A tool to help track the citations of the Western Australian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages from Wikidata and WikiTree.

Marriages in: 1911

Registration year & number Registration district Surname Given names Gender Spouse surname Spouse given names Spouse gender Marriage place Wikidata WikiTree
1912/100001 Perth Liddle Sarah Pamela Female Rodgers Hugh Francis Male Victoria Park
1912/100001 Perth Rodgers Hugh Francis Male Liddle Sarah Pamela Female Victoria Park
1912/100002 Perth Cook Florence Ellen Female Wroth Gordon William Male Perth
1912/100002 Perth Wroth Gordon William Male Cook Florence Ellen Female Perth
1911/100002 Perth Green Douglas Moore Male Bonnett Ada Ellen Female Perth
1911/100002 Perth Bonnett Ada Ellen Female Green Douglas Moore Male Perth
1911/100003 Perth Bryant Irene Constance Female Foster William George Male Perth
1911/100003 Perth Foster William George Male Bryant Irene Constance Female Perth
1912/100004 Perth Lippingwell William Male McLaren Frances Elizabeth Female Perth
1912/100004 Perth McLaren Frances Elizabeth Female Lippingwell William Male Perth
1912/100005 Perth Hodge John Stephen Male Lynch Jane Female Perth
1912/100005 Perth Lynch Jane Female Hodge John Stephen Male Perth
1912/100006 Perth Grace Alfred John Male Hayes Bridget Female Perth
1912/100006 Perth Hayes Bridget Female Grace Alfred John Male Perth
1912/100007 Perth Carroll Bridget Josephine Female Murphy James Joseph Male Perth
1912/100007 Perth Murphy James Joseph Male Carroll Bridget Josephine Female Perth
1911/100008 Perth Massey Ruby Female Prowse Benjamin Wylie Male Perth
1911/100008 Perth Prowse Benjamin Wylie Male Massey Ruby Female Perth
1912/100008 Perth Corkery Mary Female Reardon William Charles Male Perth
1912/100008 Perth Reardon William Charles Male Corkery Mary Female Perth
1912/100009 Perth Benson Valetta Ann Female Hamming William Henry Male Perth
1912/100009 Perth Hamming William Henry Male Benson Valetta Ann Female Perth
1911/100010 Perth Arnold Katie Grace Female Woods Edward Douglas Male Perth
1911/100010 Perth Woods Edward Douglas Male Arnold Katie Grace Female Perth
1911/100011 Perth Fawkes Joseph Henry Charles Male Piggott Esther Female North Perth
1911/100011 Perth Piggott Esther Female Fawkes Joseph Henry Charles Male North Perth
1912/100011 Perth Keiley Mildred Ann Female Williams George Albert Male Perth
1912/100011 Perth Williams George Albert Male Keiley Mildred Ann Female Perth
1912/100012 Perth Loschiavo Joseph Male Doolan Myrtle Female Victoria Park
1912/100012 Perth Doolan Myrtle Female Loschiavo Joseph Male Victoria Park
1911/100012 Perth Byars Annie Female Markham Alfred George Male Perth
1911/100012 Perth Markham Alfred George Male Byars Annie Female Perth
1912/100014 Perth Rowe John Male McFadden Alice Rubina Female West Perth
1912/100014 Perth McFadden Alice Rubina Female Rowe John Male West Perth
1912/100015 Perth Edwards Ethel Female Pennington John Gilbert Male Perth
1912/100015 Perth Pennington John Gilbert Male Edwards Ethel Female Perth
1912/100016 Perth Ginn Mary Ann Female Allan William Male Perth
1912/100016 Perth Allan William Male Ginn Mary Ann Female Perth
1911/100017 Perth Stroschein Agnes Blanche Charlotte Female Charlesworth Oscar Lester Male Maylands
1912/100017 Perth Joy Jean Atwell Female James Horace Lyndon Male Perth
1911/100017 Perth Charlesworth Oscar Lester Male Stroschein Agnes Blanche Charlotte Female Maylands
1912/100017 Perth James Horace Lyndon Male Joy Jean Atwell Female Perth
1911/100018 Perth Fowler Frederick Robert Male Pomeroy Amelia Maude Female Perth
1911/100018 Perth Pomeroy Amelia Maude Female Fowler Frederick Robert Male Perth
1911/100019 Perth Bateman Dora Lilian Amelia Esther Female Foord William Henry Male Perth
1911/100019 Perth Foord William Henry Male Bateman Dora Lilian Amelia Esther Female Perth
1912/100020 Perth Rice Alice Victoria Female McKinlay Daniel Robertson Male Perth
1911/100020 Perth Thomson Elizabeth Anne Female O'Dwyer John Francis Male West Perth
1912/100020 Perth McKinlay Daniel Robertson Male Rice Alice Victoria Female Perth
1911/100020 Perth O'Dwyer John Francis Male Thomson Elizabeth Anne Female West Perth
1912/100021 Perth Hall Elsie Female Foot George Ferguson Male Perth
1911/100021 Perth Verney Eva Charlotte Female O'Farrell James Francis Male West Perth
1911/100021 Perth Smith Eva Charlotte Female O'Farrell James Francis Male West Perth
1911/100021 Perth O'Farrell James Francis Male Smith Eva Charlotte Female West Perth
1911/100021 Perth O'Farrell James Francis Male Verney Eva Charlotte Female West Perth
1912/100021 Perth Foot George Ferguson Male Hall Elsie Female Perth
1912/100022 Perth Nicolay Frederick Male Gossage Rose Female Perth
1912/100022 Perth Gossage Rose Female Nicolay Frederick Male Perth
1911/100022 Perth Asher Leah Female Murphy John Male Perth
1911/100022 Perth Murphy John Male Asher Leah Female Perth
1911/100023 Perth Rodriguez Gwinevere Matilda Female Oliver Betram Oscar Male Perth
1911/100023 Perth Oliver Betram Oscar Male Rodriguez Gwinevere Matilda Female Perth
1911/100024 Perth Phelan Mary Ignatius Female Johnson Frederick Henry Male Perth
1911/100024 Perth Johnson Frederick Henry Male Phelan Mary Ignatius Female Perth
1911/100027 Perth Sheehan Justin Patrick Male Johnson Elizabeth Ann Female Perth
1911/100027 Perth Johnson Elizabeth Ann Female Sheehan Justin Patrick Male Perth
1911/100028 Perth Sparks Elsie Muriel Female Mathews Thomas Albert Male Perth
1911/100028 Perth Mathews Thomas Albert Male Sparks Elsie Muriel Female Perth
1911/100029 Perth Shaw Alice Daphne Hannan Female Parr William Herbert Male Mount Lawley
1911/100029 Perth Parr William Herbert Male Shaw Alice Daphne Hannan Female Mount Lawley
1912/100029 Perth Webster William Male Cook Johanna Emily Female Victoria Park
1912/100029 Perth Cook Johanna Emily Female Webster William Male Victoria Park
1911/100030 Perth Vaughan Florence Alice Female Lee William James Male Perth
1911/100030 Perth Lee William James Male Vaughan Florence Alice Female Perth
1911/100031 Perth Kelly Mary May Female Andrew Birbeck Gorman Male West Perth
1911/100031 Perth Andrew Birbeck Gorman Male Kelly Mary May Female West Perth
1911/100032 Perth Taylor George Male McLoughlin Cecilia Alice Female Perth
1911/100032 Perth McLoughlin Cecilia Alice Female Taylor George Male Perth
1911/100033 Perth Bradley Ada Miriam Female Scott William James Male Perth
1911/100033 Perth Scott William James Male Bradley Ada Miriam Female Perth
1911/100034 Perth Upfold Florence Maud Female Bird Walter Forster Male Perth
1912/100034 Perth Darling Elsie Close Female Clarke George Henry Male North Perth
1911/100034 Perth Bird Walter Forster Male Upfold Florence Maud Female Perth
1912/100034 Perth Clarke George Henry Male Darling Elsie Close Female North Perth
1911/100035 Perth Sonnet Frank Max Male Smith Merilons Madeline Female Perth
1912/100035 Perth Brien Diana Female Purdie William Male North Perth
1911/100035 Perth Smith Merilons Madeline Female Sonnet Frank Max Male Perth
1912/100035 Perth Purdie William Male Brien Diana Female North Perth
1912/100036 Perth Crosbie William Robert Male Clyne Annie Agnes Female North Perth
1912/100036 Perth Clyne Annie Agnes Female Crosbie William Robert Male North Perth
1911/100036 Perth Choules Norman William Male Smith Myrtle Ivy Female Perth
1911/100036 Perth Smith Myrtle Ivy Female Choules Norman William Male Perth
1912/100037 Perth Lambourne Mary Jane Female Evenis George Robert Male Perth
1912/100037 Perth Evenis George Robert Male Lambourne Mary Jane Female Perth
1911/100037 Perth King George Clarence Male Andrews Agnes Ann Female Perth
1911/100037 Perth Andrews Agnes Ann Female King George Clarence Male Perth
1912/100038 Perth Marshall Christina Mabel Female Paramor William Richard Male Perth
1912/100038 Perth Paramor William Richard Male Marshall Christina Mabel Female Perth
1911/100038 Perth Sibbert Edith Marion Female Gay Richard Male Perth
1911/100038 Perth Gay Richard Male Sibbert Edith Marion Female Perth
1911/100039 Perth Butler William Male Johns Annie Helena Female Perth
1912/100039 Perth Lawrence Ruby Valetta Female Sloss Moses Male Perth
1911/100039 Perth Johns Annie Helena Female Butler William Male Perth
1912/100039 Perth Sloss Moses Male Lawrence Ruby Valetta Female Perth
1912/100040 Perth Crombie John Male Yates Elizabeth West Female Perth
1912/100040 Perth Yates Elizabeth West Female Crombie John Male Perth
1911/100040 Perth Hutchinson Margaret Female Hyne Charles Frederick Male Perth
1911/100040 Perth Hyne Charles Frederick Male Hutchinson Margaret Female Perth
1911/100041 Perth Cooper Lilian Augusta Female Walker Edward Charles Male Perth
1911/100041 Perth Walker Edward Charles Male Cooper Lilian Augusta Female Perth
1911/100042 Perth Chapman Annie Gertrude Female Stockden Robert Thomas Male Perth
1911/100042 Perth Stockden Robert Thomas Male Chapman Annie Gertrude Female Perth
1911/100043 Perth Speight Hilda Marion Female Ferrier George Gray Dixon Male Perth
1911/100043 Perth Ferrier George Gray Dixon Male Speight Hilda Marion Female Perth
1911/100044 Perth Collyer Henry Thomas Male Anderson Ethel Florance Maud Female Perth
1911/100044 Perth Anderson Ethel Florance Maud Female Collyer Henry Thomas Male Perth
1911/100046 Perth McLean Maisie Lena Female Francis Clive Male Perth
1912/100046 Perth Griffiths Annie Female Hollamby Archibald William Male Perth
1912/100046 Perth Hollamby Archibald William Male Griffiths Annie Female Perth
1911/100046 Perth Francis Clive Male McLean Maisie Lena Female Perth
1911/100047 Perth Evenis Walter Ernest Thias Male Roberts Catherine Alice Female Perth
1911/100047 Perth Roberts Catherine Alice Female Evenis Walter Ernest Thias Male Perth
1911/100048 Perth Medlow Martha Theresa Female Kelsall Edward William Male Perth
1911/100048 Perth Kelsall Edward William Male Medlow Martha Theresa Female Perth
1911/100049 Perth Doyle Thomas Male Newson Edith Maude Female Perth
1911/100049 Perth Newson Edith Maude Female Doyle Thomas Male Perth
1911/100050 Perth Thompson George Herbert Male Klein Sophia Female Perth
1911/100050 Perth Klein Sophia Female Thompson George Herbert Male Perth
1911/100051 Perth Penny Christiana Female Taylor Henry Beaumont Male Maylands
1911/100051 Perth Taylor Henry Beaumont Male Penny Christiana Female Maylands
1911/100052 Perth Pittaway Joseph Male Hicks Fanny Female Perth
1911/100052 Perth Hicks Fanny Female Pittaway Joseph Male Perth
1911/100053 Perth Booker Sarah Ann Female Spargo Bert Male Perth
1911/100053 Perth Spargo Bert Male Booker Sarah Ann Female Perth
1911/100054 Perth Malone Jane Victoria Female Malone Arthur Male Perth
1911/100054 Perth Malone Arthur Male Malone Jane Victoria Female Perth
1911/100055 Perth Wilson George Male O'Brien Bridy Female Perth
1911/100055 Perth O'Brien Bridy Female Wilson George Male Perth
1912/100056 Perth Hollands Agnes Mary Nora Female Fletcher Edward Rawlinson Male Perth
1911/100056 Perth Carroll Ellen Female Tipping Francis Henry Male Perth
1911/100056 Perth Tipping Francis Henry Male Carroll Ellen Female Perth
1912/100056 Perth Fletcher Edward Rawlinson Male Hollands Agnes Mary Nora Female Perth
1911/100057 Perth Atkins Pearl Kimberley Female Perry Percy Lydstone Male Perth
1911/100057 Perth Perry Percy Lydstone Male Atkins Pearl Kimberley Female Perth
1911/100058 Perth Stephens Walter James Male Johnson Helen Female Perth
1911/100058 Perth Johnson Helen Female Stephens Walter James Male Perth
1911/100059 Perth Hall Mabel Iris Female Scroop Henry Male Perth
1911/100059 Perth Scroop Henry Male Hall Mabel Iris Female Perth
1911/100060 Perth Vennell Annie Female Donovan Edward Llewellyn Male Perth
1911/100060 Perth Donovan Edward Llewellyn Male Vennell Annie Female Perth
1911/100061 Perth Harper Thomas Male Phillips Amy Stella Female Perth
1911/100061 Perth Phillips Amy Stella Female Harper Thomas Male Perth
1911/100062 Perth Saunders Frederick Male Cole Sarah Ellen Female Perth
1911/100062 Perth Cole Sarah Ellen Female Saunders Frederick Male Perth
1911/100063 Perth Hay Donald James Male Hamilton Annie Female Perth
1911/100063 Perth Hamilton Annie Female Hay Donald James Male Perth
1911/100064 Perth Carruthers Annie Female Christie William Andrew Bede Male Victoria Park
1911/100064 Perth Christie William Andrew Bede Male Carruthers Annie Female Victoria Park
1911/100065 Perth Fitzpatrick Thomas George Male Lesne Mabel Aloysius Female Perth
1911/100065 Perth Lesne Mabel Aloysius Female Fitzpatrick Thomas George Male Perth
1911/100066 Perth Croxford Walter Henry Male Wilson Fanny Female Perth
1911/100066 Perth Wilson Fanny Female Croxford Walter Henry Male Perth
1911/100067 Perth McLean Flora Female Stirling George Lauder Male Perth
1911/100067 Perth Stirling George Lauder Male McLean Flora Female Perth
1911/100068 Perth Avery Ernest Alfred Male Grayson Martha Female Perth
1911/100068 Perth Grayson Martha Female Avery Ernest Alfred Male Perth
1911/100069 Perth Corbett Patrick Male Tolano Marie Junita Female West Perth
1911/100069 Perth Tolano Marie Junita Female Corbett Patrick Male West Perth
1911/100070 Perth Gallagher James Male Harrison Clara Maud Female Victoria Park
1911/100070 Perth Harrison Clara Maud Female Gallagher James Male Victoria Park
1911/100071 Perth O'Carroll Evelyn Female Clark John Male Perth
1911/100071 Perth Clark John Male O'Carroll Evelyn Female Perth
1911/100072 Perth Gordon John Henry Male Bennison Maud Isabella Female Perth
1911/100072 Perth Bennison Maud Isabella Female Gordon John Henry Male Perth
1911/100073 Perth Lynch Levina Mary Female Sainsbury James Male Perth
1911/100073 Perth Sainsbury James Male Lynch Levina Mary Female Perth
1911/100074 Perth Walsh Dorothy Maude Female Pratley Raymond Thomas Male Perth
1911/100074 Perth Pratley Raymond Thomas Male Walsh Dorothy Maude Female Perth
1911/100077 Perth Snook Lilian Female Bridgman Marcus Lewis James Male Perth
1911/100077 Perth Bridgman Marcus Lewis James Male Snook Lilian Female Perth
1911/100078 Perth Fletcher James Edmund Male Lankenan Evelyn Mabel Female Perth
1911/100078 Perth Lankenan Evelyn Mabel Female Fletcher James Edmund Male Perth
1911/100079 Perth Donaghue Agnes Mary Female Innes George Archibald Clunes Male Perth
1911/100079 Perth Innes George Archibald Clunes Male Donaghue Agnes Mary Female Perth
1911/100080 Perth Graham Edith Jane Female Darken Charles John Male Perth
1911/100080 Perth Darken Charles John Male Graham Edith Jane Female Perth
1911/100081 Perth Devitt Michael Male McManus Catherine Female West Perth
1911/100081 Perth McManus Catherine Female Devitt Michael Male West Perth
1911/100082 Perth McAllan Mary Edith Female Edwards John James Male Perth
1911/100082 Perth Edwards John James Male McAllan Mary Edith Female Perth
1911/100085 Perth Webb Bessie Eva Female Cameron Charles Frederick Male West Perth
1911/100085 Perth Cameron Charles Frederick Male Webb Bessie Eva Female West Perth
1911/100086 Perth Mattner Richard Ernest Male Limbert Daisy May Female West Perth
1911/100086 Perth Limbert Daisy May Female Mattner Richard Ernest Male West Perth
1911/100087 Perth Geddes Caroline Female Wrigg Percy Lionel Male West Perth
1911/100087 Perth Wrigg Percy Lionel Male Geddes Caroline Female West Perth
1911/100088 Perth Orr James Male Duncan Annie Isabella Female West Perth
1911/100088 Perth Duncan Annie Isabella Female Orr James Male West Perth
1911/100089 Perth Woolhouse Ivy Emma Female Campbell Norman Male North Perth
1911/100089 Perth Campbell Norman Male Woolhouse Ivy Emma Female North Perth
1911/100090 Perth Banfield Florence Annie Female Oates Leslie Philip Male Perth
1911/100090 Perth Oates Leslie Philip Male Banfield Florence Annie Female Perth
1911/100091 Perth Cottrill Bertha Hilda May Female Evenis William Rudolph Male Perth
1911/100091 Perth Evenis William Rudolph Male Cottrill Bertha Hilda May Female Perth
1911/100092 Perth Carson Florence Josephine Female Massingham Caleb William Male Perth
1911/100092 Perth Massingham Caleb William Male Carson Florence Josephine Female Perth
1911/100093 Perth Ryan Matthew Male Browder Mary Female Maylands
1911/100093 Perth Browder Mary Female Ryan Matthew Male Maylands
1911/100094 Perth Moir Horace Steven Male Walsh Rosanna Female Maylands
1911/100094 Perth Walsh Rosanna Female Moir Horace Steven Male Maylands
1911/100095 Perth Flynn Daisy Gertrude Female Fitzpatrick James Male Perth
1911/100095 Perth Fitzpatrick James Male Flynn Daisy Gertrude Female Perth
1911/100096 Perth Hammond Herbert Male Hanley Mary Edith Female West Perth
1911/100096 Perth Hanley Mary Edith Female Hammond Herbert Male West Perth
1911/100097 Perth Clark Percy Golden Male O'Connor Mary Kathleen Female West Perth
1911/100097 Perth O'Connor Mary Kathleen Female Clark Percy Golden Male West Perth
1911/100098 Perth O'Neill George Baxter Male Thorne Mary Ann Female Perth
1911/100098 Perth Thorne Mary Ann Female O'Neill George Baxter Male Perth
1911/100099 Perth Beresford Marcus John de la Poer Male Schmidt Alice Janet Female Perth
1911/100099 Perth Schmidt Alice Janet Female Beresford Marcus John de la Poer Male Perth
1911/100100 Perth Freeman Ethel Gillian Female Carver Edmund Tucker Male Perth
1911/100100 Perth Carver Edmund Tucker Male Freeman Ethel Gillian Female Perth
1911/100101 Perth Hawkins James Connolly Male Brown Catherine Female Perth
1911/100101 Perth Brown Catherine Female Hawkins James Connolly Male Perth
1911/100102 Perth Bushell Dorothy Evelyen Nellie Female Davidson Frank Leslie Male Perth
1911/100102 Perth Davidson Frank Leslie Male Bushell Dorothy Evelyen Nellie Female Perth
1911/100103 Perth Davies James Edward Male Liddelow Hannah Maria Female Perth
1911/100103 Perth Liddelow Hannah Maria Female Davies James Edward Male Perth
1911/100104 Perth Pereira Robert John Male Liddelow Edith May Female Perth
1911/100104 Perth Liddelow Edith May Female Pereira Robert John Male Perth
1911/100105 Perth Laurence Emily Maria Female McVeigh Joseph Male Perth
1911/100105 Perth McVeigh Joseph Male Laurence Emily Maria Female Perth
1911/100106 Perth Jackson Litt Male Ambrose Lily May Female Perth
1911/100106 Perth Ambrose Lily May Female Jackson Litt Male Perth
1911/100107 Perth Williams John Harold George Male Surgenor Wilhelmina Essex Female Perth
1911/100107 Perth Surgenor Wilhelmina Essex Female Williams John Harold George Male Perth
1911/100108 Perth Mansfield Sydney George Male Stanes Laurel Annie Female Perth
1911/100108 Perth Stanes Laurel Annie Female Mansfield Sydney George Male Perth
1911/100109 Perth McDonald Flora Female Mousley Cecil Edward Bush Male Perth
1911/100109 Perth Mousley Cecil Edward Bush Male McDonald Flora Female Perth
1911/100110 Perth Breydon James Male Eddy Andrintha Ethel Female Perth
1911/100110 Perth Eddy Andrintha Ethel Female Breydon James Male Perth
1911/100111 Perth Curtis William Thomas Male Appleton Florence Rose Female Perth
1911/100111 Perth Appleton Florence Rose Female Curtis William Thomas Male Perth
1911/100112 Perth Bayliss Elizabeth Mary Female Fox Arthur John Male Perth
1911/100112 Perth Fox Arthur John Male Bayliss Elizabeth Mary Female Perth
1911/100113 Perth Taggart James Alexander Male Moore Mary Sophia Female Perth
1911/100113 Perth Moore Mary Sophia Female Taggart James Alexander Male Perth
1911/100114 Perth Riley John Joseph Male Surenne Evelyn Roberts Reid Female Perth
1911/100114 Perth Surenne Evelyn Roberts Reid Female Riley John Joseph Male Perth
1911/100115 Perth Armstrong Plazzy Florence Annie Female Dowley George Male Perth
1911/100115 Perth Dowley George Male Armstrong Plazzy Florence Annie Female Perth
1911/100116 Perth Wright Alfred Ernest Male Dryden Charlotte Female Perth
1911/100116 Perth Dryden Charlotte Female Wright Alfred Ernest Male Perth
1911/100117 Perth Duffy Frank Male Okes Emily Alice Female Belmont
1911/100117 Perth Okes Emily Alice Female Duffy Frank Male Belmont
1911/100118 Perth Read Byers Wood Male Manning Irene Constance Female South Perth
1911/100118 Perth Manning Irene Constance Female Read Byers Wood Male South Perth
1911/100119 Perth Roach James Thomas Male Brice Mary Elizabeth Female Perth
1911/100119 Perth Brice Mary Elizabeth Female Roach James Thomas Male Perth
1911/100120 Perth MacLachlan Mary Alice Female Jacks Leslie Edward Male Perth
1911/100120 Perth Jacks Leslie Edward Male MacLachlan Mary Alice Female Perth
1911/100121 Perth Marie Constance Victoria Female McDonald Robert Henry Male Perth
1911/100121 Perth McDonald Robert Henry Male Marie Constance Victoria Female Perth
1911/100122 Perth Wishart Paulina Female Mitchell Walter James Male Perth
1911/100122 Perth Mitchell Walter James Male Wishart Paulina Female Perth
1911/100123 Perth Vonarx Wyatt Wallace Male Tassicker Edith Victoria Female Perth
1911/100123 Perth Tassicker Edith Victoria Female Vonarx Wyatt Wallace Male Perth
1911/100124 Perth Mulcahy Maurice Male Lynch Lizzie Female Perth
1911/100124 Perth Lynch Lizzie Female Mulcahy Maurice Male Perth
1911/100125 Perth Heweston Joseph Pickup Male Butler Dympna Aloysius Female Perth
1911/100125 Perth Butler Dympna Aloysius Female Heweston Joseph Pickup Male Perth
1911/100126 Perth Farrell Michael Male Myers Rose Esther Caroline Female Perth
1911/100126 Perth Myers Rose Esther Caroline Female Farrell Michael Male Perth
1911/100127 Perth Ryan Mary Female Holmes Richard Male Perth
1911/100127 Perth Holmes Richard Male Ryan Mary Female Perth
1911/100128 Perth Fleming Mary Veronica Female Baker Frederik George Male Perth
1911/100128 Perth Baker Frederik George Male Fleming Mary Veronica Female Perth
1911/100129 Perth Begley Mary Female Binstead Francis Male West Perth
1911/100129 Perth Binstead Francis Male Begley Mary Female West Perth
1911/100130 Perth Claydon Laura Mable Rosamond Female Kurts Alwyn Cecil Male Perth
1911/100130 Perth Kurts Alwyn Cecil Male Claydon Laura Mable Rosamond Female Perth
1911/100132 Perth Delahunty Annie Female Stayt Arthur Male Perth
1911/100132 Perth Stayt Arthur Male Delahunty Annie Female Perth
1911/100133 Perth Shaw Deloria Mary Female Cechini Teodosi Male Perth
1911/100133 Perth Cechini Teodosi Male Shaw Deloria Mary Female Perth
1911/100134 Perth Roberts Francis Henry Male Doyle Margaret Mary Female Perth
1911/100134 Perth Doyle Margaret Mary Female Roberts Francis Henry Male Perth
1911/100135 Perth Jacobson Hannah Jemima Female Lane Richard Male Perth
1911/100135 Perth Lane Richard Male Jacobson Hannah Jemima Female Perth
1911/100136 Perth Lewis Ernest Arthur Male Tough Lily Female Perth
1911/100136 Perth Tough Lily Female Lewis Ernest Arthur Male Perth
1911/100137 Perth Gorey James Arthur Male Hawkins Martha Amelia Female Victoria Park
1911/100137 Perth Hawkins Martha Amelia Female Gorey James Arthur Male Victoria Park
1911/100138 Perth Deslandes Gladys Rebecca Female Scott Leslie Thomas Male Perth
1911/100138 Perth Scott Leslie Thomas Male Deslandes Gladys Rebecca Female Perth
1911/100139 Perth Gibbs Sarah Harriett Female Macmillan George Male Perth
1911/100139 Perth Macmillan George Male Gibbs Sarah Harriett Female Perth
1911/100140 Perth Cowden Mena Female McEachern Alexander Dick Male Perth
1911/100140 Perth McEachern Alexander Dick Male Cowden Mena Female Perth
1911/100141 Perth Hickmott William Ernest Male Rogers Evelyn Female Perth
1911/100141 Perth Rogers Evelyn Female Hickmott William Ernest Male Perth
1911/100142 Perth Thomas Eva Hannah Female Skinner Alfred John Male Perth
1911/100142 Perth Skinner Alfred John Male Thomas Eva Hannah Female Perth
1911/100143 Perth Armstrong Herbert Arthur Male Leech May Elizabeth Female West Perth
1911/100143 Perth Leech May Elizabeth Female Armstrong Herbert Arthur Male West Perth
1911/100144 Perth Mayne William Ernest Male Ellett Elsie Elizabeth Female West Perth
1911/100144 Perth Ellett Elsie Elizabeth Female Mayne William Ernest Male West Perth
1911/100145 Perth Davis Ruth Female O'Shea Arthur Buckley Male Perth
1911/100145 Perth O'Shea Arthur Buckley Male Davis Ruth Female Perth
1911/100146 Perth Netherwood Charles Male Grant Isabella Female Perth
1911/100146 Perth Grant Isabella Female Netherwood Charles Male Perth
1911/100147 Perth Flynn Lucy Barbara Female Wilkie Eric Granville Male Perth
1911/100147 Perth Wilkie Eric Granville Male Flynn Lucy Barbara Female Perth
1911/100148 Perth Jiblett Alma Alice Female Cooper Robert William Male Perth
1911/100148 Perth Cooper Robert William Male Jiblett Alma Alice Female Perth
1911/100149 Perth Jewell Lily Female Wardle Walter Male Perth
1911/100149 Perth Wardle Walter Male Jewell Lily Female Perth
1911/100150 Perth Bryant Florence Amelia Female Gardiner Henry John Male Perth
1911/100150 Perth Gardiner Henry John Male Bryant Florence Amelia Female Perth
1911/100151 Perth Baker Alma Hilda Female Coutts David Male Perth
1911/100151 Perth Coutts David Male Baker Alma Hilda Female Perth
1911/100152 Perth Platts James Ernest Male Bonner Ada Jane Female Perth
1911/100152 Perth Bonner Ada Jane Female Platts James Ernest Male Perth
1911/100153 Perth Baker Henry Male Duffy Elsie Female Perth
1911/100153 Perth Duffy Elsie Female Baker Henry Male Perth
1911/100154 Perth Norrish Alice Maud Female Green Albert Horace Male Perth
1911/100154 Perth Green Albert Horace Male Norrish Alice Maud Female Perth
1911/100155 Perth Warren Charlotte Female Wann Charles Alexander Male Perth
1911/100155 Perth Wann Charles Alexander Male Warren Charlotte Female Perth
1911/100156 Perth Watson Herbert Charles Male Packwood Blanche Edith Female Perth
1911/100156 Perth Packwood Blanche Edith Female Watson Herbert Charles Male Perth
1911/100157 Perth Rintel Gracie Female Campbell John Male Perth
1911/100157 Perth Campbell John Male Rintel Gracie Female Perth
1911/100158 Perth Fiddes Richard Male Johnston Louisa Winifred Catherine Female West Perth
1911/100158 Perth Johnston Louisa Winifred Catherine Female Fiddes Richard Male West Perth
1911/100159 Perth Kingsbury Henry Male Hayden Mary Female Maylands
1911/100159 Perth Hayden Mary Female Kingsbury Henry Male Maylands
1911/100160 Perth Scott Edward Reenie Male Braunsdorf Doris Emma Female West Perth
1911/100160 Perth Braunsdorf Doris Emma Female Scott Edward Reenie Male West Perth
1911/100161 Perth Löfman George William Parrey Male Dyke Mary Female Perth
1911/100161 Perth Dyke Mary Female Löfman George William Parrey Male Perth
1911/100162 Perth Mathieson Annie Female Anderson James Male West Perth
1911/100162 Perth Anderson James Male Mathieson Annie Female West Perth
1911/100163 Perth Robbins Matilda Female Richards James Male Perth
1911/100163 Perth Richards James Male Robbins Matilda Female Perth
1911/100164 Perth Boas Harold Male Cohen Saidie Female Perth
1911/100164 Perth Cohen Saidie Female Boas Harold Male Perth
1911/100165 Perth Egan Mary Ellen Female Richardson Andrew Moffat Male Perth
1911/100165 Perth Richardson Andrew Moffat Male Egan Mary Ellen Female Perth
1911/100166 Perth Cooke Charlotte Female Bell Charles Male Perth
1911/100166 Perth Bell Charles Male Cooke Charlotte Female Perth
1911/100167 Perth Crane Elizabeth Female Humann William Allison Male Perth
1911/100167 Perth Humann William Allison Male Crane Elizabeth Female Perth
1911/100168 Perth Dunning Lily Mary Female Gaden Albert Ernest Male Perth
1911/100168 Perth Gaden Albert Ernest Male Dunning Lily Mary Female Perth
1911/100169 Perth Rock Evelyn Priscilla Female King Richard Francis Male Perth
1911/100169 Perth King Richard Francis Male Rock Evelyn Priscilla Female Perth
1911/100170 Perth Lumb Alfred Sydney Male Owens Ada Jane Female Perth
1911/100170 Perth Owens Ada Jane Female Lumb Alfred Sydney Male Perth
1911/100171 Perth Sutherland Muriel Female Craven Norman Stanley Male Perth
1911/100171 Perth Craven Norman Stanley Male Sutherland Muriel Female Perth
1911/100172 Perth Baldwin William Male Turner Catherine Elizabeth Female Perth
1911/100172 Perth Turner Catherine Elizabeth Female Baldwin William Male Perth
1911/100173 Perth Fitzsimons Elizabeth Female Turner Frederick Ernest Percy Male Perth
1911/100173 Perth Turner Frederick Ernest Percy Male Fitzsimons Elizabeth Female Perth
1911/100174 Perth Harris Mary Jane Female Dewar Andrew Frederick Male Perth
1911/100174 Perth Dewar Andrew Frederick Male Harris Mary Jane Female Perth
1911/100175 Perth Stringfellow Florence Ethel Female Poole John Male Perth
1911/100175 Perth Poole John Male Stringfellow Florence Ethel Female Perth
1911/100176 Perth Brooks Emily Female Wein John Male Perth
1911/100176 Perth Wein John Male Brooks Emily Female Perth
1911/100177 Perth Rea David Male Manning Annie Female Perth
1911/100177 Perth Manning Annie Female Rea David Male Perth
1911/100178 Perth Brown Mary Amelia Female Thomas Walter John Male Perth
1911/100178 Perth Thomas Walter John Male Brown Mary Amelia Female Perth
1911/100179 Perth McCulloch George Harrison Male Lancaster Elizabeth Ann Female West Perth
1911/100179 Perth Lancaster Elizabeth Ann Female McCulloch George Harrison Male West Perth
1911/100180 Perth Browning Sydney Lenox Male Allan Joanna Mavor Female West Perth
1911/100180 Perth Allan Joanna Mavor Female Browning Sydney Lenox Male West Perth
1911/100181 Perth Watts Anastasia Female Key Martin Male West Perth
1911/100181 Perth Key Martin Male Watts Anastasia Female West Perth
1911/100182 Perth Fletcher Jane Female Nobbs Edward Male Perth
1911/100182 Perth Nobbs Edward Male Fletcher Jane Female Perth
1911/100183 Perth Small Jessie Female Allen John Henry Male Perth
1911/100183 Perth Allen John Henry Male Small Jessie Female Perth
1911/100184 Perth McBride Thomas Michael Male Bonnett Alice Maude Female Maylands
1911/100184 Perth Bonnett Alice Maude Female McBride Thomas Michael Male Maylands
1911/100185 Perth Ross Agnes Female Bowman John Male Perth
1911/100185 Perth Bowman John Male Ross Agnes Female Perth
1911/100186 Perth Foster Ernest Edward Male Curtis Ellen Matilda Female North Perth
1911/100186 Perth Curtis Ellen Matilda Female Foster Ernest Edward Male North Perth
1911/100187 Perth Dorph Petersen Erik Male Pelle Jessie Louise Female North Perth
1911/100187 Perth Pelle Jessie Louise Female Dorph Petersen Erik Male North Perth
1911/100188 Perth Cornell Thomas Henry Male Moir Jeannie Johnston Female Perth
1911/100188 Perth Moir Jeannie Johnston Female Cornell Thomas Henry Male Perth
1911/100189 Perth Wilson Lena Jane Female Hooper Peter James Male Perth
1911/100189 Perth Hooper Peter James Male Wilson Lena Jane Female Perth
1911/100190 Perth Silver Thomas Male Bradford Beatrice Mary Female Maylands
1911/100190 Perth Bradford Beatrice Mary Female Silver Thomas Male Maylands
1911/100191 Perth Brimson Alice Sophie Female Sherwood Harry Hay Male Maylands
1911/100191 Perth Sherwood Harry Hay Male Brimson Alice Sophie Female Maylands
1911/100192 Perth Luton Louise Female Bedder Edward Henry Male Perth
1911/100192 Perth Bedder Edward Henry Male Luton Louise Female Perth
1911/100193 Perth Ellis Ida Marie Female Colley Albert Charles David Woolf Male Perth
1911/100193 Perth Colley Albert Charles David Woolf Male Ellis Ida Marie Female Perth
1911/100194 Perth Holland Julia Female Jose Walter John Male Perth
1911/100194 Perth Jose Walter John Male Holland Julia Female Perth
1911/100195 Perth Bronsdon Emily Louisa Female Thorpe Wilfred George Trevelyan Male Victoria Park
1911/100195 Perth Thorpe Wilfred George Trevelyan Male Bronsdon Emily Louisa Female Victoria Park
1911/100196 Perth Edwards Ethel Isabella Female Lambert William John Male Victoria Park
1911/100196 Perth Lambert William John Male Edwards Ethel Isabella Female Victoria Park
1911/100197 Perth Brittain Hilda Female McCallum Archibald Male West Perth
1911/100197 Perth McCallum Archibald Male Brittain Hilda Female West Perth
1911/100198 Perth Bryant Cecilia Mary Female Johnson Bertie Tesling Male Perth
1911/100198 Perth Johnson Bertie Tesling Male Bryant Cecilia Mary Female Perth
1911/100199 Perth Mahoney Patrick Murray Male Shine Jean Female West Perth
1911/100199 Perth Shine Jean Female Mahoney Patrick Murray Male West Perth
1911/100200 Perth Bellingham Ellen Maude Female Lizars Alexander David Male Perth
1911/100200 Perth Lizars Alexander David Male Bellingham Ellen Maude Female Perth
1911/100201 Perth Buddee Thomas Richards Detlef Ludwig Male Nenke Florence Ida Female Perth
1911/100201 Perth Nenke Florence Ida Female Buddee Thomas Richards Detlef Ludwig Male Perth
1911/100202 Perth Cox Violet Martha Female Mercer Leslie Frank Male Perth
1911/100202 Perth Mercer Leslie Frank Male Cox Violet Martha Female Perth
1911/100203 Perth Barr Jean Female Cross Ernest Arthur Male Perth
1911/100203 Perth Cross Ernest Arthur Male Barr Jean Female Perth
1911/100204 Perth Bell Lily Female Cox George William Male North Perth
1911/100204 Perth Cox George William Male Bell Lily Female North Perth
1911/100205 Perth Collins Alice Maud Female Bird Francis Cecil Gerald Male West Perth
1911/100205 Perth Bird Francis Cecil Gerald Male Collins Alice Maud Female West Perth
1911/100206 Perth Guise Edith Alice Female Dewar Charles Edward Male Perth
1911/100206 Perth Dewar Charles Edward Male Guise Edith Alice Female Perth
1911/100207 Perth Abbott William Bardsley Male Hodder Josephine May Female Perth
1911/100207 Perth Hodder Josephine May Female Abbott William Bardsley Male Perth
1911/100208 Perth Rhodes Mary Isabel Female Phillips Thomas Male Perth
1911/100208 Perth Phillips Thomas Male Rhodes Mary Isabel Female Perth
1911/100209 Perth Liddelow Louisa Evelyn Female Doust Alfred Henry Male Perth
1911/100209 Perth Doust Alfred Henry Male Liddelow Louisa Evelyn Female Perth
1911/100210 Perth Dorizzi Thomas John Male Gordon Mary Anne Female Perth
1911/100210 Perth Gordon Mary Anne Female Dorizzi Thomas John Male Perth
1911/100211 Perth Vance William Henry Male Young Doris Emily Female Perth
1911/100211 Perth Young Doris Emily Female Vance William Henry Male Perth
1911/100212 Perth Reade Nellie Female Archong Charles Male Perth
1911/100212 Perth Archong Charles Male Reade Nellie Female Perth
1911/100213 Perth Lamb Florence Mabel Female Warren John Richards Male West Perth
1911/100213 Perth Warren John Richards Male Lamb Florence Mabel Female West Perth
1911/100214 Perth Jones Thomas Morton James Male Goggin Margaret Female Perth
1911/100214 Perth Goggin Margaret Female Jones Thomas Morton James Male Perth
1911/100215 Perth Teague Charles Burton Male Travers Jean Female Perth
1911/100215 Perth Travers Jean Female Teague Charles Burton Male Perth
1911/100216 Perth Rogers Vida Frances Female Creed Harold John Male Perth
1911/100216 Perth Creed Harold John Male Rogers Vida Frances Female Perth
1911/100217 Perth White William Richard Male Menzies Charlotte Female Perth
1911/100217 Perth Menzies Charlotte Female White William Richard Male Perth
1911/100218 Perth Cairnie William Richardson Male Hunter Annabella Female Perth
1911/100218 Perth Hunter Annabella Female Cairnie William Richardson Male Perth
1911/100219 Perth Johnson Annie Augusta Female Stanley Harry Male Perth
1911/100219 Perth Stanley Harry Male Johnson Annie Augusta Female Perth
1911/100220 Perth Timmings Viola Grace Female Horn Albert Otto Male Perth
1911/100220 Perth Horn Albert Otto Male Timmings Viola Grace Female Perth
1911/100221 Perth Whittaker George Edward Male Game Florence Gertrude Female Perth
1911/100221 Perth Game Florence Gertrude Female Whittaker George Edward Male Perth
1911/100222 Perth Watkins May Maud Female Reay George Berkeley Male Victoria Park
1911/100222 Perth Reay George Berkeley Male Watkins May Maud Female Victoria Park
1911/100223 Perth Gillings Olive Rhoda Female Ford George Herbert Male Victoria Park
1911/100223 Perth Ford George Herbert Male Gillings Olive Rhoda Female Victoria Park
1911/100224 Perth Brown Margaret Ellen Female Smith Sidney Male Perth
1911/100224 Perth Smith Sidney Male Brown Margaret Ellen Female Perth
1911/100225 Perth Kneller Edward George Male Trelfer Elizabeth Deborah Female Perth
1911/100225 Perth Trelfer Elizabeth Deborah Female Kneller Edward George Male Perth
1911/100226 Perth Mellor Robert William Male Phease Florence Lucy Female Perth
1911/100226 Perth Phease Florence Lucy Female Mellor Robert William Male Perth
1911/100227 Perth Birdsey Thella Female Cantor Morris Emanuel Lamen Male Perth
1911/100227 Perth Cantor Morris Emanuel Lamen Male Birdsey Thella Female Perth
1911/100228 Perth Ottaway Valentine Austen Male McGrath Maria Female West Perth
1911/100228 Perth McGrath Maria Female Ottaway Valentine Austen Male West Perth
1911/100229 Perth Hartley Bertha Female Plummer William Charles Male Perth
1911/100229 Perth Plummer William Charles Male Hartley Bertha Female Perth
1911/100230 Perth McCarthy Ellie Female McCarthy John Male West Perth
1911/100230 Perth McCarthy John Male McCarthy Ellie Female West Perth
1911/100231 Perth Peake Edith Amelia Female Knights William Ivanhoe Male Perth
1911/100231 Perth Knights William Ivanhoe Male Peake Edith Amelia Female Perth
1911/100232 Perth Kippenberger Barbara Female Kennedy William Frew Male Perth
1911/100232 Perth Kennedy William Frew Male Kippenberger Barbara Female Perth
1911/100233 Perth Mitchell Clara Adelaide Female Bott Reginald Charles Male Perth
1911/100233 Perth Bott Reginald Charles Male Mitchell Clara Adelaide Female Perth
1911/100234 Perth Courthope Frances Amy Female Lennard John Evelyn Barrett Male Perth
1911/100234 Perth Lennard John Evelyn Barrett Male Courthope Frances Amy Female Perth
1911/100235 Perth Bleeck Adelaide Mary Female Evans Leslie John Male Perth
1911/100235 Perth Evans Leslie John Male Bleeck Adelaide Mary Female Perth
1911/100236 Perth Washer Ruby May Female Doe Edwin David Male Perth
1911/100236 Perth Doe Edwin David Male Washer Ruby May Female Perth
1911/100237 Perth Norris William Mackray Male Clark Mary Louisa Female Perth
1911/100237 Perth Clark Mary Louisa Female Norris William Mackray Male Perth
1911/100238 Perth Farley Cecil Male Blower Mary Ida Female Perth
1911/100238 Perth Farley Cecil Male Miles Mary Ida Female Perth
1911/100238 Perth Miles Mary Ida Female Farley Cecil Male Perth
1911/100238 Perth Blower Mary Ida Female Farley Cecil Male Perth
1911/100239 Perth Rogers Violet Myrtle Female Ashby Henry Ernest Male North Perth
1911/100239 Perth Ashby Henry Ernest Male Rogers Violet Myrtle Female North Perth
1911/100240 Perth Elliott Albert Davison Male Cuthbertson Susan Female Perth
1911/100240 Perth Cuthbertson Susan Female Elliott Albert Davison Male Perth
1911/100241 Perth Millard Elizabeth Female Hunt Henry Alexander Male North Perth
1911/100241 Perth Hunt Henry Alexander Male Millard Elizabeth Female North Perth
1911/100242 Perth Murdoch George Edward Male Cole Jessie Isobel Female Perth
1911/100242 Perth Cole Jessie Isobel Female Murdoch George Edward Male Perth
1911/100243 Perth Willey Louisa Female Snell Harry Henry Male Perth
1911/100243 Perth Snell Harry Henry Male Willey Louisa Female Perth
1911/100244 Perth White Charlotte Eliza Female Vale Charles Male Perth
1911/100244 Perth Vale Charles Male White Charlotte Eliza Female Perth
1911/100245 Perth Gray Alice Female Sanders William Male Perth
1911/100245 Perth Sanders William Male Gray Alice Female Perth
1911/100246 Perth Eastland John Christopher Male Tredrea Frances Ann Female Perth
1911/100246 Perth Tredrea Frances Ann Female Eastland John Christopher Male Perth
1911/100247 Perth Rickard James Edwin Male Beckett Josephine Kathleen Female Perth
1911/100247 Perth Beckett Josephine Kathleen Female Rickard James Edwin Male Perth
1911/100248 Perth Willcocks Walter Hilton Male Elliott Lucy Merrifield Female Maylands
1911/100248 Perth Elliott Lucy Merrifield Female Willcocks Walter Hilton Male Maylands
1911/100249 Perth Barnes Grace Female Lilly Edward Male Perth
1911/100249 Perth Lilly Edward Male Barnes Grace Female Perth
1911/100250 Perth Rodgers Thomas Harold Male Hunter Elizabeth Female Perth
1911/100250 Perth Hunter Elizabeth Female Rodgers Thomas Harold Male Perth
1911/100251 Perth Timms Albert Male Aram Bessie Female Perth
1911/100251 Perth Aram Bessie Female Timms Albert Male Perth
1911/100252 Perth Sydenham Albert George Male Pitcher Minnie Nanethe Female Perth
1911/100252 Perth Pitcher Minnie Nanethe Female Sydenham Albert George Male Perth
1911/100253 Perth Maynard Herbert John Male Smitham Maud May Female Perth
1911/100253 Perth Smitham Maud May Female Maynard Herbert John Male Perth
1911/100254 Perth Sloan Percy James Male Hanretty Grace Page Female Perth
1911/100254 Perth Hanretty Grace Page Female Sloan Percy James Male Perth
1911/100255 Perth Brooking Helena Dorothy Female Davis Charles Edgar Male Perth
1911/100255 Perth Davis Charles Edgar Male Brooking Helena Dorothy Female Perth
1911/100256 Perth Worsley Arthur James Harold Male Ryinker Bertha Louise Female Perth
1911/100256 Perth Ryinker Bertha Louise Female Worsley Arthur James Harold Male Perth
1911/100257 Perth Maher Edward Male Clarke Catherine Female Perth
1911/100257 Perth Clarke Catherine Female Maher Edward Male Perth
1911/100258 Perth Vlies Emile Alexander Male Jones Winifred Dorothy Mona Female Bayswater
1911/100258 Perth Jones Winifred Dorothy Mona Female Vlies Emile Alexander Male Bayswater
1911/100259 Perth Drayton Blanche Elizabeth Female Wilmot Frederick Male East Perth
1911/100259 Perth Wilmot Frederick Male Drayton Blanche Elizabeth Female East Perth
1911/100260 Perth Reynolds Alick Francis Male McPherson Vera May Female Perth
1911/100260 Perth McPherson Vera May Female Reynolds Alick Francis Male Perth
1911/100261 Perth Hambly Alice Elsie Female Nevile Richard Warwick Male Perth
1911/100261 Perth Nevile Richard Warwick Male Hambly Alice Elsie Female Perth
1911/100262 Perth Shephard Stanley Male Wearne Sarah Bertha Female Brisbane St
1911/100262 Perth Wearne Sarah Bertha Female Shephard Stanley Male Brisbane St
1911/100263 Perth Golding William Male Maes Bertha Female Perth
1911/100263 Perth Maes Bertha Female Golding William Male Perth
1911/100264 Perth Hamilton Harold James Male Merser Marjorie Farquharson Female Perth
1911/100264 Perth Merser Marjorie Farquharson Female Hamilton Harold James Male Perth
1911/100265 Perth Foster Gertrude Ivy Female Stubbs Cyril Roy Male Perth
1911/100265 Perth Stubbs Cyril Roy Male Foster Gertrude Ivy Female Perth
1911/100266 Perth Scott Robert Woolley Male Henderson Ellen Sophia Female South Perth
1911/100266 Perth Henderson Ellen Sophia Female Scott Robert Woolley Male South Perth
1911/100267 Perth Pamment Malcolm Henry Pair Male Mews Edna Amy Female South Perth
1911/100267 Perth Mews Edna Amy Female Pamment Malcolm Henry Pair Male South Perth
1911/100268 Perth Millea Mary Elizabeth Female Blackman Alfred George Male West Perth
1911/100268 Perth Blackman Alfred George Male Millea Mary Elizabeth Female West Perth
1911/100269 Perth Mowday Maggie Female Manning John Daniel Male South Perth
1911/100269 Perth Manning John Daniel Male Mowday Maggie Female South Perth
1911/100270 Perth Bain Catherine Female Murray John Henry Male Perth
1911/100270 Perth Murray John Henry Male Bain Catherine Female Perth
1911/100271 Perth Lee Jennie Female Sundercombe Arthur Heard Male Perth
1911/100271 Perth Sundercombe Arthur Heard Male Lee Jennie Female Perth
1911/100272 Perth Powell George Male Fraser Margaret Female Perth
1911/100272 Perth Fraser Margaret Female Powell George Male Perth
1911/100273 Perth Cumpston Richard Stanley Male Gibbney Eleanor Bennett Female Perth
1911/100273 Perth Gibbney Eleanor Bennett Female Cumpston Richard Stanley Male Perth
1911/100274 Perth Easthope Isabel Wilmot Female Sykes Henry Leonard Male Perth
1911/100274 Perth Sykes Henry Leonard Male Easthope Isabel Wilmot Female Perth
1911/100275 Perth Sherlock Francis Huddart Male Huggins Cecilia Maude Female Perth
1911/100275 Perth Huggins Cecilia Maude Female Sherlock Francis Huddart Male Perth
1911/100276 Perth Callaway Polly Female Smith Reginald Thomas Male West Perth
1911/100276 Perth Smith Reginald Thomas Male Callaway Polly Female West Perth
1911/100277 Perth Varney John Richard Male McHugh Agnes Female Perth
1911/100277 Perth McHugh Agnes Female Varney John Richard Male Perth
1911/100278 Perth Hodgson Harry Stanley Male Inglis Dorothy Theodosia Female Perth
1911/100278 Perth Inglis Dorothy Theodosia Female Hodgson Harry Stanley Male Perth
1911/100279 Perth Elliott Rose Mitchell Female Gibson Thomas Hughan Male Perth
1911/100279 Perth Gibson Thomas Hughan Male Elliott Rose Mitchell Female Perth
1911/100280 Perth Leitch John Denis Male Clark Eleanor Maud Female Victoria Park
1911/100280 Perth Clark Eleanor Maud Female Leitch John Denis Male Victoria Park
1911/100281 Perth Hutton Edith Christina Female Appleyard Thomas Lytton Male Perth
1911/100281 Perth Appleyard Thomas Lytton Male Hutton Edith Christina Female Perth
1911/100282 Perth Passmore Albert Edward Male Harrington Catherine Female Perth
1911/100282 Perth Harrington Catherine Female Passmore Albert Edward Male Perth
1911/100283 Perth Joy Elizabeth Ellen Female Turner Harold Herbert Male Maylands
1911/100283 Perth Turner Harold Herbert Male Joy Elizabeth Ellen Female Maylands
1911/100284 Perth Leeming Florence Female Nichols David Alexander Male Perth
1911/100284 Perth Nichols David Alexander Male Leeming Florence Female Perth
1911/100285 Perth Poland Louisa Jane Female Farley Henry Alfred Male Perth
1911/100285 Perth Farley Henry Alfred Male Poland Louisa Jane Female Perth
1911/100286 Perth Innes Grace Mary Female Livingston George Phillip Male West Perth
1911/100286 Perth Livingston George Phillip Male Innes Grace Mary Female West Perth
1911/100287 Perth Gill Thomas Henry Male Crews Olive Everhilda Female West Perth
1911/100287 Perth Crews Olive Everhilda Female Gill Thomas Henry Male West Perth
1911/100288 Perth Reeve Charles Valentini Male Innes Evelyn Myrtle Female Charles St
1911/100288 Perth Innes Evelyn Myrtle Female Reeve Charles Valentini Male Charles St
1911/100289 Perth Mutton William Henry Male Moore Eveline Edith Female Perth
1911/100289 Perth Moore Eveline Edith Female Mutton William Henry Male Perth
1911/100290 Perth Moorhead William Robert Male Oliver Winifred Elizabeth Female Perth
1911/100290 Perth Oliver Winifred Elizabeth Female Moorhead William Robert Male Perth
1911/100291 Perth Gallon John Edward Male Anderson Mary Female Perth
1911/100291 Perth Anderson Mary Female Gallon John Edward Male Perth
1911/100292 Perth Colgan Julia Female O'Reilly Lawrence Hugh Male Maylands
1911/100292 Perth O'Reilly Lawrence Hugh Male Colgan Julia Female Maylands
1911/100293 Perth Harris Rosalie Female O'Keefe John Male Perth
1911/100293 Perth O'Keefe John Male Harris Rosalie Female Perth
1911/100294 Perth Buzzini Michael Ernest Male Tepper Elizabeth McCrindle Female Perth
1911/100294 Perth Tepper Elizabeth McCrindle Female Buzzini Michael Ernest Male Perth
1911/100295 Perth Korbosky William Charles Male Dunn Maria Constance Female Perth
1911/100295 Perth Dunn Maria Constance Female Korbosky William Charles Male Perth
1911/100296 Perth Boland Mary Ellen Female Sykes Joseph Male Perth
1911/100296 Perth Sykes Joseph Male Boland Mary Ellen Female Perth
1911/100297 Perth Hannah George Edwin Male Kildea Rose Immaculate Female Perth
1911/100297 Perth Kildea Rose Immaculate Female Hannah George Edwin Male Perth
1911/100298 Perth Powell Reginald Male Serisier Kathleen Daisy Female Perth
1911/100298 Perth Serisier Kathleen Daisy Female Powell Reginald Male Perth
1911/100299 Perth Kelly Mary Jane Female Gallagher Hubert John Male Perth
1911/100299 Perth Gallagher Hubert John Male Kelly Mary Jane Female Perth
1911/100300 Perth Daly Margaret Female Sweetman John Male Perth
1911/100300 Perth Sweetman John Male Daly Margaret Female Perth
1911/100301 Perth Gray John Male Wesley Rachel Eleanor Female Perth
1911/100301 Perth Wesley Rachel Eleanor Female Gray John Male Perth
1911/100302 Perth Tolhurst Jessie Agnes Female Mead Albert Male Perth
1911/100302 Perth Mead Albert Male Tolhurst Jessie Agnes Female Perth
1911/100303 Perth Murray Mary Stella Female Gray James Male Perth
1911/100303 Perth Gray James Male Murray Mary Stella Female Perth
1911/100304 Perth Magnussen Oscar Clausen Male Hicks Evelyn Maud Female West Perth
1911/100304 Perth Hicks Evelyn Maud Female Magnussen Oscar Clausen Male West Perth
1911/100305 Perth Randell Alfred Charles Male Bailey Florence Gertrude Female Perth
1911/100305 Perth Bailey Florence Gertrude Female Randell Alfred Charles Male Perth
1911/100306 Perth Poniros Constantinos Male Michelides Photini Female Perth
1911/100306 Perth Michelides Photini Female Poniros Constantinos Male Perth
1911/100307 Perth Ogden Charles Henry Male Robinson Daisie Ellen Emeline Gertrude Female West Perth
1911/100307 Perth Robinson Daisie Ellen Emeline Gertrude Female Ogden Charles Henry Male West Perth
1911/100308 Perth Ross John Edward Male Regan Elizabeth Female Perth
1911/100308 Perth Regan Elizabeth Female Ross John Edward Male Perth
1911/100309 Perth Bevan Olive May Female Leslie Gilchrist Robert Male Perth
1911/100309 Perth Leslie Gilchrist Robert Male Bevan Olive May Female Perth
1911/100310 Perth Howie Mary Josephine Female Byrne James Joseph Rice Male Perth
1911/100310 Perth Byrne James Joseph Rice Male Howie Mary Josephine Female Perth
1911/100311 Perth Craig James Stirling Male Heads Vivienne Gabrielle Female Perth
1911/100311 Perth Heads Vivienne Gabrielle Female Craig James Stirling Male Perth
1911/100312 Perth Coleman Elizabeth Ellen Female McGrade Percival Michael Male Perth
1911/100312 Perth McGrade Percival Michael Male Coleman Elizabeth Ellen Female Perth
1911/100313 Perth Griffith Richard Thomas Male Rundle Elizabeth Female Perth
1911/100313 Perth Rundle Elizabeth Female Griffith Richard Thomas Male Perth
1911/100314 Perth Cuthbertson Margaret Jane Female Brownlie James Robertson Male Perth
1911/100314 Perth Brownlie James Robertson Male Cuthbertson Margaret Jane Female Perth
1911/100315 Perth Longbottom Bertha Annie Female Gale John Philip Male Perth
1911/100315 Perth Gale John Philip Male Longbottom Bertha Annie Female Perth
1911/100316 Perth Harris Alma Female Fallon Charles Morton Male Bayswater
1911/100316 Perth Fallon Charles Morton Male Harris Alma Female Bayswater
1911/100317 Perth Lehne Hurtle Frederick Male Price Elizabeth Gwendoline Female East Perth
1911/100317 Perth Price Elizabeth Gwendoline Female Lehne Hurtle Frederick Male East Perth
1911/100318 Perth Thompson Blanche Emily Female Linton William Thomas Male Perth
1911/100318 Perth Linton William Thomas Male Thompson Blanche Emily Female Perth
1911/100319 Perth House Wilfrid Lanyon Charles Male Rohrs Gertrude Mary Ellenora Female Perth
1911/100319 Perth Rohrs Gertrude Mary Ellenora Female House Wilfrid Lanyon Charles Male Perth
1911/100320 Perth Olsen Alice Female Barrass Thomas Edward Male Maylands
1911/100320 Perth Barrass Thomas Edward Male Olsen Alice Female Maylands
1911/100321 Perth Smalley Oswald Curtis Male Merriman Regina Clarice Ivireen Female Perth
1911/100321 Perth Merriman Regina Clarice Ivireen Female Smalley Oswald Curtis Male Perth
1911/100322 Perth Klapproth Elsie Female Lawrance Wilfred Henry Fennell Male Perth
1911/100322 Perth Lawrance Wilfred Henry Fennell Male Klapproth Elsie Female Perth
1911/100323 Perth Abbott Mary Amelia Female Tredrea Ernest St Alban Trevithick Male Maylands
1911/100323 Perth Tredrea Ernest St Alban Trevithick Male Abbott Mary Amelia Female Maylands
1911/100324 Perth West George Ernest Male Prosser Emily Georgina Female Perth
1911/100324 Perth Prosser Emily Georgina Female West George Ernest Male Perth
1911/100325 Perth Coppin John Male Kiniry Alice Female Perth
1911/100325 Perth Kiniry Alice Female Coppin John Male Perth
1911/100326 Perth Still Georgina Wilson Female Austin Anthony Nelson Male Perth
1911/100326 Perth Austin Anthony Nelson Male Still Georgina Wilson Female Perth
1911/100327 Perth Geenens Ruby Jane Female Foley Daniel Herbert Male West Perth
1911/100327 Perth Foley Daniel Herbert Male Geenens Ruby Jane Female West Perth
1911/100328 Perth Lulham Margaret Alice Female Connolly Michael Joseph Male Perth
1911/100328 Perth Connolly Michael Joseph Male Lulham Margaret Alice Female Perth
1911/100329 Perth Goldsmith Edith Rabone Female Lukies John Aubrey Male Perth
1911/100329 Perth Lukies John Aubrey Male Goldsmith Edith Rabone Female Perth
1911/100330 Perth Chalmers Cacille Bygrove Female Hinkley Harold Frank Male Perth
1911/100330 Perth Hinkley Harold Frank Male Chalmers Cacille Bygrove Female Perth
1911/100331 Perth O'Dea Julian Clare Male Townsend Kathleen Meta Female Perth
1911/100331 Perth Townsend Kathleen Meta Female O'Dea Julian Clare Male Perth
1911/100332 Perth Niblett Edward Robert Male Fearby Maud Alice Female Perth
1911/100332 Perth Fearby Maud Alice Female Niblett Edward Robert Male Perth
1911/100333 Perth Reddin Francis John Male Puls Ada Female West Perth
1911/100333 Perth Puls Ada Female Reddin Francis John Male West Perth
1911/100334 Perth Hand Herbert Male Fisher Emily Ward Female Victoria Park
1911/100334 Perth Fisher Emily Ward Female Hand Herbert Male Victoria Park
1911/100335 Perth McAuliffe Mary Ellen Female Davis Charles John Steven Male Perth
1911/100335 Perth Davis Charles John Steven Male McAuliffe Mary Ellen Female Perth
1911/100336 Perth Capps Millicent Female King Charles Male Perth
1911/100336 Perth King Charles Male Capps Millicent Female Perth
1911/100337 Perth Watson Annie Inglis Female James William Richard Male Perth
1911/100337 Perth James William Richard Male Watson Annie Inglis Female Perth
1911/100338 Perth Isbister John Male Lucas Millinda Female Perth
1911/100338 Perth Lucas Millinda Female Isbister John Male Perth
1911/100339 Perth Benzie James Male Wyatt Clara Mary Female Perth
1911/100339 Perth Wyatt Clara Mary Female Benzie James Male Perth
1911/100340 Perth Wearmouth Lucy Grey Female Flight Harry Male Perth
1911/100340 Perth Flight Harry Male Wearmouth Lucy Grey Female Perth
1911/100341 Perth Campbell James Male Stone Bertha Kathleen Female Perth
1911/100341 Perth Stone Bertha Kathleen Female Campbell James Male Perth
1911/100342 Perth Atkinson Nautille Amelia Bazley Female Lawton Reginald Henry Newland Male Perth
1911/100342 Perth Lawton Reginald Henry Newland Male Atkinson Nautille Amelia Bazley Female Perth
1911/100343 Perth Mead Daniel Charles Male Scrimmager Edith May Female Perth
1911/100343 Perth Scrimmager Edith May Female Mead Daniel Charles Male Perth
1911/100344 Perth Young Lindsay Forster Male Smith Nesta Gweneal Female Perth
1911/100344 Perth Smith Nesta Gweneal Female Young Lindsay Forster Male Perth
1911/100345 Perth Wood Charles Somerville Male McCallum Isabella Female Perth
1911/100345 Perth McCallum Isabella Female Wood Charles Somerville Male Perth
1911/100346 Perth Marriott Hubert Kenneth Male Inglis Helen Euphemia Female Perth
1911/100346 Perth Inglis Helen Euphemia Female Marriott Hubert Kenneth Male Perth
1911/100347 Perth Chopin Jessie May Female Seiver Herbert John Male West Perth
1911/100347 Perth Seiver Herbert John Male Chopin Jessie May Female West Perth
1911/100348 Perth Longmuir Eunice Rashleigh Female Pead Edwin Humphrey Harold Male West Perth
1911/100348 Perth Pead Edwin Humphrey Harold Male Longmuir Eunice Rashleigh Female West Perth
1911/100349 Perth Leahy Susan Elizabeth Female Harris Herbert Henry Male Perth
1911/100349 Perth Harris Herbert Henry Male Leahy Susan Elizabeth Female Perth
1911/100350 Perth Bennett Thomas William Male Sly Alice May Female East Perth
1911/100350 Perth Sly Alice May Female Bennett Thomas William Male East Perth
1911/100351 Perth Yardley Walter Male Couzens Eleanor Margaret Female East Perth
1911/100351 Perth Couzens Eleanor Margaret Female Yardley Walter Male East Perth
1911/100352 Perth Dures James Henry Male Greely Mary Frances Female West Perth
1911/100352 Perth Greely Mary Frances Female Dures James Henry Male West Perth
1911/100353 Perth Kuhlmann Christian Male Lavelle Annie Kathleen Female Perth
1911/100353 Perth Lavelle Annie Kathleen Female Kuhlmann Christian Male Perth
1911/100354 Perth Cox David Kirby Male Edwards Alice Myrtle Female Perth
1911/100354 Perth Edwards Alice Myrtle Female Cox David Kirby Male Perth
1911/100355 Perth Hoffmann Emilia Augusta Anna Female Kerr Frank Canning Male West Perth
1911/100355 Perth Kerr Frank Canning Male Hoffmann Emilia Augusta Anna Female West Perth
1911/100356 Perth Stanton Edgar Male Walters Sarah Anne Female Perth
1911/100356 Perth Walters Sarah Anne Female Stanton Edgar Male Perth
1911/100357 Perth Jones Annie Elizabeth Female Worton James Male Perth
1911/100357 Perth Worton James Male Jones Annie Elizabeth Female Perth
1911/100358 Perth McCaw Ellen May Female Connolly Thomas Male East Perth
1911/100358 Perth Connolly Thomas Male McCaw Ellen May Female East Perth
1911/100359 Perth Woodhams George Edgar Male Maschmedt Alvina Female Perth
1911/100359 Perth Maschmedt Alvina Female Woodhams George Edgar Male Perth
1911/100360 Perth Richardson Elizabeth Female Rundin Thomas Henry Male Perth
1911/100360 Perth Rundin Thomas Henry Male Richardson Elizabeth Female Perth
1911/100361 Perth Williams Eleanor Margaret Female Allen Sydney James Male Perth
1911/100361 Perth Allen Sydney James Male Williams Eleanor Margaret Female Perth
1911/100362 Perth Read Herbert Male Duncan Emma Jane Female Victoria Park
1911/100362 Perth Duncan Emma Jane Female Read Herbert Male Victoria Park
1911/100363 Perth Giese Heinrich Male Kennett Florence Grace Female Perth
1911/100363 Perth Kennett Florence Grace Female Giese Heinrich Male Perth
1911/100364 Perth Murray John Stewart Male Thomson Jessie Black Female Perth
1911/100364 Perth Thomson Jessie Black Female Murray John Stewart Male Perth
1911/100365 Perth Streleen Matilda Female Keelty John James Male Perth
1911/100365 Perth Keelty John James Male Streleen Matilda Female Perth
1911/100366 Perth Methven Stuartson Collard Male Cogan Ruby Iris Cecelia Female Perth
1911/100366 Perth Cogan Ruby Iris Cecelia Female Methven Stuartson Collard Male Perth
1911/100367 Perth Howlett Elsie May Female Hunter James Male South Perth
1911/100367 Perth Hunter James Male Howlett Elsie May Female South Perth
1911/100368 Perth Palmer Olive Lillian Female Goland William Augustus Male South Perth
1911/100368 Perth Goland William Augustus Male Palmer Olive Lillian Female South Perth
1911/100369 Perth Harrington Kathleen Beatrice Female Ryder James Male Perth
1911/100369 Perth Ryder James Male Harrington Kathleen Beatrice Female Perth
1911/100370 Perth Wieringa Rudolphe August Male D'Arcy Bertha Elizabeth Female West Perth
1911/100370 Perth D'Arcy Bertha Elizabeth Female Wieringa Rudolphe August Male West Perth
1911/100371 Perth Warren Everard Francis Leopold Male Barnes Maria Sophia Female Perth
1911/100371 Perth Barnes Maria Sophia Female Warren Everard Francis Leopold Male Perth
1911/100372 Perth Simpson Fanny Female Pinel Philip Amy Male Perth
1911/100372 Perth Pinel Philip Amy Male Simpson Fanny Female Perth
1911/100373 Perth Kahan Raoul Robellaz Male Williams Catharine Evelyne Female Perth
1911/100373 Perth Williams Catharine Evelyne Female Kahan Raoul Robellaz Male Perth
1911/100374 Perth Goodwin Joseph Payten Male Deague Eveline Female Perth
1911/100374 Perth Deague Eveline Female Goodwin Joseph Payten Male Perth
1911/100375 Perth Smith Mabel Florence Female Fletcher Ernest Male Perth
1911/100375 Perth Fletcher Ernest Male Smith Mabel Florence Female Perth
1911/100376 Perth Smythe Lucy Barbara Ingoldsby Female Jefferis Arthur Tarlton Male Perth
1911/100376 Perth Jefferis Arthur Tarlton Male Smythe Lucy Barbara Ingoldsby Female Perth
1911/100377 Perth Hennah Sidney Austen Male Burton Elizabeth Charlotte Female Perth
1911/100377 Perth Burton Elizabeth Charlotte Female Hennah Sidney Austen Male Perth
1911/100378 Perth Bennett William Ernest Male Hall Florence Elsie Female Perth
1911/100378 Perth Hall Florence Elsie Female Bennett William Ernest Male Perth
1911/100379 Perth Coghlan Mary Biddulph Lucy Female Braham Godfrey Septimus Male Perth
1911/100379 Perth Braham Godfrey Septimus Male Coghlan Mary Biddulph Lucy Female Perth
1911/100380 Perth Wilson George Male Given Elizabeth Mary Female Perth
1911/100380 Perth Given Elizabeth Mary Female Wilson George Male Perth
1911/100381 Perth Fennell Jessie May Female Mackenzie Robert Male Perth
1911/100381 Perth Mackenzie Robert Male Fennell Jessie May Female Perth
1911/100382 Perth Grant Jane Ann Female Mattinson John Lawrence Male Perth
1911/100382 Perth Mattinson John Lawrence Male Grant Jane Ann Female Perth
1911/100383 Perth Williams Emily Female White James Allan Male Perth
1911/100383 Perth White James Allan Male Williams Emily Female Perth
1911/100384 Perth Heberle Leslie Male Furniss Eva Elizabeth Female East Perth
1911/100384 Perth Furniss Eva Elizabeth Female Heberle Leslie Male East Perth
1911/100385 Perth Paterson Tom Nicol Male Clement Clara May Female East Perth
1911/100385 Perth Clement Clara May Female Paterson Tom Nicol Male East Perth
1911/100386 Perth Cherry Frances Female Drew William Griggs Male East Perth
1911/100386 Perth Drew William Griggs Male Cherry Frances Female East Perth
1911/100387 Perth Taylor Minnie Eliza Female Taylor James Richard Male Perth
1911/100387 Perth Taylor James Richard Male Taylor Minnie Eliza Female Perth
1911/100388 Perth Shipton Catherine Eileen Female Egan Bernard Male Perth
1911/100388 Perth Egan Bernard Male Shipton Catherine Eileen Female Perth
1911/100389 Perth Howell Maud Female Buelth Walter George Male Perth
1911/100389 Perth Buelth Walter George Male Howell Maud Female Perth
1911/100390 Perth Holmes Florence Ethel Female Jarvis Joseph Male Perth
1911/100390 Perth Jarvis Joseph Male Holmes Florence Ethel Female Perth
1911/100391 Perth Dobson Josephine Ritchie Smith Female Dow George Conway Male Perth
1911/100391 Perth Dow George Conway Male Dobson Josephine Ritchie Smith Female Perth
1911/100392 Perth Murray David Milton Male Coppin Williamena Charlotte Alice Rose Female Belmont
1911/100392 Perth Coppin Williamena Charlotte Alice Rose Female Murray David Milton Male Belmont
1911/100393 Perth Thompson Henry Edgar Male Stevens Sarah Jane Female Perth
1911/100393 Perth Stevens Sarah Jane Female Thompson Henry Edgar Male Perth
1911/100394 Perth Page Dorothy Helen Agatha Female Brinkley John Rowland Lloyd Male Perth
1911/100394 Perth Brinkley John Rowland Lloyd Male Page Dorothy Helen Agatha Female Perth
1911/100395 Perth Gardiner Alfred John Male Herbert Frances Mary Geeke Female Perth
1911/100395 Perth Herbert Frances Mary Geeke Female Gardiner Alfred John Male Perth
1911/100396 Perth Plummer Albert Edward Male Mills Gautwood Ethel Female Perth
1911/100396 Perth Mills Gautwood Ethel Female Plummer Albert Edward Male Perth
1911/100397 Perth Taylor Elizabeth Amy Female Fisher Alfred Cecil Male Perth
1911/100397 Perth Fisher Alfred Cecil Male Taylor Elizabeth Amy Female Perth
1911/100398 Perth Austin Muriel Florence Female Turner Horace Male Perth
1911/100398 Perth Turner Horace Male Austin Muriel Florence Female Perth
1911/100399 Perth Upton Albert Edward Male Dalgleish Dora May Female Perth
1911/100399 Perth Dalgleish Dora May Female Upton Albert Edward Male Perth
1911/100400 Perth Henderson Charles James Alexander Male Huybers Mildred Edith Female Perth
1911/100400 Perth Huybers Mildred Edith Female Henderson Charles James Alexander Male Perth
1911/100401 Perth Gibson Evelyn Sarah Female Smith George Walter Male Perth
1911/100401 Perth Smith George Walter Male Gibson Evelyn Sarah Female Perth
1911/100402 Perth Milne Robert Male Boys Nellie Louisa Female Perth
1911/100402 Perth Boys Nellie Louisa Female Milne Robert Male Perth
1911/100403 Perth Pope Coral Hilda Female Schultz George Male Perth
1911/100403 Perth Schultz George Male Pope Coral Hilda Female Perth
1911/100404 Perth Möller Peter Male Larsen Elizabeth Ann Female Perth
1911/100404 Perth Larsen Elizabeth Ann Female Möller Peter Male Perth
1911/100405 Perth Robinson Phebe Female Langford John Edward Male Mt Lawley
1911/100405 Perth Langford John Edward Male Robinson Phebe Female Mt Lawley
1911/100406 Perth Blackett Norman Augustine Male Kneebone Elizabeth Ann Female Perth
1911/100406 Perth Kneebone Elizabeth Ann Female Blackett Norman Augustine Male Perth
1911/100407 Perth Evans Thomas Alfred Male Provost Maggie Female West Perth
1911/100407 Perth Provost Maggie Female Evans Thomas Alfred Male West Perth
1911/100408 Perth Harris Alfred Male Hackett Hilda May Female Perth
1911/100408 Perth Hackett Hilda May Female Harris Alfred Male Perth
1911/100409 Perth Ryan Mary Josephine Female Lewis John Male Victoria Park
1911/100409 Perth Lewis John Male Ryan Mary Josephine Female Victoria Park
1911/100410 Perth Pugh Alice Lena Elizabeth Female Conroy William Male West Perth
1911/100410 Perth Conroy William Male Pugh Alice Lena Elizabeth Female West Perth
1911/100411 Perth Robinson Charles Henry Male Whitehead Emily Salona Marion Female West Perth
1911/100411 Perth Whitehead Emily Salona Marion Female Robinson Charles Henry Male West Perth
1911/100412 Perth Denham Charles Male Brown Ivy Emily Edith Female Perth
1911/100412 Perth Brown Ivy Emily Edith Female Denham Charles Male Perth
1911/100413 Perth Parker Ernest William Male McGellin Rose Annie Female Perth
1911/100413 Perth McGellin Rose Annie Female Parker Ernest William Male Perth
1911/100414 Perth Murray Thomas Montague Male Briggs Katherine Kemp Female Perth
1911/100414 Perth Briggs Katherine Kemp Female Murray Thomas Montague Male Perth
1911/100415 Perth Carey Arthur Ernest Male Dalton Gladys May Female Perth
1911/100415 Perth Dalton Gladys May Female Carey Arthur Ernest Male Perth
1911/100416 Perth Greene Edward James Male Cahill May Elizabeth Female Perth
1911/100416 Perth Cahill May Elizabeth Female Greene Edward James Male Perth
1911/100417 Perth Elliott Robert Alexander Male Grundy Margaret Lousia Female Perth
1911/100417 Perth Grundy Margaret Lousia Female Elliott Robert Alexander Male Perth
1911/100418 Perth McWhirter Robert Birkett Male Murray Jessie Elizabeth Female East Perth
1911/100418 Perth Murray Jessie Elizabeth Female McWhirter Robert Birkett Male East Perth
1911/100419 Perth Nankervis Thomas Male Matthews Emily Female West Perth
1911/100419 Perth Matthews Emily Female Nankervis Thomas Male West Perth
1912/100420 Perth Baron Florence Rose Female Aicken Andrew Edgar Agnew Male West Perth
1911/100420 Perth Brittain Violet Amelia Female Middleton Edward Isaac Stewart Male West Perth
1911/100420 Perth Middleton Edward Isaac Stewart Male Brittain Violet Amelia Female West Perth
1912/100420 Perth Aicken Andrew Edgar Agnew Male Baron Florence Rose Female West Perth
1911/100421 Perth Priestman James Male Taylor Lily Ann Female Perth
1911/100421 Perth Taylor Lily Ann Female Priestman James Male Perth
1911/100422 Perth Anderson Elizabeth Caroline Female Walker Robert Penrose Male West Perth
1911/100422 Perth Walker Robert Penrose Male Anderson Elizabeth Caroline Female West Perth
1911/100423 Perth Grove Walter Pennell Male Thomas Ellen Winifred Female Perth
1911/100423 Perth Thomas Ellen Winifred Female Grove Walter Pennell Male Perth
1911/100424 Perth McLaughlan Roland Daniel Male Green Ella Mabel Female West Perth
1911/100424 Perth Green Ella Mabel Female McLaughlan Roland Daniel Male West Perth
1911/100425 Perth Williams Laurele Blanch Female Dunstan Milton Thomas Male West Perth
1911/100425 Perth Dunstan Milton Thomas Male Williams Laurele Blanch Female West Perth
1911/100426 Perth Smerdon Herberlena Female Hamilton John Andrew Male West Perth
1911/100426 Perth Hamilton John Andrew Male Smerdon Herberlena Female West Perth
1911/100427 Perth Nankervis Lilian Catherine Female Conn Francis William Male West Perth
1911/100427 Perth Conn Francis William Male Nankervis Lilian Catherine Female West Perth
1911/100428 Perth White Olive Female Tuke John Peatfield Male East Perth
1911/100428 Perth Tuke John Peatfield Male White Olive Female East Perth
1911/100429 Perth Wrigley Albert Male Flowitt Annie Female Perth
1911/100429 Perth Flowitt Annie Female Wrigley Albert Male Perth
1911/100430 Perth Jeffree Albert Ernest Male McGinn Lily Cornamah Female Perth
1911/100430 Perth McGinn Lily Cornamah Female Jeffree Albert Ernest Male Perth
1911/100431 Perth Mannion Bridget Meriam Female Busch Charles Henry Male Perth
1911/100431 Perth Busch Charles Henry Male Mannion Bridget Meriam Female Perth
1911/100432 Perth Richmond Adelaide Ellen Female Brown Herbert Wilfred Male Perth
1911/100432 Perth Brown Herbert Wilfred Male Richmond Adelaide Ellen Female Perth
1911/100433 Perth Hayden Mary Female Hannah Robert James Male West Perth
1911/100433 Perth Hannah Robert James Male Hayden Mary Female West Perth
1911/100434 Perth Fawcett Winnie Female Guelfi Natale Male West Perth
1911/100434 Perth Guelfi Natale Male Fawcett Winnie Female West Perth
1911/100435 Perth Hope Alfred Marshall Male James Lucy Emma Senior Female Perth
1911/100435 Perth James Lucy Emma Senior Female Hope Alfred Marshall Male Perth
1911/100436 Perth Stodart Doris Jessie Isabel Female Anderson George David Frank Male Perth
1911/100436 Perth Anderson George David Frank Male Stodart Doris Jessie Isabel Female Perth
1911/100437 Perth Bates James Male Ashby Annie Amelia Female Perth
1911/100437 Perth Ashby Annie Amelia Female Bates James Male Perth
1911/100438 Perth Rigg Ernest Arthur Male Burdett Irene Evangeline Edith Female Perth
1911/100438 Perth Burdett Irene Evangeline Edith Female Rigg Ernest Arthur Male Perth
1911/100439 Perth Abrahams Joshua Male Prior Mabel Alice Female Perth
1911/100439 Perth Prior Mabel Alice Female Abrahams Joshua Male Perth
1911/100440 Perth Molloy Arthur Male Lee Lucy Female Perth
1911/100440 Perth Lee Lucy Female Molloy Arthur Male Perth
1911/100441 Perth Watson Paul Male Dubois Biena Female Perth
1911/100441 Perth Dubois Biena Female Watson Paul Male Perth
1911/100442 Perth Halse Reginald Francis Roy Male Mills Irene Nellie May Female Perth
1911/100442 Perth Mills Irene Nellie May Female Halse Reginald Francis Roy Male Perth
1911/100443 Perth Evans Richard Male Wyndham Bessie Ida Female Perth
1911/100443 Perth Wyndham Bessie Ida Female Evans Richard Male Perth
1911/100444 Perth Stodart Lilla Irene Female Ellett Alfred Thomas Male Perth
1911/100444 Perth Ellett Alfred Thomas Male Stodart Lilla Irene Female Perth
1911/100445 Perth Wintle Gwendoline Florence Female Magee Wilson Keith Male Perth
1911/100445 Perth Magee Wilson Keith Male Wintle Gwendoline Florence Female Perth
1911/100446 Perth Paget Irene Russell Female McKay Peter Joseph Male West Perth
1911/100446 Perth McKay Peter Joseph Male Paget Irene Russell Female West Perth
1911/100447 Perth Riding John William Male Dooley Mary Josephine Female Perth
1911/100447 Perth Dooley Mary Josephine Female Riding John William Male Perth
1911/100448 Perth White Margaret Ellen Entikin Female Robson George Charles Male Perth
1911/100448 Perth Robson George Charles Male White Margaret Ellen Entikin Female Perth
1911/100449 Perth Dawson William Male Linnane Mary Catherine Female Perth
1911/100449 Perth Linnane Mary Catherine Female Dawson William Male Perth
1911/100450 Perth Eskell Stanley Herbert Male Kerr Muriel Female West Perth
1911/100450 Perth Kerr Muriel Female Eskell Stanley Herbert Male West Perth
1911/100451 Perth Gibbs Eliza Pearl Female Scott Alfred Forbes Male Perth
1911/100451 Perth Scott Alfred Forbes Male Gibbs Eliza Pearl Female Perth
1911/100452 Perth Hayden Maria Female Dowling Edward John Male Maylands
1911/100452 Perth Dowling Edward John Male Hayden Maria Female Maylands
1911/100453 Perth Ingham Elizabeth Female Best Sydney Male Perth
1911/100453 Perth Best Sydney Male Ingham Elizabeth Female Perth
1911/100454 Perth Wilkinson Gertrude Annie Female Read Charles William Male Perth
1911/100454 Perth Read Charles William Male Wilkinson Gertrude Annie Female Perth
1911/100455 Perth Hegarty Lilian Rachel Female Vivian Edward Francis Male Perth
1911/100455 Perth Vivian Edward Francis Male Hegarty Lilian Rachel Female Perth
1911/100456 Perth Pitcher David Male Browne Hilda Female Perth
1911/100456 Perth Browne Hilda Female Pitcher David Male Perth
1911/100457 Perth Hopper Lilian Muriel Kate Female Woodhams Albert Male Perth
1911/100457 Perth Woodhams Albert Male Hopper Lilian Muriel Kate Female Perth
1911/100458 Perth Toovey George Pearson Male Herbert Olive May Margaret Female Perth
1911/100458 Perth Herbert Olive May Margaret Female Toovey George Pearson Male Perth
1911/100459 Perth Richardson Isabel Female Williams Charles Ernest Male Perth
1911/100459 Perth Williams Charles Ernest Male Richardson Isabel Female Perth
1911/100460 Perth Walker Allan Lawrence Male Washer Ivy Female Perth
1911/100460 Perth Washer Ivy Female Walker Allan Lawrence Male Perth
1911/100461 Perth Barrett Herbert James Male Baird Mary Hutchison Montgommery Female Perth
1911/100461 Perth Baird Mary Hutchison Montgommery Female Barrett Herbert James Male Perth
1911/100462 Perth Viveash Lionel Waterman Male Stokes May Louisa Female Perth
1911/100462 Perth Stokes May Louisa Female Viveash Lionel Waterman Male Perth
1911/100463 Perth Fisher Elizabeth Female Eyles Edgar Male Perth
1911/100463 Perth Eyles Edgar Male Fisher Elizabeth Female Perth
1911/100464 Perth Wilson Janet Female Martin William Male Perth
1911/100464 Perth Martin William Male Wilson Janet Female Perth
1911/100465 Perth Holmes William Francis Male Bramley Mabel Female North Perth
1911/100465 Perth Bramley Mabel Female Holmes William Francis Male North Perth
1911/100466 Perth Tchan George Hookan Male Stoneham Edith Alice Female Perth
1911/100466 Perth Stoneham Edith Alice Female Tchan George Hookan Male Perth
1911/100467 Perth Mitchell Annie Agnes Female Chandler Charles Robert Male East Perth
1911/100467 Perth Chandler Charles Robert Male Mitchell Annie Agnes Female East Perth
1911/100468 Perth Manuell Victor Henry Male Davis Florence May Female East Perth
1911/100468 Perth Davis Florence May Female Manuell Victor Henry Male East Perth
1911/100469 Perth Brown Irene Victoria Female Beech Harold Male West Perth
1911/100469 Perth Beech Harold Male Brown Irene Victoria Female West Perth
1911/100470 Perth Dye Mary Female Baty Alfred Gordon Male Perth
1911/100470 Perth Baty Alfred Gordon Male Dye Mary Female Perth
1911/100471 Perth Smith Elma Muriel Female Domney William Ross Male Perth
1911/100471 Perth Domney William Ross Male Smith Elma Muriel Female Perth
1911/100472 Perth Wolfe Vivian Maud Female Hall George William Male Perth
1911/100472 Perth Hall George William Male Wolfe Vivian Maud Female Perth
1911/100473 Perth Jones Clara Annetta Maud Female Trenaman Cuthbert Claude Male Perth
1911/100473 Perth Trenaman Cuthbert Claude Male Jones Clara Annetta Maud Female Perth
1911/100474 Perth Fraser Kenneth Male Treleaven Alice Emily Female West Perth
1911/100474 Perth Treleaven Alice Emily Female Fraser Kenneth Male West Perth
1911/100475 Perth Thompson Isaac Edward Male Joyce Mary Ayers Female West Perth
1911/100475 Perth Joyce Mary Ayers Female Thompson Isaac Edward Male West Perth
1911/100476 Perth Rudd Mary Ellen Female Millar William Henry Male Perth
1911/100476 Perth Millar William Henry Male Rudd Mary Ellen Female Perth
1911/100477 Perth Forrester Mary Ann Female Peters Arthur Male West Perth
1911/100477 Perth Peters Arthur Male Forrester Mary Ann Female West Perth
1911/100478 Perth Lean Richard Arthur Francis Male Harte Ethel Esther Female Perth
1911/100478 Perth Harte Ethel Esther Female Lean Richard Arthur Francis Male Perth
1911/100479 Perth Lean Violet Grace Female Murley Charles Thomas Male Perth
1911/100479 Perth Murley Charles Thomas Male Lean Violet Grace Female Perth
1911/100480 Perth Moloney Frances Agnes Female Werndly Henry Thomas Male Perth
1911/100480 Perth Werndly Henry Thomas Male Moloney Frances Agnes Female Perth
1911/100481 Perth Anderson Elizabeth Female Stratton Frank Arthur Male Perth
1911/100481 Perth Stratton Frank Arthur Male Anderson Elizabeth Female Perth
1911/100482 Perth Hughes Thomas Lloyd Male Leggett Margareat Jane Female Perth
1911/100482 Perth Leggett Margareat Jane Female Hughes Thomas Lloyd Male Perth
1911/100483 Perth Dameran Hugo Kardel Male Dixon Catherine Female West Perth
1911/100483 Perth Dixon Catherine Female Dameran Hugo Kardel Male West Perth
1911/100484 Perth Fry Thomas Leonard Male Curran Sarah Female West Perth
1911/100484 Perth Curran Sarah Female Fry Thomas Leonard Male West Perth
1911/100485 Perth Harrison Agnes Edna Female Williamson John Male West Perth
1911/100485 Perth Williamson John Male Harrison Agnes Edna Female West Perth
1911/100486 Perth Herlihy Mary Catherine Female Brennan George Male Perth
1911/100486 Perth Brennan George Male Herlihy Mary Catherine Female Perth
1911/100487 Perth Coleman Cecilia Bridget Female Maynard Thomas Male Perth
1911/100487 Perth Maynard Thomas Male Coleman Cecilia Bridget Female Perth
1911/100488 Perth Bedès Maria Louisa Charlotte Leon Female Kouvaras Vageli Male Perth
1911/100488 Perth Kouvaras Vageli Male Bedès Maria Louisa Charlotte Leon Female Perth
1911/100489 Perth Boëhm Alma Female Marshall Roy Elms Male Perth
1911/100489 Perth Marshall Roy Elms Male Boëhm Alma Female Perth
1911/100490 Perth McKenna Isabella Victoria Female Veale Grattan Wilfred Male Perth
1911/100490 Perth Veale Grattan Wilfred Male McKenna Isabella Victoria Female Perth
1911/100491 Perth Lynch Michael Frank Male Burke Margaret Alice Female Perth
1911/100491 Perth Burke Margaret Alice Female Lynch Michael Frank Male Perth
1911/100492 Perth Jackson Mary Ann Minnie Female Jordan Thomas William Male Maylands
1911/100492 Perth Jordan Thomas William Male Jackson Mary Ann Minnie Female Maylands
1911/100493 Perth Jones Ivy Constance Female Casley Thomas James Male Perth
1911/100493 Perth Casley Thomas James Male Jones Ivy Constance Female Perth
1911/100494 Perth Watson John Male Williamson Mabel Clara Female Perth
1911/100494 Perth Williamson Mabel Clara Female Watson John Male Perth
1911/100495 Perth Hogan Eric Hubert Wisbey Male Jose Beatrice Female Perth
1911/100495 Perth Jose Beatrice Female Hogan Eric Hubert Wisbey Male Perth
1911/100496 Perth Stehn Hilda Kate Female Saunier Robert Percival Male West Perth
1911/100496 Perth Saunier Robert Percival Male Stehn Hilda Kate Female West Perth
1911/100497 Perth Ritson Flora Beatrice Female Hermés Alfred Eugene Male Perth
1911/100497 Perth Hermés Alfred Eugene Male Ritson Flora Beatrice Female Perth
1911/100498 Perth Wimbridge Lucy Alfreda Female Hoare Ernest William Male Perth
1911/100498 Perth Hoare Ernest William Male Wimbridge Lucy Alfreda Female Perth
1911/100499 Perth Shaddock Harriett Agnes Female White Samuel Male Victoria Park
1911/100499 Perth White Samuel Male Shaddock Harriett Agnes Female Victoria Park
1911/100500 Perth Bradshaw Harriett Dowrick Female Hilton John Henry Male Mount Lawley
1911/100500 Perth Hilton John Henry Male Bradshaw Harriett Dowrick Female Mount Lawley
1911/100501 Perth Beresford Herbert George de la Poer Male Graham Martha Female Perth
1911/100501 Perth Graham Martha Female Beresford Herbert George de la Poer Male Perth
1911/100502 Perth Fairchild Hilda Mary Female Schulze Albert William Male Perth
1911/100502 Perth Schulze Albert William Male Fairchild Hilda Mary Female Perth
1911/100503 Perth Hall Kate Edith Irene Female Anderson James Turnbull Youens Male Perth
1911/100503 Perth Anderson James Turnbull Youens Male Hall Kate Edith Irene Female Perth
1911/100504 Perth Holmes Richard Male Clipstone Kathleen Mary Ellen Female Perth
1911/100504 Perth Clipstone Kathleen Mary Ellen Female Holmes Richard Male Perth
1911/100505 Perth Hamilton Annie Dodds Female Connolly Thomas Male Perth
1911/100505 Perth Connolly Thomas Male Hamilton Annie Dodds Female Perth
1911/100506 Perth Fields Flossy Amelia Female Howe Patrick William Male Perth
1911/100506 Perth Howe Patrick William Male Fields Flossy Amelia Female Perth
1911/100507 Perth Richards Winifred Augusta Female Hymus Frank Stirling Male Perth
1911/100507 Perth Hymus Frank Stirling Male Richards Winifred Augusta Female Perth
1911/100508 Perth Johnson Worthy Octavious Male Roots Mabel Gertrude Female North Perth
1911/100508 Perth Roots Mabel Gertrude Female Johnson Worthy Octavious Male North Perth
1911/100509 Perth Hines Arthur Edward Male Wray Rachel Hannah Female East Perth
1911/100509 Perth Wray Rachel Hannah Female Hines Arthur Edward Male East Perth
1911/100510 Perth Kenne Emma Lilly Female Barker Gilbert William Male Perth
1911/100510 Perth Barker Gilbert William Male Kenne Emma Lilly Female Perth
1911/100511 Perth Mathie Robert Binnie Male Hall Florence Female Perth
1911/100511 Perth Hall Florence Female Mathie Robert Binnie Male Perth
1911/100512 Perth Vout Edward Male Hayes Maude Female West Perth
1911/100512 Perth Hayes Maude Female Vout Edward Male West Perth
1911/100513 Perth Coombs Fredrick John Male Peters Constance Dorine Ethelwynne Female Victoria Park
1911/100513 Perth Peters Constance Dorine Ethelwynne Female Coombs Fredrick John Male Victoria Park
1911/100514 Perth Blanch Edith Anne Female Smith Albany Neil Male North Perth
1911/100514 Perth Smith Albany Neil Male Blanch Edith Anne Female North Perth
1911/100515 Perth Stott Violet May Female Sharpe Johnstone Male Perth
1911/100515 Perth Sharpe Johnstone Male Stott Violet May Female Perth
1911/100516 Perth Delahunty Ethel Female Henderson Frankfield James Male West Perth
1911/100516 Perth Henderson Frankfield James Male Delahunty Ethel Female West Perth
1911/100517 Perth Hall Stanley Joseph Male McCarthy Ethel Mary Female West Perth
1911/100517 Perth McCarthy Ethel Mary Female Hall Stanley Joseph Male West Perth
1911/100518 Perth Pass Ethel Whitfield Female Lake Laurence Wilfrid Male Perth
1911/100518 Perth Lake Laurence Wilfrid Male Pass Ethel Whitfield Female Perth
1911/100519 Perth Ottaway Thomas Austin Male Gover Jessie Annie May Female Perth
1911/100519 Perth Gover Jessie Annie May Female Ottaway Thomas Austin Male Perth
1911/100520 Perth George Edward Male O'Toole Mary Agnes Female West Perth
1911/100520 Perth O'Toole Mary Agnes Female George Edward Male West Perth
1911/100521 Perth Mackey Catherine Female Coonan Thomas Joseph Male West Perth
1911/100521 Perth Coonan Thomas Joseph Male Mackey Catherine Female West Perth
1911/100522 Perth Bevan Frederic Percy Male Quinn Mary Cleopatra Female Perth
1911/100522 Perth Quinn Mary Cleopatra Female Bevan Frederic Percy Male Perth
1911/100523 Perth Stevens Francis Male Wells Ruby Edith Hilton Female West Perth
1911/100523 Perth Wells Ruby Edith Hilton Female Stevens Francis Male West Perth
1911/100524 Perth King Ida Female Mitchell Bernard Francis Male Perth
1911/100524 Perth Mitchell Bernard Francis Male King Ida Female Perth
1911/100525 Perth Gibson Elizabeth Alice Female Millard John Male Perth
1911/100525 Perth Millard John Male Gibson Elizabeth Alice Female Perth
1911/100526 Perth Doig Alexander Paton Male Dunn Lily Esther Female Perth
1911/100526 Perth Dunn Lily Esther Female Doig Alexander Paton Male Perth
1911/100527 Perth Galpin Florence Mabel Female Hiscock George Howard Male Perth
1911/100527 Perth Hiscock George Howard Male Galpin Florence Mabel Female Perth
1911/100528 Perth McCann Henry James Male Farley Elizabeth Female Perth
1911/100528 Perth Farley Elizabeth Female McCann Henry James Male Perth
1911/100529 Perth Lehne Horace Frederick Male Carter Alice Female Perth
1911/100529 Perth Carter Alice Female Lehne Horace Frederick Male Perth
1911/100530 Perth Gillender Robert Male Lee Emily Female Perth
1911/100530 Perth Lee Emily Female Gillender Robert Male Perth
1911/100531 Perth Dewar Richard Male Davies Elizabeth Annie Female Perth
1911/100531 Perth Davies Elizabeth Annie Female Dewar Richard Male Perth
1911/100532 Perth Smend Julia Elizabeth Female Pohlmann Eric Frederick Charles Male Perth
1911/100532 Perth Pohlmann Eric Frederick Charles Male Smend Julia Elizabeth Female Perth
1911/100533 Perth Feldtmann Francis Rudolf Male De Mole Florence Louise Female Perth
1911/100533 Perth De Mole Florence Louise Female Feldtmann Francis Rudolf Male Perth
1911/100534 Perth Swannell Maud Evelyn Female Steinberg Michael Male Perth
1911/100534 Perth Steinberg Michael Male Swannell Maud Evelyn Female Perth
1911/100535 Perth Rothbaum Florrie Female Garbutt James William Male Perth
1911/100535 Perth Garbutt James William Male Rothbaum Florrie Female Perth
1911/100536 Perth Letchford Margaret Female Hong Lim Swee Male Perth
1911/100536 Perth Hong Lim Swee Male Letchford Margaret Female Perth
1911/100537 Perth Rosekelly Matilda Mary Female Buse John Morrison Male Perth
1911/100537 Perth Buse John Morrison Male Rosekelly Matilda Mary Female Perth
1911/100538 Perth Walsh Henry Bowring Male Scott Annie Ellie Female Perth
1911/100538 Perth Scott Annie Ellie Female Walsh Henry Bowring Male Perth
1911/100539 Perth Collett William James Male Smith Ruby Marion Female East Perth
1911/100539 Perth Smith Ruby Marion Female Collett William James Male East Perth
1911/100540 Perth Lillingston Harold Male Blick Olive Female East Perth
1911/100540 Perth Blick Olive Female Lillingston Harold Male East Perth
1911/100541 Perth Pedley William Male Rogers Alice Female Perth
1911/100541 Perth Rogers Alice Female Pedley William Male Perth
1911/100542 Perth McGregor William Male McCausland Jane Female Perth
1911/100542 Perth McCausland Jane Female McGregor William Male Perth
1911/100543 Perth Crawford Bridget Female McRae Alexander Male North Perth
1911/100543 Perth McRae Alexander Male Crawford Bridget Female North Perth
1911/100544 Perth Ellis Agnes Female Neillings Robert Male Perth
1911/100544 Perth Neillings Robert Male Ellis Agnes Female Perth
1911/100545 Perth Wheeler Lilian Female Gracey Victor Male Perth
1911/100545 Perth Gracey Victor Male Wheeler Lilian Female Perth
1911/100546 Perth Prain Marion Female Cheney Edgar Oliver Male Perth
1911/100546 Perth Cheney Edgar Oliver Male Prain Marion Female Perth
1911/100547 Perth Hoffmann Edwin Male Houston Beatrice Mary Female Perth
1911/100547 Perth Houston Beatrice Mary Female Hoffmann Edwin Male Perth
1911/100548 Perth Berriman Fanny Female Lemaitre Charles Male Perth
1911/100548 Perth Lemaitre Charles Male Berriman Fanny Female Perth
1911/100549 Perth Breed Madeline Female Jordan Charles James Male Perth
1911/100549 Perth Jordan Charles James Male Breed Madeline Female Perth
1911/100550 Perth Roberts Robert Male Jones Mary Female Perth
1911/100550 Perth Jones Mary Female Roberts Robert Male Perth
1911/100551 Perth Howell Florence May Female Thomas Frederick John Male West Perth
1911/100551 Perth Thomas Frederick John Male Howell Florence May Female West Perth
1911/100552 Perth Plumridge Irene Mary Victoria Female Prout Ernest Albert Male Perth
1911/100552 Perth Prout Ernest Albert Male Plumridge Irene Mary Victoria Female Perth
1911/100553 Perth Nicholson Clara Catherine Elsie Female Fiorentini Ernest Male East Perth
1911/100553 Perth Fiorentini Ernest Male Nicholson Clara Catherine Elsie Female East Perth
1911/100554 Perth Mason William Male Brittain Hetty Female Perth
1911/100554 Perth Brittain Hetty Female Mason William Male Perth
1911/100555 Perth Hull Albert Victor Male Murray Florence Beatrice Female Perth
1911/100555 Perth Murray Florence Beatrice Female Hull Albert Victor Male Perth
1911/100556 Perth Sharp Edith May Female Broom William Leslie Male Perth
1911/100556 Perth Broom William Leslie Male Sharp Edith May Female Perth
1911/100557 Perth Ball Lily Female Brindle John Male Perth
1911/100557 Perth Brindle John Male Ball Lily Female Perth
1911/100558 Perth Lambert James Henry Male Watts Mabel Ann Female Perth
1911/100558 Perth Watts Mabel Ann Female Lambert James Henry Male Perth
1911/100559 Perth Cameron Agnes Female Lencioni Adolfo Male Perth
1911/100559 Perth Lencioni Adolfo Male Cameron Agnes Female Perth
1911/100560 Perth McNamara Patrick Male Moroney Nora Female Perth
1911/100560 Perth Moroney Nora Female McNamara Patrick Male Perth
1911/100561 Perth Power William John Male Arnup Alice Maude Female Perth
1911/100561 Perth Arnup Alice Maude Female Power William John Male Perth
1911/100562 Perth Dean Mary Female MacQuean Donald Male Perth
1911/100562 Perth MacQuean Donald Male Dean Mary Female Perth
1911/100563 Perth Fowler Richard Thomas Male Logan Frances Anderina Female North Perth
1911/100563 Perth Logan Frances Anderina Female Fowler Richard Thomas Male North Perth
1911/100564 Perth Rannard Richard Roland Rupert Male Kimber Edith Mary Female North Perth
1911/100564 Perth Kimber Edith Mary Female Rannard Richard Roland Rupert Male North Perth
1911/100565 Perth Buckland William Bernard Male Clark Kathleen May Female Victoria Park
1911/100565 Perth Clark Kathleen May Female Buckland William Bernard Male Victoria Park
1911/100566 Perth Dreger Ernest Michael Male Ligum Sarah Sophie Female Perth
1911/100566 Perth Ligum Sarah Sophie Female Dreger Ernest Michael Male Perth
1911/100567 Perth Poat Charles Albert Male Brown Eva Mary Groundsell Female Perth
1911/100567 Perth Brown Eva Mary Groundsell Female Poat Charles Albert Male Perth
1911/100568 Perth Hanna Ruth Female Casey Daniel Male West Perth
1911/100568 Perth Casey Daniel Male Hanna Ruth Female West Perth
1911/100569 Perth Skinner Bessie May Female Hickey Leslie Male Perth
1911/100569 Perth Hickey Leslie Male Skinner Bessie May Female Perth
1911/100570 Perth Barker Winifred Florence Female Jones Alfred Enoch Male Perth
1911/100570 Perth Jones Alfred Enoch Male Barker Winifred Florence Female Perth
1911/100571 Perth Haynes Albert Harold Hugh Male Clare Edith Female Perth
1911/100571 Perth Clare Edith Female Haynes Albert Harold Hugh Male Perth
1911/100572 Perth Hodder James Albert Male Peat Ellen Vera Ruth Female West Perth
1911/100572 Perth Peat Ellen Vera Ruth Female Hodder James Albert Male West Perth
1911/100573 Perth Grave Frederick Charles Male Henwood Christina Elizabeth Female Maylands
1911/100573 Perth Henwood Christina Elizabeth Female Grave Frederick Charles Male Maylands
1911/100574 Perth Glasson Thomas Arundel Lewis Male Collings Marjorie Valentine Female Perth
1911/100574 Perth Collings Marjorie Valentine Female Glasson Thomas Arundel Lewis Male Perth
1911/100575 Perth Bolton Albert Male May Edith Female Perth
1911/100575 Perth May Edith Female Bolton Albert Male Perth
1911/100576 Perth Evans William Leonard Male Paske Annie Female Perth
1911/100576 Perth Paske Annie Female Evans William Leonard Male Perth
1911/100577 Perth Stewart John Herbert Male Jones Edith Female Perth
1911/100577 Perth Jones Edith Female Stewart John Herbert Male Perth
1911/100578 Perth Thompson Patrick Staples Male Bailey Lizzie Female Perth
1911/100578 Perth Bailey Lizzie Female Thompson Patrick Staples Male Perth
1911/100579 Perth Robinson Aubury Male Riggs Maude Isedour Female Perth
1911/100579 Perth Riggs Maude Isedour Female Robinson Aubury Male Perth
1911/100580 Perth Rankin William John Sharp Allan Male Scott Helena Elizabeth Female Perth
1911/100580 Perth Rankin William John Sharp Male Scott Helena Elizabeth Female Perth
1911/100580 Perth Scott Helena Elizabeth Female Allan William John Sharp Allan Male Perth
1911/100580 Perth Scott Helena Elizabeth Female Allan William John Sharp Male Perth
1911/100580 Perth Scott Helena Elizabeth Female Rankin William John Sharp Allan Male Perth
1911/100580 Perth Scott Helena Elizabeth Female Rankin William John Sharp Male Perth
1911/100580 Perth Allan William John Sharp Allan Male Scott Helena Elizabeth Female Perth
1911/100580 Perth Allan William John Sharp Male Scott Helena Elizabeth Female Perth
1911/100581 Perth Menzies Adeline Female Colls Walter Benjamin Male Perth
1911/100581 Perth Colls Walter Benjamin Male Menzies Adeline Female Perth
1911/100582 Perth Collins Percy Cornelious Male Morgan Louise Mary Female Perth
1911/100582 Perth Morgan Louise Mary Female Collins Percy Cornelious Male Perth
1911/100583 Perth Ridley Claude Eli Male Law Rita Isobel Female West Perth
1911/100583 Perth Law Rita Isobel Female Ridley Claude Eli Male West Perth
1911/100584 Perth Richardson Charlotte Female Eeles Charles Henry Male Perth
1911/100584 Perth Eeles Charles Henry Male Richardson Charlotte Female Perth
1911/100585 Perth Bocksette John Henry Christian Male Webb Mary Evelyn Female Perth
1911/100585 Perth Webb Mary Evelyn Female Bocksette John Henry Christian Male Perth
1911/100586 Perth Thompson Elizabeth Ellen Female Roberts Charles Basil Male Perth
1911/100586 Perth Roberts Charles Basil Male Thompson Elizabeth Ellen Female Perth
1911/100587 Perth Brown Jane Female Marcellia John Male Perth
1911/100587 Perth Marcellia John Male Brown Jane Female Perth
1911/100588 Perth Radbone Olive Ruby Female Sandow James Male Perth
1911/100588 Perth Sandow James Male Radbone Olive Ruby Female Perth
1911/100589 Perth Strickland Hilda Zoe Female Glyde Edwin Morris Male Perth
1911/100589 Perth Glyde Edwin Morris Male Strickland Hilda Zoe Female Perth
1911/100590 Perth Moxon Grace Howard Female Ward Thomas William Male Perth
1911/100590 Perth Ward Thomas William Male Moxon Grace Howard Female Perth
1911/100591 Perth Turner John Willoughby Aldridge Male Harvey Violet Emily Blanche Female Perth
1911/100591 Perth Harvey Violet Emily Blanche Female Turner John Willoughby Aldridge Male Perth
1911/100592 Perth Burnett Frederick Charles Male Tasker Abigail Female Victoria Park
1911/100592 Perth Tasker Abigail Female Burnett Frederick Charles Male Victoria Park
1911/100593 Perth Otway Ernest Male Tasker Elizabeth Mary Female Victoria Park
1911/100593 Perth Tasker Elizabeth Mary Female Otway Ernest Male Victoria Park
1911/100594 Perth Lindsay John Male Sherwood Annie Female Perth
1911/100594 Perth Sherwood Annie Female Lindsay John Male Perth
1911/100595 Perth McLaughlin James Male Walsh Eveline Female Perth
1911/100595 Perth Walsh Eveline Female McLaughlin James Male Perth
1911/100596 Perth Thompson Lionel Francis Seymour Male Anderson Myrtle May Female Perth
1911/100596 Perth Anderson Myrtle May Female Thompson Lionel Francis Seymour Male Perth
1911/100597 Perth Harrison Elizabeth Ann Female Wright Richard William John Male Perth
1911/100597 Perth Wright Richard William John Male Harrison Elizabeth Ann Female Perth
1911/100598 Perth Waugh William Hastie Male Sinclair Edith May Female Perth
1911/100598 Perth Sinclair Edith May Female Waugh William Hastie Male Perth
1911/100599 Perth Gleeson William Francis Male Frawley Jennie Female Perth
1911/100599 Perth Frawley Jennie Female Gleeson William Francis Male Perth
1911/100600 Perth Crawford Annie Burns Female Spencer Fredrick Henry Male West Perth
1911/100600 Perth Spencer Fredrick Henry Male Crawford Annie Burns Female West Perth
1911/100601 Perth Duncan Cara Wheatland Female Poole Louis Wilton Male Perth
1911/100601 Perth Poole Louis Wilton Male Duncan Cara Wheatland Female Perth
1911/100602 Perth James Charlotte Elizabeth Norah Female Bassett James Bailey Male East Perth
1911/100602 Perth Bassett James Bailey Male James Charlotte Elizabeth Norah Female East Perth
1911/100603 Perth Edwards Florence Emeline Female Riese Theodore Charles Male West Perth
1911/100603 Perth Riese Theodore Charles Male Edwards Florence Emeline Female West Perth
1911/100604 Perth Hillbrich Harold William Male Wyatt Charlotte Jane Female North Perth
1911/100604 Perth Wyatt Charlotte Jane Female Hillbrich Harold William Male North Perth
1911/100605 Perth Moore Thomas Male Hartnup Edith Alice Female Perth
1911/100605 Perth Hartnup Edith Alice Female Moore Thomas Male Perth
1911/100606 Perth Potter Herbert Clare Male Sandercock Lovedy Ann Female Perth
1911/100606 Perth Sandercock Lovedy Ann Female Potter Herbert Clare Male Perth
1911/100607 Perth Sheppard John Montgomery Male Woodward Lily Female Perth
1911/100607 Perth Woodward Lily Female Sheppard John Montgomery Male Perth
1911/100608 Perth Monck Edmund Claude Augustus Male Bruce Mabel Alice Female Perth
1911/100608 Perth Bruce Mabel Alice Female Monck Edmund Claude Augustus Male Perth
1911/100609 Perth Longbottom John Henry Male Rigoll Clara Ella Female Perth
1911/100609 Perth Rigoll Clara Ella Female Longbottom John Henry Male Perth
1911/100610 Perth Blenkins Alice Female Oliver Edwin Male Perth
1911/100610 Perth Oliver Edwin Male Blenkins Alice Female Perth
1911/100611 Perth Beaton John Male Williams Clarice May Female Perth
1911/100611 Perth Williams Clarice May Female Beaton John Male Perth
1911/100612 Perth Freecorn Joan Mary Female Goldsmith Francis Spencer Male Perth
1911/100612 Perth Goldsmith Francis Spencer Male Freecorn Joan Mary Female Perth
1911/100613 Perth Dyson Albert Seth Male Paterson Elsie Female Havelock Street
1911/100613 Perth Paterson Elsie Female Dyson Albert Seth Male Havelock Street
1911/100614 Perth Bell Luna Alice Female Cox Frederick William Male Perth
1911/100614 Perth Cox Frederick William Male Bell Luna Alice Female Perth
1911/100615 Perth Sefton Mary Annice White Female Bellion Charles Percival Male West Perth
1911/100615 Perth Bellion Charles Percival Male Sefton Mary Annice White Female West Perth
1911/100616 Perth Conigrave Joanna Lang Elder Female Mauger Philip Vibert Male West Perth
1911/100616 Perth Mauger Philip Vibert Male Conigrave Joanna Lang Elder Female West Perth
1911/100617 Perth Collings Hubert Leonard Male Peters Annie Female Perth
1911/100617 Perth Peters Annie Female Collings Hubert Leonard Male Perth
1911/100618 Perth Black James McNair Male Gibson Maude Jane Female West Perth
1911/100618 Perth Gibson Maude Jane Female Black James McNair Male West Perth
1911/100619 Perth Maynard Audrey Adelieve Female Halls Frederick Ernest Male Claremont
1911/100619 Perth Halls Frederick Ernest Male Maynard Audrey Adelieve Female Claremont
1911/100620 Perth Brown Violet Female Grummet Adolph Berthold Cyril Male Perth
1911/100620 Perth Grummet Adolph Berthold Cyril Male Brown Violet Female Perth
1911/100621 Perth Holding Jessie Female McKelvie George Edwin Male Perth
1911/100621 Perth McKelvie George Edwin Male Holding Jessie Female Perth
1911/100622 Perth Beverley Dora Female Murray Herbert Male Perth
1911/100622 Perth Murray Herbert Male Beverley Dora Female Perth
1911/100623 Perth Coffen William Alfred Male Colpoys Alice Jane Female Perth
1911/100623 Perth Colpoys Alice Jane Female Coffen William Alfred Male Perth
1911/100624 Perth Stockton Percy Grimmitt Male Hood Rebecca Elizabeth Female Perth
1911/100624 Perth Hood Rebecca Elizabeth Female Stockton Percy Grimmitt Male Perth
1911/100625 Perth Hutchens Florence Laura Female Kennedy Cecil Henry Male Perth
1911/100625 Perth Kennedy Cecil Henry Male Hutchens Florence Laura Female Perth
1911/100626 Perth Yates Francis Raepheal Male Kenneally Sarah May Female West Perth
1911/100626 Perth Kenneally Sarah May Female Yates Francis Raepheal Male West Perth
1911/100627 Perth Morey Alfred William Male Stinton Evelyn May Female East Perth
1911/100627 Perth Stinton Evelyn May Female Morey Alfred William Male East Perth
1911/100628 Perth Poulson Annie Laura Female Utting Richard Haynes Male Perth
1911/100628 Perth Utting Richard Haynes Male Poulson Annie Laura Female Perth
1911/100629 Perth Drysdale Gladys Edith Female Sweetman Franklin Joseph Male West Perth
1911/100629 Perth Sweetman Franklin Joseph Male Drysdale Gladys Edith Female West Perth
1911/100630 Perth Cuthbertson Margaret Jane Female Webster William Barcley Geekie Male South Perth
1911/100630 Perth Webster William Barcley Geekie Male Cuthbertson Margaret Jane Female South Perth
1911/100631 Perth Taylor Charles Michael Male Warren Gladys Emily Female Perth
1911/100631 Perth Warren Gladys Emily Female Taylor Charles Michael Male Perth
1911/100632 Perth Tandy George Forrester Male Bryant Leah May Female Perth
1911/100632 Perth Bryant Leah May Female Tandy George Forrester Male Perth
1911/100633 Perth Blanchard David Francis Male Bosworth Eva Pearl Female Perth
1911/100633 Perth Bosworth Eva Pearl Female Blanchard David Francis Male Perth
1911/100634 Perth Denyer Henry Male Fordham Fanny Female Perth
1911/100634 Perth Fordham Fanny Female Denyer Henry Male Perth
1911/100635 Perth Maddigan Francis Percy Male Jones Ellen Female Perth
1911/100635 Perth Jones Ellen Female Maddigan Francis Percy Male Perth
1911/100636 Perth Oldfield Helen Gray Female Taylor Isaac John Male Perth
1911/100636 Perth Taylor Isaac John Male Oldfield Helen Gray Female Perth
1911/100637 Perth Ferguson Arabel Female Morton Wilfred Male Perth
1911/100637 Perth Morton Wilfred Male Ferguson Arabel Female Perth
1911/100638 Perth Sumner Frederick Clifford Male Pass Ada Augusta Female Perth
1911/100638 Perth Pass Ada Augusta Female Sumner Frederick Clifford Male Perth
1911/100639 Perth Coffen Ruby Eva Female Appleby Roy Francis Male North Perth
1911/100639 Perth Appleby Roy Francis Male Coffen Ruby Eva Female North Perth
1911/100640 Perth Payne Henry Godsell Male Dawe Olive May Female Perth
1911/100640 Perth Dawe Olive May Female Payne Henry Godsell Male Perth
1911/100641 Perth Davis Roy Charles Male Wiltshire Elsie Female Perth
1911/100641 Perth Wiltshire Elsie Female Davis Roy Charles Male Perth
1911/100642 Perth Spragg Edwin Male Hodge Harriet Mary Pridox Female Victoria Park
1911/100642 Perth Hodge Harriet Mary Pridox Female Spragg Edwin Male Victoria Park
1911/100643 Perth Jessup Edward John Male Woodhams Muriel Evelyn Female East Perth
1911/100643 Perth Woodhams Muriel Evelyn Female Jessup Edward John Male East Perth
1911/100644 Perth George Herbert John Male Ott Edith Grace Female West Perth
1911/100644 Perth Ott Edith Grace Female George Herbert John Male West Perth
1911/100645 Perth Robson Thomas William Male Clay Catherine Cecilia Female Perth
1911/100645 Perth Clay Catherine Cecilia Female Robson Thomas William Male Perth
1911/100646 Perth Godwin Edith Constance Female Price Percy Male Perth
1911/100646 Perth Price Percy Male Godwin Edith Constance Female Perth
1911/100647 Perth Taylor Hannah Palland Female Moore Herbert Edward Leslie Male South Perth
1911/100647 Perth Moore Herbert Edward Leslie Male Taylor Hannah Palland Female South Perth
1911/100648 Perth Wendt Lydia Bertha Female Moran David Joseph Male Perth
1911/100648 Perth Moran David Joseph Male Wendt Lydia Bertha Female Perth
1911/100649 Perth O'Byrne William Edward Male Spain Florence Beatrice Female Perth
1911/100649 Perth Spain Florence Beatrice Female O'Byrne William Edward Male Perth
1911/100650 Perth Walmsley Arthur Ernest Male Hodgkinson Evelyn Olive Female Perth
1911/100650 Perth Hodgkinson Evelyn Olive Female Walmsley Arthur Ernest Male Perth
1911/100651 Perth Shakeshaft Norman Stanley Male Beaden Lillie Female Perth
1911/100651 Perth Beaden Lillie Female Shakeshaft Norman Stanley Male Perth
1911/100652 Perth Giacinta Dall Acqua Female Molinari Domenico Male Perth
1911/100652 Perth Molinari Domenico Male Giacinta Dall Acqua Female Perth
1911/100653 Perth Dwyer James Male Murtha Margaret Female Perth
1911/100653 Perth Murtha Margaret Female Dwyer James Male Perth
1911/100654 Perth O'Shannassy William Male McHugh Agnes Female Perth
1911/100654 Perth McHugh Agnes Female O'Shannassy William Male Perth
1911/100655 Perth Howell Sylvan Walter Male Watson Frances Female Perth
1911/100655 Perth Watson Frances Female Howell Sylvan Walter Male Perth
1911/100656 Perth Yeaman Ann McIntosh Female Bentley George Price Male Perth
1911/100656 Perth Bentley George Price Male Yeaman Ann McIntosh Female Perth
1911/100657 Perth Sullivan Ellen Female Sweeney John Francis Male West Perth
1911/100657 Perth Sweeney John Francis Male Sullivan Ellen Female West Perth
1911/100658 Perth Bennetts Stanley Male Friend Annie Female Perth
1911/100658 Perth Friend Annie Female Bennetts Stanley Male Perth
1911/100659 Perth Wylie George Montgomery Rennie Male Scanlan Veronica Antoinette Marie Female Perth
1911/100659 Perth Scanlan Veronica Antoinette Marie Female Wylie George Montgomery Rennie Male Perth
1911/100660 Perth Newman Herbert Edgar John Male Denyer Rosa Olivia Female West Perth
1911/100660 Perth Denyer Rosa Olivia Female Newman Herbert Edgar John Male West Perth
1911/100661 Perth Brimage Ernest Elisha Male Joyce Eliza de Burgh Female West Perth
1911/100661 Perth Joyce Eliza de Burgh Female Brimage Ernest Elisha Male West Perth
1911/100662 Perth Barnard Louis Montefiore Male Murray Eleanor Olive Female West Perth
1911/100662 Perth Murray Eleanor Olive Female Barnard Louis Montefiore Male West Perth
1911/100663 Perth Miller Myrtle Jessie Female Ingleton William Male Perth
1911/100663 Perth Ingleton William Male Miller Myrtle Jessie Female Perth
1911/100664 Perth Alexander Sarah Jane Female Arnold Jules Bertram Male Perth
1911/100664 Perth Arnold Jules Bertram Male Alexander Sarah Jane Female Perth
1911/100665 Perth Goldberg Sophie Female Lewis David Nathan Male Perth
1911/100665 Perth Lewis David Nathan Male Goldberg Sophie Female Perth
1911/100666 Perth McComish Arnold George Male Andrew Violet Lily Female West Perth
1911/100666 Perth Andrew Violet Lily Female McComish Arnold George Male West Perth
1911/100667 Perth Arnold Aubrey Norman Male Lethbridge Agusta Mary Female Perth
1911/100667 Perth Lethbridge Agusta Mary Female Arnold Aubrey Norman Male Perth
1911/100668 Perth Illingworth Stanley Male Groube Amy Florence Female West Perth
1911/100668 Perth Groube Amy Florence Female Illingworth Stanley Male West Perth
1911/100669 Perth Gunn Elsie Female Kearton Christopher Male Perth
1911/100669 Perth Kearton Christopher Male Gunn Elsie Female Perth
1911/100670 Perth Wittmer Charles Male Bright Clarice Minta Adelaide Female West Perth
1911/100670 Perth Bright Clarice Minta Adelaide Female Wittmer Charles Male West Perth
1911/100671 Perth Murray Charles Pendergast Male Brady Hilda White Female Perth
1911/100671 Perth Brady Hilda White Female Murray Charles Pendergast Male Perth
1911/100672 Perth Holland Alma Wyndham Female Luplan David William Male East Perth
1911/100672 Perth Luplan David William Male Holland Alma Wyndham Female East Perth
1911/100673 Perth Roberts Lavinia Female Minnis Robert James Male Perth
1911/100673 Perth Minnis Robert James Male Roberts Lavinia Female Perth
1911/100674 Perth Dineen Margaret Imelda Female Moore Frank Male Maylands
1911/100674 Perth Moore Frank Male Dineen Margaret Imelda Female Maylands
1911/100675 Perth Ball Isabella Female Flaherty Patrick Male Perth
1911/100675 Perth Flaherty Patrick Male Ball Isabella Female Perth
1911/100676 Perth Bowman Ernest David Male Washington Lilian May Female Perth
1911/100676 Perth Washington Lilian May Female Bowman Ernest David Male Perth
1911/100677 Perth Fitzgibbons Mary Female Archibald James Middlemist Male Perth
1911/100677 Perth Archibald James Middlemist Male Fitzgibbons Mary Female Perth
1911/100678 Perth Clutterbuck Blanche Emily Female Leslie Robert Graham More Hardy Male Perth
1911/100678 Perth Leslie Robert Graham More Hardy Male Clutterbuck Blanche Emily Female Perth
1911/100679 Perth Davies Rowland Botterill Male Clifton Ethel Rose Cecil Female Perth
1911/100679 Perth Clifton Ethel Rose Cecil Female Davies Rowland Botterill Male Perth
1911/100680 Perth Kerruish George James Augustus Male Lyall Marion Grafton Female Perth
1911/100680 Perth Lyall Marion Grafton Female Kerruish George James Augustus Male Perth
1911/100681 Perth Henderson Mary Agnes Female Power William Henry Male Perth
1911/100681 Perth Power William Henry Male Henderson Mary Agnes Female Perth
1911/100682 Perth Tannock Augustus Alexander Male Barclay Margaret Annie Female Perth
1911/100682 Perth Barclay Margaret Annie Female Tannock Augustus Alexander Male Perth
1911/100683 Perth Sheenan Christina Female Notman William Angus Male Perth
1911/100683 Perth Notman William Angus Male Sheenan Christina Female Perth
1911/100684 Perth Caygill George James Male Parry Margaret Ann Female Perth
1911/100684 Perth Parry Margaret Ann Female Caygill George James Male Perth
1911/100685 Perth Hamblin Ada Thirza Female Blake Thomas Male Perth
1911/100685 Perth Blake Thomas Male Hamblin Ada Thirza Female Perth
1911/100686 Perth Caesar Irene Female Cooper Michael Joseph Male Perth
1911/100686 Perth Cooper Michael Joseph Male Caesar Irene Female Perth
1911/100687 Perth Marsh George Edward Male Springett Agnes Amy Female Perth
1911/100687 Perth Springett Agnes Amy Female Marsh George Edward Male Perth
1911/100688 Perth Miller John Bertie Male Jones Evelyn Ella Female Perth
1911/100688 Perth Jones Evelyn Ella Female Miller John Bertie Male Perth
1911/100689 Perth Owens Kelsie Male Jenkin Alice Kate Female Maylands
1911/100689 Perth Jenkin Alice Kate Female Owens Kelsie Male Maylands
1911/100690 Perth Phillips John Fitzgerald Male Fuller Ethel Maud Female Perth
1911/100690 Perth Fuller Ethel Maud Female Phillips John Fitzgerald Male Perth
1911/100691 Perth Mills Frank William Male Smith Mary Ann Female Perth
1911/100691 Perth Smith Mary Ann Female Mills Frank William Male Perth
1911/100692 Perth Plummer Florence Alice Female Goddard Harold Arthur Male Perth
1911/100692 Perth Goddard Harold Arthur Male Plummer Florence Alice Female Perth
1911/100693 Perth Liddell Florence Maud Female Thomson John Male Perth
1911/100693 Perth Thomson John Male Liddell Florence Maud Female Perth
1911/100694 Perth Young Ellen Emma Female Clarke Arthur Ernest Male Perth
1911/100694 Perth Clarke Arthur Ernest Male Young Ellen Emma Female Perth
1911/100695 Perth Dooley Hannah Female Cohen Lewis Male Perth
1911/100695 Perth Cohen Lewis Male Dooley Hannah Female Perth
1911/100696 Perth Domney Arthur Albert Male Walker Jennie Sievwright Female Perth
1911/100696 Perth Walker Jennie Sievwright Female Domney Arthur Albert Male Perth
1911/100697 Perth Vaughan Clara Bridget Female Donovan Frederick James Male Perth
1911/100697 Perth Donovan Frederick James Male Vaughan Clara Bridget Female Perth
1911/100698 Perth Urch Ethel Grace Female Young Crawford Male Perth
1911/100698 Perth Young Crawford Male Urch Ethel Grace Female Perth
1911/100699 Perth Maddock Hannah Jane Female Gliddon Arthur Male Perth
1911/100699 Perth Gliddon Arthur Male Maddock Hannah Jane Female Perth
1911/100700 Perth North Gertrude Myall Female Alford Lenard Stanley Male Perth
1911/100700 Perth Alford Lenard Stanley Male North Gertrude Myall Female Perth
1911/100701 Perth Scully James Joseph Male Fitzpatrick Mary Female Perth
1911/100701 Perth Fitzpatrick Mary Female Scully James Joseph Male Perth
1911/100702 Perth Barry Florence Evelynn Female Blaney-Murphy John Male Maylands
1911/100702 Perth Blaney-Murphy John Male Barry Florence Evelynn Female Maylands
1911/100703 Perth Mercer Elsie Maude Female Tassell Percy Woodrow Male Bayswater
1911/100703 Perth Tassell Percy Woodrow Male Mercer Elsie Maude Female Bayswater
1911/100704 Perth Gardiner Margaret Kelly Female Hand Richard Male Charles St
1911/100704 Perth Hand Richard Male Gardiner Margaret Kelly Female Charles St
1911/100705 Perth Davey Fred Male Campbell Ellen Rountree Female Perth
1911/100705 Perth Campbell Ellen Rountree Female Davey Fred Male Perth
1911/100706 Perth Taylor Winnifred Female O'Meagher Thomas Francis Male Victoria Park
1911/100706 Perth O'Meagher Thomas Francis Male Taylor Winnifred Female Victoria Park
1911/100707 Perth Matthews Alice Female Cosham William Daniel Male Perth
1911/100707 Perth Cosham William Daniel Male Matthews Alice Female Perth
1911/100708 Perth Hart Charles Alfred Male Rye Florence Edith Female Perth
1911/100708 Perth Rye Florence Edith Female Hart Charles Alfred Male Perth
1911/100709 Perth Gunston Montague Cecil Male Bain Florence Amy Female Perth
1911/100709 Perth Bain Florence Amy Female Gunston Montague Cecil Male Perth
1911/100710 Perth Moran Charles Victor Male Kerr Mary Gertrude Female Perth
1911/100710 Perth Kerr Mary Gertrude Female Moran Charles Victor Male Perth
1911/100711 Perth Spindlow Walter James Male Fagan Eva Louisa Female North Perth
1911/100711 Perth Fagan Eva Louisa Female Spindlow Walter James Male North Perth
1911/100712 Perth Linehan William Male Barnard Charlotte Mary Female West Perth
1911/100712 Perth Barnard Charlotte Mary Female Linehan William Male West Perth
1911/100713 Perth Ewing Alfred George Male Vale Maud Female Perth
1911/100713 Perth Vale Maud Female Ewing Alfred George Male Perth
1911/100714 Perth Jewell Henrietta Female Drew James Edward Male Perth
1911/100714 Perth Drew James Edward Male Jewell Henrietta Female Perth
1911/100715 Perth Cosgrove Michael Thomas Male Bridges Eliza Female Perth
1911/100715 Perth Bridges Eliza Female Cosgrove Michael Thomas Male Perth
1911/100716 Perth Lyon Albert Cumstock Male Gilliam Eulie Gertrude Female Perth
1911/100716 Perth Gilliam Eulie Gertrude Female Lyon Albert Cumstock Male Perth
1911/100717 Perth Tomalin Harriett Mary Ann Female Dawe Walter Herbert Male Perth
1911/100717 Perth Dawe Walter Herbert Male Tomalin Harriett Mary Ann Female Perth
1911/100718 Perth Nisbet Thomas Mitchell Male Peterkin Elsie Maitland Female Perth
1911/100718 Perth Peterkin Elsie Maitland Female Nisbet Thomas Mitchell Male Perth
1911/100719 Perth Innes William Male Ettridge Ida Emma Female Perth
1911/100719 Perth Ettridge Ida Emma Female Innes William Male Perth
1911/100720 Perth Foster Olive May Female Van Heurck Francis Henry Male Perth
1911/100720 Perth Van Heurck Francis Henry Male Foster Olive May Female Perth
1911/100721 Perth McAskill Seymour Wilfred Allan Male Hall Elizabeth Celia Female Perth
1911/100721 Perth Hall Elizabeth Celia Female McAskill Seymour Wilfred Allan Male Perth
1911/100722 Perth Barry Ellen May Female Petersson Karl Justus Male West Perth
1911/100722 Perth Petersson Karl Justus Male Barry Ellen May Female West Perth
1911/100723 Perth Asquith Percy Thomas Male Hodson Sophie Female West Perth
1911/100723 Perth Hodson Sophie Female Asquith Percy Thomas Male West Perth
1911/100724 Perth Larkin Teresa Helena Female Sanders Arthur Edmund Male West Perth
1911/100724 Perth Sanders Arthur Edmund Male Larkin Teresa Helena Female West Perth
1911/100725 Perth Maddocks Emily Female Tye Albert Henry Male West Perth
1911/100725 Perth Tye Albert Henry Male Maddocks Emily Female West Perth
1911/100726 Perth Castle Cecilia Evelyn Female Marshall Albert Edward Male Perth
1911/100726 Perth Marshall Albert Edward Male Castle Cecilia Evelyn Female Perth
1911/100727 Perth Cross Mary Alice Female Greaves Richard Brogden Male Perth
1911/100727 Perth Greaves Richard Brogden Male Cross Mary Alice Female Perth
1911/100728 Perth Linderstam Gösta Male Johnston Elsie Isobel Female Perth
1911/100728 Perth Johnston Elsie Isobel Female Linderstam Gösta Male Perth
1911/100729 Perth Brown Caroline Kirkwood Female Hall Enoch Moses Male West Perth
1911/100729 Perth Hall Enoch Moses Male Brown Caroline Kirkwood Female West Perth
1911/100730 Perth Spencer Julia Mary Female Choyce William Cappa Male Perth
1911/100730 Perth Choyce William Cappa Male Spencer Julia Mary Female Perth
1911/100731 Perth Coyne Maria Female Davies William Charles Male Perth
1911/100731 Perth Davies William Charles Male Coyne Maria Female Perth
1911/100732 Perth Stapleton Margaret Agnes Female Kilian William Ernest Male Perth
1911/100732 Perth Kilian William Ernest Male Stapleton Margaret Agnes Female Perth
1911/100733 Perth Penrose Murray Stanley Male Trotter Cecelie Albertine Female Perth
1911/100733 Perth Trotter Cecelie Albertine Female Penrose Murray Stanley Male Perth
1911/100734 Perth Ferguson Janet Louise Female Lantzke Herbert John Male Perth
1911/100734 Perth Lantzke Herbert John Male Ferguson Janet Louise Female Perth
1911/100735 Perth Mitchell Carita Female Carson Bernard William Male Perth
1911/100735 Perth Carson Bernard William Male Mitchell Carita Female Perth
1911/100736 Perth Bennett Alice Female Neillings Harold David Male Perth
1911/100736 Perth Neillings Harold David Male Bennett Alice Female Perth
1911/100737 Perth Longbottom Edith Ethel Female Rowe John Male Perth
1911/100737 Perth Rowe John Male Longbottom Edith Ethel Female Perth
1911/100738 Perth Lane Lillian Female Sanders Horace Gordon Male Perth
1911/100738 Perth Leslie Ellinor Catherine Female Sanders Horace Gordon Male Perth
1911/100738 Perth Leslie Lillian Female Sanders Horace Gordon Male Perth
1911/100738 Perth Lane Ellinor Catherine Female Sanders Horace Gordon Male Perth
1911/100738 Perth Sanders Horace Gordon Male Lane Ellinor Catherine Female Perth
1911/100738 Perth Sanders Horace Gordon Male Lane Lillian Female Perth
1911/100738 Perth Sanders Horace Gordon Male Leslie Ellinor Catherine Female Perth
1911/100738 Perth Sanders Horace Gordon Male Leslie Lillian Female Perth
1911/100739 Perth Demer Arthur Edward Male Battle Beatrice Alberta Female Perth
1911/100739 Perth Battle Beatrice Alberta Female Demer Arthur Edward Male Perth
1911/100740 Perth Griffiths William Alfred Male Blackmore Beatrice Elizabeth Female Perth
1911/100740 Perth Blackmore Beatrice Elizabeth Female Griffiths William Alfred Male Perth
1911/100741 Perth O'Brien Rachel Female Jones Herbert Male Perth
1911/100741 Perth Jones Herbert Male O'Brien Rachel Female Perth
1911/100742 Perth McNeil Belinda Bessie Female Bywaters Isaac Albert Male Perth
1911/100742 Perth Bywaters Isaac Albert Male McNeil Belinda Bessie Female Perth
1911/100743 Perth Medlin Rubina Jane Female Maffescioni Larry Male Perth
1911/100743 Perth Maffescioni Larry Male Medlin Rubina Jane Female Perth
1911/100744 Perth Hamling Susie Watherene Female Fogde Isaac Male Perth
1911/100744 Perth Fogde Isaac Male Hamling Susie Watherene Female Perth
1911/100745 Perth Stevenson Rachel Female Ransom Harry Male Perth
1911/100745 Perth Ransom Harry Male Stevenson Rachel Female Perth
1911/100746 Perth Hardwick Annie Female Moir James Harper Male West Perth
1911/100746 Perth Moir James Harper Male Hardwick Annie Female West Perth
1911/100747 Perth Wells Kate Female Jones Henry Joseph Male Perth
1911/100747 Perth Jones Henry Joseph Male Wells Kate Female Perth
1911/100748 Perth Humphries Cecil Digby Male Reside Mary Elizabeth Female Perth
1911/100748 Perth Reside Mary Elizabeth Female Humphries Cecil Digby Male Perth
1911/100749 Perth Groves Eleanor Female Branch Benjamin Thomas Male East Perth
1911/100749 Perth Branch Benjamin Thomas Male Groves Eleanor Female East Perth
1911/100750 Perth Lidington George Frederick Male Glover Rosina Edwina Female East Perth
1911/100750 Perth Glover Rosina Edwina Female Lidington George Frederick Male East Perth
1911/100751 Perth Wundenberg Rudolph Max Millian Male Smith Ethel May Female North Perth
1911/100751 Perth Smith Ethel May Female Wundenberg Rudolph Max Millian Male North Perth
1911/100752 Perth Hutchinson Mabel May Female Gordon Alexander Male Perth
1911/100752 Perth Gordon Alexander Male Hutchinson Mabel May Female Perth
1911/100753 Perth Palmer Olive Louisa Female Hembury Edward James Male East Perth
1911/100753 Perth Hembury Edward James Male Palmer Olive Louisa Female East Perth
1911/100754 Perth De Varney Violet Louise Female Hall Lawrence Alwyn Male Perth
1911/100754 Perth Hall Lawrence Alwyn Male De Varney Violet Louise Female Perth
1911/100755 Perth O'Brien Patrick Male Wright Julia Female Perth
1911/100755 Perth Wright Julia Female O'Brien Patrick Male Perth
1911/100756 Perth Veitch Ernest Male Betts Emily Jane Female Perth
1911/100756 Perth Betts Emily Jane Female Veitch Ernest Male Perth
1911/100757 Perth Coyle John Patrick Male Dawe Drusilla Female Perth
1911/100757 Perth Dawe Drusilla Female Coyle John Patrick Male Perth
1911/100758 Perth Greig Horace Alexander Male Joyce Ethel Lavinia Female Perth
1911/100758 Perth Joyce Ethel Lavinia Female Greig Horace Alexander Male Perth
1911/100759 Perth Spry George Male Owen Theresa Ethel Female Perth
1911/100759 Perth Owen Theresa Ethel Female Spry George Male Perth
1911/100760 Perth Moon Herbert Gilroy Male Lenson Jane Elizabeth Female Perth
1911/100760 Perth Lenson Jane Elizabeth Female Moon Herbert Gilroy Male Perth
1911/100761 Perth Douglas Florence May Female Osborn Charles Sydney Male Perth
1911/100761 Perth Osborn Charles Sydney Male Douglas Florence May Female Perth
1911/100762 Perth Collier Laura Female Donath William Henry Male Perth
1911/100762 Perth Donath William Henry Male Collier Laura Female Perth
1911/100763 Perth Gray Frederick Charles Male Green Elizabeth Mary Female Perth
1911/100763 Perth Green Elizabeth Mary Female Gray Frederick Charles Male Perth
1911/100764 Perth Barker George Henry Male Richmond Kathleen Isobel Female Perth
1911/100764 Perth Richmond Kathleen Isobel Female Barker George Henry Male Perth
1911/100765 Perth Parker Julia Ann Female Davey William Libby Male Perth
1911/100765 Perth Davey William Libby Male Parker Julia Ann Female Perth
1911/100766 Perth Hardy Mary Grace Female Lahiff John Patrick Male Perth
1911/100766 Perth Lahiff John Patrick Male Hardy Mary Grace Female Perth
1911/100767 Perth McGrath John Joseph Male Wilkins Winifred Rosina Female Perth
1911/100767 Perth Wilkins Winifred Rosina Female McGrath John Joseph Male Perth
1911/100768 Perth Bushell Bertha Eileen Female Taylor Thomas Male Perth
1911/100768 Perth Taylor Thomas Male Bushell Bertha Eileen Female Perth
1911/100769 Perth O'Mahony O'Connell Daniel Male Glowrey Evelyn Female Perth
1911/100769 Perth Glowrey Evelyn Female O'Mahony O'Connell Daniel Male Perth
1911/100770 Perth Bearby Elsie Elizabeth Female McNamara Thomas Frances Male Perth
1911/100770 Perth McNamara Thomas Frances Male Bearby Elsie Elizabeth Female Perth
1911/100771 Perth Ryan Veronica Teresa Female Shepherd Henry George Male Perth
1911/100771 Perth Shepherd Henry George Male Ryan Veronica Teresa Female Perth
1911/100772 Perth Lawrence Alfred Isaac Male Gallagher Isabel Female Victoria Park
1911/100772 Perth Gallagher Isabel Female Lawrence Alfred Isaac Male Victoria Park
1911/100773 Perth Webb Caroline Elizabeth Female Osborn William Henry Male Perth
1911/100773 Perth Osborn William Henry Male Webb Caroline Elizabeth Female Perth
1911/100774 Perth Kenworthy Selma Ann Urquhart Female Cooper William Robert Male Perth
1911/100774 Perth Cooper William Robert Male Kenworthy Selma Ann Urquhart Female Perth
1911/100775 Perth Medley Laura Female Fripp William George Giles Male Perth
1911/100775 Perth Fripp William George Giles Male Medley Laura Female Perth
1911/100776 Perth Fiveash Percival Berwick Male Cock Maud May Female Perth
1911/100776 Perth Cock Maud May Female Fiveash Percival Berwick Male Perth
1911/100777 Perth Thorogood Arthur Richard Male Popplewell Edith Female Victoria Park
1911/100777 Perth Popplewell Edith Female Thorogood Arthur Richard Male Victoria Park
1911/100778 Perth Horsfall George Samuel Male Glaskin Lucy Female West Perth
1911/100778 Perth Glaskin Lucy Female Horsfall George Samuel Male West Perth
1911/100781 Perth Legge Minnie Female Porter Albert Male Perth
1911/100781 Perth Porter Albert Male Legge Minnie Female Perth
1911/100783 Perth Meakins Phoebe Jane Female Mounsey Noble Male Bayswater
1911/100783 Perth Mounsey Noble Male Meakins Phoebe Jane Female Bayswater
1911/100784 Perth Siford Eliza Female McEvoy Albert Edward Male Perth
1911/100784 Perth McEvoy Albert Edward Male Siford Eliza Female Perth
1911/100785 Perth Matters Amy Lena Female Jones Henry Edmund Male Perth
1911/100785 Perth Jones Henry Edmund Male Matters Amy Lena Female Perth
1911/100786 Perth Hanrahan Henry Edward Male Gray May Female Perth
1911/100786 Perth Gray May Female Hanrahan Henry Edward Male Perth
1911/100787 Perth Smith Wilhelmina Rose Female Anderson Alfred Graham Harrison Male West Perth
1911/100787 Perth Anderson Alfred Graham Harrison Male Smith Wilhelmina Rose Female West Perth
1911/100788 Perth Grimley Mary Louise Female Mongan Walter Lewis Male Perth
1911/100788 Perth Mongan Walter Lewis Male Grimley Mary Louise Female Perth
1911/100789 Perth Chivas Bella Jane Female Dawson Charles Blackie Male Perth
1911/100789 Perth Dawson Charles Blackie Male Chivas Bella Jane Female Perth
1911/100790 Perth McCracken Lilian Cumming White Female McLure William Olive Male Perth
1911/100790 Perth McLure William Olive Male McCracken Lilian Cumming White Female Perth
1911/100791 Perth Mansfeld Laura Agnes Paulina Female Armstrong Benjamin Robert Male West Perth
1911/100791 Perth Armstrong Benjamin Robert Male Mansfeld Laura Agnes Paulina Female West Perth
1911/100792 Perth Pearce Laura Maud Female Kidd James Male Perth
1911/100792 Perth Kidd James Male Pearce Laura Maud Female Perth
1911/100793 Perth Thompson Eleanor Turnbull Female Rollo John Robert Male North Perth
1911/100793 Perth Rollo John Robert Male Thompson Eleanor Turnbull Female North Perth
1911/100794 Perth Barr Francis James Male Dow Margaret Female Perth
1911/100794 Perth Dow Margaret Female Barr Francis James Male Perth
1911/100795 Perth Sturrock David Webster Male Tolmie Jane Female Perth
1911/100795 Perth Tolmie Jane Female Sturrock David Webster Male Perth
1911/100796 Perth Besnard Ethel May Female Dowinton Arthur Charles Male Perth
1911/100796 Perth Dowinton Arthur Charles Male Besnard Ethel May Female Perth
1911/100797 Perth Savage Lionel Newton Male Voysey Daisy Gertrude Female Perth
1911/100797 Perth Voysey Daisy Gertrude Female Savage Lionel Newton Male Perth
1911/100798 Perth Mellowship James Agustus Male Oxman Helena Mary Female West Perth
1911/100798 Perth Oxman Helena Mary Female Mellowship James Agustus Male West Perth
1911/100799 Perth Williams Mary Female Pittard Charles Horace Male Perth
1911/100799 Perth Pittard Charles Horace Male Williams Mary Female Perth
1911/100800 Perth Sturgess Ruth Female Wills William Henry Frederick Male Perth
1911/100800 Perth Wills William Henry Frederick Male Sturgess Ruth Female Perth
1911/100801 Perth Skinner Annie Elizabeth Female Noske Walter Ernest Male Perth
1911/100801 Perth Noske Walter Ernest Male Skinner Annie Elizabeth Female Perth
1911/100802 Perth Yelland Arthur Ebenezer Male Martin Pearl Priscilla Female Perth
1911/100802 Perth Martin Pearl Priscilla Female Yelland Arthur Ebenezer Male Perth
1911/100803 Perth McNeece Ruby Mary Female MacDonald Donald Male Perth
1911/100803 Perth MacDonald Donald Male McNeece Ruby Mary Female Perth
1911/100804 Perth McKinnon Sarah Female Shanks Victor Male Perth
1911/100804 Perth Shanks Victor Male McKinnon Sarah Female Perth
1911/100805 Perth Sharpe Mary Female Nicholls Edward Alfred Male Perth
1911/100805 Perth Nicholls Edward Alfred Male Sharpe Mary Female Perth
1911/100806 Perth Flint Ernest Edwin Male Allan Margaret Female Perth
1911/100806 Perth Allan Margaret Female Flint Ernest Edwin Male Perth
1911/100807 Perth Guy Frederick Male Klaebe Clara Alma Female East Perth
1911/100807 Perth Klaebe Clara Alma Female Guy Frederick Male East Perth
1911/100808 Perth Hosband Bernard Charles Male Tate Dorothy Juanita Uldene Female East Perth
1911/100808 Perth Tate Dorothy Juanita Uldene Female Hosband Bernard Charles Male East Perth
1911/100809 Perth Foley William Male Jex Emma Mary Female Perth
1911/100809 Perth Jex Emma Mary Female Foley William Male Perth
1911/100810 Perth Robson William Male Horton Emily Female Perth
1911/100810 Perth Horton Emily Female Robson William Male Perth
1911/100811 Perth Berbling Martha Female Mills Andrew Male Perth
1911/100811 Perth Mills Andrew Male Berbling Martha Female Perth
1911/100812 Perth Kimpton Adelaide May Female O'Halloran John Joseph Male Perth
1911/100812 Perth O'Halloran John Joseph Male Kimpton Adelaide May Female Perth
1911/100813 Perth Paterson Walter Robb Male Keogh Johanna Catherine Female Perth
1911/100813 Perth Keogh Johanna Catherine Female Paterson Walter Robb Male Perth
1911/100814 Perth Horton Arthur Edward Male Iles Mary Ann Female West Perth
1911/100814 Perth Iles Mary Ann Female Horton Arthur Edward Male West Perth
1911/100815 Perth Burke Gertrude Magdeline Female Booker Fredrick Peter Male West Perth
1911/100815 Perth Booker Fredrick Peter Male Burke Gertrude Magdeline Female West Perth
1911/100816 Perth Wholagan Vernon Belmont Male Billings Violet Female West Perth
1911/100816 Perth Billings Violet Female Wholagan Vernon Belmont Male West Perth
1911/100817 Perth Dudgeon Annie Female Maher Edward Male West Perth
1911/100817 Perth Maher Edward Male Dudgeon Annie Female West Perth
1911/100818 Perth Crozier Constance Sarah Female Heald George Eustace Male Perth
1911/100818 Perth Heald George Eustace Male Crozier Constance Sarah Female Perth
1911/100819 Perth Sells Ivy Olive May Female D'Alton Galbraith Haydon Male Perth
1911/100819 Perth D'Alton Galbraith Haydon Male Sells Ivy Olive May Female Perth
1911/100820 Perth Odgers Rosie Mary Female Märtenson Gustaf Ludvig Male Perth
1911/100820 Perth Märtenson Gustaf Ludvig Male Odgers Rosie Mary Female Perth
1911/100821 Perth Still Ettie Female Pearce Francis Fraser Male Perth
1911/100821 Perth Pearce Francis Fraser Male Still Ettie Female Perth
1911/100822 Perth Gray Alma Female Scottis James George Male Perth
1911/100822 Perth Scottis James George Male Gray Alma Female Perth
1911/100823 Perth May William Frederick Male Woods Stella Beatrice Female Maylands
1911/100823 Perth Woods Stella Beatrice Female May William Frederick Male Maylands
1911/100824 Perth Hall May Female Bond Leslie Charles Male East Perth
1911/100824 Perth Bond Leslie Charles Male Hall May Female East Perth
1911/100825 Perth Challenger Frederick William Male Fox Anne Clara Female East Perth
1911/100825 Perth Fox Anne Clara Female Challenger Frederick William Male East Perth
1911/100826 Perth Stroschein Josephine Louisa Susanna Female Jaeschke Frederick Ferdinand Arthur Male Perth
1911/100826 Perth Jaeschke Frederick Ferdinand Arthur Male Stroschein Josephine Louisa Susanna Female Perth
1911/100827 Perth Taylor William Male Platt Ivy Female Perth
1911/100827 Perth Platt Ivy Female Taylor William Male Perth
1911/100828 Perth Pola John Male Gibbs Rebecca Glancia Neville Female Perth
1911/100828 Perth Gibbs Rebecca Glancia Neville Female Pola John Male Perth
1911/100829 Perth Evans Henry Robert Male Organ Emma Female Perth
1911/100829 Perth Organ Emma Female Evans Henry Robert Male Perth
1911/100830 Perth Ripper Percy Edwin Thomas Male Adair Louise Female Perth
1911/100830 Perth Adair Louise Female Ripper Percy Edwin Thomas Male Perth
1911/100831 Perth Beal Dorothy Elsie Female Brigatti Francis Alexander Male Perth
1911/100831 Perth Brigatti Francis Alexander Male Beal Dorothy Elsie Female Perth
1911/100832 Perth Bertram Augustus Henry Ernest William Male Klaebe Ottielie Emilie Female Perth
1911/100832 Perth Klaebe Ottielie Emilie Female Bertram Augustus Henry Ernest William Male Perth
1911/100833 Perth Price Henry William Male Sutherland Johanna Graham Female Perth
1911/100833 Perth Sutherland Johanna Graham Female Price Henry William Male Perth
1911/100834 Perth Martin Janet Female Hocking Fredrick Male Perth
1911/100834 Perth Hocking Fredrick Male Martin Janet Female Perth
1911/100835 Perth Henderson David Male Walker Elsie Pauline May Female Perth
1911/100835 Perth Walker Elsie Pauline May Female Henderson David Male Perth
1911/100836 Perth Black Frederick Robert George Male Keel Amy Sarah Female Perth
1911/100836 Perth Keel Amy Sarah Female Black Frederick Robert George Male Perth
1911/100837 Perth Wilson William Male Maxwell Elizabeth Female Perth
1911/100837 Perth Maxwell Elizabeth Female Wilson William Male Perth
1911/100838 Perth Weston Edwin George Grounds Male Brear Nellie Lane Female Perth
1911/100838 Perth Brear Nellie Lane Female Weston Edwin George Grounds Male Perth
1911/100839 Perth Albert Sydney Samuel Male Sandercock Dina Ann Female Perth
1911/100839 Perth Sandercock Dina Ann Female Albert Sydney Samuel Male Perth
1911/100840 Perth Pratt Adelaide Olive May Female Fawcett Septimus Male Perth
1911/100840 Perth Fawcett Septimus Male Pratt Adelaide Olive May Female Perth
1911/100841 Perth Rinn William Male Dann Violet Nina Female Perth
1911/100841 Perth Dann Violet Nina Female Rinn William Male Perth
1911/100842 Perth Watson Harcourt William Male Donovan Elizabeth Female Perth
1911/100842 Perth Donovan Elizabeth Female Watson Harcourt William Male Perth
1911/100843 Perth Thirlwell Edith Snowdon Female Stuart Robert Charles Male Perth
1911/100843 Perth Stuart Robert Charles Male Thirlwell Edith Snowdon Female Perth
1911/100844 Perth Grover Ivy Lavinia Annie Female Boyle Walter John Male Perth
1911/100844 Perth Boyle Walter John Male Grover Ivy Lavinia Annie Female Perth
1911/100845 Perth Nixon Sybil Female Jeffs Arthur Male Perth
1911/100845 Perth Jeffs Arthur Male Nixon Sybil Female Perth
1911/100846 Perth Norton Elizabeth May Female Sherry John Male Perth
1911/100846 Perth Sherry John Male Norton Elizabeth May Female Perth
1911/100847 Perth Iles Mabel Annie Female Daniel Arthur Male West Perth
1911/100847 Perth Daniel Arthur Male Iles Mabel Annie Female West Perth
1911/100848 Perth Chinnery Walter Charles Male Langdon Rosa Frances Female West Perth
1911/100848 Perth Langdon Rosa Frances Female Chinnery Walter Charles Male West Perth
1911/100849 Perth Russell William Thompson Male Orton Elizabeth Rose Blender Female West Perth
1911/100849 Perth Orton Elizabeth Rose Blender Female Russell William Thompson Male West Perth
1911/100850 Perth Kelley Lilian Muriel Female Simmons Albert Charles Male Perth
1911/100850 Perth Simmons Albert Charles Male Kelley Lilian Muriel Female Perth
1911/100851 Perth Bassett Alfred Henry Male Fergusson Edith Elizabeth Female Victoria Park
1911/100851 Perth Fergusson Edith Elizabeth Female Bassett Alfred Henry Male Victoria Park
1911/100852 Perth Thomson Walter Male Short Maud Female Perth
1911/100852 Perth Short Maud Female Thomson Walter Male Perth
1911/100853 Perth Wilson Andrew Male Wrigley Florence Female Perth
1911/100853 Perth Wrigley Florence Female Wilson Andrew Male Perth
1911/100854 Perth Callaghan Mary Ann Female McGhee Hendry Male West Perth
1911/100854 Perth McGhee Hendry Male Callaghan Mary Ann Female West Perth
1911/100855 Perth Hadfield Ruben Male Thring Jessie Eva Female West Perth
1911/100855 Perth Thring Jessie Eva Female Hadfield Ruben Male West Perth
1911/100856 Perth Thomas Gertrude Female Tucker Henry Penberthy Male Perth
1911/100856 Perth Tucker Henry Penberthy Male Thomas Gertrude Female Perth
1911/100857 Perth White Llewella Phyllipa Female Winton George William Male West Perth
1911/100857 Perth Winton George William Male White Llewella Phyllipa Female West Perth
1911/300002 Ashburton Connell William Charles Male Taylor Ellen Mary Female Onslow
1911/300002 Ashburton Taylor Ellen Mary Female Connell William Charles Male Onslow
1911/300003 Ashburton Watkinson Alfred Brumby Male Clark Isabel Olive Marie Female Onslow
1911/300003 Ashburton Clark Isabel Olive Marie Female Watkinson Alfred Brumby Male Onslow
1912/400001 Beverley Moulton Clara Mary Maud Female Grover Henry Joseph Male Dale
1912/400001 Beverley Grover Henry Joseph Male Moulton Clara Mary Maud Female Dale
1911/400001 Beverley Craven Sarah Female Curtis George Haselgrove Male Beverley
1911/400001 Beverley Curtis George Haselgrove Male Craven Sarah Female Beverley
1911/400002 Beverley Johnson Henry James Male Day Ruby May Female Beverley
1911/400002 Beverley Day Ruby May Female Johnson Henry James Male Beverley
1911/400003 Beverley Ewen Hannah Female Cameron Alexander Duncan Male Pingelly
1911/400003 Beverley Cameron Alexander Duncan Male Ewen Hannah Female Pingelly
1911/400004 Beverley McGrath Annie Alicia Female Symes Alfred Henry Male Brookton
1911/400004 Beverley Symes Alfred Henry Male McGrath Annie Alicia Female Brookton
1911/400005 Beverley Sloan Jane Bethel Female Chopping Ernest Corthorpe Male East Popanyinning
1911/400005 Beverley Chopping Ernest Corthorpe Male Sloan Jane Bethel Female East Popanyinning
1911/400006 Beverley Austin Dorothy Grace Female Johnson Ernest Patrick Male Beverley
1911/400006 Beverley Johnson Ernest Patrick Male Austin Dorothy Grace Female Beverley
1911/400007 Beverley Strange Margaret Elizabeth Female Edwards Bevan Louis Male Dale
1911/400007 Beverley Edwards Bevan Louis Male Strange Margaret Elizabeth Female Dale
1911/400008 Beverley Parker Clara Maud Female Hawkins Reuben Octovus Male Oak Valley
1911/400008 Beverley Hawkins Reuben Octovus Male Parker Clara Maud Female Oak Valley
1911/400009 Beverley Meek Georgina Adeline Female Coxon Ernest William Frederick Male Mourambine
1911/400009 Beverley Coxon Ernest William Frederick Male Meek Georgina Adeline Female Mourambine
1911/400010 Beverley Wansbrough Thomas Male Gray Bertha May Female Beverley
1911/400010 Beverley Gray Bertha May Female Wansbrough Thomas Male Beverley
1911/400011 Beverley Birch Harold William Hodson Male Manuel Ivy Edith Alice Female Beverley
1911/400011 Beverley Manuel Ivy Edith Alice Female Birch Harold William Hodson Male Beverley
1911/400012 Beverley Bechtel Mary May Female Gartrell Archie Male Beverley
1911/400012 Beverley Gartrell Archie Male Bechtel Mary May Female Beverley
1911/400013 Beverley Cargeeg Jane Etta Female Fleay William Aubrey Male Brookton
1911/400013 Beverley Fleay William Aubrey Male Cargeeg Jane Etta Female Brookton
1911/400014 Beverley Munro Mary Constance Female Reynolds Henry John Martin Male Pingelly
1911/400014 Beverley Reynolds Henry John Martin Male Munro Mary Constance Female Pingelly
1911/400015 Beverley Moeser Frieda Agnes Female Ford Martin Male Qualin
1911/400015 Beverley Ford Martin Male Moeser Frieda Agnes Female Qualin
1911/400016 Beverley Tubberty John Thomas Male Ware Emily Agnes Female Beverley
1911/400016 Beverley Ware Emily Agnes Female Tubberty John Thomas Male Beverley
1911/400017 Beverley Reynolds George Male Webb Florence Female Beverley
1911/400017 Beverley Webb Florence Female Reynolds George Male Beverley
1911/400018 Beverley Wansbrough Alice Matilda Female Hunt Percival Harold Male Beverley
1911/400018 Beverley Hunt Percival Harold Male Wansbrough Alice Matilda Female Beverley
1913/400019 Beverley Atkins James Henry Male Barber Olive Victoria Female Pingelly
1911/400019 Beverley Panten Rosetta Sabiness Female Newton James Nathanael Osbourne Male Pingelly
1913/400019 Beverley Barber Olive Victoria Female Atkins James Henry Male Pingelly
1911/400019 Beverley Newton James Nathanael Osbourne Male Panten Rosetta Sabiness Female Pingelly
1911/400020 Beverley Reynolds John Male Munro Eliza Female Pingelly
1911/400020 Beverley Munro Eliza Female Reynolds John Male Pingelly
1911/400021 Beverley Wensley William Male Hancock Vera Pernell Female Home of J C Hancock
1911/400021 Beverley Hancock Vera Pernell Female Wensley William Male Home of J C Hancock
1911/400022 Beverley Price John Charles Percival Male Messenger Evelyn Annie Female Brookton
1911/400022 Beverley Messenger Evelyn Annie Female Price John Charles Percival Male Brookton
1911/400023 Beverley Wiles Alec Male Huggins Bessie Female Pingelly
1911/400023 Beverley Huggins Bessie Female Wiles Alec Male Pingelly
1911/400024 Beverley Lovering Phillip Male Tylee Harriett Josephine Female Beverley
1911/400024 Beverley Tylee Harriett Josephine Female Lovering Phillip Male Beverley
1911/400025 Beverley Cody Kathleen Female Johnson Frank Male Beverley
1911/400025 Beverley Johnson Frank Male Cody Kathleen Female Beverley
1911/400026 Beverley Bransby Emily Female Gardner Edwin Male Pingelly
1911/400026 Beverley Gardner Edwin Male Bransby Emily Female Pingelly
1911/400027 Beverley Edwards Phoebe Ann Female Rose Richard John Loveday Male Pingelly
1911/400027 Beverley Rose Richard John Loveday Male Edwards Phoebe Ann Female Pingelly
1911/400028 Beverley Sloan Hugh Male Spragg Margaret Eliza Female Popanyining
1911/400028 Beverley Spragg Margaret Eliza Female Sloan Hugh Male Popanyining
1911/400029 Beverley Milner Alexander Henry Robert Paxton Male Schilling Anna Emilia Female Pingelly
1911/400029 Beverley Schilling Anna Emilia Female Milner Alexander Henry Robert Paxton Male Pingelly
1911/400030 Beverley Horsfall Percy Male Lobban Annie Paterson Female Pingelly
1911/400030 Beverley Lobban Annie Paterson Female Horsfall Percy Male Pingelly
1911/400031 Beverley Harvey Hannah Elizabeth Female Bush Hubert Templeton Male Mourambine
1911/400031 Beverley Bush Hubert Templeton Male Harvey Hannah Elizabeth Female Mourambine
1911/400032 Beverley Holdsworth Ann Female Browne Frederick Howard Male East Brookton
1911/400032 Beverley Browne Frederick Howard Male Holdsworth Ann Female East Brookton
1911/400033 Beverley Senteneller Jacob Frederick Male Payne Beatrice Annie Female Pingelly
1911/400033 Beverley Payne Beatrice Annie Female Senteneller Jacob Frederick Male Pingelly
1911/400034 Beverley Schnaars George Male Nenutt Elsie Female Pingelly
1911/400034 Beverley Nenutt Elsie Female Schnaars George Male Pingelly
1911/400035 Beverley Fearn Robert Male Walton Maud May Female Mourambine
1911/400035 Beverley Walton Maud May Female Fearn Robert Male Mourambine
1911/400036 Beverley Nelson Sarah Ann Female Bail Jesse Male East Popanyinning
1911/400036 Beverley Bail Jesse Male Nelson Sarah Ann Female East Popanyinning
1911/400037 Beverley McLennan Hugh Male Fleay Emily Beatrice Albertine Female Gilgering
1911/400037 Beverley Fleay Emily Beatrice Albertine Female McLennan Hugh Male Gilgering
1911/400038 Beverley Bechtel Lillian Friederike Female Gartrell Thomas Eustace Male Beverley
1911/400038 Beverley Gartrell Thomas Eustace Male Bechtel Lillian Friederike Female Beverley
1911/400039 Beverley Lange Emily Ethel Female Lobban George James Male Pingelly
1911/400039 Beverley Lobban George James Male Lange Emily Ethel Female Pingelly
1911/400040 Beverley Woodards Lydia Dalhousie Female Rollings John Hamilton Male Pingelly
1911/400040 Beverley Rollings John Hamilton Male Woodards Lydia Dalhousie Female Pingelly
1911/400041 Beverley Macfarlane John Patterson Male McGinty Margaret McAlister Female Pingelly
1911/400041 Beverley McGinty Margaret McAlister Female Macfarlane John Patterson Male Pingelly
1911/400042 Beverley Blakiston Ella Faith Female Fowler Alfred Herbert Male Beverley
1911/400042 Beverley Fowler Alfred Herbert Male Blakiston Ella Faith Female Beverley
1911/400043 Beverley Cadee William Douglas Male Andrews Esther Margarite Female Brookton
1911/400043 Beverley Andrews Esther Margarite Female Cadee William Douglas Male Brookton
1911/400044 Beverley Cole Arthur Owen Male Mader Ellen Elizabeth Alberta Female Pingelly
1911/400044 Beverley Mader Ellen Elizabeth Alberta Female Cole Arthur Owen Male Pingelly
1911/400045 Beverley Smith Norma Adelaide Female Clark Austral Victor Male Mourambine
1911/400045 Beverley Clark Austral Victor Male Smith Norma Adelaide Female Mourambine
1911/400046 Beverley Grout Louisa Female Holmes Leonard Male Pingelly
1911/400046 Beverley Holmes Leonard Male Grout Louisa Female Pingelly
1911/400047 Beverley Smithson Rose Helen Female Reid Maude Hemmingway Male Beverley
1911/400047 Beverley Reid Maude Hemmingway Male Smithson Rose Helen Female Beverley
1911/400048 Beverley Rolfe Edith Catherine Maud Female Lindsey Arnold Male Beverley
1911/400048 Beverley Lindsey Arnold Male Rolfe Edith Catherine Maud Female Beverley
1911/500001 Blackwood Blythe Eliza Jane Female Wakefield Robert Male Nannup
1911/500001 Blackwood Wakefield Robert Male Blythe Eliza Jane Female Nannup
1911/500002 Blackwood Wheeler John Male Southam Elsie Lillian Female Bridgetown
1911/500002 Blackwood Southam Elsie Lillian Female Wheeler John Male Bridgetown
1911/500003 Blackwood Freeman John Benjamin Male Warburton Elsie Female Greenbushes
1911/500003 Blackwood Warburton Elsie Female Freeman John Benjamin Male Greenbushes
1911/500004 Blackwood Roberts Ella Sarah Female French Stephen George Male Greenbushes
1911/500004 Blackwood French Stephen George Male Roberts Ella Sarah Female Greenbushes
1911/500005 Blackwood McLean Phillip Male Williams Susan Grace Female Bridgetown
1911/500005 Blackwood Williams Susan Grace Female McLean Phillip Male Bridgetown
1911/500006 Blackwood Haines William Stephen Male Delaporte Eva Female Greenbushes
1911/500006 Blackwood Delaporte Eva Female Haines William Stephen Male Greenbushes
1911/500007 Blackwood Giese Dora Emma Female Matthews William John Male Greenbushes
1911/500007 Blackwood Matthews William John Male Giese Dora Emma Female Greenbushes
1911/500008 Blackwood Scott Cecilia May Female Awcock Peter Herbert Male Bridgetown
1911/500008 Blackwood Awcock Peter Herbert Male Scott Cecilia May Female Bridgetown
1911/500009 Blackwood Stallard Alma Myra Ernestien Female Simms Walter Albert Male Mullalyup
1911/500009 Blackwood Simms Walter Albert Male Stallard Alma Myra Ernestien Female Mullalyup
1911/500010 Blackwood Blechynden Charlotte Female Spencer Reece George Male Dingup
1911/500010 Blackwood Spencer Reece George Male Blechynden Charlotte Female Dingup
1911/500011 Blackwood Baird Alexander Male Osborn Violet Female Greenbushes
1911/500011 Blackwood Osborn Violet Female Baird Alexander Male Greenbushes
1911/500012 Blackwood Grover Clarence William Male Burnell Florence Louisa Female Bridgetown
1911/500012 Blackwood Burnell Florence Louisa Female Grover Clarence William Male Bridgetown
1911/500013 Blackwood Longbottom Rose Jane Female Rodda Edwin Male Darradup
1911/500013 Blackwood Rodda Edwin Male Longbottom Rose Jane Female Darradup
1911/500014 Blackwood Roberts Owen Male Roberts Edith Cecilia Female Balingup
1911/500014 Blackwood Roberts Edith Cecilia Female Roberts Owen Male Balingup
1911/500015 Blackwood Kern William George Male Goodman Edith Mary Claudine Female Greenbushes
1911/500015 Blackwood Goodman Edith Mary Claudine Female Kern William George Male Greenbushes
1911/500016 Blackwood Smith Frederic John Male Knight Ann Female Bridgetown
1911/500016 Blackwood Knight Ann Female Smith Frederic John Male Bridgetown
1911/500017 Blackwood Martin Emma May Female Young Isaac Male Mordalup
1911/500017 Blackwood Young Isaac Male Martin Emma May Female Mordalup
1911/500018 Blackwood Mudford George Alfred Male Murphy Ivy Cecilia Female Kirupp
1911/500018 Blackwood Murphy Ivy Cecilia Female Mudford George Alfred Male Kirupp
1911/500019 Blackwood Coverley Ella Lucille Female Connell William Ross Male Bridgetown
1911/500019 Blackwood Connell William Ross Male Coverley Ella Lucille Female Bridgetown
1911/500020 Blackwood Bray James Male Warne Lily Female Greenbushes
1911/500020 Blackwood Warne Lily Female Bray James Male Greenbushes
1911/500021 Blackwood Toye Helen Jane Female Lidbury Walter Thomas Male Bridgetown
1911/500021 Blackwood Lidbury Walter Thomas Male Toye Helen Jane Female Bridgetown
1911/500022 Blackwood Perry Michael Joseph Male McCann Adele Lilian Female Greenbushes
1911/500022 Blackwood McCann Adele Lilian Female Perry Michael Joseph Male Greenbushes
1911/500023 Blackwood Deason Mary Beatrice Female McLeod Malcolm John Male Greenbushes
1911/500023 Blackwood McLeod Malcolm John Male Deason Mary Beatrice Female Greenbushes
1911/500024 Blackwood Gould Osric Vivian Male Hannaby Lily Female Greenbushes
1911/500024 Blackwood Hannaby Lily Female Gould Osric Vivian Male Greenbushes
1911/500025 Blackwood Sproge Richard Peter Male Kochanovsky Claudia Female Bridgetown
1911/500025 Blackwood Kochanovsky Claudia Female Sproge Richard Peter Male Bridgetown
1911/500026 Blackwood Frank Ivy Muriel Female McCann Thomas Male Bridgetown
1911/500026 Blackwood McCann Thomas Male Frank Ivy Muriel Female Bridgetown
1911/600002 Black Range Healey Victoria Lucy Louisa Female Wood Frederick Male Sandstone
1911/600002 Black Range Wood Frederick Male Healey Victoria Lucy Louisa Female Sandstone
1911/600003 Black Range Johnson Peter Male Quinn Margaret Mary Female Sandstone
1911/600003 Black Range Quinn Margaret Mary Female Johnson Peter Male Sandstone
1911/600004 Black Range Quigley George Male Brady Jane Mary Female Sandstone
1911/600004 Black Range Brady Jane Mary Female Quigley George Male Sandstone
1911/600005 Black Range Morton Hugh Male Allan Jessie Female Sandstone
1911/600005 Black Range Allan Jessie Female Morton Hugh Male Sandstone
1911/600006 Black Range Thornton George Frederick Male O'Shea Mary Female Sandstone
1911/600006 Black Range O'Shea Mary Female Thornton George Frederick Male Sandstone
1911/600007 Black Range Lust Kitty Female Neille Harry Male Sandstone
1911/600007 Black Range Neille Harry Male Lust Kitty Female Sandstone
1911/600008 Black Range Pozzi Bernardo Male Thiel Francoise Female Sandstone
1911/600008 Black Range Thiel Francoise Female Pozzi Bernardo Male Sandstone
1911/600009 Black Range Bohan Eliza Female McDonald Farquhar William Male Sandstone
1911/600009 Black Range McDonald Farquhar William Male Bohan Eliza Female Sandstone
1911/600010 Black Range McVeigh Edward Male Gerrard Elizabeth Female Sandstone
1911/600010 Black Range Gerrard Elizabeth Female McVeigh Edward Male Sandstone
1911/600011 Black Range Beale Henry Percival Male Tiggemann Johanna Josephine Female Sandstone
1911/600011 Black Range Tiggemann Johanna Josephine Female Beale Henry Percival Male Sandstone
1911/600012 Black Range Thomson Gordon William Male Feazey Dorothy Merce Female Sandstone
1911/600012 Black Range Feazey Dorothy Merce Female Thomson Gordon William Male Sandstone
1911/700001 Boulder Parker Victor John Male Rogers Lillian Akehurst Female Boulder
1912/700001 Boulder Thompson Catherine Female Wilkins Thomas Male Boulder
1911/700001 Boulder Rogers Lillian Akehurst Female Parker Victor John Male Boulder
1912/700001 Boulder Wilkins Thomas Male Thompson Catherine Female Boulder
1911/700002 Boulder Hunter Robert Henry Male Rowan Ida Female Boulder
1911/700002 Boulder Rowan Ida Female Hunter Robert Henry Male Boulder
1911/700003 Boulder Pimblett Norah Ellen Female Cogdell Arthur George Male Boulder
1911/700003 Boulder Cogdell Arthur George Male Pimblett Norah Ellen Female Boulder
1911/700004 Boulder Augwin Lillie Female Haight Charles Male Boulder
1911/700004 Boulder Haight Charles Male Augwin Lillie Female Boulder
1911/700005 Boulder Mallon Catherine Female Jones Victor Holland Male Boulder
1911/700005 Boulder Jones Victor Holland Male Mallon Catherine Female Boulder
1911/700006 Boulder Gizdavcich Clara Female Radisich Jack Male Boulder
1911/700006 Boulder Radisich Jack Male Gizdavcich Clara Female Boulder
1911/700007 Boulder Swainson George Worley Male Bradshaw Mona Martha Female Boulder
1911/700007 Boulder Bradshaw Mona Martha Female Swainson George Worley Male Boulder
1911/700008 Boulder Reed Joseph Male Pool Mary Female Boulder
1911/700008 Boulder Pool Mary Female Reed Joseph Male Boulder
1911/700011 Boulder Burns Alexander Peter Male Jones Elizabeth Female Boulder
1911/700011 Boulder Jones Elizabeth Female Burns Alexander Peter Male Boulder
1911/700012 Boulder Johnstone Alexander Male Smith Hermione Cynisea Female Boulder
1911/700012 Boulder Smith Hermione Cynisea Female Johnstone Alexander Male Boulder
1911/700013 Boulder Asotic Dugka Female Boric Joze Male Boulder
1911/700013 Boulder Boric Joze Male Asotic Dugka Female Boulder
1911/700014 Boulder Kuscevich Stipar Male Simonovich Mary Female Boulder
1911/700014 Boulder Simonovich Mary Female Kuscevich Stipar Male Boulder
1911/700018 Boulder Hitchcock Henry Smith Male Bourne Violet Elizabeth Female Boulder
1911/700018 Boulder Bourne Violet Elizabeth Female Hitchcock Henry Smith Male Boulder
1911/700019 Boulder Fitzgerald Martin Male Spruhan Catherine Female Boulder City
1911/700019 Boulder Spruhan Catherine Female Fitzgerald Martin Male Boulder City
1911/700020 Boulder Simpson Archibald Male Goddard Ada Female Boulder
1911/700020 Boulder Goddard Ada Female Simpson Archibald Male Boulder
1911/700021 Boulder Hilditch John Male Dall Phoebe Female Boulder
1911/700021 Boulder Dall Phoebe Female Hilditch John Male Boulder
1911/700022 Boulder Body Harold Vernon Male Hardman Annie Female Boulder
1911/700022 Boulder Hardman Annie Female Body Harold Vernon Male Boulder
1911/700023 Boulder Breen Edmond Male Carter Florence Jane Female Boulder
1911/700023 Boulder Carter Florence Jane Female Breen Edmond Male Boulder
1911/700024 Boulder Cain Ethel Female Hurley John Male Boulder
1911/700024 Boulder Hurley John Male Cain Ethel Female Boulder
1911/700025 Boulder Brown Florence Maude Female Miller James Joseph Male Boulder
1911/700025 Boulder Miller James Joseph Male Brown Florence Maude Female Boulder
1911/700026 Boulder Pattison Thomas Male Dower Edith Maud Female Boulder
1911/700026 Boulder Dower Edith Maud Female Pattison Thomas Male Boulder
1911/700027 Boulder Hendry Emily Female Desmond Timothy Male Boulder Road
1911/700027 Boulder Desmond Timothy Male Hendry Emily Female Boulder Road
1911/700028 Boulder McKnight Emma Pybus Female Host John Male Boulder City
1911/700028 Boulder Host John Male McKnight Emma Pybus Female Boulder City
1911/700029 Boulder Garth Edgar James Male Robinson Ellen Elizabeth Female Boulder
1911/700029 Boulder Robinson Ellen Elizabeth Female Garth Edgar James Male Boulder
1911/700031 Boulder Fowler Sophia Louisa Female Rogers Francis Male Boulder
1911/700031 Boulder Rogers Francis Male Fowler Sophia Louisa Female Boulder
1911/700032 Boulder Potts John Leonard Male Otten Margaret Female Boulder
1911/700032 Boulder Otten Margaret Female Potts John Leonard Male Boulder
1911/700033 Boulder Langdon Walter Male Davis Elizabeth Female Boulder
1911/700033 Boulder Davis Elizabeth Female Langdon Walter Male Boulder
1911/700034 Boulder Hughes Ellen Elizabeth Female Ledwich Thomas Francis Male Boulder
1911/700034 Boulder Ledwich Thomas Francis Male Hughes Ellen Elizabeth Female Boulder
1911/700035 Boulder Bull George William Male O'Rielly Mary Jane Female Boulder
1911/700035 Boulder O'Rielly Mary Jane Female Bull George William Male Boulder
1911/700036 Boulder Ludlow Ernest Male Jones Elizabeth Mirriam Female Boulder
1911/700036 Boulder Jones Elizabeth Mirriam Female Ludlow Ernest Male Boulder
1911/700037 Boulder Bourke Michael John Male Gummow Ethel May Female Boulder
1911/700037 Boulder Gummow Ethel May Female Bourke Michael John Male Boulder
1911/700038 Boulder Taafe Ethel May Garner Female Hart Frederick George Male Boulder
1911/700038 Boulder Hart Frederick George Male Taafe Ethel May Garner Female Boulder
1911/700039 Boulder Webster Amy Female Webb John Allen Male Boulder
1911/700039 Boulder Webb John Allen Male Webster Amy Female Boulder
1911/700040 Boulder Verran Lottie May Female Castlehow Herbert Thompson Male Boulder
1911/700040 Boulder Castlehow Herbert Thompson Male Verran Lottie May Female Boulder
1911/700041 Boulder Paull Susan Rosezena Female Weeding Leslie Hinds Male Boulder
1911/700041 Boulder Weeding Leslie Hinds Male Paull Susan Rosezena Female Boulder
1911/700042 Boulder Gallaher Charles Canning Male Booth Elizabeth Beatrice Female Boulder City
1911/700042 Boulder Booth Elizabeth Beatrice Female Gallaher Charles Canning Male Boulder City
1911/700043 Boulder Doyle Willie Herbert Male Bromilow Ethel Female Boulder
1911/700043 Boulder Bromilow Ethel Female Doyle Willie Herbert Male Boulder
1911/700044 Boulder Puddey Thomas James Male Sprunt Eleanor Gordon Female Boulder
1911/700044 Boulder Sprunt Eleanor Gordon Female Puddey Thomas James Male Boulder
1911/700045 Boulder Hoffman James Male Marshall Lottie Irene Female Boulder
1911/700045 Boulder Marshall Lottie Irene Female Hoffman James Male Boulder
1911/700046 Boulder Hutchinson Lancelot Harry Collins Male Golding Florence May Female Boulder
1911/700046 Boulder Golding Florence May Female Hutchinson Lancelot Harry Collins Male Boulder
1911/700047 Boulder Rowse William Male Cunneen Nora Female Boulder
1911/700047 Boulder Cunneen Nora Female Rowse William Male Boulder
1911/700048 Boulder Doyle Catherine Female Brown Albert Beresford Male Boulder
1911/700048 Boulder Brown Albert Beresford Male Doyle Catherine Female Boulder
1911/700049 Boulder Montgomery Harold John Male Lynch Hannah Woosnam Female Boulder City
1911/700049 Boulder Lynch Hannah Woosnam Female Montgomery Harold John Male Boulder City
1911/700050 Boulder Foulston Isabelle Maud Female Clubley Sidney William Male Boulder
1911/700050 Boulder Clubley Sidney William Male Foulston Isabelle Maud Female Boulder
1911/700051 Boulder Armstrong Florence Mary Jane Female Penhall Frederick Isaiah Male Trafalgar
1911/700051 Boulder Penhall Frederick Isaiah Male Armstrong Florence Mary Jane Female Trafalgar
1911/700052 Boulder Callanan Alfred Charles Male Gordon Nellie Female Boulder
1911/700052 Boulder Gordon Nellie Female Callanan Alfred Charles Male Boulder
1911/700053 Boulder Field Beryl Gertrude Female Urquhart John Brown Male Boulder
1911/700053 Boulder Urquhart John Brown Male Field Beryl Gertrude Female Boulder
1911/700054 Boulder Jonson Catherine Female McKee James Alexander Male Boulder
1911/700054 Boulder McKee James Alexander Male Jonson Catherine Female Boulder
1911/700055 Boulder Haslam Barrington Male Collins Lena Female Boulder
1911/700055 Boulder Collins Lena Female Haslam Barrington Male Boulder
1911/700056 Boulder Hunkin Ethel May Female Hawker Robert John Male Boulder
1911/700056 Boulder Hawker Robert John Male Hunkin Ethel May Female Boulder
1911/700057 Boulder Dickinson Edith Female Goldsworthy Peter William Male Boulder
1911/700057 Boulder Goldsworthy Peter William Male Dickinson Edith Female Boulder
1911/700058 Boulder Shaw Harry James Male Downing Ida May Female Boulder
1911/700058 Boulder Downing Ida May Female Shaw Harry James Male Boulder
1911/700059 Boulder Challinor Sarah Agnes Female Ellis Walter Edward Male Boulder
1911/700059 Boulder Ellis Walter Edward Male Challinor Sarah Agnes Female Boulder
1911/700060 Boulder Robertson Martha Thompson Female Thomson Charles Owen Rogers Male Boulder
1911/700060 Boulder Thomson Charles Owen Rogers Male Robertson Martha Thompson Female Boulder
1911/700061 Boulder Nicholls Sydney Robert Male Duane Bridget Female Boulder
1911/700061 Boulder Duane Bridget Female Nicholls Sydney Robert Male Boulder
1911/700062 Boulder O'Donnell Sarah Female French Frederick Benjamin Male Boulder
1911/700062 Boulder French Frederick Benjamin Male O'Donnell Sarah Female Boulder
1911/700063 Boulder Barnes Albert John Male Richards Laura Female Boulder City
1911/700063 Boulder Richards Laura Female Barnes Albert John Male Boulder City
1911/700064 Boulder Branson Maud Mary Bridget Female Trembath James Henry Male Boulder
1911/700064 Boulder Trembath James Henry Male Branson Maud Mary Bridget Female Boulder
1911/700065 Boulder Northey Josiah Albert Hedley Male Basley Alice Maud Female Trafalgar
1911/700065 Boulder Basley Alice Maud Female Northey Josiah Albert Hedley Male Trafalgar
1911/700066 Boulder Beer Thomas Male Paramor Hilda Female Boulder
1911/700066 Boulder Paramor Hilda Female Beer Thomas Male Boulder
1911/700067 Boulder Hogarth May Leah Christina Female Oram John Male Boulder
1911/700067 Boulder Oram John Male Hogarth May Leah Christina Female Boulder
1911/700068 Boulder Fielder Benjamin Male Pohlman Susan Catherine Jane Female Boulder
1911/700068 Boulder Pohlman Susan Catherine Jane Female Fielder Benjamin Male Boulder
1911/700069 Boulder Jouning Mary Louisa Female Collins Thomas O'Riley Male Boulder
1911/700069 Boulder Collins Thomas O'Riley Male Jouning Mary Louisa Female Boulder
1911/700070 Boulder Hewett Jean Elizabeth Female Gordon Alexander Male Boulder
1911/700070 Boulder Gordon Alexander Male Hewett Jean Elizabeth Female Boulder
1911/700071 Boulder Lyons Frances Female Johnson Walter Male Boulder
1911/700071 Boulder Johnson Walter Male Lyons Frances Female Boulder
1911/700072 Boulder Nicholls Albert Edwin Male Lanyon Vera Mary Female Boulder
1911/700072 Boulder Lanyon Vera Mary Female Nicholls Albert Edwin Male Boulder
1911/700073 Boulder Abbott George Leslie Male Marshall Mary Ann Elizabeth Female Boulder
1911/700073 Boulder Marshall Mary Ann Elizabeth Female Abbott George Leslie Male Boulder
1911/700074 Boulder Poole Nellie Female Lydon John William Male Boulder
1911/700074 Boulder Lydon John William Male Poole Nellie Female Boulder
1911/700075 Boulder Frayne Mary Isla Ethel Female Hooey George Male Boulder City
1911/700075 Boulder Hooey George Male Frayne Mary Isla Ethel Female Boulder City
1911/700076 Boulder Christian William Male Brockwell Ada Female Boulder
1911/700076 Boulder Brockwell Ada Female Christian William Male Boulder
1911/700077 Boulder Cawrse Charles Male Scannell Mary Thereasa Female Boulder
1911/700077 Boulder Scannell Mary Thereasa Female Cawrse Charles Male Boulder
1911/700078 Boulder Rowe Vesta Valeria Female Rodgers Robert Thomas Male Trafalgar
1911/700078 Boulder Rodgers Robert Thomas Male Rowe Vesta Valeria Female Trafalgar
1911/700079 Boulder Nankervis Thomas Seymour Male Shield Myrtle Ruby Female Boulder
1911/700079 Boulder Shield Myrtle Ruby Female Nankervis Thomas Seymour Male Boulder
1911/700080 Boulder Townsend Charles George Male Wallace Ellen Female Boulder City
1911/700080 Boulder Wallace Ellen Female Townsend Charles George Male Boulder City
1911/700081 Boulder Collins Martin Male Hurley Ellen Female Hill End
1911/700081 Boulder Hurley Ellen Female Collins Martin Male Hill End
1911/700082 Boulder Austin Millie Proctor Female Gordon Colin Mapleton Male Boulder
1911/700082 Boulder Gordon Colin Mapleton Male Austin Millie Proctor Female Boulder
1911/700083 Boulder Kenny Mary Female Mayne Edwin Male Boulder
1911/700083 Boulder Mayne Edwin Male Kenny Mary Female Boulder
1911/700084 Boulder Mitchell Edward George Male Ribbons Ellen Edith Female Boulder
1911/700084 Boulder Ribbons Ellen Edith Female Mitchell Edward George Male Boulder
1911/700085 Boulder Groves Henry Marcus Male Peddie Victoria Female Boulder
1911/700085 Boulder Peddie Victoria Female Groves Henry Marcus Male Boulder
1911/700086 Boulder Lynch Emily Julia Female Langdon Harry Male Boulder City
1911/700086 Boulder Langdon Harry Male Lynch Emily Julia Female Boulder City
1911/700087 Boulder Glasson Louis Charles Male Bray Lucinda Pearl Female Boulder
1911/700087 Boulder Bray Lucinda Pearl Female Glasson Louis Charles Male Boulder
1911/700088 Boulder Kelly William Male Roberts Cecelia Female Boulder
1911/700088 Boulder Roberts Cecelia Female Kelly William Male Boulder
1911/700089 Boulder Plasto Joseph Emmett Male Giles Bridget Mary Female Boulder
1911/700089 Boulder Giles Bridget Mary Female Plasto Joseph Emmett Male Boulder
1911/700090 Boulder Counihan Patrick Male Scanlon Alice Female Boulder
1911/700090 Boulder Scanlon Alice Female Counihan Patrick Male Boulder
1911/700091 Boulder Moore Arthur John Male O'Grady Eileen Female Boulder
1911/700091 Boulder O'Grady Eileen Female Moore Arthur John Male Boulder
1911/700092 Boulder Vilicich Ivan Male Fistonich Marija Female Boulder
1911/700092 Boulder Fistonich Marija Female Vilicich Ivan Male Boulder
1911/700093 Boulder Baumgarten Selina Matilda Female Collins Charles Thomas Male Boulder
1911/700093 Boulder Collins Charles Thomas Male Baumgarten Selina Matilda Female Boulder
1911/700094 Boulder Malone Eleanor May Female Lockard Cyril Thomas Male Boulder
1911/700094 Boulder Lockard Cyril Thomas Male Malone Eleanor May Female Boulder
1911/700095 Boulder Craven Alfred Male Alves Mabel Female Boulder
1911/700095 Boulder Alves Mabel Female Craven Alfred Male Boulder
1911/700096 Boulder Miller Eugene Muriel Female Menz Henry Bershold Male Boulder
1911/700096 Boulder Menz Henry Bershold Male Miller Eugene Muriel Female Boulder
1911/700097 Boulder Anderson Gordon Hallery Newel Male Gregan Myrtle Irvine Female Boulder
1911/700097 Boulder Gregan Myrtle Irvine Female Anderson Gordon Hallery Newel Male Boulder
1911/700098 Boulder Oliver John Ernest Male Holloway Marion Female Boulder
1911/700098 Boulder Holloway Marion Female Oliver John Ernest Male Boulder
1911/700099 Boulder Shaw Edward George Male Fallows Lillian Mary Female Boulder
1911/700099 Boulder Fallows Lillian Mary Female Shaw Edward George Male Boulder
1911/700100 Boulder Sinclair Allan Munro Male Lemin Joanna Frances Female Boulder
1911/700100 Boulder Lemin Joanna Frances Female Sinclair Allan Munro Male Boulder
1911/700101 Boulder Bull Elsie Maud Female Osborne Charles Male Boulder
1911/700101 Boulder Osborne Charles Male Bull Elsie Maud Female Boulder
1911/700102 Boulder Bisdee George John Male Younger Daisy Ethel Female Boulder
1911/700102 Boulder Younger Daisy Ethel Female Bisdee George John Male Boulder
1911/700103 Boulder Braidwood Kathleen Agnes Female Bailey Gordon Oswald Male Boulder
1911/700103 Boulder Bailey Gordon Oswald Male Braidwood Kathleen Agnes Female Boulder
1911/700104 Boulder Robertson Harold Charles Male Lathby Mabel Rosina Female East Boulder
1911/700104 Boulder Lathby Mabel Rosina Female Robertson Harold Charles Male East Boulder
1911/700105 Boulder Cox Charles Percival Male Gleeson Eileen Female Boulder
1911/700105 Boulder Gleeson Eileen Female Cox Charles Percival Male Boulder
1911/700106 Boulder Alomes Minnie Annie Bertha Female Newstead Alfred Male Boulder
1911/700106 Boulder Newstead Alfred Male Alomes Minnie Annie Bertha Female Boulder
1911/700107 Boulder Carroll Violet Mary Female Browne Albert Male Boulder
1911/700107 Boulder Browne Albert Male Carroll Violet Mary Female Boulder
1911/700108 Boulder Thomas Mary Ethel Female Baldock Charles Davidson Male Boulder
1911/700108 Boulder Baldock Charles Davidson Male Thomas Mary Ethel Female Boulder
1911/700109 Boulder Anderson Selma Almenda Female Hughes Joseph Francis Male Brown Hill
1911/700109 Boulder Hughes Joseph Francis Male Anderson Selma Almenda Female Brown Hill
1911/700110 Boulder Croxton William Edward Evan Male Yelland Laura Female Boulder
1911/700110 Boulder Yelland Laura Female Croxton William Edward Evan Male Boulder
1911/700111 Boulder Hammer Ethel Constance Maud Female Morris William Thomas Male East Boulder
1911/700111 Boulder Morris William Thomas Male Hammer Ethel Constance Maud Female East Boulder
1911/700112 Boulder Griffiths Daisy Female Roberts Edgar Male Brown Hill
1911/700112 Boulder Roberts Edgar Male Griffiths Daisy Female Brown Hill
1911/700113 Boulder McManis Mary Ellen Female Austin Ernest Male Boulder
1911/700113 Boulder Austin Ernest Male McManis Mary Ellen Female Boulder
1911/700114 Boulder Rose Catherine Hannah Female Salvaire Romeo Peter Male Boulder
1911/700114 Boulder Salvaire Romeo Peter Male Rose Catherine Hannah Female Boulder
1911/700115 Boulder Dudley Lionel Joseph Male Luke Nellie May Female Boulder
1911/700115 Boulder Luke Nellie May Female Dudley Lionel Joseph Male Boulder
1911/700116 Boulder Griffiths Winifred Maude Female Hamilton William Male Boulder
1911/700116 Boulder Hamilton William Male Griffiths Winifred Maude Female Boulder
1911/700117 Boulder Stott Mary Female Dyer John Archibald Male Boulder
1911/700117 Boulder Dyer John Archibald Male Stott Mary Female Boulder
1911/700118 Boulder Vessey Albert Charles Male Turner Edith Sarah Pearl Female Boulder
1911/700118 Boulder Turner Edith Sarah Pearl Female Vessey Albert Charles Male Boulder
1911/700119 Boulder Rebecca Edith Alexandra Female Mister Walter George Male Boulder
1911/700119 Boulder Mister Walter George Male Rebecca Edith Alexandra Female Boulder
1911/700120 Boulder Jessup Mabel Mary Female Preston Percy Fulton Male Boulder
1911/700120 Boulder Preston Percy Fulton Male Jessup Mabel Mary Female Boulder
1911/700121 Boulder McClure Herbert Colin Male Riedell Amelia Kathrina Female Boulder City
1911/700121 Boulder Riedell Amelia Kathrina Female McClure Herbert Colin Male Boulder City
1911/700122 Boulder McAuslane Henry Readman Male Fowler Laura Mary Female Boulder City
1911/700122 Boulder Fowler Laura Mary Female McAuslane Henry Readman Male Boulder City
1911/700123 Boulder Croxton Ruby Maud Female Oates Edward Ernest Male Boulder
1911/700123 Boulder Oates Edward Ernest Male Croxton Ruby Maud Female Boulder
1911/700124 Boulder Deschamp Alfred Edward Male Lynch Selina Helen Female Boulder City
1911/700124 Boulder Lynch Selina Helen Female Deschamp Alfred Edward Male Boulder City
1911/700125 Boulder Mitchell David Male James Mabel Isabella Female Boulder
1911/700125 Boulder James Mabel Isabella Female Mitchell David Male Boulder
1911/700126 Boulder King Lillian Female Lewis Henry Male Boulder
1911/700126 Boulder Lewis Henry Male King Lillian Female Boulder
1911/700127 Boulder Forth Evelyn Maud Female Sarah John Male Boulder
1911/700127 Boulder Sarah John Male Forth Evelyn Maud Female Boulder
1911/700128 Boulder Dooey Walter James Male Tippett Caroline Female Boulder
1911/700128 Boulder Tippett Caroline Female Dooey Walter James Male Boulder
1911/700129 Boulder Stewart Thomas Andrew Male Roberts Irene May Female Boulder
1911/700129 Boulder Roberts Irene May Female Stewart Thomas Andrew Male Boulder
1911/700130 Boulder Webb Edith Female O'Keefe Matthew Male Boulder City
1911/700130 Boulder O'Keefe Matthew Male Webb Edith Female Boulder City
1911/700131 Boulder Lewin Aimée Female Melville Thomas Davidson Male Boulder City
1911/700131 Boulder Melville Thomas Davidson Male Lewin Aimée Female Boulder City
1911/700132 Boulder Robson George Alfred Male McCloy Ethel May Female Boulder
1911/700132 Boulder McCloy Ethel May Female Robson George Alfred Male Boulder
1911/700133 Boulder Daw Ethel Female Perry William James Male Boulder
1911/700133 Boulder Perry William James Male Daw Ethel Female Boulder
1911/700134 Boulder Serra Filomena Female Ayerbe Antonio Male Boulder
1911/700134 Boulder Ayerbe Antonio Male Serra Filomena Female Boulder
1911/700135 Boulder Soljanich Vica Female Ruljancich Bartul Male Boulder
1911/700135 Boulder Ruljancich Bartul Male Soljanich Vica Female Boulder
1911/700136 Boulder Rowe Arthur Randall Male Patterson Laura Ethel Female Boulder
1911/700136 Boulder Patterson Laura Ethel Female Rowe Arthur Randall Male Boulder
1911/700137 Boulder Hill Alfred Ernest Male Bowen Aggie May Female Boulder City
1911/700137 Boulder Bowen Aggie May Female Hill Alfred Ernest Male Boulder City
1911/700138 Boulder Henderson Stanley George Gordon Male House Eva Female Boulder
1911/700138 Boulder House Eva Female Henderson Stanley George Gordon Male Boulder
1911/700139 Boulder Griesbach Horst Ehregott Male Evans Annie Female Boulder
1911/700139 Boulder Evans Annie Female Griesbach Horst Ehregott Male Boulder
1911/1100001 Broome Hutchinson Ellen Louisa Female McKenna Walter John Male Broome
1911/1100001 Broome McKenna Walter John Male Hutchinson Ellen Louisa Female Broome
1911/1100002 Broome Black Joseph Kilgour Male McDonald Norma Stuart Female Broome
1911/1100002 Broome McDonald Norma Stuart Female Black Joseph Kilgour Male Broome
1911/1100003 Broome Marvel Justina Irene Female Gobor Remigius Male Lombadina North West
1911/1100003 Broome Gobor Remigius Male Marvel Justina Irene Female Lombadina North West
1911/1100004 Broome Aquino Cerio Male Torneo Catalina Female Broome
1911/1100004 Broome Torneo Catalina Female Aquino Cerio Male Broome
1911/1100005 Broome Dyson George Henry Male Thompson Myra Clifford Female Broome
1911/1100005 Broome Thompson Myra Clifford Female Dyson George Henry Male Broome
1911/1100007 Broome Prentice Sarah Augusta Female Newland Thomas John Male Broome
1911/1100007 Broome Newland Thomas John Male Prentice Sarah Augusta Female Broome
1911/1100008 Broome Barber Gwennllyan Maria Female Edwards James Denis Male Broome
1911/1100008 Broome Edwards James Denis Male Barber Gwennllyan Maria Female Broome
1911/1100009 Broome Costales Cypriano Male Tiodan Anny Female Broome
1911/1100009 Broome Tiodan Anny Female Costales Cypriano Male Broome
1911/1100010 Broome Finniss Henry Fairfax Lovell Male Rogers Eva Thomasina Female Broome
1911/1100010 Broome Rogers Eva Thomasina Female Finniss Henry Fairfax Lovell Male Broome
1911/1100011 Broome Jarvis Isabella Annie Female Buddivent Henry Male Broome
1911/1100011 Broome Buddivent Henry Male Jarvis Isabella Annie Female Broome
1911/1100012 Broome Carney James Male Murphy May Female Broome
1911/1100012 Broome Murphy May Female Carney James Male Broome
1911/1100013 Broome bin Kassim Achim Male Baker Mona Female Broome
1911/1100013 Broome Baker Mona Female bin Kassim Achim Male Broome
1911/1100014 Broome Harper Hugo Male Anderson Hilda Addie Marguarita Female Broome
1911/1100014 Broome Anderson Hilda Addie Marguarita Female Harper Hugo Male Broome
1911/1100015 Broome Woamelarbor Andreas Male Gurobol Therese Female Beagle-Bay
1911/1100015 Broome Gurobol Therese Female Woamelarbor Andreas Male Beagle-Bay
1911/1100016 Broome Hilliard Margaret Mary Female Peers Harry Blott Male Broome
1911/1100016 Broome Peers Harry Blott Male Hilliard Margaret Mary Female Broome
1912/1400001 Canning Caporn Mary Ann Olivia May Female Thorp George Male Woodlupine
1912/1400001 Canning Thorp George Male Caporn Mary Ann Olivia May Female Woodlupine
1912/1400002 Canning Tomlinson Emma Hickson Female Chamberlain John Thomas Male Armadale
1912/1400002 Canning Chamberlain John Thomas Male Tomlinson Emma Hickson Female Armadale
1912/1400003 Canning Armstrong Ellen Ann Female Spark Alick Stephen Male Kelmscott
1911/1400003 Canning Fisher Evelyn Maud Female Carlisle James Henry Male Armadale
1911/1400003 Canning Carlisle James Henry Male Fisher Evelyn Maud Female Armadale
1912/1400003 Canning Spark Alick Stephen Male Armstrong Ellen Ann Female Kelmscott
1911/1400004 Canning Ennis Leila Mary Female Bird John Thomas Male Gosnells
1911/1400004 Canning Bird John Thomas Male Ennis Leila Mary Female Gosnells
1911/1400005 Canning McCaskill Roderick Male Hunter Frances Lydle Female Pickering Brook
1911/1400005 Canning Hunter Frances Lydle Female McCaskill Roderick Male Pickering Brook
1911/1400006 Canning Pollock William Male Kohler Sophie Annie Helene Female Cannington
1911/1400006 Canning Kohler Sophie Annie Helene Female Pollock William Male Cannington
1911/1400007 Canning Taylor George Albiston Male Fitch Ethel Rose Female Armadale
1911/1400007 Canning Fitch Ethel Rose Female Taylor George Albiston Male Armadale
1911/1400008 Canning Mills Emanuel Male Serls Edith Female Armadale
1911/1400008 Canning Serls Edith Female Mills Emanuel Male Armadale
1911/1400009 Canning Alexander Florence Maud Female Gilbride William Percy Male Armadale
1911/1400009 Canning Gilbride William Percy Male Alexander Florence Maud Female Armadale
1911/1400010 Canning Naisbitt John William Male Minnikin Daisy May Female Cannington
1911/1400010 Canning Minnikin Daisy May Female Naisbitt John William Male Cannington
1911/1400011 Canning Salter Minnie Female Bowra Frederick Douglas Atlec Male Kelmscott
1911/1400011 Canning Bowra Frederick Douglas Atlec Male Salter Minnie Female Kelmscott
1911/1400012 Canning Wisbey Agnes Elizabeth Female Middleton Joseph Male Kelmscott
1911/1400012 Canning Middleton Joseph Male Wisbey Agnes Elizabeth Female Kelmscott
1911/1400013 Canning Bucke Irene Rebecca Female Mason William John Male Canning
1911/1400013 Canning Mason William John Male Bucke Irene Rebecca Female Canning
1911/1400014 Canning Green Annie Female Saw Harold Thomas Male Armadale
1911/1400014 Canning Saw Harold Thomas Male Green Annie Female Armadale
1911/1400015 Canning Johns Emma Jane Female Hanson Thomas Male Cannington
1911/1400015 Canning Hanson Thomas Male Johns Emma Jane Female Cannington
1912/1600001 Claremont Groom Edith Elizabeth Female Creed Charles Male Cottesloe
1912/1600001 Claremont Creed Charles Male Groom Edith Elizabeth Female Cottesloe
1912/1600002 Claremont McDonald Christopher Male Black Annie Isabella Female Cottesloe
1912/1600002 Claremont Black Annie Isabella Female McDonald Christopher Male Cottesloe
1911/1600003 Claremont Muir Archibald Male Eakins Martha Female Cottesloe
1911/1600003 Claremont Eakins Martha Female Muir Archibald Male Cottesloe
1911/1600005 Claremont Evans Francis William Male Irving Ella Mary Female Cottesloe
1911/1600005 Claremont Irving Ella Mary Female Evans Francis William Male Cottesloe
1911/1600006 Claremont Clarke Winifred Jane Female Attiwill James William Male Cottesloe
1911/1600006 Claremont Attiwill James William Male Clarke Winifred Jane Female Cottesloe
1911/1600009 Claremont Motteram John Harry Male Lawrence Hilda Eula Female Claremont
1911/1600009 Claremont Lawrence Hilda Eula Female Motteram John Harry Male Claremont
1911/1600010 Claremont Montague Ettie Louisa Female Pulham Edward Montague Soam Male Claremont
1911/1600010 Claremont Pulham Edward Montague Soam Male Montague Ettie Louisa Female Claremont
1911/1600011 Claremont Pattenden George Thomas Male Beckett Eveline Female Claremont
1911/1600011 Claremont Beckett Eveline Female Pattenden George Thomas Male Claremont
1911/1600012 Claremont Bonsfield Maud Female King Charles John Male Claremont
1911/1600012 Claremont King Charles John Male Bonsfield Maud Female Claremont
1911/1600013 Claremont Sainsbury Marjorie Agnes Female Morgan George Frederick Male Cottesloe
1911/1600013 Claremont Morgan George Frederick Male Sainsbury Marjorie Agnes Female Cottesloe
1911/1600014 Claremont Mackay Deborah Lyle Female Tallack Edward Hugh Male Cottesloe
1911/1600014 Claremont Tallack Edward Hugh Male Mackay Deborah Lyle Female Cottesloe
1911/1600015 Claremont Lindsay Rosina Brownlee Female Creech Louige Male Claremont
1911/1600015 Claremont Creech Louige Male Lindsay Rosina Brownlee Female Claremont
1911/1600016 Claremont Burr Walter Patrick Male Lewin Ada Violet Female Claremont
1911/1600016 Claremont Lewin Ada Violet Female Burr Walter Patrick Male Claremont
1911/1600017 Claremont Craymer Percy Alfred Male McInerney Annie Female Cottesloe
1911/1600017 Claremont McInerney Annie Female Craymer Percy Alfred Male Cottesloe
1911/1600018 Claremont Keech Millicent Ivie Female Browne William Henry Montague Male Cottesloe
1911/1600018 Claremont Browne William Henry Montague Male Keech Millicent Ivie Female Cottesloe
1911/1600020 Claremont Warren Ada Harriet Female Thompson John Hutchinson Male Claremont
1911/1600020 Claremont Thompson John Hutchinson Male Warren Ada Harriet Female Claremont
1911/1600021 Claremont Heales Alice Frances Female Bennett George Henry Male Cottesloe
1911/1600021 Claremont Bennett George Henry Male Heales Alice Frances Female Cottesloe
1911/1600022 Claremont Smallwood John Arthur Male Roads Emma Jane Female Claremont
1911/1600022 Claremont Roads Emma Jane Female Smallwood John Arthur Male Claremont
1911/1600023 Claremont West Paul Male Prosser Edith Female Cottesloe
1911/1600023 Claremont Prosser Edith Female West Paul Male Cottesloe
1911/1600024 Claremont Musson Minnie Female Creek Walter Male Cottesloe
1911/1600024 Claremont Creek Walter Male Musson Minnie Female Cottesloe
1911/1600025 Claremont Tuckey Ida May Female Forte Norman Gordon Male Cottesloe
1911/1600025 Claremont Forte Norman Gordon Male Tuckey Ida May Female Cottesloe
1911/1600026 Claremont Kempton Mabel Cecilia Female Watkins William George Male Cottesloe Beach
1911/1600026 Claremont Watkins William George Male Kempton Mabel Cecilia Female Cottesloe Beach
1911/1600027 Claremont Nicholas Eleanor Gwladys Female Kearns George Francis Male Claremont
1911/1600027 Claremont Kearns George Francis Male Nicholas Eleanor Gwladys Female Claremont
1911/1600028 Claremont Mather Emily Maud Female Rawnsley James Walter Male Cottesloe
1911/1600028 Claremont Rawnsley James Walter Male Mather Emily Maud Female Cottesloe
1911/1600029 Claremont Worsley Charles William Male Williams Florence Mary Female Cottesloe
1911/1600029 Claremont Williams Florence Mary Female Worsley Charles William Male Cottesloe
1911/1600030 Claremont Rimmer Thomas Hayes Male Foord Violet Amy Female Cottesloe
1911/1600030 Claremont Foord Violet Amy Female Rimmer Thomas Hayes Male Cottesloe
1911/1600031 Claremont Edwards Hewitt Morris Male Morris Emily Eva Female Cottesloe
1911/1600031 Claremont Morris Emily Eva Female Edwards Hewitt Morris Male Cottesloe
1911/1600032 Claremont McPhail Albert James Male Warriss Grace Hannah Female Cottesloe
1911/1600032 Claremont Warriss Grace Hannah Female McPhail Albert James Male Cottesloe
1911/1600033 Claremont John Celia Pauline Female Gemmell William Male Cottesloe
1911/1600033 Claremont Gemmell William Male John Celia Pauline Female Cottesloe
1911/1600034 Claremont Gilchrist Archibald Male Potts Ethel Martha Female Cottesloe
1911/1600034 Claremont Potts Ethel Martha Female Gilchrist Archibald Male Cottesloe
1911/1600035 Claremont Stretton Arthur Percy Male Simpson Vera Sarah Ethel Female Claremont
1911/1600035 Claremont Simpson Vera Sarah Ethel Female Stretton Arthur Percy Male Claremont
1911/1600036 Claremont Boudêt Violet Jessie Female Dunbar John Jackson Male Claremont
1911/1600036 Claremont Dunbar John Jackson Male Boudêt Violet Jessie Female Claremont
1911/1600037 Claremont Nankervis Rose Frances Female Davis George Henderson Male Claremont
1911/1600037 Claremont Davis George Henderson Male Nankervis Rose Frances Female Claremont
1911/1600038 Claremont Doherty Hilda Cecile Bend Female Wingrove Frederick Charles Male Claremont
1911/1600038 Claremont Wingrove Frederick Charles Male Doherty Hilda Cecile Bend Female Claremont
1911/1600039 Claremont Palmer Florence Mabel Female Johnson Richard Henry Male Claremont
1911/1600039 Claremont Johnson Richard Henry Male Palmer Florence Mabel Female Claremont
1911/1600040 Claremont Davies James Frederick Male Caporn Eva May Female Claremont
1911/1600040 Claremont Caporn Eva May Female Davies James Frederick Male Claremont
1911/1600041 Claremont Urwin Leonard Male Jones Charlotte Simpson Female Claremont
1911/1600041 Claremont Jones Charlotte Simpson Female Urwin Leonard Male Claremont
1912/1600042 Claremont Long Reginald Roy Male Ick Jessie Constance Female Claremont
1912/1600042 Claremont Ick Jessie Constance Female Long Reginald Roy Male Claremont
1911/1600042 Claremont Trigar Rachel Matilda Female Hansen Ernest Herbert Male Cottesloe
1911/1600042 Claremont Hansen Ernest Herbert Male Trigar Rachel Matilda Female Cottesloe
1912/1600043 Claremont Barrett-Lennard George Graham Male Hester Maud Gladys Hastings Female Claremont
1911/1600043 Claremont Harmsworth Henry Samuel Male Chapman Elizabeth Frances Female Cottesloe
1911/1600043 Claremont Chapman Elizabeth Frances Female Harmsworth Henry Samuel Male Cottesloe
1912/1600043 Claremont Hester Maud Gladys Hastings Female Barrett-Lennard George Graham Male Claremont
1912/1600044 Claremont Farley Frederick William Male Leonard Kathleen Beatrice Female Claremont
1911/1600044 Claremont Peterson Martha Isabella Female Hannell Odo Rex Male Cottesloe Beach
1912/1600044 Claremont Leonard Kathleen Beatrice Female Farley Frederick William Male Claremont
1911/1600044 Claremont Hannell Odo Rex Male Peterson Martha Isabella Female Cottesloe Beach
1912/1600045 Claremont Terry Oliver Frank Male Ayres Henrietta Maud Female Claremont
1911/1600045 Claremont Martin Henry Samuel Male Purser Alice Margaret Female Claremont
1912/1600045 Claremont Ayres Henrietta Maud Female Terry Oliver Frank Male Claremont
1911/1600045 Claremont Purser Alice Margaret Female Martin Henry Samuel Male Claremont
1911/1600046 Claremont Douglas Grace Emily Female Thorp Henry Albert Male Cottesloe Beach
1911/1600046 Claremont Thorp Henry Albert Male Douglas Grace Emily Female Cottesloe Beach
1911/1600047 Claremont Platt May Female Berry William Male Cottesloe
1911/1600047 Claremont Berry William Male Platt May Female Cottesloe
1911/1600048 Claremont Turner Albert Male Morrow Hilda Florence Female Cottesloe
1911/1600048 Claremont Morrow Hilda Florence Female Turner Albert Male Cottesloe
1911/1600049 Claremont Cox Henry James Male Williams Eveline Adelaide Female Cottesloe
1911/1600049 Claremont Williams Eveline Adelaide Female Cox Henry James Male Cottesloe
1911/1600050 Claremont Braack Fredrick William Male White Gladys Ellen Female Claremont
1911/1600050 Claremont White Gladys Ellen Female Braack Fredrick William Male Claremont
1911/1600051 Claremont Waters Walter Harold Male Lowick Elsie May Female Cottesloe
1911/1600051 Claremont Lowick Elsie May Female Waters Walter Harold Male Cottesloe
1911/1600052 Claremont Williams Herbert Thomas Male Wilson Christina Finlinson Female Cottesloe
1911/1600052 Claremont Wilson Christina Finlinson Female Williams Herbert Thomas Male Cottesloe
1911/1600053 Claremont Richardson Charles Henry Male Moore Lucy Hannah Female Claremont
1911/1600053 Claremont Moore Lucy Hannah Female Richardson Charles Henry Male Claremont
1911/1600054 Claremont McHugh Louisa Female Murphy Thomas Male Cottesloe
1911/1600054 Claremont Murphy Thomas Male McHugh Louisa Female Cottesloe
1911/1600055 Claremont Collins Emily Isabel Female Dearle John William Male Cottesloe
1911/1600055 Claremont Dearle John William Male Collins Emily Isabel Female Cottesloe
1911/1600056 Claremont Ramsay Herbert Male Anderson Flora Belle Female Claremont
1911/1600056 Claremont Anderson Flora Belle Female Ramsay Herbert Male Claremont
1911/1600057 Claremont Russel Hugh Male Yelverton Georgina Female Cottesloe
1911/1600057 Claremont Yelverton Georgina Female Russel Hugh Male Cottesloe
1911/1600058 Claremont Macgillivray Robert Stewart Forsyth Male Smith Ruby Female Cottesloe
1911/1600058 Claremont Smith Ruby Female Macgillivray Robert Stewart Forsyth Male Cottesloe
1911/1600059 Claremont Fyffe Williamina Guild Female Doré Harold Ygnatius Philip Glanville Male Cottesloe
1911/1600059 Claremont Doré Harold Ygnatius Philip Glanville Male Fyffe Williamina Guild Female Cottesloe
1911/1600060 Claremont Hadley George Joseph Male Sullivan Teresa Female Claremont
1911/1600060 Claremont Sullivan Teresa Female Hadley George Joseph Male Claremont
1911/1600061 Claremont Wood Edith Maud Female McCormick James Male Cottesloe
1911/1600061 Claremont McCormick James Male Wood Edith Maud Female Cottesloe
1911/1600062 Claremont Opie Ernest Albert Male Hollingworth Ruth Female Cottesloe
1911/1600062 Claremont Hollingworth Ruth Female Opie Ernest Albert Male Cottesloe
1911/1600063 Claremont Mapstone John James Male Shadd Margaret Female Cottesloe
1911/1600063 Claremont Shadd Margaret Female Mapstone John James Male Cottesloe
1911/1600064 Claremont Matthews Ernest Charles Male Sebo Emily Charlotte Female Claremont
1911/1600064 Claremont Sebo Emily Charlotte Female Matthews Ernest Charles Male Claremont
1911/1600065 Claremont Giesè Ernst Emil Male Bee Ellen Female Claremont
1911/1600065 Claremont Bee Ellen Female Giesè Ernst Emil Male Claremont
1911/1600066 Claremont Flower Marshall William Henry Male Cockshott Beatrice Lily Female Claremont
1911/1600066 Claremont Cockshott Beatrice Lily Female Flower Marshall William Henry Male Claremont
1911/1600067 Claremont Mackness William Edward Male Watson Ethel Female Claremont
1911/1600067 Claremont Watson Ethel Female Mackness William Edward Male Claremont
1911/1600068 Claremont Shean Cecil John Male Hickmott Ella Female Cottesloe
1911/1600068 Claremont Hickmott Ella Female Shean Cecil John Male Cottesloe
1911/1600069 Claremont Macdonald Donald Male Lock Minnie Female Cottesloe
1911/1600069 Claremont Lock Minnie Female Macdonald Donald Male Cottesloe
1911/1600070 Claremont Taylor Mary Kershaw Female Edwards William David Male Claremont
1911/1600070 Claremont Edwards William David Male Taylor Mary Kershaw Female Claremont
1911/1600071 Claremont Reid Maria Richmond Female Green Francis Alfred Male Claremont
1911/1600071 Claremont Green Francis Alfred Male Reid Maria Richmond Female Claremont
1911/1600072 Claremont Phillips Samuel Gallie Male Field Bessie Williams Female Claremont
1911/1600072 Claremont Field Bessie Williams Female Phillips Samuel Gallie Male Claremont
1911/1600073 Claremont Doherty Olive Edith Female Brinsden Frederick George Male Claremont
1911/1600073 Claremont Brinsden Frederick George Male Doherty Olive Edith Female Claremont
1911/1600074 Claremont McLean Mary Athol Lindsay Female Peat James Male Claremont
1911/1600074 Claremont Peat James Male McLean Mary Athol Lindsay Female Claremont
1911/1600075 Claremont Kenworthy Harry Male Armstrong Ellen Female Claremont
1911/1600075 Claremont Armstrong Ellen Female Kenworthy Harry Male Claremont
1911/1600076 Claremont Glaris Nicholas Male Drinkwater Ruby Bearyl Female Cottesloe Beach
1911/1600076 Claremont Drinkwater Ruby Bearyl Female Glaris Nicholas Male Cottesloe Beach
1911/1600077 Claremont Laing Violet Mary Drake Female Peel William Male Claremont
1911/1600077 Claremont Peel William Male Laing Violet Mary Drake Female Claremont
1911/1600078 Claremont Darling Alfred Leonard Male Garrett Margaret Jane Female Claremont
1911/1600078 Claremont Garrett Margaret Jane Female Darling Alfred Leonard Male Claremont
1911/1600079 Claremont Smith Francis Reuben Male Mais Amy Estelle Mirande Female Cottesloe
1911/1600079 Claremont Mais Amy Estelle Mirande Female Smith Francis Reuben Male Cottesloe
1911/1600080 Claremont Hicks Annie Sophia Female Thomson John Male Cottesloe
1911/1600080 Claremont Thomson John Male Hicks Annie Sophia Female Cottesloe
1911/1600081 Claremont Salmon Olive Susanna Female Smyth Robert Charles Male Cottesloe Beach
1911/1600081 Claremont Smyth Robert Charles Male Salmon Olive Susanna Female Cottesloe Beach
1911/1600082 Claremont O'Grady Fleta Alma Kniest Female Burridge Leslie Illingworth Male Claremont
1911/1600082 Claremont Burridge Leslie Illingworth Male O'Grady Fleta Alma Kniest Female Claremont
1911/1600083 Claremont Bennet Florence Eva Female White Arthur John George Male Cottesloe
1911/1600083 Claremont White Arthur John George Male Bennet Florence Eva Female Cottesloe
1911/1600084 Claremont Lake Hilarie May Annison Female Sunderland Harry Male Cottesloe
1911/1600084 Claremont Sunderland Harry Male Lake Hilarie May Annison Female Cottesloe
1911/1600085 Claremont Duncan Elizabeth Female Willson Thomas Middletton Male Claremont
1911/1600085 Claremont Willson Thomas Middletton Male Duncan Elizabeth Female Claremont
1911/1600086 Claremont Hammond Atcheson Male Rees Jessie Female Cottesloe
1911/1600086 Claremont Rees Jessie Female Hammond Atcheson Male Cottesloe
1911/1600087 Claremont Moore Thomas Male Gibbons Maud Alice Female Cottesloe
1911/1600087 Claremont Gibbons Maud Alice Female Moore Thomas Male Cottesloe
1911/1600088 Claremont Dodd John Male Bishop Alice Female Cottesloe
1911/1600088 Claremont Bishop Alice Female Dodd John Male Cottesloe
1911/1600089 Claremont Allum Linda Rachel Female Bennett Percy Mitchell Male Claremont
1911/1600089 Claremont Bennett Percy Mitchell Male Allum Linda Rachel Female Claremont
1911/1600090 Claremont Shacklock Curtis Rosina Female Palmer James Morley Male Claremont
1911/1600090 Claremont Palmer James Morley Male Shacklock Curtis Rosina Female Claremont
1911/1600091 Claremont Cordingley Daisy Edith Elizabeth Female Woore John Maurice Simeon Male Cottesloe
1911/1600091 Claremont Woore John Maurice Simeon Male Cordingley Daisy Edith Elizabeth Female Cottesloe
1911/1600092 Claremont du Cloux Louis Gerard Alting Male Hawtin Irene Alice Wild Female Cottesloe
1911/1600092 Claremont Hawtin Irene Alice Wild Female du Cloux Louis Gerard Alting Male Cottesloe
1911/1600093 Claremont Nye Eliza Constance Female Petherick Arthur Gladstone Male Cottesloe Beach
1911/1600093 Claremont Petherick Arthur Gladstone Male Nye Eliza Constance Female Cottesloe Beach
1911/1600094 Claremont Johns John Henry Male Wolfel Martha Female Cottesloe
1911/1600094 Claremont Wolfel Martha Female Johns John Henry Male Cottesloe
1911/1600095 Claremont Kiesewetter George Julius Male Stafford Jane Sarah Female Cottesloe
1911/1600095 Claremont Stafford Jane Sarah Female Kiesewetter George Julius Male Cottesloe
1911/1600096 Claremont Hills Henry Thompson Male McGillivray Isabell St Clair Forsyth Female Cottesloe
1911/1600096 Claremont McGillivray Isabell St Clair Forsyth Female Hills Henry Thompson Male Cottesloe
1911/1600097 Claremont Wickers Constance Gladys Female Burrows Herbert John Male Cottesloe
1911/1600097 Claremont Burrows Herbert John Male Wickers Constance Gladys Female Cottesloe
1911/1600098 Claremont Trezise Frederick Male Guthrie Martha Isobell Female Cottesloe
1911/1600098 Claremont Guthrie Martha Isobell Female Trezise Frederick Male Cottesloe
1911/1600099 Claremont Proctor Agnes Amelia Female Humphries Martin Male Claremont
1911/1600099 Claremont Humphries Martin Male Proctor Agnes Amelia Female Claremont
1911/1600100 Claremont Bolton Edward Keane Richards Male Moore Georgina Mary Female Claremont
1911/1600100 Claremont Moore Georgina Mary Female Bolton Edward Keane Richards Male Claremont
1911/1600101 Claremont Wood Isabella Lavinia Female Tolmie John Leslie Male Claremont
1911/1600101 Claremont Tolmie John Leslie Male Wood Isabella Lavinia Female Claremont
1911/1600102 Claremont Pearson Alfred Leonard Male Groves Annie Female Claremont
1911/1600102 Claremont Groves Annie Female Pearson Alfred Leonard Male Claremont
1911/1600103 Claremont Murray Arthur Vincent Male Liddelow Muriel Armine Female Claremont
1911/1600103 Claremont Liddelow Muriel Armine Female Murray Arthur Vincent Male Claremont
1911/1600104 Claremont Barrington John Frederick Male Swannell Jane Craig Female Claremont
1911/1600104 Claremont Swannell Jane Craig Female Barrington John Frederick Male Claremont
1911/1600105 Claremont Hender Roy Lancelot Male Fletcher Daisy Female Claremont
1911/1600105 Claremont Fletcher Daisy Female Hender Roy Lancelot Male Claremont
1911/1600106 Claremont Rowe Samuel Harold Drew Male Naylor Henrietta Violet Female Claremont
1911/1600106 Claremont Naylor Henrietta Violet Female Rowe Samuel Harold Drew Male Claremont
1911/1600107 Claremont Morphet John Porteous Male Wright Mary Female Claremont
1911/1600107 Claremont Wright Mary Female Morphet John Porteous Male Claremont
1911/1600108 Claremont Hewitt Elizabeth Female King Michael John Male Claremont
1911/1600108 Claremont King Michael John Male Hewitt Elizabeth Female Claremont
1911/1600109 Claremont Laundon Walter Male Taylor Eleanor Female Claremont
1911/1600109 Claremont Taylor Eleanor Female Laundon Walter Male Claremont
1911/1600110 Claremont Bamber Alice Female Moore John Male Claremont
1911/1600110 Claremont Moore John Male Bamber Alice Female Claremont
1911/1600111 Claremont Blackford Lucy Lily Female Stephen Andrew Male Cottesloe
1911/1600111 Claremont Stephen Andrew Male Blackford Lucy Lily Female Cottesloe
1911/1700001 Coolgardie Randell Charles Henry Male McMain Annie Isabel Female Coolgardie
1911/1700001 Coolgardie McMain Annie Isabel Female Randell Charles Henry Male Coolgardie
1911/1700002 Coolgardie Cox Agnes Female Howard Charles Male Coolgardie
1911/1700002 Coolgardie Howard Charles Male Cox Agnes Female Coolgardie
1911/1700003 Coolgardie Marshall William John Male Williams Isabella Jane Elizabeth Ward Female Coolgardie
1911/1700003 Coolgardie Williams Isabella Jane Elizabeth Ward Female Marshall William John Male Coolgardie
1911/1700004 Coolgardie Howie Peter Wilson Male Perris Florence Myrtle Female Coolgardie
1911/1700004 Coolgardie Perris Florence Myrtle Female Howie Peter Wilson Male Coolgardie
1911/1700005 Coolgardie Ross Mildred Female Leary Frank Cecil Male Coolgardie
1911/1700005 Coolgardie Leary Frank Cecil Male Ross Mildred Female Coolgardie
1911/1700006 Coolgardie Bawden Sylvia Female Taylor Colonel Male Coolgardie
1911/1700006 Coolgardie Taylor Colonel Male Bawden Sylvia Female Coolgardie
1911/1700007 Coolgardie Jones Robert George Male Friend Annie Eliza Female Coolgardie
1911/1700007 Coolgardie Friend Annie Eliza Female Jones Robert George Male Coolgardie
1911/1700008 Coolgardie Thomas Violetta Maud Female Popham Ernest Charles Male Coolgardie
1911/1700008 Coolgardie Popham Ernest Charles Male Thomas Violetta Maud Female Coolgardie
1911/1700009 Coolgardie Cross Robert James Male Unsworth Mary Ann Female Coolgardie
1911/1700009 Coolgardie Unsworth Mary Ann Female Cross Robert James Male Coolgardie
1911/1700010 Coolgardie Boalar George Michael Male Boundy Ada Vincent Female Coolgardie
1911/1700010 Coolgardie Boundy Ada Vincent Female Boalar George Michael Male Coolgardie
1911/1700011 Coolgardie Allen Alice Pricilla May Female Patton Sydney Norman Male Burbanks
1911/1700011 Coolgardie Patton Sydney Norman Male Allen Alice Pricilla May Female Burbanks
1911/1700012 Coolgardie Carthew Thomas Henry Male McGee Elizabeth Female Coolgardie
1911/1700012 Coolgardie McGee Elizabeth Female Carthew Thomas Henry Male Coolgardie
1911/1700013 Coolgardie Reid Charles Ernest Ivon Male Richmond Emma Marie Julia Female Coolgardie
1911/1700013 Coolgardie Richmond Emma Marie Julia Female Reid Charles Ernest Ivon Male Coolgardie
1911/1700014 Coolgardie Rungie Albert Male Reilley Eva Maud Female Coolgardie
1911/1700014 Coolgardie Reilley Eva Maud Female Rungie Albert Male Coolgardie
1911/1700015 Coolgardie Doolan Hanora Female Dunstan Edgar Horace Male Coolgardie
1911/1700015 Coolgardie Dunstan Edgar Horace Male Doolan Hanora Female Coolgardie
1911/1700016 Coolgardie Rinaldi Catherine Margaret Female Cobb Albert George Male Coolgardie
1911/1700016 Coolgardie Cobb Albert George Male Rinaldi Catherine Margaret Female Coolgardie
1911/1700017 Coolgardie Pool Alice Louisa Female Hague Edward Hope Male Coolgardie
1911/1700017 Coolgardie Hague Edward Hope Male Pool Alice Louisa Female Coolgardie
1911/1700018 Coolgardie McIntyre William Henry Male Fleming Delia Bridget Female Coolgardie
1911/1700018 Coolgardie Fleming Delia Bridget Female McIntyre William Henry Male Coolgardie
1911/1700019 Coolgardie Larcombe Harry Emanuel Male Anderson Elsie Robina Female Coolgardie
1911/1700019 Coolgardie Anderson Elsie Robina Female Larcombe Harry Emanuel Male Coolgardie
1911/1700020 Coolgardie Jones Eliza Ellen Female Bohan Michael Henry Male Coolgardie
1911/1700020 Coolgardie Bohan Michael Henry Male Jones Eliza Ellen Female Coolgardie
1911/1700021 Coolgardie Griffiths Amelia Female Coleman Sydney Alfred Male Coolgardie
1911/1700021 Coolgardie Coleman Sydney Alfred Male Griffiths Amelia Female Coolgardie
1911/1700022 Coolgardie Cassels William Male Hickox Mary Aurora Female Coolgardie
1911/1700022 Coolgardie Hickox Mary Aurora Female Cassels William Male Coolgardie
1912/1800001 East Coolgardie Thomas Anne Female Pearce Thomas Male Kalgoorlie
1912/1800001 East Coolgardie Pearce Thomas Male Thomas Anne Female Kalgoorlie
1912/1800003 East Coolgardie Perritt Maud Female Willis Robert Male Kalgoorlie
1912/1800003 East Coolgardie Willis Robert Male Perritt Maud Female Kalgoorlie
1912/1800004 East Coolgardie Allen Margaret Female Cusack James Patrick Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800004 East Coolgardie Geer Alfred Claude Male Newman Ellen Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800004 East Coolgardie Newman Ellen Elizabeth Female Geer Alfred Claude Male Kalgoorlie
1912/1800004 East Coolgardie Cusack James Patrick Male Allen Margaret Female Kalgoorlie
1912/1800005 East Coolgardie Stewart Augustus Alfred Ernest Male McGregor Mary Ann Female Kalgoorlie
1912/1800005 East Coolgardie McGregor Mary Ann Female Stewart Augustus Alfred Ernest Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800006 East Coolgardie Jones John Male Murphy Margaret Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800006 East Coolgardie Murphy Margaret Female Jones John Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800007 East Coolgardie Metcalfe Athelstane Male Russell Elizabeth Lilian Female Kalgoorlie
1912/1800007 East Coolgardie Henderson Alexander William Male Kett Lavinia Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800007 East Coolgardie Russell Elizabeth Lilian Female Metcalfe Athelstane Male Kalgoorlie
1912/1800007 East Coolgardie Kett Lavinia Mary Female Henderson Alexander William Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800008 East Coolgardie Salmon Annie Female Taylor John William Male Kalgoorlie
1912/1800008 East Coolgardie Smith Walter Joseph Male Alldis Esther Victoria Female Kalgoorlie
1912/1800008 East Coolgardie Alldis Esther Victoria Female Smith Walter Joseph Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800008 East Coolgardie Taylor John William Male Salmon Annie Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800009 East Coolgardie Daddow Ivo Andrew James Trevorrow Male Woodward Emily Female Kalgoorlie
1912/1800009 East Coolgardie Fletcher William Ernest Male Dennis Bertha Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800009 East Coolgardie Woodward Emily Female Daddow Ivo Andrew James Trevorrow Male Kalgoorlie
1912/1800009 East Coolgardie Dennis Bertha Female Fletcher William Ernest Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800010 East Coolgardie Teague Vincent Eustace Male Thomson Edith Female Kalgoorlie
1912/1800010 East Coolgardie Meldrum Alexander Male Birch Minnie Bertha Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800010 East Coolgardie Thomson Edith Female Teague Vincent Eustace Male Kalgoorlie
1912/1800010 East Coolgardie Birch Minnie Bertha Female Meldrum Alexander Male Kalgoorlie
1912/1800011 East Coolgardie King Edwin Joseph Male Poulton Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800011 East Coolgardie Scanlan James Hogan Male Sullivan Mary Ellen Female Kalgoorlie
1912/1800011 East Coolgardie Poulton Elizabeth Female King Edwin Joseph Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800011 East Coolgardie Sullivan Mary Ellen Female Scanlan James Hogan Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800012 East Coolgardie Keegan Catherine Female Quin Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800012 East Coolgardie Quin Edward Male Keegan Catherine Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800013 East Coolgardie Barnett Florence Anne Female Waite Albert Ernest Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800013 East Coolgardie Waite Albert Ernest Male Barnett Florence Anne Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800014 East Coolgardie McCaughey Edward Patrick Male Gleeson Margaret Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800014 East Coolgardie Gleeson Margaret Female McCaughey Edward Patrick Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800015 East Coolgardie Crowley Honorah Female Olsen Ole Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800015 East Coolgardie Olsen Ole Male Crowley Honorah Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800016 East Coolgardie Ferrari Eliza Female Griffin Francis Thomas Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800016 East Coolgardie Griffin Francis Thomas Male Ferrari Eliza Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800017 East Coolgardie Pitcher William Charles Male Kavanagh Gertrude Frances Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800017 East Coolgardie Kavanagh Gertrude Frances Female Pitcher William Charles Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800018 East Coolgardie Dillon Ellen Female Ryan James Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800018 East Coolgardie Ryan James Male Dillon Ellen Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800019 East Coolgardie Barker Frederick George Male Ryan Annie Louisa Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800019 East Coolgardie Ryan Annie Louisa Female Barker Frederick George Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800020 East Coolgardie Harvey Emily Eliza Female Borrett Harry Britain Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800020 East Coolgardie Borrett Harry Britain Male Harvey Emily Eliza Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800021 East Coolgardie Gherardin William Robert Male Peart Jane Irvine Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800021 East Coolgardie Peart Jane Irvine Female Gherardin William Robert Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800022 East Coolgardie Brown Florence Mabel Female Vaughan Albert Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800022 East Coolgardie Vaughan Albert Edward Male Brown Florence Mabel Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800023 East Coolgardie Redpath Lillian Valerie Female Boneham Alfred Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800023 East Coolgardie Boneham Alfred Edward Male Davies Lillian Valerie Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800023 East Coolgardie Boneham Alfred Edward Male Redpath Lillian Valerie Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800023 East Coolgardie Davies Lillian Valerie Female Boneham Alfred Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800025 East Coolgardie Roberts Ellen Louisa Female Humphreys Alfred Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800025 East Coolgardie Humphreys Alfred Henry Male Roberts Ellen Louisa Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800026 East Coolgardie Verran John Henry Carl Male Sampson Eliza Milne Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800026 East Coolgardie Sampson Eliza Milne Female Verran John Henry Carl Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800027 East Coolgardie Fletcher Henry Thomas Male Brearley Ruby Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800027 East Coolgardie Brearley Ruby Female Fletcher Henry Thomas Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800028 East Coolgardie Bonazzi Samuel Male Giudici Maria Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800028 East Coolgardie Giudici Maria Female Bonazzi Samuel Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800029 East Coolgardie Spadier Ada Female Whelan John Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800029 East Coolgardie Whelan John Male Spadier Ada Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800030 East Coolgardie Menz Frederick Charles Male Eastwood Ellen Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800030 East Coolgardie Eastwood Ellen Elizabeth Female Menz Frederick Charles Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800031 East Coolgardie Stowell Joseph Douglas Male Holmes Thirza Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800031 East Coolgardie Holmes Thirza Mary Female Stowell Joseph Douglas Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800032 East Coolgardie Aitken Martha Female Lubcke Oliver Donald Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800032 East Coolgardie Lubcke Oliver Donald Male Aitken Martha Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800033 East Coolgardie Crittenden William Male Cokes Sarah Eliza Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800033 East Coolgardie Cokes Sarah Eliza Female Crittenden William Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800034 East Coolgardie Fenn Holly Female Holland George Richard Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800034 East Coolgardie Holland George Richard Male Fenn Holly Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800035 East Coolgardie Hatt May Female Vale Robert Kellett Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800035 East Coolgardie Vale Robert Kellett Male Hatt May Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800036 East Coolgardie Elliott Violet Ethel Female Jones William Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800036 East Coolgardie Jones William Male Elliott Violet Ethel Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800037 East Coolgardie Smith George Male Richards Frances Laura Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800037 East Coolgardie Richards Frances Laura Female Smith George Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800038 East Coolgardie Naughten Mary Ellen Female O'Donohue Frederick Joseph Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800038 East Coolgardie O'Donohue Frederick Joseph Male Naughten Mary Ellen Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800039 East Coolgardie Hamann Sophie Louise Female Gordon David Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800039 East Coolgardie Gordon David Male Hamann Sophie Louise Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800040 East Coolgardie Withell Norman Henry William Male Mackay Mary Hansen Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800040 East Coolgardie Mackay Mary Hansen Female Withell Norman Henry William Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800041 East Coolgardie English Michael Male Day Mary Ellen Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800041 East Coolgardie Day Mary Ellen Female English Michael Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800042 East Coolgardie Kinnane Michael Patrick Male Keirse Ellen Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800042 East Coolgardie Keirse Ellen Female Kinnane Michael Patrick Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800043 East Coolgardie Cotter Mathias Male Snell Annie Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800043 East Coolgardie Snell Annie Female Cotter Mathias Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800044 East Coolgardie Starr Norman Male Cooney Annie Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800044 East Coolgardie Cooney Annie Female Starr Norman Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800045 East Coolgardie Mullaney Margaret Female Whyte John Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800045 East Coolgardie Whyte John Male Mullaney Margaret Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800046 East Coolgardie McCusker Charles Edwin Male Melville Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800046 East Coolgardie Melville Mary Female McCusker Charles Edwin Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800047 East Coolgardie Everett Clara May Female Rash Sydney David Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800047 East Coolgardie Rash Sydney David Male Everett Clara May Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800048 East Coolgardie Pledger Elizabeth Female Stenberg Nils Peter Richard Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800048 East Coolgardie Stenberg Nils Peter Richard Male Pledger Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800049 East Coolgardie Rickaby Robert Bismark Male Commerford Margaret Ellen Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800049 East Coolgardie Commerford Margaret Ellen Female Rickaby Robert Bismark Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800050 East Coolgardie Goodwin Albert David Male Onley Ruby Florence Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800050 East Coolgardie Onley Ruby Florence Female Goodwin Albert David Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800051 East Coolgardie Dunstan William Albert Male Davis Constance Beatrice Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800051 East Coolgardie Davis Constance Beatrice Female Dunstan William Albert Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800052 East Coolgardie Farrell Annie Maria Female Schlemaker Edward James Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800052 East Coolgardie Schlemaker Edward James Male Farrell Annie Maria Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800053 East Coolgardie Woodgate William George Male Wynne Ellen Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800053 East Coolgardie Wynne Ellen Female Woodgate William George Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800054 East Coolgardie O'Keefe David Male Anderson Ruby Charlotte Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800054 East Coolgardie Anderson Ruby Charlotte Female O'Keefe David Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800055 East Coolgardie Hebbard Florence Bradford Female McKenzie Arthur Charles Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800055 East Coolgardie McKenzie Arthur Charles Male Hebbard Florence Bradford Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800056 East Coolgardie Boag Albert Frederick Male Urquhart Mary Olive Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800056 East Coolgardie Urquhart Mary Olive Female Boag Albert Frederick Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800057 East Coolgardie Lowery Sarah Ann Pearce Female Greene John Francis Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800057 East Coolgardie Greene John Francis Male Lowery Sarah Ann Pearce Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800058 East Coolgardie Thompson Horace Melville Leonard Groom Male Watts Laura Ann Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800058 East Coolgardie Watts Laura Ann Female Thompson Horace Melville Leonard Groom Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800059 East Coolgardie Sassella Joseph Male Buzzi Illda Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800059 East Coolgardie Buzzi Illda Female Sassella Joseph Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800060 East Coolgardie Crawford Alexander Male Cassarly Alice Maud Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800060 East Coolgardie Cassarly Alice Maud Female Crawford Alexander Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800061 East Coolgardie Sheedy Mary Female Cashen Patrick Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800061 East Coolgardie Cashen Patrick Male Sheedy Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800062 East Coolgardie Thompson Alice Elizabeth Female Flynn John Edwin Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800062 East Coolgardie Flynn John Edwin Male Thompson Alice Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800063 East Coolgardie Frame Johanna Female Hannah Thomas Howard Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800063 East Coolgardie Hannah Thomas Howard Male Frame Johanna Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800064 East Coolgardie James Mary Catherine Female Coxon Norval Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800064 East Coolgardie Coxon Norval Henry Male James Mary Catherine Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800065 East Coolgardie Wright Charles John Male Mann Ruth Ivy Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800065 East Coolgardie Mann Ruth Ivy Female Wright Charles John Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800066 East Coolgardie Garth Sophie Mabel Female Culver Robert Hammond Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800066 East Coolgardie Culver Robert Hammond Male Garth Sophie Mabel Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800067 East Coolgardie Denny Mary Ethel Female Bosustow William Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800067 East Coolgardie Bosustow William Henry Male Denny Mary Ethel Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800068 East Coolgardie Gazzi Phillip Male Mann Emma Clara Agnes Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800068 East Coolgardie Mann Emma Clara Agnes Female Gazzi Phillip Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800069 East Coolgardie King Alice Elizabeth Female Slingsby William Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800069 East Coolgardie Slingsby William Male King Alice Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800070 East Coolgardie Day Catherine Rose Female Brown Francis Elphenstone Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800070 East Coolgardie Brown Francis Elphenstone Male Day Catherine Rose Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800071 East Coolgardie McDonnell Augusta Maud Sybil Female Neale George Herbert Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800071 East Coolgardie Neale George Herbert Male McDonnell Augusta Maud Sybil Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800072 East Coolgardie Gwynne Adeline Female Cleasley Robert Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800072 East Coolgardie Cleasley Robert Male Gwynne Adeline Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800073 East Coolgardie Lomasney Thomas Male Hawke Ada Harriett Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800073 East Coolgardie Hawke Ada Harriett Female Lomasney Thomas Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800074 East Coolgardie Benson William Joseph Male Hill Jane Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800074 East Coolgardie Hill Jane Female Benson William Joseph Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800075 East Coolgardie Griffiths Eliza Anne Female Morgan Milward Bright Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800075 East Coolgardie Morgan Milward Bright Male Griffiths Eliza Anne Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800076 East Coolgardie Churchman Annie Sophia Female Bucknell Francis Archibald David Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800076 East Coolgardie Bucknell Francis Archibald David Male Churchman Annie Sophia Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800077 East Coolgardie Bull Percy Alfred Male Vigan Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800077 East Coolgardie Vigan Mary Female Bull Percy Alfred Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800078 East Coolgardie Yuill Caroline May Female O'Sullivan John Lawrence Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800078 East Coolgardie O'Sullivan John Lawrence Male Yuill Caroline May Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800079 East Coolgardie Dunkley Jean Rodger Female Gibson Frank Ernest Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800079 East Coolgardie Gibson Frank Ernest Male Dunkley Jean Rodger Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800080 East Coolgardie Kennedy Thomas Joseph Male Eglinton Evelyn Hilda Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800080 East Coolgardie Eglinton Evelyn Hilda Female Kennedy Thomas Joseph Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800081 East Coolgardie Smart Alexander Male McKay Pearlina May Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800081 East Coolgardie McKay Pearlina May Female Smart Alexander Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800082 East Coolgardie Hunter Horace Hamilton Male Allen Lily Maud Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800082 East Coolgardie Allen Lily Maud Female Hunter Horace Hamilton Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800083 East Coolgardie Mullins Lillie Female Lawson Edward Andrew Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800083 East Coolgardie Lawson Edward Andrew Male Mullins Lillie Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800084 East Coolgardie Hammond Sidney Frederick Male Liddell Maggie Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800084 East Coolgardie Liddell Maggie Female Hammond Sidney Frederick Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800085 East Coolgardie Craggs Walter James Male Thompson Jean Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800085 East Coolgardie Thompson Jean Female Craggs Walter James Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800086 East Coolgardie Bryant Charlie Male Voyer Eva Salome Isabelle Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800086 East Coolgardie Voyer Eva Salome Isabelle Female Bryant Charlie Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800087 East Coolgardie McArthur Hilda Henrietta Female Senini William Egidio Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800087 East Coolgardie Senini William Egidio Male McArthur Hilda Henrietta Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800088 East Coolgardie Gregan Ruby Elvira Gertrude Female Henderson John Lloyd Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800088 East Coolgardie Henderson John Lloyd Male Gregan Ruby Elvira Gertrude Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800089 East Coolgardie Gardner Alice Emily Female Hindes Rolon Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800089 East Coolgardie Hindes Rolon Male Gardner Alice Emily Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800090 East Coolgardie Cousins John David Male Edberg Mabel Glenrosa Knapp Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800090 East Coolgardie Edberg Mabel Glenrosa Knapp Female Cousins John David Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800091 East Coolgardie Milne Alice Female Pike Albert Ernest Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800091 East Coolgardie Pike Albert Ernest Male Milne Alice Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800092 East Coolgardie Mellowship Amelia Maud Jane Female Tovey George William Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800092 East Coolgardie Tovey George William Male Mellowship Amelia Maud Jane Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800093 East Coolgardie Wallace Margaret Frances Female Theodore Stephen Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800093 East Coolgardie Theodore Stephen Male Wallace Margaret Frances Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800094 East Coolgardie Mahony Rose Mary Female Gardner George Alexander Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800094 East Coolgardie Gardner George Alexander Male Mahony Rose Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800095 East Coolgardie Winzer Robert Whitford Male Coulter Annie Maud Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800095 East Coolgardie Coulter Annie Maud Female Winzer Robert Whitford Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800096 East Coolgardie Argyle Nancy Kestell Female Eyres William Ernest Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800096 East Coolgardie Eyres William Ernest Male Argyle Nancy Kestell Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800097 East Coolgardie McGay Douglas Bruce Male Harvey Annie Amelia Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800097 East Coolgardie Harvey Annie Amelia Female McGay Douglas Bruce Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800098 East Coolgardie Taylor Ernest Gilbert Madlycott Male Gilham Amelia Harriett Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800098 East Coolgardie Gilham Amelia Harriett Female Taylor Ernest Gilbert Madlycott Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800099 East Coolgardie Elliott Lily Female Gibson Robert Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800099 East Coolgardie Gibson Robert Male Elliott Lily Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800100 East Coolgardie Spring Caroline Emma Female Gates Albert George Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800100 East Coolgardie Gates Albert George Male Spring Caroline Emma Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800101 East Coolgardie Chinnick Richard William Male Aitcheson Lilian Mary Jane Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800101 East Coolgardie Aitcheson Lilian Mary Jane Female Chinnick Richard William Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800102 East Coolgardie Drury John Male Hansen Elizabeth Mary Metta Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800102 East Coolgardie Hansen Elizabeth Mary Metta Female Drury John Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800103 East Coolgardie Staton Sidney Allen Male Baker Hilda Pearl Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800103 East Coolgardie Baker Hilda Pearl Female Staton Sidney Allen Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800104 East Coolgardie Lawton Harrold Vivian Male Milton Lillian May Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800104 East Coolgardie Milton Lillian May Female Lawton Harrold Vivian Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800105 East Coolgardie Berry Lucy Lily Female McClure Alexander Thomas Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800105 East Coolgardie McClure Alexander Thomas Male Berry Lucy Lily Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800106 East Coolgardie Aitken Hugh Male Mullane Minnie Louise Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800106 East Coolgardie Mullane Minnie Louise Female Aitken Hugh Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800107 East Coolgardie Enners Friedrich Carl Heinrich Male Lane Elizabeth Jane Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800107 East Coolgardie Lane Elizabeth Jane Female Enners Friedrich Carl Heinrich Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800108 East Coolgardie Alexander John Male Watson Ann Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800108 East Coolgardie Watson Ann Female Alexander John Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800109 East Coolgardie Grant Jean Female Harvey George Alfred Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800109 East Coolgardie Harvey George Alfred Male Grant Jean Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800110 East Coolgardie Hall Cecil Charles Male Johnson Ethel Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800110 East Coolgardie Johnson Ethel Female Hall Cecil Charles Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800111 East Coolgardie Lardner Catherine Female Cable John Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800111 East Coolgardie Cable John Male Lardner Catherine Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800112 East Coolgardie O'Neill Michael Male Osmond Alice Maude Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800112 East Coolgardie Osmond Alice Maude Female O'Neill Michael Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800113 East Coolgardie McGee John Thomas Male Nutt Bessie Edith Mildred Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800113 East Coolgardie Nutt Bessie Edith Mildred Female McGee John Thomas Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800114 East Coolgardie Young Louisa Scott Female Trembath Albert John Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800114 East Coolgardie Trembath Albert John Male Young Louisa Scott Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800115 East Coolgardie Miles Albert James Male Farrell Francies Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800115 East Coolgardie Farrell Francies Elizabeth Female Miles Albert James Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800116 East Coolgardie Hooper Adeline Rose Female Styants John Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800116 East Coolgardie Styants John Edward Male Hooper Adeline Rose Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800117 East Coolgardie Watts Daisy Veronica Female Bextrum William Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800117 East Coolgardie Bextrum William Male Watts Daisy Veronica Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800118 East Coolgardie Mackey Alice Edith Female Hogg Robert Finlay Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800118 East Coolgardie Hogg Robert Finlay Male Mackey Alice Edith Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800119 East Coolgardie Patterson Percival Francis Male Sutherland Ina Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800119 East Coolgardie Sutherland Ina Female Patterson Percival Francis Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800120 East Coolgardie Coughlan John Patrick Male Howells Gladys May Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800120 East Coolgardie Howells Gladys May Female Coughlan John Patrick Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800121 East Coolgardie Bremner John Geddes Male Everett Ida Jane Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800121 East Coolgardie Everett Ida Jane Female Bremner John Geddes Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800122 East Coolgardie Jopp Louise Female Fontana Remigio Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800122 East Coolgardie Fontana Remigio Male Jopp Louise Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800123 East Coolgardie Mitchell Thomas Male Barrenger Alice Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800123 East Coolgardie Barrenger Alice Female Mitchell Thomas Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800124 East Coolgardie Stack Agnes Mary Female Sharpen Robert John Male Kalgoorlie
1911/1800124 East Coolgardie Sharpen Robert John Male Stack Agnes Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800125 East Coolgardie Stacey Richard Male Monckton Margaret Female Kalgoorlie
1911/1800125 East Coolgardie Monckton Margaret Female Stacey Richard Male Kalgoorlie
1912/1900002 North Coolgardie Miles George Male Rushton Edith Female Menzies
1911/1900002 North Coolgardie Boase William Edward Male Woosnam Mary Agnes Female Kookynie
1911/1900002 North Coolgardie Woosnam Mary Agnes Female Boase William Edward Male Kookynie
1912/1900002 North Coolgardie Rushton Edith Female Miles George Male Menzies
1911/1900003 North Coolgardie White James Leopold Male Fenwick Nancy Mildred Female Menzies
1911/1900003 North Coolgardie Fenwick Nancy Mildred Female White James Leopold Male Menzies
1911/1900004 North Coolgardie Ashe Leslie Norman Male Dodds Grace Marjorie Female Menzies
1911/1900004 North Coolgardie Dodds Grace Marjorie Female Ashe Leslie Norman Male Menzies
1911/1900005 North Coolgardie Williams Unaitta Myrtle Female Jones Gilbert Edward Male Menzies
1911/1900005 North Coolgardie Jones Gilbert Edward Male Williams Unaitta Myrtle Female Menzies
1911/1900006 North Coolgardie Mackay Theresa Female Kavanagh James Male Menzies
1911/1900006 North Coolgardie Kavanagh James Male Mackay Theresa Female Menzies
1911/1900007 North Coolgardie Carisford-Cooper Olga Rita Female Roberts Albert Male Menzies
1911/1900007 North Coolgardie Roberts Albert Male Carisford-Cooper Olga Rita Female Menzies
1911/1900008 North Coolgardie Walker William James Alexander Male Greenland Violette Female Menzies
1911/1900008 North Coolgardie Greenland Violette Female Walker William James Alexander Male Menzies
1911/1900009 North Coolgardie Faichney William Male Jolly Ruby Evelyn Maud Beatrix Female Menzies
1911/1900009 North Coolgardie Jolly Ruby Evelyn Maud Beatrix Female Faichney William Male Menzies
1911/1900010 North Coolgardie Sawyer Francis George Male Mathews Margaret Ellen Female Menzies
1911/1900010 North Coolgardie Mathews Margaret Ellen Female Sawyer Francis George Male Menzies
1911/1900011 North Coolgardie Ward Nellie Female Halligan James Male Menzies
1911/1900011 North Coolgardie Halligan James Male Ward Nellie Female Menzies
1911/1900012 North Coolgardie Dellar Benjamin James Male Henderson Eileen Grace Female Menzies
1911/1900012 North Coolgardie Henderson Eileen Grace Female Dellar Benjamin James Male Menzies
1911/1900013 North Coolgardie Thomas Jane Female Thomas William John Male Comet Vale
1911/1900013 North Coolgardie Thomas William John Male Thomas Jane Female Comet Vale
1911/1900014 North Coolgardie Jorgensen Henry Hansen Male Baker Constance Amy Female Menzies
1911/1900014 North Coolgardie Baker Constance Amy Female Jorgensen Henry Hansen Male Menzies
1911/1900015 North Coolgardie Doyle Minnie Dora Female Simmons James Henry Male Kookynie
1911/1900015 North Coolgardie Simmons James Henry Male Doyle Minnie Dora Female Kookynie
1911/1900016 North Coolgardie Trevatt John James Male Ellingson Flora Ingaberg Female Menzies
1911/1900016 North Coolgardie Ellingson Flora Ingaberg Female Trevatt John James Male Menzies
1911/2000001 North East Coolgardie Elliott Thomas Patrick Male Murphy Mary Margaret Female Kanowna
1912/2000001 North East Coolgardie Choules Hannah Female Underwood John Farrant Male Kanowna
1911/2000001 North East Coolgardie Murphy Mary Margaret Female Elliott Thomas Patrick Male Kanowna
1912/2000001 North East Coolgardie Underwood John Farrant Male Choules Hannah Female Kanowna
1911/2000002 North East Coolgardie Lawson Henry Male Murphy Bridget Frances Female Kanowna
1911/2000002 North East Coolgardie Murphy Bridget Frances Female Lawson Henry Male Kanowna
1911/2000003 North East Coolgardie Wright Alice May Female Strike Edward Male Kanowna
1911/2000003 North East Coolgardie Strike Edward Male Wright Alice May Female Kanowna
1911/2000005 North East Coolgardie Collins William Male Gogan Kathleen Female Kanowna
1911/2000005 North East Coolgardie Gogan Kathleen Female Collins William Male Kanowna
1911/2000006 North East Coolgardie Kelly James Male Walsh Ellen Female Kanowna
1911/2000006 North East Coolgardie Walsh Ellen Female Kelly James Male Kanowna
1911/2000007 North East Coolgardie Buckley Walter Joseph Male Collins Catherine Female Kanowna
1911/2000007 North East Coolgardie Collins Catherine Female Buckley Walter Joseph Male Kanowna
1911/2000008 North East Coolgardie McDonagh Annie Josephine Female Coen John Male Kanowna
1911/2000008 North East Coolgardie Coen John Male McDonagh Annie Josephine Female Kanowna
1911/2400001 Dundas Taylor Naomi Female Madden Daniel Male Norseman
1911/2400001 Dundas Madden Daniel Male Taylor Naomi Female Norseman
1911/2400002 Dundas Hough Tom Sunday Male Marquand Daphne May Female Norseman
1911/2400002 Dundas Marquand Daphne May Female Hough Tom Sunday Male Norseman
1911/2400003 Dundas Gibson William Henry Male McLaughlin Mary Anne Female Norseman
1911/2400003 Dundas McLaughlin Mary Anne Female Gibson William Henry Male Norseman
1911/2400004 Dundas Waters Arnold Victor Male Davey Ada Ann Female Norseman
1911/2400004 Dundas Davey Ada Ann Female Waters Arnold Victor Male Norseman
1911/2400005 Dundas Jeffrey Lilian Clarice Female Turrell Samuel George Male Norseman
1911/2400005 Dundas Turrell Samuel George Male Jeffrey Lilian Clarice Female Norseman
1911/2400006 Dundas Baker Lillian Ellis Female Ballantyne Llewellyn Male Norseman
1911/2400006 Dundas Ballantyne Llewellyn Male Baker Lillian Ellis Female Norseman
1911/2400007 Dundas Ridgwell Alfred George Male Hanthorne Myrtle Ivy Female Norseman
1911/2400007 Dundas Hanthorne Myrtle Ivy Female Ridgwell Alfred George Male Norseman
1911/2400008 Dundas Davey William Henry Male Davey Eveline Ellen Female Norseman
1911/2400008 Dundas Davey Eveline Ellen Female Davey William Henry Male Norseman
1911/2500001 Esperance Sinclair Laurence Male Wood Minnie Marion Female Esperance
1911/2500001 Esperance Wood Minnie Marion Female Sinclair Laurence Male Esperance
1911/2500002 Esperance Moir Gordon Roy Male Field Gladys Sophia Female Esperance
1911/2500002 Esperance Field Gladys Sophia Female Moir Gordon Roy Male Esperance
1911/2700001 Fremantle Brindal William Lawrence Male Wray Bessie Ellen Female Fremantle
1911/2700001 Fremantle Wray Bessie Ellen Female Brindal William Lawrence Male Fremantle
1911/2700002 Fremantle Thomson William Male Brindal Ellen Florence Female Fremantle
1911/2700002 Fremantle Brindal Ellen Florence Female Thomson William Male Fremantle
1912/2700003 Fremantle Miller Elizabeth Female Tasker Arthur Watkinson Male North Fremantle
1911/2700003 Fremantle Young Florence de Lisle Female Carlson Oscar Alfred Male Fremantle North
1912/2700003 Fremantle Tasker Arthur Watkinson Male Miller Elizabeth Female North Fremantle
1911/2700003 Fremantle Carlson Oscar Alfred Male Young Florence de Lisle Female Fremantle North
1911/2700004 Fremantle Wirth Albert Ernest Male Connell Clara Ellen Female Fremantle
1911/2700004 Fremantle Connell Clara Ellen Female Wirth Albert Ernest Male Fremantle
1911/2700005 Fremantle Godden Henry Tufton Male Axell Amelia Margaret Female Fremantle
1911/2700005 Fremantle Axell Amelia Margaret Female Godden Henry Tufton Male Fremantle
1911/2700006 Fremantle Hancock Edward Stanley Male Wood Olive Vera Female Fremantle
1911/2700006 Fremantle Wood Olive Vera Female Hancock Edward Stanley Male Fremantle
1911/2700007 Fremantle Savage Rosia Lillian Female Willmott Albert Victor Male Fremantle
1911/2700007 Fremantle Willmott Albert Victor Male Savage Rosia Lillian Female Fremantle
1911/2700008 Fremantle Jarvis Henry Samuel Male Buckley Bridget Katherine Female Fremantle
1911/2700008 Fremantle Buckley Bridget Katherine Female Jarvis Henry Samuel Male Fremantle
1911/2700009 Fremantle Cannon Cecil David George Male Baker Clarice Eleanor Female Fremantle
1911/2700009 Fremantle Baker Clarice Eleanor Female Cannon Cecil David George Male Fremantle
1911/2700010 Fremantle Jackson Arthur Evans Male Congdon Ruby Evelyn Female North Fremantle
1911/2700010 Fremantle Congdon Ruby Evelyn Female Jackson Arthur Evans Male North Fremantle
1911/2700011 Fremantle Nelson Alma Welmot Female Corkhill Joseph Dudley Male North Fremantle
1911/2700011 Fremantle Corkhill Joseph Dudley Male Nelson Alma Welmot Female North Fremantle
1911/2700012 Fremantle Millar James John Albert Male Cook Mary Ann Female Fremantle
1911/2700012 Fremantle Cook Mary Ann Female Millar James John Albert Male Fremantle
1911/2700013 Fremantle Watson Violet Isabella Female Baty Frederick Charles Male Fremantle
1911/2700013 Fremantle Baty Frederick Charles Male Watson Violet Isabella Female Fremantle
1911/2700014 Fremantle Vaughan Ivy Janette Female Lang Stanley Male Fremantle
1911/2700014 Fremantle Lang Stanley Male Vaughan Ivy Janette Female Fremantle
1911/2700015 Fremantle Murdoch Elizabeth Margaret Female Styles Arthur Male Beaconsfield
1911/2700015 Fremantle Styles Arthur Male Murdoch Elizabeth Margaret Female Beaconsfield
1911/2700016 Fremantle Baldwin John Male Hartley Ethel Catherine Female Beaconsfield
1911/2700016 Fremantle Hartley Ethel Catherine Female Baldwin John Male Beaconsfield
1911/2700017 Fremantle Bliss Queenie Ethel Elizabeth Female Brice Harry Reuben Male Beaconsfield
1911/2700017 Fremantle Brice Harry Reuben Male Bliss Queenie Ethel Elizabeth Female Beaconsfield
1911/2700018 Fremantle Hammond Sidney Frank Jesse Male Treeby Olive May Female Beaconsfield
1911/2700018 Fremantle Treeby Olive May Female Hammond Sidney Frank Jesse Male Beaconsfield
1911/2700020 Fremantle Lloyd Harry Male Smith Florence May Female Fremantle
1911/2700020 Fremantle Smith Florence May Female Lloyd Harry Male Fremantle
1911/2700021 Fremantle Armstrong Wilfred Lester Gordon Male Gardiner Fannie Female Fremantle
1911/2700021 Fremantle Gardiner Fannie Female Armstrong Wilfred Lester Gordon Male Fremantle
1911/2700022 Fremantle King Clara Grace Female Gerny Victor August Male Fremantle
1911/2700022 Fremantle Gerny Victor August Male King Clara Grace Female Fremantle
1911/2700023 Fremantle Petterson Ethel Maria Female Cowan Alexander Dow Male Fremantle
1911/2700023 Fremantle Cowan Alexander Dow Male Petterson Ethel Maria Female Fremantle
1911/2700024 Fremantle Charleston Amy Christina Female Stephenson Henry Harcourt Male Fremantle
1911/2700024 Fremantle Stephenson Henry Harcourt Male Charleston Amy Christina Female Fremantle
1911/2700025 Fremantle Price William Male Wilson Marion Female Fremantle
1911/2700025 Fremantle Wilson Marion Female Price William Male Fremantle
1911/2700026 Fremantle Vagg Samuel Male Taylor Emily Female Fremantle
1911/2700026 Fremantle Taylor Emily Female Vagg Samuel Male Fremantle
1911/2700027 Fremantle Klajohaak Herman Male Callanan Mary Female Fremantle
1911/2700027 Fremantle Callanan Mary Female Klajohaak Herman Male Fremantle
1911/2700028 Fremantle Dundas Francis James Male Armstrong Agnes Christina Female Fremantle
1911/2700028 Fremantle Armstrong Agnes Christina Female Dundas Francis James Male Fremantle
1911/2700029 Fremantle Christensen Adam Carlill Male Josephsen Mabel Bertha Female Fremantle North
1911/2700029 Fremantle Josephsen Mabel Bertha Female Christensen Adam Carlill Male Fremantle North
1911/2700030 Fremantle Luly William George Henry Nicholson Male Petersen Angelina Violet Female Fremantle
1911/2700030 Fremantle Petersen Angelina Violet Female Luly William George Henry Nicholson Male Fremantle
1911/2700031 Fremantle Hancock David Cecil Spencer Male Taylor Olive May Female South Fremantle
1911/2700031 Fremantle Taylor Olive May Female Hancock David Cecil Spencer Male South Fremantle
1911/2700032 Fremantle Tuttlebee Eva Mildred Female Martin John Male Fremantle
1911/2700032 Fremantle Martin John Male Tuttlebee Eva Mildred Female Fremantle
1911/2700033 Fremantle Smirk Florin Septimus Male Mortimer Harriette Mary Louisa Female Fremantle
1911/2700033 Fremantle Mortimer Harriette Mary Louisa Female Smirk Florin Septimus Male Fremantle
1911/2700034 Fremantle Edwards George Male Horton Alice Lucy Female Fremantle
1911/2700034 Fremantle Horton Alice Lucy Female Edwards George Male Fremantle
1911/2700035 Fremantle Beresford Selina Elizabeth Female Thomson Edward Alexander Male Fremantle
1911/2700035 Fremantle Thomson Edward Alexander Male Beresford Selina Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1911/2700036 Fremantle Petterson William Aron Male Elder Blanche Evelyn Female Fremantle
1911/2700036 Fremantle Elder Blanche Evelyn Female Petterson William Aron Male Fremantle
1911/2700037 Fremantle Dyson Margaret Jane Female Kewley Arthur Slater Male Beaconsfield
1911/2700037 Fremantle Kewley Arthur Slater Male Dyson Margaret Jane Female Beaconsfield
1911/2700038 Fremantle Dixon Horace John Male Reilly May Female Fremantle
1911/2700038 Fremantle Reilly May Female Dixon Horace John Male Fremantle
1911/2700039 Fremantle Hoey Margaret Lilian Female Rider Dudley Male Fremantle
1911/2700039 Fremantle Rider Dudley Male Hoey Margaret Lilian Female Fremantle
1911/2700040 Fremantle Howell Bessie Female Coates Edward James Male Fremantle
1911/2700040 Fremantle Coates Edward James Male Howell Bessie Female Fremantle
1911/2700041 Fremantle Triscott Richard James Price Male Yelland Maggie Euphemia Female Fremantle
1911/2700041 Fremantle Yelland Maggie Euphemia Female Triscott Richard James Price Male Fremantle
1911/2700042 Fremantle Wright Lucy Josephine Olitta Female Bowker John Vincent Male East Fremantle
1911/2700042 Fremantle Bowker John Vincent Male Wright Lucy Josephine Olitta Female East Fremantle
1911/2700043 Fremantle Brown Francis Male Howard Amy Female Fremantle
1911/2700043 Fremantle Howard Amy Female Brown Francis Male Fremantle
1911/2700044 Fremantle Peterson Dagny Valborg Maria Female Brown Oscar William Male East Fremantle
1911/2700044 Fremantle Brown Oscar William Male Peterson Dagny Valborg Maria Female East Fremantle
1911/2700045 Fremantle Sumpton Samuel Male Calhoun Lavinia Amelia Female Fremantle North
1911/2700045 Fremantle Calhoun Lavinia Amelia Female Sumpton Samuel Male Fremantle North
1911/2700046 Fremantle Lucas Charles Male Anderson Violet Jane Jamison Female Fremantle
1911/2700046 Fremantle Anderson Violet Jane Jamison Female Lucas Charles Male Fremantle
1911/2700047 Fremantle Hall Edith Junita Valaria Female Fuller Henry William Male Fremantle
1911/2700047 Fremantle Fuller Henry William Male Hall Edith Junita Valaria Female Fremantle
1911/2700048 Fremantle Downey Lucretia Ida Female Grose John Thomas Male Fremantle
1911/2700048 Fremantle Grose John Thomas Male Downey Lucretia Ida Female Fremantle
1911/2700049 Fremantle Richards William Harold Male Fincher Florence Jean Female Fremantle
1911/2700049 Fremantle Fincher Florence Jean Female Richards William Harold Male Fremantle
1911/2700050 Fremantle Waldron Beatrice Martha Female Ball Henry James Male Fremantle
1911/2700050 Fremantle Ball Henry James Male Waldron Beatrice Martha Female Fremantle
1911/2700051 Fremantle Waldron Jean Female Ball Francis Andrew Male Fremantle
1911/2700051 Fremantle Ball Francis Andrew Male Waldron Jean Female Fremantle
1911/2700053 Fremantle Anderson Dulcie May Female Richardson Albert William Male Fremantle
1911/2700053 Fremantle Richardson Albert William Male Anderson Dulcie May Female Fremantle
1911/2700054 Fremantle Pickett John Male Algeo Rose Annie Letitia Female Fremantle
1911/2700054 Fremantle Algeo Rose Annie Letitia Female Pickett John Male Fremantle
1911/2700055 Fremantle Bateman Julia Bertha Female Lillywhite William Gordon Male Fremantle
1911/2700055 Fremantle Lillywhite William Gordon Male Bateman Julia Bertha Female Fremantle
1911/2700056 Fremantle Harland Olive Female Williams Samuel Connell Male Fremantle
1911/2700056 Fremantle Williams Samuel Connell Male Harland Olive Female Fremantle
1911/2700057 Fremantle Needle May Female Cormack Wallace Reid Male Fremantle North
1911/2700057 Fremantle Cormack Wallace Reid Male Needle May Female Fremantle North
1911/2700058 Fremantle Wardle Phoebe Female Alford Phillip Sidney Male North Fremantle
1911/2700058 Fremantle Alford Phillip Sidney Male Wardle Phoebe Female North Fremantle
1911/2700059 Fremantle Thorn Bertha Emily Female Hudson Charles Archer Dampney Male South Fremantle
1911/2700059 Fremantle Hudson Charles Archer Dampney Male Thorn Bertha Emily Female South Fremantle
1911/2700060 Fremantle Wright Alfred James Male Goodwin Flora Ivy Female Fremantle
1911/2700060 Fremantle Goodwin Flora Ivy Female Wright Alfred James Male Fremantle
1911/2700061 Fremantle Sherborne Frederick John Male McEachern Mary Rosina Female Fremantle
1911/2700061 Fremantle McEachern Mary Rosina Female Sherborne Frederick John Male Fremantle
1911/2700062 Fremantle Gossow Annie Female Jones David Emanuel Male North Fremantle
1911/2700062 Fremantle Jones David Emanuel Male Gossow Annie Female North Fremantle
1911/2700063 Fremantle Luff Ernest Peter Pearson Male Snary Amy Female Fremantle
1911/2700063 Fremantle Snary Amy Female Luff Ernest Peter Pearson Male Fremantle
1911/2700064 Fremantle Gibbs James Dagley Male McInnes Evenderina Jane Campbell Female Fremantle
1911/2700064 Fremantle McInnes Evenderina Jane Campbell Female Gibbs James Dagley Male Fremantle
1911/2700065 Fremantle Stagbouer Walter William Male Jeffries Susan Ethel Florance Maud Female Fremantle
1911/2700065 Fremantle Jeffries Susan Ethel Florance Maud Female Stagbouer Walter William Male Fremantle
1911/2700066 Fremantle Underwood Fanny Felicia Female Quinn John Male Fremantle
1911/2700066 Fremantle Quinn John Male Underwood Fanny Felicia Female Fremantle
1911/2700067 Fremantle Stokes Roy Frederick Male Monaghan Katie Waters Davy Female Fremantle
1911/2700067 Fremantle Monaghan Katie Waters Davy Female Stokes Roy Frederick Male Fremantle
1911/2700068 Fremantle Cockroft Mildred Harriett Female Yorath Thomas Victor Male East Fremantle
1911/2700068 Fremantle Yorath Thomas Victor Male Cockroft Mildred Harriett Female East Fremantle
1911/2700069 Fremantle Allison Minnie Esther Female Little Murray Giles Male East Fremantle
1911/2700069 Fremantle Little Murray Giles Male Allison Minnie Esther Female East Fremantle
1911/2700070 Fremantle Vercoe Edith Emily Pinch Female Wood Richard Nichol Male Fremantle
1911/2700070 Fremantle Wood Richard Nichol Male Vercoe Edith Emily Pinch Female Fremantle
1911/2700071 Fremantle Woolcock Agustus Roy Male Richter Emma Milda Female Fremantle
1911/2700071 Fremantle Richter Emma Milda Female Woolcock Agustus Roy Male Fremantle
1911/2700072 Fremantle Reader Alice May Female Groom Hector Male Fremantle
1911/2700072 Fremantle Groom Hector Male Reader Alice May Female Fremantle
1911/2700073 Fremantle Nash William James Male Greives Lillian Female Fremantle
1911/2700073 Fremantle Greives Lillian Female Nash William James Male Fremantle
1911/2700074 Fremantle Flynn Cuthbert Maurice Male Froude Linda Victoria Female Fremantle
1911/2700074 Fremantle Froude Linda Victoria Female Flynn Cuthbert Maurice Male Fremantle
1911/2700075 Fremantle Stammers William Joseph Male Garbutt Jean Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1911/2700075 Fremantle Garbutt Jean Elizabeth Female Stammers William Joseph Male Fremantle
1911/2700076 Fremantle Swan John Alfred Male Naunton Vera Female Fremantle
1911/2700076 Fremantle Naunton Vera Female Swan John Alfred Male Fremantle
1911/2700077 Fremantle Diamond Edward Male Edmondson Louisa Female Beaconsfield
1911/2700077 Fremantle Edmondson Louisa Female Diamond Edward Male Beaconsfield
1911/2700078 Fremantle Meadly Gertrude Jane Female Fothergill Edward Henry Male Fremantle
1911/2700078 Fremantle Fothergill Edward Henry Male Meadly Gertrude Jane Female Fremantle
1911/2700079 Fremantle Davies Evan Male Spencer Ethel Ruth Female Fremantle
1911/2700079 Fremantle Spencer Ethel Ruth Female Davies Evan Male Fremantle
1911/2700080 Fremantle Maule Thomas Hogg Male Ritchie Ann Kemp Female Fremantle
1911/2700080 Fremantle Ritchie Ann Kemp Female Maule Thomas Hogg Male Fremantle
1911/2700081 Fremantle Cross Lawrence William James Male Hall Ruby Ethel Marion Female Fremantle
1911/2700081 Fremantle Hall Ruby Ethel Marion Female Cross Lawrence William James Male Fremantle
1911/2700082 Fremantle Brady Patrick Male Fahey Johanna Female Fremantle
1911/2700082 Fremantle Fahey Johanna Female Brady Patrick Male Fremantle
1911/2700083 Fremantle Willis Edward Male O'Driscoll Mildred Bridget Female Fremantle
1911/2700083 Fremantle O'Driscoll Mildred Bridget Female Willis Edward Male Fremantle
1911/2700084 Fremantle Wilkinson Olive Patience Female McCaw George Harkness Male Fremantle
1911/2700084 Fremantle McCaw George Harkness Male Wilkinson Olive Patience Female Fremantle
1911/2700085 Fremantle Hale William John Barnford Male Lewis Rachel Rees Female Beaconsfield
1911/2700085 Fremantle Lewis Rachel Rees Female Hale William John Barnford Male Beaconsfield
1911/2700086 Fremantle Arbuthnott Frank O'Brien Male Diederich Winifred Elizabeth May Patricia Female Fremantle
1911/2700086 Fremantle Diederich Winifred Elizabeth May Patricia Female Arbuthnott Frank O'Brien Male Fremantle
1911/2700088 Fremantle Anderson Olive May Female Malone Thomas Male Fremantle
1911/2700088 Fremantle Malone Thomas Male Anderson Olive May Female Fremantle
1911/2700089 Fremantle Davey Frederick Alfred Male Baker Caroline Female Fremantle
1911/2700089 Fremantle Baker Caroline Female Davey Frederick Alfred Male Fremantle
1911/2700090 Fremantle Jackson Ethel Female Mentiplay David Male South Fremantle
1911/2700090 Fremantle Mentiplay David Male Jackson Ethel Female South Fremantle
1911/2700091 Fremantle Byrd Frederick Male Baylis Ellen Mary Female Fremantle
1911/2700091 Fremantle Baylis Ellen Mary Female Byrd Frederick Male Fremantle
1911/2700092 Fremantle Hoga John Male Peterson Ruby Mary Female Fremantle
1911/2700092 Fremantle Peterson Ruby Mary Female Hoga John Male Fremantle
1911/2700093 Fremantle Stanton Albert Victor Male Reichard Gertrude May Female South Fremantle
1911/2700093 Fremantle Jordan Gertrude May Female Stanton Albert Victor Male South Fremantle
1911/2700093 Fremantle Reichard Gertrude May Female Stanton Albert Victor Male South Fremantle
1911/2700093 Fremantle Stanton Albert Victor Male Jordan Gertrude May Female South Fremantle
1911/2700094 Fremantle Strang Jessie Turnbull Female Cressie David Alexander Raymond Male East Fremantle
1911/2700094 Fremantle Cressie David Alexander Raymond Male Strang Jessie Turnbull Female East Fremantle
1911/2700095 Fremantle Bordas James Male Webber Lillian Female Fremantle
1911/2700095 Fremantle Webber Lillian Female Bordas James Male Fremantle
1911/2700096 Fremantle Evans Isabel May Female Rodda William James Male Fremantle
1911/2700096 Fremantle Rodda William James Male Evans Isabel May Female Fremantle
1911/2700097 Fremantle Harrison Florence May Female Gregory Albert Male North Fremantle
1911/2700097 Fremantle Gregory Albert Male Harrison Florence May Female North Fremantle
1911/2700098 Fremantle Strika Fortunato Male Luba Tommasina Female Fremantle
1911/2700098 Fremantle Luba Tommasina Female Strika Fortunato Male Fremantle
1911/2700099 Fremantle Russ Ada Florence Jane Female Herbert John Simmons Male Fremantle
1911/2700099 Fremantle Herbert John Simmons Male Russ Ada Florence Jane Female Fremantle
1911/2700100 Fremantle White William Male Williams Martha Jane Female Fremantle
1911/2700100 Fremantle Williams Martha Jane Female White William Male Fremantle
1911/2700101 Fremantle Waterhouse Martha Ann Female Antonie Peter John Male Fremantle
1911/2700101 Fremantle Antonie Peter John Male Waterhouse Martha Ann Female Fremantle
1911/2700102 Fremantle Riccardi Raffaele Male Quigley Mary Female North Fremantle
1911/2700102 Fremantle Quigley Mary Female Riccardi Raffaele Male North Fremantle
1911/2700103 Fremantle Stenhouse Margaret Dickson Female Wigmore Roy John Male East Fremantle
1911/2700103 Fremantle Wigmore Roy John Male Stenhouse Margaret Dickson Female East Fremantle
1911/2700104 Fremantle Whelan Agnes Josephine Female Sheridan Bernard Male Fremantle
1911/2700104 Fremantle Sheridan Bernard Male Whelan Agnes Josephine Female Fremantle
1911/2700105 Fremantle Morrison Thomas Edgar Male Hicks Catherine Female Fremantle
1911/2700105 Fremantle Hicks Catherine Female Morrison Thomas Edgar Male Fremantle
1911/2700106 Fremantle Stack Thomas Male O'Shea Norah Female North Fremantle
1911/2700106 Fremantle O'Shea Norah Female Stack Thomas Male North Fremantle
1911/2700107 Fremantle Strang Francis George Male Webb Clara Annie Female Fremantle
1911/2700107 Fremantle Webb Clara Annie Female Strang Francis George Male Fremantle
1911/2700108 Fremantle Youard Mary Frances Female Dawson Samuel Male Fremantle
1911/2700108 Fremantle Dawson Samuel Male Youard Mary Frances Female Fremantle
1911/2700109 Fremantle Taylor Florence Louisa Female Stevenson Archibald Male Fremantle
1911/2700109 Fremantle Stevenson Archibald Male Taylor Florence Louisa Female Fremantle
1911/2700110 Fremantle Maley Henry Kennedy Male Bateman Mabel Louisa Female Fremantle
1911/2700110 Fremantle Bateman Mabel Louisa Female Maley Henry Kennedy Male Fremantle
1911/2700111 Fremantle Harper Thomas Henry Male Johnstone Euphemia Female Fremantle
1911/2700111 Fremantle Johnstone Euphemia Female Harper Thomas Henry Male Fremantle
1911/2700112 Fremantle Harrison John James Irwin Male Payne Alice Victoria Female East Fremantle
1911/2700112 Fremantle Payne Alice Victoria Female Harrison John James Irwin Male East Fremantle
1911/2700113 Fremantle Graham James Male Harper Myrtle May Female East Fremantle
1911/2700113 Fremantle Harper Myrtle May Female Graham James Male East Fremantle
1911/2700114 Fremantle Coen Ida Ellen Female Gallin William Marmaduke Male Fremantle
1911/2700114 Fremantle Gallin William Marmaduke Male Coen Ida Ellen Female Fremantle
1911/2700115 Fremantle Roach Gertrude Female O'Brien John Male Fremantle
1911/2700115 Fremantle O'Brien John Male Roach Gertrude Female Fremantle
1911/2700116 Fremantle Fowler Harry Male Miller Viria Hammond Female Fremantle
1911/2700116 Fremantle Miller Viria Hammond Female Fowler Harry Male Fremantle
1911/2700117 Fremantle Luff John Stennard Male McLaughlin Ruby May Female Fremantle
1911/2700117 Fremantle McLaughlin Ruby May Female Luff John Stennard Male Fremantle
1911/2700118 Fremantle Cook Aubrey William Male Ashman Mary Victoria Female Fremantle
1911/2700118 Fremantle Ashman Mary Victoria Female Cook Aubrey William Male Fremantle
1911/2700119 Fremantle Ward Sophia Female Russell Henry Richard Male Fremantle
1911/2700119 Fremantle Russell Henry Richard Male Ward Sophia Female Fremantle
1911/2700120 Fremantle Spiers George Male Ralston Ellen Serena Evelyn Eletta Female Beaconsfield
1911/2700120 Fremantle Ralston Ellen Serena Evelyn Eletta Female Spiers George Male Beaconsfield
1911/2700121 Fremantle Scott David John Male McIlwaine Edith Emily Female Fremantle
1911/2700121 Fremantle McIlwaine Edith Emily Female Scott David John Male Fremantle
1911/2700122 Fremantle Willoughby Alfred Seymour Bolton Male Talbot Charlotte Martha Wilkinson Female Fremantle
1911/2700122 Fremantle Talbot Charlotte Martha Wilkinson Female Willoughby Alfred Seymour Bolton Male Fremantle
1911/2700123 Fremantle Bond Joseph Male Bovell Hannah Female North Fremantle
1911/2700123 Fremantle Bovell Hannah Female Bond Joseph Male North Fremantle
1911/2700124 Fremantle Brown William Male Pratley Jennie Female Fremantle
1911/2700124 Fremantle Pratley Jennie Female Brown William Male Fremantle
1911/2700125 Fremantle Cobbin Mauris Newenham Male Nordahl Violet Female Fremantle
1911/2700125 Fremantle Nordahl Violet Female Cobbin Mauris Newenham Male Fremantle
1911/2700126 Fremantle Clifton Marion Amy Female Lavater George Geoffrey Male Fremantle
1911/2700126 Fremantle Lavater George Geoffrey Male Clifton Marion Amy Female Fremantle
1911/2700127 Fremantle Hempsall Susannah Female Young George Edmond Male North Fremantle
1911/2700127 Fremantle Young George Edmond Male Hempsall Susannah Female North Fremantle
1911/2700128 Fremantle Vickers Hannah Naylor Female Leigh Gilbert Male Fremantle
1911/2700128 Fremantle Leigh Gilbert Male Vickers Hannah Naylor Female Fremantle
1911/2700129 Fremantle Bryan Kathleen Female Essex William Male Fremantle
1911/2700129 Fremantle Essex William Male Bryan Kathleen Female Fremantle
1911/2700130 Fremantle Birss Frances Robina Agnes Female Anscombe Albert George Male South Fremantle
1911/2700130 Fremantle Anscombe Albert George Male Birss Frances Robina Agnes Female South Fremantle
1911/2700131 Fremantle Bateman John Wesley Male Sendey Daisy Kate Augusta Female Fremantle
1911/2700131 Fremantle Sendey Daisy Kate Augusta Female Bateman John Wesley Male Fremantle
1911/2700132 Fremantle Owen Ada Female Trott Harry Male Fremantle
1911/2700132 Fremantle Trott Harry Male Owen Ada Female Fremantle
1911/2700133 Fremantle Loschiavo Giuseppina Female Raffaele Francesco Male Fremantle
1911/2700133 Fremantle Raffaele Francesco Male Loschiavo Giuseppina Female Fremantle
1911/2700134 Fremantle Garton Cyril Sydney Male Stapleton Elsie Evelyn Female Fremantle
1911/2700134 Fremantle Stapleton Elsie Evelyn Female Garton Cyril Sydney Male Fremantle
1911/2700135 Fremantle Dunn William James Male Jarvis Sybina Female Fremantle
1911/2700135 Fremantle Jarvis Sybina Female Dunn William James Male Fremantle
1911/2700136 Fremantle Piercy Rosa Female Jeffreys Robert Stanley Male Fremantle
1911/2700136 Fremantle Jeffreys Robert Stanley Male Piercy Rosa Female Fremantle
1911/2700137 Fremantle Hyden Mabel Beatrice Female Schell Albert Male Fremantle
1911/2700137 Fremantle Schell Albert Male Hyden Mabel Beatrice Female Fremantle
1911/2700138 Fremantle Jewell Eleanor Female Coldwell Frederick William Male Fremantle
1911/2700138 Fremantle Coldwell Frederick William Male Jewell Eleanor Female Fremantle
1911/2700139 Fremantle Steen Eliza Ellen Female Elsam Frederick Lewis Male Fremantle
1911/2700139 Fremantle Elsam Frederick Lewis Male Steen Eliza Ellen Female Fremantle
1911/2700140 Fremantle Nicholls Henry Stephen Male Nelson Aurora Levire Charlotta Female Beaconsfield
1911/2700140 Fremantle Nelson Aurora Levire Charlotta Female Nicholls Henry Stephen Male Beaconsfield
1911/2700141 Fremantle Rowe William Henry Male McIlwaine Henrietta Matilda Female Fremantle
1911/2700141 Fremantle McIlwaine Henrietta Matilda Female Rowe William Henry Male Fremantle
1911/2700142 Fremantle Hicks Robert Male Jones Amy Female Fremantle
1911/2700142 Fremantle Jones Amy Female Hicks Robert Male Fremantle
1911/2700143 Fremantle Michelides Peter Male Freeman-Dodd Ethel Pearl Female Fremantle
1911/2700143 Fremantle Freeman-Dodd Ethel Pearl Female Michelides Peter Male Fremantle
1911/2700144 Fremantle Walkden Abbidinia Female Woosnam William Male Fremantle
1911/2700144 Fremantle Woosnam William Male Walkden Abbidinia Female Fremantle
1911/2700145 Fremantle Knott Thomas William Male Revell Jessica Matilda Female Fremantle
1911/2700145 Fremantle Revell Jessica Matilda Female Knott Thomas William Male Fremantle
1911/2700146 Fremantle Lindsay Alma Alice Female Wilson John Male Fremantle
1911/2700146 Fremantle Wilson John Male Lindsay Alma Alice Female Fremantle
1911/2700147 Fremantle Rathjen Martha Helen Female Campbell Homer Edward Male Fremantle
1911/2700147 Fremantle Campbell Homer Edward Male Rathjen Martha Helen Female Fremantle
1911/2700148 Fremantle Coen George Thomas Male Morley Winifred Female Fremantle
1911/2700148 Fremantle Morley Winifred Female Coen George Thomas Male Fremantle
1911/2700149 Fremantle Pope Mary Alice Female Dearle John Bontel Male Fremantle
1911/2700149 Fremantle Dearle John Bontel Male Pope Mary Alice Female Fremantle
1911/2700150 Fremantle O'Shaughnessy Margaret Female Lafferty George Male Fremantle
1911/2700150 Fremantle Lafferty George Male O'Shaughnessy Margaret Female Fremantle
1911/2700151 Fremantle Sugrue Denis Joseph Male Brown Ada Alice Clara Female Fremantle
1911/2700151 Fremantle Brown Ada Alice Clara Female Sugrue Denis Joseph Male Fremantle
1911/2700152 Fremantle Turnbull Festus Emanuel Male Brown Ethel Maud Female Fremantle
1911/2700152 Fremantle Brown Ethel Maud Female Turnbull Festus Emanuel Male Fremantle
1911/2700153 Fremantle Coram Hettie Female Sweetman Frederick John Male South Fremantle
1911/2700153 Fremantle Sweetman Frederick John Male Coram Hettie Female South Fremantle
1911/2700154 Fremantle McNeece Viotti Creamer Female Mews Frank Ernest Male Fremantle
1911/2700154 Fremantle Mews Frank Ernest Male McNeece Viotti Creamer Female Fremantle
1911/2700155 Fremantle Pusey Augusta May Female Peterson Herbert Andrew Male North Fremantle
1911/2700155 Fremantle Peterson Herbert Andrew Male Pusey Augusta May Female North Fremantle
1911/2700156 Fremantle Prosser Robert Male Hesketh Elizabeth Female Fremantle North
1911/2700156 Fremantle Hesketh Elizabeth Female Prosser Robert Male Fremantle North
1911/2700157 Fremantle Annear David Male Jennings Agnes Clement Female Beaconsfield
1911/2700157 Fremantle Jennings Agnes Clement Female Annear David Male Beaconsfield
1911/2700158 Fremantle Flanagan Archibald John Male Winfield Edith Maud Female Jandakot
1911/2700158 Fremantle Winfield Edith Maud Female Flanagan Archibald John Male Jandakot
1911/2700159 Fremantle Tiller Florence Mary Female Medlicott Henry John Male Fremantle
1911/2700159 Fremantle Medlicott Henry John Male Tiller Florence Mary Female Fremantle
1911/2700160 Fremantle Calhoun Arthur John Russell Male Davies Margaret Jane Female Fremantle
1911/2700160 Fremantle Davies Margaret Jane Female Calhoun Arthur John Russell Male Fremantle
1911/2700161 Fremantle Christian Ellen Female Pattersen Peter Male East Fremantle
1911/2700161 Fremantle Pattersen Peter Male Christian Ellen Female East Fremantle
1911/2700162 Fremantle Carter Ellen Clara Female Russell Henry John Male North Fremantle
1911/2700162 Fremantle Russell Henry John Male Carter Ellen Clara Female North Fremantle
1911/2700163 Fremantle Rickards Arthur Cyril Male Williams Lilian Isabel Female North Fremantle
1911/2700163 Fremantle Williams Lilian Isabel Female Rickards Arthur Cyril Male North Fremantle
1911/2700164 Fremantle Wilson Albert Rolfe Male Moore Emma Female North Fremantle
1911/2700164 Fremantle Moore Emma Female Wilson Albert Rolfe Male North Fremantle
1911/2700165 Fremantle Cary Agnes Elizabeth Female Farrell Matthew James Male North Fremantle
1911/2700165 Fremantle Farrell Matthew James Male Cary Agnes Elizabeth Female North Fremantle
1911/2700166 Fremantle Neill Cathrine Female Stevenson George Male Fremantle
1911/2700166 Fremantle Stevenson George Male Neill Cathrine Female Fremantle
1911/2700167 Fremantle Anderson Charles Male Kerwin Ethel Female Fremantle
1911/2700167 Fremantle Kerwin Ethel Female Anderson Charles Male Fremantle
1911/2700168 Fremantle Purser Bertie Male Bruce Frances Theresa Female Fremantle
1911/2700168 Fremantle Bruce Frances Theresa Female Purser Bertie Male Fremantle
1911/2700169 Fremantle Dreyer Max George Male Hollingsworth Blanche Female Fremantle
1911/2700169 Fremantle Hollingsworth Blanche Female Dreyer Max George Male Fremantle
1911/2700170 Fremantle Prague Lizzie Female Beagley John Edward Male Fremantle
1911/2700170 Fremantle Beagley John Edward Male Prague Lizzie Female Fremantle
1911/2700171 Fremantle Seeger Anna Dorothea Female Tassell Percival Male Fremantle
1911/2700171 Fremantle Tassell Percival Male Seeger Anna Dorothea Female Fremantle
1911/2700172 Fremantle Walsh Leta Bessie Female Bennet Charles Alexander Male Fremantle
1911/2700172 Fremantle Bennet Charles Alexander Male Walsh Leta Bessie Female Fremantle
1911/2700173 Fremantle Nelson John Alfred Male Waller Jane Pounds Female Beaconsfield
1911/2700173 Fremantle Waller Jane Pounds Female Nelson John Alfred Male Beaconsfield
1911/2700174 Fremantle Bush Bertha Eliza Female Smith George Waite Male Beaconsfield
1911/2700174 Fremantle Smith George Waite Male Bush Bertha Eliza Female Beaconsfield
1911/2700175 Fremantle Crellin Walter Henry Male Mathews Jean Isabel Female Beaconsfield
1911/2700175 Fremantle Mathews Jean Isabel Female Crellin Walter Henry Male Beaconsfield
1911/2700176 Fremantle Cox Joseph Herbert Male Cunning Margaret Ann Female Fremantle
1911/2700176 Fremantle Cunning Margaret Ann Female Cox Joseph Herbert Male Fremantle
1911/2700177 Fremantle Stewart James Henry Male Dickson Janet Goldie Female Fremantle
1911/2700177 Fremantle Dickson Janet Goldie Female Stewart James Henry Male Fremantle
1911/2700178 Fremantle Reynolds Gertrude Mary Female Herd Thomas Malice Male Fremantle
1911/2700178 Fremantle Herd Thomas Malice Male Reynolds Gertrude Mary Female Fremantle
1911/2700179 Fremantle Smith Mary Jane Female Paltridge Frederick Male Fremantle
1911/2700179 Fremantle Paltridge Frederick Male Smith Mary Jane Female Fremantle
1911/2700180 Fremantle Moulson Ellen Female Doust Clarence Male Fremantle
1911/2700180 Fremantle Doust Clarence Male Moulson Ellen Female Fremantle
1911/2700181 Fremantle Braack Hannah Female Johnson Richard Herbert Male Fremantle
1911/2700181 Fremantle Johnson Richard Herbert Male Braack Hannah Female Fremantle
1911/2700182 Fremantle Delahunt George Thomas Male Zeltzer Gittel Female Fremantle
1911/2700182 Fremantle Zeltzer Gittel Female Delahunt George Thomas Male Fremantle
1911/2700183 Fremantle Purcell John Male Tasker Frances Ann Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1911/2700183 Fremantle Tasker Frances Ann Elizabeth Female Purcell John Male Fremantle
1911/2700184 Fremantle Ratford Mary Rebecca Female Gordon William Brooks Male East Fremantle
1911/2700184 Fremantle Gordon William Brooks Male Ratford Mary Rebecca Female East Fremantle
1911/2700185 Fremantle Taylor Henry Male Fewster Ann Rossiter Female Fremantle
1911/2700185 Fremantle Fewster Ann Rossiter Female Taylor Henry Male Fremantle
1911/2700187 Fremantle Fegan John Male Griffin Margaret Female Fremantle
1911/2700187 Fremantle Griffin Margaret Female Fegan John Male Fremantle
1911/2700188 Fremantle Mossop Margaret Hunter Female Schofield George Matthew Male Fremantle
1911/2700188 Fremantle Schofield George Matthew Male Mossop Margaret Hunter Female Fremantle
1911/2700189 Fremantle Barkley John Male Kirkpatrick Hilda Female Fremantle
1911/2700189 Fremantle Kirkpatrick Hilda Female Barkley John Male Fremantle
1911/2700190 Fremantle Piffin Albert Louis Male Taverner Amelia Female East Fremantle
1911/2700190 Fremantle Taverner Amelia Female Piffin Albert Louis Male East Fremantle
1911/2700191 Fremantle Rodda Eva Jane Female Carr Arthur Bertram Male Fremantle
1911/2700191 Fremantle Carr Arthur Bertram Male Rodda Eva Jane Female Fremantle
1911/2700192 Fremantle Fox Stewart Male Pilkington Henrietta Female Fremantle
1911/2700192 Fremantle Pilkington Henrietta Female Fox Stewart Male Fremantle
1911/2700193 Fremantle Wallin Alfred Edward Male Sweetman Ethel Violet Female Beaconsfield
1911/2700193 Fremantle Sweetman Ethel Violet Female Wallin Alfred Edward Male Beaconsfield
1911/2700194 Fremantle Heavers Beatrice Mary Female Phillips George Arthur Male Fremantle
1911/2700194 Fremantle Phillips George Arthur Male Heavers Beatrice Mary Female Fremantle
1911/2700195 Fremantle Doig Nellie Female Rendell Stanley Milton Male Fremantle
1911/2700195 Fremantle Rendell Stanley Milton Male Doig Nellie Female Fremantle
1911/2700196 Fremantle Maher Sydney Francis Male Bath Ethel May Female Fremantle
1911/2700196 Fremantle Bath Ethel May Female Maher Sydney Francis Male Fremantle
1911/2700197 Fremantle Dundas Catherine Beatrice Female Krüss Henry Amandus Male Fremantle
1911/2700197 Fremantle Krüss Henry Amandus Male Dundas Catherine Beatrice Female Fremantle
1911/2700198 Fremantle Howard Henry Cecil Male Jones Helen Vera Female Fremantle
1911/2700198 Fremantle Jones Helen Vera Female Howard Henry Cecil Male Fremantle
1911/2700199 Fremantle Sloan Walter William Male Hogg Jessie Female Fremantle
1911/2700199 Fremantle Hogg Jessie Female Sloan Walter William Male Fremantle
1911/2700200 Fremantle Hornby Annie Female Cusbert Leonard Clifton Male Fremantle
1911/2700200 Fremantle Cusbert Leonard Clifton Male Hornby Annie Female Fremantle
1911/2700201 Fremantle Jackson Alice Jane Female Webb George Septimus Hicks Male South Fremantle
1911/2700201 Fremantle Webb George Septimus Hicks Male Jackson Alice Jane Female South Fremantle
1911/2700202 Fremantle Webster Helena Female Allingham Richard Male East Fremantle
1911/2700202 Fremantle Allingham Richard Male Webster Helena Female East Fremantle
1911/2700203 Fremantle Smirk Arthur Albert Male Evans Mary Elizabeth Female Beaconsfield
1911/2700203 Fremantle Evans Mary Elizabeth Female Smirk Arthur Albert Male Beaconsfield
1911/2700204 Fremantle Roberts Charles Fulbrook Male Dymock Grace Maud Female Fremantle
1911/2700204 Fremantle Dymock Grace Maud Female Roberts Charles Fulbrook Male Fremantle
1911/2700205 Fremantle Watchorn Alice Maude Female Shadbolt George James Male Fremantle
1911/2700205 Fremantle Shadbolt George James Male Watchorn Alice Maude Female Fremantle
1911/2700206 Fremantle Rogers Thomas Prisk Male Bush Irene Phoebe Female Beaconsfield
1911/2700206 Fremantle Bush Irene Phoebe Female Rogers Thomas Prisk Male Beaconsfield
1911/2700207 Fremantle Duffield Harold Fletcher Male Groves Harriet Elizabeth Female East Fremantle
1911/2700207 Fremantle Groves Harriet Elizabeth Female Duffield Harold Fletcher Male East Fremantle
1911/2700208 Fremantle Gunson Elizabeth Esther Female Whyte Joseph Charles Male Fremantle
1911/2700208 Fremantle Whyte Joseph Charles Male Gunson Elizabeth Esther Female Fremantle
1911/2700209 Fremantle Gibson Alice Female Yewers Herbert Acem Male Fremantle
1911/2700209 Fremantle Yewers Herbert Acem Male Gibson Alice Female Fremantle
1911/2700210 Fremantle Gleeson Leslie James Male Rogerson Lillian Female Fremantle
1911/2700210 Fremantle Nicholson Leslie James Male Rogerson Lillian Female Fremantle
1911/2700210 Fremantle Gleeson Leslie Male Rogerson Lillian Female Fremantle
1911/2700210 Fremantle Rogerson Lillian Female Gleeson Leslie James Male Fremantle
1911/2700210 Fremantle Rogerson Lillian Female Gleeson Leslie Male Fremantle
1911/2700210 Fremantle Rogerson Lillian Female Nicholson Leslie James Male Fremantle
1911/2700210 Fremantle Rogerson Lillian Female Nicholson Leslie Male Fremantle
1911/2700210 Fremantle Nicholson Leslie Male Rogerson Lillian Female Fremantle
1911/2700211 Fremantle Finlay John Maurice Male Smith Jessie Frances Female Fremantle
1911/2700211 Fremantle Smith Jessie Frances Female Finlay John Maurice Male Fremantle
1911/2700212 Fremantle Taylor Elsie Sarah Female Christie Archibald Richards Male Fremantle
1911/2700212 Fremantle Christie Archibald Richards Male Taylor Elsie Sarah Female Fremantle
1911/2700213 Fremantle Hicks Robert Thomas Cloates Male Kermode Selena May Female Fremantle
1911/2700213 Fremantle Kermode Selena May Female Hicks Robert Thomas Cloates Male Fremantle
1911/2700214 Fremantle Hall Henry Frank Male Compston Edith Female Fremantle
1911/2700214 Fremantle Compston Edith Female Hall Henry Frank Male Fremantle
1911/2700215 Fremantle Pearse Alfred George Male Higham Edith Mary Female Fremantle
1911/2700215 Fremantle Higham Edith Mary Female Pearse Alfred George Male Fremantle
1911/2700216 Fremantle Burns Ada Rose Female Mitchell Samuel Aubrey Male North Fremantle
1911/2700216 Fremantle Mitchell Samuel Aubrey Male Burns Ada Rose Female North Fremantle
1911/2700217 Fremantle Rennix Monica Female Egglestone George Male Fremantle
1911/2700217 Fremantle Egglestone George Male Rennix Monica Female Fremantle
1911/2700218 Fremantle Stewart David George Male O'Connor Alethea Elizabeth Female Beaconsfield
1911/2700218 Fremantle O'Connor Alethea Elizabeth Female Stewart David George Male Beaconsfield
1911/2700219 Fremantle Bird Heloise Eugenie Female Webb John Edwin Landseer Bridges Male Fremantle
1911/2700219 Fremantle Webb John Edwin Landseer Bridges Male Bird Heloise Eugenie Female Fremantle
1911/2700220 Fremantle Pratley Clara Female Hopkins James William Male Fremantle
1911/2700220 Fremantle Hopkins James William Male Pratley Clara Female Fremantle
1911/2700221 Fremantle Moore James Ernest Male Speed Alice Marion Female Fremantle
1911/2700221 Fremantle Speed Alice Marion Female Moore James Ernest Male Fremantle
1911/2700222 Fremantle Palmer Cecil George Male Carter Valentine Grant Female Fremantle
1911/2700222 Fremantle Carter Valentine Grant Female Palmer Cecil George Male Fremantle
1911/2700223 Fremantle Shearer William John Male Davidson Margaret Norah Female Fremantle
1911/2700223 Fremantle Davidson Margaret Norah Female Shearer William John Male Fremantle
1911/2700224 Fremantle Murphy Lucy May Female Solomon-Olsen Royal Charles Male Fremantle
1911/2700224 Fremantle Solomon-Olsen Royal Charles Male Murphy Lucy May Female Fremantle
1911/2700225 Fremantle Carter Ethel Female Brooke Francis Maurice Male Fremantle
1911/2700225 Fremantle Brooke Francis Maurice Male Carter Ethel Female Fremantle
1911/2700226 Fremantle Carr Elizabeth Female Furey Patrick Male Fremantle
1911/2700226 Fremantle Furey Patrick Male Carr Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1911/2700227 Fremantle Brown Amy Gertrude Female Ebbs Thomas Male Fremantle
1911/2700227 Fremantle Ebbs Thomas Male Brown Amy Gertrude Female Fremantle
1911/2700228 Fremantle Leslie Barbara Elizabeth Female Hughes Reginald Male Fremantle
1911/2700228 Fremantle Hughes Reginald Male Leslie Barbara Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1911/2700229 Fremantle Moraday Valentine George Male Hopkins Ethel Grace Female Fremantle
1911/2700229 Fremantle Hopkins Ethel Grace Female Moraday Valentine George Male Fremantle
1911/2700230 Fremantle Mignot Elsie Vivienne Ethel May Norton Female Cooke John Male North-Fremantle
1911/2700230 Fremantle Cooke John Male Mignot Elsie Vivienne Ethel May Norton Female North-Fremantle
1911/2700231 Fremantle Francis Catherine Isabella Female Francis Hugh Male Beaconsfield
1911/2700231 Fremantle Francis Hugh Male Francis Catherine Isabella Female Beaconsfield
1911/2700232 Fremantle Mews George Washington Male Ewings Clarissa May Female South Fremantle
1911/2700232 Fremantle Ewings Clarissa May Female Mews George Washington Male South Fremantle
1911/2700233 Fremantle Taylor May Martha Female Hersey Henry Herbert Male South Fremantle
1911/2700233 Fremantle Hersey Henry Herbert Male Taylor May Martha Female South Fremantle
1911/2700234 Fremantle Sack William Edward Male Mansfield Melba Evelyn Female Fremantle
1911/2700234 Fremantle Mansfield Melba Evelyn Female Sack William Edward Male Fremantle
1911/2700235 Fremantle Crowley Helena Female Reilly Vincent Male Fremantle
1911/2700235 Fremantle Reilly Vincent Male Crowley Helena Female Fremantle
1911/2700236 Fremantle Manning Lucius Charles Male Tickell Eileen Agnes Female Fremantle
1911/2700236 Fremantle Tickell Eileen Agnes Female Manning Lucius Charles Male Fremantle
1911/2700237 Fremantle Binns Harry Leslie Male Nelson Lucy Helen Female North Fremantle
1911/2700237 Fremantle Nelson Lucy Helen Female Binns Harry Leslie Male North Fremantle
1911/2800001 Gascoyne Brockman James Male Worth Lizzie Female Carnarvon
1911/2800001 Gascoyne Worth Lizzie Female Brockman James Male Carnarvon
1911/2800002 Gascoyne Steel Donald Male Pengelly Ethel May Female Carnarvon
1911/2800002 Gascoyne Pengelly Ethel May Female Steel Donald Male Carnarvon
1911/2800003 Gascoyne Batty Laura Millicent Female Maitland Leslie Clarke Male Carnarvon
1911/2800003 Gascoyne Maitland Leslie Clarke Male Batty Laura Millicent Female Carnarvon
1911/2800004 Gascoyne Lee Charles Loftus Calder Male Campbell Catherine Female Carnarvon
1911/2800004 Gascoyne Campbell Catherine Female Lee Charles Loftus Calder Male Carnarvon
1911/2800005 Gascoyne Atkinson Lucy May Female McConnochie Frank Leonard Male Carnarvon
1911/2800005 Gascoyne McConnochie Frank Leonard Male Atkinson Lucy May Female Carnarvon
1911/2800006 Gascoyne Hearn Annie Jane Female Hymus Edward Augustus Male Carnarvon
1911/2800006 Gascoyne Hymus Edward Augustus Male Hearn Annie Jane Female Carnarvon
1911/2800007 Gascoyne Wheelock Edith Williambury Female Wauhop William Male Carnarvon
1911/2800007 Gascoyne Wauhop William Male Wheelock Edith Williambury Female Carnarvon
1911/2800008 Gascoyne Coxon Christopher Charles Male Williams Stella Magdalene Female Carnarvon
1911/2800008 Gascoyne Williams Stella Magdalene Female Coxon Christopher Charles Male Carnarvon
1911/2900002 Geraldton Punch James Male Miller Dorothy Beatrice Female Geraldton
1911/2900002 Geraldton Miller Dorothy Beatrice Female Punch James Male Geraldton
1911/2900003 Geraldton Willis William Harold Male Murphy Margaret Irene Female Geraldton
1911/2900003 Geraldton Murphy Margaret Irene Female Willis William Harold Male Geraldton
1911/2900004 Geraldton Jacob Clara Emma Female Murphy Thomas Male Geraldton
1911/2900004 Geraldton Murphy Thomas Male Jacob Clara Emma Female Geraldton
1911/2900005 Geraldton Boyd Thomas Craig Male Balfour Mary Russell Female Geraldton
1911/2900005 Geraldton Balfour Mary Russell Female Boyd Thomas Craig Male Geraldton
1911/2900006 Geraldton Keating Margaret Mary Female Ward John Edward Male Geraldton
1911/2900006 Geraldton Ward John Edward Male Keating Margaret Mary Female Geraldton
1911/2900007 Geraldton Young William John Male Middleton Florence Eliza Female Geraldton
1911/2900007 Geraldton Middleton Florence Eliza Female Young William John Male Geraldton
1911/2900008 Geraldton Pepperell James Edward Male Crothers Winifred Elizabeth Female Geraldton
1911/2900008 Geraldton Crothers Winifred Elizabeth Female Pepperell James Edward Male Geraldton
1911/2900010 Geraldton Towner Caroline Maud Female Gilbert William Male Geraldton
1911/2900010 Geraldton Gilbert William Male Towner Caroline Maud Female Geraldton
1911/2900011 Geraldton O'Byrne James Male Connolly Mary Agnes Female Geraldton
1911/2900011 Geraldton Connolly Mary Agnes Female O'Byrne James Male Geraldton
1911/2900012 Geraldton Thompson Andrew Stonehouse Male Bowes Grace Sarah Female Mullewa
1911/2900012 Geraldton Bowes Grace Sarah Female Thompson Andrew Stonehouse Male Mullewa
1911/2900013 Geraldton Holeman Florence Victoria Female Green Oracle Stuart Male Geraldton
1911/2900013 Geraldton Green Oracle Stuart Male Holeman Florence Victoria Female Geraldton
1911/2900014 Geraldton Norris Maud Alice Female Lynch Francis Edwin Male Geraldton
1911/2900014 Geraldton Lynch Francis Edwin Male Norris Maud Alice Female Geraldton
1911/2900015 Geraldton Mills Emily Ruth Female Fitzpatrick John Male Geraldton
1911/2900015 Geraldton Fitzpatrick John Male Mills Emily Ruth Female Geraldton
1911/2900016 Geraldton Kane Michael John Male Hodder Agnes Female Geraldton
1911/2900016 Geraldton Hodder Agnes Female Kane Michael John Male Geraldton
1911/2900017 Geraldton Creer William John Male Balle Alice Marion Female Geraldton
1911/2900017 Geraldton Balle Alice Marion Female Creer William John Male Geraldton
1911/2900018 Geraldton Taylor Emily Mary Female Richards Walter Male Geraldton
1911/2900018 Geraldton Richards Walter Male Taylor Emily Mary Female Geraldton
1911/2900019 Geraldton Parnell Walter James Male England Rosina Martha Female Geraldton
1911/2900019 Geraldton England Rosina Martha Female Parnell Walter James Male Geraldton
1911/2900020 Geraldton Byrne Thomas Male Smith Harriett Female Geraldton
1911/2900020 Geraldton Smith Harriett Female Byrne Thomas Male Geraldton
1911/2900021 Geraldton Sheridan John Brinsley Male Kennedy Catherine Alice Female Geraldton
1911/2900021 Geraldton Kennedy Catherine Alice Female Sheridan John Brinsley Male Geraldton
1911/2900022 Geraldton Kempton Francis James Male Hounslow Florence Jane Caroline Female Geraldton
1911/2900022 Geraldton Hounslow Florence Jane Caroline Female Kempton Francis James Male Geraldton
1911/2900023 Geraldton Marchant Alice Maud Female Taylor Alfred Robert Male Geraldton
1911/2900023 Geraldton Taylor Alfred Robert Male Marchant Alice Maud Female Geraldton
1911/2900024 Geraldton Bennett Patrick Male Ventura Lucy Catherine Female Geraldton
1911/2900024 Geraldton Ventura Lucy Catherine Female Bennett Patrick Male Geraldton
1911/2900025 Geraldton Hall Vera Olive Maud Female Glew Samuel Nevil Male Geraldton
1911/2900025 Geraldton Glew Samuel Nevil Male Hall Vera Olive Maud Female Geraldton
1911/2900026 Geraldton Hanlon Richard James Male Okely Matilda Louise Augusta Female Geraldton
1911/2900026 Geraldton Okely Matilda Louise Augusta Female Hanlon Richard James Male Geraldton
1911/2900027 Geraldton Newton Irene Female Craig Francis Joseph Male Geraldton
1911/2900027 Geraldton Craig Francis Joseph Male Newton Irene Female Geraldton
1911/2900028 Geraldton Desmond Helena Female Carroll James William Male Geraldton
1911/2900028 Geraldton Carroll James William Male Desmond Helena Female Geraldton
1911/2900029 Geraldton Thomas William Henry Male Dunn Louisa Ann Female Geraldton
1911/2900029 Geraldton Dunn Louisa Ann Female Thomas William Henry Male Geraldton
1911/2900030 Geraldton Graham Emily Female Hepburn Allan Charles Male Geraldton
1911/2900030 Geraldton Hepburn Allan Charles Male Graham Emily Female Geraldton
1911/2900031 Geraldton Henry Honor Female Hernan Thomas Joseph Male Geraldton
1911/2900031 Geraldton Hernan Thomas Joseph Male Henry Honor Female Geraldton
1911/2900032 Geraldton Moreton Mary Ellen Female Corbett Thomas Henry Male Geraldton
1911/2900032 Geraldton Corbett Thomas Henry Male Moreton Mary Ellen Female Geraldton
1911/2900033 Geraldton Stokes William Male Smart Florence Mabel Female Geraldton
1911/2900033 Geraldton Smart Florence Mabel Female Stokes William Male Geraldton
1911/2900034 Geraldton Mercey Mary Cecelia Female Wellington Joseph James Male Geraldton
1911/2900034 Geraldton Wellington Joseph James Male Mercey Mary Cecelia Female Geraldton
1911/2900035 Geraldton Varni Louis Male De Fratuas Elizabeth Female Geraldton
1911/2900035 Geraldton De Fratuas Elizabeth Female Varni Louis Male Geraldton
1911/2900036 Geraldton O'Malley Victoria Female Cant John Charles Male Geraldton
1911/2900036 Geraldton Cant John Charles Male O'Malley Victoria Female Geraldton
1911/2900037 Geraldton Sampey May Female Egleis Vincent Male Geraldton
1911/2900037 Geraldton Egleis Vincent Male Sampey May Female Geraldton
1911/2900038 Geraldton Kenward Ellen Louise Female Mackenzie Montrose Oscar Stuart Male Geraldton
1911/2900038 Geraldton Mackenzie Montrose Oscar Stuart Male Kenward Ellen Louise Female Geraldton
1911/2900039 Geraldton Menken Mary Ann Maud Female Towler Frederick Charles Male Geraldton
1911/2900039 Geraldton Towler Frederick Charles Male Menken Mary Ann Maud Female Geraldton
1911/2900040 Geraldton O'Brien Margaret Josephine Female Thomas William Lionel Gordon Male Geraldton
1911/2900040 Geraldton Thomas William Lionel Gordon Male O'Brien Margaret Josephine Female Geraldton
1911/2900041 Geraldton Farrell Mary Jane Female Starling Charles Male Geraldton
1911/2900041 Geraldton Starling Charles Male Farrell Mary Jane Female Geraldton
1911/2900042 Geraldton MacDonald Malcolm Male McGruer Julia Barbara Female Geraldton
1911/2900042 Geraldton McGruer Julia Barbara Female MacDonald Malcolm Male Geraldton
1911/2900043 Geraldton Steele James Male Widderson Elizabeth Female Geraldton
1911/2900043 Geraldton Widderson Elizabeth Female Steele James Male Geraldton
1911/2900044 Geraldton Holst Arnold Owen Male Nobbs Phoebe Lavinia Spanaree Female Geraldton
1911/2900044 Geraldton Nobbs Phoebe Lavinia Spanaree Female Holst Arnold Owen Male Geraldton
1911/2900045 Geraldton Poulsen Nellie Female Muskett William Male Geraldton
1911/2900045 Geraldton Muskett William Male Poulsen Nellie Female Geraldton
1911/2900046 Geraldton Fraser David Leslie Male Wakefield Ida Maude Female Geraldton
1911/2900046 Geraldton Wakefield Ida Maude Female Fraser David Leslie Male Geraldton
1911/2900047 Geraldton Cameron Hugh Male McDermott Catherine Female Geraldton
1911/2900047 Geraldton McDermott Catherine Female Cameron Hugh Male Geraldton
1911/2900048 Geraldton Hepburn Paul Angus Male Browne Annie Cecilia Female Geraldton
1911/2900048 Geraldton Browne Annie Cecilia Female Hepburn Paul Angus Male Geraldton
1912/3000001 Gingin Shaw William George Male Butler Sarah Ann Jane Female Gingin
1911/3000001 Gingin Jones Walter Male Cockram Clara Florence Female Gingin
1911/3000001 Gingin Cockram Clara Florence Female Jones Walter Male Gingin
1912/3000001 Gingin Butler Sarah Ann Jane Female Shaw William George Male Gingin
1911/3000002 Gingin Wolfe Elias John Male Culver Sarah Beaton Female Gingin
1911/3000002 Gingin Culver Sarah Beaton Female Wolfe Elias John Male Gingin
1911/3000003 Gingin Innes Willamena Sutor Female Reynolds Claude Alfred Thomas Male Bindoon
1911/3000003 Gingin Reynolds Claude Alfred Thomas Male Innes Willamena Sutor Female Bindoon
1911/3000004 Gingin Hackett Constance Eleanor Female Jupp Lawrence Barry Male Gingin
1911/3000004 Gingin Jupp Lawrence Barry Male Hackett Constance Eleanor Female Gingin
1911/3000005 Gingin Cockram Marion Grace Female Jones Herbert Richard Male Gingin
1911/3000005 Gingin Jones Herbert Richard Male Cockram Marion Grace Female Gingin
1911/3100002 Greenough Criddle Elsie Dora Female Butler Aldis William Male Georgina
1911/3100002 Greenough Butler Aldis William Male Criddle Elsie Dora Female Georgina
1911/3100003 Greenough Gray Hilda Florence Female Broad Alfred Edward Male Greenough
1911/3100003 Greenough Broad Alfred Edward Male Gray Hilda Florence Female Greenough
1912/3300001 Irwin Phelps Elizabeth Female Woodall Donald Male Three Springs
1912/3300001 Irwin Woodall Donald Male Phelps Elizabeth Female Three Springs
1911/3300002 Irwin Criddle Irwin John Male Oliver Fanny Female Mingenew
1911/3300002 Irwin Oliver Fanny Female Criddle Irwin John Male Mingenew
1911/3300003 Irwin Angel Edward David Male Webley Florance Ellen Female Milo
1911/3300003 Irwin Webley Florance Ellen Female Angel Edward David Male Milo
1911/3300004 Irwin Maloney John Joseph Male Broad Elizabeth Anne Female Mingenew
1911/3300004 Irwin Broad Elizabeth Anne Female Maloney John Joseph Male Mingenew
1911/3300005 Irwin Davis Eva Teresa Female Maher James Male Strawberry
1911/3300005 Irwin Maher James Male Davis Eva Teresa Female Strawberry
1911/3300006 Irwin Criddle Idahlia Gertrude Female Linthorne Eric Henry Raymond Male Dongarra
1911/3300006 Irwin Linthorne Eric Henry Raymond Male Criddle Idahlia Gertrude Female Dongarra
1911/3400001 Jarrahdale Day George Edward Male Hanretty Mabel Mary Female Rockingham Beach
1911/3400001 Jarrahdale Hanretty Mabel Mary Female Day George Edward Male Rockingham Beach
1911/3400002 Jarrahdale Cole Daisy Olive Female Armstrong Thomas Petherbridge Male Cardup
1911/3400002 Jarrahdale Armstrong Thomas Petherbridge Male Cole Daisy Olive Female Cardup
1911/3400003 Jarrahdale Chester Isabella Female Nettleton Thomas Male Jarrahdale
1911/3400003 Jarrahdale Nettleton Thomas Male Chester Isabella Female Jarrahdale
1911/3400004 Jarrahdale Hettich Mabel Kate Female Selkirk Ernest Male Jarradale
1911/3400004 Jarrahdale Selkirk Ernest Male Hettich Mabel Kate Female Jarradale
1911/3500003 Katanning Taylor Ida Gertrude Female Reynolds David Brandon Male Eticup
1911/3500003 Katanning Reynolds David Brandon Male Taylor Ida Gertrude Female Eticup
1911/3500004 Katanning Hill Joseph Male Marich Julia Female Katanning
1911/3500004 Katanning Marich Julia Female Hill Joseph Male Katanning
1911/3500005 Katanning Blee Hilda May Female Gaby Ernest Alfred Male Wagin
1911/3500005 Katanning Gaby Ernest Alfred Male Blee Hilda May Female Wagin
1911/3500006 Katanning Shields Irene Marie Female Mills William John Male East Katanning
1911/3500006 Katanning Mills William John Male Shields Irene Marie Female East Katanning
1911/3500007 Katanning Fitzpatrick Ellen Selina Charlotte Female Bradford David James Male Wagin
1911/3500007 Katanning Bradford David James Male Fitzpatrick Ellen Selina Charlotte Female Wagin
1911/3500008 Katanning Williams George Ross Male Brown Adeline Matilda May Female Arthur River
1911/3500008 Katanning Brown Adeline Matilda May Female Williams George Ross Male Arthur River
1911/3500009 Katanning Kowald Anna Maria Cela Female Buchholz Wilhelm Herbert Male Kataning
1911/3500009 Katanning Buchholz Wilhelm Herbert Male Kowald Anna Maria Cela Female Kataning
1911/3500010 Katanning Waters Alice Anne Female Sheehan Thomas Michael Male Wagin
1911/3500010 Katanning Sheehan Thomas Michael Male Waters Alice Anne Female Wagin
1911/3500011 Katanning Kissane Alice Monica Female O'Brien John Male Wagin
1911/3500011 Katanning O'Brien John Male Kissane Alice Monica Female Wagin
1911/3500012 Katanning Spittles Emma Louisa Female Kirk James Alexander David Male Wagin
1911/3500012 Katanning Kirk James Alexander David Male Spittles Emma Louisa Female Wagin
1911/3500013 Katanning Bartram Eliza Jane Esmeralda Female Cronin John Patrick Male Dumbleyung Lake
1911/3500013 Katanning Cronin John Patrick Male Bartram Eliza Jane Esmeralda Female Dumbleyung Lake
1911/3500014 Katanning Fidge Nettie Grace Female Taylor William John Male Wagin
1911/3500014 Katanning Taylor William John Male Fidge Nettie Grace Female Wagin
1911/3500015 Katanning Gill Frank Wallis Male Bell Martha Saunders Female Woodanilling
1911/3500015 Katanning Bell Martha Saunders Female Gill Frank Wallis Male Woodanilling
1911/3500016 Katanning Perkins Emma Female Bignell Abel Male Kojonup
1911/3500016 Katanning Bignell Abel Male Perkins Emma Female Kojonup
1911/3500017 Katanning Baker William Henry Male Gunn Sarah Female Katanning
1911/3500017 Katanning Gunn Sarah Female Baker William Henry Male Katanning
1911/3500018 Katanning Dennis Frank Charles Harris Male Savory Margaret Matilda Alice Female Kojonup
1911/3500018 Katanning Savory Margaret Matilda Alice Female Dennis Frank Charles Harris Male Kojonup
1911/3500019 Katanning Webling Gertrude Female Hötker Carl Friederich Wilhelm Male Katanning
1911/3500019 Katanning Hötker Carl Friederich Wilhelm Male Webling Gertrude Female Katanning
1911/3500020 Katanning McArthur Annie Female Cartmell John Thomas Male Wagin
1911/3500020 Katanning Cartmell John Thomas Male McArthur Annie Female Wagin
1911/3500021 Katanning Griffiths Benjamin Alfred Male Green Elizabeth Sarah Female Wagin
1911/3500021 Katanning Green Elizabeth Sarah Female Griffiths Benjamin Alfred Male Wagin
1911/3500022 Katanning Perry Alfred Mark Male Morrell Enid Agnes Female Wagin
1911/3500022 Katanning Morrell Enid Agnes Female Perry Alfred Mark Male Wagin
1911/3500023 Katanning Powell William Henry Male Ashworth Johanna Female Katanning
1911/3500023 Katanning Ashworth Johanna Female Powell William Henry Male Katanning
1911/3500024 Katanning McDonald Anne Euphemia Female Allardyce Arthur Hugh Male Broome Hill
1911/3500024 Katanning Allardyce Arthur Hugh Male McDonald Anne Euphemia Female Broome Hill
1911/3500025 Katanning Longmirr Walter Male Flugge Matilda Wilhelmina Female Katanning
1911/3500025 Katanning Flugge Matilda Wilhelmina Female Longmirr Walter Male Katanning
1911/3500026 Katanning McFeat Mary Blair Female Bourchier Percy Walter Male Wagin
1911/3500026 Katanning Bourchier Percy Walter Male McFeat Mary Blair Female Wagin
1911/3500027 Katanning Jordan Philip Male Manning Mary Female Katanning
1911/3500027 Katanning Manning Mary Female Jordan Philip Male Katanning
1911/3500028 Katanning Scaddan Dorothy Margaret Female Quartermaine Ernest Male Katanning
1911/3500028 Katanning Quartermaine Ernest Male Scaddan Dorothy Margaret Female Katanning
1911/3500029 Katanning Gillam Florence Lilly Female Lilford Frank Arnold Male Katanning
1911/3500029 Katanning Lilford Frank Arnold Male Gillam Florence Lilly Female Katanning
1911/3500030 Katanning Banks Thomas Somerton Male Clemesha Beatrice Female East Broome Hill
1911/3500030 Katanning Clemesha Beatrice Female Banks Thomas Somerton Male East Broome Hill
1911/3500031 Katanning Jordan Norah Female Andrews Percival Saville Gordon Male Broomehill
1911/3500031 Katanning Andrews Percival Saville Gordon Male Jordan Norah Female Broomehill
1911/3500032 Katanning Gee Percy Freer Male Barrows Helen Female Katanning
1911/3500032 Katanning Barrows Helen Female Gee Percy Freer Male Katanning
1911/3500033 Katanning McQuade John William Male King Olive Ellen Female East Wagin
1911/3500033 Katanning King Olive Ellen Female McQuade John William Male East Wagin
1911/3500034 Katanning Capper Edith Albertina Female Knopka John Male Katanning
1911/3500034 Katanning Knopka John Male Capper Edith Albertina Female Katanning
1911/3500035 Katanning Walker William Male Grimmer Lilian Ethel Female Katanning
1911/3500035 Katanning Grimmer Lilian Ethel Female Walker William Male Katanning
1911/3500036 Katanning Brown Algernon Edmund Male Davis Alice Rose Female Arthur River
1911/3500036 Katanning Davis Alice Rose Female Brown Algernon Edmund Male Arthur River
1911/3500037 Katanning Hale Grace Emma Female Gavin John Dill Male Arthur River
1911/3500037 Katanning Gavin John Dill Male Hale Grace Emma Female Arthur River
1911/3500038 Katanning Bredahl Augusta Ernstine Female Taylor John Holt Male Wagin
1911/3500038 Katanning Taylor John Holt Male Bredahl Augusta Ernstine Female Wagin
1911/3500039 Katanning Thorp George Edward Male Foster Mary Female Katanning
1911/3500039 Katanning Foster Mary Female Thorp George Edward Male Katanning
1911/3500040 Katanning Loveridge Mabel Jane Female Cook Jonathan Male East Wagin
1911/3500040 Katanning Cook Jonathan Male Loveridge Mabel Jane Female East Wagin
1911/3500041 Katanning Kissane Daniel Patrick Male McDonald Sarah Teresa Female Wagin
1911/3500041 Katanning McDonald Sarah Teresa Female Kissane Daniel Patrick Male Wagin
1911/3500042 Katanning Butler Josiah George Male Brunell Florence Fanny Female Wagin
1911/3500042 Katanning Brunell Florence Fanny Female Butler Josiah George Male Wagin
1911/3500043 Katanning Doolette Archie Sinclair Male Fitzgerald Irene Mary Female Wagin
1911/3500043 Katanning Fitzgerald Irene Mary Female Doolette Archie Sinclair Male Wagin
1911/3500044 Katanning Currie Edith Laura Female Cox Rupert Henry Male Katanning
1911/3500044 Katanning Cox Rupert Henry Male Currie Edith Laura Female Katanning
1911/3500045 Katanning Wood Ethel Hannah Mary Female Watts Martin Henry Male Katanning
1911/3500045 Katanning Watts Martin Henry Male Wood Ethel Hannah Mary Female Katanning
1911/3500046 Katanning Gillis Annie Higgins Female Galpin Hurtle John Thomas Male Wagin
1911/3500046 Katanning Galpin Hurtle John Thomas Male Gillis Annie Higgins Female Wagin
1911/3500047 Katanning Gibson Robert Edwin Male Moran Edith Alice Female Wagin
1911/3500047 Katanning Moran Edith Alice Female Gibson Robert Edwin Male Wagin
1911/3500048 Katanning Williams Arthur Allan Gordon Male Oakey Maude Mary Female East Katanning
1911/3500048 Katanning Oakey Maude Mary Female Williams Arthur Allan Gordon Male East Katanning
1911/3500049 Katanning Bradshaw Frances Ellen Female Stacy Frederick Arthur Male Tambellup
1911/3500049 Katanning Stacy Frederick Arthur Male Bradshaw Frances Ellen Female Tambellup
1911/3500050 Katanning Butterworth James Male Beeck Meta Amanda Female Katanning
1911/3500050 Katanning Beeck Meta Amanda Female Butterworth James Male Katanning
1911/3500051 Katanning Harris Claude Chester Male Hyde Alice Louise Female Wagin
1911/3500051 Katanning Hyde Alice Louise Female Harris Claude Chester Male Wagin
1911/3500052 Katanning Box Alice Louisa Female Jamieson John Male Wagin
1911/3500052 Katanning Jamieson John Male Box Alice Louisa Female Wagin
1911/3500053 Katanning Brown Arthur Kingston Male Basham Winifred Susan Female Dumbleyung East
1911/3500053 Katanning Basham Winifred Susan Female Brown Arthur Kingston Male Dumbleyung East
1911/3500054 Katanning Maloney Gladys Female Edgar William Male Wagin
1911/3500054 Katanning Edgar William Male Maloney Gladys Female Wagin
1911/3500055 Katanning Harris Ellenor Catherine Female Hill Charles Henry Male Wagin
1911/3500055 Katanning Hill Charles Henry Male Harris Ellenor Catherine Female Wagin
1911/3500056 Katanning Miller Elsie Victoria Female Sproule William Francis Male Wagin
1911/3500056 Katanning Sproule William Francis Male Miller Elsie Victoria Female Wagin
1911/3500057 Katanning Stutley Eliza May Female Baxter Albert Male Katanning
1911/3500057 Katanning Baxter Albert Male Stutley Eliza May Female Katanning
1911/3500058 Katanning Clark Francis Male Hawkins Alice Mary Female Katanning
1911/3500058 Katanning Hawkins Alice Mary Female Clark Francis Male Katanning
1911/3500060 Katanning Ogg John Dixon Male Hall Mary Elizabeth Female Katanning
1911/3500060 Katanning Hall Mary Elizabeth Female Ogg John Dixon Male Katanning
1911/3500061 Katanning Piesse Clarence Harold Male Cory Lily Emily Maude Female Wagin
1911/3500061 Katanning Cory Lily Emily Maude Female Piesse Clarence Harold Male Wagin
1911/3500062 Katanning Guilbert William James Male Christie Ada Female Cumming
1911/3500062 Katanning Christie Ada Female Guilbert William James Male Cumming
1911/3500063 Katanning Bagg George Hugh Male Betts Katherine Female Katanning
1911/3500063 Katanning Betts Katherine Female Bagg George Hugh Male Katanning
1911/3500064 Katanning Clark William Thomas Male Griffiths Emma Gertrude Female Jaloran
1911/3500064 Katanning Griffiths Emma Gertrude Female Clark William Thomas Male Jaloran
1911/3500065 Katanning Dawson Rhoda Violet Female Blood Francis John Male Wagin
1911/3500065 Katanning Blood Francis John Male Dawson Rhoda Violet Female Wagin
1911/3700001 West Kimberley Young Jack Male Hunter Jessie Female Derby
1911/3700001 West Kimberley Hunter Jessie Female Young Jack Male Derby
1912/3900001 Leederville McLachlan Mary Female Johnson John Ellis Male Leederville
1912/3900001 Leederville Johnson John Ellis Male McLachlan Mary Female Leederville
1912/3900002 Leederville Amott Thomas George Male Barnes Alice Maud Mary Female Leederville
1912/3900002 Leederville Barnes Alice Maud Mary Female Amott Thomas George Male Leederville
1911/3900003 Leederville Gobby Albert John Male Archong May Female Leederville
1912/3900003 Leederville Mann Frances Female Henwood Arthur James Male Leederville
1911/3900003 Leederville Archong May Female Gobby Albert John Male Leederville
1912/3900003 Leederville Henwood Arthur James Male Mann Frances Female Leederville
1911/3900004 Leederville Opie Lela Gertrude Female Nilsson George Male Leederville
1912/3900004 Leederville Snashall Alice Charlotte Female Stirling Daniel Robert Male Leederville
1912/3900004 Leederville Stirling Daniel Robert Male Snashall Alice Charlotte Female Leederville
1911/3900004 Leederville Nilsson George Male Opie Lela Gertrude Female Leederville
1911/3900005 Leederville Morgan Alfred John Male Knight Elsie Ida May Female Leederville
1911/3900005 Leederville Knight Elsie Ida May Female Morgan Alfred John Male Leederville
1911/3900006 Leederville Rogers Joseph Prisk Male Westlake Ellen Beatrice Female Leederville
1911/3900006 Leederville Westlake Ellen Beatrice Female Rogers Joseph Prisk Male Leederville
1911/3900007 Leederville Thirley Daisy Female Hood Frances Male Leederville
1911/3900007 Leederville Hood Frances Male Thirley Daisy Female Leederville
1911/3900008 Leederville Kirk William Albert Male McCallum Annie Elizabeth Female Leederville
1911/3900008 Leederville McCallum Annie Elizabeth Female Kirk William Albert Male Leederville
1911/3900009 Leederville Wakeling Ivy Newman Female Wilson John Henry Male Leederville
1911/3900009 Leederville Wilson John Henry Male Wakeling Ivy Newman Female Leederville
1911/3900010 Leederville Lewis Edward Thomas Male Bell Agatha Lilian Female Leederville
1911/3900010 Leederville Bell Agatha Lilian Female Lewis Edward Thomas Male Leederville
1911/3900011 Leederville Lantzke George Ernest Male Rose Matilda Eva Female Leederville
1911/3900011 Leederville Rose Matilda Eva Female Lantzke George Ernest Male Leederville
1911/3900012 Leederville Ford Ellen Elizabeth Female Kenny Samuel Walker Male Leederville
1911/3900012 Leederville Kenny Samuel Walker Male Ford Ellen Elizabeth Female Leederville
1911/3900013 Leederville Kershaw William Henry Male Dalziell Margaret Jane Female Leederville
1911/3900013 Leederville Dalziell Margaret Jane Female Kershaw William Henry Male Leederville
1911/3900014 Leederville Rutland Elsie May Female Johnsen Albert Johanas Male Leederville
1911/3900014 Leederville Johnsen Albert Johanas Male Rutland Elsie May Female Leederville
1911/3900015 Leederville Mutton John Male Edwards Laura Josephene Female Leederville
1911/3900015 Leederville Edwards Laura Josephene Female Mutton John Male Leederville
1911/3900016 Leederville Mead Robert James Male Caporn Hannah Ellen Female Leederville
1911/3900016 Leederville Caporn Hannah Ellen Female Mead Robert James Male Leederville
1911/3900017 Leederville Vaughan Susan Elizabeth Female Leahy John Joseph Male Leederville
1911/3900017 Leederville Leahy John Joseph Male Vaughan Susan Elizabeth Female Leederville
1911/3900018 Leederville Wells George Murray Male McMahon Mary Teresa Female Leederville
1911/3900018 Leederville McMahon Mary Teresa Female Wells George Murray Male Leederville
1911/3900019 Leederville Robinson William Male Lawrie Davina Female Leederville
1911/3900019 Leederville Lawrie Davina Female Robinson William Male Leederville
1911/3900020 Leederville Hitchins Alfred George Male Messenger Etheline Female Leederville
1911/3900020 Leederville Messenger Etheline Female Hitchins Alfred George Male Leederville
1911/3900021 Leederville Bartlett Katie Elizabeth Female Kitchen Rupert Eric Male Leederville
1911/3900021 Leederville Kitchen Rupert Eric Male Bartlett Katie Elizabeth Female Leederville
1911/3900022 Leederville Fisher Peter Male Lawrence Eunice Ella Female Leederville
1911/3900022 Leederville Lawrence Eunice Ella Female Fisher Peter Male Leederville
1911/3900023 Leederville Martin Albert Cosworth Male Hodder Rosina Priscilla Female Leederville
1911/3900023 Leederville Hodder Rosina Priscilla Female Martin Albert Cosworth Male Leederville
1911/3900024 Leederville Moore Frank Male Simmons Hettie Walker Female Leederville
1911/3900024 Leederville Simmons Hettie Walker Female Moore Frank Male Leederville
1911/3900025 Leederville Budd Percy Hugh Male May Elizabeth Ann Female Leederville
1911/3900025 Leederville May Elizabeth Ann Female Budd Percy Hugh Male Leederville
1911/3900026 Leederville Morris Annie Female Gadsby Percy Male Leederville
1911/3900026 Leederville Gadsby Percy Male Morris Annie Female Leederville
1911/3900027 Leederville Hoban Whilemena Augusta Female Tyrie Edgar Robert Male Leederville
1911/3900027 Leederville Tyrie Edgar Robert Male Hoban Whilemena Augusta Female Leederville
1911/3900028 Leederville Myers Veronica Ruth Female Ashby Henry Ernest Male Leederville
1911/3900028 Leederville Ashby Henry Ernest Male Myers Veronica Ruth Female Leederville
1911/3900029 Leederville Wheatley Herbert Holland Male Whyte Ellen Female Leederville
1911/3900029 Leederville Whyte Ellen Female Wheatley Herbert Holland Male Leederville
1911/3900030 Leederville Thompson Norma Female Blume Karl Ernest Male Leederville
1911/3900030 Leederville Blume Karl Ernest Male Thompson Norma Female Leederville
1911/3900031 Leederville Hopkins John Melbourne Male Best Lynette Female Leederville
1911/3900031 Leederville Best Lynette Female Hopkins John Melbourne Male Leederville
1911/3900032 Leederville Fowler Charles Herbert Male Jeffries Lillian Rose Female Leederville
1911/3900032 Leederville Jeffries Lillian Rose Female Fowler Charles Herbert Male Leederville
1911/3900033 Leederville Cooke Charles John Beverley Male Mildern Evelyn Elsie Female Leederville
1911/3900033 Leederville Mildern Evelyn Elsie Female Cooke Charles John Beverley Male Leederville
1911/3900034 Leederville Foote Clarice Winifred Female Moss William Thomas Male Leederville
1911/3900034 Leederville Moss William Thomas Male Foote Clarice Winifred Female Leederville
1911/3900035 Leederville Thompson William Henry Male Duce Jessie Edith Female Leederville
1911/3900035 Leederville Duce Jessie Edith Female Thompson William Henry Male Leederville
1911/3900036 Leederville Wilson James Amelia Female Manning Herbert Melville Male Leederville
1911/3900036 Leederville Manning Herbert Melville Male Wilson James Amelia Female Leederville
1911/3900037 Leederville Anderson Gladys Margaret Malcolm Sherlaw Female Yeoman William Lot Theodore Male Leederville
1911/3900037 Leederville Yeoman William Lot Theodore Male Anderson Gladys Margaret Malcolm Sherlaw Female Leederville
1911/4200002 Moora Shewring Josiah William Male Carter Blanche Mary Female Elsternwick
1911/4200002 Moora Carter Blanche Mary Female Shewring Josiah William Male Elsternwick
1911/4200003 Moora Read Edward William Male Morley Beatrice Rose Female Watheroo
1911/4200003 Moora Morley Beatrice Rose Female Read Edward William Male Watheroo
1911/4200004 Moora Bonney Jessie Emilie Sara Female Broad Henry Duncan Male Moora
1911/4200004 Moora Broad Henry Duncan Male Bonney Jessie Emilie Sara Female Moora
1911/4200005 Moora McVee Ellen Louisa Female Horton Henry Male Dandaragan
1911/4200005 Moora Horton Henry Male McVee Ellen Louisa Female Dandaragan
1911/4200006 Moora Metzke Walter Male Nightingale Alice Female Moora
1911/4200006 Moora Nightingale Alice Female Metzke Walter Male Moora
1911/4200007 Moora Hennessey John Kingsford Male Roberts Lucy Charlotte Female Yathroo
1911/4200007 Moora Roberts Lucy Charlotte Female Hennessey John Kingsford Male Yathroo
1911/4200008 Moora Holmes Abraham Male Biddle Hilda Florence Female Moora
1911/4200008 Moora Biddle Hilda Florence Female Holmes Abraham Male Moora
1911/4200009 Moora Wilkes Mary Cecilia Female Headlen William Male Moora
1911/4200009 Moora Headlen William Male Wilkes Mary Cecilia Female Moora
1911/4200010 Moora Owens Edward Male Owen Ellen Female Moora
1911/4200010 Moora Owen Ellen Female Owens Edward Male Moora
1911/4300001 Mount Margaret Valle Natalie Della Male King Ada Frances Female Malcolm
1911/4300001 Mount Margaret King Ada Frances Female Valle Natalie Della Male Malcolm
1911/4300002 Mount Margaret Jones Pauline Female Sharp Harold Male Leonora
1911/4300002 Mount Margaret Sharp Harold Male Jones Pauline Female Leonora
1911/4300003 Mount Margaret Cantor Stanley Jacob Male Woods Evelyn Maude Female Leonora
1911/4300003 Mount Margaret Woods Evelyn Maude Female Cantor Stanley Jacob Male Leonora
1911/4300004 Mount Margaret Millea Michael Male Galligan Elizabeth Female Leonora
1911/4300004 Mount Margaret Galligan Elizabeth Female Millea Michael Male Leonora
1911/4300005 Mount Margaret Aitken Alice Amy Female Franklin Bertie Male Leonora
1911/4300005 Mount Margaret Franklin Bertie Male Aitken Alice Amy Female Leonora
1911/4300006 Mount Margaret Ratcliffe Mary Female Long Archibald Ernest Male Malcolm
1911/4300006 Mount Margaret Long Archibald Ernest Male Ratcliffe Mary Female Malcolm
1911/4300007 Mount Margaret Aitken Laura Charlotte Josephine Female Finn Daniel Joseph Male Leonora
1911/4300007 Mount Margaret Finn Daniel Joseph Male Aitken Laura Charlotte Josephine Female Leonora
1911/4300008 Mount Margaret Brakich Marko Male Voykovich Johanna Female Gwalia
1911/4300008 Mount Margaret Voykovich Johanna Female Brakich Marko Male Gwalia
1911/4300009 Mount Margaret Tomich Grakubina Female Kozmanich Vida Male Gwalia
1911/4300009 Mount Margaret Kozmanich Vida Male Tomich Grakubina Female Gwalia
1911/4300010 Mount Margaret Organ Percy Charles Horace Male Gilbert Laura Frances Female Laverton
1911/4300010 Mount Margaret Gilbert Laura Frances Female Organ Percy Charles Horace Male Laverton
1911/4300011 Mount Margaret Dore Edmund Andrew Male Basley Elizabeth Ann Female Leonora
1911/4300011 Mount Margaret Basley Elizabeth Ann Female Dore Edmund Andrew Male Leonora
1911/4300012 Mount Margaret De Bernardi Florence Lilian Female Marchesi Giuseppe Male Leonora
1911/4300012 Mount Margaret Marchesi Giuseppe Male De Bernardi Florence Lilian Female Leonora
1911/4300013 Mount Margaret Ingall Fredrick John Male Folvig Matilda Teresa Female Leonora
1911/4300013 Mount Margaret Folvig Matilda Teresa Female Ingall Fredrick John Male Leonora
1911/4300014 Mount Margaret Jolly Alinda Female Snell George Male Leonora
1911/4300014 Mount Margaret Snell George Male Jolly Alinda Female Leonora
1911/4300015 Mount Margaret O'Connor Richard Male Brinsmead Elizabeth Jane Female Gwalia
1911/4300015 Mount Margaret Brinsmead Elizabeth Jane Female O'Connor Richard Male Gwalia
1911/4300016 Mount Margaret Della Franca Giuseppe Male Mazza Rosa Female Leonora
1911/4300016 Mount Margaret Mazza Rosa Female Della Franca Giuseppe Male Leonora
1911/4300017 Mount Margaret McMillan Kathleen Agnes Female Randall John Robert Male Leonora
1911/4300017 Mount Margaret Randall John Robert Male McMillan Kathleen Agnes Female Leonora
1911/4300018 Mount Margaret Calder Ernest Male Ashley Violet Ann Female Leonora
1911/4300018 Mount Margaret Ashley Violet Ann Female Calder Ernest Male Leonora
1911/4400001 Murchison Barry Michael Male O'Connell Bridget Female Cue
1911/4400001 Murchison O'Connell Bridget Female Barry Michael Male Cue
1911/4400002 Murchison Scoberg Ernest William Male Saturley Annie Female Cue
1911/4400002 Murchison Saturley Annie Female Scoberg Ernest William Male Cue
1911/4400003 Murchison King Conrad Henry Male O'Brien Mary Female Magnet
1911/4400003 Murchison O'Brien Mary Female King Conrad Henry Male Magnet
1911/4400004 Murchison Carpenter William James Male Matthews Cordelia Emma Female Cue
1911/4400004 Murchison Matthews Cordelia Emma Female Carpenter William James Male Cue
1911/4400005 Murchison Stonehouse Eva Female Pascoe Richard David Male Residence of Elizabeth Lousia Stonehouse
1911/4400005 Murchison Pascoe Richard David Male Stonehouse Eva Female Residence of Elizabeth Lousia Stonehouse
1911/4400006 Murchison Ahearn Ivy Florence Female Pearsall Ernest Gerald Male Mt Magnet
1911/4400006 Murchison Pearsall Ernest Gerald Male Ahearn Ivy Florence Female Mt Magnet
1911/4400007 Murchison Blake Francis James Male Frisby Rita Female Day Dawn
1911/4400007 Murchison Frisby Rita Female Blake Francis James Male Day Dawn
1911/4400008 Murchison Sloane Arthur Edmondson Male Fuller Alice Florence Female Cue
1911/4400008 Murchison Fuller Alice Florence Female Sloane Arthur Edmondson Male Cue
1911/4400009 Murchison Wingrave Edward Henry Male Langdon Ethel Florence Female Cue
1911/4400009 Murchison Langdon Ethel Florence Female Wingrave Edward Henry Male Cue
1911/4400010 Murchison Campbell Peter Male Gibson Daisy Female Day Dawn
1911/4400010 Murchison Gibson Daisy Female Campbell Peter Male Day Dawn
1911/4400011 Murchison Bonica Giacomina Female Bonica Giacomo Male Cue
1911/4400011 Murchison Bonica Giacomo Male Bonica Giacomina Female Cue
1911/4400012 Murchison Willis Lillian Rose Female Reid James Brown Male Cue
1911/4400012 Murchison Reid James Brown Male Willis Lillian Rose Female Cue
1911/4400013 Murchison Roberts Alfred John Male Thompson Elizabeth Sarah Female Mt Magnet
1911/4400013 Murchison Thompson Elizabeth Sarah Female Roberts Alfred John Male Mt Magnet
1911/4400014 Murchison Schmidt Albert Male Nixon Agnes May Female Mt Magnet
1911/4400014 Murchison Nixon Agnes May Female Schmidt Albert Male Mt Magnet
1911/4400015 Murchison Loverock Caroline Female Bailey Robert Male Cue
1911/4400015 Murchison Bailey Robert Male Loverock Caroline Female Cue
1911/4400016 Murchison Macdonald Ida Female Dawson Francis Male Cue
1911/4400016 Murchison Dawson Francis Male Macdonald Ida Female Cue
1911/4400017 Murchison Ellis Ida Evelyn Female Bennet Ralph Herbert Male Meekatharra
1911/4400017 Murchison Bennet Ralph Herbert Male Ellis Ida Evelyn Female Meekatharra
1911/4400018 Murchison Pascoe Clare Female Broad John Harding Male Cue
1911/4400018 Murchison Broad John Harding Male Pascoe Clare Female Cue
1911/4400019 Murchison Thompson Percy John Lucas Male Culloton Isabel Irene Female Cue
1911/4400019 Murchison Culloton Isabel Irene Female Thompson Percy John Lucas Male Cue
1911/4400020 Murchison Fahey Thomas Male Mead Johanna Female Meekatharra
1911/4400020 Murchison Mead Johanna Female Fahey Thomas Male Meekatharra
1911/4400021 Murchison Truslove Mary Marguerite Female McCarthy Arthur George Male Meekatharra
1911/4400021 Murchison McCarthy Arthur George Male Truslove Mary Marguerite Female Meekatharra
1911/4400022 Murchison Burt Joseph Ernest Male Harvey Martha Ann Female Mount Magnet
1911/4400022 Murchison Harvey Martha Ann Female Burt Joseph Ernest Male Mount Magnet
1911/4400023 Murchison Chesham Walter Frederick Male Matthews Louisa Helena Female Meekatharra
1911/4400023 Murchison Matthews Louisa Helena Female Chesham Walter Frederick Male Meekatharra
1911/4400024 Murchison Sheldon Charles Albert Male Moore Agnes Elizebeth Female Magnet
1911/4400024 Murchison Moore Agnes Elizebeth Female Sheldon Charles Albert Male Magnet
1911/4400025 Murchison Green Edward Heesom Male Casey Mary Female Mount Magnet
1911/4400025 Murchison Casey Mary Female Green Edward Heesom Male Mount Magnet
1911/4400026 Murchison Gilbert Lena Mildred Female Possingham John Edgar Male Meekatharra
1911/4400026 Murchison Possingham John Edgar Male Gilbert Lena Mildred Female Meekatharra
1911/4400027 Murchison Wood Cecilia Female McMahon Peter Male Magnet
1911/4400027 Murchison McMahon Peter Male Wood Cecilia Female Magnet
1911/4400028 Murchison Collins Charles Vincent Male Grace Madge Female Gabanintha
1911/4400028 Murchison Grace Madge Female Collins Charles Vincent Male Gabanintha
1911/4400029 Murchison Betsey Thomas George Male Riddell Elizabeth Female Cue
1911/4400029 Murchison Riddell Elizabeth Female Betsey Thomas George Male Cue
1911/4400030 Murchison Hickey James William Male Page Clarice Evelyn Female Cue
1911/4400030 Murchison Page Clarice Evelyn Female Hickey James William Male Cue
1911/4400031 Murchison Glenney Ida Margaret Female Cash William Francis Male Magnet
1911/4400031 Murchison Cash William Francis Male Glenney Ida Margaret Female Magnet
1911/4400032 Murchison Gianni Luigi Male Tuia Rosa Female Day Dawn
1911/4400032 Murchison Tuia Rosa Female Gianni Luigi Male Day Dawn
1911/4400033 Murchison Henry Frederick Gottliebe Male Littleton Anne Maria Female Meekatharra
1911/4400033 Murchison Littleton Anne Maria Female Henry Frederick Gottliebe Male Meekatharra
1911/4400034 Murchison Horn Gwendoline Female Lyons Joachim Male Meekatharra
1911/4400034 Murchison Lyons Joachim Male Horn Gwendoline Female Meekatharra
1911/4400035 Murchison Phillips Daisy Female Mardon Arthur William Male Cue
1911/4400035 Murchison Mardon Arthur William Male Phillips Daisy Female Cue
1911/4400036 Murchison Pridmore George John Male Smith Amelia Maud Female Meekatharra
1911/4400036 Murchison Smith Amelia Maud Female Pridmore George John Male Meekatharra
1911/4400037 Murchison Truscott Thomas John Male Lonsdale Bertha Female Day Dawn
1911/4400037 Murchison Lonsdale Bertha Female Truscott Thomas John Male Day Dawn
1911/4400038 Murchison Pedersen Anna Augusta Female Gibbon Ernest Lionel Male Mt Magnet
1911/4400038 Murchison Gibbon Ernest Lionel Male Pedersen Anna Augusta Female Mt Magnet
1911/4400039 Murchison Meddings Robert Albert Male Osmond Grace Mary Ann Female Mt Magnet
1911/4400039 Murchison Osmond Grace Mary Ann Female Meddings Robert Albert Male Mt Magnet
1911/4400040 Murchison Rowell Nellie Female Paterson Henry Frederick Male Mt Magnet
1911/4400040 Murchison Paterson Henry Frederick Male Rowell Nellie Female Mt Magnet
1911/4400041 Murchison Williams Ethelbert Pascoe Male Allen Elsie Irene Truran Female Meekatharra
1911/4400041 Murchison Allen Elsie Irene Truran Female Williams Ethelbert Pascoe Male Meekatharra
1911/4400042 Murchison Marsh Thomas Daniel William Male Congdon Millicent Female Cue
1911/4400042 Murchison Congdon Millicent Female Marsh Thomas Daniel William Male Cue
1911/4400043 Murchison Bennetts Samuel Mayne Male Riddle Florence Jane Female Day Dawn
1911/4400043 Murchison Riddle Florence Jane Female Bennetts Samuel Mayne Male Day Dawn
1911/4500001 East Murchison Carson Jessie Ethel Jean Female Butterworth Arthur Henry Male Lawlers
1911/4500001 East Murchison Butterworth Arthur Henry Male Carson Jessie Ethel Jean Female Lawlers
1911/4700001 Murray Haynes Ernest Leslie Male Hay Annie Miller Female Pinjarrah
1911/4700001 Murray Hay Annie Miller Female Haynes Ernest Leslie Male Pinjarrah
1911/4700002 Murray Green Rowland George Male France Sarah Ann Female Mandurah
1911/4700002 Murray France Sarah Ann Female Green Rowland George Male Mandurah
1911/4700003 Murray Rohde Mary Amelia Female Prentice Thomas Henry Male Dwellingup
1911/4700003 Murray Prentice Thomas Henry Male Rohde Mary Amelia Female Dwellingup
1911/4700008 Murray Conlon Andre Male Walker Eileen Shelah Female Pinjarra
1911/4700008 Murray Walker Eileen Shelah Female Conlon Andre Male Pinjarra
1911/4700010 Murray Boult Herbert Male Mewburn Ruth Female Mandurah
1911/4700010 Murray Mewburn Ruth Female Boult Herbert Male Mandurah
1911/4700012 Murray Campbell Alice Grace Female Studsor Ernest George Male Pinjarra
1911/4700012 Murray Studsor Ernest George Male Campbell Alice Grace Female Pinjarra
1911/4700013 Murray McDonald Angus James Male McCrorey Maria Maud Female Nanga Brook
1911/4700013 Murray McCrorey Maria Maud Female McDonald Angus James Male Nanga Brook
1911/4700014 Murray Carter Mena Ann Female Birch Errol Cyrus Carlton Male Pinjarra
1911/4700014 Murray Birch Errol Cyrus Carlton Male Carter Mena Ann Female Pinjarra
1911/4700015 Murray Fauckner Edgar Horwood Male Hewitt Hilda Female Pinjarra
1911/4700015 Murray Hewitt Hilda Female Fauckner Edgar Horwood Male Pinjarra
1911/4700016 Murray Butterworth Frances Maria Female Green Frank Hardey Male Pinjarra
1911/4700016 Murray Green Frank Hardey Male Butterworth Frances Maria Female Pinjarra
1911/4700017 Murray Barrey Ernest Alfred Male Green Ada Elizabeth Female Pinjarra
1911/4700017 Murray Green Ada Elizabeth Female Barrey Ernest Alfred Male Pinjarra
1911/4700018 Murray Cooper George Alexander Male Stephenson Lilias Louisa Female Pinjarra
1911/4700018 Murray Stephenson Lilias Louisa Female Cooper George Alexander Male Pinjarra
1912/4900001 Northam King Mabel Agnes Female Trenorden Herbert Osborne Male Korrelocking
1912/4900001 Northam Trenorden Herbert Osborne Male King Mabel Agnes Female Korrelocking
1912/4900002 Northam Stevens Beaufort Male Wheat Mildred May Female Northam
1912/4900002 Northam Wheat Mildred May Female Stevens Beaufort Male Northam
1911/4900004 Northam Mais Bertha Female Wilkes Thomas Alfred Male Kununoppin
1911/4900004 Northam Wilkes Thomas Alfred Male Mais Bertha Female Kununoppin
1911/4900005 Northam Sewell Maude Amy Female Skewes John Foster Male Kellerberrin
1911/4900005 Northam Skewes John Foster Male Sewell Maude Amy Female Kellerberrin
1912/4900006 Northam Fitzgerald Joseph Patrick Male Spencer Ellen Maude Female Meckering
1911/4900006 Northam Higgs Evangeline Female Mannering Robert Sandhurst Male Northam
1912/4900006 Northam Spencer Ellen Maude Female Fitzgerald Joseph Patrick Male Meckering
1911/4900006 Northam Mannering Robert Sandhurst Male Higgs Evangeline Female Northam
1911/4900007 Northam Joyce Beatrice Maud Female Wheeler Paul Male Meckering
1911/4900007 Northam Wheeler Paul Male Joyce Beatrice Maud Female Meckering
1912/4900007 Northam Spencer Thomas Edward Male Boosey Cecilia Marie Gertrude Female Meckering
1912/4900007 Northam Boosey Cecilia Marie Gertrude Female Spencer Thomas Edward Male Meckering
1911/4900008 Northam Kingston Frank Charles Ferguson Male Rawlings Edith Elleanor Female Toodyay
1911/4900008 Northam Rawlings Edith Elleanor Female Kingston Frank Charles Ferguson Male Toodyay
1911/4900009 Northam Brennan Nora Theresa Female Rowles William James Male Jennacubbine Brennan-6448
1911/4900009 Northam Rowles William James Male Brennan Nora Theresa Female Jennacubbine
1911/4900010 Northam Peake Douglas John Male Joyce Myrtle Harriet Female Northam
1911/4900010 Northam Joyce Myrtle Harriet Female Peake Douglas John Male Northam
1911/4900011 Northam Perks George Alfred Male Pybus Ethel Pearl Female Cunderdin
1911/4900011 Northam Pybus Ethel Pearl Female Perks George Alfred Male Cunderdin
1911/4900012 Northam Shean Jean Female Pratt Arthur Male Northam
1911/4900012 Northam Pratt Arthur Male Shean Jean Female Northam
1911/4900013 Northam Bagshaw John Stokes Male Morrell Ida Mary Harriet Female Northam
1911/4900013 Northam Morrell Ida Mary Harriet Female Bagshaw John Stokes Male Northam
1911/4900014 Northam Sheen Frederick Henry Male Eaton Annie May Female Goomalling
1911/4900014 Northam Eaton Annie May Female Sheen Frederick Henry Male Goomalling
1911/4900015 Northam Bywaters Walter Frederick Male Gower Letitia Campbell Female West Northam
1911/4900015 Northam Gower Letitia Campbell Female Bywaters Walter Frederick Male West Northam
1911/4900016 Northam Beard Alice Rebecca Female Cook John Male Culham
1911/4900016 Northam Cook John Male Beard Alice Rebecca Female Culham
1911/4900017 Northam Anderson Stuart Male Lennon Elizabeth Mary Female Northam
1911/4900017 Northam Lennon Elizabeth Mary Female Anderson Stuart Male Northam
1911/4900018 Northam Lawler Rose Irene Female White Joseph Male Jennacubbine
1911/4900018 Northam White Joseph Male Lawler Rose Irene Female Jennacubbine
1911/4900019 Northam Rudd Helena Mena Female Hopkins Norman Fairfield Male Northam
1911/4900019 Northam Hopkins Norman Fairfield Male Rudd Helena Mena Female Northam
1911/4900020 Northam Dare Vera Female Svanberg Carl Joseph Male West Northam
1911/4900020 Northam Svanberg Carl Joseph Male Dare Vera Female West Northam
1911/4900021 Northam Fry Howard Male Bell Gertrude Mary Female Northam
1911/4900021 Northam Bell Gertrude Mary Female Fry Howard Male Northam
1911/4900022 Northam Patton Malcolm Lake Male Greenwood Irene Sibyl Female Northam
1911/4900022 Northam Greenwood Irene Sibyl Female Patton Malcolm Lake Male Northam
1911/4900023 Northam Weeks Thomas Stephen Jarvis Male Meredith Louisa Female Northam
1911/4900023 Northam Meredith Louisa Female Weeks Thomas Stephen Jarvis Male Northam
1911/4900024 Northam Wear Eunice Gould Female Hillier David Male Northam
1911/4900024 Northam Hillier David Male Wear Eunice Gould Female Northam
1911/4900025 Northam Thorne Ella Muriel Female Scott Alan Forbes Male Kellerberrin
1911/4900025 Northam Scott Alan Forbes Male Thorne Ella Muriel Female Kellerberrin
1911/4900026 Northam Doust Annie Emma Female Beardman Herbert George Male Toodyay
1911/4900026 Northam Beardman Herbert George Male Doust Annie Emma Female Toodyay
1911/4900027 Northam Morrell Sidney Frederick Male Graham Margret Martha Female Waeel
1911/4900027 Northam Graham Margret Martha Female Morrell Sidney Frederick Male Waeel
1911/4900028 Northam Clarke Alfred James Male Best Ruby Amelia Ellen Female Dowerin
1911/4900028 Northam Best Ruby Amelia Ellen Female Clarke Alfred James Male Dowerin
1911/4900029 Northam Shaw Edith Mary Hanchet Female Miller Robert James Male West Northam
1911/4900029 Northam Miller Robert James Male Shaw Edith Mary Hanchet Female West Northam
1911/4900030 Northam Haddrill Alice Matilda Female Pollard Louis Male Wongamine
1911/4900030 Northam Pollard Louis Male Haddrill Alice Matilda Female Wongamine
1911/4900031 Northam Young Horace Lindsay Male Connell Susannah Female Northam
1911/4900031 Northam Connell Susannah Female Young Horace Lindsay Male Northam
1911/4900032 Northam Reading Florence Emily Female Hansen Axel Hans Male West Northam
1911/4900032 Northam Hansen Axel Hans Male Reading Florence Emily Female West Northam
1911/4900033 Northam Wilkins Oliver Male May Ethel Minnie Female Kellerberrin
1911/4900033 Northam May Ethel Minnie Female Wilkins Oliver Male Kellerberrin
1911/4900034 Northam Stott Florence Mary Beatrice Female Shaw Edgar Alfred Male Culham
1911/4900034 Northam Shaw Edgar Alfred Male Stott Florence Mary Beatrice Female Culham
1911/4900035 Northam Melbin Kate Female Blake Henry Thomas Male Northam
1911/4900035 Northam Blake Henry Thomas Male Melbin Kate Female Northam
1911/4900036 Northam Newbold Martha Kathleen Female Virgin Robert William Male Dowerin
1911/4900036 Northam Virgin Robert William Male Newbold Martha Kathleen Female Dowerin
1911/4900037 Northam Batt George Male Holroyd Ethel Eleanor Female Dowerin
1911/4900037 Northam Holroyd Ethel Eleanor Female Batt George Male Dowerin
1911/4900038 Northam Scott John Burns Male Gilbert Eleanor Female Northam
1911/4900038 Northam Gilbert Eleanor Female Scott John Burns Male Northam
1911/4900039 Northam Curtis Horace John Male Page Barbara Female Northam
1911/4900039 Northam Page Barbara Female Curtis Horace John Male Northam
1911/4900040 Northam Kelly Emily Female Gentle George Ernest Male Meckering
1911/4900040 Northam Gentle George Ernest Male Kelly Emily Female Meckering
1911/4900041 Northam Pascoe Archibald John Male Evans Beatrice Elizabeth Ann Harward Female Goomalling
1911/4900041 Northam Evans Beatrice Elizabeth Ann Harward Female Pascoe Archibald John Male Goomalling
1911/4900043 Northam Trewren William Thomas Male Due Grace Female Northam
1911/4900043 Northam Due Grace Female Trewren William Thomas Male Northam
1911/4900044 Northam Fox Ada Elizebeth Female Enright Thomas Male Northam
1911/4900044 Northam Enright Thomas Male Fox Ada Elizebeth Female Northam
1911/4900045 Northam Young William Douglas Male Mackie Jane Ann Female Northam
1911/4900045 Northam Mackie Jane Ann Female Young William Douglas Male Northam
1911/4900046 Northam Shier Ellen Female Marney Walter Henry George Male Goomalling
1911/4900046 Northam Marney Walter Henry George Male Shier Ellen Female Goomalling
1911/4900047 Northam Blakiston George John Male Hitchcock Mary Ellenor Female Meckering
1911/4900047 Northam Hitchcock Mary Ellenor Female Blakiston George John Male Meckering
1911/4900048 Northam Marion Arthur John Male Stuart Annie Ogilvie Female Northam
1911/4900048 Northam Stuart Annie Ogilvie Female Marion Arthur John Male Northam
1911/4900049 Northam Mitchell Una Alice May Female Ball Charles Edward Male Wooroloo
1911/4900049 Northam Ball Charles Edward Male Mitchell Una Alice May Female Wooroloo
1911/4900050 Northam McCardey Edward Joseph Male Kemp Hannah Janet Elizabeth Female Northam
1911/4900050 Northam Kemp Hannah Janet Elizabeth Female McCardey Edward Joseph Male Northam
1911/4900051 Northam Blake Victoria Maud Ann Female Beard Ernest Stephen Male Northam
1911/4900051 Northam Beard Ernest Stephen Male Blake Victoria Maud Ann Female Northam
1911/4900052 Northam Anderson Bertha Jane Female Cottrell Ernest Walter Male Koomberkine
1911/4900052 Northam Cottrell Ernest Walter Male Anderson Bertha Jane Female Koomberkine
1911/4900053 Northam Frost Arthur Kay Male Kelly Harriet Female Kellerberrin
1911/4900053 Northam Kelly Harriet Female Frost Arthur Kay Male Kellerberrin
1911/4900054 Northam Chown Samuel Sidney Male Newhold Charlotte Eva Mary Female Dowerin
1911/4900054 Northam Newhold Charlotte Eva Mary Female Chown Samuel Sidney Male Dowerin
1911/4900055 Northam Hannagan James Patrick Male Carter Hilda R M Female Northam
1911/4900055 Northam Carter Hilda R M Female Hannagan James Patrick Male Northam
1911/4900056 Northam Philpott Beryl Vyvyan Monica Female Wilson Hugh May Male Tammin
1911/4900056 Northam Wilson Hugh May Male Philpott Beryl Vyvyan Monica Female Tammin
1911/4900057 Northam Carlyon Grace Mary Female Marsden Cecil Sidney John Male West Northam
1911/4900057 Northam Marsden Cecil Sidney John Male Carlyon Grace Mary Female West Northam
1911/4900058 Northam Rowles Albert Henry Male Cassidy Evelyn Heather Female Goomalling
1911/4900058 Northam Cassidy Evelyn Heather Female Rowles Albert Henry Male Goomalling
1911/4900059 Northam McPhee Alice Female Davies William Male Northam
1911/4900059 Northam Davies William Male McPhee Alice Female Northam
1911/4900060 Northam Chatfield Walter John Male Forward Olive Elsie Female Northam
1911/4900060 Northam Forward Olive Elsie Female Chatfield Walter John Male Northam
1911/4900061 Northam Hitchcock Louisa Elenor Female Lawrence Richard Male Meckering
1911/4900061 Northam Lawrence Richard Male Hitchcock Louisa Elenor Female Meckering
1911/4900062 Northam Stokes Catherine Gertrude Female Eddy Ernest Orwin Male Cunderdin
1911/4900062 Northam Eddy Ernest Orwin Male Stokes Catherine Gertrude Female Cunderdin
1911/4900063 Northam Smith Thomas Male Williams Emma Sarah Female Koomberkine
1911/4900063 Northam Williams Emma Sarah Female Smith Thomas Male Koomberkine
1911/4900064 Northam Wood Marie Fredericka Female Carmody James Male Northam
1911/4900064 Northam Carmody James Male Wood Marie Fredericka Female Northam
1911/4900065 Northam Davey Cecil Walter Male Stewart Eva Maggie Female Northam
1911/4900065 Northam Stewart Eva Maggie Female Davey Cecil Walter Male Northam
1911/4900066 Northam Gregory Martha Sophia Female Murray James Henry Male Karrijine
1911/4900066 Northam Murray James Henry Male Gregory Martha Sophia Female Karrijine
1911/4900067 Northam Fraser Charles William Male Bennett Frances Mary Eugene Female Northam
1911/4900067 Northam Bennett Frances Mary Eugene Female Fraser Charles William Male Northam
1911/4900068 Northam Alp John Robert Male Small Alice May Female Kellerberrin
1911/4900068 Northam Small Alice May Female Alp John Robert Male Kellerberrin
1911/4900069 Northam Hawkins Francis William Male Ferguson Flora Christina Female Culham
1911/4900069 Northam Ferguson Flora Christina Female Hawkins Francis William Male Culham
1911/4900070 Northam Barr Catherine Margaret Female Milburn William Male Mindebooka
1911/4900070 Northam Milburn William Male Barr Catherine Margaret Female Mindebooka
1911/4900071 Northam Garnett Ethel Female Brown William Arthur Male Northam
1911/4900071 Northam Brown William Arthur Male Garnett Ethel Female Northam
1911/4900072 Northam Armstrong Grace Catherine Female Allbeury Chancer Goding Male Merredin
1911/4900072 Northam Allbeury Chancer Goding Male Armstrong Grace Catherine Female Merredin
1911/4900073 Northam Wells Charles Walter Male Leeder Bina Theophila Susannah Female Northam
1911/4900073 Northam Leeder Bina Theophila Susannah Female Wells Charles Walter Male Northam
1911/4900074 Northam Smith Grace Ruby Female Ackland Royston Randell Barnes Male Northam
1911/4900074 Northam Ackland Royston Randell Barnes Male Smith Grace Ruby Female Northam
1911/4900075 Northam Watson Robert Alexander Caldwell Male Bourke Eva Christina Female Jennapullen
1911/4900075 Northam Bourke Eva Christina Female Watson Robert Alexander Caldwell Male Jennapullen
1911/4900076 Northam Bradford John Male Horton Madeline Ruth Female West Northam
1911/4900076 Northam Horton Madeline Ruth Female Bradford John Male West Northam
1911/4900077 Northam O'Byrne Josephine Female Wayne William Male Nangeenan
1911/4900077 Northam Wayne William Male O'Byrne Josephine Female Nangeenan
1911/4900078 Northam Hancock Rose Evelyn Mabel Female Walker Rodney William Male Northam
1911/4900078 Northam Walker Rodney William Male Hancock Rose Evelyn Mabel Female Northam
1911/4900079 Northam Truman Horace Percival Male Beckett Frances Female Kellerberrin
1911/4900079 Northam Beckett Frances Female Truman Horace Percival Male Kellerberrin
1911/4900080 Northam Hurst Ida Agnes Female Cocker Marcus Cleveland Male Tammin
1911/4900080 Northam Cocker Marcus Cleveland Male Hurst Ida Agnes Female Tammin
1911/4900081 Northam Thomas Benjamin Male Patrick Grace Matilda Female Kellerberrin
1911/4900081 Northam Patrick Grace Matilda Female Thomas Benjamin Male Kellerberrin
1911/4900082 Northam Kerr Herbert Harold Male Cardy Minnie May Female Tammin
1911/4900082 Northam Cardy Minnie May Female Kerr Herbert Harold Male Tammin
1912/4900085 Northam Beard Joseph Dean Male Martin Edith Marion Female Northam
1912/4900085 Northam Martin Edith Marion Female Beard Joseph Dean Male Northam
1912/5000001 Northampton Lauder Alexander Male Ronan Esther Margaret Female Narra Tarra
1912/5000001 Northampton Ronan Esther Margaret Female Lauder Alexander Male Narra Tarra
1911/5000001 Northampton Thomas Hannah Female Williams Kenneth Male Northampton
1911/5000001 Northampton Williams Kenneth Male Thomas Hannah Female Northampton
1911/5000002 Northampton Patten Grace Hilda Female Gould William Robert Male Nabawah
1911/5000002 Northampton Gould William Robert Male Patten Grace Hilda Female Nabawah
1911/5000003 Northampton Brand Andrew Duncan Male Drage Muriel Margaret Female Northampton
1911/5000003 Northampton Drage Muriel Margaret Female Brand Andrew Duncan Male Northampton
1911/5000004 Northampton Kimmorley Hilda Elizabeth Female Wilson James Howard Samuel Male Northampton
1911/5000004 Northampton Wilson James Howard Samuel Male Kimmorley Hilda Elizabeth Female Northampton
1911/5000005 Northampton Ronan Stephen Henry Male Patten Bertha Female Nabawah
1911/5000005 Northampton Patten Bertha Female Ronan Stephen Henry Male Nabawah
1911/5000006 Northampton Cunningham Margaret Female Marsh Albert Edwin Male Northampton
1911/5000006 Northampton Marsh Albert Edwin Male Cunningham Margaret Female Northampton
1911/5000007 Northampton Brand Albert John Male Mitchell Hilda Female Northampton
1911/5000007 Northampton Mitchell Hilda Female Brand Albert John Male Northampton
1911/5000008 Northampton Stevens Rose Female Savage Alfred Harold Male Northampton
1911/5000008 Northampton Savage Alfred Harold Male Stevens Rose Female Northampton
1911/5000009 Northampton Lauder Charles Thomas Male Wilkin Eva Augusta Female Mt Erin
1911/5000009 Northampton Wilkin Eva Augusta Female Lauder Charles Thomas Male Mt Erin
1911/5000012 Northampton Woodcock Ernest Sydney Male Ovington Florence Maude Female Northampton
1911/5000012 Northampton Ovington Florence Maude Female Woodcock Ernest Sydney Male Northampton
1911/5000013 Northampton Balaam William Herbert Male Ash Mabel Nellie Female Isseka
1911/5000013 Northampton Ash Mabel Nellie Female Balaam William Herbert Male Isseka
1911/5200001 Phillips River Yule John Henry Male Neall Margaret Julia Female Ravensthorpe
1911/5200001 Phillips River Neall Margaret Julia Female Yule John Henry Male Ravensthorpe
1911/5200002 Phillips River Mildwaters Beatrice Millicent Laura Female O'Donnell Ernest John Male Ravensthorpe
1911/5200002 Phillips River O'Donnell Ernest John Male Mildwaters Beatrice Millicent Laura Female Ravensthorpe
1911/5200003 Phillips River Holness Alice Mary Female Reynolds Henry Male Ravensthorpe
1911/5200003 Phillips River Reynolds Henry Male Holness Alice Mary Female Ravensthorpe
1911/5200004 Phillips River Smith Ellen Augusta Female Cornell William John Male Ravensthorpe
1911/5200004 Phillips River Cornell William John Male Smith Ellen Augusta Female Ravensthorpe
1911/5400001 Plantagenet McColl Catherine Female Kristiansen Otto Ludwig Male Albany
1912/5400001 Plantagenet King Harriet Jane Female Diprose Richard Hill Male Tambellup
1911/5400001 Plantagenet Kristiansen Otto Ludwig Male McColl Catherine Female Albany
1912/5400001 Plantagenet Diprose Richard Hill Male King Harriet Jane Female Tambellup
1911/5400002 Plantagenet Moate Ethel Eva Grace Female Stott Edwin James Male Albany
1911/5400002 Plantagenet Stott Edwin James Male Moate Ethel Eva Grace Female Albany
1911/5400004 Plantagenet Domney Ileif Female Nicholas William Carn Male Albany
1911/5400004 Plantagenet Nicholas William Carn Male Domney Ileif Female Albany
1911/5400005 Plantagenet Hawksworth William Charles Male Schmaal Emma Louise Wilhelmina Female Albany
1911/5400005 Plantagenet Schmaal Emma Louise Wilhelmina Female Hawksworth William Charles Male Albany
1911/5400007 Plantagenet Gibson Lachlan Alexander Male Wilson Marion Campbell Female Albany
1911/5400007 Plantagenet Wilson Marion Campbell Female Gibson Lachlan Alexander Male Albany
1911/5400008 Plantagenet Buckley Harold Vincent Male Manning Elsie Female Denmark
1911/5400008 Plantagenet Manning Elsie Female Buckley Harold Vincent Male Denmark
1911/5400009 Plantagenet Higgins Ellen Bertha Female Baxter Walter Francis Male Albany
1911/5400009 Plantagenet Baxter Walter Francis Male Higgins Ellen Bertha Female Albany
1911/5400010 Plantagenet Butler Joseph Elijah Male McDonald Mary Jane Female Albany
1911/5400010 Plantagenet McDonald Mary Jane Female Butler Joseph Elijah Male Albany
1911/5400011 Plantagenet Ford Francis John Male Palmer Elizabeth Female Albany
1911/5400011 Plantagenet Palmer Elizabeth Female Ford Francis John Male Albany
1911/5400012 Plantagenet Jackson Henry Arthur Male Keilley Susan Bridget Female Albany
1911/5400012 Plantagenet Keilley Susan Bridget Female Jackson Henry Arthur Male Albany
1911/5400013 Plantagenet Hoynes Emily Caroline Female Baker Edwine Wilton Male Albany
1911/5400013 Plantagenet Baker Edwine Wilton Male Hoynes Emily Caroline Female Albany
1911/5400014 Plantagenet Cull Ivon Raymond Male Quartermaine Maude May Matilda Female Albany
1911/5400014 Plantagenet Quartermaine Maude May Matilda Female Cull Ivon Raymond Male Albany
1911/5400015 Plantagenet O'Neill Catherine Elizabeth Female Rainbird Charles Henry Male Mt Barker
1911/5400015 Plantagenet Rainbird Charles Henry Male O'Neill Catherine Elizabeth Female Mt Barker
1911/5400016 Plantagenet Park Fredrick Charles Male Carter Annie Alice Female Albany
1911/5400016 Plantagenet Carter Annie Alice Female Park Fredrick Charles Male Albany
1911/5400017 Plantagenet Mortimer Lucy Monica Female Armstrong Alexander Male Albany
1911/5400017 Plantagenet Armstrong Alexander Male Mortimer Lucy Monica Female Albany
1911/5400018 Plantagenet Bateman Agnes Poyer Female Baker Robert Nichols Male Albany
1911/5400018 Plantagenet Baker Robert Nichols Male Bateman Agnes Poyer Female Albany
1911/5400019 Plantagenet Grossen Jean Male Scott Margaret Elizabeth Female Albany
1911/5400019 Plantagenet Scott Margaret Elizabeth Female Grossen Jean Male Albany
1911/5400020 Plantagenet Hughson Margaret Ann Female Molloy Henry Hugh Male Albany
1911/5400020 Plantagenet Molloy Henry Hugh Male Hughson Margaret Ann Female Albany
1911/5400021 Plantagenet McLean Ethel Rosina Female Manners William Montgomery Male Albany
1911/5400021 Plantagenet Manners William Montgomery Male McLean Ethel Rosina Female Albany
1911/5400022 Plantagenet Hill Alfred George Male Everett Henrietta Gamble Female Albany
1911/5400022 Plantagenet Everett Henrietta Gamble Female Hill Alfred George Male Albany
1911/5400023 Plantagenet Jury Robert Hartup Male Faulkner Elizabeth Ellen Female Albany
1911/5400023 Plantagenet Faulkner Elizabeth Ellen Female Jury Robert Hartup Male Albany
1911/5400024 Plantagenet Hick Edwin Arney Male Healey Maud Mary Female Albany
1911/5400024 Plantagenet Healey Maud Mary Female Hick Edwin Arney Male Albany
1911/5400025 Plantagenet Schmutsch Frederick William Male Powell Daisy Lavinia Female Albany
1911/5400025 Plantagenet Powell Daisy Lavinia Female Schmutsch Frederick William Male Albany
1911/5400026 Plantagenet Gillam Jean Selina Female O'Neill John Cranston Male Cranbrook
1911/5400026 Plantagenet O'Neill John Cranston Male Gillam Jean Selina Female Cranbrook
1911/5400027 Plantagenet Black James Male Hunt Martha Elizabeth Female Gnowangerup
1911/5400027 Plantagenet Hunt Martha Elizabeth Female Black James Male Gnowangerup
1911/5400028 Plantagenet Smith Spencer Male Ingham Caroline Female Albany
1911/5400028 Plantagenet Ingham Caroline Female Smith Spencer Male Albany
1911/5400029 Plantagenet Street Bessie Female Cox Seth Male Albany
1911/5400029 Plantagenet Cox Seth Male Street Bessie Female Albany
1911/5400030 Plantagenet Smith Henry Male Saggers Sarah Ann Female Albany
1911/5400030 Plantagenet Saggers Sarah Ann Female Smith Henry Male Albany
1911/5400031 Plantagenet Crouch Robert Male Herbert Charlotte Amelia Female Albany
1911/5400031 Plantagenet Herbert Charlotte Amelia Female Crouch Robert Male Albany
1911/5400032 Plantagenet Quartermaine Jane Bertha Smith Female Layton Evered Charles Male Albany
1911/5400032 Plantagenet Layton Evered Charles Male Quartermaine Jane Bertha Smith Female Albany
1911/5400033 Plantagenet Thornhill Florence Female Smith Vincent Ridsdale Male Albany
1911/5400033 Plantagenet Smith Vincent Ridsdale Male Thornhill Florence Female Albany
1911/5400034 Plantagenet Bruce Bessie Amelia Female Illsley Gilbert Arthur Male Albany
1911/5400034 Plantagenet Illsley Gilbert Arthur Male Bruce Bessie Amelia Female Albany
1911/5400035 Plantagenet King Ella Lucy Female Mitchell Andrew Laurence Male Albany
1911/5400035 Plantagenet Mitchell Andrew Laurence Male King Ella Lucy Female Albany
1911/5400036 Plantagenet McLindin Isabella Female Jones Allan Charles Male Albany
1911/5400036 Plantagenet Jones Allan Charles Male McLindin Isabella Female Albany
1911/5400037 Plantagenet Little Robert Male Roberts Edith Maria Female Albany
1911/5400037 Plantagenet Roberts Edith Maria Female Little Robert Male Albany
1911/5400038 Plantagenet Crampton Leonard Male Onions Edith Daisy Female Denmark
1911/5400038 Plantagenet Onions Edith Daisy Female Crampton Leonard Male Denmark
1911/5400039 Plantagenet Howe Eveline Emma Female Parish Owen Male Albany
1911/5400039 Plantagenet Parish Owen Male Howe Eveline Emma Female Albany
1911/5400040 Plantagenet Faulkner Laura Edith Female Wild Aubrey Milner Male Albany
1911/5400040 Plantagenet Wild Aubrey Milner Male Faulkner Laura Edith Female Albany
1911/5400041 Plantagenet Elliott Blanche Olive Female Haywood Edwin Milner Male Albany
1911/5400041 Plantagenet Haywood Edwin Milner Male Elliott Blanche Olive Female Albany
1911/5400042 Plantagenet Hill Florence Irene Female Climie Hugh Strathdee Male Cranbrook
1911/5400042 Plantagenet Climie Hugh Strathdee Male Hill Florence Irene Female Cranbrook
1911/5400043 Plantagenet Morris Charles George Male Holland Frances Inda Female Albany
1911/5400043 Plantagenet Holland Frances Inda Female Morris Charles George Male Albany
1911/5400044 Plantagenet Allen John Edward James Male Rowe Marion Catherine Female Albany
1911/5400044 Plantagenet Rowe Marion Catherine Female Allen John Edward James Male Albany
1911/5400045 Plantagenet Manton Elizabeth Female O'Brien Martin Male Albany
1911/5400045 Plantagenet O'Brien Martin Male Manton Elizabeth Female Albany
1911/5400046 Plantagenet Swan William Frederick Foote Male Jameson Jean Female Albany
1911/5400046 Plantagenet Jameson Jean Female Swan William Frederick Foote Male Albany
1911/5400047 Plantagenet Fisher Nellie Female Bartley Robert Male Albany
1911/5400047 Plantagenet Bartley Robert Male Fisher Nellie Female Albany
1911/5400048 Plantagenet Williams Alice Maud Female Sired Leonard Frank Male Albany
1911/5400048 Plantagenet Sired Leonard Frank Male Williams Alice Maud Female Albany
1911/5400049 Plantagenet Symmans Percy James Male Carnell Lilian Female Albany
1911/5400049 Plantagenet Carnell Lilian Female Symmans Percy James Male Albany
1911/5400050 Plantagenet Hawley Thomas Coulson Male Bugden Caroline Rosa Female Albany
1911/5400050 Plantagenet Bugden Caroline Rosa Female Hawley Thomas Coulson Male Albany
1911/5400051 Plantagenet Anderson Withlemina McCulloch Female Crain Lindsay Goodon Male Albany
1911/5400051 Plantagenet Crain Lindsay Goodon Male Anderson Withlemina McCulloch Female Albany
1911/5400052 Plantagenet Fox Harriet Female Swarbrick Frederick Richard Male Albany
1911/5400052 Plantagenet Swarbrick Frederick Richard Male Fox Harriet Female Albany
1911/5400053 Plantagenet Harris Mildred Constance Female Wolfe John Male Albany
1911/5400053 Plantagenet Wolfe John Male Harris Mildred Constance Female Albany
1911/5400054 Plantagenet Smith Janet Hannah Female Weight Henry John Male Albany
1911/5400054 Plantagenet Weight Henry John Male Smith Janet Hannah Female Albany
1911/5400055 Plantagenet Dunn Rosa Female Young Arthur Edward Male Albany
1911/5400055 Plantagenet Young Arthur Edward Male Dunn Rosa Female Albany
1911/5400056 Plantagenet McGlade Sydney Melvil Male Leask Gertrude Martha Female Albany
1911/5400056 Plantagenet Leask Gertrude Martha Female McGlade Sydney Melvil Male Albany
1911/5400057 Plantagenet Wood Clifton Loris Male Joyce Beatrice Louisa Female Albany
1911/5400057 Plantagenet Joyce Beatrice Louisa Female Wood Clifton Loris Male Albany
1911/5400058 Plantagenet Thomas Elizabeth Female Thomas William Henry Male Albany
1911/5400058 Plantagenet Thomas William Henry Male Thomas Elizabeth Female Albany
1911/5400059 Plantagenet Smith William Bowyer Male Taylor Eveline Jubilal Female Albany
1911/5400059 Plantagenet Taylor Eveline Jubilal Female Smith William Bowyer Male Albany
1911/5400060 Plantagenet Sounness Christiana Ellen Female Moir Andrew John Male Mt Barker
1911/5400060 Plantagenet Moir Andrew John Male Sounness Christiana Ellen Female Mt Barker
1911/5400061 Plantagenet Ford Kathleen Female Smeed George Hubert Male Albany
1911/5400061 Plantagenet Smeed George Hubert Male Ford Kathleen Female Albany
1911/5400062 Plantagenet Hambley Sidney Ernest Male Clothier Anne Female Mount Barker
1911/5400062 Plantagenet Clothier Anne Female Hambley Sidney Ernest Male Mount Barker
1911/5400063 Plantagenet Sugrue Hanna Maria Female Lunny Edward Albert Male Albany
1911/5400063 Plantagenet Lunny Edward Albert Male Sugrue Hanna Maria Female Albany
1911/5400064 Plantagenet Cockcroft Margaret Cathleen Female McIntyre David Male Albany
1911/5400064 Plantagenet McIntyre David Male Cockcroft Margaret Cathleen Female Albany
1911/5400065 Plantagenet Brown Alfred Powney Male Fowles Matilda Mary Female Albany
1911/5400065 Plantagenet Fowles Matilda Mary Female Brown Alfred Powney Male Albany
1911/5400066 Plantagenet Ratcliffe Charles Male Mason Frances Female Tenterden
1911/5400066 Plantagenet Mason Frances Female Ratcliffe Charles Male Tenterden
1911/5500001 Port Hedland Browne Arthur John Groom Male Thomas Clarice Helena Female Port Hedland
1911/5500001 Port Hedland Thomas Clarice Helena Female Browne Arthur John Groom Male Port Hedland
1911/5500002 Port Hedland Brown Ruth Barty Female Rogers Charles Victor Male Port Hedland
1911/5500002 Port Hedland Rogers Charles Victor Male Brown Ruth Barty Female Port Hedland
1911/5600001 Roebourne Gaynor Laura Isabella Female Welch Albert Ernest Male Roebourne
1911/5600001 Roebourne Welch Albert Ernest Male Gaynor Laura Isabella Female Roebourne
1911/5600002 Roebourne Greenwood Eva Johnson Female Shannon Pulteney Malcolm Murray Male Whim Creek
1911/5600002 Roebourne Shannon Pulteney Malcolm Murray Male Greenwood Eva Johnson Female Whim Creek
1912/5900001 Subiaco Kelly Elsie Female Miller Edward Male Subiaco
1912/5900001 Subiaco Miller Edward Male Kelly Elsie Female Subiaco
1912/5900002 Subiaco Burton Thomas Alfred Male Silvester Catherine Alice Female Subiaco
1912/5900002 Subiaco Silvester Catherine Alice Female Burton Thomas Alfred Male Subiaco
1912/5900003 Subiaco Whittington Beatrice Charlotte Female Whitton Mark Perceval Male Subiaco
1911/5900003 Subiaco Mason Edith Female Teggins Ernest Male Subiaco
1911/5900003 Subiaco Teggins Ernest Male Mason Edith Female Subiaco
1912/5900003 Subiaco Whitton Mark Perceval Male Whittington Beatrice Charlotte Female Subiaco
1911/5900004 Subiaco Axon Ruby Beatrice Female Binney Francis Hesleden Liddle Male Subiaco
1911/5900004 Subiaco Binney Francis Hesleden Liddle Male Axon Ruby Beatrice Female Subiaco
1912/5900005 Subiaco Harvey Mary Female Lobban Thomas Gray Male Subiaco
1912/5900005 Subiaco Lobban Thomas Gray Male Harvey Mary Female Subiaco
1911/5900005 Subiaco Coon Richard John Male Morrison Mary Lee Female Subiaco
1911/5900005 Subiaco Morrison Mary Lee Female Coon Richard John Male Subiaco
1911/5900007 Subiaco Heales Harry Preston Morecroft Pulsford Male Bowell Edith Emily Female Subiaco
1911/5900007 Subiaco Bowell Edith Emily Female Heales Harry Preston Morecroft Pulsford Male Subiaco
1911/5900008 Subiaco Gould Clare Female Crampton John Ernest Male Subiaco
1911/5900008 Subiaco Crampton John Ernest Male Gould Clare Female Subiaco
1911/5900010 Subiaco Loughrey Hester Female Lalor Joseph Peter Male Subiaco
1911/5900010 Subiaco Lalor Joseph Peter Male Loughrey Hester Female Subiaco
1911/5900011 Subiaco Paull Minerva Nellie Female Paull Richard Horace Male Subiaco
1911/5900011 Subiaco Paull Richard Horace Male Paull Minerva Nellie Female Subiaco
1911/5900012 Subiaco Bradbury Ruth Female Weaver Edward James Male Subiaco
1911/5900012 Subiaco Weaver Edward James Male Bradbury Ruth Female Subiaco
1911/5900013 Subiaco Wells Emily Female Couzens George Malcolm Male Subiaco
1911/5900013 Subiaco Couzens George Malcolm Male Wells Emily Female Subiaco
1911/5900014 Subiaco Beckwith Charles Frederick Male Wilkins Sophia Winifred Female Subiaco
1911/5900014 Subiaco Wilkins Sophia Winifred Female Beckwith Charles Frederick Male Subiaco
1911/5900015 Subiaco Bosher Mary Gertrude Female Cookesley John Moore Male Subiaco
1911/5900015 Subiaco Cookesley John Moore Male Bosher Mary Gertrude Female Subiaco
1911/5900016 Subiaco Howarth William Male Norton Mary Female Subiaco
1911/5900016 Subiaco Norton Mary Female Howarth William Male Subiaco
1911/5900017 Subiaco Pickering Beatrice Alenia Female McKinley Patrick Male Subiaco
1911/5900017 Subiaco McKinley Patrick Male Pickering Beatrice Alenia Female Subiaco
1911/5900018 Subiaco Wood Arthur George Male Thomas Ophelia Jane Female Subiaco
1911/5900018 Subiaco Thomas Ophelia Jane Female Wood Arthur George Male Subiaco
1911/5900019 Subiaco Fidler Laura Mabel Female Manning Ernest Joseph Male Subiaco
1911/5900019 Subiaco Manning Ernest Joseph Male Fidler Laura Mabel Female Subiaco
1911/5900020 Subiaco Tyler Dorothy Female Gale George Henry Hopetoun Male Subiaco
1911/5900020 Subiaco Gale George Henry Hopetoun Male Tyler Dorothy Female Subiaco
1911/5900021 Subiaco Thompson Adelaide Ida Female Arundel Edward William Male Subiaco
1911/5900021 Subiaco Arundel Edward William Male Thompson Adelaide Ida Female Subiaco
1911/5900022 Subiaco Webb Alfred Male Meehan Daisy Female Subiaco
1911/5900022 Subiaco Meehan Daisy Female Webb Alfred Male Subiaco
1911/5900023 Subiaco Bickford Harald Stephen Male Cartledge Hetty Female Subiaco
1911/5900023 Subiaco Cartledge Hetty Female Bickford Harald Stephen Male Subiaco
1911/5900024 Subiaco Dumsday Rosa Female Longley Walter Harry Male Subiaco
1911/5900024 Subiaco Longley Walter Harry Male Dumsday Rosa Female Subiaco
1912/5900025 Subiaco Herring Henry Arthur Male Rowe Evelene Pearl Female Subiaco
1912/5900025 Subiaco Rowe Evelene Pearl Female Herring Henry Arthur Male Subiaco
1911/5900025 Subiaco Gerlach Walter Augustus Male Newton Victoria Amelia Female Subiaco
1911/5900025 Subiaco Newton Victoria Amelia Female Gerlach Walter Augustus Male Subiaco
1911/5900026 Subiaco Plummer Ethel May Female McNamara Walter Joseph Male Subiaco
1912/5900026 Subiaco Rule Clara May Female Hancock James Male Subiaco
1911/5900026 Subiaco McNamara Walter Joseph Male Plummer Ethel May Female Subiaco
1912/5900026 Subiaco Hancock James Male Rule Clara May Female Subiaco
1911/5900027 Subiaco Daws Samuel Henry Male Waterstreet Nora Female Subiaco
1911/5900027 Subiaco Waterstreet Nora Female Daws Samuel Henry Male Subiaco
1911/5900028 Subiaco Littlejohn Ada Female McCafferty William John Male Subiaco
1911/5900028 Subiaco McCafferty William John Male Littlejohn Ada Female Subiaco
1911/5900029 Subiaco Roberts Florence Maud Female Trotter Alfred Leslie Male Subiaco
1911/5900029 Subiaco Trotter Alfred Leslie Male Roberts Florence Maud Female Subiaco
1911/5900030 Subiaco Bates Maria Sarah Female Styles Charles Francis Male Subiaco
1911/5900030 Subiaco Bates Maria Sarah Female Styles Charles Franklen Male Subiaco
1911/5900030 Subiaco Styles Charles Francis Male Bates Maria Sarah Female Subiaco
1911/5900030 Subiaco Styles Charles Franklen Male Bates Maria Sarah Female Subiaco
1911/5900031 Subiaco Roy John Nicol Male Coyle Ethel Vera Female Subiaco
1911/5900031 Subiaco Coyle Ethel Vera Female Roy John Nicol Male Subiaco
1911/5900032 Subiaco Butt Harry Noel Male Henderson Elizabeth Glover Female Subiaco
1911/5900032 Subiaco Henderson Elizabeth Glover Female Butt Harry Noel Male Subiaco
1911/5900033 Subiaco Morton Christina Female Anderson Archibald MacLaren Male Subiaco
1911/5900033 Subiaco Anderson Archibald MacLaren Male Morton Christina Female Subiaco
1911/5900034 Subiaco Winton Thomas Charles Male Woods Eva Flora Female Subiaco
1911/5900034 Subiaco Woods Eva Flora Female Winton Thomas Charles Male Subiaco
1911/5900035 Subiaco Rigby Ernest Horatio Male Raybould Maud Female Subiaco
1911/5900035 Subiaco Raybould Maud Female Rigby Ernest Horatio Male Subiaco
1911/5900036 Subiaco Wright Maud Annie Female Stringer Richard Male Subiaco
1911/5900036 Subiaco Stringer Richard Male Wright Maud Annie Female Subiaco
1911/5900037 Subiaco Wilson Myra Jane Female Skeels Robert Fitch Male Subiaco
1911/5900037 Subiaco Skeels Robert Fitch Male Wilson Myra Jane Female Subiaco
1911/5900038 Subiaco Lambe Ivy Clarence Female Burton John Henry Male Subiaco
1911/5900038 Subiaco Burton John Henry Male Lambe Ivy Clarence Female Subiaco
1911/5900039 Subiaco Sloan William George Male Osborn Hilda May Female Subiaco
1911/5900039 Subiaco Osborn Hilda May Female Sloan William George Male Subiaco
1911/5900040 Subiaco Atkinson Francis Frederick Male Kyrwood Myrtle Female Subiaco
1911/5900040 Subiaco Kyrwood Myrtle Female Atkinson Francis Frederick Male Subiaco
1911/5900041 Subiaco Stirling Mary Ann Female Beale William Leslie Male Subiaco
1911/5900041 Subiaco Beale William Leslie Male Stirling Mary Ann Female Subiaco
1911/5900042 Subiaco Gunning Ethel May Female Place Benjamin Ralph Tasman Male Subiaco
1911/5900042 Subiaco Place Benjamin Ralph Tasman Male Gunning Ethel May Female Subiaco
1911/5900043 Subiaco Hudson Mary Bertie Female Cassidy Patrick Male Subiaco
1911/5900043 Subiaco Cassidy Patrick Male Hudson Mary Bertie Female Subiaco
1911/5900044 Subiaco Summers Nellie Female Russell Alexander Male Subiaco
1911/5900044 Subiaco Russell Alexander Male Summers Nellie Female Subiaco
1911/5900045 Subiaco Woodrow Mabel Frazer Female Gandy Arthur Henry Male Subiaco
1911/5900045 Subiaco Gandy Arthur Henry Male Woodrow Mabel Frazer Female Subiaco
1911/5900046 Subiaco Walker Albert Victor Male Deague Hazel Alice Female Subiaco
1911/5900046 Subiaco Deague Hazel Alice Female Walker Albert Victor Male Subiaco
1911/5900047 Subiaco Francis Isabella Adelaide Female Taylor Warwick Male Subiaco
1911/5900047 Subiaco Taylor Warwick Male Francis Isabella Adelaide Female Subiaco
1911/5900048 Subiaco Shepherd Eva May Female Kerr Reginald Leslie Male Subiaco
1911/5900048 Subiaco Kerr Reginald Leslie Male Shepherd Eva May Female Subiaco
1911/5900049 Subiaco Crawley John William Male Nancarrow Beatrice Female Subiaco
1911/5900049 Subiaco Nancarrow Beatrice Female Crawley John William Male Subiaco
1911/5900050 Subiaco Sweet Frederick Male Stewart Louisa Mary Female Subiaco
1911/5900050 Subiaco Stewart Louisa Mary Female Sweet Frederick Male Subiaco
1911/5900051 Subiaco Bolle Isabel Mary Female Pickering Charles Milverton Male Subiaco
1911/5900051 Subiaco Pickering Charles Milverton Male Bolle Isabel Mary Female Subiaco
1911/5900052 Subiaco Elliott Stephen Charles Male Kingston Kathleen Female Subiaco
1911/5900052 Subiaco Kingston Kathleen Female Elliott Stephen Charles Male Subiaco
1911/5900053 Subiaco Dobbin William Male Nickless Emily Pardo Female Subiaco
1911/5900053 Subiaco Nickless Emily Pardo Female Dobbin William Male Subiaco
1911/5900054 Subiaco Stokes Winifred Mabel Female Williams James Male Subiaco
1911/5900054 Subiaco Williams James Male Stokes Winifred Mabel Female Subiaco
1911/5900055 Subiaco Comer Bridget Agnes Female Mutton Arthur Stephen Male Subiaco
1911/5900055 Subiaco Mutton Arthur Stephen Male Comer Bridget Agnes Female Subiaco
1911/5900056 Subiaco Gillzan Estelle May Female De Mamiel Ernest Longueville Male Subiaco
1911/5900056 Subiaco De Mamiel Ernest Longueville Male Gillzan Estelle May Female Subiaco
1911/5900057 Subiaco Ward William James Male Saunders Sarah Female Subiaco
1911/5900057 Subiaco Saunders Sarah Female Ward William James Male Subiaco
1911/5900058 Subiaco Young Elizabeth Harriett Scindian Female Hutchison James Male Subiaco
1911/5900058 Subiaco Hutchison James Male Young Elizabeth Harriett Scindian Female Subiaco
1911/5900059 Subiaco Morris Henry George Male Fenn Gladys May Female Subiaco
1911/5900059 Subiaco Fenn Gladys May Female Morris Henry George Male Subiaco
1911/5900060 Subiaco Bufton Kate Female Cane William Male Subiaco
1911/5900060 Subiaco Cane William Male Bufton Kate Female Subiaco
1911/5900061 Subiaco Moulton Esther Annie Female Ladhams Thomas Georg Male Subiaco
1911/5900061 Subiaco Ladhams Thomas Georg Male Moulton Esther Annie Female Subiaco
1911/5900062 Subiaco Harry Elfrida May Female Rowe Frederick Bach Male Subiaco
1911/5900062 Subiaco Rowe Frederick Bach Male Harry Elfrida May Female Subiaco
1911/5900063 Subiaco Tichbon Ethel Sarah Female Cory Edwin Frederick Male Subiaco
1911/5900063 Subiaco Cory Edwin Frederick Male Tichbon Ethel Sarah Female Subiaco
1911/5900064 Subiaco Sheppard Frederick James Male Kaiser Augusta Bertha Female Subiaco
1911/5900064 Subiaco Kaiser Augusta Bertha Female Sheppard Frederick James Male Subiaco
1911/5900065 Subiaco Mitchell Nellie Adelaide Female Gregory Ernest Male Subiaco
1911/5900065 Subiaco Gregory Ernest Male Mitchell Nellie Adelaide Female Subiaco
1911/5900066 Subiaco Bennett Margaret Elizabeth Female Hudson Harry Male Subiaco
1911/5900066 Subiaco Hudson Harry Male Bennett Margaret Elizabeth Female Subiaco
1911/5900067 Subiaco Sutton George Leslie Andrew Male Bond Janet Elizabeth Female Subiaco
1911/5900067 Subiaco Bond Janet Elizabeth Female Sutton George Leslie Andrew Male Subiaco
1911/5900068 Subiaco Taaffe Elizabeth Mary Female Ward Alfred Henry Male Subiaco
1911/5900068 Subiaco Ward Alfred Henry Male Taaffe Elizabeth Mary Female Subiaco
1911/5900069 Subiaco Carmody James Lawrence Patrick Male Mills Gertrude Priscilla Female Subiaco
1911/5900069 Subiaco Mills Gertrude Priscilla Female Carmody James Lawrence Patrick Male Subiaco
1911/5900070 Subiaco Lamerton Ethel Elizabth Female Woodrow Arthur Percy Male Subiaco
1911/5900070 Subiaco Woodrow Arthur Percy Male Lamerton Ethel Elizabth Female Subiaco
1911/5900071 Subiaco Smirk Percival Male Croft Alice Female Subiaco
1911/5900071 Subiaco Croft Alice Female Smirk Percival Male Subiaco
1911/5900072 Subiaco Cooper Mary Adelaide Female Bennett Frederick Henry Male Subiaco
1911/5900072 Subiaco Bennett Frederick Henry Male Cooper Mary Adelaide Female Subiaco
1911/5900073 Subiaco Craigie John Male Fox Mabel Female Subiaco
1911/5900073 Subiaco Fox Mabel Female Craigie John Male Subiaco
1911/5900074 Subiaco Lockard Robert John Male Bridges Amelia Female Subiaco
1911/5900074 Subiaco Bridges Amelia Female Lockard Robert John Male Subiaco
1911/5900075 Subiaco Smith Ellen Maud Female Warwick George Reuben Male Subiaco
1911/5900075 Subiaco Warwick George Reuben Male Smith Ellen Maud Female Subiaco
1911/5900076 Subiaco Cole David Henry Male Clinton Levinia Esther Female Subiaco
1911/5900076 Subiaco Clinton Levinia Esther Female Cole David Henry Male Subiaco
1911/5900077 Subiaco Bone Frank Douglas Male Simpson Florence Female Subiaco
1911/5900077 Subiaco Simpson Florence Female Bone Frank Douglas Male Subiaco
1911/5900078 Subiaco Ludlam Caroline Female Leach Percy Male Subiaco
1911/5900078 Subiaco Leach Percy Male Ludlam Caroline Female Subiaco
1911/5900079 Subiaco You Charles Male Hudson Eva Edith Female Subiaco
1911/5900079 Subiaco Hudson Eva Edith Female You Charles Male Subiaco
1911/5900080 Subiaco Dalton Kathleen Alice Female Ross Lewis Angus Male Subiaco
1911/5900080 Subiaco Ross Lewis Angus Male Dalton Kathleen Alice Female Subiaco
1911/5900081 Subiaco Taylor George Male Readhead Elizabeth Female Subiaco
1911/5900081 Subiaco Readhead Elizabeth Female Taylor George Male Subiaco
1911/5900082 Subiaco Mills Louisa May Female Cunningham William Thomas Male Subiaco
1911/5900082 Subiaco Cunningham William Thomas Male Mills Louisa May Female Subiaco
1911/5900083 Subiaco Ellis Thomas Male Hutchins Winnifred Female Subiaco
1911/5900083 Subiaco Hutchins Winnifred Female Ellis Thomas Male Subiaco
1911/5900084 Subiaco Rudrum Ernest Walter Male Leman Matilda Ann Female Subiaco
1911/5900084 Subiaco Leman Matilda Ann Female Rudrum Ernest Walter Male Subiaco
1911/5900085 Subiaco Curry Margaret Female McNamara Francis Male Subiaco
1911/5900085 Subiaco McNamara Francis Male Curry Margaret Female Subiaco
1911/5900086 Subiaco Devereux Annie Female Abbott John Joseph Male Subiaco
1911/5900086 Subiaco Abbott John Joseph Male Devereux Annie Female Subiaco
1911/6000001 Sussex Smith Frederick Cecil Male Scott Florence Sarah Female Busselton
1911/6000001 Sussex Scott Florence Sarah Female Smith Frederick Cecil Male Busselton
1911/6000002 Sussex Lippiatt Florence Ellen Female Reynolds Stanley Ernest Male Busselton
1911/6000002 Sussex Reynolds Stanley Ernest Male Lippiatt Florence Ellen Female Busselton
1911/6000003 Sussex Horwood Louisa Elizabeth Female Oliver James Edward Male Busselton
1911/6000003 Sussex Oliver James Edward Male Horwood Louisa Elizabeth Female Busselton
1911/6000004 Sussex Baudains Albert Male Delfs Mary Louisa Female Karridale
1911/6000004 Sussex Delfs Mary Louisa Female Baudains Albert Male Karridale
1911/6000005 Sussex Longbottom Wallace Stephen Male Pollock Minnie Sarah Female Busselton
1911/6000005 Sussex Pollock Minnie Sarah Female Longbottom Wallace Stephen Male Busselton
1911/6000006 Sussex Hobbs Albert John Male Elliott Florence Matilda Female Busselton
1911/6000006 Sussex Elliott Florence Matilda Female Hobbs Albert John Male Busselton
1911/6000007 Sussex Ammon Thomas Male Prince Helen Female Busselton
1911/6000007 Sussex Prince Helen Female Ammon Thomas Male Busselton
1911/6000008 Sussex Curtis Susannah Mary Female Locke Alton George Felix Male Busselton
1911/6000008 Sussex Locke Alton George Felix Male Curtis Susannah Mary Female Busselton
1911/6000009 Sussex Stephens William Male Rossiter Blanche Muriel Female Busselton
1911/6000009 Sussex Rossiter Blanche Muriel Female Stephens William Male Busselton
1911/6000010 Sussex Ross Annie Jessie Female Aitken Hector Gordon Male Busselton
1911/6000010 Sussex Aitken Hector Gordon Male Ross Annie Jessie Female Busselton
1911/6000011 Sussex Connolly William Albert Thomas Male Glauder Mary Olga Female Busselton
1911/6000011 Sussex Glauder Mary Olga Female Connolly William Albert Thomas Male Busselton
1911/6000012 Sussex Carter Evelyn Ada Female Mowday Harry Male Busselton
1911/6000012 Sussex Mowday Harry Male Carter Evelyn Ada Female Busselton
1911/6000013 Sussex Carter Lillian Alice Female McAlpine Robert Edward Male Busselton
1911/6000013 Sussex McAlpine Robert Edward Male Carter Lillian Alice Female Busselton
1911/6000014 Sussex Glossop Sarah Amanda Female Miles Isaac Alfred Male Busselton
1911/6000014 Sussex Miles Isaac Alfred Male Glossop Sarah Amanda Female Busselton
1911/6000015 Sussex Hill Harriet Christina Female Sotras Demetrius Male Karridale
1911/6000015 Sussex Sotras Demetrius Male Hill Harriet Christina Female Karridale
1911/6100002 Swan Jones Walter James Male Fleming Ada Frances Female Guildford
1911/6100002 Swan Fleming Ada Frances Female Jones Walter James Male Guildford
1911/6100003 Swan Weston Eva Susan Female Eats Sydney Thomas Male Pickering Brook
1911/6100003 Swan Eats Sydney Thomas Male Weston Eva Susan Female Pickering Brook
1911/6100005 Swan Hilton Ambrosine Female Birtwistle Harry Male Midland Junction
1911/6100005 Swan Birtwistle Harry Male Hilton Ambrosine Female Midland Junction
1911/6100006 Swan Coulthard William Lancelot Mullen Male Smith Emma Julia Female Smith's Mill
1911/6100006 Swan Smith Emma Julia Female Coulthard William Lancelot Mullen Male Smith's Mill
1911/6100007 Swan Jessop Miriam Female Eagles Edwin William Male Midland Junction
1911/6100007 Swan Eagles Edwin William Male Jessop Miriam Female Midland Junction
1911/6100008 Swan Purchase Ada Female Dick-Miller Alexander Male Midland Junction
1911/6100008 Swan Dick-Miller Alexander Male Purchase Ada Female Midland Junction
1911/6100009 Swan Mansfield Charlie Male Langdon Elizabeth Catherine Female Guildford
1911/6100009 Swan Langdon Elizabeth Catherine Female Mansfield Charlie Male Guildford
1911/6100010 Swan Sargent Reginald Eric Ernest Male Bennett Hilda Fanny Female Guildford
1911/6100010 Swan Bennett Hilda Fanny Female Sargent Reginald Eric Ernest Male Guildford
1911/6100011 Swan Howell James Norman Male Mansfield Edith Female Guildford
1911/6100011 Swan Mansfield Edith Female Howell James Norman Male Guildford
1911/6100012 Swan Atkins Lily Rose Female La Nauze Charles Andrew Male Guildford
1911/6100012 Swan La Nauze Charles Andrew Male Atkins Lily Rose Female Guildford
1911/6100013 Swan Sword Jessie Female McDougall William Neill Male Midland Junction
1911/6100013 Swan McDougall William Neill Male Sword Jessie Female Midland Junction
1911/6100014 Swan Day George James Male Bradbrook Gertrude Hannah Female Guildford
1911/6100014 Swan Bradbrook Gertrude Hannah Female Day George James Male Guildford
1911/6100015 Swan White Charles Henry Male Turner Isabella Female Midland Junction
1911/6100015 Swan Turner Isabella Female White Charles Henry Male Midland Junction
1911/6100016 Swan Dinning Catherine Mary Female Ellis-Henderson Charlie Mardoc Male Midland Junction
1911/6100016 Swan Ellis-Henderson Charlie Mardoc Male Dinning Catherine Mary Female Midland Junction
1911/6100017 Swan Dark Ruby Mary Female Lawrence Francis William Male Midland Junction
1911/6100017 Swan Lawrence Francis William Male Dark Ruby Mary Female Midland Junction
1911/6100018 Swan Coulthard Arthur Male Gorey Clara Female Midland Junction
1911/6100018 Swan Gorey Clara Female Coulthard Arthur Male Midland Junction
1911/6100019 Swan Bayley Lily May Female Price Fredrick Howard Male Midland Junction
1911/6100019 Swan Price Fredrick Howard Male Bayley Lily May Female Midland Junction
1911/6100020 Swan Newham William Edward Male Staight Florence Agnes Female Midland Junction
1911/6100020 Swan Staight Florence Agnes Female Newham William Edward Male Midland Junction
1911/6100021 Swan Crowle Lewis John Male Krüger Amy Eileen Female Midland Junction
1911/6100021 Swan Krüger Amy Eileen Female Crowle Lewis John Male Midland Junction
1911/6100022 Swan Barnes Thomas Whitlie Male Richardson Millicent Muriel Female Guildford
1911/6100022 Swan Richardson Millicent Muriel Female Barnes Thomas Whitlie Male Guildford
1911/6100023 Swan Lemmey John Albert Male Ball Katie Marion Isabel Female Guildford
1911/6100023 Swan Ball Katie Marion Isabel Female Lemmey John Albert Male Guildford
1911/6100024 Swan Macdonald Florence Female Wells Robert Newman Male Guildford
1911/6100024 Swan Wells Robert Newman Male Macdonald Florence Female Guildford
1911/6100025 Swan Barrett-Lennard Hebe Dorothy Female Ferguson Charles Ogilvie Male Middle Swan
1911/6100025 Swan Ferguson Charles Ogilvie Male Barrett-Lennard Hebe Dorothy Female Middle Swan
1911/6100026 Swan Read William Hillier Male Weston Bertha Amelia Female Guildford
1911/6100026 Swan Weston Bertha Amelia Female Read William Hillier Male Guildford
1911/6100027 Swan Lindley Lucy Florence Female Weston Henry Joseph Male Pickering Brook
1911/6100027 Swan Weston Henry Joseph Male Lindley Lucy Florence Female Pickering Brook
1911/6100028 Swan Walker William John Male Kiely Mary Female Midland Junction
1911/6100028 Swan Kiely Mary Female Walker William John Male Midland Junction
1911/6100029 Swan Turner Phoebe Florence Female Martin Charles Samuel Male Guildford
1911/6100029 Swan Martin Charles Samuel Male Turner Phoebe Florence Female Guildford
1911/6100030 Swan Korbosky Josephine Mary Female Place John Male Guildford
1911/6100030 Swan Place John Male Korbosky Josephine Mary Female Guildford
1911/6100031 Swan Scherini Daisy Female Wilson Harold Maxi Male Guildford
1911/6100031 Swan Wilson Harold Maxi Male Scherini Daisy Female Guildford
1911/6100032 Swan Cox Frank Edward Male Christie Graham Female Guildford
1911/6100032 Swan Christie Graham Female Cox Frank Edward Male Guildford
1911/6100033 Swan King Ellen Mary Female Higgs Walter William Male Guildford
1911/6100033 Swan Higgs Walter William Male King Ellen Mary Female Guildford
1911/6100034 Swan Chapman Edith Agnes Female Kenny Joseph Thomas Male Midland Junction
1911/6100034 Swan Kenny Joseph Thomas Male Chapman Edith Agnes Female Midland Junction
1911/6100035 Swan Boxhall Rose Grace Female Smith William Thomas Male Middle Swan
1911/6100035 Swan Smith William Thomas Male Boxhall Rose Grace Female Middle Swan
1911/6100036 Swan McKinnon Christina Marion Female Watkins Frederick Edward Male Guildford
1911/6100036 Swan Watkins Frederick Edward Male McKinnon Christina Marion Female Guildford
1911/6100037 Swan Mounier Emily Josephine Female Stribly Thomas Charles Male Smiths Mill
1911/6100037 Swan Stribly Thomas Charles Male Mounier Emily Josephine Female Smiths Mill
1911/6100038 Swan Smith George Charles Male Briggs Clara Female Midland Junction
1911/6100038 Swan Briggs Clara Female Smith George Charles Male Midland Junction
1911/6100039 Swan Allan Mary Niven Female Bowe William Fairgrieve Male Midland Junction
1911/6100039 Swan Bowe William Fairgrieve Male Allan Mary Niven Female Midland Junction
1911/6100040 Swan Wann Daniel Malcolm Male Warren Evelyn Maud Female Midland Junction
1911/6100040 Swan Warren Evelyn Maud Female Wann Daniel Malcolm Male Midland Junction
1911/6100041 Swan Hampson Harry Male Tasker Hilda May Female Guildford
1911/6100041 Swan Tasker Hilda May Female Hampson Harry Male Guildford
1911/6100042 Swan Lowdon Frank Henry Male Rhodes Edith Mary Female Guildford
1911/6100042 Swan Rhodes Edith Mary Female Lowdon Frank Henry Male Guildford
1911/6100043 Swan Batt Edward Male Campbell Annie Catherine Female Midland Junction
1911/6100043 Swan Campbell Annie Catherine Female Batt Edward Male Midland Junction
1911/6100044 Swan Flynn Johanna Female Barlow Joseph Male Guildford
1911/6100044 Swan Barlow Joseph Male Flynn Johanna Female Guildford
1911/6100045 Swan Clements Percy William Male Mullins Mary Cecilia Female Mid Junction
1911/6100045 Swan Mullins Mary Cecilia Female Clements Percy William Male Mid Junction
1911/6100046 Swan Smythe Mary Ligorio Female Evans Henry David Male Guildford
1911/6100046 Swan Evans Henry David Male Smythe Mary Ligorio Female Guildford
1911/6100047 Swan Wheeler Harley Austral Soudan Male Burdon Susie Female Bellevue
1911/6100047 Swan Burdon Susie Female Wheeler Harley Austral Soudan Male Bellevue
1911/6100048 Swan Wilson Mary Female Ross James Male Midland Junction
1911/6100048 Swan Ross James Male Wilson Mary Female Midland Junction
1911/6100049 Swan Morley John Robert Gordon Male Cole Eunice Bertha Female Guildford
1911/6100049 Swan Cole Eunice Bertha Female Morley John Robert Gordon Male Guildford
1911/6100050 Swan McCormick William Male Sloan Helena Eliza Female Midland Junction
1911/6100050 Swan Sloan Helena Eliza Female McCormick William Male Midland Junction
1911/6100051 Swan Wood Louisa Agnes Female Craven Alfred Male Midland Junction
1911/6100051 Swan Craven Alfred Male Wood Louisa Agnes Female Midland Junction
1911/6100052 Swan Logue Herbert Spencer Male Seabrook Theresa Juanita Female Midland Junction
1911/6100052 Swan Seabrook Theresa Juanita Female Logue Herbert Spencer Male Midland Junction
1911/6100053 Swan Whitfield Robert Blair Male Baxter Edith Female Midland Junction
1911/6100053 Swan Baxter Edith Female Whitfield Robert Blair Male Midland Junction
1911/6100054 Swan Bevis David Earnest Male Bingham Maud Female Guildford
1911/6100054 Swan Bingham Maud Female Bevis David Earnest Male Guildford
1911/6100055 Swan Warren George Male Davis Emily Elizabeth Female Midland Junction
1911/6100055 Swan Davis Emily Elizabeth Female Warren George Male Midland Junction
1911/6100056 Swan Watts Susan Louisa Female Hale Frank Corbyn Male Guildford
1911/6100056 Swan Hale Frank Corbyn Male Watts Susan Louisa Female Guildford
1911/6100057 Swan Harris Priscilla Female Clarke William Male Guildford
1911/6100057 Swan Clarke William Male Harris Priscilla Female Guildford
1911/6100058 Swan Johnson Ethel Marion Victoria Female Tory Frank Bertram Male Guildford
1911/6100058 Swan Tory Frank Bertram Male Johnson Ethel Marion Victoria Female Guildford
1911/6100059 Swan Donegan Ernest Albert Male Innes Lynda Amy Kathleen Female Chidlow's Well
1911/6100059 Swan Innes Lynda Amy Kathleen Female Donegan Ernest Albert Male Chidlow's Well
1911/6100061 Swan Lennon Agnes Cecilia Female Jocelyn George David Male Mid Junction
1911/6100061 Swan Jocelyn George David Male Lennon Agnes Cecilia Female Mid Junction
1911/6100062 Swan Tomkinson Lilia Victoria Female Alexander Herbert John Male Guildford
1911/6100062 Swan Alexander Herbert John Male Tomkinson Lilia Victoria Female Guildford
1911/6100063 Swan Smith Leo Andrew Male Gugeri Elizabeth Mabel Bernadette Female Guildford
1911/6100063 Swan Gugeri Elizabeth Mabel Bernadette Female Smith Leo Andrew Male Guildford
1911/6100064 Swan Brown Mary Ida Hope Female McElbone Joseph Male Lion Mill
1911/6100064 Swan McElbone Joseph Male Brown Mary Ida Hope Female Lion Mill
1911/6100065 Swan Murdoch Joan Female Hoar Derwent Gladstone Male Midland Junction
1911/6100065 Swan Hoar Derwent Gladstone Male Murdoch Joan Female Midland Junction
1911/6100066 Swan Johnston James Adrian Male Jones Elizabeth Female Midland Junction
1911/6100066 Swan Jones Elizabeth Female Johnston James Adrian Male Midland Junction
1911/6100067 Swan Chaney Joseph Charles Male Pereira Violet Matilda Female Guildford
1911/6100067 Swan Pereira Violet Matilda Female Chaney Joseph Charles Male Guildford
1911/6100068 Swan McKinnon May Ethel Female Redfern Ernest Nicholas Male Guildford
1911/6100068 Swan Redfern Ernest Nicholas Male McKinnon May Ethel Female Guildford
1911/6100069 Swan Till Julia Hannah Female Loughridge James Henry Male Guildford
1911/6100069 Swan Loughridge James Henry Male Till Julia Hannah Female Guildford
1911/6100070 Swan Barnes Emily Mildred Female Ferguson John Viveash Male Guildford
1911/6100070 Swan Ferguson John Viveash Male Barnes Emily Mildred Female Guildford
1911/6100071 Swan Duty Rebecca Female Thompson John Henry Clark Male Guildford
1911/6100071 Swan Thompson John Henry Clark Male Duty Rebecca Female Guildford
1911/6100072 Swan Drake Gertrude Female Foot Robert Hughes Male Midland Junction
1911/6100072 Swan Foot Robert Hughes Male Drake Gertrude Female Midland Junction
1911/6100073 Swan Mann John James Male Rich Mary Female Midland Junction
1911/6100073 Swan Rich Mary Female Mann John James Male Midland Junction
1911/6100074 Swan Jones Mary Ann Female Roberts William Jeffrey Male Swan View
1911/6100074 Swan Roberts William Jeffrey Male Jones Mary Ann Female Swan View
1911/6100075 Swan Sinclair Ruby Muriel Female Paterson John Male Lion Mill
1911/6100075 Swan Paterson John Male Sinclair Ruby Muriel Female Lion Mill
1911/6100076 Swan Gray Ernest Allan Male Landridge Ethel Gertrude Female Kalamunda
1911/6100076 Swan Landridge Ethel Gertrude Female Gray Ernest Allan Male Kalamunda
1911/6100077 Swan Walkerden Horatio Norman Male Hesketh Mary Jane Female Bellevue
1911/6100077 Swan Hesketh Mary Jane Female Walkerden Horatio Norman Male Bellevue
1912/6500001 Victoria Plains Harridge William Henry Male Stickland Gertrude Madeline Florence Female Wongan Hills Harridge-182
1912/6500001 Victoria Plains Stickland Gertrude Madeline Florence Female Harridge William Henry Male Wongan Hills
1911/6500001 Victoria Plains Dinguen Alfred Male Withoo Carmen Elizabeth Female New Norcia
1911/6500001 Victoria Plains Withoo Carmen Elizabeth Female Dinguen Alfred Male New Norcia
1911/6500001 Victoria Plains Withoo Carmen Elizabeth Female Nabot Alfred Male New Norcia
1911/6500001 Victoria Plains Nabot Alfred Male Withoo Carmen Elizabeth Female New Norcia
1911/6500002 Victoria Plains Halligan Sarah Jane Female Murray George Male New Norcia
1911/6500002 Victoria Plains Murray George Male Halligan Sarah Jane Female New Norcia
1911/6600002 Wellington Laurence Annie Amelia Female Boulter Alfred Hilton Male Bunbury
1911/6600002 Wellington Boulter Alfred Hilton Male Laurence Annie Amelia Female Bunbury
1911/6600003 Wellington Spice Edgar Herbert Male Drury Edith Female Collie
1911/6600003 Wellington Drury Edith Female Spice Edgar Herbert Male Collie
1911/6600004 Wellington Dillon John Pierce Male Enright Margaret Ellen Female Bunbury
1911/6600004 Wellington Enright Margaret Ellen Female Dillon John Pierce Male Bunbury
1911/6600005 Wellington Harpley Beatrice Maud Female Bryce Charles Harold Male Boyanup
1911/6600005 Wellington Bryce Charles Harold Male Harpley Beatrice Maud Female Boyanup
1912/6600006 Wellington Varney Gertrude Female Searle William Ring Male Brunswick
1911/6600006 Wellington Cox Clara Victoria Female Lamp Riechardt Hannibalt Artüer Male Brunswick
1911/6600006 Wellington Lamp Riechardt Hannibalt Artüer Male Cox Clara Victoria Female Brunswick
1912/6600006 Wellington Searle William Ring Male Varney Gertrude Female Brunswick
1912/6600007 Wellington Haring Elsie Catherine Female McDonald Thomas Male Yarloop
1912/6600007 Wellington McDonald Thomas Male Haring Elsie Catherine Female Yarloop
1911/6600008 Wellington Miles Henry Edgar Male Tipping Linda Gertrude Female Bunbury
1911/6600008 Wellington Tipping Linda Gertrude Female Miles Henry Edgar Male Bunbury
1911/6600010 Wellington Guppy George Edwin Male Smith Alice Female Harvey
1911/6600010 Wellington Smith Alice Female Guppy George Edwin Male Harvey
1911/6600011 Wellington Busher Elizabeth Mary Frances Female Garbelini Peter Celeste Male Dardanup
1911/6600011 Wellington Garbelini Peter Celeste Male Busher Elizabeth Mary Frances Female Dardanup
1911/6600012 Wellington Carthew Arnold Remfry Male Ecclestone Susannah Mary Female Boyanup
1911/6600012 Wellington Ecclestone Susannah Mary Female Carthew Arnold Remfry Male Boyanup
1911/6600013 Wellington Symonds Ella Bessie Female Strange Richard Male Darkan
1911/6600013 Wellington Strange Richard Male Symonds Ella Bessie Female Darkan
1911/6600014 Wellington Tyler Ellen Female Outred Benjamin Richard Male Bunbury
1911/6600014 Wellington Outred Benjamin Richard Male Tyler Ellen Female Bunbury
1911/6600015 Wellington Gardiner Walter Percival Male Jones Elizabeth Female Harvey
1911/6600015 Wellington Jones Elizabeth Female Gardiner Walter Percival Male Harvey
1911/6600016 Wellington Stanton Arthur Ernest Victor Male Thompson Mary Female Collie
1911/6600016 Wellington Thompson Mary Female Stanton Arthur Ernest Victor Male Collie
1911/6600017 Wellington McEwin Joseph Nash Male Murdoch Amy Bathia Female Bunbury
1911/6600017 Wellington Murdoch Amy Bathia Female McEwin Joseph Nash Male Bunbury
1911/6600018 Wellington Biggers William John Male Squires Ellen Jane Female Bunbury
1911/6600018 Wellington Squires Ellen Jane Female Biggers William John Male Bunbury
1911/6600019 Wellington Ganfield Henrietta Female Landehr Henry Richard Male Bunbury
1911/6600019 Wellington Landehr Henry Richard Male Ganfield Henrietta Female Bunbury
1911/6600020 Wellington Noell Henrietta Mary Farrow Female Houston Neil John Campbell Male Collie
1911/6600020 Wellington Houston Neil John Campbell Male Noell Henrietta Mary Farrow Female Collie
1911/6600021 Wellington Stokes Ernest Male Wyatt Blanche Edith Female Bunbury
1911/6600021 Wellington Wyatt Blanche Edith Female Stokes Ernest Male Bunbury
1911/6600022 Wellington Wear Ruth Hannah Female Tyrell Frederick Male Bunbury
1911/6600022 Wellington Tyrell Frederick Male Wear Ruth Hannah Female Bunbury
1911/6600023 Wellington Murphy Ellen Euphemia Mary Female Clowes Henry Hugh Male Donnybrook
1911/6600023 Wellington Clowes Henry Hugh Male Murphy Ellen Euphemia Mary Female Donnybrook
1911/6600024 Wellington Jones Ellen Female Wallis David George Male Harvey
1911/6600024 Wellington Wallis David George Male Jones Ellen Female Harvey
1911/6600025 Wellington Jeffery Vernon Wilmot Derick Male Menz Myrtle Räeble Female Bunbury
1911/6600025 Wellington Menz Myrtle Räeble Female Jeffery Vernon Wilmot Derick Male Bunbury
1911/6600026 Wellington Crouch Wilfred Male Niman Hilda Elizabeth Female Collie
1911/6600026 Wellington Niman Hilda Elizabeth Female Crouch Wilfred Male Collie
1911/6600027 Wellington Bailey Ellen Female Richards Herbert Male Yarloop
1911/6600027 Wellington Richards Herbert Male Bailey Ellen Female Yarloop
1911/6600028 Wellington Simmons Maud Female Bryce Arthur Miller Male Bunbury
1911/6600028 Wellington Bryce Arthur Miller Male Simmons Maud Female Bunbury
1911/6600029 Wellington Saunders Jessie Millie Female Weller Albert Goodwin Male Collie
1911/6600029 Wellington Weller Albert Goodwin Male Saunders Jessie Millie Female Collie
1911/6600030 Wellington Pierce William Richard John Male McDonald Sarah Female Bunbury
1911/6600030 Wellington McDonald Sarah Female Pierce William Richard John Male Bunbury
1911/6600031 Wellington Carroll Edith Maud Female Pickersgill William Henry Male South Bunbury
1911/6600031 Wellington Pickersgill William Henry Male Carroll Edith Maud Female South Bunbury
1911/6600032 Wellington Nye Ethel Maud Female McKenzie Samuel Thomas Male Yarloop
1911/6600032 Wellington McKenzie Samuel Thomas Male Nye Ethel Maud Female Yarloop
1911/6600033 Wellington Willey Charles Henry Male White Alice Maude Female Bunbury
1911/6600033 Wellington White Alice Maude Female Willey Charles Henry Male Bunbury
1911/6600034 Wellington Burrows James Male Day Jessie Female Bunbury
1911/6600034 Wellington Day Jessie Female Burrows James Male Bunbury
1911/6600035 Wellington Blythe Thomas Male Bower Ellen Louise Female Bunbury
1911/6600035 Wellington Bower Ellen Louise Female Blythe Thomas Male Bunbury
1911/6600036 Wellington Mews Emily Edith Female Allen Eli Male South Bunbury
1911/6600036 Wellington Allen Eli Male Mews Emily Edith Female South Bunbury
1911/6600037 Wellington Baker Edward William Male Cole Sarah Ada Female Bunbury
1911/6600037 Wellington Cole Sarah Ada Female Baker Edward William Male Bunbury
1911/6600038 Wellington Smyth George Male Barron Miriam Frances Female Bunbury
1911/6600038 Wellington Barron Miriam Frances Female Smyth George Male Bunbury
1911/6600039 Wellington Jacques Hannah Female Henley Charles Frederick Male Mornington
1911/6600039 Wellington Henley Charles Frederick Male Jacques Hannah Female Mornington
1911/6600040 Wellington House Henry James Male Whiteaker Charlotte Female Collie
1911/6600040 Wellington Whiteaker Charlotte Female House Henry James Male Collie
1911/6600041 Wellington Harris John Thomas Male Davidson Mabel Ruth Female Lyall's Mill
1911/6600041 Wellington Davidson Mabel Ruth Female Harris John Thomas Male Lyall's Mill
1911/6600042 Wellington Sturtridge Hilda Mildred Female Dillon Michael Joseph Male Bunbury
1911/6600042 Wellington Dillon Michael Joseph Male Sturtridge Hilda Mildred Female Bunbury
1911/6600043 Wellington Dillon Herbert Male Peat Kathleen Female Bunbury
1911/6600043 Wellington Peat Kathleen Female Dillon Herbert Male Bunbury
1911/6600044 Wellington Wood Winifred Hazel Female Lamerton George Arthur Male Collie
1911/6600044 Wellington Lamerton George Arthur Male Wood Winifred Hazel Female Collie
1911/6600045 Wellington Offer Rose Mary Female Piggott Lewis Walter Male Brunswick
1911/6600045 Wellington Piggott Lewis Walter Male Offer Rose Mary Female Brunswick
1911/6600046 Wellington Wallace Mary Esther Female White Joseph Male South Bunbury
1911/6600046 Wellington White Joseph Male Wallace Mary Esther Female South Bunbury
1911/6600047 Wellington Davies Llewellyn Male Clifton Dorinda Frances Female Brunswick
1911/6600047 Wellington Clifton Dorinda Frances Female Davies Llewellyn Male Brunswick
1911/6600048 Wellington Wealands Bertha Rose Female Wise Frank Male Dardanup
1911/6600048 Wellington Wise Frank Male Wealands Bertha Rose Female Dardanup
1911/6600049 Wellington Reynardson Vida Female Keeling Amos Male Collie
1911/6600049 Wellington Keeling Amos Male Reynardson Vida Female Collie
1911/6600050 Wellington Ede Harold Male Knight Florence Mary Angelena Female Bunbury
1911/6600050 Wellington Knight Florence Mary Angelena Female Ede Harold Male Bunbury
1911/6600051 Wellington Symonds Emily Rose Mary Female Ross Robert James Male Bunbury
1911/6600051 Wellington Ross Robert James Male Symonds Emily Rose Mary Female Bunbury
1911/6600052 Wellington Sturm Charles Otto Male Stout Ethel Ida Female Collie
1911/6600052 Wellington Stout Ethel Ida Female Sturm Charles Otto Male Collie
1911/6600053 Wellington Kemp Aubrey Leslie Male Sweeney Emily May Female Bunbury
1911/6600053 Wellington Sweeney Emily May Female Kemp Aubrey Leslie Male Bunbury
1911/6600054 Wellington Keenan Mary Female Harrison Peter James Male Bunbury
1911/6600054 Wellington Harrison Peter James Male Keenan Mary Female Bunbury
1911/6600055 Wellington Warren William Henry Male Webster Olive Myrtle Polly Female Bunbury
1911/6600055 Wellington Webster Olive Myrtle Polly Female Warren William Henry Male Bunbury
1911/6600056 Wellington Andrew Harry Blackwood Male Hicks Hilda Female Collie
1911/6600056 Wellington Hicks Hilda Female Andrew Harry Blackwood Male Collie
1911/6600057 Wellington Martin John James Male Berry Elizabeth Female Bunbury
1911/6600057 Wellington Berry Elizabeth Female Martin John James Male Bunbury
1911/6600058 Wellington Stanford Charles Male Teague Alice Maude Female Harvey
1911/6600058 Wellington Teague Alice Maude Female Stanford Charles Male Harvey
1911/6600059 Wellington Scott Clarice Irene Preston Female Forrest Matthew Augustus Campbell Male Boyanup
1911/6600059 Wellington Forrest Matthew Augustus Campbell Male Scott Clarice Irene Preston Female Boyanup
1911/6600060 Wellington Scott Leah Gem Female Smith George Holding Male Boyanup
1911/6600060 Wellington Smith George Holding Male Scott Leah Gem Female Boyanup
1911/6600061 Wellington Beer Robert Kenneth Mason Male Higgins Mary Ellen Female Bunbury
1911/6600061 Wellington Higgins Mary Ellen Female Beer Robert Kenneth Mason Male Bunbury
1911/6600062 Wellington Phillips Emily Ethel Female Gardiner George Christopher Male Donnybrook
1911/6600062 Wellington Gardiner George Christopher Male Phillips Emily Ethel Female Donnybrook
1911/6600063 Wellington Carter May Lillian Female Harnett Richard Patrick Male Worsley
1911/6600063 Wellington Harnett Richard Patrick Male Carter May Lillian Female Worsley
1911/6600064 Wellington Biesiot Hendrik Martinus Male Gorman Maud Hilda Female Bunbury
1911/6600064 Wellington Gorman Maud Hilda Female Biesiot Hendrik Martinus Male Bunbury
1911/6600065 Wellington Mighell Joseph John Male Cooke Charlotte Elizabeth Female Bunbury
1911/6600065 Wellington Cooke Charlotte Elizabeth Female Mighell Joseph John Male Bunbury
1911/6600066 Wellington Sweeney May Margaret Female Gunn Thomas James Male Bunbury
1911/6600066 Wellington Gunn Thomas James Male Sweeney May Margaret Female Bunbury
1911/6600067 Wellington Johnston William Male Trigwell Edith Maria Female Donnybrook
1911/6600067 Wellington Trigwell Edith Maria Female Johnston William Male Donnybrook
1911/6600068 Wellington Ashton Gladys Ethel Female Davies Charlie George Male Bunbury
1911/6600068 Wellington Davies Charlie George Male Ashton Gladys Ethel Female Bunbury
1911/6600069 Wellington Moss Ernest Male Nichols Amelia May Female Bunbury
1911/6600069 Wellington Nichols Amelia May Female Moss Ernest Male Bunbury
1911/6600070 Wellington George Alfred Hyam Male Williams Jessie Marian Female Noggerup
1911/6600070 Wellington Williams Jessie Marian Female George Alfred Hyam Male Noggerup
1911/6600071 Wellington Shephard Walter George Stanley Male Allan Jane Female Collie
1911/6600071 Wellington Allan Jane Female Shephard Walter George Stanley Male Collie
1911/6600072 Wellington McLeod Robert Male Ewels Isabella Female Wellington Mills
1911/6600072 Wellington Ewels Isabella Female McLeod Robert Male Wellington Mills
1911/6600073 Wellington Gardiner Christopher Male Trigwell Bertha Maria Female Upper Capel
1911/6600073 Wellington Trigwell Bertha Maria Female Gardiner Christopher Male Upper Capel
1911/6600074 Wellington Whitworth Mary Ann Female Kilpatrick Andrew Male Collie
1911/6600074 Wellington Kilpatrick Andrew Male Whitworth Mary Ann Female Collie
1911/6600075 Wellington Tregurtha John Henry Owen Male Jory Emma Letitia Female Bunbury
1911/6600075 Wellington Jory Emma Letitia Female Tregurtha John Henry Owen Male Bunbury
1911/6600076 Wellington Pedretti Peter Male McAuliffe Kate Female Bunbury
1911/6600076 Wellington McAuliffe Kate Female Pedretti Peter Male Bunbury
1911/6600077 Wellington Abrahamson Mabel Lilian Female Ewing Percy Arthur Male Bunbury
1911/6600077 Wellington Ewing Percy Arthur Male Abrahamson Mabel Lilian Female Bunbury
1911/6600078 Wellington Hobbins Stella May Female Bickford Arscot Nicolas Male Bunbury
1911/6600078 Wellington Bickford Arscot Nicolas Male Hobbins Stella May Female Bunbury
1911/6600079 Wellington Turner Henry Fredrick Male Shortland Fanny Female Capel
1911/6600079 Wellington Shortland Fanny Female Turner Henry Fredrick Male Capel
1911/6600080 Wellington Stephens Charles Edwin Male Moss Lynda Amelia Female Yarloop
1911/6600080 Wellington Moss Lynda Amelia Female Stephens Charles Edwin Male Yarloop
1911/6600081 Wellington Maguire Gertrude Elizabeth Female King William Male Bunbury
1911/6600081 Wellington King William Male Maguire Gertrude Elizabeth Female Bunbury
1911/6600082 Wellington Foxworthy John Henry Male Baldock Annie Elizabeth Female Bunbury
1911/6600082 Wellington Baldock Annie Elizabeth Female Foxworthy John Henry Male Bunbury
1911/6600083 Wellington Swallow Amelia Jane Female Cannon Bernard Victor Male Bunbury
1911/6600083 Wellington Cannon Bernard Victor Male Swallow Amelia Jane Female Bunbury
1911/6600084 Wellington Hislop James John Henry Male Hunter Ellen Female Donnybrook
1911/6600084 Wellington Hunter Ellen Female Hislop James John Henry Male Donnybrook
1911/6600085 Wellington Crow Agnes Elizabeth Female Pritchard Rupert Charles Male Collie
1911/6600085 Wellington Pritchard Rupert Charles Male Crow Agnes Elizabeth Female Collie
1911/6600086 Wellington Christinger Jacob Male Klaebe Dagmar Beatrice Eugenie Female Collie
1911/6600086 Wellington Klaebe Dagmar Beatrice Eugenie Female Christinger Jacob Male Collie
1911/6600087 Wellington Woodward Herbert Frederick Male Magowan Gracie Female Picton
1911/6600087 Wellington Magowan Gracie Female Woodward Herbert Frederick Male Picton
1911/6600088 Wellington Fisher Percy Charles Male Rossiter Blanche Female Bunbury
1911/6600088 Wellington Rossiter Blanche Female Fisher Percy Charles Male Bunbury
1911/6600089 Wellington Guppy Edith Jane Female Scott Adrian Alwin Male Bunbury
1911/6600089 Wellington Scott Adrian Alwin Male Guppy Edith Jane Female Bunbury
1911/6600090 Wellington Pickersgill Edith Female Bostock William Henry Male South Bunbury
1911/6600090 Wellington Bostock William Henry Male Pickersgill Edith Female South Bunbury
1911/6600091 Wellington Howie Ansell James Scott Male McNab Ida Muriel Female Collie
1911/6600091 Wellington McNab Ida Muriel Female Howie Ansell James Scott Male Collie
1911/6600092 Wellington George Alma Female Heatly John James Male Collie
1911/6600092 Wellington Heatly John James Male George Alma Female Collie
1911/6600093 Wellington Moore Bertha Female Rowett Stanley Arthur Male Donnybrook
1911/6600093 Wellington Rowett Stanley Arthur Male Moore Bertha Female Donnybrook
1911/6600094 Wellington House Laura Climana Female Hislop Frederick James Male Bunbury
1911/6600094 Wellington Hislop Frederick James Male House Laura Climana Female Bunbury
1911/6600095 Wellington Butler Alexander Bishop Male Telfer Emily Ellen Female Bunbury
1911/6600095 Wellington Telfer Emily Ellen Female Butler Alexander Bishop Male Bunbury
1911/6600096 Wellington Bowden Marion Female Jeffery John Joseph Male Donnybrook
1911/6600096 Wellington Jeffery John Joseph Male Bowden Marion Female Donnybrook
1911/6600097 Wellington Overington Elizabeth Female Stewart James Male Bunbury
1911/6600097 Wellington Stewart James Male Overington Elizabeth Female Bunbury
1911/6600098 Wellington Naysmith Margaret Towers McLuckie Female Cooley Thomas Charles Male Collie
1911/6600098 Wellington Cooley Thomas Charles Male Naysmith Margaret Towers McLuckie Female Collie
1911/6600099 Wellington Yardley Frank Male Buswell Maud Female Bunbury
1911/6600099 Wellington Buswell Maud Female Yardley Frank Male Bunbury
1911/6600100 Wellington Collie Catherine Mary Female Bardi Francis Benjamin Male Collie
1911/6600100 Wellington Bardi Francis Benjamin Male Collie Catherine Mary Female Collie
1911/6600101 Wellington Stone James Blackwood Male Thompson Edith Female Donnybrook
1911/6600101 Wellington Thompson Edith Female Stone James Blackwood Male Donnybrook
1911/6600102 Wellington Straube Sophia Matilda Female Murdoch David Henry Male Darkan
1911/6600102 Wellington Murdoch David Henry Male Straube Sophia Matilda Female Darkan
1911/6600103 Wellington Reynardson Marie Female Palmer Richard Male Collie
1911/6600103 Wellington Palmer Richard Male Reynardson Marie Female Collie
1911/6600104 Wellington Campbell Sarah Lousia Female Donaldson Tom Leo Male Bunbury
1911/6600104 Wellington Donaldson Tom Leo Male Campbell Sarah Lousia Female Bunbury
1911/6600105 Wellington Campbell Rachel Grace Female Brennan William John Drewett Male Bunbury
1911/6600105 Wellington Brennan William John Drewett Male Campbell Rachel Grace Female Bunbury
1911/6600106 Wellington Craigie George Male Skipworth Edna Female Waterloo
1911/6600106 Wellington Skipworth Edna Female Craigie George Male Waterloo
1911/6600107 Wellington Quinlan Sophia Ellen Female Popple Frank Male Collie
1911/6600107 Wellington Popple Frank Male Quinlan Sophia Ellen Female Collie
1911/6600108 Wellington Doogan Annie Margaret Female Irving Andrew French Male Collie
1911/6600108 Wellington Irving Andrew French Male Doogan Annie Margaret Female Collie
1911/6600109 Wellington Johnson Lillian Louise Female McDonald Hugh Male Bunbury
1911/6600109 Wellington McDonald Hugh Male Johnson Lillian Louise Female Bunbury
1911/6700002 Williams Braack George James Male Thomas Mary Maud Female Williams
1911/6700002 Williams Thomas Mary Maud Female Braack George James Male Williams
1911/6700003 Williams Francis John Joseph Male Oliver Violet Lucy Female Narrogin
1911/6700003 Williams Oliver Violet Lucy Female Francis John Joseph Male Narrogin
1911/6700004 Williams Rintel Zillah Leah Female Peters Charles Ernest Male Narrogin
1911/6700004 Williams Peters Charles Ernest Male Rintel Zillah Leah Female Narrogin
1911/6700005 Williams Shearer Agnes James Female Blight Archie Clarence Male Narrogin
1911/6700005 Williams Blight Archie Clarence Male Shearer Agnes James Female Narrogin
1911/6700006 Williams Bingham John Ethelbert Male Reed Charlotte Female Williams
1911/6700006 Williams Reed Charlotte Female Bingham John Ethelbert Male Williams
1911/6700007 Williams Hiscock Arthur Male McCoy Florence Adelaide Female Narrogin
1911/6700007 Williams McCoy Florence Adelaide Female Hiscock Arthur Male Narrogin
1911/6700008 Williams Buckley George Edward Male Montgomery Ruby Margaret Female East Wickepin
1911/6700008 Williams Montgomery Ruby Margaret Female Buckley George Edward Male East Wickepin
1911/6700009 Williams Waters William Frank Male Sims Edith Ellen Gladys Female Popanyinning
1911/6700009 Williams Sims Edith Ellen Gladys Female Waters William Frank Male Popanyinning
1911/6700010 Williams Day Grace Female Playle Richard Male Marradong
1911/6700010 Williams Playle Richard Male Day Grace Female Marradong
1911/6700011 Williams Borgas Henry Hugo Male Redman Emma Jane Female Narrogin
1911/6700011 Williams Redman Emma Jane Female Borgas Henry Hugo Male Narrogin
1911/6700012 Williams Stokes Francis William Male Leishman Christina Fleming Female Narrogin
1911/6700012 Williams Leishman Christina Fleming Female Stokes Francis William Male Narrogin
1911/6700013 Williams Giles Harriet Henrietta Female Meers Albert David Male Narrogin
1911/6700013 Williams Meers Albert David Male Giles Harriet Henrietta Female Narrogin
1911/6700014 Williams Melbin William Male Gibson Eva Female Narrogin
1911/6700014 Williams Gibson Eva Female Melbin William Male Narrogin
1911/6700016 Williams O'Gorman George Male Pattenden Mary Female Narrogin
1911/6700016 Williams Pattenden Mary Female O'Gorman George Male Narrogin
1911/6700017 Williams Haberley Frederick William Male Hardy Beatrice Female Cuballing
1911/6700017 Williams Hardy Beatrice Female Haberley Frederick William Male Cuballing
1911/6700018 Williams McClure William Roy Evens Male Jaeschke Ottilie Gertrude Marie Female Narrogin
1911/6700018 Williams Jaeschke Ottilie Gertrude Marie Female McClure William Roy Evens Male Narrogin
1911/6700019 Williams Pumphrey Mable Dearcie Female Crane Frederick James Male Quindanning
1911/6700019 Williams Crane Frederick James Male Pumphrey Mable Dearcie Female Quindanning
1911/6700020 Williams Bacon Louisa Rebecca Female Francis William Male East Narrogin
1911/6700020 Williams Francis William Male Bacon Louisa Rebecca Female East Narrogin
1911/6700021 Williams Kift Robert Arthur Male Ewing Irene Ann Female Narrogin
1911/6700021 Williams Ewing Irene Ann Female Kift Robert Arthur Male Narrogin
1911/6700022 Williams Down Alice Elizabeth Female Watters Charles Male Wickepin
1911/6700022 Williams Watters Charles Male Down Alice Elizabeth Female Wickepin
1911/6700023 Williams Hardwick Clara Female Waddingham Albert Victor Male Narrogin
1911/6700023 Williams Waddingham Albert Victor Male Hardwick Clara Female Narrogin
1911/6700024 Williams Godfrey Ernest Charles Leslie Male Davis Elizabeth Sarah Female Narrogin
1911/6700024 Williams Davis Elizabeth Sarah Female Godfrey Ernest Charles Leslie Male Narrogin
1911/6700025 Williams Gath Mary Female Fairhead Frederick James Vernon Male Cuballing
1911/6700025 Williams Fairhead Frederick James Vernon Male Gath Mary Female Cuballing
1911/6700026 Williams Shearer Mary Elizabeth Female Kealley Ellis Otto Arthur Male Narrogin
1911/6700026 Williams Kealley Ellis Otto Arthur Male Shearer Mary Elizabeth Female Narrogin
1911/6700027 Williams Shaddick John Norris Male Walton Susanna Wyborn Female Pingelly
1911/6700027 Williams Walton Susanna Wyborn Female Shaddick John Norris Male Pingelly
1911/6700028 Williams Mindemarra Mary Margaret Female Miller William Charles Male Narrogin
1911/6700028 Williams Miller William Charles Male Mindemarra Mary Margaret Female Narrogin
1911/6700029 Williams Hamon Joseph Ahier Male Haldane Janet Gorrie Female Narrogin
1911/6700029 Williams Haldane Janet Gorrie Female Hamon Joseph Ahier Male Narrogin
1911/7000001 Yilgarn O'Brien Mary Alice Female Gallico Alec Male Southern Cross
1911/7000001 Yilgarn Gallico Alec Male O'Brien Mary Alice Female Southern Cross
1911/7000002 Yilgarn Clamp Martin William Male Payne Mary Louisa Female Yilgarn District
1911/7000002 Yilgarn Payne Mary Louisa Female Clamp Martin William Male Yilgarn District
1911/7000003 Yilgarn Irwin Patrick Male Clinch Mary Female Southern Cross
1911/7000003 Yilgarn Clinch Mary Female Irwin Patrick Male Southern Cross
1911/7000004 Yilgarn Muir Margaret Female Summerton Edward Joseph Male Southern Cross
1911/7000004 Yilgarn Summerton Edward Joseph Male Muir Margaret Female Southern Cross
1911/7000005 Yilgarn Allen Arthur James Male Gray Mabel Maquassi Rex Female Southern Cross
1911/7000005 Yilgarn Gray Mabel Maquassi Rex Female Allen Arthur James Male Southern Cross
1911/7000006 Yilgarn Pennefather Alice Female McCaughey James Male Southern Cross
1911/7000006 Yilgarn McCaughey James Male Pennefather Alice Female Southern Cross
1911/7000007 Yilgarn Maxwell Alice Isabell Female Davey Clarence Male Southern Cross
1911/7000007 Yilgarn Davey Clarence Male Maxwell Alice Isabell Female Southern Cross
1911/7000008 Yilgarn Fraser Alfred James Male McKenna Mary Torbet Female Yilgarn
1911/7000008 Yilgarn McKenna Mary Torbet Female Fraser Alfred James Male Yilgarn
1911/7100001 York Fraser Edward Male Grant Frances Female York
1912/7100001 York Freeman Albert Harry Male Bryan Rose Maud Female York
1911/7100001 York Grant Frances Female Fraser Edward Male York
1912/7100001 York Bryan Rose Maud Female Freeman Albert Harry Male York
1911/7100002 York Robinson Tryphena Pearce Female Shehan James Male Quellington
1911/7100002 York Shehan James Male Robinson Tryphena Pearce Female Quellington
1911/7100003 York Prosser Alexander Male Gale Margaret Ellen Female York
1911/7100003 York Gale Margaret Ellen Female Prosser Alexander Male York
1911/7100004 York Weeks Willis Female Merrick James Male York
1911/7100004 York Merrick James Male Weeks Willis Female York
1911/7100005 York Ashworth Matilda Ann Female Ovens James Henry Male Balladong
1911/7100005 York Ovens James Henry Male Ashworth Matilda Ann Female Balladong
1911/7100006 York Gentle William Male Broad Mary Ellen Female Tipperary
1911/7100006 York Broad Mary Ellen Female Gentle William Male Tipperary
1911/7100007 York Batty Thomas Henry Male Sims Florence Rose Female York
1911/7100007 York Sims Florence Rose Female Batty Thomas Henry Male York
1911/7100008 York Davey John Taylor Male Cugley Annie Beatrice Female York
1911/7100008 York Cugley Annie Beatrice Female Davey John Taylor Male York
1911/7100009 York Barson Vernon Male McRostie Ida Jane Female York
1911/7100009 York McRostie Ida Jane Female Barson Vernon Male York
1911/7100010 York Ding James Sharam Male Smart Daisy Aileen Stewart Female York
1911/7100010 York Smart Daisy Aileen Stewart Female Ding James Sharam Male York
1911/7100011 York Bradshaw Alexander Richard Male Smith Mary Henrietta Ruth Female York
1911/7100011 York Smith Mary Henrietta Ruth Female Bradshaw Alexander Richard Male York
1911/7100012 York Neal Arthur James Male Little Eileen Emily Female York
1911/7100012 York Little Eileen Emily Female Neal Arthur James Male York
1911/7100013 York Durance George Matthew Male Barber Joan Cecil Female York
1911/7100013 York Barber Joan Cecil Female Durance George Matthew Male York
1911/7100014 York Condon Jean Female O'Mara James Alfred Male York
1911/7100014 York O'Mara James Alfred Male Condon Jean Female York
1911/7100015 York Chipper John Maley Male Austin Beatrice Female York
1911/7100015 York Austin Beatrice Female Chipper John Maley Male York
1911/7100016 York Whitbread Henry John Male Day Pricalla Maud Female Quairading
1911/7100016 York Day Pricalla Maud Female Whitbread Henry John Male Quairading
1911/7100017 York Ashworth Blanche Miranda Myrtle Female Kelly Alfred John Male Quairading
1911/7100017 York Kelly Alfred John Male Ashworth Blanche Miranda Myrtle Female Quairading
1911/7100018 York Dent Amy Caroline Female Hales Thomas Hillary Male Jacob's Well
1911/7100018 York Hales Thomas Hillary Male Dent Amy Caroline Female Jacob's Well
1911/7100019 York Downey Maud Isabel Female Wake Sydney Plant Male York
1911/7100019 York Wake Sydney Plant Male Downey Maud Isabel Female York
1911/7100020 York Wilkinson Amy Female Longbottom Ross George Male Greenhills
1911/7100020 York Longbottom Ross George Male Wilkinson Amy Female Greenhills
1911/7100021 York Anderton Charles William Male Mead Hilda May Female York
1911/7100021 York Mead Hilda May Female Anderton Charles William Male York
1911/7100022 York Haines Francis Horrock Male Ashworth Emily Charlotte Female Balladong
1911/7100022 York Ashworth Emily Charlotte Female Haines Francis Horrock Male Balladong
1911/7100023 York Geyer Bertha Violet Female Green William Male Woodenaning
1911/7100023 York Green William Male Geyer Bertha Violet Female Woodenaning
1911/7100024 York Foss Ada Female Nelson John Alexander Male Near Quairading
1911/7100024 York Nelson John Alexander Male Foss Ada Female Near Quairading
1911/7100025 York Harte Charles Edward Male Pyke Bertha Louisa Female York
1911/7100025 York Pyke Bertha Louisa Female Harte Charles Edward Male York