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Deaths in: 1961

Registration year & number Registration district Surname Given names Gender Gender Age Father Death place Wikidata WikiTree
1962/100001 Perth Simmonds Elizabeth Sophia F 81 UNKNOWN (Unknown) MERRICK Nedlands
1962/100002 Perth Dew Anthony Frederick M 8 weeks Maureen Gladys DEMPSEY Frederick Robert DEW Graylands
1962/100003 Perth Brankstone Grace Edna Grey F 76 Mary (UNKNOWN) Francis GREY Mt Lawley
1962/100004 Perth Tonkin Phoebe F 93 Mary SHAMBROOK John William KING Claremont
1962/100005 Perth Johnson John Poole M 80 Hannah POOLE John Samuel Poole JOHNSON Perth
1962/100006 Perth Burrows Ernest Tom M 60 Frances Ann LOMAS Tom BURROWS Perth
1962/100007 Perth Pennefather Ruby Catherine F 69 Margaret Mary (UNKNOWN) William Thomas PENDER Perth
1962/100008 Perth Spencer Mervyn Lyle M 69 Florence GOODWIN Albert Edward SPENCER Subiaco
1962/100009 Perth Jones Clarence James John M 73 (Unknown) MATTHEWS Samuel John JONES Perth
1962/100010 Perth Porteus Mary Isabella F 80 Sarah WINDLOW John HALL Claremont
1962/100011 Perth Cooper Leonard Alfred M 72 Emma BEACH Alfred COOPER Perth
1962/100012 Perth Scott Josiah William M 66 Mary Ann (UNKNOWN) William Dawson SCOTT Hollywood
1962/100013 Perth Lukeis Joseph Henry M 77 UNKNOWN (Unknown) LUKEIS Perth
1962/100014 Perth Williams Roy M 62 Annie Matilda EISERT Carl ZEGENHAGEN In ambulance en route from 73 Hay Street Subiaco to Royal Perth Hospital Perth
1962/100015 Perth Lapham Arthur M 83 UNKNOWN Johnathan LAPHAM Bassendean
1962/100016 Perth Police William George M 70 UNKNOWN (Unknown) POLICE Perth
1962/100017 Perth Tapping Carol Jean F 1 day Jean Ellen HARDING Eric Birdwood TAPPING Subiaco
1962/100018 Perth Cox Joseph Astley M 92 Annie (UNKNOWN) Joseph COX Nedlands
1962/100019 Perth Wegner Unnamed M Not born alive Barbara Mary INGLIS Wallace Charles WEGNER Perth
1962/100020 Perth Nandergar Mick M 61 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Nedlands
1962/100021 Perth Bartelds Elsina F Not born alive Arendina LOWYS Hendrik BARTELDS Subiaco
1962/100022 Perth Noake Alfred Alexander M 85 UNKNOWN (Unknown) NOAKE Hollywood
1962/100023 Perth Christian Mary Jane F 89 Sarah FERRY James MITCHELL Mosman Park
1962/100024 Perth Howe Clifford Thomas M 57 Janie Margaret AINSLEY Thomas James HOWE Hollywood
1962/100025 Perth Kenworthy Reginald Beattie M 66 Rosemary KERR William Herbert KENWORTHY Hollywood
1962/100026 Perth Spadanuda Elmo M Not born alive Maria del Carmen GONZALEZ Elmo SPADANUDA East Victoria Park
1962/100027 Perth Claudius Annie May F 78 Annie HARRIGAN Richard Joseph BOWDEN Highgate
1962/100028 Perth Carter Charles Henry M 59 Rhoda Elizabeth BEARD Henry William CARTER East Victoria Park
1962/100029 Perth Wharton Elizabeth Georgina F 86 UNKNOWN (Unknown) WILLIAMS Subiaco
1962/100030 Perth Pavy Florence Mary Marguerite F 67 Helena (UNKNOWN) (Unknown) FROST Perth
1962/100031 Perth Ruffle Percy M 61 Alice UPCOTT Frank RUFFLE Perth
1962/100032 Perth Gray Rachel Eleanor F 87 Mary Ann BUCKINGHAM David John THOMAS Manning
1962/100033 Perth Wheeler Stephen James M 2 days Pamela Wendy HAMEL Donald James WHEELER Subiaco
1962/100034 Perth Elliott Kathleen Dorothy F 66 Anne Eliza Harriett NICHOLLS Marshall BROWN Perth
1962/100035 Perth McLaughlin Joseph M 62 Jean JOHNMAN John MCLAUGHLIN South Perth
1961/100035 Perth Leonard Ivy Eucharis F 61 Mary Elizabeth JOHNSTON Henry LOVE Perth
1962/100036 Perth Howse Edmund M 82 Elizabeth MILLER Edmund HOWSE Nedlands
1962/100037 Perth Stanton Benjamin M 82 Mary MACKLAN William STANTON Nedlands
1962/100038 Perth McCormack Michael Anthony M 6 days June Nola MANNING Kenneth John MCCORMACK Subiaco
1962/100039 Perth Hough Kate Leonora F 82 Emily WOOD Samuel WILSON Perth
1961/100039 Perth Hamilton Andrew Nairn M 52 Frances STONE John HAMILTON Perth
1962/100040 Perth Dexter James Sinclair M 50 Mary MILLER Thomas DEXTER Nedlands
1962/100041 Perth Higgins Alfred Sidney M 74 Emily Elizabeth BECKWITH Alexander Brooks HIGGINS Subiaco
1962/100042 Perth Cunningham Henrietta Dougal F 67 UNKNOWN Peter DRUMMOND Mount Lawley
1962/100043 Perth Chappell Mary Margaret Lloyd F 56 Margaret Jane ROBINSON Phillip Alexander GUILFOYLE Subiaco
1962/100045 Perth Hawken Neville Stephen M 47 Catherine May MOBSBY Alfred Le Marchant HAWKEN Perth
1962/100046 Perth Von Ende Reinhold Albert Edward M 81 Mary MATEER Frederick William VON ENDE Perth
1962/100047 Perth Booth William Henry M 79 Amelia Emmeline WRIGHT William Henry BOOTH Perth
1962/100048 Perth Everett Robert Tabor M 53 Effie Selina WELCH Robert Tabor EVERETT Perth
1962/100049 Perth Green Shane Edward M 13 months Joyce Yvonne BRIGGS Rodney William GREEN Gleneagle
1962/100050 Perth Cant Grace Ellen F 84 Ellen STAMP John FLETCHER Mount Lawley
1962/100051 Perth McKinlay James Thomas M 6 days Alexandrena MCCAUGHAN John Robert Vickers MCKINLAY Subiaco
1962/100052 Perth Wellard Constance Agnes F 65 Agnes DONALDSON Charles SOMMERS Leederville
1962/100053 Perth Foster Nellie Hand F 75 Elizabeth HARRIS William Hand EMERY Hollywood
1962/100054 Perth Weedon Frank Lewis M 66 Fanny Anne EVANS Lewis William WEEDON Mount Lawley
1962/100055 Perth Riddell Peter M 62 Mary COX John RIDDELL Hollywood
1962/100056 Perth Hayes Gertude Lavinia F 71 Fanny MORTIMER George CUNNINGHAM Claremont
1961/100057 Perth Bennett Eva Ellen F 78 Ann MOORE Richard James SCOWN Claremont
1962/100058 Perth Santoro Francesco M 43 Nunzia SCUCIMARO Gugliemo SANTORO Perth
1962/100060 Perth McGhee Hannah F 91 Mary Jane LOVELL Matthew HARDY Victoria Park
1962/100061 Perth Eaton Alfred Vile M 83 Mary Ann FARMER Alfred EATON Perth
1962/100062 Perth Hinshaw Lilias F 76 Jane Murray REID Archibald Montgomery CAMPBELL Perth
1962/100063 Perth Folkard Henry Edward M 80 UNKNOWN Thomas FOLKARD Perth
1962/100064 Perth Auld Maude Louise F 80 Ellen LANGOULANT Edwyn Baldwin POWELL Perth
1962/100065 Perth Currie William Frederick M 56 Mary Emily Maude DAVIS Laurence CURRIE In an ambulance en route from 94 Subiaco Road Subiaco to Royal Perth Hospital Perth
1962/100066 Perth Pettit Agnes Mabel F 69 Barbara SMITH David Randell PEARSON Hollywood
1962/100067 Perth Jenkins William Henry M 83 Sarah KEMP John JENKINS Nedlands
1962/100069 Perth Brown Trevor Frederick Davidson M 18 Dorothy Beryl FIRTH Frederick James Davidson BROWN Perth
1962/100070 Perth Bryant Mary Agnes F 88 Charlotte WILLISS John Wellington PARSONS Perth
1962/100071 Perth Bodey Norman M 54 Winifred (UNKNOWN) Walter BODEY Perth
1962/100072 Perth Johnson Raeleen Vicki F 3 Doris Shirley GIBBS Stanley Edward JOHNSON Subiaco
1962/100073 Perth Brittain Alan Webster M 17 Alice May SOULSBY William Ephraim BRITTAIN Perth
1962/100075 Perth Vardy Amy Louisa F 66 Emma Amelia LONGBOTTOM John GILES Perth
1962/100076 Perth Sermon Cyril Richard M 63 Emily MARTIN Michael SERMON Belmont
1962/100077 Perth Payne Ethel Frances F 85 Mary Ann QUENAULT Patrick EGAN Subiaco
1962/100078 Perth Stevenson James M 70 Mary FINLAY James STEVENSON Bassendean
1962/100079 Perth Hicks Annie F 68 Elizabeth Ann MOTTRAM John Charles HALL Claremont
1962/100080 Perth Thorburn Laura Louisa F 92 Henrietta Phoebe Goldsmith POSTLETHWAITE Arthur Edwards GROWSE Perth
1961/100082 Perth Hope Ross Leonard Hood M 62 Annie Ledsan THROSSELL Joseph HOPE Hollywood
1961/100085 Perth Naughton Joseph Edward M 65 May DOWER Robert Joseph NAUGHTON Hollywood
1961/100086 Perth Doherty Auvergne F 64 Georgina CABLE Dennis Joseph DOHERTY Shenton Park
1961/100087 Perth Reid Emmanuel Joseph M 91 Bridget MCMAHON Emmanuel REID Perth
1961/100088 Perth Somers Edith Victoria F 73 Susannah HICKMAN George REYNOLDS Perth
1961/100089 Perth Colleran John Thomas M 47 Hilda Alice KENNEDY William Edward COLLERAN Near 19 mile peg Mahogany Creek
1961/100090 Perth Holland William George M 66 Sarah BAKER Peter HOLLAND Mount Helena
1961/100091 Perth Mary Jane Carter F 75 Elizabeth SMITH Thomas MEAD Perth
1961/100094 Perth Ross John Joseph M 54 (Unknown) CLARKE Angus ROSS Hollywood
1961/100097 Perth Blake Percy James M 75 Eliza HARRIS Andrew BLAKE Belmont
1962/100098 Perth Webb Margaret Mary F 76 Julia REARDON Welham WALTERS Cottesloe
1961/100105 Perth Louisa Haynes F 71 Wynard (UNKNOWN) William SOUTHERN Perth
1961/100106 Perth Bishop Henrietta F 83 Elizabeth ROWE James GILLS Subiaco
1961/100109 Perth Andrews Edgar Harold M 78 Elizabeth ALDERSON Samuel Phillip ANDREWS Hollywood
1961/100110 Perth Burnett Gussie Adeline F 67 Emily SCRIVENER James Levi BENTLEY Perth
1961/100111 Perth Beaton Donald Charles M 24 Helen SCOUGALL Ernest Sydney BEATON Claremont
1961/100113 Perth Johnston Victor Robert M 84 Bessie VICTOR Frank JOHNSTON Manning
1961/100114 Perth King Everitt Charles Gordon M 61 Eliza GEE Charles Reuben KING Nedlands
1962/100115 Perth Brown Frances F 79 Elizabeth (UNKNOWN) Charles DALTON Perth
1961/100115 Perth Minshull Frederick M 55 Martha FARRINGTON James MINSHULL En route from 7 Munja Way Maniana to Infectious Diseases Branch of Royal Perth Hospital Shenton Park
1961/100116 Perth Vaughan Lillian Regina F 63 Rachel Stewart THOW Thomas VAUGHAN Perth
1961/100117 Perth Lowdon Frank Henry M 73 Sarah Jane HILLIARD William Albert LOWDON Mount Lawley
1961/100118 Perth Eagles Eugene Henry M 69 Emily YARDLEY Eugene EAGLES Perth
1961/100119 Perth Reeves Lilian Kate F 80 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Perth
1961/100120 Perth Stack Harold Francis M 54 Anna KENNEDY William Patrick STACK East Perth
1961/100121 Perth Butler John M 60 UNKNOWN William BUTLER Perth
1961/100122 Perth James Wilfred Alexander M 65 Julia BAMPFIELD Walter Hobden JAMES North Perth
1962/100131 Perth Oats John Simmonds M 41 Martha Grace LUTZ (Unknown) OATS Claremont
1961/100131 Perth Willcock Sicily Ann F 74 Mary Jane HOGAN James STONE Perth
1961/100132 Perth Sutherland Robert Edis Neville M 65 Mary Ann WELCOME John SUTHERLAND Hollywood
1961/100133 Perth Jeffrey Michael M 87 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Victoria Park
1961/100134 Perth Ryan Emma Mould F 87 Elizabeth DAVIES Charles Owen SWEETMAN Perth
1961/100137 Perth McManus Roy M 48 Lillian TOGNOLINI Thomas MCMANUS Hollywood
1961/100139 Perth Marmion Ivy Gertrude F 73 May MUNDAY William Edward FENNER Perth
1961/100141 Perth Scott William Gordon Oxley M 76 Ellen BASSHIN Henry SCOTT Leederville
1962/100142 Perth Mondello Unnamed M Not born alive Carmela MARTIN Antonino MONDELLO Mount Lawley
1961/100142 Perth Power Michael Thomas M Not born alive Venetta DELLA FLORA Robert David POWER Subiaco
1961/100143 Perth Lino Nicola M 3 Gennarina LOMBARDI Pasquale PARRELLA Beechboro
1961/100144 Perth Clapsis Maria F 70 Stamatina (UNKNOWN) John TESSERIS Perth
1962/100145 Perth O'Neill Alan M 46 Emma Ann PERCY Joseph O'NEILL Hollywood
1961/100145 Perth Andrijich Filis F 44 Franka MARTINOVICH Ivan DRAGUN Claremont
1961/100146 Perth Walter Hazel Dorothy F 35 Jean ROGERS George Garfield LLOYD Nedlands
1962/100146 Perth Saffioti Sam M Not born alive Domenica PAPPALIA Michele SAFFIOTI Subiaco
1961/100147 Perth Buchanan James Joseph M 55 UNKNOWN (Unknown) BUCHANAN Claremont
1961/100149 Perth Wyatt Sarah Winifred F 89 Mary WALSH John HIGGINS Perth
1961/100151 Perth Byrne James Leonard M 61 Polly THOMPSON James Tracy BYRNE Perth
1961/100152 Perth James William Henry M 78 Emily (UNKNOWN) William Henry JAMES Perth
1962/100152 Perth Walsh Aloysius Joseph M 65 Veronica ALLAN John WALSH Embleton
1961/100153 Perth Reinke Florence Maud F 79 Mary Bertha APPLEYARD Charles CARTER Manning
1962/100153 Perth Fernie Mark Lyle F 10 hours Shirley Margaret WELLSTEAD Brian Leonard FERNIE Subiaco
1961/100154 Perth Kiernan Christina Violet Frances F 74 Kathleen KIRWAN Frederick STONEMAN Mount Henry
1961/100155 Perth Whyatt Terry John M 3 months Theresa Mary O'NEILL David Alan WHYATT Subiaco
1961/100156 Perth Angell Charles James M 86 Mary Ann BANKS Henry Edwin ANGELL Nedlands
1961/100157 Perth Agnes Henrietta Anderson F 86 Georgiana Henrietta MOORE Edward Hardman MACARTNEY Claremont
1961/100158 Perth Cumalkovs Janis M 39 UNKNOWN (Unknown) CUMALKOVS Bassendean
1961/100159 Perth Stevens Samuel Augustus M 78 Delia O'SHANNASSY Henry STEVENS Perth
1961/100160 Perth Arnold Susan F 81 Elizabeth WHITE William Lacey GIBBS Perth
1961/100161 Perth Fellner Anton M 66 UNKNOWN (Unknown) FELLNER Nedlands
1961/100162 Perth Stanton William George M 59 Frances (UNKNOWN) George STANTON Perth
1962/100163 Perth Parsons Eveline Victoria F 75 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Mount Lawley
1961/100163 Perth Susan Emilie Cox F 73 Agnes Elizabeth ROBERTSON Donald GOLLAGER West Perth
1962/100164 Perth Lloyd Clifton Surrey M 70 Mary Ann BRITTEN William LLOYD Perth
1961/100164 Perth Reed Alice Mary F 84 Sarah MARSHALL Thomas HAYNES Mount Henry
1961/100165 Perth Cory Ethel Sarah F 71 Mary Anne CURRIE George Fredrick TICHBON Perth
1962/100165 Perth Hendley Annie Elizabeth F 85 Jane MARSH (Unknown) MACMILLEN Mount Henry
1961/100166 Perth Jones Elizabeth Jean F 58 Ellen BROADBRIDGE James MILLER Subiaco
1961/100167 Perth Easton John Richard M 3 weeks Dorothy Ruth SUTTON Brian Richard EASTON Subiaco
1962/100168 Perth Haydon Edith Annie F 83 Sarah GREEN Philip Andrew PHILLIPS Manning
1961/100168 Perth Winsor Matilda F 90 Jane LIGHTBODY John FRIZZELL Subiaco
1961/100169 Perth Woolgar Agnes F 85 UNKNOWN Robert William GRIGGS Perth
1961/100170 Perth Annakin Arthur Dodsworth M 79 Elizabeth HUNT Richard ANNAKIN Perth
1961/100171 Perth Allen John Hamilton M 9 Gwenneth NICOLSON Keith Hamilton ALLEN Wembley
1961/100172 Perth Jones Mary Emma Liza F 95 Mary EDMUND John JONES Claremont
1961/100173 Perth Blechynden Stella Bertile F 70 Sara Agnes DARBY Walter FITZPATRICK Perth
1961/100174 Perth Dwyer James M 69 Elizabeth DWYER Michael DWYER Perth
1961/100175 Perth Leen Lorna Mary Elizabeth F 47 Mary FORDE William Henry BRANLEY Claremont
1961/100176 Perth Dunne Gertrude Mary Elizabeth F 66 Mary (UNKNOWN) James DUDNEY West Perth
1961/100177 Perth Grantham Dorothy Agatha F 66 Georgina SMITH Joseph MCGUCKIN Perth
1961/100178 Perth O'Brien Margaret Jane F 76 Johanna MCEVOY John KENNY Perth
1962/100178 Perth Yates Florence Maud F 81 UNKNOWN (Unknown) PRIDMORE Bentley
1961/100179 Perth Matthews William Thomas M 55 Ellen Teresa HUNTING William Thomas MATTHEWS Perth
1961/100180 Perth Donald Rae Michael M 75 Mary RAE Thomas Smilie DONALD Perth
1961/100181 Perth Gazeley Wilfred Harold M 74 UNKNOWN (Unknown) GAZELEY Hollywood
1961/100182 Perth Newman Frederick John M 69 Lily GREAVES Frederick John NEWMAN Shenton Park
1961/100183 Perth Jackson Ivor William M 46 Margaret HARMAN William JACKSON Perth
1961/100184 Perth Potter Hannah Elizabeth F 77 Louisa CREWE Joseph POTTER Perth
1961/100185 Perth John Gordon Macdonald M 77 UNKNOWN (Unknown) MACDONALD West Perth
1961/100186 Perth Smyth Sydney Hardcastle M 85 Martha HARDCASTLE Robert SMYTH Nedlands
1961/100187 Perth Carver Frederick Byron M 77 Caroline Emma MCPHELLAMY Frederick CARVER Perth
1961/100188 Perth Weatherburn James M 68 Catherine GREENER John WEATHERBURN Perth
1961/100189 Perth Stevens Grace Robins F 76 Elizabeth TREGOWETH Frederick DADDOW Floreat Park
1961/100190 Perth Talamonti John M Not born alive Palma COMANDE Guiseppe TALAMONTI Subiaco
1961/100192 Perth Lacey Alfred John M 60 Mary (UNKNOWN) Alfred LACEY Perth
1961/100193 Perth Wauhop Hugh M 64 Grace DENNIS Isaiah WAUHOP Bedford Park
1961/100194 Perth Cherrie Thomas James M 70 Mary CUTTS James CHERRIE Mounts Bay Road approximately 100 yards East of the Swan Brewery Perth
1962/100194 Perth McFarlane Robert Breton M 47 UNKNOWN (Unknown) MCFARLANE Carlisle
1961/100195 Perth Gubanyi Unnamed F Not born alive Olga TSCHERNJAKOW Joseph GUBANYI Subiaco
1961/100196 Perth Winkworth Reuben Albert M 68 (Unknown) JONES Richard WINKWORTH Highgate
1961/100197 Perth Harris Norah Catherine F 70 Mary BRENNAN Richard GEORGE Bentley
1961/100198 Perth Galway James M 75 Hannah MARTIN David GALWAY Nedlands
1961/100199 Perth Crispe Albert Edward M 87 Eleanor HORNHARDT Alfred Clement CRISPE Claremont
1961/100200 Perth Craig Wallace Gordon M 48 Amy Isabel WHITCHURCH Gordon CRAIG Claremont
1961/100201 Perth Cowen Stanley Michael M 82 Amelia (UNKNOWN) James COWEN East Perth
1961/100202 Perth Bader Margaret Rose F 63 Charlotte Dorcas (UNKNOWN) George PENNY Perth
1961/100203 Perth Grainger Henry Ernest M 57 Annie Maria DYSON Joseph Alphonso GRAINGER Hollywood
1961/100204 Perth Krakouer Vernice F 18 Gladys COUBALL Harold KRAKOUER Subiaco
1961/100205 Perth Krakouer Unnamed M Not born alive Vernice KRAKOUER Andrew WOODLEY Subiaco
1961/100206 Perth Neilson Winifred F 56 Gertrude Edith POWLING William Henry KAY Perth
1961/100207 Perth O'Connor Margaret Theresa F 91 (Unknown) WHITE (Unknown) MANNING Victoria Park
1961/100208 Perth Jackman Unnamed M Not born alive Peggy Eileen GROSS Albert Bernard JACKMAN East Victoria Park
1961/100209 Perth Simmons Minnie Dora F 73 Victoria ROBERTSON Emmanuel DOYLE Hollywood
1961/100210 Perth Eacott Annie F 87 Mary Jane CONNELLY John MCDERMOTT Claremont
1961/100211 Perth Gazzard Doris Adelaide F 69 Mary MCPHERSON Thomas John LONG Victoria Park
1961/100212 Perth Packham Ellen Emily Winter F 90 (Unknown) BROWN Alfred MARKWICK Victoria Park
1961/100213 Perth Sutton Herbert M 78 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Claremont
1961/100214 Perth Gill Mary Margaret F 78 Margaret BOLGER James LEARY Nollamara
1961/100215 Perth Nasso Fulvio Mario Aleardo M 83 Elena PIROLO Emilio NASSUATO North Perth
1961/100216 Perth Sallinger Johann M 41 Maria LIEDL Johann SALLINGER Osborne Park
1961/100217 Perth Zorich Martin M 64 Ana RUKAVINA Joso ZORICH Perth
1961/100218 Perth Giudicatti Domenico Giuseppe M 57 Caterina GIUDICATTI Domenico GIUDICATTI Perth
1961/100219 Perth O'Donovan Martin Joseph M 66 Christine COX Edward Peter O'DONOVAN Perth
1961/100220 Perth Parry George Edward M 61 Louisa Christina CAREW Walter William PARRY Perth
1961/100221 Perth Tobin Johanna F 71 Annie REEVES Lawrence O'ROURKE Perth
1961/100222 Perth Barnes John M 79 Mary Ann MURPHY James BARNES South Perth
1961/100223 Perth Slane Mary F 79 Mary FOLEY Patrick BOURKE Mount Lawley
1961/100224 Perth Michailides Jean M 77 Rebecca (UNKNOWN) (Unknown) MICHAELIDES Perth
1961/100225 Perth Garrigan Mary F 75 Hannah HILL James ANDERSON Victoria Park
1961/100226 Perth White George Washington M 85 Jane WILSON Samuel WHITE Claremont
1961/100227 Perth McKenna Margot Patricia F 8 hours Patricia Gwendoline ANDERSON Gordon Maxwell MCKENNA Subiaco
1961/100228 Perth Beswick James Finton M 83 Mary Ann MOORE Frederick BESWICK Claremont
1961/100229 Perth Vernon Gordon Lindsay M 72 Jane JAMES James VERNON Hollywood
1961/100230 Perth Gray Alexa Muriel F 68 Fanny LA'MOTTE Frank HARRIS Claremont
1961/100231 Perth Wyness Annie Cay F 43 Helen Watt MCLEAN George Dow SUMMERS Nedlands
1961/100232 Perth Jenkins Alfred John M 74 Margaret FARLEY George JENKINS Perth
1961/100233 Perth Dixon Mabel F 72 Ann GILL William SHEPHERD Swanbourne
1961/100234 Perth Kenworthy John Walter M 26 Elizabeth Sophie KRUGER Harold Mornington KENWORTHY Claremont
1961/100235 Perth Link Dorothy Gwendoline F 66 Annie Marie PUGH Joseph Henry WENZAR Perth
1961/100236 Perth Woods Albert Samuel M 80 Margaret STEPHENSON George Arthur WOODS West Perth
1961/100237 Perth Swan Sarah Ellen F 84 Annie SCAIFE Samuel RUDWICK Claremont
1961/100238 Perth Rogers Marjorie Elizabeth F 67 Albina SMITH James Rose ROGERS Claremont
1961/100239 Perth Gavrilovic Rodoje M 4 months Heilwine Theodore ASJES Radonja GAVRILOVIC Subiaco
1961/100240 Perth Sherratt Bertha Jessie F 78 Emma Amelia BAKER Thomas SHERRATT Claremont
1961/100241 Perth Beisley William Joshua M 87 Caroline Elizabeth STEVENS Joshua BEISLEY Nedlands
1961/100242 Perth Doyle James M 66 Catherine NORMAN James Shaw DOYLE Perth
1961/100243 Perth Thompson Hannah Rebecca F 78 Alice GREEN Edward Polsford HEALES Perth
1961/100244 Perth Garside Edwin M 78 Mary Jane SIDDALL William GARSIDE Perth
1961/100245 Perth Aleks Nikolla M 67 UNKNOWN (Unknown) ALEKS Perth
1961/100246 Perth Harring Leslie Norman M 53 Alice Mary NICHOLLS George Henry HARRING Perth
1961/100247 Perth Nicholson Victoria Maude F 55 Florence Althea WARNER Thomas George ROMARO Perth
1961/100248 Perth deGrussa Alfred William M 72 Fanny WALTERS Charles DEGRUSSA Perth
1961/100249 Perth Tucker Gertrude F 74 Elizabeth Jane ELLIS James THOMAS Mount Lawley
1961/100250 Perth Fergusson Sarah Millicent F 76 UNKNOWN (Unknown) HINKS En route from Sawyers Valley to Royal Perth Hospital Perth
1961/100251 Perth Park Charlotte F 62 Isabella CUMBERLAND William GRAHAM Subiaco
1961/100252 Perth Thompson Margaret Lucy F 58 Margaret Mary MAY Neils Kingston GANSBERG Waterman's Bay
1961/100253 Perth Helen Mann F 87 Helen DREW Heneage Horshley MANN Claremont
1961/100254 Perth Angus Maria Paula F 85 UNKNOWN (Unknown) GARCIA Perth
1961/100255 Perth Glanville Herbert Stanley M 67 UNKNOWN (Unknown) GLANVILLE Hollywood
1961/100256 Perth Wood John Ballantyne M 79 Esther BALLANTYNE John WOOD Claremont
1961/100257 Perth Wynne Lily Maria F 67 Louisa Maria KILLBOURN William VEASEY South Perth
1961/100258 Perth Sampson William Edley Alexander M 58 Emily Priscilla NANKIVELL James SAMPSON Scarborough
1961/100259 Perth Leyland Henry James M 72 Elizabeth ADAMS John LEYLAND Bassendean
1961/100260 Perth Goldsmith Edith Louisa F 83 Sarah Ann PRYKE George EDWARDS Victoria Park
1961/100261 Perth Bailey Lydia Eleanor F 83 Lydia HAGUE Thomas BAILEY Mount Lawley
1961/100262 Perth Teakle Alice F 83 Jane HUNTER Duncan RANKIN Nedlands
1961/100263 Perth Sullivan Frank Herbert M 72 Annie DOWMAN Thomas SULLIVAN Nedlands
1961/100264 Perth Tsoneff Urdana F 67 Tsona STOIANOVA Stoian PETKOV Perth
1961/100265 Perth Robins Sylvia F 51 Ettie ASHTON William STAFFORD Osborne Park
1961/100266 Perth Morrison Esther F 65 Elizabeth DAVIDSON Thomas HETHERINGTON Perth
1961/100267 Perth Parnell Beatrice Gwendoline Edith F 69 Ethel PAYNE Walter Woollett ALLINGHAM Perth
1961/100268 Perth Shipard Mary Helen F 80 Janet Drummond STEWART John MCKENZIE Mount Henry
1961/100269 Perth Braithwaite Sarah F 93 UNKNOWN William STORROW North Perth
1961/100270 Perth Bucknell William Edward M 94 Susan FRY Frederick John BUCKNELL Hollywood
1961/100271 Perth Davey Mabel F 74 Frances Emily MAXTED Frederick WATERS Claremont
1961/100272 Perth Essex Mary F 82 Mary Jane WOODS John HALLIGAN Mount Lawley
1961/100273 Perth Sinclair Cecile Blanche F 55 Edith Blanche SELMON Frederick ALDRICH South Perth
1961/100274 Perth Harley Idina Maggie F 70 UNKNOWN George Charles NEVILLE Perth
1961/100275 Perth Mitchell Charles Watson M 58 Helen FERGUSON Charles Watson MITCHELL Hollywood
1961/100276 Perth Watson Duncan M 64 Isabella HUNTER Duncan WATSON Unknown Collapsed at Two Rocks near Yanchep and life pronounced extinct at Royal Perth Hospital Perth
1961/100277 Perth Williams Norman M 58 Ruth MILTON John George WILLIAMS Bassendean
1961/100278 Perth Hawley Florence F 84 Ellen (UNKNOWN) John FLETCHER South Perth
1961/100279 Perth Fryberg Louis Lionel M 64 (Unknown) MARKS (Unknown) FRYBERG Inglewood
1961/100280 Perth Vance Emele Bradshaw F 76 Emma BENNETT Thomas William BROWNE Claremont
1961/100281 Perth Lee James Mitchell M 76 Marion MITCHELL William LEE Hollywood
1961/100282 Perth Ward Marjorie Drew F 71 Hannah DREW John NORTON Perth
1961/100283 Perth Lewis Mary Oliver F 91 Mary Georgina BERKSHIRE John SAUNDERS Mount Lawley
1961/100284 Perth O'Donohue Kim Vincent M 4 Vivien Judith MORRIS Brian Vincent O'DONOHUE South Perth
1961/100285 Perth Tymms Helen Therese Marie F 89 Pamela HUSSEY Charles James HARRIS West Perth
1961/100286 Perth Biddiscombe Vicki Ann F 1 day Hazel Dawn PATTERSON Raymond Harold BIDDISCOMBE Subiaco
1961/100287 Perth Southwood William Ernest M 79 Bertha SHERMAN George SOUTHWOOD Perth
1961/100288 Perth Hammond Phyllis Geraldine F 62 Mabel Anne STIDSTON John MUGRIDGE Claremont
1961/100289 Perth Morris Eileen Bertha F 45 Irene NUNN William Harold FAGG Perth
1961/100290 Perth Farmer Gilbert Roy M 66 Rebecca DAY John FARMER Hollywood
1961/100291 Perth Mitchell Elizabeth F 83 Honorah ENWRIGHT Michael RYAN Perth
1961/100292 Perth Hardy Phillip Andrew M 77 Sarah Jane RUDGE William John HARDY Claremont
1961/100293 Perth Kisler Alexander M 54 Elizaweta (UNKNOWN) Ivan KISLER Perth
1961/100294 Perth Stack Ellen Mary F 78 Christiana JOHNSTONE John HENDERSON Perth
1961/100295 Perth Filipich Jozef M 51 Ann FILIPICH Jozef FILIPICH Perth
1961/100296 Perth Payne Catherine Miller F 55 Georgina (UNKNOWN) (Unknown) DRYSDALE Perth
1961/100297 Perth Ellis William Alfred Charles M 79 Eliza Jane SOUTHWOOD John ELLIS Claremont
1961/100298 Perth Kearin Humphrey M 74 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Perth
1961/100299 Perth Georgiades Constantino M 46 Evsevia MATENGIDES Diongini GEORGIADES Morley Park
1961/100300 Perth Connelly Patrick M 82 Ellen GONAGHER Patrick CONNELLY Nedlands
1961/100301 Perth Rice Josephine F 1 day Marina Beatrice XAVIER Reginald James RICE Mount Lawley
1961/100302 Perth Daly Carl M 78 Catherine SPILLAN John DALY Nedlands
1961/100303 Perth Campbell Ada Jane F 79 Emily Maria BARTON George MISSEN Perth
1961/100304 Perth Kacic - Bartulovic Kruno M 60 Justina PERIC Kristo KACIC - BARTULOVIC Perth
1961/100305 Perth Munt Jane F 1 day Marie Therese MURPHY John Cranston MUNT Mount Lawley
1961/100306 Perth Flaherty Rose Ann F 82 Catherine MCMANUS Dominic Daly WHELAN Mount Henry
1961/100307 Perth Ross Ivan William M 57 Ettie HUMPHRIES Peter Lowe ROSS Perth
1961/100308 Perth Lewis Beatrice Julia F 78 Sarah (UNKNOWN) William MIDDLETON Subiaco
1961/100309 Perth Christmass Reginald M 54 Mary Jane SMITH John CHRISTMASS Carlisle
1961/100310 Perth Barrett Horace M 80 Mary Grace Garrett WILLIAMS Richard BARRETT Subiaco
1961/100311 Perth Porra Minnie Isabel F 80 Elizabeth Ellen (UNKNOWN) William HAMILTON Perth
1961/100312 Perth Bowen Edith Elizabeth Amelia F 64 Edith GLEESON Harry STEVE Perth
1961/100313 Perth Harrison Lance Gordon M 55 Florence Louise HUTCHENCE Walter HARRISON Perth
1961/100314 Perth Copley Charles William Harrison M 77 Hannah BROWN Walter COPLEY Claremont
1961/100315 Perth Roberts Walter Gordon M 72 UNKNOWN (Unknown) ROBERTS Perth
1961/100316 Perth Clark Walter Charles M 73 Jane SHARD William Henry CLARK Subiaco
1961/100317 Perth Yeardye Frances Emily F 85 Sarah BEST James VINE Mount Henry
1961/100318 Perth Gailey Elsie Ellen F 70 Ann PIDGEON John BENTLEY Nedlands
1961/100319 Perth Burchall William Claud M 66 Harriet Charlotte TURRELL John Josiah BURCHALL Perth
1961/100320 Perth Smith William John M 68 Mary CROTTY William SMITH Bayswater
1961/100321 Perth Delaney Michael Joseph Ambrose Domonic M 76 Hannora HENNESSY Thomas DELANEY Claremont
1961/100322 Perth Ellis John M 76 UNKNOWN Robert ELLIS Subiaco
1961/100323 Perth Holmes Ethel F 73 Eliza DAGLISH Thomas SKERRY Hollywood
1961/100324 Perth Lawn Mabel Marion F 88 Mary LATHLEAN James Mill ROWE Subiaco
1961/100325 Perth Paton Edith Colville F 84 Martha Rebecca WELLS John Hocking JENNINGS West Perth
1961/100326 Perth Lee Harry M 83 Annie BACON William LEE Perth
1961/100327 Perth Billyard John Edward M 73 Margaret MCINTOSH Richard BILLYARD Perth
1961/100328 Perth Wilson Hugh M 74 Jane Ann ARMSTRONG Benjamin WILSON Hollywood
1961/100329 Perth Campbell Alexander John M 47 Elizabeth (UNKNOWN) James CAMPBELL Perth
1961/100330 Perth Guile Jennifer Marie F 1 hour Noreen Josephine FALLON Arthur Bernard GUILE Subiaco
1961/100331 Perth Hopkins Ada Amelia F 84 Lucy Martha RICHARDSON Arthur SIMS Mount Henry
1961/100332 Perth Brown Louisa Jane F 81 Mary FAULK Charles MCCREERY Claremont
1961/100333 Perth Milner William M 73 Mary RATCLIFFE Thomas MILNER Nedlands
1961/100334 Perth Chapple Dorothy Georgina F 49 Lettice HOOPER Aubrey Toler SADLIER Nedlands
1962/100335 Perth Carrotts Robert Charles M 34 Ivy Myrtle REED Robert James CARROTTS En route from 43 Orrong Road Rivervale to Royal Perth Hospital Perth
1961/100335 Perth Livingston Malcolm M 83 Jane HILLHOUSE John LIVINGSTON Perth
1961/100336 Perth Taylor Edgar Ernest M 58 Miriam PHIPPS Alfred Thomas TAYLOR Perth
1961/100337 Perth Emery Mark Leslie M 6 Phyllis Queenie BEDDER John Humphrey EMERY South Perth
1961/100338 Perth Marsh William Gilbert M 74 Emily Ann NEWING William Gilbert MARSH Hollywood
1961/100339 Perth Haigh Blanche Emmeline F 91 Ellen CREAM Alfred PEAD Mount Henry
1961/100340 Perth Grant Elsie Mary F 71 Jean DRYSDALE James MCLEAN Mount Lawley
1961/100341 Perth Buckmaster William Frank M 75 Fanny PERKINS Frank George BUCKMASTER Wembley
1961/100342 Perth Gale Alice Elizabeth F 73 Alice Jane KNIGHT William BRITTAIN Hollywood
1961/100343 Perth Moore Ethel F 83 Matilda BROWN Samuel Richard HAMERSLEY Perth
1961/100344 Perth Best Olga Caroline F 50 Ethel May BLUESTEIN George Hort JOSEPH Perth
1961/100345 Perth Kyle Christina Ellen F 87 Mary DUNSMORE Charles BECK Claremont
1961/100346 Perth Beagley Harry M 73 Mary LOCKLIN George BEAGLEY Perth
1961/100347 Perth Newton George William M 64 Sarah Ann BRAY Robert NEWTON Mosman Park
1961/100348 Perth Morley Walter M 85 Mary JONES Henry MORLEY Perth
1961/100349 Perth Dawson Dora Agnes F 74 Bessie BETTS Elijah DAWSON Victoria Park
1961/100350 Perth Bubb Albert Salisbury M 71 Susan SALISBURY John BUBB Manning
1961/100351 Perth Charles Edward Henderson-Kelly M 67 Ada HENDERSON Daniel HENDERSON-KELLY Nedlands
1961/100352 Perth Barnes Walter James M 74 Annie (UNKNOWN) Anthony BARNES Nedlands
1961/100353 Perth Pettitt Henry William M 48 Kathleen Grace O'DONOHUE Cyril Herbert PETTITT En route from 71 Rathay Street Victoria Park to Royal Perth Hospital Perth
1961/100354 Perth Ewart Jane Amelia F 85 Elleanor STRAHAM William EWART Victoria Park
1961/100355 Perth Carthew Samuel Percy M 85 Charlotte Eliza CARTER John Oliver CARTHEW Nedlands
1961/100356 Perth Butcher Bruce Walter M 47 Ethel Catherine BUTCHER Walter BUTCHER Perth
1961/100357 Perth Hatton David M 3 days Maureen Helen HATTON UNKNOWN South Perth
1961/100358 Perth Sandwell Emma Louisa F 80 (Unknown) GARLINGE Edward BEANEY Mount Lawley
1961/100359 Perth Johnson Florence Edna F 61 Annie BROOKER Albert JOHNSON Perth
1961/100360 Perth Devenish David Mark M 18 hours Daphne May LITTLER Montague Bruce Methuen DEVENISH East Victoria Park
1961/100361 Perth Herbert Walter John M 58 UNKNOWN (Unknown) HERBERT Subiaco
1961/100362 Perth Hutchinson John Edward M 73 Elizabeth (UNKNOWN) George HUTCHINSON Belmont
1961/100363 Perth Cole Joseph Cottier M 74 Catherine BRIGGS Archibald COLE Nedlands
1961/100364 Perth Gaston Denis Michial M Not born alive Gloria Lillian LOWICK Stanley George GASTON Subiaco
1961/100365 Perth Arnott John M 77 Christina CLARK George ARNOTT Perth
1961/100366 Perth Novak Amy Louisa F 81 Harriet Elizabeth HODSON John Frederick TURNER Subiaco
1961/100367 Perth Willcocks John Mitchell M 39 Lucy Merriefield ELLIOTT Walter Hilton WILLCOCKS Claremont
1961/100368 Perth Anderson Herman M 85 Brigid Christina SENDIN Andrew Peter ANDERSON Nedlands
1961/100369 Perth Jecks Olive Margaret F 60 Frances TOWNE Henry James MADDOCK Claremont
1961/100370 Perth Playle Thelma June F 15 Evelyn Thelma BOOTHEY Percival John Edward PLAYLE Perth
1961/100371 Perth Smith Christina Emanuella F 86 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Claremont
1961/100372 Perth Edwards John Thomas M 77 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Claremont
1961/100373 Perth Sweeting Eileen Florence F 54 Rosamond SWEETING William Watson FARRINGTON Perth
1961/100374 Perth Combley EdithMary F 84 Mary Ann DALE Clarence Reginald GREENFIELD Subiaco
1961/100375 Perth Eades George Alfred Edward M 67 Marion EDWARDS Goerge EADES Cottesloe
1961/100376 Perth Trestrail Annie Violet F 61 Sarah MCNAMARA August RANKIN Perth
1961/100377 Perth Yeo Eliza Susan F 79 Esther Ann DOUST Charles DHU Mount Lawley
1961/100378 Perth Davison Mary F 93 UNKNOWN (Unknown) HUNTER Mount Henry
1961/100379 Perth Margaret Ann Nevill F 81 Alice GARDNER George NORMAN North Perth
1961/100380 Perth Simmonds Charlotte Mary F 79 Amelia FAITH Frederick BLISS North Perth
1961/100381 Perth Jeffery Mary Windle F 73 Rebecca TANNER James COTTRILL Mount Lawley
1961/100382 Perth Strickland Ada Caroline F 88 Margaret Eliza (UNKNOWN) Archibald DODS Perth
1961/100383 Perth Hocking William Henry M 80 Welmot GRENFELL Thomas HOCKING Nedlands
1961/100384 Perth Harcourt William Alfred Engledow M 86 Emma Maria (UNKNOWN) William HARCOURT Perth
1961/100385 Perth Morrell Richard M 81 Annie YORK Frederick MORRELL Nedlands
1961/100386 Perth Gartrell Thomas Eustace M 87 Sophia PRISK Benjamin GARTRELL Subiaco
1961/100387 Perth Kerwin Marion Louise F 72 UNKNOWN Elisha WILLIAMS Hollywood
1961/100388 Perth Laffin Harold Hugh M 66 Susan PALMER Hugh LAFFIN Perth
1961/100389 Perth Richardson Stanley Arthur M 55 Emma NEWMAN Edgar Milner RICHARDSON Perth
1961/100390 Perth Weltch Oliver Edward M 64 Mary LAMMING Richard Henry WELTCH Watermans Bay
1961/100391 Perth Edwards Phyllis F 42 Laura HUSBAND Charles Percy SCOTT Perth
1961/100392 Perth Panegyres Michael M 66 Thecla DIAMATARIS Panagiotis PANEGYRES Perth
1961/100393 Perth Oliver James Henry M 69 UNKNOWN (Unknown) OLIVER Perth
1961/100394 Perth Dalton Vernon Richard M 50 Esther EASTES Vernon DALTON Perth
1961/100395 Perth Buckley John M 90 Bridget HENNESSY Timothy BUCKLEY Leederville
1961/100396 Perth Coufos Stavros Theodore M 63 Rose KOMONIUS Theodore Stavros COUFOS Perth
1961/100397 Perth Whyte Jane Annie F 66 Susan HARRIS Joseph ALLEN South Perth
1961/100398 Perth Ralphs Alice F 46 Alice LEIBRICK Albert LOYND Inglewood
1961/100399 Perth Adam Violet Elena Cecelia F 77 Annie FORD Charles BRICE Maylands
1961/100400 Perth Edmonds Edward James M 67 Mary PRITCHARD William EDMONDS Perth
1961/100401 Perth Thompson William Henry M 93 UNKNOWN William Henry THOMPSON Leederville
1961/100402 Perth Walsh Joseph George M 64 Mary MAHONEY Joseph George WALSH Hollywood
1961/100403 Perth Tako-Pallash Evanthia F 77 Constantina (UNKNOWN) Evangelo MERIA Subiaco
1961/100404 Perth Scott John Anthony M 18 Teresa MCENCROE Alphonsus Dudley SCOTT Perth
1961/100405 Perth McNamara Mary F 81 Jane FITZGERALD James MCNAMARA Mount Lawley
1961/100406 Perth Carbone Teresa F 77 Maria Rosa STRANO Michelangelo RECHICHI Perth
1961/100407 Perth O'Connell Alexander James M 85 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Leederville
1961/100408 Perth Jenkins Leslie William Francis M 84 Ellen (UNKNOWN) William JENKINS Perth
1961/100409 Perth Wilson Andrew M 82 Margaret BROWNLIE John WILSON Perth
1961/100410 Perth Sewell Mildred Elizabeth F 83 Mary Ellen SEWELL John Murray DAVIS Mount Lawley
1961/100411 Perth Florence Amelia Ashton F 97 Maria Ann AUSTIN William TRIGG Nedlands
1961/100412 Perth Spence John M 66 Jane Sinclair HALL James SPENCE Hollywood
1961/100413 Perth Tate Jeanette Evelyn F 4 Shirley Joan GUY Maurice Wesley TATE Subiaco
1961/100414 Perth Foster Alexander Edgar M 73 Emma GIBSON James FOSTER Bassendean
1961/100415 Perth Phillips Edith Annette F 67 Ellen NEUS James WEBESTER Perth
1961/100416 Perth Rodda William David M 55 Mary O'DONOHUE Matthew RODDA Perth
1961/100417 Perth Eassom Charles Frederick M 77 Martha SMART William John EASSOM Perth
1961/100418 Perth Scott Penelope F 3 Esther Margaret BLOUNT John James SCOTT Subiaco
1961/100419 Perth Gresty Emma F 87 Susannah FOWERUP Samuel SHAW Embleton
1961/100420 Perth Jackson Frank Charles M 87 Mary Ann PAINTER James JACKSON Nedlands
1961/100421 Perth Green Margaret F 78 Annie CONLON Martin BENDER Perth
1961/100422 Perth Pekin John M 68 Jane KENNEDY James PEKIN Hollywood
1961/100423 Perth Pattoo Frank M 75 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN West Perth
1961/100425 Perth Black Mona Victoria F 62 Margaret HENDERSON Hubert Violett COX Perth
1961/100426 Perth Brunton Carolena Rosena F 68 Elizabeth Jane ROWE Wilhelm NIELSEN Mount Lawley
1961/100427 Perth Barber Albert Leonard Alexander M 78 Annie Maria THOMAS William BARBER Maylands
1961/100428 Perth Bessen John Andrew M 67 Maria Emma FLUGGE Heinrich Adolph BESSEN Nedlands
1961/100429 Perth Healy Edward William M 64 Catherine HOULAHAN John HEALY Nedlands
1961/100430 Perth Kimberley Margaret Eileen F 63 Alice MCCARTHY John NEVIN Inglewood
1961/100431 Perth Allen Walter Charles M 82 Elizabeth BAILEY Frederick ALLEN Perth
1961/100432 Perth Hinds Geoffrey Lachlan M 63 Euphemia Laura MCINTYRE William HINDS Riverton
1961/100433 Perth Essex Dallas F 17 Mona WILKINSON Edward Charles ESSEX Leederville
1961/100434 Perth Cody Annie Emily F 59 Anne Maria CONNELL Michael Frances CODY Perth
1961/100435 Perth Allen Loraine Pamela F 35 Freda Miriam WALL Frederick ALLEN Claremont
1961/100436 Perth Fielding Edna Mary F 53 Rose Anna DAY Charles Halder FIELDING Hollywood
1961/100437 Perth Teasdale Madeline Letitia F 73 Mary Rose MCLESTER William Falla CLARKE Dalkeith
1961/100438 Perth Waldon John Wilberforce M 69 Edith BEISLEY William Henry WALDON Hollywood
1961/100439 Perth Hayward Samuel M 80 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Claremont
1961/100440 Perth Nambin Alice F 64 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Claremont
1961/100441 Perth Brook Irene Mary F 71 Elizabeth CREAMER Godfrey DIXON Perth
1961/100442 Perth Bowers Robert Lindsay M Not born alive Audrey Myrtle LUFF Robert Frederick BOWERS Subiaco
1961/100443 Perth Sellman Linda Adeline Polly F 80 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Claremont
1961/100444 Perth Bennit Gladys Emma F 70 Mabel Gertrude BEARD Charles Henry LEAVER West Perth
1961/100445 Perth Buck William Francis M 45 Clara Ellen ASHWORTH William BUCK Hollywood
1961/100446 Perth Jameson Eva May F 82 Louisa AUSTIN Alfred REEVES West Perth
1961/100447 Perth Walker Tom M 67 Frances BAILEY John WALKER Perth
1961/100448 Perth Fisher Frederick William M 51 Mary Jennet REES Thomas James FISHER Perth
1961/100449 Perth Patterson Kenneth Lesley M 52 Sarah Elizabeth GAZZARD Albert Henry PATTERSON Perth
1961/100450 Perth Pearce Ruth F 89 Ruth GIFFORD Joseph Thomas PAULL Perth
1961/100451 Perth Hope Maud F 74 Elizabeth WINN John Gibson TURNER Subiaco
1961/100452 Perth Gorman William Bede M 59 Elizabeth O'MARA James Denis GORMAN Nedlands
1961/100453 Perth Redfern Daniel M 89 Mary NEILSON John REDFERN Nedlands
1961/100454 Perth Carnsew Hilda F 83 Barbara (UNKNOWN) Theodore ERDMAN Perth
1961/100455 Perth Fry Albert Edwin M 73 Mary Ann HATCH Albert FRY Perth
1961/100456 Perth Chapman Frank M 62 Linda DARTON Richard George CHAPMAN Leederville
1961/100457 Perth Arthur Emily Edith F 83 Kate Maria CHESHIRE Frederick George DEACON Morley Park
1961/100458 Perth Farber Gail Kathleen F 11 days Ruth YORK Harry Nelson FARBER Subiaco
1961/100459 Perth Ashton Jack M 71 Louise LUND Walter ASHTON Perth
1961/100460 Perth Read Harriet Cooper F 67 Christina Verona SIMPSON Thomas Pilditch CANDISH Perth
1961/100461 Perth Moore Thomas James M 79 Mary QUINNE Thomas MOORE Hollywood
1961/100462 Perth Taylor John Richard M 6 Ann Patricia MEEHAN Henry George TAYLOR Scarborough
1961/100463 Perth Coles Kerry Joy F 1 Valerie Joy MARTIN Glenby Charles COLES Subiaco
1961/100464 Perth Rigby Walter M 57 Elizabeth THOMPSON William RIGBY Inglewood
1961/100465 Perth Jasper Phillip Raymond M 7 Kathleen Grace MACGREGOR Frank Raymond JASPER Subiaco
1961/100466 Perth Humphrey Eleanor Margaret F 78 UNKNOWN Edward SHEARGOLD Perth
1961/100467 Perth Fuller Mabel Charlotte F 79 Mary Helena NEIL Robert Pringle TURNER Perth
1961/100468 Perth Langridge Michael McCormack M Not born alive Norma Claire CAREY Frederick George LANGRIDGE Subiaco
1961/100469 Perth Mortimer Marion Joy F 1 Aileen Lorraine LITTLE Gerard William MORTIMER Subiaco
1961/100470 Perth Warmdean William M 39 Minnie SHAW William WARMDEAN Perth
1961/100471 Perth Best Claude James M 78 Rebecca WICKS James BEST North Perth
1961/100472 Perth Buckingham Sandra F 5 months Gerlinda ROCZKOWSKI-ROWE Keith Ronald BUCKINGHAM Subiaco
1961/100473 Perth Webster Cathleen Anne F 3 months Patricia Mary PITT Lionel John WEBSTER Subiaco
1961/100474 Perth Gartrell Leeanne F Not born alive Sheila Doreen May WOOD Brian Thomas GARTRELL Perth
1961/100475 Perth West Rosa Smith F 95 Mary Jane PARKES Frederick James GOUGH Manning
1961/100476 Perth Stevens Cordelia F 67 Margaret Ellen PROUSE Edward JOHNS Perth
1961/100477 Perth King Annie F 67 Mary YOUNG John JOHNSTON Perth
1961/100478 Perth Allen-Wainwright Emily Etta F 79 Emily STAPLEY Joseph CHAPPLE Subiaco
1961/100479 Perth Wear Lionel Arthur M 67 Hepzibath Anne MEAD Henry WEAR Mount Lawley
1961/100480 Perth Gallagher John M 74 Bridget BARNES James GALLAGHER Perth
1961/100481 Perth Bracken James M 70 Annie WHITE Joseph BRACKEN Nedlands
1961/100482 Perth Hastings John M 40 Margaret GRAY William HASTINGS Perth
1961/100483 Perth Owens Arthur John M 57 Ada LIBLICK William OWENS Perth
1961/100484 Perth Rowden Agnes Ann F 77 Mary CAMPBELL John ASHTON Claremont
1961/100485 Perth Western Eva May F 30 Nora May WESTERN UNKNOWN Mosman Park
1961/100486 Perth Gloster Edith Florence F 87 Amelia Sarah CLARKE Frederick HUMPHRIES Claremont
1961/100487 Perth Knable Carl Paul M 57 Alice GEORGE Adolf Michael KNABLE Claremont
1961/100488 Perth Hosking Lillian Maud F 78 Jane PASCOE Samuel Rowe TREMAYNE Claremont
1961/100489 Perth Pimlott Geoffrey William M 9 Joan MENZEL Robert Sidney PIMLOTT Bassendean
1961/100490 Perth Blinco Barbara May F 34 Princess Pearl BARBER Reginald Archibald BATCHELOR Perth
1961/100491 Perth Bell Andrea Jane F 3 Judith Gertrude Mary SEXTON Thomas Haley BELL Subiaco
1961/100492 Perth Rae-Cook Edith Florence F 77 Elizabeth FULLER Edward VIDEAN Perth
1961/100493 Perth Lockwood Alfred Edwin M 90 Mary CULLY George LOCKWOOD Belmont
1961/100494 Perth Craven Norman Stanley M 69 Annie Sophia CAREY Montague CRAVEN Belmont
1961/100495 Perth Perrie Elizabeth Jane F 82 Margaret Martha WEEKS Thomas ROUTLEY Mount Lawley
1961/100496 Perth Bower Sidney Milton M 75 Charlotte MIDGLEY Milton BOWER Leederville
1961/100497 Perth Kemble Frederick M 82 Sarah Ann TRIGG John KEMBLE Perth
1961/100498 Perth Bridger Charles Edward M 68 Sarah Anne PELLING Edward BRIDGER Perth
1961/100499 Perth McCarthy Honora F 78 Margaret COTTER Patrick WRIGHT Perth
1961/100500 Perth Bardulis Unnamed M Not born alive Biruta VACZEMNIEKS Charles BARDULIS Mount Lawley
1961/100501 Perth Parker Unnamed M Not born alive Elizabeth Jane HARRISON Thomas Reginald PARKER Mount Lawley
1961/100502 Perth Knox Michael M 81 (Unknown) ESCNE David KNOX Perth
1961/100503 Perth de Mamiel Edward Clarence M 59 Isabel Grace MANSFIELD Oswald DE MAMIEL Watermans Bay
1961/100504 Perth Williams Millicent F 44 Margaret Towers HOGG Thomas Charles COOLEY Perth
1961/100505 Perth Shanahan Thomas M 83 Catherine MEAGHER Michael SHANAHAN South Perth
1961/100506 Perth Barry James M 60 Mary Matilda BURKE James BARRY Mount Hawthorn
1961/100507 Perth Thornton Amy Nora F 55 Alice Dora JACOBSON Walter Rupert D'SILVA Perth
1961/100508 Perth Smith Albert Richard George M 50 Mary Ann JACKSON Albert Robert SMITH Claremont
1961/100509 Perth Thompson Cora Regina F 37 Pauline Mary JONES Richard Jermyn THOMPSON Hollywood
1961/100510 Perth Shooter Laura Ethel F 73 Agnes FITZGERALD William DATE Leederville
1961/100511 Perth McGann Alice Hannah F 94 Martha WILLIAMSON Joseph HUTCHINSON West Perth
1961/100512 Perth Sheedy Eileen Mary F 71 Margaret CLIFFORD Louie TOUZLE Mount Lawley
1961/100513 Perth Nice Mary Veronica F 82 Catherine JOYCE Michael DELANEY Mount Lawley
1961/100514 Perth Tredrea Ernest Frederick John Trevithick M 43 Mary Amelia ABBOTT Ernest St Alban Trevithick TREDREA Perth
1961/100515 Perth McPartland Anastasia F 75 Anastasia ENGLISH Patrick PRENDERGAST Morley Park
1961/100516 Perth Brooks May Sheila F 36 Frances Elizabeth CHRISTISON Errol Adrian HARAPEET Mount Lawley
1961/100517 Perth Walker Francis M 77 Sarah Ann (UNKNOWN) George WALKER Perth
1961/100518 Perth Ligovich Mario M 55 Marian PRECALI Marco LIGOVICH Claremont
1961/100519 Perth Symmans Andrew Maurice M 68 Ellen WALKER John Charles SYMMANS South Perth
1961/100520 Perth James William Edmund M 75 Sarah (UNKNOWN) William JAMES Victoria Park
1961/100521 Perth Donald Sarah F 87 UNKNOWN Joe HOUGH Mount Henry
1961/100522 Perth Leyland Ernest M 73 Phoebe Elizabeth GILL Robert LEYLAND Perth
1961/100523 Perth Firman William Charles Reginald M 87 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Perth
1961/100524 Perth Wells Victoria F 63 Louisa LAMBERT William LUTON Perth
1961/100525 Perth Rowley Elizabeth Mary F 86 Elizabeth COX William ENSTON Mount Henry
1961/100526 Perth Spielmann Theresia F 81 Katharina BREUER Anton HOENIGSBERG Mount Lawley
1961/100527 Perth Daly Paul Justin M Not born alive Coral Clifton ROSE Richard Allan DALY Subiaco
1961/100528 Perth Hanson Rosemary Anne F Not born alive Olive Peace MIZEN Terence George John HANSON Subiaco
1961/100529 Perth Saw Amy F 69 Hannah Sophia MARSH William BUTCHER Subiaco
1961/100530 Perth Nener Alice F 83 Frances INCHBOLT Edmund GIBBONS Subiaco
1961/100531 Perth D'Arcy Florence Mary F 86 Ellen Manderville SEMPLE John REID Perth
1961/100532 Perth Pollard George William M 60 Sarah SPANSWICK William POLLARD Perth
1961/100533 Perth Wilson Emmeline Minnie F 83 Mary Ann Minnie NOBLE James BUNKER North Perth
1961/100534 Perth Stevenson Joseph Richard M 70 Mary Ellen SHENTON Thomas Job STEVENSON Watermans Bay
1961/100535 Perth Day Dolly F 56 Elizabeth DAVIDSON John BISHOP Perth
1961/100536 Perth Johns Martha Wilhelmine Johanna F 69 Marie SHEELK Hermann Johann WOLFEL Inglewood
1961/100537 Perth Cornish Murray William Desmond M 31 Alyce LAUNDY William CORNISH Perth
1961/100538 Perth Laffer Eleanor Forrest F 82 Hannah Jane HEPBURN John TINDALE Maylands
1961/100539 Perth Lynch Patrick M 80 Ann MURTAGH Patrick LYNCH East Victoria Park
1961/100540 Perth Drake Frederick M 79 Caroline FULLER Benjamin DRAKE Perth
1961/100541 Perth Mayes Frances Jane F 82 Elizabeth ROBERTS William CANNON Perth
1961/100542 Perth Marriott Alice Louise F 86 Martha Jane DAVIES William Piper BROWN Hollywood
1961/100543 Perth Smith Leslie William M 65 Mary Ellen SULLIVAN William Burne SMITH Hollywood
1961/100544 Perth Green Arthur Burling M 52 Daisy Veronica RUSSELL Arthur Samuel GREEN Nedlands
1961/100545 Perth Ellett Wilfred Percival M 66 Elizabeth FORD Alfred James ELLETT Hollywood
1961/100546 Perth Horne Sidney Allan M 68 Margaret OTTAWAY Andrew HORNE South Bentley
1961/100547 Perth Ellis Margaret Thompson F 65 Margaret MCLEOD Augustus Frederick MILLER Floreat Park
1961/100548 Perth Plowman Bert M 46 Mary Isabella CROW Thomas William PLOWMAN Perth
1961/100549 Perth Beardsmore Betty F 24 Gertrude BAGNALL George Albert INESON Perth
1961/100550 Perth Duffner Christina F 91 UNKNOWN John PICKERING Manning
1961/100551 Perth Day Lorraine Dorothy F 7 days Iris Ronda Delores HINDMARSH Robert DAY Subiaco
1961/100552 Perth Rees William Alfred M 70 Charlotte BURNELL Howel REES Peppermint Grove
1961/100553 Perth Orchard Emily F 78 UNKNOWN Edward STACEY Mount Lawley
1961/100554 Perth Coghill Vera Aurora F 60 Signe Athalia VETLESEN Albert OHMAN Hollywood
1961/100555 Perth Faulkner Emma Maud F 94 Ann (UNKNOWN) John MARSHALL Mount Henry
1961/100556 Perth Barker Hubert M 78 Julia WALDECK George BARKER Perth
1961/100557 Perth Hoar Joan F 73 Isabella ERSKINE George Bee McClelland MURDOCH Perth
1961/100558 Perth Thorneycroft Jack Enrique M 57 Florrie Esther GAYMER George THORNEYCROFT Claremont
1961/100559 Perth Mauldon Frank Richard Edward M 69 Eliza MENNAYWHETHER James MAULDON Claremont
1961/100560 Perth Heath George William M 81 UNKNOWN Henry Wray HEATH Claremont
1961/100561 Perth Jefferson Elizabeth F 83 Rosanna CHADWICK Joseph CASS Mosman Park
1961/100562 Perth Baptiste Elsie Clare F 65 Marian Teresa CORREYA William Joseph LYNCH Perth
1961/100563 Perth Giorgi Peter M 7 Lola ANBROGI Auro GIORGI Subiaco
1961/100564 Perth Bleasdale Henry Herbert M 88 UNKNOWN (Unknown) BLEASDALE Nedlands
1961/100565 Perth Osborne Stuart Frederick M Not born alive Brenda Margaret HAYLOCK Brian Arthur OSBORNE Mount Lawley
1961/100566 Perth Uren Jessie F 84 Mary Elizabeth FOUNTAIN William George Cooper COLE Mount Lawley
1961/100567 Perth Petersson Johan Emil M 82 Christina HALL (Unknown) PETERSSON Nedlands
1961/100568 Perth Elliss Walter M 102 Mary Ann MARRIOTT George ELLISS Nedlands
1961/100569 Perth Vernon Gladys Thelma F 35 Hilda BAINBRIDGE Louis Henry BACKSHALL Perth
1961/100570 Perth Cook Minnie Annie F 86 Diana (UNKNOWN) William TRENOWETH Watermans Bay
1961/100571 Perth Moran Jack M 59 Maggie MORAN (Unknown) MORAN South Perth
1961/100572 Perth Cann Eunice Ada F 49 Ada Ellen BONNETT Douglas Moore GREEN Floreat Park
1961/100573 Perth Welch Grace F 68 Martha STREET Benjamin WALTERS Perth
1961/100574 Perth Drew John Howard M 62 Miriam STARK George Frederick DREW Hollywood
1961/100575 Perth Lague Ida Madeline F 81 Maria Jane MARTIN Elias MITCHELL Mount Henry
1961/100576 Perth James Alice Beatrice F 86 Mary HEBURN Henry FRANCIS Nedlands
1961/100577 Perth Missen Ada Louisa F 83 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Claremont
1961/100578 Perth Bailey Marjorie F 59 Maria May Lilly WHITE Arthur Johnston BARCLAY Manning
1961/100579 Perth Andrews Ellen F 95 Martha BATT Thomas WILSON Claremont
1961/100580 Perth Kortlang Henry Frederick Lorenz M 80 Nellie BELL Laurence KORTLANG Cottesloe Beach
1961/100581 Perth Finnerty Martha F 67 Caroline MANSELL Ralph William HOLLOWAY Perth
1961/100582 Perth Tormey James Patrick M 53 Elizabeth ROACH William TORMEY Doubleview
1961/100583 Perth Jonasson William George M 72 Annie PARISH John JONASSON Highgate
1961/100584 Perth Baxter Francis John M 48 Annie O'NEIL David BAXTER Perth
1961/100585 Perth Buchan John Robertson M 54 Flora WATT James Walker BUCHAN Hollywood
1961/100586 Perth Brokensha Frederick Gordon M 71 Mary NICHOLAS William BROKENSHA Nedlands
1961/100587 Perth Pryschluk Michael M 49 Kateryna ILNATKIW Pawlo PRYSCHLUK Perth
1961/100588 Perth Spiccia Julie Anne F Not born alive Geraldine Rose PENNISI Albert Leone SPICCIA Subiaco
1961/100589 Perth Bertini Nello M 58 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Nedlands
1961/100590 Perth Cook Mary Ethel F 57 Margaret MAHER Samuel MOORE Perth
1961/100591 Perth Kent Warren Victor Peter M 20 Audrey Zita REYNOLDS Leonard William KENT Perth
1961/100592 Perth Dawson Raymond Patrick M 51 UNKNOWN (Unknown) DAWSON Perth
1961/100593 Perth McCann Stella Mary F 63 Mary HUNT Patrick MCKENNA Perth
1961/100594 Perth Guilfoyle Pauline Gwynneth F 31 Lillian Gwynne Helena DEGNAN Francis Patrick GUILFOYLE Perth
1961/100595 Perth Unnamed McGhie F Not born alive Judith Ethel GREEN John Napier MCGHIE Mount Lawley
1961/100596 Perth Temby Mary Teresa F 74 Annie HOGAN John Joseph RYAN Mount Hawthorn
1961/100597 Perth Marchant Emily F 83 Sarah Ann YOUNG Jesse RICHARDSON Mount Henry
1961/100598 Perth Birch Hazel Doreen F 32 Olive HARBISHOP George BARKER Perth
1961/100599 Perth Braithwaite Brian M 2 hours Eleanor June PILMER Warwick Henry BRAITHWAITE Subiaco
1961/100600 Perth Young Thomas M 52 Eleanor Elisa HATTON Thomas YOUNG Victoria Park
1961/100601 Perth Faulkner Frank Basil M 72 Julia STEVENS Frank FAULKNER Manning
1961/100602 Perth Wilson Henry Anzac M 26 Olive Lillian GOW James William Henry Alfred WILSON Perth
1961/100603 Perth Weeks Wayne Charles M 15 days Peggy SCOTT Colin Charles WEEKS South Perth
1961/100604 Perth Jameson Walter Sandilands M 75 Ann Smeaton SANDILANDS John JAMESON Perth
1961/100605 Perth Stone Percival George M 83 Susan SHENTON Edward Albert STONE Perth
1961/100606 Perth Hosken Ena May F 47 Emma Julia SMITH William Lancelot COULTHARD Perth
1961/100607 Perth Hooker Janet Louise F 7 Norma May PENNO Jack Graham HOOKER Hancock Street near intersection of Sackville Terrace North Scarborough
1961/100608 Perth Jones Selina F 86 Sarah ARNOLD James Alexander HALLIDAY Mount Lawley
1961/100609 Perth Saligari Eva F 77 Sarah HARRIS Simon FELDT Belmont
1961/100610 Perth Letch Arthur Albert M 88 Amelia FRENCH Alfred Daniel LETCH Subiaco
1961/100611 Perth Allen Ernest Francis M 62 Ethelwyn Violet LANNIN Isaac ALLEN Perth
1961/100612 Perth House James William M 90 Adeline BRICKELL George HOUSE Perth
1961/100613 Perth Chamberlain Percival Clarence M 69 Ellen THOMPSON William Alexander CHAMBERLAIN Perth
1961/100614 Perth Walker John Andrew M 54 Susannah BULL Edwin WALKER Bayswater
1961/100615 Perth Buckie Henrietta Rose F 88 Mary Ann TURNER William Maxwell BUCKIE Mount Henry
1961/100616 Perth Lowes Jane F 75 Mary Jane HULL James ARNOTT Mount Lawley
1961/100617 Perth Rothwell Mary Emma F 78 UNKNOWN George KNOWLES Subiaco
1961/100618 Perth Jovanovic Maria F 50 Maria GREINER Hugo FUKA Perth
1961/100619 Perth Goodall Margaret Annie F 83 Annie PYKE William PENNELL Mount Henry
1961/100620 Perth Blanchard William George M 76 Alice BELL Joseph BLANCHARD Nedlands
1961/100621 Perth Ryding Ruby Florence F 64 Rose GRAY George INNES Beechboro
1961/100622 Perth Forrest John M 87 Marion GREIG Alexander FORREST Mount Lawley
1961/100623 Perth Beer Mary Ann F 74 UNKNOWN (Unknown) FISHER Watermans Bay
1961/100624 Perth Clark Phyllis May F 50 Arabella Flora FORSE Thomas Wilson CLARK North Perth
1961/100625 Perth Housley Nellie F 68 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Claremont
1961/100626 Perth Dexter Jessie Jean F 52 Ellen WHITE Arthur Ferguson BRADLEY Subiaco
1961/100627 Perth Bourne Reginald Arthur M 72 Caroline Elizabeth BINSTEAD Herbert Greenhill BOURNE Hollywood
1961/100628 Perth Smith Flora F 86 Susan BARKER William KELEY Claremont
1961/100629 Perth Fitzgerald Adeline Victoria F 83 Eliza INGRAM William Anderson ROBINSON Scarborough
1961/100630 Perth Bolger Ethel May F 67 Eliza OSMOND Thomas Henry BROWN Perth
1961/100631 Perth Foreman Euphemia F 71 Bella PORTER Robert MACDONALD Perth
1961/100632 Perth Bennett Florence Mary F 79 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Mount Henry
1961/100633 Perth Collins Ivy F 71 Bertha Louisa GEYER Patrick WILLIAMSON Perth
1961/100634 Perth Lamb Barbara Anne F 2 Patricia Marion SPARROW Albert Robert Charles LAMB Subiaco
1961/100635 Perth Brooker Dulcie Grace F 45 Alvinia EUSTON Henry Patrick BOYLE Perth Railway Station
1961/100636 Perth Quinlan Bridget Theresa F 72 Margaret HANRAHAN John Edward BROWN Perth
1961/100637 Perth Holmes Sydney John M 50 Mary Elizabeth CLARK Charles John HOLMES Hollywood
1961/100638 Perth Brown Dianne F 6 Lilian Joan PANKHURST Arthur Edward BROWN Mount Hawthorn
1961/100639 Perth Bull Sarah Cecelia F 86 Cecelia Deborah BEESON Henry Charles GLANVILLE Perth
1961/100640 Perth Johnson Clifton Albert M 72 Alice PHILLIPS Thomas JOHNSON Doubleview
1961/100641 Perth Clydesdale Una Mary Caroline F 78 Charlotte Anne ROBINSON Theodore ENGELBRECHT Mount Lawley
1961/100642 Perth Woods Edward James M 54 Julia MORRISON Irvine WOODS Innaloo
1961/100643 Perth Cox Rose F 84 Mary Ann MCCUSKER Daniel CLEMENTS Mount Lawley
1961/100644 Perth O'Leary Kevin Joseph M 48 Margaret Mary BEGLEY Daniel John O'LEARY Nedlands
1961/100645 Perth McIlwaine Alfred Henry M 72 Catherine READ Henry MCILWAINE Hollywood
1961/100646 Perth Pejkovich Nede F 63 Ivy LATEA Peter SUMICH Claremont
1961/100647 Perth Faul Susan F 89 Elizabeth VAUGHAN James MOODY Shenton Park
1961/100648 Perth Uratoriu Alessandro M 49 Maria ZAGAR Edoardo URATORIU Perth Railway Marshalling Yards near Melbourne Road Crossing
1961/100649 Perth Humphrys Frederick Alfred Payne M 77 Frances Ann ZINCRAFT William Mark HUMPHRYS West Perth
1961/100650 Perth Flynn George Leonard M 70 Ellen HARTNETT Henry FLYNN Nedlands
1961/100651 Perth Cox Una F 60 Harriett MOULDING Thomas DUNN Belmont
1961/100652 Perth Ford Frank M 74 Alice COOPER John FORD Rivervale
1961/100653 Perth Tunbridge Ada Mary F 64 Elizabeth Mary Josephine FITZPATRICK Henry George HALL Victoria Park
1961/100654 Perth Palmer Cyril Bryan M 68 Agnes Mary FOARD Percy PALMER Perth
1961/100655 Perth Jones Elizabeth Jane F 85 Mary Ann RIDDEL Robert Williamson MINTO Mount Lawley
1961/100656 Perth Cosgrove Michael Thomas M 79 Mary Ann HEWITT Michael Thomas COSGROVE Perth
1961/100657 Perth Mitchell Eleanor F 85 Ann WILKINSON John SENIOR Subiaco
1961/100658 Perth Goodier Mary Gilchrist F 87 UNKNOWN (Unknown) LAMB Bassendean
1961/100659 Perth Muhs John Charles M 7 hours Hilary Jean BRADSHAW Michael Charles MUHS Subiaco
1961/100660 Perth Frapple Beatrice F 76 Minna Marrise (UNKNOWN) George THORNER Perth
1961/100661 Perth White Charlotte F 70 Emily Rosina TONGE Adam MENZIES Claremont
1961/100662 Perth Poole Roger Watsford M 19 Marjorie Christine WATSFORD John Lyth POOLE Perth
1961/100663 Perth Nicholls Gordon Thomas M 4 Shirley Ann HODDER John Henry NICHOLLS Claremont
1961/100664 Perth Buhrer Jane F 88 Catherine Eve (UNKNOWN) Patrick MCGRAW Nedlands
1961/100665 Perth Hughes Lawrence Desmond M 52 Leonore HOLLAND Joseph William HUGHES Claremont
1961/100666 Perth Carlson Carl Harry M 74 Ellen BARNES (Unknown) CARLSON Nedlands
1961/100667 Perth Wilson Winifred F 80 Mary Ann BARRETT Augusta BROWN Mount Henry
1961/100668 Perth Coles Aldyth Loyal F 41 Marion Jane BYFIELD Ernest SNELLING Bassendean
1961/100669 Perth O'Dea Patrick M 86 Bridget WARREN Martin O'DEA Hollywood
1961/100670 Perth Dalton Ada Margaret F 84 Margaret MORRIS Alfred GOODWIN Subiaco
1961/100671 Perth Unnamed Jamieson M Not born alive Emily Margaret MALE Colin John JAMIESON Mount Lawley
1961/100672 Perth Turner Jeannie Louise F 83 Elizabeth KENNEDY Joseph BURKE Perth
1961/100673 Perth Elmore John Robert M 64 Mary Ann Elizabeth WALLACE William ELMORE Hollywood
1961/100674 Perth Holmes Barbara Cayley F 16 Marjorie Cayley THOMPSON Herbert William HOLMES Chancellor Street near Senate Street Claremont
1961/100675 Perth Nowland Louis Raymond M 74 Catherine Ann COLLINS Louis NOWLAND Shenton Park
1961/100676 Perth Thompson Dudley Horace M 52 Jane Grace GIBSON Edwin Cecil THOMPSON Claremont
1961/100677 Perth Lambourne Arthur M 74 Leah BIRCHALL William LAMBOURNE West Perth
1961/100678 Perth Dartnall Ernest George M 87 Eliza GRIFFIN William Whitney DARTNALL North Perth
1961/100679 Perth Thompson Geoffrey Ashburton M 67 Marian Elizabeth SMITH Charles Emilius THOMPSON Dalkeith
1961/100680 Perth Bell John M 75 Agnes (UNKNOWN) John BELL Perth
1961/100681 Perth Pratt Charles M 69 Annie RILEY Michael PRATT Hollywood
1961/100682 Perth Good Richard Leslie Frederick M 34 Daisy Ada Blanche SMITH Leslie Frederick GOOD En route from Walebing to Perth
1961/100683 Perth Cocking Ethel Annie F 60 Minna BECHLER Edward James GAUNT Mount Lawley
1961/100684 Perth Coombs James M 75 Lucy Mary PREUSS James COOMBS Perth
1961/100685 Perth Gallagher Terence Whelan M 55 Mary WHELAN (Unknown) GALLAGHER Canning Highway near Thelma Street Como
1961/100686 Perth Hoeben Unnamed M Not born alive Toos WEGGERS Robert James HOEBEN Subiaco
1961/100687 Perth van den Elzen Geoffrey John M 7 days Maria Jozaphina SIROEN Adrian Marius VAN DEN ELZEN Subiaco
1961/100688 Perth Jull Roberta Henrietta Margaretta F 88 Henrietta FERGUSSON Robert STEWART Subiaco
1961/100689 Perth Lister William M 90 Mary Ann CORNER Edward LISTER Perth
1961/100690 Perth Keane John Vivian M 83 Lilla Rebecca WHITE Edward KEANE Perth
1961/100691 Perth Priest Kate F 102 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Mount Henry
1961/100692 Perth Wickes James Maurice M 68 Sophie ADAMS James Thomas WICKES Nedlands
1961/100693 Perth Clare Alice F 89 Martha FURY John ELLAM Perth
1961/100694 Perth Jermyn Walter James M 84 Elizabeth TRELOAR Ellis JERMYN Mount Lawley
1961/100695 Perth Corbett Elizabeth Rebecca F 88 Emily BARRETT Thomas Henry Goodchild NEALE Perth
1961/100696 Perth Buckley Daniel James M 72 Kathleen (UNKNOWN) Daniel BUCKLEY Perth
1961/100697 Perth Martin John M 90 UNKNOWN John MARTIN Perth
1961/100698 Perth Robinson Maud Mary F 80 Elizabeth GIBSON George John LUCAS Cottesloe
1961/100699 Perth Welch Emily Alice F 64 Elizabeth ALLISON Edward DAVISON Claremont
1961/100700 Perth McNeill Alexander M 59 Elizabeth ADAMS James MCNEILL Cottesloe
1961/100701 Perth Buckly Kathleen Thompson F 59 Martha THOMPSON Anthony William PITCHER Nedlands
1961/100702 Perth Crowther Norman M 72 Elisa (UNKNOWN) Thomas CROWTHER Perth
1961/100703 Perth Chadwick Mary F 77 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Claremont
1961/100704 Perth Keel Emily Ann F 88 UNKNOWN (Unknown) BROWN Mount Henry
1961/100705 Perth Woodard Richard M 81 UNKNOWN William WOODARD Perth
1961/100706 Perth Barns Roland Kingsley M 51 Amy CORNES Edward Morgan BARNS Perth
1961/100707 Perth Cook Neil Matheson McWharrie M 52 Margaret Lawrence MCINTYRE Archibald Walters COOK East Victoria Park
1961/100708 Perth Warner Elsie May F 79 Laura Esther RICHMOND Percival Charles FORDAM Mount Henry
1961/100709 Perth Martina Ronzio M 63 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Nedlands
1961/100710 Perth Anthony Lily Mary Ann F 39 Agnes JACKSON Stanley TERRY Perth
1961/100711 Perth Hill Richard Harold M 78 Elizabeth KEENOR Richard HILL Perth
1961/100712 Perth Hewett Oscar Percy John M 71 Elizabeth Martha CONDON Percy Latham HEWETT Nedlands
1961/100713 Perth Lewis Clara F 81 Marion MARCHAM Walter HILLIER Mount Henry
1961/100714 Perth Richardson Bertha F 75 UNKNOWN William Henry BARTOW Victoria Park
1961/100715 Perth Pickering Joseph William M 80 Mary CARROLL Joseph William PICKERING Perth
1961/100716 Perth Riordan Warren James M 22 Lillian May ROOKE Joseph Eric RIORDAN Belmont
1961/100717 Perth McDowell Ethel F 72 Sarah BLOMFIELD Stephen CARTER Kewdale
1961/100718 Perth Palmer Millicent Hamilton F 65 Alice HAMILTON Charles SHAW Perth
1961/100719 Perth Fuller Arthur James M 75 UNKNOWN (Unknown) FULLER Victoria Park
1961/100720 Perth Jones Craig Raymond M 4 weeks Elva Regina WILLIAMS Ronald Ernest JONES Mount Lawley
1961/100721 Perth Steil Annetta Elise F 60 Stella PEROSSI Sydney FICHAT Perth
1961/100722 Perth Franceschini Dianna F 2 hours Elia BARUFFI Emilio FRANCESCHINI Subiaco
1961/100723 Perth Cousins Alice Hannah F 82 Selina RICHARDS William BEVIS Mount Lawley
1961/100724 Perth Milburn William M 72 Elizabeth CAMPBELL Thomas MILBURN Como
1961/100725 Perth Boulter Margaret F 72 Margaret GRANT Alfred Ernest WEST Perth
1961/100726 Perth Turner Robert Gascoyne M 64 Ellen Eliza LANGLEY William Hamilton TURNER Mount Lawley
1961/100727 Perth Kovats Louis M 73 Maria CSEH Alexander KOVATS Leederville
1961/100728 Perth Taylor Brian Mark M 19 hours Elaine Margaret FAIRWEATHER William Alfred Frank TAYLOR Mount Lawley
1961/100729 Perth Reilly Florence Ellen F 81 Ellen DRURY Daniel BROWN Mount Lawley
1961/100730 Perth Kinane Mary Ellen F 86 Brigid MAGNER William KINANE Claremont
1961/100731 Perth Culver Unnamed M Not born alive Beryl ALLAN William Ronald CULVER Subiaco
1961/100732 Perth Verwoord David John M 17 hours Emma Evelyn EBBELER Walter Frans Theodore VERWOORD Subiaco
1961/100733 Perth Murray Mary F 2 hours Gladys Muriel GLOVER Robert John MURRAY Subiaco
1961/100734 Perth Murray Margaret F 2 hours Gladys Muriel GLOVER Robert John MURRAY Subiaco
1961/100735 Perth Sawyer Ronald M 1 week Dulcie Mona HARRIS Eric John SAWYER Subiaco
1961/100736 Perth Osborne Noel Hellyar M 35 Elsie CULLINANE Frederick Hellyar OSBORNE Shenton Park
1961/100737 Perth Treweek Thomas Francis M 83 Elizabeth ROSEWALL Francis TREWEEK Subiaco
1961/100738 Perth Ryniker Francis Henry M 72 Louisa BRANBY Charles Alexander RYNIKER Hollywood
1961/100739 Perth Atherton Stanley Hauburn M 65 Ida Bertha Mary HELLING Alfred ATHERTON Mount Yokine
1961/100740 Perth Squires Ethel F 81 Catherine WILTON Charles Maurice WHEDLOCK Perth
1961/100741 Perth Merrick Willis F 69 Sarah Jane PERRY Arthur William WEEKS Perth
1961/100742 Perth Parker Ernest William M 63 Caroline Victoria RITCHIE Thomas Charles PARKER Belmont
1961/100743 Perth Hough Roderick Owen Llewellyn M 67 Isabella Ann CONNELL Christopher James HOUGH Hollywood
1961/100744 Perth Pollard Stella Rose F 61 Rose Annie SUTHERLAND Joseph NORTHEY Cottesloe
1961/100745 Perth Stewart Charles M 78 Jane MCCALLUM Charles Wakefields STEWART Perth
1961/100746 Perth Jacobs Sarah F 86 UNKNOWN Isaac STALL Perth
1961/100747 Perth Priestner Wilfred M 89 Sarah BARNES Philip PRIESTNER Nedlands
1961/100748 Perth Davies Leslie Morien Watcyn M 64 Elizabeth MORGAN Thomas Owen DAVIES Perth
1961/100749 Perth Underwood Frederick Albert Edward M 60 Fanny Ada TOYNTON Charles John UNDERWOOD Perth
1961/100750 Perth Lason Sime Lason M 73 (Unknown) PHILA (Unknown) ZARABABEL South Perth
1961/100751 Perth Bennetts Elizabeth F 67 Catherine FRIZZELL Robert GUNN Perth
1961/100752 Perth Hogg Louisa Edith Jane F 85 Charlotte COOPER George HOGG Mount Henry
1961/100753 Perth Jackson William Horace M 61 Gertrude KING Walter JACKSON Innaloo
1961/100754 Perth Barron Arthur Campbell M 42 Ruby ASHWORTH Roy Campbell BARRON Hollywood
1961/100755 Perth Livingstone Flora May F 52 Minnie Ethel BASAN Alexander Michael LIVINGSTONE Subiaco
1961/100756 Perth Abbott Marie F 76 Mary Anne MARSHALL Frank WORTHY Mount Henry
1961/100757 Perth Cotton Oliver George M 67 Lucy DAVIS Charles COTTON Shenton Park
1961/100758 Perth Smith Marie F 81 Maria Elizabeth HINDE Lancelot SHAW Perth
1961/100759 Perth Stoner Bradley John M 2 days Heather Faye SMITH Robert Henry STONER Subiaco
1961/100760 Perth Graffin Queenie Beatrice F 75 Eliza Jane JAMES George GANNAWAY North Perth
1961/100761 Perth Richards Edmund Houard M 78 UNKNOWN (Unknown) RICHARDS Hollywood
1961/100762 Perth Shilling Charles Caleb M 46 Winifred Lucy SELLEN Charles Caleb SHILLING Belmont
1961/100763 Perth Dundas David John Campbell M 83 Susanna MOFFIT James DUNDAS Claremont
1961/100764 Perth Dodd Claud William M 55 Ellen EMERY John George DODD Perth
1961/100765 Perth Macdonald Winifred Isabel F 72 Eliza Louiza BONA Eli PERRY Perth
1961/100766 Perth Wortlehock Winifred Eliza F 72 Jane Maria BILLING Charles RICHARDS Perth
1961/100767 Perth Sarros Rusa F 53 Violet (UNKNOWN) Peno ATHENSIO Perth
1961/100768 Perth Hrabar Josip M 78 UNKNOWN Josip HRABAR Maylands
1961/100769 Perth Edgar Frederick Phibbs M 55 Christina Ann GREER William James EDGAR Nedlands
1961/100770 Perth Way Ellen F 73 Martha Ann SADLER John ANDERSON Claremont
1961/100771 Perth Southwell Violet May F 69 Annie Elizabeth SMITH John Francis GILLIES Perth
1961/100772 Perth Jamieson Jane Ann F 82 Jane PEMBERTON George BOND Hollywood
1961/100773 Perth Grech Theresa Maria F 67 Maria Antonia ARENA John DI BERNARDO Subiaco
1961/100774 Perth Guarino Franca F 8 Maria CLISSA Vito GUARINO Subiaco
1961/100775 Perth McIlwaine Bertha Elizabeth F 78 Eliza DEAN Patrick MCNAMARA Mount Lawley
1961/100776 Perth Peters Olga Stella F 45 Daphne Zanowia HABERLEY Stanley William NIXON Mount Lawley
1961/100777 Perth Bowra Mavis Margaret F 46 Elsie Maud O'MALLEY Ernest JONES Belmont
1961/100778 Perth Cotton Beatrice Maud F 77 Elizabeth VARNETT William COTTON Manning
1961/100779 Perth Fitzpatrick Cecelia F 71 Anne FEGAN John LYNN Subiaco
1961/100780 Perth Gordon Kevin Francis M 26 Mary Elizabeth HACKETT John Andrew GORDON Bayswater
1961/100781 Perth Kinninmont Joyce F 40 Mary MICHELIDES Panos PITSIKAS Nedlands
1961/100782 Perth Smith John Aubrey M 67 Ann Maria WARNER James SMITH Hollywood
1961/100783 Perth Radzeviciene Grase F 86 Agota STAKELAITE Mikolas KIRKILAS Perth
1961/100784 Perth Varian Peter Grahame M 14 days Alexia May POWELL Clarence David VARIAN Subiaco
1961/100785 Perth Gibson Perry M 1 Valda Cleone DARE Garry Paul GIBSON Subiaco
1961/100786 Perth Glover Rodney George M 6 weeks Beryle Joan THOMPSON John Roderick GLOVER Subiaco
1961/100787 Perth Jones Albert Statham M 78 Elizabeth JAMES William Hugh JONES Highgate
1961/100788 Perth Jackson Albert M 73 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Perth
1961/100789 Perth Wells Isabella Mabel F 49 Ethel MIDDLEMAS Alfred John LEWIS Perth
1961/100790 Perth Reynolds George Martin Lawrence M 68 Catharine DESMOND James REYNOLDS Nedlands
1961/100791 Perth Hains Leader Leonard M 72 Emma HENERS Charles HAINS Perth
1961/100792 Perth Garrity John Thomas M 63 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Hollywood
1961/100793 Perth Ireland Hyam Harold M 79 Agnes MYERS Charles Frederick IRELAND South Perth
1961/100794 Perth Loftus Stanley Reid M 59 Hilda Jane DAVEY Percival Thomas LOFTUS Perth
1961/100795 Perth Thompson Catherine F 76 Sarah MCCREERY George Joseph DEDMAN Victoria Park
1961/100796 Perth Edwards Ernest William Malpas M 80 Jane Caroline NASH Francis John EDWARDS Hollywood
1961/100797 Perth Pearce Reginald Joseph M 67 Anne (UNKNOWN) William PEARCE Perth
1961/100798 Perth Tauss Paul M 63 Laura FISCHER Moses Samuel TAUSS Bayswater
1961/100799 Perth Mewhor Ada Grace F 64 Sarah LARWOOD William QUARTERMAINE Perth
1961/100800 Perth Devitt Patrick Francis M 79 Mary DRONEY Michael DEVITT Perth
1961/100801 Perth Day Elizabeth F 77 UNKNOWN (Unknown) ELLIS Perth
1961/100802 Perth Sharpe Arthur Thomas M 78 Jane SHARPE Thomas SHARPE South Perth
1961/100803 Perth Lines Alice Harriet Emma F 53 Agnes WALSH George Edward GRAY South Perth
1961/100804 Perth Edwards William Henry M 72 Susanna Dorothea GASMIER John EDWARDS Perth
1961/100805 Perth Powell Adelaide Caroline F 66 Julia LEVY Emil BROMBERG Osborne Park
1961/100806 Perth Blume Karl Ernest M 73 Augusta SCHILTZ Ernest BLUME Mount Hawthorn
1961/100807 Perth Plunkett Vivien Rebecca Woolf F 83 Elizabeth WOOLF Edward Henry Coules COLLEY South Perth
1961/100808 Perth O'Halloran Phyllis Irene F 57 Florence LEWIS George Michael O'HALLORAN Perth
1961/100809 Perth Edwards Lenore Theresa F 70 Mary Theresa CULLEN Charles Edward EDWARDS West Perth
1961/100810 Perth Sainsbury Annie F 80 Mary Ann KIMBER Arthur JEFFERY Mount Lawley
1961/100811 Perth Milner David John M 1 Geraldine JARRATT John Douglas MILNER Subiaco
1961/100812 Perth Hearn Ernest M 70 Louisa SNELL Walter HEARN Perth
1961/100813 Perth Williams William M 78 Sarah Ann WARD Owen Robert WILLIAMS Nedlands
1961/100814 Perth Adams Shelley F 33 hours Marina Scott YOUNG Denis Maxwell ADAMS East Victoria Park
1961/100815 Perth Drusilla Smith F 58 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Perth
1961/100816 Perth Jones Frederick M 78 Jane NANKERVIS Thomas Blackwell JONES Perth
1961/100817 Perth Elsdon Arthur Henry M 75 Elizabeth Anne TRITON Thomas Henry ELSDON Cottesloe
1961/100818 Perth Buckley James M 67 Ellen Elizabeth MULLANE James BUCKLEY Claremont
1961/100819 Perth Keenan Mary Ellen F 88 Isabella GAMBLE Stewart KEENAN Mount Lawley
1961/100820 Perth Barker John William M 66 Agnes Elizabeth CARPENTER John William BARKER Bassendean
1961/100821 Perth Dial Mary Jane F 78 Elizabeth REED Robert Australian Simpson DIAL Mount Henry
1961/100822 Perth Sporn Christopher M 96 Elizabeth PARENTIN Nicolas SPORN Leederville
1961/100823 Perth Glover Christina F 6 hours Rachel CROWDEN George Henry GLOVER Subiaco
1961/100824 Perth Dewar Florence Amy F 70 Mary Jane OGDEN James KELLY Inglewood
1961/100825 Perth Fisher Mary F 87 Agnes (UNKNOWN) Thomas MCMILLAN Perth
1961/100826 Perth Williams Horace Albert Bailey M 60 Julia WARD Charles WILLIAMS Perth
1961/100827 Perth Woods Juanita Jacqueline F 49 Maraquita Jacquelina FRONTEAU Thomas Basil WATSON-WHYTE Perth
1961/100828 Perth Johnston Elizabeth May F 80 Jane PRENTICE William MARTIN Perth
1961/100829 Perth Plumb Mary Jane F 80 UNKNOWN (Unknown) PHILLIPS Perth
1961/100830 Perth Quain Michael M 84 Mary Anne REIDY Thomas QUAIN Nedlands
1961/100831 Perth Jermyn Geoffrey Treloar M 42 Ada Grace COOPER Edgar JERMYN Perth
1961/100832 Perth McKinley Rilda Mary F 62 Louise MACK William BOYLE Highgate
1961/100833 Perth Zempilas Basil M 66 Anastasia (UNKNOWN) Anthony ZEMPILAS Perth
1961/100834 Perth Yiend William M 65 Margaret LYGNANE Albert YIEND Perth
1961/100835 Perth Bottegal Guerrino Terzo M 50 Emma MELCHIORETO Bortolo BOTTEGAL Nedlands
1961/100836 Perth Faulkner James Edward M 68 Sarah JOHNSON James FAULKNER Perth
1961/100837 Perth Vince Francis James Roland M 61 Kate Marion BUTTLE Albert Bertram VINCE Perth
1961/100838 Perth Williams George Uttley M 79 Sarah Ann HAYES John WILLIAMS Perth
1961/100839 Perth Ray Vera F 65 Martha Isabella NORRIS John MCCOLL Subiaco
1961/100840 Perth Johnson Harry Bishop M 64 Jane Susan Sophie BISHOP John Worthy JOHNSON Claremont
1961/100841 Perth Williams Michael Thomas M 72 Hannah ATHEY Robert Briggs WILLIAMS Mount Lawley
1961/100842 Perth Thomas Steven Leslie M 3 Shirley Rae TUCKER Leslie Ernest THOMAS Subiaco
1961/100843 Perth Kennedy Harold Edward M 55 Amy Florence HAMERSLEY Edward John KENNEDY Hollywood
1961/100844 Perth Bragg Alice Harriet F 74 Jane Eliza HAINES Philip Fry SIMS Subiaco
1961/100845 Perth Clairs Madge Kathleen F 58 Amy Kathleen MORRELL Edward EDMEADES Como
1961/100846 Perth Parker Alfred Thomas M 73 Jane BOWDEN William Thomas PARKER North Perth
1961/100847 Perth Doran Ethel Ellen F 74 Ellen MILLINGTON Frederick George FARLEY Subiaco
1961/100848 Perth Paget Christabel Mary F 95 (Unknown) QUICKE Christopher BARROW Mount Henry
1961/100849 Perth Mofflin Alice Maude F 83 Margaret Alice NALL William BURRIDGE Mount Lawley
1961/100850 Perth Greenway Mary Ellen F 91 Mary Ann OSBORNE Thomas William GUNN North Cottesloe
1961/100851 Perth Hardwick Mary Mynta F 78 Annie HILLAS George HOWLETT West Perth
1961/100852 Perth Hounslow Frederick Edward M 55 Mary Jane WHELAN Albert Edward HOUNSLOW Perth
1961/100853 Perth Vallentine Rose Eleanor Elizabeth F 87 UNKNOWN (Unknown) RIDDLE Mount Lawley
1961/100854 Perth Jeffery William M 81 Elizabeth Ellen BALDWIN William JEFFERY Perth
1961/100855 Perth Summerton Mary Evelene F 72 Marlan WHITFORD Michael MCENTEE East Victoria Park
1961/100856 Perth Stables William M 83 Marjorie THOMAS John STABLES Hollywood
1961/100857 Perth Skipper Leonard James M 61 Norah O'NEILL Louis James Fenwick SKIPPER Perth
1961/100858 Perth Allen Reginald George M 2 Sylvia MARTIN Horace Beresford ALLEN Subiaco
1961/100859 Perth Evans Mary Ellen F 81 Caroline BUCKINGHAM Thomas FANCOTE Manning
1961/100860 Perth Moore Margueretta Valeria Agnes F 78 Agnes Drysdale MCARTHUR Hugh BENNETT Perth
1961/100861 Perth Nicholson Alice F 83 Catherine BRADBURN William POWELL Mount Henry
1961/100862 Perth Spencer Victor Percy Henry M 84 Hannah PROPERJOHN William SPENCER South Perth
1961/100863 Perth Dorliguzzo Maria F 76 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Bentley
1961/100864 Perth Holmes Albina Emma F 78 Marion Louise GENDERS Henry Diggens HOLMES West Perth
1961/100865 Perth Carroll Elsa F 46 Mary Ann KEPPLE Robert GOOCH Cottesloe
1961/100866 Perth Henn Jean F 80 Mary Glover GAVIN Charles Bolton ELLIOTT Perth
1961/100867 Perth Townsend Laura F 96 Sevilla JOHNSON John TOWNSEND Nedlands
1961/100868 Perth Jenkins Marry Ellen F 93 Margaret CLEAR John REA Subiaco
1961/100869 Perth Watt Emmeline Vera F 60 Elizabeth Ann BORLAND Victor Henry Sofala WATT Claremont
1961/100870 Perth Mann Albert William M 76 UNKNOWN George William MANN Belmont
1961/100871 Perth D'Arcy Timothy Edward M 61 Mary MURPHY James D'ARCY Mosman Park
1961/100872 Perth Wilkinson Winifred F 64 Katherine PICKFORD Percy MATTHEWS Belmont
1961/100873 Perth Johnston Clifford Victor M 31 Myrtle Victoria KING Harold William JOHNSTON Perth
1961/100874 Perth Smith Roy Francis M 72 Frances (UNKNOWN) Isaac SMITH East Victoria Park
1961/100875 Perth Richmond Lily Lavina F 70 Annie LANNER George William CLARK Perth
1961/100876 Perth Tomlinson James M 79 Ellen DITCHFIELD Thomas TOMLINSON Nedlands
1961/100877 Perth Smith Frederick Walter M 86 Esther SEWELL Alfred SMITH Nedlands
1961/100878 Perth Yates Debbie Ann F 3 months Linda Muriel CURTIS Lewis Charles YATES Mosman Park
1961/100879 Perth Seal George Cosmos M 67 Daphne Jane DOWD George Cosmos SEAL Hollywood
1961/100880 Perth Crogan Matilda F 84 Dorothy BURKE Peter KAU Victoria Park
1961/100881 Perth Novell James M 81 Teresa VINALLONGA Jose NOVELL Perth
1961/100882 Perth McDermott Florence Amelia F 68 Emily Jane MCMULLEN John HOLLANDS Tuart Hill
1961/100883 Perth Corunna Unnamed M Not born alive Shirley Bridgette BYNDER Manfred George CORUNNA Mount Lawley
1961/100884 Perth Cohen Unnamed F Not born alive Valerie Margaret DUNSTAN Geoffrey COHEN Perth
1961/100885 Perth Puglia Gaetano M 11 months Giuseppina CAMPIONE Salvatore PUGLIA Subiaco
1961/100886 Perth Randell Unnamed F Not born alive Margaret Elizabeth FENN Ian George RANDELL Perth
1961/100887 Perth van der Moezel Kathleen Mary F 4 hours Beverley BELTON Johannes Daniel VAN DER MOEZEL Mount Lawley
1961/100888 Perth Le Croissette Elizabeth Alice F 89 Caroline (UNKNOWN) Peter BIBBY Mount Henry
1961/100889 Perth Batten Florence Lilian F 72 Mary Jane (UNKNOWN) (Unknown) WEBBER Nedlands
1961/100890 Perth Waywood Colin Lindsay M 55 Susan Margaret HOUSTON William Henry WAYWOOD Mount Hawthorn
1961/100891 Perth Beckett Constance Beveridge F 51 Olivia Ada MILLER David Gilbranson ADAMSON Perth
1961/100892 Perth Cole James Raymond M 59 Louise WILLIAMS Joseph COLE Subiaco
1961/100893 Perth de Castilla Violet May F 91 Ellen HEPPINGSTONE Alfred Pickmore BUSSELL West Perth
1961/100894 Perth Knox Andrew James M 65 Ethel RADNIDGE Alexander KNOX Perth
1961/100895 Perth Dyson Harry M 72 (Unknown) HICKFORD Walter DYSON Claremont
1961/100896 Perth Standing Ernest M 68 Elizabeth Ann CRAGG Mark STANDING Perth
1961/100897 Perth Hetherington Percy Byers M 74 Mary Jane HUTTON John HETHERINGTON Mount Lawley
1961/100898 Perth Dewar Frances Maude F 79 Ann MORTIMER Daniel KING Claremont
1961/100899 Perth Pearce Anne F 71 Anne WRIGHT William Gill THOMAS Como
1961/100900 Perth Hanley Michael M 68 Margaret O'BRIEN John HANLEY Perth
1961/100901 Perth Maitland James M 53 UNKNOWN James MAITLAND Mount Lawley
1961/100902 Perth Ashman Herbert Lloyd M 43 Ethel May KIRKHAM Thomas Henry ASHMAN Leederville
1961/100903 Perth Morgan Cornelius George M 54 Ethel Sarah DYMOCK Cornelius George MORGAN Nedlands
1961/100904 Perth Shier Arthur Roy M 57 Edith May SWEETMAN John SHIER Hollywood
1961/100905 Perth Ridgway Trevor William M Not born alive Catherine Margaret Keiro BRANDER Ian Murray RIDGWAY Subiaco
1961/100906 Perth Broomhall Ada Sophia F 79 Eliza Symington JOHNSON George MEYER Mount Lawley
1961/100907 Perth Blake David Bell M 79 Anne BELL Charles BLAKE Perth
1961/100908 Perth Carlon Richard Robert M 43 Lillian SAMWAYS Robert CARLON Perth
1961/100909 Perth Thompson Maud Ethel F 76 Emma (UNKNOWN) Paul Henry BURGESS Perth
1961/100910 Perth Redden Edith Martha F 84 Mary BIGGS William JACKSON Perth
1961/100911 Perth Hooper David John M 18 Joan THOMPSON David Gerald HOOPER South Perth
1961/100912 Perth Boyd Gregory Charles M 3 Phyllis Valma RISEBOROUGH Bruce Henry BOYD Subiaco
1961/100913 Perth Kitchin Anna Antonie Elise F 95 Henrietta (UNKNOWN) Carl Franz BUCHMANN Claremont
1961/100914 Perth Wilkinson Gertrude F 73 Sarah MARSDEN Enoch WILKINSON Perth
1961/100915 Perth Gray Herbert Melton M 82 Elizabeth Ann BARWICK Milton GRAY Perth
1961/100916 Perth Ross Alan Edward M 56 Mary Jane SWEETING Alexander ROSS Perth
1961/100917 Perth Drummond James Rutherford M 51 Daisy ALLINSON Maurice Brougham DRUMMOND Perth
1961/100918 Perth Anderson Leslie M 60 Christina WATERS Martin ANDERSON Claremont
1961/100919 Perth Wilson Unnamed F Not born alive Betty Doreen OGDEN George Eric WILSON Mount Hawthorn
1961/100920 Perth Phillips Herbert Daniel M 77 Sarah Ann GOLDSWORTHY Richard PHILLIPS Hollywood
1961/100921 Perth Alliss Phillippa Doreen F 41 Dora Emily DIXON William Gordon WALKER Subiaco
1961/100922 Perth Neary John McIntosh M 70 Elizabeth MCINTOSH John Peter NEARY Perth
1961/100923 Perth Bradley Raymond William M 9 Shirley Mavis Dawn RYAN William BRADLEY Subiaco
1961/100924 Perth Bolton Tom Harold Lewis M 70 Frances Edith DODD Francis BOLTON Subiaco
1961/100925 Perth Cohn Michael M 8 Beryl Margaret HART Hans Clemens Joachim COHN Subiaco
1961/100926 Perth Evans Elizabeth F 86 Annie YOUNG Peter ELVIS Perth
1961/100927 Perth Brown William M 91 Anne HIBBLEN William BROWN Perth
1961/100928 Perth Bond May F 69 Margaret Mary STAFFORD George HALL Wanneroo
1961/100929 Perth Harms Henrietta F 89 Brigid BARNES Henry ALLAN Mount Henry
1961/100930 Perth Papalazarous Maria F 85 Despina SPARTALIS Constantine PASSARIS Perth
1961/100931 Perth Tenardi Mark M 12 hours June PAULIN Albert TENARDI Subiaco
1961/100932 Perth Fraser Maude Anne F 61 Mary Frances ALSTON Richard BRAY Perth
1961/100933 Perth Smith Unnamed M Not born alive Phyllis Margaret JOB Raymond Frederick Kendall SMITH Perth
1961/100934 Perth White Unnamed M Not born alive Elizabeth Elsie BRABBS Richard Hiden WHITE Mount Lawley
1961/100935 Perth Alavakis Petrula F 80 Neda DIMKU John PANOS Perth
1961/100936 Perth O'Donohoe Peter Ronald M 6 Eileen Clare BRETHERTON Ronald Jack O'DONOHOE Subiaco
1961/100937 Perth Green James Bevan M 3 Eileen Mary SMITH Gordon Harry GREEN Subiaco
1961/100938 Perth Thomas Ellen Euphemia F 88 Ellen BURNS Samuel SCOTT Maylands
1961/100939 Perth Roberts Lily F 78 Julia (UNKNOWN) Joseph THOMAS Claremont
1961/100940 Perth Black Augusta F 87 Annie MOORE August NIEDERMAYR West Leederville
1961/100941 Perth Hollingworth Ellen Sarah F 79 Mary GRANT Louis CAHOON Como
1961/100942 Perth Bush Louise Marguerite F 53 Louise Mary Ann CARLESS Henry TIMMINGS Perth
1961/100943 Perth Evans Edmund Ernest M 69 Eliza WEBB John EVANS Perth
1961/100944 Perth Kirkby Karl M 22 Frances Winifred LORRIMAR Frederick Sydney KIRKBY Nedlands
1961/100945 Perth Lippiatt Mary Augusta Keith F 75 Alice Jane PACKARD William Fredric MARSHALL Perth
1961/100946 Perth Johnston Margaret Gordon F 92 (Unknown) GORDON Samuel ALLARDICE Claremont
1961/100947 Perth Neilson Christian M 79 Marie NEILSON Rochilde Hans NEILSON East Belmont
1961/100948 Perth Cossens Sylvia F 53 Isabella MELDRUM Alfred Ernest PEARMINE Subiaco
1961/100949 Perth Thomas Arthur William Reynish M 80 Martha REYNISH William THOMAS Nedlands
1961/100950 Perth Phillips Sarah Ann F 86 UNKNOWN (Unknown) PHILLIPS West Perth
1961/100951 Perth Weber Katherine Mary F 9 days Margaret Fay Lorraine BROOKS Brian George WEBER Subiaco
1961/100952 Perth Summers Pauline F 44 Sarah Ann COATES Alfred George STAMP Hollywood
1961/100953 Perth Scott Edna Margaret F 35 Ellen MARSHALL James Davis DOOR Perth
1961/100954 Perth Benjamin Roy M 45 Mary HUSSY Timothy BENJAMIN Claremont
1961/100955 Perth Fairlie Edward James M 81 Catherine CAMERON Walter FAIRLIE Wembley
1961/100956 Perth Trigg Marie Quertier F 85 Marie Lucie LE ROY Edmond LE COUTEUR Perth
1961/100957 Perth Henderson Winifred Emily F 82 UNKNOWN (Unknown) HENDERSON Crawley
1961/100958 Perth Narkle Unnamed M Not born alive Pearl BROWN UNKNOWN Subiaco
1961/100959 Perth Davis Eva Victoria Prudens F 80 Mary Ann HOLMES William ALLEN Kewdale
1961/100960 Perth Miller Elizabeth F 61 Nellie MUCK Nobby BROWN East Perth
1961/100961 Perth Hatch Joan Iris F 48 Nellie Louise HARVEY Ernest Albert EDWARDS Perth
1961/100962 Perth Beard Edwin Harvey Richard M 77 Anna Sarah EATON William BEARD Hollywood
1961/100963 Perth Thomson Catherine F 75 UNKNOWN David HILLOCK East Victoria Park
1961/100964 Perth Andrews George Joyce M 88 Elizabeth Austin JOYCE George William ANDREWS Perth
1961/100965 Perth Jeffery Lionel M 73 Elizabeth MONOGHAN (Unknown) JEFFERY Perth
1961/100966 Perth Willmott Edith Valerie F 42 Janet Hope JOHNSTONE William Charles WALKER Perth
1961/100967 Perth Gosch Patricia Florence F 17 Florence Hilda Lillian BURT John George Frederick GOSCH Shenton Park
1961/100968 Perth Battley Frederick Herbert M 60 UNKNOWN William BATTLEY Subiaco
1961/100969 Perth Singleton Albert Charles M 54 Clara Charlotte GRAY Francis SINGLETON Perth
1961/100970 Perth Hope Charles Henry M 82 Helen Maud Mary DEAN Samuel Henry HOPE Hollywood
1961/100971 Perth Flynn Mark Terence M 74 Jane GARDNER John FLYNN Perth
1961/100972 Perth Gough Roger William M 43 Augusta Caroline GRIEVE William Albert GOUGH Belmont
1961/100973 Perth McLagan Ada Mildred F 69 Emily MARCUSSEN William ROBERTS Perth
1961/100974 Perth France Lily May F 78 Julia VOYER Henry Phillip FRY West Leederville
1961/100975 Perth Parker Annie McBean F 77 Margaret Ann MATHERS Matthew MUIR Mount Lawley
1961/100976 Perth Gulberti Robyn Elaine F 13 months Patricia Elaine BARKER Alfred John GULBERTI Scarborough
1961/100977 Perth Gent Rose F 74 Alice HAMMOND John READ Perth
1961/100978 Perth Bitton Ada Louisa F 75 Mary Ann CASEY James FAY Claremont
1961/100979 Perth Caporn Margaret Ellen F 77 Annie SING Frederick HITCHCOCK Claremont
1961/100980 Perth Ure Clara Olivia F 95 Emma SALTER Matthew LADD Claremont
1961/100981 Perth Brega Francesco M 26 Angelina BERTAGNI Mansueto BREGA Perth
1961/100982 Perth O'Loughlin Melanie Libuse Eva F 72 Caroline RADANYI Waclav JANCIK Perth
1961/100983 Perth Hull Margaret Turner F 76 UNKNOWN Thomas JARRITT Inglewood
1961/100984 Perth Campbell Robert William Clive M 66 Margaret CANAVAN Robert CAMPBELL Hollywood
1961/100985 Perth Cole John M 61 Margaret Ellen DAVIN Benjamin Worthington COLE Mount Lawley
1961/100986 Perth Moyle Julie Patricia F 17 Shirley Diane BERTRAM Douglas Roy MOYLE Mount Hawthorn
1961/100987 Perth Brumby Sydney Mansfield M 55 Eliza Alice LANGHAM Ernest Mansfield BRUMBY Nedlands
1961/100988 Perth Parkin Mary Ellen F 80 Ada STOTT Jim NAYLOR Mount Lawley
1961/100989 Perth Duncan Ronald Grant M 54 Maggie Anderson WATSON John DUNCAN Nedlands
1961/100990 Perth Segki Domenic M 85 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Perth
1961/100991 Perth Murphy Janice Rae F 18 Naomi Angela FALCONER William Ronald MURPHY North Perth
1961/100992 Perth Holt Cecilia Mary F 80 Ellen THOMPSON Charles LEITCH Victoria Park
1961/100993 Perth Oberts Alida F 88 Lizete (UNKNOWN) Gustov OBERTS Belmont
1961/100994 Perth Bancks Henry M 55 Sarah Ann ECCLES James Albert BANCKS Perth
1961/100995 Perth Carmody Edward John M 69 Mary KARNEY Michael Charles CARMODY Hollywood
1961/100996 Perth Tempany Edward Ernest Adolph M 79 Minnie Mary WELDMER Edward James TEMPANY Victoria Park
1961/100997 Perth Boylen August Louis Marie M 57 Marie Louise DE PAZANAN Robert BOYLEN Perth
1961/100998 Perth Ward Robert James M 2 weeks Margaret Mary MILLER Eric WARD Subiaco
1961/100999 Perth Aitken Dorothy F 52 Florence Margaret MCCARTHY Eric Edwin AITKEN Leederville
1961/101000 Perth Healy Rose F 82 Elizabeth POYNAN John STOKES Perth
1961/101001 Perth Pomfrett Walter Henry M 57 Ada SAGGERS William POMFRETT Perth
1961/101002 Perth Kilgallen Jane F 79 Caroline BIRD Alfred HUBBLE Inglewood
1961/101003 Perth Dixon Charmaine F 7 days Winifred May BRASSINGTON Valare DIXON Subiaco
1961/101004 Perth Bowron Margaret Ann F 91 UNKNOWN James COLLINS Leederville
1961/101005 Perth Callaghan James M 75 Elizabeth MCAULEY James CALLAGHAN Perth
1961/101006 Perth Tassone Mick M 1 hour Ada LOMBARDO Paolo TASSONE Subiaco
1961/101007 Perth Richardson George Spurin Haywood M 72 Harriet Amelia BROWN Arthur Hayward RICHARDSON Claremont
1961/101008 Perth Sheppard William Inglis M 70 Helen (UNKNOWN) William Inglis SHEPPARD Hollywood
1961/101009 Perth Haysey Kellsie Margaret F Not born alive Patricia Gwendoline GORRINGE Albert Henry HAYSEY Subiaco
1961/101010 Perth Troughton Harold M 66 Mary Ann CHAPMAN John Dodd TROUGHTON Hollywood
1961/101011 Perth Robinson Ada Blanche F 79 Mary Ann FEAST William TAYLOR Perth
1961/101012 Perth Gordon John M 80 Agnes HUTTON John GORDON Hollywood
1961/101013 Perth Oliver James M 39 Teresa ROBERTS Charles OLIVER Hollywood
1961/101014 Perth Perkins Elsie Evelyn F 72 Annie Dickson CAMPBELL Samuel PERKINS Perth
1961/101015 Perth Doris Rita Barnett F 50 Alice TRETHOWAN Thomas Duncan CLEVERLY Perth
1961/101016 Perth Shannon Doris Mabel F 54 Helen (UNKNOWN) (Unknown) GRIFFITHS Perth
1961/101017 Perth Prosser Joshua Henry M 84 Mary Ann BEER William Robert PROSSER Nedlands
1961/101018 Perth Prestage Robert Oldham M 63 Annie Jane GREEN George William PRESTAGE Shenton Park
1961/101019 Perth Evans Percy M 80 Sarah SHALLCROSS Robert EVANS Nedlands
1961/101020 Perth Smith Rita Constance F 48 Ellen SLATE William David CHAPMAN Perth
1961/101021 Perth Sweetman Charles M 80 Jane BOWSER (Unknown) SWEETMAN Hollywood
1961/101022 Perth Dewar Ernest Alfred M 54 Dorothea LEACH Frank Leslie DEWAR Perth
1961/101023 Perth Ainsworth Ethel Doris F 54 Amy Lilias CROSS Herbert Annesley AINSWORTH Perth
1961/101024 Perth Goff George M 51 UNKNOWN George GOFF Hollywood
1961/101025 Perth Walker Alfred Ernest M 86 Jessie FREELAND Robert WALKER Perth
1961/101026 Perth Gibsone Eleanor Amy Jane F 44 Annie Evelyn BROWN Frank Harold WOOLLER Hollywood
1961/101027 Perth Lightfoot Grace Emily F 76 Mary Elizabeth Leigh SOPER William Campbell MASON Shenton Park
1961/101028 Perth Mackay Grace Ethel F 62 Elizabeth RAWSON Maurice CARROL Perth
1961/101029 Perth Pettigrove Jeffrey Neil M 2 Carol Marjorie AHEARN Victor PETTIGROVE Subiaco
1961/101030 Perth Mayfield Leonard Thomas Richard M 63 Harriett REDFERN Thomas MAYFIELD Hollywood
1961/101031 Perth Hawthorne Mary Elizabeth F 59 Elizabeth GERRETTY Ernest Sydney HAWTHORNE Mosman Park
1961/101032 Perth Cole Arthur Herbert M 62 Elizabeth Charlotte ROSE Herbert COLE Hollywood
1961/101033 Perth Armstrong Mary F 52 Florence LEITHROW Thomas ARMSTRONG Perth
1961/101034 Perth Crocker Mary Alice F 61 Mary RYAN Thomas MORRIS North Innaloo
1961/101035 Perth Stevenson William Henry M 72 Mary Ellen SHENTON Thomas Job STEVENSON Victoria Park
1961/101036 Perth Schmidt Unnamed F Not born alive Anna VOLKER Kurt Norbet SCHMIDT Subiaco
1961/101037 Perth Schmidt Ellen F 1 day Anna VOLKER Kurt Norbet SCHMIDT Subiaco
1961/101038 Perth Read Jack M 73 Emma ROBERTS William Charles READ Perth
1961/101039 Perth Stewart William Patrick M 74 Ellen MERRY William STEWART West Perth
1961/101040 Perth Knox Muriel Julie Marguerite F 75 Daisy Sophia WRAY Owen Wilkes TOMLEY Perth
1961/101041 Perth Wilson John William M 83 Mary LAWLESS William WILSON Nedlands
1961/101042 Perth De Vries William M 94 Aloida VOOGD Frederick DE VRIES Nedlands
1961/101043 Perth Pearson William M 70 Jane HETHERINGTON Thomas PEARSON Subiaco
1961/101044 Perth Rogers Millicent Elizabeth F 80 Julie Elizabeth WILLIAMS William Henry WILLIAMS Perth
1961/101045 Perth Hamann Margaret Harriett F 80 Catherine CLEARY Alfred WHITLOCK Subiaco
1961/101046 Perth O'Driscoll Denis M 77 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Leederville
1961/101047 Perth Corby Margaret F 64 Margaret PARRY John WILLIAMS Perth
1961/101048 Perth Ryan Clarence Francis M 68 Mary Margaret MILLAR Daniel Joseph RYAN Perth
1961/101049 Perth Raynor Ellen Veronica F 74 Johanna DUGGAN John DUGGAN Perth
1961/101050 Perth Keogh Janet Nisbet F 65 Janet NISBET Zephaniah Pinkum CLAPP West Perth
1961/101051 Perth Sheehan Richard Stephen M 60 Ellen CRONIN Cornelius SHEEHAN Hollywood
1961/101052 Perth Connolly Keith Warrington M 63 Mary Agnes WARRINGTON Edward Joseph CONNOLLY Bayswater
1961/101053 Perth Pope William M 79 UNKNOWN (Unknown) POPE Leederville
1961/101054 Perth Dray Frances Elizabeth F 78 Mary LEWIS George Thomas ROGERS Perth
1961/101055 Perth Johnson Unnamed M Not born alive Shirley Agnes MILLIGAN Arthur William JOHNSON Mount Lawley
1961/101056 Perth Macey Unnamed M Not born alive Mavis Jean GREENACRE Edward Brian MACEY Mount Lawley
1961/101057 Perth Narocki Anna F 79 Maria (UNKNOWN) Frank RUSHE Leederville
1961/101058 Perth Pellegrini Domenica F 57 Maria BUGGE Giuseppe TOCOLANO Nedlands
1961/101059 Perth MacDonald Edith Ann F 87 Mary Ann BUCKNELL William John SMITH Mount Lawley
1961/101060 Perth O'Reilly Agnes Philomena F 70 Louisa MURPHY Andrew PICKETT Mount Lawley
1961/101061 Perth Warner Robert Race M 63 Anne SMITH Roland WARNER Dalkeith
1961/101062 Perth Lloyd Mary F 57 Sarah GREGORY John LLOYD Belmont
1961/101063 Perth McSweeney John Francis M 84 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Perth
1961/101064 Perth Webster Richard M 57 Jane HUTCHINSON-WILSON Robert WEBSTER Nedlands
1961/101065 Perth Johnston James Stephen M 60 Selina JUDGE William JOHNSTON East Victoria Park
1961/101066 Perth Powell Mary Elizabeth F 79 Louisa Augusta GROHS James POWELL Mount Lawley
1961/101067 Perth Eggleston Francis M 75 Sarah Ellen DICKSON Frederick EGGLESTON Perth
1961/101068 Perth Haigh Joan Garden Cockburn F 79 Margaret (UNKNOWN) Alexander COOK Belmont
1961/101069 Perth Donald Robert M 85 Elizabeth BUGY Alexander DONALD Nedlands
1961/101070 Perth Quathamer Bernhardine F 37 Lina BEKAN Bernard HAFERKAMP Perth
1961/101071 Perth Hart Sidney M 74 UNKNOWN Henry Charles HART Perth
1961/101072 Perth Haagensen Mary F 85 Katrine Dorthea DALGOARD Marius WILHELMSEN Victoria Park
1961/101073 Perth McAlpine William Seaton M 74 Janet (UNKNOWN) Brunton MCALPINE Nedlands
1961/101074 Perth Torricella Guglielmo Augusto Maurizio Goriziu M 45 Caleste (UNKNOWN) Carmine TORRICELLA Welshpool
1961/101075 Perth Clucas Thomas Cecil M 86 UNKNOWN (Unknown) CLUCAS Perth
1961/101076 Perth Oates Wendy Sue F 18 Susie Joyce BROWN John William OATES Perth
1961/101077 Perth Jovich Andreja M 77 Marija VUKOVICH Ivan YOVICH Claremont
1961/101078 Perth Glanville Mabel Doris F 61 Annie Jane Beaumont TOLL Frank WHITFIELD Claremont
1961/101079 Perth Waddingham Nellie Victoria Clare F 74 Nellie Jane CROSS Harry TALBOYS Mount Hawthorn
1961/101080 Perth Adams Thomas William M 42 Agnes Alice VENABLES Thomas Melville ADAMS Hollywood
1961/101081 Perth Blackburn Catherine F 66 Elizabeth WOODS James MCDONALD Claremont
1961/101082 Perth Melville Frederick Henry M 61 Matilda Emma HOFFMAN Frederick MELVILLE Nedlands
1961/101083 Perth Nicholson Mary F 44 Mary PERCY John William RAY Hollywood
1961/101084 Perth Rose Bertha Kate F 67 Caroline Agnes FORREST Edward John LEE-STEERE Perth
1961/101085 Perth Spark Arthur Antoine M 84 Pauline Elizabeth BRABET Archibald Kinniar SPARK Perth
1961/101086 Perth Aunins Marta F 46 UNKNOWN John ANDERSON Belmont
1961/101087 Perth Budd Florence Maggie F 74 UNKNOWN Arthur HOWES Subiaco
1961/101088 Perth Longbottom Amy F 86 Harriet CLARE William WILKINSON Perth
1961/101089 Perth Day Jeannie Catherine F 30 Margaret WILSON Emery James STAINES Belmont
1961/101090 Perth Wood Leonard Edward M 49 Edith Emily Pinch VERCOE Richard Nicol WOOD Perth
1961/101091 Perth Warbie Dorothy F 1 Jinny WARBIE Fred DADIGAR Subiaco
1961/101092 Perth Nockolds Robert M 71 Clara WYATT Alfred Ernest Esstic NOCKOLDS Perth
1961/101093 Perth Low Margaret Blanche F 79 Mary Anne THOMPSON Andrew Sutherland LOW West Perth
1961/101094 Perth Macknish Charles Hedley M 64 Mary Theresa GRIFFIN Charles MACKNISH Perth
1961/101095 Perth Thomas Horace M 90 Jane (UNKNOWN) Frederick THOMAS Perth
1961/101096 Perth Entwistle Edith Walton F 81 Jessie CARRUTHERS Benjamin Ellison ENTWISTLE Perth
1961/101097 Perth van Trigt Eeuwoud Nicholaas M 38 Willemina COSTERUS Jacob VAN TRIGT Perth
1961/101098 Perth Stent William Patrick M 80 Ellen AUSTIN Thomas STENT Perth
1961/101099 Perth Gent Frederick Edward Ernest M 77 Elizabeth (UNKNOWN) John Henry GENT Inglewood
1961/101100 Perth Sayers James Edward Richard M 90 Antje Johanna Louiesa KISHMAN James SAYERS Perth
1961/101101 Perth Sinclair Ronald McKay M 53 Elizabeth Sarah BURNS Thomas James SINCLAIR North Perth
1961/101102 Perth White Donald M 89 Ellen URQUHART Thomas WHITE Nedlands
1961/101103 Perth Schultz Herman Ferdinand M 70 Alwine Pauline Friederike NELDNER Carl Imanuel SCHULTZ Perth
1961/101104 Perth Fenwick Peter James M 2 days Rae Elizabeth RICHES George William FENWICK Unknown - En route from Wyalkatchem to Princess Margaret Hospital for Children Thomas Street Subiaco
1961/101105 Perth Purdue Unnamed F Not born alive Jeanette May REYNOLDS Brian Robert PURDUE Mount Lawley
1961/101106 Perth Jackson Evelyn Agnes F 86 Maria DAVIES Maurice Hume BLACK Maylands
1961/101107 Perth Dingwall Anne Jane F 67 Mary Anne WALTON Arthur MILLER Hollywood
1961/101108 Perth Gillespie Adam McCaully M 51 Bella MCGOWN John GILLESPIE Highgate
1961/101109 Perth Jourdain Ada Wilson F 100 Emily Hannah MAY William Wilson BROWN Claremont
1961/101110 Perth Smith Harold M 54 UNKNOWN (Unknown) SMITH Perth
1961/101111 Perth Pettit George M 84 Eliza FRANCIS Edward PETTIT Perth
1961/101112 Perth Holloway William John M 43 Emily Mary BLACKWELL Joseph Charles HOLLOWAY Perth
1961/101113 Perth Tydeman Annie Louisa F 85 UNKNOWN (Unknown) ROBERTS West Perth
1961/101114 Perth Richardson Arthur James M 73 UNKNOWN (Unknown) RICHARDSON Inglewood
1961/101115 Perth Parr Sarah Jane F 94 Jane AKEN James PARR Mount Lawley
1961/101116 Perth Reid Robin Harold M 25 Sylvie HYACINTH Harold REID Rivervale
1961/101117 Perth Jones William Charles M 58 Sarah Ann CURTIS William Thomas JONES Belmont
1961/101118 Perth Raisbeck John Callington M 76 Lydia Eliza JESSER John RAISBECK Claremont
1961/101119 Perth Partington Dora Elizabeth F 73 Sophie Caroline Dora EBELING Charles John KENNEDY Claremont
1961/101120 Perth Kaas Albert Niels M 75 Ilona LONYAI Ivor KAAS Subiaco
1961/101121 Perth Holmes Norman M 67 Annie (UNKNOWN) John William HOLMES Nedlands
1961/101122 Perth Morgan Gwyn M 56 (Unknown) MORGAN Thomas MORGAN Belmont
1961/101123 Perth Smith Percival Hamilton M 82 Elizabeth Emily WILLIAMS George SMITH Perth
1961/101124 Perth Tucker Leonard Hedley M 77 Jan ROBINSON Samuel Thomas TUCKER Perth
1961/101125 Perth McKenzie Lucy F 79 Bridget POWELL John TODD Perth
1961/101126 Perth Green Albert Edward M 88 Jane OSBORNE John GREEN Nedlands
1961/101127 Perth McGuigan Logan James M 60 Catherine Gollard MCDONALD William MCGUIGAN Maylands
1961/101128 Perth Mulhall Cecelia F 87 Ellen Catherine RYAN James Joseph MULLANEY Mount Lawley
1961/101129 Perth Bailey Frances Florence Julia F 48 Florence ROSE William Thomas HATCH Perth
1961/101130 Perth Lewis William Charles M 75 Phoebe Elizabeth PEREIRA Edward LEWIS East Perth
1961/101131 Perth Stratford William M 74 UNKNOWN (Unknown) STRATFORD Hollywood
1961/101132 Perth Taylor Joan Margaret F 24 Edna Mabel FRANKS Albert MASSON Mount Lawley
1961/101133 Perth Taylor Unnamed M Not born alive Joan Margaret MASSON Thomas Arthur TAYLOR Mount Lawley
1961/101134 Perth D'Alonzo Silvatore M Not born alive Silvana SISINNI Cosmo Bruno D'ALONZO Subiaco
1961/101135 Perth Gibbs Unnamed M Not born alive Jennette Evelyn ROWBOTTOM Maxwell George GIBBS Mount Lawley
1961/101136 Perth Maddison Arthur Samuel John M 67 Isobel BAILEY Samuel Frank MADDISON Perth
1961/101137 Perth Cooper Reginald Frederick M 63 Amelia Mary MOLLOY Frederick Thomas Wright COOPER Perth
1961/101138 Perth Simpson Kenneth Goodwill M 22 Margaret Lillian NIL Wilfred SIMPSON Redcliffe
1961/101139 Perth Nelson Henry M 89 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Perth
1961/101140 Perth McCann Francis Charles M 74 Sarah MARKS Hugh Michael MCCANN Perth
1961/101141 Perth Dwyer William M 59 Mary HEFFERMAN Daniel DWYER Mundijong
1961/101142 Perth Rutland Gladys Annie Mary F 63 Jane Isabella CRAIG James Matthew RUTLAND Subiaco
1961/101143 Perth Potts Douglas Terence M 67 Rebecca Jane MCGARTH William James POTTS Subiaco
1961/101144 Perth Lloyd William Trevor M 60 Elizabeth Susan DAVIES Willis Trevor LLOYD Jolimont
1961/101145 Perth Anderson Alfred Graham Harrison M 79 Isabella HARRISON Michael Graham ANDERSON Mount Lawley
1961/101146 Perth Buck Mary Jane F 87 Kate GROCOTT (Unknown) WEBBER Graylands
1961/101147 Perth Oats Edgar Wesley M 56 Maud KYRWOOD Samuel OATS Nedlands
1961/101148 Perth Morrison John William M 87 Jane KERR William MORRISON Perth
1961/101149 Perth Thompson Bevan Peter M 14 months Margaret June HUNT Leonard James THOMPSON Subiaco
1961/101150 Perth Oakes Brian Milton M 5 Gwendoline BELL Cecil Hartley OAKES Subiaco
1961/101151 Perth Smith Mark Anthony M 78 Clara PHILLIPS William SMITH Nedlands
1961/101152 Perth McIntosh Mary May F 74 Mary MERCER Samuel DONALDSON Mount Henry
1961/101153 Perth Massey Anna F 86 Sophia (UNKNOWN) Steven MESZAR Mount Henry
1961/101154 Perth Bourne Charlotte Elizabeth Ellen F 78 Letitia Florence POWEL John Bland WALPOLE Mount Lawley
1961/101155 Perth Clark Elizabeth May F 78 Ellen Jane PRESCOTT William Robert ENDERSBEE Nedlands
1961/101156 Perth Hewson William Francis M 61 Minnie BURKE William Parker HEWSON Floreat Park
1961/101157 Perth Lester Blanche Jane F 78 Jemima Hannah BARTRAM John WHITTLE Watermans Bay
1961/101158 Perth Havlin Emma Jane F 87 Mary Jane (UNKNOWN) Henry PEARCE Manning
1961/101159 Perth Krantz Isabel Eve F 87 Elizabeth SOLOMON Abraham Tobias BOAS Claremont
1961/101160 Perth Worth William Conrad M 81 Amelia JONES George WORTH North Perth
1961/101161 Perth Smith Sarah F 82 UNKNOWN (Unknown) CARR Mount Lawley
1961/101162 Perth Christison Helen Beatrice F 79 Louisa CLIFTON Marshall Waller CLIFTON Manning
1961/101163 Perth Drake-Brockman Ivy Irene Lilian F 76 Elizabeth Grace STRIKE Thomas Martin DANN West Perth
1961/101164 Perth Aitken Bessie F 92 Agnes DAVIS Joseph THOMPSON Hollywood
1961/101165 Perth Heesters Johanna F 30 minutes Cornelia Elizabeth OORSCHOT Petrus Johannus Antony HEESTERS Subiaco
1961/101166 Perth Mostert Unnamed F Not born alive Durkje BERKELAAR Teunis MOSTERT Subiaco
1961/101167 Perth Barron David John M 64 Elizabeth DYSON John BARRON Perth
1961/101168 Perth Hogarth Alice Annie F 76 Eliza BIBBINS Thomas YOUNG Cottesloe
1961/101169 Perth Byfield Richard Edwin M 52 Bertha GUMMOW James BYFIELD Perth
1961/101170 Perth Tanner Arthur M 80 UNKNOWN (Unknown) TANNER Claremont
1961/101171 Perth McAlpine Alice May F 75 Elizabeth (UNKNOWN) William HAYWOOD Subiaco
1961/101172 Perth Lodge Verne Arthur M 65 Jessie Isabel BACKHOUSE Sydney LODGE Perth
1961/101173 Perth Viskovich Milosh Dragi M 50 Maria (UNKNOWN) Mark VISKOVICH Perth
1961/101174 Perth Malcolm Alick John M 67 Elsie Ann MCKAY Alexander MALCOLM Mount Lawley
1961/101175 Perth Cook Gertrude Jane F 85 Ada BEATTIE Benjamin KENWORTHY Subiaco
1961/101176 Perth Read Arthur Coulton M 61 Elizabeth TICKLES Isaac READ North Perth
1961/101177 Perth Edwards Elizabeth Jane F 81 Margaret Sylvester O'KEEFE Henry FOOTE Perth
1961/101178 Perth Erceg Tony M 70 UNKNOWN (Unknown) ERCEG Perth
1961/101179 Perth Lee Steere Caroline Agnes F 87 Mary Anne (UNKNOWN) William FORREST East Victoria Park
1961/101180 Perth Thomas George Ralph M 68 Sarah Ann RALPH Isaac THOMAS Maylands
1961/101181 Perth Phillips Mabel F 59 Isabella HERVEY James THEYER Beaufort Street near intersection of Lawley Crescent Mount Lawley
1961/101182 Perth Emberson Mary Elizabeth F 61 Eliza GROUT Joseph WRIGHT Nollamara
1961/101183 Perth Axford Laura F 80 Elizabeth DINGLE Alfred RULE Maylands
1961/101184 Perth Baxter Margaret Elizabeth Charlotte F 75 Alice MERRY John Thomas HETTALL Mount Lawley
1961/101185 Perth Barker George Henry M 82 Harriet Mirian BURTON Thomas BARKER Subiaco
1961/101186 Perth Bardsley Cecelia F 52 Sarah MARKHAM Henry BANNISTER Mount Lawley
1961/101187 Perth Whellan Ada Marsh F 92 Elizabeth CANNON (Unknown) POWELL Perth
1961/101188 Perth Walmsley Pauline Mary F 29 Doris Catherine HUMPHREYS Thomas James BRADY Floreat Park
1961/101189 Perth Ewen Emma Marie F 76 Maria MASON Charles Augustus LIPTON Mount Henry
1961/101190 Perth Wiffen Alicia Letitia F 90 Louisa Mary JONES William Francis SHERIDAN Victoria Park
1961/101191 Perth Crowhurst William Dalmas M 84 Agnes Isabella ALDRED Augustus CROWHURST North Innaloo
1961/101192 Perth Foxon Percy George M 62 Ellen JACKSON Alfred William FOXON Nedlands
1961/101193 Perth Pittelkow Mary Saunders F 89 Joanna MCCARTHY Richard BELL North Perth
1961/101194 Perth Bollard Albert John M 85 Annie CONNELLAN Thomas William BOLLARD West Perth
1961/101195 Perth Hawke Jessie May F 29 Gladys HARVEY Percival MCNERNEY Perth
1961/101196 Perth Sallans Mary Alice Josephine F 61 Rose Ellen MCGUINESS William Farrar STANSFIELD Perth
1961/101197 Perth Hayman Albert George Sasse M 59 Emily MASON George HAYMAN Claremont
1961/101198 Perth Sidebottom William Joseph M 53 Annie TURNBULL William SIDEBOTTOM Mount Hawthorn
1961/101199 Perth Gallagher Lucy Elizabeth F 61 Ellen REILLY Francis Henry FOX Highgate
1961/101200 Perth Wall Nola Ann F 10 Nance FERN George William WALL Tuart Hill
1961/101201 Perth Prendergast Joseph Ferdinand M 56 Catherine Margaret MOORE John PRENDERGAST Perth
1961/101202 Perth Kemp John George M 83 Helen BRENNAN Henry KEMP Carlisle
1961/101203 Perth Appleton Andrew M 84 Maria Augusta GRAEVER Artemus APPLETON Nedlands
1961/101204 Perth Gibbons Olive May F 60 Margaret May CLARKE Ernest Edward BILLING Perth
1961/101205 Perth Oulds Sidney Leonard M 60 Margaret Kate MANT Herbert Charles OULDS Belmont
1961/101206 Perth Taylor Winifred Emily F 47 Isabellor Adelaide FRANCIS Warrick TAYLOR Perth
1961/101207 Perth Rae Bertha May F 70 Ann Maria KIRBY John Frederick DANIELS Hollywood
1961/101208 Perth Rankin George M 73 UNKNOWN (Unknown) RANKIN Hollywood
1961/101209 Perth Wood Unnamed M Not born alive Christine DYER Gordon George WOOD Victoria Park
1961/101210 Perth Roberts Albert M 71 Ellen GRAHAM Robert ROBERTS Perth
1961/101211 Perth Porter Piercy Edward M 69 Mary Anne BISHOP William Alexander PORTER Perth
1961/101212 Perth Wood Ernest Jasper John M 81 Annie Maria SHEPHERD Jasper Vince WOOD Perth
1961/101213 Perth Jensen Peter M 82 Eliese SCHRODER Christian JENSEN Claremont
1961/101214 Perth Austin Mary F 71 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Claremont
1961/101215 Perth Merrifield Charles M 68 Elizabeth HOBBS Charles MERRIFIELD Hollywood
1961/101217 Perth Wilson Henry M 60 Margaret Helen SMYTHE Henry WILSON Perth
1961/101218 Perth Townley Elizabeth Lucy F 85 Lucy DAVEY Robert DEARLE Claremont
1961/101219 Perth Russell Edna Marie F 62 Elizabeth Jane SMITH Robert RUSSELL Subiaco
1961/101220 Perth Higgs William Fowell M 77 (Unknown) FOWELL (Unknown) HIGGS Como
1961/101221 Perth Beadman William Arthur M 62 Clara STEEL Henry BEADMAN North Beach
1961/101222 Perth Higgins Arthur Huygens Conway M 79 Adelaide EDWARDS John Jerome HIGGINS South Perth
1961/101223 Perth Rigby Margaret Isabel F 76 Mary HART David GRANT Claremont
1961/101224 Perth Newman William John M 77 UNKNOWN Charles NEWMAN Perth
1961/101225 Perth Siggs Clara Margery F 56 Alice Mary BURROWS Samuel James LOXTON Perth
1961/101226 Perth Bell Gladys Maud F 55 Kate Elizabeth DOUBIKIN George Herbert EVERETT Perth
1961/101227 Perth Carrie Alexanderina F 86 Jessie (UNKNOWN) Alexander MOIR Claremont
1961/101228 Perth Beedham Jack M 82 Ellen DRAYTON John Edward BEEDHAM Victoria Park
1961/101229 Perth Gregory Minnie Frances F 83 Hannah HODSON John HAYES Mount Lawley
1961/101230 Perth Borthwick William Arthur M 80 Mary NICOLS James BORTHWICK Mount Lawley
1961/101231 Perth Rodda Margaret Caroline F 75 Adelaide Emma WOOD Robert WRIGHT-HAY Doubleview
1961/101232 Perth Kenworthy Eric Bailey M 47 Mary Eleanor GRIFFITHS Charles KENWORTHY Perth
1961/101233 Perth Jackson Emma Clinch F 86 Emma TAYLOR Frederick WILLIAMS Perth
1961/101234 Perth Gardiner Robert Allen M 55 Emily Marion GIBBS James GARDINER Claremont
1961/101235 Perth Wright Reginald Claude M 58 Mabel Caroline WRIGHT Louis Henry WRIGHT Rivervale
1961/101236 Perth Hughes Rose Louisa F 88 Anne LAMB Thomas PERKINS Watermans Bay
1961/101237 Perth Dorney Frank William M 71 Matilda RICHARDS Charles Henry DORNEY West Perth
1961/101238 Perth Hancock Christina Margaret F 61 Margaret BURKE Frederick MCCONNELL Perth
1961/101239 Perth Michailov Ivan M 62 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Perth
1961/101240 Perth Dick William M 86 Isabella HENDRY William DICK Perth
1961/101241 Perth McGuire Alice Josephine F 75 Mary TOBIN Richard REGAN Perth
1961/101242 Perth Von Leonhardi Anthony M 64 Maria HAASE Curt VON LEONHARDI Perth
1961/101243 Perth Triat Lucien John M 72 Ellen O'SHEA Lucien TRIAT Wembley
1961/101244 Perth Edwards Rita Marie F 35 Teresa MCKENNA Vivian EDWARDS Nedlands
1961/101245 Perth Joy Alice F 87 Margaret COMBS Bartholomew KEVIL Mount Henry
1961/101246 Perth Davies Rose F 72 Mary Anne GRAY Robert David HUTCHINSON Manning
1961/101247 Perth Elvin Terri Sussane F 2 hours Elizabeth Irene HALSE George Leonard ELVIN Subiaco
1961/101248 Perth King Iris Stanley F 33 Bertha Eileen STANLEY Alfred George KING South Perth
1961/101249 Perth Lyons Albert M 82 Mary (UNKNOWN) Cornelius Francis LYONS Nedlands
1961/101250 Perth McCracken Julie Anne F 1 day Orme Barbara SIMPSON Andrea Peter MCCRACKEN Mount Lawley
1961/101251 Perth Gardner Edward M 63 Sarah STONE George William GARDNER Mount Lawley
1961/101252 Perth Hill Melville Leighton M 57 Hannah GARLAND Charles HILL Belmont
1961/101253 Perth King Helen Eileen F 2 weeks Beryl Margaret YATES Richard Singleton KING Subiaco
1961/101254 Perth Dawson Unnamed M Not born alive Deann Beverley BRADSHAW Garry Douglas DAWSON Perth
1961/101255 Perth Quartermaine Lillian Ellis F 72 Jane WOODINGS Robert Wall BAKER Perth
1961/101256 Perth Smithson John Graham M 5 Audrey Jean DUNCAN Robert SMITHSON Subiaco
1961/101257 Perth Blyth Phoebe May F 83 Sarah Phoebe PUSEY Henry ATWELL Subiaco
1961/101258 Perth Shingler Jean Guild F 67 Alexina (UNKNOWN) John REID Perth
1961/101259 Perth Fairbairn Robert Chisholm M 80 Fanny TAYLOR Robert FAIRBAIRN West Perth
1961/101260 Perth Rigby Minnie May Drusilla F 73 Elizabeth Drusilla BUTTERWORTH Francis Peter TACEY Perth
1961/101261 Perth Manning Bernard M 74 Henrietta Mary LYNUM Robert James MANNING-SMITH Perth
1961/101262 Perth Kelly Mildred Evelyn F 69 Elizabeth FISCHER Joseph William BLACKLOCK Perth
1961/101263 Perth Krause John Nicholas M 52 Beatrice Maud GILBERT John Alexander KRAUSE Perth
1961/101264 Perth Leeder John M 80 Sophia FEEK Edmund LEEDER Perth
1961/101265 Perth Beard Laura F 75 Sarah TRELOR Henry Thomas BICKNELL Subiaco
1961/101266 Perth Armstrong Elsie May F 70 Johanna WEILANT Harry Hardcastle PORTER West Perth
1961/101267 Perth Cameron Alexander Donald M 82 Simona MCDONALD John CAMERON Claremont
1961/101268 Perth Carcary William Annand M 78 UNKNOWN James CARCARY Mount Lawley
1961/101269 Perth Noble Norman Mackley M 85 Amelia MACKLEY Richard NOBLE Hollywood
1961/101270 Perth Ashbil Esther Malka F 53 Fanya (UNKNOWN) Mordecai GREEN Mount Lawley
1961/101271 Perth Haldane William M 64 Isobel ANDERSON Andrew HALDANE Hollywood
1961/101272 Perth Arnold Dorothy F 42 Eanswythe GROWNS Frederick LEGG Graylands
1961/101273 Perth Scott Eliza Pearl F 73 Eliza WHITE Stephen GIBBS Mount Lawley
1961/101274 Perth Phippard Edwin Goss M 39 Ada Marion LILLINGSTON William Henry PHIPPARD Hollywood
1961/101275 Perth Selby Charles William Thomas M 66 Amelia Mary THOMAS Harry James SELBY Hollywood
1961/101276 Perth Warrilow Catherine Mary F 83 Rebecca MYERS William Joseph HATCHMAN Subiaco
1961/101277 Perth Armstrong Albert Henry M 43 Florence May GORHAM Joseph William ARMSTRONG Perth
1961/101278 Perth Russell James M 68 Margaret CAMPBELL Thomas RUSSELL En route from 8 Avenell Road Bayswater to Royal Perth Hospital Perth
1961/101279 Perth Carter Donald M 12 hours Camelia Frances HOBBS Anthony Neil CARTER Subiaco
1961/101280 Perth Sweeney Alice Mary F 92 Madeleine WATERS Alfred ATKINS Mosman Park
1961/101281 Perth Smith Norman Benjamin M 55 Ethel May DUGGAN Benjamin SMITH Hollywood
1961/101282 Perth Webeck Unnamed F Not born alive Wendy Marie Olive O'MALLEY UNKNOWN Subiaco