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Deaths in: 1923

Registration year & number Registration district Surname Given names Gender Gender Age Father Death place Wikidata WikiTree
1924/100001 Perth Higgott Thomas George M Not born alive Alice Rose FAIRS Thomas Clifford HIGGOTT Maylands
1924/100002 Perth Pollard James M 66 - - Hospital for the Insane
1924/100003 Perth Scanlon Patrick Frances M 10 Margaret FULTON Thomas SCANLON Subiaco
1924/100004 Perth Fleay Emily F 65 Margaret JOHNSON James FLEAY Claremont
1924/100005 Perth Hanbury Norman John M 1 day Alice Veronica CLARKE Norman HANBURY Victoria Park
1924/100006 Perth Walters Arthur Parkers M 53 Josephine Emma PARKESS Arthur Harding WALTERS Perth
1924/100007 Perth Smith Robert James M 58 - Unknown SMITH Perth
1924/100008 Perth Dewar David M 77 Euphemia GULLEN David DEWAR Mt Lawley
1924/100009 Perth Levy Ethel F 37 Elizabeth Leah OXLADS Solomon NORMAN North Perth
1924/100010 Perth Penberthy Alice F 40 - Unknown STONE Perth
1923/100010 Perth Little Raymond Laurence Clark M 41 Susan Pringle CLARK Charles James LITTLE Subiaco
1924/100011 Perth Christensen Christian Kanstup M 34 - Lars Christian CHRISTENSEN Perth
1924/100012 Perth Buckley Catherine F 66 Ann DOHERTY James STONE Perth
1924/100013 Perth Bevan William Henry M 50 Caroline SMITH William Henry BEVAN Como
1924/100014 Perth Boura Unnamed F Not born alive Olive ALLEN John Francis BOURA Subiaco
1924/100015 Perth Johnson Lily F 60 - - West Perth
1923/100016 Perth Ward Sarah F 79 Mary GIBBONS Henry SMITH Claremont
1924/100016 Perth Cooper Sarah Catherine F 86 Wilhelmina K'HIEST Frederick WALDECK Claremont
1924/100017 Perth Riddell James M 12 Mary COX John RIDDELL Perth
1923/100018 Perth Murray Lorna Kathleen Mckenzie F 17 months Cecily Myrtle NOEL Robert Christie Mckenzie MURRAY Subiaco
1924/100018 Perth Stanbrook George Thomas M 65 - Thomas STANBROOK Perth
1924/100019 Perth MacPherson Dona Josephine F 4 months Florence Isobel BATESON Donald MACPHERSON Perth
1924/100020 Perth Masel Laurence M 33 - - Perth
1924/100021 Perth Clarke James M 77 Mary ALVERSTON William CLARKE Claremont
1924/100022 Perth Thomson William M 72 Elizabeth ANDERSON Donald THOMSON Claremont
1924/100023 Perth Bourke Patrick M 79 Mary LOWEN Laurence MARTIN Claremont
1924/100024 Perth O'Donnell James M 80 Catherine MCCANN Patrick O'DONNELL Claremont
1923/100025 Perth Francis George Frederick M 72 - James FRANCIS Subiaco
1924/100025 Perth Ming Boon M 59 - Unknown YON Claremont
1924/100026 Perth Klodzinski Michael M 76 Rosalie KLILAN Andreas KLODZINSKI Claremont
1923/100027 Perth Bennett Walter M 53 Emily MILLS George BENNETT Perth
1924/100027 Perth Haddy William Henry M 86 Mary STENLICK Stephen HADDY Claremont
1924/100028 Perth Jeffries Robert Horace M 67 Maria FERGUSON Henry JEFFRIES Claremont
1924/100030 Perth Housley Blanche F 67 Elizabeth HODGEKINSON Henry ROSINDALE Subiaco
1923/100030 Perth Kinnane John Clive M 11 Julia Mary SHEEHY William Stephen KINNANE Subiaco
1923/100033 Perth Milligan George Edward M 1 Gladys SIMPSON George Joseph MILLIGAN Perth
1924/100036 Perth James Ted M 50 - - Perth
1924/100037 Perth Williams William Edward M 36 Margaret GLEESON John Aloysius WILLIAMS Perth
1923/100037 Perth Whittaker Unnamed F Not born alive Ethel Maud Shaw REID William WHITTAKER Perth
1923/100038 Perth Addison Bruce Charles M 13 months Margaret May LYNCH Charles James ADDISON Subiaco
1924/100038 Perth Stock Mary F 75 Unknown HENNESSY Michael BARTLE Leederville
1923/100039 Perth Cox Bernard William M 3 months Muriel Emily KEITH Hamlet COX Subiaco
1924/100039 Perth Larkin Henry Thomas M 64 Bessie CRISPE Henry Thomas LARKIN """Swanbourne"""
1924/100040 Perth Truran Unnamed M Not born alive Alice Sarah Elizabeth DEAN Percival Samuel TRURAN Cottesloe Beach
1923/100040 Perth Roberts Edna F 6 hours Florence May WILLIAMS Stanley ROBERTS South Perth
1923/100041 Perth Blume Ernest Louis Heinrich M 66 Caroline Elizabeth WETZEL Jurgen Heinrich Christopher Daniel BLUME Perth
1924/100041 Perth Beaton Charles M 64 - - Claremont
1923/100042 Perth McKenna James M 65 Catherine STANTON James MCKENNA Perth
1924/100042 Perth Hennessy Anne F 71 - Patrick MCCARTHY Leederville
1923/100043 Perth Dailly Robert Gordon M 14 Unknown GORDON James DAILLY East Perth
1924/100043 Perth Flanagan Raymond James M 18 months Angela Marion BUTLER James William FLANAGAN Perth
1924/100044 Perth Davidson Pauline Teresa F 13 months Mary Ellen MCBREEN Robert Alexander DAVIDSON Perth
1923/100044 Perth Innes Georgina F 26 Jane DOWNIE James INNES Leederville
1923/100045 Perth Rielly Michael M 4 months Eva REILLY - Leederville
1923/100046 Perth Smith Kenneth Willaston M 7 months Caroline Esther RUMMER Joseph Petman SMITH Subiaco
1924/100046 Perth Shannon Jeremiah M 78 - - East Perth
1923/100047 Perth See Wee Joe M 60 - - Perth
1924/100048 Perth Groves Kate F 40 Annie Mary APPLETON Charles Marshall SMITH Victoria Park
1923/100049 Perth Roberts Elizabeth F 38 Sarah Ann HARRISON George ROBERTS Perth
1923/100050 Perth James John Vincent M 48 - - Perth
1923/100051 Perth Hopcraft Mary Jane F 57 Unknown ROSEVILLE John PINKER Perth
1923/100052 Perth Zimpel Arthur Leonard Norman M 19 Frances Nellie HARLAND William ZIMPEL Perth
1923/100053 Perth Boyle Kathleen Helen F 15 months Lily POSTLEWAITE Victor Leo BOYLE Perth
1923/100054 Perth Brown Harriett F 59 Mary BERRY Joseph FOX Perth
1923/100055 Perth Irwin Guy M 42 Anna Julia BAKER Andrew Clarke IRWIN Victoria Park
1923/100056 Perth Neal Catherine F 83 Elizabeth MORRELLS David CHARLES Subiaco
1923/100057 Perth Ross Unnamed F Not born alive Ruby Alice CURRAN Albert William ROSS Perth
1923/100058 Perth Campbell Eileen Joyce F 2 months Olive Rosetta CUMMINGS Roy Leslie CAMPBELL Subiaco
1923/100059 Perth Moyle Elizabeth F 89 Mary JAMES Stephen COCKING Claremont
1923/100060 Perth Marsden Annie F 59 Margaret BRIMLEY William KENYON Cottesloe
1923/100061 Perth Bateman Albert M 74 Martha HATCH William BATEMAN Nedlands
1923/100062 Perth Kennedy Patrick M 27 Margaret LAMB Phillip KENNEDY Subiaco
1923/100063 Perth Stephens John M 4 months Phylis STEPHENS - Leederville
1923/100064 Perth Cartwright Thelma May F 4 months Ivy CARTWRIGHT - Leederville
1923/100065 Perth Thompson Albert Leopold M 50 Lucinda UNKNOWN Frederick THOMPSON Perth
1923/100066 Perth Malcolm George M 71 - - Perth
1923/100067 Perth Aston Harold Norman M 4 months Annie ASTON - Perth
1923/100068 Perth Bradbury William M 6 months May Isabel ROSS William BRADBURY Subiaco
1923/100069 Perth Horn Harry M 74 - - Perth
1923/100070 Perth Paterson Hannah F 80 Jane UNKNOWN John RHODES Perth
1923/100071 Perth Hatfield Henry Davidson M 70 Charlotte Elizabeth DAVIDSON Henry HATFIELD Subiaco
1923/100072 Perth Kent Esther Louise F 61 - Samuel LANGHAM Bassendean
1923/100073 Perth Blackshaw John M 68 Johanna CROW John Thomas Herbert BLOCKSHAW Claremont
1923/100074 Perth Byrne Thomas M 73 Anastasia WALSH Thomas BYRNE Claremont
1923/100075 Perth Dickens Robert M 69 Mary CHALEN William DICKENS Claremont
1923/100076 Perth Pope William M 67 Ann MCCARTHY Charles POPE Claremont
1923/100077 Perth Martyn Joan Margaret F 3 weeks Lillian PANKHURST Oscar MARTYN North Perth
1923/100078 Perth Petersen James M 55 - - Subiaco
1923/100079 Perth Fitzgerald Ida Catherine F 59 Mary MCBRIDE Samuel WELLS Perth
1923/100080 Perth Close Elizabeth Reynolds F 52 - - Perth
1923/100081 Perth Thomas Eric Manwel M 14 - - Subiaco
1923/100082 Perth Corbett Patrick Francis M 53 Ellen Mary GODFREY Michael CORBETT Perth
1923/100083 Perth Dowd James M 61 - - Perth
1923/100084 Perth Maynard Ernest M 49 Harriet DODKINS William MAYNARD Perth
1923/100085 Perth Williams Ellen Maud May F 42 Annie FLYNN James CALLAGHAN Claremont
1923/100086 Perth Agnew Patrick M 51 - - Claremont Hospital for Insane
1923/100087 Perth Jensen Frederick M 58 - Charles JENSEN Claremont
1923/100088 Perth Stewart Agnes Williamina F 55 Margaret DUCKETT John PORTEOUS Claremont
1923/100089 Perth Longmire Hiram George M 4 months Amelia Augusta FLUGGE Malcolm Hiram LONGMIRE Subiaco
1923/100090 Perth King Maryon Louisa F 52 Mary Ann SMITH Thomas SAMME West Perth
1923/100091 Perth Evans Agnes Patricia F 9 months Amy Florence WATKINS Albert Eduard EVANS North Perth
1923/100092 Perth Squiers John M 75 - Unknown SQUIERS Perth
1923/100093 Perth Hutchison James M 71 Charlotte Paul Erskine GRAY James HUTCHISON Perth
1923/100094 Perth Murray Douglas McKenzie M 17 months Olive May O'CONNOR William Alexander McKenzie MURRAY Subiaco
1923/100095 Perth Hand Lorna Lydia F 30 hours Emily Ward FISHER Herbert HAND Victoria Park
1923/100096 Perth Bird Dorothy Alice F 67 - Unknown GILCHRIST Leederville
1923/100097 Perth Stirk John M 71 Elizabeth POTTER Unknown STIRK Subiaco
1923/100098 Perth Gartside Charles Robert M 62 Elizabeth GARSIDE Abram GARTSIDE Perth
1923/100099 Perth Snowden John William M 71 Elizabeth CRAIG Thomas SNOWDEN North Perth
1923/100100 Perth Walker George M 57 Jemima Jane GORDON John WALKER Subiaco
1923/100101 Perth Dowell Lila F 25 - John Samuel DOWELL Subiaco
1923/100102 Perth Wild Ernest Mileham M 48 Lucy HOWELL Frederick WILD Perth
1923/100103 Perth Bartlett Richard Clifford M 77 - Richard BARTLETT Perth
1923/100104 Perth Wegg Unnamed M Not born alive Nora Gertrude BARROWS Nathaniel Hanke WEGG West Perth
1923/100105 Perth Pedley Henry M 79 Sarah POPE Henry PEDLEY Claremont
1923/100106 Perth Escott William M 81 Margaret MCCARTHY Charles James ESCOTT Claremont
1923/100107 Perth Breen George Alfred M 4 Bridget SLATTERY George Alfred BREEN Perth
1923/100108 Perth Walsh Vera May F 4 months Irene HAWKINS Paul Joseph Augustus WALSH Perth
1923/100109 Perth Besley Angelo James M 51 Catherine HAYES John BESLEY Subiaco
1923/100110 Perth Dwyer Theresa F 27 Elizabeth DWYER Michael DWYER West Perth
1923/100111 Perth Cahill Olive Lesley F 9 months Melinda Jane SMITH Charles CAHILL Subiaco
1923/100112 Perth Spangenberg Hermann Wilhelm M 70 - - Perth
1923/100113 Perth Bolger Annie F 76 Annie BONE Joseph DAWSON Claremont
1923/100114 Perth Brown Edna Mona May F 18 Edith Annie WELLFARE Harry Basil BROWN Perth
1923/100115 Perth Evans Albert Edward M 37 Sarah WILLIAMS Thomas EVANS Perth
1923/100116 Perth Martin Helen Elizabeth F 30 - William HITCHMAN Perth
1923/100117 Perth Pearce Arthur Albert M 65 - Arthur PEARCE Perth
1923/100118 Perth Mitchell Kate F 69 Kate UNKNOWN Thomas ROSEWELL Perth
1923/100119 Perth Hancock Jean Laura F 15 months Gladys Mary BLUETT Thomas Norman HANCOCK Subiaco
1923/100120 Perth Patterson William James M 23 Sarah BARRY Michael PATTERSON Perth
1923/100121 Perth Green Frances Emma F 68 - Unknown SEAVILLE Perth Seaville-2
1923/100122 Perth O'Malley Lillian Gertrude F 10 months Minnie PORTER John O'MALLEY Leederville
1923/100123 Perth Beard Isabella F 56 Jessie TAYLOR James KIRKLAND Subiaco
1923/100124 Perth Williams Douglas Joseph M 4 months Evelyn Nellie Doris DUDNEY Joseph Patrick WILLIAMS Subiaco
1923/100125 Perth Robinson Ronald M 6 months Unknown ROBINSON - Leederville
1923/100126 Perth Swingler Mary Ann F 70 Mary Ann FRANCIS Joseph Egginton HARDY Perth
1923/100127 Perth Barrett Ann F 73 - Unknown BATTERSBY Osborne Park
1923/100128 Perth Netherwood Charles M 73 Catherine CLARKE David NETHERWOOD Leederville
1923/100129 Perth Plummer George Alfred M 53 Susan Hannah MORGAN David PLUMMER Perth
1923/100130 Perth Bincle John Alexander M 9 weeks Ethel Dorothea SHAW John William BINCLE Subiaco
1923/100131 Perth Reynolds Dorothy Ellen F 3 months Mary Veronica GUILLE Horace REYNOLDS Subiaco
1923/100132 Perth Fletcher Margaret Jane F 57 MEAD John CHAMBERS Perth
1923/100133 Perth Chapman Mark Jenkins M 59 Elizabeth CAIN Charles Thomas CHAPMAN Cottesloe
1923/100134 Perth O'Brien Frances Victoria F 46 - William O'BRIEN Claremont
1923/100135 Perth Robinson Charles Torguil M 13 Florence Daisey PURKISS Richard ROBINSON Cottesloe
1923/100136 Perth Grennell Kate F 39 Margaret MCCORMICK James GRENNELL Subiaco
1923/100137 Perth Miall Ernest William M 47 - - Perth
1923/100138 Perth Liddelow Unnamed F Not born alive Lila May HURST Reginald Lennington LIDDELOW East Perth
1923/100139 Perth Fielding Lilian Mary F 19 Elizabeth STAINTON Charles Francis FIELDING East Perth
1923/100140 Perth Stratford Stephen M 66 - - Perth
1923/100141 Perth Hinsley David M 45 Rose WHEELER David HINSLEY Claremont
1923/100142 Perth Mulligan Henry James M 50 Frances Amelia BONNER John Patrick MULLIGAN Claremont
1923/100143 Perth Gray Henry M 63 Ellen HAYES William GRAY Claremont
1923/100144 Perth Buckwell Arthur M 68 Esther BAILEY William BUCKWELL Claremont
1923/100145 Perth Meyer Leonardus Hendericus Carme M 6 Maria Johanna Magdalene BOSMAN Leonardus Hendericus Carme MEYER West Subiaco
1923/100146 Perth Gilbert Francis Joseph M 78 Sophia UNKNOWN William GILBERT Subiaco
1923/100147 Perth Mountford Unnamed M Not born alive Elizabeth Jane GARDINER Harold MOUNTFORD Subiaco
1923/100148 Perth Bolt Martha F 65 - Samuel MITCHELL Perth
1923/100149 Perth Grosse Frederick John M 53 - Joshua GROSSE Subiaco
1923/100150 Perth McMahon Theodore Leopold M 6 months Victoria MCMAHON - Subiaco
1923/100151 Perth Finney Lavinia Alberta F 51 Martha NAOMI Charles ATKIN Perth
1923/100152 Perth Riley William M 50 Sarah FOSTER Thomas RILEY Perth
1923/100153 Perth Johnson Catherine F 63 Ellen WELLS Thomas YOUNG Leederville
1923/100154 Perth Simpson Harriet F 90 Mary Ann ROPPER James COCKMAN Subiaco
1923/100155 Perth Dickie William Henderson M 46 Agnes HENDERSON Thomas DICKIE Subiaco
1923/100156 Perth Nairn Jessie Hutchison F 74 - - West Perth
1923/100157 Perth Broadhurst Douglas Malcolm M 4 Florence Cathenine NEAN Ernest Pan BROADHURST Nedlands
1923/100158 Perth Curley Thomas Joseph M 38 - Thomas CURLEY Perth
1923/100159 Perth Stevens Walter Frederick M 83 Unknown REID Joseph STEVENS Perth
1923/100160 Perth Hastie Beryl Joan F 13 months Annie MALONEY William Alexander HASTIE Perth
1923/100161 Perth Charge Hazel F 9 weeks Ivy SPENCER Cyrus Edward CHARGE Perth
1923/100162 Perth Ryan Sara Cameron F 71 Catherine CROUGH John BOWDEN Perth
1923/100163 Perth Brophy Michael Harvey M 62 Catherine BUCKLEY Michael BROPHY West Perth
1923/100164 Perth Dennis Allan Lester M 4 Ada Aleessa CLARKE Alfred James DENNIS Perth
1923/100165 Perth Triplett William George M 53 Emily Jane MILLES William TRIPLETT Claremont
1923/100166 Perth Cunnell John M 58 - - Claremont
1923/100167 Perth Green John Frederick M 53 Magdaline UNKNOWN John GREEN Swanbourne
1923/100168 Perth Hurds Mary F 66 MACDONALD Herbert RENWICK Subiaco
1923/100169 Perth King James M 72 Margaret THOMPSON James KING Subiaco
1923/100170 Perth Armstrong Loulou Jean F 4 weeks Alice Jane HUBBLE Harry George ARMSTRONG Perth
1923/100171 Perth McEwan Marguerita F 2 days Margaret Helen YULE Gavin MCEWAN Mt Lawley
1923/100172 Perth Taylor Helen May F 35 - - North Perth
1923/100173 Perth Benney John Thomas M 57 Mary Jane SIMMONS John BENNEY Claremont
1923/100174 Perth Wiedburg Charles John M 67 Unknown SANDS Jacob WIEDBURG Claremont
1923/100175 Perth Greenwood George M 36 Elizabeth WILES Charles GREENWOOD Cottesloe Beach
1923/100176 Perth Mellor Ada F 47 Elizabeth MARGATES George ADAMS Perth
1923/100177 Perth Benda William Edgar M 54 Mary HEALY Ernest BENDA Leederville
1923/100178 Perth Murphy John M 65 - - Perth
1923/100179 Perth Tuppin Margaret Louise F 19 Johanna O'DRISCOLL Henry Sims TUPPIN Perth
1923/100180 Perth Groves Richard Charles M 64 May KING Richard GROVES Leederville
1923/100181 Perth McSweeney Owen M 76 - - Subiaco
1923/100182 Perth Massett John M 75 - - Perth
1923/100183 Perth Pearson May F 75 - - Perth
1923/100184 Perth Byrne George M 50 - - Perth
1923/100185 Perth Riley Alice Johanna F 10 months - - Perth
1923/100186 Perth Davidson Unnamed M Not born alive Constance Olive LAYTON James DAVIDSON Maylands
1923/100187 Perth Perry George M 5 months - Archie PERRY Perth
1923/100188 Perth Bone Unnamed M Not born alive Margaret MCDERMOTT Walter BONE Subiaco
1923/100189 Perth Branch Elsa Edith F 15 months Eleanor GROVES Thomas BRANCH Subiaco
1923/100190 Perth Budge Ruth Daphne F 3 weeks Euphemia ROSS Jesse John BUDGE Mount Lawley
1923/100191 Perth Smith Annie F 75 Annie FRASER John CAMPBELL Perth
1923/100192 Perth Smith Jesse M 15 months Vera Ivy SEARLE Frank SMITH Subiaco
1923/100193 Perth Gillon Unnamed M Not born alive Doris Evelyn MARTIN John Moodie GILLON South Perth
1923/100194 Perth Atherinos George M 3 months Chrissanthy PROLON Emanuel ATHERINOS Subiaco
1923/100195 Perth Ross John M 55 - Alexander ROSS Perth
1923/100196 Perth Taylor Shirley Bertha F 4 months Irene Marie UNKNOWN Walter Stewart TAYLOR Subiaco
1923/100197 Perth Currall Samuel William M 4 months Emily Elizabeth CURRALL Henry Charles CURRALL Subiaco
1923/100198 Perth Daly Walter Owen M 2 Minnie DALY - Leederville
1923/100199 Perth Johnstone Robert M 57 Mary MATTHEWS Hugh JOHNSTONE Perth
1923/100200 Perth Smith Unnamed M Not born alive Olive Myrtle BRANCH Henry Joseph SMITH Maylands
1923/100201 Perth Pratt Cedric Eric M 2 months Veronica MARONEY Cedric Russell PRATT Subiaco
1923/100202 Perth Robinson George M 92 Sarah FULLER William ROBINSON Claremont
1923/100203 Perth Kerslake Charles M 79 Sarah BROWN Charles KERSLAKE Claremont
1923/100204 Perth Kerr William M 41 Margaret LOGAN William KERR Perth
1923/100205 Perth Ward Maud Eliza F 50 - Abel HILL Perth
1923/100206 Perth Berryman Lillie Mima F 50 Gemina Amy COOKSON Henry Robert LEWEN Subiaco
1923/100207 Perth Brownley Sydney Thomas M 42 Mary LEUTHWAITE Thomas BROWNLEY Perth
1923/100208 Perth Smith Hugh James M 19 Nellie STEWART Hugh Alexander SMITH Perth
1923/100209 Perth Carman William M 47 Ellen TOOTILL Thomas Hosking CARMAN Perth
1923/100210 Perth Robb Duncan Bruce M 21 Mary GUNTLEY George ROBB Subiaco
1923/100211 Perth McCann Raymond Borgia M 16 months Dorothy LAWLER William MCCANN Subiaco
1923/100212 Perth Thomson Margaret F 69 Agnes HARDEY Joseph GREENHOW Perth
1923/100213 Perth Graham Gerald M 3 months Margaret GRAHAM - Leederville
1923/100214 Perth Schmitt William George M 16 months Charlotte Alma STITTON George Ernest SCHNITT West Perth
1923/100215 Perth Florias Nicholas M 42 Katerina MARAVÈA Constantine FLORIAS Claremont
1923/100216 Perth Hamilton John M 38 Nellie UNKNOWN William HAMILTON Claremont Hospital for Insane
1923/100217 Perth Anderson Unnamed F Not born alive Gwendoline Mary LEWIS Francis Frederick ANDERSON Cottesloe Beach
1923/100218 Perth Bruce Alfred Edward M 47 Elizabeth LUSTED Charles Robert BRUCE Subiaco
1923/100219 Perth Thomas Mary Hannah F 44 Elizabeth Ann MORRIS William ISAAC West Perth
1923/100220 Perth Jones Unnamed F Not born alive Delia Elsie Irene MOUNT William Ednyved JONES Perth
1923/100221 Perth Douglas Norman Roy M 11 months Florence Edith May TANT George Campbell DOUGLAS Subiaco
1923/100222 Perth Hilton Harriett Dourick F 63 Harriet Marshall DOURICK George MAWSON Perth
1923/100223 Perth Sloane Joyce Alberta F 7 Alice Florence FULLER Arthur Edmundson SLOANE Subiaco
1923/100224 Perth Mackenzie Henry Stuart M 67 Matilda Angelina FIELDER Henry Alexander Montague Stuart MACKENZIE Perth
1923/100225 Perth Hayes James Martin M 36 hours Adelaide Mary BIRCH James HAYES Maylands
1923/100226 Perth Betty Ronald Jack M 2 days Rita Marion FERROW John Sturton BETTY Subiaco
1923/100227 Perth Healey Frederick Samuel M 41 Elizabeth SUTTLE Luke HEALEY Perth
1923/100228 Perth Waylen James William M 20 months Bessie Maria GUY James WAYLEN Subiaco
1923/100229 Perth Smith Unnamed M 2 days Olive Myrtle BRANCH Henry Joseph SMITH Maylands
1923/100230 Perth Stewart Lily F 6 hours Adelaide STONE James STEWART Bayswater
1923/100231 Perth Tremain Edward Joseph M 12 months Ruby Florence MCKAY John Edward TREMAIN Subiaco
1923/100232 Perth Morgan Elsie F 3 months Dolly MORGAN - Subiaco
1923/100233 Perth Steele Doris Irene F 4 months Florence WHITE William Henry STEELE Subiaco
1923/100234 Perth Williams Frank M 69 - - Perth
1923/100235 Perth Magee Julia F 26 Mary CASEY Michael WHYTE Claremont
1923/100236 Perth Smith Arthur Henry M 16 days Violet SMITH - Subiaco
1923/100237 Perth Ledan Peter Percy M 91 Katrine PERRY John LEDAN Claremont
1923/100238 Perth Buddee Julius Emmanuel M 64 Elise SCHRODER Julius BUDDEE Perth
1923/100239 Perth Curtis Martha Hannah F 85 Ellen THOMPSON James OUGDEN Perth
1923/100240 Perth Shaw Peter M 66 - Peter SHAW Perth
1923/100241 Perth Menzies Betty F 5 minutes Lorraine Hope GARTNELL Robert Duncan MENZIES Cottesloe
1923/100242 Perth Roberts John Louis M 17 Ann Eliza May WOLD Herbert Hall ROBERTS Perth
1923/100243 Perth Crossley Morris M 6 hours Phyllis Eleanor GORDON Samuel Randall CROSSLEY West Perth
1923/100244 Perth Parry Edgar M 42 Sarah REDWOOD James PARRY West Perth
1923/100245 Perth Frankish Robert Walter M 52 - Robert Virgil FRANKISH Perth
1923/100246 Perth Hunter Alexander Anderson M 80 Margaret ANDERSON William HUNTER Victoria Park
1923/100247 Perth Lalley James George Frederick M 62 June UNKNOWN Robert LALLEY Perth
1923/100248 Perth Della-Franca Maria F 27 - Unknown DELLA-FRANCA Perth
1923/100249 Perth Ball William George M 1 hour Dorothy Louise PATIENCE Frederick Arthur BALL Leederville
1923/100250 Perth Fowler Unnamed M Not born alive Amelia Maud CALAGHAN Frederick Robert FOWLER Perth
1923/100251 Perth Elliott Arthur John M 29 Elizabeh ARNOLD Thomas Francis ELLIOTT Subiaco
1923/100252 Perth Hymus William Stirling M 6 months Nora Ellen Maria O'MARA Ednund Sydney Stirling HYMUS Subiaco
1923/100253 Perth May Francis Coleman M 67 Emma Sophia COLEMAN Frederick MAY Perth
1923/100254 Perth Caisley Simon M 44 Catherine GOODWILL William James CAISLEY Perth
1923/100255 Perth Kidson Ernestine Mary Ann Sophia F 58 Adelaide DAVIES Albert KOSKY Perth
1923/100256 Perth Miller Elma Myrtle F 28 Margaret BRAY John PARKER Cottesloe
1923/100257 Perth Tapper Edith Mabel F 15 months Mary Sylvia HARPER Francis TAPPER Subiaco
1923/100258 Perth Carrie Albert John M 7 months Gertrude Marguerite EGAN John CARRIE Claremont
1923/100259 Perth Smedley John M 81 Bertha BRADLEY John SMEDLEY Cottesloe
1923/100260 Perth McGillivray John M 14 hours Linda Sybil HART David Alexander Hossack MCGILLIVRAY Perth
1923/100261 Perth O'Farrell Unnamed F Not born alive Eva Charlotte SMITH James Francis O'FARRELL West Perth
1923/100262 Perth Hill Jane F 69 Caroline BLOOMFIELD Unknown SARGEANT Perth
1923/100263 Perth Gundisch Katherine F 64 - - Perth
1923/100264 Perth Sharp Nancy F 9 weeks Agnes Scott LAWSON George SHARP Perth
1923/100265 Perth Powell Joseph M 82 - - Perth
1923/100266 Perth Lawson John M 71 - - Subiaco
1923/100267 Perth Grogan Patrick Joseph M 11 months Annie KIELY Thomas GROGAN Perth
1923/100268 Perth Livesey Unnamed F Not born alive Elsie Maud BLUNDELL Walter William LIVESEY Perth
1923/100269 Perth Noble Murray Leopold M 3 months Alice NOBLE - Perth
1923/100270 Perth Gale Benjamin M 49 - - Perth
1923/100271 Perth Rowe Ronald M 10 Margaret O'SHEA Stephen ROWE Swan River
1923/100272 Perth Bedford Harold James M 4 months Daisy Lillian LOVETT Ralph Harry BEDFORD Perth
1923/100273 Perth Thorpe Gilbert Frank M 5 months Rubina May MCLEAN Gilbert Frank THORPE Subiaco
1923/100274 Perth McKee Ethel F 17 Barbara PURBUS Harry MCKEE Perth
1923/100275 Perth Volkman Albert Edward M 17 Louisa Jane GRAY Edward VOLKMAN Perth
1923/100276 Perth Owens Elizabeth Jane F 66 June NANKERVILLE John DANIELS Perth
1923/100277 Perth Cahill Ann Maria F 92 Mary RUSH John FRENCH Claremont
1923/100278 Perth Rhodes Queenie Florence F 11 Ada BIRD Ernest Scatchard RHODES Subiaco
1923/100279 Perth Hennessey Selina F 72 - - Leederville
1923/100280 Perth Heuston Henry St Vincent M 44 Archina Isabelle UNKNOWN Benjamin Tydd HEUSTON Perth
1923/100281 Perth McKenna Thomas M 68 Bridget FOLEY John MCKENNA Subiaco
1923/100282 Perth Quinlan Kathleen Mary F 44 Mary CAULFIELD Michael RUBERY Perth
1923/100283 Perth Livingstone Elizabeth Jane F 60 - - West Leederville
1923/100284 Perth Evans Henry M 75 Elizabeth CLAYTON Francis EVANS Claremont
1923/100285 Perth Gilham Robert Arthur M 10 months Ellen JENNING Frederick Arthur GILHAM Subiaco
1923/100286 Perth Curtis William Arthur M 61 - - Subiaco
1923/100287 Perth Struck George Henry M 45 - George STRUCK Perth
1923/100288 Perth Hubble Harriet Esther M 52 Harriet UNKNOWN William BOURKE West Perth
1923/100289 Perth Hansen Helen May F 34 Caroline NORTON Montague TAYLOR Subiaco
1923/100290 Perth Reeley John Harold M 12 months Lillian Agnes HUGHES John Harold Victor REELEY Subiaco
1923/100291 Perth Pulley Unnamed M Not born alive Ella Mavis MACMILLAN William Henry PULLEY East Perth
1923/100292 Perth Orton Ronald Ernest M 4 months Lily Alice INWOOD Arthur William ORTON Perth
1923/100293 Perth Budge Unnamed M Not born alive Annie ELGA Albert Sydney BUDGE Subiaco
1923/100294 Perth Smith Edric William Walter M 40 Ellen Christina DYSON John Thomas SMITH Subiaco
1923/100295 Perth Buzolic Florrie F 3 weeks Marie DULCIC Michael BUZOLIC Subiaco
1923/100296 Perth Hargreaves Margaret Jane F 77 Frances READER John HARGREAVES Subiaco
1923/100297 Perth Iles Maxwell John M 8 days Agnes Mary MCDOUGALL Thomas Richard ILES Subiaco
1923/100298 Perth Pereira Phoebe Mary F 78 Phoebe UNKNOWN George MEAKIN Perth
1923/100299 Perth Hayes Mary Agnes F 62 Ellen DRISCOLL Jeremiah MCCARTHY Subiaco
1923/100300 Perth Gordon James Ellworthy Treasure M 22 Anna Cecelia TREASURE James GORDON Subiaco
1923/100301 Perth Murphy Harry Vincent M 4 months Amy PALMER Albert Henry MURPHY Subiaco
1923/100302 Perth Johnson Arthur M 33 - - Perth
1923/100303 Perth Brown Paul M 6 months Nellie Mary Theresa GUILLE Gerald John BROWN Subiaco
1923/100304 Perth O'Rourke Olga Lorraine F 3 months Zoe Magdaline RICHARD Daniel Waters O'ROURKE Como
1923/100305 Perth Muir Dorothy F 3 weeks Myrtle Amy BOND Alexander MUIR Maylands
1923/100306 Perth Kelly Mary Jane F 51 Mary TIERNEY Michael RYAN Claremont
1923/100307 Perth Hammond Alfred Edwin M 34 Jane WRIGHT Laurence Theodore HAMMOND Perth
1923/100308 Perth Hammond Herbert Alexander M 49 Mary Ann BARTRAM James HAMMOND Victoria Park
1923/100309 Perth Allen Sidney James M 2 Edith Eleanor STEDMAN Ralph Ernest Frederick ALLEN Subiaco
1923/100310 Perth Brooks Margaret Jane F 40 - - Claremont
1923/100311 Perth Sala Peter M 50 Madalena DEPRADA Jacoman SALA Claremont
1923/100312 Perth Whyte Duncan Daniel M 62 Eliza FARQUHARSON Charles WHYTE Claremont
1923/100313 Perth Nelson Nils Peter M 72 - Adolf Frederick NELSON Claremont
1923/100314 Perth Laurence William Chipper M 74 Harriet MOORE James Thompson LAURENCE Perth
1923/100315 Perth Mann James M 46 Catherine GIBBONS Thomas MANN Perth
1923/100316 Perth Mason Jane White F 49 Margaret WHITE Thomas PATERSON Perth
1923/100317 Perth Kerr Sarah Olivia F 75 - William TANNER Perth
1923/100318 Perth Miles Louisa Sophia F 69 Isabella PENROSE William MCCONNELL Carlisle
1923/100319 Perth Barclay Louise Lydia F 48 Caroline WALKER William STABB Subiaco
1923/100320 Perth Reeves Gwendoline Florence F 10 weeks Constance MOORE David George REEVES North Perth
1923/100321 Perth Mudie David M 70 - - Belmont
1923/100322 Perth Munday Victor Lionel M 3 weeks Bernice WEBLAKE Lionel Basil MUNDAY Perth
1923/100323 Perth Connolly Cornelius M 50 Catherine CONNORS John CONNOLLY Victoria Park
1923/100324 Perth Hosken Olive May F 17 Elizabeth BRANCH William HOSKEN Perth
1923/100325 Perth Dunn Elizabeth F 65 Johanna GORMAN Thomas EMERY Perth
1923/100326 Perth Harrington Barthy M 54 - - Perth
1923/100327 Perth Pederick Margaret F 45 Christina FALCONER Edwin RAY Perth
1923/100328 Perth Hoyle Thomas M 79 Frances LEONARD James HOYLE West Perth
1923/100329 Perth Merson Thomas Roy M 24 Ellen Esther MCLAUGLAN Thomas MERSON Perth
1923/100330 Perth Gray Edwin Albert M 4 months Eileen Annie MURPHY Edwin John GRAY Perth
1923/100331 Perth Gould Dorothy Joyce F 14 months Dorothy Violet HARRIS William Merryn GOULD Perth
1923/100332 Perth Barrett Jean Craigie F 78 Margaret WILSON James WATSON Subiaco
1923/100333 Perth Mack Betty F 9 weeks Lillian OERMAN William Ernest MACK Subiaco
1923/100334 Perth Patterson John M 62 - - Perth
1923/100335 Perth Evans Unnamed F Not born alive Ella Mary IRVING Francis William EVANS Subiaco
1923/100336 Perth Crouch Robert M 81 - Robert CROUCH Subiaco
1923/100337 Perth Cox George Alexander M 65 Mary LAVENIA William COX Perth
1923/100338 Perth Baldwin Edward George M 52 Elizabeth UNKNOWN Henry BALDWIN Perth
1923/100339 Perth McLarty Daisy Ellen F 42 Sarah Ellen HANNINGTON John Alexander MCINTOSH Claremont
1923/100340 Perth Harrison Susannah F 69 - John BROWN Cottesloe
1923/100341 Perth Murray Robert Sutherland M 31 Jessie Wilhelmina CROMBIE Robert Sutherland MURRAY Perth
1923/100342 Perth Roads John Richard Douglas M 5 months Mabel Maud TRUAN Thomas ROADS Perth
1923/100343 Perth Troughton Jack M 10 days Nelly ODDY Harold TROUGHTON North Perth
1923/100344 Perth Taylor Isaac James M 60 Rose Ann UNKNOWN Isaac TAYLOR Perth
1923/100345 Perth Tonkin Edward Matthew M 74 Diriah EDWARDS John Foss TONKIN Perth
1923/100346 Perth Light Henry M 76 - William LIGHT Perth
1923/100347 Perth Dunbar John M 70 Ann CAMPBELL John DUNBAR Highgate Hill
1923/100348 Perth Morey Frank Herbert M 53 Jane BONIFACE John MOREY Perth
1923/100349 Perth Trevor Cyril William M 14 months Ellen Eliza May MOREY Cyril Gordon Roy TREVOR Subiaco
1923/100350 Perth Flynn William M 3 days Dora Alice FLYNN - Leederville
1923/100351 Perth Booty Unnamed F Not born alive Blanche Ellen DAWSON Jack Grattan BOOTY Mt Lawley
1923/100352 Perth Willison Stacey George M 78 - James WILLISON Claremont
1923/100353 Perth O'Sullivan Kathleen F 26 Ellen GRIFFIN Patrick O'SULLIVAN Subiaco
1923/100354 Perth Hansen Alfred M 45 Margaritta BRABISH Hans HANSEN Perth
1923/100355 Perth Pendal Ivan Charles M 7 weeks Ada Elizabeth ALGAR Alfred Edward PENDAL Victoria Park
1923/100356 Perth Broderick Janet F 53 - Francis MCFARLANE Victoria Park
1923/100357 Perth Colgan William M 83 Letitia CLYBURN James COLGAN Maylands
1923/100358 Perth Ferris Betty F 14 days Mildred MCWHINNEY David Henry FERRIS Maylands
1923/100359 Perth Burns Mary F 43 Mary GALLAGHER William MALONEY Perth
1923/100360 Perth Petersen William M 40 - - Perth
1923/100361 Perth Gemmell John M 70 - - Perth
1923/100362 Perth White Cecil David Joseph M 4 months Honora WHITE - Leederville
1923/100363 Perth Flemming Charles M 60 - - Perth
1923/100364 Perth Eacott Joseph John M 56 Caroline VICKERS William EACOTT Perth
1923/100365 Perth Myers Ada F 66 Mary UPTON Edward MYERS Perth
1923/100366 Perth Hickling Winifred Agnes F 21 Annie Agnes KELLY Thomas HICKLING Perth
1923/100367 Perth Champion Jane F 55 Annie MCCORMICK John MEALIA Subiaco
1923/100368 Perth Nayler Raymond Maxwell M 5 days Elsie Edith GARDINER George Raymond NAYLER Perth
1923/100369 Perth Campbell Ann F 88 Mary UNKNOWN William COX West Perth
1923/100370 Perth Tyson Walter Herbert M 45 Sarah Ann TUCKER John Eduard TYSON North Perth
1923/100371 Perth Cameron Henry Thomas M 38 Elizabeth ADAMS Peter CAMERON Perth
1923/100372 Perth Wheeldon Henry Smith M 76 Mary Ann SMITH Richard WHEELDON Bayswater
1923/100374 Perth Perrin Bonnie F 4 hours Emily Annie PUGH Ernest Roy PERRIN Perth
1923/100375 Perth Perrin Roy M 6 hours Emily Annie PUGH Ernest Roy PERRIN Perth
1923/100376 Perth Dreschler Edwin Herbert M 26 Emma Maria HANASCHILD Joseph DRESCHLER Claremont
1923/100377 Perth Wedge Amelia Arabella F 68 Elizabeth Susannah LEEDER Jeremiah HICKS Cottesloe
1923/100378 Perth Tonkin Glen Forrest M 6 weeks Elsie Kate MCMILLAN Alvin TONKIN Claremont
1923/100379 Perth McGibbon James M 81 Minnie Anna MCCLEW James MCGIBBON South Perth
1923/100381 Perth Collins Elizabeth Ann F 43 - - Subiaco
1923/100382 Perth Matchett David M 75 Margaret KIDD Nicholas MATCHETT Subiaco
1923/100383 Perth Thomas William John Charles M 3 months Alice Amelia GILLINGHAM Clarence Alfred THOMAS Subiaco
1923/100384 Perth Stang Ada F 50 - - Cottesloe
1923/100385 Perth McKay Audrey Evelyn F 3 Eleanor Beatrice FREARSON John Stanley MCKAY Perth
1923/100386 Perth Wedlick William George Carrington M 19 Elizabeth May KNIGHT William WEDLICK Perth
1923/100387 Perth Coleman Harry Ernest Stewart M 40 Louisa Adelaide ANDREWS Harry Walter COLEMAN Perth
1923/100388 Perth Flint Charles M 5 hours Daisy May MOREY Arthur James FLINT Maylands
1923/100389 Perth Johns Maxine Vivienne F 8 months Alice Maud BAKER Harold Vincent JOHNS South Perth
1923/100390 Perth Barker Anthony M 70 Annie LEEKE Anthony BARKER Perth
1923/100391 Perth Sheppard Ernest M 41 - - Perth
1923/100392 Perth Fisher Elizabeth F 65 - Henry SHATFORD South Perth
1923/100393 Perth Hutchinson Eduard Henry M 58 Laura BRIGHTON John Eduard HUTCHINSON Claremont
1923/100394 Perth Chang Young M 71 - Hee DOO Claremont
1923/100395 Perth Keady Mary Ann F 70 Lucy HUNPHREY John RANDELL Cottesloe
1923/100396 Perth Polletti Joseph M 55 - - Claremont
1923/100397 Perth Taylor Violet Marion McDonald F 45 Eleanor Maria WAKE Frank McDonald ROBERTSON Claremont
1923/100398 Perth Eaton Amy Kate Mary F 37 Mary Elizabeth DICKENSON Henry James BLUNDEN Perth
1923/100399 Perth Carr Bertha F 9 Hannah WHITE George CARR Perth
1923/100400 Perth Cockett Edith Annie F 7 Catherine LEADBITTER Alexander COCKETT East Perth
1923/100401 Perth Spragg Unnamed F Not born alive Ethel May LAMPHEE Arthur SPRAGG North Perth
1923/100402 Perth Secombe Frances Elizabeth F 53 Unknown GRIFFITHS Henry VARNEY Subiaco
1923/100403 Perth Taylor Unnamed F Not born alive Mary Emily TILLOTSON Stephen TAYLOR Mt Hawthorne
1923/100404 Perth Kieley Elizabeth F 58 Elizabeth UNKNOWN Michael KIELEY West Perth
1923/100405 Perth Columbus John M 68 - Paras Kevas COLUMBUS Perth
1923/100406 Perth Sturrock Mary Isabella F 7 weeks Jane TOLMIE David Webster STURROCK Subiaco
1923/100407 Perth McFarlane Florence Louisa F 65 BRIDGET Charles HOWSON North Perth
1923/100408 Perth Horne Ada Mary F 57 Julia HUGGINS Charles BOWDEN Perth
1923/100409 Perth Wilson Alexander Jack M 22 Annie ANGEL Alexander James WILSON North Perth
1923/100410 Perth Lyon Esther May F 12 Martha Gertrude ELTON David LYON Subiaco
1923/100411 Perth Barnes Sarah F 79 Mary UNKNOWN Charles JACKSON West Perth
1923/100412 Perth Jolley Carmel Dawn F 4 months Amy May BARTLE Alfred George JOLLEY Subiaco
1923/100413 Perth Davis Richard Wilson M 61 Mary Elizabeth DALE John William DAVIS North Perth
1923/100414 Perth Higgins Patrick Joseph M 44 - James HIGGINS Perth
1923/100415 Perth Kennedy Martin M 77 - - Subiaco
1923/100416 Perth Zeplin Verna M 1 Alice WATSON Percy Clarence ZEPLIN Subiaco
1923/100417 Perth Kiely Byron M 2 months Nora Maud KIELY - Subiaco
1923/100418 Perth Dawson Norman M 4 months Nellie DAWSON - Perth
1923/100419 Perth Orton Unnamed F Not born alive Edith Ellen GABRIEL Arthur Thomas ORTON Maylands
1923/100420 Perth Connell Mary Teresa F 8 months Lillian CONNELL - Perth
1923/100421 Perth Rettig William John Joseph M 14 Mary CAHILL William RETTIG Perth
1923/100422 Perth Muir Robert Alexander M 37 - - Victoria Park
1923/100423 Perth Andrews Unnamed M Not born alive Ivy BROWN Walter ANDREWS Perth
1923/100424 Perth Binge Unnamed M Not born alive Sarah Elizabeth GHICORE Edward Benjamin BINGE Subiaco
1923/100425 Perth Bradley William Stephen M 34 Agnes WATSON Stephen BRADLEY Subiaco
1923/100426 Perth Howe Kathleen Maud F 6 months Augusta Catherine Elizabeth MANN Euston Lynne HOWE Perth
1923/100427 Perth Sharpe Adela Christine F 70 - Oates SAGAR Mt Lawley
1923/100428 Perth Mort Grace Ellen F 46 Eliza HANCOCK Thomas FARMER Subiaco
1923/100429 Perth Mack Leonard M 3 months Lillian OERMAN William Ernest MACK North Perth
1923/100430 Perth Cavanagh Ernest William M 1 Edith SIMMONS Frederick Joseph CAVANAGH Subiaco
1923/100431 Perth North William M 49 Emma UNKNOWN Abraham NORTH Subiaco
1923/100432 Perth Doyle Mary Ann F 73 - Thomas ALLAN Subiaco
1923/100433 Perth Markham James M 65 Maria HEAGNEY Patrick MARKHAM Claremont
1923/100434 Perth Banbury Joseph Henry M 52 - - Claremont
1923/100435 Perth Gambrell Maud F 39 Amelia UNKNOWN Edward SHAW Claremont
1923/100436 Perth Pascoe Alec M 21 Annie Louise JAMOUNEAN John Willy PASCOE Claremont
1923/100437 Perth Thompson Unnamed F Not born alive Minnie Florence EBSMANN Robert William THOMPSON Victoria Park
1923/100438 Perth Thomas-Humphreys William M 55 - - Perth
1923/100439 Perth Bryce Thomas M 70 - James BRYCE Subiaco
1923/100440 Perth O'Leary Michael James M 37 Julia SCULLY Michael O'LEARY West Perth
1923/100441 Perth Power Gerard Kevin M 4 months Ada Florence BENNETT Nicholas Thomas POWER Perth
1923/100442 Perth Niven John Douglas M 60 - - Perth
1923/100443 Perth Kakis John M 29 - - Subiaco
1923/100444 Perth O'Leary William M 63 - - Subiaco
1923/100445 Perth Moore Unnamed M Not born alive Ruth Hamblin MASON Hector John MOORE Belmont
1923/100446 Perth Power Harry Albert M 53 Theresa MCDONALD Harry POWER Perth
1923/100447 Perth McClure Donald Frederick M 22 Fanny HENSON Thomas MCCLURE Perth
1923/100448 Perth Collins Ernest William M 8 months Minna Sophia BUCKHOLZ George COLLINS Subiaco
1923/100449 Perth Preedy Arthur Joseph M 58 Emma Gay ADAMS James PREEDY Perth
1923/100450 Perth Fisher Rose F 5 weeks Rose MCGUIGAN George FISHER Maylands
1923/100451 Perth Callegan Mary F 7 months Oliva DELL-ANDREA Gerardo CALLEGAN Subiaco
1923/100452 Perth Hare James M 57 - - Perth
1923/100453 Perth Kerin Ellen F 52 Lily HOGAN John KERIN Leederville
1923/100454 Perth Semmens Unnamed M 5 minutes Hazel Lucy May CLARK Aubrey SEMMENS Subiaco
1923/100455 Perth Mair George M 42 Jenine MCDOWELL George Brown MAIR Perth
1923/100456 Perth Meakins Unnamed M Not born alive Isabella CLANCY George Joseph MEAKINS Subiaco
1923/100457 Perth Coulon Jean Rudolph M 83 Unknown DE ST PAUL Wilhelm COULON Perth
1923/100458 Perth Antill Henry Colden M 68 Nellie WILD James Alexander ANTILL Perth
1923/100459 Perth Fawcett Unnamed M Not born alive Irene Hester ATKINSON Ernest Murray Johnson Theodore FAWCETT Perth
1923/100460 Perth Taylor Roy Victor M 3 weeks Irene Mary TAYLOR - Perth
1923/100461 Perth Barker Ernest Walter M 16 hours May UNICUME Ernest Walter BARKER Subiaco
1923/100462 Perth Bayley Margaret F 67 - Roger WILLAN Perth
1923/100463 Perth Cole Christina Helen F 58 Mary KERR William COLE Perth
1923/100464 Perth Rutherford Ronald Hopwood James M 19 Henrietta Eva STRACHAN Charles George RUTHERFORD Perth
1923/100465 Perth Jacobson W J M 42 - - Perth
1923/100466 Perth Seed John Fraser M 13 Eliza DIXON John SEED Claremont
1923/100467 Perth Wood Ronald Joseph M 5 months Elizabeth Lowe Pennicwick SMITH John Morgan WOOD West Subiaco
1923/100468 Perth Ducay Michael Patrick M 65 - - Claremont
1923/100469 Perth Richards Dulcie F 16 - - Claremont
1923/100470 Perth Atherton William M 5 hours Daisy SHEPLEY William Edward ATHERTON Perth
1923/100471 Perth Bailey George M 66 Mary SLEEMAN William BAILEY Perth
1923/100472 Perth Kirkpatrick Lionel Gladstone M 25 Elizabeth UNKNOWN Thomas KIRKPATRICK East Perth
1923/100473 Perth Halliday Maud Blanche F 37 Francis TICHBON Walter HOLLAND Perth
1923/100474 Perth Merritt Isabella Lydia Bruce F 57 Mary BUCHAMAN Matthew MIDDLETON Perth
1923/100475 Perth Youl Elizabeth F 65 Ellen ARMSTRONG James ARMSTRONG Perth
1923/100476 Perth Briggs Unnamed M Not born alive Edith Sophia BEASY Frederick George BRIGGS Victoria Park
1923/100477 Perth Carroll Thomas Michael M 5 months Marian JONES Thomas CARROLL Subiaco
1923/100478 Perth Frazier John Ernest Thomas M 5 months Jessie Camelia Emily May FRAZIER - Perth
1923/100479 Perth Marshall Sybil Phyllis F 1 Gladys WIMBRIDGE Thomas MARSHALL Subiaco
1923/100480 Perth Hogan Mary Catherine F 81 Mary CALDWELL Thomas HACKETT Perth
1923/100481 Perth Chapman Charlotte Elizabeth Lottie F 46 Mary Ann BARNES William Daniel CHAPMAN Mt Lawley
1923/100482 Perth McKell Unnamed M Not born alive Florence May MCKELL - Subiaco
1923/100483 Perth Dixon James M 54 - - Perth
1923/100484 Perth Bromham Eva Charlotte F 10 months Eva MILLER Nathaniel BROMHAM Subiaco
1923/100485 Perth Knowles Joseph M 54 Jane RUTTNER Joseph KNOWLES Perth
1923/100486 Perth Kemp Phillip William M 2 months Phyllis Leonie FOLKARD Joseph Albert Charles KEMP Subiaco
1923/100487 Perth Harold Catherine F 75 Mary WALTON Charles HAROLD Subiaco
1923/100488 Perth Glossop Sylvia Mary F 6 Emily Louisa PARKER Thomas Patrick GLOSSOP West Subiaco
1923/100489 Perth Hogan Frank M 51 - - Claremont
1923/100490 Perth Shaw Thomas M 61 Mary HUNTINGTON John Thomas SHAW Claremont
1923/100491 Perth Punshon Richard James M 47 Ellen WILLIAMS John George PUNSHON Perth
1923/100492 Perth Nicholls Ernest M 11 months Doris Elizabeth WALSH Bertram NICHOLLS Subiaco
1923/100493 Perth Cargill Jean Forbes F 70 Margaret BAIRD James FORBES Inglewood
1923/100494 Perth Ferrier Kenneth William M 3 months Rose KING Wilfred Harry FERRIER Subiaco
1923/100495 Perth Duck Elizabeth F 57 Mary Ann HOWARTH Frederick Charles CASTLES Perth
1923/100496 Perth Sheehan Patrick M 65 Maria CONNOLLY Morris SHEEHAN Perth
1923/100497 Perth Boorn Mavis Lillian F 5 weeks Florence Jane STRUTCHBURY Arthur Alfred BOORN Perth
1923/100498 Perth Moore Elizabeth Ann M 60 Mary MCCARTHY John MOORE Perth
1923/100499 Perth Phipps Arthur M 63 - - West Subiaco
1923/100500 Perth Jacobson Emma F 69 Elizabeth YIND Edward RICH Mt Lawley
1923/100501 Perth McDermott John M 78 - John MCDERMOTT Subiaco
1923/100502 Perth Hastie Harriet F 54 - Thomas WILKES Perth
1923/100503 Perth Pember John Frederick M 4 Clara Cecelia HUTCHINSON Frederick Adolph John PEMBER Subiaco
1923/100504 Perth Lyon Herbert James M 6 Martha Gertrude ELTON David LYON Subiaco
1923/100505 Perth Morton Andrew M 66 Christina HODGE Hugh MORTON Perth
1923/100506 Perth Tyler George M 53 Ann Catherine DREW George TYLER East Perth
1923/100507 Perth Naughton-Wren Mary May F 6 days Annie KELLY John Hillman NAUGHTON-WREN West Perth
1923/100508 Perth Cook Cedric M 4 days Martha Naomi BURGESS Henry Robert COOK Maylands
1923/100509 Perth Gïllvoyte Annie F 54 - Archibald EDGER Subiaco
1923/100510 Perth Hayes William James M 62 Hannah UNKNOWN - Subiaco
1923/100511 Perth Badham Mabel F 23 - - Perth
1923/100512 Perth Wilson Joseph M 84 - - Subiaco
1923/100513 Perth Irvine Margaret F 71 EUPHEMIA Thomas O'KEEFE North Perth
1923/100514 Perth Devenish Ernest M 27 Ann Maria BIRD Edward Charles DEVENISH Perth
1923/100515 Perth Clohessy Mary Ann F 75 Ann MCDONALD Donald SMITH Leederville
1923/100516 Perth Anderson Michael Graham M 88 - Graham ANDERSON Claremont
1923/100517 Perth Gilchrist George M 68 Sarah GARNOR William GILCHRIST Perth
1923/100518 Perth Palmer George Allan M 57 Elizabeth RUMBELONE Thomas PALMER Subiaco
1923/100519 Perth McNerney John Milton M 4 weeks Ellen Charlotte YOUNGER Milton MCNERNEY Subiaco
1923/100520 Perth Goddard Dora Margaret F minutes Margaret Hannah HILL Harold Thomas GODDARD Perth
1923/100521 Perth Warner Esther F 67 Eliza PREBBLE Richard WARNER North Perth
1923/100522 Perth Unknown - F Unknown - - Perth
1923/100523 Perth Orton Albert Ernest M 30 Jessie Isabel PITTMAN James ORTON Perth
1923/100524 Perth Du Few Edwin James M 45 Charlotte MURRAY James Peter DU FEW Subiaco
1923/100525 Perth Godfrey Thomas M 79 Margaret MCDONALD James GODFREY Subiaco
1923/100526 Perth Hayman Elizabeth Ann F 42 - Alexander MCMILLAN Perth
1923/100527 Perth Jellings Bertha May F 38 Ellen DOHERTY Henry BENNETTS Perth
1923/100528 Perth Owen Percy M 7 - - Subiaco
1923/100529 Perth Young William M 32 - - Perth
1923/100530 Perth Collister Hannah F 66 Sarah UNKNOWN Robert COLLISTER Claremont
1923/100531 Perth Craze Sarah Diedre Tudor F 6 weeks Ivy HARRIS William John CRAZE Claremont
1923/100532 Perth Parker Michael M 2 Lillian Alice PARKER - Subiaco
1923/100533 Perth Bunney George Martin M 3 months Lillian Alice MARTIN David Joseph BUNNEY Perth
1923/100534 Perth Sanders William Herbert Lewis M 1 Mabel COOKE Lewis SANDERS Subiaco
1923/100535 Perth Butler Louisa F 86 Elizabeth LEITH William Archer BARRETT Mt Lawley
1923/100536 Perth Dewar John Wilson M 60 Elizabeth TURNER Andrew DEWAR East Perth
1923/100537 Perth Fleming Hezekiah M 68 Emma PIKE James FLEMING Leederville
1923/100538 Perth Grenville Martha Reid F 66 Margaret MOIR James MCMILLAN Perth
1923/100539 Perth Gadsby Phyllis Vivian F 18 months Annie MORRIS Percy GADSBY Subiaco
1923/100540 Perth Murphy Michael M 61 Anne O'CONNOR Edward MURPHY Perth
1923/100541 Perth Jones William Henry M 58 Jane NEWLAND Thomas JONES Perth
1923/100542 Perth Norrish Elizabeth F 65 Knell AUSCOMBE Edward KUELLER Perth
1923/100543 Perth Pendergast Jane F 70 - Edward JONES East Perth
1923/100544 Perth Butcher George Henry Gunn M 42 Rachael GUNN George BUTCHER Perth
1923/100545 Perth Dunn Unnamed M Not born alive Margaret Mary FOX Daniel DUNN Subiaco
1923/100546 Perth Kerr Theresa Adelaide F 48 - - Perth
1923/100547 Perth Bearer Edward M 40 - Edward BEARER Perth
1923/100548 Perth Sholl Elizabeth F 68 - Unknown COSGROVE Perth
1923/100549 Perth Richards Johanna F 62 Unknown LANYON John MELDRUM Perth
1923/100550 Perth Nichol George M 55 Agnes UNKNOWN John NICHOL Subiaco
1923/100551 Perth Hoffman Gustave Henri M 86 - Unknown HOFFMAN Perth
1923/100552 Perth Keirle Molly F 8 months Rose KEIRLE - Subiaco
1923/100553 Perth Brickhill Mildred F 63 Ann CANHAM Joseph GREGSON Perth
1923/100554 Perth O'Brien Mortimer M 63 - Michael O'BRIEN Cottesloe Beach
1923/100555 Perth McDonald Peter M 73 - - Claremont
1923/100556 Perth Monksfield Charles Adolphus M 24 Rebecca RANKIN Charles MONKSFIELD Victoria Park
1923/100557 Perth Webse Edith Rose F 34 Sarah Ann STEVENS Peter Henry CATTANACH Perth
1923/100558 Perth Hirst Charmian May F 15 months Rosa WEIGHELL Thomas HIRST Perth
1923/100559 Perth Bliss William John M 55 Sarah PRESCOTT Nathaniel BLISS Subiaco
1923/100560 Perth Massa Charles M 33 Domenica RICHIARDI John MASSA Victoria Park
1923/100561 Perth Neilsen Alice Jane Jubilee F 36 Jane IRWIN Thomas HARRISON Subiaco
1923/100562 Perth Diamond John M 69 - - Subiaco
1923/100563 Perth Richards Elizabeth F 49 Ann PHILLIPS John JACKSON East Perth
1923/100564 Perth Phacheas Alexander John M 2 days Rose May NEWMAN John PHACHEAS Subiaco
1923/100565 Perth Gollikes James M 55 - - Perth
1923/100566 Perth Worsley Sarah Louise F 60 Sarah BLUNT Richard SHELTON Perth
1923/100567 Perth Allatt Marion Jean F 6 months Myra Mary GALVIN Robert Charles ALLATT Perth
1923/100568 Perth Thackeray Mary Ann F 88 - John Bennett PAULL West Perth
1923/100569 Perth Gill Parmela Ruth F 3 hours Nita STATHAM Hubert Baldwin GILL Perth
1923/100570 Perth Gentle Arthur M 63 Jane JENNINGS William GENTLE Subiaco
1923/100571 Perth Strauch Ernest M 58 - - Subiaco
1923/100572 Perth Monck Louis Ozmond M 57 Unknown ASHLEY John MONCK Maylands
1923/100573 Perth Green Unnamed M Not born alive Sarah Jane SMITH Phillip Isaac GREEN Subiaco
1923/100574 Perth Gallop Charles William M 67 Unknown DOW William GALLOP Subiaco
1923/100575 Perth Walsh William Ernest M 5 Alice MCKEEN William Ernest WALSH Perth
1923/100576 Perth Greaney Mary Ellen F 30 minutes Mary Ellen MAHER Philip GREANEY Perth
1923/100577 Perth Mittall Leslie John M 40 Margaret STOWE Horace NUTTALL Perth
1923/100578 Perth Arnold Englebert Charles M 32 Sarah SIMPKIN Charles Frederick ARNOLD Bayswater
1923/100579 Perth Mayger Mary F 45 Margaret COFFEY Michael KAIN Perth
1923/100580 Perth Rankin William M 61 - - Perth
1923/100581 Perth Feinty Alexander M 46 - - Subiaco
1923/100582 Perth Kennedy Rae Olive F 8 days Maud MURPHY Phillip Joseph KENNEDY Subiaco
1923/100583 Perth Kirk Francis M 78 - Francis KIRK Perth
1923/100584 Perth Corney Eva Kathleen F 48 - Patrick DYNON Subiaco
1923/100585 Perth Brown Joan F 3 months Grace BROWN - Perth
1923/100586 Perth Downes Colin M 12 weeks Gladys Winifred BISHOP Joscelyn Jefferis DOWNES Mt Lawley
1923/100587 Perth McNess Unnamed M Not born alive Constance Isabell HOLLAND Herbert Fortescue MCNESS North Perth
1923/100588 Perth Cargill Alexander M 77 - James CARGILL Subiaco
1923/100589 Perth Lakides Eva F 31 Sunday PETER Emanuel GORILLES Perth
1923/100590 Perth Thorpe Thomas Abel M 64 Mary Ann MAHER William Abel THORPE Claremont
1923/100591 Perth O'Shea Denis M 67 Julia REARDEN Denis O'SHEA Claremont
1923/100592 Perth Flook Walter Willmot M 59 Elizabeth NORMAN Henry Arthur FLOOK Claremont
1923/100593 Perth Fletcher Margaret Susannah F 16 Muriel Elizabeth BROWN Thomas Fred FLETCHER Claremont
1923/100594 Perth Maxwell Georgina Thomasina F 74 Ellenor BELL Edwin Strangford MAXWELL Claremont
1923/100595 Perth Lloyd Unnamed M Not born alive Emma Kerson EDGAR Clifton Surrey LLOYD Subiaco
1923/100596 Perth Lloyd Emma Kerson F 32 Amelia DUNGER David EDGAR Subiaco
1923/100597 Perth Elleray Walter John M 6 months Nora Christine WINTER Alexander John ELLERAY Perth
1923/100598 Perth Durham James M 64 Catherine MCCORMACK James DURHAM Claremont
1923/100599 Perth O'Dea Michael M 64 Susan MASKILL Michael O'DEA Claremont
1923/100600 Perth Gillies Walter Sandeman M 61 Katherine Patrick Sandeman GILLIES North Perth
1923/100601 Perth Weaver Unnamed M Not born alive Mary Elizabeth SEXTON James Albert WEAVER North Perth
1923/100602 Perth Ewan Archibald M 7 - Unknown EWAN Subiaco
1923/100603 Perth Lee George M 84 - - Claremont
1923/100604 Perth Smith Janet Clarence F 45 - - Subiaco
1923/100605 Perth Holdsworth Mabel F 9 months Ada PRIESTLEY Harry HOLDSWORTH Subiaco
1923/100606 Perth Byrne Dorothy Mary F 3 months Catherine BIRMINGHAM Edward Patrick BYRNE Subiaco
1923/100607 Perth Rankine-Wilson Audrey F 7 months Georgina Murray CAMPBELL Theodore John RANKINE-WILSON Perth
1923/100608 Perth Darch Johanna Carroll F 87 - - Perth
1923/100609 Perth Thompson Thomas Sydney M 20 Mary Ellen O'KEEFE Thomas THOMPSON Perth
1923/100610 Perth Shaw Frank M 8 months Annie RICHARDSON Stanley SHAW Subiaco
1923/100611 Perth Lilly Julia F 57 Julia BARRY James PHLEAN Subiaco
1923/100612 Perth Carmody Patrick M 70 Catherine RYAN Peter CARMODY Subiaco
1923/100613 Perth McCaughan Charles Thomas Irwin M 3 months Holly EGGLESTON Thomas MCCAUGHAN Subiaco
1923/100614 Perth Donaldson Dorothy F 54 Isabella WEATHERBURN James HELLAM Victoria Park
1923/100615 Perth Flanagan James Frederick M 43 - Michael FLANAGAN Victoria Park
1923/100616 Perth Hood Unnamed M Not born alive Kate Manwarring SMITH William HOOD Perth
1923/100617 Perth Mattingley Vernon Anthony M 51 Isabel UNKNOWN William John MATTINGLEY North Perth
1923/100618 Perth Hall Joyce F 13 months Alice HUMPHREYS Albert Alfred HALL Subiaco
1923/100619 Perth Gravestock Winifred F 5 months Florence Sarah STEVENS John GRAVESTOCK North Perth
1923/100620 Perth Harris Elizabeth F 85 - Thomas UNKNOWN Perth
1923/100621 Perth Grieve Jean Marguerite F 18 days Lillian Jean BOULDER George GRIEVE Subiaco
1923/100622 Perth Wilson James M 68 Isabella MCINTOSH Unknown WILSON Maylands
1923/100623 Perth Hope Samuel M 92 - Henry Hood HOPE North Perth
1923/100624 Perth Kaiser Margaret Devine F 61 Barbara ROBERTSON William Boyd DINGWALL Subiaco
1923/100625 Perth Lee Joseph Henry M 65 Bridget SPLINTER Alfred LEE Perth
1923/100626 Perth Logue William Henry M 60 Sarah CLARKE William LOGUE West Perth
1923/100627 Perth McLaughlan Henry Criton M 80 - - Victoria Park
1923/100628 Perth Down James M 59 - - Perth
1923/100629 Perth Yates Laura Hephzibah F 29 Emma EYLES Harry CATCHPOLE Perth
1923/100630 Perth Klaus Godfreid Albert Otto M 60 - - Perth
1923/100631 Perth Simmons Horace M 50 - Horace SIMMONS Claremont
1923/100632 Perth Mellor Robert Alfred M 10 months Ethel May SHERIDAN Alfred Joseph MELLOR Subiaco
1923/100633 Perth Jellis John M 77 Hannah DAYTON William JELLIS Claremont
1923/100634 Perth Barrett John M 76 Grace HARRISON John BARRETT Claremont
1923/100635 Perth Kelly Unnamed F Not born alive Gertrude May KELLY - Perth
1923/100636 Perth Watson John Murray M 81 - - Perth
1923/100637 Perth Chandler Thomas M 61 - - Perth
1923/100638 Perth Corbett Thomas M 62 - - Perth
1923/100639 Perth Hassell O A M 60 - - Subiaco
1923/100640 Perth Belcher Helen Faye F 10 months Susan HOPE John William BELCHER West Perth
1923/100641 Perth Dyson Yvonne Marjory F 6 months Mabel GOULD Andrew Samuel DYSON Subiaco
1923/100642 Perth Bell Dulcie Ivy F 17 hours Edna Sophia BATTYE Frederick BELL Victoria Park
1923/100643 Perth Armstrong James Thomas M 67 Elizabeth BROOMFIELD James ARMSTRONG Claremont
1923/100644 Perth Hill William M 76 Lily GLOVER Robert HILL Claremont
1923/100645 Perth Silk James M 75 Mary MALONE William SILK Claremont
1923/100646 Perth Ferguson John M 59 Mary Agnes ANDERSON John FERGUSON Perth
1923/100647 Perth Cadlolo Alfred M 50 Emma JONES James CADLOLO Victoria Park
1923/100648 Perth Suckling George Ross M 54 Isobel UNKNOWN Thomas SUCKLING Subiaco
1923/100649 Perth Mills Unnamed M Not born alive Isobel LYNDE John Raymond MILLS Subiaco
1923/100650 Perth Watkins Florence Amy F 11 months Amy COWLISHAW Arthur WATKINS Perth
1923/100651 Perth Paton Henry Oliphant M 85 - - East Perth
1923/100652 Perth Morrish Emily Louise F 36 Unknown CROFT James PULBROOK Carlisle
1923/100653 Perth Burrows Loyal Edward M 5 minutes Violet Grace PEMBER Percy Edward BURROWS Subiaco
1923/100654 Perth Hogan Ellen Mary F 52 Ann SHEEHAN Thomas HOGAN Subiaco
1923/100655 Perth Gibson William M 63 - - Subiaco
1923/100656 Perth Clarke Jane Elizabeth F 78 June Elizabeth HULL Richard FRANKLIN North Perth
1923/100657 Perth Grennan Daniel M 59 Catherine O'REILLY Daniel GRENNAN Claremont
1923/100658 Perth Moore Felix Ross M 2 Caroline Ethel HELLWIGS Aubrey Edmund MOORE Subiaco
1923/100659 Perth Gadsby Unnamed M Not born alive Annie MORRIS - Subiaco
1923/100660 Perth Brady James M 5 weeks Florence Annie ANDERSON John Matthew BRADY Subiaco
1923/100661 Perth Fagan William Henry M 55 Elizabeth DONNELLY Henry Ryan FAGAN Perth
1923/100662 Perth Johnsen Ole Berdeinas M 64 - Johennes OLSEN Perth
1923/100663 Perth Clements Desmond Keith M 1 Katherine Mary Elizabeth DENNIS Charles William CLEMENTS West Subiaco
1923/100664 Perth Cole Henry M 68 - Henry COLE Perth
1923/100665 Perth Mallis Unnamed M Not born alive Trantafillia ZEMBILA Spiros Michael MALLIS Perth
1923/100666 Perth Hodder Unnamed M Not born alive Martha BREMMER Rockley James William HODDER West Perth
1923/100667 Perth Needham Helene F 66 - Thomas WYNN-KNIGHT Highgate Hill
1923/100668 Perth Wall George Ernest M 42 - Susan UNKNOWN Subiaco
1923/100669 Perth Latimer Walter M 53 Mary Ann HALLIDAY William LATIMER Claremont
1923/100670 Perth Harris Unnamed F 8 hours Molly DALY Claude HARRIS Cottesloe Beach
1923/100671 Perth Brooks James M 65 May Aletia UNKNOWN Joseph BROOKS Subiaco
1923/100672 Perth Borland Alexander M 61 Elizabeth YOUNG Robert BORLAND Leederville
1923/100673 Perth Robinson Mary Jane M 51 Margaret UNKNOWN James DYSON Subiaco
1923/100674 Perth Cox Susie F 19 Mary Ann WRIGHT Edward Henry COX Victoria Park
1923/100675 Perth Goldstone Robert M 37 Eliza ANDREWS Walter GOLDSTONE North Perth
1923/100676 Perth Fisher Doreen F 13 months Rose MCGUIGAN George FISHER Subiaco
1923/100677 Perth Wells Peter Romald M 3 weeks Winifred Queenie LUTON Albert James WELLS Carlisle
1923/100678 Perth Fletcher Dorothy Beatrice F 8 Mabel Florence FOSTER Ernest Rhodes FLETCHER East Perth
1923/100679 Perth Kenworthy William M 73 Unknown ASKILL Joseph KENWORTHY Mt Lawley
1923/100680 Perth Gray Maria F 84 Hannah GWYTHER James WICKLIFFE Mt Lawley
1923/100681 Perth Howard Julia Maude F 73 Mary Teresa COLLINS Benjamin O'CONNOR Mt Lawley
1923/100682 Perth Faulkner Elizabeth May F 55 - - Perth
1923/100683 Perth Tucker Louisa F 76 - Unknown HARRIS Perth
1923/100684 Perth Richardson James M 57 - James RICHARDSON Perth
1923/100685 Perth Atkins Dorothy May F 13 months Amy May BASKERVILLE George ATKINS Subiaco
1923/100686 Perth Barham Unnamed M Not born alive Jessie Avery THOMAS George Alfred BARHAM Perth
1923/100687 Perth Barham Jessie Avery F 27 Elizabeth AVERY Watkin William Wynne THOMAS Perth
1923/100688 Perth Elliott Phillip Bowes M 7 hours Lavinia May CLEARY Francis Evelyn Swan ELLIOTT Subiaco
1923/100689 Perth Elliott Beatrice May F 18 hours Lavinia May CLEARY Francis Evelyn Swan ELLIOTT Subiaco
1923/100690 Perth Coles Emma Austin F 78 Maria CHANDLEIGH Joseph Edward WORRELL Subiaco
1923/100691 Perth Sherwood Beryl Millicent F 15 Annie TASSIE Charles Mews SHERWOOD Subiaco
1923/100692 Perth Loy George M 63 Bridget GALAGLEY Francis LOY Claremont
1923/100693 Perth Elliott George M 65 - - Claremont
1923/100694 Perth Wright Richard M 74 Martha KING Richard WRIGHT Claremont
1923/100695 Perth Treacy Hugh M 75 Bessie CRAIG James TREACY Claremont
1923/100696 Perth Johnston John Charlton M 78 Elizabeth UNKNOWN James William JOHNSTON Claremont
1923/100697 Perth Spangenberg Olga Martha F 65 - - Mt Lawley
1923/100698 Perth Friend Thomas D M 55 - - West Perth
1923/100699 Perth Patterson John David M 85 Marion UNKNOWN David PATTERSON Perth
1923/100700 Perth Cameron Mary May F 27 Mary SHERWOOD James RATCLIFFE Perth
1923/100701 Perth Graham Ellen F 59 - Unknown DAWSON Perth
1923/100702 Perth Heath Janet Annie F 45 Charlotte Elizabeth JAMES Edward Jackson MAY South Perth
1923/100703 Perth Monteath Robert M 56 - - Perth
1923/100704 Perth Boura John Sydabad M 73 Eliza REWELL John William Atlee BOURA Maylands
1923/100705 Perth Tyler Peter Douglas M 7 days Edith Muriel TAYLOR Robert Emerie TYLER Perth
1923/100706 Perth O'Donohoe Elizabeth Mary Sheila F 15 Mary Annie NOLAN Thomas Joseph O'DONOHOE Subiaco
1923/100707 Perth Hicks Annie F 52 - - Perth
1923/100708 Perth Hainsworth Nora Margaret F 26 - Unknown ADAMS Perth
1923/100709 Perth Woulfe Patrick Ernest M 50 Mary DALY Patrick WOULFE Perth
1923/100710 Perth Morris William John M 13 months Caroline MORRIS - Subiaco
1923/100711 Perth Owens Emily F 41 Hannah WEBB George EBBAGE Perth
1923/100712 Perth Gloster Margaret Jane F 80 Margaret BURNS William DOBBINSON Swanbourne
1923/100713 Perth Kennedy Peter M 45 Jessie MCINTYRE James KENNEDY Perth
1923/100714 Perth Woolhouse Wesley M 45 Sarah KEY Wesley WOOLHOUSE Perth
1923/100715 Perth Coombs Henry Leonard M 3 months Pearl Emily GREAVES Walter George COOMBS Victoria Park
1923/100716 Perth Edwards Alfred John M 1 Lillian Evelyn PERRIE John Charles Timothy EDWARDS Subiaco
1923/100717 Perth Aram Florence Julia F 70 Julia Elizabeth WILLIAMS James BAKER Perth
1923/100718 Perth Ah Lim - M 56 - - Perth
1923/100719 Perth Crawford James M 66 Mary YOUNG James CRAWFORD Claremont
1923/100720 Perth Brown John Douglas M 45 Unknown MCGUINN Robert Neilson BROWN Claremont
1923/100721 Perth Brophy Patrick M 88 Bridget PENDIFF John BROPHY Claremont
1923/100722 Perth Lusk John James M 68 Ellen KELLY Daniel LUSK Claremont
1923/100723 Perth Mettam Frederick Hunter M 5 months Eileen Olive HUNTER Frederick METTAM East Perth
1923/100724 Perth Griffin Frederick Michael M 76 Ellen O'DONOGHUE Ambrose GRIFFIN Perth
1923/100725 Perth Dacomb Henry Edmund M 67 Eliza THOMAS-EVANS Edmund DACOMB Perth
1923/100726 Perth Roberts Thomas M 62 - - Perth
1923/100727 Perth O'Keeffe Catherine F 78 Mary MULVERBILL James FITZGERALD Leederville
1923/100728 Perth Clarke Walter James M 4 Jane Amelia BRAND William CLARKE Subiaco
1923/100729 Perth McDonald Stephen Francis M 59 Mary MCMAHON John MCDONALD Subiaco
1923/100730 Perth Boddy John M 67 Catherine O'DONNELL John BODDY Claremont
1923/100731 Perth Hutson Giles Hercules M 71 Eliza JAMESON Giles HUTSON Claremont
1923/100732 Perth Hay Jose Guillermo M 75 - Unknown HAY Perth
1923/100733 Perth Watson Alfred M 43 Eliza FEAST Robert WATSON Perth
1923/100734 Perth Ray Reuben Stewart M 11 months Ethel Hughana POTTS Walter William George RAY Victoria Park
1923/100735 Perth Wallace Vivian Squire Foyster M 59 Marion FOYSTER Thomas William WALLACE Perth
1923/100736 Perth Abbott Joyce Olga F 3 months Helen Josephine STOCKBRIDGE Alfred George ABBOTT Subiaco
1923/100737 Perth Peak Eliza F 68 Ann FLETCHER Unknown HALL Perth
1923/100738 Perth Bennett James M 65 Catherine THOMAS John BENNETT Claremont
1923/100739 Perth Martin George Frederick M 59 Emma Harmer BELCHER Unknown MARTIN Perth
1923/100740 Perth Meakins Charlotte Ethel F 42 Margaret DAWSON Joseph HITCHINS Perth
1923/100741 Perth Smith Annie Beatrice F 42 Mary FARRINGTON Alfred SMITH Perth
1923/100742 Perth Rowles Evelyn Heather F 32 Bridget Elizabeth CUNNINGHAM Thomas CASSIDY Perth
1923/100743 Perth Praed William M 57 Grace HUNKIN Edward PRAED Perth
1923/100744 Perth Higgs Esther Elizabeth F 60 - William GRESCHIN Maylands
1923/100745 Perth Elliott John Bardowe Boas M 36 - Frank Errland Boas ELLIOTT Subiaco
1923/100746 Perth Moresby John Shaner Ward M 42 Annie SUMMERVILLE Richard MORESBY Perth
1923/100747 Perth Frost Unnamed M Not born alive Ethel CAROLINE Arthur Cecil FROST Victoria Park
1923/100748 Perth Short Ernest Walter M 28 Rebecca SOLOMON Thomas SHORT Perth
1923/100749 Perth Satinover Bearnard M 68 - Jacob SATINOVER Perth
1923/100750 Perth Shaw Minnie F 64 Minnie UNKNOWN Unknown TAYLOR Subiaco
1923/100751 Perth Howell Ellen F 70 - - West Perth
1923/100752 Perth McEwan Andrew M 84 - John MCEWAN West Perth
1923/100753 Perth Harris Amran Henry M 79 - - Perth
1923/100754 Perth Fleet Evelyn Nellie F 22 Nellie HAYES William FLEET Perth
1923/100755 Perth George Unnamed M Not born alive Jemima HAMILTON John GEORGE Subiaco
1923/100756 Perth Cain Martin M 52 Sarah UNKNOWN Thomas CAIN Subiaco
1923/100757 Perth Tresidder Frances Elizabeth F 60 Mary Jane HALSE Robert TRESIDDER Perth
1923/100758 Perth Hourigan Daniel M 58 - - Perth
1923/100759 Perth Mamias John M 30 - Stamatios MAMIAS Perth
1923/100760 Perth Stewart Constance Annie F 42 Elizabeth Jane MERCHANT Daniel TYERS Perth
1923/100761 Perth Hodges Sarah F 81 Sarah UNKNOWN Thomas HOLDEN Perth
1923/100762 Perth Little Theresa Mary F 37 Margaret MCNAMARA Michael DOOLAN Subiaco
1923/100763 Perth Cody Mary F 83 Marguerite UNKNOWN Thomas CODY Leederville
1923/100764 Perth Fitzgerald Edward M 73 - - Perth
1923/100765 Perth Latimer Mary Ann F 85 - Unknown HALLIDAY Maylands
1923/100766 Perth Davey George Edwin M 68 Mary WALLACE Thomas DAVEY Subiaco
1923/100767 Perth Moran Philip Lester M 42 - Walter Lester MORAN Claremont
1923/100768 Perth Green Catherine F 87 - James RYAN Perth
1923/100769 Perth Guile Thelma Doreen F 14 months Gladys SHARP Harry GUILE West Subiaco
1923/100770 Perth Kidd Unnamed F Not born alive Tirzuh Frances GWYNNE William Thomas KIDD North Perth
1923/100771 Perth Good Eliza Ann F 97 Grace DWELBY Joseph HALLETT North Perth
1923/100772 Perth Mercer Samuel George M 48 Edith BIRTLES Richard Herbert MERCER Perth
1923/100773 Perth McFarlane Harriett Frances F 3 Jean STRACHEN Thomas MCFARLANE Subiaco
1923/100774 Perth Burgess Ronald Jim M 3 Alice Mary PEGDEN Alexander George BURGESS West Subiaco
1923/100775 Perth Bastin Charles Hiram M 59 - Unknown BASTIN West Perth
1923/100776 Perth Blight May Margaret F 30 Bridget QUILTY Michael MULLINS North Perth
1923/100777 Perth Cunninghame Matthew M 39 Cecilia COOMER John Patrick CUNNINGHAME Inglewood
1923/100778 Perth Foxall Mary Josephine F 31 Catherine MADIGAN John J O'GRADY Perth
1923/100779 Perth Lambert Richard Joseph M 60 Margaret Jane GEOGHEGAN William LAMBERT Subiaco
1923/100780 Perth Hynes Michael Francis William M 46 Maria MCCAWLEY Michael HYNES Subiaco
1923/100781 Perth Daddow Gwen May F 6 months Elizabeth HARKNETT Stanley DADDOW Subiaco
1923/100782 Perth Mahon Peter Michael M 60 Ann OATES John MAHON Subiaco
1923/100783 Perth Burke Robert John M 9 Nora FITZGERALD William John BURKE Subiaco
1923/100784 Perth Le Cras Unnamed M Not born alive Lillie LE CRAS - Subiaco
1923/100785 Perth Lubkes Augusta M 81 - - Perth
1923/100786 Perth Aitcheson William M 48 - - Perth
1923/100787 Perth Davis Thomas M 82 Bridget MURPHY John DAVIS Perth
1923/100788 Perth Turner Thomas M 85 Betsy O'BRIEN James TURNER Claremont
1923/100789 Perth Glynn Patrick M 73 - Patrick GLYNN Claremont
1923/100790 Perth Church Robert Edward M 85 Mary COATES Thomas CHURCH Claremont
1923/100791 Perth Osmond Samuel M 77 - Edward ESMOND Claremont
1923/100792 Perth Fitzpatrick Michael M 64 Honora BARRY Dennis FITZPATRICK Claremont
1923/100793 Perth Sweetman John James M 40 Barbara SIMPSON Joseph SWEETMAN Claremont
1923/100794 Perth Stack Ada F 22 Rita UNKNOWN Jim STACK Claremont
1923/100795 Perth Waterhouse Amy Mary Ann F 58 Jane UNKNOWN James STUART Cottesloe
1923/100796 Perth Wilson David Marshall M 66 Mary MARSHALL Archibald WILSON Claremont
1923/100797 Perth Thomas Leslie Emanuel M 3 days Lenora Margaret ROBINSON Ernest Sydney THOMAS Cottesloe
1923/100798 Perth King Bernard M 91 - - Perth
1923/100799 Perth Dennison Unnamed M Not born alive Caroline DAVIES Laurence DENNISON Subiaco
1923/100800 Perth Myers Marguerite F 3 months Florence Anne HASWELL Francis William MYERS Leederville
1923/100801 Perth Roach Thomas William M 72 Jane NAIRN Thomas ROACH West Leederville
1923/100802 Perth Dickson Olive Jane F 31 Fanny Margaret SHERRIN Moses BUTCHER Swanbourne
1923/100803 Perth Rann George William M 67 Eleanor NORICE William George RANN Perth
1923/100804 Perth Bartlett Unnamed F 30 minutes Jane Rose WALES John Henry BARTLETT Perth
1923/100805 Perth Patman William M 48 Elizabeth Hope AFFLICK James PATMAN Perth
1923/100806 Perth Kirk Archibald Byers M 75 - David KIRK Claremont
1923/100807 Perth Heald Ellen F 64 - Unknown MOORE Perth
1923/100808 Perth Gibson Jessie F 34 Hannah STOCKTON Andrew GIBSON Perth
1923/100809 Perth Hislop George Smith M 87 Mary LESLIE Andrew HISLOP Perth
1923/100810 Perth Duffy Frank M 42 - - Inglewood
1923/100811 Perth Potter Unnamed F Not born alive Kathleen Edith CHAMP Bertram Ward POTTER Subiaco
1923/100812 Perth Splatt Eliza F 98 Mary TREVENICK John WILLIAMS Subiaco
1923/100813 Perth Barnes Edith Margaretta Penwill F 38 Edith Jane PENWILL Thomas Harris PARSONS Subiaco
1923/100814 Perth Bacchus Archibald Samuel M 49 Marion THOMPSON Samuel BACCHUS Perth
1923/100815 Perth McKeown Florence Eva F 40 Mary Ann FOWLER William FORREST Victoria Park
1923/100816 Perth Butler Judith F 69 - - Claremont
1923/100817 Perth Solomon Alick M 52 - - Claremont
1923/100818 Perth Parker Herbert M 33 Ellen STAPLES Henry PARKER Claremont
1923/100819 Perth Harvey Henry M 52 - Henry HARVEY Claremont
1923/100820 Perth Walters James M 79 - - Mt Lawley
1923/100821 Perth Tong Lee M 72 - - Perth
1923/100822 Perth Wigg Robert James M 74 Mary Ann FOISON Robert Hayes WIGG East Perth
1923/100823 Perth Jeisman Martin Leslie M 7 months Maud JEISMAN - Perth
1923/100824 Perth Proctor Edward M 89 - - Perth
1923/100825 Perth Goerke Doris Marguerite F 21 Amy Margaret DUNN Sidney Thomas BAKER Subiaco
1923/100826 Perth Fitzsimmons William M 77 - John FITZSIMMONS Perth
1923/100827 Perth Ketterer Unnamed M Not born alive Gertrude RICHARDSON Eugene Englebert KETTERER Subiaco
1923/100828 Perth Murray Unnamed F Not born alive Vene Netta Josephine BUCKLEY Reginald MURRAY North Perth
1923/100829 Perth Goerke Unnamed M Not born alive Doris Marguerite BAKER Leslie Reuben GOERKE Victoria Park
1923/100830 Perth Henry Betty Mary F 3 days Frida Farnny BRITTAIN James HENRY Subiaco
1923/100831 Perth Häussler Mathilde F 42 Amalie HAZEL Gregor HEYBERGER Perth
1923/100832 Perth Mackey George William M 49 Mary UNKNOWN George William MACKEY Leederville
1923/100833 Perth Wright Maude Elizabeth F 43 Elizabeth CAPORN John George MCNESS Subiaco
1923/100834 Perth King William M 73 Annie BUTLER Thomas KING Claremont
1923/100835 Perth Gustafson Oscar M 60 - - Subiaco
1923/100836 Perth Potter Colthorpe M 53 Mary UNKNOWN Richard POTTER Perth
1923/100837 Perth Wooduard John Henry Fountain M 31 Maude Ellen HASSELL Henry Page WOODUARD Leederville
1923/100838 Perth Heweston Dympna Aloysius F 31 Bridget MISKIN Patrick John BUTLER Perth
1923/100839 Perth Rodier Unnamed F Not born alive Elizabeth Ann LANGLEY Samuel Henry RODIER Subiaco
1923/100840 Perth Kealley Thomas M 69 Maria NOOK Samuel Joseph KEALLEY Perth
1923/100841 Perth Thielemann Unnamed F Not born alive Eleanor LANDER Charles Henry THIELEMANN Carlisle
1923/100842 Perth Gollan James Eduard M 62 Annie BARTLEY Donald GOLLAN Claremont
1923/100843 Perth Davies Sophia F 62 - Isaac WORTLEY Subiaco
1923/100844 Perth Lloyd Mervyn Ambrose M 15 Elizabeth Annie COALTHAM Thomas LLOYD Subiaco
1923/100845 Perth Wadsworth Charles M 54 Emma UNKNOWN Daniel WADSWORTH Perth
1923/100846 Perth Perry Evelyn Myrtle F 9 months Grace Evelyn BRAMBLE Thomas Reuben PERRY Subiaco
1923/100847 Perth Densley Elsie Matilda F 35 Annie HILL Jeremiah BUTLER Perth
1923/100848 Perth Hatfield Jane F 71 Sarah DARRS John MITCHELL Cottesloe Beach
1923/100849 Perth Holmes Norma Marjorie F 2 Sarah Ann HARRINGTON William HOLMES West Subiaco
1923/100850 Perth Williams Elizabeth Julia F 69 - John WILLIAMS Perth
1923/100851 Perth Rigg Herbert John M 39 Ada Sarah Frances HAWKINS John RIGG Perth
1923/100852 Perth Jones Victor Florence M 43 Mary Theresa MARSDEN Busfield Charles JONES Perth
1923/100853 Perth Taylor Unnamed F Not born alive Ivy Lorna REYNOLDS Gordon Walter TAYLOR Subiaco
1923/100854 Perth Schaefer Edward Nicholas M 23 Mary Ann GIBBS Nicholas SCHAEFER Perth
1923/100855 Perth Edgar Frederick Osmond M 69 - - Claremont
1923/100856 Perth Nightingale Arthur M 64 - Frederick NIGHTINGALE Claremont
1923/100857 Perth Davies Owen William M 56 Harriet OLIVER David William DAVIES Claremont
1923/100858 Perth Morrish William M 56 Isabella MCVEA Richard MORRISH Perth
1923/100859 Perth Stone Lorna Clarice F 15 days Vera EDWARDS Harold Evan STONE Subiaco
1923/100860 Perth Murphy John F 75 - - Perth
1923/100861 Perth Griffiths George M 57 - - Perth
1923/100862 Perth Ratcliffe Thomas M 53 - - Perth
1923/100863 Perth Spencer Paul M 49 Austinnett ADDIS Arthur William SPENCER Perth
1923/100864 Perth Burtonwood Joseph William M 50 Mary STEVENSON Joseph BURTONWOOD Perth
1923/100865 Perth Carter William M 63 Maria FINLEY William CARTER Perth
1923/100866 Perth Goldsworthy Margaret Alexandra F 63 Emma MILNE Thomas WOOD Perth
1923/100867 Perth Crawley George William M 67 - Unknown CRAWLEY Perth
1923/100868 Perth Thomas John M 56 Mary PHILLIPS John THOMAS Perth
1923/100869 Perth Baker Frank Robert M 23 Jane Eliza MITCHELL Denham BAKER Claremont
1923/100870 Perth Smith James M 69 - - Claremont
1923/100871 Perth Millman John M 63 Mary Ann WATSON Jonathan MILLMAN Swanbourne
1923/100872 Perth Dawson Long M 78 - - Perth
1923/100873 Perth Smith Edward M 69 Ellen BARROW James SMITH Claremont
1923/100874 Perth McKenna Thomas M 83 Mary LEONARD Terence MCKENNA Claremont
1923/100875 Perth Rowe Unnamed M Not born alive Isabel BROWN - West Perth
1923/100876 Perth Doyle Joseph Edward M 2 days Lucy Martha PILONI Edward Patrick DOYLE Perth
1923/100877 Perth Lynch Joseph Henry M 3 weeks Charlotte Mary LYNCH - Subiaco
1923/100878 Perth Smith Thomas Tall M 75 Catherine TALL Richard SMITH Claremont
1923/100879 Perth Oelman David Frederick Charles M 18 Annie Grace WALTERSON Frederick Joseph OELMAN Claremont
1923/100880 Perth Darcy Charles Michael M 38 Lucy FREEMAN James DARCY Perth Public Hospital
1923/100881 Perth Lee Thomas M 71 Mary FREUSH Frederick Augusta LEE Perth
1923/100882 Perth Drummond Robert Nule M 2 Ruby Evelyn DAFFELL William Yule DRUMMOND Nedlands
1923/100883 Perth Posford Veronica F 36 hours Edith Alice RAULES Percy Alfred POSFORD Perth
1923/100884 Perth Thomson William M 72 - - Victoria Park
1923/100885 Perth Wells George Gilbert M 45 - - Perth
1923/100886 Perth Peterson Alec M 44 - - Perth
1923/100887 Perth Lorden Tom Hobart M 48 Mary LORDEN Thomas Lewis LORDEN Subiaco
1923/100888 Perth Taylor James William M 62 Harriett TAYLOR Thomas TAYLOR Perth
1923/100889 Perth Truby Sarah Ann F 73 Annie Maria DUNKLEY George LONGBOTTOM Perth
1923/100890 Perth Potter Kathleen Edith F 33 Susanna STOREY Henry CHAMP Subiaco
1923/100891 Perth Burrows George M 58 Mary Ann DELLER William BURROWS Maylands
1923/100892 Perth Nimmo George Seymour M 59 Mary HYDE Thomas NIMMO Perth
1923/100893 Perth McCann James M 69 Mary LYNCH Patrick MCCANN North Perth
1923/100894 Perth Lammonsby Leonard Russell M 10 weeks Nellie ALEXANDER Harry LAMMONBY Subiaco
1923/100895 Perth Fowler William Arthur M 9 days Ethel COOK John FOWLER Subiaco
1923/100896 Perth Nicholson John F 71 Mary Ann ALLEN Joseph NICHOLSON West Perth
1923/100897 Perth Lidzion Julius M 42 - - Perth
1923/100898 Perth Ryan Mary Ann F 81 Esther ELLIS William BERRY Perth
1923/100899 Perth Weir James M 72 Isabella SMILEY John WEIR Claremont
1923/100900 Perth Scholey Tabitha Marie F 58 - Unknown PIKE Claremont
1923/100901 Perth Clegg Elizabeth Annie F 42 Annie MCDONALD Charles MURRAY Perth
1923/100902 Perth Bradfield Sadie F 47 Margaret SHORTEN John GOOD Victoria Park
1923/100903 Perth McCarlie John Charles M 47 Elizabeth HICKS Unknown MCCARLIE Perth
1923/100904 Perth Welfare Christina Margaret F 51 Hannah UNKNOWN Thomas SMYTH Claremont
1923/100905 Perth Ponsford Thomas M 78 Sarah BURTENSHAW George PONSFORD Claremont
1923/100906 Perth Hopkins James M 75 - Patrick HOPKINS Claremont
1923/100907 Perth Stewart James M 81 Sarah LENNOX James STEWART Claremont
1923/100908 Perth McCleery Robert M 85 - Unknown MCCLEERY West Subiaco
1923/100909 Perth Ward Charles M 73 - - Perth
1923/100910 Perth Taylor Alexander M 32 - - Perth
1923/100911 Perth McGuire Alice May F 14 Alice Maud MILLER William John MCGUIRE Perth
1923/100912 Perth Parker Emma F 85 - Robert EDWARDS Bayswater
1923/100913 Perth Wilson Stanley M 75 - - Perth
1923/100914 Perth McHarry James M 54 - - Perth
1923/100915 Perth Lavelle Richard M 65 Sarah KERRIGAN Peter LAVELLE Perth
1923/100916 Perth Waldock William Henry M 84 - Jesse WALDOCK Perth
1923/100917 Perth McCarthy Daniel M 92 - - Cottesloe
1923/100918 Perth Clough Eveline F 46 Jane FLEMING James BLAKE Perth
1923/100919 Perth Purvis Harold M 26 Barbara LOWE John PURVIS Victoria Park
1923/100920 Perth Pennycuick Percy Edward M 15 Agnes STEWART John James PENNYCUICK Perth
1923/100921 Perth Dimond Unnamed M Not born alive Catherine HALL Reginald Edward DIMOND Perth
1923/100922 Perth Pettigrew William Allan M 32 - - Perth
1923/100923 Perth Doxey Hercules Pole M 69 - John DOXEY Perth
1923/100924 Perth Copley Emma F 53 Elizabeth UNKNOWN James GRIFFITHS Subiaco
1923/100925 Perth Gildersleeves William M 43 Fanny GARNHAM William GILDERSLEEVES Perth
1923/100926 Perth Thurkle Francis M 57 - Edward THURKLE Subiaco
1923/100927 Perth Fleming James Compton M 68 - Frederick John FLEMING West Perth
1923/100928 Perth Mannel Antony M 50 - - Perth
1923/100929 Perth Jones Unnamed M Not born alive Ada Mary COCKRAM Levi JONES Victoria Park
1923/100930 Perth Smith Charles Marshall M 73 Ann MARSHALL Thomas SMITH Victoria Park
1923/100931 Perth Iles Francis William M 41 Mary ROACH Francis ILES Perth
1923/100932 Perth Mack Janet Mary F 32 hours Catherine Jane FERGUSON John Kenneth MACK Subiaco
1923/100933 Perth Paynter Mary F 20 hours Amy Louisa WOOTTON Herbert Stanley PAYNTER Victoria Park
1923/100934 Perth Baxter Anne F 22 Jeanie MCVICKER John BAXTER East Perth
1923/100935 Perth McLean Mary Ann F 63 - William YOUNG Subiaco
1923/100936 Perth Ryding Mary Ann F 85 Harriett UNKNOWN Thomas CLEMENTS Mt Lawley
1923/100937 Perth Macnamara Mary Ann F 67 Ann CASBURN William MASON Perth
1923/100938 Perth Hall Willis Aylmour M 42 Maud Augusta BARWIS James Willis HALL Subiaco
1923/100939 Perth Short Rae Phoebe F 12 months Florence Mildred SWAN Sydney James SHORT Subiaco
1923/100940 Perth Derby Herbert M 5 days Nellie ELSHAW Herbert Haywood DERBY North Perth
1923/100941 Perth Harwood Thomas Hemsley M 57 Elizabeth FERRES Thomas HARWOOD Perth
1923/100942 Perth Baker Dick M 45 Marian UNKNOWN Charles BAKER Victoria Park
1923/100943 Perth Hawke George Richard William M 55 Emily Elizabeth COLLY George HAWKE Mt Lawley
1923/100944 Perth Makutz Bela M 65 Ann FOLLINIS Johann MAKUTZ Perth
1923/100945 Perth Taylor Isaac M 82 - John TAYLOR Nedlands
1923/100946 Perth Milson Clement August Franz M 65 Barbara LIEBEGERSILL Anton MILSON Claremont
1923/100947 Perth How Henry M 80 Sarah MINGHEY John HOW Claremont
1923/100948 Perth McKinnon Walter M 67 Maria MCPHERSON Alexander MCKINNON Claremont
1923/100949 Perth Martin Laura Mary F 71 - David JOHNSON Perth
1923/100950 Perth Evans Sydney Charles Harwood M 32 - Charles EVANS Vict Park
1924/100950 Perth Holley Unnamed F Not born alive Jennie Reah TURNBULL Henry Albert HOLLEY Subiaco
1923/100951 Perth Holmes John M 64 Mary WOOD Joseph HOLMES Cottesloe Beach
1923/100952 Perth Touchell Lucy Janet F 50 Mary FORREST Samuel ROSE Perth
1923/100953 Perth Phillips Florence F 36 - - Claremont
1923/100954 Perth Brown Daniel Clark M 35 Margaret CLARKE William BROWN Perth
1923/100955 Perth Osborne John William Henry M 34 Julia UNKNOWN Edward Thomas OSBORNE Claremont
1923/100956 Perth Jewell Charlotte F 55 Louisa SANDS Edward Caddy FREEMAN Subiaco
1923/100957 Perth Iles Emanuel M 72 Jane BICKNELL George ILES Perth
1923/100958 Perth Gruenert Myra Rebecca F 65 Louisa Angellina PHILP Herbert Hookway BURRINGTON Perth
1923/100959 Perth Bright David M 38 - - Perth
1923/100960 Perth Pegg Unnamed M Not born alive Helena Hendryetta MCDOUGALL David William PEGG Maylands
1923/100961 Perth Adkinson Ambrose Henry M 52 Amelia Susannah GLYDE William ADKINSON East Perth
1923/100962 Perth Hamilton Unnamed F Not born alive Katherine Ellen EDWARDS William Newall HAMILTON Subiaco
1923/100963 Perth Bold Charles M 91 - Robert BOLD Mt Lawley
1923/100964 Perth Bates Amy Clara F 23 - John MALES Perth
1923/100965 Perth Hill Charles M 46 Elizabeth DAWSON Joseph HILL Perth
1923/100966 Perth Lake Thomas M 6 days Hilda Isabella JENKINS Thomas LAKE Subiaco
1923/100967 Perth Ryder William Charles M 64 Mary HILL Joseph RYDER East Perth
1923/100968 Perth Daymond Unnamed M Not born alive Ethel Edna TAYLOR Henry Vincent DAYMOND Perth
1923/100969 Perth Nind William M 54 Hannah DUKE Henry NIND Perth
1923/100970 Perth McKay William Alexander M 41 - - Victoria Park
1923/100971 Perth Talbot Walter Henry M 33 - - Cottesloe
1923/100972 Perth Sanders Julia F 10 Alice GRAY William Arnold SANDERS Subiaco
1923/100973 Perth Ferrara Bridget F 83 - Unknown DOYLE East Perth
1923/100974 Perth Tarr Albert Herbert M 62 Maria UNKNOWN Thomas TARR Perth
1923/100975 Perth Walsh Richard Arthur M 62 Mary ANN John WALSH Perth
1923/100976 Perth Mawhinney William M 57 - - Perth
1923/100977 Perth Garnett Jane F 94 Margaret MOFFAT Walter FREEMAN Leederville
1923/100978 Perth Ah Get - M 80 - - Perth
1923/100979 Perth Scott William M 66 - - Perth
1923/100980 Perth Wilson John M 45 Diana LIPYETT John WILSON Victoria Park
1923/100981 Perth Hall Alfred Milton M 62 Mary CLARKE Frederick HALL Cottesloe Beach
1923/100982 Perth Hudson Walter George William M 46 - Walter James HUDSON Cottesloe Beach
1923/100983 Perth Hunt Unnamed F Not born alive Jessie Sarah CROSS Clarence Victor HUNT Cottesloe Beach
1923/100984 Perth Hanson Robert M 81 Nancy GLADVILLE George HANSON Claremont
1923/100985 Perth Hextall John Merry M 2 hours May Rebecca COUPE John Thomas Merry HEXTALL North Perth
1923/100986 Perth Byrne Mary Ann F 81 - John PEMBERY Leederville
1923/100987 Perth Winsor Henry Arthur M 8 weeks Elizabeth GITTINS Frederick Alfred WINSOR Subiaco
1923/100988 Perth Wood Elizabeth F 51 Elizabeth UNKNOWN Matthew BLACK West Perth
1923/100989 Perth Benn Emma F 76 Mary Anne BELL James LING West Leederville
1923/100990 Perth Harris Thomas Henry M 77 Mary Jane BAWDEN Michael HARRIS Belmont
1923/100991 Perth Buchanan William Miller M 55 Agnes MILLAR Andrew BUCHANAN Perth
1923/100992 Perth Brown Samuel McConnell M 58 Unknown MATHERSON George BROWN West Leederville
1923/100993 Perth Sharpe James M 74 Celia GRAFFIN Joseph SHARPE West Perth
1923/100994 Perth Dempsey Isabella F 27 Mary UNKNOWN George COWEN Subiaco
1923/100995 Perth Healy Thomas M 77 - - Claremont
1923/100996 Perth Judge John M 55 Catherine UNKNOWN Edward JUDGE Claremont
1923/100997 Perth Sullivan Patrick Francis M 54 Bridget COONEY John SULLIVAN Claremont
1923/100998 Perth Wingrove Agnes F 54 Eliza Jane LANE Matthew GEORGE Cottesloe Beach
1923/100999 Perth Fenwick Thomas Abraham M 33 Nancy HUSTON Thomas FENWICK Claremont
1923/101000 Perth Tregurtha Henry Alexander F 76 Elizabeth BURGESS Edward Primrose TREGURTHA Cottesloe
1923/101001 Perth Harmsworth Henry Samuel M 44 Elizabeth UNKNOWN Harry HARMSWORTH Perth
1923/101002 Perth Barber Jean F 2 hours Edna KAFORD Ernest BARBER Como
1923/101003 Perth Foster Donald Clifford M 5 Evelyn Frances WESTWOOD Clifford Francis FOSTER Subiaco
1923/101004 Perth Quartermaine Unnamed F Not born alive Ivy Gladys SEXTON Arnold Charles Nicholas QUARTERMAINE Perth
1923/101005 Perth Barkle Nellie Irene Joyce F 2 months Gladys Irene Joyce BARKLE - Leederville
1923/101006 Perth Hall Margaret Hunter F 70 Grace HUNTER James SNOWBALL Subiaco
1923/101007 Perth Mackenzie Dehlia Jane F 54 Annie WOODS Charles Theodore LOHRMAN West Perth
1923/101008 Perth Davey Thomas M 80 - William DAVEY Maylands
1923/101009 Perth McLaughlin Thomas M 55 Mary HANLEY Patrick MCLAUGHLIN Perth
1923/101010 Perth Whitworth Ada Eureva F 60 May PEARSON Edmund NUTTALL Perth
1923/101011 Perth Fitzgerald Richard M 55 Mary SHEEHAN Tarrett FITZGERALD Subiaco
1923/101012 Perth Mead Robert M 78 Dorothy LANG Henry MEAD Perth
1923/101013 Perth McAllan William Thomas M 57 - James MCALLAN Perth
1923/101014 Perth Dickens Percy M 67 - - Perth
1923/101015 Perth Woodbridge Frederick M 11 months Freda UNKNOWN Aloysius WOODBRIDGE Leederville
1923/101016 Perth Claffey James M 81 - - Claremont
1923/101017 Perth Shaw William M 78 - - Perth
1923/101018 Perth Connelly Henry George Cullingford M 64 Elizabeth Jane DARBYSHIRE Henry CONNOLLY Perth
1923/101019 Perth Macdonald Claire Taylor F 4 months Ellen MACDONALD - Perth
1923/101020 Perth Fawkes Henry M 80 - - Claremont
1923/101021 Perth Wright Alice May F 38 Unknown PHILLIPS John Robert GRAHAM Claremont
1923/101022 Perth Crawford Mary F 66 Martha FARRELL James KING Claremont
1923/101023 Perth Hewitt Charles M 80 Esther GERMANY Thomas HEWITT Claremont
1923/101024 Perth French Alfred Ernest M 52 Frances BAKER William FRENCH North Perth
1923/101025 Perth McPherson Roderick M 49 Amelia UNKNOWN Alexander MCPHERSON Maylands
1923/101026 Perth Conigrave Annie Josephine F 73 Ida UNKNOWN Friedrich Wilhelm TICKERT Perth
1923/101027 Perth Too Lee M 45 - - Perth
1923/101028 Perth Hargrave Kate Isobel F 30 - Unknown SAUGER Perth
1923/101029 Perth Annear George M 52 - - Perth
1923/101030 Perth Nicholls Jim M 24 hours Ann HULL James NICHOLLS Victoria Park
1923/101032 Perth Fennell Clara Emily F 58 - - Perth
1923/101033 Perth Corry John M 39 Mary DUNN Frances CORRY Claremont
1923/101034 Perth Carney Andrew Hugh M 44 Mary Jane O'NEIL Hugh CARNEY Perth
1923/101035 Perth Frawley James M 66 - - Perth
1923/101036 Perth Jenkins Arthur Leslie M 43 Georgina Emily Maria BARROW James Imray JENKINS Perth
1923/101037 Perth Hutchison Louisa Maria F 81 - Unknown JEFFERY Perth
1923/101038 Perth Westh Harry M 49 - - Subiaco
1923/101039 Perth Bloffwitch Eric Wood M 23 Mary Ann WOOD John William BLOFFWITCH Perth
1923/101040 Perth Leonard Margaret F 83 - Mark LYNCH Claremont
1923/101041 Perth Nicholson Norman Joseph M 18 hours Pearl BOWEN Francis William NICHOLSON Subiaco
1923/101042 Perth Jackson Matilda Sophia F 18 Harriett LAKEMAN Andrew Christian JACKSON Perth
1923/101043 Perth Rosso Unnamed M 5 minutes Isidora TROPAI Antonino ROSSO Balcatta
1923/101044 Perth McDonald William Stewart M 45 - William MCDONALD Perth
1923/101045 Perth Moulson Herbert M 35 - Edwin MOULSON Perth
1923/101046 Perth Laurance Peter M 1 hour Violet BONE Lionel Burr LAURANCE Mt Lawley
1923/101047 Perth Angus John M 15 minutes Lurline Elizabeth WILLIAMS William Forbes ANGUS West Perth
1923/101048 Perth Flynn Thomas M 67 Honor ROURKE Timothy FLYNN West Perth
1923/101049 Perth Luxton Mary F 80 Unknown SAMSON George COCK Leederville
1923/101050 Perth Nixon Unnamed M Not born alive Daphne Zanonia HABERLEY William NIXON Cottesloe
1923/101051 Perth Ryan William Morrison M 59 Alice Jane MORRISON Timothy RYAN Cottesloe
1923/101052 Perth Smith James M 66 Jane UNKNOWN Luke SMITH Claremont
1923/101053 Perth Gee Jacky M 58 - AH SHEO Claremont
1923/101054 Perth Shipley Ann Elizabeth F 31 Jessie UNKNOWN William MIDDLETON Subiaco
1923/101055 Perth Pegler Thelma Joyce F 2 Ruby Amelia MAXWELL Charles Thomas PEGLER Subiaco West
1923/101056 Perth Snowden Gwendoline F 2 Eileen SNOWDEN - Swanbourne
1923/101057 Perth Wallace Daisy Rebecca F 9 Mary JOHNSTON James WALLACE Perth
1923/101058 Perth Frost Henry Peyton M 69 - - West Perth
1923/101059 Perth Kitovitz Harsh M 75 Eva JACOB Mehemia KITOVITZ Perth
1923/101060 Perth Marshall John M 89 - Unknown MARSHALL Perth
1923/101061 Perth Lewis Joseph M 33 Nancy CALALL James LEWIS Perth
1923/101062 Perth Oaklands Ernest Thomas George M 44 Mary Ann WYATT Robert Ernest OAKLANDS Victoria Park
1923/101063 Perth Gibson Mary Ellen F 37 Anne GREENHALGH Richard PASS Subiaco
1923/101064 Perth Meadowcroft Eleanor F 76 Sarah PALMER Robert LEWIS Perth
1923/101065 Perth Taylor Mary F 47 - James GRACE Perth
1923/101066 Perth Patterson William M 81 Mary UNKNOWN Charles PATTERSON West Perth
1923/101067 Perth Musakhan Sophia F 53 - Lyon Jospeh BLITIZ Perth
1923/101068 Perth Gregory William George M 51 - - Claremont
1923/101069 Perth Brown John M 31 - - Claremont
1923/101070 Perth McEllister Johanna F 62 Elizabeth UNKNOWN Michael COSTELLO Claremont
1923/101071 Perth Billy - M 25 - - Claremont
1923/101072 Perth Vaughan Rees Richard M 73 Mary STEVENS George VAUGHAN Belmont
1923/101073 Perth Fitzgerald John M 75 - - Perth
1923/101074 Perth Gill Robert M 50 Susan EWING James GILL Perth
1923/101075 Perth Castles Elizabeth F 35 - Thomas KENNIFICK Perth
1923/101076 Perth Shackleton John M 63 - - East Perth
1923/101077 Perth Wade Frank Washington M 46 Mary UNKNOWN Joseph WADE Subiaco
1923/101078 Perth Bell Edna Mavis F 13 weeks Edna BEAGTE Frederick BELL Subiaco
1923/101079 Perth Gummery Charles William M 20 hours Helen Ritchie BALLAN William Alfred GUMMERY Bayswater
1923/101080 Perth Heap Unnamed F Not born alive Elvie TUOHY Joseph Langdon HEAP Victoria Park
1923/101081 Perth Jennings Maria F 74 - Daniel MCMANANY Perth
1923/101082 Perth Bezant Ronald Frederick M 4 hours Mabel FLOWITT Frederick Reginald Baden BEZANT West Perth
1923/101083 Perth Miller John Eggers M 65 Matilda EGGERS John MILLER Perth
1923/101084 Perth Hardy Grace F 32 Amelia Jane MURRAY Alfred Charles GODFREY Perth
1923/101085 Perth Bertolini Michael Angelo M 76 Maria Louis MOZETTE Francisco BERTOLINI Claremont
1923/101086 Perth Narmsworth Henry M 69 Sarah BIRKSHIRE James NARMSWORTH Claremont
1923/101087 Perth McKnight Frank M 83 Matilda TEMPLE Robert MCKNIGHT Claremont
1923/101088 Perth Stevens Elsie Jane F 30 Ann Elizabeth GRAHAM George Philip STEVENS Claremont
1923/101089 Perth Nairn Unnamed M Not born alive Amy Linton COLES William Percival NAIRN Perth
1923/101090 Perth Phillipson Frances Maria F 38 - Unknown HOWIE Perth
1923/101091 Perth Dunne Annie F 66 - Patrick DUNNE Leederville
1923/101092 Perth McDonnell William Patrick M 48 Ellen MASKELL Thomas MCDONNELL Bayswater
1923/101093 Perth Venn Ronald Alfred M 10 months Myrtle Olive VENN - Subiaco
1923/101094 Perth Brennan Mary Angela F 54 - - Subiaco
1923/101095 Perth Hunt Unnamed M Not born alive Cecilia Mary BECK Albert Victor HUNT Subiaco
1923/101096 Perth Hedges Unnamed M Not born alive Annie Vagg TCHAN - Subiaco
1923/101097 Perth Auld Joseph M 24 hours Mary Julia LINDHOLM William AULD Perth
1923/101098 Perth Campbell Mary F 62 Ellen HAMILTON William HALEY Perth
1923/101099 Perth Booth Donald M 7 days Annie LANCASTER Hundel BOOTH Subiaco
1923/101100 Perth Cawood Charles Alfred M 66 - - Perth
1923/101101 Perth Abbott Alfred Joseph M 53 Harriet LINTON Thomas ABBOTT Perth
1923/101102 Perth Huntington James Blundell M 58 May Elizabeth ARMSTRONG Harry Blundell HUNTINGTON Perth
1923/101103 Perth McLlheney Andrew M 50 Margaret COMBES Andrew MCLLHENEY Claremont
1923/101104 Perth Bradbury William Henry M 78 Mary LYNWOOD John BRADBURY Claremont
1923/101105 Perth Parbs Heinrich M 74 Sophia FISCHER John PARBS Claremont
1923/101106 Perth Petrie David Alexander M 67 - Alexander PETRIE Bayswater
1923/101107 Perth Cook Cecilia F 50 Annie GILMORE Andrew MCMAHON Perth
1923/101108 Perth Monger Frank Eustace M 31 Guita LOCKE Francis Henry MONGER Perth
1923/101109 Perth Liddington Unnamed M Not born alive Violet Maud GOODALL Lionel Alfred LIDDINGTON Subiaco
1923/101110 Perth Crossing Charles M 50 - Robert CROSSING Subiaco
1923/101111 Perth Norman Francis James M 59 Lucy PEACOCK Jesse NORMAN Jolimont
1923/101112 Perth Bick Julianna F 83 - James DYER Victoria Park
1923/101113 Perth Cox Ralph M 10 months Ada Rose RALPH James COX Subiaco
1923/101114 Perth Cockburn George Edelsten M 23 Eleanor EDELSTEN Robert COCKBURN Attadale
1923/101115 Perth Stephens George M 69 Martha LLOYD Samuel STEPHENS Cottesloe Beach
1923/101116 Perth Holgate Alice Maud M 47 Sarah HARWOOD John Alexander HOLGATE Subiaco
1923/101117 Perth Jeans Gladys Mary F 32 Harriet Mary EASTMENT Samuel Wilton JEANS Claremont
1923/101118 Perth Clarke Cecil Clifford M 13 days Annie CLARKE John Joseph CLARKE Subiaco
1923/101119 Perth McMillan Alexander Joseph M 57 - Alexander MCMILLAN Subiaco
1923/101120 Perth Rhodes Matilda F 84 - - North Perth
1923/101121 Perth Tatam Ronald Alec M 9 weeks Ruby MILLER Leslie Robert TATAM Subiaco
1923/101122 Perth Clapp Ernest James M 2 Violet May HILLIER Reginald CLAPP Subiaco
1923/101123 Perth Telfer Sarah Ann F 59 Mary UNKNOWN John ARMSTRONG Leederville
1923/101124 Perth Derrick Isabella F 54 Isabella TWEEDIE Morgan ALLISON Perth
1923/101125 Perth Edwards Unnamed F Not born alive Ethel Maud SHARP William John EDWARDS Subiaco
1923/101126 Perth Larke Thelma May F 3 Olive May BELL Leslie LARKE Perth
1923/101127 Perth Horton William George M 79 - - Subiaco
1923/101128 Perth Bowen Bruce Leonard M 10 Annie Cecilia WILLIAMSON Leonard Oswald BOWEN Perth
1923/101129 Perth Woods Samuel M 59 Sarah SMITH John WOODS Perth
1923/101130 Perth Ick Edwin George Hay M 21 Mary Euphemia HAY Edwin Theodore Jesse ICK Perth
1923/101131 Perth Ball George M 73 - - Perth
1923/101132 Perth Thompson Rose Amelia F 47 - Unknown RICKETTS Perth
1923/101133 Perth Vibert Bruce M 15 Harriett Lillian MORGAN Walter Beaumont VIBERT Perth
1923/101134 Perth James Charles Edward M 59 - - Subiaco
1923/101135 Perth Binks Christiana F 55 Mary LUKIN William LEAVES Subiaco
1923/101136 Perth Craig Alice Heaney F 39 Sarah GRANT Archibald SMITH Mt Lawley
1923/101137 Perth Threadgold Arthur Walter M 62 - - Perth
1923/101138 Perth Freiberg Unnamed M 1 hour Agnes Gemmel REID Charles FREIBERG Perth
1923/101139 Perth Bentley-Taylor Ethel Mary F 42 Jane MCGINN John Hunter SNOWBALL Perth
1923/101140 Perth Dickson Claude Stanley M 37 Ellen WRAPPEN Robert John DICKSON Perth
1923/101141 Perth Newton Charlotte Mary F 42 Katherine MAYHEW Michael Alfred TEMPLEMAN Perth
1923/101142 Perth Albert Frank M 43 Annie GARDINER George Henry ALBERT Perth
1923/101143 Perth Rooke Unnamed F Not born alive Mary RALPH Fred ROOKE Maylands
1923/101144 Perth Kelly Unnamed M Not born alive Julia BRENNAN Robert Henry KELLY Subiaco
1923/101145 Perth O'Callaghan Catherine Mary F 44 Maria FOLEY Michael DONOVAN North Perth
1923/101146 Perth Lester Aloysius James M 43 Matilda Jane WOODBRIDGE Peter Eduard LESTER Claremont
1923/101147 Perth Bloomfield John Edward M 55 Annie STORM John BLOOMFIELD Claremont
1923/101148 Perth Webster Thomas M 83 Eliza IRVINE Thomas WEBSTER Claremont
1923/101149 Perth Dunk Herbert M 69 Mary MOTTERSHAW Thomas DUNK Perth
1923/101150 Perth Whittle Cicely Johnson F 43 Esther HODGKINSON James WHITTLE Perth
1923/101151 Perth Wright Ivy Florence Madeline F 9 months Ethel Kathleen CONDRON George Ernest WRIGHT Subiaco
1923/101152 Perth Wrighton Kathleen Amy F 28 Kate UNKNOWN Thomas PURZEY Subiaco
1923/101153 Perth Lyon Elias M 44 - - Perth
1923/101154 Perth Robertson Thomas Robert M 40 Mary Ann DOYLE Thomas ROBERTSON Victoria Park
1923/101155 Perth Baker Florence Jessie F 3 days Dorothy Maud FLANDERS Robert Charles BAKER Subiaco
1923/101156 Perth Williams Catherine F 58 Ellen RICE Edward MCKERNAN Claremont
1923/101157 Perth White Norma Gladys F 1 Maude Matilda DIXON George WHITE East Perth
1923/101158 Perth Webster Samuel Pearson M 78 - Unknown WEBSTER Victoria Park
1923/101159 Perth Moxham Ivy Beatrice F 19 Theresa Beatrice BEAGLEHOLE Frederick George MOXHAM Perth Moxham-334
1923/101160 Perth Holton Julia Agnes F 57 Sarah Ann POPLEY John DU ROSE Subiaco
1923/101161 Perth Every Unnamed M Not born alive Jessie Helen SCOTT Charles EVERY Subiaco
1923/101162 Perth MacLeod Margaret F 27 Jessie HENDERSON Neil MACDONALD Subiaco
1923/101163 Perth Healy Thomas Patrick M 42 Catherine Mary O'SULLIVAN Thomas Michael HEALY Perth
1923/101164 Perth Smith Elizabeth Emily F 68 Emily WILLOUGHBY Thomas WILLIAMS Perth
1923/101165 Perth Reeve Richard M 80 Phoebe CORNWALL Richard REEVE Perth
1923/101166 Perth Natoli Giuseppe M 66 Vincenza SANTAROMITA Vincenzo NATOLI Claremont
1923/101167 Perth Cook Mona F 25 Mary Elizabeth MOREY Percival Edgar PETHERICK Cottesloe
1923/101168 Perth Flanagan Unnamed M Not born alive Margaret MCKENNA Richard Arthur FLANAGAN Subiaco
1923/101169 Perth Trizard William M 83 - William TRIZARD Claremont
1923/101170 Perth O'Connell Catherine Teresa F 62 - - Subiaco
1923/101171 Perth Coomer Percy M 12 Rosy UNKNOWN Harold Francis COOMER Perth
1923/101172 Perth Smyth Frederick M 16 months - Thomas SMYTH Perth
1923/101173 Perth Humphries William M 50 - - Perth
1923/101174 Perth Newby Elijah Smart M 47 Clara BOREHAM Elijah Smart NEWBY Subiaco
1923/101175 Perth Arnold Mary Jane F 72 Emily LOCKYER Isaac COUSINS Perth
1923/101176 Perth Gee Pthan M 46 - - Perth
1923/101177 Perth Wood Emma F 65 Augusta WEYLANDT Alexander WOOD Perth
1923/101178 Perth Thomas Herbert Darby M 16 days Gladys HAND George Herbert THOMAS Perth
1923/101179 Perth Thomas Marguerite Joan F 16 days Gladys HAND George Herbert THOMAS Perth
1923/101180 Perth Farrell Patrick M 68 - - Perth
1923/101181 Perth Long Ann Eliza F 82 Poll Susannah CURTIS Edward BACK Cottesloe Beach
1923/101182 Perth Pead Kate F 79 - Unknown HEALY West Leederville
1923/101183 Perth Penglase John Clyde M 28 - John PENGLASE Perth
1923/101184 Perth Thornton Unnamed F Not born alive Patience Eliza PAYNE Frank THORNTON Nedlands
1923/101185 Perth Williams Kenneth George M 7 days Evelyn STAINSBURY George Harold WILLIAMS Subiaco
1923/101186 Perth Smith Ben M 66 Louisa CHAPMAN John SMITH Subiaco
1923/101187 Perth Munday Edward M 51 - William MUNDAY Perth
1923/101188 Perth Nirsohn Leopold M 75 - Unknown NIRSOHN Perth
1923/101189 Perth Lysaght James Henry M 47 Susan CUSACK James LYSAGHT Perth
1923/101190 Perth McAlpine Forrest Scottsdale M 23 Sarah Jane FURLONG James MCALPINE Perth
1923/101191 Perth Wilson Thomas Reginald M 5 months Linda MCFARLING Thomas Lawther WILSON Perth
1923/101192 Perth Brown Clarence Gordon M 17 hours Beryl CROSS Clarence BROWN Subiaco
1923/101193 Perth Goldsmith Unnamed M Not born alive Dora LIVESEY Reginald GOLDSMITH Subiaco
1923/101194 Perth Harvey Ernest M 43 Isobella LILLEY William HARVEY Perth
1923/101195 Perth Taylor John George M 84 - - Perth
1923/101196 Perth Lavelle Bridget F 65 Kathleen KERRIGHAN Anthony LAVELLE East Perth
1923/101197 Perth Head Unnamed F Not born alive Ella McNee STEPHENSON Bertram HEAD Perth
1923/101198 Perth Kean Arthur Adolphus Daniel M 51 Bridget DOLAN Charles Francis KEAN Subiaco
1923/101199 Perth Maitland Ellen F 64 Harriet UNKNOWN Reuben ORTON Subiaco
1923/101200 Perth Donovan David M 46 Mary EUSTACE Christopher Patrick DONOVAN Maylands
1923/101201 Perth Mitchell George Charles M 76 - Unknown MITCHELL Perth
1923/101202 Perth Johnson Patricia F 6 months Irene JOHNSON - Leederville
1923/101203 Perth Cameron Kathleen Mary F 7 days Gertrude Adeline BROWN George Deslandes CAMERON West Perth
1923/101204 Perth Fletcher George M 56 Mary Ann CLARKE George FLETCHER Subiaco
1923/101205 Perth Fitch Edward M 75 - - Perth
1923/101206 Perth Norman Alfred Horace M 54 Ann BUGGINS Alfred WILLIAMS Perth
1923/101207 Perth Smith Greta May M 11 months Mary Kathleen TAVILEY James SMITH North Perth
1923/101208 Perth Gallagher Bridget F 53 Kate CARNEY Daniel HORGAN Subiaco
1923/101209 Perth Teeney Patrick M 74 - - Belmont
1923/101210 Perth De Campo Peter M 51 - - Perth
1923/101211 Perth Hartnett John M 65 - - Perth
1923/101212 Perth Malcolm Minnie F 53 Annie MARRITT James MALCOLM North Perth
1923/101213 Perth Bennett Mary Jane Barlow F 72 Ellen BARLOW Joseph SUTTON Perth
1923/101214 Perth MacKay Arthur John M 64 Margaret AUNIS Alexander MACKAY Perth
1923/101215 Perth Donohue John Parnell M 37 Susan RICHARDSON Patrick DONOHUE Victoria Park
1923/101216 Perth Holt Unnamed M Not born alive Violet May FITZGERALD Alexander Victor HOLT Perth
1923/101217 Perth Wilson Unnamed F 1 hour Elinor Northey DUNSTAN William Lang WILSON Leederville
1923/101218 Perth Wichert Frederick August M 74 - Michael WICHERT Victoria Park
1923/101219 Perth Sanderson Margaret Maisie F 34 Augusta DALGLEISH William James SANDERSON Victoria Park
1923/101220 Perth Murray Elizabeth Thow F 28 Elizabeth Clarke BEVERLEY David FAIRWEATHER Perth
1923/101221 Perth Bollard Hughie Worthington M 40 Alice WILLIAMS John BOLLARD Mt Lawley
1923/101222 Perth Roberts Alexander John M 48 - George ROBERTS Perth
1923/101223 Perth Joynes Unnamed M Not born alive Leticia KENNERLEY Theodore JOYNES Subiaco
1923/101224 Perth Bramall James Henry M 68 Marita BAIRD John BRAMALL Claremont
1923/101225 Perth Halliley James Fry M 77 Elizabeth UNKNOWN William HALLILEY Claremont
1923/101226 Perth Shand Harriett Selina F 34 Harriett BRANCH Frederick HARDING North Perth
1923/101227 Perth Pollard Mary F 61 Louisa CATCHPOLE John RICHMOND Perth
1923/101228 Perth Hayward William Samuel M 39 Mary UNKNOWN William HAYWARD Perth
1923/101229 Perth Murray Dorothy Elizabeth F 2 days Elizabeth Thow FAIRWEATHER James Nicol MURRAY Carlisle
1923/101230 Perth Phillips Charles M 35 - - Subiaco
1923/101231 Perth MacLeod Unnamed F Not born alive Margaret MACDONALD John MACLEOD Subiaco
1923/101232 Perth Mullins John M 56 - - Claremont
1923/101233 Perth Trivett Albert Edward Francis M 61 Matilda GUNTON Thomas Francis TRIVETT Cottesloe
1923/101234 Perth Bowran Susannah F 79 - - Claremont
1923/101235 Perth Pearce Henry M 64 - - Claremont
1923/101236 Perth Hewitt Ada Winifred F 24 Grace Caroline MILLER Albert Edward HEWITT Leederville
1923/101237 Perth Burgess Eliza John Tree F 70 - Thomas CRADEN Perth
1923/101238 Perth Mann Thomas M 63 - - Perth
1923/101239 Perth O'Connell James M 56 Honora LOUGHMAN Patrick O'CONNELL Perth
1923/101240 Perth Howlett Johanna M 67 Mary MALLALY John ARCHDEACON Perth
1923/101241 Perth Hogg Isabella F 60 Elizabeth HAYDEN John DAVIDSON Leederville
1923/101242 Perth Iles Agnes Mary F 26 Martha Abbott FOWLER Alexander Stewart MCDOUGALL Perth
1923/101243 Perth Castiglioni Raymond M 5 weeks Guisepina GUELP Corado CASTIGLIONI Osborne Park
1923/101244 Perth Dickinson Herman M 65 Elizabeth UNKNOWN Samuel DICKINSON Perth
1923/101245 Perth Kyle Agnes Kate F 53 Catherine O'FLYNN William KYLE Perth
1923/101246 Perth Everett Alexander M 53 - - Subiaco
1923/101247 Perth Prestage George M 63 - - Perth
1923/101248 Perth Addis Joseph M 88 Elizabeth WOODS George ADDIS Claremont
1923/101249 Perth Warburton William M 98 Charlotte REDFERN Thomas WARBURTON Claremont
1923/101250 Perth Pilbean Alfred Henry M 81 Elizabeth HORTON Alfred PILBEAN Claremont
1923/101251 Perth Bartlett John Thomas M 71 Hannah MCMAHON James BARTLETT Cottesloe
1923/101252 Perth Sharpe Hilda Dorothy F 3 Alice Louisa SMITH Frank Edward SHARPE West Subiaco
1923/101253 Perth Jones Unnamed F Not born alive Marjorie CAILES Arthur JONES Perth
1923/101254 Perth Fielding Unnamed M Not born alive Eva Ellen COBB John FIELDING Victoria Park
1923/101255 Perth Coxon Joseph Matthew Warren M 17 months Gertrude Elizabeth BROWN Walter Ernest COXON Perth
1923/101256 Perth Cherrett Frederick M 59 Mary Ann RICHARDS William CHERRETT Victoria Park
1923/101257 Perth Thompson Mary F 83 Eliza WATKINS John DUNHAN Perth
1923/101258 Perth Short William McDonald M 60 - - Claremont
1923/101259 Perth Everall Elizabeth F 78 Mary UNKNOWN John NOAKS Claremont
1923/101260 Perth Pearce Mary Ann F 76 Docy FEATHERSTONE Thomas DWIER Leederville
1923/101261 Perth Dryden John M 78 - - East Perth
1923/101262 Perth Haysom Ellen F 68 Elizabeth ILES Edward HAYSOM Subiaco
1923/101263 Perth Foster William Henry M 83 Maria REID William Henry FOSTER Subiaco
1923/101264 Perth Russell Colin Laurence M 7 days Eva Myrtle KENNEDY Patrick RUSSELL Subiaco
1923/101265 Perth McIntosh Frederick Hines M 58 Mary Ann CREAMER Charles MCINTOSH Perth