A tool to help track the citations of the Western Australian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages from Wikidata and WikiTree.

Marriages in: 1914

Registration year & number Registration district Surname Given names Gender Spouse surname Spouse given names Spouse gender Marriage place Wikidata WikiTree
1915/100001 Perth Beavis Harriet Eleanor Female Hüller Ernst Otto Male Perth
1915/100001 Perth Hüller Ernst Otto Male Beavis Harriet Eleanor Female Perth
1914/100002 Perth Cox Henry James Male Washer Ethel Alma Female Victoria Park
1914/100002 Perth Washer Ethel Alma Female Cox Henry James Male Victoria Park
1915/100003 Perth Stewart-Payne Edgar Charles Sydney Francis Male Rahaley Eunice Ruby Female East Perth
1915/100003 Perth Rahaley Eunice Ruby Female Stewart-Payne Edgar Charles Sydney Francis Male East Perth
1915/100004 Perth Smith Alice Henrietta Female Larter Frank Arthur Male East Perth
1915/100004 Perth Larter Frank Arthur Male Smith Alice Henrietta Female East Perth
1915/100005 Perth Hildebrandt Eugenie Carline Violet Female Nankiville Sydney Percival Male Perth
1915/100005 Perth Nankiville Sydney Percival Male Hildebrandt Eugenie Carline Violet Female Perth
1915/100006 Perth Simpson Alfred Male Jacobson Margaretha Lena Female Perth
1915/100006 Perth Jacobson Margaretha Lena Female Simpson Alfred Male Perth
1915/100007 Perth Williams Cyril Percy Male Downing Ethel May Female Perth
1915/100007 Perth Downing Ethel May Female Williams Cyril Percy Male Perth
1915/100008 Perth Richards Edward Henry Male Thirlwell Mary Female Perth
1915/100008 Perth Thirlwell Mary Female Richards Edward Henry Male Perth
1915/100009 Perth Abbott William Charles Male Feazey Ida Alice Kathleen Female Perth
1915/100009 Perth Feazey Ida Alice Kathleen Female Abbott William Charles Male Perth
1915/100010 Perth McDonald Isaac James Male Randle Annie Female West Perth
1915/100010 Perth Randle Annie Female McDonald Isaac James Male West Perth
1915/100011 Perth Cox William George Male Rice Mabel Ada Alice Female St Paul's Church
1915/100011 Perth Rice Mabel Ada Alice Female Cox William George Male St Paul's Church
1915/100012 Perth Aitken James Moore Male Bevis Isabella Ethel Janet Female Perth
1915/100012 Perth Bevis Isabella Ethel Janet Female Aitken James Moore Male Perth
1915/100013 Perth Brambles Grace Evelyn Female Perry Thomas Reuben Male Perth
1915/100013 Perth Perry Thomas Reuben Male Brambles Grace Evelyn Female Perth
1914/100019 Perth Bowring Dora Nathalie Female Forbes William James Male Perth
1914/100019 Perth Forbes William James Male Bowring Dora Nathalie Female Perth
1915/100020 Perth Wallis Horace Vivian Male Norman Edith Phyllis Female Perth
1915/100020 Perth Norman Edith Phyllis Female Wallis Horace Vivian Male Perth
1914/100020 Perth Rowe John Albert Male Kennedy Dulcie Jean Female Perth
1914/100020 Perth Kennedy Dulcie Jean Female Rowe John Albert Male Perth
1915/100022 Perth Day Charles Joseph Male Lamb Kitty Female Perth
1915/100022 Perth Lamb Kitty Female Day Charles Joseph Male Perth
1915/100029 Perth Wallis Martha Annie Female Nancarrow William Arthur Male North Perth
1915/100029 Perth Nancarrow William Arthur Male Wallis Martha Annie Female North Perth
1914/100030 Perth Iles Clara Jane Female Manson George Male West Perth
1914/100030 Perth Manson George Male Iles Clara Jane Female West Perth
1915/100030 Perth Lawerence Samuel Male Sandercock Eva Jane Female West Perth
1915/100030 Perth Sandercock Eva Jane Female Lawerence Samuel Male West Perth
1915/100031 Perth Jose Doris Alexandra Female White Errol Stanley Male West Perth
1915/100031 Perth White Errol Stanley Male Jose Doris Alexandra Female West Perth
1914/100036 Perth Maddren Edgar Melville Male Ball Edith Emma Elizabeth Female Perth
1914/100036 Perth Ball Edith Emma Elizabeth Female Maddren Edgar Melville Male Perth
1915/100037 Perth Pell Gertrude Mary Female Grindrod William Male Perth
1914/100037 Perth Wiedmer Mary Ellen May Female Page Edward St Johns Male Perth
1914/100037 Perth Page Edward St Johns Male Wiedmer Mary Ellen May Female Perth
1915/100037 Perth Grindrod William Male Pell Gertrude Mary Female Perth
1915/100038 Perth Doust Frederick James Male Quill Mary Josephine Female Perth
1915/100038 Perth Quill Mary Josephine Female Doust Frederick James Male Perth
1914/100038 Perth Hinde Thomas McKinnon Male Harbourd Hannah Mary Female Perth
1914/100038 Perth Harbourd Hannah Mary Female Hinde Thomas McKinnon Male Perth
1914/100039 Perth Stroud Dora Alice Female Gallop William Ewart Male Perth
1915/100039 Perth Richardson Winniefred Female Brooks Frederick Male Perth
1915/100039 Perth Brooks Frederick Male Richardson Winniefred Female Perth
1914/100039 Perth Gallop William Ewart Male Stroud Dora Alice Female Perth
1914/100051 Perth Hammond William Charles Male Tingey Nellie Female Perth
1914/100051 Perth Tingey Nellie Female Hammond William Charles Male Perth
1914/100052 Perth Guy Clement Harry Male Watson Lillian Katie Female Perth
1914/100052 Perth Watson Lillian Katie Female Guy Clement Harry Male Perth
1914/100053 Perth Darlõt Dorothy May Female Morgan Stephen Basil Delmar Male Perth
1914/100053 Perth Morgan Stephen Basil Delmar Male Darlõt Dorothy May Female Perth
1914/100054 Perth Tufnell Mary Edith Female Gray Charles Herbert Male Perth
1914/100054 Perth Gray Charles Herbert Male Tufnell Mary Edith Female Perth
1914/100055 Perth Bracegirdle Walter John Leopold Male Michel Minnie Hope Female Perth
1914/100055 Perth Michel Minnie Hope Female Bracegirdle Walter John Leopold Male Perth
1914/100056 Perth Sheedy John Patrick Male Casey Anne Female North Perth
1914/100056 Perth Casey Anne Female Sheedy John Patrick Male North Perth
1914/100057 Perth Rogers William Randolph Male McDowell Mary Female Maylands
1914/100057 Perth McDowell Mary Female Rogers William Randolph Male Maylands
1914/100058 Perth Brooks Hilda Alice Female Aust Albert Elisha Male Perth
1914/100058 Perth Aust Albert Elisha Male Brooks Hilda Alice Female Perth
1914/100059 Perth Morrison James John Male Bunsell Julia Female Victoria Park
1914/100059 Perth Bunsell Julia Female Morrison James John Male Victoria Park
1914/100060 Perth Flint Ada Selina Female Downing William James Male Victoria Park
1914/100060 Perth Downing William James Male Flint Ada Selina Female Victoria Park
1914/100061 Perth Harpin William Male Barlow Emily Backhouse Female Perth
1914/100061 Perth Barlow Emily Backhouse Female Harpin William Male Perth
1914/100062 Perth Butcher Ethel Lucy Female Anderson Magnus Victor Male South Perth
1914/100062 Perth Anderson Magnus Victor Male Butcher Ethel Lucy Female South Perth
1914/100063 Perth Kettle Mildred Mary Female Lupton William Arthur Male West Perth
1914/100063 Perth Lupton William Arthur Male Kettle Mildred Mary Female West Perth
1914/100064 Perth Knight Emma May Female McCafferty Arthur James Male West Perth
1914/100064 Perth McCafferty Arthur James Male Knight Emma May Female West Perth
1914/100065 Perth Robinson Philip Male Stubbs Annie Female North Perth
1914/100065 Perth Stubbs Annie Female Robinson Philip Male North Perth
1914/100066 Perth Medley Percival James Evans Male Fletcher Emily May Female Perth
1914/100066 Perth Fletcher Emily May Female Medley Percival James Evans Male Perth
1914/100070 Perth Elkins Winifred Mabel Female Gerhard Frederick William Male Perth
1914/100070 Perth Gerhard Frederick William Male Elkins Winifred Mabel Female Perth
1914/100071 Perth Boswell Thomas Male Griffiths Lavinia Nightingale Female Perth
1914/100071 Perth Griffiths Lavinia Nightingale Female Boswell Thomas Male Perth
1914/100072 Perth Stuart Winifred Isabella Female Tucker Henry Robert Male Perth
1914/100072 Perth Tucker Henry Robert Male Stuart Winifred Isabella Female Perth
1914/100073 Perth Mitchell John Male Shaloa Elizabeth Female Perth
1914/100073 Perth Shaloa Elizabeth Female Mitchell John Male Perth
1914/100074 Perth Baxter-Bruce Robert Eden Male Wilson Iris Avlyne Female Perth
1914/100074 Perth Wilson Iris Avlyne Female Baxter-Bruce Robert Eden Male Perth
1914/100075 Perth Crawford Amy Female Stockden George Male Perth
1914/100075 Perth Stockden George Male Crawford Amy Female Perth
1915/100076 Perth Dale Ella Female Polan Gershom Paul Male Perth
1915/100076 Perth Polan Gershom Paul Male Dale Ella Female Perth
1914/100076 Perth Maley Nora Evelyn Female Harwood Leopold Owen Male Perth
1914/100076 Perth Harwood Leopold Owen Male Maley Nora Evelyn Female Perth
1914/100077 Perth Driver Myrtle Elizabeth Winifred Female Smeath Edward Walter Male Perth
1914/100077 Perth Smeath Edward Walter Male Driver Myrtle Elizabeth Winifred Female Perth
1914/100078 Perth Gartside Sydney Luther Male Abbott Jennie Female Maylands
1914/100078 Perth Abbott Jennie Female Gartside Sydney Luther Male Maylands
1914/100079 Perth Higgins Arthur Huygens Conway Male Creek Amelia Lorna Florence Female Perth
1914/100079 Perth Creek Amelia Lorna Florence Female Higgins Arthur Huygens Conway Male Perth
1914/100080 Perth Bransby Elizabeth Grace Female Francis Percy William Male Perth
1914/100080 Perth Francis Percy William Male Bransby Elizabeth Grace Female Perth
1914/100081 Perth Lewis Basil Aubrey Male Turner Edith May Female Perth
1914/100081 Perth Turner Edith May Female Lewis Basil Aubrey Male Perth
1914/100082 Perth Obbes Johanna Cornelia Female Ryder-Bailey William Henry Male Perth
1914/100082 Perth Ryder-Bailey William Henry Male Obbes Johanna Cornelia Female Perth
1914/100083 Perth Hildebrandt Edward George Victor Male Decatania Florence Female Perth
1914/100083 Perth Decatania Florence Female Hildebrandt Edward George Victor Male Perth
1914/100084 Perth Williamson Alexander Male Marshall Beatrice Mary Female Perth
1914/100084 Perth Marshall Beatrice Mary Female Williamson Alexander Male Perth
1914/100085 Perth Hunt Albert Victor Male Beck Cecilia May Female Perth
1914/100085 Perth Beck Cecilia May Female Hunt Albert Victor Male Perth
1914/100086 Perth Gould Florence May Female Healey Raymond Male West Perth
1914/100086 Perth Healey Raymond Male Gould Florence May Female West Perth
1914/100087 Perth Collins Gertrude Female Nagle Michael Male West Perth
1914/100087 Perth Nagle Michael Male Collins Gertrude Female West Perth
1914/100088 Perth Dobson Frederick George Male Ewers Hilda May Female West Perth
1914/100088 Perth Ewers Hilda May Female Dobson Frederick George Male West Perth
1914/100089 Perth Hocking Hazel Amelia Female Manning George Thomas Hooton Male Perth
1914/100089 Perth Manning George Thomas Hooton Male Hocking Hazel Amelia Female Perth
1914/100090 Perth Henderson Leo Morphett Male Cudmore Dorothea Nevill Female Perth
1914/100090 Perth Cudmore Dorothea Nevill Female Henderson Leo Morphett Male Perth
1914/100091 Perth Fauckner Edgar Horwood Male Byrne Mary Female Perth
1914/100091 Perth Byrne Mary Female Fauckner Edgar Horwood Male Perth
1914/100092 Perth Potts Sydney Windle Male Woodall May Sheraton Female Perth
1914/100092 Perth Woodall May Sheraton Female Potts Sydney Windle Male Perth
1914/100093 Perth Wright Albert Randall Male Taylor Caroline Eliza Female St Andrew's Presbyterian Church
1914/100093 Perth Taylor Caroline Eliza Female Wright Albert Randall Male St Andrew's Presbyterian Church
1914/100094 Perth O'Brien Gertrude Female Jones Henry Webb Male West Perth
1914/100094 Perth Jones Henry Webb Male O'Brien Gertrude Female West Perth
1914/100095 Perth Lacerda Joseph Male Kohler Ethel Female Perth
1914/100095 Perth Kohler Ethel Female Lacerda Joseph Male Perth
1914/100096 Perth Muller Richard Male Ford Annie Female Perth
1914/100096 Perth Ford Annie Female Muller Richard Male Perth
1914/100097 Perth Thompson Thomas Male Procter Sarah Isabel Female Perth
1914/100097 Perth Procter Sarah Isabel Female Thompson Thomas Male Perth
1914/100098 Perth Sperring Leslie Arthur Male Larkin Nellie Female West Perth
1914/100098 Perth Larkin Nellie Female Sperring Leslie Arthur Male West Perth
1914/100099 Perth Dorney Walter George Male Stokes Grace Annie Female Perth
1914/100099 Perth Stokes Grace Annie Female Dorney Walter George Male Perth
1914/100100 Perth Lammondy Mary Ruth Female Griffiths John Male Perth
1914/100100 Perth Moralee Mary Ruth Female Griffiths John Male Perth
1914/100100 Perth Griffiths John Male Lammondy Mary Ruth Female Perth
1914/100100 Perth Griffiths John Male Moralee Mary Ruth Female Perth
1914/100101 Perth Connolly Richard Male Reid Mary Jane Cecilia Female Perth
1914/100101 Perth Reid Mary Jane Cecilia Female Connolly Richard Male Perth
1914/100102 Perth Climie George Leslie Howard Male Esmonde Blanche Louisa Female Perth
1914/100102 Perth Esmonde Blanche Louisa Female Climie George Leslie Howard Male Perth
1915/100102 Perth Jones Alfred Archibald Male Rumble Elsie Marion Female Perth
1915/100102 Perth Rumble Elsie Marion Female Jones Alfred Archibald Male Perth
1914/100103 Perth Jones Mary Ellen Female O'Brien William John Male Perth
1915/100103 Perth Williams Gwendoline Female Steinke Francis Hawthorne Male Perth
1914/100103 Perth O'Brien William John Male Jones Mary Ellen Female Perth
1915/100103 Perth Steinke Francis Hawthorne Male Williams Gwendoline Female Perth
1914/100104 Perth Beales James Ernest Male Folkard Celia Maudie Female Perth
1914/100104 Perth Folkard Celia Maudie Female Beales James Ernest Male Perth
1915/100104 Perth Roberts John Vernon Male McDermott Mary Dora Female Perth
1915/100104 Perth McDermott Mary Dora Female Roberts John Vernon Male Perth
1914/100105 Perth Winscom Annie Foster Female Peace John Wilfrid Estill Male Perth
1915/100105 Perth Tibeando Cecilia Female McKay John Moyle Male Perth
1914/100105 Perth Peace John Wilfrid Estill Male Winscom Annie Foster Female Perth
1915/100105 Perth McKay John Moyle Male Lambert Cecilia Female Perth
1915/100105 Perth McKay John Moyle Male Tibeando Cecilia Female Perth
1915/100105 Perth Lambert Cecilia Female McKay John Moyle Male Perth
1914/100106 Perth Anstis William Henry Male Cameron Olive Selina Female Bayswater
1914/100106 Perth Cameron Olive Selina Female Anstis William Henry Male Bayswater
1914/100107 Perth Ball Lily Female Scott Sidney George Male Perth
1914/100107 Perth Scott Sidney George Male Ball Lily Female Perth
1914/100108 Perth Slade Violet Sidney Female Gregson Alvero Walter Male Perth
1914/100108 Perth Gregson Alvero Walter Male Slade Violet Sidney Female Perth
1914/100109 Perth Beck Edward Male Gordon Caroline Margaret Female Perth
1914/100109 Perth Gordon Caroline Margaret Female Beck Edward Male Perth
1914/100110 Perth Sanders George Henry Male Tepper Irene Alice Female Perth
1914/100110 Perth Tepper Irene Alice Female Sanders George Henry Male Perth
1914/100111 Perth Ryan Alice Female Hunter Donald Male North Perth
1914/100111 Perth Hunter Donald Male Ryan Alice Female North Perth
1914/100112 Perth Dobbin Francis Charles Marshall Male Lane Francia Alice Female Perth
1914/100112 Perth Lane Francia Alice Female Dobbin Francis Charles Marshall Male Perth
1914/100113 Perth Stewart Alfred Donald Male Slater Charlotte Emma Female Perth
1914/100113 Perth Slater Charlotte Emma Female Stewart Alfred Donald Male Perth
1914/100114 Perth Stewart Charles Male Hatfield Ada Esther Female Perth
1914/100114 Perth Hatfield Ada Esther Female Stewart Charles Male Perth
1914/100115 Perth Freeman Arthur Male Sommer Adelaide Agnes Female West Perth
1914/100115 Perth Sommer Adelaide Agnes Female Freeman Arthur Male West Perth
1914/100116 Perth Robinson William Alma Male Broadway Ellen Female Brisbane Street
1914/100116 Perth Broadway Ellen Female Robinson William Alma Male Brisbane Street
1914/100117 Perth Benson Maria Elizabeth Female Twiddy Alfred James Male Perth
1914/100117 Perth Twiddy Alfred James Male Benson Maria Elizabeth Female Perth
1914/100118 Perth Gorman Leslie Charles Male Davis Catherine Maria Female Perth
1914/100118 Perth Davis Catherine Maria Female Gorman Leslie Charles Male Perth
1914/100119 Perth Baum Mary Eleanor Female Wilson George Norman Male Perth
1914/100119 Perth Wilson George Norman Male Baum Mary Eleanor Female Perth
1914/100120 Perth White William Henry Male Cook Daisy Gertrude Female North Perth
1914/100120 Perth Cook Daisy Gertrude Female White William Henry Male North Perth
1914/100121 Perth Priest Isabel Robson Female O'Dwyer John Male Perth
1914/100121 Perth O'Dwyer John Male Priest Isabel Robson Female Perth
1914/100122 Perth Seddon Ellen Female Murphy Peter William Male Perth
1914/100122 Perth Murphy Peter William Male Seddon Ellen Female Perth
1914/100123 Perth Scott William Male Wallace Blanche Victoria Female Perth
1914/100123 Perth Wallace Blanche Victoria Female Scott William Male Perth
1914/100124 Perth Cannon Mary Gertrude Female Nielson Sommer Beethoven Male Perth
1914/100124 Perth Nielson Sommer Beethoven Male Cannon Mary Gertrude Female Perth
1914/100125 Perth Walter John Male Houghton Ethel Beatrice Female Perth
1914/100125 Perth Houghton Ethel Beatrice Female Walter John Male Perth
1914/100126 Perth Beer William Male Oliver Eveline Female Perth
1914/100126 Perth Oliver Eveline Female Beer William Male Perth
1914/100127 Perth Smith Florence Female Lane Alfred Ernest Male East Perth
1914/100127 Perth Lane Alfred Ernest Male Smith Florence Female East Perth
1915/100128 Perth Kell William Allan Male Graham Agnes Aileen Female Perth
1914/100128 Perth Rutter Leopold George Ashley Male Maclaren Marion Charlotte Female West Perth
1914/100128 Perth Maclaren Marion Charlotte Female Rutter Leopold George Ashley Male West Perth
1915/100128 Perth Graham Agnes Aileen Female Kell William Allan Male Perth
1914/100129 Perth Neeson Florence Annie Female Cook Herbert Dempster Male West Perth
1914/100129 Perth Cook Herbert Dempster Male Neeson Florence Annie Female West Perth
1914/100130 Perth Neeson Elspeth Female Podmore William George Male West Perth
1914/100130 Perth Podmore William George Male Neeson Elspeth Female West Perth
1914/100131 Perth Hull Jessie Flora Female Squires Walter Male Perth
1914/100131 Perth Squires Walter Male Hull Jessie Flora Female Perth
1914/100132 Perth Gladden Elsie Muriel Female Christensen Thomas Henry Male Perth
1914/100132 Perth Christensen Thomas Henry Male Gladden Elsie Muriel Female Perth
1914/100133 Perth Angel Francis Horsford Male Brown Burnetta Eva Female South Perth
1914/100133 Perth Brown Burnetta Eva Female Angel Francis Horsford Male South Perth
1914/100134 Perth Moore William Thomas Male Bloomer Elsie Margaret Female Perth
1914/100134 Perth Bloomer Elsie Margaret Female Moore William Thomas Male Perth
1914/100135 Perth Hurley Maud Female McNamara James Male Perth
1914/100135 Perth McNamara James Male Hurley Maud Female Perth
1914/100136 Perth Bennett Ada Female Cull Victor Male Perth
1914/100136 Perth Cull Victor Male Bennett Ada Female Perth
1914/100137 Perth Noble Norman Mackley Male Scruby Francesca Munday Female West Perth
1914/100137 Perth Scruby Francesca Munday Female Noble Norman Mackley Male West Perth
1914/100138 Perth McLean Agnes Female Higginson Fred Male West Perth
1914/100138 Perth Higginson Fred Male McLean Agnes Female West Perth
1914/100139 Perth Atkinson Robert Kelsall Male Campion Amy Female West Perth
1914/100139 Perth Campion Amy Female Atkinson Robert Kelsall Male West Perth
1914/100140 Perth Caddy James Horatio Male Cannon Georgina Female Charles St
1914/100140 Perth Cannon Georgina Female Caddy James Horatio Male Charles St
1914/100141 Perth Bower Harold James Male Dunn Gladys Grace Female West Perth
1914/100141 Perth Dunn Gladys Grace Female Bower Harold James Male West Perth
1914/100142 Perth Hicks Alfred Male Creek Mary Ellen Ruby Female Perth
1914/100142 Perth Creek Mary Ellen Ruby Female Hicks Alfred Male Perth
1914/100143 Perth Davies Jeannet Female Williams Henry Male West Perth
1914/100143 Perth Williams Henry Male Davies Jeannet Female West Perth
1914/100144 Perth Burns Samuel James Male Hillier Reta May Female Perth
1914/100144 Perth Hillier Reta May Female Burns Samuel James Male Perth
1914/100145 Perth Miller Frank Roy Male Briggs Ethel Female North Perth
1914/100145 Perth Briggs Ethel Female Miller Frank Roy Male North Perth
1914/100146 Perth Gateson Annie Rose Female McGuinness William Male Perth
1914/100146 Perth McGuinness William Male Gateson Annie Rose Female Perth
1914/100147 Perth Noonan Gertrude Female Kelly Frederick Louis Male Perth
1914/100147 Perth Kelly Frederick Louis Male Noonan Gertrude Female Perth
1914/100148 Perth Large John Male Williamson Susie Female Perth
1914/100148 Perth Williamson Susie Female Large John Male Perth
1914/100149 Perth Metz Harry Morris Male Dewulf Kathleen Elizabeth Female Perth
1915/100149 Perth Strickland Walter Edward Male Hall Ellen Female Maylands
1915/100149 Perth Hall Ellen Female Strickland Walter Edward Male Maylands
1914/100149 Perth Dewulf Kathleen Elizabeth Female Metz Harry Morris Male Perth
1914/100150 Perth Arundel Sherwin Male Morrison Helen Ethel Female Perth
1914/100150 Perth Morrison Helen Ethel Female Arundel Sherwin Male Perth
1914/100151 Perth Greve Augusta Caroline Rasmine Female Gough William Albert Male Perth
1914/100151 Perth Gough William Albert Male Greve Augusta Caroline Rasmine Female Perth
1914/100152 Perth Pearce May Edith Female Bradshaw William Edmund Male Perth
1914/100152 Perth Bradshaw William Edmund Male Pearce May Edith Female Perth
1914/100153 Perth Grierson Ida Female Juett Alexander Male Perth
1914/100153 Perth Juett Alexander Male Grierson Ida Female Perth
1914/100154 Perth Morris Alfred Victor Male Hogan Josephine Female Perth
1914/100154 Perth Hogan Josephine Female Morris Alfred Victor Male Perth
1914/100155 Perth Taylor Kate Berckelman Female Williamson Arthur Frederick Male Perth
1914/100155 Perth Williamson Arthur Frederick Male Taylor Kate Berckelman Female Perth
1914/100156 Perth Harrison Myrtle Mary Female Cameron Arthur Thomas Male Brisbane Street
1914/100156 Perth Cameron Arthur Thomas Male Harrison Myrtle Mary Female Brisbane Street
1914/100157 Perth Smith Neil Alexander Male Dow Linda Sarah Female Perth
1914/100157 Perth Dow Linda Sarah Female Smith Neil Alexander Male Perth
1914/100158 Perth Brown Gertrude Elizabeth Female Coxon Walter Ernest Stanley Male East Perth
1914/100158 Perth Coxon Walter Ernest Stanley Male Brown Gertrude Elizabeth Female East Perth
1914/100159 Perth O'Loughlin Mary Agnes Female Thomson John William Male West Perth
1914/100159 Perth Thomson John William Male O'Loughlin Mary Agnes Female West Perth
1914/100160 Perth Bolitho William Norbert Male Batley Isabella Annie Female West Perth
1914/100160 Perth Batley Isabella Annie Female Bolitho William Norbert Male West Perth
1914/100161 Perth Theisinger Eugene Male Kewley Ethel Violet Female Perth
1914/100161 Perth Kewley Ethel Violet Female Theisinger Eugene Male Perth
1914/100162 Perth Jowers Albina Lucretia Female Dunne Jeremiah Male Perth
1914/100162 Perth Dunne Jeremiah Male Jowers Albina Lucretia Female Perth
1914/100163 Perth Cottrill George Male Leeder Ermie Female Perth
1914/100163 Perth Leeder Ermie Female Cottrill George Male Perth
1914/100164 Perth Harwood Winifred Cicely Female Craddock Louis John Male Perth
1914/100164 Perth Craddock Louis John Male Harwood Winifred Cicely Female Perth
1914/100165 Perth Harvey Albert Male James Rosa Mary Not Female Perth
1914/100165 Perth James Rosa Mary Not Female Harvey Albert Male Perth
1914/100166 Perth Mathias Frederick Albert Male Costello Kathleen Gibson Female Perth
1914/100166 Perth Costello Kathleen Gibson Female Mathias Frederick Albert Male Perth
1914/100167 Perth Coles James John Male Simpson Ruby Female Perth
1914/100167 Perth Simpson Ruby Female Coles James John Male Perth
1914/100168 Perth Wotzko Gustav Male Gardner Elizabeth Jane Female Perth
1914/100168 Perth Gardner Elizabeth Jane Female Wotzko Gustav Male Perth
1914/100169 Perth Maley Frank Torrens Male Bushell Marjorie Berthon Female Perth
1914/100169 Perth Bushell Marjorie Berthon Female Maley Frank Torrens Male Perth
1914/100170 Perth Brotheridge Amy Elizabeth Female Beaumont Roy Vernon Male Perth
1914/100170 Perth Beaumont Roy Vernon Male Brotheridge Amy Elizabeth Female Perth
1914/100171 Perth Betts Catherine Watkins Female Henderson William Male Perth
1914/100171 Perth Henderson William Male Betts Catherine Watkins Female Perth
1914/100172 Perth Norman Charles Male Carter Emily Female Perth
1914/100172 Perth Carter Emily Female Norman Charles Male Perth
1914/100173 Perth Pemberton Elizabeth Sarah Female Holl Horace George Myrie Male Perth
1914/100173 Perth Holl Horace George Myrie Male Pemberton Elizabeth Sarah Female Perth
1914/100174 Perth Cameron William Allan Male White Ellen Margaret Female West Perth
1914/100174 Perth White Ellen Margaret Female Cameron William Allan Male West Perth
1914/100175 Perth Knight Lillian Maude Female Kerr James Henry Male Perth
1914/100175 Perth Kerr James Henry Male Knight Lillian Maude Female Perth
1914/100176 Perth Gandy Neville John Male Herdegen Maud Clarice Female Perth
1914/100176 Perth Herdegen Maud Clarice Female Gandy Neville John Male Perth
1914/100177 Perth Platt Alice Female Gild Harry Male Perth
1914/100177 Perth Gild Harry Male Platt Alice Female Perth
1914/100178 Perth Allen Dorothy Female Mowday Henry Seymour Male South Perth
1914/100178 Perth Mowday Henry Seymour Male Allen Dorothy Female South Perth
1914/100179 Perth Pentreath Frederick Nicholas Male Lewis Eileen Female Perth
1914/100179 Perth Lewis Eileen Female Pentreath Frederick Nicholas Male Perth
1914/100180 Perth Lehmann Charles Male Kimberley Ivy Beatrice Female West Perth
1914/100180 Perth Kimberley Ivy Beatrice Female Lehmann Charles Male West Perth
1914/100181 Perth Cameron May Thomson Female Nowland Louis Raymond Male Victoria Park
1914/100181 Perth Nowland Louis Raymond Male Cameron May Thomson Female Victoria Park
1914/100182 Perth Seymour Kate Female Jensen Martin Male Perth
1914/100182 Perth Jensen Martin Male Seymour Kate Female Perth
1914/100183 Perth Murphy Kathleen Florence Female Cowin Stanley Male Perth
1914/100183 Perth Cowin Stanley Male Murphy Kathleen Florence Female Perth
1914/100184 Perth Barnes Thomas Kiffin Male Adams Muriel Blanche Female Perth
1914/100184 Perth Adams Muriel Blanche Female Barnes Thomas Kiffin Male Perth
1914/100185 Perth Davison James William Male Laker Emma Female Perth
1914/100185 Perth Laker Emma Female Davison James William Male Perth
1914/100186 Perth Levett Harry Male Porter Phyillis Emma Female Perth
1914/100186 Perth Porter Phyillis Emma Female Levett Harry Male Perth
1914/100187 Perth McManus George Male Burnett May Female Perth
1914/100187 Perth Burnett May Female McManus George Male Perth
1914/100188 Perth Hollis John Male Dixon Amy Female Perth
1914/100188 Perth Dixon Amy Female Hollis John Male Perth
1914/100189 Perth Delaney Edward Joseph Male Morey Violet May Female Maylands
1914/100189 Perth Morey Violet May Female Delaney Edward Joseph Male Maylands
1914/100190 Perth Fairbeard Annie Elizabeth Female Liggins Frank Barnett Male South Perth
1914/100190 Perth Liggins Frank Barnett Male Fairbeard Annie Elizabeth Female South Perth
1914/100191 Perth Arnold Englebert Charles Male Wood Ada Daisy Female West Perth
1914/100191 Perth Wood Ada Daisy Female Arnold Englebert Charles Male West Perth
1914/100192 Perth Veness Gladys Dorothea Female Campbell William Male Perth
1914/100192 Perth Campbell William Male Veness Gladys Dorothea Female Perth
1914/100193 Perth Sando Mabel Elizabeth Female Best Richard Thomas Male Perth
1914/100193 Perth Best Richard Thomas Male Sando Mabel Elizabeth Female Perth
1914/100194 Perth Hollett Edgar Wellesley Male Bycroft Eva Female Perth
1914/100194 Perth Bycroft Eva Female Hollett Edgar Wellesley Male Perth
1914/100195 Perth Frezier Clara Isaiah Beatrice Female Ellett Ernest George Male Perth
1914/100195 Perth Ellett Ernest George Male Frezier Clara Isaiah Beatrice Female Perth
1914/100196 Perth Castle Daisy Ethel Female Martin James Andrew Meekan Male Perth
1914/100196 Perth Martin James Andrew Meekan Male Castle Daisy Ethel Female Perth
1914/100197 Perth Philp Percy Male Moore Edith Female Perth
1914/100197 Perth Moore Edith Female Philp Percy Male Perth
1914/100198 Perth Leabon Arthur Male McKenzie Elsie May Female Perth
1914/100198 Perth McKenzie Elsie May Female Leabon Arthur Male Perth
1914/100199 Perth Macaulay Isabella Roy Female Major Francis Hedley Male Perth
1914/100199 Perth Major Francis Hedley Male Macaulay Isabella Roy Female Perth
1914/100200 Perth Saint Edward Male McMurdo Vera May Female Perth
1914/100200 Perth McMurdo Vera May Female Saint Edward Male Perth
1914/100201 Perth Norwood John Male Black Mary Female Perth
1914/100201 Perth Black Mary Female Norwood John Male Perth
1914/100202 Perth Smith Margaret Female Vivian Alfred Ernest Male Brisbane Street
1914/100202 Perth Vivian Alfred Ernest Male Smith Margaret Female Brisbane Street
1914/100203 Perth Davidson Charlotte Smith Female Meakins Joseph Henry Male East Perth
1914/100203 Perth Meakins Joseph Henry Male Davidson Charlotte Smith Female East Perth
1914/100204 Perth Lewis Samuel Male Nissenson Esther Pearl Female Perth
1914/100204 Perth Nissenson Esther Pearl Female Lewis Samuel Male Perth
1914/100205 Perth Finkelstien Sarah Female Rosen Jacob Male Perth
1914/100205 Perth Rosen Jacob Male Finkelstien Sarah Female Perth
1914/100206 Perth Hickman Sidney Male Kemp Alice Female Perth
1914/100206 Perth Kemp Alice Female Hickman Sidney Male Perth
1914/100207 Perth Green Rosina Galacine Esther Female Sherry Walter Male Perth
1914/100207 Perth Sherry Walter Male Green Rosina Galacine Esther Female Perth
1914/100208 Perth Woollams Arthur Colin Male Lowden Mary Ann Female Perth
1914/100208 Perth Lowden Mary Ann Female Woollams Arthur Colin Male Perth
1914/100209 Perth Homer Clara Constance Female Jefferies Arthur Leonard Male Perth
1914/100209 Perth Jefferies Arthur Leonard Male Homer Clara Constance Female Perth
1914/100210 Perth Parker Edith Female Frost Victor Charles Male Perth
1914/100210 Perth Frost Victor Charles Male Parker Edith Female Perth
1914/100211 Perth Bothe May Minnie Annie Female Kan Frederick John Male Perth
1914/100211 Perth Kan Frederick John Male Bothe May Minnie Annie Female Perth
1914/100212 Perth Ware Edward Arthur Male Ingram Elizabeth Ettie May Female Perth
1914/100212 Perth Ingram Elizabeth Ettie May Female Ware Edward Arthur Male Perth
1914/100213 Perth Swales Samuel James Male Manning Margaret Ann Female Perth
1914/100213 Perth Manning Margaret Ann Female Swales Samuel James Male Perth
1914/100214 Perth Jones Thomas Henry Male Thomas Ellen Jane Female Perth
1914/100214 Perth Thomas Ellen Jane Female Jones Thomas Henry Male Perth
1914/100215 Perth Gostelow Elsie May Female Cox George Leonard Male Perth
1914/100215 Perth Cox George Leonard Male Gostelow Elsie May Female Perth
1914/100216 Perth Coppin Walter Louis Male McDonald Mary Female Perth
1914/100216 Perth McDonald Mary Female Coppin Walter Louis Male Perth
1914/100217 Perth Hicks Charles Thomas Male Dowd Margaret Female Maylands
1914/100217 Perth Dowd Margaret Female Hicks Charles Thomas Male Maylands
1914/100218 Perth O'Farrell Francis Male Lumley Winnie Thompson Female Perth
1914/100218 Perth Lumley Winnie Thompson Female O'Farrell Francis Male Perth
1914/100219 Perth Pell Albert Edward Male Dockerill Margaret Elizabeth Female North Perth
1914/100219 Perth Dockerill Margaret Elizabeth Female Pell Albert Edward Male North Perth
1914/100220 Perth Macklan Violet Mary Female Roberts Leslie George Male West Perth
1914/100220 Perth Roberts Leslie George Male Macklan Violet Mary Female West Perth
1914/100221 Perth Thomas John Jones Male Stock Annie Lettie Female West Perth
1914/100221 Perth Stock Annie Lettie Female Thomas John Jones Male West Perth
1914/100222 Perth Doggett Emily Augusta Female Henwood Harry Male West Perth
1914/100222 Perth Henwood Harry Male Doggett Emily Augusta Female West Perth
1914/100223 Perth Prinzloff Ernest August Male McDonald Kathleen Female Perth
1914/100223 Perth McDonald Kathleen Female Prinzloff Ernest August Male Perth
1914/100224 Perth McIntyre James Thomas John Male Doyle Agnes Female Perth
1914/100224 Perth Doyle Agnes Female McIntyre James Thomas John Male Perth
1914/100225 Perth Brennan Joseph Vincent Male Chipper Muriel Emily Female Perth
1914/100225 Perth Chipper Muriel Emily Female Brennan Joseph Vincent Male Perth
1914/100226 Perth Redden Ernest Moule Male Orton Jessie Isabell Female Perth
1914/100226 Perth Orton Jessie Isabell Female Redden Ernest Moule Male Perth
1914/100227 Perth Hunter Maleata Maude Female Stephens Sidney Male Perth
1914/100227 Perth Stephens Sidney Male Hunter Maleata Maude Female Perth
1914/100228 Perth Quill Frances Elitia Female Tilt Frank Male Perth
1914/100228 Perth Tilt Frank Male Quill Frances Elitia Female Perth
1914/100229 Perth Downes Hilda Amelia Female McArthur Angus Male Perth
1914/100229 Perth McArthur Angus Male Downes Hilda Amelia Female Perth
1914/100230 Perth Peacock Esther Elizabeth Female Henwood Arthur Pengelly Male Perth
1914/100230 Perth Henwood Arthur Pengelly Male Peacock Esther Elizabeth Female Perth
1914/100231 Perth Butcher Mary Female Eckersley John Joseph Male Perth
1914/100231 Perth Eckersley John Joseph Male Butcher Mary Female Perth
1914/100232 Perth Ransom Claud Turner Shield Male Liddelow Myrtle Female Perth
1914/100232 Perth Liddelow Myrtle Female Ransom Claud Turner Shield Male Perth
1914/100233 Perth Jackson Mary Female Hinchey Thomas Michael Male Perth
1914/100233 Perth Hinchey Thomas Michael Male Jackson Mary Female Perth
1914/100234 Perth Watkins Alexander Thomas Male Sylvester Henrietta Female Victoria Park
1914/100234 Perth Sylvester Henrietta Female Watkins Alexander Thomas Male Victoria Park
1914/100235 Perth Rumsey James Male Henderson Eleanor Female Perth
1914/100235 Perth Henderson Eleanor Female Rumsey James Male Perth
1914/100236 Perth Copeman Gladys Female Jones John Male Perth
1914/100236 Perth Jones John Male Copeman Gladys Female Perth
1914/100237 Perth Judge Janet Female Growden Frederick Male Perth
1914/100237 Perth Growden Frederick Male Judge Janet Female Perth
1914/100238 Perth Clarke William John Male Garvey May Victoria Female Perth
1914/100238 Perth Garvey May Victoria Female Clarke William John Male Perth
1914/100239 Perth Murray Beatrice Evelyn Female Parkinson Thomas Henry Male Perth
1914/100239 Perth Parkinson Thomas Henry Male Murray Beatrice Evelyn Female Perth
1914/100240 Perth White Agnes Gertrude Female O'Leary Michael Patrick Male Perth
1914/100240 Perth O'Leary Michael Patrick Male White Agnes Gertrude Female Perth
1914/100241 Perth Meagher Marion Female Vincent Victor Franklin Male Perth
1914/100241 Perth Vincent Victor Franklin Male Meagher Marion Female Perth
1914/100242 Perth Smith Herbert Edward Male Garman Alice Martha Female Perth
1914/100242 Perth Garman Alice Martha Female Smith Herbert Edward Male Perth
1914/100243 Perth McInnes Edward Male Hallo Ruby Lilian Female Perth
1914/100243 Perth Hallo Ruby Lilian Female McInnes Edward Male Perth
1914/100244 Perth Corps Ernest Male Bennett Annie Elizabeth Female Victoria Park
1914/100244 Perth Bennett Annie Elizabeth Female Corps Ernest Male Victoria Park
1914/100245 Perth Muller Ernest Marcus Lester Male Sedgman Beatrice Edith Vilo Female Perth
1914/100245 Perth Sedgman Beatrice Edith Vilo Female Muller Ernest Marcus Lester Male Perth
1914/100246 Perth Skewes Winifred Isobel Maud Female Robson George Anthony Male North Perth
1914/100246 Perth Robson George Anthony Male Skewes Winifred Isobel Maud Female North Perth
1914/100247 Perth Faulkner Daniel Henry Male Martin Blanche Female Perth
1914/100247 Perth Martin Blanche Female Faulkner Daniel Henry Male Perth
1914/100248 Perth West Ivy Clara Female Stanbridge George William Male Perth
1914/100248 Perth Stanbridge George William Male West Ivy Clara Female Perth
1914/100249 Perth Smith Annie Margaret Female Howe Joseph Stanley Male Perth
1914/100249 Perth Howe Joseph Stanley Male Smith Annie Margaret Female Perth
1914/100250 Perth Miles Jane Female Millar Barclay George Dunlop Male Perth
1914/100250 Perth Millar Barclay George Dunlop Male Miles Jane Female Perth
1914/100251 Perth Minty Sidney Male Griffiths Annie Taylor Female Perth
1914/100251 Perth Griffiths Annie Taylor Female Minty Sidney Male Perth
1914/100252 Perth James Trevor Thomas Edward Male Colledge Elizabeth Female Perth
1914/100252 Perth Colledge Elizabeth Female James Trevor Thomas Edward Male Perth
1914/100253 Perth Ribe Matilda May Female Glasson John Nicholas Male Perth
1914/100253 Perth Glasson John Nicholas Male Ribe Matilda May Female Perth
1914/100254 Perth Coleman Louisa Elvie Female Atkins Edward James Percy Male East Perth
1914/100254 Perth Atkins Edward James Percy Male Coleman Louisa Elvie Female East Perth
1914/100255 Perth Read Henry Male Thomas Ada Clara Female Perth
1914/100255 Perth Thomas Ada Clara Female Read Henry Male Perth
1914/100256 Perth Ebsary Ethel Edith Helenor Female Morrison John Crawford Male West Perth
1914/100256 Perth Morrison John Crawford Male Ebsary Ethel Edith Helenor Female West Perth
1914/100257 Perth Rice Rosina Amy Female Reed Howard John Male West Perth
1914/100257 Perth Reed Howard John Male Rice Rosina Amy Female West Perth
1914/100258 Perth Groves Lila Emily Female Jackman Thomas William Male West Perth
1914/100258 Perth Jackman Thomas William Male Groves Lila Emily Female West Perth
1914/100259 Perth Iddon George Gillow Male Smith Alberta Mary Female East Perth
1914/100259 Perth Smith Alberta Mary Female Iddon George Gillow Male East Perth
1914/100260 Perth Eckersley Walter Roland Male Moss Ada Gladys Female Highgate Hill
1914/100260 Perth Moss Ada Gladys Female Eckersley Walter Roland Male Highgate Hill
1914/100261 Perth East Myrtle Female Stephens William Edward Male Perth
1914/100261 Perth Stephens William Edward Male East Myrtle Female Perth
1914/100262 Perth Smidt Alfred Edgar Shackwood Male Hampton Henrietta Female West Perth
1914/100262 Perth Hampton Henrietta Female Smidt Alfred Edgar Shackwood Male West Perth
1914/100263 Perth Tippett Frances Ernest Male Pierce Violet Female West Perth
1914/100263 Perth Pierce Violet Female Tippett Frances Ernest Male West Perth
1914/100264 Perth Pilton May Florence Female Elliss Mervyn Clyde Male Perth
1914/100264 Perth Elliss Mervyn Clyde Male Pilton May Florence Female Perth
1914/100265 Perth Little Harold Charles Gordon Male McDonald Elsie Pearl Female West Perth
1914/100265 Perth McDonald Elsie Pearl Female Little Harold Charles Gordon Male West Perth
1914/100266 Perth Speight Charles Harold Male Reynolds Alice Maud Female Perth
1914/100266 Perth Reynolds Alice Maud Female Speight Charles Harold Male Perth
1914/100267 Perth McLeod George Male Beadle Evelyn Elsie May Female Mt Lawley
1914/100267 Perth Beadle Evelyn Elsie May Female McLeod George Male Mt Lawley
1914/100268 Perth Smith Mary Adelaide Female Burkinshaw Mark Male Perth
1914/100268 Perth Burkinshaw Mark Male Smith Mary Adelaide Female Perth
1914/100269 Perth Palmer Audrey Female Coulter John McCrea Male Perth
1914/100269 Perth Coulter John McCrea Male Palmer Audrey Female Perth
1914/100270 Perth Wittmer Andrew William Male Stone Winifred Female Perth
1914/100270 Perth Stone Winifred Female Wittmer Andrew William Male Perth
1914/100271 Perth Wheatley Henry John Male Beyer Annie Dorothy Female Perth
1914/100271 Perth Beyer Annie Dorothy Female Wheatley Henry John Male Perth
1914/100272 Perth Buckley Katherine Female Thomas Ernest Henry Male Perth
1914/100272 Perth Thomas Ernest Henry Male Buckley Katherine Female Perth
1914/100273 Perth Wright Harriet Florence Female Hendley William Louis Male Perth
1914/100273 Perth Hendley William Louis Male Wright Harriet Florence Female Perth
1914/100274 Perth Sandys Maud Ethel Female Jenkins Charles William Male Perth
1914/100274 Perth Jenkins Charles William Male Sandys Maud Ethel Female Perth
1914/100275 Perth Turner Annie Female Culbertson William Male Victoria Park
1914/100275 Perth Culbertson William Male Turner Annie Female Victoria Park
1914/100276 Perth Miles Lavinia Female Paton James Gilbert Male Maylands
1914/100276 Perth Paton James Gilbert Male Miles Lavinia Female Maylands
1914/100277 Perth Banks John Charles Aaron Male Wright Edith Matilda Female Perth
1914/100277 Perth Wright Edith Matilda Female Banks John Charles Aaron Male Perth
1914/100278 Perth Watkins Dorothy Glyn Female Hadley Frederick Augustus Male Perth
1914/100278 Perth Hadley Frederick Augustus Male Watkins Dorothy Glyn Female Perth
1914/100279 Perth Haller Lily Female Street Araunah Stanley Sanders Male Maylands
1914/100279 Perth Street Araunah Stanley Sanders Male Haller Lily Female Maylands
1914/100280 Perth Scott Charles George Gordon Male Platt Jessie Kathleen Female Perth
1914/100280 Perth Platt Jessie Kathleen Female Scott Charles George Gordon Male Perth
1914/100281 Perth Robinson Beatrice Jane Female Roff Francis Henry Male Perth
1914/100281 Perth Roff Francis Henry Male Robinson Beatrice Jane Female Perth
1914/100282 Perth Broun Effie Claudine Female Wallder Alfred Richard Male Perth
1914/100282 Perth Wallder Alfred Richard Male Broun Effie Claudine Female Perth
1914/100283 Perth Wittmer Henry Anthony Male Giblett Hilda May Female Perth
1914/100283 Perth Giblett Hilda May Female Wittmer Henry Anthony Male Perth
1914/100284 Perth Petts Frederick Griffiths Male Cragen Minnie May Female Perth
1914/100284 Perth Cragen Minnie May Female Petts Frederick Griffiths Male Perth
1914/100285 Perth Warren Ethel Female Leary Robert Eric Male Victoria Park
1914/100285 Perth Leary Robert Eric Male Warren Ethel Female Victoria Park
1914/100286 Perth Leyland Ernest Male Phillipson Ruth Female Perth
1914/100286 Perth Phillipson Ruth Female Leyland Ernest Male Perth
1914/100287 Perth Sinclair Olive Constance Female Fleer Albert Edward Male Perth
1914/100287 Perth Fleer Albert Edward Male Sinclair Olive Constance Female Perth
1914/100288 Perth Lovegrove Ernest Male Lague Maud Female Victoria Park
1914/100288 Perth Lague Maud Female Lovegrove Ernest Male Victoria Park
1914/100289 Perth Sharp Annie Female Stein Samuel Maurice Male Perth
1914/100289 Perth Stein Samuel Maurice Male Sharp Annie Female Perth
1914/100290 Perth Burt Hilda Maud Female Messer Kenneth Durward Male Perth
1914/100290 Perth Messer Kenneth Durward Male Burt Hilda Maud Female Perth
1914/100291 Perth Genery Beatrice Female O'Toole Thomas Male Perth
1914/100291 Perth O'Toole Thomas Male Genery Beatrice Female Perth
1914/100292 Perth Bevan Eunice Hilda Female Joyce Frederick William James Male West Perth
1914/100292 Perth Joyce Frederick William James Male Bevan Eunice Hilda Female West Perth
1914/100293 Perth Blanch Frances Emma Female Turner George Henry Male North Perth
1914/100293 Perth Turner George Henry Male Blanch Frances Emma Female North Perth
1914/100294 Perth Nystrom Charles Philip Male Olson Hilda Sofia Female Perth
1914/100294 Perth Olson Hilda Sofia Female Nystrom Charles Philip Male Perth
1914/100295 Perth Rae Frances Mary Female McAskil Alexander Male Perth
1914/100295 Perth McAskil Alexander Male Rae Frances Mary Female Perth
1914/100296 Perth Cottinghan Edmund John Male Hughes Mary Jane Female Perth
1914/100296 Perth Hughes Mary Jane Female Cottinghan Edmund John Male Perth
1914/100297 Perth Klem Leslie Gordon Male Carter Florence Louise Female Perth
1914/100297 Perth Carter Florence Louise Female Klem Leslie Gordon Male Perth
1914/100298 Perth Chaffer Frederick John Male Roberts Louisa Mary Female Perth
1914/100298 Perth Roberts Louisa Mary Female Chaffer Frederick John Male Perth
1914/100299 Perth Telford Jack James Nonpareil Male Coulson Lottie Female Perth
1914/100299 Perth Telford Jack James Nonpareil Male Wood Lottie Female Perth
1914/100299 Perth Wood Lottie Female Telford Jack James Nonpareil Male Perth
1914/100299 Perth Coulson Lottie Female Telford Jack James Nonpareil Male Perth
1914/100300 Perth Pittendrigh Charles Male McCallum Jeanie Female Perth
1914/100300 Perth McCallum Jeanie Female Pittendrigh Charles Male Perth
1914/100301 Perth Hoops William Lockyer Male von Rommeis Mona Female Perth
1914/100301 Perth von Rommeis Mona Female Hoops William Lockyer Male Perth
1914/100302 Perth McLernon Luke Male Davies Urania Blodwen Female Perth
1914/100302 Perth Davies Urania Blodwen Female McLernon Luke Male Perth
1914/100303 Perth Simpson Emily Ann Female Cowie John Alexander Male North Perth
1914/100303 Perth Cowie John Alexander Male Simpson Emily Ann Female North Perth
1914/100304 Perth Margerson Joseph William Male Seagrott Annie Maud Female Perth
1914/100304 Perth Seagrott Annie Maud Female Margerson Joseph William Male Perth
1914/100305 Perth Wheatley Eric Peel Male Howard Lily May Female Perth
1914/100305 Perth Howard Lily May Female Wheatley Eric Peel Male Perth
1914/100306 Perth King Ignatius Male McDonald Evangeline Florence Female Victoria Park
1914/100306 Perth McDonald Evangeline Florence Female King Ignatius Male Victoria Park
1914/100307 Perth Jackson George Male Roddam Margaret Female Perth
1914/100307 Perth Roddam Margaret Female Jackson George Male Perth
1914/100308 Perth Witherow Robert Male Rimmer Ada Female North Perth
1914/100308 Perth Rimmer Ada Female Witherow Robert Male North Perth
1914/100309 Perth Reetz Albert Ruben Male Hunt Maud Jean Female Perth
1914/100309 Perth Hunt Maud Jean Female Reetz Albert Ruben Male Perth
1914/100310 Perth Bennett Dulcie Marian Female Rippon Charles Adolph Male Perth
1914/100310 Perth Rippon Charles Adolph Male Bennett Dulcie Marian Female Perth
1914/100311 Perth Hider Charles Eden Male Fogg Myra Lilian Female Perth
1914/100311 Perth Fogg Myra Lilian Female Hider Charles Eden Male Perth
1914/100312 Perth Hummerston Gladys Eileen Female Betts Walter Watkins Male Mount Lawley
1914/100312 Perth Betts Walter Watkins Male Hummerston Gladys Eileen Female Mount Lawley
1914/100313 Perth Forbes Donald Male Stuart Annie Female Perth
1914/100313 Perth Stuart Annie Female Forbes Donald Male Perth
1914/100314 Perth Butcher Alfred Male Bennett Frances Amelia Female Perth
1914/100314 Perth Bennett Frances Amelia Female Butcher Alfred Male Perth
1914/100315 Perth Purvis-Ley Bessie May Female Sharp Claude Hamilton Male Perth
1914/100315 Perth Sharp Claude Hamilton Male Purvis-Ley Bessie May Female Perth
1914/100316 Perth Wray Albert Edward Male Baker Florence May Female Perth
1914/100316 Perth Baker Florence May Female Wray Albert Edward Male Perth
1914/100317 Perth Lawrence Julia Female Barrenger Thomas Edward Male Perth
1914/100317 Perth Barrenger Thomas Edward Male Lawrence Julia Female Perth
1914/100318 Perth Kirkby Frederick William Male Mitchell Ada May Female Perth
1914/100318 Perth Mitchell Ada May Female Kirkby Frederick William Male Perth
1914/100319 Perth Verrier Edith Adelaide Female White William Westcott Male Perth
1914/100319 Perth White William Westcott Male Verrier Edith Adelaide Female Perth
1914/100320 Perth Turner Alice Maud Female Lewingdon Henry John Male Perth
1914/100320 Perth Lewingdon Henry John Male Turner Alice Maud Female Perth
1914/100321 Perth Stone Henry Edward Male Wilson Vivien Charlotte Female Perth
1914/100321 Perth Wilson Vivien Charlotte Female Stone Henry Edward Male Perth
1914/100322 Perth Ellis Jessie Elizabeth Female Bentley Frederick Male Perth
1914/100322 Perth Bentley Frederick Male Ellis Jessie Elizabeth Female Perth
1914/100323 Perth Jessop Ruby Amelia Female Blight George Sydney Male West Perth
1914/100323 Perth Blight George Sydney Male Jessop Ruby Amelia Female West Perth
1914/100324 Perth Hosking Leslie Francis Male Kerr Jessie Female West Perth
1914/100324 Perth Kerr Jessie Female Hosking Leslie Francis Male West Perth
1914/100325 Perth Swingler George Hardy Male Lightbody Jean Kemp Female Perth
1914/100325 Perth Lightbody Jean Kemp Female Swingler George Hardy Male Perth
1914/100326 Perth Tregurtha Cyril George Male Menzies Janet Female West Perth
1914/100326 Perth Menzies Janet Female Tregurtha Cyril George Male West Perth
1914/100327 Perth Buchanan William James Male Legg Alice Margaret Female Cottesloe
1914/100327 Perth Legg Alice Margaret Female Buchanan William James Male Cottesloe
1914/100328 Perth Wray Francis Raymond Male Doubikin May Winifred Female Maylands
1914/100328 Perth Doubikin May Winifred Female Wray Francis Raymond Male Maylands
1914/100329 Perth Plummer Daisy Female Allard Alfred John Male Victoria Park
1914/100329 Perth Allard Alfred John Male Plummer Daisy Female Victoria Park
1914/100330 Perth Warren Alice Eileen Female Hopkins Edward James Male Victoria Park
1914/100330 Perth Hopkins Edward James Male Warren Alice Eileen Female Victoria Park
1914/100331 Perth MacNamara Emily Female Parish John William Male Perth
1914/100331 Perth Parish John William Male MacNamara Emily Female Perth
1914/100332 Perth Graham John Smith Watson Male Cairns Mabel Clark Female Perth
1914/100332 Perth Cairns Mabel Clark Female Graham John Smith Watson Male Perth
1914/100333 Perth McDonald Christina Elizabeth Female Grant James Male Perth
1914/100333 Perth Grant James Male McDonald Christina Elizabeth Female Perth
1914/100334 Perth Chatfield Albert Ernest Male McCooke Ruby Eleanor Isabella Female Perth
1914/100334 Perth McCooke Ruby Eleanor Isabella Female Chatfield Albert Ernest Male Perth
1914/100335 Perth Fulton Mary Female Smith Robert Male Perth
1914/100335 Perth Smith Robert Male Fulton Mary Female Perth
1914/100336 Perth Shean Ethel Eliza May Female Wilkins William Henry Male Perth
1914/100336 Perth Wilkins William Henry Male Shean Ethel Eliza May Female Perth
1914/100337 Perth Folley Harry Lyall Male Isbister Hilda May Female Perth
1914/100337 Perth Isbister Hilda May Female Folley Harry Lyall Male Perth
1914/100338 Perth Rae George Male Thomson Margaret Female Perth
1914/100338 Perth Thomson Margaret Female Rae George Male Perth
1914/100339 Perth Whitham Harry Male Burns Florence Female Perth
1914/100339 Perth Burns Florence Female Whitham Harry Male Perth
1914/100340 Perth King James Male Cleary Catherine Mary Female Perth
1914/100340 Perth Cleary Catherine Mary Female King James Male Perth
1914/100341 Perth Martin George Male Byrne Alice Female West Perth
1914/100341 Perth Byrne Alice Female Martin George Male West Perth
1914/100342 Perth McAdam Annie Female Carver Ernest Male West Perth
1914/100342 Perth Carver Ernest Male McAdam Annie Female West Perth
1914/100343 Perth O'Keeffe Mary Anne Female McDermott Archibald John Male West Perth
1914/100343 Perth McDermott Archibald John Male O'Keeffe Mary Anne Female West Perth
1914/100344 Perth Maggetti Rose Margurita Female McMahon Edward Joseph Male West Perth
1914/100344 Perth McMahon Edward Joseph Male Maggetti Rose Margurita Female West Perth
1914/100345 Perth Roberts John Male Murray Vera Madeline Female West Perth
1914/100345 Perth Murray Vera Madeline Female Roberts John Male West Perth
1914/100346 Perth Brosnan Thomas Male O'Dwyer Maria Female West Perth
1914/100346 Perth O'Dwyer Maria Female Brosnan Thomas Male West Perth
1914/100347 Perth Barry Ruby Eveline Female Bennett Harold Male Perth
1914/100347 Perth Bennett Harold Male Barry Ruby Eveline Female Perth
1914/100348 Perth Mew Annie Louisa Female Johnston Percy Heaton Male Perth
1914/100348 Perth Johnston Percy Heaton Male Mew Annie Louisa Female Perth
1914/100349 Perth MacEachen Isabell Mary Female Darroch Dougald Male Perth
1914/100349 Perth Darroch Dougald Male MacEachen Isabell Mary Female Perth
1914/100350 Perth Dumont Violet May Female Gray Henry Stuart Male Perth
1914/100350 Perth Gray Henry Stuart Male Dumont Violet May Female Perth
1914/100351 Perth Gardiner Peter Joseph Male Holman Mary Alice Female Perth
1914/100351 Perth Holman Mary Alice Female Gardiner Peter Joseph Male Perth
1914/100352 Perth Locke Daisy Olive Female Ratcliff Leonard Hugh Male Perth
1914/100352 Perth Ratcliff Leonard Hugh Male Locke Daisy Olive Female Perth
1914/100353 Perth Bradford Florence Female Scott Frederick Male Perth
1914/100353 Perth Scott Frederick Male Bradford Florence Female Perth
1914/100354 Perth Ryding Francis Spencer Male Innes Ruby Florence Female Perth
1914/100354 Perth Innes Ruby Florence Female Ryding Francis Spencer Male Perth
1914/100355 Perth Manley Elizabeth Mary Female Grose Henry Male Perth
1914/100355 Perth Grose Henry Male Manley Elizabeth Mary Female Perth
1914/100356 Perth McKellar Florence Louisa Female Moar Alfred Male Perth
1914/100356 Perth Moar Alfred Male McKellar Florence Louisa Female Perth
1914/100357 Perth Grose Lillian Maude Female Atkinson Charles Herbert Male Perth
1914/100357 Perth Atkinson Charles Herbert Male Grose Lillian Maude Female Perth
1914/100358 Perth Carter Robert Walter Male Callaghan Olive Lillian Female East Perth
1914/100358 Perth Callaghan Olive Lillian Female Carter Robert Walter Male East Perth
1914/100359 Perth Cooper John Male Currie Catherine Anna Female Perth
1914/100359 Perth Currie Catherine Anna Female Cooper John Male Perth
1914/100360 Perth Baker Annie Female Andrews James Gordon Male Perth
1914/100360 Perth Andrews James Gordon Male Baker Annie Female Perth
1914/100361 Perth Linehan Edith May Female Barber Stanley Hedley Male Perth
1914/100361 Perth Barber Stanley Hedley Male Linehan Edith May Female Perth
1914/100362 Perth Caine Patrick Henry Male Bullen Ellen Nora Female Perth
1914/100362 Perth Bullen Ellen Nora Female Caine Patrick Henry Male Perth
1914/100363 Perth Bell Eliza Jane Female Edwards Arthur Frank Male Perth
1914/100363 Perth Edwards Arthur Frank Male Bell Eliza Jane Female Perth
1914/100364 Perth Edwards Doris Maud Female Johnson Joseph Murray Male Perth
1914/100364 Perth Johnson Joseph Murray Male Edwards Doris Maud Female Perth
1914/100365 Perth Folley Edwin Powell Male Cohen Myrtle Female Perth
1914/100365 Perth Cohen Myrtle Female Folley Edwin Powell Male Perth
1914/100366 Perth Bell Norman Maley Male Boettcher Minna Bertha Louisa Female Perth
1914/100366 Perth Boettcher Minna Bertha Louisa Female Bell Norman Maley Male Perth
1914/100367 Perth Owen Mary Ellen Female Bryden William Jamieson Male Perth
1914/100367 Perth Bryden William Jamieson Male Owen Mary Ellen Female Perth
1914/100368 Perth Graham Alexander Male Pearce Ada Louise Female Perth
1914/100368 Perth Pearce Ada Louise Female Graham Alexander Male Perth
1914/100369 Perth Gailey Alfred Charles Male Bentley Elsie Ellen Female Perth
1914/100369 Perth Bentley Elsie Ellen Female Gailey Alfred Charles Male Perth
1914/100370 Perth Lloyd Clifton Surrey Male Edgar Emma Kerson Female Perth
1914/100370 Perth Edgar Emma Kerson Female Lloyd Clifton Surrey Male Perth
1914/100371 Perth Brown Agnes Female Burgess James Boyd Male West Perth
1914/100371 Perth Burgess James Boyd Male Brown Agnes Female West Perth
1914/100372 Perth Dwyer John Michael Male Loxton Dorothy Mabel Female Perth
1914/100372 Perth Loxton Dorothy Mabel Female Dwyer John Michael Male Perth
1914/100373 Perth Murphy Elizabeth Florence Female Fairfield William Edgar Male Perth
1914/100373 Perth Fairfield William Edgar Male Murphy Elizabeth Florence Female Perth
1914/100374 Perth Cahn Albert Hyman Male Ryan Mary Theresa Female Perth
1914/100374 Perth Ryan Mary Theresa Female Cahn Albert Hyman Male Perth
1914/100375 Perth Bruce Neil Robert Male White Marguerite Eleanor Hyacinth Female Osborne Park
1914/100375 Perth White Marguerite Eleanor Hyacinth Female Bruce Neil Robert Male Osborne Park
1914/100376 Perth Kinsky Albin Carl Male Böhmer Maria Clara Female Perth
1914/100376 Perth Böhmer Maria Clara Female Kinsky Albin Carl Male Perth
1914/100377 Perth Lamb May Kathleen Female Barwick Frederick Male Perth
1914/100377 Perth Barwick Frederick Male Lamb May Kathleen Female Perth
1914/100378 Perth Madden Ida Female McCarthy James Male Perth
1914/100378 Perth McCarthy James Male Madden Ida Female Perth
1914/100379 Perth Rusher Violet May Female Randall Herbert Frederick Male Perth
1914/100379 Perth Randall Herbert Frederick Male Rusher Violet May Female Perth
1914/100380 Perth Buttfield Leslie Doig Male Smyth Isabel Agnes Ekin Female Perth
1914/100380 Perth Smyth Isabel Agnes Ekin Female Buttfield Leslie Doig Male Perth
1914/100381 Perth Bowring Eric Vivian Male Stanley Winifred Alma Female Perth
1914/100381 Perth Stanley Winifred Alma Female Bowring Eric Vivian Male Perth
1914/100382 Perth Castiean Celia Clifford Female Clarke Arthur Herbert Male Perth
1914/100382 Perth Clarke Arthur Herbert Male Castiean Celia Clifford Female Perth
1914/100383 Perth Maley Solomon Shenton Male Flynn Ruby Lovinia Female Perth
1914/100383 Perth Flynn Ruby Lovinia Female Maley Solomon Shenton Male Perth
1914/100384 Perth Walsh James Male Martin Elizabeth Female Perth
1914/100384 Perth Martin Elizabeth Female Walsh James Male Perth
1914/100385 Perth Macnamara Peter George Male Haynes Mabel Female Perth
1914/100385 Perth Haynes Mabel Female Macnamara Peter George Male Perth
1914/100386 Perth Fleming Harry Douglass Male Thorne Evelyn May Female North Perth
1914/100386 Perth Thorne Evelyn May Female Fleming Harry Douglass Male North Perth
1914/100387 Perth Tulloch Elsie Ruth Female Craig John Henry Male North Perth
1914/100387 Perth Craig John Henry Male Tulloch Elsie Ruth Female North Perth
1914/100388 Perth Powles John George Male Hughes Eva Maud Female Perth
1914/100388 Perth Hughes Eva Maud Female Powles John George Male Perth
1914/100389 Perth Brown Harry Male Baxter Ruth Florence Female Perth
1914/100389 Perth Baxter Ruth Florence Female Brown Harry Male Perth
1914/100390 Perth George Albert Henry Male Glover Florence Female Perth
1914/100390 Perth Glover Florence Female George Albert Henry Male Perth
1914/100391 Perth Wilson Eliza Female Thornbury Francis John Male Perth
1914/100391 Perth Thornbury Francis John Male Wilson Eliza Female Perth
1914/100392 Perth Parrott Ada Alice Female Smith Frederick William Male Perth
1914/100392 Perth Smith Frederick William Male Parrott Ada Alice Female Perth
1914/100393 Perth Mervin Ellen Female Bahrs Peter William Henry Male Perth
1914/100393 Perth Bahrs Peter William Henry Male Mervin Ellen Female Perth
1914/100394 Perth Parks Lucas Albert Male Bell Annie May Female Perth
1914/100394 Perth Bell Annie May Female Parks Lucas Albert Male Perth
1914/100395 Perth Thorpe Eliza Female Kirkham Albert Edward Male West Perth
1914/100395 Perth Kirkham Albert Edward Male Thorpe Eliza Female West Perth
1914/100396 Perth Gaymer Lillean Maud Female Reddall Charles Henry Male Victoria Park
1914/100396 Perth Reddall Charles Henry Male Gaymer Lillean Maud Female Victoria Park
1914/100397 Perth Capel Robert Male Jones Violet Adelene Letitia Female West Perth
1914/100397 Perth Jones Violet Adelene Letitia Female Capel Robert Male West Perth
1914/100398 Perth Jones James Stanley Male Stewart Margaret Female West Perth
1914/100398 Perth Stewart Margaret Female Jones James Stanley Male West Perth
1914/100399 Perth Marsh Myrtle Pearce Female Duggan Wilfred Noel Male Perth
1914/100399 Perth Duggan Wilfred Noel Male Marsh Myrtle Pearce Female Perth
1914/100400 Perth Burchall Robert Male Hoskins Eleanor Beatrice Female Perth
1914/100400 Perth Hoskins Eleanor Beatrice Female Burchall Robert Male Perth
1914/100401 Perth Campbell Fidella Elizabeth Female Cockram Horace Hugh Male Perth
1914/100401 Perth Cockram Horace Hugh Male Campbell Fidella Elizabeth Female Perth
1914/100402 Perth Paterson Malcolm Eric Male Lukin Dorothy Anne Female Perth
1914/100402 Perth Lukin Dorothy Anne Female Paterson Malcolm Eric Male Perth
1914/100403 Perth Roberts Martha Female Mitchell John Clayton Male Perth
1914/100403 Perth Mitchell John Clayton Male Roberts Martha Female Perth
1914/100404 Perth Groat Alexander Edward Male Dewar Edith Jane Female North Perth
1914/100404 Perth Dewar Edith Jane Female Groat Alexander Edward Male North Perth
1914/100405 Perth Brotherton Elizabeth Skilling Female Webber William Lawrence Male East Perth
1914/100405 Perth Webber William Lawrence Male Brotherton Elizabeth Skilling Female East Perth
1914/100406 Perth Woodhall Muriel Mary Female Woosnam Francis Male West Perth
1914/100406 Perth Woosnam Francis Male Woodhall Muriel Mary Female West Perth
1914/100407 Perth Gibson James Rupert Male Riedl Camilla Lillian Female Osborne Park
1914/100407 Perth Riedl Camilla Lillian Female Gibson James Rupert Male Osborne Park
1914/100408 Perth Morley Robert Edward Male Lydiate Amy Adelaide Female Maylands
1914/100408 Perth Lydiate Amy Adelaide Female Morley Robert Edward Male Maylands
1914/100409 Perth Smith Patrick Male Walsh Hazel Agnes Female Perth
1914/100409 Perth Walsh Hazel Agnes Female Smith Patrick Male Perth
1914/100410 Perth Foley Margaret Benedict Female Corkhill Robert Paul Male Perth
1914/100410 Perth Corkhill Robert Paul Male Foley Margaret Benedict Female Perth
1914/100411 Perth Liddington Elizabeth Easter Female Boice Charles Male Perth
1914/100411 Perth Boice Charles Male Liddington Elizabeth Easter Female Perth
1914/100412 Perth Smith John Richardson Male Birch Florence Ethel Eliza Female Perth
1914/100412 Perth Birch Florence Ethel Eliza Female Smith John Richardson Male Perth
1914/100413 Perth Martin Harold Edward Male Sunman Mabel Lucy Female South Perth
1914/100413 Perth Sunman Mabel Lucy Female Martin Harold Edward Male South Perth
1914/100414 Perth Booth Hilda Female Backhouse William Thomas Male Perth
1914/100414 Perth Backhouse William Thomas Male Booth Hilda Female Perth
1914/100415 Perth Smith Rita Olive Female Mills Frank Male Perth
1914/100415 Perth Mills Frank Male Smith Rita Olive Female Perth
1914/100416 Perth Harris George Male Knights Lydia Female Perth
1914/100416 Perth Knights Lydia Female Harris George Male Perth
1914/100417 Perth Cummings Jean Johnston Female Skippen David Benjamin Male Perth
1914/100417 Perth Skippen David Benjamin Male Cummings Jean Johnston Female Perth
1914/100418 Perth White Cecilia Rose Female Langridge Edward John Male Perth
1914/100418 Perth Langridge Edward John Male White Cecilia Rose Female Perth
1914/100419 Perth Quick Irene Pearl Female Guy Alfred Alexander Male Perth
1914/100419 Perth Guy Alfred Alexander Male Quick Irene Pearl Female Perth
1914/100420 Perth Dittmer William Frederick Male Hopper Ada Female Perth
1914/100420 Perth Hopper Ada Female Dittmer William Frederick Male Perth
1914/100421 Perth Nutt James Male Newberry Annie Miriam Emily Female Perth
1914/100421 Perth Newberry Annie Miriam Emily Female Nutt James Male Perth
1914/100422 Perth Andrews Arthur George Male Mettam Alice Beatrice Female Maylands
1914/100422 Perth Mettam Alice Beatrice Female Andrews Arthur George Male Maylands
1914/100423 Perth Daft Annie Female Grey William Rayfield Male Perth
1914/100423 Perth Grey William Rayfield Male Daft Annie Female Perth
1914/100424 Perth Young Charles Bogie Male Connelly Elizabeth Female North Perth
1914/100424 Perth Connelly Elizabeth Female Young Charles Bogie Male North Perth
1914/100425 Perth Halse Mabel Alice Female Walshaw William Henry Male Perth
1914/100425 Perth Walshaw William Henry Male Halse Mabel Alice Female Perth
1914/100426 Perth Leishman Douglas Miller Male Evans Elsie Effie Female Perth
1914/100426 Perth Evans Elsie Effie Female Leishman Douglas Miller Male Perth
1914/100427 Perth Jackson Winifred Female Simpson Robert Hume Male Perth
1914/100427 Perth Simpson Robert Hume Male Jackson Winifred Female Perth
1914/100428 Perth Gillingham Eliza Female Harris George Male Perth
1914/100428 Perth Harris George Male Gillingham Eliza Female Perth
1914/100429 Perth Gardner Preston Male Reid Margaret Female Perth
1914/100429 Perth Reid Margaret Female Gardner Preston Male Perth
1914/100430 Perth Atkins Victoria May Female Fogden Charles Henry Male Maylands
1914/100430 Perth Fogden Charles Henry Male Atkins Victoria May Female Maylands
1914/100431 Perth Gregson Ruth Female Hutchinson George Edwin Male Maylands
1914/100431 Perth Hutchinson George Edwin Male Gregson Ruth Female Maylands
1914/100432 Perth Coulton Elizabeth Elsie Female Beatty John Orange Male Bayswater
1914/100432 Perth Beatty John Orange Male Coulton Elizabeth Elsie Female Bayswater
1914/100433 Perth Woodhams Walter John Male Craig Kathleen Mary Female Perth
1914/100433 Perth Craig Kathleen Mary Female Woodhams Walter John Male Perth
1914/100434 Perth Fewings Henry Alexander Male Bryan Annie Josephine Female West Perth
1914/100434 Perth Bryan Annie Josephine Female Fewings Henry Alexander Male West Perth
1914/100435 Perth Thornton Annie Elizabeth Female Gilfius Theodore Paul Male Perth
1914/100435 Perth Gilfius Theodore Paul Male Thornton Annie Elizabeth Female Perth
1914/100436 Perth Brannelly Leslie Keegan Male Graham Lilly Jane Erinlea Female Perth
1914/100436 Perth Graham Lilly Jane Erinlea Female Brannelly Leslie Keegan Male Perth
1914/100437 Perth Jarvis Daniel Male Lynch Gertrude Bridget Female Perth
1914/100437 Perth Lynch Gertrude Bridget Female Jarvis Daniel Male Perth
1914/100438 Perth Campbell Arthur Hugh Cochran Male Brown Mignon Ellen Female South Perth
1914/100438 Perth Brown Mignon Ellen Female Campbell Arthur Hugh Cochran Male South Perth
1914/100439 Perth Johnston Arthur Byram Male Phillips Lillian Ogilvie Female Perth
1914/100439 Perth Phillips Lillian Ogilvie Female Johnston Arthur Byram Male Perth
1914/100440 Perth Morrill Ethel Female Freedman Ephraim Male Perth
1914/100440 Perth Freedman Ephraim Male Morrill Ethel Female Perth
1914/100441 Perth Moulton Harold Robert Male Watson Nettie Female Perth
1914/100441 Perth Watson Nettie Female Moulton Harold Robert Male Perth
1914/100442 Perth McKay Benjamin John Male Smith Violet Emily Female Perth
1914/100442 Perth Smith Violet Emily Female McKay Benjamin John Male Perth
1914/100443 Perth Brown Annie McDonald Female Nikelis Peter Male Perth
1914/100443 Perth Nikelis Peter Male Brown Annie McDonald Female Perth
1914/100444 Perth Mead Ivy Evangeline Female O'Doherty Francis Joseph Male West Perth
1914/100444 Perth O'Doherty Francis Joseph Male Mead Ivy Evangeline Female West Perth
1914/100445 Perth Baker Jessie Gray Female Gordon Henry Joseph Male Perth
1914/100445 Perth Gordon Henry Joseph Male Baker Jessie Gray Female Perth
1914/100446 Perth Crowley Johanna Female Flaherty Michael Male Perth
1914/100446 Perth Flaherty Michael Male Crowley Johanna Female Perth
1914/100447 Perth McKay Lizzie Female Fergusson William Male Perth
1914/100447 Perth Fergusson William Male McKay Lizzie Female Perth
1914/100448 Perth Wiltshire Harriet Wilhelmina Female O'Brien Henry Alexander Male Perth
1914/100448 Perth O'Brien Henry Alexander Male Wiltshire Harriet Wilhelmina Female Perth
1914/100449 Perth Ward Beatrice May Female Burnett Kenneth Malcolm Male Perth
1914/100449 Perth Burnett Kenneth Malcolm Male Ward Beatrice May Female Perth
1914/100450 Perth Henderson Thomas Henry Male Burder Frances Female Perth
1914/100450 Perth Burder Frances Female Henderson Thomas Henry Male Perth
1914/100451 Perth Fry Thomas Male Robinson Edith Amelia Female Perth
1914/100451 Perth Robinson Edith Amelia Female Fry Thomas Male Perth
1914/100452 Perth Deutschmann Sarah Ellen Female Walton Isaac Male Perth
1914/100452 Perth Walton Isaac Male Deutschmann Sarah Ellen Female Perth
1914/100453 Perth Thorpe Frederick William Male Sloggett Annie Ethel Female Victoria Park
1914/100453 Perth Sloggett Annie Ethel Female Thorpe Frederick William Male Victoria Park
1914/100454 Perth Duffy Annie Female Davis Andrew Thomas Male West Perth
1914/100454 Perth Davis Andrew Thomas Male Duffy Annie Female West Perth
1914/100455 Perth Varian William Male Francis Mary Female West Perth
1914/100455 Perth Francis Mary Female Varian William Male West Perth
1914/100456 Perth Heinrichs William Male Sexton Rose Female West Perth
1914/100456 Perth Sexton Rose Female Heinrichs William Male West Perth
1914/100457 Perth Meyer Wilhelmina Female Clifford William Thomas Male West Perth
1914/100457 Perth Clifford William Thomas Male Meyer Wilhelmina Female West Perth
1914/100458 Perth Wigzell Jessie Julia Female Evans Ephraim Ebenezer Male Perth
1914/100458 Perth Evans Ephraim Ebenezer Male Wigzell Jessie Julia Female Perth
1914/100459 Perth Westbrooke Annie Maude Female Shugg James Harold Male Perth
1914/100459 Perth Shugg James Harold Male Westbrooke Annie Maude Female Perth
1914/100460 Perth Mellors Lily Female Maxwell Thomas Male Perth
1914/100460 Perth Maxwell Thomas Male Mellors Lily Female Perth
1914/100461 Perth Fairs Florence Mabel Female Shrigley Albert Victor Terry Male Bayswater
1914/100461 Perth Shrigley Albert Victor Terry Male Fairs Florence Mabel Female Bayswater
1914/100462 Perth Hudson Charles Albert Male Gregson Ellen Mary Female Maylands
1914/100462 Perth Gregson Ellen Mary Female Hudson Charles Albert Male Maylands
1914/100463 Perth Caddy George Beaumont Male Saunders Alice Elizabeth Female Perth
1914/100463 Perth Saunders Alice Elizabeth Female Caddy George Beaumont Male Perth
1914/100464 Perth Norton Rosalie Female Wilson Victor Clyde Male Perth
1914/100464 Perth Wilson Victor Clyde Male Norton Rosalie Female Perth
1914/100465 Perth Gregory Walter Charles Herbert Male Turner Florence Female Perth
1914/100465 Perth Turner Florence Female Gregory Walter Charles Herbert Male Perth
1914/100466 Perth Roberts Ina Gladys Sylvia Female Kelly James Edward Male Perth
1914/100466 Perth Kelly James Edward Male Roberts Ina Gladys Sylvia Female Perth
1914/100467 Perth Green Harold Roy Male James Alice May Female Maylands
1914/100467 Perth James Alice May Female Green Harold Roy Male Maylands
1914/100468 Perth Snook Archer James Male Campbell Elsie Maud Catherine Female West Perth
1914/100468 Perth Campbell Elsie Maud Catherine Female Snook Archer James Male West Perth
1914/100469 Perth Hummerston Dorothy Eliza Female Franklyn Cedric Jewel Male Perth
1914/100469 Perth Franklyn Cedric Jewel Male Hummerston Dorothy Eliza Female Perth
1914/100470 Perth McGrath John Rodger Male Kelly Sarah Jane Female Perth
1914/100470 Perth Kelly Sarah Jane Female McGrath John Rodger Male Perth
1914/100471 Perth Dowell Alice Elizabeth Brockett Female Jones Dennis Male Perth
1914/100471 Perth Jones Dennis Male Dowell Alice Elizabeth Brockett Female Perth
1914/100472 Perth Mullane Cecilia Female Lummis George Henry Male West Perth
1914/100472 Perth Lummis George Henry Male Mullane Cecilia Female West Perth
1914/100473 Perth Bennett Threasa Lillian Female Trevena Charles Male Perth
1914/100473 Perth Trevena Charles Male Bennett Threasa Lillian Female Perth
1914/100474 Perth May Ruby Agnes Female Finlay William Henry Male Perth
1914/100474 Perth Finlay William Henry Male May Ruby Agnes Female Perth
1914/100475 Perth Mason Janet Watson Female Hilton William Male North Perth
1914/100475 Perth Hilton William Male Mason Janet Watson Female North Perth
1914/100476 Perth Burton Ellen Letticia Female Brown Ernest Andrew Male North Perth
1914/100476 Perth Brown Ernest Andrew Male Burton Ellen Letticia Female North Perth
1914/100477 Perth Sampson Jessie Louisa Female Massey William John Male Perth
1914/100477 Perth Massey William John Male Sampson Jessie Louisa Female Perth
1914/100478 Perth Cullinan Katherine Dorothy Female Roberts Claude Rundle Male Perth
1914/100478 Perth Roberts Claude Rundle Male Cullinan Katherine Dorothy Female Perth
1914/100479 Perth Noonan James Francis Male Werry Lillian May Female Perth
1914/100479 Perth Werry Lillian May Female Noonan James Francis Male Perth
1914/100480 Perth Millard Thomas Charles Male Large Ethel May Female Perth
1914/100480 Perth Large Ethel May Female Millard Thomas Charles Male Perth
1914/100481 Perth Spratt James Male Balch Eliza Ellen Female Perth
1914/100481 Perth Balch Eliza Ellen Female Spratt James Male Perth
1914/100482 Perth Bone Elizebeth Female Jones Thomas Male Perth
1914/100482 Perth Jones Thomas Male Bone Elizebeth Female Perth
1914/100483 Perth Brimmer Martha Female Hodder Rockly James William Male Perth
1914/100483 Perth Hodder Rockly James William Male Brimmer Martha Female Perth
1914/100484 Perth Ruwoldt Alma Louisa Maria Pauline Female Collins Horace Curtice Male Perth
1914/100484 Perth Collins Horace Curtice Male Ruwoldt Alma Louisa Maria Pauline Female Perth
1914/100485 Perth Ridley Ethel May Female Marshall Leonard Francis Male North Perth
1914/100485 Perth Marshall Leonard Francis Male Ridley Ethel May Female North Perth
1914/100486 Perth Manning Joseph Andrews Male Baker Lilian Frances Female Victoria Park
1914/100486 Perth Baker Lilian Frances Female Manning Joseph Andrews Male Victoria Park
1914/100487 Perth Abbott Lilian Emily Female Chester Ernest Edward Clarence Male Perth
1914/100487 Perth Chester Ernest Edward Clarence Male Abbott Lilian Emily Female Perth
1914/100488 Perth Grigg Winnifred Harriet Female Maddeford Walter Roy Male Perth
1914/100488 Perth Maddeford Walter Roy Male Grigg Winnifred Harriet Female Perth
1914/100489 Perth Manning Ethel Augusta Maud Female Eadie John Male North Perth
1914/100489 Perth Eadie John Male Manning Ethel Augusta Maud Female North Perth
1914/100490 Perth Moore Clarice Evelyn Female Harris William Tempest Male Perth
1914/100490 Perth Harris William Tempest Male Moore Clarice Evelyn Female Perth
1914/100491 Perth Murdock Sarah Eliza Female Eckersall Arthur William Male Charles St
1914/100491 Perth Eckersall Arthur William Male Murdock Sarah Eliza Female Charles St
1914/100492 Perth Rogers Isabell Agnes Female Skipworth Hurtle Alfred Denison Male Perth
1914/100492 Perth Skipworth Hurtle Alfred Denison Male Rogers Isabell Agnes Female Perth
1914/100493 Perth West Clara Elizabeth Female Wilkins Stanley Richards Male South Perth
1914/100493 Perth Wilkins Stanley Richards Male West Clara Elizabeth Female South Perth
1914/100494 Perth Bolton Tessa Eleanor Nunn Female Rogers David Thomson Male Perth
1914/100494 Perth Rogers David Thomson Male Bolton Tessa Eleanor Nunn Female Perth
1914/100495 Perth Jackson Henry Edward Male Hilliar Alice Handover Female Perth
1914/100495 Perth Hilliar Alice Handover Female Jackson Henry Edward Male Perth
1914/100496 Perth Robinson Veronica Female Davies James Alec Male Perth
1914/100496 Perth Davies James Alec Male Robinson Veronica Female Perth
1914/100497 Perth Ryan Grace Josephine Female Alderdice Alexander Male Perth
1914/100497 Perth Alderdice Alexander Male Ryan Grace Josephine Female Perth
1914/100498 Perth Pattison Mary Ellen Female Kim John Male Perth
1914/100498 Perth Kim John Male Pattison Mary Ellen Female Perth
1914/100499 Perth Newman Charles Male Stanner Alice Mary Female Perth
1914/100499 Perth Stanner Alice Mary Female Newman Charles Male Perth
1914/100500 Perth Roberts Nellie Eunice Female Wilmot Benjamin John Male East Perth
1914/100500 Perth Wilmot Benjamin John Male Roberts Nellie Eunice Female East Perth
1914/100501 Perth Jackson Ethel Female Shawcross Charlie Male East Perth
1914/100501 Perth Shawcross Charlie Male Jackson Ethel Female East Perth
1914/100502 Perth Copley Ethel Emma Female McKendry Henry Male Victoria Park
1914/100502 Perth McKendry Henry Male Copley Ethel Emma Female Victoria Park
1914/100503 Perth Batterham Amy Louisa Female Pearce William Edwin Male West Perth
1914/100503 Perth Pearce William Edwin Male Batterham Amy Louisa Female West Perth
1914/100504 Perth Vesey Harriet Lillias Female Sledge Frederick Percival Male Perth
1914/100504 Perth Sledge Frederick Percival Male Vesey Harriet Lillias Female Perth
1914/100505 Perth Lambert Ethel May Female Jahn Henry Arthur Male Perth
1914/100505 Perth Jahn Henry Arthur Male Lambert Ethel May Female Perth
1914/100506 Perth Garrard Hatsell Mellersh Albert Male Glenn Emilie Elizabeth Alexandrina Female Perth
1914/100506 Perth Glenn Emilie Elizabeth Alexandrina Female Garrard Hatsell Mellersh Albert Male Perth
1914/100507 Perth Doherty Eliza Ellen Female Horner Ernest Edward Male Perth
1914/100507 Perth Horner Ernest Edward Male Doherty Eliza Ellen Female Perth
1914/100508 Perth Curgenven Olive Beatrice Female Jones Harry Waters Male Perth
1914/100508 Perth Jones Harry Waters Male Curgenven Olive Beatrice Female Perth
1914/100509 Perth Lipinski Olga Martha Female Kanther Gustav Adolf Male Perth
1914/100509 Perth Kanther Gustav Adolf Male Lipinski Olga Martha Female Perth
1914/100510 Perth Gardener Nellie May Female Wyatt John Male Perth
1914/100510 Perth Wyatt John Male Gardener Nellie May Female Perth
1914/100511 Perth Boylan Francis Male McKenzie Annie Catherine Female Perth
1914/100511 Perth McKenzie Annie Catherine Female Boylan Francis Male Perth
1914/100512 Perth Troy Lena Female Bagley Phillip James Male Perth
1914/100512 Perth Bagley Phillip James Male Troy Lena Female Perth
1914/100513 Perth Bowers Mary Elizabeth Female Townsend John Male Perth
1914/100513 Perth Townsend John Male Bowers Mary Elizabeth Female Perth
1914/100514 Perth Yeoman Edith Annie Female Vincent John Beckley Male Perth
1914/100514 Perth Vincent John Beckley Male Yeoman Edith Annie Female Perth
1914/100515 Perth Smith Elsie Winifred Female Stapleton James Edward Male Perth
1914/100515 Perth Stapleton James Edward Male Smith Elsie Winifred Female Perth
1914/100516 Perth Matthews Mabel Harriet Female Payne Bertram Sidney Male Perth
1914/100516 Perth Payne Bertram Sidney Male Matthews Mabel Harriet Female Perth
1914/100517 Perth Haynes Arthur Richard Male Frost Irene Maria Female Perth
1914/100517 Perth Frost Irene Maria Female Haynes Arthur Richard Male Perth
1914/100518 Perth Egan Joseph Michael Male McGeough Annie Maria Female Perth
1914/100518 Perth McGeough Annie Maria Female Egan Joseph Michael Male Perth
1914/100519 Perth McDonald Donald Male Miller Edith Agnes Female Perth
1914/100519 Perth Miller Edith Agnes Female McDonald Donald Male Perth
1914/100520 Perth Cass Annie May Female Bailey George William Male Perth
1914/100520 Perth Bailey George William Male Cass Annie May Female Perth
1914/100521 Perth Dewar Norman Bernard Male Smith Ruby Myrtle Female Perth
1914/100521 Perth Smith Ruby Myrtle Female Dewar Norman Bernard Male Perth
1914/100522 Perth Costello Eileen Mary Female Toll Knighton Henry Male Perth
1914/100522 Perth Toll Knighton Henry Male Costello Eileen Mary Female Perth
1914/100523 Perth Tonkin Edward Henry Male Howard Violet Mary Female Perth
1914/100523 Perth Howard Violet Mary Female Tonkin Edward Henry Male Perth
1914/100524 Perth Wisbey Edward John Male Berry May Johanna Patricia Female Bayswater
1914/100524 Perth Berry May Johanna Patricia Female Wisbey Edward John Male Bayswater
1914/100525 Perth Ryan Dorothy Ivy Female Jewell Harold Male Perth
1914/100525 Perth Jewell Harold Male Ryan Dorothy Ivy Female Perth
1914/100526 Perth Bradshaw Emily Francis Female Down George Edward Male North Perth
1914/100526 Perth Down George Edward Male Bradshaw Emily Francis Female North Perth
1914/100527 Perth Hearman Orrah Female Vernon Henry Guy Male Perth
1914/100527 Perth Vernon Henry Guy Male Hearman Orrah Female Perth
1914/100528 Perth Shalders Albert Arthur Male Sheldon Nellie Female Perth
1914/100528 Perth Sheldon Nellie Female Shalders Albert Arthur Male Perth
1914/100529 Perth Pendlebury Mary Ann Elizabeth Ross Female Struthers Roy James Male Perth
1914/100529 Perth Struthers Roy James Male Pendlebury Mary Ann Elizabeth Ross Female Perth
1914/100530 Perth McArdell Arthur Percival Male Sharpe Ailsa Allane Female Maylands
1914/100530 Perth Sharpe Ailsa Allane Female McArdell Arthur Percival Male Maylands
1914/100531 Perth Hodges Ernest Alfred Male Ward Florence Female Perth
1914/100531 Perth Ward Florence Female Hodges Ernest Alfred Male Perth
1914/100532 Perth Morgan Herbert Pacey Cook Male Greening Maude Augusta Female Perth
1914/100532 Perth Greening Maude Augusta Female Morgan Herbert Pacey Cook Male Perth
1914/100533 Perth Hulme William Edmond Stanley Male Rodgers Elsie Female Perth
1914/100533 Perth Rodgers Elsie Female Hulme William Edmond Stanley Male Perth
1914/100534 Perth Beard Ruby Florence Female Smith Albert Edwin Male Perth
1914/100534 Perth Smith Albert Edwin Male Beard Ruby Florence Female Perth
1914/100535 Perth Mitchell Joseph Burdett Male Heath Sarah Female Perth
1914/100535 Perth Heath Sarah Female Mitchell Joseph Burdett Male Perth
1914/100536 Perth James Quintin Hobden Male Emery Martha Winifred Mary Female Perth
1914/100536 Perth Emery Martha Winifred Mary Female James Quintin Hobden Male Perth
1914/100537 Perth Jeavons Thomas Hasperry Male Robinson Alice Bridget Female West Perth
1914/100537 Perth Robinson Alice Bridget Female Jeavons Thomas Hasperry Male West Perth
1914/100538 Perth Coster Jane Isabella Female Reed Stephen Francis Male West Perth
1914/100538 Perth Reed Stephen Francis Male Coster Jane Isabella Female West Perth
1914/100539 Perth Patchett John Male Atkins Florence Eliza Female Perth
1914/100539 Perth Atkins Florence Eliza Female Patchett John Male Perth
1914/100540 Perth Hayward Richard James Male Butterly Ella Mona Clotilde Female Perth
1914/100540 Perth Butterly Ella Mona Clotilde Female Hayward Richard James Male Perth
1914/100541 Perth Bosley Alfred William Male Naughton May Female Perth
1914/100541 Perth Naughton May Female Bosley Alfred William Male Perth
1914/100542 Perth Sexty Reginald Grove Male Davenport Nellie Female South Perth
1914/100542 Perth Davenport Nellie Female Sexty Reginald Grove Male South Perth
1914/100543 Perth McIntosh Harry Reginald Male Carter Ethel May Female Perth
1914/100543 Perth Carter Ethel May Female McIntosh Harry Reginald Male Perth
1914/100544 Perth Rae Evelyn Gladys Female Noel Augustus Joseph Male Perth
1914/100544 Perth Noel Augustus Joseph Male Rae Evelyn Gladys Female Perth
1914/100545 Perth Jackson Elizabeth Female Swan William Mars Male Perth
1914/100545 Perth Swan William Mars Male Jackson Elizabeth Female Perth
1914/100546 Perth Orr Mary Margaret Female Dowell Allan Male Perth
1914/100546 Perth Dowell Allan Male Orr Mary Margaret Female Perth
1914/100547 Perth Wells Maud Gertrude Female Hogg Royston Page Male Perth
1914/100547 Perth Hogg Royston Page Male Wells Maud Gertrude Female Perth
1914/100548 Perth Feazey Susan Emma Edith Female Edwards Ernest Clarence Male Perth
1914/100548 Perth Edwards Ernest Clarence Male Feazey Susan Emma Edith Female Perth
1914/100549 Perth Pearson Violet Lily Female Burridge John Melver Male East Perth
1914/100549 Perth Burridge John Melver Male Pearson Violet Lily Female East Perth
1914/100550 Perth Keedwell Edith Emma Female Tuckett Lewis Male Perth
1914/100550 Perth Tuckett Lewis Male Keedwell Edith Emma Female Perth
1914/100551 Perth Sturmy Bertha Female Heydon Thomas William Male Perth
1914/100551 Perth Heydon Thomas William Male Sturmy Bertha Female Perth
1914/100552 Perth Leake Francis Walpole Male Sholl Fannie Whitley Female Perth
1914/100552 Perth Sholl Fannie Whitley Female Leake Francis Walpole Male Perth
1914/100553 Perth Slater Alfred Arthur Male Simons Jane Teresa Female North Perth
1914/100553 Perth Simons Jane Teresa Female Slater Alfred Arthur Male North Perth
1914/100554 Perth King Victoria Mabel Female Moore Albert George Male Perth
1914/100554 Perth Moore Albert George Male King Victoria Mabel Female Perth
1914/100555 Perth Braendly Reinhold Emil Male Wullschleger Anna Female Perth
1914/100555 Perth Wullschleger Anna Female Braendly Reinhold Emil Male Perth
1914/100556 Perth Allen Ann Eliza Female Mitchell William Henry Male Perth
1914/100556 Perth Mitchell William Henry Male Allen Ann Eliza Female Perth
1914/100557 Perth Hutchinson Mabel Mercy Female Du Feu Victor Albert Male Perth
1914/100557 Perth Du Feu Victor Albert Male Hutchinson Mabel Mercy Female Perth
1914/100558 Perth Powell Gladys Female Snooks Thomas James Male Maylands
1914/100558 Perth Snooks Thomas James Male Powell Gladys Female Maylands
1914/100559 Perth Abbott Jessie Mildred Female Jones Sydney William Herbert Male Maylands
1914/100559 Perth Jones Sydney William Herbert Male Abbott Jessie Mildred Female Maylands
1914/100560 Perth Bickers John Male Williams Ruby Eileen Female Maylands
1914/100560 Perth Williams Ruby Eileen Female Bickers John Male Maylands
1914/100561 Perth Norton Doris Ellen Female Porter Robert James Male Perth
1914/100561 Perth Porter Robert James Male Norton Doris Ellen Female Perth
1914/100562 Perth Foster Matilda Caroline Female West Sidney William Male Perth
1914/100562 Perth West Sidney William Male Foster Matilda Caroline Female Perth
1914/100563 Perth Harris Louis Kay Male Powell Ivy Florence Female Perth
1914/100563 Perth Powell Ivy Florence Female Harris Louis Kay Male Perth
1914/100564 Perth Zeltzer John Emilius Male Nottingham Bird Female Perth
1914/100564 Perth Nottingham Bird Female Zeltzer John Emilius Male Perth
1914/100565 Perth Duirs Emma Elizabeth Jane Harriet Female Palmer Clarence McLeod Male Victoria Park
1914/100565 Perth Palmer Clarence McLeod Male Duirs Emma Elizabeth Jane Harriet Female Victoria Park
1914/100566 Perth Thompson Mabel Elizabeth Female Nicholls George Male Perth
1914/100566 Perth Nicholls George Male Thompson Mabel Elizabeth Female Perth
1914/100567 Perth Dwyer Marian Female Close Joseph Male Perth
1914/100567 Perth Close Joseph Male Dwyer Marian Female Perth
1914/100568 Perth Watson Fred Harry Male Butt Olive Female Perth
1914/100568 Perth Butt Olive Female Watson Fred Harry Male Perth
1914/100569 Perth James James Male Greig Betsy Female Perth
1914/100569 Perth Greig Betsy Female James James Male Perth
1914/100570 Perth Watson Lizzie Female Elliott Tom Male Perth
1914/100570 Perth Elliott Tom Male Watson Lizzie Female Perth
1914/100571 Perth Clarke Florence Kate Female Needham Helenus Wynn Male Perth
1914/100571 Perth Needham Helenus Wynn Male Clarke Florence Kate Female Perth
1914/100572 Perth Flint Alfred Burrowes Male Elsegood Mabel Marian Female Perth
1914/100572 Perth Elsegood Mabel Marian Female Flint Alfred Burrowes Male Perth
1914/100573 Perth Curtis Marie Female Milsted Albert Ricken Male Perth
1914/100573 Perth Milsted Albert Ricken Male Curtis Marie Female Perth
1914/100574 Perth Gunning Dudley John Male Lake Violet Mary Female Perth
1914/100574 Perth Lake Violet Mary Female Gunning Dudley John Male Perth
1914/100575 Perth Taylor Charles Alexander Male Holland Marguerita Della May Female Perth
1914/100575 Perth Holland Marguerita Della May Female Taylor Charles Alexander Male Perth
1914/100576 Perth Ham Ernest Joseph Male Macpherson Louisa Ellen Female Perth
1914/100576 Perth Macpherson Louisa Ellen Female Ham Ernest Joseph Male Perth
1914/100578 Perth Lenson Francis Charles Male Roberts Annie Elsie Ada Female East Perth
1914/100578 Perth Roberts Annie Elsie Ada Female Lenson Francis Charles Male East Perth
1914/100579 Perth Brunton Garland Watson Male Adams Rosabella Female East Perth
1914/100579 Perth Adams Rosabella Female Brunton Garland Watson Male East Perth
1914/100580 Perth Frost Marguerite Jennie Female Welbourn Cyril Ashley Male East Perth
1914/100580 Perth Welbourn Cyril Ashley Male Frost Marguerite Jennie Female East Perth
1914/100581 Perth Breaden Harold Dillon Male Smith Martha Beatrice Female East Perth
1914/100581 Perth Smith Martha Beatrice Female Breaden Harold Dillon Male East Perth
1914/100582 Perth Bean William Henry Rodbard Male Martin Susan Female Perth
1914/100582 Perth Martin Susan Female Bean William Henry Rodbard Male Perth
1914/100583 Perth Poulis Michael Antonio Male McDonough Ellen Marie Annie Female Perth
1914/100583 Perth McDonough Ellen Marie Annie Female Poulis Michael Antonio Male Perth
1914/100584 Perth Jones Thomas William Male Jeavons Margurite Alice Female Perth
1914/100584 Perth Jeavons Margurite Alice Female Jones Thomas William Male Perth
1914/100585 Perth Hosegood Martha Female Owen Trevor Edward Male Perth
1914/100585 Perth Owen Trevor Edward Male Hosegood Martha Female Perth
1914/100586 Perth Ulrich Alfred Arthur Edmund Male Jelly May Myrtle Female Perth
1914/100586 Perth Jelly May Myrtle Female Ulrich Alfred Arthur Edmund Male Perth
1914/100587 Perth Howson Olive Eustace Female Bovell Mervyn Frank Male Perth
1914/100587 Perth Bovell Mervyn Frank Male Howson Olive Eustace Female Perth
1914/100588 Perth Shaw Hilda Gladys Female Lindsey Edward Donald Male Perth
1914/100588 Perth Lindsey Edward Donald Male Shaw Hilda Gladys Female Perth
1914/100589 Perth Hill Lettie Female Ayling William Male Perth
1914/100589 Perth Ayling William Male Hill Lettie Female Perth
1914/100590 Perth Naylor Vera May Female Buck John Charles Male Perth
1914/100590 Perth Buck John Charles Male Naylor Vera May Female Perth
1914/100591 Perth Guthrie Ada Jane Female Rowe James Henry Male Perth
1914/100591 Perth Rowe James Henry Male Guthrie Ada Jane Female Perth
1914/100592 Perth Burke John Male Moore Hilda Martha Patrica Female Perth
1914/100592 Perth Moore Hilda Martha Patrica Female Burke John Male Perth
1914/100593 Perth Williams Annie Kate Female Hallam James Male Perth
1914/100593 Perth Hallam James Male Williams Annie Kate Female Perth
1914/100594 Perth Colreavy Ita Mary Catherine Female Knuckey Joseph Walter Male Perth
1914/100594 Perth Knuckey Joseph Walter Male Colreavy Ita Mary Catherine Female Perth
1914/100595 Perth Manning John Male Cosgrave Margaret Female Perth
1914/100595 Perth Cosgrave Margaret Female Manning John Male Perth
1914/100596 Perth Ford Ernest Frederick Male Souter Elsie Mary Female Perth
1914/100596 Perth Souter Elsie Mary Female Ford Ernest Frederick Male Perth
1914/100597 Perth O'Brien Helena Mary Female Manion Francis Male Perth
1914/100597 Perth Manion Francis Male O'Brien Helena Mary Female Perth
1914/100598 Perth Compton Hector Male Burge Dulcie Mary Female Perth
1914/100598 Perth Burge Dulcie Mary Female Compton Hector Male Perth
1914/100599 Perth Burnett Samuel George Male Burnett Hannah Female Perth
1914/100599 Perth Burnett Hannah Female Burnett Samuel George Male Perth
1914/100600 Perth Bass Charles Henry Male Simmons Elsie Bellman Female Perth
1914/100600 Perth Maxted Charles Henry Male Simmons Elsie Bellman Female Perth
1914/100600 Perth Simmons Elsie Bellman Female Bass Charles Henry Male Perth
1914/100600 Perth Simmons Elsie Bellman Female Maxted Charles Henry Male Perth
1914/100601 Perth Maguire John Male Matthews Caroline Violet Female Maylands
1914/100601 Perth Matthews Caroline Violet Female Maguire John Male Maylands
1914/100602 Perth Smith Myrtle Irene Female Turvey Reginald Arthur Male Perth
1914/100602 Perth Turvey Reginald Arthur Male Smith Myrtle Irene Female Perth
1914/100603 Perth Raymond Elizabeth Augusta Female Poptie John Peter Male Perth
1914/100603 Perth Poptie John Peter Male Raymond Elizabeth Augusta Female Perth
1914/100604 Perth Pullan Olive Grace Female Perry Alfred Male Perth
1914/100604 Perth Perry Alfred Male Pullan Olive Grace Female Perth
1914/100605 Perth Fruish Cyril Wainwright Male Henderson Frances Irene Dalrymple Female Perth
1914/100605 Perth Henderson Frances Irene Dalrymple Female Fruish Cyril Wainwright Male Perth
1914/100606 Perth Kliemke Otto Richard Ernest Male Blower May Annie Female Perth
1914/100606 Perth Blower May Annie Female Kliemke Otto Richard Ernest Male Perth
1914/100607 Perth Jones William Rees Male Foot Lilian Bell Female North Perth
1914/100607 Perth Foot Lilian Bell Female Jones William Rees Male North Perth
1914/100608 Perth Carmichael Charles Edward Male Vernon Florence Henrietta Molesworth Female Perth
1914/100608 Perth Vernon Florence Henrietta Molesworth Female Carmichael Charles Edward Male Perth
1914/100609 Perth Maley Edith Grace Kniest Female Hansen Frederick Harry Male Perth
1914/100609 Perth Hansen Frederick Harry Male Maley Edith Grace Kniest Female Perth
1914/100610 Perth Truran Mable Maud Female Roads Thomas Male Perth
1914/100610 Perth Roads Thomas Male Truran Mable Maud Female Perth
1914/100611 Perth Greenough Martha Female Swann Joseph Male Perth
1914/100611 Perth Swann Joseph Male Greenough Martha Female Perth
1914/100612 Perth Gooderham Ethel Maud Female Cooper Maurice Stanley Male Perth
1914/100612 Perth Cooper Maurice Stanley Male Gooderham Ethel Maud Female Perth
1914/100613 Perth Miller Jane Female Duckworth John Currie Male Perth
1914/100613 Perth Duckworth John Currie Male Miller Jane Female Perth
1914/100614 Perth Prinsipal James Edward Male Donovan Sarah Teresa Female West Perth
1914/100614 Perth Donovan Sarah Teresa Female Prinsipal James Edward Male West Perth
1914/100615 Perth McBrearty Georgina Female Barnett John Alfred Male West Perth
1914/100615 Perth Barnett John Alfred Male McBrearty Georgina Female West Perth
1914/100616 Perth Gleeson Catherine Female Daly William Male West Perth
1914/100616 Perth Daly William Male Gleeson Catherine Female West Perth
1914/100617 Perth Smith Patrick John Male Langston Ruby Maud Female West Perth
1914/100617 Perth Langston Ruby Maud Female Smith Patrick John Male West Perth
1914/100618 Perth Heberle Elsie Ernestine Female Gerloff William Arthur Male North Perth
1914/100618 Perth Gerloff William Arthur Male Heberle Elsie Ernestine Female North Perth
1914/100619 Perth Ringrose Delia Female Gurr Caleb James Male North Perth
1914/100619 Perth Gurr Caleb James Male Ringrose Delia Female North Perth
1914/100620 Perth Kelly Helen Margarette Female Brennand Harold Herbert Male Perth
1914/100620 Perth Brennand Harold Herbert Male Kelly Helen Margarette Female Perth
1914/100621 Perth Gibbney David Hamilton Male Christy Eleanor Female Perth
1914/100621 Perth Christy Eleanor Female Gibbney David Hamilton Male Perth
1914/100622 Perth Byrne John Male Ryan Annie Kathleen Female Perth
1914/100622 Perth Ryan Annie Kathleen Female Byrne John Male Perth
1914/100623 Perth Watkins Albert George Frederick Male Hawker Annie Female Perth
1914/100623 Perth Hawker Annie Female Watkins Albert George Frederick Male Perth
1914/100624 Perth Baldwinson Sydney James Male Wright Eleanor Just Female Perth
1914/100624 Perth Wright Eleanor Just Female Baldwinson Sydney James Male Perth
1914/100625 Perth Allen John Male Burge Minnie Female Perth
1914/100625 Perth Burge Minnie Female Allen John Male Perth
1914/100626 Perth Alingsen John Adolph Male Feast Alice Rose Female Perth
1914/100626 Perth Feast Alice Rose Female Alingsen John Adolph Male Perth
1914/100627 Perth Scrimgeour Mary Ann Female Schulz Fritz Male Perth
1914/100627 Perth Schulz Fritz Male Scrimgeour Mary Ann Female Perth
1914/100628 Perth Stirling James Wells Male Rogers Mary Elizabeth Lois Female Perth
1914/100628 Perth Rogers Mary Elizabeth Lois Female Stirling James Wells Male Perth
1914/100629 Perth Wright Katie Elizabeth Female Rumble Walter John Male Perth
1914/100629 Perth Rumble Walter John Male Wright Katie Elizabeth Female Perth
1914/100630 Perth Dewar James William Male Baron Elizabeth Elsie Female Maylands
1914/100630 Perth Baron Elizabeth Elsie Female Dewar James William Male Maylands
1914/100631 Perth Whitmore Frederick William Male Redhead Charlotte Female Maylands
1914/100631 Perth Redhead Charlotte Female Whitmore Frederick William Male Maylands
1914/100632 Perth Fox Alice Female Ashley George Charles Male Perth
1914/100632 Perth Ashley George Charles Male Fox Alice Female Perth
1914/100633 Perth Waters Norman Male Helm Eileen Female Perth
1914/100633 Perth Helm Eileen Female Waters Norman Male Perth
1914/100634 Perth Banks Nellie Female Gordon Henry Male Perth
1914/100634 Perth Gordon Henry Male Banks Nellie Female Perth
1914/100635 Perth Allan Stephen Douglas Male Tighe Margaret Female Perth
1914/100635 Perth Tighe Margaret Female Allan Stephen Douglas Male Perth
1914/100636 Perth Cave Sidney Male Pearson Olive Eleanor Female Perth
1914/100636 Perth Pearson Olive Eleanor Female Cave Sidney Male Perth
1914/100637 Perth Woodrow Edward Josiah Male Kessell Vera Ethel Musgrove Female Perth
1914/100637 Perth Kessell Vera Ethel Musgrove Female Woodrow Edward Josiah Male Perth
1914/100638 Perth James Albert Victor Male Rabbich Tryphena May Female Perth
1914/100638 Perth Rabbich Tryphena May Female James Albert Victor Male Perth
1914/100639 Perth York Russell Edgar Male Drake Evelyn Maud Female Perth
1914/100639 Perth Drake Evelyn Maud Female York Russell Edgar Male Perth
1914/100640 Perth McCabe Clara Katherine Female Hay Gordon Francis Robertson Male Perth
1914/100640 Perth Hay Gordon Francis Robertson Male McCabe Clara Katherine Female Perth
1914/100641 Perth Murray Elizabeth Jane Female Paterson Frank Cecil Pryde Male Perth
1914/100641 Perth Paterson Frank Cecil Pryde Male Murray Elizabeth Jane Female Perth
1914/100642 Perth Mackay Margaret Anderson Female Darroch Hector MacNeil Male Perth
1914/100642 Perth Darroch Hector MacNeil Male Mackay Margaret Anderson Female Perth
1914/100643 Perth Ludlam Charlotte Annie Female Parker Thomas Drummond Male Perth
1914/100643 Perth Parker Thomas Drummond Male Ludlam Charlotte Annie Female Perth
1914/100644 Perth Ollivier Francis Claude Male Todd Esther Female Perth
1914/100644 Perth Todd Esther Female Ollivier Francis Claude Male Perth
1914/100645 Perth Arblaster Edward Male Kendall Mary Selina Female East Perth
1914/100645 Perth Kendall Mary Selina Female Arblaster Edward Male East Perth
1914/100646 Perth Schacht Andrew Charles Male Simmons Doris Maud Female East Perth
1914/100646 Perth Simmons Doris Maud Female Schacht Andrew Charles Male East Perth
1914/100647 Perth Polizo Christina Rose Female Chrissoulakis John Male Perth
1914/100647 Perth Chrissoulakis John Male Polizo Christina Rose Female Perth
1914/100648 Perth Napier Minnie Beatrice Female Underwood Robert Bryant Male Perth
1914/100648 Perth Underwood Robert Bryant Male Napier Minnie Beatrice Female Perth
1914/100649 Perth Grey Allan Humphreys Male White Florence Female Perth
1914/100649 Perth White Florence Female Grey Allan Humphreys Male Perth
1914/100650 Perth Panton Alexander Hugh Male Green Ada Ethel Female Perth
1914/100650 Perth Green Ada Ethel Female Panton Alexander Hugh Male Perth
1914/100651 Perth Rabbish Herbert Edwin Male Halls Alice Florence Female Perth
1914/100651 Perth Halls Alice Florence Female Rabbish Herbert Edwin Male Perth
1914/100652 Perth Watt Elizabeth May Female Pickering William Ernest Male Perth
1914/100652 Perth Pickering William Ernest Male Watt Elizabeth May Female Perth
1914/100653 Perth Grigg Ernest William Male McDonald Myrtle Elvera Female Perth
1914/100653 Perth McDonald Myrtle Elvera Female Grigg Ernest William Male Perth
1914/100654 Perth Heal Cecil Farmer Male Simmons Ivy Florence Female Perth
1914/100654 Perth Simmons Ivy Florence Female Heal Cecil Farmer Male Perth
1914/100655 Perth Ward Annie Lucy Female Bell Percival Male Perth
1914/100655 Perth Bell Percival Male Ward Annie Lucy Female Perth
1914/100656 Perth Turner Joseph William Male Coates Lydia Female West Perth
1914/100656 Perth Coates Lydia Female Turner Joseph William Male West Perth
1914/100657 Perth Dingle Mary Priscilla Female Anderson Joseph Male Mt Lawley
1914/100657 Perth Anderson Joseph Male Dingle Mary Priscilla Female Mt Lawley
1914/100658 Perth Tatham Emily Eliza Female Sweeting Albert John Male Perth
1914/100658 Perth Sweeting Albert John Male Tatham Emily Eliza Female Perth
1914/100659 Perth Thomas John Male Allen Edith Jane Female West Perth
1914/100659 Perth Allen Edith Jane Female Thomas John Male West Perth
1914/100660 Perth Bartlett Margurite Ethel Female Parks Thomas Henry Male Charles St
1914/100660 Perth Parks Thomas Henry Male Bartlett Margurite Ethel Female Charles St
1914/100661 Perth Miller Herbert Albion Benjamen Dennis Male Brennan Ethel Agnes Female West Perth
1914/100661 Perth Brennan Ethel Agnes Female Miller Herbert Albion Benjamen Dennis Male West Perth
1914/100662 Perth Pryor Evelyn May Female Lawrence William John Male Perth
1914/100662 Perth Lawrence William John Male Pryor Evelyn May Female Perth
1914/100663 Perth Kay John Male Growden Annie Olive Female Perth
1914/100663 Perth Growden Annie Olive Female Kay John Male Perth
1914/100664 Perth Abbott George Stanley Male Clarke Jean Hamilton Female North Perth
1914/100664 Perth Clarke Jean Hamilton Female Abbott George Stanley Male North Perth
1914/100665 Perth Sturrock Elizabeth Elsie Female Cunningham Alfred Hedley Male Perth
1914/100665 Perth Cunningham Alfred Hedley Male Sturrock Elizabeth Elsie Female Perth
1914/100666 Perth Humphreys Adriana Katie Female Ainslie Archibald Male Perth
1914/100666 Perth Ainslie Archibald Male Humphreys Adriana Katie Female Perth
1914/100667 Perth Hilton Ethel Female Olliver Albert Victor Male North Perth
1914/100667 Perth Olliver Albert Victor Male Hilton Ethel Female North Perth
1914/100668 Perth Foster Horace Victor Male Fielder Mildred Eliza Female Perth
1914/100668 Perth Fielder Mildred Eliza Female Foster Horace Victor Male Perth
1914/100669 Perth Saaren Otto Male Kautsky Paula Female Perth
1914/100669 Perth Kautsky Paula Female Saaren Otto Male Perth
1914/100670 Perth Geap Lucy Helen Wong Female Tue Thomas Wong Male Perth
1914/100670 Perth Tue Thomas Wong Male Geap Lucy Helen Wong Female Perth
1914/100671 Perth Welz Carl Adolf Paul Male Ballard Maud Lilian Female Perth
1914/100671 Perth Ballard Maud Lilian Female Welz Carl Adolf Paul Male Perth
1914/100672 Perth Lee Samuel Percy Male Finlayson Martha Female Bayswater
1914/100672 Perth Finlayson Martha Female Lee Samuel Percy Male Bayswater
1914/100673 Perth Holmes Albert Victor Male Croasdale Alice Female Perth
1914/100673 Perth Croasdale Alice Female Holmes Albert Victor Male Perth
1914/100674 Perth Derwent Thomas Wilfred Male Flint Lois Winifred Female Perth
1914/100674 Perth Flint Lois Winifred Female Derwent Thomas Wilfred Male Perth
1914/100675 Perth Hedley George Male Nancarrow Elsie May Female Perth
1914/100675 Perth Nancarrow Elsie May Female Hedley George Male Perth
1914/100676 Perth Richmond Ethel May Female McMaugh Launcelot Meredith Theodore Male Perth
1914/100676 Perth McMaugh Launcelot Meredith Theodore Male Richmond Ethel May Female Perth
1914/100677 Perth Sanders Annie Elizabeth Female Vivian Henry Patrick Male Perth
1914/100677 Perth Vivian Henry Patrick Male Sanders Annie Elizabeth Female Perth
1914/100678 Perth Nink Christian Male Doehring Christina Female Perth
1914/100678 Perth Doehring Christina Female Nink Christian Male Perth
1914/100679 Perth Hearn Harry Male Matheson Edith Nellie Female Victoria Park
1914/100679 Perth Matheson Edith Nellie Female Hearn Harry Male Victoria Park
1914/100680 Perth Wallis Albert Edward Male Middleton Ethel May Female Perth
1914/100680 Perth Middleton Ethel May Female Wallis Albert Edward Male Perth
1914/100681 Perth Jecks Charles Male Wells Rosealeah Anna Bell Female Perth
1914/100681 Perth Wells Rosealeah Anna Bell Female Jecks Charles Male Perth
1914/100682 Perth Robertson John William Male Neil Margaret Female Perth
1914/100682 Perth Neil Margaret Female Robertson John William Male Perth
1914/100683 Perth Flows Sarah Iris Female Chapman Angus Henry Donald Male Perth
1914/100683 Perth Chapman Angus Henry Donald Male Flows Sarah Iris Female Perth
1914/100684 Perth Larsen Robert Male Ryan Julia Dallis Female Perth
1914/100684 Perth Ryan Julia Dallis Female Larsen Robert Male Perth
1914/100685 Perth Williams Henry Male Law-Davis Edith May Female Perth
1914/100685 Perth Law-Davis Edith May Female Williams Henry Male Perth
1914/100686 Perth Blechynden Arthur Male Fitzpatrick Stella Bertil Female Victoria Park
1914/100686 Perth Fitzpatrick Stella Bertil Female Blechynden Arthur Male Victoria Park
1914/100687 Perth Farrar Florrie Female Betty George Frederick Curtis Male East Perth
1914/100687 Perth Betty George Frederick Curtis Male Farrar Florrie Female East Perth
1914/100688 Perth Lillington Lois Annie Female Tipping Frank Leslie J'Anson Male Perth
1914/100688 Perth Tipping Frank Leslie J'Anson Male Lillington Lois Annie Female Perth
1914/100689 Perth Tucker Ruth Elenor Female Oxton John Huxley Male West Perth
1914/100689 Perth Oxton John Huxley Male Tucker Ruth Elenor Female West Perth
1914/100690 Perth Cobb Annie Female Crane George James Male West Perth
1914/100690 Perth Crane George James Male Cobb Annie Female West Perth
1914/100691 Perth Bailey Charles Henry Male Butcher Ruby May Female Maylands
1914/100691 Perth Butcher Ruby May Female Bailey Charles Henry Male Maylands
1914/100692 Perth Park Walter Edward Male Foster Ethel Ada Sarah Female Perth
1914/100692 Perth Foster Ethel Ada Sarah Female Park Walter Edward Male Perth
1914/100693 Perth Murphy James Patrick Male Fletcher Sarah Ann Female Perth
1914/100693 Perth Fletcher Sarah Ann Female Murphy James Patrick Male Perth
1914/100694 Perth Elkins Muriel Female Henderson Thomas Turnbull Male Perth
1914/100694 Perth Henderson Thomas Turnbull Male Elkins Muriel Female Perth
1914/100695 Perth Crabb James Halls Male McIntosh Mabel Female Perth
1914/100695 Perth McIntosh Mabel Female Crabb James Halls Male Perth
1914/100696 Perth Pucey Kathleen Female Wright Frank Male Perth
1914/100696 Perth Wright Frank Male Pucey Kathleen Female Perth
1914/100697 Perth Hall John William Percival Male Prendergast May Female Perth
1914/100697 Perth Prendergast May Female Hall John William Percival Male Perth
1914/100698 Perth Ryan Thomas Patrick Male Lawrence Bessie Female Perth
1914/100698 Perth Lawrence Bessie Female Ryan Thomas Patrick Male Perth
1914/100699 Perth Neal John Alfred Male Evans Margaret Ann Isabella Female Perth
1914/100699 Perth Evans Margaret Ann Isabella Female Neal John Alfred Male Perth
1914/100700 Perth Bonner Alfred Henry Male Lyne Penelope Eileen Ivy Female Perth
1914/100700 Perth Lyne Penelope Eileen Ivy Female Bonner Alfred Henry Male Perth
1914/100701 Perth O'Grady Magdalene Mary Elizabeth Female Parker Charles Henry Rupert Male Perth
1914/100701 Perth Parker Charles Henry Rupert Male O'Grady Magdalene Mary Elizabeth Female Perth
1914/100702 Perth Blanchard Alice Blanche Female Johnsen Frank Berdenise Male Perth
1914/100702 Perth Johnsen Frank Berdenise Male Blanchard Alice Blanche Female Perth
1914/100703 Perth Vettler Catherine Female Sheridan Philip John Male West Perth
1914/100703 Perth Sheridan Philip John Male Vettler Catherine Female West Perth
1914/100704 Perth Bestwick William Joseph Male Oliver Isabella Edith Female West Perth
1914/100704 Perth Oliver Isabella Edith Female Bestwick William Joseph Male West Perth
1914/100705 Perth Moore John William Beverhoudt Male Mallon Margaret Mary Alacoque Female West Perth
1914/100705 Perth Mallon Margaret Mary Alacoque Female Moore John William Beverhoudt Male West Perth
1914/100706 Perth Lee Alfred James Male Leach Annie Female West Perth
1914/100706 Perth Leach Annie Female Lee Alfred James Male West Perth
1914/100707 Perth Dixon Elsie Emily Female Collins Joseph Patrick Male West Perth
1914/100707 Perth Collins Joseph Patrick Male Dixon Elsie Emily Female West Perth
1914/100708 Perth Gaynor William James Male McNeill Alice May Female West Perth
1914/100708 Perth McNeill Alice May Female Gaynor William James Male West Perth
1914/100709 Perth Ytting Edith May Female Jeffery Alexander Harold Male Perth
1914/100709 Perth Jeffery Alexander Harold Male Ytting Edith May Female Perth
1914/100710 Perth Durham Emilie Opal Female Hoops Frederick Richard Male Perth
1914/100710 Perth Hoops Frederick Richard Male Durham Emilie Opal Female Perth
1914/100711 Perth Robinson Charles Stewart Male Bradley Henrietta Female Perth
1914/100711 Perth Bradley Henrietta Female Robinson Charles Stewart Male Perth
1914/100712 Perth McKenna Charles Derby Male Baker Mabel Female Perth
1914/100712 Perth Baker Mabel Female McKenna Charles Derby Male Perth
1914/100713 Perth Hough Roderick Owen Llewellyan Male Mackay Nellie Bourke Female Perth
1914/100713 Perth Mackay Nellie Bourke Female Hough Roderick Owen Llewellyan Male Perth
1914/100714 Perth Page Martha Mary Female Barker Joseph William Male Perth
1914/100714 Perth Barker Joseph William Male Page Martha Mary Female Perth
1914/100715 Perth O'Laughlin Thomas Male Thomson Mary Female Perth
1914/100715 Perth Thomson Mary Female O'Laughlin Thomas Male Perth
1914/100716 Perth Skehan Winifred Teresa Female Brennan Thomas Male Perth
1914/100716 Perth Brennan Thomas Male Skehan Winifred Teresa Female Perth
1914/100717 Perth Godfrey Frederick James Male Ainsworth Alice Marguerite Female Perth
1914/100717 Perth Ainsworth Alice Marguerite Female Godfrey Frederick James Male Perth
1914/100718 Perth Usher Myee Leila Myrtle Female Facey Eric George Male West Leederville
1914/100718 Perth Facey Eric George Male Usher Myee Leila Myrtle Female West Leederville
1914/100719 Perth Drabble Olga Rose Female Watts Arthur John Male North Perth
1914/100719 Perth Watts Arthur John Male Drabble Olga Rose Female North Perth
1914/100720 Perth Reid Terence William Male Vannan Mary Eason Female St Pauls Church
1914/100720 Perth Vannan Mary Eason Female Reid Terence William Male St Pauls Church
1914/100721 Perth Cook Euphemia Alice Female Smedley Albert George Male Perth
1914/100721 Perth Smedley Albert George Male Cook Euphemia Alice Female Perth
1914/100722 Perth Bennett William Rotsey Male Michael Vera May Female Perth
1914/100722 Perth Michael Vera May Female Bennett William Rotsey Male Perth
1914/100723 Perth Mutton George Male Healey Liela Alice Female Perth
1914/100723 Perth Healey Liela Alice Female Mutton George Male Perth
1914/100724 Perth Lock Herbert William Male Wildish Elizabeth Hilda Female Perth
1914/100724 Perth Wildish Elizabeth Hilda Female Lock Herbert William Male Perth
1914/100725 Perth Carwardine Beache Pearl Female Ayling Walter Anthony Male Victoria Park
1914/100725 Perth Ayling Walter Anthony Male Carwardine Beache Pearl Female Victoria Park
1914/100726 Perth Anderson Helen Beatrice Female Taylor Norman Stanford Male Perth
1914/100726 Perth Taylor Norman Stanford Male Anderson Helen Beatrice Female Perth
1914/100727 Perth Agnew Charles Male Harris Clara Louise Female Perth
1914/100727 Perth Harris Clara Louise Female Agnew Charles Male Perth
1914/100728 Perth Lonsdale Gladys Female Meadmore Leopold Reginald Male North Perth
1914/100728 Perth Meadmore Leopold Reginald Male Lonsdale Gladys Female North Perth
1914/100729 Perth Jackson Arthur Esbert Male Jorgensen Nora Winnifred Female North Perth
1914/100729 Perth Jorgensen Nora Winnifred Female Jackson Arthur Esbert Male North Perth
1914/100730 Perth Egerton Margaret Female MacKenzie Bruce Male Perth
1914/100730 Perth MacKenzie Bruce Male Egerton Margaret Female Perth
1914/100731 Perth Clarkson Cherry Female Strickland Frederick Alexander Male Perth
1914/100731 Perth Strickland Frederick Alexander Male Clarkson Cherry Female Perth
1914/100732 Perth Wingrove Frederick Clement Male Hastie Rhoda Maynard Female Perth
1914/100732 Perth Hastie Rhoda Maynard Female Wingrove Frederick Clement Male Perth
1914/100733 Perth Green Caroline Deighton Female Sugden John William Male Perth
1914/100733 Perth Sugden John William Male Green Caroline Deighton Female Perth
1914/100734 Perth Hookway Albert Thomas Male Isaac Bessie Female Perth
1914/100734 Perth Isaac Bessie Female Hookway Albert Thomas Male Perth
1914/100735 Perth Sutton May Glendy Female Pyke Arthur Newport Male Perth
1914/100735 Perth Pyke Arthur Newport Male Sutton May Glendy Female Perth
1914/100736 Perth Mackean Frederick William Male Bolt Rosalind Female Perth
1914/100736 Perth Bolt Rosalind Female Mackean Frederick William Male Perth
1914/100737 Perth Budden Lily Josephine Female Mellowship Henry George Male Perth
1914/100737 Perth Mellowship Henry George