Perth Brennan Raymond Male Terry Blanche Female Perth
1922/100396 Perth Brennan Raymond Male Witzler Blanche Female Perth
1922/100397 Perth Wallace Margaret Cooper Female Cadwallader Charles Percival Male Bayswater
1922/100397 Perth Cadwallader Charles Percival Male Wallace Margaret Cooper Female Bayswater
1922/100398 Perth Wilson Ethel Isabel Female Blanckensee Victor Egbert Male Perth
1922/100398 Perth Blanckensee Victor Egbert Male Wilson Ethel Isabel Female Perth
1922/100399 Perth Cleal Dorothy Eleanor Elizabeth Female Farmer Edward Hubert Male Perth
1922/100399 Perth Farmer Edward Hubert Male Cleal Dorothy Eleanor Elizabeth Female Perth
1922/100400 Perth Briggs Leslie Redvers Male Gummery Annie Louisa Female Bayswater
1922/100400 Perth Gummery Annie Louisa Female Briggs Leslie Redvers Male Bayswater
1922/100401 Perth Farnham Alfred Spencer Male McBeath Jannet Emily Female Maylands
1922/100401 Perth McBeath Jannet Emily Female Farnham Alfred Spencer Male Maylands
1922/100402 Perth Watson Olive Downing Female Gray Roy William Male Perth
1922/100402 Perth Gray Roy William Male Watson Olive Downing Female Perth
1922/100403 Perth Field Lilian Somerville Female Johnston Sidney St Maur Male Perth
1922/100403 Perth Johnston Sidney St Maur Male Field Lilian Somerville Female Perth
1922/100404 Perth Poole Robert Male Bennett Muriel Female Perth
1922/100404 Perth Bennett Muriel Female Poole Robert Male Perth
1922/100405 Perth Diver Harold Albert Male Wayne Lydia Alice Female Perth
1922/100405 Perth Wayne Lydia Alice Female Diver Harold Albert Male Perth
1922/100406 Perth Lake Harold Vivian Male Ritchie Ethel May Female Perth
1922/100406 Perth Ritchie Ethel May Female Lake Harold Vivian Male Perth
1922/100407 Perth Aley Emily Female Smith Bernard George Male Perth
1922/100407 Perth Smith Bernard George Male Aley Emily Female Perth
1922/100408 Perth Craig Charles Male Evans Jessie Female Perth
1922/100408 Perth Evans Jessie Female Craig Charles Male Perth
1922/100409 Perth Rowe Alice Emily Female Coomber-Brown Arthur Henry Male Perth
1922/100409 Perth Coomber-Brown Arthur Henry Male Rowe Alice Emily Female Perth
1922/100410 Perth Linton Hugh Ross Male Thomas Bertha Female Perth
1922/100410 Perth Thomas Bertha Female Linton Hugh Ross Male Perth
1922/100411 Perth Gwyther Doris Jessie Marianne Female Wickenden Frederick Gerard Male Perth
1922/100411 Perth Wickenden Frederick Gerard Male Gwyther Doris Jessie Marianne Female Perth
1922/100412 Perth Karpoozes Erine Female Taliantzis Dimitrios Male Perth
1922/100412 Perth Karpoozes Erine Female Taliantzis Jim Male Perth
1922/100412 Perth Karpoozes Rene Female Taliantzis Dimitrios Male Perth
1922/100412 Perth Karpoozes Rene Female Taliantzis Jim Male Perth
1922/100412 Perth Taliantzis Dimitrios Male Karpoozes Erine Female Perth
1922/100412 Perth Taliantzis Dimitrios Male Karpoozes Rene Female Perth
1922/100412 Perth Taliantzis Jim Male Karpoozes Erine Female Perth
1922/100412 Perth Taliantzis Jim Male Karpoozes Rene Female Perth
1922/100413 Perth McTeir Elizabeth Wilson Female Telfer David Kerr Male Perth
1922/100413 Perth Telfer David Kerr Male McTeir Elizabeth Wilson Female Perth
1922/100416 Perth Brett Alice Mary Female Tijon William Harman Male Perth
1922/100416 Perth Tijon William Harman Male Brett Alice Mary Female Perth
1922/100417 Perth Bentley Albert Edward Male Corbett Vera Alberta Female Perth
1922/100417 Perth Corbett Vera Alberta Female Bentley Albert Edward Male Perth
1922/100418 Perth Caporn Melville Williamena Female White Leslie Hugh Budgett Male Cottesloe
1922/100418 Perth White Leslie Hugh Budgett Male Caporn Melville Williamena Female Cottesloe
1922/100419 Perth Keddie Andrew Hart Male Strickfuss Dorothy May Female North Perth
1922/100419 Perth Strickfuss Dorothy May Female Keddie Andrew Hart Male North Perth
1922/100420 Perth Stokes William Henry Male Steele Margaret Jane Female North Perth
1922/100420 Perth Steele Margaret Jane Female Stokes William Henry Male North Perth
1922/100421 Perth Scrimgeour Emily Parker Female Hampton Clement William Male Maylands
1922/100421 Perth Hampton Clement William Male Scrimgeour Emily Parker Female Maylands
1922/100422 Perth Bonsfield Bertha Alice Jane Female Beard Hubert Edgar Male Subiaco
1922/100422 Perth Beard Hubert Edgar Male Bonsfield Bertha Alice Jane Female Subiaco
1922/100423 Perth Smith Ernest Albert Male Thompson Reida Joyce Female Subiaco
1922/100423 Perth Thompson Reida Joyce Female Smith Ernest Albert Male Subiaco
1922/100424 Perth Hutcheson Charles Frederick Male Clarke Elena Dorothy Female Perth
1922/100424 Perth Clarke Elena Dorothy Female Hutcheson Charles Frederick Male Perth
1922/100425 Perth Blackburn Jessie Female Bradford James Male Perth
1922/100425 Perth Bradford James Male Blackburn Jessie Female Perth
1922/100426 Perth Barber Constance Jean Female Hobbs John Mervyn Male Perth
1922/100426 Perth Hobbs John Mervyn Male Barber Constance Jean Female Perth
1922/100427 Perth Butterly Mervyn Arnold Male Smyth Dorothy Kingswood Female Perth
1922/100427 Perth Smyth Dorothy Kingswood Female Butterly Mervyn Arnold Male Perth
1922/100428 Perth Alexander Beatrice Edith Female Brown Harold Spencer Male South Perth
1922/100428 Perth Brown Harold Spencer Male Alexander Beatrice Edith Female South Perth
1922/100429 Perth Roberts Herbert Male Reynolds Violet Annie Mable Female Perth
1922/100429 Perth Reynolds Violet Annie Mable Female Roberts Herbert Male Perth
1922/100430 Perth James John Robert Male Ryle Mary Female Perth
1922/100430 Perth Ryle Mary Female James John Robert Male Perth
1922/100431 Perth Aylett Dorothy Winifred Female West Ernest Harold Male West Leederville
1922/100431 Perth West Ernest Harold Male Aylett Dorothy Winifred Female West Leederville
1922/100432 Perth Gardner Edgar Francis Male Reeves Daisy Florence Female Perth
1922/100432 Perth Reeves Daisy Florence Female Gardner Edgar Francis Male Perth
1922/100433 Perth Gibson Clifford Benjamin Male Dwyer Kathleen Beatrice Female Cottesloe
1922/100433 Perth Dwyer Kathleen Beatrice Female Gibson Clifford Benjamin Male Cottesloe
1922/100434 Perth Thompson George John Bertram Male Gray Florence Vera Female Cottesloe Beach
1922/100434 Perth Gray Florence Vera Female Thompson George John Bertram Male Cottesloe Beach
1922/100435 Perth Banks Cecil George Male Martin Gladys Milford Female West Perth
1922/100435 Perth Martin Gladys Milford Female Banks Cecil George Male West Perth
1922/100436 Perth Schofield Edith Rose Female Smith Albert Arthur Male Nedlands
1922/100436 Perth Smith Albert Arthur Male Schofield Edith Rose Female Nedlands
1922/100437 Perth Sinclair Marion Elizabeth Florence Female Jorgensen William Albert Male Perth
1922/100437 Perth Jorgensen William Albert Male Sinclair Marion Elizabeth Florence Female Perth
1922/100438 Perth Knight Percy Thomas Male Auld Janet Millicent Victoria Female Perth
1922/100438 Perth Auld Janet Millicent Victoria Female Knight Percy Thomas Male Perth
1922/100439 Perth Grant Bruce Boswell Male Dummer Ruby Amelia Female Perth
1922/100439 Perth Dummer Ruby Amelia Female Grant Bruce Boswell Male Perth
1922/100440 Perth Hesford Hannah Veronica Female Wheeler Charles Britton Male Mt Lawley
1922/100440 Perth Wheeler Charles Britton Male Hesford Hannah Veronica Female Mt Lawley
1922/100441 Perth Heaney Albert Male Raison Lilian Ivy Female Mt Lawley
1922/100441 Perth Raison Lilian Ivy Female Heaney Albert Male Mt Lawley
1922/100442 Perth Bing Walter Male Spencer Ettie Irene Female Perth
1922/100442 Perth Spencer Ettie Irene Female Bing Walter Male Perth
1922/100443 Perth Johnston Bruce Male Norman Maude Violet Warrington Female Perth
1922/100443 Perth Norman Maude Violet Warrington Female Johnston Bruce Male Perth
1922/100444 Perth Shearing Frederick John Travers Male Baker Evelyn Ethel Female Perth
1922/100444 Perth Baker Evelyn Ethel Female Shearing Frederick John Travers Male Perth
1922/100445 Perth Girando John Male Guelfi Iolanda Maria Female Leederville
1922/100445 Perth Guelfi Iolanda Maria Female Girando John Male Leederville
1922/100446 Perth Hewett Arthur Thomas Male Coade Doris Irene Female Perth
1922/100446 Perth Coade Doris Irene Female Hewett Arthur Thomas Male Perth
1922/100447 Perth Shafto Richard Henry Male Ralston Ethel May Female Perth
1922/100447 Perth Ralston Ethel May Female Shafto Richard Henry Male Perth
1922/100448 Perth Carlisle Mabel Victoria Female Mack Thomas Brown Male Perth
1922/100448 Perth Mack Thomas Brown Male Carlisle Mabel Victoria Female Perth
1922/100449 Perth Franks Frederick William Male Grant Alma Bruce Female Perth
1922/100449 Perth Grant Alma Bruce Female Franks Frederick William Male Perth
1922/100450 Perth O'Neil John George Male McCallum Thelma Maud Female Perth
1922/100450 Perth McCallum Thelma Maud Female O'Neil John George Male Perth
1922/100451 Perth Davenport Ernest Arthur Male Coffey Julie Elise Female Perth
1922/100451 Perth Coffey Julie Elise Female Davenport Ernest Arthur Male Perth
1922/100452 Perth Wood Leonard Bowyer Male Sloss Esther Mabel Female Perth
1922/100452 Perth Sloss Esther Mabel Female Wood Leonard Bowyer Male Perth
1922/100453 Perth Lingwood Kate Female Sutherland John Male Perth
1922/100453 Perth Sutherland John Male Lingwood Kate Female Perth
1922/100454 Perth Fitzgerald Robert Edward Emmet Male Magann Elizabeth Female Perth
1922/100454 Perth Magann Elizabeth Female Fitzgerald Robert Edward Emmet Male Perth
1922/100455 Perth Dixon Thomas George Male McGrath Catherine Myrtle Female Perth
1922/100455 Perth McGrath Catherine Myrtle Female Dixon Thomas George Male Perth
1922/100456 Perth Roddy Nano Ellen Female Jarvis Ernest William Male Perth
1922/100456 Perth Jarvis Ernest William Male Roddy Nano Ellen Female Perth
1922/100457 Perth Castensen Olive Kathleen Female Roach Thomas James Male Perth
1922/100457 Perth Roach Thomas James Male Castensen Olive Kathleen Female Perth
1922/100458 Perth Webster Richard Alliston Male Courtney Margaret Cecilia Female Perth
1922/100458 Perth Courtney Margaret Cecilia Female Webster Richard Alliston Male Perth
1922/100459 Perth White Mary Christina Female Stokes John Placid Male Perth
1922/100459 Perth Stokes John Placid Male White Mary Christina Female Perth
1922/100460 Perth Burton Stephen Matthew Male McMahon Dolly Agnes Female Perth
1922/100460 Perth McMahon Dolly Agnes Female Burton Stephen Matthew Male Perth
1922/100461 Perth Smith Dorothy May Female Brennan Austin Gerald Male Perth
1922/100461 Perth Brennan Austin Gerald Male Smith Dorothy May Female Perth
1922/100462 Perth Robertson Lillie Jane Female Hill Leslie John Male East Perth
1922/100462 Perth Hill Leslie John Male Robertson Lillie Jane Female East Perth
1922/100463 Perth Stephens Frank Male Hinchliffe Esther Maria Female West Perth
1922/100463 Perth Hinchliffe Esther Maria Female Stephens Frank Male West Perth
1922/100464 Perth Wright Stephen Male Pyke Mabel Jane Female Perth
1922/100464 Perth Pyke Mabel Jane Female Wright Stephen Male Perth
1922/100465 Perth Ross Graham Male Burke Leonora Elsie Female West Perth
1922/100465 Perth Burke Leonora Elsie Female Ross Graham Male West Perth
1922/100466 Perth Nave Sarah Ann Female Henderson Thomas Male Perth
1922/100466 Perth Henderson Thomas Male Nave Sarah Ann Female Perth
1922/100467 Perth Murphy Gertrude Madalene Female Dods William Evart Male Perth
1922/100467 Perth Dods William Evart Male Murphy Gertrude Madalene Female Perth
1922/100468 Perth Tripp Ellen Abigial Female McKenna James Male Perth
1922/100468 Perth McKenna James Male Tripp Ellen Abigial Female Perth
1922/100469 Perth Curtis Henry Male Russell Dorothy Maude Female Perth
1922/100469 Perth Russell Dorothy Maude Female Curtis Henry Male Perth
1922/100470 Perth Patterson Edith Female Carter Athol Harding Male Maylands
1922/100470 Perth Carter Athol Harding Male Patterson Edith Female Maylands
1922/100471 Perth Goddard Gwendoline Elsie May Female Green Frederick Male Perth
1922/100471 Perth Green Frederick Male Goddard Gwendoline Elsie May Female Perth
1922/100472 Perth Bendall Daisy Adelaide Mary Female Pegler George Male Perth
1922/100472 Perth Pegler George Male Bendall Daisy Adelaide Mary Female Perth
1922/100473 Perth Sims Kate Female Phillips Joseph Male Perth
1922/100473 Perth Phillips Joseph Male Sims Kate Female Perth
1922/100474 Perth Patterson Alexander Male Ramsay Janet Wallace Female North Perth
1922/100474 Perth Ramsay Janet Wallace Female Patterson Alexander Male North Perth
1922/100475 Perth Roberts Stanley Male Hamilton Ada Frances Female Perth
1922/100475 Perth Hamilton Ada Frances Female Roberts Stanley Male Perth
1922/100476 Perth Wells Richard William Male Daw Bertha Jean Female North Perth
1922/100476 Perth Daw Bertha Jean Female Wells Richard William Male North Perth
1922/100477 Perth Behrmann Elma Ada Female House Samuel Ashton Male North Perth
1922/100477 Perth House Samuel Ashton Male Behrmann Elma Ada Female North Perth
1922/100478 Perth Roberts Ernest Henry Wilfred Male Young Elvira Female Perth
1922/100478 Perth Young Elvira Female Roberts Ernest Henry Wilfred Male Perth
1922/100479 Perth Shaw Sydney Morton Male Chambers Mary Female Subiaco
1922/100479 Perth Chambers Mary Female Shaw Sydney Morton Male Subiaco
1922/100480 Perth Cuthbertson Nathaniel Male Daniel Hazel Irene Female Subiaco
1922/100480 Perth Daniel Hazel Irene Female Cuthbertson Nathaniel Male Subiaco
1922/100481 Perth McDermott Margaret Female Bone Walter Male Subiaco
1922/100481 Perth Bone Walter Male McDermott Margaret Female Subiaco
1922/100482 Perth Jones Ruby Female Drayton William Edward Male Subiaco
1922/100482 Perth Drayton William Edward Male Jones Ruby Female Subiaco
1922/100483 Perth Foulds William Edward Male Robson Edith Ruby Female Subiaco
1922/100483 Perth Robson Edith Ruby Female Foulds William Edward Male Subiaco
1922/100484 Perth Browne Agnes Bella Female Miller Victor Walter Leslie Male Subiaco
1922/100484 Perth Miller Victor Walter Leslie Male Browne Agnes Bella Female Subiaco
1922/100485 Perth Ferrow Dorothy Beatrice Ella Female Holland Stanley Owen Male Subiaco
1922/100485 Perth Holland Stanley Owen Male Ferrow Dorothy Beatrice Ella Female Subiaco
1922/100486 Perth Rice Dorothy Hannah Female Renfree Edward Grills Male Perth
1922/100486 Perth Renfree Edward Grills Male Rice Dorothy Hannah Female Perth
1922/100487 Perth Brooker Joseph Theodore Male Brazil Vera Mildred Female Claremont
1922/100487 Perth Brazil Vera Mildred Female Brooker Joseph Theodore Male Claremont
1922/100488 Perth Rae Amelia Female Hughes Albert Thomas Howard Male North Perth
1922/100488 Perth Hughes Albert Thomas Howard Male Rae Amelia Female North Perth
1922/100489 Perth Longwood Leslie Louis Male Wilkinson Alma Theresa Female Subiaco
1922/100489 Perth Wilkinson Alma Theresa Female Longwood Leslie Louis Male Subiaco
1922/100490 Perth Donohue Albert Male Kett Lilian Grace Female Subiaco
1922/100490 Perth Kett Lilian Grace Female Donohue Albert Male Subiaco
1922/100491 Perth Saunders Henry Heasman Male Thompson Gladys Female Subiaco
1922/100491 Perth Thompson Gladys Female Saunders Henry Heasman Male Subiaco
1922/100492 Perth Pearce John Absolem Male Dawson Amy Mary Female Perth
1922/100492 Perth Dawson Amy Mary Female Pearce John Absolem Male Perth
1922/100493 Perth Herrod Coralie May Female Herrod Samuel Male Perth
1922/100493 Perth Herrod Samuel Male Herrod Coralie May Female Perth
1922/100494 Perth Durack John Peter Male Rowe Pleasance Sarah Female Perth
1922/100494 Perth Rowe Pleasance Sarah Female Durack John Peter Male Perth
1922/100495 Perth Cockman Wesley James Male Chitty Elsie Olive Female Leederville
1922/100495 Perth Chitty Elsie Olive Female Cockman Wesley James Male Leederville
1922/100496 Perth Bryant Alexa Klonnie Jessie Female Barr George Male Subiaco
1922/100496 Perth Barr George Male Bryant Alexa Klonnie Jessie Female Subiaco
1922/100497 Perth Sherrell William Male Edwards Loveday Delcie Pearl Female Subiaco
1922/100497 Perth Edwards Loveday Delcie Pearl Female Sherrell William Male Subiaco
1922/100498 Perth Clark Jack St Kilda McKenzie Male Bowen Ida Grace Female Claremont
1922/100498 Perth Bowen Ida Grace Female Clark Jack St Kilda McKenzie Male Claremont
1922/100499 Perth Holroyd Marian May Female Helliwell Roby Male Subiaco
1922/100499 Perth Helliwell Roby Male Holroyd Marian May Female Subiaco
1922/100500 Perth Wilson Allan Robert Male Leslie Rosina May Female Subiaco
1922/100500 Perth Leslie Rosina May Female Wilson Allan Robert Male Subiaco
1922/100501 Perth Klopper Henry Ferdinand Male Searle Myrtle May Female Subiaco
1922/100501 Perth Searle Myrtle May Female Klopper Henry Ferdinand Male Subiaco
1922/100502 Perth Francis Edgar Charles Male Eder Fanny Annette Female Mt Lawley
1922/100502 Perth Eder Fanny Annette Female Francis Edgar Charles Male Mt Lawley
1922/100503 Perth Tobin Veronica Female Park Albert Edward Male North Perth
1922/100503 Perth Park Albert Edward Male Tobin Veronica Female North Perth
1922/100504 Perth Woods May Female Farrington Louis Male Perth
1922/100504 Perth Farrington Louis Male Woods May Female Perth
1922/100505 Perth Pearson Irene Florence Female Taylor William Joseph Male Perth
1922/100505 Perth Taylor William Joseph Male Pearson Irene Florence Female Perth
1922/100506 Perth Allen Charles Alfred James Male Jones Olive Beatrice Female Maylands
1922/100506 Perth Jones Olive Beatrice Female Allen Charles Alfred James Male Maylands
1922/100507 Perth Oldfield Ivy Female Urlich William Male West Perth
1922/100507 Perth Urlich William Male Oldfield Ivy Female West Perth
1922/100508 Perth Salter Frederick Perry Male Pearce Effie Clare Female West Perth
1922/100508 Perth Pearce Effie Clare Female Salter Frederick Perry Male West Perth
1922/100509 Perth Wilson George William Male Tombs Ettie Muriel Female Perth
1922/100509 Perth Tombs Ettie Muriel Female Wilson George William Male Perth
1922/100510 Perth Reynolds Joseph Male Auld Nellie Female Perth
1922/100510 Perth Auld Nellie Female Reynolds Joseph Male Perth
1922/100511 Perth Leslie Olive May Female Jackson George James Male Perth
1922/100511 Perth Jackson George James Male Leslie Olive May Female Perth
1922/100512 Perth Taylor Henrietta Female Wibberley Reginald Frederick Male Perth
1922/100512 Perth Wibberley Reginald Frederick Male Taylor Henrietta Female Perth
1922/100513 Perth Palmer Robert Hector Male Medling Beatrice Mary Female Perth
1922/100513 Perth Medling Beatrice Mary Female Palmer Robert Hector Male Perth
1922/100514 Perth Grant Nellie Female Pateman John Male Subiaco
1922/100514 Perth Pateman John Male Grant Nellie Female Subiaco
1922/100515 Perth Tibbles Herbert Male McKee Lily Female Perth
1922/100515 Perth McKee Lily Female Tibbles Herbert Male Perth
1922/100516 Perth Jordan Dorothy Female Owens Frank Male West Perth
1922/100516 Perth Owens Frank Male Jordan Dorothy Female West Perth
1922/100517 Perth Hopkins Alice Female Greenacre Herbert James Male Perth
1922/100517 Perth Greenacre Herbert James Male Hopkins Alice Female Perth
1922/100518 Perth Flack Mary Rebecca Irene Female Boyd William Leighton Male West Perth
1922/100518 Perth Boyd William Leighton Male Flack Mary Rebecca Irene Female West Perth
1922/100519 Perth Williamson Eliza Catherine Female Bridgman Victor Alexander Male West Perth
1922/100519 Perth Bridgman Victor Alexander Male Williamson Eliza Catherine Female West Perth
1922/100520 Perth Brady Frank Male Revell Olive Myrtle May Female West Perth
1922/100520 Perth Revell Olive Myrtle May Female Brady Frank Male West Perth
1922/100521 Perth McLoughlin Rose Lear Female Wright Harold Male Perth
1922/100521 Perth Wright Harold Male McLoughlin Rose Lear Female Perth
1922/100522 Perth Gozenton Minnie Sarah Female Ford Robert Harry Male Perth
1922/100522 Perth Ford Robert Harry Male Gozenton Minnie Sarah Female Perth
1922/100523 Perth Blake Arthur Male Cherrett Freda Lilian Female Perth
1922/100523 Perth Cherrett Freda Lilian Female Blake Arthur Male Perth
1922/100524 Perth Thomas Vivian William Male Fiskin Adeline Beatrice Female Perth
1922/100524 Perth Fiskin Adeline Beatrice Female Thomas Vivian William Male Perth
1922/100525 Perth Barnett Frederick Alfred Male Moulden Evelyn Doris May Female Perth
1922/100525 Perth Moulden Evelyn Doris May Female Barnett Frederick Alfred Male Perth
1922/100526 Perth Wilmott Ellen Female Adamson Ernest Edward Male Perth
1922/100526 Perth Adamson Ernest Edward Male Wilmott Ellen Female Perth
1922/100527 Perth Langoulant John Charles Male Laurie Lizzie Female Perth
1922/100527 Perth Laurie Lizzie Female Langoulant John Charles Male Perth
1922/100528 Perth Drummond Frederick William Male Toe Margaret Ellen Female Leederville
1922/100528 Perth Toe Margaret Ellen Female Drummond Frederick William Male Leederville
1922/100529 Perth Pite Catherine Martha Female Casey Henry Male West Subiaco
1922/100529 Perth Casey Henry Male Pite Catherine Martha Female West Subiaco
1922/100530 Perth Holland Alice Gertrude Female Kyle John Male Perth
1922/100530 Perth Kyle John Male Holland Alice Gertrude Female Perth
1922/100531 Perth Williams Richard James Male Wright Louisa Sarah Female Subiaco
1922/100531 Perth Wright Louisa Sarah Female Williams Richard James Male Subiaco
1922/100532 Perth Lechte Doris Female Gordon Thomas Male North Perth
1922/100532 Perth Gordon Thomas Male Lechte Doris Female North Perth
1922/100533 Perth Robertson Francis Ann Female Graham Robert Renton Male Perth
1922/100533 Perth Graham Robert Renton Male Robertson Francis Ann Female Perth
1922/100534 Perth John Vera Gladys Female Kenworthy Edward Harold Male Cottesloe
1922/100534 Perth Kenworthy Edward Harold Male John Vera Gladys Female Cottesloe
1922/100535 Perth Richardson Ernest Aubrey Male Keable Georgina Alice Female Cottesloe
1922/100535 Perth Keable Georgina Alice Female Richardson Ernest Aubrey Male Cottesloe
1922/100536 Perth Whittaker Irene Female Hislop Clarence Gerald Male Perth
1922/100536 Perth Hislop Clarence Gerald Male Whittaker Irene Female Perth
1922/100537 Perth Brady James Male Dow Daisy Frances Female Perth
1922/100537 Perth Dow Daisy Frances Female Brady James Male Perth
1922/100538 Perth Pumphrey Richard Male Nind Marion Annie Davis Female Perth
1922/100538 Perth Nind Marion Annie Davis Female Pumphrey Richard Male Perth
1922/100539 Perth Scanlan James Alexander Male Smith Ada Leonie Lamb Burnyeatt Female Cottesloe
1922/100539 Perth Smith Ada Leonie Lamb Burnyeatt Female Scanlan James Alexander Male Cottesloe
1922/100540 Perth Lee Norah Female Grubnan Theodore Robert Male Perth
1922/100540 Perth Grubnan Theodore Robert Male Lee Norah Female Perth
1922/100541 Perth Povey Alfred Bertie Male Stevens Ivy May Female Perth
1922/100541 Perth Stevens Ivy May Female Povey Alfred Bertie Male Perth
1922/100542 Perth Hayden Emily Anna Female Watson James Male Perth
1922/100542 Perth Watson James Male Hayden Emily Anna Female Perth
1922/100543 Perth Tyler Robert Emric Male Deans Edith Muriel Female Perth
1922/100543 Perth Deans Edith Muriel Female Tyler Robert Emric Male Perth
1922/100544 Perth Buckland Rose Female Feast John Male Perth
1922/100544 Perth Feast John Male Buckland Rose Female Perth
1922/100545 Perth Bradshaw Howard Sydney Male Thomas Gladys May Female Perth
1922/100545 Perth Thomas Gladys May Female Bradshaw Howard Sydney Male Perth
1922/100546 Perth Sharpe John Ayrton Male Lapham Hilda Gwendoline Female North Perth
1922/100546 Perth Lapham Hilda Gwendoline Female Sharpe John Ayrton Male North Perth
1922/100547 Perth Pendergrast Florence Ethel Female Deere William James Male Perth
1922/100547 Perth Deere William James Male Pendergrast Florence Ethel Female Perth
1922/100548 Perth Cull Margaret Josephine Female Jones Henry Morgan Male Perth
1922/100548 Perth Jones Henry Morgan Male Cull Margaret Josephine Female Perth
1922/100549 Perth Glennon Eugenie Female White John James Male Perth
1922/100549 Perth White John James Male Glennon Eugenie Female Perth
1922/100550 Perth Boorman Thomas Male Dunjey Dorothy May Beeching Betteridge Female Perth
1922/100550 Perth Dunjey Dorothy May Beeching Betteridge Female Boorman Thomas Male Perth
1922/100551 Perth Sawkins Alfred Male Day Lulu Female Perth
1922/100551 Perth Day Lulu Female Sawkins Alfred Male Perth
1922/100552 Perth Edwards John Male Elshaw Clarice Maud Female Perth
1922/100552 Perth Elshaw Clarice Maud Female Edwards John Male Perth
1922/100553 Perth Ward Mary Ann Doris Female Frank Frederick John Male Perth
1922/100553 Perth Frank Frederick John Male Ward Mary Ann Doris Female Perth
1922/100554 Perth Praed Edward John Male Kyrwood Vera May Female Leederville
1922/100554 Perth Kyrwood Vera May Female Praed Edward John Male Leederville
1922/100555 Perth Stanley Constance Josephine Female Winter Frederick Charles Barton Male Cottesloe Beach
1922/100555 Perth Winter Frederick Charles Barton Male Stanley Constance Josephine Female Cottesloe Beach
1922/100556 Perth Luetchford Edward Victor John Male Hunter Edith Annie Female Claremont
1922/100556 Perth Hunter Edith Annie Female Luetchford Edward Victor John Male Claremont
1922/100557 Perth Slater Edgar McLeish Male Renwick Violet May Female Perth
1922/100557 Perth Renwick Violet May Female Slater Edgar McLeish Male Perth
1922/100558 Perth Field Alan Douglas Male Parsons Ada Bertha Female Perth
1922/100558 Perth Parsons Ada Bertha Female Field Alan Douglas Male Perth
1922/100559 Perth Plummer Florence Hilda Female Rippin Cyril Harrold Male Perth
1922/100559 Perth Rippin Cyril Harrold Male Plummer Florence Hilda Female Perth
1922/100560 Perth Snook Clyde Frank Male McCracken Jane Vera White Female Perth
1922/100560 Perth McCracken Jane Vera White Female Snook Clyde Frank Male Perth
1922/100561 Perth Mark Frank Harold Male Green Agnes Female West Perth
1922/100561 Perth Green Agnes Female Mark Frank Harold Male West Perth
1922/100562 Perth Roberts Elizabeth Sarah Female Tuxford Gordon James Male Perth
1922/100562 Perth Tuxford Gordon James Male Roberts Elizabeth Sarah Female Perth
1922/100563 Perth Daw Constance Cecilia Female Bell Daniel Male Subiaco
1922/100563 Perth Bell Daniel Male Daw Constance Cecilia Female Subiaco
1922/100564 Perth Eakins Anne Norah Female Hook Stanley Thomas Male Perth
1922/100564 Perth Hook Stanley Thomas Male Eakins Anne Norah Female Perth
1922/100565 Perth Nettle William Leyslion Male Sampson Alice Margaret Female Perth
1922/100565 Perth Sampson Alice Margaret Female Nettle William Leyslion Male Perth
1922/100566 Perth Rankin Susan Elizabeth Vera Female Aberle Ernest Male Subiaco
1922/100566 Perth Aberle Ernest Male Rankin Susan Elizabeth Vera Female Subiaco
1922/100567 Perth Cannings Isobel Marie Female Greenwood William Male Perth
1922/100567 Perth Greenwood William Male Cannings Isobel Marie Female Perth
1922/100568 Perth Sandilands James Brown Male Hardwick Dorothy Amy Padbury Female Mount Lawley
1922/100568 Perth Hardwick Dorothy Amy Padbury Female Sandilands James Brown Male Mount Lawley
1922/100569 Perth Wrightson Neta Avis Hope Female Rielly William Male Perth
1922/100569 Perth Rielly William Male Wrightson Neta Avis Hope Female Perth
1922/100570 Perth Coppin Alfred George Male McIntosh Sylvia May Female Nedlands
1922/100570 Perth McIntosh Sylvia May Female Coppin Alfred George Male Nedlands
1922/100571 Perth Mansfield Reginald Male Whelan Amy Female Perth
1922/100571 Perth Whelan Amy Female Mansfield Reginald Male Perth
1922/100572 Perth Eaton Robert Farmer Male Rhodes Sarah Elizabeth Amelia Female Perth
1922/100572 Perth Rhodes Sarah Elizabeth Amelia Female Eaton Robert Farmer Male Perth
1922/100573 Perth Bentley Elizabeth May Female Taylor Hartnell William Harold Male North Perth
1922/100573 Perth Taylor Hartnell William Harold Male Bentley Elizabeth May Female North Perth
1922/100574 Perth McKay Elsie Levena Female Allison Cyril George Male Perth
1922/100574 Perth Allison Cyril George Male McKay Elsie Levena Female Perth
1922/100575 Perth Edis Audrey Gertrude Female Trindall Ernest Thomas Samuel Male Perth
1922/100575 Perth Trindall Ernest Thomas Samuel Male Edis Audrey Gertrude Female Perth
1922/100576 Perth Hall Anthony James Male McCauley Minnie Female Claremont
1922/100576 Perth McCauley Minnie Female Hall Anthony James Male Claremont
1922/100577 Perth Kerr Charles Logan Male Jackson Mary Female West Perth
1922/100577 Perth Jackson Mary Female Kerr Charles Logan Male West Perth
1922/100578 Perth Davidson Maude Ellen Female Small Edward Roper Male West Perth
1922/100578 Perth Small Edward Roper Male Davidson Maude Ellen Female West Perth
1922/100579 Perth Steadman Ida Lilian Female Goode Wilfred Leslie Male West Perth
1922/100579 Perth Goode Wilfred Leslie Male Steadman Ida Lilian Female West Perth
1922/100580 Perth Day Florence Female Skeels Walter Frederick Male Maylands
1922/100580 Perth Skeels Walter Frederick Male Day Florence Female Maylands
1922/100581 Perth Williams Frederick Charles Male Smith Elinor Isobel Female Perth
1922/100581 Perth Smith Elinor Isobel Female Williams Frederick Charles Male Perth
1922/100582 Perth Warrington Jessie Ann Female Jones Stephen Thackery Male Cottesloe
1922/100582 Perth Jones Stephen Thackery Male Warrington Jessie Ann Female Cottesloe
1922/100583 Perth Hagarty Elizabeth Bernadette Female Kahan Henry Kagan Male Perth
1922/100583 Perth Kahan Henry Kagan Male Hagarty Elizabeth Bernadette Female Perth
1922/100584 Perth Barker Louis Male Carr Ethel Lucy Female Perth
1922/100584 Perth Carr Ethel Lucy Female Barker Louis Male Perth
1922/100585 Perth Feakes Frank Male McCorry Margaret Alma Female Perth
1922/100585 Perth McCorry Margaret Alma Female Feakes Frank Male Perth
1922/100586 Perth McFarlane Mary Female Rose Norman Harold Male Perth
1922/100586 Perth Rose Norman Harold Male McFarlane Mary Female Perth
1922/100587 Perth Markey John Patrick Male Maslin Alice Maud Female Perth
1922/100587 Perth Maslin Alice Maud Female Markey John Patrick Male Perth
1922/100588 Perth Fitzgerald Patrick Male Blackmore Elizabeth Alice Female Perth
1922/100588 Perth Blackmore Elizabeth Alice Female Fitzgerald Patrick Male Perth
1922/100589 Perth Lowick William Albert Male Hodgins Lillie Female Cottesloe
1922/100589 Perth Hodgins Lillie Female Lowick William Albert Male Cottesloe
1922/100590 Perth Murphy John Joseph Male Whelan Eileen Frances Female Maylands
1922/100590 Perth Whelan Eileen Frances Female Murphy John Joseph Male Maylands
1922/100591 Perth Foster Renel Edward Male Spencer Lucy Female Perth
1922/100591 Perth Spencer Lucy Female Foster Renel Edward Male Perth
1922/100592 Perth Holdman Julius Arthur Male Blinman Doris Gwendoline Female West Perth
1922/100592 Perth Blinman Doris Gwendoline Female Holdman Julius Arthur Male West Perth
1922/100593 Perth Youd Elizabeth Female Sydney Arthur James Male Perth
1922/100593 Perth Sydney Arthur James Male Youd Elizabeth Female Perth
1922/100594 Perth Page Robert Leslie Male Harmar Dorothy Maud Female Perth
1922/100594 Perth Harmar Dorothy Maud Female Page Robert Leslie Male Perth
1922/100595 Perth Griffiths Robert Stanley Male Cowley Ethel May Female Perth
1922/100595 Perth Cowley Ethel May Female Griffiths Robert Stanley Male Perth
1922/100596 Perth Strickland John Charles Male Lee Myra Guliema Female South Perth
1922/100596 Perth Lee Myra Guliema Female Strickland John Charles Male South Perth
1922/100597 Perth Corrigan May Josephine Female Kunzel Gottfried Emil Male Perth
1922/100597 Perth Kunzel Gottfried Emil Male Corrigan May Josephine Female Perth
1922/100598 Perth Costello Stephen William Male Minogue Lena Margaret Female Perth
1922/100598 Perth Minogue Lena Margaret Female Costello Stephen William Male Perth
1922/100599 Perth Maplesden Alfred Percy Inge Male Cleave Blanche Maud Female Perth
1922/100599 Perth Cleave Blanche Maud Female Maplesden Alfred Percy Inge Male Perth
1922/100600 Perth McIntosh David Male Irvine Mary Ann Female Perth
1922/100600 Perth Irvine Mary Ann Female McIntosh David Male Perth
1922/100601 Perth Hyde John Male Doherty Marie Catheart Female Perth
1922/100601 Perth Doherty Marie Catheart Female Hyde John Male Perth
1922/100602 Perth Darcy Thomas Male Hopkins Ruby Darthnell Female Perth
1922/100602 Perth Hopkins Ruby Darthnell Female Darcy Thomas Male Perth
1922/100603 Perth Howes Emma Elizabeth Annie Female Marshall Albert Edward Male Perth
1922/100603 Perth Marshall Albert Edward Male Howes Emma Elizabeth Annie Female Perth
1922/100604 Perth Starkey Dorothy Elizabeth Jane Female Sainsbury George Male Perth
1922/100604 Perth Sainsbury George Male Starkey Dorothy Elizabeth Jane Female Perth
1922/100605 Perth Bower Ivy McRae Female Rogers Edwin Charles Male Perth
1922/100605 Perth Rogers Edwin Charles Male Bower Ivy McRae Female Perth
1922/100606 Perth Smith Horace Harold Male Bingham Phoebe Amelia Florence Female Subiaco
1922/100606 Perth Bingham Phoebe Amelia Florence Female Smith Horace Harold Male Subiaco
1922/100607 Perth Faithful Samuel James Male Kelly Ruby May Female Perth
1922/100607 Perth Kelly Ruby May Female Faithful Samuel James Male Perth
1922/100608 Perth Pugh Morecroft Rickards Male Williams Ida Massey Wood Female North Perth
1922/100608 Perth Williams Ida Massey Wood Female Pugh Morecroft Rickards Male North Perth
1922/100609 Perth Green Lily Female Bailye George Ernest Male Perth
1922/100609 Perth Bailye George Ernest Male Green Lily Female Perth
1922/100610 Perth Behsman Mina Millicent Female Cleary Robert Male Perth
1922/100610 Perth Cleary Robert Male Behsman Mina Millicent Female Perth
1922/100611 Perth McQueen William Alexander Male Lord Stella Corlac Female Perth
1922/100611 Perth Lord Stella Corlac Female McQueen William Alexander Male Perth
1922/100612 Perth Adams Eileen Maud Female Savory John Harold Male Claremont
1922/100612 Perth Savory John Harold Male Adams Eileen Maud Female Claremont
1922/100613 Perth Boyd Ellen May Female Barry James Michael Male West Perth
1922/100613 Perth Barry James Michael Male Boyd Ellen May Female West Perth
1922/100614 Perth Moffat Hubert Edward Male Connelly Francis Female West Perth
1922/100614 Perth Connelly Francis Female Moffat Hubert Edward Male West Perth
1922/100615 Perth Nicol Nellie Female Lynch Patrick Male West Perth
1922/100615 Perth Lynch Patrick Male Nicol Nellie Female West Perth
1922/100616 Perth Sizer Irene Rosina Female Walters Stanley Leopold Male Perth
1922/100616 Perth Walters Stanley Leopold Male Sizer Irene Rosina Female Perth
1922/100617 Perth Lawrence Verna Alberta Female Gilwhite Stanley John Male Perth
1922/100617 Perth Gilwhite Stanley John Male Lawrence Verna Alberta Female Perth
1922/100618 Perth Lapsley William George Underwood Male Cowan Muriel Jessie Female Perth
1922/100618 Perth Cowan Muriel Jessie Female Lapsley William George Underwood Male Perth
1922/100619 Perth Gleeson William Henry Male Kennedy Constance Mary Female Perth
1922/100619 Perth Kennedy Constance Mary Female Gleeson William Henry Male Perth
1922/100620 Perth Sutcliffe Mary Ellen Female Rimmer John Male Subiaco
1922/100620 Perth Rimmer John Male Sutcliffe Mary Ellen Female Subiaco
1922/100621 Perth Ballantyne Andrew Male Walsh Dorothy Ada Female Perth
1922/100621 Perth Walsh Dorothy Ada Female Ballantyne Andrew Male Perth
1922/100622 Perth Bennett Doris Emily Female Leary Henry Oswald Male Subiaco
1922/100622 Perth Leary Henry Oswald Male Bennett Doris Emily Female Subiaco
1922/100623 Perth Wiseman Archibald Male Morgan Sarah Louise Female North Perth
1922/100623 Perth Morgan Sarah Louise Female Wiseman Archibald Male North Perth
1922/100624 Perth McGann Christopher Male Baldwin Rachel Female Perth
1922/100624 Perth Baldwin Rachel Female McGann Christopher Male Perth
1922/100625 Perth Smith William Male Finlayson Jessie Anne Female Cottesloe
1922/100625 Perth Finlayson Jessie Anne Female Smith William Male Cottesloe
1922/100626 Perth Hunter Bernard Douglas Male Best Elizabeth Female Perth
1922/100626 Perth Best Elizabeth Female Hunter Bernard Douglas Male Perth
1922/100627 Perth O'Connor Ellen Bridget Female Hodgins Robert Male Perth
1922/100627 Perth Hodgins Robert Male O'Connor Ellen Bridget Female Perth
1922/100628 Perth Crofts Violet May Female Beckett Robert John Male Perth
1922/100628 Perth Beckett Robert John Male Crofts Violet May Female Perth
1922/100629 Perth Bercove Solomon Male Mather Gladys Amy Female Perth
1922/100629 Perth Mather Gladys Amy Female Bercove Solomon Male Perth
1922/100630 Perth Brown Helen Female Bradshaw Richard Frederick Male Perth
1922/100630 Perth Bradshaw Richard Frederick Male Brown Helen Female Perth
1922/100631 Perth Normoyle Eileen Mary Female Townson Richard Henry Male Cottesloe
1922/100631 Perth Townson Richard Henry Male Normoyle Eileen Mary Female Cottesloe
1922/100632 Perth Lewis Gwendoline Mary Female Anderson Francis Frederick Male Cottesloe
1922/100632 Perth Anderson Francis Frederick Male Lewis Gwendoline Mary Female Cottesloe
1922/100633 Perth Quigley Annie Hazel Female Duggan Edmund James Male West Perth
1922/100633 Perth Duggan Edmund James Male Quigley Annie Hazel Female West Perth
1922/100634 Perth Ogden Catherine Nina Female Pitts Henry Arthur Male West Perth
1922/100634 Perth Pitts Henry Arthur Male Ogden Catherine Nina Female West Perth
1922/100635 Perth Paterson Isabella Female Head Bertram Male North Perth
1922/100635 Perth Head Bertram Male Paterson Isabella Female North Perth
1922/100636 Perth Coffey John Joseph Male Campbell Emma Female North Perth
1922/100636 Perth Campbell Emma Female Coffey John Joseph Male North Perth
1922/100637 Perth Angelo Mary Constance Tunbridge Female Boddington Thomas Aubrey Male Perth
1922/100637 Perth Boddington Thomas Aubrey Male Angelo Mary Constance Tunbridge Female Perth
1922/100638 Perth Christie Alice Maude Female Newport Burgess Edward Male East Perth
1922/100638 Perth Newport Burgess Edward Male Christie Alice Maude Female East Perth
1922/100639 Perth Cooper Loris Clyde Male Pearce Christina Female North Perth
1922/100639 Perth Pearce Christina Female Cooper Loris Clyde Male North Perth
1922/100640 Perth Barnes Georgina Ada Female Dennis Richard Sydney Male North Perth
1922/100640 Perth Dennis Richard Sydney Male Barnes Georgina Ada Female North Perth
1922/100641 Perth Platt Donald Edward Male Halliday Coralie Monica Female Bayswater
1922/100641 Perth Halliday Coralie Monica Female Platt Donald Edward Male Bayswater
1922/100642 Perth Gordon Alexander Male Henson Edith May Female West Perth
1922/100642 Perth Henson Edith May Female Gordon Alexander Male West Perth
1922/100643 Perth Ballinger Arthur Henry Male Tonkin Laura Female Perth
1922/100643 Perth Tonkin Laura Female Ballinger Arthur Henry Male Perth
1922/100644 Perth Hobbs Robert Neal Male Brown Elsie Laurel Female Perth
1922/100644 Perth Brown Elsie Laurel Female Hobbs Robert Neal Male Perth
1922/100645 Perth Saunders Ada Marion Williams Female Tilson William Francis Male Perth
1922/100645 Perth Tilson William Francis Male Saunders Ada Marion Williams Female Perth
1922/100646 Perth Oliver Euphemia Hastie Female Callow John James Male Perth
1922/100646 Perth Callow John James Male Oliver Euphemia Hastie Female Perth
1922/100647 Perth Flowers John William Male O'Reilly Esther Marie Female Perth
1922/100647 Perth O'Reilly Esther Marie Female Flowers John William Male Perth
1922/100648 Perth McRohan Ernest Edward Male Chatel Kathleen Teresa Female Perth
1922/100648 Perth Chatel Kathleen Teresa Female McRohan Ernest Edward Male Perth
1922/100649 Perth Larter Mabel Female Brown Charles Male Perth
1922/100649 Perth Brown Charles Male Larter Mabel Female Perth
1922/100650 Perth Cuthbertson Martha Ann Female Hains Leonard Male Maylands
1922/100650 Perth Hains Leonard Male Cuthbertson Martha Ann Female Maylands
1922/100651 Perth Scott Fred Alan Male Siefken Minnabelle Muriel Female Maylands
1922/100651 Perth Siefken Minnabelle Muriel Female Scott Fred Alan Male Maylands
1922/100652 Perth Devine Florence Emma Female Rowles William Arthur Male Maylands
1922/100652 Perth Rowles William Arthur Male Devine Florence Emma Female Maylands
1922/100653 Perth Smith Kate Manwarring Female Hood William Male Maylands
1922/100653 Perth Hood William Male Smith Kate Manwarring Female Maylands
1922/100654 Perth Hansen Eric William Male Rieger Francis Annie Ilene Female Victoria Park
1922/100654 Perth Rieger Francis Annie Ilene Female Hansen Eric William Male Victoria Park
1922/100655 Perth McAdam Robert John Male Tapley Amy Alice Female Victoria Park
1922/100655 Perth Tapley Amy Alice Female McAdam Robert John Male Victoria Park
1922/100656 Perth Adam Thomas Ellis Male Howell Victoria May Female Perth
1922/100656 Perth Howell Victoria May Female Adam Thomas Ellis Male Perth
1922/100657 Perth White Lionel Edmund Male Kingsworth Ellen Harriett Female Perth
1922/100657 Perth Kingsworth Ellen Harriett Female White Lionel Edmund Male Perth
1922/100658 Perth Pickering Norman Male Atwell Beatrice Pearl Female Perth
1922/100658 Perth Atwell Beatrice Pearl Female Pickering Norman Male Perth
1922/100659 Perth Lawrance Amy Millicent Female Cowie George John Male Perth
1922/100659 Perth Cowie George John Male Lawrance Amy Millicent Female Perth
1922/100660 Perth Crain Wallace Alfred Male Walters Eileen May Female Perth
1922/100660 Perth Walters Eileen May Female Crain Wallace Alfred Male Perth
1922/100661 Perth Hope Margaret Female Holland Henry Frederick Male Perth
1922/100661 Perth Holland Henry Frederick Male Hope Margaret Female Perth
1922/100662 Perth Slade Ethel Irene Female England Frederick George Male Perth
1922/100662 Perth England Frederick George Male Slade Ethel Irene Female Perth
1922/100663 Perth McKee Margaret Elizabeth Female Rhodes William Monteith Male North Perth
1922/100663 Perth Rhodes William Monteith Male McKee Margaret Elizabeth Female North Perth
1922/100664 Perth McGuinness Ethel Mary Female Doyle Thomas Patrick Male Perth
1922/100664 Perth Doyle Thomas Patrick Male McGuinness Ethel Mary Female Perth
1922/100665 Perth Thompson Florence Marjorie Female Russell John McRae Male Cottesloe
1922/100665 Perth Russell John McRae Male Thompson Florence Marjorie Female Cottesloe
1922/100666 Perth Whitewood Charles Albert Male Coghill Dorothy Maud Vera Female Cottesloe
1922/100666 Perth Coghill Dorothy Maud Vera Female Whitewood Charles Albert Male Cottesloe
1922/100667 Perth Reynolds Joseph Male Thomson Beryl Maud Female Perth
1922/100667 Perth Thomson Beryl Maud Female Reynolds Joseph Male Perth
1922/100668 Perth Truran Ellen Female Loughton George Male Perth
1922/100668 Perth Loughton George Male Truran Ellen Female Perth
1922/100669 Perth Greay Olive Coralee Female Winton Leslie Clifton Male Perth
1922/100669 Perth Winton Leslie Clifton Male Greay Olive Coralee Female Perth
1922/100670 Perth Fowler Annie Female Cloutt Alfred Charles Male Perth
1922/100670 Perth Cloutt Alfred Charles Male Fowler Annie Female Perth
1922/100671 Perth Poynter Claud Ithemer Male Giblett Muriel Wells Female East Perth
1922/100671 Perth Giblett Muriel Wells Female Poynter Claud Ithemer Male East Perth
1922/100672 Perth Garrett Fred Herbert Male Blackwell Ethel Charlotte Female Perth
1922/100672 Perth Blackwell Ethel Charlotte Female Garrett Fred Herbert Male Perth
1922/100673 Perth Jackson Herbert William Male Laurie Hannah Female Perth
1922/100673 Perth Laurie Hannah Female Jackson Herbert William Male Perth
1922/100674 Perth Barrah Martha Rowena Female Gaunt Bertie Male Perth
1922/100674 Perth Gaunt Bertie Male Barrah Martha Rowena Female Perth
1922/100675 Perth Battye Hinda Sylvia Female Bowra Herbert Joyce Male Perth
1922/100675 Perth Bowra Herbert Joyce Male Battye Hinda Sylvia Female Perth
1922/100676 Perth Mackay John Mowatt Male Cousins Emma Lilian Female Perth
1922/100676 Perth Cousins Emma Lilian Female Mackay John Mowatt Male Perth
1922/100677 Perth Draper Amy Elizabeth Female Lefroy Francis Charles Bruce Male Perth
1922/100677 Perth Lefroy Francis Charles Bruce Male Draper Amy Elizabeth Female Perth
1922/100678 Perth Clancy Edith Florence Female Rogers Ernest Male Perth
1922/100678 Perth Rogers Ernest Male Clancy Edith Florence Female Perth
1922/100679 Perth Lane James Cecil Herbert Male Eliot Edith Atcherley Female Perth
1922/100679 Perth Eliot Edith Atcherley Female Lane James Cecil Herbert Male Perth
1922/100680 Perth Chessell David Lawford Male Davies Annie Female Cottesloe
1922/100680 Perth Davies Annie Female Chessell David Lawford Male Cottesloe
1922/100681 Perth Emberson Harriet Jane Female Emberson John Lamont Male Bayswater
1922/100681 Perth Emberson John Lamont Male Emberson Harriet Jane Female Bayswater
1922/100682 Perth Tutty George William Male Jones Emily Maud Female Perth
1922/100682 Perth Jones Emily Maud Female Tutty George William Male Perth
1922/100683 Perth Taylor James Percy Male Henderson Beatrice Louisa Female Subiaco
1922/100683 Perth Henderson Beatrice Louisa Female Taylor James Percy Male Subiaco
1922/100684 Perth Hayward Elsie Maud Muriel Female Buirski Joseph Arthur Warren Male Perth
1922/100684 Perth Buirski Joseph Arthur Warren Male Hayward Elsie Maud Muriel Female Perth
1922/100685 Perth Simpson Jack Male Pearce Amelia Mary Female North Perth
1922/100685 Perth Pearce Amelia Mary Female Simpson Jack Male North Perth
1922/100686 Perth Murphy Grace Ethel Rose Female Hodgkinson Albert Ernest Male Perth
1922/100686 Perth Hodgkinson Albert Ernest Male Murphy Grace Ethel Rose Female Perth
1922/100687 Perth Hurst Lila May Female Liddelow Reginald Lennington Male Perth
1922/100687 Perth Liddelow Reginald Lennington Male Hurst Lila May Female Perth
1922/100688 Perth Shusen Manus James Male Hill Bertha Female Perth
1922/100688 Perth Hill Bertha Female Shusen Manus James Male Perth
1922/100689 Perth McGrath Winifred Rosina Female Eaton Herbert Male Perth
1922/100689 Perth Eaton Herbert Male McGrath Winifred Rosina Female Perth
1922/100690 Perth Dempsey Gladys Mary Female Smith John Augustine Male Perth
1922/100690 Perth Smith John Augustine Male Dempsey Gladys Mary Female Perth
1922/100691 Perth Nelligan Monica Mary Female Armstrong Harold William Male Perth
1922/100691 Perth Armstrong Harold William Male Nelligan Monica Mary Female Perth
1922/100692 Perth Lyall William McIntosh Male Nickoll Gwendoline Stewart Female Perth
1922/100692 Perth Nickoll Gwendoline Stewart Female Lyall William McIntosh Male Perth
1922/100693 Perth Helyar Reginald Percy Male Finlayson Maud Frances Maria Female Perth
1922/100693 Perth Finlayson Maud Frances Maria Female Helyar Reginald Percy Male Perth
1922/100694 Perth McLaughlan Samuel James Male Morgan Eleanor Archer Female Perth
1922/100694 Perth Morgan Eleanor Archer Female McLaughlan Samuel James Male Perth
1922/100695 Perth Kilburn Edith Female Dovey Frederick George Harold Male Victoria Park
1922/100695 Perth Dovey Frederick George Harold Male Kilburn Edith Female Victoria Park
1922/100696 Perth Shaw Duncan Male Collins Susan McTurk Female Victoria Park
1922/100696 Perth Collins Susan McTurk Female Shaw Duncan Male Victoria Park
1922/100697 Perth Lawson Walter Samuel Male Maskiell Doris Frances Alexandra Female Perth
1922/100697 Perth Maskiell Doris Frances Alexandra Female Lawson Walter Samuel Male Perth
1922/100698 Perth Speight Ruby May Female Fickling John Edward Male Perth
1922/100698 Perth Fickling John Edward Male Speight Ruby May Female Perth
1922/100699 Perth Rundell Ivy May Female Jardine Robert Male Victoria Park
1922/100699 Perth Jardine Robert Male Rundell Ivy May Female Victoria Park
1922/100700 Perth Wood May Lee Female Chiew Timothy See Male Perth
1922/100700 Perth Chiew Timothy See Male Wood May Lee Female Perth
1922/100701 Perth Beresford-Murray Margaret Lynden Alice Female Heffernan John Joseph Male Perth
1922/100701 Perth Heffernan John Joseph Male Beresford-Murray Margaret Lynden Alice Female Perth
1922/100702 Perth Gard Richard Edward Male Hall Elizabeth Jane Female West Perth
1922/100702 Perth Hall Elizabeth Jane Female Gard Richard Edward Male West Perth
1922/100703 Perth Townsend Lillian Mary Female Smith Ernest William Male Perth
1922/100703 Perth Smith Ernest William Male Townsend Lillian Mary Female Perth
1922/100704 Perth Brackenreg Roy Lindsay Colin Male Merifield Ruby Marion Female North Perth
1922/100704 Perth Merifield Ruby Marion Female Brackenreg Roy Lindsay Colin Male North Perth
1922/100705 Perth Tichbon Edna Irene Female McCavana Edward Male East Perth
1922/100705 Perth McCavana Edward Male Tichbon Edna Irene Female East Perth
1922/100706 Perth Tindall Walter Harold Alfred Male Davies Elizabeth Female East Perth
1922/100706 Perth Davies Elizabeth Female Tindall Walter Harold Alfred Male East Perth
1922/100707 Perth Clarke Kathleen Stephen Female Liddelow William David Male East Perth
1922/100707 Perth Liddelow William David Male Clarke Kathleen Stephen Female East Perth
1922/100708 Perth Wilson Catherine Female Lillingston Leslie Male Subiaco
1922/100708 Perth Lillingston Leslie Male Wilson Catherine Female Subiaco
1922/100709 Perth James Clara Grace Female Whiteley Erskine Shackson Male Subiaco
1922/100709 Perth Whiteley Erskine Shackson Male James Clara Grace Female Subiaco
1922/100710 Perth Greenwood Samuel Joseph Henry Male Hubert Esther Victoria Female Subiaco
1922/100710 Perth Hubert Esther Victoria Female Greenwood Samuel Joseph Henry Male Subiaco
1922/100711 Perth Morrissey Mary Ethel Female Drew Thomas Henry Male Subiaco
1922/100711 Perth Drew Thomas Henry Male Morrissey Mary Ethel Female Subiaco
1922/100712 Perth Rudeforth Francis Herbert Male Hill Myrtle Olive Female Cottesloe Beach
1922/100712 Perth Hill Myrtle Olive Female Rudeforth Francis Herbert Male Cottesloe Beach
1922/100713 Perth Jaggard Henry Male Burke Matilda Female Perth
1922/100713 Perth Burke Matilda Female Jaggard Henry Male Perth
1922/100714 Perth Compton Annie Bickley Female Mills Samuel Douglass Male Leederville
1922/100714 Perth Mills Samuel Douglass Male Compton Annie Bickley Female Leederville
1922/100715 Perth Lee Ernest Male Betjemann Gertrude Rosetta Female Leederville
1922/100715 Perth Betjemann Gertrude Rosetta Female Lee Ernest Male Leederville
1922/100716 Perth Pengelly Sylvia Grace Constance Female Abbott Arthur Ewbank Male Leederville
1922/100716 Perth Abbott Arthur Ewbank Male Pengelly Sylvia Grace Constance Female Leederville
1922/100717 Perth Zines Rachel Female Perlow Isaac Male Perth
1922/100717 Perth Perlow Isaac Male Zines Rachel Female Perth
1922/100718 Perth Shelton Elsie Pearl Female Aldridge Joseph Travers Male Perth
1922/100718 Perth Aldridge Joseph Travers Male Shelton Elsie Pearl Female Perth
1922/100719 Perth Baker Doris Marguerite Female Goerke Leslie Rudolph Male Perth
1922/100719 Perth Goerke Leslie Rudolph Male Baker Doris Marguerite Female Perth
1922/100720 Perth McCorkill George Manton Male Laidlaw Jean Female Perth
1922/100720 Perth Laidlaw Jean Female McCorkill George Manton Male Perth
1922/100721 Perth Ryan Victor George Male Casserley Ruby Cecilia Female Perth
1922/100721 Perth Casserley Ruby Cecilia Female Ryan Victor George Male Perth
1922/100722 Perth Jones Beatrice Maud Female Pierce-Poole Cyril Henry Male Perth
1922/100722 Perth Pierce-Poole Cyril Henry Male Jones Beatrice Maud Female Perth
1922/100723 Perth O'Brien Stephen Male Considine Kathleen Female Perth
1922/100723 Perth Considine Kathleen Female O'Brien Stephen Male Perth
1922/100724 Perth McCann Edward Male Buckley Annie Female Perth
1922/100724 Perth Buckley Annie Female McCann Edward Male Perth
1922/100725 Perth Gregory Nellie Adelaide Female Miles Benjamin Charles Male Perth
1922/100725 Perth Miles Benjamin Charles Male Gregory Nellie Adelaide Female Perth
1922/100726 Perth Maher Monica Female Monkhouse George Male Perth
1922/100726 Perth Monkhouse George Male Maher Monica Female Perth
1922/100727 Perth Baker Charles Edward Male Malone Gladys Marie Female Perth
1922/100727 Perth Malone Gladys Marie Female Baker Charles Edward Male Perth
1922/100728 Perth Fishwick Fanny Female Holland Robert James Male Perth
1922/100728 Perth Holland Robert James Male Fishwick Fanny Female Perth
1922/100729 Perth Lee Albert Edward Male Jessett Dorothy Rose Female Perth
1922/100729 Perth Jessett Dorothy Rose Female Lee Albert Edward Male Perth
1922/100730 Perth Rewell Ada Myrtle Female Riley George Francis Edgar Male South Perth
1922/100730 Perth Riley George Francis Edgar Male Rewell Ada Myrtle Female South Perth
1922/100731 Perth Owen Evelyn Mary Female Musgrove Allan Male Perth
1922/100731 Perth Musgrove Allan Male Owen Evelyn Mary Female Perth
1922/100732 Perth Davies May Female Darley Raymond Charles Male Perth
1922/100732 Perth Darley Raymond Charles Male Davies May Female Perth
1922/100733 Perth Quigley Charles Godfrey Male Reid Gertrude Ivy Female Perth
1922/100733 Perth Reid Gertrude Ivy Female Quigley Charles Godfrey Male Perth
1922/100734 Perth Rickard Albert Edward Male Rossack Annie Female Perth
1922/100734 Perth Rossack Annie Female Rickard Albert Edward Male Perth
1922/100735 Perth Webster Ethel Emily Female Hall Harry Charles Male Perth
1922/100735 Perth Webster Ethel Emily Female Moran Harry Charles Male Perth
1922/100735 Perth Moran Harry Charles Male Webster Ethel Emily Female Perth
1922/100735 Perth Hall Harry Charles Male Webster Ethel Emily Female Perth
1922/100736 Perth Lapsley Hilda Glyde Female Kenworthy Charles David Lears Male Perth
1922/100736 Perth Kenworthy Charles David Lears Male Lapsley Hilda Glyde Female Perth
1922/100737 Perth Newman George Herbert Male Tilney Lurline Dorothy Laura Female Perth
1922/100737 Perth Tilney Lurline Dorothy Laura Female Newman George Herbert Male Perth
1922/100738 Perth Brotheridge Hilda Blanche Female Browne Horace Stanley Male Perth
1922/100738 Perth Browne Horace Stanley Male Brotheridge Hilda Blanche Female Perth
1922/100739 Perth Bremner James David Male Curran Eunice Female Perth
1922/100739 Perth Curran Eunice Female Bremner James David Male Perth
1922/100740 Perth Gusterson Walter Male Joyce Elsie Female Perth
1922/100740 Perth Joyce Elsie Female Gusterson Walter Male Perth
1922/100741 Perth Drabble Irene Female Seaton Leonard Douglas Male North Perth
1922/100741 Perth Seaton Leonard Douglas Male Drabble Irene Female North Perth
1922/100742 Perth Roberts Frank Cathuen Male Clark Agnes Cubie Female Perth
1922/100742 Perth Clark Agnes Cubie Female Roberts Frank Cathuen Male Perth
1922/100743 Perth Owen Henry George Male Laurisch Alvena Anna Jean Female West Subiaco
1922/100743 Perth Laurisch Alvena Anna Jean Female Owen Henry George Male West Subiaco
1922/100744 Perth Newell Elizabeth Rose Female Hoskins William Male Perth
1922/100744 Perth Hoskins William Male Newell Elizabeth Rose Female Perth
1922/100745 Perth Gibson Constance Louise Female Mather Geoffrey Stephenson Male Maylands
1922/100745 Perth Mather Geoffrey Stephenson Male Gibson Constance Louise Female Maylands
1922/100746 Perth Feakes William Henry Male Scott Amy Gladys Female Perth
1922/100746 Perth Scott Amy Gladys Female Feakes William Henry Male Perth
1922/100747 Perth Minchin Vera Eleanor Amy Female Wright Peter Herbert Male Perth
1922/100747 Perth Wright Peter Herbert Male Minchin Vera Eleanor Amy Female Perth
1922/100748 Perth Lauritsen Ole Martin Male Ellis Rose Female Perth
1922/100748 Perth Ellis Rose Female Lauritsen Ole Martin Male Perth
1922/100749 Perth Garner Nellie Female Gregory Robert William Male Perth
1922/100749 Perth Gregory Robert William Male Garner Nellie Female Perth
1922/100750 Perth Gudgeon James Lindsey Crawfurd Male Youngberg Grace Muriel Female Cottesloe
1922/100750 Perth Youngberg Grace Muriel Female Gudgeon James Lindsey Crawfurd Male Cottesloe
1922/100751 Perth Sounness Owen Alexander Kenneth Male Bradley Winifred Cecily Female Rosalie
1922/100751 Perth Bradley Winifred Cecily Female Sounness Owen Alexander Kenneth Male Rosalie
1922/100752 Perth Fraser Amy Female Whitehead Ross Male North Perth
1922/100752 Perth Whitehead Ross Male Fraser Amy Female North Perth
1922/100753 Perth Butler Florence May Female Russell Cyril John Male South Perth
1922/100753 Perth Russell Cyril John Male Butler Florence May Female South Perth
1922/100754 Perth Lewisson Nellie May Female Duncan Eric Fenton Male South Perth
1922/100754 Perth Duncan Eric Fenton Male Lewisson Nellie May Female South Perth
1922/100755 Perth Gardiner Myrtle Margaret Rose Female Langridge Frank Albert Male Perth
1922/100755 Perth Langridge Frank Albert Male Gardiner Myrtle Margaret Rose Female Perth
1922/100756 Perth White Gladys Amelia Female Luke Jack Male Mount Lawley
1922/100756 Perth Luke Jack Male White Gladys Amelia Female Mount Lawley
1922/100757 Perth Marshall Florence Irene Female Young Percy Thomas Male West Perth
1922/100757 Perth Young Percy Thomas Male Marshall Florence Irene Female West Perth
1922/100758 Perth Dodds James Atkinson Male Mathews Myra Dorothy Female Perth
1922/100758 Perth Mathews Myra Dorothy Female Dodds James Atkinson Male Perth
1922/100759 Perth Cooke Dorothy Irene Female Sinclair John Ronald Thomas Male Perth
1922/100759 Perth Sinclair John Ronald Thomas Male Cooke Dorothy Irene Female Perth
1922/100760 Perth Penton Herbert Male Holt Stella Irene Female Perth
1922/100760 Perth Holt Stella Irene Female Penton Herbert Male Perth
1922/100761 Perth Donnelly Henry Thomas Male Hoddy Victoria Louise Female Perth
1922/100761 Perth Hoddy Victoria Louise Female Donnelly Henry Thomas Male Perth
1922/100762 Perth Wright Herbert William Male Hinchliffe Beatrice Victoria Female West Perth
1922/100762 Perth Hinchliffe Beatrice Victoria Female Wright Herbert William Male West Perth
1922/100763 Perth Carter George William Male Clively Helen Margaret Female Leederville
1922/100763 Perth Clively Helen Margaret Female Carter George William Male Leederville
1922/100764 Perth Derham Eva Vivienne Female Jones Leslie Thomas Male Perth
1922/100764 Perth Jones Leslie Thomas Male Derham Eva Vivienne Female Perth
1922/100765 Perth McCann Mabel Josephine Female Henry William John Male Perth
1922/100765 Perth Henry William John Male McCann Mabel Josephine Female Perth
1922/100766 Perth Burton Margaret Lindsay Female Jones Roy Hamlett Burrows Male Subiaco
1922/100766 Perth Jones Roy Hamlett Burrows Male Burton Margaret Lindsay Female Subiaco
1922/100767 Perth Cass Norman Lewis Male Roberts Constance Marion Female Perth
1922/100767 Perth Roberts Constance Marion Female Cass Norman Lewis Male Perth
1922/100768 Perth Biddle Benjamin Male Lilleyman Lillian Rose Female Perth
1922/100768 Perth Lilleyman Lillian Rose Female Biddle Benjamin Male Perth
1922/100769 Perth Sowerbutts George Male Thistleton Sarah Female Perth
1922/100769 Perth Thistleton Sarah Female Sowerbutts George Male Perth
1922/100770 Perth Humphreys Arthur Charles Male Jones Vera Pryce Female Leederville
1922/100770 Perth Jones Vera Pryce Female Humphreys Arthur Charles Male Leederville
1922/100771 Perth Mattingly Kathleen Jocelyn Female Griffiths Henry William Male Perth
1922/100771 Perth Griffiths Henry William Male Mattingly Kathleen Jocelyn Female Perth
1922/100772 Perth Price Marjorie Female Harris Alwyn Spencer Tuckfield Male Perth
1922/100772 Perth Harris Alwyn Spencer Tuckfield Male Price Marjorie Female Perth
1922/100773 Perth Whitfield John Albert Male Boyce Dorothy Mildred Female Perth
1922/100773 Perth Boyce Dorothy Mildred Female Whitfield John Albert Male Perth
1922/100774 Perth Pound Frederick Edward Male Snell Alice Francis Female Perth
1922/100774 Perth Snell Alice Francis Female Pound Frederick Edward Male Perth
1922/100775 Perth Hawthorne Thomas Herbert Male Dinsdale Stella Female Victoria Park
1922/100775 Perth Dinsdale Stella Female Hawthorne Thomas Herbert Male Victoria Park
1922/100776 Perth Bradshaw William John Male Long Eleanor Ada Female Perth
1922/100776 Perth Long Eleanor Ada Female Bradshaw William John Male Perth
1922/100777 Perth Chapman Walter Sterry Male Molineux Amy Elizabeth Female East Perth
1922/100777 Perth Molineux Amy Elizabeth Female Chapman Walter Sterry Male East Perth
1922/100778 Perth Fuller Walter Charles Male Donaldson Helen Taylor Female North Perth
1922/100778 Perth Donaldson Helen Taylor Female Fuller Walter Charles Male North Perth
1922/100779 Perth Pung Mabel Female Brotherson Alfred Searl Male North Perth
1922/100779 Perth Brotherson Alfred Searl Male Pung Mabel Female North Perth
1922/100780 Perth Sherry Harry Male Pilkington Letitia Evelyn Augusta Female Perth
1922/100780 Perth Pilkington Letitia Evelyn Augusta Female Sherry Harry Male Perth
1922/100781 Perth Butters George Henry Male Martin Ellen Female Perth
1922/100781 Perth Martin Ellen Female Butters George Henry Male Perth
1922/100782 Perth Thurnall Annie Victoria Female Dickson George Robert Male Cottesloe
1922/100782 Perth Dickson George Robert Male Thurnall Annie Victoria Female Cottesloe
1922/100783 Perth Greenaway George James Male Saunders Ellen Female Perth
1922/100783 Perth Saunders Ellen Female Greenaway George James Male Perth
1922/100784 Perth Feirclough Hilda Myra Female Lydon Alfred Joseph Male Victoria Park
1922/100784 Perth Lydon Alfred Joseph Male Feirclough Hilda Myra Female Victoria Park
1922/100785 Perth Brown Annie Valentine Female Brooks Henry Male Victoria Park
1922/100785 Perth Brooks Henry Male Brown Annie Valentine Female Victoria Park
1922/100786 Perth Hicks Michael Male Johnson Ethel Louisa Female Perth
1922/100786 Perth Johnson Ethel Louisa Female Hicks Michael Male Perth
1922/100787 Perth Price Lydia Marie Female Hewson Walter George Male Bayswater
1922/100787 Perth Hewson Walter George Male Price Lydia Marie Female Bayswater
1922/100788 Perth Fletcher John Hamily Male Hogan Veronica May Female West Perth
1922/100788 Perth Hogan Veronica May Female Fletcher John Hamily Male West Perth
1922/100789 Perth Barker Francis Male Doig Anna Moir Female West Perth
1922/100789 Perth Doig Anna Moir Female Barker Francis Male West Perth
1922/100790 Perth Kimberley Ethel May Female Carney Albert Edward Male Perth
1922/100790 Perth Carney Albert Edward Male Kimberley Ethel May Female Perth
1922/100791 Perth Pryor Leslie George Male Barrington Geraldine Violet Female Claremont
1922/100791 Perth Barrington Geraldine Violet Female Pryor Leslie George Male Claremont
1922/100792 Perth McCaughan Thomas Male Eggleston Holly Female Perth
1922/100792 Perth Eggleston Holly Female McCaughan Thomas Male Perth
1922/100793 Perth Palmer Ruth Irwin Female Abel Max Male Perth
1922/100793 Perth Abel Max Male Palmer Ruth Irwin Female Perth
1922/100794 Perth Mitchell Beatrice May Female Farrington Frederick William Male Perth
1922/100794 Perth Farrington Frederick William Male Mitchell Beatrice May Female Perth
1922/100795 Perth Ballan Ellen Ritchie Female Gummery Charles Alfred Male Bayswater
1922/100795 Perth Gummery Charles Alfred Male Ballan Ellen Ritchie Female Bayswater
1922/100796 Perth MacGregor Cora Female Johnson John Phillip Male West Perth
1922/100796 Perth Johnson John Phillip Male MacGregor Cora Female West Perth
1922/100797 Perth Stockbridge Helen Josephine Female Abbott Alfred George Male Perth
1922/100797 Perth Abbott Alfred George Male Stockbridge Helen Josephine Female Perth
1922/100798 Perth Eacott Ethel May Female Bailey Herbert George Male Perth
1922/100798 Perth Bailey Herbert George Male Eacott Ethel May Female Perth
1922/100799 Perth Gray Ivy Mae Female Houghton Charles John Male Perth
1922/100799 Perth Houghton Charles John Male Gray Ivy Mae Female Perth
1922/100800 Perth Don Beatrice Maud Female Ashworth Walter Male Victoria Park
1922/100800 Perth Ashworth Walter Male Don Beatrice Maud Female Victoria Park
1922/100801 Perth Edwards Oliver James Male Jenkins Mary Gertrude Female Perth
1922/100801 Perth Jenkins Mary Gertrude Female Edwards Oliver James Male Perth
1922/100802 Perth Acreman Vera Ethel Female Mills Ernest George Male Perth
1922/100802 Perth Mills Ernest George Male Acreman Vera Ethel Female Perth
1922/100803 Perth Yule James Forbes Male Munro Alexandrina Female North Perth
1922/100803 Perth Munro Alexandrina Female Yule James Forbes Male North Perth
1922/100804 Perth Howlett Sadie Female Rogers Frank Arthur Male Victoria Park
1922/100804 Perth Rogers Frank Arthur Male Howlett Sadie Female Victoria Park
1922/100805 Perth Lawrence Minna Ellen Female Hester Victor Leslie Male Cottesloe
1922/100805 Perth Hester Victor Leslie Male Lawrence Minna Ellen Female Cottesloe
1922/100806 Perth Speak Albert Edward Male Montgomery Mildred Clare Female Perth
1922/100806 Perth Montgomery Mildred Clare Female Speak Albert Edward Male Perth
1922/100807 Perth Tippett Stanley Everard Male Wilson Mary Eileen Female Perth
1922/100807 Perth Wilson Mary Eileen Female Tippett Stanley Everard Male Perth
1922/100808 Perth Parker Ada Blackall Female Arundel Edward William Male Perth
1922/100808 Perth Arundel Edward William Male Parker Ada Blackall Female Perth
1922/100809 Perth Rankin Stanley David Male Thornton Mary Edith Female West Perth
1922/100809 Perth Thornton Mary Edith Female Rankin Stanley David Male West Perth
1922/100810 Perth Callaghan Victor Walter Male Coyle Elsie May Marjorie Female Perth
1922/100810 Perth Coyle Elsie May Marjorie Female Callaghan Victor Walter Male Perth
1922/100811 Perth Haines Elsie Female Stone Charles Allen Male Perth
1922/100811 Perth Stone Charles Allen Male Haines Elsie Female Perth
1922/100812 Perth Moore Louisa Love Female Sutherland George Male Perth
1922/100812 Perth Sutherland George Male Moore Louisa Love Female Perth
1922/100813 Perth Watts Stephen Charles Male Stone Vera Constance Female Subiaco
1922/100813 Perth Stone Vera Constance Female Watts Stephen Charles Male Subiaco
1922/100814 Perth Foster Doris Mary Female Dix Harry Java Male Subiaco
1922/100814 Perth Dix Harry Java Male Foster Doris Mary Female Subiaco
1922/100815 Perth Edwards Eunice Noma Gwendoline Female Laughton John Alexander Male Perth
1922/100815 Perth Laughton John Alexander Male Edwards Eunice Noma Gwendoline Female Perth
1922/100816 Perth Martin Thomas Lewis Male Miskin Hypatia Female West Leederville
1922/100816 Perth Miskin Hypatia Female Martin Thomas Lewis Male West Leederville
1922/100817 Perth Jones Grace Female Woods Thomas Edward Male Perth
1922/100817 Perth Woods Thomas Edward Male Jones Grace Female Perth
1922/100818 Perth Hancock Cecil Herbert Male McMahon Ellen Catherine Female Perth
1922/100818 Perth McMahon Ellen Catherine Female Hancock Cecil Herbert Male Perth
1922/100819 Perth Annal Leslie John Male Archer Grace Olive Female Perth
1922/100819 Perth Archer Grace Olive Female Annal Leslie John Male Perth
1922/100820 Perth Kenyon Sidney Male Wiffen Florence Ellen Female North Leederville
1922/100820 Perth Wiffen Florence Ellen Female Kenyon Sidney Male North Leederville
1922/100821 Perth Dunckley Margaret Simpson Female England Francis Edward Male Perth
1922/100821 Perth England Francis Edward Male Dunckley Margaret Simpson Female Perth
1922/100822 Perth Anderson Annie Isabel Female Simmons Percy Norman Male Perth
1922/100822 Perth Simmons Percy Norman Male Anderson Annie Isabel Female Perth
1922/100823 Perth Broun Johanna Josephine Female Wright Francis James Male Perth
1922/100823 Perth Wright Francis James Male Broun Johanna Josephine Female Perth
1922/100824 Perth Compton Elsie Margaret Female Rogers William George Male Maylands
1922/100824 Perth Rogers William George Male Compton Elsie Margaret Female Maylands
1922/100825 Perth Burrows Percy Edward Male Pember Violet Grace Female Maylands
1922/100825 Perth Pember Violet Grace Female Burrows Percy Edward Male Maylands
1922/100826 Perth Randell Claude Male Baile Daisy Lillian Female Leederville
1922/100826 Perth Baile Daisy Lillian Female Randell Claude Male Leederville
1922/100827 Perth Brede William Robert Owen Male Hurlston Ivy Hilda Female Perth
1922/100827 Perth Hurlston Ivy Hilda Female Brede William Robert Owen Male Perth
1922/100828 Perth Craggs Walter Joseph Male Rhodes Sylvia Female Cottesloe
1922/100828 Perth Rhodes Sylvia Female Craggs Walter Joseph Male Cottesloe
1922/100829 Perth Dowdell James Male Byrne Esmie Dorothea Female Perth
1922/100829 Perth Byrne Esmie Dorothea Female Dowdell James Male Perth
1922/100830 Perth Healy Vera May Female Richards Millard Morton Male Perth
1922/100830 Perth Richards Millard Morton Male Healy Vera May Female Perth
1922/100831 Perth Cheeseman Mary Edith Female Mills James Hughie Male Cottesloe
1922/100831 Perth Mills James Hughie Male Cheeseman Mary Edith Female Cottesloe
1922/100832 Perth Lofthouse Margaret Mary Female Laycock Herbert Andrew Male Cottesloe
1922/100832 Perth Laycock Herbert Andrew Male Lofthouse Margaret Mary Female Cottesloe
1922/100833 Perth Campbell Francis John Male Lawrence Hazel Geraldine Female Perth
1922/100833 Perth Lawrence Hazel Geraldine Female Campbell Francis John Male Perth
1922/100834 Perth Tulloch Jessie Morton Female Hansen Peter Male Perth
1922/100834 Perth Hansen Peter Male Tulloch Jessie Morton Female Perth
1922/100835 Perth Sexton Helen Mary Female Roberts Edgar Vincent Male Cottesloe
1922/100835 Perth Roberts Edgar Vincent Male Sexton Helen Mary Female Cottesloe
1922/100836 Perth Leake Eric Walpole Male Sommers Edith Eleanor Female Cottesloe
1922/100836 Perth Sommers Edith Eleanor Female Leake Eric Walpole Male Cottesloe
1922/100837 Perth Wellard Gerard Eardly Pierce Male Sommers Constance Agnes Female Cottesloe
1922/100837 Perth Sommers Constance Agnes Female Wellard Gerard Eardly Pierce Male Cottesloe
1922/100838 Perth Coleman Edwin Horace Leslie Male McMahon Mary Evelyn Female Subiaco
1922/100838 Perth McMahon Mary Evelyn Female Coleman Edwin Horace Leslie Male Subiaco
1922/100839 Perth Larke Eric Martin Male Sayers Edith Lillian Female Subiaco
1922/100839 Perth Sayers Edith Lillian Female Larke Eric Martin Male Subiaco
1922/100840 Perth Willey Emily Blanche Female Northam William Henry Male Subiaco
1922/100840 Perth Northam William Henry Male Willey Emily Blanche Female Subiaco
1922/100841 Perth Drabble Ethel Mary Female Stuber John Henry Patrick Male Victoria Park
1922/100841 Perth Stuber John Henry Patrick Male Drabble Ethel Mary Female Victoria Park
1922/100842 Perth Clarke Alice Veronica Female Hanbury Norman Fredrick Male Victoria Park
1922/100842 Perth Hanbury Norman Fredrick Male Clarke Alice Veronica Female Victoria Park
1922/100843 Perth Hughes Charles Frederick Male Reeves Margaret Ethel Female Subiaco
1922/100843 Perth Reeves Margaret Ethel Female Hughes Charles Frederick Male Subiaco
1922/100844 Perth Kneale Patrick Male Bannister Ethel Jean Female Perth
1922/100844 Perth Bannister Ethel Jean Female Kneale Patrick Male Perth
1922/100845 Perth Heise Elsie Mary Female Gregory Arthur Male Perth
1922/100845 Perth Gregory Arthur Male Heise Elsie Mary Female Perth
1922/100846 Perth Fletcher Joseph Hamily Male Cucel Annie Female Perth
1922/100846 Perth Cucel Annie Female Fletcher Joseph Hamily Male Perth
1922/100847 Perth Rennix Hannah Pearl Female Harling Hugh Henry Male Subiaco
1922/100847 Perth Harling Hugh Henry Male Rennix Hannah Pearl Female Subiaco
1922/100848 Perth Griffiths Alice Maria Female Broadhurst Leslie Male Perth
1922/100848 Perth Broadhurst Leslie Male Griffiths Alice Maria Female Perth
1922/100849 Perth Millard Maisie Female Shelley Percy Quinton Male Perth
1922/100849 Perth Shelley Percy Quinton Male Millard Maisie Female Perth
1922/100850 Perth Seguy Dorothy Adelaide Female Cahill Harry Biltris Male Perth
1922/100850 Perth Cahill Harry Biltris Male Seguy Dorothy Adelaide Female Perth
1922/100851 Perth Northey Alfreda Nancy Female Smith Claude Henry Herman Male Perth
1922/100851 Perth Smith Claude Henry Herman Male Northey Alfreda Nancy Female Perth
1922/100852 Perth Saunders Margaret Female Sinclair Lachlan Thomas Male Perth
1922/100852 Perth Sinclair Lachlan Thomas Male Saunders Margaret Female Perth
1922/100853 Perth Still Dorothy Mary Female Griffiths Leonard William Male Perth
1922/100853 Perth Griffiths Leonard William Male Still Dorothy Mary Female Perth
1922/100854 Perth Kersten Ethel Marion Female Andrew Hugh David Male Perth
1922/100854 Perth Andrew Hugh David Male Kersten Ethel Marion Female Perth
1922/100855 Perth Harkins Henry Baxter Male Rendell Florence Ella Female Perth
1922/100855 Perth Rendell Florence Ella Female Harkins Henry Baxter Male Perth
1922/100856 Perth Turner Ruby Annie Female Williams Leslie Neale Male West Perth
1922/100856 Perth Williams Leslie Neale Male Turner Ruby Annie Female West Perth
1922/100857 Perth Binney Regina Dorothy Female Smith Robert Arthur Male Perth
1922/100857 Perth Smith Robert Arthur Male Binney Regina Dorothy Female Perth
1922/100858 Perth Gummery Henrietta Gertrude Mary Female Robinson George Male Bayswater
1922/100858 Perth Robinson George Male Gummery Henrietta Gertrude Mary Female Bayswater
1922/100859 Perth Handricks Clarence Albert Arthur Leslie Male Boesser Maud Edna Female Perth
1922/100859 Perth Boesser Maud Edna Female Handricks Clarence Albert Arthur Leslie Male Perth
1922/100860 Perth Martyr Effie Adeline Female Kollmann Arthur Valdemar Male Perth
1922/100860 Perth Kollmann Arthur Valdemar Male Martyr Effie Adeline Female Perth
1922/100861 Perth Bullock Mabel Female Crackel Harry Male East Perth
1922/100861 Perth Crackel Harry Male Bullock Mabel Female East Perth
1922/100862 Perth Crocker Clifford Clyde Male Rutland Vera Kathleen Craig Female Perth
1922/100862 Perth Rutland Vera Kathleen Craig Female Crocker Clifford Clyde Male Perth
1922/100863 Perth Brickhill Ethel Mary Female Adamson John Edmund Male Perth
1922/100863 Perth Adamson John Edmund Male Brickhill Ethel Mary Female Perth
1922/100864 Perth Harkness Jean Kathleen Female Holmes Rupert Robinson Male Perth
1922/100864 Perth Holmes Rupert Robinson Male Harkness Jean Kathleen Female Perth
1922/100865 Perth Hearle Charles Jewel Male Spears Ruth Veronica Female Perth
1922/100865 Perth Woodroffe Charles Jewel Male Spears Ruth Veronica Female Perth
1922/100865 Perth Spears Ruth Veronica Female Hearle Charles Jewel Male Perth
1922/100865 Perth Spears Ruth Veronica Female Woodroffe Charles Jewel Male Perth
1922/100866 Perth Woodbridge Frederick George Male Arbery Violet Helen Female Perth
1922/100866 Perth Arbery Violet Helen Female Woodbridge Frederick George Male Perth
1922/100867 Perth Dixon Sara Victoria Female Durrant Sydney Frank Male Perth
1922/100867 Perth Durrant Sydney Frank Male Dixon Sara Victoria Female Perth
1922/100868 Perth Powell Emmie Female Cunningham Alfred James Male Maylands
1922/100868 Perth Cunningham Alfred James Male Powell Emmie Female Maylands
1922/100869 Perth Rose John David Male Caporn Eileen Female Claremont
1922/100869 Perth Caporn Eileen Female Rose John David Male Claremont
1922/100870 Perth Rowley Emma Female Walters James Male Perth
1922/100870 Perth Walters James Male Rowley Emma Female Perth
1922/100871 Perth McKimm Alice Lillian Female Dawson Harry Male Leederville
1922/100871 Perth Dawson Harry Male McKimm Alice Lillian Female Leederville
1922/100872 Perth Low Robert Mitcheson Male Hillier Emily Victoria Female West Perth
1922/100872 Perth Hillier Emily Victoria Female Low Robert Mitcheson Male West Perth
1922/100873 Perth Garnant Thomas Giles Male Griffiths Margaret Rebecca Female Perth
1922/100873 Perth Griffiths Margaret Rebecca Female Garnant Thomas Giles Male Perth
1922/100874 Perth McNama Mabel Adelaide Female Cross Charles Thomas Male Perth
1922/100874 Perth Cross Charles Thomas Male McNama Mabel Adelaide Female Perth
1922/100875 Perth Smith Walter Male Lansdell Millicent May Female Perth
1922/100875 Perth Lansdell Millicent May Female Smith Walter Male Perth
1922/100876 Perth Morgan Frederick William Male Combes Ellen Female Perth
1922/100876 Perth Combes Ellen Female Morgan Frederick William Male Perth
1922/100877 Perth Norman Williamina Boyd Female Boase Allan Joseph Male Perth
1922/100877 Perth Boase Allan Joseph Male Norman Williamina Boyd Female Perth
1922/100878 Perth Bond James Inglis Male Richards Olive Sarah Female Perth
1922/100878 Perth Richards Olive Sarah Female Bond James Inglis Male Perth
1922/100879 Perth Carrie John Masson Male Scott Mary Edward Female Claremont
1922/100879 Perth Scott Mary Edward Female Carrie John Masson Male Claremont
1922/100880 Perth Clark Emily Female Millar James Bilsland Male Perth
1922/100880 Perth Millar James Bilsland Male Clark Emily Female Perth
1922/100881 Perth Gunn Francis Charles Male McKenney Gladys Marion Female Perth
1922/100881 Perth McKenney Gladys Marion Female Gunn Francis Charles Male Perth
1922/100882 Perth Turner Martin William Male Creed Edith Elizabeth Female Perth
1922/100882 Perth Creed Edith Elizabeth Female Turner Martin William Male Perth
1922/100883 Perth Beer Gladys Evelyn Female King Edgar Gordon Male Perth
1922/100883 Perth King Edgar Gordon Male Beer Gladys Evelyn Female Perth
1922/100884 Perth Balmer John Craighill Male Pember Winifred Mae Female Perth
1922/100884 Perth Pember Winifred Mae Female Balmer John Craighill Male Perth
1922/100885 Perth Ham Walter James Male Palmer Jessie Marguerite Female Perth
1922/100885 Perth Palmer Jessie Marguerite Female Ham Walter James Male Perth
1922/100886 Perth Devenish Arthur William Male McWaters Vera Gwendoline Female Maylands
1922/100886 Perth McWaters Vera Gwendoline Female Devenish Arthur William Male Maylands
1922/100887 Perth Hough Elvie Eileen Female Buggy Leo Martin Male Leederville
1922/100887 Perth Buggy Leo Martin Male Hough Elvie Eileen Female Leederville
1922/100888 Perth Bridges Albert Joseph Male Evans Edith Elizabeth Female Carlisle
1922/100888 Perth Evans Edith Elizabeth Female Bridges Albert Joseph Male Carlisle
1922/100889 Perth Thomas Ernest Robert Male Marquis Margaret Ann Female Subiaco
1922/100889 Perth Marquis Margaret Ann Female Thomas Ernest Robert Male Subiaco
1922/100890 Perth Godfrey Frederick James Male Peterson Elizabeth Dorothy Female Perth
1922/100890 Perth Peterson Elizabeth Dorothy Female Godfrey Frederick James Male Perth
1922/100891 Perth Lee Ellen Female Sorensen Eric Joseph Male Perth
1922/100891 Perth Sorensen Eric Joseph Male Lee Ellen Female Perth
1922/100892 Perth Currie James Male Dyer Olive Gertrude Female North Perth
1922/100892 Perth Dyer Olive Gertrude Female Currie James Male North Perth
1922/100893 Perth Gray Adella Female Harvey Richard Male Perth
1922/100893 Perth Harvey Richard Male Gray Adella Female Perth
1922/100894 Perth Moore Maude Victoria Female Sadlier Clifford William King Male Perth
1922/100894 Perth Sadlier Clifford William King Male Moore Maude Victoria Female Perth
1922/100895 Perth Dix Florry Adelaide Female Young David Male Perth
1922/100895 Perth Young David Male Dix Florry Adelaide Female Perth
1922/100896 Perth Fairclough Samuel Herbert Male Wilson Margaret Edna Female Perth
1922/100896 Perth Wilson Margaret Edna Female Fairclough Samuel Herbert Male Perth
1922/100897 Perth Matsen Harold Male McKenzie Isabel Female West Perth
1922/100897 Perth McKenzie Isabel Female Matsen Harold Male West Perth
1922/100898 Perth Matthews Elsie Francis Female Fuller James Male Cottesloe
1922/100898 Perth Fuller James Male Matthews Elsie Francis Female Cottesloe
1922/100899 Perth Smith Charles Henry Male Irwin Annie Matilda Female Perth
1922/100899 Perth Irwin Annie Matilda Female Smith Charles Henry Male Perth
1922/100900 Perth Scrivener Frances May Female Crosse Richard Male Perth
1922/100900 Perth Crosse Richard Male Scrivener Frances May Female Perth
1922/100901 Perth Vickers Leslie Francis Isaac Male Farrant Ellen Elizabeth Female Claremont
1922/100901 Perth Farrant Ellen Elizabeth Female Vickers Leslie Francis Isaac Male Claremont
1922/100902 Perth Johnson Reuben Male Ashenden Mary Jane Female Claremont
1922/100902 Perth Ashenden Mary Jane Female Johnson Reuben Male Claremont
1922/100903 Perth Campbell Clifford William Male Bowra Myrtle Eileen Female Perth
1922/100903 Perth Bowra Myrtle Eileen Female Campbell Clifford William Male Perth
1922/100904 Perth Higgs Phyllis Female Black Douglas Harry Male Leederville
1922/100904 Perth Black Douglas Harry Male Higgs Phyllis Female Leederville
1922/100905 Perth Karazipounes Chrisi Female Pitsonis Constantine Male Perth
1922/100905 Perth Pitsonis Constantine Male Karazipounes Chrisi Female Perth
1922/100906 Perth Passaris Moskopia Female Palassis Vassilios Male Perth
1922/100906 Perth Palassis Vassilios Male Passaris Moskopia Female Perth
1922/100907 Perth Truscott Nellie Female Atkinson John Douglas Male Perth
1922/100907 Perth Atkinson John Douglas Male Truscott Nellie Female Perth
1922/100908 Perth Prime Violet Alice Female Clifford Percival Male Perth
1922/100908 Perth Clifford Percival Male Prime Violet Alice Female Perth
1922/100909 Perth Wright Arthur Ernest Male Livesley Iris Catherine Female Perth
1922/100909 Perth Livesley Iris Catherine Female Wright Arthur Ernest Male Perth
1922/100910 Perth Barker Maurice Male Welch Florence Female West Leederville
1922/100910 Perth Welch Florence Female Barker Maurice Male West Leederville
1922/100911 Perth Vincent Violet Edith Female Weaver Walter Gilbert Male Perth
1922/100911 Perth Weaver Walter Gilbert Male Vincent Violet Edith Female Perth
1922/100912 Perth Marriott Walter James Male Rowles Myrtle Annie Female Highgate Hill
1922/100912 Perth Rowles Myrtle Annie Female Marriott Walter James Male Highgate Hill
1922/100913 Perth Thomas Mena Pearl Female Robertson Atholl Dhu Talbert Male Osborne Park
1922/100913 Perth Robertson Atholl Dhu Talbert Male Thomas Mena Pearl Female Osborne Park
1922/100914 Perth Evans Sarah Alice Female Chambers Richard Male Perth
1922/100914 Perth Chambers Richard Male Evans Sarah Alice Female Perth
1922/100915 Perth Bethune Marguerita Female King Reginald Sandford Male Perth
1922/100915 Perth King Reginald Sandford Male Bethune Marguerita Female Perth
1922/100916 Perth Hertel Reginald Arthur Male Williams Eva Beatrice Augustas Female Perth
1922/100916 Perth Williams Eva Beatrice Augustas Female Hertel Reginald Arthur Male Perth
1922/100917 Perth Glossop Mary Female George Thomas Arthur Male Perth
1922/100917 Perth George Thomas Arthur Male Glossop Mary Female Perth
1922/100918 Perth Lorrain Norman Eugene Male Biggers Margaret Elizabeth Female Perth
1922/100918 Perth Biggers Margaret Elizabeth Female Lorrain Norman Eugene Male Perth
1922/100919 Perth Grieve Florence Mary Marguerite Female Coyne Arthur Male Perth
1922/100919 Perth Coyne Arthur Male Grieve Florence Mary Marguerite Female Perth
1922/100920 Perth Stockman Stella Mary Female Jacques Lewis Male Perth
1922/100920 Perth Jacques Lewis Male Stockman Stella Mary Female Perth
1922/100921 Perth Hartley Robert Aloysius Male Vettler Ellen Veronica Female Perth
1922/100921 Perth Vettler Ellen Veronica Female Hartley Robert Aloysius Male Perth
1922/100922 Perth Overstone William Male Davey May Margaret Amelia Female Perth
1922/100922 Perth Davey May Margaret Amelia Female Overstone William Male Perth
1922/100923 Perth Lee Frank Male MacPherson Margaret Female Perth
1922/100923 Perth MacPherson Margaret Female Lee Frank Male Perth
1922/100924 Perth Mallan Elsie Female Mitchell Joseph Male Perth
1922/100924 Perth Mitchell Joseph Male Mallan Elsie Female Perth
1922/100925 Perth Moyle Arthur Edwin Male Radford Carrie Elma Female Leederville
1922/100925 Perth Radford Carrie Elma Female Moyle Arthur Edwin Male Leederville
1922/100926 Perth MacLeod Mercae Minilya Grant Female Farrar William Hebden Male West Perth
1922/100926 Perth Farrar William Hebden Male MacLeod Mercae Minilya Grant Female West Perth
1922/100927 Perth Boyle George Stanley Male Rasmussen Elizabeth Leah Female West Subiaco
1922/100927 Perth Rasmussen Elizabeth Leah Female Boyle George Stanley Male West Subiaco
1922/100928 Perth Dalton Olive Mae Female Tasker Percival Leslie Male Perth
1922/100928 Perth Tasker Percival Leslie Male Dalton Olive Mae Female Perth
1922/100929 Perth Moss Egerton Male Symons Maysie Alexandra Female Perth
1922/100929 Perth Symons Maysie Alexandra Female Moss Egerton Male Perth
1922/100930 Perth Duff Colin Cameron Morrison Male Roach Kathleen Mary Female Perth
1922/100930 Perth Roach Kathleen Mary Female Duff Colin Cameron Morrison Male Perth
1922/100931 Perth Forbes Frank George Male McMeekin Elizabeth Ann Female North Perth
1922/100931 Perth McMeekin Elizabeth Ann Female Forbes Frank George Male North Perth
1922/100932 Perth Crouch May Elizabeth Female Kelly Phillip Eniss Male Perth
1922/100932 Perth Kelly Phillip Eniss Male Crouch May Elizabeth Female Perth
1922/100933 Perth Jarvis Gertrude Eliza Female Thomson David McKainsh Male Perth
1922/100933 Perth Thomson David McKainsh Male Jarvis Gertrude Eliza Female Perth
1922/100934 Perth Barnett Jean Campbell Female Lambert Reginald Adolphus Male North Perth
1922/100934 Perth Lambert Reginald Adolphus Male Barnett Jean Campbell Female North Perth
1922/100935 Perth Oldfield Florence Female Benn Paul Male Perth
1922/100935 Perth Benn Paul Male Oldfield Florence Female Perth
1922/100936 Perth Harris Stella Irene Female Pleydell Arthur Deacon Male Perth
1922/100936 Perth Pleydell Arthur Deacon Male Harris Stella Irene Female Perth
1922/100937 Perth Rogers Amy Florence Female Holmes Charles Male Perth
1922/100937 Perth Holmes Charles Male Rogers Amy Florence Female Perth
1922/100940 Perth Phelan Kathleen Female Courtney Michael John Male Perth
1922/100940 Perth Courtney Michael John Male Phelan Kathleen Female Perth
1922/100941 Perth Gaynor Margaret Madaline Female Jack Bernard John Male Perth
1922/100941 Perth Jack Bernard John Male Gaynor Margaret Madaline Female Perth
1922/100942 Perth Brown Florence Josephine Female Sloan Albert Trever Male Perth
1922/100942 Perth Sloan Albert Trever Male Brown Florence Josephine Female Perth
1922/100943 Perth Percival Ronald Nelson Male Brady Margaret Mary Female Perth
1922/100943 Perth Brady Margaret Mary Female Percival Ronald Nelson Male Perth
1922/100944 Perth Marwick Dorothy Edina Female Martin Clarence William Male Perth
1922/100944 Perth Martin Clarence William Male Marwick Dorothy Edina Female Perth
1922/100945 Perth Powell Arthur Male Ward Elizabeth Ann Female Leederville
1922/100945 Perth Ward Elizabeth Ann Female Powell Arthur Male Leederville
1922/100946 Perth Matthews Elsie May Female McGuire Patrick Male Subiaco
1922/100946 Perth McGuire Patrick Male Matthews Elsie May Female Subiaco
1922/100947 Perth Howson Herbert William Male Smith Vera May Female King Edward Memorial Hospital
1922/100947 Perth Smith Vera May Female Howson Herbert William Male King Edward Memorial Hospital
1922/100948 Perth Hurley Irene Elizabeth Female Scott Foster Abner Male Subiaco
1922/100948 Perth Scott Foster Abner Male Hurley Irene Elizabeth Female Subiaco
1922/100949 Perth Balme Eric Faithful Male Futcher Matilda Female Perth
1922/100949 Perth Futcher Matilda Female Balme Eric Faithful Male Perth
1922/100950 Perth Shuttleworth Thomas Simpson Male Latter Martha Ann Female West Perth
1922/100950 Perth Latter Martha Ann Female Shuttleworth Thomas Simpson Male West Perth
1922/100951 Perth Phillips Helen Female Jacobs Fred Male Perth
1922/100951 Perth Jacobs Fred Male Phillips Helen Female Perth
1922/100952 Perth Bell Fredrick Male Baetge Edna Sophia Female North Perth
1922/100952 Perth Baetge Edna Sophia Female Bell Fredrick Male North Perth
1922/100953 Perth Ray Arthur Ernest Male McColl Vera Female North Perth
1922/100953 Perth McColl Vera Female Ray Arthur Ernest Male North Perth
1922/100954 Perth Mills Eric Male Phillips Jenifer Ambrosine Female Cottesloe
1922/100954 Perth Phillips Jenifer Ambrosine Female Mills Eric Male Cottesloe
1922/100955 Perth Sleath Emily Jane Female Allen Philip Selwyn Male Perth
1922/100955 Perth Allen Philip Selwyn Male Sleath Emily Jane Female Perth
1922/100956 Perth Scott Elsie Amy Female McCallum James Male Perth
1922/100956 Perth McCallum James Male Scott Elsie Amy Female Perth
1922/100957 Perth Panton Percy Stewart Male Myers Rosalie Agnes Female Perth
1922/100957 Perth Myers Rosalie Agnes Female Panton Percy Stewart Male Perth
1922/100958 Perth Wilson Olive Edith Female Thompson Duncan James Male Perth
1922/100958 Perth Thompson Duncan James Male Wilson Olive Edith Female Perth
1922/100959 Perth Morris Ernest Marian Bulong Male Edgar Elsie Female Cottesloe
1922/100959 Perth Edgar Elsie Female Morris Ernest Marian Bulong Male Cottesloe
1922/100960 Perth Solin Allbin Conrad Male Field Veronica Ernestine Female Perth
1922/100960 Perth Field Veronica Ernestine Female Solin Allbin Conrad Male Perth
1922/100961 Perth Baylis Isabel Louise Female Prince Percy Maggs Tucker Male Perth
1922/100961 Perth Prince Percy Maggs Tucker Male Baylis Isabel Louise Female Perth
1922/100962 Perth Bartlett Gladys Clinton Female Perkins Samuel Male Perth
1922/100962 Perth Perkins Samuel Male Bartlett Gladys Clinton Female Perth
1922/100963 Perth Kinsman George Clifton Male Tylor Lillian Trilby Female Perth
1922/100963 Perth Tylor Lillian Trilby Female Kinsman George Clifton Male Perth
1922/100964 Perth Lummis William Male Wesson Florence Louisa Female Mt Hawthorn
1922/100964 Perth Wesson Florence Louisa Female Lummis William Male Mt Hawthorn
1922/100965 Perth Forbes Jane Eileen Female Batty Cyril Victor Male Perth
1922/100965 Perth Batty Cyril Victor Male Forbes Jane Eileen Female Perth
1922/100966 Perth Sanfead Herbert Jack Male Pahl Sylvia Maxime Female Subiaco
1922/100966 Perth Pahl Sylvia Maxime Female Sanfead Herbert Jack Male Subiaco
1922/100967 Perth Dye William Edward Male House Mabel Female Subiaco
1922/100967 Perth House Mabel Female Dye William Edward Male Subiaco
1922/100968 Perth Sharp Ethel Maud Female Edwards William John Male North Perth
1922/100968 Perth Edwards William John Male Sharp Ethel Maud Female North Perth
1922/100969 Perth Arnold Gladys Irene Accot Female Cort Edmund Male Perth
1922/100969 Perth Cort Edmund Male Arnold Gladys Irene Accot Female Perth
1922/100970 Perth Sheppard Isabel Grierson Female Shannahan John Male Perth
1922/100970 Perth Shannahan John Male Sheppard Isabel Grierson Female Perth
1922/100971 Perth Lindsay Patrick Charles Edward Male Lawson Catherine Vernon Female Perth
1922/100971 Perth Lawson Catherine Vernon Female Lindsay Patrick Charles Edward Male Perth
1922/100972 Perth Burton William Male Feazey Rose Pearl Female Perth
1922/100972 Perth Feazey Rose Pearl Female Burton William Male Perth
1922/100973 Perth Coleman John Graham Male Wakefield Florence Gertrude Female Perth
1922/100973 Perth Wakefield Florence Gertrude Female Coleman John Graham Male Perth
1922/100974 Perth Smith Amos Roy Male Harley Florence Charlotte Holmes Female Perth
1922/100974 Perth Harley Florence Charlotte Holmes Female Smith Amos Roy Male Perth
1922/100975 Perth Watson Jessie Female O'Connor Edward Clifford Male Perth
1922/100975 Perth O'Connor Edward Clifford Male Watson Jessie Female Perth
1922/100976 Perth Dalgleish James McLean Male McGregor Isabel Annie Female Perth
1922/100976 Perth McGregor Isabel Annie Female Dalgleish James McLean Male Perth
1922/100977 Perth Armstrong Muriel Maud Female Toms Albert Thompson Male North Perth
1922/100977 Perth Toms Albert Thompson Male Armstrong Muriel Maud Female North Perth
1922/100978 Perth Thomas George Oliver Male Griffiths Ivy Eileen Female Cottesloe
1922/100978 Perth Griffiths Ivy Eileen Female Thomas George Oliver Male Cottesloe
1922/100979 Perth Morley Cecil Leonard Male Hastings Edith Mary Female Perth
1922/100979 Perth Hastings Edith Mary Female Morley Cecil Leonard Male Perth
1922/100980 Perth Brazell Mary Emily Female Smith Charles William Male Perth
1922/100980 Perth Smith Charles William Male Brazell Mary Emily Female Perth
1922/100981 Perth Grono Lily Tamar Female Paton James Lamhard Male Cottesloe
1922/100981 Perth Paton James Lamhard Male Grono Lily Tamar Female Cottesloe
1922/100982 Perth McNair John Ferguson Male Baker Daisy Female Leederville
1922/100982 Perth Baker Daisy Female McNair John Ferguson Male Leederville
1922/100983 Perth Cooper Violet May Female Harper William Hubert Male Leederville
1922/100983 Perth Harper William Hubert Male Cooper Violet May Female Leederville
1922/100984 Perth Scrivener Phoebe Selina Ellen Female Woolley Frederick Charles Male Mount Hawthorn
1922/100984 Perth Woolley Frederick Charles Male Scrivener Phoebe Selina Ellen Female Mount Hawthorn
1922/100985 Perth Bryant Robert Ford Male Thompson Violet Frances Female Claremont
1922/100985 Perth Thompson Violet Frances Female Bryant Robert Ford Male Claremont
1922/100986 Perth Sutton Herman Percival Male Aldrich Freda Vivienne Female South Perth
1922/100986 Perth Aldrich Freda Vivienne Female Sutton Herman Percival Male South Perth
1922/100987 Perth Taylor Melville Jane Female Fisher William Rehe Male Perth
1922/100987 Perth Fisher William Rehe Male Taylor Melville Jane Female Perth
1922/100988 Perth Meyer Frederick William Male Adie Emily Female Perth
1922/100988 Perth Adie Emily Female Meyer Frederick William Male Perth
1922/100989 Perth Hurt Alexander Male Nelson Jane Female Perth
1922/100989 Perth Nelson Jane Female Hurt Alexander Male Perth
1922/100990 Perth Poole Thomas Male Stafford Laura Daisy Female Victoria Park
1922/100990 Perth Stafford Laura Daisy Female Poole Thomas Male Victoria Park
1922/100991 Perth Clement Catherine McIntyre Female Wren Edward John Arthur Male Victoria Park
1922/100991 Perth Wren Edward John Arthur Male Clement Catherine McIntyre Female Victoria Park
1922/100992 Perth Sells Audrey Violet Nellie Female Uphill Robert George Duncan Male North Perth
1922/100992 Perth Uphill Robert George Duncan Male Sells Audrey Violet Nellie Female North Perth
1922/100993 Perth Jose Albert Henry Male Dawson Janet Alice Female North Perth
1922/100993 Perth Dawson Janet Alice Female Jose Albert Henry Male North Perth
1922/100994 Perth Caddy Vera Mary Female Foley Joseph Reginald Male Perth
1922/100994 Perth Foley Joseph Reginald Male Caddy Vera Mary Female Perth
1922/100995 Perth Ashdown James Henry Male Breman Mabel Alicia Hilda Female Perth
1922/100995 Perth Breman Mabel Alicia Hilda Female Ashdown James Henry Male Perth
1922/100996 Perth Butler Kathleen Female Smith William George Male Perth
1922/100996 Perth Smith William George Male Butler Kathleen Female Perth
1922/100997 Perth Fischer John Male McDermott Elizabeth Female Perth
1922/100997 Perth McDermott Elizabeth Female Fischer John Male Perth
1922/100998 Perth Taylor Eleanor Florence Female Howson William Thomas Male Perth
1922/100998 Perth Howson William Thomas Male Taylor Eleanor Florence Female Perth
1922/100999 Perth Cranston Eileen Ethel Female Kerr William Male West Perth
1922/100999 Perth Kerr William Male Cranston Eileen Ethel Female West Perth
1922/101000 Perth Steddy William George Male Fellows Mary Gladys Female West Perth
1922/101000 Perth Fellows Mary Gladys Female Steddy William George Male West Perth
1922/101001 Perth Turnor Myrtle Ada Female Currie John Male West Perth
1922/101001 Perth Currie John Male Turnor Myrtle Ada Female West Perth
1922/101002 Perth Martin Francis Leonard Male Hunt Edith Margaret Female Perth
1922/101002 Perth Hunt Edith Margaret Female Martin Francis Leonard Male Perth
1922/101003 Perth Delale Slarka Female Sokol George Male Perth
1922/101003 Perth Sokol George Male Delale Slarka Female Perth
1922/101004 Perth Eyles Emily Elizabeth Female King Roy Walden Male Perth
1922/101004 Perth King Roy Walden Male Eyles Emily Elizabeth Female Perth
1922/101005 Perth Moyle Edward Ervin Male Light Olivia Blanche Female Perth
1922/101005 Perth Light Olivia Blanche Female Moyle Edward Ervin Male Perth
1922/101006 Perth Taylor Vera Evelyn Female Atkinson Thomas Henry Male Perth
1922/101006 Perth Atkinson Thomas Henry Male Taylor Vera Evelyn Female Perth
1922/101007 Perth Gulberti Clara Emma Female Campbell Robert Male Perth
1922/101007 Perth Campbell Robert Male Gulberti Clara Emma Female Perth
1922/101008 Perth Hughes William Roy Male Vial Mabel Doris Female Subiaco
1922/101008 Perth Vial Mabel Doris Female Hughes William Roy Male Subiaco
1922/101009 Perth Garner Ivy Female Parker John William Male Perth
1922/101009 Perth Parker John William Male Garner Ivy Female Perth
1922/101010 Perth Strachan William Male Carey Teenie Sophia Female Perth
1922/101010 Perth Carey Teenie Sophia Female Strachan William Male Perth
1922/101011 Perth Batho Mona Frances Female Griffin John Henry Male Perth
1922/101011 Perth Griffin John Henry Male Batho Mona Frances Female Perth
1922/101012 Perth Brown Jack De Wet Male McMahon Clara Albany Female West Perth
1922/101012 Perth McMahon Clara Albany Female Brown Jack De Wet Male West Perth
1922/101013 Perth Bowers Cecil Lawrence Male Roots Constance Hilda Female West Perth
1922/101013 Perth Roots Constance Hilda Female Bowers Cecil Lawrence Male West Perth
1922/101014 Perth Kays Forrest Stanley Male Fallon Sarah Elizabeth Female West Perth
1922/101014 Perth Fallon Sarah Elizabeth Female Kays Forrest Stanley Male West Perth
1922/101015 Perth Jones Stella Kathleen Female Doyle Thomas William Male West Perth
1922/101015 Perth Doyle Thomas William Male Jones Stella Kathleen Female West Perth
1922/101016 Perth McGuckin Eileen Female Lambert Sydney Male West Perth
1922/101016 Perth Lambert Sydney Male McGuckin Eileen Female West Perth
1922/101017 Perth Ellis Agnes Augusta Female Johnston Edward James Male West Perth
1922/101017 Perth Johnston Edward James Male Ellis Agnes Augusta Female West Perth
1922/101018 Perth O'Neill Violet May Female Robinson George Male Perth
1922/101018 Perth Robinson George Male O'Neill Violet May Female Perth
1922/101019 Perth Andersen Helena Elizabeth Frances Female Payne William Frederick George Male Perth
1922/101019 Perth Payne William Frederick George Male Andersen Helena Elizabeth Frances Female Perth
1922/101020 Perth Hubble Archibald Leonard Male Morrissey Emily Winifred Female Cottesloe
1922/101020 Perth Morrissey Emily Winifred Female Hubble Archibald Leonard Male Cottesloe
1922/101021 Perth Aitken James Broadfoot Male Macgregor Mary Catherine Female Perth
1922/101021 Perth Macgregor Mary Catherine Female Aitken James Broadfoot Male Perth
1922/101022 Perth Blinco Ivan John Male Hutchins Muriel Seraphine Mary Female Perth
1922/101022 Perth Hutchins Muriel Seraphine Mary Female Blinco Ivan John Male Perth
1922/101023 Perth Tomkinson Frank Male Wood Mary Female Perth
1922/101023 Perth Wood Mary Female Tomkinson Frank Male Perth
1922/101024 Perth Bowring Pauline Amy Female Reid Fergie Male Perth
1922/101024 Perth Reid Fergie Male Bowring Pauline Amy Female Perth
1922/101025 Perth Solin Annie Jane Female Forsberg Carl Alfred Male Swanbourne
1922/101025 Perth Forsberg Carl Alfred Male Solin Annie Jane Female Swanbourne
1922/101026 Perth Titcomb Joseph John Male Sweeney Florrie Female Perth
1922/101026 Perth Sweeney Florrie Female Titcomb Joseph John Male Perth
1922/101027 Perth Pusey Milton Dobson Male Wigg Nellie Female Cottesloe
1922/101027 Perth Wigg Nellie Female Pusey Milton Dobson Male Cottesloe
1922/101028 Perth Moseley George Oswald Male Magee Florence Isabel Keith Female Cottesloe
1922/101028 Perth Magee Florence Isabel Keith Female Moseley George Oswald Male Cottesloe
1922/101029 Perth Williams Ruby Mary Female Byfield Frederick George Male Cottesloe
1922/101029 Perth Byfield Frederick George Male Williams Ruby Mary Female Cottesloe
1923/101030 Perth Bassett Ernest Robert Male Evans Jane Female Perth
1922/101030 Perth Stone Rose Mary Female Pullin Charles Edward Male Cottesloe
1922/101030 Perth Pullin Charles Edward Male Stone Rose Mary Female Cottesloe
1923/101030 Perth Evans Jane Female Bassett Ernest Robert Male Perth
1922/101031 Perth Penny Ruth Female Van Dok William Male Maylands
1922/101031 Perth Van Dok William Male Penny Ruth Female Maylands
1922/101032 Perth Wallis Frank Chessell Male Bryant Gertrude Female Maylands
1922/101032 Perth Bryant Gertrude Female Wallis Frank Chessell Male Maylands
1922/101033 Perth Senington Marie Lillian Female Tanner Fred Male Maylands
1922/101033 Perth Tanner Fred Male Senington Marie Lillian Female Maylands
1922/101034 Perth Naylor George Henry Male Hume Susie Evelyn Female North Perth
1922/101034 Perth Hume Susie Evelyn Female Naylor George Henry Male North Perth
1922/101035 Perth Terry Norman Leonard Male Burnett Kathleen Female Maylands
1922/101035 Perth Burnett Kathleen Female Terry Norman Leonard Male Maylands
1922/101036 Perth Wilson George Edwin Male Buggins Elsie Maud Female Subiaco
1922/101036 Perth Buggins Elsie Maud Female Wilson George Edwin Male Subiaco
1922/101037 Perth Gibson Edith May Female Tresidder Albert Victor Male Subiaco
1922/101037 Perth Tresidder Albert Victor Male Gibson Edith May Female Subiaco
1922/101038 Perth Cox Gertrude May Female Grant Robert Herbert Male Subiaco
1922/101038 Perth Grant Robert Herbert Male Cox Gertrude May Female Subiaco
1922/101039 Perth Taylor Bertram William Male Palmer Verenia Annie Female Subiaco
1922/101039 Perth Palmer Verenia Annie Female Taylor Bertram William Male Subiaco
1922/101040 Perth Reed Edwin Lawrence Male Mills Ethel Amy Female Subiaco
1922/101040 Perth Mills Ethel Amy Female Reed Edwin Lawrence Male Subiaco
1922/101041 Perth Leslie Ida Elizabeth Female Lawson George Charles Male Perth
1922/101041 Perth Lawson George Charles Male Leslie Ida Elizabeth Female Perth
1922/101042 Perth McRae Dorothy Female Fraser Neil Alexander Male Perth
1922/101042 Perth Fraser Neil Alexander Male McRae Dorothy Female Perth
1922/101043 Perth Facius Anna Kathrine Martine Amalie Female Alton Alfred Leslie Male Cottesloe
1922/101043 Perth Alton Alfred Leslie Male Facius Anna Kathrine Martine Amalie Female Cottesloe
1922/101044 Perth Benari Roland Louis Male Littlejohn Catherine Helen Female West Perth
1922/101044 Perth Littlejohn Catherine Helen Female Benari Roland Louis Male West Perth
1922/101045 Perth Lawrence Ida Elizabeth Female Cadd Cyril Edmund Male Perth
1922/101045 Perth Cadd Cyril Edmund Male Lawrence Ida Elizabeth Female Perth
1922/101046 Perth Miller Lillian Myrne Female Ainsworth Harrison Claude Male Perth
1922/101046 Perth Ainsworth Harrison Claude Male Miller Lillian Myrne Female Perth
1922/101047 Perth Ethell Victoria May Female Riddles Federal James Male Perth
1922/101047 Perth Riddles Federal James Male Ethell Victoria May Female Perth
1922/101048 Perth Johnston Ernest Clyde Male Williams Beatrice Lilian Female Brisbane St
1922/101048 Perth Williams Beatrice Lilian Female Johnston Ernest Clyde Male Brisbane St
1922/101049 Perth Low John Green Male O'Reilly Ellen Female Victoria Park
1922/101049 Perth O'Reilly Ellen Female Low John Green Male Victoria Park
1922/101050 Perth Warman Agnes Elsie Victoria Female Kelly Bernard Male Victoria Park
1922/101050 Perth Kelly Bernard Male Warman Agnes Elsie Victoria Female Victoria Park
1922/101051 Perth Ryan Michael Male Wear Mary Female Perth
1922/101051 Perth Wear Mary Female Ryan Michael Male Perth
1922/101052 Perth Rignall Kathleen Rosa Female Howes Hazel Philip Male Subiaco
1922/101052 Perth Howes Hazel Philip Male Rignall Kathleen Rosa Female Subiaco
1922/101053 Perth Hernan Margaret Female Brown Leslie Arthur Male Subiaco
1922/101053 Perth Brown Leslie Arthur Male Hernan Margaret Female Subiaco
1922/101054 Perth Gardiner Elsie Edith Female Nayler George Raymond Male Perth
1922/101054 Perth Nayler George Raymond Male Gardiner Elsie Edith Female Perth
1922/101055 Perth Turner Charles Harold Male Burges Mona Albinia Female Perth
1922/101055 Perth Burges Mona Albinia Female Turner Charles Harold Male Perth
1922/101056 Perth Tranter Charles Male Downes Adelena Jane Female West Perth
1922/101056 Perth Downes Adelena Jane Female Tranter Charles Male West Perth
1922/101057 Perth Simonds Alfred John Male Payne Sylvia May Davis Female Cottesloe
1922/101057 Perth Payne Sylvia May Davis Female Simonds Alfred John Male Cottesloe
1922/101058 Perth Berriman William Male Ballantyne Kathleen Edith Female West Perth
1922/101058 Perth Ballantyne Kathleen Edith Female Berriman William Male West Perth
1922/101059 Perth Bolitho Myrtle May Female Hobley John Male West Perth
1922/101059 Perth Hobley John Male Bolitho Myrtle May Female West Perth
1922/101060 Perth Stanley Lillian May Female Smyth Joseph Lawrence Male Perth
1922/101060 Perth Smyth Joseph Lawrence Male Stanley Lillian May Female Perth
1922/101061 Perth Harding William John Male Temple Alice Victoria Female Perth
1922/101061 Perth Temple Alice Victoria Female Harding William John Male Perth
1922/101062 Perth Seller Vera Female Kirk Edward James Male Perth
1922/101062 Perth Kirk Edward James Male Seller Vera Female Perth
1922/101063 Perth Garner Florence Ada Female McClelland John Thomas Male Perth
1922/101063 Perth McClelland John Thomas Male Garner Florence Ada Female Perth
1922/101064 Perth Davies Alexander Ross Male Smythe Nellie Female Perth
1922/101064 Perth Smythe Nellie Female Davies Alexander Ross Male Perth
1922/101065 Perth Rogerson Vera Elizabeth Female Bailey Charles Male Cottesloe
1922/101065 Perth Bailey Charles Male Rogerson Vera Elizabeth Female Cottesloe
1922/101066 Perth Chapman Alfred Male Jones Lillian May Female Perth
1922/101066 Perth Jones Lillian May Female Chapman Alfred Male Perth
1922/101067 Perth Brown Nellie Female McDonald Francis Stephen Male Perth
1922/101067 Perth McDonald Francis Stephen Male Brown Nellie Female Perth
1922/101068 Perth Parker James Herbert Male Wills Florence Amy Meny Female Perth
1922/101068 Perth Wills Florence Amy Meny Female Parker James Herbert Male Perth
1922/101069 Perth Bowden Leslie Marchall Male Marlow Nellie May Female Perth
1922/101069 Perth Marlow Nellie May Female Bowden Leslie Marchall Male Perth
1922/101070 Perth Rufus Beryl Helene Female Moore Alfred Male Victoria Park
1922/101070 Perth Moore Alfred Male Rufus Beryl Helene Female Victoria Park
1922/101071 Perth Beresford Marian Gaskell Female Arnold James Male Perth
1922/101071 Perth Arnold James Male Beresford Marian Gaskell Female Perth
1922/101072 Perth Wightman Stanley John Male Wilson Blanche Evelyn May Female Perth
1922/101072 Perth Wilson Blanche Evelyn May Female Wightman Stanley John Male Perth
1922/101073 Perth Hopkins Elva Eleanor Female Griffin William Arthur Male Leederville
1922/101073 Perth Griffin William Arthur Male Hopkins Elva Eleanor Female Leederville
1922/101074 Perth Brealey Grace Winafred Female Langdon Henry Vernon Male Nedlands
1922/101074 Perth Langdon Henry Vernon Male Brealey Grace Winafred Female Nedlands
1922/101075 Perth Sharman Charles Adolphus Male Andrew Alice Florence Female Nedlands
1922/101075 Perth Andrew Alice Florence Female Sharman Charles Adolphus Male Nedlands
1922/101076 Perth Harrison William Male Rees Annie Female Cottesloe
1922/101076 Perth Rees Annie Female Harrison William Male Cottesloe
1922/101077 Perth Cheeseman Albert Victor Male Wareing Gladys Female West Perth
1922/101077 Perth Wareing Gladys Female Cheeseman Albert Victor Male West Perth
1922/101078 Perth Watts Albert Russell Male White Annie Female West Perth
1922/101078 Perth White Annie Female Watts Albert Russell Male West Perth
1922/101079 Perth Clohessy Joseph Male Rule Doris Elvy Female West Leederville
1922/101079 Perth Rule Doris Elvy Female Clohessy Joseph Male West Leederville
1922/101080 Perth Wilson James Male Trotter Edith Murray Female Leederville
1922/101080 Perth Trotter Edith Murray Female Wilson James Male Leederville
1922/101081 Perth Lawrance Lionel Burr Male Bone Violet Female Perth
1922/101081 Perth Bone Violet Female Lawrance Lionel Burr Male Perth
1922/101082 Perth Bowden Eleanor May Female Smith James Male Perth
1922/101082 Perth Smith James Male Bowden Eleanor May Female Perth
1922/101083 Perth Daley Beatrice Elsie Female Snook Frank Herbert Male Perth
1922/101083 Perth Snook Frank Herbert Male Daley Beatrice Elsie Female Perth
1922/101084 Perth Tincombe William Male Vicary Florence May Female Perth
1922/101084 Perth Vicary Florence May Female Tincombe William Male Perth
1922/101085 Perth Tincombe Edward Male Vicary Rose Female Perth
1922/101085 Perth Vicary Rose Female Tincombe Edward Male Perth
1922/101086 Perth Lynch Eileen Female Jones Albert Gibson Male Subiaco
1922/101086 Perth Jones Albert Gibson Male Lynch Eileen Female Subiaco
1922/101087 Perth Wearne Sydney Male Henderson Ethel Ann Female Perth
1922/101087 Perth Henderson Ethel Ann Female Wearne Sydney Male Perth
1922/101088 Perth Burton Annie McDonald Female Heath John Long Male Subiaco
1922/101088 Perth Heath John Long Male Burton Annie McDonald Female Subiaco
1922/101089 Perth Starkey Eleanor Female Lawrence James Male Perth
1922/101089 Perth Lawrence James Male Starkey Eleanor Female Perth
1922/101090 Perth Conduit Harry Robinson Male Craig-Martin Beatrice Maud Female Perth
1922/101090 Perth Craig-Martin Beatrice Maud Female Conduit Harry Robinson Male Perth
1922/101091 Perth Sketchley Amelia Florence Female Reynolds Stanley William Male Perth
1922/101091 Perth Reynolds Stanley William Male Sketchley Amelia Florence Female Perth
1922/101092 Perth McDonald Hector William Male Jones Barbara Female Perth
1922/101092 Perth Jones Barbara Female McDonald Hector William Male Perth
1922/101093 Perth Millard Ethel May Female Helier Robert Male Perth
1922/101093 Perth Helier Robert Male Millard Ethel May Female Perth
1922/101094 Perth Coupe May Rebecca Female Hextall John Thomas Merry Male Perth
1922/101094 Perth Hextall John Thomas Merry Male Coupe May Rebecca Female Perth
1922/101095 Perth Stehn Norman Dedrick Male Jelly Grace Esther Catherine Female Perth
1922/101095 Perth Jelly Grace Esther Catherine Female Stehn Norman Dedrick Male Perth
1922/101096 Perth Stapleton Edith Margery Female Flower Cyril Cecil Male Perth
1922/101096 Perth Flower Cyril Cecil Male Stapleton Edith Margery Female Perth
1922/101097 Perth Glaskin Daisy Ellen Female Hillard Roland Male Perth
1922/101097 Perth Hillard Roland Male Glaskin Daisy Ellen Female Perth
1922/101098 Perth Johnston David Male Miller Isabella Jane Female Perth
1922/101098 Perth Miller Isabella Jane Female Johnston David Male Perth
1922/101099 Perth Rowe Gertrude Jane Female Symes Frederick Charles Male Bayswater
1922/101099 Perth Symes Frederick Charles Male Rowe Gertrude Jane Female Bayswater
1922/101100 Perth Livingston Grace Mary Female Birch Walter Richard Male West Perth
1922/101100 Perth Birch Walter Richard Male Livingston Grace Mary Female West Perth
1922/101101 Perth Bateman William Ernest Male Leadbetter Vera Irene Female Perth
1922/101101 Perth Leadbetter Vera Irene Female Bateman William Ernest Male Perth
1922/101102 Perth Foot Keith Norman Hay Male Carr Jean McFalane Female Perth
1922/101102 Perth Carr Jean McFalane Female Foot Keith Norman Hay Male Perth
1922/101103 Perth Dickins Doris Bertha Marie Female Gillies John Male Maylands
1922/101103 Perth Gillies John Male Dickins Doris Bertha Marie Female Maylands
1922/101104 Perth Tiddy Arthur George Male Bailey Marion Josephine Female Perth
1922/101104 Perth Bailey Marion Josephine Female Tiddy Arthur George Male Perth
1922/101105 Perth Clark Christopher Charles Male Johnson Rebecca Female Perth
1922/101105 Perth Johnson Rebecca Female Clark Christopher Charles Male Perth
1922/101106 Perth Robinson Percival Male Godfrey Alice Marguerite Female Mount Hawthorn
1922/101106 Perth Godfrey Alice Marguerite Female Robinson Percival Male Mount Hawthorn
1922/101107 Perth Bendall Rosella May Female Smart James Cyril Male Perth
1922/101107 Perth Smart James Cyril Male Bendall Rosella May Female Perth
1922/101108 Perth Wall Beatrice Annie Female Abbott William Henry Male South Perth
1922/101108 Perth Abbott William Henry Male Wall Beatrice Annie Female South Perth
1922/101109 Perth Mack William Ernest Male Oerman Lillian Female Perth
1922/101109 Perth Oerman Lillian Female Mack William Ernest Male Perth
1922/101110 Perth Stanton Anne Female Cook Alfred Male West Perth
1922/101110 Perth Cook Alfred Male Stanton Anne Female West Perth
1922/101111 Perth Cox Margaret Isabella Female Atkinson Leslie John Male Perth
1922/101111 Perth Atkinson Leslie John Male Cox Margaret Isabella Female Perth
1922/101112 Perth Dixon Annie Helen Female Hutchison Norman Eric Male Perth
1922/101112 Perth Hutchison Norman Eric Male Dixon Annie Helen Female Perth
1922/101113 Perth Tredrea Frederick Aloysius Trevithick Male Middleton Winifred Louise Grace Female Perth
1922/101113 Perth Middleton Winifred Louise Grace Female Tredrea Frederick Aloysius Trevithick Male Perth
1922/101114 Perth Mettam Alfred Male Knox Zara Female Perth
1922/101114 Perth Knox Zara Female Mettam Alfred Male Perth
1922/101115 Perth Thompson Florence Amelia Female Glance Samuel Male Perth
1922/101115 Perth Glance Samuel Male Thompson Florence Amelia Female Perth
1922/101116 Perth McNamara Bertha Dorothy Female Lawson Robert Male Perth
1922/101116 Perth Lawson Robert Male McNamara Bertha Dorothy Female Perth
1922/101117 Perth King Leslie Thomas Male Smithers Mary Frances Female Perth
1922/101117 Perth Smithers Mary Frances Female King Leslie Thomas Male Perth
1922/101118 Perth Moody Wilhelmina Hannah Carr Female MacGregor Edmond Christopher Male Maylands
1922/101118 Perth MacGregor Edmond Christopher Male Moody Wilhelmina Hannah Carr Female Maylands
1922/101119 Perth Mavrokefalos Andriana Female Phatouros John Male Perth
1922/101119 Perth Phatouros John Male Mavrokefalos Andriana Female Perth
1922/101120 Perth Le Cras Frank Percival Male Everington Vera May Female Mt Lawley
1922/101120 Perth Everington Vera May Female Le Cras Frank Percival Male Mt Lawley
1922/101121 Perth Devine Herbert Malcolm Male Kinnear Lucy Beatrice Female Perth
1922/101121 Perth Kinnear Lucy Beatrice Female Devine Herbert Malcolm Male Perth
1922/101122 Perth Booth Jean Female Davies Hughie William Male North Perth
1922/101122 Perth Davies Hughie William Male Booth Jean Female North Perth
1922/101123 Perth Green Frank Edward Male Scullion Sybil Margaret Female Perth
1922/101123 Perth Scullion Sybil Margaret Female Green Frank Edward Male Perth
1922/101124 Perth Webster William Percy Male Genge Dulce Freda Female Nedlands
1922/101124 Perth Genge Dulce Freda Female Webster William Percy Male Nedlands
1922/101125 Perth Love Alison Muriel Female Rumble Euean Humfrey Male Perth
1922/101125 Perth Rumble Euean Humfrey Male Love Alison Muriel Female Perth
1922/101126 Perth Roberts Mary Alma Female Johnson Henry Augustus Male Leederville
1922/101126 Perth Johnson Henry Augustus Male Roberts Mary Alma Female Leederville
1922/101127 Perth Dunn Edna Margaret Female Pash Darrell Frederick Male Perth
1922/101127 Perth Pash Darrell Frederick Male Dunn Edna Margaret Female Perth
1922/101128 Perth Rackett Archie Roye Male McNamara Aida Bertha Female Perth
1922/101128 Perth McNamara Aida Bertha Female Rackett Archie Roye Male Perth
1922/101129 Perth Taylor Charles Male Elliot Frances Olive Female Perth
1922/101129 Perth Elliot Frances Olive Female Taylor Charles Male Perth
1922/101130 Perth Kay Gordon Robert Male Beurteaux Aimee Isabelle Female Perth
1922/101130 Perth Beurteaux Aimee Isabelle Female Kay Gordon Robert Male Perth
1922/101131 Perth Hadjes Lucie Domenica Female Eckersley Arnold Vincent Male Perth
1922/101131 Perth Eckersley Arnold Vincent Male Hadjes Lucie Domenica Female Perth
1922/101132 Perth Shean Ella Adeline Female Lock Charles Male Victoria Park
1922/101132 Perth Lock Charles Male Shean Ella Adeline Female Victoria Park
1922/101133 Perth Witford Renatus Male Ranford Grace Edna Female Perth
1922/101133 Perth Wittwer Renatus Male Ranford Grace Edna Female Perth
1922/101133 Perth Ranford Grace Edna Female Witford Renatus Male Perth
1922/101133 Perth Ranford Grace Edna Female Wittwer Renatus Male Perth
1922/101134 Perth Kirby Harold Victor Male Barron Olive Grace Female West Perth
1922/101134 Perth Barron Olive Grace Female Kirby Harold Victor Male West Perth
1922/101135 Perth Knight Hubert Male Purser Jessie May Female Perth
1922/101135 Perth Purser Jessie May Female Knight Hubert Male Perth
1922/101136 Perth Burrows Frank Male Moore Martha Female Perth
1922/101136 Perth Moore Martha Female Burrows Frank Male Perth
1922/101137 Perth Lee George Henry Male Luckly Phyllis Gertrude Female Leederville
1922/101137 Perth Luckly Phyllis Gertrude Female Lee George Henry Male Leederville
1922/101138 Perth Owens Vera Jean Female Denny Patrick Henry Male Victoria Park
1922/101138 Perth Denny Patrick Henry Male Owens Vera Jean Female Victoria Park
1922/101139 Perth Cole George Henry Male Cartwright Ada Female Maylands
1922/101139 Perth Cartwright Ada Female Cole George Henry Male Maylands
1922/101140 Perth Massa Laurence Male Watkins Louisa Mary Female Perth
1922/101140 Perth Watkins Louisa Mary Female Massa Laurence Male Perth
1922/101141 Perth Huxham Florrie Female Storer John Hudson Male Claremont
1922/101141 Perth Storer John Hudson Male Huxham Florrie Female Claremont
1922/101142 Perth Stirling Peter Boyd Male Hickey Muriel Morris Female Claremont
1922/101142 Perth Hickey Muriel Morris Female Stirling Peter Boyd Male Claremont
1922/101143 Perth Doust Ethel Maud Female Hogan Edward James Male Claremont
1922/101143 Perth Hogan Edward James Male Doust Ethel Maud Female Claremont
1922/101144 Perth Flannigan John Patrick Leopold Male Taylor Muriel Doris Esther Female Perth
1922/101144 Perth Taylor Muriel Doris Esther Female Flannigan John Patrick Leopold Male Perth
1922/101145 Perth Savage John Champneys Male George Ena May Female Claremont
1922/101145 Perth George Ena May Female Savage John Champneys Male Claremont
1922/101146 Perth Lamb Ivy Daisy Margurite Female Hogan Edward Henry Male Claremont
1922/101146 Perth Hogan Edward Henry Male Lamb Ivy Daisy Margurite Female Claremont
1922/101147 Perth Mason Florence Edith Female James Albert Ernest Male Perth
1922/101147 Perth James Albert Ernest Male Mason Florence Edith Female Perth
1922/101148 Perth Shaw Alice Josephine Female Reid Jesse George Male Perth
1922/101148 Perth Reid Jesse George Male Shaw Alice Josephine Female Perth
1922/101149 Perth Fleming Richard Samuel Male Turnock Tilly Catherine Female Perth
1922/101149 Perth Turnock Tilly Catherine Female Fleming Richard Samuel Male Perth
1922/101150 Perth Begley William Joseph Male Davidson Constance Mary Female Leederville
1922/101150 Perth Davidson Constance Mary Female Begley William Joseph Male Leederville
1922/101151 Perth Tropea Isidora Female Russo Antonio Male Leederville
1922/101151 Perth Russo Antonio Male Tropea Isidora Female Leederville
1922/101152 Perth Brabazon Mervyn Lyall Male Redmond Edith May Female Perth
1922/101152 Perth Redmond Edith May Female Brabazon Mervyn Lyall Male Perth
1922/101153 Perth Beattie Violet Female Anderson William Francis Male Perth
1922/101153 Perth Anderson William Francis Male Beattie Violet Female Perth
1922/101154 Perth Sturt Aubrey George Male Howlett Irene Female Perth
1922/101154 Perth Howlett Irene Female Sturt Aubrey George Male Perth
1922/101155 Perth Heaton Alice May Female Tuohey Frank James Male Perth
1922/101155 Perth Tuohey Frank James Male Heaton Alice May Female Perth
1922/101156 Perth Rodgers Margaret Louisa Female Lloyd Hubert Morris Male Perth
1922/101156 Perth Lloyd Hubert Morris Male Rodgers Margaret Louisa Female Perth
1922/101157 Perth Muir Alexander Ernest Male King Iris Irene Female Perth
1922/101157 Perth King Iris Irene Female Muir Alexander Ernest Male Perth
1922/101158 Perth Carter Bertha Amelia Grace Female Polley Albert John Male Perth
1922/101158 Perth Polley Albert John Male Carter Bertha Amelia Grace Female Perth
1922/101159 Perth Dannan Mabel Elizabeth Female Jacobs Ernest William Male Perth
1922/101159 Perth Jacobs Ernest William Male Dannan Mabel Elizabeth Female Perth
1922/101160 Perth Allan Bruce Gordon Wallace Male Jones Dorothy Female Cottesloe
1922/101160 Perth Jones Dorothy Female Allan Bruce Gordon Wallace Male Cottesloe
1922/101161 Perth Kneale Edith Emily Female Tout Albert William Male Perth
1922/101161 Perth Tout Albert William Male Kneale Edith Emily Female Perth
1922/101162 Perth Steedman William Thomas Male Paynter Viola Irene Female Perth
1922/101162 Perth Paynter Viola Irene Female Steedman William Thomas Male Perth
1922/101163 Perth McComish Ada Ann Female Taylor Frederick Male Perth
1922/101163 Perth Taylor Frederick Male McComish Ada Ann Female Perth
1922/101164 Perth King Mena Augusta May Female Staples Francis George Male Perth
1922/101164 Perth Staples Francis George Male King Mena Augusta May Female Perth
1922/101165 Perth Bagshaw Clarice Female Clark Alfred William Male Perth
1922/101165 Perth Clark Alfred William Male Bagshaw Clarice Female Perth
1922/101166 Perth McAuley Thomas Murray Male Meade Lois Una Female Leederville
1922/101166 Perth Meade Lois Una Female McAuley Thomas Murray Male Leederville
1922/101167 Perth Book Ellen Edna Female Malor Lawrence Solomon Male Perth
1922/101167 Perth Malor Lawrence Solomon Male Book Ellen Edna Female Perth
1922/101168 Perth Fellows Ruby Ella Francis Female Murphy Joseph Male West Perth
1922/101168 Perth Murphy Joseph Male Fellows Ruby Ella Francis Female West Perth
1922/101169 Perth Garnaut Ruby Female Gossage George Male Maylands
1922/101169 Perth Gossage George Male Garnaut Ruby Female Maylands
1922/101170 Perth Tait Margaret Female Kevan John McKie Male Perth
1922/101170 Perth Kevan John McKie Male Tait Margaret Female Perth
1922/101171 Perth Kerr Elizabeth Mabel Female Julian Jack Male Perth
1922/101171 Perth Julian Jack Male Kerr Elizabeth Mabel Female Perth
1922/101172 Perth Markey Thomas John Male Markey Lucy Female Perth
1922/101172 Perth Markey Lucy Female Markey Thomas John Male Perth
1922/101173 Perth Scrivener Mary Eliza Ann Female Holtom George Fredrick Male West Perth
1922/101173 Perth Holtom George Fredrick Male Scrivener Mary Eliza Ann Female West Perth
1922/101174 Perth Child Lillie Garland Female Greer David Male Nedlands
1922/101174 Perth Greer David Male Child Lillie Garland Female Nedlands
1922/101175 Perth Gibson Vernon Bland Male Compton Alwyne Beatrice Female Perth
1922/101175 Perth Compton Alwyne Beatrice Female Gibson Vernon Bland Male Perth
1922/101176 Perth Lander Eleanor Female Thielemann Charles Henry Male Perth
1922/101176 Perth Thielemann Charles Henry Male Lander Eleanor Female Perth
1922/101177 Perth Marshall Richard Reece Male Atkinson Mellisa Crafer Female Claremont
1922/101177 Perth Atkinson Mellisa Crafer Female Marshall Richard Reece Male Claremont
1922/101178 Perth Liddle Alma Melvina Female Stagoll Edward Carnick Male Perth
1922/101178 Perth Stagoll Edward Carnick Male Liddle Alma Melvina Female Perth
1922/101179 Perth Hill Thomas William Male Ash Winifred Annie May Female West Leederville
1922/101179 Perth Ash Winifred Annie May Female Hill Thomas William Male West Leederville
1922/101180 Perth Paull Norman Arthur Male Niblett Edith Hannah Female Claremont
1922/101180 Perth Niblett Edith Hannah Female Paull Norman Arthur Male Claremont
1922/101181 Perth Davie Janet Amina Female Gardner Walter James Male Leederville
1922/101181 Perth Gardner Walter James Male Davie Janet Amina Female Leederville
1922/101182 Perth Fowler Madge Female Christie John Pollock Male Cottesloe Beach
1922/101182 Perth Christie John Pollock Male Fowler Madge Female Cottesloe Beach
1922/101183 Perth Ferguson Catherine Jane Female Mack John Kenneth Male East Perth
1922/101183 Perth Mack John Kenneth Male Ferguson Catherine Jane Female East Perth
1922/101184 Perth Butt Dorothy Frances Christine Female Donaldson John Ralph Male North Perth
1922/101184 Perth Donaldson John Ralph Male Butt Dorothy Frances Christine Female North Perth
1922/101185 Perth Spalding Frederick Arthur Male Picknoll Catherine Helen Female North Perth
1922/101185 Perth Picknoll Catherine Helen Female Spalding Frederick Arthur Male North Perth
1922/101186 Perth Threadgold Marjory Pearl Female Bennington John Linton Male North Perth
1922/101186 Perth Bennington John Linton Male Threadgold Marjory Pearl Female North Perth
1922/101187 Perth Graham Charles Male Pember Rosaline Enid Female North Perth
1922/101187 Perth Pember Rosaline Enid Female Graham Charles Male North Perth
1922/101188 Perth West Ella May Female Morey Herbert Thomas Male North Perth
1922/101188 Perth Morey Herbert Thomas Male West Ella May Female North Perth
1922/101189 Perth Done Edith Florence Female Sanders Alexander William Male Subiaco
1922/101189 Perth Sanders Alexander William Male Done Edith Florence Female Subiaco
1922/101190 Perth Moncrieff Hilda Female Shilton Joseph Thomas Male Subiaco
1922/101190 Perth Shilton Joseph Thomas Male Moncrieff Hilda Female Subiaco
1922/101191 Perth Secombe William Henry Male Verney Frances Elizabeth Female West Subiaco
1922/101191 Perth Verney Frances Elizabeth Female Secombe William Henry Male West Subiaco
1922/101192 Perth Lightowler Agnes Female Klaebe Emil Theodor Male Victoria Park East
1922/101192 Perth Klaebe Emil Theodor Male Lightowler Agnes Female Victoria Park East
1922/101193 Perth Robertson George Buchanan Male Brockway Blanche Chesterton Female Claremont
1922/101193 Perth Brockway Blanche Chesterton Female Robertson George Buchanan Male Claremont
1922/101194 Perth Attwood William Male Woolfitt Mona May Female Victoria Park
1922/101194 Perth Woolfitt Mona May Female Attwood William Male Victoria Park
1922/101195 Perth Bowden Victoria Alice Female Beadle William Henry Darlington Male Perth
1922/101195 Perth Beadle William Henry Darlington Male Bowden Victoria Alice Female Perth
1922/101196 Perth Gibson Robert Wright Male Vaughan Naomi Christobel Elson Female Perth
1922/101196 Perth Vaughan Naomi Christobel Elson Female Gibson Robert Wright Male Perth
1922/101197 Perth Stanley Violet Georgina Female Gibbs Leslie William Male Perth
1922/101197 Perth Gibbs Leslie William Male Stanley Violet Georgina Female Perth
1922/101198 Perth Haywood Constance Mary Female Riches William Cecil Male Perth
1922/101198 Perth Riches William Cecil Male Haywood Constance Mary Female Perth
1922/101199 Perth Cater Harriett Female O'Donnell Patrick Male Perth
1922/101199 Perth O'Donnell Patrick Male Cater Harriett Female Perth
1922/101200 Perth Savage May Female Colliver Arnold Jennings Male West Perth
1922/101200 Perth Colliver Arnold Jennings Male Savage May Female West Perth
1922/101201 Perth Unmack Wallace Turnbull Male Thorn Thelma Clare Female Perth
1922/101201 Perth Thorn Thelma Clare Female Unmack Wallace Turnbull Male Perth
1922/101202 Perth Hull Ralph Alfred Male Durrant Florence Thelma Female Perth
1922/101202 Perth Durrant Florence Thelma Female Hull Ralph Alfred Male Perth
1922/101203 Perth Griffith Frances de Burgh Female Griffith Richard John Waldie Male Claremont
1922/101203 Perth Griffith Richard John Waldie Male Griffith Frances de Burgh Female Claremont
1922/101204 Perth Inglis Florence Female Everington Herbert Male Mt Lawley
1922/101204 Perth Everington Herbert Male Inglis Florence Female Mt Lawley
1922/101205 Perth O'Connell Honorah Annie Female Horgan Henry Grattan Male Perth
1922/101205 Perth Horgan Henry Grattan Male O'Connell Honorah Annie Female Perth
1922/101206 Perth Noél Hugh Male Coster Florence May Female Perth
1922/101206 Perth Coster Florence May Female Noél Hugh Male Perth
1922/101207 Perth Patterson Gladys Margaret Female Mottram Charles Francis Male Subiaco
1922/101207 Perth Mottram Charles Francis Male Patterson Gladys Margaret Female Subiaco
1922/101208 Perth Barrett Stanley Roy Male Skehan Mary Female Subiaco
1922/101208 Perth Skehan Mary Female Barrett Stanley Roy Male Subiaco
1922/101209 Perth McGuire Nellie Female Roach George James Male Subiaco
1922/101209 Perth Roach George James Male McGuire Nellie Female Subiaco
1922/101210 Perth Stanford-Bluntish Robert Victor Male Stewart Dorothy Grace Female Perth
1922/101210 Perth Stewart Dorothy Grace Female Stanford-Bluntish Robert Victor Male Perth
1922/101211 Perth McDonald Grant Elder Male Pitchford Cecil Annie Gertrude Female West Perth
1922/101211 Perth Pitchford Cecil Annie Gertrude Female McDonald Grant Elder Male West Perth
1922/101212 Perth Parker William Bowden Male Trumper Beryl Eileen Female West Perth
1922/101212 Perth Trumper Beryl Eileen Female Parker William Bowden Male West Perth
1922/101213 Perth Strugnell John Andrew Male Grimwood Ethel Sarah Female North Perth
1922/101213 Perth Grimwood Ethel Sarah Female Strugnell John Andrew Male North Perth
1922/101214 Perth Morey Elsie May Female Smith Albert Male North Perth
1922/101214 Perth Smith Albert Male Morey Elsie May Female North Perth
1922/101215 Perth McCarthy Patrick John Male McGregor Eva May Female Cottesloe
1922/101215 Perth McGregor Eva May Female McCarthy Patrick John Male Cottesloe
1922/101216 Perth Renner Frederick Emil Male Lukey Gwladys Fairthorne Female Claremont
1922/101216 Perth Lukey Gwladys Fairthorne Female Renner Frederick Emil Male Claremont
1942/101217 Perth Dodds James Male Knox Ada Female Perth
1942/101217 Perth Knox Ada Female Dodds James Male Perth
1922/101217 Perth Meeks William Male Stipwich Ethel Kate Female Perth
1922/101217 Perth Stipwich Ethel Kate Female Meeks William Male Perth
1922/101218 Perth Kellock Margaret Female Lamont George Male Perth
1922/101218 Perth Lamont George Male Kellock Margaret Female Perth
1922/101219 Perth Hilford Rose Lilian Female Leece Walter Stanley Male Claremont
1922/101219 Perth Leece Walter Stanley Male Hilford Rose Lilian Female Claremont
1922/101220 Perth Kennedy James Victor Jubilee Male Roach Olive Kathleen Female Perth
1922/101220 Perth Kennedy James Victor Jubilee Male Roach-McKenzie Olive Kathleen Female Perth
1922/101220 Perth Roach Olive Kathleen Female Kennedy James Victor Jubilee Male Perth
1922/101220 Perth Roach-McKenzie Olive Kathleen Female Kennedy James Victor Jubilee Male Perth
1922/101221 Perth Stephens Caroline Female Thomas Charles Edward Male Victoria Park
1922/101221 Perth Thomas Charles Edward Male Stephens Caroline Female Victoria Park
1922/101222 Perth Hardwick Violet Amy Female Wright William James Male Subiaco
1922/101222 Perth Wright William James Male Hardwick Violet Amy Female Subiaco
1922/101223 Perth Rogers Robert Male Taylor Maud Female West Perth
1922/101223 Perth Taylor Maud Female Rogers Robert Male West Perth
1922/101224 Perth Keals Digory Palmer Male Bellman Dorothy Emma Female West Perth
1922/101224 Perth Bellman Dorothy Emma Female Keals Digory Palmer Male West Perth
1922/101225 Perth Harris Mary May Miriam Female Edwards Edmond Joseph Leonard Male Perth
1922/101225 Perth Edwards Edmond Joseph Leonard Male Harris Mary May Miriam Female Perth
1922/101226 Perth George James Male Stephens Jessie Elizabeth Female West Leederville
1922/101226 Perth Stephens Jessie Elizabeth Female George James Male West Leederville
1922/101227 Perth Ryan Aloysius Male Murphy Phyllis Female Perth
1922/101227 Perth Murphy Phyllis Female Ryan Aloysius Male Perth
1922/101228 Perth Clout Olive Winifred Female Stratton William Charles Male Perth
1922/101228 Perth Stratton William Charles Male Clout Olive Winifred Female Perth
1922/101229 Perth Hart Geoffrey John Male Leaver Matilda Female Perth
1922/101229 Perth Leaver Matilda Female Hart Geoffrey John Male Perth
1922/101230 Perth Finlay Ethel Jean Female Glenister Roy Catterson Male Perth
1922/101230 Perth Glenister Roy Catterson Male Finlay Ethel Jean Female Perth
1922/101231 Perth Kingston Daisy Elizabeth Emma Female Wadams Fred Male Subiaco
1922/101231 Perth Wadams Fred Male Kingston Daisy Elizabeth Emma Female Subiaco
1922/101232 Perth Chinnery Ruben Victor Male Montgomery Ina Vivienne Female Subiaco
1922/101232 Perth Montgomery Ina Vivienne Female Chinnery Ruben Victor Male Subiaco
1922/101233 Perth Freeman Edna Elizabeth Aness Female Forbes Thomas Aubin Male Perth
1922/101233 Perth Forbes Thomas Aubin Male Freeman Edna Elizabeth Aness Female Perth
1922/101234 Perth McFarlane Agnes Female Lavelle Michael Male Perth
1922/101234 Perth Lavelle Michael Male McFarlane Agnes Female Perth
1922/101235 Perth Miller Fanny May Female Halliday Leslie Norman Male Perth
1922/101235 Perth Halliday Leslie Norman Male Miller Fanny May Female Perth
1922/101236 Perth Williams Mary Eileen Female Watts Leonard Lawrence Male Perth
1922/101236 Perth Watts Leonard Lawrence Male Williams Mary Eileen Female Perth
1922/101237 Perth Weston Lilian Mary Female Annice John Lomas Male Perth
1922/101237 Perth Annice John Lomas Male Weston Lilian Mary Female Perth
1922/101238 Perth Barratt Alice Victoria Female Oswald James Male Perth
1922/101238 Perth Oswald James Male Barratt Alice Victoria Female Perth
1922/101239 Perth Gaffney John Harold Male Owen Ettie Caroline Female West Perth
1922/101239 Perth Owen Ettie Caroline Female Gaffney John Harold Male West Perth
1922/101240 Perth Moyes Mabel Maud Female Hood James Chalmers Male Claremont
1922/101240 Perth Hood James Chalmers Male Moyes Mabel Maud Female Claremont
1922/101241 Perth Henningsen George Henry Male Jennings Myrtle Mary Female Perth
1922/101241 Perth Jennings Myrtle Mary Female Henningsen George Henry Male Perth
1922/101242 Perth Hughes Thomas John Male Stone Lucy Olive Female Inglewood
1922/101242 Perth Stone Lucy Olive Female Hughes Thomas John Male Inglewood
1922/101243 Perth McDougall Donald Daniel Male Gurney Alice Myrtle Maud Female Victoria Park
1922/101243 Perth Gurney Alice Myrtle Maud Female McDougall Donald Daniel Male Victoria Park
1922/101244 Perth Fitzpatrick Doris Female Benton Wilfred Male Victoria Park
1922/101244 Perth Benton Wilfred Male Fitzpatrick Doris Female Victoria Park
1922/101245 Perth Atkins Irene Lucy Female Brisbane Edward Charles Male West Perth
1922/101245 Perth Brisbane Edward Charles Male Atkins Irene Lucy Female West Perth
1922/101246 Perth Thompson Samuel Male Hunter Margaret Develin Female West Perth
1922/101246 Perth Hunter Margaret Develin Female Thompson Samuel Male West Perth
1922/101247 Perth Tak Minnie Female Muldoon Francis Patrick Male Perth
1922/101247 Perth Muldoon Francis Patrick Male Tak Minnie Female Perth
1922/101248 Perth Nagels Jules Charles Male Lambert Gabrielle Sophie Female Perth
1922/101248 Perth Lambert Gabrielle Sophie Female Nagels Jules Charles Male Perth
1922/101249 Perth Fennell William John Male Orr Edith Maud Female Perth
1922/101249 Perth Orr Edith Maud Female Fennell William John Male Perth
1922/101250 Perth Keith John Rankin Male Sayers Jennie Female Perth
1922/101250 Perth Sayers Jennie Female Keith John Rankin Male Perth
1922/101251 Perth Simms Addie Adeline Female Stephens Isaac Male Maylands
1922/101251 Perth Stephens Isaac Male Simms Addie Adeline Female Maylands
1922/101252 Perth Mansell Janet Germal Stirling Theodora Female Nash Harry Male Perth
1922/101252 Perth Nash Harry Male Mansell Janet Germal Stirling Theodora Female Perth
1922/101253 Perth Purvis Charlotte Elena Female Thornton Frederick William Male East Perth
1922/101253 Perth Thornton Frederick William Male Purvis Charlotte Elena Female East Perth
1922/101254 Perth Collins Queenie Elizabeth Female White Percy Harold Male North Perth
1922/101254 Perth White Percy Harold Male Collins Queenie Elizabeth Female North Perth
1922/101255 Perth Eder Edith Dorothy Female Perrie Thomas Ashcroft Male Mount Lawley
1922/101255 Perth Perrie Thomas Ashcroft Male Eder Edith Dorothy Female Mount Lawley
1922/101256 Perth Marriott Ella Lillian Female Etherington Frank Male Claremont
1922/101256 Perth Etherington Frank Male Marriott Ella Lillian Female Claremont
1922/101257 Perth Ives Margaret Ellen Jeanie Female Grace John Nowell Abercrombie Male Perth
1922/101257 Perth Grace John Nowell Abercrombie Male Ives Margaret Ellen Jeanie Female Perth
1922/101258 Perth Isard Agnes Madeline Female Fisher Alfred Edwin Male Perth
1922/101258 Perth Fisher Alfred Edwin Male Isard Agnes Madeline Female Perth
1922/101259 Perth Coates Mabel Female McGlew James Elsmere Male Perth
1922/101259 Perth McGlew James Elsmere Male Coates Mabel Female Perth
1922/101260 Perth Vesty Sarah Female Scott John Male Perth
1922/101260 Perth Scott John Male Vesty Sarah Female Perth
1922/101261 Perth Fomiatti Geremia Antonio Male Fomiatti Rosa Female Perth
1922/101261 Perth Fomiatti Rosa Female Fomiatti Geremia Antonio Male Perth
1922/101262 Perth Robinson William Male Fitzgibbon Lillian Christina Female Perth
1922/101262 Perth Fitzgibbon Lillian Christina Female Robinson William Male Perth
1922/101263 Perth Skelton Percival William Male Maher Helena Johana Female Victoria Square
1922/101263 Perth Maher Helena Johana Female Skelton Percival William Male Victoria Square
1922/101264 Perth Follington Emily Eugenie Female Davidson Robert Ednie Male Perth
1922/101264 Perth Davidson Robert Ednie Male Follington Emily Eugenie Female Perth
1922/101265 Perth Murtagh Beatrice Marguerite Female Spangenberg Alfred Male Perth
1922/101265 Perth Spangenberg Alfred Male Murtagh Beatrice Marguerite Female Perth
1922/101266 Perth Towning Arthur Frederick George Male Reynolds Myrtle Ellen Female Subiaco
1922/101266 Perth Reynolds Myrtle Ellen Female Towning Arthur Frederick George Male Subiaco
1922/101267 Perth Russell Alexander Wall Male Rickson Ivy Violet Female Leederville
1922/101267 Perth Rickson Ivy Violet Female Russell Alexander Wall Male Leederville
1922/101268 Perth Farrer William Charles Male Crampton Nellie Female Maylands
1922/101268 Perth Crampton Nellie Female Farrer William Charles Male Maylands
1922/101269 Perth Petrie Annie Caroline Victoria Female Merritt Alfred Horton Male Bayswater
1922/101269 Perth Merritt Alfred Horton Male Petrie Annie Caroline Victoria Female Bayswater
1922/101270 Perth Ridley Eric Gordon Male Pascoe Ruby Female North Maylands
1922/101270 Perth Pascoe Ruby Female Ridley Eric Gordon Male North Maylands
1922/101271 Perth Hartill Rupert Louis Male Wilson Ida Dorothy Female Cottesloe
1922/101271 Perth Wilson Ida Dorothy Female Hartill Rupert Louis Male Cottesloe
1922/101272 Perth Russell Vera Agnes Ferne Female Hastie Leonard Roy Male Cottesloe
1922/101272 Perth Hastie Leonard Roy Male Russell Vera Agnes Ferne Female Cottesloe
1922/101273 Perth Hughes Esther Prebble Female Blake Vincent Male Cottesloe
1922/101273 Perth Blake Vincent Male Hughes Esther Prebble Female Cottesloe
1922/101274 Perth Cumming Sadie Moore Female Carleton Frank James Male Perth
1922/101274 Perth Carleton Frank James Male Cumming Sadie Moore Female Perth
1922/101275 Perth Taylor Emma Liddell Female Greig Allister Thomas Male Leederville
1922/101275 Perth Greig Allister Thomas Male Taylor Emma Liddell Female Leederville
1922/101276 Perth Lewis Samuel Charles Male Hitchins Florence Maud Female Leederville
1922/101276 Perth Hitchins Florence Maud Female Lewis Samuel Charles Male Leederville
1922/101277 Perth Farringdon William Henry Male Brown Kathleen Hilda Female Leederville
1922/101277 Perth Brown Kathleen Hilda Female Farringdon William Henry Male Leederville
1922/101278 Perth Andrews Blanche Rosetta Female Langham Kenneth Edward Jack Male Leederville
1922/101278 Perth Langham Kenneth Edward Jack Male Andrews Blanche Rosetta Female Leederville
1922/101279 Perth Wilkes Albert Edward Male Backshall Ruby Female West Perth
1922/101279 Perth Backshall Ruby Female Wilkes Albert Edward Male West Perth
1922/101280 Perth Hetherington Margaret Female Smith Alfred Albert Male Perth
1922/101280 Perth Smith Alfred Albert Male Hetherington Margaret Female Perth
1923/400001 Beverley Smith Gladys Female Gray Thomas Male Quairading
1923/400001 Beverley Gray Thomas Male Smith Gladys Female Quairading
1922/400002 Beverley Goodridge Lucy Female Blight Leslie James Male Brookton
1922/400002 Beverley Blight Leslie James Male Goodridge Lucy Female Brookton
1922/400003 Beverley Woods James Male Sutherland Elsie Female Beverley
1922/400003 Beverley Sutherland Elsie Female Woods James Male Beverley
1922/400004 Beverley Broun Iris Amelia Female Sewell Hubert Henry Male Mourambine
1922/400004 Beverley Sewell Hubert Henry Male Broun Iris Amelia Female Mourambine
1923/400005 Beverley Winsor Maude Isabella Female Smith Eli George Ernest Male Beverley
1922/400005 Beverley Tranter Chester Oswald Male Pitman Annie Female Kunjin
1922/400005 Beverley Pitman Annie Female Tranter Chester Oswald Male Kunjin
1923/400005 Beverley Smith Eli George Ernest Male Winsor Maude Isabella Female Beverley
1923/400006 Beverley Doohan William Robert George Male Krinks Alice Ethel Female Beveruley
1922/400006 Beverley Salathiel Daisy Melinda Female Kelly Arthur Male Yealering
1923/400006 Beverley Krinks Alice Ethel Female Doohan William Robert George Male Beveruley
1922/400006 Beverley Kelly Arthur Male Salathiel Daisy Melinda Female Yealering
1922/400007 Beverley Ridgway Charles Twitchen Male Drake-Brockman Amy Vanda Female Beverley
1922/400007 Beverley Drake-Brockman Amy Vanda Female Ridgway Charles Twitchen Male Beverley
1922/400008 Beverley Minchin James Basil Male McDonald Jean Female East Beverley
1922/400008 Beverley McDonald Jean Female Minchin James Basil Male East Beverley
1922/400009 Beverley Head Arthur Male Riley Gladys Maud Female Brookton
1922/400009 Beverley Riley Gladys Maud Female Head Arthur Male Brookton
1922/400010 Beverley O'Connor Thomas Gerard Male Murphy Annie Elizabeth Female Kwolyin
1922/400010 Beverley Murphy Annie Elizabeth Female O'Connor Thomas Gerard Male Kwolyin
1922/400011 Beverley Brereton David Henry Male Grover Emily Female Beverley
1922/400011 Beverley Grover Emily Female Brereton David Henry Male Beverley
1922/400012 Beverley Barber James Norman Male Turner Agnes Jane Female Milton
1922/400012 Beverley Turner Agnes Jane Female Barber James Norman Male Milton
1922/400013 Beverley Richards Ernest Whitfield Male Stone Mary May Female South Caroling
1922/400013 Beverley Stone Mary May Female Richards Ernest Whitfield Male South Caroling
1922/400014 Beverley Ladyman Cecil Gordon Male Brockman Edith Bruna Female Beverley
1922/400014 Beverley Brockman Edith Bruna Female Ladyman Cecil Gordon Male Beverley
1922/400015 Beverley Beach John Edward Charles Male Evans Eileen Bertha Female Quairading
1922/400015 Beverley Evans Eileen Bertha Female Beach John Edward Charles Male Quairading
1922/400016 Beverley Hitchcock Florence Helen Female Nobles John Edward Male Narembeen
1922/400016 Beverley Nobles John Edward Male Hitchcock Florence Helen Female Narembeen
1922/400017 Beverley Howell George James Male Whyatt Florence Ethel Female Bruce Rock
1922/400017 Beverley Whyatt Florence Ethel Female Howell George James Male Bruce Rock
1922/400018 Beverley Foale Nellie Gertrude Female Van Walter de Winton Male Erikin
1922/400018 Beverley Van Walter de Winton Male Foale Nellie Gertrude Female Erikin
1922/400019 Beverley Blakiston Gladys Isabel Female Fowler Horace Victor Male Beverley
1922/400019 Beverley Fowler Horace Victor Male Blakiston Gladys Isabel Female Beverley
1922/400020 Beverley Stephens William Henry Male Gibbins Hilda Annie Female Beverley
1922/400020 Beverley Gibbins Hilda Annie Female Stephens William Henry Male Beverley
1922/400021 Beverley Evans Annie Violet Female Buegge Gustav Harold Male Bruce Rock
1922/400021 Beverley Buegge Gustav Harold Male Evans Annie Violet Female Bruce Rock
1922/400022 Beverley Rose Sydney Male White Kathleen Gladys Female Brookton
1922/400022 Beverley White Kathleen Gladys Female Rose Sydney Male Brookton
1922/400023 Beverley Davey Hilda Mary Female Winchester Roy William Male Beverley
1922/400023 Beverley Winchester Roy William Male Davey Hilda Mary Female Beverley
1922/400024 Beverley McCormick Andrew Anderson Male McLachlan Mary Female Kumminin
1922/400024 Beverley McLachlan Mary Female McCormick Andrew Anderson Male Kumminin
1922/400025 Beverley Byass Percy Male Sedgwick Alice Florence Female Bruce Rock
1922/400025 Beverley Sedgwick Alice Florence Female Byass Percy Male Bruce Rock
1922/400026 Beverley Baker Ida Female Fairhead Leslie Henry Male Brookton
1922/400026 Beverley Fairhead Leslie Henry Male Baker Ida Female Brookton
1922/400027 Beverley Kiely Eva Norah Female Withell Stanley Male Pingelly
1922/400027 Beverley Withell Stanley Male Kiely Eva Norah Female Pingelly
1922/400028 Beverley Mitchell Ellen Violet Female Jakques Ernest Male Corrigin
1922/400028 Beverley Jakques Ernest Male Mitchell Ellen Violet Female Corrigin
1922/400029 Beverley Jenkyn John Edward Male Miles Beulah Gladys Malvina Female Brookton
1922/400029 Beverley Miles Beulah Gladys Malvina Female Jenkyn John Edward Male Brookton
1922/400030 Beverley Watts Henry George Male Greay Grace Female Pingelly
1922/400030 Beverley Greay Grace Female Watts Henry George Male Pingelly
1922/400031 Beverley Reed Albert Agar Male Whittington Olive Female Brookton
1922/400031 Beverley Whittington Olive Female Reed Albert Agar Male Brookton
1922/400032 Beverley Reid Cecilia Isabella Female Massey Fredrick Arthur Male Beverley
1922/400032 Beverley Massey Fredrick Arthur Male Reid Cecilia Isabella Female Beverley
1922/400033 Beverley Otway Albert Edward Male Pettit Florence Female Dangin
1922/400033 Beverley Pettit Florence Female Otway Albert Edward Male Dangin
1922/400034 Beverley Butler Frank Walker Male Miller Ethel May Female Bruce Rock
1922/400034 Beverley Miller Ethel May Female Butler Frank Walker Male Bruce Rock
1922/400035 Beverley Mills Rose May Female Pettit Henry James Male South Cunderdin
1922/400035 Beverley Pettit Henry James Male Mills Rose May Female South Cunderdin
1922/400036 Beverley Pettit Aubrey William Male Buckley Violet May Female South Cunderdin
1922/400036 Beverley Buckley Violet May Female Pettit Aubrey William Male South Cunderdin
1922/400037 Beverley Dick Mabel Olive Mary Female Duncanson Clarence Roy Male Beverley
1922/400037 Beverley Duncanson Clarence Roy Male Dick Mabel Olive Mary Female Beverley
1922/400038 Beverley Martin Elsie Mary Female Scally Alexander James Male Bullaring
1922/400038 Beverley Scally Alexander James Male Martin Elsie Mary Female Bullaring
1922/400039 Beverley Keightley Stanley Roy Male Willmott Elsie Olive Female Pingelly
1922/400039 Beverley Willmott Elsie Olive Female Keightley Stanley Roy Male Pingelly
1922/400040 Beverley Williams Elsie May Female Mundy Edward Murray Male Pingelly
1922/400040 Beverley Mundy Edward Murray Male Williams Elsie May Female Pingelly
1922/400041 Beverley Jackson Herbert Edward Male Carr Eva Female Beverley District
1922/400041 Beverley Carr Eva Female Jackson Herbert Edward Male Beverley District
1922/400042 Beverley de Gruchy Catherine Mary Female Keirle Sidney Alfred Male Bendering
1922/400042 Beverley Keirle Sidney Alfred Male de Gruchy Catherine Mary Female Bendering
1922/400043 Beverley Costello Kathleen Mary Female Rees Victor Tydfil Male Bilbarin
1922/400043 Beverley Rees Victor Tydfil Male Costello Kathleen Mary Female Bilbarin
1922/400044 Beverley Alexander Mary Female Meads George Male Bruce Rock
1922/400044 Beverley Meads George Male Alexander Mary Female Bruce Rock
1923/500001 Blackwood Nye Hannah Cornelia Female Plowman Edwin Sidney Male Bridgetown
1923/500001 Blackwood Plowman Edwin Sidney Male Nye Hannah Cornelia Female Bridgetown
1923/500002 Blackwood Dunn Agnes Mary Female Middleton William Micheal Male East Kirup
1923/500002 Blackwood Middleton William Micheal Male Dunn Agnes Mary Female East Kirup
1922/500002 Blackwood Allen Florence May Female Shepherdson Ernest Hans Hamilton Male Greenbushes
1922/500002 Blackwood Shepherdson Ernest Hans Hamilton Male Allen Florence May Female Greenbushes
1922/500003 Blackwood White Albert Male Moriarty Alma Johanna Female Bridgetown
1922/500003 Blackwood Moriarty Alma Johanna Female White Albert Male Bridgetown
1922/500004 Blackwood Williams Gladys Doreen Female Walter William Keith Male Bridgetown
1922/500004 Blackwood Walter William Keith Male Williams Gladys Doreen Female Bridgetown
1922/500005 Blackwood Hall Edgar Male Higgins Josephine Cecilia Female Bridgetown
1922/500005 Blackwood Higgins Josephine Cecilia Female Hall Edgar Male Bridgetown
1922/500006 Blackwood Dirks Anna Female Franchi Victor Male Greenbushes
1922/500006 Blackwood Franchi Victor Male Dirks Anna Female Greenbushes
1922/500007 Blackwood Draper Aubrey Oliver Male Paynter Gertrude Marion Female Dinninup
1922/500007 Blackwood Paynter Gertrude Marion Female Draper Aubrey Oliver Male Dinninup
1922/500008 Blackwood Doust Alma Sophie Female Moulton Oscar Frank Male Bridgetown
1922/500008 Blackwood Moulton Oscar Frank Male Doust Alma Sophie Female Bridgetown
1922/500009 Blackwood MacKinnon Gladys Marian Margaret Female Moore Harry Owen Male Bridgetown
1922/500009 Blackwood Moore Harry Owen Male MacKinnon Gladys Marian Margaret Female Bridgetown
1922/500010 Blackwood Nelson William Stoyle Male Waddingham Ethel Rose Female Balingup
1922/500010 Blackwood Waddingham Ethel Rose Female Nelson William Stoyle Male Balingup
1922/500011 Blackwood Draper Wilfred George Male Butterly Ivy Sylvia Female Boyup Brook
1922/500011 Blackwood Butterly Ivy Sylvia Female Draper Wilfred George Male Boyup Brook
1922/500012 Blackwood Nye Thomas William George Male Chrisp Keturah Alice Female Bridgetown
1922/500012 Blackwood Chrisp Keturah Alice Female Nye Thomas William George Male Bridgetown
1922/500013 Blackwood Stanyer Henrietta Female Giblett Jim Male Manjimup
1922/500013 Blackwood Giblett Jim Male Stanyer Henrietta Female Manjimup
1922/500014 Blackwood Boneham Ruby Burdett Female Daniel Walter John Charles Male Manjimup
1922/500014 Blackwood Daniel Walter John Charles Male Boneham Ruby Burdett Female Manjimup
1922/500015 Blackwood Thorpe Gilbert Frank Male McLean Rubina May Female Greenbushes
1922/500015 Blackwood McLean Rubina May Female Thorpe Gilbert Frank Male Greenbushes
1922/500016 Blackwood Myles Margret Scott Female Cunneen William Male Kirrup
1922/500016 Blackwood Cunneen William Male Myles Margret Scott Female Kirrup
1922/500017 Blackwood Chiplin Hazel May Evelyn Female Bignell William Edward Male Bridgetown
1922/500017 Blackwood Bignell William Edward Male Chiplin Hazel May Evelyn Female Bridgetown
1922/500018 Blackwood Cooper Helen Sarah Female Macdonald John James Male Kirrup
1922/500018 Blackwood Macdonald John James Male Cooper Helen Sarah Female Kirrup
1922/500019 Blackwood Thorpe Ivy May Female Goddard Leslie Victor Male Bridgetown
1922/500019 Blackwood Goddard Leslie Victor Male Thorpe Ivy May Female Bridgetown
1922/500020 Blackwood Wilkins Edwin Keith Male Crowd Grace Margaret Female Bridgetown
1922/500020 Blackwood Crowd Grace Margaret Female Wilkins Edwin Keith Male Bridgetown
1922/500021 Blackwood Grover Ellen Sarah Female Johnson Francis William Male Wahkinup
1922/500021 Blackwood Johnson Francis William Male Grover Ellen Sarah Female Wahkinup
1922/500022 Blackwood Risdon Grace Edith May Female Mottram Clarence William Male Manjimup
1922/500022 Blackwood Mottram Clarence William Male Risdon Grace Edith May Female Manjimup
1922/500023 Blackwood Stewart Elizabeth Female Edmunds Thomas Male Bridgetown
1922/500023 Blackwood Edmunds Thomas Male Stewart Elizabeth Female Bridgetown
1922/500024 Blackwood Higgins Carmel Female Fegan Francis Edgar Male Bridgetown
1922/500024 Blackwood Fegan Francis Edgar Male Higgins Carmel Female Bridgetown
1922/500025 Blackwood Ilich Ella Female Gerobich Matthew Male Manjimup
1922/500025 Blackwood Gerobich Matthew Male Ilich Ella Female Manjimup
1922/500026 Blackwood Bennett Mary Evelyn Female Morgan John Male Bridgetown
1922/500026 Blackwood Morgan John Male Bennett Mary Evelyn Female Bridgetown
1922/700001 Boulder Trinder Elizabeth Female Kinnane John Joseph Male Boulder
1923/700001 Boulder Hutchison Delphina Jane Female Taaffe Patrick Clive Male Boulder
1922/700001 Boulder Kinnane John Joseph Male Trinder Elizabeth Female Boulder
1923/700001 Boulder Taaffe Patrick Clive Male Hutchison Delphina Jane Female Boulder
1922/700002 Boulder Wood Frank Male Buchanan Catherine Female Boulder
1922/700002 Boulder Buchanan Catherine Female Wood Frank Male Boulder
1922/700003 Boulder Mitchell Margaret Female Helson Bertie Male Boulder
1922/700003 Boulder Helson Bertie Male Mitchell Margaret Female Boulder
1923/700003 Boulder Collins George Roper Male Portch Lilian Janet Female Boulder
1923/700003 Boulder Portch Lilian Janet Female Collins George Roper Male Boulder
1923/700004 Boulder Reilly Peter John Male Merralls Amy Florence Female Boulder
1922/700004 Boulder Thompson Robert Male Mayfield Doris Emma Mary Female Trafalgar
1923/700004 Boulder Merralls Amy Florence Female Reilly Peter John Male Boulder
1922/700004 Boulder Mayfield Doris Emma Mary Female Thompson Robert Male Trafalgar
1922/700005 Boulder Hancock Maurice Ingram Vincent Male Davey Doreen Beryl Female Boulder
1922/700005 Boulder Davey Doreen Beryl Female Hancock Maurice Ingram Vincent Male Boulder
1922/700006 Boulder Brown Thomas Male Knight Gertrude May Female Boulder
1922/700006 Boulder Knight Gertrude May Female Brown Thomas Male Boulder
1922/700007 Boulder Jones George Whitmore Male Cormack Irene Caroline Female Boulder
1922/700007 Boulder Cormack Irene Caroline Female Jones George Whitmore Male Boulder
1922/700008 Boulder Matulich Anthony Laurence Male Gliddon Florence Christina Female Boulder
1922/700008 Boulder Gliddon Florence Christina Female Matulich Anthony Laurence Male Boulder
1922/700009 Boulder Johnston Kate Campbell Female Haythornthwaite Richard John Male Boulder
1922/700009 Boulder Haythornthwaite Richard John Male Johnston Kate Campbell Female Boulder
1922/700010 Boulder Stanton Elsie Edith Anderson Female Scott William John Male Boulder
1922/700010 Boulder Scott William John Male Stanton Elsie Edith Anderson Female Boulder
1922/700011 Boulder Griffiths Edith Maud Female Cahill John James Male Boulder
1922/700011 Boulder Cahill John James Male Griffiths Edith Maud Female Boulder
1922/700012 Boulder Fryer Joseph Roy Male Elari Teresa Female Boulder
1922/700012 Boulder Elari Teresa Female Fryer Joseph Roy Male Boulder
1922/700013 Boulder Blake Violet Pearl Female Arcus John Malcolm Male Boulder City
1922/700013 Boulder Arcus John Malcolm Male Blake Violet Pearl Female Boulder City
1922/700014 Boulder Whyte Julia Female Magee Frederick Hugh Male Boulder
1922/700014 Boulder Magee Frederick Hugh Male Whyte Julia Female Boulder
1922/700015 Boulder Pope Maisie Albertha Ethel Female Grafton Herbert Marshall Male Boulder
1922/700015 Boulder Grafton Herbert Marshall Male Pope Maisie Albertha Ethel Female Boulder
1922/700016 Boulder Reynolds Percival Male Bush Gladys Kathleen Female Boulder
1922/700016 Boulder Bush Gladys Kathleen Female Reynolds Percival Male Boulder
1922/700017 Boulder Beilken Charles Henry Male Louder Alice May Female Boulder
1922/700017 Boulder Louder Alice May Female Beilken Charles Henry Male Boulder
1922/700018 Boulder Fraser Charles Edwin Male Brown Muriel Ivy Female Boulder
1922/700018 Boulder Brown Muriel Ivy Female Fraser Charles Edwin Male Boulder
1922/700019 Boulder Delbridge Ada Female Schlemaker Albert Theodore Male Boulder
1922/700019 Boulder Schlemaker Albert Theodore Male Delbridge Ada Female Boulder
1922/700020 Boulder Pizer Daisy Female Willman George Male Boulder
1922/700020 Boulder Willman George Male Pizer Daisy Female Boulder
1922/700021 Boulder Barger Rita Gladys Female Bartlett Stuart Alfred Male Boulder
1922/700021 Boulder Bartlett Stuart Alfred Male Barger Rita Gladys Female Boulder
1922/700022 Boulder Huntley Charles Ritchmond Male McCauley Margaret Female Boulder
1922/700022 Boulder McCauley Margaret Female Huntley Charles Ritchmond Male Boulder
1922/700023 Boulder Rear Annie Alice Female Smith George Fitzgerald Male Boulder
1922/700023 Boulder Smith George Fitzgerald Male Rear Annie Alice Female Boulder
1922/700024 Boulder Anglin Margaret Female Cullity Thomas Patrick Male Boulder
1922/700024 Boulder Cullity Thomas Patrick Male Anglin Margaret Female Boulder
1922/700025 Boulder Naulty George Male Collins Gladys Alinda Female Boulder
1922/700025 Boulder Collins Gladys Alinda Female Naulty George Male Boulder
1922/700026 Boulder Eddy Mabel May Female Prater George Joseph Male Boulder
1922/700026 Boulder Prater George Joseph Male Eddy Mabel May Female Boulder
1922/700027 Boulder Martin Felix McCarth Male Bentley Lilian Josephine Female Boulder
1922/700027 Boulder Bentley Lilian Josephine Female Martin Felix McCarth Male Boulder
1922/700028 Boulder Flaherty Florence Female Cunningham Valdamere George Joseph Male Boulder
1922/700028 Boulder Cunningham Valdamere George Joseph Male Flaherty Florence Female Boulder
1922/700029 Boulder Lowe Clarence James Male Coleman Louisa May Female Boulder
1922/700029 Boulder Coleman Louisa May Female Lowe Clarence James Male Boulder
1922/700030 Boulder Keleher Timothy John Male Price Annie Female Boulder
1922/700030 Boulder Price Annie Female Keleher Timothy John Male Boulder
1922/700031 Boulder O'Neill Kathleen Female Hudson Colin Radford Male Boulder
1922/700031 Boulder Hudson Colin Radford Male O'Neill Kathleen Female Boulder
1922/700032 Boulder Treleven Margaret Lilian Female Reid Francis Edward Male Boulder
1922/700032 Boulder Reid Francis Edward Male Treleven Margaret Lilian Female Boulder
1922/700033 Boulder McCall Carmel Rose May Female Kennedy Francis Male Boulder
1922/700033 Boulder Kennedy Francis Male McCall Carmel Rose May Female Boulder
1922/700034 Boulder Callcott Alfred George Male Downey Eliza Jane Female Boulder
1922/700034 Boulder Downey Eliza Jane Female Callcott Alfred George Male Boulder
1922/700035 Boulder Reeves Sophia Emma Female Marchesi Eminco Paolo Male Boulder
1922/700035 Boulder Marchesi Eminco Paolo Male Reeves Sophia Emma Female Boulder
1922/700036 Boulder Morgan Clarence James Male Ardagh Annie Female Boulder
1922/700036 Boulder Ardagh Annie Female Morgan Clarence James Male Boulder
1922/700037 Boulder Gleeson Stephen Joseph Male Leonard Beatrice Elizabeth Female Boulder
1922/700037 Boulder Leonard Beatrice Elizabeth Female Gleeson Stephen Joseph Male Boulder
1922/700038 Boulder Augustine Richard Male Bock Dorothy Female Boulder
1922/700038 Boulder Bock Dorothy Female Augustine Richard Male Boulder
1922/700039 Boulder Gledhill Reginald Male Adams Gladys Female Boulder
1922/700039 Boulder Adams Gladys Female Gledhill Reginald Male Boulder
1922/700040 Boulder Nankervis Stirling Male Looby Violet Female Boulder
1922/700040 Boulder Looby Violet Female Nankervis Stirling Male Boulder
1922/700041 Boulder Perkins Roy John Male Truscott Cora Grace Ellen Female Boulder
1922/700041 Boulder Truscott Cora Grace Ellen Female Perkins Roy John Male Boulder
1922/700042 Boulder Wood Crissie Marie Female Martin Christopher Berryman Male Boulder
1922/700042 Boulder Martin Christopher Berryman Male Wood Crissie Marie Female Boulder
1922/700043 Boulder Paindelli Paul Male Wallis Ida Female Boulder
1922/700043 Boulder Wallis Ida Female Paindelli Paul Male Boulder
1922/700044 Boulder Perkins Effie Margaret Female Clements Tom Edwin Male Boulder
1922/700044 Boulder Clements Tom Edwin Male Perkins Effie Margaret Female Boulder
1922/700045 Boulder Williams Frederick Male Skinner Annie Female Boulder
1922/700045 Boulder Skinner Annie Female Williams Frederick Male Boulder
1922/700046 Boulder Tognolini Pierina Female Bonifazzi Michael Male Boulder
1922/700046 Boulder Bonifazzi Michael Male Tognolini Pierina Female Boulder
1922/700047 Boulder Tognolini Emilia Female Leoni Luigi Male Boulder
1922/700047 Boulder Leoni Luigi Male Tognolini Emilia Female Boulder
1922/700048 Boulder Powell Doris Female Moran John Thomas Male Boulder
1922/700048 Boulder Moran John Thomas Male Powell Doris Female Boulder
1922/700049 Boulder Normington May Female Austin William Male Boulder
1922/700049 Boulder Austin William Male Normington May Female Boulder
1922/1100001 Broome Mawara Donation Male Wamele Alice Female Beagle Bay Mission
1922/1100001 Broome Wamele Alice Female Mawara Donation Male Beagle Bay Mission
1922/1100002 Broome Changalet Petronella Female Bird Augustin Male Beagle Bay Mission
1922/1100002 Broome Bird Augustin Male Changalet Petronella Female Beagle Bay Mission
1922/1100003 Broome Quinlan Eileen Teresa Female Kretchmar Alfred Ernest Male Broome
1922/1100003 Broome Kretchmar Alfred Ernest Male Quinlan Eileen Teresa Female Broome
1922/1400001 Canning Tapper Richard Philip Male Fewster Lily May Female Kalamunda
1923/1400001 Canning Addison Arthur Edward Male Arnold May Alexandra Female Queen's Park
1923/1400001 Canning Arnold May Alexandra Female Addison Arthur Edward Male Queen's Park
1922/1400001 Canning Fewster Lily May Female Tapper Richard Philip Male Kalamunda
1923/1400002 Canning Nairn Irene Phyllis Female Litton William Alfred Male Byford
1922/1400002 Canning Landon Alfred Edward Harvey Male Nesbit Violet May Female Canning
1923/1400002 Canning Litton William Alfred Male Nairn Irene Phyllis Female Byford
1922/1400002 Canning Nesbit Violet May Female Landon Alfred Edward Harvey Male Canning
1923/1400003 Canning Newmann Alma Elvina Augusta Female Marshall Thomas Edward Tyrell Male Kelmscott
1923/1400003 Canning Marshall Thomas Edward Tyrell Male Newmann Alma Elvina Augusta Female Kelmscott
1922/1400003 Canning Church Evelyn Sybil Sterne Female Pain William Henry Male Kelmscott
1922/1400003 Canning Pain William Henry Male Church Evelyn Sybil Sterne Female Kelmscott
1923/1400004 Canning Glendinning Michael Male Green Fanny Female Armadale
1923/1400004 Canning Green Fanny Female Glendinning Michael Male Armadale
1922/1400004 Canning Norman Edward Ralph Male Howes Kathleen Frances Female Armadale
1922/1400004 Canning Howes Kathleen Frances Female Norman Edward Ralph Male Armadale
1922/1400005 Canning Hungerford Everard Richard Male Harris Martha Juanita Female Armadale
1922/1400005 Canning Harris Martha Juanita Female Hungerford Everard Richard Male Armadale
1922/1400006 Canning Hill George Alfred Male Turnbull Jessie Female Maddington
1922/1400006 Canning Turnbull Jessie Female Hill George Alfred Male Maddington
1922/1400007 Canning Barrett Dorothy Beryl Female Coulston Roslyn Christopher Male Victoria Park
1922/1400007 Canning Coulston Roslyn Christopher Male Barrett Dorothy Beryl Female Victoria Park
1922/1400008 Canning Mason Ruth Hamblin Female Moore Hector John Male Cannington
1922/1400008 Canning Moore Hector John Male Mason Ruth Hamblin Female Cannington
1922/1400009 Canning Elkington Edwin Harold Male Arnold Lillian Davies Female Queen's Park
1922/1400009 Canning Arnold Lillian Davies Female Elkington Edwin Harold Male Queen's Park
1922/1400010 Canning Brown George Robert Male Michel Love Leila Female Queen's Park
1922/1400010 Canning Michel Love Leila Female Brown George Robert Male Queen's Park
1922/1400011 Canning Yates Edward James Male Ryniker Alma Isabell Female Armadale
1922/1400011 Canning Ryniker Alma Isabell Female Yates Edward James Male Armadale
1922/1400012 Canning Eaton Mary Caroline Female Butler Richard William Howard Male Queen's Park
1922/1400012 Canning Butler Richard William Howard Male Eaton Mary Caroline Female Queen's Park
1922/1400013 Canning Western William Male Hammond Iris May Female Cannington
1922/1400013 Canning Hammond Iris May Female Western William Male Cannington
1922/1400014 Canning Lawson Mabel Henrietta Female Hall Fredrick William Arthur Male Queens Park
1922/1400014 Canning Hall Fredrick William Arthur Male Lawson Mabel Henrietta Female Queens Park
1922/1400015 Canning Bird James Robert Male Heming Florence Female Kalamunda
1922/1400015 Canning Heming Florence Female Bird James Robert Male Kalamunda
1922/1400016 Canning Evans Richard Male Nairn Jessie Esther Cole Female Byford
1922/1400016 Canning Nairn Jessie Esther Cole Female Evans Richard Male Byford
1922/1400017 Canning Buckingham Bertha Matilda Female Hymus Wesley John Male Kelmscott
1922/1400017 Canning Hymus Wesley John Male Buckingham Bertha Matilda Female Kelmscott
1922/1400018 Canning Cowcher Robert George Stanyford Male Wallace Nora Eileen Female Queen's Park
1922/1400018 Canning Wallace Nora Eileen Female Cowcher Robert George Stanyford Male Queen's Park
1922/1400019 Canning Kiely Mary Elizabeth Female Henneberry Horace Hector Male Gosnells
1922/1400019 Canning Henneberry Horace Hector Male Kiely Mary Elizabeth Female Gosnells
1922/1400020 Canning Anderson David Amos Male Buckingham Ruby Alma Female Gosnells
1922/1400020 Canning Buckingham Ruby Alma Female Anderson David Amos Male Gosnells
1922/1400021 Canning Cooper Freda Rose Female Vienet Alexander Fredrick Male Armadale
1922/1400021 Canning Vienet Alexander Fredrick Male Cooper Freda Rose Female Armadale
1922/1400022 Canning Jennings Ada Elizabeth Female Boxall Alfred William Male Armadale
1922/1400022 Canning Boxall Alfred William Male Jennings Ada Elizabeth Female Armadale
1922/1400023 Canning Richards Hartland Wheare Male Howes Violet Edith Female Armadale
1922/1400023 Canning Howes Violet Edith Female Richards Hartland Wheare Male Armadale
1922/1400024 Canning Hickey Lawrence Male Downing Jane Female Gosnells
1922/1400024 Canning Downing Jane Female Hickey Lawrence Male Gosnells
1922/1400025 Canning Allen Ernest Charles Male Neilson Amelia Florence Female Armadale
1922/1400025 Canning Neilson Amelia Florence Female Allen Ernest Charles Male Armadale
1922/1400026 Canning Trouchet Joseph Adrien Male Fennell Ethel May Female Queen's Park
1922/1400026 Canning Fennell Ethel May Female Trouchet Joseph Adrien Male Queen's Park
1922/1400027 Canning Humphrey Fredrick Joseph Male Willet Elizabeth Croft Female Armadale
1922/1400027 Canning Willet Elizabeth Croft Female Humphrey Fredrick Joseph Male Armadale
1922/1400028 Canning Massey Harold Male Boys Emily Annie Female Queen's Park
1922/1400028 Canning Boys Emily Annie Female Massey Harold Male Queen's Park
1922/1400029 Canning Keyser Osmond Detwiler Sanderson Male Warren Amelia Georgina Euphemia Female Queen's Park
1922/1400029 Canning Warren Amelia Georgina Euphemia Female Keyser Osmond Detwiler Sanderson Male Queen's Park
1922/1400030 Canning Winsor Myrtle Rose Female Tait Thomas Male Kalamunda
1922/1400030 Canning Tait Thomas Male Winsor Myrtle Rose Female Kalamunda
1922/1400031 Canning Keenan John George Male Dalziell Violet Maud Female Maddington
1922/1400031 Canning Dalziell Violet Maud Female Keenan John George Male Maddington
1922/1800002 East Coolgardie Greenwood Herbert Male Holland Lila Maud Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800002 East Coolgardie Holland Lila Maud Female Greenwood Herbert Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800003 East Coolgardie Delamotte Shirley Cotes Female Jennings George Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800003 East Coolgardie Jennings George Henry Male Delamotte Shirley Cotes Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800004 East Coolgardie Clayton George Allan Male Williams Catherine Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800004 East Coolgardie Williams Catherine Female Clayton George Allan Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800005 East Coolgardie Guizzardi Bartolo Male Young Mary Ann Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800005 East Coolgardie Young Mary Ann Female Guizzardi Bartolo Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800006 East Coolgardie Fowles Frederic William Male Bradshaw Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800006 East Coolgardie Bradshaw Mary Female Fowles Frederic William Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800007 East Coolgardie McNamara Francis William Male Short Iris Claribell Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800007 East Coolgardie Short Iris Claribell Female McNamara Francis William Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800008 East Coolgardie Fox Ronald Hamilton Male Thomas Myfanwy Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800008 East Coolgardie Thomas Myfanwy Elizabeth Female Fox Ronald Hamilton Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800009 East Coolgardie Ruttle Elizabeth Female Perry Norman Wheeldon Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800009 East Coolgardie Perry Norman Wheeldon Male Ruttle Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800010 East Coolgardie Cadlolo Ruby Amelia Female Cliff Selwyn Franklin Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800010 East Coolgardie Cliff Selwyn Franklin Male Cadlolo Ruby Amelia Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800011 East Coolgardie Thirloway William Kelat Male O'Donnell Mary Ellen Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800011 East Coolgardie O'Donnell Mary Ellen Female Thirloway William Kelat Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800012 East Coolgardie Mann Myrtle Female Bush Norman Frederick Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800012 East Coolgardie Bush Norman Frederick Male Mann Myrtle Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800013 East Coolgardie Cooper Ivy Alma Female Newland Watts Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800013 East Coolgardie Newland Watts Male Cooper Ivy Alma Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800014 East Coolgardie Rosekelly William George Male Lathlean Elsie Corionna Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800014 East Coolgardie Lathlean Elsie Corionna Female Rosekelly William George Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800015 East Coolgardie Whitbread Hurtle James Male Stevens Florence Esther Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800015 East Coolgardie Stevens Florence Esther Female Whitbread Hurtle James Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800016 East Coolgardie Fox William James Male Bell Emma Jane Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800016 East Coolgardie Bell Emma Jane Female Fox William James Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800017 East Coolgardie Maras George Male Yurisich Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800017 East Coolgardie Yurisich Mary Female Maras George Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800018 East Coolgardie Johnston Archibald Male Lavington Ottilie Emma Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800018 East Coolgardie Lavington Ottilie Emma Female Johnston Archibald Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800019 East Coolgardie Carter Louisa Maud Female Bosustow Ernest Charles Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800019 East Coolgardie Bosustow Ernest Charles Male Carter Louisa Maud Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800020 East Coolgardie Lynch John William Male Brown Susannah Loretto Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800020 East Coolgardie Brown Susannah Loretto Female Lynch John William Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800021 East Coolgardie Renfrey Edward Stanley Male Johnson Myrtle Vera Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800021 East Coolgardie Johnson Myrtle Vera Female Renfrey Edward Stanley Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800022 East Coolgardie Thompson David Sydney Male Shingler Constance May Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800022 East Coolgardie Shingler Constance May Female Thompson David Sydney Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800023 East Coolgardie Meyer Josephine Zelie Female Nankiville George Stephen Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800023 East Coolgardie Nankiville George Stephen Male Meyer Josephine Zelie Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800024 East Coolgardie Green William Charles Male Mathews Louisa Lillian Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800024 East Coolgardie Mathews Louisa Lillian Female Green William Charles Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800025 East Coolgardie Jennings Elsie Winifred Female Coulter Francis Claude Lowell Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800025 East Coolgardie Coulter Francis Claude Lowell Male Jennings Elsie Winifred Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800026 East Coolgardie Scott Millicent Miranda Female Martin Ernest Claude Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800026 East Coolgardie Martin Ernest Claude Male Scott Millicent Miranda Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800027 East Coolgardie Toms William Reuben Male Dederich Dorothy Caroline Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800027 East Coolgardie Dederich Dorothy Caroline Female Toms William Reuben Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800028 East Coolgardie Staker Dorothy Ruth Female Baker Arthur Oliver Bruce Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800028 East Coolgardie Baker Arthur Oliver Bruce Male Staker Dorothy Ruth Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800029 East Coolgardie Carter Ernest Albert Male King Gladys May Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800029 East Coolgardie King Gladys May Female Carter Ernest Albert Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800030 East Coolgardie Cugley Alfred Frank Male Freeman Rosalie Marion Rebecca Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800030 East Coolgardie Freeman Rosalie Marion Rebecca Female Cugley Alfred Frank Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800031 East Coolgardie Mahon Arthur Hugh Male Fels Marie Grace Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800031 East Coolgardie Fels Marie Grace Female Mahon Arthur Hugh Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800032 East Coolgardie Pike James Albert Male Monckton Elizabeth Bridget Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800032 East Coolgardie Monckton Elizabeth Bridget Female Pike James Albert Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800033 East Coolgardie Pringle Henry Male Penniment Lily May Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800033 East Coolgardie Penniment Lily May Female Pringle Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800034 East Coolgardie Mackesey Angela Margaret Female Martin Frederick Harold Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800034 East Coolgardie Martin Frederick Harold Male Mackesey Angela Margaret Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800035 East Coolgardie Giles William Henry Male Webb Mary Alice Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800035 East Coolgardie Webb Mary Alice Female Giles William Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800036 East Coolgardie Davey William Ernest Male Gough Johanna Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800036 East Coolgardie Gough Johanna Elizabeth Female Davey William Ernest Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800037 East Coolgardie Callagher Dora Harriet Female Cheek Sydney Frederick James Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800037 East Coolgardie Cheek Sydney Frederick James Male Callagher Dora Harriet Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800038 East Coolgardie Daws William Frederick Male Wallis Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800038 East Coolgardie Wallis Mary Female Daws William Frederick Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800039 East Coolgardie Ivey William Alfred Edwin Male Metcalf Kathleen Olive Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800039 East Coolgardie Metcalf Kathleen Olive Female Ivey William Alfred Edwin Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800040 East Coolgardie Steadman Frederick James Male Anderson Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800040 East Coolgardie Anderson Mary Female Steadman Frederick James Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800041 East Coolgardie Taylor Alice Female Hamilton Donald Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800041 East Coolgardie Hamilton Donald Male Taylor Alice Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800042 East Coolgardie Holmes Gladys Maud Female Hahnel Augustus Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800042 East Coolgardie Hahnel Augustus Male Holmes Gladys Maud Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800043 East Coolgardie Cross Richard Howard Male Clapp Elizabeth Lucy Davidson Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800043 East Coolgardie Clapp Elizabeth Lucy Davidson Female Cross Richard Howard Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800044 East Coolgardie Mahon Catherine Female Ryan Leo Austral Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800044 East Coolgardie Ryan Leo Austral Male Mahon Catherine Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800045 East Coolgardie Smith John Male McCarthy Johanna Jean Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800045 East Coolgardie McCarthy Johanna Jean Female Smith John Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800046 East Coolgardie Elliott Alfred John James Male Silva Louisa Franciscar May Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800046 East Coolgardie Silva Louisa Franciscar May Female Elliott Alfred John James Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800047 East Coolgardie Hussick Edgar George Male Heron Jean Drysdale Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800047 East Coolgardie Heron Jean Drysdale Female Hussick Edgar George Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800048 East Coolgardie Bennett Grace Millian Female Batiste Hubert Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800048 East Coolgardie Batiste Hubert Male Bennett Grace Millian Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800049 East Coolgardie Woolf Edith Maud Ruth Female Pritchard Frederick Francis Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800049 East Coolgardie Pritchard Frederick Francis Male Woolf Edith Maud Ruth Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800050 East Coolgardie Brown Gladys Cecelia Female Martin William Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800050 East Coolgardie Martin William Male Brown Gladys Cecelia Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800051 East Coolgardie Haycox Clara Female Jones Samuel Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800051 East Coolgardie Jones Samuel Male Haycox Clara Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800052 East Coolgardie Hardeman Albert John Male Louden Charlotte Irene Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800052 East Coolgardie Louden Charlotte Irene Female Hardeman Albert John Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800053 East Coolgardie Turner Elizabeth Jane Female Liddington Ernest Goodwyn Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800053 East Coolgardie Liddington Ernest Goodwyn Male Turner Elizabeth Jane Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800054 East Coolgardie Neil Gladys Emily Female Olsson Clarence Laurientus Hedley Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800054 East Coolgardie Olsson Clarence Laurientus Hedley Male Neil Gladys Emily Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800055 East Coolgardie Elliott Albert Thomas Male Smith Lily Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800055 East Coolgardie Smith Lily Female Elliott Albert Thomas Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800056 East Coolgardie King Norah Gladys Female Schocker Albert Joseph Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800056 East Coolgardie Schocker Albert Joseph Male King Norah Gladys Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800057 East Coolgardie Moyle William Albert Henry Male Wilson Mary Eliza Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800057 East Coolgardie Wilson Mary Eliza Female Moyle William Albert Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800058 East Coolgardie Gallagher Francis Gordon Male Willox Jessie May Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800058 East Coolgardie Willox Jessie May Female Gallagher Francis Gordon Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800059 East Coolgardie Wicks Olive Annie Female Andrew Claud Ernest Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800059 East Coolgardie Andrew Claud Ernest Male Wicks Olive Annie Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800060 East Coolgardie Bowles Ivy Mary Muriel Female Palmer Percival William Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800060 East Coolgardie Palmer Percival William Edward Male Bowles Ivy Mary Muriel Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800061 East Coolgardie Phillips Ralph Andrew Male Cressey Florence Margaret Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800061 East Coolgardie Cressey Florence Margaret Female Phillips Ralph Andrew Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800062 East Coolgardie Marsh John Thomas Male Ryan Catherine Josephine Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800062 East Coolgardie Ryan Catherine Josephine Female Marsh John Thomas Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800063 East Coolgardie Ogg William Neil Male Dyer Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800063 East Coolgardie Dyer Mary Female Ogg William Neil Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800064 East Coolgardie Frew Thomas James Male Kidd Jane Walker Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800064 East Coolgardie Kidd Jane Walker Female Frew Thomas James Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800065 East Coolgardie Wheeler Reita May Female Gaitskell William Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800065 East Coolgardie Gaitskell William Male Wheeler Reita May Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800066 East Coolgardie Ethell Albert John Male Taylor Hazel Violet Philomena Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800066 East Coolgardie Taylor Hazel Violet Philomena Female Ethell Albert John Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800067 East Coolgardie Laming Leslie George Male McCreed Esme Irene Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800067 East Coolgardie McCreed Esme Irene Female Laming Leslie George Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800068 East Coolgardie Patroni Giovanni Male Chevedo Martina Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800068 East Coolgardie Chevedo Martina Female Patroni Giovanni Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800069 East Coolgardie Bell George William David Male Thomas Doris Jean Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800069 East Coolgardie Thomas Doris Jean Female Bell George William David Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800070 East Coolgardie Fry Charles Alfred Male Kirby Kathleen Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800070 East Coolgardie Kirby Kathleen Female Fry Charles Alfred Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800071 East Coolgardie Jones Gwladys Female Fuller Percy Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800071 East Coolgardie Fuller Percy Male Jones Gwladys Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800072 East Coolgardie Bennetts Frederick William Male Shearing Violet Grace Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800072 East Coolgardie Shearing Violet Grace Female Bennetts Frederick William Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800073 East Coolgardie Davis Mabel Floyd Female Magee George Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800073 East Coolgardie Magee George Male Davis Mabel Floyd Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800074 East Coolgardie Quinn Cyril James Male Mow Freda Catherine Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800074 East Coolgardie Mow Freda Catherine Female Quinn Cyril James Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800075 East Coolgardie Dederich Mary Margarita Female Meyers Frederick Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800075 East Coolgardie Meyers Frederick Henry Male Dederich Mary Margarita Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800076 East Coolgardie Luttrell Eileen Elizabeth Female Nankiville Edgar Neville Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800076 East Coolgardie Nankiville Edgar Neville Male Luttrell Eileen Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800077 East Coolgardie Withers Claude Henry Harold Male Witt Grace Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800077 East Coolgardie Witt Grace Mary Female Withers Claude Henry Harold Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800078 East Coolgardie Martin Louis Male Sutton Sadie Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800078 East Coolgardie Sutton Sadie Female Martin Louis Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800079 East Coolgardie Bowen Gladys Female Dawe Ernest Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800079 East Coolgardie Dawe Ernest Male Bowen Gladys Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800080 East Coolgardie Le Nay Raymond Arnaud Male Annert Laura Melvenia Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800080 East Coolgardie Annert Laura Melvenia Female Le Nay Raymond Arnaud Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800081 East Coolgardie Tuohy Elvie Female Heap Joseph Langon Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800081 East Coolgardie Heap Joseph Langon Male Tuohy Elvie Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800082 East Coolgardie Matthews Amy Female Read Cecil Roy Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800082 East Coolgardie Read Cecil Roy Male Matthews Amy Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800083 East Coolgardie Phillips William Lyle Male Holmes Lily Alice Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800083 East Coolgardie Holmes Lily Alice Female Phillips William Lyle Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800084 East Coolgardie Jordan Harriet Mulvahille Female Bennett Arthur Lawrence Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800084 East Coolgardie Bennett Arthur Lawrence Male Jordan Harriet Mulvahille Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800085 East Coolgardie Crudace Thelma May Female Jacobs Henry John Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800085 East Coolgardie Jacobs Henry John Male Crudace Thelma May Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800086 East Coolgardie Clayton Albert Edward Male Treloar Olive Dutchess Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800086 East Coolgardie Treloar Olive Dutchess Female Clayton Albert Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800087 East Coolgardie Larson Alfred Male Williams Catherine Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800087 East Coolgardie Williams Catherine Mary Female Larson Alfred Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800088 East Coolgardie Turner Henry Thomas Francis Male Cunningham Dorothy Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800088 East Coolgardie Cunningham Dorothy Female Turner Henry Thomas Francis Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800089 East Coolgardie Holt Ellen Female Hawkins Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800089 East Coolgardie Hawkins Edward Male Holt Ellen Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800090 East Coolgardie Mulcahy Thomas Male Halbert Bernice Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800090 East Coolgardie Halbert Bernice Female Mulcahy Thomas Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800091 East Coolgardie Dolton Leslie Arthur Male Allen Winifred Zoe Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800091 East Coolgardie Allen Winifred Zoe Female Dolton Leslie Arthur Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800092 East Coolgardie Woodhead Gwendoline Female Kjellgren Herbert Frederick Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800092 East Coolgardie Kjellgren Herbert Frederick Male Woodhead Gwendoline Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800093 East Coolgardie Weidner Phyllis Mary Female McInerney Robert Paul Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800093 East Coolgardie McInerney Robert Paul Male Weidner Phyllis Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800094 East Coolgardie Little Jesse Male Cumberland Eleanor Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800094 East Coolgardie Cumberland Eleanor Elizabeth Female Little Jesse Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800095 East Coolgardie Hendry James Male Young Mary Hilda Muriel Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800095 East Coolgardie Young Mary Hilda Muriel Female Hendry James Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800096 East Coolgardie Kelly Dorothy Jane Female Turner Joseph Alexander Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800096 East Coolgardie Turner Joseph Alexander Male Kelly Dorothy Jane Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800097 East Coolgardie Tangney Dulcie Miller Female Hall William Reaper Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800097 East Coolgardie Hall William Reaper Male Tangney Dulcie Miller Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800098 East Coolgardie Hoskin Richard William Male Radbourn Muriel Morton Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800098 East Coolgardie Radbourn Muriel Morton Female Hoskin Richard William Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800099 East Coolgardie Porter Alfred Charles Male Hill Irene Myrtle Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800099 East Coolgardie Hill Irene Myrtle Female Porter Alfred Charles Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800100 East Coolgardie Herron Archibald Male Roberts Catherine Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800100 East Coolgardie Roberts Catherine Female Herron Archibald Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800101 East Coolgardie Brady Francis Patricius Male Trewarn Ethel Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800101 East Coolgardie Trewarn Ethel Female Brady Francis Patricius Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800102 East Coolgardie Laming Nellie Female Leslie Donald Melville Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800102 East Coolgardie Leslie Donald Melville Male Laming Nellie Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800103 East Coolgardie Laming Flora Female Organ Harry MacKay Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800103 East Coolgardie Organ Harry MacKay Male Laming Flora Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800104 East Coolgardie Norton Edith May Female Rundle Albert Percival Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800104 East Coolgardie Rundle Albert Percival Male Norton Edith May Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800105 East Coolgardie Boneham Mary Ida Female Lackman Victor Hugh Gordon Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800105 East Coolgardie Lackman Victor Hugh Gordon Male Boneham Mary Ida Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800106 East Coolgardie Longa Lilian Female Gannaway George Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800106 East Coolgardie Gannaway George Male Longa Lilian Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800107 East Coolgardie Jowett James Male Shaw Irene Beatrice Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800107 East Coolgardie Shaw Irene Beatrice Female Jowett James Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800108 East Coolgardie Williams Arthur John Berry Male Spinks Jane Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800108 East Coolgardie Spinks Jane Female Williams Arthur John Berry Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800109 East Coolgardie St George Rita Edith Female Lever William Ernest Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800109 East Coolgardie Lever William Ernest Male St George Rita Edith Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800110 East Coolgardie Weston Ernest Joseph Male Stockden Amy Agnes Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800110 East Coolgardie Stockden Amy Agnes Female Weston Ernest Joseph Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800111 East Coolgardie Woodhead Daphne Female Cadd Thomas Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800111 East Coolgardie Cadd Thomas Henry Male Woodhead Daphne Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800112 East Coolgardie Fitz Gerald Kathleen Female McDermott James John Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800112 East Coolgardie McDermott James John Male Fitz Gerald Kathleen Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800113 East Coolgardie Hawkins Edith Florence Female Britten Charles Carey Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800113 East Coolgardie Britten Charles Carey Male Hawkins Edith Florence Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800114 East Coolgardie Pitchers John Alfred Male Griffiths Gwendoline Elenor Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800114 East Coolgardie Griffiths Gwendoline Elenor Mary Female Pitchers John Alfred Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800115 East Coolgardie Conway Patrick James Male Jones Ruby Ellen Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800115 East Coolgardie Jones Ruby Ellen Female Conway Patrick James Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800116 East Coolgardie Williams Gordon Samuel Male Sidler Beryl May Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800116 East Coolgardie Sidler Beryl May Female Williams Gordon Samuel Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800117 East Coolgardie Hammond Emma Female Dunbar Thomas William Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800117 East Coolgardie Dunbar Thomas William Male Hammond Emma Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800118 East Coolgardie Campbell Doris Elizabeth Female Roberts John Samuel Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800118 East Coolgardie Roberts John Samuel Male Campbell Doris Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800119 East Coolgardie Longton William Hector Joseph Male Halton Catherine Johanna Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800119 East Coolgardie Halton Catherine Johanna Female Longton William Hector Joseph Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800120 East Coolgardie O'Connell Dorothy Martha Female Brown Albert James Male Kalgoorlie
1922/1800120 East Coolgardie Brown Albert James Male O'Connell Dorothy Martha Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800121 East Coolgardie Polich Gregory Male Zaninovich Kathleen Female Kalgoorlie
1922/1800121 East Coolgardie Zaninovich Kathleen Female Polich Gregory Male Kalgoorlie
1922/2400001 Dundas Arnold Donald Male Hunter Ellen Fanny Female Norseman
1922/2400001 Dundas Hunter Ellen Fanny Female Arnold Donald Male Norseman
1922/2400002 Dundas Perkin Ethel May Female Hollow Henry Frederick Male Norseman
1922/2400002 Dundas Hollow Henry Frederick Male Perkin Ethel May Female Norseman
1922/2400003 Dundas Crabbe James Male McAndrew Alice May Female Norseman
1922/2400003 Dundas McAndrew Alice May Female Crabbe James Male Norseman
1922/2400004 Dundas McErlane John Male Reardon Ida Female Norseman
1922/2400004 Dundas Reardon Ida Female McErlane John Male Norseman
1922/2400005 Dundas Dunn Frank Albert Male McCudden May Female Norseman
1922/2400005 Dundas McCudden May Female Dunn Frank Albert Male Norseman
1922/2500001 Esperance Townsend James Douglas Male Jenkins Gladys Marie Female Esperance
1922/2500001 Esperance Jenkins Gladys Marie Female Townsend James Douglas Male Esperance
1922/2500002 Esperance Abbott George Leslie Male Peck Hilda May Female Esperance
1922/2500002 Esperance Peck Hilda May Female Abbott George Leslie Male Esperance
1923/2700002 Fremantle Earnshaw William Male Rendell Irene Freda Female Fremantle
1923/2700002 Fremantle Rendell Irene Freda Female Earnshaw William Male Fremantle
1923/2700003 Fremantle Bailey Richard Henry Male Thompson Irene Mary Female Fremantle
1922/2700003 Fremantle Enkel Violet Lepper Female Pritchard Gilbert Thomas Male Fremantle
1923/2700003 Fremantle Thompson Irene Mary Female Bailey Richard Henry Male Fremantle
1922/2700003 Fremantle Pritchard Gilbert Thomas Male Enkel Violet Lepper Female Fremantle
1922/2700004 Fremantle Wheeler Kate Florence Female Broomhall John James Male Fremantle
1923/2700004 Fremantle Bickford James Henry Male Ford Hilda Female Beaconsfield
1923/2700004 Fremantle Ford Hilda Female Bickford James Henry Male Beaconsfield
1922/2700004 Fremantle Broomhall John James Male Wheeler Kate Florence Female Fremantle
1922/2700005 Fremantle Brook Samuel Male Jackman Margaret Female Fremantle
1923/2700005 Fremantle Chambers William John Male Newson Gladys Ada Female Beaconsfield
1923/2700005 Fremantle Newson Gladys Ada Female Chambers William John Male Beaconsfield
1922/2700005 Fremantle Jackman Margaret Female Brook Samuel Male Fremantle
1922/2700007 Fremantle Hyden Winifred Victoria Female Williams Owen William Male Fremantle
1922/2700007 Fremantle Williams Owen William Male Hyden Winifred Victoria Female Fremantle
1922/2700008 Fremantle Rutherford Ralph Elliott Male McMahon Annie Cecilia Female Fremantle
1922/2700008 Fremantle McMahon Annie Cecilia Female Rutherford Ralph Elliott Male Fremantle
1922/2700009 Fremantle Browne Arthur James Sturgeon Male Matthews Vera Marie Female North Fremantle
1923/2700009 Fremantle Thompson William Male Porter Lillie Female South Fremantle
1923/2700009 Fremantle Porter Lillie Female Thompson William Male South Fremantle
1922/2700009 Fremantle Matthews Vera Marie Female Browne Arthur James Sturgeon Male North Fremantle
1922/2700011 Fremantle Murray Victor Clifford Male Broom Doris Tabitha Female Fremantle
1922/2700011 Fremantle Broom Doris Tabitha Female Murray Victor Clifford Male Fremantle
1922/2700012 Fremantle West Leonard Walter Male Glasson Doris Edith Female Fremantle
1922/2700012 Fremantle Glasson Doris Edith Female West Leonard Walter Male Fremantle
1922/2700013 Fremantle Devine Michael John Male Walsh Sarah Catherine Female Fremantle
1922/2700013 Fremantle Walsh Sarah Catherine Female Devine Michael John Male Fremantle
1922/2700014 Fremantle Bethune Grace Female Junner William Edward Male Beaconsfield
1922/2700014 Fremantle Junner William Edward Male Bethune Grace Female Beaconsfield
1922/2700015 Fremantle Benthin Herman Henry Svend Riburg Male McAtee Marjorie Ivermey Female Beaconsfield
1922/2700015 Fremantle McAtee Marjorie Ivermey Female Benthin Herman Henry Svend Riburg Male Beaconsfield
1922/2700016 Fremantle Chandler Ruby Ethel Female Sweeny Arthur Brier Male Fremantle
1922/2700016 Fremantle Sweeny Arthur Brier Male Chandler Ruby Ethel Female Fremantle
1922/2700017 Fremantle McKee George Rodger Male Stewart Eileen Lillian Female Fremantle
1922/2700017 Fremantle Stewart Eileen Lillian Female McKee George Rodger Male Fremantle
1922/2700018 Fremantle Longheed Gordon Leslie Male Martin Doris Female Fremantle
1922/2700018 Fremantle Martin Doris Female Longheed Gordon Leslie Male Fremantle
1922/2700019 Fremantle Taylor George Henry Male Madden Caroline Emily Female East Fremantle
1922/2700019 Fremantle Madden Caroline Emily Female Taylor George Henry Male East Fremantle
1922/2700020 Fremantle Butterly Selby Augustus Male Shadd Veronica Agnes Female Beaconsfield
1922/2700020 Fremantle Shadd Veronica Agnes Female Butterly Selby Augustus Male Beaconsfield
1922/2700021 Fremantle Williams Blanche Maud Female Freeman Charles Sydney Male Beaconsfield
1922/2700021 Fremantle Freeman Charles Sydney Male Williams Blanche Maud Female Beaconsfield
1922/2700022 Fremantle Pearse Leslie Kenton Male Hugall Jessie Hemmerling Female Fremantle
1922/2700022 Fremantle Hugall Jessie Hemmerling Female Pearse Leslie Kenton Male Fremantle
1922/2700023 Fremantle Bathurst William Henry Male Dymock Daisy Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1922/2700023 Fremantle Dymock Daisy Elizabeth Female Bathurst William Henry Male Fremantle
1922/2700024 Fremantle Berliner Frederica Lilian Ruby Female Waters John Thomas Male East Fremantle
1922/2700024 Fremantle Waters John Thomas Male Berliner Frederica Lilian Ruby Female East Fremantle
1922/2700025 Fremantle Workman Elsie Margaret Female Hutchings Francis Ronald Male Fremantle
1922/2700025 Fremantle Hutchings Francis Ronald Male Workman Elsie Margaret Female Fremantle
1922/2700026 Fremantle Bent Elizabeth Alice Female Neil William Hamilton Male Fremantle
1922/2700026 Fremantle Neil William Hamilton Male Bent Elizabeth Alice Female Fremantle
1922/2700027 Fremantle Rule Bernard John Male O'Sullivan Kathleen Margaret Female Fremantle
1922/2700027 Fremantle O'Sullivan Kathleen Margaret Female Rule Bernard John Male Fremantle
1922/2700028 Fremantle Aylward James Male Regan Mary Margaret Female North Fremantle
1922/2700028 Fremantle Regan Mary Margaret Female Aylward James Male North Fremantle
1922/2700029 Fremantle Devitt Annie Female Williams John Male Fremantle
1922/2700029 Fremantle Williams John Male Devitt Annie Female Fremantle
1922/2700030 Fremantle Williams Lillian Ada Female Hastie Charles Edward Male Fremantle
1922/2700030 Fremantle Hastie Charles Edward Male Williams Lillian Ada Female Fremantle
1922/2700031 Fremantle Watson Blanche Agnes Female Giles Nathaniel Male Fremantle
1922/2700031 Fremantle Giles Nathaniel Male Watson Blanche Agnes Female Fremantle
1922/2700032 Fremantle Marshall Helen Frances Female Wilson Aubrey Charles Francis Male Fremantle
1922/2700032 Fremantle Wilson Aubrey Charles Francis Male Marshall Helen Frances Female Fremantle
1922/2700033 Fremantle Pries Edward Heinrich Male Byng Katherine May Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1922/2700033 Fremantle Byng Katherine May Elizabeth Female Pries Edward Heinrich Male Fremantle
1922/2700034 Fremantle Stevens Florence Female Tyrrell Henry Augustus Male North Fremantle
1922/2700034 Fremantle Tyrrell Henry Augustus Male Stevens Florence Female North Fremantle
1922/2700035 Fremantle Burnett Beatrice Ella Female McCarthy Arthur Victor Male Beaconsfield
1922/2700035 Fremantle McCarthy Arthur Victor Male Burnett Beatrice Ella Female Beaconsfield
1922/2700036 Fremantle Porter Emmeline Beryl Female Kenny George Henry Male Beaconsfield
1922/2700036 Fremantle Kenny George Henry Male Porter Emmeline Beryl Female Beaconsfield
1922/2700037 Fremantle Johnson Alexander Joseph Male Buckholdt Hilda Female Fremantle
1922/2700037 Fremantle Buckholdt Hilda Female Johnson Alexander Joseph Male Fremantle
1922/2700038 Fremantle McCall William Charles Male Payne Marjorie Maude Female East Fremantle
1922/2700038 Fremantle Payne Marjorie Maude Female McCall William Charles Male East Fremantle
1922/2700039 Fremantle Fletcher Roy Angus Male Marshall Minnie Irene Gladys Female Fremantle
1922/2700039 Fremantle Marshall Minnie Irene Gladys Female Fletcher Roy Angus Male Fremantle
1922/2700040 Fremantle Windred Blanche Frances Female Gamble John Leslie Male Fremantle
1922/2700040 Fremantle Gamble John Leslie Male Windred Blanche Frances Female Fremantle
1922/2700041 Fremantle Williamson Marcus Elphingstone Male Binning Dorothy Ada Female Fremantle
1922/2700041 Fremantle Binning Dorothy Ada Female Williamson Marcus Elphingstone Male Fremantle
1922/2700042 Fremantle Smith George Male Wright Evelyn Constance Female Beaconsfield
1922/2700042 Fremantle Wright Evelyn Constance Female Smith George Male Beaconsfield
1922/2700043 Fremantle Millar Janet Wallace Female Lyons John Theophilus Male Beaconsfield
1922/2700043 Fremantle Lyons John Theophilus Male Millar Janet Wallace Female Beaconsfield
1922/2700044 Fremantle McKay Elsie Victoria Female Rickey James Male Beaconsfield
1922/2700044 Fremantle Rickey James Male McKay Elsie Victoria Female Beaconsfield
1922/2700045 Fremantle Dunning William Ralph Male Hancock Lillian Maud Female East Fremantle
1922/2700045 Fremantle Hancock Lillian Maud Female Dunning William Ralph Male East Fremantle
1922/2700046 Fremantle Monkhouse Clarence Roy Male Grant Hazel Female Palmyra
1922/2700046 Fremantle Grant Hazel Female Monkhouse Clarence Roy Male Palmyra
1922/2700047 Fremantle Setterfield Amy Ethel Female Weeks William John Male Fremantle
1922/2700047 Fremantle Weeks William John Male Setterfield Amy Ethel Female Fremantle
1922/2700048 Fremantle Browne James Glass Male Davies Evelyn Myrtle Female Fremantle
1922/2700048 Fremantle Davies Evelyn Myrtle Female Browne James Glass Male Fremantle
1922/2700049 Fremantle Headland Lucy Female Griffiths George John Freeman Male Beaconsfield
1922/2700049 Fremantle Griffiths George John Freeman Male Headland Lucy Female Beaconsfield
1922/2700050 Fremantle McLerie Elsie Caroline Female Woolcock George Fredrick Male Fremantle
1922/2700050 Fremantle Woolcock George Fredrick Male McLerie Elsie Caroline Female Fremantle
1922/2700051 Fremantle Moore Alice Female Thorp Charles William Male Fremantle
1922/2700051 Fremantle Thorp Charles William Male Moore Alice Female Fremantle
1922/2700052 Fremantle Grosser Oswald James Male Morris Gertrude Female East Fremantle
1922/2700052 Fremantle Morris Gertrude Female Grosser Oswald James Male East Fremantle
1922/2700053 Fremantle Nicholls John Francis Hilderick Male Thorn Gertrude Beatrice Female Fremantle
1922/2700053 Fremantle Thorn Gertrude Beatrice Female Nicholls John Francis Hilderick Male Fremantle
1922/2700054 Fremantle Vickery William Wilson Male Wilson Edna Blanche Female East Fremantle
1922/2700054 Fremantle Wilson Edna Blanche Female Vickery William Wilson Male East Fremantle
1922/2700055 Fremantle Harrigan May Evelyn Female Croft James Kitchener Male Fremantle
1922/2700055 Fremantle Croft James Kitchener Male Harrigan May Evelyn Female Fremantle
1922/2700056 Fremantle Durnin Dorothy Myrtle Francis Female Munyard Robert Payne Male East Fremantle
1922/2700056 Fremantle Munyard Robert Payne Male Durnin Dorothy Myrtle Francis Female East Fremantle
1922/2700057 Fremantle Klix William Carl Male Anderson Lilian Female Fremantle
1922/2700057 Fremantle Anderson Lilian Female Klix William Carl Male Fremantle
1922/2700058 Fremantle Stahl Augusta Maud Female Parsons Cecil Clement Male Beaconsfield
1922/2700058 Fremantle Parsons Cecil Clement Male Stahl Augusta Maud Female Beaconsfield
1922/2700059 Fremantle John George Male Lee Hazel Female Beaconsfield
1922/2700059 Fremantle Lee Hazel Female John George Male Beaconsfield
1922/2700060 Fremantle Jones Martha Ann Female Owen David Thomas Male East Fremantle
1922/2700060 Fremantle Owen David Thomas Male Jones Martha Ann Female East Fremantle
1922/2700061 Fremantle Thompson Winifred Emma Female Sly Joseph Daniel Male Fremantle
1922/2700061 Fremantle Sly Joseph Daniel Male Thompson Winifred Emma Female Fremantle
1922/2700062 Fremantle Weir Mary Isabella Female McGlashan Hugh Male High St East
1922/2700062 Fremantle McGlashan Hugh Male Weir Mary Isabella Female High St East
1922/2700063 Fremantle Long Frederick James Male Maher Doris Enid Female Fremantle
1922/2700063 Fremantle Maher Doris Enid Female Long Frederick James Male Fremantle
1922/2700064 Fremantle Beckley Fanny Mary Female Hall Robert William Male Fremantle
1922/2700064 Fremantle Hall Robert William Male Beckley Fanny Mary Female Fremantle
1922/2700065 Fremantle Paddon Kathleen Mary Female Smith Douglas Charles Male Fremantle
1922/2700065 Fremantle Smith Douglas Charles Male Paddon Kathleen Mary Female Fremantle
1922/2700066 Fremantle Chapman Arthur Thomas Male Downing Frances Ellen Mary Ann Female Fremantle
1922/2700066 Fremantle Downing Frances Ellen Mary Ann Female Chapman Arthur Thomas Male Fremantle
1922/2700067 Fremantle Buckland Slyvanus Benjamin Male Fitzgerald Annie Female North Fremantle
1922/2700067 Fremantle Fitzgerald Annie Female Buckland Slyvanus Benjamin Male North Fremantle
1922/2700068 Fremantle Storer Doreen Amor Female Hill Milford Conrad Male Fremantle
1922/2700068 Fremantle Hill Milford Conrad Male Storer Doreen Amor Female Fremantle
1922/2700069 Fremantle Flannigan John Patrick Leopold Male Taylor Muriel Doris Esther Female Fremantle
1922/2700069 Fremantle Taylor Muriel Doris Esther Female Flannigan John Patrick Leopold Male Fremantle
1922/2700070 Fremantle Love Nora Female Walsh Victor Male Fremantle
1922/2700070 Fremantle Walsh Victor Male Love Nora Female Fremantle
1922/2700071 Fremantle Weir James McKinley Male Brown Nellie Victoria Female North Fremantle
1922/2700071 Fremantle Brown Nellie Victoria Female Weir James McKinley Male North Fremantle
1922/2700072 Fremantle Smith Gilbert Donald William John Male Knox Elsie Blanche Female Fremantle
1922/2700072 Fremantle Knox Elsie Blanche Female Smith Gilbert Donald William John Male Fremantle
1922/2700073 Fremantle Taylor Emily Irene Female Flügge Benno Otto Male Beaconsfield
1922/2700073 Fremantle Flügge Benno Otto Male Taylor Emily Irene Female Beaconsfield
1922/2700074 Fremantle Smart Jean Female Alford Richard Michael Male Beaconsfield
1922/2700074 Fremantle Alford Richard Michael Male Smart Jean Female Beaconsfield
1922/2700075 Fremantle Bartlett Olive Clare Female Fathers Eugene Alfred Male Fremantle
1922/2700075 Fremantle Fathers Eugene Alfred Male Bartlett Olive Clare Female Fremantle
1922/2700076 Fremantle Semmens Aubrey Male Clark Hazel Lucy May Female Fremantle
1922/2700076 Fremantle Clark Hazel Lucy May Female Semmens Aubrey Male Fremantle
1922/2700077 Fremantle Ward Elizabeth Mary Female Richards Hurtle Henry Male Fremantle
1922/2700077 Fremantle Richards Hurtle Henry Male Ward Elizabeth Mary Female Fremantle
1922/2700078 Fremantle Adams Alice May Female Langdon William John Thomas Male Beaconsfield
1922/2700078 Fremantle Langdon William John Thomas Male Adams Alice May Female Beaconsfield
1922/2700079 Fremantle Tickell Charlotte Marjorie Female Edgar Douglas Waldene Male Fremantle
1922/2700079 Fremantle Edgar Douglas Waldene Male Tickell Charlotte Marjorie Female Fremantle
1922/2700080 Fremantle Korten Jolene Florence Female Cadd Clarence Arthur Male Beaconsfield
1922/2700080 Fremantle Cadd Clarence Arthur Male Korten Jolene Florence Female Beaconsfield
1922/2700081 Fremantle Bale Florence Olive Female Mani William John Male Beaconsfield
1922/2700081 Fremantle Mani William John Male Bale Florence Olive Female Beaconsfield
1922/2700082 Fremantle Back William John Male De San Miguel Bertha Mary Female Fremantle
1922/2700082 Fremantle De San Miguel Bertha Mary Female Back William John Male Fremantle
1922/2700083 Fremantle Curedale Horace James Male Cole Ruby Female Beaconsfield
1922/2700083 Fremantle Cole Ruby Female Curedale Horace James Male Beaconsfield
1922/2700084 Fremantle Ferguson Andrew Jamieson Male Selden Hazel Isabel Female Fremantle
1922/2700084 Fremantle Selden Hazel Isabel Female Ferguson Andrew Jamieson Male Fremantle
1922/2700085 Fremantle Ricketts William Charles Male Stock Elsie Amelia Female Fremantle
1922/2700085 Fremantle Stock Elsie Amelia Female Ricketts William Charles Male Fremantle
1922/2700086 Fremantle Cunningham John Francis Male Harris Eva May Female Fremantle
1922/2700086 Fremantle Harris Eva May Female Cunningham John Francis Male Fremantle
1922/2700087 Fremantle Baker Elizabeth Female Smith William James Male Beaconsfield
1922/2700087 Fremantle Smith William James Male Baker Elizabeth Female Beaconsfield
1922/2700088 Fremantle Tozer Maud Female Westicott William Male Beaconsfield
1922/2700088 Fremantle Westicott William Male Tozer Maud Female Beaconsfield
1922/2700089 Fremantle Maru Alexander Dickinson Male Elsegood Ada Lucille Female Fremantle
1922/2700089 Fremantle Elsegood Ada Lucille Female Maru Alexander Dickinson Male Fremantle
1922/2700090 Fremantle Andrews Edith May Elizabeth Female Bown General Milton Male Fremantle
1922/2700090 Fremantle Bown General Milton Male Andrews Edith May Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1922/2700091 Fremantle Gray George Male Banfield Edith Mary Female Fremantle
1922/2700091 Fremantle Banfield Edith Mary Female Gray George Male Fremantle
1922/2700092 Fremantle Crowder William Frederick Male Corbett Olive Harriet Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1922/2700092 Fremantle Corbett Olive Harriet Elizabeth Female Crowder William Frederick Male Fremantle
1922/2700093 Fremantle Moschetti Frederick William Male Fisher Lila Maude Female Fremantle
1922/2700093 Fremantle Fisher Lila Maude Female Moschetti Frederick William Male Fremantle
1922/2700094 Fremantle Saint Dulcie Rose Female Logie Norman MacIntosh Male North Fremantle
1922/2700094 Fremantle Logie Norman MacIntosh Male Saint Dulcie Rose Female North Fremantle
1922/2700095 Fremantle Wilson Elizabeth Aird Female Henderson Hugh Male Fremantle
1922/2700095 Fremantle Henderson Hugh Male Wilson Elizabeth Aird Female Fremantle
1922/2700096 Fremantle Johnson Grace Female Brown William Cyril Male North Fremantle
1922/2700096 Fremantle Brown William Cyril Male Johnson Grace Female North Fremantle
1922/2700097 Fremantle Mawson Robert Milner Male Williams Gwladys Marion Female Fremantle
1922/2700097 Fremantle Williams Gwladys Marion Female Mawson Robert Milner Male Fremantle
1922/2700098 Fremantle Howell Frank Thomas Male Greenwood Olive Female Fremantle
1922/2700098 Fremantle Greenwood Olive Female Howell Frank Thomas Male Fremantle
1922/2700099 Fremantle Roy Cecil Male Petherick Bertha Victoria Female Fremantle
1922/2700099 Fremantle Petherick Bertha Victoria Female Roy Cecil Male Fremantle
1922/2700100 Fremantle Mather William Harold Male Blenkinsop Amelia Female Fremantle
1922/2700100 Fremantle Blenkinsop Amelia Female Mather William Harold Male Fremantle
1922/2700101 Fremantle Webster Elizabeth Theresa Female Sutton Sydney Charles Norman Male Fremantle
1922/2700101 Fremantle Sutton Sydney Charles Norman Male Webster Elizabeth Theresa Female Fremantle
1922/2700102 Fremantle Williams Phillip Egerton Male Burke Violet Mary Female Fremantle
1922/2700102 Fremantle Burke Violet Mary Female Williams Phillip Egerton Male Fremantle
1922/2700103 Fremantle O'Shea Francies Patrick Male Dundee Ettie Irene Female Fremantle
1922/2700103 Fremantle Dundee Ettie Irene Female O'Shea Francies Patrick Male Fremantle
1922/2700104 Fremantle Knox Jean Female Edwards Victor Horace Male East Fremantle
1922/2700104 Fremantle Edwards Victor Horace Male Knox Jean Female East Fremantle
1922/2700105 Fremantle Elsegood Amy Victoria Female O'Neill John Hugh Male Fremantle
1922/2700105 Fremantle O'Neill John Hugh Male Elsegood Amy Victoria Female Fremantle
1922/2700106 Fremantle Evans Charles Douglas Male Cook Dorothy Mary Female Fremantle
1922/2700106 Fremantle Cook Dorothy Mary Female Evans Charles Douglas Male Fremantle
1922/2700107 Fremantle Greenwood Donald Seawood Male Elsegood Elsie Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1922/2700107 Fremantle Elsegood Elsie Elizabeth Female Greenwood Donald Seawood Male Fremantle
1922/2700108 Fremantle Turner Elizabeth May Female Herbert Claude Edgbert Dean Male Beaconsfield
1922/2700108 Fremantle Herbert Claude Edgbert Dean Male Turner Elizabeth May Female Beaconsfield
1922/2700109 Fremantle Klix Irene Dora Female Fry Edward George Male Fremantle
1922/2700109 Fremantle Fry Edward George Male Klix Irene Dora Female Fremantle
1922/2700110 Fremantle Manns Nora Veronica Female Lindfield Cecil Harry Male Fremantle
1922/2700110 Fremantle Lindfield Cecil Harry Male Manns Nora Veronica Female Fremantle
1922/2700111 Fremantle Potts Raymond Frank Male Scull Annie Elizabeth Dorothea Female North Fremantle
1922/2700111 Fremantle Scull Annie Elizabeth Dorothea Female Potts Raymond Frank Male North Fremantle
1922/2700112 Fremantle Smith Reginald Roy Male Beard Ellen Stella Female Fremantle
1922/2700112 Fremantle Beard Ellen Stella Female Smith Reginald Roy Male Fremantle
1922/2700113 Fremantle Armstrong Raymond John Male Hall Ethel May Female Beaconsfield
1922/2700113 Fremantle Hall Ethel May Female Armstrong Raymond John Male Beaconsfield
1922/2700114 Fremantle Patterson Martin Male Radford Elizabeth Ellen Female Fremantle
1922/2700114 Fremantle Radford Elizabeth Ellen Female Patterson Martin Male Fremantle
1922/2700115 Fremantle Luff Andrew Beaconsfield Male Hayes Catherine Adelaide Female Fremantle
1922/2700115 Fremantle Hayes Catherine Adelaide Female Luff Andrew Beaconsfield Male Fremantle
1922/2700116 Fremantle Clements Robert Wilkins Male Akehurst Florence Minnetta May Female East Fremantle
1922/2700116 Fremantle Akehurst Florence Minnetta May Female Clements Robert Wilkins Male East Fremantle
1922/2700117 Fremantle Bourke George Male Hird Jane Female Fremantle
1922/2700117 Fremantle Hird Jane Female Bourke George Male Fremantle
1922/2700118 Fremantle Mooney Irene Lawerance Female Chandler Reginald James Male Fremantle
1922/2700118 Fremantle Chandler Reginald James Male Mooney Irene Lawerance Female Fremantle
1922/2700119 Fremantle Newstead Violet Winifred Female Lilley Ronald Herbert Male Fremantle
1922/2700119 Fremantle Lilley Ronald Herbert Male Newstead Violet Winifred Female Fremantle
1922/2700120 Fremantle Pridmore Doris Hopetoun Female Morris George Arthur Male Fremantle
1922/2700120 Fremantle Morris George Arthur Male Pridmore Doris Hopetoun Female Fremantle
1922/2700121 Fremantle O'Byrne William John Male Reynolds May Victoria Female Fremantle
1922/2700121 Fremantle Reynolds May Victoria Female O'Byrne William John Male Fremantle
1922/2700122 Fremantle Pilling William Thomas Male Moore Mabel Female Beaconsfield
1922/2700122 Fremantle Moore Mabel Female Pilling William Thomas Male Beaconsfield
1922/2700123 Fremantle Dowell Cecil Neil Male Trewarn Ethel Agnes Female Fremantle
1922/2700123 Fremantle Trewarn Ethel Agnes Female Dowell Cecil Neil Male Fremantle
1922/2700124 Fremantle Pascoe Percy Male Manuel Evelyn Marie Female East Fremantle
1922/2700124 Fremantle Manuel Evelyn Marie Female Pascoe Percy Male East Fremantle
1922/2700125 Fremantle Ford George Male Harben Margaret Mary Female Fremantle
1922/2700125 Fremantle Harben Margaret Mary Female Ford George Male Fremantle
1922/2700126 Fremantle McKay Estella Ruby Pearl Female Campbell Hugh Male North Fremantle
1922/2700126 Fremantle Campbell Hugh Male McKay Estella Ruby Pearl Female North Fremantle
1922/2700127 Fremantle Feist Marie Lavinia Isabel Female Watkins William Edward Male Fremantle
1922/2700127 Fremantle Watkins William Edward Male Feist Marie Lavinia Isabel Female Fremantle
1922/2700128 Fremantle Griffiths Kate Female McDonald Robert Male Fremantle
1922/2700128 Fremantle McDonald Robert Male Griffiths Kate Female Fremantle
1922/2700129 Fremantle Jones Mary Ann Teresa Female Miller John Charles Male North Fremantle
1922/2700129 Fremantle Miller John Charles Male Jones Mary Ann Teresa Female North Fremantle
1922/2700130 Fremantle Baker Elizabeth Amy Female Mountain Sidney Male Beaconsfield
1922/2700130 Fremantle Mountain Sidney Male Baker Elizabeth Amy Female Beaconsfield
1922/2700131 Fremantle Back Elmore James Male Dixon Hannah Female East Fremantle
1922/2700131 Fremantle Dixon Hannah Female Back Elmore James Male East Fremantle
1922/2700132 Fremantle Gosling Gwendoline Edna Female Ward Robert Henry Male Fremantle
1922/2700132 Fremantle Ward Robert Henry Male Gosling Gwendoline Edna Female Fremantle
1922/2700133 Fremantle Chalmers James Meering Male Blyth Alice Maud Female Fremantle
1922/2700133 Fremantle Blyth Alice Maud Female Chalmers James Meering Male Fremantle
1922/2700134 Fremantle Blinco John Henry Male Blockey Cecilia Maud Female Fremantle
1922/2700134 Fremantle Blockey Cecilia Maud Female Blinco John Henry Male Fremantle
1922/2700135 Fremantle McLarty May Florence Female Kerr Leopold Arthur Male Fremantle
1922/2700135 Fremantle Kerr Leopold Arthur Male McLarty May Florence Female Fremantle
1922/2700136 Fremantle Brown Edith Bessie Female Matthews Robert Allan Male North Fremantle
1922/2700136 Fremantle Matthews Robert Allan Male Brown Edith Bessie Female North Fremantle
1922/2700137 Fremantle Hymus Mena Louise Female Bell Roy Ramsay Male Fremantle
1922/2700137 Fremantle Bell Roy Ramsay Male Hymus Mena Louise Female Fremantle
1922/2700138 Fremantle Hindle Doris Eileen Female Easton Rupert Arthur Male Fremantle
1922/2700138 Fremantle Easton Rupert Arthur Male Hindle Doris Eileen Female Fremantle
1922/2700139 Fremantle Castledine Florence Margery Female Bignell Albert Edward Male Fremantle
1922/2700139 Fremantle Bignell Albert Edward Male Castledine Florence Margery Female Fremantle
1922/2700140 Fremantle Brandon Elsie Female Armstrong William Male East Fremantle
1922/2700140 Fremantle Armstrong William Male Brandon Elsie Female East Fremantle
1922/2700141 Fremantle Lack Elizabeth Mary Female Lowe Charles Roy Male Fremantle
1922/2700141 Fremantle Lowe Charles Roy Male Lack Elizabeth Mary Female Fremantle
1922/2700142 Fremantle Diggles James Male Hall Alice Sarah Female Fremantle
1922/2700142 Fremantle Hall Alice Sarah Female Diggles James Male Fremantle
1922/2700143 Fremantle Lingwood Isabella Female Prior Arnold Lawrence John Male Fremantle
1922/2700143 Fremantle Prior Arnold Lawrence John Male Lingwood Isabella Female Fremantle
1922/2700144 Fremantle Copperwaite Rose Lilian Female Bellairs Percy Dowse Male Beaconsfield
1922/2700144 Fremantle Bellairs Percy Dowse Male Copperwaite Rose Lilian Female Beaconsfield
1922/2700145 Fremantle Cox Peter Gordon Male Coughlan Gertrude Jane Female Beaconsfield
1922/2700145 Fremantle Coughlan Gertrude Jane Female Cox Peter Gordon Male Beaconsfield
1922/2700146 Fremantle Morris Eileen Constance May Female Williams George Ernest Stirling Male Fremantle
1922/2700146 Fremantle Williams George Ernest Stirling Male Morris Eileen Constance May Female Fremantle
1922/2700147 Fremantle Baker Charles Frederick Male Dixon Dorothy Ivermey Female Beaconsfield
1922/2700147 Fremantle Dixon Dorothy Ivermey Female Baker Charles Frederick Male Beaconsfield
1922/2700148 Fremantle Holzberger Christina Florentina Minna Female Robinson Harry West William Male Beaconsfield
1922/2700148 Fremantle Robinson Harry West William Male Holzberger Christina Florentina Minna Female Beaconsfield
1922/2700149 Fremantle Pegrum Walter Ernest Male Broadwood Mary Jane Female Fremantle
1922/2700149 Fremantle Broadwood Mary Jane Female Pegrum Walter Ernest Male Fremantle
1922/2700150 Fremantle Pyvis John Richard Male Gilmore Florence Stella Female Beaconsfield
1922/2700150 Fremantle Gilmore Florence Stella Female Pyvis John Richard Male Beaconsfield
1922/2700151 Fremantle Sumpton Fred Selwyn Male Reeves Eunice Lydia Female Fremantle
1922/2700151 Fremantle Reeves Eunice Lydia Female Sumpton Fred Selwyn Male Fremantle
1922/2700152 Fremantle Boelter Rosa Female Kenny John Patrick Male Fremantle
1922/2700152 Fremantle Kenny John Patrick Male Boelter Rosa Female Fremantle
1922/2700153 Fremantle Box Myrtle Annetta Female Firns Charles Glyn Male Fremantle
1922/2700153 Fremantle Firns Charles Glyn Male Box Myrtle Annetta Female Fremantle
1922/2700154 Fremantle Oliver Harold William Male Slater Grace Eliza Female Fremantle
1922/2700154 Fremantle Slater Grace Eliza Female Oliver Harold William Male Fremantle
1922/2700155 Fremantle Carpenter Lily Female Fitzpatrick John Thomas Male Fremantle
1922/2700155 Fremantle Fitzpatrick John Thomas Male Carpenter Lily Female Fremantle
1922/2700156 Fremantle Compton Alice May Female Perry Leith Victor Male East Fremantle
1922/2700156 Fremantle Perry Leith Victor Male Compton Alice May Female East Fremantle
1922/2700157 Fremantle Davies James Male Bradley Rose Female Fremantle
1922/2700157 Fremantle Bradley Rose Female Davies James Male Fremantle
1922/2700158 Fremantle Matsen Clarence Inglebird Male Outtrim Mollie Astarri Female Fremantle
1922/2700158 Fremantle Outtrim Mollie Astarri Female Matsen Clarence Inglebird Male Fremantle
1922/2700159 Fremantle Hawkins Harry Olding Male Webb Maud Ellen Female Fremantle
1922/2700159 Fremantle Webb Maud Ellen Female Hawkins Harry Olding Male Fremantle
1922/2700160 Fremantle Dawes Walter Male Hall Delhia Grace Female Fremantle
1922/2700160 Fremantle Hall Delhia Grace Female Dawes Walter Male Fremantle
1922/2700161 Fremantle Powell-Cameron Victoria Pansy Female Clark Phillip Male South Fremantle
1922/2700161 Fremantle Clark Phillip Male Powell-Cameron Victoria Pansy Female South Fremantle
1922/2700162 Fremantle Mears Daisy Female Wood Sydney George Alfred Male Fremantle
1922/2700162 Fremantle Wood Sydney George Alfred Male Mears Daisy Female Fremantle
1922/2700163 Fremantle Jarvis George Male Stephenson Amy Christina Female Beaconsfield
1922/2700163 Fremantle Stephenson Amy Christina Female Jarvis George Male Beaconsfield
1922/2700164 Fremantle Tough Andrew Male Stewart Margaret Female Fremantle
1922/2700164 Fremantle Stewart Margaret Female Tough Andrew Male Fremantle
1922/2700165 Fremantle Hendry Louis Philip Male Finlay Minnie Ellen Female Fremantle
1922/2700165 Fremantle Finlay Minnie Ellen Female Hendry Louis Philip Male Fremantle
1922/2700166 Fremantle Farrelly Peter Male Yore Bridget Mary Female Fremantle
1922/2700166 Fremantle Yore Bridget Mary Female Farrelly Peter Male Fremantle
1922/2700167 Fremantle Bombara Carmela Female Natoli Antonio Male Fremantle
1922/2700167 Fremantle Natoli Antonio Male Bombara Carmela Female Fremantle
1922/2700168 Fremantle Harken Elsie May Female Kelly Joseph Male Fremantle
1922/2700168 Fremantle Kelly Joseph Male Harken Elsie May Female Fremantle
1922/2700169 Fremantle Blazevich Ioka Female Jakovich Jery Male Fremantle
1922/2700169 Fremantle Jakovich Jery Male Blazevich Ioka Female Fremantle
1922/2700170 Fremantle Maroni Veronica Matilda Female Pratt Cedric Russell Male Fremantle
1922/2700170 Fremantle Pratt Cedric Russell Male Maroni Veronica Matilda Female Fremantle
1922/2700171 Fremantle Frewin Francis Allen Male Scanlon Beatrice Hartwell Cardiff Female Fremantle
1922/2700171 Fremantle Scanlon Beatrice Hartwell Cardiff Female Frewin Francis Allen Male Fremantle
1922/2700172 Fremantle Mountain Annie Maud Female Groves James Haley Male Fremantle
1922/2700172 Fremantle Groves James Haley Male Mountain Annie Maud Female Fremantle
1922/2700173 Fremantle Green Ellen Harriet May Female See George Arthur Male Fremantle
1922/2700173 Fremantle See George Arthur Male Green Ellen Harriet May Female Fremantle
1922/2700174 Fremantle Osterberg Charles Eric Male Collier Myrtle Female Fremantle
1922/2700174 Fremantle Collier Myrtle Female Osterberg Charles Eric Male Fremantle
1922/2700175 Fremantle Newman Alfred Vincent Male Rowland Daisy Bertha Female Fremantle
1922/2700175 Fremantle Rowland Daisy Bertha Female Newman Alfred Vincent Male Fremantle
1922/2700176 Fremantle Haynes Noël Landor Male Kennedy Ellen May Female Fremantle
1922/2700176 Fremantle Kennedy Ellen May Female Haynes Noël Landor Male Fremantle
1922/2700177 Fremantle Stewart Irene Marjory Le Duc Female Cole Eric Lancell Male Fremantle
1922/2700177 Fremantle Cole Eric Lancell Male Stewart Irene Marjory Le Duc Female Fremantle
1922/2700178 Fremantle Bellairs Leslie William Male Jarvis Clara Melba Female Fremantle
1922/2700178 Fremantle Jarvis Clara Melba Female Bellairs Leslie William Male Fremantle
1922/2700179 Fremantle Clegg Walter Henry Male Harrison Lilian Female East Fremantle
1922/2700179 Fremantle Harrison Lilian Female Clegg Walter Henry Male East Fremantle
1922/2700180 Fremantle Fox Lucy Female Stephens William Edward Allen Male Fremantle
1922/2700180 Fremantle Stephens William Edward Allen Male Fox Lucy Female Fremantle
1922/2700181 Fremantle Thurloe Gwendolene Female Granland Thomas Alexander Male Fremantle
1922/2700181 Fremantle Granland Thomas Alexander Male Thurloe Gwendolene Female Fremantle
1922/2700182 Fremantle McClymont Henry James Roy Male Bickle Sylvia Beryl Female Fremantle
1922/2700182 Fremantle Bickle Sylvia Beryl Female McClymont Henry James Roy Male Fremantle
1922/2700183 Fremantle Harwood Thomas Hemsley Male Webster Annie Kathleen Female Fremantle
1922/2700183 Fremantle Webster Annie Kathleen Female Harwood Thomas Hemsley Male Fremantle
1922/2700184 Fremantle Ottey Arthur James Ralph Male Wims Ellen Catherine Female Fremantle
1922/2700184 Fremantle Wims Ellen Catherine Female Ottey Arthur James Ralph Male Fremantle
1922/2700185 Fremantle Woods Ada Female Vinci Camillus Male Fremantle
1922/2700185 Fremantle Vinci Camillus Male Woods Ada Female Fremantle
1922/2700186 Fremantle Clark Victor John Male Waters Eileen Maud Female Fremantle
1922/2700186 Fremantle Waters Eileen Maud Female Clark Victor John Male Fremantle
1922/2700187 Fremantle Bates Ruby May Female Griffiths Frederick William Male Fremantle
1922/2700187 Fremantle Griffiths Frederick William Male Bates Ruby May Female Fremantle
1922/2700188 Fremantle Francis Henry Victor Male Gregory Jessie Susannah Rice Female Fremantle
1922/2700188 Fremantle Goodenough Henry Victor Male Gregory Jessie Susannah Rice Female Fremantle
1922/2700188 Fremantle Gregory Jessie Susannah Rice Female Francis Henry Victor Male Fremantle
1922/2700188 Fremantle Gregory Jessie Susannah Rice Female Goodenough Henry Victor Male Fremantle
1922/2700189 Fremantle Chalwell Samuel Vernon Male Pollard Ethel May Female Fremantle
1922/2700189 Fremantle Pollard Ethel May Female Chalwell Samuel Vernon Male Fremantle
1922/2700190 Fremantle Bryant William John Male Campbell Anna Female South Fremantle
1922/2700190 Fremantle Campbell Anna Female Bryant William John Male South Fremantle
1922/2700191 Fremantle Walker Hobart Male Skelton Louisa Harriet Female North Fremantle
1922/2700191 Fremantle Skelton Louisa Harriet Female Walker Hobart Male North Fremantle
1922/2700192 Fremantle Tulley Alma Female Carey Francis John Male North Fremantle
1922/2700192 Fremantle Carey Francis John Male Tulley Alma Female North Fremantle
1922/2700193 Fremantle Reeves Margaret Female Emery James Douglas Male Fremantle
1922/2700193 Fremantle Emery James Douglas Male Reeves Margaret Female Fremantle
1922/2700194 Fremantle Turner George William Male Wadham Phyllis Maud Female Fremantle
1922/2700194 Fremantle Wadham Phyllis Maud Female Turner George William Male Fremantle
1922/2700195 Fremantle Brown Walter Male Murnane Susan Female Fremantle
1922/2700195 Fremantle Murnane Susan Female Brown Walter Male Fremantle
1922/2700196 Fremantle Collins Alexander William Male Angwin Eunice Female Beaconsfield
1922/2700196 Fremantle Angwin Eunice Female Collins Alexander William Male Beaconsfield
1922/2700197 Fremantle Brindal Edith Constance Female Lewis George Edward Male Fremantle
1922/2700197 Fremantle Lewis George Edward Male Brindal Edith Constance Female Fremantle
1922/2700198 Fremantle Learmonth David Male Houlihan Kathleen Female Fremantle
1922/2700198 Fremantle Houlihan Kathleen Female Learmonth David Male Fremantle
1922/2700199 Fremantle Moore Ralph Male Dixon May Pretoria Female Fremantle
1922/2700199 Fremantle Dixon May Pretoria Female Moore Ralph Male Fremantle
1922/2700200 Fremantle Kearns James Victor Higgins Male Hall Martha Alice Female North Fremantle
1922/2700200 Fremantle Hall Martha Alice Female Kearns James Victor Higgins Male North Fremantle
1922/2700201 Fremantle Campbell Sybil Marion Female Hodson Sydney Arthur Male Fremantle
1922/2700201 Fremantle Hodson Sydney Arthur Male Campbell Sybil Marion Female Fremantle
1922/2700202 Fremantle Foster Herbert William Male Thomas Lillian Pearl Female Fremantle
1922/2700202 Fremantle Thomas Lillian Pearl Female Foster Herbert William Male Fremantle
1922/2700203 Fremantle Exeter Stanley Male Henville Muriel May Female Fremantle
1922/2700203 Fremantle Henville Muriel May Female Exeter Stanley Male Fremantle
1922/2700204 Fremantle Pitcher Frank Walter Male Boys Maude Florence Female Fremantle
1922/2700204 Fremantle Boys Maude Florence Female Pitcher Frank Walter Male Fremantle
1922/2700205 Fremantle Waters Thelma May Female Carey Philip Joseph Male Fremantle
1922/2700205 Fremantle Carey Philip Joseph Male Waters Thelma May Female Fremantle
1922/2700206 Fremantle Broadhurst Frances Jane Female Broadhurst Joseph Albert Male Fremantle
1922/2700206 Fremantle Broadhurst Joseph Albert Male Broadhurst Frances Jane Female Fremantle
1922/2700207 Fremantle Hogben Ethel Agnes Female Campbell Joseph Walton Male Fremantle
1922/2700207 Fremantle Campbell Joseph Walton Male Hogben Ethel Agnes Female Fremantle
1922/2700208 Fremantle Winfield Dorothy Female Blackwood Walter Male Beaconsfield
1922/2700208 Fremantle Blackwood Walter Male Winfield Dorothy Female Beaconsfield
1922/2700209 Fremantle Hill Harold Cleveland Male Stacy Kathleen Alice Female Fremantle
1922/2700209 Fremantle Stacy Kathleen Alice Female Hill Harold Cleveland Male Fremantle
1922/2700210 Fremantle Barrie Eliza Toozes Female Wilson Alexander Male Fremantle
1922/2700210 Fremantle Wilson Alexander Male Barrie Eliza Toozes Female Fremantle
1922/2700211 Fremantle Satie Victor Henry Male Gilfuis Daphne Annie Female Fremantle
1922/2700211 Fremantle Gilfuis Daphne Annie Female Satie Victor Henry Male Fremantle
1922/2700212 Fremantle Sharpe Samuel Charles Male Standen Ada Gertrude Female Fremantle
1922/2700212 Fremantle Standen Ada Gertrude Female Sharpe Samuel Charles Male Fremantle
1922/2700213 Fremantle Higgins Ada Louisa Female Waterworth Hartley Male Fremantle
1922/2700213 Fremantle Waterworth Hartley Male Higgins Ada Louisa Female Fremantle
1922/2700214 Fremantle Pimblett Elsie Jane Female Gilders Percy James Male Beaconsfield
1922/2700214 Fremantle Gilders Percy James Male Pimblett Elsie Jane Female Beaconsfield
1922/2700215 Fremantle Watson John Male Pitthouse Florence Louisa Female Fremantle
1922/2700215 Fremantle Pitthouse Florence Louisa Female Watson John Male Fremantle
1922/2700216 Fremantle Prior Bertha Mary Ethel Ann Female Gorman John Thomas Male Fremantle
1922/2700216 Fremantle Gorman John Thomas Male Prior Bertha Mary Ethel Ann Female Fremantle
1922/2700217 Fremantle Kay Alice Myrtle Adela Female Allbeury James George Male Fremantle
1922/2700217 Fremantle Allbeury James George Male Kay Alice Myrtle Adela Female Fremantle
1922/2700218 Fremantle Francis Frederick William Male Burgess Pearl Ada Louisa Female Beaconsfield
1922/2700218 Fremantle Burgess Pearl Ada Louisa Female Francis Frederick William Male Beaconsfield
1922/2700219 Fremantle Vine Ethel Linda Female Phillips John Male Beaconsfield
1922/2700219 Fremantle Phillips John Male Vine Ethel Linda Female Beaconsfield
1922/2700220 Fremantle Wright William Male James Isabel Margaret Female Fremantle
1922/2700220 Fremantle James Isabel Margaret Female Wright William Male Fremantle
1922/2700221 Fremantle Lanigan Andrew John Male Taylor Ada Amelia Female Fremantle
1922/2700221 Fremantle Taylor Ada Amelia Female Lanigan Andrew John Male Fremantle
1922/2700222 Fremantle Moyle Alfred Arnold Male Leonard Catherine Beatrice Nellie Female Fremantle
1922/2700222 Fremantle Leonard Catherine Beatrice Nellie Female Moyle Alfred Arnold Male Fremantle
1922/2700223 Fremantle Kannan Doris Female Pickering John Mafeking Male Fremantle
1922/2700223 Fremantle Pickering John Mafeking Male Kannan Doris Female Fremantle
1922/2700224 Fremantle Reeves Frederick Sydney Male Peach Rhoda Eliza Female North Fremantle
1922/2700224 Fremantle Peach Rhoda Eliza Female Reeves Frederick Sydney Male North Fremantle
1922/2700225 Fremantle Jolley Mary Elizabeth Female McFall Eneas Male Fremantle
1922/2700225 Fremantle McFall Eneas Male Jolley Mary Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1922/2700226 Fremantle Dick Edna Female Bellis Ernest Harold Male North Fremantle
1922/2700226 Fremantle Bellis Ernest Harold Male Dick Edna Female North Fremantle
1922/2700227 Fremantle Douglas Doris Catherine Female Mortimer Anthony Augustine Male Fremantle
1922/2700227 Fremantle Mortimer Anthony Augustine Male Douglas Doris Catherine Female Fremantle
1922/2700228 Fremantle Harvey Adelaide Female Malone Michael Male North Fremantle
1922/2700228 Fremantle Malone Michael Male Harvey Adelaide Female North Fremantle
1922/2700229 Fremantle Cameron Lydia Isabell Female O'Neill Arthur William Male North Fremantle
1922/2700229 Fremantle O'Neill Arthur William Male Cameron Lydia Isabell Female North Fremantle
1922/2700230 Fremantle Franklin Pauline May Female Dorey Charles Male Fremantle
1922/2700230 Fremantle Dorey Charles Male Franklin Pauline May Female Fremantle
1922/2700231 Fremantle Bickerdike Violet Marguerita Kaye Female Dix John Edward Male Fremantle
1922/2700231 Fremantle Dix John Edward Male Bickerdike Violet Marguerita Kaye Female Fremantle
1922/2700232 Fremantle McGuinness Winifred Holly Female Cook Leslie Robert Samuel Male Beaconsfield
1922/2700232 Fremantle Cook Leslie Robert Samuel Male McGuinness Winifred Holly Female Beaconsfield
1922/2700233 Fremantle Marshall William Edwin Male Ballingall Linda Emma Female East Fremantle
1922/2700233 Fremantle Ballingall Linda Emma Female Marshall William Edwin Male East Fremantle
1922/2700234 Fremantle Ebbs Clara Female Perry Hugh Frederick William Male East Fremantle
1922/2700234 Fremantle Perry Hugh Frederick William Male Ebbs Clara Female East Fremantle
1922/2700235 Fremantle Muir Dorathea Campbell Female Wright Francis Edwin Male Fremantle
1922/2700235 Fremantle Wright Francis Edwin Male Muir Dorathea Campbell Female Fremantle
1922/2700236 Fremantle Curley Thomas Joseph Male Munday Elizabeth Florence Female Fremantle
1922/2700236 Fremantle Munday Elizabeth Florence Female Curley Thomas Joseph Male Fremantle
1922/2700237 Fremantle Jackson Alexander Melmoth Male Gardner Lily Female East Fremantle
1922/2700237 Fremantle Gardner Lily Female Jackson Alexander Melmoth Male East Fremantle
1922/2700238 Fremantle Watson Sidney Male Blaikie Doris Isabella Mary Female East Fremantle
1922/2700238 Fremantle Blaikie Doris Isabella Mary Female Watson Sidney Male East Fremantle
1922/2700239 Fremantle Phelps Alfred Griffiths Male Armstrong Margaret Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1922/2700239 Fremantle Armstrong Margaret Elizabeth Female Phelps Alfred Griffiths Male Fremantle
1922/2700240 Fremantle Walkley Harry Male Parsons Isabel Female Fremantle
1922/2700240 Fremantle Parsons Isabel Female Walkley Harry Male Fremantle
1922/2700241 Fremantle Griffiths Eunnie Mavis Female Summers Albert John Male Fremantle
1922/2700241 Fremantle Summers Albert John Male Griffiths Eunnie Mavis Female Fremantle
1922/2700242 Fremantle Dacre Algernon Male Cornwell Pearl Female North Fremantle
1922/2700242 Fremantle Cornwell Pearl Female Dacre Algernon Male North Fremantle
1922/2700243 Fremantle Frye Emily Female Rowe Joseph Henry Male Fremantle
1922/2700243 Fremantle Rowe Joseph Henry Male Frye Emily Female Fremantle
1922/2700244 Fremantle Basley James Male Collins Rose Ann Female Fremantle
1922/2700244 Fremantle Collins Rose Ann Female Basley James Male Fremantle
1922/2800001 Gascoyne Kempton John Michael Male Scarff Evelyn Hope Female Carnarvon
1923/2800001 Gascoyne Collins Maude Elizabeth Female Ullinger Henry Daniel Male Carnarvon
1923/2800001 Gascoyne Ullinger Henry Daniel Male Collins Maude Elizabeth Female Carnarvon
1922/2800001 Gascoyne Scarff Evelyn Hope Female Kempton John Michael Male Carnarvon
1923/2800002 Gascoyne Collins Grace Female Milne Alan Douglas Male Carnarvon
1922/2800002 Gascoyne Thomas Ethel Maud Female Stubbs Clifford Male Carnarvon
1923/2800002 Gascoyne Milne Alan Douglas Male Collins Grace Female Carnarvon
1922/2800002 Gascoyne Stubbs Clifford Male Thomas Ethel Maud Female Carnarvon
1922/2800003 Gascoyne Brooke Percy Frederick Male Andrews Phoebe Francis Female Carnarvon
1922/2800003 Gascoyne Andrews Phoebe Francis Female Brooke Percy Frederick Male Carnarvon
1922/2800004 Gascoyne Kelly Millie Daisybell Female Nelson Eric Joseph Bernard Male Carnarvon
1922/2800004 Gascoyne Nelson Eric Joseph Bernard Male Kelly Millie Daisybell Female Carnarvon
1922/2800005 Gascoyne Binning Robert Murchison Male Bird Hilda May Female Carnarvon
1922/2800005 Gascoyne Bird Hilda May Female Binning Robert Murchison Male Carnarvon
1922/2800006 Gascoyne Henfry Constance Edith Female Thomas Norman Redveer Hayden Male Carnarvon
1922/2800006 Gascoyne Thomas Norman Redveer Hayden Male Henfry Constance Edith Female Carnarvon
1922/2800007 Gascoyne Annear Thomas Male Pearson Evelyn Emma Female Carnarvon
1922/2800007 Gascoyne Pearson Evelyn Emma Female Annear Thomas Male Carnarvon
1922/2800008 Gascoyne Day Helen Elizabeth Maria Female Lattimore Ralph Philip Male Carnarvon
1922/2800008 Gascoyne Lattimore Ralph Philip Male Day Helen Elizabeth Maria Female Carnarvon
1922/2800009 Gascoyne Atkinson Edith Emma Female Price Frank Stephen Male Carnarvon
1922/2800009 Gascoyne Price Frank Stephen Male Atkinson Edith Emma Female Carnarvon
1922/2900001 Geraldton McCarthy Louisa Mary Female Clark Archibald Male Geraldton
1923/2900001 Geraldton Moore Thomas James Male Kelly Evelyne Mary Female Geraldton
1923/2900001 Geraldton Kelly Evelyne Mary Female Moore Thomas James Male Geraldton
1922/2900001 Geraldton Clark Archibald Male McCarthy Louisa Mary Female Geraldton
1922/2900002 Geraldton Gray Margaret Letitia Female Speedy Henry Emanuel Male Geraldton
1922/2900002 Geraldton Speedy Henry Emanuel Male Gray Margaret Letitia Female Geraldton
1922/2900003 Geraldton Martin Harold Chester Male Armitage Laura Violet Female Geraldton
1922/2900003 Geraldton Armitage Laura Violet Female Martin Harold Chester Male Geraldton
1922/2900004 Geraldton Ryan Eileen Margaret Female Buckley Cornelius John Male Geraldton
1922/2900004 Geraldton Buckley Cornelius John Male Ryan Eileen Margaret Female Geraldton
1922/2900005 Geraldton Worthington George Male Worthington Jessie Female Geraldton
1922/2900005 Geraldton Worthington Jessie Female Worthington George Male Geraldton
1922/2900006 Geraldton O'Brien Joseph James Male Thompson Nellie Frances Female Geraldton
1922/2900006 Geraldton Thompson Nellie Frances Female O'Brien Joseph James Male Geraldton
1922/2900007 Geraldton Allen Robert Leslie Male Clarke Mary Julia Female Geraldton
1922/2900007 Geraldton Clarke Mary Julia Female Allen Robert Leslie Male Geraldton
1922/2900008 Geraldton Waghorn Leslie George Male Readhead Bessie Edith Female Walkaway
1922/2900008 Geraldton Readhead Bessie Edith Female Waghorn Leslie George Male Walkaway
1922/2900009 Geraldton Robinson Laura Lilian Female Marsden James Richard Male Geraldton
1922/2900009 Geraldton Marsden James Richard Male Robinson Laura Lilian Female Geraldton
1922/2900010 Geraldton Yeldon Richard Charles Male Broad Janet Annie Female Geraldton
1922/2900010 Geraldton Broad Janet Annie Female Yeldon Richard Charles Male Geraldton
1922/2900011 Geraldton Watts Clarence Thomas William Male Watson Pearl Gertrude Female Geraldton
1922/2900011 Geraldton Watson Pearl Gertrude Female Watts Clarence Thomas William Male Geraldton
1922/2900012 Geraldton Dyer Florence Lilian Female Walker Patrick Roy Male Geraldton
1922/2900012 Geraldton Walker Patrick Roy Male Dyer Florence Lilian Female Geraldton
1922/2900013 Geraldton Shipway Amy Female O'Dea Daniel Patrick Male Geraldton
1922/2900013 Geraldton O'Dea Daniel Patrick Male Shipway Amy Female Geraldton
1922/2900014 Geraldton Ireland Rosa Ellen Female Ascione James Benedict Male Geraldton
1922/2900014 Geraldton Ascione James Benedict Male Ireland Rosa Ellen Female Geraldton
1922/2900015 Geraldton Gould Olive Female Taylor Stuart Corbett Male Geraldton
1922/2900015 Geraldton Taylor Stuart Corbett Male Gould Olive Female Geraldton
1922/2900016 Geraldton Johnstone Wallace Samuel Male Smyth Mary Evelyn Female Geraldton
1922/2900016 Geraldton Smyth Mary Evelyn Female Johnstone Wallace Samuel Male Geraldton
1922/2900017 Geraldton Burgess Hannah Theresa Female Terry Thomas Male Moonyoonooka
1922/2900017 Geraldton Terry Thomas Male Burgess Hannah Theresa Female Moonyoonooka
1922/2900018 Geraldton McCarley Alexander James Male Worthington Thelma Irene Maud Female Geraldton
1922/2900018 Geraldton Worthington Thelma Irene Maud Female McCarley Alexander James Male Geraldton
1922/2900019 Geraldton Carter Edward John Male McCarthy Kathleen Female Geraldton
1922/2900019 Geraldton McCarthy Kathleen Female Carter Edward John Male Geraldton
1922/2900020 Geraldton Whitehurst George Henry Male Cooper Florence May Female Geraldton
1922/2900020 Geraldton Cooper Florence May Female Whitehurst George Henry Male Geraldton
1922/2900021 Geraldton Clarke Annie Robina Female Evans Thomas Leslie Male Geraldton
1922/2900021 Geraldton Evans Thomas Leslie Male Clarke Annie Robina Female Geraldton
1922/2900022 Geraldton McCarthy Margaret Mary Female McMahon John Robert Male Geraldton
1922/2900022 Geraldton McMahon John Robert Male McCarthy Margaret Mary Female Geraldton
1922/2900023 Geraldton Eley Jane Female Blayney Thomas Male Geraldton
1922/2900023 Geraldton Blayney Thomas Male Eley Jane Female Geraldton
1922/2900024 Geraldton Moxon Walter Male Burgess Ellen Rose Female Geraldton
1922/2900024 Geraldton Burgess Ellen Rose Female Moxon Walter Male Geraldton
1922/2900025 Geraldton Geary Thomas John Male Moore Ruby Eva Female Geraldton
1922/2900025 Geraldton Moore Ruby Eva Female Geary Thomas John Male Geraldton
1922/2900026 Geraldton Clarkson Michael Clarance Male Whelock Vera Cecelia Female Geraldton
1922/2900026 Geraldton Whelock Vera Cecelia Female Clarkson Michael Clarance Male Geraldton
1922/2900027 Geraldton Rumble Alexander Knox Male Palmer Kathleen Isobel Ieanie Mudge Female Mullewa
1922/2900027 Geraldton Palmer Kathleen Isobel Ieanie Mudge Female Rumble Alexander Knox Male Mullewa
1922/2900028 Geraldton Osborne Henry Joseph Male Ash Edith Beatrice Female Geraldton
1922/2900028 Geraldton Ash Edith Beatrice Female Osborne Henry Joseph Male Geraldton
1922/2900029 Geraldton Oldfield William Joseph Male Stubbs Alice Female Geraldton
1922/2900029 Geraldton Stubbs Alice Female Oldfield William Joseph Male Geraldton
1922/2900030 Geraldton McDonnell Josephine Alice Female Moon Albert Male Geraldton
1922/2900030 Geraldton Moon Albert Male McDonnell Josephine Alice Female Geraldton
1922/2900031 Geraldton Keeffe Francis David Male Stokes Amy Evelyn Female Merkanooka
1922/2900031 Geraldton Stokes Amy Evelyn Female Keeffe Francis David Male Merkanooka
1922/2900032 Geraldton Benson Francis Henry Male Platts Lillian Female Geraldton
1922/2900032 Geraldton Platts Lillian Female Benson Francis Henry Male Geraldton
1922/2900033 Geraldton Strong John Richard Male Williams Hilda Phyllis Female Geraldton
1922/2900033 Geraldton Williams Hilda Phyllis Female Strong John Richard Male Geraldton
1922/2900034 Geraldton Kember Mervyn James Male Eves Jean Eileen Mary Female Tenindewa
1922/2900034 Geraldton Eves Jean Eileen Mary Female Kember Mervyn James Male Tenindewa
1922/2900035 Geraldton Gould Norma Female Jupp Ernest Harold Male Geraldton
1922/2900035 Geraldton Jupp Ernest Harold Male Gould Norma Female Geraldton
1922/2900036 Geraldton Taylor Jessie Madge Female Ward Sydney Alfred Male Geraldton
1922/2900036 Geraldton Ward Sydney Alfred Male Taylor Jessie Madge Female Geraldton
1922/2900037 Geraldton Webster Henry Sylvester Male Wight Ada Carry Female Geraldton
1922/2900037 Geraldton Wight Ada Carry Female Webster Henry Sylvester Male Geraldton
1922/2900038 Geraldton Marsden Alice Female Barker Louis Henry Male Geraldton
1922/2900038 Geraldton Barker Louis Henry Male Marsden Alice Female Geraldton
1922/2900039 Geraldton Carnley Beatrice Female Lewis Frederick William Male Geraldton
1922/2900039 Geraldton Lewis Frederick William Male Carnley Beatrice Female Geraldton
1922/2900040 Geraldton Toomey Alma Sarah Female Sullivan Harold Roy Male Mullewa
1922/2900040 Geraldton Sullivan Harold Roy Male Toomey Alma Sarah Female Mullewa
1922/2900041 Geraldton Toomey Hellen Josephine Female Stafford Robert Jackson Male Mullewa
1922/2900041 Geraldton Stafford Robert Jackson Male Toomey Hellen Josephine Female Mullewa
1922/2900042 Geraldton Grant Alexander Edwin Male Rowan Lucy Evelyn Erla Female Geraldton
1922/2900042 Geraldton Rowan Lucy Evelyn Erla Female Grant Alexander Edwin Male Geraldton
1922/2900043 Geraldton Hanlon Wilfred Male Falkner Catherine Lilly Female Geraldton
1922/2900043 Geraldton Falkner Catherine Lilly Female Hanlon Wilfred Male Geraldton
1922/2900044 Geraldton Ronan Mary Ellen Female Prunster Leslie Herman Male Geraldton
1922/2900044 Geraldton Prunster Leslie Herman Male Ronan Mary Ellen Female Geraldton
1922/2900045 Geraldton Eakins Elizabeth Matilda Female Jones Thomas George Male Geraldton
1922/2900045 Geraldton Jones Thomas George Male Eakins Elizabeth Matilda Female Geraldton
1922/2900046 Geraldton Carson William Netherby Male Bray Ethel Rose Female Geraldton
1922/2900046 Geraldton Bray Ethel Rose Female Carson William Netherby Male Geraldton
1922/2900047 Geraldton O'Malley Thomas John Male Fripp Ada May Female Geraldton
1922/2900047 Geraldton Fripp Ada May Female O'Malley Thomas John Male Geraldton
1922/2900048 Geraldton Robinson Effie Alice Isabel Female Hollings Fred Male Geraldton
1922/2900048 Geraldton Hollings Fred Male Robinson Effie Alice Isabel Female Geraldton
1922/2900049 Geraldton Eley Catherine Female Rosser William Male Geraldton
1922/2900049 Geraldton Rosser William Male Eley Catherine Female Geraldton
1922/2900050 Geraldton Exley William Clifford Male Peterson Cassie Female Geraldton
1922/2900050 Geraldton Peterson Cassie Female Exley William Clifford Male Geraldton
1922/2900051 Geraldton Hayes Edward Male Eastough Bertha Female Geraldton
1922/2900051 Geraldton Eastough Bertha Female Hayes Edward Male Geraldton
1922/3000001 Gingin Larwood Levi William John Stewart Male Gallop Olive Ruth Female Moore river
1923/3000001 Gingin Martin Caroline Agnes Female Little Alfred George Male Chittering
1923/3000001 Gingin Little Alfred George Male Martin Caroline Agnes Female Chittering
1922/3000001 Gingin Gallop Olive Ruth Female Larwood Levi William John Stewart Male Moore river
1922/3000002 Gingin Rock Ina Estella Female Murray James Charles Male Gingin
1922/3000002 Gingin Murray James Charles Male Rock Ina Estella Female Gingin
1922/3000003 Gingin Hill Ralph Henry Male Read Florence May Female Gingin
1922/3000003 Gingin Read Florence May Female Hill Ralph Henry Male Gingin
1922/3000004 Gingin Dinah Beaufort Male Flannigan Lily Female Mogumber
1922/3000004 Gingin Flannigan Lily Female Dinah Beaufort Male Mogumber
1922/3000005 Gingin Brown Maitland George Male Glover May Maud Female At the residence of Mr R Glover
1922/3000005 Gingin Glover May Maud Female Brown Maitland George Male At the residence of Mr R Glover
1922/3100001 Greenough Hamersley Amy Margaret Female Groser Ernest William Male Walkaway
1922/3100001 Greenough Groser Ernest William Male Hamersley Amy Margaret Female Walkaway
1922/3100002 Greenough Cant Alma Frances Female Hollingsworth Irwin Fredrich Male Greenough
1922/3100002 Greenough Hollingsworth Irwin Fredrich Male Cant Alma Frances Female Greenough
1922/3100003 Greenough McGuinness Philomena Cecilia Female Levett Thomas Walter Male Bootenal
1922/3100003 Greenough Levett Thomas Walter Male McGuinness Philomena Cecilia Female Bootenal
1922/3100004 Greenough Waldeck Isabella Mary Female Baxter Duncan Male Greenough
1922/3100004 Greenough Baxter Duncan Male Waldeck Isabella Mary Female Greenough
1922/3100005 Greenough Macpherson Reginald Leslie Male Ryan Mary Jane Cecilia Josephine Female Greenough
1922/3100005 Greenough Ryan Mary Jane Cecilia Josephine Female Macpherson Reginald Leslie Male Greenough
1922/3100006 Greenough Smith Jane King Female Dwyer James Alexander Male Walkaway
1922/3100006 Greenough Dwyer James Alexander Male Smith Jane King Female Walkaway
1922/3100007 Greenough Vince Gladys Melville Female Best James Henry Male Greenough
1922/3100007 Greenough Best James Henry Male Vince Gladys Melville Female Greenough
1922/3300001 Irwin Nelley David Walter Male Carey Fredrica Blanche Female Dongarra
1922/3300001 Irwin Carey Fredrica Blanche Female Nelley David Walter Male Dongarra
1922/3300002 Irwin Clarke Beatrice Irene Female Davis Archibald Harold Douglas Male Latham
1922/3300002 Irwin Davis Archibald Harold Douglas Male Clarke Beatrice Irene Female Latham
1922/3300003 Irwin Downes Eliza Alma Female Whelan Robert Francis Male Dongarra
1922/3300003 Irwin Whelan Robert Francis Male Downes Eliza Alma Female Dongarra
1922/3300004 Irwin Bott Joseph Male Plewes Mary Female Dongarra
1922/3300004 Irwin Plewes Mary Female Bott Joseph Male Dongarra
1922/3300005 Irwin Coles Alfred Benson Male Harris Dorothea Female Mingenew
1922/3300005 Irwin Harris Dorothea Female Coles Alfred Benson Male Mingenew
1922/3300006 Irwin Stirton William Male Warrener Daisy Hannah Female Mingenew Stirton-138
1922/3300006 Irwin Warrener Daisy Hannah Female Stirton William Male Mingenew
1922/3300007 Irwin Criddle David Male Ellery Martha Ann Female Dongarra
1922/3300007 Irwin Ellery Martha Ann Female Criddle David Male Dongarra
1922/3300008 Irwin Berrigan Lilian Female Harris William Richard Male Three Springs
1922/3300008 Irwin Harris William Richard Male Berrigan Lilian Female Three Springs
1922/3400001 Jarrahdale Green Violet Evelyn Female Withnell Sidney James Harding Male Mundijong
1922/3400001 Jarrahdale Withnell Sidney James Harding Male Green Violet Evelyn Female Mundijong
1922/3400002 Jarrahdale Holmes William George Male Cassidy Elizabeth Jane Female Jarrahdale
1922/3400002 Jarrahdale Cassidy Elizabeth Jane Female Holmes William George Male Jarrahdale
1922/3400003 Jarrahdale Dillon Herbert Male Bruce Christina Richardson Female Jarrahdale
1922/3400003 Jarrahdale Bruce Christina Richardson Female Dillon Herbert Male Jarrahdale
1922/3500003 Katanning O'Keefe John Gerald Charles Male Walker Mary Female Katanning
1923/3500003 Katanning Fowle John Male Mindemarra Margaret Female Katanning
1923/3500003 Katanning Mindemarra Margaret Female Fowle John Male Katanning
1922/3500003 Katanning Walker Mary Female O'Keefe John Gerald Charles Male Katanning
1922/3500004 Katanning Roberts Samuel Male Fergusson Jessie Irene Female Boscabel
1922/3500004 Katanning Fergusson Jessie Irene Female Roberts Samuel Male Boscabel
1922/3500005 Katanning Fergusson Dorothy Maud Female Harrison Herbert Bown Male Kojonup
1922/3500005 Katanning Harrison Herbert Bown Male Fergusson Dorothy Maud Female Kojonup
1922/3500006 Katanning Slarke Lizzie Methuen Female Lay John Male Wagin
1922/3500006 Katanning Lay John Male Slarke Lizzie Methuen Female Wagin
1922/3500007 Katanning Sullivan Arthur John Prestage Male Mildwaters Ida Lorna Isabell Female Katanning
1922/3500007 Katanning Mildwaters Ida Lorna Isabell Female Sullivan Arthur John Prestage Male Katanning
1922/3500008 Katanning Gaby Charles Male Hannan Lily Muriel Female Katanning
1922/3500008 Katanning Hannan Lily Muriel Female Gaby Charles Male Katanning
1922/3500009 Katanning McAulay Martin John Male Fearn Mary Bessie Female East Wagin
1922/3500009 Katanning Fearn Mary Bessie Female McAulay Martin John Male East Wagin
1922/3500010 Katanning Porteous Ruby Jane Female Garnett Benjamin Francis Male Gnowangerup
1922/3500010 Katanning Garnett Benjamin Francis Male Porteous Ruby Jane Female Gnowangerup
1922/3500011 Katanning Stewart Thomas Duncan Male Sclater Lillian Alice Female Gnowangerup
1922/3500011 Katanning Sclater Lillian Alice Female Stewart Thomas Duncan Male Gnowangerup
1922/3500012 Katanning Sandells Sydney Wilfred Male Manton Nellie Marjorie Female Katanning
1922/3500012 Katanning Manton Nellie Marjorie Female Sandells Sydney Wilfred Male Katanning
1922/3500013 Katanning Coventry Grace Female Harris Charles Russell Male Katanning
1922/3500013 Katanning Harris Charles Russell Male Coventry Grace Female Katanning
1922/3500014 Katanning Forbes Bertram James Male Peacock Helen Augusta McKinley Female Katanning
1922/3500014 Katanning Peacock Helen Augusta McKinley Female Forbes Bertram James Male Katanning
1922/3500015 Katanning Wanke Albert Edward Male Marris Irma Alma Female Katanning
1922/3500015 Katanning Marris Irma Alma Female Wanke Albert Edward Male Katanning
1922/3500016 Katanning Dixon Irene Mary Female Brook Alfred Benjamin Male Katanning
1922/3500016 Katanning Brook Alfred Benjamin Male Dixon Irene Mary Female Katanning
1922/3500017 Katanning Patterson Annie Ethel Rose Female Jarick Norman Henry Male Katanning
1922/3500017 Katanning Jarick Norman Henry Male Patterson Annie Ethel Rose Female Katanning
1922/3500018 Katanning Brown Edna Annie Jemina Female Ward John Leonard Male Dumbleyung
1922/3500018 Katanning Ward John Leonard Male Brown Edna Annie Jemina Female Dumbleyung
1922/3500019 Katanning Williams Norman Wilson Male Basham Jessie Alice Female Dumbleyung
1922/3500019 Katanning Basham Jessie Alice Female Williams Norman Wilson Male Dumbleyung
1922/3500020 Katanning Simper Myrtle Female Livsey Oswald Sydney Male Badgebup
1922/3500020 Katanning Livsey Oswald Sydney Male Simper Myrtle Female Badgebup
1922/3500021 Katanning Fleay Thomas Henry Walter Male Norrish Ivy Rose Female Katanning
1922/3500021 Katanning Norrish Ivy Rose Female Fleay Thomas Henry Walter Male Katanning
1922/3500022 Katanning Williams Joe Male Harris Grace Female Katanning
1922/3500022 Katanning Harris Grace Female Williams Joe Male Katanning
1922/3500023 Katanning Gairen Mary Agness Female Priest George Male Katanning
1922/3500023 Katanning Priest George Male Gairen Mary Agness Female Katanning
1922/3500024 Katanning Haendel Matilda Magdeline Female Porteous Herbert Ernest Male Katanning
1922/3500024 Katanning Porteous Herbert Ernest Male Haendel Matilda Magdeline Female Katanning
1922/3500025 Katanning McAullay Survilla Elizabeth Female Fearn William Alfred Male East Wagin
1922/3500025 Katanning Fearn William Alfred Male McAullay Survilla Elizabeth Female East Wagin
1922/3500026 Katanning Rowe Thelma Theresa Female Eastwell Stanley Percival Male Wagin
1922/3500026 Katanning Eastwell Stanley Percival Male Rowe Thelma Theresa Female Wagin
1922/3500027 Katanning Davis Eveline Female Anderson William Frank Male Wagin
1922/3500027 Katanning Anderson William Frank Male Davis Eveline Female Wagin
1922/3500028 Katanning Porteous Roy Albert Male Byers Edith Winifred Female Katanning
1922/3500028 Katanning Byers Edith Winifred Female Porteous Roy Albert Male Katanning
1922/3500029 Katanning Stutley Charley Male Beeck Rubiena Martha Female Maracoonda
1922/3500029 Katanning Beeck Rubiena Martha Female Stutley Charley Male Maracoonda
1922/3500030 Katanning Hodgson Joseph Sylvester Male Priest Stella Lillian Female Katanning
1922/3500030 Katanning Priest Stella Lillian Female Hodgson Joseph Sylvester Male Katanning
1922/3500031 Katanning Kelly Hugh Male Bungert Mary Catherine Female Katanning
1922/3500031 Katanning Bungert Mary Catherine Female Kelly Hugh Male Katanning
1922/3500032 Katanning Pryor Jr James Robertson Male Farrow Ellen Female Collanilling
1922/3500032 Katanning Farrow Ellen Female Pryor Jr James Robertson Male Collanilling
1922/3500033 Katanning Whitehouse Phillip Thomas Male Gairen Clara Edith Female Katanning
1922/3500033 Katanning Gairen Clara Edith Female Whitehouse Phillip Thomas Male Katanning
1922/3500034 Katanning Anderson William Oscar Male Triplett Myrtle Olive Female Wagin
1922/3500034 Katanning Triplett Myrtle Olive Female Anderson William Oscar Male Wagin
1922/3500035 Katanning Strettell Florence Sydney Female Kennedy Terence Patrick Male Katanning
1922/3500035 Katanning Kennedy Terence Patrick Male Strettell Florence Sydney Female Katanning
1922/3500036 Katanning McDonald Catherine Florence Female Kelly Daniel James Male Dumbleyung
1922/3500036 Katanning Kelly Daniel James Male McDonald Catherine Florence Female Dumbleyung
1922/3500037 Katanning Taylor Donald Philip Male Murphy Ann Lilian Female Kukerin
1922/3500037 Katanning Murphy Ann Lilian Female Taylor Donald Philip Male Kukerin
1922/3500038 Katanning Catibut Ellen Female Smith Bertie Male Carrolup River
1922/3500038 Katanning Smith Bertie Male Catibut Ellen Female Carrolup River
1922/3500039 Katanning Ross Ivy Female Dempster Jimmy Male Carrolup River
1922/3500039 Katanning Ross Ivy Female Innel Jimmy Male Carrolup River
1922/3500039 Katanning Innel Jimmy Male Ross Ivy Female Carrolup River
1922/3500039 Katanning Dempster Jimmy Male Ross Ivy Female Carrolup River
1922/3500040 Katanning Bessen Frederick Charles Male McDonald Ethel May Female Katanning
1922/3500040 Katanning McDonald Ethel May Female Bessen Frederick Charles Male Katanning
1922/3500041 Katanning Slee Edgar Josiah Walter Male Kenward Mabel Lucy Female Datatine
1922/3500041 Katanning Kenward Mabel Lucy Female Slee Edgar Josiah Walter Male Datatine
1922/3500042 Katanning Wright Michael Henry Male Fagan Kathleen Edith Female Wagin
1922/3500042 Katanning Fagan Kathleen Edith Female Wright Michael Henry Male Wagin
1922/3500043 Katanning Walker Ellen Louisa Female Hall George William Male Wagin
1922/3500043 Katanning Hall George William Male Walker Ellen Louisa Female Wagin
1922/3500044 Katanning Dacey Martha Jane Female Piercy Sidney George Male Katanning
1922/3500044 Katanning Piercy Sidney George Male Dacey Martha Jane Female Katanning
1922/3500045 Katanning Ibbetson Hettie Female Gettingby Karl Clancy Male Jinaruin
1922/3500045 Katanning Gettingby Karl Clancy Male Ibbetson Hettie Female Jinaruin
1922/3500046 Katanning Lannin Grace Eileen Myra Female West Sylvester Robert Male Dumbleyung
1922/3500046 Katanning West Sylvester Robert Male Lannin Grace Eileen Myra Female Dumbleyung
1922/3500047 Katanning Jenkins Amelia Helen Female Ward Edwin Torrens Russells Male Katanning
1922/3500047 Katanning Ward Edwin Torrens Russells Male Jenkins Amelia Helen Female Katanning
1922/3500048 Katanning Carter Francis Male Wetherall Zetta May Female Woodanilling
1922/3500048 Katanning Wetherall Zetta May Female Carter Francis Male Woodanilling
1922/3500049 Katanning Graffham Alice Maud Female Halden Henry James Male Kojonup
1922/3500049 Katanning Halden Henry James Male Graffham Alice Maud Female Kojonup
1922/3500050 Katanning Todd Gaston Boyance Male Armstrong Marguerite Frances Female Katanning
1922/3500050 Katanning Armstrong Marguerite Frances Female Todd Gaston Boyance Male Katanning
1922/3500051 Katanning Ryan Patrick Male Burston Eva Agnes Female Katanning
1922/3500051 Katanning Burston Eva Agnes Female Ryan Patrick Male Katanning
1922/3500052 Katanning Smith Cecilia Annie Female Jones John Thomas Waterous Male Wagin
1922/3500052 Katanning Jones John Thomas Waterous Male Smith Cecilia Annie Female Wagin
1922/3500053 Katanning Ackley Margherita Rosa Female Burkin James Thomas Male West Broomehill
1922/3500053 Katanning Burkin James Thomas Male Ackley Margherita Rosa Female West Broomehill
1922/3500054 Katanning Burridge Albert William Male Walker Ada Marie Female Katanning
1922/3500054 Katanning Walker Ada Marie Female Burridge Albert William Male Katanning
1922/3500055 Katanning Hallam Richard Landon Male Beard Elsie Whitehall Female Katanning
1922/3500055 Katanning Beard Elsie Whitehall Female Hallam Richard Landon Male Katanning
1922/3500056 Katanning Seymour Dorothy Catherine Female Tanner Clarence Joseph Male Katanning
1922/3500056 Katanning Tanner Clarence Joseph Male Seymour Dorothy Catherine Female Katanning
1922/3500057 Katanning Harwood Ruth Female Ramm John Daniel Otto Male Katanning
1922/3500057 Katanning Ramm John Daniel Otto Male Harwood Ruth Female Katanning
1922/3500058 Katanning Hueppauff Alfred Johann Male Schulze Ottilie Bertha Female Ewlyamartup
1922/3500058 Katanning Schulze Ottilie Bertha Female Hueppauff Alfred Johann Male Ewlyamartup
1922/3500059 Katanning Funch Maria Female Mills Isaac Male Katanning
1922/3500059 Katanning Mills Isaac Male Funch Maria Female Katanning
1922/3500060 Katanning Bolt Herbert Buxton Male Alford Mary Catherine Female Wagin
1922/3500060 Katanning Alford Mary Catherine Female Bolt Herbert Buxton Male Wagin
1922/3500061 Katanning Bolt Florence Annie Female Dawson Harry Douglas Male Wagin
1922/3500061 Katanning Dawson Harry Douglas Male Bolt Florence Annie Female Wagin
1922/3500062 Katanning Jones Robert Male Kleemann Evelyn Dorothea Female Katanning
1922/3500062 Katanning Kleemann Evelyn Dorothea Female Jones Robert Male Katanning
1922/3500063 Katanning Saunders Vera Dearle Female Peacock George Cranbrook Male Katanning
1922/3500063 Katanning Peacock George Cranbrook Male Saunders Vera Dearle Female Katanning
1922/3500064 Katanning Longmire Georgina Shaw Female Stott Francis John Male Katanning
1922/3500064 Katanning Stott Francis John Male Longmire Georgina Shaw Female Katanning
1922/3500065 Katanning Badger Bernard Kington Male Saunders Dorothy Gladys Female Katanning
1922/3500065 Katanning Saunders Dorothy Gladys Female Badger Bernard Kington Male Katanning
1922/3500066 Katanning Ellis Ellen Mary Female Fernihough Robert Edward Male Katanning
1922/3500066 Katanning Fernihough Robert Edward Male Ellis Ellen Mary Female Katanning
1922/3500067 Katanning Quinn Leslie James Male Cockburn Jean Wylie Female Katanning
1922/3500067 Katanning Cockburn Jean Wylie Female Quinn Leslie James Male Katanning
1922/3600001 East Kimberley Brown William Robert Male Darcy Alice Nora Muriel Female Wyndham
1922/3600001 East Kimberley Darcy Alice Nora Muriel Female Brown William Robert Male Wyndham
1922/3600002 East Kimberley Ferguson Walter Henry Male Robinson Martha Mary Norma Female Wyndham
1922/3600002 East Kimberley Robinson Martha Mary Norma Female Ferguson Walter Henry Male Wyndham
1922/3600003 East Kimberley Hopkins Stella Mary Female Anderson Raymond Charles Male Wyndham
1922/3600003 East Kimberley Anderson Raymond Charles Male Hopkins Stella Mary Female Wyndham
1922/3600004 East Kimberley Daymond William Albert Male Andrew Evelyn May Female Wyndham
1922/3600004 East Kimberley Andrew Evelyn May Female Daymond William Albert Male Wyndham
1922/3600005 East Kimberley Walsh Margaret Mary Ellen Female George Thomas Bertram Male Wyndham
1922/3600005 East Kimberley George Thomas Bertram Male Walsh Margaret Mary Ellen Female Wyndham
1922/3600006 East Kimberley Rihll Mary Agnes Female Candy George Gordon Male Wyndham
1922/3600006 East Kimberley Candy George Gordon Male Rihll Mary Agnes Female Wyndham
1922/3700001 West Kimberley Bateman Norman Harry Male Little Alice Maud Female Derby
1922/3700001 West Kimberley Little Alice Maud Female Bateman Norman Harry Male Derby
1922/3800001 Kimberley Goldfields Bridge Ethel Kate Female Graham John Burnett Male Halls Creek
1922/3800001 Kimberley Goldfields Graham John Burnett Male Bridge Ethel Kate Female Halls Creek
1922/4200001 Moora Councillor Derrick Male Smith Pearl Female Moore River Native Settlement
1922/4200001 Moora Smith Pearl Female Councillor Derrick Male Moore River Native Settlement
1922/4200002 Moora Coultar George Male Wallam Mabel Female Moore River Native Settlement
1922/4200002 Moora Wallam Mabel Female Coultar George Male Moore River Native Settlement
1922/4200003 Moora Paull Hilda May Olive Female McClymans Maitland Clarence Male Round Hill
1922/4200003 Moora McClymans Maitland Clarence Male Paull Hilda May Olive Female Round Hill
1922/4200004 Moora Murray Albert Henry Male Woods Maude Jane Female Moora
1922/4200004 Moora Woods Maude Jane Female Murray Albert Henry Male Moora
1922/4200005 Moora Preston Gertrude Female Blakeman-Dawson Ralph Godfrey St Cyprian Male Moora
1922/4200005 Moora Blakeman-Dawson Ralph Godfrey St Cyprian Male Preston Gertrude Female Moora
1922/4200006 Moora Ewers Edith Female Knapp George Alfred Male Ballidu
1922/4200006 Moora Knapp George Alfred Male Ewers Edith Female Ballidu
1922/4200007 Moora Gray Cecily Female Egan James Male Moora
1922/4200007 Moora Egan James Male Gray Cecily Female Moora
1922/4200008 Moora Goode Agnes Female Reeve George Male Moora
1922/4200008 Moora Reeve George Male Goode Agnes Female Moora
1922/4200009 Moora Bynder Hubert Male Ryder Martha Female Moora
1922/4200009 Moora Ryder Martha Female Bynder Hubert Male Moora
1922/4200010 Moora Norwood Henry Male Goff Elizabeth Annie Female Moora
1922/4200010 Moora Goff Elizabeth Annie Female Norwood Henry Male Moora
1922/4400001 Murchison Hopkins Victoria Marie Antonette Female Phillips Leonard Austral Male Cue
1922/4400001 Murchison Phillips Leonard Austral Male Hopkins Victoria Marie Antonette Female Cue
1922/4400002 Murchison Coward Doris Adeline Female Ovens John Conley Male Nannine
1922/4400002 Murchison Ovens John Conley Male Coward Doris Adeline Female Nannine
1922/4400003 Murchison Fraser Jane Elizabeth Grace Female Jordan John Samuel Stanley Male Cue
1922/4400003 Murchison Jordan John Samuel Stanley Male Fraser Jane Elizabeth Grace Female Cue
1922/4400004 Murchison Slavin Joseph Clarence Male Carroll Catherine Female Mt Magnet
1922/4400004 Murchison Carroll Catherine Female Slavin Joseph Clarence Male Mt Magnet
1922/4400005 Murchison Stonehouse Dora Elizabeth Female Criddle Harold Male Mount Magnet
1922/4400005 Murchison Criddle Harold Male Stonehouse Dora Elizabeth Female Mount Magnet
1922/4400006 Murchison Ibbotson Reginald Male Smith Irene Female Meekatharra
1922/4400006 Murchison Smith Irene Female Ibbotson Reginald Male Meekatharra
1922/4400007 Murchison Wilson Ettie Female Green Edward James Male Cue
1922/4400007 Murchison Green Edward James Male Wilson Ettie Female Cue
1922/4400008 Murchison Hall Walter Douglas Male Pearse Kathleen Frances Female Meekatharra
1922/4400008 Murchison Pearse Kathleen Frances Female Hall Walter Douglas Male Meekatharra
1922/4400009 Murchison Evans Granville John Male Smith Rosa Mary Female Nallan
1922/4400009 Murchison Smith Rosa Mary Female Evans Granville John Male Nallan
1922/4400010 Murchison Mickle Earlston Bede Male Brown Elizabeth Annie Female Meekatharra
1922/4400010 Murchison Brown Elizabeth Annie Female Mickle Earlston Bede Male Meekatharra
1922/4400011 Murchison Jewell Ruby Ellen Female Ward Joseph Laurence Male Meekatharra
1922/4400011 Murchison Ward Joseph Laurence Male Jewell Ruby Ellen Female Meekatharra
1922/4400012 Murchison Simpson Florence Ethel Female Moses Arthur Gilbert Male Paynesville
1922/4400012 Murchison Moses Arthur Gilbert Male Simpson Florence Ethel Female Paynesville
1922/4400013 Murchison Fowler Thomas Victory Male Blythe Alice Isabel Female Nannine
1922/4400013 Murchison Blythe Alice Isabel Female Fowler Thomas Victory Male Nannine
1922/4500002 East Murchison O'Brien Johanna Frances Female Nye Hiram Male Lawlers
1922/4500002 East Murchison Nye Hiram Male O'Brien Johanna Frances Female Lawlers
1922/4500003 East Murchison Adams Edith Alice Adeline Female Vale William Male Wiluna
1922/4500003 East Murchison Vale William Male Adams Edith Alice Adeline Female Wiluna
1922/4700001 Murray Haub Beatrice Kathleen Female Marsh Walter James Male Pinjarra
1922/4700001 Murray Marsh Walter James Male Haub Beatrice Kathleen Female Pinjarra
1922/4700002 Murray Basell Arthur Charles Male Keen Frances Female Wuraming
1922/4700002 Murray Keen Frances Female Basell Arthur Charles Male Wuraming
1922/4700004 Murray Green Ruby Florence Female McKenna John Ambrose Male Brookdale
1922/4700004 Murray McKenna John Ambrose Male Green Ruby Florence Female Brookdale
1922/4700005 Murray Bateman George Arthur Robert Male Spriggs Myrtle Priscilla Dorothy Female Pindalup
1922/4700005 Murray Spriggs Myrtle Priscilla Dorothy Female Bateman George Arthur Robert Male Pindalup
1922/4700006 Murray Green Dorothy Myrtle Female Pugh David Male Pinjarra
1922/4700006 Murray Pugh David Male Green Dorothy Myrtle Female Pinjarra
1922/4700007 Murray Ballard Christina Ruth Female Cassidy Stanley Walter Male Dwellingup
1922/4700007 Murray Cassidy Stanley Walter Male Ballard Christina Ruth Female Dwellingup
1922/4700008 Murray Pearson Lizzie Female Evans Ernest Male Pinjarra
1922/4700008 Murray Evans Ernest Male Pearson Lizzie Female Pinjarra
1922/4700009 Murray Bennett Elsie Cordelia Female Rohan William Francis Male Dwellingup
1922/4700009 Murray Rohan William Francis Male Bennett Elsie Cordelia Female Dwellingup
1922/4700010 Murray Kelleher Margaret Jane Female Halden William Male Pinjarra
1922/4700010 Murray Halden William Male Kelleher Margaret Jane Female Pinjarra
1922/4700011 Murray Brown Herbert Thomas Male Cowcher Elena Beatrice Female Amphion
1922/4700011 Murray Cowcher Elena Beatrice Female Brown Herbert Thomas Male Amphion
1922/4700012 Murray Hastie Bertha Elizabeth Female Matthews William Percy Male North Dandalup
1922/4700012 Murray Matthews William Percy Male Hastie Bertha Elizabeth Female North Dandalup
1922/4700013 Murray Armstrong Charlotte Victoria Ellen Louisa May Female Povah William Augustus Male Pinjarra
1922/4700013 Murray Povah William Augustus Male Armstrong Charlotte Victoria Ellen Louisa May Female Pinjarra
1922/4700014 Murray McLarty Duncan Ross Male Herron Violet Olive Margaret Female Pinjarra
1922/4700014 Murray Herron Violet Olive Margaret Female McLarty Duncan Ross Male Pinjarra
1922/4700015 Murray Smith Catherine Female Loughnan Patrick Frances Male Pinjarra
1922/4700015 Murray Loughnan Patrick Frances Male Smith Catherine Female Pinjarra
1922/4700016 Murray Arbuthnot James William Male Dryden Myrtle May Female Dwellingup
1922/4700016 Murray Dryden Myrtle May Female Arbuthnot James William Male Dwellingup
1922/4700017 Murray Carter Lilian Agnes Female Cooper James Hamlet Austey Male Mandurah
1922/4700017 Murray Cooper James Hamlet Austey Male Carter Lilian Agnes Female Mandurah
1923/4900001 Northam Murphy David Male Martin Ivy Beatrice Female Northam
1923/4900001 Northam Martin Ivy Beatrice Female Murphy David Male Northam
1922/4900002 Northam Frost James Jim Male Meeres Janet Female Northam
1922/4900002 Northam Meeres Janet Female Frost James Jim Male Northam
1922/4900003 Northam Potter Thomas Harry Male Chadwick Ellen Female Merredin
1923/4900003 Northam McGregor Ethel May Female Reilly Charles Marcus Male Merredin
1922/4900003 Northam Chadwick Ellen Female Potter Thomas Harry Male Merredin
1923/4900003 Northam Reilly Charles Marcus Male McGregor Ethel May Female Merredin
1922/4900004 Northam Bradshaw William Charles Male Powell Margaret Maria Female Goomalling
1922/4900004 Northam Powell Margaret Maria Female Bradshaw William Charles Male Goomalling
1922/4900005 Northam McCulloch Thomas Albert Male McIntosh Mabel Gertrude Female Kununoppin
1922/4900005 Northam McIntosh Mabel Gertrude Female McCulloch Thomas Albert Male Kununoppin
1922/4900006 Northam Lofthouse William Male Hutchings Lucy Louisa Female Toodyay
1922/4900006 Northam Hutchings Lucy Louisa Female Lofthouse William Male Toodyay
1922/4900007 Northam Martin Thomas Samuel Male Monger Trixie Female Northam
1922/4900007 Northam Monger Trixie Female Martin Thomas Samuel Male Northam
1922/4900008 Northam Slocum Oliver Gordon Male Hammond Jessie Elizabeth Female Wyalcatchem
1922/4900008 Northam Hammond Jessie Elizabeth Female Slocum Oliver Gordon Male Wyalcatchem
1922/4900009 Northam Gardiner Dorothy Margaret Female Olive Stanley Lockwood Male Kellerberrin
1922/4900009 Northam Olive Stanley Lockwood Male Gardiner Dorothy Margaret Female Kellerberrin
1922/4900010 Northam Deacon Ruby Elizabeth Female Hill Hubert Arthur Male Merredin
1922/4900010 Northam Hill Hubert Arthur Male Deacon Ruby Elizabeth Female Merredin
1922/4900011 Northam Cleggett Dorothy Mabel Female Bonser Albert Joseph Male Northam
1922/4900011 Northam Bonser Albert Joseph Male Cleggett Dorothy Mabel Female Northam
1922/4900012 Northam York Gerald Henry Male Tobias Gladys Beatrice Female Yorkrakine
1922/4900012 Northam Tobias Gladys Beatrice Female York Gerald Henry Male Yorkrakine
1922/4900013 Northam Ekert Bertha Sarah Maud Female Hooper David Male Northam
1922/4900013 Northam Hooper David Male Ekert Bertha Sarah Maud Female Northam
1922/4900014 Northam Purdy Alfred James Walter Male Jeffries Ivy May Female Kununoppin
1922/4900014 Northam Jeffries Ivy May Female Purdy Alfred James Walter Male Kununoppin
1922/4900015 Northam Rule Elizabeth Frances Hannah Female Western Raymond Herbert Male Northam
1922/4900015 Northam Western Raymond Herbert Male Rule Elizabeth Frances Hannah Female Northam
1922/4900016 Northam Moore George Male Buttle Dulcie Matilda Whitfield Female Northam
1922/4900016 Northam Buttle Dulcie Matilda Whitfield Female Moore George Male Northam
1922/4900017 Northam Cousins Herbert James Dean Male Edmonds Ruth Mary Female Wattening
1922/4900017 Northam Edmonds Ruth Mary Female Cousins Herbert James Dean Male Wattening
1922/4900018 Northam Wilson Jean Female Jones Richard Norman Male Merredin
1922/4900018 Northam Jones Richard Norman Male Wilson Jean Female Merredin
1922/4900019 Northam Cousins William Robert Male Butterly Mona Frances Female Culham
1922/4900019 Northam Butterly Mona Frances Female Cousins William Robert Male Culham
1922/4900020 Northam Tobias Winifred Female Nottage Robert Burley Male Yorkrakine
1922/4900020 Northam Nottage Robert Burley Male Tobias Winifred Female Yorkrakine
1922/4900021 Northam Anderson James William Male Richards Daisy Emma Female Koomberkine
1922/4900021 Northam Richards Daisy Emma Female Anderson James William Male Koomberkine
1922/4900022 Northam Stephens Gladys Alice Female Jahn William George Male Northam
1922/4900022 Northam Jahn William George Male Stephens Gladys Alice Female Northam
1922/4900023 Northam Sharp George Male Lawson Agnes Scott Female Kununoppin
1922/4900023 Northam Lawson Agnes Scott Female Sharp George Male Kununoppin
1922/4900024 Northam Donnan Muriel Mere Female Packham John Male Tammin
1922/4900024 Northam Packham John Male Donnan Muriel Mere Female Tammin
1922/4900025 Northam May James William George Male McClelland Mabel Elizabeth Jane Female Kellerberrin
1922/4900025 Northam McClelland Mabel Elizabeth Jane Female May James William George Male Kellerberrin
1922/4900026 Northam Lavery Elizabeth Ellen Pearl Female Doran Reginald Frederick Male Merredin
1922/4900026 Northam Doran Reginald Frederick Male Lavery Elizabeth Ellen Pearl Female Merredin
1922/4900027 Northam Dobinson Cecelia Female Carter Alfred James Male Northam
1922/4900027 Northam Carter Alfred James Male Dobinson Cecelia Female Northam
1922/4900028 Northam Castledine Alpha Mavis Female Latto Raymond Burbage Male Meckering
1922/4900028 Northam Latto Raymond Burbage Male Castledine Alpha Mavis Female Meckering
1922/4900029 Northam Freind Allan Ray Male Bohan Mildred Clara Female Northam
1922/4900029 Northam Bohan Mildred Clara Female Freind Allan Ray Male Northam
1922/4900030 Northam James Violet Female Kemp Emmanuel Male Northam
1922/4900030 Northam Kemp Emmanuel Male James Violet Female Northam
1922/4900031 Northam Eaton Charlotte Mary Female Gimbel Karl Male Northam
1922/4900031 Northam Gimbel Karl Male Eaton Charlotte Mary Female Northam
1922/4900032 Northam Green Florence Agnes Female Hoddy Herbert Thomas Male Northam
1922/4900032 Northam Hoddy Herbert Thomas Male Green Florence Agnes Female Northam
1922/4900033 Northam Castledine Harold George Male Hood Alma Female Meckering
1922/4900033 Northam Hood Alma Female Castledine Harold George Male Meckering
1922/4900034 Northam Bennett Robert Alexander Male O'Neill Ellen Marie Female Nalkain
1922/4900034 Northam O'Neill Ellen Marie Female Bennett Robert Alexander Male Nalkain
1922/4900035 Northam Forward Olive Female Wales Harry Male Kellerberrin
1922/4900035 Northam Wales Harry Male Forward Olive Female Kellerberrin
1922/4900036 Northam James Louis John Male Adams Georgina Alice May Female Northam
1922/4900036 Northam Adams Georgina Alice May Female James Louis John Male Northam
1922/4900037 Northam Moody Walter Samuel Dean Male Dennis Myrtle Ruby Female Northam
1922/4900037 Northam Dennis Myrtle Ruby Female Moody Walter Samuel Dean Male Northam
1922/4900038 Northam Cahill Catherine Ellen Female Alderman Lancelot Robert Male Merredin
1922/4900038 Northam Alderman Lancelot Robert Male Cahill Catherine Ellen Female Merredin
1922/4900039 Northam Warne Joseph Stanley Male Wilkerson Linda Bell Female Northam
1922/4900039 Northam Wilkerson Linda Bell Female Warne Joseph Stanley Male Northam
1922/4900040 Northam Freind Lionel Male Fishwick Ellen Female Northam
1922/4900040 Northam Fishwick Ellen Female Freind Lionel Male Northam
1922/4900041 Northam Millman Ivy Female Mercer Albert Edward Male Goomalling
1922/4900041 Northam Mercer Albert Edward Male Millman Ivy Female Goomalling
1922/4900042 Northam Giles Annie Female Meary Clarence George Male Northam
1922/4900042 Northam Meary Clarence George Male Giles Annie Female Northam
1922/4900043 Northam Egdell Eliza Female Doust Matthew Male Northam
1922/4900043 Northam Doust Matthew Male Egdell Eliza Female Northam
1922/4900044 Northam Benson Albert Male Jones Winifred Eveline Female Near Nungarin
1922/4900044 Northam Jones Winifred Eveline Female Benson Albert Male Near Nungarin
1922/4900045 Northam Hammond Edith Emily Female McQuade Charles Henry Male Merredin
1922/4900045 Northam McQuade Charles Henry Male Hammond Edith Emily Female Merredin
1922/4900046 Northam Sinclair Ethel Marianne Female McDougall William Male Toodyay
1922/4900046 Northam McDougall William Male Sinclair Ethel Marianne Female Toodyay
1922/4900047 Northam Godfrey Reginald Fredrick Gordon Male Lloyd Rita Blanche Female Culham
1922/4900047 Northam Lloyd Rita Blanche Female Godfrey Reginald Fredrick Gordon Male Culham
1922/4900048 Northam Cummings Robina Helen Female McKay Gordon Leslie Male Goomalling
1922/4900048 Northam McKay Gordon Leslie Male Cummings Robina Helen Female Goomalling
1922/4900049 Northam Wright Albert John Male Potter Mary Female Northam
1922/4900049 Northam Potter Mary Female Wright Albert John Male Northam
1922/4900050 Northam Barnard Francis Male Downey Kathleen Frances Female Northam
1922/4900050 Northam Downey Kathleen Frances Female Barnard Francis Male Northam
1922/4900051 Northam Stroscherin Annie Daphne Grace Female Wroth Milton Taylor Lloyd Male Toodyay
1922/4900051 Northam Wroth Milton Taylor Lloyd Male Stroscherin Annie Daphne Grace Female Toodyay
1922/4900052 Northam Bailey Emily May Female Cunningham Roberts Baden Male Northam
1922/4900052 Northam Cunningham Roberts Baden Male Bailey Emily May Female Northam
1922/4900053 Northam Howell Laura Maie Female O'Neill Charles Edward Male Nalkain
1922/4900053 Northam O'Neill Charles Edward Male Howell Laura Maie Female Nalkain
1922/4900054 Northam Dickson Mary Young Female Riches Thomas Stuart Male Wyalcatchem
1922/4900054 Northam Riches Thomas Stuart Male Dickson Mary Young Female Wyalcatchem
1922/4900055 Northam Hamence Linda Edith Female Breakell Robert Francis Male Mt Marshall
1922/4900055 Northam Breakell Robert Francis Male Hamence Linda Edith Female Mt Marshall
1922/4900056 Northam McNeil Norman Wylie Male Jeffries Eva Lauretta Female Kununoppin
1922/4900056 Northam Jeffries Eva Lauretta Female McNeil Norman Wylie Male Kununoppin
1922/4900057 Northam Bell Daphne Irene Female Marsh Charles Oscar George Male Bencubbin
1922/4900057 Northam Marsh Charles Oscar George Male Bell Daphne Irene Female Bencubbin
1922/4900058 Northam Allen Eric May Male Lennard Alvie Barrett Female Kellerberrin
1922/4900058 Northam Lennard Alvie Barrett Female Allen Eric May Male Kellerberrin
1922/4900059 Northam Mallett Clarence Robert George Male Byfield Alma Greta Female Northam
1922/4900059 Northam Byfield Alma Greta Female Mallett Clarence Robert George Male Northam
1922/4900060 Northam Williams Preston Cory Lefroy Male O'Halloran Dorothy Faith Female Kellerberrin
1922/4900060 Northam O'Halloran Dorothy Faith Female Williams Preston Cory Lefroy Male Kellerberrin
1922/4900061 Northam Clements Alice Elizabeth Lilian Female Yates Stephen Michael Male Northam
1922/4900061 Northam Yates Stephen Michael Male Clements Alice Elizabeth Lilian Female Northam
1922/4900062 Northam Hardinge Doris Eileen Female Puttick Charles Joseph Male Toodyay
1922/4900062 Northam Puttick Charles Joseph Male Hardinge Doris Eileen Female Toodyay
1922/4900063 Northam Waterhouse Herbert Hartnoll Male Middleton Dorothy Irene Female Nungarin
1922/4900063 Northam Middleton Dorothy Irene Female Waterhouse Herbert Hartnoll Male Nungarin
1922/4900064 Northam Flemming Ruby Mary Female Cotton Alfred George Male Northam
1922/4900064 Northam Cotton Alfred George Male Flemming Ruby Mary Female Northam
1922/4900065 Northam Antonio Thomas John Male Scott Rose Victoria Female Northam
1922/4900065 Northam Scott Rose Victoria Female Antonio Thomas John Male Northam
1922/4900066 Northam Barr Ida Lilian Female Clark Alexander Male Mindabooka
1922/4900066 Northam Clark Alexander Male Barr Ida Lilian Female Mindabooka
1922/4900067 Northam Taylor Henry Male Martin Eileen Emma Female Northam
1922/4900067 Northam Martin Eileen Emma Female Taylor Henry Male Northam
1922/4900068 Northam Dalton Lucy May Female Kearsley Henry Peter Male Merredin
1922/4900068 Northam Kearsley Henry Peter Male Dalton Lucy May Female Merredin
1922/4900069 Northam Grimbaldeston Nellie Female Lawrence Lionel Henry Male Northam
1922/4900069 Northam Lawrence Lionel Henry Male Grimbaldeston Nellie Female Northam
1922/4900070 Northam Oliver Frank Bridgman Male Marsh Myrtle Eva Female Northam
1922/4900070 Northam Marsh Myrtle Eva Female Oliver Frank Bridgman Male Northam
1922/4900071 Northam Brown George Edward Groundsel Male Martin Jean Ellen Female Tammin
1922/4900071 Northam Martin Jean Ellen Female Brown George Edward Groundsel Male Tammin
1922/4900072 Northam Green Kevin Joseph Male Boyle Amy Female Northam
1922/4900072 Northam Boyle Amy Female Green Kevin Joseph Male Northam
1922/4900073 Northam Gatti John Baptist Male Donaldson Doris Jane Female Northam
1922/4900073 Northam Donaldson Doris Jane Female Gatti John Baptist Male Northam
1922/4900074 Northam Miller Charles Ernest Male Green Olive Elma Female Northam
1922/4900074 Northam Green Olive Elma Female Miller Charles Ernest Male Northam
1922/4900075 Northam Castle Leslie Raymond Male Rimmington Annie Elizabeth Female Northam
1922/4900075 Northam Rimmington Annie Elizabeth Female Castle Leslie Raymond Male Northam
1922/4900076 Northam Dudley Arthur Edward Robert Male Carter Rachel Amelia Female Meckering
1922/4900076 Northam Carter Rachel Amelia Female Dudley Arthur Edward Robert Male Meckering
1922/4900077 Northam Bates Cecil Male Bevis Olive May Female Merredin
1922/4900077 Northam Bevis Olive May Female Bates Cecil Male Merredin
1922/4900078 Northam Hodgson Henry Male Lehmann Thelma May Female Grass Valley
1922/4900078 Northam Lehmann Thelma May Female Hodgson Henry Male Grass Valley
1922/4900079 Northam Dixon James White Male Nunn Marion Alice Clementine Female Goomalling
1922/4900079 Northam Nunn Marion Alice Clementine Female Dixon James White Male Goomalling
1922/4900080 Northam Payne Kitty May Female Pearce Edgar Edward Male Kununoppin
1922/4900080 Northam Pearce Edgar Edward Male Payne Kitty May Female Kununoppin
1922/4900081 Northam Leeson Matilda Mary Female Bowen Linus Hyacinth Male Northam
1922/4900081 Northam Bowen Linus Hyacinth Male Leeson Matilda Mary Female Northam
1922/4900082 Northam Talbot Watson Male Rawlings May Frances Gertrude Female Kellerberrin
1922/4900082 Northam Rawlings May Frances Gertrude Female Talbot Watson Male Kellerberrin
1922/4900083 Northam Diver Leslie Charles Male Blakiston Emma Jane Female Tammin
1922/4900083 Northam Blakiston Emma Jane Female Diver Leslie Charles Male Tammin
1922/4900084 Northam Burke John Joseph Male Meason Catherine Female Kellerberrin
1922/4900084 Northam Meason Catherine Female Burke John Joseph Male Kellerberrin
1922/4900085 Northam Lawler Violet Mary Female Clune Joseph John Patrick Male Toodyay
1922/4900085 Northam Clune Joseph John Patrick Male Lawler Violet Mary Female Toodyay
1922/4900086 Northam Courtenay Raeph Zalean Male Perry Winifred Elliot Female Northam
1922/4900086 Northam Perry Winifred Elliot Female Courtenay Raeph Zalean Male Northam
1922/4900087 Northam Moore Arthur Edwin Male McKenzie Lucie Colley Female Merredin
1922/4900087 Northam McKenzie Lucie Colley Female Moore Arthur Edwin Male Merredin
1922/4900088 Northam Ferguson George Samuel Male Syred Elsie Frances Female Culham
1922/4900088 Northam Syred Elsie Frances Female Ferguson George Samuel Male Culham
1922/4900089 Northam Jolly Vera Female Shadbolt Joseph Harold Male Mangowine
1922/4900089 Northam Shadbolt Joseph Harold Male Jolly Vera Female Mangowine
1922/4900090 Northam Wynne Frederick Male Veasey Lily Maria Female Nungarin
1922/4900090 Northam Veasey Lily Maria Female Wynne Frederick Male Nungarin
1922/4900091 Northam Dudley Reginald James Male Leeder Mavis Sylvia Female Jennapullen
1922/4900091 Northam Leeder Mavis Sylvia Female Dudley Reginald James Male Jennapullen
1922/4900092 Northam Jolly John Herbert Male Everitt Lillian Female Kellerberrin
1922/4900092 Northam Everitt Lillian Female Jolly John Herbert Male Kellerberrin
1922/4900093 Northam Budd Percy Denham Male Dunn Alice May Female Yorkrakine
1922/4900093 Northam Dunn Alice May Female Budd Percy Denham Male Yorkrakine
1922/4900094 Northam Delaney Edward Joseph Male Hegarty Florence May Female Northam
1922/4900094 Northam Hegarty Florence May Female Delaney Edward Joseph Male Northam
1922/4900095 Northam Leehane Myrtle Maria Dorothea Female Smith Conrad Male Goomalling
1922/4900095 Northam Smith Conrad Male Leehane Myrtle Maria Dorothea Female Goomalling
1922/4900096 Northam Iles Doris Edith Augusta Female Lyons Stephen Henry Male Kellerberrin
1922/4900096 Northam Lyons Stephen Henry Male Iles Doris Edith Augusta Female Kellerberrin
1922/4900097 Northam Lloyd Arthur Byron Male Cook Dorothy Margreta Reetta Female Culham
1922/4900097 Northam Cook Dorothy Margreta Reetta Female Lloyd Arthur Byron Male Culham
1922/4900098 Northam Dyer Myrtle Vida Female Knight Geoffrey Male Northam
1922/4900098 Northam Knight Geoffrey Male Dyer Myrtle Vida Female Northam
1922/4900099 Northam Spring Elsie Maud Female Brown William Geoffrey John Palmer Male Merredin
1922/4900099 Northam Brown William Geoffrey John Palmer Male Spring Elsie Maud Female Merredin
1922/4900100 Northam Brennan Hilda Mary Female Proud George Albert Male Northam
1922/4900100 Northam Proud George Albert Male Brennan Hilda Mary Female Northam
1922/4900101 Northam Ferguson Dorothy Gladys Female Clark Arthur Thomas Male West Northam
1922/4900101 Northam Clark Arthur Thomas Male Ferguson Dorothy Gladys Female West Northam
1922/4900102 Northam Hammond Clarence William Male Craig Vera Female Konnongorring
1922/4900102 Northam Craig Vera Female Hammond Clarence William Male Konnongorring
1922/4900103 Northam Wilkins Frederick Male Bourke Irene Mary Female Goomalling
1922/4900103 Northam Bourke Irene Mary Female Wilkins Frederick Male Goomalling
1922/4900104 Northam Giles Ida May Female White Joseph William Male Northam
1922/4900104 Northam White Joseph William Male Giles Ida May Female Northam
1922/4900105 Northam Jewell Victoria Isabel May Female Witney Percival Charles Male Korrelocking
1922/4900105 Northam Witney Percival Charles Male Jewell Victoria Isabel May Female Korrelocking
1922/4900106 Northam Ebbs Susan Female Wilkins James Douglas Male Kellerberrin
1922/4900106 Northam Wilkins James Douglas Male Ebbs Susan Female Kellerberrin
1922/4900107 Northam Giles Margaret Jane Female Campbell Clyde Latrobe Male Northam
1922/4900107 Northam Campbell Clyde Latrobe Male Giles Margaret Jane Female Northam
1922/4900108 Northam Podmore George Male McFarlane Dorothy May Female Kellerberrin
1922/4900108 Northam McFarlane Dorothy May Female Podmore George Male Kellerberrin
1922/4900109 Northam Wright Alfred George Male Thomas Louisa Ann Female Kellerberrin
1922/4900109 Northam Thomas Louisa Ann Female Wright Alfred George Male Kellerberrin
1922/4900110 Northam Wilkins Alex Male Hedley Henrietta Everill Female Kellerberrin
1922/4900110 Northam Hedley Henrietta Everill Female Wilkins Alex Male Kellerberrin
1922/5000001 Northampton Hipper Thomas Clarence Male Johnson Agnes May Female Northampton
1922/5000001 Northampton Johnson Agnes May Female Hipper Thomas Clarence Male Northampton
1922/5000002 Northampton Smith Mervyn Joseph Male Mitchell Mildred Female Northampton
1922/5000002 Northampton Mitchell Mildred Female Smith Mervyn Joseph Male Northampton
1922/5000003 Northampton Mitchell Phyllis Irene Female Pickering Thomas Charles Male Northampton
1922/5000003 Northampton Pickering Thomas Charles Male Mitchell Phyllis Irene Female Northampton
1922/5000004 Northampton Willcocks William Ernest Pearson Male Rosser Alice Female Northampton
1922/5000004 Northampton Rosser Alice Female Willcocks William Ernest Pearson Male Northampton
1922/5000005 Northampton Smith Amy Female Neill Herbert Male Northampton
1922/5000005 Northampton Neill Herbert Male Smith Amy Female Northampton
1922/5000006 Northampton Gould Ernest Marshall Male Bignell Gertrude Hazel Female Nabawah
1922/5000006 Northampton Bignell Gertrude Hazel Female Gould Ernest Marshall Male Nabawah
1922/5000007 Northampton Whitehurst Charles Male Jupp Hilda Mary Female Nabawah
1922/5000007 Northampton Jupp Hilda Mary Female Whitehurst Charles Male Nabawah
1922/5000008 Northampton Tonkin Lily Prudence Female Bandy Arthur Male Northampton
1922/5000008 Northampton Bandy Arthur Male Tonkin Lily Prudence Female Northampton
1922/5000009 Northampton Wight William James Male Bandy Grace May Female Hutt
1922/5000009 Northampton Bandy Grace May Female Wight William James Male Hutt
1922/5000010 Northampton Walton Stanley Male Henley Louisa Florence Female Northampton
1922/5000010 Northampton Henley Louisa Florence Female Walton Stanley Male Northampton
1923/5400001 Plantagenet Strickland Frank Wallace Llewellyn Male Lester Grace Mary Female Albany
1923/5400001 Plantagenet Lester Grace Mary Female Strickland Frank Wallace Llewellyn Male Albany
1922/5400002 Plantagenet Hills Dorothy Emma Female Thomas John Mortimer Male Albany
1922/5400002 Plantagenet Thomas John Mortimer Male Hills Dorothy Emma Female Albany
1922/5400003 Plantagenet Baker William Edward Male Quartermaine Mena Augusta Female Albany
1922/5400003 Plantagenet Quartermaine Mena Augusta Female Baker William Edward Male Albany
1922/5400004 Plantagenet Flower Laurence Rollo Male O'Brien Hilda Female Tambellup
1922/5400004 Plantagenet O'Brien Hilda Female Flower Laurence Rollo Male Tambellup
1922/5400005 Plantagenet Sweet Robert Male Webber Ellen Female Albany
1922/5400005 Plantagenet Baseden Robert Male Webber Ellen Female Albany
1922/5400005 Plantagenet Webber Ellen Female Baseden Robert Male Albany
1922/5400005 Plantagenet Webber Ellen Female Sweet Robert Male Albany
1922/5400006 Plantagenet Baesjou Claude Augustus Male Wilson Daisy Elizabeth Female Mount Barker
1922/5400006 Plantagenet Wilson Daisy Elizabeth Female Baesjou Claude Augustus Male Mount Barker
1922/5400007 Plantagenet Hird Harold Eustace Male Hewett Margaret Female Albany
1922/5400007 Plantagenet Hewett Margaret Female Hird Harold Eustace Male Albany
1922/5400008 Plantagenet Snewin Rhoda Florence Lulu Female Glover Cecil Herbert Male Mount Barker
1922/5400008 Plantagenet Glover Cecil Herbert Male Snewin Rhoda Florence Lulu Female Mount Barker
1922/5400009 Plantagenet Webster Freda Olivia Dingle Female Ticehurst William Charles Male Albany
1922/5400009 Plantagenet Ticehurst William Charles Male Webster Freda Olivia Dingle Female Albany
1922/5400010 Plantagenet Norman Arthur Richard Male Nelson Mary Edith Female Albany
1922/5400010 Plantagenet Nelson Mary Edith Female Norman Arthur Richard Male Albany
1922/5400011 Plantagenet Williams Edward George Male Saunders Ruby Alma May Female Albany
1922/5400011 Plantagenet Saunders Ruby Alma May Female Williams Edward George Male Albany
1922/5400012 Plantagenet Schaffner Georg Josef Male Friebe Alma Johanna Female Albany
1922/5400012 Plantagenet Friebe Alma Johanna Female Schaffner Georg Josef Male Albany
1922/5400013 Plantagenet Coombe Florance Ada Female Puls Alfred Norman Male Albany
1922/5400013 Plantagenet Puls Alfred Norman Male Coombe Florance Ada Female Albany
1922/5400014 Plantagenet Tyzack Lilian Female Benson Horace Male Albany
1922/5400014 Plantagenet Benson Horace Male Tyzack Lilian Female Albany
1922/5400015 Plantagenet Davies Clarence John Pitt Male Paul Rosina Campbell Female Albany
1922/5400015 Plantagenet Paul Rosina Campbell Female Davies Clarence John Pitt Male Albany
1922/5400016 Plantagenet Quartermaine Eli Elijah Male Hall Craddle Female Albany
1922/5400016 Plantagenet Hall Craddle Female Quartermaine Eli Elijah Male Albany
1922/5400017 Plantagenet Morley Elsie Maude Female Lawrence Alfred Fredrick Male Youngs Siding
1922/5400017 Plantagenet Lawrence Alfred Fredrick Male Morley Elsie Maude Female Youngs Siding
1922/5400018 Plantagenet Allen Martin Male Thorp Martha Female Albany
1922/5400018 Plantagenet Thorp Martha Female Allen Martin Male Albany
1922/5400019 Plantagenet Dedman Thomas William Male Cosgrove Violet Female Albany
1922/5400019 Plantagenet Cosgrove Violet Female Dedman Thomas William Male Albany
1922/5400020 Plantagenet Wright Doreen Effie Female Berliner William Henry Male Mount Barker
1922/5400020 Plantagenet Berliner William Henry Male Wright Doreen Effie Female Mount Barker
1922/5400021 Plantagenet Wear Edith May Female Loxton Samuel James Male Mount Barker
1922/5400021 Plantagenet Loxton Samuel James Male Wear Edith May Female Mount Barker
1922/5400022 Plantagenet Smith William Reginald Male Place Ethel Female Albany
1922/5400022 Plantagenet Place Ethel Female Smith William Reginald Male Albany
1922/5400023 Plantagenet Russ Absalom Benjamin Silvanus Male Harris Gladys Emily Female Albany
1922/5400023 Plantagenet Harris Gladys Emily Female Russ Absalom Benjamin Silvanus Male Albany
1922/5400024 Plantagenet Harris Cedric Vernon Male McGuckin Lucy May Female Albany
1922/5400024 Plantagenet McGuckin Lucy May Female Harris Cedric Vernon Male Albany
1922/5400025 Plantagenet Moylan Kevin Francis Male Omond Ivy Female Albany
1922/5400025 Plantagenet Omond Ivy Female Moylan Kevin Francis Male Albany
1922/5400026 Plantagenet Thomas Miriam Hilda Female Prideaux Leslie Leonard Male Albany
1922/5400026 Plantagenet Prideaux Leslie Leonard Male Thomas Miriam Hilda Female Albany
1922/5400027 Plantagenet Ingham Frederick Melton Male Herbert Muriel Mascotte Daphine Female Albany
1922/5400027 Plantagenet Herbert Muriel Mascotte Daphine Female Ingham Frederick Melton Male Albany
1922/5400028 Plantagenet McColl William Grigor Male Mason Marie Isabella Female Albany
1922/5400028 Plantagenet Mason Marie Isabella Female McColl William Grigor Male Albany
1922/5400029 Plantagenet Keep Elsie Mabel Female McCubbing Charles Edward Male Albany
1922/5400029 Plantagenet McCubbing Charles Edward Male Keep Elsie Mabel Female Albany
1922/5400030 Plantagenet Burvill George Pearson Male Moor Violet Irene Female Albany
1922/5400030 Plantagenet Moor Violet Irene Female Burvill George Pearson Male Albany
1922/5400031 Plantagenet Parker Mabel Dorothy Female Gibb Seton Male Tambellup
1922/5400031 Plantagenet Gibb Seton Male Parker Mabel Dorothy Female Tambellup
1922/5400032 Plantagenet Silvester William Male Hudson Florence Louisa Female Tambellup
1922/5400032 Plantagenet Hudson Florence Louisa Female Silvester William Male Tambellup
1922/5400033 Plantagenet Scott Walter Christmas Male Stewart Eileen Mary Female Mount Barker
1922/5400033 Plantagenet Stewart Eileen Mary Female Scott Walter Christmas Male Mount Barker
1922/5400034 Plantagenet Leibich Edward Archibald Stanley Male Carty Kathleen Catherine Female Mount Barker
1922/5400034 Plantagenet Carty Kathleen Catherine Female Leibich Edward Archibald Stanley Male Mount Barker
1922/5400035 Plantagenet Stronach Samuel Woolrich Chaddock Male Oliver Henrietta Female Albany
1922/5400035 Plantagenet Oliver Henrietta Female Stronach Samuel Woolrich Chaddock Male Albany
1922/5400036 Plantagenet Wiltshire Clarence Victor Penhall Male Harrison Dorothy Female Albany
1922/5400036 Plantagenet Harrison Dorothy Female Wiltshire Clarence Victor Penhall Male Albany
1922/5400037 Plantagenet Mills Ruth Bateman Female Johnson Alfred Male Albany
1922/5400037 Plantagenet Johnson Alfred Male Mills Ruth Bateman Female Albany
1922/5400038 Plantagenet James Leslie Pearce Male Peacock Heloise May Female Cranbrook
1922/5400038 Plantagenet Peacock Heloise May Female James Leslie Pearce Male Cranbrook
1922/5400039 Plantagenet Moate Hercules Benjamin Stanley Male Humphries Edith Female Albany
1922/5400039 Plantagenet Humphries Edith Female Moate Hercules Benjamin Stanley Male Albany
1922/5400040 Plantagenet Ferguson Annie Female Cooper William Male Albany
1922/5400040 Plantagenet Cooper William Male Ferguson Annie Female Albany
1922/5400041 Plantagenet Edmunds William Henry Male Thompson Evelyn May Female Albany
1922/5400041 Plantagenet Thompson Evelyn May Female Edmunds William Henry Male Albany
1922/5400042 Plantagenet Theyer Muriel Ettie Female Vernon William Arthur Male Gordon River
1922/5400042 Plantagenet Vernon William Arthur Male Theyer Muriel Ettie Female Gordon River
1922/5400043 Plantagenet Cridge Walter Male Beecham Rhoda Female Mt Barker
1922/5400043 Plantagenet Beecham Rhoda Female Cridge Walter Male Mt Barker
1922/5400044 Plantagenet Pewhill Elizabeth Camilla Female Levitzke Charles William Male Albany
1922/5400044 Plantagenet Levitzke Charles William Male Pewhill Elizabeth Camilla Female Albany
1922/5400045 Plantagenet Gleed Ernest Jesse Male Banks Roberta Elizabeth Female Albany
1922/5400045 Plantagenet Banks Roberta Elizabeth Female Gleed Ernest Jesse Male Albany
1922/5400046 Plantagenet Squire Linda Lavinia Female Freeman William Ernest Male Mount Barker
1922/5400046 Plantagenet Freeman William Ernest Male Squire Linda Lavinia Female Mount Barker
1922/5400047 Plantagenet Thomson Christina McKenzie Gibson Female Taylor Charles Male Albany
1922/5400047 Plantagenet Taylor Charles Male Thomson Christina McKenzie Gibson Female Albany
1922/5400048 Plantagenet Westerberg Victor Male Nicol Emily Rose Female Mount Barker
1922/5400048 Plantagenet Nicol Emily Rose Female Westerberg Victor Male Mount Barker
1922/5400049 Plantagenet Yeldon Harold Victor Male Carling Dorothy Mary Female Mount Barker
1922/5400049 Plantagenet Carling Dorothy Mary Female Yeldon Harold Victor Male Mount Barker
1922/5400050 Plantagenet Thomson David Johnstone Male Clark Margaret Female Denmark
1922/5400050 Plantagenet Clark Margaret Female Thomson David Johnstone Male Denmark
1922/5400051 Plantagenet Brooks Estella Dorris Female Baker Eleo William Male Kendenup
1922/5400051 Plantagenet Baker Eleo William Male Brooks Estella Dorris Female Kendenup
1922/5400052 Plantagenet Neall Norah Kate Female Williss George Henry Ernest Male Albany
1922/5400052 Plantagenet Williss George Henry Ernest Male Neall Norah Kate Female Albany
1922/5400053 Plantagenet Murray Norman Bainbridge Male Schumann Anna Isabell Lizetta Female Albany
1922/5400053 Plantagenet Schumann Anna Isabell Lizetta Female Murray Norman Bainbridge Male Albany
1922/5400054 Plantagenet Goodall George Ronald Male Parish May Female Albany
1922/5400054 Plantagenet Parish May Female Goodall George Ronald Male Albany
1922/5400055 Plantagenet Hewett Florence May Female Aitken John Male Albany
1922/5400055 Plantagenet Aitken John Male Hewett Florence May Female Albany
1922/5400056 Plantagenet Knight Nathan Edward Male McKenzie Eileen Melville Female Albany
1922/5400056 Plantagenet McKenzie Eileen Melville Female Knight Nathan Edward Male Albany
1922/5400057 Plantagenet Perkins Walter Robert Male Oborne Elsie Female Tenterden
1922/5400057 Plantagenet Oborne Elsie Female Perkins Walter Robert Male Tenterden
1922/5400058 Plantagenet Giles Cecil Male Cantrell May Female Albany
1922/5400058 Plantagenet Cantrell May Female Giles Cecil Male Albany
1922/5400059 Plantagenet Sampson Walter Edward Male Garraty Ethel May Female Albany
1922/5400059 Plantagenet Garraty Ethel May Female Sampson Walter Edward Male Albany
1922/5400060 Plantagenet Leahy Ettie Female Finn James Cromwell Neverrinner Male Albany
1922/5400060 Plantagenet Finn James Cromwell Neverrinner Male Leahy Ettie Female Albany
1922/5600001 Roebourne Forrest May Female Morrow Edgar Male Roebourne
1922/5600001 Roebourne Morrow Edgar Male Forrest May Female Roebourne
1922/5600002 Roebourne Barlow Eva Female Bartley George James Male Roebourne
1922/5600002 Roebourne Bartley George James Male Barlow Eva Female Roebourne
1922/6000001 Sussex Haynes Jonas Ignatius Male Catchpole Doris Myra Female Wonerup
1922/6000001 Sussex Catchpole Doris Myra Female Haynes Jonas Ignatius Male Wonerup
1922/6000002 Sussex Clarke Beryl Female Buckingham Leonard Male Busselton
1922/6000002 Sussex Buckingham Leonard Male Clarke Beryl Female Busselton
1922/6000003 Sussex Clamp Joseph George Male Smith Jessie Hilda Female Busselton
1922/6000003 Sussex Smith Jessie Hilda Female Clamp Joseph George Male Busselton
1922/6000004 Sussex Donovan May Evelyn Female Lee William Parker Male Busselton
1922/6000004 Sussex Lee William Parker Male Donovan May Evelyn Female Busselton
1922/6000005 Sussex Jarvis Louisa Emma Female McDaniell Edward Male Busselton
1922/6000005 Sussex McDaniell Edward Male Jarvis Louisa Emma Female Busselton
1922/6000006 Sussex Willmott Catherine Josephine Female Hester William Edward Evelyn Sweeting Male Busselton
1922/6000006 Sussex Hester William Edward Evelyn Sweeting Male Willmott Catherine Josephine Female Busselton
1922/6000007 Sussex Rutherford Elizabeth Female Walsh Reginald Male Busselton
1922/6000007 Sussex Walsh Reginald Male Rutherford Elizabeth Female Busselton
1922/6000008 Sussex Rowe Edward Maurice Male Catchpole Kathleen Norah Female Busselton
1922/6000008 Sussex Catchpole Kathleen Norah Female Rowe Edward Maurice Male Busselton
1922/6000009 Sussex Blythe Roland Leonard Male Seymour Mary Agnes Female Busselton
1922/6000009 Sussex Seymour Mary Agnes Female Blythe Roland Leonard Male Busselton
1922/6000010 Sussex Lund Muriel Laura Female Sutton William John Male Busselton
1922/6000010 Sussex Sutton William John Male Lund Muriel Laura Female Busselton
1923/6100001 Swan Fitzgerald Maurice Male Morriss Cicely Female Midland Junction
1923/6100001 Swan Morriss Cicely Female Fitzgerald Maurice Male Midland Junction
1923/6100003 Swan Parkin Stanley Male Thompson Ruby Adelaide Female Guildford
1923/6100003 Swan Thompson Ruby Adelaide Female Parkin Stanley Male Guildford
1923/6100005 Swan Parker Edith Joyce Female Clarke Eric John Male Guildford
1923/6100005 Swan Clarke Eric John Male Parker Edith Joyce Female Guildford
1922/6100006 Swan Johnson Mary Lucey Female Hyde John William Male Guildford
1923/6100006 Swan Watt Jean Elizabeth Female William Walter Graham Male Guildford
1923/6100006 Swan William Walter Graham Male Watt Jean Elizabeth Female Guildford
1922/6100006 Swan Hyde John William Male Johnson Mary Lucey Female Guildford
1922/6100007 Swan King Elvey Alma Male Horan Leone Gladys Female Midland Junction
1922/6100007 Swan Horan Leone Gladys Female King Elvey Alma Male Midland Junction
1922/6100008 Swan Ross Emma Female Power Henry Thomas Male Midland Junction
1922/6100008 Swan Power Henry Thomas Male Ross Emma Female Midland Junction
1923/6100009 Swan Bucat Cosmo Male Mileta Mika Female Midland Junction
1923/6100009 Swan Mileta Mika Female Bucat Cosmo Male Midland Junction
1922/6100009 Swan Mortimer Ethel Flora May Female Hilton John Thomas Male Midland Junction
1922/6100009 Swan Hilton John Thomas Male Mortimer Ethel Flora May Female Midland Junction
1923/6100010 Swan Willoughby Annie Ellen Bridget Female Troy Martin John Male Midland Junction
1923/6100010 Swan Troy Martin John Male Willoughby Annie Ellen Bridget Female Midland Junction
1923/6100011 Swan Foot Eileen Female O'Brien John Male Midland
1922/6100011 Swan Hall Leonard Francis Male Lydiate Eunice Maud Female West Guildford
1922/6100011 Swan Lydiate Eunice Maud Female Hall Leonard Francis Male West Guildford
1923/6100011 Swan O'Brien John Male Foot Eileen Female Midland
1922/6100012 Swan Scott David Male Cullen Mary Frances Female Midland Junction
1922/6100012 Swan Cullen Mary Frances Female Scott David Male Midland Junction
1922/6100013 Swan Kukura Tomaxina Female Broxicevith Miro Male Guildford
1922/6100013 Swan Broxicevith Miro Male Kukura Tomaxina Female Guildford
1922/6100014 Swan Murray Pauline Ethel Female Horan Clayton Male Guildford
1922/6100014 Swan Horan Clayton Male Murray Pauline Ethel Female Guildford
1922/6100015 Swan Fry Violet Mary Female Cruikshank William Hugh Male West Guildford
1922/6100015 Swan Cruikshank William Hugh Male Fry Violet Mary Female West Guildford
1922/6100016 Swan Smith Frederick Carlton Male Hackford Florence Gertrude Female Bellevue
1922/6100016 Swan Hackford Florence Gertrude Female Smith Frederick Carlton Male Bellevue
1922/6100018 Swan Brown Ella Elizabeth Female Sturcke Herbert George Male West Guildford
1922/6100018 Swan Sturcke Herbert George Male Brown Ella Elizabeth Female West Guildford
1922/6100019 Swan Pritchard Emily Female Nelson George Male Midland Junction
1922/6100019 Swan Nelson George Male Pritchard Emily Female Midland Junction
1922/6100020 Swan Punch Percy Male Young Johanna Jessie Female West Guildford
1922/6100020 Swan Young Johanna Jessie Female Punch Percy Male West Guildford
1922/6100021 Swan Carr Mary Margaret Female McLernon Hugh Male Midland Junction
1922/6100021 Swan McLernon Hugh Male Carr Mary Margaret Female Midland Junction
1922/6100022 Swan Goode Dorothy Female McGregor Charles William Male Midland Junction
1922/6100022 Swan McGregor Charles William Male Goode Dorothy Female Midland Junction
1922/6100023 Swan Butler Lucy Female Wood Adam Burrell Male West Guildford
1922/6100023 Swan Wood Adam Burrell Male Butler Lucy Female West Guildford
1922/6100024 Swan McGregor Olive May Female Criddle Clarence Eathen Male Midland Junction
1922/6100024 Swan Criddle Clarence Eathen Male McGregor Olive May Female Midland Junction
1922/6100025 Swan Lucas Vera Hurst Female Loughton Archibald Chandler Male Bellevue
1922/6100025 Swan Loughton Archibald Chandler Male Lucas Vera Hurst Female Bellevue
1922/6100026 Swan Parker Bessie Emily Female Charlton Ernest Alexander Male West Guildford
1922/6100026 Swan Charlton Ernest Alexander Male Parker Bessie Emily Female West Guildford
1922/6100027 Swan Holloway Robert Horace Male Dean Elizabeth Adelina Female Midland Junction
1922/6100027 Swan Dean Elizabeth Adelina Female Holloway Robert Horace Male Midland Junction
1922/6100028 Swan Davies George Edward Male Shepherd Dorothy Frances Female Glen Forrest
1922/6100028 Swan Shepherd Dorothy Frances Female Davies George Edward Male Glen Forrest
1922/6100029 Swan Queen Ruby May Female Fry Charles Jacob Evan Male Guildford
1922/6100029 Swan Fry Charles Jacob Evan Male Queen Ruby May Female Guildford
1922/6100030 Swan Clothier Joseph James Male White Edith May Female Guildford
1922/6100030 Swan White Edith May Female Clothier Joseph James Male Guildford
1922/6100031 Swan Trott Jean Victoria Female Gardiner Geoffrey Leighton Male Guildford
1922/6100031 Swan Gardiner Geoffrey Leighton Male Trott Jean Victoria Female Guildford
1922/6100032 Swan Cocking Henry Edward Male Gaunt Ethel Annie Female Midland Junction
1922/6100032 Swan Gaunt Ethel Annie Female Cocking Henry Edward Male Midland Junction
1922/6100033 Swan Crouch Arthur Thomas Male Brinkworth Melva Florence Female Guildford
1922/6100033 Swan Brinkworth Melva Florence Female Crouch Arthur Thomas Male Guildford
1922/6100034 Swan Warn Annie Gladys Female Gillies Alfred Donald Male Guildford
1922/6100034 Swan Gillies Alfred Donald Male Warn Annie Gladys Female Guildford
1922/6100035 Swan Martin Agnes Gertrude Female Skulley Harry Arthur Male Middle Swan
1922/6100035 Swan Skulley Harry Arthur Male Martin Agnes Gertrude Female Middle Swan
1922/6100036 Swan Andrew John Douglas Male Rylands Grace Female Middle Swan
1922/6100036 Swan Rylands Grace Female Andrew John Douglas Male Middle Swan
1922/6100037 Swan Young George Thomas Male Staines Dorothy Inez Grace Female Midland Junction
1922/6100037 Swan Staines Dorothy Inez Grace Female Young George Thomas Male Midland Junction
1922/6100038 Swan Murray Alfred Henry Male Clements Edith Female Midland Junction
1922/6100038 Swan Clements Edith Female Murray Alfred Henry Male Midland Junction
1922/6100039 Swan Butcher John Arthur Male Winch Annie Elizabeth Female West Guildford
1922/6100039 Swan Winch Annie Elizabeth Female Butcher John Arthur Male West Guildford
1922/6100040 Swan Stemp Ernest William Male Lanyon Irene Stella May Female Midland Junction
1922/6100040 Swan Lanyon Irene Stella May Female Stemp Ernest William Male Midland Junction
1922/6100041 Swan Roberts Ellen Female Watts Albert Male Midland Junction
1922/6100041 Swan Watts Albert Male Roberts Ellen Female Midland Junction
1922/6100042 Swan White May Female Wood Frank Edwin Male Mundaring
1922/6100042 Swan Wood Frank Edwin Male White May Female Mundaring
1922/6100043 Swan Briden Myrtle Vera Female Purser George Robert Male West Guildford
1922/6100043 Swan Purser George Robert Male Briden Myrtle Vera Female West Guildford
1922/6100044 Swan Emery Nellie Hand Female Foster John Thomas Male Midland Junction
1922/6100044 Swan Foster John Thomas Male Emery Nellie Hand Female Midland Junction
1922/6100045 Swan Nicolson Charles Warrack Male Quinn Emily Female Midland Junction
1922/6100045 Swan Quinn Emily Female Nicolson Charles Warrack Male Midland Junction
1922/6100046 Swan Horne Beryl Female Spencer Ernest Male Upper Swan
1922/6100046 Swan Spencer Ernest Male Horne Beryl Female Upper Swan
1922/6100047 Swan Kilmurray Bridget Female Schilling Robert Julius Male Midland Junction
1922/6100047 Swan Schilling Robert Julius Male Kilmurray Bridget Female Midland Junction
1922/6100048 Swan Naglan Ivan Male Cioran Josephine Bonacich Female Midland Junction
1922/6100048 Swan Cioran Josephine Bonacich Female Naglan Ivan Male Midland Junction
1922/6100049 Swan Treen Margaret Grace Female Colquhoun Charles Melvin Male Midland Junction
1922/6100049 Swan Colquhoun Charles Melvin Male Treen Margaret Grace Female Midland Junction
1922/6100050 Swan Rummer Grace Matilda Female Sullivan William Thomas Male Guildford
1922/6100050 Swan Sullivan William Thomas Male Rummer Grace Matilda Female Guildford
1922/6100051 Swan Brown Doris Muriel Faith Female Columbus Peter Male Lion Mill
1922/6100051 Swan Columbus Peter Male Brown Doris Muriel Faith Female Lion Mill
1922/6100052 Swan Wood Frank Male Tilbee Maggie Blanche Female Midland Junction
1922/6100052 Swan Tilbee Maggie Blanche Female Wood Frank Male Midland Junction
1922/6100053 Swan Watts Irene May Female Laurissen Henry Male Midland Junction
1922/6100053 Swan Laurissen Henry Male Watts Irene May Female Midland Junction
1922/6100054 Swan Elms Thomas Male Broadway Florance Violet Female Midland Junction
1922/6100054 Swan Broadway Florance Violet Female Elms Thomas Male Midland Junction
1922/6100055 Swan Walkington Audrey Edith Female Greenhalgh Robert Stanley Male Bassendean
1922/6100055 Swan Greenhalgh Robert Stanley Male Walkington Audrey Edith Female Bassendean
1922/6100056 Swan Sloman Glenbervie John Male Irvin Eunice Evangeline Female Midland Junction
1922/6100056 Swan Irvin Eunice Evangeline Female Sloman Glenbervie John Male Midland Junction
1922/6100057 Swan Curtis William Thomas Male Alp Flossie Matilda Female Lion Mill
1922/6100057 Swan Alp Flossie Matilda Female Curtis William Thomas Male Lion Mill
1922/6100058 Swan Domney Jenny Female Campbell George Male Midland Junction
1922/6100058 Swan Campbell George Male Domney Jenny Female Midland Junction
1922/6100059 Swan Fyfe George David Male Ferris Alice Female Midland Junction
1922/6100059 Swan Ferris Alice Female Fyfe George David Male Midland Junction
1922/6100060 Swan Fox Victoria Magdalena Female Wrightson Harry Charles Male Guildford
1922/6100060 Swan Wrightson Harry Charles Male Fox Victoria Magdalena Female Guildford
1922/6100061 Swan Robinson Ivy Laura Female Hammatt Ernest Henry Male Guildford
1922/6100061 Swan Hammatt Ernest Henry Male Robinson Ivy Laura Female Guildford
1922/6100062 Swan Kay Clarence David Male Warwick Dorothy Female Guildford
1922/6100062 Swan Warwick Dorothy Female Kay Clarence David Male Guildford
1922/6100063 Swan Connaughton Belinda May Female Gray Percy James Male Guildford
1922/6100063 Swan Gray Percy James Male Connaughton Belinda May Female Guildford
1922/6100064 Swan Barrett Cecil Roy Male Davies Myrtle Mary Female Guildford
1922/6100064 Swan Davies Myrtle Mary Female Barrett Cecil Roy Male Guildford
1922/6100065 Swan Nicholson Winnifred Ella Female McCorry Ernest Cleveland Male Midland Junction
1922/6100065 Swan McCorry Ernest Cleveland Male Nicholson Winnifred Ella Female Midland Junction
1922/6100066 Swan Padbury Doris Ruth Female Olden Arthur Charles Niquet Male Guildford
1922/6100066 Swan Olden Arthur Charles Niquet Male Padbury Doris Ruth Female Guildford
1922/6100067 Swan Bailey Eva Victoria Female Loneragan Frederick William Male Guildford
1922/6100067 Swan Loneragan Frederick William Male Bailey Eva Victoria Female Guildford
1922/6100068 Swan Wakeham Minnie Female Cook Clarence Thomas Male Midland Junction
1922/6100068 Swan Cook Clarence Thomas Male Wakeham Minnie Female Midland Junction
1922/6100069 Swan Williams Ruby Female Hellmrich Charles Victor Sydney Male Midland Junction
1922/6100069 Swan Hellmrich Charles Victor Sydney Male Williams Ruby Female Midland Junction
1922/6100070 Swan Jones Annie Female Tester William Male Midland Junction
1922/6100070 Swan Tester William Male Jones Annie Female Midland Junction
1922/6100071 Swan McGlinn Salina Mabel Female O'Mara Clarence Bernard William Male Midland Junction
1922/6100071 Swan O'Mara Clarence Bernard William Male McGlinn Salina Mabel Female Midland Junction
1922/6100072 Swan Cumming Gordon Baden Male Bowman Ethel May Female Midland Junction
1922/6100072 Swan Bowman Ethel May Female Cumming Gordon Baden Male Midland Junction
1922/6100073 Swan Baker Frank Male McEvoy Betty Female Midland Junction
1922/6100073 Swan McEvoy Betty Female Baker Frank Male Midland Junction
1922/6100074 Swan Whisler Dorothy Female Fradgley Bertie Edwin Male Midland Junction
1922/6100074 Swan Fradgley Bertie Edwin Male Whisler Dorothy Female Midland Junction
1922/6100075 Swan Lilly Kate Female O'Brien Francis Errol Male Guildford
1922/6100075 Swan O'Brien Francis Errol Male Lilly Kate Female Guildford
1922/6100076 Swan Wood Lilian Agnes Maud Female Pratley Arthur Edwin Male Glen Forrest
1922/6100076 Swan Pratley Arthur Edwin Male Wood Lilian Agnes Maud Female Glen Forrest
1922/6100077 Swan Gulley Hilda Mary Female Weiland Roy Leonard Male Guildford
1922/6100077 Swan Weiland Roy Leonard Male Gulley Hilda Mary Female Guildford
1922/6100078 Swan Barndon Ruby Florence Female Parsons Alfred Allen James Male Guildford
1922/6100078 Swan Parsons Alfred Allen James Male Barndon Ruby Florence Female Guildford
1922/6100079 Swan Bass Grace Matilda Female Thornton Robert Ernest Male Guildford
1922/6100079 Swan Thornton Robert Ernest Male Bass Grace Matilda Female Guildford
1922/6100080 Swan Moore Sylvia Annie Female Hammer Charles Henry Male Midland Junction
1922/6100080 Swan Hammer Charles Henry Male Moore Sylvia Annie Female Midland Junction
1922/6100081 Swan Hyde Eunice Female Copley Mervyn Howard Male Midland Junction
1922/6100081 Swan Copley Mervyn Howard Male Hyde Eunice Female Midland Junction
1922/6100082 Swan Ireland Edward Ernest Male Smyth Annie Isobel Female Bassendean
1922/6100082 Swan Smyth Annie Isobel Female Ireland Edward Ernest Male Bassendean
1922/6500001 Victoria Plains Halligan Alicia Female Murray Hubert Robert Male New Norcia
1922/6500001 Victoria Plains Murray Hubert Robert Male Halligan Alicia Female New Norcia
1922/6500002 Victoria Plains Lanigan Mary Patricia Female Thompson Joseph Benedict Male New Norcia
1922/6500002 Victoria Plains Thompson Joseph Benedict Male Lanigan Mary Patricia Female New Norcia
1923/6600001 Wellington Kramer Frank Male Johnson Isabella Mary Female Bunbury
1923/6600001 Wellington Johnson Isabella Mary Female Kramer Frank Male Bunbury
1923/6600004 Wellington Boyle Madge Annie Female Jackson William Watkins Male Collie
1923/6600004 Wellington Jackson William Watkins Male Boyle Madge Annie Female Collie
1923/6600006 Wellington Johnson Matthew James Male Harris Beatrix Oriel Female Bunbury
1922/6600006 Wellington Ouken Elizabeth Maud Female Alpass Harold Alfred Male Bunbury
1922/6600006 Wellington Alpass Harold Alfred Male Ouken Elizabeth Maud Female Bunbury
1923/6600006 Wellington Harris Beatrix Oriel Female Johnson Matthew James Male Bunbury
1922/6600007 Wellington Boulden Emily Florence Female Roberts John Francis Male Bunbury
1922/6600007 Wellington Roberts John Francis Male Boulden Emily Florence Female Bunbury
1923/6600011 Wellington Taylor Thomas Lindsay Male Rodgers Lillian Elsie Female Australind
1923/6600011 Wellington Rodgers Lillian Elsie Female Taylor Thomas Lindsay Male Australind
1922/6600011 Wellington Coutas Apostolos Basil Male Cunnold Eileen Myrtle Female Bunbury
1922/6600011 Wellington Cunnold Eileen Myrtle Female Coutas Apostolos Basil Male Bunbury
1923/6600012 Wellington Crowley Helena May Female Hickman John Hill Male Donnybrook
1923/6600012 Wellington Hickman John Hill Male Crowley Helena May Female Donnybrook
1922/6600013 Wellington Richardson George Male Yabsley Beatrice Female Bunbury
1922/6600013 Wellington Yabsley Beatrice Female Richardson George Male Bunbury
1922/6600014 Wellington Squance Rachel Female Spencer William Albert Male Collie
1922/6600014 Wellington Spencer William Albert Male Squance Rachel Female Collie
1922/6600015 Wellington Boettcher Ida Adavade Female Firth Alfred Vincent Male Bunbury
1922/6600015 Wellington Firth Alfred Vincent Male Boettcher Ida Adavade Female Bunbury
1922/6600016 Wellington McBride Laurance Wallace Male Tassell Beatrice Ethel Female Bunbury
1922/6600016 Wellington Tassell Beatrice Ethel Female McBride Laurance Wallace Male Bunbury
1922/6600018 Wellington Cross Zillah Maud Female Thornber Laurence George Rowland Male South Bunbury
1922/6600018 Wellington Thornber Laurence George Rowland Male Cross Zillah Maud Female South Bunbury
1922/6600020 Wellington Miller Henry Jubilee Male Anderson Stella May Female Bunbury
1922/6600020 Wellington Anderson Stella May Female Miller Henry Jubilee Male Bunbury
1922/6600021 Wellington Sherlock George Percival Male Wright Myra Beryl Female Bunbury
1922/6600021 Wellington Wright Myra Beryl Female Sherlock George Percival Male Bunbury
1922/6600022 Wellington Fell Violet Hinemoa Female Moore Mark Edward Male Bunbury
1922/6600022 Wellington Moore Mark Edward Male Fell Violet Hinemoa Female Bunbury
1922/6600023 Wellington Roberts Charles Male Harrison Isabel May Female Bunbury
1922/6600023 Wellington Harrison Isabel May Female Roberts Charles Male Bunbury
1922/6600024 Wellington Pitts James John Male Bond Lena Rose Female Yarloop
1922/6600024 Wellington Bond Lena Rose Female Pitts James John Male Yarloop
1922/6600025 Wellington Fitzpatrick Stella Agnes Female Buswell Jack Male Rathmines
1922/6600025 Wellington Buswell Jack Male Fitzpatrick Stella Agnes Female Rathmines
1922/6600026 Wellington Brittain Doris Female Gardiner Hubert Cyril Male Bunbury
1922/6600026 Wellington Gardiner Hubert Cyril Male Brittain Doris Female Bunbury
1922/6600027 Wellington Smith Helena Mildred Female Stevens Richard William Male Bunbury
1922/6600027 Wellington Stevens Richard William Male Smith Helena Mildred Female Bunbury
1922/6600028 Wellington Trigwell Clarence Alexander Walker Male Hannan Alice Hilda Female Donnybrook
1922/6600028 Wellington Hannan Alice Hilda Female Trigwell Clarence Alexander Walker Male Donnybrook
1922/6600029 Wellington Howlett James Jarrahwood Male Hickman Ethel May Female Bunbury
1922/6600029 Wellington Hickman Ethel May Female Howlett James Jarrahwood Male Bunbury
1922/6600030 Wellington Dillon Ernest Patrick Male Nawell Ethel May Female Collie
1922/6600030 Wellington Nawell Ethel May Female Dillon Ernest Patrick Male Collie
1922/6600031 Wellington Scott Flora Ann Wakem Female Warner Mervyn John Male Kirup
1922/6600031 Wellington Warner Mervyn John Male Scott Flora Ann Wakem Female Kirup
1922/6600032 Wellington Gane Mona Female Scott Sydney Male Collie
1922/6600032 Wellington Scott Sydney Male Gane Mona Female Collie
1922/6600033 Wellington Driscoll James Francis Male Cooper Myrtle May Female Collie
1922/6600033 Wellington Cooper Myrtle May Female Driscoll James Francis Male Collie
1922/6600034 Wellington Alcorn Charles Henry Male Gardiner Jessie Matilda Female Collie
1922/6600034 Wellington Gardiner Jessie Matilda Female Alcorn Charles Henry Male Collie
1922/6600035 Wellington Grover Bertha May Female Campbell John Edwin Male Bunbury
1922/6600035 Wellington Campbell John Edwin Male Grover Bertha May Female Bunbury
1922/6600036 Wellington Slattery Kathleen Mary Alma Female Rodgers George Male Dardanup
1922/6600036 Wellington Rodgers George Male Slattery Kathleen Mary Alma Female Dardanup
1922/6600037 Wellington Smith John William Male Palmer Barbara Female Collie
1922/6600037 Wellington Palmer Barbara Female Smith John William Male Collie
1922/6600038 Wellington Norrie John Male Daniels Hilda May Female Collie
1922/6600038 Wellington Daniels Hilda May Female Norrie John Male Collie
1922/6600039 Wellington Waddingham Lilian Rose Female Turner William James Male Capel
1922/6600039 Wellington Turner William James Male Waddingham Lilian Rose Female Capel
1922/6600040 Wellington Saunders Stanley James Male Suckling Doris Mary Lily Female Collie
1922/6600040 Wellington Suckling Doris Mary Lily Female Saunders Stanley James Male Collie
1922/6600041 Wellington Hodgers John Male McArthur Emma Female Collie
1922/6600041 Wellington McArthur Emma Female Hodgers John Male Collie
1922/6600042 Wellington Robson Mary Elizabeth Female Hastie Thomas Joseph Male Collie
1922/6600042 Wellington Hastie Thomas Joseph Male Robson Mary Elizabeth Female Collie
1922/6600043 Wellington Balaam Edward Victor Male Oliver Alma Jane Female Collie
1922/6600043 Wellington Oliver Alma Jane Female Balaam Edward Victor Male Collie
1922/6600044 Wellington Finch Winifred Vicary Female Fowler Hugh Lionel Male Bunbury
1922/6600044 Wellington Fowler Hugh Lionel Male Finch Winifred Vicary Female Bunbury
1922/6600045 Wellington Lamming Thomas Mervyn Male Hardie Blanche Winifred Female Bunbury
1922/6600045 Wellington Hardie Blanche Winifred Female Lamming Thomas Mervyn Male Bunbury
1922/6600046 Wellington Crocker David William Carlisle Male Appleford Violet Lilian Female Collie
1922/6600046 Wellington Appleford Violet Lilian Female Crocker David William Carlisle Male Collie
1922/6600047 Wellington McDermid Agnes Caldwell Female Johnson Robert Godschall Male Bunbury
1922/6600047 Wellington Johnson Robert Godschall Male McDermid Agnes Caldwell Female Bunbury
1922/6600048 Wellington Wenn Victoria Clarice Female Horne Sidney Allan Male Bunbury
1922/6600048 Wellington Horne Sidney Allan Male Wenn Victoria Clarice Female Bunbury
1922/6600049 Wellington Cohen Eustace Gresley Male Brazier Maude Female Donnybrook
1922/6600049 Wellington Brazier Maude Female Cohen Eustace Gresley Male Donnybrook
1922/6600050 Wellington Hill Millicent Female Saunders Arthur Llewellyn Male Collie
1922/6600050 Wellington Saunders Arthur Llewellyn Male Hill Millicent Female Collie
1922/6600051 Wellington Hunt Grace Anne Female Cassey Peter Male Collie
1922/6600051 Wellington Cassey Peter Male Hunt Grace Anne Female Collie
1922/6600052 Wellington Fallon Catherine Maud Female Williams Herron Hopetoun Male Moodiarrup
1922/6600052 Wellington Williams Herron Hopetoun Male Fallon Catherine Maud Female Moodiarrup
1922/6600053 Wellington Cooper Mary Jean Female Slater William Male Harvey
1922/6600053 Wellington Slater William Male Cooper Mary Jean Female Harvey
1922/6600054 Wellington Rose Samuel Clifton Male Payne Ida May Female Capel
1922/6600054 Wellington Payne Ida May Female Rose Samuel Clifton Male Capel
1922/6600055 Wellington Denning Frederick Male Hislop Marjorie Female Bunbury
1922/6600055 Wellington Hislop Marjorie Female Denning Frederick Male Bunbury
1922/6600056 Wellington Hayes William Male Raynes Gertrude Mary Female Bunbury
1922/6600056 Wellington Raynes Gertrude Mary Female Hayes William Male Bunbury
1922/6600057 Wellington Whitworth Olive May Howarth Female Tyler Cyril John Male Collie
1922/6600057 Wellington Tyler Cyril John Male Whitworth Olive May Howarth Female Collie
1922/6600058 Wellington Blinco Ann Daisy Female Moore Herbert Alfred Male Bunbury
1922/6600058 Wellington Moore Herbert Alfred Male Blinco Ann Daisy Female Bunbury
1922/6600059 Wellington O'Donnell Thomas Male Hanssen Josephine Ellen Female Collie
1922/6600059 Wellington Hanssen Josephine Ellen Female O'Donnell Thomas Male Collie
1922/6600060 Wellington Price Malanda Jane Female Dempsey William Male Collie
1922/6600060 Wellington Dempsey William Male Price Malanda Jane Female Collie
1922/6600061 Wellington Marley Harold Male Collie Geraldine Mary Female Collie
1922/6600061 Wellington Collie Geraldine Mary Female Marley Harold Male Collie
1922/6600062 Wellington Flinn-Sears Elizabeth Harriet Female Peters Walter Noel Male Donnybrook
1922/6600062 Wellington Peters Walter Noel Male Flinn-Sears Elizabeth Harriet Female Donnybrook
1922/6600063 Wellington Williams Thomas Arthur Male Farrell Mary Margaret Female Bunbury
1922/6600063 Wellington Farrell Mary Margaret Female Williams Thomas Arthur Male Bunbury
1922/6600064 Wellington Dalton Niven Howie Male Dungey Queenie Annie Female Bunbury
1922/6600064 Wellington Dungey Queenie Annie Female Dalton Niven Howie Male Bunbury
1922/6600065 Wellington Moyle Henry Walter Male Tissott Evelyn Myra Female Collie
1922/6600065 Wellington Tissott Evelyn Myra Female Moyle Henry Walter Male Collie
1922/6600066 Wellington Walker Mary Gladys Female Buswell Leslie Roy Male Bunbury
1922/6600066 Wellington Buswell Leslie Roy Male Walker Mary Gladys Female Bunbury
1922/6600067 Wellington Smith Isobel Ruth Female McIntosh Albert Male Collie
1922/6600067 Wellington McIntosh Albert Male Smith Isobel Ruth Female Collie
1922/6600068 Wellington Williams Thomas Cameron Male Strassburg Elsa Female Nanga Brook
1922/6600068 Wellington Strassburg Elsa Female Williams Thomas Cameron Male Nanga Brook
1922/6600069 Wellington Marshall Stowell Male McDonald Violet Female Cookernup
1922/6600069 Wellington McDonald Violet Female Marshall Stowell Male Cookernup
1922/6600070 Wellington Whiteaker Mary Lynda Female Mandry George Giles Male Collie
1922/6600070 Wellington Mandry George Giles Male Whiteaker Mary Lynda Female Collie
1922/6600071 Wellington Hatch Marjorie Ann Female Murray James Male Donnybrook
1922/6600071 Wellington Murray James Male Hatch Marjorie Ann Female Donnybrook
1922/6600072 Wellington Baron Bertram Ernest Male Lawrence Alice Elizabeth Female Bunbury
1922/6600072 Wellington Lawrence Alice Elizabeth Female Baron Bertram Ernest Male Bunbury
1922/6600073 Wellington Butcher Thomas Edward Male Woodhouse Beatrice Female Collie
1922/6600073 Wellington Woodhouse Beatrice Female Butcher Thomas Edward Male Collie
1922/6600074 Wellington Stewart Victoria Maud Margaret Female Birch Harald Ernest Male Bunbury
1922/6600074 Wellington Birch Harald Ernest Male Stewart Victoria Maud Margaret Female Bunbury
1922/6600075 Wellington Brennan Martha Teresa Female O'Grady William John Male Collie
1922/6600075 Wellington O'Grady William John Male Brennan Martha Teresa Female Collie
1922/6600076 Wellington Hymus Jean Elizabeth Female Bogle Charles Herman Male Harvey
1922/6600076 Wellington Bogle Charles Herman Male Hymus Jean Elizabeth Female Harvey
1922/6600077 Wellington Thorpe Hilda Martha Female Clarke William Herbert Male Harvey
1922/6600077 Wellington Clarke William Herbert Male Thorpe Hilda Martha Female Harvey
1922/6600078 Wellington Gill Robert Bland Male Watts Florence May Female Bunbury
1922/6600078 Wellington Watts Florence May Female Gill Robert Bland Male Bunbury
1922/6600079 Wellington Russell Emily May Female Miller William Dominic Male Dardanup
1922/6600079 Wellington Miller William Dominic Male Russell Emily May Female Dardanup
1922/6600080 Wellington Mitchell Gem Christabel Female Pulford Charles Herbert Male Donnybrook
1922/6600080 Wellington Pulford Charles Herbert Male Mitchell Gem Christabel Female Donnybrook
1922/6600081 Wellington Waddingham Rosetta Fanny Female Taylor Albert Edward Male Capel
1922/6600081 Wellington Taylor Albert Edward Male Waddingham Rosetta Fanny Female Capel
1922/6600082 Wellington Goodings Elizabeth Pansy Rose Female Kelly Bernard Morris Male Lyall's Mill
1922/6600082 Wellington Kelly Bernard Morris Male Goodings Elizabeth Pansy Rose Female Lyall's Mill
1922/6600083 Wellington Barnes Winifred Edith Female Matheson Allan Thomas Male Harvey
1922/6600083 Wellington Matheson Allan Thomas Male Barnes Winifred Edith Female Harvey
1922/6600084 Wellington Kitchen Samuel Ernest Male Mahlberg Margaret Mary Sylvia Rose Female Bunbury
1922/6600084 Wellington Mahlberg Margaret Mary Sylvia Rose Female Kitchen Samuel Ernest Male Bunbury
1922/6600085 Wellington McCullock William Male Harris Mildred Eva Female Collie
1922/6600085 Wellington Harris Mildred Eva Female McCullock William Male Collie
1922/6600086 Wellington Wood Eva Ann Female Dale Charles Henry Male Donnybrook
1922/6600086 Wellington Dale Charles Henry Male Wood Eva Ann Female Donnybrook
1922/6600087 Wellington Mills John Raymond Male Lynde Isabel Female Bunbury
1922/6600087 Wellington Lynde Isabel Female Mills John Raymond Male Bunbury
1922/6600088 Wellington Mills Sidney John Male Tipping Ruby Ethelwyn Female Bunbury
1922/6600088 Wellington Tipping Ruby Ethelwyn Female Mills Sidney John Male Bunbury
1922/6600089 Wellington Tutton Frank Male Scott Adelaide Isabel Female Kirup
1922/6600089 Wellington Scott Adelaide Isabel Female Tutton Frank Male Kirup
1922/6600090 Wellington Massara Phillip Male McCrainor Margaret Female Collie
1922/6600090 Wellington McCrainor Margaret Female Massara Phillip Male Collie
1922/6600091 Wellington Hughes Arthur John Male Buck Ivy Alice Lynda Female Bunbury
1922/6600091 Wellington Buck Ivy Alice Lynda Female Hughes Arthur John Male Bunbury
1922/6600092 Wellington Trigwell Henry Lester Male Sylvester Josephine Doreen Female Bunbury
1922/6600092 Wellington Sylvester Josephine Doreen Female Trigwell Henry Lester Male Bunbury
1922/6600093 Wellington Pettit Leslie Melville Male Hill Edith Mabel Female Collie
1922/6600093 Wellington Hill Edith Mabel Female Pettit Leslie Melville Male Collie
1922/6600094 Wellington Bengough William Walter Male Fencker Constance Victoria May Female Collie
1922/6600094 Wellington Fencker Constance Victoria May Female Bengough William Walter Male Collie
1922/6600095 Wellington Bamford John Edward Male Lawrie Lillian Eva Female Collie
1922/6600095 Wellington Lawrie Lillian Eva Female Bamford John Edward Male Collie
1922/6600096 Wellington Gardiner Margaret Agnes Female Knight Cecil Gordon Male Ferguson
1922/6600096 Wellington Knight Cecil Gordon Male Gardiner Margaret Agnes Female Ferguson
1922/6600097 Wellington Hayward Dorothy May Female Lofthouse Bernard Hopton Male Harvey
1922/6600097 Wellington Lofthouse Bernard Hopton Male Hayward Dorothy May Female Harvey
1922/6600098 Wellington Peak May Alice Female Beauclarke Cyril Male Boyanup
1922/6600098 Wellington Beauclarke Cyril Male Peak May Alice Female Boyanup
1922/6600099 Wellington Warne Emily Myrtle Female Pearce Roy Lance Foster Male Collie
1922/6600099 Wellington Pearce Roy Lance Foster Male Warne Emily Myrtle Female Collie
1922/6600100 Wellington Holywell Louise Aiset Female McCreery Thomas Male Bunbury
1922/6600100 Wellington McCreery Thomas Male Holywell Louise Aiset Female Bunbury
1922/6600101 Wellington Reid Dorothy Thelma Elizabeth Female Watt Alexander Stephen George Male Bunbury
1922/6600101 Wellington Watt Alexander Stephen George Male Reid Dorothy Thelma Elizabeth Female Bunbury
1922/6600102 Wellington Gilmour Robert Ernest Male Powell Mary Jane Female Bunbury
1922/6600102 Wellington Powell Mary Jane Female Gilmour Robert Ernest Male Bunbury
1922/6600103 Wellington Rogers George Thomas Leslie Male Roney Dorothy Kathleen Pearl Female Collie
1922/6600103 Wellington Roney Dorothy Kathleen Pearl Female Rogers George Thomas Leslie Male Collie
1922/6600104 Wellington Trenoweth Alice Female McDermid Robert Male Bunbury
1922/6600104 Wellington McDermid Robert Male Trenoweth Alice Female Bunbury
1922/6600105 Wellington Gillespie Jessie Female Owen William Male Ewington
1922/6600105 Wellington Owen William Male Gillespie Jessie Female Ewington
1922/6600106 Wellington Bartlett Ivy Ellen Female Chester Frank Herbert Male Bunbury
1922/6600106 Wellington Chester Frank Herbert Male Bartlett Ivy Ellen Female Bunbury
1922/6600107 Wellington Shannon Samuel Johnstone Male Hamill Agnes Female Collie
1922/6600107 Wellington Hamill Agnes Female Shannon Samuel Johnstone Male Collie
1922/6600108 Wellington Bastian Edward John Male Grant Clarice Female Collie
1922/6600108 Wellington Grant Clarice Female Bastian Edward John Male Collie
1922/6600109 Wellington Forster Percy James Male Robinson Hilda Female Brunswick Junction
1922/6600109 Wellington Robinson Hilda Female Forster Percy James Male Brunswick Junction
1922/6600110 Wellington Mincham Hilda Isabel Female Miller William Maxwell Male Harvey
1922/6600110 Wellington Miller William Maxwell Male Mincham Hilda Isabel Female Harvey
1922/6600111 Wellington Earl Vida May Female Gibson Harold Ernest Male Bunbury
1922/6600111 Wellington Gibson Harold Ernest Male Earl Vida May Female Bunbury
1922/6600112 Wellington Grainger Charlotte Annie Female Sampey Harold John Male Bunbury
1922/6600112 Wellington Sampey Harold John Male Grainger Charlotte Annie Female Bunbury
1922/6600113 Wellington Reeves Alfred James Robert Male Butcher Elizabeth Agnes Female Collie
1922/6600113 Wellington Butcher Elizabeth Agnes Female Reeves Alfred James Robert Male Collie
1922/6700002 Williams Raven Charles Hardwick Male Wills Ruth Female Narrogin
1922/6700002 Williams Wills Ruth Female Raven Charles Hardwick Male Narrogin
1922/6700003 Williams Walter Henry William Male Heffernan Frances Mignonette Bridget Female Narrogin
1922/6700003 Williams Heffernan Frances Mignonette Bridget Female Walter Henry William Male Narrogin
1922/6700004 Williams Hicks Enid Victoria Rose Female Hughes Aubrey Robert Male Williams
1922/6700004 Williams Hughes Aubrey Robert Male Hicks Enid Victoria Rose Female Williams
1922/6700005 Williams Lewis William James Male McCabe Emily Female Narrogin
1922/6700005 Williams McCabe Emily Female Lewis William James Male Narrogin
1922/6700006 Williams Rose William Frederick Male Seddon Muriel Ball Female Narrogin
1922/6700006 Williams Seddon Muriel Ball Female Rose William Frederick Male Narrogin
1923/6700007 Williams Fraser Elizabeth Female Sten Thomas Male Narrogin
1922/6700007 Williams Moon Albert John Male Gould Ivy Female Narrogin
1922/6700007 Williams Gould Ivy Female Moon Albert John Male Narrogin
1923/6700007 Williams Sten Thomas Male Fraser Elizabeth Female Narrogin
1922/6700008 Williams Bendell Elsie May Female Platts Frank Cyril Male Narrogin
1922/6700008 Williams Platts Frank Cyril Male Bendell Elsie May Female Narrogin
1922/6700009 Williams Mortimer Hector Macdonald Male Bray Daisy Ford Female Narrogin
1922/6700009 Williams Bray Daisy Ford Female Mortimer Hector Macdonald Male Narrogin
1922/6700010 Williams Ebsary Edna Olive Maud Female Riseborough Albert Male Narrogin
1922/6700010 Williams Riseborough Albert Male Ebsary Edna Olive Maud Female Narrogin
1922/6700011 Williams Warner Edith Dorothy Female Retallack Claude Thomas Male Wickepin
1922/6700011 Williams Retallack Claude Thomas Male Warner Edith Dorothy Female Wickepin
1922/6700012 Williams Harrold Ivo Herbert Male Playle Eileen Maud Female Narrogin
1922/6700012 Williams Playle Eileen Maud Female Harrold Ivo Herbert Male Narrogin
1922/6700013 Williams Parnell Charles Male Allingham Beatrice Gwendolyn Edith Female Narrogin
1922/6700013 Williams Allingham Beatrice Gwendolyn Edith Female Parnell Charles Male Narrogin
1922/6700014 Williams Gould Myrtle Female Herbert Harold Raymond Male Narrogin
1922/6700014 Williams Herbert Harold Raymond Male Gould Myrtle Female Narrogin
1922/6700015 Williams Freebre Ernest Male Fletcher Ursula Mary Amelia Female Marradong
1922/6700015 Williams Fletcher Ursula Mary Amelia Female Freebre Ernest Male Marradong
1922/6700016 Williams Townsend Ada Female Beeck Hurtle Joseph Male Narrogin
1922/6700016 Williams Beeck Hurtle Joseph Male Townsend Ada Female Narrogin
1922/6700017 Williams Walker Walter Male Shaw Ina Allan Female Narrogin
1922/6700017 Williams Shaw Ina Allan Female Walker Walter Male Narrogin
1922/6700018 Williams Tregear Robert Albert Roach Male Holt Emma Catherine Stephens Female Wickepin
1922/6700018 Williams Holt Emma Catherine Stephens Female Tregear Robert Albert Roach Male Wickepin
1922/6700019 Williams Price Mary Ann Female Collard Charles Ernest Male Narrogin
1922/6700019 Williams Collard Charles Ernest Male Price Mary Ann Female Narrogin
1922/6700020 Williams Cowcher Herbert Frank Farmer Male Graham Mary Emma Female Narrogin
1922/6700020 Williams Graham Mary Emma Female Cowcher Herbert Frank Farmer Male Narrogin
1922/6700021 Williams Russell Marion Jean McNaught Female Bunce Frederick Robert Male Narrogin
1922/6700021 Williams Bunce Frederick Robert Male Russell Marion Jean McNaught Female Narrogin
1922/6700022 Williams Porteous Winifred Laurence Female Charlton George Robert Male Bannister
1922/6700022 Williams Charlton George Robert Male Porteous Winifred Laurence Female Bannister
1922/6700023 Williams Biggs Robert James Male Johns Mary Female Wickepin
1922/6700023 Williams Johns Mary Female Biggs Robert James Male Wickepin
1922/6700024 Williams Duncuff Hilda May Female Borgas Frederick William Male Narrogin
1922/6700024 Williams Borgas Frederick William Male Duncuff Hilda May Female Narrogin
1922/6700025 Williams Duff James Alexander Male Ewing Williamina Female Williams
1922/6700025 Williams Ewing Williamina Female Duff James Alexander Male Williams
1922/6700026 Williams Townsend Florence Charlotte Emily Female Peterson Thomas Henry Male Cuballing
1922/6700026 Williams Peterson Thomas Henry Male Townsend Florence Charlotte Emily Female Cuballing
1922/6700027 Williams Medlen Gwendoline Female Phillis Alexander Kenneth Male Williams
1922/6700027 Williams Phillis Alexander Kenneth Male Medlen Gwendoline Female Williams
1922/6700028 Williams Crabbe Francis Ernest Male Bennett Bertha Female Narrogin
1922/6700028 Williams Bennett Bertha Female Crabbe Francis Ernest Male Narrogin
1922/6700029 Williams Hosken Leonard James Male Sims Edith Maude Russell Female Dorakin
1922/6700029 Williams Sims Edith Maude Russell Female Hosken Leonard James Male Dorakin
1922/6700030 Williams Bird Thomas Male Ingram Lillian Mary Female Narrogin
1922/6700030 Williams Ingram Lillian Mary Female Bird Thomas Male Narrogin
1922/6700031 Williams Marshall William Gordon Chesterfield Male White Maud Mary Female Narrogin
1922/6700031 Williams White Maud Mary Female Marshall William Gordon Chesterfield Male Narrogin
1922/6700032 Williams Lowke John Male Hodges Violet Caroline Myra Female Narrogin
1922/6700032 Williams Hodges Violet Caroline Myra Female Lowke John Male Narrogin
1922/6700033 Williams Casey Eleanore Mary Christina Female Magee John Owen Male Narrogin
1922/6700033 Williams Magee John Owen Male Casey Eleanore Mary Christina Female Narrogin
1922/6700034 Williams Russell Veronica Frances Female Walker Frank Herbert Male Narrogin
1922/6700034 Williams Walker Frank Herbert Male Russell Veronica Frances Female Narrogin
1922/6700035 Williams Norman Sydney Leonard Male Stewart Jessie May Female Harrismith
1922/6700035 Williams Stewart Jessie May Female Norman Sydney Leonard Male Harrismith
1922/6700036 Williams Doney Elizabeth Ann Female Anderson James Male East Narrogin
1922/6700036 Williams Anderson James Male Doney Elizabeth Ann Female East Narrogin
1922/6700037 Williams Boothey Amy Stella Female Clements George Henry James Male East Narrogin
1922/6700037 Williams Clements George Henry James Male Boothey Amy Stella Female East Narrogin
1922/6700038 Williams Trestrail Eva Ann Female Broun Sylvanus Hector Male Popanyinning
1922/6700038 Williams Broun Sylvanus Hector Male Trestrail Eva Ann Female Popanyinning
1922/6700039 Williams Harmour Horace Male Martin Catherine Agnes Female Narrogin
1922/6700039 Williams Martin Catherine Agnes Female Harmour Horace Male Narrogin
1922/6900001 Yalgoo Rechner Flora Female Beall George Edward Male Yalgoo
1922/6900001 Yalgoo Beall George Edward Male Rechner Flora Female Yalgoo
1922/6900002 Yalgoo Molly - Female Hector - Male Yalgoo
1922/6900002 Yalgoo Hector - Male Molly - Female Yalgoo
1922/6900003 Yalgoo Flannagen Nellie Irene Female Nevill John Laurence Stanley Male Yalgoo
1922/6900003 Yalgoo Nevill John Laurence Stanley Male Flannagen Nellie Irene Female Yalgoo
1922/6900004 Yalgoo Pope Edith Mary Female Woods William Hamilton Burnett Male Yalgoo
1922/6900004 Yalgoo Woods William Hamilton Burnett Male Pope Edith Mary Female Yalgoo
1922/7000001 Yilgarn McCarthy Patrick Roy Male McNamara Elizabeth Female Westonia
1922/7000001 Yilgarn McNamara Elizabeth Female McCarthy Patrick Roy Male Westonia
1922/7000002 Yilgarn Birt Arthur Herbert Stanley Male Birt Sarah Blodwyn Female Southern Cross
1922/7000002 Yilgarn Birt Sarah Blodwyn Female Birt Arthur Herbert Stanley Male Southern Cross
1922/7000003 Yilgarn Melville Ernest James Male Smith Olive Iris Female Southern Cross
1922/7000003 Yilgarn Smith Olive Iris Female Melville Ernest James Male Southern Cross
1922/7000004 Yilgarn Carlson Martin Male Jones Sarah Female Southern Cross
1922/7000004 Yilgarn Jones Sarah Female Carlson Martin Male Southern Cross
1922/7000005 Yilgarn Broadbent Hazel Mildred Female Chester Ernest Sydney Dunbar Male Southern Cross
1922/7000005 Yilgarn Chester Ernest Sydney Dunbar Male Broadbent Hazel Mildred Female Southern Cross
1922/7000006 Yilgarn Leevers Arthur Cyril Male Graham Alma Beatrice Female Westonia
1922/7000006 Yilgarn Graham Alma Beatrice Female Leevers Arthur Cyril Male Westonia
1922/7100001 York Taylor Ida Gertrude Emma Female Grigson Dennis Male York
1922/7100001 York Grigson Dennis Male Taylor Ida Gertrude Emma Female York
1923/7100001 York Swanson Annie Female Prunster Victor Joseph Male York
1923/7100001 York Prunster Victor Joseph Male Swanson Annie Female York
1923/7100002 York Eddy William Thomas Garret Male White Pearla Daisy Maud Female York
1922/7100002 York Collett Norman James Male Thorn Ivy Clarice Female York
1922/7100002 York Thorn Ivy Clarice Female Collett Norman James Male York
1923/7100002 York White Pearla Daisy Maud Female Eddy William Thomas Garret Male York
1922/7100003 York Scherenbrucker Francis Xavier Male Meehan Emily Female York
1923/7100003 York Smith Christopher James Male Linto Jane Josephine Female York
1922/7100003 York Meehan Emily Female Scherenbrucker Francis Xavier Male York
1923/7100003 York Linto Jane Josephine Female Smith Christopher James Male York
1922/7100004 York McTaggart Gordon Ronald Male Linto Martha Gertrude Female York
1923/7100004 York Jones Charles Albert Male Merrick Mary Female York
1922/7100004 York Linto Martha Gertrude Female McTaggart Gordon Ronald Male York
1923/7100004 York Merrick Mary Female Jones Charles Albert Male York
1922/7100005 York Boyle James Henry Male Gault Ethel Female Greenhills
1922/7100005 York Gault Ethel Female Boyle James Henry Male Greenhills
1922/7100006 York Fitzgerald Harold Male Uchler Una Female Balkuling
1922/7100006 York Uchler Una Female Fitzgerald Harold Male Balkuling
1922/7100007 York Beardman Keneth Eric Male Stevens Margaret Agnes Female York
1922/7100007 York Stevens Margaret Agnes Female Beardman Keneth Eric Male York
1922/7100008 York Meehan John Luke Male Warren Elsie Eva Female York
1922/7100008 York Warren Elsie Eva Female Meehan John Luke Male York
1922/7100009 York Thielemann Isabella Henryetta Female Wiseman Francis Male York
1922/7100009 York Wiseman Francis Male Thielemann Isabella Henryetta Female York