A tool to help track the citations of the Western Australian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages from Wikidata and WikiTree.

Marriages in: 1916

Registration year & number Registration district Surname Given names Gender Spouse surname Spouse given names Spouse gender Marriage place Wikidata WikiTree
1917/100001 Perth Williams Elizabeth Female Powell Howell Male Perth
1917/100001 Perth Powell Howell Male Williams Elizabeth Female Perth
1916/100001 Perth Walker Hugh Male Donnelly Katherine Female Perth
1916/100001 Perth Donnelly Katherine Female Walker Hugh Male Perth
1917/100002 Perth Homewood Myrtle Elvina Female Veale Richard Stanley Male Perth
1916/100002 Perth Fraser George William Male Wilson Margaret Annie Female West Perth
1916/100002 Perth Wilson Margaret Annie Female Fraser George William Male West Perth
1917/100002 Perth Veale Richard Stanley Male Homewood Myrtle Elvina Female Perth
1916/100003 Perth James Lily Female McKee Robert Male East Perth
1917/100003 Perth Gilbert Bessie Greta Female Barkla Joseph Sowden Male Perth
1917/100003 Perth Barkla Joseph Sowden Male Gilbert Bessie Greta Female Perth
1916/100003 Perth McKee Robert Male James Lily Female East Perth
1917/100004 Perth Crisp Mabel Female Pyke Cuthbert Sydney Male Perth
1916/100004 Perth Furze Richard David Male Martin Eleanor Emily Ann Female Perth
1917/100004 Perth Pyke Cuthbert Sydney Male Crisp Mabel Female Perth
1916/100004 Perth Martin Eleanor Emily Ann Female Furze Richard David Male Perth
1917/100005 Perth Cohen Dora Female Nissenson Abram Male Perth
1917/100005 Perth Nissenson Abram Male Cohen Dora Female Perth
1917/100007 Perth Connop Charlotte Lilian Female Gammon Robert Arthur Male Perth
1917/100007 Perth Gammon Robert Arthur Male Connop Charlotte Lilian Female Perth
1917/100008 Perth Hall Herbert Hammersley Male Sherlock Flora Louise Female West Perth
1917/100008 Perth Sherlock Flora Louise Female Hall Herbert Hammersley Male West Perth
1917/100009 Perth Arnold Cassy Millicent Sarah Female Younger Ernest Clarke Male West Perth
1917/100009 Perth Younger Ernest Clarke Male Arnold Cassy Millicent Sarah Female West Perth
1917/100010 Perth Letcher Mary Female Parker Charles Richard Male Highgate
1917/100010 Perth Parker Charles Richard Male Letcher Mary Female Highgate
1917/100011 Perth McNabb Frank Male Stephens Mervyn Female Perth
1917/100011 Perth Stephens Mervyn Female McNabb Frank Male Perth
1917/100012 Perth Reith Lewis Jagoe Male La Motte Elizabeth Female Victoria Park
1917/100012 Perth La Motte Elizabeth Female Reith Lewis Jagoe Male Victoria Park
1916/100013 Perth Browning Robert Male Willson Georgina Annie Female Perth
1917/100013 Perth Williams Robert Mathew Male Bridges Mary Female Belmont
1916/100013 Perth Willson Georgina Annie Female Browning Robert Male Perth
1917/100013 Perth Bridges Mary Female Williams Robert Mathew Male Belmont
1917/100014 Perth Swain Thomas Douglas Male Angove Annie Elizabeth Female Perth
1916/100014 Perth Blenkinsop Nellist Male Shanks Marion Female Perth
1917/100014 Perth Angove Annie Elizabeth Female Swain Thomas Douglas Male Perth
1916/100014 Perth Shanks Marion Female Blenkinsop Nellist Male Perth
1917/100015 Perth Barritt Laura Anne Female Hill Clarence Gordon Male Perth
1917/100015 Perth Hill Clarence Gordon Male Barritt Laura Anne Female Perth
1917/100016 Perth Jack Georgina Nicoll Female Smith Herbert Male North Perth
1917/100016 Perth Smith Herbert Male Jack Georgina Nicoll Female North Perth
1916/100016 Perth Lambert Adelaide Female Atkinson Joseph William Male Perth
1916/100016 Perth Atkinson Joseph William Male Lambert Adelaide Female Perth
1917/100017 Perth Main Effie Lizzie Female Chapman-Drummond-Hay Gilbert Lee Townshend Drummond-Hay Male Perth
1917/100017 Perth Chapman-Drummond-Hay Gilbert Lee Townshend Drummond-Hay Male Main Effie Lizzie Female Perth
1916/100018 Perth Zampazoglu Panayota Kyriacou Female Pitsikas Eleftherios Male Perth
1917/100018 Perth Rolfe Edward Penrose Male Clarke Mildred Irene Female Perth
1917/100018 Perth Clarke Mildred Irene Female Rolfe Edward Penrose Male Perth
1916/100018 Perth Pitsikas Eleftherios Male Zampazoglu Panayota Kyriacou Female Perth
1917/100019 Perth Quatermaine George Wilfred Male King Violet Pauline Female South Perth
1916/100019 Perth Morris Michael William Joseph Male McLean Jemima Marion Female Perth
1917/100019 Perth King Violet Pauline Female Quatermaine George Wilfred Male South Perth
1916/100019 Perth McLean Jemima Marion Female Morris Michael William Joseph Male Perth
1917/100020 Perth Doyle James George Male Stuber Ruby Mary Female Perth
1917/100020 Perth Stuber Ruby Mary Female Doyle James George Male Perth
1917/100021 Perth Hall Hubert Sylvian Male Deakin Cecile Esther Female Perth
1917/100021 Perth Deakin Cecile Esther Female Hall Hubert Sylvian Male Perth
1917/100022 Perth Butler Grace Annie Female Johnston Hugh Louis Male Perth
1916/100022 Perth Punshon Harry Male Kelly Ethel Maie Female Perth
1917/100022 Perth Johnston Hugh Louis Male Butler Grace Annie Female Perth
1916/100022 Perth Kelly Ethel Maie Female Punshon Harry Male Perth
1916/100023 Perth Page Wilton John Male Adams Margaret Charlotte Female Perth
1917/100023 Perth McEncroe Agnes Female Luscombe Ernest Sylvester Male South Perth
1917/100023 Perth Luscombe Ernest Sylvester Male McEncroe Agnes Female South Perth
1916/100023 Perth Adams Margaret Charlotte Female Page Wilton John Male Perth
1916/100024 Perth Robinson Irene Isabel Female Percival Clarence George Walter Male Perth
1916/100024 Perth Percival Clarence George Walter Male Robinson Irene Isabel Female Perth
1917/100024 Perth Mooney Robert Balantyne Male Byrne Lizzie Dodd Female Perth
1917/100024 Perth Byrne Lizzie Dodd Female Mooney Robert Balantyne Male Perth
1917/100025 Perth Prestage Annie Janet Female Reid Frederick William Stanger Male West Perth
1917/100025 Perth Reid Frederick William Stanger Male Prestage Annie Janet Female West Perth
1917/100026 Perth Birch Daniel Male Keeler Nellie Female West Perth
1917/100026 Perth Keeler Nellie Female Birch Daniel Male West Perth
1917/100027 Perth Powell Evelyn Mabel Female Brown Ernest Alfred Male West Perth
1917/100027 Perth Brown Ernest Alfred Male Powell Evelyn Mabel Female West Perth
1916/100027 Perth Masters Ruby Lavinia Female Dewar Frank Hilton Male Perth
1916/100027 Perth Dewar Frank Hilton Male Masters Ruby Lavinia Female Perth
1916/100028 Perth Sturdy James Male Langlands Amelia Female Perth
1916/100028 Perth Langlands Amelia Female Sturdy James Male Perth
1917/100032 Perth Lamb Thomas William Male Robertson Edith Maslen Female Perth
1917/100032 Perth Robertson Edith Maslen Female Lamb Thomas William Male Perth
1916/100033 Perth Wilkinson Evelyn Marion Female Roepke Herrmann Frederich Julius Male Perth
1916/100033 Perth Roepke Herrmann Frederich Julius Male Wilkinson Evelyn Marion Female Perth
1917/100034 Perth Johnson Dorothy Belle Lavenia Female Witnish William John Male Perth
1917/100034 Perth Witnish William John Male Johnson Dorothy Belle Lavenia Female Perth
1917/100037 Perth Clifton Mildred Female Walters Robin Radclyffe Male South Perth
1917/100037 Perth Walters Robin Radclyffe Male Clifton Mildred Female South Perth
1916/100038 Perth Fuller Alf Male Wilshusen Elsie Hannah Female Perth
1916/100038 Perth Wilshusen Elsie Hannah Female Fuller Alf Male Perth
1916/100039 Perth Meharry Thomas Male Excell Alice Maud Mary Female West Perth
1917/100039 Perth McLeish Hilda Lillian Female Mundy Frank Tippet Male Bayswater
1917/100039 Perth Mundy Frank Tippet Male McLeish Hilda Lillian Female Bayswater
1916/100039 Perth Excell Alice Maud Mary Female Meharry Thomas Male West Perth
1916/100040 Perth Davies Rachel Mary Female Greive Louis Barbor Male West Perth
1916/100040 Perth Greive Louis Barbor Male Davies Rachel Mary Female West Perth
1917/100040 Perth McLeish Ettie Evelyn Female Bartington James Squire Male Bayswater
1917/100040 Perth Bartington James Squire Male McLeish Ettie Evelyn Female Bayswater
1917/100042 Perth Boyd Ada Female Moore Frederick Male West Perth
1917/100042 Perth Moore Frederick Male Boyd Ada Female West Perth
1917/100043 Perth Butterly Myrtle Rose Female Johansen Alfred William Edward Male Perth
1917/100043 Perth Johansen Alfred William Edward Male Butterly Myrtle Rose Female Perth
1917/100044 Perth Carrick Albert Charles Male Nee Ruby Elaine Female Perth
1917/100044 Perth Nee Ruby Elaine Female Carrick Albert Charles Male Perth
1917/100045 Perth Bateman Frederick William Male Deutscher Bertha Christina Female Perth
1916/100045 Perth King Frederich Richard Male Leslie Daisy Female Perth
1917/100045 Perth Deutscher Bertha Christina Female Bateman Frederick William Male Perth
1916/100045 Perth Leslie Daisy Female King Frederich Richard Male Perth
1916/100047 Perth Smith John William Male Clark Lilian May Female Perth
1916/100047 Perth Clark Lilian May Female Smith John William Male Perth
1916/100048 Perth Carter Mills Henry Male Jewell Maggie Female Perth
1916/100048 Perth Jewell Maggie Female Carter Mills Henry Male Perth
1916/100049 Perth Powell Edwin Kingham Male Clarke Sylvia Caroline Female Perth
1916/100049 Perth Clarke Sylvia Caroline Female Powell Edwin Kingham Male Perth
1916/100052 Perth Featherston Mary Female Kelly Arthur Charles Male Perth
1916/100052 Perth Kelly Arthur Charles Male Featherston Mary Female Perth
1916/100053 Perth Peacock Mabel May Female Murphy William Male Perth
1916/100053 Perth Murphy William Male Peacock Mabel May Female Perth
1917/100054 Perth Street Oliver Decimus Tom Male Butcher Edith Mary Female Perth
1916/100054 Perth Hosken Bernard James Male Vose Kathleen Female North Perth
1916/100054 Perth Vose Kathleen Female Hosken Bernard James Male North Perth
1917/100054 Perth Butcher Edith Mary Female Street Oliver Decimus Tom Male Perth
1916/100055 Perth Tatts Lilian Elizabeth Mary Female Farmer Norman William Male Perth
1916/100055 Perth Farmer Norman William Male Tatts Lilian Elizabeth Mary Female Perth
1916/100056 Perth Murphy Edith Female Morrell Cecil James Male Perth
1916/100056 Perth Morrell Cecil James Male Murphy Edith Female Perth
1916/100058 Perth Jewell Bertram William Male Adams Florence Frances Middleton Female Maylands
1916/100058 Perth Adams Florence Frances Middleton Female Jewell Bertram William Male Maylands
1916/100059 Perth Smith Walter Henry Male Parsons Louisa Female Perth
1916/100059 Perth Parsons Louisa Female Smith Walter Henry Male Perth
1916/100060 Perth Long Francis William Male Poole Edith Female Victoria Park
1916/100060 Perth Poole Edith Female Long Francis William Male Victoria Park
1916/100061 Perth Grogan Peter Male Hoskin Violet Beatrice Female East Perth
1916/100061 Perth Hoskin Violet Beatrice Female Grogan Peter Male East Perth
1916/100062 Perth Law-Davis Frederick George Male Forder Muriel Female Bayswater
1916/100062 Perth Forder Muriel Female Law-Davis Frederick George Male Bayswater
1916/100063 Perth Smith Florence Elizabeth Female Lynch Joseph Male Perth
1916/100063 Perth Lynch Joseph Male Smith Florence Elizabeth Female Perth
1916/100064 Perth Hamilton-Fisher Hurtle Melville Male Mason Ada Noël Female Perth
1916/100064 Perth Mason Ada Noël Female Hamilton-Fisher Hurtle Melville Male Perth
1916/100065 Perth Scott Elsie Newman Female Treloar Thomas Henry Male Perth
1916/100065 Perth Treloar Thomas Henry Male Scott Elsie Newman Female Perth
1916/100066 Perth Olsen Mabel Female Johnson James Patrick Male Perth
1916/100066 Perth Johnson James Patrick Male Olsen Mabel Female Perth
1917/100074 Perth Murphy William Patrick Male Wilson Emily Female Perth
1917/100074 Perth Wilson Emily Female Murphy William Patrick Male Perth
1916/100078 Perth Hepworth Allan Eric Male Grimes Margaret Female Perth
1916/100078 Perth Grimes Margaret Female Hepworth Allan Eric Male Perth
1916/100079 Perth Richardson Annie Female Shaw Stanley Male Perth
1916/100079 Perth Shaw Stanley Male Richardson Annie Female Perth
1916/100081 Perth Corcoran Ninetta Female Currie George Male Perth
1916/100081 Perth Currie George Male Corcoran Ninetta Female Perth
1916/100082 Perth Sutton Elsie May Female Carey George Male Perth
1916/100082 Perth Carey George Male Sutton Elsie May Female Perth
1916/100083 Perth Laurissen Margaret Gladys Female Speers Herbert Male Perth
1916/100083 Perth Speers Herbert Male Laurissen Margaret Gladys Female Perth
1917/100084 Perth Paull Peter Raphael Male Ryan Henrietta Josephine Female Perth
1916/100084 Perth Pratt Stanley Johnson Male Noble Ruby May Female Perth
1916/100084 Perth Noble Ruby May Female Pratt Stanley Johnson Male Perth
1917/100084 Perth Ryan Henrietta Josephine Female Paull Peter Raphael Male Perth
1917/100085 Perth Green Ruby Mary Veronica Female McCarthy Daniel Male Perth
1917/100085 Perth McCarthy Daniel Male Green Ruby Mary Veronica Female Perth
1916/100085 Perth Biggs Ada May Female Curran Sydney Male Perth
1916/100085 Perth Curran Sydney Male Biggs Ada May Female Perth
1916/100086 Perth Evanson Violet Female Parry Edward Evans Male Perth
1916/100086 Perth Parry Edward Evans Male Evanson Violet Female Perth
1916/100087 Perth Nicholson Lillian Henrietta Female Broun Norman Wilfred Male Perth
1916/100087 Perth Broun Norman Wilfred Male Nicholson Lillian Henrietta Female Perth
1916/100088 Perth Kitchen Jack Zadkiel Male Forrest Jessie Cornwall Female West Perth
1916/100088 Perth Forrest Jessie Cornwall Female Kitchen Jack Zadkiel Male West Perth
1916/100089 Perth McKie John Male Kaw Emma Christina Female West Perth
1916/100089 Perth Kaw Emma Christina Female McKie John Male West Perth
1916/100090 Perth Faulkner Alice Sarah Female Wilson George Maxwell Male West Perth
1916/100090 Perth Wilson George Maxwell Male Faulkner Alice Sarah Female West Perth
1916/100091 Perth Pilkington Charles Male Marstin Catherine Female Perth
1916/100091 Perth Marstin Catherine Female Pilkington Charles Male Perth
1916/100092 Perth Wholagan Zelie Myrtle Female Handmer Philip John Male Perth
1916/100092 Perth Handmer Philip John Male Wholagan Zelie Myrtle Female Perth
1916/100093 Perth White Lucy Lillian Female Collins William James Male Perth
1916/100093 Perth Collins William James Male White Lucy Lillian Female Perth
1916/100094 Perth Gill Louise Trevelyan Female Fahey Frank St Clair Male Perth
1916/100094 Perth Fahey Frank St Clair Male Gill Louise Trevelyan Female Perth
1916/100095 Perth McKenna Eileen Agnes Female Millar John Male Perth
1916/100095 Perth Millar John Male McKenna Eileen Agnes Female Perth
1916/100096 Perth Walker Violet Octavia Doris Female Yates Bertie John Male Perth
1916/100096 Perth Yates Bertie John Male Walker Violet Octavia Doris Female Perth
1916/100097 Perth Craig William Thomas Male Duperouzel Louisa Margret Female Perth
1916/100097 Perth Duperouzel Louisa Margret Female Craig William Thomas Male Perth
1916/100098 Perth Bezant Gertrude Maud Annie Bertha Female Scoffern Harry Male Perth
1916/100098 Perth Scoffern Harry Male Bezant Gertrude Maud Annie Bertha Female Perth
1916/100099 Perth Steve Edith Elizabeth Amelia Female Bowen Alfred Male Perth
1916/100099 Perth Bowen Alfred Male Steve Edith Elizabeth Amelia Female Perth
1916/100100 Perth Baker William Thomas Male Lindsey Florence Isabell Female West Perth
1916/100100 Perth Lindsey Florence Isabell Female Baker William Thomas Male West Perth
1916/100101 Perth Sexton Ivy Jeanette Female Flesfader Samuel Male Perth
1916/100101 Perth Flesfader Samuel Male Sexton Ivy Jeanette Female Perth
1916/100102 Perth Claudius Theodore Leious Male Smith Ethel Maud Female Perth
1916/100102 Perth Smith Ethel Maud Female Claudius Theodore Leious Male Perth
1916/100103 Perth Dornan Bertha Mary Female Perrie Victor Alexander Male Perth
1916/100103 Perth Perrie Victor Alexander Male Dornan Bertha Mary Female Perth
1916/100104 Perth Stalker Frederick Lachlan Male Base Elizabeth Maria Female Perth
1916/100104 Perth Base Elizabeth Maria Female Stalker Frederick Lachlan Male Perth
1916/100105 Perth Cooper Effie Elizabeth Female Fearn William Alfred Male Perth
1916/100105 Perth Fearn William Alfred Male Cooper Effie Elizabeth Female Perth
1916/100106 Perth Rhodes Lillian Female Reston Thomas Forbes Male Perth
1916/100106 Perth Reston Thomas Forbes Male Rhodes Lillian Female Perth
1916/100107 Perth McGrath Lillian May Female Tennant Alfred Priauln Male Perth
1916/100107 Perth Tennant Alfred Priauln Male McGrath Lillian May Female Perth
1916/100108 Perth Cahill William Joseph Male Steele Alice Female Perth
1916/100108 Perth Steele Alice Female Cahill William Joseph Male Perth
1916/100109 Perth Clemow William Patrick Male Prunty Phyllis Winifred Female Perth
1916/100109 Perth Prunty Phyllis Winifred Female Clemow William Patrick Male Perth
1916/100110 Perth Robertson Louise Irvine Female Thomas Matthias Male Perth
1916/100110 Perth Thomas Matthias Male Robertson Louise Irvine Female Perth
1916/100111 Perth Schenberg Leah Female Myslis Samson Male North Perth
1916/100111 Perth Myslis Samson Male Schenberg Leah Female North Perth
1916/100112 Perth Stewart George Shanks Male Smith Ellen Female Perth
1916/100112 Perth Smith Ellen Female Stewart George Shanks Male Perth
1916/100113 Perth Howard John Male Tolley Isabel Female West Perth
1916/100113 Perth Tolley Isabel Female Howard John Male West Perth
1916/100114 Perth Thomas Albert Victor Male Coutts Lilly May Female West Perth
1916/100114 Perth Coutts Lilly May Female Thomas Albert Victor Male West Perth
1916/100115 Perth Evans Bertha Female Smith Phillip Male Burswood
1916/100115 Perth Smith Phillip Male Evans Bertha Female Burswood
1916/100116 Perth Jones Ebenezer Clarence Male Roberts Rebecca Beatrice Female Maylands
1916/100116 Perth Roberts Rebecca Beatrice Female Jones Ebenezer Clarence Male Maylands
1916/100117 Perth Isbister George William Male Warren Edith Eliza Female West Perth
1916/100117 Perth Warren Edith Eliza Female Isbister George William Male West Perth
1916/100118 Perth Chapman Catherine Female Lyne Edward Arundel Male Perth
1916/100118 Perth Lyne Edward Arundel Male Chapman Catherine Female Perth
1916/100119 Perth Bunn Edith Annie Female Boutcher Henry William Male Victoria Park
1916/100119 Perth Boutcher Henry William Male Bunn Edith Annie Female Victoria Park
1916/100120 Perth Cooper Arthur William Male Gray Irene Gladys Female Victoria Park
1916/100120 Perth Gray Irene Gladys Female Cooper Arthur William Male Victoria Park
1916/100121 Perth Priest Harold Walter Male O'Rielly Jane Female West Perth
1916/100121 Perth O'Rielly Jane Female Priest Harold Walter Male West Perth
1916/100122 Perth Dance Kathleen Female Shaw Albert Edward Male West Perth
1916/100122 Perth Shaw Albert Edward Male Dance Kathleen Female West Perth
1916/100123 Perth Dunn David Male Fenwick Nellie Female West Perth
1916/100123 Perth Fenwick Nellie Female Dunn David Male West Perth
1916/100124 Perth Cook Charles James Male Connolly Ophelia Female West Perth
1916/100124 Perth Connolly Ophelia Female Cook Charles James Male West Perth
1916/100125 Perth McKenna Margaret Ellen Female Radcliffe Arthur Walter Male West Perth
1916/100125 Perth Radcliffe Arthur Walter Male McKenna Margaret Ellen Female West Perth
1916/100126 Perth Hart Iris Evelyn Female White Harold Charles Male Perth
1916/100126 Perth White Harold Charles Male Hart Iris Evelyn Female Perth
1916/100132 Perth Carroll Eliza Female Carroll John Male West Perth
1916/100132 Perth Carroll John Male Carroll Eliza Female West Perth
1916/100135 Perth Downing Frances Helen Female Ellis Arthur John Male Perth
1916/100135 Perth Ellis Arthur John Male Downing Frances Helen Female Perth
1916/100136 Perth Rouse Edith Jane Female Robertson David Edward Male Perth
1916/100136 Perth Robertson David Edward Male Rouse Edith Jane Female Perth
1916/100137 Perth Brook Ethel Female West Charles Male Perth
1916/100137 Perth West Charles Male Brook Ethel Female Perth
1916/100141 Perth Evans Lewis Thomas Male Arnett Elsie May Female East Perth
1916/100141 Perth Arnett Elsie May Female Evans Lewis Thomas Male East Perth
1916/100142 Perth Diaper Margaret Female Crawford Edward Bailey Male Perth
1916/100142 Perth Crawford Edward Bailey Male Diaper Margaret Female Perth
1916/100143 Perth Baxter Alice May Female Wallace Douglas Chambers Male West Perth
1916/100143 Perth Wallace Douglas Chambers Male Baxter Alice May Female West Perth
1916/100144 Perth Wilson Annie Hazel Female Keen Leslie Victor Male Maylands
1916/100144 Perth Keen Leslie Victor Male Wilson Annie Hazel Female Maylands
1916/100145 Perth Yates Victor Edward Wilson Male Denehy Mary Elizabeth Female Perth
1916/100145 Perth Denehy Mary Elizabeth Female Yates Victor Edward Wilson Male Perth
1916/100146 Perth Mann Alfred William Male Chapman Nellie Jane Female Perth
1916/100146 Perth Chapman Nellie Jane Female Mann Alfred William Male Perth
1916/100147 Perth Murray David John Male Sylvester May Maud Female Perth
1916/100147 Perth Sylvester May Maud Female Murray David John Male Perth
1916/100148 Perth Fox Veronica Muriel Female Power Ernest Charles Male Perth
1916/100148 Perth Power Ernest Charles Male Fox Veronica Muriel Female Perth
1916/100149 Perth Moyes Rhoda Myrtle Female Mackinnon Charles Archibald Male East Perth
1916/100149 Perth Mackinnon Charles Archibald Male Moyes Rhoda Myrtle Female East Perth
1916/100150 Perth Russ Elizabeth Female Linthorne Irwin Montague Male Victoria Park
1916/100150 Perth Linthorne Irwin Montague Male Russ Elizabeth Female Victoria Park
1916/100151 Perth Beecroft Percy Thomas Charles Male Portwood Elizabeth Female Perth
1916/100151 Perth Portwood Elizabeth Female Beecroft Percy Thomas Charles Male Perth
1916/100152 Perth Leunig William Male Sanders Dulcie Edna Female Perth
1916/100152 Perth Sanders Dulcie Edna Female Leunig William Male Perth
1916/100153 Perth Mackey Edmond Patrick Male Fairclough Alma Dren Female Perth
1916/100153 Perth Fairclough Alma Dren Female Mackey Edmond Patrick Male Perth
1916/100154 Perth Davey Joseph Henry Male Atkinson Emma Female West Perth
1916/100154 Perth Atkinson Emma Female Davey Joseph Henry Male West Perth
1916/100156 Perth McGay Frances Elizabeth Female Thompson John Joseph Male Victoria Park
1916/100156 Perth Thompson John Joseph Male McGay Frances Elizabeth Female Victoria Park
1916/100157 Perth Jones Walter Male Jasper Evelyn Susie Alice Female Perth
1916/100157 Perth Jasper Evelyn Susie Alice Female Jones Walter Male Perth
1916/100158 Perth Nicholls Viva Berton Female Sundercombe Roy Ormonde Male West Perth
1916/100158 Perth Sundercombe Roy Ormonde Male Nicholls Viva Berton Female West Perth
1916/100159 Perth Barnes Agatha Female Mullins John Male Perth
1916/100159 Perth Mullins John Male Barnes Agatha Female Perth
1916/100160 Perth Harris Nellie Female Balinswella Gilbert Henry Male Perth
1916/100160 Perth Balinswella Gilbert Henry Male Harris Nellie Female Perth
1916/100161 Perth Krantz Samuel Harold Male Loffman Jeanetta Female Perth
1916/100161 Perth Loffman Jeanetta Female Krantz Samuel Harold Male Perth
1916/100162 Perth Birch Edward John Male Williams Morfydd Maud Female North Perth
1916/100162 Perth Williams Morfydd Maud Female Birch Edward John Male North Perth
1916/100163 Perth Burn Robert Male Keogh Sarah Jane Female Perth
1916/100163 Perth Keogh Sarah Jane Female Burn Robert Male Perth
1916/100164 Perth Berglund Rhoda Mary Female Hurst Leslie Thomas Male East Perth
1916/100164 Perth Hurst Leslie Thomas Male Berglund Rhoda Mary Female East Perth
1916/100165 Perth McClure Ernest Charles Male King Nellie Winifred Female Perth
1916/100165 Perth King Nellie Winifred Female McClure Ernest Charles Male Perth
1916/100166 Perth McCann James Male Slavin Alice Female Perth
1916/100166 Perth Slavin Alice Female McCann James Male Perth
1916/100167 Perth Byrne Margaret Cecilia Brennan Female Stephens Edward John Julian Male Perth
1916/100167 Perth Stephens Edward John Julian Male Byrne Margaret Cecilia Brennan Female Perth
1916/100168 Perth McSweeney Michael Male McGinley Madge Female West Perth
1916/100168 Perth McGinley Madge Female McSweeney Michael Male West Perth
1916/100169 Perth Oaten Louises Sarah Female Goodman Alexander Vincent Male West Perth
1916/100169 Perth Goodman Alexander Vincent Male Oaten Louises Sarah Female West Perth
1916/100170 Perth Hunt Mary Female Milward Horatio Thomas Male Perth
1916/100170 Perth Milward Horatio Thomas Male Hunt Mary Female Perth
1916/100171 Perth Godecke Harold Leslie Male Miller Doris Hildred Female Osborne Park
1916/100171 Perth Miller Doris Hildred Female Godecke Harold Leslie Male Osborne Park
1916/100172 Perth Rae Isabella Duff Female Wilson Alton James Male North Perth
1916/100172 Perth Wilson Alton James Male Rae Isabella Duff Female North Perth
1916/100173 Perth Clarke Roy Smedley Male Woodman Norma Annie Female Perth
1916/100173 Perth Woodman Norma Annie Female Clarke Roy Smedley Male Perth
1916/100174 Perth Orr John Male Johnston Elizabeth Niven Female North Perth
1916/100174 Perth Johnston Elizabeth Niven Female Orr John Male North Perth
1916/100175 Perth Brown Constance Marion Female West Henry Male North Perth
1916/100175 Perth West Henry Male Brown Constance Marion Female North Perth
1916/100176 Perth Simms Alfred Millwood Wharton Male Shepherd Helena Mary Female Perth
1916/100176 Perth Shepherd Helena Mary Female Simms Alfred Millwood Wharton Male Perth
1916/100177 Perth Banks Herbert Alfred Male Lawrence Elsie Violet Female North Perth
1916/100177 Perth Lawrence Elsie Violet Female Banks Herbert Alfred Male North Perth
1916/100178 Perth Philp Francis Henry Male Buncle Harriet Susan Female North Perth
1916/100178 Perth Buncle Harriet Susan Female Philp Francis Henry Male North Perth
1916/100179 Perth Dixon Robert Ambrose Male Wilkinson Elizabeth Beatrice Female Perth
1916/100179 Perth Wilkinson Elizabeth Beatrice Female Dixon Robert Ambrose Male Perth
1916/100180 Perth Jacobson Bertha Female Trobe Gabriel Male Perth
1916/100180 Perth Trobe Gabriel Male Jacobson Bertha Female Perth
1916/100181 Perth Doyle May Josephine Female Lynas Vernon Thomas Male Perth
1916/100181 Perth Lynas Vernon Thomas Male Doyle May Josephine Female Perth
1916/100182 Perth Reddrop Gregor Male Short Lillian Ethel Female Perth
1916/100182 Perth Short Lillian Ethel Female Reddrop Gregor Male Perth
1916/100183 Perth McBarron James Vern Male Anstey Dorothy Beatrice Female Maylands
1916/100183 Perth Anstey Dorothy Beatrice Female McBarron James Vern Male Maylands
1916/100184 Perth Kendrick Emma Homer Female Ecroyd Francis Henry Male Maylands
1916/100184 Perth Ecroyd Francis Henry Male Kendrick Emma Homer Female Maylands
1916/100185 Perth Kent Dora Lucy Female Simonds Frederick William Male West Perth
1916/100185 Perth Simonds Frederick William Male Kent Dora Lucy Female West Perth
1916/100186 Perth Burlinson Reginald Lancelot Male Ribe Amy Catherine Female North Perth
1916/100186 Perth Ribe Amy Catherine Female Burlinson Reginald Lancelot Male North Perth
1916/100187 Perth Liddell Jane Female Vardy William James Male Victoria Park
1916/100187 Perth Vardy William James Male Liddell Jane Female Victoria Park
1916/100188 Perth Wright Arthur Thomas Edgar Male Graham Alice May Female West Perth
1916/100188 Perth Graham Alice May Female Wright Arthur Thomas Edgar Male West Perth
1916/100189 Perth Kelehar Marie Frances Female Harrison William Arthur Male Perth
1916/100189 Perth Harrison William Arthur Male Kelehar Marie Frances Female Perth
1916/100190 Perth Peters George Edward Male Phillips Charity Cassandra Female Perth
1916/100190 Perth Phillips Charity Cassandra Female Peters George Edward Male Perth
1916/100191 Perth Lowe Jennie Female Fowler Jonathan Male Perth
1916/100191 Perth Fowler Jonathan Male Lowe Jennie Female Perth
1916/100192 Perth Blacklock Mildred Evelyn Female Kelly William George Male Perth
1916/100192 Perth Kelly William George Male Blacklock Mildred Evelyn Female Perth
1916/100193 Perth Clark Ellen Justice Female Iles Thomas Clark Male Perth
1916/100193 Perth Iles Thomas Clark Male Clark Ellen Justice Female Perth
1916/100194 Perth Tognini Michael John Male Maywood Dorothy Grace Cleery Female Perth
1916/100194 Perth Maywood Dorothy Grace Cleery Female Tognini Michael John Male Perth
1916/100195 Perth Derby Herbert Hayward Male Elshaw Nellie Female Perth
1916/100195 Perth Elshaw Nellie Female Derby Herbert Hayward Male Perth
1916/100196 Perth Dilley Dorothy Pearl Female Cole Harry Trevor Male Perth
1916/100196 Perth Cole Harry Trevor Male Dilley Dorothy Pearl Female Perth
1916/100197 Perth Davis Albyn John Male Jacobs Katherine Louise Female West Perth
1916/100197 Perth Jacobs Katherine Louise Female Davis Albyn John Male West Perth
1916/100198 Perth Shennan Barbara Female Spooner Charles Henry Male West Perth
1916/100198 Perth Spooner Charles Henry Male Shennan Barbara Female West Perth
1916/100199 Perth Braithwaite Edward Crowley Male Davies Annie Female Perth
1916/100199 Perth Davies Annie Female Braithwaite Edward Crowley Male Perth
1916/100200 Perth Guilfoyle Philomena Mary Female Ive Ernest William Male Perth
1916/100200 Perth Ive Ernest William Male Guilfoyle Philomena Mary Female Perth
1916/100201 Perth Chambers George Frank Male Shepherd Ethel Female Perth
1916/100201 Perth Shepherd Ethel Female Chambers George Frank Male Perth
1916/100202 Perth Armstead Olive Female Redhead William Male Perth
1916/100202 Perth Redhead William Male Armstead Olive Female Perth
1916/100203 Perth Pender Patrick Male James Sarah Female Perth
1916/100203 Perth James Sarah Female Pender Patrick Male Perth
1916/100204 Perth Clifton Winifred Mary Female Symes Francis Albin Sanham Male South Perth
1916/100204 Perth Symes Francis Albin Sanham Male Clifton Winifred Mary Female South Perth
1916/100205 Perth Beauchamp Gladys Female Marshall Alfred John Male South Perth
1916/100205 Perth Marshall Alfred John Male Beauchamp Gladys Female South Perth
1916/100206 Perth Harmsworth Nellie Female Taylor John Male West Perth
1916/100206 Perth Taylor John Male Harmsworth Nellie Female West Perth
1916/100207 Perth Parker Charles Wesley Male Grahame Elizabeth Haddon Female West Perth
1916/100207 Perth Grahame Elizabeth Haddon Female Parker Charles Wesley Male West Perth
1916/100208 Perth Symington Douglas William Male Homer Emily Elizabeth Female Perth
1916/100208 Perth Homer Emily Elizabeth Female Symington Douglas William Male Perth
1916/100209 Perth Cooper Thomas Vivian Male Halliday Eva Female Perth
1916/100209 Perth Halliday Eva Female Cooper Thomas Vivian Male Perth
1916/100210 Perth Fisher James Male Hutchings Florence Edith Rose Female North Perth
1916/100210 Perth Hutchings Florence Edith Rose Female Fisher James Male North Perth
1916/100211 Perth Schildt Rosa Elizabeth Female Green Joseph Male West Perth
1916/100211 Perth Green Joseph Male Schildt Rosa Elizabeth Female West Perth
1916/100212 Perth Connery Elizabeth Margaret Female McDonald William Stephen Male West Perth
1916/100212 Perth McDonald William Stephen Male Connery Elizabeth Margaret Female West Perth
1916/100213 Perth McElmeel Hugh Male Keeshan Katherine Female West Perth
1916/100213 Perth Keeshan Katherine Female McElmeel Hugh Male West Perth
1916/100214 Perth Coveney Ruby Harriet Female Slater Fredrick Franklin Male South Perth
1916/100214 Perth Slater Fredrick Franklin Male Coveney Ruby Harriet Female South Perth
1916/100215 Perth Sinclair Robert Male Ilett Mary Eva Female Perth
1916/100215 Perth Ilett Mary Eva Female Sinclair Robert Male Perth
1916/100216 Perth McCarthy Albert Ernest Male Mills Eva Jane Stubbs Female North Perth
1916/100216 Perth Mills Eva Jane Stubbs Female McCarthy Albert Ernest Male North Perth
1916/100217 Perth Cameron Florence Mary Catherine Female Rundle Sydney Gladstone Male Perth
1916/100217 Perth Rundle Sydney Gladstone Male Cameron Florence Mary Catherine Female Perth
1916/100218 Perth Nicholson George William Clarke Male Renow Fredericka Ashley Female East Perth
1916/100218 Perth Renow Fredericka Ashley Female Nicholson George William Clarke Male East Perth
1916/100219 Perth Reynolds Whellmina Female Riebe Charles Joseph Male North Perth
1916/100219 Perth Riebe Charles Joseph Male Reynolds Whellmina Female North Perth
1916/100220 Perth Matson Glanville Male Balcombe Annie May Female West Perth
1916/100220 Perth Balcombe Annie May Female Matson Glanville Male West Perth
1916/100221 Perth Mottram Eunice May Female Brearley Stanley Hammond Male Perth
1916/100221 Perth Brearley Stanley Hammond Male Mottram Eunice May Female Perth
1916/100222 Perth Bruniges Francis Charles Male Gummow Esther Female Perth
1916/100222 Perth Gummow Esther Female Bruniges Francis Charles Male Perth
1916/100223 Perth Judd Thomas Edward Male Fenchel Minnie Female Perth
1916/100223 Perth Fenchel Minnie Female Judd Thomas Edward Male Perth
1916/100224 Perth McDonald Annie Earl Female Sexton Alfred Charles David Male Perth
1916/100224 Perth Sexton Alfred Charles David Male McDonald Annie Earl Female Perth
1916/100225 Perth Perry Frances Agnes Female Roskruge Thomas Henry William Male Perth
1916/100225 Perth Roskruge Thomas Henry William Male Perry Frances Agnes Female Perth
1916/100226 Perth Stott Elizabeth Mary Female Davies David Male Perth
1916/100226 Perth Davies David Male Stott Elizabeth Mary Female Perth
1916/100227 Perth O'Reilly Rubina Pearl Female Linton James Male West Perth
1916/100227 Perth Linton James Male O'Reilly Rubina Pearl Female West Perth
1916/100228 Perth Joyce Thomas Male Davern Kathleen Frances Female West Perth
1916/100228 Perth Davern Kathleen Frances Female Joyce Thomas Male West Perth
1916/100229 Perth Williams Maude Female Reading John Forrest Piggott Male Mt Lawley
1916/100229 Perth Reading John Forrest Piggott Male Williams Maude Female Mt Lawley
1916/100230 Perth Ireland William John Male Day Annie Female Victoria Park
1916/100230 Perth Day Annie Female Ireland William John Male Victoria Park
1916/100231 Perth Bertrand Alexander Frederick Male Berry Grace Ethel Female West Perth
1916/100231 Perth Berry Grace Ethel Female Bertrand Alexander Frederick Male West Perth
1916/100232 Perth Mallion Thomas Male Chester Emily Annie Female Perth
1916/100232 Perth Chester Emily Annie Female Mallion Thomas Male Perth
1916/100233 Perth Moore Kathleen Elizabeth Female Joyce John Garland Male Perth
1916/100233 Perth Joyce John Garland Male Moore Kathleen Elizabeth Female Perth
1916/100234 Perth Andrews Alfred Ernest Male Callander Annie Elizabeth Female Perth
1916/100234 Perth Callander Annie Elizabeth Female Andrews Alfred Ernest Male Perth
1916/100235 Perth Lockwood Walter Edward Male Simmons Rosetta May Female Perth
1916/100235 Perth Simmons Rosetta May Female Lockwood Walter Edward Male Perth
1916/100236 Perth Colley Reuben Harold Woolf Male Bandy Martha Elizabeth Female Perth
1916/100236 Perth Bandy Martha Elizabeth Female Colley Reuben Harold Woolf Male Perth
1916/100237 Perth Barr Muriel May Female Keirle Albert Male West Perth
1916/100237 Perth Keirle Albert Male Barr Muriel May Female West Perth
1916/100239 Perth Gaughan Mary Female McNicol George Alexander Male West Perth
1916/100239 Perth McNicol George Alexander Male Gaughan Mary Female West Perth
1916/100240 Perth Richardson Edith Female Cook Charles Henry Gregory Male Osborne Park
1916/100240 Perth Cook Charles Henry Gregory Male Richardson Edith Female Osborne Park
1916/100241 Perth Birrell Nicholas Henry Male Brady Ellen Sylvester Female Perth
1916/100241 Perth Brady Ellen Sylvester Female Birrell Nicholas Henry Male Perth
1916/100242 Perth Fisher Sydney Charles Male Mack Louisa Jane Female North Perth
1916/100242 Perth Mack Louisa Jane Female Fisher Sydney Charles Male North Perth
1916/100243 Perth Mott Barton Byas Male McKenzie Margaret Brownlie Female Perth
1916/100243 Perth McKenzie Margaret Brownlie Female Mott Barton Byas Male Perth
1916/100244 Perth Hansen-Thüm Otto Carl Male Wickens Edith Maud Female North Perth
1916/100244 Perth Wickens Edith Maud Female Hansen-Thüm Otto Carl Male North Perth
1916/100245 Perth Hackett David Hugh Male Taylor Judith Ellen Female Perth
1916/100245 Perth Taylor Judith Ellen Female Hackett David Hugh Male Perth
1916/100246 Perth Gallant Kathleen Beatrice Female Bird Charles Male West Perth
1916/100246 Perth Bird Charles Male Gallant Kathleen Beatrice Female West Perth
1916/100247 Perth Baker Alice Maud Female Crellin William Moore Male Perth
1916/100247 Perth Crellin William Moore Male Baker Alice Maud Female Perth
1916/100248 Perth Lee Robert William Male O'Leary Johanna Female Perth
1916/100248 Perth O'Leary Johanna Female Lee Robert William Male Perth
1916/100249 Perth Zelicovitz Rachel Female Segal Lion Male Perth
1916/100249 Perth Segal Lion Male Zelicovitz Rachel Female Perth
1916/100250 Perth Jenkin Ethel Mary Female Barrett Henry William Male Perth
1916/100250 Perth Barrett Henry William Male Jenkin Ethel Mary Female Perth
1916/100251 Perth Doxey John Going Male White Gwendoline Winifred Female Perth
1916/100251 Perth White Gwendoline Winifred Female Doxey John Going Male Perth
1916/100252 Perth Smith Ellen Mary Female Johnson Stanley Male Perth
1916/100252 Perth Johnson Stanley Male Smith Ellen Mary Female Perth
1916/100253 Perth Clark Eva Elizabeth Female Watson Lancelot Charles Male Perth
1916/100253 Perth Watson Lancelot Charles Male Clark Eva Elizabeth Female Perth
1916/100254 Perth Bennett Mabel Emily Rose Female O'Reilly Peter Joseph Male Perth
1916/100254 Perth O'Reilly Peter Joseph Male Bennett Mabel Emily Rose Female Perth
1916/100255 Perth Williams Percy Rodger Vincent Male Prindiville Florence Eileen Female Perth
1916/100255 Perth Prindiville Florence Eileen Female Williams Percy Rodger Vincent Male Perth
1916/100256 Perth Carpenter Cecil William Male McLoughlin Ellen Teresa Female Perth
1916/100256 Perth McLoughlin Ellen Teresa Female Carpenter Cecil William Male Perth
1916/100257 Perth Clarke Janet Cecilia Female Cox Francis Horace Male Perth
1916/100257 Perth Cox Francis Horace Male Clarke Janet Cecilia Female Perth
1916/100258 Perth O'Hara Nellie Female Bassett Frederick William Male Perth
1916/100258 Perth Bassett Frederick William Male O'Hara Nellie Female Perth
1916/100259 Perth Piesse Charles Oxley Male Riley Evelyn Ivy Female Perth
1916/100259 Perth Riley Evelyn Ivy Female Piesse Charles Oxley Male Perth
1916/100260 Perth Elyard Joan Emily Annette Female Thomas William Alfred Male Perth
1916/100260 Perth Thomas William Alfred Male Elyard Joan Emily Annette Female Perth
1916/100261 Perth Robens Aubray Douglas Male Knapp Lily Elizabeth Female Perth
1916/100261 Perth Knapp Lily Elizabeth Female Robens Aubray Douglas Male Perth
1916/100262 Perth Quigley John Michael Male Mulhall Catherine Female Perth
1916/100262 Perth Mulhall Catherine Female Quigley John Michael Male Perth
1916/100263 Perth Smales Robert Neale Male Evans Margaret Female Perth
1916/100263 Perth Evans Margaret Female Smales Robert Neale Male Perth
1916/100264 Perth Haynes Eileen Margaret Female Rundle Aubrey Upton Male Perth
1916/100264 Perth Rundle Aubrey Upton Male Haynes Eileen Margaret Female Perth
1916/100265 Perth Quinlan Bernard Gerald Male Strickland Shirley Austin Gibb Female Perth
1916/100265 Perth Strickland Shirley Austin Gibb Female Quinlan Bernard Gerald Male Perth
1916/100266 Perth Fairchild Herbert Silas John Male Hale Catherine Mary Agnes Female Perth
1916/100266 Perth Hale Catherine Mary Agnes Female Fairchild Herbert Silas John Male Perth
1916/100267 Perth Chesters Eleanor Female Pestell George Court Male Perth
1916/100267 Perth Pestell George Court Male Chesters Eleanor Female Perth
1916/100268 Perth Mugford Bessie Female Underwood Alfred Albert Male Perth
1916/100268 Perth Underwood Alfred Albert Male Mugford Bessie Female Perth
1916/100269 Perth Hinkley Reuben Hunter Male Browne Maisie Female West Perth
1916/100269 Perth Browne Maisie Female Hinkley Reuben Hunter Male West Perth
1916/100270 Perth Mackay Donald Male Way Christina Female West Perth
1916/100270 Perth Way Christina Female Mackay Donald Male West Perth
1916/100271 Perth Ridings Gertrude Female Broadwood Robert Joseph Male West Perth
1916/100271 Perth Broadwood Robert Joseph Male Ridings Gertrude Female West Perth
1916/100272 Perth Shanahan Gertrude Josephine Female Davenport Lewis Male Maylands
1916/100272 Perth Davenport Lewis Male Shanahan Gertrude Josephine Female Maylands
1916/100273 Perth Sexton John Male Maguire Emily Isobel Female Perth
1916/100273 Perth Maguire Emily Isobel Female Sexton John Male Perth
1916/100274 Perth Gardiner Thomas Edward Male Harding Grace Elizabeth Female Perth
1916/100274 Perth Harding Grace Elizabeth Female Gardiner Thomas Edward Male Perth
1916/100275 Perth Summers Constance Female Benney Percival Stanley Male Perth
1916/100275 Perth Benney Percival Stanley Male Summers Constance Female Perth
1916/100276 Perth Streeter Frank Bignell Male Puttick Maud Frances Female South Perth
1916/100276 Perth Puttick Maud Frances Female Streeter Frank Bignell Male South Perth
1916/100277 Perth Clemow Mabel Female Hynam Fitzallan Boyd Male Perth
1916/100277 Perth Hynam Fitzallan Boyd Male Clemow Mabel Female Perth
1916/100278 Perth Jones Arthur Male Webling Hilda Female Perth
1916/100278 Perth Webling Hilda Female Jones Arthur Male Perth
1916/100279 Perth Price Mary Ann Elizabeth Female Werndly Charles Male Perth
1916/100279 Perth Werndly Charles Male Price Mary Ann Elizabeth Female Perth
1916/100280 Perth McInnes Murdock Male Esket Rosina Female Perth
1916/100280 Perth Esket Rosina Female McInnes Murdock Male Perth
1916/100281 Perth Robinson Alice Ada Female Dewhirst Herbert Norman Male Perth
1916/100281 Perth Dewhirst Herbert Norman Male Robinson Alice Ada Female Perth
1916/100282 Perth Cross Agnes Female Kern Edward Henry Male Perth
1916/100282 Perth Kern Edward Henry Male Cross Agnes Female Perth
1916/100283 Perth Pearson Samuel David Howard Male Brash Jane Female Victoria Park
1916/100283 Perth Brash Jane Female Pearson Samuel David Howard Male Victoria Park
1916/100284 Perth Zeltzer Rachel Female Hoffman Israel Male Perth
1916/100284 Perth Hoffman Israel Male Zeltzer Rachel Female Perth
1916/100285 Perth Page Florence Female Smith Charles Male Perth
1916/100285 Perth Smith Charles Male Page Florence Female Perth
1916/100286 Perth Geddei Matilda Charlotta Female McDonald James Male Perth
1916/100286 Perth McDonald James Male Geddei Matilda Charlotta Female Perth
1916/100287 Perth Boehm Emmanuel Francis Male Paul Ruby Alma May Female West Perth
1916/100287 Perth Paul Ruby Alma May Female Boehm Emmanuel Francis Male West Perth
1916/100288 Perth Wald Gavin Flett Male Gordon Viola Willyama Female West Perth
1916/100288 Perth Gordon Viola Willyama Female Wald Gavin Flett Male West Perth
1916/100289 Perth Simpson Caleb Male Williams Elsie May Female Perth
1916/100289 Perth Williams Elsie May Female Simpson Caleb Male Perth
1916/100290 Perth Pontin Leonora Janet Female Reynolds Stanley William Male West Perth
1916/100290 Perth Reynolds Stanley William Male Pontin Leonora Janet Female West Perth
1916/100291 Perth Hinkley Thomas Male Smith Emily Female Perth
1916/100291 Perth Smith Emily Female Hinkley Thomas Male Perth
1916/100292 Perth Kilpatrick Francis Walter Male Glover Sarah Ellen Female Perth
1916/100292 Perth Glover Sarah Ellen Female Kilpatrick Francis Walter Male Perth
1916/100293 Perth Wilcock Herbert Ward Male Cole Ellen Female Perth
1916/100293 Perth Cole Ellen Female Wilcock Herbert Ward Male Perth
1916/100294 Perth Fisher Hilda Beatrice Female Thomson Charles Henry Male Belmont
1916/100294 Perth Thomson Charles Henry Male Fisher Hilda Beatrice Female Belmont
1916/100295 Perth Millard William Henry Male Burns Maude Jean Female North Perth
1916/100295 Perth Burns Maude Jean Female Millard William Henry Male North Perth
1916/100296 Perth Horton Florence May Female Sherwood William Male Perth
1916/100296 Perth Sherwood William Male Horton Florence May Female Perth
1916/100297 Perth Hendry James Murdoch Ross Male Exall Ada Female West Perth
1916/100297 Perth Exall Ada Female Hendry James Murdoch Ross Male West Perth
1916/100298 Perth Clarke Hilda May Female Herd Allister Male West Perth
1916/100298 Perth Herd Allister Male Clarke Hilda May Female West Perth
1916/100299 Perth Nicholls Frances Female Lewis George Male Perth
1916/100299 Perth Lewis George Male Nicholls Frances Female Perth
1916/100300 Perth Christiansen Sophia Christina Female French Harry William Male Bayswater
1916/100300 Perth French Harry William Male Christiansen Sophia Christina Female Bayswater
1916/100301 Perth McAdam Francis Joseph Milburn Male Wells Kathleen Amy Female West Perth
1916/100301 Perth Wells Kathleen Amy Female McAdam Francis Joseph Milburn Male West Perth
1916/100302 Perth Hempstalk Harriet Female Hitchins William Charles Male West Perth
1916/100302 Perth Hitchins William Charles Male Hempstalk Harriet Female West Perth
1916/100303 Perth Rowe Adele Irene Female Harwood Victor Albert Male West Perth
1916/100303 Perth Harwood Victor Albert Male Rowe Adele Irene Female West Perth
1916/100304 Perth Hadden Agnes Isabel Female Sexton Ernest George Robert Male Perth
1916/100304 Perth Sexton Ernest George Robert Male Hadden Agnes Isabel Female Perth
1916/100305 Perth Davey Mabel Female Hyde William George Male Perth
1916/100305 Perth Hyde William George Male Davey Mabel Female Perth
1916/100306 Perth Wibberley Annie Winifred Female Mankey Victor Tobias Male Perth
1916/100306 Perth Mankey Victor Tobias Male Wibberley Annie Winifred Female Perth
1916/100307 Perth Brittain Agnes May Female Dunham George Alfred Male Perth
1916/100307 Perth Dunham George Alfred Male Brittain Agnes May Female Perth
1916/100308 Perth Newton Thomas Male Swann Mabel Rose Female Perth
1916/100308 Perth Swann Mabel Rose Female Newton Thomas Male Perth
1916/100309 Perth Smith Walter Male Thomas Dorothy May Female West Perth
1916/100309 Perth Thomas Dorothy May Female Smith Walter Male West Perth
1916/100310 Perth Beebe Flora Woodman Female Parker Robert John Randolph Male West Perth
1916/100310 Perth Parker Robert John Randolph Male Beebe Flora Woodman Female West Perth
1916/100311 Perth Fletcher John Isaac Male Etherington Selina Female Perth
1916/100311 Perth Etherington Selina Female Fletcher John Isaac Male Perth
1916/100312 Perth Bing Albert Ernest Male Bunney Mary Jane Female East Perth
1916/100312 Perth Bunney Mary Jane Female Bing Albert Ernest Male East Perth
1916/100313 Perth Willison Mary Edith Female Gammon Thomas Edwin Male Perth
1916/100313 Perth Gammon Thomas Edwin Male Willison Mary Edith Female Perth
1916/100314 Perth Howell Amy Maria Female Ohman Albert Male Perth
1916/100314 Perth Ohman Albert Male Howell Amy Maria Female Perth
1916/100315 Perth Boyd Agnes Female Christmass Sidney Elliot Male Perth
1916/100315 Perth Christmass Sidney Elliot Male Boyd Agnes Female Perth
1916/100316 Perth Schramm Alma Adelaide Female Harling Archibald George Male Perth
1916/100316 Perth Harling Archibald George Male Schramm Alma Adelaide Female Perth
1916/100317 Perth Smith Alice Louisa Female Sharpe Frank Edward Male Perth
1916/100317 Perth Sharpe Frank Edward Male Smith Alice Louisa Female Perth
1916/100318 Perth Emrose Irene Cecilia Female Carlisle Gilbert Henry Male Perth
1916/100318 Perth Carlisle Gilbert Henry Male Emrose Irene Cecilia Female Perth
1916/100319 Perth Clarke Benjamin Blakeney Male Loneragan Ellen Female South Perth
1916/100319 Perth Loneragan Ellen Female Clarke Benjamin Blakeney Male South Perth
1916/100320 Perth Kerr Charles Logan Male Allan Aldyth Mary Female Perth
1916/100320 Perth Allan Aldyth Mary Female Kerr Charles Logan Male Perth
1916/100321 Perth Brooks Frank Yelverton Male Brindle Mary Jane Female Perth
1916/100321 Perth Brindle Mary Jane Female Brooks Frank Yelverton Male Perth
1916/100322 Perth Groves Arthur Male Attfield Hilda Muriel Female Maylands
1916/100322 Perth Attfield Hilda Muriel Female Groves Arthur Male Maylands
1916/100323 Perth Taylor Oliver James Male Barnard Hilda Margaret Female West Perth
1916/100323 Perth Barnard Hilda Margaret Female Taylor Oliver James Male West Perth
1916/100324 Perth Green Emma Female Bunney William Male East Perth
1916/100324 Perth Bunney William Male Green Emma Female East Perth
1916/100325 Perth Cutten Frank Herbert Male Hutchins Celia Elizabeth Female Victoria Park
1916/100325 Perth Hutchins Celia Elizabeth Female Cutten Frank Herbert Male Victoria Park
1916/100326 Perth Brown Bertram Joseph Male Finch Alice May Female Victoria Park
1916/100326 Perth Finch Alice May Female Brown Bertram Joseph Male Victoria Park
1916/100327 Perth McKay John Stanley Male Frearson Eleanor Beatrice Female Victoria Park
1916/100327 Perth Frearson Eleanor Beatrice Female McKay John Stanley Male Victoria Park
1916/100328 Perth Clancy Joseph James Male Jordan Maud Catherine Female Perth
1916/100328 Perth Jordan Maud Catherine Female Clancy Joseph James Male Perth
1916/100329 Perth Hegarty Elizabeth Ann Female Smith George William Henery Male Perth
1916/100329 Perth Smith George William Henery Male Hegarty Elizabeth Ann Female Perth
1916/100330 Perth Harrell Annie Female Hosking Arthur James Male Perth
1916/100330 Perth Hosking Arthur James Male Harrell Annie Female Perth
1916/100331 Perth Sanderson Robert Septimus Male Cashin Beatrice Female Perth
1916/100331 Perth Cashin Beatrice Female Sanderson Robert Septimus Male Perth
1916/100332 Perth Thirley William Male O'Brien Ellie Female Perth
1916/100332 Perth O'Brien Ellie Female Thirley William Male Perth
1916/100333 Perth King Eliza Female Garland Morgan James Male Maylands
1916/100333 Perth Garland Morgan James Male King Eliza Female Maylands
1916/100334 Perth Turvey Violet Caroline Female Sing Harry Male West Perth
1916/100334 Perth Sing Harry Male Turvey Violet Caroline Female West Perth
1916/100335 Perth Rayward George Male Hallarn Ellen Female West Perth
1916/100335 Perth Hallarn Ellen Female Rayward George Male West Perth
1916/100336 Perth Jones John Henry Woodburne Male Colmer Dorothy Grace Female South Perth
1916/100336 Perth Colmer Dorothy Grace Female Jones John Henry Woodburne Male South Perth
1916/100337 Perth Jeffery Samuel John Male Simmonds Bertha Female Perth
1916/100337 Perth Simmonds Bertha Female Jeffery Samuel John Male Perth
1916/100338 Perth Traynor James William Male Hanlan Rita Maud Female West Perth
1916/100338 Perth Hanlan Rita Maud Female Traynor James William Male West Perth
1916/100339 Perth Gibbs Hilda Emily Female Spencer John Male West Perth
1916/100339 Perth Spencer John Male Gibbs Hilda Emily Female West Perth
1916/100340 Perth Moredoundt Olga Leonne Female George John James Male Perth
1916/100340 Perth George John James Male Moredoundt Olga Leonne Female Perth
1916/100341 Perth Boff Charles Edward Male Evans Emmie Frances Female West Perth
1916/100341 Perth Evans Emmie Frances Female Boff Charles Edward Male West Perth
1916/100342 Perth Berry Alice Kate Female Daly Patrick Joseph Male West Perth
1916/100342 Perth Daly Patrick Joseph Male Berry Alice Kate Female West Perth
1916/100343 Perth Gloster Alexander Burns Male James Grace Edgar Female Perth
1916/100343 Perth James Grace Edgar Female Gloster Alexander Burns Male Perth
1916/100344 Perth Bennett Mabel Irene Female Fellows Richard McKay Male Perth
1916/100344 Perth Fellows Richard McKay Male Bennett Mabel Irene Female Perth
1916/100345 Perth Brand Edward George Male Cooper May Eliza Female Perth
1916/100345 Perth Brand Edward George Male Pomeroy May Eliza Female Perth
1916/100345 Perth Cooper May Eliza Female Brand Edward George Male Perth
1916/100345 Perth Pomeroy May Eliza Female Brand Edward George Male Perth
1916/100346 Perth Copland John Male Paul Mary Campbell Female Perth
1916/100346 Perth Paul Mary Campbell Female Copland John Male Perth
1916/100347 Perth Stout Robert Henry Male Best Evelyn Rose Female Perth
1916/100347 Perth Best Evelyn Rose Female Stout Robert Henry Male Perth
1916/100348 Perth Cummins Alice Cecilia Female Faull Samuel James Gordon Rodda Male Perth
1916/100348 Perth Faull Samuel James Gordon Rodda Male Cummins Alice Cecilia Female Perth
1916/100349 Perth Philp Mary Helena Female Haynes William Henry Male Perth
1916/100349 Perth Haynes William Henry Male Philp Mary Helena Female Perth
1916/100350 Perth Elliss Walter Leslie Male Ferguson Emma Jane Female Perth
1916/100350 Perth Ferguson Emma Jane Female Elliss Walter Leslie Male Perth
1916/100351 Perth Bailey Joseph Herbert Male Keen Hannah Dorothy Isabel Female Perth
1916/100351 Perth Keen Hannah Dorothy Isabel Female Bailey Joseph Herbert Male Perth
1916/100352 Perth Lamphee Herbert Male Urquhart Mary Anne Female Perth
1916/100352 Perth Urquhart Mary Anne Female Lamphee Herbert Male Perth
1916/100353 Perth Broadbent Marshall Male Birt Viardot Lucella Female Perth
1916/100353 Perth Birt Viardot Lucella Female Broadbent Marshall Male Perth
1916/100354 Perth Wood George Male Smith Margaret Jane Female Perth
1916/100354 Perth Smith Margaret Jane Female Wood George Male Perth
1916/100355 Perth Stewart Alexander Osborne Male Farr Alma Marie Female Perth
1916/100355 Perth Farr Alma Marie Female Stewart Alexander Osborne Male Perth
1916/100356 Perth Elston John Daniel Male Cross Ellen Bertha Female Perth
1916/100356 Perth Cross Ellen Bertha Female Elston John Daniel Male Perth
1916/100357 Perth Barritt Grace Ursula Female Pitcher George Henry Norman Male Perth
1916/100357 Perth Pitcher George Henry Norman Male Barritt Grace Ursula Female Perth
1916/100358 Perth Montague Samuel Male Peterson Victoria May Female Perth
1916/100358 Perth Peterson Victoria May Female Montague Samuel Male Perth
1916/100359 Perth Kirk Harold John Male Dawes Winifred Gwendoline Female Perth
1916/100359 Perth Dawes Winifred Gwendoline Female Kirk Harold John Male Perth
1916/100360 Perth McNamara Clarice Alma Female Campbell John Peter Male Perth
1916/100360 Perth Campbell John Peter Male McNamara Clarice Alma Female Perth
1916/100361 Perth Fenton Ethel May Female McLean William Male Perth
1916/100361 Perth McLean William Male Fenton Ethel May Female Perth
1916/100362 Perth MacKay Margaret Female Johnson Septimus Gordon Male Maylands
1916/100362 Perth Johnson Septimus Gordon Male MacKay Margaret Female Maylands
1916/100363 Perth Dale Frank Male Kealley Constance Lenore Female Perth
1916/100363 Perth Kealley Constance Lenore Female Dale Frank Male Perth
1916/100364 Perth Patterson Albert Joseph Male Forrest Mary Lydia Female Perth
1916/100364 Perth Forrest Mary Lydia Female Patterson Albert Joseph Male Perth
1916/100365 Perth Garrett Lydia Ann Female Kidd John William James Male Perth
1916/100365 Perth Kidd John William James Male Garrett Lydia Ann Female Perth
1916/100366 Perth Pratt Charles Male Jones Winifred Elizabeth Jane Female Perth
1916/100366 Perth Jones Winifred Elizabeth Jane Female Pratt Charles Male Perth
1916/100367 Perth Watt Louisa Margaret Female McMurray Richard Male North Perth
1916/100367 Perth McMurray Richard Male Watt Louisa Margaret Female North Perth
1916/100368 Perth Buckland Rosina Grace Female Pontin Albert Fabian Male West Perth
1916/100368 Perth Pontin Albert Fabian Male Buckland Rosina Grace Female West Perth
1916/100369 Perth Lines Arthur Frederick John Male Caple Esmeralda Olive May Female Perth
1916/100369 Perth Caple Esmeralda Olive May Female Lines Arthur Frederick John Male Perth
1916/100370 Perth Lines Edmund John Male Evans Catherine Jane Female Perth
1916/100370 Perth Evans Catherine Jane Female Lines Edmund John Male Perth
1916/100371 Perth Huggins Donald Gordon Melville Male Oliver Elizabeth Female Perth
1916/100371 Perth Oliver Elizabeth Female Huggins Donald Gordon Melville Male Perth
1916/100372 Perth Hearle Florence May Female Rawlings Ernest James Male West Perth
1916/100372 Perth Rawlings Ernest James Male Hearle Florence May Female West Perth
1916/100373 Perth Jacobson Edward Allan Brunden Male Lock Esther Doris May Female West Perth
1916/100373 Perth Lock Esther Doris May Female Jacobson Edward Allan Brunden Male West Perth
1916/100374 Perth Brown Violet Alice Female Staton George Henry Fowler Male Fremantle
1916/100374 Perth Staton George Henry Fowler Male Brown Violet Alice Female Fremantle
1916/100375 Perth Wilson Francis Male Thomson Helen Female Osborne Park
1916/100375 Perth Thomson Helen Female Wilson Francis Male Osborne Park
1916/100376 Perth Breadsell Annie Mary Female Thorpe Charles Forder Male Perth
1916/100376 Perth Thorpe Charles Forder Male Breadsell Annie Mary Female Perth
1916/100377 Perth Foy James Francis Male Davies Elsie Margaret Female Perth
1916/100377 Perth Davies Elsie Margaret Female Foy James Francis Male Perth
1916/100378 Perth Scott Harold James Male Walsh Eileen Mary Female Perth
1916/100378 Perth Walsh Eileen Mary Female Scott Harold James Male Perth
1916/100379 Perth Glossop Francis William Male Clarke Edith Laura Female Perth
1916/100379 Perth Clarke Edith Laura Female Glossop Francis William Male Perth
1916/100380 Perth Ford Harold Hurtle Male Martin Mary Veronica Female Perth
1916/100380 Perth Martin Mary Veronica Female Ford Harold Hurtle Male Perth
1916/100381 Perth White Maud Ellen Female White Michael John Male Perth
1916/100381 Perth White Michael John Male White Maud Ellen Female Perth
1916/100382 Perth Vincent Hubert Henry James Male Coller Myrtle Ivy Female Perth
1916/100382 Perth Coller Myrtle Ivy Female Vincent Hubert Henry James Male Perth
1916/100383 Perth Taylor Beatrice Minnie Female Rose Harold Wells Male Perth
1916/100383 Perth Rose Harold Wells Male Taylor Beatrice Minnie Female Perth
1916/100384 Perth Nicoll Charles Darling Male Bent Violet Female Perth
1916/100384 Perth Bent Violet Female Nicoll Charles Darling Male Perth
1916/100385 Perth Wigmore Alice Ivy Female Paterson Walter Edward Moncrieff Male Perth
1916/100385 Perth Paterson Walter Edward Moncrieff Male Wigmore Alice Ivy Female Perth
1916/100386 Perth Trenaman Florence Female Harris Frederick Joseph Male Perth
1916/100386 Perth Harris Frederick Joseph Male Trenaman Florence Female Perth
1916/100387 Perth Kenworthy Joseph Male Nickoll Lilias Elizabeth Female Perth
1916/100387 Perth Nickoll Lilias Elizabeth Female Kenworthy Joseph Male Perth
1916/100388 Perth Stables Isabel Female Burges Gerald Lockier Male Perth
1916/100388 Perth Burges Gerald Lockier Male Stables Isabel Female Perth
1916/100389 Perth McArthur Janet Female Jarvis Ernest James Male Perth
1916/100389 Perth Jarvis Ernest James Male McArthur Janet Female Perth
1916/100390 Perth Selby Samuel Vaughan Male Sherlock Edith Emily Louise Female Perth
1916/100390 Perth Sherlock Edith Emily Louise Female Selby Samuel Vaughan Male Perth
1916/100391 Perth Williams Florence Female Seymour George Henry Wigfull Male Perth
1916/100391 Perth Seymour George Henry Wigfull Male Williams Florence Female Perth
1916/100392 Perth Moore Winifred Edna Female Russell Douglas Radford Male Bayswater
1916/100392 Perth Russell Douglas Radford Male Moore Winifred Edna Female Bayswater
1916/100393 Perth Reddin Myra Rose Female Richmond Henry Gilbert Male Perth
1916/100393 Perth Richmond Henry Gilbert Male Reddin Myra Rose Female Perth
1916/100394 Perth Radcliffe Rose Female Smith Arthur Wills Male Perth
1916/100394 Perth Smith Arthur Wills Male Radcliffe Rose Female Perth
1916/100395 Perth Mace Charles John Male Dickenson Constance Elsie Female Perth
1916/100395 Perth Dickenson Constance Elsie Female Mace Charles John Male Perth
1916/100396 Perth Coops David Francis Male Ward Alice Female Perth
1916/100396 Perth Ward Alice Female Coops David Francis Male Perth
1916/100397 Perth Phillips Edith May Female Donaldson Cyril David Alexander Male Perth
1916/100397 Perth Donaldson Cyril David Alexander Male Phillips Edith May Female Perth
1916/100398 Perth Complin Fanny Maria Female Williams William Male Perth
1916/100398 Perth Williams William Male Complin Fanny Maria Female Perth
1916/100399 Perth Sturrock Annie Isabel Female Duff John Male Victoria Park
1916/100399 Perth Duff John Male Sturrock Annie Isabel Female Victoria Park
1916/100400 Perth Hannah Percy Allen Male Smith Martha May Garner Female Perth
1916/100400 Perth Smith Martha May Garner Female Hannah Percy Allen Male Perth
1916/100401 Perth Merry Frederick Franklin Male Nicholson Selina Female West Perth
1916/100401 Perth Nicholson Selina Female Merry Frederick Franklin Male West Perth
1916/100402 Perth Willard Sarah Female Newland John Male Belmont
1916/100402 Perth Newland John Male Willard Sarah Female Belmont
1916/100403 Perth Barry Violet Maud Female Barrett William Male Maylands
1916/100403 Perth Barrett William Male Barry Violet Maud Female Maylands
1916/100404 Perth Rankin Georgina Female Mannix Michael Male Maylands
1916/100404 Perth Mannix Michael Male Rankin Georgina Female Maylands
1916/100405 Perth Crannage Isabel Ethel Female Draine Nelson Male West Perth
1916/100405 Perth Draine Nelson Male Crannage Isabel Ethel Female West Perth
1916/100406 Perth West Geoffrey Stanton Male Davy Lilly Maud Female Perth
1916/100406 Perth Davy Lilly Maud Female West Geoffrey Stanton Male Perth
1916/100407 Perth Trease Mabel May Female Riley Frederick Flesher Male Guildford
1916/100407 Perth Riley Frederick Flesher Male Trease Mabel May Female Guildford
1916/100408 Perth Truscott Walter Charles Male Cross Pearlie Mary Josephine Female Guildford
1916/100408 Perth Cross Pearlie Mary Josephine Female Truscott Walter Charles Male Guildford
1916/100409 Perth Barker Thomas Male Marquis Elizabeth Ellen Ann Frances Female North Perth
1916/100409 Perth Marquis Elizabeth Ellen Ann Frances Female Barker Thomas Male North Perth
1916/100410 Perth Dingle Lily Female Lee Tom Male Osborne Park
1916/100410 Perth Lee Tom Male Dingle Lily Female Osborne Park
1916/100411 Perth Murdoch Jessie Jane Female Raybould John James Male Perth
1916/100411 Perth Raybould John James Male Murdoch Jessie Jane Female Perth
1916/100412 Perth Benbow William George Male Wallace Mary Marshall Female Perth
1916/100412 Perth Wallace Mary Marshall Female Benbow William George Male Perth
1916/100413 Perth York Alma Grace Female Buckingham Walter Samuel Male Perth
1916/100413 Perth Buckingham Walter Samuel Male York Alma Grace Female Perth
1916/100414 Perth Gill Emily Sabina Female Hobart Bruce Henry Male Perth
1916/100414 Perth Hobart Bruce Henry Male Gill Emily Sabina Female Perth
1916/100415 Perth Hampson James Edward Male Martin Ila Colina Female Perth
1916/100415 Perth Martin Ila Colina Female Hampson James Edward Male Perth
1916/100416 Perth Jackson Samuel Henry Male Archibald Alice Mabel Female Perth
1916/100416 Perth Archibald Alice Mabel Female Jackson Samuel Henry Male Perth
1916/100417 Perth Moore James Remy Fairburn Male Williams Margaret Mabel Female West Perth
1916/100417 Perth Williams Margaret Mabel Female Moore James Remy Fairburn Male West Perth
1916/100418 Perth Asquith Annie Ruby Female Asquith Jeremiah Male West Perth
1916/100418 Perth Asquith Jeremiah Male Asquith Annie Ruby Female West Perth
1916/100419 Perth Atkins Margaret Ann Female Phelan William George Male Perth
1916/100419 Perth Phelan William George Male Atkins Margaret Ann Female Perth
1916/100420 Perth Brown Albert Male Rendall Rose Alice Mary Female Perth
1916/100420 Perth Rendall Rose Alice Mary Female Brown Albert Male Perth
1916/100421 Perth Eakins Elizabeth Female Whouley John Male Perth
1916/100421 Perth Whouley John Male Eakins Elizabeth Female Perth
1916/100422 Perth Henderson Annie Eldridge Female Parnell John Norman Male Perth
1916/100422 Perth Parnell John Norman Male Henderson Annie Eldridge Female Perth
1916/100423 Perth Smoker Redg Montague Male Stockley Evelyn Alice Josephine Female West Perth
1916/100423 Perth Stockley Evelyn Alice Josephine Female Smoker Redg Montague Male West Perth
1916/100424 Perth Rogers George Male North Stella Adella Female West Perth
1916/100424 Perth North Stella Adella Female Rogers George Male West Perth
1916/100425 Perth Mellar Charles Male Davies Elsie Female North Perth
1916/100425 Perth Davies Elsie Female Mellar Charles Male North Perth
1916/100426 Perth Brown Ellen Elizabeth Female Dove William Henry Male Perth
1916/100426 Perth Dove William Henry Male Brown Ellen Elizabeth Female Perth
1916/100427 Perth Foster Norman Thomas Male Syred Olive Flo Female Perth
1916/100427 Perth Syred Olive Flo Female Foster Norman Thomas Male Perth
1916/100428 Perth Langford Esther Jane Female Martin Cyril Male Maylands
1916/100428 Perth Martin Cyril Male Langford Esther Jane Female Maylands
1916/100429 Perth Scott Daniel Male Morley Edith Maud Female Perth
1916/100429 Perth Morley Edith Maud Female Scott Daniel Male Perth
1917/100430 Perth Sawle Madge Female Laws Alfred Charles Sydney Male Perth
1916/100430 Perth Evans Lucy Rebekah Female Henderson George Francis Male North Perth
1916/100430 Perth Henderson George Francis Male Evans Lucy Rebekah Female North Perth
1917/100430 Perth Laws Alfred Charles Sydney Male Sawle Madge Female Perth
1916/100431 Perth Rowatt Margaret Elizabeth Female Green Arthur Henry Male Perth
1916/100431 Perth Green Arthur Henry Male Rowatt Margaret Elizabeth Female Perth
1916/100432 Perth Jones Clarence George Male Borradale Vera Female Perth
1916/100432 Perth Borradale Vera Female Jones Clarence George Male Perth
1916/100433 Perth Coleman Cyril Edward Male Mayer Marguerite Catherine Female Perth
1916/100433 Perth Mayer Marguerite Catherine Female Coleman Cyril Edward Male Perth
1916/100434 Perth Harding Iolanthe Viola Female Godfrey Roy Richard Male East Perth
1916/100434 Perth Godfrey Roy Richard Male Harding Iolanthe Viola Female East Perth
1916/100435 Perth O'Connor Esther Female Smith George Leonard Male Perth
1916/100435 Perth Smith George Leonard Male O'Connor Esther Female Perth
1916/100436 Perth Stokes Cecil Wilfred Male Sheedy Margaret Rose Female Perth
1916/100436 Perth Sheedy Margaret Rose Female Stokes Cecil Wilfred Male Perth
1916/100437 Perth Fenn Lilian May Female Fry Aubrey Roy Wentworth Male Perth
1916/100437 Perth Fry Aubrey Roy Wentworth Male Fenn Lilian May Female Perth
1916/100438 Perth Hamburger Leah Female Young Arthur James Male West Perth
1916/100438 Perth Young Arthur James Male Hamburger Leah Female West Perth
1916/100439 Perth Mortensson Carl Male Ryan Margaret Josephine Female Perth
1916/100439 Perth Ryan Margaret Josephine Female Mortensson Carl Male Perth
1916/100440 Perth Clenton Samuel Male Bollard Beatrice Hilda Female Victoria Park
1916/100440 Perth Bollard Beatrice Hilda Female Clenton Samuel Male Victoria Park
1916/100441 Perth Sutherland Mary Female Slater Harold Charles Male Perth
1916/100441 Perth Slater Harold Charles Male Sutherland Mary Female Perth
1916/100442 Perth Cousens Herbert Dunbar Male Pratt Ruby Pearl Female Perth
1916/100442 Perth Pratt Ruby Pearl Female Cousens Herbert Dunbar Male Perth
1916/100443 Perth Smyth Francis Male Oliver Alice Gordon Female Perth
1916/100443 Perth Oliver Alice Gordon Female Smyth Francis Male Perth
1916/100444 Perth Prettijohn Sarah Charlotte Ella Female Weatherburn James Male West Guildford
1916/100444 Perth Weatherburn James Male Prettijohn Sarah Charlotte Ella Female West Guildford
1916/100445 Perth Bresland William James Male Jenkins Amy Winifred Female Perth
1916/100445 Perth Jenkins Amy Winifred Female Bresland William James Male Perth
1916/100446 Perth Henderson Annie May Victoria Female Cook Wesley James Male North Perth
1916/100446 Perth Cook Wesley James Male Henderson Annie May Victoria Female North Perth
1916/100447 Perth Thomas Sidney Joseph William Male Viney Myra Grace Female North Perth
1916/100447 Perth Viney Myra Grace Female Thomas Sidney Joseph William Male North Perth
1916/100448 Perth Bonazzi Maria Female Maffina Luigi Male Perth
1916/100448 Perth Maffina Luigi Male Bonazzi Maria Female Perth
1916/100449 Perth Watson Ruby Ethel Female Praed William James Male West Perth
1916/100449 Perth Praed William James Male Watson Ruby Ethel Female West Perth
1916/100450 Perth Lee Alfred Patrick Henry Male Hesketh Margaret Emily Female East Perth
1916/100450 Perth Hesketh Margaret Emily Female Lee Alfred Patrick Henry Male East Perth
1916/100451 Perth Evans Sydney Charles Harwood Male Reddin Elsie Vera Elizabeth Female Perth
1916/100451 Perth Reddin Elsie Vera Elizabeth Female Evans Sydney Charles Harwood Male Perth
1916/100452 Perth Tognini Louis Frederick Male Morgan Mary Catherine Female West Perth
1916/100452 Perth Morgan Mary Catherine Female Tognini Louis Frederick Male West Perth
1916/100453 Perth Pickett Eva Maud Female Derby Clifford Thomas Male Perth
1916/100453 Perth Derby Clifford Thomas Male Pickett Eva Maud Female Perth
1916/100454 Perth Chard Ethel May Female Wood Alfred Vernon Hollier Male East Perth
1916/100454 Perth Wood Alfred Vernon Hollier Male Chard Ethel May Female East Perth
1916/100455 Perth Drane Albert Hector Male Beer Hilda Female Perth
1916/100455 Perth Beer Hilda Female Drane Albert Hector Male Perth
1916/100456 Perth Harrison Sydney Male Fleming Winifred Beatrice Female Perth
1916/100456 Perth Fleming Winifred Beatrice Female Harrison Sydney Male Perth
1916/100457 Perth Cox William Frederick Male Goddard Myrtle May Female West Perth
1916/100457 Perth Goddard Myrtle May Female Cox William Frederick Male West Perth
1916/100458 Perth Minchin Victor John Male Shanks Agnes Female West Perth
1916/100458 Perth Shanks Agnes Female Minchin Victor John Male West Perth
1916/100459 Perth Southern Daisy Mona Phillis Female O'Meagher John Henry Male Victoria Park
1916/100459 Perth O'Meagher John Henry Male Southern Daisy Mona Phillis Female Victoria Park
1916/100460 Perth Simmonds Fanny Amelia Female Costigan John Male Perth
1916/100460 Perth Costigan John Male Simmonds Fanny Amelia Female Perth
1916/100461 Perth Gray Albert Ernest Male Bowra Gladys Myrtle Female Bayswater
1916/100461 Perth Bowra Gladys Myrtle Female Gray Albert Ernest Male Bayswater
1916/100462 Perth Matthews Frances Kate Female Hanson Charles Rasmus Male Perth
1916/100462 Perth Hanson Charles Rasmus Male Matthews Frances Kate Female Perth
1916/100463 Perth Daddow Ethel May Female Cartwright Charles Male Victoria Park
1916/100463 Perth Cartwright Charles Male Daddow Ethel May Female Victoria Park
1916/100464 Perth Hatcher Walter Montague Male Horley Dorothy Maud Female Perth
1916/100464 Perth Horley Dorothy Maud Female Hatcher Walter Montague Male Perth
1916/100465 Perth Price Charles Robert Male Mills Gwendoline Emeline Annie Female Perth
1916/100465 Perth Mills Gwendoline Emeline Annie Female Price Charles Robert Male Perth
1916/100466 Perth Purcher Herbert Edward Male Carter Annie Female East Perth
1916/100466 Perth Carter Annie Female Purcher Herbert Edward Male East Perth
1916/100467 Perth Oaten Mary Elizabeth Female Ryles Frederick Male Perth
1916/100467 Perth Ryles Frederick Male Oaten Mary Elizabeth Female Perth
1916/100468 Perth Guilfoyle Cecil Aloysius Male O'Dea Edith May Female Perth
1916/100468 Perth O'Dea Edith May Female Guilfoyle Cecil Aloysius Male Perth
1916/100469 Perth Clifford George Frank Male Rowe Rose Female Perth
1916/100469 Perth Rowe Rose Female Clifford George Frank Male Perth
1916/100471 Perth O'Connor Lilian Maud Female Cullinan Martin Denis Male Perth
1916/100471 Perth Cullinan Martin Denis Male O'Connor Lilian Maud Female Perth
1916/100472 Perth Greig Leslie James Male Curran Annie Frederika Elsie Female Perth
1916/100472 Perth Curran Annie Frederika Elsie Female Greig Leslie James Male Perth
1916/100473 Perth Stubberfield William George Male Allison Marion Amelia Female Perth
1916/100473 Perth Allison Marion Amelia Female Stubberfield William George Male Perth
1916/100474 Perth Penton Sarah Jane Female Paddick Richard Henry Male Perth
1916/100474 Perth Paddick Richard Henry Male Penton Sarah Jane Female Perth
1916/100475 Perth Penny Henry William Male Riley Ellen Jane Female Perth
1916/100475 Perth Riley Ellen Jane Female Penny Henry William Male Perth
1916/100476 Perth Farnell Agnes Emily Female Stenson Harold Male Perth
1916/100476 Perth Stenson Harold Male Farnell Agnes Emily Female Perth
1916/100477 Perth Buckland Edward Male Brassington Alma Gertrude Matilda Female Perth
1916/100477 Perth Brassington Alma Gertrude Matilda Female Buckland Edward Male Perth
1916/100478 Perth Annear Emily Olive Dorothy Female Stokle Wilfred Male Perth
1916/100478 Perth Stokle Wilfred Male Annear Emily Olive Dorothy Female Perth
1916/100479 Perth Hammond Wallis Male Hillary Violet Anne Female Perth
1916/100479 Perth Hillary Violet Anne Female Hammond Wallis Male Perth
1916/100480 Perth Ferguson Alice Irene Female Lawson Richard Leslie Eric Male Perth
1916/100480 Perth Lawson Richard Leslie Eric Male Ferguson Alice Irene Female Perth
1916/100481 Perth Skinner Donald Male McNeil Nora Maud Female Perth
1916/100481 Perth McNeil Nora Maud Female Skinner Donald Male Perth
1916/100482 Perth Parry George Albert Male Sherlock Florence Adelaide Female Perth
1916/100482 Perth Sherlock Florence Adelaide Female Parry George Albert Male Perth
1916/100484 Perth Hamilton George Bernard Male Burt Carlotte Henrietta Female Perth
1916/100484 Perth Burt Carlotte Henrietta Female Hamilton George Bernard Male Perth
1916/100485 Perth Goodwin Elizabeth Female Davis Charlie Myer Male Perth
1916/100485 Perth Davis Charlie Myer Male Goodwin Elizabeth Female Perth
1916/100486 Perth Demorest Robert Betram Male Bradley Mary Olive May Female Perth
1916/100486 Perth Bradley Mary Olive May Female Demorest Robert Betram Male Perth
1916/100487 Perth Maddern Phillis Female Coleman Robert James Male Perth
1916/100487 Perth Coleman Robert James Male Maddern Phillis Female Perth
1916/100488 Perth Godfrey Muriel Annie Maggie Female Adam Gordon Granville Male West Perth
1916/100488 Perth Adam Gordon Granville Male Godfrey Muriel Annie Maggie Female West Perth
1916/100489 Perth Capra Carmela Luisa Female Nouchy Camille Anselme Male Perth
1916/100489 Perth Nouchy Camille Anselme Male Capra Carmela Luisa Female Perth
1916/100490 Perth Aslett Albert Ernest Male Thomas Flora Fanny Female West Perth
1916/100490 Perth Thomas Flora Fanny Female Aslett Albert Ernest Male West Perth
1916/100491 Perth Sharp Alice Female McNally Sylvester Lawrence Male Perth
1916/100491 Perth McNally Sylvester Lawrence Male Sharp Alice Female Perth
1916/100492 Perth Dunkley George Alexander Male Conder Victoria Fitzgerald Female Burswood
1916/100492 Perth Conder Victoria Fitzgerald Female Dunkley George Alexander Male Burswood
1916/100493 Perth Greenberg Harry Male Mandelbaum Celia Female Perth
1916/100493 Perth Mandelbaum Celia Female Greenberg Harry Male Perth
1916/100494 Perth Frost Helena Female Kirkham William Joseph Male Perth
1916/100494 Perth Kirkham William Joseph Male Frost Helena Female Perth
1916/100495 Perth Lawry James Thomas Male Burns Daisy Female Perth
1916/100495 Perth Burns Daisy Female Lawry James Thomas Male Perth
1916/100496 Perth Colyer Herbert Male Scanlan Edith Female West Perth
1916/100496 Perth Scanlan Edith Female Colyer Herbert Male West Perth
1916/100497 Perth McCormick Agnes Female Pilkington Michael Francis Male West Perth
1916/100497 Perth Pilkington Michael Francis Male McCormick Agnes Female West Perth
1916/100498 Perth Linton Ida Veronica Female Thurkle John Francis Male West Perth
1916/100498 Perth Thurkle John Francis Male Linton Ida Veronica Female West Perth
1916/100499 Perth Ball Mary Jane Ganley Female Mumme William Alfred Male West Perth
1916/100499 Perth Mumme William Alfred Male Ball Mary Jane Ganley Female West Perth
1916/100500 Perth Jordan Susan Female Leo Edward Joseph Male West Perth
1916/100500 Perth Leo Edward Joseph Male Jordan Susan Female West Perth
1916/100501 Perth Branch William Henry Male Reader Mary Anne Female Osborne-Park
1916/100501 Perth Reader Mary Anne Female Branch William Henry Male Osborne-Park
1916/100502 Perth Savage Amy Female Simons Ernest Herbert Male Perth
1916/100502 Perth Simons Ernest Herbert Male Savage Amy Female Perth
1916/100503 Perth Finlay Gerald Russell Male White Ada Mary Female Perth
1916/100503 Perth White Ada Mary Female Finlay Gerald Russell Male Perth
1916/100504 Perth Lonsdale William Male Bousato Amelia Female Perth
1916/100504 Perth Bousato Amelia Female Lonsdale William Male Perth
1916/100505 Perth Griffin Mary Female Smyth Norbert Leo Male Perth
1916/100505 Perth Smyth Norbert Leo Male Griffin Mary Female Perth
1916/100506 Perth McDermott Henery Sylvester Male Hantke Berta Eda Female Perth
1916/100506 Perth Hantke Berta Eda Female McDermott Henery Sylvester Male Perth
1916/100507 Perth Stewart George Alfred Male Curry Bridget Female Perth
1916/100507 Perth Curry Bridget Female Stewart George Alfred Male Perth
1916/100508 Perth Hunt Joseph Male Davis Constance May Female Perth
1916/100508 Perth Davis Constance May Female Hunt Joseph Male Perth
1916/100509 Perth Kerry John Stanislaus Male Haynes Marie Marion Female Perth
1916/100509 Perth Haynes Marie Marion Female Kerry John Stanislaus Male Perth
1916/100510 Perth Bradley Eileen Mary Female Kelly Francis Roderick Male Perth
1916/100510 Perth Kelly Francis Roderick Male Bradley Eileen Mary Female Perth
1916/100511 Perth Meares Clarence Godsmith Male Kenny Catherine Female Perth
1916/100511 Perth Kenny Catherine Female Meares Clarence Godsmith Male Perth
1916/100512 Perth Moody John Ingram Male Plummer Margaretta Willcox Female Perth
1916/100512 Perth Plummer Margaretta Willcox Female Moody John Ingram Male Perth
1916/100513 Perth O'Neil Mary Female Orme George Male Perth
1916/100513 Perth Orme George Male O'Neil Mary Female Perth
1916/100514 Perth Abbott Ernest William Male Scanes Alice Susan Female Perth
1916/100514 Perth Scanes Alice Susan Female Abbott Ernest William Male Perth
1916/100515 Perth Ellis Livinia Minnie Female Penny Francis Frederick Male Perth
1916/100515 Perth Penny Francis Frederick Male Ellis Livinia Minnie Female Perth
1916/100516 Perth Lloyd John Male Brown Gladys Female Perth
1916/100516 Perth Brown Gladys Female Lloyd John Male Perth
1916/100517 Perth Craze Annie Gwendoline Female Nottage Stanford Male Perth
1916/100517 Perth Nottage Stanford Male Craze Annie Gwendoline Female Perth
1916/100518 Perth Jacoby Arthur Wellington Male Dewar Ethel Female Perth
1916/100518 Perth Dewar Ethel Female Jacoby Arthur Wellington Male Perth
1916/100519 Perth Tilley William Joseph Male Alderman Blanche Ethel Female Perth
1916/100519 Perth Alderman Blanche Ethel Female Tilley William Joseph Male Perth
1916/100520 Perth Connolly Mary Christina Beatrice Female Scott George Laidler Male West Perth
1916/100520 Perth Scott George Laidler Male Connolly Mary Christina Beatrice Female West Perth
1916/100521 Perth Taylor Joseph Victor Male Hartley Constance Agnes Female Perth
1916/100521 Perth Hartley Constance Agnes Female Taylor Joseph Victor Male Perth
1916/100522 Perth Kuchken Alexander Male Yates Lillian Maude Female Perth
1916/100522 Perth Yates Lillian Maude Female Kuchken Alexander Male Perth
1916/100523 Perth Chambers Lilian Blanche Female Whitaker Richard Male Perth
1916/100523 Perth Whitaker Richard Male Chambers Lilian Blanche Female Perth
1916/100524 Perth Fisher George Alfred Lennon Male Greve Anna Johanne Nielsine Female Perth
1916/100524 Perth Greve Anna Johanne Nielsine Female Fisher George Alfred Lennon Male Perth
1916/100525 Perth Cuthbert John Male Stead Ruby Elizabeth Female Perth
1916/100525 Perth Stead Ruby Elizabeth Female Cuthbert John Male Perth
1916/100526 Perth Worth Vera Anetta Female Lindsey Edward Male Perth
1916/100526 Perth Lindsey Edward Male Worth Vera Anetta Female Perth
1916/100527 Perth Ockenden Marjorie Ethel Female Rutter Arthur Norman Male Perth
1916/100527 Perth Rutter Arthur Norman Male Ockenden Marjorie Ethel Female Perth
1916/100528 Perth Croyle Alexander Leopold Male Pitcher Edith Gladys Female Perth
1916/100528 Perth Pitcher Edith Gladys Female Croyle Alexander Leopold Male Perth
1916/100529 Perth Parrant Hugo Victor Male Withers Amelia Avenell Female Perth
1916/100529 Perth Withers Amelia Avenell Female Parrant Hugo Victor Male Perth
1916/100530 Perth Reid Robert Male Harling Grace Dorothy Allen Female Perth
1916/100530 Perth Harling Grace Dorothy Allen Female Reid Robert Male Perth
1916/100531 Perth Rowe Bessie Amelia Female Sharples Edward Male East Perth
1916/100531 Perth Sharples Edward Male Rowe Bessie Amelia Female East Perth
1916/100532 Perth Lees Edwin John Male Bowden Sarah Female Perth
1916/100532 Perth Bowden Sarah Female Lees Edwin John Male Perth
1916/100533 Perth Steele Isabella Female Bishop Clarence Roy Male Perth
1916/100533 Perth Bishop Clarence Roy Male Steele Isabella Female Perth
1916/100534 Perth Maloney Mona Ethel Female Thompson Gilbert Elliot Male Perth
1916/100534 Perth Thompson Gilbert Elliot Male Charles Mona Ethel Female Perth
1916/100534 Perth Thompson Gilbert Elliot Male Maloney Mona Ethel Female Perth
1916/100534 Perth Charles Mona Ethel Female Thompson Gilbert Elliot Male Perth
1916/100535 Perth Manson Walter Neil Emery Male Warren Minnie Lilly Elizabeth Female Perth
1916/100535 Perth Warren Minnie Lilly Elizabeth Female Manson Walter Neil Emery Male Perth
1916/100536 Perth Leedman Louis Male Richards Christiana Matthews Female Perth
1916/100536 Perth Richards Christiana Matthews Female Leedman Louis Male Perth
1916/100537 Perth Agnew Marie Female Smith Arthur Cecil Male Perth
1916/100537 Perth Smith Arthur Cecil Male Agnew Marie Female Perth
1916/100538 Perth Flint Frederick Winthrop Male Bradshaw Elsie Female Perth
1916/100538 Perth Bradshaw Elsie Female Flint Frederick Winthrop Male Perth
1916/100539 Perth Brotheridge Jack Ambrose Male White Phoebe Katherine Female North Perth
1916/100539 Perth White Phoebe Katherine Female Brotheridge Jack Ambrose Male North Perth
1916/100540 Perth Binks James Henry Male Brown May Female Perth
1916/100540 Perth Brown May Female Binks James Henry Male Perth
1916/100541 Perth Kelly Thomas Male Walsh Mary Female Victoria Park
1916/100541 Perth Walsh Mary Female Kelly Thomas Male Victoria Park
1916/100542 Perth Chambers Isabella Clara Female Smith Edward Male Perth
1916/100542 Perth Smith Edward Male Chambers Isabella Clara Female Perth
1916/100543 Perth White Lionel Arthur Male Dawson Janet Mary Female West Perth
1916/100543 Perth Dawson Janet Mary Female White Lionel Arthur Male West Perth
1916/100544 Perth Oborn Alexander George Male Langford Ellen Female West Perth
1916/100544 Perth Langford Ellen Female Oborn Alexander George Male West Perth
1916/100545 Perth Colthurst Beatrice Olive Female Holden Frank Male West Perth
1916/100545 Perth Holden Frank Male Colthurst Beatrice Olive Female West Perth
1916/100546 Perth Wynne-Kinnear Ethel Wynne Female Brown Charles William Male West Perth
1916/100546 Perth Brown Charles William Male Wynne-Kinnear Ethel Wynne Female West Perth
1916/100547 Perth Buckley Robert Moore Male Guiatt Caroline Female West Perth
1916/100547 Perth Guiatt Caroline Female Buckley Robert Moore Male West Perth
1916/100548 Perth James Edwin Robert Male Holland Lily Margaret Amelia Female Maylands
1916/100548 Perth Holland Lily Margaret Amelia Female James Edwin Robert Male Maylands
1916/100549 Perth Davey Irene Ruby Female Limb Herbert Male Bayswater
1916/100549 Perth Limb Herbert Male Davey Irene Ruby Female Bayswater
1916/100550 Perth Harry Arthur Male Stuckbury Mary Elizabeth Female Perth
1916/100550 Perth Stuckbury Mary Elizabeth Female Harry Arthur Male Perth
1916/100551 Perth Stretton Frederick William Male Senior Lucy Anne Female South Perth
1916/100551 Perth Senior Lucy Anne Female Stretton Frederick William Male South Perth
1916/100552 Perth Smith Hector Melville Male Knight Ruby Female South Perth
1916/100552 Perth Knight Ruby Female Smith Hector Melville Male South Perth
1916/100553 Perth Prevost Charles Agustice James Male Bailey Nelly Female West Perth
1916/100553 Perth Bailey Nelly Female Prevost Charles Agustice James Male West Perth
1916/100554 Perth Cunningham Grace Helena Female Kimberley James Bertie Male Perth
1916/100554 Perth Kimberley James Bertie Male Cunningham Grace Helena Female Perth
1916/100555 Perth Gillies Albert Sydney Male Collings Harriett Bertha Female Perth
1916/100555 Perth Collings Harriett Bertha Female Gillies Albert Sydney Male Perth
1916/100556 Perth Tregilles Frank Edgar Male Coller Dulcie May Female Victoria Park
1916/100556 Perth Coller Dulcie May Female Tregilles Frank Edgar Male Victoria Park
1916/100557 Perth Scrivener Alfred Elizah Male Stanley Lucy Gertrude Female Bayswater
1916/100557 Perth Stanley Lucy Gertrude Female Scrivener Alfred Elizah Male Bayswater
1916/100558 Perth Fortescue Sydney Male Hamilton Elsie May Female Perth
1916/100558 Perth Hamilton Elsie May Female Fortescue Sydney Male Perth
1916/100559 Perth Perryman John Male Wise Nellie Vera Female North Perth
1916/100559 Perth Wise Nellie Vera Female Perryman John Male North Perth
1916/100560 Perth Meredith Raymond Stanley Male Lawford Mary Female North Perth
1916/100560 Perth Lawford Mary Female Meredith Raymond Stanley Male North Perth
1916/100561 Perth Kent Lilian Victoria Female Booth Frederick Herbert Male Perth
1916/100561 Perth Booth Frederick Herbert Male Kent Lilian Victoria Female Perth
1916/100562 Perth Noss Reginald Edmund Male Edmunds Mary Elizabeth Female North Perth
1916/100562 Perth Edmunds Mary Elizabeth Female Noss Reginald Edmund Male North Perth
1916/100563 Perth Graham George Male Rynne Mary Female West Perth
1916/100563 Perth Rynne Mary Female Graham George Male West Perth
1916/100564 Perth Tuckwell Kate Ellen Female McGrade Harold Bede Male West Perth
1916/100564 Perth McGrade Harold Bede Male Tuckwell Kate Ellen Female West Perth
1916/100565 Perth Connolly Ruby Mary Female Job Ralph John Male West Perth
1916/100565 Perth Job Ralph John Male Connolly Ruby Mary Female West Perth
1916/100566 Perth Cooper Gertrude May Female Bott Cyril Alfred Male Victoria Park
1916/100566 Perth Bott Cyril Alfred Male Cooper Gertrude May Female Victoria Park
1916/100567 Perth Kenyon James Male Coad Eliza Female Perth
1916/100567 Perth Coad Eliza Female Kenyon James Male Perth
1916/100568 Perth Powell Evelyn Beatrice Female Anderson Frank Male East Perth
1916/100568 Perth Anderson Frank Male Powell Evelyn Beatrice Female East Perth
1916/100569 Perth Harmstorf William Henry Male Cowling Harriett Frances Female Perth
1916/100569 Perth Cowling Harriett Frances Female Harmstorf William Henry Male Perth
1916/100570 Perth Ryan Mary Female Humphries Albert Roy Male Perth
1916/100570 Perth Humphries Albert Roy Male Ryan Mary Female Perth
1916/100571 Perth Tolhurst Elizabeth Margaret Female Foster Arthur Alfred Male Perth
1916/100571 Perth Foster Arthur Alfred Male Tolhurst Elizabeth Margaret Female Perth
1916/100572 Perth Lean Joseph Male Frisch Elma Clara Female Perth
1916/100572 Perth Frisch Elma Clara Female Lean Joseph Male Perth
1916/100573 Perth Ottaway Lilian Gertrude Female Uren Malcolm Francis Male Perth
1916/100573 Perth Uren Malcolm Francis Male Ottaway Lilian Gertrude Female Perth
1916/100574 Perth Milligan Eileen Youle Female Cockburn William Alexander Male Perth
1916/100574 Perth Cockburn William Alexander Male Milligan Eileen Youle Female Perth
1916/100575 Perth Kirton Meta Helen Female Logue Joseph Ephraim Male South Perth
1916/100575 Perth Logue Joseph Ephraim Male Kirton Meta Helen Female South Perth
1916/100576 Perth Wheeler Olive Annie Female Mills Stanley George Male Perth
1916/100576 Perth Mills Stanley George Male Wheeler Olive Annie Female Perth
1916/100577 Perth Krauth Robert Vincent Male Passmore Violet Mary Female Perth
1916/100577 Perth Passmore Violet Mary Female Krauth Robert Vincent Male Perth
1916/100578 Perth Howarth Lucy Female Bales Arthur Edward Male Perth
1916/100578 Perth Bales Arthur Edward Male Howarth Lucy Female Perth
1916/100579 Perth Murray Edmund Burnie Male Welsh Sarah Louisa Female Perth
1916/100579 Perth Welsh Sarah Louisa Female Murray Edmund Burnie Male Perth
1916/100580 Perth Fleming Mary Bridget Female Savage Horace Male Perth
1916/100580 Perth Savage Horace Male Fleming Mary Bridget Female Perth
1916/100581 Perth Stade John Patrick Henry Male Ellis Nellie Female Perth
1916/100581 Perth Ellis Nellie Female Stade John Patrick Henry Male Perth
1916/100582 Perth Holz Elizabeth Irwin Female Murphy Norman Felix Male Perth
1916/100582 Perth Murphy Norman Felix Male Holz Elizabeth Irwin Female Perth
1916/100583 Perth Stanton Grace Irene Female Wilson John Males Male West Perth
1916/100583 Perth Wilson John Males Male Stanton Grace Irene Female West Perth
1916/100584 Perth Hales Norman Edmund Male Newman Stella Violet Female West Perth
1916/100584 Perth Newman Stella Violet Female Hales Norman Edmund Male West Perth
1916/100585 Perth Nelson Violet Theresa Female Bishop Henry Male Perth
1916/100585 Perth Bishop Henry Male Nelson Violet Theresa Female Perth
1916/100586 Perth Segny Blanche Marie Female Thrum Norman Horatio Male Perth
1916/100586 Perth Thrum Norman Horatio Male Segny Blanche Marie Female Perth
1916/100587 Perth Smith Queen Victoria Maud Female Gale Thomas Henry Male Perth
1916/100587 Perth Gale Thomas Henry Male Smith Queen Victoria Maud Female Perth
1916/100588 Perth Hubbard Stanley Harold Male Nyman Doris Ada Female Perth
1916/100588 Perth Nyman Doris Ada Female Hubbard Stanley Harold Male Perth
1916/100589 Perth Clarke Edwin Male Clarke Ethel Beatrice Female East Perth
1916/100589 Perth Clarke Ethel Beatrice Female Clarke Edwin Male East Perth
1916/100590 Perth Patterson Mary Jane Female Coward Herbert Male Perth
1916/100590 Perth Coward Herbert Male Patterson Mary Jane Female Perth
1916/100591 Perth Meredith Jessie Clara Female Wallis Roland Walter Male Perth
1916/100591 Perth Wallis Roland Walter Male Meredith Jessie Clara Female Perth
1916/100592 Perth Beal Vera Anita Female Penny William Smith Male Perth
1916/100592 Perth Penny William Smith Male Beal Vera Anita Female Perth
1916/100593 Perth Smith Francis Edward Male King Adia Janet Female Perth
1916/100593 Perth King Adia Janet Female Smith Francis Edward Male Perth
1916/100594 Perth Maher Mary Ellen Female Greaney Philip Male West Perth
1916/100594 Perth Greaney Philip Male Maher Mary Ellen Female West Perth
1916/100595 Perth Lamb Margaret Female Foster Arthur George Male West Perth
1916/100595 Perth Foster Arthur George Male Lamb Margaret Female West Perth
1916/100596 Perth Elliott Ida Female Comery Francis Edward Male Perth
1916/100596 Perth Comery Francis Edward Male Elliott Ida Female Perth
1916/100597 Perth Eke Esther Elsie Female Wright Ernest Harry Male West Perth
1916/100597 Perth Wright Ernest Harry Male Eke Esther Elsie Female West Perth
1916/100598 Perth Hardwick David Male Woodland Frances Adelaide Female Mt Lawley
1916/100598 Perth Woodland Frances Adelaide Female Hardwick David Male Mt Lawley
1916/100599 Perth Gover Eva Helena Female Durston Robert Groves Male Perth
1916/100599 Perth Durston Robert Groves Male Gover Eva Helena Female Perth
1916/100600 Perth Chave Beta Female Roach Samuel George Male South Perth
1916/100600 Perth Roach Samuel George Male Chave Beta Female South Perth
1916/100601 Perth Snaden George John Male Maxwell Dorothea Mary Female Perth
1916/100601 Perth Maxwell Dorothea Mary Female Snaden George John Male Perth
1916/100602 Perth Montague Henry William Male Whales Mary Sophia Female Perth
1916/100602 Perth Whales Mary Sophia Female Montague Henry William Male Perth
1916/100603 Perth Follett George William Male Joyce Mary Ellen Female Perth
1916/100603 Perth Joyce Mary Ellen Female Follett George William Male Perth
1916/100604 Perth Wright Beatrice Annie Female Barnes Charles Henry Male North Perth
1916/100604 Perth Barnes Charles Henry Male Wright Beatrice Annie Female North Perth
1916/100605 Perth Lysaght Francis Joseph Male Thorn Selia Female East Perth
1916/100605 Perth Thorn Selia Female Lysaght Francis Joseph Male East Perth
1916/100606 Perth Grose Olive Mary Female Bridges Frederick Charles Male West Perth
1916/100606 Perth Bridges Frederick Charles Male Grose Olive Mary Female West Perth
1916/100607 Perth Pearce Lucy Ann Hilda Female White Frederic Male Perth
1916/100607 Perth White Frederic Male Pearce Lucy Ann Hilda Female Perth
1916/100608 Perth Todd Daisy Louisa Female Menzies Stewart Male West Perth
1916/100608 Perth Menzies Stewart Male Todd Daisy Louisa Female West Perth
1916/100609 Perth Lewis Elizabeth Ann Female Coley Frederick Male Perth
1916/100609 Perth Coley Frederick Male Lewis Elizabeth Ann Female Perth
1916/100610 Perth Macleod Muriel Nancy Female Owen Harold Hugh Male South Perth
1916/100610 Perth Owen Harold Hugh Male Macleod Muriel Nancy Female South Perth
1916/100611 Perth Ericksen Ingbrigt Edward Male Lawson Margaret Elizabeth Female East Perth
1916/100611 Perth Lawson Margaret Elizabeth Female Ericksen Ingbrigt Edward Male East Perth
1916/100612 Perth Macdonald Rose Mary Female Hill John Edward Male Perth
1916/100612 Perth Hill John Edward Male Macdonald Rose Mary Female Perth
1916/100613 Perth Caple Ellen Jane Female Gibbs Frank Forrest Samuel Male Perth
1916/100613 Perth Gibbs Frank Forrest Samuel Male Caple Ellen Jane Female Perth
1916/100614 Perth Hibbotson Marguerite Eileen Female Hardie Alexander Edward John Male Perth
1916/100614 Perth Hardie Alexander Edward John Male Hibbotson Marguerite Eileen Female Perth
1916/100615 Perth Palmer Arthur Kennard Male Cook Margaret Susanna Clive Female Maylands
1916/100615 Perth Cook Margaret Susanna Clive Female Palmer Arthur Kennard Male Maylands
1916/100616 Perth Lazenby Alfred Henry Male Gilboy Ivy Female Bayswater
1916/100616 Perth Gilboy Ivy Female Lazenby Alfred Henry Male Bayswater
1916/100617 Perth Caris John Dove Male Pell Edith Maude Lilian Female West Perth
1916/100617 Perth Pell Edith Maude Lilian Female Caris John Dove Male West Perth
1916/100618 Perth Paull Percival Hamilton Male Green Ena Dora Female North Perth
1916/100618 Perth Green Ena Dora Female Paull Percival Hamilton Male North Perth
1916/100619 Perth Hill William Joseph Male King Rose Elizabeth Female Perth
1916/100619 Perth King Rose Elizabeth Female Hill William Joseph Male Perth
1916/100620 Perth Read Katherine Female Carlson Harold Richard Male Perth
1916/100620 Perth Carlson Harold Richard Male Read Katherine Female Perth
1916/100621 Perth Hockley Rose Edith Female Newark Herbert Male Perth
1916/100621 Perth Newark Herbert Male Hockley Rose Edith Female Perth
1916/100622 Perth Tonkin Foster Edward Male Morris Ivy May Female East Perth
1916/100622 Perth Morris Ivy May Female Tonkin Foster Edward Male East Perth
1916/100623 Perth Horne Robert Edward Male White Emmie Female East Perth
1916/100623 Perth White Emmie Female Horne Robert Edward Male East Perth
1916/100624 Perth Arthur Henry Alfred Male Jenkins Nellie Ann Female East Perth
1916/100624 Perth Jenkins Nellie Ann Female Arthur Henry Alfred Male East Perth
1916/100625 Perth Butler John Augustus Male Herbert Ethel Charlotte Gertrude Female Perth
1916/100625 Perth Herbert Ethel Charlotte Gertrude Female Butler John Augustus Male Perth
1916/100626 Perth Gould Cyril Male Element Gertrude Maude Female Perth
1916/100626 Perth Element Gertrude Maude Female Gould Cyril Male Perth
1916/100627 Perth Barber Lily Female Price Joseph Male Perth
1916/100627 Perth Price Joseph Male Barber Lily Female Perth
1916/100628 Perth Brown Annie Violet Female Walsh Francis Robert Male Perth
1916/100628 Perth Walsh Francis Robert Male Brown Annie Violet Female Perth
1916/100629 Perth Heale Alice Female Butcher Noel Albert Male Perth
1916/100629 Perth Butcher Noel Albert Male Heale Alice Female Perth
1916/100630 Perth Breadsell Kitty Female Clark John Stanley Male Perth
1916/100630 Perth Clark John Stanley Male Breadsell Kitty Female Perth
1916/100631 Perth Colyer Alice Elizabeth Female Thomson David Male Perth
1916/100631 Perth Thomson David Male Colyer Alice Elizabeth Female Perth
1916/100632 Perth Sutherland Elizabeth Mackay Female Gibson John Male West Perth
1916/100632 Perth Gibson John Male Sutherland Elizabeth Mackay Female West Perth
1916/100633 Perth Slavin Denis Joseph Male Boyd Sarah Ann Female Perth
1916/100633 Perth Boyd Sarah Ann Female Slavin Denis Joseph Male Perth
1916/100634 Perth Banks Annie Female Porter John Male Perth
1916/100634 Perth Porter John Male Banks Annie Female Perth
1916/100635 Perth Blanchard Lily May Female Kirkby William Joseph Male North Perth
1916/100635 Perth Kirkby William Joseph Male Blanchard Lily May Female North Perth
1916/100636 Perth Woodbridge Doris Ada Female Clementson Nils Andrew Male Perth
1916/100636 Perth Clementson Nils Andrew Male Woodbridge Doris Ada Female Perth
1916/100637 Perth Henderson Charles David Male Graham Marjorie Female Perth
1916/100637 Perth Graham Marjorie Female Henderson Charles David Male Perth
1916/100638 Perth Reah William Frederick Male Angove Alice Maud Female Perth
1916/100638 Perth Angove Alice Maud Female Reah William Frederick Male Perth
1916/100639 Perth Harrison Tom Male Edmunds Eva Rachel Female Victoria Park
1916/100639 Perth Edmunds Eva Rachel Female Harrison Tom Male Victoria Park
1916/100640 Perth Kuhl William Male Porter Ruth Fanny Female Victoria Park
1916/100640 Perth Porter Ruth Fanny Female Kuhl William Male Victoria Park
1916/100641 Perth Wignall Thomas Blundell Male Shaw Emily Female Perth
1916/100641 Perth Shaw Emily Female Wignall Thomas Blundell Male Perth
1916/100642 Perth Leedman Cecil Valentine Male Higgins Blanche Estelle Female Perth
1916/100642 Perth Higgins Blanche Estelle Female Leedman Cecil Valentine Male Perth
1916/100643 Perth Wood Enid Barrington Female Anderson William Clifton Male Perth
1916/100643 Perth Anderson William Clifton Male Wood Enid Barrington Female Perth
1916/100644 Perth Hamnett Ernest Male Rosekelly Gertrude Ruth Female Perth
1916/100644 Perth Rosekelly Gertrude Ruth Female Hamnett Ernest Male Perth
1916/100645 Perth Simpson William Male McDougall-Ralston Rosetta Fullarton Female Perth
1916/100645 Perth McDougall-Ralston Rosetta Fullarton Female Simpson William Male Perth
1916/100646 Perth Pharaoh Delphine Marjorie Zillah Female Whitlock John Henry Male Perth
1916/100646 Perth Whitlock John Henry Male Pharaoh Delphine Marjorie Zillah Female Perth
1916/100647 Perth Gravas Constantinos Male Locke Edith Amy Female Perth
1916/100647 Perth Locke Edith Amy Female Gravas Constantinos Male Perth
1916/100648 Perth Ellice Blanche Phoebe Female Dolling Edwin Paul Ferdinand Male East Perth
1916/100648 Perth Dolling Edwin Paul Ferdinand Male Ellice Blanche Phoebe Female East Perth
1916/100649 Perth York Frederick Ernest Male Cowan Elizabeth Anne Female Perth
1916/100649 Perth Cowan Elizabeth Anne Female York Frederick Ernest Male Perth
1916/100650 Perth Johnston Robert Male Snell Edith Laura Female Perth
1916/100650 Perth Snell Edith Laura Female Johnston Robert Male Perth
1916/100651 Perth Fyfield Douglas Ivor Male Taylor Ellen Female Perth
1916/100651 Perth Taylor Ellen Female Fyfield Douglas Ivor Male Perth
1916/100652 Perth Small Bella Female Whitelaw Leonard James Drummond Male Perth
1916/100652 Perth Whitelaw Leonard James Drummond Male Small Bella Female Perth
1916/100653 Perth Turner Philip John Male Bellis Annie Lillian Female Perth
1916/100653 Perth Bellis Annie Lillian Female Turner Philip John Male Perth
1916/100654 Perth Smith Maud Clara Female Murphy John Male Perth
1916/100654 Perth Murphy John Male Smith Maud Clara Female Perth
1916/100655 Perth Dowsett John Henery Male Horne Lila Female Perth
1916/100655 Perth Horne Lila Female Dowsett John Henery Male Perth
1916/100656 Perth Smith Sidney Edward Male Molloy Alice Ethel Female Perth
1916/100656 Perth Molloy Alice Ethel Female Smith Sidney Edward Male Perth
1916/100657 Perth Corbett Michael Male O'Gorman Mary Female Perth
1916/100657 Perth O'Gorman Mary Female Corbett Michael Male Perth
1916/100658 Perth Fraser Frederick Robert Male Power Ellen Female Perth
1916/100658 Perth Power Ellen Female Fraser Frederick Robert Male Perth
1916/100659 Perth Delakony Mary Female Potter James George Henry Male Perth
1916/100659 Perth Potter James George Henry Male Delakony Mary Female Perth
1916/100660 Perth Harling Henry George Male Saunders Edith Minnie Female West Perth
1916/100660 Perth Saunders Edith Minnie Female Harling Henry George Male West Perth
1916/100661 Perth Jorgensen Otto Magnus Male Hobley Jane Female West Perth
1916/100661 Perth Hobley Jane Female Jorgensen Otto Magnus Male West Perth
1916/100662 Perth Bougher Maud Female Jones Stanley Herbert Male West Perth
1916/100662 Perth Jones Stanley Herbert Male Bougher Maud Female West Perth
1916/100663 Perth Chaston Margaret Ada Female Cossom William Male Maylands
1916/100663 Perth Cossom William Male Chaston Margaret Ada Female Maylands
1916/100664 Perth Finlay Irene Flower Female Jackman Vernon Lewis Male North Perth
1916/100664 Perth Jackman Vernon Lewis Male Finlay Irene Flower Female North Perth
1916/100665 Perth Lethbridge Eli Thomas Male Winter Florence Mary Female West Perth
1916/100665 Perth Winter Florence Mary Female Lethbridge Eli Thomas Male West Perth
1916/100666 Perth Hogan Francis Joseph Male Haywood Coralie Constance Winifred Female Perth
1916/100666 Perth Haywood Coralie Constance Winifred Female Hogan Francis Joseph Male Perth
1916/100667 Perth Leckie William Stewart Male Boulden Emily Female Perth
1916/100667 Perth Boulden Emily Female Leckie William Stewart Male Perth
1916/100668 Perth Fletcher Nellie Louisa Female Brown Charles Henry Male Perth
1916/100668 Perth Brown Charles Henry Male Fletcher Nellie Louisa Female Perth
1916/100669 Perth Newton Jean Female Howell Edmond Roy Male Perth
1916/100669 Perth Howell Edmond Roy Male Newton Jean Female Perth
1916/100670 Perth Marchant Heather May Female Murray William Walter Male Perth
1916/100670 Perth Murray William Walter Male Marchant Heather May Female Perth
1916/100671 Perth Evans Edith Ann Female Spink Edward Alfred Male Perth
1916/100671 Perth Spink Edward Alfred Male Evans Edith Ann Female Perth
1916/100672 Perth Jenner Bessie May Female Bladon Edward Henry Male Perth
1916/100672 Perth Bladon Edward Henry Male Jenner Bessie May Female Perth
1916/100673 Perth McLarty Robert Campbell Neil Male Prior Laura Eliza Tamar Female North Perth
1916/100673 Perth Prior Laura Eliza Tamar Female McLarty Robert Campbell Neil Male North Perth
1916/100674 Perth Noble William Male Casey Annie Female Perth
1916/100674 Perth Casey Annie Female Noble William Male Perth
1916/100675 Perth Sutherlin Henri Alexis Male Hicks Catherine Mary Elizabeth Female Perth
1916/100675 Perth Hicks Catherine Mary Elizabeth Female Sutherlin Henri Alexis Male Perth
1916/100676 Perth Salkilld Fanny Vida Female Robinson Percy McNaughton Male Perth
1916/100676 Perth Robinson Percy McNaughton Male Salkilld Fanny Vida Female Perth
1916/100677 Perth Whybrow Clara Female MacDonald William Duncan Male Perth
1916/100677 Perth MacDonald William Duncan Male Whybrow Clara Female Perth
1916/100678 Perth Murphy Margaret Female Bramwell Watkins Wynne Male Perth
1916/100678 Perth Bramwell Watkins Wynne Male Murphy Margaret Female Perth
1916/100679 Perth Foss Vittoria Female Stanley-Low Cuthbert John Male West Perth
1916/100679 Perth Stanley-Low Cuthbert John Male Foss Vittoria Female West Perth
1916/100680 Perth Bertram Edith Olive Female Carrick Henry Charlton Male West Perth
1916/100680 Perth Carrick Henry Charlton Male Bertram Edith Olive Female West Perth
1916/100681 Perth Dial George Robert Male Schnaars Hazel Elvira Female Perth
1916/100681 Perth Schnaars Hazel Elvira Female Dial George Robert Male Perth
1916/100682 Perth Stewart Annie Selina Female Taylor Robert Male Perth
1916/100682 Perth Taylor Robert Male Stewart Annie Selina Female Perth
1916/100683 Perth McSullea John William Male Johnson Elizabeth Female Perth
1916/100683 Perth Johnson Elizabeth Female McSullea John William Male Perth
1916/100684 Perth Lester Mercy Female Hughes James Male East Perth
1916/100684 Perth Hughes James Male Lester Mercy Female East Perth
1916/100685 Perth McLachlan Elsie Female Bunt Archibald Symons Male Perth
1916/100685 Perth Bunt Archibald Symons Male McLachlan Elsie Female Perth
1916/100686 Perth Spriggs Lily Female Kelly Thomas Hubert Male Perth
1916/100686 Perth Kelly Thomas Hubert Male Spriggs Lily Female Perth
1916/100687 Perth Service Helen Graham Female Hall Stanley Male Perth
1916/100687 Perth Hall Stanley Male Service Helen Graham Female Perth
1916/100688 Perth Vaughan Mary Evelyn Elson Female Knapp Jack Male East Perth
1916/100688 Perth Knapp Jack Male Vaughan Mary Evelyn Elson Female East Perth
1916/100689 Perth Craig Byng Thomas Giraud Male Bassett Susan Female Perth
1916/100689 Perth Bassett Susan Female Craig Byng Thomas Giraud Male Perth
1916/100690 Perth Trevor Charles Male Drummond Clara Annie Female West Perth
1916/100690 Perth Drummond Clara Annie Female Trevor Charles Male West Perth
1916/100691 Perth Fidock Clara Jane Female Williams James Frederick Male Perth
1916/100691 Perth Williams James Frederick Male Fidock Clara Jane Female Perth
1916/100692 Perth Brickhill Lennard Bromley Male Ferguson Grace Irene Female Perth
1916/100692 Perth Ferguson Grace Irene Female Brickhill Lennard Bromley Male Perth
1916/100693 Perth Hudson Edith Alice Female Challand Albert Edward Male Perth
1916/100693 Perth Challand Albert Edward Male Hudson Edith Alice Female Perth
1916/100694 Perth Cutten Alfred George Male Savill Lily Annie Margaret Female Perth
1916/100694 Perth Savill Lily Annie Margaret Female Cutten Alfred George Male Perth
1916/100695 Perth Ward Annie Edna Female Smales Thomas Male Perth
1916/100695 Perth Smales Thomas Male Ward Annie Edna Female Perth
1916/100696 Perth Wroth Karl Edgar Male Edwards Isabel Priscilla Female Perth
1916/100696 Perth Edwards Isabel Priscilla Female Wroth Karl Edgar Male Perth
1916/100697 Perth Manning Albert William Male Fletcher Clara Sophia Female Maylands
1916/100697 Perth Fletcher Clara Sophia Female Manning Albert William Male Maylands
1916/100698 Perth Turner Annie Elizabeth Female Sly Rosser Samuel Male Perth
1916/100698 Perth Sly Rosser Samuel Male Turner Annie Elizabeth Female Perth
1916/100699 Perth Keightley Herbert Clair Male Chambers Amy Isabel Female Perth
1916/100699 Perth Chambers Amy Isabel Female Keightley Herbert Clair Male Perth
1916/100700 Perth Quill Elizabeth Mary Female O'Mara Frank Male West Perth
1916/100700 Perth O'Mara Frank Male Quill Elizabeth Mary Female West Perth
1916/100701 Perth Connery Albert George Male McDonald Georgina Female West Perth
1916/100701 Perth McDonald Georgina Female Connery Albert George Male West Perth
1916/100702 Perth Jecks Caroline Female Pratt George Ernest Male Perth
1916/100702 Perth Pratt George Ernest Male Jecks Caroline Female Perth
1916/100703 Perth McLeod Christina Female Bonser George Ernest Male Perth
1916/100703 Perth Bonser George Ernest Male McLeod Christina Female Perth
1916/100704 Perth Frazer Martha Female Eastwood Francis Charles Male Perth
1916/100704 Perth Eastwood Francis Charles Male Frazer Martha Female Perth
1916/100705 Perth Hall Matthew Male Moore Alice Ada Female West Perth
1916/100705 Perth Moore Alice Ada Female Hall Matthew Male West Perth
1916/100706 Perth Sharp Olive Female Martin James William Male East Perth
1916/100706 Perth Martin James William Male Sharp Olive Female East Perth
1916/100707 Perth Smith Annie Marion Female Boyd Walter Deeble Male Perth
1916/100707 Perth Boyd Walter Deeble Male Smith Annie Marion Female Perth
1916/100708 Perth Minchin Lionel James Male West Sarah Eva May Female West Perth
1916/100708 Perth West Sarah Eva May Female Minchin Lionel James Male West Perth
1916/100709 Perth Dolbear George Perryman Male Meeser Jennie Caroline Female Perth
1916/100709 Perth Meeser Jennie Caroline Female Dolbear George Perryman Male Perth
1916/100710 Perth Appelt George Albert Hermann Male Oates Ruby May Female Perth
1916/100710 Perth Oates Ruby May Female Appelt George Albert Hermann Male Perth
1916/100711 Perth Sharp Marion Helen Female Young William Male Perth
1916/100711 Perth Young William Male Sharp Marion Helen Female Perth
1916/100712 Perth King Emily Susan Female Edmonds Benjamin James Male Perth
1916/100712 Perth Edmonds Benjamin James Male King Emily Susan Female Perth
1916/100713 Perth Read Bertram Oswald Male Neil Robina Laura Female Perth
1916/100713 Perth Neil Robina Laura Female Read Bertram Oswald Male Perth
1916/100714 Perth Cohen Miriam Female Jaffé Sidney Richard Male Perth
1916/100714 Perth Jaffé Sidney Richard Male Cohen Miriam Female Perth
1916/100715 Perth Betteridge Harold Male Nichols Frances Female Perth
1916/100715 Perth Nichols Frances Female Betteridge Harold Male Perth
1916/100716 Perth Nazzari John Male Fanning Lily Female Perth
1916/100716 Perth Fanning Lily Female Nazzari John Male Perth
1916/100717 Perth Bird Arthur George Male Webb Henrietta Mary Female Perth
1916/100717 Perth Webb Henrietta Mary Female Bird Arthur George Male Perth
1916/100718 Perth Prain Ethel Jane Female Pounder George Valentine Male Perth
1916/100718 Perth Pounder George Valentine Male Prain Ethel Jane Female Perth
1916/100719 Perth Ick Helen Gertrude Female Webb Henry Pelham Male West Perth
1916/100719 Perth Webb Henry Pelham Male Ick Helen Gertrude Female West Perth
1916/100720 Perth Moulton Helen Agnes Female De Landgrafft John Fredrick Male Perth
1916/100720 Perth De Landgrafft John Fredrick Male Moulton Helen Agnes Female Perth
1916/100721 Perth Campbell John Donald Male Dhu Esther Jane Female Perth
1916/100721 Perth Dhu Esther Jane Female Campbell John Donald Male Perth
1916/100722 Perth Milner Nellie Female Crampton John Edward Male Perth
1916/100722 Perth Crampton John Edward Male Milner Nellie Female Perth
1916/100723 Perth Crombie Alan Lendon Male Crossley Grace Mabel Female Perth
1916/100723 Perth Crossley Grace Mabel Female Crombie Alan Lendon Male Perth
1916/100724 Perth Peken James George Male Fryer Mabel Female Perth
1916/100724 Perth Fryer Mabel Female Peken James George Male Perth
1916/100725 Perth Butler Jannetta Mary Female Livesey Sydney Claude Male Perth
1916/100725 Perth Livesey Sydney Claude Male Butler Jannetta Mary Female Perth
1916/100726 Perth Bourke Thomas Joseph Male Bourke Mary Frances Female Perth
1916/100726 Perth Bourke Mary Frances Female Bourke Thomas Joseph Male Perth
1916/100727 Perth Wright Alfred John Male Bairstow Alida May Female Perth
1916/100727 Perth Bairstow Alida May Female Wright Alfred John Male Perth
1916/100728 Perth Johnson Alice Victoria Female Hoskin John Frederick Male Perth
1916/100728 Perth Hoskin John Frederick Male Johnson Alice Victoria Female Perth
1916/100729 Perth Uhe Herbert Male Nesbitt Ellen Elizabeth Female Perth
1916/100729 Perth Nesbitt Ellen Elizabeth Female Uhe Herbert Male Perth
1916/100730 Perth Riley Robert Frederick Male White Eleanor Female Victoria Park
1916/100730 Perth White Eleanor Female Riley Robert Frederick Male Victoria Park
1916/100731 Perth Harris Elsie Jane Female Oaten William Reginald Boston Male Perth
1916/100731 Perth Oaten William Reginald Boston Male Harris Elsie Jane Female Perth
1916/100732 Perth Hertz Sarah Leah Female Brown Mandel Male Perth
1916/100732 Perth Brown Mandel Male Hertz Sarah Leah Female Perth
1916/100733 Perth Hurren Sidney Harry Male Williams Lily Female Perth
1916/100733 Perth Williams Lily Female Hurren Sidney Harry Male Perth
1916/100734 Perth Branch Mary Female Cox John Branch Male Perth
1916/100734 Perth Cox John Branch Male Branch Mary Female Perth
1916/100735 Perth Ireland Leo Ralph Male Wilson Constance Eliza Female Perth
1916/100735 Perth Wilson Constance Eliza Female Ireland Leo Ralph Male Perth
1916/100736 Perth Thornton Percy Clifford Male Taylor Alma Jessie Female Perth
1916/100736 Perth Taylor Alma Jessie Female Thornton Percy Clifford Male Perth
1916/100737 Perth Jackson Edward Thomas Male Jordan Rachel Margaretta Female Perth
1916/100737 Perth Jordan Rachel Margaretta Female Jackson Edward Thomas Male Perth
1916/100738 Perth Orchard Beatrice Flora Louisa Female Clifton Edmund Cecil Male Perth
1916/100738 Perth Clifton Edmund Cecil Male Orchard Beatrice Flora Louisa Female Perth
1916/100739 Perth Bennett Violet Dorothy Female Brown Alfred Edward Male Perth
1916/100739 Perth Brown Alfred Edward Male Bennett Violet Dorothy Female Perth
1916/100740 Perth Thompson Clara Jane Female D'Voretsky Frank Male Perth
1916/100740 Perth D'Voretsky Frank Male Thompson Clara Jane Female Perth
1916/100741 Perth Beardman Charlotte Ann Female Pember William Claud Stanley Male Perth
1916/100741 Perth Pember William Claud Stanley Male Beardman Charlotte Ann Female Perth
1916/100742 Perth Newman Florence Beatrice Female Porter Milson John Howard Male Perth
1916/100742 Perth Porter Milson John Howard Male Newman Florence Beatrice Female Perth
1916/100743 Perth Hawson Ida Mary Female Clarke Charles Clement Male East Perth
1916/100743 Perth Clarke Charles Clement Male Hawson Ida Mary Female East Perth
1916/100744 Perth Reading Charles William James Male Smith Violet Amy Alberta Female North Perth
1916/100744 Perth Smith Violet Amy Alberta Female Reading Charles William James Male North Perth
1916/100745 Perth Miller Elizabeth Female Lee Frederick Male Maylands
1916/100745 Perth Lee Frederick Male Miller Elizabeth Female Maylands
1916/100746 Perth Williams Lillian Wilmer Female Hart Thomas Male Perth
1916/100746 Perth Hart Thomas Male Williams Lillian Wilmer Female Perth
1916/100747 Perth Hartnup George Male Wood Lilian Female East Perth
1916/100747 Perth Wood Lilian Female Hartnup George Male East Perth
1916/100748 Perth Campbell Annie Kathleen Female Osborne Albert Ernest Male West Perth
1916/100748 Perth Osborne Albert Ernest Male Campbell Annie Kathleen Female West Perth
1916/100749 Perth Craike Annie Merie Female Sherzinger Philip Male Perth
1916/100749 Perth Sherzinger Philip Male Craike Annie Merie Female Perth
1916/100750 Perth Dickson Robert Chamberlain Male Poutcher Olive Jane Female Perth
1916/100750 Perth Poutcher Olive Jane Female Dickson Robert Chamberlain Male Perth
1916/100751 Perth Ennor James George Male Farrow Elva Female West Perth
1916/100751 Perth Farrow Elva Female Ennor James George Male West Perth
1916/100752 Perth McNally Len Bernard Male Bates Alice May Female Perth
1916/100752 Perth Bates Alice May Female McNally Len Bernard Male Perth
1916/100753 Perth Parker Lilien Maud Female Watts John Edwin Male Perth
1916/100753 Perth Watts John Edwin Male Parker Lilien Maud Female Perth
1916/100754 Perth Vincent James Ambrose Male Fitch Rose Laura Female Perth
1916/100754 Perth Fitch Rose Laura Female Vincent James Ambrose Male Perth
1916/100755 Perth Gillon Elizabeth May Female Condren Bernard Joseph Male Perth
1916/100755 Perth Condren Bernard Joseph Male Gillon Elizabeth May Female Perth
1916/100756 Perth McAullay Alfred John Male Bourke Lucy Clare Female Victoria Park
1916/100756 Perth Bourke Lucy Clare Female McAullay Alfred John Male Victoria Park
1916/100757 Perth Cashin Mary Josephine Female Kennedy James Male Perth
1916/100757 Perth Kennedy James Male Cashin Mary Josephine Female Perth
1916/100758 Perth Lockyer Marion Female Smith Edgar Vivian Male East Perth
1916/100758 Perth Smith Edgar Vivian Male Lockyer Marion Female East Perth
1916/100759 Perth Taylor Beatrice Susan Female Bidwell Edward Charles Male Perth
1916/100759 Perth Bidwell Edward Charles Male Taylor Beatrice Susan Female Perth
1916/100760 Perth McLaughlan Annie Female Gallagher Joseph Male Perth
1916/100760 Perth Gallagher Joseph Male McLaughlan Annie Female Perth
1916/100761 Perth Pitt George Henry Male McLean Isabella Female Perth
1916/100761 Perth McLean Isabella Female Pitt George Henry Male Perth
1916/100762 Perth Glew Evelyn Maud Female Bradley John Male Perth
1916/100762 Perth Bradley John Male Glew Evelyn Maud Female Perth
1916/100763 Perth Mendelawitz Marks Male Cohen Grace Female Perth
1916/100763 Perth Cohen Grace Female Mendelawitz Marks Male Perth
1916/100764 Perth O'Dea Kyran Malachi Male Pappin Lydia May Female Perth
1916/100764 Perth Pappin Lydia May Female O'Dea Kyran Malachi Male Perth
1916/100765 Perth McEvoy Kathleen Mary Female Davenport Andrew Male Perth
1916/100765 Perth Davenport Andrew Male McEvoy Kathleen Mary Female Perth
1916/100766 Perth Wooltorton Harold Samuel Male Best Anne Female Perth
1916/100766 Perth Best Anne Female Wooltorton Harold Samuel Male Perth
1916/100767 Perth McGuiness Elsie Melvana Female Osborne Thomas Male Perth
1916/100767 Perth Osborne Thomas Male McGuiness Elsie Melvana Female Perth
1916/100768 Perth Saunders John Francis Male Hale Mary Female Perth
1916/100768 Perth Hale Mary Female Saunders John Francis Male Perth
1916/100769 Perth Davies Lilian May Female Chapman George Thomas Male Perth
1916/100769 Perth Chapman George Thomas Male Davies Lilian May Female Perth
1916/100770 Perth Ball Nora Mary Female Eaton William Ernest Male West Perth
1916/100770 Perth Eaton William Ernest Male Ball Nora Mary Female West Perth
1916/100771 Perth Draper Mary Ellen Female Barrett Thomas Henry Male East Perth
1916/100771 Perth Barrett Thomas Henry Male Draper Mary Ellen Female East Perth
1916/100772 Perth Powell Elsie Florence Female Hurst John Lancelot Male Mt Lawley
1916/100772 Perth Hurst John Lancelot Male Powell Elsie Florence Female Mt Lawley
1916/100773 Perth Parsons Charlie Bernard Male Bradford Dorothy Gladys Female Maylands
1916/100773 Perth Bradford Dorothy Gladys Female Parsons Charlie Bernard Male Maylands
1916/100774 Perth Gibson William James Male North Milly Female Perth
1916/100774 Perth North Milly Female Gibson William James Male Perth
1916/100775 Perth Deering Helah Constance Female Lee William James Male Perth
1916/100775 Perth Lee William James Male Deering Helah Constance Female Perth
1916/100776 Perth Anderson Mary Ann Female Wyatt Frederick Harold Male East Perth
1916/100776 Perth Wyatt Frederick Harold Male Anderson Mary Ann Female East Perth
1916/100777 Perth Janes George Male Harrington Harriet Mary Female Perth
1916/100777 Perth Harrington Harriet Mary Female Janes George Male Perth
1916/100778 Perth Miller John Male McQuillan Margaret Female West Perth
1916/100778 Perth McQuillan Margaret Female Miller John Male West Perth
1916/100779 Perth Horgan Daniel Denis Male McMahon Margaret Cecelia Female West Perth
1916/100779 Perth McMahon Margaret Cecelia Female Horgan Daniel Denis Male West Perth
1916/100780 Perth Rowe Mary Elizabeth Female Davis Frederick Charles Male East Perth
1916/100780 Perth Davis Frederick Charles Male Rowe Mary Elizabeth Female East Perth
1916/100781 Perth Dixon Nita Edwina Female Brown Ernest John Male Perth
1916/100781 Perth Brown Ernest John Male Dixon Nita Edwina Female Perth
1916/100782 Perth Flint Arthur Reginald Male Aston Caroline Mary Female Perth
1916/100782 Perth Aston Caroline Mary Female Flint Arthur Reginald Male Perth
1916/100783 Perth Spouse Oswald Roy Male Snow Amy Florence Female Perth
1916/100783 Perth Snow Amy Florence Female Spouse Oswald Roy Male Perth
1916/100784 Perth Bishop Hubert Harvey Male George Ethel May Female North Perth
1916/100784 Perth George Ethel May Female Bishop Hubert Harvey Male North Perth
1916/100785 Perth Williams George Robert Bertie Male Mills Florence Maude Female Perth
1916/100785 Perth Mills Florence Maude Female Williams George Robert Bertie Male Perth
1916/100786 Perth Cuthbertson Douglas Male Wolfe Mary Josephine Female Perth
1916/100786 Perth Wolfe Mary Josephine Female Cuthbertson Douglas Male Perth
1916/100787 Perth Lernon Ernest Francis Male Whiting Ethel Victoria Female Perth
1916/100787 Perth Whiting Ethel Victoria Female Lernon Ernest Francis Male Perth
1916/100788 Perth Bagnall Ada Female Williams Robert Walter Appleby Male Perth
1916/100788 Perth Williams Robert Walter Appleby Male Bagnall Ada Female Perth
1916/100789 Perth Godfrey Rita Annie Female Muir Hugh Monteith Male West Perth
1916/100789 Perth Muir Hugh Monteith Male Godfrey Rita Annie Female West Perth
1916/100790 Perth Carr Jane Female Steele George Frederic Male Perth
1916/100790 Perth Steele George Frederic Male Carr Jane Female Perth
1916/100791 Perth Turner Ethel Annie Female Feilman Herbert Bernard Male Perth
1916/100791 Perth Feilman Herbert Bernard Male Turner Ethel Annie Female Perth
1916/100792 Perth Mingham Annie Female Bell James Fletcher Male Perth
1916/100792 Perth Bell James Fletcher Male Mingham Annie Female Perth
1916/100793 Perth Philp Kenneth Norman Male Couch Grace Winifred Female Perth
1916/100793 Perth Couch Grace Winifred Female Philp Kenneth Norman Male Perth
1916/100794 Perth Stewart Christina Nicholson Female Armstrong Frank Male Perth
1916/100794 Perth Armstrong Frank Male Stewart Christina Nicholson Female Perth
1916/100795 Perth Appleby Alexander Male Moller Sarah Female Perth
1916/100795 Perth Moller Sarah Female Appleby Alexander Male Perth
1916/100796 Perth Johnston Emma Female Glover Arthur Milton Male Perth
1916/100796 Perth Glover Arthur Milton Male Johnston Emma Female Perth
1916/100797 Perth Wymond Alonzo Pearse Male Howie Jane Pearson Female Bayswater
1916/100797 Perth Howie Jane Pearson Female Wymond Alonzo Pearse Male Bayswater
1916/100798 Perth Moore Albert Male Schuts Mabel Ellen Female Perth
1916/100798 Perth Schuts Mabel Ellen Female Moore Albert Male Perth
1916/100799 Perth Nelson Jennie Female Taylor Arthur Barrett Male Perth
1916/100799 Perth Taylor Arthur Barrett Male Nelson Jennie Female Perth
1916/100800 Perth Prowse Nannie Mabel Female Moore Albert Victor Male Perth
1916/100800 Perth Moore Albert Victor Male Prowse Nannie Mabel Female Perth
1916/100801 Perth Vallence Nora Female Foley Denis Male Perth
1916/100801 Perth Foley Denis Male Vallence Nora Female Perth
1916/100802 Perth Caunce Amy Female Brady Edward Cyril Male Perth
1916/100802 Perth Brady Edward Cyril Male Caunce Amy Female Perth
1916/100803 Perth Dawson Ethel May Female Cox John Philip Male Perth
1916/100803 Perth Cox John Philip Male Dawson Ethel May Female Perth
1916/100804 Perth Daly Patrick Martin Male Harris Elizabeth Female Perth
1916/100804 Perth Harris Elizabeth Female Daly Patrick Martin Male Perth
1916/100805 Perth Busher John Joseph Male Jeffery Bridget Lawrence Female Perth
1916/100805 Perth Jeffery Bridget Lawrence Female Busher John Joseph Male Perth
1916/100806 Perth Ashby William Richard Male Maddigan Catherine Elizabeth Female Perth
1916/100806 Perth Maddigan Catherine Elizabeth Female Ashby William Richard Male Perth
1916/100807 Perth MacDonald Mary Female Cassidy Robert Leslie Male Perth
1916/100807 Perth Cassidy Robert Leslie Male MacDonald Mary Female Perth
1916/100808 Perth Finnerty Arthur James Patrick Male Holloway Martha Female Perth
1916/100808 Perth Holloway Martha Female Finnerty Arthur James Patrick Male Perth
1916/100809 Perth O'Shea Bridget Female O'Keeffe Arthur Joseph Male Perth
1916/100809 Perth O'Keeffe Arthur Joseph Male O'Shea Bridget Female Perth
1916/100810 Perth Wayne Arthur Augustine Male Cameron Louisa Female Perth
1916/100810 Perth Cameron Louisa Female Wayne Arthur Augustine Male Perth
1916/100811 Perth Millen Roy William Male Smith Henrietta Alvina Female Perth
1916/100811 Perth Smith Henrietta Alvina Female Millen Roy William Male Perth
1916/100812 Perth Porter Piercy Edward Male Stewart Etta Female Perth
1916/100812 Perth Stewart Etta Female Porter Piercy Edward Male Perth
1916/100813 Perth Clatworthy Violet Lena Female Pitschel William Male Perth
1916/100813 Perth Pitschel William Male Clatworthy Violet Lena Female Perth
1916/100814 Perth Offer Temperance Lillian Female Needham Alfred Tennyson Male Perth
1916/100814 Perth Needham Alfred Tennyson Male Offer Temperance Lillian Female Perth
1916/100815 Perth James Philip Charles Wearne Male Pelle Clara Elizabeth Female Mt Hawthorne
1916/100815 Perth Pelle Clara Elizabeth Female James Philip Charles Wearne Male Mt Hawthorne
1916/100816 Perth Summers Lionel Logan Male Chadwick Violet May Taylor Female Perth
1916/100816 Perth Chadwick Violet May Taylor Female Summers Lionel Logan Male Perth
1916/100817 Perth Slattery Joseph Gregory Male Ridge Alice Maude Female Perth
1916/100817 Perth Ridge Alice Maude Female Slattery Joseph Gregory Male Perth
1916/100818 Perth Edwards Florence Female Sands William Joseph Male Perth
1916/100818 Perth Sands William Joseph Male Edwards Florence Female Perth
1916/100819 Perth Williams Elizabeth Lurline Female Angus William Forbes Male Perth
1916/100819 Perth Angus William Forbes Male Williams Elizabeth Lurline Female Perth
1916/100820 Perth Coombe Annie Winter Female Milbank Richard George Male Perth
1916/100820 Perth Milbank Richard George Male Coombe Annie Winter Female Perth
1916/100821 Perth Kell Henry Albert Male Smith Harriet Jane Female Perth
1916/100821 Perth Smith Harriet Jane Female Kell Henry Albert Male Perth
1916/100822 Perth Farnell Alice Maude Female Stenson Walter Male Perth
1916/100822 Perth Stenson Walter Male Farnell Alice Maude Female Perth
1916/100823 Perth King William Robert Male Williams Ruby Kathleen Female Maylands
1916/100823 Perth Williams Ruby Kathleen Female King William Robert Male Maylands
1916/100824 Perth Brown Mary Anne Female Smith Tom Charles Male Mt Lawley
1916/100824 Perth Smith Tom Charles Male Brown Mary Anne Female Mt Lawley
1916/100825 Perth McColl Daniel Boyes Male Hearnden Mary Jane Female West Perth
1916/100825 Perth Hearnden Mary Jane Female McColl Daniel Boyes Male West Perth
1916/100826 Perth Holmes Alma Violet Female Berg Ernest Male West Perth
1916/100826 Perth Berg Ernest Male Holmes Alma Violet Female West Perth
1916/100827 Perth Pyman Maida Heather Female Habgood Thomas Lionel Male Victoria Park East
1916/100827 Perth Habgood Thomas Lionel Male Pyman Maida Heather Female Victoria Park East
1916/100828 Perth Brown Daisy Vivienne Female Cook Claude Lorraine Colin Male West Perth
1916/100828 Perth Cook Claude Lorraine Colin Male Brown Daisy Vivienne Female West Perth
1916/100829 Perth Cross Charles Male Ayres Ruth Naomi Female Perth
1916/100829 Perth Ayres Ruth Naomi Female Cross Charles Male Perth
1916/100830 Perth Halley Helen Fernie Female Carrie James Male Perth
1916/100830 Perth Carrie James Male Halley Helen Fernie Female Perth
1916/100831 Perth Lankester William Sydney Male Robinson May Quin Female Perth
1916/100831 Perth Robinson May Quin Female Lankester William Sydney Male Perth
1916/100832 Perth Penney William Male Dawbarn Gladys Everina Female West Perth
1916/100832 Perth Dawbarn Gladys Everina Female Penney William Male West Perth
1916/100833 Perth Murphy Ethel Blanche Female McCormack Charles Patrick Male West Perth
1916/100833 Perth McCormack Charles Patrick Male Murphy Ethel Blanche Female West Perth
1916/100834 Perth Larkin Elizabeth Linda Female Meehan William James Male West Perth
1916/100834 Perth Meehan William James Male Larkin Elizabeth Linda Female West Perth
1916/100835 Perth McDonald James Henry Male Cosgrove Deborah Female Perth
1916/100835 Perth Cosgrove Deborah Female McDonald James Henry Male Perth
1916/100836 Perth Hewitt Mary Ann Minter Female MacFarlane Isaac Relender Male Perth
1916/100836 Perth MacFarlane Isaac Relender Male Hewitt Mary Ann Minter Female Perth
1916/100837 Perth Stoddart Eileen Beatrice Hooper Female Edwards Stanley Thompson Male Perth
1916/100837 Perth Edwards Stanley Thompson Male Stoddart Eileen Beatrice Hooper Female Perth
1916/100838 Perth Harrison Florence Female Downing John Male Perth
1916/100838 Perth Downing John Male Harrison Florence Female Perth
1916/100839 Perth Roe Norman Stanley Male Stephen Catherine Elsie Female Perth
1916/100839 Perth Stephen Catherine Elsie Female Roe Norman Stanley Male Perth
1916/100840 Perth Whittaker Elsie Female Green William Male Perth
1916/100840 Perth Green William Male Whittaker Elsie Female Perth
1916/100841 Perth Famlonga Giacomo Male Olivieri Olga Female Perth
1916/100841 Perth Olivieri Olga Female Famlonga Giacomo Male Perth
1916/100842 Perth Alexander Beryl Female Silverston Lewis Israel Male Perth
1916/100842 Perth Silverston Lewis Israel Male Alexander Beryl Female Perth
1916/100843 Perth Williams Mary Female Williams William James Male Perth
1916/100843 Perth Williams William James Male Williams Mary Female Perth
1916/100844 Perth Tarling Lewis Robert Male Hayes Nance Female Perth
1916/100844 Perth Hayes Nance Female Tarling Lewis Robert Male Perth
1916/100845 Perth Cullingford Garnet Percy Male Cleere Grace Augusta Female Perth
1916/100845 Perth Cleere Grace Augusta Female Cullingford Garnet Percy Male Perth
1916/100846 Perth Armstead Roy Alan Male Smith Beatrice May Female Bickford
1916/100846 Perth Smith Beatrice May Female Armstead Roy Alan Male Bickford
1916/100847 Perth Wheadon George Henry Male Bartlett Gwendoline Female Perth
1916/100847 Perth Bartlett Gwendoline Female Wheadon George Henry Male Perth
1916/100848 Perth Bradford Reginald William Male Sadler Isabelle Kathleen Female Perth
1916/100848 Perth Sadler Isabelle Kathleen Female Bradford Reginald William Male Perth
1916/100849 Perth Heal Edith Elizabeth Female Smith Ulysses Payne Male East Perth
1916/100849 Perth Smith Ulysses Payne Male Heal Edith Elizabeth Female East Perth
1916/100850 Perth Treacy George Seward Male Wallace Eva Female Perth
1916/100850 Perth Wallace Eva Female Treacy George Seward Male Perth
1916/100851 Perth Mountain Alexander Fraser Male Coates Norah Female Perth
1916/100851 Perth Coates Norah Female Mountain Alexander Fraser Male Perth
1916/100852 Perth Dingle Mary Ann Female Walton Stephen Thomas Male Osborne Park
1916/100852 Perth Walton Stephen Thomas Male Dingle Mary Ann Female Osborne Park
1916/100853 Perth Edwards Muriel Ruth Female Wood Albert Norman Male West Perth
1916/100853 Perth Wood Albert Norman Male Edwards Muriel Ruth Female West Perth
1916/100854 Perth Grimshaw William Denham Male Harris Alicia Mary Female Perth
1916/100854 Perth Harris Alicia Mary Female Grimshaw William Denham Male Perth
1916/100855 Perth Browne Agnes Kathleen Female Turnbull James Male Perth
1916/100855 Perth Turnbull James Male Browne Agnes Kathleen Female Perth
1916/100856 Perth Martin Francis William Male McKenna Veronica Female Perth
1916/100856 Perth McKenna Veronica Female Martin Francis William Male Perth
1916/100857 Perth Rathbone Florence Mary Female Keogh John Male Perth
1916/100857 Perth Keogh John Male Rathbone Florence Mary Female Perth
1916/100858 Perth Schorer William Patrick Male Kerr Ellen Mary Female Perth
1916/100858 Perth Kerr Ellen Mary Female Schorer William Patrick Male Perth
1916/100859 Perth Frew Flora Orr Female Preedy George James Male Perth
1916/100859 Perth Preedy George James Male Frew Flora Orr Female Perth
1916/100860 Perth Mowday May Female Millar William Duncan Male South Perth
1916/100860 Perth Millar William Duncan Male Mowday May Female South Perth
1916/100861 Perth Wallace John Scott Male Macdonald Emily Edith Female Perth
1916/100861 Perth Macdonald Emily Edith Female Wallace John Scott Male Perth
1916/100862 Perth Williams George Robert Male Burdon Minnie Frances Female Perth
1916/100862 Perth Burdon Minnie Frances Female Williams George Robert Male Perth
1916/100863 Perth Moore James George Male Dunne Mary Lilian Female Victoria Park
1916/100863 Perth Dunne Mary Lilian Female Moore James George Male Victoria Park
1917/400001 Beverley Loveridge Garnet Ladler Male Snellgrove Florence Irene Female Beverley
1916/400001 Beverley Nixon Charles Henry Male Higgins Olive Maud Female Pingelly
1916/400001 Beverley Higgins Olive Maud Female Nixon Charles Henry Male Pingelly
1917/400001 Beverley Snellgrove Florence Irene Female Loveridge Garnet Ladler Male Beverley
1916/400002 Beverley Leitch Jane Davey Female Dickie William Henderson Male Nornakin
1916/400002 Beverley Dickie William Henderson Male Leitch Jane Davey Female Nornakin
1916/400003 Beverley Day Emma Female Hopkins George Male Beverley
1916/400003 Beverley Hopkins George Male Day Emma Female Beverley
1916/400004 Beverley Lange George Emill Male Gordon Margaret Jane Female Pingelly
1916/400004 Beverley Gordon Margaret Jane Female Lange George Emill Male Pingelly
1916/400005 Beverley Watts Everal Female Atkins Ernest Male Pingelly
1916/400005 Beverley Atkins Ernest Male Watts Everal Female Pingelly
1916/400006 Beverley Edwards Stanley Male Darcey Elizabeth Charlotte Female West Pingelly
1916/400006 Beverley Darcey Elizabeth Charlotte Female Edwards Stanley Male West Pingelly
1916/400007 Beverley Marsh Herbert Sherwood Male Bechtel Myrtle Edith Female West Dale
1916/400007 Beverley Bechtel Myrtle Edith Female Marsh Herbert Sherwood Male West Dale
1916/400008 Beverley Holdsworth Enoch Arthur Male Hickmott Ruby Minnie Female Brookton
1916/400008 Beverley Hickmott Ruby Minnie Female Holdsworth Enoch Arthur Male Brookton
1916/400009 Beverley Potts Robert Samuel Male Wills Myrtle Eleanor May Female Brookton
1916/400009 Beverley Wills Myrtle Eleanor May Female Potts Robert Samuel Male Brookton
1916/400010 Beverley Seimons George William Male Whiteford Isabella Cunningham Female Bullaring
1916/400010 Beverley Whiteford Isabella Cunningham Female Seimons George William Male Bullaring
1916/400011 Beverley Sewell Ivy Gertrude Female Heathcote Albert Edward Male Pingelly
1916/400011 Beverley Heathcote Albert Edward Male Sewell Ivy Gertrude Female Pingelly
1916/400012 Beverley Clarke Mary Emma Female Maclaren Kenneth Male Kumminin
1916/400012 Beverley Maclaren Kenneth Male Clarke Mary Emma Female Kumminin
1916/400013 Beverley McDonnell Constance Female Hinkley Valentine Male Beverley
1916/400013 Beverley Hinkley Valentine Male McDonnell Constance Female Beverley
1916/400014 Beverley Langsford Eckersley Wood Male Stacey Melva May Female East Caroling
1916/400014 Beverley Stacey Melva May Female Langsford Eckersley Wood Male East Caroling
1916/400015 Beverley Thompson Alfred Peter Male Allan Susanna Wood Neilson Female Brookton
1916/400015 Beverley Allan Susanna Wood Neilson Female Thompson Alfred Peter Male Brookton
1916/400016 Beverley Rattray Eleanor Female Berry Robert Male Bruce Rock
1916/400016 Beverley Berry Robert Male Rattray Eleanor Female Bruce Rock
1916/400017 Beverley Braybrook Lydia Gladys Female Fisher Stanley Male Quairading
1916/400017 Beverley Fisher Stanley Male Braybrook Lydia Gladys Female Quairading
1916/400018 Beverley Sewell Muriel Sarah Female Shenton Egbert George Male Dulbelling
1916/400018 Beverley Shenton Egbert George Male Sewell Muriel Sarah Female Dulbelling
1916/400019 Beverley Cohen David Male Hanley Myra Kathaleen Female Corrigin
1916/400019 Beverley Hanley Myra Kathaleen Female Cohen David Male Corrigin
1916/400020 Beverley Spice Agnes Gertrude Female Whittington Harold John Claude Male Brookton
1916/400020 Beverley Whittington Harold John Claude Male Spice Agnes Gertrude Female Brookton
1916/400021 Beverley Goldsmith Douglas Eard Male Stables Janet Margaret Female Pingelly
1916/400021 Beverley Stables Janet Margaret Female Goldsmith Douglas Eard Male Pingelly
1916/400022 Beverley Jenkins Emily Jane Female Scudds Walter Oscar Male Pingelly
1916/400022 Beverley Scudds Walter Oscar Male Jenkins Emily Jane Female Pingelly
1916/400023 Beverley Stacey Harold Male Heal Mary Wyborn Female Quairading
1916/400023 Beverley Heal Mary Wyborn Female Stacey Harold Male Quairading
1916/400024 Beverley Thomson Jean Annie Female Haines William Guy Male Dangin
1916/400024 Beverley Haines William Guy Male Thomson Jean Annie Female Dangin
1916/400025 Beverley Powell Margaret Female Crane Henry James Male Beverley
1916/400025 Beverley Crane Henry James Male Powell Margaret Female Beverley
1916/400026 Beverley Dace George Burton Male Harris Ivy Eugenie Female Dangin
1916/400026 Beverley Harris Ivy Eugenie Female Dace George Burton Male Dangin
1916/400027 Beverley Hobbs William Thomas Male Rogers Alma Elizabeth Sophie Female Dale
1916/400027 Beverley Rogers Alma Elizabeth Sophie Female Hobbs William Thomas Male Dale
1916/400028 Beverley Donohue Bertron Albert Male Symes Edith Florence Female Brookton
1916/400028 Beverley Symes Edith Florence Female Donohue Bertron Albert Male Brookton
1916/400029 Beverley Warren Henry Male Spencer Mary Martha Female Pingelly
1916/400029 Beverley Spencer Mary Martha Female Warren Henry Male Pingelly
1916/400031 Beverley Wallace Robert Male Richards Lila Isabel Female Beverley
1916/400031 Beverley Richards Lila Isabel Female Wallace Robert Male Beverley
1916/400032 Beverley Spouse John William Male Gill Myrtle Olive Beatrice Female Pingelly
1916/400032 Beverley Gill Myrtle Olive Beatrice Female Spouse John William Male Pingelly
1916/400033 Beverley Nairn Nora Female Dew William Charles Male Popanyinning
1916/400033 Beverley Dew William Charles Male Nairn Nora Female Popanyinning
1916/400034 Beverley Butcher Harold Henry Male Hardingham Vera Ruth Female Albert William Hardingham's Residence
1916/400034 Beverley Hardingham Vera Ruth Female Butcher Harold Henry Male Albert William Hardingham's Residence
1916/400035 Beverley Savage George Male Roberts Gertrude Elsie Female North Beverley
1916/400035 Beverley Roberts Gertrude Elsie Female Savage George Male North Beverley
1916/400036 Beverley Holland Mary Female Richards Albert Dryden Male Beverley
1916/400036 Beverley Richards Albert Dryden Male Holland Mary Female Beverley
1916/400037 Beverley Shaddick Sarah Faith Female Spice George Clarence Male Mourambine
1916/400037 Beverley Spice George Clarence Male Shaddick Sarah Faith Female Mourambine
1916/400038 Beverley Greay Gertrude Female Jenkins Robert Tweed Male Pingelly
1916/400038 Beverley Jenkins Robert Tweed Male Greay Gertrude Female Pingelly
1916/400039 Beverley Parker Cecil Alwyn Read Male Smith Rose Female Dangin
1916/400039 Beverley Smith Rose Female Parker Cecil Alwyn Read Male Dangin
1917/500001 Blackwood Doust Ellen Unita Female Stout Frederick Walter Male Bridgetown
1916/500001 Blackwood Sparks Doris Maud Female Hall Ernest George Male Bridgetown
1917/500001 Blackwood Stout Frederick Walter Male Doust Ellen Unita Female Bridgetown
1916/500001 Blackwood Hall Ernest George Male Sparks Doris Maud Female Bridgetown
1916/500002 Blackwood Fuller Ada Female Nix George Percival Male Upper Blackwood
1916/500002 Blackwood Nix George Percival Male Fuller Ada Female Upper Blackwood
1916/500003 Blackwood Egerton-Warburton Horace Grey Male Egerton-Warburton Ruth Female Bridgetown
1916/500003 Blackwood Egerton-Warburton Ruth Female Egerton-Warburton Horace Grey Male Bridgetown
1916/500004 Blackwood Fennell Florence Annie Yuin Female Miller Oscar Harold Male Boyup Brook
1916/500004 Blackwood Miller Oscar Harold Male Fennell Florence Annie Yuin Female Boyup Brook
1916/500006 Blackwood Schmitt Charles Arthur Male Stanton Adeline May Female Bridgetown
1916/500006 Blackwood Stanton Adeline May Female Schmitt Charles Arthur Male Bridgetown
1916/500007 Blackwood Hastie Thomas Carlisle Male Maslin Mabel Constance Female Bridgetown
1916/500007 Blackwood Maslin Mabel Constance Female Hastie Thomas Carlisle Male Bridgetown
1916/500008 Blackwood Plunkett Walter Male Hutchins Eva Agnes Female Greenbushes
1916/500008 Blackwood Hutchins Eva Agnes Female Plunkett Walter Male Greenbushes
1916/500009 Blackwood Emms Ivan Frank Male Wallbank Fanny Female Upper Blackwood
1916/500009 Blackwood Wallbank Fanny Female Emms Ivan Frank Male Upper Blackwood
1916/500010 Blackwood Draper Elvina Scelina Female Chapman John Male Dinninup
1916/500010 Blackwood Chapman John Male Draper Elvina Scelina Female Dinninup
1916/500011 Blackwood Nye Edith Patience Female Powell Thomas Alfred Male Bridgetown
1916/500011 Blackwood Powell Thomas Alfred Male Nye Edith Patience Female Bridgetown
1916/500012 Blackwood Chatley Arthur Sydney Clarance Male Young Lily Flora Female Dingup
1916/500012 Blackwood Young Lily Flora Female Chatley Arthur Sydney Clarance Male Dingup
1916/500013 Blackwood Wheatley John Henry Male Cross Ethel Mary Female Bridgetown
1916/500013 Blackwood Cross Ethel Mary Female Wheatley John Henry Male Bridgetown
1916/500014 Blackwood Hack Wilton Male Vierk Minnie Alice Female Upper Blackwood
1916/500014 Blackwood Vierk Minnie Alice Female Hack Wilton Male Upper Blackwood
1916/500015 Blackwood Cook Ethel Florence Female Lidbury Frank Read Male Balingup
1916/500015 Blackwood Lidbury Frank Read Male Cook Ethel Florence Female Balingup
1916/500016 Blackwood Dawson Bertha Eva Female Elliot Henry Simpson Male Greenbushes
1916/500016 Blackwood Elliot Henry Simpson Male Dawson Bertha Eva Female Greenbushes
1916/500017 Blackwood Treloar Alice May Female Hannay John Henry Fitzpatrick Male Bridgetown
1916/500017 Blackwood Hannay John Henry Fitzpatrick Male Treloar Alice May Female Bridgetown
1916/500018 Blackwood Barndon Laura Maud Maria Female Burgoyne George Richard William Male Jarnadup
1916/500018 Blackwood Burgoyne George Richard William Male Barndon Laura Maud Maria Female Jarnadup
1916/500019 Blackwood Hancock Ivy Alice Female Walker John Male Balingup
1916/500019 Blackwood Walker John Male Hancock Ivy Alice Female Balingup
1916/500020 Blackwood O'Halloran Martin Male Paulig Elsie Female Nannup
1916/500020 Blackwood Paulig Elsie Female O'Halloran Martin Male Nannup
1916/500021 Blackwood Ebbett Frances Mary Female Collett James Arthur Male Bridgetown
1916/500021 Blackwood Collett James Arthur Male Ebbett Frances Mary Female Bridgetown
1916/500022 Blackwood Jones Ernest Male Chidgzey Elfreda Muriel Female Dinninup
1916/500022 Blackwood Chidgzey Elfreda Muriel Female Jones Ernest Male Dinninup
1916/500023 Blackwood Rebell Fred Male Krumin Emily Female Bridgetown
1916/500023 Blackwood Krumin Emily Female Rebell Fred Male Bridgetown
1916/500024 Blackwood Blechynden Laura Jane Female McKenney Harold Arthur Male Upper Warren
1916/500024 Blackwood McKenney Harold Arthur Male Blechynden Laura Jane Female Upper Warren
1916/500025 Blackwood Hall Isabel Ann Mcloud Female Hill Albert Edward Male Manjimup
1916/500025 Blackwood Hill Albert Edward Male Hall Isabel Ann Mcloud Female Manjimup
1916/500026 Blackwood Blechynden Lila Elizabeth Female Pearce Frank Haywood Male Bridgetown
1916/500026 Blackwood Pearce Frank Haywood Male Blechynden Lila Elizabeth Female Bridgetown
1916/500027 Blackwood Kaiser George Charles Edwin Male Cruickshank Jean Female Manjimup
1916/500027 Blackwood Cruickshank Jean Female Kaiser George Charles Edwin Male Manjimup
1916/500028 Blackwood Bailey Albert William Male Robinson Christina Female Bridgetown
1916/500028 Blackwood Robinson Christina Female Bailey Albert William Male Bridgetown
1916/500029 Blackwood Kazakoff Peter Frederic Male Davis Clarice Mabel Female Bridgetown
1916/500029 Blackwood Davis Clarice Mabel Female Kazakoff Peter Frederic Male Bridgetown
1916/500030 Blackwood Nicholson Ruth Female White Albert Stirling Male Manjimup
1916/500030 Blackwood White Albert Stirling Male Nicholson Ruth Female Manjimup
1916/500031 Blackwood Jansson Thora Mary Female Neville Robert William Marcus Male Greenbushes
1916/500031 Blackwood Neville Robert William Marcus Male Jansson Thora Mary Female Greenbushes
1916/500032 Blackwood Bowley Alfred Hobden Male Carter Isabella Female Greenbushes
1916/500032 Blackwood Carter Isabella Female Bowley Alfred Hobden Male Greenbushes
1916/600001 Black Range Cook Elsie Winifred Female Poole Richard McMillian Male Sandstone
1916/600001 Black Range Poole Richard McMillian Male Cook Elsie Winifred Female Sandstone
1916/700002 Boulder Allen John Campbell Male Warburton Doris Edna Female Boulder
1916/700002 Boulder Warburton Doris Edna Female Allen John Campbell Male Boulder
1916/700005 Boulder Watts William Hilton Male Peake Ellen Beatrice Female Boulder
1916/700005 Boulder Peake Ellen Beatrice Female Watts William Hilton Male Boulder
1916/700006 Boulder Stacey Mabel Female Hanbury Arthur Oliver Male Boulder City
1916/700006 Boulder Hanbury Arthur Oliver Male Stacey Mabel Female Boulder City
1916/700007 Boulder Schaefer Mary Ann Female Watson Albert Victor Male Boulder
1916/700007 Boulder Watson Albert Victor Male Schaefer Mary Ann Female Boulder
1916/700008 Boulder Harrod Thomas Eric Male Priddle Ida Jessie May Female Boulder
1916/700008 Boulder Priddle Ida Jessie May Female Harrod Thomas Eric Male Boulder
1916/700009 Boulder Green Herbert Charles Augustus Male Moore Myrtle Ellen Female Boulder
1916/700009 Boulder Moore Myrtle Ellen Female Green Herbert Charles Augustus Male Boulder
1916/700010 Boulder East Hamon Male Kirwan Ellen Female Boulder
1916/700010 Boulder Kirwan Ellen Female East Hamon Male Boulder
1916/700011 Boulder Morton Thomas Male Martin Hilda Ethel Female Boulder City
1916/700011 Boulder Martin Hilda Ethel Female Morton Thomas Male Boulder City
1916/700012 Boulder Watts Ethel Maud Female MacDonald David George Male Boulder
1916/700012 Boulder MacDonald David George Male Watts Ethel Maud Female Boulder
1916/700013 Boulder Brodie Annie Female Brennan Patrick Male Boulder
1916/700013 Boulder Brennan Patrick Male Brodie Annie Female Boulder
1916/700014 Boulder Bosci Maria Female Leoni Bob Male Boulder
1916/700014 Boulder Leoni Bob Male Bosci Maria Female Boulder
1916/700015 Boulder Bond Bertha Lillian Female Chapman Arthur Fitzgerald Male Boulder
1916/700015 Boulder Chapman Arthur Fitzgerald Male Bond Bertha Lillian Female Boulder
1916/700016 Boulder Dobbin May Agnes Female Ferguson James Male Boulder
1916/700016 Boulder Ferguson James Male Dobbin May Agnes Female Boulder
1916/700017 Boulder Worthy Marie Female Abbott George Male Boulder
1916/700017 Boulder Abbott George Male Worthy Marie Female Boulder
1916/700018 Boulder Quadrio Cristoforo Male Robustelli Catharino Female Boulder
1916/700018 Boulder Robustelli Catharino Female Quadrio Cristoforo Male Boulder
1916/700019 Boulder Cropper Arthur Male Roots Mabel Gertrude Female Boulder
1916/700019 Boulder Roots Mabel Gertrude Female Cropper Arthur Male Boulder
1916/700020 Boulder Johnson Cecil Glover Adolf Male Reynolds Priscilla Ruby Female Boulder
1916/700020 Boulder Reynolds Priscilla Ruby Female Johnson Cecil Glover Adolf Male Boulder
1916/700021 Boulder Harper Joseph Male Beasley Mary Female Boulder
1916/700021 Boulder Beasley Mary Female Harper Joseph Male Boulder
1916/700022 Boulder Mincham Findlay Lewis Male Pullin Alice Victoria Female Boulder
1916/700022 Boulder Pullin Alice Victoria Female Mincham Findlay Lewis Male Boulder
1916/700023 Boulder Luke David Gregory Male Williams Sarah Victoria Byram Female Boulder
1916/700023 Boulder Williams Sarah Victoria Byram Female Luke David Gregory Male Boulder
1916/700024 Boulder Day Emily Jane Female Davis John Martin Male Boulder
1916/700024 Boulder Davis John Martin Male Day Emily Jane Female Boulder
1916/700025 Boulder Fisher Florence May Female Stout John Leslie Male Boulder
1916/700025 Boulder Stout John Leslie Male Fisher Florence May Female Boulder
1916/700026 Boulder Leipold George William Male Pearce Ida Evelyn Whitta Floyd Female Boulder
1916/700026 Boulder Pearce Ida Evelyn Whitta Floyd Female Leipold George William Male Boulder
1916/700027 Boulder Shervill Laura May Female Nash John Leslie Male Boulder
1916/700027 Boulder Nash John Leslie Male Shervill Laura May Female Boulder
1916/700028 Boulder Potter Florian Stanton Male Rundle Alma Edna Female Boulder
1916/700028 Boulder Rundle Alma Edna Female Potter Florian Stanton Male Boulder
1916/700029 Boulder Blewett Leonard Male Carey Ruth Agnes Female Boulder
1916/700029 Boulder Carey Ruth Agnes Female Blewett Leonard Male Boulder
1916/700030 Boulder Larson John James Male Chapman Winifred Grace Female Boulder
1916/700030 Boulder Chapman Winifred Grace Female Larson John James Male Boulder
1916/700031 Boulder Williams Myrtle Vera Female Whitfield Charles William Male Boulder
1916/700031 Boulder Whitfield Charles William Male Williams Myrtle Vera Female Boulder
1916/700032 Boulder Embleton Adelaide Female Parry William Male Boulder
1916/700032 Boulder Parry William Male Embleton Adelaide Female Boulder
1916/700033 Boulder Prior Charles Male Cornelius Doris Mildred Female Boulder
1916/700033 Boulder Cornelius Doris Mildred Female Prior Charles Male Boulder
1916/700034 Boulder Lowe Stephen Male Jack Elizabeth Female Boulder
1916/700034 Boulder Jack Elizabeth Female Lowe Stephen Male Boulder
1916/700035 Boulder Machen Lionel Dighton Male Knight Ivy May Female Boulder
1916/700035 Boulder Knight Ivy May Female Machen Lionel Dighton Male Boulder
1916/700036 Boulder Long Maude Annie Female McCaw Robert Andrew Male Boulder
1916/700036 Boulder McCaw Robert Andrew Male Long Maude Annie Female Boulder
1916/700037 Boulder Himing Mary Agnes Female Pearce Arthur Male Boulder
1916/700037 Boulder Pearce Arthur Male Himing Mary Agnes Female Boulder
1916/700038 Boulder Rowe Richard James Male Shields Eleanor Female Boulder
1916/700038 Boulder Shields Eleanor Female Rowe Richard James Male Boulder
1916/700039 Boulder Wilson Elsie Female Stevens Sidney Male Boulder
1916/700039 Boulder Stevens Sidney Male Wilson Elsie Female Boulder
1916/700040 Boulder Edkins Eveline Female Maguire George Male Boulder
1916/700040 Boulder Maguire George Male Edkins Eveline Female Boulder
1916/700041 Boulder Proctor John Matthew Male Reardon Mary Female Boulder
1916/700041 Boulder Reardon Mary Female Proctor John Matthew Male Boulder
1916/700042 Boulder Gordon George Albert Male Mills Isabella Jean Female Boulder
1916/700042 Boulder Mills Isabella Jean Female Gordon George Albert Male Boulder
1916/700043 Boulder Nugent John Thomas Male Neill Bridget Female Boulder
1916/700043 Boulder Neill Bridget Female Nugent John Thomas Male Boulder
1916/700044 Boulder Robjohns Alfred John Male Paull Albena Clarisa Female Boulder
1916/700044 Boulder Paull Albena Clarisa Female Robjohns Alfred John Male Boulder
1916/700045 Boulder Smith Sarah Elizabeth Female Williams William Henry Male Boulder City
1916/700045 Boulder Williams William Henry Male Smith Sarah Elizabeth Female Boulder City
1916/700046 Boulder Grenfell Lilian Maude Female Hughes Leslie Charles Male Boulder
1916/700046 Boulder Hughes Leslie Charles Male Grenfell Lilian Maude Female Boulder
1916/700047 Boulder Della Vedovo Pietro Male Cornwall Myrtle Alice Female Boulder
1916/700047 Boulder Cornwall Myrtle Alice Female Della Vedovo Pietro Male Boulder
1916/700048 Boulder Rosser Gwendoline Eliza Female McGhie Colin Pack Male Boulder
1916/700048 Boulder McGhie Colin Pack Male Rosser Gwendoline Eliza Female Boulder
1916/700049 Boulder Lynch Owen Male Guyatt Grace Elizabeth Female Boulder
1916/700049 Boulder Guyatt Grace Elizabeth Female Lynch Owen Male Boulder
1916/700050 Boulder Strother Alfred Earnest Male Treloar Jessie Elizabeth Female Boulder
1916/700050 Boulder Treloar Jessie Elizabeth Female Strother Alfred Earnest Male Boulder
1916/700051 Boulder Doney Annie Irene Female Cronk Edwin Male Boulder City
1916/700051 Boulder Cronk Edwin Male Doney Annie Irene Female Boulder City
1916/700052 Boulder Nisbet Richard John Male Dennis Elsie Edith Female Boulder
1916/700052 Boulder Dennis Elsie Edith Female Nisbet Richard John Male Boulder
1916/700053 Boulder Howe Sydney Male Markham Nora Female Boulder
1916/700053 Boulder Markham Nora Female Howe Sydney Male Boulder
1916/700054 Boulder Williams Emily Female Edwards William Male Boulder City
1916/700054 Boulder Edwards William Male Williams Emily Female Boulder City
1916/700055 Boulder Virgo Samuel James Male Dodson Florence Marion Female Boulder
1916/700055 Boulder Dodson Florence Marion Female Virgo Samuel James Male Boulder
1916/700056 Boulder Johnson Emma Matilda Female Daws Benjamin Male Boulder
1916/700056 Boulder Daws Benjamin Male Johnson Emma Matilda Female Boulder
1916/700057 Boulder Lobato Emily May Female Robinson Leonard Herbert Male Boulder
1916/700057 Boulder Robinson Leonard Herbert Male Lobato Emily May Female Boulder
1916/700058 Boulder Fitzpatrick Mary Veronica Female Smith Daniel Manning Martin Male Boulder
1916/700058 Boulder Smith Daniel Manning Martin Male Fitzpatrick Mary Veronica Female Boulder
1916/700059 Boulder Gericevich Katica Female Erceg Ilja Male Boulder
1916/700059 Boulder Erceg Ilja Male Gericevich Katica Female Boulder
1916/700060 Boulder Shackleton Elizabeth May Female Johnstone William Caddies Male Boulder
1916/700060 Boulder Johnstone William Caddies Male Shackleton Elizabeth May Female Boulder
1916/700061 Boulder Smart Cecil Joseph Male Martin Ivy May Female Boulder
1916/700061 Boulder Martin Ivy May Female Smart Cecil Joseph Male Boulder
1916/700062 Boulder Spears Mary Ellen Female Peters Otto Vivian Male Boulder
1916/700062 Boulder Peters Otto Vivian Male Spears Mary Ellen Female Boulder
1916/700063 Boulder Lugg Mary Willimena Female Watson Alfred Male Boulder
1916/700063 Boulder Watson Alfred Male Lugg Mary Willimena Female Boulder
1916/700064 Boulder Carter Olive Gertrude Female Clarke Francis John Male Boulder
1916/700064 Boulder Clarke Francis John Male Carter Olive Gertrude Female Boulder
1916/700065 Boulder Craven Albert Valentine Male Rowe Mabel Female Boulder
1916/700065 Boulder Rowe Mabel Female Craven Albert Valentine Male Boulder
1916/700066 Boulder Close William George Male Richards Freda Francis Lilian Female Boulder
1916/700066 Boulder Richards Freda Francis Lilian Female Close William George Male Boulder
1916/700067 Boulder Smyth Walter Curtis Male Matthews Ellenor Female Boulder
1916/700067 Boulder Matthews Ellenor Female Smyth Walter Curtis Male Boulder
1916/700068 Boulder Openshaw Hannah Female Edwards Arthur Ernest Male Boulder
1916/700068 Boulder Edwards Arthur Ernest Male Openshaw Hannah Female Boulder
1916/700069 Boulder Gathercole Dorothy Mary Female Washer Alfred Male Boulder
1916/700069 Boulder Washer Alfred Male Gathercole Dorothy Mary Female Boulder
1916/700070 Boulder Irons Lily Female Cugley Leslie Royal Rupert Male Boulder
1916/700070 Boulder Cugley Leslie Royal Rupert Male Irons Lily Female Boulder
1916/700071 Boulder Smith Bertha Female Wood Walter Male Boulder
1916/700071 Boulder Wood Walter Male Smith Bertha Female Boulder
1916/700072 Boulder Martyn John Male Vafiopulous Jane Female Boulder
1916/700072 Boulder Vafiopulous Jane Female Martyn John Male Boulder
1916/700073 Boulder Boyd Alexander Morwood Male Keogh Mary Female Boulder
1916/700073 Boulder Keogh Mary Female Boyd Alexander Morwood Male Boulder
1916/700074 Boulder Evans Samuel Male Martin Mabel Female Boulder
1916/700074 Boulder Martin Mabel Female Evans Samuel Male Boulder
1916/700075 Boulder Andrews Robert Male Kirwan Myrtle Female Boulder
1916/700075 Boulder Kirwan Myrtle Female Andrews Robert Male Boulder
1916/700076 Boulder Bateman Edith Female Carter Albert Joseph Robert Male South Boulder
1916/700076 Boulder Carter Albert Joseph Robert Male Bateman Edith Female South Boulder
1916/700077 Boulder Nicholls Annie Female Simpson Valentine Stowell Male Boulder
1916/700077 Boulder Simpson Valentine Stowell Male Nicholls Annie Female Boulder
1916/700078 Boulder Thornhill Cathleen May Female Mathews Alfred Male Boulder
1916/700078 Boulder Mathews Alfred Male Thornhill Cathleen May Female Boulder
1916/700079 Boulder Townsend John Gordon Male Gregory Lily Female Boulder
1916/700079 Boulder Gregory Lily Female Townsend John Gordon Male Boulder
1916/700080 Boulder McCahon Ethel Margaret Female Downes James Male Boulder
1916/700080 Boulder Downes James Male McCahon Ethel Margaret Female Boulder
1916/700081 Boulder Wishart Wilfred James Male Swann Margaret Elizabeth Female Boulder
1916/700081 Boulder Swann Margaret Elizabeth Female Wishart Wilfred James Male Boulder
1916/700082 Boulder Fairclough Mervilla Jane Female Pinkerton Walter Henery Male Boulder City
1916/700082 Boulder Pinkerton Walter Henery Male Fairclough Mervilla Jane Female Boulder City
1916/700083 Boulder Pond Clarence Male Allen Annie Pearl Female Boulder
1916/700083 Boulder Allen Annie Pearl Female Pond Clarence Male Boulder
1916/700084 Boulder Lewis Elizabeth Female Petherbridge Alfred James Male Boulder
1916/700084 Boulder Petherbridge Alfred James Male Lewis Elizabeth Female Boulder
1916/700085 Boulder O'Donnell Sylvia Female Dickson Alfred Male Boulder
1916/700085 Boulder Dickson Alfred Male O'Donnell Sylvia Female Boulder
1916/700086 Boulder Matthews Evelyn Olive Female Lethlean Hedley Vicars Male Boulder
1916/700086 Boulder Lethlean Hedley Vicars Male Matthews Evelyn Olive Female Boulder
1916/700087 Boulder Quirk Margaret Agnes Female Offer Francis John Male Boulder
1916/700087 Boulder Offer Francis John Male Quirk Margaret Agnes Female Boulder
1916/1100001 Broome Palina Cecile Female Tieldiel Victor Male Beagle Bay
1917/1100001 Broome Evans Daisy Female Tighe John Benedict Male Broome
1916/1100001 Broome Tieldiel Victor Male Palina Cecile Female Beagle Bay
1917/1100001 Broome Tighe John Benedict Male Evans Daisy Female Broome
1916/1100002 Broome Seedin Lucy Female bin Kassim Ali Male Broome
1916/1100002 Broome Seedin Vareen Female bin Kassim Ali Male Broome
1916/1100002 Broome Wobina Lucy Female bin Kassim Ali Male Broome
1916/1100002 Broome Wobina Vareen Female bin Kassim Ali Male Broome
1916/1100002 Broome bin Kassim Ali Male Seedin Lucy Female Broome
1916/1100002 Broome bin Kassim Ali Male Seedin Vareen Female Broome
1916/1100002 Broome bin Kassim Ali Male Wobina Lucy Female Broome
1916/1100002 Broome bin Kassim Ali Male Wobina Vareen Female Broome
1917/1100002 Broome Nemolod Bridget Female Nimergnor James Male Lombadina Mission
1917/1100002 Broome Nimergnor James Male Nemolod Bridget Female Lombadina Mission
1916/1100003 Broome Loredo Mary Matilda Female Macansantos Lorenzo Male Broome
1916/1100003 Broome Macansantos Lorenzo Male Loredo Mary Matilda Female Broome
1916/1100004 Broome Taylor Isabel Muriel Female Archer Douglas Barry Male Broome
1916/1100004 Broome Archer Douglas Barry Male Taylor Isabel Muriel Female Broome
1916/1100005 Broome Saburo Kikuchi Male Tatsumi Ohana Female Broome
1916/1100005 Broome Tatsumi Ohana Female Saburo Kikuchi Male Broome
1916/1400001 Canning Long Mary Anne Female Burkitt George William Male Cannington
1917/1400001 Canning Davies Harold Fulton Male Coulston Mabel Female Gosnells
1917/1400001 Canning Coulston Mabel Female Davies Harold Fulton Male Gosnells
1916/1400001 Canning Burkitt George William Male Long Mary Anne Female Cannington
1916/1400002 Canning Wiley Forrest James Male Wood Graschina Female Cannington
1916/1400002 Canning Wood Graschina Female Wiley Forrest James Male Cannington
1917/1400002 Canning Royle Charles Henry Male Burrows Dorathea Female Kelmscott
1917/1400002 Canning Burrows Dorathea Female Royle Charles Henry Male Kelmscott
1917/1400003 Canning Polain Claude Hamilton Male Evans Mary Louisa Female Gosnells
1916/1400003 Canning Seddon Edith Female Heyhoe Lindsay Gordon Male Cannington
1916/1400003 Canning Heyhoe Lindsay Gordon Male Seddon Edith Female Cannington
1917/1400003 Canning Evans Mary Louisa Female Polain Claude Hamilton Male Gosnells
1916/1400004 Canning Schofield Walter Male Bennett Margery Female Maida Vale
1916/1400004 Canning Bennett Margery Female Schofield Walter Male Maida Vale
1916/1400005 Canning James Joseph Male Matthews Edith Evelyn Gertrude Female Welshpool
1916/1400005 Canning Matthews Edith Evelyn Gertrude Female James Joseph Male Welshpool
1916/1400006 Canning Smith Amy Matilda Female Powell Arthur William Male Bickley
1916/1400006 Canning Powell Arthur William Male Smith Amy Matilda Female Bickley
1916/1400007 Canning Sharland Charles Henry Male Carr Isabella Lawson Female Queen's Park
1916/1400007 Canning Carr Isabella Lawson Female Sharland Charles Henry Male Queen's Park
1916/1400008 Canning Scribbins John James Male Starbuck Mabel Isabella Female Canning
1916/1400008 Canning Starbuck Mabel Isabella Female Scribbins John James Male Canning
1916/1400009 Canning Parker Walter Dugard Male Richards Winifred Mabel Female Armadale
1916/1400009 Canning Richards Winifred Mabel Female Parker Walter Dugard Male Armadale
1916/1400010 Canning Mead Horace Matthew Robert Male Fletcher Amy Florence Female Kalamunda
1916/1400010 Canning Fletcher Amy Florence Female Mead Horace Matthew Robert Male Kalamunda
1916/1400011 Canning Lee George Stanley Male Hurren Ida Eleanor Female Armadale
1916/1400011 Canning Hurren Ida Eleanor Female Lee George Stanley Male Armadale
1916/1400012 Canning Mutton Keith Male Fox Dorothy Owen Female Gosnells
1916/1400012 Canning Fox Dorothy Owen Female Murray Keith Male Gosnells
1916/1400012 Canning Fox Dorothy Owen Female Mutton Keith Male Gosnells
1916/1400012 Canning Murray Keith Male Fox Dorothy Owen Female Gosnells
1916/1400013 Canning Patterson Elsie Female McClure William Male Kalamunda
1916/1400013 Canning McClure William Male Patterson Elsie Female Kalamunda
1916/1400014 Canning Delaney Ida Female Caporn Vernon Wakeham Goode Male Queens Park
1916/1400014 Canning Caporn Vernon Wakeham Goode Male Delaney Ida Female Queens Park
1916/1400015 Canning Barr Florence Linda Female Donald Robert Male Wongong
1916/1400015 Canning Donald Robert Male Barr Florence Linda Female Wongong
1916/1400016 Canning Barrie David Gilchrist Male Hurren Hester Mary Female Armadale
1916/1400016 Canning Hurren Hester Mary Female Barrie David Gilchrist Male Armadale
1916/1400017 Canning Hummerston Charles Francis Male Chubb Rose Female Kalamunda
1916/1400017 Canning Chubb Rose Female Hummerston Charles Francis Male Kalamunda
1916/1400018 Canning Parsons Harold Charles Edward Male Wall Myrtle Female Armadale
1916/1400018 Canning Wall Myrtle Female Parsons Harold Charles Edward Male Armadale
1916/1400019 Canning Neale Elizabeth Female Starick Fredrick August Male Gosnells
1916/1400019 Canning Starick Fredrick August Male Neale Elizabeth Female Gosnells
1916/1400020 Canning Martin Alfred Septimus Male Buckingham Hilda Maud Female Kelmscott
1916/1400020 Canning Buckingham Hilda Maud Female Martin Alfred Septimus Male Kelmscott
1916/1400021 Canning Coombe Gertrude Eliza Female Dennehy Richard Joseph Male Armadale
1916/1400021 Canning Dennehy Richard Joseph Male Coombe Gertrude Eliza Female Armadale
1916/1400022 Canning Rogers Harry Godfrey Male Brear Olive Lane Female Kelmscott
1916/1400022 Canning Brear Olive Lane Female Rogers Harry Godfrey Male Kelmscott
1916/1400023 Canning Vose Frederick de Pennington Male Liddell Elsie Female Canning
1916/1400023 Canning Liddell Elsie Female Vose Frederick de Pennington Male Canning
1916/1400024 Canning Dowell Ada Rose Female Dowell Justinian Edmund Male Bedfordale
1916/1400024 Canning Dowell Justinian Edmund Male Dowell Ada Rose Female Bedfordale
1917/1600001 Claremont Miller Rosalie Helen Female Parry Lionel Walpole Male Cottesloe
1917/1600001 Claremont Parry Lionel Walpole Male Miller Rosalie Helen Female Cottesloe
1916/1600002 Claremont Chatt Beatrice Ethel Female Robins Ernest Male Cottesloe Beach
1916/1600002 Claremont Robins Ernest Male Chatt Beatrice Ethel Female Cottesloe Beach
1917/1600003 Claremont Reeves Kathleen Charlotte Female Wymond Beaumont Stocker Male Claremont
1916/1600003 Claremont Nettleton Isaacena Emily Female Carlisle Algernon Hope Male Claremont
1917/1600003 Claremont Wymond Beaumont Stocker Male Reeves Kathleen Charlotte Female Claremont
1916/1600003 Claremont Carlisle Algernon Hope Male Nettleton Isaacena Emily Female Claremont
1916/1600004 Claremont Kelly Barbara Cleophane Female Taylor Harry Wilfred Male Cottesloe
1916/1600004 Claremont Taylor Harry Wilfred Male Kelly Barbara Cleophane Female Cottesloe
1917/1600005 Claremont Williams Norman Leslie McElroy Male Hirst Harriet Elizabeth Female Cottesloe
1917/1600005 Claremont Hirst Harriet Elizabeth Female Williams Norman Leslie McElroy Male Cottesloe
1916/1600008 Claremont Hughes Edward William Male Evans Lucy Rose Female Cottesloe
1916/1600008 Claremont Evans Lucy Rose Female Hughes Edward William Male Cottesloe
1916/1600009 Claremont Day Elsie Violet Female Crews Stanley Roydon Male Nedlands
1916/1600009 Claremont Crews Stanley Roydon Male Day Elsie Violet Female Nedlands
1916/1600010 Claremont Priest Minero Female McCallum James Male Claremont
1916/1600010 Claremont McCallum James Male Priest Minero Female Claremont
1916/1600011 Claremont Priest Arthur Leslie Male Peacock Holly Female Claremont
1916/1600011 Claremont Peacock Holly Female Priest Arthur Leslie Male Claremont
1916/1600012 Claremont Ashcroft Edmund Male Whiteside Dorothy Female Claremont
1916/1600012 Claremont Whiteside Dorothy Female Ashcroft Edmund Male Claremont
1916/1600013 Claremont Boyd Edith Helen Female Arthur Ernest James Male Cottesloe
1916/1600013 Claremont Arthur Ernest James Male Boyd Edith Helen Female Cottesloe
1916/1600014 Claremont Godsell Elizabeth Jessie Female Goodlet Charles Watt Male Claremont
1916/1600014 Claremont Goodlet Charles Watt Male Godsell Elizabeth Jessie Female Claremont
1916/1600015 Claremont Lynn Robert Male Clarke Hannah Female Claremont
1916/1600015 Claremont Clarke Hannah Female Lynn Robert Male Claremont
1916/1600016 Claremont Taylor Emily Esther Female McKenna John Thomas Wilfred Male Cottesloe
1916/1600016 Claremont McKenna John Thomas Wilfred Male Taylor Emily Esther Female Cottesloe
1916/1600017 Claremont Richardson Martha Female Shaylor Arthur Richard Male Claremont
1916/1600017 Claremont Shaylor Arthur Richard Male Richardson Martha Female Claremont
1916/1600018 Claremont Briggs Ernest Alfred Male Wallis Lillian Female Claremont
1916/1600018 Claremont Wallis Lillian Female Briggs Ernest Alfred Male Claremont
1916/1600019 Claremont Bettinelli Edith Female Price Edward Male Cottesloe
1916/1600019 Claremont Price Edward Male Bettinelli Edith Female Cottesloe
1916/1600020 Claremont Wilson Edith Female Lees John Male Cottesloe
1916/1600020 Claremont Lees John Male Wilson Edith Female Cottesloe
1916/1600021 Claremont Manning Alice Mary Female Fox Percival Arthur Male Claremont
1916/1600021 Claremont Fox Percival Arthur Male Manning Alice Mary Female Claremont
1916/1600022 Claremont Williams William Cyril Male Lukey Elaine Female Claremont
1916/1600022 Claremont Lukey Elaine Female Williams William Cyril Male Claremont
1916/1600023 Claremont Atkinson Amy Elizabeth Female Martin Frederick Male Claremont
1916/1600023 Claremont Martin Frederick Male Atkinson Amy Elizabeth Female Claremont
1916/1600024 Claremont McCarthy Beatrice Evylne Female Offer Arthur Edward Male Cottesloe
1916/1600024 Claremont Offer Arthur Edward Male McCarthy Beatrice Evylne Female Cottesloe
1916/1600025 Claremont Searle Benjamin Male Ryder Ellen Female Cottesloe
1916/1600025 Claremont Ryder Ellen Female Searle Benjamin Male Cottesloe
1916/1600026 Claremont Sebo Elsie Geogina Female Gerloff Harold Ernest Male Claremont
1916/1600026 Claremont Gerloff Harold Ernest Male Sebo Elsie Geogina Female Claremont
1916/1600027 Claremont Buckley William George Male Beckett Annie Female Claremont
1916/1600027 Claremont Beckett Annie Female Buckley William George Male Claremont
1916/1600028 Claremont Clark Charles Francis Male Dray Nellie Female Cottesloe
1916/1600028 Claremont Dray Nellie Female Clark Charles Francis Male Cottesloe
1916/1600029 Claremont John Mary Female Mewett Alfred John Male Cottesloe
1916/1600029 Claremont Mewett Alfred John Male John Mary Female Cottesloe
1916/1600030 Claremont Atkins Leo Frederic Male de Castilla Willimina Ellen Female Claremont
1916/1600030 Claremont de Castilla Willimina Ellen Female Atkins Leo Frederic Male Claremont
1916/1600031 Claremont Scott Daisy Maud Female Williams George Arthur Male Claremont
1916/1600031 Claremont Williams George Arthur Male Scott Daisy Maud Female Claremont
1916/1600032 Claremont Garner Christopher Frederick William Male Doodey Florence Female Claremont
1916/1600032 Claremont Doodey Florence Female Garner Christopher Frederick William Male Claremont
1916/1600033 Claremont Burnett Edith Emily Female Bruce Angus John Male Cottesloe
1916/1600033 Claremont Bruce Angus John Male Burnett Edith Emily Female Cottesloe
1916/1600034 Claremont Rosenberg Sarah Rebekah Josephine Female Robinson Harry Quin Male Claremont
1916/1600034 Claremont Robinson Harry Quin Male Rosenberg Sarah Rebekah Josephine Female Claremont
1916/1600035 Claremont Wise Kathleen Gertrude Female Keillor Thomas Balfour Male Claremont
1916/1600035 Claremont Keillor Thomas Balfour Male Wise Kathleen Gertrude Female Claremont
1916/1600036 Claremont Armanasco Elvira Female de Paoli Giacomo Male Cottesloe
1916/1600036 Claremont de Paoli Giacomo Male Armanasco Elvira Female Cottesloe
1916/1600037 Claremont Grant George Amos Male Brand Ellen Female Claremont
1916/1600037 Claremont Brand Ellen Female Grant George Amos Male Claremont
1916/1600038 Claremont Sweeney Walter Moss Male Briggs Hilda Mary Female Claremont
1916/1600038 Claremont Briggs Hilda Mary Female Sweeney Walter Moss Male Claremont
1916/1600039 Claremont Gillespie Ethel Margaret Female Ogilvie John Henderson Male Claremont
1916/1600039 Claremont Ogilvie John Henderson Male Gillespie Ethel Margaret Female Claremont
1916/1600040 Claremont Rae David Male Rauchle Della Madeline Lenore Female Claremont
1916/1600040 Claremont Rauchle Della Madeline Lenore Female Rae David Male Claremont
1916/1600041 Claremont Paterson Mary Crichton Female Paul Albert Male Cottesloe
1916/1600041 Claremont Paul Albert Male Paterson Mary Crichton Female Cottesloe
1916/1600042 Claremont Ivey John Male Stafford Gertrude Female Claremont
1916/1600042 Claremont Stafford Gertrude Female Ivey John Male Claremont
1916/1600043 Claremont Richardson Cuthbert Gerald Male Waterhouse Mavis Amelia Female Cottesloe
1916/1600043 Claremont Waterhouse Mavis Amelia Female Richardson Cuthbert Gerald Male Cottesloe
1916/1600044 Claremont Jordan Elena Ethel Female Flanagan Frederick Male Cottesloe
1916/1600044 Claremont Flanagan Frederick Male Jordan Elena Ethel Female Cottesloe
1916/1600045 Claremont Crutchley Clara Annie Female Davis John Francis Low Male Claremont
1916/1600045 Claremont Davis John Francis Low Male Crutchley Clara Annie Female Claremont
1916/1600046 Claremont Day Francis Joseph Male Kemp Marguerite Clara Female Claremont
1916/1600046 Claremont Kemp Marguerite Clara Female Day Francis Joseph Male Claremont
1916/1600047 Claremont Higgs John Edward Male Thomas Margaret Female Claremont
1916/1600047 Claremont Thomas Margaret Female Higgs John Edward Male Claremont
1916/1600048 Claremont Vafiopulous Mary Venotza Female Lane John Arthur Male Claremont
1916/1600048 Claremont Lane John Arthur Male Vafiopulous Mary Venotza Female Claremont
1916/1600049 Claremont Ogden Samuel Male Yates Annie Female Claremont
1916/1600049 Claremont Yates Annie Female Ogden Samuel Male Claremont
1916/1600050 Claremont Ridings Ada Female Smith Alexander Male Cottesloe
1916/1600050 Claremont Smith Alexander Male Ridings Ada Female Cottesloe
1916/1600051 Claremont Swaine Robert Wilson Male Hoskin Frances Female Claremont
1916/1600051 Claremont Hoskin Frances Female Swaine Robert Wilson Male Claremont
1916/1600052 Claremont Mellowship William Benjamin Male Paull Clarinda Belle Female Claremont
1916/1600052 Claremont Paull Clarinda Belle Female Mellowship William Benjamin Male Claremont
1916/1600053 Claremont Smith Myrtle Adeline Female Hammond James Elson Spencer Male Claremont
1916/1600053 Claremont Hammond James Elson Spencer Male Smith Myrtle Adeline Female Claremont
1916/1600054 Claremont Baxter Reginald Robert Male Davey Esther Marian Female Claremont
1916/1600054 Claremont Davey Esther Marian Female Baxter Reginald Robert Male Claremont
1916/1600055 Claremont Spratt James Male Mead Vera Female Claremont
1916/1600055 Claremont Mead Vera Female Spratt James Male Claremont
1916/1600056 Claremont Chuck Ida Victoria Female Ballard Benjamin Thomas Male Claremont
1916/1600056 Claremont Ballard Benjamin Thomas Male Chuck Ida Victoria Female Claremont
1916/1600057 Claremont Hutchison Robert Peter Rudolph Barr Male Butterworth Olive Erica Female Claremont
1916/1600057 Claremont Butterworth Olive Erica Female Hutchison Robert Peter Rudolph Barr Male Claremont
1916/1600058 Claremont Hallpike Winifred Elsie Female Smith Thomas George Male Cottesloe
1916/1600058 Claremont Smith Thomas George Male Hallpike Winifred Elsie Female Cottesloe
1916/1600059 Claremont Brown Thomas Male Wilson Elsie Mabel Female Cottesloe
1916/1600059 Claremont Wilson Elsie Mabel Female Brown Thomas Male Cottesloe
1916/1600060 Claremont McIntosh James Male Wallace Margaret Female Claremont
1916/1600060 Claremont Wallace Margaret Female McIntosh James Male Claremont
1916/1600061 Claremont Coveney Jessie Jane Female Maddigan John Male Claremont
1916/1600061 Claremont Maddigan John Male Coveney Jessie Jane Female Claremont
1916/1600062 Claremont Brown Daisy Doris Female McGilvray Albert Male Cottesloe Beach
1916/1600062 Claremont McGilvray Albert Male Brown Daisy Doris Female Cottesloe Beach
1916/1600063 Claremont Rockliff William Hudson Male Trethowan Emily Maude Female Claremont
1916/1600063 Claremont Trethowan Emily Maude Female Rockliff William Hudson Male Claremont
1916/1600064 Claremont Hogg George Male Davies Vida Warren Female Cottesloe Beach
1916/1600064 Claremont Davies Vida Warren Female Hogg George Male Cottesloe Beach
1916/1600065 Claremont Farnham Lilian May Female Stone Patrick Joseph Male Cottesloe
1916/1600065 Claremont Stone Patrick Joseph Male Farnham Lilian May Female Cottesloe
1916/1600066 Claremont Laker James Edward Male Cracknell Bertha Female Cottesloe
1916/1600066 Claremont Cracknell Bertha Female Laker James Edward Male Cottesloe
1916/1600067 Claremont Giles Thomas Edward Male Fernie Ruby Elizabeth Female Cottesloe Beach
1916/1600067 Claremont Fernie Ruby Elizabeth Female Giles Thomas Edward Male Cottesloe Beach
1916/1600068 Claremont Watson William Harold Male Shimmin Maude Mary Female Cottesloe
1916/1600068 Claremont Shimmin Maude Mary Female Watson William Harold Male Cottesloe
1916/1600069 Claremont Keast Lizzie Una Constance Female Ditchburne Guy Lyndon Male Claremont
1916/1600069 Claremont Ditchburne Guy Lyndon Male Keast Lizzie Una Constance Female Claremont
1916/1600070 Claremont Bennett Charles Arthur Male Goedecke Elsie May Female Claremont
1916/1600070 Claremont Goedecke Elsie May Female Bennett Charles Arthur Male Claremont
1916/1600071 Claremont Ogden Florence Ethel Female Holder Frederick Male Cottesloe
1916/1600071 Claremont Holder Frederick Male Ogden Florence Ethel Female Cottesloe
1916/1600072 Claremont Acton Gladys May Female Mills Stanley Male Cottesloe
1916/1600072 Claremont Mills Stanley Male Acton Gladys May Female Cottesloe
1916/1600073 Claremont Boyd John Smiley Male Young Mary Eleanor Female Cottesloe
1916/1600073 Claremont Young Mary Eleanor Female Boyd John Smiley Male Cottesloe
1916/1600074 Claremont Russell Clytie Lillian Minette Female Campbell Alexander Male Claremont
1916/1600074 Claremont Campbell Alexander Male Russell Clytie Lillian Minette Female Claremont
1916/1600075 Claremont Galloway Leslie James Male Boys Henrietta Pearl Female Claremont
1916/1600075 Claremont Boys Henrietta Pearl Female Galloway Leslie James Male Claremont
1916/1600076 Claremont Short Daisy Female Brown William Geoffrey John Palmer Male Claremont
1916/1600076 Claremont Brown William Geoffrey John Palmer Male Short Daisy Female Claremont
1916/1600077 Claremont Turnbull Alexander Male Dunn Margaret Mary Ann Female Cottesloe
1916/1600077 Claremont Dunn Margaret Mary Ann Female Turnbull Alexander Male Cottesloe
1916/1600078 Claremont Chidlow Hubert Cecil Male Tilling Gladys Ivy Female Cottesloe
1916/1600078 Claremont Tilling Gladys Ivy Female Chidlow Hubert Cecil Male Cottesloe
1916/1600079 Claremont Renwick Utah Kathleen Female Momber Hubert George Male Cottesloe
1916/1600079 Claremont Momber Hubert George Male Renwick Utah Kathleen Female Cottesloe
1916/1600080 Claremont Spratt James Male Mead Vera Female Cottesloe Beach
1916/1600080 Claremont Mead Vera Female Spratt James Male Cottesloe Beach
1916/1600081 Claremont Garrett Katie Alice Female Ballingall William Clarence Male Cottesloe
1916/1600081 Claremont Ballingall William Clarence Male Garrett Katie Alice Female Cottesloe
1916/1600082 Claremont Edwards Annie Female Alves Dennis Male Cottesloe
1916/1600082 Claremont Alves Dennis Male Edwards Annie Female Cottesloe
1916/1600083 Claremont Drynan Nellie Female Edwards Thomas Male Claremont
1916/1600083 Claremont Edwards Thomas Male Drynan Nellie Female Claremont
1916/1600084 Claremont Hobbs Alfred John Male Deacon Ivy Constance Female Claremont
1916/1600084 Claremont Deacon Ivy Constance Female Hobbs Alfred John Male Claremont
1916/1600085 Claremont Love Ella Lesley Female Davies Mervyn Male Cottesloe
1916/1600085 Claremont Davies Mervyn Male Love Ella Lesley Female Cottesloe
1916/1600086 Claremont Fitzsimmons Laurence Mathew Male Kelly Mary Female Claremont
1916/1600086 Claremont Kelly Mary Female Fitzsimmons Laurence Mathew Male Claremont
1916/1600087 Claremont Curlewis George Campbell Male Pike Elsie Priscilla Female Claremont
1916/1600087 Claremont Pike Elsie Priscilla Female Curlewis George Campbell Male Claremont
1916/1600088 Claremont Haberley Mildred Mary Female Walker Edward Charles Male Cottesloe
1916/1600088 Claremont Walker Edward Charles Male Haberley Mildred Mary Female Cottesloe
1916/1600089 Claremont Pryor Louis Male Bladen Vera Annie Female Claremont
1916/1600089 Claremont Bladen Vera Annie Female Pryor Louis Male Claremont
1916/1600090 Claremont Dixon Violet Sarah Female Beardman Richard Aubrey Male Cottesloe Beach
1916/1600090 Claremont Beardman Richard Aubrey Male Dixon Violet Sarah Female Cottesloe Beach
1916/1600091 Claremont Parsons Myrtle May Female Ferguson George Fergus Male Cottesloe Beach
1916/1600091 Claremont Ferguson George Fergus Male Parsons Myrtle May Female Cottesloe Beach
1916/1600092 Claremont Robinson Mabel Rose Female Ward Wesley Howard Male Cottesloe Beach
1916/1600092 Claremont Ward Wesley Howard Male Robinson Mabel Rose Female Cottesloe Beach
1916/1600093 Claremont Browne Percy Peter Male Spittka Rosa Louise Female Claremont
1916/1600093 Claremont Spittka Rosa Louise Female Browne Percy Peter Male Claremont
1916/1600094 Claremont McDonald Wilmena Female Stevenson Alfred Joseph Benjamin Male Cottesloe
1916/1600094 Claremont Stevenson Alfred Joseph Benjamin Male McDonald Wilmena Female Cottesloe
1916/1600095 Claremont Pritchett Maud Pulchira Female Tondut Albert George Male Claremont
1916/1600095 Claremont Tondut Albert George Male Pritchett Maud Pulchira Female Claremont
1916/1600096 Claremont McKenzie Teresa Female Hunt Albert Male Claremont
1916/1600096 Claremont Hunt Albert Male McKenzie Teresa Female Claremont
1916/1600097 Claremont Shaw Annie Margaret Female Daulby William Exelby Male Claremont
1916/1600097 Claremont Daulby William Exelby Male Shaw Annie Margaret Female Claremont
1916/1600098 Claremont Rowland Louie Female Caporn George William Male Claremont
1916/1600098 Claremont Caporn George William Male Rowland Louie Female Claremont
1916/1600099 Claremont Wylie Matthew Male Wareing Margaret Female Claremont
1916/1600099 Claremont Wareing Margaret Female Wylie Matthew Male Claremont
1916/1600100 Claremont Norrie Sybil Female Austen Hugh Ernest Victor Male Cottesloe
1916/1600100 Claremont Austen Hugh Ernest Victor Male Norrie Sybil Female Cottesloe
1916/1600101 Claremont Brown Mary Crawford Female Mears Albert Edwin Male Cottesloe
1916/1600101 Claremont Mears Albert Edwin Male Brown Mary Crawford Female Cottesloe
1916/1600102 Claremont Davis Annie Eliza Female Learson James George Male Claremont
1916/1600102 Claremont Learson James George Male Davis Annie Eliza Female Claremont
1916/1600103 Claremont Mackay Isabel Marion Female Reid John Male Claremont
1916/1600103 Claremont Reid John Male Mackay Isabel Marion Female Claremont
1916/1700001 Coolgardie Liddell Nellie May Female Penglase Joseph Teague Male Coolgardie
1916/1700001 Coolgardie Penglase Joseph Teague Male Liddell Nellie May Female Coolgardie
1916/1700002 Coolgardie Roberts Emily Sara Female Farrell John Alexander Male Coolgardie
1916/1700002 Coolgardie Farrell John Alexander Male Roberts Emily Sara Female Coolgardie
1916/1700004 Coolgardie Davies Harold Male Jarvis Violet Female Coolgardie
1916/1700004 Coolgardie Jarvis Violet Female Davies Harold Male Coolgardie
1916/1700005 Coolgardie King Lillian Mary Female Mallon Walter James Male Coolgardie
1916/1700005 Coolgardie Mallon Walter James Male King Lillian Mary Female Coolgardie
1916/1700006 Coolgardie Nettle Beatrice Violet Female Pearce Stephen Male Coolgardie
1916/1700006 Coolgardie Pearce Stephen Male Nettle Beatrice Violet Female Coolgardie
1916/1700007 Coolgardie Tindal Ernest Male Lynas Lucy May Female Coolgardie
1916/1700007 Coolgardie Lynas Lucy May Female Tindal Ernest Male Coolgardie
1916/1700008 Coolgardie Burke Joseph Bernard Male Browne May Female Coolgardie
1916/1700008 Coolgardie Browne May Female Burke Joseph Bernard Male Coolgardie
1916/1700009 Coolgardie Moylan Agnes Female Corry Henry Male Coolgardie
1916/1700009 Coolgardie Corry Henry Male Moylan Agnes Female Coolgardie
1916/1700010 Coolgardie Sparnon Octavius William Male Francis Jessie Emma Female Coolgardie
1916/1700010 Coolgardie Francis Jessie Emma Female Sparnon Octavius William Male Coolgardie
1916/1700011 Coolgardie Hammersley Arthur John Male King Alice Elsie Female Coolgardie
1916/1700011 Coolgardie King Alice Elsie Female Hammersley Arthur John Male Coolgardie
1916/1700012 Coolgardie Nairn Lizzie Maud Female Frayne Cyril Harold Male Coolgardie
1916/1700012 Coolgardie Frayne Cyril Harold Male Nairn Lizzie Maud Female Coolgardie
1916/1700013 Coolgardie Palmer Lilia Alice Female Bowles Francis Alfred Joseph Male Coolgardie
1916/1700013 Coolgardie Bowles Francis Alfred Joseph Male Palmer Lilia Alice Female Coolgardie
1916/1700014 Coolgardie Nie Barbara Mary Female May Albert Ernest Male Coolgardie
1916/1700014 Coolgardie May Albert Ernest Male Nie Barbara Mary Female Coolgardie
1917/1800001 East Coolgardie Lapham John Abraham Male Lee-Gunnell Edith Muriel Female Kalgoorlie
1917/1800001 East Coolgardie Lee-Gunnell Edith Muriel Female Lapham John Abraham Male Kalgoorlie
1917/1800002 East Coolgardie Black Charlotte Female Nancarrow William Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1917/1800002 East Coolgardie Nancarrow William Henry Male Black Charlotte Female Kalgoorlie
1917/1800003 East Coolgardie Cuthbert Rupert Victor Male Close Florence Isabella Female Kalgoorlie
1917/1800003 East Coolgardie Close Florence Isabella Female Cuthbert Rupert Victor Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800003 East Coolgardie Boussant Dorothee Virginie Augustine Female Ollivand Joseph Emmanuel Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800003 East Coolgardie Ollivand Joseph Emmanuel Male Boussant Dorothee Virginie Augustine Female Kalgoorlie
1917/1800004 East Coolgardie Close Frederick Walter Male Faull Ellen Female Kalgoorlie
1917/1800004 East Coolgardie Faull Ellen Female Close Frederick Walter Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800004 East Coolgardie Cooke Leonard Male Hunt Mildred May Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800004 East Coolgardie Hunt Mildred May Female Cooke Leonard Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800005 East Coolgardie Watts Alfred Clarence Male Johnson Margaret May Female Boulder
1916/1800005 East Coolgardie Johnson Margaret May Female Watts Alfred Clarence Male Boulder
1917/1800005 East Coolgardie Youlden Rosina Female Lewis Charles Male Kalgoorlie
1917/1800005 East Coolgardie Lewis Charles Male Youlden Rosina Female Kalgoorlie
1917/1800006 East Coolgardie Hargreaves George Albert Male Dawson Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800006 East Coolgardie Della Moratta Pietro Male Hampton Rosie Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800006 East Coolgardie Hampton Rosie Female Della Moratta Pietro Male Kalgoorlie
1917/1800006 East Coolgardie Dawson Mary Female Hargreaves George Albert Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800011 East Coolgardie Byrnes Margaret Adela Female James Edward Cecil Northcote Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800011 East Coolgardie James Edward Cecil Northcote Male Byrnes Margaret Adela Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800012 East Coolgardie Hughes John Male Burleigh Gertrude Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800012 East Coolgardie Burleigh Gertrude Female Hughes John Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800013 East Coolgardie Considine Catherine Female Kevan John Archibald Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800013 East Coolgardie Kevan John Archibald Male Considine Catherine Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800014 East Coolgardie Bennit Leslie George Male Leaver Gladys Emma Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800014 East Coolgardie Leaver Gladys Emma Female Bennit Leslie George Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800015 East Coolgardie Watson Arthur Male Moller Rebecca Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800015 East Coolgardie Moller Rebecca Female Watson Arthur Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800016 East Coolgardie Kingsbury Harold Arthur Male Burchnall Irene Lilian Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800016 East Coolgardie Burchnall Irene Lilian Female Kingsbury Harold Arthur Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800017 East Coolgardie Tucker Olive Blanche Female Smith Arthur Henry Richard Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800017 East Coolgardie Smith Arthur Henry Richard Male Tucker Olive Blanche Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800018 East Coolgardie Leverett Henry Male Lynch Evelyn Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800018 East Coolgardie Lynch Evelyn Mary Female Leverett Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800019 East Coolgardie Rielly Dorothy Magdalen Female Millar Robert Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800019 East Coolgardie Millar Robert Male Rielly Dorothy Magdalen Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800022 East Coolgardie Tait James Male Kean Catherine Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800022 East Coolgardie Kean Catherine Female Tait James Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800024 East Coolgardie Flakelar George John Male Thomson Cordelia Avonia Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800024 East Coolgardie Thomson Cordelia Avonia Female Flakelar George John Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800025 East Coolgardie Champion Henry Goninon Male Bradbury Florence May Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800025 East Coolgardie Bradbury Florence May Female Champion Henry Goninon Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800026 East Coolgardie Whiteley Albert James Male Edwards Roseanna Jane Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800026 East Coolgardie Edwards Roseanna Jane Female Whiteley Albert James Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800027 East Coolgardie Fraser Edward Male Williams Sarah Annie Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800027 East Coolgardie Williams Sarah Annie Female Fraser Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800028 East Coolgardie Matthews Emma Jane Female Barnes William Bond Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800028 East Coolgardie Barnes William Bond Male Matthews Emma Jane Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800029 East Coolgardie Farrington Alexander Robert Male Peters Myrtle Fredericka Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800029 East Coolgardie Peters Myrtle Fredericka Female Farrington Alexander Robert Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800030 East Coolgardie Pysing Percival Male New Alice Eileen Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800030 East Coolgardie New Alice Eileen Female Pysing Percival Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800031 East Coolgardie Bottrill Ethel May Female Potter William Walter Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800031 East Coolgardie Potter William Walter Male Bottrill Ethel May Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800032 East Coolgardie Hayes May Evelyn Female Bielby Thomas Mansell Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800032 East Coolgardie Bielby Thomas Mansell Male Hayes May Evelyn Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800033 East Coolgardie Crichton Walter Norman Troupe Male Turley Alma Alice May Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800033 East Coolgardie Turley Alma Alice May Female Crichton Walter Norman Troupe Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800034 East Coolgardie Davies Florence Female McFarlane Irvin Howard Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800034 East Coolgardie McFarlane Irvin Howard Male Davies Florence Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800035 East Coolgardie Marchesi Erminio Paolo Male Long Elizabeth Margaret Jane Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800035 East Coolgardie Long Elizabeth Margaret Jane Female Marchesi Erminio Paolo Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800036 East Coolgardie Hartley John Miller Male Holt Marion Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800036 East Coolgardie Holt Marion Female Hartley John Miller Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800037 East Coolgardie Boyle Ferguson James Male Marquand Florence Violet Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800037 East Coolgardie Marquand Florence Violet Female Boyle Ferguson James Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800038 East Coolgardie Reece Myrtle Florence Female Vaughan John Joseph Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800038 East Coolgardie Vaughan John Joseph Male Reece Myrtle Florence Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800039 East Coolgardie Heard Lillian Female Flynn John Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800039 East Coolgardie Flynn John Male Heard Lillian Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800040 East Coolgardie Morris Myrtle Gladys Female Barden Charles Patrick Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800040 East Coolgardie Barden Charles Patrick Male Morris Myrtle Gladys Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800041 East Coolgardie Martyn Oscar Clifford Male Fewings Ellen Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800041 East Coolgardie Fewings Ellen Female Martyn Oscar Clifford Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800042 East Coolgardie Nimmy Ethel Female Harper Fred Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800042 East Coolgardie Harper Fred Male Nimmy Ethel Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800043 East Coolgardie Reed Louisa May Female Palmer Herbert Alfred Thomas Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800043 East Coolgardie Palmer Herbert Alfred Thomas Male Reed Louisa May Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800044 East Coolgardie Trevascus Emma Female Kimber Arthur Spurling Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800044 East Coolgardie Kimber Arthur Spurling Male Trevascus Emma Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800045 East Coolgardie McLean James Male Thornett Amy Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800045 East Coolgardie Thornett Amy Female McLean James Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800046 East Coolgardie Bartrip George Scott Male Blackwell Amy Maund Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800046 East Coolgardie Blackwell Amy Maund Female Bartrip George Scott Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800047 East Coolgardie Cavazzi Mary Female Martinelli Paolo Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800047 East Coolgardie Martinelli Paolo Male Cavazzi Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800048 East Coolgardie Brown Margaret Female Boyle Daniel Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800048 East Coolgardie Boyle Daniel Male Brown Margaret Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800049 East Coolgardie Barnes Elizabeth Female Lake James Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800049 East Coolgardie Lake James Male Barnes Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800050 East Coolgardie Leedman Charles Herbert Male Morris Juliet Hannah Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800050 East Coolgardie Morris Juliet Hannah Female Leedman Charles Herbert Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800051 East Coolgardie Hawkins Blanche Female Lee William John Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800051 East Coolgardie Lee William John Male Hawkins Blanche Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800052 East Coolgardie Daw Raymond Clive Male Vincent Helen Lilian Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800052 East Coolgardie Vincent Helen Lilian Female Daw Raymond Clive Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800053 East Coolgardie Saunders Robert Fox Male Newman Pearlie Myers Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800053 East Coolgardie Newman Pearlie Myers Female Saunders Robert Fox Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800054 East Coolgardie Heinz Ada Maude Female Smith Charles Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800054 East Coolgardie Smith Charles Male Heinz Ada Maude Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800055 East Coolgardie Hall Charles Gordon Male Bath Theresa Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800055 East Coolgardie Bath Theresa Female Hall Charles Gordon Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800056 East Coolgardie Pearce Eliza Milne Female Burrows Robert Stanley Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800056 East Coolgardie Burrows Robert Stanley Male Pearce Eliza Milne Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800057 East Coolgardie Desieng Mary Ann Amelia Female Miller Bernard Dernocoure Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800057 East Coolgardie Miller Bernard Dernocoure Male Desieng Mary Ann Amelia Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800058 East Coolgardie Moore John Charles Male Turner Eva Charlotte Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800058 East Coolgardie Turner Eva Charlotte Mary Female Moore John Charles Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800059 East Coolgardie Paton William Male Macdonald Jessie Chisholm Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800059 East Coolgardie Macdonald Jessie Chisholm Female Paton William Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800060 East Coolgardie Leevers Martha Rose Female Shepherd Wilfred Joseph Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800060 East Coolgardie Shepherd Wilfred Joseph Male Leevers Martha Rose Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800061 East Coolgardie Vafiopulous Annie Female Nancarrow James Willoughby Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800061 East Coolgardie Nancarrow James Willoughby Male Vafiopulous Annie Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800062 East Coolgardie Brown Ernest Frederick Male Lambert May Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800062 East Coolgardie Lambert May Female Brown Ernest Frederick Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800063 East Coolgardie White James Albert Male Merrifield Ethel Emily Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800063 East Coolgardie Merrifield Ethel Emily Female White James Albert Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800064 East Coolgardie Cowey Frederick Male Powell Mary Ballantyne Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800064 East Coolgardie Powell Mary Ballantyne Female Cowey Frederick Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800065 East Coolgardie Angell Charles William Male Lawler Veronica May Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800065 East Coolgardie Lawler Veronica May Female Angell Charles William Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800066 East Coolgardie Manley Lillie May Female Addicott Ernest Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800066 East Coolgardie Addicott Ernest Edward Male Manley Lillie May Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800067 East Coolgardie Davey James Francis Male Couche Ann Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800067 East Coolgardie Couche Ann Female Davey James Francis Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800068 East Coolgardie Styants Fanny Eletha Female West William Charles Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800068 East Coolgardie West William Charles Male Styants Fanny Eletha Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800069 East Coolgardie Meehan William Patrick Male Williams Sarah Anne Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800069 East Coolgardie Williams Sarah Anne Female Meehan William Patrick Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800070 East Coolgardie Wilson Mabel Grace Female Farrow William Kennedy Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800070 East Coolgardie Farrow William Kennedy Male Wilson Mabel Grace Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800071 East Coolgardie Thompson Eileen Female Allen David Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800071 East Coolgardie Allen David Male Thompson Eileen Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800072 East Coolgardie Pozzi Antonio Luigi Male Banca Anna Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800072 East Coolgardie Banca Anna Female Pozzi Antonio Luigi Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800073 East Coolgardie Bayly Lillian Annie Female Cameron William Hector Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800073 East Coolgardie Cameron William Hector Male Bayly Lillian Annie Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800074 East Coolgardie Gallsworthy Janet Female Wilson George Caldwell Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800074 East Coolgardie Wilson George Caldwell Male Gallsworthy Janet Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800075 East Coolgardie Craig John Joseph Male Alleyne Katty Roberta Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800075 East Coolgardie Alleyne Katty Roberta Female Craig John Joseph Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800076 East Coolgardie Parker Isabella Annie Female Graham Leslie Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800076 East Coolgardie Graham Leslie Male Parker Isabella Annie Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800077 East Coolgardie O'Neil Edith Mary Female Cross Edward Parnell Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800077 East Coolgardie Cross Edward Parnell Male O'Neil Edith Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800078 East Coolgardie McHugh Hugh Male Vincent Stella May Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800078 East Coolgardie Vincent Stella May Female McHugh Hugh Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800079 East Coolgardie Harris Thomas Henry Male Osburne Fanny Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800079 East Coolgardie Osburne Fanny Female Harris Thomas Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800080 East Coolgardie Williams John Reginald Male McQuillan Annie Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800080 East Coolgardie McQuillan Annie Female Williams John Reginald Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800081 East Coolgardie Barker Myrtle Female Dinsdale Horace Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800081 East Coolgardie Dinsdale Horace Henry Male Barker Myrtle Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800082 East Coolgardie Hartmann Anna Pauline Female Rowan William Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800082 East Coolgardie Rowan William Male Hartmann Anna Pauline Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800083 East Coolgardie Driscoll Maurice Sidney Male Cain Jessie Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800083 East Coolgardie Cain Jessie Female Driscoll Maurice Sidney Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800084 East Coolgardie Smith Emily Sarah Anne Female Phillips Thomas Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800084 East Coolgardie Phillips Thomas Male Smith Emily Sarah Anne Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800085 East Coolgardie Burns Isabel Female Hodge Frederick Charles Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800085 East Coolgardie Hodge Frederick Charles Male Burns Isabel Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800086 East Coolgardie Carpenter Arthur Frank Male Weatherley Mabel Beatrice Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800086 East Coolgardie Weatherley Mabel Beatrice Female Carpenter Arthur Frank Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800087 East Coolgardie Hill Archie Gilchrist Male Pearce Clara Eveline Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800087 East Coolgardie Pearce Clara Eveline Female Hill Archie Gilchrist Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800088 East Coolgardie Hughes David Maurice Male Poad Beatrice Grace Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800088 East Coolgardie Poad Beatrice Grace Female Hughes David Maurice Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800089 East Coolgardie Kelly James Henry Male Lavars Emily Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800089 East Coolgardie Lavars Emily Female Kelly James Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800090 East Coolgardie Smith Margaret Ann Female Emery Henry Leonard Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800090 East Coolgardie Emery Henry Leonard Male Smith Margaret Ann Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800091 East Coolgardie Moore Arthur Edward Male Rising Mabel Julia Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800091 East Coolgardie Rising Mabel Julia Female Moore Arthur Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800092 East Coolgardie Wishart William Walter Male Allen Elizabeth Maria Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800092 East Coolgardie Allen Elizabeth Maria Female Wishart William Walter Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800093 East Coolgardie Finch Charles William Male Heath Catherine Gwendoline Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800093 East Coolgardie Heath Catherine Gwendoline Female Finch Charles William Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800094 East Coolgardie Gleeson Alice Female Price Algernon Hill-Rennie Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800094 East Coolgardie Price Algernon Hill-Rennie Male Gleeson Alice Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800095 East Coolgardie Dalton Edward Male Fehr Jessie Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800095 East Coolgardie Fehr Jessie Female Dalton Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800096 East Coolgardie Varvel Maude Female Cummins Robert Belford Amard Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800096 East Coolgardie Cummins Robert Belford Amard Male Varvel Maude Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800097 East Coolgardie Kellock William Male Johnstone Julia Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800097 East Coolgardie Johnstone Julia Female Kellock William Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800098 East Coolgardie Worley Edith Louise Female Hammer Clarence Raymond Cecil Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800098 East Coolgardie Hammer Clarence Raymond Cecil Male Worley Edith Louise Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800099 East Coolgardie Cannobis Marie Olive Female Ottow Oscar William Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800099 East Coolgardie Ottow Oscar William Male Cannobis Marie Olive Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800100 East Coolgardie Edmonds Myrtle Alice Female Hazeldine Stanley Norton Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800100 East Coolgardie Hazeldine Stanley Norton Male Edmonds Myrtle Alice Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800101 East Coolgardie McKenna Gladys May Female Twigg Patrick Ernest Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800101 East Coolgardie Twigg Patrick Ernest Male McKenna Gladys May Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800102 East Coolgardie Hehir Mary Magdelen Female Nicol James Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800102 East Coolgardie Nicol James Male Hehir Mary Magdelen Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800103 East Coolgardie Scrivener Selina Lily Female Naughton Reuben Douglas Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800103 East Coolgardie Naughton Reuben Douglas Male Scrivener Selina Lily Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800104 East Coolgardie Hegarty Mary Magdelene Female Boileau Theophilus Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800104 East Coolgardie Boileau Theophilus Edward Male Hegarty Mary Magdelene Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800105 East Coolgardie Evans Geoffrey Barry Male Shepherd Lilian May Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800105 East Coolgardie Shepherd Lilian May Female Evans Geoffrey Barry Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800106 East Coolgardie Armanasco Agostino Male Schofield Beatrice Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800106 East Coolgardie Schofield Beatrice Female Armanasco Agostino Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800107 East Coolgardie Doddemead Clarice Female Boyce George Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800107 East Coolgardie Boyce George Male Doddemead Clarice Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800108 East Coolgardie Cole Oliver Male Pinnington Kathleen Alice Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800108 East Coolgardie Pinnington Kathleen Alice Female Cole Oliver Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800109 East Coolgardie Whitfield Katherine Female Jolly Ernest Harry Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800109 East Coolgardie Jolly Ernest Harry Male Whitfield Katherine Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800110 East Coolgardie Rinaldi Anthony Male Gates Catherine Ellen Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800110 East Coolgardie Gates Catherine Ellen Female Rinaldi Anthony Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800111 East Coolgardie Mills George Male Russell Lilian Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800111 East Coolgardie Russell Lilian Elizabeth Female Mills George Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800112 East Coolgardie Taylor Charles David Male Henry Beatrice Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800112 East Coolgardie Henry Beatrice Female Taylor Charles David Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800113 East Coolgardie Gatrell Winifred Maud Victoria Female Jennings Herbert Louis Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800113 East Coolgardie Jennings Herbert Louis Male Gatrell Winifred Maud Victoria Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800114 East Coolgardie Mettam Evelyn Maud Female Kelly Robin Harry Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800114 East Coolgardie Kelly Robin Harry Male Mettam Evelyn Maud Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800115 East Coolgardie Manning Annie Mabel Female Daunt Frederich Achilles Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800115 East Coolgardie Daunt Frederich Achilles Male Manning Annie Mabel Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800116 East Coolgardie McGrath Edward Male Robertson Sarah Pearl Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800116 East Coolgardie Robertson Sarah Pearl Female McGrath Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800117 East Coolgardie Caple Alfred John Male Scattini Martha Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800117 East Coolgardie Scattini Martha Female Caple Alfred John Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800118 East Coolgardie McPhee Lilian Female Taylor Thomas Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800118 East Coolgardie Taylor Thomas Male McPhee Lilian Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800119 East Coolgardie Tomkins Annie May Female McKenna Joseph Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800119 East Coolgardie McKenna Joseph Male Tomkins Annie May Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800120 East Coolgardie Dixon Lillian Myrtle Female Wills William Ernest Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800120 East Coolgardie Wills William Ernest Male Dixon Lillian Myrtle Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800121 East Coolgardie Amess Annie May Female Crawford George William Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800121 East Coolgardie Crawford George William Male Amess Annie May Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800122 East Coolgardie Van der Kaaden Marinus Cornelis Male McCarthy Rose Alice Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800122 East Coolgardie McCarthy Rose Alice Female Van der Kaaden Marinus Cornelis Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800123 East Coolgardie Wright John Edward Male Pollock Benedict Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800123 East Coolgardie Pollock Benedict Mary Female Wright John Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800124 East Coolgardie Quigley Agnes Frances Female Quigley Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800124 East Coolgardie Quigley Edward Male Quigley Agnes Frances Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800125 East Coolgardie Taylor Emily Elizabeth Female Hill Charles Bernard Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800125 East Coolgardie Hill Charles Bernard Male Taylor Emily Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800126 East Coolgardie O'Shanassy Sarah Female O'Loughlin John Joseph Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800126 East Coolgardie O'Loughlin John Joseph Male O'Shanassy Sarah Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800127 East Coolgardie Beatty Arthur David Male Barker Lilian Emma Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800127 East Coolgardie Barker Lilian Emma Female Beatty Arthur David Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800128 East Coolgardie Crichton George Batter Male Williams Jessie Eliza Stuart Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800128 East Coolgardie Williams Jessie Eliza Stuart Female Crichton George Batter Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800129 East Coolgardie Taylor Theodore Vallancey Male Maywood Felicia Leila Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800129 East Coolgardie Maywood Felicia Leila Female Taylor Theodore Vallancey Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800130 East Coolgardie Grierson Alice May Female Tognolini Stefano Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800130 East Coolgardie Tognolini Stefano Male Grierson Alice May Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800131 East Coolgardie Moorhouse Frank James Male Thornett Vera Cleo Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800131 East Coolgardie Thornett Vera Cleo Female Moorhouse Frank James Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800132 East Coolgardie Henry Mabel Theresa Female Cocks William Thomas Penrose Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800132 East Coolgardie Cocks William Thomas Penrose Male Henry Mabel Theresa Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800133 East Coolgardie Hutchinson Dorothy Napier Female Beavis Albert Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800133 East Coolgardie Beavis Albert Male Hutchinson Dorothy Napier Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800134 East Coolgardie Sinclair Ernest Ralston Male Hooper Esther Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800134 East Coolgardie Hooper Esther Female Sinclair Ernest Ralston Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800135 East Coolgardie O'Brien William Francis Male Mullins Elizabeth Josephine Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800135 East Coolgardie Mullins Elizabeth Josephine Female O'Brien William Francis Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800136 East Coolgardie McEntee Mary Ann Female Harvey Joseph William Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1800136 East Coolgardie Harvey Joseph William Male McEntee Mary Ann Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800137 East Coolgardie Brooks Ronald Rothsay Male Long Gertrude May Female Kalgoorlie
1916/1800137 East Coolgardie Long Gertrude May Female Brooks Ronald Rothsay Male Kalgoorlie
1916/1900002 North Coolgardie Nankervis Stirling Male Jennings Sarah Female Menzies
1916/1900002 North Coolgardie Jennings Sarah Female Nankervis Stirling Male Menzies
1916/1900003 North Coolgardie Reid Stella Mirriam Female Hellwege Thomas Norman Male Yunndaga
1916/1900003 North Coolgardie Hellwege Thomas Norman Male Reid Stella Mirriam Female Yunndaga
1916/2000001 North East Coolgardie McKinnon Florence Edna Female Mills Alfred George Male Kanowna
1916/2000001 North East Coolgardie Mills Alfred George Male McKinnon Florence Edna Female Kanowna
1916/2400001 Dundas Martin Stella May Female Waters Albert Roy Male Norseman
1916/2400001 Dundas Waters Albert Roy Male Martin Stella May Female Norseman
1916/2400002 Dundas Stevens Louise Lillian Female Mathews John William Male Norseman
1916/2400002 Dundas Mathews John William Male Stevens Louise Lillian Female Norseman
1916/2400003 Dundas Henry Elsie May Female Backhouse Francis Herbert Male Norseman
1916/2400003 Dundas Backhouse Francis Herbert Male Henry Elsie May Female Norseman
1916/2400004 Dundas Tooth Mabel Female Guy Arnold Edwin Male Norseman
1916/2400004 Dundas Guy Arnold Edwin Male Tooth Mabel Female Norseman
1916/2400005 Dundas Garner Mary Ann Female French Michael Richard Male Norseman
1916/2400005 Dundas French Michael Richard Male Garner Mary Ann Female Norseman
1916/2400006 Dundas Jenkinson Elizabeth Alice Female Scholey Ernest Male Norseman
1916/2400006 Dundas Scholey Ernest Male Jenkinson Elizabeth Alice Female Norseman
1916/2500001 Esperance Daw Amy Mary Female Sandell Charles Albert Male Esperance
1916/2500001 Esperance Sandell Charles Albert Male Daw Amy Mary Female Esperance
1917/2700001 Fremantle Bodycoat Thomas Windon Male Hall Margaret Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1917/2700001 Fremantle Hall Margaret Elizabeth Female Bodycoat Thomas Windon Male Fremantle
1916/2700002 Fremantle Sprigg Darcy Male Furlong Ettie Maud Female Fremantle
1916/2700002 Fremantle Furlong Ettie Maud Female Sprigg Darcy Male Fremantle
1916/2700003 Fremantle Aisbett John Stewart Parnell Male Hart Dorothy Female Fremantle
1916/2700003 Fremantle Hart Dorothy Female Aisbett John Stewart Parnell Male Fremantle
1916/2700004 Fremantle Ferres Hilda May Female Houghton Thomas Male Fremantle
1916/2700004 Fremantle Houghton Thomas Male Ferres Hilda May Female Fremantle
1916/2700005 Fremantle Edwards Charles Male Parnell Jessie May Female Fremantle
1916/2700005 Fremantle Parnell Jessie May Female Edwards Charles Male Fremantle
1916/2700006 Fremantle Wood Ernest Walsingham Male Williams Mary Lousia Female South Fremantle
1916/2700006 Fremantle Williams Mary Lousia Female Wood Ernest Walsingham Male South Fremantle
1916/2700007 Fremantle Danks Margaret Female Harding Thomas Male Fremantle
1916/2700007 Fremantle Harding Thomas Male Danks Margaret Female Fremantle
1916/2700008 Fremantle Donaldson Christina Scott Female Vernon William Male Fremantle
1916/2700008 Fremantle Vernon William Male Donaldson Christina Scott Female Fremantle
1916/2700009 Fremantle Woodward George Thomas Male Springfield Ester Margaret Female Fremantle
1916/2700009 Fremantle Springfield Ester Margaret Female Woodward George Thomas Male Fremantle
1916/2700010 Fremantle Imm Sarah Ellen Female Allen Joseph Male Fremantle
1916/2700010 Fremantle Allen Joseph Male Imm Sarah Ellen Female Fremantle
1916/2700011 Fremantle Corti Thomas Male Wilson Mary Female Fremantle
1916/2700011 Fremantle Wilson Mary Female Corti Thomas Male Fremantle
1916/2700012 Fremantle Wright Henry Male Anderson Myrtle Female Fremantle
1916/2700012 Fremantle Anderson Myrtle Female Wright Henry Male Fremantle
1916/2700013 Fremantle Hay Ruth Female Chilton Arthur James Male East Fremantle
1916/2700013 Fremantle Chilton Arthur James Male Hay Ruth Female East Fremantle
1916/2700014 Fremantle Briggs Harold Ewart Gladstone Male Heath Lucy Jane Female East Fremantle
1916/2700014 Fremantle Heath Lucy Jane Female Briggs Harold Ewart Gladstone Male East Fremantle
1916/2700015 Fremantle Nicholson Albert Edward Michael Male Jarvis Vera Irene Duffield Female Fremantle
1916/2700015 Fremantle Jarvis Vera Irene Duffield Female Nicholson Albert Edward Michael Male Fremantle
1916/2700016 Fremantle Stabler Daisy Adelaide Female McMahon Joseph John Male Fremantle
1916/2700016 Fremantle McMahon Joseph John Male Stabler Daisy Adelaide Female Fremantle
1916/2700017 Fremantle Ward Dorothy Agnes Female Christensen Charles Male Fremantle
1916/2700017 Fremantle Christensen Charles Male Ward Dorothy Agnes Female Fremantle
1916/2700018 Fremantle Flahey Albert Charles Male Gothorp Lily Female Fremantle
1916/2700018 Fremantle Gothorp Lily Female Flahey Albert Charles Male Fremantle
1916/2700019 Fremantle McFall Lucy Mary Female Ryan Arthur Patrick Male North Fremantle
1916/2700019 Fremantle Ryan Arthur Patrick Male McFall Lucy Mary Female North Fremantle
1916/2700020 Fremantle Cameron Frederick Loftus Male Pagett Katharine Emma Female Fremantle
1916/2700020 Fremantle Pagett Katharine Emma Female Cameron Frederick Loftus Male Fremantle
1916/2700021 Fremantle Bryant Ada Female Visca Frederick Male Fremantle
1916/2700021 Fremantle Visca Frederick Male Bryant Ada Female Fremantle
1916/2700022 Fremantle Jones William Male Clarke Elizabeth Hannah Female Fremantle
1916/2700022 Fremantle Clarke Elizabeth Hannah Female Jones William Male Fremantle
1916/2700023 Fremantle Holzberger Harold Joseph Male Mountain Lillian Female Beaconsfield
1916/2700023 Fremantle Mountain Lillian Female Holzberger Harold Joseph Male Beaconsfield
1916/2700024 Fremantle Leggett Lyla Alice Female Sweetman George James Male Fremantle
1916/2700024 Fremantle Sweetman George James Male Leggett Lyla Alice Female Fremantle
1916/2700025 Fremantle Robinson Gertrude Cecilia Female Avins William Thomas Male Fremantle
1916/2700025 Fremantle Avins William Thomas Male Robinson Gertrude Cecilia Female Fremantle
1916/2700026 Fremantle Browne Michael Joseph James Male Pitman Eliza Ann Female Fremantle
1916/2700026 Fremantle Pitman Eliza Ann Female Browne Michael Joseph James Male Fremantle
1916/2700027 Fremantle Baillie Albert Male Johnston Clara Emma Female Fremantle
1916/2700027 Fremantle Johnston Clara Emma Female Baillie Albert Male Fremantle
1916/2700028 Fremantle Allen Josephine Mary Female Murphy David Hugh Male North Fremantle
1916/2700028 Fremantle Murphy David Hugh Male Allen Josephine Mary Female North Fremantle
1916/2700029 Fremantle Boyd Elizabeth Female McCarthy Timothy Male Fremantle
1916/2700029 Fremantle McCarthy Timothy Male Boyd Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1916/2700030 Fremantle Williams May Female Swarbrick Thomas Male Fremantle
1917/2700030 Fremantle Buchanan Amy Rose Female Butchart Maitland Male Fremantle
1916/2700030 Fremantle Swarbrick Thomas Male Williams May Female Fremantle
1917/2700030 Fremantle Butchart Maitland Male Buchanan Amy Rose Female Fremantle
1916/2700031 Fremantle Allen Jessie Female Sharp Royland Howard Male South Fremantle
1917/2700031 Fremantle Millin Antonio Male Reichard Beatrice Maud Female Fremantle
1917/2700031 Fremantle Reichard Beatrice Maud Female Millin Antonio Male Fremantle
1916/2700031 Fremantle Sharp Royland Howard Male Allen Jessie Female South Fremantle
1916/2700032 Fremantle Clark Frank Male Macdonald Muriel Ina Female East Fremantle
1917/2700032 Fremantle Waters George James Male Leah Elsie Chadwick Female Fremantle
1917/2700032 Fremantle Leah Elsie Chadwick Female Waters George James Male Fremantle
1916/2700032 Fremantle Macdonald Muriel Ina Female Clark Frank Male East Fremantle
1916/2700033 Fremantle Cross Ethel Emily Sarah Female Harman Andrew Lawrence Male North Fremantle
1916/2700033 Fremantle Harman Andrew Lawrence Male Cross Ethel Emily Sarah Female North Fremantle
1916/2700034 Fremantle Chetwynd Hilda Dorothy Female Haynes Robert Boyd Malone Male East Fremantle
1916/2700034 Fremantle Haynes Robert Boyd Malone Male Chetwynd Hilda Dorothy Female East Fremantle
1916/2700035 Fremantle McDermott Nellie Female Hudson Herbert Male Fremantle
1916/2700035 Fremantle Hudson Herbert Male McDermott Nellie Female Fremantle
1916/2700036 Fremantle Shaw Sidney Alexander Male Beardman Olive Matilda Martha Female Fremantle
1916/2700036 Fremantle Beardman Olive Matilda Martha Female Shaw Sidney Alexander Male Fremantle
1916/2700037 Fremantle Hepworth Harold Spencer Male McIlwaine Georgina Macbeth Female East Fremantle
1916/2700037 Fremantle McIlwaine Georgina Macbeth Female Hepworth Harold Spencer Male East Fremantle
1916/2700038 Fremantle Jones Margaret Female Johnson John Henry Male Fremantle
1916/2700038 Fremantle Johnson John Henry Male Jones Margaret Female Fremantle
1916/2700039 Fremantle Strong Joseph Arthur Male Pender Emily Female Fremantle
1916/2700039 Fremantle Pender Emily Female Strong Joseph Arthur Male Fremantle
1916/2700040 Fremantle McGuinness Joseph Hermond Male Franklin May Maria Female Fremantle
1916/2700040 Fremantle Franklin May Maria Female McGuinness Joseph Hermond Male Fremantle
1916/2700041 Fremantle Simms Edgar Alexander Male Fraser Gladys Harvey Female Fremantle
1916/2700041 Fremantle Fraser Gladys Harvey Female Simms Edgar Alexander Male Fremantle
1916/2700042 Fremantle Barfield Ernest Vivian Male Brandon Gertrude Female Beaconsfield
1916/2700042 Fremantle Brandon Gertrude Female Barfield Ernest Vivian Male Beaconsfield
1916/2700043 Fremantle Brindal Elsie May Female Bishop Alfred Male Fremantle
1916/2700043 Fremantle Bishop Alfred Male Brindal Elsie May Female Fremantle
1916/2700044 Fremantle Abrahams Ernest Tasman Male Windred Ida Bell Female Fremantle
1916/2700044 Fremantle Windred Ida Bell Female Abrahams Ernest Tasman Male Fremantle
1916/2700045 Fremantle Simmonds Josiah Edwin Male Sorrell Hilda Maud Female Fremantle
1916/2700045 Fremantle Sorrell Hilda Maud Female Simmonds Josiah Edwin Male Fremantle
1916/2700047 Fremantle Sansom Mary Frances Female Staton Arthur Amos Male North Fremantle
1916/2700047 Fremantle Staton Arthur Amos Male Sansom Mary Frances Female North Fremantle
1916/2700048 Fremantle Leyshon James Alfred Male Gibson Mabel Female North Fremantle
1916/2700048 Fremantle Gibson Mabel Female Leyshon James Alfred Male North Fremantle
1916/2700049 Fremantle Hunt Nellie Female Bird Harry Male Fremantle
1916/2700049 Fremantle Bird Harry Male Hunt Nellie Female Fremantle
1916/2700050 Fremantle McGaw Henry James Male Macks Emily Susan Female East Fremantle
1916/2700050 Fremantle Macks Emily Susan Female McGaw Henry James Male East Fremantle
1916/2700051 Fremantle Norton Mabel Female Harris John Male Fremantle
1916/2700051 Fremantle Harris John Male Norton Mabel Female Fremantle
1916/2700052 Fremantle Fitzgerald Margaret Winifred Female Scott Walter Henry Male Fremantle
1916/2700052 Fremantle Scott Walter Henry Male Fitzgerald Margaret Winifred Female Fremantle
1916/2700053 Fremantle Dixon James Alma Male Bruce Elizabeth Margaret Female Beaconsfield
1916/2700053 Fremantle Bruce Elizabeth Margaret Female Dixon James Alma Male Beaconsfield
1916/2700054 Fremantle Bawden Olive Ethel Female Wilson John Leslie Male Beaconsfield
1916/2700054 Fremantle Wilson John Leslie Male Bawden Olive Ethel Female Beaconsfield
1916/2700055 Fremantle Bull Charlotte Amelia Female Campbell William John Male Beaconsfield
1916/2700055 Fremantle Campbell William John Male Bull Charlotte Amelia Female Beaconsfield
1916/2700056 Fremantle Scrimgeour Elsie Grove Female Beveridge Andrew Male East Fremantle
1916/2700056 Fremantle Beveridge Andrew Male Scrimgeour Elsie Grove Female East Fremantle
1916/2700057 Fremantle McLean Nicholas Francis Male Wigby Clara Adeline Female Fremantle
1916/2700057 Fremantle Wigby Clara Adeline Female McLean Nicholas Francis Male Fremantle
1916/2700058 Fremantle Harriss Ellen Hamilton Female Cavill Ernest Male Fremantle
1916/2700058 Fremantle Cavill Ernest Male Harriss Ellen Hamilton Female Fremantle
1916/2700059 Fremantle Crowhurst Robert Edward Moor Male Hitch Gertrude Lily Female Fremantle
1916/2700059 Fremantle Hitch Gertrude Lily Female Crowhurst Robert Edward Moor Male Fremantle
1916/2700060 Fremantle Brady Eleanor Female Petersen Peter Male Fremantle
1916/2700060 Fremantle Petersen Peter Male Brady Eleanor Female Fremantle
1916/2700061 Fremantle Obrey Caroline Elizabeth Female Bellion William Washington Male Fremantle
1916/2700061 Fremantle Bellion William Washington Male Obrey Caroline Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1916/2700062 Fremantle Brown Margaret Female Garland Edward Male Fremantle
1916/2700062 Fremantle Garland Edward Male Brown Margaret Female Fremantle
1916/2700063 Fremantle Rochfort Lily Female Burns John Hugh Male Fremantle
1916/2700063 Fremantle Burns John Hugh Male Rochfort Lily Female Fremantle
1916/2700064 Fremantle Thomas George Robert William Male Hicks Ethel Female Fremantle
1916/2700064 Fremantle Hicks Ethel Female Thomas George Robert William Male Fremantle
1916/2700065 Fremantle Yarnold Arthur Male Parry Emily Elizabeth Clara Female Fremantle
1916/2700065 Fremantle Parry Emily Elizabeth Clara Female Yarnold Arthur Male Fremantle
1916/2700066 Fremantle Halkett Robert Male Waters Mary Esther Female Fremantle
1916/2700066 Fremantle Waters Mary Esther Female Halkett Robert Male Fremantle
1916/2700067 Fremantle Fulton Jessica Female Staton Fred Leslie Male Fremantle
1916/2700067 Fremantle Staton Fred Leslie Male Fulton Jessica Female Fremantle
1916/2700068 Fremantle Paddison Edward George Male Everard Amy Margaret Female North Fremantle
1916/2700068 Fremantle Everard Amy Margaret Female Paddison Edward George Male North Fremantle
1916/2700069 Fremantle Marks Nellie Lillian Female Smoker Norman David Male Fremantle
1916/2700069 Fremantle Smoker Norman David Male Marks Nellie Lillian Female Fremantle
1916/2700070 Fremantle Nestor Kate Female Cruthers James William Male Fremantle
1916/2700070 Fremantle Cruthers James William Male Nestor Kate Female Fremantle
1916/2700071 Fremantle Rutherford Richard Henry Male Attle Florence May Female Fremantle
1916/2700071 Fremantle Attle Florence May Female Rutherford Richard Henry Male Fremantle
1916/2700072 Fremantle Cassells Christina Female Gilmour William Pollock Male Fremantle
1916/2700072 Fremantle Gilmour William Pollock Male Cassells Christina Female Fremantle
1916/2700073 Fremantle Wood Maggie Isobel Female Hood John Henry Male Fremantle
1916/2700073 Fremantle Hood John Henry Male Wood Maggie Isobel Female Fremantle
1916/2700074 Fremantle Cumming Stanley Asher Gordon Male White Ada Constance Female East Fremantle
1916/2700074 Fremantle White Ada Constance Female Cumming Stanley Asher Gordon Male East Fremantle
1916/2700075 Fremantle Lee Ellen Female Harkness Thomas Lawson Male Fremantle
1916/2700075 Fremantle Harkness Thomas Lawson Male Lee Ellen Female Fremantle
1916/2700076 Fremantle Browne Mary Ann Female Wansey William Harold Male Fremantle
1916/2700076 Fremantle Wansey William Harold Male Browne Mary Ann Female Fremantle
1916/2700077 Fremantle Murray Margaret Female Hunter Charles Alexander Male Fremantle
1916/2700077 Fremantle Hunter Charles Alexander Male Murray Margaret Female Fremantle
1916/2700078 Fremantle Clarke Alice Elvie Female Cullen Alfred Edgar Male Fremantle
1916/2700078 Fremantle Cullen Alfred Edgar Male Clarke Alice Elvie Female Fremantle
1916/2700079 Fremantle Lockwood Elizabeth May Female Lynn Herbert George Male Fremantle
1916/2700079 Fremantle Lynn Herbert George Male Lockwood Elizabeth May Female Fremantle
1916/2700080 Fremantle Petersen Charles Theodore Male Dunn Emily Jane Female Fremantle
1916/2700080 Fremantle Dunn Emily Jane Female Petersen Charles Theodore Male Fremantle
1916/2700081 Fremantle Dixon William Male Bridge Bertha May Thompson Female Fremantle
1916/2700081 Fremantle Bridge Bertha May Thompson Female Dixon William Male Fremantle
1916/2700082 Fremantle Fox James Male Rossell Pearl Female Fremantle
1916/2700082 Fremantle Rossell Pearl Female Fox James Male Fremantle
1916/2700083 Fremantle Morgan Albert Male Morton Margaret Mary Teresa Female Fremantle
1916/2700083 Fremantle Morton Margaret Mary Teresa Female Morgan Albert Male Fremantle
1916/2700084 Fremantle Allen Joseph William Male Weaver Florence Maud Female Fremantle
1916/2700084 Fremantle Weaver Florence Maud Female Allen Joseph William Male Fremantle
1916/2700085 Fremantle Blatchford William Male Hughes Rose Female Fremantle
1916/2700085 Fremantle Hughes Rose Female Blatchford William Male Fremantle
1916/2700086 Fremantle Thorbjornsen Gabriel Male Carlson Mary Elizabeth Sophia Female Fremantle
1916/2700086 Fremantle Carlson Mary Elizabeth Sophia Female Thorbjornsen Gabriel Male Fremantle
1916/2700087 Fremantle Ross Archibald Male Polinelli Violet Mary Female Fremantle
1916/2700087 Fremantle Polinelli Violet Mary Female Ross Archibald Male Fremantle
1916/2700088 Fremantle Salt Sam Male Orr Ethel May Female Fremantle
1916/2700088 Fremantle Orr Ethel May Female Salt Sam Male Fremantle
1916/2700089 Fremantle Sinclair John Male Grimshaw Clara Female Fremantle
1916/2700089 Fremantle Grimshaw Clara Female Sinclair John Male Fremantle
1916/2700090 Fremantle Penno Janie Female Clark Alexander James Male South Fremantle
1916/2700090 Fremantle Clark Alexander James Male Penno Janie Female South Fremantle
1916/2700091 Fremantle Murray Lindley Donald Male Mundy Mabel Florence Female Fremantle
1916/2700091 Fremantle Mundy Mabel Florence Female Murray Lindley Donald Male Fremantle
1916/2700092 Fremantle Armstrong Nathaniel Mews Male Humble Eleanor Georgina Pulo Female Fremantle
1916/2700092 Fremantle Humble Eleanor Georgina Pulo Female Armstrong Nathaniel Mews Male Fremantle
1916/2700093 Fremantle Rees John Walter Male Wheaton Rose Anne Female Fremantle
1916/2700093 Fremantle Wheaton Rose Anne Female Rees John Walter Male Fremantle
1916/2700094 Fremantle Murray Mary Female Dornan John Male Fremantle
1916/2700094 Fremantle Dornan John Male Murray Mary Female Fremantle
1916/2700095 Fremantle Wood Arthur James William Male Cross Annie Mabel Female East Fremantle
1916/2700095 Fremantle Cross Annie Mabel Female Wood Arthur James William Male East Fremantle
1916/2700096 Fremantle Moran Emily Maude Female Burrows Andrew Male Fremantle
1916/2700096 Fremantle Burrows Andrew Male Moran Emily Maude Female Fremantle
1916/2700097 Fremantle Miragliotta Francesco Male Miragliotta Maria Female Fremantle
1916/2700097 Fremantle Miragliotta Maria Female Miragliotta Francesco Male Fremantle
1916/2700098 Fremantle Edwards Mildred Mary Drayson Female Murray William Brinley Male Fremantle
1916/2700098 Fremantle Murray William Brinley Male Edwards Mildred Mary Drayson Female Fremantle
1916/2700099 Fremantle Back Ivy Amelia Female Jarman Reginald Edward Male Fremantle
1916/2700099 Fremantle Jarman Reginald Edward Male Back Ivy Amelia Female Fremantle
1916/2700100 Fremantle Mesney Valentine Weller Male Banks Daisy Female Beaconsfield
1916/2700100 Fremantle Banks Daisy Female Mesney Valentine Weller Male Beaconsfield
1916/2700101 Fremantle Bale Dorothy Female Kennedy Charles Henry Male Beaconsfield
1916/2700101 Fremantle Kennedy Charles Henry Male Bale Dorothy Female Beaconsfield
1916/2700102 Fremantle White Frederick George Male Kitson Alice Female Fremantle
1916/2700102 Fremantle Kitson Alice Female White Frederick George Male Fremantle
1916/2700103 Fremantle Adams David Male Will Margaret Gordon Female Fremantle
1916/2700103 Fremantle Will Margaret Gordon Female Adams David Male Fremantle
1916/2700104 Fremantle Deegan Denis Male Callaghan Annie Female Fremantle
1916/2700104 Fremantle Callaghan Annie Female Deegan Denis Male Fremantle
1916/2700108 Fremantle Roberts Frank Male Riedell Olive Muriel Female Fremantle
1916/2700108 Fremantle Riedell Olive Muriel Female Roberts Frank Male Fremantle
1916/2700109 Fremantle Knapp Edward James Male Winch Elsie Ruth Ann Female Fremantle
1916/2700109 Fremantle Winch Elsie Ruth Ann Female Knapp Edward James Male Fremantle
1916/2700110 Fremantle Williams Eva Isabell Female Scown Harold James Male Fremantle
1916/2700110 Fremantle Scown Harold James Male Williams Eva Isabell Female Fremantle
1916/2700111 Fremantle Groves John Fredick Male Mollan Annie Female Fremantle
1916/2700111 Fremantle Mollan Annie Female Groves John Fredick Male Fremantle
1916/2700112 Fremantle Bourke Anna Female Tearle Frederick Henry Bickham Male Fremantle
1916/2700112 Fremantle Tearle Frederick Henry Bickham Male Bourke Anna Female Fremantle
1916/2700113 Fremantle Ramsdale John Edward Markham Male Chedzey Lucy Anne Female Fremantle
1916/2700113 Fremantle Chedzey Lucy Anne Female Ramsdale John Edward Markham Male Fremantle
1916/2700114 Fremantle Neilsen Elsie Julinia Female Brenton William John Male Fremantle
1916/2700114 Fremantle Brenton William John Male Neilsen Elsie Julinia Female Fremantle
1916/2700115 Fremantle Poland William Francis Male Gow Marie Minchin Female North Fremantle
1916/2700115 Fremantle Gow Marie Minchin Female Poland William Francis Male North Fremantle
1916/2700116 Fremantle Morris Ernest William Male Parker Patricia Mary Catherine Female Fremantle
1916/2700116 Fremantle Parker Patricia Mary Catherine Female Morris Ernest William Male Fremantle
1916/2700117 Fremantle Mitchell Ernest Joseph Male Brown Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1916/2700117 Fremantle Brown Elizabeth Female Mitchell Ernest Joseph Male Fremantle
1916/2700118 Fremantle Hunt Elizabeth Female Smith John Male Fremantle
1916/2700118 Fremantle Smith John Male Hunt Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1916/2700119 Fremantle Paull Rita Edith Female George Theodore Richard Joseph Male Fremantle
1916/2700119 Fremantle George Theodore Richard Joseph Male Paull Rita Edith Female Fremantle
1916/2700120 Fremantle Thompson William Male Wisbey Wilhelmina Beatrice Female South Fremantle
1916/2700120 Fremantle Wisbey Wilhelmina Beatrice Female Thompson William Male South Fremantle
1916/2700121 Fremantle Gilmore Edith May Female Fulton James Male Beaconsfield
1916/2700121 Fremantle Fulton James Male Gilmore Edith May Female Beaconsfield
1916/2700122 Fremantle Clapton Albert Charles Juler Male Joslin Florence May Female Beaconsfield
1916/2700122 Fremantle Joslin Florence May Female Clapton Albert Charles Juler Male Beaconsfield
1916/2700123 Fremantle Spencer Annie Linda Female Healy Patrick Burselum Male Jandakot
1916/2700123 Fremantle Healy Patrick Burselum Male Spencer Annie Linda Female Jandakot
1916/2700124 Fremantle Calhoun Henrietta Rebecca Female May Charles Henry Male Beaconsfield
1916/2700124 Fremantle May Charles Henry Male Calhoun Henrietta Rebecca Female Beaconsfield
1916/2700125 Fremantle Allen Robert Male Webb Florence Beatrice Female East Fremantle
1916/2700125 Fremantle Webb Florence Beatrice Female Allen Robert Male East Fremantle
1916/2700126 Fremantle Hallam Job Male Morris Ruby Louisa Gratton Female East Fremantle
1916/2700126 Fremantle Morris Ruby Louisa Gratton Female Hallam Job Male East Fremantle
1916/2700127 Fremantle McNeill Margaret Helen Female Cairncross George Male Fremantle
1916/2700127 Fremantle Cairncross George Male McNeill Margaret Helen Female Fremantle
1916/2700128 Fremantle Anderson Edwin Borrowdale Male Duffield Alma Claire Female Fremantle
1916/2700128 Fremantle Duffield Alma Claire Female Anderson Edwin Borrowdale Male Fremantle
1916/2700129 Fremantle Conolly Margaret Female Linto Patrick Joseph Male Fremantle
1916/2700129 Fremantle Linto Patrick Joseph Male Conolly Margaret Female Fremantle
1916/2700130 Fremantle Follington Amelia Female Coram John Male Beaconsfield
1916/2700130 Fremantle Coram John Male Follington Amelia Female Beaconsfield
1916/2700131 Fremantle Smith Elsie Fenton Female Herbert Henry Glynn Male Beaconsfield
1916/2700131 Fremantle Herbert Henry Glynn Male Smith Elsie Fenton Female Beaconsfield
1916/2700132 Fremantle Clark Cecil Darley Male Grayson Hettie Female Fremantle
1916/2700132 Fremantle Grayson Hettie Female Clark Cecil Darley Male Fremantle
1916/2700133 Fremantle Denslow Francis George Male Field Elsie May Female Fremantle
1916/2700133 Fremantle Field Elsie May Female Denslow Francis George Male Fremantle
1916/2700134 Fremantle Cox Thomas James Male Wulff Susan Emilie Female East Fremantle
1916/2700134 Fremantle Wulff Susan Emilie Female Cox Thomas James Male East Fremantle
1916/2700135 Fremantle Scown Ethel Maud Female Williamson John Elphinstone Male Fremantle
1916/2700135 Fremantle Williamson John Elphinstone Male Scown Ethel Maud Female Fremantle
1916/2700136 Fremantle Miles Sarah Amanda Female Dickens George William Douglas Male East Fremantle
1916/2700136 Fremantle Dickens George William Douglas Male Miles Sarah Amanda Female East Fremantle
1916/2700137 Fremantle John William Philip Male Meredith Ellen Bertha Female South Fremantle
1916/2700137 Fremantle Meredith Ellen Bertha Female John William Philip Male South Fremantle
1916/2700138 Fremantle Blakey Leslie Nettelton Male Barr Doris Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1916/2700138 Fremantle Barr Doris Elizabeth Female Blakey Leslie Nettelton Male Fremantle
1916/2700139 Fremantle Woollams Florence Female Jones Albert Edward Male Fremantle
1916/2700139 Fremantle Jones Albert Edward Male Woollams Florence Female Fremantle
1916/2700140 Fremantle McAlinden Sarah Mary Female Couchman Arthur John Male Fremantle
1916/2700140 Fremantle Couchman Arthur John Male McAlinden Sarah Mary Female Fremantle
1916/2700141 Fremantle Johnston Ruby Female Talbot Reinhold Male East Fremantle
1916/2700141 Fremantle Talbot Reinhold Male Johnston Ruby Female East Fremantle
1916/2700142 Fremantle Procktor Clara Female Turner Charles William John Male Beaconsfield
1916/2700142 Fremantle Turner Charles William John Male Procktor Clara Female Beaconsfield
1916/2700143 Fremantle Jack Thomas Male Parmenter Matilda Female Fremantle
1916/2700143 Fremantle Parmenter Matilda Female Jack Thomas Male Fremantle
1916/2700144 Fremantle Elsegood Doris May Female Corbett Sylvester Roy Male Fremantle
1916/2700144 Fremantle Corbett Sylvester Roy Male Elsegood Doris May Female Fremantle
1916/2700145 Fremantle Guthrie Joseph Nathaniel Male Wilson Agnes Female North Fremantle
1916/2700145 Fremantle Wilson Agnes Female Guthrie Joseph Nathaniel Male North Fremantle
1916/2700146 Fremantle Bluett Beryl Anstruther Female Swain Frederick Christian Male Fremantle
1916/2700146 Fremantle Swain Frederick Christian Male Bluett Beryl Anstruther Female Fremantle
1916/2700147 Fremantle Hocking Olive Mary Female Mewburn George William Male Fremantle
1916/2700147 Fremantle Mewburn George William Male Hocking Olive Mary Female Fremantle
1916/2700148 Fremantle Hunt Florence Gertrude Female Mitchell Charles Reginald Male Fremantle
1916/2700148 Fremantle Mitchell Charles Reginald Male Hunt Florence Gertrude Female Fremantle
1916/2700149 Fremantle Williams Henry John Male Gilbert Emily Female Fremantle
1916/2700149 Fremantle Gilbert Emily Female Williams Henry John Male Fremantle
1916/2700150 Fremantle Holden Edmund Geoffrey Male Walker Sarah Female Fremantle
1916/2700150 Fremantle Walker Sarah Female Holden Edmund Geoffrey Male Fremantle
1916/2700151 Fremantle Holmes Arnold Anthony Male Griffiths Elsie May Female Beaconsfield
1916/2700151 Fremantle Griffiths Elsie May Female Holmes Arnold Anthony Male Beaconsfield
1916/2700152 Fremantle Dvorak Joseph Male Riches Marian Female Fremantle
1916/2700152 Fremantle Riches Marian Female Dvorak Joseph Male Fremantle
1916/2700153 Fremantle Thomson Robert Douglas Male Macpherson Mary Corbett Female East Fremantle
1916/2700153 Fremantle Macpherson Mary Corbett Female Thomson Robert Douglas Male East Fremantle
1916/2700154 Fremantle Curran Mary Female Robinson Joseph Male North Fremantle
1916/2700154 Fremantle Robinson Joseph Male Curran Mary Female North Fremantle
1916/2700155 Fremantle Hutchings Francis Ronald Male Simpson Annie Mabel Female Fremantle
1916/2700155 Fremantle Simpson Annie Mabel Female Hutchings Francis Ronald Male Fremantle
1916/2700156 Fremantle Phelan Michael Male Rooney Mary Female Fremantle
1916/2700156 Fremantle Rooney Mary Female Phelan Michael Male Fremantle
1916/2700157 Fremantle Choffin John Charles Male Box Mary Teresa Female Fremantle
1916/2700157 Fremantle Box Mary Teresa Female Choffin John Charles Male Fremantle
1916/2700158 Fremantle Reid Tom Percival Male Laurie Ida Female Fremantle
1916/2700158 Fremantle Laurie Ida Female Reid Tom Percival Male Fremantle
1916/2700159 Fremantle Panton Henry Herbert Male Edmonds Amelia Gwyndolyne Female Fremantle
1916/2700159 Fremantle Edmonds Amelia Gwyndolyne Female Panton Henry Herbert Male Fremantle
1916/2700160 Fremantle Chamberlain Frederick George Male Jackson Violet Hope Female Fremantle
1916/2700160 Fremantle Jackson Violet Hope Female Chamberlain Frederick George Male Fremantle
1916/2700161 Fremantle Nugent Elizabeth May Female Spooner Alfred Male North Fremantle
1916/2700161 Fremantle Spooner Alfred Male Nugent Elizabeth May Female North Fremantle
1916/2700162 Fremantle Campbell Jean Cummings Female Tierney Cecil Patrick Male Fremantle
1916/2700162 Fremantle Tierney Cecil Patrick Male Campbell Jean Cummings Female Fremantle
1916/2700163 Fremantle Sullivan Bridget Anne Female Lally James Martin Male Fremantle
1916/2700163 Fremantle Lally James Martin Male Sullivan Bridget Anne Female Fremantle
1916/2700164 Fremantle Tremain Sylvia Louise Female Ross Thomas Donald Male Fremantle
1916/2700164 Fremantle Ross Thomas Donald Male Tremain Sylvia Louise Female Fremantle
1916/2700165 Fremantle Lockwood Lorna Winifred Female Reany Joseph Male Fremantle
1916/2700165 Fremantle Reany Joseph Male Lockwood Lorna Winifred Female Fremantle
1916/2700166 Fremantle Hore Hannah Louisa Female Bosworth George Male South Fremantle
1916/2700166 Fremantle Bosworth George Male Hore Hannah Louisa Female South Fremantle
1916/2700167 Fremantle Jackson John Henry Male Griffiths Agnes Rebecca Female Beaconsfield
1916/2700167 Fremantle Griffiths Agnes Rebecca Female Jackson John Henry Male Beaconsfield
1916/2700168 Fremantle King Alice Female Wacker John Male Fremantle
1916/2700168 Fremantle Wacker John Male King Alice Female Fremantle
1916/2700169 Fremantle Wilson Minnie Florence Female Wahlsten Axel Stefanus Male Fremantle
1916/2700169 Fremantle Wahlsten Axel Stefanus Male Wilson Minnie Florence Female Fremantle
1916/2700170 Fremantle Bennett Ernest William Male Dixon Constance Mary Female North Fremantle
1916/2700170 Fremantle Dixon Constance Mary Female Bennett Ernest William Male North Fremantle
1916/2700171 Fremantle Andrews Lillah Isabel Janet Female Peel Robert Mullin Male Fremantle
1916/2700171 Fremantle Peel Robert Mullin Male Andrews Lillah Isabel Janet Female Fremantle
1916/2700172 Fremantle Chivers Gordon Leon Male Leake Violet Evelyne Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1916/2700172 Fremantle Leake Violet Evelyne Elizabeth Female Chivers Gordon Leon Male Fremantle
1916/2700173 Fremantle Templeton Robert James Male McCarthy Eileen Mary Female Fremantle
1916/2700173 Fremantle McCarthy Eileen Mary Female Templeton Robert James Male Fremantle
1916/2700174 Fremantle Bolger Rita Mary Female Doyle John Male Fremantle
1916/2700174 Fremantle Doyle John Male Bolger Rita Mary Female Fremantle
1916/2700175 Fremantle Sims Cecil Lennard Walter Male Young Minnie Olive Female Fremantle
1916/2700175 Fremantle Young Minnie Olive Female Sims Cecil Lennard Walter Male Fremantle
1916/2700176 Fremantle Gunson William Male Leslie Emma Female Fremantle
1916/2700176 Fremantle Leslie Emma Female Gunson William Male Fremantle
1916/2700177 Fremantle Bilney George Frederick Male Johnstone Edith Hannah Stoddart Female Fremantle
1916/2700177 Fremantle Johnstone Edith Hannah Stoddart Female Bilney George Frederick Male Fremantle
1916/2700177 Fremantle Johnstone Edith Hannah Stoddart Female Weaber George Frederick Male Fremantle
1916/2700177 Fremantle Weaber George Frederick Male Johnstone Edith Hannah Stoddart Female Fremantle
1916/2700178 Fremantle Stanbury Elizabeth Ruth Female Logan Edgar Male Fremantle
1916/2700178 Fremantle Logan Edgar Male Stanbury Elizabeth Ruth Female Fremantle
1916/2700179 Fremantle McAtee Coral Ivermey Female Mills Charles Francis Male Fremantle
1916/2700179 Fremantle Mills Charles Francis Male McAtee Coral Ivermey Female Fremantle
1916/2700180 Fremantle Smith Leah Susan Female Tremlett William Herbert Male Fremantle
1916/2700180 Fremantle Tremlett William Herbert Male Smith Leah Susan Female Fremantle
1916/2700181 Fremantle Clamp Mary Mabel Female Pearce Leslie Moyle Male Fremantle
1916/2700181 Fremantle Pearce Leslie Moyle Male Clamp Mary Mabel Female Fremantle
1916/2700182 Fremantle Ward May Adelaide Female Comley Reginald Male Fremantle
1916/2700182 Fremantle Comley Reginald Male Ward May Adelaide Female Fremantle
1916/2700183 Fremantle Munyard Lillian Hannah Female Smith Ernest Male Fremantle
1916/2700183 Fremantle Smith Ernest Male Munyard Lillian Hannah Female Fremantle
1916/2700184 Fremantle Smith General Gordon Male Sievers Irene Myrtle Female Fremantle
1916/2700184 Fremantle Sievers Irene Myrtle Female Smith General Gordon Male Fremantle
1916/2700185 Fremantle Stroud Ernest Cyril Male Charlton Nellie Isabel Female Fremantle
1916/2700185 Fremantle Charlton Nellie Isabel Female Stroud Ernest Cyril Male Fremantle
1916/2700186 Fremantle Molloy William Male Jeffers Jane Female Fremantle
1916/2700186 Fremantle Jeffers Jane Female Molloy William Male Fremantle
1916/2700187 Fremantle Gosch John Male Waterhouse Gertrude Ruth Female Fremantle
1916/2700187 Fremantle Waterhouse Gertrude Ruth Female Gosch John Male Fremantle
1916/2700188 Fremantle Gilleney Margret Hyde Female Lynch John Male South Fremantle
1916/2700188 Fremantle Lynch John Male Gilleney Margret Hyde Female South Fremantle
1916/2700189 Fremantle Tucker Mary Female Scott Samuel Edward Male Fremantle
1916/2700189 Fremantle Scott Samuel Edward Male Tucker Mary Female Fremantle
1916/2700190 Fremantle Roberts Dorothy Emily Female Wark Edwin Overbury Male Fremantle
1916/2700190 Fremantle Wark Edwin Overbury Male Roberts Dorothy Emily Female Fremantle
1916/2700191 Fremantle O'Malley William Henry Male Nott Alice Emily Female Fremantle
1916/2700191 Fremantle Nott Alice Emily Female O'Malley William Henry Male Fremantle
1916/2700192 Fremantle Purssglove Maud Female Andrew William Male Fremantle
1916/2700192 Fremantle Andrew William Male Purssglove Maud Female Fremantle
1916/2700193 Fremantle Mountain Frederick Marshal Male Wright Elenor Veronica Female Fremantle
1916/2700193 Fremantle Wright Elenor Veronica Female Mountain Frederick Marshal Male Fremantle
1916/2700194 Fremantle Moorhouse Henry Miles Oakleigh Male Currie Beatrice Victoria Female East Fremantle
1916/2700194 Fremantle Currie Beatrice Victoria Female Moorhouse Henry Miles Oakleigh Male East Fremantle
1916/2700195 Fremantle Farrell Elizabeth Female Swain John Roger Male Fremantle
1916/2700195 Fremantle Swain John Roger Male Farrell Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1916/2700196 Fremantle Sanford Alfred Male Tait Jean Female North Fremantle
1916/2700196 Fremantle Tait Jean Female Sanford Alfred Male North Fremantle
1916/2700197 Fremantle Taylor James Daniel Male Clark Florence Isabella Female Fremantle
1916/2700197 Fremantle Clark Florence Isabella Female Taylor James Daniel Male Fremantle
1916/2700198 Fremantle Smith Ivy Pearl Female Jennings Dayrell George Male Fremantle
1916/2700198 Fremantle Jennings Dayrell George Male Smith Ivy Pearl Female Fremantle
1916/2700199 Fremantle Cosson Lewis Male Wake Margaret Ann Female East Fremantle
1916/2700199 Fremantle Wake Margaret Ann Female Cosson Lewis Male East Fremantle
1916/2700200 Fremantle Prout Annie Louisa Female Blain Joseph William Male Beaconsfield
1916/2700200 Fremantle Blain Joseph William Male Prout Annie Louisa Female Beaconsfield
1916/2700201 Fremantle Smellie Marion Female Lundgren Charles Ernest Male Beaconsfield
1916/2700201 Fremantle Lundgren Charles Ernest Male Smellie Marion Female Beaconsfield
1916/2700202 Fremantle Oxbrow Edith Louise Female Vickers Robert Harold Male Fremantle
1916/2700202 Fremantle Vickers Robert Harold Male Oxbrow Edith Louise Female Fremantle
1916/2700203 Fremantle Hickey William James Male Broander Ethel May Female South Fremantle
1916/2700203 Fremantle Broander Ethel May Female Hickey William James Male South Fremantle
1916/2700204 Fremantle Kendall Donald Gordon Male Scott Elven Edith Millicent Female Fremantle
1916/2700204 Fremantle Scott Elven Edith Millicent Female Kendall Donald Gordon Male Fremantle
1916/2700205 Fremantle Gillett Walter Harry Male Bovingdon Ellen Matilda Female Fremantle
1916/2700205 Fremantle Bovingdon Ellen Matilda Female Gillett Walter Harry Male Fremantle
1916/2700206 Fremantle Kelly Gertrude Female Andrews William Henry Alfred Male Fremantle
1916/2700206 Fremantle Andrews William Henry Alfred Male Kelly Gertrude Female Fremantle
1916/2700207 Fremantle Chamberlain Harold John Male Rayner Leah Edith Female Beaconsfield
1916/2700207 Fremantle Rayner Leah Edith Female Chamberlain Harold John Male Beaconsfield
1916/2700208 Fremantle Mayne Joseph Stuart Male Pollett Mabel Hope Female Beaconsfield
1916/2700208 Fremantle Pollett Mabel Hope Female Mayne Joseph Stuart Male Beaconsfield
1916/2700209 Fremantle Fannon Gladys May Female Limmer Herbert John Male Fremantle
1916/2700209 Fremantle Limmer Herbert John Male Fannon Gladys May Female Fremantle
1916/2700210 Fremantle Keating Nellie Female Williams Charles Male Fremantle
1916/2700210 Fremantle Williams Charles Male Keating Nellie Female Fremantle
1916/2700211 Fremantle Martin Lucy Female Gourley Thomas Walker Male Fremantle
1916/2700211 Fremantle Gourley Thomas Walker Male Martin Lucy Female Fremantle
1916/2700212 Fremantle O'Dowd Thomas Joseph Male Simmons Eveline Kate Female Fremantle
1916/2700212 Fremantle Simmons Eveline Kate Female O'Dowd Thomas Joseph Male Fremantle
1916/2700213 Fremantle Weston George Francis Male Sharp Elizabeth Florence Female Fremantle
1916/2700213 Fremantle Sharp Elizabeth Florence Female Weston George Francis Male Fremantle
1916/2700214 Fremantle Field Kate Florence Female Bensley Ernest George Male Fremantle
1916/2700214 Fremantle Bensley Ernest George Male Field Kate Florence Female Fremantle
1916/2700215 Fremantle Witcomb Herbert Granville Male Elward Emily Female Fremantle
1916/2700215 Fremantle Elward Emily Female Witcomb Herbert Granville Male Fremantle
1916/2700216 Fremantle Krempel Anton Male Kelly Polly Female Fremantle
1916/2700216 Fremantle Kelly Polly Female Krempel Anton Male Fremantle
1916/2700217 Fremantle Smith Walter Andrew Male Godwin Alice Female Fremantle
1916/2700217 Fremantle Godwin Alice Female Smith Walter Andrew Male Fremantle
1916/2700218 Fremantle Crowl Harriet Female Phillips Gabriel John Male Fremantle
1916/2700218 Fremantle Phillips Gabriel John Male Crowl Harriet Female Fremantle
1916/2700219 Fremantle Storer John Hudson Male Godwin Doreen Amor Female East Fremantle
1916/2700219 Fremantle Godwin Doreen Amor Female Storer John Hudson Male East Fremantle
1916/2700220 Fremantle Stacks Ada Annie Female Wilkinson Edward Male Fremantle
1916/2700220 Fremantle Wilkinson Edward Male Stacks Ada Annie Female Fremantle
1916/2700221 Fremantle Olsen Louisa Adelaide Female Crow William Male North Fremantle
1916/2700221 Fremantle Crow William Male Olsen Louisa Adelaide Female North Fremantle
1916/2700222 Fremantle Gilleland John Richard Male Clark Esther Female Fremantle
1916/2700222 Fremantle Clark Esther Female Gilleland John Richard Male Fremantle
1916/2700223 Fremantle Smith Luke Male Williams Ada Mary Female South Fremantle
1916/2700223 Fremantle Williams Ada Mary Female Smith Luke Male South Fremantle
1916/2700224 Fremantle Maddern Matilda Maud Female Stockden Felix William Male Fremantle
1916/2700224 Fremantle Stockden Felix William Male Maddern Matilda Maud Female Fremantle
1916/2700225 Fremantle Williams Harold Turnbull Male Tasker Edith Grace Female Fremantle
1916/2700225 Fremantle Tasker Edith Grace Female Williams Harold Turnbull Male Fremantle
1916/2700226 Fremantle Small Olive Christina Female Mackay William Male Fremantle
1916/2700226 Fremantle Mackay William Male Small Olive Christina Female Fremantle
1916/2700227 Fremantle Currie Elizabeth Female Marriott Henry Male Fremantle
1916/2700227 Fremantle Marriott Henry Male Currie Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1916/2700228 Fremantle Lawn James Harold Male Clarkson Amy Female East Fremantle
1916/2700228 Fremantle Clarkson Amy Female Lawn James Harold Male East Fremantle
1916/2700229 Fremantle Sheridan Kitty Female Jackman Thomas Male Fremantle
1916/2700229 Fremantle Jackman Thomas Male Sheridan Kitty Female Fremantle
1916/2700230 Fremantle Harrison Alice Mary Female Kennedy William Michael Male Fremantle
1916/2700230 Fremantle Kennedy William Michael Male Harrison Alice Mary Female Fremantle
1916/2700231 Fremantle Doherty John Charles Male Strickland Ida May Female Beaconsfield
1916/2700231 Fremantle Strickland Ida May Female Doherty John Charles Male Beaconsfield
1916/2700232 Fremantle Cooper Mary Ann Female MacWilliam William Male North Fremantle
1916/2700232 Fremantle MacWilliam William Male Cooper Mary Ann Female North Fremantle
1916/2700233 Fremantle Cole William Alexander Male Josephsen Elizabeth Female North Fremantle
1916/2700233 Fremantle Josephsen Elizabeth Female Cole William Alexander Male North Fremantle
1916/2700234 Fremantle Swift Olive Venetta Female Brophy William Male North Fremantle
1916/2700234 Fremantle Brophy William Male Swift Olive Venetta Female North Fremantle
1916/2700235 Fremantle Nichols Peninnah Ada Female Newton Timothey Sedggley Male Fremantle
1916/2700235 Fremantle Newton Timothey Sedggley Male Nichols Peninnah Ada Female Fremantle
1916/2700236 Fremantle Matheson Mary Female Gee Arthur Patrick Male Fremantle
1916/2700236 Fremantle Gee Arthur Patrick Male Matheson Mary Female Fremantle
1916/2700237 Fremantle Woodley Helen Female Goddard Robert Male Fremantle
1916/2700237 Fremantle Goddard Robert Male Woodley Helen Female Fremantle
1916/2700238 Fremantle Vance Jessie Nita Female Jones John Henry Woodburn Male Fremantle
1916/2700238 Fremantle Jones John Henry Woodburn Male Vance Jessie Nita Female Fremantle
1916/2700239 Fremantle Long Albert Frank Male Andrews Marian Clarissa Lucie Female Fremantle
1916/2700239 Fremantle Andrews Marian Clarissa Lucie Female Long Albert Frank Male Fremantle
1916/2700240 Fremantle Seminara Biagio Male Walker Ethel Amy Female Fremantle
1916/2700240 Fremantle Walker Ethel Amy Female Seminara Biagio Male Fremantle
1916/2700241 Fremantle Guy Philip John Male Williams Cecilia Female Fremantle
1916/2700241 Fremantle Williams Cecilia Female Guy Philip John Male Fremantle
1916/2700242 Fremantle Ingram Amy Female Phillips Edwin Male Beaconsfield
1916/2700242 Fremantle Phillips Edwin Male Ingram Amy Female Beaconsfield
1916/2700243 Fremantle Collins Margaret Jane Female Martin George Harrison Male Fremantle
1916/2700243 Fremantle Martin George Harrison Male Collins Margaret Jane Female Fremantle
1916/2700244 Fremantle Tyler Norman George Male Shaw Hilda Wyrill Female Fremantle
1916/2700244 Fremantle Shaw Hilda Wyrill Female Tyler Norman George Male Fremantle
1916/2700245 Fremantle Glendon Peter James Male Harris Muriel Violette Female Fremantle
1916/2700245 Fremantle Harris Muriel Violette Female Glendon Peter James Male Fremantle
1916/2700246 Fremantle Overton Ellen Female Tanner William John Male Fremantle
1916/2700246 Fremantle Tanner William John Male Overton Ellen Female Fremantle
1916/2700247 Fremantle Bale Frederick William Male Stock Violet May Female Beaconsfield
1916/2700247 Fremantle Stock Violet May Female Bale Frederick William Male Beaconsfield
1916/2700248 Fremantle Murdoch William Male Middleditch Pearl May Female Beaconsfield
1916/2700248 Fremantle Middleditch Pearl May Female Murdoch William Male Beaconsfield
1916/2700249 Fremantle Ponton Harriet Maud Female Guegan John Ernest Male Fremantle
1916/2700249 Fremantle Guegan John Ernest Male Ponton Harriet Maud Female Fremantle
1916/2700250 Fremantle Murray Elizabeth Deas Female Barnes James Edward Male Fremantle
1916/2700250 Fremantle Barnes James Edward Male Murray Elizabeth Deas Female Fremantle
1916/2700251 Fremantle Hicks Sarah Marian Female Winnett John Mayberry Male Fremantle
1916/2700251 Fremantle Winnett John Mayberry Male Hicks Sarah Marian Female Fremantle
1916/2700252 Fremantle Ward Philip Male McCormack Norah Sarah Female East Fremantle
1916/2700252 Fremantle McCormack Norah Sarah Female Ward Philip Male East Fremantle
1916/2700253 Fremantle Nelson Kathleen Female Grayson George William Male Fremantle
1916/2700253 Fremantle Grayson George William Male Nelson Kathleen Female Fremantle
1916/2700254 Fremantle Jackson Lillian Azubah Female Rockè Samuel Matthew Male South Fremantle
1916/2700254 Fremantle Rockè Samuel Matthew Male Jackson Lillian Azubah Female South Fremantle
1916/2700255 Fremantle Dyson Emily Female Young Alfred Male Fremantle
1916/2700255 Fremantle Young Alfred Male Dyson Emily Female Fremantle
1916/2700256 Fremantle Laming John Herbert Male Blaxland Dorothy Female Fremantle
1916/2700256 Fremantle Blaxland Dorothy Female Laming John Herbert Male Fremantle
1916/2700257 Fremantle Russ Norma Sophia Female Campbell Colin Raymond Male Fremantle
1916/2700257 Fremantle Campbell Colin Raymond Male Russ Norma Sophia Female Fremantle
1916/2700258 Fremantle Ball Albert John Male Roberts Edith Gertrude Female East Fremantle
1916/2700258 Fremantle Roberts Edith Gertrude Female Ball Albert John Male East Fremantle
1916/2700259 Fremantle Watson James Hugh Male Howe Fay Catherine Female East Fremantle
1916/2700259 Fremantle Howe Fay Catherine Female Watson James Hugh Male East Fremantle
1916/2700260 Fremantle Triplett George Henry Male Ellement Mabel Clare Female Spearwood
1916/2700260 Fremantle Ellement Mabel Clare Female Triplett George Henry Male Spearwood
1916/2700261 Fremantle Eisele Sarah Ann Female Gould Charles Richard Male Fremantle
1916/2700261 Fremantle Gould Charles Richard Male Eisele Sarah Ann Female Fremantle
1916/2700262 Fremantle Denton Charles Alexander Male Fettes Margaret Elizabeth Thomson Female Fremantle
1916/2700262 Fremantle Fettes Margaret Elizabeth Thomson Female Denton Charles Alexander Male Fremantle
1916/2700263 Fremantle Cobley Catherine Mary Female Potter George Male Fremantle
1916/2700263 Fremantle Potter George Male Cobley Catherine Mary Female Fremantle
1916/2700264 Fremantle Eastburn Alice Maud Female Dixon George Thomas Male South Fremantle
1916/2700264 Fremantle Dixon George Thomas Male Eastburn Alice Maud Female South Fremantle
1916/2700265 Fremantle Roberts Sarah Hannah Female Machin Ernest Albert Male Fremantle
1916/2700265 Fremantle Machin Ernest Albert Male Roberts Sarah Hannah Female Fremantle
1916/2700266 Fremantle Dogherty Patrick Male McGowan Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1916/2700266 Fremantle McGowan Elizabeth Female Dogherty Patrick Male Fremantle
1916/2700267 Fremantle Simpson Ernest Edgar Male Harris Melva Lily Octavia Female Fremantle
1916/2700267 Fremantle Harris Melva Lily Octavia Female Simpson Ernest Edgar Male Fremantle
1916/2800001 Gascoyne Lund Johanas Christian Male Ridley Harriet Grace Female Carnarvon
1916/2800001 Gascoyne Ridley Harriet Grace Female Lund Johanas Christian Male Carnarvon
1916/2800002 Gascoyne Matthews Lelia Marian Female Lefroy John Royden Gerald Male Carnarvon
1916/2800002 Gascoyne Lefroy John Royden Gerald Male Matthews Lelia Marian Female Carnarvon
1916/2800003 Gascoyne Gilbert Amy Laurel Female Pusey Isaac Henry Male Carnarvon
1916/2800003 Gascoyne Pusey Isaac Henry Male Gilbert Amy Laurel Female Carnarvon
1916/2800004 Gascoyne Walkington Alma Female Whitewood Thomas Percy Christopher Male Carnarvon
1916/2800004 Gascoyne Whitewood Thomas Percy Christopher Male Walkington Alma Female Carnarvon
1916/2800005 Gascoyne Wynne Marjorie Jane Female Smith Owen Nathaniel Male Carnarvon
1916/2800005 Gascoyne Smith Owen Nathaniel Male Wynne Marjorie Jane Female Carnarvon
1917/2900001 Geraldton Wilson Robert Buchanan Male Bayliss Lizzie Annette Female Geraldton
1917/2900001 Geraldton Bayliss Lizzie Annette Female Wilson Robert Buchanan Male Geraldton
1917/2900002 Geraldton Galbraith Clara May Female Fitzgerald Gerald Male Geraldton
1917/2900002 Geraldton Fitzgerald Gerald Male Galbraith Clara May Female Geraldton
1916/2900003 Geraldton Millea James Male McKinlay Hazel Lillian Female Geraldton
1916/2900003 Geraldton McKinlay Hazel Lillian Female Millea James Male Geraldton
1916/2900004 Geraldton Ritchie Albert Male Butler Ellen Catherine Female Geraldton
1916/2900004 Geraldton Butler Ellen Catherine Female Ritchie Albert Male Geraldton
1916/2900005 Geraldton Bennett Robert Armitage Male McDonald Cecilia Alice May Female Geraldton
1916/2900005 Geraldton McDonald Cecilia Alice May Female Bennett Robert Armitage Male Geraldton
1917/2900005 Geraldton Rhodes Frank Arnold Male Cream Mary Ann Female Geraldton
1917/2900005 Geraldton Cream Mary Ann Female Rhodes Frank Arnold Male Geraldton
1916/2900006 Geraldton Galbraith Ella Maud Female O'Neil Victor Male Geraldton
1916/2900006 Geraldton O'Neil Victor Male Galbraith Ella Maud Female Geraldton
1916/2900007 Geraldton Warrener Iris Louisa Female Eckermann Edmund Wilhelm Male Geraldton
1916/2900007 Geraldton Eckermann Edmund Wilhelm Male Warrener Iris Louisa Female Geraldton Eckermann-222
1916/2900008 Geraldton Carroll Hilary John Male Edwards Ida Nellie Female Geraldton
1916/2900008 Geraldton Edwards Ida Nellie Female Carroll Hilary John Male Geraldton
1916/2900009 Geraldton McGilvray Catherine Female Bradtke Richard Carl Male Geraldton
1916/2900009 Geraldton Bradtke Richard Carl Male McGilvray Catherine Female Geraldton
1916/2900010 Geraldton Shreeve Mary Phyllis Female Pickard Arthur Male Geraldton
1916/2900010 Geraldton Pickard Arthur Male Shreeve Mary Phyllis Female Geraldton
1916/2900011 Geraldton Branson Isaac Norman Male Baker Elsie May Female Geraldton
1916/2900011 Geraldton Baker Elsie May Female Branson Isaac Norman Male Geraldton
1916/2900012 Geraldton Vian Eva Mabel Rose Female Kerr George Male Geraldton
1916/2900012 Geraldton Kerr George Male Vian Eva Mabel Rose Female Geraldton
1916/2900013 Geraldton Andrews Eva Catherine Female Penn John William Claman Male Geraldton
1916/2900013 Geraldton Penn John William Claman Male Andrews Eva Catherine Female Geraldton
1916/2900014 Geraldton Shields May Maria Female Smith Alfred Edward Male Geraldton
1916/2900014 Geraldton Smith Alfred Edward Male Shields May Maria Female Geraldton
1916/2900015 Geraldton McLean William Styles Male Watson Alice Elizabeth Female Geraldton
1916/2900015 Geraldton Watson Alice Elizabeth Female McLean William Styles Male Geraldton
1916/2900016 Geraldton Fitzgerald Mary Elizabeth Female Davis Barrington James Male Geraldton
1916/2900016 Geraldton Davis Barrington James Male Fitzgerald Mary Elizabeth Female Geraldton
1916/2900017 Geraldton Windsor John William Male Stewart Ella May Female Geraldton
1916/2900017 Geraldton Stewart Ella May Female Windsor John William Male Geraldton
1916/2900018 Geraldton Isbister Lenitta Susan Female Woodhouse Henry James Male Geraldton
1916/2900018 Geraldton Woodhouse Henry James Male Isbister Lenitta Susan Female Geraldton
1916/2900019 Geraldton Murnane Catherine Eileen Female Loveday Wilfred Campkin Male Geraldton
1916/2900019 Geraldton Loveday Wilfred Campkin Male Murnane Catherine Eileen Female Geraldton
1916/2900020 Geraldton Lunt William Male Sweeney Elizabeth Reckner Female Geraldton
1916/2900020 Geraldton Sweeney Elizabeth Reckner Female Lunt William Male Geraldton
1916/2900021 Geraldton Wilkinson Jessie Jubilee Female Wilson John Male Geraldton
1916/2900021 Geraldton Wilson John Male Wilkinson Jessie Jubilee Female Geraldton
1916/2900022 Geraldton Corrigan Annie Elizabeth Female Forman Walter Thomas Male Geraldton
1916/2900022 Geraldton Forman Walter Thomas Male Corrigan Annie Elizabeth Female Geraldton
1916/2900023 Geraldton Chant Margaret Florence Female Tomlinson Thomas Male Geraldton
1916/2900023 Geraldton Tomlinson Thomas Male Chant Margaret Florence Female Geraldton
1916/2900024 Geraldton Dornan James Frederick Male Kissack Dorothy Stella May Female Geraldton
1916/2900024 Geraldton Kissack Dorothy Stella May Female Dornan James Frederick Male Geraldton
1916/2900025 Geraldton Bell Hilton Robert Pithey Male Hennessy Margaret Mary Female Geraldton
1916/2900025 Geraldton Hennessy Margaret Mary Female Bell Hilton Robert Pithey Male Geraldton
1916/2900026 Geraldton Hosken Annie Laura Female Etherton Christopher Male Geraldton
1916/2900026 Geraldton Etherton Christopher Male Hosken Annie Laura Female Geraldton
1916/2900027 Geraldton Palmer Muriel Daisy Female O'Shea Timothy Male Geraldton
1916/2900027 Geraldton O'Shea Timothy Male Palmer Muriel Daisy Female Geraldton
1916/2900028 Geraldton Smith Amelia Bertha Female Truran James Henry Male Geraldton
1916/2900028 Geraldton Truran James Henry Male Smith Amelia Bertha Female Geraldton
1916/2900029 Geraldton Gray Ellen Jane Female Aley William George Male Geraldton
1916/2900029 Geraldton Aley William George Male Gray Ellen Jane Female Geraldton
1916/2900030 Geraldton Fitzgerald Bernard Charles Joseph Male Edmonds Sybil Hilda Female Geraldton
1916/2900030 Geraldton Edmonds Sybil Hilda Female Fitzgerald Bernard Charles Joseph Male Geraldton
1916/2900031 Geraldton Hepburn Neil James Male Kissack Lilian Jane Female Geraldton
1916/2900031 Geraldton Kissack Lilian Jane Female Hepburn Neil James Male Geraldton
1916/2900032 Geraldton Ward Ethel Florence Female Jones John Roderick Francis Male Pindar
1916/2900032 Geraldton Jones John Roderick Francis Male Ward Ethel Florence Female Pindar
1916/2900033 Geraldton Howes Charles Roland Male Baston Lizzie Augusta Female Geraldton
1916/2900033 Geraldton Baston Lizzie Augusta Female Howes Charles Roland Male Geraldton
1916/3000001 Gingin King Mercy Elizabeth Female Bandy Joseph Ambrose Male Gingin
1916/3000001 Gingin Bandy Joseph Ambrose Male King Mercy Elizabeth Female Gingin
1916/3000002 Gingin Troy Mary Ann Female McCormick William Robert Male Gin gin Brook
1916/3000002 Gingin McCormick William Robert Male Troy Mary Ann Female Gin gin Brook
1916/3000003 Gingin King Ethel Ann Female Edwards Joshua Milton Male Gingin brook
1916/3000003 Gingin Edwards Joshua Milton Male King Ethel Ann Female Gingin brook
1916/3100001 Greenough Jackson David Male Maher Elizabeth Female Greenough
1916/3100001 Greenough Maher Elizabeth Female Jackson David Male Greenough
1916/3100002 Greenough Kelly Robert Henry Male Brennan Julia Female Walkaway
1916/3100002 Greenough Brennan Julia Female Kelly Robert Henry Male Walkaway
1916/3100003 Greenough O'Brien Patrick Michael Male Tulley Agnes Amelia Female Greenough
1916/3100003 Greenough Tulley Agnes Amelia Female O'Brien Patrick Michael Male Greenough
1916/3100004 Greenough Jackson Lillian Gertrude Female Barndon Reuben James Male Greenough
1916/3100004 Greenough Barndon Reuben James Male Jackson Lillian Gertrude Female Greenough
1916/3300001 Irwin King Edward John Male Fitzgerald Elizabeth Lousia Female Dongarra
1916/3300001 Irwin Fitzgerald Elizabeth Lousia Female King Edward John Male Dongarra
1916/3300002 Irwin Prater Albert James Male Edwards Lorne Rosabel Female Morowa
1916/3300002 Irwin Edwards Lorne Rosabel Female Prater Albert James Male Morowa
1916/3300003 Irwin Black Robert Male Koch Clare Female Three Springs
1916/3300003 Irwin Koch Clare Female Black Robert Male Three Springs
1916/3300004 Irwin Rae John Male Koch Dagmar Female Three Springs
1916/3300004 Irwin Koch Dagmar Female Rae John Male Three Springs
1916/3300005 Irwin Granville Ivy Thelma Pangburn Female Reed James Joseph Male Morawa
1916/3300005 Irwin Reed James Joseph Male Granville Ivy Thelma Pangburn Female Morawa
1916/3300006 Irwin Mills John Arthur Male Fitzgerald Honorah Alice Female Strawberry
1916/3300006 Irwin Fitzgerald Honorah Alice Female Mills John Arthur Male Strawberry
1916/3300007 Irwin Farrell Anthony James Male Downer Mary Amelia Cecil Female Perangori
1916/3300007 Irwin Downer Mary Amelia Cecil Female Farrell Anthony James Male Perangori
1917/3500001 Katanning Mott Walter Male Williams Ada Pearl Female Dumbleyung
1917/3500001 Katanning Williams Ada Pearl Female Mott Walter Male Dumbleyung
1916/3500002 Katanning Turnbull Edith Lilian Female Brown Thomas Gabriel Male Bullock Hills
1916/3500002 Katanning Brown Thomas Gabriel Male Turnbull Edith Lilian Female Bullock Hills
1916/3500003 Katanning Dennehy Eileen Mary Female Tanner Lionel Lazarus Male Katanning
1916/3500003 Katanning Tanner Lionel Lazarus Male Dennehy Eileen Mary Female Katanning
1916/3500004 Katanning Sparkes Ethel May Female Wilkinson Anthony Oswald Anstruther Male Ongerup
1916/3500004 Katanning Wilkinson Anthony Oswald Anstruther Male Sparkes Ethel May Female Ongerup
1916/3500005 Katanning Mudie Clare Dring Female White Stanley Brown Male Katanning
1916/3500005 Katanning White Stanley Brown Male Mudie Clare Dring Female Katanning
1916/3500006 Katanning Wallace Joseph Charles Male Moran Mary Anne Josephine Female Wagin
1916/3500006 Katanning Moran Mary Anne Josephine Female Wallace Joseph Charles Male Wagin
1916/3500007 Katanning Moran James Marron Male Francisco Bertha Emeline Female Wagin
1916/3500007 Katanning Francisco Bertha Emeline Female Moran James Marron Male Wagin
1916/3500008 Katanning Bennett Stella Female Whiteside Peter Graham Male Katanning
1916/3500008 Katanning Whiteside Peter Graham Male Bennett Stella Female Katanning
1916/3500009 Katanning Rumbold Lilian Jane Female Allen William Henry Male Wagin
1916/3500009 Katanning Allen William Henry Male Rumbold Lilian Jane Female Wagin
1916/3500010 Katanning Mettam Frank William Male Hartshorn Olive Beatrice Female Gnowangerup
1916/3500010 Katanning Hartshorn Olive Beatrice Female Mettam Frank William Male Gnowangerup
1916/3500011 Katanning Denny Charles Male Whitt Martha Ellen Female Gnowangerup
1916/3500011 Katanning Whitt Martha Ellen Female Denny Charles Male Gnowangerup
1916/3500012 Katanning Hanna Richard Dawson Male O'Meara Winifred Mary Female Katanning
1916/3500012 Katanning O'Meara Winifred Mary Female Hanna Richard Dawson Male Katanning
1916/3500013 Katanning Smyth Arabella Female Kissane Michael James Male Wagin
1916/3500013 Katanning Kissane Michael James Male Smyth Arabella Female Wagin
1916/3500014 Katanning Ball Nathaniel Male Porteous Esther Dorothy Female Gnowangerup
1916/3500014 Katanning Porteous Esther Dorothy Female Ball Nathaniel Male Gnowangerup
1916/3500015 Katanning De Hoghton Harry Cecil Male Rowe Kathleen Nellie Female Katanning
1916/3500015 Katanning Rowe Kathleen Nellie Female De Hoghton Harry Cecil Male Katanning
1916/3500016 Katanning Smith Emily Alice Female Fleay John Hancock Male Wagin
1916/3500016 Katanning Fleay John Hancock Male Smith Emily Alice Female Wagin
1916/3500017 Katanning Wells George Harold Male Tree Olive Female Katanning
1916/3500017 Katanning Tree Olive Female Wells George Harold Male Katanning
1916/3500018 Katanning Williams Grace Female Kirk Frank Gordon Male Wagin
1916/3500018 Katanning Kirk Frank Gordon Male Williams Grace Female Wagin
1916/3500019 Katanning Kealley Cecil Harold Male Kruger Pixie Emilie Sophie Female Wagin
1916/3500019 Katanning Kruger Pixie Emilie Sophie Female Kealley Cecil Harold Male Wagin
1916/3500020 Katanning Hain John Wesley Male Bailye Florence Jane Female Kojonup
1916/3500020 Katanning Bailye Florence Jane Female Hain John Wesley Male Kojonup
1916/3500021 Katanning Flügge Ewald Walter Male Parnell Amy Maude Female Rockwell
1916/3500021 Katanning Parnell Amy Maude Female Flügge Ewald Walter Male Rockwell
1916/3500022 Katanning Vaux Stanley Frank Male Manton Jessie Roy Female Katanning
1916/3500022 Katanning Manton Jessie Roy Female Vaux Stanley Frank Male Katanning
1916/3500023 Katanning Brown James Davidson Male Steer Isabella Female Katanning
1916/3500023 Katanning Steer Isabella Female Brown James Davidson Male Katanning
1916/3500024 Katanning Pridham Edith Annie Female Ward George William Charles Male Ballaying near Wagin
1916/3500024 Katanning Ward George William Charles Male Pridham Edith Annie Female Ballaying near Wagin
1916/3500025 Katanning Little Aynsley Male Wichert Minnie Caroline Female Wagin
1916/3500025 Katanning Wichert Minnie Caroline Female Little Aynsley Male Wagin
1916/3500026 Katanning Wood William Male Hibbitt Elsie Ethel Female Katanning
1916/3500026 Katanning Hibbitt Elsie Ethel Female Wood William Male Katanning
1916/3500027 Katanning Vaux Dorothy Eugenie Female South Thomas Ramsey Male Gnowangerup
1916/3500027 Katanning South Thomas Ramsey Male Vaux Dorothy Eugenie Female Gnowangerup
1916/3500028 Katanning Wanke Laura Amanda Female Gilbert Leslie Hunt Male Katanning
1916/3500028 Katanning Gilbert Leslie Hunt Male Wanke Laura Amanda Female Katanning
1916/3500029 Katanning Watson William John Male Bairstow Hilda Blanche Eva Female Dumbleyung
1916/3500029 Katanning Bairstow Hilda Blanche Eva Female Watson William John Male Dumbleyung
1916/3500030 Katanning Moores Harriett Elizabeth Female Aylmore Albert Edward Male Katanning
1916/3500030 Katanning Aylmore Albert Edward Male Moores Harriett Elizabeth Female Katanning
1916/3500031 Katanning Webb Allan George Henderson Male McAullay Alice Mary Female At the Residence of John Alexander McAullay
1916/3500031 Katanning McAullay Alice Mary Female Webb Allan George Henderson Male At the Residence of John Alexander McAullay
1916/3500032 Katanning Dacey Martha Jane Female Dacey David Male Katanning
1916/3500032 Katanning Dacey David Male Dacey Martha Jane Female Katanning
1916/3500033 Katanning Mitchell Edith Mildred Female Hemingway Lawrance Male Nyabing
1916/3500033 Katanning Hemingway Lawrance Male Mitchell Edith Mildred Female Nyabing
1916/3500034 Katanning Hardy Alfred John Henry Male Saunders Sarah Female Gnowangerup
1916/3500034 Katanning Saunders Sarah Female Hardy Alfred John Henry Male Gnowangerup
1916/3500035 Katanning Webb Daisy Hannah Elizabeth Female Wreford Robert James Male Wagin
1916/3500035 Katanning Wreford Robert James Male Webb Daisy Hannah Elizabeth Female Wagin
1916/3500036 Katanning Terlich Thomas Otto Male Brook Ethel Sybil Female Kojonup
1916/3500036 Katanning Brook Ethel Sybil Female Terlich Thomas Otto Male Kojonup
1916/3500037 Katanning Neary John McIntosh Male Dixon Edith May Female Katanning
1916/3500037 Katanning Dixon Edith May Female Neary John McIntosh Male Katanning
1916/3500038 Katanning Pettigrew James Male Dempsey Sarah Lone Female Wagin
1916/3500038 Katanning Dempsey Sarah Lone Female Pettigrew James Male Wagin
1916/3500039 Katanning Hobart Albert Richard Male Anderson Grace Josephine Virtue Female Kwobrup
1916/3500039 Katanning Anderson Grace Josephine Virtue Female Hobart Albert Richard Male Kwobrup
1916/3500040 Katanning Kay Oliver Male Edwards Rachel Anwyl Female Dumbleyung
1916/3500040 Katanning Edwards Rachel Anwyl Female Kay Oliver Male Dumbleyung
1916/3500041 Katanning Bennett Georgina Anita Female Grayson Arthur Male Katanning
1916/3500041 Katanning Grayson Arthur Male Bennett Georgina Anita Female Katanning
1916/3500042 Katanning Gillespie Kathleen Female Woods George Male Katanning
1916/3500042 Katanning Woods George Male Gillespie Kathleen Female Katanning
1916/3500043 Katanning Harris Emma Female Calyon Arthur Male Carrolup
1916/3500043 Katanning Calyon Arthur Male Harris Emma Female Carrolup
1916/3500044 Katanning Caldow Eva Female Broom Albert Stanley Male Gnowangerup
1916/3500044 Katanning Broom Albert Stanley Male Caldow Eva Female Gnowangerup
1916/3500045 Katanning Herbert Nellie Female Dunn William Male Gnowangerup
1916/3500045 Katanning Dunn William Male Herbert Nellie Female Gnowangerup
1916/3500046 Katanning Abbott Absalom Male Wooldridge Jane Female Katanning
1916/3500046 Katanning Wooldridge Jane Female Abbott Absalom Male Katanning
1916/3500047 Katanning Wohlstrand Frank Gustave Male Hanna Susannah Bertha Female Katanning
1916/3500047 Katanning Hanna Susannah Bertha Female Wohlstrand Frank Gustave Male Katanning
1916/3500048 Katanning Clancy Matthew Male Cronin Elizabeth Florence Female Katanning
1916/3500048 Katanning Cronin Elizabeth Florence Female Clancy Matthew Male Katanning
1916/3500049 Katanning Bailey Robert Lindsay Male Robertson Jessie Maud Female Kukerin
1916/3500049 Katanning Robertson Jessie Maud Female Bailey Robert Lindsay Male Kukerin
1916/3500050 Katanning Dawson Arthur William Male Searle Maud Theresa Female Tambellup
1916/3500050 Katanning Searle Maud Theresa Female Dawson Arthur William Male Tambellup
1916/3500051 Katanning Murray Mary Anne Female Pagoda Peter Male Wagin
1916/3500051 Katanning Pagoda Peter Male Murray Mary Anne Female Wagin
1916/3500052 Katanning Fleay Violet Female Jones Elijah Male Queerearrup near Wagin
1916/3500052 Katanning Jones Elijah Male Fleay Violet Female Queerearrup near Wagin
1916/3500053 Katanning Asplin Ethel May Female Johnson Joseph Henry Male Badgebup
1916/3500053 Katanning Johnson Joseph Henry Male Asplin Ethel May Female Badgebup
1916/3500054 Katanning Walton Selina Female O'Neill Joseph James Male Katanning
1916/3500054 Katanning O'Neill Joseph James Male Walton Selina Female Katanning
1916/3500055 Katanning Lee Annie Elizabeth Female Burnett Richard Edward Male Cartmeticup
1916/3500055 Katanning Burnett Richard Edward Male Lee Annie Elizabeth Female Cartmeticup
1916/3500056 Katanning Fleay Harding Herbert Male McLeod Maude Laura Female Near Katanning
1916/3500056 Katanning McLeod Maude Laura Female Fleay Harding Herbert Male Near Katanning
1916/3500057 Katanning Brown William Alexander Male Hood Frances Female Wagin
1916/3500057 Katanning Hood Frances Female Brown William Alexander Male Wagin
1916/3700001 West Kimberley Hachuli Bertha Female Alcorn James Male Sunday Island
1916/3700001 West Kimberley Alcorn James Male Hachuli Bertha Female Sunday Island
1917/3900002 Leederville Greig Robert Whiteford Male Harvey Johann Kate Female Leederville
1917/3900002 Leederville Harvey Johann Kate Female Greig Robert Whiteford Male Leederville
1916/3900005 Leederville Flynn Joseph Male Powell Winifred Lilian Maud Female Leederville
1916/3900005 Leederville Powell Winifred Lilian Maud Female Flynn Joseph Male Leederville
1916/3900006 Leederville Blundy Fredrick Henry Male Lane Gertrude Grace Female Leederville
1916/3900006 Leederville Lane Gertrude Grace Female Blundy Fredrick Henry Male Leederville
1916/3900007 Leederville Lepper Ethel May Female Allen Albert Phillip Male Leederville
1916/3900007 Leederville Allen Albert Phillip Male Lepper Ethel May Female Leederville
1916/3900008 Leederville Mitchell Olive Ida Female Bogg Harold Edward Male Leederville
1916/3900008 Leederville Bogg Harold Edward Male Mitchell Olive Ida Female Leederville
1916/3900009 Leederville Meldrum Dorothy Rosina Adelaide Female Monk Harold Richard Male Leederville
1916/3900009 Leederville Monk Harold Richard Male Meldrum Dorothy Rosina Adelaide Female Leederville
1916/3900010 Leederville Buckley James Male Mullane Ethel May Female Leederville
1916/3900010 Leederville Mullane Ethel May Female Buckley James Male Leederville
1916/3900011 Leederville Brotherwood Edith Female Clements Frank Arthur Leslie Male Leederville
1916/3900011 Leederville Clements Frank Arthur Leslie Male Brotherwood Edith Female Leederville
1916/3900012 Leederville McCarthy Martin Henry Male Doble Sarah Annie Female Leederville
1916/3900012 Leederville Doble Sarah Annie Female McCarthy Martin Henry Male Leederville
1916/3900013 Leederville Foster Alfred John Male Angwin Florence May Female Leederville
1916/3900013 Leederville Angwin Florence May Female Foster Alfred John Male Leederville
1916/3900014 Leederville Weston Henry Devereaux Male Manton Florence Female Leederville
1916/3900014 Leederville Manton Florence Female Weston Henry Devereaux Male Leederville
1916/3900015 Leederville Merton Arthur Joseph Male Allan Jeanie Female Leederville
1916/3900015 Leederville Allan Jeanie Female Merton Arthur Joseph Male Leederville
1916/3900016 Leederville Murray Mary Female Hasell Percy William Henry Male Leederville
1916/3900016 Leederville Hasell Percy William Henry Male Murray Mary Female Leederville
1916/3900017 Leederville McMullen Mary Female Cleaver Arthur Male Leederville
1916/3900017 Leederville Cleaver Arthur Male McMullen Mary Female Leederville
1916/3900018 Leederville Grant David Ernest Male McNamara Agnes Female Leederville
1916/3900018 Leederville McNamara Agnes Female Grant David Ernest Male Leederville
1916/3900019 Leederville Rose James Male Davidson Frances Isabella Female Leederville
1916/3900019 Leederville Davidson Frances Isabella Female Rose James Male Leederville
1916/3900020 Leederville Hayward Dorothy Jane Female Stanley Henry William Male Leederville
1916/3900020 Leederville Stanley Henry William Male Hayward Dorothy Jane Female Leederville
1916/3900021 Leederville Laughton James Gunn Male Webster Annie Female Leederville
1916/3900021 Leederville Webster Annie Female Laughton James Gunn Male Leederville
1916/3900022 Leederville Sands Rhoda Female Lawrence Jesse William Male Leederville
1916/3900022 Leederville Lawrence Jesse William Male Sands Rhoda Female Leederville
1916/3900023 Leederville Maguire Lilian Female Mitchell Alexander Male Leederville
1916/3900023 Leederville Mitchell Alexander Male Maguire Lilian Female Leederville
1916/3900024 Leederville McGowan Alice Maud Female McNess John Male Leederville
1916/3900024 Leederville McNess John Male McGowan Alice Maud Female Leederville
1916/3900025 Leederville Hubble Blanche Hilary Female Burke Spencer Bruce Male Leederville
1916/3900025 Leederville Burke Spencer Bruce Male Hubble Blanche Hilary Female Leederville
1916/3900026 Leederville Stewart Maude Female Martin Henry Male Leederville
1916/3900026 Leederville Martin Henry Male Stewart Maude Female Leederville
1916/3900027 Leederville Bollard Miriam Ada Female Minney William Foster Male Leederville
1916/3900027 Leederville Minney William Foster Male Bollard Miriam Ada Female Leederville
1916/3900028 Leederville Hosking Herbert Harold Male Bowers Martha Female Leederville
1916/3900028 Leederville Bowers Martha Female Hosking Herbert Harold Male Leederville
1916/3900029 Leederville Buckingham Lionel William Male Nelson Margret Ann Female Leederville
1916/3900029 Leederville Nelson Margret Ann Female Buckingham Lionel William Male Leederville
1916/3900030 Leederville Carlyle Ida Rosalie Female McGillicuddy Ernest James Male Leederville
1916/3900030 Leederville McGillicuddy Ernest James Male Carlyle Ida Rosalie Female Leederville
1916/3900031 Leederville Fergusson Amy Female Epstein Sim Male Leederville
1916/3900031 Leederville Epstein Sim Male Fergusson Amy Female Leederville
1916/3900032 Leederville Johnson Thomas Edward Male Crane Fanny Female Leederville
1916/3900032 Leederville Crane Fanny Female Johnson Thomas Edward Male Leederville
1916/3900033 Leederville Saggers Irene Tasmar Female Van Dyk Burger Male Leederville
1916/3900033 Leederville Van Dyk Burger Male Saggers Irene Tasmar Female Leederville
1916/3900034 Leederville Mill Laura Irene Female Higgs James Henry Male Leederville
1916/3900034 Leederville Higgs James Henry Male Mill Laura Irene Female Leederville
1916/3900035 Leederville Andersen Hans Peter Male Rhodes Agnes Female Leederville
1916/3900035 Leederville Rhodes Agnes Female Andersen Hans Peter Male Leederville
1916/3900036 Leederville Brimmer Ellen Female Ward Edward Male Leederville
1916/3900036 Leederville Ward Edward Male Brimmer Ellen Female Leederville
1916/3900037 Leederville Rowell Marian Florance Female Hames Edwin Male Leederville
1916/3900037 Leederville Hames Edwin Male Rowell Marian Florance Female Leederville
1916/3900038 Leederville East Charles Edwin James Male Johnson Ellen Victoria Female Leederville
1916/3900038 Leederville Johnson Ellen Victoria Female East Charles Edwin James Male Leederville
1916/3900039 Leederville Daniels Hannah Female White Francis Oliver Male Leederville
1916/3900039 Leederville White Francis Oliver Male Daniels Hannah Female Leederville
1916/3900040 Leederville Davies Alfred William Male McGlew Iris Maude Elizabeth Female Leederville
1916/3900040 Leederville McGlew Iris Maude Elizabeth Female Davies Alfred William Male Leederville
1916/3900041 Leederville Lamb William Male Minogue Honora Female Leederville
1916/3900041 Leederville Minogue Honora Female Lamb William Male Leederville
1916/3900042 Leederville During Charlotte Female Wait Aaron Male West Leederville
1916/3900042 Leederville Wait Aaron Male During Charlotte Female West Leederville
1916/3900043 Leederville Butler Elizabeth Mary Female Onslow Joseph Brisbane Male Leederville
1916/3900043 Leederville Onslow Joseph Brisbane Male Butler Elizabeth Mary Female Leederville
1916/3900044 Leederville Wallis Elsie Olive May Female Lewis James Male Leederville
1916/3900044 Leederville Lewis James Male Wallis Elsie Olive May Female Leederville
1916/3900045 Leederville Smith Mancel Female Mackie William Morrison Male Leederville
1916/3900045 Leederville Mackie William Morrison Male Smith Mancel Female Leederville
1916/3900046 Leederville Allen John William Male Joy Mary Female Leederville
1916/3900046 Leederville Joy Mary Female Allen John William Male Leederville
1916/3900047 Leederville Lailey Winifred Fanny Female Baldock George Male Leederville
1916/3900047 Leederville Baldock George Male Lailey Winifred Fanny Female Leederville
1916/3900048 Leederville Pratt Ruby Rose Melina Female Lund William Male Leederville
1916/3900048 Leederville Lund William Male Pratt Ruby Rose Melina Female Leederville
1916/3900049 Leederville Mitchell Alexander Male Jones Ellen Female Leederville
1916/3900049 Leederville Jones Ellen Female Mitchell Alexander Male Leederville
1916/3900050 Leederville Brett William Male Rouse Doris Emily Female Leederville
1916/3900050 Leederville Rouse Doris Emily Female Brett William Male Leederville
1916/3900051 Leederville Fletcher Laura Louisa Female Errington Reginald Ralph Male Leederville
1916/3900051 Leederville Errington Reginald Ralph Male Fletcher Laura Louisa Female Leederville
1916/3900052 Leederville Carnley Selina Female Hepple John Male Leederville
1916/3900052 Leederville Hepple John Male Carnley Selina Female Leederville
1916/3900053 Leederville Butler George Joseph Male Wafer Florence Magdelene Female Leederville
1916/3900053 Leederville Wafer Florence Magdelene Female Butler George Joseph Male Leederville
1916/3900054 Leederville Shaw Eileen Unice Female Graham Robert Male Leederville
1916/3900054 Leederville Graham Robert Male Shaw Eileen Unice Female Leederville
1916/3900055 Leederville Scoglier Adelaide Amelia Female Mullins Walter Snowden Male Leederville
1916/3900055 Leederville Mullins Walter Snowden Male Scoglier Adelaide Amelia Female Leederville
1916/3900056 Leederville Smith James Stapleton Male Langbein Angie Millie Myrtle Female Leederville
1916/3900056 Leederville Langbein Angie Millie Myrtle Female Smith James Stapleton Male Leederville
1916/3900057 Leederville Watterston Agnes Female Cowley Henry Thomas Male Leederville
1916/3900057 Leederville Cowley Henry Thomas Male Watterston Agnes Female Leederville
1916/3900058 Leederville Ridley Hartley Herbert Male Whitemore Clara Maude Female Leederville
1916/3900058 Leederville Whitemore Clara Maude Female Ridley Hartley Herbert Male Leederville
1916/3900059 Leederville Lindsay William Peter Male Parker Rose Adelaide Female Leederville
1916/3900059 Leederville Parker Rose Adelaide Female Lindsay William Peter Male Leederville
1916/3900060 Leederville Skinner Ida Munro Female Rawlings Percy John James Male Leederville
1916/3900060 Leederville Rawlings Percy John James Male Skinner Ida Munro Female Leederville
1916/3900061 Leederville Wegg Stanley Keith Male Baird May Female Leederville
1916/3900061 Leederville Baird May Female Wegg Stanley Keith Male Leederville
1916/3900062 Leederville Wood Bessie Female Lynch Bernard Male Leederville
1916/3900062 Leederville Lynch Bernard Male Wood Bessie Female Leederville
1916/3900063 Leederville Pendleton John Fredrick Male Pratt Edith Ann Female Leederville
1916/3900063 Leederville Pratt Edith Ann Female Pendleton John Fredrick Male Leederville
1916/3900064 Leederville Hawthorne Reginald Male Cumbers Ethel Female Leederville
1916/3900064 Leederville Cumbers Ethel Female Hawthorne Reginald Male Leederville
1916/3900065 Leederville Kennelly William Male Farren Ethel Mary Female Leederville
1916/3900065 Leederville Farren Ethel Mary Female Kennelly William Male Leederville
1916/3900066 Leederville Kelly Harold Henry Male Buckingham Ivy Myrtle Female Leederville
1916/3900066 Leederville Buckingham Ivy Myrtle Female Kelly Harold Henry Male Leederville
1916/3900067 Leederville Moore Mary Anna Female Montgomery Wilfred James Male Leederville
1916/3900067 Leederville Montgomery Wilfred James Male Moore Mary Anna Female Leederville
1916/3900068 Leederville Hope Harold Samuel Male Ryan Mary Daisy Female Leederville
1916/3900068 Leederville Ryan Mary Daisy Female Hope Harold Samuel Male Leederville
1916/3900069 Leederville Udell Frances Female Brewer Frederick Brewer Male Leederville
1916/3900069 Leederville Udell Frances Female Brewer Frederick Male Leederville
1916/3900069 Leederville Udell Frances Female Walters Frederick Brewer Male Leederville
1916/3900069 Leederville Udell Frances Female Walters Frederick Male Leederville
1916/3900069 Leederville Walters Frederick Brewer Male Udell Frances Female Leederville
1916/3900069 Leederville Brewer Frederick Brewer Male Udell Frances Female Leederville
1916/3900069 Leederville Brewer Frederick Male Udell Frances Female Leederville
1916/3900069 Leederville Walters Frederick Male Udell Frances Female Leederville
1916/3900070 Leederville Robinson Willis Hoskin Male Magowan Blanche Female Leederville
1916/3900070 Leederville Magowan Blanche Female Robinson Willis Hoskin Male Leederville
1916/3900071 Leederville Poulter Edith Elsie Violet Female Johnson Frank Male Leederville
1916/3900071 Leederville Johnson Frank Male Poulter Edith Elsie Violet Female Leederville
1916/3900072 Leederville Thompson Ruth Female Loud William Alfred Male Leederville
1916/3900072 Leederville Loud William Alfred Male Thompson Ruth Female Leederville
1916/3900073 Leederville Lailey George William Male Barnes Bessie Alice Female Leederville
1916/3900073 Leederville Barnes Bessie Alice Female Lailey George William Male Leederville
1916/3900074 Leederville Innes Gertrude Mary Female Cann George Stannard Male Leederville
1916/3900074 Leederville Cann George Stannard Male Innes Gertrude Mary Female Leederville
1916/3900075 Leederville Bracey Joshua Alfred Male Neave Gladys Mauger Female Leederville
1916/3900075 Leederville Neave Gladys Mauger Female Bracey Joshua Alfred Male Leederville
1916/3900076 Leederville Bregenzer Ethel May Female Hardman Horace Ludwig Male Leederville
1916/3900076 Leederville Hardman Horace Ludwig Male Bregenzer Ethel May Female Leederville
1916/3900077 Leederville Ahern Evelyn May Female Peterson George Male Leederville
1916/3900077 Leederville Peterson George Male Ahern Evelyn May Female Leederville
1916/3900078 Leederville Knapton Olive Female Lockyer Alfred Malcolm Brooks Male Leederville
1916/3900078 Leederville Lockyer Alfred Malcolm Brooks Male Knapton Olive Female Leederville
1916/3900079 Leederville Holland Emily Female Fenton William Male Leederville
1916/3900079 Leederville Holland Evelyn Female Fenton William Male Leederville
1916/3900079 Leederville Fenton William Male Holland Emily Female Leederville
1916/3900079 Leederville Fenton William Male Holland Evelyn Female Leederville
1916/3900080 Leederville Laing James Edward Male Spruce Dulcie Pearl Female Leederville
1916/3900080 Leederville Spruce Dulcie Pearl Female Laing James Edward Male Leederville
1916/3900081 Leederville Turner Rose Leslie Female Kynaston Charles Male Leederville
1916/3900081 Leederville Kynaston Charles Male Turner Rose Leslie Female Leederville
1916/3900082 Leederville Nichols John Thomas Male Jacobs Rosa Constance Female Leederville
1916/3900082 Leederville Jacobs Rosa Constance Female Nichols John Thomas Male Leederville
1916/3900083 Leederville Bragg Alfred William Male Sims Alice Harriet Female Leederville
1916/3900083 Leederville Sims Alice Harriet Female Bragg Alfred William Male Leederville
1916/3900084 Leederville Kingston Camilla Victoria Female Aitken Cyril Calver Male Perth
1916/3900084 Leederville Aitken Cyril Calver Male Kingston Camilla Victoria Female Perth
1916/3900085 Leederville Moyle Alice Isabel Female Cross Charles Henry Male Leederville
1916/3900085 Leederville Cross Charles Henry Male Moyle Alice Isabel Female Leederville
1916/3900086 Leederville Curnow Elizabeth Ann Female Campbell David Bisset Male Leederville
1916/3900086 Leederville Campbell David Bisset Male Curnow Elizabeth Ann Female Leederville
1916/3900087 Leederville Simpson Rose May Female Coyle Frank Philip Male Leederville
1916/3900087 Leederville Coyle Frank Philip Male Simpson Rose May Female Leederville
1916/3900088 Leederville Gill William Male Baile Violet Rose Female Leederville
1916/3900088 Leederville Baile Violet Rose Female Gill William Male Leederville
1916/3900089 Leederville Miller Grace Female Brown Frederick Herbert Male Leederville
1916/3900089 Leederville Brown Frederick Herbert Male Miller Grace Female Leederville
1916/3900090 Leederville Miller Federitia Jessie Female Blowes Albert Decinous Male Leederville
1916/3900090 Leederville Blowes Albert Decinous Male Miller Federitia Jessie Female Leederville
1916/3900091 Leederville Sutherland Ellen Female Green John Male Leederville
1916/3900091 Leederville Green John Male Sutherland Ellen Female Leederville
1916/3900092 Leederville Williams Francis Gilbert Male Christmass Vera Rebecca Female Leederville
1916/3900092 Leederville Christmass Vera Rebecca Female Williams Francis Gilbert Male Leederville
1916/3900093 Leederville Culbertson Thomas Hugh Male Redford Daisy Jessica Female Leederville
1916/3900093 Leederville Redford Daisy Jessica Female Culbertson Thomas Hugh Male Leederville
1916/3900094 Leederville Bower Hilda Harriet Female Burnett Charles Ernest Male Leederville
1916/3900094 Leederville Burnett Charles Ernest Male Bower Hilda Harriet Female Leederville
1916/3900095 Leederville Millington Thelma Rose Female Wake Arnold George Male Leederville
1916/3900095 Leederville Wake Arnold George Male Millington Thelma Rose Female Leederville
1916/3900096 Leederville Cordingley Frank Male Claridge Laivina Jane Female Leederville
1916/3900096 Leederville Claridge Laivina Jane Female Cordingley Frank Male Leederville
1916/3900097 Leederville Trotter Ralph Male Newton Margaret Female Leederville
1916/3900097 Leederville Newton Margaret Female Trotter Ralph Male Leederville
1916/3900098 Leederville Phelps Amelia Adella Female McKenzie George Male Leederville
1916/3900098 Leederville McKenzie George Male Phelps Amelia Adella Female Leederville
1916/3900099 Leederville Lawrence Muriel Bessie Female Kinsman Albert Victor Male Leederville
1916/3900099 Leederville Kinsman Albert Victor Male Lawrence Muriel Bessie Female Leederville
1916/3900100 Leederville Webb Jesse Male Hall Eliza Amelia Female Leederville
1916/3900100 Leederville Hall Eliza Amelia Female Webb Jesse Male Leederville
1916/3900101 Leederville Magowan Rhoda May Female Plewright John George Male Leederville
1916/3900101 Leederville Plewright John George Male Magowan Rhoda May Female Leederville
1916/3900102 Leederville Sumner Mary Female Rowe Hugh Male West Leederville
1916/3900102 Leederville Rowe Hugh Male Sumner Mary Female West Leederville
1916/3900103 Leederville Stott Clarice Jubiletti Female Pewtner Frederick Henry Male Leederville
1916/3900103 Leederville Pewtner Frederick Henry Male Stott Clarice Jubiletti Female Leederville
1916/3900104 Leederville Whitelaw Frank Percy Male Quartermaine Alice Irene Female Leederville
1916/3900104 Leederville Quartermaine Alice Irene Female Whitelaw Frank Percy Male Leederville
1916/3900105 Leederville Williams Eve Rosetta Female Butterworth Albert Edward Male Leederville
1916/3900105 Leederville Butterworth Albert Edward Male Williams Eve Rosetta Female Leederville
1916/3900106 Leederville Leeke Winifred Elizabeth Female Fearn George Albert Male Leederville
1916/3900106 Leederville Fearn George Albert Male Leeke Winifred Elizabeth Female Leederville
1916/3900107 Leederville Moore John William Male Hayes Ellen Slena Female Leederville
1916/3900107 Leederville Hayes Ellen Slena Female Moore John William Male Leederville
1916/3900108 Leederville Tobin Catherine Mary Female Whiteman Oswald Archibald Claude Male Leederville
1916/3900108 Leederville Whiteman Oswald Archibald Claude Male Tobin Catherine Mary Female Leederville
1916/3900109 Leederville Bougher Arthur Edward Male Baker Hellen Elizabeth Female Leederville
1916/3900109 Leederville Baker Hellen Elizabeth Female Bougher Arthur Edward Male Leederville
1916/3900110 Leederville Flowerday Elizabeth Mary Female Samuel Andrew John Male Leederville
1916/3900110 Leederville Samuel Andrew John Male Flowerday Elizabeth Mary Female Leederville
1916/3900111 Leederville Walton Kathleen Conelia Female Lewis David Male Leederville
1916/3900111 Leederville Lewis David Male Walton Kathleen Conelia Female Leederville
1916/3900112 Leederville Boyd John Hugh Male Saville Susan Catherine Female Leederville
1916/3900112 Leederville Saville Susan Catherine Female Boyd John Hugh Male Leederville
1916/3900113 Leederville Porter Charles Male Duff Martha Minnie Female Leederville
1916/3900113 Leederville Duff Martha Minnie Female Porter Charles Male Leederville
1916/3900114 Leederville Wilde Arthur Edward Male Drew Alice Female West Leederville
1916/3900114 Leederville Drew Alice Female Wilde Arthur Edward Male West Leederville
1916/4200001 Moora Beresford Lizzie Female Prince Ernest Gamble Male Moora
1916/4200001 Moora Prince Ernest Gamble Male Beresford Lizzie Female Moora
1916/4200002 Moora Longman Maude Female Murray William Male Moora
1916/4200002 Moora Murray William Male Longman Maude Female Moora
1916/4200003 Moora Riley Charles Lawrence Male Lefroy Lucille Mary Female Moora
1916/4200003 Moora Lefroy Lucille Mary Female Riley Charles Lawrence Male Moora
1916/4200004 Moora Annear Horace Edmund Male Paull Isla Female Roundhill
1916/4200004 Moora Paull Isla Female Annear Horace Edmund Male Roundhill
1916/4200005 Moora Ryder Mary Carmel Female Wyatt William Male Moora
1916/4200005 Moora Wyatt William Male Ryder Mary Carmel Female Moora
1916/4200006 Moora Abbott Elizabeth Lillian May Female Garnaut George Bertram Male Coomberdale
1916/4200006 Moora Garnaut George Bertram Male Abbott Elizabeth Lillian May Female Coomberdale
1916/4200007 Moora Brewer Charles Joseph Leslie Male Cleaver Florence Emily Female Moora
1916/4200007 Moora Cleaver Florence Emily Female Brewer Charles Joseph Leslie Male Moora
1916/4200008 Moora Narea Francis Male Wilks Grace Female Moora
1916/4200008 Moora Wilks Grace Female Narea Francis Male Moora
1916/4200009 Moora Humphreys Richard Male Evans Margaret Jane Female Round Hill
1916/4200009 Moora Evans Margaret Jane Female Humphreys Richard Male Round Hill
1916/4200011 Moora Timms Ethel Female Brand Fletcher Harold Male Moora
1916/4200011 Moora Brand Fletcher Harold Male Timms Ethel Female Moora
1916/4200012 Moora Sullivan Robert Male Sheridan Evangeline Female Moora
1916/4200012 Moora Sheridan Evangeline Female Sullivan Robert Male Moora
1916/4200013 Moora Meredith Agnes Glencross Female Whittingham George Male Dalwallinu
1916/4200013 Moora Whittingham George Male Meredith Agnes Glencross Female Dalwallinu
1916/4200014 Moora Green Charlotte Ellen Whitfield Female Drummond Harold Ougden Male Dandaragan
1916/4200014 Moora Drummond Harold Ougden Male Green Charlotte Ellen Whitfield Female Dandaragan
1916/4200015 Moora Dix William Male Kelly Bridget May Female Moora
1916/4200015 Moora Kelly Bridget May Female Dix William Male Moora
1916/4200016 Moora Read Grace Florence Female Fane William Patrick Male Moora
1916/4200016 Moora Fane William Patrick Male Read Grace Florence Female Moora
1916/4300001 Mount Margaret Discombe Lillian Rose Female Kemp Frank Male Malcolm
1916/4300001 Mount Margaret Kemp Frank Male Discombe Lillian Rose Female Malcolm
1916/4300002 Mount Margaret Watson Frances Rye Female Heston Michael Male Leonora
1916/4300002 Mount Margaret Heston Michael Male Watson Frances Rye Female Leonora
1916/4300003 Mount Margaret Howarth Janet Sarah Female Kyle Fred Raymond Male Gwalia
1916/4300003 Mount Margaret Kyle Fred Raymond Male Howarth Janet Sarah Female Gwalia
1916/4300004 Mount Margaret Robinson David Stanfield Male Orwin Claremont Annie Female Laverton
1916/4300004 Mount Margaret Orwin Claremont Annie Female Robinson David Stanfield Male Laverton
1916/4300005 Mount Margaret MacKay Joseph Male Atkinson Annie Dorothy Female Laverton
1916/4300005 Mount Margaret Atkinson Annie Dorothy Female MacKay Joseph Male Laverton
1916/4300006 Mount Margaret Baker Louisa Turner Female Weir Matthew Male Malcolm
1916/4300006 Mount Margaret Weir Matthew Male Baker Louisa Turner Female Malcolm
1916/4300007 Mount Margaret Smellie Robert Fulton Male Hansen Dorothy Pauline Female Mt Margaret District
1916/4300007 Mount Margaret Hansen Dorothy Pauline Female Smellie Robert Fulton Male Mt Margaret District
1916/4300008 Mount Margaret Jackson Annie Female Giles Charles Male Mt Margaret District
1916/4300008 Mount Margaret Giles Charles Male Jackson Annie Female Mt Margaret District
1916/4300009 Mount Margaret Davies Olive Ethel Female Sheridan James McMillan Male Gwalia
1916/4300009 Mount Margaret Sheridan James McMillan Male Davies Olive Ethel Female Gwalia
1916/4300010 Mount Margaret Bowden Lily Catherine Female Crofts Arthur Edward Male Leonora
1916/4300010 Mount Margaret Crofts Arthur Edward Male Bowden Lily Catherine Female Leonora
1916/4300011 Mount Margaret Nicoli Jinio Male McPherson Catherine Female Beria
1916/4300011 Mount Margaret McPherson Catherine Female Nicoli Jinio Male Beria
1916/4300012 Mount Margaret Currie Richard Leroy Male Davidson Eva Female Gwalia
1916/4300012 Mount Margaret Davidson Eva Female Currie Richard Leroy Male Gwalia
1916/4300013 Mount Margaret Parker Alwyn Ernest Male Carter Ethel Muriel Female Malcolm
1916/4300013 Mount Margaret Carter Ethel Muriel Female Parker Alwyn Ernest Male Malcolm
1917/4400001 Murchison Webster Margaret Maud Female Parker George Andrew Male Day Dawn
1917/4400001 Murchison Parker George Andrew Male Webster Margaret Maud Female Day Dawn
1916/4400002 Murchison Morris Mary Female Pugh Thomas John Male Cue
1917/4400002 Murchison Hunt Harriet Female Rymer John Bertram Male Cue
1916/4400002 Murchison Pugh Thomas John Male Morris Mary Female Cue
1917/4400002 Murchison Rymer John Bertram Male Hunt Harriet Female Cue
1917/4400003 Murchison Stonehouse William George Male Moses Catherine Sophia Female Mt Magnet
1916/4400003 Murchison Grimshaw John Henry Male Tait Jessie Female Cue
1916/4400003 Murchison Tait Jessie Female Grimshaw John Henry Male Cue
1917/4400003 Murchison Moses Catherine Sophia Female Stonehouse William George Male Mt Magnet
1916/4400004 Murchison Fowler John Male Cook Ethel Female Meekatharra
1916/4400004 Murchison Cook Ethel Female Fowler John Male Meekatharra
1916/4400005 Murchison Meginess Henry Patrick Male Hyde Alice Female Meekatharra
1916/4400005 Murchison Hyde Alice Female Meginess Henry Patrick Male Meekatharra
1916/4400006 Murchison Brown Robert Stafford Male Smith Gertrude Female Lennonville
1916/4400006 Murchison Smith Gertrude Female Brown Robert Stafford Male Lennonville
1916/4400007 Murchison Clarkson Albert Samuel Male Ridley Lily Female Cue
1916/4400007 Murchison Ridley Lily Female Clarkson Albert Samuel Male Cue
1916/4400008 Murchison Barker Sarah Elizabeth Female Quann Sydney Male Meekatharra
1916/4400008 Murchison Quann Sydney Male Barker Sarah Elizabeth Female Meekatharra
1916/4400009 Murchison Gray Henry James Male Busch Bridget Meriam Female Meekatharra
1916/4400009 Murchison Busch Bridget Meriam Female Gray Henry James Male Meekatharra
1916/4400010 Murchison Burton Frank Male Woodhead Amy Caroline Female Cue
1916/4400010 Murchison Woodhead Amy Caroline Female Burton Frank Male Cue
1916/4400011 Murchison Parker William John Male Knox Florence Doris Female Meekatharra
1916/4400011 Murchison Knox Florence Doris Female Parker William John Male Meekatharra
1916/4400012 Murchison Jones Frederick Harold Male Hovell Amelia Female Meekatharra
1916/4400012 Murchison Hovell Amelia Female Jones Frederick Harold Male Meekatharra
1916/4400013 Murchison Webster Harold George Male Watson Alice Maud Female Mt Magnet
1916/4400013 Murchison Watson Alice Maud Female Webster Harold George Male Mt Magnet
1916/4400014 Murchison Fraser Alexander Male Brown Alice Maud Mason Female Meekatharra
1916/4400014 Murchison Brown Alice Maud Mason Female Fraser Alexander Male Meekatharra
1916/4400015 Murchison Barker Ada Female Kaye Arthur Gideon Male Meekatharra
1916/4400015 Murchison Kaye Arthur Gideon Male Barker Ada Female Meekatharra
1916/4400016 Murchison Gill Joseph Thomas Male Grey Winifred Female Meekatharra
1916/4400016 Murchison Grey Winifred Female Gill Joseph Thomas Male Meekatharra
1916/4400017 Murchison Nelson Alice Female Shenton George Frederick Male Cue
1916/4400017 Murchison Shenton George Frederick Male Nelson Alice Female Cue
1916/4400018 Murchison Purcell Patrick Male McLean Florence Maud Female Meekatharra
1916/4400018 Murchison McLean Florence Maud Female Purcell Patrick Male Meekatharra
1916/4400019 Murchison Sterritt Edwin Male Pitchford Louisa Jane Female Meekatharra
1916/4400019 Murchison Pitchford Louisa Jane Female Sterritt Edwin Male Meekatharra
1916/4400020 Murchison Thompson Henry William Male Taylor Lily Female Meekatharra
1916/4400020 Murchison Taylor Lily Female Thompson Henry William Male Meekatharra
1916/4400021 Murchison Tatham Sydney Bonsfield Male Allan Lizzie May Female Cue
1916/4400021 Murchison Allan Lizzie May Female Tatham Sydney Bonsfield Male Cue
1916/4400022 Murchison Gericevich Gerolima Female Perich John Male Day Dawn
1916/4400022 Murchison Perich John Male Gericevich Gerolima Female Day Dawn
1916/4400023 Murchison Joyce Agnes Adeline Female Hansen Ernest Richard Male Cue
1916/4400023 Murchison Hansen Ernest Richard Male Joyce Agnes Adeline Female Cue
1916/4400024 Murchison Moore Winifred Mary Female Farrelly John Male Meekatharra
1916/4400024 Murchison Farrelly John Male Moore Winifred Mary Female Meekatharra
1916/4400025 Murchison Brand Duncan Graham Male Teahan Catherine Female Meekatharra
1916/4400025 Murchison Teahan Catherine Female Brand Duncan Graham Male Meekatharra
1916/4400026 Murchison Thomson Charles Edward Male Smales Rose Female Mt Magnet
1916/4400026 Murchison Smales Rose Female Thomson Charles Edward Male Mt Magnet
1916/4400027 Murchison Bantow Agnes Ellen Female Logan William Male Mt Magnet
1916/4400027 Murchison Logan William Male Bantow Agnes Ellen Female Mt Magnet
1916/4400028 Murchison Brown Florence May Female Head John Charles Male Meekatharra
1916/4400028 Murchison Head John Charles Male Brown Florence May Female Meekatharra
1916/4400029 Murchison Killick Florence Helen Female Curling Ernest Roy Male Cue
1916/4400029 Murchison Curling Ernest Roy Male Killick Florence Helen Female Cue
1916/4500001 East Murchison O'Neill Esther Female Seagrott George Male Wiluna
1916/4500001 East Murchison Seagrott George Male O'Neill Esther Female Wiluna
1916/4700001 Murray Townsend Samuel Watson Male France Lydia Female Pinjarra
1916/4700001 Murray France Lydia Female Townsend Samuel Watson Male Pinjarra
1916/4700003 Murray Bond Alexander Beckett Male Fawcett Eva Adela Julia Female Pinjarra
1916/4700003 Murray Fawcett Eva Adela Julia Female Bond Alexander Beckett Male Pinjarra
1916/4700004 Murray Bridal Alice May Female Beacham George Joseph Clarence Male Pinjarra
1916/4700004 Murray Beacham George Joseph Clarence Male Bridal Alice May Female Pinjarra
1916/4700005 Murray Smalpage Eugene Bert Male Jefferies Christina Female Pinjarra
1916/4700005 Murray Jefferies Christina Female Smalpage Eugene Bert Male Pinjarra
1916/4700007 Murray Redden William Edward Male Ramsden Edith Martha Mary Female Nanga Brook
1916/4700007 Murray Ramsden Edith Martha Mary Female Redden William Edward Male Nanga Brook
1916/4700008 Murray McMeekin Doris Female White Harold Edwin Male Holyoake
1916/4700008 Murray White Harold Edwin Male McMeekin Doris Female Holyoake
1916/4700009 Murray Frost Winifred May Female Pride William Alfred Male Waroona
1916/4700009 Murray Pride William Alfred Male Frost Winifred May Female Waroona
1916/4700010 Murray Nelligan Laurel Josephine Female Hewson William Alexander Male Pinjarra
1916/4700010 Murray Hewson William Alexander Male Nelligan Laurel Josephine Female Pinjarra
1916/4700011 Murray White Frances Female Howe Thomas Joseph Male Dwellingup
1916/4700011 Murray Howe Thomas Joseph Male White Frances Female Dwellingup
1917/4900001 Northam Ellis Mary Amy Elizabeth Female Christmass Lewis Eldred William Male Northam
1917/4900001 Northam Christmass Lewis Eldred William Male Ellis Mary Amy Elizabeth Female Northam
1917/4900002 Northam Kong Lim Male Spicer Violet May Female Northam
1917/4900002 Northam Spicer Violet May Female Kong Lim Male Northam
1916/4900004 Northam Maley Havis Mary Zilla Female Jones Fredrich Lawrence Male Tammin
1916/4900004 Northam Jones Fredrich Lawrence Male Maley Havis Mary Zilla Female Tammin
1917/4900004 Northam Fairfull Lillian Female Christmass Roy George Male Northam
1917/4900004 Northam Christmass Roy George Male Fairfull Lillian Female Northam
1916/4900005 Northam Randall William George Male Hossack Jessie Female Yorkrakine
1916/4900005 Northam Hossack Jessie Female Randall William George Male Yorkrakine
1916/4900006 Northam Tootell Selina Beatrice Female Reeves Edward Charles Male Minnivale
1916/4900006 Northam Reeves Edward Charles Male Tootell Selina Beatrice Female Minnivale
1916/4900007 Northam Chitty Grace Female Parker Sidney James Male Toodyay
1916/4900007 Northam Parker Sidney James Male Chitty Grace Female Toodyay
1916/4900008 Northam Coppard Florence Ellen Female Goldspink Herbert John Male Kellerberrin
1916/4900008 Northam Goldspink Herbert John Male Coppard Florence Ellen Female Kellerberrin
1916/4900009 Northam Keane Sydney Gunson Male Sermon Beryl Doreen Female Meckering
1916/4900009 Northam Sermon Beryl Doreen Female Keane Sydney Gunson Male Meckering
1916/4900010 Northam Hulley Alfred Male Gale Mary Ann Female Cunderdin
1916/4900010 Northam Gale Mary Ann Female Hulley Alfred Male Cunderdin
1916/4900011 Northam Blake Ethel May Female Martin Henry James Male Northam
1916/4900011 Northam Martin Henry James Male Blake Ethel May Female Northam
1916/4900012 Northam Jones William Clement Male Giles Clara Jane Female Northam
1916/4900012 Northam Giles Clara Jane Female Jones William Clement Male Northam
1916/4900013 Northam Ellson Harry Blackall Male Genefini Margaretta Female Clackline
1916/4900013 Northam Genefini Margaretta Female Ellson Harry Blackall Male Clackline
1916/4900014 Northam Brockhurst Arthur Harold Male Lynch Annie Frances Female Goomalling
1916/4900014 Northam Lynch Annie Frances Female Brockhurst Arthur Harold Male Goomalling
1916/4900015 Northam Butterly Elsie Eva Female Brookes Frederick Norman Patrick Male Jurakine
1916/4900015 Northam Brookes Frederick Norman Patrick Male Butterly Elsie Eva Female Jurakine
1916/4900016 Northam Johnson Elizabeth Female McKay Neil Francis Brodie Male Goomalling
1916/4900016 Northam McKay Neil Francis Brodie Male Johnson Elizabeth Female Goomalling
1916/4900017 Northam Hodgson Sarah Jane Female Duggan George Edward Male Merredin
1916/4900017 Northam Duggan George Edward Male Hodgson Sarah Jane Female Merredin
1916/4900018 Northam Liedle Vincent Jubilee Male Peterson Ellen Mary Female Doodlakine
1916/4900018 Northam Peterson Ellen Mary Female Liedle Vincent Jubilee Male Doodlakine
1916/4900019 Northam Phillips David John Male Green Frances Teresa Female Cunderdin
1916/4900019 Northam Green Frances Teresa Female Phillips David John Male Cunderdin
1916/4900020 Northam Fahy Margaret Frances Female Biram Ben Entwisle Male Kwolyn
1916/4900020 Northam Biram Ben Entwisle Male Fahy Margaret Frances Female Kwolyn
1916/4900021 Northam Matthews Ida May Female Cooke Herbert Christopher Male Northam
1916/4900021 Northam Cooke Herbert Christopher Male Matthews Ida May Female Northam
1916/4900022 Northam Fensome Lucy Female Williams Isaac Male Northam
1916/4900022 Northam Williams Isaac Male Fensome Lucy Female Northam
1916/4900023 Northam Craig Gordon Smale Male Brockman Agatha Blanche Female Toodyay
1916/4900023 Northam Brockman Agatha Blanche Female Craig Gordon Smale Male Toodyay
1916/4900024 Northam McWhirter Emma Louisa Female Freemantle Frank Male Kellerberrin
1916/4900024 Northam Freemantle Frank Male McWhirter Emma Louisa Female Kellerberrin
1916/4900025 Northam Currie William John Male Goodes Charlotte Matilda Female Northam
1916/4900025 Northam Goodes Charlotte Matilda Female Currie William John Male Northam
1916/4900026 Northam McLean Lilian Female Armstrong John William Male Toodyay
1916/4900026 Northam Armstrong John William Male McLean Lilian Female Toodyay
1916/4900027 Northam Taylor Thomas Henry Male Tickner Lily Annie Female Northam
1916/4900027 Northam Tickner Lily Annie Female Taylor Thomas Henry Male Northam
1916/4900028 Northam Errington William Humphrey Male Haddrill Hazel Laura Female Northam
1916/4900028 Northam Haddrill Hazel Laura Female Errington William Humphrey Male Northam
1916/4900029 Northam Smith Lionel John Male Macpherson Annie Joannah Female Jennapullin
1916/4900029 Northam Macpherson Annie Joannah Female Smith Lionel John Male Jennapullin
1916/4900030 Northam Donovan Florence Evelyn Female Rodda John Stephons Male Northam
1916/4900030 Northam Rodda John Stephons Male Donovan Florence Evelyn Female Northam
1916/4900031 Northam Randall Lillian Maud Female Bell Archibald John Male Tammin
1916/4900031 Northam Bell Archibald John Male Randall Lillian Maud Female Tammin
1916/4900032 Northam Thackray Margaret Hannah Female Davey Lewis Male Wattening
1916/4900032 Northam Davey Lewis Male Thackray Margaret Hannah Female Wattening
1916/4900033 Northam Forster Sydney James Male Morris Frances Elizabeth Female Kellerberrin
1916/4900033 Northam Morris Frances Elizabeth Female Forster Sydney James Male Kellerberrin
1916/4900034 Northam Nicholson Godfrey Gervase Male Henley Ethelwyn Juanita Female Northam
1916/4900034 Northam Henley Ethelwyn Juanita Female Nicholson Godfrey Gervase Male Northam
1916/4900035 Northam Rogers Robert Mark Male Waters Mary Ann Female Culham
1916/4900035 Northam Waters Mary Ann Female Rogers Robert Mark Male Culham
1916/4900036 Northam Tyler Dorothy Pearl Female Knight Charles Henry Male Korrelocking
1916/4900036 Northam Knight Charles Henry Male Tyler Dorothy Pearl Female Korrelocking
1916/4900037 Northam Parnham Catherine Female Wilkins Louis George Male Jennacubbine
1916/4900037 Northam Wilkins Louis George Male Parnham Catherine Female Jennacubbine
1916/4900038 Northam Truslove Charles Robert Male Veal Florence Edith Female Merredin
1916/4900038 Northam Veal Florence Edith Female Truslove Charles Robert Male Merredin
1916/4900039 Northam Simmons Thomas Clarence Male Crowne Sarah Daisy Female Northam
1916/4900039 Northam Crowne Sarah Daisy Female Simmons Thomas Clarence Male Northam
1916/4900040 Northam King Winifred Vera Female Martin Stephen Stanley Male Northam
1916/4900040 Northam Martin Stephen Stanley Male King Winifred Vera Female Northam
1916/4900041 Northam Lynch Thomas Male McDonald Elizabeth Marion Female Northam
1916/4900041 Northam McDonald Elizabeth Marion Female Lynch Thomas Male Northam
1916/4900042 Northam Downey Honora Agnes Female Beard David Thomas Male Northam
1916/4900042 Northam Beard David Thomas Male Downey Honora Agnes Female Northam
1916/4900043 Northam Bowcock Frank Leonard Male Christmass Lillian Evaline Female Northam
1916/4900043 Northam Christmass Lillian Evaline Female Bowcock Frank Leonard Male Northam
1916/4900044 Northam McCulloch Esther Female Hall Arthur Male Kellerberrin
1916/4900044 Northam Hall Arthur Male McCulloch Esther Female Kellerberrin
1916/4900045 Northam Burns James Varley Male Thornton Ellen Female Doodlakine
1916/4900045 Northam Thornton Ellen Female Burns James Varley Male Doodlakine
1916/4900046 Northam Sharkey Myles Stephen Male Bell Pearl May Female Kellerberrin
1916/4900046 Northam Bell Pearl May Female Sharkey Myles Stephen Male Kellerberrin
1916/4900047 Northam Marlow Percy Edward Male Syred Mary Frances Female Wattening
1916/4900047 Northam Syred Mary Frances Female Marlow Percy Edward Male Wattening
1916/4900048 Northam Wilkes Emmeline Annie Female Hoare Harold Leslie James Male Burran Rock
1916/4900048 Northam Hoare Harold Leslie James Male Wilkes Emmeline Annie Female Burran Rock
1916/4900049 Northam Marsh Eva Amy Female Fowler Foster Male Mt Marshall
1916/4900049 Northam Fowler Foster Male Marsh Eva Amy Female Mt Marshall
1916/4900050 Northam Delmage John Jacob Male Holland Johannah Lavina Female Northam
1916/4900050 Northam Holland Johannah Lavina Female Delmage John Jacob Male Northam
1916/4900051 Northam Freind Eva Mabel Female Wilkerson Charles Edwin Male Northam
1916/4900051 Northam Wilkerson Charles Edwin Male Freind Eva Mabel Female Northam
1916/4900052 Northam McMahon Charles Male Hart Maud Florence Female Northam
1916/4900052 Northam Hart Maud Florence Female McMahon Charles Male Northam
1916/4900053 Northam Taylor Joseph Norman Male Kilgallon Ethel Margaret Female Northam
1916/4900053 Northam Kilgallon Ethel Margaret Female Taylor Joseph Norman Male Northam
1916/4900054 Northam Scutter Nellie Female Hagboom Agustave Robert Male Goomalling
1916/4900054 Northam Hagboom Agustave Robert Male Scutter Nellie Female Goomalling
1916/4900055 Northam Wilkins Eleanor May Female Parkinson Cuthbert Male Cunderdin
1916/4900055 Northam Parkinson Cuthbert Male Wilkins Eleanor May Female Cunderdin
1916/4900056 Northam King Margaret Female Spencer Joseph Male Northam
1916/4900056 Northam Spencer Joseph Male King Margaret Female Northam
1916/4900057 Northam Uren Elsie May Female Clarke Ernest Albert Male West Northam
1916/4900057 Northam Clarke Ernest Albert Male Uren Elsie May Female West Northam
1916/4900058 Northam McLaughlan Savina Gertrude Female Temple John Male Northam
1916/4900058 Northam Temple John Male McLaughlan Savina Gertrude Female Northam
1916/4900059 Northam Molloy John Albert Male White Alice Nita Female Northam
1916/4900059 Northam White Alice Nita Female Molloy John Albert Male Northam
1916/4900060 Northam Rutter Ruby Female Growden William Rockdale Male Nangeenan
1916/4900060 Northam Growden William Rockdale Male Rutter Ruby Female Nangeenan
1916/4900061 Northam Hatwell George Gilbert Male Stewart Mary Female Old Dowerin
1916/4900061 Northam Stewart Mary Female Hatwell George Gilbert Male Old Dowerin
1916/4900062 Northam Moore Winifred Louise Female Allert Bernhard Felix Male Goomalling
1916/4900062 Northam Allert Bernhard Felix Male Moore Winifred Louise Female Goomalling
1916/4900063 Northam Ralph Ethel Hannah Female Doig Frank Ernest Male Northam
1916/4900063 Northam Doig Frank Ernest Male Ralph Ethel Hannah Female Northam
1916/4900064 Northam Wenlock Ida Muriel Female Western Albert George Lee Male Northam
1916/4900064 Northam Western Albert George Lee Male Wenlock Ida Muriel Female Northam
1916/4900065 Northam Brennan Margaret Dominica Female Hegarty James Thomas Male Northam
1916/4900065 Northam Hegarty James Thomas Male Brennan Margaret Dominica Female Northam
1916/4900066 Northam O'Neill Ellen May Female Pethybridge Rae Male Toodyay
1916/4900066 Northam Pethybridge Rae Male O'Neill Ellen May Female Toodyay
1916/4900067 Northam Carroll John William Male Green Lilian Maud Female Kellerberrin
1916/4900067 Northam Green Lilian Maud Female Carroll John William Male Kellerberrin
1916/4900068 Northam Yeats Fanny Elizabeth Ellen Female Murphy James William Male North Kellerberrin
1916/4900068 Northam Murphy James William Male Yeats Fanny Elizabeth Ellen Female North Kellerberrin
1916/4900069 Northam Harry William Harold Male Fletcher Alice Female Northam
1916/4900069 Northam Fletcher Alice Female Harry William Harold Male Northam
1916/4900070 Northam Hodges Frank Stanley Male Jones Florence Elizabeth Female West Northam
1916/4900070 Northam Jones Florence Elizabeth Female Hodges Frank Stanley Male West Northam
1916/4900071 Northam Taylor George Male Haddrill May Sarah Female West Northam
1916/4900071 Northam Haddrill May Sarah Female Taylor George Male West Northam
1916/4900072 Northam Button Ellen Maria Matilda Female Gibson John Hopgood Male Goomarin
1916/4900072 Northam Gibson John Hopgood Male Button Ellen Maria Matilda Female Goomarin
1916/4900073 Northam Williams Thomas Henry Male Reynolds Alice Maud Female Northam
1916/4900073 Northam Reynolds Alice Maud Female Williams Thomas Henry Male Northam
1916/4900074 Northam Hubble John Henry Thomas Male Kewley Lilian Maud Female Northam
1916/4900074 Northam Kewley Lilian Maud Female Hubble John Henry Thomas Male Northam
1916/4900075 Northam Bennett Minola Mignonette Female Due Percy Male Northam
1916/4900075 Northam Due Percy Male Bennett Minola Mignonette Female Northam
1916/4900076 Northam Endersbee Charles Thomas Male Portingale Elsie Elizabeth Female Merredin
1916/4900076 Northam Portingale Elsie Elizabeth Female Endersbee Charles Thomas Male Merredin
1916/4900077 Northam Carter Cecil Robert Charles Male Downey Mary Female Northam
1916/4900077 Northam Downey Mary Female Carter Cecil Robert Charles Male Northam
1916/4900078 Northam Doherty James Joseph Male Morris Catherine Mary Female Northam
1916/4900078 Northam Morris Catherine Mary Female Doherty James Joseph Male Northam
1916/4900079 Northam Jones Stephen James Male Roberts Lydia Mary Female Korrelocking
1916/4900079 Northam Roberts Lydia Mary Female Jones Stephen James Male Korrelocking
1916/4900080 Northam Preston Charles Male Ryan Mary Anne Female Tammin
1916/4900080 Northam Ryan Mary Anne Female Preston Charles Male Tammin
1916/4900081 Northam Banham Louisa Female Allan Albert Male Korrelocking
1916/4900081 Northam Allan Albert Male Banham Louisa Female Korrelocking
1916/4900082 Northam Douglas Isobel Female Fernihough Ernest Isaac Male Northam
1916/4900082 Northam Fernihough Ernest Isaac Male Douglas Isobel Female Northam
1916/4900083 Northam Dreyer Gordon William Male Wells Violet Female Northam
1916/4900083 Northam Wells Violet Female Dreyer Gordon William Male Northam
1916/4900084 Northam Dyer Celia Johannah Female Dyer George Henry Male Northam
1916/4900084 Northam Dyer George Henry Male Dyer Celia Johannah Female Northam
1916/5000001 Northampton Willesden James Male Davis Lillie Sarah Female Northampton
1916/5000001 Northampton Davis Lillie Sarah Female Willesden James Male Northampton
1916/5000002 Northampton Woodcock Alfred Charles Male Cook Ruby Female Northampton
1916/5000002 Northampton Cook Ruby Female Woodcock Alfred Charles Male Northampton
1916/5000003 Northampton Baston Hugo Strickland Male Speedy Barbara Grace Female Nabawah
1916/5000003 Northampton Speedy Barbara Grace Female Baston Hugo Strickland Male Nabawah
1916/5000004 Northampton Schmidt Hilda Grace Female Harrison James Hartly Male Northampton
1916/5000004 Northampton Harrison James Hartly Male Schmidt Hilda Grace Female Northampton
1916/5000005 Northampton Lymburner Norma Female Cripps Charles Thomas Male Northampton
1916/5000005 Northampton Cripps Charles Thomas Male Lymburner Norma Female Northampton
1916/5000006 Northampton Whitehurst Elsie Davis Female Patman Lionel Gideon Victor Male Nabawah
1916/5000006 Northampton Patman Lionel Gideon Victor Male Whitehurst Elsie Davis Female Nabawah
1916/5000007 Northampton Scaife Robert Male Walsh Eileen Monica Female Northampton
1916/5000007 Northampton Walsh Eileen Monica Female Scaife Robert Male Northampton
1916/5200001 Phillips River McKinney William Male Mardon Mary Ann Female Ravensthorp
1916/5200001 Phillips River Mardon Mary Ann Female McKinney William Male Ravensthorp
1916/5200002 Phillips River Daniels Thomas Henry Male Smith Lena Jane McAllister Female Ravensthorpe
1916/5200002 Phillips River Smith Lena Jane McAllister Female Daniels Thomas Henry Male Ravensthorpe
1916/5400001 Plantagenet Angove Doreen Elsie Female Clark Sydney Male Albany
1916/5400001 Plantagenet Clark Sydney Male Angove Doreen Elsie Female Albany
1916/5400002 Plantagenet Hamlin Herbert Bowen Male Louch Mary Grace Female Albany
1916/5400002 Plantagenet Louch Mary Grace Female Hamlin Herbert Bowen Male Albany
1917/5400004 Plantagenet Greenslade Vaughan Male Mitchell Esther Constance Ida Female Mount Barker
1917/5400004 Plantagenet Mitchell Esther Constance Ida Female Greenslade Vaughan Male Mount Barker
1916/5400005 Plantagenet Watt Emily Lillian Female Swaby James William Male Cranbrook
1916/5400005 Plantagenet Swaby James William Male Watt Emily Lillian Female Cranbrook
1916/5400006 Plantagenet Kennedy John Mathew Male Pendergrast Amy Mildred Female Albany
1916/5400006 Plantagenet Pendergrast Amy Mildred Female Kennedy John Mathew Male Albany
1916/5400007 Plantagenet Delacroix Martha Angele Female Grossun William Alexander Male Albany
1916/5400007 Plantagenet Grossun William Alexander Male Delacroix Martha Angele Female Albany
1916/5400008 Plantagenet Mitchell Louisa Jane Camfield Female Venn William Basil Male Mount Barker
1916/5400008 Plantagenet Venn William Basil Male Mitchell Louisa Jane Camfield Female Mount Barker
1916/5400009 Plantagenet Williams Frederick Male Gray Louisa May Female Mount Barker
1916/5400009 Plantagenet Gray Louisa May Female Williams Frederick Male Mount Barker
1916/5400010 Plantagenet Channon Alfred Male Cross Ethel Gertrude Female Albany
1916/5400010 Plantagenet Cross Ethel Gertrude Female Channon Alfred Male Albany
1916/5400011 Plantagenet Hambly Helen Beatrice Female James Thomas David John Male Albany
1916/5400011 Plantagenet James Thomas David John Male Hambly Helen Beatrice Female Albany
1916/5400012 Plantagenet Willatt Jessie Mavis Female Hartnup Frederick Male Albany
1916/5400012 Plantagenet Hartnup Frederick Male Willatt Jessie Mavis Female Albany
1916/5400013 Plantagenet Greenslade Elsie Female Peart Ernest Percy Richard Male Mt Barker
1916/5400013 Plantagenet Peart Ernest Percy Richard Male Greenslade Elsie Female Mt Barker
1916/5400014 Plantagenet Gairen Matilda Maud Female Bean Frederick William Male Albany
1916/5400014 Plantagenet Bean Frederick William Male Gairen Matilda Maud Female Albany
1916/5400015 Plantagenet Rennie Isabella Female Bonnie James Keefe Male Torbay Junction
1916/5400015 Plantagenet Bonnie James Keefe Male Rennie Isabella Female Torbay Junction
1916/5400016 Plantagenet Ward Ethel Louisa Female Walker George William Male Albany
1916/5400016 Plantagenet Walker George William Male Ward Ethel Louisa Female Albany
1916/5400017 Plantagenet Batt William Joseph Male Miniter Ellen Mary Female Tingerup
1916/5400017 Plantagenet Miniter Ellen Mary Female Batt William Joseph Male Tingerup
1916/5400018 Plantagenet Diprose Elsie May Female Howard Reuben Osborne Male Moonies Hills
1916/5400018 Plantagenet Howard Reuben Osborne Male Diprose Elsie May Female Moonies Hills
1916/5400019 Plantagenet Rickerby Robert Male Swarbrick Lillian Mary Female Albany
1916/5400019 Plantagenet Swarbrick Lillian Mary Female Rickerby Robert Male Albany
1916/5400020 Plantagenet Mort George Alfred Male Dorries Blanche Amy Female Albany
1916/5400020 Plantagenet Dorries Blanche Amy Female Mort George Alfred Male Albany
1916/5400021 Plantagenet Moir Evelyn Octavia Female Wellstead John Male Albany
1916/5400021 Plantagenet Wellstead John Male Moir Evelyn Octavia Female Albany
1916/5400022 Plantagenet Smith Clarence Melville Male Henderson Hilda May Female Albany
1916/5400022 Plantagenet Henderson Hilda May Female Smith Clarence Melville Male Albany
1916/5400023 Plantagenet Moate Aldred John Santon Male Rickerby Mary Janet Female Albany
1916/5400023 Plantagenet Rickerby Mary Janet Female Moate Aldred John Santon Male Albany
1916/5400024 Plantagenet Horwood Myra Victoria Female Newton John Thomas Male Albany
1916/5400024 Plantagenet Newton John Thomas Male Horwood Myra Victoria Female Albany
1916/5400025 Plantagenet Bailey Alfred Earnest Male Shute Hilda Kathleen Female Albany
1916/5400025 Plantagenet Shute Hilda Kathleen Female Bailey Alfred Earnest Male Albany
1916/5400026 Plantagenet Chaloner Theophilus Male Schumann Olive Agnes Mooney Female Albany
1916/5400026 Plantagenet Schumann Olive Agnes Mooney Female Chaloner Theophilus Male Albany
1916/5400027 Plantagenet Pope Edward Sutherland Male Wall Elsie Stiring Barker Female Albany
1916/5400027 Plantagenet Wall Elsie Stiring Barker Female Pope Edward Sutherland Male Albany
1916/5400028 Plantagenet Brown Beatrice Female Wilks John William Male Mount Barker
1916/5400028 Plantagenet Wilks John William Male Brown Beatrice Female Mount Barker
1916/5400029 Plantagenet Bird John Male Knapp Emma Female Torbay
1916/5400029 Plantagenet Knapp Emma Female Bird John Male Torbay
1916/5400030 Plantagenet Sherratt Emma Harriett Female Thomas David Male Albany
1916/5400030 Plantagenet Thomas David Male Sherratt Emma Harriett Female Albany
1916/5400031 Plantagenet Cooke Olive Mary Ella Female Singleton Henry Male Albany
1916/5400031 Plantagenet Singleton Henry Male Cooke Olive Mary Ella Female Albany
1916/5400032 Plantagenet Climie Hugh Strathdel Male Palmer Bessie Female Cranbrook
1916/5400032 Plantagenet Palmer Bessie Female Climie Hugh Strathdel Male Cranbrook
1916/5400033 Plantagenet Parsons Henry Howard Male Higgins Rebecca Female Mongetup
1916/5400033 Plantagenet Higgins Rebecca Female Parsons Henry Howard Male Mongetup
1916/5400034 Plantagenet Ebbatson Dora Annie Female Prior Ernest Melville Male Albany
1916/5400034 Plantagenet Prior Ernest Melville Male Ebbatson Dora Annie Female Albany
1916/5400035 Plantagenet Lang Margaret Kennedy Female Fisher Thomas Edwin Male Albany
1916/5400035 Plantagenet Fisher Thomas Edwin Male Lang Margaret Kennedy Female Albany
1916/5400036 Plantagenet Gillam Hebe Claire Beeston Female Betts William Albert Male Tenterden
1916/5400036 Plantagenet Betts William Albert Male Gillam Hebe Claire Beeston Female Tenterden
1916/5400037 Plantagenet Galloway William John Male Archer Eveline Alice Female Albany
1916/5400037 Plantagenet Archer Eveline Alice Female Galloway William John Male Albany
1916/5400038 Plantagenet Kavanagh Jessie Alberta Female Moir Alexander McLaren Male Tenterden
1916/5400038 Plantagenet Moir Alexander McLaren Male Kavanagh Jessie Alberta Female Tenterden
1916/5400039 Plantagenet Carroll Mervyn Wilfred Male Potter Mabel Maud Female Mount-Barker
1916/5400039 Plantagenet Potter Mabel Maud Female Carroll Mervyn Wilfred Male Mount-Barker
1916/5400040 Plantagenet Keeley John William Male Hesse Margaret Ellen Female Albany
1916/5400040 Plantagenet Hesse Margaret Ellen Female Keeley John William Male Albany
1916/5400041 Plantagenet Deegan John Male Hill Doris Evelyn Female Albany
1916/5400041 Plantagenet Hill Doris Evelyn Female Deegan John Male Albany
1916/5400042 Plantagenet Clarkson Eleanior Frances Female Tassell William Oscar Sylvanus Male Albany
1916/5400042 Plantagenet Tassell William Oscar Sylvanus Male Clarkson Eleanior Frances Female Albany
1916/5400043 Plantagenet Swan Andrew John Male Banfield Dorothy Cole Female Albany
1916/5400043 Plantagenet Banfield Dorothy Cole Female Swan Andrew John Male Albany
1916/5400044 Plantagenet Sharpe Malcolm Male Timewell Doris Elizabeth Female Albany
1916/5400044 Plantagenet Timewell Doris Elizabeth Female Sharpe Malcolm Male Albany
1916/5400045 Plantagenet Hopson James Maitland Male Gibbs Lizzie Gertrude Female Denmark
1916/5400045 Plantagenet Gibbs Lizzie Gertrude Female Hopson James Maitland Male Denmark
1916/5400046 Plantagenet Allen Lucy Female Parker Cyril Edward Male Albany
1916/5400046 Plantagenet Parker Cyril Edward Male Allen Lucy Female Albany
1916/5400047 Plantagenet Chaplin Jean Hamilton Female Ardagh Richard George Male Albany
1916/5400047 Plantagenet Ardagh Richard George Male Chaplin Jean Hamilton Female Albany
1916/5400048 Plantagenet Blackburn Elizabeth Jane Female Parsons Albert George Victor Male Mount Barker
1916/5400048 Plantagenet Parsons Albert George Victor Male Blackburn Elizabeth Jane Female Mount Barker
1916/5400049 Plantagenet Venn Ethel Louisa Female Elliott Edward Male Mount Barker
1916/5400049 Plantagenet Elliott Edward Male Venn Ethel Louisa Female Mount Barker
1916/5400050 Plantagenet Fallows Jessie Kathleen Jane Female Smith John Male Albany
1916/5400050 Plantagenet Smith John Male Fallows Jessie Kathleen Jane Female Albany
1916/5400051 Plantagenet Brown Emma Louisa Female Webb Robert Henry Male Albany
1916/5400051 Plantagenet Webb Robert Henry Male Brown Emma Louisa Female Albany
1916/5400052 Plantagenet Jackson Lavinia May Female Pugh Frank Reginald Hendy Male Albany
1916/5400052 Plantagenet Pugh Frank Reginald Hendy Male Jackson Lavinia May Female Albany
1916/5400053 Plantagenet Moss William Alfred Male Marnham May Female Albany
1916/5400053 Plantagenet Marnham May Female Moss William Alfred Male Albany
1916/5400054 Plantagenet Greenslade Kate Marian Female Macpherson Edward Russell Male Mount Barker
1916/5400054 Plantagenet Macpherson Edward Russell Male Greenslade Kate Marian Female Mount Barker
1916/5600001 Roebourne Rogers George Thomas Frank Male Thomas Leta Louisa Female Roebourne
1916/5600001 Roebourne Thomas Leta Louisa Female Rogers George Thomas Frank Male Roebourne
1916/5600002 Roebourne Horne Amy Ella Female Philippson Harold Lawrence Male Whim Creek
1916/5600002 Roebourne Philippson Harold Lawrence Male Horne Amy Ella Female Whim Creek
1917/5900001 Subiaco Hope Percy Thomas Lloyd Male Machin Phyllis Mary Female Subiaco
1917/5900001 Subiaco Machin Phyllis Mary Female Hope Percy Thomas Lloyd Male Subiaco
1917/5900002 Subiaco Martin Harriet Female Thomas William John Male Jolimont
1917/5900002 Subiaco Thomas William John Male Martin Harriet Female Jolimont
1916/5900003 Subiaco Stone Lilian Female Hayes William James Male Subiaco
1917/5900003 Subiaco McLeod Aeneas Thomas Allen Male Bennetts Hazel Female Subiaco
1916/5900003 Subiaco Hayes William James Male Stone Lilian Female Subiaco
1917/5900003 Subiaco Bennetts Hazel Female McLeod Aeneas Thomas Allen Male Subiaco
1917/5900004 Subiaco Strongman David Frank Male McAtee Alice Louisa Female Subiaco
1917/5900004 Subiaco McAtee Alice Louisa Female Strongman David Frank Male Subiaco
1917/5900005 Subiaco Orr Wallace Hugh Male Hancock Elsie May Female Subiaco
1917/5900005 Subiaco Hancock Elsie May Female Orr Wallace Hugh Male Subiaco
1917/5900006 Subiaco Smith Edith May Female Spear Alexander George Male Subiaco
1917/5900006 Subiaco Spear Alexander George Male Smith Edith May Female Subiaco
1917/5900007 Subiaco Wood James William Male Rickie Gertrude Violet Female Subiaco
1917/5900007 Subiaco Rickie Gertrude Violet Female Wood James William Male Subiaco
1917/5900008 Subiaco Donovan James Paul Male Williams Annie Female Subiaco
1917/5900008 Subiaco Williams Annie Female Donovan James Paul Male Subiaco
1916/5900008 Subiaco Mann Thomas Male Hedley Minnie Moore Female Subiaco
1916/5900008 Subiaco Hedley Minnie Moore Female Mann Thomas Male Subiaco
1916/5900010 Subiaco Booker Leslie Arthur Male Veale Elizabeth Lavinia Clarice Female Subiaco
1916/5900010 Subiaco Veale Elizabeth Lavinia Clarice Female Booker Leslie Arthur Male Subiaco
1916/5900012 Subiaco Winner Edgar George Male Sprunt Jessie Polson Smith Female Subiaco
1916/5900012 Subiaco Sprunt Jessie Polson Smith Female Winner Edgar George Male Subiaco
1916/5900013 Subiaco East Ruby Female Kilian Edward Ernest Rudolph Male Subiaco
1916/5900013 Subiaco Kilian Edward Ernest Rudolph Male East Ruby Female Subiaco
1916/5900014 Subiaco Barrett Elsie Evelyn Female Evans William Frederick Leslie Male Subiaco
1916/5900014 Subiaco Evans William Frederick Leslie Male Barrett Elsie Evelyn Female Subiaco
1916/5900015 Subiaco Villiers Ethel Maude Female Jones Merlyn Brecon Male Subiaco
1916/5900015 Subiaco Jones Merlyn Brecon Male Villiers Ethel Maude Female Subiaco
1916/5900016 Subiaco White Noel Francis William Male Allen Eveline Jane Female Subiaco
1916/5900016 Subiaco Allen Eveline Jane Female White Noel Francis William Male Subiaco
1916/5900017 Subiaco Watterston John Woodward Male Flowitt Lily Female Subiaco
1916/5900017 Subiaco Flowitt Lily Female Watterston John Woodward Male Subiaco
1916/5900018 Subiaco Macgill William Male MacDonald Elsie Female Subiaco
1916/5900018 Subiaco MacDonald Elsie Female Macgill William Male Subiaco
1916/5900019 Subiaco Archibald Clara Eliza Female Kirkpatrick William Male Subiaco
1916/5900019 Subiaco Kirkpatrick William Male Archibald Clara Eliza Female Subiaco
1916/5900020 Subiaco Sandars Alan Kenneth Male Place May Lavinia Female Subiaco
1916/5900020 Subiaco Place May Lavinia Female Sandars Alan Kenneth Male Subiaco
1916/5900021 Subiaco Gomer David Male Barlow Annie Female Subiaco
1916/5900021 Subiaco Barlow Annie Female Gomer David Male Subiaco
1916/5900022 Subiaco Thompson Alice Lida Female McCullough Hugh Male Subiaco
1916/5900022 Subiaco McCullough Hugh Male Thompson Alice Lida Female Subiaco
1916/5900023 Subiaco Campbell Harry Richmond Male Playle Pearl Lydia Female Subiaco
1916/5900023 Subiaco Playle Pearl Lydia Female Campbell Harry Richmond Male Subiaco
1916/5900024 Subiaco Jacob Florence Helena Female Ginbey Claude Male Subiaco
1916/5900024 Subiaco Ginbey Claude Male Jacob Florence Helena Female Subiaco
1916/5900025 Subiaco Palmer Myra Female Rusha Robert Frederick Male Subiaco
1916/5900025 Subiaco Rusha Robert Frederick Male Palmer Myra Female Subiaco
1916/5900026 Subiaco Archibald Ethel Emma Female Kelly Arthur Augustus Male Subiaco
1916/5900026 Subiaco Kelly Arthur Augustus Male Archibald Ethel Emma Female Subiaco
1916/5900027 Subiaco Arnold Clara Jane Female Johnson Augustus Male Subiaco
1916/5900027 Subiaco Johnson Augustus Male Arnold Clara Jane Female Subiaco
1916/5900028 Subiaco Dinneen Allen Andrew Male McInerney Mary Eileen Female Subiaco
1916/5900028 Subiaco McInerney Mary Eileen Female Dinneen Allen Andrew Male Subiaco
1916/5900029 Subiaco Williams William Male Masters Sarah Ann Female Subiaco
1916/5900029 Subiaco Masters Sarah Ann Female Williams William Male Subiaco
1916/5900030 Subiaco Newport Ruby Margaret Female Hoops Francis Henry Male Subiaco
1916/5900030 Subiaco Hoops Francis Henry Male Newport Ruby Margaret Female Subiaco
1916/5900031 Subiaco Williams Edwin Joyce Male Silvester Vera Whaley Female Subiaco
1916/5900031 Subiaco Silvester Vera Whaley Female Williams Edwin Joyce Male Subiaco
1916/5900032 Subiaco Griffiths Bernice Cordelia Female Littlejohn William Edward Male Subiaco
1916/5900032 Subiaco Littlejohn William Edward Male Griffiths Bernice Cordelia Female Subiaco
1916/5900033 Subiaco Scott Neil Campbell Male Wilkinson Ruby Catherine Female Subiaco
1916/5900033 Subiaco Wilkinson Ruby Catherine Female Scott Neil Campbell Male Subiaco
1916/5900034 Subiaco Carlton Rennie Jean Female Bennett Gordon Leigh Male Subiaco
1916/5900034 Subiaco Bennett Gordon Leigh Male Carlton Rennie Jean Female Subiaco
1916/5900035 Subiaco Davey Richard James Stanley Male Hugo Elsie Beatrice Female Subiaco
1916/5900035 Subiaco Hugo Elsie Beatrice Female Davey Richard James Stanley Male Subiaco
1916/5900036 Subiaco Griffin Arthur William Male Machin Emily Florence Female Subiaco
1916/5900036 Subiaco Machin Emily Florence Female Griffin Arthur William Male Subiaco
1916/5900037 Subiaco Brown Florence Elizabeth Female Moody Herbert Sydney Male Subiaco
1916/5900037 Subiaco Moody Herbert Sydney Male Brown Florence Elizabeth Female Subiaco
1916/5900038 Subiaco Henderson Betsey Hunter Female Baird Holmes Cuthbert Male Subiaco
1916/5900038 Subiaco Baird Holmes Cuthbert Male Henderson Betsey Hunter Female Subiaco
1916/5900039 Subiaco Neal Mary Female Burton Leister John Male Subiaco
1916/5900039 Subiaco Burton Leister John Male Neal Mary Female Subiaco
1916/5900040 Subiaco Maguire Cecily Augustine Female Chapman Franklyn Oscar Male Subiaco
1916/5900040 Subiaco Chapman Franklyn Oscar Male Maguire Cecily Augustine Female Subiaco
1916/5900041 Subiaco McDermott Ada Female Scarterfield Reginald Alfred Male Subiaco
1916/5900041 Subiaco Scarterfield Reginald Alfred Male McDermott Ada Female Subiaco
1916/5900042 Subiaco Forster Catherine Smeaton Female Hall Edmund Henry Hartley Male Subiaco
1916/5900042 Subiaco Hall Edmund Henry Hartley Male Forster Catherine Smeaton Female Subiaco
1916/5900043 Subiaco Renshaw Stanley Male Bone Alice Mary Female Subiaco
1916/5900043 Subiaco Bone Alice Mary Female Renshaw Stanley Male Subiaco
1916/5900044 Subiaco Evans Alfred Henry Male Dennison Hilda Edith Female Subiaco
1916/5900044 Subiaco Dennison Hilda Edith Female Evans Alfred Henry Male Subiaco
1916/5900045 Subiaco Tate Rita Evelyn Lyle Female Parker Peter Joseph Male Subiaco
1916/5900045 Subiaco Parker Peter Joseph Male Tate Rita Evelyn Lyle Female Subiaco
1916/5900046 Subiaco Herbert Charles William Male Andrews Rosina May Female Subiaco
1916/5900046 Subiaco Andrews Rosina May Female Herbert Charles William Male Subiaco
1916/5900047 Subiaco Wilson Archibald Hamilton Male Kealley Dulcie Amalia Female Subiaco
1916/5900047 Subiaco Kealley Dulcie Amalia Female Wilson Archibald Hamilton Male Subiaco
1916/5900048 Subiaco Brady Frances Female McIlwraith Bruce Hay Male Subiaco
1916/5900048 Subiaco McIlwraith Bruce Hay Male Brady Frances Female Subiaco
1916/5900049 Subiaco O'Mahony Elgar Casimir Male Horan Olive Elsie Female Subiaco
1916/5900049 Subiaco Horan Olive Elsie Female O'Mahony Elgar Casimir Male Subiaco
1916/5900050 Subiaco Jack Violet Mary Female Farrar Leslie Neild Male Subiaco
1916/5900050 Subiaco Farrar Leslie Neild Male Jack Violet Mary Female Subiaco
1916/5900051 Subiaco Kidson Annie Lily Ida Female Herbert-Burns Cyril George Male Subiaco
1916/5900051 Subiaco Herbert-Burns Cyril George Male Kidson Annie Lily Ida Female Subiaco
1916/5900052 Subiaco Cook Ada Alma Female Cockman Walter Richard Male Subiaco
1916/5900052 Subiaco Cockman Walter Richard Male Cook Ada Alma Female Subiaco
1916/5900053 Subiaco Burgess Helen Victoria Female Meehan Richard Thomas Male Subiaco
1916/5900053 Subiaco Meehan Richard Thomas Male Burgess Helen Victoria Female Subiaco
1916/5900054 Subiaco O'Flaherty Margaret Female Morris James Male Subiaco
1916/5900054 Subiaco Morris James Male O'Flaherty Margaret Female Subiaco
1916/5900055 Subiaco Hawkins Henry James Male Phillips Edith Female Subiaco
1916/5900055 Subiaco Phillips Edith Female Hawkins Henry James Male Subiaco
1916/5900056 Subiaco McAtee Elvira Anne Female Dunstan Leslie Edward Male Subiaco
1916/5900056 Subiaco Dunstan Leslie Edward Male McAtee Elvira Anne Female Subiaco
1916/5900057 Subiaco Mountjoy Henry David Male McCarthy Kathleen Female Subiaco
1916/5900057 Subiaco McCarthy Kathleen Female Mountjoy Henry David Male Subiaco
1916/5900058 Subiaco Perry James Alfred John Male Buggins Ethel Matilda Female Subiaco
1916/5900058 Subiaco Buggins Ethel Matilda Female Perry James Alfred John Male Subiaco
1916/5900059 Subiaco Petersen William Howard Male Walters Florence May Female Subiaco
1916/5900059 Subiaco Walters Florence May Female Petersen William Howard Male Subiaco
1916/5900060 Subiaco Byfield Emily Female Cock George Male Subiaco
1916/5900060 Subiaco Cock George Male Byfield Emily Female Subiaco
1916/5900061 Subiaco Newton Edwin Albert Male Knights Mabel Female Subiaco
1916/5900061 Subiaco Knights Mabel Female Newton Edwin Albert Male Subiaco
1916/5900062 Subiaco McDonnell Martin Charles Michael Male McCusker Margaret Female Subiaco
1916/5900062 Subiaco McCusker Margaret Female McDonnell Martin Charles Michael Male Subiaco
1916/5900063 Subiaco Kealley Samuel Stanton Male Lilley Violet Noble Female Subiaco
1916/5900063 Subiaco Lilley Violet Noble Female Kealley Samuel Stanton Male Subiaco
1916/5900064 Subiaco Winch Hilda Lillian Female Bell Sydney Arnold Male Subiaco
1916/5900064 Subiaco Bell Sydney Arnold Male Winch Hilda Lillian Female Subiaco
1916/5900065 Subiaco Corin Albert James Male Lovegrove Lottie Female Subiaco
1916/5900065 Subiaco Lovegrove Lottie Female Corin Albert James Male Subiaco
1916/5900066 Subiaco Law Charles Bertram Male Wyllie Mary Female Subiaco
1916/5900066 Subiaco Wyllie Mary Female Law Charles Bertram Male Subiaco
1916/5900067 Subiaco Shipton Norval Male Nugent Freda Mildred Female Subiaco
1916/5900067 Subiaco Nugent Freda Mildred Female Shipton Norval Male Subiaco
1916/5900068 Subiaco Summers Mary Female Wainwright Arthur Male Subiaco
1916/5900068 Subiaco Wainwright Arthur Male Summers Mary Female Subiaco
1916/5900069 Subiaco Bennett Rose Florence Female Schofield Arthur John Male Subiaco
1916/5900069 Subiaco Schofield Arthur John Male Bennett Rose Florence Female Subiaco
1916/5900070 Subiaco Harris Violet Mary Lillian Female McGrath Bernard Male Subiaco
1916/5900070 Subiaco McGrath Bernard Male Harris Violet Mary Lillian Female Subiaco
1916/5900071 Subiaco Stodart Vida Kathleen Female Follick Alexander Clifton Male Subiaco
1916/5900071 Subiaco Follick Alexander Clifton Male Stodart Vida Kathleen Female Subiaco
1916/5900072 Subiaco Cross Herbert Wartnaby Male Taylor Ethel Female Subiaco
1916/5900072 Subiaco Taylor Ethel Female Cross Herbert Wartnaby Male Subiaco
1916/5900073 Subiaco Robinson Charles Male Morley Ada Elizabeth Female Subiaco
1916/5900073 Subiaco Morley Ada Elizabeth Female Robinson Charles Male Subiaco
1916/5900074 Subiaco Thompson William James Male Dearlove Elizabeth Frances Female Subiaco
1916/5900074 Subiaco Dearlove Elizabeth Frances Female Thompson William James Male Subiaco
1916/5900075 Subiaco Maddox Walter Vaughan Male Campbell Mary Rebecca Female Subiaco
1916/5900075 Subiaco Campbell Mary Rebecca Female Maddox Walter Vaughan Male Subiaco
1916/5900076 Subiaco Sloss Louisa Female Potter Charles Male West Subiaco
1916/5900076 Subiaco Potter Charles Male Sloss Louisa Female West Subiaco
1916/5900077 Subiaco Plumb Amelia Sarah Female Cailes Roy Leslie Male Subiaco
1916/5900077 Subiaco Cailes Roy Leslie Male Plumb Amelia Sarah Female Subiaco
1916/5900078 Subiaco Ganfield Edward Male Delaporte Ilma Louisa Female Subiaco
1916/5900078 Subiaco Delaporte Ilma Louisa Female Ganfield Edward Male Subiaco
1916/5900079 Subiaco Iverson Peter Edmund Joseph Male Symons Vera Female Subiaco
1916/5900079 Subiaco Symons Vera Female Iverson Peter Edmund Joseph Male Subiaco
1916/5900080 Subiaco Dunsford Ida Marion Female Bladen Charles Louis Male Subiaco
1916/5900080 Subiaco Bladen Charles Louis Male Dunsford Ida Marion Female Subiaco
1916/5900081 Subiaco Gardner Dorothy Female Bentley Albert James Male Subiaco
1916/5900081 Subiaco Bentley Albert James Male Gardner Dorothy Female Subiaco
1916/5900082 Subiaco Alexander Emily Keziah Female Rodgers Ignatius Walter Male Subiaco
1916/5900082 Subiaco Rodgers Ignatius Walter Male Alexander Emily Keziah Female Subiaco
1916/5900083 Subiaco Long Millian Alithea Female Estcourt Howard Cavaliers Male Subiaco
1916/5900083 Subiaco Estcourt Howard Cavaliers Male Long Millian Alithea Female Subiaco
1916/5900084 Subiaco Dawkins Eva Elizabeth Female Radbourn Charles Neleus Male Subiaco
1916/5900084 Subiaco Radbourn Charles Neleus Male Dawkins Eva Elizabeth Female Subiaco
1916/5900085 Subiaco Schmidt Gus Male Winfield Florence Irene Female Subiaco
1916/5900085 Subiaco Winfield Florence Irene Female Schmidt Gus Male Subiaco
1916/5900086 Subiaco Longley Ivy Myrtle Female Pilton Alfred Edward Male Subiaco
1916/5900086 Subiaco Pilton Alfred Edward Male Longley Ivy Myrtle Female Subiaco
1916/5900087 Subiaco Wait Samuel Frances Male Coleman Lillian Phyliss Female Subiaco
1916/5900087 Subiaco Coleman Lillian Phyliss Female Wait Samuel Frances Male Subiaco
1916/5900088 Subiaco Richardson Louisa Female Ruthven Sidney William Male Subiaco
1916/5900088 Subiaco Ruthven Sidney William Male Richardson Louisa Female Subiaco
1916/5900089 Subiaco Tibbles Winifred Jessie Female Packman Harry Male Subiaco
1916/5900089 Subiaco Packman Harry Male Tibbles Winifred Jessie Female Subiaco
1916/5900090 Subiaco Gibbons Florence Evelyn Female Lynas Richard Sutherton Male Subiaco
1916/5900090 Subiaco Lynas Richard Sutherton Male Gibbons Florence Evelyn Female Subiaco
1916/5900091 Subiaco Healey Leonard Arthur Male Longley Gladys Mary Female Subiaco
1916/5900091 Subiaco Longley Gladys Mary Female Healey Leonard Arthur Male Subiaco
1916/5900092 Subiaco Klause Mary Graham Female Binning George Augustus Male Subiaco
1916/5900092 Subiaco Binning George Augustus Male Klause Mary Graham Female Subiaco
1916/5900093 Subiaco Durkin James Anslem Male Williamson Ruth Female Subiaco
1916/5900093 Subiaco Williamson Ruth Female Durkin James Anslem Male Subiaco
1916/5900094 Subiaco Jones William Ednyved Male Mount Elsie Delia Irene Female Subiaco
1916/5900094 Subiaco Mount Elsie Delia Irene Female Jones William Ednyved Male Subiaco
1916/5900095 Subiaco Simpson George Hubert Male Williams Kate Edgerton Horatio Female Subiaco
1916/5900095 Subiaco Williams Kate Edgerton Horatio Female Simpson George Hubert Male Subiaco
1916/5900096 Subiaco Pearce Joseph Siddell Male Kerslake Amy Beatrice Female Subiaco
1916/5900096 Subiaco Kerslake Amy Beatrice Female Pearce Joseph Siddell Male Subiaco
1916/5900097 Subiaco Gill James Francis Male Taylor Alice Louise Female Subiaco
1916/5900097 Subiaco Taylor Alice Louise Female Gill James Francis Male Subiaco
1916/5900098 Subiaco Ebery Elsie Grace Female Reid Laurence Male Subiaco
1916/5900098 Subiaco Reid Laurence Male Ebery Elsie Grace Female Subiaco
1916/5900099 Subiaco Rogers Henry Percy Male Webb Florence Eveline Female Subiaco
1916/5900099 Subiaco Webb Florence Eveline Female Rogers Henry Percy Male Subiaco
1916/5900100 Subiaco Masters Martha Female Moore James Male Subiaco
1916/5900100 Subiaco Moore James Male Masters Martha Female Subiaco
1916/5900101 Subiaco Evans Hal Nicholas Male Davis Brenda Louise Female Jolimont
1916/5900101 Subiaco Davis Brenda Louise Female Evans Hal Nicholas Male Jolimont
1916/5900102 Subiaco McGuire Margaret Female Buggins Frank Watson Male Subiaco
1916/5900102 Subiaco Buggins Frank Watson Male McGuire Margaret Female Subiaco
1916/5900103 Subiaco Ives Percy Henry Male Turner Violet Mary Female Subiaco
1916/5900103 Subiaco Turner Violet Mary Female Ives Percy Henry Male Subiaco
1916/6000001 Sussex Morgan William Hubert Male Forrest Daisy Campbell Female Busselton
1916/6000001 Sussex Forrest Daisy Campbell Female Morgan William Hubert Male Busselton
1916/6000002 Sussex House Charles Pierce Male Hall Margaret Alice Female Busselton
1916/6000002 Sussex Hall Margaret Alice Female House Charles Pierce Male Busselton
1916/6000003 Sussex Lowe Lila Female Hill Henry Male Busselton
1916/6000003 Sussex Hill Henry Male Lowe Lila Female Busselton
1916/6000004 Sussex Roberts Jeanie Female Engebretsen Briger Johannes Male Busselton
1916/6000004 Sussex Engebretsen Briger Johannes Male Roberts Jeanie Female Busselton
1917/6100001 Swan Campbell Angus Albert Male Colman Margaret Ellen Female Blackboy Hill
1917/6100001 Swan Colman Margaret Ellen Female Campbell Angus Albert Male Blackboy Hill
1917/6100002 Swan Abrey Florence Helen Female Long James Alfred Male Midland Junction
1917/6100002 Swan Long James Alfred Male Abrey Florence Helen Female Midland Junction
1917/6100003 Swan Truscott Edna Female Webb Raymond Male Midland Junction
1917/6100003 Swan Webb Raymond Male Truscott Edna Female Midland Junction
1917/6100006 Swan Chester Raymond Walter Male Hoare Roda Jesson Female Guildford
1917/6100006 Swan Hoare Roda Jesson Female Chester Raymond Walter Male Guildford
1916/6100007 Swan Lusted Alfred Reginald Male Hammond Laura Mary Female Mahogany Creek
1917/6100007 Swan Lea William Henry Male Purser Emma Florence Female Guildford
1917/6100007 Swan Purser Emma Florence Female Lea William Henry Male Guildford
1916/6100007 Swan Hammond Laura Mary Female Lusted Alfred Reginald Male Mahogany Creek
1916/6100008 Swan Reilly Isabella Female Spargo James Martin Male Midland Junction
1917/6100008 Swan Nicholls Elizabeth Female Jenkins John Henry Male Guildford
1917/6100008 Swan Jenkins John Henry Male Nicholls Elizabeth Female Guildford
1916/6100008 Swan Spargo James Martin Male Reilly Isabella Female Midland Junction
1917/6100009 Swan Aldridge Mabel Female Terlick Henry Male Guildford
1917/6100009 Swan Terlick Henry Male Aldridge Mabel Female Guildford
1916/6100009 Swan Hyland Maud Mary Female Morton Archibald Thomas Male West Guildford
1916/6100009 Swan Morton Archibald Thomas Male Hyland Maud Mary Female West Guildford
1916/6100010 Swan Bright Francis Leonard Male Packham Winifred Ellen Female Guildford
1916/6100010 Swan Packham Winifred Ellen Female Bright Francis Leonard Male Guildford
1916/6100011 Swan Monck Louis Claude Male Scanlan Gertrude Marian Female Midland Junction
1916/6100011 Swan Scanlan Gertrude Marian Female Monck Louis Claude Male Midland Junction
1916/6100012 Swan Thompson Henry Sherman Male Tuckey Bertha Amelia Grace Female Guildford
1916/6100012 Swan Tuckey Bertha Amelia Grace Female Thompson Henry Sherman Male Guildford
1917/6100012 Swan Davies James Harold Male Devereux Amy Maud Female Upper Swan
1917/6100012 Swan Devereux Amy Maud Female Davies James Harold Male Upper Swan
1916/6100013 Swan Driver Florence Lily Female Fry James Jordan Male Guildford
1916/6100013 Swan Fry James Jordan Male Driver Florence Lily Female Guildford
1916/6100014 Swan Goreham Florence May Female Armstrong Joseph William Male Blackboy Hill Camp
1916/6100014 Swan Armstrong Joseph William Male Goreham Florence May Female Blackboy Hill Camp
1916/6100015 Swan Pearce Clarice Mildred Female Genders James Male Blackboy Hill Camp
1916/6100015 Swan Genders James Male Pearce Clarice Mildred Female Blackboy Hill Camp
1916/6100016 Swan Collins Florence Mary Female Snowdon Samuel Male Guildford
1916/6100016 Swan Snowdon Samuel Male Collins Florence Mary Female Guildford
1916/6100017 Swan Hammer Charles Henry Male Richardson Mary Anne Female Midland Junction
1916/6100017 Swan Richardson Mary Anne Female Hammer Charles Henry Male Midland Junction
1916/6100018 Swan Liddle Olive Ellen Female Klemm Heinrich Wilhelm Ernst Male West Guildford
1916/6100018 Swan Klemm Heinrich Wilhelm Ernst Male Liddle Olive Ellen Female West Guildford
1916/6100019 Swan Grace Ellen Mabel Female Northmore Charles Churchill Male Middle Swan
1916/6100019 Swan Northmore Charles Churchill Male Grace Ellen Mabel Female Middle Swan
1916/6100020 Swan Cleverly Henry Male Traylen Amy Marion Female Guildford
1916/6100020 Swan Traylen Amy Marion Female Cleverly Henry Male Guildford
1916/6100021 Swan Burton William Fredrick Male Scherini Lousia Jane Female Midland Junction
1916/6100021 Swan Scherini Lousia Jane Female Burton William Fredrick Male Midland Junction
1916/6100022 Swan Brown Louisa Flora Female Clough George Rupert Male Midland Junction
1916/6100022 Swan Clough George Rupert Male Brown Louisa Flora Female Midland Junction
1916/6100023 Swan Wroth Leopold Gladstone Male Demasson Hilda May Female Guildford
1916/6100023 Swan Demasson Hilda May Female Wroth Leopold Gladstone Male Guildford
1916/6100024 Swan Langdon William Frederick Male Catchpole Ivy Maude Female Guildford
1916/6100024 Swan Catchpole Ivy Maude Female Langdon William Frederick Male Guildford
1916/6100025 Swan Barker Grace Brunetta Female Portener Victor Rudolf Male Guildford
1916/6100025 Swan Portener Victor Rudolf Male Barker Grace Brunetta Female Guildford
1916/6100026 Swan Jones Clarence Benjamin Male Sweetman Ethel Female Guildford
1916/6100026 Swan Sweetman Ethel Female Jones Clarence Benjamin Male Guildford
1916/6100027 Swan Smoker Hurtle Male McCallum Jessie Female West Guildford
1916/6100027 Swan McCallum Jessie Female Smoker Hurtle Male West Guildford
1916/6100028 Swan Medcraft Ada May Female Farrell John Alfred Male Guildford
1916/6100028 Swan Farrell John Alfred Male Medcraft Ada May Female Guildford
1916/6100029 Swan Bullen Reginald Clarence Lewis Male McGlew Ethel Esmie Rusell Female Glen Forrest
1916/6100029 Swan McGlew Ethel Esmie Rusell Female Bullen Reginald Clarence Lewis Male Glen Forrest
1916/6100030 Swan Brown Edith Ellen Female Taylor Norman Rayson Male Midland Junction
1916/6100030 Swan Taylor Norman Rayson Male Brown Edith Ellen Female Midland Junction
1916/6100031 Swan Smiley Alice Margaret Female Molyneux John Male Midland Junction
1916/6100031 Swan Molyneux John Male Smiley Alice Margaret Female Midland Junction
1916/6100032 Swan Thomas Basil Edward Watson Male Glover Gladys Shayer Female Mundaring
1916/6100032 Swan Glover Gladys Shayer Female Thomas Basil Edward Watson Male Mundaring
1916/6100033 Swan Baker Denham John Mitchell Male Cox Florence Myrtle Female Mundaring
1916/6100033 Swan Cox Florence Myrtle Female Baker Denham John Mitchell Male Mundaring
1916/6100034 Swan Merilies Evelyn Thelma Female Taylor Ronald William Male Midland
1916/6100034 Swan Taylor Ronald William Male Merilies Evelyn Thelma Female Midland
1916/6100035 Swan Hosking John Male O'Farrell Elizabeth Mary Female Midland Junction
1916/6100035 Swan O'Farrell Elizabeth Mary Female Hosking John Male Midland Junction
1916/6100036 Swan Behn Gustavus Henry Male Soule Mona Female Guildford
1916/6100036 Swan Soule Mona Female Behn Gustavus Henry Male Guildford
1916/6100037 Swan Cook Muriel May Female Warren Arthur Alexander Male Midland Junction
1916/6100037 Swan Warren Arthur Alexander Male Cook Muriel May Female Midland Junction
1916/6100038 Swan Marks Thomas Glanville Male Christmass Edith Rose Female Guildford
1916/6100038 Swan Catherall Thomas Glanville Male Christmass Edith Rose Female Guildford
1916/6100038 Swan Christmass Edith Rose Female Catherall Thomas Glanville Male Guildford
1916/6100038 Swan Christmass Edith Rose Female Marks Thomas Glanville Male Guildford
1916/6100039 Swan Davies Percival William George Male Chitterden Florence Lucy Female Guildford
1916/6100039 Swan Chitterden Florence Lucy Female Davies Percival William George Male Guildford
1916/6100040 Swan Taylor Emily Bertha Female Gannaway Henry Male Guildford
1916/6100040 Swan Gannaway Henry Male Taylor Emily Bertha Female Guildford
1916/6100041 Swan Webb Catherine Female Hood Walter Harry Male South Guildford
1916/6100041 Swan Hood Walter Harry Male Webb Catherine Female South Guildford
1916/6100042 Swan Milhinch Allan Male Wilkins Eva Female Guildford
1916/6100042 Swan Wilkins Eva Female Milhinch Allan Male Guildford
1916/6100043 Swan Baker Anice Johanna Female Jones George David Charles Male Midland
1916/6100043 Swan Jones George David Charles Male Baker Anice Johanna Female Midland
1916/6100044 Swan Hayward James Sydney Male Gill May Female Midland
1916/6100044 Swan Gill May Female Hayward James Sydney Male Midland
1916/6100045 Swan Cousins Irwin Roy Male Bell Clarice Constance Female Midland
1916/6100045 Swan Bell Clarice Constance Female Cousins Irwin Roy Male Midland
1916/6100046 Swan Retallack William James Male Timms Nellie Teressa Female Midland Junction
1916/6100046 Swan Timms Nellie Teressa Female Retallack William James Male Midland Junction
1916/6100047 Swan Walters Emma Isabella Female Cosgrave Thomas Male Glen Forrest
1916/6100047 Swan Cosgrave Thomas Male Walters Emma Isabella Female Glen Forrest
1916/6100048 Swan Ford Wilfrid Male Collingwood Dorothy May Female Middle Swan
1916/6100048 Swan Collingwood Dorothy May Female Ford Wilfrid Male Middle Swan
1916/6100049 Swan Longden Muriel Female Street Alfred Cecil Male Blackboy
1916/6100049 Swan Street Alfred Cecil Male Longden Muriel Female Blackboy
1916/6100050 Swan Price William Walter James Male Nurse Alma Mary May Female Guildford
1916/6100050 Swan Nurse Alma Mary May Female Price William Walter James Male Guildford
1916/6100051 Swan Pain George Harvey Male Jamieson Helena Jemima Female Midland Junction
1916/6100051 Swan Jamieson Helena Jemima Female Pain George Harvey Male Midland Junction
1916/6100052 Swan Buttsworth Alice Eileen Female Tucker Cecil Robinson Male Midland Junction
1916/6100052 Swan Tucker Cecil Robinson Male Buttsworth Alice Eileen Female Midland Junction
1916/6100053 Swan Breuer Marguerite Maude Hamilton Female Mouritz Frederick Alexander Male Midland Junction
1916/6100053 Swan Mouritz Frederick Alexander Male Breuer Marguerite Maude Hamilton Female Midland Junction
1916/6100054 Swan Ross Agnes May Female Dwyer Michael Ernest Male Midland Junction
1916/6100054 Swan Dwyer Michael Ernest Male Ross Agnes May Female Midland Junction
1916/6100055 Swan Dewar Alexander Male Langdon Ellen May Female Midland
1916/6100055 Swan Langdon Ellen May Female Dewar Alexander Male Midland
1916/6100056 Swan Brooks Dorothy Agusta Female Wells Launcelot Algernon Male Guildford
1916/6100056 Swan Wells Launcelot Algernon Male Brooks Dorothy Agusta Female Guildford
1916/6100057 Swan Tuckey Mildred Edith Female Tuckey Hobart Male Guildford
1916/6100057 Swan Tuckey Hobart Male Tuckey Mildred Edith Female Guildford
1916/6100058 Swan Mann Augusta Catherine Elizabeth Female Howe Euston Lynne Male West Guildford
1916/6100058 Swan Howe Euston Lynne Male Mann Augusta Catherine Elizabeth Female West Guildford
1916/6100059 Swan Munro Robert Gordon Male Timms Violet Agnes Female Midland Junction
1916/6100059 Swan Timms Violet Agnes Female Munro Robert Gordon Male Midland Junction
1916/6100060 Swan Retallack Percy Male Snell Mary Trevena Female Midland Junction
1916/6100060 Swan Snell Mary Trevena Female Retallack Percy Male Midland Junction
1916/6100061 Swan Van Ooran John William Alexander Male Anderson Dorothy Female Guildford
1916/6100061 Swan Anderson Dorothy Female Van Ooran John William Alexander Male Guildford
1916/6100062 Swan Sartori John Male Brumpton Hannah Female Guildford
1916/6100062 Swan Brumpton Hannah Female Sartori John Male Guildford
1916/6100063 Swan Petrie Christina McLaren Female Hodges Thomas Henry Male Midland Junction
1916/6100063 Swan Hodges Thomas Henry Male Petrie Christina McLaren Female Midland Junction
1916/6100064 Swan Brazier Boronia Female Disbrey Herbert Arthur Male Midland Junction
1916/6100064 Swan Disbrey Herbert Arthur Male Brazier Boronia Female Midland Junction
1916/6500001 Victoria Plains Stickland Albert Edward Oakland Male Forward Loyal Muriel Female Wongan Hills
1916/6500001 Victoria Plains Forward Loyal Muriel Female Stickland Albert Edward Oakland Male Wongan Hills
1917/6600001 Wellington Hutton Ernest Wilfred Male Brown Lillie Female Capel
1917/6600001 Wellington Brown Lillie Female Hutton Ernest Wilfred Male Capel
1916/6600002 Wellington Coles Edward William Male Brown Violet Emily Female Bunbury
1917/6600002 Wellington Thomas Charles Vivian Male Duff Rose Ann Female Bunbury
1916/6600002 Wellington Brown Violet Emily Female Coles Edward William Male Bunbury
1917/6600002 Wellington Duff Rose Ann Female Thomas Charles Vivian Male Bunbury
1917/6600003 Wellington Thrum Ethel Ruby Female Maidment Clarence Cyril Christopher Theodore Male Picton
1917/6600003 Wellington Maidment Clarence Cyril Christopher Theodore Male Thrum Ethel Ruby Female Picton
1916/6600003 Wellington Butcher Elenor Jane Female Telfer Alexander Walter Male Collie
1916/6600003 Wellington Telfer Alexander Walter Male Butcher Elenor Jane Female Collie
1916/6600004 Wellington Gibson Florence Maud Female Horton Duncan Roy Male Collie
1916/6600004 Wellington Horton Duncan Roy Male Gibson Florence Maud Female Collie
1916/6600005 Wellington Brennan Catherine Eveleen Female Miller Andrew Male Collie
1916/6600005 Wellington Miller Andrew Male Brennan Catherine Eveleen Female Collie
1916/6600006 Wellington Howard Francis Ernest Male Wenn Muriel Anita Female Bunbury
1916/6600006 Wellington Wenn Muriel Anita Female Howard Francis Ernest Male Bunbury
1916/6600007 Wellington Barber Harold Wells Male Barker Minnie Female Muja
1916/6600007 Wellington Barker Minnie Female Barber Harold Wells Male Muja
1916/6600008 Wellington Payne Foster Alfred Male Higgins Agnes Mary Female Capel River
1916/6600008 Wellington Higgins Agnes Mary Female Payne Foster Alfred Male Capel River
1916/6600009 Wellington Dunkley George Male Rossiter Florence Female Burekup
1916/6600009 Wellington Rossiter Florence Female Dunkley George Male Burekup
1916/6600010 Wellington Clarkson Jeannie Female Gelmi Gregoria Male Bunbury
1916/6600010 Wellington Gelmi Gregoria Male Clarkson Jeannie Female Bunbury
1916/6600011 Wellington Davis Evelyn Sarah Female Brown George Granville Male Bunbury
1916/6600011 Wellington Brown George Granville Male Davis Evelyn Sarah Female Bunbury
1916/6600012 Wellington Gillespie Alexander Thompson Male Newburn Mary Ellen Female Collie
1916/6600012 Wellington Newburn Mary Ellen Female Gillespie Alexander Thompson Male Collie
1916/6600013 Wellington Scott Ellen Marion Female Turner Cecil Theodore Male Bunbury
1916/6600013 Wellington Turner Cecil Theodore Male Scott Ellen Marion Female Bunbury
1916/6600014 Wellington Hough James Male Chester Ruby Alice Female Bunbury
1916/6600014 Wellington Chester Ruby Alice Female Hough James Male Bunbury
1916/6600015 Wellington Smith Thomas Male McDonald Florence Matilda Female Bunbury
1916/6600015 Wellington McDonald Florence Matilda Female Smith Thomas Male Bunbury
1916/6600016 Wellington Wickens Amos Male Marchant Alice Mabel Female Bunbury
1916/6600016 Wellington Marchant Alice Mabel Female Wickens Amos Male Bunbury
1916/6600017 Wellington Rodgers Florence Edith Female Smith William Walter Male Australind
1916/6600017 Wellington Smith William Walter Male Rodgers Florence Edith Female Australind
1916/6600018 Wellington Johnson Joseph Male Crawford Ethel Maude Female Collie-Cardiff
1916/6600018 Wellington Crawford Ethel Maude Female Johnson Joseph Male Collie-Cardiff
1916/6600019 Wellington Brown Florence Eleanor Mary Female Wooding William Leslie Male Darkan
1916/6600019 Wellington Wooding William Leslie Male Brown Florence Eleanor Mary Female Darkan
1916/6600020 Wellington Prosser William Thomas Male Stapleton Clara Female South Bunbury
1916/6600020 Wellington Stapleton Clara Female Prosser William Thomas Male South Bunbury
1916/6600021 Wellington Oliver Ivy May Female Edwards Eric Stanley Male Bunbury
1916/6600021 Wellington Edwards Eric Stanley Male Oliver Ivy May Female Bunbury
1916/6600022 Wellington Trobridge Arthur Lincoln Male Gardiner Edith Minna Female Bunbury
1916/6600022 Wellington Gardiner Edith Minna Female Trobridge Arthur Lincoln Male Bunbury
1916/6600023 Wellington Baker Charles Diamond Male Anderson Alma Lucile Female Bunbury
1916/6600023 Wellington Anderson Alma Lucile Female Baker Charles Diamond Male Bunbury
1916/6600024 Wellington Moore Leonard William Male Moore Hilda Annie Female Wilga
1916/6600024 Wellington Moore Hilda Annie Female Moore Leonard William Male Wilga
1916/6600025 Wellington Mosedale Harold Vincent Male Fowler Edith Louise Nina Female Donnybrook
1916/6600025 Wellington Fowler Edith Louise Nina Female Mosedale Harold Vincent Male Donnybrook
1916/6600026 Wellington Ruggeri Dominic Male Garibaldi Rosa Female Collie
1916/6600026 Wellington Garibaldi Rosa Female Ruggeri Dominic Male Collie
1916/6600027 Wellington Bedlington Winifred Female Sinclair John Francis Stuart Male Collie
1916/6600027 Wellington Sinclair John Francis Stuart Male Bedlington Winifred Female Collie
1916/6600028 Wellington Mapleson Mary Coates Female Wilson Frederick Male Bunbury
1916/6600028 Wellington Wilson Frederick Male Mapleson Mary Coates Female Bunbury
1916/6600029 Wellington Piggott Maude Hilda Female Giddens Henry Bradlaugh Male Bunbury
1916/6600029 Wellington Giddens Henry Bradlaugh Male Piggott Maude Hilda Female Bunbury
1916/6600030 Wellington Gladstone Wilfrid Victor Male Baile Christine Laura Female Yarloop
1916/6600030 Wellington Baile Christine Laura Female Gladstone Wilfrid Victor Male Yarloop
1916/6600031 Wellington Raper Esther Agnes Female Cruickshank Leonard Ivan Male Bunbury
1916/6600031 Wellington Cruickshank Leonard Ivan Male Raper Esther Agnes Female Bunbury
1916/6600032 Wellington Butler Joseph Male Moloney May Adelaide Female Bunbury
1916/6600032 Wellington Moloney May Adelaide Female Butler Joseph Male Bunbury
1916/6600033 Wellington Chinnery Albert Percy Male Cross Kate Myrtle Female South Bunbury
1916/6600033 Wellington Cross Kate Myrtle Female Chinnery Albert Percy Male South Bunbury
1916/6600034 Wellington Marshall John Wallace Male Chapman Gladys Laura Female Bunbury
1916/6600034 Wellington Chapman Gladys Laura Female Marshall John Wallace Male Bunbury
1916/6600035 Wellington Woodrow Esther Louisa Female Bennett Walter Guy Male South Bunbury
1916/6600035 Wellington Bennett Walter Guy Male Woodrow Esther Louisa Female South Bunbury
1916/6600036 Wellington Richardson Charles Robe Male Richardson Laura Evelyn Female Bunbury
1916/6600036 Wellington Richardson Laura Evelyn Female Richardson Charles Robe Male Bunbury
1916/6600037 Wellington Wheals Thomas Male Alcorn Mabel Evelyn Female Collie
1916/6600037 Wellington Alcorn Mabel Evelyn Female Wheals Thomas Male Collie
1916/6600038 Wellington Williams Percival Edward Male Hastie Anne Female Bunbury
1916/6600038 Wellington Hastie Anne Female Williams Percival Edward Male Bunbury
1916/6600039 Wellington Cole Joseph Richard Male Garrity Eileen Elizabeth Female Bunbury
1916/6600039 Wellington Garrity Eileen Elizabeth Female Cole Joseph Richard Male Bunbury
1916/6600040 Wellington Breen David Lightfoot Male Hymus Beryl Kyle Lavington Female Harvey
1916/6600040 Wellington Hymus Beryl Kyle Lavington Female Breen David Lightfoot Male Harvey
1916/6600041 Wellington Wilson Leonard Jennings Male Piercy Lily Caroline Female Harvey
1916/6600041 Wellington Piercy Lily Caroline Female Wilson Leonard Jennings Male Harvey
1916/6600042 Wellington Mort Ellen Catherine Female Isard Alfred George Edgar Male Brunswick
1916/6600042 Wellington Isard Alfred George Edgar Male Mort Ellen Catherine Female Brunswick
1916/6600043 Wellington Anderson Charles William Henry Male Hudspeth Dorothy Milne Female Bunbury
1916/6600043 Wellington Hudspeth Dorothy Milne Female Anderson Charles William Henry Male Bunbury
1916/6600044 Wellington White Joseph Andrew Male de Marchi Annie Mary Dolores Female Bunbury
1916/6600044 Wellington de Marchi Annie Mary Dolores Female White Joseph Andrew Male Bunbury
1916/6600045 Wellington Goddard William George Male Parmenter Agnes Florence Female Donnybrook
1916/6600045 Wellington Parmenter Agnes Florence Female Goddard William George Male Donnybrook
1916/6600046 Wellington Willis John George Male Rowden Ivy May Female Collie
1916/6600046 Wellington Rowden Ivy May Female Willis John George Male Collie
1916/6600047 Wellington Fowler Harriett Female Trigwell Edward Preston Male Boyanup
1916/6600047 Wellington Trigwell Edward Preston Male Fowler Harriett Female Boyanup
1916/6600048 Wellington Rusden Richard Ottley Male Stringer Laura Female Bunbury
1916/6600048 Wellington Stringer Laura Female Rusden Richard Ottley Male Bunbury
1916/6600049 Wellington Della Sale Dosolina Female Della Sale Giuseppe Male Dardanup
1916/6600049 Wellington Della Sale Giuseppe Male Della Sale Dosolina Female Dardanup
1916/6600050 Wellington Barnes Elsie May Female Downing William Male Benger
1916/6600050 Wellington Downing William Male Barnes Elsie May Female Benger
1916/6600051 Wellington Lauersen Ruby Maud Female McDonald James Young Male Bunbury
1916/6600051 Wellington McDonald James Young Male Lauersen Ruby Maud Female Bunbury
1916/6600052 Wellington Pickett Donald James Male Chapelow Mary Ann Female Burekup
1916/6600052 Wellington Chapelow Mary Ann Female Pickett Donald James Male Burekup
1916/6600053 Wellington Harris Charles Thomas Male Scott Lavinia Jane Female Stratham
1916/6600053 Wellington Scott Lavinia Jane Female Harris Charles Thomas Male Stratham
1916/6600054 Wellington Bruhn Henry August Male Hales May Ellen Female Bunbury
1916/6600054 Wellington Hales May Ellen Female Bruhn Henry August Male Bunbury
1916/6600055 Wellington Hay Dora Elizabeth Female Hay George Lancelot Male Bunbury
1916/6600055 Wellington Hay George Lancelot Male Hay Dora Elizabeth Female Bunbury
1916/6600056 Wellington Sinclair Edwyna Penryn Female Brown Percival Harold Arthur Male Bunbury
1916/6600056 Wellington Brown Percival Harold Arthur Male Sinclair Edwyna Penryn Female Bunbury
1916/6600057 Wellington Rose Annette Lucille Female Overhen Charles Harry Male Bunbury
1916/6600057 Wellington Overhen Charles Harry Male Rose Annette Lucille Female Bunbury
1916/6600058 Wellington House Charles Henry Male Higgins Frances Lilian Female Rathmines
1916/6600058 Wellington Higgins Frances Lilian Female House Charles Henry Male Rathmines
1916/6600059 Wellington Lauersen Peter Anthony Male McCabe Marion Imelda Female Bunbury
1916/6600059 Wellington McCabe Marion Imelda Female Lauersen Peter Anthony Male Bunbury
1916/6600060 Wellington Scanlon Claud Male Cunningham Ethel Female Collie
1916/6600060 Wellington Cunningham Ethel Female Scanlon Claud Male Collie
1916/6600061 Wellington Millington George Male Payne Minna Olive Female Donnybrook
1916/6600061 Wellington Payne Minna Olive Female Millington George Male Donnybrook
1916/6600062 Wellington Graham Kathleen Mary Female Trott Michael James Male Picton
1916/6600062 Wellington Trott Michael James Male Graham Kathleen Mary Female Picton
1916/6600063 Wellington Gibson Evelyn Mary Female Facey Albert Barnett Male South Bunbury
1916/6600063 Wellington Facey Albert Barnett Male Gibson Evelyn Mary Female South Bunbury
1916/6600064 Wellington Butt Arthur John Male Marchant Annie Laurie Female Collie
1916/6600064 Wellington Marchant Annie Laurie Female Butt Arthur John Male Collie
1916/6600065 Wellington Jefford Daisy Female Leach Herbert Male Bunbury
1916/6600065 Wellington Leach Herbert Male Jefford Daisy Female Bunbury
1916/6600066 Wellington Stephen Edmond Ray Male Fowler Lilian Maud Female Bunbury
1916/6600066 Wellington Fowler Lilian Maud Female Stephen Edmond Ray Male Bunbury
1916/6600067 Wellington Bebbington Harry Male White Agnes Emily Female Collie
1916/6600067 Wellington White Agnes Emily Female Bebbington Harry Male Collie
1916/6600068 Wellington Froome Henry John Male Hill Alice Maud Mary Female Donnybrook
1916/6600068 Wellington Hill Alice Maud Mary Female Froome Henry John Male Donnybrook
1916/6600069 Wellington Bickley Arthur Lawrence Male Burgess May Female Bunbury
1916/6600069 Wellington Burgess May Female Bickley Arthur Lawrence Male Bunbury
1916/6600070 Wellington Blythe Horace Male Barnett Mary Susannah Female Bunbury
1916/6600070 Wellington Barnett Mary Susannah Female Blythe Horace Male Bunbury
1916/6600071 Wellington Pickersgill George Henry Male McDonald Martha Katherine Female Bunbury
1916/6600071 Wellington McDonald Martha Katherine Female Pickersgill George Henry Male Bunbury
1916/6600072 Wellington Foan Adela Female Taylor William Joseph Male Donnybrook
1916/6600072 Wellington Taylor William Joseph Male Foan Adela Female Donnybrook
1916/6600073 Wellington Murphy Margaret Patricia Female Coonan Vincent Patrick Male Bunbury
1916/6600073 Wellington Coonan Vincent Patrick Male Murphy Margaret Patricia Female Bunbury
1916/6600074 Wellington Wynne Michael Male Allen Catherine Female Bunbury
1916/6600074 Wellington Allen Catherine Female Wynne Michael Male Bunbury
1916/6600075 Wellington Collins Charlotte Catherine Female Ashton Arthur Male Collie
1916/6600075 Wellington Ashton Arthur Male Collins Charlotte Catherine Female Collie
1916/6600076 Wellington Runnalls Millie Female Hastie John Male Bunbury
1916/6600076 Wellington Hastie John Male Runnalls Millie Female Bunbury
1916/6600077 Wellington Jensen Catherine Florence Female Galvin Michael Male Bunbury
1916/6600077 Wellington Galvin Michael Male Jensen Catherine Florence Female Bunbury
1916/6600078 Wellington Anderson Herman Charles Male Scanlon Mary Catherine Female Bunbury
1916/6600078 Wellington Scanlon Mary Catherine Female Anderson Herman Charles Male Bunbury
1916/6600079 Wellington McDonald Frederick Male Sykes Florence Female Collie
1916/6600079 Wellington Sykes Florence Female McDonald Frederick Male Collie
1916/6600080 Wellington Hardinge Florence Elizabeth Female Regolini Pietro Male Bunbury
1916/6600080 Wellington Regolini Pietro Male Hardinge Florence Elizabeth Female Bunbury
1916/6600081 Wellington Eastcott Joseph James Male Gates Alice Ruby Female Yarloop
1916/6600081 Wellington Gates Alice Ruby Female Eastcott Joseph James Male Yarloop
1916/6600082 Wellington Kelly Martin Edward Male Leverman Iva Elizabeth Female Bunbury
1916/6600082 Wellington Leverman Iva Elizabeth Female Kelly Martin Edward Male Bunbury
1916/6600083 Wellington Maldon Hilda Mildred Female Fleming Arthur Thomas Male Kirup
1916/6600083 Wellington Fleming Arthur Thomas Male Maldon Hilda Mildred Female Kirup
1916/6600084 Wellington Watt William James Male Hamilton Agnes Esther Female Donnybrook
1916/6600084 Wellington Hamilton Agnes Esther Female Watt William James Male Donnybrook
1916/6600085 Wellington Wells Albert John Male Walters Margaret Hannah Female Brunswick Junction
1916/6600085 Wellington Walters Margaret Hannah Female Wells Albert John Male Brunswick Junction
1916/6600086 Wellington Patstone Kathleen Doris Female Weighell Edwin Johnson Male Collie
1916/6600086 Wellington Weighell Edwin Johnson Male Patstone Kathleen Doris Female Collie
1916/6600087 Wellington Bebbington William Bower Male Austin Evelyn Geldert Female Collie
1916/6600087 Wellington Austin Evelyn Geldert Female Bebbington William Bower Male Collie
1916/6600088 Wellington Rowden Gladys Irene Female Brown John Gordon Male Bunbury
1916/6600088 Wellington Brown John Gordon Male Rowden Gladys Irene Female Bunbury
1916/6700001 Williams Herrington George Fortescue Male Sutherland Eileen Elfreda Female Narrogin
1917/6700001 Williams Coad William George Male McAullay Harriet Margaret Female East Narrogin
1916/6700001 Williams Sutherland Eileen Elfreda Female Herrington George Fortescue Male Narrogin
1917/6700001 Williams McAullay Harriet Margaret Female Coad William George Male East Narrogin
1916/6700002 Williams Walker William Ilbert Male Peters Florence May Female Narrogin
1916/6700002 Williams Peters Florence May Female Walker William Ilbert Male Narrogin
1916/6700003 Williams Hall Hilda Jane Georgina Female Ewing Robert John Lennard Male Narrogin
1916/6700003 Williams Ewing Robert John Lennard Male Hall Hilda Jane Georgina Female Narrogin
1916/6700004 Williams Robertson Mary Ann Smith Female Morris Edwin John Male Narrogin
1916/6700004 Williams Morris Edwin John Male Robertson Mary Ann Smith Female Narrogin
1916/6700006 Williams English Olive Female Burch Frederick Male Dorakin
1916/6700006 Williams Burch Frederick Male English Olive Female Dorakin
1916/6700007 Williams Lindsay Walter Lorne Male Coulson Rosina Sabina Female Narrogin
1916/6700007 Williams Coulson Rosina Sabina Female Lindsay Walter Lorne Male Narrogin
1916/6700008 Williams Dew Lilian Ruth Female Ryan John Male East Popanyinning
1916/6700008 Williams Ryan John Male Dew Lilian Ruth Female East Popanyinning
1916/6700009 Williams Pelham Linda Gwendolyn Female Earl John Male Narrogin
1916/6700009 Williams Earl John Male Pelham Linda Gwendolyn Female Narrogin
1916/6700010 Williams Joyner Elsie Deborah Female Crellin Charles Henry Male Wickepin
1916/6700010 Williams Crellin Charles Henry Male Joyner Elsie Deborah Female Wickepin
1916/6700011 Williams Kenny Alice Mary Female Jamieson Roderick Campbell Male In the Residence of Arthur Ernest Kenny Brother of
1916/6700011 Williams Jamieson Roderick Campbell Male Kenny Alice Mary Female In the Residence of Arthur Ernest Kenny Brother of
1916/6700012 Williams McKenzie John Alexander Male Rose Jessie Robina Female Wickepin
1916/6700012 Williams Rose Jessie Robina Female McKenzie John Alexander Male Wickepin
1916/6700013 Williams Rose Irene Francis May Female Hemley Ernest William Male Wickepin
1916/6700013 Williams Hemley Ernest William Male Rose Irene Francis May Female Wickepin
1916/6700014 Williams Arbuthnott Henry Male Gordon Mary Janet Female Wickepin
1916/6700014 Williams Gordon Mary Janet Female Arbuthnott Henry Male Wickepin
1916/6700015 Williams Savage Maudie Cecilia Female Nicholas Evan Hamelin Male Williams
1916/6700015 Williams Nicholas Evan Hamelin Male Savage Maudie Cecilia Female Williams
1916/6700016 Williams Ebsary Ernest Alwin Hilton Male Fisher Myrtle Esther Female Narrogin
1916/6700016 Williams Fisher Myrtle Esther Female Ebsary Ernest Alwin Hilton Male Narrogin
1916/6700017 Williams Miller George Henry Male Pustkuchen Ella Amanda Augusta Female Narrogin
1916/6700017 Williams Pustkuchen Ella Amanda Augusta Female Miller George Henry Male Narrogin
1916/6700018 Williams Dalton Leonard Charles Augustus Male Gordon Amy Bertha Female Wickepin
1916/6700018 Williams Gordon Amy Bertha Female Dalton Leonard Charles Augustus Male Wickepin
1916/6700019 Williams Bones May Elizabeth Female Guy George Arthur Male Narrogin
1916/6700019 Williams Guy George Arthur Male Bones May Elizabeth Female Narrogin
1916/6700020 Williams Eyden Charles Clark Male Bland Harriet Maud Female Narrogin
1916/6700020 Williams Bland Harriet Maud Female Eyden Charles Clark Male Narrogin
1916/6700021 Williams Hampson May Female Bland Joseph Alfred Male Narrogin
1916/6700021 Williams Bland Joseph Alfred Male Hampson May Female Narrogin
1916/6700022 Williams Nichols Frederic Athelstan Male Farmer Victoria Gereldene May Female Hotham River
1916/6700022 Williams Farmer Victoria Gereldene May Female Nichols Frederic Athelstan Male Hotham River
1916/6700023 Williams Morrison William George Male Oxman Ada Amelia Female Narrogin
1916/6700023 Williams Oxman Ada Amelia Female Morrison William George Male Narrogin
1916/6700024 Williams Ashby Emma Female Kelly James Andrew Male Narrogin
1916/6700024 Williams Kelly James Andrew Male Ashby Emma Female Narrogin
1916/6700025 Williams Goodhew Horace Gordon Male Read Mildred Marion Female Narrogin
1916/6700025 Williams Read Mildred Marion Female Goodhew Horace Gordon Male Narrogin
1916/6700026 Williams Stone John Henry Male Walters Adelaide Maud Female Popanyinning
1916/6700026 Williams Walters Adelaide Maud Female Stone John Henry Male Popanyinning
1916/6700027 Williams Williams Annie Irene Elsie Female Ballard Louis Henry Male Narrogin
1916/6700027 Williams Ballard Louis Henry Male Williams Annie Irene Elsie Female Narrogin
1916/6700028 Williams Roberts Mary Jane Female Farmer Thomas Walter Male Marradong
1916/6700028 Williams Farmer Thomas Walter Male Roberts Mary Jane Female Marradong
1916/6700029 Williams Dunning Olive Mary Female Hall Walter Male Narrogin
1916/6700029 Williams Hall Walter Male Dunning Olive Mary Female Narrogin
1916/6700030 Williams Kirby Reginald John Male Connor Ivy Mary Female Narrogin
1916/6700030 Williams Connor Ivy Mary Female Kirby Reginald John Male Narrogin
1916/6700031 Williams Wilson Gertrude Christina Female Beard Frank Fisher Male Jilakin
1916/6700031 Williams Beard Frank Fisher Male Wilson Gertrude Christina Female Jilakin
1916/6700032 Williams Townsend Fredrick George Male Harris Mabel Alice Female Narrogin
1916/6700032 Williams Harris Mabel Alice Female Townsend Fredrick George Male Narrogin
1916/6700033 Williams Chaplyn Thomas William Male Parker Myrtle Jessie Female Narrogin
1916/6700033 Williams Parker Myrtle Jessie Female Chaplyn Thomas William Male Narrogin
1916/6700034 Williams Whitford Irene Female Anderson George Edwin Male Narrogin
1916/6700034 Williams Anderson George Edwin Male Whitford Irene Female Narrogin
1916/6700035 Williams Schilling Clarice Ivy Female Mowday Moses Hubert Male Narrogin
1916/6700035 Williams Mowday Moses Hubert Male Schilling Clarice Ivy Female Narrogin
1916/6700036 Williams Joyner James Richard Male Box Catherine Edith Female Narrogin
1916/6700036 Williams Box Catherine Edith Female Joyner James Richard Male Narrogin
1916/6700037 Williams Hirst Eric Arnold Male Hicks Ella Wilhelmena Female Near Williams
1916/6700037 Williams Hicks Ella Wilhelmena Female Hirst Eric Arnold Male Near Williams
1916/6700038 Williams Farr Ethel Violet Female Mullan William Male East Narrogin
1916/6700038 Williams Mullan William Male Farr Ethel Violet Female East Narrogin
1916/6700039 Williams Ellson Kathleen May Female Knight John Albert Male Kulin
1916/6700039 Williams Knight John Albert Male Ellson Kathleen May Female Kulin
1916/6700040 Williams Morrell Mervyn Olaf Male Watson Saidee Isabel Female Yornaning
1916/6700040 Williams Watson Saidee Isabel Female Morrell Mervyn Olaf Male Yornaning
1916/6900001 Yalgoo Duffield Daisy Elizabeth Mary Female Nevill Henry Thomas Male Yalgoo
1916/6900001 Yalgoo Nevill Henry Thomas Male Duffield Daisy Elizabeth Mary Female Yalgoo
1916/6900002 Yalgoo McNeece Elizabeth Ann Female Rinaldi Joseph Male Yalgoo
1916/6900002 Yalgoo Rinaldi Joseph Male McNeece Elizabeth Ann Female Yalgoo
1916/6900003 Yalgoo Gilbert Mary Female Carnsew Christopher Faull Male Yalgoo
1916/6900003 Yalgoo Carnsew Christopher Faull Male Gilbert Mary Female Yalgoo
1916/6900004 Yalgoo Pope Grace Eileen Female Wreford Arthur Male Yalgoo
1916/6900004 Yalgoo Wreford Arthur Male Pope Grace Eileen Female Yalgoo
1916/7000002 Yilgarn Lloyd John Male Third Georgina Glendenning Female Southern Cross
1916/7000002 Yilgarn Third Georgina Glendenning Female Lloyd John Male Southern Cross
1916/7000003 Yilgarn Payne Jane Palmer Female Taylor William Male Southern Cross
1916/7000003 Yilgarn Taylor William Male Payne Jane Palmer Female Southern Cross
1916/7000004 Yilgarn Merry Gladys Female Hickey Michael Joseph Male Southern Cross
1916/7000004 Yilgarn Hickey Michael Joseph Male Merry Gladys Female Southern Cross
1916/7000005 Yilgarn Atwood Annie Female Cottrill George Male Southern Cross
1916/7000005 Yilgarn Cottrill George Male Atwood Annie Female Southern Cross
1916/7000006 Yilgarn Hughes Walter Edward Male Williams Grace Female Westonia
1916/7000006 Yilgarn Williams Grace Female Hughes Walter Edward Male Westonia
1916/7000007 Yilgarn Smart William Harold Male Hoepner Bertha Female Southern Cross
1916/7000007 Yilgarn Hoepner Bertha Female Smart William Harold Male Southern Cross
1916/7000008 Yilgarn Grass Ivy Caroline Female Duggan John James Male Southern Cross
1916/7000008 Yilgarn Duggan John James Male Grass Ivy Caroline Female Southern Cross
1916/7000009 Yilgarn O'Brien Michael Male McGrath Ann Elizabeth Female Southern Cross
1916/7000009 Yilgarn McGrath Ann Elizabeth Female O'Brien Michael Male Southern Cross
1916/7000010 Yilgarn Butler James William Male Cooke Jane Mary Female Southern Cross
1916/7000010 Yilgarn Cooke Jane Mary Female Butler James William Male Southern Cross
1916/7000011 Yilgarn Caldwell Frances Smith Female Wilkinson Fred Male Southern Cross
1916/7000011 Yilgarn Wilkinson Fred Male Caldwell Frances Smith Female Southern Cross
1916/7000012 Yilgarn O'Neil Stephen Henry Male Griffiths Annie Female Southern Cross
1916/7000012 Yilgarn Griffiths Annie Female O'Neil Stephen Henry Male Southern Cross
1916/7000013 Yilgarn Stock Grace Catherine Female Hewitt Alfred John Male Westonia
1916/7000013 Yilgarn Hewitt Alfred John Male Stock Grace Catherine Female Westonia
1916/7000014 Yilgarn Newsham Marion Female Smith Albert Percival Alfred Male Southern Cross
1916/7000014 Yilgarn Smith Albert Percival Alfred Male Newsham Marion Female Southern Cross
1916/7000015 Yilgarn Wainey Lucinda Female Hewitt George Midland Male Westonia
1916/7000015 Yilgarn Hewitt George Midland Male Wainey Lucinda Female Westonia
1916/7100001 York Hunt Charles Male Sutherland Annie Female York
1916/7100001 York Sutherland Annie Female Hunt Charles Male York
1916/7100002 York Iddles George Male McRae Marion Female York
1916/7100002 York McRae Marion Female Iddles George Male York
1916/7100003 York White Hilda May Female McNamara William Christopher Columbus Male York
1916/7100003 York McNamara William Christopher Columbus Male White Hilda May Female York
1916/7100004 York Thompson Mary Annie Female Patterson Thomas John Male Shackleton
1916/7100004 York Patterson Thomas John Male Thompson Mary Annie Female Shackleton
1916/7100005 York Hill Sarah Helen Female Cook Thomas Giles Male Bakers Hill
1916/7100005 York Cook Thomas Giles Male Hill Sarah Helen Female Bakers Hill
1916/7100006 York Thielemann Sophia Female McIntyre James George Male York
1916/7100006 York McIntyre James George Male Thielemann Sophia Female York
1916/7100007 York Saunders George Charles Male Gurney Agnes Janet Female York
1916/7100007 York Gurney Agnes Janet Female Saunders George Charles Male York
1916/7100008 York Bredahl Martine Henrikka Female Hansen Frederick Armstrong Male York
1916/7100008 York Hansen Frederick Armstrong Male Bredahl Martine Henrikka Female York
1916/7100009 York Aubrey Ernest James Male Gaebler Nita Female York
1916/7100009 York Gaebler Nita Female Aubrey Ernest James Male York
1916/7100010 York Parker Harriet Snart Female Powell Joan Male York
1916/7100010 York Powell Joan Male Parker Harriet Snart Female York
1916/7100011 York Hobbs Ernest Llewellyn Male Hunt Louisa Female York
1916/7100011 York Hunt Louisa Female Hobbs Ernest Llewellyn Male York
1916/7100012 York Bishop Frances Maud Female Mills Henry Charles Male Greenhills
1916/7100012 York Mills Henry Charles Male Bishop Frances Maud Female Greenhills
1916/7100013 York Lyon Robert James Male Reynolds Beatrice Isabella Female York
1916/7100013 York Reynolds Beatrice Isabella Female Lyon Robert James Male York
1916/7100014 York Meehan Walter Henry Male Gaebler Christine Female York
1916/7100014 York Gaebler Christine Female Meehan Walter Henry Male York
1916/7100015 York Flynn Catherine Holt Female Flynn Albert Male York
1916/7100015 York Flynn Albert Male Flynn Catherine Holt Female York
1916/7100016 York Butterly Robert James Male Bryan Amy Elizabeth Female York
1916/7100016 York Bryan Amy Elizabeth Female Butterly Robert James Male York
1916/7100017 York Stone Ethel Maria Female Nottle George Male York
1916/7100017 York Nottle George Male Stone Ethel Maria Female York
1916/7100018 York Johnson Maria Adelaide Female Crawford Norman Job Fredrick Male York
1916/7100018 York Crawford Norman Job Fredrick Male Johnson Maria Adelaide Female York
1916/7100019 York Vardy Arthur Male Giles Amy Louisa Female York
1916/7100019 York Giles Amy Louisa Female Vardy Arthur Male York
1916/7100020 York Bryan Josephine Female Wenn Herbert Bailey Male York
1916/7100020 York Wenn Herbert Bailey Male Bryan Josephine Female York