A tool to help track the citations of the Western Australian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages from Wikidata and WikiTree.

Deaths in: 1986

Registration year & number Registration district Surname Given names Gender Gender Age Father Death place Wikidata WikiTree
2023/988 - Fulton Sharon Elizabeth F 29 Betty HULME - Unknown
2020/4472 - Ryall Richard Lakeman M 61 Gertrude Amelia RYALL Alfred Alexander RYALL via Kojonup
2020/6866 - Hiyomori Tadao M 33 Unknown Unknown -
1987/100001 Perth Booth Kenneth John M 81 Lena Marie CARLSON Herbert James BOOTH Nedlands
1987/100002 Perth Caldwell Gertrude Ethel Eveleen F 79 Florence Maude CONGDON John David PLUMMER Bassendean
1987/100003 Perth Caliaro Dennis M 57 Unknown Unknown Perth
1987/100004 Perth Clements Jack Percival M 76 Agnes Maude SHUTE Edwin Terrence CLEMENTS Nedlands
1987/100005 Perth Goudy Alexander MacMillan M 87 Sarah Louisa MACMILLAN Robert Simpson GOUDY Como
1987/100006 Perth Gurney Ernest Reginald M 82 Ellen Emma COALES Richard Miles Beeson GURNEY Nedlands
1987/100007 Perth Howe Frederick Lund M 82 Jessie LUND Alexander Maxwell HOWE Nedlands
1987/100008 Perth Iles Henry Gifford M 70 Hilda Maud KEEGAN Henry ILES Nedlands
1987/100009 Perth McNab William Duncan M 64 Louisa Alice PAINTING William MCNAB Nedlands
1987/100010 Perth Pigott Phyllis Noelle F 79 Jane Violet BOGLE Charles James Edward PERRY Nedlands
1987/100011 Perth Porter Charles Bertrand M 91 Malvinia Elizabeth STAFFORD Thomas Henry PORTER Nedlands
1987/100012 Perth Quinn Michael John M Not born alive Julie Ann DOWSETT Garry James QUINN Subiaco
1987/100013 Perth Selwyn Merton M 66 Bertha UNKNOWN Bert SELWYN Noranda
1987/100014 Perth Skipworth David Winslow M 38 Kathleen COLLINS Edison SKIPWORTH Wembley
1987/100015 Perth Taylor Doreen Mary F 69 Pearl Rose BLAKE Joe RISING Perth
1987/100016 Perth Thomson Muriel Benge F 77 Minnie Grace Longworth WAGLAND John Doyle O'BRIEN Wembley
1987/100017 Perth Vines Frederick M 77 Marie SCHILLER Julius VINES Nedlands
1987/100018 Perth Wallam Sydney M 68 Mabel WALLAM Alex COX Shenton Park
1987/100019 Perth Whatley-Dale Anthony Stuart M Not born alive Maria TASSEFF David Rhys Stuart Noble WHATLEY-DALE Subiaco
1987/100020 Perth Withers Geraldine Ethna F 71 Mary NEESON Peter CONVERY Highgate
1987/100021 Perth Bairstow Stanley Raymond M 72 Lilian BARR Frank BAIRSTOW Como
1987/100022 Perth Ball Walter M 81 Phoebe UNKNOWN Walter BALL Dalkeith
1987/100023 Perth Brearley William Wright M 65 Charlotte HAYTHORNWAITE William BREARLEY Nollamara
1987/100024 Perth Beaton Ronald Edgar M 56 Ada Evelyn BRAND John Thomas BEATON Perth
1987/100025 Perth Brigatti Herbert Raymond M 76 Eva SIMON George William BRIGATTI Nedlands
1987/100026 Perth Donovan Lennard James M 62 May Ellis ROBERTS James Francis DONOVAN Perth
1987/100027 Perth Flynn Gerald Joseph M 76 Bridgett CAVANAGH John FLYNN Victoria Park
1987/100028 Perth Hart George William Warren M 76 Unknown John Henry HART Heathridge
1987/100029 Perth Hoad Emma F Not born alive Deborah MAHER Ian Malcolm HOAD Subiaco
1987/100030 Perth Jennings Herbert Abraham M 75 Mary Ann BRIDGER George Charles JENNINGS Nedlands
1987/100031 Perth Keddy Norman Wilfred M 59 Winifred Ethel BENNETT William KEDDY Dalkeith
1987/100032 Perth Kucharczyk Stanislan M 62 Unknown Unknown Balga
1987/100033 Perth Lane Dorothea Catherine F 69 Blanche Edith WYATT Ernest STOKES Perth
1987/100034 Perth Marsh Gladys Doreen F 82 Louise Josephine BEAVER James GLASSCOCK Nedlands
1987/100035 Perth Martin Alma Jessica F 72 Jessica Amelia THOMAS William James MARTIN Perth
1987/100036 Perth Mordue Kathleen Mary F 66 Maggie WORDSWORTH Walter DICKINSON Nedlands
1987/100037 Perth Shearer-Young James M 87 Elizabeth SHEARER James YOUNG Perth
1987/100038 Perth Thomas Jessie F 88 Mary Emily BAINS James Frederick MORRISON Perth
1987/100039 Perth Tunstill Margaret F 92 Elizabeth RANDLES John Henry FAIRHURST Como
1987/100040 Perth Williamson Allan Bruce M 85 Ann BROMHAM Thomas James WILLIAMSON Mosman Park
1987/100041 Perth Christie Alexander James M 85 Edith SHORT James CHRISTIE Nedlands
1987/100042 Perth Dale Langham William M 70 Lurline Katie BROWN William Stroud DALE Hamersley
1987/100043 Perth Donegan Bert George M 80 Elizabeth SMITH George Lesley DONEGAN Perth
1987/100044 Perth Fletcher Lionel Joseph M 57 Mildred Ellen CULLOTON Benjamin FLETCHER Nedlands
1987/100045 Perth Gilroy Jacoba Petronella F 81 Johanna RHEDER Joseph LYON Perth
1987/100046 Perth Goodwill George Thomas M 81 Edith HANDLEY Henry Dean GOODWILL Perth
1987/100047 Perth Guhl Margaret F 70 Margaret ALDERTON William PALLISTER North Beach
1987/100048 Perth Harris George Bennett M 81 Margaret Mary BENNETT George Frederick HARRIS Victoria Park
1987/100049 Perth Hollis Peter Noel M 57 May LINNETT Arthur Logan HOLLIS Yokine
1987/100050 Perth McLintock Jean May F 79 Blanche Evelyn Maud MCKINNON William Colin Scott MCLINTOCK Nedlands
1987/100051 Perth Oliffe Phyllis Evelyn F 82 Florence LOUGHLIN Sydney BALDING West Perth
1987/100052 Perth Olney Edward John M 73 Mary Alice CATTENS Ernest John OLNEY Nedlands
1987/100053 Perth Piercy Cecilia Florence F 79 Annie MENTIPLAY John ROBERTS Wanneroo
1987/100054 Perth Pullan Brian Joseph M 52 Ethel Mary THORPE Herbert PULLAN Perth
1987/100055 Perth Quarrell Leslie Pearson M 77 Gertrude Mary MURPHY Alexander Pearson QUARRELL Nedlands
1987/100056 Perth Redhead Edward M 50 Florence Emily SPARKS Edward REDHEAD Perth
1987/100057 Perth Riley Julius Pablo M 84 Amy Julia JONES John James George RILEY Perth
1987/100058 Perth Sofronitsky Alexander M 30 Marina SOFRONITSKY Alexander POPOVICH Nedlands
1987/100059 Perth Stout Elsie Grace F 88 Grace Mary CANHAM James Samuel GOTTS Mount Lawley
1987/100060 Perth Watt Hugh M 60 Unknown Unknown WATT Perth
1987/100061 Perth Bridges Bruce Melrose M 59 Alice Ruby UNKNOWN Unknown BRIDGES Maylands
1987/100062 Perth James Violet Lydia F 83 Augusta ARNOLD Stephen NIXON Shenton Park
1987/100063 Perth Stahl Charles Reginald M 83 Alice Maude Mary FOWLER Charles William STAHL Nedlands
1987/100064 Perth Cook Michael Hastings M 46 Lillian Hamilton POPE Clifford Digby COOK Hamersley
1987/100065 Perth Asquith Percy Thomas M 71 Sophia HODGSON Percy ASQUITH Nedlands
1987/100066 Perth Ashworth Dulcie Eileen F 75 Mildred SEXTON George CLARKE Belmont
1987/100067 Perth Bartholomew William Walter M 90 Unknown Unknown Victoria Park
1987/100068 Perth Boeijink Arend Jan Sjoerd M 69 Janke AACHTIEN Arend Jan Sjoerd BOEIJINK Nedlands
1987/100069 Perth Brown Robert Donald M 52 Jean FREER William Frederick BROWN Nedlands
1987/100070 Perth Durel Raymond Pierre M 51 Doris VAINES Leopold DUREL Morley
1987/100071 Perth Gray Gertrude F 78 Mary BUTCHER Archibald PALMER Claremont
1987/100072 Perth Hunter Mark M 28 Philomena HUNTER Alphonse DINKER Nedlands
1987/100073 Perth Irons Arthur Lindsay M 35 Roma ROBSON Edward Norman IRONS Perth
1987/100074 Perth Jones Gwenneth Wyrill F 76 Louisa LEGGE Rhys William FRANCIS Nedlands
1987/100075 Perth McCormack John M 68 Annie MCNAUGHT Charles MCCORMACK Nedlands
1987/100076 Perth McDonald Ella Doreen May F 80 Susan Lydia WHITBY Humphrey John ROWLANDS Perth
1987/100077 Perth Morrison Gillian Wyatt F 40 Doris Annie FINLAY Kenneth SYKES Nedlands
1987/100078 Perth Polhill Thomas Guerry M 75 Alice Annette Louise GUERRY Thomas John POLHILL Greenwood
1987/100079 Perth Smith Arthur Edwin M 68 Margaret STEVENS Sydney John SMITH Perth
1987/100080 Perth Smith Florence Jenner F 79 Eliza Sarah CRISFORD William PEDLEY Morley
1987/100081 Perth Smith Harold Charles M 70 Florence WEST Charles William SMITH Nedlands
1987/100082 Perth Mullany William John M 83 Anne HOGAN John Francis MULLANY Victoria Park
1987/100083 Perth Thompson Daphne F 59 Dora LARKAN Arthur THOMPSON Perth
1987/100084 Perth Wernert James William M 82 Elizabeth Gertrude DURY Frank WERNERT Perth
1987/100085 Perth Branch Kathleen Nellie F 82 Susan ACTON Charles WALKER Rivervale
1987/100086 Perth Catt George Albert M 81 Alice JEMPSON James CATT Nedlands
1987/100087 Perth Conroy David M 26 Thelma Mary HOGAN Stanley CONROY Graylands
1987/100088 Perth Cottrell Adeline Beatrice F 79 Lillian Bessy GLEDHILL John Thomas CROCKER Perth
1987/100089 Perth Currie Grace Elizabeth F 88 Alice Mary NICHOLS George Henry HARRING Menora
1987/100090 Perth Downey Dorothy Daisey Ella F 88 Fanny EMES James Alexander Anderson Lowe STEWART Nedlands
1987/100091 Perth Duncan Robert Paterson M 73 Margaret Moodie SHARP Robert Paterson DUNCAN Nedlands
1987/100092 Perth Harnett John Patrick M 67 Vera Constance BLOOMER Timothy HARNETT Dalkeith
1987/100093 Perth Maidment Doris Ellen F 92 Ellen NORMAN Charles Edward MAIDMENT Stirling
1987/100094 Perth Oliver Ivan Thomas M 58 Anne JACKSON Stanley Garfield OLIVER Cottesloe
1987/100095 Perth Paton Evelyn Doris F 95 Lavinia BOWDEN Robert LAZENBY Perth
1987/100096 Perth Poole Harriet Miriam F 89 Harriet POOLE Peter BRAIN South Perth
1987/100097 Perth Rapinese Gennaro M 65 Concetta DIGIACOMO Nicola RAPINESE Greenwood
1987/100098 Perth Sidebotham Carol Ann F 51 Violet May BROWN Ronald ALEXANDER Perth
1987/100099 Perth Smith Minnie F 81 Gertrude Leah NOKOMOVITCH Morris COHEN Dalkeith
1987/100100 Perth Stewart Eva Grace F 76 Emma Ann HARRIS Alfred LE CORNEU Nedlands
1987/100101 Perth Stuckey Wilfred Huggett M 78 Kathrine Margaret HUGGETT William STUCKEY Subiaco
1987/100102 Perth Taylor Winifred Ena F 90 Unknown Unknown NORTH Nedlands
1987/100103 Perth Walsh Betty Claudine F 72 Janet Fyfe MCKNIGHT Charles WALSH Claremont
1987/100104 Perth Westphal Leslie Stuart M 70 Ada Prescilla MASON Norman WESTPHAL Edgewater
1987/100105 Perth Bateman Georgina Frances May F 75 Olive GILLINGS George Herbert FORD Stirling
1987/100106 Perth Battaglia Edna May F 75 Elizabeth Melbourne ROSS Arnott David SEUBERT Perth
1987/100107 Perth Bolam Frederick M 55 Alice Emily RODWELL James BOLAM Carine
1987/100108 Perth Dodd Agnes Elizabeth F 84 Agnes Elizabeth LEE George William Henry ARNOLD Perth
1987/100109 Perth Eckersley Ada Gladys F 98 Ada Gladys PAYZE Herbert Cecil MOSS Subiaco
1987/100110 Perth Hall Peter Malcolm M 56 Marjory Jessie GALLETLY James HALL Nedlands
1987/100111 Perth Howes Robert Charles M 64 Fanny Maria COOK Walter George HOWES Perth
1987/100112 Perth Johnson Norman Cyril M 62 Rosina Victoria CLOTHIER Arthur JOHNSON East Victoria Park
1987/100113 Perth Jones Margaret Ann F 92 Margaret THOMAS Alfred SMALL Subiaco
1987/100114 Perth Korbula Waclaw M 69 Unknown Unknown Ashfield
1987/100115 Perth Leonard Sunday Zira F 69 Gladys Mahala ALLEN Cyril Wallace MACKAY Perth
1987/100116 Perth Linklater Madge Kartanya F 72 Millie Maude DAWSON Perroomba Rochester Basil SEARCY Mosman Park
1987/100117 Perth Lynn Eleanor F 82 Jane Marley WATSON Marley Scott SWALWELL Nedlands
1987/100118 Perth MacDonald Gertrude Eveline Charlotte F 94 Charlotte WARE George PIPER Inglewood
1987/100119 Perth Oberman Edward Henry M 70 Mildred Helen CARTER Edward OBERMAN Perth
1987/100120 Perth Pryce Janice Muriel F 45 Mary Eileen MEEHAN Chartres Logan POTTS Nedlands
1987/100121 Perth Stearns Jane Ann F 88 Jane Ann UNKNOWN Herbert BAILEY Nedlands
1987/100122 Perth Tarbotton Eliza Florence F 66 Eliza Kizia MCLEAN Ernest James WILKES Wembley
1987/100123 Perth Turner John William M 57 Mable HIGGS Charles Arthur TURNER East Victoria Park
1987/100124 Perth Whitehead Ronald Walter M 76 Edith Lillian HITCHEN Walter Henry WHITEHEAD Subiaco
1987/100125 Perth Stanford Robert Wilson M 68 Florence UNKNOWN Frederick STANFORD Wembley
1987/100126 Perth Gill Allan Herbert M 64 Evelyn Frances Euphinia PATTISON Herbert GILL Perth
1987/100127 Perth Atkins Henry Keith M 58 Abagail May BRAUND George Henry ATKINS Nedlands
1987/100128 Perth Allan Lorraine Pearl F 67 Sarah Alice ALDRED Edward HAMMOND Cloverdale
1987/100129 Perth Abbott Selena Bertha F 85 Bertha JONES George HEPPENSTALL Perth
1987/100130 Perth Bairstow Jenna Claire F Not born alive Christine Nita BROWN Philip BAIRSTOW Subiaco
1987/100131 Perth Cuthbert Colleen Mabel F 68 Mabel UNKNOWN William GIBBS Lathlain
1987/100132 Perth Crane Evelyn Doris F 77 Charlotte Ellen TOZER Alfred William DESCHAMP Maylands
1987/100133 Perth Cain Walter George M 83 Alice CORBETT William CAIN Como
1987/100134 Perth D'Annunzio Christy F Not born alive Leanne THOMPSON Maurice Frank Joseph Gabrial D'ANNUNZIO Stirling
1987/100135 Perth Daniel Myrtle Sophia F 86 Emma Sophia PFEIFFER Charles Ferdinant BEECK South Perth
1987/100136 Perth Fenn Victor Arthur M 87 Martha COURTNEY Alfred George FENN Mosman Park
1987/100137 Perth Gibson Mathew David M Not born alive Valerie Marie ROUSE Ian Gerald GIBSON Subiaco
1987/100138 Perth Geddes Florence F 95 Ruth ROLLINGS Wallin Frederick HOWLETT West Perth
1987/100139 Perth Hodgson Wallace John M 92 Harriet HAYWARD Frank HODGSON Nedlands
1987/100140 Perth Harrison Frederick M 61 Ruth BRITTON Robert HARRISON Nedlands
1987/100141 Perth Hampton Mavis F 70 Ethel Laura GLASSEN Alfred Ernest BREHAUT Nedlands
1987/100142 Perth Harris Mary Eliza F 103 Unknown Edward GREEN Mosman Park
1987/100143 Perth Kenna Joseph M 80 Elizabeth HAYES Joseph KENNA Perth
1987/100144 Perth Karanikolaou Eleftherios M 50 Maria VARAYIANI Elliseos KARANIKOLAOU Nedlands
1987/100145 Perth Liddelow Mary Magdelene F 68 Annie Magdelene STOCKER James Joseph JONES Perth
1987/100146 Perth Legasse James Joseph M 39 Irene UNKNOWN James LEGASSE Perth
1987/100147 Perth Lawson Ivy Grace F 85 Emma KIRBY Frederick WARNER Nedlands
1987/100148 Perth Lewis Allan James M 64 Bessie Hilda HAYLER Cecil Ernest LEWIS Nedlands
1987/100149 Perth McKenzie Margaret F 87 Mary WEDLAKE William MOHER Subiaco
1987/100150 Perth Muir James Wotherspoon M 44 Annie BRANN James MUIR Wembley
1986/100151 Perth Dawson Steven James M 22 Lesley Dawn BARAGWANATH Brian Francis DAWSON Perth
1987/100151 Perth Metcalf Audrey Frances F 73 Harriett Mary Francess PUMPHREY Stephen Henry Easterey BEGENT Morley
1987/100152 Perth Mitchell-Baker Elaine Rene F 77 Jennie LEVY William Grant ADAMSON Dianella
1987/100153 Perth Nock Edna Rosalie F 72 Dora DIMMICK Charles Dobson POPE Nedlands
1987/100154 Perth Payne Ronald Alfred M 37 Margery WEBB Ronald Alfred PAYNE Nedlands
1987/100155 Perth Pratt Mabel Adelina F 87 Unknown Arthur Talbot WREFORD Menora
1987/100156 Perth Rogers Gladys Emily F 83 Emily Alice BARTLETT Edward NEIGHBOUR Stirling
1987/100157 Perth Robinson Lily Kathleen F 72 Lilian Leling Mabel PRIOR George HANCOCK Dalkeith
1987/100158 Perth Sparks-Kinninmont Barbara Anne F 39 Edna May JOHNSON William Vernon KINNINMONT Perth
1987/100159 Perth Tajip Jamie M 17 minutes Maria Victoria WHITFIELD Idris TAJIP Subiaco
1987/100160 Perth Tippett Joseph M 58 Mary Eileen WILSON Stanley Everard TIPPETT Wembley
1987/100161 Perth Trezise Gwenneth Lenore F 62 Leila Clarice AINSWORTH Henry William SMITH Nedlands
1987/100162 Perth Tagliaferri Bono Pietro M 87 Maria UNKNOWN Unknown TAGLIAFERRI Perth
1987/100163 Perth Wood Gwendolene Violet F 62 Jean HINDMARSH Arthur Stanley WOOD Mosman Park
1987/100164 Perth Winnacott Beryl Maude F 72 Maude ROBINSON Edward HOWLETT Stirling
1987/100165 Perth Zeck Enid Mary F 60 Ellen DOYLE Charles ARRAND Claremont
1987/100166 Perth Mippy Dwayne Garry M 2 Glenda May MIPPY Lenno GILLA Subiaco
1987/100167 Perth Allen Gordon Harley M 69 Lulu JARVIS Thomas ALLEN Kensington
1987/100168 Perth Allen Terence Stanley M 60 Unknown Unknown Mount Hawthorn
1987/100169 Perth Andrew Alison Jane F 16 Sandra May PHILLIPS Reginald John ANDREW Perth
1987/100170 Perth Boyd Dorothy May F 74 Edith Ada FLINDERS Charles Richard COOPER Victoria Park
1987/100171 Perth Beale Philip George M 78 Unknown Thurley George BEALE Scarborough
1987/100172 Perth Bowater Dean Charles M 1 month Valma GREEN Brian Charles BOWATER Willetton
1987/100173 Perth Butt William George M 85 Nellie Gertrude ESWORTHY William James BUTT Nedlands
1987/100174 Perth Craig George Lawrence M 82 Isabella MORRIS Francis William CRAIG Dalkeith
1987/100175 Perth Comrie Winifred Grace F 77 Edith Mary VINCE Solomon Joseph HENRY Swanbourne
1987/100176 Perth Clare Kate F 82 Eliza Jane WILKINSON Kenneth MCKENZIE Wembley
1987/100177 Perth Charman Alice F 92 Agnes WESTON Arthur LONGDEN Perth
1987/100178 Perth Cheyne John William Laurence M 67 Ada Alice PACKER John Francis CHEYNE Perth
1987/100179 Perth Campbell Kathleen Thelma F 72 Kathleen Florence KNIGHT Albert Edward Herbert Basil SAMPEY Bassendean
1987/100180 Perth Cook Edward Tindall Richardson M 82 Unknown Edward Tindall COOK Perth
1987/100181 Perth Clarke Leo Lawrence M 80 Mary BROBBEL Michael Francis CLARKE Nedlands
1987/100182 Perth Dwyer Laura Marguerite F 81 Margaret CROSS Daniel REIDY Nedlands
1987/100183 Perth Dawson John M 81 Unknown Unknown DAWSON East Perth
1987/100184 Perth Elderfield Norman Kenneth M 69 Margaret MORGAN Henry Wilson ELDERFIELD Nedlands
1987/100185 Perth Fox Neville David M 58 Margaret MASON William David FOX Subiaco
1987/100186 Perth Ferrari Robert McLachlan Valentino M 59 Ellen Millar MCLACHLAN Dario FERRARI Joondalup
1987/100187 Perth Jeffs Edith Emma Lucy F 77 Harriet UNKNOWN Alec WAINE Menora
1987/100188 Perth Jones Frederick Arthur M 87 Elizabeth NAYLOR John JONES Nedlands
1987/100189 Perth Lister Jack M 67 Annie PARKER Fred LISTER Perth
1987/100190 Perth Long Douglas Charles Barclay M 63 Rita WHITBREAD Maurice Arthur LONG Perth
1987/100191 Perth Lacey Archibald Francis Harrison M 76 Ada Mary Caroline DUNHAM Martin James LACEY Tuart Hill
1987/100192 Perth Matfin Catherine F 88 Mary Anne FULTON James Alexander HAGGARTY Subiaco
1987/100193 Perth Marriott Frank Gordon M 77 Jennie Elizabeth KERR William George MARRIOTT Nedlands
1987/100194 Perth Merks Petrus Francis M 80 Francisca ANGH Johannes MERKS Dianella
1987/100195 Perth Mercer June Youle F 66 Daphne Youle DEAN Clarence Andrew James SADLIER Nedlands
1987/100196 Perth Newton William Roy M 70 Mabel UNKNOWN Charles NEWTON Nedlands
1987/100197 Perth O'Keefe Terance Bernard M 73 Hannah Scott SPARKS Patrick Joseph O'KEEFE North Perth
1987/100198 Perth O'Dwyer Lawrence M 69 Isabel Robson PRIEST John O'DWYER Perth
1987/100199 Perth Paikos Nikolaos Naum M 71 Maria MILENTIS Naum Peo PAIKOS Perth
1987/100200 Perth Peterman Clive Charlie M 15 hours Humpy BENNETT Kelly PETERMAN Subiaco
1987/100201 Perth Pascoe Cloreen May F 74 Precilla May ALLAN Sydney Norman PATTON Joondalup
1987/100202 Perth Pullinger Barbara Joy F 70 Evelyn Frances UNKNOWN William Humphrey CAVE Perth
1987/100203 Perth Poland Jack Frederick M 66 Ada VINE Thomas POLAND Nedlands
1987/100204 Perth Payne Henry M 90 Unknown Unknown Nedlands
1987/100205 Perth Plozza Angelo M 72 Maria UNKNOWN Battista PLOZZA Nedlands
1987/100206 Perth Young Thomas M Not born alive Pia Clare STODART Richard William YOUNG Subiaco
1987/100207 Perth Mintaut Kazimirs M 77 Franciska LACINSKAS Jana MINTOVTISKIS Perth
1987/100208 Perth Stewart Mary Alice F 84 Anna MCBEAN Thomas CLEMENTS Subiaco
1987/100209 Perth Aylmore Cyril Lindly M 82 Jessica STEWART Arthur AYLMORE Dalkeith
1987/100210 Perth Alchorn Ivy Lobelia F 84 Sarah NICHOLS Albert Edward BEDFORD Rivervale
1987/100211 Perth Athanassiou Triantafillia F 84 Catherine FERMANIS Nicholas VEREVIS Embleton
1987/100212 Perth Brockman Sylvia Adelaide F 93 Jean CAMPBELL Frederick William Fellows LUKIS Nedlands
1987/100213 Perth Buesnel Clement Godfray M 77 Hannah Clara GALODE Clement BUESNEL Perth
1986/100217 Perth Barbera Reginald Alan Joseph M 61 Amy MERCER Louis BARBERA Wembley
1987/100217 Perth Bollard Marjorie Janet F 93 Williammina LUMSDEN James CRAWFORD Como
1987/100218 Perth Chamberlain Leslie William M 75 Edith KITSON Leslie William Francis CHAMBERLAIN Rivervale
1987/100221 Perth Fouracres Richard M 71 Mabel Winifred PARSONS Royston Reynolds FOURACRES East Victoria Park
1987/100222 Perth Finn Grace Margery F 62 Edith Margery STAPLETON Cyril Cecil FLOWER Nedlands
1987/100223 Perth Flower Myrtle Alfreda F 71 Minnie Agnes MCDONALD Henry James TYERS Perth
1987/100224 Perth Hooker Jack Graham M 70 Florence SNOOK Sydney HOOKER Nedlands
1987/100226 Perth Littlecott Kathleen Veronica F 70 Mary STONE John Joseph O'NEIL Perth
1986/100230 Perth Smyth Eileen F 80 Ellen HILL William George WHITTINGTON Nedlands
1986/100233 Perth Watts Neil Kenneth M 66 Florence RUSSELL Walter WATTS Bayswater
1987/100234 Perth Russell Marie F 74 Zenobia Cassandra SUTCLIFFE Henry Pudsey Dawson EDMONDSON Perth
1987/100235 Perth Rigby George Edward M 62 Mary Theresa NOLAN Edward Leo RIGBY Balcatta
1986/100235 Perth Wilson Hugh William Munro M 8 Christine Helen WADDELL Ivan Raymond WILSON Dianella
1986/100236 Perth Wishart Gordon David M 82 Ethel Seymour ROBINSON Peter WISHART Perth
1986/100237 Perth Ansley William Alphonsus M 77 Elizabeth Mary MCCORMACK Richard ANSLEY Nedlands
1987/100237 Perth Symes Eric John Tothill M 66 Betty Irene MILTON Ernest SYMES Wembley
1987/100238 Perth Saunders John Rosier M 60 Nellie Thelma WHITTAKER Cecil Rosier SAUNDERS Nedlands
1987/100239 Perth Smith John Henry M 74 Margaret STEVENS Sydney John SMITH Kallaroo
1987/100240 Perth Skinner Murrah F 84 Mary LARKINS George MCCULLUM Leederville
1987/100241 Perth Stokes Dorothy Mary F 77 Florence May DUAGAN William Henry SINGE Nedlands
1987/100242 Perth Taylor Jack Leonard M 76 Unknown Unknown Nedlands
1986/100242 Perth Davies Lilian F 82 Matilda CHADWICK Samuel JOHNSON Subiaco
1986/100243 Perth Dawson Rita May F 74 Sarah AGUILAR Charles MITCHELL Dianella
1987/100243 Perth Trowse Constance Matilla F 65 Nellie Ellen Edith UNKNOWN Frederick RAINSFORD Nedlands
1986/100245 Perth Green Kathleen Elizabeth F 67 Hilda Drewletta HUGHES Percival Clarence RITTER Nedlands
1987/100245 Perth Tenardi Louisa Gighetta F 73 Maria PALESTINI Guiseppe FANESI Nedlands
1987/100246 Perth Unmack Leela Veronica F 74 Ada Florence RICKETTS Harold James ROBINSON Cottesloe
1987/100247 Perth Webb Peter M 15 Valerie WHITBY Roy Brian WEBB Subiaco
1987/100248 Perth Whitehouse Edith May F 88 Annie Marie WHITFIELD Arthur William PASS Leederville
1987/100255 Perth Cox Richard M 93 Honoria MORIATY William Henry COX Menora
1986/100255 Perth Stacey Rhoda Kathleen F 78 Mary SEERY John Sydney STACEY Wembley
1986/100258 Perth Hoffman Gilmette Elsey F 65 Eliska Marie GASTREIN William Frederick WOODRUFF Scarborough
1987/100258 Perth Forbes Alexander Campbell M 73 Williamina ARMSTRONG Alexander Campbell FORBES Perth
1986/100259 Perth Allison Elizabeth F 91 Isabella Maria DAVIDSON Robert BARTLEY Swanbourne
1987/100259 Perth Forde Anthony Patrick M 84 Unknown Unknown FORDE Perth
1986/100260 Perth Blackburn Frances F 77 Ellen ECKERSELL Thomas GLEAVES Perth
1987/100261 Perth Golder Alfred Edward M 80 Ada June MARTIN Alfred Ernest GOLDER Nedlands
1986/100262 Perth Cecins Bernhards Dzintars M 59 Alma Alvine Luize GRUELIS Bernhards CECINS Claremont
1987/100262 Perth Humphry Edward Joseph M 74 Frances Elizabeth MOORE George Frederick HUMPHRY Scarborough
1986/100263 Perth Claessens Johannes Josef M 58 Elizabeth JANSEN Peter Hubert CLAESSENS Embleton
1987/100266 Perth Long George Emmett M 82 Margaret Victoria LETCHFORD Unknown Perth
1986/100267 Perth Durack Adelaide May F 100 Ellen HAYES Robert Philip MANSFIELD Cottesloe
1987/100269 Perth McAlinden Vivienne Maree F 43 Florence Joy DAVIES John McKenzie OAG Como
1987/100270 Perth Monforti Francesco M 82 Paola ABRACCIANTO Giuseppe MONFORTI Perth
1986/100270 Perth Francis Ivan Sutherland M 66 Jesse SCOTT Thomas Charles FRANCIS Perth
1986/100272 Perth Georgiou Paul M 68 Teminia YANNAOU Kole GEORGIOU Perth
1986/100273 Perth Gidgup Harold Wilfred M 73 Unknown Unknown Nedlands
1987/100273 Perth O'Hara Patrick Sean M 79 Maureen REILLY John O'HARA Lathlain
1987/100274 Perth Pattinson Henry M 69 Mary Craig GLASS Charles Hugh PATTINSON Perth
1986/100275 Perth Goff Maurice M 69 Amelia EMMERSON Charles GOFF Nedlands
1986/100276 Perth Goodlet Ellen Olive F 74 Alice BARNETT Herbert George TEMPLE Como
1986/100277 Perth Grant James Bright M 88 Catherine BRIGHT John GRANT Nedlands
1986/100278 Perth Harwood Edward M 77 Vera KAY Edward HARWOOD Perth
1987/100278 Perth Powell Allen Baden M 57 Ethel Dora BOWN James POWELL Nedlands
1987/100279 Perth Phelps Horace Samuel M 73 Beatrice EDDY George PHELPS Nedlands
1986/100279 Perth Hathaway Anne Isabelle F 49 Catherine Sarah COMERFORD James MCIVER Perth
1987/100280 Perth Robson Ronald Henry M 75 Rose GILBERT John Henry ROBSON Nedlands
1986/100282 Perth Hicks Vera Nance F 87 Mary OATLEY Richard Henry TASSELL Nedlands
1987/100284 Perth Stevens Alan Joseph M 66 Unknown Unknown Nedlands
1986/100286 Perth King Edward M 71 Ellen NUGENT William KING Nedlands
1986/100287 Perth Knapp Robert M 74 Rose BALDWIN Robert KNAPP Dianella
1987/100287 Perth Tongue Ethel Violet F 92 Ada Amelia GARDNER Walter Linch PHILPOTT Perth
1986/100288 Perth Landquist Sylvia Eliza F 92 Eliza TURNER Alfred BUTCHER Nedlands
1987/100288 Perth Thomas Phyllis Gertrude F 61 Gertrude HOPKINS William James Norman RANDELL Perth
1986/100289 Perth Magee Margaret Johanna F 82 Sarah Jane DUGGAN John Patrick BOURKE Maylands
1986/100291 Perth Parker Norman Thomas M 62 Emily Elsie JONES Arthur Stanley Russell PARKER Embleton
1987/100292 Perth Burmeister Jana Simone F 4 hours Veronika Hedwig MESSMER Dieter Frank BURMEISTER Subiaco
1987/100293 Perth Di Gregorio La Bianca Melissa Eva F 20 hours Natalie Rae CATCHPOLE Frank DI GREGORIO LA BIANCA Subiaco
1987/100294 Perth Di Gregorio La Bianca Krystle Maree F 23 minutes Natalie Rae CATCHPOLE Frank DI GREGORIO LA BIANCA Subiaco
1986/100295 Perth Ratcliffe Rose May F 94 Unknown James William LONG Maylands
1987/100295 Perth Duder Christopher Mark M 7 hours Margaret STEELE John Henry Mark DUDER Subiaco
1987/100296 Perth Eichorn Elana Lee F 25 Dorothy Joyce HAYES Leo Norman EICHORN Victoria Park
1987/100297 Perth Eve Michael John M 1 minute Jacqueline Elaine STILES Adrian Howard EVE Subiaco
1987/100298 Perth Grover Ernest O'Donnel M 75 Pearl Maurice BERNARD-HAIG Ernest O'Donnel GROVER Perth
1986/100298 Perth Rowe William Vivian M 59 Ethel VIVIAN Samuel ROWE Dalkeith
1986/100299 Perth Savage Peter Bernard M 68 Norah HENKEL John SAVAGE Nedlands
1987/100299 Perth Kelly John Thomas M 65 Cecelia Mary HAGERTY Thomas Francis KELLY Perth
1986/100300 Perth Shilkin Roy M 81 Hannah STEINMAN Max SHILKIN Nedlands
1987/100301 Perth Llewellyn Jared M 3 days Christine Teresa HIRNIAK John Eric LLEWELLYN Subiaco
1987/100303 Perth Mills Daniel Eoin M 10 days Karen Rae KEARSLEY Anthony Ian MILLS Subiaco
1987/100304 Perth Owen Kenneth M 83 Elizabeth JONES John OWEN Inglewood
1986/100304 Perth Willington Winifred Eunice F 74 Eunice Eliza PYKE Robert Peel PORTER Shenton Park
1986/100305 Perth Wubbels Hermanus Antonie M 73 Everdina Engelina ONSTENK Jan Hendrik WUBBELS Perth
1987/100305 Perth Pahl Jacqueline Louise F 2 days Megan Jane PARKER John William PAHL Subiaco
1987/100306 Perth Pontin Kathleen Ethel May F 79 Ethel REEVES Frederick PONTIN Subiaco
1987/100307 Perth Partridge Tegan Dawn F 19 hours Julie Gaye POWELL Peter Robert PARTRIDGE Subiaco
1986/100309 Perth Arundale Tressie Kiffin F 89 Henrietta WINDSOR William James THOMAS Nedlands
1986/100310 Perth Brose Veronica F 52 Elizabeth BERGHOFER James David BROSE Nedlands
1986/100311 Perth Burn Stephen David M 23 Josephine Anne O'ROURKE John David BURN Joondanna
1986/100312 Perth Craighead William Hendry M 82 Mary Anne THORNBURN Peter CRAIGHEAD Subiaco
1987/100313 Perth Seeley Margaret Lillian F 66 Frances Rebecca JOHNSTON Elliot Harold RICHARDSON Subiaco
1986/100314 Perth Hodgson Robert Joseph M 72 Gertrude HOWSON Robert Rodges HODGSON Perth
1986/100315 Perth Hoffman Ada Dorothy F 88 Unknown Sam CORNEL Nedlands
1986/100316 Perth Jackson Thomas George M 55 Margaret Grace DEDMAN Fred JACKSON Perth
1987/100316 Perth Taaffe Peter Joseph M 36 Sheila Gertrude O'NEILL Andrew Joseph TAAFFE Nedlands
1987/100317 Perth Tomsett Raymond Edward M 38 Margaret RULE Victor Norman TOMSETT Ashfield
1986/100317 Perth Kear Bertie M 75 Annie DALE William KEAR Cloverdale
1987/100319 Perth Tengvall Emma Gay F 11 days Deborah Gay MARLER Kevin Gosta TENGVALL Subiaco
1986/100320 Perth Murphy Ethel Maud F 83 Caroline BLIGHT Wilfred TRENAMAN Shenton Park
1987/100323 Perth Willis Mark Edward M 1 month Carmela PIRAINO Steven Robert WILLIS Subiaco
1986/100323 Perth Ray Mona Beatrice F 77 Mary Beatrice NORTHEY Albert DUKE Inglewood
1986/100325 Perth Tip Johanna Petronella Hendrika F 68 Hiltje VISSER Hubertus Leendert DE MOET Perth
1986/100327 Perth Wallace Jean Alexandra F 63 Helen Motim WALLACE Alexander CHRISTIE East Victoria Park
1986/100328 Perth Tippett Archibald Washington M 81 Florence Gertrude GLYN Joseph TIPPETT Rivervale
1987/100330 Perth Breed Thomas Henry M 76 Hanora PRICE Henry BREED Maylands
1986/100330 Perth Bass Phoebe F 71 Emily COYNE William Peg FARMER Rivervale
1986/100331 Perth Black Mary Isabel F 93 Mary Anne BENNISON William Murray BLACK North Perth
1986/100333 Perth Bradley William M 78 Sarah Hannah GEEVES William Richard BRADLEY Wanneroo
1987/100333 Perth Ehrenreich Viggo Kjeld M 65 Anna LEUS Christian Martin EHRENREICH Mount Lawley
1986/100334 Perth Brooker John Edward M 87 Amy Lavinia WARREN James BROOKER Stirling
1987/100334 Perth Harold Leslie John M 74 Therese HJORTH John HAROLD Nedlands
1987/100335 Perth Haynes Sarah Phyllis F 78 Sarah BAYNES Andrew FOSTER Shenton Park
1986/100336 Perth Campbell John Morley M 68 Edith May MORLEY Harold Charles CAMPBELL Bayswater
1986/100337 Perth Cant Arthur Golden M 75 Ethel Bertha EDWARDS Thomas CANT Nedlands
1987/100338 Perth Oxley James Douglas M 79 Edith COOPER James OXLEY Nedlands
1986/100338 Perth Cedro Shirley June F 58 Annie Violet Ethel PEARSON Frank CLEMENTS Stirling
1986/100339 Perth Chapman Brenda Kathleen F 91 Jane STINTON Alfred LAWRENCE South Perth
1987/100340 Perth Ondracek Michael Jarimer M 42 Unknown Unknown ONDRACEK Graylands
1986/100341 Perth Culhane John William M 72 Ethel SCANLON John Joseph CULHANE Yokine
1986/100344 Perth Davenport Lurlyne Ann F 47 Marjorie Mona GREEN Donald William MCDONALD Nedlands
1987/100344 Perth Sexton Annie May F 87 Emma Jane MAY William George WIMSETT Nedlands
1987/100345 Perth Serra Catherine F 44 Evdocia MATRIGONI Christos BIRTSOS Nedlands
1986/100348 Perth Galbraithe Desmond Ronald M 25 Roma Mary DENNIS Ronald Desmond Ernest GALBRAITH Koondoola
1986/100349 Perth Hansen Constance Violetta F 81 Violetta KEYWORTH Henry ALLEN Menora
1986/100350 Perth Kelly Nandu F 42 Unknown Unknown East Perth
1986/100352 Perth Mackintosh Edward Stanley M 89 Unknown Unknown MACKINTOSH Subiaco
1986/100353 Perth Mainwaring Hector Hubert Napoleon M 82 Elizabeth CRAWFORD Hubert Napoleon MAINWARING Perth
1986/100354 Perth Menner Henry Reginald M 83 Emma LOUGHTON Henry MENNER Perth
1986/100356 Perth Mills Edna F 52 Adelaide Louisa BROWN Unknown Nedlands
1986/100358 Perth Potter Alice Gertrude F 88 Eliza Mary GODLIMAN Henry BRIND Victoria Park
1986/100359 Perth Powell Mervyn Geoffrey M 61 Hannah Irene BURDON John Joseph POWELL Nedlands
1986/100360 Perth Regensburger Edward M 81 Lidia HALAS Lajos REGENSBURGER Leederville
1986/100361 Perth Robinson Arthur M 91 Elizabeth Ann TREVENA Frederick ROBINSON Nedlands
1986/100364 Perth Smith Alwyn Ernest M 56 Madge CLEMESHA George Alwyn SMITH Nedlands
1986/100365 Perth Head Barbara Mirabel F 63 Irene CONNOLLY Harold Len JAMES Nedlands
1987/100366 Perth Connor Madge F 89 Anne UNKNOWN Unknown MCLEOD Menora
1986/100366 Perth Taylor Margaret Cooper F 73 Helen ABEL James WHYTE Shenton Park
1986/100367 Perth Tyler May Elizabeth F 92 Catherine WESTLEY Richard BURKETT Inglewood
1986/100369 Perth Nissard Camille Marie F Not born alive Florence Noele GOULET Charles Frederic NISSARD Subiaco
1987/100369 Perth Davis Todd Owen M Not born alive Kay Bernice HODGES Barry David DAVIS Subiaco
1986/100371 Perth Bell Robert Edwin M 72 Mabel NELMES Robert Alexander BELL Nedlands
1986/100372 Perth Browder Daniel M 63 Mary GHILOTTI William BROWDER Perth
1986/100373 Perth Chamberlain Raymond Edgar M 64 Gertrude Alice SCOTT Herbert John Francis CHAMBERLAIN Nedlands
1986/100374 Perth Elphinstone John Joseph M 76 Marian FRASER Joseph Lawson ELPHINSTONE Subiaco
1987/100375 Perth Howell Ruby May F 76 Helena May SMITH Robert POLLACK Nedlands
1986/100375 Perth Errington Ellen Lucy Marion F 78 Alice Mary KIRWAN Albert John BOLWELL Nedlands
1986/100376 Perth Gilchrist Rebecca Jane F 19 hours Ruth Mary BRANCH Ronald Keith GILCHRIST Subiaco
1986/100377 Perth Guerin Gladys Edna F 79 Matilda HAYES William Thomas REYNOLDS Perth
1986/100378 Perth Hain Elizabeth Mary F 58 Helen Kathleen BATTY Frank Basil HOBSON Nedlands
1986/100379 Perth Hamon Amy Naomi F 84 Ruth GREY Harry WALKER Como
1986/100380 Perth Healy Mary Ann Lea F 82 Bridget Mary LYNCH John Patrick HEALY Como
1987/100381 Perth O'Loghlen Peter Maxwell M 60 Catherine Delores PILLION Patrick Martin O'LOGHLEN South Perth
1986/100382 Perth Jones Thomas Prynn M 78 Winifred TWILTON Benjamin Prynn JONES Perth
1986/100383 Perth Kaitse Stoianka F 86 Velika UNKNOWN Kostas GOULAS North Perth
1986/100384 Perth Keall Gerald M 72 Eleanor Louisa Eliot COOPER Harry Capel Fitzgerald KEALL Peppermint Grove
1986/100385 Perth Keratzis Constantina F 73 Nina DAMOVSKA Nicholas LEONIDIS West Perth
1987/100385 Perth Sanford Judith Elaine F 52 Daphne YOUNG Walter Bond HAHN Maylands
1986/100388 Perth Lawlor Peter John M 23 Dorothy Margaret MAIN William James LAWLOR Highgate
1986/100389 Perth Lowndes Milton John M 44 Lina Frances METCALF Clifford Thomas LOWNDES Wembley
1986/100390 Perth Lynch Kathleen F 62 Brigid GINNITY Patrick Joseph LARKIN Perth
1986/100391 Perth Macdonald Fraser Hugh M 67 May Louise FUCHS Donald Fraser MACDONALD Nedlands
1987/100391 Perth Brown Cyril M 62 Sarah Leah HERTZ Mendel BROWN Perth
1986/100392 Perth Martin-Huxley Francis Dudley M 79 Blanche Emma BYRNE Robert James Nathaniel MARTIN-HUXLEY Inglewood
1987/100392 Perth Bilman Stefan M 76 Maria SNIGULSKI Emil BILMAN Rivervale
1986/100393 Perth Masters Elspeth Robin F 1 Robin Betty LINDSAY Colin MASTERS Mosman Park
1986/100394 Perth McCoy Timothy Justin M 22 Patricia Mary WAINWRIGHT Geoffrey Carl MCCOY Koongamia
1986/100395 Perth McIntosh Alice Lucille Stewart F 90 Eleanor STEWART William MANSFIELD Leederville
1986/100397 Perth McLauchlan Allison F 45 Marion Allison WADDELL George Leighton GORDON Nedlands
1987/100397 Perth Latorre Luciano Fortunato M 52 Lavinia CALIRE Giuseppe LATORRE Perth
1986/100398 Perth Medigovich Luka M 65 Maria GREGOVIC Ivo MEDIGOVICH Dalkeith
1986/100399 Perth Moffat Edward George M 79 Alice FRYER Alfred Augustus MOFFAT Perth
1987/100400 Perth Pettigrove Emily Grace F 89 Emily THOMAS William John LITTLEJOHN Inglewood
1986/100400 Perth Pulham Alfred Clive M 79 Unknown Unknown PULHAM Carlisle
1986/100401 Perth Roberts Hilda Dorcas F 96 Sarah Phoebe PUSEY Henry ATWELL Nedlands
1987/100402 Perth Sales Christopher Richard M 86 Maria WHITASLER Frederick Charles SALES Carlisle
1987/100403 Perth Thomas Frank M 71 Sarah BENGER Author George THOMAS Perth
1986/100403 Perth Siskopoulos Nicolas M 71 Helen UNKNOWN Christos SISKOPOULOS Stirling
1986/100404 Perth Slater Sydney Martin M 67 Lillian MORTIMER William Frederick SLATER Nollamara
1987/100405 Perth Timms Joseph Alexander M 55 Janet BROWN Arthur TIMMS Nedlands
1987/100406 Perth Varughese Sarah F 81 Unknown Kunelathu MATHAI City Beach
1986/100407 Perth Sutton David Edward M 60 Ethel Elizabeth BUNYARD Desmond SUTTON Nedlands
1986/100409 Perth Turtle Ruby F 71 Lily WILLIAMS Arthur Theodore Bernard PASCH Perth
1987/100410 Perth Veale Clifford Charles M 64 Ida Veronica NEESON John Charles VEAL Perth
1986/100410 Perth Urquhart Dorothea Mary F 75 Elizabeth SCHRUTH Daniel TOTTERDELL Nedlands
1986/100412 Perth Williams Charles Henry M 85 Mary ANDREW David WILLIAMS Wembley
1986/100414 Perth Wood Jill F 59 Effie Dorothy SMITH Robert John WALMSLEY Nedlands
1986/100415 Perth Kansky George Miroslav M 57 Emma UNKNOWN Jaroslav KANSKY Neerabup
1986/100416 Perth Briggs Esther Mavis F 73 Agnes GEDDES Hiram John TAYLOR Stirling
1986/100417 Perth Bennett Arthur Roy M 67 Bertha SAUNDERS George Francis BENNETT Nedlands
1986/100418 Perth Bennett Rhoda Eileen Mignonette F 76 Rhoda Mary COTTON Henry CROSTHWAITE Nedlands
1986/100419 Perth Box Elizabeth Jane F 73 Unknown Unknown Dalkeith
1986/100420 Perth Brown Kathleen Annie F 88 Emily Jane CLINDENING Walter Douglas REED Perth
1987/100421 Perth Laird Abhimanyu M Not born alive Kim Wendy OLDHAM Geoffrey Rochfort LAIRD Subiaco
1986/100422 Perth Dawson Trevor John M 32 Kathleen May NASH Alan Hindson DAWSON Nedlands
1987/100422 Perth McIntyre Victoria Jane F Not born alive Jane Malcolm MCNEIL John Vincent CARUSO Subiaco
1986/100423 Perth Drago Caterina F 72 Maria SCAMBALLONI Antonio FEDELE Embleton
1986/100424 Perth Easton Alfred Lawrence M 62 Doris Helen HINDLE Rupert Arthur EASTON Maylands
1986/100425 Perth Edwards Mary Sue Anne F 27 Margaret McCarroll Dailly COMERFORD Leslie Alexander George EDWARDS Subiaco
1986/100426 Perth Farrer Mary Lawson F 41 Olive Lorna WILLIAMS Colin Lawson MCKAY Nedlands
1986/100427 Perth Graham Josephine Irene F 77 Johanna MCINERNEY John Francis WALDRON Nedlands
1986/100428 Perth Gunn Hilda F 75 Elizabeth Emma SUFFIELD George Frederick STUBBS Perth
1986/100429 Perth Hall Peter James M 56 Elsie May RICHARDS Harry HALL Inglewood
1986/100430 Perth Harding Valerie Anne F 43 Elma Sybil HETHERINGTON Victor VIBERT Subiaco
1986/100431 Perth Hayes Lionel Vivian M 73 Minnie Martha WOOLCOCK Edward Joseph HAYES Craigie
1986/100432 Perth Hazelbloom George Maxwell M 69 Isobel May SMITH Robert Charles HAZELBLOOM Nedlands
1986/100433 Perth Hopkins Allan M 91 Susan Bruce MCINTYRE Edward Charles HOPKINS Nedlands
1986/100434 Perth Jackson Leonard William M 82 Emily FERGUS Percy JACKSON Nedlands
1986/100436 Perth Johns Agnes Stella F 73 Marie Stella UNKNOWN Anthony BERNARD Perth
1986/100437 Perth Kirby Ada Dora F 89 Emma Louisa PERKINS John EDKINS Maylands
1986/100438 Perth Johnstone Cecil George M 92 May UNKNOWN William JOHNSTONE Perth
1986/100439 Perth Loy Sin Hai M 74 Unknown Unknown LOY Perth
1986/100440 Perth Meyer Thomas Edmund M 90 Annie CONNOLLY Harry MEYER Maylands
1986/100441 Perth Mojzer Louis Antal M 80 Ilona TATARIK Louis MOJZER Nedlands
1986/100442 Perth Pinker Henry Edwin M 78 Mabel Devina COOKE Harry PINKER Nedlands
1986/100443 Perth Rao Giuseppe M 76 Maria Nunciata BROGNIA Luigi RAO Perth
1986/100444 Perth Rocher Marjory F 46 Edith May ASHLEY Thomas George REES Subiaco
1986/100445 Perth Salsano Domenico M 64 Carmela PADOVANO Vincenzo SALSANO Mount Lawley
1986/100446 Perth Sampson Constance F 83 Kezia CECIL Albert Henry GILLMORE Nedlands
1986/100447 Perth Sharrett Annie May F 72 Ada GAITSKELL George CHANDLER Nedlands
1986/100448 Perth Stocks John M 82 Unknown Unknown Perth
1986/100449 Perth Whittington Erna Stella F 92 Annie Retta MCKAY Jesse Elijah HAMMOND Mount Lawley
1986/100450 Perth Willson Gladys May F 77 Eva NICHOLLS Charles Samuel SPENCER Leederville
1986/100451 Perth Young Arthur Lawrence M 80 Amelia Elizabeth LIMB George Magnus YOUNG Maylands
1986/100452 Perth Abbot Florence Emery F 57 Jean WHITEFORD Edward SMITH Subiaco
1986/100453 Perth Anderson Christine F 55 Jean UNKNOWN Colin ELLIOTT Perth
1986/100454 Perth Anderson Iris Joyce F 45 Ida Guiseppina NAZZARI Roylance Franklin MOW Nedlands
1986/100455 Perth Caccamo Raffaele Cosimo M 75 Maria ARCHINA Giuseppe CACCAMO Stirling
1986/100456 Perth Campbell Raymond John M 66 Margaret Ellen COLMAN Angus Albert CAMPBELL Nedlands
1986/100457 Perth Ciracovitch George Walter M 70 Florence Mary MASON Alexander Bruno CIRACOVITCH Como
1986/100458 Perth Corke Arthur Richard M 54 Lucy Isobelle MOORE Arthur CORKE Wembley
1987/100458 Perth Bell Adam Richard M 3 days Susan May COLES Roy Michael BELL Subiaco
1986/100459 Perth Dewers Robert M 55 Unknown Unknown DEWERS Perth
1986/100460 Perth Eliopulos Dimitra F 74 Sofia SOUKALOPOULOS Thomas GANTZOPOULOS Nedlands
1986/100461 Perth Forbes George M 85 Janet NICOL George FORBES Perth
1986/100462 Perth Fraser Emma May F 92 Emily Alice BURNETT Alfred DOUST Victoria Park
1986/100463 Perth Gibbs Ronald Keith M 64 Elsie Hilda JACOB Percy William GIBBS Nedlands
1987/100463 Perth Dawkins Benjamin M Not born alive Margaret Ann BOWNES Clive Campbell DAWKINS Subiaco
1986/100464 Perth Goddard Lena F 81 Jane Drysdale MCLEAN James GARDEN Como
1986/100465 Perth Greive Trevor James M 32 Anne Elizabeth TYRER Leslie James GREIVE Nedlands
1986/100466 Perth Guglielmino Salvatore M 24 Sebastiana SERAFICA Alfio GUGLIELMINO Rivervale
1986/100467 Perth Hall Geoffrey Victor M 40 Nancy Joan DAVIES Victor Morgan HALL Carine
1986/100468 Perth Heath Mary F 75 Harriet UNKNOWN Harry Higham HEATH Nedlands
1986/100469 Perth Hill David Ronald M 65 Alice ALES David HILL Nedlands
1986/100470 Perth Jacks Clarice F 69 Clara Elizabeth BURGESS Albert George BISHOP Nedlands
1987/100471 Perth Maxwell Norman M 74 Unknown Unknown MAXWELL Perth
1986/100471 Perth Johnston Phyllis May F 69 Victoria Christian May RANKIN Rupert Godfrey CARLSON Mosman Park
1986/100473 Perth Lawson James Douglas Thomas M 89 Elizabeth AINSWORTH Peter Ingelar LAWSON Nedlands
1986/100474 Perth Longbottom Mary Matilda F 77 Alice Rosina ROBINS Alexander Sydney BELL Subiaco
1986/100475 Perth Mairs Alfred Alexander M 82 Agnes BUCHANNAN Thomas MAIRS Como
1986/100476 Perth Meertens Shirley Elaine F 56 Edna GOODWIN Albert Hutton MATTINGLY Greenwood
1986/100477 Perth Miller Bramley M 73 Clara Jenny RADCLIFFE Harold MILLER Nedlands
1986/100478 Perth Moran Alice Sarah F 73 Eliza ATKINSON Herbert HEWITT Como
1986/100479 Perth McGregor Colin Victor M 48 Frieda Dora SAWYER Colin John MCGREGOR Nedlands
1986/100480 Perth O'Neil Elsie F 92 Sarah Jane HOLMES William O'NEIL Nedlands
1986/100481 Perth Pihu Ilona Amalie F 95 Maria PRITS Johannes GROSSTHAL Perth
1986/100482 Perth Pimm Charles Henry M 72 Rose Anne KNOTT Henry William PIMM Nedlands
1986/100483 Perth Pyke Frederick John M 59 Julia LINTO George PYKE Nedlands
1986/100484 Perth Richards Clifford Newberry M 77 Ethel Bessie NEWBERRY Arthur James RICHARDS Nedlands
1986/100485 Perth Rorison Blanche F 88 Emily Annie WILSON Frederick KAY West Perth
1986/100486 Perth Sampson Hughina F 91 Elspet DAWSON Walter BELL Wembley
1986/100487 Perth Shaw Joseph James M 78 Alice Beatrice JACOBSON Neil Alexander SHAW Nedlands
1986/100488 Perth Shepherd Ephriam Charles Belgic M 73 Lydia Ann SKELTON Ephriam SHEPHERD Carlisle
1986/100489 Perth Shulman Joseph Augustine M 82 Ellen Mary KENNA Asher SHULMAN Nedlands
1986/100490 Perth Sullivan Catherine Mary F 78 Ellen RYAN James Patrick WATERS Nedlands
1986/100491 Perth Summersett Margaret Swanson F 48 Elizabeth McCutchion GRAHAM John Patrick Leighton GIBB Morley
1986/100492 Perth Thomson Leslie Alan M 64 Rose SMALES Charles Edward THOMSON Perth
1986/100493 Perth Todd Albert George M 87 Margaret Stewart DRYSDALE William TODD North Beach
1986/100494 Perth Turner Reginald Thomas M 63 Lotta SCHMIDT Thomas TURNER Mosman Park
1986/100495 Perth Wholagan Trevllyn Alexander M 72 Violet Rose BILLINGS Vernon Belmont WHOLAGAN Nedlands
1986/100496 Perth Yates Margaret Mary F 55 Isabella McFlarlan MYLES George Albert SAWYER Nedlands
1986/100497 Perth Brittain Charles James M 73 Ellen WYLDE Charles James BRITTAIN Nedlands
1986/100498 Perth McEwen Allan George M 60 Elsie Doris TITMUS Allan MCEWEN Perth
1986/100499 Perth Baker Marjorie Ellen F 39 Florence Priscilla Emma WAKELIN Ernest WOOD Marmion
1986/100500 Perth Belien Frederick Edwin M 62 Clara YATES Frederick Richard BELIEN Koondoola
1986/100501 Perth Bilman Lidia F 61 Emilia UNKNOWN Jacob KRUPER Shenton Park
1986/100502 Perth Blecich Grozdana F 72 Maraia UNKNOWN Federico SERDOZ Mount Lawley
1986/100503 Perth Brawin Ivan M 76 Sophia UNKNOWN Jacob BRAWIN Rivervale
1986/100504 Perth Dennis Reginald Vernon M 60 Unknown William DENNIS Yanchep
1986/100505 Perth Durante Filomena F 90 Domenica ERNESTE Donato DI CAMILLO Nedlands
1986/100506 Perth Eastough Norman William M 81 Mary LAUDER William Henry EASTOUGH Yokine
1986/100507 Perth Farbar-Brown Frank Thomas M 72 Eunice Kathleen LYNCH Charles Henry FARBAR-BROWN Claremont
1986/100508 Perth Harold Beatrice Josephine F 82 Elizabeth UNKNOWN Frederick COCHRANE Kallaroo
1986/100509 Perth Harris Henry John M 81 Margaret MOORE Henry HARRIS Nedlands
1986/100510 Perth Hemsley Joyce F 56 Ethel TURNER John OWEN Padbury
1986/100511 Perth Jobling Frank M 65 Elizabeth SIMPSON Robert Nichols JOBLING Brentwood
1986/100512 Perth Joss William Henry M 66 Mary Elizabeth LITTLEJOHN William Frederick JOSS Nedlands
1986/100513 Perth Kikeros Artemis F 65 Chrissie MICHELIDIS Evangeli VERIOPOLOUS Joondalup
1986/100515 Perth MacDonald John Gibb M 85 Marian GIBB Unknown TYLER Shenton Park
1986/100516 Perth Martin Lilian Hilda F 77 Louisa Maria SMITH Thomas Bertie HUGHES Perth
1986/100517 Perth Moss Edith May F 79 Ada MERRITT Thomas GOACHER Karrinyup
1986/100518 Perth McLennan James Charles M 66 Unknown Unknown Nedlands
1986/100519 Perth O'Shannassy Mabel Ballantyne F 87 Isabella BALLANTYNE Charles Edward GALWEY Maylands
1986/100520 Perth Panetta Armando M 52 Angela FURFARO Domenico PANETTA Stirling
1986/100522 Perth Quigley Joseph M 78 Teresa NIXON Henry QUIGLEY Nedlands
1986/100523 Perth Rudd Cissie Alma F 86 Nellie KONDIN Charles HARRUP Perth
1986/100524 Perth Seager Barry John M 26 Pamela THOMPSON Ian Ralph SEAGER Perth
1986/100525 Perth Taylor Peter Norman M 41 Elizabeth BAILLIE Walter Norman TAYLOR Trigg
1986/100526 Perth Tomney Eugene Edward M 72 Monica Mary MCGRISKIN Edward TOMNEY Coolbinia
1986/100527 Perth Toth Ilona F 52 Iren FODOR Karoly NAGY Perth
1986/100528 Perth Wightman Grant Stephen M 23 Janet Irene CARTER James WIGHTMAN Bayswater
1986/100529 Perth Wymond Doris Priscilla F 88 Elizabeth Ann FORRESTER Michael Joseph MONNOCK Warwick
1986/100530 Perth Young Peter Joseph M 75 Nagama UNKNOWN Peter YOUNG Nedlands
1986/100531 Perth Armarego Marriott (unnamed) M Not born alive Jocelyn Mary Rita ARMAREGO Andrew Evatt MARRIOTT Subiaco
1986/100532 Perth Williams (unnamed) M Not born alive Diana Joy MARTIN Geoffrey Maurice WILLIAMS Subiaco
1986/100533 Perth Barker Beatrice May F 85 Unknown Frederick COUSINS Mount Lawley
1986/100534 Perth Carboni Celeste F 84 Erina UNKNOWN Peter VALLI Nedlands
1986/100535 Perth Catoni Renata Maria F 87 Rosa Maria UNKNOWN Giovanni GIOVANNOLI Subiaco
1986/100536 Perth Devlin James M 88 Susannah MIGHTEN John DEVLIN Nedlands
1986/100537 Perth Fisher William Charles M 67 Mabel Alice KEITHER Charles Parker FISHER Nedlands
1986/100538 Perth Griffiths Arthur M 78 Cecily WATERHOUSE Thomas Walter GRIFFITHS Nedlands
1986/100539 Perth Higgins Reginald Edward James M 70 Alice Jane HIGGINS Thomas Edward LANE Perth
1986/100540 Perth Holland Timothy M 20 Carol SIMMS Peter HOLLAND Nedlands
1986/100541 Perth Hopwood Tracy F 19 Winifred MCDOUGALL Barry John HOPWOOD West Perth
1986/100542 Perth Hunt Robyn Barbara Anne F 41 Marjorie HATTON John DENTON Perth
1986/100543 Perth Katz Arnold Jeffrey M 51 Gussie SEIDER Nathan KATZ Leederville
1986/100544 Perth Lamb Alison Elizabeth F 42 Clare Elizabeth ARNOLD Reginald Angaston LAMB Wembley Downs
1986/100545 Perth Lawrence Mabel Rose F 74 Rea MUIR Leonardo Edmund KENDLE Nedlands
1986/100546 Perth Lewis George Thomas M 47 Winifred Hanorah SMITH Alfred Wallis LEWIS "In the Swan River near the Old Brewery, Perth"
1986/100547 Perth Middleton Beryl Constance F 77 Florence KING Hobart Stanley UGLOW Dalkeith
1987/100547 Perth Alexander Meagan F Not born alive Buathong SILACHAI William John ALEXANDER Subiaco
1986/100548 Perth Newbold Barbara Doreen F 60 Sophia Rachel WARREN John William STONE Nedlands
1987/100549 Perth Bailey Jade Shavon F Not born alive Marcia Catherine Docarmo Jorge DEMENEZES Timothy John BAILEY Subiaco
1986/100549 Perth Rowden Thomas Francis M 93 Catherine FORBES Henry ROWDEN South Perth
1986/100550 Perth Singer David Wolf M 84 Sarah UNKNOWN Josef OLSWANGER Nedlands
1987/100551 Perth Donaldson (unnamed) M Not born alive Deanna June DONALDSON Willie CAMERON Subiaco
1986/100551 Perth Smith Violet Claude F 95 Rosana Ann RUMMER William PLAYLE Subiaco
1986/100552 Perth Zanchetti Giuseppe M 66 Katarina VOZILA Matteo ZANCHETTI Perth
1987/100552 Perth Matthews Ree-Anna F Not born alive Dianne Virginia OTLEY Peter Vernon MATTHEWS Subiaco
1987/100553 Perth Neale Cassie F Not born alive Jenny Lee SMITH Geoffrey William NEALE Subiaco
1986/100553 Perth Mackie Frederick George M 82 Mary Anne LIDDALOW William George MACKIE Nedlands
1986/100554 Perth Moore Mary Lucy F 80 Delia COONEY John Joseph MOORE Rivervale
1987/100555 Perth Yeates Mark Manfred M 2 days Kerry Ann YEATES Mark Wayne CORUNNA Subiaco
1986/100555 Perth Bentley John William M 86 Sarah Jane HALEY John William BENTLEY Perth
1986/100556 Perth Bevan Thomas Edward M 79 Kathleen Eileen POWERS Unknown BEVAN Perth
1986/100557 Perth Burdge Nicholas Andrew M 90 Louisa Margaret CARY George BURDGE Menora
1986/100558 Perth Casilli Salvatore M 83 Francesca CARLO Calogero CASILLI Nedlands
1986/100559 Perth Cerin Antonio M 83 Unknown Unknown CERIN Perth
1986/100560 Perth Clayton Albertine Karoline Margareta F 79 Lina Margaretha JURISCH Herman Hans SASS Nedlands
1986/100561 Perth Clonzas Aphrodite F 85 Elizabeth UNKNOWN Gregori VLAHAKIS Como
1986/100562 Perth Cook Harvey Robert M 63 Milbra Jean BELL Henry James COOK Nedlands
1986/100563 Perth Crutchett Katherine F 97 Sarah KAVANAGH Denis MOLONEY North Perth
1986/100564 Perth Cunningham Sarah Ruby F 90 Sarah ASHWORTH David MCGLINN Perth
1986/100565 Perth Dewar Daniel M 70 Elizabeth O'PRAY Unknown DEWAR Perth
1986/100566 Perth Ferguson Stanley Malcolm John M 79 Hilda Mary MCINNERNEY Malcolm John FERGUSON Perth
1986/100567 Perth Hawkins James M 84 Ellen MEAD William John HAWKINS Perth
1986/100568 Perth Jones Margaret Ellen F 98 Margaret Ann VINT Francis SANDERSON Mount Lawley
1986/100569 Perth Kalayzich Joseph M 74 Matija KALAYZICH Matthew KALAYZICH Nedlands
1986/100570 Perth Kuzina Panko M 69 Unknown Unknown KUZINA Kewdale
1987/100570 Perth Kehlet Keith Raymond M 1 week Elizabeth Joy STONE Raymond Keith KEHLET Subiaco
1986/100571 Perth Lloyd-Wood Glenys Helen F 39 Lorna CLARKE Ronald LLOYD-WOOD Warwick
1986/100572 Perth Martin Louis Ernest M 72 Leila WALLACE John Louis MARTIN Nedlands
1987/100573 Perth Moerd Edward Allan M 63 Unknown Unknown Perth
1986/100573 Perth Minson Ethel May F 67 Laura Ethel DATE George SHOOTER Mosman Park
1986/100574 Perth Morgan Gladys Ida F 75 Clara HALSALL Edward Bowker BRIERLEY Nedlands
1986/100575 Perth Sanders William John M 80 Rose BRAGG Ebeneger SANDERS Perth
1986/100576 Perth Vella Carmel Joseph Julian M 63 Emmanuela FRIGGIERI Vincent VELLA Nedlands
1986/100577 Perth Wade Maud Elizabeth F 72 Maud UNKNOWN Albert SHEPHERD Perth
1986/100578 Perth Wilton Donald Edward M 80 Louisa WILTON George WILTON Perth
1986/100579 Perth Davidson Jason Craig M 5 Bronwyn Gail DALGETY David Leslie DAVIDSON Subiaco
1986/100580 Perth Leach John Raymond M 79 Mabel ALLPIKE James Hollis LEACH Subiaco
1986/100581 Perth Anns Ella F 31 Petronella VAN DER VEEKEN Marinus Franciscus Antonius ROEPEN Rivervale
1986/100582 Perth Burrows Molly F 75 Sarah Jane UNKNOWN Percy John WEBSTER Joondalup
1986/100583 Perth Crawford Gladys F 91 Leah PRITCHARD Edwin CHATHAM Victoria Park
1986/100584 Perth Dell-Aversano Maria F 87 Cleonilde BABINI Frederico BUZZI Perth
1986/100585 Perth Doherty Linda Anna F 73 Anna Elizabeth KIESEWETTER John Matthew SANDERSON Mount Lawley
1986/100586 Perth Doria Ubaldo M 69 Filomena PECORARI Francesco DORIA Wembley
1986/100587 Perth Fido Alice F 68 Elizabeth FISHWICK Thomas DAVIES Perth
1986/100588 Perth Guidotti Mario M 61 Fidalma BACCI Dante GUIDOTTI Nedlands
1986/100589 Perth Gunning Doris Kathleen F 87 Ellen Mary LINTHORNE James Harry OGBORNE Perth
1986/100590 Perth Harrison Jeanette Frances F 30 Molly Frances WOODHOUSE Jack KOERBIN Nedlands
1986/100591 Perth Harrison Verne Wilkie M 49 Olive Louise FERGUSSON Victor Albert HARRISON Victoria Park
1986/100592 Perth Haygarth James Stephenson M 79 Elizabeth STEPHENSON William Wanless HAYGARTH Nedlands
1986/100593 Perth Healy Keith M 72 Hilda DELMAGE Robert John HEALY Maylands
1986/100594 Perth Johnson Colleen Myfanaway F 52 Anne UNKNOWN Aubrey COURT Nedlands
1986/100596 Perth Muir Evelyn Wentworth F 74 Nazeli Evelyn SKINNER James Wentworth SINGLE Como
1986/100597 Perth Place Kevin Gregory M 43 Hilda Isobel BLYTHE John Andrew PLACE "Picnic area, Wanneroo Road 32 kilometres north of Wanneroo"
1986/100598 Perth Richardson Frank M 83 Unknown Richardson UNKNOWN Bentley
1986/100599 Perth Russell Raymond Robert M 78 Miriam BOUGHTON Robert RUSSELL Inglewood
1987/100600 Perth Beilby Harold John M 81 Agnes Sarah BINDLEY Albert Henry BEILBY South Perth
1986/100600 Perth Sharp Bertram Alexander M 74 Ada Clarissa CAPORN Leslie James Joseph SHARP Nedlands
1986/100601 Perth Wilkerson Roy Norman M 85 Eliza Ann BETTS George Thomas WILKERSON Maylands
1986/100602 Perth Wroth Nellie Halden F 75 Emma WEST Michael TYNDALL Perth
1986/100603 Perth Baker Ronald M 28 Rita QUEEN Edward Robert BAKER Belmont
1986/100604 Perth Beckett Catherine Mary F 79 Cathryn LLOYD Daniel TREHEY Maylands
1986/100605 Perth Brown William Burnham M 82 Elizabeth FREESTONE William Mark BROWN Warwick
1986/100606 Perth De'Almeida Abel Gomes M 47 Ermelinta Marie GOMES Albertimo Francisco DE'ALMEIDA Hamilton Hill
1986/100607 Perth Dougan John M 70 Kathleen BALLANCE John DOUGAN Perth
1986/100608 Perth Edmonds William Samuel M 50 Evelyn SAUNDERS William Frederick EDMONDS Wanneroo
1986/100609 Perth Gleadall Frank William M 80 Amy Harriet PATON William Drury GLEADALL Cottesloe
1987/100609 Perth Borbas-Trenning Adam John M Not born alive Ilona Joy BORBAS Errol John TRENNING Subiaco
1986/100610 Perth Gowdie Greta Annette F 76 Annie TERRY Charles HADLOW Rivervale
1986/100611 Perth Kyne Philomena Catherine F 82 Mary Ann CONNOR William Keogh O'BRIEN Perth
1986/100612 Perth Le Cheminant Norman Gavey M 67 Margaret DINHAM Thomas LE CHEMINANT Mount Lawley
1986/100613 Perth Legge Ross Pearson M 69 Jessie Emily CAMPANY Harry Pearson LEGGE Wembley
1986/100614 Perth Messerli Mabel Louisa F 90 Fanny COLEMAN George HICKMORE Nedlands
1986/100615 Perth Moloney Michael James M 82 Henrietta GIBLETT Patrick David MOLONEY Perth
1986/100616 Perth McGregor Douglas Neil M 72 Marie Elizabeth ROBERTS Duncan Palmer MCGREGOR Nedlands
1986/100617 Perth Nuggin Garnet McGregor M 60 Maude MORGAN William NUGGIN Perth
1986/100618 Perth Ramsay Albert Leith M 58 Louise Margaret FISHER Albert Lindsay Glentworth RAMSAY Duncraig
1986/100619 Perth Robertson Phyllis Lena F 69 Lena Beatrice CLIFTON Thomas William DAINES Joondalup
1986/100620 Perth Rogers Jessie Louisa F 77 Emily ATKINSON William SATTELL Como
1986/100621 Perth Sanger Joseph Richard Thomas M 81 Louisa SAUNDERS Joseph SANGER Padbury
1986/100622 Perth Strickland Victoria May F 83 Sabina Jane NETTLE John William Trewenack TREWENALL North Perth
1986/100623 Perth Szilagyi Hermin Ilona F 66 Hermin RACZ Jossef ENGELHART Heathridge
1986/100624 Perth Westley Albert M 87 Aida BAIGENT Edward WESTLEY Inglewood
1986/100625 Perth Willis Arthur Edward M 73 Gertrude Emma SLOPER Harry Edward WILLIS Perth
1986/100626 Perth Wray John M 65 Hannah SEDDON Edward WRAY Perth
1986/100627 Perth Litterick Cyril Oliver M 49 Eleanor Emily Alma EDESON William Kelly Crosby LITTERICK Joondalup
1986/100628 Perth Kay Warwick Bruce M 60 Dorothy Sarah Jane WARWICK Clarence Charles KAY Willetton
1986/100629 Perth Cruickshank Adam Wayne M Not born alive Joanne Kerry BREALEY Wayne John CRUICKSHANK Duncraig
1986/100630 Perth Teece Loree Marie F 4 hours Karen Margaret WHITEHOUSE Wayne Richard TEECE Subiaco
1986/100631 Perth Bebbington Frederick Rainforth M 83 Emily BOWER Levi BEBBINGTON Innaloo
1986/100632 Perth Bowley Donald William M 63 Martha Emma INGLES Percival BOWLEY Nedlands
1986/100633 Perth Dall Dorothy Pearl F 58 May PASCOE Robert Augustus COOK Perth
1986/100634 Perth Di Giacomo Maria Grazia F 79 Filomena LIZZI Concezio DI GICOMO South Perth
1986/100635 Perth Forbes Jaime Douglas M 3 Suzanne Margaret JAMES Douglas McLean FORBES Como
1986/100636 Perth Foreman Courtney F 1 month Linda Ruth FOREMAN - Subiaco
1986/100637 Perth Forth Charles Daniel M 82 Elizabeth Anne WHITE Charles Daniel FORTH Perth
1986/100638 Perth Fossilo George William Anthony John M 71 Lois HUMPHREYS George Anthony FOSSILO Nedlands
1986/100639 Perth Godfrey Harry Maitland M 72 Unknown MCCASHNEY Unknown Perth
1986/100640 Perth Goodin Leila Doris F 85 Lily Frances JAMES Arthur Herbert GOODIN Inglewood
1986/100641 Perth Gray Lindsay Poplin M 70 Eileen Mary POPLIN Herbert John GRAY Como
1986/100642 Perth Greenhalgh Pearl Theresa F 69 Susannah CLARK Robert HILFORD Mount Lawley
1986/100643 Perth Hewitt Rowland Dale M 64 Eliza ATKINSON Herbert HEWITT Perth
1986/100644 Perth Hunter Thelma Jean F 68 Hannah Louisa SCRIVENER James Henry BENNETT Nedlands
1986/100645 Perth Illingworth John Thorburn M 54 Maude Beatrice BELL Harold Thorburn ILLINGWORTH Dalkeith
1986/100646 Perth Johnson Raymond Charles M 76 Catherine RYAN Silvester Oliver JOHNSON Perth
1986/100647 Perth MacPherson James Robert M 26 Shirley Mary KRAJANICH George MACPHERSON Cloverdale
1986/100648 Perth Olowoyo Davina Joy F 31 Elizabeth FRASER Howarth Arthur FLINTOFF Nedlands
1986/100649 Perth Seotis Nicholas M 84 Panayou GALANIS Stergiou VODENICIOTIS Inglewood
1986/100650 Perth Shaw Sydney Morton M 89 Mary Philomena DYER James Henry SHAW Nedlands
1986/100651 Perth Steere Melva Doreen F 57 Alice Ivy BELL James SHADDICK Nollamara
1986/100652 Perth Tate Joyce Mary F 58 Mary Graham KLAUSE George Augustus BINNING Subiaco
1986/100653 Perth Thanas Margaret F 64 Elizabeth PAPALAZAROUS Nicholas PAPASTATIS Wembley
1986/100654 Perth Trenaman Hubert Roy M 79 Caroline Eva BRIDGER Victor Claude Wellesley Hamilton TRENAMAN Como
1986/100655 Perth Tucak John Charles M 80 Jaka LJUBICIC Ivan TUCAK Perth
1986/100656 Perth Vickery Ada Mary F 91 Mary FINEMORE Joseph SCHUTS Wembley
1986/100657 Perth Watson Margaret Eileen F 39 Susan CRAIG Eric HICKS Nedlands
1986/100658 Perth Willmott Bessie F 86 Kathleen Mann MILLER Charles Woodland JOHN Perth
1986/100659 Perth Allanson Michael John M Not born alive Cheryl Ann WAGSTAFF Ross Glenn ALLANSON Subiaco
1986/100660 Perth Avraamides Adam Costi M 68 Angela ALONEFTIS Costas NAZIRIS Osborne Park
1986/100661 Perth Bartucciotto Biagio Carmelo M 66 Grazia MONACO Michaele BARTUCCIOTTO Stirling
1986/100662 Perth Chester Ralph M 67 Deborah LACHBERG Morris CHESTER Perth
1986/100663 Perth Cribb Reginald Aubrey M 74 Amy Florence HAMMING Reginald Marsh CRIBB Perth
1986/100664 Perth Cunningham Christina Marian F 85 Margaret Elizabeth KELLY John GRIFFIN Woodlands
1986/100665 Perth Hampton Bernice Isobel F 63 Irene May COWARD Thomas Andrew MCCULLOCH Nedlands
1986/100666 Perth Hunter Joan Margaret F 70 Elizabeth JONES James Adrian JOHNSTON Perth
1986/100667 Perth Kerkhof Johannes Adrianus M 64 Maria Wilhelmina BASTIAANS Matheus Willhelmus KERKHOF Perth
1986/100668 Perth Kirkup Sybil Esther F 70 Silvia BUNTER Harold SHAW Perth
1986/100669 Perth Lockett Herbert Frederick M 51 Bertie POWELL Unknown LOCKETT Perth
1986/100670 Perth Lutz Richard Benjamin M 88 Maria Louise Clara GERICKE Julius Wilhelm Carl LUTZ Subiaco
1986/100671 Perth Metcalfe Geoffrey M 65 Phoebe TINKER John METCALFE Perth
1986/100672 Perth McGhie James M 79 Elizabeth Chisholm CAMPBELL Joseph MCGHIE Perth
1986/100673 Perth Nice Joseph Henry M 64 Sarah Teresa CAHILL Cecil Edwin NICE Claremont
1986/100674 Perth Payne Irene Elizabeth F 79 Elizabeth LAWRENCE Frederick WEEKS North Perth
1986/100675 Perth Prichard Lillian Mary Hannah F 91 Rose CHITTY William Laundon MARSH Wembley
1986/100676 Perth Rayner Gregory Brenton M 34 Irene Alvina WILSON Reginald Sydney RAYNER Mount Lawley
1986/100677 Perth Rogers Robert James M 89 Annie MCCLOUD George ROGERS Nedlands
1986/100678 Perth Saligari Susan Caterina F 20 Mildred Elaine GREGORY Robert Walter SALIGARI Rivervale
1986/100679 Perth Stevens Dorothy Emily Conroy F 80 Catherine Ann MACKIE Ezra Caleb DANCE Nedlands
1986/100680 Perth Torre Rosina F 87 Francesca UNKNOWN Antonio FINOCCHIARO Perth
1986/100681 Perth Cadamy John Charles M 56 Violet May CHAMBERS Percy Edward CADAMY Perth
1986/100682 Perth Calvert Andrew Douglas M 45 Evelyn Joan COWLES Douglas Stanley CALVERT Perth
1986/100683 Perth Christopher Alfred Vincent M 81 Bridget HANNAN Patrick CHRISTOPHER Perth
1986/100684 Perth Coenraats Sophia Albertha F 52 Albertha VAN EDEN Jan KLEIN Perth
1986/100685 Perth Davis Harold Alfred M 91 Amelia UNKNOWN Frederick Thomas Temperance DAVIS Warwick
1986/100686 Perth Dean James M 79 Hilda Maud READ Alfred DEAN Nedlands
1987/100686 Perth Partridge David M 81 Unknown Unknown Nedlands
1986/100687 Perth Elkes John Henry M 71 Fanny Rosalie HOLMES John Henry ELKES Nedlands
1986/100688 Perth Gortmaker Lambert M 77 Aaltje KLIPHUIS Kars GORTMAKER Como
1986/100689 Perth Harris Alan Henry M 62 Ida Margaret SHULTZ Frederick Charles HARRIS Bayswater
1986/100690 Perth Hayton Colin Maxwell M 74 Winifred Louise JONES Arthur Morton HAYTON Nedlands
1986/100691 Perth Hobbs Jean Maud F 65 Annie Frances CASEY William James FARMER Como
1986/100692 Perth Kettlewell Herbert M 79 Annie WADDINGTON Thomas KETTLEWELL Bayswater
1986/100693 Perth Noble Sarah May Susan F 77 Sarah BINGHAM Henry Edwin BOYD Nedlands
1986/100694 Perth Poynton Nina Florence F 85 Ada Elizabeth ODGERS Horace Benson JACKSON Claremont
1986/100695 Perth Simich Rona Nellmar F 75 Hilda Jean EDWARDS Cyril Edwin Halse LEY Nedlands
1986/100696 Perth Whitley Joyce Mary F 65 Minnie KEY Walter MARRIOTT Perth
1986/100697 Perth Clarke Rose Winifred F 80 Amelia STRACHAN James George RUMBLE Carlisle
1986/100699 Perth Lim (unnamed) U Not born alive Gek Yong CHONG Kok Keng LIM Subiaco
1986/100701 Perth Stokes Harold John M 53 Annie Hilda HOBSON Harold John STOKES Perth
1986/100702 Perth Taylor Frederick Walter Leonard M 70 Hettie UNKNOWN George TAYLOR Maida Vale
1986/100703 Perth Aram Irene Gladys F 74 Nellie Violet BAYFORD Herbert Stewart CROFTS Nedlands
1986/100704 Perth Bamford Jean F 59 Hannah SIMPSON Frederick COCKBANE Kallaroo
1986/100705 Perth Berry Adelaide Victoria Perry F 82 Eleanor Perry HENDON Herbert George GASTON Perth
1986/100706 Perth Berry Matt Saywaker M 4 months Kristyne SAYWAKER Mark Anthony BERRY Kingsley
1987/100707 Perth Coyne Terrance Ernest M Not born alive Jodie Lee COYNE - Subiaco
1986/100707 Perth Bicknell Ernest Alfred M 82 Catherine CLARKE Charles BICKNELL Perth
1986/100708 Perth Bransby Leslie Norman M 78 Elizabeth Lucy CROCKETT William BRANSBY Perth
1986/100709 Perth Britton Francis Richard M 77 Florence Elizabeth WHITFIELD John BRITTON Subiaco
1986/100710 Perth Brooking Ethel Florence F 86 Ellen PAINE John George MILNER Claremont
1986/100711 Perth Burrows Edna May F 76 May Victoria Margareta MAZZUCCHELLI Norman Leslie BURROWS Nedlands
1986/100712 Perth Byrnes Lucy Isobel F 75 Catherine Beatrice KERSHAW Benjamin WILLIAMSON Nedlands
1986/100713 Perth Capriotti Rodrigo M 61 Anna IMPERATORI Vincenzo CAPRIOTTI Girrawheen
1986/100714 Perth Clarke Henry Charles Walter M 93 Elizabeth Anne JARVIS Charles Arthur CLARKE Como
1986/100715 Perth Cunningham Martin M 71 Alice DALEY James CUNNINGHAM Scarborough
1986/100716 Perth D'Arcy Evelyn F 73 Louisa TROTTER James William WALKER Nedlands
1986/100717 Perth Davies Margaret McIntosh F 74 Catherine RITCHIE William Fyffe BRUNTON Nedlands
1986/100718 Perth Deary David Alexander M 81 Susan Burns YOUNG Ewen Alexander DEARY Menora
1986/100719 Perth Doyle Thomas Percival M 98 Mary Ann ALLAN William Samuel DOYLE Nedlands
1986/100720 Perth Durnin Ella May F 92 Maria WILKERSON Richard William SMITH Mount Lawley
1986/100721 Perth Edwards Thomas John M 85 Marjorie MELDRUM William Yorath EDWARDS Nedlands
1986/100722 Perth Evans George Bertram M 100 Elizabeth HORNE John EVANS Nedlands
1986/100723 Perth Evans Viola May F 80 Viola May BENTLEY Charles Henry STONE South Perth
1986/100724 Perth Graham Annie Irene F 65 Margaret MERREY Richard DAWES Perth
1986/100725 Perth Hinchliffe Olive May F 80 Alice Christina AITKEN John Alexander SAYER Nedlands
1986/100726 Perth Johnson Lilian F 92 Anne SHAW Daniel WARRINGTON Como
1986/100727 Perth Kayser Ursula Annie F 75 Sarah Ann MURRAY James Wylie COCKBURN Nedlands
1986/100728 Perth Kelly Desmond Eric Selwyn M 45 Dolly Esther Sophie BEER Roy Horace KELLY Subiaco
1986/100729 Perth King Phyllis May F 63 Elizabeth MOSLEY Sydney BEST Nedlands
1986/100730 Perth Kovacsy Luisa F 85 Luisa KERESZTESY Karl POLGARY West Perth
1986/100731 Perth Lang Jean Myra F 90 Florence UNKNOWN John William HENCH Como
1986/100732 Perth Mellon Joseph William M 77 Margaret MAHER Joseph MELLON Stirling
1986/100733 Perth Monger Ethel Joaquina F 85 Ethel May SHERARD Frederick Charles MONGER Como
1986/100734 Perth Morris Phillip Hodsoll M 73 Elsie Beatrice MILLS Joseph James Hodsoll MORRIS Perth
1986/100735 Perth McDonald James Francis M 58 Norina Elsie MUNDY James Hugh MCDONALD Subiaco
1986/100736 Perth Nicolakis Michael Dimitrios M 78 Stella PITAOULI Dimitrios NICOLAKIS Perth
1986/100737 Perth Parker Frederick George M 93 Elizabeth Annie STEVENSON Benjamin William Cuffley PARKER Nedlands
1986/100738 Perth Paterson Jean F 73 Nellie ROWELL Henry Frederick PATERSON Mount Lawley
1986/100739 Perth Poncini Giuseppina Gemma F 83 Maria BERTOLINI Giuseppe BAROLI Perth
1986/100740 Perth Prestage Mary Anne F 60 Unknown Unknown Perth
1986/100741 Perth Roberts Marie Jean F 53 Ida May COOK Richard George DEFALL Wembley
1986/100742 Perth Saligari Dorothy Elizabeth Ethel F 76 Adelaide FISHER Walter BATH Como
1986/100743 Perth Turner George Leslie M 77 May HERRING Thomas TURNER Nedlands
1986/100744 Perth Valenti Salvatore M 63 Giuseppa PEZZINO Francesco VALENTI Nedlands
1986/100745 Perth Watson Rosilyn F 41 Mildred HALL Eric Gordon JONES Leederville
1986/100746 Perth Wilkins Matthew Alfred M 78 Stella Beatrice AITKEN Alfred William Thomas WILKINS Mount Hawthorn
1986/100747 Perth Alexander Alfred Ernest M 80 Annie Mary BURLEY Ernest Henry Bloomfield ALEXANDER Perth
1986/100748 Perth Bowen John Marshal M 71 Katherine SHEARD Thomas Alexander BOWEN Nedlands
1986/100749 Perth Collinson Jeromy M 16 Jeannine Anne REID Dennis Eric COLLINSON Perth
1986/100750 Perth Ewens Ethel Maud F 99 Sarah COOK Henry ALBERT Claremont
1986/100751 Perth Hall Cecil Frederick Albert M 73 Olive HUGHES Frederick HALL Nedlands
1986/100752 Perth Herdsman Henry Horsley M 63 Sara Elizabeth HORSLEY Henry HERDSMAN Nedlands
1986/100753 Perth Holman Stella Gladys F 85 Mary Ann EDWARDS Herbert Matthew EDWARDS Subiaco
1987/100754 Perth Holstrom Edmund Arthur M 57 Unknown Unknown East Perth
1986/100754 Perth Hugall Olive Norma F 71 Margaret WALSHE Cyril Willy MORGAN Claremont
1986/100755 Perth Jacobs Ernest M 58 Jane UNKNOWN Ernest JACOBS Perth
1986/100756 Perth Jerrat Percival William M 55 Doris Mary MCPHEE Dundas Harold JERRAT Wembley Downs
1986/100757 Perth Kunzli Glenys Beryl F 42 Beryl STITT Arthur DODS Yokine
1986/100758 Perth Martin Joseph Benjamin M 75 Ann POWELL Benjamin MARTIN Nedlands
1986/100759 Perth Mayfield Amy Florence F 87 Sarah BYFIELD William JAMES Inglewood
1986/100760 Perth McInerheney William John M 62 Josephine EATON James MCINERHENEY Nedlands
1986/100761 Perth McNaughton Margaret Young F 58 Gemima Richmond PATON William Francis HUTCHISON Nedlands
1986/100762 Perth O'Brien Mary Philomena F 77 Louise BARKER James RICE Nedlands
1986/100763 Perth Shea John Adrian M 72 Margaret Ann ARDAGH John Patrick SHEA Claremont
1986/100764 Perth Thomas Cyril Berte M 70 Daisy May COOPER Alfred Langlois THOMAS Nedlands
1986/100765 Perth Underdown Robert John M 76 Mary Agnes GRIFFIN William Joshua UNDERDOWN Subiaco
1986/100766 Perth Williams Lancel M 65 Lilly BURCHILL Eddie WILLIAMS Nedlands
1986/100767 Perth Bonnici Josephine Elena F 88 Mary VENTURA John TOCTAN Nedlands
1986/100768 Perth Best Mary Eveline F 82 Julia RYAN Frederick FLETCHER Perth
1986/100769 Perth Congleton Robert M 68 Elizabeth BAINE Robert CONGLETON Willagee
1986/100770 Perth D'Cruz Terence Walter M 63 Hilda Mabel MONTEIRO Peter Charles D'CRUZ Como
1986/100771 Perth Doell Richard M 59 Anna MAHIA Emil DOELL Nedlands
1986/100772 Perth Edwards Arnold Eric M 51 Daisy Mildred WHEELER Sidney EDWARDS Rivervale
1986/100773 Perth Ellis Alison Vivian F 41 Thelma Francis Vivian WILLIAMS Cyril Patrick WHITE Nedlands
1986/100774 Perth Hancock Herbert Keith M 43 Edna WOOLLAS Herbert William HANCOCK Nedlands
1986/100775 Perth Jose Thora Dorothea F 69 Olive CHAPMAN Harry William DYKE Perth
1986/100776 Perth Kain Norman Dudley M 77 Edith BROWN Archibald KAIN Dalkeith
1986/100777 Perth Kaplin Henry Arthur M 81 Hannah UNKNOWN Henry Arthur KAPLIN Nedlands
1986/100778 Perth Leppard Wilfred Roland M 71 Hannah BOWYER William LEPPARD Nedlands
1986/100779 Perth Liddle Esther F 58 Esther ALSTON Charles QUINN Nedlands
1986/100780 Perth Mallis Joseph Gray M 63 Elizabeth MALLIS Unknown Nedlands
1986/100781 Perth Martin Alan John M 67 Helen Holly BRINDLEY John MARTIN Perth
1986/100782 Perth Nienartowicz Waclaw M 34 Unknown Unknown Perth
1986/100783 Perth Payne Walter Charles M 73 Alice FROST George PAYNE Perth
1986/100784 Perth Pidgeon Rosemary Annetta Gwenllian Hamilton F 56 Annetta Victoria KIMBER Robert Henry MORRIS Dalkeith
1986/100785 Perth Paini Mario Giuseppe M 76 Luisa CATTALINI Giuseppe PAINI Nedlands
1986/100786 Perth Rayner Esther Veronica F 79 Ester Mary FARLEY Michael Joseph WALSH Stirling
1986/100787 Perth Richards Lynne Margaret F 43 Evelyn SYMES John Stewart HARRIS Balga
1986/100788 Perth Speksnyder Cornelis M 63 Hermina Johanna BOER Bastian SPEKSNYDER Kewdale
1986/100789 Perth Troughton Minnie F 85 May Edith HART John TROUGHTON Stirling
1986/100790 Perth Varricchio Francesca Carmina F 70 Mariantonia DI SATGIA di Elias MANCA Perth
1986/100791 Perth Vingerhoets Antonius Johannes Maria M 41 Rudolfina WAALEN Petrus VINGERHOETS Landsdale
1986/100792 Perth Wheatley Graham Harold James M 40 Daphne Eyphemia PRITCHARD Raymond Emanuel WHEATLEY Hillarys
1986/100793 Perth Fidock Harold Edward M 83 Matilda MODRA John Henwood FIDOCK Nedlands
1986/100794 Perth Banks Mavis Estelle F 61 Alice Maud NEILL Francis KNIGHT Perth
1986/100795 Perth Bunstead Dorothy Mary F 62 Maud Georgina UNKNOWN Albert Francis MALIN Subiaco
1986/100796 Perth Carless Myrtle Annie F 84 Elizabeth Anne MCLEAN Matthew JOHNSTON Maylands
1986/100797 Perth Clegg William Peacock M 74 Elizabeth Anne MURRAY William Peacock CLEGG Noranda
1986/100798 Perth Collins John Francis M 57 Catherine Elizabeth MILLER John Gerald COLLINS Wembley
1986/100799 Perth Durkin John Hugh M 68 Edith Lucy PHILLIPS James William DURKIN Nedlands
1986/100800 Perth Hayes Ruby Bertha F 80 Elsie Mary HUMPHRIES Arthur MCINTOSH Trigg
1986/100801 Perth Knox Phoebe Henrietta F 73 Julia Henrietta TURNER John James KNIGHT Wembley
1986/100802 Perth Knight Leo Harold M 70 Henrietta Frances Mottran ANDERSON Ivor Percy Phillips KNIGHT Perth
1986/100803 Perth Linden Mattheus Wilhelmus M 75 Hendrika FENNIS Johannes VAN DER LINDEN Nedlands
1986/100804 Perth Perica Peter Ivan M 59 Karmela PIRAK Stipe PERICA Perth
1986/100805 Perth Palermo Giuseppe M 11 Marianna DE GENNARO Vito Alfio PALERMO Subiaco
1986/100806 Perth Ryan Mary Brigid F 92 Maria HAYES Denis RYAN Wembley
1986/100807 Perth Simcock Katherine Jane F 78 Jane SMITH John Phillip WAGNER Claremont
1986/100808 Perth Sheppard Charley M 96 Elizabeth DOMAN Henry SHEPPARD St James
1986/100809 Perth Stewart Thomas M 77 Unknown Unknown STEWART Claremont
1986/100810 Perth Woodcock Ada Ivy F 72 Mercy UNKNOWN Unknown FRANCIS Perth
1986/100811 Perth Breadsell Daniel M 70 Elisa Ellen HOCKING Daniel BREADSELL Joondanna
1986/100812 Perth Borrett Joan Catherine F 62 Ethel Georgie EVENDEN Walter George Arthur BUNN Morley
1986/100813 Perth Bennett Beryl F 67 Jemima Lancaster RYCROFT Robert Lesley SELLEY Subiaco
1986/100814 Perth Debnam Alfred Henry M 59 Lillian May MORGAN Alfred Richard DEBNAM Claremont
1986/100815 Perth De Zwart van Kooten Annie Alida F 70 Unknown Cor COMENDER Nedlands
1986/100816 Perth Fryer William Northcote M 78 Elizabeth CAIRNS William FRYER Nedlands
1986/100817 Perth Farley Cecil Raymond M 74 Edith May SMITH Thomas FARLEY Nedlands
1986/100818 Perth Gough Amber F Not born alive Louise Jane GOUGH - Subiaco
1986/100819 Perth Glaskin Gilbert Henry M 83 Agnes CARTER Henry Marcus GLASKIN Menora
1986/100820 Perth Horsting Gerhard Arend Jan M 83 Derkje NEUTEBOOM Jan Albert Bernardus HORSTING Perth
1986/100821 Perth Harvey Hazel Harriett Edna F 77 Amy Edna JOYCE John Elias COFFEN Stirling
1986/100822 Perth Jarratt Mary F 105 Maria MOULDER William FORD Maylands
1986/100823 Perth Lea Irene Lindsay F 67 Eleanor CRACROFT Lindsay HARMAN North Beach
1986/100824 Perth Millican Matthew James M 1 day Stella DAUTOPULOS Frederick George MILLICAN Subiaco
1986/100825 Perth Morrow Dorothea Turner F 85 Lilly Mary BEST Edwin Turner MORROW Subiaco
1986/100826 Perth Plenderleith Athol Donald M 67 Sarah Bell GRIFFITHS Robert Marshall PLENDERLEITH Perth
1986/100827 Perth Sutcliffe Henry M 62 Unknown Unknown Perth
1986/100828 Perth Southall Leslie Edward Floyd M 80 Elisa Alice FLOYED John Henry Haughton SOUTHALL Perth
1986/100829 Perth Turner Reginald M 83 Sarah Ann DOVEY William Howard TURNER Manning
1986/100830 Perth Vickery Ella Maud F 79 Esther Maud FAIRBANK Edward Veall PENNA Scarborough
1986/100831 Perth West Gwenyth Olwen F 74 Ethel Maude SLOSS John James Jenkin THOMAS Shenton Park
1986/100832 Perth Welmink Lambertus M 59 Hermanina HAGELS Herman WELMINK Perth
1986/100833 Perth Budden Peter Domonic John M 72 Margaret Rozanna HAYES Arthur Henry BUDDEN Nedlands
1986/100834 Perth Christofis Irene F 74 Costandina TUFRA Theothosis PENGLY Wembley
1986/100835 Perth Devery Cherry Elizabeth F Not born alive Dianne Elizabeth WATERBURY Walter Anthony DEVERY Subiaco
1986/100836 Perth Dombrowsky Stanislaw M 65 Unknown Leon DOMBROWSKY Maylands
1986/100837 Perth Holland Noeline F 55 Ivy Geanne STEWART Harold William Laurence ROWE Nedlands
1986/100838 Perth Lyon William Arthur M 65 Martha Gertrude ELTON David LYON Floreat
1986/100839 Perth Mestichelli Maria F 86 Nazzarena CICCONI Vincenzo CASTELLETTI West Perth
1986/100840 Perth Murton John M 74 Amelia Fanny HUSSEY Robert MURTON Nedlands
1986/100841 Perth Moffatt Ronald M 61 Eleanor BOWMAN George MOFFATT Belmont
1986/100842 Perth O'Brien John Michael Stuart M 57 Alice Mary COLLINS Richard O'BRIEN Nedlands
1986/100843 Perth Pratt Leslie Harold M 74 Ellen Mary DAVIS Percival William PRATT Nedlands
1986/100844 Perth Pintabona Antonino M 58 Rosaria CASELLA Salvatore PINTABONA Perth
1986/100845 Perth Pinkerton Ivy Agnes F 87 Emily WHITE Arthur George TUCKER Menora
1986/100846 Perth Roberts Charles M 78 Unknown Unknown Nedlands
1986/100847 Perth Rose Doris Victoria F 68 Florence Gertrude EVANS Thomas Charles TRURAN Perth
1986/100848 Perth Smith Janet F 83 Caroline BRERETON John PORTER Inglewood
1986/100849 Perth Siddons Betty Pauline F 52 Jessie Elizabeth WIDDESON Petrus Jacobus DU PLESSIS Perth
1986/100850 Perth Weston Jessica Lee F 5 hours Laurita Ellen NORTH John Michael WESTON Subiaco
1986/100851 Perth Seow Simon Seak Wei M 40 Soon Kheng LOH Peng Chuan SEOW Noranda
1986/100852 Perth White Phillip McCarthy M 63 Frances Evelyn TAYLOR Peter John WHITE Nedlands
1986/100853 Perth Culley Kathleen F 71 Catherine BARLOW Charles PORTER Claremont
1986/100854 Perth Corsi Natalia Edda F 69 Carmella TOMASINI Pietro BATTAGLIA Bayswater
1986/100855 Perth Chesson Mary Agnes F 91 Mary SLATTERY James CHESSON Glendalough
1986/100856 Perth Drummond Jack Frederick Noel M 81 Miriam BRUMFORT Frederick Nicol DRUMMOND Claremont
1986/100857 Perth Tyler Dorothy Gwendoline F 92 Unknown MILLER Unknown Subiaco
1986/100858 Perth Evans Nancy Claire F 60 Elizabeth WALKER James EVANS Nedlands
1986/100859 Perth Fawcett Christopher Francis M 41 Bridget Emily WELSH William Thomas FAWCETT "Great Eastern Highway, Rivervale, 100 metres south of Cornwall Street"
1986/100860 Perth Ferguson Glenn M Not born alive Michele Rosemary SMITH Graham Ross FERGUSON Mount Lawley
1986/100861 Perth Gilbert William Arthur M 84 Sara PAGET Arthur Louis GILBERT Nedlands
1986/100862 Perth Hartley Henry Eugene M 75 Maad HALBERT William Henry HARTLEY Greenmount
1986/100863 Perth Hills George Allan M 74 Harriet Frances WRIGHTSON Frank HILLS Wembley Downs
1986/100864 Perth Hassan Orrena Stewart F 86 Edith VICKERS James ELDER Nedlands
1986/100865 Perth Jackson Anne-Marie F 61 Irene DE CORIOLIS Jean Theodore BOULLE Stirling
1986/100866 Perth Jones Sharna Perri F 7 Joanne Rose KENNEDY Perry Benedict JONES Subiaco
1986/100867 Perth Jacoby Lola May F 72 Mary Cathryn MCCARTNEY Francis HIGHMAN Claremont
1986/100868 Perth Keratzis Peter M 73 Jana KARLEDOV Unknown KERATZIS West Perth
1986/100869 Perth Kreplins Alexander M 62 Emma LESCHINSKY Adolph KREPLINS South Perth
1986/100870 Perth Leaper Lionel William Dennis M 65 Florence Maud ROWLAND Edwin John LEAPER Perth
1986/100871 Perth Millen John M 87 Agnes PILGRIM James Ramsay MILLEN Nedlands
1986/100872 Perth Moyle Verenia Patience F 74 Florence Emily PALMER John Alexander RUSHA Nedlands
1986/100873 Perth Mahney Edna F 87 Alice WHATMAUGH Frederick McCabe THOMASSON South Perth
1986/100874 Perth Martin Wallace James M 62 Martha Irene SCRIVENS Henry James MARTIN Perth
1986/100875 Perth Milbourne Albert Edward Henry M 70 Florence Ellesmere METCALFE William Arthur MILBOURNE Nedlands
1986/100876 Perth Mansfield William Ronald M 60 Clara Elizabeth HULSE William MANSFIELD Nedlands
1986/100877 Perth Pick Ethelwyn May F 79 Harriet STARLING Robert NICHOLS Como
1986/100878 Perth Pettit Lloyda Marjorie F 79 Margaret Camilla LLOYD Harold Thornborough HAYWARD Claremont
1986/100879 Perth Prosser Leo Clifford Hugh M 74 Sarah Pauline ROSENBERG Aaron George PROSSER Nedlands
1986/100880 Perth Pakalniskis Elizabeth F 81 Anne UNKNOWN Joseph MANKEVICIUS Nedlands
1986/100881 Perth Paterson Jean Raymond F 82 Unknown Unknown Nedlands
1986/100882 Perth Parsons Margaret Anna F 67 Amy Elizabeth Lancaster NEWTON John CONNOR Perth
1986/100883 Perth Pettit Vanessa F Not born alive Carmel MARTELLI Murray Malcolm PETTIT Stirling
1986/100884 Perth Wilson-Park Leila Joan F 54 Mary Gwendoline RODGERS Major FLAKEMORE Perth
1986/100885 Perth Stouse Charles Richard M 75 Rosina BACON-TAYLOR Charles Everett STOUSE Nedlands
1986/100886 Perth Sullivan Mary Agnes F 82 Elizabeth MCGREGOR Colin CAMPBELL Como
1986/100887 Perth Titmus Ronald George M 77 Goldina Victoria SMITH Frederick Mark TITMUS St James
1986/100888 Perth Taylor Alice Leila F 74 Mary DONNELLAN Ernest Edward COCKS Nedlands
1986/100889 Perth Taylor John M 81 Vera Constance DANN Hubert James TAYLOR Claremont
1986/100890 Perth Thomson William Gary M 32 Elizabeth Jones JONES Thomas George THOMSON South Perth
1986/100891 Perth Williams Stanley M 77 Emily HOOD Benjamin WILLIAMS Inglewood
1986/100892 Perth Ward Noel Sinclair M 78 Annie BUCHANAN Norman Sinclair WARD Daglish
1986/100893 Perth Helou Fay Margaret F 29 Rita Patricia APPLEBY Charles William HICKS Perth
1986/100894 Perth White Herman Victor M 89 Clara MILFORD Henry Lionel WHITE Coolbinia
1986/100895 Perth Arnold James Thomas M 78 Sarah Maud JENNINGS Alfred Charles ARNOLD Inglewood
1986/100896 Perth Baldwin Winifred F 93 Jane BONE Albert ALBURY Cottesloe
1986/100897 Perth Bux Ameer M 83 Kathleen COOPER Kader BUX Rivervale
1986/100898 Perth Bonny Marie F 53 Anna GARZIA Antonio DIMAIO Scarborough
1986/100899 Perth Brewer Kathleen Florence F 77 Florence DOWLING Hugh McCullum DUNCAN Nedlands
1986/100900 Perth Clancy John M 73 Beatrice FEWSON Jack CLANCY Nedlands
1986/100901 Perth Conder Margarite Ruth F 65 Martha MACARTHUR Oscar Berthold HOFFMAN Nedlands
1986/100902 Perth Capel Ethel Frances F 96 Eliza Frances CAMPION Daniel SHILLISTONE Karrinyup
1986/100903 Perth Cornford Clarice Jane Elizabeth F 86 Grace Ann MARTIN Joseph Henry SCADDAN West Perth
1986/100904 Perth Couldridge Frederick John M 88 Emma FREWER Alfred William COULDRIDGE Perth
1986/100905 Perth Craig Horace Stewart M 68 Amy Emily WHITCHURCH Wallace Gordon CRAIG Wembley Downs
1986/100906 Perth Evans Donald Trevor M 68 Harriet May STEPHEN Percy EVANS Mullaloo
1986/100907 Perth Frost Ella Joyce F 85 Ellen Devereux CLIVELY George Robert Arthur SHEPHERD Shenton Park
1986/100908 Perth Heedes Gladys May F 83 Bridget Ann MCKITT Daniel GILL Nedlands
1986/100909 Perth Hunter Mary F 76 Martha STEELE John HUNTER Subiaco
1986/100910 Perth Holden Norman John M 44 Charlotte Harriett PAYNE William HOLDEN Stirling
1986/100911 Perth Lamb Frederick Stanley Bennett M 86 Louisa CHARDAVOINE Mark LAMB Nedlands
1986/100912 Perth McLaren-Collins John M 78 Unknown Unknown Nedlands
1986/100913 Perth Mesiti Maria Rosa F 77 Giuditta UNKNOWN Nicodemo CATALANO Stirling
1986/100914 Perth Morgan Florence Eliza F 79 Eliza Anne CARSON Joseph William GOULD Perth
1986/100915 Perth Payne Violet Maud F 80 Jane GAMBLE Paul RYCHEN Perth
1986/100916 Perth Pasalich Ivka F 66 Ana KOVACEVICH Mate GRUBISICH Subiaco
1986/100917 Perth Towler Mary Ann Maude F 92 Eliza PETTIT Claus MENKEN Carlisle
1986/100918 Perth Weeks Henry Francis M 78 Elsie Maude ADAMS Francis WEEKS Perth
1986/100919 Perth Williams Hulda Mabel F 82 Margaret Mabel PEARCE John Frederick WESTLUND Mount Lawley
1986/100920 Perth Walls Grace F 80 Unknown FINLAY Matthew ROONEY Morley
1986/100921 Perth Adamson Phillis Rosa F 74 Phyllis Ellen MUSSON Arthur Wilford BUNNEY Perth
1986/100922 Perth Best George Montague M 94 Caroline POYLE Solomon BEST Warwick
1986/100923 Perth Cunningham Janet F 77 Matilda UNKNOWN Robert BROWN Nedlands
1986/100924 Perth Franklyn Reginald Patrick M 62 Mary Monica O'DEA Edward Reginald FRANKLYN Two Rocks
1986/100925 Perth Giles John Francis Wilson M 83 Mary Francis CASSIDY Donald Sinclair GILES Rivervale
1986/100926 Perth Gilbertson Harriet Elsie F 80 Emma Frances JOHNSON Charles William GILBERTSON Perth
1986/100927 Perth Germain Trevor Waltham M 47 Margaret Chamberlain WILKIE Charles Herbert GERMAIN Perth
1986/100928 Perth Hooper Helena F 90 Elizabeth O'NEIL Richard HOOPER Glendalough
1986/100929 Perth Hunter William Thomas M 86 Amy WILLIAMS William HUNTER Subiaco
1986/100930 Perth Jones Elsie F 90 Emma CROFT William Henry FEARNLEY South Perth
1986/100931 Perth Keenan Veronica Mary F 80 Emily Evelina CLARKE Patrick Francis HOGAN Como
1986/100932 Perth Kirkby May Florence F 87 Mary Caroline HAZEL Charles Henry GRIFFITHS Nedlands
1986/100933 Perth Mihailidis Boris M 78 Anastasia STERIADIS Kiraokos MIHAILIDIS Balcatta
1986/100934 Perth Nicholson Geoffrey Robin M 61 Vera DUFFIELD Albert Edward NICHOLSON Perth
1986/100935 Perth Partridge Mary Ann F 95 Mary Ann BROWN John QUIGLEY Wembley
1986/100936 Perth Rubery Evelyn May F 81 Catherine WHITE George Alfred PLUMMER Mount Lawley
1986/100937 Perth Asphar Charles Herman M 90 Mary VELLA John Francis ASPHAR Glendalough
1986/100938 Perth Briggs Timothy Ian M 11 hours Elizabeth Rose CAMPBELL Ian Maxwell BRIGGS Subiaco
1986/100939 Perth Burnett Alan Alfred M 53 Myrtle TAPPER Harold Alfred BURNETT Nedlands
1986/100940 Perth Cocks Ernest David M 59 Margaret Wilding WHYTE George COCKS Rivervale
1986/100941 Perth Carbone Sebastiano M 67 Maria Guisepina FELO Pasquale CARBONE Bayswater
1986/100942 Perth Gardner Louise F 84 Sarah Ann STONE George William GARDNER South Perth
1986/100943 Perth Hallett Leslie Thomas M 57 Anna Maria MORRISSEY Rupert Edwin HALLETT Perth
1986/100944 Perth Hill Graham Leighton M 48 Lily NANKERVIS Melville Leighton HILL Nedlands
1986/100945 Perth McKenzie John Niven M 77 Isabella PEARSON Ernest MCKENZIE Nedlands
1986/100946 Perth Palmer Nicholas M 87 Unknown Unknown Perth
1986/100947 Perth Punch Beverley June F 30 Beryl Daphne MITCHINSON Frederick Edward BROWN Perth
1986/100948 Perth Redman Ernest M 83 Elizabeth ROSS Henry REDMAN Claremont
1986/100949 Perth Saunders George Alfred M 69 Rose ROSSENDALE George Percival SAUNDERS Joondalup
1986/100950 Perth Swift Wayne Russell M 34 Jean Violet HARWOOD William John SWIFT Wembley
1986/100951 Perth Thompson Martha Doris F 89 Alice Emily HAMPTON William Henry EVERETT Maylands
1986/100952 Perth Whitelaw Ernest Henry M 59 Elizabeth CHURCHILL Frederick Henry WHITELAW Nedlands
1986/100953 Perth Ashmead Jean Collingwood F 67 Helen Beatrice MCLAREN Bernard Barker BRISTOW Subiaco
1986/100954 Perth Burns Thomas Wilfred M 57 Nora MCKENNA Wilfred BURNS Balga
1986/100955 Perth Buckley Thelma Violet Bell F 80 Ethel Maud SPRINGETT David Richard MORRISH Victoria Park
1986/100956 Perth Clarke Annie Mary F 71 Rosa VUJICICH George BOTICA Mount Lawley
1986/100957 Perth Cox William Thomas M 73 Mary Ellen FLYNN Joseph Gregory COX Nedlands
1986/100958 Perth Hunt Mena Kate F 64 Edith DOUST John Paul BAILEY Nedlands
1986/100959 Perth Henderson Olive Isabel F 59 Maude GALE Edward GRANT Perth
1986/100960 Perth Harms Louis Gordon M 84 Henrietta ALLAN George HARMS Dalkeith
1986/100961 Perth Hayes Norma Joyce F 59 Minnie CHAMBERS John Arnold ADSETTS South Perth
1986/100962 Perth Marks Winifred May F 69 Ethel WINTER Unknown Perth
1986/100963 Perth Orchard Benjamin Leonard M 70 Kate HOWLEY Edward William ORCHARD Perth
1986/100964 Perth Storey Alexander Clark M 71 Maria CLARK George STOREY Stirling
1986/100965 Perth Wood William Edward M 66 Beatrice Elizabeth EDDY William Edward WOOD Cloverdale
1986/100966 Perth Watson Hazel Annie F 80 Annie ROWLINGS John Joseph GEORGE Perth
1986/100967 Perth Williams Patricia Annie F 75 Patty Dennys TODD William Orr GRAY Nedlands
1986/100968 Perth Yeoman John M 86 Jean Ann PECKSTONE Richard Brown YEOMAN Perth
1986/100969 Perth Galt James White M 46 Mary WHITE David GALT Perth
1986/100970 Perth Maclean James Rollo M 89 Euphemia JAAP John MACLEAN Como
1986/100971 Perth Ash Graeme Frank M 29 Marcia Joan THOMAS Frank Richard ASH Nedlands
1986/100972 Perth Burrows Herbert Douglas M 76 Annie Isabella SCOTT Frederick William BURROWS Nedlands
1986/100973 Perth Cockman Albert Henry M 73 Alice DENEAR Harry COCKMAN Nedlands
1986/100974 Perth Durston Norma Berry F 83 Bertie Avoca HAWORTH Edward Alexander KELLY Nedlands
1986/100975 Perth Dixon James White M 84 Margaret BAKER Robert George DIXON Perth
1986/100976 Perth Edelman Leah F 76 Rachel GILD Harry EDELMAN Nedlands
1986/100977 Perth Ford Stanley Edmund M 82 Helena WILSON Thomas Edward FORD Nedlands
1986/100978 Perth Hall Mark John M 25 Maureen Janet SULLIVAN John Kay HALL Perth
1986/100979 Perth Hunt George Harlowe M 78 Eliza Ann SIMMONS Peter George HUNT Nedlands
1986/100980 Perth Kelly Ronald M 72 Nellie WILSON Cornelius KELLY Perth
1986/100981 Perth Le Clercq Elizabeth Helen F 38 Margaret Stella CARRIE John McCallum HARRINGTON Como
1986/100982 Perth Male Theodore Frank M 78 Annie Flora BIDDLES Archie MALE Nedlands
1986/100983 Perth Moore Dorothy F 80 Elsie Louisa BABER Reginald George HEATH Nedlands
1986/100984 Perth Noble Reginald John M 52 Mary Agnes WALL Herbert Charles NOBLE Dianella
1986/100985 Perth O'Meara Roy Henry M 63 Ida Mercy YOUNG Francis O'MEARA Nedlands
1986/100986 Perth Prince Eric Royston M 70 Mary Ann WHITLEY Edward Ernest PRINCE Perth
1986/100987 Perth Rowlands Arthur M 67 Henryetta PLATT John Edward ROWLANDS Nedlands
1986/100988 Perth Rothnie Donald Maxwell M 43 Agnes Mitchell ADAMS William ROTHNIE Maylands
1986/100989 Perth Spoor James M 64 Edith HALL James SPOOR Como
1986/100990 Perth Smith Farquhar William Clarkson M 75 Emily Rose DUGGAN Farquhar SMITH Mount Lawley
1986/100991 Perth Ackrill Shay Leon M 1 Deborah Denise SMITH Leslie ACKRILL Padbury
1986/100992 Perth Boundry Kay Noreen F 40 Vera NARKLE Gordon BOUNDRY Perth
1986/100993 Perth Burton Louis M 94 Unknown Unknown Nedlands
1986/100994 Perth Barnett Colin James M 72 Minnie Parsons BENNETT George Leversha BARNETT Nedlands
1986/100995 Perth Guest John Anthony M 64 Mary GARLAND Patrick GUEST Perth
1986/100996 Perth Leslie Owen Robert M 62 Elizabeth Mabel BRADLEY Robert Shaw LESLIE Nedlands
1986/100997 Perth Mackie Freda Coralena F 78 Florence Maud EMERY Neil John MANSON Subiaco
1986/100998 Perth Schonhut Robert Stephen M 8 days Hazel Loraine PUSEY William John SCHONHUT Subiaco
1986/100999 Perth Print Joseph M 61 Clara ROUND Thomas PRINT Redcliffe
1986/101000 Perth Roworth Alfred Thomas M 91 Katherine FOWLER Alfred William ROWORTH Warwick
1986/101001 Perth Spencer Edward John M 69 Eva NICHOLLS Charles Samuel SPENCER Shenton Park
1986/101002 Perth Toctan John M 84 Maria Teresa VENTURA John TOCTAN Leederville
1986/101003 Perth Williams Walter M 87 Elizabeth Maud DARK Frank WILLIAMS Nedlands
1986/101004 Perth Wells Doris May F 87 Annie Marie WHYBROW Henry ROWSE Nedlands
1986/101005 Perth Bermingham Edward M 78 Catherine Anne DOWNEY James Doyle BERMINGHAM Nedlands
1986/101006 Perth Broadhurst Alice Mabel F 74 Agnes VYNN Wilfred George BROADWAY Menora
1986/101007 Perth Barron Agnes F 89 Mary GARDNER Peter MCCLUSKY Menora
1986/101008 Perth Curo Alma Lily F 79 Flora PALMER Francis Polter WHARTON Mount Lawley
1986/101009 Perth Duffield Edna F 77 Clara BACON Albert WOODHEAD Inglewood
1986/101010 Perth Fitzgerald James M 76 Mary Ann DAVIES Michael FITZGERALD Nedlands
1986/101011 Perth Frazer Edith Doris Jean F 88 Rose LOCKE John LAWRIE Como
1986/101013 Perth Gibson Colin Mark M 9 hours Sally Patricia MARTIN Mark Peter GIBSON Subiaco
1986/101014 Perth Ireland Catherine F 67 Unknown Unknown South Perth
1986/101015 Perth Jones Doris Julia F 84 Mary Jane SMITH Ernest William HOLZBERGER Perth
1986/101016 Perth McAuliffe Daniel M 77 Margaret FLYNN William MCAULIFFE Nedlands
1986/101017 Perth Merchant Margaret Mary Josephine F 86 Delia SCANLON Joseph RYAN Nedlands
1986/101018 Perth Olsen Ada Elizabeth F 89 Elizabeth ROGERS Bernard PHILLIPS Karawara
1986/101019 Perth Piontkowskyj Petro M 75 Anna SWIRSKY Mychajlo PIONTKOWSKYJ Nedlands
1986/101020 Perth Peter Sandor M 63 Anna ERDELYI Joseph PETER Belmont
1986/101021 Perth Ryan Edward M 82 Mary LINSKY John Thomas RYAN Dalkeith
1986/101022 Perth Stride Zoe F 76 Martha Dora Sarah DRAGE Sydney Martin John HOSKIN Perth
1986/101023 Perth Terfy Tibor M 76 Gisella HERCZINGER Henrich TERFY Perth
1986/101024 Perth Watson Nellie Jocelyn F 58 Nora MILLER George Edward MILLER Perth
1986/101025 Perth Balbiani John M 64 Carla FRIGERIO Luigi BALBIANI Wembley
1986/101026 Perth Carter Barbara Jessica Peace F 67 Margaret Mary HENNESSY Hilton Robert Pitchie BELL Perth
1986/101027 Perth Clark Norman M 85 Sarah Ann CASEY Mortom CLARK Nedlands
1986/101028 Perth Cooper Linda Letitia F 72 Letitia Mary FOX Alfred Henry WHITICKER Subiaco
1986/101029 Perth Dow Frank Craigie M 73 Charlotte HANNAH David DOW Inglewood
1986/101030 Perth Fleay Stephen Andrew M 23 Valma Jean BARRETT Ronald George FLEAY Perth
1986/101031 Perth Gifford Fred M 82 Mary Annie Elizabeth FAGG Fred GIFFORD North Perth
1986/101032 Perth Greig Elizabeth Brown Gibson Meney F 77 Annie GIBSON Robert MENEY Mount Lawley
1986/101033 Perth Griffiths John Kenneth M 67 Elisabeth Victoria GIBSON John Henry GRIFFITHS Morley
1986/101034 Perth Grasso Nunzio M 76 Rosaria UNKNOWN Giuseppe GRASSO Perth
1986/101035 Perth Gillett Bernard St Patrick M 85 Ada Mary HUSSEY Frederic Charles GILLETT Nedlands
1986/101036 Perth Hill Beatrice Mary F 92 Mary Ellen O'KEEFE Thomas THOMPSON Subiaco
1986/101037 Perth James Amelia F 79 Anne Emma Louise WHITE Frank BOURNE Perth
1986/101038 Perth Lansdown Ian Donald M 66 Matilda Elenor Gwendoline ATTWOOD William George LANSDOWN Doubleview
1986/101039 Perth Nind Colin James Pitt M 51 Myra WARK August Pitt NIND Nedlands
1986/101040 Perth Peacock Catherine F 75 Mary SEARON John MCKENZIE Shenton Park
1986/101041 Perth Spicer Dorothy F 74 Margaret Ann DAVIS Charles Levan WILSON Como
1986/101042 Perth Steele Ethel May F 88 Elizabeth KING Elliot MILLER Perth
1986/101043 Perth Stewart Joan Frances F 77 Gertrude Joan SCRYMGOUR Frank ANDREW Perth
1986/101044 Perth Steer Yvonne F 58 Eileen Harriet FAIRFAX William James Hartley HALLIDAY Perth
1986/101045 Perth Sidelnik Elizabeth F 66 Elena UNKNOWN Teodor STRZYZELEWSKA Perth
1986/101046 Perth Tyrer Carmel Mary F 40 Mary VINCENT William ELLERY Wembley
1986/101047 Perth Tomb Gillian Margaret F 41 Constance Ada STAYTE Robert Ernest STEWART Subiaco
1986/101048 Perth Wijnen Johanna Catharina F 78 Johanna Maria LEMMENS Laurens LOUWERS Perth
1986/101049 Perth Wainwright Florence Haldane F 91 Florence CHAMBERS James Edward MACKINTOSH Subiaco
1986/101050 Perth Wilson Jean Elizabeth F 81 Jane Ellen HODSDON Frederick Robert CHAPMAN Wembley Downs
1986/101051 Perth Bayley Herbert Earnest M 56 Carole Irene JONES John Herbert BAYLEY Wembley
1986/101052 Perth Beije Willem Jakobus M 33 Adriana VISSER Willem BEIJE Perth
1986/101053 Perth Buszan Vladimir M 48 Evdokia PIKUZA Peter BUSZAN Perth
1986/101054 Perth Crawford Reginald M 85 Mary Jane MURRAY William Sherman CRAWFORD Nedlands
1986/101055 Perth Cowie Ronald George M 67 Florence Amelia DAVIS James Lamb Christie COWIE Perth
1986/101056 Perth Coli Anna Maria F 35 Valeria CANALE Ignazio ARGENTO Wembley
1986/101057 Perth Elovalis Luke James M 2 Karen Elizabeth POWELL Vasilios Anastasios ELOVALIS Subiaco
1986/101058 Perth Finch Peter Stewart M 59 Emily Edith BRAYSHAW Frederick William Stewart FINCH Subiaco
1986/101059 Perth Grubner Melos Alois M 65 Unknown Unknown GRUBNER Nedlands
1986/101061 Perth Headland Hubert Charles M 59 Mary Cecilia WILKES William John HEADLAND Nedlands
1986/101062 Perth Higgs Dorothy F 81 Beatrice Elizabeth GREENWOOD Ewen Thomas GRANT West Perth
1986/101063 Perth Hunter David M 47 Elsie Alice Leith MAIN Neville George HUNTER Gwelup
1986/101064 Perth Lockyer Kenneth Francis M 77 Mary Bridget LYNCH Horace Joseph Brooks LOCKYER Inglewood
1986/101065 Perth Naarstig Antonia F 73 Unknown BREDERODE Franciscus STEENVOORDEN Subiaco
1986/101066 Perth Pursell John Frederick M 81 Blanche DENNIS Frederick Augustus PURSELL Como
1986/101067 Perth Pickett Benedict Joseph M 50 Mary JACKAMURRA Charles PICKETT Perth
1986/101068 Perth Tompkins Helen F 90 Mary HENDERSON James MCGOWAN Inglewood
1986/101069 Perth Turner Lotta F 85 Unknown PATTISON Unknown SCHMIDT Mosman Park
1986/101070 Perth West-Dantin Chantal Therese F 22 Monique Renee DANTIN Peter WEST-DANTIN On pedestrian crossing at Victoria Park Railway Station
1986/101071 Perth Richardson Susan Mary F 33 Hannah Mary Elizabeth COATON Howard James OXLEY Padbury
1986/101072 Perth Hurman Michael Alain M 44 Lorna Miriam COOK Alain Athos Le Gras HURMAN Perth
1986/101073 Perth Andreas Dawn Mary Josephine F 65 Rose Mary THOMAS James HUDDY Greenwood
1986/101074 Perth Barfield Adeline Alice F 66 Alice Maude SIEGMAN Watkin Thomas THORPE Subiaco
1986/101075 Perth Brown Rachel F Not born alive Glenda HARDAKER Garry BROWN Subiaco
1986/101076 Perth Cahill Alfred Francis M 79 Ethyl May BRIMSON Charles Augustus CAHILL Nedlands
1986/101077 Perth Della Torre Andrew Raymond M 61 Domenica PERLOTTI Francesco DELLA TORRE Stirling
1987/101078 Perth Higgs Rebecca Louise F 3 weeks Beverley Anne HIGGS Unknown Subiaco
1986/101078 Perth Draper Leslie Ernest M 70 Milly Elizabeth Rose WALKER Ernest Henry DRAPER Menora
1986/101079 Perth Grewcow Alexy M 78 Unknown Unknown East Perth
1986/101080 Perth Humble Gladys Irene Jane F 75 Nellie DOUGHERTY Thomas WARR Nedlands
1986/101081 Perth Johnson Clement James M 74 Minnie Florence STEWART Zachariah JOHNSON Inglewood
1986/101082 Perth Jones Lynn Millar M 43 Daphne Lorraine STUBBS Robert Millar JONES Nedlands
1986/101083 Perth McKeown Patrick Joseph M 60 Rose ELDRIDGE Patrick Joseph MCKEOWN Perth
1986/101084 Perth Maxwell Ann Hugh F 69 Catherine MORGAN Peter MCDONALD Nedlands
1986/101085 Perth Rowe George William M 63 Kate BRADLEY John Edward Henry ROWE Nedlands
1986/101086 Perth Reynolds Kenneth Samuel M 68 Catherine Margaret MENHENITT Frederick Samuel REYNOLDS Nedlands
1986/101087 Perth Simonsen Rauha Edwina F Not born alive Tuija Hellevi KARHUNEN Peter Ian SIMONSEN Subiaco
1986/101088 Perth Smith Cecil M 79 Rosina COLLINS Charles CAMUS-SMITH Nedlands
1986/101089 Perth Sells Henry James M 77 Ivy Olive SELLS Unknown Nedlands
1986/101090 Perth Smith Isabella Kathleen F 67 Maud Olive DURNIN Charles Thomas GRANT Perth
1986/101091 Perth Waghorn Brian Leslie M 52 Bessy READHEAD Leslie George WAGHORN Morley
1986/101092 Perth Yovich Ante M 84 Unknown Unknown Inglewood
1986/101093 Perth Beckett Frank Whittaker M 92 Elizabeth WHITTAKER Charles James BECKETT Perth
1986/101094 Perth Burnell Horace William M 64 May Alice UNKNOWN Horace Charles BURNELL Perth
1986/101095 Perth Bull David Malcolm M 18 Valda Faye KING John William BULL Dianella
1986/101096 Perth Couchman Thomas M 93 Unknown Unknown Stirling
1986/101097 Perth Dyktynska Maria F 75 Helena DOPSKA Robert NEJMAN Embleton
1986/101098 Perth Dunne William M 89 Alice Maud LEE William Thomas DUNNE Warwick
1986/101099 Perth Fitzgerald Kathleen May F 82 Johanna DOWD Arthur TAYLOR Leederville
1986/101100 Perth Feist Leslie John M 63 Minnie Thirza CANNON John FEIST Subiaco
1986/101101 Perth Guerin Joseph Gordon M 72 Louise Jane OSBOURNE Joseph Charles GUERIN Perth
1986/101102 Perth Horne Emmie F 91 Henrietta STIBBET David WHITE Carlisle
1986/101103 Perth Kentrat Ruth Franziska Dorothea F 72 Anna FRAUBOSE Ludwig KORNER Perth
1986/101104 Perth Liddell Uric Lionel M 69 Sarah LOFTUS Charles Frederic James LIDDELL Bedford
1986/101105 Perth McDonald Wilfred James M 67 Maud Fanny DEWAR James MCDONALD Morley
1986/101106 Perth Nordahl Dorothy Mary F 93 Almena BROOMHEAD John LEE Como
1986/101107 Perth Smoker Robert Horace M 67 Alice Grace HOLLOWAY Harold SMOKER Perth
1986/101108 Perth Scruby Arthur Richard M 45 Florence Caroline MCMARTIN Henry Francis SCRUBY Nedlands
1986/101109 Perth Williams Michael John M 35 Kathleen Mabel CORBEY Lionel Frederick Cyril WILLIAMS West Perth
1986/101110 Perth Zaliki Euripides Orestes M 83 Maria XATZIMICHALI Emmanuel ZALIKI Subiaco
1986/101111 Perth Brand Pieter Michiel M 39 Berdina Jacoba ACKERMAN Petrus Michiel BRAND Perth
1986/101112 Perth Sherwood Thomas M 77 Harriett Dolphine MCKENNA Arthur Hay SHERWOOD Nedlands
1986/101113 Perth Anderson John Comrie M 25 Dorothy Isobel KNIGHT Keith Comrie ANDERSON Joondanna
1986/101114 Perth Banks William Frederick M 59 Gladys Milford MARTIN Cecil George BANKS Perth
1986/101115 Perth Byng Alice F 75 Mildred Florence STEPHENS Frederick George RANCE Nedlands
1986/101116 Perth Baxter Violet Lilian F 80 Kate Holman GARDINER Albert Frederick POPE Stirling
1986/101117 Perth Bickerstaffe Mark Andrew M 21 Thelma Isobel MAILES Edward Harold BICKERSTAFFE Heathridge
1986/101118 Perth Cruttenden Grace Elizabeth F 77 Elizabeth Sarah COOK Ruban John MERRALLS Leederville
1986/101119 Perth Eliopulos Christopher M 48 Dimitra GANTZOPOULOS Sotirios ELIOPULOS Nedlands
1986/101120 Perth Hurley Bessie Mary Charlotte F 79 Maria Alma Bessie BAILEY Enos BROWN Bayswater
1986/101121 Perth Lizatovich Mara F 85 Ange ZEC Stipe IVANOVIC Subiaco
1986/101122 Perth Metcalf Laurence Bernard M 81 Caroline Selina WATTS Edward Joseph John METCALF Nedlands
1986/101123 Perth McIntyre James Grant Ferguson M 65 Christina GLASS Duncan MCINTYRE Perth
1986/101124 Perth Mortimer Irene Ivy F 73 Susannah BROWN William Sharp WHITLAM Gnangara
1986/101125 Perth Norfor Herbert Alfred Robertson M 89 Unknown Unknown Subiaco
1986/101126 Perth Olegnic Wladyslaw M 75 Unknown Unknown Perth
1986/101127 Perth Phillips James John M 81 Sarah CHAMBERS James PHILLIPS Nedlands
1986/101128 Perth Roberts Edith Ellen F 88 Annie STONER Harry Cole BLAKE Nedlands
1986/101129 Perth Rapcsanyi Laszlo Gabor M 82 Unknown Unknown Subiaco
1986/101130 Perth Skipsey John Arthur M 70 Eva Maud BURRELL John Robert SKIPSEY Perth
1986/101131 Perth Sullivan John Charles M 59 Teresa MARR John Arthur SULLIVAN Tuart Hill
1986/101132 Perth Smith Dorothy Marie F 73 Angelina LEONE William BROWN Como
1986/101133 Perth Walters Dawn Marion F 44 Ida Marion TAYLOR Percy William WALTERS Perth
1986/101134 Perth Young Mary Snowdon F 80 Sophie Adelaide SIMPSON Phillips Sydney COTTERELL Nedlands
1986/101135 Perth Anderson James M 71 Margaret WHITECROSS George ANDERSON Morley
1986/101136 Perth Auns Lilija F 91 Dorothea UPITIS Johann GEBHARDT Inglewood
1986/101137 Perth Abbott Ernest Gerald M 76 Mary WOOD Ernest George ABBOTT Nedlands
1986/101138 Perth Brzeziak Stanislaw M 65 Unknown Unknown Shenton Park
1986/101139 Perth Boyd William Thomas M 92 Catherine Maria BENNETT Samuel BOYD Mount Lawley
1986/101140 Perth Barber James Edward M 50 Winifred Amelia PEMBERTON James Frederick Charles BARBER Perth
1986/101141 Perth Bosence Francis M 75 Unknown Unknown BOSENCE Perth
1986/101142 Perth Black James M 84 Helen Norrie YULE Alexander BLACK Nedlands
1986/101143 Perth Bickford Ruby Vickery F 95 Emma Louisa JUNCKEN John Samuel JONES Mount Lawley
1986/101144 Perth Butterfield William Howe M 77 Sarah Beatrice HOWE Walter BUTTERFIELD Nedlands
1986/101145 Perth Corpus Anthia Marie F 22 Martina DANN Henry CORPUS Nedlands
1986/101146 Perth Chitarra Mario M 71 Ignazia LIONTI Carmelo CHITARRA Perth
1986/101147 Perth Corless Christopher Wayne M 7 Carol NAZZARI Wayne Michael CORLESS Subiaco
1986/101148 Perth Davies Robert Leslie M 2 days Tansy Lyn HARRISON Paul Leslie DAVIES Subiaco
1986/101149 Perth Earl Alan Kenneth M 55 Enid HAWKINS Ernest Alfred Paul EARL East Victoria Park
1986/101150 Perth Gliosca Michele M 84 Teresa PAPICCIO Giovanni GLIOSCA Rivervale
1986/101151 Perth Hart Kelvin John M 48 Topsy FRANKS Sidney HART Nedlands
1986/101152 Perth Hol Arie M 76 Nelemie SCHINKELSHOEK Gerrit HOL Shenton Park
1986/101153 Perth Hardie May F 78 Catherine Ellen HOWELL George Edwin ROBERTS Inglewood
1986/101154 Perth Hutchinson Arthur Pennington M 77 Alice May PENNINGTON William Arthur HUTCHINSON Nedlands
1986/101155 Perth Janotka Maria F 66 Magda CAPEK Janko GUDLIN Craigie
1986/101156 Perth Johnston Robert Bertram M 82 Elizabeth MCKAY Robert Nicol JOHNSTON Nedlands
1986/101157 Perth Jones Thomas Edward M 92 Grace REES Thomas Edward William JONES Wembley
1986/101158 Perth Lewis Elsie Jane F 92 Jane GUEST John DAVIES Mosman Park
1986/101159 Perth McKay Miriam F 73 Grace Leonora COLLARD Charles Lleweleyn BREGAN Bassendean
1986/101160 Perth Newby Lynette Rhondda F 37 Agnes ANDERSEN Leonard Robert WILSON Nedlands
1986/101161 Perth Oakley Daphne May F 73 Unknown Unknown Subiaco
1986/101162 Perth Robertson Grace Isabel F 84 Mary SERMON Alfred William THACKRAH Nedlands
1986/101163 Perth Robinson William Henry M 81 Annie Stevens HOLLOW Joseph Kipling ROBINSON Claremont
1986/101164 Perth Spence John Alexander M 80 Margaret ROLLO Alexander SPENCE Leederville
1986/101165 Perth Staveley Catherine Mae F 77 Esther SEDDON William PUGH Nedlands
1986/101167 Perth Scouller Alexander M 50 Rosalind MCGLORY Alexander Fairly SCOULLER Perth
1986/101168 Perth Turner Beryl Jean F 57 Clara FAIRHEAD Edward William MACKINTOSH Nedlands
1986/101169 Perth Wilcox Lucy Jane F 98 Emily Jane READER Harry STEVENS Manning
1986/101170 Perth Zemlich Kazimierz M 63 Anna WAGNER Kazimierz ZEMLICH Perth
1986/101171 Perth Bradley Ursula Hattie F 91 Bridget ROBINSON Edmund WARNER Nedlands
1986/101172 Perth Cook Jack Campbell M 77 Johann Willehmina VAN WYCKE Joseph William COOK Nedlands
1986/101173 Perth Chambers Joan Margaret F 64 Olive Mary HORDER Edward William TINK Nedlands
1986/101174 Perth Cutter Evelyn Jane F 89 Anne COCKTON Robert MITCHELL Menora
1986/101175 Perth Downes Arthur Jefferis M 65 Gladys Winifred BISHOP Joscelyn Jefferis DOWNES Nedlands
1986/101176 Perth Day Eileen Mary F 84 Sara Louise DAVENPORT Thomas Lockyer O'BRIEN Perth
1986/101177 Perth Edwards Timothy James M Not born alive Robyn Mary CAMPBELL Warren James EDWARDS Subiaco
1986/101178 Perth Ellery Claire Yvonne F 53 Thelma May DUNN George SWANTON Nedlands
1986/101179 Perth Fowler Cecil Bernard M 82 Edith SMITH Featherstone John FOWLER Wembley
1986/101180 Perth Gamble Thomas M 79 Mary Ann GORDON Robert GAMBLE Bassendean
1986/101181 Perth Howe Astrid F 49 Jeanie McKenzie GERRIE Arthur William MIDDLETON Como
1986/101182 Perth Kennedy Michael St John M 34 Mavis Theresa HODDINOTT Mervon St John KENNEDY Roadway under construction between Alfred Road and Servetus Street
1986/101183 Perth Nicholson Bernard Theodore M 67 Isabel Mary BEESON Theodore NICHOLSON Nedlands
1986/101184 Perth Overveld Arie M 68 Neeltje KOPPEJAN Hermanus OVERVELD Perth
1986/101185 Perth Pullan Newton Vincent M 81 Elizabeth SPRATT Charles Richard PULLAN Nedlands
1986/101186 Perth Pavri Erach M 67 Shirin KUKA Dinshaw PAVRI Perth
1986/101187 Perth Smith Leslie Thomas M 71 Jane HOOLEY Thomas Henry SMITH Nedlands
1986/101188 Perth Thomas John Fitzgerald M 91 Beulah Emily OSBORNE Francis Henry THOMAS Nedlands
1986/101189 Perth Taylor Minnie Pearl F 84 Margaret MCKENZIE Kenneth MCKENZIE Nedlands
1986/101190 Perth Tournay Annie F 75 Lucy TURNER Raphael WHITEHOUSE Osborne Park
1986/101191 Perth Williams Rebecca F Not born alive Elizabeth Esther Anne GARBUTT Mark Essex WILLIAMS Subiaco
1986/101192 Perth White Margaret Ann F 54 Margaret Agnes BROWN Ronald Robertson DRYSDALE Wembley
1986/101193 Perth Rodway Douglas Gordon M 45 Hannah REID Eric Raymond RODWAY Perth
1986/101194 Perth Ardagh Phyllis Irene F 72 Margaret Irene MOORES Thomas Theodore CRISPE Nedlands
1986/101195 Perth Appleyard Jack Leonard Warner M 84 Alicia Mary WARNER Thomas John APPLEYARD Manning
1986/101196 Perth Buchan Muriel Louisa Ann F 83 Margaret WHITBY William THOMAS Nedlands
1986/101197 Perth Buckingham Verna June F 56 Maude WILLIAMS Edward BIRCH Wembley
1986/101198 Perth Brenz-Verca Antonio M 80 Lucia BONGIASCIA Antonio BRENZ-VERCA Victoria Park
1986/101199 Perth Collier Lyndon Walter Joseph M 61 Ruby May KERNEY Maurice Joseph COLLIER Nedlands
1986/101200 Perth Cox Doris Jean F 64 Deborah REDDAN John Thomas FRANCIS Nedlands
1986/101201 Perth Clarke Charles Leslie M 81 Mary Jane LAW Harry CLARKE Maylands
1986/101202 Perth Duerden George M 59 Eleanor PIRT Howarth DUERDEN Leederville
1986/101203 Perth Embleton Ivy Albiston F 76 Elizabeth ROYAL Archibald MENZIES Como
1986/101204 Perth Gorton Murray Maxwell M 44 Rona Eileen JENSEN Raymond Pardy GORTON Nedlands
1986/101205 Perth Hardinge Stanley Eric M 64 Dorothy Agnes PARSONS William Edmund HARDINGE South Perth
1986/101206 Perth Joice James Matthew M 82 Margaret LYNCH John JOICE Mosman Park
1986/101207 Perth Kinloch Stanley William M 75 Henrietta PHUE George KINLOCH Perth
1986/101208 Perth Lefroy Frederick St John M 89 Flora Mary BARRETT-LENNARD William Gerald de Courcey LEFROY Claremont
1986/101209 Perth Price Ethel May F 80 Emily SHEPPARD Francis BARTLETT Perth
1986/101210 Perth Russell Anne F 85 Henrietta Lancaster AMBLER Frederick BLACKBURN Victoria Park
1986/101211 Perth Staynor Denis Elver M 84 Zoe ANTHONY Michael STAYNOR Perth
1986/101212 Perth Smith Ernest Douglas M 88 Christine MCALISTER Ernest SMITH Menora
1986/101213 Perth Smith Elvera Grace F 80 Harriet GOULD Robert Walter CONNOLLY Nedlands
1986/101214 Perth Zilko Paul Richard M 85 Tonina SVILICICH Rocco ZILKO Nedlands
1986/101215 Perth Ragenovich Marie F 56 Marion MCCALL Victor Philip APPLIN Nollamara
1986/101216 Perth Trigg Madge Alison F 64 Eva MOTRAM William WHEATLEY Applecross
1986/101217 Perth Altaras Gavin Neil M 11 Sandra PLUMMER Brian William ALTARAS Forrestfield
1986/101219 Perth Burke Rhona Mary F 49 Mary Sisely BAGLEY Vivian Edgar STOKES Hamersley
1986/101220 Perth Castellano Giovanni M 41 Rosa FORZA Francesco CASTELLANO Nedlands
1986/101221 Perth Deetman Sandra Margaret F 40 Margaret Mitchell LINDSAY Hendrik Jan DEETMAN Inglewood
1986/101222 Perth Devereux Eleanor Maud F 92 Unknown William Edward YOUNG Mount Lawley
1986/101223 Perth Fiedoruk Michal M 62 Anna UNKNOWN Mikolai FIEDORUK Perth
1986/101224 Perth Farnests Friderike F 87 Vilhelmina STEINBERGS Teodors STEINBERGS Mount Lawley
1986/101225 Perth Farley William Leonard M 61 Beatrice Elizabeth COTTAGE George William FARLEY Wembley
1986/101226 Perth Fletcher Joseph Ross M 67 Leila Mary WATERHOUSE Stephen Harold FLETCHER Nedlands
1986/101227 Perth Horrocks Minnie F 93 Esther Ann HAMER Arthur BURROW Innaloo
1986/101228 Perth McDonald Robert M 82 Jeanie MCMILLAN Robert MCDONALD West Perth
1986/101229 Perth Ozolins Erna Matilde Anastasija F 80 Vilhelmire COLDERS Jekabs COLDERS Perth
1986/101230 Perth Ohman Elsie Matilda F 77 Clara Matilda SODEBERG Claes Herman SUTTON Claremont
1986/101231 Perth Reiger Frederick Richard McDonald M 91 Eliza Jane BEGG John Conrad REIGER Subiaco
1986/101232 Perth Ransom Mabel F 73 Jane BROWN William THOMPSON Nedlands
1986/101233 Perth Shallcross Phyllis Lois F 80 Alice COSSAN Charles Ernest HADLEY Claremont
1986/101234 Perth White Charles Edgar M 59 Gracie CLEMENTS Charles Alfred WHITE Coolbinia
1986/101235 Perth Andrew Lucy Catherine F 91 Margaret BOURKE John George DALZIELL Inglewood
1986/101236 Perth Copeland Nelson M 77 Jean MCPHAIL John COPELAND Mosman Park
1986/101237 Perth Evans Herbert Clifton M 59 Ethel BRODIFF Herbert Edward EVANS Perth
1986/101238 Perth Fleming Edna Dorothy F 59 Isobella Ruth MACAULAY James Fowler MCFARLANE-BENNETT Stirling
1986/101239 Perth Foss Jean Evelyn F 80 Rebecca MARTIN James Dickie MARTIN Inglewood
1986/101240 Perth Gianola Henry M 55 Maria TESTINA Angelo GIANOLA Dianella
1986/101241 Perth Laudehr James Stewart M 1 month Ann Kathleen HANCOCK Stephen Murray LAUDEHR Subiaco
1986/101242 Perth Langham Charlotte F 65 Lidia MARK Mihaly TAKACS Stirling
1986/101243 Perth Mortyn Merle Iris F 73 Mary Jane CULLEN Richard Knight OATES Menora
1986/101244 Perth Mullins Zetta Fitzgerald F 62 Zetta WHITFORD Raymond Thomas Fitzgerald TOBY Nedlands
1986/101245 Perth Moore Barbara F 48 Gertrude UNKNOWN William FISHER Perth
1986/101246 Perth Pitcher Ivey Isabel F 74 Lily May BUTLER Alfred Ernest BENNETT Perth
1986/101247 Perth Perry Ethel May Elizabeth F 94 Mary Emma PORTER John BRAYSHER Como
1986/101248 Perth Padberg Ralph Heinz M 40 Unknown Ralph Percy PADBERG Nedlands
1986/101249 Perth Sims Edward George M 81 Unknown Unknown SIMS Perth
1986/101250 Perth Thomas Dorothy Kathleen F 73 Elsie May BLENCOWE James Henry RICHARDS Menora
1986/101251 Perth Wilson Edna Lyall F 82 Martha Margaret BURGE Henry NEWMAN Maylands
1986/101252 Perth Zimoch Bronislaw M 60 Ludwicka MADEJA Antoni ZIMOCH Nedlands
1986/101253 Perth Antoniazzi Emma F 74 Unknown Unknown Graylands
1986/101254 Perth Bell David Barnett M 5 Robyn Fiona GILL Michael Barnett BELL Subiaco
1986/101255 Perth Hall Cheryl F 28 Helen Lorraine DELLAR Robert DOYLE Bedfordale
1986/101256 Perth Kennerson George William M 67 Eva Ellen JOHNSON George Walter Nicholls KENNERSON Como
1986/101257 Perth Majury Richard John M 26 Loretta Gloria BEARCROFT John MAJURY "Mounts Bay Road near Riverside Drive Roundabout, West Perth"
1986/101258 Perth McArdell Agnes Mary F 71 Margaret Lilias STABLES Frederick Collingwood LIGGINS Perth
1986/101259 Perth Moore Graham Maynard M 79 Bertha Harriet ROBERTS Arthur MOORE Claremont
1986/101260 Perth Parr Harold George M 84 Elizabeth Ellen CLARKE John Steel PARR Perth
1986/101261 Perth Richardson James Clement M 77 Lena Stella ROBERSON James Edward RICHARDSON Nedlands
1986/101262 Perth Wickenden Florence Hilda Elizabeth F 91 Florence UNKNOWN John William GOLDING Perth
1986/101263 Perth Prestney Richard William M 40 Beryl HAWKINS Eric Norville PRESTNEY Nedlands