A tool to help track the citations of the Western Australian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages from Wikidata and WikiTree.

Marriages in: 1893

Registration year & number Registration district Surname Given names Gender Spouse surname Spouse given names Spouse gender Marriage place Wikidata WikiTree
1894/1 - Anderson Alfred Male Reed Emily Female Fremantle
1893/1 - Leake George Walpole Male May Amy Mabel Female Perth
1893/1 - May Amy Mabel Female Leake George Walpole Male Perth
1894/1 - Reed Emily Female Anderson Alfred Male Fremantle
1894/2 - Green Charles Thomas Male Hutchinson Sarah Female Pinjarrah
1894/2 - Hutchinson Sarah Female Green Charles Thomas Male Pinjarrah
1893/2 - Epstein Esther Female Epstein Solomon Male Perth
1893/2 - Epstein Solomon Male Epstein Esther Female Perth
1893/3 - Conradt Wanda Female Johnson Andrew Male Perth
1893/3 - Johnson Andrew Male Conradt Wanda Female Perth
1893/4 - Burchell Emma Eliza Female Thomas Herbert Male Perth
1893/4 - Thomas Herbert Male Burchell Emma Eliza Female Perth
1894/4 - Edwards Horace James Gomez Male Byrne Rose Amelia Female Perth
1894/4 - Byrne Rose Amelia Female Edwards Horace James Gomez Male Perth
1893/6 - Gardner Samuel Male Jones Jane Female Perth
1893/6 - Jones Jane Female Gardner Samuel Male Perth
1893/7 - Bush Robert Edwin Male Harper Constance Female Perth
1893/7 - Harper Constance Female Bush Robert Edwin Male Perth
1893/8 - Glass Elizabeth Ann Perrot Female Mosley Ernest Edward Male Perth
1893/8 - Mosley Ernest Edward Male Glass Elizabeth Ann Perrot Female Perth
1893/9 - Cookson Martha Female Barnes William Male Perth
1893/9 - Barnes William Male Cookson Martha Female Perth
1894/10 - Jennings Rachael Female Bellman Charles Male Perth
1894/10 - Bellman Charles Male Jennings Rachael Female Perth
1893/11 - Cohen Morris Solomon Male Miller Dora Female Fremantle
1894/11 - Stanley Thomas William Male Hinson Nellie Elizabeth Female Perth
1894/11 - Hinson Nellie Elizabeth Female Stanley Thomas William Male Perth
1893/11 - Miller Dora Female Cohen Morris Solomon Male Fremantle
1894/12 - Bromley Elizabeth Female Buckley Henry Male Perth
1894/12 - Buckley Henry Male Bromley Elizabeth Female Perth
1893/14 - Brown William Male McKeown Mary Female Fremantle
1893/14 - McKeown Mary Female Brown William Male Fremantle
1893/15 - Kelly Eliza Annie Female Ferguson William Male Fremantle
1893/15 - Ferguson William Male Kelly Eliza Annie Female Fremantle
1893/16 - Early Kathleen Female Mitchinson David Anderson Male Fremantle
1893/16 - Mitchinson David Anderson Male Early Kathleen Female Fremantle
1893/18 - King Catherine Female Holden George Male Fremantle
1893/18 - Holden George Male King Catherine Female Fremantle
1893/19 - Blinco Francis Thomas Male Lamotte Rhoda Female Fremantle
1893/19 - Lamotte Rhoda Female Blinco Francis Thomas Male Fremantle
1893/24 - Ottery Alfred Herbert Male Gregory Martha Ada Female Northampton
1893/24 - Gregory Martha Ada Female Ottery Alfred Herbert Male Northampton
1894/26 - Liddelow Florence Mary Female Cull Matthew Lewis Male Albany
1894/26 - Cull Matthew Lewis Male Liddelow Florence Mary Female Albany
1893/27 - Gardener Mary Female Peat William Male Albany
1893/27 - Peat William Male Gardener Mary Female Albany
1893/29 - Ridley Mary Jane Female Gordon Charles Collie Male Mourambine
1893/29 - Gordon Charles Collie Male Ridley Mary Jane Female Mourambine
1893/30 - Withers Reginald Male Crampton Emily Amelia Female Brunswick
1893/30 - Crampton Emily Amelia Female Withers Reginald Male Brunswick
1893/32 - Christie John Male Enever Elizabeth Female Northam
1893/32 - Enever Elizabeth Female Christie John Male Northam
1893/33 - Haigh Albert William Male Pead Blanche Emmeline Female Geraldton
1893/33 - Pead Blanche Emmeline Female Haigh Albert William Male Geraldton
1893/34 - Pascoe Adeline Female Ashbolt John Male York
1893/34 - Ashbolt John Male Pascoe Adeline Female York
1893/35 - Isard George John Male Hughes Agnes Gertrude Female York
1893/35 - Hughes Agnes Gertrude Female Isard George John Male York
1893/36 - Worsley Alfred Arthur Male Endersly Ellen Ann Female Tipperary
1893/36 - Endersly Ellen Ann Female Worsley Alfred Arthur Male Tipperary
1893/37 - Lucas Kate Mary Female Morrissey Thomas Henry Male Perth
1893/37 - Morrissey Thomas Henry Male Lucas Kate Mary Female Perth
1893/38 - Ivis Catherine Female Biggers Edwin Claremont Male Perth
1893/38 - Biggers Edwin Claremont Male Ivis Catherine Female Perth
1894/39 - Flinders Charles Edward Male Callaghan Margaret Female West Kimberley
1893/39 - Burgess George Male Davidson Isabella Female Perth
1893/39 - Davidson Isabella Female Burgess George Male Perth
1894/39 - Callaghan Margaret Female Flinders Charles Edward Male West Kimberley
1893/40 - Varian Isidore Male Coyle Caroline Maria Female Perth
1893/40 - Coyle Caroline Maria Female Varian Isidore Male Perth
1893/41 - Stranger Thomas James Male Flintoft Eliza Margaret Female Perth
1893/41 - Flintoft Eliza Margaret Female Stranger Thomas James Male Perth
1893/42 - Caporn Lillie Jane Female Dalziell Walter Paharam Male Perth
1893/42 - Dalziell Walter Paharam Male Caporn Lillie Jane Female Perth
1893/43 - Gallagher Bernard Male Wilson Julia Female Perth
1893/43 - Wilson Julia Female Gallagher Bernard Male Perth
1893/44 - Conway Elizabeth Catherine Female Fonecca Robert Mann Male Perth
1893/44 - Fonecca Robert Mann Male Conway Elizabeth Catherine Female Perth
1893/45 - Fillis Lillie Frances Female Rayner William Edward James Male Perth
1893/45 - Rayner William Edward James Male Fillis Lillie Frances Female Perth
1893/46 - McCutcheon James Male Wilks Annie Towton Female Perth
1893/46 - Wilks Annie Towton Female McCutcheon James Male Perth
1893/47 - Shephard George Male Hanley Mary Female Fremantle
1893/47 - Hanley Mary Female Shephard George Male Fremantle
1893/48 - Willis James William Male Purtill Charlotte Female Fremantle
1893/48 - Purtill Charlotte Female Willis James William Male Fremantle
1893/49 - Staples Harriet Female Briggs Thomas Male Fremantle
1893/49 - Briggs Thomas Male Staples Harriet Female Fremantle
1893/50 - Suiter Agnes Female Browne James Male Fremantle
1893/50 - Browne James Male Suiter Agnes Female Fremantle
1893/51 - George Demetre Male Thompson Sarah Female Fremantle
1893/51 - Thompson Sarah Female George Demetre Male Fremantle
1893/52 - Clewett Eliza Louisa Female Tottenham Joseph John Male Fremantle
1893/52 - Tottenham Joseph John Male Clewett Eliza Louisa Female Fremantle
1893/53 - Cox Esther Female Carter John Clamon Male Northam
1893/53 - Carter John Clamon Male Cox Esther Female Northam
1893/54 - McBride Daniel Male Crampton Emily Female Northam
1893/54 - Crampton Emily Female McBride Daniel Male Northam
1893/55 - McCarthy James Male Gale Lucy Female Northam
1893/55 - Gale Lucy Female McCarthy James Male Northam
1893/56 - Negus John Male Fleming Mary Female York
1893/56 - Fleming Mary Female Negus John Male York
1893/57 - Pinchbeck Rose Female Wetherall William Male Tipperary
1893/57 - Wetherall William Male Pinchbeck Rose Female Tipperary
1893/58 - Hungerford Launcelot Machell Travers Male Wardrop Alice Elizabeth Female Dongara
1893/58 - Wardrop Alice Elizabeth Female Hungerford Launcelot Machell Travers Male Dongara
1893/59 - Greenacre George James Male Seymour Maria Jane Female Busselton
1893/59 - Seymour Maria Jane Female Greenacre George James Male Busselton
1893/60 - Reynolds Emeline Laura Female Brockman Hugh Spicer Male Busselton
1893/60 - Brockman Hugh Spicer Male Reynolds Emeline Laura Female Busselton
1893/61 - Ryder Thomas Male Jackimara Mary Carmen Female New Norcia
1893/61 - Jackimara Mary Carmen Female Ryder Thomas Male New Norcia
1894/61 - O'Halloran Michael Male Carroll Mary Female Roeburne
1894/61 - Carroll Mary Female O'Halloran Michael Male Roeburne
1893/62 - Wallo-wallo Richard Male Yapo Mary Carmen Female New Norcia
1894/62 - O'Karatchie Agnes Female Libreas Anthonino Male Roebourne
1894/62 - Libreas Anthonino Male O'Karatchie Agnes Female Roebourne
1893/62 - Yapo Mary Carmen Female Wallo-wallo Richard Male New Norcia
1893/63 - Norrish Thomas Male Rodgers Rose Female Williams District
1894/63 - Sakamoto Mary Female O'Sear Antonio Male Roebourne
1893/63 - Rodgers Rose Female Norrish Thomas Male Williams District
1894/63 - O'Sear Antonio Male Sakamoto Mary Female Roebourne
1893/64 - Bell Mary Ellen Female Brew Thomas Male Kojonup
1893/64 - Brew Thomas Male Bell Mary Ellen Female Kojonup
1893/66 - Dyson Mabel Grace Female Wilson Burleigh Stuart Male Guildford
1893/66 - Wilson Burleigh Stuart Male Dyson Mabel Grace Female Guildford
1893/67 - Wells Mary Anne Female O'Donnell Michael Male Northampton
1893/67 - O'Donnell Michael Male Wells Mary Anne Female Northampton
1893/68 - Green Lucy Female Chalmers Peter Male Albany
1893/68 - Chalmers Peter Male Green Lucy Female Albany
1893/69 - Drewry Overend Male Mole Frances Female West Kimberley
1893/69 - Mole Frances Female Drewry Overend Male West Kimberley
1893/70 - Elliott Emma Female Buswell Walter John Male Bunbury
1893/70 - Buswell Walter John Male Elliott Emma Female Bunbury
1893/71 - Hammer Joseph Male Burnett Isabel Female Southern Cross
1893/71 - Burnett Isabel Female Hammer Joseph Male Southern Cross
1893/72 - Beckwith Joseph Thomas Male Bennett Frances Emma Female Geraldton
1893/72 - Bennett Frances Emma Female Beckwith Joseph Thomas Male Geraldton
1893/73 - Sushams Henry Male Hughes Bella Female Mourambine
1893/73 - Hughes Bella Female Sushams Henry Male Mourambine
1894/74 - Powell Danzey Male Bird Ellen Matilda Female Carnarvon
1894/74 - Bird Ellen Matilda Female Powell Danzey Male Carnarvon
1893/74 - Bowman Oliver Male Bullen Maud Sarah Female Perth
1893/74 - Bullen Maud Sarah Female Bowman Oliver Male Perth
1893/75 - Dyson Octavius Charles Male Broun Maude May Female Perth
1893/75 - Broun Maude May Female Dyson Octavius Charles Male Perth
1893/76 - Ogborne Edward Kingsley Male Wylde Amelia Female Perth
1893/76 - Wylde Amelia Female Ogborne Edward Kingsley Male Perth
1893/77 - Brown William Male Laurie Julia Female Perth
1893/77 - Laurie Julia Female Brown William Male Perth
1893/78 - Hillary Montague Harry Male Cross Eliza Annie Female Perth
1893/78 - Cross Eliza Annie Female Hillary Montague Harry Male Perth
1893/79 - Anderson Martin Alexander Male Stepto Alice Female Wesley Church
1893/79 - Stepto Alice Female Anderson Martin Alexander Male Wesley Church
1893/80 - Ryan Edmund Male Harrison Alice Female Perth
1893/80 - Harrison Alice Female Ryan Edmund Male Perth
1893/81 - Burgess Alfred Thomas Male Flemming Alice Eliza Female Perth
1893/81 - Flemming Alice Eliza Female Burgess Alfred Thomas Male Perth
1893/82 - Jewett Samuel Male Reid Minnie Female Perth
1893/82 - Reid Minnie Female Jewett Samuel Male Perth
1893/83 - Mackay Donald Macdonald Male Vincent Emily Charlotte Female Fremantle
1893/83 - Vincent Emily Charlotte Female Mackay Donald Macdonald Male Fremantle
1893/84 - Cooke Alfred Merton Male Cressee Harriet Reece Female Fremantle
1893/84 - Cressee Harriet Reece Female Cooke Alfred Merton Male Fremantle
1893/85 - Maggs Minnie Female Gent Harry Male Fremantle
1893/85 - Gent Harry Male Maggs Minnie Female Fremantle
1893/86 - Hope Harriett Lydia Female Wood Hector Norman Male Fremantle
1893/86 - Wood Hector Norman Male Hope Harriett Lydia Female Fremantle
1893/87 - Wilson Peter John Male Owston Sarah Female Fremantle
1893/87 - Owston Sarah Female Wilson Peter John Male Fremantle
1893/88 - Flindell Francis Richard Male Cox Rose Emma Female Fremantle
1893/88 - Cox Rose Emma Female Flindell Francis Richard Male Fremantle
1893/89 - Leefe Emily Ann Female Kaye Henry Male Fremantle
1893/89 - Kaye Henry Male Leefe Emily Ann Female Fremantle
1893/90 - Bold John Thorley Male Cooper Sarah Eleanor Female Fremantle
1893/90 - Cooper Sarah Eleanor Female Bold John Thorley Male Fremantle
1893/91 - Strang Jane Female Jaggs Alfred John Male Fremantle
1893/91 - Jaggs Alfred John Male Strang Jane Female Fremantle
1893/92 - Rummer Emma Female Murray John Beverley Male Fremantle
1893/92 - Murray John Beverley Male Rummer Emma Female Fremantle
1893/93 - Freeman James Thomas Male Gadd Alice Mary Female Fremantle
1893/93 - Gadd Alice Mary Female Freeman James Thomas Male Fremantle
1893/94 - Newton Charles Davy Male Gorman Julia Female Eticup
1893/94 - Gorman Julia Female Newton Charles Davy Male Eticup
1893/95 - Newman Thomas Male Quinn Eveline Female Narrogin
1893/95 - Quinn Eveline Female Newman Thomas Male Narrogin
1893/96 - Brand Isabella Female James Charles Male Dongarra
1893/96 - James Charles Male Brand Isabella Female Dongarra
1893/97 - Carter George Male Criddle Phoebe Elizabeth Female Dongarra
1893/97 - Criddle Phoebe Elizabeth Female Carter George Male Dongarra
1893/98 - Russell Samuel Walter Male Sullivan Victoria Female Murchison
1893/98 - Sullivan Victoria Female Russell Samuel Walter Male Murchison
1893/99 - Currie Elizabeth Female Moore James Male Geraldton
1893/99 - Moore James Male Currie Elizabeth Female Geraldton
1893/100 - Hooper Henry William Male Baxter Eliza Female Geraldton
1893/100 - Baxter Eliza Female Hooper Henry William Male Geraldton
1893/101 - Wellington Helena Female Farrell William Male Northampton
1893/101 - Farrell William Male Wellington Helena Female Northampton
1893/102 - Hosken Adelaide Elizabeth Morcombe Female Mitchell Samuel Herbert Male Northampton
1893/102 - Mitchell Samuel Herbert Male Hosken Adelaide Elizabeth Morcombe Female Northampton
1893/103 - Turner Mary Jane Female Reilly John Male York
1893/103 - Reilly John Male Turner Mary Jane Female York
1893/104 - Wansbrough John James Male Kerr Agnes Emma Female York
1893/104 - Kerr Agnes Emma Female Wansbrough John James Male York
1893/105 - Venables Margaret Female Newland Philip Male Guildford
1893/105 - Newland Philip Male Venables Margaret Female Guildford
1893/106 - McLoughlin Margaret Female Mandelstam Max Male Guildford
1893/106 - Mandelstam Max Male McLoughlin Margaret Female Guildford
1893/107 - Mills Ann Jane Female Cabble John Male Albany
1893/107 - Cabble John Male Mills Ann Jane Female Albany
1893/108 - Welstead Margaret Laura Female Beere Frederick William Male Albany
1893/108 - Beere Frederick William Male Welstead Margaret Laura Female Albany
1893/109 - Knox Thomas James Male Phillips Agnes Mary Female Albany
1893/109 - Phillips Agnes Mary Female Knox Thomas James Male Albany
1893/110 - Jacques Frederick Male Tichener Mary Ann Female Newcastle
1893/110 - Tichener Mary Ann Female Jacques Frederick Male Newcastle
1893/111 - Howell Eleanor Georgina Female Heal Edward William Male Perth
1893/111 - Heal Edward William Male Howell Eleanor Georgina Female Perth
1893/112 - Cahill Anne Female Cahill Edward Male Perth
1893/112 - Cahill Edward Male Cahill Anne Female Perth
1893/113 - Sainsbury Stephen John Male Turton Agnes Eva Female Perth
1893/113 - Turton Agnes Eva Female Sainsbury Stephen John Male Perth
1893/114 - Neill Susie Female Godden Walter Mennie Male Perth
1893/114 - Godden Walter Mennie Male Neill Susie Female Perth
1893/115 - Ryan Helena Mary Female Martin Edward John Male Fremantle
1893/115 - Martin Edward John Male Ryan Helena Mary Female Fremantle
1893/116 - Cornish Isabella Female Burgess Thomas Coney Male Fremantle
1893/116 - Burgess Thomas Coney Male Cornish Isabella Female Fremantle
1893/117 - Lambeth Bessie Female Hodges Joseph Walter Male Fremantle
1893/117 - Hodges Joseph Walter Male Lambeth Bessie Female Fremantle
1893/118 - Johnson Adeline Female Elsegood Edward Male Fremantle
1893/118 - Elsegood Edward Male Johnson Adeline Female Fremantle
1893/119 - Clark Jessie Elizabeth Female Loxton George Arthur Male Fremantle
1893/119 - Loxton George Arthur Male Clark Jessie Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1893/120 - Dixson Hugh Robert Male Fothergill Sara Rachel Forster Female Fremantle
1893/120 - Fothergill Sara Rachel Forster Female Dixson Hugh Robert Male Fremantle
1893/121 - Mellor John Male Jackson Mary Gertrude Female York
1893/121 - Jackson Mary Gertrude Female Mellor John Male York
1893/122 - Wilkins Mary Ann Matilda Female Trott Henry Thomas Male York
1893/122 - Trott Henry Thomas Male Wilkins Mary Ann Matilda Female York
1893/123 - Hardman Emma Elizabeth Female Phillips Thomas Male York
1893/123 - Phillips Thomas Male Hardman Emma Elizabeth Female York
1893/126 - Minson Marian Alice Female Ferguson Alfred Ernest Male Newcastle
1893/126 - Ferguson Alfred Ernest Male Minson Marian Alice Female Newcastle
1893/127 - Chitty Esther Female Strahan Thomas John Male Newcastle
1893/127 - Strahan Thomas John Male Chitty Esther Female Newcastle
1893/128 - Woods John Male Banting Mary Ann Female Bunbury
1893/128 - Banting Mary Ann Female Woods John Male Bunbury
1893/129 - Dawson Claud Mervyn Male Moore Rosina Martha Female Bunbury
1893/129 - Moore Rosina Martha Female Dawson Claud Mervyn Male Bunbury
1893/130 - Bailey Frank Male McCormick Jane Female Bunbury
1893/130 - McCormick Jane Female Bailey Frank Male Bunbury
1893/131 - Broun Emma Caroline Female Wilding Alfred Male Bev
1893/131 - Wilding Alfred Male Broun Emma Caroline Female Bev
1893/132 - Davies Arthur Elvin Male Kilpatrick Margrett Jessie Female Beverley
1893/132 - Kilpatrick Margrett Jessie Female Davies Arthur Elvin Male Beverley
1893/133 - Ryan Alice Female Morley Charles Robert Male Upper Swan
1893/133 - Morley Charles Robert Male Ryan Alice Female Upper Swan
1893/134 - Liddington Arthur Ernest Male Holmes Clara Female Guildford
1893/134 - Holmes Clara Female Liddington Arthur Ernest Male Guildford
1893/135 - Howlett Harold Male Hughes Marion Female Guildford
1893/135 - Hughes Marion Female Howlett Harold Male Guildford
1893/136 - Wardrop Alexander John Male Turner Hannah Female Geraldton
1893/136 - Turner Hannah Female Wardrop Alexander John Male Geraldton
1893/137 - Reynolds Florence Edith Female Layman Charles Henry Male Busselton
1893/137 - Layman Charles Henry Male Reynolds Florence Edith Female Busselton
1893/138 - House Charles Pearse Male Stallard Fanny Female Busselton
1893/138 - Stallard Fanny Female House Charles Pearse Male Busselton
1893/139 - Dawson Edith Female Dawson William Male Busselton
1893/139 - Dawson William Male Dawson Edith Female Busselton
1893/140 - Cooper Rose Fredericka Female Hicks Arthur Male Perth
1893/140 - Hicks Arthur Male Cooper Rose Fredericka Female Perth
1893/141 - Farr Elizabeth Female Richards John Male Perth
1893/141 - Richards John Male Farr Elizabeth Female Perth
1893/142 - Howard William Male McCaffrey Catherine Ann Female Perth
1893/142 - McCaffrey Catherine Ann Female Howard William Male Perth
1893/143 - Webb Edward James Male Hall Ellen Female Perth
1893/143 - Hall Ellen Female Webb Edward James Male Perth
1893/144 - Jerger William Henry Male Andrews Emily Female Perth
1893/144 - Andrews Emily Female Jerger William Henry Male Perth
1893/145 - Martin Emma Eliza Female Taylor Henry John Male Perth
1893/145 - Taylor Henry John Male Martin Emma Eliza Female Perth
1893/146 - McKenna Matthew Joseph Male Wilson Elizabeth Female Perth
1893/146 - Wilson Elizabeth Female McKenna Matthew Joseph Male Perth
1893/147 - Mills Charles Male Penny Leah Female Greenhills
1893/147 - Penny Leah Female Mills Charles Male Greenhills
1893/148 - White Alice Female Roberto Benedict Male York
1893/148 - Roberto Benedict Male White Alice Female York
1893/149 - Bateman William Henry Male Pearson Harriet Elizabeth Female York
1893/149 - Pearson Harriet Elizabeth Female Bateman William Henry Male York
1893/150 - Warner Henry Male Martin Elizabeth Clara Female York
1893/150 - Martin Elizabeth Clara Female Warner Henry Male York
1893/151 - Crawford Sarah Female Endersby William Samuel Male Tipperary
1893/151 - Endersby William Samuel Male Crawford Sarah Female Tipperary
1893/152 - Smith Mary Jane Female Giles John Male York
1893/152 - Giles John Male Smith Mary Jane Female York
1893/153 - Pearse William Silas Male Higham Alice Female Fremantle
1893/153 - Higham Alice Female Pearse William Silas Male Fremantle
1893/154 - Fitzsimmons Patrick Male Hymus Minnie Female Fremantle
1893/154 - Hymus Minnie Female Fitzsimmons Patrick Male Fremantle
1893/155 - Fogarty Florence Josephine Female Wheelock James Lowe White Male Minginew
1893/155 - Wheelock James Lowe White Male Fogarty Florence Josephine Female Minginew
1893/156 - Campbell Minnie Female Saunders David Male Irwin
1893/156 - Saunders David Male Campbell Minnie Female Irwin
1893/157 - Lewis William Henry Joseph Male Baxter Agnes Female Geraldton
1893/157 - Baxter Agnes Female Lewis William Henry Joseph Male Geraldton
1893/158 - Bone William Male Horton Mary Female Geraldton
1893/158 - Horton Mary Female Bone William Male Geraldton
1893/159 - Strutt William Albert Male Hill Harriet Female Gingin
1893/159 - Hill Harriet Female Strutt William Albert Male Gingin
1893/160 - Barker Arthur Septimus Male Sleeman Elizabeth Grace Female Middle Swan
1893/160 - Sleeman Elizabeth Grace Female Barker Arthur Septimus Male Middle Swan
1893/161 - McCagh Alice Female McDonnell Felix Male Greenough
1893/161 - McDonnell Felix Male McCagh Alice Female Greenough
1893/162 - Dudley Arthur Edward Male Wilson Emily Female Northam
1893/162 - Wilson Emily Female Dudley Arthur Edward Male Northam
1893/163 - Dennis Elizabeth Female Clarke William Male Northam
1893/163 - Clarke William Male Dennis Elizabeth Female Northam
1893/164 - Ronan Bridget Female Murphy Patrick Male Northam
1893/164 - Murphy Patrick Male Ronan Bridget Female Northam
1893/165 - Nettle Mary Emily Female Nieuwehuis Ferdinand Jacobus Domela Male Serpentine
1893/165 - Nieuwehuis Ferdinand Jacobus Domela Male Nettle Mary Emily Female Serpentine
1893/166 - Williams Maurice Male Saul Helen Female York
1893/166 - Saul Helen Female Williams Maurice Male York
1893/167 - Jones Edith Amelia Female Brock James Male Katanning
1893/167 - Brock James Male Jones Edith Amelia Female Katanning
1893/168 - McDonnell Winifred Female O'Brien Daniel Joseph Male Northampton
1893/168 - O'Brien Daniel Joseph Male McDonnell Winifred Female Northampton
1893/169 - Armstrong Walter John Male White Beatrice Female Canning
1893/169 - White Beatrice Female Armstrong Walter John Male Canning
1893/170 - Hall Lilian Helena Female Teesdale Frederick William Male Roebourne
1893/170 - Teesdale Frederick William Male Hall Lilian Helena Female Roebourne
1893/171 - Cousins Alice Female Travis Spencer Male Newcastle
1893/171 - Travis Spencer Male Cousins Alice Female Newcastle
1893/172 - James Mary Ann Female Lindsay Frederick Male Newcastle
1893/172 - Lindsay Frederick Male James Mary Ann Female Newcastle
1893/173 - Wilton Emma Female Hillier John Henry Male Greenough
1893/173 - Hillier John Henry Male Wilton Emma Female Greenough
1893/174 - Ralph Benjamin Male Joyce Catherine Female New Norcia
1893/174 - Joyce Catherine Female Ralph Benjamin Male New Norcia
1893/175 - Barnard Joseph Philip Male Stuckey Sarah Female Albany
1893/175 - Stuckey Sarah Female Barnard Joseph Philip Male Albany
1893/176 - Harris Charles Arthur Male Leggat Catherine Jackson Female Albany
1893/176 - Leggat Catherine Jackson Female Harris Charles Arthur Male Albany
1893/177 - Richardson Margaret Female Donald William Male Albany
1893/177 - Donald William Male Richardson Margaret Female Albany
1893/178 - Cutten Alfred Charles Male Mansbridge Maud Blanche Female Perth
1893/178 - Mansbridge Maud Blanche Female Cutten Alfred Charles Male Perth
1893/179 - Pusey Walter Dobson Male Williams Maud Jane Mary Female Perth
1893/179 - Williams Maud Jane Mary Female Pusey Walter Dobson Male Perth
1893/180 - Ashby Charles Male Backshall Alice Maud Female Perth
1893/180 - Backshall Alice Maud Female Ashby Charles Male Perth
1893/181 - Geary Mary Female Minorgan Thomas Male Perth
1893/181 - Minorgan Thomas Male Geary Mary Female Perth
1893/182 - Jenkins Albert Edward Male Bancells Catherine Female Perth
1893/182 - Bancells Catherine Female Jenkins Albert Edward Male Perth
1893/183 - Hazell James Male Ryan Elizabeth Female Katanning
1893/183 - Ryan Elizabeth Female Hazell James Male Katanning
1893/184 - Pollard Margaret Elizabeth Female Herron Robert Male Marradong
1893/184 - Herron Robert Male Pollard Margaret Elizabeth Female Marradong
1893/185 - Reed John Male Dyson Mary Louisa Female Williams
1893/185 - Dyson Mary Louisa Female Reed John Male Williams
1893/186 - Tyerman Eleanor Mary Female Webster Alfred Edwin Male Albany
1893/186 - Webster Alfred Edwin Male Tyerman Eleanor Mary Female Albany
1893/187 - Herbert George Rowland Male Blackburn Emma Female Albany
1893/187 - Blackburn Emma Female Herbert George Rowland Male Albany
1893/188 - Bayley Arthur Wellesley Male Fagan Catherine Female Albany
1893/188 - Fagan Catherine Female Bayley Arthur Wellesley Male Albany
1893/189 - Fox Louisa Female Walton Joseph Male St Werburghs
1893/189 - Walton Joseph Male Fox Louisa Female St Werburghs
1893/190 - Hall Sarah Female Wilson Thomas Henry Male Albany
1893/190 - Wilson Thomas Henry Male Hall Sarah Female Albany
1893/191 - Dodd James May Male Morley Mary Jane Female Upper Swan
1893/191 - Morley Mary Jane Female Dodd James May Male Upper Swan
1893/192 - Keegan Thomas Lewis Male MacCourt Fanny Mary Female Middle Swan
1893/192 - MacCourt Fanny Mary Female Keegan Thomas Lewis Male Middle Swan
1893/193 - Dickson Janet Jezebel Female Brown George Robert Male Guildford
1893/193 - Brown George Robert Male Dickson Janet Jezebel Female Guildford
1893/194 - Plummer Richard Henry Male Fanning Margaret Female Fremantle
1893/194 - Fanning Margaret Female Plummer Richard Henry Male Fremantle
1893/195 - Compton Louise Maud Female Orkney Robert Male Fremantle
1893/195 - Orkney Robert Male Compton Louise Maud Female Fremantle
1893/196 - Hall Maud Female Solberg Anton Male Fremantle
1893/196 - Solberg Anton Male Hall Maud Female Fremantle
1893/197 - Saunders Emily Female Bock Charles Melville Male Southern Cross
1893/197 - Bock Charles Melville Male Saunders Emily Female Southern Cross
1893/198 - McDonald James William Male O'Neill Sarah Female Southern Cross
1893/198 - O'Neill Sarah Female McDonald James William Male Southern Cross
1893/199 - Smith Mary Jane Female Christmass John Male Northam
1893/199 - Christmass John Male Smith Mary Jane Female Northam
1893/200 - McDougall Thomas Wilson Male Mann Lucy Female Canning
1893/200 - Mann Lucy Female McDougall Thomas Wilson Male Canning
1893/201 - Waddingham Matilda Female Gibson George Male Bunbury
1893/201 - Gibson George Male Waddingham Matilda Female Bunbury
1893/202 - Greenacre Mary Sarah Christina Female Lane John Thomas Male Mandurah
1893/202 - Lane John Thomas Male Greenacre Mary Sarah Christina Female Mandurah
1893/203 - Saunders Susan Female Woodbridge Allen Male Gingin
1893/203 - Woodbridge Allen Male Saunders Susan Female Gingin
1893/204 - Parker Mary Ann Female Munday Henry Male York
1893/204 - Munday Henry Male Parker Mary Ann Female York
1893/205 - Delaporte Maud Harriet Female Buck George Richard Male Bunbury
1893/205 - Buck George Richard Male Delaporte Maud Harriet Female Bunbury
1893/206 - Smith Frederick Male Bullied Mary Kathleen Female Perth
1893/206 - Bullied Mary Kathleen Female Smith Frederick Male Perth
1893/207 - McMahon Johanna Female McElhatton Hugh Male Perth
1893/207 - McElhatton Hugh Male McMahon Johanna Female Perth
1893/208 - Lowther George Edgar Lewin Male Parry Florence Female Perth
1893/208 - Parry Florence Female Lowther George Edgar Lewin Male Perth
1893/209 - Tullis Alice Janet Female Heales Henry Charles Male Perth
1893/209 - Heales Henry Charles Male Tullis Alice Janet Female Perth
1893/210 - Atkinson Francis Female Murtagh James Joseph Male Perth
1893/210 - Murtagh James Joseph Male Atkinson Francis Female Perth
1893/211 - Hoyne Catherine Cecilia Female Allen-Hill William Male Perth
1893/211 - Allen-Hill William Male Hoyne Catherine Cecilia Female Perth
1893/212 - Drinkwater Annie Female Hughes George Male Perth
1893/212 - Hughes George Male Drinkwater Annie Female Perth
1893/213 - White May Female Dawson Frederick James Male Perth
1893/213 - Dawson Frederick James Male White May Female Perth
1893/214 - Johnson Annie Ellen Female Montgomery Robert James Male Perth
1893/214 - Montgomery Robert James Male Johnson Annie Ellen Female Perth
1893/215 - Walker William Male Jackson Sarah Jane Female Perth
1893/215 - Jackson Sarah Jane Female Walker William Male Perth
1893/216 - Bree Kate Female Passmore Charles Henry Male Perth
1893/216 - Passmore Charles Henry Male Bree Kate Female Perth
1893/217 - Napier Clive Hastings Male Hurst Florence Ellen Female Perth
1893/217 - Hurst Florence Ellen Female Napier Clive Hastings Male Perth
1893/218 - Croker Amelia Elizabeth Beatrice Female Bell Frank Edwin Male Perth
1893/218 - Bell Frank Edwin Male Croker Amelia Elizabeth Beatrice Female Perth
1893/219 - Harris James Castelle Male Wilson Alice Jane Female Perth
1893/219 - Wilson Alice Jane Female Harris James Castelle Male Perth
1893/220 - Andrews George Jose Male Gray Margaret Female Northam
1893/220 - Gray Margaret Female Andrews George Jose Male Northam
1893/221 - Byfield Rose Female Barndon Charles William Male Northam
1893/221 - Barndon Charles William Male Byfield Rose Female Northam
1893/222 - Grant John Male Cohn Lillian Amelia May Female Southern Cross
1893/222 - Cohn Lillian Amelia May Female Grant John Male Southern Cross
1893/223 - McIntyre Jane Marian Female Lee Edward Pearce Male Geraldton
1893/223 - Lee Edward Pearce Male McIntyre Jane Marian Female Geraldton
1893/224 - Hardy Charles Edward Andrews Male Warren Edith Mary Female Geraldton
1893/224 - Warren Edith Mary Female Hardy Charles Edward Andrews Male Geraldton
1893/225 - Mitchell Charles Male Phelan Sarah Female Geraldton
1893/225 - Phelan Sarah Female Mitchell Charles Male Geraldton
1893/226 - Roberts Frederick John Male Bird Maria Winifred Female Geraldton
1893/226 - Bird Maria Winifred Female Roberts Frederick John Male Geraldton
1893/227 - Savage Harry Male Bishop Charlotte Sarah Female York
1893/227 - Bishop Charlotte Sarah Female Savage Harry Male York
1893/228 - Thompson Mary Female Tattersell Charles Male Guildford
1893/228 - Tattersell Charles Male Thompson Mary Female Guildford
1893/229 - Pinnell George Male Dunk Elizabeth Female Guildford
1893/229 - Dunk Elizabeth Female Pinnell George Male Guildford
1893/230 - Baesjou Augustus Henry Male Troode Jessie Azelia Female Albany
1893/230 - Troode Jessie Azelia Female Baesjou Augustus Henry Male Albany
1893/231 - Pearless Ruth Female Bishop John Male Fremantle
1893/231 - Bishop John Male Pearless Ruth Female Fremantle
1893/232 - Reddaway Louisa Maud Blanche Female Shuffrey George Smith Male Fremantle
1893/232 - Shuffrey George Smith Male Reddaway Louisa Maud Blanche Female Fremantle
1893/233 - Self Harry Arthur Male Kelly Annie Female Fremantle
1893/233 - Kelly Annie Female Self Harry Arthur Male Fremantle
1893/234 - Farmery Sarah Louisa Female Reader Robert Mack Male Fremantle
1893/234 - Reader Robert Mack Male Farmery Sarah Louisa Female Fremantle
1893/235 - Ahern William Male Pearson Emma Elizabeth Female Greenough
1893/235 - Pearson Emma Elizabeth Female Ahern William Male Greenough
1893/236 - McMahon Patrick Male Willimott Caroline Female Greenough
1893/236 - Willimott Caroline Female McMahon Patrick Male Greenough
1893/237 - Harris Thomas Malcolm Male Reynolds Bertha Harriet Female Greenough
1893/237 - Reynolds Bertha Harriet Female Harris Thomas Malcolm Male Greenough
1893/238 - Snook John Joseph Male Macgregor Ellen King Female Fremantle
1893/238 - Macgregor Ellen King Female Snook John Joseph Male Fremantle
1893/239 - White Ann Rachel Female Locke Herbert John Male Fremantle
1893/239 - Locke Herbert John Male White Ann Rachel Female Fremantle
1893/240 - Straughair Robert Male Angove Sarah Female Fremantle
1893/240 - Angove Sarah Female Straughair Robert Male Fremantle
1893/241 - Day Eliza Female Firns Charles Male Rockingham
1893/241 - Firns Charles Male Day Eliza Female Rockingham
1893/242 - Chidwick Jane Female Rhodes William Male Fremantle
1893/242 - Rhodes William Male Chidwick Jane Female Fremantle
1893/243 - Burrell Agnes Mary Female Rudkin Edwin Male Perth
1893/243 - Rudkin Edwin Male Burrell Agnes Mary Female Perth
1893/244 - Dickinson John Male Smart Mary Jane Female Perth
1893/244 - Smart Mary Jane Female Dickinson John Male Perth
1893/245 - Armstrong Nathaniel Mews Male Hartley Ada Female Perth
1893/245 - Hartley Ada Female Armstrong Nathaniel Mews Male Perth
1893/246 - Edwards Adelaide Annie Margaretta Female Smith William John Male Perth
1893/246 - Smith William John Male Edwards Adelaide Annie Margaretta Female Perth
1893/247 - Bird Mary Female Slattery Bernard Male Bunbury
1893/247 - Slattery Bernard Male Bird Mary Female Bunbury
1893/248 - Gibbs Sarah Jane Female Chapman George Male Preston
1893/248 - Chapman George Male Gibbs Sarah Jane Female Preston
1893/249 - Blechynden Alfred Male Bovell Mary Ellen Female Greenbushes
1893/249 - Bovell Mary Ellen Female Blechynden Alfred Male Greenbushes
1893/250 - Moir Grace Melville Female Johnson Francis Wardell Male Albany
1893/250 - Johnson Francis Wardell Male Moir Grace Melville Female Albany
1893/251 - Lovatt Elizabeth Veronica Female Marnham James Male York
1893/251 - Marnham James Male Lovatt Elizabeth Veronica Female York
1893/252 - Easther Henry William Roland Male Adlam Nina Mary Female Geraldton
1893/252 - Adlam Nina Mary Female Easther Henry William Roland Male Geraldton
1893/253 - Clinch Sarah Rose Female Jones Alexander Hamlet Male Gingin
1893/253 - Jones Alexander Hamlet Male Clinch Sarah Rose Female Gingin
1893/254 - King William Rupert Male Clinch Frances Esther Elizabeth Female Gingin
1893/254 - Clinch Frances Esther Elizabeth Female King William Rupert Male Gingin
1893/255 - Green Reuben John Male Ralston Jessie Female Perth
1893/255 - Ralston Jessie Female Green Reuben John Male Perth
1893/256 - Ashby Frederick Male McKnoe Catherine Mary Female Perth
1893/256 - McKnoe Catherine Mary Female Ashby Frederick Male Perth
1893/257 - Newton Francis Ernest Male Rogers Sarah Mabel Female Perth
1893/257 - Rogers Sarah Mabel Female Newton Francis Ernest Male Perth
1893/258 - Quinlane John Male Campbell Ellen Female Perth
1893/258 - Campbell Ellen Female Quinlane John Male Perth
1893/259 - James Lucy Jane Female Tapping William Male Perth
1893/259 - Tapping William Male James Lucy Jane Female Perth
1893/260 - Newman Joseph Male Harris Clara Female Perth
1893/260 - Harris Clara Female Newman Joseph Male Perth
1893/261 - Finemore Mary Ellen Female Schuts Joseph Hubert Male Perth
1893/261 - Schuts Joseph Hubert Male Finemore Mary Ellen Female Perth
1893/262 - Oldham Mary Female Tester William Henry Male Perth
1893/262 - Tester William Henry Male Oldham Mary Female Perth
1893/263 - Morgan William Reid Male Carrick Ada Rose Female Perth
1893/263 - Carrick Ada Rose Female Morgan William Reid Male Perth
1893/264 - Lillis Stephen Joseph Male Kilgallon Anne Female Perth
1893/264 - Kilgallon Anne Female Lillis Stephen Joseph Male Perth
1893/265 - Bedford Rose Alice Female Martin Alfred Male Perth
1893/265 - Martin Alfred Male Bedford Rose Alice Female Perth
1893/266 - McFarlane Archibald Male Lovelle Mary Ann Female Perth
1893/266 - Lovelle Mary Ann Female McFarlane Archibald Male Perth
1893/267 - Glaskin John Joseph Male Leonard Laura Annie Female Perth
1893/267 - Leonard Laura Annie Female Glaskin John Joseph Male Perth
1893/268 - Hawley John Grimmitt Male Collett Mary Ellen Edwards Female Highgate
1893/268 - Collett Mary Ellen Edwards Female Hawley John Grimmitt Male Highgate
1893/269 - Brown Richard Gaffney Male Taylor Clara Emily Female Fremantle
1893/269 - Taylor Clara Emily Female Brown Richard Gaffney Male Fremantle
1893/270 - Tulloch Arthur Robert Male Wilkinson Pauline Rosena Female Fremantle
1893/270 - Wilkinson Pauline Rosena Female Tulloch Arthur Robert Male Fremantle
1893/271 - Dalley Charles Male Stevenson Eliza Female Fremantle
1893/271 - Stevenson Eliza Female Dalley Charles Male Fremantle
1893/272 - Thorpe Margaret Louisa Female Beacham Levi Male Rockingham
1893/272 - Beacham Levi Male Thorpe Margaret Louisa Female Rockingham
1893/273 - Massingham Rosa Amelia Female Carson William Male Geraldton
1893/273 - Carson William Male Massingham Rosa Amelia Female Geraldton
1893/274 - Brown Margaret Female Walsh Michael Male Geraldton
1893/274 - Walsh Michael Male Brown Margaret Female Geraldton
1893/275 - Hall Ellen Female Whitmore Arthur William Male Geraldton
1893/275 - Whitmore Arthur William Male Hall Ellen Female Geraldton
1893/276 - Wass Elizabeth Female Rowland John Male Dongarra
1893/276 - Rowland John Male Wass Elizabeth Female Dongarra
1893/277 - Howard John Ernest Male Gandle Sarah Female Carnarvon
1893/277 - Gandle Sarah Female Howard John Ernest Male Carnarvon
1893/278 - Higgins George Male Smith Bertha Female Busselton
1893/278 - Smith Bertha Female Higgins George Male Busselton
1893/279 - Watson Alexander Joseph Male Fitzgerald Elizabeth Female Strawberry
1893/279 - Fitzgerald Elizabeth Female Watson Alexander Joseph Male Strawberry
1893/280 - Warrener Robert Henry Male Gray Louisa Jane Female Greenough
1893/280 - Gray Louisa Jane Female Warrener Robert Henry Male Greenough Gray-17771
1893/281 - Giles Amy Harriet Female Hutson Giles Hercules Male Northampton
1893/281 - Hutson Giles Hercules Male Giles Amy Harriet Female Northampton
1893/282 - Lee Steere Ethel Elizabeth Female Roberts Edward Arthur Philip Male Newcastle
1893/282 - Roberts Edward Arthur Philip Male Lee Steere Ethel Elizabeth Female Newcastle
1893/283 - Munday Emily Josephine Female Lloyd Robert William Male Albany
1893/283 - Lloyd Robert William Male Munday Emily Josephine Female Albany
1893/284 - Hennessy Patrick Male Hennessy Selina Female Bunbury
1893/284 - Hennessy Selina Female Hennessy Patrick Male Bunbury
1893/285 - Powell Harriett Female Goode William Male Swan
1893/285 - Powell Hytie Female Goode William Male Swan
1893/285 - Goode William Male Powell Harriett Female Swan
1893/285 - Goode William Male Powell Hytie Female Swan
1893/286 - Moren Helena Female Adams John Edwin Male Perth
1893/286 - Adams John Edwin Male Moren Helena Female Perth
1893/287 - Sayers Thomas Male Carroll Johanna Female Perth
1893/287 - Carroll Johanna Female Sayers Thomas Male Perth
1893/288 - Foster James Charles Male Roche Ruth Female Perth
1893/288 - Roche Ruth Female Foster James Charles Male Perth
1893/289 - Wood William Thomas Male Russ May Female Perth
1893/289 - Russ May Female Wood William Thomas Male Perth
1893/290 - Powell George Male Dure Ellen Female Perth
1893/290 - Dure Ellen Female Powell George Male Perth
1893/291 - Warden Hutton Thomas Frederick Male Martin Louise Female Perth
1893/291 - Martin Louise Female Warden Hutton Thomas Frederick Male Perth
1893/292 - Halliday John Male Moyns Alice Female Perth
1893/292 - Moyns Alice Female Halliday John Male Perth
1893/293 - Leeder Annie Frances Female Spencer Frederick Llewellyn Male Perth
1893/293 - Spencer Frederick Llewellyn Male Leeder Annie Frances Female Perth
1893/294 - McNamara Bridget Female Tyers Samuel Male Perth
1893/294 - Tyers Samuel Male McNamara Bridget Female Perth
1893/295 - Urry Francis Male Crockett Lillie Female Perth
1893/295 - Crockett Lillie Female Urry Francis Male Perth
1893/296 - Mace Charles John Male Lowe Jane Matilda Female Perth
1893/296 - Lowe Jane Matilda Female Mace Charles John Male Perth
1893/297 - Mainwaring Maude Agnes Female Green John Male Bunbury
1893/297 - Green John Male Mainwaring Maude Agnes Female Bunbury
1893/298 - Hogan Caroline Female Eggleston Charles Male Bunbury
1893/298 - Eggleston Charles Male Hogan Caroline Female Bunbury
1893/299 - Withers Theodosia Kate Female Crossley Edward Male Picton
1893/299 - Crossley Edward Male Withers Theodosia Kate Female Picton
1893/300 - Carroll Rachel Elizabeth Female Moore Geoffrey Male Picton
1893/300 - Moore Geoffrey Male Carroll Rachel Elizabeth Female Picton
1893/301 - Oldham Elizabeth Female Keernan Patrick Male Bunbury
1893/301 - Keernan Patrick Male Oldham Elizabeth Female Bunbury
1893/302 - Rodgers Michael Male White Ellen Female Bunbury
1893/302 - White Ellen Female Rodgers Michael Male Bunbury
1893/303 - Guilton Alfred Male Chifney Sarah Female Tipperary
1893/303 - Chifney Sarah Female Guilton Alfred Male Tipperary
1893/304 - Taylor John Male Hathaway Mary Jane Female York
1893/304 - Hathaway Mary Jane Female Taylor John Male York
1893/305 - Perry Edith Sarah Female Peters William Henry Male North Fremantle
1893/305 - Peters William Henry Male Perry Edith Sarah Female North Fremantle
1893/306 - Leake Alice Ella Female Dingle Henry Male Fremantle
1893/306 - Dingle Henry Male Leake Alice Ella Female Fremantle
1893/307 - Kenworthy William Herbert Male Kerr Rose Mary Female Fremantle
1893/307 - Kerr Rose Mary Female Kenworthy William Herbert Male Fremantle
1893/308 - Nesbitt Andrew Wallace Male Cook Eliza Ann Matilda Female Albany
1893/308 - Cook Eliza Ann Matilda Female Nesbitt Andrew Wallace Male Albany
1893/309 - Kay Fish Male Jeffries Louise Elisabeth Mary Female Albany
1893/309 - Jeffries Louise Elisabeth Mary Female Kay Fish Male Albany
1893/310 - Hancock Grace Emma Female Blechynden Joseph Male Beverley
1893/310 - Blechynden Joseph Male Hancock Grace Emma Female Beverley
1893/311 - Donovan Robert Male Pickersgill Catherine Female Karridale
1893/311 - Pickersgill Catherine Female Donovan Robert Male Karridale
1893/312 - Bishop Emily Female Rumble Henry Male Greenough
1893/312 - Rumble Henry Male Bishop Emily Female Greenough
1893/313 - Craine Eliza Female Wilks George Male Greenough
1893/313 - Wilks George Male Craine Eliza Female Greenough
1893/314 - Sorenson Thomas Male Allender Margaret Female Geraldton
1893/314 - Allender Margaret Female Sorenson Thomas Male Geraldton
1893/315 - Byne John Male Herbert Maria Female Geraldton
1893/315 - Herbert Maria Female Byne John Male Geraldton
1893/316 - Connolly Eva Harriet Female Gould John Male Geraldton
1893/316 - Gould John Male Connolly Eva Harriet Female Geraldton
1893/317 - Boylan Richard John Male Gray Alice Margaret Female Geraldton
1893/317 - Gray Alice Margaret Female Boylan Richard John Male Geraldton
1893/318 - Fitzgerald Bridget Mary Female Butler Thomas Edmund Male New Norcia
1893/318 - Butler Thomas Edmund Male Fitzgerald Bridget Mary Female New Norcia
1893/319 - Rawson Alfred Male Welch Clara Female Wagin
1893/319 - Welch Clara Female Rawson Alfred Male Wagin
1893/320 - Bassett Emma Mary Female Naughton David Male Roebourne
1893/320 - Naughton David Male Bassett Emma Mary Female Roebourne
1893/321 - Rix Sophia Elizabeth Female Will Albert Aiken Male Roebourne
1893/321 - Will Albert Aiken Male Rix Sophia Elizabeth Female Roebourne
1893/322 - Kempton Mary Agnes Frances Female Ronan John Male Narra Tarra
1893/322 - Ronan John Male Kempton Mary Agnes Frances Female Narra Tarra
1893/323 - Gowers Maria Female Baillie John Male Fremantle
1893/323 - Baillie John Male Gowers Maria Female Fremantle
1893/324 - Keesing Abraham Rossini Male Miles Elizabeth Cyclone Gallop Warden Female Fremantle
1893/324 - Miles Elizabeth Cyclone Gallop Warden Female Keesing Abraham Rossini Male Fremantle
1893/325 - Holt Frederick William Male Hawkins Margaret Ellen Female Fremantle
1893/325 - Hawkins Margaret Ellen Female Holt Frederick William Male Fremantle
1893/326 - Walsh Mary Female Johnson John Male Fremantle
1893/326 - Johnson John Male Walsh Mary Female Fremantle
1893/327 - Gollop William Henry Male Brown Matilda Female Fremantle
1893/327 - Brown Matilda Female Gollop William Henry Male Fremantle
1893/328 - Peters John Male Douglas Elizabeth Female Fremantle
1893/328 - Douglas Elizabeth Female Peters John Male Fremantle
1893/329 - Chapman Arnold William Male Roberts Edith Isabella Female Fremantle
1893/329 - Roberts Edith Isabella Female Chapman Arnold William Male Fremantle
1893/330 - Waldeck Eva May Female Gawler Douglas George Male Fremantle
1893/330 - Gawler Douglas George Male Waldeck Eva May Female Fremantle
1893/331 - Weir Matilda Female Bovell William James Male Fremantle
1893/331 - Bovell William James Male Weir Matilda Female Fremantle
1893/332 - McGough Margaret Female Bridges Jeffery Male Perth
1893/332 - Bridges Jeffery Male McGough Margaret Female Perth
1893/333 - Murray Martha Female Litton William Alfred Male Perth
1893/333 - Litton William Alfred Male Murray Martha Female Perth
1893/334 - Wisdom Annie Louisa Elizabeth Female Sherwood Aubrey Thomas Male Perth
1893/334 - Sherwood Aubrey Thomas Male Wisdom Annie Louisa Elizabeth Female Perth
1893/335 - Gaunt Theresa Female Leeder George Edmund Male Perth
1893/335 - Leeder George Edmund Male Gaunt Theresa Female Perth
1893/336 - Rouse William Henry Male McNamara Martha Mathilda Female Perth
1893/336 - McNamara Martha Mathilda Female Rouse William Henry Male Perth
1893/337 - Crogan Mary Female Kindelan John Male Perth
1893/337 - Kindelan John Male Crogan Mary Female Perth
1893/338 - Foster Florence Louisa Female Dawson Thomas George Male Perth
1893/338 - Dawson Thomas George Male Foster Florence Louisa Female Perth
1893/339 - Hudson John Chichley Plowden Male McDiarmid Ruth Marion Female Perth
1893/339 - McDiarmid Ruth Marion Female Hudson John Chichley Plowden Male Perth
1893/340 - McConkey Henrietta Female Hall John Male Northampton
1893/340 - Hall John Male McConkey Henrietta Female Northampton
1893/341 - Adams Elizabeth Female Rovezio Stephen Male Kojonup
1893/341 - Rovezio Stephen Male Adams Elizabeth Female Kojonup
1893/342 - Loton Alfred Joseph Morris Male Hamersley Frances Lucy Female Williams
1893/342 - Hamersley Frances Lucy Female Loton Alfred Joseph Morris Male Williams
1893/343 - Gibbs Adeline Felicia Female Muir Robert Thomas Male Brunswick
1893/343 - Muir Robert Thomas Male Gibbs Adeline Felicia Female Brunswick
1893/344 - Parker Gilbert Male Adkins Ellen Female Bunbury
1893/344 - Adkins Ellen Female Parker Gilbert Male Bunbury
1893/345 - Anderson William Male McCormick Margaret Female Guildford
1893/345 - McCormick Margaret Female Anderson William Male Guildford
1893/346 - Sullivan Patrick Daniel Male Halpin Ellen Female Guildford
1893/346 - Halpin Ellen Female Sullivan Patrick Daniel Male Guildford
1893/347 - Kirk Alicia Mayhew Female Watkins Walter Wallace Male York
1893/347 - Watkins Walter Wallace Male Kirk Alicia Mayhew Female York
1893/348 - Kindelan Elizabeth Female Taylor John Male York
1893/348 - Taylor John Male Kindelan Elizabeth Female York
1893/349 - Fitzgerald Richard Male Walker Alice Female Greenough
1893/349 - Walker Alice Female Fitzgerald Richard Male Greenough
1893/350 - Pead Lavinia Ellen Augusta Female Haddy Stephen Male Geraldton
1893/350 - Haddy Stephen Male Pead Lavinia Ellen Augusta Female Geraldton
1893/351 - McGuckin Joseph Thomas Male Smith Georgina Female Perth
1893/351 - Smith Georgina Female McGuckin Joseph Thomas Male Perth
1893/352 - Wholly Patrick Male Mulcahy Beatrice Female Perth
1893/352 - Mulcahy Beatrice Female Wholly Patrick Male Perth
1893/353 - O'Flanagan Martin Male Sullivan May Female Perth
1893/353 - Sullivan May Female O'Flanagan Martin Male Perth
1893/354 - Middleton Florence Helena Female Peters Joseph Patrick Male Perth
1893/354 - Peters Joseph Patrick Male Middleton Florence Helena Female Perth
1893/355 - Read Albert Mark Male Busby Eleanor Maud Female Perth
1893/355 - Busby Eleanor Maud Female Read Albert Mark Male Perth
1893/356 - Davy John Walter Male Dyke Emily Anna Female Perth
1893/356 - Dyke Emily Anna Female Davy John Walter Male Perth
1893/357 - Hearle Samuel Male Nicholls Comfort Female Perth
1893/357 - Nicholls Comfort Female Hearle Samuel Male Perth
1893/358 - Lovett Leocadia Female Webb George Male Perth
1893/358 - Webb George Male Lovett Leocadia Female Perth
1893/359 - Piper Robert Allender Male Von Bibra Amy Female Perth
1893/359 - Von Bibra Amy Female Piper Robert Allender Male Perth
1893/360 - Smeed Ellen Female Cook Charles Richard Victor Male Perth
1893/360 - Cook Charles Richard Victor Male Smeed Ellen Female Perth
1893/361 - Gillett Lilian Maud Female Pether Henry John Male St George's Cathedral
1893/361 - Pether Henry John Male Gillett Lilian Maud Female St George's Cathedral
1893/362 - Ptolomey Mary Elizabeth Female Bennett George Alfred Male Perth
1893/362 - Bennett George Alfred Male Ptolomey Mary Elizabeth Female Perth
1893/363 - Kemble Eliza Female Stone George Frederick Male Perth
1893/363 - Stone George Frederick Male Kemble Eliza Female Perth
1893/364 - Hardwicke Edith Maud Female Brazier Noel Murray Male Perth
1893/364 - Brazier Noel Murray Male Hardwicke Edith Maud Female Perth
1893/365 - Barrington George Arthur Male Collins Annie Female Perth
1893/365 - Collins Annie Female Barrington George Arthur Male Perth
1893/366 - Brown Charlotte Female Smith Harry Fryer Male Middle Swan
1893/366 - Smith Harry Fryer Male Brown Charlotte Female Middle Swan
1893/367 - Robinson Thomas Male Jones Alma Alice Female Middle Swan
1893/367 - Jones Alma Alice Female Robinson Thomas Male Middle Swan
1893/368 - Patton Cecilia Gloag Female Dempster Samuel Adams Barker Male Beverley
1893/368 - Dempster Samuel Adams Barker Male Patton Cecilia Gloag Female Beverley
1893/369 - Cornish Amelia Ellen Female Henville Sampson Male Fremantle
1893/369 - Henville Sampson Male Cornish Amelia Ellen Female Fremantle
1893/370 - Hawkins James Male Stuart Madge Female Fremantle
1893/370 - Stuart Madge Female Hawkins James Male Fremantle
1893/371 - Macnish Robert Percy Male Oakley Amy Marion Female Fremantle
1893/371 - Oakley Amy Marion Female Macnish Robert Percy Male Fremantle
1893/372 - McInnis Angus Male Larking Esther Female Fremantle
1893/372 - Larking Esther Female McInnis Angus Male Fremantle
1893/373 - Lewis Owen George Male Ranken Janet Miller Female Fremantle
1893/373 - Ranken Janet Miller Female Lewis Owen George Male Fremantle
1893/374 - Cole Herbert Henry Male Jenner Sarah Ann Female Fremantle
1893/374 - Jenner Sarah Ann Female Cole Herbert Henry Male Fremantle
1893/375 - Byng Joseph Robert Male Mauger Elizabeth Mary Female Fremantle
1893/375 - Mauger Elizabeth Mary Female Byng Joseph Robert Male Fremantle
1893/376 - Fraser Anna Margaret Reay Female Williams Frederick Matthews Male Fremantle
1893/376 - Williams Frederick Matthews Male Fraser Anna Margaret Reay Female Fremantle
1893/377 - Vickers Marie Punshon Female Watson Edward Jack Male Fremantle
1893/377 - Watson Edward Jack Male Vickers Marie Punshon Female Fremantle
1893/378 - Smith Robert Alexander Male Kerr Annie Female Fremantle
1893/378 - Kerr Annie Female Smith Robert Alexander Male Fremantle
1893/379 - Frost Maud Elizabeth Female Riley Isaiah Male Albany
1893/379 - Riley Isaiah Male Frost Maud Elizabeth Female Albany
1893/380 - Seckington Sarah Female O'Doherty James Male Albany
1893/380 - O'Doherty James Male Seckington Sarah Female Albany
1893/381 - Coughlan William Male Nicholes Louisa Female Albany
1893/381 - Nicholes Louisa Female Coughlan William Male Albany
1893/382 - Munday Annie Female Cornwall Thomas Joseph Male Albany
1893/382 - Cornwall Thomas Joseph Male Munday Annie Female Albany
1893/383 - Fiskin Alfred William Male Hortop Mabel Jane Female York
1893/383 - Hortop Mabel Jane Female Fiskin Alfred William Male York
1893/384 - O'Gorman Annie Female Kain James Dennis Male Roebourne
1893/384 - Kain James Dennis Male O'Gorman Annie Female Roebourne
1893/385 - Gairin Patrick Male Dearl Jane Matilda Female Katanning
1893/385 - Dearl Jane Matilda Female Gairin Patrick Male Katanning
1893/386 - Slattery Mary Ann Female Harris Thomas William Male Dardanup
1893/386 - Harris Thomas William Male Slattery Mary Ann Female Dardanup
1893/387 - Keeble Charles William Male Properjohn Edith Female Bunbury
1893/387 - Properjohn Edith Female Keeble Charles William Male Bunbury
1893/388 - Hicks John Edward Male McCarthy Ellen Victoria Female Northam
1893/388 - McCarthy Ellen Victoria Female Hicks John Edward Male Northam
1893/389 - McCauley Duncan James Male Cameron Jessie Female Wyndham
1893/389 - Cameron Jessie Female McCauley Duncan James Male Wyndham
1893/390 - Compton Cecil Ernest Male Linthorne Amy Elizabeth Female Dongarra
1893/390 - Linthorne Amy Elizabeth Female Compton Cecil Ernest Male Dongarra
1893/391 - Gregory Eliza Jane Female Whight John Edward Male Northampton
1893/391 - Whight John Edward Male Gregory Eliza Jane Female Northampton
1893/392 - Kelly Michael Male Johnson Sarah Jane Female Northampton
1893/392 - Johnson Sarah Jane Female Kelly Michael Male Northampton
1897/1654 - Bartlett Arthur Fredrick Male London Elizabeth Female York
1897/1654 - London Elizabeth Female Bartlett Arthur Fredrick Male York