A tool to help track the citations of the Western Australian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages from Wikidata and WikiTree.

Marriages in: 1906

Registration year & number Registration district Surname Given names Gender Spouse surname Spouse given names Spouse gender Marriage place Wikidata WikiTree
1907/100001 Perth Reeves Helen Female Judge William Arthur Kilgour Male East Perth
1907/100001 Perth Judge William Arthur Kilgour Male Reeves Helen Female East Perth
1906/100002 Perth Hall Annie Female Williams John Male Perth
1906/100002 Perth Williams John Male Hall Annie Female Perth
1907/100003 Perth Drury Henry Harold Male Gray Alice Evelyn Saint Female Perth
1906/100003 Perth Johnson William Male Gibson Martha Isabella Female Perth
1907/100003 Perth Gray Alice Evelyn Saint Female Drury Henry Harold Male Perth
1906/100003 Perth Gibson Martha Isabella Female Johnson William Male Perth
1907/100004 Perth Dorrington David Male Cleal Mary Ann Priscilla Female West Perth
1907/100004 Perth Cleal Mary Ann Priscilla Female Dorrington David Male West Perth
1906/100005 Perth Nuzum Henrietta Female Sullivan Dennis Male Perth
1906/100005 Perth Sullivan Dennis Male Nuzum Henrietta Female Perth
1906/100006 Perth Bettles Edith May Female Taylor George Henry Male North Perth
1906/100006 Perth Taylor George Henry Male Bettles Edith May Female North Perth
1907/100007 Perth Little Robert Clarke Male Callanan Madge Female West Perth
1906/100007 Perth Riley Kathleen Sushannah Female Filear Arthur Male Perth
1907/100007 Perth Callanan Madge Female Little Robert Clarke Male West Perth
1906/100007 Perth Filear Arthur Male Riley Kathleen Sushannah Female Perth
1907/100008 Perth John Marion Sarah Female Warner Frederick Ricks Male Perth
1907/100008 Perth Warner Frederick Ricks Male John Marion Sarah Female Perth
1906/100009 Perth Walker Jean Letatia Female Goad Alfred Edwin Male Perth
1907/100009 Perth Byers Harry Hobson Male Müller Emma Maria Female Perth
1907/100009 Perth Müller Emma Maria Female Byers Harry Hobson Male Perth
1906/100009 Perth Goad Alfred Edwin Male Walker Jean Letatia Female Perth
1906/100010 Perth Goodsell Lucy Female Compton Joseph Herbert Male West Perth
1906/100010 Perth Compton Joseph Herbert Male Goodsell Lucy Female West Perth
1906/100011 Perth MacIntosh Margaret Letitia Female McCashney Patrick Male Perth
1907/100011 Perth Maxwell Robert Joseph Male Williams Maud Marion Female Perth
1907/100011 Perth Williams Maud Marion Female Maxwell Robert Joseph Male Perth
1906/100011 Perth McCashney Patrick Male MacIntosh Margaret Letitia Female Perth
1907/100012 Perth Brown Walter Male Pile Mabel Mildred Female Perth
1906/100012 Perth Hatton William Male Bartley Catherine Mary Female Perth
1907/100012 Perth Pile Mabel Mildred Female Brown Walter Male Perth
1906/100012 Perth Bartley Catherine Mary Female Hatton William Male Perth
1906/100013 Perth Urquhart Louis Frederick Male Malone Kathleen Female Perth
1906/100013 Perth Malone Kathleen Female Urquhart Louis Frederick Male Perth
1906/100015 Perth Connell Mary Female Creenaune John Male Perth
1906/100015 Perth Creenaune John Male Connell Mary Female Perth
1906/100017 Perth Culligan Arthur Joseph Male O'Connell Mary Female Perth
1907/100017 Perth Wood Elsie Winifred Female Carter Robert Frederick Male Perth
1907/100017 Perth Carter Robert Frederick Male Wood Elsie Winifred Female Perth
1906/100017 Perth O'Connell Mary Female Culligan Arthur Joseph Male Perth
1906/100018 Perth Price Lucy Ellen Female Atkin Arnold Male Perth
1906/100018 Perth Atkin Arnold Male Price Lucy Ellen Female Perth
1906/100019 Perth Young George James Male Lewis Hannah Rhoda Victoria Female Perth
1906/100019 Perth Lewis Hannah Rhoda Victoria Female Young George James Male Perth
1906/100020 Perth Graham William Alfred Male Campbell Mary Montgomery Female Perth
1906/100020 Perth Campbell Mary Montgomery Female Graham William Alfred Male Perth
1907/100021 Perth Love Arthur Male Magee Mary Female Perth
1907/100021 Perth Magee Mary Female Love Arthur Male Perth
1907/100022 Perth Dunning Frederic William Male Retallick Florence Lucy Female Perth
1907/100022 Perth Retallick Florence Lucy Female Dunning Frederic William Male Perth
1906/100022 Perth Koetsveld William August Male Plant Elizabeth Adeline Female Perth
1906/100022 Perth Plant Elizabeth Adeline Female Koetsveld William August Male Perth
1907/100023 Perth Chatfield Levi Owen Male Nicholson Catherine Female Perth
1907/100023 Perth Nicholson Catherine Female Chatfield Levi Owen Male Perth
1906/100023 Perth Deus Edith Female Daniel Thomas Henry Male Perth
1906/100023 Perth Daniel Thomas Henry Male Deus Edith Female Perth
1906/100024 Perth Sederstrom Martha Female Wertheimer Alfred Male Perth
1906/100024 Perth Wertheimer Alfred Male Sederstrom Martha Female Perth
1907/100025 Perth Miles David Male Whiting Alice Mary Female Perth
1906/100025 Perth Rann William George Male Bloom Anna Rosine Female Perth
1907/100025 Perth Whiting Alice Mary Female Miles David Male Perth
1906/100025 Perth Bloom Anna Rosine Female Rann William George Male Perth
1906/100026 Perth Keenan Ellen Female Beckhouse Hume Philip Male Perth
1906/100026 Perth Beckhouse Hume Philip Male Keenan Ellen Female Perth
1907/100027 Perth Merritt Eveline Blanch Female Paterson Arthur Mechan Male Perth
1907/100027 Perth Paterson Arthur Mechan Male Merritt Eveline Blanch Female Perth
1906/100028 Perth Taylor Robert Smeltzer Male Caporn Helena Mena Female Wanneroo
1906/100028 Perth Caporn Helena Mena Female Taylor Robert Smeltzer Male Wanneroo
1907/100028 Perth Benoit Jean Female Hemmy Christopher Napier Male Perth
1907/100028 Perth Hemmy Christopher Napier Male Benoit Jean Female Perth
1906/100029 Perth Barnett Sarah Catherine Female Pratt George Guy Male Perth
1906/100029 Perth Pratt George Guy Male Barnett Sarah Catherine Female Perth
1906/100030 Perth King Albert Stanley Male McKenzie Barbara Anne Female Perth
1906/100030 Perth McKenzie Barbara Anne Female King Albert Stanley Male Perth
1906/100031 Perth Flannigan Bridget Female Cannon Henry Male Perth
1906/100031 Perth Cannon Henry Male Flannigan Bridget Female Perth
1906/100032 Perth Rowland Richard James Male Ridgway Marion Female Perth
1906/100032 Perth Ridgway Marion Female Rowland Richard James Male Perth
1906/100033 Perth Frankee Charles Male Mühleisen Mary Maria Rosina Female Perth
1906/100033 Perth Andersen Charles Male Mühleisen Mary Maria Rosina Female Perth
1906/100033 Perth Mühleisen Mary Maria Rosina Female Andersen Charles Male Perth
1906/100033 Perth Mühleisen Mary Maria Rosina Female Frankee Charles Male Perth
1906/100034 Perth Leahy Patrick Male Bleeck Louisa Florence May Female West Perth
1906/100034 Perth Bleeck Louisa Florence May Female Leahy Patrick Male West Perth
1907/100035 Perth Crogan Thomas Male Kau Matilda Female Perth
1906/100035 Perth Mackay Eleanor Emil Female Moran Edward Male West Perth
1907/100035 Perth Kau Matilda Female Crogan Thomas Male Perth
1906/100035 Perth Moran Edward Male Mackay Eleanor Emil Female West Perth
1906/100036 Perth Ginn Emily Female Carrick Walter John Male Perth
1907/100036 Perth Maddock Margaret Mary Female Fowler Frederick James Male Perth
1907/100036 Perth Fowler Frederick James Male Maddock Margaret Mary Female Perth
1906/100036 Perth Carrick Walter John Male Ginn Emily Female Perth
1906/100037 Perth Diack Elsie Frances Female Rorke Frederick Niland Male Perth
1907/100037 Perth McGrath Kathleen Florence Mary Female Russell Alexander John Male Perth
1906/100037 Perth Rorke Frederick Niland Male Diack Elsie Frances Female Perth
1907/100037 Perth Russell Alexander John Male McGrath Kathleen Florence Mary Female Perth
1907/100038 Perth Baker Louisa Josephine Female O'Brien John Male Perth
1906/100038 Perth Lawrie Irene Ella Female Garcia Daniel Male Perth
1907/100038 Perth O'Brien John Male Baker Louisa Josephine Female Perth
1906/100038 Perth Garcia Daniel Male Lawrie Irene Ella Female Perth
1907/100039 Perth Brady Alice Female Russell Phillip Male Perth
1906/100039 Perth Weatherill Betsy Female Haley Reginald Male Perth
1907/100039 Perth Russell Phillip Male Brady Alice Female Perth
1906/100039 Perth Haley Reginald Male Weatherill Betsy Female Perth
1906/100040 Perth Stacey William Henry Alloft Male Taylor Maud Female Perth
1907/100040 Perth Kenafick Margaret Ellen Female Fletcher Walter Bertram Male Perth
1907/100040 Perth Fletcher Walter Bertram Male Kenafick Margaret Ellen Female Perth
1906/100040 Perth Taylor Maud Female Stacey William Henry Alloft Male Perth
1906/100041 Perth Collins Ellen Jane Female Simcock David John Male Perth
1906/100041 Perth Simcock David John Male Collins Ellen Jane Female Perth
1906/100042 Perth Sparrow Grace Selina Female Cartwright Hubert Joseph Male Perth
1906/100042 Perth Cartwright Hubert Joseph Male Sparrow Grace Selina Female Perth
1906/100043 Perth Bain Margaret Esther Female Pike Christopher Male Perth
1906/100043 Perth Pike Christopher Male Bain Margaret Esther Female Perth
1906/100044 Perth Lamb Christina Peters Female Leister William Clarkson Male Perth
1906/100044 Perth Leister William Clarkson Male Lamb Christina Peters Female Perth
1906/100045 Perth Baragwanath Lily Female Slade Sidney Male Perth
1906/100045 Perth Slade Sidney Male Baragwanath Lily Female Perth
1906/100046 Perth Clamp Jean Female Smith Matthew Nicholas Male Perth
1906/100046 Perth Smith Matthew Nicholas Male Clamp Jean Female Perth
1906/100047 Perth Wain Harriet Maria Female Barnfather Edward James Male Perth
1906/100047 Perth Barnfather Edward James Male Wain Harriet Maria Female Perth
1906/100048 Perth Badger Cecil Samuel Male Wilson Rosalind Christinia Mustart Female Osborn Park
1906/100048 Perth Wilson Rosalind Christinia Mustart Female Badger Cecil Samuel Male Osborn Park
1906/100049 Perth Gibson Ethel Annie Eliza Female Lynes McCarthy Male Perth
1906/100049 Perth Lynes McCarthy Male Gibson Ethel Annie Eliza Female Perth
1907/100050 Perth Wagstaff Charles William Male Kemp Edina Mary Ernestine Female South Perth
1906/100050 Perth Tresidder Sydney John Male Fischer Elizabeth Female Perth
1907/100050 Perth Kemp Edina Mary Ernestine Female Wagstaff Charles William Male South Perth
1906/100050 Perth Fischer Elizabeth Female Tresidder Sydney John Male Perth
1906/100051 Perth Marley Janet Bridget Female Willey Alfred Charles Male Perth
1906/100051 Perth Willey Alfred Charles Male Marley Janet Bridget Female Perth
1906/100052 Perth Menzel Bruno Edgar August Male Möller Isabella Female Perth
1906/100052 Perth Möller Isabella Female Menzel Bruno Edgar August Male Perth
1906/100053 Perth Dorrington Ralph John Male Barker Edwina Mary Female Perth
1906/100053 Perth Barker Edwina Mary Female Dorrington Ralph John Male Perth
1906/100054 Perth Glaser Nance Pauline Female Smairl William Percy Male Perth
1906/100054 Perth Smairl William Percy Male Glaser Nance Pauline Female Perth
1906/100055 Perth Rufus Minnie Warrener Female Matthew Charles Edward Male Perth
1906/100055 Perth Matthew Charles Edward Male Rufus Minnie Warrener Female Perth
1906/100056 Perth Pilven George William Male More Agnes Female Perth
1906/100056 Perth More Agnes Female Pilven George William Male Perth
1906/100057 Perth Kennedy Catherine Female Walters Thomas Male Perth
1906/100057 Perth Walters Thomas Male Kennedy Catherine Female Perth
1906/100058 Perth Aplin Elsie Lillian Female White Albert Thomas Male Perth
1906/100058 Perth White Albert Thomas Male Aplin Elsie Lillian Female Perth
1906/100059 Perth Hartnett Florence Matilda Female Turner Charles Male Perth
1906/100059 Perth Turner Charles Male Hartnett Florence Matilda Female Perth
1906/100060 Perth Dorrington Herbert William Male Whyte Florence Jessie Female Perth
1906/100060 Perth Whyte Florence Jessie Female Dorrington Herbert William Male Perth
1906/100061 Perth Madden Margaret Female Hinrichs John Edward Male Perth
1906/100061 Perth Hinrichs John Edward Male Madden Margaret Female Perth
1906/100062 Perth Kennedy Richard Patrick Male Meadows Jean Female Perth
1906/100062 Perth Meadows Jean Female Kennedy Richard Patrick Male Perth
1906/100064 Perth Pollard Walter Henry Male Simson Isla Vivienne Female Perth
1906/100064 Perth Simson Isla Vivienne Female Pollard Walter Henry Male Perth
1906/100065 Perth Clarke Charles Male Fergus Isabella Female Perth
1906/100065 Perth Fergus Isabella Female Clarke Charles Male Perth
1906/100066 Perth Roberts Eva Female Wray Arthur Male Perth
1906/100066 Perth Wray Arthur Male Roberts Eva Female Perth
1906/100067 Perth Cramond Ada Julia Female McClintock William Male Perth
1906/100067 Perth McClintock William Male Cramond Ada Julia Female Perth
1906/100068 Perth Bray Ada Female Prater Alfred Ernest Male Perth
1906/100068 Perth Prater Alfred Ernest Male Bray Ada Female Perth
1906/100069 Perth Shaw Bernard Cecil Male Wyburn Harriet Bessie Female Perth
1906/100069 Perth Wyburn Harriet Bessie Female Shaw Bernard Cecil Male Perth
1906/100070 Perth Simpson Margeret Female Crake Arthur Male North Perth
1906/100070 Perth Crake Arthur Male Simpson Margeret Female North Perth
1906/100071 Perth Polglase Edith May Female Bullas Albert David Male Perth
1906/100071 Perth Bullas Albert David Male Polglase Edith May Female Perth
1906/100072 Perth Gray Florence Female Jukes James Male Perth
1906/100072 Perth Jukes James Male Gray Florence Female Perth
1906/100073 Perth Yates Alice Mary Female Evans James Bowen Male Perth
1906/100073 Perth Evans James Bowen Male Yates Alice Mary Female Perth
1906/100074 Perth Robins Theodore Stanley Male Smith Fanny Celia Female Perth
1906/100074 Perth Smith Fanny Celia Female Robins Theodore Stanley Male Perth
1906/100075 Perth Wilkinson Henry Edward Male Johnstone Clara Female West Perth
1906/100075 Perth Johnstone Clara Female Wilkinson Henry Edward Male West Perth
1906/100076 Perth Treadwell Charles Henry Male Vincent Margaret Isabel Female West Perth
1906/100076 Perth Vincent Margaret Isabel Female Treadwell Charles Henry Male West Perth
1906/100077 Perth Stephenson Drury Male Donnelly Ellen Female Perth
1906/100077 Perth Donnelly Ellen Female Stephenson Drury Male Perth
1906/100078 Perth Harms Hervey Arthur Male Griffin Kathleen Mary Female Perth
1906/100078 Perth Griffin Kathleen Mary Female Harms Hervey Arthur Male Perth
1906/100079 Perth Scott Victor Stonewall Male Slater Mabel Melville Female Perth
1906/100079 Perth Slater Mabel Melville Female Scott Victor Stonewall Male Perth
1906/100080 Perth Pendergast Nellie Female Curran Thomas William Male Perth
1906/100080 Perth Curran Thomas William Male Pendergast Nellie Female Perth
1906/100081 Perth Scott Annie Isabell Female Burrows William Frederick Male Perth
1906/100081 Perth Burrows William Frederick Male Scott Annie Isabell Female Perth
1906/100082 Perth Warnock Francis Johnston Male Keen Elsie Leila Manton Female Perth
1906/100082 Perth Keen Elsie Leila Manton Female Warnock Francis Johnston Male Perth
1906/100083 Perth McIntosh Sarah Ann Female Mitchell Sidney Male Perth
1906/100083 Perth Mitchell Sidney Male McIntosh Sarah Ann Female Perth
1906/100084 Perth Eames Florence Hettie Elizabeth Female Summers John Percy Male Perth
1906/100084 Perth Summers John Percy Male Eames Florence Hettie Elizabeth Female Perth
1906/100085 Perth Davies Ada Louisa Maud Female Cooper James Charles Emmanuel Male Perth
1906/100085 Perth Cooper James Charles Emmanuel Male Davies Ada Louisa Maud Female Perth
1906/100086 Perth Myers Nellie Emily Female Peart Edwin Hall Male Perth
1906/100086 Perth Peart Edwin Hall Male Myers Nellie Emily Female Perth
1906/100087 Perth Thompson Gordon Kingsley Male Hartrick Daisy Miriam Ruth Female Perth
1906/100087 Perth Hartrick Daisy Miriam Ruth Female Thompson Gordon Kingsley Male Perth
1906/100088 Perth Gaymer Mary Susannah Female Thomas Hedley Tracy Male Maylands
1906/100088 Perth Thomas Hedley Tracy Male Gaymer Mary Susannah Female Maylands
1906/100089 Perth Ahern Agnes Female Pinker Arthur Male Perth
1906/100089 Perth Pinker Arthur Male Ahern Agnes Female Perth
1906/100090 Perth Trenoweth James Henry Male Warnock Kathleen Amena Female Victoria Park
1906/100090 Perth Warnock Kathleen Amena Female Trenoweth James Henry Male Victoria Park
1906/100091 Perth Costello John Vincent Male Whealan Kathleen Mary Female Perth
1906/100091 Perth Whealan Kathleen Mary Female Costello John Vincent Male Perth
1906/100092 Perth Vince George Chichester Male Palmer Catherine Mary Female West Perth
1906/100092 Perth Palmer Catherine Mary Female Vince George Chichester Male West Perth
1906/100093 Perth Clarke William Henry John Male Hall Florence Julia Annie Female West Perth
1906/100093 Perth Hall Florence Julia Annie Female Clarke William Henry John Male West Perth
1906/100094 Perth Dyer Henry Clulow Stanley Male Smith Ada Elison Female Perth
1906/100094 Perth Smith Ada Elison Female Dyer Henry Clulow Stanley Male Perth
1906/100095 Perth Armstrong Thomas Adam Male Grayson Frances Mary Female Perth
1906/100095 Perth Grayson Frances Mary Female Armstrong Thomas Adam Male Perth
1906/100096 Perth Campbell Arthur Malcolm Male Jenkins May Elizabeth Female Perth
1906/100096 Perth Jenkins May Elizabeth Female Campbell Arthur Malcolm Male Perth
1906/100097 Perth Collins Patrick Male Egan Margaret Female Perth
1906/100097 Perth Egan Margaret Female Collins Patrick Male Perth
1906/100098 Perth Deane Mary Female Hanafan Patrick Male Perth
1906/100098 Perth Hanafan Patrick Male Deane Mary Female Perth
1906/100099 Perth Youngs Alice Catherine Female O'Keeffe Henry Canning Male Perth
1906/100099 Perth O'Keeffe Henry Canning Male Youngs Alice Catherine Female Perth
1906/100100 Perth Carroll John Male Nichols Bertha Female Perth
1906/100100 Perth Nichols Bertha Female Carroll John Male Perth
1906/100101 Perth Lennen Patrick Male Henderson Catherine Female Perth
1906/100101 Perth Henderson Catherine Female Lennen Patrick Male Perth
1906/100102 Perth Dawson Richmond Underwood Male McEwan Maggie Female Perth
1906/100102 Perth McEwan Maggie Female Dawson Richmond Underwood Male Perth
1906/100103 Perth Tubbs Augustine Laurence Male O'Hanlon Alice Maude Bernice Female Perth
1906/100103 Perth O'Hanlon Alice Maude Bernice Female Tubbs Augustine Laurence Male Perth
1906/100104 Perth Lloyd James Edward Male Reilly Bridget Magdalene Female Perth
1906/100104 Perth Reilly Bridget Magdalene Female Lloyd James Edward Male Perth
1906/100105 Perth Robbins William Allen Male Ferns Kitty Female Perth
1906/100105 Perth Ferns Kitty Female Robbins William Allen Male Perth
1906/100106 Perth Meehan James Joseph Male Alston Annie Ethel Female Perth
1906/100106 Perth Alston Annie Ethel Female Meehan James Joseph Male Perth
1906/100107 Perth Ward Rose Emma Female Penfold Walter Matthew Male West Perth
1906/100107 Perth Penfold Walter Matthew Male Ward Rose Emma Female West Perth
1906/100108 Perth Saunders Arthur Cyril Male Best Lily Florence Female Victoria Park
1906/100108 Perth Best Lily Florence Female Saunders Arthur Cyril Male Victoria Park
1906/100109 Perth Filewood Lilian Female Hardinge George Male Perth
1906/100109 Perth Hardinge George Male Filewood Lilian Female Perth
1906/100110 Perth Gleeson Matilda Jeffery Female Scantlebury Harry Ernest Male Perth
1906/100110 Perth Scantlebury Harry Ernest Male Gleeson Matilda Jeffery Female Perth
1906/100111 Perth Mansfield Florence May Female Byrne William Gerald Male West Perth
1906/100111 Perth Byrne William Gerald Male Mansfield Florence May Female West Perth
1906/100112 Perth Molan Stella Elizabeth Female Dwyer Edward Joseph Male West Perth
1906/100112 Perth Dwyer Edward Joseph Male Molan Stella Elizabeth Female West Perth
1906/100113 Perth Lucas Annie Mary Matilda Female Goers Hermann Bernhard Male Perth
1906/100113 Perth Goers Hermann Bernhard Male Lucas Annie Mary Matilda Female Perth
1906/100114 Perth Bowron David Male Davis Alice Maria Female Perth
1906/100114 Perth Davis Alice Maria Female Bowron David Male Perth
1906/100115 Perth Harris Maud Female Camm John Edward Male Perth
1906/100115 Perth Camm John Edward Male Harris Maud Female Perth
1906/100116 Perth Fletcher Ralph Stirling Male Adams Florence Annie Female Perth
1906/100116 Perth Adams Florence Annie Female Fletcher Ralph Stirling Male Perth
1906/100117 Perth Elliott William Alfred Knight Male Williams Lottie Female Perth
1906/100117 Perth Williams Lottie Female Elliott William Alfred Knight Male Perth
1906/100118 Perth Brown Amelia Female McCullagh John Male Perth
1906/100118 Perth McCullagh John Male Brown Amelia Female Perth
1906/100119 Perth Kingston David Augustus Male Hartree Sarah Female Perth
1906/100119 Perth Hartree Sarah Female Kingston David Augustus Male Perth
1906/100120 Perth Carwardine Austin Albert Male Moses Jessie Leah Female Perth
1906/100120 Perth Moses Jessie Leah Female Carwardine Austin Albert Male Perth
1906/100121 Perth Lawrence Edward Ernest Male McPherson Mary Louisa Female Perth
1906/100121 Perth McPherson Mary Louisa Female Lawrence Edward Ernest Male Perth
1906/100122 Perth Dawson Orlando Godsil Male Stevens Edith Mary Eleanor Female Perth
1906/100122 Perth Stevens Edith Mary Eleanor Female Dawson Orlando Godsil Male Perth
1906/100123 Perth Quinn James Stanley Male Guy Lilian May Female Perth
1906/100123 Perth Guy Lilian May Female Quinn James Stanley Male Perth
1906/100124 Perth Collett Constance Madeline Female Cook Frederick William Male Perth
1906/100124 Perth Cook Frederick William Male Collett Constance Madeline Female Perth
1906/100125 Perth Abbott Sarah Ann Female Wallis Sydney Arthur Male Perth
1906/100125 Perth Wallis Sydney Arthur Male Abbott Sarah Ann Female Perth
1906/100126 Perth Moloney Ruth Annie Female McManus Frederick Charles Male Perth
1906/100126 Perth McManus Frederick Charles Male Moloney Ruth Annie Female Perth
1906/100127 Perth Bishop Michael Male Gordon Alice Female Perth
1906/100127 Perth Gordon Alice Female Bishop Michael Male Perth
1906/100128 Perth Cook Thomas Male Drake Amy Annie Female West Perth
1906/100128 Perth Drake Amy Annie Female Cook Thomas Male West Perth
1906/100129 Perth Morris Samuel John McClintock Male Peden Gertrude Margaret Female Perth
1906/100129 Perth Peden Gertrude Margaret Female Morris Samuel John McClintock Male Perth
1906/100130 Perth Sanford Arthur George Male Foster Henrietta Female Perth
1906/100130 Perth Foster Henrietta Female Sanford Arthur George Male Perth
1906/100131 Perth Ingram Isabella Female Whyte William Male Perth
1906/100131 Perth Whyte William Male Ingram Isabella Female Perth
1906/100132 Perth Leech William Male Porritt Daisy Female Perth
1906/100132 Perth Porritt Daisy Female Leech William Male Perth
1906/100133 Perth Norman Amelia Female Ford Thomas Male East Perth
1906/100133 Perth Ford Thomas Male Norman Amelia Female East Perth
1906/100134 Perth Gibb Mary Female Mundy Thomas Henry Male East Perth
1906/100134 Perth Mundy Thomas Henry Male Gibb Mary Female East Perth
1906/100135 Perth Flannery Daniel Male Sheehan Hannah Frances Female West Perth
1906/100135 Perth Sheehan Hannah Frances Female Flannery Daniel Male West Perth
1906/100136 Perth Langridge Ida Constance Female Ward Herbert George Male Perth
1906/100136 Perth Ward Herbert George Male Langridge Ida Constance Female Perth
1906/100137 Perth Cornell Caroline Female Simmons Horace Male Perth
1906/100137 Perth Simmons Horace Male Cornell Caroline Female Perth
1906/100138 Perth Broadbent Clara Isabel Female Bennett George Harry Male Perth
1906/100138 Perth Bennett George Harry Male Broadbent Clara Isabel Female Perth
1906/100139 Perth Bulley Albert Henry Male Barclay Elizabeth Bell Female Perth
1906/100139 Perth Barclay Elizabeth Bell Female Bulley Albert Henry Male Perth
1906/100140 Perth Gwynne Tirzah Frances Female Sampey Albert Male Perth
1906/100140 Perth Sampey Albert Male Gwynne Tirzah Frances Female Perth
1906/100141 Perth Douglas Elizabeth Jane Female Patterson Charles Stuart Male Perth
1906/100141 Perth Patterson Charles Stuart Male Douglas Elizabeth Jane Female Perth
1906/100142 Perth Collins Lillian May Female McWaters Arthur Male Bayswater
1906/100142 Perth McWaters Arthur Male Collins Lillian May Female Bayswater
1906/100143 Perth Matthews Edith Female Michael John Alexander Male Perth
1906/100143 Perth Michael John Alexander Male Matthews Edith Female Perth
1906/100144 Perth Ferguson Alexander Male McQueen Janet Female Perth
1906/100144 Perth McQueen Janet Female Ferguson Alexander Male Perth
1906/100145 Perth Anderson Flora Rosine Female Williamson John Lindsey Male Perth
1906/100145 Perth Williamson John Lindsey Male Anderson Flora Rosine Female Perth
1906/100146 Perth Brown Christina Female Blake Thomas Male Perth
1906/100146 Perth Blake Thomas Male Brown Christina Female Perth
1906/100147 Perth Geyer Godfrey Male Todd Jean Female Perth
1906/100147 Perth Todd Jean Female Geyer Godfrey Male Perth
1906/100148 Perth Harris Daniel Deronda Male Book Gertrude Rebbecca Female Perth
1906/100148 Perth Book Gertrude Rebbecca Female Harris Daniel Deronda Male Perth
1906/100149 Perth Foster Hilda Eleanor Female Mills Ernest Albert Male West Perth
1906/100149 Perth Mills Ernest Albert Male Foster Hilda Eleanor Female West Perth
1906/100151 Perth Jones Ernest William Male Curtis Emily Mary Female Perth
1906/100151 Perth Curtis Emily Mary Female Jones Ernest William Male Perth
1906/100152 Perth Frazer Elizabeth Caroline Female Kynoch William Brown Male Perth
1906/100152 Perth Kynoch William Brown Male Frazer Elizabeth Caroline Female Perth
1906/100153 Perth Carlisle Matilda Catherine Female Luke Joseph Male Perth
1906/100153 Perth Luke Joseph Male Carlisle Matilda Catherine Female Perth
1906/100154 Perth Hamling Edith Maud Female Wheeler William Henry Male Perth
1906/100154 Perth Wheeler William Henry Male Hamling Edith Maud Female Perth
1906/100155 Perth Clarke James Male Barnett Maria Female Perth
1906/100155 Perth Barnett Maria Female Clarke James Male Perth
1906/100156 Perth Baker Albert Male Pinker Florence Melvina O'Maley Female Perth
1906/100156 Perth Pinker Florence Melvina O'Maley Female Baker Albert Male Perth
1906/100157 Perth Philp Albert Stephen Male Goddard Isabel Eva Female Victoria Park
1906/100157 Perth Goddard Isabel Eva Female Philp Albert Stephen Male Victoria Park
1906/100158 Perth Ward Nellie Female Morrison David Craig Male West Perth
1906/100158 Perth Morrison David Craig Male Ward Nellie Female West Perth
1906/100159 Perth Rodgers Charlotte Isabel Female Paton John Bain Male Perth
1906/100159 Perth Paton John Bain Male Rodgers Charlotte Isabel Female Perth
1906/100160 Perth Davies George Frederick Male Johnson Sarah Female Perth
1906/100160 Perth Johnson Sarah Female Davies George Frederick Male Perth
1906/100161 Perth Reid James Male Williams Matilda Eliza Female Perth
1906/100161 Perth Williams Matilda Eliza Female Reid James Male Perth
1906/100162 Perth Elliott Clara Emily Female Cockram Walter Eugene Male Perth
1906/100162 Perth Cockram Walter Eugene Male Elliott Clara Emily Female Perth
1906/100163 Perth Orr James Male Marsh Lucy Kate Female Perth
1906/100163 Perth Marsh Lucy Kate Female Orr James Male Perth
1906/100164 Perth Bodey Walter Male Jones Wynnifred Margaret Female Perth
1906/100164 Perth Jones Wynnifred Margaret Female Bodey Walter Male Perth
1906/100165 Perth Forrester Raymond John Male Bell Annie Gertrude Female Perth
1906/100165 Perth Bell Annie Gertrude Female Forrester Raymond John Male Perth
1906/100166 Perth Metcalf Frederick Male McLennan Alice Female Perth
1906/100166 Perth McLennan Alice Female Metcalf Frederick Male Perth
1906/100167 Perth Holmes Arthur Graham Male Ashley Winnie Massey Female Perth
1906/100167 Perth Ashley Winnie Massey Female Holmes Arthur Graham Male Perth
1906/100168 Perth Williams John Vivian Male Hurman Alice Marion Female Perth
1906/100168 Perth Hurman Alice Marion Female Williams John Vivian Male Perth
1906/100169 Perth Dalgleish George Thomas Male Kelly Jane Shimmin Female Perth
1906/100169 Perth Kelly Jane Shimmin Female Dalgleish George Thomas Male Perth
1906/100170 Perth Dobbin Maggie May Female Fairfoul Albert Edward Male West Perth
1906/100170 Perth Fairfoul Albert Edward Male Dobbin Maggie May Female West Perth
1906/100171 Perth Cluning Anthony Male Morris Henrietta Pauline Female West Perth
1906/100171 Perth Morris Henrietta Pauline Female Cluning Anthony Male West Perth
1906/100172 Perth Blinman Harold Goldie Male Irvine Clarenza Female Perth
1906/100172 Perth Irvine Clarenza Female Blinman Harold Goldie Male Perth
1906/100173 Perth Johnson Thomas Lawrence Male Barfoot Helen Victoria Female Perth
1906/100173 Perth Barfoot Helen Victoria Female Johnson Thomas Lawrence Male Perth
1906/100174 Perth Winning Ada Female Gardner Mark Male Perth
1906/100174 Perth Gardner Mark Male Winning Ada Female Perth
1906/100175 Perth Patience Elsie Janet Female Jones Charles Herbert Male Perth
1906/100175 Perth Jones Charles Herbert Male Patience Elsie Janet Female Perth
1906/100176 Perth Herrick Arthur Ernest Male Ferguson Flora Female Perth
1906/100176 Perth Ferguson Flora Female Herrick Arthur Ernest Male Perth
1906/100177 Perth Jordan Ernest Male McIndoe Agnes Female Perth
1906/100177 Perth McIndoe Agnes Female Jordan Ernest Male Perth
1906/100178 Perth Wilson John Tannehill Male Speedie Janet Female Perth
1906/100178 Perth Speedie Janet Female Wilson John Tannehill Male Perth
1906/100179 Perth Bennett Adeline Viola Female Joseph Joseph Male Perth
1906/100179 Perth Joseph Joseph Male Bennett Adeline Viola Female Perth
1906/100180 Perth Stafford George Male Harman Mary Ann Female Perth
1906/100180 Perth Harman Mary Ann Female Stafford George Male Perth
1906/100181 Perth Solomon Albert Edward Male Crawcour Laura Lucie Female Perth
1906/100181 Perth Crawcour Laura Lucie Female Solomon Albert Edward Male Perth
1906/100182 Perth Mendelawitz Golde Female Breckler Morris Male Perth
1906/100182 Perth Breckler Morris Male Mendelawitz Golde Female Perth
1906/100183 Perth Priest Cecilia Melita Mercy Female Feakes Frederick George Male Perth
1906/100183 Perth Feakes Frederick George Male Priest Cecilia Melita Mercy Female Perth
1906/100184 Perth Handasyde Gilbert Charles Edward Male Parker Louisa May Female Perth
1906/100184 Perth Parker Louisa May Female Handasyde Gilbert Charles Edward Male Perth
1906/100185 Perth Steel Jane Fowlis Female Rupe Alexander Lockhart Male Perth
1906/100185 Perth Rupe Alexander Lockhart Male Steel Jane Fowlis Female Perth
1906/100186 Perth Thomas Mable Clarabel Female McLachlan John Joseph Male Perth
1906/100186 Perth McLachlan John Joseph Male Thomas Mable Clarabel Female Perth
1906/100187 Perth Porter Bessie Beatrice Female Wasley Leonard Leslie Male Perth
1906/100187 Perth Wasley Leonard Leslie Male Porter Bessie Beatrice Female Perth
1906/100188 Perth Smith Florence Lilian Female Moore Frederick Charles Male Perth
1906/100188 Perth Moore Frederick Charles Male Smith Florence Lilian Female Perth
1906/100189 Perth Davis Thomas Male Smith Rosa Female Perth
1906/100189 Perth Smith Rosa Female Davis Thomas Male Perth
1906/100190 Perth Schultz Eda Matilda Female Anderson Robert Charles Male Perth
1906/100190 Perth Anderson Robert Charles Male Schultz Eda Matilda Female Perth
1906/100191 Perth Hourigan Richard Edward Male Brearley Ethel Kate Female Perth
1906/100191 Perth Brearley Ethel Kate Female Hourigan Richard Edward Male Perth
1906/100192 Perth Jaggers Abram Archibald Male Ringland Susan Ann Female Perth
1906/100192 Perth Ringland Susan Ann Female Jaggers Abram Archibald Male Perth
1906/100193 Perth Carson Louisa Elizabeth Female Hill John Walter Male Perth
1906/100193 Perth Hill John Walter Male Carson Louisa Elizabeth Female Perth
1906/100194 Perth Siggins Middleton Male Murphy Rebecca Female Perth
1906/100194 Perth Murphy Rebecca Female Siggins Middleton Male Perth
1906/100195 Perth Young Elsie Muriel Female Wegner Carl John Male Perth
1906/100195 Perth Wegner Carl John Male Young Elsie Muriel Female Perth
1906/100196 Perth Barrett Edith May Female Matthews Falcon Ernest Male Perth
1906/100196 Perth Matthews Falcon Ernest Male Barrett Edith May Female Perth
1906/100197 Perth Bradley John Mathew Male Ashworth Ruby Helena Alice Female Perth
1906/100197 Perth Ashworth Ruby Helena Alice Female Bradley John Mathew Male Perth
1906/100198 Perth Billings May Female Campbell Anselm Stuart Male Perth
1906/100198 Perth Campbell Anselm Stuart Male Billings May Female Perth
1906/100199 Perth Edwards David Albert Male Scott Sarah Female Perth
1906/100199 Perth Scott Sarah Female Edwards David Albert Male Perth
1906/100200 Perth Linard Charlottè Annie Female Lessey Barton Scobell Male East Perth
1906/100200 Perth Lessey Barton Scobell Male Linard Charlottè Annie Female East Perth
1906/100201 Perth Brunnen Clarice Emily May Female Yates Herbert Edwin Male Perth
1906/100201 Perth Yates Herbert Edwin Male Brunnen Clarice Emily May Female Perth
1906/100202 Perth Sparrow William Joseph Male Smith Mary Beatrice Female Perth
1906/100202 Perth Smith Mary Beatrice Female Sparrow William Joseph Male Perth
1906/100203 Perth Roxby James Augustus Male Carrick Mary Adline Female Perth
1906/100203 Perth Carrick Mary Adline Female Roxby James Augustus Male Perth
1906/100204 Perth Litchfield George Male Osborn Jessie May Female Perth
1906/100204 Perth Osborn Jessie May Female Litchfield George Male Perth
1906/100205 Perth Speed George Harris Male Moule Maude Hannah Female Perth
1906/100205 Perth Moule Maude Hannah Female Speed George Harris Male Perth
1906/100206 Perth Darker John William Male Hill Evelyn Margaret Female West Perth
1906/100206 Perth Hill Evelyn Margaret Female Darker John William Male West Perth
1906/100207 Perth Mappin Florence May Female Flint William Frederick Male Perth
1906/100207 Perth Flint William Frederick Male Mappin Florence May Female Perth
1906/100208 Perth Smith Thomas Edwards Male Wright May Female Perth
1906/100208 Perth Wright May Female Smith Thomas Edwards Male Perth
1906/100209 Perth Martin Elizabeth Sarah Jane Female Crawford William Milroy Male Perth
1906/100209 Perth Crawford William Milroy Male Martin Elizabeth Sarah Jane Female Perth
1906/100210 Perth Charge Sarah Emma Tupper Female Johnson John Male Maylands
1906/100210 Perth Johnson John Male Charge Sarah Emma Tupper Female Maylands
1906/100211 Perth Thomas John Jones Jenkins Male Sloss Ethel Maude Female Perth
1906/100211 Perth Sloss Ethel Maude Female Thomas John Jones Jenkins Male Perth
1906/100212 Perth Pemberton Daisy Josephine Elgina Blanche Female Smith John Reed Male Perth
1906/100212 Perth Smith John Reed Male Pemberton Daisy Josephine Elgina Blanche Female Perth
1906/100213 Perth Volk Annie Louisa Female Page John Henry Male Perth
1906/100213 Perth Page John Henry Male Volk Annie Louisa Female Perth
1906/100214 Perth Inkpen Nina May Female Bailey Harvey Inkpen Male Perth
1906/100214 Perth Bailey Harvey Inkpen Male Inkpen Nina May Female Perth
1906/100215 Perth Cottrill Florence Emma Female Wannan James Malley Male Perth
1906/100215 Perth Wannan James Malley Male Cottrill Florence Emma Female Perth
1906/100216 Perth Moennich Frederick Male Simpson Amy Letitia Female East Perth
1906/100216 Perth Simpson Amy Letitia Female Moennich Frederick Male East Perth
1906/100217 Perth Reed Esther Hine Female Dhue Henry Thomas Male Perth
1906/100217 Perth Dhue Henry Thomas Male Reed Esther Hine Female Perth
1906/100218 Perth McGlew William Henry Male Moir Elizabeth Annette Female Perth
1906/100218 Perth Moir Elizabeth Annette Female McGlew William Henry Male Perth
1906/100219 Perth Hornby Henry Male Gardiner Euphemia Amy Female Perth
1906/100219 Perth Gardiner Euphemia Amy Female Hornby Henry Male Perth
1906/100220 Perth Burhop John Henry Male Hosking Annie Female Perth
1906/100220 Perth Hosking Annie Female Burhop John Henry Male Perth
1906/100221 Perth Curry Margaret Elwyn Female Wilcox Thomas Francis Male Perth
1906/100221 Perth Wilcox Thomas Francis Male Curry Margaret Elwyn Female Perth
1906/100222 Perth Legge Louisa Female Francis Rhys William Male Perth
1906/100222 Perth Francis Rhys William Male Legge Louisa Female Perth
1906/100223 Perth Fairbanks George Henry Male Meadows Maud Harriett Female Perth
1906/100223 Perth Meadows Maud Harriett Female Fairbanks George Henry Male Perth
1906/100224 Perth Ramsay Edward Bartholomew Male Keddie Isabell Anderson Female Perth
1906/100224 Perth Keddie Isabell Anderson Female Ramsay Edward Bartholomew Male Perth
1906/100225 Perth Bell Samuel Reginald Male Dubberlin May Annie Female Perth
1906/100225 Perth Dubberlin May Annie Female Bell Samuel Reginald Male Perth
1906/100226 Perth Sowden William James Male Nottle Bertha Anne Female Perth
1906/100226 Perth Nottle Bertha Anne Female Sowden William James Male Perth
1906/100227 Perth Morris Margaret Female Anscombe Stephen Male Perth
1906/100227 Perth Anscombe Stephen Male Morris Margaret Female Perth
1906/100228 Perth Zahel Annie Harriet Female Blatchford Torrington Male Perth
1906/100228 Perth Blatchford Torrington Male Zahel Annie Harriet Female Perth
1906/100229 Perth Flaherty John Male Warner Caroline Mary Female Perth
1906/100229 Perth Warner Caroline Mary Female Flaherty John Male Perth
1906/100230 Perth Cleary Mary Female Scully David Male Perth
1906/100230 Perth Scully David Male Cleary Mary Female Perth
1906/100231 Perth Stott Jessie Female Sheridan Charles Male Perth
1906/100231 Perth Sheridan Charles Male Stott Jessie Female Perth
1906/100232 Perth Parker Ernest Male Westhoven Annie Matilda Female Perth
1906/100232 Perth Westhoven Annie Matilda Female Parker Ernest Male Perth
1906/100233 Perth Russell Charles Male Phillips Margaret Magdalene Female Perth
1906/100233 Perth Phillips Margaret Magdalene Female Russell Charles Male Perth
1906/100234 Perth Harrison Celia Ruby Female Sheridan James Male Perth
1906/100234 Perth Sheridan James Male Harrison Celia Ruby Female Perth
1906/100235 Perth Harrison John December Male Burgess Mary Lilian Female Perth
1906/100235 Perth Burgess Mary Lilian Female Harrison John December Male Perth
1906/100236 Perth De Banks Clarence Arthur Male Finlay Winifred Female Perth
1906/100236 Perth Finlay Winifred Female De Banks Clarence Arthur Male Perth
1906/100237 Perth Kretschmer Susannah Hamley Female Lynam James Male Perth
1906/100237 Perth Lynam James Male Kretschmer Susannah Hamley Female Perth
1906/100238 Perth Derrett Blanche Female Williams Daniel Male Perth
1906/100238 Perth Williams Daniel Male Derrett Blanche Female Perth
1906/100239 Perth Griffin Walter Male Towton Ada Francis Female Perth
1906/100239 Perth Towton Ada Francis Female Griffin Walter Male Perth
1906/100240 Perth Christie Mary Squire Female Stuart Duncan Grant Male Perth
1906/100240 Perth Stuart Duncan Grant Male Christie Mary Squire Female Perth
1906/100241 Perth Wolf William Male Harvey Clara Jane Female Perth
1906/100241 Perth Harvey Clara Jane Female Wolf William Male Perth
1906/100242 Perth Johnson Mary Female Best Claude James Male Perth
1907/100242 Perth Murphy William Thomas Male Nattrass Sarah Elizabeth Female West Perth
1907/100242 Perth Nattrass Sarah Elizabeth Female Murphy William Thomas Male West Perth
1906/100242 Perth Best Claude James Male Johnson Mary Female Perth
1906/100243 Perth Petersen Johanne Christine Sophie Female Jensen Johann Christian Friedrich Male Perth
1906/100243 Perth Jensen Johann Christian Friedrich Male Petersen Johanne Christine Sophie Female Perth
1906/100244 Perth Sheffield Lydia Mary Female Hale William Edwin Male Perth
1906/100244 Perth Hale William Edwin Male Sheffield Lydia Mary Female Perth
1906/100245 Perth Baxter James Joseph Male Hillier Elizabeth Blanche Female Perth
1906/100245 Perth Hillier Elizabeth Blanche Female Baxter James Joseph Male Perth
1906/100246 Perth Stopher Reginald Herbert Male Buchanan Muriel Mildred Female Perth
1906/100246 Perth Buchanan Muriel Mildred Female Stopher Reginald Herbert Male Perth
1906/100247 Perth Douglas James Robert Male Smith Elizabeth Female Perth
1906/100247 Perth Smith Elizabeth Female Douglas James Robert Male Perth
1906/100248 Perth Casey Joseph Simon Male Stockdale Elizabeth Harley Female Perth
1906/100248 Perth Stockdale Elizabeth Harley Female Casey Joseph Simon Male Perth
1906/100249 Perth Sarell William Francis Male Thomson Grace Ermengarde Female Perth
1906/100249 Perth Thomson Grace Ermengarde Female Sarell William Francis Male Perth
1906/100250 Perth Wylie Ivy Etta Female Watson Gilbert Walker Male Bayswater
1906/100250 Perth Watson Gilbert Walker Male Wylie Ivy Etta Female Bayswater
1906/100251 Perth Deering Grace Saunders Female Gardiner George Francis Male Perth
1906/100251 Perth Gardiner George Francis Male Deering Grace Saunders Female Perth
1906/100252 Perth Scatchard Elizabeth Winifred Female Fooks William Samuel Male Perth
1906/100252 Perth Fooks William Samuel Male Scatchard Elizabeth Winifred Female Perth
1906/100253 Perth Cass John Male Quinn Mary Anne Female West Perth
1906/100253 Perth Quinn Mary Anne Female Cass John Male West Perth
1906/100254 Perth Hamilton Thomas George Male Lyons Mary Anne Female West Perth
1906/100254 Perth Lyons Mary Anne Female Hamilton Thomas George Male West Perth
1906/100255 Perth McAlister Elizabeth Female Olsson Martin Male West Perth
1906/100255 Perth Olsson Martin Male McAlister Elizabeth Female West Perth
1906/100256 Perth Delaney Peter Thomas Male Cowban Annie Maria Female West Perth
1906/100256 Perth Cowban Annie Maria Female Delaney Peter Thomas Male West Perth
1906/100257 Perth Balston William Male Burt Maud Annie Georgiana Female Perth
1906/100257 Perth Burt Maud Annie Georgiana Female Balston William Male Perth
1906/100258 Perth Joy Eleanor Alberta Female Booth Alfred Arthur Male Perth
1906/100258 Perth Booth Alfred Arthur Male Joy Eleanor Alberta Female Perth
1906/100259 Perth Curtis Robert Male Ramestetter Margaret Female Perth
1906/100259 Perth Ramestetter Margaret Female Curtis Robert Male Perth
1906/100260 Perth Dale William Richard Male Hutchison Hilda Victoria Sloy Female Bayswater
1906/100260 Perth Hutchison Hilda Victoria Sloy Female Dale William Richard Male Bayswater
1906/100261 Perth Bell Annie Margaret Female Bennett Joseph Herbert Male Perth
1906/100261 Perth Bennett Joseph Herbert Male Bell Annie Margaret Female Perth
1906/100262 Perth Paschkoff Michael Male Dvoretsky Mena Female Perth
1906/100262 Perth Dvoretsky Mena Female Paschkoff Michael Male Perth
1906/100263 Perth Hicks James Henry Male Legge Edith Annie Female Subiaco
1906/100263 Perth Legge Edith Annie Female Hicks James Henry Male Subiaco
1906/100264 Perth Parsons Edgecumbe Thomas Male Wheatley Phillippa Jane Female Perth
1906/100264 Perth Wheatley Phillippa Jane Female Parsons Edgecumbe Thomas Male Perth
1906/100265 Perth Marshall Ernest Halliday Male Johnson Beatrice Ellen Female Perth
1906/100265 Perth Johnson Beatrice Ellen Female Marshall Ernest Halliday Male Perth
1906/100266 Perth Pass Jessie Catherine Graham Female Day Lewis Archibald Male Perth
1906/100266 Perth Day Lewis Archibald Male Pass Jessie Catherine Graham Female Perth
1906/100267 Perth Cross Edward Male Foster Ada Elizabeth Female Perth
1906/100267 Perth Foster Ada Elizabeth Female Cross Edward Male Perth
1906/100268 Perth Carter Francis Bird Male Eliot Cora Gwendoline Female a
1906/100268 Perth Eliot Cora Gwendoline Female Carter Francis Bird Male a
1906/100269 Perth Hyland Maud Female Mitchinson David Anderson Male Perth
1906/100269 Perth Mitchinson David Anderson Male Hyland Maud Female Perth
1906/100270 Perth Clark Reuben Chadwin Male Houghton Miriam Ruth Female Perth
1906/100270 Perth Houghton Miriam Ruth Female Clark Reuben Chadwin Male Perth
1906/100271 Perth Lloyd Henry Edward Male Telfer Ellen Kerr Female Perth
1906/100271 Perth Telfer Ellen Kerr Female Lloyd Henry Edward Male Perth
1906/100272 Perth Butt Allahbux Jan Male Roche Ellen Female Perth
1906/100272 Perth Roche Ellen Female Butt Allahbux Jan Male Perth
1906/100273 Perth Edwards Robert Henry Male Tredinnick Susan Female Perth
1906/100273 Perth Tredinnick Susan Female Edwards Robert Henry Male Perth
1906/100274 Perth Routley May Victoria Female Perrie John Male North Perth
1906/100274 Perth Perrie John Male Routley May Victoria Female North Perth
1906/100275 Perth Boyce Robert Male Quick Lillian Ethel Minnie Bell Female Perth
1906/100275 Perth Quick Lillian Ethel Minnie Bell Female Boyce Robert Male Perth
1906/100276 Perth Webb Ethel Marion Female Koefod Henry Timan Male Perth
1906/100276 Perth Koefod Henry Timan Male Webb Ethel Marion Female Perth
1906/100277 Perth Bryant Herbert Edwin Male O'Neill Kathleen Female Perth
1906/100277 Perth O'Neill Kathleen Female Bryant Herbert Edwin Male Perth
1906/100278 Perth Worsnop Percy John Male Prescott Emily Female Perth
1906/100278 Perth Prescott Emily Female Worsnop Percy John Male Perth
1906/100279 Perth Pfitzner Ottilie Rosina Louise Female Kiesewetter Carl George Male Perth
1906/100279 Perth Kiesewetter Carl George Male Pfitzner Ottilie Rosina Louise Female Perth
1906/100280 Perth Norman Amelia Female Morris Arthur George Male Perth
1906/100280 Perth Morris Arthur George Male Norman Amelia Female Perth
1906/100281 Perth France Allan Male Fry Lily May Female Perth
1906/100281 Perth Fry Lily May Female France Allan Male Perth
1906/100282 Perth Hague Henry Harrington Male Hood Alice Maud Female Perth
1906/100282 Perth Hood Alice Maud Female Hague Henry Harrington Male Perth
1906/100283 Perth Halley Edith May Female Coppock Paul Male Perth
1906/100283 Perth Coppock Paul Male Halley Edith May Female Perth
1906/100284 Perth Hart Alwin John Male Watkins Agnes Female Perth
1906/100284 Perth Watkins Agnes Female Hart Alwin John Male Perth
1906/100285 Perth Clarke Esther Female Barclay William Emil Male Perth
1906/100285 Perth Barclay William Emil Male Clarke Esther Female Perth
1906/100286 Perth Treen William Lawrence Male McDonald Ethel Josephine Female Perth
1906/100286 Perth McDonald Ethel Josephine Female Treen William Lawrence Male Perth
1906/100287 Perth Emmett Howard William Male Sutcliffe Johanna Female Perth
1906/100287 Perth Sutcliffe Johanna Female Emmett Howard William Male Perth
1906/100288 Perth Brown Catherine Female Moloney Thomas Male Perth
1906/100288 Perth Moloney Thomas Male Brown Catherine Female Perth
1906/100289 Perth Einhausen Chatharina Female Fähmel Frederick Male Perth
1906/100289 Perth Fähmel Frederick Male Einhausen Chatharina Female Perth
1906/100290 Perth Gittos Alfred Male Coffey Eva Eloise Female Perth
1906/100290 Perth Coffey Eva Eloise Female Gittos Alfred Male Perth
1906/100291 Perth Hunter Robert Francis Male Mundy Ada Eliza Female Perth
1906/100291 Perth Mundy Ada Eliza Female Hunter Robert Francis Male Perth
1906/100292 Perth Bailey Bessie Female Fowles Walter Male Perth
1906/100292 Perth Fowles Walter Male Bailey Bessie Female Perth
1906/100293 Perth Kneebone George Leslie Male Watson Edith Isobel Female Perth
1906/100293 Perth Watson Edith Isobel Female Kneebone George Leslie Male Perth
1906/100294 Perth Levitzke Gotthief Albert Male Lawrence Mabel Gertrude Female Perth
1906/100294 Perth Lawrence Mabel Gertrude Female Levitzke Gotthief Albert Male Perth
1906/100295 Perth West Jessie Female Gathercole Alfred Male Bayswater
1906/100295 Perth Gathercole Alfred Male West Jessie Female Bayswater
1906/100296 Perth Jones Frank Henry William Male Houghton Amy Female Victoria Park
1906/100296 Perth Houghton Amy Female Jones Frank Henry William Male Victoria Park
1906/100297 Perth Clow James Male Wilmot Edith Female Perth
1906/100297 Perth Wilmot Edith Female Clow James Male Perth
1906/100298 Perth Cummings Rosina Jane Female McDonald Donald Alexander Male Perth
1906/100298 Perth McDonald Donald Alexander Male Cummings Rosina Jane Female Perth
1906/100299 Perth Grant Douglas Alexander Male Murphy Alice Maud Female West Perth
1906/100299 Perth Murphy Alice Maud Female Grant Douglas Alexander Male West Perth
1906/100300 Perth Carroll Charles Peter Male Adams Florence Female Perth
1906/100300 Perth Adams Florence Female Carroll Charles Peter Male Perth
1906/100301 Perth Eaton Ernest Henry Male Higgs Jessie Maria Female Perth
1906/100301 Perth Higgs Jessie Maria Female Eaton Ernest Henry Male Perth
1906/100302 Perth Long Ernest Male Hood Jessie May Female North Perth
1906/100302 Perth Hood Jessie May Female Long Ernest Male North Perth
1906/100303 Perth Huntington Ada Gamble Female Teede William James Male Perth
1906/100303 Perth Teede William James Male Huntington Ada Gamble Female Perth
1906/100304 Perth Mason Arthur Gregory Male Butler Lena Louise Blanch Female Perth
1906/100304 Perth Butler Lena Louise Blanch Female Mason Arthur Gregory Male Perth
1906/100305 Perth Branton William Richard Male Robinson Edith Rebecca Female Perth
1906/100305 Perth Robinson Edith Rebecca Female Branton William Richard Male Perth
1906/100306 Perth Boyland John Male Bridger Bertha Female Perth
1906/100306 Perth Bridger Bertha Female Boyland John Male Perth
1906/100307 Perth Groom Alexander Everett Male White Elizabeth Female Perth
1906/100307 Perth White Elizabeth Female Groom Alexander Everett Male Perth
1906/100308 Perth Lander Annie Female Alexander Thomas William Male Perth
1906/100308 Perth Alexander Thomas William Male Lander Annie Female Perth
1906/100309 Perth Dunstan Alice Maude Female Chandler Percival Samuel Male Perth
1906/100309 Perth Chandler Percival Samuel Male Dunstan Alice Maude Female Perth
1906/100310 Perth Bray May Female Cribbins William Henry Male West Perth
1906/100310 Perth Cribbins William Henry Male Bray May Female West Perth
1906/100311 Perth Edwards Margaret Frances Female Challen Oliver Leopold Male Victoria Park
1906/100311 Perth Challen Oliver Leopold Male Edwards Margaret Frances Female Victoria Park
1906/100312 Perth O'Rourke Lucy Christina Female Nutt Harry Wanderly Male Perth
1906/100312 Perth Nutt Harry Wanderly Male O'Rourke Lucy Christina Female Perth
1906/100313 Perth Gardiner Ada Mary Female Ferguson James Shaw Male Perth
1906/100313 Perth Ferguson James Shaw Male Gardiner Ada Mary Female Perth
1906/100314 Perth Scott Jessie Female Adams Harry Male Perth
1906/100314 Perth Adams Harry Male Scott Jessie Female Perth
1906/100315 Perth Denman Amanda May Female Schloo George Frederick Male Perth
1906/100315 Perth Schloo George Frederick Male Denman Amanda May Female Perth
1906/100316 Perth Willis John William Male Rede Elinor Female Perth
1906/100316 Perth Rede Elinor Female Willis John William Male Perth
1906/100317 Perth Cooper John Arthur Male Hodgkinson Ada Sophia Female Perth
1906/100317 Perth Hodgkinson Ada Sophia Female Cooper John Arthur Male Perth
1906/100318 Perth Williams Mary Female Patek Antonio Francis Joseph Male Perth
1906/100318 Perth Patek Antonio Francis Joseph Male Williams Mary Female Perth
1906/100319 Perth Crowhurst Clara Constance Female Fogarty Thomas Burns Male Bayswater
1906/100319 Perth Fogarty Thomas Burns Male Crowhurst Clara Constance Female Bayswater
1906/100320 Perth Lillie James Male Millard Sarah Jane Female West Perth
1906/100320 Perth Millard Sarah Jane Female Lillie James Male West Perth
1906/100321 Perth Harrison John Joseph Male Wilson Alice Jane Female Perth
1906/100321 Perth Wilson Alice Jane Female Harrison John Joseph Male Perth
1906/100322 Perth Kluge Alonzo Christol Peter Male Webster Ann Hendry Female West Perth
1906/100322 Perth Webster Ann Hendry Female Kluge Alonzo Christol Peter Male West Perth
1906/100323 Perth Healey Adelaide Ellen Female Seeber John Augustine Male Perth
1906/100323 Perth Seeber John Augustine Male Healey Adelaide Ellen Female Perth
1906/100324 Perth Carrick Thomas Male Ryan Margaret Female Perth
1906/100324 Perth Ryan Margaret Female Carrick Thomas Male Perth
1906/100325 Perth Dunn Annie Female Middleton Daniel Male Perth
1906/100325 Perth Middleton Daniel Male Dunn Annie Female Perth
1906/100326 Perth Freney Martin Richard Male Kavanagh Alice Female Perth
1906/100326 Perth Kavanagh Alice Female Freney Martin Richard Male Perth
1906/100327 Perth McKenna Winifred Female Wallace Robert Male Perth
1906/100327 Perth Wallace Robert Male McKenna Winifred Female Perth
1906/100328 Perth McSwiney Peter Joseph Male Donnellan Elizabeth Female Perth
1906/100328 Perth Donnellan Elizabeth Female McSwiney Peter Joseph Male Perth
1906/100329 Perth Kosky Joseph John Male Israel Sophia Female Perth
1906/100329 Perth Israel Sophia Female Kosky Joseph John Male Perth
1906/100330 Perth Dubberlin Edwin Horatio Wheatly Male Gough Elsie Mary Female Perth
1906/100330 Perth Gough Elsie Mary Female Dubberlin Edwin Horatio Wheatly Male Perth
1906/100331 Perth Cook Sampson Male Allan Rubena Female Perth
1906/100331 Perth Allan Rubena Female Cook Sampson Male Perth
1906/100332 Perth Atkinson Alice Mary Female Savell George Augustus Male Perth
1906/100332 Perth Savell George Augustus Male Atkinson Alice Mary Female Perth
1906/100333 Perth Vivian Beatrice Louisa Female Marshall Percy Herbert Male Perth
1906/100333 Perth Marshall Percy Herbert Male Vivian Beatrice Louisa Female Perth
1906/100334 Perth Johnson Margaretta Female Meyers Edmund Male Perth
1906/100334 Perth Meyers Edmund Male Johnson Margaretta Female Perth
1906/100335 Perth Neal Jane Female Hogan John Ernest Male Perth
1906/100335 Perth Hogan John Ernest Male Neal Jane Female Perth
1906/100336 Perth Mountain Annie Sellars Female Smith James Henry Male Perth
1906/100336 Perth Smith James Henry Male Mountain Annie Sellars Female Perth
1906/100337 Perth Banbrook Rose Female Baistow Alfred Edward Male Perth
1906/100337 Perth Baistow Alfred Edward Male Banbrook Rose Female Perth
1906/100338 Perth Ferguson Catherine Female Munro Charles Male Perth
1906/100338 Perth Munro Charles Male Ferguson Catherine Female Perth
1906/100339 Perth Coghlan Ivy Vere Yolande Female Braham Douglas Clive Male Perth
1906/100339 Perth Braham Douglas Clive Male Coghlan Ivy Vere Yolande Female Perth
1906/100340 Perth Pearce Annie Elizabeth Kate Female Bell Aubrey William Male Perth
1906/100340 Perth Bell Aubrey William Male Pearce Annie Elizabeth Kate Female Perth
1906/100341 Perth Sillers Alexander Angus Male Curran Alice Female West Perth
1906/100341 Perth Curran Alice Female Sillers Alexander Angus Male West Perth
1906/100342 Perth Murphy Catherine Female St John William Male West Perth
1906/100342 Perth St John William Male Murphy Catherine Female West Perth
1906/100343 Perth Oyston Ciscelia May Female Saunders John Male Perth
1906/100343 Perth Saunders John Male Oyston Ciscelia May Female Perth
1906/100344 Perth Ireland Maude Jane Female Harper Raymond Larmer Male Perth
1906/100344 Perth Harper Raymond Larmer Male Ireland Maude Jane Female Perth
1906/100345 Perth Brown James Male Butler Lilian Jane Female Perth
1906/100345 Perth Butler Lilian Jane Female Brown James Male Perth
1906/100346 Perth Hedlund John August Male Collett Rose Laura Female Perth
1906/100346 Perth Collett Rose Laura Female Hedlund John August Male Perth
1906/100347 Perth Brown Thomas Male May Elizebeth Female Perth
1906/100347 Perth May Elizebeth Female Brown Thomas Male Perth
1906/100348 Perth Russell William Mitchell Male Halpin Louisa Female West Perth
1906/100348 Perth Halpin Louisa Female Russell William Mitchell Male West Perth
1906/100349 Perth Perkin Emily Female Heggie Charles Winton Male Perth
1906/100349 Perth Heggie Charles Winton Male Perkin Emily Female Perth
1906/100350 Perth Kensitt Walter John Male Turton Eleanor Dorothea Female Perth
1906/100350 Perth Turton Eleanor Dorothea Female Kensitt Walter John Male Perth
1906/100351 Perth Forrest Gavin Male Hobbs Hettie Female Perth
1906/100351 Perth Hobbs Hettie Female Forrest Gavin Male Perth
1906/100352 Perth O'Connor Anorah Female Jenkins William George Male Perth
1906/100352 Perth Jenkins William George Male O'Connor Anorah Female Perth
1906/100353 Perth Sorrell Lily May Female Glance John Jacob Male Perth
1906/100353 Perth Glance John Jacob Male Sorrell Lily May Female Perth
1906/100354 Perth Ridley Charles Alfred Male Pollard Elsie Jane Female East Perth
1906/100354 Perth Pollard Elsie Jane Female Ridley Charles Alfred Male East Perth
1906/100355 Perth Hammel Leah Mary Female Dagnall Arthur Male Perth
1906/100355 Perth Dagnall Arthur Male Hammel Leah Mary Female Perth
1906/100356 Perth Wark Lillian Caroline Female Lovelock John Salisbury Male Perth
1906/100356 Perth Lovelock John Salisbury Male Wark Lillian Caroline Female Perth
1906/100357 Perth Eaton Arthur Thomas Male Burt Hannah Female Perth
1906/100357 Perth Burt Hannah Female Eaton Arthur Thomas Male Perth
1906/100358 Perth Richardson Mary Letitia Aline Female Dempster Simon Reginald Male Perth
1906/100358 Perth Dempster Simon Reginald Male Richardson Mary Letitia Aline Female Perth
1906/100359 Perth Nantes Margaret Female Pinker Thomas Male West Perth
1906/100359 Perth Pinker Thomas Male Nantes Margaret Female West Perth
1906/100360 Perth Walton Ethel Marion Female Farrell John Male West Perth
1906/100360 Perth Farrell John Male Walton Ethel Marion Female West Perth
1906/100361 Perth Donnelly Agnes Female Kalmund William Male West Perth
1906/100361 Perth Kalmund William Male Donnelly Agnes Female West Perth
1906/100362 Perth Cable Herman Victor Percy Male Craddock Alice Josephine Marie Female Perth
1906/100362 Perth Craddock Alice Josephine Marie Female Cable Herman Victor Percy Male Perth
1906/100363 Perth Ferres Ada Eliza Female Weeden William John Male Perth
1906/100363 Perth Weeden William John Male Ferres Ada Eliza Female Perth
1906/100364 Perth Young Ettie Muriel Female Airy William Male Perth
1906/100364 Perth Airy William Male Young Ettie Muriel Female Perth
1906/100365 Perth Sweet Leslie Montrose Male McDonald Isabella Female Perth
1906/100365 Perth McDonald Isabella Female Sweet Leslie Montrose Male Perth
1906/100366 Perth Symons Edith Mabel Female Miller Hubert Francis Pritchard Male Perth
1906/100366 Perth Miller Hubert Francis Pritchard Male Symons Edith Mabel Female Perth
1906/100367 Perth Griffiths Charles Henry Male Packer Caroline Female Perth
1906/100367 Perth Packer Caroline Female Griffiths Charles Henry Male Perth
1906/100368 Perth Moulton Holly Kate Female White Victor Harold Male Perth
1906/100368 Perth White Victor Harold Male Moulton Holly Kate Female Perth
1906/100369 Perth Messer Blanche Cockburn Female Gouly Lionel Male Perth
1906/100369 Perth Gouly Lionel Male Messer Blanche Cockburn Female Perth
1906/100370 Perth Bainbridge Bartholomew John Male Thompson Ellen Mary Female Perth
1906/100370 Perth Thompson Ellen Mary Female Bainbridge Bartholomew John Male Perth
1906/100371 Perth Hawkins Elizabeth Female Loyon Michael Edward Male Perth
1906/100371 Perth Loyon Michael Edward Male Hawkins Elizabeth Female Perth
1906/100372 Perth Solomon Leonard Asher Male Clegg Clara Louisa Female North Perth
1906/100372 Perth Clegg Clara Louisa Female Solomon Leonard Asher Male North Perth
1906/100373 Perth Mills Clara Elizabeth Female Read Rupert George Male Perth
1906/100373 Perth Read Rupert George Male Mills Clara Elizabeth Female Perth
1906/100374 Perth Glance Rebecca Female Brown Solomon Male Perth
1906/100374 Perth Brown Solomon Male Glance Rebecca Female Perth
1906/100375 Perth Levi Flora Female Fienberg Barnett Asher Male Perth
1906/100375 Perth Fienberg Barnett Asher Male Levi Flora Female Perth
1906/100376 Perth Herman Abraham Jacob Male Harris Fanny Female Perth
1906/100376 Perth Harris Fanny Female Herman Abraham Jacob Male Perth
1906/100377 Perth Griffiths Rosina Emily Female Irvin George Albert Male Perth
1906/100377 Perth Irvin George Albert Male Griffiths Rosina Emily Female Perth
1906/100378 Perth Collis Frederick Charles Male Mosley Kathleen Female Perth
1906/100378 Perth Mosley Kathleen Female Collis Frederick Charles Male Perth
1906/100379 Perth Gray Daniel Male Clover Ivy Myrtle Female Perth
1906/100379 Perth Clover Ivy Myrtle Female Gray Daniel Male Perth
1906/100380 Perth Reilly William Edward Male Harrigan Millicent Henrietta Female Perth
1906/100380 Perth Harrigan Millicent Henrietta Female Reilly William Edward Male Perth
1906/100381 Perth Hayes Margaret Louisa Female Strahan William Tait Male Perth
1906/100381 Perth Strahan William Tait Male Hayes Margaret Louisa Female Perth
1906/100382 Perth Barran Mary Ann Female Duncalf James Male Perth
1906/100382 Perth Duncalf James Male Barran Mary Ann Female Perth
1906/100383 Perth Searle Thomas Male Duff Matilda Jane Female West Perth
1906/100383 Perth Duff Matilda Jane Female Searle Thomas Male West Perth
1906/100384 Perth Grant Peter McKay Male Nobbs Olive Esther Mabel Female Perth
1906/100384 Perth Nobbs Olive Esther Mabel Female Grant Peter McKay Male Perth
1906/100385 Perth Griffiths Sarah Gabrielle Female Williams Robert Hector Male Perth
1906/100385 Perth Williams Robert Hector Male Griffiths Sarah Gabrielle Female Perth
1906/100386 Perth Montgomery William John Male Keirse Jane Female Perth
1906/100386 Perth Keirse Jane Female Montgomery William John Male Perth
1906/100387 Perth Tobin John Conway Male Keirse Annie Female Perth
1906/100387 Perth Keirse Annie Female Tobin John Conway Male Perth
1906/100388 Perth Kennedy Esther May Female Watts Robert Otto Male Perth
1906/100388 Perth Watts Robert Otto Male Kennedy Esther May Female Perth
1906/100389 Perth Corey Frances May Kathleen Female Harper Thomas Joseph Male Perth
1906/100389 Perth Harper Thomas Joseph Male Corey Frances May Kathleen Female Perth
1906/100390 Perth Fuller Mary Ann Female Munro Norman Male Bayswater
1906/100390 Perth Munro Norman Male Fuller Mary Ann Female Bayswater
1906/100391 Perth Baskerville Charles Male Harman Harriet Female Perth
1906/100391 Perth Harman Harriet Female Baskerville Charles Male Perth
1906/100392 Perth Stang August Male Climie Ada Female Perth
1906/100392 Perth Climie Ada Female Stang August Male Perth
1906/100393 Perth Whyte Bridget Florence Female O'Connor Sarsfield John Male Perth
1906/100393 Perth O'Connor Sarsfield John Male Whyte Bridget Florence Female Perth
1906/100394 Perth Middleton Henry Burton Male Lock Nellie Female Perth
1906/100394 Perth Lock Nellie Female Middleton Henry Burton Male Perth
1906/100395 Perth Marshall Gertrude Eliza Female Harman Edward Male Perth
1906/100395 Perth Harman Edward Male Marshall Gertrude Eliza Female Perth
1906/100396 Perth Murdoch Rosamond Delia Female James George Pugh Male Perth
1906/100396 Perth James George Pugh Male Murdoch Rosamond Delia Female Perth
1906/100397 Perth Lewis Constance Maud Margarite Mary Female Simpson George Alfred Male Perth
1906/100397 Perth Simpson George Alfred Male Lewis Constance Maud Margarite Mary Female Perth
1906/100398 Perth Clarke Jennie Female Lenchan Christopher Bede Male Perth
1906/100398 Perth Lenchan Christopher Bede Male Clarke Jennie Female Perth
1906/100399 Perth Reilly Patrick Male O'Mara Annie Female Perth
1906/100399 Perth O'Mara Annie Female Reilly Patrick Male Perth
1906/100400 Perth Kimpton Hannah Female O'Halloran James Francis Male Perth
1906/100400 Perth O'Halloran James Francis Male Kimpton Hannah Female Perth
1906/100401 Perth Fegan Mary Female Mansbridge William Henry Male Perth
1906/100401 Perth Mansbridge William Henry Male Fegan Mary Female Perth
1906/100402 Perth Berrigan Elzabeth Female Hayes Martin Male Perth
1906/100402 Perth Hayes Martin Male Berrigan Elzabeth Female Perth
1906/100403 Perth Rieusset Benedict Male Hehir Elizabeth Mary Female Perth
1906/100403 Perth Hehir Elizabeth Mary Female Rieusset Benedict Male Perth
1906/100404 Perth Bing William Male Krüger Johanna Mary Female West Perth
1906/100404 Perth Krüger Johanna Mary Female Bing William Male West Perth
1906/100405 Perth Anderson Harry Male Williams Louisa Emily Female Perth
1906/100405 Perth Williams Louisa Emily Female Anderson Harry Male Perth
1906/100406 Perth Stevenson Sarah Female Lenane John Male West Perth
1906/100406 Perth Lenane John Male Stevenson Sarah Female West Perth
1906/100407 Perth Daley Peter Male Brown Minnie May Female Perth
1906/100407 Perth Brown Minnie May Female Daley Peter Male Perth
1906/100408 Perth Landes Jacob Male Howroyd Eliza Female Perth
1906/100408 Perth Howroyd Eliza Female Landes Jacob Male Perth
1906/100409 Perth Tapping Eva Female Richards James Male Perth
1906/100409 Perth Richards James Male Tapping Eva Female Perth
1906/100410 Perth Crews Albert Charles Male Hawkins Maud Female Perth
1906/100410 Perth Hawkins Maud Female Crews Albert Charles Male Perth
1906/100411 Perth Burns Maria Female Norrish Phoebus Collingwood Male Perth
1906/100411 Perth Norrish Phoebus Collingwood Male Burns Maria Female Perth
1906/100412 Perth Schmidt Leah Floyd Female Manning James Henry Burrow Male Perth
1906/100412 Perth Manning James Henry Burrow Male Schmidt Leah Floyd Female Perth
1906/100413 Perth Hickling Frederic Charles Male Smith Charlotte Jane Wallace Female Perth
1906/100413 Perth Smith Charlotte Jane Wallace Female Hickling Frederic Charles Male Perth
1906/100414 Perth Adams Philip Male Nurse Nellie Maude Female Perth
1906/100414 Perth Nurse Nellie Maude Female Adams Philip Male Perth
1906/100415 Perth Barker Bertha May Female Lansdell Henry Walter Male Perth
1906/100415 Perth Lansdell Henry Walter Male Barker Bertha May Female Perth
1906/100416 Perth Petersen Hans Theodore Paul Frederick Male Pinkerton Florence Margaret Female Perth
1906/100416 Perth Pinkerton Florence Margaret Female Petersen Hans Theodore Paul Frederick Male Perth
1906/100417 Perth White Lucy Rebekah Female Lüllfitz George August Hermann Male Hawthorn
1906/100417 Perth Lüllfitz George August Hermann Male White Lucy Rebekah Female Hawthorn
1906/100418 Perth Tostevin Adolphus Theódore Male Miller Hughina Mabel Female Perth
1906/100418 Perth Miller Hughina Mabel Female Tostevin Adolphus Theódore Male Perth
1906/100419 Perth Brannigan Alice Maud Female Lorrigan Pierce Male Perth
1906/100419 Perth Lorrigan Pierce Male Brannigan Alice Maud Female Perth
1906/100420 Perth Brand Edward George Male Pomeroy May Eliza Female Perth
1906/100420 Perth Pomeroy May Eliza Female Brand Edward George Male Perth
1906/100421 Perth McCreath Andrew Male Haywood Eunice May Female Perth
1906/100421 Perth Haywood Eunice May Female McCreath Andrew Male Perth
1906/100422 Perth McKenzie Eric Seaforth Male Ross Cecilia Female Perth
1906/100422 Perth Ross Cecilia Female McKenzie Eric Seaforth Male Perth
1906/100423 Perth Ottey John Henry Male Christensen Sarah Charlotte Elsie Female Perth
1906/100423 Perth Christensen Sarah Charlotte Elsie Female Ottey John Henry Male Perth
1906/100424 Perth Smith Melinda Jane Female Cahill Charles Male Perth
1906/100424 Perth Cahill Charles Male Smith Melinda Jane Female Perth
1906/100425 Perth Rowden Frederick James Male Baker Emily May Female Perth
1906/100425 Perth Baker Emily May Female Rowden Frederick James Male Perth
1906/100426 Perth Edmondstone Margaret Female Holman Frederick Lester Male Perth
1906/100426 Perth Holman Frederick Lester Male Edmondstone Margaret Female Perth
1906/100427 Perth Hawkins Charles Alfred Male Carter May Marion Female Perth
1906/100427 Perth Carter May Marion Female Hawkins Charles Alfred Male Perth
1906/100428 Perth Taylor Jessie Lillian Fentham Female Taylor Matthew Male Perth
1906/100428 Perth Taylor Matthew Male Taylor Jessie Lillian Fentham Female Perth
1906/100429 Perth Watt Joseph Crane Male Blain Sarah Mary Female Perth
1906/100429 Perth Blain Sarah Mary Female Watt Joseph Crane Male Perth
1906/100430 Perth Fawckner Charles James Male MacGarvie Mary Alice Female West Perth
1906/100430 Perth MacGarvie Mary Alice Female Fawckner Charles James Male West Perth
1906/100431 Perth Hone Esther May Female Jackson Harry Mathew Male Perth
1906/100431 Perth Jackson Harry Mathew Male Hone Esther May Female Perth
1906/100432 Perth Loughlin Ernest Male Davies Ethel Maud Female Perth
1906/100432 Perth Davies Ethel Maud Female Loughlin Ernest Male Perth
1906/100433 Perth Smith Francis Male Ostle Sarah Emma Theresa Female Perth
1906/100433 Perth Ostle Sarah Emma Theresa Female Smith Francis Male Perth
1906/100434 Perth Brown Caroline Maud Female Kirkpatrick Robert Male Perth
1906/100434 Perth Kirkpatrick Robert Male Brown Caroline Maud Female Perth
1906/100435 Perth Bischer Auguste Robertine Henriette Female Winter Theodor Johannes Male Perth
1906/100435 Perth Winter Theodor Johannes Male Bischer Auguste Robertine Henriette Female Perth
1906/100436 Perth Tregenza John Male Brown Elizabeth May Female North Perth
1906/100436 Perth Brown Elizabeth May Female Tregenza John Male North Perth
1906/100437 Perth Ellis Miriam Louisa Female Weller Albert Edmeads Male Victoria Park
1906/100437 Perth Weller Albert Edmeads Male Ellis Miriam Louisa Female Victoria Park
1906/100438 Perth Gray Alice Edith Female Chambers Cecil Albert Male Perth
1906/100438 Perth Chambers Cecil Albert Male Gray Alice Edith Female Perth
1906/100439 Perth Golder Kezia Elspet Female Owen Thomas Male Perth
1906/100439 Perth Owen Thomas Male Golder Kezia Elspet Female Perth
1906/100440 Perth Santon Jessie Elizabeth Female Shelley Anthony Male West Perth
1906/100440 Perth Shelley Anthony Male Santon Jessie Elizabeth Female West Perth
1906/100441 Perth Baker James Andrew Male McCracken Bessie Ann Female Perth
1906/100441 Perth McCracken Bessie Ann Female Baker James Andrew Male Perth
1906/100442 Perth Tucker Ida Female Squires Albert Male Perth
1906/100442 Perth Squires Albert Male Tucker Ida Female Perth
1906/100443 Perth Boyland Emma Female Webb Ernest John Male Perth
1906/100443 Perth Webb Ernest John Male Boyland Emma Female Perth
1906/100444 Perth Thatcher Emma Catherine Female Mathues Thomas Judson Male Perth
1906/100444 Perth Mathues Thomas Judson Male Thatcher Emma Catherine Female Perth
1906/100445 Perth Cobb Sidney James Male Smith Eileen Elsie Female Perth
1906/100445 Perth Smith Eileen Elsie Female Cobb Sidney James Male Perth
1906/100446 Perth Cronin John Francis Male Donovan Catherine Female Perth
1906/100446 Perth Donovan Catherine Female Cronin John Francis Male Perth
1906/100447 Perth O'Donnell Annie Female Clarke Arthur Benjamin Male Perth
1906/100447 Perth Clarke Arthur Benjamin Male O'Donnell Annie Female Perth
1906/100448 Perth Creeper Joseph Male Allen Eleanor Mary Female Perth
1906/100448 Perth Allen Eleanor Mary Female Creeper Joseph Male Perth
1906/100449 Perth Weaver Annie Florence Female Cosham Oscar William Alexander Male Perth
1906/100449 Perth Cosham Oscar William Alexander Male Weaver Annie Florence Female Perth
1906/100450 Perth Thorley Elsie Girdwood Female Michel Frederick Charles Dalton Cook Male Perth
1906/100450 Perth Michel Frederick Charles Dalton Cook Male Thorley Elsie Girdwood Female Perth
1906/100451 Perth King Lawrence Patrick Male Cockman Blanche Maud Amelia Female Perth
1906/100451 Perth Cockman Blanche Maud Amelia Female King Lawrence Patrick Male Perth
1906/100452 Perth Bateson Frederick Westbrooke Male Taylor Sybil Agnes Burt Female Perth
1906/100452 Perth Taylor Sybil Agnes Burt Female Bateson Frederick Westbrooke Male Perth
1906/100453 Perth O'Dea Matilda Alice Female Bowden Sydney Male Perth
1906/100453 Perth Bowden Sydney Male O'Dea Matilda Alice Female Perth
1906/100454 Perth Daley Annie Jane Female Cunningham William Thomas Male Bayswater
1906/100454 Perth Cunningham William Thomas Male Daley Annie Jane Female Bayswater
1906/100455 Perth Woolf Margaret Female Johnson Henry Edward Male Perth
1906/100455 Perth Johnson Henry Edward Male Woolf Margaret Female Perth
1906/100456 Perth Durham Ruby Edith Caroline Female Ridoutt Arthur Williamson Male Burswood
1906/100456 Perth Ridoutt Arthur Williamson Male Durham Ruby Edith Caroline Female Burswood
1906/100457 Perth Grady Esther Female Kilgallon John Male West Perth
1906/100457 Perth Kilgallon John Male Grady Esther Female West Perth
1906/100458 Perth White William Male Reynolds Alice Joy Female Perth
1906/100458 Perth Reynolds Alice Joy Female White William Male Perth
1906/100459 Perth Battie Mary Elizabeth Female Roach John William Male Perth
1906/100459 Perth Roach John William Male Battie Mary Elizabeth Female Perth
1906/100460 Perth Watson Latham Male Devlin Sarah Female North Perth
1906/100460 Perth Devlin Sarah Female Watson Latham Male North Perth
1906/100461 Perth Butters Martha Elizabeth Female Winton John Augustus Male Perth
1906/100461 Perth Winton John Augustus Male Butters Martha Elizabeth Female Perth
1906/100462 Perth Murphy Agnes Maria Female McMahon Thomas Christopher Male Perth
1906/100462 Perth McMahon Thomas Christopher Male Murphy Agnes Maria Female Perth
1906/100463 Perth Smith Mary Jane Female Moloney Thomas Male Perth
1906/100463 Perth Moloney Thomas Male Smith Mary Jane Female Perth
1906/100464 Perth O'Connell Mary Elizabeth Female Cleary Patrick Male Perth
1906/100464 Perth Cleary Patrick Male O'Connell Mary Elizabeth Female Perth
1906/100465 Perth Priest Janet Mary Female O'Connor Arthur Henry Male Perth
1906/100465 Perth O'Connor Arthur Henry Male Priest Janet Mary Female Perth
1906/100466 Perth Brooks Thirza Winnifred Female Woodhouse Bertie Ernest Alfred Male Perth
1906/100466 Perth Woodhouse Bertie Ernest Alfred Male Brooks Thirza Winnifred Female Perth
1906/100467 Perth Martin Emily Susannah Female Sly William David Male West Perth
1906/100467 Perth Sly William David Male Martin Emily Susannah Female West Perth
1906/100468 Perth Huxley Edith Anna Female Bridgey William Joseph Male Perth
1906/100468 Perth Bridgey William Joseph Male Huxley Edith Anna Female Perth
1906/100469 Perth Dark William John Harrison Male Hornsby Olive Marian Female Perth
1906/100469 Perth Hornsby Olive Marian Female Dark William John Harrison Male Perth
1906/100470 Perth Stephens Mildred Florence Female Rance Frederick George Male Perth
1906/100470 Perth Rance Frederick George Male Stephens Mildred Florence Female Perth
1906/100471 Perth Bole Jane Helen Female Masters Charles Male Perth
1906/100471 Perth Masters Charles Male Bole Jane Helen Female Perth
1906/100472 Perth Watts Adelaide May Female Campbell John Male Perth
1906/100472 Perth Campbell John Male Watts Adelaide May Female Perth
1906/100473 Perth Merritt Amy Female Seaman Sidney Charles Male Perth
1906/100473 Perth Seaman Sidney Charles Male Merritt Amy Female Perth
1906/100474 Perth Pearson Rose Isabelle Female Davis Sydney George William Herbert Male Perth
1906/100474 Perth Davis Sydney George William Herbert Male Pearson Rose Isabelle Female Perth
1906/100475 Perth Fraser Charles John Male Stone Ada Francis Female Perth
1906/100475 Perth Stone Ada Francis Female Fraser Charles John Male Perth
1906/100476 Perth McBeath Jessie Thompson Female Wall James Gillespie Male West Perth
1906/100476 Perth Wall James Gillespie Male McBeath Jessie Thompson Female West Perth
1906/100477 Perth Robinson Edgar Thomas Male Whitehead Jessie Rosina Edith Maud Female Perth
1906/100477 Perth Whitehead Jessie Rosina Edith Maud Female Robinson Edgar Thomas Male Perth
1906/100478 Perth Hearne Walter Maria Male Joyce Kate Female West Perth
1906/100478 Perth Joyce Kate Female Hearne Walter Maria Male West Perth
1906/100479 Perth Curnow Nellie Ellen Female Moss Albert Frederick Male Perth
1906/100479 Perth Moss Albert Frederick Male Curnow Nellie Ellen Female Perth
1906/100480 Perth Brown Jane Female Blackman Thomas Male Perth
1906/100480 Perth Blackman Thomas Male Brown Jane Female Perth
1906/100481 Perth McCracken Florence Female Monger Alexander Joseph Male Perth
1906/100481 Perth Monger Alexander Joseph Male McCracken Florence Female Perth
1906/100482 Perth Edwards Francis John Male Chick Alice Maud Female Perth
1906/100482 Perth Chick Alice Maud Female Edwards Francis John Male Perth
1906/100483 Perth Kelly Florence Agnes Female Woodhead William Herbert Male Perth
1906/100483 Perth Woodhead William Herbert Male Kelly Florence Agnes Female Perth
1906/100484 Perth McLerie Ellen Female Lynch John Male Perth
1906/100484 Perth Lynch John Male McLerie Ellen Female Perth
1906/100485 Perth Trenoweth Alfred Colliver Male Kneale Ellen Female Perth
1906/100485 Perth Kneale Ellen Female Trenoweth Alfred Colliver Male Perth
1906/100486 Perth Edwards Isabella Female Prentice Arthur Edward Male Perth
1906/100486 Perth Prentice Arthur Edward Male Edwards Isabella Female Perth
1906/100487 Perth Summers Mary Ann Female Curtis James Avery Male Perth
1906/100487 Perth Curtis James Avery Male Summers Mary Ann Female Perth
1906/100488 Perth Bax Mary Female Butcher Horace Male Perth
1906/100488 Perth Butcher Horace Male Bax Mary Female Perth
1906/100489 Perth Joyce Jane Eliza Female Callaghan John Samuel Male Perth
1906/100489 Perth Callaghan John Samuel Male Joyce Jane Eliza Female Perth
1906/100490 Perth Clark William Alexander Male Reed Kathleen Elizabeth Female West Perth
1906/100490 Perth Reed Kathleen Elizabeth Female Clark William Alexander Male West Perth
1906/100491 Perth Johns Lydia Mary Female Teede John Stirling Male Perth
1906/100491 Perth Teede John Stirling Male Johns Lydia Mary Female Perth
1906/100492 Perth Baker William Male O'Brien Katherine Female Perth
1906/100492 Perth O'Brien Katherine Female Baker William Male Perth
1906/100493 Perth Pemberton Ernest William Joseph Male Gill Ada Female Perth
1906/100493 Perth Gill Ada Female Pemberton Ernest William Joseph Male Perth
1906/100494 Perth Migro Sarah Theresa Female Prussian George Henry Male Perth
1906/100494 Perth Prussian George Henry Male Migro Sarah Theresa Female Perth
1906/100495 Perth Donnelly Bernard Francis Male McCartney Ellen Elizabeth Female Perth
1906/100495 Perth McCartney Ellen Elizabeth Female Donnelly Bernard Francis Male Perth
1906/100496 Perth Willey George Male Miles Mary Minnie Female Perth
1906/100496 Perth Miles Mary Minnie Female Willey George Male Perth
1906/100497 Perth Stewart James Monat Male Waite Emily Female Victoria Park
1906/100497 Perth Waite Emily Female Stewart James Monat Male Victoria Park
1906/100498 Perth Menhennett Sarah Grace Female Fairless Martin Bernard Male Perth
1906/100498 Perth Fairless Martin Bernard Male Menhennett Sarah Grace Female Perth
1906/100499 Perth Gillett Adrian Brown Male Turvey Myrtle May Female Perth
1906/100499 Perth Turvey Myrtle May Female Gillett Adrian Brown Male Perth
1906/100500 Perth Netherwood Charles William Male Livsey Ruth May Female Perth
1906/100500 Perth Livsey Ruth May Female Netherwood Charles William Male Perth
1906/100501 Perth Hindley William Ewart Male Forrest Laurel Annie Female Perth
1906/100501 Perth Forrest Laurel Annie Female Hindley William Ewart Male Perth
1906/100502 Perth Le Herriser Charles Peter Male Hug Annie Female West Perth
1906/100502 Perth Hug Annie Female Le Herriser Charles Peter Male West Perth
1906/100503 Perth Andrae Helene Antonie Beanka Female Downie Sydney Swanston Male Perth
1906/100503 Perth Downie Sydney Swanston Male Andrae Helene Antonie Beanka Female Perth
1906/100504 Perth Wright Arthur Edwin Male Burkitt Ethel Maud Female Perth
1906/100504 Perth Burkitt Ethel Maud Female Wright Arthur Edwin Male Perth
1906/100505 Perth Wood Frederick Metham Male Wasley Eleanor Blanche Female Perth
1906/100505 Perth Wasley Eleanor Blanche Female Wood Frederick Metham Male Perth
1906/100506 Perth Cooper Adelaide May Female Wachtel Nestor Withold George Male North Perth
1906/100506 Perth Wachtel Nestor Withold George Male Cooper Adelaide May Female North Perth
1906/100507 Perth Haueter Emma Female McClelland Thomas Christy Male Perth
1906/100507 Perth McClelland Thomas Christy Male Haueter Emma Female Perth
1906/100508 Perth Bluntish Annabella Standford Female Murray Francis Armstrong Male Perth
1906/100508 Perth Murray Francis Armstrong Male Bluntish Annabella Standford Female Perth
1906/100509 Perth McDonough Redmond Vincent Male Halsinger Cecilia Catherine Female Perth
1906/100509 Perth Halsinger Cecilia Catherine Female McDonough Redmond Vincent Male Perth
1906/100510 Perth Murray Clara May Female Barlow James Henry Male Perth
1906/100510 Perth Barlow James Henry Male Murray Clara May Female Perth
1906/100511 Perth Spencer Ida May Female Carpenter William John Douglas Male West Perth
1906/100511 Perth Carpenter William John Douglas Male Spencer Ida May Female West Perth
1906/100512 Perth King James Male Dickerson Eliza Bella Female Perth
1906/100512 Perth Dickerson Eliza Bella Female King James Male Perth
1906/100513 Perth Langrehr John Male Massey Nora Female Perth
1906/100513 Perth Massey Nora Female Langrehr John Male Perth
1906/100514 Perth Porter Charles Alfred Male Dickenson Alice Victoria Female Perth
1906/100514 Perth Dickenson Alice Victoria Female Porter Charles Alfred Male Perth
1906/100515 Perth Hoyne Richard John Male Smith Mary Female Perth
1906/100515 Perth Smith Mary Female Hoyne Richard John Male Perth
1906/100516 Perth Spinkston Albertina Helen Female Roberts John Smith Male West Perth
1906/100516 Perth Roberts John Smith Male Spinkston Albertina Helen Female West Perth
1906/100517 Perth Lamb Andrew Elder Male Kelly Emily Ethel Female Perth
1906/100517 Perth Kelly Emily Ethel Female Lamb Andrew Elder Male Perth
1906/100518 Perth Rouse Joseph Male Atkinson Edith Victoria Female Perth
1906/100518 Perth Atkinson Edith Victoria Female Rouse Joseph Male Perth
1906/100519 Perth Steel William George Mills Male Marsengo Eugenie Susannah Female Perth
1906/100519 Perth Marsengo Eugenie Susannah Female Steel William George Mills Male Perth
1906/100520 Perth Callaway May Maud Theresa Female Smith James Joseph Male West Perth
1906/100520 Perth Smith James Joseph Male Callaway May Maud Theresa Female West Perth
1906/100521 Perth MacDonald Mary Annie Female FitzGerald Richard Male West Perth
1906/100521 Perth FitzGerald Richard Male MacDonald Mary Annie Female West Perth
1906/100522 Perth Scott Walter Male Clinton Jessie Isabella Female West Perth
1906/100522 Perth Clinton Jessie Isabella Female Scott Walter Male West Perth
1906/100523 Perth Harry Annie Female Pearce Edward Alfred Male Perth
1906/100523 Perth Pearce Edward Alfred Male Harry Annie Female Perth
1906/100524 Perth Ottey William Henry Male Edgar Martha Female Perth
1906/100524 Perth Edgar Martha Female Ottey William Henry Male Perth
1906/100525 Perth Browne Charles Horace Graham Male Ness Robina Female Perth
1906/100525 Perth Ness Robina Female Browne Charles Horace Graham Male Perth
1906/100526 Perth Tozer Vincent James Male Jones Elizabeth Female Perth
1906/100526 Perth Jones Elizabeth Female Tozer Vincent James Male Perth
1906/100527 Perth Roberts Francis Henry Male Redgrave Emily Brisbane Female North Perth
1906/100527 Perth Redgrave Emily Brisbane Female Roberts Francis Henry Male North Perth
1906/100528 Perth James May Lily Female Muhs William Diedrich Frederick Male Perth
1906/100528 Perth Muhs William Diedrich Frederick Male James May Lily Female Perth
1906/100529 Perth O'Donnell Thomas James Male Leonard Margaret Female Perth
1906/100529 Perth Leonard Margaret Female O'Donnell Thomas James Male Perth
1906/100530 Perth Sullivan Cornelius Michael Male Hehir Margaret Female Perth
1906/100530 Perth Hehir Margaret Female Sullivan Cornelius Michael Male Perth
1906/100531 Perth Collins Hettie Female Lardi John Charles Male Perth
1906/100531 Perth Lardi John Charles Male Collins Hettie Female Perth
1906/100532 Perth Stack Garrett Male Finlay Mary Female Perth
1906/100532 Perth Finlay Mary Female Stack Garrett Male Perth
1906/100533 Perth Ford George John Male Clarke Rosanna Female Perth
1906/100533 Perth Clarke Rosanna Female Ford George John Male Perth
1906/100534 Perth Cable Grace Elenor Maud Female Jones Arthur Male Perth
1906/100534 Perth Jones Arthur Male Cable Grace Elenor Maud Female Perth
1906/100535 Perth Clayton Francis Robert Male Geddes Ina May Female Perth
1906/100535 Perth Geddes Ina May Female Clayton Francis Robert Male Perth
1906/100536 Perth Moore Elizabeth Female Moyle Peter William Male Perth
1906/100536 Perth Moyle Peter William Male Moore Elizabeth Female Perth
1906/100537 Perth Orrock Manuel George Male Endersby Margaret Female Perth
1906/100537 Perth Endersby Margaret Female Orrock Manuel George Male Perth
1906/100538 Perth Watson Arthur Male Hocking Amy Catherine Female Perth
1906/100538 Perth Hocking Amy Catherine Female Watson Arthur Male Perth
1906/100539 Perth Perkins Francis Henry Male Fryer Amelia Female Perth
1906/100539 Perth Fryer Amelia Female Perkins Francis Henry Male Perth
1906/100540 Perth Hall Hilda Florence Female Newgreen William George Male Perth
1906/100540 Perth Newgreen William George Male Hall Hilda Florence Female Perth
1906/100541 Perth Montague William Male Morrell Blanche Elizabeth Female Perth
1906/100541 Perth Morrell Blanche Elizabeth Female Montague William Male Perth
1906/100542 Perth Lee Charles Male Hodges Emily Madline Platena Female Perth
1906/100542 Perth Hodges Emily Madline Platena Female Lee Charles Male Perth
1906/100543 Perth Guilbert George Valpred Male Wicks Emily Female Perth
1906/100543 Perth Wicks Emily Female Guilbert George Valpred Male Perth
1906/100544 Perth Blume Gertrude Amelia Female Leach James John Male North Perth
1906/100544 Perth Leach James John Male Blume Gertrude Amelia Female North Perth
1906/100545 Perth O'Connor Joseph Simon Male Daniel Ethel May Female Perth
1906/100545 Perth Daniel Ethel May Female O'Connor Joseph Simon Male Perth
1906/100546 Perth Pike William Frank Male Charters Matilda Beatrice Female Perth
1906/100546 Perth Charters Matilda Beatrice Female Pike William Frank Male Perth
1906/100547 Perth Miller Ellen Every Female Liddelow Beverley John Male Victoria Park
1906/100547 Perth Liddelow Beverley John Male Miller Ellen Every Female Victoria Park
1906/100548 Perth Bawden Henry Male Latter Lucy Ann Female Perth
1906/100548 Perth Latter Lucy Ann Female Bawden Henry Male Perth
1906/100549 Perth Holmes Edward Percival Male Counsel Marie Evelyn Female West Perth
1906/100549 Perth Counsel Marie Evelyn Female Holmes Edward Percival Male West Perth
1906/100550 Perth Bolt Ethel Louisa Female Ferguson John Simpson Male Perth
1906/100550 Perth Ferguson John Simpson Male Bolt Ethel Louisa Female Perth
1906/100551 Perth Ring Fanny Alice Female McDonald Robert Male Perth
1906/100551 Perth McDonald Robert Male Ring Fanny Alice Female Perth
1906/100552 Perth Rhodes Ethel May Female Crothers James Male Perth
1906/100552 Perth Crothers James Male Rhodes Ethel May Female Perth
1906/100553 Perth Feiss Catherine Female Butler Ernest John Male Perth
1906/100553 Perth Butler Ernest John Male Feiss Catherine Female Perth
1906/100554 Perth Scott Violet Elizabeth Veronica Female Webb James Codgbrook Male Perth
1906/100554 Perth Webb James Codgbrook Male Scott Violet Elizabeth Veronica Female Perth
1906/100555 Perth Williamson Ellen Female Woolcott Charles Male Perth
1906/100555 Perth Woolcott Charles Male Williamson Ellen Female Perth
1906/100556 Perth Waylen James Male Gay Bessie Maria Female Perth
1906/100556 Perth Gay Bessie Maria Female Waylen James Male Perth
1906/100557 Perth Faux Amelia Female Brown Frederick Male Perth
1906/100557 Perth Brown Frederick Male Faux Amelia Female Perth
1906/100558 Perth Niehaus Josephine Elizabeth Female Braddock Marshall Male Perth
1906/100558 Perth Braddock Marshall Male Niehaus Josephine Elizabeth Female Perth
1906/100559 Perth Thomas Quentin Constant Augustin Male Leloup Josephine Female Perth
1906/100559 Perth Leloup Josephine Female Thomas Quentin Constant Augustin Male Perth
1906/100560 Perth Winter Annie Vera Female Singh Rur Male Perth
1906/100560 Perth Singh Rur Male Winter Annie Vera Female Perth
1906/100561 Perth Darnell Henley Charles Male Finlayson Margaret Mackay Female Perth
1906/100561 Perth Finlayson Margaret Mackay Female Darnell Henley Charles Male Perth
1906/100562 Perth Gatherer Jean Female Secombe Thomas Male Perth
1906/100562 Perth Secombe Thomas Male Gatherer Jean Female Perth
1906/100563 Perth McManaway Annie Female Lowrie Christopher Male Perth
1906/100563 Perth Lowrie Christopher Male McManaway Annie Female Perth
1906/100564 Perth Clark Sarah Elizabeth Female Dann George Edward Percy Male East Perth
1906/100564 Perth Dann George Edward Percy Male Clark Sarah Elizabeth Female East Perth
1906/100565 Perth Mackesey Angela Margaret Female Ray William Male Perth
1906/100565 Perth Ray William Male Mackesey Angela Margaret Female Perth
1906/100566 Perth Fear Esther Breta Merinda Female Andrews John Arthur Male Perth
1906/100566 Perth Andrews John Arthur Male Fear Esther Breta Merinda Female Perth
1906/100567 Perth Macleod Hector Sutherland Male Watson Emily Bailey Female Perth
1906/100567 Perth Watson Emily Bailey Female Macleod Hector Sutherland Male Perth
1906/100568 Perth Bowman John Edward Male Ford Alice Isabella Female East Perth
1906/100568 Perth Ford Alice Isabella Female Bowman John Edward Male East Perth
1906/100569 Perth Knight Sarah Annie Louisa Female Buchanan Alfred Henry Male Perth
1906/100569 Perth Buchanan Alfred Henry Male Knight Sarah Annie Louisa Female Perth
1906/100570 Perth Baudain Fanny Female Wilson Edward Joseph Male Perth
1906/100570 Perth Wilson Edward Joseph Male Baudain Fanny Female Perth
1906/100571 Perth McCracken James Male Jeffery Harriett May Female Perth
1906/100571 Perth Jeffery Harriett May Female McCracken James Male Perth
1906/100572 Perth Fennah Henrietta Amelia Female Francis Herbert Leslie Male Perth
1906/100572 Perth Francis Herbert Leslie Male Fennah Henrietta Amelia Female Perth
1906/100573 Perth Stennett William Frederick Fountain Male Barnard Bertha Frances Muriel Female Perth
1906/100573 Perth Barnard Bertha Frances Muriel Female Stennett William Frederick Fountain Male Perth
1906/100574 Perth Scott Theo Robert Male Hardman Blanche Mabel Female Perth
1906/100574 Perth Hardman Blanche Mabel Female Scott Theo Robert Male Perth
1906/100575 Perth Gooch Rose Ann Female Atkins Alexander Edwin Male Perth
1906/100575 Perth Atkins Alexander Edwin Male Gooch Rose Ann Female Perth
1906/100576 Perth Philpott Frances Mary Female Bean Campbell William Male West Perth
1906/100576 Perth Bean Campbell William Male Philpott Frances Mary Female West Perth
1906/100577 Perth Pound Isabel Mary Female Boyle James Male West Perth
1906/100577 Perth Boyle James Male Pound Isabel Mary Female West Perth
1906/100578 Perth Atkin Elizabeth Maud Mary Female Doyle William Joseph Male West Perth
1906/100578 Perth Doyle William Joseph Male Atkin Elizabeth Maud Mary Female West Perth
1906/100579 Perth Durand Henri Albert Osmand Male Braddock Alice Mary Female Perth
1906/100579 Perth Braddock Alice Mary Female Durand Henri Albert Osmand Male Perth
1906/100580 Perth Johnson Zachariah Male Stewart Minnie Florence Female Perth
1906/100580 Perth Stewart Minnie Florence Female Johnson Zachariah Male Perth
1906/100581 Perth Jager Emily Ada Sophia Female Moyle Thomas Male Perth
1906/100581 Perth Moyle Thomas Male Jager Emily Ada Sophia Female Perth
1906/100582 Perth Reid William Male Bentley Florence Female Perth
1906/100582 Perth Bentley Florence Female Reid William Male Perth
1906/100583 Perth Cornish Bertram Hugo Male Cosgrove Eva Grace Female Perth
1906/100583 Perth Cosgrove Eva Grace Female Cornish Bertram Hugo Male Perth
1906/100584 Perth Godfrey Matilda Female Davies Leslie James Male Perth
1906/100584 Perth Davies Leslie James Male Godfrey Matilda Female Perth
1906/100585 Perth Pattinson William Balshaw Male Inkpen Myra Female Perth
1906/100585 Perth Inkpen Myra Female Pattinson William Balshaw Male Perth
1906/100586 Perth Jones Maud Twining Female Patman Alexander Afflick Male Perth
1906/100586 Perth Patman Alexander Afflick Male Jones Maud Twining Female Perth
1906/100587 Perth Hood Amy Rosella Female Bush William Russell Male Perth
1906/100587 Perth Bush William Russell Male Hood Amy Rosella Female Perth
1906/100588 Perth Williams Thomas Male Deeble Maud Female Perth
1906/100588 Perth Deeble Maud Female Williams Thomas Male Perth
1906/100589 Perth Davey Patrick Joseph Male Mahon Elizabeth Female West Perth
1906/100589 Perth Mahon Elizabeth Female Davey Patrick Joseph Male West Perth
1906/100590 Perth Pearce Alfred Ernest Male Murphy Annie Cecilia Female Perth
1906/100590 Perth Murphy Annie Cecilia Female Pearce Alfred Ernest Male Perth
1906/100591 Perth Ball Bessie Female Cant Edgar Vickers Male Perth
1906/100591 Perth Cant Edgar Vickers Male Ball Bessie Female Perth
1906/100592 Perth Edwards Albert Edward Male Britton Agnes Rosa Female Perth
1906/100592 Perth Britton Agnes Rosa Female Edwards Albert Edward Male Perth
1906/100593 Perth Clark Ellen Louisa Female Edmondstone Frederick John Male Perth
1906/100593 Perth Edmondstone Frederick John Male Clark Ellen Louisa Female Perth
1906/100594 Perth Gill Elizabeth Martha Female Irvine James William Male Perth
1906/100594 Perth Irvine James William Male Gill Elizabeth Martha Female Perth
1906/100595 Perth Smith Sydney Ernest Male Beadle Isabel Female Perth
1906/100595 Perth Beadle Isabel Female Smith Sydney Ernest Male Perth
1906/100596 Perth Thompson Irving Male Scott Alice Female Perth
1906/100596 Perth Scott Alice Female Thompson Irving Male Perth
1906/100597 Perth Atwell Florence Maud Female Dimond Percy James Male Victoria Park
1906/100597 Perth Dimond Percy James Male Atwell Florence Maud Female Victoria Park
1906/100598 Perth Youens Henry Thomas Male Thoroughgood Margaret Christina Female Perth
1906/100598 Perth Thoroughgood Margaret Christina Female Youens Henry Thomas Male Perth
1906/100599 Perth Woodcock George Male White Martha Amelia Female Perth
1906/100599 Perth White Martha Amelia Female Woodcock George Male Perth
1906/100600 Perth Ferguson August Welfrid Male Fawcett Mary Ann Female Perth
1906/100600 Perth Fawcett Mary Ann Female Ferguson August Welfrid Male Perth
1906/100601 Perth Myers Maria Elizabeth Female Kroenert Carl August Male Perth
1906/100601 Perth Kroenert Carl August Male Myers Maria Elizabeth Female Perth
1906/100602 Perth Willoughby Elizabeth Louisa Female George Edwin Thomas Hill Male Perth
1906/100602 Perth George Edwin Thomas Hill Male Willoughby Elizabeth Louisa Female Perth
1906/100603 Perth Billings Agnes Jane Female Scott John Walter Male Perth
1906/100603 Perth Scott John Walter Male Billings Agnes Jane Female Perth
1906/100604 Perth Miller Harold Male Kirchner May Female Perth
1906/100604 Perth Kirchner May Female Miller Harold Male Perth
1906/100605 Perth Cohen Benjamin Alfred Male Genery Martha Female Perth
1906/100605 Perth Genery Martha Female Cohen Benjamin Alfred Male Perth
1906/100606 Perth Fisher Clarice Irene Female Hardisty Edward George Male Victoria Park
1906/100606 Perth Hardisty Edward George Male Fisher Clarice Irene Female Victoria Park
1906/100607 Perth McVeigh Joseph Male Wilson Marion Female Perth
1906/100607 Perth Wilson Marion Female McVeigh Joseph Male Perth
1906/100608 Perth Pedler Thomas Henry Male Tidy Lillian Maud Female Perth
1906/100608 Perth Tidy Lillian Maud Female Pedler Thomas Henry Male Perth
1906/100609 Perth Simpson Fred Male Menken Grace Winifred Female Perth
1906/100609 Perth Menken Grace Winifred Female Simpson Fred Male Perth
1906/100610 Perth Cumming Marion Female Roux Carl Axel Hellstrom Male Perth
1906/100610 Perth Roux Carl Axel Hellstrom Male Cumming Marion Female Perth
1906/100611 Perth Macfie Harold Campbell Male Soffa Helena Mary Francesca Female Perth
1906/100611 Perth Soffa Helena Mary Francesca Female Macfie Harold Campbell Male Perth
1906/100612 Perth Burgess Richard Robarts Male Ostle Margaret Ann Female Perth
1906/100612 Perth Ostle Margaret Ann Female Burgess Richard Robarts Male Perth
1906/100613 Perth Vanzetti Carlo Male Baxter Florence Female Perth
1906/100613 Perth Baxter Florence Female Vanzetti Carlo Male Perth
1906/100614 Perth Schibler Helvetia Adelaide Female Abbott Albert Henry Male Perth
1906/100614 Perth Abbott Albert Henry Male Schibler Helvetia Adelaide Female Perth
1906/100615 Perth Pring William Albert Male Scharer Florence Amelia Female Perth
1906/100615 Perth Scharer Florence Amelia Female Pring William Albert Male Perth
1906/100616 Perth Wallace Mabel Gertrude Jessie Female Sheehan Edmond Male Perth
1906/100616 Perth Sheehan Edmond Male Wallace Mabel Gertrude Jessie Female Perth
1906/100617 Perth McNaughton Ann Female Jilley Oscar Male Perth
1906/100617 Perth Jilley Oscar Male McNaughton Ann Female Perth
1906/100618 Perth Bryant Elsie May Female Harris Arthur George Male Perth
1906/100618 Perth Harris Arthur George Male Bryant Elsie May Female Perth
1906/100619 Perth Hart Leone Kathleen Female Pascoe William James Male Perth
1906/100619 Perth Pascoe William James Male Hart Leone Kathleen Female Perth
1906/100620 Perth Mignot Elsie Vivienne May Female Price William John Male Perth
1906/100620 Perth Price William John Male Mignot Elsie Vivienne May Female Perth
1906/100621 Perth Sleeman James Joseph Male Fenwick Ethel May Female Perth
1906/100621 Perth Fenwick Ethel May Female Sleeman James Joseph Male Perth
1906/100622 Perth Coppen Frederic Morton Male Redhead Edith May Female Perth
1906/100622 Perth Redhead Edith May Female Coppen Frederic Morton Male Perth
1906/100623 Perth Lethbridge Isabella Augusta Female Wilkinson Charles James Male Perth
1906/100623 Perth Wilkinson Charles James Male Lethbridge Isabella Augusta Female Perth
1906/100624 Perth Lewis William Male Saul Catherine Jane Female Perth
1906/100624 Perth Saul Catherine Jane Female Lewis William Male Perth
1906/100625 Perth Ramsay Edward Dudhope Male Hewitt Elsie May Female Perth
1906/100625 Perth Hewitt Elsie May Female Ramsay Edward Dudhope Male Perth
1906/100626 Perth Woolf Elizabeth Female Colley Edward Henry Coules Male Perth
1906/100626 Perth Colley Edward Henry Coules Male Woolf Elizabeth Female Perth
1906/100627 Perth Pinder Albert Male Shuttleworth May Female Perth
1906/100627 Perth Shuttleworth May Female Pinder Albert Male Perth
1906/100628 Perth Rochester Thomasina Female Hafner Jacob Friedrich Male Perth
1906/100628 Perth Hafner Jacob Friedrich Male Rochester Thomasina Female Perth
1906/100629 Perth Lebovich Harry Male Ireland Leah Female Perth
1906/100629 Perth Ireland Leah Female Lebovich Harry Male Perth
1906/100630 Perth Sillelidis Kyriakos Male Phocas Koralie Female Perth
1906/100630 Perth Phocas Koralie Female Sillelidis Kyriakos Male Perth
1906/100631 Perth Backshall Eva Female MacLaurin George Ballantyne Male Perth
1906/100631 Perth MacLaurin George Ballantyne Male Backshall Eva Female Perth
1906/100632 Perth Davies Hannah Ethel May Female Gardiner Wilfred Hardie Male Perth
1906/100632 Perth Gardiner Wilfred Hardie Male Davies Hannah Ethel May Female Perth
1906/100633 Perth Thompson Edith Mabel Female Nolan Hugh Joseph Male Perth
1906/100633 Perth Nolan Hugh Joseph Male Thompson Edith Mabel Female Perth
1906/100634 Perth Foy Eveline Female Walsh John Alphonsus Francis Male Perth
1906/100634 Perth Walsh John Alphonsus Francis Male Foy Eveline Female Perth
1906/100635 Perth Egan Horace Sylvester Male Brown Margaret Elizabeth Female West Perth
1906/100635 Perth Brown Margaret Elizabeth Female Egan Horace Sylvester Male West Perth
1906/100636 Perth O'Donoghue Johannah Madeleen Female Houston Herbert John Male Perth
1906/100636 Perth Houston Herbert John Male O'Donoghue Johannah Madeleen Female Perth
1906/100637 Perth Tuart Evelyn May Female Hume John Wilson Male Perth
1906/100637 Perth Hume John Wilson Male Tuart Evelyn May Female Perth
1906/100638 Perth Hall Anthony James Male McCauley Johanna Josephine Female Perth
1906/100638 Perth McCauley Johanna Josephine Female Hall Anthony James Male Perth
1906/100639 Perth Flint Annie Female Barratt Frank Arthur Male Perth
1906/100639 Perth Barratt Frank Arthur Male Flint Annie Female Perth
1906/100640 Perth Boseley Louise Madeline Female Aide Martin Male Perth
1906/100640 Perth Aide Martin Male Boseley Louise Madeline Female Perth
1906/100641 Perth Fry William Edward Male Gleeson Kathleen Female Perth
1906/100641 Perth Gleeson Kathleen Female Fry William Edward Male Perth
1906/100642 Perth O'Neill Richard Male Russell Annie Female Perth
1906/100642 Perth Russell Annie Female O'Neill Richard Male Perth
1906/100643 Perth Jackson Catherine Ethel May Hall Female Whiteley Alexander Andrew Male Perth
1906/100643 Perth Whiteley Alexander Andrew Male Jackson Catherine Ethel May Hall Female Perth
1906/100644 Perth Daniel William Henry Male Thrift Ada Female West Perth
1906/100644 Perth Thrift Ada Female Daniel William Henry Male West Perth
1906/100645 Perth Knapp Harry Lee Male Winch Daisy Amelia Female West Perth
1906/100645 Perth Winch Daisy Amelia Female Knapp Harry Lee Male West Perth
1906/100646 Perth Casey Millicent Female Underwood William Henry Male Perth
1906/100646 Perth Underwood William Henry Male Casey Millicent Female Perth
1906/100647 Perth Hamersley Charles William Male Key Isabella Amelia Kermode Female Perth
1906/100647 Perth Key Isabella Amelia Kermode Female Hamersley Charles William Male Perth
1906/100648 Perth Hawkes Wilfred Cory Peate Male Ottaway Ella Lauder Female Perth
1906/100648 Perth Ottaway Ella Lauder Female Hawkes Wilfred Cory Peate Male Perth
1906/100649 Perth Single Hebe Marion Female de Pledge Thomas Frederick Male Perth
1906/100649 Perth de Pledge Thomas Frederick Male Single Hebe Marion Female Perth
1906/100650 Perth Hunt Charles Male Bald Elizabeth Female Perth
1906/100650 Perth Bald Elizabeth Female Hunt Charles Male Perth
1906/100651 Perth Miller Emily Elizabeth Female Coomber John Male South Perth
1906/100651 Perth Coomber John Male Miller Emily Elizabeth Female South Perth
1906/100652 Perth Colley Janet Sarah Female Bennett James Male South Perth
1906/100652 Perth Bennett James Male Colley Janet Sarah Female South Perth
1906/100653 Perth Stone Emma Maud Female Gilhooley Richard Male Maylands
1906/100653 Perth Gilhooley Richard Male Stone Emma Maud Female Maylands
1906/100654 Perth Greene Alice May Female Stephens Albert Edward Male West Perth
1906/100654 Perth Stephens Albert Edward Male Greene Alice May Female West Perth
1906/100655 Perth Cassell Lilian Marion Female Jones Leicester St John Male West Perth
1906/100655 Perth Jones Leicester St John Male Cassell Lilian Marion Female West Perth
1906/100656 Perth Brown Albert Samuel Joseph Male Masters Charlotte Female Maylands
1906/100656 Perth Masters Charlotte Female Brown Albert Samuel Joseph Male Maylands
1906/100657 Perth Plaisted Albert Turner Male Hopkins Martha Esther Female Perth
1906/100657 Perth Hopkins Martha Esther Female Plaisted Albert Turner Male Perth
1906/100658 Perth Palmer Frances Rigarlsford Female Bails Ernest Male West Perth
1906/100658 Perth Bails Ernest Male Palmer Frances Rigarlsford Female West Perth
1906/100659 Perth Hillbrich Edith Jessie Female Dunstan William John Male Perth
1906/100659 Perth Dunstan William John Male Hillbrich Edith Jessie Female Perth
1906/100660 Perth Costello Mary Female Wright John Male Perth
1906/100660 Perth Wright John Male Costello Mary Female Perth
1906/100661 Perth Smith John James Male Hamilton Mabel Female Perth
1906/100661 Perth Hamilton Mabel Female Smith John James Male Perth
1906/100662 Perth Forrester Gilbert Henry Edwin Male Clapp Olive Mabel Female East Perth
1906/100662 Perth Clapp Olive Mabel Female Forrester Gilbert Henry Edwin Male East Perth
1906/100663 Perth Chambers Ernest William Male Aplin Aimee Laura Female Perth
1906/100663 Perth Aplin Aimee Laura Female Chambers Ernest William Male Perth
1906/100664 Perth Cassell Kathleen Female Lough Stanley Richard Male Perth
1906/100664 Perth Lough Stanley Richard Male Cassell Kathleen Female Perth
1906/100665 Perth Iles John Edward Male Hawkins Maud Victoria Female Perth
1906/100665 Perth Hawkins Maud Victoria Female Iles John Edward Male Perth
1906/100666 Perth Viney Amy Edith Female Thompson Joseph Hedley Male Perth
1906/100666 Perth Thompson Joseph Hedley Male Viney Amy Edith Female Perth
1906/100667 Perth Edwards Elizabeth Female Dawson Walter Henry Male Perth
1906/100667 Perth Dawson Walter Henry Male Edwards Elizabeth Female Perth
1906/100668 Perth Warnecke May Female Bott Edgar Solon Male Perth
1906/100668 Perth Bott Edgar Solon Male Warnecke May Female Perth
1906/100669 Perth Beard Robert Edmond Male Scott Emma Rachel Female Perth
1906/100669 Perth Scott Emma Rachel Female Beard Robert Edmond Male Perth
1906/100670 Perth Smith Lilian Eliza Female Lamphee John Henry Male Perth
1906/100670 Perth Lamphee John Henry Male Smith Lilian Eliza Female Perth
1906/100671 Perth Wegg Ann Female Page Robert John Harrington Male Perth
1906/100671 Perth Page Robert John Harrington Male Wegg Ann Female Perth
1906/100672 Perth Karoly Ferdinand Male Bandmann Cäcilie Female Perth
1906/100672 Perth Bandmann Cäcilie Female Karoly Ferdinand Male Perth
1906/100673 Perth Clarke Albert Rosier Male Marker Ethel Annie Elizabeth Female Perth
1906/100673 Perth Marker Ethel Annie Elizabeth Female Clarke Albert Rosier Male Perth
1906/100674 Perth Galloway Elizabeth Ellis Female Cambrell Arthur William Male Perth
1906/100674 Perth Cambrell Arthur William Male Galloway Elizabeth Ellis Female Perth
1906/100675 Perth Medcraft Frederick Charles Male Bond Louisa Female Perth
1906/100675 Perth Bond Louisa Female Medcraft Frederick Charles Male Perth
1906/100676 Perth Wansbrough Aubrey Eli Male Wood Ethel May Female Perth
1906/100676 Perth Wood Ethel May Female Wansbrough Aubrey Eli Male Perth
1906/100677 Perth Toll Charles Clifton Male Bewsher Lucy Maud Female Perth
1906/100677 Perth Bewsher Lucy Maud Female Toll Charles Clifton Male Perth
1906/100678 Perth Ryan John Daniel Male Ford Henrietta Female Perth
1906/100678 Perth Ford Henrietta Female Ryan John Daniel Male Perth
1906/100679 Perth Shuttleworth Mary Elizabeth Female Henderson James Robert Male Perth
1906/100679 Perth Henderson James Robert Male Shuttleworth Mary Elizabeth Female Perth
1906/100680 Perth Nicholls John Houston Male Pringle Jean Crawford Female West Perth
1906/100680 Perth Pringle Jean Crawford Female Nicholls John Houston Male West Perth
1906/100681 Perth Longmore Thomas Male Sparnon Isabel Female Perth
1906/100681 Perth Sparnon Isabel Female Longmore Thomas Male Perth
1906/100682 Perth Auburn Lewis Male Owen Lily Female West Perth
1906/100682 Perth Owen Lily Female Auburn Lewis Male West Perth
1906/100683 Perth Neville George Male Norman Margaret Ann Female Perth
1906/100683 Perth Norman Margaret Ann Female Neville George Male Perth
1906/100684 Perth O'Loughlin Thomas Stephen Male Connolly Mary Female Bayswater
1906/100684 Perth Connolly Mary Female O'Loughlin Thomas Stephen Male Bayswater
1906/100685 Perth Werndley Louise Female Buchi Johann Ernst Male Perth
1906/100685 Perth Buchi Johann Ernst Male Werndley Louise Female Perth
1906/100686 Perth McDonald James Augustus Male Duck Ada Beatrice Female Perth
1906/100686 Perth Duck Ada Beatrice Female McDonald James Augustus Male Perth
1906/100687 Perth Smith Florence Sophia Female Meyer Heinrich Wilhelm Georg Male Perth
1906/100687 Perth Meyer Heinrich Wilhelm Georg Male Smith Florence Sophia Female Perth
1906/100688 Perth Gregg James John Male Lazelles Alice Amelia Female Perth
1906/100688 Perth Lazelles Alice Amelia Female Gregg James John Male Perth
1906/100689 Perth Eiffler Margaret Agnes Female Moritz Charles Henry Male Perth
1906/100689 Perth Moritz Charles Henry Male Eiffler Margaret Agnes Female Perth
1906/100690 Perth Coppen Maud Female Fox George Alfred Male North Perth
1906/100690 Perth Fox George Alfred Male Coppen Maud Female North Perth
1906/100691 Perth Alcock Leslie Norman Male Jensen Ethel May Female Perth
1906/100691 Perth Jensen Ethel May Female Alcock Leslie Norman Male Perth
1906/100692 Perth Worley Henry Male Claydon Ethel Alma Edith Gertrude Female Perth
1906/100692 Perth Claydon Ethel Alma Edith Gertrude Female Worley Henry Male Perth
1906/100693 Perth Peirl John Male Downs Mary Anne Female West Perth
1906/100693 Perth Downs Mary Anne Female Peirl John Male West Perth
1906/100694 Perth Nielson Henrietta Mary Elizabeth Female Nolan Francis Gregory Male West Perth
1906/100694 Perth Nolan Francis Gregory Male Nielson Henrietta Mary Elizabeth Female West Perth
1906/100695 Perth Ryan Edward James Male O'Sullivan Catherine Female West Perth
1906/100695 Perth O'Sullivan Catherine Female Ryan Edward James Male West Perth
1906/100696 Perth Thompson Daniel Male Loynd Margaret Mary Female West Perth
1906/100696 Perth Loynd Margaret Mary Female Thompson Daniel Male West Perth
1906/100697 Perth Mahoney Margaret Hesford Female Lynch Thomas Male West Perth
1906/100697 Perth Lynch Thomas Male Mahoney Margaret Hesford Female West Perth
1906/100698 Perth Mackie Archibald Charles Male Scrymgour Margaret Helen Female Perth
1906/100698 Perth Scrymgour Margaret Helen Female Mackie Archibald Charles Male Perth
1906/100699 Perth Sackse Kathryn Louisa Female Hallyburton James Lister Male North Perth
1906/100699 Perth Hallyburton James Lister Male Sackse Kathryn Louisa Female North Perth
1906/100700 Perth Mateer Harry Arthur Male Williams May Helena Female Perth
1906/100700 Perth Williams May Helena Female Mateer Harry Arthur Male Perth
1906/100701 Perth Larkin James Male Pullan Martha Female Perth
1906/100701 Perth Pullan Martha Female Larkin James Male Perth
1906/100702 Perth Cox Ethel May Female Temby Walter Charles Male Perth
1906/100702 Perth Temby Walter Charles Male Cox Ethel May Female Perth
1906/300001 Ashburton Prior Olive Blanche Victoria Female Hancock Richard John Male Onslow
1906/300001 Ashburton Hancock Richard John Male Prior Olive Blanche Victoria Female Onslow
1907/400001 Beverley Morrison Laurance Joseph Daniel Male Riley Emily Florence Eliza Female West Pingelly
1907/400001 Beverley Riley Emily Florence Eliza Female Morrison Laurance Joseph Daniel Male West Pingelly
1906/400002 Beverley Strange Isabella Sarah Female Manuel Percival Ernest Charles Male Dale
1906/400002 Beverley Manuel Percival Ernest Charles Male Strange Isabella Sarah Female Dale
1906/400003 Beverley Blechynden Sydney Thomas Male Simpson Kathleen Female Beverley
1906/400003 Beverley Simpson Kathleen Female Blechynden Sydney Thomas Male Beverley
1906/400004 Beverley Cox George William Male Shaddick Clara Ann Beatrice Female Mourambine
1906/400004 Beverley Shaddick Clara Ann Beatrice Female Cox George William Male Mourambine
1906/400005 Beverley Evans Arthur Ernest Male Glanfield Eleanor Louisa Female Pingelly
1906/400005 Beverley Glanfield Eleanor Louisa Female Evans Arthur Ernest Male Pingelly
1906/400006 Beverley Grover Edith Mary Female Willey William Henry Male Beverley
1906/400006 Beverley Willey William Henry Male Grover Edith Mary Female Beverley
1906/400007 Beverley Turner Priscalla Christina Female Davey Joseph Albert Male Brookton
1906/400007 Beverley Davey Joseph Albert Male Turner Priscalla Christina Female Brookton
1906/400008 Beverley Gray Alfred Male Bateman Mabel Alice Female Boyagarri
1906/400008 Beverley Bateman Mabel Alice Female Gray Alfred Male Boyagarri
1906/400009 Beverley Parks William James Male France Cecilia Susannah Female Pingelly
1906/400009 Beverley France Cecilia Susannah Female Parks William James Male Pingelly
1906/400010 Beverley Christmas Edith Maria Female Davey Frederick Male Beverley
1906/400010 Beverley Davey Frederick Male Christmas Edith Maria Female Beverley
1906/400011 Beverley Bartlett Alice Female Noack William Frederick Male Brookton
1906/400011 Beverley Noack William Frederick Male Bartlett Alice Female Brookton
1906/400012 Beverley Brown William Male Snow Lily Emily Female Mourambine
1906/400012 Beverley Snow Lily Emily Female Brown William Male Mourambine
1906/400013 Beverley Squire Fanny Female Cox John Frederick Male Mourambine
1906/400013 Beverley Cox John Frederick Male Squire Fanny Female Mourambine
1906/400014 Beverley Wordley Mabel Gertrude Female Lamont Neil Male West Pingelly
1906/400014 Beverley Lamont Neil Male Wordley Mabel Gertrude Female West Pingelly
1906/400015 Beverley Parks Emily Ann Female Langley Albert Warwick Male Pingelly
1906/400015 Beverley Langley Albert Warwick Male Parks Emily Ann Female Pingelly
1906/400016 Beverley Walker John Cuthbert Male Green Elizabeth Ann Female Pingelly
1906/400016 Beverley Green Elizabeth Ann Female Walker John Cuthbert Male Pingelly
1906/400017 Beverley Davis Richard Percy Male Stone Florence Mary Emma Female Near Pingelly
1906/400017 Beverley Stone Florence Mary Emma Female Davis Richard Percy Male Near Pingelly
1906/400018 Beverley Lloyd John Thomas Male Winmar Alice Female East Beverley
1906/400018 Beverley Winmar Alice Female Lloyd John Thomas Male East Beverley
1906/400019 Beverley Wright Ellen Female Turvey John Henry Male East Beverley
1906/400019 Beverley Turvey John Henry Male Wright Ellen Female East Beverley
1906/400020 Beverley Langley Herbert Walter Male McGrath Eva Jane Female Brookton
1906/400020 Beverley McGrath Eva Jane Female Langley Herbert Walter Male Brookton
1906/400021 Beverley Hall Thomas Male Robinson Rosa Jane Female Brookton
1906/400021 Beverley Robinson Rosa Jane Female Hall Thomas Male Brookton
1906/400022 Beverley Chatfield Amos Male Nicholson Rachel Ann Female Brookton
1906/400022 Beverley Nicholson Rachel Ann Female Chatfield Amos Male Brookton
1906/400023 Beverley Wise Sarah Mabel Female Batt Ernest Albert Male Pingelly
1906/400023 Beverley Batt Ernest Albert Male Wise Sarah Mabel Female Pingelly
1906/400024 Beverley Rodda Frederick Male Turton Ruth Amelia Female Wandering
1906/400024 Beverley Turton Ruth Amelia Female Rodda Frederick Male Wandering
1906/400025 Beverley Squire Jane Female Black William Male Pingelly
1906/400025 Beverley Black William Male Squire Jane Female Pingelly
1906/400026 Beverley Bollard Mabel Alice Female Page John James Male Pingelly
1906/400026 Beverley Page John James Male Bollard Mabel Alice Female Pingelly
1906/400027 Beverley Fisher Frieda Mary Female Lukin George Rede Male Beverley
1906/400027 Beverley Lukin George Rede Male Fisher Frieda Mary Female Beverley
1906/400028 Beverley Doncon Edward Reuben Male Fleay Ida Elfie Helena Female Beverley
1906/400028 Beverley Fleay Ida Elfie Helena Female Doncon Edward Reuben Male Beverley
1906/400029 Beverley Thomas Veronica Gladys May Female Carlisle Albert John Male Pingelly
1906/400029 Beverley Carlisle Albert John Male Thomas Veronica Gladys May Female Pingelly
1906/400030 Beverley Black Elizabeth Ethel Female Venning John Howard Male Pingelly
1906/400030 Beverley Venning John Howard Male Black Elizabeth Ethel Female Pingelly
1906/500001 Blackwood Moulton Claude Walter Male Giblett Abi Annie Female Springdale
1906/500001 Blackwood Giblett Abi Annie Female Moulton Claude Walter Male Springdale
1906/500002 Blackwood Scott William Male Soffa Adelaide Augusta Female Bridgetown
1906/500002 Blackwood Soffa Adelaide Augusta Female Scott William Male Bridgetown
1906/500003 Blackwood Leyhane Jeremiah Male Cronin Mary Female Bridgetown
1906/500003 Blackwood Cronin Mary Female Leyhane Jeremiah Male Bridgetown
1906/500004 Blackwood Campbell Flora Maroula Murchison Female Richardson Thomas Elliot Male Balingup
1906/500004 Blackwood Richardson Thomas Elliot Male Campbell Flora Maroula Murchison Female Balingup
1906/500005 Blackwood Preston Eliza Female Harper Henry Thomas Male Bridgetown
1906/500005 Blackwood Harper Henry Thomas Male Preston Eliza Female Bridgetown
1906/500006 Blackwood Maslin Frank Male Nix Ann Priscilla Female Upper Blackwood
1906/500006 Blackwood Nix Ann Priscilla Female Maslin Frank Male Upper Blackwood
1906/500007 Blackwood Day Elizabeth Female Webb Charles Allen Male Greenbushes
1906/500007 Blackwood Webb Charles Allen Male Day Elizabeth Female Greenbushes
1906/500008 Blackwood Forrest Claude Male Wallbank Mary Female Jaye's
1906/500008 Blackwood Wallbank Mary Female Forrest Claude Male Jaye's
1906/500009 Blackwood Smith Harold Nolan Male McLennan Ida Gertrude Female Bridgetown
1906/500009 Blackwood McLennan Ida Gertrude Female Smith Harold Nolan Male Bridgetown
1906/500010 Blackwood Behsmann Sophia Agnes Female Buegge Albert Ernest Male Bridgetown
1906/500010 Blackwood Buegge Albert Ernest Male Behsmann Sophia Agnes Female Bridgetown
1906/500011 Blackwood Shade Mary Jane Female Boucher Sydney Talbot Male Greenbushes
1906/500011 Blackwood Boucher Sydney Talbot Male Shade Mary Jane Female Greenbushes
1906/500012 Blackwood Waugh Emily Agnes Female Exelby Thomas Male Greenbushes
1906/500012 Blackwood Exelby Thomas Male Waugh Emily Agnes Female Greenbushes
1906/500013 Blackwood Blechynden Elena Evaline Female Giblett Frank Thomas Male Dingup
1906/500013 Blackwood Giblett Frank Thomas Male Blechynden Elena Evaline Female Dingup
1906/500014 Blackwood Witton Edgar Charles Male Armstrong Ella Evelyn Female Balingup
1906/500014 Blackwood Armstrong Ella Evelyn Female Witton Edgar Charles Male Balingup
1906/500015 Blackwood Browne Hugh Martin Male Parker Ella Freda Mary Female Bridgetown
1906/500015 Blackwood Parker Ella Freda Mary Female Browne Hugh Martin Male Bridgetown
1906/500016 Blackwood Perks Samuel Male Povall Hilda Gwendelene Female Bridgetown
1906/500016 Blackwood Povall Hilda Gwendelene Female Perks Samuel Male Bridgetown
1906/500017 Blackwood Butcher George Henry Male Young Annie Female Dingup
1906/500017 Blackwood Young Annie Female Butcher George Henry Male Dingup
1906/500018 Blackwood Cooper Charles Ralph Male Osborne May Female Greenbushes
1906/500018 Blackwood Osborne May Female Cooper Charles Ralph Male Greenbushes
1906/500019 Blackwood Hewitt Joseph George Male Warne Emily Edna Female Greenbushes
1906/500019 Blackwood Warne Emily Edna Female Hewitt Joseph George Male Greenbushes
1906/500020 Blackwood Sullivan Arthur Lewis Male Warburton Lillian Female Greenbushes
1906/500020 Blackwood Warburton Lillian Female Sullivan Arthur Lewis Male Greenbushes
1906/500021 Blackwood Marshall James Male Emery Maudie Lucilla Female Bridgetown
1906/500021 Blackwood Emery Maudie Lucilla Female Marshall James Male Bridgetown
1906/500022 Blackwood Hill John Latty Male Hyslop Amy McLeod Female Greenbushes
1906/500022 Blackwood Hyslop Amy McLeod Female Hill John Latty Male Greenbushes
1906/500023 Blackwood Kaufmann Karoline Hermine Female Ryall Alfred Alexander Male Boyup Brook
1906/500023 Blackwood Ryall Alfred Alexander Male Kaufmann Karoline Hermine Female Boyup Brook
1906/500024 Blackwood Williams Elizabeth Sarah Female Robinson Edward Richard Male Greenbushes
1906/500024 Blackwood Robinson Edward Richard Male Williams Elizabeth Sarah Female Greenbushes
1906/500025 Blackwood Knapton Ida Maud Julia Female Teede Alfred Ernest Male Greenbushes
1906/500025 Blackwood Teede Alfred Ernest Male Knapton Ida Maud Julia Female Greenbushes
1906/500026 Blackwood Cannon Ada Lousia Female Jenkins Edwin Charles Male Greenbushes
1906/500026 Blackwood Jenkins Edwin Charles Male Cannon Ada Lousia Female Greenbushes
1906/500027 Blackwood Gray Elise Frances Female Magan Peter Male Bridgetown
1906/500027 Blackwood Magan Peter Male Gray Elise Frances Female Bridgetown
1906/500028 Blackwood Thompson Sydney Male Harrison Amelia Rebecca Female Bridgetown
1906/500028 Blackwood Harrison Amelia Rebecca Female Thompson Sydney Male Bridgetown
1906/500029 Blackwood Powell James William Male Blandy Elizabeth Phillippa Female Bridgetown
1906/500029 Blackwood Blandy Elizabeth Phillippa Female Powell James William Male Bridgetown
1906/500030 Blackwood Buzza Helena Female Saunders Robert Male Greenbushes
1906/500030 Blackwood Saunders Robert Male Buzza Helena Female Greenbushes
1906/500031 Blackwood Coad Robert Male Emery Elsie May Female Greenbushes
1906/500031 Blackwood Emery Elsie May Female Coad Robert Male Greenbushes
1906/500032 Blackwood Shanahan Margaret Mary Female Maslen Edward Robert Male Greenbushes
1906/500032 Blackwood Maslen Edward Robert Male Shanahan Margaret Mary Female Greenbushes
1907/700001 Boulder Burgess George Thomas Male Ford Caroline Female Boulder
1907/700001 Boulder Ford Caroline Female Burgess George Thomas Male Boulder
1907/700002 Boulder Ibbotson Mary Ellen Female Du Thoit George Louis Male Trafalgar
1907/700002 Boulder Du Thoit George Louis Male Ibbotson Mary Ellen Female Trafalgar
1907/700004 Boulder Hunt Daniel Male Hughes Maria Maud Female Boulder
1907/700004 Boulder Hughes Maria Maud Female Hunt Daniel Male Boulder
1906/700007 Boulder Hill Mabel Female Stabb George Male Boulder
1906/700007 Boulder Stabb George Male Hill Mabel Female Boulder
1906/700015 Boulder Charlesworth William Male Leighton Winifred Catherine Female Boulder
1906/700015 Boulder Leighton Winifred Catherine Female Charlesworth William Male Boulder
1906/700017 Boulder Brimstone John Male Buggy Elizabeth Louisa Female Boulder
1906/700017 Boulder Buggy Elizabeth Louisa Female Brimstone John Male Boulder
1906/700019 Boulder McLean Angus Alexander Male Farrell Alice Maud Female Boulder
1906/700019 Boulder Farrell Alice Maud Female McLean Angus Alexander Male Boulder
1906/700024 Boulder Sabine Robert Routh Male Doyle Elizabeth Female Boulder
1906/700024 Boulder Doyle Elizabeth Female Sabine Robert Routh Male Boulder
1906/700025 Boulder Screen Agnes Female Robinson Francis Male Boulder
1906/700025 Boulder Robinson Francis Male Screen Agnes Female Boulder
1906/700027 Boulder McLish Beatrice Female Curtis Walter Norman Male Trafalgar
1906/700027 Boulder Curtis Walter Norman Male McLish Beatrice Female Trafalgar
1906/700028 Boulder Winfield Robert Clare Male Munyard Alice Helena Female Boulder
1906/700028 Boulder Munyard Alice Helena Female Winfield Robert Clare Male Boulder
1906/700029 Boulder Young William Bruce Male Allen Violet Evelyn Female Boulder
1906/700029 Boulder Allen Violet Evelyn Female Young William Bruce Male Boulder
1906/700030 Boulder Ferguson Alice Female Walton John Male Boulder
1906/700030 Boulder Walton John Male Ferguson Alice Female Boulder
1906/700031 Boulder Pearse Sarah Female Hayes Ernest George Male Boulder
1906/700031 Boulder Hayes Ernest George Male Pearse Sarah Female Boulder
1906/700032 Boulder Higgins Emma Female Toole Daniel Male Boulder City
1906/700032 Boulder Toole Daniel Male Higgins Emma Female Boulder City
1906/700033 Boulder Thebon Mary Ellen Female Hogan Sydney Male Boulder
1906/700033 Boulder Hogan Sydney Male Thebon Mary Ellen Female Boulder
1906/700034 Boulder Fitzgerald James Male Martin Alice Maud Female Boulder
1906/700034 Boulder Martin Alice Maud Female Fitzgerald James Male Boulder
1906/700035 Boulder Chandler Elizabeth Emma Female Harvey Alfred Charles Male Boulder
1906/700035 Boulder Harvey Alfred Charles Male Chandler Elizabeth Emma Female Boulder
1906/700036 Boulder Evans Evan Parkinson Male Smith Hilda May Female Boulder
1906/700036 Boulder Smith Hilda May Female Evans Evan Parkinson Male Boulder
1906/700037 Boulder Bambridge Florrence Martha Female Parker Frederick George Male Boulder
1906/700037 Boulder Parker Frederick George Male Bambridge Florrence Martha Female Boulder
1906/700038 Boulder Tasker Henry Edwin Male Foster May Female Boulder
1906/700038 Boulder Foster May Female Tasker Henry Edwin Male Boulder
1906/700039 Boulder Rowe Ethel Female Coatham Thomas Bowmer Bond Male Boulder
1906/700039 Boulder Coatham Thomas Bowmer Bond Male Rowe Ethel Female Boulder
1906/700040 Boulder Everett Edith May Female Robertson Abbott Arthur Male Boulder
1906/700040 Boulder Robertson Abbott Arthur Male Everett Edith May Female Boulder
1906/700041 Boulder Barber William Henry Male Williams Margret Maud Female Boulder
1906/700041 Boulder Williams Margret Maud Female Barber William Henry Male Boulder
1906/700042 Boulder Lawn George Herbert Male Williams Esther Ellen Female Boulder
1906/700042 Boulder Williams Esther Ellen Female Lawn George Herbert Male Boulder
1906/700043 Boulder Bennett Mary Female Lewis Henry Male Boulder
1906/700043 Boulder Lewis Henry Male Bennett Mary Female Boulder
1906/700044 Boulder Powell Caroline Mary Female Long James Charles Male Boulder
1906/700044 Boulder Long James Charles Male Powell Caroline Mary Female Boulder
1906/700045 Boulder Langdon Thomas Male Chinnock Dorothy Female Boulder
1906/700045 Boulder Chinnock Dorothy Female Langdon Thomas Male Boulder
1906/700046 Boulder McMurtrie Margaret May Female Miller David Male Boulder
1906/700046 Boulder Miller David Male McMurtrie Margaret May Female Boulder
1906/700047 Boulder Jolly Edwin William Male Goodwin Elsie Female Boulder
1906/700047 Boulder Goodwin Elsie Female Jolly Edwin William Male Boulder
1906/700048 Boulder Mathieson Jean Flora Female Bremner William Henry Male Boulder
1906/700048 Boulder Bremner William Henry Male Mathieson Jean Flora Female Boulder
1906/700049 Boulder Sutherland Minnie Waters Female Goldstein Selwyn Male Boulder
1906/700049 Boulder Goldstein Selwyn Male Sutherland Minnie Waters Female Boulder
1906/700050 Boulder Tierney Frank Male Tyson Ellen Female Boulder
1906/700050 Boulder Tyson Ellen Female Tierney Frank Male Boulder
1907/700051 Boulder Smith Maud Amelia Female Slater Charles Battersby Male Boulder
1907/700051 Boulder Slater Charles Battersby Male Smith Maud Amelia Female Boulder
1906/700051 Boulder Kamerowski Ethel May Female Booth Norman Selfe Male Kamballie
1906/700051 Boulder Booth Norman Selfe Male Kamerowski Ethel May Female Kamballie
1906/700052 Boulder Gard Richard George Stanley Male Polkinghorne Martha Ellis Female Boulder
1906/700052 Boulder Polkinghorne Martha Ellis Female Gard Richard George Stanley Male Boulder
1907/700052 Boulder Thomson Fred Englebert Lorden Male Black Daisy Alvina Female Boulder
1907/700052 Boulder Black Daisy Alvina Female Thomson Fred Englebert Lorden Male Boulder
1906/700053 Boulder Abraham Susan Jane Female Shields Samuel John Male Boulder
1906/700053 Boulder Shields Samuel John Male Abraham Susan Jane Female Boulder
1907/700053 Boulder Sorrell Rosella Female Mcdermott Alfred Male Boulder
1907/700053 Boulder Mcdermott Alfred Male Sorrell Rosella Female Boulder
1906/700054 Boulder Challinger William Frederick Male Benck Annie Margueretta Female Boulder
1906/700054 Boulder Benck Annie Margueretta Female Challinger William Frederick Male Boulder
1907/700054 Boulder Cutler William Male Jones Alice May Female Boulder
1907/700054 Boulder Jones Alice May Female Cutler William Male Boulder
1906/700055 Boulder Callanan Peter John Joseph Male Northey Ethel Female Boulder
1907/700055 Boulder Ward Pearl Eliza Female Smith George Thomas Male Boulder
1906/700055 Boulder Northey Ethel Female Callanan Peter John Joseph Male Boulder
1907/700055 Boulder Smith George Thomas Male Ward Pearl Eliza Female Boulder
1906/700056 Boulder Hodge William Silas Male Frisch Bertha Clara Minna Louisa Female Boulder
1907/700056 Boulder Harrington Charles Male Norton Alice Mary Female Boulder
1906/700056 Boulder Frisch Bertha Clara Minna Louisa Female Hodge William Silas Male Boulder
1907/700056 Boulder Norton Alice Mary Female Harrington Charles Male Boulder
1906/700057 Boulder Dunstan Herbert John Male Toy Ethel May Female Boulder
1906/700057 Boulder Toy Ethel May Female Dunstan Herbert John Male Boulder
1906/700058 Boulder Merritt Joseph Ernest Male Thomas Tabitha Female Boulder
1906/700058 Boulder Thomas Tabitha Female Merritt Joseph Ernest Male Boulder
1906/700059 Boulder Keogh James Male Byrne Catherine Female Boulder
1906/700059 Boulder Byrne Catherine Female Keogh James Male Boulder
1906/700060 Boulder Dellaca James Male Rinaldi Dominica Female Boulder
1906/700060 Boulder Rinaldi Dominica Female Dellaca James Male Boulder
1906/700061 Boulder Nevill John Charles Male Rigoll Margaret Elizabeth Ottilie Female Boulder
1906/700061 Boulder Rigoll Margaret Elizabeth Ottilie Female Nevill John Charles Male Boulder
1906/700062 Boulder Allen Thomas Male Walker Eileen Constance Female Boulder
1906/700062 Boulder Walker Eileen Constance Female Allen Thomas Male Boulder
1906/700063 Boulder Bishop Emily Maud Female Garnaut George Bertram Male Boulder
1906/700063 Boulder Garnaut George Bertram Male Bishop Emily Maud Female Boulder
1906/700064 Boulder Welch Elizabeth Amy Female Hunter William Ernest MacKenzie Male Boulder
1906/700064 Boulder Hunter William Ernest MacKenzie Male Welch Elizabeth Amy Female Boulder
1906/700065 Boulder Radford Agnes May Female Fuller Francis George Male Boulder
1906/700065 Boulder Fuller Francis George Male Radford Agnes May Female Boulder
1906/700066 Boulder Kittelty James Male Roberts Christina Female Boulder
1906/700066 Boulder Roberts Christina Female Kittelty James Male Boulder
1906/700067 Boulder Thompson Clifton Male Kelly Christina Blanche Female Boulder
1906/700067 Boulder Kelly Christina Blanche Female Thompson Clifton Male Boulder
1906/700068 Boulder Bull James Male Hopgood Sarah Annie Female Boulder
1906/700068 Boulder Hopgood Sarah Annie Female Bull James Male Boulder
1906/700069 Boulder Terrell Caroline Female Broom Alexander Male Boulder
1906/700069 Boulder Broom Alexander Male Terrell Caroline Female Boulder
1906/700070 Boulder Simpson Louie Female Ellis William John Male Boulder
1906/700070 Boulder Ellis William John Male Simpson Louie Female Boulder
1906/700071 Boulder Watts Thomas Francis Male Kent Violetta Elizabeth Female Boulder
1906/700071 Boulder Kent Violetta Elizabeth Female Watts Thomas Francis Male Boulder
1906/700072 Boulder Nettle Hilda May Female Benness Ernest Francis Charles Male Boulder
1906/700072 Boulder Benness Ernest Francis Charles Male Nettle Hilda May Female Boulder
1906/700073 Boulder Smith Arthur Bernard Male Nienaber Olivia Marie Female Boulder
1906/700073 Boulder Nienaber Olivia Marie Female Smith Arthur Bernard Male Boulder
1906/700074 Boulder Glasheen William Thomas Male Kinnane Mary Female Boulder City
1906/700074 Boulder Kinnane Mary Female Glasheen William Thomas Male Boulder City
1906/700075 Boulder Campbell James Male Ryan Annie Teresa Female Boulder
1906/700075 Boulder Ryan Annie Teresa Female Campbell James Male Boulder
1906/700076 Boulder Colreavy Teresa Female Tonkin Bertram William Male Boulder
1906/700076 Boulder Tonkin Bertram William Male Colreavy Teresa Female Boulder
1906/700077 Boulder Hall Walter Male Ware Emma Female Boulder
1906/700077 Boulder Ware Emma Female Hall Walter Male Boulder
1906/700078 Boulder Watters Beatrice Ellen Female Ginbey David William Male Boulder
1906/700078 Boulder Ginbey David William Male Watters Beatrice Ellen Female Boulder
1906/700079 Boulder Simmons Mary Jane Female Taylor Henry Charles Male Boulder
1906/700079 Boulder Taylor Henry Charles Male Simmons Mary Jane Female Boulder
1906/700080 Boulder Lowes William Charles Male Mellen Rebecca Female Boulder
1906/700080 Boulder Mellen Rebecca Female Lowes William Charles Male Boulder
1906/700081 Boulder Howell William Thomas Male Blight Ellen Isabel Female Trafalgar
1906/700081 Boulder Blight Ellen Isabel Female Howell William Thomas Male Trafalgar
1906/700082 Boulder Cowden Annie Elizabeth Female Williams Henry Fitzpatrick Male Boulder
1906/700082 Boulder Williams Henry Fitzpatrick Male Cowden Annie Elizabeth Female Boulder
1906/700083 Boulder Jenkin Henry Alexander Male Herrington Clara Jane Female Boulder
1906/700083 Boulder Herrington Clara Jane Female Jenkin Henry Alexander Male Boulder
1906/700084 Boulder Owers Charles William Male Rule Eva Jane Pomroy Female Boulder
1906/700084 Boulder Rule Eva Jane Pomroy Female Owers Charles William Male Boulder
1906/700085 Boulder Ogier Thomas Andrew Male Chamberlain Frances Emma Caroline Female Boulder
1906/700085 Boulder Chamberlain Frances Emma Caroline Female Ogier Thomas Andrew Male Boulder
1906/700086 Boulder Fraser Edith Victoria Female Williams John Arthur Male Boulder
1906/700086 Boulder Williams John Arthur Male Fraser Edith Victoria Female Boulder
1906/700087 Boulder Murray Mary Female Sheehan William Male Boulder
1906/700087 Boulder Sheehan William Male Murray Mary Female Boulder
1906/700088 Boulder Hancock Ruby Ivey Female Dawe William Male Boulder
1906/700088 Boulder Dawe William Male Hancock Ruby Ivey Female Boulder
1906/700089 Boulder Knarhöi Florence Hansen Female Ellis Godfrey William Male Boulder
1906/700089 Boulder Ellis Godfrey William Male Knarhöi Florence Hansen Female Boulder
1906/700090 Boulder Goldsmith Edith Ethel Female Stream Arthur Male Boulder
1906/700090 Boulder Stream Arthur Male Goldsmith Edith Ethel Female Boulder
1906/700091 Boulder McKnight Isabella Wilson Female Klopper Adolphe Bernard Male Boulder
1906/700091 Boulder Klopper Adolphe Bernard Male McKnight Isabella Wilson Female Boulder
1906/700092 Boulder Alderson Jane Female Edwards Joseph Henry Male Boulder
1906/700092 Boulder Edwards Joseph Henry Male Alderson Jane Female Boulder
1906/700093 Boulder Hawksley Robert James Male Bray Clara Jane Female Boulder
1906/700093 Boulder Bray Clara Jane Female Hawksley Robert James Male Boulder
1906/700094 Boulder White Frank Herbert Male Purdie Eva Elizabeth Jane Female Boulder
1906/700094 Boulder Purdie Eva Elizabeth Jane Female White Frank Herbert Male Boulder
1906/700095 Boulder Hartnett Josephine Elisabeth Female Salmon Edward William Male Boulder
1906/700095 Boulder Salmon Edward William Male Hartnett Josephine Elisabeth Female Boulder
1906/700096 Boulder Murphy Thomas Bernard Male Blackmore Arimathea Goine Callaway Female Boulder
1906/700096 Boulder Blackmore Arimathea Goine Callaway Female Murphy Thomas Bernard Male Boulder
1906/700097 Boulder Rule Beatrice Maud Female Campbell William Henry Male Boulder
1906/700097 Boulder Campbell William Henry Male Rule Beatrice Maud Female Boulder
1906/700098 Boulder Jones Burnard Wallace Male Bayne Florence Beatrice Female Boulder
1906/700098 Boulder Bayne Florence Beatrice Female Jones Burnard Wallace Male Boulder
1906/700099 Boulder Falconer Robert Male Olson Minnie Female Trafalgar
1906/700099 Boulder Olson Minnie Female Falconer Robert Male Trafalgar
1906/700100 Boulder Milne James Alexander Male Dawes Mary Ann Female Boulder
1906/700100 Boulder Dawes Mary Ann Female Milne James Alexander Male Boulder
1906/700101 Boulder Ridgwell Ann Maria Female Fenn George Manuel Male Boulder
1906/700101 Boulder Fenn George Manuel Male Ridgwell Ann Maria Female Boulder
1906/700102 Boulder Kipps Uhraine Female Hardy Robert Male Boulder
1906/700102 Boulder Hardy Robert Male Kipps Uhraine Female Boulder
1906/700103 Boulder Kirkaldy Robert Male Rosewell Elizabeth Jane Female Boulder
1906/700103 Boulder Rosewell Elizabeth Jane Female Kirkaldy Robert Male Boulder
1906/700104 Boulder White Thomas George Male Tull Hilda May Female Boulder
1906/700104 Boulder Tull Hilda May Female White Thomas George Male Boulder
1906/700105 Boulder Shaw Gavin Patrick Male Wellwood Elizabeth Aitken Female Boulder
1906/700105 Boulder Wellwood Elizabeth Aitken Female Shaw Gavin Patrick Male Boulder
1906/700106 Boulder Williams George James Male Mitchell Annie Josephine Bernice Female Boulder
1906/700106 Boulder Mitchell Annie Josephine Bernice Female Williams George James Male Boulder
1906/700107 Boulder Bowen Florance Female Richards John Thomas Griffith Male Boulder
1906/700107 Boulder Richards John Thomas Griffith Male Bowen Florance Female Boulder
1906/700108 Boulder Bryant Edgar Floyde Male Northey Annie Eva Female Boulder
1906/700108 Boulder Northey Annie Eva Female Bryant Edgar Floyde Male Boulder
1906/700109 Boulder Lernin Elizabeth Annie Female Polley James Dempster Male Boulder
1906/700109 Boulder Polley James Dempster Male Lernin Elizabeth Annie Female Boulder
1906/700110 Boulder Rowe Anne Rebecca Female Ryan Francis Joseph Male Kamballie
1906/700110 Boulder Ryan Francis Joseph Male Rowe Anne Rebecca Female Kamballie
1906/700111 Boulder Garland William Arnold Male Hugo Ethel Ellen Female Boulder
1906/700111 Boulder Hugo Ethel Ellen Female Garland William Arnold Male Boulder
1906/700112 Boulder Hopgood May Matilda Female Colk Ernest Hubert Male Boulder
1906/700112 Boulder Colk Ernest Hubert Male Hopgood May Matilda Female Boulder
1906/700113 Boulder Farrelly Annie Female Hehir Thomas Rayfield Male Boulder
1906/700113 Boulder Hehir Thomas Rayfield Male Farrelly Annie Female Boulder
1906/700114 Boulder Paine Susan Annie Female Bright Frederick King Male Trafalgar
1906/700114 Boulder Bright Frederick King Male Paine Susan Annie Female Trafalgar
1906/700115 Boulder Deeble Lottie Female Tolmer Herbert Alexander Male Boulder
1906/700115 Boulder Tolmer Herbert Alexander Male Deeble Lottie Female Boulder
1906/700116 Boulder Davies William Male Gray Edith Millington Female Boulder
1906/700116 Boulder Gray Edith Millington Female Davies William Male Boulder
1906/700117 Boulder Gourley Edwin Joseph Male Wilson Mary Female Boulder
1906/700117 Boulder Wilson Mary Female Gourley Edwin Joseph Male Boulder
1906/700118 Boulder Scott Mary Young Female Opie Albert Edward Male Boulder
1906/700118 Boulder Opie Albert Edward Male Scott Mary Young Female Boulder
1906/700119 Boulder Hack Theodore Bernard Male Rodda Ida Agnes Female Boulder
1906/700119 Boulder Rodda Ida Agnes Female Hack Theodore Bernard Male Boulder
1906/700120 Boulder Cawrse Edwin Male Black Agnes Jane Female Boulder
1906/700120 Boulder Black Agnes Jane Female Cawrse Edwin Male Boulder
1906/700121 Boulder Thornton Thomas Henry Male Morris Georgina May Female Boulder
1906/700121 Boulder Morris Georgina May Female Thornton Thomas Henry Male Boulder
1906/700122 Boulder Mayger James Fredrick Male Schmidt Alice May Female Boulder
1906/700122 Boulder Schmidt Alice May Female Mayger James Fredrick Male Boulder
1906/700123 Boulder Howith James Male Tyner Alice Female Boulder
1906/700123 Boulder Tyner Alice Female Howith James Male Boulder
1906/700124 Boulder Hodges Mary Female Larkin Nicholas Male Boulder
1906/700124 Boulder Larkin Nicholas Male Hodges Mary Female Boulder
1906/700125 Boulder McIntyre Margaret Female Keogh Timothy Male Boulder City
1906/700125 Boulder Keogh Timothy Male McIntyre Margaret Female Boulder City
1906/700126 Boulder McLoughlin Annie Female Carr Francis Theodore Male Boulder
1906/700126 Boulder Carr Francis Theodore Male McLoughlin Annie Female Boulder
1906/700127 Boulder Leason Elizabeth Ross Female Hennessy Richard Male Boulder
1906/700127 Boulder Hennessy Richard Male Leason Elizabeth Ross Female Boulder
1906/700128 Boulder O'Shaughnessy Thomas Male Inglis Florence Isabell Female Boulder
1906/700128 Boulder Inglis Florence Isabell Female O'Shaughnessy Thomas Male Boulder
1906/700129 Boulder Bickle Katie Female Griffiths William Male Boulder
1906/700129 Boulder Griffiths William Male Bickle Katie Female Boulder
1906/700130 Boulder Bradley Mary Ann Female Emerson George Male Boulder
1906/700130 Boulder Emerson George Male Bradley Mary Ann Female Boulder
1906/700131 Boulder Beresford Alice Elizabeth De Banford Female Richmond Thomas William Male Trafalgar
1906/700131 Boulder Richmond Thomas William Male Beresford Alice Elizabeth De Banford Female Trafalgar
1906/700132 Boulder Fleming Ernest Reginald Male Millar Mary Louise Kennedy Female Trafalgar
1906/700132 Boulder Millar Mary Louise Kennedy Female Fleming Ernest Reginald Male Trafalgar
1906/700133 Boulder Trezona Dora Female Batten William Taylor Male Boulder
1906/700133 Boulder Batten William Taylor Male Trezona Dora Female Boulder
1906/700134 Boulder Monkhouse Sarah Female Boland Andrew Quinton Male Trafalgar
1906/700134 Boulder Boland Andrew Quinton Male Monkhouse Sarah Female Trafalgar
1906/700135 Boulder Campbell Annie Evelyn Female Ralph Herbert Daw Ainsley Male Boulder
1906/700135 Boulder Ralph Herbert Daw Ainsley Male Campbell Annie Evelyn Female Boulder
1906/700136 Boulder Sleader Olive Mara Female Edwards William Male Boulder
1906/700136 Boulder Edwards William Male Sleader Olive Mara Female Boulder
1906/700137 Boulder Stephens Edwin Barrett Male Stephens Elsie May Female Boulder
1906/700137 Boulder Stephens Elsie May Female Stephens Edwin Barrett Male Boulder
1906/700138 Boulder Baldwin Johanna Female Tough John Male Boulder
1906/700138 Boulder Tough John Male Baldwin Johanna Female Boulder
1906/700139 Boulder Laninovich Dominica Female Pavlinovich Michael Male Boulder
1906/700139 Boulder Pavlinovich Michael Male Laninovich Dominica Female Boulder
1906/700140 Boulder Thomas Florence Margaret Female Cunningham William James Male Boulder
1906/700140 Boulder Cunningham William James Male Thomas Florence Margaret Female Boulder
1906/700141 Boulder Bowden John Male Willis Emily Mary Female Boulder
1906/700141 Boulder Willis Emily Mary Female Bowden John Male Boulder
1906/700142 Boulder Gard Mary Adelaide Elizabeth Female Richards William Giles Male Boulder
1906/700142 Boulder Richards William Giles Male Gard Mary Adelaide Elizabeth Female Boulder
1906/700143 Boulder Penney Rose Annie Female Howe Alfred Arthur Thomas Male Boulder
1906/700143 Boulder Howe Alfred Arthur Thomas Male Penney Rose Annie Female Boulder
1906/700144 Boulder Geoghegan Maria Female Tobin Thomas Male Boulder
1906/700144 Boulder Tobin Thomas Male Geoghegan Maria Female Boulder
1906/700145 Boulder Ryan William Male Mortimer Edith Female Boulder
1906/700145 Boulder Mortimer Edith Female Ryan William Male Boulder
1906/700146 Boulder Knight Thomas Harold Male Wynne Ellen Bridget Female Boulder
1906/700146 Boulder Wynne Ellen Bridget Female Knight Thomas Harold Male Boulder
1906/700147 Boulder Egan Matthew Male Lyons Ellen Rose Female Boulder
1906/700147 Boulder Lyons Ellen Rose Female Egan Matthew Male Boulder
1906/700148 Boulder Carman Phillipa Ethel Female Trembath James Michael Male South Boulder
1906/700148 Boulder Trembath James Michael Male Carman Phillipa Ethel Female South Boulder
1906/700149 Boulder Bloxsome Lucy Beatrice Female Lugg Richard Bunt Male Boulder City
1906/700149 Boulder Lugg Richard Bunt Male Bloxsome Lucy Beatrice Female Boulder City
1906/700150 Boulder Muller Ellen Eva Female Stacey Henry William Male Boulder
1906/700150 Boulder Stacey Henry William Male Muller Ellen Eva Female Boulder
1906/700151 Boulder Storey Louisa Female Roche James Male Boulder
1906/700151 Boulder Roche James Male Storey Louisa Female Boulder
1906/700152 Boulder Morton Lily Female Williams William Henry Male Boulder
1906/700152 Boulder Williams William Henry Male Morton Lily Female Boulder
1906/700153 Boulder James May Female Roberts Thomas Male Boulder
1906/700153 Boulder Roberts Thomas Male James May Female Boulder
1906/700154 Boulder Rule Dora Female Skipworth Ernest William Male Boulder
1906/700154 Boulder Skipworth Ernest William Male Rule Dora Female Boulder
1906/700155 Boulder Chandler Annie Female Green Charles Reuben Male Boulder
1906/700155 Boulder Green Charles Reuben Male Chandler Annie Female Boulder
1906/700156 Boulder Hancock Phyllis Elizabeth Female Prater Ernest William Hebb Male Kamballie
1906/700156 Boulder Prater Ernest William Hebb Male Hancock Phyllis Elizabeth Female Kamballie
1906/700157 Boulder Jolley Alfred George Male Bartle Amy May Female Trafalgar
1906/700157 Boulder Bartle Amy May Female Jolley Alfred George Male Trafalgar
1906/700158 Boulder Miller Annie Ferguson Female Bowe Robert Charles Male Boulder
1906/700158 Boulder Bowe Robert Charles Male Miller Annie Ferguson Female Boulder
1906/700159 Boulder Brehaut Alfred Ernest Male Polmear Laura Ethel Winn Female Boulder City
1906/700159 Boulder Polmear Laura Ethel Winn Female Brehaut Alfred Ernest Male Boulder City
1906/700160 Boulder Keast Cecilia Female Godenzi John Adrian Male Boulder
1906/700160 Boulder Godenzi John Adrian Male Keast Cecilia Female Boulder
1906/700161 Boulder Tregoweth Frederick William Male Treloar Emily Elizabeth Mary Female Trafalgar
1906/700161 Boulder Treloar Emily Elizabeth Mary Female Tregoweth Frederick William Male Trafalgar
1906/700162 Boulder Cawthorne Ruby Mary Female Lemin William John Langdon Male Boulder
1906/700162 Boulder Lemin William John Langdon Male Cawthorne Ruby Mary Female Boulder
1906/700163 Boulder Kent William John Male Woolcock Ethel Elizabeth Female Boulder
1906/700163 Boulder Woolcock Ethel Elizabeth Female Kent William John Male Boulder
1906/700164 Boulder Gare William Hall Male Robinson Jane Female Boulder
1906/700164 Boulder Robinson Jane Female Gare William Hall Male Boulder
1906/700165 Boulder Brown James Male Jenkins Emma Maud Female Boulder
1906/700165 Boulder Jenkins Emma Maud Female Brown James Male Boulder
1906/700166 Boulder Temby Edward Arundel Male Smith Mildred Mary Female Boulder
1906/700166 Boulder Smith Mildred Mary Female Temby Edward Arundel Male Boulder
1906/700167 Boulder Manuell Eva May Female Hall Walter Male Trafalgar
1906/700167 Boulder Hall Walter Male Manuell Eva May Female Trafalgar
1906/700168 Boulder Watts Albert Edward Male Myers Emily Female Boulder
1906/700168 Boulder Myers Emily Female Watts Albert Edward Male Boulder
1906/700169 Boulder Higgins Alice Female O'Halloran Michael Thomas Male Boulder
1906/700169 Boulder O'Halloran Michael Thomas Male Higgins Alice Female Boulder
1906/700170 Boulder McGilton Patrick Male Ryan Annie Female Boulder
1906/700170 Boulder Ryan Annie Female McGilton Patrick Male Boulder
1906/700171 Boulder Cullen Mary Elizabeth Female Dewan John Male Boulder
1906/700171 Boulder Dewan John Male Cullen Mary Elizabeth Female Boulder
1906/700172 Boulder Ryder Margaret Female Illingworth John William Male Boulder
1906/700172 Boulder Illingworth John William Male Ryder Margaret Female Boulder
1906/700173 Boulder Jewell Martha Female Daw John Male Trafalgar
1906/700173 Boulder Daw John Male Jewell Martha Female Trafalgar
1906/700174 Boulder Taggart Ernest Alfred Male Porritt Ada Mary Female Boulder City
1906/700174 Boulder Porritt Ada Mary Female Taggart Ernest Alfred Male Boulder City
1906/700175 Boulder McDonald Alexander Male Colk Alice Maud Female Boulder City
1906/700175 Boulder Colk Alice Maud Female McDonald Alexander Male Boulder City
1906/700176 Boulder McKeown Joseph Male McEwan Agnes May Alicia Female Boulder City
1906/700176 Boulder McEwan Agnes May Alicia Female McKeown Joseph Male Boulder City
1906/700177 Boulder Goudy Hilda May Female Nancarrow William Henry Male Boulder
1906/700177 Boulder Nancarrow William Henry Male Goudy Hilda May Female Boulder
1906/700178 Boulder Abraham Thomas Henry Male Maitland Marian Muriel Female Boulder
1906/700178 Boulder Maitland Marian Muriel Female Abraham Thomas Henry Male Boulder
1906/700179 Boulder Alexander James Male Prime Nellie Female Boulder
1906/700179 Boulder Prime Nellie Female Alexander James Male Boulder
1906/700180 Boulder Roberts Eva Kathleen Female Kohler August Frederick Male Boulder
1906/700180 Boulder Kohler August Frederick Male Roberts Eva Kathleen Female Boulder
1906/700181 Boulder Tennant George William Male Harris Lily Female Boulder
1906/700181 Boulder Harris Lily Female Tennant George William Male Boulder
1906/700182 Boulder Scott Edith Female Ledger Ernest Henry Male Boulder
1906/700182 Boulder Ledger Ernest Henry Male Scott Edith Female Boulder
1906/700183 Boulder Fairclough Myrtle Louise Female McRae Duncan James Male Boulder
1906/700183 Boulder McRae Duncan James Male Fairclough Myrtle Louise Female Boulder
1906/700184 Boulder Knight Thomas Male Knott Gertrude Udora Fanella Female Boulder
1906/700184 Boulder Knott Gertrude Udora Fanella Female Knight Thomas Male Boulder
1906/700185 Boulder Dawes Emilie Female Cressey Richard Male Boulder
1906/700185 Boulder Cressey Richard Male Dawes Emilie Female Boulder
1906/700186 Boulder Wearn Thomas Henry Male Law Ethel Female Boulder
1906/700186 Boulder Law Ethel Female Wearn Thomas Henry Male Boulder
1906/700187 Boulder Alday Margaret Ellen Female Heathcote Albert Edward Male Boulder
1906/700187 Boulder Heathcote Albert Edward Male Alday Margaret Ellen Female Boulder
1906/700188 Boulder Date Margaret Jane Female Garrett Charles Percival Male Boulder
1906/700188 Boulder Garrett Charles Percival Male Date Margaret Jane Female Boulder
1906/700189 Boulder Moyle Joanna Helen Female Polmear Joseph Langdon Male Boulder
1906/700189 Boulder Polmear Joseph Langdon Male Moyle Joanna Helen Female Boulder
1906/700190 Boulder Burke Lilian May Female Brehaut Robert Hamilton Male Boulder
1906/700190 Boulder Brehaut Robert Hamilton Male Burke Lilian May Female Boulder
1906/700191 Boulder Woosnam James Francis Male Jones Elizabeth Female Boulder
1906/700191 Boulder Jones Elizabeth Female Woosnam James Francis Male Boulder
1906/700192 Boulder Black Robert Male Adams Mary Adeline Female Boulder
1906/700192 Boulder Adams Mary Adeline Female Black Robert Male Boulder
1906/700193 Boulder Nicholls Mary Jane Female Dick Edward Charles Male Boulder
1906/700193 Boulder Dick Edward Charles Male Nicholls Mary Jane Female Boulder
1906/700194 Boulder Hall Ellen Olive Female Armstrong Henry Male Trafalgar
1906/700194 Boulder Armstrong Henry Male Hall Ellen Olive Female Trafalgar
1906/700195 Boulder Whiteley Amy Drucilla Female Merritt Albert Ralph Male Boulder
1906/700195 Boulder Merritt Albert Ralph Male Whiteley Amy Drucilla Female Boulder
1906/700196 Boulder Illich Milla Female Svicarovich Vido Male Boulder
1906/700196 Boulder Svicarovich Vido Male Illich Milla Female Boulder
1906/700197 Boulder Cullen Eva Female Judge Edward Charles Male Boulder
1906/700197 Boulder Judge Edward Charles Male Cullen Eva Female Boulder
1906/700198 Boulder Harris Mary Female Rohan Edward Male Boulder
1906/700198 Boulder Rohan Edward Male Harris Mary Female Boulder
1906/700199 Boulder Wordley Bertha Female Langley Robert Male Boulder
1906/700199 Boulder Langley Robert Male Wordley Bertha Female Boulder
1906/700200 Boulder Neate Sarah Anne Female Shannahan Thomas Male Boulder
1906/700200 Boulder Shannahan Thomas Male Neate Sarah Anne Female Boulder
1906/700201 Boulder Stephens Hilda Female Black Tasman Dingwall Male Boulder
1906/700201 Boulder Black Tasman Dingwall Male Stephens Hilda Female Boulder
1906/700202 Boulder Carr Thomas John Male Mellen Fanny Female Boulder
1906/700202 Boulder Mellen Fanny Female Carr Thomas John Male Boulder
1906/700203 Boulder Davis Ethel Elizabeth Female Douglass William Henry Male Boulder
1906/700203 Boulder Douglass William Henry Male Davis Ethel Elizabeth Female Boulder
1906/700204 Boulder Ritchie Alexander Male Wellington Madeline Female Boulder
1906/700204 Boulder Wellington Madeline Female Ritchie Alexander Male Boulder
1906/700205 Boulder Smith James Frank Male Eglinton Nellie Anna Female Boulder
1906/700205 Boulder Eglinton Nellie Anna Female Smith James Frank Male Boulder
1906/700206 Boulder Gray Elizabeth Female Guy George Rowlings Male Trafalgar
1906/700206 Boulder Guy George Rowlings Male Gray Elizabeth Female Trafalgar
1906/700207 Boulder Basten Elsie May Female Eliot Geoffery William Male Boulder
1906/700207 Boulder Eliot Geoffery William Male Basten Elsie May Female Boulder
1906/700208 Boulder Fouracre Harry Male Best Alma Elizabeth Female Boulder
1906/700208 Boulder Best Alma Elizabeth Female Fouracre Harry Male Boulder
1906/1000001 Broad Arrow Dudley Adelaide Jessie Female Wightman James Robert Male Bardoc
1906/1000001 Broad Arrow Wightman James Robert Male Dudley Adelaide Jessie Female Bardoc
1906/1100001 Broome Nga'nagon Cecilia Female Ozias Antonio Male Broome
1906/1100001 Broome Ozias Antonio Male Nga'nagon Cecilia Female Broome
1906/1100002 Broome Karam John Baptist Male Witizie Leonie Female Beagle Bay
1906/1100002 Broome Witizie Leonie Female Karam John Baptist Male Beagle Bay
1906/1100004 Broome Pepper Frederick Charles Male Smith Edith Jane Female Broome
1906/1100004 Broome Smith Edith Jane Female Pepper Frederick Charles Male Broome
1906/1100005 Broome Nishioka Eki Female Murakami Yasukichi Male Broome
1906/1100005 Broome Murakami Yasukichi Male Nishioka Eki Female Broome
1906/1100006 Broome Bell Ethel Marian Female Blythe Joseph William Male Broome
1906/1100006 Broome Blythe Joseph William Male Bell Ethel Marian Female Broome
1906/1100007 Broome Cowen Edward Tronson Elphinstone Male Vail Blanche Annie Female Broome
1906/1100007 Broome Vail Blanche Annie Female Cowen Edward Tronson Elphinstone Male Broome
1906/1100008 Broome Yasuey Mary Theresa Female Storres Teofilo Male Broome
1906/1100008 Broome Storres Teofilo Male Yasuey Mary Theresa Female Broome
1906/1400001 Canning Spencer Ada Rose Female Cockram Herbert John Male Cannington
1906/1400001 Canning Cockram Herbert John Male Spencer Ada Rose Female Cannington
1906/1400002 Canning Anderson James Alexander Male Buckingham Blanche Female Kelmscott Anderson-40457
1906/1400002 Canning Buckingham Blanche Female Anderson James Alexander Male Kelmscott
1906/1400003 Canning Martin Eliza Female Hicks John Male Kelmscott
1906/1400003 Canning Hicks John Male Martin Eliza Female Kelmscott
1906/1400004 Canning Bestwick George Albert Male Mann Edith Female Armadale
1906/1400004 Canning Mann Edith Female Bestwick George Albert Male Armadale
1906/1400005 Canning Kell Lillian Emma Female Browne William Thomas Male Cannington
1906/1400005 Canning Browne William Thomas Male Kell Lillian Emma Female Cannington
1906/1400006 Canning Brittain Maysel Clara Female Needham Vernon Male Cannington
1906/1400006 Canning Needham Vernon Male Brittain Maysel Clara Female Cannington
1906/1400007 Canning Smailes Sydney Male Hanbury Edith Johanna Female Kelmscott
1906/1400007 Canning Hanbury Edith Johanna Female Smailes Sydney Male Kelmscott
1906/1400008 Canning Eversden Albert Male Ennor Elsie Christina Female Kalamunda
1906/1400008 Canning Ennor Elsie Christina Female Eversden Albert Male Kalamunda
1906/1400009 Canning Davenport Helen Female Maslin John Edward Male Armadale
1906/1400009 Canning Maslin John Edward Male Davenport Helen Female Armadale
1906/1400010 Canning Armstrong Olivia Female Hanbury Clement Augustus Male Kelmscott
1906/1400010 Canning Hanbury Clement Augustus Male Armstrong Olivia Female Kelmscott
1906/1400011 Canning Clark Clement Male Nicholl Matilda Female Armadale
1906/1400011 Canning Nicholl Matilda Female Clark Clement Male Armadale
1906/1400012 Canning Collier Robert John Male Briant Emily Jane Female Kelmscott
1906/1400012 Canning Briant Emily Jane Female Collier Robert John Male Kelmscott
1906/1400013 Canning Farrell Margaret Ellen Female Dorney Arthur Henry Male Cannington
1906/1400013 Canning Dorney Arthur Henry Male Farrell Margaret Ellen Female Cannington
1906/1600002 Claremont Nankervis Ethel Female Richardson John Cossack Male Claremont
1907/1600002 Claremont Kuser Emma Jane Female Martin William Male Cottesloe
1906/1600002 Claremont Richardson John Cossack Male Nankervis Ethel Female Claremont
1907/1600002 Claremont Martin William Male Kuser Emma Jane Female Cottesloe
1906/1600003 Claremont Turnbull Georgena Female Paterson James Male Cottesloe
1906/1600003 Claremont Paterson James Male Turnbull Georgena Female Cottesloe
1906/1600004 Claremont Webb Elsie Maud Female Baird John Craik Male Claremont
1906/1600004 Claremont Baird John Craik Male Webb Elsie Maud Female Claremont
1906/1600006 Claremont Rose Eliza Griffiths Female Jones Herbert Stewart Male Claremont
1906/1600006 Claremont Jones Herbert Stewart Male Rose Eliza Griffiths Female Claremont
1906/1600007 Claremont Jones Grace Alice Female Lee Watts Earnest Andrew Male Cottesloe
1906/1600007 Claremont Lee Watts Earnest Andrew Male Jones Grace Alice Female Cottesloe
1906/1600008 Claremont Denny Katharine Frances Meta Female Bussell Frederick Aloysius Weld Male Claremont
1906/1600008 Claremont Bussell Frederick Aloysius Weld Male Denny Katharine Frances Meta Female Claremont
1906/1600009 Claremont Smith Mary Female Blyth Alfred Waring Male Cottesloe
1906/1600009 Claremont Blyth Alfred Waring Male Smith Mary Female Cottesloe
1906/1600010 Claremont Hilder Margaret Female Sadler Herbert Male Cottesloe
1906/1600010 Claremont Sadler Herbert Male Hilder Margaret Female Cottesloe
1906/1600011 Claremont King Henry Whitehand Male Davey Violet Elayne Female Claremont
1906/1600011 Claremont Davey Violet Elayne Female King Henry Whitehand Male Claremont
1906/1600012 Claremont Calvert Alfred Hector Male Campbell Margaret Constance Female Claremont
1906/1600012 Claremont Campbell Margaret Constance Female Calvert Alfred Hector Male Claremont
1906/1600013 Claremont Higgs May Elizabeth Female Westlake James Male Cottesloe Beach
1906/1600013 Claremont Westlake James Male Higgs May Elizabeth Female Cottesloe Beach
1906/1600014 Claremont Camm Robert Harold John Male Dyer Mary Florence Female Claremont
1906/1600014 Claremont Dyer Mary Florence Female Camm Robert Harold John Male Claremont
1906/1600015 Claremont Hicks Richard Henry Male Cornelius Ada May Female Claremont
1906/1600015 Claremont Cornelius Ada May Female Hicks Richard Henry Male Claremont
1906/1600016 Claremont Britten Minnie Pauline Female Gillett William James Lyall Male Claremont
1906/1600016 Claremont Gillett William James Lyall Male Britten Minnie Pauline Female Claremont
1906/1600017 Claremont Marrie George Philip Male Tardif Edith Blanche Mary Female Claremont
1906/1600017 Claremont Tardif Edith Blanche Mary Female Marrie George Philip Male Claremont
1906/1600018 Claremont Davenport Horace James Male Oliver Clara Sabina Female Claremont
1906/1600018 Claremont Oliver Clara Sabina Female Davenport Horace James Male Claremont
1906/1600019 Claremont Minchin Florence Marguerite Female Laird John Male Cottesloe
1906/1600019 Claremont Laird John Male Minchin Florence Marguerite Female Cottesloe
1906/1600020 Claremont Graham John Fredrick Male Grigg Rosie Ann Female Claremont
1906/1600020 Claremont Grigg Rosie Ann Female Graham John Fredrick Male Claremont
1906/1600021 Claremont McGinn Gertrude Ivy Female Peck Charles Thomas Male Claremont
1906/1600021 Claremont Peck Charles Thomas Male McGinn Gertrude Ivy Female Claremont
1906/1600022 Claremont Sullivan Walter Male Coleman Kitrina Female Claremont
1906/1600022 Claremont Coleman Kitrina Female Sullivan Walter Male Claremont
1906/1600023 Claremont Hunter Florence Madeline Kathleen Female Walshe Edmund John Male Claremont
1906/1600023 Claremont Walshe Edmund John Male Hunter Florence Madeline Kathleen Female Claremont
1906/1600024 Claremont Evans Annie Louisa Female Dawson William John Male Cottesloe
1906/1600024 Claremont Dawson William John Male Evans Annie Louisa Female Cottesloe
1906/1600025 Claremont Grosser Adela Maud Female Yewers Harry Leslie Male Cottesloe
1906/1600025 Claremont Yewers Harry Leslie Male Grosser Adela Maud Female Cottesloe
1906/1600026 Claremont Abrahams Mary Elizabeth Female Carne Herbert Vercoe Male Claremont
1906/1600026 Claremont Carne Herbert Vercoe Male Abrahams Mary Elizabeth Female Claremont
1906/1600027 Claremont Rossbach Margaret Marie Female Sander George Emil Male Claremont
1906/1600027 Claremont Sander George Emil Male Rossbach Margaret Marie Female Claremont
1906/1600028 Claremont Driver Fitzwilliam Wentworth Male Flynn Bridget Mary Female Cottesloe
1906/1600028 Claremont Flynn Bridget Mary Female Driver Fitzwilliam Wentworth Male Cottesloe
1906/1600029 Claremont Woods Mary Female Clifford Harry Male Cottesloe
1906/1600029 Claremont Clifford Harry Male Woods Mary Female Cottesloe
1906/1600030 Claremont Cole Lowry Hamblin Male Fletcher Edith Kate Female Claremont
1906/1600030 Claremont Fletcher Edith Kate Female Cole Lowry Hamblin Male Claremont
1906/1600031 Claremont Keene Arthur Male Groube Mabel Grace Female Claremont
1906/1600031 Claremont Groube Mabel Grace Female Keene Arthur Male Claremont
1906/1600032 Claremont Sorrell Agnes Sabina Female Baker Michael James Male Claremont
1906/1600032 Claremont Baker Michael James Male Sorrell Agnes Sabina Female Claremont
1906/1600033 Claremont Oliver Elizabeth May Female Southern Frederick John Male Claremont
1906/1600033 Claremont Southern Frederick John Male Oliver Elizabeth May Female Claremont
1906/1600034 Claremont Lee Florence Miriam Female Uprichard James Fitz James Male Claremont
1906/1600034 Claremont Uprichard James Fitz James Male Lee Florence Miriam Female Claremont
1906/1600035 Claremont Rawson Arthur Ernest Male Holt Florence Bertha Female Claremont
1906/1600035 Claremont Holt Florence Bertha Female Rawson Arthur Ernest Male Claremont
1906/1600036 Claremont Copp Mary Jane Female Cheek Rupert Slaney Male Cottesloe Beach
1906/1600036 Claremont Cheek Rupert Slaney Male Copp Mary Jane Female Cottesloe Beach
1906/1600037 Claremont Burchell Ridginald John Worn Male Robinson Linda Blanche Female Buckland Hill
1906/1600037 Claremont Robinson Linda Blanche Female Burchell Ridginald John Worn Male Buckland Hill
1906/1600038 Claremont Sloan James Macome Male Trotman Celia Gertrude Female Claremont
1906/1600038 Claremont Trotman Celia Gertrude Female Sloan James Macome Male Claremont
1906/1600039 Claremont Hunter Harry Percival Male Soutar Mary Ann Female Claremont
1906/1600039 Claremont Soutar Mary Ann Female Hunter Harry Percival Male Claremont
1906/1600040 Claremont Ford Alfred Male Male Martha Ellen Female Claremont
1906/1600040 Claremont Male Martha Ellen Female Ford Alfred Male Claremont
1906/1600041 Claremont Dalton Mary Ann Female Beard Henry Male Cottesloe
1906/1600041 Claremont Beard Henry Male Dalton Mary Ann Female Cottesloe
1906/1600042 Claremont Davies Slingsby Male Millar Eva Lucy Female Claremont
1906/1600042 Claremont Millar Eva Lucy Female Davies Slingsby Male Claremont
1906/1600043 Claremont Bick Henry John Male Rokes Winifred Nettie Female Cottesloe
1906/1600043 Claremont Rokes Winifred Nettie Female Bick Henry John Male Cottesloe
1906/1600044 Claremont McMillen Edith Margaret Female Porter Robert James Male Claremont
1906/1600044 Claremont Porter Robert James Male McMillen Edith Margaret Female Claremont
1906/1600045 Claremont Ifould Percy Male Saunders Miriam Female Claremont
1906/1600045 Claremont Saunders Miriam Female Ifould Percy Male Claremont
1906/1600046 Claremont Queripel Marian May Female Bentley George Price Male Cottesloe
1906/1600046 Claremont Bentley George Price Male Queripel Marian May Female Cottesloe
1906/1600047 Claremont Dunlop Ethel May Female Wade David John Male Cottesloe
1906/1600047 Claremont Wade David John Male Dunlop Ethel May Female Cottesloe
1906/1600048 Claremont Cheek Reginald Caterans Male Teasdale Winifred Alice Female Cottesloe Beach
1906/1600048 Claremont Teasdale Winifred Alice Female Cheek Reginald Caterans Male Cottesloe Beach
1906/1600049 Claremont Burridge Alice Maude Female Mofflin Horace Elgar Male Claremont
1906/1600049 Claremont Mofflin Horace Elgar Male Burridge Alice Maude Female Claremont
1906/1600050 Claremont Clark Kate Roseina Female Stevenson David Male Claremont
1906/1600050 Claremont Stevenson David Male Clark Kate Roseina Female Claremont
1906/1600051 Claremont Kays Kate Female Hamilton Peter Male Cottesloe
1906/1600051 Claremont Hamilton Peter Male Kays Kate Female Cottesloe
1906/1600052 Claremont Paech August Adolph Bernhard Male Paxton Maude Caroline Female Claremont
1906/1600052 Claremont Paxton Maude Caroline Female Paech August Adolph Bernhard Male Claremont
1906/1600053 Claremont Sorensen Aage Valdemar Male Petersen Lydia Karen Female Cottesloe
1906/1600053 Claremont Petersen Lydia Karen Female Sorensen Aage Valdemar Male Cottesloe
1906/1600054 Claremont Thomas Thomas Henry Male Cooper Violet Mary Female Cottesloe
1906/1600054 Claremont Cooper Violet Mary Female Thomas Thomas Henry Male Cottesloe
1906/1600055 Claremont Hitchcock Margaret Ellen Female Caporn Clarence James Male Claremont
1906/1600055 Claremont Caporn Clarence James Male Hitchcock Margaret Ellen Female Claremont
1906/1600056 Claremont Bowden Jessie Female O'Halloran Nicholas Bayly Male Cottesloe
1906/1600056 Claremont O'Halloran Nicholas Bayly Male Bowden Jessie Female Cottesloe
1906/1600057 Claremont Sounness Thomas Glen Male Salmon Nora Blanche Female Cottesloe
1906/1600057 Claremont Salmon Nora Blanche Female Sounness Thomas Glen Male Cottesloe
1906/1600058 Claremont Blair Roderick Male Wooding Elsie May Female Cottesloe
1906/1600058 Claremont Wooding Elsie May Female Blair Roderick Male Cottesloe
1906/1600059 Claremont Mellor Collin Abney Male Rose Lillian Grace Female Claremont
1906/1600059 Claremont Rose Lillian Grace Female Mellor Collin Abney Male Claremont
1906/1600060 Claremont Stutchbury Florence Jane Female Boorn Arthur Alfred Male Cottesloe Beach
1906/1600060 Claremont Boorn Arthur Alfred Male Stutchbury Florence Jane Female Cottesloe Beach
1906/1600061 Claremont McDonald Alberta Melinda Female Boatwright Archibald George Male Cottesloe
1906/1600061 Claremont Boatwright Archibald George Male McDonald Alberta Melinda Female Cottesloe
1906/1600062 Claremont Davis Percy Roderick Male Cochrane Elsie Margaret Myrtle Female Cottesloe
1906/1600062 Claremont Cochrane Elsie Margaret Myrtle Female Davis Percy Roderick Male Cottesloe
1906/1600063 Claremont Emery Charlotte Female Hobbs James Joseph Male Claremont
1906/1600063 Claremont Hobbs James Joseph Male Emery Charlotte Female Claremont
1906/1600064 Claremont Mackie Jane Corkeim Female Gates Henry Frederick Male Claremont
1906/1600064 Claremont Gates Henry Frederick Male Mackie Jane Corkeim Female Claremont
1906/1600065 Claremont Robertson James Need Male Bennett Christina Female Claremont
1906/1600065 Claremont Bennett Christina Female Robertson James Need Male Claremont
1906/1600066 Claremont Buchholdt Friedrich Ludwig Male Callaghan Elizabeth Abigail Female Claremont
1906/1600066 Claremont Callaghan Elizabeth Abigail Female Buchholdt Friedrich Ludwig Male Claremont
1906/1600067 Claremont Button Jane Frances Female Harrison Walter Henry Male Claremont
1906/1600067 Claremont Harrison Walter Henry Male Button Jane Frances Female Claremont
1906/1600068 Claremont Napier Clive Hastings Male Paine Kitty Female Claremont
1906/1600068 Claremont Paine Kitty Female Napier Clive Hastings Male Claremont
1906/1600069 Claremont Kiesewetter Ernest William Male Kennedy Isabella Female Cottesloe Beach
1906/1600069 Claremont Kennedy Isabella Female Kiesewetter Ernest William Male Cottesloe Beach
1906/1600070 Claremont Meehan Thomas Henry Male Urquhart Ida Olive Female Claremont
1906/1600070 Claremont Urquhart Ida Olive Female Meehan Thomas Henry Male Claremont
1906/1700001 Coolgardie Rogers John Miller Corbett Male Barclay Agnes Deborah Female Coolgardie
1906/1700001 Coolgardie Barclay Agnes Deborah Female Rogers John Miller Corbett Male Coolgardie
1906/1700002 Coolgardie Henderson William Peter Male Hillis Elizabeth Ellen Female Coolgardie
1906/1700002 Coolgardie Hillis Elizabeth Ellen Female Henderson William Peter Male Coolgardie
1906/1700003 Coolgardie Sweeney Myrtle Olive Female Lamb Francis Male Coolgardie
1906/1700003 Coolgardie Lamb Francis Male Sweeney Myrtle Olive Female Coolgardie
1906/1700004 Coolgardie Pollard George Morris Male Dowd Louisa May Female Coolgardie
1906/1700004 Coolgardie Dowd Louisa May Female Pollard George Morris Male Coolgardie
1906/1700005 Coolgardie Toohey Annie Female Murray James Francis Male Coolgardie
1906/1700005 Coolgardie Murray James Francis Male Toohey Annie Female Coolgardie
1906/1700006 Coolgardie Munyard Walter Edwin Peter Male Donnes Lucy May Female Coolgardie
1906/1700006 Coolgardie Donnes Lucy May Female Munyard Walter Edwin Peter Male Coolgardie
1906/1700007 Coolgardie Hilditch Hilda Female Burgess Herbert Thomas Male Coolgardie
1906/1700007 Coolgardie Burgess Herbert Thomas Male Hilditch Hilda Female Coolgardie
1906/1700008 Coolgardie Morrison John Male Robins Alice Female Coolgardie
1906/1700008 Coolgardie Robins Alice Female Morrison John Male Coolgardie
1906/1700009 Coolgardie Woods Charlotte Selina Female Griffiths John Paul Male Coolgardie
1906/1700009 Coolgardie Griffiths John Paul Male Woods Charlotte Selina Female Coolgardie
1906/1700010 Coolgardie Hulme John Arthur Male Hart Alice Female Coolgardie
1906/1700010 Coolgardie Hart Alice Female Hulme John Arthur Male Coolgardie
1906/1700011 Coolgardie Clayton Thomas Male Burns Augustina Female Coolgardie
1906/1700011 Coolgardie Burns Augustina Female Clayton Thomas Male Coolgardie
1906/1700012 Coolgardie Richards Annie Female Martin John Chellew Male Coolgardie
1906/1700012 Coolgardie Martin John Chellew Male Richards Annie Female Coolgardie
1906/1700013 Coolgardie Mellowship Frederick Thomas Male Portens Elizabeth May Female Coolgardie
1906/1700013 Coolgardie Portens Elizabeth May Female Mellowship Frederick Thomas Male Coolgardie
1906/1700014 Coolgardie Hickey Mary Ann Female Pickup Abraham Male Coolgardie
1906/1700014 Coolgardie Pickup Abraham Male Hickey Mary Ann Female Coolgardie
1906/1700015 Coolgardie Mossop Tom Male Gilmore Annie Eliza Female Coolgardie
1906/1700015 Coolgardie Gilmore Annie Eliza Female Mossop Tom Male Coolgardie
1906/1700016 Coolgardie MacKay Ada Female Prewett Henry Male Coolgardie
1906/1700016 Coolgardie Prewett Henry Male MacKay Ada Female Coolgardie
1906/1700017 Coolgardie Walker Edward Male Lewis Annie Female Coolgardie
1906/1700017 Coolgardie Lewis Annie Female Walker Edward Male Coolgardie
1906/1700018 Coolgardie Barbary Joseph Male White Mary Bertha Female Coolgardie
1906/1700018 Coolgardie White Mary Bertha Female Barbary Joseph Male Coolgardie
1906/1700019 Coolgardie O'Flaherty Nora Ellen Female Sullivan Daniel Bernard Male Coolgardie
1906/1700019 Coolgardie Sullivan Daniel Bernard Male O'Flaherty Nora Ellen Female Coolgardie
1906/1700020 Coolgardie Crannage Alexander Male Mayne Louisa Female Coolgardie
1906/1700020 Coolgardie Mayne Louisa Female Crannage Alexander Male Coolgardie
1906/1700021 Coolgardie McIntosh James Joseph Male Nelson Johanna Female Coolgardie
1906/1700021 Coolgardie Nelson Johanna Female McIntosh James Joseph Male Coolgardie
1906/1700022 Coolgardie Evans Pency Harry Male Ferguson Kate Jane Female Coolgardie
1906/1700022 Coolgardie Ferguson Kate Jane Female Evans Pency Harry Male Coolgardie
1906/1700023 Coolgardie Wright Charles Stephen Male Madden Margaret Amn Female Coolgardie
1906/1700023 Coolgardie Madden Margaret Amn Female Wright Charles Stephen Male Coolgardie
1906/1700024 Coolgardie McCulloch Jean Female Burkett James Male Coolgardie
1906/1700024 Coolgardie Burkett James Male McCulloch Jean Female Coolgardie
1906/1700025 Coolgardie Dray Harry Male Rogers Elizabeth Francess Female Coolgardie
1906/1700025 Coolgardie Rogers Elizabeth Francess Female Dray Harry Male Coolgardie
1906/1700026 Coolgardie Bolton Elizabeth Female Colling John Lewis Male Burbanks
1906/1700026 Coolgardie Colling John Lewis Male Bolton Elizabeth Female Burbanks
1906/1700027 Coolgardie Harrison Edith Elizabeth Female Kew Robert Male Coolgardie
1906/1700027 Coolgardie Kew Robert Male Harrison Edith Elizabeth Female Coolgardie
1906/1700028 Coolgardie Sorrell Richard Alfred Male Bourdett Lena May Female Coolgardie
1906/1700028 Coolgardie Bourdett Lena May Female Sorrell Richard Alfred Male Coolgardie
1906/1700029 Coolgardie Kuhlmann Catherine Frances Female Kenny John Albert Male Coolgardie
1906/1700029 Coolgardie Kenny John Albert Male Kuhlmann Catherine Frances Female Coolgardie
1906/1700030 Coolgardie Baker Ada Westrop Female Pember Stanley Watson Male Kurrawang
1906/1700030 Coolgardie Pember Stanley Watson Male Baker Ada Westrop Female Kurrawang
1906/1700031 Coolgardie Toohey Margaret Female Ross William Male Coolgardie
1906/1700031 Coolgardie Ross William Male Toohey Margaret Female Coolgardie
1906/1700032 Coolgardie Mitchell Robert Macfarlane Male Pizey Ellen Mary Handfield Female Coolgardie
1906/1700032 Coolgardie Pizey Ellen Mary Handfield Female Mitchell Robert Macfarlane Male Coolgardie
1906/1700033 Coolgardie Dare Francis Robert Male Cain Lilian Mary Female Coolgardie
1906/1700033 Coolgardie Cain Lilian Mary Female Dare Francis Robert Male Coolgardie
1906/1700034 Coolgardie Thorn Charles Frances Male Stewart Maud Silvia Female Coolgardie
1906/1700034 Coolgardie Stewart Maud Silvia Female Thorn Charles Frances Male Coolgardie
1907/1800001 East Coolgardie Lloyd Anastatia Female Thomas George Male Kalgoorlie
1907/1800001 East Coolgardie Thomas George Male Lloyd Anastatia Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800001 East Coolgardie Eastmon Ernest Male Glasson Ada Beatrice Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800001 East Coolgardie Glasson Ada Beatrice Female Eastmon Ernest Male Kalgoorlie
1907/1800002 East Coolgardie Williams Francis Male Tyler Ada Jane Female Kalgoorlie
1907/1800002 East Coolgardie Tyler Ada Jane Female Williams Francis Male Kalgoorlie
1907/1800003 East Coolgardie Rooke Henry James Male Pengelly May Female Williamstown
1907/1800003 East Coolgardie Pengelly May Female Rooke Henry James Male Williamstown
1907/1800005 East Coolgardie Mott William Stephen Male Rankin Elizabeth Cathrene Female Kalgoorlie
1907/1800005 East Coolgardie Rankin Elizabeth Cathrene Female Mott William Stephen Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800013 East Coolgardie Hodgens Elizabeth Female Sloss Samuel Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800013 East Coolgardie Sloss Samuel Male Hodgens Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800014 East Coolgardie Risby John Joseph Young Male Bowie Florence May Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800014 East Coolgardie Bowie Florence May Female Risby John Joseph Young Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800015 East Coolgardie Stancombe Edith Ophelia Female Miniken Horace George Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800015 East Coolgardie Miniken Horace George Henry Male Stancombe Edith Ophelia Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800016 East Coolgardie Tomé Gregorio Male Bernoi Caterina Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800016 East Coolgardie Bernoi Caterina Female Tomé Gregorio Male Kalgoorlie
1907/1800019 East Coolgardie Spencer Maud Mary Amelia Female Scott Thomas Male Kalgoorlie
1907/1800019 East Coolgardie Scott Thomas Male Spencer Maud Mary Amelia Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800020 East Coolgardie Tulloh Reginald Graham Male Ehrlich Lena Josephine Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800020 East Coolgardie Ehrlich Lena Josephine Female Tulloh Reginald Graham Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800021 East Coolgardie Hockley Alfreda Pearl Female Harper John David Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800021 East Coolgardie Harper John David Male Hockley Alfreda Pearl Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800022 East Coolgardie Horsburgh William Archibald Male Condon Norah Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800022 East Coolgardie Condon Norah Female Horsburgh William Archibald Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800023 East Coolgardie Cabe James Male Gaddini Tsola Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800023 East Coolgardie Gaddini Tsola Female Cabe James Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800024 East Coolgardie Thompson Mary Anne Female Edwards Sydney Male Kalgoorlie
1907/1800024 East Coolgardie Tillett Nathaniel Male Walker Minnie Isabel Female Kalgoorlie
1907/1800024 East Coolgardie Walker Minnie Isabel Female Tillett Nathaniel Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800024 East Coolgardie Edwards Sydney Male Thompson Mary Anne Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800025 East Coolgardie Thompson Grace Esther Catherine Female Jelly Alan Thomas Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800025 East Coolgardie Jelly Alan Thomas Male Thompson Grace Esther Catherine Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800026 East Coolgardie Taylor Arthur Francis Male McCormack Mary Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800026 East Coolgardie McCormack Mary Elizabeth Female Taylor Arthur Francis Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800027 East Coolgardie Mayman Alice Female Johns William Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800027 East Coolgardie Johns William Henry Male Mayman Alice Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800028 East Coolgardie Taylor Mary Helena Female McKendry John Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800028 East Coolgardie McKendry John Male Taylor Mary Helena Female Kalgoorlie
1907/1800029 East Coolgardie Ferres Edgar Male Wishart Clarissa Eveline Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800029 East Coolgardie Jones Ellen Annie Female Layh Friedrick Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800029 East Coolgardie Layh Friedrick Male Jones Ellen Annie Female Kalgoorlie
1907/1800029 East Coolgardie Wishart Clarissa Eveline Female Ferres Edgar Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800030 East Coolgardie Arstall Ellen Louisa Female Hammill Albert Male Kalgoorlie
1907/1800030 East Coolgardie McNamara Michael Male McLeich Maud Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800030 East Coolgardie Hammill Albert Male Arstall Ellen Louisa Female Kalgoorlie
1907/1800030 East Coolgardie McLeich Maud Female McNamara Michael Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800031 East Coolgardie McPhee Gladys May Female Nielson Percy Frederick Male Kalgoorlie
1907/1800031 East Coolgardie Thompson Catherine Alice Female Maike John Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800031 East Coolgardie Nielson Percy Frederick Male McPhee Gladys May Female Kalgoorlie
1907/1800031 East Coolgardie Maike John Male Thompson Catherine Alice Female Kalgoorlie
1907/1800032 East Coolgardie Donnes Michael Male Johnson Isabella Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800032 East Coolgardie Rabbish Edith Stella Female Denney Alfred George Joseph Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800032 East Coolgardie Denney Alfred George Joseph Male Rabbish Edith Stella Female Kalgoorlie
1907/1800032 East Coolgardie Johnson Isabella Female Donnes Michael Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800033 East Coolgardie Gunter Charles James Male Gunter Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800033 East Coolgardie Gunter Mary Female Gunter Charles James Male Kalgoorlie
1907/1800033 East Coolgardie Nicholson Elizabeth Female De Michelis Bartholemy Male Kalgoorlie
1907/1800033 East Coolgardie De Michelis Bartholemy Male Nicholson Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1907/1800034 East Coolgardie Biddle Florence Female Williams Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1907/1800034 East Coolgardie Williams Edward Male Biddle Florence Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800034 East Coolgardie Cameron Harry Thomas Walter Male Hankin Jemima Fanny Packer Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800034 East Coolgardie Hankin Jemima Fanny Packer Female Cameron Harry Thomas Walter Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800035 East Coolgardie Bloxsome Oswald Lloyd Male Manning Maud Ethel Female Kalgoorlie
1907/1800035 East Coolgardie Callander Herbert Victor Male Moffett Sarah Jane Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800035 East Coolgardie Manning Maud Ethel Female Bloxsome Oswald Lloyd Male Kalgoorlie
1907/1800035 East Coolgardie Moffett Sarah Jane Female Callander Herbert Victor Male Kalgoorlie
1907/1800036 East Coolgardie Collett Charles Herbert Male Pettit Annie May Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800036 East Coolgardie Rowe William James Albert Male Tuia Annie Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1907/1800036 East Coolgardie Pettit Annie May Female Collett Charles Herbert Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800036 East Coolgardie Tuia Annie Elizabeth Female Rowe William James Albert Male Kalgoorlie
1907/1800037 East Coolgardie Anthony Matilda Female Fisk Edward Charles Male Kalgoorlie
1907/1800037 East Coolgardie Fisk Edward Charles Male Anthony Matilda Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800037 East Coolgardie Cowan William Male Aber Anna Louisa Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800037 East Coolgardie Aber Anna Louisa Female Cowan William Male Kalgoorlie
1907/1800038 East Coolgardie Sabine Harry Male Deimel Hilda May Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800038 East Coolgardie Callander Ernest Alfred Male Schiller Bertha Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800038 East Coolgardie Schiller Bertha Female Callander Ernest Alfred Male Kalgoorlie
1907/1800038 East Coolgardie Deimel Hilda May Female Sabine Harry Male Kalgoorlie
1907/1800039 East Coolgardie Harstedt Arthur James Male McDonald Jane Female Kalgoorlie
1907/1800039 East Coolgardie McDonald Jane Female Harstedt Arthur James Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800039 East Coolgardie O'Connell Mary Female Burns Robert Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800039 East Coolgardie Burns Robert Male O'Connell Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800040 East Coolgardie McInnes William Male Frost Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800040 East Coolgardie Frost Elizabeth Female McInnes William Male Kalgoorlie
1907/1800040 East Coolgardie Carstairs Maude Female Rollings Harold Charles Male Kalgoorlie
1907/1800040 East Coolgardie Rollings Harold Charles Male Carstairs Maude Female Kalgoorlie
1907/1800041 East Coolgardie George Martha Female Bowyer Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1907/1800041 East Coolgardie George Pattie Female Bowyer Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1907/1800041 East Coolgardie Bowyer Edward Male George Martha Female Kalgoorlie
1907/1800041 East Coolgardie Bowyer Edward Male George Pattie Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800041 East Coolgardie Watson Alice Leslie Female Crawford Robert John Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800041 East Coolgardie Crawford Robert John Male Watson Alice Leslie Female Kalgoorlie
1907/1800042 East Coolgardie McLean Laura Irene Female Morey Lloyd Owen Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800042 East Coolgardie Young Elspeth Bruce Female Honner Robert Francis Male Kalgoorlie
1907/1800042 East Coolgardie Morey Lloyd Owen Male McLean Laura Irene Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800042 East Coolgardie Honner Robert Francis Male Young Elspeth Bruce Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800043 East Coolgardie Keogh Margaret Female Fimister Norman Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800043 East Coolgardie Fimister Norman Male Keogh Margaret Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800044 East Coolgardie Starr Francis Male O'Mara Annie Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800044 East Coolgardie O'Mara Annie Female Starr Francis Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800045 East Coolgardie Makin Mary Female Archer George William Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800045 East Coolgardie Archer George William Male Makin Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800046 East Coolgardie Dixon Mary Josephine Female Kneller William Alfred Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800046 East Coolgardie Kneller William Alfred Male Dixon Mary Josephine Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800047 East Coolgardie Gleeson Lillian Maude Female Rocke John Theordore Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800047 East Coolgardie Rocke John Theordore Male Gleeson Lillian Maude Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800048 East Coolgardie Pascoe Mary Female Smail Malcolm Knox Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800048 East Coolgardie Smail Malcolm Knox Male Pascoe Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800049 East Coolgardie Bruce Elsie Female Roberts Francis James Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800049 East Coolgardie Roberts Francis James Male Bruce Elsie Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800050 East Coolgardie Wulff Caroline Christine Female Ware Francis John Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800050 East Coolgardie Ware Francis John Male Wulff Caroline Christine Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800051 East Coolgardie Hart Thomas John Male Reidy Sarah Margaret Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800051 East Coolgardie Reidy Sarah Margaret Female Hart Thomas John Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800052 East Coolgardie Baker Charles Male Nute Catherine May Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800052 East Coolgardie Nute Catherine May Female Baker Charles Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800053 East Coolgardie McAfee Robert Male McGregor Annie McLeod Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800053 East Coolgardie McGregor Annie McLeod Female McAfee Robert Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800054 East Coolgardie Collins Arthur Male McAlpine Margaret Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800054 East Coolgardie McAlpine Margaret Female Collins Arthur Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800055 East Coolgardie McInerney Matthew Male Carter Edith Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800055 East Coolgardie Carter Edith Female McInerney Matthew Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800056 East Coolgardie Mark Jean May Female Grant Angus Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800056 East Coolgardie Grant Angus Male Mark Jean May Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800057 East Coolgardie Richards Florence May Female Treffone Nicholas Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800057 East Coolgardie Treffone Nicholas Male Richards Florence May Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800058 East Coolgardie Whitford William Horace Male Brennen Mary Margeret Agnes Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800058 East Coolgardie Brennen Mary Margeret Agnes Female Whitford William Horace Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800059 East Coolgardie Cunningham James Francis Male Cole Rosetta Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800059 East Coolgardie Cole Rosetta Mary Female Cunningham James Francis Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800060 East Coolgardie Sullivan Frances Mary Female Lawson Arthur Alfred Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800060 East Coolgardie Lawson Arthur Alfred Male Sullivan Frances Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800061 East Coolgardie Weekley Herbert Henry Male Pritchard Beatrice Gower Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800061 East Coolgardie Pritchard Beatrice Gower Female Weekley Herbert Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800062 East Coolgardie Ross Florence May Female Andrew William John Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800062 East Coolgardie Andrew William John Male Ross Florence May Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800063 East Coolgardie Holmes Rose Female Baines Charles Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800063 East Coolgardie Baines Charles Henry Male Holmes Rose Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800064 East Coolgardie Johns Thomas Edwin Male McConvill Ada Kate Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800064 East Coolgardie McConvill Ada Kate Female Johns Thomas Edwin Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800065 East Coolgardie Downing Robert William Male Hawkes Martha Bowbear Female Broad Arrow
1906/1800065 East Coolgardie Hawkes Martha Bowbear Female Downing Robert William Male Broad Arrow
1906/1800066 East Coolgardie Swale Eliza Female Stacey Alick Eardley Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800066 East Coolgardie Stacey Alick Eardley Male Swale Eliza Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800067 East Coolgardie McGuiness Catherine Female Ayre Joseph Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800067 East Coolgardie Ayre Joseph Male McGuiness Catherine Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800068 East Coolgardie Simmons Bessie Neilson Female Madden James Henry Guise Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800068 East Coolgardie Madden James Henry Guise Male Simmons Bessie Neilson Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800069 East Coolgardie Marshall Robert Alexander Male Hell Margaretha Lucy Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800069 East Coolgardie Hell Margaretha Lucy Female Marshall Robert Alexander Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800070 East Coolgardie Rochford Ada May Kate Female Hawkes John Bowbear Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800070 East Coolgardie Hawkes John Bowbear Male Rochford Ada May Kate Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800071 East Coolgardie Piper Jane Elizabeth Female Newton Nathaniel Dorham Doolette Male Broad Arrow
1906/1800071 East Coolgardie Newton Nathaniel Dorham Doolette Male Piper Jane Elizabeth Female Broad Arrow
1906/1800072 East Coolgardie Dick Alexander Male Symes Maud Mary Evered Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800072 East Coolgardie Symes Maud Mary Evered Female Dick Alexander Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800073 East Coolgardie Watson Amy Female Anderson Arthur George Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800073 East Coolgardie Anderson Arthur George Male Watson Amy Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800074 East Coolgardie Mills Lewis Stephen Lyne Male Wilson Mabel Eliza Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800074 East Coolgardie Wilson Mabel Eliza Female Mills Lewis Stephen Lyne Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800075 East Coolgardie Dunne Alfred Albert Male Sibbald Jemima Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800075 East Coolgardie Sibbald Jemima Female Dunne Alfred Albert Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800076 East Coolgardie Sweet George Howard Male Dench Lily Russell Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800076 East Coolgardie Dench Lily Russell Female Sweet George Howard Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800077 East Coolgardie Turner Amy Louisa Female Novak William Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800077 East Coolgardie Novak William Male Turner Amy Louisa Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800078 East Coolgardie Schade Annie Elizabeth Female Lay John Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800078 East Coolgardie Lay John Male Schade Annie Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800079 East Coolgardie McGarrigal Edward Victor Male Powell Catherine Eliza Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800079 East Coolgardie Powell Catherine Eliza Female McGarrigal Edward Victor Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800080 East Coolgardie Jones Charles Victor Thomas Male Bosworth Rose Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800080 East Coolgardie Bosworth Rose Female Jones Charles Victor Thomas Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800081 East Coolgardie Pember Sidney Male Smith Alice Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800081 East Coolgardie Smith Alice Female Pember Sidney Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800082 East Coolgardie Harrison Elizabeth Baxter Female Johnson John Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800082 East Coolgardie Johnson John Male Harrison Elizabeth Baxter Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800083 East Coolgardie Andrew Florence May Female Hocking Edward Charles Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800083 East Coolgardie Hocking Edward Charles Male Andrew Florence May Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800084 East Coolgardie McGuiness William Vincent Male Walsh Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800084 East Coolgardie Walsh Mary Female McGuiness William Vincent Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800085 East Coolgardie Kerr Horace Edward Male Simpson Margaret Christina Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800085 East Coolgardie Simpson Margaret Christina Female Kerr Horace Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800086 East Coolgardie Carmichael Robert Stephen Male Trembath Lillian Maud Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800086 East Coolgardie Trembath Lillian Maud Female Carmichael Robert Stephen Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800087 East Coolgardie McEncroe James Male Duane Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800087 East Coolgardie Duane Elizabeth Female McEncroe James Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800088 East Coolgardie Hodge John Alexander Male Purcell Margaret Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800088 East Coolgardie Purcell Margaret Female Hodge John Alexander Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800089 East Coolgardie Cray Stephen Male Kavanagh Nellie Josephine Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800089 East Coolgardie Kavanagh Nellie Josephine Female Cray Stephen Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800090 East Coolgardie Mullaney James Male Ryan Ellen Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800090 East Coolgardie Ryan Ellen Female Mullaney James Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800091 East Coolgardie Houston David Male Corneliusen Christina Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800091 East Coolgardie Corneliusen Christina Female Houston David Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800092 East Coolgardie Howard Florence Female Windsor Frederick Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800092 East Coolgardie Windsor Frederick Male Howard Florence Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800093 East Coolgardie Rawlins William Henry Male Owens Florence Mabel Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800093 East Coolgardie Owens Florence Mabel Female Rawlins William Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800094 East Coolgardie Winch Mabel Elvy Female Bell Charles Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800094 East Coolgardie Bell Charles Male Winch Mabel Elvy Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800095 East Coolgardie Mathieson Aenger Vincent Male Williams Ethel Clara Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800095 East Coolgardie Williams Ethel Clara Female Mathieson Aenger Vincent Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800096 East Coolgardie Simpson Emily Female Knapp James Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800096 East Coolgardie Knapp James Male Simpson Emily Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800097 East Coolgardie Rutherford Andrew Male Jones Alice Jane Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800097 East Coolgardie Jones Alice Jane Female Rutherford Andrew Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800098 East Coolgardie Treloar Victoria Elsie Female Leech Alfred Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800098 East Coolgardie Leech Alfred Male Treloar Victoria Elsie Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800099 East Coolgardie Hardham Fanny Rhoda Female Brittingham Roland James Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800099 East Coolgardie Brittingham Roland James Male Hardham Fanny Rhoda Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800100 East Coolgardie Leslie William James Male Shanks Margaret Alice Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800100 East Coolgardie Shanks Margaret Alice Female Leslie William James Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800101 East Coolgardie Chadd Thomas Patrick Male Manning Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800101 East Coolgardie Manning Mary Female Chadd Thomas Patrick Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800102 East Coolgardie Hammond Sidney Male Ryle Emily Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800102 East Coolgardie Ryle Emily Female Hammond Sidney Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800103 East Coolgardie Hell Marie Edith Female Sullivan John Lawrence Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800103 East Coolgardie Sullivan John Lawrence Male Hell Marie Edith Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800104 East Coolgardie Hutton Muriel Lilian Mabel May Female Schillerman James Frederick Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800104 East Coolgardie Schillerman James Frederick Male Hutton Muriel Lilian Mabel May Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800105 East Coolgardie Hack Theodore Charles Male Hennessy Elizabeth Grace Maud Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800105 East Coolgardie Hennessy Elizabeth Grace Maud Female Hack Theodore Charles Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800106 East Coolgardie Cresser Caroline Goodrick Female Love William John Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800106 East Coolgardie Love William John Male Cresser Caroline Goodrick Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800107 East Coolgardie East Johanna Female Kulinder James Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800107 East Coolgardie Kulinder James Male East Johanna Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800108 East Coolgardie Payne Philip Male Allan Lillian May Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800108 East Coolgardie Allan Lillian May Female Payne Philip Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800109 East Coolgardie Wood Lena Female Lagan James Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800109 East Coolgardie Lagan James Male Wood Lena Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800110 East Coolgardie Robertson Donald Male Mann Rosina Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800110 East Coolgardie Mann Rosina Female Robertson Donald Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800111 East Coolgardie Pilgrim Amelia Rose Female Fletcher William Gledhill Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800111 East Coolgardie Fletcher William Gledhill Male Pilgrim Amelia Rose Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800112 East Coolgardie Corin Lily May Female Vautin William Claude Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800112 East Coolgardie Vautin William Claude Male Corin Lily May Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800113 East Coolgardie Paulig Ottelie Wilhelmine Victoria Female Exell Albert John Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800113 East Coolgardie Exell Albert John Male Paulig Ottelie Wilhelmine Victoria Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800114 East Coolgardie Murphy Thomas Bernard Male O'Halloran Ellen Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800114 East Coolgardie O'Halloran Ellen Female Murphy Thomas Bernard Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800115 East Coolgardie McMahon Michael Male Long Margeret Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800115 East Coolgardie Long Margeret Female McMahon Michael Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800116 East Coolgardie Ryan Patrick Francis Male Hutchinson Jane Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800116 East Coolgardie Hutchinson Jane Female Ryan Patrick Francis Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800117 East Coolgardie Dearing Alice Female Collier William Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800117 East Coolgardie Collier William Male Dearing Alice Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800118 East Coolgardie Jamieson John William Male Anstey Katherine Eveline Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800118 East Coolgardie Anstey Katherine Eveline Female Jamieson John William Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800119 East Coolgardie McHugh Margaret Female Duncan William Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800119 East Coolgardie Duncan William Male McHugh Margaret Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800120 East Coolgardie Gunston Christiana Isabella Female McKenzie James Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800120 East Coolgardie McKenzie James Male Gunston Christiana Isabella Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800121 East Coolgardie Christie George Male Maher Bessie Price Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800121 East Coolgardie Maher Bessie Price Female Christie George Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800122 East Coolgardie Pridmore Louisa Maria Female Griffiths Robert Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800122 East Coolgardie Griffiths Robert Male Pridmore Louisa Maria Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800123 East Coolgardie Hendy Fredrick Male Cruickshank Norah Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800123 East Coolgardie Cruickshank Norah Female Hendy Fredrick Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800124 East Coolgardie Peterson Annie Female Poiner John Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800124 East Coolgardie Poiner John Male Peterson Annie Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800125 East Coolgardie McDonald William Male Holcroft Ada Davey Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800125 East Coolgardie Holcroft Ada Davey Female McDonald William Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800126 East Coolgardie Antill Loftus Cliffe Male Price Margaret Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800126 East Coolgardie Price Margaret Elizabeth Female Antill Loftus Cliffe Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800127 East Coolgardie Merrick Lily Female O'Loughlin James Humphrey Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800127 East Coolgardie O'Loughlin James Humphrey Male Merrick Lily Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800128 East Coolgardie Evans Edward John Male Cushin Jessie Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800128 East Coolgardie Cushin Jessie Mary Female Evans Edward John Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800129 East Coolgardie Dowlan Emily Female Long John Horace Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800129 East Coolgardie Long John Horace Male Dowlan Emily Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800130 East Coolgardie Maddren William Male Nicholls Annie Lattie Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800130 East Coolgardie Nicholls Annie Lattie Female Maddren William Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800131 East Coolgardie Blacker Edmund Parfitt Male Mitchell Elizabeth Ann Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800131 East Coolgardie Mitchell Elizabeth Ann Female Blacker Edmund Parfitt Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800132 East Coolgardie Weselmann Alice Maud Julia Female Pettit Joseph Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800132 East Coolgardie Pettit Joseph Male Weselmann Alice Maud Julia Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800133 East Coolgardie Erdmann Edward Christian Male Robertson Ada May Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800133 East Coolgardie Robertson Ada May Female Erdmann Edward Christian Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800134 East Coolgardie Lawrance William Thomas Male Garwood Clara Grace Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800134 East Coolgardie Garwood Clara Grace Female Lawrance William Thomas Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800135 East Coolgardie Sandon Eva Victoria Female Northwood John Shetch Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800135 East Coolgardie Northwood John Shetch Male Sandon Eva Victoria Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800136 East Coolgardie Bowen Frederick William Male Ehlers Clara Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800136 East Coolgardie Ehlers Clara Female Bowen Frederick William Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800137 East Coolgardie Gillow Elizabeth Female Walsh Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800137 East Coolgardie Walsh Edward Male Gillow Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800138 East Coolgardie Burley Joseph Edward Male Cornthwaite Agnes Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800138 East Coolgardie Cornthwaite Agnes Female Burley Joseph Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800139 East Coolgardie Sparrow Henry Male Wiesner Daisy Henrietta Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800139 East Coolgardie Wiesner Daisy Henrietta Female Sparrow Henry Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800140 East Coolgardie Carrotts Louise Kathleen Female Warner Robert William Mathias Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800140 East Coolgardie Warner Robert William Mathias Male Carrotts Louise Kathleen Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800141 East Coolgardie Cray Clarence Holberton Male Marshall Maggie Blyth Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800141 East Coolgardie Marshall Maggie Blyth Female Cray Clarence Holberton Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800142 East Coolgardie Nation Arthur Lavington Male Parslow Florence Ethel Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800142 East Coolgardie Parslow Florence Ethel Female Nation Arthur Lavington Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800143 East Coolgardie Aldenhoven Mary Bertha Amelia Female Lally James Martin Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800143 East Coolgardie Lally James Martin Male Aldenhoven Mary Bertha Amelia Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800144 East Coolgardie Woodlands Eliza Female Blades Isaac Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800144 East Coolgardie Blades Isaac Male Woodlands Eliza Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800145 East Coolgardie Emery Herbert Male Redenbach Wilhelmina Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800145 East Coolgardie Redenbach Wilhelmina Female Emery Herbert Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800146 East Coolgardie Richardson Mary Ann Female Bryden James Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800146 East Coolgardie Bryden James Male Richardson Mary Ann Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800147 East Coolgardie Acres Mary Murial Female Richter Alfred James Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800147 East Coolgardie Richter Alfred James Male Acres Mary Murial Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800148 East Coolgardie Pitt William Male Stancombe Lydia Addrienne Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800148 East Coolgardie Stancombe Lydia Addrienne Female Pitt William Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800149 East Coolgardie McDonald Donald Alexander Male Reaper Lucy Ann Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800149 East Coolgardie Reaper Lucy Ann Female McDonald Donald Alexander Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800150 East Coolgardie McKerrow Robert Male Tierney Bridget Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800150 East Coolgardie Tierney Bridget Mary Female McKerrow Robert Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800151 East Coolgardie McNamara Martin Joseph Male Young Margaret Helen Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800151 East Coolgardie Young Margaret Helen Female McNamara Martin Joseph Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800152 East Coolgardie White Catherine Cecilia Female Foley Jeremiah Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800152 East Coolgardie Foley Jeremiah Male White Catherine Cecilia Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800153 East Coolgardie Marshall Clara Ellen Female Clarke Arthur Frank Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800153 East Coolgardie Clarke Arthur Frank Male Marshall Clara Ellen Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800154 East Coolgardie Mott John Eldred Male McNicoll Amy Ethel Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800154 East Coolgardie McNicoll Amy Ethel Female Mott John Eldred Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800155 East Coolgardie Williams Thomas Garfield Male Passmore Mary Jane Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800155 East Coolgardie Passmore Mary Jane Female Williams Thomas Garfield Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800156 East Coolgardie Harding William Male Rook Elizabeth Ellen Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800156 East Coolgardie Rook Elizabeth Ellen Female Harding William Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800157 East Coolgardie Griese Florence Augusta Female Baldwinson Horace Stanley Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800157 East Coolgardie Baldwinson Horace Stanley Male Griese Florence Augusta Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800158 East Coolgardie Russell Patrick Joseph Male Morrissey Ellen Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800158 East Coolgardie Morrissey Ellen Female Russell Patrick Joseph Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800159 East Coolgardie Deely Mary Lucy Female Maley Albert Edward Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800159 East Coolgardie Maley Albert Edward Male Deely Mary Lucy Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800160 East Coolgardie Pizer Thomas George Male Urquhart Mary Ann Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800160 East Coolgardie Urquhart Mary Ann Female Pizer Thomas George Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800161 East Coolgardie McKenzie Eva May Female Hogan Peter Frederick Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800161 East Coolgardie Hogan Peter Frederick Male McKenzie Eva May Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800162 East Coolgardie Pratt Samuel Male Trevascus Elizabeth Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800162 East Coolgardie Trevascus Elizabeth Female Pratt Samuel Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800163 East Coolgardie Lance Joseph Male Tonkin Florence Edith Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800163 East Coolgardie Tonkin Florence Edith Female Lance Joseph Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800164 East Coolgardie Armstrong Walter Perryman Male Reat Elizabeth Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800164 East Coolgardie Reat Elizabeth Mary Female Armstrong Walter Perryman Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800165 East Coolgardie Hammer Alfred Ernest Male Shepherd Dalise Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800165 East Coolgardie Shepherd Dalise Female Hammer Alfred Ernest Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800166 East Coolgardie Williams Gertrude Female McClintock Albert Scott Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800166 East Coolgardie McClintock Albert Scott Male Williams Gertrude Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800167 East Coolgardie Mills George Francis Male Thornett Eva Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800167 East Coolgardie Thornett Eva Female Mills George Francis Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800168 East Coolgardie Desprez Louis Ferdinand Male Colgan Rosalie Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800168 East Coolgardie Colgan Rosalie Female Desprez Louis Ferdinand Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800169 East Coolgardie Nicholson Walter Male Brown Ellen Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800169 East Coolgardie Brown Ellen Female Nicholson Walter Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800170 East Coolgardie Toleman Oliver George Male Simmons Florence May Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800170 East Coolgardie Simmons Florence May Female Toleman Oliver George Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800171 East Coolgardie Nairn Effie Sutcliff Female Carter Thomas Hugh Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800171 East Coolgardie Carter Thomas Hugh Male Nairn Effie Sutcliff Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800172 East Coolgardie Ranson Mabel Female Nelson John William Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800172 East Coolgardie Nelson John William Male Ranson Mabel Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800173 East Coolgardie King Lillian May Female Hill Henry Daniel Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800173 East Coolgardie Hill Henry Daniel Male King Lillian May Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800174 East Coolgardie Martin Agnes Mary Female Dini Battisti Innocenti Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800174 East Coolgardie Dini Battisti Innocenti Male Martin Agnes Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800175 East Coolgardie Casley Richard Male Matthews Elizabeth Saundry Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800175 East Coolgardie Matthews Elizabeth Saundry Female Casley Richard Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800176 East Coolgardie Bloxsome John Rossa Male Williams Sarah Jean Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1800176 East Coolgardie Williams Sarah Jean Female Bloxsome John Rossa Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800177 East Coolgardie Willey Gertrude Mary Female Innes Frederick George Male Kalgoorlie
1906/1800177 East Coolgardie Innes Frederick George Male Willey Gertrude Mary Female Kalgoorlie
1906/1900002 North Coolgardie Honniball Herbert Male Collier Mary Jane Female Menzies
1906/1900002 North Coolgardie Collier Mary Jane Female Honniball Herbert Male Menzies
1906/1900003 North Coolgardie Davies Gertrude Ocelia Female Simpson James Male Menzies
1906/1900003 North Coolgardie Simpson James Male Davies Gertrude Ocelia Female Menzies
1906/1900008 North Coolgardie Sanderson John Hill Male Minogue Bridget Female Menzies
1906/1900008 North Coolgardie Minogue Bridget Female Sanderson John Hill Male Menzies
1906/1900009 North Coolgardie Sherlock Marcella Female Gabbedy John Ernest Male Menzies
1906/1900009 North Coolgardie Gabbedy John Ernest Male Sherlock Marcella Female Menzies
1906/1900010 North Coolgardie Elliott Elizabeth Female Thomas William Albert Male Menzies
1906/1900010 North Coolgardie Thomas William Albert Male Elliott Elizabeth Female Menzies
1906/1900011 North Coolgardie Bridge Laura Matilda Female Russell Josephus Male Menzies
1906/1900011 North Coolgardie Russell Josephus Male Bridge Laura Matilda Female Menzies
1906/1900012 North Coolgardie Sartori Joseph Male Heberle Emily Female Kookynie
1906/1900012 North Coolgardie Heberle Emily Female Sartori Joseph Male Kookynie
1906/1900013 North Coolgardie Nicolson Charles Hope Male Mettam Adelia Mabel Female Menzies
1906/1900013 North Coolgardie Mettam Adelia Mabel Female Nicolson Charles Hope Male Menzies
1906/1900014 North Coolgardie Seedsman Walter Henry Male Maddern Annie Female Kookynie
1906/1900014 North Coolgardie Maddern Annie Female Seedsman Walter Henry Male Kookynie
1906/1900015 North Coolgardie Peake Louisa Female Marshall George Henry Male Menzies
1906/1900015 North Coolgardie Marshall George Henry Male Peake Louisa Female Menzies
1906/1900016 North Coolgardie Mortimer William John Male Riddell Ellen May Female Menzies
1906/1900016 North Coolgardie Riddell Ellen May Female Mortimer William John Male Menzies
1906/1900017 North Coolgardie Collins Mary Female Sawyer Ephraim Thomas Male Menzies
1906/1900017 North Coolgardie Sawyer Ephraim Thomas Male Collins Mary Female Menzies
1906/1900018 North Coolgardie Frew Maud Isabella Agnes Female Nolan James Francis Male Kookynie
1906/1900018 North Coolgardie Nolan James Francis Male Frew Maud Isabella Agnes Female Kookynie
1906/1900019 North Coolgardie Touhy Robert Patrick Ambrose Male Sorrensen Margaret Severin Female Kookynie
1906/1900019 North Coolgardie Sorrensen Margaret Severin Female Touhy Robert Patrick Ambrose Male Kookynie
1906/1900020 North Coolgardie Bath Elizabeth Jane Female Heil Albert August Tessie Male Menzies
1906/1900020 North Coolgardie Heil Albert August Tessie Male Bath Elizabeth Jane Female Menzies
1906/1900021 North Coolgardie Woods Emily Female Barrot John Charles Male Menzies
1906/1900021 North Coolgardie Barrot John Charles Male Woods Emily Female Menzies
1906/1900022 North Coolgardie Jameson Annie Mary Female Spark Francis William Male Kookynie
1906/1900022 North Coolgardie Spark Francis William Male Jameson Annie Mary Female Kookynie
1906/1900023 North Coolgardie Marsh Samuel Stephen Male Lehne Lily Emily Ethel Female Kookynie
1906/1900023 North Coolgardie Lehne Lily Emily Ethel Female Marsh Samuel Stephen Male Kookynie
1906/1900024 North Coolgardie Arthur William Daniel Male Faux Elizabeth Female Woolgar
1906/1900024 North Coolgardie Faux Elizabeth Female Arthur William Daniel Male Woolgar
1906/1900025 North Coolgardie Millett John Hamlet Horatio Male Williams Mary Wilhelmina Female Menzies
1906/1900025 North Coolgardie Williams Mary Wilhelmina Female Millett John Hamlet Horatio Male Menzies
1906/1900026 North Coolgardie McMahon John Male Webb Mary Female Menzies
1906/1900026 North Coolgardie Webb Mary Female McMahon John Male Menzies
1906/1900027 North Coolgardie Adams Rennell Bruce Male Miechel Ada Wilhelmina Female Menzies
1906/1900027 North Coolgardie Miechel Ada Wilhelmina Female Adams Rennell Bruce Male Menzies
1906/1900028 North Coolgardie Henderson Barbara Female Hosking Jr John Henry Male Menzies
1906/1900028 North Coolgardie Hosking Jr John Henry Male Henderson Barbara Female Menzies
1906/1900029 North Coolgardie Thompson Thomas Male Mitchell Nellie Theresa Female Kookynie
1906/1900029 North Coolgardie Mitchell Nellie Theresa Female Thompson Thomas Male Kookynie
1906/1900030 North Coolgardie Brotheridge Ethel Myfawny Female Jenkinson Thomas Rawson Male Kookynie
1906/1900030 North Coolgardie Jenkinson Thomas Rawson Male Brotheridge Ethel Myfawny Female Kookynie
1906/1900031 North Coolgardie Carter Charlotte Ellen Massy Female Macfarlane George Male Menzies
1906/1900031 North Coolgardie Macfarlane George Male Carter Charlotte Ellen Massy Female Menzies
1906/1900032 North Coolgardie Le Leu Frederick William Male Anderson Elizabeth Johanna Female Kookynie
1906/1900032 North Coolgardie Anderson Elizabeth Johanna Female Le Leu Frederick William Male Kookynie
1906/1900034 North Coolgardie Irvine May Maria Female Marshall Albert Edward Male Menzies
1906/1900034 North Coolgardie Marshall Albert Edward Male Irvine May Maria Female Menzies
1906/1900035 North Coolgardie Copley Mary Catherine Female O'Brien Daniel James Male Menzies
1906/1900035 North Coolgardie O'Brien Daniel James Male Copley Mary Catherine Female Menzies
1906/1900036 North Coolgardie Maggetti Cicilia Anne Female Rutherford William Male Menzies
1906/1900036 North Coolgardie Rutherford William Male Maggetti Cicilia Anne Female Menzies
1906/1900037 North Coolgardie Millea Margaret Ellen Female McPherson Charlies Male Kookynie
1906/1900037 North Coolgardie McPherson Charlies Male Millea Margaret Ellen Female Kookynie
1906/1900039 North Coolgardie Barnett Walter Edwin Male Kittelty Lilian Louisa Female Kookynie
1906/1900039 North Coolgardie Kittelty Lilian Louisa Female Barnett Walter Edwin Male Kookynie
1906/1900040 North Coolgardie Combes Clement Edward Male Catchpole Ethel Frances Female Kookynie
1906/1900040 North Coolgardie Catchpole Ethel Frances Female Combes Clement Edward Male Kookynie
1906/1900041 North Coolgardie Groves Esther Female Fort William George Male Menzies
1906/1900041 North Coolgardie Fort William George Male Groves Esther Female Menzies
1906/1900042 North Coolgardie Pettigrove Esther Ann Female Cummins Herbert John Male Menzies
1906/1900042 North Coolgardie Cummins Herbert John Male Pettigrove Esther Ann Female Menzies
1906/2000001 North East Coolgardie Ryan Nora Female Edwards Francis William Male Kanowna
1906/2000001 North East Coolgardie Edwards Francis William Male Ryan Nora Female Kanowna
1906/2000003 North East Coolgardie Sims Sydney Robert Male Sullivan Lina Benisa Female Kanowna
1906/2000003 North East Coolgardie Sullivan Lina Benisa Female Sims Sydney Robert Male Kanowna
1906/2000004 North East Coolgardie Morgan Francis Edward Male Howes Emily Celestine Female Kanowna
1906/2000004 North East Coolgardie Howes Emily Celestine Female Morgan Francis Edward Male Kanowna
1906/2000005 North East Coolgardie Denman Reuben Male Pickering Laura Mary Female Kanowna
1906/2000005 North East Coolgardie Pickering Laura Mary Female Denman Reuben Male Kanowna
1906/2000006 North East Coolgardie Bonelli Olinpia Female Zappetti Battista Male Kanowna
1906/2000006 North East Coolgardie Zappetti Battista Male Bonelli Olinpia Female Kanowna
1906/2000007 North East Coolgardie Langford William Male Ormsby Bessie Female Kanowna
1906/2000007 North East Coolgardie Ormsby Bessie Female Langford William Male Kanowna
1906/2000008 North East Coolgardie McKirdy Frank Hugo Male Tickle Frances Millicent Female Kanowna
1906/2000008 North East Coolgardie Tickle Frances Millicent Female McKirdy Frank Hugo Male Kanowna
1906/2000009 North East Coolgardie Lyttleton Dennis Patrick Male Ryan Mary Monica Female Kanowna
1906/2000009 North East Coolgardie Ryan Mary Monica Female Lyttleton Dennis Patrick Male Kanowna
1906/2000010 North East Coolgardie Jenkyn Ada Female Kilner Frank Henry Male Kanowna
1906/2000010 North East Coolgardie Kilner Frank Henry Male Jenkyn Ada Female Kanowna
1906/2000011 North East Coolgardie Hayes James Male Hodder Henrietta Female Kanowna
1906/2000011 North East Coolgardie Hodder Henrietta Female Hayes James Male Kanowna
1906/2000012 North East Coolgardie Rae Hilda Millicent Female Parker Joseph John Male Kanowna
1906/2000012 North East Coolgardie Parker Joseph John Male Rae Hilda Millicent Female Kanowna
1906/2000013 North East Coolgardie Rae Elsie Ethel Female Howes Walter Alexander Scott Male Kanowna
1906/2000013 North East Coolgardie Howes Walter Alexander Scott Male Rae Elsie Ethel Female Kanowna
1906/2000014 North East Coolgardie Brown Clara Female Considine Matthew James Male Kanowna
1906/2000014 North East Coolgardie Considine Matthew James Male Brown Clara Female Kanowna
1906/2000015 North East Coolgardie Mills Alice Lillian Female Tickle John Male Kanowna
1906/2000015 North East Coolgardie Tickle John Male Mills Alice Lillian Female Kanowna
1906/2000016 North East Coolgardie Crisp Elizabeth Boyd Female Baldock Arthur Jabez Male Kanowna
1906/2000016 North East Coolgardie Baldock Arthur Jabez Male Crisp Elizabeth Boyd Female Kanowna
1906/2000017 North East Coolgardie Clarke Adeline Sara Female Davies William Male Kanowna
1906/2000017 North East Coolgardie Davies William Male Clarke Adeline Sara Female Kanowna
1906/2200001 Dandaragan Clune Mathew Mary Joseph Male Dodd Agnes Ann Female Berkshire Valley
1906/2200001 Dandaragan Dodd Agnes Ann Female Clune Mathew Mary Joseph Male Berkshire Valley
1906/2200002 Dandaragan McVee Edward John Male Murray Gussie Female Koojan
1906/2200002 Dandaragan Murray Gussie Female McVee Edward John Male Koojan
1906/2200003 Dandaragan Edwards Reuben Bernard Clayton Male Cook Maude Emma Female Dandarragan
1906/2200003 Dandaragan Cook Maude Emma Female Edwards Reuben Bernard Clayton Male Dandarragan
1906/2400001 Dundas Stevens Frances Emily Female Brown Charles Samuel Male Princess Royal
1906/2400001 Dundas Brown Charles Samuel Male Stevens Frances Emily Female Princess Royal
1906/2400002 Dundas Johnson Claire Female Trotter Ernest Welsford Male Princess Royal
1906/2400002 Dundas Trotter Ernest Welsford Male Johnson Claire Female Princess Royal
1906/2400003 Dundas Beard Selina Female Sully Samuel Victor Male Norseman
1906/2400003 Dundas Sully Samuel Victor Male Beard Selina Female Norseman
1906/2400004 Dundas David Rees Joseph Male Guy Laura May Female Norseman
1906/2400004 Dundas Guy Laura May Female David Rees Joseph Male Norseman
1906/2400005 Dundas Durand Adrienne Marie Bontemps Female Tunnington Harry Male Norseman
1906/2400005 Dundas Tunnington Harry Male Durand Adrienne Marie Bontemps Female Norseman
1906/2400006 Dundas Grant John Male Strother Nellie Female Princess Royal
1906/2400006 Dundas Strother Nellie Female Grant John Male Princess Royal
1906/2400007 Dundas Strother Frederick William Percy Male Eagle Edith May Female Norseman
1906/2400007 Dundas Eagle Edith May Female Strother Frederick William Percy Male Norseman
1906/2400008 Dundas Strongman Roland Lewis Male Fowler Mary Ann Female Norseman
1906/2400008 Dundas Fowler Mary Ann Female Strongman Roland Lewis Male Norseman
1906/2500001 Esperance Kuehl Rose Female Backlund Nels Erick Male Esperance
1906/2500001 Esperance Backlund Nels Erick Male Kuehl Rose Female Esperance
1906/2500002 Esperance Gurney Charles Edward Male Timkins Alice Female Esperance
1906/2500002 Esperance Timkins Alice Female Gurney Charles Edward Male Esperance
1906/2600001 Eucla Weller Lindsay Edward Male Dunstan Amelia Female Eucla
1906/2600001 Eucla Dunstan Amelia Female Weller Lindsay Edward Male Eucla
1906/2700001 Fremantle Curedale Daisy Ruth Female Doust Henry Male Fremantle
1906/2700001 Fremantle Doust Henry Male Curedale Daisy Ruth Female Fremantle
1906/2700006 Fremantle Lewis Edward George Male Fell Helen Elizabeth Female North Fremantle
1906/2700006 Fremantle Fell Helen Elizabeth Female Lewis Edward George Male North Fremantle
1906/2700007 Fremantle Pope Cuthbert Male Wright Elsie Gertrude Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1906/2700007 Fremantle Wright Elsie Gertrude Elizabeth Female Pope Cuthbert Male Fremantle
1906/2700008 Fremantle Limpus Robert William Male Pyke Ida Maude Female Fremantle
1906/2700008 Fremantle Pyke Ida Maude Female Limpus Robert William Male Fremantle
1906/2700009 Fremantle Samson Frances Caroline Female Cook Herbert Henry Male Fremantle
1906/2700009 Fremantle Cook Herbert Henry Male Samson Frances Caroline Female Fremantle
1906/2700010 Fremantle Middlemas Ethel Dora Female Lewis Alfred John Male Fremantle
1906/2700010 Fremantle Lewis Alfred John Male Middlemas Ethel Dora Female Fremantle
1906/2700011 Fremantle Lockwood John Henry James Male Pitchford Agnes Female Fremantle
1906/2700011 Fremantle Pitchford Agnes Female Lockwood John Henry James Male Fremantle
1906/2700012 Fremantle Pederick William Thomas Male Ray Margaret Female North Fremantle
1906/2700012 Fremantle Ray Margaret Female Pederick William Thomas Male North Fremantle
1907/2700012 Fremantle Willis Mabel Female Weidenbach George Albert Male Fremantle
1907/2700012 Fremantle Weidenbach George Albert Male Willis Mabel Female Fremantle
1906/2700013 Fremantle Bryant Annie Charlotte Female Burfield Arthur Charles Male South Fremantle
1906/2700013 Fremantle Burfield Arthur Charles Male Bryant Annie Charlotte Female South Fremantle
1906/2700014 Fremantle Meiss Carl Friedrich Conrad Male Reimer Dagmar Female Fremantle
1906/2700014 Fremantle Reimer Dagmar Female Meiss Carl Friedrich Conrad Male Fremantle
1906/2700015 Fremantle Goddard Francis Frederick Ernest John Male Banks Hannah Female Fremantle
1906/2700015 Fremantle Banks Hannah Female Goddard Francis Frederick Ernest John Male Fremantle
1906/2700016 Fremantle Brooks George Male Edwards Lily Rose Female Fremantle
1906/2700016 Fremantle Edwards Lily Rose Female Brooks George Male Fremantle
1906/2700019 Fremantle Mitchell Charles Male Campbell Mary Female Fremantle
1906/2700019 Fremantle Campbell Mary Female Mitchell Charles Male Fremantle
1906/2700020 Fremantle Denning Arthur Feldwick Male Warren Minnie Ellen Female South Fremantle
1906/2700020 Fremantle Warren Minnie Ellen Female Denning Arthur Feldwick Male South Fremantle
1906/2700021 Fremantle Harmsworth Sarah Ann Female Robertson Arthur Leslie Male East Fremantle
1906/2700021 Fremantle Robertson Arthur Leslie Male Harmsworth Sarah Ann Female East Fremantle
1906/2700022 Fremantle Willis Elizabeth Jane Female Gordon Thomas Male East Fremantle
1906/2700022 Fremantle Gordon Thomas Male Willis Elizabeth Jane Female East Fremantle
1906/2700023 Fremantle O'Halloran John Vincent Male Dewan Emma Margaret Female Fremantle
1906/2700023 Fremantle Dewan Emma Margaret Female O'Halloran John Vincent Male Fremantle
1907/2700024 Fremantle Hill Ruby Elizabeth Female Robertson William McFarlane Male South Fremantle
1906/2700024 Fremantle Jones Mary Evlyn Female White Richard Male North Fremantle
1906/2700024 Fremantle White Richard Male Jones Mary Evlyn Female North Fremantle
1907/2700024 Fremantle Robertson William McFarlane Male Hill Ruby Elizabeth Female South Fremantle
1906/2700025 Fremantle Hoffmann Florence Annie Female Knight Charles Henry Male Fremantle
1906/2700025 Fremantle Knight Charles Henry Male Hoffmann Florence Annie Female Fremantle
1906/2700025 Fremantle Knight Charles Henry Male James Florence Annie Female Fremantle
1906/2700025 Fremantle James Florence Annie Female Knight Charles Henry Male Fremantle
1906/2700026 Fremantle Conway Edward Male Everett Vera Henrietta Female Fremantle
1906/2700026 Fremantle Everett Vera Henrietta Female Conway Edward Male Fremantle
1906/2700027 Fremantle Robinson John Thomas Male Noar Alice Selina Female Fremantle
1906/2700027 Fremantle Noar Alice Selina Female Robinson John Thomas Male Fremantle
1906/2700028 Fremantle Proud Ernest Male Stewart Annie Emma Female Fremantle
1906/2700028 Fremantle Stewart Annie Emma Female Proud Ernest Male Fremantle
1906/2700029 Fremantle Baeusch Auguste Emilie Female Hitzfeld Joseph Anton Male Fremantle
1906/2700029 Fremantle Hitzfeld Joseph Anton Male Baeusch Auguste Emilie Female Fremantle
1906/2700030 Fremantle Fletcher Thomas Fred Male Brown Harriet Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1906/2700030 Fremantle Brown Harriet Elizabeth Female Fletcher Thomas Fred Male Fremantle
1906/2700031 Fremantle Madden Thomas Male Loxton Olive Beatrice Female Fremantle
1906/2700031 Fremantle Loxton Olive Beatrice Female Madden Thomas Male Fremantle
1906/2700032 Fremantle O'Donoghue Nellie Female Sweetman Alfred Male Fremantle
1906/2700032 Fremantle Sweetman Alfred Male O'Donoghue Nellie Female Fremantle
1906/2700033 Fremantle Jaggard Francis Albert Male Booth Eva Beatrice Female East Fremantle
1906/2700033 Fremantle Booth Eva Beatrice Female Jaggard Francis Albert Male East Fremantle
1906/2700034 Fremantle Dewhurst Ellen Elizabeth Female Quinan Edward Arthur Male North Fremantle
1906/2700034 Fremantle Quinan Edward Arthur Male Dewhurst Ellen Elizabeth Female North Fremantle
1906/2700035 Fremantle Crispe Frank Herbert Male Krauth Mabel Annie Female Fremantle
1906/2700035 Fremantle Krauth Mabel Annie Female Crispe Frank Herbert Male Fremantle
1906/2700036 Fremantle Schwind Amy Female Davies Albert John Male South Fremantle
1906/2700036 Fremantle Davies Albert John Male Schwind Amy Female South Fremantle
1906/2700037 Fremantle Johnston Isabella Female Tobin Daniel Male Fremantle
1906/2700037 Fremantle Tobin Daniel Male Johnston Isabella Female Fremantle
1906/2700038 Fremantle Thomas Mary Ann Female Kennington Harry Male Fremantle
1906/2700038 Fremantle Kennington Harry Male Thomas Mary Ann Female Fremantle
1906/2700039 Fremantle Martin Louisa Jane Female Letts Seymour Charles Male South Fremantle
1906/2700039 Fremantle Letts Seymour Charles Male Martin Louisa Jane Female South Fremantle
1906/2700040 Fremantle Tyler William Harry Male Glasson Avis Maud Female Bibra Lake
1906/2700040 Fremantle Glasson Avis Maud Female Tyler William Harry Male Bibra Lake
1906/2700041 Fremantle Collier Rubena Isabella Victoria Female Stabler Harry Wilkinson Male South Fremantle
1906/2700041 Fremantle Stabler Harry Wilkinson Male Collier Rubena Isabella Victoria Female South Fremantle
1906/2700042 Fremantle Ablett Elsie Ellen Female Caple Henry Edward Male South Fremantle
1906/2700042 Fremantle Caple Henry Edward Male Ablett Elsie Ellen Female South Fremantle
1906/2700043 Fremantle Stubbs Frances Annie May Female Jose John William Male Fremantle
1906/2700043 Fremantle Jose John William Male Stubbs Frances Annie May Female Fremantle
1906/2700044 Fremantle Edmends Elizabeth Alice Female Audley Albert Male North Fremantle
1906/2700044 Fremantle Audley Albert Male Edmends Elizabeth Alice Female North Fremantle
1906/2700045 Fremantle Georgy Augusta Female Edson William Edward Male Fremantle
1906/2700045 Fremantle Edson William Edward Male Georgy Augusta Female Fremantle
1906/2700046 Fremantle Russell Bathia Female Pearce Thomas Male Fremantle
1906/2700046 Fremantle Pearce Thomas Male Russell Bathia Female Fremantle
1906/2700047 Fremantle Clegg John Alexander Male Dunkley Emma Susannah Female Fremantle
1906/2700047 Fremantle Dunkley Emma Susannah Female Clegg John Alexander Male Fremantle
1906/2700048 Fremantle Wynne Grace Catherine Female Glover Arthur Male Fremantle
1906/2700048 Fremantle Glover Arthur Male Wynne Grace Catherine Female Fremantle
1906/2700049 Fremantle Harris Victoria Jubilee May Female Warne Albert James Pheasant Male South Fremantle
1906/2700049 Fremantle Warne Albert James Pheasant Male Harris Victoria Jubilee May Female South Fremantle
1906/2700050 Fremantle Elsegood Arthur Frederick Sunter Male Prideaux Florence Kate Female Fremantle
1906/2700050 Fremantle Prideaux Florence Kate Female Elsegood Arthur Frederick Sunter Male Fremantle
1906/2700051 Fremantle Rawiller Dorothe Karolina Female Gregory Thomas Henry Male Fremantle
1906/2700051 Fremantle Gregory Thomas Henry Male Rawiller Dorothe Karolina Female Fremantle
1906/2700052 Fremantle Brown Florence Maud Female Doggett Henry Male Fremantle
1906/2700052 Fremantle Doggett Henry Male Brown Florence Maud Female Fremantle
1906/2700053 Fremantle Armstrong Philomena Gertrude Female Haddy Ernest George Male Fremantle
1906/2700053 Fremantle Haddy Ernest George Male Armstrong Philomena Gertrude Female Fremantle
1906/2700054 Fremantle Adcock Edward Alfred Male Broomfield Beatrice Mary Female Fremantle
1906/2700054 Fremantle Broomfield Beatrice Mary Female Adcock Edward Alfred Male Fremantle
1906/2700055 Fremantle Cunningham Francis Bernard Male Conroy Margaret Jane Female Fremantle
1906/2700055 Fremantle Cunningham Francis Bernard Male Mayday Margaret Jane Female Fremantle
1906/2700055 Fremantle Conroy Margaret Jane Female Cunningham Francis Bernard Male Fremantle
1906/2700055 Fremantle Mayday Margaret Jane Female Cunningham Francis Bernard Male Fremantle
1906/2700056 Fremantle Dickson Thomas Wilson Male Byers Mary Jane Female East Fremantle
1906/2700056 Fremantle Byers Mary Jane Female Dickson Thomas Wilson Male East Fremantle
1906/2700057 Fremantle Strenber Christian Ludvig Male Clarke Florence Female North Fremantle
1906/2700057 Fremantle Clarke Florence Female Strenber Christian Ludvig Male North Fremantle
1906/2700058 Fremantle Whatman Mark Franklin Male Vincent Vera Beryl Female Fremantle
1906/2700058 Fremantle Vincent Vera Beryl Female Whatman Mark Franklin Male Fremantle
1906/2700059 Fremantle Rose Alice Gertrude Female Rose Harold Arthur Male Fremantle
1906/2700059 Fremantle Rose Harold Arthur Male Rose Alice Gertrude Female Fremantle
1906/2700060 Fremantle Foster Albert Male Bates Edith Lily Female Fremantle
1906/2700060 Fremantle Bates Edith Lily Female Foster Albert Male Fremantle
1906/2700061 Fremantle Cole Hector William Male Mews Adelaide Grace Female South Fremantle
1906/2700061 Fremantle Mews Adelaide Grace Female Cole Hector William Male South Fremantle
1906/2700062 Fremantle Stephenson Ada Matilda Female Redfern James Male Fremantle
1906/2700062 Fremantle Redfern James Male Stephenson Ada Matilda Female Fremantle
1906/2700063 Fremantle Hurle Edward Harkness Male Lawson Elsie Rosetta Female Fremantle
1906/2700063 Fremantle Lawson Elsie Rosetta Female Hurle Edward Harkness Male Fremantle
1906/2700064 Fremantle Wright Annie Ethel Female Hollingsworth Gilbert Etches Male Fremantle
1906/2700064 Fremantle Hollingsworth Gilbert Etches Male Wright Annie Ethel Female Fremantle
1906/2700065 Fremantle Weir Catherine Female Anderson Francis Fulton Male Beaconsfield
1906/2700065 Fremantle Anderson Francis Fulton Male Weir Catherine Female Beaconsfield
1906/2700066 Fremantle Warren Edith Eleanor Female Simpson Robert Gawler Male Fremantle
1906/2700066 Fremantle Simpson Robert Gawler Male Warren Edith Eleanor Female Fremantle
1906/2700067 Fremantle Flack Martha Georgiana Female Bennetts Enoch Male Fremantle
1906/2700067 Fremantle Bennetts Enoch Male Flack Martha Georgiana Female Fremantle
1906/2700068 Fremantle Mitchell Ernest Augustus Male Gillespie Minnie Female Fremantle
1906/2700068 Fremantle Gillespie Minnie Female Mitchell Ernest Augustus Male Fremantle
1906/2700069 Fremantle Dalton Jennie Female Gillan James Male Fremantle
1906/2700069 Fremantle Gillan James Male Dalton Jennie Female Fremantle
1906/2700070 Fremantle Allen Walter Charles Male Mowbray Ada Female Fremantle
1906/2700070 Fremantle Mowbray Ada Female Allen Walter Charles Male Fremantle
1906/2700071 Fremantle Nettle Edith Muriel Female Robertson William Cleghorn Male Fremantle
1906/2700071 Fremantle Robertson William Cleghorn Male Nettle Edith Muriel Female Fremantle
1906/2700072 Fremantle Clarke Irene Henrietta Female Gordon Robert Male Fremantle
1906/2700072 Fremantle Gordon Robert Male Clarke Irene Henrietta Female Fremantle
1906/2700073 Fremantle Taylor Laura Female Dixon Charles Frank Male North Fremantle
1906/2700073 Fremantle Dixon Charles Frank Male Taylor Laura Female North Fremantle
1906/2700074 Fremantle Charlton Alfred Osborne Male Thomas Ellen Gordon Female North Fremantle
1906/2700074 Fremantle Thomas Ellen Gordon Female Charlton Alfred Osborne Male North Fremantle
1906/2700075 Fremantle Rowland Eliza Female Dickson George Robert Male North Fremantle
1906/2700075 Fremantle Dickson George Robert Male Rowland Eliza Female North Fremantle
1906/2700076 Fremantle Davenport William Male Flanagan Alice Female Fremantle
1906/2700076 Fremantle Flanagan Alice Female Davenport William Male Fremantle
1906/2700077 Fremantle Stevenson Edward Male Robinson Agnes Dora Female East Fremantle
1906/2700077 Fremantle Robinson Agnes Dora Female Stevenson Edward Male East Fremantle
1906/2700078 Fremantle Maley Sylvia Ruth Female Evans Edwin George Male East Fremantle
1906/2700078 Fremantle Evans Edwin George Male Maley Sylvia Ruth Female East Fremantle
1906/2700079 Fremantle Blair Eliza May Cherry Female Banfield Ernest Bertram Male Fremantle
1906/2700079 Fremantle Banfield Ernest Bertram Male Blair Eliza May Cherry Female Fremantle
1906/2700080 Fremantle Sam Mary Female How Edward See Male East Fremantle
1906/2700080 Fremantle How Edward See Male Sam Mary Female East Fremantle
1906/2700081 Fremantle Bolton Wilfred Harry Hosmer Male Leggett Isabell Ann Female North Fremantle
1906/2700081 Fremantle Leggett Isabell Ann Female Bolton Wilfred Harry Hosmer Male North Fremantle
1906/2700082 Fremantle Dedman Catherine Female Thompson Joseph Male North Fremantle
1906/2700082 Fremantle Thompson Joseph Male Dedman Catherine Female North Fremantle
1906/2700083 Fremantle Moody Florence Beatrice Female French Ernest Leslie Male North Fremantle
1906/2700083 Fremantle French Ernest Leslie Male Moody Florence Beatrice Female North Fremantle
1906/2700084 Fremantle Davy Joshua Batty Male Dunstan Elizabeth Female South Fremantle
1906/2700084 Fremantle Dunstan Elizabeth Female Davy Joshua Batty Male South Fremantle
1906/2700085 Fremantle White Lewis Male Kay Elizabeth Female South Fremantle
1906/2700085 Fremantle Kay Elizabeth Female White Lewis Male South Fremantle
1906/2700086 Fremantle Nuttall Mary Jane Female Swift Benjamin Male Fremantle
1906/2700086 Fremantle Swift Benjamin Male Nuttall Mary Jane Female Fremantle
1906/2700087 Fremantle Quintall Francis Male Madar Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1906/2700087 Fremantle Madar Elizabeth Female Quintall Francis Male Fremantle
1906/2700088 Fremantle Wilson Amanda Female Yarick Frederick Male Beaconsfield
1906/2700088 Fremantle Yarick Frederick Male Wilson Amanda Female Beaconsfield
1906/2700089 Fremantle Steel Joshua Hyde Male Morgan Mary Catherine Firman Female East Fremantle
1906/2700089 Fremantle Morgan Mary Catherine Firman Female Steel Joshua Hyde Male East Fremantle
1906/2700090 Fremantle Staples John Edward Male Rossow Lavinia Female Fremantle
1906/2700090 Fremantle Rossow Lavinia Female Staples John Edward Male Fremantle
1906/2700091 Fremantle Beresford John Hastings Male Vagg Ellen Female Fremantle
1906/2700091 Fremantle Vagg Ellen Female Beresford John Hastings Male Fremantle
1906/2700092 Fremantle Scott James Alexander Male Kayser Ida Female Fremantle
1906/2700092 Fremantle Kayser Ida Female Scott James Alexander Male Fremantle
1906/2700093 Fremantle Jones John Load Male Cottell Daisie Gertrude Female East Fremantle
1906/2700093 Fremantle Cottell Daisie Gertrude Female Jones John Load Male East Fremantle
1906/2700094 Fremantle Holzberger Ethel May Female Flanagan John Joseph Male Fremantle
1906/2700094 Fremantle Flanagan John Joseph Male Holzberger Ethel May Female Fremantle
1906/2700095 Fremantle Glasson Mary Jane Female Jones Howard Thomas Male Fremantle
1906/2700095 Fremantle Jones Howard Thomas Male Glasson Mary Jane Female Fremantle
1906/2700096 Fremantle Price Jane Female Thompson John William Male Fremantle
1906/2700096 Fremantle Thompson John William Male Price Jane Female Fremantle
1906/2700097 Fremantle Booth Jessie Female Madigan James Augustine Male Fremantle
1906/2700097 Fremantle Madigan James Augustine Male Booth Jessie Female Fremantle
1906/2700098 Fremantle Walsh William John Male Andrews Catherine Female Fremantle
1906/2700098 Fremantle Andrews Catherine Female Walsh William John Male Fremantle
1906/2700099 Fremantle Cole Mary Female Ralston Bertram Joseph Gordon Male South Fremantle
1906/2700099 Fremantle Ralston Bertram Joseph Gordon Male Cole Mary Female South Fremantle
1906/2700100 Fremantle Arena Carolina Female Giuseppe Male Fremantle
1906/2700100 Fremantle Giuseppe Male Arena Carolina Female Fremantle
1906/2700101 Fremantle Rice William John Male Bryant Edith Female Fremantle
1906/2700101 Fremantle Bryant Edith Female Rice William John Male Fremantle
1906/2700102 Fremantle Sefton Walter Male Harper Mary Jane Female Fremantle
1906/2700102 Fremantle Harper Mary Jane Female Sefton Walter Male Fremantle
1906/2700103 Fremantle Abbott Lewis George Male Dixon Jessie Female Fremantle
1906/2700103 Fremantle Dixon Jessie Female Abbott Lewis George Male Fremantle
1906/2700104 Fremantle Caesar Ernest George Male Lane Elizabeth Mary Female Fremantle
1906/2700104 Fremantle Lane Elizabeth Mary Female Caesar Ernest George Male Fremantle
1906/2700105 Fremantle Crake Edith Female Bradley Hubert Charles Male Fremantle
1906/2700105 Fremantle Bradley Hubert Charles Male Crake Edith Female Fremantle
1906/2700106 Fremantle Cocking Alfred Male Wyndham Lillian Lena Female East Fremantle
1906/2700106 Fremantle Wyndham Lillian Lena Female Cocking Alfred Male East Fremantle
1906/2700107 Fremantle Roberson Esther Charlott Female Wilton Samuel Clement Male North Fremantle
1906/2700107 Fremantle Wilton Samuel Clement Male Roberson Esther Charlott Female North Fremantle
1906/2700108 Fremantle Packer John Waldegrave Male Madden Bridget Mary Female Fremantle
1906/2700108 Fremantle Madden Bridget Mary Female Packer John Waldegrave Male Fremantle
1906/2700109 Fremantle Guy Amy Fern Female Griffiths Samuel Male Fremantle
1906/2700109 Fremantle Griffiths Samuel Male Guy Amy Fern Female Fremantle
1906/2700110 Fremantle Barrett John George Male Hague Lillie Female Fremantle
1906/2700110 Fremantle Hague Lillie Female Barrett John George Male Fremantle
1906/2700111 Fremantle Birch Edith Hannah May Female McKee Noel Male Fremantle
1906/2700111 Fremantle McKee Noel Male Birch Edith Hannah May Female Fremantle
1906/2700112 Fremantle Robbie Lena Female Marshall George Male Fremantle
1906/2700112 Fremantle Marshall George Male Robbie Lena Female Fremantle
1906/2700113 Fremantle Press Ernest John Male Nye Gertrude Agnes Female East Fremantle
1906/2700113 Fremantle Nye Gertrude Agnes Female Press Ernest John Male East Fremantle
1906/2700114 Fremantle Boulter Alfred Male Charlton Amelia Female Fremantle
1906/2700114 Fremantle Charlton Amelia Female Boulter Alfred Male Fremantle
1906/2700115 Fremantle Bick Ellen Female Cameron Norman Bruce Male North Fremantle
1906/2700115 Fremantle Cameron Norman Bruce Male Bick Ellen Female North Fremantle
1906/2700116 Fremantle Taylor Robert Male Crook Beatrice Alice Female Richmond
1906/2700116 Fremantle Crook Beatrice Alice Female Taylor Robert Male Richmond
1906/2700117 Fremantle Craig Amy Ella Female Blechynden Horace Edwin Male North Fremantle
1906/2700117 Fremantle Blechynden Horace Edwin Male Craig Amy Ella Female North Fremantle
1906/2700118 Fremantle Jessop Alfred Male Davis Florence May Catherine Female Fremantle
1906/2700118 Fremantle Davis Florence May Catherine Female Jessop Alfred Male Fremantle
1906/2700119 Fremantle Small Jack Male France Martha Female Fremantle
1906/2700119 Fremantle France Martha Female Small Jack Male Fremantle
1906/2700120 Fremantle Little James Male Watson Maude Hope Female Fremantle North
1906/2700120 Fremantle Watson Maude Hope Female Little James Male Fremantle North
1906/2700121 Fremantle Bell Millicent Female Ethell James Male Fremantle
1906/2700121 Fremantle Ethell James Male Bell Millicent Female Fremantle
1906/2700122 Fremantle Veitch Grace Hope Female Braunholz Carl Male Fremantle
1906/2700122 Fremantle Braunholz Carl Male Veitch Grace Hope Female Fremantle
1906/2700123 Fremantle Wilson Agnes May Female Rowland John Alfred Cameron Male Fremantle
1906/2700123 Fremantle Rowland John Alfred Cameron Male Wilson Agnes May Female Fremantle
1906/2700124 Fremantle Jeffrey Luke Male Sheridan Margaret Female South Fremantle
1906/2700124 Fremantle Sheridan Margaret Female Jeffrey Luke Male South Fremantle
1906/2700125 Fremantle Hicks Florence Ensie Georgina Female Meagher Gerald Shenstone Male South Fremantle
1906/2700125 Fremantle Meagher Gerald Shenstone Male Hicks Florence Ensie Georgina Female South Fremantle
1906/2700126 Fremantle Clifford Henry Male Travis Sarah Female South Fremantle
1906/2700126 Fremantle Travis Sarah Female Clifford Henry Male South Fremantle
1906/2700127 Fremantle Nash Frances Female Flynn Joseph Patrick Male Fremantle
1906/2700127 Fremantle Flynn Joseph Patrick Male Nash Frances Female Fremantle
1906/2700128 Fremantle Kelly Elizabeth Mary Female Nelson Frank Osborne Male Fremantle
1906/2700128 Fremantle Nelson Frank Osborne Male Kelly Elizabeth Mary Female Fremantle
1906/2700129 Fremantle Callaghan Maurice Male Fitzgerald Johanna Female Fremantle
1906/2700129 Fremantle Fitzgerald Johanna Female Callaghan Maurice Male Fremantle
1906/2700130 Fremantle Mann Nellie Bernice Female Hunter William James Male Fremantle
1906/2700130 Fremantle Hunter William James Male Mann Nellie Bernice Female Fremantle
1906/2700131 Fremantle Wrightson Alfred Male Bogie Annie Burton Female Fremantle
1906/2700131 Fremantle Bogie Annie Burton Female Wrightson Alfred Male Fremantle
1906/2700132 Fremantle Chapman Thomas Hood Male Farrow Miriam Female Fremantle
1906/2700132 Fremantle Farrow Miriam Female Chapman Thomas Hood Male Fremantle
1906/2700133 Fremantle Rogers Grace Olive Female Robinson William Henry Male Fremantle
1906/2700133 Fremantle Robinson William Henry Male Rogers Grace Olive Female Fremantle
1906/2700134 Fremantle Todd Charles Male Macdonald Grace Hellen Female Fremantle
1906/2700134 Fremantle Macdonald Grace Hellen Female Todd Charles Male Fremantle
1906/2700135 Fremantle Webster Emily Jane Victoria Female Manning George Male Fremantle
1906/2700135 Fremantle Manning George Male Webster Emily Jane Victoria Female Fremantle
1906/2700136 Fremantle Pollie Regina Vera Female Underwood Samuel Leslie Thomas Male Fremantle
1906/2700136 Fremantle Underwood Samuel Leslie Thomas Male Pollie Regina Vera Female Fremantle
1906/2700137 Fremantle McGuire Elizabeth May Female Rowe John William Male Fremantle
1906/2700137 Fremantle Rowe John William Male McGuire Elizabeth May Female Fremantle
1906/2700138 Fremantle Murtha Amelia Mary Teresa Female Miller Robert Peter Male Fremantle
1906/2700138 Fremantle Miller Robert Peter Male Murtha Amelia Mary Teresa Female Fremantle
1906/2700139 Fremantle Pilton Alice Maud Female Bridges William Mark Male East Fremantle
1906/2700139 Fremantle Bridges William Mark Male Pilton Alice Maud Female East Fremantle
1906/2700140 Fremantle Paoli Pompeo Male Miller Annie Female Fremantle
1906/2700140 Fremantle Miller Annie Female Paoli Pompeo Male Fremantle
1906/2700141 Fremantle Rhodes John Edwin Male Wiggett Ethel Eliza Female Fremantle
1906/2700141 Fremantle Wiggett Ethel Eliza Female Rhodes John Edwin Male Fremantle
1906/2700142 Fremantle Close Agnes Constant Female Wilson David Charles Woodstone Male Fremantle
1906/2700142 Fremantle Wilson David Charles Woodstone Male Close Agnes Constant Female Fremantle
1906/2700143 Fremantle Hawke James Walter Male Mitchell Sarah Louisa Female Fremantle
1906/2700143 Fremantle Mitchell Sarah Louisa Female Hawke James Walter Male Fremantle
1906/2700144 Fremantle Holderness Vivian Godfrey Male Litton Marion Female North Fremantle
1906/2700144 Fremantle Litton Marion Female Holderness Vivian Godfrey Male North Fremantle
1906/2700145 Fremantle Clifford Ellen Adelaide Female Bosworth Henry Male North Fremantle
1906/2700145 Fremantle Bosworth Henry Male Clifford Ellen Adelaide Female North Fremantle
1906/2700146 Fremantle Ingram Enid May Female Hales Louis Napoleon Male Fremantle
1906/2700146 Fremantle Hales Louis Napoleon Male Ingram Enid May Female Fremantle
1906/2700147 Fremantle White Agnes Female Connelly Edward Male Fremantle
1906/2700147 Fremantle Connelly Edward Male White Agnes Female Fremantle
1906/2700148 Fremantle Clarke Henrietta Female Hunt Oswald John Male Fremantle
1906/2700148 Fremantle Hunt Oswald John Male Clarke Henrietta Female Fremantle
1906/2700149 Fremantle Knapp Annie Female Currell Walter Thomas Male Fremantle
1906/2700149 Fremantle Currell Walter Thomas Male Knapp Annie Female Fremantle
1906/2700150 Fremantle Meyer Florence Ann Female Cooper George Fennell Male Fremantle
1906/2700150 Fremantle Cooper George Fennell Male Meyer Florence Ann Female Fremantle
1906/2700151 Fremantle Quinn Alice Eliza Female Power Thomas Joseph Male Fremantle
1906/2700151 Fremantle Power Thomas Joseph Male Quinn Alice Eliza Female Fremantle
1906/2700152 Fremantle Erwood Ella Margaret Female Pickering Joseph William Male Fremantle
1906/2700152 Fremantle Pickering Joseph William Male Erwood Ella Margaret Female Fremantle
1906/2700153 Fremantle Bell Lillian Frances Female Bamkin Bertie Conley Male South Fremantle
1906/2700153 Fremantle Bamkin Bertie Conley Male Bell Lillian Frances Female South Fremantle
1906/2700154 Fremantle Callaghan Amelia Maude Female Pomeroy Henry Underhill Male Fremantle
1906/2700154 Fremantle Pomeroy Henry Underhill Male Callaghan Amelia Maude Female Fremantle
1906/2700155 Fremantle Anderson Andrew Ernest Male Jarvis Annie Helen Female Fremantle
1906/2700155 Fremantle Jarvis Annie Helen Female Anderson Andrew Ernest Male Fremantle
1906/2700156 Fremantle Fraser Christina Female Meldrum William James Male East Fremantle
1906/2700156 Fremantle Meldrum William James Male Fraser Christina Female East Fremantle
1906/2700157 Fremantle Taylor William John Male Miner Georgina Josephine Female East Fremantle
1906/2700157 Fremantle Miner Georgina Josephine Female Taylor William John Male East Fremantle
1906/2700158 Fremantle Flindell Henry John Gibbs Male Ulrich Jessie Female South Fremantle
1906/2700158 Fremantle Ulrich Jessie Female Flindell Henry John Gibbs Male South Fremantle
1906/2700159 Fremantle Webb Rodney Alfred Male McBride Phoebe Florence Female South Fremantle
1906/2700159 Fremantle McBride Phoebe Florence Female Webb Rodney Alfred Male South Fremantle
1906/2700160 Fremantle Hitchcock Junita Beatrice Dorcas Female Neil Thomas Male East Fremantle
1906/2700160 Fremantle Neil Thomas Male Hitchcock Junita Beatrice Dorcas Female East Fremantle
1906/2700161 Fremantle Gent Francis Male Williams Ada Female Fremantle
1906/2700161 Fremantle Williams Ada Female Gent Francis Male Fremantle
1906/2700162 Fremantle Harkins Mary Ann Female Stead Fred Joseph Male North Fremantle
1906/2700162 Fremantle Stead Fred Joseph Male Harkins Mary Ann Female North Fremantle
1906/2700163 Fremantle Ray Ethel Myrie Female MacLean Donald Finlay Male Fremantle
1906/2700163 Fremantle MacLean Donald Finlay Male Ray Ethel Myrie Female Fremantle
1906/2700164 Fremantle Cheetham Lily Elizabeth Female Warren Robert Howard Male Fremantle
1906/2700164 Fremantle Warren Robert Howard Male Cheetham Lily Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1906/2700165 Fremantle Miller Mary Margaret Bertha Female Meek Augustus Lawerence Male Fremantle
1906/2700165 Fremantle Meek Augustus Lawerence Male Miller Mary Margaret Bertha Female Fremantle
1906/2700166 Fremantle Armstrong Francis Fraser Denis Male Coleman Maud Evelyne Female Fremantle
1906/2700166 Fremantle Coleman Maud Evelyne Female Armstrong Francis Fraser Denis Male Fremantle
1906/2700167 Fremantle Cranwell Hilda Olive Emma Female Coker John Joseph Male Fremantle
1906/2700167 Fremantle Coker John Joseph Male Cranwell Hilda Olive Emma Female Fremantle
1906/2700168 Fremantle Davy Lemuel Edward Male Urquhart Miriam Maria Female South Fremantle
1906/2700168 Fremantle Urquhart Miriam Maria Female Davy Lemuel Edward Male South Fremantle
1906/2700169 Fremantle Ovey Ruby Ada Female Cornish William Alfred Male South Fremantle
1906/2700169 Fremantle Cornish William Alfred Male Ovey Ruby Ada Female South Fremantle
1906/2700170 Fremantle Panton Alexander Hugh Male Chidwick Margaret Female Beaconsfield
1906/2700170 Fremantle Chidwick Margaret Female Panton Alexander Hugh Male Beaconsfield
1906/2700171 Fremantle White Richard Male Ehlers Ida May Female Fremantle
1906/2700171 Fremantle Ehlers Ida May Female White Richard Male Fremantle
1906/2700172 Fremantle Price Laurence Spencer Male Leggett Jean Female North Fremantle
1906/2700172 Fremantle Leggett Jean Female Price Laurence Spencer Male North Fremantle
1906/2700173 Fremantle Daily Farquhar Aloysius Stewart Male Morley Agnes Josephine Female Fremantle
1906/2700173 Fremantle Morley Agnes Josephine Female Daily Farquhar Aloysius Stewart Male Fremantle
1906/2700174 Fremantle Richards Thomas Edward Male Trezise Margaret Elizabeth Female North Fremantle
1906/2700174 Fremantle Trezise Margaret Elizabeth Female Richards Thomas Edward Male North Fremantle
1906/2700175 Fremantle Harrigan John Patrick Male Robinson Eliza Ellen Female Fremantle
1906/2700175 Fremantle Robinson Eliza Ellen Female Harrigan John Patrick Male Fremantle
1906/2700176 Fremantle Desmond Matthew Brian Male Smith Victoria Handran Female Fremantle
1906/2700176 Fremantle Smith Victoria Handran Female Desmond Matthew Brian Male Fremantle
1906/2700177 Fremantle Davies Fanny Female Mackay Alexander McRae Male Fremantle
1906/2700177 Fremantle Mackay Alexander McRae Male Davies Fanny Female Fremantle
1906/2700178 Fremantle Lyon Sarah Elizabeth Female Spark George Andrew Male Fremantle
1906/2700178 Fremantle Spark George Andrew Male Lyon Sarah Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1906/2700179 Fremantle Maxwell James Patrick Male Corley Eleanor Female Fremantle
1906/2700179 Fremantle Corley Eleanor Female Maxwell James Patrick Male Fremantle
1906/2700180 Fremantle Lake Herbert Vincent Male Fahey Judith Kate Female Fremantle
1906/2700180 Fremantle Fahey Judith Kate Female Lake Herbert Vincent Male Fremantle
1906/2700181 Fremantle Watson May Female Sands Harold Alfred Male North Fremantle
1906/2700181 Fremantle Sands Harold Alfred Male Watson May Female North Fremantle
1906/2700182 Fremantle Smithers Cuthbert Thomas Male Treby Mary Ann Female East Fremantle
1906/2700182 Fremantle Treby Mary Ann Female Smithers Cuthbert Thomas Male East Fremantle
1906/2700183 Fremantle Andreassen Hans Male Feran Margaret Elenor Female Fremantle
1906/2700183 Fremantle Feran Margaret Elenor Female Andreassen Hans Male Fremantle
1906/2700184 Fremantle Webb William James Male Fox Martha Matilda Female Fremantle
1906/2700184 Fremantle Fox Martha Matilda Female Webb William James Male Fremantle
1906/2700185 Fremantle Wayman Francis John Male Williamson Helen Louise Female Fremantle
1906/2700185 Fremantle Williamson Helen Louise Female Wayman Francis John Male Fremantle
1906/2700187 Fremantle Adams Bertha Ellen Female Moore George Harry Male South Fremantle
1906/2700187 Fremantle Moore George Harry Male Adams Bertha Ellen Female South Fremantle
1906/2700188 Fremantle Ballard Marian Female Reeves Charles Sidney William Male South Fremantle
1906/2700188 Fremantle Reeves Charles Sidney William Male Ballard Marian Female South Fremantle
1906/2700189 Fremantle McCaw Robert Andrew Male Hammond Edith Grace Female South Fremantle
1906/2700189 Fremantle Hammond Edith Grace Female McCaw Robert Andrew Male South Fremantle
1906/2700190 Fremantle Russell William Charles Male Healy Alice Agnes Female Fremantle
1906/2700190 Fremantle Healy Alice Agnes Female Russell William Charles Male Fremantle
1906/2700191 Fremantle Antill Henry Colden Male Markham Elizabeth Ann Female Fremantle
1906/2700191 Fremantle Markham Elizabeth Ann Female Antill Henry Colden Male Fremantle
1906/2700192 Fremantle Pedersen Arthur George Male Irvine Mary Eliza Female Fremantle
1906/2700192 Fremantle Irvine Mary Eliza Female Pedersen Arthur George Male Fremantle
1906/2700193 Fremantle Webb Edith Mary Female Weir John Male Beaconsfield
1906/2700193 Fremantle Weir John Male Webb Edith Mary Female Beaconsfield
1906/2700194 Fremantle McLaren Walter Male McKenzie Beatrice Emma Christina Female South Fremantle
1906/2700194 Fremantle McKenzie Beatrice Emma Christina Female McLaren Walter Male South Fremantle
1906/2700195 Fremantle Ward Ruby Ellen Female Rosevear George Male Fremantle
1906/2700195 Fremantle Rosevear George Male Ward Ruby Ellen Female Fremantle
1906/2700196 Fremantle Armstrong Arthur Herbert Male Pickering Lucy Female Fremantle
1906/2700196 Fremantle Pickering Lucy Female Armstrong Arthur Herbert Male Fremantle
1906/2700197 Fremantle Lehmann Henry Alfred Male Chamberlain Leta Victoria Female Fremantle
1906/2700197 Fremantle Chamberlain Leta Victoria Female Lehmann Henry Alfred Male Fremantle
1906/2700198 Fremantle Genoni Emilio Male Cagnola Annunciata Giuseppina Female Fremantle
1906/2700198 Fremantle Cagnola Annunciata Giuseppina Female Genoni Emilio Male Fremantle
1906/2700199 Fremantle Holdmann Bertha Emelie Female Haddy Herbert William Male Fremantle
1906/2700199 Fremantle Haddy Herbert William Male Holdmann Bertha Emelie Female Fremantle
1906/2700200 Fremantle Harrison Thomas William Male Vagg Florence Female Fremantle
1906/2700200 Fremantle Vagg Florence Female Harrison Thomas William Male Fremantle
1906/2700201 Fremantle Pendleton Emma Florence Female Nicholas James Male Fremantle
1906/2700201 Fremantle Nicholas James Male Pendleton Emma Florence Female Fremantle
1906/2700202 Fremantle Clark Clifford Albany Mackenzie Male Williams Islet Female Fremantle
1906/2700202 Fremantle Williams Islet Female Clark Clifford Albany Mackenzie Male Fremantle
1906/2700203 Fremantle Flint Herbert Male O'Reilly Margaret Female East Fremantle
1906/2700203 Fremantle O'Reilly Margaret Female Flint Herbert Male East Fremantle
1906/2700204 Fremantle Bartlett Nathaniel Male Maitland Beatrice Female East Fremantle
1906/2700204 Fremantle Maitland Beatrice Female Bartlett Nathaniel Male East Fremantle
1906/2700205 Fremantle Fitzgerald Owen Male Frawley Mary Female Fremantle
1906/2700205 Fremantle Frawley Mary Female Fitzgerald Owen Male Fremantle
1906/2700206 Fremantle Turner May Female Ryan Denis Male Fremantle
1906/2700206 Fremantle Ryan Denis Male Turner May Female Fremantle
1906/2700207 Fremantle Ablett Frederick William Male Alford Mary Letitia Female South Fremantle
1906/2700207 Fremantle Alford Mary Letitia Female Ablett Frederick William Male South Fremantle
1906/2700208 Fremantle Anderson Hugh Carlisle Male Taylor Edith Mary Female Beaconsfield
1906/2700208 Fremantle Taylor Edith Mary Female Anderson Hugh Carlisle Male Beaconsfield
1906/2700209 Fremantle Irwin Lilian Female Warren Robert William Allison Male East Fremantle
1906/2700209 Fremantle Warren Robert William Allison Male Irwin Lilian Female East Fremantle
1906/2700210 Fremantle Armstrong Ellen King Female Allen William Henry Male Fremantle
1906/2700210 Fremantle Allen William Henry Male Armstrong Ellen King Female Fremantle
1906/2700211 Fremantle Fairbairn Henry Hunter Male McNamara Mary Ellen Female Fremantle
1906/2700211 Fremantle McNamara Mary Ellen Female Fairbairn Henry Hunter Male Fremantle
1906/2700212 Fremantle McArthur Christina Female Hodges Walter Samuel Male Fremantle
1906/2700212 Fremantle Hodges Walter Samuel Male McArthur Christina Female Fremantle
1906/2700213 Fremantle Mattingley Albert Charles Hubert Male Green Alberta Florence Female Fremantle
1906/2700213 Fremantle Green Alberta Florence Female Mattingley Albert Charles Hubert Male Fremantle
1906/2700214 Fremantle Allan Clyde Male Dixon Elizabeth Lerby Female Fremantle
1906/2700214 Fremantle Dixon Elizabeth Lerby Female Allan Clyde Male Fremantle
1906/2700215 Fremantle Edwards Beatrice Florence Female Martin James Alfrid Male Fremantle
1906/2700215 Fremantle Martin James Alfrid Male Edwards Beatrice Florence Female Fremantle
1906/2700216 Fremantle Jackson Alice Maud Female Churchward Sidney Male Fremantle
1906/2700216 Fremantle Churchward Sidney Male Jackson Alice Maud Female Fremantle
1906/2700217 Fremantle Martin Mansell Male Sellens May Female Fremantle
1906/2700217 Fremantle Sellens May Female Martin Mansell Male Fremantle
1906/2700218 Fremantle Campbell Ada Millar Female Morrison James Male Fremantle
1906/2700218 Fremantle Morrison James Male Campbell Ada Millar Female Fremantle
1906/2700219 Fremantle Napier George Thomas Male McDowall Olive May Female Fremantle
1906/2700219 Fremantle McDowall Olive May Female Napier George Thomas Male Fremantle
1906/2700220 Fremantle Waterhouse Ethel Mary Female Warren Albert Ernest Male Fremantle
1906/2700220 Fremantle Warren Albert Ernest Male Waterhouse Ethel Mary Female Fremantle
1906/2700221 Fremantle Kingsmill Lily Estelle Female La Nauze George Herbert Kent Male Fremantle
1906/2700221 Fremantle La Nauze George Herbert Kent Male Kingsmill Lily Estelle Female Fremantle
1906/2700222 Fremantle Smith Elsie Agnes Harriett Female Menner William Icombe Male Fremantle
1906/2700222 Fremantle Menner William Icombe Male Smith Elsie Agnes Harriett Female Fremantle
1906/2700223 Fremantle Fitzgerald James Francis Male Haylock Caroline Female Fremantle
1906/2700223 Fremantle Haylock Caroline Female Fitzgerald James Francis Male Fremantle
1906/2700224 Fremantle Rubery Michael Male French Esther Mary Female Fremantle
1906/2700224 Fremantle French Esther Mary Female Rubery Michael Male Fremantle
1906/2700225 Fremantle Wilson Sarah Female Cull Leo Fintan Male Fremantle
1906/2700225 Fremantle Cull Leo Fintan Male Wilson Sarah Female Fremantle
1906/2700226 Fremantle Tuckwell Thomas Henry Male Snyder Martha Grace Female Fremantle
1906/2700226 Fremantle Snyder Martha Grace Female Tuckwell Thomas Henry Male Fremantle
1906/2700227 Fremantle Bolton Alfred Thomas Male Brown Lily Agnes Female Fremantle
1906/2700227 Fremantle Brown Lily Agnes Female Bolton Alfred Thomas Male Fremantle
1906/2700228 Fremantle Pennell Margaret Annie Female Goodall William Charles Male Fremantle
1906/2700228 Fremantle Goodall William Charles Male Pennell Margaret Annie Female Fremantle
1906/2700229 Fremantle Hammer Midas Male Knapp Florence Nathelia Female East Fremantle
1906/2700229 Fremantle Knapp Florence Nathelia Female Hammer Midas Male East Fremantle
1906/2700230 Fremantle Thompson Florinda Ethelyn Female Urquhart William Male South Fremantle
1906/2700230 Fremantle Urquhart William Male Thompson Florinda Ethelyn Female South Fremantle
1906/2700231 Fremantle House Ethel May Female Davey John Male North Fremantle
1906/2700231 Fremantle Davey John Male House Ethel May Female North Fremantle
1906/2700232 Fremantle Thompson Henry Thomas Male Watson Helen Female Fremantle
1906/2700232 Fremantle Watson Helen Female Thompson Henry Thomas Male Fremantle
1906/2700233 Fremantle Richards Jane Female Stringfellow Burnett Male North Fremantle
1906/2700233 Fremantle Stringfellow Burnett Male Richards Jane Female North Fremantle
1906/2700234 Fremantle Hitchcock Gertrude Wilmot Female Peake Charles Lewis Male North Fremantle
1906/2700234 Fremantle Peake Charles Lewis Male Hitchcock Gertrude Wilmot Female North Fremantle
1906/2700235 Fremantle Beddles Annie Flora Female Male Archie Male Fremantle
1906/2700235 Fremantle Campbell Annie Flora Female Male Archie Male Fremantle
1906/2700235 Fremantle Male Archie Male Beddles Annie Flora Female Fremantle
1906/2700235 Fremantle Male Archie Male Campbell Annie Flora Female Fremantle
1960/2700408 Fremantle Benthien Graeme John Male Lawton Therese Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1960/2700408 Fremantle Lawton Therese Elizabeth Female Benthien Graeme John Male Fremantle
1906/2800001 Gascoyne Atkinson Harry Male Townsend Phoebe Harriett Female Gascoyne
1906/2800001 Gascoyne Townsend Phoebe Harriett Female Atkinson Harry Male Gascoyne
1906/2800002 Gascoyne Coaker Elizabeth Jane Female Lefroy Francis Edwin Male Carnarvon
1906/2800002 Gascoyne Lefroy Francis Edwin Male Coaker Elizabeth Jane Female Carnarvon
1906/2800003 Gascoyne Rose Edith Female Nash Donald Cecil Male Carnarvon
1906/2800003 Gascoyne Nash Donald Cecil Male Rose Edith Female Carnarvon
1906/2800004 Gascoyne Laverty John William Male Fraser Annie Female Carnarvon
1906/2800004 Gascoyne Fraser Annie Female Laverty John William Male Carnarvon
1906/2800005 Gascoyne Huredine George Male Polly - Female Carnarvon
1906/2800005 Gascoyne Polly - Female Huredine George Male Carnarvon
1906/2800006 Gascoyne Amy - Female Salis Francis Male Carnarvon
1906/2800006 Gascoyne Salis Francis Male Amy - Female Carnarvon
1906/2900001 Geraldton Carpenter Annie Matilda Female Gillan Alexander Hume Male Geraldton
1906/2900001 Geraldton Gillan Alexander Hume Male Carpenter Annie Matilda Female Geraldton
1906/2900002 Geraldton McConkey Alfred Noel Male Okely Henrietta Female Rudd's Gully
1906/2900002 Geraldton Okely Henrietta Female McConkey Alfred Noel Male Rudd's Gully
1906/2900003 Geraldton Connelly Charles Frederick Male Derry Rosanna Female Geraldton
1906/2900003 Geraldton Derry Rosanna Female Connelly Charles Frederick Male Geraldton
1906/2900004 Geraldton Waldeck Eva Wesley Female Chick Percy Edwin Male Geraldton
1906/2900004 Geraldton Chick Percy Edwin Male Waldeck Eva Wesley Female Geraldton
1906/2900005 Geraldton Davies John James Male Benson Alice Elizabeth Female Geraldton
1906/2900005 Geraldton Benson Alice Elizabeth Female Davies John James Male Geraldton
1906/2900006 Geraldton Davis Alice Female Connell Sidney James Male Geraldton
1906/2900006 Geraldton Connell Sidney James Male Davis Alice Female Geraldton
1906/2900007 Geraldton O'Malley Kathleen Elizabeth Francis Female Jose Harry Smith Male Geraldton
1906/2900007 Geraldton Jose Harry Smith Male O'Malley Kathleen Elizabeth Francis Female Geraldton
1906/2900008 Geraldton Denholm Albert James Male Harradine Emily Female Geraldton
1906/2900008 Geraldton Harradine Emily Female Denholm Albert James Male Geraldton
1906/2900009 Geraldton Lee Margaret Ann Female de Lucey Celsus John Male Geraldton
1906/2900009 Geraldton de Lucey Celsus John Male Lee Margaret Ann Female Geraldton
1906/2900010 Geraldton Seery Annie Florence Female Jupp Walter Male Geraldton
1906/2900010 Geraldton Jupp Walter Male Seery Annie Florence Female Geraldton
1906/2900011 Geraldton Patten John Lewis Male Norris Annie Female Narra Tarra
1906/2900011 Geraldton Norris Annie Female Patten John Lewis Male Narra Tarra
1906/2900012 Geraldton Green Patrick Male Bender Margaret Female Geraldton
1906/2900012 Geraldton Bender Margaret Female Green Patrick Male Geraldton
1906/2900013 Geraldton Mills Ada Amelia Female Rooke Percival Frederick Male Geraldton
1906/2900013 Geraldton Rooke Percival Frederick Male Mills Ada Amelia Female Geraldton
1906/2900014 Geraldton Beckwith Alice Springs Female Trotman Albert Howard Male Geraldton
1906/2900014 Geraldton Trotman Albert Howard Male Beckwith Alice Springs Female Geraldton
1906/2900015 Geraldton Litton John Philip Male Crawford Mena Adeline Mary Female Geraldton
1906/2900015 Geraldton Crawford Mena Adeline Mary Female Litton John Philip Male Geraldton
1906/2900016 Geraldton Bone Bridget Female Cant Arthur Edward Male Geraldton
1906/2900016 Geraldton Cant Arthur Edward Male Bone Bridget Female Geraldton
1906/2900017 Geraldton Rosman Roy Male Dornan Elizabeth Jane Female Geraldton
1906/2900017 Geraldton Dornan Elizabeth Jane Female Rosman Roy Male Geraldton
1906/2900018 Geraldton Desmond Theresa Margaret Female Collins Henry Joseph Male Geraldton
1906/2900018 Geraldton Collins Henry Joseph Male Desmond Theresa Margaret Female Geraldton
1906/2900019 Geraldton Edwards Amy Norissa Female Christensen Albert Male Geraldton
1906/2900019 Geraldton Christensen Albert Male Edwards Amy Norissa Female Geraldton
1906/2900020 Geraldton Kerr Ethel May Female Hanna Edward Male Geraldton
1906/2900020 Geraldton Hanna Edward Male Kerr Ethel May Female Geraldton
1906/2900021 Geraldton Tanner Charles Henry Male Pollitt Grace Victoria Female Geraldton
1906/2900021 Geraldton Pollitt Grace Victoria Female Tanner Charles Henry Male Geraldton
1906/2900022 Geraldton Moyle Mildred Female Riley David Thomas Male Geraldton
1906/2900022 Geraldton Riley David Thomas Male Moyle Mildred Female Geraldton
1906/2900023 Geraldton Ritchie Maud Selina Female Ridley William James Male Geraldton
1906/2900023 Geraldton Ridley William James Male Ritchie Maud Selina Female Geraldton
1906/2900024 Geraldton Chant Elsie Grace Female Brown Charles Male Geraldton
1906/2900024 Geraldton Brown Charles Male Chant Elsie Grace Female Geraldton
1906/3000002 Gingin Wood Leonard Metham Cope Male Cope Maud Rosamond Female Mogumber
1906/3000002 Gingin Cope Maud Rosamond Female Wood Leonard Metham Cope Male Mogumber
1906/3000003 Gingin Jones Edmund Amos Male Kay Ethel Female Chittering
1906/3000003 Gingin Kay Ethel Female Jones Edmund Amos Male Chittering
1906/3000004 Gingin Roe Laura Frances Eliza Female Thomas Henry Edward Male Gingin
1906/3000004 Gingin Thomas Henry Edward Male Roe Laura Frances Eliza Female Gingin
1906/3000005 Gingin Mortimer Rosa May Female Hearne Ernest Albert Anthony Male Gingin
1906/3000005 Gingin Hearne Ernest Albert Anthony Male Mortimer Rosa May Female Gingin
1906/3000006 Gingin King Stanley Herbert Male Jones Clara Female Gingin brook
1906/3000006 Gingin Jones Clara Female King Stanley Herbert Male Gingin brook
1906/3000007 Gingin Meakins John Aden Male Martin Caroline Rebecca Female Chittering
1906/3000007 Gingin Martin Caroline Rebecca Female Meakins John Aden Male Chittering
1906/3000008 Gingin Larwood Amy Elizabeth Female Cousins William James Male Moore river
1906/3000008 Gingin Cousins William James Male Larwood Amy Elizabeth Female Moore river
1906/3000009 Gingin Glanz John Phillip Male Jones Frances Emma Female Gingin
1906/3000009 Gingin Jones Frances Emma Female Glanz John Phillip Male Gingin
1906/3100001 Greenough Wass Rose Charlotte Female McCarley Stewart Anerson Male Walkaway
1906/3100001 Greenough McCarley Stewart Anerson Male Wass Rose Charlotte Female Walkaway
1906/3100002 Greenough Wiley Mary Frances Female Bilston Euliseus St Ives Male Greenough
1906/3100002 Greenough Bilston Euliseus St Ives Male Wiley Mary Frances Female Greenough
1906/3100003 Greenough Eakins Lavinia Female Fitzgerald Henry George Male Greenough
1906/3100003 Greenough Fitzgerald Henry George Male Eakins Lavinia Female Greenough
1906/3100004 Greenough Harrison Edward Male Armstrong Levina Louisa Female Greenough
1906/3100004 Greenough Armstrong Levina Louisa Female Harrison Edward Male Greenough
1906/3300001 Irwin Craine Annie Female Mason George Male Dongarra
1906/3300001 Irwin Mason George Male Craine Annie Female Dongarra
1906/3300002 Irwin Pascoe Mary Ann Female Pettit George William Male Strawberry
1906/3300002 Irwin Pettit George William Male Pascoe Mary Ann Female Strawberry
1906/3300003 Irwin Brand Andrew James Male Rowland Octavia Female Dongarra
1906/3300003 Irwin Rowland Octavia Female Brand Andrew James Male Dongarra
1906/3300004 Irwin Cook Mena Female Kilmurray Henry Male Dongarra
1906/3300004 Irwin Kilmurray Henry Male Cook Mena Female Dongarra
1906/3300005 Irwin Clarkson Robert Wilberforce Male Brand Selina Female Dongarra
1906/3300005 Irwin Brand Selina Female Clarkson Robert Wilberforce Male Dongarra
1906/3300006 Irwin Dodd Henry Male Bell Sarah Mabel Female Arrino
1906/3300006 Irwin Bell Sarah Mabel Female Dodd Henry Male Arrino
1906/3300007 Irwin Kilmurray William Male Looke Emma Bertha Female Dongarra
1906/3300007 Irwin Looke Emma Bertha Female Kilmurray William Male Dongarra
1906/3300008 Irwin Latham Francis Arthur Male Oliver Mary Female Coorow
1906/3300008 Irwin Oliver Mary Female Latham Francis Arthur Male Coorow
1906/3300009 Irwin Macpherson Eva May Female Jones Henry Francis Male Dongarra
1906/3300009 Irwin Jones Henry Francis Male Macpherson Eva May Female Dongarra
1906/3400001 Jarrahdale Adams Edgar Copley Male Rowett Edith Annie Female Mundijong
1906/3400001 Jarrahdale Rowett Edith Annie Female Adams Edgar Copley Male Mundijong
1906/3400002 Jarrahdale Butcher Walter Male Butcher Ethel Catherine Female Bedfordale
1906/3400002 Jarrahdale Butcher Ethel Catherine Female Butcher Walter Male Bedfordale
1906/3400003 Jarrahdale Keenan Ellen Teresa Female Bucktin Francis George Male Jarrahdale
1906/3400003 Jarrahdale Bucktin Francis George Male Keenan Ellen Teresa Female Jarrahdale
1906/3400004 Jarrahdale Baldwin Ada Female McKay John Augustus Male Mundijong
1906/3400004 Jarrahdale McKay John Augustus Male Baldwin Ada Female Mundijong
1906/3400005 Jarrahdale Dalton Sydney Male Curo Mary Female Near Jarrahdale
1906/3400005 Jarrahdale Curo Mary Female Dalton Sydney Male Near Jarrahdale
1906/3400006 Jarrahdale Baldwin Mary Female Kemp John George Male Mundijong
1906/3400006 Jarrahdale Kemp John George Male Baldwin Mary Female Mundijong
1906/3400007 Jarrahdale Bowley Alfred William Male Rhodes Margaret Ann Female Jarrahdale
1906/3400007 Jarrahdale Rhodes Margaret Ann Female Bowley Alfred William Male Jarrahdale
1906/3400008 Jarrahdale Harmsworth Alfred Male Sedgley Janet Louisa Gertrude Female Jarrahdale
1906/3400008 Jarrahdale Sedgley Janet Louisa Gertrude Female Harmsworth Alfred Male Jarrahdale
1906/3400009 Jarrahdale Worner Beauchamp Forbes Male Lane Lilian Grace Peirce Female Mundijong
1906/3400009 Jarrahdale Lane Lilian Grace Peirce Female Worner Beauchamp Forbes Male Mundijong
1906/3400010 Jarrahdale Verry Henry Herbert Male Chester Caroline Female Rockingham
1906/3400010 Jarrahdale Chester Caroline Female Verry Henry Herbert Male Rockingham
1906/3400011 Jarrahdale Cousens Mary Elizabeth Jane Female Judd Charles Frederick George Male Jarrahdale
1906/3400011 Jarrahdale Judd Charles Frederick George Male Cousens Mary Elizabeth Jane Female Jarrahdale
1906/3400012 Jarrahdale Bishop John Male Davidson Lizzie Ann Cockburn Female Jarrahdale
1906/3400012 Jarrahdale Davidson Lizzie Ann Cockburn Female Bishop John Male Jarrahdale
1906/3400013 Jarrahdale Selkirk Ada Female Cope Thomas John Male Mundijong
1906/3400013 Jarrahdale Cope Thomas John Male Selkirk Ada Female Mundijong
1906/3400014 Jarrahdale Watkins George Watkin Glyn Male Cronin Mary Isabel Female Jarrahdale
1906/3400014 Jarrahdale Cronin Mary Isabel Female Watkins George Watkin Glyn Male Jarrahdale
1906/3500001 Katanning Newton William George Male Scown May Female Kojonup
1906/3500001 Katanning Scown May Female Newton William George Male Kojonup
1906/3500002 Katanning Wolfe Walter Male Parnell Mary Slee Female Katanning
1906/3500002 Katanning Parnell Mary Slee Female Wolfe Walter Male Katanning
1906/3500003 Katanning Monan Albert Male Smart Mary Female Kojonup
1906/3500003 Katanning Smart Mary Female Monan Albert Male Kojonup
1906/3500004 Katanning Hamdorf August William Male White Ellen Female Katanning
1906/3500004 Katanning White Ellen Female Hamdorf August William Male Katanning
1906/3500005 Katanning Faul Elizabeth Female O'Neill James M Male Near Tambellup
1906/3500005 Katanning O'Neill James M Male Faul Elizabeth Female Near Tambellup
1906/3500006 Katanning Haddleton Margaret Susanna Female Heley Ernest Cornelius Male Katanning
1906/3500006 Katanning Heley Ernest Cornelius Male Haddleton Margaret Susanna Female Katanning
1906/3500007 Katanning Watkins Emma Female Hargrave Frank Male Wagin
1906/3500007 Katanning Hargrave Frank Male Watkins Emma Female Wagin
1906/3500008 Katanning Newbey Arthur Edward Male Steer Charlotte Female Broomehill
1906/3500008 Katanning Steer Charlotte Female Newbey Arthur Edward Male Broomehill
1906/3500009 Katanning Radford Emma Martha Female Masters Arthur Charles Male Wagin
1906/3500009 Katanning Masters Arthur Charles Male Radford Emma Martha Female Wagin
1906/3500010 Katanning Wylie Sidney Stewart Male Watson Ada Mary Female Wagin
1906/3500010 Katanning Watson Ada Mary Female Wylie Sidney Stewart Male Wagin
1906/3500011 Katanning Mitchell Emily Ellen Female Schulz Theodor Johanness Gustav Male Wagin
1906/3500011 Katanning Schulz Theodor Johanness Gustav Male Mitchell Emily Ellen Female Wagin
1906/3500012 Katanning Box Thomas Winslow Male Griffiths Florence Evangeline Female Wagin
1906/3500012 Katanning Griffiths Florence Evangeline Female Box Thomas Winslow Male Wagin
1906/3500013 Katanning Temby Christopher Stuart Male Trethen Hilda Jane Female Katanning
1906/3500013 Katanning Trethen Hilda Jane Female Temby Christopher Stuart Male Katanning
1906/3500014 Katanning Malpass William Henry Male Cockerill Charlotte Marion Female Katanning
1906/3500014 Katanning Cockerill Charlotte Marion Female Malpass William Henry Male Katanning
1906/3500015 Katanning Edwards Ada Alice Female Hinkley William Male Katanning
1906/3500015 Katanning Hinkley William Male Edwards Ada Alice Female Katanning
1906/3500016 Katanning Morgan Elsie Hattie Female Stoyel William Gilbert Male Wagin
1906/3500016 Katanning Stoyel William Gilbert Male Morgan Elsie Hattie Female Wagin
1906/3500017 Katanning Miller Mary Anne Female Baker George Smith Male Katanning
1906/3500017 Katanning Baker George Smith Male Miller Mary Anne Female Katanning
1906/3500018 Katanning McDonald Catharina Christina Female Mitchell Robert Male Broomehill
1906/3500018 Katanning Mitchell Robert Male McDonald Catharina Christina Female Broomehill
1906/3500019 Katanning Bennett Ethel Annie Female McPherson Charles Male Wagin
1906/3500019 Katanning McPherson Charles Male Bennett Ethel Annie Female Wagin
1906/3500020 Katanning Mullenger Jennie Female Powell Samuel Male Katanning
1906/3500020 Katanning Powell Samuel Male Mullenger Jennie Female Katanning
1906/3500021 Katanning Wilkinson Margaret Gertrude Female Harris George Albert Male Wagin
1906/3500021 Katanning Harris George Albert Male Wilkinson Margaret Gertrude Female Wagin
1906/3500022 Katanning McVicar William Henry Kaye Male Dearle Clara May Female Kojonup
1906/3500022 Katanning Dearle Clara May Female McVicar William Henry Kaye Male Kojonup
1906/3500023 Katanning McInnis John Angus Male Lucas Eliza Female Wagin
1906/3500023 Katanning Lucas Eliza Female McInnis John Angus Male Wagin
1906/3500024 Katanning Moore Ethel Marion Female Shackley Joseph Male Cartmeticup
1906/3500024 Katanning Shackley Joseph Male Moore Ethel Marion Female Cartmeticup
1906/3500025 Katanning Ewart Frank Leslie Howard Male Baker Fanny Rebecca Female Katanning
1906/3500025 Katanning Baker Fanny Rebecca Female Ewart Frank Leslie Howard Male Katanning
1906/3500026 Katanning Seeber Alice Female Jewell Samuel Charles Male Kojonup
1906/3500026 Katanning Jewell Samuel Charles Male Seeber Alice Female Kojonup
1906/3500027 Katanning Hasse Augusta Pauline Clara Female Tomney John Male Katanning
1906/3500027 Katanning Tomney John Male Hasse Augusta Pauline Clara Female Katanning
1906/3500028 Katanning Lindsay Josephine Colinbina Female Phillips Charles Francis Male Katanning
1906/3500028 Katanning Phillips Charles Francis Male Lindsay Josephine Colinbina Female Katanning
1906/3500029 Katanning Bowen Jane Female Depledge Herbert John Male Wagin
1906/3500029 Katanning Depledge Herbert John Male Bowen Jane Female Wagin
1906/3500030 Katanning Stubbs Annie Frances Female Usher Donald Gilbert Male Katanning
1906/3500030 Katanning Usher Donald Gilbert Male Stubbs Annie Frances Female Katanning
1906/3500031 Katanning Bairstow Beatrice Evelyn Female Harvey Albert Richard Male Collanilling
1906/3500031 Katanning Harvey Albert Richard Male Bairstow Beatrice Evelyn Female Collanilling
1906/3500032 Katanning West Christopher Samuel Male Cronin Alice Agness Female Wagin
1906/3500032 Katanning Cronin Alice Agness Female West Christopher Samuel Male Wagin
1906/3500033 Katanning Cronin James Male Bairstow Amanda Female Wagin
1906/3500033 Katanning Bairstow Amanda Female Cronin James Male Wagin
1906/3500034 Katanning Hurley Hanora Mary Female Darcy Cornelius James Male Katanning
1906/3500034 Katanning Darcy Cornelius James Male Hurley Hanora Mary Female Katanning
1906/3500035 Katanning Waddell Bessie Female Baxter William John Male Woodanilling
1906/3500035 Katanning Baxter William John Male Waddell Bessie Female Woodanilling
1906/3500036 Katanning Bathern Frederick Owen Male Bairstow Laura Fanny Female Dumbleyung
1906/3500036 Katanning Bairstow Laura Fanny Female Bathern Frederick Owen Male Dumbleyung
1906/3500037 Katanning Barfield Susannah Female Colhoun John Glenn Male Woodanilling
1906/3500037 Katanning Colhoun John Glenn Male Barfield Susannah Female Woodanilling
1906/3500038 Katanning Charlton John Alwyn Hubert Male Beasley Grace Elizabeth Female Katanning
1906/3500038 Katanning Beasley Grace Elizabeth Female Charlton John Alwyn Hubert Male Katanning
1906/3500039 Katanning Bahlinger Martha Female Richter Alfred William Male Katanning
1906/3500039 Katanning Richter Alfred William Male Bahlinger Martha Female Katanning
1906/3500040 Katanning Seymour Constance Mary Female Barrett William Robert Male Katanning
1906/3500040 Katanning Barrett William Robert Male Seymour Constance Mary Female Katanning
1906/3700001 West Kimberley Crotty George Robert Male Hall Eva Adelaide Female West Kimberley
1906/3700001 West Kimberley Hall Eva Adelaide Female Crotty George Robert Male West Kimberley
1906/3700002 West Kimberley Ah Chee - Male Nellie - Female West Kimberley
1906/3700002 West Kimberley Nellie - Female Ah Chee - Male West Kimberley
1906/3700003 West Kimberley Chhiw How Jow Male Chowyer - Female West Kimberley
1906/3700003 West Kimberley Chhiw How Jow Male Judy - Female West Kimberley
1906/3700003 West Kimberley Chowyer - Female Chhiw How Jow Male West Kimberley
1906/3700003 West Kimberley Judy - Female Chhiw How Jow Male West Kimberley
1906/3700004 West Kimberley Baker Charles Male Moorawoonya - Female West Kimberley
1906/3700004 West Kimberley Baker Charles Male Pally - Female West Kimberley
1906/3700004 West Kimberley Pally - Female Baker Charles Male West Kimberley
1906/3700004 West Kimberley Moorawoonya - Female Baker Charles Male West Kimberley
1907/3900002 Leederville Clark James Alfred Male Jose Emily Female Leederville
1907/3900002 Leederville Jose Emily Female Clark James Alfred Male Leederville
1906/3900003 Leederville Arnold Bertram John Blackwell Male Wallace Olga Rosalie Female Leederville
1906/3900003 Leederville Wallace Olga Rosalie Female Arnold Bertram John Blackwell Male Leederville
1906/3900004 Leederville Howieson Jesphi Female Thick James Earnest Edward Male Leederville
1906/3900004 Leederville Thick James Earnest Edward Male Howieson Jesphi Female Leederville
1906/3900005 Leederville Marriott William George Male Kerr Jennie Elizabeth Female Leederville
1906/3900005 Leederville Kerr Jennie Elizabeth Female Marriott William George Male Leederville
1906/3900006 Leederville Heloise Laurent Male Paton Elizabeth Ann Female Leederville
1906/3900006 Leederville Paton Elizabeth Ann Female Heloise Laurent Male Leederville
1906/3900007 Leederville Mitchell Mary Female Clarke George Frederick Male Leederville
1906/3900007 Leederville Clarke George Frederick Male Mitchell Mary Female Leederville
1906/3900008 Leederville Netherwood Ethel Blanche Female Myers John William Male Leederville
1906/3900008 Leederville Myers John William Male Netherwood Ethel Blanche Female Leederville
1906/3900009 Leederville White William John Male Perry Ida Amelia Female Leederville
1906/3900009 Leederville Perry Ida Amelia Female White William John Male Leederville
1906/3900010 Leederville Lindner Charles Male Milverton Annie Female Leederville
1906/3900010 Leederville Milverton Annie Female Lindner Charles Male Leederville
1906/3900011 Leederville Chessell Charles Henry Male Harse Edith Charlotte Female Leederville
1906/3900011 Leederville Harse Edith Charlotte Female Chessell Charles Henry Male Leederville
1906/3900012 Leederville Deans Walter Male Leeden Eliza Jane Female Leederville
1906/3900012 Leederville Leeden Eliza Jane Female Deans Walter Male Leederville
1906/3900013 Leederville Stott Ellen Elizabeth Female Dalziell Ernest Robert Male Leederville
1906/3900013 Leederville Dalziell Ernest Robert Male Stott Ellen Elizabeth Female Leederville
1906/3900014 Leederville Barker Ethel May Female Halliday Thomas Lawrence Male Leederville
1906/3900014 Leederville Halliday Thomas Lawrence Male Barker Ethel May Female Leederville
1906/3900015 Leederville Chatwin Elizabeth Female Ellis William Robert Male Leederville
1906/3900015 Leederville Ellis William Robert Male Chatwin Elizabeth Female Leederville
1906/3900016 Leederville Rovida Catherine Josephine Female Mews Harold James Male Leederville
1906/3900016 Leederville Mews Harold James Male Rovida Catherine Josephine Female Leederville
1906/3900017 Leederville Williamson Charles Male Combs Emily Jane Female Leederville
1906/3900017 Leederville Combs Emily Jane Female Williamson Charles Male Leederville
1906/3900018 Leederville Brown Elizabeth Ann Female Vincent Walter James Male Leederville
1906/3900018 Leederville Vincent Walter James Male Brown Elizabeth Ann Female Leederville
1906/3900019 Leederville McKinnon Donald Male Spalding Maud Eleanor Female Leederville
1906/3900019 Leederville Spalding Maud Eleanor Female McKinnon Donald Male Leederville
1906/3900020 Leederville Glossop Asenath Female Sanderson William Patrick Male Leederville
1906/3900020 Leederville Sanderson William Patrick Male Glossop Asenath Female Leederville
1906/3900021 Leederville Johnston Mary Female Wallace James Male Leederville
1906/3900021 Leederville Wallace James Male Johnston Mary Female Leederville
1906/3900022 Leederville Scott Esther Female Anderson William John Male Leederville
1906/3900022 Leederville Anderson William John Male Scott Esther Female Leederville
1906/3900023 Leederville Donovan Alfred Vivian Male Ayres Nellie Female Leederville
1906/3900023 Leederville Ayres Nellie Female Donovan Alfred Vivian Male Leederville
1906/3900024 Leederville Sydenham Owen Horace Male Radford Isabella Female Leederville
1906/3900024 Leederville Radford Isabella Female Sydenham Owen Horace Male Leederville
1906/3900025 Leederville Yeoman Louisa Lucy Female Cook John Male Leederville
1906/3900025 Leederville Cook John Male Yeoman Louisa Lucy Female Leederville
1906/3900026 Leederville Sukroo Peter Male Richardson Adelaide Ethel Female Leederville
1906/3900026 Leederville Richardson Adelaide Ethel Female Sukroo Peter Male Leederville
1906/3900027 Leederville Davidson Charlotta Female McKendry Robert Mairs Male Leederville
1906/3900027 Leederville McKendry Robert Mairs Male Davidson Charlotta Female Leederville
1906/3900028 Leederville Hall Willis Aylmour Male Seirmas Lizzie Rosie Moore Female Leederville
1906/3900028 Leederville Seirmas Lizzie Rosie Moore Female Hall Willis Aylmour Male Leederville
1906/3900029 Leederville Yelland Sylvia Marie Female O'Sullivan Matthew Philip Peter Male Leederville
1906/3900029 Leederville O'Sullivan Matthew Philip Peter Male Yelland Sylvia Marie Female Leederville
1906/3900030 Leederville Klem Elsie Mary Female Gulley Fred Prior Male Leederville
1906/3900030 Leederville Gulley Fred Prior Male Klem Elsie Mary Female Leederville
1906/3900031 Leederville Pringle Elizabeth Cormack Female Turner Frederick Daniel Male Leederville
1906/3900031 Leederville Turner Frederick Daniel Male Pringle Elizabeth Cormack Female Leederville
1906/3900032 Leederville Willock Charles Mitchell Male Brown Lillias Kirkwood Female Leederville
1906/3900032 Leederville Brown Lillias Kirkwood Female Willock Charles Mitchell Male Leederville
1906/3900033 Leederville Bullock John Henry Male Pascall Elsie Muriel May Female Leederville
1906/3900033 Leederville Pascall Elsie Muriel May Female Bullock John Henry Male Leederville
1906/3900034 Leederville Fry Osmond Philip Male Carlin Sarah Female Leederville
1906/3900034 Leederville Carlin Sarah Female Fry Osmond Philip Male Leederville
1906/3900035 Leederville Wilson Nellie Female Cull Lewin Male Leederville
1906/3900035 Leederville Cull Lewin Male Wilson Nellie Female Leederville
1906/3900036 Leederville Street William John Male Spencer Isabelle Clare Female Leederville
1906/3900036 Leederville Spencer Isabelle Clare Female Street William John Male Leederville
1906/3900037 Leederville Williamson Isabel Female Scott John Stuart Male Leederville
1906/3900037 Leederville Scott John Stuart Male Williamson Isabel Female Leederville
1906/3900038 Leederville Dunn David Male Nielsen Annie Marie Female Leederville
1906/3900038 Leederville Nielsen Annie Marie Female Dunn David Male Leederville
1906/3900039 Leederville Bretag John Carl Male Wilhelms Johanna Martha Female Leederville
1906/3900039 Leederville Wilhelms Johanna Martha Female Bretag John Carl Male Leederville
1906/3900040 Leederville Jones Edith May Female Hughes William Alfred Male Leederville
1906/3900040 Leederville Hughes William Alfred Male Jones Edith May Female Leederville
1906/3900041 Leederville Lund John William Male Thorpe Ada Martha Female Leederville
1906/3900041 Leederville Thorpe Ada Martha Female Lund John William Male Leederville
1906/4300001 Mount Margaret Rigby Eva Margaret Poole Female Hay James Alexander Male Gwalia
1906/4300001 Mount Margaret Hay James Alexander Male Rigby Eva Margaret Poole Female Gwalia
1906/4300003 Mount Margaret Basley William Arthur George Male Dowling Catherine Female Leonora
1907/4300003 Mount Margaret Lazarus Leah Female Morck William Thomas Male Doyle's Well
1906/4300003 Mount Margaret Dowling Catherine Female Basley William Arthur George Male Leonora
1907/4300003 Mount Margaret Morck William Thomas Male Lazarus Leah Female Doyle's Well
1906/4300004 Mount Margaret Taylor Martin Thomas Male Thomas Margaret Hutchens Female Leonora
1906/4300004 Mount Margaret Thomas Margaret Hutchens Female Taylor Martin Thomas Male Leonora
1906/4300005 Mount Margaret Hollow Beatrice Female Strachan John James Male Burtville
1906/4300005 Mount Margaret Strachan John James Male Hollow Beatrice Female Burtville
1906/4300006 Mount Margaret Pitt Edward Male Kearns Margaret Mary Female Mt Morgans
1906/4300006 Mount Margaret Kearns Margaret Mary Female Pitt Edward Male Mt Morgans
1906/4300007 Mount Margaret Dyer Alfred Ernest Male Gibb Isabel Agnes Female Leonora
1906/4300007 Mount Margaret Gibb Isabel Agnes Female Dyer Alfred Ernest Male Leonora
1906/4300008 Mount Margaret Depiazzi Giovanni Male Longhi Mary Female Mt Morgans
1906/4300008 Mount Margaret Longhi Mary Female Depiazzi Giovanni Male Mt Morgans
1906/4300009 Mount Margaret Berryman Martha Female Latter George Francis Male Laverton
1906/4300009 Mount Margaret Latter George Francis Male Berryman Martha Female Laverton
1906/4300010 Mount Margaret Harris Tybitha Female Thompson John Male Burtville
1906/4300010 Mount Margaret Thompson John Male Harris Tybitha Female Burtville
1906/4300011 Mount Margaret Keys Ernest James Male Herlihy Margaret Veronica Female Mt Leonora
1906/4300011 Mount Margaret Herlihy Margaret Veronica Female Keys Ernest James Male Mt Leonora
1906/4300012 Mount Margaret Hudson Hannah Female Roberts Alvin Edgar Male Malcolm
1906/4300012 Mount Margaret Roberts Alvin Edgar Male Hudson Hannah Female Malcolm
1906/4300013 Mount Margaret McKinley Charles Albert Male Holmes Jane Female Leonora
1906/4300013 Mount Margaret Holmes Jane Female McKinley Charles Albert Male Leonora
1906/4300014 Mount Margaret Pippett Alfred Stephen Male Gibbons Ann Elizabeth Female Mt Malcolm
1906/4300014 Mount Margaret Gibbons Ann Elizabeth Female Pippett Alfred Stephen Male Mt Malcolm
1906/4300015 Mount Margaret Dowling Florence Female Duncan Hugh McCallum Male Leonora
1906/4300015 Mount Margaret Duncan Hugh McCallum Male Dowling Florence Female Leonora
1906/4300016 Mount Margaret Kitchen Louisa Female D'Arcy William Philip Male Morgans
1906/4300016 Mount Margaret D'Arcy William Philip Male Kitchen Louisa Female Morgans
1906/4300017 Mount Margaret Brown Alfred Male Curwood Ethel Theresa Female Mt Morgans
1906/4300017 Mount Margaret Curwood Ethel Theresa Female Brown Alfred Male Mt Morgans
1906/4300018 Mount Margaret Hartley Robert Scott Male Clarke Emily Neomia Female Gwalia
1906/4300018 Mount Margaret Clarke Emily Neomia Female Hartley Robert Scott Male Gwalia
1906/4300019 Mount Margaret Morgan John Lloyd Male Wren Wilhemena Female Laverton
1906/4300019 Mount Margaret Wren Wilhemena Female Morgan John Lloyd Male Laverton
1906/4300020 Mount Margaret Klug Ernest Bennett Male Peterson Gertrude Female Mertondale
1906/4300020 Mount Margaret Peterson Gertrude Female Klug Ernest Bennett Male Mertondale
1906/4300021 Mount Margaret Beasley Laura Anna Female Gowdie James Adam Male Laverton
1906/4300021 Mount Margaret Gowdie James Adam Male Beasley Laura Anna Female Laverton
1906/4300022 Mount Margaret Wells Edward Ernest Male Peters Eliza Jane Female Mt Morgans
1906/4300022 Mount Margaret Peters Eliza Jane Female Wells Edward Ernest Male Mt Morgans
1906/4300023 Mount Margaret Murdoch Peter Edward Male Hywood Alice Maud Female Leonora
1906/4300023 Mount Margaret Hywood Alice Maud Female Murdoch Peter Edward Male Leonora
1906/4300024 Mount Margaret Robinson William Edward Male Mahony Margaret Mary Female Mt Leonora
1906/4300024 Mount Margaret Mahony Margaret Mary Female Robinson William Edward Male Mt Leonora
1906/4300025 Mount Margaret Punch Mathew Ernest Male McCarthy Rose Female Laverton
1906/4300025 Mount Margaret McCarthy Rose Female Punch Mathew Ernest Male Laverton
1906/4300026 Mount Margaret Hurn Harriet Ellen Female Speedie Peter Male Mount Malcolm
1906/4300026 Mount Margaret Speedie Peter Male Hurn Harriet Ellen Female Mount Malcolm
1906/4300027 Mount Margaret Taylor James Lane Male O'Brien Agnes Female Mount Malcolm
1906/4300027 Mount Margaret O'Brien Agnes Female Taylor James Lane Male Mount Malcolm
1906/4300028 Mount Margaret McMahon Annie Female Neagle Michael Male Leonora
1906/4300028 Mount Margaret Neagle Michael Male McMahon Annie Female Leonora
1906/4300029 Mount Margaret Andersen George Backer Male McInnes Elizabeth Raynor Female Laverton
1906/4300029 Mount Margaret McInnes Elizabeth Raynor Female Andersen George Backer Male Laverton
1906/4300030 Mount Margaret Brooks Edith Florence Female Henderson John Gavin Male Leonora
1906/4300030 Mount Margaret Henderson John Gavin Male Brooks Edith Florence Female Leonora
1906/4300031 Mount Margaret Maddern Richard Trembath Male McArthur Maud Marie Female Laverton
1906/4300031 Mount Margaret McArthur Maud Marie Female Maddern Richard Trembath Male Laverton
1906/4300032 Mount Margaret Reid Mary Female Blewett Samuel James Male Gwalia
1906/4300032 Mount Margaret Blewett Samuel James Male Reid Mary Female Gwalia
1906/4300033 Mount Margaret Dooley Daniel Male McDonald Margaret Female Leonora
1906/4300033 Mount Margaret McDonald Margaret Female Dooley Daniel Male Leonora
1906/4300034 Mount Margaret Seaborn Mary Female Mills George Male Mt Morgans
1906/4300034 Mount Margaret Mills George Male Seaborn Mary Female Mt Morgans
1906/4300035 Mount Margaret Kirk Michael Male Warren Ethel May Female Mt Malcolm
1906/4300035 Mount Margaret Warren Ethel May Female Kirk Michael Male Mt Malcolm
1906/4300036 Mount Margaret Lynch John Male Williams Clara Female Mt Morgans
1906/4300036 Mount Margaret Williams Clara Female Lynch John Male Mt Morgans
1906/4400001 Murchison Smith Sidney Stratford Male Roberts Louisa Female Day Dawn
1906/4400001 Murchison Roberts Louisa Female Smith Sidney Stratford Male Day Dawn
1906/4400002 Murchison Howell Adolphus Charles Male Ramus Edith Rachel Female Cue
1906/4400002 Murchison Ramus Edith Rachel Female Howell Adolphus Charles Male Cue
1906/4400003 Murchison Pridmore Maurice Samuel Male Coward Phoebe May Female Cue
1906/4400003 Murchison Coward Phoebe May Female Pridmore Maurice Samuel Male Cue
1906/4400004 Murchison Powell Hanorah Female Sullivan Thomas Male Day Dawn
1906/4400004 Murchison Sullivan Thomas Male Powell Hanorah Female Day Dawn
1906/4400005 Murchison Carroll George Thomas Male Kemp Maria Ellen Female Nannine
1906/4400005 Murchison Kemp Maria Ellen Female Carroll George Thomas Male Nannine
1906/4400006 Murchison Hall William Henry Male Orchard Ethel Margaret Female Nannine
1906/4400006 Murchison Orchard Ethel Margaret Female Hall William Henry Male Nannine
1906/4400007 Murchison Bastian Alice May Female McKay Robert Walter Male Day Dawn
1906/4400007 Murchison McKay Robert Walter Male Bastian Alice May Female Day Dawn
1906/4400008 Murchison Lippiatt Louisa Female Lush Joseph Frederick Male Cue
1906/4400008 Murchison Lush Joseph Frederick Male Lippiatt Louisa Female Cue
1906/4400009 Murchison Beck Ida Isabella Female Meaney Jeremiah Michael Male Cue
1906/4400009 Murchison Meaney Jeremiah Michael Male Beck Ida Isabella Female Cue
1906/4400010 Murchison Parker Alice Female Marshall William Male Day Dawn
1906/4400010 Murchison Marshall William Male Parker Alice Female Day Dawn
1906/4400011 Murchison Outtrim Edwin Kingston Male Turley Annie Female Mount Magnet
1906/4400011 Murchison Turley Annie Female Outtrim Edwin Kingston Male Mount Magnet
1906/4400012 Murchison Litchfield Ada Female Morgan Alfred Walker Male Cue
1906/4400012 Murchison Morgan Alfred Walker Male Litchfield Ada Female Cue
1906/4400013 Murchison Roberts James Albert Male Sullivan Mary Eileen Female Cue
1906/4400013 Murchison Sullivan Mary Eileen Female Roberts James Albert Male Cue
1906/4400014 Murchison Christie Maude Ethel Female Mahood Samuel Arthur Male Cue
1906/4400014 Murchison Mahood Samuel Arthur Male Christie Maude Ethel Female Cue
1906/4400015 Murchison Henfry Julia Edith Female Metcalf Walter Gostick Male Mt Magnet
1906/4400015 Murchison Metcalf Walter Gostick Male Henfry Julia Edith Female Mt Magnet
1906/4400016 Murchison Highmore Joseph Male Haselhurst Annie Elizabeth Female Day Dawn
1906/4400016 Murchison Haselhurst Annie Elizabeth Female Highmore Joseph Male Day Dawn
1906/4400017 Murchison Romer Anna Female McCulloch David Male Mount Magnet
1906/4400017 Murchison McCulloch David Male Romer Anna Female Mount Magnet
1906/4400018 Murchison Smith Violet Female Barden Ernest Quinlivan Male Day Dawn
1906/4400018 Murchison Barden Ernest Quinlivan Male Smith Violet Female Day Dawn
1906/4400019 Murchison Ryan Michael Male Leverett Annie Female Day-Dawn
1906/4400019 Murchison Leverett Annie Female Ryan Michael Male Day-Dawn
1906/4400020 Murchison Fulton William Robert Male Connell Mary Sara Female Cue
1906/4400020 Murchison Connell Mary Sara Female Fulton William Robert Male Cue
1906/4400021 Murchison Kilmurray Eleanor Female Findlay William Cowrison Male Day Dawn
1906/4400021 Murchison Findlay William Cowrison Male Kilmurray Eleanor Female Day Dawn
1906/4400022 Murchison Monks John George Male Allen Alice Ann Female Burnagoora
1906/4400022 Murchison Allen Alice Ann Female Monks John George Male Burnagoora
1906/4400023 Murchison Strickland David Henry Robert Male Smith Eliza May Female Lennonville
1906/4400023 Murchison Smith Eliza May Female Strickland David Henry Robert Male Lennonville
1906/4400024 Murchison Smith Clara Jane Female Juett John Duncan Male Cue
1906/4400024 Murchison Juett John Duncan Male Smith Clara Jane Female Cue
1906/4400025 Murchison Sorensen Hans Christian Male Cleary Eileen Mary Female Cue
1906/4400025 Murchison Cleary Eileen Mary Female Sorensen Hans Christian Male Cue
1906/4400026 Murchison Wiles William Male Byron Matilda Female Day Dawn
1906/4400026 Murchison Byron Matilda Female Wiles William Male Day Dawn
1906/4400027 Murchison Drage Florence May Female Hayles Albert Male Day Dawn Drage-577
1906/4400027 Murchison Hayles Albert Male Drage Florence May Female Day Dawn
1906/4400028 Murchison Michell Rachel Female Brady Joseph Francis Male Cue
1906/4400028 Murchison Brady Joseph Francis Male Michell Rachel Female Cue
1906/4400029 Murchison Williams Samuel Male Bandy Maud Mercy Honest Female Day Dawn
1906/4400029 Murchison Bandy Maud Mercy Honest Female Williams Samuel Male Day Dawn
1906/4400030 Murchison Rudland Mary Jane Female Gilbert Francis James Male Day Dawn
1906/4400030 Murchison Gilbert Francis James Male Rudland Mary Jane Female Day Dawn
1906/4400031 Murchison Lambert Thomas Eli Male Livingstone Kate Female Day Dawn
1906/4400031 Murchison Livingstone Kate Female Lambert Thomas Eli Male Day Dawn
1906/4400032 Murchison Sturm Adolph Carl Albert Male Pearson Elisabeth Female Gabanintha
1906/4400032 Murchison Pearson Elisabeth Female Sturm Adolph Carl Albert Male Gabanintha
1906/4400033 Murchison Trezise Muriel Jean Female Sutcliffe Thomas Male Day Dawn
1906/4400033 Murchison Sutcliffe Thomas Male Trezise Muriel Jean Female Day Dawn
1906/4400034 Murchison Pereira Joseph Herbert Male Clarke Ellen Josephine Female Day Dawn
1906/4400034 Murchison Clarke Ellen Josephine Female Pereira Joseph Herbert Male Day Dawn
1906/4400035 Murchison Wallis Charles Harding Vincent Male Roberts Violet Mary Bloor Female Cue
1906/4400035 Murchison Roberts Violet Mary Bloor Female Wallis Charles Harding Vincent Male Cue
1906/4400036 Murchison Ricketts John Male Wood Harriett Lydia Female Cue
1906/4400036 Murchison Wood Harriett Lydia Female Ricketts John Male Cue
1906/4400037 Murchison Munro Robert Chisholm Male Watson Maud Alma Female Murchison
1906/4400037 Murchison Watson Maud Alma Female Munro Robert Chisholm Male Murchison
1906/4400038 Murchison Greive Jane Henrietta Female Loughton Arthur Ernest Male Cue
1906/4400038 Murchison Loughton Arthur Ernest Male Greive Jane Henrietta Female Cue
1906/4400039 Murchison Downes Daniel Male Martins Ada Female Day Dawn
1906/4400039 Murchison Martins Ada Female Downes Daniel Male Day Dawn
1906/4400040 Murchison Hill William McCallam Male Clark Jessie Female Day Dawn
1906/4400040 Murchison Clark Jessie Female Hill William McCallam Male Day Dawn
1906/4400041 Murchison Hardy Rachel Jane Myra Hatcher Female Wooldridge Charles Mortimer Male Mount Magnet
1906/4400041 Murchison Wooldridge Charles Mortimer Male Hardy Rachel Jane Myra Hatcher Female Mount Magnet
1906/4400042 Murchison Clark Annie Female Wingrave John William Male Cue
1906/4400042 Murchison Wingrave John William Male Clark Annie Female Cue
1906/4400043 Murchison Westgarth Francis Charles Male Brennan Eliza Marion Female Cue
1906/4400043 Murchison Brennan Eliza Marion Female Westgarth Francis Charles Male Cue
1906/4400044 Murchison Morton Robert Male McGuffie Ethel Female Day Dawn
1906/4400044 Murchison McGuffie Ethel Female Morton Robert Male Day Dawn
1906/4400045 Murchison Pedretti James Male Harvey Mary May Female Cue
1906/4400045 Murchison Harvey Mary May Female Pedretti James Male Cue
1906/4500001 East Murchison Sullivan Susan Lucy Female Baxter Andrew Edward Male Lawlers
1906/4500001 East Murchison Baxter Andrew Edward Male Sullivan Susan Lucy Female Lawlers
1906/4500002 East Murchison McDonnell Deborah Female Cock William Nicholas Male Nungarra
1906/4500002 East Murchison Cock William Nicholas Male McDonnell Deborah Female Nungarra
1906/4500003 East Murchison Beccaria Agostino Male Bonomi Zina Female Lawlers
1906/4500003 East Murchison Bonomi Zina Female Beccaria Agostino Male Lawlers
1906/4500004 East Murchison Banko Clara Elizabeth Female Lewin Ernest Henry Male Lawlers
1906/4500004 East Murchison Lewin Ernest Henry Male Banko Clara Elizabeth Female Lawlers
1906/4500005 East Murchison Paine William Edward Male Edwards Elleanor Alice Female Lawlers
1906/4500005 East Murchison Edwards Elleanor Alice Female Paine William Edward Male Lawlers
1906/4500006 East Murchison Rowles Ada Lavinia Female Costin Henry Male Lawlers
1906/4500006 East Murchison Costin Henry Male Rowles Ada Lavinia Female Lawlers
1906/4500007 East Murchison Tulloch Aeneas Thompson Male O'Brien Annie Female Kathleen Valley
1906/4500007 East Murchison O'Brien Annie Female Tulloch Aeneas Thompson Male Kathleen Valley
1906/4500008 East Murchison Branson Howard Henry Male Carrett Ethel May Female Lawlers
1906/4500008 East Murchison Carrett Ethel May Female Branson Howard Henry Male Lawlers
1906/4500009 East Murchison Littlejohn James Male Gilchrist Margaret Henderson Female Sandstone
1906/4500009 East Murchison Gilchrist Margaret Henderson Female Littlejohn James Male Sandstone
1906/4700001 Murray Pollard Michael Albert Male Earl Emma Millicent Female Murray District
1906/4700001 Murray Earl Emma Millicent Female Pollard Michael Albert Male Murray District
1906/4700002 Murray Thompson Mary Ann Female Birch Edmund William Gregory Male West Coolup
1906/4700002 Murray Birch Edmund William Gregory Male Thompson Mary Ann Female West Coolup
1906/4700003 Murray Davidson Lily Beatrice Female Spencer George Albert Male Pinjarra
1906/4700003 Murray Spencer George Albert Male Davidson Lily Beatrice Female Pinjarra
1906/4700004 Murray Logue Catherine Matilda Female Gregory John Henry Male Pinjarra
1906/4700004 Murray Gregory John Henry Male Logue Catherine Matilda Female Pinjarra
1906/4700005 Murray Paterson May Agnes Pryde Female Hamilton William Male Pinjarra
1906/4700005 Murray Hamilton William Male Paterson May Agnes Pryde Female Pinjarra
1906/4700006 Murray McLarty Amy Maude Female Royce Sydney St George Male Pinjarra
1906/4700006 Murray Royce Sydney St George Male McLarty Amy Maude Female Pinjarra
1906/4700007 Murray Johnston William Robert Male Salter Lucy Jane Female Murray District
1906/4700007 Murray Salter Lucy Jane Female Johnston William Robert Male Murray District
1906/4700008 Murray Smith Louis Thomas Male Young Charlotte Grace Female Waterous Mill
1906/4700008 Murray Young Charlotte Grace Female Smith Louis Thomas Male Waterous Mill
1906/4700009 Murray Hearder Thomas Wingett Browne Male Fawcett Emmeline Eleanor May Female Pinjarra
1906/4700009 Murray Fawcett Emmeline Eleanor May Female Hearder Thomas Wingett Browne Male Pinjarra
1906/4700010 Murray Robertson George Male Hymus Ethel Beatrice Victoria Female Pinjarra
1906/4700010 Murray Hymus Ethel Beatrice Victoria Female Robertson George Male Pinjarra
1906/4700011 Murray Kay Robert Charles Male Catchpole Agnes Female Yarloop
1906/4700011 Murray Catchpole Agnes Female Kay Robert Charles Male Yarloop
1906/4700012 Murray Crute David Henry Male Barrey Lydia Female Waroona
1906/4700012 Murray Barrey Lydia Female Crute David Henry Male Waroona
1906/4700013 Murray Simpson Joseph Henry Pierce Male Woods Eliza Martha Female Waroona
1906/4700013 Murray Woods Eliza Martha Female Simpson Joseph Henry Pierce Male Waroona
1907/4900001 Northam Miller Naomi Sarah Female Miller Charles Alfred James Male Northam
1906/4900001 Northam Stephens Ethel Rose Female Thompson Ernest Lauder Male Northam
1907/4900001 Northam Miller Charles Alfred James Male Miller Naomi Sarah Female Northam
1906/4900001 Northam Thompson Ernest Lauder Male Stephens Ethel Rose Female Northam
1906/4900002 Northam Lindner Evelyn Female Smith Edward Male Northam
1906/4900002 Northam Smith Edward Male Lindner Evelyn Female Northam
1906/4900003 Northam Kinnane Deborah Mary Female Ewings Isaac James Male Northam
1906/4900003 Northam Ewings Isaac James Male Kinnane Deborah Mary Female Northam
1906/4900005 Northam McCaul Bernard George Male Colbert Pearl Female Northam
1906/4900005 Northam Colbert Pearl Female McCaul Bernard George Male Northam
1906/4900006 Northam Adams John Male Fernihough Jane Ellen Female Northam
1906/4900006 Northam Fernihough Jane Ellen Female Adams John Male Northam
1906/4900007 Northam Morrell Walter Ranford Male Silvester Ellen Ethel Female Northam
1906/4900007 Northam Silvester Ellen Ethel Female Morrell Walter Ranford Male Northam
1906/4900008 Northam Bryant Alfred John Lewis Male Seaman Violet Mary Female Meckering
1906/4900008 Northam Seaman Violet Mary Female Bryant Alfred John Lewis Male Meckering
1906/4900009 Northam Nind Arthur Male Wilkerson Jane Elizabeth Female Northam
1906/4900009 Northam Wilkerson Jane Elizabeth Female Nind Arthur Male Northam
1906/4900010 Northam Miller Evelyn Ballard Female Ecclestone Mervyn Thomas Male Northam
1906/4900010 Northam Ecclestone Mervyn Thomas Male Miller Evelyn Ballard Female Northam
1906/4900011 Northam Edwards Ernest William Male Masters Emma Rebecca Female Waeel
1906/4900011 Northam Masters Emma Rebecca Female Edwards Ernest William Male Waeel
1906/4900012 Northam Jacka William James Male Reside Rosine Female Kellerberrin
1906/4900012 Northam Reside Rosine Female Jacka William James Male Kellerberrin
1906/4900013 Northam Roberts Jesse Male Horton Ada Heleanor Female Northam
1906/4900013 Northam Horton Ada Heleanor Female Roberts Jesse Male Northam
1906/4900014 Northam Parker William Male Gray Amelia Violet Female Meckering
1906/4900014 Northam Gray Amelia Violet Female Parker William Male Meckering
1906/4900015 Northam Pickersgill Herbert Nelis Male McIntosh Annie Elizabeth Female Northam
1906/4900015 Northam McIntosh Annie Elizabeth Female Pickersgill Herbert Nelis Male Northam
1906/4900016 Northam Fernihough Annie Female Reilly Joseph Thomas Male Northam
1906/4900016 Northam Reilly Joseph Thomas Male Fernihough Annie Female Northam
1906/4900017 Northam Hatton Thomas Male Kissane Maud Agnes Female Northam
1906/4900017 Northam Kissane Maud Agnes Female Hatton Thomas Male Northam
1906/4900018 Northam Leisk John Drever Male Merrey Annie Female Northam
1906/4900018 Northam Merrey Annie Female Leisk John Drever Male Northam
1906/4900019 Northam Coles May Rose Female Fernihough Alfred Male Northam
1906/4900019 Northam Fernihough Alfred Male Coles May Rose Female Northam
1906/4900020 Northam Lamb Ethel Mary Female Matthews Frederick Stephen Ralph Male Northam
1906/4900020 Northam Matthews Frederick Stephen Ralph Male Lamb Ethel Mary Female Northam
1906/4900021 Northam Healy Thomas Maurice Male Cahill Catherine Female Northam
1906/4900021 Northam Cahill Catherine Female Healy Thomas Maurice Male Northam
1906/4900022 Northam Franke Selina Ellen Female Watt Peter Male Merredin
1906/4900022 Northam Watt Peter Male Franke Selina Ellen Female Merredin
1906/4900023 Northam Pollard Francis Male Haddrill Maud Annie Female Northam
1906/4900023 Northam Haddrill Maud Annie Female Pollard Francis Male Northam
1906/4900024 Northam Dawson Alfred George Male Wilkerson Wilhelmina Mabel Female Northam
1906/4900024 Northam Wilkerson Wilhelmina Mabel Female Dawson Alfred George Male Northam
1906/4900025 Northam Lockyer Arnold Brooks Male Bourke Elizabeth Catherine Edith Female Northam
1906/4900025 Northam Bourke Elizabeth Catherine Edith Female Lockyer Arnold Brooks Male Northam
1906/4900026 Northam Connor Edward Smith Male Lavelle Sarah Mary Female Northam
1906/4900026 Northam Lavelle Sarah Mary Female Connor Edward Smith Male Northam
1906/4900027 Northam Morrell Sidney Frederick Male Rossiter Constance Ayles Female Northam
1906/4900027 Northam Rossiter Constance Ayles Female Morrell Sidney Frederick Male Northam
1906/4900028 Northam Taylor Elizabeth Mary Female Keane George Edward Male Northam
1906/4900028 Northam Keane George Edward Male Taylor Elizabeth Mary Female Northam
1906/4900029 Northam Bray Ruth Kathleen Viola Female Short Frederick Male Northam
1906/4900029 Northam Short Frederick Male Bray Ruth Kathleen Viola Female Northam
1906/4900030 Northam Collins Matilda Female Kelly Thomas Male Waeel
1906/4900030 Northam Kelly Thomas Male Collins Matilda Female Waeel
1906/4900031 Northam Beard Lewis Nathaniel Male Martin Lilla May Female Northam
1906/4900031 Northam Martin Lilla May Female Beard Lewis Nathaniel Male Northam
1906/4900032 Northam Nicholson Lucy Sarah Female Holland John Thomas Male Northam
1906/4900032 Northam Holland John Thomas Male Nicholson Lucy Sarah Female Northam
1906/4900033 Northam Cain Mary Female Anderson Henry Male Northam
1906/4900033 Northam Anderson Henry Male Cain Mary Female Northam
1906/4900034 Northam Clarken James Male Bresnahan Johanna Female Northam
1906/4900034 Northam Bresnahan Johanna Female Clarken James Male Northam
1906/4900035 Northam Granville Ivan Julian Claude Henry Male Smeed Rose Lily Female Northam
1906/4900035 Northam Smeed Rose Lily Female Granville Ivan Julian Claude Henry Male Northam
1906/4900036 Northam Noonan Margaret Female Lamprell Denis John Male Northam
1906/4900036 Northam Lamprell Denis John Male Noonan Margaret Female Northam
1906/4900037 Northam McKinnon William Norman Male Stewart Ann Female Dowerin
1906/4900037 Northam Stewart Ann Female McKinnon William Norman Male Dowerin
1906/4900038 Northam O'Dea Mary Monica Female Bywaters William Henry Male Newcastle
1906/4900038 Northam Bywaters William Henry Male O'Dea Mary Monica Female Newcastle
1906/4900039 Northam Sheen Mary Louisa Female Glass Alfred James Male Mumberkine
1906/4900039 Northam Glass Alfred James Male Sheen Mary Louisa Female Mumberkine
1906/4900040 Northam Cock Eleanor Avis Salome Female McCallum John Duncan Male Northam
1906/4900040 Northam McCallum John Duncan Male Cock Eleanor Avis Salome Female Northam
1906/4900041 Northam Caddy Thomas Hollingsworth Male Cannon Edith Mary Female Northam
1906/4900041 Northam Cannon Edith Mary Female Caddy Thomas Hollingsworth Male Northam
1906/5000001 Northampton Ronan Thomas Male Speedy Ellen Amelia Female Narra Tarra
1906/5000001 Northampton Speedy Ellen Amelia Female Ronan Thomas Male Narra Tarra
1906/5000002 Northampton Hose William Male Sims Catherine Female Geraldton
1906/5000002 Northampton Sims Catherine Female Hose William Male Geraldton
1906/5000003 Northampton Evans William Male Rosser Sarah Ann Female Northampton
1906/5000003 Northampton Rosser Sarah Ann Female Evans William Male Northampton
1906/5100001 Peak Hill Wilkinson George William Male Hawkins Catherine Female Peak Hill
1906/5100001 Peak Hill Hawkins Catherine Female Wilkinson George William Male Peak Hill
1906/5200001 Phillips River Downes William Male Yule Helen Elizabeth Female Ravensthorpe
1906/5200001 Phillips River Yule Helen Elizabeth Female Downes William Male Ravensthorpe
1906/5200002 Phillips River Linn John Male Kemp Laura Jane Female Ravensthorpe
1906/5200002 Phillips River Kemp Laura Jane Female Linn John Male Ravensthorpe
1906/5200003 Phillips River Falkner Kathleen Maud Lily Female Alfieri Arthur Male Ravensthorpe
1906/5200003 Phillips River Alfieri Arthur Male Falkner Kathleen Maud Lily Female Ravensthorpe
1906/5200004 Phillips River Job Herbert William Male Taylor Ellen Gordon Female Ravensthorpe
1906/5200004 Phillips River Taylor Ellen Gordon Female Job Herbert William Male Ravensthorpe
1906/5200005 Phillips River Green Rebecca Female West George Charles Male Ravensthorpe
1906/5200005 Phillips River West George Charles Male Green Rebecca Female Ravensthorpe
1906/5200006 Phillips River Dunstan Albert Male Hunter Emily Female Ravensthorpe
1906/5200006 Phillips River Hunter Emily Female Dunstan Albert Male Ravensthorpe
1906/5200007 Phillips River Spiers Robert Hunter Male Stokes Minnie Frances Female Ravensthorpe
1906/5200007 Phillips River Stokes Minnie Frances Female Spiers Robert Hunter Male Ravensthorpe
1906/5200008 Phillips River Dance George Male MacKensie Ada Elizabeth Female Ravensthorpe
1906/5200008 Phillips River MacKensie Ada Elizabeth Female Dance George Male Ravensthorpe
1906/5200009 Phillips River Horton Clara Edith Female Coleman John Male Ravensthorpe
1906/5200009 Phillips River Coleman John Male Horton Clara Edith Female Ravensthorpe
1906/5200010 Phillips River Aldus Mary Lee Female Roberts Hugh Male Ravensthorpe Aldus-42
1906/5200010 Phillips River Roberts Hugh Male Aldus Mary Lee Female Ravensthorpe
1906/5300001 Pilbara Leydon Ellen Female Miles George James Gallop Warden Male Marble Bar
1906/5300001 Pilbara Miles George James Gallop Warden Male Leydon Ellen Female Marble Bar
1906/5300002 Pilbara McCorkindale Janet Margaret Female McDonald Albert William Male Marble Bar
1906/5300002 Pilbara McDonald Albert William Male McCorkindale Janet Margaret Female Marble Bar
1906/5300003 Pilbara McDonald Hugh Male Coxon Mary Female Marble Bar
1906/5300003 Pilbara Coxon Mary Female McDonald Hugh Male Marble Bar
1906/5300004 Pilbara Wittledong - Female Brown James Pollard Male Marble Bar
1906/5300004 Pilbara Brown James Pollard Male Tilly - Female Marble Bar
1906/5300004 Pilbara Brown James Pollard Male Wittledong - Female Marble Bar
1906/5300004 Pilbara Tilly - Female Brown James Pollard Male Marble Bar
1907/5400001 Plantagenet Potter Fredrick John Male Lamp Martha Blondine Dorothea Female Albany
1906/5400001 Plantagenet Nelson Margaret Female Towers David Male Albany
1907/5400001 Plantagenet Lamp Martha Blondine Dorothea Female Potter Fredrick John Male Albany
1906/5400001 Plantagenet Towers David Male Nelson Margaret Female Albany
1907/5400003 Plantagenet Potts Jane Female Rankin Charles Ebenezer Male Albany
1906/5400003 Plantagenet Kirkby John Male Reid Mary Female Albany
1906/5400003 Plantagenet Reid Mary Female Kirkby John Male Albany
1907/5400003 Plantagenet Rankin Charles Ebenezer Male Potts Jane Female Albany
1906/5400004 Plantagenet Boreham Alfred William Male Gillam Muriel Florence Eulalie Female Albany
1906/5400004 Plantagenet Gillam Muriel Florence Eulalie Female Boreham Alfred William Male Albany
1906/5400005 Plantagenet Hopson Percy William Male Hawkes Annie Female Candyup
1906/5400005 Plantagenet Hawkes Annie Female Hopson Percy William Male Candyup
1906/5400006 Plantagenet Ray Fredrick Farmer Male Howe Ethel Elizabeth Female Albany
1906/5400006 Plantagenet Howe Ethel Elizabeth Female Ray Fredrick Farmer Male Albany
1906/5400007 Plantagenet Green Thomas Male Berlin Hulda Augusta Female Albany
1906/5400007 Plantagenet Berlin Hulda Augusta Female Green Thomas Male Albany
1906/5400008 Plantagenet Lovegrove Frederic Thomas Alexander Male Baile Edith Emily Female Albany
1906/5400008 Plantagenet Baile Edith Emily Female Lovegrove Frederic Thomas Alexander Male Albany
1906/5400009 Plantagenet Murray William Robert Male Rose May Marion Female Albany
1906/5400009 Plantagenet Rose May Marion Female Murray William Robert Male Albany
1906/5400010 Plantagenet Smith Washington Male McDonald Mary Paterson Female Albany
1906/5400010 Plantagenet McDonald Mary Paterson Female Smith Washington Male Albany
1906/5400011 Plantagenet Burston Percival John Male Short May Female Mount Barker
1906/5400011 Plantagenet Short May Female Burston Percival John Male Mount Barker
1906/5400012 Plantagenet Faulkner Margaret Louise Female Illingworth Edward Peace Male Albany
1906/5400012 Plantagenet Illingworth Edward Peace Male Faulkner Margaret Louise Female Albany
1906/5400013 Plantagenet Hicks Mary Ann Rebecca Female Northey William James Oliver Male Albany
1906/5400013 Plantagenet Northey William James Oliver Male Hicks Mary Ann Rebecca Female Albany
1906/5400014 Plantagenet Bennetts George Henry Male Roach Elizabeth Female Albany
1906/5400014 Plantagenet Roach Elizabeth Female Bennetts George Henry Male Albany
1906/5400015 Plantagenet Birdsey Hermy Inez Female Veal Pascoe Hocking Male Albany
1906/5400015 Plantagenet Veal Pascoe Hocking Male Birdsey Hermy Inez Female Albany
1906/5400016 Plantagenet Roach Ada Louise Female Wood Roland Robert Male Albany
1906/5400016 Plantagenet Wood Roland Robert Male Roach Ada Louise Female Albany
1906/5400017 Plantagenet Pike Frederick Alexander Male Armstrong Davidina McKay Female Albany
1906/5400017 Plantagenet Armstrong Davidina McKay Female Pike Frederick Alexander Male Albany
1906/5400018 Plantagenet Stewart Charles James Male Hannett Mary Emily Catherine Female Albany
1906/5400018 Plantagenet Hannett Mary Emily Catherine Female Stewart Charles James Male Albany
1906/5400019 Plantagenet Bennett Maud Female Munyard John Male Albany
1906/5400019 Plantagenet Munyard John Male Bennett Maud Female Albany
1906/5400020 Plantagenet Paull Lydia Alice Female Single Harry Ernest Male Albany
1906/5400020 Plantagenet Single Harry Ernest Male Paull Lydia Alice Female Albany
1906/5400021 Plantagenet Mitchell Ethel Maud Female Inglis George Male Albany
1906/5400021 Plantagenet Inglis George Male Mitchell Ethel Maud Female Albany
1906/5400022 Plantagenet Miner Frances Clara Female Jackson Francis Mathew Male Albany
1906/5400022 Plantagenet Jackson Francis Mathew Male Miner Frances Clara Female Albany
1906/5400023 Plantagenet Jorgensen Pauline Marie Female Norman Ernest Josiah Male Albany
1906/5400023 Plantagenet Norman Ernest Josiah Male Jorgensen Pauline Marie Female Albany
1906/5400024 Plantagenet Dunn Grace May Female Chapman Herbert Ernest Kirby Male Albany
1906/5400024 Plantagenet Chapman Herbert Ernest Kirby Male Dunn Grace May Female Albany
1906/5400025 Plantagenet Jarrett Ethel Josefa Female Douglas Clemence Male Albany
1906/5400025 Plantagenet Douglas Clemence Male Jarrett Ethel Josefa Female Albany
1906/5400026 Plantagenet Webb George Male Gableish Mary Louisa Female Albany
1906/5400026 Plantagenet Gableish Mary Louisa Female Webb George Male Albany
1906/5400027 Plantagenet Morrish Frances Mary Female Dixon Richard Male Albany
1906/5400027 Plantagenet Dixon Richard Male Morrish Frances Mary Female Albany
1906/5400028 Plantagenet Wilcox Richard Male Stevens Lucy Jane Female Albany
1906/5400028 Plantagenet Stevens Lucy Jane Female Wilcox Richard Male Albany
1906/5400029 Plantagenet Bamess Joseph Richard Male Berndt Wilhemine Alwine Pauline Female Albany
1906/5400029 Plantagenet Berndt Wilhemine Alwine Pauline Female Bamess Joseph Richard Male Albany
1906/5400030 Plantagenet Cummings John Hastings Male Ryan Margaret Female Albany
1906/5400030 Plantagenet Ryan Margaret Female Cummings John Hastings Male Albany
1906/5400031 Plantagenet Ware John Andrew Male Scott Alberta Fanny Soulby Female Albany
1906/5400031 Plantagenet Scott Alberta Fanny Soulby Female Ware John Andrew Male Albany
1906/5400032 Plantagenet Gillett Sydney Frederick Male Green Fanny Rebecca Female Albany
1906/5400032 Plantagenet Green Fanny Rebecca Female Gillett Sydney Frederick Male Albany
1906/5400033 Plantagenet Laing Arthur Vivian Male Mouchemore Laura May Female Albany
1906/5400033 Plantagenet Mouchemore Laura May Female Laing Arthur Vivian Male Albany
1906/5400034 Plantagenet Carpenter Henry Owen Male Higgins Mary Elizabeth Female Frankland River
1906/5400034 Plantagenet Higgins Mary Elizabeth Female Carpenter Henry Owen Male Frankland River
1906/5400035 Plantagenet Hobart Benjamin William Male Martin Sarah Female Albany
1906/5400035 Plantagenet Martin Sarah Female Hobart Benjamin William Male Albany
1906/5400036 Plantagenet Monaghan Alice Sophia Female Shenfield William James Mosley Male Albany
1906/5400036 Plantagenet Shenfield William James Mosley Male Monaghan Alice Sophia Female Albany
1906/5400037 Plantagenet Nicholas George Frederick Male Houghton Janie Female Albany
1906/5400037 Plantagenet Houghton Janie Female Nicholas George Frederick Male Albany
1906/5400038 Plantagenet Ebbesen Arthur Male Broomhall Annie Female Albany
1906/5400038 Plantagenet Broomhall Annie Female Ebbesen Arthur Male Albany
1906/5400039 Plantagenet Pendergast Catherine Female Collins William Rhine Male Albany
1906/5400039 Plantagenet Collins William Rhine Male Pendergast Catherine Female Albany
1906/5400040 Plantagenet Gorman Adeline Amelia Female Burton Charles Male Albany
1906/5400040 Plantagenet Burton Charles Male Gorman Adeline Amelia Female Albany
1906/5400041 Plantagenet Nicolson Ellen Belinda Female Dymes Frank Rawling Male Albany
1906/5400041 Plantagenet Dymes Frank Rawling Male Nicolson Ellen Belinda Female Albany
1906/5400042 Plantagenet Kuehl Gwendoline Maud Female Jones Samuel James Male Albany
1906/5400042 Plantagenet Jones Samuel James Male Kuehl Gwendoline Maud Female Albany
1906/5400043 Plantagenet Allan Mary Elizabeth Female Kitcher William James Male Albany
1906/5400043 Plantagenet Kitcher William James Male Allan Mary Elizabeth Female Albany
1906/5400044 Plantagenet Merfield Thomas Stead Male Egerton-Warburton Mabel Augusta Female Albany
1906/5400044 Plantagenet Egerton-Warburton Mabel Augusta Female Merfield Thomas Stead Male Albany
1906/5400045 Plantagenet Tregenza James Montagu Male Brown Mary Jane Female Albany
1906/5400045 Plantagenet Brown Mary Jane Female Tregenza James Montagu Male Albany
1906/5400046 Plantagenet Williams Isaac Male Dickson Elizabeth Female Mt Barker
1906/5400046 Plantagenet Dickson Elizabeth Female Williams Isaac Male Mt Barker
1906/5400047 Plantagenet Martin William Arthur Male Wood Elizabeth Ann Female Albany
1906/5400047 Plantagenet Wood Elizabeth Ann Female Martin William Arthur Male Albany
1906/5400048 Plantagenet Turner Robert Male Webling Olivia Female Albany
1906/5400048 Plantagenet Webling Olivia Female Turner Robert Male Albany
1906/5400049 Plantagenet Walls Isaac Barret Male Thompson Ella Mary Female Plantagenet district
1906/5400049 Plantagenet Thompson Ella Mary Female Walls Isaac Barret Male Plantagenet district
1906/5500001 Port Hedland Costello Kathleen Female Mallett Thomas Male Port Hedland
1906/5500001 Port Hedland Mallett Thomas Male Costello Kathleen Female Port Hedland
1906/5500002 Port Hedland MacPherson George Tremore Ossian Male Tanner Maude Female Port Hedland
1906/5500002 Port Hedland Tanner Maude Female MacPherson George Tremore Ossian Male Port Hedland
1906/5600001 Roebourne Hudson Mary Ann Female Woods Thomas Edward Male Roebourne
1906/5600001 Roebourne Woods Thomas Edward Male Hudson Mary Ann Female Roebourne
1906/5600002 Roebourne Fisher Evelyn Mary Female Bickerton Alfred Lloyd Male Roebourne
1906/5600002 Roebourne Bickerton Alfred Lloyd Male Fisher Evelyn Mary Female Roebourne
1907/5900001 Subiaco Woolcock Lily Maude Female Parncutt John Male Subiaco
1907/5900001 Subiaco Parncutt John Male Woolcock Lily Maude Female Subiaco
1907/5900002 Subiaco Hewitt Annie Female Edward Arthur Finley Male Subiaco
1906/5900002 Subiaco Cumming Maud Female Atkinson George Alfred Male Subiaco
1906/5900002 Subiaco Atkinson George Alfred Male Cumming Maud Female Subiaco
1907/5900002 Subiaco Edward Arthur Finley Male Hewitt Annie Female Subiaco
1907/5900003 Subiaco Smith Winifred Margaret Female Ellis Ernest John Male Subiaco
1907/5900003 Subiaco Ellis Ernest John Male Smith Winifred Margaret Female Subiaco
1907/5900004 Subiaco Fee Percival James Male Harris Eva Jane Female Subiaco
1906/5900004 Subiaco Jones George Charles Male Lush Ellen Jane Female Subiaco
1907/5900004 Subiaco Harris Eva Jane Female Fee Percival James Male Subiaco
1906/5900004 Subiaco Lush Ellen Jane Female Jones George Charles Male Subiaco
1906/5900005 Subiaco Booker Daphne May Female Mogridge Henry Charles Male Subiaco
1906/5900005 Subiaco Mogridge Henry Charles Male Booker Daphne May Female Subiaco
1906/5900006 Subiaco Johnson Edith Henrietta Grace Female Richardson Alfred George Male Subiaco
1906/5900006 Subiaco Richardson Alfred George Male Johnson Edith Henrietta Grace Female Subiaco
1906/5900007 Subiaco Blamire Margaret Female Osborn Edward Oliver Male Subiaco
1906/5900007 Subiaco Osborn Edward Oliver Male Blamire Margaret Female Subiaco
1907/5900007 Subiaco Pizer Arthur Male Hynes Mary Teresa Female Subiaco
1907/5900007 Subiaco Hynes Mary Teresa Female Pizer Arthur Male Subiaco
1906/5900008 Subiaco Falconer John Trainor Male Miller Jannet Louisa Female Subiaco
1906/5900008 Subiaco Miller Jannet Louisa Female Falconer John Trainor Male Subiaco
1906/5900009 Subiaco Wilks Mabel Jane Female O'Connell William Male Subiaco
1906/5900009 Subiaco O'Connell William Male Wilks Mabel Jane Female Subiaco
1906/5900010 Subiaco Trowse William Charles Male Hayles Elizabeth Henrietta Female Subiaco
1906/5900010 Subiaco Hayles Elizabeth Henrietta Female Trowse William Charles Male Subiaco
1906/5900011 Subiaco Jackson Charles Hargraves Male Milne Sara Ada Female Subiaco
1906/5900011 Subiaco Milne Sara Ada Female Jackson Charles Hargraves Male Subiaco
1906/5900012 Subiaco Richards Blodwin Female Kitchener Charles Male Subiaco
1906/5900012 Subiaco Kitchener Charles Male Richards Blodwin Female Subiaco
1906/5900013 Subiaco Braysher William Charles Male Laidlaw Isabella Female Subiaco
1906/5900013 Subiaco Laidlaw Isabella Female Braysher William Charles Male Subiaco
1906/5900014 Subiaco Bath Honor Maude Female Mole William Francis Male Subiaco
1906/5900014 Subiaco Mole William Francis Male Bath Honor Maude Female Subiaco
1906/5900015 Subiaco Bolt Archibald Male Packer Lily Florence Female Subiaco
1906/5900015 Subiaco Packer Lily Florence Female Bolt Archibald Male Subiaco
1906/5900016 Subiaco Filewood May Female Austin William Joseph Male Subiaco
1906/5900016 Subiaco Austin William Joseph Male Filewood May Female Subiaco
1906/5900017 Subiaco McLaren Gilbert Male May Dorothy Annison Female Subiaco
1906/5900017 Subiaco May Dorothy Annison Female McLaren Gilbert Male Subiaco
1906/5900018 Subiaco Preston Nellie Maud Female Lightfoot Henry Alfred Male Subiaco
1906/5900018 Subiaco Lightfoot Henry Alfred Male Preston Nellie Maud Female Subiaco
1906/5900019 Subiaco Sanders William John Henry Male Storry Flossie Louisa Female Subiaco
1906/5900019 Subiaco Storry Flossie Louisa Female Sanders William John Henry Male Subiaco
1906/5900020 Subiaco Gepp Thomas Arthur Male Sibley Amelia Gertrude Female Subiaco
1906/5900020 Subiaco Sibley Amelia Gertrude Female Gepp Thomas Arthur Male Subiaco
1906/5900021 Subiaco O'Connor Frederick Francis Male Hennett Harriett Klara Female Subiaco
1906/5900021 Subiaco Hennett Harriett Klara Female O'Connor Frederick Francis Male Subiaco
1906/5900022 Subiaco Daebritz Caroline Emilie Martha Female Abadee Isaac Male Subiaco
1906/5900022 Subiaco Abadee Isaac Male Daebritz Caroline Emilie Martha Female Subiaco
1906/5900023 Subiaco Swaine Ida Violetta Female Jorgenson Henry James Hansen Male Subiaco
1906/5900023 Subiaco Jorgenson Henry James Hansen Male Swaine Ida Violetta Female Subiaco
1906/5900024 Subiaco Gerrans Maria Female Hiam James Male Subiaco
1906/5900024 Subiaco Hiam James Male Gerrans Maria Female Subiaco
1906/5900025 Subiaco Lawrence George Samuel Male Rodger Florence Female Subiaco
1906/5900025 Subiaco Rodger Florence Female Lawrence George Samuel Male Subiaco
1906/5900026 Subiaco Fenn William Courtney Male Treble Elizabeth Mary Female Subiaco
1906/5900026 Subiaco Treble Elizabeth Mary Female Fenn William Courtney Male Subiaco
1906/5900027 Subiaco Sturne Antonette Amanda Melida Female Cawthorne Edward William Male Subiaco
1906/5900027 Subiaco Cawthorne Edward William Male Sturne Antonette Amanda Melida Female Subiaco
1906/5900028 Subiaco Reeves Harold John Male Hillier Margaret Ethel Female Subiaco
1906/5900028 Subiaco Hillier Margaret Ethel Female Reeves Harold John Male Subiaco
1906/5900029 Subiaco Kilmartin Catherine Female Connaughton Fred Male Subiaco
1906/5900029 Subiaco Connaughton Fred Male Kilmartin Catherine Female Subiaco
1906/5900030 Subiaco Kilmartin Bridget Ellen Female Peterkin James Male Subiaco
1906/5900030 Subiaco Peterkin James Male Kilmartin Bridget Ellen Female Subiaco
1906/5900031 Subiaco Mansfield Adelaide May Female Durack Michael Richard Male Subiaco
1906/5900031 Subiaco Durack Michael Richard Male Mansfield Adelaide May Female Subiaco
1906/5900032 Subiaco Phipps Susannah Female Sullivan Joseph Patrick Male Subiaco
1906/5900032 Subiaco Sullivan Joseph Patrick Male Phipps Susannah Female Subiaco
1906/5900033 Subiaco May Florance Female Lewis Fredrick Male Subiaco
1906/5900033 Subiaco Lewis Fredrick Male May Florance Female Subiaco
1906/5900034 Subiaco Grier Maude Marian Female Hay John Fraser Male Subiaco
1906/5900034 Subiaco Hay John Fraser Male Grier Maude Marian Female Subiaco
1906/5900035 Subiaco Lording Walter Male Nixon Ellie Mary Ellis Female Subiaco
1906/5900035 Subiaco Nixon Ellie Mary Ellis Female Lording Walter Male Subiaco
1906/5900036 Subiaco Young Eveleen May Female Hamilton Matthew Henry Male Subiaco
1906/5900036 Subiaco Hamilton Matthew Henry Male Young Eveleen May Female Subiaco
1906/5900037 Subiaco Clayton Alfred Lloyd Male Barnett Charlotte Female Subiaco
1906/5900037 Subiaco Barnett Charlotte Female Clayton Alfred Lloyd Male Subiaco
1906/5900038 Subiaco Paris George William Male Millar Louise Female Subiaco
1906/5900038 Subiaco Millar Louise Female Paris George William Male Subiaco
1906/5900039 Subiaco Phillips George Edward Male Lean Elizabeth Female Subiaco
1906/5900039 Subiaco Lean Elizabeth Female Phillips George Edward Male Subiaco
1906/5900040 Subiaco Greer Melville Shaw Male Ottaway Hilda Madeline Female Subiaco
1906/5900040 Subiaco Ottaway Hilda Madeline Female Greer Melville Shaw Male Subiaco
1906/5900041 Subiaco Ryan Josephine Female O'Brien Laurence Male Subiaco
1906/5900041 Subiaco O'Brien Laurence Male Ryan Josephine Female Subiaco
1906/5900042 Subiaco Jones Owen Bouch Male Bohan Hannah Julia Female Subiaco
1906/5900042 Subiaco Bohan Hannah Julia Female Jones Owen Bouch Male Subiaco
1906/5900043 Subiaco Henderson Hugh Murray Male Marcussen Matilda Agnes Female Subiaco
1906/5900043 Subiaco Marcussen Matilda Agnes Female Henderson Hugh Murray Male Subiaco
1906/5900044 Subiaco Price Alan Male Saunders Emily Elizabeth Female Subiaco
1906/5900044 Subiaco Saunders Emily Elizabeth Female Price Alan Male Subiaco
1906/5900045 Subiaco Lacey Dorothy Elizabeth Female Evans Arthur Henry Male Subiaco
1906/5900045 Subiaco Evans Arthur Henry Male Lacey Dorothy Elizabeth Female Subiaco
1906/5900046 Subiaco Ritter Frances Rosalia Dorada Female Utting Lewis James Male Subiaco
1906/5900046 Subiaco Utting Lewis James Male Ritter Frances Rosalia Dorada Female Subiaco
1906/5900047 Subiaco Bache Carrie Snowe Female Tuke Stanley Male Subiaco
1906/5900047 Subiaco Tuke Stanley Male Bache Carrie Snowe Female Subiaco
1906/5900048 Subiaco Considine Andrew Male Slack Agnes Female Subiaco
1906/5900048 Subiaco Slack Agnes Female Considine Andrew Male Subiaco
1906/5900049 Subiaco Hindson Elizabeth Margaret Female Dawson Horace Frederick Male Subiaco
1906/5900049 Subiaco Dawson Horace Frederick Male Hindson Elizabeth Margaret Female Subiaco
1906/5900050 Subiaco Murrin Francis Frederick Male Longley Minnie Adelaide Female Subiaco
1906/5900050 Subiaco Longley Minnie Adelaide Female Murrin Francis Frederick Male Subiaco
1906/5900051 Subiaco Booker George Thorpe Male Hewitt Ada Annie Female Subiaco
1906/5900051 Subiaco Hewitt Ada Annie Female Booker George Thorpe Male Subiaco
1906/5900052 Subiaco Wannell James Henry Male Sheldon Alice Female Subiaco
1906/5900052 Subiaco Sheldon Alice Female Wannell James Henry Male Subiaco
1906/5900053 Subiaco Marcussen Helena Charlotte Female Thomas Charles Male Subiaco
1906/5900053 Subiaco Thomas Charles Male Marcussen Helena Charlotte Female Subiaco
1906/5900054 Subiaco Don Elizabeth Ann Female Bomford Thomas Hemming Male Subiaco
1906/5900054 Subiaco Bomford Thomas Hemming Male Don Elizabeth Ann Female Subiaco
1906/5900055 Subiaco Pearce Arthur George Male Miskavicz Magdalene Johanna Female Subiaco
1906/5900055 Subiaco Miskavicz Magdalene Johanna Female Pearce Arthur George Male Subiaco
1906/5900056 Subiaco Sloan May Hilda Maud Female Buttfield Felix Alec John Male Subiaco
1906/5900056 Subiaco Buttfield Felix Alec John Male Sloan May Hilda Maud Female Subiaco
1906/5900057 Subiaco Robertson Halbert Gordon Male Colls Olive Female Subiaco
1906/5900057 Subiaco Colls Olive Female Robertson Halbert Gordon Male Subiaco
1906/5900058 Subiaco Bebee Violet Denmead Female Hutchison Thomas Male Subiaco
1906/5900058 Subiaco Hutchison Thomas Male Bebee Violet Denmead Female Subiaco
1906/5900059 Subiaco Dunstan Stephen Henry William Male Allen Ellen Jane Female Subiaco
1906/5900059 Subiaco Allen Ellen Jane Female Dunstan Stephen Henry William Male Subiaco
1906/5900060 Subiaco Thamm Carl Friederich Wilhelm Male Strongman Kate Female Subiaco
1906/5900060 Subiaco Strongman Kate Female Thamm Carl Friederich Wilhelm Male Subiaco
1906/5900061 Subiaco Neal Walter Robert Male Limbert Jessie Maud Female Subiaco
1906/5900061 Subiaco Limbert Jessie Maud Female Neal Walter Robert Male Subiaco
1906/5900062 Subiaco Rundle Clara Ethel Female Campion Joseph Alfred Male Subiaco
1906/5900062 Subiaco Campion Joseph Alfred Male Rundle Clara Ethel Female Subiaco
1906/5900063 Subiaco Gleeson Annie Female Jack John Francis Male Subiaco
1906/5900063 Subiaco Jack John Francis Male Gleeson Annie Female Subiaco
1906/5900064 Subiaco Cornish Elizabeth Henrietta Female Bennett Ashton Male Subiaco
1906/5900064 Subiaco Bennett Ashton Male Cornish Elizabeth Henrietta Female Subiaco
1906/5900065 Subiaco Affleck Wilhelmina Wells Female Cahill John Male Subiaco
1906/5900065 Subiaco Cahill John Male Affleck Wilhelmina Wells Female Subiaco
1906/6000001 Sussex Brennan Patience Mary Agnes Female Eatt Herbert Horace Male Augusta
1906/6000001 Sussex Eatt Herbert Horace Male Brennan Patience Mary Agnes Female Augusta
1906/6000002 Sussex Walsh Annie Josephine Female Lunn William Henry Male Busselton
1906/6000002 Sussex Lunn William Henry Male Walsh Annie Josephine Female Busselton
1906/6000003 Sussex Carter Percy Male Smith Emily Helena Female Quindalup
1906/6000003 Sussex Smith Emily Helena Female Carter Percy Male Quindalup
1906/6000004 Sussex Barker James Male Mattson Ethel Maud Hadley Female Busselton
1906/6000004 Sussex Mattson Ethel Maud Hadley Female Barker James Male Busselton
1906/6000005 Sussex Deer Rebecca Matilda Female Middleton Henry Male Augusta
1906/6000005 Sussex Middleton Henry Male Deer Rebecca Matilda Female Augusta
1906/6000006 Sussex Long George Male Grey Rose Female Margaret River
1906/6000006 Sussex Grey Rose Female Long George Male Margaret River
1906/6000007 Sussex McDaniell Leonard Male O'Meara Kathleen Mary Female Busselton
1906/6000007 Sussex O'Meara Kathleen Mary Female McDaniell Leonard Male Busselton
1906/6000008 Sussex Corry Walter Alexander Male Scott Elsie Agnes Rose Female Jarrahdene
1906/6000008 Sussex Scott Elsie Agnes Rose Female Corry Walter Alexander Male Jarrahdene
1906/6000009 Sussex Rowland Elizabeth Female Lightly Francis Male Newtown
1906/6000009 Sussex Lightly Francis Male Rowland Elizabeth Female Newtown
1906/6000010 Sussex Hastwell Walter Male Mann Esther Female Busselton
1906/6000010 Sussex Mann Esther Female Hastwell Walter Male Busselton
1906/6100001 Swan Wyle Christiana Mary Female Duncan Ernest Aubrey Male Midland Junction
1906/6100001 Swan Duncan Ernest Aubrey Male Wyle Christiana Mary Female Midland Junction
1906/6100003 Swan Shakeshaft Henry Thomas Male Kendall Edith Female Midland Junction
1906/6100003 Swan Kendall Edith Female Shakeshaft Henry Thomas Male Midland Junction
1906/6100004 Swan Harley George Phillip Male McGlew Ruby Mildred Female Smith's Mill
1906/6100004 Swan McGlew Ruby Mildred Female Harley George Phillip Male Smith's Mill
1907/6100005 Swan Dalgleish Louisa Female Calnon William Male Guildford
1906/6100005 Swan Hughes George Male McMaster Jean Female Guildford
1907/6100005 Swan Calnon William Male Dalgleish Louisa Female Guildford
1906/6100005 Swan McMaster Jean Female Hughes George Male Guildford
1907/6100006 Swan Keleher William James Male Barker Minnie Female Middle Swan
1907/6100006 Swan Barker Minnie Female Keleher William James Male Middle Swan
1906/6100006 Swan Nelson Elizabeth Smythe Female Longhurst Arthur Charles Melrose Male Midland Junction
1906/6100006 Swan Longhurst Arthur Charles Melrose Male Nelson Elizabeth Smythe Female Midland Junction
1906/6100007 Swan Brown Ellen Barton Female Forsyth George Douglas Male Midland Junction
1907/6100007 Swan White Jane Irene Female White James Male Guildford
1906/6100007 Swan Forsyth George Douglas Male Brown Ellen Barton Female Midland Junction
1907/6100007 Swan White James Male White Jane Irene Female Guildford
1906/6100008 Swan Davis Walter Herbert Male Johnson Janie Constance Female Guildford
1907/6100008 Swan Annetts Albert Edward Male Myerson Maud Beatrice Reid Female Kalamunda
1907/6100008 Swan Myerson Maud Beatrice Reid Female Annetts Albert Edward Male Kalamunda
1906/6100008 Swan Johnson Janie Constance Female Davis Walter Herbert Male Guildford
1906/6100009 Swan Price Ida May Female Stuart James White Male Midland Junction
1906/6100009 Swan Stuart James White Male Price Ida May Female Midland Junction
1906/6100010 Swan Mooney George Thomas Male Coulson Bertha Female Middle Swan
1906/6100010 Swan Coulson Bertha Female Mooney George Thomas Male Middle Swan
1906/6100011 Swan Billett Rebecca Jane Female Chester Hubert Henry Male Middle Swan
1906/6100011 Swan Chester Hubert Henry Male Billett Rebecca Jane Female Middle Swan
1906/6100012 Swan Robinson Annetta Female Birt William John Male Guildford
1906/6100012 Swan Birt William John Male Robinson Annetta Female Guildford
1906/6100013 Swan Flint Lucy Caroline Female Carson Lauerence Edwin Male Smiths Mill
1906/6100013 Swan Carson Lauerence Edwin Male Flint Lucy Caroline Female Smiths Mill
1906/6100016 Swan Teahan Annie Female O'Donovan Patrick Male Guildford
1906/6100016 Swan O'Donovan Patrick Male Teahan Annie Female Guildford
1906/6100017 Swan Rice William Male Odgers Mary Hannah Female Guildford
1906/6100017 Swan Odgers Mary Hannah Female Rice William Male Guildford
1906/6100018 Swan Staunton Henry Vernon Male Boladeras Mary Jane Female Midland Junction
1906/6100018 Swan Boladeras Mary Jane Female Staunton Henry Vernon Male Midland Junction
1906/6100019 Swan Hesford Mary Ellen Female Hodgkinson Charles James Male Guildford
1906/6100019 Swan Hodgkinson Charles James Male Hesford Mary Ellen Female Guildford
1906/6100020 Swan Thompson Alfred Male McGough Mary Ann Female Midland Junction
1906/6100020 Swan McGough Mary Ann Female Thompson Alfred Male Midland Junction
1906/6100021 Swan Lori Guiseppi Male Lauffer Susanne Catherine Frances Female Midland Junction
1906/6100021 Swan Lauffer Susanne Catherine Frances Female Lori Guiseppi Male Midland Junction
1906/6100022 Swan Harvey Edith Maude Female Jones Arnold Ferguson Male Guildford
1906/6100022 Swan Jones Arnold Ferguson Male Harvey Edith Maude Female Guildford
1906/6100025 Swan Walsh Ethel May Female McDonald Richard Alexander Male Guildford
1906/6100025 Swan McDonald Richard Alexander Male Walsh Ethel May Female Guildford
1906/6100026 Swan Laurissen William Patrick Male Weeden Mary Ann Bridget Female Midland Junction
1906/6100026 Swan Weeden Mary Ann Bridget Female Laurissen William Patrick Male Midland Junction
1906/6100027 Swan Cutting George Arthur Male Eckert Jane Helena Female Guildford
1906/6100027 Swan Eckert Jane Helena Female Cutting George Arthur Male Guildford
1906/6100028 Swan Stevens Frances Edith Blanche Female Stephens Wilfred Male Midland Junction
1906/6100028 Swan Stephens Wilfred Male Stevens Frances Edith Blanche Female Midland Junction
1906/6100029 Swan Shepherd Fredrick Male Ferguson Adeline Matilda Female Middle Swan
1906/6100029 Swan Ferguson Adeline Matilda Female Shepherd Fredrick Male Middle Swan
1906/6100030 Swan Cooper Ernest Male Williamson Hannah Female Guildford
1906/6100030 Swan Williamson Hannah Female Cooper Ernest Male Guildford
1906/6100031 Swan Dedman George Joseph Male Graham Carlotta Maude Female Midland Junction
1906/6100031 Swan Graham Carlotta Maude Female Dedman George Joseph Male Midland Junction
1906/6100032 Swan Broadwood James Male Harper Annie Female Midland Junction
1906/6100032 Swan Harper Annie Female Broadwood James Male Midland Junction
1906/6100033 Swan Rogers Nicholas John Spurgeon Male Blight Elizabeth Ann Female Guildford
1906/6100033 Swan Blight Elizabeth Ann Female Rogers Nicholas John Spurgeon Male Guildford
1906/6100034 Swan Inkpen Wesley Carter Male Hill Emily Female Guildford
1906/6100034 Swan Hill Emily Female Inkpen Wesley Carter Male Guildford
1906/6100035 Swan Deschamp August Louis Male Price Annie Olive Female Midland Junction
1906/6100035 Swan Price Annie Olive Female Deschamp August Louis Male Midland Junction
1906/6100036 Swan Edwards Maud Ellen Female Smith James Thomas Male West Midland
1906/6100036 Swan Smith James Thomas Male Edwards Maud Ellen Female West Midland
1906/6100037 Swan Cattach William Henry Male Eades Lucy Edna Female Guildford
1906/6100037 Swan Eades Lucy Edna Female Cattach William Henry Male Guildford
1906/6100038 Swan Coulthard John Francis Male Laurissen Elizabeth Female Greenmount
1906/6100038 Swan Laurissen Elizabeth Female Coulthard John Francis Male Greenmount
1906/6100039 Swan Thompson Clara Maude Female Ellis Josiah Male Midland Junction
1906/6100039 Swan Ellis Josiah Male Thompson Clara Maude Female Midland Junction
1906/6100040 Swan Grace William Joseph Male Struthers Ellen Female Midland Junction
1906/6100040 Swan Struthers Ellen Female Grace William Joseph Male Midland Junction
1906/6100041 Swan Castle May Victoria Female Dermer Frederick Edwin Male Midland Junction
1906/6100041 Swan Dermer Frederick Edwin Male Castle May Victoria Female Midland Junction
1906/6100042 Swan Gray Henry Dickinson Male McPherson Katie Esther Female Midland Junction
1906/6100042 Swan McPherson Katie Esther Female Gray Henry Dickinson Male Midland Junction
1906/6100043 Swan Phipps Gladys May Female Black William Male Guildford
1906/6100043 Swan Black William Male Phipps Gladys May Female Guildford
1906/6100044 Swan O'Brien Robert Male Clark Marion McKinnon Female Guildford
1906/6100044 Swan Clark Marion McKinnon Female O'Brien Robert Male Guildford
1906/6100045 Swan Lawrence Rosina Caroline Female Robinson Arthur Male Guildford
1906/6100045 Swan Robinson Arthur Male Lawrence Rosina Caroline Female Guildford
1906/6100046 Swan Crosbie Robert James Male Guy Nellie Female Midland Junction
1906/6100046 Swan Guy Nellie Female Crosbie Robert James Male Midland Junction
1906/6100047 Swan Morley Mary Female Jones Leslie William Male Guildford
1906/6100047 Swan Jones Leslie William Male Morley Mary Female Guildford
1906/6100048 Swan Livesey Olive Emma Female Black David Peter Male Midland Junction
1906/6100048 Swan Black David Peter Male Livesey Olive Emma Female Midland Junction
1906/6100049 Swan Campbell Amelia Female Laurissen Arthur Male Guildford
1906/6100049 Swan Laurissen Arthur Male Campbell Amelia Female Guildford
1906/6100050 Swan Mead Elsie May Lottie Female Savell William Male Kalamunda
1906/6100050 Swan Savell William Male Mead Elsie May Lottie Female Kalamunda
1906/6100051 Swan Dau John Henry Robert Male Pettit Susannah Maude Female Guildford
1906/6100051 Swan Pettit Susannah Maude Female Dau John Henry Robert Male Guildford
1906/6100052 Swan Rogers Lilian Louise Female Smart Percival Horace Male Guildford
1906/6100052 Swan Smart Percival Horace Male Rogers Lilian Louise Female Guildford
1906/6100053 Swan Griffiths Sydney James Male Sinclair Ellen Louisa Female Middle Swan
1906/6100053 Swan Sinclair Ellen Louisa Female Griffiths Sydney James Male Middle Swan
1906/6100054 Swan Timms George Male Butt Laura Female Midland Junction
1906/6100054 Swan Butt Laura Female Timms George Male Midland Junction
1906/6100055 Swan Cole Edith May Female Devereux Junr John Male Guildford
1906/6100055 Swan Devereux Junr John Male Cole Edith May Female Guildford
1906/6100056 Swan Ward Mary Female Wright Charles Male Guildford
1906/6100056 Swan Wright Charles Male Ward Mary Female Guildford
1906/6100057 Swan Blampied Elise Josephine Female Hesford Thomas William Male Midland Junction
1906/6100057 Swan Hesford Thomas William Male Blampied Elise Josephine Female Midland Junction
1906/6100058 Swan Corbitt Emily Female Hicks Dalton James Robert Male Guildford
1906/6100058 Swan Hicks Dalton James Robert Male Corbitt Emily Female Guildford
1906/6100059 Swan Hodge William John Male Hayley Ada Female Midland Junction
1906/6100059 Swan Hayley Ada Female Hodge William John Male Midland Junction
1906/6100060 Swan Higgins Ethel Maud Female Carter William Barwon Male Midland Junction
1906/6100060 Swan Carter William Barwon Male Higgins Ethel Maud Female Midland Junction
1906/6100061 Swan Gregg Samuel Herbert Male Fraser Isabella Mary Anne Female Midland Junction
1906/6100061 Swan Fraser Isabella Mary Anne Female Gregg Samuel Herbert Male Midland Junction
1906/6100062 Swan Perry Edith Jessie Female Hall Francis William Cole Male Midland Junction
1906/6100062 Swan Hall Francis William Cole Male Perry Edith Jessie Female Midland Junction
1906/6200003 Toodyay James Emma Jane Female Wedgwood William Male Newcastle
1906/6200003 Toodyay Wedgwood William Male James Emma Jane Female Newcastle
1906/6200004 Toodyay Maddocks Louisa Caroline Jane Female Giblett Henry James Male Goomalling
1906/6200004 Toodyay Giblett Henry James Male Maddocks Louisa Caroline Jane Female Goomalling
1906/6200005 Toodyay White Edward Hart Male Sinclair Ethel Alexandra Female Newcastle
1906/6200005 Toodyay Sinclair Ethel Alexandra Female White Edward Hart Male Newcastle
1906/6200006 Toodyay White Arthur David Male Watson Florence Selena Female Jennapullen
1906/6200006 Toodyay Watson Florence Selena Female White Arthur David Male Jennapullen
1906/6200007 Toodyay Forward Eliza Female Bennett George Hugh Male Goomalling
1906/6200007 Toodyay Bennett George Hugh Male Forward Eliza Female Goomalling
1906/6200008 Toodyay Doust Mercy Emily Female Beardman James Barker Male Newcastle
1906/6200008 Toodyay Beardman James Barker Male Doust Mercy Emily Female Newcastle
1906/6200009 Toodyay Ferguson Thomas William Male Chitty Elvia Martha Female Newcastle
1906/6200009 Toodyay Chitty Elvia Martha Female Ferguson Thomas William Male Newcastle
1906/6200010 Toodyay Lynch Mary Bridget Female Lockyer Horace Joseph Male Newcastle
1906/6200010 Toodyay Lockyer Horace Joseph Male Lynch Mary Bridget Female Newcastle
1906/6200011 Toodyay Anstey Thomas Male Walker Mary Isabel Female Newcastle
1906/6200011 Toodyay Walker Mary Isabel Female Anstey Thomas Male Newcastle
1906/6200012 Toodyay Bywaters Thomas Male Forward Charlotta Female Newcastle
1906/6200012 Toodyay Forward Charlotta Female Bywaters Thomas Male Newcastle
1906/6500001 Victoria Plains Smyth Robert Male Fitzgerald Elizabeth Female New Norcia
1907/6500001 Victoria Plains Huxley Ada Female Ward Henry Thomas Male Moora
1907/6500001 Victoria Plains Ward Henry Thomas Male Huxley Ada Female Moora
1906/6500001 Victoria Plains Fitzgerald Elizabeth Female Smyth Robert Male New Norcia
1906/6500002 Victoria Plains Newman Matilde Female Jackson William John Male New Norcia
1906/6500002 Victoria Plains Jackson William John Male Newman Matilde Female New Norcia
1906/6500003 Victoria Plains Indich Emilian Male Yapo Mary Ellen Female New Norcia
1906/6500003 Victoria Plains Yapo Mary Ellen Female Indich Emilian Male New Norcia
1906/6500004 Victoria Plains Ginguicoro Emily Female Williams David Male New Norcia
1906/6500004 Victoria Plains Williams David Male Ginguicoro Emily Female New Norcia
1906/6500005 Victoria Plains Griffin Mary Female Abdul Joseph Benedict Male New Norcia
1906/6500005 Victoria Plains Abdul Joseph Benedict Male Griffin Mary Female New Norcia
1906/6500006 Victoria Plains Binder William Male Calgaret Catharine Female New Norcia
1906/6500006 Victoria Plains Calgaret Catharine Female Binder William Male New Norcia
1906/6500007 Victoria Plains Mingoo Jack Male Calidy Mary Rose Female New Norcia
1906/6500007 Victoria Plains Calidy Mary Rose Female Mingoo Jack Male New Norcia
1906/6500008 Victoria Plains Burke Peter Francis Male Kelly Catherine Mary Female New Norcia
1906/6500008 Victoria Plains Kelly Catherine Mary Female Burke Peter Francis Male New Norcia
1906/6600001 Wellington Shaw Hugh Thomas Male Plester Mary Female Bunbury
1906/6600001 Wellington Plester Mary Female Shaw Hugh Thomas Male Bunbury
1907/6600002 Wellington Matthews John Male Steedman Ada Alice Female Collie
1907/6600002 Wellington Steedman Ada Alice Female Matthews John Male Collie
1906/6600002 Wellington Gardiner Beatrice Female Gibbs Henry Malcolm Male Upper Ferguson
1906/6600002 Wellington Gibbs Henry Malcolm Male Gardiner Beatrice Female Upper Ferguson
1906/6600003 Wellington Sims Ruby Elizabeth Female Munckton Charles Allen Male Near Brunswick
1906/6600003 Wellington Munckton Charles Allen Male Sims Ruby Elizabeth Female Near Brunswick
1906/6600004 Wellington Sullivan Mary Female Cross Thomas Male Collie
1906/6600004 Wellington Cross Thomas Male Sullivan Mary Female Collie
1906/6600005 Wellington Freestone Jane Female Wills August Male Bunbury
1906/6600005 Wellington Wills August Male Freestone Jane Female Bunbury
1906/6600006 Wellington Cole Mabel Female Wenn Ebenezer Henry Male South Bunbury
1906/6600006 Wellington Wenn Ebenezer Henry Male Cole Mabel Female South Bunbury
1906/6600007 Wellington Walsh Florence Female Guppy Luther John Male Bunbury
1906/6600007 Wellington Guppy Luther John Male Walsh Florence Female Bunbury
1906/6600008 Wellington Prosser Ellen Female Bradfield Henry William Male Bunbury
1906/6600008 Wellington Bradfield Henry William Male Prosser Ellen Female Bunbury
1906/6600009 Wellington Shivers Jane Female Watson Walter Ernest Male Bunbury
1906/6600009 Wellington Watson Walter Ernest Male Shivers Jane Female Bunbury
1906/6600010 Wellington Jones Frederick Charles Male Devereaux Elizabeth Sarah Female Guildford
1906/6600010 Wellington Devereaux Elizabeth Sarah Female Jones Frederick Charles Male Guildford
1906/6600011 Wellington Magnussen Edith Rose Female Egan-Lee Louis Edward Male Collie
1906/6600011 Wellington Egan-Lee Louis Edward Male Magnussen Edith Rose Female Collie
1906/6600012 Wellington Merchant Emily Female Boyd Henry Male Yarloop
1906/6600012 Wellington Boyd Henry Male Merchant Emily Female Yarloop
1906/6600013 Wellington Alting John Manus Male Price Frances Lucy Victoria Female Bunbury
1906/6600013 Wellington Price Frances Lucy Victoria Female Alting John Manus Male Bunbury
1906/6600014 Wellington Hann George Male Saunders Blanche Silma Female Collie
1906/6600014 Wellington Saunders Blanche Silma Female Hann George Male Collie
1906/6600015 Wellington Hollis Edwin James Male Cook Charlotte Female Collie
1906/6600015 Wellington Cook Charlotte Female Hollis Edwin James Male Collie
1906/6600016 Wellington Hutton John Thomas Male McCaffreay Catherine Female Capel
1906/6600016 Wellington McCaffreay Catherine Female Hutton John Thomas Male Capel
1906/6600017 Wellington Trigwell John Male Fisher Violet Ethel Female Upper Preston
1906/6600017 Wellington Fisher Violet Ethel Female Trigwell John Male Upper Preston
1906/6600018 Wellington Wright Henry Male Beange Alitia Simpson Female Collie
1906/6600018 Wellington Beange Alitia Simpson Female Wright Henry Male Collie
1906/6600019 Wellington Williams Cecilia Annice Female McGarry John Bernard Male Bunbury
1906/6600019 Wellington McGarry John Bernard Male Williams Cecilia Annice Female Bunbury
1906/6600020 Wellington Morgan Alma Female Fogarty George Male Dardanup
1906/6600020 Wellington Fogarty George Male Morgan Alma Female Dardanup
1906/6600021 Wellington Coonan Mary Laura Female Smith John Male Dardanup
1906/6600021 Wellington Smith John Male Coonan Mary Laura Female Dardanup
1906/6600022 Wellington Hickey Catherine Female Hawkins Thomas Male Capel
1906/6600022 Wellington Hawkins Thomas Male Hickey Catherine Female Capel
1906/6600023 Wellington Richardson Charles Male Barnes Elsie Maude Female Bunbury
1906/6600023 Wellington Barnes Elsie Maude Female Richardson Charles Male Bunbury
1906/6600024 Wellington Rich Mary Campbell Female Reynolds William Charles Ernest Male Picton
1906/6600024 Wellington Reynolds William Charles Ernest Male Rich Mary Campbell Female Picton
1906/6600025 Wellington Rinder John Benjamin Male Elias Edith Ethel Lucy Female Collie
1906/6600025 Wellington Elias Edith Ethel Lucy Female Rinder John Benjamin Male Collie
1906/6600026 Wellington Coolahan Edward James Male Jones Maud Annie Female Bunbury
1906/6600026 Wellington Jones Maud Annie Female Coolahan Edward James Male Bunbury
1906/6600027 Wellington Crampton Daisy Hilda Female Adams Joseph James Male Cookernup
1906/6600027 Wellington Adams Joseph James Male Crampton Daisy Hilda Female Cookernup
1906/6600028 Wellington Teague James Male Neal Esther Female South Bunbury
1906/6600028 Wellington Neal Esther Female Teague James Male South Bunbury
1906/6600029 Wellington Grove William Edward Male Sloan Ada Elizabeth Female Bunbury
1906/6600029 Wellington Sloan Ada Elizabeth Female Grove William Edward Male Bunbury
1906/6600030 Wellington McEwin John Male Goodall Alice Maud Female Cookernup
1906/6600030 Wellington Goodall Alice Maud Female McEwin John Male Cookernup
1906/6600031 Wellington Griffith Thomas Male Toquazzini Ellen Female Bunbury
1906/6600031 Wellington Toquazzini Ellen Female Griffith Thomas Male Bunbury
1906/6600032 Wellington Preston William Male Whiteaker Lettice Ann Female Collie
1906/6600032 Wellington Whiteaker Lettice Ann Female Preston William Male Collie
1906/6600033 Wellington Betrix Jules Henry Male Lowe Louisa Eliza Female South Bunbury
1906/6600033 Wellington Lowe Louisa Eliza Female Betrix Jules Henry Male South Bunbury
1906/6600034 Wellington Sexton William Edward Male Sinclair Alethea Rachael Female Picton
1906/6600034 Wellington Sinclair Alethea Rachael Female Sexton William Edward Male Picton
1906/6600035 Wellington Hood Edward John Male Wilkes Rebecca Female Picton
1906/6600035 Wellington Wilkes Rebecca Female Hood Edward John Male Picton
1906/6600036 Wellington Williams Grace Evelyn Female Richards William Henry Male Capel
1906/6600036 Wellington Richards William Henry Male Williams Grace Evelyn Female Capel
1906/6600037 Wellington Ayers Fred Male Carney Ruth Amelia Female Bunbury
1906/6600037 Wellington Carney Ruth Amelia Female Ayers Fred Male Bunbury
1906/6600038 Wellington Hanrahan William Male Kaiser Helena Elizabeth Female Wellington Mill
1906/6600038 Wellington Kaiser Helena Elizabeth Female Hanrahan William Male Wellington Mill
1906/6600039 Wellington Bruce William Male Ferris Bridget Mary Female Bunbury
1906/6600039 Wellington Ferris Bridget Mary Female Bruce William Male Bunbury
1906/6600040 Wellington Clarke Jane Emma Female Ross Lewis Angus Male Picton
1906/6600040 Wellington Ross Lewis Angus Male Clarke Jane Emma Female Picton
1906/6600041 Wellington Rose Florence Female Adeney Stanwell Alfred Male Bunbury
1906/6600041 Wellington Adeney Stanwell Alfred Male Rose Florence Female Bunbury
1906/6600042 Wellington Reynolds Lilian Mary Female Anderson John Male South Bunbury
1906/6600042 Wellington Anderson John Male Reynolds Lilian Mary Female South Bunbury
1906/6600043 Wellington Clarke Charles Lionel Male Lowe Elvina Mary Female Bunbury
1906/6600043 Wellington Lowe Elvina Mary Female Clarke Charles Lionel Male Bunbury
1906/6600044 Wellington Dye Frank Stanley Male Hay Dorothy Nina Female South Bunbury
1906/6600044 Wellington Hay Dorothy Nina Female Dye Frank Stanley Male South Bunbury
1906/6600045 Wellington Lawrance Clarance William Male Scott Laura Evlyn Female South Bunbury
1906/6600045 Wellington Scott Laura Evlyn Female Lawrance Clarance William Male South Bunbury
1906/6600046 Wellington Atkins Mary Teresa Female McGarry James Robert Male Bunbury
1906/6600046 Wellington McGarry James Robert Male Atkins Mary Teresa Female Bunbury
1906/6600047 Wellington Browne George Lionel Male Jackson Frances Mary Female Collie
1906/6600047 Wellington Jackson Frances Mary Female Browne George Lionel Male Collie
1906/6600048 Wellington Bruce Arthur Male Hutton Ada Ethel Female Bunbury
1906/6600048 Wellington Hutton Ada Ethel Female Bruce Arthur Male Bunbury
1906/6600049 Wellington Henery Rachel Ellen Female Wilson Henry Duckett Male Bunbury
1906/6600049 Wellington Wilson Henry Duckett Male Henery Rachel Ellen Female Bunbury
1906/6600050 Wellington Harvey Ernest Albert Jose Male Tyler Doris Female Collie
1906/6600050 Wellington Tyler Doris Female Harvey Ernest Albert Jose Male Collie
1906/6600051 Wellington Weir James Thomas Male Grant Mary Ethel Female Collie
1906/6600051 Wellington Grant Mary Ethel Female Weir James Thomas Male Collie
1906/6600052 Wellington Skinner Percy Male Macaulay Mary Ann Female Collie
1906/6600052 Wellington Macaulay Mary Ann Female Skinner Percy Male Collie
1906/6600053 Wellington Harrison Reynold Oscar Male Hornsby Florence Victoria Female South Bunbury
1906/6600053 Wellington Hornsby Florence Victoria Female Harrison Reynold Oscar Male South Bunbury
1906/6600054 Wellington Cridland Eva Rose Female Bray Charles Henry Male South Bunbury
1906/6600054 Wellington Bray Charles Henry Male Cridland Eva Rose Female South Bunbury
1906/6600055 Wellington Jeffery William Male Robinson Laura Female Brookhampton
1906/6600055 Wellington Robinson Laura Female Jeffery William Male Brookhampton
1906/6600056 Wellington Hickman Paul Male Henderson Emily Agnes Female Bunbury
1906/6600056 Wellington Henderson Emily Agnes Female Hickman Paul Male Bunbury
1906/6600057 Wellington Draper Charles Victor Male Johnson May Godschall Female Bunbury
1906/6600057 Wellington Johnson May Godschall Female Draper Charles Victor Male Bunbury
1906/6600058 Wellington Resta Emilio Male Resta Lucia Female Dardanup
1906/6600058 Wellington Resta Lucia Female Resta Emilio Male Dardanup
1906/6600059 Wellington McEwan Rebecca Female McLeod James Male Collie
1906/6600059 Wellington McLeod James Male McEwan Rebecca Female Collie
1906/6600060 Wellington Ackary Edith Emma Female Chapman Edward Male Bunbury
1906/6600060 Wellington Chapman Edward Male Ackary Edith Emma Female Bunbury
1906/6600061 Wellington Dixon Constance Harcourt Female Hawkes William John Male Bunbury
1906/6600061 Wellington Hawkes William John Male Dixon Constance Harcourt Female Bunbury
1906/6600062 Wellington Barbary Susan Female Wicksteed Thomas Barton Male Bunbury
1906/6600062 Wellington Wicksteed Thomas Barton Male Barbary Susan Female Bunbury
1906/6600063 Wellington McEwin Beatrice Ruth Violet Female Seambler Thomas Henry Male Cookernup
1906/6600063 Wellington Seambler Thomas Henry Male McEwin Beatrice Ruth Violet Female Cookernup
1906/6600064 Wellington Luke Ellen Matilda Female Hayward Thomas Male Donnybrook
1906/6600064 Wellington Hayward Thomas Male Luke Ellen Matilda Female Donnybrook
1906/6600065 Wellington Fraser Mary Female Fletcher William Male Collie
1906/6600065 Wellington Fletcher William Male Fraser Mary Female Collie
1906/6600066 Wellington Baum Frederick James Male Lightfoot Mary Eleanor Female Collie Cardiff
1906/6600066 Wellington Lightfoot Mary Eleanor Female Baum Frederick James Male Collie Cardiff
1906/6600067 Wellington Higgins Christina Grace Female Crampton Alfred Male Capel
1906/6600067 Wellington Crampton Alfred Male Higgins Christina Grace Female Capel
1906/6600068 Wellington Weeks Francis Male Adams Elsie Maud Female Cookernup
1906/6600068 Wellington Adams Elsie Maud Female Weeks Francis Male Cookernup
1906/6600069 Wellington Warren Bert Male Davies Margaret Amelia Female Collie
1906/6600069 Wellington Davies Margaret Amelia Female Warren Bert Male Collie
1906/6600070 Wellington Gardiner Louisa Maude Female Bocker Alfred Conrad Wilhelm Male Dardanup
1906/6600070 Wellington Bocker Alfred Conrad Wilhelm Male Gardiner Louisa Maude Female Dardanup
1906/6600071 Wellington Wright Herbert Henry Male Wright Selina Maria Female Upper Capel
1906/6600071 Wellington Wright Selina Maria Female Wright Herbert Henry Male Upper Capel
1906/6600072 Wellington Joyce James William Male Humphris Hannah Maria Female Bunbury
1906/6600072 Wellington Humphris Hannah Maria Female Joyce James William Male Bunbury
1906/6600073 Wellington Nichols Elizabeth Ann Female Jacobs James Omeo Male Bunbury
1906/6600073 Wellington Jacobs James Omeo Male Nichols Elizabeth Ann Female Bunbury
1906/6600074 Wellington Sinclair Chrissy Annie Female Macpherson Donald Male Bunbury
1906/6600074 Wellington Macpherson Donald Male Sinclair Chrissy Annie Female Bunbury
1906/6600075 Wellington Hodgson Edward Henry Male Ward Martha Ellen Trumbull Female Collie
1906/6600075 Wellington Ward Martha Ellen Trumbull Female Hodgson Edward Henry Male Collie
1906/6600076 Wellington Hislop Ethel May Female Baird Robert Earnest Male Bunbury
1906/6600076 Wellington Baird Robert Earnest Male Hislop Ethel May Female Bunbury
1906/6600077 Wellington Mackley Charles Gordon Male Forrest Valeria Victoria Female South Bunbury
1906/6600077 Wellington Forrest Valeria Victoria Female Mackley Charles Gordon Male South Bunbury
1906/6600078 Wellington Pridmore Jane Agnes Female Aldersea Albert Male Donny brook
1906/6600078 Wellington Aldersea Albert Male Pridmore Jane Agnes Female Donny brook
1906/6600079 Wellington Johnson Mary Ellen Female Ryan John Bartholomew Wilfred Male Bunbury
1906/6600079 Wellington Ryan John Bartholomew Wilfred Male Johnson Mary Ellen Female Bunbury
1906/6600080 Wellington Wood Isabel Female Shaw George Male Collie
1906/6600080 Wellington Shaw George Male Wood Isabel Female Collie
1906/6600081 Wellington Smith Sarah Amy Female Ellson George Daniel Male Bunbury
1906/6600081 Wellington Ellson George Daniel Male Smith Sarah Amy Female Bunbury
1906/6600082 Wellington Dyer Rose Amanda Female Berry William Charles Male Wokalup
1906/6600082 Wellington Berry William Charles Male Dyer Rose Amanda Female Wokalup
1906/6600083 Wellington Alexander Elizabeth Ferguson Female Atkins George Henry Male Harvey
1906/6600083 Wellington Atkins George Henry Male Alexander Elizabeth Ferguson Female Harvey
1906/6600084 Wellington Mathers Lavinia Female Gribble Arthur Ernest Male Collie
1906/6600084 Wellington Gribble Arthur Ernest Male Mathers Lavinia Female Collie
1906/6600085 Wellington Shaw Septimus Laughlann Male White Adelaide Female Bunbury
1906/6600085 Wellington White Adelaide Female Shaw Septimus Laughlann Male Bunbury
1906/6600086 Wellington Williams Mary Female Colton David Male Bunbury
1906/6600086 Wellington Colton David Male Williams Mary Female Bunbury
1906/6600087 Wellington Shaw Evelyn Victoria Female Nicholson Allan Male Bunbury
1906/6600087 Wellington Nicholson Allan Male Shaw Evelyn Victoria Female Bunbury
1906/6700001 Williams Horne Amy Emily Female Beattie William Male Narrogin
1906/6700001 Williams Beattie William Male Horne Amy Emily Female Narrogin
1907/6700001 Williams Darby Helen Louise Female Smith Ronald Male Williams
1907/6700001 Williams Smith Ronald Male Darby Helen Louise Female Williams
1906/6700002 Williams Smith Lillian May Eleanor Female Spencer George Byron Male Narrogin
1906/6700002 Williams Spencer George Byron Male Smith Lillian May Eleanor Female Narrogin
1906/6700003 Williams McCrackan Allan Blain Middleton Male Peters Jessie Zelinda Female Yarling
1906/6700003 Williams Peters Jessie Zelinda Female McCrackan Allan Blain Middleton Male Yarling
1906/6700004 Williams Lilly Elizabeth May Female Nesbitt Richard William Thomas Male Williams
1906/6700004 Williams Nesbitt Richard William Thomas Male Lilly Elizabeth May Female Williams
1906/6700005 Williams King Eliza Gertrude Female Waldock Thomas Henry Male Daylerking
1906/6700005 Williams Waldock Thomas Henry Male King Eliza Gertrude Female Daylerking
1906/6700006 Williams Figgins Margaret Elizabeth Female McGough Michael Male Cuballing
1906/6700006 Williams McGough Michael Male Figgins Margaret Elizabeth Female Cuballing
1906/6700007 Williams Boyd Henry Edwin Male Bingham Sarah Female Williams
1906/6700007 Williams Bingham Sarah Female Boyd Henry Edwin Male Williams
1906/6700008 Williams Pollard Agnes Matilda Female Urquhart Thomas Victor Male Marradong
1906/6700008 Williams Urquhart Thomas Victor Male Pollard Agnes Matilda Female Marradong
1906/6700009 Williams Horsey Henry Male Robertson Wilhelmina Female Narrogin
1906/6700009 Williams Robertson Wilhelmina Female Horsey Henry Male Narrogin
1906/6700010 Williams Hoghton Maud Mary Female McDougall Dugald Henry Male Williams
1906/6700010 Williams McDougall Dugald Henry Male Hoghton Maud Mary Female Williams
1906/6700011 Williams Nelmes William Henry Male Pitchers Maud Anne Female Narrogin
1906/6700011 Williams Pitchers Maud Anne Female Nelmes William Henry Male Narrogin
1906/6700012 Williams Noble Hobah Judah Melchizedec Male Duff Rose Female Boyning
1906/6700012 Williams Duff Rose Female Noble Hobah Judah Melchizedec Male Boyning
1906/6700013 Williams Hicks Mary Ann Female Aylward William Male Yornaning
1906/6700013 Williams Aylward William Male Hicks Mary Ann Female Yornaning
1906/6700014 Williams Fitt Susannah Female Harris Archibald Cullen Male Narrogin
1906/6700014 Williams Harris Archibald Cullen Male Fitt Susannah Female Narrogin
1906/6700015 Williams Mattingley Harold Vernon Male Vaux Gladys Winfreda Female Narrogin
1906/6700015 Williams Vaux Gladys Winfreda Female Mattingley Harold Vernon Male Narrogin
1906/6700016 Williams Cullen Frederick Hamilton Rudolph Male Barran Margaret Laura Female Narrogin
1906/6700016 Williams Barran Margaret Laura Female Cullen Frederick Hamilton Rudolph Male Narrogin
1906/6700017 Williams Jacob Charlotte Elizabeth Female Jacobs Francis William Male Narrogin
1906/6700017 Williams Jacobs Francis William Male Jacob Charlotte Elizabeth Female Narrogin
1906/6700018 Williams Bryant Ringol Male Holmes Charlotte Female Williams
1906/6700018 Williams Holmes Charlotte Female Bryant Ringol Male Williams
1906/6700019 Williams Stott Elizabeth Ethel Female Maguire John Male Narrogin
1906/6700019 Williams Maguire John Male Stott Elizabeth Ethel Female Narrogin
1906/6700020 Williams Gillingham Alice Jane Female Rundle Henry Edward Albert Male House of Charles James Gillingham
1906/6700020 Williams Rundle Henry Edward Albert Male Gillingham Alice Jane Female House of Charles James Gillingham
1906/6700021 Williams Lee Henry Thomas Male McCall Ada Charlotte Female Wickepin
1906/6700021 Williams McCall Ada Charlotte Female Lee Henry Thomas Male Wickepin
1906/6700022 Williams Conlon Ellen May Female Ridley Thomas Edward Male Wickepin
1906/6700022 Williams Ridley Thomas Edward Male Conlon Ellen May Female Wickepin
1906/6700023 Williams Ingram Mary Annie Female Ede Alfred Male Narrogin
1906/6700023 Williams Ede Alfred Male Ingram Mary Annie Female Narrogin
1906/6700024 Williams Oxman Hannah Frances Female Taylor Lewis James Male Narrogin
1906/6700024 Williams Taylor Lewis James Male Oxman Hannah Frances Female Narrogin
1906/6700025 Williams McIntyre Isabella Female Stagboner George Ferdinand Male Maradong
1906/6700025 Williams Stagboner George Ferdinand Male McIntyre Isabella Female Maradong
1906/6700026 Williams Canalli Ann Catherine Female Egal Berthold Male Cuballing
1906/6700026 Williams Egal Berthold Male Canalli Ann Catherine Female Cuballing
1906/6700027 Williams Farmer Gertrude Melenda Female Anderson John William Male Marradong
1906/6700027 Williams Anderson John William Male Farmer Gertrude Melenda Female Marradong
1906/6900001 Yalgoo Bantow Eliza Jane Female Murtha William Joseph Male Yalgoo
1907/6900001 Yalgoo Beaton Donald Male Purchase Irene May Female Near Yandanooka
1907/6900001 Yalgoo Purchase Irene May Female Beaton Donald Male Near Yandanooka
1906/6900001 Yalgoo Murtha William Joseph Male Bantow Eliza Jane Female Yalgoo
1906/6900002 Yalgoo Bourke Kathleen Mary Female Martin Robert Alfred Male Geraldton
1906/6900002 Yalgoo Martin Robert Alfred Male Bourke Kathleen Mary Female Geraldton
1906/6900003 Yalgoo Bengtson Johanna Female Ayton Alfred Male Yalgoo
1906/6900003 Yalgoo Ayton Alfred Male Bengtson Johanna Female Yalgoo
1907/7000001 Yilgarn Rowe Ellen Female Ricks Sidney James Male S Cross
1907/7000001 Yilgarn Ricks Sidney James Male Rowe Ellen Female S Cross
1906/7000002 Yilgarn Pennefather Catherine Female Egan Charles Male Southern Cross
1906/7000002 Yilgarn Egan Charles Male Pennefather Catherine Female Southern Cross
1906/7000003 Yilgarn O'Neill William Male O'Dea Mary Female Southern Cross
1906/7000003 Yilgarn O'Dea Mary Female O'Neill William Male Southern Cross
1906/7000004 Yilgarn Cooper John Henry Male Richards Sarah Jane Female Southern Cross
1906/7000004 Yilgarn Richards Sarah Jane Female Cooper John Henry Male Southern Cross
1906/7000005 Yilgarn Wilson Bunting Male Nutchey Ellen Female Southern Cross
1906/7000005 Yilgarn Nutchey Ellen Female Wilson Bunting Male Southern Cross
1906/7000006 Yilgarn Hoffman Harry Male Jolly Rosie Female Southern Cross
1906/7000006 Yilgarn Jolly Rosie Female Hoffman Harry Male Southern Cross
1906/7000007 Yilgarn Farr Alice Maud Female Girvan John Male Karalee
1906/7000007 Yilgarn Girvan John Male Farr Alice Maud Female Karalee
1910/7000007 Yilgarn Taylor John Male Sullivan Mary Ann Female Southern Cross
1910/7000007 Yilgarn Sullivan Mary Ann Female Taylor John Male Southern Cross
1906/7000008 Yilgarn Gibson Clara Alice Female Tonkin John Alfred Male Southern Cross
1906/7000008 Yilgarn Tonkin John Alfred Male Gibson Clara Alice Female Southern Cross
1907/7100001 York Blakiston Arthur Jesse Male Linto Mary Female York
1907/7100001 York Linto Mary Female Blakiston Arthur Jesse Male York
1906/7100003 York Schorer William Male Hindley Mary Hill Female York
1906/7100003 York Hindley Mary Hill Female Schorer William Male York
1906/7100004 York Marwick William Male Batty Mary Female York
1907/7100004 York Christie Lilian Grace Female Clarke Robert John Male York
1906/7100004 York Batty Mary Female Marwick William Male York
1907/7100004 York Clarke Robert John Male Christie Lilian Grace Female York
1906/7100005 York Smith Eleanor Grace Female Sanders Edgar Alfred Male York
1906/7100005 York Sanders Edgar Alfred Male Smith Eleanor Grace Female York
1906/7100006 York Woods Edna Susannah Female Timms Edward Arthur Parker Male York
1906/7100006 York Timms Edward Arthur Parker Male Woods Edna Susannah Female York
1906/7100007 York Craig Ida Otway Female Macdonald James Johnston Male York
1906/7100007 York Macdonald James Johnston Male Craig Ida Otway Female York
1906/7100008 York Barrett Lennard Victor Dacre Male Allen Blanche Isabell Female Tipperary
1906/7100008 York Allen Blanche Isabell Female Barrett Lennard Victor Dacre Male Tipperary
1906/7100009 York Morrison James Male Bailey Eliza Female York
1906/7100009 York Bailey Eliza Female Morrison James Male York
1906/7100010 York Dowsett Eleanor Josephine Female Watts Alfred Sherwood Male York
1906/7100010 York Watts Alfred Sherwood Male Dowsett Eleanor Josephine Female York
1906/7100011 York Dinsdale Evelyn Female Bailey Job Henry Male York
1906/7100011 York Bailey Job Henry Male Dinsdale Evelyn Female York
1906/7100012 York Bassett Joseph William Male Dinsdale Sophia Maud Female York
1906/7100012 York Dinsdale Sophia Maud Female Bassett Joseph William Male York
1906/7100013 York Marwick Alice Mary Female McDonald Alfred Male York
1906/7100013 York McDonald Alfred Male Marwick Alice Mary Female York
1906/7100014 York Horwood Amy Female Ross Joseph Male York
1906/7100014 York Ross Joseph Male Horwood Amy Female York
1906/7100015 York Sullivan Alfred Coleman Male Sheridan Edith Alcie Female York
1906/7100015 York Sheridan Edith Alcie Female Sullivan Alfred Coleman Male York
1906/7100016 York Eyre Mary Female Heal Arthur Edward Male York
1906/7100016 York Heal Arthur Edward Male Eyre Mary Female York
1906/7100017 York Allcock Joseph Male Martin Alice Female York
1906/7100017 York Martin Alice Female Allcock Joseph Male York
1906/7100018 York Gregory Eliza Albia Victoria Female Lilburne James Hughan Male York
1906/7100018 York Lilburne James Hughan Male Gregory Eliza Albia Victoria Female York
1906/7100019 York Reynolds Alfred Male Gurney Amy Rose Female York
1906/7100019 York Gurney Amy Rose Female Reynolds Alfred Male York
1906/7100020 York McGlinn Thomas Male Wilkie Ellen Margaret Christina Female York
1906/7100020 York Wilkie Ellen Margaret Christina Female McGlinn Thomas Male York
1906/7100021 York Anderson Charles Samuel Male Carrick Kate Elizabeth Female York
1906/7100021 York Carrick Kate Elizabeth Female Anderson Charles Samuel Male York
1906/7100022 York Mead Jane Female Marrs James Male York
1906/7100022 York Marrs James Male Mead Jane Female York
1906/7100023 York Kenworthy Lewis John Male Downey Lilian May Female York
1906/7100023 York Downey Lilian May Female Kenworthy Lewis John Male York
1906/7100024 York Eyre Elizabeth Female Fleay William Walter Male York
1906/7100024 York Fleay William Walter Male Eyre Elizabeth Female York
1906/7100025 York Lott Alice Maud Female Taylor George Andrew Male York
1906/7100025 York Taylor George Andrew Male Lott Alice Maud Female York
1906/7100026 York Bradshaw Ethel Maud May Female Bradshaw William Foster Male York
1906/7100026 York Bradshaw William Foster Male Bradshaw Ethel Maud May Female York
1906/7100027 York Rickey Margaret Ann Female Boyle Richard Male Greenhills
1906/7100027 York Boyle Richard Male Rickey Margaret Ann Female Greenhills
1906/7100028 York Collins John Male Hitchcock Elizabeth Jane Female Quellington
1906/7100028 York Hitchcock Elizabeth Jane Female Collins John Male Quellington
1906/7100029 York Pidgeon Frederick William Male Jones Eva May Female York
1906/7100029 York Jones Eva May Female Pidgeon Frederick William Male York