A tool to help track the citations of the Western Australian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages from Wikidata and WikiTree.

Marriages in: 1919

Registration year & number Registration district Surname Given names Gender Spouse surname Spouse given names Spouse gender Marriage place Wikidata WikiTree
1920/100001 Perth Halliday Alfred Henry Male Naismith Harriet Victoria Female North Perth
1920/100001 Perth Naismith Harriet Victoria Female Halliday Alfred Henry Male North Perth
1920/100002 Perth Stephens Arthur Male Smith Grace Female Perth
1920/100002 Perth Smith Grace Female Stephens Arthur Male Perth
1920/100003 Perth Moody Hal Fitzgerald Male Joyce Elizabeth Eleanor Female Perth
1920/100003 Perth Joyce Elizabeth Eleanor Female Moody Hal Fitzgerald Male Perth
1920/100004 Perth Kreitling Elsie Catherine Female Matters Keith Wylie Male Perth
1920/100004 Perth Matters Keith Wylie Male Kreitling Elsie Catherine Female Perth
1920/100005 Perth Armstrong John Colin Male Lockyer Hilda Mary Female Perth
1920/100005 Perth Lockyer Hilda Mary Female Armstrong John Colin Male Perth
1920/100006 Perth Taft Frederick Thomas Male Ryan Catherine Female Perth
1920/100006 Perth Ryan Catherine Female Taft Frederick Thomas Male Perth
1920/100007 Perth Riseley Victor Male Schlaikier Lilly Female Perth
1920/100007 Perth Schlaikier Lilly Female Riseley Victor Male Perth
1920/100008 Perth Comiskey Rose Female Malone William Male Osborne Park
1920/100008 Perth Malone William Male Comiskey Rose Female Osborne Park
1920/100009 Perth Weston Violet Female Haynes Harold Male Perth
1920/100009 Perth Haynes Harold Male Weston Violet Female Perth
1920/100010 Perth Byrne John Male Mahar Mary Ann Female Perth
1920/100010 Perth Mahar Mary Ann Female Byrne John Male Perth
1920/100011 Perth Thomas Richard George Male Marshall Olive Female Perth
1919/100011 Perth Williamson Helene Female Male Winfred Male Perth
1920/100011 Perth Marshall Olive Female Thomas Richard George Male Perth
1919/100011 Perth Male Winfred Male Williamson Helene Female Perth
1919/100012 Perth O'Mahony Arthur Male Brodie Jane Female Perth
1919/100012 Perth Brodie Jane Female O'Mahony Arthur Male Perth
1920/100012 Perth Ullyott Gladys Female Williams James Hart Male Perth
1920/100012 Perth Williams James Hart Male Ullyott Gladys Female Perth
1920/100013 Perth Allwood Edwin Male Smith Viola Estella Macleay Female Perth
1920/100013 Perth Smith Viola Estella Macleay Female Allwood Edwin Male Perth
1920/100014 Perth Cook Phillis Evelyn Female Glaskin Leonard Foulkes Male Perth
1920/100014 Perth Glaskin Leonard Foulkes Male Cook Phillis Evelyn Female Perth
1919/100014 Perth Gould Leila Gracie Female Mansbridge George Alfred John Male East Perth
1919/100014 Perth Mansbridge George Alfred John Male Gould Leila Gracie Female East Perth
1920/100015 Perth Williams Joseph Zachariah Male Farrant Florence Emma Female Perth
1919/100015 Perth Wood Claire Female Mortimer William Male Maylands
1919/100015 Perth Mortimer William Male Wood Claire Female Maylands
1920/100015 Perth Farrant Florence Emma Female Williams Joseph Zachariah Male Perth
1919/100016 Perth Taylor Hazel Female Francis Victor Lorraine Male Perth
1920/100016 Perth Field Charles Ross Male Nicol Nellie Female Perth
1919/100016 Perth Francis Victor Lorraine Male Taylor Hazel Female Perth
1920/100016 Perth Nicol Nellie Female Field Charles Ross Male Perth
1920/100017 Perth Wardell-Johnson Kathleen Beatrice Female Challen Leslie George Reginald Male Perth
1919/100017 Perth Nissenson Gertie Female Herman Josef Male Perth
1919/100017 Perth Herman Josef Male Nissenson Gertie Female Perth
1920/100017 Perth Challen Leslie George Reginald Male Wardell-Johnson Kathleen Beatrice Female Perth
1919/100018 Perth Smith Daniel Male Pollock Elizabeth Mary Female Perth
1920/100018 Perth Leach Sydney John Male Hawkins Alice Ethel Female Perth
1919/100018 Perth Pollock Elizabeth Mary Female Smith Daniel Male Perth
1920/100018 Perth Hawkins Alice Ethel Female Leach Sydney John Male Perth
1920/100019 Perth Olson Alfred John Male Armstrong Alice Blakey Female Perth
1920/100019 Perth Armstrong Alice Blakey Female Olson Alfred John Male Perth
1919/100020 Perth Corboy Edwin Wilkie Male Tobin Hannah Emily Winifred Female Bayswater
1919/100020 Perth Tobin Hannah Emily Winifred Female Corboy Edwin Wilkie Male Bayswater
1920/100020 Perth Lee Mary Catherine Female Johnstone Robert James Male West Perth
1920/100020 Perth Johnstone Robert James Male Lee Mary Catherine Female West Perth
1919/100021 Perth Scates Adaline Female Curtis Frank Alexandra Thomas Male Maylands
1920/100021 Perth Downey Francis Charles Male Tonkin Gertrude Lilian Female West Perth
1920/100021 Perth Tonkin Gertrude Lilian Female Downey Francis Charles Male West Perth
1919/100021 Perth Curtis Frank Alexandra Thomas Male Scates Adaline Female Maylands
1920/100023 Perth Waghorn Olive Marion Female Crump Albert Henry Male Cottesloe
1920/100023 Perth Crump Albert Henry Male Waghorn Olive Marion Female Cottesloe
1920/100024 Perth Hansen Hans Jörgen Male Carter Isabel Rosa Female Cottesloe
1920/100024 Perth Carter Isabel Rosa Female Hansen Hans Jörgen Male Cottesloe
1920/100025 Perth Smith Eno Phyllis Female Skevington Frank Whitaker Male Cottesloe
1920/100025 Perth Skevington Frank Whitaker Male Smith Eno Phyllis Female Cottesloe
1920/100026 Perth Nicholls John William Male Heenan Alice Maude Female Subiaco
1920/100026 Perth Heenan Alice Maude Female Nicholls John William Male Subiaco
1919/100027 Perth Bell Francis Male Green Annie Jane Female Perth
1920/100027 Perth Smith Ellen Louise Female Smith Andrew Male West Perth
1920/100027 Perth Smith Andrew Male Smith Ellen Louise Female West Perth
1919/100027 Perth Green Annie Jane Female Bell Francis Male Perth
1919/100028 Perth Whyte Alexander Male Williams Frances Gertrude Female Subiaco
1919/100028 Perth Williams Frances Gertrude Female Whyte Alexander Male Subiaco
1919/100029 Perth Williams Albert Edward Male Marr Amy May Female Perth
1919/100029 Perth Marr Amy May Female Williams Albert Edward Male Perth
1920/100030 Perth Russell May Elizabeth Female Brown Thomas Campbell Male Osborne Park
1920/100030 Perth Brown Thomas Campbell Male Russell May Elizabeth Female Osborne Park
1919/100030 Perth McDougall Isabel Cameron Female Miller Andrew Anthony Male Perth
1919/100030 Perth Miller Andrew Anthony Male McDougall Isabel Cameron Female Perth
1919/100031 Perth Jacks Evan Male Vernede Lily Maude Female Perth
1920/100031 Perth Marsh Wordle Male Buckingham Mary Jane Female North Perth
1920/100031 Perth Buckingham Mary Jane Female Marsh Wordle Male North Perth
1919/100031 Perth Vernede Lily Maude Female Jacks Evan Male Perth
1919/100032 Perth Oldfield Eliza Cecilia May Female Lamp Carl Herman Male Perth
1919/100032 Perth Lamp Carl Herman Male Oldfield Eliza Cecilia May Female Perth
1920/100033 Perth Dawkins Norman Percy Male Prout Zillah Josephine Female Cottesloe
1919/100033 Perth Thomson Nicholas Lusk Female McKay Robert Male Perth
1919/100033 Perth McKay Robert Male Thomson Nicholas Lusk Female Perth
1920/100033 Perth Prout Zillah Josephine Female Dawkins Norman Percy Male Cottesloe
1919/100034 Perth Temby Alfred Male Ebsworth Matilda Female Perth
1919/100034 Perth Ebsworth Matilda Female Temby Alfred Male Perth
1920/100035 Perth Peters Lizzie Female Westley Edward Joseph Male Perth
1919/100035 Perth Hunter Lawrence Albert Male Donald Eliza Gertrude Victoria Female Perth
1919/100035 Perth Donald Eliza Gertrude Victoria Female Hunter Lawrence Albert Male Perth
1920/100035 Perth Westley Edward Joseph Male Peters Lizzie Female Perth
1919/100036 Perth Sirr Margaret Eleanor Female Miller George Frederick Charles Male East Perth
1920/100036 Perth Hill Roland Thomas Male Evans Lily Female Perth
1919/100036 Perth Miller George Frederick Charles Male Sirr Margaret Eleanor Female East Perth
1920/100036 Perth Evans Lily Female Hill Roland Thomas Male Perth
1919/100037 Perth Armstrong Florence Muriel Female Parncutt George Male Perth
1919/100037 Perth Parncutt George Male Armstrong Florence Muriel Female Perth
1919/100038 Perth Rowe William Victor Male Chandler Emily Esther Female Claremont
1919/100038 Perth Chandler Emily Esther Female Rowe William Victor Male Claremont
1920/100039 Perth Moulson Emily Female Jones Vernon Llewellyn Male Perth
1919/100039 Perth Pownall Henry Male Newton Alice Mary Female Maylands
1919/100039 Perth Newton Alice Mary Female Pownall Henry Male Maylands
1920/100039 Perth Jones Vernon Llewellyn Male Moulson Emily Female Perth
1919/100040 Perth Waller Sarah Elizabeth Female White Samuel Hughes Male Perth
1919/100040 Perth White Samuel Hughes Male Waller Sarah Elizabeth Female Perth
1919/100042 Perth Cavazzi John Male Brown Catherine Mary Female Perth
1919/100042 Perth Brown Catherine Mary Female Cavazzi John Male Perth
1919/100043 Perth Tonnesson Tessa Female Cain William Frederick Male Perth
1919/100043 Perth Cain William Frederick Male Tonnesson Tessa Female Perth
1919/100044 Perth Bell George William Male Harrison Hilda Marian Female Perth
1919/100044 Perth Harrison Hilda Marian Female Bell George William Male Perth
1920/100046 Perth Lewis Ivon George Male Bell Elsie Female Subiaco
1920/100046 Perth Bell Elsie Female Lewis Ivon George Male Subiaco
1920/100047 Perth Hitchin Lydia Maria Female Webb John Stephen Goodman Male Subiaco
1920/100047 Perth Webb John Stephen Goodman Male Hitchin Lydia Maria Female Subiaco
1920/100048 Perth Plummer Elsie May Female McNamara James Onward Male Subiaco
1920/100048 Perth McNamara James Onward Male Plummer Elsie May Female Subiaco
1919/100048 Perth Williams Sarah Ann Female Drake Thomas Francis Male Claremont
1919/100048 Perth Drake Thomas Francis Male Williams Sarah Ann Female Claremont
1920/100049 Perth Copley Albert Henry Male Haysom Hilda May Female Subiaco
1919/100049 Perth Barnes James William Male Smith Beatrice May Female Perth
1920/100049 Perth Haysom Hilda May Female Copley Albert Henry Male Subiaco
1919/100049 Perth Smith Beatrice May Female Barnes James William Male Perth
1919/100050 Perth Shehan Gladys Maud Mary Female Carter Robert Joseph Male Perth
1920/100050 Perth Chapman Alice Laymore Female Fielder Frederick William Male Subiaco
1919/100050 Perth Carter Robert Joseph Male Shehan Gladys Maud Mary Female Perth
1920/100050 Perth Fielder Frederick William Male Chapman Alice Laymore Female Subiaco
1919/100051 Perth Saunders Daniel Male Blower Beatrice Hannah Female Perth
1919/100051 Perth Blower Beatrice Hannah Female Saunders Daniel Male Perth
1919/100052 Perth Liddicoat Richard Male Ferguson Ethel Louisa Female Maylands
1919/100052 Perth Ferguson Ethel Louisa Female Liddicoat Richard Male Maylands
1919/100053 Perth Lunn Carolina Evelyn Female Dearman Lionel Holt Male West Perth
1919/100053 Perth Dearman Lionel Holt Male Lunn Carolina Evelyn Female West Perth
1919/100054 Perth Leahy Thomas Francis Male Kerslake Linda Gertrude Female Subiaco
1919/100054 Perth Kerslake Linda Gertrude Female Leahy Thomas Francis Male Subiaco
1919/100055 Perth Edwards Gladys Female Roberts William Male Perth
1919/100055 Perth Roberts William Male Edwards Gladys Female Perth
1920/100055 Perth Drew Dorothy Nias Female Oswin Allan Roy Male Leederville
1920/100055 Perth Oswin Allan Roy Male Drew Dorothy Nias Female Leederville
1920/100056 Perth Marshall Charlotte May Female Beard Alfred Edmund Male West Leederville
1919/100056 Perth Hawkins Edward Charles Joseph Quentin Male Wehrstedt Evelyn Female Perth
1919/100056 Perth Wehrstedt Evelyn Female Hawkins Edward Charles Joseph Quentin Male Perth
1920/100056 Perth Beard Alfred Edmund Male Marshall Charlotte May Female West Leederville
1919/100057 Perth Mainard Clarice Rose Female Turvey Frederick John Male Perth
1920/100057 Perth Mack James Martin Male Cockett Edith Annie Female Subiaco
1919/100057 Perth Turvey Frederick John Male Mainard Clarice Rose Female Perth
1920/100057 Perth Cockett Edith Annie Female Mack James Martin Male Subiaco
1919/100058 Perth Coulthard Joseph Male Keleher Minnie Female East Perth
1919/100058 Perth Keleher Minnie Female Coulthard Joseph Male East Perth
1919/100059 Perth Urquhart Gieta Female Fleming James Patrick Male Maylands
1919/100059 Perth Fleming James Patrick Male Urquhart Gieta Female Maylands
1920/100059 Perth Dahlstrom Emil Alfons Male Muschamp Alice Female Perth
1920/100059 Perth Muschamp Alice Female Dahlstrom Emil Alfons Male Perth
1919/100060 Perth Moulton Stephen James Male Wheatley Florence Female East Perth
1919/100060 Perth Wheatley Florence Female Moulton Stephen James Male East Perth
1919/100061 Perth Manning Oliver Arthur Male Avery Eriminnie Ann Female Perth
1919/100061 Perth Avery Eriminnie Ann Female Manning Oliver Arthur Male Perth
1919/100062 Perth Veness Hilda Female Biddis Walter James Male Perth
1919/100062 Perth Biddis Walter James Male Veness Hilda Female Perth
1919/100063 Perth Tonkin Violet Amy Mary Female Jenkins Samuel Sampson Joseph Male Perth
1919/100063 Perth Jenkins Samuel Sampson Joseph Male Tonkin Violet Amy Mary Female Perth
1919/100066 Perth Schmidt Ernst Christian Male Knight Edith Amy Female Perth
1919/100066 Perth Knight Edith Amy Female Schmidt Ernst Christian Male Perth
1919/100067 Perth Thrum John Robert Male Hill Letitia Selina Female Leederville
1919/100067 Perth Hill Letitia Selina Female Thrum John Robert Male Leederville
1919/100068 Perth Edwards Catherine Ellen Female Hamilton William Newall Male Leederville
1919/100068 Perth Hamilton William Newall Male Edwards Catherine Ellen Female Leederville
1919/100069 Perth May Rose Isabella Female Thomas Cecil Plumpton Male Leederville
1919/100069 Perth Thomas Cecil Plumpton Male May Rose Isabella Female Leederville
1919/100070 Perth Lewis William Male Smith Clara Female Leederville
1919/100070 Perth Smith Clara Female Lewis William Male Leederville
1919/100071 Perth Farr Frank Male Duck Rose Sarah Female Leederville
1919/100071 Perth Duck Rose Sarah Female Farr Frank Male Leederville
1919/100072 Perth Davidson Stanley John Male Maslin Patience Amelia Minna Female Maylands
1919/100072 Perth Maslin Patience Amelia Minna Female Davidson Stanley John Male Maylands
1919/100073 Perth Hall Cecil Charles Male Rawes Maggie Female East Perth
1919/100073 Perth Rawes Maggie Female Hall Cecil Charles Male East Perth
1919/100074 Perth Clarke Ruby Mabel Female Maxwell Harold Male Perth
1919/100074 Perth Maxwell Harold Male Clarke Ruby Mabel Female Perth
1919/100075 Perth Davies Dora Fanny Female Haygarth Beck Male North Perth
1919/100075 Perth Haygarth Beck Male Davies Dora Fanny Female North Perth
1919/100076 Perth McGregor Mary Female Scoble William Male Perth
1919/100076 Perth Scoble William Male McGregor Mary Female Perth
1919/100077 Perth Nickless Alice Maud Female Olivieri Alessandro Ernesto Ugo Male Perth
1919/100077 Perth Olivieri Alessandro Ernesto Ugo Male Nickless Alice Maud Female Perth
1919/100078 Perth Doust Matthew Alfred Male Woods Margaret Rose Female Perth
1919/100078 Perth Woods Margaret Rose Female Doust Matthew Alfred Male Perth
1919/100080 Perth Haub Otto Male Munday Beatrice Kathleen Female Bayswater
1919/100080 Perth Munday Beatrice Kathleen Female Haub Otto Male Bayswater
1919/100081 Perth Chute George Alfred Bastam Male Grant Ida Female Maylands
1919/100081 Perth Grant Ida Female Chute George Alfred Bastam Male Maylands
1919/100082 Perth Tillett Fred Male Statham Bertha Female Perth
1919/100082 Perth Statham Bertha Female Tillett Fred Male Perth
1919/100083 Perth Dent Gladys Ida Female Brine Alfred Tonkin Male Perth
1919/100083 Perth Brine Alfred Tonkin Male Dent Gladys Ida Female Perth
1919/100084 Perth Allen Ruth Connington Female Feast Alfred Leslie Male Perth
1919/100084 Perth Feast Alfred Leslie Male Allen Ruth Connington Female Perth
1919/100085 Perth Lake Violet May Louise Female Butterly Henry Male Perth
1919/100085 Perth Butterly Henry Male Lake Violet May Louise Female Perth
1919/100086 Perth White Henry Male Harris Hilda Female Perth
1919/100086 Perth Harris Hilda Female White Henry Male Perth
1919/100087 Perth Bowman Florence Isabella Female Beasley James Male Perth
1919/100087 Perth Beasley James Male Bowman Florence Isabella Female Perth
1919/100088 Perth Adie Lilian Dorothy Lucretia Female Taylor Elijah Male Perth
1919/100088 Perth Taylor Elijah Male Adie Lilian Dorothy Lucretia Female Perth
1919/100091 Perth Smith Emily Jane Cairns Female Greenham Albert James Male Leederville
1919/100091 Perth Greenham Albert James Male Smith Emily Jane Cairns Female Leederville
1919/100092 Perth McCabe Kathleen Female Chinnery Frederick George Male Perth
1919/100092 Perth Chinnery Frederick George Male McCabe Kathleen Female Perth
1919/100093 Perth O'Neil Annie Female McGowan Douglas Male Perth
1919/100093 Perth McGowan Douglas Male O'Neil Annie Female Perth
1919/100094 Perth Storer Olive Oruba Female Scott Albert George Male Perth
1919/100094 Perth Scott Albert George Male Storer Olive Oruba Female Perth
1919/100095 Perth Carroll Percy Male Harkins Daisy Female Perth
1919/100095 Perth Harkins Daisy Female Carroll Percy Male Perth
1919/100096 Perth Schryver Francis Esdale Male Smith Rachel Martha Female Perth
1919/100096 Perth Smith Rachel Martha Female Schryver Francis Esdale Male Perth
1919/100097 Perth Boyd Mary Jane Female Bue William Wong Male Perth
1919/100097 Perth Bue William Wong Male Boyd Mary Jane Female Perth
1919/100098 Perth Bethune Alexander Male Andrews Annie Female Perth
1919/100098 Perth Andrews Annie Female Bethune Alexander Male Perth
1919/100099 Perth Wright Arthur Male Brinkworth Nellie Marjorie Female Perth
1919/100099 Perth Brinkworth Nellie Marjorie Female Wright Arthur Male Perth
1919/100100 Perth Chapman Bedford Roy Male Heath Netley Ethel May Female East Perth
1919/100100 Perth Heath Netley Ethel May Female Chapman Bedford Roy Male East Perth
1919/100101 Perth Young Joseph Liddle Male Dunstan Emily Female East Perth
1919/100101 Perth Dunstan Emily Female Young Joseph Liddle Male East Perth
1919/100102 Perth Botterill Rupert Campbell Male McWhae Colina Maud Female East Perth
1919/100102 Perth McWhae Colina Maud Female Botterill Rupert Campbell Male East Perth
1919/100103 Perth Collins Myrtle Eva Elizabeth Female Turvey Frederick John Male Perth
1919/100103 Perth Turvey Frederick John Male Collins Myrtle Eva Elizabeth Female Perth
1919/100104 Perth Hewitt Henry Male Elder Ida Margaret Female Perth
1919/100104 Perth Elder Ida Margaret Female Hewitt Henry Male Perth
1919/100105 Perth Wass Hilda Margaret Female King Lionel George Male Perth
1919/100105 Perth King Lionel George Male Wass Hilda Margaret Female Perth
1919/100106 Perth Kailis Despina Female Gourdes Peter Male Perth
1919/100106 Perth Gourdes Peter Male Kailis Despina Female Perth
1919/100107 Perth Anderson Annie May Female Carey Stuart Roy Male Perth
1919/100107 Perth Carey Stuart Roy Male Anderson Annie May Female Perth
1920/100108 Perth Hunt Albert Dudley Male Brown Lauretta Female Perth
1919/100108 Perth Hildyard Geraldine Female Edmunds David John Male Perth
1920/100108 Perth Brown Lauretta Female Hunt Albert Dudley Male Perth
1919/100108 Perth Edmunds David John Male Hildyard Geraldine Female Perth
1920/100109 Perth Sykes William John Male Urquhart Lyla Mary Female Perth
1920/100109 Perth Urquhart Lyla Mary Female Sykes William John Male Perth
1920/100110 Perth Brownless Gordon Edgecombe Male Short Grace Vera Female Perth
1919/100110 Perth Briggs Robert Hanham Male White Vera Victoria Elizabeth Female Victoria Park
1920/100110 Perth Short Grace Vera Female Brownless Gordon Edgecombe Male Perth
1919/100110 Perth White Vera Victoria Elizabeth Female Briggs Robert Hanham Male Victoria Park
1919/100111 Perth Attwood Henrietta Female Rogers Herbert William Male Victoria Park
1919/100111 Perth Rogers Herbert William Male Attwood Henrietta Female Victoria Park
1920/100112 Perth Torrens Robert Male Simmons Elizabeth Mary Female Perth
1919/100112 Perth Damon Thomas Male Mayo Mary Annie Female Leederville
1919/100112 Perth Mayo Mary Annie Female Damon Thomas Male Leederville
1920/100112 Perth Simmons Elizabeth Mary Female Torrens Robert Male Perth
1920/100113 Perth Kelly Edward Joseph Male O'Grady Bridget Female Perth
1920/100113 Perth O'Grady Bridget Female Kelly Edward Joseph Male Perth
1919/100113 Perth Jeffrey Helen Elizabeth Female Chittleborough Frederick Lindsay Male Leederville
1919/100113 Perth Chittleborough Frederick Lindsay Male Jeffrey Helen Elizabeth Female Leederville
1920/100114 Perth Haughey Winifred Female Rattigan Peter Male Perth
1920/100114 Perth Rattigan Peter Male Haughey Winifred Female Perth
1919/100114 Perth Gill Arthur Clarence Male Clayden Evelyn Gladys Lillian Female Perth
1919/100114 Perth Clayden Evelyn Gladys Lillian Female Gill Arthur Clarence Male Perth
1919/100115 Perth Madderson Hannah Walker Female Stirton George Male Perth
1919/100115 Perth Stirton George Male Madderson Hannah Walker Female Perth
1919/100116 Perth Ronaldson Catherine Female Riley William Henry Male Perth
1919/100116 Perth Riley William Henry Male Ronaldson Catherine Female Perth
1919/100117 Perth Driver Robert Male Morrissey Violet May Female Perth
1919/100117 Perth Morrissey Violet May Female Driver Robert Male Perth
1919/100118 Perth Marriott Dorothy Teresa Female Gray Gordon Barton Male Perth
1919/100118 Perth Gray Gordon Barton Male Marriott Dorothy Teresa Female Perth
1919/100119 Perth Doherty Martin Joseph Male Cox Mary Adelaide Female Perth
1919/100119 Perth Cox Mary Adelaide Female Doherty Martin Joseph Male Perth
1919/100120 Perth Stevens Annie Female O'Connell John Male Perth
1919/100120 Perth O'Connell John Male Stevens Annie Female Perth
1919/100121 Perth Chandler Lorna Female Mulhall Pete Male Perth
1920/100121 Perth Quealy Anne Teresa Female McGrath William Augustine Male Perth
1920/100121 Perth McGrath William Augustine Male Quealy Anne Teresa Female Perth
1919/100121 Perth Mulhall Pete Male Chandler Lorna Female Perth
1919/100123 Perth Hughes James Male Kernahan Clara Ellen Female West Perth
1919/100123 Perth Kernahan Clara Ellen Female Hughes James Male West Perth
1919/100127 Perth Medley Thomas Robert Male Quinn Margaret Female Subiaco
1919/100127 Perth Quinn Margaret Female Medley Thomas Robert Male Subiaco
1919/100128 Perth Fitzgibbon Thomas Male McCarthy Florence Female Subiaco
1919/100128 Perth McCarthy Florence Female Fitzgibbon Thomas Male Subiaco
1920/100129 Perth Gill Henry Francis Male Deverell Eva Louise Female Leederville
1919/100129 Perth White Alice Muriel Female Lockyer George Elliott Agett Male West Perth
1919/100129 Perth Lockyer George Elliott Agett Male White Alice Muriel Female West Perth
1920/100129 Perth Deverell Eva Louise Female Gill Henry Francis Male Leederville
1919/100130 Perth Reeves Eliza Female James Bertie Male Perth
1919/100130 Perth James Bertie Male Reeves Eliza Female Perth
1919/100131 Perth Rogers Stella Adella Female Hunter William Thomas Male Perth
1919/100131 Perth Hunter William Thomas Male Rogers Stella Adella Female Perth
1919/100132 Perth Cavers Frank Male Butland Beatrice Alice Female Perth
1919/100132 Perth Butland Beatrice Alice Female Cavers Frank Male Perth
1919/100133 Perth McOuat Grace Hilda Female Reed Richard Thomas Male Rosalie
1919/100133 Perth Reed Richard Thomas Male McOuat Grace Hilda Female Rosalie
1919/100134 Perth Beard Sabina Female Hoddy Selby William Male Perth
1919/100134 Perth Hoddy Selby William Male Beard Sabina Female Perth
1919/100135 Perth Quintell Elizabeth Female Flanigan Edward Male Perth
1919/100135 Perth Flanigan Edward Male Quintell Elizabeth Female Perth
1919/100136 Perth Savage William Austin Male Jewell Myrtle Alexanderina Female Subiaco
1919/100136 Perth Jewell Myrtle Alexanderina Female Savage William Austin Male Subiaco
1919/100137 Perth Curtis Henry Glindon Male Dyer Alice Muriel Female Subiaco
1919/100137 Perth Dyer Alice Muriel Female Curtis Henry Glindon Male Subiaco
1919/100138 Perth Rivers Mary Catherine Female Simons James Robert Male Perth
1919/100138 Perth Simons James Robert Male Rivers Mary Catherine Female Perth
1919/100139 Perth Macpherson Archibald James Male Martin Ida Maude Mary Female Perth
1919/100139 Perth Martin Ida Maude Mary Female Macpherson Archibald James Male Perth
1919/100140 Perth Mason Rupert Henry Beaumont Male Carey Artten Annie Female Perth
1919/100140 Perth Carey Artten Annie Female Mason Rupert Henry Beaumont Male Perth
1919/100141 Perth Wardell-Johnson Doris Mary Female Elphick William Kennard Male Perth
1919/100141 Perth Elphick William Kennard Male Wardell-Johnson Doris Mary Female Perth
1919/100142 Perth Strutt Annie Catherine Clara Female Bingham Stephen Male Bayswater
1919/100142 Perth Bingham Stephen Male Strutt Annie Catherine Clara Female Bayswater
1919/100143 Perth Blechynden Hazel Minna Female Lister Charles Male Perth
1919/100143 Perth Lister Charles Male Blechynden Hazel Minna Female Perth
1919/100144 Perth Sonetti Andrew John Male McInnes Ethel Gertrude Female Perth
1919/100144 Perth Solloway Andrew John Male McInnes Ethel Gertrude Female Perth
1919/100144 Perth McInnes Ethel Gertrude Female Solloway Andrew John Male Perth
1919/100144 Perth McInnes Ethel Gertrude Female Sonetti Andrew John Male Perth
1919/100145 Perth Carter Frederick William Male Goers Elsie Female Perth
1919/100145 Perth Goers Elsie Female Carter Frederick William Male Perth
1919/100146 Perth O'Brien Catherine Female Smith Richard Male West Perth
1919/100146 Perth Smith Richard Male O'Brien Catherine Female West Perth
1919/100147 Perth Hebson Robert William Male Dhu Esther Mary Female West Perth
1919/100147 Perth Dhu Esther Mary Female Hebson Robert William Male West Perth
1919/100148 Perth Ing Gertrude Frances Eileen Female Wrighton Percy Arthur Male Subiaco
1919/100148 Perth Wrighton Percy Arthur Male Ing Gertrude Frances Eileen Female Subiaco
1919/100150 Perth Candler Alice Maud Violet Female Lindberg Charles Albert Henry Male Subiaco
1919/100150 Perth Lindberg Charles Albert Henry Male Candler Alice Maud Violet Female Subiaco
1919/100151 Perth Rees Cyril Loveluck Male Williams Claribel Female Perth
1919/100151 Perth Williams Claribel Female Rees Cyril Loveluck Male Perth
1919/100153 Perth Burrows Elizabeth Female Abbott John Joseph Male Bayswater
1919/100153 Perth Abbott John Joseph Male Burrows Elizabeth Female Bayswater
1919/100154 Perth Lanphier Alma Daphne Female Farrell Alexander James Male Bayswater
1919/100154 Perth Farrell Alexander James Male Lanphier Alma Daphne Female Bayswater
1919/100155 Perth Baldwin Harold Male Marks Enid Eva Tetz Female Perth
1919/100155 Perth Marks Enid Eva Tetz Female Baldwin Harold Male Perth
1919/100156 Perth Jowett Beatrice Godden Female Bennett Sydney Ross Male North Perth
1919/100156 Perth Bennett Sydney Ross Male Jowett Beatrice Godden Female North Perth
1919/100157 Perth Newton Frederick Male Beazley Irine Female Leederville
1919/100157 Perth Beazley Irine Female Newton Frederick Male Leederville
1919/100158 Perth Delany John Patrick Male Holland Eileen Dorothy Female Subiaco
1919/100158 Perth Holland Eileen Dorothy Female Delany John Patrick Male Subiaco
1919/100159 Perth Fitzgerald Nellie Margaret Female Moynihan John Stephen Male Subiaco
1919/100159 Perth Moynihan John Stephen Male Fitzgerald Nellie Margaret Female Subiaco
1919/100160 Perth Hayman Spencer John Male Nissen Ivy Myrtle Female Perth
1919/100160 Perth Nissen Ivy Myrtle Female Hayman Spencer John Male Perth
1919/100161 Perth Clark Kathleen Elizabeth Female Marshall Richard Oliver Male Perth
1919/100161 Perth Marshall Richard Oliver Male Clark Kathleen Elizabeth Female Perth
1919/100162 Perth Birch William Harry Male Plester Edith Hilda Female Perth
1919/100162 Perth Plester Edith Hilda Female Birch William Harry Male Perth
1919/100163 Perth Kearsley Harriet Alice Female Dobson Richard Male Perth
1919/100163 Perth Dobson Richard Male Kearsley Harriet Alice Female Perth
1919/100164 Perth Barker Alfred Bond Male Edgar Harriett May Female Perth
1919/100164 Perth Edgar Harriett May Female Barker Alfred Bond Male Perth
1919/100165 Perth Latham William Lennox St Clair Male Brennen Mabel Female Perth
1919/100165 Perth Brennen Mabel Female Latham William Lennox St Clair Male Perth
1919/100166 Perth Beddall Charles Albert Male Piesse Iris Mary Female Perth
1919/100166 Perth Piesse Iris Mary Female Beddall Charles Albert Male Perth
1919/100167 Perth Garth Thomas Male Campbell Kate Darling Female North Perth
1919/100167 Perth Campbell Kate Darling Female Garth Thomas Male North Perth
1919/100168 Perth Beazley William Male Stannard Isabelle Ethel Female Leederville
1919/100168 Perth Stannard Isabelle Ethel Female Beazley William Male Leederville
1919/100169 Perth Trimming George James William Male Hertel Florence Helen Female West Perth
1919/100169 Perth Hertel Florence Helen Female Trimming George James William Male West Perth
1919/100170 Perth Tatham Nora Female Wood Robert Menzies Male Leederville
1919/100170 Perth Wood Robert Menzies Male Tatham Nora Female Leederville
1919/100171 Perth Roberts May Bertha Female Barnett Clement Ernest Male Perth
1919/100171 Perth Barnett Clement Ernest Male Roberts May Bertha Female Perth
1919/100172 Perth Gray George Richard Male Holt Mary Enid Margaret Female Perth
1919/100172 Perth Holt Mary Enid Margaret Female Gray George Richard Male Perth
1919/100173 Perth Muir William Hope Male Sievewright Flora Rosamond Female Perth
1919/100173 Perth Sievewright Flora Rosamond Female Muir William Hope Male Perth
1919/100174 Perth Edwards Jessie Edith Female Horton James Male East Perth
1919/100174 Perth Horton James Male Edwards Jessie Edith Female East Perth
1919/100175 Perth Hughes John Sidney Male Perry May Kathleen Female Perth
1919/100175 Perth Perry May Kathleen Female Hughes John Sidney Male Perth
1919/100176 Perth Rothwell Albert Leslie Male Sherrard Margaret Female Perth
1919/100176 Perth Sherrard Margaret Female Rothwell Albert Leslie Male Perth
1919/100177 Perth Braysher Mabel Daphne Female Grey Robert Wilfred Male Perth
1919/100177 Perth Grey Robert Wilfred Male Braysher Mabel Daphne Female Perth
1919/100178 Perth Warnes Walter Leslie Male Rees Violet Edith Female Perth
1919/100178 Perth Rees Violet Edith Female Warnes Walter Leslie Male Perth
1919/100179 Perth Rose Thomas Hayward Male Williams Winifred Elsie May Female Perth
1919/100179 Perth Williams Winifred Elsie May Female Rose Thomas Hayward Male Perth
1919/100180 Perth Pendlebury Sarah Female Rodda Albert Ernest Male Maylands
1919/100180 Perth Rodda Albert Ernest Male Pendlebury Sarah Female Maylands
1919/100181 Perth Galloway Duncan Keith Male Etherington Mary Female North Perth
1919/100181 Perth Etherington Mary Female Galloway Duncan Keith Male North Perth
1919/100182 Perth Napier Elsie May Female Fowler Henry Victor Male Perth
1919/100182 Perth Fowler Henry Victor Male Napier Elsie May Female Perth
1919/100183 Perth Minn Peter Male Jones Florence Adelaide Female Leederville
1919/100183 Perth Jones Florence Adelaide Female Minn Peter Male Leederville
1919/100184 Perth Reynolds Samuel Male Uridge Helen Female Cottesloe
1919/100184 Perth Uridge Helen Female Reynolds Samuel Male Cottesloe
1919/100185 Perth Lidle Tilly Female Liddell Thomas Male Perth
1919/100185 Perth Liddell Thomas Male Lidle Tilly Female Perth
1919/100186 Perth Wolf Mabel Isabel Female McLean Clarence Fabian Bruce Male Perth
1919/100186 Perth McLean Clarence Fabian Bruce Male Wolf Mabel Isabel Female Perth
1919/100187 Perth Roberts Joseph Male Sheehan Annie Female Perth
1919/100187 Perth Sheehan Annie Female Roberts Joseph Male Perth
1919/100188 Perth Yates Hurtle Melrose Male Robinson Emily Clarise Female Cottesloe
1919/100188 Perth Robinson Emily Clarise Female Yates Hurtle Melrose Male Cottesloe
1919/100189 Perth Ralston William Thomas Glover Male Houston Jean Stella Female Mt Hawthorn
1919/100189 Perth Houston Jean Stella Female Ralston William Thomas Glover Male Mt Hawthorn
1919/100190 Perth Butcher Elizabeth Female Wooding Bertie Male Perth
1919/100190 Perth Wooding Bertie Male Butcher Elizabeth Female Perth
1919/100191 Perth Atkins Edward Charles Male Boddington Lizzette Female South Perth
1919/100191 Perth Boddington Lizzette Female Atkins Edward Charles Male South Perth
1919/100192 Perth Reddin Dora Mary Female Gray George Male Perth
1919/100192 Perth Gray George Male Reddin Dora Mary Female Perth
1919/100193 Perth Hodges Louisa Female Sidler Francis Thomas Male Claremont
1919/100193 Perth Sidler Francis Thomas Male Hodges Louisa Female Claremont
1919/100194 Perth McArthur Mabyl Jessie Female Webster Hector Male Perth
1919/100194 Perth Webster Hector Male McArthur Mabyl Jessie Female Perth
1919/100195 Perth King Edith Female Thomson Benjamin Black Male Perth
1919/100195 Perth Thomson Benjamin Black Male King Edith Female Perth
1919/100196 Perth Hamel Violet May Female Sketchley James David Male Perth
1919/100196 Perth Sketchley James David Male Hamel Violet May Female Perth
1919/100197 Perth Napier John Abbott Male White Ivy Lillian Female Perth
1919/100197 Perth White Ivy Lillian Female Napier John Abbott Male Perth
1919/100198 Perth Brennan Mary Rose Gertrude Female Stephen John McCristol Male Victoria Park
1919/100198 Perth Stephen John McCristol Male Brennan Mary Rose Gertrude Female Victoria Park
1919/100199 Perth Delleva Guiseppe Male Higgs Mary Female Perth
1919/100199 Perth Higgs Mary Female Delleva Guiseppe Male Perth
1919/100200 Perth Craddon John Male Turner Dorothy Foxlow Female Perth
1919/100200 Perth Turner Dorothy Foxlow Female Craddon John Male Perth
1919/100201 Perth Luff Ada Female Ellice William Charles Male Leederville
1919/100201 Perth Ellice William Charles Male Luff Ada Female Leederville
1919/100202 Perth Bailey Percy Herbert Male Port Lily Elizabeth Female Perth
1919/100202 Perth Port Lily Elizabeth Female Bailey Percy Herbert Male Perth
1919/100203 Perth Noble John Harry Male Walton Hilda Female Perth
1919/100203 Perth Walton Hilda Female Noble John Harry Male Perth
1919/100204 Perth Bainbridge Gladys Hilda Female Backshall Lewis Male Perth
1919/100204 Perth Backshall Lewis Male Bainbridge Gladys Hilda Female Perth
1920/100205 Perth Mitchell Mary Ann Female Jenkins Roynon Lewis Male Perth
1919/100205 Perth Sharpe William George Male Matthews Beatrice Amy Female Cottesloe
1919/100205 Perth Matthews Beatrice Amy Female Sharpe William George Male Cottesloe
1920/100205 Perth Jenkins Roynon Lewis Male Mitchell Mary Ann Female Perth
1919/100206 Perth Sainsbury Stanley Francis Male Hardman Ethel Female Perth
1919/100206 Perth Hardman Ethel Female Sainsbury Stanley Francis Male Perth
1919/100207 Perth Carr John Thomas Male Crosby Margaret Female Perth
1919/100207 Perth Crosby Margaret Female Carr John Thomas Male Perth
1919/100208 Perth Lechowsky Sam Male Fyvish Bertha Female Perth
1919/100208 Perth Fyvish Bertha Female Lake Sam Male Perth
1919/100208 Perth Fyvish Bertha Female Lechowsky Sam Male Perth
1919/100208 Perth Lake Sam Male Fyvish Bertha Female Perth
1919/100209 Perth Decofsky Joseph Male Oberman Rose Female Perth
1919/100209 Perth Oberman Rose Female Decofsky Joseph Male Perth
1919/100210 Perth Richardson Ada Female McCall Oliver Male Perth
1919/100210 Perth McCall Oliver Male Richardson Ada Female Perth
1919/100211 Perth Pratt Oliver Sydney Male Markham Alice May Female Perth
1919/100211 Perth Markham Alice May Female Pratt Oliver Sydney Male Perth
1919/100212 Perth Nagel Ethel Female Moralee Joseph Male Perth
1919/100212 Perth Moralee Joseph Male Nagel Ethel Female Perth
1919/100213 Perth Black George Henry Male Jose Susan Female Perth
1919/100213 Perth Jose Susan Female Black George Henry Male Perth
1919/100214 Perth Dance Eileen Mary Female Johnson Roy Male West Perth
1919/100214 Perth Johnson Roy Male Dance Eileen Mary Female West Perth
1920/100214 Perth Cooper Frances Maggie Female Baker Herbert William Male Perth
1920/100214 Perth Baker Herbert William Male Cooper Frances Maggie Female Perth
1919/100215 Perth Mansfield Catherine Rose Female Gibson William Bernard Male West Perth
1919/100215 Perth Gibson William Bernard Male Mansfield Catherine Rose Female West Perth
1919/100216 Perth Jefferies Phoebe Ellen Elizabeth Female Vaughan John Bowen Male Bayswater
1919/100216 Perth Vaughan John Bowen Male Jefferies Phoebe Ellen Elizabeth Female Bayswater
1919/100217 Perth Roberts Theresa Female Oliver Charles Male Bayswater
1919/100217 Perth Oliver Charles Male Roberts Theresa Female Bayswater
1919/100218 Perth Shaw Richard Henry Male Andersen Agnes Female Perth
1919/100218 Perth Andersen Agnes Female Shaw Richard Henry Male Perth
1919/100219 Perth Ramsden Philip Alfred Male Calvin Janet Female Perth
1919/100219 Perth Calvin Janet Female Ramsden Philip Alfred Male Perth
1919/100220 Perth Savage Edith Rae Female Hood Samuel James Male Perth
1919/100220 Perth Hood Samuel James Male Savage Edith Rae Female Perth
1919/100221 Perth Bennett Margaret May Female Hough Leonard Irwin Male Perth
1919/100221 Perth Hough Leonard Irwin Male Bennett Margaret May Female Perth
1919/100222 Perth Hookings James Alexander Male Willis Ella Mary Female Perth
1919/100222 Perth Willis Ella Mary Female Hookings James Alexander Male Perth
1919/100223 Perth Crooks Jessie Campbell Female Moate William Male North Perth
1919/100223 Perth Moate William Male Crooks Jessie Campbell Female North Perth
1919/100224 Perth Brittain Maude Marie Female Thompson William Edward Hewitt Rolf Male Perth
1919/100224 Perth Thompson William Edward Hewitt Rolf Male Brittain Maude Marie Female Perth
1919/100225 Perth Senior Stanley Beaumont Male Connell Olive Muriel Female Perth
1919/100225 Perth Connell Olive Muriel Female Senior Stanley Beaumont Male Perth
1919/100226 Perth Dunn William Tillett Montgomery Male Evans Gwendvere Female Perth
1919/100226 Perth Evans Gwendvere Female Dunn William Tillett Montgomery Male Perth
1919/100227 Perth Small Frederick Male Brooks Beatrice May Female Subiaco
1919/100227 Perth Brooks Beatrice May Female Small Frederick Male Subiaco
1919/100228 Perth Moynahan Mary Female Freeman Thomas Male Cottesloe
1919/100228 Perth Freeman Thomas Male Moynahan Mary Female Cottesloe
1919/100229 Perth Reedy Lionel Reginald James Male Murray Muriel Mona Female Cottesloe
1919/100229 Perth Murray Muriel Mona Female Reedy Lionel Reginald James Male Cottesloe
1919/100230 Perth Grimes Agnes Female Tuohy Matthew William Male Cottesloe
1919/100230 Perth Tuohy Matthew William Male Grimes Agnes Female Cottesloe
1919/100231 Perth Clancy Gladys Margaret Female Bennett William Texas Male Cottesloe
1919/100231 Perth Bennett William Texas Male Clancy Gladys Margaret Female Cottesloe
1919/100232 Perth Howlett Samuel James Male Neighbour Hilda Florence Female North Perth
1919/100232 Perth Neighbour Hilda Florence Female Howlett Samuel James Male North Perth
1919/100233 Perth Calder Agnes Female Stewart Gordon Male Perth
1919/100233 Perth Stewart Gordon Male Calder Agnes Female Perth
1919/100234 Perth Troy Mary Elizabeth Female McDowall Frederick George Male Perth
1919/100234 Perth McDowall Frederick George Male Troy Mary Elizabeth Female Perth
1919/100235 Perth McAdam Ruth Agnes Female Maynard William Male Perth
1919/100235 Perth Maynard William Male McAdam Ruth Agnes Female Perth
1919/100236 Perth Kennedy Arthur Thomas Male Kelly Alma Female Perth
1919/100236 Perth Kelly Alma Female Kennedy Arthur Thomas Male Perth
1919/100237 Perth Wholley Delia Female Cousins Michael Male Perth
1919/100237 Perth Cousins Michael Male Wholley Delia Female Perth
1919/100238 Perth Bradbury Agnes Jessie Female Fitzsimmons Fredrick James Male Perth
1919/100238 Perth Fitzsimmons Fredrick James Male Bradbury Agnes Jessie Female Perth
1919/100239 Perth Shimmon John Male Stockden Elizabeth Mary Female Perth
1919/100239 Perth Stockden Elizabeth Mary Female Shimmon John Male Perth
1919/100240 Perth Evans Daisy Ann Female Edgar Victor Archibald Male Leederville
1919/100240 Perth Edgar Victor Archibald Male Evans Daisy Ann Female Leederville
1919/100241 Perth Smith Frederick Henry Augustus Male Lamphee Ruby Beatrice Female Perth
1919/100241 Perth Lamphee Ruby Beatrice Female Smith Frederick Henry Augustus Male Perth
1919/100242 Perth House William Charles Male Martin Esther Female Maylands
1919/100242 Perth Martin Esther Female House William Charles Male Maylands
1919/100243 Perth Phillips Maudie Ivy Lancaster Female Blom Frederick Theodore Male Perth
1919/100243 Perth Blom Frederick Theodore Male Phillips Maudie Ivy Lancaster Female Perth
1919/100244 Perth Smith Mary Female Hurley Francis Male Perth
1919/100244 Perth Hurley Francis Male Smith Mary Female Perth
1919/100245 Perth Turnbull Ellen Margaret Female Herd Samuel Male Perth
1919/100245 Perth Herd Samuel Male Turnbull Ellen Margaret Female Perth
1919/100246 Perth Archer Elsie May Female Wetzlar John Albert Male Perth
1919/100246 Perth Wetzlar John Albert Male Archer Elsie May Female Perth
1919/100247 Perth Catchpole Alice Ivy Female Roberts Edmund Henry Male North Perth
1919/100247 Perth Roberts Edmund Henry Male Catchpole Alice Ivy Female North Perth
1919/100248 Perth Robinson Blanche Emily Female Lonsdale Douglas Male Perth
1919/100248 Perth Lonsdale Douglas Male Robinson Blanche Emily Female Perth
1919/100249 Perth Sleight Harriet Female Mills John Male Perth
1919/100249 Perth Mills John Male Sleight Harriet Female Perth
1919/100250 Perth Lynch Clarence Male Burrows Hilda Mary Female Maylands
1919/100250 Perth Burrows Hilda Mary Female Lynch Clarence Male Maylands
1919/100251 Perth Grieve Charles Pennycook Male Parry-Jones Gladys Female Perth
1919/100251 Perth Parry-Jones Gladys Female Grieve Charles Pennycook Male Perth
1919/100252 Perth Saunders John Stanley Male Buckley Margaret Mary Female Perth
1919/100252 Perth Buckley Margaret Mary Female Saunders John Stanley Male Perth
1919/100253 Perth Brooks Flora Miranda Frances Female Evans Matthew Francis Male Perth
1919/100253 Perth Evans Matthew Francis Male Brooks Flora Miranda Frances Female Perth
1919/100254 Perth Town Annie Edith Female Newick William Male Perth
1919/100254 Perth Newick William Male Town Annie Edith Female Perth
1919/100255 Perth Norton Cyril Guy Male Dance Gladys Marguerite Female Perth
1919/100255 Perth Dance Gladys Marguerite Female Norton Cyril Guy Male Perth
1919/100256 Perth Head Lilian Murial Mathilda Female De Marchi Ernest William Male Perth
1919/100256 Perth De Marchi Ernest William Male Head Lilian Murial Mathilda Female Perth
1919/100257 Perth Bolger Margaret Sherlock Female Haynes John Harold Male Perth
1919/100257 Perth Haynes John Harold Male Bolger Margaret Sherlock Female Perth
1919/100258 Perth Georgeff Michael Male Kamboorova Anna Female Perth
1919/100258 Perth Kamboorova Anna Female Georgeff Michael Male Perth
1919/100259 Perth Paull Richard Henry Male Swanston Dorothy May Female Perth
1919/100259 Perth Swanston Dorothy May Female Paull Richard Henry Male Perth
1919/100260 Perth Fleet Elizabeth Female Bell John George Male West Perth
1919/100260 Perth Bell John George Male Fleet Elizabeth Female West Perth
1919/100261 Perth Rumble Horace Male Glover Vera Louise Female West Perth
1919/100261 Perth Glover Vera Louise Female Rumble Horace Male West Perth
1919/100262 Perth Mitchell Lenore Geraldine Female Basford Thomas Reeves Male West Perth
1919/100262 Perth Basford Thomas Reeves Male Mitchell Lenore Geraldine Female West Perth
1919/100263 Perth Screaigh Charlotte Female McCarthy George Male West Perth
1919/100263 Perth McCarthy George Male Screaigh Charlotte Female West Perth
1919/100264 Perth Stanton Maud Emeline Female Green John Holland Male West Perth
1919/100264 Perth Green John Holland Male Stanton Maud Emeline Female West Perth
1919/100265 Perth Herbert Ruby Olive Beatrice Female Barker Benjamin Male Perth
1919/100265 Perth Barker Benjamin Male Herbert Ruby Olive Beatrice Female Perth
1919/100266 Perth Ellson George Male Cain Eliza Theresa Female Perth
1919/100266 Perth Cain Eliza Theresa Female Ellson George Male Perth
1919/100267 Perth Linklater John Male Anderson May Female Perth
1919/100267 Perth Anderson May Female Linklater John Male Perth
1919/100268 Perth Hooper Gladys Lilian Female Harwood Matthew Male Perth
1919/100268 Perth Harwood Matthew Male Hooper Gladys Lilian Female Perth
1919/100269 Perth Grigson Walter John Male Cramp Ada Victoria Female East Perth
1919/100269 Perth Cramp Ada Victoria Female Grigson Walter John Male East Perth
1919/100270 Perth Smith Dorothea Myrtle Female Trainer Bertie Horace Male Perth
1919/100270 Perth Trainer Bertie Horace Male Smith Dorothea Myrtle Female Perth
1919/100271 Perth Hathway Elsie Female White Stanley Albert Male Perth
1919/100271 Perth White Stanley Albert Male Hathway Elsie Female Perth
1919/100272 Perth Derrick Oswald Francis Male Mowday Lillian Norman Female South Perth
1919/100272 Perth Mowday Lillian Norman Female Derrick Oswald Francis Male South Perth
1919/100273 Perth Stuart Elsie May Female Douglas Charles Edwin Male Perth
1919/100273 Perth Douglas Charles Edwin Male Stuart Elsie May Female Perth
1919/100274 Perth Fox Alice Vera Louisa Female Wilks Thomas Benjamin Male Perth
1919/100274 Perth Wilks Thomas Benjamin Male Fox Alice Vera Louisa Female Perth
1919/100275 Perth Rogers Jack Male Radley Gwendoline Florence Female Perth
1919/100275 Perth Radley Gwendoline Florence Female Rogers Jack Male Perth
1919/100276 Perth Delaney Joseph Male Mahomett Ivy Female Perth
1919/100276 Perth Mahomett Ivy Female Delaney Joseph Male Perth
1919/100277 Perth Maddern Annie Evelyn Female Graham Oswald Briggs Male Perth
1919/100277 Perth Graham Oswald Briggs Male Maddern Annie Evelyn Female Perth
1919/100278 Perth Cooper Cecil Male Hodder Vera Ellen Ruth Female Perth
1919/100278 Perth Hodder Vera Ellen Ruth Female Cooper Cecil Male Perth
1919/100279 Perth Dugdale Agnes Hannah Female Mewett Arthur Henry Male Perth
1919/100279 Perth Mewett Arthur Henry Male Dugdale Agnes Hannah Female Perth
1919/100280 Perth Stevens Richard Male McCallum Rosina Female Perth
1919/100280 Perth McCallum Rosina Female Stevens Richard Male Perth
1919/100281 Perth Lockhart Clarence Melville Male Scott Ellen Climena Female East Perth
1919/100281 Perth Scott Ellen Climena Female Lockhart Clarence Melville Male East Perth
1919/100282 Perth Falconer Walter Ritchie Male Glover Emily Caroline Helena Female Perth
1919/100282 Perth Glover Emily Caroline Helena Female Falconer Walter Ritchie Male Perth
1919/100283 Perth Beaton Helen Female Brain Leonard Male Perth
1919/100283 Perth Brain Leonard Male Beaton Helen Female Perth
1919/100284 Perth Young Robert Charles Male Sedgman Ivy May Female Perth
1919/100284 Perth Sedgman Ivy May Female Young Robert Charles Male Perth
1919/100285 Perth Gibbs Cecilia May Female Kelly Bertram James Ossoli Male Perth
1919/100285 Perth Kelly Bertram James Ossoli Male Gibbs Cecilia May Female Perth
1919/100286 Perth McCarley Beatrice May Female Murphy Edward James Male North Perth
1919/100286 Perth Murphy Edward James Male McCarley Beatrice May Female North Perth
1919/100287 Perth Carter Lila Victoria Female Stephens William Male North Perth
1919/100287 Perth Stephens William Male Carter Lila Victoria Female North Perth
1919/100288 Perth Scott Helen McGregor Female Lonsdale Stanley Male Perth
1919/100288 Perth Lonsdale Stanley Male Scott Helen McGregor Female Perth
1919/100289 Perth Brown Geoffrey Wilfred Male Kruger Ellen Dorothea Female Leederville
1919/100289 Perth Kruger Ellen Dorothea Female Brown Geoffrey Wilfred Male Leederville
1919/100290 Perth Gobby Frederick Charles Male Halton Marguerita Female Leederville
1919/100290 Perth Halton Marguerita Female Gobby Frederick Charles Male Leederville
1919/100291 Perth Wells Alfred James Male Hood Daisy Female Leederville
1919/100291 Perth Hood Daisy Female Wells Alfred James Male Leederville
1919/100292 Perth Edwards Mildred Maud Female Roger Ebenezer Brown Male Subiaco
1919/100292 Perth Roger Ebenezer Brown Male Edwards Mildred Maud Female Subiaco
1919/100293 Perth Fremery Edith Mary Female Wright Samuel Wesley Male Leederville
1919/100293 Perth Wright Samuel Wesley Male Fremery Edith Mary Female Leederville
1919/100294 Perth Teague Linden Stafford Male Britten Florence Mary Female West Perth
1919/100294 Perth Britten Florence Mary Female Teague Linden Stafford Male West Perth
1919/100295 Perth Turner Olive May Female Dixon John Male West Perth
1919/100295 Perth Dixon John Male Turner Olive May Female West Perth
1919/100296 Perth Ward Jessie Augusta Female Kamman Henry Charles Male Perth
1919/100296 Perth Kamman Henry Charles Male Ward Jessie Augusta Female Perth
1919/100297 Perth Muller Margaret Maine Female Nute Michael John Male Leederville
1919/100297 Perth Nute Michael John Male Muller Margaret Maine Female Leederville
1919/100298 Perth Watts Horace Frederick Male White Esme Annie Female West Perth
1919/100298 Perth White Esme Annie Female Watts Horace Frederick Male West Perth
1919/100299 Perth Loveland Amy Isabel Grace Female Skipworth Leslie Bertram Male Cottesloe
1919/100299 Perth Skipworth Leslie Bertram Male Loveland Amy Isabel Grace Female Cottesloe
1919/100300 Perth Cranswick Violet Ruth Female Daniel John Ernest Male Perth
1919/100300 Perth Daniel John Ernest Male Cranswick Violet Ruth Female Perth
1919/100301 Perth Cornish Eileen Lillian Female Watson Edward Male North Perth
1919/100301 Perth Watson Edward Male Cornish Eileen Lillian Female North Perth
1919/100302 Perth Mackintosh Gladys Isabel May Female Borkwood Clive Male Perth
1919/100302 Perth Borkwood Clive Male Mackintosh Gladys Isabel May Female Perth
1919/100303 Perth Hedley Annie Female Henville William Sampson Male West Leederville
1919/100303 Perth Henville William Sampson Male Hedley Annie Female West Leederville
1919/100304 Perth Bulger George Oliver Male Palmer Minnie Mabel Female West Perth
1919/100304 Perth Palmer Minnie Mabel Female Bulger George Oliver Male West Perth
1919/100305 Perth Trestrail Ella Constancy Female Towie Victor Emanuel Male East Perth
1919/100305 Perth Towie Victor Emanuel Male Trestrail Ella Constancy Female East Perth
1919/100306 Perth Toua Evangelia Female Malaxos Michael Male Perth
1919/100306 Perth Malaxos Michael Male Toua Evangelia Female Perth
1919/100307 Perth Pavlou Crystaly Female Constantine Nicholas Male Perth
1919/100307 Perth Constantine Nicholas Male Pavlou Crystaly Female Perth
1919/100308 Perth Chivers Joshua Male Collins Amelia Female Subiaco
1919/100308 Perth Collins Amelia Female Chivers Joshua Male Subiaco
1919/100309 Perth Clough Joseph Elliott Male Marsh Celia Irene Female Subiaco
1919/100309 Perth Marsh Celia Irene Female Clough Joseph Elliott Male Subiaco
1919/100310 Perth Knowles Louisa Ellen Female Leggo Christopher Male Subiaco
1919/100310 Perth Leggo Christopher Male Knowles Louisa Ellen Female Subiaco
1919/100311 Perth Lightowler Mary Female Scott Alfred Robert Male Victoria Park East
1919/100311 Perth Scott Alfred Robert Male Lightowler Mary Female Victoria Park East
1919/100312 Perth Prendiville Peter Garrett Male Beard Geraldine Mary Female Perth
1919/100312 Perth Beard Geraldine Mary Female Prendiville Peter Garrett Male Perth
1919/100313 Perth Piesse Sylban Ada Female Smith Charles Sydney Male Perth
1919/100313 Perth Smith Charles Sydney Male Piesse Sylban Ada Female Perth
1919/100314 Perth Runge Eva Irene Female Monaghan Roy Thomas Male Perth
1919/100314 Perth Monaghan Roy Thomas Male Runge Eva Irene Female Perth
1919/100315 Perth Coupar Maggie Female Teer Jasper Male Perth
1919/100315 Perth Teer Jasper Male Coupar Maggie Female Perth
1919/100316 Perth Howe Edward Francis Male Gibton Ellen Female Perth
1919/100316 Perth Gibton Ellen Female Howe Edward Francis Male Perth
1919/100317 Perth Coppock Edith May Female Williamson James Henry Male Leederville
1919/100317 Perth Williamson James Henry Male Coppock Edith May Female Leederville
1919/100318 Perth Meleng Mary Evelyn Female Sommers Percy Page Male Perth
1919/100318 Perth Sommers Percy Page Male Meleng Mary Evelyn Female Perth
1919/100319 Perth Cohen Elsie Female Malone Frank Male Perth
1919/100319 Perth Malone Frank Male Cohen Elsie Female Perth
1919/100320 Perth Liddington James Arthur Male Oats Charlotte Godolphin Ivey Female Perth
1919/100320 Perth Oats Charlotte Godolphin Ivey Female Liddington James Arthur Male Perth
1919/100321 Perth Reid Ethel Doris Ward Female Preshaw Cecil Makinson Male Perth
1919/100321 Perth Preshaw Cecil Makinson Male Reid Ethel Doris Ward Female Perth
1919/100322 Perth De Vaurno Esther Christina Female Moore Edward William Male Perth
1919/100322 Perth Moore Edward William Male De Vaurno Esther Christina Female Perth
1919/100323 Perth Nettle John Edward Male Johnston Hilda May Female East Perth
1919/100323 Perth Johnston Hilda May Female Nettle John Edward Male East Perth
1919/100324 Perth Rowe Jeannie Female Adams James Garfield Male Perth
1919/100324 Perth Adams James Garfield Male Rowe Jeannie Female Perth
1919/100325 Perth Armstrong Walter Harold Male Christensen Ida Ella Female Perth
1919/100325 Perth Christensen Ida Ella Female Armstrong Walter Harold Male Perth
1919/100326 Perth Meyer Carl Johannas Male Maxwell Ethel May Female Leederville
1919/100326 Perth Maxwell Ethel May Female Meyer Carl Johannas Male Leederville
1919/100327 Perth Shaw Elizabeth Female Corneliussen Henry John Male Leederville
1919/100327 Perth Corneliussen Henry John Male Shaw Elizabeth Female Leederville
1919/100328 Perth Griffiths Elizabeth Female Fitch Alfred Male Perth
1919/100328 Perth Fitch Alfred Male Griffiths Elizabeth Female Perth
1919/100329 Perth Snooke Laurence Eliot Male McKie Constance Muriel Female Perth
1920/100329 Perth Croyle Irene Aimee Female Jones Clarence Albert Male Applecross
1919/100329 Perth McKie Constance Muriel Female Snooke Laurence Eliot Male Perth
1920/100329 Perth Jones Clarence Albert Male Croyle Irene Aimee Female Applecross
1920/100330 Perth Fraser John Cleary Male Ryan Mary Catherine Female Perth
1919/100330 Perth McDonald Eliza Sylvia Female Hall George Percy Male Perth
1920/100330 Perth Ryan Mary Catherine Female Fraser John Cleary Male Perth
1919/100330 Perth Hall George Percy Male McDonald Eliza Sylvia Female Perth
1919/100331 Perth Richardson Evelyn Female Denton Victor James Male Perth
1920/100331 Perth Sturtridge Harry Male Gurney Annie Ellen Female South Perth
1919/100331 Perth Denton Victor James Male Richardson Evelyn Female Perth
1920/100331 Perth Gurney Annie Ellen Female Sturtridge Harry Male South Perth
1919/100332 Perth Longmuir Vera Female Wakefield Edward Leonard Male Perth
1920/100332 Perth Gilbert Alice Violet Female Lake George Male South Perth
1920/100332 Perth Lake George Male Gilbert Alice Violet Female South Perth
1919/100332 Perth Wakefield Edward Leonard Male Longmuir Vera Female Perth
1919/100333 Perth Ashworth May Charlotte Female Male Vincent Percy Male Maylands
1919/100333 Perth Male Vincent Percy Male Ashworth May Charlotte Female Maylands
1919/100334 Perth Vowels Mary Veronica Female Slattery Christopher James Male West Perth
1919/100334 Perth Slattery Christopher James Male Vowels Mary Veronica Female West Perth
1919/100335 Perth Wright Charles Frederick Male Ryder Elizabeth Grace Female West Perth
1919/100335 Perth Ryder Elizabeth Grace Female Wright Charles Frederick Male West Perth
1919/100336 Perth Boylan John Thomas Male Cusack Margaret Female West Perth
1919/100336 Perth Cusack Margaret Female Boylan John Thomas Male West Perth
1919/100337 Perth Newsom Joseph Maultby Male Horne Veronica Lillian Female Perth
1919/100337 Perth Horne Veronica Lillian Female Newsom Joseph Maultby Male Perth
1919/100338 Perth O'Loughlin Cornelius Male Doreen Rachel Teresa Female Perth
1919/100338 Perth Doreen Rachel Teresa Female O'Loughlin Cornelius Male Perth
1919/100339 Perth Hale Thrisa Vitoria Aubrey Female Kinneen William Patrick Male Perth
1919/100339 Perth Kinneen William Patrick Male Hale Thrisa Vitoria Aubrey Female Perth
1919/100340 Perth Stone Horace Samuel Male Martin Lucy Female Perth
1919/100340 Perth Martin Lucy Female Stone Horace Samuel Male Perth
1919/100341 Perth Plater Joseph Charles Male Clements Eilleen Frances Female Perth
1919/100341 Perth Clements Eilleen Frances Female Plater Joseph Charles Male Perth
1919/100342 Perth Baker John Male Gardiner May Female Perth
1919/100342 Perth Gardiner May Female Baker John Male Perth
1919/100343 Perth Boundry Lydia Mary Female Giles Albert Edward Male Perth
1919/100343 Perth Giles Albert Edward Male Boundry Lydia Mary Female Perth
1919/100344 Perth MacGinnity William Male Flanagan Veronica Female Perth
1919/100344 Perth Flanagan Veronica Female MacGinnity William Male Perth
1919/100345 Perth Berry Beatrice Kathleen Warren Female Baker Eric Lyall Male Perth
1919/100345 Perth Baker Eric Lyall Male Berry Beatrice Kathleen Warren Female Perth
1919/100346 Perth Lawrence Alfred Wallace Male Barker Claire Florence Female Perth
1919/100346 Perth Barker Claire Florence Female Lawrence Alfred Wallace Male Perth
1919/100347 Perth Dangan James Male Taylor Elsie Ernestine Female Perth
1919/100347 Perth Taylor Elsie Ernestine Female Dangan James Male Perth
1919/100348 Perth Gill Florence Rewena Female Kemble Samuel Male Perth
1919/100348 Perth Kemble Samuel Male Gill Florence Rewena Female Perth
1919/100349 Perth Allen Herbert Male Parker Emily Annie Female Perth
1919/100349 Perth Parker Emily Annie Female Allen Herbert Male Perth
1919/100350 Perth Wilson Elizabeth Myrtle Female Hall Arthur Male Perth
1919/100350 Perth Hall Arthur Male Wilson Elizabeth Myrtle Female Perth
1919/100351 Perth Moses Samuel Male Davis Elizabeth Female Perth
1919/100351 Perth Davis Elizabeth Female Moses Samuel Male Perth
1919/100352 Perth Cameron Robert Cochrane Brown Male French Irene Grace Jefferiss Female Claremont
1919/100352 Perth French Irene Grace Jefferiss Female Cameron Robert Cochrane Brown Male Claremont
1919/100353 Perth Grove Marshall James Male Speak Annie Beatrice Female North Perth
1919/100353 Perth Speak Annie Beatrice Female Grove Marshall James Male North Perth
1919/100354 Perth Pollett Aileen Eva Female Pollard Edgar William Male Perth
1919/100354 Perth Pollard Edgar William Male Pollett Aileen Eva Female Perth
1919/100355 Perth Furzer Beaumont Cornelius Male Green Florence Annie Female Perth
1919/100355 Perth Green Florence Annie Female Furzer Beaumont Cornelius Male Perth
1919/100356 Perth Grace Myrtle Olive Female Johnson Frederick Thomas Male Claremont
1919/100356 Perth Johnson Frederick Thomas Male Grace Myrtle Olive Female Claremont
1919/100357 Perth Lee Harry Male Campbell Dolly Dulcie Female Perth
1919/100357 Perth Campbell Dolly Dulcie Female Lee Harry Male Perth
1919/100358 Perth Patroni Clarence Leo Male Dolin Mary Winifred Female Perth
1919/100358 Perth Dolin Mary Winifred Female Patroni Clarence Leo Male Perth
1919/100359 Perth Hallam Arthur Male Forrest Mary Ann Agnes Female Perth
1919/100359 Perth Forrest Mary Ann Agnes Female Hallam Arthur Male Perth
1919/100360 Perth Harvey Mary Muriel Female Shea James Male Perth
1919/100360 Perth Shea James Male Harvey Mary Muriel Female Perth
1919/100361 Perth Garth John Male Smith Josephine Gertrude Female Perth
1919/100361 Perth Smith Josephine Gertrude Female Garth John Male Perth
1919/100362 Perth Wickland Victor Mattsan Male Lake Winifred Rose Female Perth
1919/100362 Perth Lake Winifred Rose Female Wickland Victor Mattsan Male Perth
1919/100363 Perth Brambles Kathleen Mary May Female Deering Matthew John Male Perth
1919/100363 Perth Deering Matthew John Male Brambles Kathleen Mary May Female Perth
1919/100364 Perth Kennett Mary Female Burns John Male Perth
1919/100364 Perth Burns John Male Kennett Mary Female Perth
1919/100365 Perth Heatley John Male Henry Myra Edith Rosalind Female Victoria Park
1919/100365 Perth Henry Myra Edith Rosalind Female Heatley John Male Victoria Park
1919/100366 Perth Marshall Kate Female Mellen John Thomas Male Maylands
1919/100366 Perth Mellen John Thomas Male Marshall Kate Female Maylands
1919/100367 Perth Muller Mabel Mary Evangeline Female Read Charles Frederick Male Osborne
1919/100367 Perth Read Charles Frederick Male Muller Mabel Mary Evangeline Female Osborne
1919/100368 Perth Elliot Winifred Marion Female Hatton Henry Anthony Male Perth
1919/100368 Perth Hatton Henry Anthony Male Elliot Winifred Marion Female Perth
1919/100369 Perth Slade George Butler Male Brown Minnie Annie Female Perth
1919/100369 Perth Brown Minnie Annie Female Slade George Butler Male Perth
1919/100370 Perth Downes Joscelyn Jefferis Male Bishop Gladys Winifred Female Perth
1919/100370 Perth Bishop Gladys Winifred Female Downes Joscelyn Jefferis Male Perth
1919/100371 Perth McGovern Valeria Agnes Glynn Female Hornsby Stanley Nelson Male Leederville
1919/100371 Perth Hornsby Stanley Nelson Male McGovern Valeria Agnes Glynn Female Leederville
1919/100372 Perth Straw Charles Male Saggers Elvira Mary Female Perth
1919/100372 Perth Saggers Elvira Mary Female Straw Charles Male Perth
1919/100373 Perth Bailey Veronica Evelyn Female Cox Ernest Alfred Male Perth
1919/100373 Perth Cox Ernest Alfred Male Bailey Veronica Evelyn Female Perth
1919/100374 Perth White William Sydney Male Keady Ellen Mary Female Cottesloe
1919/100374 Perth Keady Ellen Mary Female White William Sydney Male Cottesloe
1919/100375 Perth Belicke Oscar Stanley William Male Spargo Alice Norma Female Perth
1919/100375 Perth Spargo Alice Norma Female Belicke Oscar Stanley William Male Perth
1919/100376 Perth Collett Elsie Maria Female Krüger Charles Seymour Male West Perth
1919/100376 Perth Krüger Charles Seymour Male Collett Elsie Maria Female West Perth
1919/100377 Perth Edwards Sidney Spencer Male de Lissa Myra Female Perth
1919/100377 Perth de Lissa Myra Female Edwards Sidney Spencer Male Perth
1919/100378 Perth Knapp William James Male Browne Hazel Female East Perth
1919/100378 Perth Browne Hazel Female Knapp William James Male East Perth
1919/100379 Perth Franz Isla Victoria Female Baskerville Albert Victor Male Perth
1919/100379 Perth Baskerville Albert Victor Male Franz Isla Victoria Female Perth
1919/100380 Perth Cook Frederick John Male Foy Elsie Margaret Female Perth
1919/100380 Perth Foy Elsie Margaret Female Cook Frederick John Male Perth
1919/100381 Perth Warnett Charles James Male Cowden Mary Female West Perth
1919/100381 Perth Cowden Mary Female Warnett Charles James Male West Perth
1919/100382 Perth Riseley May Elliott Female Liddelow William Robert Male Perth
1919/100382 Perth Liddelow William Robert Male Riseley May Elliott Female Perth
1919/100383 Perth Foster Reginald Thomas Male Henzell Lessé Linley Female Perth
1919/100383 Perth Henzell Lessé Linley Female Foster Reginald Thomas Male Perth
1919/100384 Perth Krug Esther Female Middlewick Samuel Male Perth
1919/100384 Perth Middlewick Samuel Male Krug Esther Female Perth
1919/100385 Perth Flindell Martha Ann Female Bradford David James Male Perth
1919/100385 Perth Bradford David James Male Flindell Martha Ann Female Perth
1919/100386 Perth Monaghan Edward John Male Gibson Mary Elizabeth Female Perth
1919/100386 Perth Gibson Mary Elizabeth Female Monaghan Edward John Male Perth
1919/100387 Perth Johnson Emily Maud Female Chivers Joseph Christopher Male Perth
1919/100387 Perth Chivers Joseph Christopher Male Johnson Emily Maud Female Perth
1919/100388 Perth Turner Frances Emma Female Nobbs David Leslie Beauchamp Male Perth
1919/100388 Perth Nobbs David Leslie Beauchamp Male Turner Frances Emma Female Perth
1919/100389 Perth Walker Victor Male Wayne Ann Female Perth
1919/100389 Perth Wayne Ann Female Walker Victor Male Perth
1919/100390 Perth Green Edward Stanley Male Cahill Priscilla Frances Female Bayswater
1919/100390 Perth Cahill Priscilla Frances Female Green Edward Stanley Male Bayswater
1919/100391 Perth Buckenara Clarence Male Shuttleworth Ivy Female Maylands
1919/100391 Perth Shuttleworth Ivy Female Buckenara Clarence Male Maylands
1919/100392 Perth Peters James Male Gould-Cave Doris Mary Vaughan Female Perth
1919/100392 Perth Gould-Cave Doris Mary Vaughan Female Peters James Male Perth
1919/100393 Perth McKenzie Robert Male Thomas Beatrice Maud Female Perth
1919/100393 Perth Thomas Beatrice Maud Female McKenzie Robert Male Perth
1919/100394 Perth Meredith Richard William Male Smith Mary Female Perth
1919/100394 Perth Smith Mary Female Meredith Richard William Male Perth
1919/100395 Perth Peters Mary Female Gentle James Clarence John Male Perth
1919/100395 Perth Gentle James Clarence John Male Peters Mary Female Perth
1919/100396 Perth Garner Emma Elizabeth Female Burns Patrick Thomas Male Perth
1919/100396 Perth Burns Patrick Thomas Male Garner Emma Elizabeth Female Perth
1919/100397 Perth Hewson Robert Henry Male Lucchinelli Carina Argentina Female Perth
1919/100397 Perth Lucchinelli Carina Argentina Female Hewson Robert Henry Male Perth
1919/100398 Perth Denney Alfred George Joseph Johnston Male Elshaw Elsie Female Perth
1919/100398 Perth Elshaw Elsie Female Denney Alfred George Joseph Johnston Male Perth
1919/100399 Perth Poole Lillie Female Bennett Henry Charles Male Leederville
1919/100399 Perth Bennett Henry Charles Male Poole Lillie Female Leederville
1919/100400 Perth Whitford Henrietta Female Clifford Lewin Henry Male Perth
1919/100400 Perth Clifford Lewin Henry Male Whitford Henrietta Female Perth
1919/100401 Perth Bowley Percy Richard Male Inglis Martha Emma Female Perth
1919/100401 Perth Inglis Martha Emma Female Bowley Percy Richard Male Perth
1919/100402 Perth Breckler Vera Female Rosenwax Nathaniel Male Perth
1919/100402 Perth Rosenwax Nathaniel Male Breckler Vera Female Perth
1919/100403 Perth Crellin Alice Maud Female Steedman Charles William Male Perth
1919/100403 Perth Steedman Charles William Male Crellin Alice Maud Female Perth
1919/100404 Perth Poulter Alfred Arthur Aylock Male Kemp Eva Constance Female Perth
1919/100404 Perth Kemp Eva Constance Female Poulter Alfred Arthur Aylock Male Perth
1919/100405 Perth Calkoen Jules Male Macdonald Lucy Veronica Female Perth
1919/100405 Perth Macdonald Lucy Veronica Female Calkoen Jules Male Perth
1919/100406 Perth McKenzie Hugh Newcomen Male Earp Joyce Gwendoline Shelton Female Perth
1920/100406 Perth McIlwraith Bernard Neil Male Smith Cora Marjorie Female Perth
1919/100406 Perth Earp Joyce Gwendoline Shelton Female McKenzie Hugh Newcomen Male Perth
1920/100406 Perth Smith Cora Marjorie Female McIlwraith Bernard Neil Male Perth
1919/100407 Perth Russell Albert Edward Male Ferguson Agnes Edith Female Perth
1920/100407 Perth Dewar Christina Female Newton George Henry Male Claremont
1920/100407 Perth Newton George Henry Male Dewar Christina Female Claremont
1919/100407 Perth Ferguson Agnes Edith Female Russell Albert Edward Male Perth
1919/100408 Perth Tachliambouris George Male Kecatos Maria Female Perth
1919/100408 Perth Kecatos Maria Female Bouris George Male Perth
1919/100408 Perth Kecatos Maria Female Tachliambouris George Male Perth
1920/100408 Perth McMillan Elsie Kate Pelling Female Tonkin Alvin Matthew Edward Male Claremont
1920/100408 Perth Tonkin Alvin Matthew Edward Male McMillan Elsie Kate Pelling Female Claremont
1919/100408 Perth Bouris George Male Kecatos Maria Female Perth
1919/100409 Perth Phillips Dorothy Magaret Female Bishop Charles Frederick Male Perth
1920/100409 Perth Ross Ethel Mary Vernon Female Finch Valentine Male Claremont
1919/100409 Perth Bishop Charles Frederick Male Phillips Dorothy Magaret Female Perth
1920/100409 Perth Finch Valentine Male Ross Ethel Mary Vernon Female Claremont
1920/100410 Perth Myers Oswald Louis Male Parker Myrtle Evelyn Eugenie Female Claremont
1920/100410 Perth Parker Myrtle Evelyn Eugenie Female Myers Oswald Louis Male Claremont
1919/100410 Perth Collins William Kendall Male Ryan Lulu Female Perth
1919/100410 Perth Ryan Lulu Female Collins William Kendall Male Perth
1920/100411 Perth Deacon Ida Grace Female Byrne James Ernest Poole Male Claremont
1920/100411 Perth Byrne James Ernest Poole Male Deacon Ida Grace Female Claremont
1919/100411 Perth Burgess Mary Female Fowler John Archer Male West Perth
1919/100411 Perth Fowler John Archer Male Burgess Mary Female West Perth
1920/100412 Perth Froome John Male Deacon Dora Female Claremont
1919/100412 Perth Greaves Kathleen Maud Female Fowlie Alexander Male Perth
1920/100412 Perth Deacon Dora Female Froome John Male Claremont
1919/100412 Perth Fowlie Alexander Male Greaves Kathleen Maud Female Perth
1919/100413 Perth Davies Nellie Ada Female Lawson Hedley Male Perth
1920/100413 Perth Jones Wilmar Hyacinthe Female Firkin Lewis Edmund Male Claremont
1919/100413 Perth Lawson Hedley Male Davies Nellie Ada Female Perth
1920/100413 Perth Firkin Lewis Edmund Male Jones Wilmar Hyacinthe Female Claremont
1919/100414 Perth Mighall Reuben Male Manson Edith Matilda Female Mt Lawley
1919/100414 Perth Manson Edith Matilda Female Mighall Reuben Male Mt Lawley
1920/100414 Perth Bear Arthur Edward Male Hoare Elsie Rose Female Claremont
1920/100414 Perth Hoare Elsie Rose Female Bear Arthur Edward Male Claremont
1919/100415 Perth Fenwick Annie Davisine Female Beard Ernest George Male Perth
1920/100415 Perth Cadby Arthur Edward Male Hunter Janet Female Claremont
1919/100415 Perth Beard Ernest George Male Fenwick Annie Davisine Female Perth
1920/100415 Perth Hunter Janet Female Cadby Arthur Edward Male Claremont
1919/100416 Perth Hubbard Stanley Harold Male Nyman Doris Ada Female Cottesloe
1920/100416 Perth Knight Ruth Mary Female Wilkinson Bruce Foster Male Claremont
1919/100416 Perth Nyman Doris Ada Female Hubbard Stanley Harold Male Cottesloe
1920/100416 Perth Wilkinson Bruce Foster Male Knight Ruth Mary Female Claremont
1919/100417 Perth Lindley Herbert Male Sherman Helen Veronica Female Perth
1919/100417 Perth Sherman Helen Veronica Female Lindley Herbert Male Perth
1919/100418 Perth Marshall Christina Female Lewis Leslie William Goodwin Male Perth
1919/100418 Perth Lewis Leslie William Goodwin Male Marshall Christina Female Perth
1919/100419 Perth Rodgers Rachel Jean Female Lloyd George Garfield Male East Perth
1919/100419 Perth Lloyd George Garfield Male Rodgers Rachel Jean Female East Perth
1919/100420 Perth Fisk Edward Charles Male Moyle Marjorie Catherine Female Perth
1919/100420 Perth Moyle Marjorie Catherine Female Fisk Edward Charles Male Perth
1919/100421 Perth Mapstone Percy John Male Vannan Sarah Jane Female Perth
1919/100421 Perth Vannan Sarah Jane Female Mapstone Percy John Male Perth
1919/100422 Perth Davis Ray Male Simpson Flossie Gwendolen Female Claremont
1919/100422 Perth Simpson Flossie Gwendolen Female Davis Ray Male Claremont
1919/100423 Perth Ovington Charles Thomas Male Spargo Ivy Maud Whittle Female Perth
1919/100423 Perth Spargo Ivy Maud Whittle Female Ovington Charles Thomas Male Perth
1919/100424 Perth Green Hamlet Graham Male Burgess Edith Cora May Female Perth
1919/100424 Perth Burgess Edith Cora May Female Green Hamlet Graham Male Perth
1919/100425 Perth Wallis Alfred Ernest Orchard Male Smith Hilda Ethel Female Perth
1919/100425 Perth Smith Hilda Ethel Female Wallis Alfred Ernest Orchard Male Perth
1919/100426 Perth Jaffrey Guy Maxwell Male Quigley Eva Female Perth
1919/100426 Perth Quigley Eva Female Jaffrey Guy Maxwell Male Perth
1919/100427 Perth Rowe Allan Gilbert Male Powell Marjorie Frances Female Perth
1919/100427 Perth Powell Marjorie Frances Female Rowe Allan Gilbert Male Perth
1919/100428 Perth Springett Robert Harper Male Hawkins Alice Eleanor Female East Perth
1919/100428 Perth Hawkins Alice Eleanor Female Springett Robert Harper Male East Perth
1919/100429 Perth Thompson Mary Ellen Female Lynch Patrick Male Leederville
1919/100429 Perth Lynch Patrick Male Thompson Mary Ellen Female Leederville
1919/100430 Perth Fitzsimmons Thomas John Male Hyland Jennie Female Claremont
1919/100430 Perth Hyland Jennie Female Fitzsimmons Thomas John Male Claremont
1919/100431 Perth Veal Ethel Beatrice Female Luckhurst Percy John Male Perth
1919/100431 Perth Luckhurst Percy John Male Veal Ethel Beatrice Female Perth
1919/100432 Perth Westcott George Male Walker Cynthia Ray Lawrence Female Perth
1919/100432 Perth Walker Cynthia Ray Lawrence Female Westcott George Male Perth
1919/100433 Perth Hebb Caroline Mary Female Abbott Claude Bilton Male Perth
1919/100433 Perth Abbott Claude Bilton Male Hebb Caroline Mary Female Perth
1919/100434 Perth Morton James Male Robertson Ada Eliza Female Osborne Park
1919/100434 Perth Robertson Ada Eliza Female Morton James Male Osborne Park
1919/100435 Perth Horrocks Isabella Adelina Esther Female Graham John Marshall Male Perth
1919/100435 Perth Graham John Marshall Male Horrocks Isabella Adelina Esther Female Perth
1919/100436 Perth Smith Maud Amelia Female Henderson James Norman Male Perth
1919/100436 Perth Henderson James Norman Male Smith Maud Amelia Female Perth
1919/100437 Perth Gibson George Bowran Male Wedderburn Elsie Female Perth
1919/100437 Perth Wedderburn Elsie Female Gibson George Bowran Male Perth
1919/100438 Perth Pine Robert David Male Hall Amie Lena Female Perth
1919/100438 Perth Hall Amie Lena Female Pine Robert David Male Perth
1919/100439 Perth Jones Elsie Female Thompson Stephen James Male Perth
1919/100439 Perth Thompson Stephen James Male Jones Elsie Female Perth
1919/100440 Perth Ward Amy Violet Female Mouritzen Albert Christian Male Perth
1919/100440 Perth Mouritzen Albert Christian Male Ward Amy Violet Female Perth
1919/100441 Perth Hares William John Male Anderson Martha Female Perth
1919/100441 Perth Anderson Martha Female Hares William John Male Perth
1919/100442 Perth Marsh Ella Muriel Female Case Alfred John Male Perth
1919/100442 Perth Case Alfred John Male Marsh Ella Muriel Female Perth
1919/100443 Perth Atter Alice Female Knight Stanley Male Perth
1919/100443 Perth Knight Stanley Male Atter Alice Female Perth
1919/100444 Perth Waldie Florence Rose Female Sykes Archibald Hudson Male Perth
1919/100444 Perth Sykes Archibald Hudson Male Waldie Florence Rose Female Perth
1919/100445 Perth Moore Ernest Charles Male Hodgkinson Viola Victoria Female Perth
1919/100445 Perth Hodgkinson Viola Victoria Female Moore Ernest Charles Male Perth
1919/100446 Perth Higgins Vivian Charles Male Cox Violet Female Perth
1919/100446 Perth Cox Violet Female Higgins Vivian Charles Male Perth
1919/100447 Perth Tolmie Agnes Collins Female Sharples John Male Perth
1919/100447 Perth Sharples John Male Tolmie Agnes Collins Female Perth
1919/100448 Perth Moore Margaret Ann Female Landwehr Charles Henry Male Perth
1919/100448 Perth Landwehr Charles Henry Male Moore Margaret Ann Female Perth
1919/100449 Perth Heaton Frederick William Male Burns Marie Female West Perth
1919/100449 Perth Burns Marie Female Heaton Frederick William Male West Perth
1919/100450 Perth Meaney Nellie Female Warner Charles Vernon Male West Perth
1919/100450 Perth Warner Charles Vernon Male Meaney Nellie Female West Perth
1919/100451 Perth Day Mathew John Male Nichols Mary Jane Female West Perth
1919/100451 Perth Nichols Mary Jane Female Day Mathew John Male West Perth
1919/100452 Perth Davin Annie Female Thomson John Male West Perth
1919/100452 Perth Thomson John Male Davin Annie Female West Perth
1919/100453 Perth Reidy Ella Female Smith Martin James Male Perth
1919/100453 Perth Smith Martin James Male Reidy Ella Female Perth
1919/100454 Perth Hellwege Caroline Mary Female Henderson Malcolm Male Perth
1919/100454 Perth Henderson Malcolm Male Hellwege Caroline Mary Female Perth
1919/100455 Perth Feiss Arthur Carl Male Ashenden Ivy Patricia Mary Female Cottesloe
1919/100455 Perth Ashenden Ivy Patricia Mary Female Feiss Arthur Carl Male Cottesloe
1919/100456 Perth Murray Bertha Female McWhirter John Benjamin Male Claremont
1919/100456 Perth McWhirter John Benjamin Male Murray Bertha Female Claremont
1919/100457 Perth Burgess Florence Sybil Female Jeans Ralph Lionel Male Claremont
1919/100457 Perth Jeans Ralph Lionel Male Burgess Florence Sybil Female Claremont
1919/100458 Perth Stubbs Isabel Jeffrey Female Beaton John Alexander Male Claremont
1919/100458 Perth Beaton John Alexander Male Stubbs Isabel Jeffrey Female Claremont
1919/100459 Perth McDermott Etheldreda Myra Female Bird George Male Perth
1919/100459 Perth Bird George Male McDermott Etheldreda Myra Female Perth
1919/100460 Perth Snelling Robert Dix Male Herbert Prudence Violet Jane Female Perth
1919/100460 Perth Herbert Prudence Violet Jane Female Snelling Robert Dix Male Perth
1919/100461 Perth Foote Doris Gwendoline Female Sprunt Gordon Male Subiaco
1919/100461 Perth Sprunt Gordon Male Foote Doris Gwendoline Female Subiaco
1919/100462 Perth Hall Eva May Female Douglas Alfred Godfrey Male Subiaco
1919/100462 Perth Douglas Alfred Godfrey Male Hall Eva May Female Subiaco
1919/100463 Perth Green Elsie Mabel Female Axer Hugo Carl Wilhelm Male West Perth
1919/100463 Perth Axer Hugo Carl Wilhelm Male Green Elsie Mabel Female West Perth
1919/100464 Perth Nelson Lelian Female Osburne Noel William Male Perth
1919/100464 Perth Osburne Noel William Male Nelson Lelian Female Perth
1919/100465 Perth Sherrard Jean Buchanan Female Coffen John Harold Male West Perth
1919/100465 Perth Coffen John Harold Male Sherrard Jean Buchanan Female West Perth
1919/100466 Perth Reed Albert James Male Evans Ethel Louisa Female Perth
1919/100466 Perth Evans Ethel Louisa Female Reed Albert James Male Perth
1919/100467 Perth Davis Gwendoline Maud Nixon Female Turner Arthur Henry Male Cottesloe
1919/100467 Perth Turner Arthur Henry Male Davis Gwendoline Maud Nixon Female Cottesloe
1919/100468 Perth Sadlier Clarence Andrew James Male Dean Daphne Youle Female Perth
1919/100468 Perth Dean Daphne Youle Female Sadlier Clarence Andrew James Male Perth
1919/100469 Perth Macfarlane Edward Male Everitt Hilda Female West Perth
1919/100469 Perth Everitt Hilda Female Macfarlane Edward Male West Perth
1919/100470 Perth Mainard Gilbert Leslie Male Moyle Lettie Female East Perth
1919/100470 Perth Moyle Lettie Female Mainard Gilbert Leslie Male East Perth
1919/100471 Perth Bluck Harry Male Paskin Alice Female Perth
1919/100471 Perth Paskin Alice Female Bluck Harry Male Perth
1919/100472 Perth Keys Lena Female Mitchell Thomas Joseph Male Perth
1919/100472 Perth Mitchell Thomas Joseph Male Keys Lena Female Perth
1919/100473 Perth Webber Esther May Female Leicester William Louis Male Perth
1919/100473 Perth Leicester William Louis Male Webber Esther May Female Perth
1919/100474 Perth Cahill Cornelius Male Adam Jessie Ann Female Maylands
1919/100474 Perth Adam Jessie Ann Female Cahill Cornelius Male Maylands
1919/100475 Perth Badger Albert Male Fletcher Rebecca Female Leederville
1919/100475 Perth Fletcher Rebecca Female Badger Albert Male Leederville
1919/100476 Perth Watson William John Male Davis Louisa Ellen Female Leederville
1919/100476 Perth Davis Louisa Ellen Female Watson William John Male Leederville
1919/100477 Perth Gilbert Christina Margaret Female Ellemor George Francis Male Leederville
1919/100477 Perth Ellemor George Francis Male Gilbert Christina Margaret Female Leederville
1919/100478 Perth Carkeek Myrtle Agnes Female Quinn Michael Leonard Male Perth
1919/100478 Perth Quinn Michael Leonard Male Carkeek Myrtle Agnes Female Perth
1919/100479 Perth Ramstead John Andrew Male Cooper Viola Rubena Female Perth
1919/100479 Perth Cooper Viola Rubena Female Ramstead John Andrew Male Perth
1919/100480 Perth Lachberg Jean Female Finkelstein William Male Perth
1919/100480 Perth Lachberg Jean Female Finkelstein Woolf Male Perth
1919/100480 Perth Lachberg Sheina Female Finkelstein William Male Perth
1919/100480 Perth Lachberg Sheina Female Finkelstein Woolf Male Perth
1919/100480 Perth Finkelstein William Male Lachberg Jean Female Perth
1919/100480 Perth Finkelstein William Male Lachberg Sheina Female Perth
1919/100480 Perth Finkelstein Woolf Male Lachberg Jean Female Perth
1919/100480 Perth Finkelstein Woolf Male Lachberg Sheina Female Perth
1919/100481 Perth Goodchild Mary Female Vokins Arthur John Male Maylands
1919/100481 Perth Vokins Arthur John Male Goodchild Mary Female Maylands
1919/100482 Perth Wood William Basil Male Smith Alice Noeline Violet Female Maylands
1919/100482 Perth Smith Alice Noeline Violet Female Wood William Basil Male Maylands
1919/100483 Perth Crocker James Arnold Male Hicks Florrie Female Perth
1919/100483 Perth Hicks Florrie Female Crocker James Arnold Male Perth
1919/100484 Perth Floyd Henry Charles Male Whiley Elizabeth Emily Female Perth
1919/100484 Perth Whiley Elizabeth Emily Female Floyd Henry Charles Male Perth
1919/100485 Perth Hardingham Nellie Edna Female Paul Leonard George Male Subiaco
1919/100485 Perth Paul Leonard George Male Hardingham Nellie Edna Female Subiaco
1919/100486 Perth Haines Lilian Myrtle Female Mann James Male Subiaco
1919/100486 Perth Mann James Male Haines Lilian Myrtle Female Subiaco
1919/100487 Perth Darlington Norma Pearl Female Johnson Reginald Charles Reuben Male Subiaco
1919/100487 Perth Johnson Reginald Charles Reuben Male Darlington Norma Pearl Female Subiaco
1919/100488 Perth Cook Elizabeth Olive Female Austin Basil Wake Male Subiaco
1919/100488 Perth Austin Basil Wake Male Cook Elizabeth Olive Female Subiaco
1919/100489 Perth Clark Francis Robert Male Griffiths Gertrude Westralia Female Perth
1919/100489 Perth Griffiths Gertrude Westralia Female Clark Francis Robert Male Perth
1919/100490 Perth McRae David Henry Male Willis Elsie Amelia Female Perth
1919/100490 Perth Willis Elsie Amelia Female McRae David Henry Male Perth
1919/100491 Perth Ottrey Clara Annie Female Head Leslie George Male Perth
1919/100491 Perth Head Leslie George Male Ottrey Clara Annie Female Perth
1919/100492 Perth Milbank Arthur Ernest Edmund Male Todd Margaret Helen Female West Perth
1919/100492 Perth Todd Margaret Helen Female Milbank Arthur Ernest Edmund Male West Perth
1919/100493 Perth Arbuckle William Male Redfearne Annie Osborne Female North Perth
1919/100493 Perth Redfearne Annie Osborne Female Arbuckle William Male North Perth
1919/100494 Perth Goff George Male Jamieson Mary Female North Perth
1919/100494 Perth Jamieson Mary Female Goff George Male North Perth
1919/100495 Perth Beer Charles Henry Male Davey Agnes Maud Female Perth
1919/100495 Perth Davey Agnes Maud Female Beer Charles Henry Male Perth
1919/100496 Perth Waters Francis Nicholas Male Fewster Gertrude Female Perth
1919/100496 Perth Fewster Gertrude Female Waters Francis Nicholas Male Perth
1919/100497 Perth Turner Eva Hilda Winnifred Female Bolton Albert Edward Male Perth
1919/100497 Perth Bolton Albert Edward Male Turner Eva Hilda Winnifred Female Perth
1919/100498 Perth Hoey Andrew Male Allen Greta Eileen Glover Female Leederville
1919/100498 Perth Allen Greta Eileen Glover Female Hoey Andrew Male Leederville
1919/100499 Perth Westbrook Alfred Baxter Male Shugg Olive May Female West Leederville
1919/100499 Perth Shugg Olive May Female Westbrook Alfred Baxter Male West Leederville
1919/100500 Perth Parker Ivy Amy Female Letcher Francis Perry Male Perth
1919/100500 Perth Letcher Francis Perry Male Parker Ivy Amy Female Perth
1919/100501 Perth Newman Ruth Female Allen Arthur Edward Male Perth
1919/100501 Perth Allen Arthur Edward Male Newman Ruth Female Perth
1919/100502 Perth Rogers Gladys Elizabeth Louise Female Crawcour Morris Male Perth
1919/100502 Perth Crawcour Morris Male Rogers Gladys Elizabeth Louise Female Perth
1919/100503 Perth Dutch Catherine Lees Female Maclean Robert George Male Perth
1919/100503 Perth Maclean Robert George Male Dutch Catherine Lees Female Perth
1919/100504 Perth Pearson Jack Carnaby Thurston Male Woodrow Florence Gladys Madaleene Female Subiaco
1919/100504 Perth Woodrow Florence Gladys Madaleene Female Pearson Jack Carnaby Thurston Male Subiaco
1919/100505 Perth Barker Meynell Female McIndoe James Male Subiaco
1919/100505 Perth McIndoe James Male Barker Meynell Female Subiaco
1919/100506 Perth Bradley George Stewart Male Carra Amy Edith Female Subiaco
1919/100506 Perth Carra Amy Edith Female Bradley George Stewart Male Subiaco
1919/100507 Perth Jensen Alice Rose Ellen Female Gale Hugh Alex Male Perth
1919/100507 Perth Gale Hugh Alex Male Jensen Alice Rose Ellen Female Perth
1919/100508 Perth Sullivan Percival James Male Evans Sarah Mary Gwendoline Female Perth
1919/100508 Perth Evans Sarah Mary Gwendoline Female Sullivan Percival James Male Perth
1919/100509 Perth Harvey Florence Margaret Female Freckleton Joseph Tulloch Male Perth
1919/100509 Perth Freckleton Joseph Tulloch Male Harvey Florence Margaret Female Perth
1919/100510 Perth Masel Ida Female Masel Lawrence Male Perth
1919/100510 Perth Masel Lawrence Male Masel Ida Female Perth
1919/100511 Perth Hanifin Mary Christina Female Hawkins Cecil James Male Perth
1919/100511 Perth Hawkins Cecil James Male Hanifin Mary Christina Female Perth
1919/100512 Perth Barnes Emma Female Mathers John Victor Woods Male East Perth
1919/100512 Perth Mathers John Victor Woods Male Barnes Emma Female East Perth
1919/100513 Perth Barber Annie Female Foster William Edward Male Perth
1919/100513 Perth Foster William Edward Male Barber Annie Female Perth
1919/100514 Perth Carruthers Agnes Female Clark Harold Ernest Male Perth
1919/100514 Perth Clark Harold Ernest Male Carruthers Agnes Female Perth
1919/100515 Perth Branson Ada Amelia Female Rutherford Charles George Male Perth
1919/100515 Perth Rutherford Charles George Male Branson Ada Amelia Female Perth
1919/100516 Perth Hart Herbert Male Sweetman Laurie Female Perth
1919/100516 Perth Sweetman Laurie Female Hart Herbert Male Perth
1919/100517 Perth Bodinner William Stanley Male Roberts Fanny Matilda Female Perth
1919/100517 Perth Roberts Fanny Matilda Female Bodinner William Stanley Male Perth
1919/100518 Perth Brazier Caroline Female Wild Arthur Samuel Male Cottesloe
1919/100518 Perth Wild Arthur Samuel Male Brazier Caroline Female Cottesloe
1919/100519 Perth Long Vera Irene Female Roberts Harold Bert Male Perth
1919/100519 Perth Roberts Harold Bert Male Long Vera Irene Female Perth
1919/100520 Perth Davis Nellie Isabel Female Christiansen Simrick Peter Male Perth
1919/100520 Perth Christiansen Simrick Peter Male Davis Nellie Isabel Female Perth
1919/100521 Perth Harris Reginald Male Law-Davis Rosa Emily Female Bayswater
1919/100521 Perth Law-Davis Rosa Emily Female Harris Reginald Male Bayswater
1919/100522 Perth Crombie Ernest Arthur Male Hancock Annie Female Perth
1919/100522 Perth Hancock Annie Female Crombie Ernest Arthur Male Perth
1919/100523 Perth Griffiths Annie Female Chisholm Alexander Male West Perth
1919/100523 Perth Chisholm Alexander Male Griffiths Annie Female West Perth
1919/100524 Perth Copley Beatrice Georgina Female McKinlay William Dougall Male Perth
1919/100524 Perth McKinlay William Dougall Male Copley Beatrice Georgina Female Perth
1919/100525 Perth Spalding Ellen May Female Sweeney Henry Alfred Male Perth
1919/100525 Perth Sweeney Henry Alfred Male Spalding Ellen May Female Perth
1919/100526 Perth King Alfred Wake Male Robinson Jane Female Perth
1919/100526 Perth Robinson Jane Female King Alfred Wake Male Perth
1919/100527 Perth Park Mabel Edith Female Flottmann William Frederick Charles Male Perth
1919/100527 Perth Flottmann William Frederick Charles Male Park Mabel Edith Female Perth
1919/100528 Perth Forkin Frank Mason Mark Male Brown Ellen Elizabeth Female Perth
1919/100528 Perth Brown Ellen Elizabeth Female Forkin Frank Mason Mark Male Perth
1919/100529 Perth Street Arthur Male Wicks Lily Female Perth
1919/100529 Perth Wicks Lily Female Street Arthur Male Perth
1919/100530 Perth Perkins Catherine Louisa Female Robertson William Reginald Mayo Male Perth
1919/100530 Perth Robertson William Reginald Mayo Male Perkins Catherine Louisa Female Perth
1919/100531 Perth Craig Alice Catherine Annie Female Sinclair George Ernest Campbell Male Perth
1919/100531 Perth Sinclair George Ernest Campbell Male Craig Alice Catherine Annie Female Perth
1919/100532 Perth Rex Frank Male Waugh Ada Female Perth
1919/100532 Perth Waugh Ada Female Rex Frank Male Perth
1919/100533 Perth Morrison Charlotte May Female Phillips Hugh Douglas Pole Male Perth
1919/100533 Perth Phillips Hugh Douglas Pole Male Morrison Charlotte May Female Perth
1919/100534 Perth Hamel Alice Victoria Female Hobson William Crookston Male Perth
1919/100534 Perth Hobson William Crookston Male Hamel Alice Victoria Female Perth
1919/100535 Perth Cousins George Male Gjertsen Dagmar Leonora Female Perth
1919/100535 Perth Gjertsen Dagmar Leonora Female Cousins George Male Perth
1919/100536 Perth Lannin Elsie May Female Joseph Hubert Raymond Male Perth
1919/100536 Perth Joseph Hubert Raymond Male Lannin Elsie May Female Perth
1919/100537 Perth Rae John Scott Male Bell Ivy Thelma Female Perth
1919/100537 Perth Bell Ivy Thelma Female Rae John Scott Male Perth
1919/100538 Perth Nicholls Louisa Female Henderson James Elliott Male Cottesloe
1919/100538 Perth Henderson James Elliott Male Nicholls Louisa Female Cottesloe
1919/100539 Perth Crowhurst Evelyn Alice Female White Walter James Richard Male Cottesloe Beach
1919/100539 Perth White Walter James Richard Male Crowhurst Evelyn Alice Female Cottesloe Beach
1919/100540 Perth Harvey Ada Female Fox John Thomas Male Perth
1919/100540 Perth Fox John Thomas Male Harvey Ada Female Perth
1919/100541 Perth Ellard John Male Ellis Elizabeth Alma Female Perth
1919/100541 Perth Ellis Elizabeth Alma Female Ellard John Male Perth
1919/100542 Perth Bush Lorraine Female Robinson Robert William Male Perth
1919/100542 Perth Robinson Robert William Male Bush Lorraine Female Perth
1919/100543 Perth Benjamin Ada Female Bagshaw Alfred Ernest Male Perth
1919/100543 Perth Bagshaw Alfred Ernest Male Benjamin Ada Female Perth
1919/100544 Perth Porter Florence Lillian Female Noonan John Edward Male Perth
1919/100544 Perth Noonan John Edward Male Porter Florence Lillian Female Perth
1919/100545 Perth Bawden Lily Felicia Female Prance Alfred Frederick Male Perth
1919/100545 Perth Prance Alfred Frederick Male Bawden Lily Felicia Female Perth
1919/100546 Perth Lake Samuel Male Clarke Mary Female Victoria Park
1919/100546 Perth Clarke Mary Female Lake Samuel Male Victoria Park
1919/100547 Perth Winslade Frederick Owen Male Pearson Elsie Amelia Female Victoria Park
1919/100547 Perth Pearson Elsie Amelia Female Winslade Frederick Owen Male Victoria Park
1919/100548 Perth Giles Kathleen May Female Hill Allan Verdelle Male North Perth
1919/100548 Perth Hill Allan Verdelle Male Giles Kathleen May Female North Perth
1919/100549 Perth Janes Cecil John Male Hillier Violet Jane Female Perth
1919/100549 Perth Hillier Violet Jane Female Janes Cecil John Male Perth
1919/100550 Perth Redmond Raymond George Male Walker Ella Edith Amelia Female East Perth
1919/100550 Perth Walker Ella Edith Amelia Female Redmond Raymond George Male East Perth
1919/100551 Perth Parkinson James Male Hardman Mary Jane Female East Perth
1919/100551 Perth Hardman Mary Jane Female Parkinson James Male East Perth
1919/100552 Perth Ogborne Brunetta Female Goldsmith Frank Herbert Male Perth
1919/100552 Perth Goldsmith Frank Herbert Male Ogborne Brunetta Female Perth
1919/100553 Perth Cox Edith Laura Female Richardson George Frederick Thomas Male Perth
1919/100553 Perth Richardson George Frederick Thomas Male Cox Edith Laura Female Perth
1919/100554 Perth Sexton William Robert Male Keesing Sylvia Maude Female Victoria Park
1919/100554 Perth Keesing Sylvia Maude Female Sexton William Robert Male Victoria Park
1919/100555 Perth Smith Alice May Female Livingstone Newton Charles Male Perth
1919/100555 Perth Livingstone Newton Charles Male Smith Alice May Female Perth
1919/100556 Perth Flint Arthur James Male Morley Daisy May Female Perth
1919/100556 Perth Morley Daisy May Female Flint Arthur James Male Perth
1919/100557 Perth Chappel Mary Esdaile Campbell Muir Female Slater Tearson Male West Perth
1919/100557 Perth Slater Tearson Male Chappel Mary Esdaile Campbell Muir Female West Perth
1919/100558 Perth Greive May Matilda Female Burrows Harold William Male West Perth
1919/100558 Perth Burrows Harold William Male Greive May Matilda Female West Perth
1919/100559 Perth Hexamer Philip Male Langford Mary Ann Female West Perth
1919/100559 Perth Langford Mary Ann Female Hexamer Philip Male West Perth
1919/100560 Perth Kee Davied Kow Male Bernard Myra Mignon Female Perth
1919/100560 Perth Bernard Myra Mignon Female Kee Davied Kow Male Perth
1919/100561 Perth Massey Mary Elizabeth Female Heron Richard Male Claremont
1919/100561 Perth Heron Richard Male Massey Mary Elizabeth Female Claremont
1919/100562 Perth Diver Dorothy Ivy Female Cooper Henry Allan Male Perth
1919/100562 Perth Cooper Henry Allan Male Diver Dorothy Ivy Female Perth
1919/100563 Perth Hooper Irene Norma Fenwick Female Jodrell Fred Male Osborne Park
1919/100563 Perth Jodrell Fred Male Hooper Irene Norma Fenwick Female Osborne Park
1919/100564 Perth Draper Alexander Male Peat Evelyn Female West Perth
1919/100564 Perth Peat Evelyn Female Draper Alexander Male West Perth
1919/100565 Perth Adams Maud Female Carney Albert Edward Male North Perth
1919/100565 Perth Carney Albert Edward Male Adams Maud Female North Perth
1919/100566 Perth Stevenson Alma Female White Victor Harold Male Perth
1919/100566 Perth White Victor Harold Male Stevenson Alma Female Perth
1919/100567 Perth Randell David Roy Male Woodhouse Olive Myrtle Female Perth
1919/100567 Perth Woodhouse Olive Myrtle Female Randell David Roy Male Perth
1919/100568 Perth Gaze Ernest Arthur Male Farquharson Maggie Ann Female Perth
1919/100568 Perth Farquharson Maggie Ann Female Gaze Ernest Arthur Male Perth
1919/100569 Perth Kennedy Esther Gertrude Female O'Dea Joseph Francis Male Perth
1919/100569 Perth O'Dea Joseph Francis Male Kennedy Esther Gertrude Female Perth
1919/100570 Perth Hayes Thomas Joseph Male Flanagan Eileen Kathleen Hannah Female Perth
1919/100570 Perth Flanagan Eileen Kathleen Hannah Female Hayes Thomas Joseph Male Perth
1919/100571 Perth O'Brien Thomas Male Hall Ethel Female Perth
1919/100571 Perth Hall Ethel Female O'Brien Thomas Male Perth
1919/100572 Perth Sutherland Douglas George Male Gardiner Gertrude Female Perth
1919/100572 Perth Gardiner Gertrude Female Sutherland Douglas George Male Perth
1919/100573 Perth Binnie Beatrice Maud Female O'Brien Daniel Male Perth
1919/100573 Perth O'Brien Daniel Male Binnie Beatrice Maud Female Perth
1919/100574 Perth Ray Annie Female Salter William Alexander Male Perth
1919/100574 Perth Salter William Alexander Male Ray Annie Female Perth
1919/100575 Perth Hopkins Frederick Arthur Male Kelly Bridget Catherine Female Perth
1919/100575 Perth Kelly Bridget Catherine Female Hopkins Frederick Arthur Male Perth
1919/100576 Perth Frewin Arthur John Edward Male Bunney Emily Elizabeth Female East Perth
1919/100576 Perth Bunney Emily Elizabeth Female Frewin Arthur John Edward Male East Perth
1919/100577 Perth Jolly Walter Henry Rogers Male Hay Helen Ann Female Maylands
1919/100577 Perth Hay Helen Ann Female Jolly Walter Henry Rogers Male Maylands
1919/100578 Perth Sharp Hilda May Female Weston Albert Edwin Male Maylands
1919/100578 Perth Weston Albert Edwin Male Sharp Hilda May Female Maylands
1919/100579 Perth Phillips Bertha Annie Female Christey Rupert Norman George Male Perth
1919/100579 Perth Christey Rupert Norman George Male Phillips Bertha Annie Female Perth
1919/100580 Perth Rowsell John Charles Male Reid Lillian Female Perth
1919/100580 Perth Reid Lillian Female Rowsell John Charles Male Perth
1919/100581 Perth Ross Annie Mabel Female Keast William Dixon Male Perth
1919/100581 Perth Keast William Dixon Male Ross Annie Mabel Female Perth
1919/100582 Perth Dakin Harold Leslie Male Davis Josephine Hilda Female Perth
1919/100582 Perth Davis Josephine Hilda Female Dakin Harold Leslie Male Perth
1919/100583 Perth Knight Frederick Charles Male Wilmott Ellen Female Perth
1919/100583 Perth Wilmott Ellen Female Knight Frederick Charles Male Perth
1919/100584 Perth Burcham Vera Coral Female Harper Harold Holdsworth Male Perth
1919/100584 Perth Harper Harold Holdsworth Male Burcham Vera Coral Female Perth
1919/100585 Perth Burt Olive Mina Female Burges Irwin Carleton Male Perth
1919/100585 Perth Burges Irwin Carleton Male Burt Olive Mina Female Perth
1919/100586 Perth Sinclair Etna Gladys Female Freeman William Norman Male North Perth
1919/100586 Perth Freeman William Norman Male Sinclair Etna Gladys Female North Perth
1919/100587 Perth Lewis Doreen Meade Female O'Brien William Joseph Male West Perth
1919/100587 Perth O'Brien William Joseph Male Lewis Doreen Meade Female West Perth
1919/100588 Perth Peploc Gladys Female Edwards Reginald William Male Perth
1919/100588 Perth Edwards Reginald William Male Peploc Gladys Female Perth
1919/100589 Perth Davies William Male Druary Nellie Female Perth
1919/100589 Perth Druary Nellie Female Davies William Male Perth
1919/100590 Perth Melrose Henrietta Wood Female Jeffrey Arthur Male Leederville
1919/100590 Perth Jeffrey Arthur Male Melrose Henrietta Wood Female Leederville
1919/100591 Perth Miles John James Male Cocker Elsie Female West Perth
1919/100591 Perth Cocker Elsie Female Miles John James Male West Perth
1919/100592 Perth Brown Francis Roy Male Barrington Primrose Mary Female Perth
1919/100592 Perth Barrington Primrose Mary Female Brown Francis Roy Male Perth
1919/100593 Perth Weiss Joseph Male Newbery Elsie Winifred Female Perth
1919/100593 Perth Newbery Elsie Winifred Female Weiss Joseph Male Perth
1919/100594 Perth McIntyre Vera Female Pearce Edward Male Perth
1919/100594 Perth Pearce Edward Male McIntyre Vera Female Perth
1919/100595 Perth Roxburgh Sydney David Male Cullen Kathleen Female Perth
1919/100595 Perth Cullen Kathleen Female Roxburgh Sydney David Male Perth
1919/100596 Perth Opitz Gladys Mary Female Higgins Gerald Ruthren Male Perth
1919/100596 Perth Higgins Gerald Ruthren Male Opitz Gladys Mary Female Perth
1919/100597 Perth Walsh James Male Brooks Annie Hamill Female Perth
1919/100597 Perth Brooks Annie Hamill Female Walsh James Male Perth
1919/100598 Perth Darragh Thomas Robert Male Reardon Lillian Margaret Female Perth
1919/100598 Perth Reardon Lillian Margaret Female Darragh Thomas Robert Male Perth
1919/100599 Perth Capstick Charles Arthur Male Trekardo Ethel May Female Perth
1919/100599 Perth Trekardo Ethel May Female Capstick Charles Arthur Male Perth
1919/100600 Perth Doyle Elsie Victoria Female Carter William Daniel Male Perth
1919/100600 Perth Carter William Daniel Male Doyle Elsie Victoria Female Perth
1919/100601 Perth Hope Betsy Female Wilton Martin Adolphus Male Perth
1919/100601 Perth Wilton Martin Adolphus Male Hope Betsy Female Perth
1919/100602 Perth Browne William Male Williamson Louise Elizabeth Female North Leederville
1919/100602 Perth Williamson Louise Elizabeth Female Browne William Male North Leederville
1919/100603 Perth Fowles Herbert James Male Scott Winifred Isabel Marion Female Perth
1919/100603 Perth Scott Winifred Isabel Marion Female Fowles Herbert James Male Perth
1919/100604 Perth Thomas Frederick Augustus Male Lockyer Beatrice May Female Perth
1919/100604 Perth Lockyer Beatrice May Female Thomas Frederick Augustus Male Perth
1919/100605 Perth Merritt Elizabeth Muriel Female Hair Albert Edward Male Maylands
1919/100605 Perth Hair Albert Edward Male Merritt Elizabeth Muriel Female Maylands
1919/100606 Perth Millington May Female Malacari Jack Male Perth
1919/100606 Perth Malacari Jack Male Millington May Female Perth
1919/100607 Perth Berry Helena Marie Female Bristow Richard James Albert Male West Perth
1919/100607 Perth Bristow Richard James Albert Male Berry Helena Marie Female West Perth
1919/100608 Perth Matthews Gwenyth Jean Female Mitchell Ernest Stanley Melville Male Cottesloe
1919/100608 Perth Mitchell Ernest Stanley Melville Male Matthews Gwenyth Jean Female Cottesloe
1919/100609 Perth Bicket Robert Parker Male Fimmel Alicia Maud Elizabeth Female West Perth
1919/100609 Perth Fimmel Alicia Maud Elizabeth Female Bicket Robert Parker Male West Perth
1919/100610 Perth Corby Esme Irene Female Barrett Francis James Male Perth
1919/100610 Perth Barrett Francis James Male Corby Esme Irene Female Perth
1919/100611 Perth Booty Stuart Bertram Male Hunter Edith Elizabeth Female Perth
1919/100611 Perth Hunter Edith Elizabeth Female Booty Stuart Bertram Male Perth
1919/100612 Perth Cousins Albert Basil Male Moyle Bertha Eva Berryman Female Perth
1919/100612 Perth Moyle Bertha Eva Berryman Female Cousins Albert Basil Male Perth
1919/100613 Perth Wheare Ivy Gertrude Female Wallis Louis Oliver Male North Perth
1919/100613 Perth Wallis Louis Oliver Male Wheare Ivy Gertrude Female North Perth
1919/100614 Perth Crow Alice Female Plowman Joel Male Subiaco
1919/100614 Perth Plowman Joel Male Crow Alice Female Subiaco
1919/100615 Perth Chandler Samuel Clayton Male Dusting Florence Grace Female Subiaco
1919/100615 Perth Dusting Florence Grace Female Chandler Samuel Clayton Male Subiaco
1919/100616 Perth Green Albert Roy Male McKay Myrtle Ellen Female Perth
1919/100616 Perth McKay Myrtle Ellen Female Green Albert Roy Male Perth
1919/100617 Perth Sarte Norman Victor Male Mackay Jessie Sime Female Perth
1919/100617 Perth Mackay Jessie Sime Female Sarte Norman Victor Male Perth
1919/100618 Perth Roberts Winifred Alice Female Davey Percy Male West Leederville
1919/100618 Perth Davey Percy Male Roberts Winifred Alice Female West Leederville
1919/100619 Perth Gill Lilian Leigh Female Hewitt Henry Vigors Male Claremont
1919/100619 Perth Hewitt Henry Vigors Male Gill Lilian Leigh Female Claremont
1919/100620 Perth Brown Arthur Male Burtenshaw Evelyne Lottie Female Claremont
1919/100620 Perth Burtenshaw Evelyne Lottie Female Brown Arthur Male Claremont
1919/100621 Perth Hard Gordon Jeffrey Male Firkin May Female Claremont
1919/100621 Perth Firkin May Female Hard Gordon Jeffrey Male Claremont
1919/100622 Perth Jensen John Christian Male Turner Edith Female Claremont
1919/100622 Perth Turner Edith Female Jensen John Christian Male Claremont
1919/100623 Perth Moore Jean Isabella Ogle Female Dempster William Edward Male Perth
1919/100623 Perth Dempster William Edward Male Moore Jean Isabella Ogle Female Perth
1919/100624 Perth Haydon Eva Ethel Female Towton Lewis John Male Perth
1919/100624 Perth Towton Lewis John Male Haydon Eva Ethel Female Perth
1919/100625 Perth Rutherford Wilfred Samuel Male Cogdon Lucy Female Perth
1919/100625 Perth Cogdon Lucy Female Rutherford Wilfred Samuel Male Perth
1919/100626 Perth Thorpe Ruby Pearl Female Hughes John Thomas Male Leederville
1919/100626 Perth Hughes John Thomas Male Thorpe Ruby Pearl Female Leederville
1919/100627 Perth Newton Rose Female Templeman John William Male Leederville
1919/100627 Perth Templeman John William Male Newton Rose Female Leederville
1919/100628 Perth Folkard Phyllis Leonie Female Kemp Josiah Albert Charles Male Perth
1919/100628 Perth Kemp Josiah Albert Charles Male Folkard Phyllis Leonie Female Perth
1919/100629 Perth Tilling Ada Caroline Female Wood Robert Stephens Male Cottesloe
1919/100629 Perth Wood Robert Stephens Male Tilling Ada Caroline Female Cottesloe
1919/100630 Perth Robson Sydney Herbert Male Thomson Ivy Catherine Female West Perth
1919/100630 Perth Thomson Ivy Catherine Female Robson Sydney Herbert Male West Perth
1919/100631 Perth Redmond Violet Ruby Female Hugo Fred Male East Perth
1919/100631 Perth Hugo Fred Male Redmond Violet Ruby Female East Perth
1919/100632 Perth Revell Emily Beatrice Muriel Female Mead John Male Subiaco
1919/100632 Perth Mead John Male Revell Emily Beatrice Muriel Female Subiaco
1919/100633 Perth Bennett Frances Amelia Female Cleal Reginald John Male Perth
1919/100633 Perth Cleal Reginald John Male Bennett Frances Amelia Female Perth
1919/100634 Perth Couper Alexander Male Bellis Minnie Female Perth
1919/100634 Perth Bellis Minnie Female Couper Alexander Male Perth
1919/100635 Perth Williams Murray Edward Male Parsons Grace Harris Female Cottesloe Beach
1919/100635 Perth Parsons Grace Harris Female Williams Murray Edward Male Cottesloe Beach
1919/100636 Perth Chapman Alfred Edward Male Cowley Ella Female Perth
1919/100636 Perth Cowley Ella Female Chapman Alfred Edward Male Perth
1919/100637 Perth Herbert Ada Vera Winifred Female Burnet Alexander John Male Perth
1919/100637 Perth Burnet Alexander John Male Herbert Ada Vera Winifred Female Perth
1919/100638 Perth Lloyd Eric Francis Male Wallis Ethel May Female Perth
1919/100638 Perth Wallis Ethel May Female Lloyd Eric Francis Male Perth
1919/100639 Perth Griffiths John Edwin Male Howson Rosamond May Female West Perth
1919/100639 Perth Howson Rosamond May Female Griffiths John Edwin Male West Perth
1919/100640 Perth Chappell Jean Jackson Female Hood Robert Male West Perth
1919/100640 Perth Hood Robert Male Chappell Jean Jackson Female West Perth
1919/100641 Perth Wild Edward Male Hibble Mabel Fanny Female West Perth
1919/100641 Perth Hibble Mabel Fanny Female Wild Edward Male West Perth
1919/100642 Perth Barrett Florence Elizabeth Female Fleming David Morrison Male Perth
1919/100642 Perth Fleming David Morrison Male Barrett Florence Elizabeth Female Perth
1919/100643 Perth McAuley Madeline Rhodes Female Wilkins Albert Male Perth
1919/100643 Perth Wilkins Albert Male McAuley Madeline Rhodes Female Perth
1919/100644 Perth Willis Edgar Charles Male Babb Doris Emily Female Perth
1919/100644 Perth Babb Doris Emily Female Willis Edgar Charles Male Perth
1919/100645 Perth Walker Nellie Stella Female Monger Samuel Henry Male Perth
1919/100645 Perth Monger Samuel Henry Male Walker Nellie Stella Female Perth
1919/100646 Perth Bywaters Ernest Alfred Male Richardson Alice Mary Ann Female Perth
1919/100646 Perth Richardson Alice Mary Ann Female Bywaters Ernest Alfred Male Perth
1919/100647 Perth Hogg William Male Coates Mary Ann Female Perth
1919/100647 Perth Coates Mary Ann Female Hogg William Male Perth
1919/100648 Perth Vallance Frederick Henry Male Stevens Bessie May Female Perth
1919/100648 Perth Stevens Bessie May Female Vallance Frederick Henry Male Perth
1919/100649 Perth Woodward William Male Horrocks Alice Myrtle Female Perth
1919/100649 Perth Horrocks Alice Myrtle Female Woodward William Male Perth
1919/100650 Perth Brown Alfred Kethero Male Campbell Christina Female Perth
1919/100650 Perth Campbell Christina Female Brown Alfred Kethero Male Perth
1919/100651 Perth Minchin Sidney Frederick Male Marriott Ruby Myrtle Female Claremont
1919/100651 Perth Marriott Ruby Myrtle Female Minchin Sidney Frederick Male Claremont
1919/100652 Perth Smith Ellen May Female Campbell Ernest Arthur Male Perth
1919/100652 Perth Campbell Ernest Arthur Male Smith Ellen May Female Perth
1919/100653 Perth Williams Richard Ernest Male Evans Mary Elizabeth Female Perth
1919/100653 Perth Evans Mary Elizabeth Female Williams Richard Ernest Male Perth
1919/100654 Perth Hocking Herbert Male Voysey Grace Maud Female South Perth
1919/100654 Perth Voysey Grace Maud Female Hocking Herbert Male South Perth
1919/100655 Perth Thomas Elizabeth Female Lyons John Christian Male Perth
1919/100655 Perth Lyons John Christian Male Thomas Elizabeth Female Perth
1919/100656 Perth Evans Blanche Winifred Female Buckley Walter Male Perth
1919/100656 Perth Buckley Walter Male Evans Blanche Winifred Female Perth
1919/100657 Perth Walther Pauline Ottilie Adelaide Female Exley Harold James Male Perth
1919/100657 Perth Exley Harold James Male Walther Pauline Ottilie Adelaide Female Perth
1919/100658 Perth Strempel Clifford Peirce Male Herbert Dorothy Muriel Hilda Female Perth
1919/100658 Perth Herbert Dorothy Muriel Hilda Female Strempel Clifford Peirce Male Perth
1919/100659 Perth Erskine Loggie Grant Male Logan Althea Ellen Female Perth
1919/100659 Perth Logan Althea Ellen Female Erskine Loggie Grant Male Perth
1919/100660 Perth Forrester Christina Female Kerr William Bell Male Victoria Park
1919/100660 Perth Kerr William Bell Male Forrester Christina Female Victoria Park
1919/100661 Perth Retallack Thomas Male Nasmith Margaret Female Perth
1919/100661 Perth Nasmith Margaret Female Retallack Thomas Male Perth
1919/100662 Perth Flows Rose Female Chapman Stanley Alfred Male West Perth
1919/100662 Perth Chapman Stanley Alfred Male Flows Rose Female West Perth
1919/100663 Perth Parrott Flora Margaret Female Smith Harold Eaton Male West Perth
1919/100663 Perth Smith Harold Eaton Male Parrott Flora Margaret Female West Perth
1919/100664 Perth Ward Sarah Female Burlton Eric Carl Male West Perth
1919/100664 Perth Burlton Eric Carl Male Ward Sarah Female West Perth
1919/100665 Perth Seeligson Joseph Henry Male Middlewick Jessie Female Perth
1919/100665 Perth Middlewick Jessie Female Seeligson Joseph Henry Male Perth
1919/100666 Perth Mason Ada Elizabeth Female Bow James Male Perth
1919/100666 Perth Bow James Male Mason Ada Elizabeth Female Perth
1919/100667 Perth Chrismas Frederick Hamilton Male Sleeman Lillie Female Perth
1919/100667 Perth Sleeman Lillie Female Chrismas Frederick Hamilton Male Perth
1919/100668 Perth Jones James Male Hamilton Mary Anne Female Perth
1919/100668 Perth Hamilton Mary Anne Female Jones James Male Perth
1919/100669 Perth Gibbons John Joseph Male Riley Eva Priscilla Female Perth
1919/100669 Perth Riley Eva Priscilla Female Gibbons John Joseph Male Perth
1919/100670 Perth Doyle Edward Patrick Male Piloni Lucia Martha Female Subiaco
1919/100670 Perth Piloni Lucia Martha Female Doyle Edward Patrick Male Subiaco
1919/100671 Perth McCarthy Mary Female O'Rourke James Ernest Male Subiaco
1919/100671 Perth O'Rourke James Ernest Male McCarthy Mary Female Subiaco
1919/100672 Perth Moss Elizabeth Female Schmid Frederick Male Perth
1919/100672 Perth Schmid Frederick Male Moss Elizabeth Female Perth
1919/100673 Perth Noell Jessie Winifred Hettie Female Davies Ernest Sydney Tom Male East Perth
1919/100673 Perth Davies Ernest Sydney Tom Male Noell Jessie Winifred Hettie Female East Perth
1919/100674 Perth Stone Ivy Zillah Mary Female James Selby Hartwell Charles Male Perth
1919/100674 Perth James Selby Hartwell Charles Male Stone Ivy Zillah Mary Female Perth
1919/100675 Perth Compton Doris Mary Female Foster Horace Marshall Male Cottesloe
1919/100675 Perth Foster Horace Marshall Male Compton Doris Mary Female Cottesloe
1920/100676 Perth Sims Percy Keens Male Wylde Ivy Maud Female Bayswater
1919/100676 Perth Fragel Janet Elizabeth Female Martin David Male Perth
1919/100676 Perth Martin David Male Fragel Janet Elizabeth Female Perth
1920/100676 Perth Wylde Ivy Maud Female Sims Percy Keens Male Bayswater
1919/100677 Perth MacDonald Robert Male Vimpany Gladys Female Perth
1919/100677 Perth Vimpany Gladys Female MacDonald Robert Male Perth
1919/100678 Perth Dunning Frederick Thomas Male Cole Ivy Gwendoline Female Perth
1919/100678 Perth Cole Ivy Gwendoline Female Dunning Frederick Thomas Male Perth
1919/100679 Perth Wilson Elizabeth Dunlop Female Hayres William Male East Perth
1919/100679 Perth Hayres William Male Wilson Elizabeth Dunlop Female East Perth
1919/100680 Perth Harry Adela Gladys Female Deverell Francis Alfred Daniel Male Leederville
1919/100680 Perth Deverell Francis Alfred Daniel Male Harry Adela Gladys Female Leederville
1919/100681 Perth Hunter Percy Andrew Male Shuttleworth Ruby Richmond Female Leederville
1919/100681 Perth Shuttleworth Ruby Richmond Female Hunter Percy Andrew Male Leederville
1919/100682 Perth Mills Reginald John Male Maddren Vera de Vere Irene Female Subiaco
1919/100682 Perth