A tool to help track the citations of the Western Australian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages from Wikidata and WikiTree.

Marriages in: 1911

Registration year & number Registration district Surname Given names Gender Spouse surname Spouse given names Spouse gender Marriage place Wikidata WikiTree
1912/100001 Perth Liddle Sarah Pamela Female Rodgers Hugh Francis Male Victoria Park
1912/100001 Perth Rodgers Hugh Francis Male Liddle Sarah Pamela Female Victoria Park
1912/100002 Perth Cook Florence Ellen Female Wroth Gordon William Male Perth
1912/100002 Perth Wroth Gordon William Male Cook Florence Ellen Female Perth
1911/100002 Perth Green Douglas Moore Male Bonnett Ada Ellen Female Perth
1911/100002 Perth Bonnett Ada Ellen Female Green Douglas Moore Male Perth
1911/100003 Perth Bryant Irene Constance Female Foster William George Male Perth
1911/100003 Perth Foster William George Male Bryant Irene Constance Female Perth
1912/100004 Perth Lippingwell William Male McLaren Frances Elizabeth Female Perth
1912/100004 Perth McLaren Frances Elizabeth Female Lippingwell William Male Perth
1912/100005 Perth Hodge John Stephen Male Lynch Jane Female Perth
1912/100005 Perth Lynch Jane Female Hodge John Stephen Male Perth
1912/100006 Perth Grace Alfred John Male Hayes Bridget Female Perth
1912/100006 Perth Hayes Bridget Female Grace Alfred John Male Perth
1912/100007 Perth Carroll Bridget Josephine Female Murphy James Joseph Male Perth
1912/100007 Perth Murphy James Joseph Male Carroll Bridget Josephine Female Perth
1911/100008 Perth Massey Ruby Female Prowse Benjamin Wylie Male Perth
1911/100008 Perth Prowse Benjamin Wylie Male Massey Ruby Female Perth
1912/100008 Perth Corkery Mary Female Reardon William Charles Male Perth
1912/100008 Perth Reardon William Charles Male Corkery Mary Female Perth
1912/100009 Perth Benson Valetta Ann Female Hamming William Henry Male Perth
1912/100009 Perth Hamming William Henry Male Benson Valetta Ann Female Perth
1911/100010 Perth Arnold Katie Grace Female Woods Edward Douglas Male Perth
1911/100010 Perth Woods Edward Douglas Male Arnold Katie Grace Female Perth
1911/100011 Perth Fawkes Joseph Henry Charles Male Piggott Esther Female North Perth
1911/100011 Perth Piggott Esther Female Fawkes Joseph Henry Charles Male North Perth
1912/100011 Perth Keiley Mildred Ann Female Williams George Albert Male Perth
1912/100011 Perth Williams George Albert Male Keiley Mildred Ann Female Perth
1912/100012 Perth Loschiavo Joseph Male Doolan Myrtle Female Victoria Park
1912/100012 Perth Doolan Myrtle Female Loschiavo Joseph Male Victoria Park
1911/100012 Perth Byars Annie Female Markham Alfred George Male Perth
1911/100012 Perth Markham Alfred George Male Byars Annie Female Perth
1912/100014 Perth Rowe John Male McFadden Alice Rubina Female West Perth
1912/100014 Perth McFadden Alice Rubina Female Rowe John Male West Perth
1912/100015 Perth Edwards Ethel Female Pennington John Gilbert Male Perth
1912/100015 Perth Pennington John Gilbert Male Edwards Ethel Female Perth
1912/100016 Perth Ginn Mary Ann Female Allan William Male Perth
1912/100016 Perth Allan William Male Ginn Mary Ann Female Perth
1911/100017 Perth Stroschein Agnes Blanche Charlotte Female Charlesworth Oscar Lester Male Maylands
1912/100017 Perth Joy Jean Atwell Female James Horace Lyndon Male Perth
1911/100017 Perth Charlesworth Oscar Lester Male Stroschein Agnes Blanche Charlotte Female Maylands
1912/100017 Perth James Horace Lyndon Male Joy Jean Atwell Female Perth
1911/100018 Perth Fowler Frederick Robert Male Pomeroy Amelia Maude Female Perth
1911/100018 Perth Pomeroy Amelia Maude Female Fowler Frederick Robert Male Perth
1911/100019 Perth Bateman Dora Lilian Amelia Esther Female Foord William Henry Male Perth
1911/100019 Perth Foord William Henry Male Bateman Dora Lilian Amelia Esther Female Perth
1912/100020 Perth Rice Alice Victoria Female McKinlay Daniel Robertson Male Perth
1911/100020 Perth Thomson Elizabeth Anne Female O'Dwyer John Francis Male West Perth
1912/100020 Perth McKinlay Daniel Robertson Male Rice Alice Victoria Female Perth
1911/100020 Perth O'Dwyer John Francis Male Thomson Elizabeth Anne Female West Perth
1912/100021 Perth Hall Elsie Female Foot George Ferguson Male Perth
1911/100021 Perth Verney Eva Charlotte Female O'Farrell James Francis Male West Perth
1911/100021 Perth Smith Eva Charlotte Female O'Farrell James Francis Male West Perth
1911/100021 Perth O'Farrell James Francis Male Smith Eva Charlotte Female West Perth
1911/100021 Perth O'Farrell James Francis Male Verney Eva Charlotte Female West Perth
1912/100021 Perth Foot George Ferguson Male Hall Elsie Female Perth
1912/100022 Perth Nicolay Frederick Male Gossage Rose Female Perth
1912/100022 Perth Gossage Rose Female Nicolay Frederick Male Perth
1911/100022 Perth Asher Leah Female Murphy John Male Perth
1911/100022 Perth Murphy John Male Asher Leah Female Perth
1911/100023 Perth Rodriguez Gwinevere Matilda Female Oliver Betram Oscar Male Perth
1911/100023 Perth Oliver Betram Oscar Male Rodriguez Gwinevere Matilda Female Perth
1911/100024 Perth Phelan Mary Ignatius Female Johnson Frederick Henry Male Perth
1911/100024 Perth Johnson Frederick Henry Male Phelan Mary Ignatius Female Perth
1911/100027 Perth Sheehan Justin Patrick Male Johnson Elizabeth Ann Female Perth
1911/100027 Perth Johnson Elizabeth Ann Female Sheehan Justin Patrick Male Perth
1911/100028 Perth Sparks Elsie Muriel Female Mathews Thomas Albert Male Perth
1911/100028 Perth Mathews Thomas Albert Male Sparks Elsie Muriel Female Perth
1911/100029 Perth Shaw Alice Daphne Hannan Female Parr William Herbert Male Mount Lawley
1911/100029 Perth Parr William Herbert Male Shaw Alice Daphne Hannan Female Mount Lawley
1912/100029 Perth Webster William Male Cook Johanna Emily Female Victoria Park
1912/100029 Perth Cook Johanna Emily Female Webster William Male Victoria Park
1911/100030 Perth Vaughan Florence Alice Female Lee William James Male Perth
1911/100030 Perth Lee William James Male Vaughan Florence Alice Female Perth
1911/100031 Perth Kelly Mary May Female Andrew Birbeck Gorman Male West Perth
1911/100031 Perth Andrew Birbeck Gorman Male Kelly Mary May Female West Perth
1911/100032 Perth Taylor George Male McLoughlin Cecilia Alice Female Perth
1911/100032 Perth McLoughlin Cecilia Alice Female Taylor George Male Perth
1911/100033 Perth Bradley Ada Miriam Female Scott William James Male Perth
1911/100033 Perth Scott William James Male Bradley Ada Miriam Female Perth
1911/100034 Perth Upfold Florence Maud Female Bird Walter Forster Male Perth
1912/100034 Perth Darling Elsie Close Female Clarke George Henry Male North Perth
1911/100034 Perth Bird Walter Forster Male Upfold Florence Maud Female Perth
1912/100034 Perth Clarke George Henry Male Darling Elsie Close Female North Perth
1911/100035 Perth Sonnet Frank Max Male Smith Merilons Madeline Female Perth
1912/100035 Perth Brien Diana Female Purdie William Male North Perth
1911/100035 Perth Smith Merilons Madeline Female Sonnet Frank Max Male Perth
1912/100035 Perth Purdie William Male Brien Diana Female North Perth
1912/100036 Perth Crosbie William Robert Male Clyne Annie Agnes Female North Perth
1912/100036 Perth Clyne Annie Agnes Female Crosbie William Robert Male North Perth
1911/100036 Perth Choules Norman William Male Smith Myrtle Ivy Female Perth
1911/100036 Perth Smith Myrtle Ivy Female Choules Norman William Male Perth
1912/100037 Perth Lambourne Mary Jane Female Evenis George Robert Male Perth
1912/100037 Perth Evenis George Robert Male Lambourne Mary Jane Female Perth
1911/100037 Perth King George Clarence Male Andrews Agnes Ann Female Perth
1911/100037 Perth Andrews Agnes Ann Female King George Clarence Male Perth
1912/100038 Perth Marshall Christina Mabel Female Paramor William Richard Male Perth
1912/100038 Perth Paramor William Richard Male Marshall Christina Mabel Female Perth
1911/100038 Perth Sibbert Edith Marion Female Gay Richard Male Perth
1911/100038 Perth Gay Richard Male Sibbert Edith Marion Female Perth
1911/100039 Perth Butler William Male Johns Annie Helena Female Perth
1912/100039 Perth Lawrence Ruby Valetta Female Sloss Moses Male Perth
1911/100039 Perth Johns Annie Helena Female Butler William Male Perth
1912/100039 Perth Sloss Moses Male Lawrence Ruby Valetta Female Perth
1912/100040 Perth Crombie John Male Yates Elizabeth West Female Perth
1912/100040 Perth Yates Elizabeth West Female Crombie John Male Perth
1911/100040 Perth Hutchinson Margaret Female Hyne Charles Frederick Male Perth
1911/100040 Perth Hyne Charles Frederick Male Hutchinson Margaret Female Perth
1911/100041 Perth Cooper Lilian Augusta Female Walker Edward Charles Male Perth
1911/100041 Perth Walker Edward Charles Male Cooper Lilian Augusta Female Perth
1911/100042 Perth Chapman Annie Gertrude Female Stockden Robert Thomas Male Perth
1911/100042 Perth Stockden Robert Thomas Male Chapman Annie Gertrude Female Perth
1911/100043 Perth Speight Hilda Marion Female Ferrier George Gray Dixon Male Perth
1911/100043 Perth Ferrier George Gray Dixon Male Speight Hilda Marion Female Perth
1911/100044 Perth Collyer Henry Thomas Male Anderson Ethel Florance Maud Female Perth
1911/100044 Perth Anderson Ethel Florance Maud Female Collyer Henry Thomas Male Perth
1911/100046 Perth McLean Maisie Lena Female Francis Clive Male Perth
1912/100046 Perth Griffiths Annie Female Hollamby Archibald William Male Perth
1912/100046 Perth Hollamby Archibald William Male Griffiths Annie Female Perth
1911/100046 Perth Francis Clive Male McLean Maisie Lena Female Perth
1911/100047 Perth Evenis Walter Ernest Thias Male Roberts Catherine Alice Female Perth
1911/100047 Perth Roberts Catherine Alice Female Evenis Walter Ernest Thias Male Perth
1911/100048 Perth Medlow Martha Theresa Female Kelsall Edward William Male Perth
1911/100048 Perth Kelsall Edward William Male Medlow Martha Theresa Female Perth
1911/100049 Perth Doyle Thomas Male Newson Edith Maude Female Perth
1911/100049 Perth Newson Edith Maude Female Doyle Thomas Male Perth
1911/100050 Perth Thompson George Herbert Male Klein Sophia Female Perth
1911/100050 Perth Klein Sophia Female Thompson George Herbert Male Perth
1911/100051 Perth Penny Christiana Female Taylor Henry Beaumont Male Maylands
1911/100051 Perth Taylor Henry Beaumont Male Penny Christiana Female Maylands
1911/100052 Perth Pittaway Joseph Male Hicks Fanny Female Perth
1911/100052 Perth Hicks Fanny Female Pittaway Joseph Male Perth
1911/100053 Perth Booker Sarah Ann Female Spargo Bert Male Perth
1911/100053 Perth Spargo Bert Male Booker Sarah Ann Female Perth
1911/100054 Perth Malone Jane Victoria Female Malone Arthur Male Perth
1911/100054 Perth Malone Arthur Male Malone Jane Victoria Female Perth
1911/100055 Perth Wilson George Male O'Brien Bridy Female Perth
1911/100055 Perth O'Brien Bridy Female Wilson George Male Perth
1912/100056 Perth Hollands Agnes Mary Nora Female Fletcher Edward Rawlinson Male Perth
1911/100056 Perth Carroll Ellen Female Tipping Francis Henry Male Perth
1911/100056 Perth Tipping Francis Henry Male Carroll Ellen Female Perth
1912/100056 Perth Fletcher Edward Rawlinson Male Hollands Agnes Mary Nora Female Perth
1911/100057 Perth Atkins Pearl Kimberley Female Perry Percy Lydstone Male Perth
1911/100057 Perth Perry Percy Lydstone Male Atkins Pearl Kimberley Female Perth
1911/100058 Perth Stephens Walter James Male Johnson Helen Female Perth
1911/100058 Perth Johnson Helen Female Stephens Walter James Male Perth
1911/100059 Perth Hall Mabel Iris Female Scroop Henry Male Perth
1911/100059 Perth Scroop Henry Male Hall Mabel Iris Female Perth
1911/100060 Perth Vennell Annie Female Donovan Edward Llewellyn Male Perth
1911/100060 Perth Donovan Edward Llewellyn Male Vennell Annie Female Perth
1911/100061 Perth Harper Thomas Male Phillips Amy Stella Female Perth
1911/100061 Perth Phillips Amy Stella Female Harper Thomas Male Perth
1911/100062 Perth Saunders Frederick Male Cole Sarah Ellen Female Perth
1911/100062 Perth Cole Sarah Ellen Female Saunders Frederick Male Perth
1911/100063 Perth Hay Donald James Male Hamilton Annie Female Perth
1911/100063 Perth Hamilton Annie Female Hay Donald James Male Perth
1911/100064 Perth Carruthers Annie Female Christie William Andrew Bede Male Victoria Park
1911/100064 Perth Christie William Andrew Bede Male Carruthers Annie Female Victoria Park
1911/100065 Perth Fitzpatrick Thomas George Male Lesne Mabel Aloysius Female Perth
1911/100065 Perth Lesne Mabel Aloysius Female Fitzpatrick Thomas George Male Perth
1911/100066 Perth Croxford Walter Henry Male Wilson Fanny Female Perth
1911/100066 Perth Wilson Fanny Female Croxford Walter Henry Male Perth
1911/100067 Perth McLean Flora Female Stirling George Lauder Male Perth
1911/100067 Perth Stirling George Lauder Male McLean Flora Female Perth
1911/100068 Perth Avery Ernest Alfred Male Grayson Martha Female Perth
1911/100068 Perth Grayson Martha Female Avery Ernest Alfred Male Perth
1911/100069 Perth Corbett Patrick Male Tolano Marie Junita Female West Perth
1911/100069 Perth Tolano Marie Junita Female Corbett Patrick Male West Perth
1911/100070 Perth Gallagher James Male Harrison Clara Maud Female Victoria Park
1911/100070 Perth Harrison Clara Maud Female Gallagher James Male Victoria Park
1911/100071 Perth O'Carroll Evelyn Female Clark John Male Perth
1911/100071 Perth Clark John Male O'Carroll Evelyn Female Perth
1911/100072 Perth Gordon John Henry Male Bennison Maud Isabella Female Perth
1911/100072 Perth Bennison Maud Isabella Female Gordon John Henry Male Perth
1911/100073 Perth Lynch Levina Mary Female Sainsbury James Male Perth
1911/100073 Perth Sainsbury James Male Lynch Levina Mary Female Perth
1911/100074 Perth Walsh Dorothy Maude Female Pratley Raymond Thomas Male Perth
1911/100074 Perth Pratley Raymond Thomas Male Walsh Dorothy Maude Female Perth
1911/100077 Perth Snook Lilian Female Bridgman Marcus Lewis James Male Perth
1911/100077 Perth Bridgman Marcus Lewis James Male Snook Lilian Female Perth
1911/100078 Perth Fletcher James Edmund Male Lankenan Evelyn Mabel Female Perth
1911/100078 Perth Lankenan Evelyn Mabel Female Fletcher James Edmund Male Perth
1911/100079 Perth Donaghue Agnes Mary Female Innes George Archibald Clunes Male Perth
1911/100079 Perth Innes George Archibald Clunes Male Donaghue Agnes Mary Female Perth
1911/100080 Perth Graham Edith Jane Female Darken Charles John Male Perth
1911/100080 Perth Darken Charles John Male Graham Edith Jane Female Perth
1911/100081 Perth Devitt Michael Male McManus Catherine Female West Perth
1911/100081 Perth McManus Catherine Female Devitt Michael Male West Perth
1911/100082 Perth McAllan Mary Edith Female Edwards John James Male Perth
1911/100082 Perth Edwards John James Male McAllan Mary Edith Female Perth
1911/100085 Perth Webb Bessie Eva Female Cameron Charles Frederick Male West Perth
1911/100085 Perth Cameron Charles Frederick Male Webb Bessie Eva Female West Perth
1911/100086 Perth Mattner Richard Ernest Male Limbert Daisy May Female West Perth
1911/100086 Perth Limbert Daisy May Female Mattner Richard Ernest Male West Perth
1911/100087 Perth Geddes Caroline Female Wrigg Percy Lionel Male West Perth
1911/100087 Perth Wrigg Percy Lionel Male Geddes Caroline Female West Perth
1911/100088 Perth Orr James Male Duncan Annie Isabella Female West Perth
1911/100088 Perth Duncan Annie Isabella Female Orr James Male West Perth
1911/100089 Perth Woolhouse Ivy Emma Female Campbell Norman Male North Perth
1911/100089 Perth Campbell Norman Male Woolhouse Ivy Emma Female North Perth
1911/100090 Perth Banfield Florence Annie Female Oates Leslie Philip Male Perth
1911/100090 Perth Oates Leslie Philip Male Banfield Florence Annie Female Perth
1911/100091 Perth Cottrill Bertha Hilda May Female Evenis William Rudolph Male Perth
1911/100091 Perth Evenis William Rudolph Male Cottrill Bertha Hilda May Female Perth
1911/100092 Perth Carson Florence Josephine Female Massingham Caleb William Male Perth
1911/100092 Perth Massingham Caleb William Male Carson Florence Josephine Female Perth
1911/100093 Perth Ryan Matthew Male Browder Mary Female Maylands
1911/100093 Perth Browder Mary Female Ryan Matthew Male Maylands
1911/100094 Perth Moir Horace Steven Male Walsh Rosanna Female Maylands
1911/100094 Perth Walsh Rosanna Female Moir Horace Steven Male Maylands
1911/100095 Perth Flynn Daisy Gertrude Female Fitzpatrick James Male Perth
1911/100095 Perth Fitzpatrick James Male Flynn Daisy Gertrude Female Perth
1911/100096 Perth Hammond Herbert Male Hanley Mary Edith Female West Perth
1911/100096 Perth Hanley Mary Edith Female Hammond Herbert Male West Perth
1911/100097 Perth Clark Percy Golden Male O'Connor Mary Kathleen Female West Perth
1911/100097 Perth O'Connor Mary Kathleen Female Clark Percy Golden Male West Perth
1911/100098 Perth O'Neill George Baxter Male Thorne Mary Ann Female Perth
1911/100098 Perth Thorne Mary Ann Female O'Neill George Baxter Male Perth
1911/100099 Perth Beresford Marcus John de la Poer Male Schmidt Alice Janet Female Perth
1911/100099 Perth Schmidt Alice Janet Female Beresford Marcus John de la Poer Male Perth
1911/100100 Perth Freeman Ethel Gillian Female Carver Edmund Tucker Male Perth
1911/100100 Perth Carver Edmund Tucker Male Freeman Ethel Gillian Female Perth
1911/100101 Perth Hawkins James Connolly Male Brown Catherine Female Perth
1911/100101 Perth Brown Catherine Female Hawkins James Connolly Male Perth
1911/100102 Perth Bushell Dorothy Evelyen Nellie Female Davidson Frank Leslie Male Perth
1911/100102 Perth Davidson Frank Leslie Male Bushell Dorothy Evelyen Nellie Female Perth
1911/100103 Perth Davies James Edward Male Liddelow Hannah Maria Female Perth
1911/100103 Perth Liddelow Hannah Maria Female Davies James Edward Male Perth
1911/100104 Perth Pereira Robert John Male Liddelow Edith May Female Perth
1911/100104 Perth Liddelow Edith May Female Pereira Robert John Male Perth
1911/100105 Perth Laurence Emily Maria Female McVeigh Joseph Male Perth
1911/100105 Perth McVeigh Joseph Male Laurence Emily Maria Female Perth
1911/100106 Perth Jackson Litt Male Ambrose Lily May Female Perth
1911/100106 Perth Ambrose Lily May Female Jackson Litt Male Perth
1911/100107 Perth Williams John Harold George Male Surgenor Wilhelmina Essex Female Perth
1911/100107 Perth Surgenor Wilhelmina Essex Female Williams John Harold George Male Perth
1911/100108 Perth Mansfield Sydney George Male Stanes Laurel Annie Female Perth
1911/100108 Perth Stanes Laurel Annie Female Mansfield Sydney George Male Perth
1911/100109 Perth McDonald Flora Female Mousley Cecil Edward Bush Male Perth
1911/100109 Perth Mousley Cecil Edward Bush Male McDonald Flora Female Perth
1911/100110 Perth Breydon James Male Eddy Andrintha Ethel Female Perth
1911/100110 Perth Eddy Andrintha Ethel Female Breydon James Male Perth
1911/100111 Perth Curtis William Thomas Male Appleton Florence Rose Female Perth
1911/100111 Perth Appleton Florence Rose Female Curtis William Thomas Male Perth
1911/100112 Perth Bayliss Elizabeth Mary Female Fox Arthur John Male Perth
1911/100112 Perth Fox Arthur John Male Bayliss Elizabeth Mary Female Perth
1911/100113 Perth Taggart James Alexander Male Moore Mary Sophia Female Perth
1911/100113 Perth Moore Mary Sophia Female Taggart James Alexander Male Perth
1911/100114 Perth Riley John Joseph Male Surenne Evelyn Roberts Reid Female Perth
1911/100114 Perth Surenne Evelyn Roberts Reid Female Riley John Joseph Male Perth
1911/100115 Perth Armstrong Plazzy Florence Annie Female Dowley George Male Perth
1911/100115 Perth Dowley George Male Armstrong Plazzy Florence Annie Female Perth
1911/100116 Perth Wright Alfred Ernest Male Dryden Charlotte Female Perth
1911/100116 Perth Dryden Charlotte Female Wright Alfred Ernest Male Perth
1911/100117 Perth Duffy Frank Male Okes Emily Alice Female Belmont
1911/100117 Perth Okes Emily Alice Female Duffy Frank Male Belmont
1911/100118 Perth Read Byers Wood Male Manning Irene Constance Female South Perth
1911/100118 Perth Manning Irene Constance Female Read Byers Wood Male South Perth
1911/100119 Perth Roach James Thomas Male Brice Mary Elizabeth Female Perth
1911/100119 Perth Brice Mary Elizabeth Female Roach James Thomas Male Perth
1911/100120 Perth MacLachlan Mary Alice Female Jacks Leslie Edward Male Perth
1911/100120 Perth Jacks Leslie Edward Male MacLachlan Mary Alice Female Perth
1911/100121 Perth Marie Constance Victoria Female McDonald Robert Henry Male Perth
1911/100121 Perth McDonald Robert Henry Male Marie Constance Victoria Female Perth
1911/100122 Perth Wishart Paulina Female Mitchell Walter James Male Perth
1911/100122 Perth Mitchell Walter James Male Wishart Paulina Female Perth
1911/100123 Perth Vonarx Wyatt Wallace Male Tassicker Edith Victoria Female Perth
1911/100123 Perth Tassicker Edith Victoria Female Vonarx Wyatt Wallace Male Perth
1911/100124 Perth Mulcahy Maurice Male Lynch Lizzie Female Perth
1911/100124 Perth Lynch Lizzie Female Mulcahy Maurice Male Perth
1911/100125 Perth Heweston Joseph Pickup Male Butler Dympna Aloysius Female Perth
1911/100125 Perth Butler Dympna Aloysius Female Heweston Joseph Pickup Male Perth
1911/100126 Perth Farrell Michael Male Myers Rose Esther Caroline Female Perth
1911/100126 Perth Myers Rose Esther Caroline Female Farrell Michael Male Perth
1911/100127 Perth Ryan Mary Female Holmes Richard Male Perth
1911/100127 Perth Holmes Richard Male Ryan Mary Female Perth
1911/100128 Perth Fleming Mary Veronica Female Baker Frederik George Male Perth
1911/100128 Perth Baker Frederik George Male Fleming Mary Veronica Female Perth
1911/100129 Perth Begley Mary Female Binstead Francis Male West Perth
1911/100129 Perth Binstead Francis Male Begley Mary Female West Perth
1911/100130 Perth Claydon Laura Mable Rosamond Female Kurts Alwyn Cecil Male Perth
1911/100130 Perth Kurts Alwyn Cecil Male Claydon Laura Mable Rosamond Female Perth
1911/100132 Perth Delahunty Annie Female Stayt Arthur Male Perth
1911/100132 Perth Stayt Arthur Male Delahunty Annie Female Perth
1911/100133 Perth Shaw Deloria Mary Female Cechini Teodosi Male Perth
1911/100133 Perth Cechini Teodosi Male Shaw Deloria Mary Female Perth
1911/100134 Perth Roberts Francis Henry Male Doyle Margaret Mary Female Perth
1911/100134 Perth Doyle Margaret Mary Female Roberts Francis Henry Male Perth
1911/100135 Perth Jacobson Hannah Jemima Female Lane Richard Male Perth
1911/100135 Perth Lane Richard Male Jacobson Hannah Jemima Female Perth
1911/100136 Perth Lewis Ernest Arthur Male Tough Lily Female Perth
1911/100136 Perth Tough Lily Female Lewis Ernest Arthur Male Perth
1911/100137 Perth Gorey James Arthur Male Hawkins Martha Amelia Female Victoria Park
1911/100137 Perth Hawkins Martha Amelia Female Gorey James Arthur Male Victoria Park
1911/100138 Perth Deslandes Gladys Rebecca Female Scott Leslie Thomas Male Perth
1911/100138 Perth Scott Leslie Thomas Male Deslandes Gladys Rebecca Female Perth
1911/100139 Perth Gibbs Sarah Harriett Female Macmillan George Male Perth
1911/100139 Perth Macmillan George Male Gibbs Sarah Harriett Female Perth
1911/100140 Perth Cowden Mena Female McEachern Alexander Dick Male Perth
1911/100140 Perth McEachern Alexander Dick Male Cowden Mena Female Perth
1911/100141 Perth Hickmott William Ernest Male Rogers Evelyn Female Perth
1911/100141 Perth Rogers Evelyn Female Hickmott William Ernest Male Perth
1911/100142 Perth Thomas Eva Hannah Female Skinner Alfred John Male Perth
1911/100142 Perth Skinner Alfred John Male Thomas Eva Hannah Female Perth
1911/100143 Perth Armstrong Herbert Arthur Male Leech May Elizabeth Female West Perth
1911/100143 Perth Leech May Elizabeth Female Armstrong Herbert Arthur Male West Perth
1911/100144 Perth Mayne William Ernest Male Ellett Elsie Elizabeth Female West Perth
1911/100144 Perth Ellett Elsie Elizabeth Female Mayne William Ernest Male West Perth
1911/100145 Perth Davis Ruth Female O'Shea Arthur Buckley Male Perth
1911/100145 Perth O'Shea Arthur Buckley Male Davis Ruth Female Perth
1911/100146 Perth Netherwood Charles Male Grant Isabella Female Perth
1911/100146 Perth Grant Isabella Female Netherwood Charles Male Perth
1911/100147 Perth Flynn Lucy Barbara Female Wilkie Eric Granville Male Perth
1911/100147 Perth Wilkie Eric Granville Male Flynn Lucy Barbara Female Perth
1911/100148 Perth Jiblett Alma Alice Female Cooper Robert William Male Perth
1911/100148 Perth Cooper Robert William Male Jiblett Alma Alice Female Perth
1911/100149 Perth Jewell Lily Female Wardle Walter Male Perth
1911/100149 Perth Wardle Walter Male Jewell Lily Female Perth
1911/100150 Perth Bryant Florence Amelia Female Gardiner Henry John Male Perth
1911/100150 Perth Gardiner Henry John Male Bryant Florence Amelia Female Perth
1911/100151 Perth Baker Alma Hilda Female Coutts David Male Perth
1911/100151 Perth Coutts David Male Baker Alma Hilda Female Perth
1911/100152 Perth Platts James Ernest Male Bonner Ada Jane Female Perth
1911/100152 Perth Bonner Ada Jane Female Platts James Ernest Male Perth
1911/100153 Perth Baker Henry Male Duffy Elsie Female Perth
1911/100153 Perth Duffy Elsie Female Baker Henry Male Perth
1911/100154 Perth Norrish Alice Maud Female Green Albert Horace Male Perth
1911/100154 Perth Green Albert Horace Male Norrish Alice Maud Female Perth
1911/100155 Perth Warren Charlotte Female Wann Charles Alexander Male Perth
1911/100155 Perth Wann Charles Alexander Male Warren Charlotte Female Perth
1911/100156 Perth Watson Herbert Charles Male Packwood Blanche Edith Female Perth
1911/100156 Perth Packwood Blanche Edith Female Watson Herbert Charles Male Perth
1911/100157 Perth Rintel Gracie Female Campbell John Male Perth
1911/100157 Perth Campbell John Male Rintel Gracie Female Perth
1911/100158 Perth Fiddes Richard Male Johnston Louisa Winifred Catherine Female West Perth
1911/100158 Perth Johnston Louisa Winifred Catherine Female Fiddes Richard Male West Perth
1911/100159 Perth Kingsbury Henry Male Hayden Mary Female Maylands
1911/100159 Perth Hayden Mary Female Kingsbury Henry Male Maylands
1911/100160 Perth Scott Edward Reenie Male Braunsdorf Doris Emma Female West Perth
1911/100160 Perth Braunsdorf Doris Emma Female Scott Edward Reenie Male West Perth
1911/100161 Perth Löfman George William Parrey Male Dyke Mary Female Perth
1911/100161 Perth Dyke Mary Female Löfman George William Parrey Male Perth
1911/100162 Perth Mathieson Annie Female Anderson James Male West Perth
1911/100162 Perth Anderson James Male Mathieson Annie Female West Perth
1911/100163 Perth Robbins Matilda Female Richards James Male Perth
1911/100163 Perth Richards James Male Robbins Matilda Female Perth
1911/100164 Perth Boas Harold Male Cohen Saidie Female Perth
1911/100164 Perth Cohen Saidie Female Boas Harold Male Perth
1911/100165 Perth Egan Mary Ellen Female Richardson Andrew Moffat Male Perth
1911/100165 Perth Richardson Andrew Moffat Male Egan Mary Ellen Female Perth
1911/100166 Perth Cooke Charlotte Female Bell Charles Male Perth
1911/100166 Perth Bell Charles Male Cooke Charlotte Female Perth
1911/100167 Perth Crane Elizabeth Female Humann William Allison Male Perth
1911/100167 Perth Humann William Allison Male Crane Elizabeth Female Perth
1911/100168 Perth Dunning Lily Mary Female Gaden Albert Ernest Male Perth
1911/100168 Perth Gaden Albert Ernest Male Dunning Lily Mary Female Perth
1911/100169 Perth Rock Evelyn Priscilla Female King Richard Francis Male Perth
1911/100169 Perth King Richard Francis Male Rock Evelyn Priscilla Female Perth
1911/100170 Perth Lumb Alfred Sydney Male Owens Ada Jane Female Perth
1911/100170 Perth Owens Ada Jane Female Lumb Alfred Sydney Male Perth
1911/100171 Perth Sutherland Muriel Female Craven Norman Stanley Male Perth
1911/100171 Perth Craven Norman Stanley Male Sutherland Muriel Female Perth
1911/100172 Perth Baldwin William Male Turner Catherine Elizabeth Female Perth
1911/100172 Perth Turner Catherine Elizabeth Female Baldwin William Male Perth
1911/100173 Perth Fitzsimons Elizabeth Female Turner Frederick Ernest Percy Male Perth
1911/100173 Perth Turner Frederick Ernest Percy Male Fitzsimons Elizabeth Female Perth
1911/100174 Perth Harris Mary Jane Female Dewar Andrew Frederick Male Perth
1911/100174 Perth Dewar Andrew Frederick Male Harris Mary Jane Female Perth
1911/100175 Perth Stringfellow Florence Ethel Female Poole John Male Perth
1911/100175 Perth Poole John Male Stringfellow Florence Ethel Female Perth
1911/100176 Perth Brooks Emily Female Wein John Male Perth
1911/100176 Perth Wein John Male Brooks Emily Female Perth
1911/100177 Perth Rea David Male Manning Annie Female Perth
1911/100177 Perth Manning Annie Female Rea David Male Perth
1911/100178 Perth Brown Mary Amelia Female Thomas Walter John Male Perth
1911/100178 Perth Thomas Walter John Male Brown Mary Amelia Female Perth
1911/100179 Perth McCulloch George Harrison Male Lancaster Elizabeth Ann Female West Perth
1911/100179 Perth Lancaster Elizabeth Ann Female McCulloch George Harrison Male West Perth
1911/100180 Perth Browning Sydney Lenox Male Allan Joanna Mavor Female West Perth
1911/100180 Perth Allan Joanna Mavor Female Browning Sydney Lenox Male West Perth
1911/100181 Perth Watts Anastasia Female Key Martin Male West Perth
1911/100181 Perth Key Martin Male Watts Anastasia Female West Perth
1911/100182 Perth Fletcher Jane Female Nobbs Edward Male Perth
1911/100182 Perth Nobbs Edward Male Fletcher Jane Female Perth
1911/100183 Perth Small Jessie Female Allen John Henry Male Perth
1911/100183 Perth Allen John Henry Male Small Jessie Female Perth
1911/100184 Perth McBride Thomas Michael Male Bonnett Alice Maude Female Maylands
1911/100184 Perth Bonnett Alice Maude Female McBride Thomas Michael Male Maylands
1911/100185 Perth Ross Agnes Female Bowman John Male Perth
1911/100185 Perth Bowman John Male Ross Agnes Female Perth
1911/100186 Perth Foster Ernest Edward Male Curtis Ellen Matilda Female North Perth
1911/100186 Perth Curtis Ellen Matilda Female Foster Ernest Edward Male North Perth
1911/100187 Perth Dorph Petersen Erik Male Pelle Jessie Louise Female North Perth
1911/100187 Perth Pelle Jessie Louise Female Dorph Petersen Erik Male North Perth
1911/100188 Perth Cornell Thomas Henry Male Moir Jeannie Johnston Female Perth
1911/100188 Perth Moir Jeannie Johnston Female Cornell Thomas Henry Male Perth
1911/100189 Perth Wilson Lena Jane Female Hooper Peter James Male Perth
1911/100189 Perth Hooper Peter James Male Wilson Lena Jane Female Perth
1911/100190 Perth Silver Thomas Male Bradford Beatrice Mary Female Maylands
1911/100190 Perth Bradford Beatrice Mary Female Silver Thomas Male Maylands
1911/100191 Perth Brimson Alice Sophie Female Sherwood Harry Hay Male Maylands
1911/100191 Perth Sherwood Harry Hay Male Brimson Alice Sophie Female Maylands
1911/100192 Perth Luton Louise Female Bedder Edward Henry Male Perth
1911/100192 Perth Bedder Edward Henry Male Luton Louise Female Perth
1911/100193 Perth Ellis Ida Marie Female Colley Albert Charles David Woolf Male Perth
1911/100193 Perth Colley Albert Charles David Woolf Male Ellis Ida Marie Female Perth
1911/100194 Perth Holland Julia Female Jose Walter John Male Perth
1911/100194 Perth Jose Walter John Male Holland Julia Female Perth
1911/100195 Perth Bronsdon Emily Louisa Female Thorpe Wilfred George Trevelyan Male Victoria Park
1911/100195 Perth Thorpe Wilfred George Trevelyan Male Bronsdon Emily Louisa Female Victoria Park
1911/100196 Perth Edwards Ethel Isabella Female Lambert William John Male Victoria Park
1911/100196 Perth Lambert William John Male Edwards Ethel Isabella Female Victoria Park
1911/100197 Perth Brittain Hilda Female McCallum Archibald Male West Perth
1911/100197 Perth McCallum Archibald Male Brittain Hilda Female West Perth
1911/100198 Perth Bryant Cecilia Mary Female Johnson Bertie Tesling Male Perth
1911/100198 Perth Johnson Bertie Tesling Male Bryant Cecilia Mary Female Perth
1911/100199 Perth Mahoney Patrick Murray Male Shine Jean Female West Perth
1911/100199 Perth Shine Jean Female Mahoney Patrick Murray Male West Perth
1911/100200 Perth Bellingham Ellen Maude Female Lizars Alexander David Male Perth
1911/100200 Perth Lizars Alexander David Male Bellingham Ellen Maude Female Perth
1911/100201 Perth Buddee Thomas Richards Detlef Ludwig Male Nenke Florence Ida Female Perth
1911/100201 Perth Nenke Florence Ida Female Buddee Thomas Richards Detlef Ludwig Male Perth
1911/100202 Perth Cox Violet Martha Female Mercer Leslie Frank Male Perth
1911/100202 Perth Mercer Leslie Frank Male Cox Violet Martha Female Perth
1911/100203 Perth Barr Jean Female Cross Ernest Arthur Male Perth
1911/100203 Perth Cross Ernest Arthur Male Barr Jean Female Perth
1911/100204 Perth Bell Lily Female Cox George William Male North Perth
1911/100204 Perth Cox George William Male Bell Lily Female North Perth
1911/100205 Perth Collins Alice Maud Female Bird Francis Cecil Gerald Male West Perth
1911/100205 Perth Bird Francis Cecil Gerald Male Collins Alice Maud Female West Perth
1911/100206 Perth Guise Edith Alice Female Dewar Charles Edward Male Perth
1911/100206 Perth Dewar Charles Edward Male Guise Edith Alice Female Perth
1911/100207 Perth Abbott William Bardsley Male Hodder Josephine May Female Perth
1911/100207 Perth Hodder Josephine May Female Abbott William Bardsley Male Perth
1911/100208 Perth Rhodes Mary Isabel Female Phillips Thomas Male Perth
1911/100208 Perth Phillips Thomas Male Rhodes Mary Isabel Female Perth
1911/100209 Perth Liddelow Louisa Evelyn Female Doust Alfred Henry Male Perth
1911/100209 Perth Doust Alfred Henry Male Liddelow Louisa Evelyn Female Perth
1911/100210 Perth Dorizzi Thomas John Male Gordon Mary Anne Female Perth
1911/100210 Perth Gordon Mary Anne Female Dorizzi Thomas John Male Perth
1911/100211 Perth Vance William Henry Male Young Doris Emily Female Perth
1911/100211 Perth Young Doris Emily Female Vance William Henry Male Perth
1911/100212 Perth Reade Nellie Female Archong Charles Male Perth
1911/100212 Perth Archong Charles Male Reade Nellie Female Perth
1911/100213 Perth Lamb Florence Mabel Female Warren John Richards Male West Perth
1911/100213 Perth Warren John Richards Male Lamb Florence Mabel Female West Perth
1911/100214 Perth Jones Thomas Morton James Male Goggin Margaret Female Perth
1911/100214 Perth Goggin Margaret Female Jones Thomas Morton James Male Perth
1911/100215 Perth Teague Charles Burton Male Travers Jean Female Perth
1911/100215 Perth Travers Jean Female Teague Charles Burton Male Perth
1911/100216 Perth Rogers Vida Frances Female Creed Harold John Male Perth
1911/100216 Perth Creed Harold John Male Rogers Vida Frances Female Perth
1911/100217 Perth White William Richard Male Menzies Charlotte Female Perth
1911/100217 Perth Menzies Charlotte Female White William Richard Male Perth
1911/100218 Perth Cairnie William Richardson Male Hunter Annabella Female Perth
1911/100218 Perth Hunter Annabella Female Cairnie William Richardson Male Perth
1911/100219 Perth Johnson Annie Augusta Female Stanley Harry Male Perth
1911/100219 Perth Stanley Harry Male Johnson Annie Augusta Female Perth
1911/100220 Perth Timmings Viola Grace Female Horn Albert Otto Male Perth
1911/100220 Perth Horn Albert Otto Male Timmings Viola Grace Female Perth
1911/100221 Perth Whittaker George Edward Male Game Florence Gertrude Female Perth
1911/100221 Perth Game Florence Gertrude Female Whittaker George Edward Male Perth
1911/100222 Perth Watkins May Maud Female Reay George Berkeley Male Victoria Park
1911/100222 Perth Reay George Berkeley Male Watkins May Maud Female Victoria Park
1911/100223 Perth Gillings Olive Rhoda Female Ford George Herbert Male Victoria Park
1911/100223 Perth Ford George Herbert Male Gillings Olive Rhoda Female Victoria Park
1911/100224 Perth Brown Margaret Ellen Female Smith Sidney Male Perth
1911/100224 Perth Smith Sidney Male Brown Margaret Ellen Female Perth
1911/100225 Perth Kneller Edward George Male Trelfer Elizabeth Deborah Female Perth
1911/100225 Perth Trelfer Elizabeth Deborah Female Kneller Edward George Male Perth
1911/100226 Perth Mellor Robert William Male Phease Florence Lucy Female Perth
1911/100226 Perth Phease Florence Lucy Female Mellor Robert William Male Perth
1911/100227 Perth Birdsey Thella Female Cantor Morris Emanuel Lamen Male Perth
1911/100227 Perth Cantor Morris Emanuel Lamen Male Birdsey Thella Female Perth
1911/100228 Perth Ottaway Valentine Austen Male McGrath Maria Female West Perth
1911/100228 Perth McGrath Maria Female Ottaway Valentine Austen Male West Perth
1911/100229 Perth Hartley Bertha Female Plummer William Charles Male Perth
1911/100229 Perth Plummer William Charles Male Hartley Bertha Female Perth
1911/100230 Perth McCarthy Ellie Female McCarthy John Male West Perth
1911/100230 Perth McCarthy John Male McCarthy Ellie Female West Perth
1911/100231 Perth Peake Edith Amelia Female Knights William Ivanhoe Male Perth
1911/100231 Perth Knights William Ivanhoe Male Peake Edith Amelia Female Perth
1911/100232 Perth Kippenberger Barbara Female Kennedy William Frew Male Perth
1911/100232 Perth Kennedy William Frew Male Kippenberger Barbara Female Perth
1911/100233 Perth Mitchell Clara Adelaide Female Bott Reginald Charles Male Perth
1911/100233 Perth Bott Reginald Charles Male Mitchell Clara Adelaide Female Perth
1911/100234 Perth Courthope Frances Amy Female Lennard John Evelyn Barrett Male Perth
1911/100234 Perth Lennard John Evelyn Barrett Male Courthope Frances Amy Female Perth
1911/100235 Perth Bleeck Adelaide Mary Female Evans Leslie John Male Perth
1911/100235 Perth Evans Leslie John Male Bleeck Adelaide Mary Female Perth
1911/100236 Perth Washer Ruby May Female Doe Edwin David Male Perth
1911/100236 Perth Doe Edwin David Male Washer Ruby May Female Perth
1911/100237 Perth Norris William Mackray Male Clark Mary Louisa Female Perth
1911/100237 Perth Clark Mary Louisa Female Norris William Mackray Male Perth
1911/100238 Perth Farley Cecil Male Blower Mary Ida Female Perth
1911/100238 Perth Farley Cecil Male Miles Mary Ida Female Perth
1911/100238 Perth Miles Mary Ida Female Farley Cecil Male Perth
1911/100238 Perth Blower Mary Ida Female Farley Cecil Male Perth
1911/100239 Perth Rogers Violet Myrtle Female Ashby Henry Ernest Male North Perth
1911/100239 Perth Ashby Henry Ernest Male Rogers Violet Myrtle Female North Perth
1911/100240 Perth Elliott Albert Davison Male Cuthbertson Susan Female Perth
1911/100240 Perth Cuthbertson Susan Female Elliott Albert Davison Male Perth
1911/100241 Perth Millard Elizabeth Female Hunt Henry Alexander Male North Perth
1911/100241 Perth Hunt Henry Alexander Male Millard Elizabeth Female North Perth
1911/100242 Perth Murdoch George Edward Male Cole Jessie Isobel Female Perth
1911/100242 Perth Cole Jessie Isobel Female Murdoch George Edward Male Perth
1911/100243 Perth Willey Louisa Female Snell Harry Henry Male Perth
1911/100243 Perth Snell Harry Henry Male Willey Louisa Female Perth
1911/100244 Perth White Charlotte Eliza Female Vale Charles Male Perth
1911/100244 Perth Vale Charles Male White Charlotte Eliza Female Perth
1911/100245 Perth Gray Alice Female Sanders William Male Perth
1911/100245 Perth Sanders William Male Gray Alice Female Perth
1911/100246 Perth Eastland John Christopher Male Tredrea Frances Ann Female Perth
1911/100246 Perth Tredrea Frances Ann Female Eastland John Christopher Male Perth
1911/100247 Perth Rickard James Edwin Male Beckett Josephine Kathleen Female Perth
1911/100247 Perth Beckett Josephine Kathleen Female Rickard James Edwin Male Perth
1911/100248 Perth Willcocks Walter Hilton Male Elliott Lucy Merrifield Female Maylands
1911/100248 Perth Elliott Lucy Merrifield Female Willcocks Walter Hilton Male Maylands
1911/100249 Perth Barnes Grace Female Lilly Edward Male Perth
1911/100249 Perth Lilly Edward Male Barnes Grace Female Perth
1911/100250 Perth Rodgers Thomas Harold Male Hunter Elizabeth Female Perth
1911/100250 Perth Hunter Elizabeth Female Rodgers Thomas Harold Male Perth
1911/100251 Perth Timms Albert Male Aram Bessie Female Perth
1911/100251 Perth Aram Bessie Female Timms Albert Male Perth
1911/100252 Perth Sydenham Albert George Male Pitcher Minnie Nanethe Female Perth
1911/100252 Perth Pitcher Minnie Nanethe Female Sydenham Albert George Male Perth
1911/100253 Perth Maynard Herbert John Male Smitham Maud May Female Perth
1911/100253 Perth Smitham Maud May Female Maynard Herbert John Male Perth
1911/100254 Perth Sloan Percy James Male Hanretty Grace Page Female Perth
1911/100254 Perth Hanretty Grace Page Female Sloan Percy James Male Perth
1911/100255 Perth Brooking Helena Dorothy Female Davis Charles Edgar Male Perth
1911/100255 Perth Davis Charles Edgar Male Brooking Helena Dorothy Female Perth
1911/100256 Perth Worsley Arthur James Harold Male Ryinker Bertha Louise Female Perth
1911/100256 Perth Ryinker Bertha Louise Female Worsley Arthur James Harold Male Perth
1911/100257 Perth Maher Edward Male Clarke Catherine Female Perth
1911/100257 Perth Clarke Catherine Female Maher Edward Male Perth
1911/100258 Perth Vlies Emile Alexander Male Jones Winifred Dorothy Mona Female Bayswater
1911/100258 Perth Jones Winifred Dorothy Mona Female Vlies Emile Alexander Male Bayswater
1911/100259 Perth Drayton Blanche Elizabeth Female Wilmot Frederick Male East Perth
1911/100259 Perth Wilmot Frederick Male Drayton Blanche Elizabeth Female East Perth
1911/100260 Perth Reynolds Alick Francis Male McPherson Vera May Female Perth
1911/100260 Perth McPherson Vera May Female Reynolds Alick Francis Male Perth
1911/100261 Perth Hambly Alice Elsie Female Nevile Richard Warwick Male Perth
1911/100261 Perth Nevile Richard Warwick Male Hambly Alice Elsie Female Perth
1911/100262 Perth Shephard Stanley Male Wearne Sarah Bertha Female Brisbane St
1911/100262 Perth Wearne Sarah Bertha Female Shephard Stanley Male Brisbane St
1911/100263 Perth Golding William Male Maes Bertha Female Perth
1911/100263 Perth Maes Bertha Female Golding William Male Perth
1911/100264 Perth Hamilton Harold James Male Merser Marjorie Farquharson Female Perth
1911/100264 Perth Merser Marjorie Farquharson Female Hamilton Harold James Male Perth
1911/100265 Perth Foster Gertrude Ivy Female Stubbs Cyril Roy Male Perth
1911/100265 Perth Stubbs Cyril Roy Male Foster Gertrude Ivy Female Perth
1911/100266 Perth Scott Robert Woolley Male Henderson Ellen Sophia Female South Perth
1911/100266 Perth Henderson Ellen Sophia Female Scott Robert Woolley Male South Perth
1911/100267 Perth Pamment Malcolm Henry Pair Male Mews Edna Amy Female South Perth
1911/100267 Perth Mews Edna Amy Female Pamment Malcolm Henry Pair Male South Perth
1911/100268 Perth Millea Mary Elizabeth Female Blackman Alfred George Male West Perth
1911/100268 Perth Blackman Alfred George Male Millea Mary Elizabeth Female West Perth
1911/100269 Perth Mowday Maggie Female Manning John Daniel Male South Perth
1911/100269 Perth Manning John Daniel Male Mowday Maggie Female South Perth
1911/100270 Perth Bain Catherine Female Murray John Henry Male Perth
1911/100270 Perth Murray John Henry Male Bain Catherine Female Perth
1911/100271 Perth Lee Jennie Female Sundercombe Arthur Heard Male Perth
1911/100271 Perth Sundercombe Arthur Heard Male Lee Jennie Female Perth
1911/100272 Perth Powell George Male Fraser Margaret Female Perth
1911/100272 Perth Fraser Margaret Female Powell George Male Perth
1911/100273 Perth Cumpston Richard Stanley Male Gibbney Eleanor Bennett Female Perth
1911/100273 Perth Gibbney Eleanor Bennett Female Cumpston Richard Stanley Male Perth
1911/100274 Perth Easthope Isabel Wilmot Female Sykes Henry Leonard Male Perth
1911/100274 Perth Sykes Henry Leonard Male Easthope Isabel Wilmot Female Perth
1911/100275 Perth Sherlock Francis Huddart Male Huggins Cecilia Maude Female Perth
1911/100275 Perth Huggins Cecilia Maude Female Sherlock Francis Huddart Male Perth
1911/100276 Perth Callaway Polly Female Smith Reginald Thomas Male West Perth
1911/100276 Perth Smith Reginald Thomas Male Callaway Polly Female West Perth
1911/100277 Perth Varney John Richard Male McHugh Agnes Female Perth
1911/100277 Perth McHugh Agnes Female Varney John Richard Male Perth
1911/100278 Perth Hodgson Harry Stanley Male Inglis Dorothy Theodosia Female Perth
1911/100278 Perth Inglis Dorothy Theodosia Female Hodgson Harry Stanley Male Perth
1911/100279 Perth Elliott Rose Mitchell Female Gibson Thomas Hughan Male Perth
1911/100279 Perth Gibson Thomas Hughan Male Elliott Rose Mitchell Female Perth
1911/100280 Perth Leitch John Denis Male Clark Eleanor Maud Female Victoria Park
1911/100280 Perth Clark Eleanor Maud Female Leitch John Denis Male Victoria Park
1911/100281 Perth Hutton Edith Christina Female Appleyard Thomas Lytton Male Perth
1911/100281 Perth Appleyard Thomas Lytton Male Hutton Edith Christina Female Perth
1911/100282 Perth Passmore Albert Edward Male Harrington Catherine Female Perth
1911/100282 Perth Harrington Catherine Female Passmore Albert Edward Male Perth
1911/100283 Perth Joy Elizabeth Ellen Female Turner Harold Herbert Male Maylands
1911/100283 Perth Turner Harold Herbert Male Joy Elizabeth Ellen Female Maylands
1911/100284 Perth Leeming Florence Female Nichols David Alexander Male Perth
1911/100284 Perth Nichols David Alexander Male Leeming Florence Female Perth
1911/100285 Perth Poland Louisa Jane Female Farley Henry Alfred Male Perth
1911/100285 Perth Farley Henry Alfred Male Poland Louisa Jane Female Perth
1911/100286 Perth Innes Grace Mary Female Livingston George Phillip Male West Perth
1911/100286 Perth Livingston George Phillip Male Innes Grace Mary Female West Perth
1911/100287 Perth Gill Thomas Henry Male Crews Olive Everhilda Female West Perth
1911/100287 Perth Crews Olive Everhilda Female Gill Thomas Henry Male West Perth
1911/100288 Perth Reeve Charles Valentini Male Innes Evelyn Myrtle Female Charles St
1911/100288 Perth Innes Evelyn Myrtle Female Reeve Charles Valentini Male Charles St
1911/100289 Perth Mutton William Henry Male Moore Eveline Edith Female Perth
1911/100289 Perth Moore Eveline Edith Female Mutton William Henry Male Perth
1911/100290 Perth Moorhead William Robert Male Oliver Winifred Elizabeth Female Perth
1911/100290 Perth Oliver Winifred Elizabeth Female Moorhead William Robert Male Perth
1911/100291 Perth Gallon John Edward Male Anderson Mary Female Perth
1911/100291 Perth Anderson Mary Female Gallon John Edward Male Perth
1911/100292 Perth Colgan Julia Female O'Reilly Lawrence Hugh Male Maylands
1911/100292 Perth O'Reilly Lawrence Hugh Male Colgan Julia Female Maylands
1911/100293 Perth Harris Rosalie Female O'Keefe John Male Perth
1911/100293 Perth O'Keefe John Male Harris Rosalie Female Perth
1911/100294 Perth Buzzini Michael Ernest Male Tepper Elizabeth McCrindle Female Perth
1911/100294 Perth Tepper Elizabeth McCrindle Female Buzzini Michael Ernest Male Perth
1911/100295 Perth Korbosky William Charles Male Dunn Maria Constance Female Perth
1911/100295 Perth Dunn Maria Constance Female Korbosky William Charles Male Perth
1911/100296 Perth Boland Mary Ellen Female Sykes Joseph Male Perth
1911/100296 Perth Sykes Joseph Male Boland Mary Ellen Female Perth
1911/100297 Perth Hannah George Edwin Male Kildea Rose Immaculate Female Perth
1911/100297 Perth Kildea Rose Immaculate Female Hannah George Edwin Male Perth
1911/100298 Perth Powell Reginald Male Serisier Kathleen Daisy Female Perth
1911/100298 Perth Serisier Kathleen Daisy Female Powell Reginald Male Perth
1911/100299 Perth Kelly Mary Jane Female Gallagher Hubert John Male Perth
1911/100299 Perth Gallagher Hubert John Male Kelly Mary Jane Female Perth
1911/100300 Perth Daly Margaret Female Sweetman John Male Perth
1911/100300 Perth Sweetman John Male Daly Margaret Female Perth
1911/100301 Perth Gray John Male Wesley Rachel Eleanor Female Perth
1911/100301 Perth Wesley Rachel Eleanor Female Gray John Male Perth
1911/100302 Perth Tolhurst Jessie Agnes Female Mead Albert Male Perth
1911/100302 Perth Mead Albert Male Tolhurst Jessie Agnes Female Perth
1911/100303 Perth Murray Mary Stella Female Gray James Male Perth
1911/100303 Perth Gray James Male Murray Mary Stella Female Perth
1911/100304 Perth Magnussen Oscar Clausen Male Hicks Evelyn Maud Female West Perth
1911/100304 Perth Hicks Evelyn Maud Female Magnussen Oscar Clausen Male West Perth
1911/100305 Perth Randell Alfred Charles Male Bailey Florence Gertrude Female Perth
1911/100305 Perth Bailey Florence Gertrude Female Randell Alfred Charles Male Perth
1911/100306 Perth Poniros Constantinos Male Michelides Photini Female Perth
1911/100306 Perth Michelides Photini Female Poniros Constantinos Male Perth
1911/100307 Perth Ogden Charles Henry Male Robinson Daisie Ellen Emeline Gertrude Female West Perth
1911/100307 Perth Robinson Daisie Ellen Emeline Gertrude Female Ogden Charles Henry Male West Perth
1911/100308 Perth Ross John Edward Male Regan Elizabeth Female Perth
1911/100308 Perth Regan Elizabeth Female Ross John Edward Male Perth
1911/100309 Perth Bevan Olive May Female Leslie Gilchrist Robert Male Perth
1911/100309 Perth Leslie Gilchrist Robert Male Bevan Olive May Female Perth
1911/100310 Perth Howie Mary Josephine Female Byrne James Joseph Rice Male Perth
1911/100310 Perth Byrne James Joseph Rice Male Howie Mary Josephine Female Perth
1911/100311 Perth Craig James Stirling Male Heads Vivienne Gabrielle Female Perth
1911/100311 Perth Heads Vivienne Gabrielle Female Craig James Stirling Male Perth
1911/100312 Perth Coleman Elizabeth Ellen Female McGrade Percival Michael Male Perth
1911/100312 Perth McGrade Percival Michael Male Coleman Elizabeth Ellen Female Perth
1911/100313 Perth Griffith Richard Thomas Male Rundle Elizabeth Female Perth
1911/100313 Perth Rundle Elizabeth Female Griffith Richard Thomas Male Perth
1911/100314 Perth Cuthbertson Margaret Jane Female Brownlie James Robertson Male Perth
1911/100314 Perth Brownlie James Robertson Male Cuthbertson Margaret Jane Female Perth
1911/100315 Perth Longbottom Bertha Annie Female Gale John Philip Male Perth
1911/100315 Perth Gale John Philip Male Longbottom Bertha Annie Female Perth
1911/100316 Perth Harris Alma Female Fallon Charles Morton Male Bayswater
1911/100316 Perth Fallon Charles Morton Male Harris Alma Female Bayswater
1911/100317 Perth Lehne Hurtle Frederick Male Price Elizabeth Gwendoline Female East Perth
1911/100317 Perth Price Elizabeth Gwendoline Female Lehne Hurtle Frederick Male East Perth
1911/100318 Perth Thompson Blanche Emily Female Linton William Thomas Male Perth
1911/100318 Perth Linton William Thomas Male Thompson Blanche Emily Female Perth
1911/100319 Perth House Wilfrid Lanyon Charles Male Rohrs Gertrude Mary Ellenora Female Perth
1911/100319 Perth Rohrs Gertrude Mary Ellenora Female House Wilfrid Lanyon Charles Male Perth
1911/100320 Perth Olsen Alice Female Barrass Thomas Edward Male Maylands
1911/100320 Perth Barrass Thomas Edward Male Olsen Alice Female Maylands
1911/100321 Perth Smalley Oswald Curtis Male Merriman Regina Clarice Ivireen Female Perth
1911/100321 Perth Merriman Regina Clarice Ivireen Female Smalley Oswald Curtis Male Perth
1911/100322 Perth Klapproth Elsie Female Lawrance Wilfred Henry Fennell Male Perth
1911/100322 Perth Lawrance Wilfred Henry Fennell Male Klapproth Elsie Female Perth
1911/100323 Perth Abbott Mary Amelia Female Tredrea Ernest St Alban Trevithick Male Maylands
1911/100323 Perth Tredrea Ernest St Alban Trevithick Male Abbott Mary Amelia Female Maylands
1911/100324 Perth West George Ernest Male Prosser Emily Georgina Female Perth
1911/100324 Perth Prosser Emily Georgina Female West George Ernest Male Perth
1911/100325 Perth Coppin John Male Kiniry Alice Female Perth
1911/100325 Perth Kiniry Alice Female Coppin John Male Perth
1911/100326 Perth Still Georgina Wilson Female Austin Anthony Nelson Male Perth
1911/100326 Perth Austin Anthony Nelson Male Still Georgina Wilson Female Perth
1911/100327 Perth Geenens Ruby Jane Female Foley Daniel Herbert Male West Perth
1911/100327 Perth Foley Daniel Herbert Male Geenens Ruby Jane Female West Perth
1911/100328 Perth Lulham Margaret Alice Female Connolly Michael Joseph Male Perth
1911/100328 Perth Connolly Michael Joseph Male Lulham Margaret Alice Female Perth
1911/100329 Perth Goldsmith Edith Rabone Female Lukies John Aubrey Male Perth
1911/100329 Perth Lukies John Aubrey Male Goldsmith Edith Rabone Female Perth
1911/100330 Perth Chalmers Cacille Bygrove Female Hinkley Harold Frank Male Perth
1911/100330 Perth Hinkley Harold Frank Male Chalmers Cacille Bygrove Female Perth
1911/100331 Perth O'Dea Julian Clare Male Townsend Kathleen Meta Female Perth
1911/100331 Perth Townsend Kathleen Meta Female O'Dea Julian Clare Male Perth
1911/100332 Perth Niblett Edward Robert Male Fearby Maud Alice Female Perth
1911/100332 Perth Fearby Maud Alice Female Niblett Edward Robert Male Perth
1911/100333 Perth Reddin Francis John Male Puls Ada Female West Perth
1911/100333 Perth Puls Ada Female Reddin Francis John Male West Perth
1911/100334 Perth Hand Herbert Male Fisher Emily Ward Female Victoria Park
1911/100334 Perth Fisher Emily Ward Female Hand Herbert Male Victoria Park
1911/100335 Perth McAuliffe Mary Ellen Female Davis Charles John Steven Male Perth
1911/100335 Perth Davis Charles John Steven Male McAuliffe Mary Ellen Female Perth
1911/100336 Perth Capps Millicent Female King Charles Male Perth
1911/100336 Perth King Charles Male Capps Millicent Female Perth
1911/100337 Perth Watson Annie Inglis Female James William Richard Male Perth
1911/100337 Perth James William Richard Male Watson Annie Inglis Female Perth
1911/100338 Perth Isbister John Male Lucas Millinda Female Perth
1911/100338 Perth Lucas Millinda Female Isbister John Male Perth
1911/100339 Perth Benzie James Male Wyatt Clara Mary Female Perth
1911/100339 Perth Wyatt Clara Mary Female Benzie James Male Perth
1911/100340 Perth Wearmouth Lucy Grey Female Flight Harry Male Perth
1911/100340 Perth Flight Harry Male Wearmouth Lucy Grey Female Perth
1911/100341 Perth Campbell James Male Stone Bertha Kathleen Female Perth
1911/100341 Perth Stone Bertha Kathleen Female Campbell James Male Perth
1911/100342 Perth Atkinson Nautille Amelia Bazley Female Lawton Reginald Henry Newland Male Perth
1911/100342 Perth Lawton Reginald Henry Newland Male Atkinson Nautille Amelia Bazley Female Perth
1911/100343 Perth Mead Daniel Charles Male Scrimmager Edith May Female Perth
1911/100343 Perth Scrimmager Edith May Female Mead Daniel Charles Male Perth
1911/100344 Perth Young Lindsay Forster Male Smith Nesta Gweneal Female Perth
1911/100344 Perth Smith Nesta Gweneal Female Young Lindsay Forster Male Perth
1911/100345 Perth Wood Charles Somerville Male McCallum Isabella Female Perth
1911/100345 Perth McCallum Isabella Female Wood Charles Somerville Male Perth
1911/100346 Perth Marriott Hubert Kenneth Male Inglis Helen Euphemia Female Perth
1911/100346 Perth Inglis Helen Euphemia Female Marriott Hubert Kenneth Male Perth
1911/100347 Perth Chopin Jessie May Female Seiver Herbert John Male West Perth
1911/100347 Perth Seiver Herbert John Male Chopin Jessie May Female West Perth
1911/100348 Perth Longmuir Eunice Rashleigh Female Pead Edwin Humphrey Harold Male West Perth
1911/100348 Perth Pead Edwin Humphrey Harold Male Longmuir Eunice Rashleigh Female West Perth
1911/100349 Perth Leahy Susan Elizabeth Female Harris Herbert Henry Male Perth
1911/100349 Perth Harris Herbert Henry Male Leahy Susan Elizabeth Female Perth
1911/100350 Perth Bennett Thomas William Male Sly Alice May Female East Perth
1911/100350 Perth Sly Alice May Female Bennett Thomas William Male East Perth
1911/100351 Perth Yardley Walter Male Couzens Eleanor Margaret Female East Perth
1911/100351 Perth Couzens Eleanor Margaret Female Yardley Walter Male East Perth
1911/100352 Perth Dures James Henry Male Greely Mary Frances Female West Perth
1911/100352 Perth Greely Mary Frances Female Dures James Henry Male West Perth
1911/100353 Perth Kuhlmann Christian Male Lavelle Annie Kathleen Female Perth
1911/100353 Perth Lavelle Annie Kathleen Female Kuhlmann Christian Male Perth
1911/100354 Perth Cox David Kirby Male Edwards Alice Myrtle Female Perth
1911/100354 Perth Edwards Alice Myrtle Female Cox David Kirby Male Perth
1911/100355 Perth Hoffmann Emilia Augusta Anna Female Kerr Frank Canning Male West Perth
1911/100355 Perth Kerr Frank Canning Male Hoffmann Emilia Augusta Anna Female West Perth
1911/100356 Perth Stanton Edgar Male Walters Sarah Anne Female Perth
1911/100356 Perth Walters Sarah Anne Female Stanton Edgar Male Perth
1911/100357 Perth Jones Annie Elizabeth Female Worton James Male Perth
1911/100357 Perth Worton James Male Jones Annie Elizabeth Female Perth
1911/100358 Perth McCaw Ellen May Female Connolly Thomas Male East Perth
1911/100358 Perth Connolly Thomas Male McCaw Ellen May Female East Perth
1911/100359 Perth Woodhams George Edgar Male Maschmedt Alvina Female Perth
1911/100359 Perth Maschmedt Alvina Female Woodhams George Edgar Male Perth
1911/100360 Perth Richardson Elizabeth Female Rundin Thomas Henry Male Perth
1911/100360 Perth Rundin Thomas Henry Male Richardson Elizabeth Female Perth
1911/100361 Perth Williams Eleanor Margaret Female Allen Sydney James Male Perth
1911/100361 Perth Allen Sydney James Male Williams Eleanor Margaret Female Perth
1911/100362 Perth Read Herbert Male Duncan Emma Jane Female Victoria Park
1911/100362 Perth Duncan Emma Jane Female Read Herbert Male Victoria Park
1911/100363 Perth Giese Heinrich Male Kennett Florence Grace Female Perth
1911/100363 Perth Kennett Florence Grace Female Giese Heinrich Male Perth
1911/100364 Perth Murray John Stewart Male Thomson Jessie Black Female Perth
1911/100364 Perth Thomson Jessie Black Female Murray John Stewart Male Perth
1911/100365 Perth Streleen Matilda Female Keelty John James Male Perth
1911/100365 Perth Keelty John James Male Streleen Matilda Female Perth
1911/100366 Perth Methven Stuartson Collard Male Cogan Ruby Iris Cecelia Female Perth
1911/100366 Perth Cogan Ruby Iris Cecelia Female Methven Stuartson Collard Male Perth
1911/100367 Perth Howlett Elsie May Female Hunter James Male South Perth
1911/100367 Perth Hunter James Male Howlett Elsie May Female South Perth
1911/100368 Perth Palmer Olive Lillian Female Goland William Augustus Male South Perth
1911/100368 Perth Goland William Augustus Male Palmer Olive Lillian Female South Perth
1911/100369 Perth Harrington Kathleen Beatrice Female Ryder James Male Perth
1911/100369 Perth Ryder James Male Harrington Kathleen Beatrice Female Perth
1911/100370 Perth Wieringa Rudolphe August Male D'Arcy Bertha Elizabeth Female West Perth
1911/100370 Perth D'Arcy Bertha Elizabeth Female Wieringa Rudolphe August Male West Perth
1911/100371 Perth Warren Everard Francis Leopold Male Barnes Maria Sophia Female Perth
1911/100371 Perth Barnes Maria Sophia Female Warren Everard Francis Leopold Male Perth
1911/100372 Perth Simpson Fanny Female Pinel Philip Amy Male Perth
1911/100372 Perth Pinel Philip Amy Male Simpson Fanny Female Perth
1911/100373 Perth Kahan Raoul Robellaz Male Williams Catharine Evelyne Female Perth
1911/100373 Perth Williams Catharine Evelyne Female Kahan Raoul Robellaz Male Perth
1911/100374 Perth Goodwin Joseph Payten Male Deague Eveline Female Perth
1911/100374 Perth Deague Eveline Female Goodwin Joseph Payten Male Perth
1911/100375 Perth Smith Mabel Florence Female Fletcher Ernest Male Perth
1911/100375 Perth Fletcher Ernest Male Smith Mabel Florence Female Perth
1911/100376 Perth Smythe Lucy Barbara Ingoldsby Female Jefferis Arthur Tarlton Male Perth
1911/100376 Perth Jefferis Arthur Tarlton Male Smythe Lucy Barbara Ingoldsby Female Perth
1911/100377 Perth Hennah Sidney Austen Male Burton Elizabeth Charlotte Female Perth
1911/100377 Perth Burton Elizabeth Charlotte Female Hennah Sidney Austen Male Perth
1911/100378 Perth Bennett William Ernest Male Hall Florence Elsie Female Perth
1911/100378 Perth Hall Florence Elsie Female Bennett William Ernest Male Perth
1911/100379 Perth Coghlan Mary Biddulph Lucy Female Braham Godfrey Septimus Male Perth
1911/100379 Perth Braham Godfrey Septimus Male Coghlan Mary Biddulph Lucy Female Perth
1911/100380 Perth Wilson George Male Given Elizabeth Mary Female Perth
1911/100380 Perth Given Elizabeth Mary Female Wilson George Male Perth
1911/100381 Perth Fennell Jessie May Female Mackenzie Robert Male Perth
1911/100381 Perth Mackenzie Robert Male Fennell Jessie May Female Perth
1911/100382 Perth Grant Jane Ann Female Mattinson John Lawrence Male Perth
1911/100382 Perth Mattinson John Lawrence Male Grant Jane Ann Female Perth
1911/100383 Perth Williams Emily Female White James Allan Male Perth
1911/100383 Perth White James Allan Male Williams Emily Female Perth
1911/100384 Perth Heberle Leslie Male Furniss Eva Elizabeth Female East Perth
1911/100384 Perth Furniss Eva Elizabeth Female Heberle Leslie Male East Perth
1911/100385 Perth Paterson Tom Nicol Male Clement Clara May Female East Perth
1911/100385 Perth Clement Clara May Female Paterson Tom Nicol Male East Perth
1911/100386 Perth Cherry Frances Female Drew William Griggs Male East Perth
1911/100386 Perth Drew William Griggs Male Cherry Frances Female East Perth
1911/100387 Perth Taylor Minnie Eliza Female Taylor James Richard Male Perth
1911/100387 Perth Taylor James Richard Male Taylor Minnie Eliza Female Perth
1911/100388 Perth Shipton Catherine Eileen Female Egan Bernard Male Perth
1911/100388 Perth Egan Bernard Male Shipton Catherine Eileen Female Perth
1911/100389 Perth Howell Maud Female Buelth Walter George Male Perth
1911/100389 Perth Buelth Walter George Male Howell Maud Female Perth
1911/100390 Perth Holmes Florence Ethel Female Jarvis Joseph Male Perth
1911/100390 Perth Jarvis Joseph Male Holmes Florence Ethel Female Perth
1911/100391 Perth Dobson Josephine Ritchie Smith Female Dow George Conway Male Perth
1911/100391 Perth Dow George Conway Male Dobson Josephine Ritchie Smith Female Perth
1911/100392 Perth Murray David Milton Male Coppin Williamena Charlotte Alice Rose Female Belmont
1911/100392 Perth Coppin Williamena Charlotte Alice Rose Female Murray David Milton Male Belmont
1911/100393 Perth Thompson Henry Edgar Male Stevens Sarah Jane Female Perth
1911/100393 Perth Stevens Sarah Jane Female Thompson Henry Edgar Male Perth
1911/100394 Perth Page Dorothy Helen Agatha Female Brinkley John Rowland Lloyd Male Perth
1911/100394 Perth Brinkley John Rowland Lloyd Male Page Dorothy Helen Agatha Female Perth
1911/100395 Perth Gardiner Alfred John Male Herbert Frances Mary Geeke Female Perth
1911/100395 Perth Herbert Frances Mary Geeke Female Gardiner Alfred John Male Perth
1911/100396 Perth Plummer Albert Edward Male Mills Gautwood Ethel Female Perth
1911/100396 Perth Mills Gautwood Ethel Female Plummer Albert Edward Male Perth
1911/100397 Perth Taylor Elizabeth Amy Female Fisher Alfred Cecil Male Perth
1911/100397 Perth Fisher Alfred Cecil Male Taylor Elizabeth Amy Female Perth
1911/100398 Perth Austin Muriel Florence Female Turner Horace Male Perth
1911/100398 Perth Turner Horace Male Austin Muriel Florence Female Perth
1911/100399 Perth Upton Albert Edward Male Dalgleish Dora May Female Perth
1911/100399 Perth Dalgleish Dora May Female Upton Albert Edward Male Perth
1911/100400 Perth Henderson Charles James Alexander Male Huybers Mildred Edith Female Perth
1911/100400 Perth Huybers Mildred Edith Female Henderson Charles James Alexander Male Perth
1911/100401 Perth Gibson Evelyn Sarah Female Smith George Walter Male Perth
1911/100401 Perth Smith George Walter Male Gibson Evelyn Sarah Female Perth
1911/100402 Perth Milne Robert Male Boys Nellie Louisa Female Perth
1911/100402 Perth Boys Nellie Louisa Female Milne Robert Male Perth
1911/100403 Perth Pope Coral Hilda Female Schultz George Male Perth
1911/100403 Perth Schultz George Male Pope Coral Hilda Female Perth
1911/100404 Perth Möller Peter Male Larsen Elizabeth Ann Female Perth
1911/100404 Perth Larsen Elizabeth Ann Female Möller Peter Male Perth
1911/100405 Perth Robinson Phebe Female Langford John Edward Male Mt Lawley
1911/100405 Perth Langford John Edward Male Robinson Phebe Female Mt Lawley
1911/100406 Perth Blackett Norman Augustine Male Kneebone Elizabeth Ann Female Perth
1911/100406 Perth Kneebone Elizabeth Ann Female Blackett Norman Augustine Male Perth
1911/100407 Perth Evans Thomas Alfred Male Provost Maggie Female West Perth
1911/100407 Perth Provost Maggie Female Evans Thomas Alfred Male West Perth
1911/100408 Perth Harris Alfred Male Hackett Hilda May Female Perth
1911/100408 Perth Hackett Hilda May Female Harris Alfred Male Perth
1911/100409 Perth Ryan Mary Josephine Female Lewis John Male Victoria Park
1911/100409 Perth Lewis John Male Ryan Mary Josephine Female Victoria Park
1911/100410 Perth Pugh Alice Lena Elizabeth Female Conroy William Male West Perth
1911/100410 Perth Conroy William Male Pugh Alice Lena Elizabeth Female West Perth
1911/100411 Perth Robinson Charles Henry Male Whitehead Emily Salona Marion Female West Perth
1911/100411 Perth Whitehead Emily Salona Marion Female Robinson Charles Henry Male West Perth
1911/100412 Perth Denham Charles Male Brown Ivy Emily Edith Female Perth
1911/100412 Perth Brown Ivy Emily Edith Female Denham Charles Male Perth
1911/100413 Perth Parker Ernest William Male McGellin Rose Annie Female Perth
1911/100413 Perth McGellin Rose Annie Female Parker Ernest William Male Perth
1911/100414 Perth Murray Thomas Montague Male Briggs Katherine Kemp Female Perth
1911/100414 Perth Briggs Katherine Kemp Female Murray Thomas Montague Male Perth
1911/100415 Perth Carey Arthur Ernest Male Dalton Gladys May Female Perth
1911/100415 Perth Dalton Gladys May Female Carey Arthur Ernest Male Perth
1911/100416 Perth Greene Edward James Male Cahill May Elizabeth Female Perth
1911/100416 Perth Cahill May Elizabeth Female Greene Edward James Male Perth
1911/100417 Perth Elliott Robert Alexander Male Grundy Margaret Lousia Female Perth
1911/100417 Perth Grundy Margaret Lousia Female Elliott Robert Alexander Male Perth
1911/100418 Perth McWhirter Robert Birkett Male Murray Jessie Elizabeth Female East Perth
1911/100418 Perth Murray Jessie Elizabeth Female McWhirter Robert Birkett Male East Perth
1911/100419 Perth Nankervis Thomas Male Matthews Emily Female West Perth
1911/100419 Perth Matthews Emily Female Nankervis Thomas Male West Perth
1912/100420 Perth Baron Florence Rose Female Aicken Andrew Edgar Agnew Male West Perth
1911/100420 Perth Brittain Violet Amelia Female Middleton Edward Isaac Stewart Male West Perth
1911/100420 Perth Middleton Edward Isaac Stewart Male Brittain Violet Amelia Female West Perth
1912/100420 Perth Aicken Andrew Edgar Agnew Male Baron Florence Rose Female West Perth
1911/100421 Perth Priestman James Male Taylor Lily Ann Female Perth
1911/100421 Perth Taylor Lily Ann Female Priestman James Male Perth
1911/100422 Perth Anderson Elizabeth Caroline Female Walker Robert Penrose Male West Perth
1911/100422 Perth Walker Robert Penrose Male Anderson Elizabeth Caroline Female West Perth
1911/100423 Perth Grove Walter Pennell Male Thomas Ellen Winifred Female Perth
1911/100423 Perth Thomas Ellen Winifred Female Grove Walter Pennell Male Perth
1911/100424 Perth McLaughlan Roland Daniel Male Green Ella Mabel Female West Perth
1911/100424 Perth Green Ella Mabel Female McLaughlan Roland Daniel Male West Perth
1911/100425 Perth Williams Laurele Blanch Female Dunstan Milton Thomas Male West Perth
1911/100425 Perth Dunstan Milton Thomas Male Williams Laurele Blanch Female West Perth
1911/100426 Perth Smerdon Herberlena Female Hamilton John Andrew Male West Perth
1911/100426 Perth Hamilton John Andrew Male Smerdon Herberlena Female West Perth
1911/100427 Perth Nankervis Lilian Catherine Female Conn Francis William Male West Perth
1911/100427 Perth Conn Francis William Male Nankervis Lilian Catherine Female West Perth
1911/100428 Perth White Olive Female Tuke John Peatfield Male East Perth
1911/100428 Perth Tuke John Peatfield Male White Olive Female East Perth
1911/100429 Perth Wrigley Albert Male Flowitt Annie Female Perth
1911/100429 Perth Flowitt Annie Female Wrigley Albert Male Perth
1911/100430 Perth Jeffree Albert Ernest Male McGinn Lily Cornamah Female Perth
1911/100430 Perth McGinn Lily Cornamah Female Jeffree Albert Ernest Male Perth
1911/100431 Perth Mannion Bridget Meriam Female Busch Charles Henry Male Perth
1911/100431 Perth Busch Charles Henry Male Mannion Bridget Meriam Female Perth
1911/100432 Perth Richmond Adelaide Ellen Female Brown Herbert Wilfred Male Perth
1911/100432 Perth Brown Herbert Wilfred Male Richmond Adelaide Ellen Female Perth
1911/100433 Perth Hayden Mary Female Hannah Robert James Male West Perth
1911/100433 Perth Hannah Robert James Male Hayden Mary Female West Perth
1911/100434 Perth Fawcett Winnie Female Guelfi Natale Male West Perth
1911/100434 Perth Guelfi Natale Male Fawcett Winnie Female West Perth
1911/100435 Perth Hope Alfred Marshall Male James Lucy Emma Senior Female Perth
1911/100435 Perth James Lucy Emma Senior Female Hope Alfred Marshall Male Perth
1911/100436 Perth Stodart Doris Jessie Isabel Female Anderson George David Frank Male Perth
1911/100436 Perth Anderson George David Frank Male Stodart Doris Jessie Isabel Female Perth
1911/100437 Perth Bates James Male Ashby Annie Amelia Female Perth
1911/100437 Perth Ashby Annie Amelia Female Bates James Male Perth
1911/100438 Perth Rigg Ernest Arthur Male Burdett Irene Evangeline Edith Female Perth
1911/100438 Perth Burdett Irene Evangeline Edith Female Rigg Ernest Arthur Male Perth
1911/100439 Perth Abrahams Joshua Male Prior Mabel Alice Female Perth
1911/100439 Perth Prior Mabel Alice Female Abrahams Joshua Male Perth
1911/100440 Perth Molloy Arthur Male Lee Lucy Female Perth
1911/100440 Perth Lee Lucy Female Molloy Arthur Male Perth
1911/100441 Perth Watson Paul Male Dubois Biena Female Perth
1911/100441 Perth Dubois Biena Female Watson Paul Male Perth
1911/100442 Perth Halse Reginald Francis Roy Male Mills Irene Nellie May Female Perth
1911/100442 Perth Mills Irene Nellie May Female Halse Reginald Francis Roy Male Perth
1911/100443 Perth Evans Richard Male Wyndham Bessie Ida Female Perth
1911/100443 Perth Wyndham Bessie Ida Female Evans Richard Male Perth
1911/100444 Perth Stodart Lilla Irene Female Ellett Alfred Thomas Male Perth
1911/100444 Perth Ellett Alfred Thomas Male Stodart Lilla Irene Female Perth
1911/100445 Perth Wintle Gwendoline Florence Female Magee Wilson Keith Male Perth
1911/100445 Perth Magee Wilson Keith Male Wintle Gwendoline Florence Female Perth
1911/100446 Perth Paget Irene Russell Female McKay Peter Joseph Male West Perth
1911/100446 Perth McKay Peter Joseph Male Paget Irene Russell Female West Perth
1911/100447 Perth Riding John William Male Dooley Mary Josephine Female Perth
1911/100447 Perth Dooley Mary Josephine Female Riding John William Male Perth
1911/100448 Perth White Margaret Ellen Entikin Female Robson George Charles Male Perth
1911/100448 Perth Robson George Charles Male White Margaret Ellen Entikin Female Perth
1911/100449 Perth Dawson William Male Linnane Mary Catherine Female Perth
1911/100449 Perth Linnane Mary Catherine Female Dawson William Male Perth
1911/100450 Perth Eskell Stanley Herbert Male Kerr Muriel Female West Perth
1911/100450 Perth Kerr Muriel Female Eskell Stanley Herbert Male West Perth
1911/100451 Perth Gibbs Eliza Pearl Female Scott Alfred Forbes Male Perth
1911/100451 Perth Scott Alfred Forbes Male Gibbs Eliza Pearl Female Perth
1911/100452 Perth Hayden Maria Female Dowling Edward John Male Maylands
1911/100452 Perth Dowling Edward John Male Hayden Maria Female Maylands
1911/100453 Perth Ingham Elizabeth Female Best Sydney Male Perth
1911/100453 Perth Best Sydney Male Ingham Elizabeth Female Perth
1911/100454 Perth Wilkinson Gertrude Annie Female Read Charles William Male Perth
1911/100454 Perth Read Charles William Male Wilkinson Gertrude Annie Female Perth
1911/100455 Perth Hegarty Lilian Rachel Female Vivian Edward Francis Male Perth
1911/100455 Perth Vivian Edward Francis Male Hegarty Lilian Rachel Female Perth
1911/100456 Perth Pitcher David Male Browne Hilda Female Perth
1911/100456 Perth Browne Hilda Female Pitcher David Male Perth
1911/100457 Perth Hopper Lilian Muriel Kate Female Woodhams Albert Male Perth
1911/100457 Perth Woodhams Albert Male Hopper Lilian Muriel Kate Female Perth
1911/100458 Perth Toovey George Pearson Male Herbert Olive May Margaret Female Perth
1911/100458 Perth Herbert Olive May Margaret Female Toovey George Pearson Male Perth
1911/100459 Perth Richardson Isabel Female Williams Charles Ernest Male Perth
1911/100459 Perth Williams Charles Ernest Male Richardson Isabel Female Perth
1911/100460 Perth Walker Allan Lawrence Male Washer Ivy Female Perth
1911/100460 Perth Washer Ivy Female Walker Allan Lawrence Male Perth
1911/100461 Perth Barrett Herbert James Male Baird Mary Hutchison Montgommery Female Perth
1911/100461 Perth Baird Mary Hutchison Montgommery Female Barrett Herbert James Male Perth
1911/100462 Perth Viveash Lionel Waterman Male Stokes May Louisa Female Perth
1911/100462 Perth Stokes May Louisa Female Viveash Lionel Waterman Male Perth
1911/100463 Perth Fisher Elizabeth Female Eyles Edgar Male Perth
1911/100463 Perth Eyles Edgar Male Fisher Elizabeth Female Perth
1911/100464 Perth Wilson Janet Female Martin William Male Perth
1911/100464 Perth Martin William Male Wilson Janet Female Perth
1911/100465 Perth Holmes William Francis Male Bramley Mabel Female North Perth
1911/100465 Perth Bramley Mabel Female Holmes William Francis Male North Perth
1911/100466 Perth Tchan George Hookan Male Stoneham Edith Alice Female Perth
1911/100466 Perth Stoneham Edith Alice Female Tchan George Hookan Male Perth
1911/100467 Perth Mitchell Annie Agnes Female Chandler Charles Robert Male East Perth
1911/100467 Perth Chandler Charles Robert Male Mitchell Annie Agnes Female East Perth
1911/100468 Perth Manuell Victor Henry Male Davis Florence May Female East Perth
1911/100468 Perth Davis Florence May Female Manuell Victor Henry Male East Perth
1911/100469 Perth Brown Irene Victoria Female Beech Harold Male West Perth
1911/100469 Perth Beech Harold Male Brown Irene Victoria Female West Perth
1911/100470 Perth Dye Mary Female Baty Alfred Gordon Male Perth
1911/100470 Perth Baty Alfred Gordon Male Dye Mary Female Perth
1911/100471 Perth Smith Elma Muriel Female Domney William Ross Male Perth
1911/100471 Perth Domney William Ross Male Smith Elma Muriel Female Perth
1911/100472 Perth Wolfe Vivian Maud Female Hall George William Male Perth
1911/100472 Perth Hall George William Male Wolfe Vivian Maud Female Perth
1911/100473 Perth Jones Clara Annetta Maud Female Trenaman Cuthbert Claude Male Perth
1911/100473 Perth Trenaman Cuthbert Claude Male Jones Clara Annetta Maud Female Perth
1911/100474 Perth Fraser Kenneth Male Treleaven Alice Emily Female West Perth
1911/100474 Perth Treleaven Alice Emily Female Fraser Kenneth Male West Perth
1911/100475 Perth Thompson Isaac Edward Male Joyce Mary Ayers Female West Perth
1911/100475 Perth Joyce Mary Ayers Female Thompson Isaac Edward Male West Perth
1911/100476 Perth Rudd Mary Ellen Female Millar William Henry Male Perth
1911/100476 Perth Millar William Henry Male Rudd Mary Ellen Female Perth
1911/100477 Perth Forrester Mary Ann Female Peters Arthur Male West Perth
1911/100477 Perth Peters Arthur Male Forrester Mary Ann Female West Perth
1911/100478 Perth Lean Richard Arthur Francis Male Harte Ethel Esther Female Perth
1911/100478 Perth Harte Ethel Esther Female Lean Richard Arthur Francis Male Perth
1911/100479 Perth Lean Violet Grace Female Murley Charles Thomas Male Perth
1911/100479 Perth Murley Charles Thomas Male Lean Violet Grace Female Perth
1911/100480 Perth Moloney Frances Agnes Female Werndly Henry Thomas Male Perth
1911/100480 Perth Werndly Henry Thomas Male Moloney Frances Agnes Female Perth
1911/100481 Perth Anderson Elizabeth Female Stratton Frank Arthur Male Perth
1911/100481 Perth Stratton Frank Arthur Male Anderson Elizabeth Female Perth
1911/100482 Perth Hughes Thomas Lloyd Male Leggett Margareat Jane Female Perth
1911/100482 Perth Leggett Margareat Jane Female Hughes Thomas Lloyd Male Perth
1911/100483 Perth Dameran Hugo Kardel Male Dixon Catherine Female West Perth
1911/100483 Perth Dixon Catherine Female Dameran Hugo Kardel Male West Perth
1911/100484 Perth Fry Thomas Leonard Male Curran Sarah Female West Perth
1911/100484 Perth Curran Sarah Female Fry Thomas Leonard Male West Perth
1911/100485 Perth Harrison Agnes Edna Female Williamson John Male West Perth
1911/100485 Perth Williamson John Male Harrison Agnes Edna Female West Perth
1911/100486 Perth Herlihy Mary Catherine Female Brennan George Male Perth
1911/100486 Perth Brennan George Male Herlihy Mary Catherine Female Perth
1911/100487 Perth Coleman Cecilia Bridget Female Maynard Thomas Male Perth
1911/100487 Perth Maynard Thomas Male Coleman Cecilia Bridget Female Perth
1911/100488 Perth Bedès Maria Louisa Charlotte Leon Female Kouvaras Vageli Male Perth
1911/100488 Perth Kouvaras Vageli Male Bedès Maria Louisa Charlotte Leon Female Perth
1911/100489 Perth Boëhm Alma Female Marshall Roy Elms Male Perth
1911/100489 Perth Marshall Roy Elms Male Boëhm Alma Female Perth
1911/100490 Perth McKenna Isabella Victoria Female Veale Grattan Wilfred Male Perth
1911/100490 Perth Veale Grattan Wilfred Male McKenna Isabella Victoria Female Perth
1911/100491 Perth Lynch Michael Frank Male Burke Margaret Alice Female Perth
1911/100491 Perth Burke Margaret Alice Female Lynch Michael Frank Male Perth
1911/100492 Perth Jackson Mary Ann Minnie Female Jordan Thomas William Male Maylands
1911/100492 Perth Jordan Thomas William Male Jackson Mary Ann Minnie Female Maylands
1911/100493 Perth Jones Ivy Constance Female Casley Thomas James Male Perth
1911/100493 Perth Casley Thomas James Male Jones Ivy Constance Female Perth
1911/100494 Perth Watson John Male Williamson Mabel Clara Female Perth
1911/100494 Perth Williamson Mabel Clara Female Watson John Male Perth
1911/100495 Perth Hogan Eric Hubert Wisbey Male Jose Beatrice Female Perth
1911/100495 Perth Jose Beatrice Female Hogan Eric Hubert Wisbey Male Perth
1911/100496 Perth Stehn Hilda Kate Female Saunier Robert Percival Male West Perth
1911/100496 Perth Saunier Robert Percival Male Stehn Hilda Kate Female West Perth
1911/100497 Perth Ritson Flora Beatrice Female Hermés Alfred Eugene Male Perth
1911/100497 Perth Hermés Alfred Eugene Male Ritson Flora Beatrice Female Perth
1911/100498 Perth Wimbridge Lucy Alfreda Female Hoare Ernest William Male Perth
1911/100498 Perth Hoare Ernest William Male Wimbridge Lucy Alfreda Female Perth
1911/100499 Perth Shaddock Harriett Agnes Female White Samuel Male Victoria Park
1911/100499 Perth White Samuel Male Shaddock Harriett Agnes Female Victoria Park
1911/100500 Perth Bradshaw Harriett Dowrick Female Hilton John Henry Male Mount Lawley
1911/100500 Perth Hilton John Henry Male Bradshaw Harriett Dowrick Female Mount Lawley
1911/100501 Perth Beresford Herbert George de la Poer Male Graham Martha Female Perth
1911/100501 Perth Graham Martha Female Beresford Herbert George de la Poer Male Perth
1911/100502 Perth Fairchild Hilda Mary Female Schulze Albert William Male Perth
1911/100502 Perth Schulze Albert William Male Fairchild Hilda Mary Female Perth
1911/100503 Perth Hall Kate Edith Irene Female Anderson James Turnbull Youens Male Perth
1911/100503 Perth Anderson James Turnbull Youens Male Hall Kate Edith Irene Female Perth
1911/100504 Perth Holmes Richard Male Clipstone Kathleen Mary Ellen Female Perth
1911/100504 Perth Clipstone Kathleen Mary Ellen Female Holmes Richard Male Perth
1911/100505 Perth Hamilton Annie Dodds Female Connolly Thomas Male Perth
1911/100505 Perth Connolly Thomas Male Hamilton Annie Dodds Female Perth
1911/100506 Perth Fields Flossy Amelia Female Howe Patrick William Male Perth
1911/100506 Perth Howe Patrick William Male Fields Flossy Amelia Female Perth
1911/100507 Perth Richards Winifred Augusta Female Hymus Frank Stirling Male Perth
1911/100507 Perth Hymus Frank Stirling Male Richards Winifred Augusta Female Perth
1911/100508 Perth Johnson Worthy Octavious Male Roots Mabel Gertrude Female North Perth
1911/100508 Perth Roots Mabel Gertrude Female Johnson Worthy Octavious Male North Perth
1911/100509 Perth Hines Arthur Edward Male Wray Rachel Hannah Female East Perth
1911/100509 Perth Wray Rachel Hannah Female Hines Arthur Edward Male East Perth
1911/100510 Perth Kenne Emma Lilly Female Barker Gilbert William Male Perth
1911/100510 Perth Barker Gilbert William Male Kenne Emma Lilly Female Perth
1911/100511 Perth Mathie Robert Binnie Male Hall Florence Female Perth
1911/100511 Perth Hall Florence Female Mathie Robert Binnie Male Perth
1911/100512 Perth Vout Edward Male Hayes Maude Female West Perth
1911/100512 Perth Hayes Maude Female Vout Edward Male West Perth
1911/100513 Perth Coombs Fredrick John Male Peters Constance Dorine Ethelwynne Female Victoria Park
1911/100513 Perth Peters Constance Dorine Ethelwynne Female Coombs Fredrick John Male Victoria Park
1911/100514 Perth Blanch Edith Anne Female Smith Albany Neil Male North Perth
1911/100514 Perth Smith Albany Neil Male Blanch Edith Anne Female North Perth
1911/100515 Perth Stott Violet May Female Sharpe Johnstone Male Perth
1911/100515 Perth Sharpe Johnstone Male Stott Violet May Female Perth
1911/100516 Perth Delahunty Ethel Female Henderson Frankfield James Male West Perth
1911/100516 Perth Henderson Frankfield James Male Delahunty Ethel Female West Perth
1911/100517 Perth Hall Stanley Joseph Male McCarthy Ethel Mary Female West Perth
1911/100517 Perth McCarthy Ethel Mary Female Hall Stanley Joseph Male West Perth
1911/100518 Perth Pass Ethel Whitfield Female Lake Laurence Wilfrid Male Perth
1911/100518 Perth Lake Laurence Wilfrid Male Pass Ethel Whitfield Female Perth
1911/100519 Perth Ottaway Thomas Austin Male Gover Jessie Annie May Female Perth
1911/100519 Perth Gover Jessie Annie May Female Ottaway Thomas Austin Male Perth
1911/100520 Perth George Edward Male O'Toole Mary Agnes Female West Perth
1911/100520 Perth O'Toole Mary Agnes Female George Edward Male West Perth
1911/100521 Perth Mackey Catherine Female Coonan Thomas Joseph Male West Perth
1911/100521 Perth Coonan Thomas Joseph Male Mackey Catherine Female West Perth
1911/100522 Perth Bevan Frederic Percy Male Quinn Mary Cleopatra Female Perth
1911/100522 Perth Quinn Mary Cleopatra Female Bevan Frederic Percy Male Perth
1911/100523 Perth Stevens Francis Male Wells Ruby Edith Hilton Female West Perth
1911/100523 Perth Wells Ruby Edith Hilton Female Stevens Francis Male West Perth
1911/100524 Perth King Ida Female Mitchell Bernard Francis Male Perth
1911/100524 Perth Mitchell Bernard Francis Male King Ida Female Perth
1911/100525 Perth Gibson Elizabeth Alice Female Millard John Male Perth
1911/100525 Perth Millard John Male Gibson Elizabeth Alice Female Perth
1911/100526 Perth Doig Alexander Paton Male Dunn Lily Esther Female Perth
1911/100526 Perth Dunn Lily Esther Female Doig Alexander Paton Male Perth
1911/100527 Perth Galpin Florence Mabel Female Hiscock George Howard Male Perth
1911/100527 Perth Hiscock George Howard Male Galpin Florence Mabel Female Perth
1911/100528 Perth McCann Henry James Male Farley Elizabeth Female Perth
1911/100528 Perth Farley Elizabeth Female McCann Henry James Male Perth
1911/100529 Perth Lehne Horace Frederick Male Carter Alice Female Perth
1911/100529 Perth Carter Alice Female Lehne Horace Frederick Male Perth
1911/100530 Perth Gillender Robert Male Lee Emily Female Perth
1911/100530 Perth Lee Emily Female Gillender Robert Male Perth
1911/100531 Perth Dewar Richard Male Davies Elizabeth Annie Female Perth
1911/100531 Perth Davies Elizabeth Annie Female Dewar Richard Male Perth
1911/100532 Perth Smend Julia Elizabeth Female Pohlmann Eric Frederick Charles Male Perth
1911/100532 Perth Pohlmann Eric Frederick Charles Male Smend Julia Elizabeth Female Perth
1911/100533 Perth Feldtmann Francis Rudolf Male De Mole Florence Louise Female Perth
1911/100533 Perth De Mole Florence Louise Female Feldtmann Francis Rudolf Male Perth
1911/100534 Perth Swannell Maud Evelyn Female Steinberg Michael Male Perth
1911/100534 Perth Steinberg Michael Male Swannell Maud Evelyn Female Perth
1911/100535 Perth Rothbaum Florrie Female Garbutt James William Male Perth
1911/100535 Perth Garbutt James William Male Rothbaum Florrie Female Perth
1911/100536 Perth Letchford Margaret Female Hong Lim Swee Male Perth
1911/100536 Perth Hong Lim Swee Male Letchford Margaret Female Perth
1911/100537 Perth Rosekelly Matilda Mary Female Buse John Morrison Male Perth
1911/100537 Perth Buse John Morrison Male Rosekelly Matilda Mary Female Perth
1911/100538 Perth Walsh Henry Bowring Male Scott Annie Ellie Female Perth
1911/100538 Perth Scott Annie Ellie Female Walsh Henry Bowring Male Perth
1911/100539 Perth Collett William James Male Smith Ruby Marion Female East Perth
1911/100539 Perth Smith Ruby Marion Female Collett William James Male East Perth
1911/100540 Perth Lillingston Harold Male Blick Olive Female East Perth
1911/100540 Perth Blick Olive Female Lillingston Harold Male East Perth
1911/100541 Perth Pedley William Male Rogers Alice Female Perth
1911/100541 Perth Rogers Alice Female Pedley William Male Perth
1911/100542 Perth McGregor William Male McCausland Jane Female Perth
1911/100542 Perth McCausland Jane Female McGregor William Male Perth
1911/100543 Perth Crawford Bridget Female McRae Alexander Male North Perth
1911/100543 Perth McRae Alexander Male Crawford Bridget Female North Perth
1911/100544 Perth Ellis Agnes Female Neillings Robert Male Perth
1911/100544 Perth Neillings Robert Male Ellis Agnes Female Perth
1911/100545 Perth Wheeler Lilian Female Gracey Victor Male Perth
1911/100545 Perth Gracey Victor Male Wheeler Lilian Female Perth
1911/100546 Perth Prain Marion Female Cheney Edgar Oliver Male Perth
1911/100546 Perth Cheney Edgar Oliver Male Prain Marion Female Perth
1911/100547 Perth Hoffmann Edwin Male Houston Beatrice Mary Female Perth
1911/100547 Perth Houston Beatrice Mary Female Hoffmann Edwin Male Perth
1911/100548 Perth Berriman Fanny Female Lemaitre Charles Male Perth
1911/100548 Perth Lemaitre Charles Male Berriman Fanny Female Perth
1911/100549 Perth Breed Madeline Female Jordan Charles James Male Perth
1911/100549 Perth Jordan Charles James Male Breed Madeline Female Perth
1911/100550 Perth Roberts Robert Male Jones Mary Female Perth
1911/100550 Perth Jones Mary Female Roberts Robert Male Perth
1911/100551 Perth Howell Florence May Female Thomas Frederick John Male West Perth
1911/100551 Perth Thomas Frederick John Male Howell Florence May Female West Perth
1911/100552 Perth Plumridge Irene Mary Victoria Female Prout Ernest Albert Male Perth
1911/100552 Perth Prout Ernest Albert Male Plumridge Irene Mary Victoria Female Perth
1911/100553 Perth Nicholson Clara Catherine Elsie Female Fiorentini Ernest Male East Perth
1911/100553 Perth Fiorentini Ernest Male Nicholson Clara Catherine Elsie Female East Perth
1911/100554 Perth Mason William Male Brittain Hetty Female Perth
1911/100554 Perth Brittain Hetty Female Mason William Male Perth
1911/100555 Perth Hull Albert Victor Male Murray Florence Beatrice Female Perth
1911/100555 Perth Murray Florence Beatrice Female Hull Albert Victor Male Perth
1911/100556 Perth Sharp Edith May Female Broom William Leslie Male Perth
1911/100556 Perth Broom William Leslie Male Sharp Edith May Female Perth
1911/100557 Perth Ball Lily Female Brindle John Male Perth
1911/100557 Perth Brindle John Male Ball Lily Female Perth
1911/100558 Perth Lambert James Henry Male Watts Mabel Ann Female Perth
1911/100558 Perth Watts Mabel Ann Female Lambert James Henry Male Perth
1911/100559 Perth Cameron Agnes Female Lencioni Adolfo Male Perth
1911/100559 Perth Lencioni Adolfo Male Cameron Agnes Female Perth
1911/100560 Perth McNamara Patrick Male Moroney Nora Female Perth
1911/100560 Perth Moroney Nora Female McNamara Patrick Male Perth
1911/100561 Perth Power William John Male Arnup Alice Maude Female Perth
1911/100561 Perth Arnup Alice Maude Female Power William John Male Perth
1911/100562 Perth Dean Mary Female MacQuean Donald Male Perth
1911/100562 Perth MacQuean Donald Male Dean Mary Female Perth
1911/100563 Perth Fowler Richard Thomas Male Logan Frances Anderina Female North Perth
1911/100563 Perth Logan Frances Anderina Female Fowler Richard Thomas Male North Perth
1911/100564 Perth Rannard Richard Roland Rupert Male Kimber Edith Mary Female North Perth
1911/100564 Perth Kimber Edith Mary Female Rannard Richard Roland Rupert Male North Perth
1911/100565 Perth Buckland William Bernard Male Clark Kathleen May Female Victoria Park
1911/100565 Perth Clark Kathleen May Female Buckland William Bernard Male Victoria Park
1911/100566 Perth Dreger Ernest Michael Male Ligum Sarah Sophie Female Perth
1911/100566 Perth Ligum Sarah Sophie Female Dreger Ernest Michael Male Perth
1911/100567 Perth Poat Charles Albert Male Brown Eva Mary Groundsell Female Perth
1911/100567 Perth Brown Eva Mary Groundsell Female Poat Charles Albert Male Perth
1911/100568 Perth Hanna Ruth Female Casey Daniel Male West Perth
1911/100568 Perth Casey Daniel Male Hanna Ruth Female West Perth
1911/100569 Perth Skinner Bessie May Female Hickey Leslie Male Perth
1911/100569 Perth Hickey Leslie Male Skinner Bessie May Female Perth
1911/100570 Perth Barker Winifred Florence Female Jones Alfred Enoch Male Perth
1911/100570 Perth Jones Alfred Enoch Male Barker Winifred Florence Female Perth
1911/100571 Perth Haynes Albert Harold Hugh Male Clare Edith Female Perth
1911/100571 Perth Clare Edith Female Haynes Albert Harold Hugh Male Perth
1911/100572 Perth Hodder James Albert Male Peat Ellen Vera Ruth Female West Perth
1911/100572 Perth Peat Ellen Vera Ruth Female Hodder James Albert Male West Perth
1911/100573 Perth Grave Frederick Charles Male Henwood Christina Elizabeth Female Maylands
1911/100573 Perth Henwood Christina Elizabeth Female Grave Frederick Charles Male Maylands
1911/100574 Perth Glasson Thomas Arundel Lewis Male Collings Marjorie Valentine Female Perth
1911/100574 Perth Collings Marjorie Valentine Female Glasson Thomas Arundel Lewis Male Perth
1911/100575 Perth Bolton Albert Male May Edith Female Perth
1911/100575 Perth May Edith Female Bolton Albert Male Perth
1911/100576 Perth Evans William Leonard Male Paske Annie Female Perth
1911/100576 Perth Paske Annie Female Evans William Leonard Male Perth
1911/100577 Perth Stewart John Herbert Male Jones Edith Female Perth
1911/100577 Perth Jones Edith Female Stewart John Herbert Male Perth
1911/100578 Perth Thompson Patrick Staples Male Bailey Lizzie Female Perth
1911/100578 Perth Bailey Lizzie Female Thompson Patrick Staples Male Perth
1911/100579 Perth Robinson Aubury Male Riggs Maude Isedour Female Perth
1911/100579 Perth Riggs Maude Isedour Female Robinson Aubury Male Perth
1911/100580 Perth Rankin William John Sharp Allan Male Scott Helena Elizabeth Female Perth
1911/100580 Perth Rankin William John Sharp Male Scott Helena Elizabeth Female Perth
1911/100580 Perth Scott Helena Elizabeth Female Allan William John Sharp Allan Male Perth
1911/100580 Perth Scott Helena Elizabeth Female Allan William John Sharp Male Perth
1911/100580 Perth Scott Helena Elizabeth Female Rankin William John Sharp Allan Male Perth
1911/100580 Perth Scott Helena Elizabeth Female Rankin William John Sharp Male Perth
1911/100580 Perth Allan William John Sharp Allan Male Scott Helena Elizabeth Female Perth
1911/100580 Perth Allan William John Sharp Male Scott Helena Elizabeth Female Perth
1911/100581 Perth Menzies Adeline Female Colls Walter Benjamin Male Perth
1911/100581 Perth Colls Walter Benjamin Male Menzies Adeline Female Perth
1911/100582 Perth Collins Percy Cornelious Male Morgan Louise Mary Female Perth
1911/100582 Perth Morgan Louise Mary Female Collins Percy Cornelious Male Perth
1911/100583 Perth Ridley Claude Eli Male Law Rita Isobel Female West Perth
1911/100583 Perth Law Rita Isobel Female Ridley Claude Eli Male West Perth
1911/100584 Perth Richardson Charlotte Female Eeles Charles Henry Male Perth
1911/100584 Perth Eeles Charles Henry Male Richardson Charlotte Female Perth
1911/100585 Perth Bocksette John Henry Christian Male Webb Mary Evelyn Female Perth
1911/100585 Perth Webb Mary Evelyn Female Bocksette John Henry Christian Male Perth
1911/100586 Perth Thompson Elizabeth Ellen Female Roberts Charles Basil Male Perth
1911/100586 Perth Roberts Charles Basil Male Thompson Elizabeth Ellen Female Perth
1911/100587 Perth Brown Jane Female Marcellia John Male Perth
1911/100587 Perth Marcellia John Male Brown Jane Female Perth
1911/100588 Perth Radbone Olive Ruby Female Sandow James Male Perth
1911/100588 Perth Sandow James Male Radbone Olive Ruby Female Perth
1911/100589 Perth Strickland Hilda Zoe Female Glyde Edwin Morris Male Perth
1911/100589 Perth Glyde Edwin Morris Male Strickland Hilda Zoe Female Perth
1911/100590 Perth Moxon Grace Howard Female Ward Thomas William Male Perth
1911/100590 Perth Ward Thomas William Male Moxon Grace Howard Female Perth
1911/100591 Perth Turner John Willoughby Aldridge Male Harvey Violet Emily Blanche Female Perth
1911/100591 Perth Harvey Violet Emily Blanche Female Turner John Willoughby Aldridge Male Perth
1911/100592 Perth Burnett Frederick Charles Male Tasker Abigail Female Victoria Park
1911/100592 Perth Tasker Abigail Female Burnett Frederick Charles Male Victoria Park
1911/100593 Perth Otway Ernest Male Tasker Elizabeth Mary Female Victoria Park
1911/100593 Perth Tasker Elizabeth Mary Female Otway Ernest Male Victoria Park
1911/100594 Perth Lindsay John Male Sherwood Annie Female Perth
1911/100594 Perth Sherwood Annie Female Lindsay John Male Perth
1911/100595 Perth McLaughlin James Male Walsh Eveline Female Perth
1911/100595 Perth Walsh Eveline Female McLaughlin James Male Perth
1911/100596 Perth Thompson Lionel Francis Seymour Male Anderson Myrtle May Female Perth
1911/100596 Perth Anderson Myrtle May Female Thompson Lionel Francis Seymour Male Perth
1911/100597 Perth Harrison Elizabeth Ann Female Wright Richard William John Male Perth
1911/100597 Perth Wright Richard William John Male Harrison Elizabeth Ann Female Perth
1911/100598 Perth Waugh William Hastie Male Sinclair Edith May Female Perth
1911/100598 Perth Sinclair Edith May Female Waugh William Hastie Male Perth
1911/100599 Perth Gleeson William Francis Male Frawley Jennie Female Perth
1911/100599 Perth Frawley Jennie Female Gleeson William Francis Male Perth
1911/100600 Perth Crawford Annie Burns Female Spencer Fredrick Henry Male West Perth
1911/100600 Perth Spencer Fredrick Henry Male Crawford Annie Burns Female West Perth
1911/100601 Perth Duncan Cara Wheatland Female Poole Louis Wilton Male Perth
1911/100601 Perth Poole Louis Wilton Male Duncan Cara Wheatland Female Perth
1911/100602 Perth James Charlotte Elizabeth Norah Female Bassett James Bailey Male East Perth
1911/100602 Perth Bassett James Bailey Male James Charlotte Elizabeth Norah Female East Perth
1911/100603 Perth Edwards Florence Emeline Female Riese Theodore Charles Male West Perth
1911/100603 Perth Riese Theodore Charles Male Edwards Florence Emeline Female West Perth
1911/100604 Perth Hillbrich Harold William Male Wyatt Charlotte Jane Female North Perth
1911/100604 Perth Wyatt Charlotte Jane Female Hillbrich Harold William Male North Perth
1911/100605 Perth Moore Thomas Male Hartnup Edith Alice Female Perth
1911/100605 Perth Hartnup Edith Alice Female Moore Thomas Male Perth
1911/100606 Perth Potter Herbert Clare Male Sandercock Lovedy Ann Female Perth
1911/100606 Perth Sandercock Lovedy Ann Female Potter Herbert Clare Male Perth
1911/100607 Perth Sheppard John Montgomery Male Woodward Lily Female Perth
1911/100607 Perth Woodward Lily Female Sheppard John Montgomery Male Perth
1911/100608 Perth Monck Edmund Claude Augustus Male Bruce Mabel Alice Female Perth
1911/100608 Perth Bruce Mabel Alice Female Monck Edmund Claude Augustus Male Perth
1911/100609 Perth Longbottom John Henry Male Rigoll Clara Ella Female Perth
1911/100609 Perth Rigoll Clara Ella Female Longbottom John Henry Male Perth
1911/100610 Perth Blenkins Alice Female Oliver Edwin Male Perth
1911/100610 Perth Oliver Edwin Male Blenkins Alice Female Perth
1911/100611 Perth Beaton John Male Williams Clarice May Female Perth
1911/100611 Perth Williams Clarice May Female Beaton John Male Perth
1911/100612 Perth Freecorn Joan Mary Female Goldsmith Francis Spencer Male Perth
1911/100612 Perth Goldsmith Francis Spencer Male Freecorn Joan Mary Female Perth
1911/100613 Perth Dyson Albert Seth Male Paterson Elsie Female Havelock Street
1911/100613 Perth Paterson Elsie Female Dyson Albert Seth Male Havelock Street
1911/100614 Perth Bell Luna Alice Female Cox Frederick William Male Perth
1911/100614 Perth Cox Frederick William Male Bell Luna Alice Female Perth
1911/100615 Perth Sefton Mary Annice White Female Bellion Charles Percival Male West Perth
1911/100615 Perth Bellion Charles Percival Male Sefton Mary Annice White Female West Perth
1911/100616 Perth Conigrave Joanna Lang Elder Female Mauger Philip Vibert Male West Perth
1911/100616 Perth Mauger Philip Vibert Male Conigrave Joanna Lang Elder Female West Perth
1911/100617 Perth Collings Hubert Leonard Male Peters Annie Female Perth
1911/100617 Perth Peters Annie Female Collings Hubert Leonard Male Perth
1911/100618 Perth Black James McNair Male Gibson Maude Jane Female West Perth
1911/100618 Perth Gibson Maude Jane Female Black James McNair Male West Perth
1911/100619 Perth Maynard Audrey Adelieve Female Halls Frederick Ernest Male Claremont
1911/100619 Perth Halls Frederick Ernest Male Maynard Audrey Adelieve Female Claremont
1911/100620 Perth Brown Violet Female Grummet Adolph Berthold Cyril Male Perth
1911/100620 Perth Grummet Adolph Berthold Cyril Male Brown Violet Female Perth
1911/100621 Perth Holding Jessie Female McKelvie George Edwin Male Perth
1911/100621 Perth McKelvie George Edwin Male Holding Jessie Female Perth
1911/100622 Perth Beverley Dora Female Murray Herbert Male Perth
1911/100622 Perth Murray Herbert Male Beverley Dora Female Perth
1911/100623 Perth Coffen William Alfred Male Colpoys Alice Jane Female Perth
1911/100623 Perth Colpoys Alice Jane Female Coffen William Alfred Male Perth
1911/100624 Perth Stockton Percy Grimmitt Male Hood Rebecca Elizabeth Female Perth
1911/100624 Perth Hood Rebecca Elizabeth Female Stockton Percy Grimmitt Male Perth
1911/100625 Perth Hutchens Florence Laura Female Kennedy Cecil Henry Male Perth
1911/100625 Perth Kennedy Cecil Henry Male Hutchens Florence Laura Female Perth
1911/100626 Perth Yates Francis Raepheal Male Kenneally Sarah May Female West Perth
1911/100626 Perth Kenneally Sarah May Female Yates Francis Raepheal Male West Perth
1911/100627 Perth Morey Alfred William Male Stinton Evelyn May Female East Perth
1911/100627 Perth Stinton Evelyn May Female Morey Alfred William Male East Perth
1911/100628 Perth Poulson Annie Laura Female Utting Richard Haynes Male Perth
1911/100628 Perth Utting Richard Haynes Male Poulson Annie Laura Female Perth
1911/100629 Perth Drysdale Gladys Edith Female Sweetman Franklin Joseph Male West Perth
1911/100629 Perth Sweetman Franklin Joseph Male Drysdale Gladys Edith Female West Perth
1911/100630 Perth Cuthbertson Margaret Jane Female Webster William Barcley Geekie Male South Perth
1911/100630 Perth Webster William Barcley Geekie Male Cuthbertson Margaret Jane Female South Perth
1911/100631 Perth Taylor Charles Michael Male Warren Gladys Emily Female Perth
1911/100631 Perth Warren Gladys Emily Female Taylor Charles Michael Male Perth
1911/100632 Perth Tandy George Forrester Male Bryant Leah May Female Perth
1911/100632 Perth Bryant Leah May Female Tandy George Forrester Male Perth
1911/100633 Perth Blanchard David Francis Male Bosworth Eva Pearl Female Perth
1911/100633 Perth Bosworth Eva Pearl Female Blanchard David Francis Male Perth
1911/100634 Perth Denyer Henry Male Fordham Fanny Female Perth
1911/100634 Perth Fordham Fanny Female Denyer Henry Male Perth
1911/100635 Perth Maddigan Francis Percy Male Jones Ellen Female Perth
1911/100635 Perth Jones Ellen Female Maddigan Francis Percy Male Perth
1911/100636 Perth Oldfield Helen Gray Female Taylor Isaac John Male Perth
1911/100636 Perth Taylor Isaac John Male Oldfield Helen Gray Female Perth
1911/100637 Perth Ferguson Arabel Female Morton Wilfred Male Perth
1911/100637 Perth Morton Wilfred Male Ferguson Arabel Female Perth
1911/100638 Perth Sumner Frederick Clifford Male Pass Ada Augusta Female Perth
1911/100638 Perth Pass Ada Augusta Female Sumner Frederick Clifford Male Perth
1911/100639 Perth Coffen Ruby Eva Female Appleby Roy Francis Male North Perth
1911/100639 Perth Appleby Roy Francis Male Coffen Ruby Eva Female North Perth
1911/100640 Perth Payne Henry Godsell Male Dawe Olive May Female Perth
1911/100640 Perth Dawe Olive May Female Payne Henry Godsell Male Perth
1911/100641 Perth Davis Roy Charles Male Wiltshire Elsie Female Perth
1911/100641 Perth Wiltshire Elsie Female Davis Roy Charles Male Perth
1911/100642 Perth Spragg Edwin Male Hodge Harriet Mary Pridox Female Victoria Park
1911/100642 Perth Hodge Harriet Mary Pridox Female Spragg Edwin Male Victoria Park
1911/100643 Perth Jessup Edward John Male Woodhams Muriel Evelyn Female East Perth
1911/100643 Perth Woodhams Muriel Evelyn Female Jessup Edward John Male East Perth
1911/100644 Perth George Herbert John Male Ott Edith Grace Female West Perth
1911/100644 Perth Ott Edith Grace Female George Herbert John Male West Perth
1911/100645 Perth Robson Thomas William Male Clay Catherine Cecilia Female Perth
1911/100645 Perth Clay Catherine Cecilia Female Robson Thomas William Male Perth
1911/100646 Perth Godwin Edith Constance Female Price Percy Male Perth
1911/100646 Perth Price Percy Male Godwin Edith Constance Female Perth
1911/100647 Perth Taylor Hannah Palland Female Moore Herbert Edward Leslie Male South Perth
1911/100647 Perth Moore Herbert Edward Leslie Male Taylor Hannah Palland Female South Perth
1911/100648 Perth Wendt Lydia Bertha Female Moran David Joseph Male Perth
1911/100648 Perth Moran David Joseph Male Wendt Lydia Bertha Female Perth
1911/100649 Perth O'Byrne William Edward Male Spain Florence Beatrice Female Perth
1911/100649 Perth Spain Florence Beatrice Female O'Byrne William Edward Male Perth
1911/100650 Perth Walmsley Arthur Ernest Male Hodgkinson Evelyn Olive Female Perth
1911/100650 Perth Hodgkinson Evelyn Olive Female Walmsley Arthur Ernest Male Perth
1911/100651 Perth Shakeshaft Norman Stanley Male Beaden Lillie Female Perth
1911/100651 Perth Beaden Lillie Female Shakeshaft Norman Stanley Male Perth
1911/100652 Perth Giacinta Dall Acqua Female Molinari Domenico Male Perth
1911/100652 Perth Molinari Domenico Male Giacinta Dall Acqua Female Perth
1911/100653 Perth Dwyer James Male Murtha Margaret Female Perth
1911/100653 Perth Murtha Margaret Female Dwyer James Male Perth
1911/100654 Perth O'Shannassy William Male McHugh Agnes Female Perth
1911/100654 Perth McHugh Agnes Female O'Shannassy William Male Perth
1911/100655 Perth Howell Sylvan Walter Male Watson Frances Female Perth
1911/100655 Perth Watson Frances Female Howell Sylvan Walter Male Perth
1911/100656 Perth Yeaman Ann McIntosh Female Bentley George Price Male Perth
1911/100656 Perth Bentley George Price Male Yeaman Ann McIntosh Female Perth
1911/100657 Perth Sullivan Ellen Female Sweeney John Francis Male West Perth
1911/100657 Perth Sweeney John Francis Male Sullivan Ellen Female West Perth
1911/100658 Perth Bennetts Stanley Male Friend Annie Female Perth
1911/100658 Perth Friend Annie Female Bennetts Stanley Male Perth
1911/100659 Perth Wylie George Montgomery Rennie Male Scanlan Veronica Antoinette Marie Female Perth
1911/100659 Perth Scanlan Veronica Antoinette Marie Female Wylie George Montgomery Rennie Male Perth
1911/100660 Perth Newman Herbert Edgar John Male Denyer Rosa Olivia Female West Perth
1911/100660 Perth Denyer Rosa Olivia Female Newman Herbert Edgar John Male West Perth
1911/100661 Perth Brimage Ernest Elisha Male Joyce Eliza de Burgh Female West Perth
1911/100661 Perth Joyce Eliza de Burgh Female Brimage Ernest Elisha Male West Perth
1911/100662 Perth Barnard Louis Montefiore Male Murray Eleanor Olive Female West Perth
1911/100662 Perth Murray Eleanor Olive Female Barnard Louis Montefiore Male West Perth
1911/100663 Perth Miller Myrtle Jessie Female Ingleton William Male Perth
1911/100663 Perth Ingleton William Male Miller Myrtle Jessie Female Perth
1911/100664 Perth Alexander Sarah Jane Female Arnold Jules Bertram Male Perth
1911/100664 Perth Arnold Jules Bertram Male Alexander Sarah Jane Female Perth
1911/100665 Perth Goldberg Sophie Female Lewis David Nathan Male Perth
1911/100665 Perth Lewis David Nathan Male Goldberg Sophie Female Perth
1911/100666 Perth McComish Arnold George Male Andrew Violet Lily Female West Perth
1911/100666 Perth Andrew Violet Lily Female McComish Arnold George Male West Perth
1911/100667 Perth Arnold Aubrey Norman Male Lethbridge Agusta Mary Female Perth
1911/100667 Perth Lethbridge Agusta Mary Female Arnold Aubrey Norman Male Perth
1911/100668 Perth Illingworth Stanley Male Groube Amy Florence Female West Perth
1911/100668 Perth Groube Amy Florence Female Illingworth Stanley Male West Perth
1911/100669 Perth Gunn Elsie Female Kearton Christopher Male Perth
1911/100669 Perth Kearton Christopher Male Gunn Elsie Female Perth
1911/100670 Perth Wittmer Charles Male Bright Clarice Minta Adelaide Female West Perth
1911/100670 Perth Bright Clarice Minta Adelaide Female Wittmer Charles Male West Perth
1911/100671 Perth Murray Charles Pendergast Male Brady Hilda White Female Perth
1911/100671 Perth Brady Hilda White Female Murray Charles Pendergast Male Perth
1911/100672 Perth Holland Alma Wyndham Female Luplan David William Male East Perth
1911/100672 Perth Luplan David William Male Holland Alma Wyndham Female East Perth
1911/100673 Perth Roberts Lavinia Female Minnis Robert James Male Perth
1911/100673 Perth Minnis Robert James Male Roberts Lavinia Female Perth
1911/100674 Perth Dineen Margaret Imelda Female Moore Frank Male Maylands
1911/100674 Perth Moore Frank Male Dineen Margaret Imelda Female Maylands
1911/100675 Perth Ball Isabella Female Flaherty Patrick Male Perth
1911/100675 Perth Flaherty Patrick Male Ball Isabella Female Perth
1911/100676 Perth Bowman Ernest David Male Washington Lilian May Female Perth
1911/100676 Perth Washington Lilian May Female Bowman Ernest David Male Perth
1911/100677 Perth Fitzgibbons Mary Female Archibald James Middlemist Male Perth
1911/100677 Perth Archibald James Middlemist Male Fitzgibbons Mary Female Perth
1911/100678 Perth Clutterbuck Blanche Emily Female Leslie Robert Graham More Hardy Male Perth
1911/100678 Perth Leslie Robert Graham More Hardy Male Clutterbuck Blanche Emily Female Perth
1911/100679 Perth Davies Rowland Botterill Male Clifton Ethel Rose Cecil Female Perth
1911/100679 Perth Clifton Ethel Rose Cecil Female Davies Rowland Botterill Male Perth
1911/100680 Perth Kerruish George James Augustus Male Lyall Marion Grafton Female Perth
1911/100680 Perth Lyall Marion Grafton Female Kerruish George James Augustus Male Perth
1911/100681 Perth Henderson Mary Agnes Female Power William Henry Male Perth
1911/100681 Perth Power William Henry Male Henderson Mary Agnes Female Perth
1911/100682 Perth Tannock Augustus Alexander Male Barclay Margaret Annie Female Perth
1911/100682 Perth Barclay Margaret Annie Female Tannock Augustus Alexander Male Perth
1911/100683 Perth Sheenan Christina Female Notman William Angus Male Perth
1911/100683 Perth Notman William Angus Male Sheenan Christina Female Perth
1911/100684 Perth Caygill George James Male Parry Margaret Ann Female Perth
1911/100684 Perth Parry Margaret Ann Female Caygill George James Male Perth
1911/100685 Perth Hamblin Ada Thirza Female Blake Thomas Male Perth
1911/100685 Perth Blake Thomas Male Hamblin Ada Thirza Female Perth
1911/100686 Perth Caesar Irene Female Cooper Michael Joseph Male Perth
1911/100686 Perth Cooper Michael Joseph Male Caesar Irene Female Perth
1911/100687 Perth Marsh George Edward Male Springett Agnes Amy Female Perth
1911/100687 Perth Springett Agnes Amy Female Marsh George Edward Male Perth
1911/100688 Perth Miller John Bertie Male Jones Evelyn Ella Female Perth
1911/100688 Perth Jones Evelyn Ella Female Miller John Bertie Male Perth
1911/100689 Perth Owens Kelsie Male Jenkin Alice Kate Female Maylands
1911/100689 Perth Jenkin Alice Kate Female Owens Kelsie Male Maylands
1911/100690 Perth Phillips John Fitzgerald Male Fuller Ethel Maud Female Perth
1911/100690 Perth Fuller Ethel Maud Female Phillips John Fitzgerald Male Perth
1911/100691 Perth Mills Frank William Male Smith Mary Ann Female Perth
1911/100691 Perth Smith Mary Ann Female Mills Frank William Male Perth
1911/100692 Perth Plummer Florence Alice Female Goddard Harold Arthur Male Perth
1911/100692 Perth Goddard Harold Arthur Male Plummer Florence Alice Female Perth
1911/100693 Perth Liddell Florence Maud Female Thomson John Male Perth
1911/100693 Perth Thomson John Male Liddell Florence Maud Female Perth
1911/100694 Perth Young Ellen Emma Female Clarke Arthur Ernest Male Perth
1911/100694 Perth Clarke Arthur Ernest Male Young Ellen Emma Female Perth
1911/100695 Perth Dooley Hannah Female Cohen Lewis Male Perth
1911/100695 Perth Cohen Lewis Male Dooley Hannah Female Perth
1911/100696 Perth Domney Arthur Albert Male Walker Jennie Sievwright Female Perth
1911/100696 Perth Walker Jennie Sievwright Female Domney Arthur Albert Male Perth
1911/100697 Perth Vaughan Clara Bridget Female Donovan Frederick James Male Perth
1911/100697 Perth Donovan Frederick James Male Vaughan Clara Bridget Female Perth
1911/100698 Perth Urch Ethel Grace Female Young Crawford Male Perth
1911/100698 Perth Young Crawford Male Urch Ethel Grace Female Perth
1911/100699 Perth Maddock Hannah Jane Female Gliddon Arthur Male Perth
1911/100699 Perth Gliddon Arthur Male Maddock Hannah Jane Female Perth
1911/100700 Perth North Gertrude Myall Female Alford Lenard Stanley Male Perth
1911/100700 Perth Alford Lenard Stanley Male North Gertrude Myall Female Perth
1911/100701 Perth Scully James Joseph Male Fitzpatrick Mary Female Perth
1911/100701 Perth Fitzpatrick Mary Female Scully James Joseph Male Perth
1911/100702 Perth Barry Florence Evelynn Female Blaney-Murphy John Male Maylands
1911/100702 Perth Blaney-Murphy John Male Barry Florence Evelynn Female Maylands
1911/100703 Perth Mercer Elsie Maude Female Tassell Percy Woodrow Male Bayswater
1911/100703 Perth Tassell Percy Woodrow Male Mercer Elsie Maude Female Bayswater
1911/100704 Perth Gardiner Margaret Kelly Female Hand Richard Male Charles St
1911/100704 Perth Hand Richard Male Gardiner Margaret Kelly Female Charles St
1911/100705 Perth Davey Fred Male Campbell Ellen Rountree Female Perth
1911/100705 Perth Campbell Ellen Rountree Female Davey Fred Male Perth
1911/100706 Perth Taylor Winnifred Female O'Meagher Thomas Francis Male Victoria Park
1911/100706 Perth O'Meagher Thomas Francis Male Taylor Winnifred Female Victoria Park
1911/100707 Perth Matthews Alice Female Cosham William Daniel Male Perth
1911/100707 Perth Cosham William Daniel Male Matthews